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Group Admin

Good evnin ladies and gents around the world! Its thread time! We have Bill Newton. He's know for working on a few cool projects like, My Little Pony: Friendshp is Magic, to name one of his more popular projects! :trollestia: He's also going ot be a special guest at HRPC, Better known as High Roller Ponycon! The latest and greatest pony convention to spring up in Las Vegas! Give it a look, maybe sign up and come see barcast mess around with the VIP's?



Okay guys, we know you’re super excited to ask a real life voice actor from the show questions, and we want you to have fun with it. But unlike our usual cast, this will be rated PG13, instead of Rated R. That means we’ll be swearing less, and we’ll be saying less horrible grotesque and sexual things. We also are going to be respectful of our guest, and that means we have some rules of what kind of questions you can and cannot ask.
Yeah yeah, boo hoo, you know it’ll still be fun. So just follow these rules, and we can still have a wacky weird time.


-Sexual questions. This means anything about dick size, sex live, sex practices, fetishes, etc. is off limits. No asking which pony he would screw, no asking if he would ever have sex with a corpse. Just don’t do it.

-Questions with heavy swearing. We’ll probably say some damns, craps, and hells, but we’re going to try to avoid constantly saying fuck every other word. If your question is nothing but a string of obscenities, it’s not going to fly here.

-Incredibly gross questions. No dead fetus questions, no questions about explosive feces, no questions about dismembering dead cats to hide the fact that you just had sex in a  biology lab. We don’t mind weird, but use your best judgement here.

-Religious, Political, or and Social Justice related questions. We already don’t ask these. This is a basic. Just a reminder.

-Just straight up insulting questions. Don’t call our guest a faggot or anything, or tell him he’s garbage. You can always tell Enigma that later, that’s what he’s here for.

-Questions to us. Usually us regular members of the Barcast are happy to answer questions directed at us, especially horribly meme ones. But this week, let’s focus on Bill. Because we like him. And stuff.

-MORE THAN THREE QUESTIONS. We don’t like the idea of doing a question limit, and we’re going to try to avoid that as much as possible. But this week we expect a high volume of questions, so we have to be selective. Please, remember to be considerate, and ask only three questions.


-Weird questions. Hey, we’re still the Barcast! Ask what his weirdest experience is with a cat. Ask the oddest nickname he’s ever been given. Ask his opinion of pineapples on pizza, hell, ask if he’s ever heard of food ponies! Have FUN with this! We have to play nice, but not play normal.

-Questions about HRPC and other conventions. High Roller Pony Con is one of the reasons Bill is interviewing with us today, and he will be there! Feel free to ask questions about that.

-Questions about the show and his voice acting. Bill is incredibly talented as far as voice acting goes, and he has a lot of experience. Ask about pony stuff, and also his experience in other shows. We recommend an IMDB search, you’ve probably heard him in other stuff too!

-Advice. If you want to get into voice acting or film, this is a great opportunity to ask him. Be respectful and non-demanding, but please absolutely use this chance to pick the brain of someone who does this for a living.

Remember, we’ll be showing him a list of questions before the interview, and he can still reject any he just doesn’t want to answer. Also keep in mind that if you blatantly break any of these rules, WE WILL ASK YOU TO REMOVE IT OR DELETE YOUR COMMENT on this thread. Seriously, it might be funny, but if I see “how big is your dick?” on here, the comment will be gone. Use your best judgement, and keep it PG13 at worst.

Be respectful, be cool, and let’s not scar our guest for life.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued strangeness.

-The Barcast

Just like always, if you happened to miss last weeks cast, We've got it on youtube! Give it a listen!

Like always, make sure to tune in at 7pm -5gmt/6pm -6gmt/5pm -7gmt/4pm -8gmt over on our twitch page!

Also give our side project, Writers Workshop a look!

Check out the latest Mug Shots cast on the Barcast youtube! Give it a look and check out some art by our very own Ravvij and crew!

What's your funniest anecdote?
How scared are you for this cast?

What is your impression of the MLP fandom?

As someone who grew up in Houston, could you pull off an "urban Texas" accent?

Do you know what my username refers to?

What’s been your favorite experience as a VC for MLP?

Love your work dude! Legit, keep on being awesome! Now, some questions n' stuff.

