The Arrogance of Man

by Johng117

Chapter 52: Training Day

The sun was rising over the horizon and the air was growing much colder. The leaves that had hung from the branches of the trees had nearly all fallen for the coming winter. The sound of rushing water filled the air as a great landscape filled with a vast amount of water poured down as a waterfall. The falls were made up of two major cliffs. The first cliff sat at the top of the highest point of the elevated landscape. As the water fell from this cliff, it fell down to a second cliff that protruded from the first cliff below. The water continued down to the second cliff and fell down towards a great pool of water that led down towards two separate rivers that ran across the land.
Junior sat down on a rocky edge near the highest point of the land where the water traveled down the falls. He watched as the mist from the waters filled the air. He deeply inhaled and sharply exhaled as he took in the clean air. He turned around and found Caesar piling up stones together at the height of eight feet. The trees that were nearby on this plateau were also losing their leaves. They lied scattered on the ground in the woods. Junior turned back to the great river and scooped up water into his hand and to drink it. He sighed as he cold liquid traveled down his throat and into his belly. Junior stood up and began to make his way over towards Caesar.
"So, what are we gonna do? It must be big if you dragged me all the way out to Neighagra Falls during the previous day," said Junior. Caesar hummed to himself as he looked the stones over.
"Right. Well, I want us to work on your reflexes, your durability and your strength. As the days pass, your body is adjusting to the essence that you have absorbed. The attack that you have used resulted in your Kaiju strength being manifested from the spirit essence and into your physical body. You must learn how to use it at will. This will require you to work yourself to your physical limit," said Caesar. He picked up a palm sized stone and threw it at Junior. The Transmutant yelped as he duck under it. He shot the Shisa a glare.
"What the hell, Caesar?!" shouted Junior.
"Sorry. I just wanted to make sure that you were paying attention," said Caesar as he began to pace around. Junior scowled in annoyance.
"Now, let us get started on your warm up exercises. I want you to drop on the ground and give me sets of one hundred push ups. Don't stop until I say so," ordered Caesar. Junior's eyes widened and he sighed in disappointment.
"Seriously?" asked Junior.
"Yes. Given your enhanced abilities, we need to make sure that you are actually getting worn out from exercise. You'll be able to do it," said Caesar. Amber crawled along Caesar's back along with two other fairies.
"You can do it, Takeshi!" cried Amber. Junior sighed.
"Fine," said Junior. He dropped down onto his knees and placed his hands on the ground. He proceeded to get into position as he began to push himself off of the ground. The Transmutant proceeded to count as he performed his push ups.


Koizumi hummed to himself as he sat down at a table inside of the royal guard barracks. He read through a sheet of paper as he leaned back in his seat. The mercenary's face cracked a small smile as he continued to read through the letter and chuckled to himself. From the side, Inoue walked over to him and leaned over his shoulder.
"A letter from family?" asked Inoue.
"Nah. Something better," said Koizumi.
"Wait, 'better'?" asked Inoue in confusion. She pitied the man if a letter about whatever it was he was reading would be better compared to receiving something from a family member.
"Yep. Someone in the capital city is offering to pay me some money to retrieve some bits that some bandits robbed from his banks," said Koizumi with a chuckle.
"OK. So what?" asked Inoue with a shrug. "It's not like you can just go on out and leave to do the job,"
"The hell I can't!" said Koizumi with a glare. Inoue shrunk back.
"You're seriously going to take the job?! You can't! We need you here with us under direct orders from the commander! You're also supposed to be training those guards!" argued Inoue.
"Inoue, I'm not a soldier. I'm a mercenary, meaning that I'm free to take the job as I damn well please! Besides, I already accepted the job a couple of days ago. The only reason why I haven't bailed on you guys is because the princess's payment is keeping me here," said Koizumi as he began to write down an address on a smaller piece of paper. Inoue looked at him with wide eyes at his response.
"Are you serious?" asked Inoue in disbelief. Koizumi glanced at her. He swore that he caught a slight hurt expression.
"Well, yeah. I have to make a living, Inoue. I need to make my reputation known for when this thing is over. I don't plan on signing on to another military organization ever again. The mercenary life is for me," said Koizumi as he stood to his feet. He reached to the other side of the table and picked up a pistol. He placed it in his holster.
"Listen, I'm gonna be out for a while. The guy who owns the bank says that the bandits have a pretty small group and that there are rumors that they are hiding out in Baltimare," said Koizumi. He walked away and towards the far end of the room.
"But-" Inoue called out to him but did not finish her thought since Koizumi interrupted her.
"Don't worry about it! I can handle it myself!" said Koizumi. She sighed in response as she looked at him with a frown. The Elf crossed her arms as she watched Koizumi walk off to the far end of the room. Inoue looked down at the letter that was sitting on the table. Curious, she picked it up and began to read it. Her eyes widened, which then hardened into a scowl.
"That son of a bitch," spat Inoue as she tossed the paper back on the table. She then smirked to herself.
"I'll show him," said Inoue. She rushed over towards the far end of the barracks where her combat gear was placed. Inoue removed her sweat pants and slipped on her military apparel. The Elf then tied her hair into a bun and slipped on the armor pieces onto her body and over her clothes. After she snapped on her armor breast piece, she went for her forearms and her shins. Inoue smirked as she heard the back door open. She turned and found Koizumi to walking out. Her eyes widened in surprise at his clothing. Rather his advanced Slayer unit armor, the Earthbound was wearing a modified version of the flexible under suit that he and other Slayers were meant to wear when putting the armor on.
Koizumi's arms were covered in the standard infantry gauntlets and shoulder pads. His shins and knees were covered in armor from the same kind of set of armor. His chest was protected by a light armor chest piece. On his back were his dual katanas, which were strapped over his left shoulder. Koizumi had two pistols, which were held on holsters over his thighs. A belt was wrapped around his waist, holding pouches that contained his ammunition. Koizumi continued to walk through the barracks, catching a few odd glances from the guards and a few rebels that were present. As Koizumi was about to reach the door, Inoue stepped in front of him. He looked at her in confusion as he noticed her in her combat apparel.
"What are you doing?" asked Koizumi.
"Guess what, asshole. Turns out that little letter was requesting you to bring more Rebels to help since the so called 'small group' is actually part of a notorious crime syndicate!" said Inoue. Koizumi sent her a look of annoyance.
"You're nosey, you know that?" asked Koizumi.
"Hmph! Be that as it may, you're going to need back up since even Celestia's guards and even local law enforcement haven't been able to get these guys. I'm coming with you," said Inoue as she crossed her arms. Koizumi sighed in annoyance.
"You'll slow me down," said Koizumi. Inoue sent him a glare.
"Try me! I'm betting that you're going to pretty much kill these guys instead of arresting them, am I right?" asked Inoue.
"How I accomplish the job is my business. The way of the mercenary is to do whatever is necessary to get the job done," said Koizumi.
"Hm. I don't think Princess Celestia will approve of that~," sang Inoue as she smirked. Koizumi glared at her. "It'd be a shame if she found out about this,"
"Fine. You can come," said Koizumi in a growl. Inoue nodded in approval.
"Smart guy. But, I do think that we should take one more person along with us to help. Someone who's stronger than most of us," said Inoue.
"Let's ask that Takeshi kid. He's tough," suggested Koizumi. Inoue shook her head.
"No, we can't do that. He's not in Canterlot right now. I think we should ask one of his friends. Maybe Mosura," said Inoue.
"Nah. We're likely going to be killing these guys. She doesn't have the spine to kill," said Koizumi as he rolled his eyes.
"Hmm. Yeah, that's a good point. The other Transmutants are living in Mustangia and that's too far. That leaves Shou and Riku," said Inoue as she tapped her chin. Koizumi grinned to himself.
"I think Shou might be a good decision. The kid is fast and sneaky," said Koizumi.
"He's kind of a loose cannon," said Inoue in reluctance.
"The guys are all loose cannons! But Shou is the one least likely to tear down three blocks worth of Baltimare," said Koizumi. Inoue sighed.
"I suppose," said Inoue. Koizumi nodded as he brushed passed the Elf.
"Good. Come on, I call driver's seat of the jeep," said Koizumi.
"Damn," mopped Inoue as she followed Koizumi out the door.

