Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 258 )
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3295335 If only if only. I would do the same

It had taken me several weeks to track her down. The client was a VIP, and my remuneration had been as plentiful as a dragon's hoard.

The Ruby of Desire. A flawless gem, taken from an ancient temple deep inside a lost jungle. It's said to be cursed, bringing misfortune to all who come to possess it.

An elegant mare. A cursed gem. And a story.

The Ruby of Desire (one-shot, 2298 words). I intend to submit it to the library, if I manage to catch the incoming folder open.

I already have one other story in the library, Fluttershy's Garden.

Screw it, why not?

Our Little Homeworld

One hundred years ago, Equinity found their collective beliefs shattered. Kharequus, that barren ball of sand and rock, was not their true home.

Armed with a map, a sail, and a great vessel of steel and magic, they set their bow towards the center of the galaxy. Some held prayers on their tongues, others carried nothing but hope that this new-yet-old planet—this "Equestria", this "paradise"—would make for them a better home than the war-ravaged desert world they left behind.

But there was a reason Equinity came to Kharequus in the old times, a reason the Twin Goddesses cast them from Equestria. Time moves on, but ancient things may linger, carrying with them no small remnant of their old power. Many of these relics lie on the path to Equestria, some of them more hospitable than others.

The path will not be easy for those ponies who chose this voyage, for what is forgotten does not cease to be.

Fair warning: This thing looks somewhat long now, but what is currently present is about 1/3 of what I've written and closer to 1/20 of what eventually will be written. If you get invested, be prepared for a long run.

Now with a new intro! Celestia and Luna adventure around, and build the Equestrian Nation.

I suppose. why not?

Mother of the Moon

Luna would like to know why Celestia isn't happy and what it is that brings her to tears at night. Barring her sister actually telling her, she'll settle for letting her sleep in at least one day. Because that's what sisters do for each other.

The same morning Luna wants to raise the sun, Celestia watches from the other side of a darkened window, torn between wanting to tell Luna a secret that's been gnawing at her heart and worrying about the consequences, should the secret become common knowledge, to a still fragile alliance of city-states brought together after a terrible war.

Which is more important? The needs of a people still getting used to the idea of a united Equestria, or the ache of a mother's heart?

Shameless self-promotion's my favourite sort of promotion, I've always thought.

The Devil's Details

A sudden and immediate threat compels a diverse group of ponies to try and put aside their differences and be united by the magic of friendship. So far, so civilised and familiar.

in this case, however, the sudden threat consists being catapulted far from Equestria and into the depths of a vast and hostile wilderness, thousands of miles from home and civilisation. The diverse group of ponies consist of a callous and petulant unicorn academic, a pegasus farrier as rightly terrified by their new circumstances as any sane being would be, and an earth pony military cadet vainly trying to assert any sort of leadership. And the multitude of eldritch monsters and ancient evils stirring at this new intrusion in their midst frankly don't help one bit.

The magic of friendship may have its work cut out.

Time for some bloody shameless self-promotion
"The Courier"

Unique Alternate universe, Check
Fallout crossover, Check
An HIE that isn't filled with cilices and only has a few, Check

I suck at descriptions.

I'm new to story writing so they might suck but here they are:All My Stories

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts readers might have on my story Past Secrets. Its a story about Octavia seeking the musical prodigy that inspired her to begin playing the cello with a interesting twist. They say you should never meet your heroes after all.

I want readers.

I want opinions.

I have no shame.

This is our story. its called The bride of sparkle and....well, if we give you any details you sort of gonna figure out the whole plot just by the description so... read it.

The only thing you need to know is that we are the Frank. and you will know us by the trail of dead.

Hello all,

I'm almost finished revising and posting a fic that was my last year's nanowrimo novel. Applejack has two problems. Sweet Apple Acres has been been edging further and further towards the red over the past few years, in spite of her best efforts to turn things around. Due in no small part to the first problem, AJ finds herself struggling against the ever-mounting weight of depression. Her friends' cheer, their kind words, the parties, sleepovers, races and picnics that used to mean so much just feel hollow, and she doesn't reach out to the girls for help. Something has to give, and when the worn-down gear in the normally-harmonious clockwork of the Elements goes, the consequences will reach far beyond a single farm.

In the mood for something lighter? Did you ever wonder how Rarity pulled off such a convincing Applejack impersonation during the Sisterhooves Social race? I did. Read on to see how Applejack schooled the normally-immaculate mare in the art of racing like a cowfilly.


Fluttershy makes lunch. It is tasty.

I don't see how this could possibly go wrong, so here: The life of a flightless filly

Let me know what y'all think

Well, even though it was featured, I am going to promote my work A Chance Meeting of Two Moons as I want more people to know and tell me what they think!

