//------------------------------// // Chapter 103 - Season's Greetings // Story: Shifting Melodies // by Thadius0 //------------------------------// Narrow ducked as the thug took a swing at her. Honestly, did they ever learn? Never bring hooves to a magic fight. She lit up her horn and gave a flick of her telekinesis, tossing the stallion over her shoulder and into a nearby dumpster. “See, this is what happens,” she sighed. “You break the law, I break you. And yet somehow, this city is full of ponies that never seem to learn.” “Oh, we learn a few things…” Narrow spun, but the hoof striking her face was faster as she yelped in pain. “We learned how to suckerpunch stupid guard bitches like you,” a second stallion said and shook his hoof. He looked at the dumpster and sighed. “You okay in there?” No response. “Well damn, guess he doesn’t get to have any fun then,” he mused as he walked towards Narrow, before three more stallions emerged from the side-alley. “Yeah, gonna have a lot of fun with you~” Narrow got to her hooves and wiped her mouth. Finally, this day was starting to get interesting! It was late and Fredrick was about to close up shop for the day. He hadn’t seen his little Peachy for a few days and decided to surprise her with a home-cooked meal and then some Peach pie for dessert~ It turns out that he was the one surprised, when he got to her apartment, to find her door already unlocked. Odd, Peach was never home this early… He nudged the door open and saw a light coming from her bathroom… “Peach?” he asked. He heard something drop, sounded like a plastic bucket or something. What, when enough colts drop things in your kitchen, you learn what objects sound like. “F-Fredrick? What are you doing here!?” And… why did she sound so panicked? “I came over to cook dinner for you, since I haven’t seen you in a few days,” the griffon said.  “I thought you were simply overworking yourself again…” “Y-yeah, you know me, work work work,” she replied. “Ow! Dammit!” she hissed in pain. “Do you need help?” the griffon asked as he moved a little closer to the bathroom door. “NO! I mean…” she sighed again and he heard a small splash. “I… could use a little help getting out…” “Very well, I’m coming in,” the griffon said as he pushed the door open. What he saw gave him pause. His lovely mare sitting in the tub, though she was sporting a large black eye, a cut lip and a dozen other cuts and bruises on her body. She looked at him from behind a curtain of wet mane. “H-Hey…” “Hello dear,” the griffon said as he drew close and stroked along some of her unbruised body.  “I take it work these past few days has been quite trying?” “Huh? No… all of this is from this afternoon.” She winced as he accidently touched one. “A half dozen punks jumped me…” “You do know we have this wonderful thing in town called a hospital, yes?” he said with a smile.  “I could take you there, get you attention for all these.  Make sure none of them become infected and that nothing in my lovely Peach Blossom is broken.” “It’s just a few cuts and bruises, I’m fine,” she blushed when he used her name. “I’ve had worse, and it just stings a bit. Plus… I hate that place.” “Dear, I think a foal could get past you if it poked you in the right place,” Fredrick said.  “I’ve no desire to do that to you, but I do think that for everything that I’m seeing, you should see a doctor.  I highly doubt the level of attention you were getting was of the healthy variety.” She rolled her eyes and smiled softly. “Fine, if it makes you feel better. But only on one condition.” “Name it,” he said. “Cook for me? I refuse to eat that Minotaur manure they call food in that place.” The griffon chuckled before kissing her.  “I already was planning to,” he said.  Then he looked at the mare in the bathtub.  “Would milady like a ride to the hospital?  To help ease the pain of going there on your own.” “Well I’d like a little assistance in drying off…” Then she sighed and rubbed her forehead. Yes, somehow she had utterly forgotten she could use magic. Once Fredrick had helped her out of the tub, she toweled herself off and frowned as her fur floofed up.  The griffon, thanks to his extensive practice, did not laugh, or even snicker.  Instead he simply grabbed a brush and helped comb her fur back down. “I see that smirk in your eyes” she said as she brushed some of her fur down. “Go on, say it.” “I know better,” the griffon said.  “Than to say my tough-as-nails captain-of-the-guard marefriend could ever be perceived in such a manner.  Especially when she is fluffy.” “I knew it,” she groaned. “Fine, then would you mind carrying my fluffy butt to the hospital then?” “I already offered, did I not?” the griffon asked.  “Let’s just get your fluff under control and we can be on our way.” Yeah fine,” she sighed as she finished up her brushing… A few hours later… “Ow, dammit… ooww!” Narrow winced with each walk. “I swear that bloody nurse touched each, bucking, bruise on purpose…” “She did have to check to see if there was internal injuries somehow,” Fredrick said.  He’d offered her a ride back as well. “Couldn’t she have used a spell, or, I dunno, listened when I told her I was fine,” Narrow groaned and lay her head on his shoulder as her hooves dangled over his sides. At least the potion-treated bandages they gave her were already making her feel better. “And if I were to hold up a bruised and lacerated apple, and tell you it was just fine to eat?” he asked. “Really, you even use food metaphors?” the mare deadpanned. “Fine, I see your point. And yet somehow I don’t think you’re all too deterred from eating me are you?” “You are quite the delicious dish,” the griffon mused.  “Perhaps I’ll start off slow with a nice dinner, followed by a ravishing dessert~” “That…” Narrow smiled and buried her muzzle into the back of his neck. “That sounds amazing. I love you, you know?” “So I hear, every night we buck each other’s brains out~” the griffon teased. “You just had to ruin the moment,” she said and used her teeth to pluck one of the tiny feathers from the back of his neck.  He squawked and turned to look at her. “I know there are similarities, but I am not a chicken,” he said.  “I do not need plucking.” “Mm, tasty chicken,” she giggled and kissed along his neck. “Omnomnom~” “Oh dear,” the griffon sighed dramatically.  “I’ve turned my marefriend into an omnivore, and she will eat me.  