Programmatical editing 63 members · 8 stories
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Meep the Changeling
Group Admin

Text Separator, a free editing/proofreading program for Windows computers created by Bad Dragon, is a piece of software which with just one click will scan any text document you feed it and compare the document word by word and phrase by phrase to a list of words and phrases you (or the community) supplies. Text Separator then shows you everywhere those words and phrases are used in your document, and tells you what you should do about them.

For example, if you use the Very Words list, Text Separator will find every instance of phrases such as "Very Dark", "very hot", and "very scary", and make suggestions on better words to use such as:

(For very dark) Dismal, pitch black, umberal.
(For very hot) arid, scorching, sweltering
(For very scary) terrifying, horrendous

Text Separator is more than a thesaurus however. It's applications are as unlimited as your imagination and use of the convenient and simple tag system. It can be configured to ensure you always use the correct American or UK spelling of words. It can be used to ensure you always (or never) use an Oxford Comma. It can be configured to search for curse words if you want to make sure you didn't let any slip into your story.

You can even use it to find character names so you can make sure AJ always speaks in her country accent by quickly finding her dialogue, or even write her dialogue in plain English for your first draft, then make a special list that finds her dialogue and tells you what to change to write a proper accent for her.

Text Separator is as configurable as can be. The only limits are the tags we create. As of now, lists exist for Basic and Advanced polishing (rough draft to final draft editing), Very Words and Extremely Words (basic writing improvement), and simple grammar correction. You can even combine multiple lists into one huge list.

Best of all, it's completely free! Thanks, Bad Dragon! Do note that since this program was made by a FiMFic writer and not a publicly known company you may have to tell Windows Defender or your antivirus to allow the program to run as it wont have a security pass. I have submitted Text Separator to Avast's Virus Lab, so it should register as okay to Avast Antivirus if that's what you use. Having examined the code myself, I can assure you that Text Separator is harmless, it's just that our computer has no idea who made it and that tends to scare Windows.

Download Text Separator Here (click the gears in the pop up)

Bad Dragon
Group Admin

I'll just post a link to the newest version of Text Separator here:
Many improvements were made since the earlier days.

This looks rather interesting. I might try it out. ^_^

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