Tales from the Ruby Hive

by Zoljen

Spark and Gemstone Part 5

Twenty-four years after Hives Destruction.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Scope asked as he slowly stepped into a small briefing room that currently housed Princesses Cadance and Twilight, and Prince Shining Armor. Scope took a few steps in before both Twilight and Cadance closed the door, locking it behind him. He watched them do it, then looked back at the three ponies, two of which were giving off suspicion.

“Take a seat Lieutenant,” Shining ordered, which Scope followed without missing a beat as he sat at the table opposite of his commanding officer. “We have… something to discuss.”

“I talked to Emerald Haze after the riots in Canterlot a while back,” Twilight kept her eyes trained on Scope, who looked back at her. “And… she had some pretty… No…” She shook her head. “Are you aware of what all happened?”

“That some JSS mercenaries got hired on by Prince Blueblood to retake the throne after he assumed that Princess Celestia was killed, and Princess Luna was captured by the Wonderbolts and Royal Guard. What resulted was Canterlot's darkest day, in which a lot of innocents were harmed and killed,” Scope sighed as he continued. “Everything seemed bleak until your friends and the CAG and REN helped retake Canterlot.”

Scope looked at Shining after a short pause. “The war on Canterlot revealed dark secrets, some were good, others not so much. Namely, one that I assume is the reason I'm here today; is that a changeling was working at Canterlot General.” He looked at Twilight. “I can only assume she had to reveal herself.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Yes, she did. And… She revealed certain facts that…” Twilight looked away from Scope, and towards Shining, who had kept his eyes on Scope the entire time.

Scope sighed again detecting an anger slowly rise from his captain. “Yes, Captain, whatever your thinking is true.”

“That,” Shining growled softly. “I’ve had a changeling right under my nose the entire time? How? You stood next to the Heart, those other changelings revealed themselves within a few moments! Was that still you?”

Scope nodded as his horn glowed, and he slowly started to remove his armor. “I remember how they spoke out against me, saying I was one as well and you said I wasn't.” He glanced at Cadance, who had remained impassive the entire time. “I suppose you really want the truth, huh?” They each nodded.

Art by Foxenawolf

He took a deep breath and let his disguise drop. A disguise he held for over two decades. Sitting in his place was a familiar dragon-like changeling. He extended his golden wings, turned his head slightly to show off his golden crest and kept a neutral expression as he eyed the reactions of both his Captain and Cadance.

Scope detected shock from Shining and Cadance, though the princess’s only lasted a short bit. Shining’s however, quickly changed to anger as he powered up his horn, ready to fire off a magic stun spell. But Twilight put up a wall in front of the changeling. As Shining looked at her, she shook her head.

“But! He’s a changeling!” Shining pointed a hoof at Scope.

“And what reason would he have to do anything harmful?” Cadance spoke up, her eyes never leaving the changeling. Shining spun around to face her.

“Do you recall what they did to you? To me?!”

“Yes. He wasn't a part of that, and, honestly?” Cadance looked at Shining. “I trust him. Twilight said it herself; he belongs to an extinct hive, what reason would he have to do anything against us? Against the Crystal Heart?”

“But! He could still -”

“Shiny! Think about it!” Twilight cut her brother off. “He has been here since the Empire opened its gates to allow others to move in! That was years ago! I saw it with my own eyes, him standing next to the Heart like it wasn't even there! He didn't do anything to it. And his hive doesn't feed on love, at least not directly.”

Shining looked between the princesses, then sighed and looked at Scope. “I… need time to think about this. Until I come to a valid decision… Scope. If that is your name, you are on temporary leave.” Shining rubbed his forehead, just below his horn.

“My changeling name is Spark, but I’ve grown so used to Scope that I prefer it,” Scope shrugged slightly, retaking his unicorn form and putting back on his armor. “And, personally sir, we’re harmless.”

Shining raised an eyebrow at Scope, then sighed. “Either way. I need time to think about this. You’re dismissed.”

Scope stood with a salute, “One final word sir. I would like this to remain private.” Shining just gave a weak nod before Scope left the room.

“Hey Topaz, I’m home,” He shouted into the house that he and Topaz shared since they were mates. He sighed and started to remove his armor as he closed the door behind him. “And boy do I have some news for you!”

“Oh?” Topaz poked his head out from the kitchen. “Like why you are home a little earlier than normal?”

