//------------------------------// // Chapter 34 // Story: Where Is My Love? // by TheMyth //------------------------------// Standing on the dock where the Dreamcatcher was normally birthed, Deadeye chuckled a little, looking down at the filly next to him. Dinky was bouncing from hoof to hoof as she too awaited the airship's return. He’d normally attempt to calm her down, but there was a reason she was so highly excited. “You know you could have gone with them,” he commented, looking back to the open skies as a speck appeared on the horizon. Dinky nodded and leaned against the stallion, whose wing came around her and held her close. Having spent most of the past several months at the castle, Dinky had decided she was going to officially have another uncle, even if like Donut Joe it wasn’t by blood. “I know uncle D,” she said, wiggling to get comfortable. “But it was important for mommy and daddy to be alone.”  Spotting a bench to the side, Deadeye moved over to it and pulled Dinky into his hooves, the filly giggle as she nuzzled her way under his chin, only her head visible above his wings. The stallion flicked his ear at a camera going off, but didn’t react to it like he used to, letting the pony that took it escape without harm. “I think Princess Dinky is making you soft, bro,” came a voice from behind and above the pair. Another Katakan was lying on the hedge, lounging on his back, no longer hiding. Riptide had messed up his assignment of hiding in the shadows, but that was to confront the changeling back in Ponyville. “A few months ago, that pony would have to get the camera removed from their rump.” Deadeye said nothing as Dinky giggled, the trio falling silent as the speck in the distance got bigger. All of a sudden Deadeye’s ears perked and he started to look around, frowning. From the castle came Princess Luna, but even with the smile there was something off about her. The stallion soon realised what it was as she ignored him and instead hopped onto the hedge to nuzzle Riptide. “I thought I told you not to pose as the Night-mistress, bug.” Deadeye said with a low growl. A flash of green light revealed the changeling that had been discovered posing as Dinky, now smaller than Riptide. She leaned down in front of Deadeye, upside down, poking her tongue out at him before being pulled up into Riptide’s hooves, the younger stallion nuzzling and kissing her cheek. It didn’t take long for a low hum to once more awaken Dinky’s excitement, the filly hopping down from her place in Deadeye’s lap and approaching the red line painted on the concrete of the dock; this was to mark the edge of the safe area whilst airships were arriving or leaving. A few moments later the Dreamcatcher was alongside and powering down as the crew started to secure it. Both Deadeye and Riptide stood, the latter coming down from the hedge, having sensed something rather impossible aboard the vessel. “You feel it too, don’t you brother?” the younger pony asked, cocking his head as the ramp to the ship was put in place by the dock crew. “Yes, I do,” Deadeye replied. “But how? We are the only ones who the Night-mist...” He was cut off as what seemed like a flood of shadow swept down the ramp and right at them. Both he and Riptide felt themselves pushed back, and though both were strong, could not stop themselves being pushed onto their backs. Deadeye gave a wince as something bit his ear, then roared out in anger. The shadow-mist stopped moving and slowly started to form into coherent shapes... leaving the two brothers surrounded by Katakans, nearly all foals, a couple into their teenage years. Slowly, Deadeye sat up, looking around him as the young ponies stared back and growled. Giving a chuckle, the stallion growled back with much more force, cowing the youngsters... who then moved back in, only this time to whimper and press against the two stallions. Dinky giggled at the spectacle, especially at how soft Deadeye was being with them; she had after all once seen him kick a younger Katakan for simply getting in his way, so she assumed it was because they were not used to him. Turning back to the ship, the filly smiled widely as the two ponies she was waiting for appeared, ready to dart forward when what she saw made her pause. Blueblood was no worse for wear, smiling happily as he left the ship, but that couldn’t be said for the mare pressed against his side as best as she could be. One rather important change had happened to Derpy, and that was her stomach had swollen quite large, the mare around nine months along now. They stopped in front of their daughter, where Derpy slowly sat down and gently pulled Dinky into her hooves, nuzzling and kissing the filly, whilst Blueblood