//------------------------------// // Political & Familial // Story: Earning Freedom // by Daxisle //------------------------------// Political & Familial Justice pushed open the doors to City Hall and offered Spike a forced, desperate smile as he dejectedly walked passed into the warm indoors. She was trying, she was trying so hard to please him, and make up for her rejection of helping Fluttershy, but he just wouldn't shake the dark cloud that had taken to the drake's head. "Good afternoon, Ms. Justice." The receptionist mare said neutrally. "The city council has been expecting you all day." "Umm, yea ok. Would you like to sit in on the meeting, Spike?" Justice asked, her voice cracking with a little too much enthusiasm. Spike gave a few seconds of token resistance, but nodded his head and followed after the mare into the council chamber. He took a second out of his acting to look up and see the mares in the chamber, an idea of things to come giving him a ghost of a smile. "Oh, well thank you for finally joining us, Ms. Justice." Leaf Spring declared, looking up from her paperwork just long enough to see her enter. Justice apologized briefly and trotted forward, Colgate offered her a smile. "Rain Drops and I have been deliberating a new tax structuring to gain lost revenue. As was discussed in our last meeting, due to your predecessor's slashing of the budget's income by cutting taxes on farmers, our reinstatement of certain regulation requirements have put us back into a deficit and..." Leaf stopped as she looked up. "YOU!" Spike's lowered head hid the smirk that his mouth could not. "I told you never to come into the council chamber! Social Justice, what is the meaning of this?!" Justice frowned and looked back at the dragon than at Leaf Spring, questioning the problem. The forest mare vaguely recounted Spike's twice damned attack on Ponyville, stating the property damage costs, personal injury accounts and other factors there in. The pink pegasus frowned and extended a wing, as if to block the drake from Leaf's harsh words. "You expect me to believe this little guy did all of that damage?" Colgate nodded and verified Leaf's story, including the fact that Spike had grown into a one hundred food tall beast of destruction when he'd committed his decimation of the town. Spike was ready to admit to his actions, but Justice never called on him for confirmation or explanation. "Be that as it may, we all make mistakes, Ms. Spring, and I do not appreciate the racism against dragons demonstrated." Justice declared matter of factly. "RACISM!? It's not racism! HE attacked Ponyville twice! Twice when he grew into a towering... monster and went stomping around town! It has nothing to do with him being a dragon!" Cried Leaf indignantly. Though, Justice wasn't about to back down from the issue. It couldn't have been through ignorance, after all, hiding a dragon rampage through an Equestrian town is nothing short of impossible. Yet still, Justice continued her defense. "I've heard of dragon's horde growth abilities. As you can see, however, Spike is a baby dragon with no agency of his own. The fault of his actions lay at the hooves of his caretaker, so do not blame the dragon himself." Leaf Spring seethed a little at the rebuttle, but quickly pointed out that the second attack was even more horrific, and both Spike, as well as Twilight, were aware of the dragon's Horde Sickness. "You make it out to be that he's a threat because of his ability to grow rapidly into a supposed 'monster', Ms. Spring." The councilmare nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying." Justice narrowed her eyes. "And how is that not racial profiling, exactly?" Spike had to suppress a chuckle, seeing the dark green mare's jaw drop after finally getting her point across was just too satisfying. 'You're one twisted little cur for finding amusement in this.' The drake internally shrugged as he watched the growlingly heated debate. One side arguing consequence and founded banishment from city hall for actions taken and one side arguing the racial aspect and sticking to it for all it was worth. 'You realize that Leaf Spring has every right to want you out, right?' Oh yea. I still feel pretty bad about what I did to Ponyville and to my friends, but why fight myself when I can watch my enemies make war on themselves? '... Okay, no more comic books for you, Sideous.' Leaf Spring made a high pitch, squealing sound of frustration. "I'M NOT RACIST! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT! HE'S A DANGER AND CRIMINAL AND I DON'T WANT HIM IN THE CHAMBER!" Spike gasped, seizing the opportunity to play victim. He took several steps backwards from the mare, slumped, turned around and moped out of the council chamber with Justice damning his antagonist, promising to take punitive measures of some kind to rectify her behavior. "Spike, please, she's a biggot, don't let her words get to you." Justice said, placing a comforting wing on his back, but Spike didn't respond. He played even more pitiful and hurt than he did when they walked in. The set up couldn't have been more perfect if he'd planned it out himself, not only was Justice feeling pity and guilt over what she'd done against him, but now she felt pity and guilt over what another mare had done, utterly convincing herself it was the very thing she feared most that drove Leaf to her transgressions. Racism and mintority oppression. He wouldn't aggravate the situation farther, even though he could. Spike would simply bide his time and allow the guilt to fester within Justice as it did in him for his own sins. And when he felt the time was right, he'd use that guilt and shame of hers to manipulate her like a puppet on strings. 'Do you have to put in that way? You sound almost evil.' It's for Fluttershy and the foals, remember? 'Still though...' "Oh Spike!" The drake looked up to find Mayor mare looking down at him. "If I might have a moment?" Her smiled dimmed for a moment as she took in his companion. "Assuming you're alright with it, of course." "I'm sorry, Mayor Mare, but Spike was just put through a horribly traumatizing racial event, and-" "No, I'm okay." The dragon sniffled. "What did you need?" The mayor smiled a bit bigger. "Well, actually I've been meaning to ask you a few things about the adoption that Macintosh and Annabelle had planned for Scootaloo." Spike frowned and inquired what exactly his presence was required for. Apparently, as the minister for matters such as that, the mayor was charged with gaining character witnesses to determine if pony couples were fit for adoption of a minor, and since he and Macintosh were known associates, it stood to reason to ask Spike about the character and capability of the stallion to be a suitable parent. Made sense enough, finally a law that the drake could agree with. "It isn't orthidox for unmarried couples to file for adoption, but since the wedding's in a few days anyway, and Scootaloo's in their care already, this'll just be a formality." "Wait, what?" Justice asked, making Spike's heart almost stop in his chest. "Are you saying there's a filly in the care of potentially unfit foster parents?" Mayor mare shook her head. "No, ma'am. The Apple's are a well known and respected family within the community. I have every confidence that they are treating Scootaloo very well." Her face turned serious. "I take the safety of foals very seriously, if I'd thought Scootaloo in any danger at all, I would have sent the guard to retrieve both her as well as Applebloom from the the Apple's custody, as well as revoked the temporary guardianship that Detective Inquiry had given." Her brow furrowing, Justice asked if Inquiry was authorized to give such a document, a question that gave Mayor Mare pause enough for Spike to intervene. "I'm sorry Justice, I know today is my first day as your assistant and all, but I'd just like to get home for a while. Can I just talk to the mayor and head home for the day?" Thankfully, Justice's skepticism immediately switched to pained understanding and she gave her permission. The drake internally sighed with relief and almost pushed the mayor up the stairs to her office, away from the prying and potentially dangerous ears of Social Justice. He knew that the mayor had no love for the mare either, so convincing her to keep her mouth shut until the wedding was over would be simple enough. Macintosh sat hoof and hoof with Annabelle on the couch, his mind torn between the story Beast Tamer was telling and the angry glare Applejack had given him. He felt bad, he knew he was wrong and he just hoped he could find a way to make it up to her. Luckily, Annabelle and Granny had been doing most of the talking, but he knew that wouldn't last much longer. 'Head in the game, Mac. We can deal with that later.' Tamer giggled. "Oh boy, that Brute. I swear Anni, life at the reptile house would be so much simpler if your calling had been in lizard keeping." Mac's eyes trailed down to Annabelle's flank and took in the simple brown wooden barrel. It hadn't hit him until just now, but he didn't really know the story behind it. What did the barrel mean? Well, barrels were used for packaging and containment, and on the farm, she did take to keeping up the barn. He could imagine her doing well packaging the apples after sorting for sale outside of Ponyville. 