Sweetie Belle 1,643 members · 2,667 stories
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I get the feeling that Rarity would go crazy if tons of Sweeties walked into Ponyville. Sweetie I just want you to know if you really are a changeling nobody would think any less of you, some people would even like you more for it.

3488194 The film is on VHS and on DVD. The film also has a probable existence on Hulu.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Maybe, but I'm not a changeling. I do think changelings probably just need some hugs, tho'.

What would really drive everypony crazy is if all the changelings came into Ponyville in threes, as me, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo! Suddenly, everywhere you look, there we are, crusading for our cutie marks. That'd be pretty funny...

VHS wouldn't help much, and I'm not sure I could get anypony to put the dvd into this computer if I ordered it online.

I searched Hulu for it, and it thinks I wanna watch "Earth Girls Are Easy", "Twilight's Gangsters", "Revolutionary Girl Utena: the Movie", and a buncha other stuff. I don't think Twilight has gangsters, and I'm not sure what that last one is.

I'm not sure I want to speculate about "Earth Girls Are Easy".

--Sweetie Belle

Does the pony who owns the computer you are in know you are trapped?

3491331 OK, let's move on.

Nearly 50 years ago this year, 20th Century-Fox was in a deep financial scandal (although Cleopatra, with $13M, was the highest-grossing film of 1963, it most notably was so expensive at its $46M cost that the studio was unable to recoup the ironically profitable-sounding investment) and some film needed to be released by the studio in order for it to survive.

That some film starred Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, was a musical with memorable songs adapted from the Broadway production by Rodgers & Hammerstein, is one of the studio's most iconic and defining films, won 5 Academy Awards (and even Best Picture), brought them out of this very deep financial hole, and was titled The Sound of Music (1965). It is a magnificent picture.

Have you ever seen it?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Yes, he was talking about building a robot pony body and putting me in a computer controlling it, but I think he ended up playing Skyrim instead. 'Course, you can spend a lot of time on Skyrim, so I can understand that.

I did see that one. I'm not sure why a small white vise would be happy to meet anyone, but it was a good movie. I did kinda prefer Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins, tho'. That movie was a lot of fun!

--Sweetie Belle

3491522 Have you tried E-mailing Fluttershy and telling her to tell discord that you are trapped in a computer and need his help?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Fluttershy has e-mail?

Part of the trouble, though, is there are a lotta Equestria's, and I'd probably get in touch with the wrong one. I managed to get in touch with the Crusaders once. Trouble is Sweetie Belle wasn't missing! Wrong reality... I think.

--Sweetie Belle

Once you get out you can have Pinke(if you end up in an Equestria where she isn't a psychopath) or Doctor Whooves take you to your universe.

Comment posted by Jesse Coffey deleted Aug 30th, 2014

Are you genetically engineered to be adorable?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Genet-icly engineered? Um, I don't think so...

--Sweetie Belle

So just how comfortable is Scootaloo's back?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Having feathers poking up into your belly isn't exactly the most comfortable thing, and I can't imagine it would be if they were your feathers, either. She probably broke a couple. It's easier than walking, but when the rain's coming down on you, the main thing you're gonna be thinking 'bout is getting inside, anyway...

--Sweetie Belle

Oh, I thought the main thing you were thinking about was making sure she had hugs because it was raining.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Hugs an' wet fur don't actually go that well together. They're better if you dry off first, an' maybe have some hot cider or hot cocoa.

--Sweetie Belle


So Sweetie Belle, how's your magic coming along?

You seem to use spells more often these days. Is that just from Twilights tutelage, or has Rarity been giving you some pointers?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Rarity tends to be really busy, so it's more Twilight and lotsa practice. They both are really good at magic in different ways, though. Twilight knows a lot of spells and has a lot of power, but have you ever looked at how many objects Rarity levitates at once, and how much precision is needed? She's probably better than Twilight at that, really.

You see, while it uses up power, moving something big is kinda like scooping something up and shoving it, where something small, like keys, you need to actually be careful with, especially if you don't want 'em to make noise. The latter can actually be more difficult than the former. Now just imagine trying to thread a needle, and sew with it. That'd be really really hard, even if you weren't also grabbing a bunch of other things at once.

