Fallout Equestria 5,391 members · 2,623 stories
Comments ( 627 )
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Well this is new. Anyways Hi everypony! :3 New writer here on FimFIction. Recently started a Fallout: Equestria sidefic. Well actually no. I finished the first chapter already. I digress. Just wanted to say hi to y'all.

Hey all figured I might as well retire being a lurker status and be more active. Finally got around to starting on my FOE side story after putting it off cause lack of time hehe . Kinda looking for abit of cover art for it and I'm open to a FOE pnp game on R20 . I'm a owner of hard back editions of the main story and pink eyes and I live the concept of missing two of the best things ever .. fallout and MLP equals epicness.. and pssstt Enclave for the win. :rainbowkiss:

4785361 You shy too!? I am as well! :yay: Brohoof! /)

4788526 Welcome to the Equestrian Wasteland, where everything is out to bloody get ya! :pinkiecrazy: If you need any assistance I could be able to help gladly like Dwavish here! Also, be mindful of what you are getting into when you read PH, that book has 1,000,000 words right now and soon Murky Number Seven my catch up to Project Horizons in sheer sizes of words even though it's only 27 chapters!

4796190 Well, if you wanted to have a hello from someone than you got my hello! :ajsmug:


Demoman: I hate ye Enclave! Everybody bloody hate ye stupid pegasi up there!

Now, Demoman calm down before we get... Wait! Don't shoot those grenades at...! Explodes into giblets then respawns Well that bloody sucks, yeah, Demoman hates the Enclave more so than any other, heck even the raiders to an extent. Anyway, welcome to the Fallout: Equestria group mate!

Hello everyone. I am TuffScruffy, the soon-to-be youtuber of the decade. (I can only dream) Wanted to say hello because well this is an introduction thread. I'll will be writing stories here and there, some about Falllout:Equestria I guess. I'll be making a series called Fallout:Equestria Shorts. Because why not. Basically the Shorts Series is a one chapter story taking place in the world Kkat made or conversed to ponies. Also going to be making a large story which will have probably most of my main focus. It will be called 1000 Words, !000 Chapters
Bet that title was a mouthful. Basically that story has exactly what the title says. There will be 1000 chapters with a thousand words each one.n Wooh work! -_-

Hi, I'm Jammex, I still haven't actually finished reading FO:E yet but I have a few ideas though I'm not sure if they've already been done. Before I know of FO:E I spent a while toying with the idea in my head, thinking of what that would be like, I now have an answer to my question. I haven't been on FimFiction for nearly 2 years, mostly due to a combination of school and depression so my page has a couple fits I never got around to finishing due to a lack of motivation and , looking back they were very poorly written in my opinion, I wrote a little Cthulhu based, non pony stuff but never posted that anywhere. I have a lot of ideas that play out really well in my head but I always have a hard time getting it down, anyone know of any threads here to talk about that?

Based on what the title of this thread is I guess I'll just follow it: Hello Everyone.

Herow, I just wanted to say hi ^-^. I'm called Norbu here, but you can call me Darkspark if you want seeing as he's my primary avatar. I have written and re-written the same few fanfictions over and over again and frankly... I still think their terrible. BUUUUUUUUUUT I'm going to start posting them up or whatever so that everyone can see how weird they are. One is technecly set in another universe, but the backstory is FOE (Dont ask), but the other... two? Yeah... well, thair all FOE all the time.

Hi! I'm Monday. Fallout: Equestria is the only MLP fanfic I've read, but I really enjoyed it.

Hi there! I am Sky Sprinter (You could call me Derron116 if you want to use my screen name from almost every other website that I use). I'm in the process of writing a story, Crystal Lane, and you can find it in the stories area. I first read Fallout: Equestria this past summer and I absolutely loved it. My specialty in writing FIMfictions is having the protaganist be a changeling as I just love their designs and the freedom that I have with writing them. Incorporating them into FOE is a bear at times but I think I've done a fine enough job so far with Crystal Lane.

Welcome! Fallout: Equestria is a good place to start. It's where I started with mlp fanfics! :yay:

Welcome to the group! I personally love changelings, but have yet to incorporate them into any fics. You could say my view on their personalities are constantly... changing.