1: What did you think of the characters Pear Butter and Bright Mac? :yay:
2: Any advice you could give to people who're looking to getting into voice acting? I've been tempted a few times to try my hand at it, was wondering if you could drop some sick advice. :heart:
3: Can you reply to the next question in the voice of Bright Mac?

Oh, and welcome to the Barcast :heart:

What's your favorite 90's jam and why should it be something by Blink 182?

Majin Syeekoh

What do you think would be the optimal amount of ears to have, if you could choose how many ears you could have?

Who’s the best Spice Girl?

Reading your iMBD page, you took a few video game roles before exploding into TV voice acting in 2017. What prompted the transition?

Group Contributor

What did you think when you first presented with an opportunity for a role on MLP:FIM?

Is there anything else in the entertainment you'd like to try or have tried? Writing? Singing/ Anything of the like?

What voice actor/actress, writer, or other staff did you enjoy being around the most while recording your roles, or just one that stood out to you?

Is there anything (non confidential) that you could share?
What computer games / gamedev celebrities have you been involved with?
What advice would you give to new authors?

Well, my very existence is not welcome here. Understandable.

Site Blogger

What's your weirdest experience with a cat?

What's the oddest nickname you've ever been given?

Pineapples on pizza: bad idea or worst idea?

Group Admin

Why is scotch the best drink and what scotch is best scotch?

Would you rather sniff your uncle's finger or a toddler's armpit?

A blushing girl approaches you and breathily recites your full name. She says that she's your number one fan and wants to have a staring contest with you while you tell her how pretty she is in your various voices. If you don't have time, your calling card would be really great too, she says. Will you entertain her or will you give her your number?

Do you kno de wey?

That Canadian Guy here with a question for you Mr. Newton, which happens to be quite... divisive here on the Barcast!

Would you rather purchase milk in a carton or milk in a bag?

Also, Hi Penny!


First off, we need our obligatory BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL BILL.

Were you aware of the kind of impact playing one of Applejack's parents would be on the show and/or fandom? Do you follow the show enough to know or even question why they're only shown this once, and it's a flashback?

Do you happen to share something personal (loss or gain) like the Apple family, that made you or even your own family stronger? Did this episode resonate with those feelings, and you were able to draw from them when playing Bright Mac?

Last question: Do you know what evil lurks in the heart of man?


Hey Bill, HRPC events director here! We are so excited to have you in June! Anyway here are some really stupid and pointless questions.

What is the dankest meme you have ever Memed?

Have you seen the number one Ugandan action movie of all time, Who Killed Captain Alex? If not I highly recommend it!! It will show you de way.

In June this year, what will be "staying in Vegas"? Lol ;D

Rats, you guys got freaking Thorax's brother here? I'll be a monkey's butt...
Anywho, considering the new rules, I'll refrain from too much questions.

You think there's any chance of you returning back into the next season (Whether to voice one of your previous roles or perhaps a new role)?

Also, I dunno if I can ask this, but I'll at least try anyway,
But can you say this quote using your Pharynx voice, please? It's based of a Metal Gear Solid quote modified a bit. Thank you.
"You're fine. You got all of Chrysalis's dominant genes. I got all the flawed, recessive genes. Everything was done so that you would be the greatest of her children. The only reason I exist is so they could create you."

Ah geez, look at me talking to a voice actor. Take care of yourself, Pharynx.

Group Admin

If there was one game that existed that you'd play to the exclusion of all others, what would it be, how would it play, and what would it be about?

A lot of the questions I want to ask are already being answered or will be answered so...

What is you favourite flavour of ice cream, and have you tried KitKat ice cream?

If you were stuck in a Groundhog's Day situation, what would be your first course of action?


Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?

1. Are there any roles that can damage your voice?

2. How's your cousin Isaac doing?

3. What's your favorite 80's song?

Group Admin

If you could make one change to the show as a whole, what would it be?

Is there anything created by the fandom that you really enjoy, like fanfiction, music, or art?

anything you can tease for us in upcoming roles or appearances? Maybe some info about High Roller Pony Con? :trollestia:

Group Admin

so, milk, that three question rule. ;)

Congrats to everyone at the Barcast for snagging your most legit guest yet! It's all downhill from here.

My question for Bill is this: what drew you to voice acting, and how did you get your start in the business?