"Seriously?" Rodan was standing next to Angirasu. The two were with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Koizumi stood next to the jeep while Inoue sat in the passenger seat.
"You bet kid. You got some skills that we could use for this mission," said Koizumi with a smile. Rodan grinned.
"Wow! So you two want me to go this secret mission with you two?" asked Rodan.
"Something like that," answered Inoue in reluctance. She disliked the thought of deceiving the Transmutant into assisting Koizumi in a mercenary's job. But she wanted to make sure that the mercenary would not get himself killed by going off alone.
"Hell yea- Oh, wait," Rodan stopped his excitement as he glanced at Rainbow. He cleared his throat as he turned to face the rebels.
"Actually, I had already made plans with these guys. We were going to introduce the girls to some friends of ours that we met a few months back," said Rodan. Rainbow looked at him in disbelief.
"Dude, are you kidding?! Take the job!" said Rainbow. Rodan looked at her in surprise.
"Really?" asked Rodan.
"Yeah! How often do you get to play as the hero! Besides, these guys are asking for your help! This might help fix up your guys' reputation!" said Rainbow. She then slugged Rodan's shoulder.
"If you're gonna go, just make sure you get here in one piece. We'll be hanging out at Fluttershy's place for hours anyway," said Rainbow. Rodan lightly smiled.
"Alright," said Rodan. He pulled the Valkyrie close and planted a kiss on her lips. "I'll catch you later, babe,"
"See ya, hot stuff," said Rainbow with a wink. Rodan gave a nod to Angirasu, who returned it. Rodan jogged over towards the jeep. He made his way over to the back and opened the door. As he hopped in the jeep, Rodan waved to his friends, who waved to him as Koizumi got back into the jeep. The armored jeep rolled back and then drove off to the side. Inoue turned around in her seat and handed Rodan a case.
"You're gonna need these," said Inoue. Rodan took the case and placed it on his lap. As he opened the case, a grin formed on his face.
"This is gonna be awesome," said Rodan.
Meanwhile, back with Angirasu and the two Valkyries, they watched as the jeep took off. Rainbow bore a small smile, which later turned to a small look of concern. The trio continued walking to Fluttershy's residence. Angirasu turned to Fluttershy with a smile.
"Hey, thank you for housing Adagio and the others. I hope they weren't any trouble," said Angirasu.
"Oh, not at all! Thank you for lending me two extra mattresses for them. But I have to admit, I was startled by what you told me about them," said Fluttershy. Rainbow looked at Angirasu in confusion.
"Yeah, why are you guys friends with Sirens. Those things are dangerous!" said Rainbow.
"Rainbow Dash, they're not things. They're people. Besides, these Sirens aren't malicious like the ones that attacked sailors out in sea," said Angirasu with a slight frown. Rainbow crossed her arms.
"Hmm. Kind of hard to believe when you mentioned how they were going to sacrifice a lot of people to a sea dragon," deadpanned Rainbow. Angirasu looked away with a nervous chuckle.
"Uh...we all make mistakes?" said Angirasu with a shrug. Rainbow rolled her eyes.
"Whatever dude. I'll give them a chance since you seem to trust them," said Rainbow. Angirasu sighed in relief. Rainbow Dash turned her head and watched as the jeep that carried Rodan and the rebels disappeared out of sight. She sighed to herself with a frown. Fluttershy glanced at Rainbow.
"Are you alright?" asked Fluttershy in concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine," said Rainbow half-heatedly. In truth, she was worried about the Transmutant. She didn't like how only two rebels come to ask only for his help, rather than the rest of the Transmutants.