... I'll let myself out now. :ajsleepy:

I'm always a sucker for puns, no matter their quality. I love being able to finally express myself creatively to a wider audience, as it was only a year ago that I started actually writing fanfictions. (That story is still being updated, doesn't help that I sometimes have hiatuses of a month at times, I'm working on keeping that from happening with my FOE fic though.:twilightblush:

Hey. So uh... I'm only here to hopefully post a theory thread or two. I just reread FO:E for probably the sixth time, and it was exhausting, and apparently Fallout 4 came out? Cool beans. Wish I still owned an Xbone.

Uh... I've done some Fallout Equestria fanart (but not as much as I'd like), so a couple people here might recognize my username. And I have the distinction of being the artist of the worst, shittiest chapter header art in the hardcover editions of the story. Seriously, I have to cover it up with my hand every time I get to that chapter. Really sorry about that. I hope they changed it out for someone else's art in later printings.

Cool. That's pretty much it. I should probably mention that I lurk and that I'm the least productive artist/writer you'll ever meet. Unless you meet an artist/writer who doesn't art or write at all.

I feel like I should introduce myself at some point. Hi! My name is Pommel. I'm an aspiring writer and an artist for hobby. I began reading Fallout Equestria a long time ago but I still have most of the story in my head. I managed to finish Project Horizons, caught up with Outlaw, Heroes, Memories and Frozen Skies while reading a lot more in my library. I'm pretty approachable in most occassions, all you need is give me a slap and say Hi. So, yeah! Nice to meet you all, hopefully I get to meet all of you and be friends with you!

Might as well try and introduce myself... Hello, I'm GenericPonyName! I write mediocre fanfiction, specifically Fallout: Equestria stories. I've been a long time fan and been on the site for a good bit too (just now decided to look at groups, though... >.<), and I've read quite a few FoE fics and fanfics in general. So yeah... Hoping to make some friends and have some fun discussion about wasteland horses!

Also first comment ever made on the site. Woo.

Howdy folks! Allow me to introduce myself. Name's Droakir.

I'm an independent illustrator and comic artist. I'm also a fairly recent initiate to the Brony fandom (Last month marked my one-year anniversary of Brony-dom). It's certainly been a trip. But a fun one. As an illustrator I've done a variety of pony-related artwork, both for myself as well as on commission for others. I'm pretty active over on DeviantArt. And I'm always open to commissions for character portraits or cover art.

I've been a long-time fan of the Fallout franchise. I recently had a chance to sit down and read through Fallout: Equestria. And what a great universe KKat crafted and the rest of you have been building upon! I mean, seriously. Color me impressed. This group has generated some of the absolute best fan fiction I've read in a long time.

With my completion of the main Fo:E storyline along with the recent release of Fallout 4, I've been toying with the idea of taking a crack at writing some Fo:E fiction of my own. I'm always happy to be a beta reader (as long as I have the time). I feel like I've got a decent general grasp of the Fo:E canon at this point. I am willing to give honest critiques, and constructive feedback. I appreciate the same in return.

Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I look forward to chatting with you more in the future!



so...suppose I should say hi. Hi. I'm scorch. I found got into FoE when I kept hearing about it on other MLP stuff so decided to check it out and well...finished the audio book by crazed ramblings with in the first week I started as I basically just started listing in the morning and took few breaks.
then started reading or listing to other stories. and ended up joining for reasons that ill be posting in the help menu for.

Hello everyone. Just joined this site after reading an amazing story. Nice job, Kkat. I also found this group which I thought was in need to have my attention. So yeah. Hi!



and ended up joining for reasons that ill be posting in the help menu for.

I didn't know we had one of those.

