Sweetie Belle 1,642 members · 2,667 stories
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So can the somepony be a chicken to fill in for Scootaloo?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It has to be somepony capable of speech, because they make the final calls on whether rules are valid. It usually is Scootaloo, but I've done it before, and so has Apple Bloom, for example.

--Sweetie Belle

1118728 What is the relationship between you and Rarity? Is she like a sister or a surrogate mother?

Have you ever met a Ferengi?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Oh my, sorry, I must have missed your question somehow.,,

What is the relationship between you and Rarity? Is she like a sister or a surrogate mother?

More a sister, but it's kinda a little of both. Our relationships better then it used to be, especially since we used to have to share a room. There's more then one reason Rarity moved out into the Carousel Boutique, after all.

Have you ever met a Ferengi?

What's a Ferengi?

Again, sorry for missing the question. College has been keeping me busy.

--Sweetie Belle

1251670 It's alright I can understand being busy. Thanks for the answers.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, first off, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are friends of mine, but they're the kinda close friends that you almost consider family, you know? Also, both are closer to me then each other, and argue a bunch, and I have to play peacekeeper a lot. Though I'm sorta closer to Scoots, since I've known her longer.

But yeah, family members making out with each other'd be real weird.

Along similar lines, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle are all really good close friends. And none of them have thought about the others as romantic partners. Most shipping is pretty unrealistic, though it's fun.

--Sweetie Belle

In my fic Cutie Mark Crusaders Maverick Hunters, I throw you three into the world of Mega Man X, a world where everything is artificial and full of hyperdestructive war robots, in the role of the three heroes X, Zero, and Axl, where you had to get home by action heroing. If you were thrown into a situation like that, what would your reaction be, and how would the other Crusaders react?

Also, what do you think your cutie mark actually is, based on personal experience?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, it depends. Is this supposed to be one of these things where I'm one of the robots? Otherwise, my general thoughts would be to avoid the hyperdestructive war robots, and try to find a way home instead. Though what I'd actually be doing is chasing after Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, as the former tries to take on the war robots, and the latter tries to dismantle them. *Sigh*

And I think if I knew what my cutie mark was, I'd have one. It could be music-related, but that seems a little too easy.

--Sweetie Belle

I find what's bashing you in the face is often the real answer.

My cutie mark is a quill with a small music note in the feathers. I got that when I began composing music, even though I'd been writing for years. It took into my teens, but I eventually got it.

Good luck with your search, best Crusader!

How involved do you have to be in my story in order for it to be in any of these folders? I have the CMC tag, and you are the more important out of you three. But the main plot of it is focused around an OC and villains, not you. :unsuresweetie:

Sorry if I'm being picky, I just don't want my story to be illegal if I add it to a folder.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, I'd prefer to be in more then one scene, and more then one chapter, but I don't have to be the main character or anything. As long as I'm not just a background pony...

--Sweetie Belle

Don't worry, you're more than that.

Comment posted by Wolfen Spirit deleted Aug 29th, 2013


what do u want your cutie mark to be?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I want my cutie mark to be on my flank. I don't really care what, at this point, as long as it isn't something too bad.

--Sweetie Belle


Didn't you realize your special talent is music?

Will you read my stories?

Do you like puppies?


Dear Sweetie Belle,

As an aspiring roboticist working towards aerial cybernetics, I'm incredibly curious about how Equestria compares to Earth (because magic and controlled weather). Even the smallest details could lead to breakthroughs in technology and save thousands from natural disasters or biological failings.

So, since you know about both Earth and Equestria, what are the subtle differences between the two that strike you as odd or interesting? Are there significant culture differences?

(This might be a bit disturbing to think about, but) You previously said you were trapped inside a computer after falling in to a magical device horn first... computers currently aren't designed at all like brains, but with the addition of magic I can't say anything for sure... Have you considered the possibility that you are a copy of Sweetie Belle's mind? I imagine Twilight and Rarity would have grown quite worried if you disappeared for this long, and Twilight should have figured out what happened to you by now.