It was the afternoon over in Equestria. Koizumi stood by with a trench coat on with a hat on his head. He scanned the area on a rooftop with a pair of binoculars. Rodan and Inoue sat by in silence as they watched Koizumi spy on a large, abandon building. Koizumi smirked to himself. Inoue stood up to her feet and made her way over to Koizumi's side.
"OK, so this guy said that these assholes have been stealing from his banks a couple of other times before. Since the banks keep their money locked up in vaults and in chests, I gave the guy a tracker to place in one of the chests," whispered Koizumi. Inoue looked at him surprise.
"How often do they rob his banks? They're bound to be caught!" Inoue whispered back.
"These guys are good at teleportation magic. They're slippery little bastards," said Koizumi. He then pulled out a piece of paper.
"The crime boss is some guy named Fat Cat. I doubt he's hiding out here, but I want to sweep the entire place of these guys," said Koizumi. He then pulled out a small device with a screen on it. He found a red, blinking dot to be centered on the digital layout of the map ahead.
"The goods must be inside of that building ahead. It's abandoned, but looks are deceiving. It's the perfect place for these assholes," said Koizumi. Inoue nodded to him.
"You're hovering over me awfully close," said Koizumi with a teasing tone. Inoue immediately shot up and backed away with a look of embarrassment.
"Shut up!" spat Inoue. Koizumi shook his head in amusement. He stood up and reached into his coat's pocket to pull out a leathery black mask. He took off his hat and placed his mask on. The mask had two holes large enough for Koizumi to see through and had an image of a crimson skull over his face.
"That's an awesome mask," said Rodan. Inoue looked at it with a raised brow.
"It looks kinda like one of those masks they sell at those kinky stores," said Inoue. Rodan snorted in amusement while Koizumi sent her a glare.
"It's just the leather. I made it myself for your information!" said Koizumi. Inoue rolled her eyes.
"Sure," said Inoue. Koizumi rolled his eyes as he walked over to the edge of the rooftop.
"Look, you two just keep an ear open on your COMs. I'm going to invite myself inside," said Koizumi as he hopped off of the roof and landed on the jeep's roof. He then dropped down into the alley and ran down towards the road. Inoue and Rodan both rushed over towards the ledge.
"Uh...would you mind carrying me down?" asked Inoue with a nervous laugh as she looked over the edge. The drop frightened her.
"Yeah, I can do that," said Rodan with a smile.
Meanwhile, Koizumi was making his way over towards the abandoned building. He rolled for cover next to the building wall and sneaked towards a window. Koizumi stood up and peaked through the cracked and dirty window. He hummed to himself as he spotted a couple of men with swords, arrows, and axes. He noticed a few elves inside that appeared to be unarmed. He hypothesized that they may have been skilled in destructive magic. Koizumi found a bathroom door opening and a man walking out as the sound a toilet flushing filled the room. Koizumi turned and found a sewer manhole just a few feet away. He placed a finger to his ear.
"Guys, I'm going for a sneak attack. When you hear the signal, I want you two to charge in through the front door," said Koizumi as he made his way over to the manhole cover and began to remove it. On the other line, Inoue's face turned to confusion.
"OK, what's the-"
"Over and out! I'm heading into a shitty tunnel!" said Koizumi as he dropped down into the sewer. Inoue's expression turned blank as the communication was cut off.
"-Signal?" said Inoue. She scowled.
"Goddamn it. I hate it when people do that," said Inoue as she crossed her arms. Rodan shrugged in response as he crouched next to the jeep and stared at the building.
Meanwhile, Koizumi treaded through the sewer in silence. The sound of water dripping filled his hearing. Koizumi gagged in disgust as he caught the smells of the sewer. He rushed around in the dark and narrow tunnel of the sewer. He found a staircase leading up towards a platform. Koizumi smiled under his mask and ran up the stairs. He found a ladder leading up to the ceiling, which had a steel circular door that covered a large part of the ceiling. Koizumi leapt up the ladder and towards the last few steps. He reached into a large bag that hung from his shoulder and pulled out a detonation pack.
"I think I need to make an entrance," said Koizumi with a dark smile. He pressed the keys on the explosive as he made playfully made beeping sounds. He chuckled as he stuck the explosive onto the ceiling.
"Time to go boom," said Koizumi as he dropped from the ladder and dove for cover.
Meanwhile, inside of the abandoned building. An Earthbound man with a black ski mask strolled away from the men's bathroom door as he whistled to himself. Suddenly, the bathroom door burst open as fiery explosion shot through the bottom floor of the building. The man yelled as the force of the explosion blew him into the air. Several goons jumped at the loud explosion and watched as burning furniture was blown across the lobby. Two goons looked at each other with wide eyes and back to where the explosion occurred. Some began to steel themselves for battle as they slowly walked from the far edge of the lobby and towards the restrooms.
Koizumi removed the trench coat that he was wearing and tossed them into a small fire. He then sat his bag filled with explosives safely to the side. He stepped on the men's bathroom door as he waved his hand over the front of his face.
"Whew! That's what happens when you mix explosives with a spicy meal!" said Koizumi. The goon that was caught in the explosive force fell down from the ceiling and landed several feet behind Koizumi. The mercenary turned his head to find the prone man on the ground, soaked in sewage. Koizumi slowly turned his head forward with a hard stare.
"Now be honest. I'm not the only one with a little bit of shit in their pants right now, am I?" Koizumi asked no one in particular. From the corner out of his eye, he found members of the local crime syndicate. They stared with wide eyes and glared at the mercenary.
"Who in Tartarus are you?!" demanded one of the men. Koizumi placed his hat back on his head.
"I'm the one who knocks," said Koizumi as he pulled out his pistols and aimed for the men. He charged forward and fired his weapons, shooting down several goons. Koizumi placed one of his guns in its holster and pulled out one of his katana blades. He ducked under an Elf that shot a bolt of magic and then cut him down. Koizumi then popped a bolt into another goon's head and then sent a strong kick into the neck of another goon that came at him from behind. Koizumi placed his second gun back into its holster and then threw a knife at an Elf that teleported near his left. The knife impaled the Elf in his chest, causing him to drop onto his knees in agony. Koizumi strolled over towards the goon and yanked the knife out of his chest. He then kicked the man against his head, knocking him unconscious. Koizumi sighed to himself as he cleaned his blade.
"I sure hope the other guys put up more of a fight," said Koizumi. He turned as he heard the front door burst open. He found Inoue pointing her rifle into the lobby as Rodan got into a fighting stance. Their eyes widened in shock as they found burned furniture, a huge hole in the restroom, and several dead goons on the ground.
"Huh," said Rodan. Inoue sent Koizumi a look of annoyance.
"Are you trying to show off?" asked Inoue.
"Hey, I can't help it if I'm this fucking awesome! Maybe you should improve upon your aim if you feel so self-conscious about it," said Koizumi as he turned and made his way over towards the bathroom and picked up his bags of explosives. He then made his way to the elevator. Inoue scoffed in response.
"Hey! My aim is fine, alright?"
"Sure, sweetheart," said Koizumi as he pressed a button on the elevator. Inoue growled as she and Rodan followed him into the elevator. The trio entered the elevator, waiting as it closed the doors. Rodan looked himself over. His clothing comprised of a brick red sweater with sweat pants. His chest was covered in a light chest plate and his arms were covered in gauntlets with blades attached. His shins were covered in armor pieces. The Transmutant smiled at the two rebels.
"Hey, thanks for this armor and the weapons. I'm looking forward to completing this mission," said Rodan.
"No problem," said Inoue with a smile. The elevator ascended as the sound of music played over the intercom inside. Koizumi smiled to himself.
"I love this song!" said Koizumi. He began to clear his throat while Inoue looked at him with a raised brow.
"You can sing," said Inoue in disbelief. As the song's lyrics were sung by the singer, Koizumi joined in.
"I believe I can fly~ I believe I can touch the sky~ I think about it every night and day~ Spread my wings and fly away~" Koizumi followed a perfect sync with the music as he held his arms out as if they were wings. Inoue tilted her head.
"What?" asked Inoue in disbelief.
"He sings like an angel," said Rodan. Koizumi dropped to his knees as he continued to sing.
"I believe I can soar~ I see me running through that open door~ I believe I can f-" Koizumi was interrupted as the elevator made an abrupt stop. Rodan and Inoue stumbled as the elevator rumbled and the lights turned off, being replaced by red lights. The music had stopped playing.
"Hmm. Looks like this is our stop," said Koizumi as he stood up and pulled out the tracking device.
"We still have a few floors to go before we can find the money that was stolen," said Koizumi. He turned towards the elevator door.
"Shou, give me a hand, will ya?" asked Koizumi. The two grabbed their own side of the elevator doors and pulled them back. The elevator was sitting just several inches below the door frame towards the next floor. Koizumi shimmied himself through and turned to help Inoue up towards the floor. As she got out of the elevator, Koizumi helped Rodan out. The three turned and heard the sound of rushing footsteps. Koizumi pulled out his katanas as he chuckled to himself. Inoue checked to see if the safety on her rifle was off and then pointed her weapon forward. Rodan extended the blades on his gauntlets by flicking his wrists.
"Let's kick some ass!" said Koizumi as he rushed down the hall towards several goons. He began to deflect magic bolts that were shot towards him. Rodan rushed towards two men that came at him with swords. He caught their blades with his bladed gauntlets and then forced them away. He then rushed towards one goon and sent quick kicks towards him followed by an elbow to the face. He then performed a round house kick against the second goon and knocked him unconscious. Inoue began to move up as she fired short bursts from her rifle. A few goons were shot dead, while others were shot in their legs. An Elf teleported in front of her and shot his hand forward. Inoue gasped as she raised her free hand, projecting an orange shield. The magic beam that struck her forced her back several feet away as it shattered her shield. Inoue rolled along the ground with a grunt. The goon shot his hand forward again and used his magic to strike the stalled elevator. The elevator suddenly dropped down as the cables that held it broke off. Inoue staggered onto her feet as she fired several bolts from her rifle. The goon teleported out of harm's way and reappeared beside her. He sent a powerful kick against her, causing her to roll towards the open elevator door way.
"Koizumi! Shou! Help!" cried Inoue. Rodan and Koizumi turned their attention towards the soldier and found the goon to be forcing her back.
"Shit!" said Koizumi as he cut down a goon in his way and rushed towards the Elf.
"I'll hold them off!" said Rodan as he ran passed Koizumi. The Transmutant yelled as he used his gauntlets to cut down and stab a few goons that got too close. He then sent a powerful punch against another goon, sending him across the room. Rodan chuckled as he charged towards them and felt a burst of unfathomable energy shoot through his body. His adrenaline spiked as the world around seemed to have slowed down. Rodan's eyes were wide as he felt as light as a feather. His green eyes glowed as a red mist engulfed his body. The mist then swirled around his arms, legs, and chest like the wind. Rodan suddenly burst into a sprint. To the goons, he appeared to be moving as a blur, but Rodan felt as though he were running in a world that seemed to be moving slowly.
The Transmutant shot towards two soldiers and sent rapid punches, forcing the men against the walls. He then disappeared into a blur and reappeared before another goon and performed an uppercut. Rodan then shot forward again, which resulted in a sonic boom in the building. The loud sound deafened those close by and blew them away. Koizumi stumbled as he reached the Elf and slammed into the wall. The goon that was attacking Inoue was blown through the elevator shaft, taking Inoue with him. Inoue screamed as she plummeted down, but she suddenly caught a remaining elevator cable. The young woman panted as she stared down the shaft with wide eyes and watched the goon that attacked her fall to his death. She turned her head and clenched her eyes shut as the goon hit the bottom with an echoed thud. She panted as she opened her eyes and found herself far from the floor that she was on. Inoue was tempted to jump to the other side, but as she looked down, she feared the possibility of missing the jump. She heard the sound of an elevator door opening above, causing her to shoot her head up. Her eyes widened in horror as she spotted an Elf waving an aura engulfed hand at the higher point of the cable that she held onto.
Rodan panted after the rush of energy dissipated from his body. He turned with a look of amazement at how the hall was wrecked from his recent assault. He looked down at his arms and found the red aura that engulfed them dissipating.
"Wow. This must be that power that Amber was telling us about," said Rodan in amazement. He jumped as he heard Inoue cry out. He turned and found the young woman holding onto an elevator cable in the shaft. Koizumi staggered as he attempted to fight off a few goons. Rodan's eyes widened as he looked at the destruction around him and how the rebel dangled from the cable. He noticed how several of the goons were blown away and the walls appeared as if pressure forced them inward.
"Oh, no," said Rodan in realization. The goon that was attacking was nowhere in sight, and he swore that he heard a man cry out as if he was faced with the last moments of his life. At the same time, he heard Inoue scream, which echoed. He realized that whatever he did was responsible for her position.
"Inoue!" cried Rodan as he ran down the hall and towards the elevator shaft. Inoue stared fearfully as the Elf on the higher floor began to charge a magic beam. She looked back at Rodan, knowing that he wouldn't possibly make it. Inoue steeled her muscles as she positioned herself to the side. With a deep breath, she shot her body forward as she released the cable. Just then, the cable was cut by the goon's magic, causing it to snap. As Inoue reached the ledge, she shot her hands forward and caught the ledge. She panted as she attempted to climb up. However, the cable that she held onto for dear life began to glow as it fell. The cable suddenly sprung to life and shot towards the rebel's leg. Inoue gasped as she felt it wrap around her ankle and up to her knee.
"Aaah!" Inoue screamed as she felt herself pulled off of the ledge. She continued to scream as the cable pulled her down, but stopped as her hand was caught. She shot her head up and found Rodan holding her hand with a frantic expression.
"I got ya! You're gonna be OK!" said Rodan with a panicked tone. He staggered forward as he felt a strong tug.
"Ah!" Inoue cried out in pain as she clenched her eyes shut. The cable tightened itself around her leg and pulled down on her. Koizumi had knocked down the remaining goon that was in his way and rushed over towards the two.
"What are you doing?! Pull her up!" said Koizumi.
"The cable has my leg! He can't pull me up!" said Inoue as she held onto Rodan as tight as she could. Rodan noticed the faint glow that was coming from the upper floor through the shaft. He found the Elf to be leaning over with a sadistic grin.
"There's some Elf using his magic! His aura is the same color as the one that's controlling the cable!" said Rodan. Koizumi nodded as he pulled out his pistol. Inoue began to pant as she stared at Rodan with pleading eyes.
"Please, don't let me go!" cried Inoue as she used her free hand to hold onto Rodan's arm.
"No way in hell am I going to let you go!" said Rodan. He suddenly felt a piercing pain reach his back. He cried out in pain as a spark of magic struck his back. Koizumi turned around and found one Elf remaining. The mercenary fired his pistol, sending a bolt into the goon's head. Inoue gasped as Rodan's grip loosened as he hunched over in pain. Their hands slipped from each other's, allowing the Elf to fall. Rodan's eyes widened in horror as he watched Inoue's face disappear under the ledge. He hardened his eyes as they flashed green. Rodan shot through the shaft at high speed before Koizumi could turn around. The Transmutant slammed into the wall of the elevator shaft and found Inoue slowly falling to her doom. As the red aura engulfed Rodan, he shot towards her and caught the Elf. Her leg was still being pulled by the enchanted cable, forcing the Transmutant to act the only way he could think of. He wrapped the Elf into his embrace as he rolled with her, bringing her head close to his chest as he shielded her head and neck with his arm, exposing his back to the ground. Koizumi had just looked down and found the two falling down the shaft. He quickly turned and glared at the Elf that had enchanted the cable. Koizumi fired a shot into his head, cutting the magic off from the cable, but Rodan and Inoue still fell and crashed onto the destroyed elevator that was on the last floor. Koizumi panted as he searched for any sign of life coming from them.
"Shou! Inoue! Are you two alright?!" called Koizumi as he stared down at the elevator shaft. He was able to make out with Inoue lying over Rodan with her eyes closed. The Transmutant weakly raised his head as he stared down at the prone Elf. He slowly raised himself up with Inoue. The Elf's head slumped down against his shoulder. Rodan's heart began to race.
"No. No, no, no, no!" Rodan said as he began to panic. Koizumi watched as he lied the Elf down. Rodan forced his hands on her armored breast plate as his claws dug into them. He clawed the armor apart, exposing her chest. Rodan brought his head against where her heart would be and listened anxiously. After several seconds, his eyes nearly watered. A single heart beat filled his hearing. Rodan shot his head up.
"She's still alive but I think she's hurt pretty bad!" said Rodan. Koizumi lamely nodded to him as he peaked through the elevator shaft.
"OK. Shou, I need you to do me a favor. I want you and Inoue to get out of here. Get her to a hospital. Hell, get her to a vet if you can't find one," said Koizumi in a calm voice. Rodan nodded frantically.
"OK, but what about you? What about the mission?" asked Rodan.
"You let me worry about that. Your priority is the girl," said Koizumi in a firm tone. Rodan nodded to him.
"OK!" said Rodan. He shakily stood up to his feet and scooped Inoue up into his arms. The Transmutant made his way over to the dented elevator door and kicked it open. He found himself staring out to the lobby. Rodan rushed through the lobby where he found local law enforcement standing with a crowd of civilians. The officers kept people back from the building. Rodan panted as he ran towards the door and opened it, making everyone focus on him.
"Look!" cried a woman as she pointed towards Rodan. The Transmutant bore a pleading expression as he carried Inoue.
"Help! Please, I need get her to a hospital!" cried Rodan as he made his way over towards the officers. They met him along with a few paramedics, who took Inoue out of his arms and took her to a white chariot where a stretcher lied. They laid the rebel on there and removed her helmet. Rodan panted as he watched them place her into the chariot. An officer made her way over to the Transmutant.
"Kid, are you alright?" asked the officer. Rodan shook his head as he began to hyperventilate.
"No. No, it was all my..." Rodan dropped to his knees as the pain from falling down through the elevator began to take its toll on him. His adrenaline had subsided, resulting in him being able to feel the overwhelming pain. He gave a bitter chuckle, thankful that he had enough strength to get Inoue to safety. Rodan fell over on the ground on the asphalt as he gave soft breaths.
"Hey! Kid, talk to me!" said the officer as she shook the Transmutant. Rodan allowed one single tear to roll down his cheek and onto the ground.
'It was my fault,' thought Rodan. He closed his eyes, drifting out of consciousness.