Scope nodded slowly. “Yes,” He walked into the kitchen. “Shining knows what I...We are now.” The moment the words escaped his lips, Topaz went pale and dropped the dish he had a hold of. Scope quickly caught it and set it on the table with a sigh. “We don't really have to worry. I doubt he is going to -”

A knock at the door cut off what Scope was going to say. He turned back to it and trotted over to it, picking up faint hesitation behind it. He stopped at the door, “Hello?”

“It's me, Shining.” He heard through the door. “Can you… er…”

Scope chuckled and opened the door, revealing Shining standing there, alone.

“Huh, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, sir?” Scope stepped back and let the unicorn in.

“Just, uh. Wanting to get to know you two.” Shining walked in, slowly looking around the humble home.

“Princess Cadance asked you to, didn't she?” Scope chuckled. “Should I leave the door open for you, sir?”

“Both she and Twilight,” Shining chuckled weakly. “And no, you can close it.”

Scope nodded and closed the door, then made his way into the kitchen. He remained there for a few moments before coming back out. “Sir?” By that point, Shining had managed to do a full tour of their living room. They had various pictures on the wall, a few were just the pair, but his eyes fell upon the single ponies who he didn't recognize, except for one. A green unicorn with a blue mane that had a green stripe through it.

“That's Emerald Haze, isn't it?” Shining kept looking it over as Scope nodded from where he was.

“Yes. Our, er, sister you could say. We hope she is doing okay,” Scope sighed softly. “Sadly, we didn't get a chance to get one of her mate, Quicktail. Nor did we get one of Talon.”

“Things were a bit hectic, huh?” Shining finally started to look at the others. “Who are these?”

“With Talon, yes. Quicktail, not so much. He was out of town when we reunited.” He paused to highlight each of the pictures as he listed them off. “The red and green one is Lode Stone, and the pegasus there is Feather Dust.” Scope chuckled softly as Shining looked over each one. “We don't mean any harm or ill will towards any ponies. We just want to exist peacefully.”

“I know. It’s just… Hard, ya know? Learning one of your trusted soldiers isn't what he is. That he is, in a way, related to Chrysalis; who tried to take over Canterlot, hurt me, Princess Celestia, Twilight, and other ponies.” He looked at Scope.

“I would never want to hurt anypony, at least intentionally. I am a guard after all. My actions are my own, no Queen can tell me what to do. Only a prince, and the princesses.” Scope grinned warmly, as he looked towards the kitchen. “I hope you don't mind fish, sir. We weren't exactly expecting royalty to show up.”

“It’s fine. Means no fancy meal at the palace tonight.” Shining chuckled weakly as he followed Scope into the kitchen, where he saw Topaz cooking up a meal. Shining blinked as he watched Topaz expertly use his wings and hooves while cooking up a few fish, one sat by itself in a skillet while two more shared one.

“Any spices on yours sir?” He asked without looking away, his wings grabbing a few spices and holding each one out. Shining looked among the spices and shrugged.

“Just what you think is best. I didn't know you could cook, though,” Shining made his way over to the table that Scope was already sitting at. “Or be so skilled with your wings.”

“When you have them all your life, you tend to pick up certain skills,” Topaz grinned widely. “And besides, I'm not just a very good jeweler. I happen to know a little bit of tailoring, and how to cook a variety of meals. From dragon dishes to griffin treats, to pony classics.” He continued to cook the fish, adding a few spices to the solo fish. “For first-timers, though, I’ll go light on the spices.”

“Thanks.” He turned to Scope, who had sat at the table and was getting juice ready with his magic. “I looked into your history a bit, there isn't really anything beyond twenty years ago. Care to explain that?”

“Well, sir, that is when my life as a pony began. And my life as a changeling ended,” He paused as Shining glanced towards Topaz, noticing his spark of energy had faded a little. “It wasn't a good day, and we still have the occasional nightmare about it. So I won't go into too much detail.”

Shining nodded slowly. “Twilight told me about it, as she heard it from various perspectives and was able to paint a good picture about it. It’s still hard to believe something like that could happen, but if the riots proved anything, it could.”

“Yeah, we were lucky to get here. We took a boat across the sea, the Stargazer I believe. And after that, well. You know the rest if you read up on our history.” Scope shrugged slightly, as he squeezed an orange into a cup.

“I guess I just want to get to know the pony before me.”

Scope smirked, “You're still trying to figure out if I'm as good as you once believed I was, huh?” Shining nodded at that, making the unicorn chuckle. “I am. I can say that all I want, but I believe actions speak louder than words.”