Oh, wait, one more question: is it called "magic" because ponies have no idea what they're doing? Is it called "magic" because it sounds cool? Or some other reason?

Your's truly,

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Didn't you realize your special talent is music?

My special talent could be music. You have to realize, though, that any time you see ponies singing about what's currently going on, that happens without anypony actually really thinking about it, and everypony is automatically a good singer while that's going on.

It's hard to tell how good a singer you are outside of that.

Besides, you've heard my voice cracking. Who's to say I'll still be a good singer when it settles down?

Will you read my stories?

Well, I'm pretty busy, but I added "Packed Bags" to my read later list.

Do you like puppies?

Oh, Opal can't stand puppies. She hates them.

So, yes.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


So, since you know about both Earth and Equestria, what are the subtle differences between the two that strike you as odd or interesting? Are there significant culture differences?

Well, you have to realise that my knowledge of humans is limited to what I can find on google searches and the like. I'm pretty sure the weathers a lot different, and nopony seems to spontaneously burst out singing on Earth, which is kinda weird.

Some of the differences with food are kinda weird. Fish is one thing, but eating cows?

I've never seen anypony being judged by the color of their fur, either, and no internet means things are rather different. It's hard to really say what differences are important or not, though, and there's a lotta stuff I wouldn't really know about. I may sorta be attending college now, but how much of an education do you think I got from Miss Cheerilee before that, after all?

(This might be a bit disturbing to think about, but) You previously said you were trapped inside a computer after falling in to a magical device horn first... computers currently aren't designed at all like brains, but with the addition of magic I can't say anything for sure... Have you considered the possibility that you are a copy of Sweetie Belle's mind? I imagine Twilight and Rarity would have grown quite worried if you disappeared for this long, and Twilight should have figured out what happened to you by now.

Um, actually I kinda figured out that was probably the case a while ago. I just don't really like to think about it. I managed to get in touch with Equestria, and I was still there. It might not have been the same one, though. I've also come in touch with ponies that have been doing universe traveling, and even share my account with one or two of them.

Since you're a scientist, for reference, the universe actually works on Heinlein's "The Universe As Fiction" theory, from what I'm told. As such, most of the alternate equestria's share a lot in common with fanfiction. A pony who calls herself 'SB' has been known to post using my account. She comes from near the 'HamGravy' side of the multiverse, and isn't very friendly. I don't blame her, though.

Oh, wait, one more question: is it called "magic" because ponies have no idea what they're doing? Is it called "magic" because it sounds cool? Or some other reason?

Well, let me ask you a question. Is it called "science" because humans have no idea what they're doing? Is it called "science" because it sounds cool? Or some other reason? :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

You're in a desert, walking alone in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. With a kick of your hoof you flip the tortoise over on its back.

The tortoise lies on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun. It's beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that Sweetie Belle?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, I'm not in a desert, and I certainly didn't flip over a tortoise. That'd be mean. I don't know what you're talking about.

--Sweetie Belle


Some of the differences with food are kinda weird. Fish is one thing, but eating cows?

From what I can tell by the show, cows have a much higher level of intelligence in Equestria. I don't see any moral reasons for eating fish instead of cows here, as long as the animals can enjoy their lives before being eaten. I'm more against keeping intelligent animals in small spaces or away from others of their species, but I'm not sure how often that happens.

I've never seen anypony being judged by the color of their fur, either

Wait- What about Zecora? If you widen "Ponies" to "species that can communicate", then there is definitely judging going on by color, or at least pattern. Further, there seem to be many more unicorns in Canterlot than any other type of pony.

Um, actually I kinda figured out that was probably the case a while ago. I just don't really like to think about it. I managed to get in touch with Equestria, and I was still there. It might not have been the same one, though.

I sometimes have a problem with tact... I feel bad now...

Since you're a scientist, for reference, the universe actually works on Heinlein's "The Universe As Fiction" theory, from what I'm told.