hugged her from the other side. Saying nothing, Derpy took her daughter’s hoof and placed it to her belly, where nothing happened... then Dinky gasped loudly as she felt a kick, then more. She then hugged her mother’s stomach gently. “Welcome home, mommy and daddy, and little one in here,” she said. “Thank you Dinky, it’s good to be back,” Derpy replied, followed by a yawn, the three of them then getting up to head into the castle. As they did, Riptide managed to break away from the rest and follow, the changeling coming too. Of course, Blueblood and Derpy noticed, pausing and staring at it. “Dinky?” “Hm? Oh,” she exclaimed, running over to the changeling and pulling it over to Blueblood and Derpy. “Mommy, daddy, this is Fluffy, she’s my new friend!” Though they were a little worried given what they knew, the fact that neither Riptide or Deadeye seemed to not be bothered calmed them a little. For now, they just smiled politely and nodded, heading back towards the castle and inside, leaving Deadeye with the Katakans they had returned with. As he looked them over, he was joined by another pony, all the young ones turning and growling at them. Deadeye growled back once more, then trotted over to where the real Princess Luna stood and nuzzled her with a whimper, telling the foals she was the one in charge... then they did the same as they had to he and his brother, pouncing on her, but to snuggle close, not seemingly attack her. Having been given a week off from her extra studies from Twilight in order to spend time with her parents, Dinky once more found herself entering the tree house in the centre of Ponyville, but she wasn’t alone. She didn’t actually walk into the building, as she was on her friend’s back, the changeling smiling widely. “Fluffy, Dinky, you’re back!” came Twilight’s excited voice, the mare’s head appearing from behind a stack of books. “Okay, time for you to go.” The filly and changeling were confused until they heard Twilight giggle, then saw Big Mac stand from behind the pile; there were that many books he too was hidden. He smiled at the pair as he passed, and as soon as the door was closed, Dinky set about helping Twilight reshelve the books; she noticed they were all fiction, mostly romance, but chose to say nothing. Once the task was completed, the three of them trotted down into the basement, where Dinky sat in a chair in the middle, Twilight started to fiddle with her machines, and Fluffy found herself a nice comfy cushion to curl up on. “Okay, Dinky,” Twilight started, moving to fit a few bits to Fluffy; heart rate monitor, temperature and the like. “Today we’re going to see how Fluffy reacts to a new emotion. We already know how changelings react to love, and anger didn’t go too well...” Dinky nodded her agreement, whilst Fluffy looked away with a little shame; it’d taken them nearly a day to remove the smell of vomit from the basement, even with magic. Whilst waiting for Twilight to finish, the filly started to breathe deep, an excise they found helped, as it let her clear her mind and make it easier to summon a memory to fit that emotion. “Okay... jealousy is today’s emotion,” Twilight said, her ears folded back a little. “We won’t use the projector for this one, so don’t worry about it.” the alicorn moved over to her machines once more and turned them on, nodding to Fluffy, who uncurled herself and stood. “When you’re ready, Dinky.” Giving a nod, Dinky brought forth a memory easily, one where she was with her mother having a picnic several year ago. The memory itself wasn’t a bad one, but for the chosen emotion, Dinky focused on the things in the background... namely the other foals that were there with their mothers and fathers. Although Dinky now had her father, it was difficult not to forget how it felt watching the others. Almost immediately her horn began to glow as she summoned and held her magic like Twilight taught her, but not her usual blue, the slightly different shade that indicated love magic, the yellow of happiness, nor the red that came forth when she was fueled by anger. No, this time it was a shade of green, which Twilight stared at for several moments before gasping. “That’s... the same colour as changeling magic!” she exclaimed, looking to Fluffy for an answer, but she wouldn’t find any from the nymph. If anything, Fluffy was even more confused, staring with a cocked head at Dinky. Twilight did not some changes though, namely Fluffy’s eyes and wings had lost their mostly pink hues and moved a bit closer to that of the ones she remembered from Canterlot, as well as a change to her body. “Dinky... stop.” Blinking, Dinky pushed the memory away, looking over to her mentor. “Is something wrong?” she asked, before