“I suppose so. You two have been the best citizens of this city, ever. Always so helpful, so nice, so generous,” Shining shrugged, looking over at Topaz. “And your contributions to the various crystal sculptures we have around are nothing short of amazing. But something has been bothering me since I found out. Didn't you two know the risks of coming here?”

“Honestly, sir? No. We didn't suspect the heart to be so powerful with giving out love everywhere. I mean, I figured it was mainly in the city, and it wouldn't have been a problem. In fact, it still isn't. We have adjusted to its output, and we don't even really have to feed on other emotions. We get by with what it provides, despite the fact Love isn't out favored emotion.”

“We felt it on the edge, on our train ride here,” Topaz spoke up as he carried the plates of fish over and slid them in front of their guest. “I was worried that it would overwhelm us, but it didn't. It topped us off and kept us there, essentially.”

“But I thought you didn't feed on it?” Shining looked down at the fish before him, the scents wafting up to his nose. “Also this smells really good.”

“Thanks, sir.” Topaz said as he sat at the table, “And we do, but not directly. Think of emotions as a variety of foods. Love being one you don't hate, but don't like either. While appreciation, is one we really enjoy.”

“Makes sense.” Shining nodded slowly, as he cut out a piece of the fish and took a bite, then gasped. “Wow! This tastes great!” He looked at Topaz, who blushed slightly. “You know, if this pans out well, we could use a cook at the palace for more exotic dishes.”

“On occasion, maybe. But my heart belongs to the gem store I work at.” Topaz grinned.

“Okay.” Shining took another bite, grinning before looking at Topaz curiously. “Oh, uh. Topaz, can I see what you look like?”

Topaz stopped mid-bite and looked at Shining. “You mean, underneath?” Shining nodded, as Topaz looked at Scope worriedly.

“It’s okay.” Scope reassured him.

Topaz nodded slowly, looking back at Shining and engulfing himself in fire. Sitting before the prince was a changeling similar to how Scope looked, except the wings, were the same shade of glittering blue as before, along with his crest. Shining noticed all this as he looked the changeling over, and his eyes stopped on the tail.

“Huh, how’d you hide that tail?” Shining pointed to it, making Topaz curl it around and look at it.

“We’re a little bulkier in pony form because of it. You don't really notice it but it makes us a little taller as its mass gets spread out.” Topaz spoke, sounding almost like reading from a book. Shining raised an eyebrow at him, before going back to the fish before him.

“Do you have a tail like that too Scope?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You know I'm off duty right now, right? You don't have to call me sir.”

“Force of habit, sir.” Scope shrugged slightly, as Topaz retook his bat pony form. Shining glanced at his wings, noticing they were practically the same in either form.

“Huh, your wings don't look any different,” Shining commented as he finished up the fish before him.

“Nope, at first I was a pegasus, but then we met a bat pony! And well…” Topaz trailed off with a chuckle.

“At first, he thought he couldn't become a bat pony, but we can take on a dragon form. So I persuaded him to try, and what you see before you is that.” Scope chuckled as he grabbed the empty dishes with his magic.

“Wait? You can become dragons?!” Shining blinked as he watched Scope.

“Yeah. Didn't Princess Twilight tell you about that when she talked to Emerald? I am sure she took that form to help at the Hospital during its time of need.” Scope paused to look at Shining, who wore a look of shock. “We don't breath fire. Nor are we as durable as one.”

“I… I don't believe that you can become an actual dragon!”

Scope chuckled and put the dishes in the sink, turning to Shining afterward. “Want me to prove it?” Shining barely nodded, staring at Scope intently. Scope chuckled and in a whirl of fire, was replaced with a golden dragon. Shining could see the same blue eyes that looked back at him, along with blue along the wings and small stripes along his limbs. He looked to stand a half-head taller than before as well.

Shining gulped and scooted back, as Scope just sat, extending his wings out and twitched his tail. “Sweet Celestia it’s true!” Shining exclaimed once he caught his breath, and saw the dragon before him make no motions towards him.

The dragon nodded slightly. “Yes, it is.” He spoke, carrying the accent that the dragons had been known for, along with the faint echo. “We actually grow a little bit in this form, as I am sure you noticed.” In another flare of fire, the unicorn that Shining had grown to accept sat there. “But, we prefer to not remain in it for too long. Unless properly fueled, we drain ourselves quicker in it.”