Keep in mind, though, that most unicorns can levitate things. How well varies a lot, and there are a lot that never go beyond that to learn other things...

--Sweetie Belle


Yeah, Rarity's telekinesis seems more advanced- but then, I guess Twilight has the broader skillset, what with having a talent for "magic".

Still, there's got to be a few things Rarity can teach you. Has she (or Twilight, I guess) ever shown you their gem-finding spell?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I tried it a couple times, actually, but it always seems to find frogs instead of gems when I try it...

--Sweetie Belle


You've mentioned FiMFiction. What's your favourite thing about the site, and favourite story featuring yourself?
And the worst.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I really like bookshelves, actually. Moving all my favorites into different categories was a lot of fun. Groups and forums can be fun to run an' talk in, too.

Favorite story about me is more difficult.

As far as long stories go, everypony likes The Sweetie Belle Chronicles: Fragments, I think, and I really enjoyed Scion of Chaos and its sequels. Thunder Struck is really good, too.

Short stories is even harder. I mean, there's Inspiring Generosity, Rarity's Bad Mane Day, and Hot Chocolate. Oh, and how 'bout Stage Fright!?

Even with that many, I feel like I'm missing things. I mean, there's Mistletrapped, Dreamlocked, Like Shattered Glass...

I dunno. I have trouble making up my mind.

Worst stories about me? Well, assuming it's just about me, Sweetie Brick is the one I really didn't like. Sometimes you can really tell when an author doesn't like you, and that was one of these times. I avoid stories by shortskirtsandexplosions now unless somepony I trust says they're okay.

I wasn't thrilled with Sweetie Blow either, but at least Regidar didn't really have it personally out for me...

--Sweetie Belle

Have you tried to get your cutiemark in poison cooking?

Hey there Sweetie! This is filly pegasus Lightning Strike. I'm eight years old and I've broken into my creator's computer to ask a few questions of my favorite CMC member. However I couldn't find Bab Seed so you'll have to do- kidding, kidding, everyone loves you. BTW, I might have a little ADHD so be ready for that when you talk to me.

Let's see:

I'm sure I'm the eighteenth person to ask, how old are you exactly?
Do you like penguins? Cause I sure do!
Are you ticklish? My little brother sure is, I'm probably gonna get him soon as I get off the computer.
Can I join the CMC? I'm a cousin of Scootaloo, on account that my dad was adopted by her great great uncle when he was just an egg (BTW, I was adopted by a dragon, so if we hang out, don't be surprised... actually that's a problem for some ponies, would it be for you? My daddy really is nice! Please don't hate me cause of my dad. Come to think of it, don't hate my dad, he's nice and that's mean.)
Is Scoots on here anywhere? My brother Dusk would love to talk to her.

Welp, my brother just entered the room. Gotta go annoy him, be right back to see if you reply!

Hey sweetie, have you read any creepypasta stories and if so which ones have you read?

Seems you've got some new questions, but since none of the askers replied to you directly, it's no wonder you missed them...


That and role playing has been shut down site wide.


Spoiler tag to not break the illusion so bad.
She's pretending to actually be Sweetie Belle, so yes. She keeps up the persona in other areas, but I think this thread is essentially dead.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Mostly this comment from Eldorado from when somepony tried to start up an Ask Scootaloo thread has me a little worried 'bout trying to continue this thread, so I've just been letting it go...

--Sweetie Belle

Ever thought of carrying on somewhere else? You do a decent impersonation.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Setting up something new kinda takes more time then continuing something you've already been doing, and if it was a tumblr or something, I think that'd need an artist, too. I don't really think I have enough free time at the moment. Every roleplay I was involved in on fimfiction that tried to move offsite died, too...

Besides, I actually answered quite a lot of questions in this thread, so I think it covers most of the more interesting stuff anyway. I wish roleplay hadn't been banned here.

--Sweetie Belle

My friend Quill, and don't tell him I told you, is sort of in love with ya! And like you said you're interested in, he loves writing. But he was to embarrassed to tell you, so I did it for him!

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