I'm a new writer and while my dreams of getting a story into the Twilight's Library is in the distant future, I at least wish for some really helpful critiques of my current two stories:

Fizzle Pop

All in the Name of... Tickets!

Thank you in advance. :twilightsmile:

Spike's Bad Mail Day

Because we just can't get enough of Ponyville's resident purple dragon that can send and receive messages to and from Celestia herself. It's just a shame that there's no limit to how many of these messages he can send and receive at any one time, so when Celestia makes a minor mistake...

Prepare yourself for some fiery, yet harmless, fireworks.

I might not write at a Twilight's Library quality at the moment, and I am practicing to become a better writer, but I'll share my two most well received works:
Matured Silver
I hope you enjoy.


Occasionally I dabble in the pony words. Some pony words are more tolerable than others, but it's all detritus.

For words in the adventure aisle, check out Over the Hills and Far Away (Also featured on Twilight's Library and Equestria Daily).
For words in the thematic, thought-provoking aisle, check out Hitch a Ride (Also featured on Twilight's Library and Equestria Daily).
For words in the character-driven slice of life aisle, check out The Dancer (Also featured on Twilight's Library and Equestria Daily).

For people of the Canadian variety, check out Yipyapper here. Apparently he writes alright pony words. All kinds, too.


Apparently he writes alright pony words. All kinds, too.

Except clop.:trollestia:

Here's mine:High School Shenanigans
(Name's not final by the way)
When your everyday 16 year old going through high school and adolescence stuff suddenly found a lost Lunar Princess bumping into him(Literally).

This story is approved by another fanfiction group on this site so why not post it here too?

Shamelessly promoting Clarity from Shadow.

King Sombra survived his destruction by the Crystal Heart with the help of Twilight Sparkle. She endured his disembodied voice for the remainder of season three, and after her coronation as Equestria's newest princess, Sombra gets talkative...

Usually, I fall out of love with my old stories, but this is the only one I have that still has zero dislikes. I was planning to submit it when the folders open back up, and I would love to hear extra opinions on it.

Shameless promotion go: Everything You Wanted

An older Scootaloo finds herself losing hope that she'll ever be a proper flier, until she's offered a deal: have her wish granted, and in return find others needing the same. Everyone wins, right?

This one just did not grab people, and it's a crying shame because I think it's one of my best works yet. I'm certainly going to be putting it up wherever I can.

Shameless bump :rainbowlaugh:

Here's my first fan-fic that I'm shamelessly promoting. Submitted this at 4:30 last night :pinkiehappy:.


Here's the first story I made for this site, an adventure/romance tale featuring an OC, his racist father, Zecora, Fluttershy and nominal appearances by the rest of the Mane Six. Hope you enjoy it.


The Royal Guard has intensified their training regimen after countless attacks on Canterlot. After months of hard training, they only accept the best of the best. Pipsqueak signs up to join these elite soldiers in order to protect a certain princess.

It has wacky adventures! And drill sergeant ponies! And bat ponies, oh my!

The Rainy Day
Candy Corn Kitten
Sister My Sister


Main Event

Tags: Teen, Comedy, Adventure, Slice of Life.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are the best friends and better rivals. They are always competing against each other and they always tie. But, after a misunderstanding between them, they finally find the best way to prove who is the best mare and athlete.

A wrestling match.

But Rainbow Dash and Applejack couldn't have expected all the repercusions that their decision will bring. Will be they prepared for the last challenge?

I hope that you like it

Site Blogger

I don't really like self-promoting much, but I feel I have a special case on my hands.

I challenge anyone and everyone to read Lightning's Bolt. I don't know how many people have refused to read it just because Lightning Dust is the main character. C'mon, people, have a heart. :heart: You might find that Lightning does, too.

I suppose shameful promotion is out of the question? Well? Oh, all right, then, shameless it is!

For an Angel to Pass is probably the nearest thing I've had to a "surprise hit". It hasn't had a huge number of views, but it's had an excellent reception from those who have read it. I've actually been (pleasantly) surprised by that, given that it's strongly sympathetic towards Angel whereas most of the fandom... er... isn't. It's only short, about 1,600 words, so at worst you won't have wasted much time by reading it. At best... well, I'd like to think it may make at least a few readers reconsider their feelings towards that rascally bunny.

So yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing...

The Lion from the East

A Game of Thrones crossover with Tyrion Lannister in Equestria. I'm attempting to make it different than just the common X goes to Equestria, hilarity ensues. Whether I succeed or not remains to be seen.

Two more stories to promote!

First off, One Against All (A future Twilight's Library submission) is a single chapter, adventure fiction starring Spike the Dragon Knight. A horde of unclean foes threaten his homeland, and only he can stop them. Will this brave knight be able to stand against this onslaught, or will his world fall to the vile fiends?