Inside of the abandoned building, Koizumi walked up the stairs in silence. Due to the fact that the elevators had been sabotaged or destroyed, he was forced to climb the stairs. The mercenary stopped as he looked back to Inoue's frightened face as she fell. The image had seared itself into his mind. Koizumi shook the thought off.
"I told that idiot not to get involved. I could've handled this myself. She's still just a kid," said Koizumi as he shook his head. He began to walk up the steps. Through experience, many comrades had been lost as he fought alongside them. Most of them, he never really knew or gave a damn about knowing them. The mercenary was battle hardened and did whatever it took to get the job done. No loss of comrades was enough to slow him down. It was their decision to fight; therefore he could not harbor any guilt or despair.
Koizumi continued to walk up the stairs as he looked at his tracking device. Only several more enemies lied nearby. As Koizumi continued to walk, Inoue's face kept flashing in his mind. Her saw her scowl, her smile, her angry expression, and her annoyed expression. The last two expressions were very amusing for him to see. He always enjoyed teasing the young soldier, but then her fearful expression played back in his mind. Koizumi grunted in annoyance as he shook his head.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Koizumi muttered to himself. He felt himself growing stressful, anxious, and angry. Koizumi felt his chest as he felt his heart pound heavily.
"Why am I feeling this way? It was her decision to come," said Koizumi. He found a door leading to the floor that he was meant to find. Koizumi opened it and pulled out his pistols. As he walked through, his mind wandered.
'I wonder if Shou got her to a hospital. Ah, what the hell am I worrying about that?' thought Koizumi. He raised his pistol as he shot a goon hiding in the corner. He fired more shots and took out any goon that attempted to attack him. Koizumi pulled the trigger again as he pointed it at a goon that came at him with a crow bar. It clicked, signaling that the clip was empty. Koizumi grunted as he was struck by the crowbar. His eyes widened in shock as he dropped to his knees.
'Normally I would react sooner. What the hell is going on?' thought Koizumi. He suddenly felt a blood thirsty urge take over him as he glared at the man that struck him. Koizumi sent his foot against the man's knee, causing it to snap. The goon cried out in agony as he fell back against the wall. Koizumi growled as he pointed his pistol at him.
"Daddy needs to express some rage," said Koizumi in a growling voice. He pulled the trigger and fired at the incapacitated goon. Koizumi stood back onto his feet as he turned forward and found two more goons rushing towards him. Koizumi reached for his swords on his back and pulled them out. He twirled his blades as he walked towards them. A goon rushed towards him with a baseball bat and swung it after the mercenary, but Koizumi stepped to the left and avoided the bat. He then thrust his right arm towards the goon and impaled him in his chest. Koizumi kicked him off and then charged towards the remaining goon. The two clashed swords, with Koizumi pushing him back. The mercenary yelled as he forced him back and used the blades as scissors against the goon's neck.
Koizumi's mind flashed back to Inoue's face, resorting in the mercenary to drop his swords next to his latest victim. He stared down at the ground as he raised his shaking hand.
'So it was just for the money? It wasn't anything more?!' Inoue's voice echoed in his mind. The mercenary growled as he shook his head.
"No, you are not going to guilt trip me Inoue!" shouted Koizumi. He stood up to his feet and picked up his katanas. He was breathing heavily as he staggered through the halls. He glanced at the tracker, finding his destination to be near.
"Yes, I fight for money. I hunt people down like animals and kill them," said Koizumi as he walked through the halls.
"I'm not kind like Yasu. I'm not some noble warrior like Yoshi, and I'm fine with that!" spat Koizumi. He cut down a goon that came at him from the corner.
"I'm good at what I do! I embrace it!" shouted Koizumi as he burst through a door, finding several goons. He breathed heavily as he chuckled.
"I am Kirā Koizumi. This is who I am!!" shouted Koizumi. He gave a war cry as he charged towards the goons that charged at him as well. A few bore bows and arrows. Two of them fired their arrows. Koizumi sliced one in half but was struck in the shoulder by the other. He grunted but pressed on. Koizumi leapt into the air as he brought his blades down on the first man that was before him.
The sound of agonized cries filled the halls. Blood splattered on the walls and floors. Blades whizzed through the air and clashed with other blades. Koizumi's cries echoed in the dark halls of the abandoned building. Soon, the fighting stopped and the cries died down. Koizumi emerged from the room dragging a large chest with a gem embedded in it. He brought it out to the hall and knelt before it. Koizumi found the lock to be broken and opened the chest, finding golden bits to be piled up high. Koizumi merely stared at it with a blank expression. He reached inside the gold and fished for the desired item. He pulled out the tracker that he had given to his employer. It was a small, pill shaped device with a small, blue blinking light. Koizumi placed the tracker in his pouch and made his way to the other chests that were inside. The mercenary opened them all and looked inside each one. After a few minutes of digging, he came across a foreign item. He dug his hand deeper and grabbed the item and pulled it out of the chest filled with bits. The item was that of a golden dragon with an emerald green gem embedded into its chest. Koizumi hummed to himself as he stood up and found the chest to be much smaller than the others. He tapped the hand sized dragon statue, but the gem in its chest began to glow. From the mouth came golden flames that flew towards the man's body. He gasped in surprise as the flames shot towards the arrow that was impeded in his shoulder. The arrow was magically yanked out of his shoulder and burst into golden ash. The wound was struck by the gold flames, which began to sear his wound shut. Koizumi stared at his healed shoulder in awe and then to the statue. Koizumi reached into his pouch and pulled out a folded piece of paper. It was part of the letter that he had received from his employer. However, this was hidden from Inoue.
"Yep. This is the artifact alright," said Koizumi. He shook his head as he closed and locked the chests up. The mercenary began to drag the chests out and found them all to bear inscriptions that gave the name of the banks that they belonged to.
"The cops should be returning these when they find them," said Koizumi. He then looked at the dragon statue in his hand with a scowl.
"You better be worth a lot of trouble," said Koizumi.

Two hours later...

Rodan was sitting on a chair next to a bed, where Inoue lied. The two were currently inside of a hospital room. The Transmutant covered in bandages as he sat with a hospital gown on. The humans had brought him here when he had passed out. Currently, Rodan was still in a bit of pain. However, he did not want to remain in bed. The young Transmutant looked over Inoue as she slept. The heart monitor beeped in the room, breaking the silence. Rodan took the young woman's hand and held it firmly. He lowered his head as he gritted his teeth.
"I'm sorry, Inoue. This is my fault," muttered Rodan. The sound of the door opening reached his ears. Rodan immediately turned around and found Koizumi standing in the door way. The mercenary was dressed in his off duty clothing. His expression was neutral as he stared at Rodan.
"How is she?" asked Koizumi.
"They said that she'll live. But she's going to have remain here for a while," said Rodan. Koizumi nodded to him and Rodan sighed as he turned back to look at Inoue with a frown.
"What's wrong kid? You saved her," said Koizumi. Rodan shook his head.
"No. I almost got her killed. I don't know what happened, but I had this weird reaction of power happen inside of me. I ended up blowing Inoue away into the elevator shaft," said Rodan as he placed his face into his hands.
"Yeah, it was kinda like that thing that Takeshi did. Is that something new?" asked Koizumi.
"I think so. But because of that, Inoue got hurt," said Rodan as he gave a sniffle. Koizumi looked at him with a raised brow.
"Are you crying?" asked Koizumi. Rodan gave a bitter chuckle.
"Lame, am I right? Oh, god," said Rodan as he shook his head. "When you guys told me that you needed to help, I was excited. I mean, I thought we'd come out as heroes doing this. But I treated this whole thing like a game. It ended up getting Inoue hurt, because I was careless," said Rodan. Koizumi sighed.
"Kid, don't beat yourself over what happened," said Koizumi as he made his way over to Rodan's side. He patted him on the shoulder. "Inoue's always been a stubborn girl. She's hardheaded, sensitive, and not the greatest in combat," said Koizumi. He stared at Inoue's resting face. "She knew that there would be risks taking a mission on like this. But she insisted. This is her fault for biting off more than she could chew."
"What about me?" asked Rodan.
"You do have a lot more to learn when it comes to stuff like this. But, what I saw today impressed me. You were willing to sacrifice yourself for your comrade. Something that a lot of people can respect," said Koizumi. Rodan shook his head.
"How do you do it? How can remain calm and collective about this?" asked Rodan.
"To be fair, I never really get attached to these guys. That might sound bad, but it's how I am. Besides, Inoue is tough," said Koizumi. He then patted Rodan again.
"You did good, kid. Since you admit that you saw this as a game and come to realization that it's not, I think that's a valuable lesson that you learned. Use that to help you think fast and smart in the heat of battle. That's what a leader does," said Koizumi.
"I'm not leader material. Goji and Mosu are those types," said Rodan as he waved his hand dismissively. Koizumi gave him a light smile.
"Neither am I. But that hasn't stopped me before," said Koizumi. Rodan glanced at him and then returned his smile with one his own.
"Are you well enough to go home?" asked Koizumi. Rodan popped his back.
"Yeah, just really sore," said Rodan. Koizumi reached into his pouch and handed him a small bag filled with bits.
"Here, buy yourself a ticket to Ponyville and head home. I'll look after Inoue for you," said Koizumi. Rodan looked at the door with reluctance.
"It's gonna be tough since they're expecting me to remain in the hospital," said Rodan.
"Just sneak out the window. Get dressed first," said Koizumi jokingly. Rodan chuckled in embarrassment as he got up and made his way over to the other bed in the room. He took the clothes that were folded on the shelf and rushed towards the bathroom. After a minute, Rodan emerged dressed up and made his way towards the window.
"I'll see you later, Koizumi," said Rodan. The mercenary nodded to him.
"Sure. See you, Shou," said Koizumi. Rodan opened the window and climbed out. He dropped down a few feet down to the ground and into the grass. He ran away from the hospital and down the road. Koizumi sighed as he made his way over towards the window and closed it. He then made his way back to the chair and near Inoue's bed and sighed as he watched her sleep.
"It's not as fun watching you sleep. I rather you send me a scowl or something," said Koizumi as he propped his head up by his hand on the arm of his chair. Inoue responded by breathing softly in bed. Koizumi raised a brow and slowly scooted closer to her side of the bed to watch her sleep. Her face was bruised and covered in bandages. She slightly shifted in bed as she crinkled her nose and turned her head to face Koizumi. The mercenary felt a small smile creep onto his face as he stared at her and brought a hand over her forehead to brush away the brunette locks out of her face. Inoue's face crinkled as she shifted in place. She suddenly grabbed Koizumi's arm and brought it close to her. Koizumi stumbled forward with a look of surprise. Inoue muttered in her sleep as she nuzzled Koizumi's arm. The mercenary raised a brow in response and sighed as he ruffled her hair with his free hand.
"Pleasant dreams, kid," said Koizumi as he pulled his arm away. He sat back in his seat as he watched over the young rebel.

