//------------------------------// // Sore Loser // Story: Sunny Knight: a Pony's Tale // by TheothersideofSunny968 //------------------------------// "That show and tell was the best one yet!!!" Apple Bloom said as she bounced up and down in the snow on the road leading back to the apple farm from her school. "Yeah!" Scootaloo followed quickly beside her friend. "That was almost as cool as when I brought Rainbow Dash in after she and the others defeated Tirek! Whoosh! Zoom! RAINBOW POWER!!!" "I especially liked the story about you chaperoning Princess Cadence's high school prom, where she and Shinning Armor hooked up and were crowned prom king and queen!" Sweetie Bell added, gazing up at Alister with fluttering eye lashes as she let out a sigh. "How romantic!" "Yes, yes..." Alister commented, starting to feel kinda claustrophobic with all these little fillies surrounding him. He was more then glad to go to Apple Bloom's show and tell, and more then happy to share his many experiences with the next generation, but ultimately, entertaining all the foals really exhausted the unicorn guard. And he was looking forward to a nice nap back at the barn. "ALISTER!" A familiar voice cried out from atop a frozen hill, grabbing the attention of Apple Bloom, her friends, and Alister. There, at the top of the hill, smiling down with confident grins were Sunny and Rainbow Dash. "Is that... Sunny?" Apple Bloom squinted her eyes up at the image of the two ponies in a distance. Sunny then jumped from his position and sliding down the hill on his hooves, at first in a very well executed slide, almost as if he had a snowboard. But halfway down, he tripped over something and shook slightly before falling down the rest of the hill. Once he reached the base and stopped sliding, he looked up to realize he landed just at the hooves of a very confused and rather unimpressed Alister. The Cutie Mark Crusaders all looked like they had been holding back laughs while Sunny jumped to his hooves again, brushed off the snow from his body, then glared at the grey unicorn once more. "Alister! I challenge you to an Iron Pony competition!" Sunny declared with a polished off since of bravado. "Right here, right now!" "An iron-what?" Alister said slightly confused, and feeling his head ache growing. "A completion of several winter based events to determine who is the better pony" Sunny declared. "And if I win, you have to get out of town and never come back!" "And why would I even consider something so ridiculous?" Alister spat with a raised brow at the yellow unicorn. "Because if you win, I'll tell you anything you want." Sunny's tone turned darker as his eyes liked with the royal guard's, Alister's intreat peaked. "Including where I've been wandering off too. Deal?" Sunny spat in his hoof and held it out to Alister, thinking he might cringe at it. But to the yellow stallion's surprise, Alister mimicked his actions without hesitation, spitting into his hoof, then grabbing Sunny's. As the two locked eyes and glared each other down, Alister responded. "Deal." For a moment the two unicorns just stood there, gripping each other's hooves with all their might and glaring into each other's eyes. "I hope you two wash your hooves before eating" Sweetie Bell said as she looked at their spit covered hooves in disgust, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo snickering in the background. (Insert mlp them) Alister and Sunny both stood on the snow covered field just outside the Apple farm. The Cute Mark Crusaders sat in the bleachers, eating popcorn and drinking soda, eager to see the two stallions compete. Sunny had managed to snag Spike to be the judge, who, promised on his Nobel dragon code, to judge their tasks with an unbiased opinion. "We're going to start off with a rather simple competition" Sunny announced loud enough for Alister and the small crowd, consisting of only three fillies, as well as the dragon judge to hear. "We're going to make snow ponies. The most detailed and creative snow pony wins! We have 5 minutes. Oh, and for this round, no magic. Only your bare hooves!" "Sounds simple" Alister commented. "But I think you might have a slight advantage. I've never built a snow pony." "Well then we're even. Neither have I." Sunny sad with a smirk. "But I did read about building them in a book I borrowed from Twilight." "Great" Spike said under his breath. "He's starting to sound just like her." "You ready with the timer judge?!" Sunny called out, more focused on Alister then on anything Spike said. "Ugh, y-yeah!" Spike fumbled the stop watch around in his claws for a moment until he got it up right. He smiled when he had his claw on the red start/stop button. "On your mark.... Get set... GOOOO!" And the two unicorns were off, Sunny went right to work rolling a small snow ball around on the ground to collect as much snow as possible, while it seemed Alister studied the density of the snow for a moment, shifting it around in his hooves, thinking and taking his