Technical follow-up question: do you have a favorite microphone to use when voice acting? Looking to replace my AKG P120 with a more professional rig and thought you might be able to lend some insider knowledge. No worries if that's not up your wheelhouse though!

while I'm about to watch season 6 after rewatching the show somewhat, i will say i heard of you from Dragon Age: Inquisition. after all i am a gamer. anyway

1. is their any "blooper" scenarios that you can share while voice acting for the show?

How does this makes you feel?:

1. What sources of inspiration, if any, did you draw from when doing Bright Mac's voice?

2. Same question but with Pharynx.

3. Tea or coffee?

As an aside, I just wanted to say that it's super duper cool of you to come on this podcast and share some of your time with us. I'm sure someone else said it a million times over already, but thanks for hanging out with us tonight, Bill!

Which pony is going to be the next alicorn?

Don't you think the old look of the Changelings looked more cool?

Could we get John Dimaggio and Billy West to guest voice ponies in a new episode? (they are voice actors from Futurama. Dimaggio did the voice for Bender, Billy West did the voice for Fry, Farnsworth, Zoidberg... and many... many others.)

Could they rebuild the Golden Oaks Library?

Well that's just boring. No offense to the Va.

  1. What’s your favorite boss fight ?
  2. you are in the Pone Zone what business do you start ?
  3. Can I get a “ Praise the Sun ! “ in your choice of mlp voice you have done ?

\ [+] /

Group Admin

Three. Question. Rule.

1. Which other character would you have liked to voice? (In the show MLP of course)
2. You might be slightly biased since you are in it as a VA, but do you think they show deserves to have such a huge fandom around it?
3. What mythical creature would you like as a pet? ( They would of course be tame towards you )

I hope you’ve enjoyed the cast so far, Bill. We’re really glad to have you on and you're super cool and stuff. :heart:

How much do you think you’ve grown as a person and voice acting since you’ve started pursuing it?

Which of your achievements are you the most proud of?

What’s kept you going, regarding voice acting?

Are you a brony?

If so, best pony?

Are the other voice actors and actresses easy to get along with?

Which pony would you snuggle with, and why would you snuggle with them?

How was your work on Dragon Age?

I need to know for a Friend, who is totally not standing in front of a bridge, where he needs to answer 5 3 Questions:
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen European swallow?

Hopes, dreams? Gripes, gropes, or moans?

Group Admin

What is your most memorable fan or convention experience?

Do you have any 'Pet peeves' when it comes to doing fan events or conventions? Even if it's something silly.

What is your choice of alcoholic beverage?

Can you support yourself well on voice acting? What was you worst or most demanding voice acting job? How did you get a job on the MLP:FIM show?

Would you rather Voice a Villainous or a virtuous Character?

I was really late to this, but I have a small list of questions for you.

What is your favorite song from the show, and song from the fandom?

Who is your favorite non-pony?

What is your opinion of changelings?

What is your opinion of Spike?

What is your opinion of the Barcast?

How do you feel about your work, MLP or otherwise?

And finally, would you recommend watching MLP to those of us that don't?

I hope it has been fun so fare^^
1. If you had the ability to change yourself into one inanimate object, what object would you choose and why?
2. Would you cuddle a thingpony?
3. Imagine this: You are a character in small horse town. Suddenly a strange bright light appears above you and lifts you up in the air. The next thing you can see is a dark room with two chairs, a table and a guy with a scruffy beard sitting across of you. You also notice a small sign with the inscription "buy my book" and some sharpies on the table. He starts talking: „Hi my name is Mitch Larsen and the guys from Hasbro just called me and told me that they need another alicorn... and well since I am the guy for those sorts of things I couldn’t really say no.“ ... He is scratching his beard and says „Look, I am really sorry but they said I could only leave this stupide room after I found the next princess... and well I thought I may at least ask a few candidates before I make my final decision...“ what story do you tell to convince him that you have or have not (your decision) the right stuff to become equestrias next princess?

Or for short, why should one of the characters you played become or not become the next princess?

Group Admin


On a scale of yes to yes, how much do you regret coming here?

How deep and how high-pitched can you make your voice?

This may or may not end up in a video of mine. Would it be alright with you if I put this into said video?

How long does it take to record an episode?
--Specifically an episode of MLP?
Like, in the studio and preparation.
Is there a group prereading?

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