looking at Fluffy and gasping, covering her mouth with her hooves. Her friend, who had been slightly smaller than her mother, now stood taller than Twilight, every part of her body larger. “T-Twilight?” “She’s... a queen,” Twilight whispered to herself, before quickly jotting down as much as she could, a tape measure in her magic roving around Fluffy’s new form to see how much she had grown. Once she had enough data, Twilight looked over to Dinky. “Dinky, let’s give her some happiness.” The filly was more than ready to help her friend, bringing forth the memory of her tea party with Melody and Cadence. Her horn glowed yellow, and her eyes remained focused on Fluffy. All the while this was going on, the changeling just stood there, then a moment later began to shrink, until she reached her normal size. “What... what happened?” she asked, looking around confused. “You... grew to the size of a queen,” Twilight stated, looking over her notes. “It seem that magic powered by envy and changeling magic is very similar or the same... which would explain why Chrysalis was so strong when she first became Cadence...” Dinky noticed Fluffy wince at the name of the changeling queen and glanced at Twilight, finding her deep in her notes. “We’re going to get some air, Twilight,” she said, not waiting for an answer before nudging Fluffy up the stairs and to the door, where they moved to a bench on the other side of the street. “So... wanna talk about it?” the filly asked after a few moments of awkward silence. “Queen Chrysalis,” Fluffy replied, almost spitting the title. “Is the reason my hive is gone. We refused to ally with her when she came after Canterlot, so she dealt with us the only was she knew... I don’t know if there are anymore... or if I’m the last.” Fluffy let out a small sniffle, then smiled when she felt Dinky press against her side. “I’m sorry about your hive... but Ponyville is your home now,” Dinky said matter-of-factly. Fluffy looked around the town, seeing nothing but curious gazes coming her way, along with a few waves, but no signs of hostility. “This town welcomes those with nowhere else to go, it gives them a place to belong.” “Thank you, Dinky,” Fluffy said, hugging her friend close, wrapping her wing around her as the pair sat peacefully in the spring{Season} sun... at least until an explosion from the library caused them both to roll their eyes and giggle. “Are you sure you don’t need help with that, Derpy?” Blueblood asked his wife as he tailed after her in the kitchen, where she was finishing a batch of freshly baked muffins. Derpy groaned and thinned her lips, carrying the tray with her oven glove-covered hooves as she hovered as best as she could with her wings. “Blue, I’m fine…” she replied and placed the muffins on the table. Once it was safe to remove her gloves from her fetlocks, she massaged each of them as they ached, not from the weight of the muffins but from the added storage on her body. She looked at her stomach, with a smile gracing her lips at the swollen protruding belly. Soon… Blueblood followed Derpy’s eyes and they rested on her stomach, which bared their unborn foal. A grin appeared on his face, giving his wife a kiss on her cheek and placing his ear to her stomach, where he heard the heartbeat of their child pounding vibrantly. A bump from the stomach’s side caused the stallion repel himself from his wife, eliciting a giggle from the latter. “Somepony is excited,” Derpy said as she rested her body on a recliner that was given to her by her very generous aunt-in-law, Princess Celestia. “Blue…” she called out to her husband, waving her hind hooves to him. “Do you mind if you--” “Of course,” Blueblood cut her off, using his magic to hold her legs up and proceeded to massage his wife’s hooves. Hearing his wife moan in joy made him smile, knowing he was penetrating the right spots of her ache. A thought crossed his mind, followed by a grin and he placed his lips to her hoof. Derpy gasped as she felt Blueblood’s lips to her hoof, causing her to retract her legs away from her husband. “Don’t kiss that,” she mocked lectured him to his playfully pouting face. “Kiss this,” she motioned to her lips, and soon she was embraced by her love’s tender lips. “You know,” Blueblood hesitantly removed his lips for Derpy, his lips curving into a smile as he admired his wife’s faux pout. “It’s interesting how life turned out for both of us.” “What makes you say that?” Derpy asked. Blueblood shrugged. “Just over a year ago, I was the Minister of Finance and endlessly turning down mares from left to right as they tried to gain favour with me… but now, here I am…” his words trailed off as his eyes lingered to the hallway, where the Platinum