time to envision an image of a glorious snow pony. Then the idea came to him, and he immediately began molding some long and tall pieces from the snow around him. while Spike and the girls watched the two stallions hard at work, Rainbow Dash joined them in the stands, taking a seat right next to Scootaloo, who immediately grew a giant smile on her face, almost forgetting about the competition entirely. "Aaaand... TIME!" Spike called out as he hit the big red button on the stop watch right as it hit 5 minutes. Sunny stood proudly by his creations as he tried desperately to catch his breath. He had never worked so fast and focused so much on detail in his entire life, but he stood tall next to his creations feeling triumphant in his first event. He didn't make just one snow pony, he decided to make four! He recreated the Apple family in snow. He made a snow pony of Applejack, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and even Granny. It was nice that he made that of them, but becouse he decided to go with 'quantity', but the 'quality' was poor compared to some snow ponies he's come across. Some parts on them looked shaky, as if they were going to fall off at any moment. And some detailed were, well, wrong. Big Mac had been made kind of on the thin side, Apple Bloom had been made rather small in comparison to the actual filly, and the snow Granny's left eye was slowly heading south. The only snow pony that was decently precise to the actual pony was Applejack, but she didn't even have eyes. Spike hopped out of his seat and walked over to Sunny's snow ponies to give them a close look over. He nodded and told him, "well.... It certainly is creative..." But as the little purple dragon turned to judge Sunny's competition, his jaw dropped at the sight. Sunny turned to see what Alister had made and found his jaw dropping as well, the same could be said about all the ponies in the stand, which now consisted of the Crusaders, Rainbow Dash, Lyra and Bon Bon (who had been passing by and thought that the competition looked interesting, and had nothing else better to do.) "I believe this will suffice" Alister said with a cocky grin as he stood next to his creation, a full scale model of Princess Celestia! As Spike approached it, he looked on the snow pony in awe as it stood regally with its left hoof up, wings extended, and a horn made of an icicle pointed and glimmering at the sun! Small rocks were placed around her hooves and neck like the diamonds and gold jewelry she often wore. And here eyes were magnificently carved from ice! "Ugh... Wow..." Was all spike could say as he took a few steps back. "Well, ugh.... Alister wins..." "Good" Alister said as he brushed some snow off of his shoulder. "Is that all?" "You wish" Sunny said with a smirk, unphased by his opponent's victory. "Go ahead and read the next event off the list, Spike!" Spike pulled out a scroll with a list of various tasks that Sunny and Rainbow Dash came up with for this iron pony competition. "Well... The next event is... A snow ball fight." "Are all you're challenges so childish?" Alister asked as he looked over at Sunny, unamused. "Why don't you read the details of event, Spike" Sunny continued to grin as he looked back at the unamused Alister. "It says here" Spike continued. "That the event will last only two minutes, you are not allowed to use magic, and the pony who destroys most of the opponent's snow pony creation from the previous event wins." "Pretty creative" Alister said as he moved to stand in front of his Celestia sculpture. "For a child." Sunny growled under his breath as his grin faded and he took his own defensive position at his side of the field, standing in front of his own snow pony Apple family creations. Spike had gone to the center of the field and drew a line between the halves, separating Sunny's side from Alister's. "No pony is allowed to cross this line." He announced. "And remember, only snow balls. No rocks or sticks. You guys have two minutes. Ready?... Set...GO!!!" Spike called out as the he ducked out of the way of various flying snowballs. Alister had gained some knowledge of how to form snowballs from when he was constructing his Celestia snow pony, and now felt confident in this event. Sunny, although having knowledge of how to form snowballs was lacking in one thing needed for this competition. Aim. Sunny had practiced as much as he could with Rainbow Dash for this part, but couldn't seem to aim right with his hooves. And as Alister's assault of snow balls were aimed right on target, Sunny's were going off every which way, one even hitting Alister right in the face. Although Sunny found it halarious, it didn't help him much in the competition. Both stallions were doing their best not only trying to break the opposing side's snow ponies down, but also to try and protect their own from damage. Alister's aim with snowballs was so precise that all he had to do was toss one of his snow balls at the ones Sunny threw to knock them off corse. Of