“Drain…?” Shining gulped, looking at the unicorn. “And why not? That form has got to be better than being a unicorn. You get flight, sharp claws, what could you possibly not enjoy about it?”

“For starters, our magic is harder to use in it. Second, our scales aren't as fire proof as a normal dragon, and finally, it can really drain our energy. The max duration we can take is probably about a day, and that's if we aren't fighting.” Scope shrugged slightly.

“What about while you’re here?” Shining finally calmed down enough to not look shocked, as he looked over the pony before him.

Scope paused to think about it, glancing at Topaz as the bat pony cleaned the dishes. “You know, I'm not sure. While the energy here would be considered near limitless, the strain on the body and focus isn't. I honestly don't know, sir.” He looked back at Shining.

“What did you mean by, properly fueled?”

“The harvesters of the Ruby Hive know how to fuel it, and can maintain it better. Me being a soldier drone, it’s a bit harder for me to do.” Scope shrugged. “Even though I have lived with a harvester, he can still out dragon me.” He glanced to Topaz, who turned a little to hide a blush.

Shining blinked at that, then shook his head, “Didn't need that image…” he stood up slowly, keeping his eyes on Scope. “Well, you have given me plenty to think about. And I’ll let you know what I think. Okay?”

“Yes, sir.” Scope saluted his superior officer, who returned the salute.

“Enjoy your days off.”

“I will try sir, and as I said at the meeting, I’d actually like this to remain private. If at all possible. If word got out that a changeling was indeed near the Heart.” He paused for a moment, “You could see the trouble it’d cause.”

“I will do my best, Lieutenant.” Shining turned and made his way out after that.

“That went well,” Topaz said as Scope watched Shining trot back to the palace.


“Ahh, Princess Cadance,” Scope blinked as he held the door to his home open for the princess. “This is unexpected.”

A few days had passed, and Topaz was currently at his gem store. Scope had managed to keep himself somewhat entertained, but so far the last two days of doing almost nothing was starting to get to him. He was going to go out and do something, but right as he opened the door, well.

He looked up at the pink princess, before snapping to salute and stepping back. She chuckled softly and nodded back to him as she lowered her hoof that was two seconds away from knocking on the door.

“May I come in?” She asked, bowing slightly.

Scope quickly back pedaled and stood off to the side, holding the door open and gesturing inside. “Of course, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Highness?” He closed the door after she trotted inside a little and looked around.

“Huh, it’s a nice cozy home.” She grinned and turned slightly to Scope. “Just wanting to get to know you like Shining did. And I heard you can become a dragon.”

Scope raised an eyebrow for a moment, then shrugged. “Tea?” Cadance nodded and he gestured to the living room. “Sorry, my home isn't up to royalty requirements. Though I seem to be attracting them lately. I wonder if Princess Twilight will visit next.” He stopped in his tracks and glanced at the door for a moment as if expecting her to appear.

“She does, she wants to know how you function so close to the heart. But that's her scientific mind at work.” Cadance chuckled softly as she trotted into Scope’s living room. She made her way over to the pictures and sat, looking over each one. She blinked when a cup floated into her view in a deep red glow. “Thanks.” She took it gently in magic.

“Your welcome, Your Highness,” He grinned and sat next to her. “Looking over the pictures?”

“Yeah. I heard from Twilight that there were a few members of your hive that had been found,” She points to the pictures. “Is this them?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Scope nodded as he outlined each in his magic, effectively pointing out each as he called their names. “Lode Stone, Emerald Haze, and Feather Dust. And Princess Twilight already knows about them.”

“Since she interviewed each of them. Yes.” Cadance sighed softly. “Still, looking here and seeing that Emerald Haze is a doctor at Canterlot General, and has been… Wait, how did she not get thrown out during my wedding?” She looked at Scope who looked back.

“She was out of town, on ‘forced’ vacation, according to her.” Scope shrugged. “Feather Dust can confirm it as he saw her running through Manehattan, being chased by Gold Star’s crew.”

“Really?” Cadance raised an eyebrow, Scope nodded at her. “Huh, she knows some famous ponies then.”

“Yeah, that's what I said. She apparently helped inspire their crew during a drake sneak attack on her way to Equestria.”

“Huh, speaking of dragons,” Cadance grinned and turned slightly to face Scope. “Show me.”

Scope raised an eyebrow for a moment, then took a few steps back from the princess before engulfing in fire. Sitting in the unicorns place was the same gold dragon that Shining saw a few days ago. Cadance looked the dragon over, taking in the fact that it actually appeared like a dragon she had seen before. No illusion or anything like that, he could become a real dragon!