Wait a minute! doesn't that mean if someone were to create a fiction where you did disappear and Twilight couldn't find you, but eventually you found your way back, then you could go back to your own world? (See, I'm actually more of an engineer.)

Well, let me ask you a question. Is it called "science" because humans have no idea what they're doing? Is it called "science" because it sounds cool? Or some other reason? :unsuresweetie:

The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia", meaning knowledge. Science came from philosophy as a way to gather and organize knowledge about the way the world works. "Magic" is defined as "the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces"(Oxford Dictionaries), and a better comparison might have been "technology":"the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes" (Oxford Dictionaries). It's possible the definitions vary between worlds, but here the difference between science and magic is in understanding what you're doing.

Sorry if I seem insensitive at times... I'm not... Well... Actually I probably am insensitive at times... But I try not to be, occasionally...

The point is, I sometimes try to be a good person... But I guess engineering comes first, actually...

(Oh god I'm like GLaDOS!)

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


From what I can tell by the show, cows have a much higher level of intelligence in Equestria. I don't see any moral reasons for eating fish instead of cows here, as long as the animals can enjoy their lives before being eaten. I'm more against keeping intelligent animals in small spaces or away from others of their species, but I'm not sure how often that happens.

Um, I tried to read a little on how animals as treated before being eaten by humans. Let's just say they don't usually enjoy their lives before being eaten...

Wait- What about Zecora? If you widen "Ponies" to "species that can communicate", then there is definitely judging going on by color, or at least pattern. Further, there seem to be many more unicorns in Canterlot than any other type of pony.

I kinda missed the whole Zecora thing, actually, so I forgot about it. But I'm white, Apple Bloom's yellow, and Scootaloo's orange, and we've never been treated any different because of it.

And when the three tribes originally settled down, a long time ago, they all settled down in different spots and areas near where that tribe settled down still tend to have more of that type of pony.

Wait a minute! doesn't that mean if someone were to create a fiction where you did disappear and Twilight couldn't find you, but eventually you found your way back, then you could go back to your own world? (See, I'm actually more of an engineer.)

Um, well, maybe, but I think it'd probably just split off another reality where I disappeared and Twilight couldn't find me. Though there's a reason I've dabbled in fanfic writing a little. More than one reason, really.

A lot of universes aren't based exactly on a fanfic, but are nearby a few, and are affected by them. I've been kinda hoping that if Wanderer D ever completes Sweetie Belle Chronicles: Fragments, and I end up at home there, that it'll cause me to go home too.

The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia", meaning knowledge. Science came from philosophy as a way to gather and organize knowledge about the way the world works. "Magic" is defined as "the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces"(Oxford Dictionaries), and a better comparison might have been "technology":"the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes" (Oxford Dictionaries). It's possible the definitions vary between worlds, but here the difference between science and magic is in understanding what you're doing.

I think the definitions are different. I seem to remember magic as something like "Intent, powered by mana and willpower, and channeled through a focus (your horn), with a result of temporarily altering reality." But I'm not exactly the best at it, and when Twilight starts going on, I may kinda end up tuning her out a bit. I could have some of the theory wrong.

--Sweetie Belle


Um, I tried to read a little on how animals as treated before being eaten by humans. Let's just say they don't usually enjoy their lives before being eaten...

Well... :/

I kinda missed the whole Zecora thing, actually, so I forgot about it. But I'm white, Apple Bloom's yellow, and Scootaloo's orange, and we've never been treated any different because of it.

I also have friends with blonde, black, and brown hair. None of them are treated any different because of that either. In fact, difference in culture seems to be the main thing people are treated differently for, and both ponies and humans are guilty of that.

And when the three tribes originally settled down, a long time ago, they all settled down in different spots and areas near where that tribe settled down still tend to have more of that type of pony.

How long ago was that? And how often do ponies travel between places and meet each other? Also, Cloudsdale is not even accessible without wings or magic, so god forbid some family has an earth pony foal there.