'Assuming that's what the barrel means.' It was kinda sad that he'd never asked his own fiancee about the meaning of her cutie mark, but neither had she asked about his. Both were simple and kind of self explanatory though, his own a sliced apple displayed an affinity for the fruit, so... "So... you folks are applefarmers, hmm?" Tamer asked, looking out into the farm and then at Granny Smith. "Annabelle always did say she wanted to live on a farm. Didn't think she'd find such a handsome farm stallion though." She gave her daughter a playful wink. "Mooom." Annabelle wined playfully, Macintosh blushed and looked down. The pegasus took a sip of apple cider, greatful for the Apple's generous hospitality. "So mom, where is Brute? Safe to say you brought him with you, since it sounds like nopony else would get near him." Beast Tamer pressed her lips, her eyes shifting between Macintosh and her daughter. "Umm, well... I didn't want to bring him on the property for a few reasons." Her eyes lingered on Macintosh. "Mainly he's very interested in meeting your fiance. When I told him you were getting married, the dragon had a conniption, caused quite a ruckus at the reptile house, and-" She patted a very large set of burn marks on her breast plate, "-he made sure his feelings on the matter were known." Mac's angry sister didn't seem like such a big deal all of the sudden as his attention was snapped forth at the prospect of being on the wrong side of a fully gown dragon. Brute was big, not as big as Spike was during his rampage, but definitely bigger than any pony he'd ever met. He remembered seeing the golden wyvern during the Nightmare Night show in hooftrot, and the idea of the drake taking exception with him personally left Mac feeling more than a little nervous. "Oh don't worry dear." Annabelle reassured, rubbing Mac's back. "Brute wont... ummm..." Tamer's lips pressed again and her eyes wondered anywhere but to Annabelle, who was frowning in thought and recalling what the drake had done to one her ex coltfriend. Chasing, Brute putting the ponies head into his maw, acting like he was going to eat him, tossing the colt up into the air and letting him fall back down, and Mac's personal favorite, dragon's fire... lot and lots of dragon's fire. "Well, he never really hurt Glass, just kinda, um... scared him alot." "Scared him? Brute made it his mission in life to traumatize the colt at every turn." Tamer pointed out. Mac quirked a nervous brow and looked at Annabelle, who chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her neck, downplaying the severity of Brutes actions. Wittingly, Tamer contradicted her daughter's attempt at reassurance, starting off with the story of how Brute became part of "the family". Starting out with Tamer and her husband back when they were still married, Soarin and Annabelle were both well into foalhood at the time, and the family had taken a vacation to the north east town of Stalliongrad in Annabelle's father's family home. It was a late summer day, making the temperature just right for both Soarin and Annabelle to play outside while their parents discussed the circus idea. Tamer was far more in favor of the idea than her husband was, she wanted to live her dream of taming wild beasts and convincing them to do circus tricks and performances. Though, to do that as the show alone would be cruel and heartless, so a full on carnival affair was decided, finding performers of all types and walks to assist and make the festivities as diverse and entertaining as possible. As the day went on, both had noticed their children hadn't returned home yet and grew understandably worried. Once late afternoon hit, both ponies took outside to find the foals, fearing for their safety. It didn't take long for them to find Soarin, who was absolutely distraught beyond words. "Of course, we were both terrified. Even back then, Soarin was a thrill seeker who wasn't afraid of anything. To see him so scared that he couldn't even talk right dang near gave me a heart attack." Tamer declared with a sad chuckle, her eyes glossing over and going out of focus for a moment. Mac felt Annabelle's fetlock tighten around his, Soarin hadn't been spoken about much lately, neither had her father. He couldn't imagine how she was feeling hearing all of this right now. "Turns out, that little filly right there was riding a dragon! Her, my daughter, my precious little angel, giggling and squealing in delight as she held onto the spines of a well to do, golden drake. Hopping around and showing her the time of her life. No explanation as to where she found him, or anything!" Annabelle blushed and looked away, Mac was happy to feel her tension leave. Tamer was laughing, recalling how Soarin tried to "save his sister" by flying after the dragon and was continually swatted away by the beasts tail. Her snickering laughter became an almost contagious guaffaw between her recounting of the event, complete with facial features of her son chasing after the dragon. "Ehe, yea. My brother and Brute never did get along..." Said Anna, looking more than a little uncomfortable. Tamer, just noticing the buttermilk mare's discomfort, wound down her acting to a subdued and somber sigh. "I'm sorry, Anni... I forgot that... Gah, I'm the worst mother ever." "Don't say that." Anna shot back. "You're a great mom!" Everypony went quiet for a moment, save Granny, who never much cared for quiet and tense moments unless she was the one making them. "So, y'all had a place up in Stalliongrad, didja? Used to live up there with mi own ma n' pa back in the day 'fore we came ta Ponyville." She sighed and smiled. "Happy Ah made the move too, apples n' cold