Knight armour stood. “...the Commanding Officer of the Ponyville Guard, settled down with a family that’s growing and in love with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.” When he finished his sentence, Derpy could only curve her lips into a soft smile. She reached her hooves to Blueblood’s face, pulling him just a centimeter away from hers. “You really know what words to use on me…” she replied and launched her muzzle to his, enveloping his lips with hers. As she deepened the kiss between them, a sudden surge of pain caused her to withdraw reluctantly from Blueblood’s presence. She felt her womb constrict, followed by a sudden leaking of fluids from her. “Oh my gosh! It’s time,” she told her husband calmly, beckoning him to lift her from the ruined recliner. I hope that doesn’t stain… “Holy Fetlocks!” Blueblood exclaimed, using his magic to lift his wife up mid air and rushing to the door, which he slammed open with his front hoof. The stallion galloped onwards, ignorant of his wife’s protests and of the onlookers of passing ponies. “Blue! Put me down!” Derpy ordered her husband, but to no avail as his magic refused to dissipate. Blueblood shook his head as the hospital came into range. “No time!” he barked back, not noticing the withering glare Derpy was emitting. Once he reached the hospital, he unceremoniously slammed the doors open and rushed to the front desk where Nurse Redheart was seated.  “We got an emergency!” Blueblood shouted to the nurse, almost instantly shushed by the other staff of the hospital. Before he could get another word in, the stallion felt a sudden pain appear on his head, causing him to flinch and cancel his magic. He gasped, fearing he would drop Derpy, but noticed she just levitated downwards to the ground using her wings. “Blue, please…” she chided her husband, turning her attention to Nurse Redheart when her stallion was finally quiet. “But yes, the baby’s coming,” she told the nurse, who sprang into action and called for a wheelchair for Derpy to sit in. Once she was settled, both her and Blueblood were taken to a private room. Once Derpy was placed on the bed and Blueblood was seated by her side, the former started to sweat as she felt more pain coursing through her thanks to the constrictions. “I’m going to get the epidural ready. Doctor Horse will be with you two shorty,” Nurse Redheart said and left the couple alone.  “Okay,” Blueblood held Derpy’s hoof, his own lips quivering as he saw his wife in pain. “Just breath in, and out… in and out. In and out…” he continued to chant the words as though they were a mantra, until he felt her hoof leave his and grab his neck. Derpy bared her teeth at him as she seethed in pain. “Blue, I love you. But if you say I should breath in and out one more time… you will not be breathing the next morning!” she released him from her grip, almost immediately feeling guilty when she saw him in a wrecked state. “I’m sorry, honey… but everything will be fine, okay?” I better make it up to him later on… The door of the room opened with Nurse Redheart and a unicorn stallion with a cream caramel coat with flaxen mane and a cutie mark that resembled a cardiograph monitor. He wore glasses along with a uniform and a stethoscope over his neck. “Ah, so the time has finally come,” Dr. Stable said as he walked towards Derpy, taking a chair and sitting right at the bottom of the bed, where he used his magic to spread her legs apart, something that Blueblood did not appreciate at all. “Calm down, Captain…no need to get upset,” he said. “Cervix is beginning to open slightly, good… Nurse, administer the epidural please.” Once the doctor gave her the order, Nurse Redheart stuck a long needle into Derpy’s lower back, causing her to immediately ease as her pain diminished with each passing moment. “All done.” “Excellent, now we’re going to push princess,” Dr.Stable said as he kept his eyes on the opening between Derpy’s legs. “And you’re going to hold her hoof for support, prince,” he continued, taking his eye off his target for a moment and looked to Blueblood, who immediately grabbed his wife’s hoof. “We’re going to push very hard.” And so Derpy did. With every bit of strength in her, she kept pushing as hard as she could. It took a strain on her stamina though, even with the epidural erasing the constriction, pushing something the size of a watermelon out of a hole the size of a litchi took its toll. “You’re doing great, love!” Blueblood decided to stand up from his seat and lean against his wife’s bed so that his head was next to hers as he held onto her hoof. “We’re almost there.” “You’re more right then you know,” Dr. Stable replied as he saw hair popping out of the opening. “This