I seem to remember magic as something like "Intent, powered by mana and willpower, and channeled through a focus (your horn), with a result of temporarily altering reality."

I seriously hope that's not the definition. I'll ignore the phrase "altering reality", but if it's basically intent powered by willpower and "mana" to manifest those intentions, then unicorns may know what they're doing, but they don't know exactly how they're doing it. It could be that, for example: any data gathering spells create an alternate version of the caster, and that alternate version if forced to wander some other dimension until they find what the caster was seeking, and then they replace the caster.

Aaand back on topic: Questions.

My personal theory of Equestria is that the planet is actually a massive Dyson sphere: a planet about 1 AU in radius, relatively little thickness, and with the sun in the center. The sun and moon would just be countless satellites to help life on the outside, since there's no gravity in the inside of spherical shells.

Kind of like a solid Oort cloud.

So, what do you know about astronomy in Equestria?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


How long ago was that? And how often do ponies travel between places and meet each other? Also, Cloudsdale is not even accessible without wings or magic, so god forbid some family has an earth pony foal there.

Um, more than a thousand years ago? And if I'm a little vague about things that happened then, how much do you know about things that happened in 1013 AD on Earth?

As far as traveling, well, some ponies are adventurous, or have jobs that need them to travel. Other ponies settle down not too far from where they were born, and they are the ones that are more likely to have foals then the more adventurous ones.

I'm not really sure how that works with Cloudsdale, either, since there's a fair part of any pegasus life where they can't fly. I think they might have some sort of ground settlement that's considered part of Cloudsdale technically. I dunno, though. Most of what I know about pegasi comes from Scoots, and I don't think she's been there.

I seriously hope that's not the definition. I'll ignore the phrase "altering reality", but if it's basically intent powered by willpower and "mana" to manifest those intentions, then unicorns may know what they're doing, but they don't know exactly how they're doing it. It could be that, for example: any data gathering spells create an alternate version of the caster, and that alternate version if forced to wander some other dimension until they find what the caster was seeking, and then they replace the caster.

Well, keep in mind that at the time, I was focusing more on trying to get a pebble up in the air and stay there. I'm not speaking from advanced knowledge of magical theory. I was too preoccupied to remember most of that, though Twilight has a bunch of books on it. I was mainly learning enough to get it to work for me. I'd assume I'd have learned more about how it actually works later.

I do remember little bits and pieces, like that a unicorn's horn serves as a focus for magic, like an antenna, and a pegasus's wings serve the same purpose. It's just that for a pegasus, the magic is what lets them actually fly. Not sure what an earth ponies magical focus is, though.

So, what do you know about astronomy in Equestria?

Er, I can find a few of the constellations? Cheerilee was teaching us about cutie marks after almost everypony in the class had them. How good of an education do you think I got?

--Sweetie Belle


Um, more than a thousand years ago? And if I'm a little vague about things that happened then, how much do you know about things that happened in 1013 AD on Earth?


I dunno, though. Most of what I know about pegasi comes from Scoots, and I don't think she's been there.


Well, keep in mind that at the time, I was focusing more on trying to get a pebble up in the air and stay there. I'm not speaking from advanced knowledge of magical theory. I was too preoccupied to remember most of that, though Twilight has a bunch of books on it.


Er, I can find a few of the constellations? Cheerilee was teaching us about cutie marks after almost everypony in the class had them. How good of an education do you think I got?


SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Sorry, I know you'd have been a lot happier talking to somepony more knowledgeable, like Twilight. It's not that I wouldn't like to know some of this, and I'd probably have learned it if I'd stayed in Equestria. A lot of what I've learned since then is stuff you'd already know, because it's from the internet.

Well, and some stuff about the nature of the multiverse, alternate realities, and time travel, but I'm not sure you're that interested in that. It's kinda a lonely thing to be one of the few ponies that remembers a certain timeline...