I knew I shouldn’t have gotten her addicted to the taste of protein.” “Oh, you never complain when I… eat meat~” she purred and then snorted and shook her head. “Stop getting me all worked up in public. Jerk.” “Oh, I have yet begun to work you,” the griffon teased. “Fredrick, stoooop~” she pouted, and he could feel a growing warmth pressed against the top of his rump. “Perhaps we should take this inside, before something develops further,” he mused. He could almost feel Narrow smirk. “Is that so,” she whispered into his ear. Her tail draped down and brushed against his thigh. “What kind of… developments~?” “I would rather not be arrested by my own marefriend for public indecency,” the griffon said. “Hmm, but I’m off the clock right now,” she mused and then kissed where his ear was. “Or would you rather I be on the co—” “Keep that up,” he grumbled, “And I’ll find a nice, dark alleyway to screw you in.” “Ohh, now that’s naughty~” she giggled as her tail brushed up against him again. “Carrying a defenseless mare around, all the while plotting something so… devious~” “I see one right over there,” he said conversationally.  “So unless you really want to offer me dessert before dinner, you’ll stop.” “Is that so?” she knew he’d never do something like that. “You must really like some peach and cream pie—” When Level Ledger trotted downstairs, his body screaming for coffee, the first thing he noticed was a certain thestral at the kitchen table, nursing a bowl of fruit as she mercilessly devoured it. “Morning love,” he greeted simply as he moved to the coffeepot. Her head snapped up as her crimson eyes locked with his, his senses yelling at him to find a place to hide. She bared her fangs, were they a little longer? And then she hissed at him before returning to her fruit slaughter. “Somebody’s not a morning pony,” he observed as he poured himself a cup.  “And here I was, about ready to tell you a piece of good news from Twilight…” She hissed at him again as Cider trotted downstairs and as she moved to kiss Ledger, the waves of hostility from Midnight turned near murderous. The earth mare sighed and backed away slowly as Midnight calmed down just a little and resumed eating. “Honestly?” Cider groaned. “None of us have been able t’touch y’all fer a week whenever Middy’s around…” “Let me try,” Ledger said before clearing his throat.  “Middy.  I have good news for you.  If you behave, I’ll tell you something I’m sure you want to know.” She responded by snapping at Cider and then yanking Ledger under one of her wings protectively. “Mina!” (Mine) she hissed in Thestrali. Ledger responded by firing up his horn and teleporting next to Cider.  “Bad Middy,” he said.  “I am not just yours.  As a punishment, I’m kissing Cider.”  He would do whatever it took to break through to her that she was fighting a foe just as stubborn as herself.  Maybe then she’d shake off her instincts long enough to be sane again. That was when she threw a mango at him, the fruit impaling on his horn as juice ran down his face. “Y’all gotta admit, that was a good shot,” Cider whistled. Midnight smiled smugly and crossed her forelegs. “Yes, but that’s not what we’re going for,” Ledger said as he used a hoof to pull the mango off his horn.  “I think I’ll keep this~” he taunted Midnight.  “You’ve been a bad bat and have to be punished.” She responded by knocking his mug of coffee off of the table. “Oh, I see, we’re playing like that,” he said.  “Well there’s still coffee and more mugs, so I’ll live.  But we only have so many mangoes.” That was when her tongue shot out, lassoing the fruit and yanking it from his hoof. She reeled it back and sucked it dry in seconds. “Impressive,” Ledger whistled.  “Hmm.  How about a little game, Middy?” “Hoo boy, Ah’m stayin’ outta this,” Cider replied and moved to head to the kitchen. “But I kinda need you for this one,” the drone spoke up. “Dang,” Cider sighed. This wasn’t going to end well… but it would end in a lot of painful bites. “Middy, how about this sort of game?” Ledger asked.  “If you can stop yourself from acting out as I kiss Cider here, then I promise I’ll kiss you.  Manage it ten times in a row, and you win.  Fail ten times in a row, and I win.” “Ah don’t like this game,” Cider gulped. “Go find Scope, she has a higher defense stat.” “You were the first one to be added, and it was Middy’s idea,” Ledger pointed out.  “She’ll likely try harder for you.” “If y’all say so…” Cider gulped. “But, if ah’m gonna die. Whut was that good news?” “Nope, that’s her prize if she wins,” Ledger said. “Now ah really hate this game,” Cider groaned. Scope started walking down the stairs, pausing at the top to see what was going on. “Ready Middy?” Ledger asked, before walking over to Cider and kissing her.  “One.” A low growl was already emanating from the bat’s throat.  However, seeing as how she didn’t go beyond that, Ledger nodded and walked over to her, kissing Midnight in turn. Scope blinked and sat down. This was going to be entertaining. “Good bat,” Ledger said before walking back over to Cider and kissing her again.  “Two.” Midnight hissed that time. Stupid mate, he’d kissed her already! Ledger merely raised a hoof at her and shook his head a little, disappointed that she couldn’t keep herself under control. She frowned, why was he scolding her for? That other female was the one trying to steal him. "Colegul meu. A mea! Ia-ti propriul!" (My mate. Mine! Get your own!) “Midnight,” Ledger said sternly.  “You share me with others.  Remember that, or you don’t get any kisses anymore.  Nor will I tell you the good news.” “She can’t really help it you know,” Scope said as she came downstairs. She kissed Ledger on the cheek, interestingly enough, Midnight barely bat an eye, though one of her ears did flick. "Cunoaște locul broodmare ta ..." (Know your place broodmare). “Oh, that’s interesting,” Ledger chuckled.  “Midnight apparently has no problem with mares I’ve already knocked up.” “Y’all are not getting me pregnant, jus’ fer a stupid reason like that,” Cidr said sternly. “Iffn’ y’all don’t mind, ah have work t’do.” Oh boy, his sweet mare was rather sour at the moment… “Of course I would never do that,” Ledger said, deliberately turning to her and kissing her on the lips.  “You can choose when you’ll get knocked up, if you’ll get knocked up.  I will never force it on you.” “Ah know that, but this Midnight thing is jus’ buggin’ me alright. Ah know she can’t help it. And ah feel bad fer blaming her…” And that was when Midnight was holding her, stroking her mane with a hoof as she wrapped her wings around her. “...whut?” “Middy?” Ledger dared to prod her verbally. “Mânz irascibil, nu mai lacrimi.” (Petulant foal, no more tears.) “Whut? Whut did she say?” Cider asked as the thestral cooed and stroked her mane more. “Nothing to really explain why she’s now taking pity on you,” Ledger said.  “Middy, you can’t have me all to yourself, you know.  