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Group Admin

I've been caught in a bored mood. Due to this occurrence, I'm giving you the chance to end up with a free portrait drawn by me. Not a sketch. The drawing will be fully shaded.

Before I continue, here is one of my drawings.

The rules:

- You need a reference pic of your OC. And tell me a bit about him/her.

- I'm going to choose the OC that I like the look of best. Better design = higher chances of winning.

- To people who have already commissioned me, I'm very sorry but you cannot participate. (I love all of you though!)

- I'm not going to draw any of your OC's clothing if they have any. (Necklaces are fine though)

- I will choose the winner at around 7:15 PM London Time (I might be late though!)

I also need to say that if you win this, do not expect an estimate complete time. It might take a few days or it make take two weeks (blame my school tests for that). So please don't pressure me in to finishing it.

Finally, good luck!

More of my work:

Here you go :3

Do we post it in the comments or send you a ditect message? 'Cause I'd like to participate. I not only have a reference pic, but I have his color palette and a reference to each of the smaller details on him as well.
It's the pony in my profile pic.

Group Admin

Posting here is fine!

Hm. I'd twist your arm for a head and shoulders portrait of Green Grass, but he has a hat, and it's practically part of him. Micah Welsch did a wonderful job on the hat for Royal Exam, and ReaderRyan did a wonderful sculpt of him

Group Admin

Do you have any other OC's you'd like drawn?

If you could do him that would be great. He likes rock music, punk especially and is generally pretty sad. If you want a cutie mark I can try and make one, haven't quite gotten one yet. Cheers!

Group Admin




Thanks to everyone for showing an interest in my art! In a perfect world, I would be able to draw for all of you. Sadly, I do not have the time to do infinite drawings free off charge.

The winner is: CrimsonRose97!

If you didn't win, don't worry. I might do this again in the future. Bye!

Group Admin

Sorry. You were sadly a couple minutes late. Don't worry. There will be more of these "contests" in the future. Next time, people will have more time to post their entries. But since this was a "made on the fly thing" I decided to only leave people with little over an hour.

Hm. I'm on a hat binge, I guess. Dry Roast would have one of those little paper hats with Java Le Choza on it. (He's a light mocha coat, dark chocolate mane, and blue eyes unicorn) I suppose the logo could be on his apron, which would excuse a name tag also. Yeah, mark that one for the drawing.

My OC is my profile pic... The brown stallion.

For your consideration.

Sable Stardust, a dark purple unicorn a few shades darker than Twilight. He’s got a black mane shot through with a streak of neon blue, a color which matches his eyes and magic aura. So far so standard. The thing which sets him apart are his magic wings, created via a variant of the spell Twilight used to give rarity butterfly wings for an episode. The wings manifest as panels of black glass, each hovering very slightly apart from the others and floating about an inch off his body.

His cutie mark is also unusual: he doesn’t have one. Because he doesn’t have one, he wears a simple black coat which conceals his flank. His story is a long one.

The short version is he thinks his family died because he wasn’t good enough to save them, and wandered Equestria until he meets Twilight and discovers she has time travel magic. When he tries to steal this magic and go back to save his family the spell fails and the consequences destroy Equestria, forcing Twilight to go back in time to stop him.

The wings on this aren't quite what I wanted, but it was the best looking artificial wings I could get on the pony creator. The coat isn't right either, but again, limits of the pony generator.


The enemy from Sable’s story, Despair. A hateful and angry unicorn with a body resembling blackened charcoal with a short ashen mane. His face is crossed by burns and scars in patterns resembling lightning along the lines of the mask below. Similar scars cross his cutie mark, which is basically the darksign from Dark Souls. His eyes are “the color of burning embers.” His story isn’t quite as long as Sable’s, but is deeply connected. He was created when Sable’s time travel spell failed, as a manifestation of Sable’s despair, hate, and self loathing. Using the alicorn amulet and powerful stolen magic he ends up killing most living things in Equestria. Although slain by Sable, the devastation forces Twilight to go back in time and prevent his creation.

The scars on Despair's face would match this mask, more or less.

Mask front view, the left side is what Despair's face looks like after he Eat's discord's magic towards the end of the story.

This contest barely open an hour? thats a bit unfair especially what time it would have been run. :applejackunsure:

Jest for fun I'll put mine !