course, after realizing that Sunny couldn't seem to hit the broad side of a barn, Alister decided to focus on taking out his snow ponies. Sunny couldn't do what Alister did to protect the snow Apple family, so instead, when a snow ball came close to hitting them, Sunny jumped in front of the way and took the hit for them. But this also kept him from returning fire, putting the yellow stallion at a huge disadvantage. "45 seconds left!" Spike cried out from a little snow fort that he made after he was hit with several of Sunny's stray snow balls. The small crowd that had gathered in the bleachers, now adding Derpy, Flitter, Thunder Lane, Rose, Lilly, and the spa twins to the count, had begun cheering both sides on, not really knowing what was at stake. Sunny looked around at the scene. It looks like the poor Granny snow pony and Apple Bloom snow pony had been taken out, partly from Alister's attacks, but mostly from their own poor design flaws. He then looked over at Alister as he continued his barrage of snow balls. That's when Sunny saw it! His chance to win! The way Alister had constructed his snow Celestia, she had her left front hoof raised, which put a lot of pressure on the front right hoof as well as the left back hoof! If he could just hit one of those legs hard enough, it might just send it tumbling! Sunny jumped in front of another snow ball that would have his his thin Big Mac. Sunny recovered from the hit, gathered as much snow as he could with one hoof, packed it tightly together using his other hoof, then launched it as hard as he could, aiming at the front right hoof of the snow Celestia. Only, Alister shot a snow ball just right at the bottom of Sunny's snow ball send it flying strait up into the air! "Ten seconds!" Spike called out again. Sunny was beginning to panic! He looked around, but had used up almost all of the snow on his side! He shot a look over at Alister who prepared another snow ball. Sunny thought quickly and just waited by his snow ponies for Alister to throw his snow ball. Then he would catch it and use it in one last ditch effort. Only, Alister took a second look around the area surrounding Sunny and smirked. Oh no! He had realized that Sunny exhausted all his resources and couldn't retaliate. So the grey unicorn dropped his snow ball on the ground and stood by patiently for the time to run out. Sunny began to panic as he looked around, hoping to find something, any bit of snow he might be able to gather, but there wasn't anything for him to use! "6!... 5!...4!..." Spike began to call out, eyes glued to the watch. "3!..." Just after Spike called out 3, something fell from the sky and landed on a tree that was right behind the Celestia snow pony, and had quite a bit of snow covering its branches. "2!..." Spike called out again. The snow on the tree's branches then shook and fell on top of the giant snow pony Alister had created. Causing the back half of it to cave in and crumble under the new weight. As it did, the front half of the giant snow pony fell back on itself and broke into several pieces. "Ugh... 1?...." Spike said as he watched the whole snow Celestia came crumbling down, covering Alister in bits of his own snow creation. The entire crowd fell silent for a moment, then cheered at the amazing sight. Spike walked over and examined the debris of the once majestic looking Celestia snow pony as Alister climbed out and dusted the snow chunks off of him. Spike then looked over at Sunny who stood happily next to his two still standing snow ponies of Applejack and Big Mac. "Well, I guess this round goes to Sunny!" "Ugh!" Alister said as he looked from his once great masterpiece over at the smug yellow unicorn. "That was a lucky shot! You could never make that again! Not in a million years!" "I don't need to" Sunny said as he triumphantly trotted over to Alister and Spike. "That event is over. So Spike, what's next on the list?" "According to the list, ice scatting" Spike said as he read the 3rd thing on the list. "I assume you brought enough ice scared for the both of us? Or are you planning to win by default?" Alister asked, feeling annoyed that Sunny won the last even because of dumb luck. And as if breaking some element of reality, Pinkie appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a number of skates, holding them by the shoelaces in her mouth. As she dropped them, Sunny and Alister counted and there were enough for two ponies in the whole mangles mess. "There! I brought these from episode 11, season 1!" Sunny, Spike, and Alister all looked at each other, all greatly confused for a long moment. Sunny was the first to shake it off with a wave of his hoof as Pinkie disappeared and rejoined the crowd, taking a seat in the row above and directly behind Rainbow Dash. "It's just Pinkie being Pinkie" Sunny said as he grabbed a pair of the skates and began to put them on. Once he finished he looked over at Alister who was tying the laces on his last skate. "But I wouldn't bother getting