Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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>Young ponies: obey the laws of science.

> burgerbell: awaken wune with a brad Burger

>Burgerbelle: Play an appropriate Awakening song.

>Science: Obey the ponies of law.

Group Admin

>Burgerbelle: Play an appropriate Awakening song.

They're awake.

Made with photoshop, unsure where individual images came from at this time.

>Woona+Cinder: Overwhelm cat with Adorable Petting Overdrive.

>Search yourself for cats.

>The scent of baby oil fills the air.

> cats yourself for search


>Self your cats for search

Group Admin

>Search yourself for cats.
Golden 123123123:
> cats yourself for search
>Self your cats for search

The two of you feel the Search come upon you. As the sounds of Awakening fade into the background, the Search directs you to your adversary: the orange cat, now easily visible to everyone who cares. It is just the two of you in the whiteness with a cat being beat over the head by a...

...yellow flag?



>So this is the pony you've switched with... Quick! Boop her before she boops you!

>Woona +Cinder: introduce yourselves to each other

>Cinder and Woona: boop each other

>In a stunning turn of events, become Cwionodnear, the Cutefusion.

>Main Characters: Double check the cat is actually dead dealt with

>Quick, while he’s WRYYing! Cinder: cast Fireball! Woona: cast

Woona use CHARM. It's super effective. Cat passed ut from a jet of nose bleed

>Use the manifestation of your cute spirits to fight off the cat.

Group Admin

Golden 123123123:
>Woona +Cinder: introduce yourselves to each other

"Hi, I'm Cinder!"

Woona introduces herself with an adorable wink.

>So this is the pony you've switched with... Quick! Boop her before she boops you!

You both get the idea at the same time and boop each other. The cuteness overload is too much to handle!

You both get +1,000,000 cuteness power!

>Quick, while he’s WRYYing! Cinder: cast Fireball! Woona: cast

You push your cuteness powers to their maximum and, together, create a fireball mixed with the shimmering power of cuteness. It flies right toward the cat while making meowing noises much more adorable than his.

He really has been WRYYing for a long time, hasn't he? Geez.

The cute-fireball impacts...



Cinder fell to the ground as the white expanse became dark, like midnight. She tried to move, but couldn't - the mental power of the cat was just too much. Vaguely, she could make out the shape of Woona next to her, trembling.

"All I wanted was to be free from this goddess-forsaken rock!" the cat hissed, striding toward Cinder in that arrogant way cats walked around. "Nothing but moon and mist, moon and mist! You were that opportunity... and I will not let you ruin this! Chaos needs to be free!" He brought out his claws, pointing them at Cinder. "Once your crew makes that portal, you will be no more." He traced his claws under Cinder's neck. "I wish I could take care of you now, but they need that connection to find you."

Cinder grunted. "You... won't get away with this..." I'm being so cliche right now.

"What, do you expect me to say 'I already have?' Are you ridiculous? Your current conscious state is a massive threat! So I'm going to keep you right where I want you... Trapped in this dreamscape. And don't get any ideas on imagining a way out, this is my dream, not yours." He turned to Woona. "It isn't even yours."

Woona looked up with big eyes. "N-no..."

"Aww, don't be sad, you probably get to live. Aren't even physically h-"

"It's not my dream," Woona interrupted. Then she grinned adorably. "But it's not yours either!"


She booped him. A shimmering white light came out where her hoof touched his nose, creating an explosion that tossed the feline back.

"What!?" the cat shouted.

"It is the power of cuteness!" Luna declared. "A power that transcends all dream barriers!"

Cinder stood up, finding that the weight had lifted. "Yeah!" She reached into her mane and pulled out the Cartographer's Cutlass, pointing it at the cat. "And with it, we shall defeat you! Cuteness..."

"...and friendship!" Woona shouted, producing her own identical cutlass.

"This is my dreamscape!" the cat shouted. "I can do anything!" He drew all his claws... and nothing else happened. "W-what?"

"I am Princess Woona!" Woona declared. "Princess of the Night! Princess of Dreams!" She twirled her cutlass in the air. "Nobody has control of this dream now."

"And you don't understand cuteness!" Cinder added.

The cat blanched. "No... No, get away! I just need t-"

The flag appeared again, smacking him over the head.


"Hiiii-yaaaa!" Woona and Cinder shouted at the same time, bringing their cutlasses down on the cat at the same time as the flag. The cat hissed, lashing out - but the swords improbably folded into hang gliders and swept them out of the way. Swinging back around, they smacked the cat in the head with their hooves. An explosion of cuteness energy made the two mares' manes flip wildly in the shockwave. They folded a pair of paper hands and high-fived each other.

The cat growled. "I... will be free! I... I will..."

"How bout... no?" Cinder asked. She and Woona caste the cute-fireball once more, surging with power neither of them fully understood.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" the cat screamed as it was engulfed.

Woona and Cinder jumped into the air, cheering.

The dream began to fade...


> Be Cinder

You are Cinder and you have just woken up in the warm embrace of a Celestia. You see a lot of batponies, the rock, and the cat, which appears to be stirring.

"It's okay, my little pony," Celestia says.

>Cat: remember what that one guy just said about antagonists. Realize you probably should have listened. You silly cat.

>Wait that Rock was real? Search Rock for self

> Boop the Celestia

>Hug Celestia back and tell her about your friends on Swip.

Group Admin

>Hug Celestia back and tell her about your friends on Swip.

You pull the Celestia into a hug.

"It's okay..." she says again.

"...You must be worried about Woona, huh?"

