Songs of the Spheres: Extended Multiverse 216 members · 58 stories
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Golden 123123123:

Might as well. You tap the rock with your hoof.

"So... soft..."

You are pretty sure hooves aren't soft, but then again it might be soft to a rock. "Do you like soft?"

"I don't know! I'm a rock!"

You boop it again. Since it doesn't respond immediately, you think you've calmed it down. "So... got anything to tell me?"

The rock is silent.


>got to talking rock that is not talking to talk

>And now you must cuddle the rock.

>Yeet the Rock.

Group Admin

>Yeet the Rock.

You toss the rock behind your shoulder, hoping to get its attention.


"...Rock? You sound weird."

You don't hit anything.

> you know this is getting too exciting transition to the almost exciting adventures of average Sweetie Belle and average Luna

>Abandon all your inhibitions and chase the rock like a cat!

>Chase the rock blindly, like some sort of feline.

>Chase the rock, just like a cat.

>Bounce on top of the rock

Group Admin

>Abandon all your inhibitions and chase the rock like a cat!

You pounce after the rock and land on absolutely nothing.

"Who are you!?"

>You are Discount Woona.

science Luna> scienceufiy the disembodied voice

>Sudden EEEEEEEEEEEE-ing is heard in the distance

Group Admin

>You are Discount Woona.

You are now Princess Woona again, and you feel as though someone, somewhere, has just insulted your Woona-ness. Woona-ness is very important, after all.

You are currently bored out of your mind. The kid-with-hands had started trying to explain to you what she was doing to find Cinder, but even though she is your age she started blabbing on and on and on so much like an adult that you just tuned it out.

You are currently laying face-first flat on a table while the mini-alicorn eats a salad in front of you. She may be small, but she is larger than you.

> ask mini Alcorn if there's any adventure to be had on the ship

>Ask if they've tried reversing the dimensional counterfrequency barrier.

>Time to sing the bored song~

Group Admin

>Time to sing the bored song~

You're bored. Oh so very bored. So bored you feel the need to sing a tune about being bored. It's a nice tune, if a bit repetitive, and the words come to you through your powers of cuteness like always.

After you finish, the mini-alicorn suggests that you might be able to do something to alleviate your boredom. There are things to do around the ship, after all.

>Set something on fire

>Be Discount Cinder.

>Remember someone talking about video games.

> Set everything on fire

>Random giant raccoon holding a welcome sign

Group Admin

>Be Discount Cinder.

You are the Crown Princess and you are a bit too depressing to be featured in this chapter.

>Remember someone talking about video games.

You are Princess Woona and you decide to ask about video games. You have no idea what those are.

You are given a controller and sat on a couch in front of a screen. A character selection screen pops up with dozens of options. You are slightly overwhelmed.

>Pick a character at random.

>Achievement get: Obscure! Misunderstand the same joke twice!

>When in doubt choose at random.

Let's say a great tragedy has befallen the kingdom, and it needs the greatest swordsman there ever was to save them. Only, they don't have the greatest swordsman, so they grab a marginally good swordsman instead. The one chosen would then be known as the Discount Greatest Swordsman.

The Sweetie team doesn't have Cinder right now. But they have Woona instead, making her Discount Cinder. And the moon doesn't have Woona, but it does have Cinder, which means Cinder is Discount Woona.

The Crown Princess being Discount Cinder is funny, though.

> select discount Zelda as your character in the game

>Choose the one that looks the most like you.

Group Admin

>Choose the one that looks the most like you.

You find a perfect match: a blue alicorn with stars in her mane! She's powerful, regal, and has the most adorable snoot oh how you wish you could boop it! Her name is even close: Luna!

You proceed to lose horribly because you have no idea how to play video games.

But hey, she was cool!

>Activate your hidden innate Gamer-Jutsu and proceed to destroy all combatants after only one practice round.

>Become a L33t Pr0 H4ck3r, and replace this so-called Luna with your superior cute-tastic self!

> proceed to have a video game training montage

>Ask if there's easier games to play

Group Admin

>Ask if there's easier games to play

The SRS Lulu provides you with a wide selection of games that are easier, each of them with bright, colorful box art that draws your attention.

Every. Last. Game. There are dozens of them. Do you pick the cute green one, or the brown one that looks exciting? What about the one with those human creatures, or the ponies engaging in space travel? What about that one with the neon lights, the martial artists, the spaceship building, the world made of cubes, the... the...

You feel like your brain is overheating.

>Then don't decide. Just play them all at once!

>Ask Swip for a game recommendation.

> ask for a game about princessing you're good at that

>Pass out dramatically from the sheer number of games

>Spend the next several hours playing at least a bit of them all.

>Find a game about that “Luna” character. That one really spoke to you.

Group Admin

>Find a game about that “Luna” character. That one really spoke to you.

You ask the SRS LULU to find a game about Luna. She finds you one, entitled The Nightmare Cometh. Looks a little scary from the cover, but you're too curious to say no.

You enter the game as Luna. Immediately a nightmarish black alicorn appears on the screen and screeches so loudly spit flies out of that... exceedingly detailed mouth. She generates a scythe and brings it down on Luna and...

It's all black.

No, wait, it's just the Flat one holding a censor bar over the screen. You complain that you're playing a video game.

She insists that this is probably a bad idea. At least you think that's what the series of noises coming out of her mouth meant.

>Go on an enraged rant about censorship in modern media.

>Media censorship is a heresy, fling the censor bar away with your magic

>Keep her distracted with your ninja boop-fu skills!

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