Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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>FInd some cake and eat it

Group Admin

>FInd some cake and eat it

You dig around in your stylish pirate outfit and pull out the terrible, chalky rations the crew mockingly calls cake. It's nutritious, but that's the only good thing that can be said about it. You bite down - and discover that it's as hard as a brick. As always. Maybe, with luck, you won't chip a tooth trying to eat it this time.

>Feed it to the nearby Kraken.

>Search the ship for something actually good.

>Feed it to the rock.

Princess wuna> be captain of the SRS Luna

Group Admin

Golden 123123123:
Princess wuna> be captain of the SRS Luna

You are Captain Woona of the SRS Lulu (which you named, naturally) and you have just turned the wheel over to your first mate.

"I wonder if my rock can eat this..."

You like your first mate. She doesn't talk like everyone else. It's fun! And she's saved your life on multiple occasions. Of course, you've saved hers. You kept score at first but both of you lost count at some point, such is the way of adventure on the high seas.

>Come to a shocking realization.

> find your ship shape chef and demand cookies [preferably pumpkin flavored cat shaped ones]

> Set course for Pumpkin Reef!

Group Admin

>Come to a shocking realization.

Something's wrong.

A kraken erupts from the waves, flailing its tentacles wildly. You and Cinder ready your Cartagropher's Cutlasses and dare the beast to attack!

It sure was shocking that it showed up, though.

>Cue battle music

> blackjack. Go Fish play Uno with the Kraken

> Offer the Kraken cake

You've activated my tap card!

Another Cracking sound The jungle sure is humid, best drink some water.

Group Admin

> Offer the Kraken cake

You tear the cake out of Cinder's hooves and throw it right at the kraken's monstrous eye. It squishes and then explodes in a shower of confetti.

This doesn't seem normal to you, but Cinder is cheering excitedly.

"That was awesome! Just like Pinkie!"

Who the in the name of the moon is Pinkie?

>Realize the new unicorn next to you

>Science Woona, explain Pinkie.

>Now sail forth for the second star on the right!

Group Admin


"Suzie! She's not responding!"

"Do you have anything? Any soul signal?"

"Yes, but I can't reach it! It's almost like her mind is elsewhere!"

>Now sail forth for the second star on the right!

That's no star

You didn't remember it being night, but that makes as much sense as anything. You tell Cinder to go right for the silver star.

It welcomes you. It invites you. It wishes for you to be safe.

>Reassure the star that you are always safe... with Horseton Antivirus! Buy now, and get your first month half off!

>Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity.

>Onward! The star shall aid in your escape.

>Star: be malicious

>Star: be a star, because giant bodies of gas aren't capable of being malicious

>Celestia: Your sister is missing.

>Arm the harpoon

>Gaze into the light

Group Admin

>Celestia: Your sister is missing.

Um... Celestia is looking down at an unconscious Cinder, surrounded by various batponies who seem equally worried and confused. Celestia's not sure what's going on, but this is the only place she feels any trace of her sister, Woona.

>Arm the harpoon

The star arms a harpoon and points it at you.

You blanch. Uh oh.

>Debunk the star.

> objection: the star can't aim a harpoon it doesn't have arms

>Shield! Shield! SHIELD!

>Cinder: Question this

Group Admin

>Cinder: Question this

You are Cinder and a star is currently pointing a harpoon gun at you.

This doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Something's wrong.

"Captain? Something's wrong."

Captain Woona points out that a star is currently pointing a harpoon gun at you, so that should be obvious.

"No, I mean, about this place. It's wrong, off, and... we have duplicate cutlasses?" You hold up your Cartographer's Cutlass to Woona's. They are exactly the same in every way.

Woona seems surprised by this. She's not sure what it means. You aren't either.

You swear you can hear cheese...

>Search your ship for Sheogorath.

> Princess woona: this is crazy talk shut your subordinate up with a cookie

>Woona: use cheese sense

> Arm the Shipping cannon

Group Admin

Eclipse Nova:
>Woona: use cheese sense.

You are Woona and you realize you have access to the cheese frequency! You can hear voices calling out in... confusion?

The harpoon flies true, stabbing the wood in front of you.

>Grab the harpoon and flee

>Pretend the star doesn't exist until it goes away.

>Tell the star to chill for a minute, you’ve gotta figure this cheese situation out.

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