King-Kirouac: 50% Dragon, 25% Unicorn & 25% Pegasus: Kirin/Qilin/Longma
• Has a horn, dragon/bat-wings with feathers on them, his front legs are dragon and his hind legs are pony, his body is the color if the flag, has a short mane, a hairy snake-tail that looks like a pony's tail.
• He is a Royal-Blue, with a Green with Orange tips, comd like this !
• He stands tall and proud.
• He has a Sword
Right: Red Pointy Triangle Ruby (pointing to the outside), on the Back side of that Guard a Green Dragon-Hand Emerald
Left: Blue Shield-Shaped Sapphire, on the Back side of that Guard a Pink Heart
Pommel: a Yellow Star on one side, and a Silver Crescent-Moon on the other side
• He has a Crown
The Crown is Silver with gold tips. Each spikes in the crown is shaped like the different hove/claw/... of the races, holding a different Crystal, that are each a different color and shape.
Buffalo = Brown Axinite or Smoky Quartz = Pear
Pony =Blue Hauyne = Oval
Dragon = Green Emerald = Pearl
Changeling: = Black Onyx = Heart
Nymph (a plant vine) = Pink Rose-Quartz = Rose
Zebra (the stripes are Silver) = Violet Amethyst = Square-Stone (Turn 45 degrees)
Harpy = Red Ruby = Short-Drop (pointing up)
• Is the king of New-MoonRacer, yet none of his parents ruled; his cousin is the princess of the Pony-Land.
• Long ago, before Kirouac was born, there was a prophecy that someone would bring all beings together. That ‘someone’ would need to be good, not racist, selfless, brave, revolutionary, and have a sense of power and mercy. No one thought it was going to happen and weren’t going to stop following their ruler for some guy that claims to be a prophet; however, he received a magical castle that is bigger in the inside, located rite on top of the mountain between the other contries, from the gods up above. The castle was supposed to be his own, but because he is so nice and decided to bring all the citizens of Old-MoonRacer (the town that he was born in) to live in his castle with him. In Old-MoonRacer, all species already live amongst peacefully. And both of the towns are Pansexualsexisme, NOT hétérosexisme! Thus meaning that by default, anyone would think you are Panxexual, with preference, unless you say other-wise. And none of them are Gender-Schematic. Their country's slogan is "Don't be normal, be your self!"
• Even though he is the king, he doesn't see him self better then the other ponies.
Cutie-Mark: A Gold Scale with the Sword he got rite in the Center as the Tower of the Scale, with little Dragon Hands/Claws holding the Chain on each side, with a Green Dragon-Fist in Pink Heart in the Left bowl, and a Silver Star in a Orange Shield in the Right bowl.
• Religion: Moon, respects all of the others

Inspired by a chat I had with hannabeth94! Chat

BackStory p.s. rated T
Long a go, maybe 2 generations ago, in the small forgotten town of Old-MoonRacer ( know back them as only MoonRacer ),
located in the forgotten forest, next to the valley with no canyon,
built in the old times, when not even the earth and crystal ponies would even acknowledge the other, when all of the misfit, the strange, the malformed, the deviant, the ones that had minds not like the norm, and the ponies who fall in love with some one else that wasn't a pony of the same race but other gender.

Generations had past since MoonRacer was founded, in that time zebras and buffaloes had ( ( fond and came to ) or ( came and fond ) ) the town, one day a pony sized dragon stumbled into the town, he a bit was young for a dragon, but a bit old if he was a pony, some of the citizens scared and nervous of having a dragon in there town, others were quick to point out that were are all here mostly because society were and are still scared and nervous of them (some for jest there appearance). After being welcomed into the town and invited to make the old cave, (where they used to store the food, before doing like the squirrels and store there food in a hole in the ground) to be his home. To help out in the town he was tasked to help the Lumber-Jackson cut some trees for wood, making fire, and keeping the wild beasts away, they started calling him BurningBush Pint. During the times he want netted, he would get tutored by the only teacher (who was also the youngest) that had the desire to teach him, a unicorn BloomingMind. (she was the daughter of the missing eldest princess, princess SparkleCloud, who was a unicorn who had her head figuratively in the clouds will she ran of into the forest never to be seen by the castle ever again (her younger sister took-over, she is kind but sérieux), becoming the town story tailler and maker. There she meat the pony that would be come her "wife", FlyWork, a hard working home architect, who is all mare, except for what was between her legs :raritywink:.) From her, he had learned how to count, write, and the rest of the part of the legend of the ruler of all. A legend told in every country, but yet, not all the same. (the Pony said that the ruler would be pure of heart, mercy, and have been born from a mare that had not been with a stallion, nor did her grand-ma. the Zebra said that the ruler would be smart, wise and always know what to do. As for the dragons.. they say that he would be Big and strong, and have power grater then others. the Harpies said that the ruler would be a great fighter, now how to use all weapons, and be merciless, Will the Buffalo said that the ruler would be in tune with nature, animals and spirits.) Like all the others, they could see that it would be unlikely, and that they were jest based on the valus of said country. After years of teaching and being with BurningBush Pint, they both fall in love for one and other. One day will looking in his cave, he fond the biggest crystal gems he had eve seen, it was BurningBush Pint least favorite to eat, but BloomingMind's favorite to look at, she he want to her, got on his knees, and asked her to be his wife. They got marred and she moved into his cave with him. Years after getting marred, and seeing the mares she known having kids of there own, some of them are even in her class, she asked BurningBush Pint if he wants to have kids, he said yes, but reminded her that she's a pony and his is a dragon, she noted but asked him to at lest they should try. So they got all the things they need to help make a baby, magic-potion, cream and pills. They want at it longer that they had ever done, and like always BloomingMind was the one on top and in charge. Moths later will she was teaching her class about the different leaves, she started to not fill wall, she dismissed the class and told them to continue reading the book and come back next time with 3 to 5 different leaves. She want to see the doctor, will he was looking for his glasses BloomingMind told him her symptoms. the doctor looked at her still with out his glasses and told her that she was pregnant. She didn't believe, she want back home to rest. When BurningBush Pintcame back to the town he want strait to BloomingMind, to see if she was ok. When he walked in, she wake up, jumped into his arms and hugged and kissed him. She told him the good news, that she was pregnant. In joy he put his claw on her belly. Looking down at her belly he remembered that he was a dragon and she was a pony. with a calm yet restrained tone, he was about to asked her who was the father, but she kissed him be for he could finished, and told him that he has been the only one that she has ever been with.
The town was in buzz wanting to know how the baby was going to look. BloomingMind was using her pregnancy for the sex-ed class and health-class. during the moths, she started to nibble on her husband food. When the day came they saw what the baby looked like.

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