Damn it I should be saying helloes more often! :flutterrage:

4859118 Welcome to the Equestrian Wasteland mate, where everything is out to bloody get ya! :pinkiecrazy: Oh a changeling story huh? Rarely see those nowadays, call my interest piqued Sky! Oh and for odd reasons I want to say this to you, SPRINT TO VICTORY! :pinkiehappy:

4864911 Hello good sir and welcome to the Equestrian Wasteland! Just don't let the hellhounds bite ya butt, I'd hate to put you back together by the time you been severed :pinkiecrazy:

4870644 First comment on this website eh? Well it's a start on that! Welcome anyway :twilightsmile:

4893830 Welcome to the Equestrian Wasteland mate, where everything is out to bloody get ya! :pinkiecrazy:

4907000 Well you have my attention mate! WElcome to the... you know what I've said with the others, you should know by now... :pinkiehappy:

I do hope to be able to chat with each one of you guys and girls! Let the Fo:E wave begin! :rainbowdetermined2:

Well, might as well add my two cents.

Hello! I am Swordslinger, it's either just sword, or slinger, whichever you prefer, just don't call me SS. Anyway, I'm new to the fandom in general, but I'm a long time video gamer. Fallout, Metal Gear, Halo, name it, I've probably played it. Anyway, as you might have seen, my icon/avatar is Blackjack from PH, something I have a love-hate relationship with. I know that even mentioning that story is opening up a can of radioactive face eating worms, so I'll stop there.

Anyway, I am sorta/kinda planning to write a FO:E story, but truth be told, I'm a little intimidated by the sheer scope involved with undertaking such a thing. In fact, when reading the guides, it often feels like there's a gun to the back of my head. Anyway, that's all for now, and I hope to join more threads like this one.

I feel you. I've been mulling around my story idea for a long time despite having joined this group months ago. Been asking questions on the forums, getting a feel for what people like and what works for this sub-sect of the fanbase. If you have questions about how your story should go, ask.


In fact, when reading the guides, it often feels like there's a gun to the back of my head.

That's because there is. Fo:E is despised by a huge fraction of the FimFiction community because of the propensity new writers have to write Fo:E sidefics terribly. Therefore, when you publish for the first time, your story is in danger of sinking if you don't pull it off just right. Any other fanfiction would be able to get by without much work, but the mere title "Fallout: Equestria" rubs a lot of people the wrong way. You should know this if you read my guide.

You either rise up above the 'average' sidefic, which is usually poorly-written, or you join the heap.

Coupled with the fact that Fo:E basically has a cult following of zealous, radical fans, your story won't survive very long in the green if you don't abide by the original's canon or write canon characters correctly. So yes, you have a gun to your head - two guns actually, one held by Fo:E fans and their standards, and the general Fo:E haters on FimFiction. But this shouldn't disuade you from writing, it should make you want to be better and to prove that not all Fo:E fics are as bad as the rest of the fandom seem thinks so.

4911895 I agree with both 4912664 and 4913306, it will be difficult to write something akin to the universe itself but that's, for me at least, where the fun and challenge is for. Not only will you be literally testing your mettle with every member within this group but you'll also learn many things as you write while at the same time, if things seem to fine, you'll also have fun regardless with the idea you have in store.

Now don't count me truly as I'm a rather novice writer/author into the Fo:E universe, but honestly, I find it fun to write something as big as something to this universe. Should you be planning to try it out, I'd be happy to assist you in anyway possible :twilightsmile:

I take it you're the tough love kinda guy huh? Anyway, don't worry about me in keeping to canon, both MLP's and KKat's. I'm not a novice at the writing craft, ten years of writing experience and attending college courses do that you. The only thing I'm really worried about is missing a slight detail in FO:E that would derail the entire thing and send it spiraling into the craptastic gorge.


Thanks for the offer! I have an idea, but it's still in the concept stage, and I'm not really sure on a few things, do I spill the beans here, or go somewhere else?

4914119 Recommend on the PMs. it's much easier that way



That guide was designed for new writers who are both new to FimFiction and to writing in general (which, believe me, most Fo:E writers are - hence the propensity of new writers to flock to this fandom), so you probably won't need it.