SweetAI Belle how did you get your name? As far as I can tell names hold some sort of meaning or reference to the pony in question. Example, Fluttershy and her timid nature, Rainbow Dash and her love for speed, Pinkie Pie like her name is totally random, Applejack.......It's in her name, Rarity and her passion for anything glamorous or exotic (like gems), and finally Twilight Sparkle and her magic (which if you pay attention sparkles quite a bit more than anypony else's). Anyway, sorry for going on like that. Have a Pinkie Pie heart: :pinkiesad2::pinkiecrazy: Again, sorry for going on for so long.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, one thing to understand is that ponies usually do have family names, but a lot of times don't use them. I actually do, though. Belle is my family name. Technically Rarity is "Rarity Belle". You didn't think that line "I'll be the Belle of the ball, the star of the show" in "Becoming Popular" was coincidence, did you?

And actually, after my mom gave birth, and I was curled up and sleeping in the hospital, I understand a nurse came by, looked at me, said "She's such a sweetie", and it stuck...

--Sweetie Belle

1707570 Well thank you for replying so soon, and thank you for that little bit of info.
By the way how did you like the Pinkie Pie heart?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


It's cute, if a little disturbing...

--Sweetie Belle

1708166 Yeah, sorry about that........ I hope they make the pony hearts into emoticons. Do you know what I mean by pony hearts?

1708166 Have you read The Last Crusade and if you did how do feel about being a Spaniard?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Um, no, I haven't read that story. And what's a Spaniard?

Actually you know, I think I did hear that term once. Let me think about it.

As Sweetie Belle riposted with her rapier clenched in her teeth, she forced the three hoofed stallion backwards. "My name is Sweetie Belle. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Well, I suppose I might be okay with it...

--Sweetie Belle

Dear Sweetie Belle,
Is there anypony you have a crush on? Also, which of the other crusaders do you like best; Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, or Babs? And one more thing... I am the only pony in my friend group that doesn't have a cutie mark!! I want my cutie mark so badly! Please help me, Sweetie Belle!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


As far as ponies I have a crush on, not really, though I sorta covered that here.

I'm not sure about like the best, but I know Scoots the best of the three.

And, um, I don't have a cutie mark either, and I've tried practically everything. So I'm not sure how much I could help. Keep trying things, though.

--Sweetie Belle

Have the bizarre, multicolored, improbable beings we know as "OCs" ever shown up in the Equestria that you know? Like electric blue and hot pink alicorns, or pony/dragon/wolf/Kryptonian hybrids?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Not really. Only strange hybrid I can think of is Discord. Alicorns, well, I've seen Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, and that's more than most ponies have as far as they go.

Strange fur and mane combinations do come up occasionally, and are always a little embarrassing for the pony in question. Mane and fur dyes do exist, though, so you don't see the really eye-catching combinations often in Ponyville. Well, I do sometimes, since the main places you can go for them are my sisters or the spa. Let's just say that some of the times you've seen the same pony at different times with a different coat or mane color are actually right.

--Sweetie Belle
Edit: Forgot to mention the barber shop and salon.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

CutieMarkCrusaders PM'ed me with the following:

Do you happen to remember what Rarity's diary says?

First, I'd like it if ponies asking me questions that are of general interest like that post it here, rather than pm'ing me, so everypony can read the answers.

Second, wasn't the whole point of giving up being Gabby Gums that I shouldn't be talking about that?

It wasn't really that interesting, anyways. It was all like this:

Jan. 13th:
7 am: Woke up feeling absolutely fabulous. Maybe today my prince will come.
8 am: Prince didn't come. But I had an absolutely smashing idea for a new fashion line. Go me! But first, I need a hooficure.
9 am: Tragically, everypony else seems to have needed a hooficure, as well. This is... the... worst... possible... thing! Will this line never end?

Really. Who'd want to read all that?

--Sweetie Belle

sorry sweetie belle. It's just that Rarity has seemed sad recently and i wanted to know so i could see what was wrong so i could try and make her feel better. that was my reason for asking. :unsuresweetie:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, anything recent, I wouldn't know, anyways. It could be something with Opal or one of the dresses she's making. I'd say to do something nice for her, like making her breakfast in bed, but every time I do something like that, it seems to go wrong. You could always ask around, and see if any of her friends have any ideas. Fluttershy goes to the spa with her a lot, for example.