o know her, seeing how you won't be showing your face here again after tomorrow." "Awfully optimistic, aren't we?" Alister said as he got to his hooves and began walking over to the frozen pond about 20 yards from the field. Moments later, the two unicorn stallions reached the edge of the frozen over pond and set hoof on the ice. Sunny was a little shaky, but he eventually got his balance just in time to be showered by a frosty wave of ice shavings. As he looked up and brushed the little bits of ice from his face, he caught a glimpse of Alister catching more speeds then jumping I Into the air, performing a triple spin, then landing perfectly with a small glide. Sunny's jaw dropped as he began to realize his mistake in choosing this event. But none the less, he dove on in and did his best on the ice. Sad to say, his best just wasn't good enough. The stallion fell flat on his flank for most of the ice skating event, while Alister earned a few tossed roses from the mares in the crowd. Sunny looked to the far end of the felid to see Fluttershy standing on a wooden score board moving a few numbers around. Sunny ignored the fact that he had never seen the score board before, as well as wondering when Flutterhshy arrived, and focused more on the fact that Alister now had 2 points to his 1. The yellow unicorn shook it off and picked himself up "Well it ain't over yet!" Sunny said to himself and he straitened his Stetson hat and mentally prepared himself for the next challenge. The next event was a snow shoveling competition. Not to be confused with the duties of the winter wrap up team, where they were to clear the fields. This was more or less clearing out small strips of the field they were competing on. After Alister's snow Celestia fell to bits, most of the middle felid was once again covered in snow. The two stallions cleared their sections out both in about the same time, without magic yet again, but as Spike examined the results, he found that Alister's side was a little more cleared of snow then Sunny's. So Alister received the point for the event, and Fluttershy marked on the score board 3 for Alister, still 1 for Sunny. Sunny had planned a tug of war for the next event, the clearing that he and Alister made during the last event was to be the mid point for the event. The ground underneath the once snowy area had become slushy and muddy, so anypony who fell in would not only get dirty, but freezing as well! As both stallions grabbed hold of a large rope that was provided by the Cutie Mark Crusaders (from one time when they tried their hooves at rope swing building to get their cutie marks), they readied themselves to pull with all their might. Spike moved between them and raised his claw, looking from one stallion to the other, then called out "GO!" With that, Sunny got the first good pull, having Alister slide slightly, almost falling into the slushy pit! But the unicorn guard caught his footing and began to put up some resistance. He gave a good tug back, having Sunny slide a few inches as well. But the yellow unicorn was not about to give up without a fight. Both stallions refused to budge until Sunny got an idea. He had learned it from talking to Big Mac about fishing. With a slight grin, Sunny let some of his rope go suddenly, catching Alister off guard. The grey unicorn's hooves slipped slightly from the sudden absence of pressure, causing his to half fall over, and it was at that moment that Sunny saw his chance! At that moment when Alister stumbled and almost lost his footing, Sunny tugged on the rope with all his might, causing the grey unicorn who was about to readjust his footing to suddenly be tugged forward enough to land him just above the muddy pit! Alister began to slip, but without thinking, he cast a teleportation spell, teleporting him safely out of the way. Sunny fell over on his flank, but he smiled at his victory. The crowd cheered and after Spike made the call, Fluttershy added another point to Sunny's score. "You seem to win only out of dumb luck" Alister spat at Sunny as he walked, seeming even more annoyed then before. "Are ya upset that my 'luck' seems to be out doing you and you 'skill'" Sunny mocked Alister further, enjoying the look of frustration on the Royal guards muzzle. "I believe we are only tied" Alister said as he looked over Spike's shoulder at the list of events. "And you have quite a few items here still." "Ya afraid ah'm gunna beat you with cheer luck?" Sunny said, still feeling cocky. "Luck will only get you so far" Alister was beginning to regain his cool. "The next event?" "Snow cone stacking!" Spike declared as pinkie tossed both Alister and Sunny a pair of brightly colored ice cream scoops to use. "Whoever can stack the tallest mount of snow cones wins! And in this event, magic can be used!" Sunny and Alister immediately went to work, stacking one scoops ontop of another. Using their magic to levitate the scoops to stack ontop of one another after the 4th scoop or so made it a little