is it, princess… push!” Derpy screamed as she pushed, clenching her teeth and closing her eyes when she felt a searing pain run its course through her body, negating the anesthetics. She fell back onto the bed and panted heavily, only lifting her head when she heard the voice of her newborn foal crying. “So what do you want to do today?” Pip asked Dinky, both of them walking from the school with their tails interlocked, saddlebags over their backs. “Well I got to a lesson with Twilight today, more on my emotion magic,” Dinky replied, instinctively drawing her body closer to Pip and tittering when she noticed the blush on the colt’s cheeks. “Maybe you can join me? See how I do magic.” Just as Pip was about to reply to Dinky’s invitation, the two of them felt a whoosh of air and looked up, surprised to see a frazzled Blossomforth diving towards them at high speed. The two foals had to backpedal a few steps back as the pegasus mare spread her wings to land on the ground with a thud. “Dinky!” Blossomforth said, her whole face drenched in sweat. “You’re… mom…” she uttered each word as she tried to catch her breath from exhaustion. “What about my mom?” Dinky asked curiously. Blossomforth inhaled a large breath before she continued. “She’s in the hospital, she gave birth!” she beamed when she finished her sentence and scooped both foals up and placed them on her back. “Let’s go!” she spread her wings and took off, doing her best to stay stay airbound with two foals on her back. Luckily, years of parcel delivery with both light and heavy mail gave her the necessary muscles and stamina to perform this task. Once Blossomforth landed before the hospital, she nearly collapsed from exhaustion as soon as the foals jumped off her back and ran ahead inside, not bothering to wait for their senior. “You… go… on… ahead,” she said in between breaths, with sweat pouring from her face. Inside the hospital, Dinky turned her head to every corner, not knowing where her mother was situated. “Can we help you, miss?” a unicorn nurse asked Dinky. Dinky nodded her head furiously. “I’m here for my mother, her name is Derpy Hooves and--” “Ah! You must be her daughter,” the nurse interjected and smiled softly at the filly. “And who’s this?” she looked at Pip, who stood next to Dinky for support. “He’s my coltfriend,” Dinky immediately answered, ignoring the titter that the nurse was emitting. “I see, very well. Please follow me,” she instructed the foals as she walked towards a corridor where the maternity ward was located. Once they came before a door, the nurse used her magic to turn the doorknob and opened it slowly. “Excuse me?” the nurse called out to Derpy and Blueblood, the former still on her bed and the latter cradling a foal in his arms as he was seated on a chair beside her. “Your daughter has just arrived,” she said as she let the foals in, and nodded her head as she closed the door. Dinky noticed how her father was beaming and streaming tears of joy as she held onto the foal, and how Derpy was smiling wearily at them. Once she walked up towards Blueblood, she peered her eyes to see the baby’s face. “Hey Dinky,” Blueblood said, nuzzling his daughter but making sure his grip on the baby was firm as ever. “Say ‘hello’ to your baby brother, Cloud Pierce,” he looked down upon the colt in his arms. Cloud’s fur was pearly white with golden blonde mane decorating his head. He looked like a miniature Blueblood, only lacking the horn. Movement from the back of the bundle’s blanket indicated that there were wings. When he opened his eyes to look upon the new face that was gazing down in awe at him, they revealed to be golden iris’, the eyes of his mother. “Awww!” Dinky cooed at her baby brother, who giggled in return. The laughter soon turned to crying, and wailing as Cloud flung his hooves in the air. “I think somepony is hungry,” Derpy said as she motioned Blueblood to hand Cloud over to her, which he did by using his magic to levitate him to his mother. “Um, Dinky… do you mind if you and Pip wait outside for a moment?” she asked her daughter. Dinky’s face flushed for a moment, realizing what her mother was going to do. Taking Pip’s hoof with her magic, she pulled him outside of the room with her leading the way, leaving her parents alone. Once the foals were gone, Derpy proceeded to allow her son to enjoy a meal that only a mother could provide to her newborn son. After he was done, the mare sighed as she held onto her colt who was dozed off. She looked up at Blueblood, who planted his lips against hers for a moment. “You did it,” Blueblood said, nuzzling the mare of his dreams. Derpy shook her head and returned the nuzzle, then turned her attention to Cloud. “No, we did it…”