I have to pay attention to the others, whether or not you’re in a mood.” “Mama este aici. Liniște acum …” (Mother is here. Quiet now…) Scope burst out laughing. “O-Ohh sweet Hives… she-she think you're her foal,” Scope howled with laughter as Cider blinked and blushed.  Ledger hummed before drawing close and giving Cider a kiss on the cheek, wondering if Middy would react now. She cooed and kissed Cider’s other cheek before reaching for an apple and pressing it against the mare’s lips. “This is so buckin’ weird,” Cider remarked flatly, even as she nibbled the apple. “Hey, if it means I can kiss my mares in front of Midnight when she’s like this, I’ll take it,” Ledger said.  “And hopefully, this particular spell will end soon.” “Hay, ah’m the one she’s tryin’ to mother. Which is really disturbin’ considerin’ whut ah’ve done to her.” “And suddenly this conversation turned weird,” Scope said. She teleported Cider from the bat’s grasp and onto her back. Scope liked being the tallest one in the house now. “Come on, let’s go into the city for some breakfast and we’ll get some work done.” That teleport still cost Ledger’s reserves a bit, as Midnight wasn’t producing quite as much love as she usually did at the moment. “Hey Midnight,” Ledger said before kissing her nose.  “If you can promise to control yourself, then I’ll tell you the good news.  Deal?” She sat there and stared at him, her crimson eyes seemingly staring into his very soul. “Twilight says that right up until you actually start having the foal, it’s safe to have sex, so long as you’re gentle,” Ledger said.  “You can be gentle, right?” A wide smirk crossed her muzzle as he felt her lust spike like a seismometer predicting an apocalyptic-level earthquake. “Ap!” Ledger said, holding a hoof up to her.  “I want to hear you say it, otherwise I will teleport away from you.  Promise me you’ll be gentle.  We don’t want to cause any complications, after all.” “Acest copil va crește puternic. Nici un rău va veni să-l!” (This child shall grow strong. No harm will come to it!) Midnight gave a proud nod to punctuate that statement. “Good,” Ledger said, before picking up one of her hooves.  “Because somepony told me you’d been feeling neglected.”  He kissed it before continuing.  “That perhaps I didn’t see you as beautiful anymore.”  Another kiss.  “That maybe you thought of your belly as fattening and disfiguring.”  Kiss. "Feh... stupid amate," It didn’t require a translation that time. Midnight scoffed and turned her head away. “Fii recunoscător Sunt atât de milostiv.” (Be thankful I am so gracious.) “I am here to tell you,” Ledger said, kissing her once more.  “That there is nothing I find more beautiful than you, no matter your state.  You glow radiantly every day.  Pregnancy suits you, my dear.” She turned and stared at him. “The hell it does!” she screeched in Equestrian now. “I look like one of Cider’s pigs, only fatter!” “I think you’re beautiful,” Ledger said.  “And have you already forgotten...what Violet drones love?”  He leaned down to kiss at her belly.  “You will never be ugly to me.” “Stupid, silver-tongued snake,” Midnight pouted. Oh hey, she was back to her old self now. “You probably made up that sex thing too…” “Nope,” Ledger said as he leaned back up and kissed Midnight on the nose.  “Twilight says that so long as you’re gentle, right up until your water breaks, we can have sex.” “Huh… so I’ve gone all this time without…” She paused as that thought milled around in her head. “Well, whatever.” In the city, Scope and Cider paused in eating their breakfast. They felt as though reality itself had just gone horribly wrong somewhere. Then Ledger kissed Midnight again, with his Thestral tongue twining around hers. He enjoyed that for a few seconds. It had been so long since he gave Midnight such a deep kiss, without fear of her biting his tongue off. She purred into the kiss before pulling back and licking her lips. “I changed my mind~” she whispered in a husky tone. “There you are,” Ledger said.  “Welcome back Midnight.  Where were you?” “I dunno…” Midnight rubbed her head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… It’s… really weird. Like, I can’t help doing that… did I-did I hurt anypony?” “All you did was make Cider feel a little extra loved,” Ledger said.  “But hey, at least I have something to test if you fall back on it.  I might be able to snap you out of it a little faster next time.” “Hmm? And what might that be?” she asked, sitting next to him as her hooves wandered. “Just tell you that I think you’re beautiful next time,” Ledger said as he hugged her.  “Try and speak to you as a loving mate directly.” “Pfft, you’re so sappy,” she hummed as her hooves found what she was looking for. “Mmm, you smell like mangoes~” “Somepony told me you weren’t feeling loved,” Ledger said.  “I took the chance to make sure I was as appetizing as I could be.  The mango you threw at me also helped.” “I threw a…” Midnight paused in her ministrations of Little Ledger. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” “I know,” Ledger said before kissing her.  “You’d never waste a perfectly good mango.” “Idiot,” Midnight said and lightly punched his arm. Which still stung a bit, she'd gotten stronger for some reason. She leaned across and kissed his horn, before suckling all of the remaining mango taste from it. “See?” Ledger said with a smirk.  “No mango left behind.  They shall all be devoured by our local bat-mistress.” “Damn right,” she said and then her eyes twinkled. “You know, I believe I missed a spot~” “Oh?” the drone asked with an eyebrow raised. “Mhmm, I should fix that,” she trailed her kisses down his chest, before he found out exactly where that mouth was headed… It was a normal enough day for Fredrick, open, serve customers, flirt with a mare or two. Then, nightmares incarnate walked in as Midnight Song and Scope Lens sat down at one of the tables, sighing happily to finally get off of their hooves. “Hello,” he greeted them with a nod.  “How fares the pregnancies?” “Never. Get Narrow. Pregnant.” Midnight groaned and thunked her head on the table. “I feel like crap.” “She’s just whining because she’s almost due,” Scope chuckled. “Where as I’m still about three months out. “Bleehhhh~” Amy walked in and plopped down next to Midnight. “Sentiments shared oh bestest buddy of mine.” “I take it you three are hardly enjoying the experience, then,” the griffon chuckled. “It’s alright,” Midnight sighed and put a hoof over Amy’s shoulder. “But it gets to the point where you just want the damned thing out already. My hooves are swollen…” “I get cramps,” Scope tacked on. “And I have cravings for things that aren’t sweets,” Amy said. “Not to mention the teats. Did I mention those, because they are a pain in my—” “Don’t worry about those,” Midnight said and leaned over to whisper into both Amy and Scope’s ears. On exactly how she’d taken care of that little problem… Both nymphs fell into a stunned silence. “So, ladies,” Fredrick spoke up.  “Might I ask what you are hungry for?” Scope and Amy gulped. “Well,” the Blue muttered. “I know what I’m in the mood for right now huh?” “Something I serve,” the griffon chuckled. “T-That too…” Amy said, as red as a tomato. “Uh… what are we doing here again?” “I think they need a few minutes,” Midnight giggled. “Could we get some breadsticks and sparkling cider please?” “That I can do,” the griffon nodded before leaving. “Chryssy so has plans once I get back,” Amy muttered and looked at the menu as her stomach growled. “Ditto, only for Ledger instead,” Scope replied. “I now regret bringing that up,” Midnight said, her stomach completing the round of roars.  It wasn’t long before the griffon returned with a basket of breadsticks and a round of sparkling cider for the three of them. He pulled out a notepad to take their order… and saw the basket was already empty… “I take it you’re hungry,” he chuckled.  “Have you made up your mind as to what you’ll be eating?” Midnight nodded and pushed her menu forward. “We’ll take that if you please.” “...That, what?” he asked. “All of it,” Midnight nodded. “One of everything if you wouldn’t mind.” “...You would be here most of the day and run up a massive bill,” the griffon replied.  “Do you even have the bits to pay that back?” The three mares all nodded and placed a sack of bits on the table, it was bigger than the thestral’s head. “...You are committed to this, aren’t you?” Fredrick said. “Yup!” all the mares nodded and their stomachs growled again. “That, or I could eat you instead~” Scope smiled and bat her eyes at him. “You would also end up tying up a good portion of my production today,” he pointed out.  “As I would have to see to it personally, and get a colt to help take them out to you when I was done making them.” “But we’re really hungry,” Midnight pouted, as their stomachs let out a combined rumble that actually shook the table ever so slightly. “So long as you are willing to field the complaints today,” the griffon said. “If anypony complains, I'll point Scopey at ‘em,” Midnight giggled and rubbed the heads of both nymphs. “Plus I have an Amy in my inventory. Though some might complain about me being too OP.” “Very well then,” Fredrick said as he gathered up their menus.  “Let us see how long you last.” “Look Fredrick,” Midnight said. She didn’t want to annoy their friend… too much. “If it's a hassle, just a big ass serving of something will be fine.” “I once got a griffon asking for everything on my menu,” Fredrick said.  “I’m certain I can make it all.  It’s just going to be a tedious process.  I’m merely concerned that you all won’t be able to eat it all.” “Worry not,” Midnight replied. “Our secret weapon will be along shortly.” “If you’re certain then,” the griffon said.  “One of everything, coming up.  Is that one of everything for all of you, or just one of everything?” “Just one serving… except dessert,” Midnight smiled and looked at Amy. “She'd leave us nothing otherwise.” “Would too,” Amy pouted.  “Chryssy and Acey are really being strict about my sweet intake.” “Not today,” Midnight giggled and rubbed her head again. “My bestie is gonna get to stuff herself silly.” “I really shouldn’t,” Amy tried to decline.  “They keep saying it wouldn’t be good for the foal…” “They're right actually,” Twilight walked up to the table and sat down, offering a polite nod to Fredrick. “Too much could lead to excessive weight gain and blood pressure problems. You really should limit to one or two a day.” “See, TwiTwi agrees with them,” Amy said with a nod.  “You all can take what you want first, I’ll hang back and have like one thing.” “I have a suggestion.” Twilight turned to Fredrick. “I know it isn't on your menu. But do you think you could make a few bananas and apple slices topped with peanut butter?” Upon seeing the look on Amy’s face, she nodded. “One, it will help your sweets craving, and provide necessary protein for the foal.” “I suppose I could do that,” the griffon mused.  “It shouldn’t be too hard at all.” “Thank you,” Twilight smiled. “Also, it's nice to see you again Fredrick.” “You as well, your majesty,” the griffon said with a nod of his head.  “Will you be aiding these mares in their destruction of my menu?” “Twilight is fine. We're friends after all,” the alicorn smiled warmly. “And yes, if that’s not a bother.” “At least I know now that all of this food will be eaten,” Fredrick chuckled.  “I still remember the day you ordered three hayburgers for yourself.” Twilight blushed and found one of her wings to be very interesting. “Very well, a bit of everything coming up,” the griffon said.  “I do hope you all have hearty appetites.”  With that, he was off to the kitchen to begin his work. “I can't believe you three actually did that,” Twilight sighed as she leaned over to hug Amy. “And how are you doing? You should be getting close too right?” “Yup,” the pink nymph nodded.  “Just a month and change left before the first ever griffon-‘ling hybrid is born.” “Well, that should be interesting to say the least,” Twilight nodded and smiled. “Just remember, if anypony hassles you, don't be afraid to ask me for help okay?” “I could do that,” Amy mused.  “Alternatively, I could keep studying the Still Way so that I can still fight as a ‘ling rather than be limited to my pegasus fighting techniques.” “Still Way? The Unicorn art?” Twilight tapped her chin. “I've been told that a friend of mine, Lyra Heartstrings is quite skilled in that. And I think Moondancer knows some as well.” “Yup!” Midnight agreed. “She didn’t have the patience to reach mastery though.” “I’m just a novice right now,” Amy said with a nod.  “I’m making good progress, though.” “Well, everypony starts somewhere,” Twilight said and Midnight grinned, and the changelings could feel her determination spike. “We should be sparring partners,” the thestral said and licked her lips. “Ledger’s too wimpy to train with me, and Ace spends more time with you and Chryssy now.” “Maybe once we’re not carrying around extra weight,” Amy said, before poking Midnight’s belly for emphasis. “Yeah well… soon enough,” Midnight said and returned the poke to the round changeling. The batpony groaned as her stomach rumbled. “Urgh, where is that food. Cause you changelings are looking awfully tasty right now…” “Oh that’s right,” Twilight nodded. “I forgot that insects are actually a big part of traditional thestral culture.” That was about when a colt with a cart showed up, giving the mares their first course.  