Neigharah Falls

Junior panted as he carried a large sack filled with heavy stones over his back. He ran across the forest on the top plateau as Caesar and the fairies trailed near him at his side. Junior's body was drenched in sweat and his breathing was growing heavier. Amber fluttered at his side.
"You can do it, Takeshi! You're almost back to the river!" said Amber, hoping to motivate the Transmutant.
"Yeah! For the fiftieth time!" said Junior with a look of annoyance. The group continued to make their way over down towards the river. Junior felt himself growing more tired by the minute as he grew closer. He wanted to collapse and pass out on the spot, but grunted instead as he picked up his speed. He shook off his thoughts of giving up and pressed on. As he reached the river, Junior dropped to his knees and dropped the stones on the ground. He fell forward onto his belly and began to wheeze. Caesar trotted over to his side with Amber landing next to him.
"You did it!" cried Amber.
"I guess," panted Junior. He wheezed as he weakly glanced at Caesar. The Shisa nodded in approval.
"Very good. Get some rest. I want to test your durability in a couple of hours," said Caesar. Junior nodded lamely.

The Sirens sat down in Fluttershy's cottage on the sofa. Around them were six other human girls and two of their Transmutant friends. There was an awkward silence that filled the room. Sonata scratched her neck as she felt the tense atmosphere forming in the room. The three were currently wearing sweat pants with t-shirts. The Element Bearers sent wary glances towards three of the Transmutant Four. Mosura gave them a reassuring smile. Twilight cleared her throat.
"So, Adagio Dazzle. You know our friends here?" asked Twilight.
"Well, we certainly wouldn't be here if we didn't," said Adagio. Rainbow rolled her eyes.
"I can probably think of a couple other reasons," Rainbow muttered to herself. Aria sent her a look of annoyance but chose not to address the comment.
"So's Gojira holding up?" asked Adagio as she directed her attention to Mosura.
"He's doing well. He's in Canterlot right now, so he won't be back for a couple of weeks," said Mosura. Adagio lightly frowned as she leaned back.
"Oh, well that's a shame. I was looking forward to seeing him again," said Adagio. Twilight raised a brow at Adagio's disappointed tone. She immediately shook off the thought. Fluttershy peaked out from Angirasu's side with a timid step.
"Um...Ms. Dazzle? I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me?" asked Fluttershy.
"What would they be?" asked Adagio. Fluttershy's face brightened with curiosity that showed her thirst for knowledge.
"Have you ever seen a whale before? How big was it? Do you get to play with dolphins?!" asked Fluttershy with wide eyes. Adagio slightly recoiled back in surprise at how fast the questions came.
"Uh...Yes. It was pretty big. I have also played with Dolphins when I was little kid," answered Adagio.
"We still do!" said Sonata. Adagio looked away in embarrassment while Aria rolled her eyes.
"R-right," said Adagio. She didn't want to appear childish before these humans.
"That sounds wonderful!" said Fluttershy with bright eyes. Adagio cracked a small smile in response. This was interrupted as Pinkie shot from the crowd.
"But aren't there like scary monsters in the sea too? What about sharks, or dragons, or maybe even giant octopuses?!" exclaimed Pinkie. Rarity shuttered.
"Ugh. Just thinking of an octopus makes me sick. They're so...repulsive!" cried Rarity. Adagio lightly frowned as the conversation had suddenly steered towards the dangers of the sea. She was hoping that they would continue on with its beauty rather than the dangers that it had to offer.
"Oh, those aren't the only things you have to worry about!" said Sonata. The others turned to face her while Adagio's face turned to dread.
"There's also giant crab monsters, giant walruses, there's eel monsters, and there's even giant sharks!" said Sonata. Fluttershy's eyes widened as her face turned to dread.
"G-Giant sharks?" stuttered Fluttershy.
"O-Only in the deepest parts of the ocean!" said Adagio with a nervous smile. She then sent a glare towards Sonata.
"What?" asked Sonata with a shrug.
"Meh. Can't be any worse than Sirens sinking boats and the people on them," said Rainbow Dash as she crossed her arms. Angirasu and Twilight looked at her in disapproval while Applejack sent her a glare.
"Rainbow!" Applejack whispered in a scolding manner. The Sirens looked at Rainbow in offense. Adagio restrained herself from saying anything back, but Aria stood up from her sofa.
"Excuse me? You did not just say that," said Aria with venom in her tone. Rainbow looked at her nervously.
"Oh. Uh...I uh..."
"You what?" demanded Aria.
"Hey, I'm sorry! It just slipped out, you know? I didn't mean to offend you," said Rainbow as she waved her hands frantically. Aria scoffed as she crossed her arms.
"I swear, you land walkers are pathetic," said Aria.
"Hey! What do you got against land people?" asked Pinkie in offense. Adagio sighed as she shook her head.
"Aria, let it-"
"It's more of the fact that a lot of you are too damn paranoid to take a dip in the ocean because of the monsters that lurk underneath. Yet you all have your own monsters that fly or walk around!" said Aria.
"Yeah? Well...OK, you do have a point," said Rainbow as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"Yeah, and let's not mention the men in your society!" said Aria.
"Oh boy," said Sonata as she leaned against the sofa with a bored expression. The Element Bearers and Transmutants looked at her in confusion.
"Wait, what?" asked Mosura.
"When we were caught up in one of the towns around, we had to listen to a very unpleasant conversation about whose boobs were better than someone else's," said Aria with annoyance filling her tone. "God, the men on the surface are no better than the ones in the sea!"
"What's up with you guys on the surface and your obsession with women's breast? You notice how your entertainment and advertisements have a theme preoccupying them?" asked Aria. Everyone in the room remained silent. Adagio shook her head as she ran a hand over her face in exasperation while Aria glared Angirasu.
"I bet you're preoccupied with women's breasts, aren't you?" questioned Aria in a suspicious manner. Angirasu shrunk away as he looked at the Siren uncomfortably.
"I never really thought about them," said Angirasu in a small tone.
"So wait, are you mad at Rainbow Dash, people on land, or boys?" asked Pinkie in confusion. Aria sighed.
"I don't even know anymore. I just ended up ranting after the dangers of land and sea," said Aria with a scowl as she sat back down and crossed her arms. Twilight looked down in thought.
"Hmm. Guys obsessed with breasts," Twilight muttered to herself. She then looked down at her chest. The Elf thought back to the Transmutant as she inspected her own chest and frowned.
"I wonder..." Twilight crossed her arms with a disappointed expression. Mosura turned to look at Twilight in disbelief.
"Hey, I know what you're thinking! Don't let that thought bother you!" said Mosura in a scolding manner. Twilight blushed in embarrassment. Adagio cleared her throat.
"Listen, we understand why you all may be reluctant to trust us. Sirens don't exactly have a very charming reputation," said Adagio. She stood up to her feet with a firm expression. "But we came here to visit our friends. Not to start trouble,"
Mosura lightly smiled as she broke from the group. She made her way over to Adagio and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as she looked towards the humans.
"Come on, girls. I bet you'll love them! Put aside your worries of what they are like you did for us," said Mosura with a reassuring smile. Pinkie smiled as she made her way over to join the two.
"Do you like parties?" asked Pinkie.
"Uh...I don't have a problem with them," answered Adagio with a shrug. Pinkie smiled brightly.
"You're OK in my book!" said Pinkie as she patted Adagio on the shoulder. Rarity lightly smiled as she looked over the Sirens.
"Well, since you three will be here for a while, I suppose that I can make you three some clothes for you to wear," said Rarity. Adagio's curiosity peaked.
"You design clothes?" asked Adagio.
"Why, yes! I own my own boutique!" said Rarity with a prideful tone.
"I've...actually always kind of admired human's clothing," said Adagio with a small smile. Aria scoffed.
"No you didn't! You use to think they looked ridiculous years ago!" said Aria. Adagio turned around and sent her a glare while Rarity looked at Adagio in confusion. The curly haired Siren turned around with a forced smile.
"That was before I knew people on the surface thought it was shameful to be naked, especially in the waist down," said Adagio. Aria snorted.
"Yeah, which was only a few months ago," Aria muttered under her breath.
"Oh, well since it will be your first time shopping for clothes, we might be able to find something that you may like!" said Rarity.
"Oh! Oh! Are we going to be in town shopping?!" asked Sonata with an eager expression.
"Well of course! There is nowhere else we could possibly go to shop for clothes," said Rarity in amusements. Mosura made her way over to the Elf's side.
"I'll help! Maybe I can count on another girl's opinion rather than Goji's. He was hardly helpful when we had to shop for clothes for them before," said Mosura. Twilight stepped forward.
"I'll come to. I've been meaning to get new clothes," said Twilight. Rarity smiled.
"Excellent! Let's get going!" said Rarity as she took her purse and began to walk out the door. The Sirens, Twilight and Mosura all trailed after the Elf and out the door. Angirasu sighed as he stretched his arm.
"Well, I guess that worked out fine. What do you girls think?" asked Angirasu.
"I wonder if they can talk to fish," said Fluttershy with a curious expression. Applejack stood with their arms crossed.
"Well, I gotta say. They seem to be an alright bunch. They don't seem bad," said Applejack. Rainbow leaned against the wall.
"Hmm. Cream puff hair seems sincere. But I got my eye on them. I hear how Sirens hypnotize guys. You better watch yourself, Aang," said Rainbow as she glanced at the Transmutant. The Transmutant shook his head.
"No, they won't do that," said Angirasu with an amused smile. Rainbow sighed to herself.
"Well, I guess I'll just head home. If you see Rodan, let him know that I'll be taking a nap at my place," said Rainbow as she began to walk to the door. Angirasu nodded to her.
"Sure. Have a good day," said Angirasu. The Valkyrie opened the door and closed it. She then took off into the air and flew away. As the Valkyrie soared through the air, she turned towards the direction of her home, but her eye caught a familiar sight. Just several feet below, she saw Rodan slowly walking towards the Everfree forest. She smiled to herself as she picked up her speed and slammed into the Transmutant.
"Oof!" Rodan and Rainbow Dash tumbled across the grass a couple of feet. Rainbow Dash landed on top of the Transmutant, pinning him to the ground. She shook off her disorientation and found Rodan looking at her in surprise.
"Hey there," said Rainbow. Rodan lightly smiled.
"Hey, Dashie," greeted Rodan. Rainbow stood up from the Transmutant and helped him back onto his feet.
"Sorry about that. I guess I should've hit the brakes sooner, eh?" Rainbow chuckled.
"Nah. Accidents...happen," said Rodan as he bore a small frown. Today's earlier events played through his mind. Rainbow caught this and his half-hearted response.
"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Rainbow in worry. Rodan shook his head as he turned away.
"It's nothing. Sorry, I gotta get home," said Rodan as he began to walk away. Rainbow immediately grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her.
"Why not head over to my place? I'm actually on a break today," said Rainbow. Rodan nodded in reluctance.
"I guess," said Rodan. Rainbow smiled. She then playfully punched him in his chest.
"Twilight hit you with that spell that can let you walk on clouds didn't she?" asked Rainbow.
"Yeah," answered Rodan. Rainbow nodded in approval.
"Good! Wouldn't want ya falling out of my house," said Rainbow as she began to lead Rodan across the area.