easier. Without magic, this competition would have been over in no time. After Sunny reached his 10th scoop, he realized that two ponies had arrived and had small watch like devices in their hooves. One was Twilight, and the other Sunny had recognized from town. Amethyst Star, he believes her name was. "Don't mind us" Twilight said with a hoof wave. "Just trying to help keep score." Sunny looked back and saw Alister was already ahead by 4 scoops! Calming his mind, Sunny began to levitate multiple scoops at a time and stack them shortly one after another. He paused every now and again, waiting for the now, really tall stack to stop shacking. Both towers of snow balls were frighteningly tall by this time, about 142 scoops or so. As the crowds watched, everypony wondered if the stacks were going to crumble or tip over at any moment. "Hey, Twilight" Amethyst whispered, leaning over to the purple alicorn. "Yes, Amethyst?" Twilight answered, almost unable to take her eyes off of the two snow pullers before her. "What's your count for Alister?" Amethyst asked. "Sunny's got 145 so far... 146" she added as Sunny placed another scoop gently ontop. "Alister's got 149" Twilight answered, feeling kinda amazed that this isn't even an Equestrian record. Sunny couldn't hear what the mares were saying, he and Alister both were using their full concentration to levitate not only the snow balls, but themselves. The stacks had grown so high that they needed to levitate themselves to keep an eye on their stacks. "I'm getting kinda worried..." Twilight admitted. "Why? I mean if the stacks fall, it's just snow..." Amethyst began to say. "It's not the snow I'm worried about" Twilight continued as she looked to the two floating stallions. "It takes a lot of concentration for a unicorn to levitate for that long. But both Alister an Sunny are levitating not only themselves, but multiple snow balls as well...." "What should we do?'" Amethyst began to panic. "Be ready on stand by to catch them if they fall. I just hope those two are smarter then that and realize their limits..." Back in the air, Sunny was beginning to feel the dangerous amount of stress he was putting on his mind. Twilight had told him that if a unicorn casts a spell either for too long or too many times, one right after another, it could cause them to get light headed and pass out. Taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself, he looked over at Alister who was looking even worse off then he felt. Alister's breathing was heavier, and it seemed that beads of sweat had trickled into his right eye, forcing it shut. "Why don't you just give up?" Sunny called out to Alister, feeling slightly light headed. "I've endured far worse then this" Alister replied, but his voice said something different. It sounded strained, raspy. "Fine!" Sunny snapped, feeling the pressure in his own head increase with the mental strain. "I'll just have to work harder!" Sunny took in a few more calming breaths, helping him to get his second wind! As he did, he began to stack his stack with a fraction more speed. Alister was surprised to see this and began to work faster to try and keep his spot in the lead. But then it happened. Alister dropped his last snowball as his head began to pulse. He could feel his head fighting, splitting in two m as he desperately fought to stay in control. But after a small moment of rest, he looked across the way to see Sunny looking at him with slight concern. That's when the yellow unicorn saw something. Or at least he thought he did. Sunny could have sworn he saw Alister's eye change. It was like.... Like a snake or a lizard's eye. Sunny shook off the thought and instead went to right back to the task at hand. 'Just a few more...' The yellow unicorn thought. 'Just a few more... Then I'll beat.... I'll... I'll beat....' The world around Sunny faded to black as his body went numb, feeling like it weighed a million pounds. With that, Sunny's green magical aura that surrounded him and his snowballs disappeared, and the yellow stallion began to plummet towards the ground, and fast! Shaking off his dissonance, Alister gathered himself enough to speed towards the falling yellow pony! Alister dove as best as he could to get to Sunny, but the ground was approaching faster then the grey stallion could dive! Both of the unicorn stallions were maybe a few feet above the ground before Alister was able to grab hold of Sunny and teleport himself and the yellow stallion safely from their current position to a pile of snow that wasn't ten yards from where they would have landed. once they plopped into the snow safely, Alister began to breathe deeply, trying to relax his mind. He felt like he was losing control again. As he relaxed and Sunny started to come too, Alister heard something from the crowd. They all were cheering his name. Sunny suddenly jerked up and looked around, appearing slightly disheveled. His mane was a mess, there were bags under his eyes, and if Alister didn't know any