Celestia smiled warmly. "Yes. Can you tell me where she is?"

"She's with my friends - I think. They should be here soon."

The cat opens an eye and quickly closes it when he catches you looking.

>Offer the cat a new path.

>Quick, restrain the cat with hugs

> you were doing so well until you explicitly threatened her until then I wasn't sure if you were a villain or not but now we know you're a villain so..... ka

Group Admin

>Offer the cat a new path.

You release yourself from Celestia's embrace and walk to the cat.

It sees you, eyes open in alarm, but then it decides it's going to act like a completely normal cat and yawn.

"That's not going to work," you said. "I know it's you. You did all this. Swapped us, everything. And dusted yourself in... pumpkin? To mess with everything. But now we can see you. You're the cat."

The cat tries to look normal, but you can see the nervous twitch in its eyes.

"When the other Sweeties get here, we'll let you go."

The cat stares at you. "WHAT!?"

"You're just stuck here. You haven't actually hurt anyone, though you tried." You smile. "Let's just give you a chance. What do you say?"

>Cat: seriously consider her offer. Please. You can be chaotic without being a villain.

> cat: be chaotic neutral please consider chaotic neutrality

>Plot: Twist suddenly.

Group Admin

Golden 123123123:
> cat: be chaotic neutral please consider chaotic neutrality

The cat looks at you. With a glare and a scoff, he puts his paw in your hoof.

"Fine. I guess. Wouldn't be smart to do anything else, would it?"

You pull him into a hug. He objects, but you don't let that deter you.

>Swip: Appearify.

>Suddennes: Plot twistily.
>Twistiness: Suddenly plot.
>Plot: Suddenly twist.
>Suddeness: Twistily plot.
>Twistiness: Plot suddenly.

>TIM: Make a surprise last-minute cameo!

>Suddenly Sweeties

> suddenly John Egbert

Group Admin

>Suddenly Sweeties

A portal opens up in front of you, the cat, and Celestia, depositing a plethora of familiar Sweeties into the area...

And Woona.

"Hi!" you wave at Woona.

Woona grins, telling you how awesome that dream sequence was!

"It was pretty great."

The two of you have a nice friendly hug.

Woona notices the cat. She takes one look at it - and pulls it into a big hug.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!" the cat screams.

You giggle.

>Ask someone about your pendant.

>Credits are flying by, interact with them!

>Freeze Frame! Roll credits

> tie up loose threads

> High-five and do a freeze-frame while happy music plays in the background.

>Roll the credits!

Group Admin

>Ask someone about your pendant.

Celestia lifts the pendant off your neck and examines it with her magic. "Hmm... this appears to be an illusion amulet. Why, with it, you might be convinced that rocks could talk!"

You twitch ever-so-slightly. You hope no one notices you toss the rock away.

The batponies ask what it was like in the Cheese Frequency.

"...What? The CHEESE frequency?" You have no idea what to tell them.

Golden 123123123:
> tie up loose threads

You are Princess Woona. You run to your sister and pull her into a great big hug. She says she missed you and was so worried. You giggle - you had everything under control. You and Cinder beat the cat! That cat with the grumpy expression! And now he's your friend.

She comments that not all chaos is irredeemable, apparently.

"Yeah, we've met a lot of good Discords, even!"

Your sister looks at Cinder like she might be a little crazy - but she chuckles anyway. You sister would like to meet these other Discords. You would rather not, and your sister says that is okay.

"There are lots of other worlds to check out, Woona. Why not one where everything is candy?"

Heck. Yes.

Your sister is disapproving, but you don't care. Endless candy awaits!

> High-five and do a freeze-frame while happy music plays in the background.

You two jump into the air and hoofbump while cheering.

The adventure, at long last, has come to an end.

>Roll the credits!

The League of Sweetie Belles: What Will You Do?

Written by G. M. Blackjack.
Based on the work 'Moonstuck' by egophiliac.

Cinder as Papercraft Prodigy
Woona as Princess of Cute
Hunger Marbles as There is Nothing Scarier
The SRS Lulu as Swip
The Sweeties as Victims of Woona's Nameless Narration
The Rock as Totally Just Your Imagination. Yep. Exactly. Rocks Can't Talk. Yep.
The Cat as The Catagonist
The Batponies as Background Cheese Ponies
Celestia as Best Sister
Science Woona as MVP

FanOfMostEverything (1 command)
Speckle (2 commands)
Undeadking243 (6 commands)
Golden_Reflection (2 commands)
Masterweaver (10 commands)
Blaze Rod (1 command)
OmnipresentMicroorganism (13 commands)
Goldenwing (9 commands)
Keywii_Cookies55 (10 commands)
SgtSarge_51 (12 commands)
Starlit Rose (1 command)
Blaze Song (1 command)
Golden 123123123 (19 commands)
runtrivena (2 commands)
Eclipse_Nova (2 commands)
VoidTemplar2000 (2 commands)
MazingerZ (1 command)
Assy Assman (1 command)
Ponygood11 (21 commands)


Well, glad that's taken care of. Now I know where Woona is, everything's back to normal. I'm warning you, though, when I go on break she better still be there when I get back. I have this flag and I'm not afraid to use it!

Also, hmm. Analysis shows something... different about Cinder from when she first arrived. I think that amulet did more than just make her talk to rocks...

+Permanent Bonus: Minor cuteness-based reality warping; papercraft.

Hooray! I got third! Endless bronze is mine.

Woohoo Second place :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

I guess I got first. Woo.

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