Rodan sat down next to Rainbow Dash in silence. The two were currently sitting on her couch that sat in her home at the second floor of the tower. The house itself stood on a large clump of clouds that gave off rainbows. Two pools of rainbow fountains sat outside of the house and rained down onto the ground below. The living room on the second floor was circular, where a staircase was located on the side. A closet door was beneath the stair case and a couple of posters of the Wonderbolts stuck to the walls. The couple was locked in silence. Rainbow glanced at Rodan as he bore a frown.
"Dude, I know something is bothering you. You were fine a few hours ago! What happened?" asked Rainbow. Rodan sighed as he leaned back on the couch.
"I messed up Dash. One of the rebels was almost killed today," said Rodan. Rainbow turned to face him with a look of worry.
"What happened? What do you mean you messed up?" asked Rainbow. Rodan looked down at his hand.
"I don't know exactly. But I guess I'm gaining a new power. We were caught fighting some guys in this building. Then I ended up moving crazy fast, but I put one of the rebels in danger and she fell down an elevator shaft," said Rodan as he placed a hand on his face. He gritted his teeth as his mind replayed Inoue pleading to him not to drop her. Rainbow's eyes widened.
"If I hadn't treated the whole thing like a game and been more careful, she wouldn't be in the hospital right now," said Rodan. Rainbow Dash scooted closer to the Transmutant and wrapped an arm around him.
"Hey, come on. You can't take all the blame," said Rainbow.
"Why not? I wasn't careful with my abilities! She could have-" Rodan stopped as Rainbow took his face into her hands. She gave him a hard stare.
"Well, she didn't! And you should be thankful that she's still alive!" said Rainbow in a harsh tone. Rodan looked away with a frown. Rainbow sighed.
"You guys at least accomplished what you were doing, right?" asked Rainbow. Rodan lamely nodded.
"Yeah," said Rodan.
"Well, then what other reason is there to be upset about?" asked Rainbow.
"It's like you said. We all make mistakes," said Rainbow as she gave the Transmutant a light smile and pressed her forehead against his own.
"Ease up on yourself a bit. You'll never get better if you're too hard on yourself," said Rainbow. Rodan smiled to himself. The two locked lips together in a kiss. As they broke it, Rodan nodded to her.
"Alright. Thanks, Rainbow," said Rodan. Rainbow smirked to herself.
"Hey, I'm just making sure that my favorite guy doesn't become all gloom and doom," said Rainbow with a chuckle.
"Heh. Thanks a lot," said Rodan as he ran a hand over her hair, moving strands of hair from her face. Rainbow blushed as she scooted closer to Rodan. The Valkyrie wrapped her arms around his neck and pinned him down on the couch. Her heart pounded in her chest as did Rodan's.
"So uh...what do you feel like doing?" asked Rainbow as she shyly looked away. Rodan cleared his throat. He suddenly felt his hormones raging inside of his body. The Kaiju side to him threatened to take over, forcing him into a ridiculous mating dance. But, the Transmutant kept himself composed.
"I don't really feel like doing anything today. Why don't we just chill?" suggested Rodan with a shrug. He was beginning to sweat from his nervous mood. Rainbow leaned closer to him as she gave him a seductive look.
"I was thinking of doing something else," said Rainbow as she licked Rodan's cheek. The Transmutant blushed furiously as he took in her scent, driving him insane.
"I uh..." Rodan was unable to respond due to his flustered state. Rainbow laughed as she raised herself up.
"Psych! I got you good, didn't I?" laughed Rainbow. Rodan scowled in response. He crossed his arms as he turned his head away on the couch.
"Yeah, very funny," said Rodan.
"Aw, don't be like that," said Rainbow with a bemused smile. She laid back down on Rodan's chest and snuggled against him with her wings folded behind her back. She then lightly blushed as she thought back on her teasing. Despite it being for fun, she caught herself actually thinking about the act. She bit her thumb as her blush increased.
'I should keep that to myself,' thought Rainbow. Rodan wrapped an arm around the Valkyrie and brought her close. The two lied down in silence, both lost in their own thoughts.