I am mylittlerainbowdashy my name I use is sawtooth and my human name is Noah so say about 20% cooler and win o. Everypony

4919235 Welcome to the Equestrian Wasteland, where everybody is out to bloody get ya! :pinkiecrazy: your sentence is weird in a good way :rainbowkiss:

4919266 thx BTW how do ya post a story on here

4919276 Clink on the Stories first, then click whichever folder you wish to post your story in, then cvlickity on whichever sub-folder that best describes your story and then click the green Add Story and then you can add your story in! Hope that helped! :twilightsmile:

4919295 The pleasures all mine :moustache:

4919305 if yall could go over to my page and read this is an idea for fallout Equestria 2 and say what us think that would be amazing :scootangel:


if yall could go over to my page and read this is an idea for fallout Equestria 2 and say what us think that would be amazing

an idea for fallout Equestria 2 and say what us think that would be amazing

idea for fallout Equestria 2

fallout Equestria 2

4919320 Dude I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but that is a bad idea there... bad, bad, bad, bad, bad idea to try! You already gotten two dislikes on you because of that! :twilightoops:

4919409 Oh don't be a meanie pants Interloper... I can understand why but don't be mean-spirited... :moustache:

4919479 I didn't mean to do anything bad sorry guys and gals I just was thinking about that and was well hopin' to start some ideas so if I made anyone mad bout that sorry I will take it down
:facehoof: sorry agen

How do you get the picture from the top????

4920641 You're going to have to as Cascadejackal about that mate since she putted that up I brlieve :twilightsmile:

I am Crono411 I was late to join the herd but quickly caught up. During MLP MSP 2015 I heard about fallout equestria and gave it a read. It was soooo amazing combining two of the things I enjoy most in a perfect way. I have started work on my own fic but won't be putting anything up till I am about half way through.

Good to meet you all and hope the hype train for FoE is still chugging along.

Yeah, that about covers it. I couldn't make it rich selling counterfeit bottle caps to stable ponies, so now I just read fanfic.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...

I guess I'll throw myself out here. Hi there I have an almost red and black OC (-1 kool poiint) I've been in the fandom itself for roughly 3 years now, I've been wanting to write fics for a solid 2 years but I never could come up with anything I liked (I don't post any work I do unless I like it and can read through it without cringing.) Until I read Fallout: Equestria earlier this year. I guess all it took was the right universe to play in, and just like that I began to come up with ideas I didn't hate. So, again. Hi! I plan to be at least semi active on here. As long as my job doesn't murder me first.

Some of you know me as the Amateur, that one commenter who seems to really like red birds.

I have only recently started my own story, Fallout: Equestria - Choice Millionaire, but I have had a long-time interest in Fallout: Equestria side stories. I occasionally post comments offering informal critiques on these stories. Most times, I just comment about the stuff I liked in a chapter.

And I really like red birds.

I don't remember If I ever did this, but Hello! I'm just another fan of FO:E wanting to talk to other fans of FO:E. Don't be weirded out at my username, it's just my go-to name when I can't think of anything clever.

Hey, join a while ago... I'm changeling 1020853

I want to start my own story but don't know much of the lay of the land. Do any of you know of any maps that could help with this?



Are you planning on writing in the same setting Littlepip's story is based on, or your own?

All of the Fo:E wasteland maps circulating around the internet are fanon, and based on reader interpretation. Such as this one.

Sometimes, people even make maps for their own story's unique settings. Like me.

But here's an official map of Equestria - what we could assume to be a pre-war Equestria (for our purposes) made by the creators of the MLP TV show.

Below is an updated version with the Crystal Empire. This is the one I based my story's setting on.

5014644 I'm not sure, I might use the official map or use one I find as a base, either way i'd need to add location markers later in some way.

Hello there! Just call me Jack x) An ambitious writer that wants to start a little teensy project :) Perhaps stemming from an RP, and later, to story ^^ I'm not much really, just another internet user ogling one of the best fan-fics I've ever seen! <3

Nice to meet you all c:

wait.. is this hat still goin?

if so, SUP! Name's bored, and I am an aspiring writer/FO:E fan/whatever else (like almost everyone else here) and am looking forward to being a part of this fanbase :raritystarry:

I haven't done this in entirely too long (DwarvishPony is worst pony), but welcome everyone! :twilightsmile:

I'm hoping to see some new fics popping up eventually. Feel free to PM me if you want to bounce an idea off of someone, or even just chat. :pinkiehappy: (I also do proofreading :D)

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