better, he would have said the yellow unicorn was developing a twitch in his left eye. "What happened?! Did I win?" "Actually, you two tied" Twilight said as she and Amethyst galloped over to the two stallions. "They're both very impressive stacks" Amethyst commented, trying to sound optimistic. "It beats any record anypony in town ever had. And that saying something since we have Pinkie here." Sunny said nothing more as he rolled out of the pile of snow and began to brush himself off. Alister followed suit, but was intercepted by an incoming pegasus dressed in a wondrbolt's uniform. The pony whispered into Alister's ear, telling him something that urned a very horrified face from Alister. "I understand..." Alister told the wonderbolt. "Send word to Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom to meet me at the Misty Pass, and that we should prepare for the worst." Without a second word, the wonderbolt saluted Alister and bolted off in the direction of Canterlot mountain. "What was that all about?" Sunny said as he shot Alister and Exhausted glare. "Some matters most urgent have been brought to my attention" Alister said loud enough to not only inform Sunny, but Twilight and those who were close by. "I'm afraid my vacation has been cut short. I'll be taking my leave immediately." "No!" Sunny said as he stomped his right hoof hard on the ground, eyes narrowed in on the grey unicorn guard. Everypony turned and stared at the angry looking yellow pony, shocked by his sudden aggressive outburst. Alister, though, shock off his shock and broke the awkward silence. "Excuse me? What do you mean 'No'?" "What I mean" Sunny began as he took an assertive step forward. " is we aren't done here. We still have several more events to cover today, then several more challenges for winter wrap up tomorrow. You can't leave." "I'm sorry, Sunny" Alister said in a monotone voice, but his eyes showed just how annoyed he truly was with the farm pony. "But there are some things that are more important then playing silly games with you." "Don't you dare talk down to me!" Sunny spat at the unicorn guard. "If you leave now, you forfeit! Which means you can't ever show your face around Ponyville ever again!" Twilight, Spike, and everypony in the crowd gasped as they heard every word that Sunny said, the hostility in his voice helped to amplify his message that was originally intended only for Alister. Sunny wasn't paying attention to anypony else though. He didn't care that the ponies in the crowd began to whisper about what he had said, or started commenting about the frightening way Sunny looked. No. All the yellow unicorn cared about and focused on was Alister and the look puzzling look he returned to him. "Is that really how you want to win this? Doesn't say much for your sportsmanship." Alister asked, keeping his head held high as his eyes fell upon Sunny. "Let me ask you one thing..." Sunny said as he stepped closer, lowering his voice so only he and Alister could hear his next words. After Sunny was done whispering in his ear, Alister's face went from high and in control to stunned and shocked. Almost as if he had just been fired from the Royal guard. Shaking his head quickly, Alister narrowed his eyes at Sunny, who wore a smug look earned from a hallowed victory. But a victory none the less. A means to an end. "As you wish. You win this Iron Pony competition. And as we agreed, I will never show my face in town again. I am a stallion of my word." Alister's green magical aura covered him. And as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, taking he grey unicorn guard with it in a flash of light. "Yes!" Sunny began to cheer and break out into a victory dance. "He's gone! I did it! Yes!" "An' what exactly do ya think ya did that's worth celebratin'?" Applejack's outraged voice brought Sunny's victory dance to a halt as she rose up out of the crowd and marched down to where the yellow unicorn was dancing. "Wha?" Sunny said as he stopped dancing and looked over at Applejack some what sheepishly. "A-A-Applejack, ugh, w-what a surprise. What brings you here?" "What do ya mean 'what brings me here?'" She said, her anger level seeming to raise. "More then half th' town's here watching ya make a darn fool of yerself! Now you mind explainin' ta me why ya decided ta kick Alister out ah town after all he's done fer us?!" Sunny shook off his sheepish uncertainty and met Applejack's hard gaze with a level one of his own. "Applejack, I know he helped save the farm, but there was something about him that I didn't like." "Yeah, ya were jealous of him" Applejack said flat out. "Excuse me?!" Sunny commented, eyes going wide with outrage. "Ya heard me!" Applejack continued. "Don't pretend ya weren't. Alister was great with magic, he helped more around the farm, he was good with the little ones, and he helped save the farm while you were off doing Celestia knows what in the Crystal Empire!" "I am not jealous of that pompous windbag!" Sunny shot back, his anger