An appetizer.  Potato wedges, seasoned and baked.  Onion rings, battered and fried.  More traditional hayfries, and even a nice salad for starters. “Mares.” Midnight gulped and licked her lips. “Let the feeding begin…” Carnage. That was an apt term used to describe what occurred at that table. The poor food never stood a chance, as the four mares devoured it like Tirek at a magic convention. It was only when the other four dishes were gone, that the colt dared to reveal a fifth hiding under the cart. A loaf of Fred’s famous bread… “Mine!!” Midnight and Scope hissed before staring at one another with a ferocious glare. “Shall we?” Twilight said to Amy, ignoring the bickering mares. “Let’s just divvy it up,” Amy agreed.  “I’m sure you’ll make sure our portions are fair.” Twilight cut the bread into four equal portions and set them down in front of everyone. She wiped her brow and gave a small sigh. “Phew, maybe I should have gone easy on the magic training yesterday.” “Whatcha trainin’ for, Twi?” Amy asked as she nibbled her bread. “I just… feel like I could be stronger. That I could protect my friends better. So that's why.” She sighed as she nibbled her bread. “Guess it's a little silly. But after seeing mares like Moondancer and Starlight. I know I could be better too.” “Y’know,” the pink ‘ling said.  “One of the things I’m learning from the Still Way is...what was it...ah yeah!  ‘True strength and true growth are not granted to you.  They come from within.’” “Wise words from a cute changeling,” Twilight smiled and rubbed her head. “I'll keep it in mind.” “I’m just sayin’, maybe you shouldn’t spend all your time training,” Amy shrugged.  “I mean, what good is protecting your friends if you’re never there with them?” “I only started yesterday,” Twilight said and polished off her bread, before tipping the colt a few bits for having to witness that. “But I understand. Hee, maybe you should be the Princess of Friendship.” “Nah, I’d make a better Laughter,” Amy said with a shake of her head.  “Plus, can you imagine me with your level of authority over Equestria?” “Ice-cream for everyone?” Twilight said. “Something like that,” the pink ‘ling giggled. “She’s almost as pervy as me,” Midnight said, hers and Scope’s fight forgotten in the face of food. “So I'd be very concerned… oh hey, since we're married, does that make me a Princess?” “Oooh, what sorta cool princessy powers did Midnight get when she married you?” Amy asked. “I guess technically that Midnight and the others are royalty… but I don't think they have any authority. And for the love of the sun, do not tell Ledger. You just know he'd use it for something.” “Ten bits says he already knows and is just waiting for you to mention it before he springs his master plan,” Amy said. “Not unless he likes sleeping in the bed with the rest of us,” Twilight replied with the slightest hint of irritation. “I'm still half expecting his mother to try a coup ever since she and hers bought that home in Ponyville.” “She wouldn’t do that, would she?” Amy asked.  “Middy, back me up here.” “I dunno, she did put a lot of thought into it,” Midnight replied. “Though I'd like to see her try after the flank-whupping I gave her supposed ‘best mercenaries’.” “Mares, you’re forgetting that you have a bargaining chip to make sure she won’t try anything,” Amy sighed.  “Her son?” “Where’s the fun in that?” Midnight giggled. “It's so much more satisfying besting a game without cheating.” The nymph just sighed and put her head on the table.  “You ponies...I swear you’re all slightly mad.  And that’s coming from me.” “I come from Ponyville, so that's to be expected,” Twilight giggled as another hapless serving colt approached.  This time, he carried the opening pasta dishes for them all on another cart.  Either Fredrick was fast, or just had these things prepared already. “Oohh~” the mares purred and licked their lips. “I don’t know what looks better,” Scope purred as she leaned closer to the colt. “The food, or this delicious treat serving it~” “We’ve been warned about you,” he replied simply.  “Simply put, he told us you’re all married, and one of Master Fredricks rules is never get involved with an involved mare.  Flirt all you want, ma’am.  It won’t do much.” “Bah, Fred made sure you're all not fun anymore,” Scope replied. “Like I'd do that with any of you anyway.” “Scopey!” Midnight scolded her. That had come out a little harsh. The thestral looked at the stallion and bowed her head. “Sorry, hormones are  making her do stupid things.” “Perfectly understandable,” the colt said before serving them all their pasta dishes.  “He’ll have more ready for you in a few minutes.” “Cool,” Midnight nodded and wasted no time in diving into her food. She came up a few minutes later with a empty bowl and a muzzle coated in cheesy sauce.  By then the colt had already made his departure to the kitchen, and Amy was mimicking her in devouring her pasta dish. By the time she came up for air, Midnight giggled and leaned over, licking some sauce from her cheek.  Amy giggled as well, before returning the lick to get rid of the sauce smeared on Middy’s muzzle. “Are you two done flirting?” Twilight asked with a bemused tone. “She’s my best friend, I can flirt with her if I want,” Midnight mused and hugged Amy. “She’s also a great cuddle buddy.” “And Middy’s all sorts of fun to hang out with,” Amy said as she returned the hug. “Friends with borderline benefits,” Scope chuckled as she smacked the edge of her plate and gulped down the food in midair. Twilight ate calmly, but still cleaned her plate. “Something like that~” the pink chirped.  “We’ve already got a basic plan to help our foals become the best of friends~” “Yup. It will be awesome,” Midnight nodded and looked at Amy. “Did you find out the gender of yours?” “Nah, I want it to be a surprise,” Amy said with a shake of her head. “Figured as much,” Midnight sighed. “I got stuck with a inexperienced nurse who blabbed before I could say otherwise.” “Aww, I’m sorry,” Amy said before giving Midnight another quick squeeze before letting go. “It’s alright,” Midnight smiled and looked at her wives. “At least I know I'm going to have. That question is going to bug the hay out of Ledger.” Scope and Twilight fell into a deep silence. Midnight gigged before Twilight and Scope pounced her, nuzzling the bat. Midnight raised hoof from under the pony pile. “Ack! Amy. Halp!” “Here lies Midnight,” Amy intoned.  “She was snuggled to death.” “You're killing me off? Not cool.” Midnight sighed as she resigned to her fate of snuggles. “Guys, can we at least wait until we get home? Or drag Amy down for snuggles as well?” Twilight turned and looked at the Pink with a slight smirk. “Hey, don’t look at me like that,” Amy said.  “Somepony’s gotta keep a lookout for when the food arrives while you snuggle her.” “Gaaah, lemme up,” Midnight squirmed as she wiggled free and dashed to the bathroom. Somepony had leant on her bladder. “So glad I'm not pregnant,” Twilight noted. “It’s a learning experience for you,” Amy observed.  “You’ll get to learn about all the pitfalls from an observer’s standpoint and figure out if you want to...Sheesh, and I thought Ledgy was clever.” Twilight tilted her head. “What do you mean by that?” “You’re the control, while the others are the experiment,” Amy said simply. “Experiment?” Twilight felt her eye twitch. “I would never treat this as an experiment… again.” “If you say so,” Amy hummed. “I do say so!” Twilight said fiercely. “There are a lot of things to consider and plan before somepony like me could even think of having a foal.” “Face it Twi,” Amy said.  “Is your life ever going to be not-hectic?  You’re a bucking princess, for crying out loud.  Hectic is sort of what you do.” “My schedule is the least of my problems,” Twilight said. “For eleven months, I'd be unable to stop any major threats that show up. Do you have any idea how many forgotten and ancient evils my friends and I have had to contend with?” “You could probably ask your family to help out,” Amy pointed out.  “I’m sure Ledger wouldn’t mind helping you get around in the later months of pregnancy.  And eleven?  Are you...planning something? Changelings get it done in nine…” “Ponies are a little longer,” Twilight explained. “And Ledger can't harness the Elements, not unless the Element of Snark becomes a thing.” She conjured up a small image of Ledger, complete with giant fairy wings and a rainbow mane and tail.  Amy snerked at that, before humming. “Y’know, I do have this thing I’ve been meaning to try to ask Chryssy to do,” the pink ‘ling mused.  “Apparently, if she’s up to it, one thing a Flutterpony should be able to do is convert a ‘ling to another Flutterpony…” “Oh, if only to see the look on his face,” Twilight snorted with amusement. “What about a look?” Midnight said from behind them. Twilight shrieked in surprise and cancelled the image. “We were just chattin’,” Amy said.  “Hey Middy, you’d totally step up and help Twi if something happened while she was pregnant, right?” “Well duh, maybe Moonie could be a stand in Element of Magic?” the bat mused. “Kidding~ Still, of course I'd help out anyway I could. Just wait a month or so, so that I can help out.” “See Twi?” Amy said.  “Your family would help you out if you asked.  And Middy’s a well-trained guard.  So you know she won’t go down easy.” “Only well-trained?” Midnight asked and sipped her drink. “Oh ye of little faith. I totally would have taken Tirek down if something hadn’t stopped me.” “You keep saying that,” Amy giggled before beeping her nose.  “Something tells me not even you woulda done that.” “No, she would have,” Twilight stated. “But it would have cost the idiot her life. So I for one am very glad she didn't.” “As am I, and I’m sure the others in your herd,” the pink said with a nod as the second course arrived. Hayburgers.  Hayburgers for everyone. “Oh. Sweet. Celestia,” Twilight drooled and snared about five of them before chowing down. “The Princess of Burgers,” Midnight giggled as Scope returned, stealing one from the alicorn and munching on it. “Yay burgers!” Amy cheered as she pulled three over to herself and began eating one.  There was even a separate dish for the hayfries.  And potato fries. “So much yumminess~” Midnight cooed as she continued to fill her perpetually empty stomach. “You’re all pigs in pony suits,” Scope said as she ate her single burger, as that was all that was left after the others grabbed theirs. She did steal an entire bowl of fries though… Amy cleared her mouth before replying.  “These’re delicious!  My bet is Freddy hired somepony that does them really well~” “So you think he didn’t make them himself?” Midnight hummed and scarfed down her food before trotting over to the kitchen doors and poking her head in. “Who made those hayburgers?” she asked bluntly. “One of my colts,” Fredrick said as he kept doing what he was doing, which was frying a fish.  “Out, out, you distract me!” “Oh I could really distract you if I tried,” she giggled. “Anyway, they were amazing, do give him our compliments.” And with that, she left before he threw her out himself. It wasn’t long before the next dishes arrived, a fruit salad, a more typical vegetable salad, a bowl of soup, and that fried fish Midnight had seen him working on. Midnight licked her lips as she spied that fish. Twilight just opted for a bowl of mixed salad as Scope poured herself some of the soup and some dipping bread. Amy shrugged before taking the leftover fruit salad and wondering whether this technically counted. “Do you want some fish?” Midnight asked, dividing her portion in half. “I can share my fruit salad with you,” Amy agreed as she began dividing the fruit.  Of course, it was when the fruit at the bottom was exposed, that Midnight smelled a familiar, enticing smell… “Mmmmaanggooesssss~” she purred as her tail wagged. “Guess I know what part you want,” the nymph chuckled. When she got the mango slices, she got an idea and lay them across her fishie, before lifting it and taking a bite. All was silent, before she shuddered and moaned. A moan that Twilight and Scope heard regularly. “It can’t be that good,” Amy said disbelievingly. “You couldn't appreciate the subtle orgasmic flavour combinations,” Midnight sighed happily and continued to eat. “Just… don’t question it,” Scope replied, before chuckling at the irony of telling a Pink that. “Kay~” Amy said before she started in on her own fish and fruit. It was actually really good. The sweetness of the fruit and the tang of the lemon on the fish, along with its own smoky flavour… The waves of Lust that Midnight was emanating didn’t help either… “Jeeze Middy,” Amy said.  “Are you eating it or planning on pouncing on one of the colts here?” “This is her default state,” Scope sighed. She'd long learned how to filter out some of the bat’s emotion. “I'm surprised you never felt it before.” “Middy and I aren’t those sorts of friends,” the Pink scoffed. “You sound disappointed,” the Blue smirked. “Bet you're curious if the student is better than the master~?” “Nah, I don’t need to make either of ‘em feel inadequate,” Amy giggled.  “I’m happy with my Acey as it is.” “Ever wonder where he learned that little trick he does with a horn?” Midnight smirked. “He was my wingbird for years.” “That explains that then,” the nymph mused.  “Still, I’m happy with things as they are.” “As are we,” Twilight nodded. “I just hope Sugar didn't take Ledger’s rejection too hard. I haven't seen her around lately.” “Me either,” Midnight said now that she thought about it. “Oh, yeah, I should probably warn you two,” Amy said.  “It’s her time of the year.” Midnight and Twilight paused. Ledger was home alone right now… “Ahh, I'm sure she won’t do anything,” Midnight shrugged. “Yes, I trust the two of them,” Twilight agreed. “Plus, isn’t she married?” the Pink pointed out. “She wanted to do a wife swap,” Scope explained. “Ledger for Moondancer. Moon apparently agreed, but Midnight only agreed if we all would. And I just don't feel any attraction to Moondancer. Though she kinda looks like Twilight if I squint.” “Y’know what, go back to eating, then I don’t have to try and make sense of your crazy lives,” Amy said as she waved a hoof at Scope. “You know we're bad when a Pink calls us crazy,” Scope sighed and resumed eating. “I still hope Sugar's okay,” Midnight added. “She's my friend and I worry…” “Oh, she’ll be fine,” Amy said.  “Though I wouldn’t want to be Moonie right about now…” Moondancer yawned as she stretched her legs and pushed her chair back. This recent paper was going nowhere right now, and she'd already finished her lesson plans for the year. “I wonder what Sugar is up to?” She mused. “She's been awfully quiet…” Then there was the sensation of another body rubbing up against her, not unlike a cat, and a whisper in her ears.  “Moonie~” her wife moaned sensually.  “How...accurate is that gender-swapping spell of yours?” Moondancer blinked at this. This was… new. “Clarify,” she asked stoically. “Well, ever since Ledgie turned me down,” the nymph said.  “I’ve been thinking as to how I would give you a foal to spoil...and then I remembered that you might be able to do it yourself~” “It's just a spell to give me one of those things. It does not impregnate… for obvious safety reasons.” She paused and put a hoof on her head. “Now… a full body polymorph spell…” “Oooh, clever Moonie has an idea?” Sugar purred.  “You see, I’m in my season, it’s a changeling version of Heat, and it won’t end anytime soon.  So you have two options.  Be at my mercy for these next few weeks, or quench it for me~” Moondancer sighed and put a hoof on her head. “Darling. What you're asking. It makes me both incredibly uncomfortable. And it's dangerous. There is a reason full gender swaps aren't used unless special circumstances apply.” She shuddered and shook her head. “Gender identity issues, there's also a chance I'll never emotionally connect with the foal…” “But Moonie~” Sugar whined.  “I’m ready for another foal, and I want it to be yours.  I would have settled for Ledger being the father, but he chickened out.  So that leaves you and your magic.”  She leaned over and began kissing her wife.  “I’m sure that if you and that wonderful brain of yours got to work on the problem, you’d figure out ways around all the issues~” “So my mental health and physical comfort do not matter, so long as you have a foal?” Moondancer raised an eyebrow, her stoicism slowly drifting towards irritation. “Of course they matter!” Sugar protested.  She shook her head a few times before putting a hoof to her forehead.  “Ugh...this season’s really bad…” With a flash of her horn, Moondancer hit her nymph with a cooling spell. A literal ice spell that chilled her right quick. “Look,” the unicorn said. “I just want you to understand the risks involved. What you’re asking… it won’t be easy for me, both physically and mentally…” Sugar’s only response was to shiver. Moon gave an awkward smile. “Too cold?” “J-J-Just a l-l-little,” she chattered. Moondancer rolled her eyes and smiled, before pulling the nymph into a warming hug. “You’re hopeless,” she giggled. “I’ll… I’ll think about it okay?” “You c-c-could just k-k-keep me c-c-cold,” Sugar offered. “But you look so sad,” Moondancer said. “And… you’re right I guess. I would like a foal to spoil and teach magic to… provided they can.” She used her horn as a gentle warmth filled her body. “Now, how about we warm you up hmm~” “Careful what you wish for,” Sugar said.  “You know what time of the year it is for me…” With a flourish of magic, Sugar was tossed onto the bed, bouncing once before the subtle ‘click’ of hoofcuffs could be heard. She used a localised polymorph and smirked. “I am going to fuck you silly~” Moondancer said in Changeish. “You are mine!” The Violet Noble merely let out a moan at hearing Moondancer speak in Changeish to her. Moondancer closed the door and smiled wider as she floated out the toybox. She was going to have a little fun~ Midnight groaned and rubbed her belly. They’d done it. Somehow. They had cleaned every plate that Fredrick had thrown at them, including dessert. “That was soooo good,” Scope groaned, already slipping into a food coma. “But, I’m done… I’m so done…” “I’m impressed,” Fredrick said as he appeared with a lengthy bill.  “You all managed to eat everything.” Twilight blinked, before she let out a belch in the Royal Canterlot Caps Lock, shaking the table and rattling the windows. After, she blushed and put a hoof to her mouth. “Scuse me,” she said quietly. “Thank you for the compliment,” the griffon returned with a smile.  “All told, your bill is one-hundred and ninety-eight bits.” Twilight looked around, before floating up a bag that held two hundred and fifty bits. “There we are my good sir, and a tip for taking up so much of your time and energy.” He pulled it open and blinked at the amount.  “Twilight, this cannot be right.  The bill is for at most two-hundred, you seem to have a full fifty more here than you need…” “As I said, a small tip,” she smiled. “This meal was amazing Fredrick, I don’t think we’ll have to eat for a week now.” “Mmmangoes~” Midnight snorted, having already fallen asleep. “If you say so,” the griffon said.  “My thanks for choosing my establishment, then.” “Like we’d choose anywhere else but the best,” Scope nodded, actually paying someone a compliment for once. “Though that place Ledger took me to on a date was pretty damned amazing. They cook the food right there in front of you.” “I’ve heard of such a place,” Fredrick mused.  “Dinner and a show.  It would not be easy to add theatre to my line of work, though.” “Maybe a karaoke night or something?” Midnight mumbled in her sleep. Twilight blinked and looked at her wife. “I’m… not even going to question how she did that.” “It would be wise if you didn’t,” the griffon agreed.  “I will leave you to take your friends home, then.” “Joy…” Twilight sighed as she looked at the passed out mares. With a final nod, she lit up her horn and whisked them home… It had been a few hours, and Moondancer had released Sugar so she could use the amenities and get some food and water. Out in the bar, Two-Step saw her mother and put a hoof to her mouth. “Hives above, you look like a Tatzlwurm just spat you back out…” “Close,” she chuckled.  “It’s that time of the year again, and this time, I have a mate.  So my season’s hitting me awfully hard.  And Moonie’s stepping up to the challenge.” “Holey Tartarus,” she muttered. “Yeah, that unicorn has both my respect and sympathy.” Then she smirked. “And I’m sure she has the gratitude of the stallions and mares of Las Pegasus.” “Yes, well, I better not hear about any surprises when your season rolls around, little missy,” the mare said.  “I’m not sure I’m ready to be a grandmother just yet.  And I know you aren’t ready to be a mom.” “Yes, yes, I know… quit nagging,” she said and slumped over the bar. “I don’t think he’s serious enough to become a father either… not yet anyway. We’re still… I dunno. Stable relations are hard.” “For a Violet, yes,” Sugar agreed.  “But they’re oh-so-worth it in the end.”  The elder of the pair sighed.  “Your father was one of the few who really accepted me for who and what I was, and I seriously thought for the longest time that he would be the one to marry me.  But then he moved on to Baltimare when a business opportunity came calling...Such a shame.  But at least I got you out of it~” “Does… he even know I exist?” Two-Step asked quietly. “I only found out after he left,” Sugar said just as quietly.  “I’m sure if you were so inclined, you could go track him down.  He only runs the largest sex-toy company now.  I still get a letter from him every now and then.” Two-Step blinked. Was she pulling her leg? “You-You cannot be serious?” “His are the best for a reason,” Sugar giggled.  “He had a very good ‘pool’ of candidates to use in their initial design, and I sometimes get a new toy with his letters too~” “Un-freaking-believable,” the nymph sighed. But… she had ideas now. Wonderful, glorious ideas. While she wasn’t overly pissed about being fatherless, this Hive was all the family she ever wanted or needed. She was still going to shock the fur off of him though. And then, a tingle shot down their horns and caused almost every muscle in their body to spasm as the building was filled with a powerful magical aura… The next morning, Two-Step knocked on her mother’s door. She'd felt a little bad about bringing up the topic of her father, but needed to ask Moondancer a favour… And, what was that smell? She didn’t get a response right away.  The door didn’t so much as unlock. “Mother? Moondancer? Are you still alive?” she called out. There was silence for a moment, before the door opened a little and Moondancer peered through the gap. “Steppy?” she groaned and blinked. “What is it?” “Um… are you okay?” the nymph asked. Moondancer looked herself over and then shrugged before looking over her shoulder. “Honey… you alive?”  There was a groan as Sugar was pulled into the waking world, and not much else. “Eventually,” Moon said. “Can you come back later?” And with that, she closed the door once more. “Not. Gonna. Ask,” the nymph said and strode away. It wasn’t until much later, that the two emerged and Moondancer had wandered off to find Two-Step. Sugar had barely reached the bar before Chrysalis walked inside, humming some small tune. “Whaddya...you want?” Sugar asked as she sat at the bar, discreetly using it to hold herself up.  She was still barely coherent after that rough session last night. “Hmm, nice to see you too,” Chrysalis hummed as she looked around. She saw Sugar’s state and chuckled. “Well, now I wonder what could wear out the great ‘Queen of the Strip’ like this? It’s certainly curious~” “Nonea...your business,” Sugar said before she downed a glass of water.  She needed the fluids. “Perhaps not, but you know I won’t let up until you tell me,” Chrysalis mused. “Oh, and I want to borrow one of your changelings. See if I can turn them into a Flutterpony.” “Get their permission,” Sugar said.  “I don’t...command them like that.” “Fair enough,” Chrysalis mused. “Okay, are you alright? I’m a little worried now.” Sugar sighed, before motioning for the flutterpony to come closer. She blinked, but leaned across the counter nonetheless. “It was my season yesterday,” Sugar whispered.  “And Moonie was more than up to the challenge of sating it.” Chrysalis blinked again. “That nerdy little unicorn… sated your season? A Violet Noble?” “She was wonderful,” Sugar sighed. “Well, colour me impressed,” Chrysalis mused as said unicorn walked into the room with Two-Step at her side. “Honey,” Moon said and kissed her cheek. “Seems I’m going on an adventure.” “Oh?” Sugar asked as she looked at the two most important mares in her life.  “Dare I ask what the two of you have concocted?” “I’m…” Two-Step paused. “I’m going to meet my father.” “Just keep in mind, dear,” Sugar said.  “He’s a good stallion.  I just didn’t hold him to anything when he lived here.” “I still want to meet him,” she said. “I don’t expect anything… just, want him to know that I’m here is all.” “I’ll be providing moral support,” Moondancer said. “It should be a good bonding experience for us. Plus… she told me what he does. I intend to go… shopping~” “Oh dear,” Sugar sighed.  “My life will never be the same when you two come back, will it?” “Nope,” they echoed and trapped her in a hug. “Now there’s an idea,” Chrysalis purred. “Want to see if I can turn little Steppy into a Flutterpony?” “She’s lived for twenty years as she is,” Sugar retorted.  “I’m pretty sure not only is it not needed, but it would still be up to her.” “Pass, I’m good thanks,” she responded. She nuzzled her mother and then recoiled. “Urgh, you reek of sex. The hell did you two do, other than each other?” “You pretty much nailed it,” Sugar giggled. “That was terrible,” Moondancer sighed and shook her head. “But she’s right, we are far from presentable.” She took a glass and downed some water herself. “Let’s go for a shower and…” she smiled and whipped Sugar’s flank with her tail. “Maybe you’ll get lucky again~” “Or maybe I’ll return the favor,” Sugar purred. Moondancer tilted her head. Wonder what she meant by that? She just shrugged and trotted off towards their bathroom. “Mom… do I really want to know?” Two-Step deadpanned. “All I’ll say is, you’re about to be a big sister,” Sugar winked, before following after her wife. Her daughter remained there, staring at the place her mother stood previously. “...what?”