--Sweetie Belle

ok i will! thanks, sweetie belle! :raritywink:

Hey heyya Sweetie Belle! From all you've been saying in this thread, I dunno whether the you I know is.. well, you, but if not, then some parallel Sweetie says hi I suppose.

Anyhow, one thing the show has never addressed, which I'm sure the humans would be interested in knowing about, is the specific age of any ponies -- and for that matter, how old is 'old' or 'grownup' for a pony. Any light you'd care to shed on that one, at least as it pertains to the ponies of your home continuum?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Hey heyya Sweetie Belle! From all you've been saying in this thread, I dunno whether the you I know is.. well, you, but if not, then some parallel Sweetie says hi I suppose.

That's always kinda tricky, 'specially since I've run into several other Sweetie Belles. I even hugged one twice earlier today.

Anyhow, one thing the show has never addressed, which I'm sure the humans would be interested in knowing about, is the specific age of any ponies -- and for that matter, how old is 'old' or 'grownup' for a pony. Any light you'd care to shed on that one, at least as it pertains to the ponies of your home continuum?

Well, you know, I'm not really close enough to some of the ponies you'd be interested in to know their ages. Also, my own age is sorta tricky 'cause of time travel, including a timeline that no longer exists that I still remember.

I do obviously know my sisters age, but she told me that 'a lady never reveals her age', and would be appalled if I told everypony. I think she's actually the oldest of what you call the mane six. I mean, she's out of school and she owns her own business, right?

As of season 3, I was thirteen, in my reality, anyways. My sister was a few years younger than that when I was born. My parents, though, were in their forties, and weren't exactly planning to have more children at the time.

And, yeah, my dad touches up his mustache and mane with dye. I once got into it, and dyed Opal the same color. :unsuresweetie:

Scoots and Apple Bloom are in my year at school, so they're around the same age, as is most of the class. I do happen to remember that Dinky is a year younger then me.

Oh, and pretty much you're grown up when you move out, have your cutie mark, and are no longer in school. A lotta stuff that I've seen on the net has certain ages depending on where you are is more like 'when you're ready' in Equestria. So age isn't really quite as important as it might be.

Of course, whether you have your cutie mark is one of the big things ponies look at for how grown up you are...

--Sweetie Belle

Every time an episode involving you is released, heart attacks from cuteness overload spike across the globe. Do you plan to do anything different in the 4th season, or do you intend to continue to kill your fans?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Sorry about the late response. I kinda forgot you posted this.There are two things you should keep in mind, tho'.

a) There are a whole buncha Equestria's, and things happen differently in all of them. On the one I'm from, I got sent here through a magical accident with one of Twilight's gadgets in the library. She was a unicorn at the time, so anything from Magical Mystery Cure and beyond is from a different Equestria, and I have no idea what happens.

b) I don't actually have any say in what Hasbro sends out. I'd personally put warning labels out if I did, but I'd also probably make sure we got more time to all the cutie mark crusaders, and some time to everyponies families.

There's lotsa little stuff that gets cut. I mean, me, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo make this whole big trip to Canterlot for Princess Cadence's wedding, and we get, what, two scenes?

That picture of me and Spike dancing was great, though. And it was pretty fun. Wish we could do that again...

--Sweetie Belle

Can you help me get to Equestria? If so; will you?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Sorry, I'm stuck inside a computer and can't get back to Equestria myself. And while I've run into various time-traveling or alternate reality Sweetie Belle's, I don't have much info on how they do it, and the issues usually that they are on the outside sending messages to me, while I'm on the inside.

--Sweetie Belle

Oh, ok. Maybe I can try to get you out of the computer, then you can get me into equestria! Just a question, have you tried pressing the escape key? I'm sure you have it seems obvious.

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