building up. "He may have had you and everypony else fooled, but he was hiding something! I saw it. And if you weren't so star struck, you'd have seen it too!" "Ah'm sorry. Ah forgot, only you can come in and save the Apple farm" Applejack hissed. "Oh, wait one apple pickin' minute, ya never really did! All ya did was help bring in th' harvest. Which, any pony could have done. Oh, but if they did, who knows! Maybe ya would have run them outta town too!" "You're right, Applejack...." Sunny began to say in a calm voice, slightly catching the orange mare off guard. "I was wrong. Hey! You know what? I think Tirek wanted to help pull weeds, are ya gunna put him up too?! Why not just give 'him' my bed this time?! Oh! Or maybe Flim and Flam would like to come back and help clean out the barn again. Let's let them stay the week!" "Well ain't you cheeky!" Applejack countered. "We give ya ah roof over yet head, th' food off our plates, and ya throw it back in my face!" "You wanna talk about loyalty here?!" Sunny took another step forward towards Applejack, his breathing becoming heavier as his eyes weighed more down on the farm mare. "How loyal are you really? I leave for something important, life changing even, only to come back and find you swooning over some other stallion! Two days! I was gone for barley two days!!!" "Ah wasn't 'swooning' over anypony-" Applejack tried to counter, but was cut off again. " 'oh Alister tell me more about your amazing adventures!', 'oh Alister please dazzle me with your magical skills!', 'oh Alister, show me what a wonderful nurse you are!'l Sunny began to mock Applejack, making her turn redder then Big Mac. "Well at least Alister didn't break Granny's hip!" Applejack said between her teeth. "It was an accident!" Sunny went right to defending himself. "And nothing is broken! Just a pulled muscle!" "It wouldn't have been pulled in th' first place if ya weren't goofin' around where ya weren't supposed ta!" Applejack continued. "Goofing around?!" Sunny was starting to turn red now. "I'm sorry. I wanted to wake up on time to get some work done. What were you doing? Making 'Alister' flap jacks while he told you some story about how he saved orphans from a burning building?!" "Maybe ya would have known if ya work up on time and hadn't been up all night parting with Cadence and Shinning Armor!" Applejack glared at the yellow stallion. "Maybe if you actually thought about something other then the stupid farm, you could have-" Sunny began to say, but was cut off. "Watch her mouth!" Applejack was seeing red. "Ya can make fun o' me. Ya can make fun o' what ah do, but two things ya better not make fun of is mah family or mah home!" "Well maybe if ya pulled yer head out of the orchard every now and again, ya would be a better judge of character! Anypony could see that Alister had skeletons in his closet! What would you have done if-" Sunny began to say but was cut off again by the tree bucking mare. "Yer right" Applejack spat. "Ah would be a better judge of character. Ah thought ya were ah kind, sweet, honest to Celestia, good stallion. But really, yer just a jealous, spoiled little colt!" "Take. That. Back." Sunny's tone more then showed he wasn't playing around anymore. "Ain't happenin'" Applejack said. "Not till ya tell Alister he can come back inta town, and yer sorry and ah fool fer even making that bet." "You know what, Applejack" Sunny began to say. "You can have Alister! Let him stay on the farm! Have him work the fields with you! Bake goods with Granny! Shine Big Mac's shows for him! Do whatever! Because I'm done!" "And just what do ya mean bah that?!" Applejack sounded slightly shaken, her anger starting to fade away. "I mean the Crystal Heart was wrong!" Sunny yelled, tears starting to form at the far corners of his eyes. "I wish I had never come to your stupid farm! You can have it! I don't want it or you anymore!" As Sunny yelled those words, his horn began to glow with his green magical aura. Only, something began to change. The aura started to fade from its usual bright emerald green to a sickening darker green. Before anypony could say another word, the yellow unicorn disappeared in a flash, leaving no trace of himself behind. A small shock wave created from him teleporting away caused both of the tall snowball towers to shake slightly, waiting for the straw to break the camel's back. Without knowing which direction he teleported away in, Applejack just ran over to the spot where he stood last and yellows out at the top of her lungs, tears forming in her eyes "Good ridens! Yer not welcome on the farm anyway!!!" As Applejack glared off in a random direction not even knowing if it was the direction that Sunny teleported away in, the second wave of noise from her yelling broke the camel's back. The two snow cone towers shook back and forth, with the entire crowd gulping and gasping at the frightening sight, until they both gave way and fell, landing on the crowd below, burying them all in a thick pile of snow!