She stood and walked around him slowly, and he kept his eyes on her. “Impressive,” She nodded slightly. “You said this form was draining, but you weren't sure how long you could last, given your new location.” She paused, standing behind the dragon. “If a fight did get serious enough, would you take this form?”

Scope shook his head. “As strange as it is, I am better suited in my natural or unicorn forms. We soldier drones fight better with our magic at our command, despite what Talon might say. Just because he prefers to make blades, doesn't mean he doesn't use magic. Our magic is limited in this form. The harvesters can do light magic, mostly in the form of healing or levitation. But that's as far as we can go.”

“So you're willing to stay in your unicorn form? What if you encounter somepony who can fly?” Cadance started walking around him slowly again.

“Well, Talon would just add wings to whatever form he picked. I, however, will zap them. If you recall, I specialize in ranged offensive magic.”

“Even fast moving pegasi?” Cadance raised an eyebrow as she sat in front of the dragon.

“You have seen me in combat training, right?” The dragon raised an eyebrow back at her.

“That is true. You did seem to be one step ahead with your long range magic.” Cadance looked the dragon over one final time. “You can go back to being a pony now.” Scope nodded and in a flare of fire retook his unicorn form. “Maybe now you can explain what you meant by adding wings?”

Scope nodded again, and merely stood up, his natural wings appearing without any flare or glow of magic. “A trait of the ruby hive we all share.” He held out a hoof, a small ring of fire going from its tip to part way up the fetlock, changing it from a hoof to a griffin paw. “As Talon puts it, all forms are malleable.”

“Huh, before you did that paw, you looked like an alicorn. I thought you couldn't take that form.” She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

“It’s complicated, I’ll just leave it at that.” Scope chuckled softly as he returned to normal. “Something about that form, in general, is locked from us. We suspect it’s because of the manes that we can't take the form. I mean, I could try to imitate you, but again, you’re taller than I am, so it’d be obvious that I'm a fake.”

“But you were bigger as a dragon.” Cadance blinked, thinking back on the form.

“For some reason, we just grow in it. I suspect it’s an attempt to blend in with the dragons better.” Scope shrugged. “I try not to question too many things.”

“Well, you have given me plenty to think about Scope. I will let Shining know of my findings and opinions.” Cadance grinned and started towards the door.

“I understand. Shall I be expecting Princess Twilight Sparkle later?”

“Yes, but be warned. Her questions will test your knowledge on yourself. They also won't be evaluated when we come to a decision about you.”

Scope saluted Cadance, “Understood, ma’am.”

Scope grinned widely as he walked towards Shining office in the palace. He wore his armor as he stopped in front of the door and lightly rapped on it. He had received a letter earlier that day that he was summoned to the palace, and to wear his armor. He waited a moment before he heard Shinings voice call him in.

The door opened and Scope stepped in, he looked around and saw both Shining and Cadance sitting on the opposite side of the room on the other side of a desk. Scope could detect excitement from them both, making him slightly hesitant to enter as he was unsure why.

“Scope, glad you are still as prompt as ever. Care to take a seat?” Shining gestured to the chair across the desk. Once Scope sat down, Shining continued, “So, we have decided to keep you in our ranks, and as your current rank. You have proven to us on multiple occasions that you are trustworthy to the Princesses and thus me as well.”

“Thank you, sir.” Scope acknowledged in the gap, as he let Shining continue.

“However, even if we do keep you a secret, there are those changelings we teleported away. So some ponies out there are probably aware of you. For now, we will keep your identity a secret, but anything changeling related that comes up, regardless of where it is in Equestria, we will come to you first and you will respond.”

Scope nodded as Cadance took over.

“While Shining here wanted to keep you at the same rank, I actually wanted to raise your rank,” Cadance grinned smugly as she glanced to Shining. “I would like to make you my personal bodyguard. This way we can keep a very close eye on you.”

Scope blinked, then looked at Shining.

“Partially true. I didn't really object to it, but it would give me a chance to see how well you can lead ponies.” Shining smirked as he looked at Scope with an eye. Scope flattened his ears as his eyes shrank. “You can lead, can't you, Lieutenant?”

“Uh, well. I can give it a shot, sir.” Scope nodded slightly, snapping to attention.

“Not sure I like the tone of worry in your voice, Scope.” Shining’s smirk turned to a grin. “You’ll make a fine bodyguard.”