The streets of Ponyville were filled today with the citizens. People were bundled up in sweaters for the cold weather that was approaching fast. Rarity, Twilight, Mosura and the Sirens all strolled together through the town. Sonata stared all around with wide eyes.
"Wow! So, women here don't need a man to escort them out in public?" asked Sonata in surprise.
"Nope. Different culture, Sonata," answered Mosura with a smile. She watched as Sonata stared in fascination.
"Oh, wow! Look at all of these neat clothes that people are wearing!" said Sonata as she pointed to a few women that passed by. Aria looked around in curiosity as she noticed some of the women wearing jeans.
"Hmm. And here I thought guys only wore pants," said Aria in surprise. Adagio looked around as she found a young woman strolling by. Her interest peaked as she saw the clothes that exposed the skin of the legs. She caught a few men whistling at the woman, who responded with a flirty wave. Adagio rubbed her chin in thought.
"Tell me, do your race's males find legs attractive from the opposite sex?" asked Adagio as she turned to face Rarity. The Elf looked at her coyly.
"Oh, my. I don't suppose that you may be trying to wear something that may attract a bit of attention, would you?" asked Rarity.
"Maybe," said Adagio with a shrug. She chuckled to herself. "I always kind of liked teasing a guy sometimes."
"Hmm. Well, I can tell you that some men definitely find them attractive. There are a number of ways you can attract their attention, which is based on what your wearing, and whether your legs are bare or not," said Rarity as she and the other girls walked towards an establishment.
"Bare or not?" asked Adagio in confusion. Rarity nodded.
"Yes. For example, some men prefer a lady's legs when they're exposed! See that woman over there?" asked Rarity as she pointed towards a young woman at the far end of the store. She was wearing a pair of tennis shoes with denim shorts that exposed her legs.
"Yeah," answered Adagio.
"Some men just love to see a lady's exposed legs. Shorts are the way to go if that is your goal. But, you may want to make sure that any hair on your legs blend enough with your skin. Otherwise, you may have to shave," said Rarity teasingly. Adagio nodded.
"I think we're fine," said Adagio.
"Right. Now, for covered legs, this can work both ways. One, a man may be able to see how toned your legs are if you wear a pair of skinny jeans. If that's not your style or you just feel like going with another look, you can always go with a pair of tights or leggings," said Rarity as she stopped and reached down to her leg. She gently pulled on her brown tights while the Sirens looked in curiosity.
"Now, not every man likes tights, but there are some that do. I wear them since they're classy and just feel wonderful! Men who like a woman in tights especially like to feel them when they're worn by her. But don't let him feel them unless he's your special somebody~" said Rarity with a wink. Adagio smiled in amusement.
"There are different styles of tights or leggings that you can wear. This includes colors. But you should make sure that what your shirt doesn’t clash with your leg wear," said Rarity. Adagio nodded to her as she gave her a smile.
"OK, thank you. That was all quite informative," said Adagio. Twilight looked down in thought as she began to ponder her clothing choice. Mosura found her to be deep in thought.
"What's up, Twilight?" asked Mosura.
"I wonder if he finds my legs attractive," Twilight muttered to herself. Mosura's eyes widened.
"P-Pardon?" asked Mosura, wondering if she misheard Twilight. The Elf blushed in embarrassment.
"Huh?! Nothing! Nothing!" said Twilight with a nervous laugh. Mosura lamely smiled.
"Right," said Mosura. The group continued on through the store. The Sirens looked over the clothes nearby as they processed what Rarity has been telling them in regard of fashion choice. Meanwhile, Mosura and Twilight were looking over clothing.
"Ooh! This winter coat is pretty cute!" said Mosura as she held up a tan coat. She turned her head to Twilight.
"Hey, what do you think of..." Mosura's voice trailed off as she caught Twilight staring off to space.
"Twilight? Hellooo~" called Mosura as she waved her hand in front of the Elf's face. Twilight shook her head and glanced at Mosura.
"I...wanted to know what you thought of this coat," said Mosura as she held it up.
"Oh. Yeah, it looks really nice!" said Twilight with a smile. Her eyes wandered off to the side towards another section of the store. Mosura held the coat at her side as she began to look through the rack.
"So, what is it that you wanted to buy?" asked Mosura as she continued to look at the coats. After several seconds, Twilight did not answer. Mosura raised a brow in confusion and turned around.
"Twilight?" called Mosura. The Elf was missing from where she was standing. Confused, Mosura continued to check her surroundings. The Transmutant placed a hand on her hip as she looked around.
"Where did she run off to?" Mosura asked herself. She caught the petite Elf standing at the other end of the store. Mosura rushed over to join her and stopped as she found what Twilight was looking over. The Elf was standing in front of a stand with four mannequins with a feminine build…wearing lingerie. Mosura's eyes widened as she caught Twilight looking over one mannequin in particular. Twilight blushed to herself as she held her hand under her chin.
"I wonder if he'd like it," said Twilight to herself, unaware of Mosura's presence. The Transmutant cupped her mouth with a hand as her face broke into a blush.
"Twi-Twilight?" called Mosura.
"Eek!" cried Twilight as she immediately turned around with a look of embarrassment. The two stared at each other with wide eyes.
"I-I uh...I was just looking!" said Twilight as she waved her hands defensively.
"No you weren't. You were actually thinking of buying it!" said Mosura with a look of shock. Twilight was about to retort, but remembered that Mosura already knew what she was thinking. Twilight moaned as she hid her face in shame.
"OK, maybe I was considering it," muttered Twilight. She sighed.
"I just...thought maybe it would be something that he'd like. Boys like it when their girlfriends dress like this, right?" asked Twilight.
"Uh...this is more for the bedroom, not outdoors," said Mosura as she glanced at the mannequin. Twilight moaned as she hid her face.
"Ugh!" said Twilight. Mosura looked at Twilight worriedly.
"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Mosura.
"I don't know. I've been trying to figure out what I can do to please Gojira, but I can't seem to figure out the best way. I thought that maybe..." Twilight twirled her finger in the locks of hair that hung by the side of her hair as she looked away. Mosura shook her head.
"Twilight, don't try so hard to please him. What you're thinking is not the way either. Just, be yourself! That's what he likes about you," said Mosura with a reassuring smile. Twilight looked back at Mosura.
"You really think so?" asked Twilight. Mosura nodded.
"Definitely!" said Mosura. Twilight lightly smiled.
"Alright, thanks Mosura," said Twilight. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure!" said Mosura. Twilight looked away shyly.
"Do you know...what Gojira is into? Just for future reference?" asked Twilight. Mosura's face turned to embarrassment.
"I..." Mosura looked away. She then gave Twilight a forced smile. "Maybe I can tell you a thing or two that I accidentally found out when reading his mind one time. But don't tell anyone that I told you! This stays between us!"
"My lips are sealed. Just don't tell anyone what I was doing here," said Twilight. Mosura nodded.
"Deal," said Mosura as the two shook hands.