go together like oil n' water." As happy as Mac was for the change in topic, his mind was still stuck on Brute and his known treatment of Annabelle's love interest. He squared off against a dragon once and only lived to tell about it because of a bunch of griffons coming to save he and his friends. Brute was no where near the leviathan Golvec was, if memory served, but still, he'd learned that dragons were not to be trifled with. How Annabelle's mother managed to control such a terrible force was beyond him, but he figured the dragon's affinity for Annabelle herself had something to do with it. The conversation continued on for a while more, Granny, Tamer and Anna recalling stories of passed events, how Granny had come to Ponyville, Tamer's occupation, Anna joining the circus as the new dragon tamer after he mother left, the family and friends who were slowly trickling into town on the bride's side of the wedding. All of the things in-laws talked about when getting to know each other. "So, Big Macintosh, tell me a little about yourself. I can see you're the strong and quiet type." Beast Tamer said, looking at him with great interest. "Umm..." Mac rubbed hooves together nervously. He didn't much care for small talk, especially when it was with an almost inlaw. "Ah... buck apples?" Granny spat out the apple cider she was drinking, almost choking on it as she burst out into unadulterated and unashamed laughter. Annabelle's jaw dropped and Tamer looked more than a little amused. '... You... buck apples...' His inner voice inhaled and exhaled deeply in disapproval. The stallion closed his eyes and pressed his lips in humiliation, that had to be in the top five most embarassing things he'd ever done in his entire life. Kicking out the Smarty Pants fiasco. "What he means is that he kicks the trees in the orchard and makes the apples fall." Annabelle clarified, saving at least some of her husband-to-be's dignity. "Ohhhhh. Okay then." "'Ah buck apples', that there's the funniest thing Ah've heard in a dog's age." Granny managed between snickers. Anna placed her forleg around Mac and pulled herself closer in a show of support, an act the stallion was grateful for. "Alright, what else? I understand that farm work can be very taxing and time consuming, but there must be more than that, yea?" Tamer inquired, leaning forward in her seat. "Anni says you helped stop a bunch of communists in Canterlot. Is that true?" "Yes ma'am." He nodded, feeling a little proud. He recalled the event in all the details he cared to share, keeping out the bits about visiting Sin in the dungeon and trying to do the same for Prince Platinum's attack, but how he'd gotten injured made that difficult. Mac hadn't realized it until that point, but the whole ordeal was quite a bit bigger and more intimidating than he remembered, what with Tamer asking questions and Annabelle reminding him of certain details he'd mentioned before but forgot about. Luna's involvement with his infiltration and garnering the hundred ponies for the sake of influence, the hours upon hours of study, seeing his friend arrested and the helplessness there in. Then there was the operation itself. Meeting Wedge and the Trotski leaders, talking to the communists and spreading descent and mistrust between the two factions, implementing ideas about separatism and a state sanctioned commune, the few attempts on his life, becoming one of the more respected members of the protesters... Failing to stop a brawl in the middle of town square outside the castle proper. "Oh my." Was all Tamer could say, looking at the stallion in awe of his accomplishment. The stallion was still a little disappointed that he wasn't able to curve the violence at the end, but Annabelle was there to remind him that he was just one pony, a pony who had done his best and that's all that he could hope to do. "Quite the accomplishment, Mr. Macintosh. A farmer by day, and political protector at night" Tamer declared, nodding her head in approval before turning her attention to Annabelle. "You've chosen well, Anni. I approve." "Thanks mom, I'm glad you like him, because I love him." She squeezed Mac a little tighter, making him blush as she nuzzled into the side of his neck. The heart warming moment was shattered as the front door burst open and three frantic fillies came charging into the living room. However, through their incomprehensible slew of disorienting words, Mac took special notice that they were frantic not with fear or terror, but with enthusiastic glee. "Girls, girls! Calm down, now what has y'all so riled up?" Sweetie Bell, Applebloom and Scootaloo looked between eachother with beaming smiles before shouting in unison. "THERE'S A DRAGON OUTSIDE!" The declaration was followed by more enthusiastic and unintelligible words, asking about where he'd come from, why he was there and most importantly, if he was friendly enough to play with... Granny shook her head, back in her day, foals ran away from dragons, they didn't ask to play with them.