"Achoo!" Junior sneezed loudly. The Transmutant sniffled as he rubbed his nose. He sat on the ground beside Amber. The fairy glanced at him.
"Bless you. Hey, that's like the twelfth time that you sneezed like that. Are you catching a cold?" asked Amber. Junior sniffled.
"No, that's impossible. I can't get sick since I have a superior immune system compared to humans. Someone must be talking about me," said Junior as he rubbed his nose.
"Ah," said Amber. The Transmutant stood up to his feet as he locked eyes with Caesar.
"Are you ready, Junior? I will not hold back against you. We must push you to your limit in your human state for your durability," said Caesar. Junior popped his neck.
"I'm ready. Come at me with everything that you got," said Junior. Caesar nodded. He broke off into a sprint on all fours. Junior charged as well and made his way towards the Shisa. Caesar roared as he pounced towards Junior, who slid under him. As Junior slid behind the Shisa, he turned and grabbed his tail. With a grunt, Junior swung the Shisa away and threw him towards a tree. Caesar collided against the tree and grunted in pain. He stood back up onto his four legs and narrowed his red eyes at the young Transmutant. Junior charged towards Caesar as he reared his fist back. The Shisa leapt forward and landed a few feet closer to the Transmutant and then swung his tail. Junior staggered back as the tail struck him, causing him to stumble. Amber and the other fairies took off into the air as the Transmutant nearly stepped on them. They made their way over to the trees and continued to watch the spar.
"How are you feeling, child?" asked Caesar as he stood up onto his hind legs and charged towards the Transmutant. Junior's eyes widened as the Shisa swung his sharp claws at him. Junior rolled away and then punched into Caesar's side. The Shisa staggered and forced his hind paw against Junior's chest. Junior's eyes widened as he felt a tremendous force rattle his bones and send him rolling several feet way. His body caused stones and dirt to be kicked up into the air as they clumped to his body. The Transmutant rolled to a stop, coughing as he clutched his chest. He raised himself and narrowed his eyes as he found Caesar dropping down on him in a pounce. Junior got up and rammed himself against Caesar as he came closer, tackling the Shisa down onto the ground. The Transmutant sent several powerful punches against the Shisa, but Caesar caught Junior's fist and then forced his arm to the side, pulling Junior to the ground. Caesar then stood up and slammed Junior onto the ground multiple times before tossing him into the air and leaping after him. Caesar reared his hind leg back and performed a round house kick against Junior, sending him towards another tree. Junior cried out in pain as he flew across the area. Amber gasped as she watched the Transmutant slam into a tree, snapping it in half and causing it to fall over.
"Takeshi!" Amber cried out in horror. She fluttered her wings after the Transmutant landed somewhere in the woods. Caesar's face took on a look of worry. He dropped onto all fours and sprinted towards the Transmutant.
Amber flew towards the fallen tree and found Junior lying on the ground in pain. She landed next to his head.
"Takeshi! Are you alright?!" exclaimed Amber as she patted her front legs on his hand. Junior coughed as he staggered up, shaking off any dirt and bark that was on him.
"Yeah. I'm fine," answered Junior. He found Caesar approaching, causing him to look on in annoyance.
"Hey, what gives?" asked Junior.
"I apologize, Junior. I've gotten carried away," said Caesar as he lowered his head. Junior sighed.
"Well, I'm fine now. Let's get back to it," said Junior. The Shisa looked at him in surprise while Amber turned to face him in alarm.
"Are you out of your mind?! You're lucky that nothing is broken! Don't keep fighting him like this! At least transform!" said Amber. Caesar shook his head.
"No, we must test his limit in his physical durability in order for him to get used the power granted by the spirit essence. Otherwise, his body could be destroyed," said Caesar. Junior gulped nervously.
"Well, let's not keep wasting time. Back to it," said Junior. Amber looked at Junior in disbelief.
"But-" Amber was interrupted as Junior charged towards Caesar and tackled him. Amber yelped as the Transmutant was kicked off of the Shisa and nearly landed on her. She flew into the air and groaned in annoyance.
"Boys!" said Amber in exasperation. She watched in worry as Junior sent a punch towards Caesar but was countered by a punch by Caesar's own fist. He was forced against a tree that shook from the force. Junior flared his nostrils as he gave an animalistic growl. Caesar stood up on his hind legs and rushed towards Junior. He sent a punch towards the Transmutant, who side stepped away from the fist. The tree was smashed and forced down to the ground from the punch. Junior then rushed towards Caesar and jumped into the air. He brought his fist down and knocked the Shisa to the ground. Caesar shook his head, but grunted as he felt his ears pulled on. Junior was sitting on his back as he pulled his ears. Caesar roared as he stood up and rolled along the ground, crushing Junior underneath.
"Shit you're heavy!" said Junior in a muffled voice. Caesar rolled back and grabbed Junior by his head. He slammed the Transmutant on the ground and then threw him against another tree. Junior dropped to his knees and panted.
"I'm impressed. You have managed to last longer in your human form than I anticipated," said Caesar as he charged towards the Transmutant. Junior narrowed his eyes as he charged towards Caesar. He blocked several strong punches from the Shisa that made his arms ache and caused him to stagger from the force. Junior grunted as he sent another punch towards Caesar. The Shisa grunted in pain as he felt a tremendous force send him back towards a tree. He panted as he felt his sore chest. He looked to Junior and found his eyes to be glowing neon blue.
"Hmm. Your power is growing. You're able to stand up to a creature that holds strength greater than men. But, let's see how much pain your human body can handle," said Caesar. His eyes flashed red as he lunged towards Junior. The Transmutant rolled out of the way and sent a punch towards the Shisa but Caesar blocked it. Around the two, the ground cracked as a small shockwave formed. Amber yelped as she was pushed back by the force. Caesar punched Junior's gut with tremendous force, causing the Transmutant to cough up blood. As he struggled to breathe, Caesar kicked him away, knocking him to the ground. He then charged towards Junior and stomped on him. Junior grunted in pain as bruises formed all over him from the attacks. He growled as he caught Caesar's hind paw and pushed it away. Caesar stepped back and delivered several strong punches into Junior's body, who grew tired from the assault that was taking a toll on his body. Junior shook off the thoughts of giving up and kicked his feet up and into Caesar's gut, sending him back. Junior stood up as he growled, his eyes glowing as he stomped over towards Caesar and threw stronger punches against him, causing the Shisa to grunt and stagger in pain. Junior then responded with quick kicks and an uppercut, making Caesar fall backwards. He grunted as he slammed his paw onto the ground, causing it dirt to fly up. He stood up and rammed himself at Junior's body.
"Now I know you can handle this!" said Caesar as he swiped his claws at the Transmutant. Junior cried out in pain as his chest was cut by the sharp claws, exposing the scar that ran across his chest. Caesar then proceeded to send numerous punches against Junior’s head. Amber watched as Junior took the punches and flinched every time they connected and his head rocked back.
"Caesar! I think he's had enough!" cried Amber, wanting to stop the conflict. She whimpered as she watched Junior continued to take the hits, not fighting back. The fairy hated seeing him so helpless.
"Caesar, stop! You're gonna kill him!" screamed Amber. Junior caught the next fist that came at him and then caught the other. He growled as his eyes glowed brighter. Amber gasped as she watched him rise himself up.
"No, he's not," said Junior. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, the back of his throat illuminated with a neon blue light. He spewed his atomic breath towards Caesar, causing him to roar in pain as he staggered back. As the Shisa shielded his face, Junior closed his mouth and stood up to his feet. He rushed towards the Shisa and leapt towards him. Caesar lowered his arm and opened one eye to catch the Transmutant in his line of sight. His eye flashed as it fired a beam of neon blue and violet energy. Junior caught the beam in his chest and cried out in agony as he was forced against the tree. Amber watched in horror as Junior's flesh on his chest turned pink from the burns. Caesar opened his second eye and proceeded to fire a beam through that eye as well. Junior was blasted through the tree and towards another one before falling to the ground. He moaned in pain as he lied down on his side. Caesar trotted over towards the Transmutant while Amber watched on in worry. Junior hardened his eyes as he slammed his fist onto the ground. He stood up to his feet and tore his ragged shirt off, revealing his burned and scarred chest. The bleeding cuts on his chest were cauterized by the hot beams that struck him. Junior popped his neck and shook his head to rid of its stiffness. He growled as he tensed his muscles. Caesar stood in silence.
"I...I can still fight. Let's keep going until one of us passes out!" said Junior as he got into a fighting position. Amber gasped as she heard this. The fairy took off from the tree branch that she was perched on and flew towards Junior.
"No! No more!" shouted Amber. Junior turned to Amber in confusion while Caesar glanced at her.
"What?" asked Junior. Amber landed down on the ground in front of him and looked up.
"You are not going to fight for the rest of the day! You're too hurt to keep going!" said Amber. Junior rolled his eyes.
"Amber, I'm fine. Caesar, let's keep-" Junior was interrupted as Amber flew up to him and bit down on his hand. Junior cried out in pain and looked at Amber with a glare.
"You are not fighting!!" shouted Amber. Junior slightly recoiled from her tone. Amber panted as she glared at the Transmutant. Junior sent her a look of annoyance.
"Yes I am. There's nothing that you can say that's going to change that," said Junior. He spoke in a calm tone against Amber's louder tone.
"You idiot! If you keep this up, you're going to be seriously hurt!" said Amber.
"Amber, if I don't push myself, how am I going to control my power?" asked Junior. He looked at his fist that was engulfed in a neon blue, flame-like aura. "If I don't learn how to control this, I might get those closest to me killed. I might even end up killing myself with this power. I won't let that happen."
"Takeshi, are you certain that you can keep going?" asked Caesar. Junior nodded to him as he gave him a hard stare.
"Yeah. It's gonna take a lot more to put me down," said Junior. Caesar nodded in understanding.
"Very well. We shall continue a bit longer," said Caesar. Amber looked at him in disbelief.
"No! Caesar, you can't-" Amber was interrupted as Junior grabbed her from her airborne state. She flailed her legs as she grunted in Junior's hold.
"Takeshi, let me go! What are you doing?!" demanded Amber. Junior sighed as he walked with her.
"You're distracting me right now. I want to be undisturbed," said Junior in a neutral tone. Amber looked at him from a brief second before she struggled once again in his hold.
"Why won't you listen to me?! I'm just trying to help you!" cried Amber. Junior didn't answer as he continued to walk with her. He brought her over to the other fairies and sat her down. Amber growled in annoyance as she kicked her feet on his arm. Junior grabbed her feet and held them firmly, carefully avoiding not to crush them.
"You can help me by trusting me. I have to do this. If I get seriously injured, then you can give me all the shit you want. OK?" asked Junior. Amber stopped fighting him and remained still. Her antennae lowered and she sighed.
"You're such an idiot. You always act tough," said Amber. Junior smiled in amusement as he patted her head.
"It's just how I'm able to press on. I know I have limits, but I haven't reached them right now," said Junior as he scratched her head. Amber sadly watched as the burns on his chest slowly showed signs of peeling.
"Fine. Go get beaten up," said Amber with a huff. She turned away from the Transmutant and planted herself on the rocks.
"Hey, what's with the attitude?" asked Junior.
"I don't want to talk to you right now. Go away," said Amber.
"Amber, come on," said Junior as he knelt before her. The other fairies turned their attention to Junior.
"It's not a good idea to bother a girl when she's upset," said one of the fairies.
"Yes, it is your fault. Idiot," said another fairy with a tone that gave away her disapproval. Junior looked at the fairies in annoyance and then sighed.
"Whatever," said Junior as he stood up to his feet. He walked away but then looked at Amber with a glance and a light frown.

Later that night...

Nightfall. Junior sighed as he lied down in the grass with his body covered in cuts and bruises. He felt sore all over his body from the sparring and the training. He had lasted thirty minutes against the Shisa in his human form. After their break, the two fought when Junior transformed for almost an hour. The Transmutant turned his head and found Caesar licking the scratches on his foreleg. The fire that was built in between them gave off a soft glow and warmth. Junior smiled in amusement.
"I gotta say, I never fought so long. I'm exhausted," said Junior. Caesar chuckled.
"Yes, but I wish for you to train with me for a couple of days, just to help you learn how to avoid summoning your powers unintentionally," said Caesar. Junior nodded.
"OK," said Junior. Caesar glanced at the Transmutant and made his way over to him with a glowing paw. Junior looked at him in confusion.
"Hold still. This will help you sleep tonight," said Caesar. Junior nodded in reluctance. Caesar pressed his claw against Junior's forehead, causing a tingling feeling in the same spot. Caesar removed his paw as the Transmutant felt a calm feeling over him. He yawned to himself as he shifted in the grass. Caesar nodded in approval and walked away and towards his own pile of leaves. Caesar lied down as a few fairies fluttered down and snuggled against him. Junior stared up at the night sky and the stars. He sighed as he waited to sleep. He turned and found Amber sitting alone on a low tree branch. Junior stood up and began to walk over to her branch.
"Amber?" called Junior. The fairy turned to glance at Junior, not saying a word. "Are you coming to bed? You can sleep on my chest again if you'd like."
"No, thanks. I'm fine up here," answered Amber. Junior sighed.
"Amber, why are you mad?" asked Junior.
"Are you seriously asking me that?!" asked Amber in annoyance. Junior scowled at her.
"Fine, I'll guess! Is this about me pushing myself today?" asked Junior in exasperation.
"Yes!" said Amber. She fluttered down towards him and got in his face. "Why did you keep blowing me off?! Do my opinions not matter to you?!"
"It's not that they didn't matter! It's that I had enough strength to keep going!" retorted Junior.
"You kept getting hurt!" said Amber.
"I get hurt all the time!" said Junior in annoyance. Amber groaned in frustration.
"You're...ugh! I just wish you'd listen to what I have to say!" said Amber.
"Amber, I do listen to you!" said Junior. Amber kicked her leg against Junior's nose, causing him to flinch. He scratched it as he looked at her in annoyance. Amber landed on the ground and turned away.
"I was afraid for you, Takeshi," said Amber in a small tone. Junior looked down at her in surprise as the fairy avoided eye contact. "I've never seen you fight before. I never knew how much pain you could take. It scared me because I would have died."
The fairy turned back to Junior and looked at him with her antennae low.
"You're the first friend that I've ever had. I didn't want to lose you," said Amber in a sad tone. Junior frowned and lowered himself down to scoop the fairy into his arms.
"Don't be silly. I've been in worst scraps than this," said Junior in a reassuring tone. He gently scratched Amber's head affectionately. Amber leaned her head against his arm. "I'm sorry that I hurt you. But you underestimate me."
"Yeah, I guess I did. I guess I'm becoming too attached to you," said Amber.
"Nah. It's like you said, I'm your first friend. I guess it's natural that you'd freak out if I was getting hurt," said Junior. Junior walked back over towards a pile of leaves and lied down with Amber. He placed her next to his head and gave her one last scratch. Amber snuggled next to him as she curled her legs in.
"Goodnight, Ta...Gojira," said Amber as she kept her glowing blue eyes on the Transmutant. Junior lightly smiled and leaned in to give her a small kiss on her head. Amber lightly giggled as her antennae twitched.
"Good night, Amber," said Junior. He lied back and closed his eyes. The Transmutant soon began to drift off to sleep.