Secondly, we have Canterlot Academy: Knights of the Dark Moon, a multi-chapter, alternate universe fiction, starring a large cast of characters. Twilight Sparkle has finally been accepted into the prestigious school of Canterlot Academy, and she looks to study and master the art of magic. However, a dark secret has been kept, and soon the evil will return. Can Twilight, with the aid of others, find a way to stop this evil before all is washed away by the tide of darkness?

Let's see... I don't think any of these are in the library yet. I know I've submitted at least two others, though.

SadAlternate UniverseHumanTeen

Having spent nearly a year in Celestia's court and by her side, the first and only human in Equestria is in rapidly deteriorating health. And despite all of her power, Celestia finds herself unable to help him.


So, what do you do when your life takes a sudden turn for the worse due to someone else's asinine behavior? Well, if you already paid for that convention ticket and have your costume together, why not go ahead and enjoy yourself. And when your convention trip is interrupted by suddenly waking up in the world of magical talking ponies, in the humanized body of one of the most evil beings they've ever known?

Why not try convincing them you're not a bad guy and then having an adventure? What's a convention compared to that? Of course, it's not like wielding dark magic will make anything go terribly wrong...


Pinkamena vents some issues at the mirror pool.


He came from another world. He claims to be the Alicorn of Fate. Events inexplicably turn out in his favor. Ponies adore him for reasons they can't express. He counts bearers of the Elements among his friends, and one of them his lover. It seems he can do no wrong, and no evil befalls him.

Luna knows a threat when she sees one—and it has been allowed to go on long enough already.


Trixie just wants a little attention. Male attention, in particular. However, considering her winning personality, unique charm, and social grace... physical appeal is really the only option she has left. And Trixie wouldn't be Trixie if she didn't try to fudge things a little bit in her favor.

And it wouldn't be Trixie's life if the universe didn't inexplicably conspire to ensure all of her efforts ended in failure and great personal embarrassment.

Can't say this is shameless, but here goes.

Push Me is a SpitSoar oneshot that takes place when Spitfire and Soarin are about to graduate from the Wonderbolts Academy. Every pegasus about to graduate from the academy would feel excited, but Spitfire is not feeling too hot about it. Needless to say, things go downhill.
I wrote it only two weeks ago, and it's probably the best fic I've written, hooves down. I decided to try and make everyone hate Spitfire less (she needs redemption!). Hope you like it!


I decided to try and make everyone hate Spitfire less (she needs redemption!).

My attempts at writing Spitfire in a nutshell right there. :twilightsheepish:

Title: Earth Metals
Tags: [Slice of Life]
Rating: Everyone
Summary: Trixie and Lightning Dust's revenge story, alongside an OC's journey to recover her memory.
Link: It's my first try at fan fiction so it's a little rough but what the hay,

The reaction to Kicking Back (Comedy/SoL; 2,207 words) has certainly surprised me: it was written as a bit of silliness, but has ended up with by far the best upvotes:views ratio of anything I've written. It's a Cloud Kicker story, but one with a difference. In this fic, CK is not the pony of Winningverse infamy. The problem is that everypony else appears to think she is, and it's driving her to distraction. So she's hired an image consultant from Manehattan. He'll sort everything out for her. Won't he?

Alright, Promoting Nightmare Rarity: Making Dresses By Day, Fixing Your Wardrobe By Night

Rarity, who somehow cursed herself, becomes a fashion obsessed monster by night that goes around fixing ponies hideous wardrobes! MWUHAHAHAHAHA!


Princess Twilight Sparkle goes through the mirror again! Bad stuff happens!:twilightoops:
Your Kingdom is Gone
Read the description, it explains it far better than I ever could tonight!

Wesker in Equestria

[Resident Evil Crossover]

From the description: Albert Wesker magically survives his encounter with Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar in Kijuju and finds himself in Equestria. Given the chance to begin a new life he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or rather become a part of this society based on love and tolerance. Sacrifices, my other story so far, it's my version of the 'Where the hecks are Scootaloo's parents' question.

I guess I'll toss mine in here as well, still needs some revising though. Apple Family Adventures: A Big Surprise

Well, after something like three times missing the opening of the folders, I suppose I might as well.

Fingers is a HiE story, that was originally written for the Most Dangerous Game Contest. I did not get into the top five, but I got some positive reviews. The concept is quite simple: a pianist is suddenly thrown into Equestria as a pony. He has to deal with it. One-shot, 4,953 words, a sad mood piece.

How my Little Brother Became an Alicorn is the longest fic I've written yet, and it is not complete. The title is explicit. A brony discovers that his eight years old little brother has become an alicorn in Equestria. His family starts to fall apart and he tries to bring it back together. In-progress, 275k words.

One Horn Too Many is a collab I've recently started with a friend, about an alternate universe where there exists a fourth pony tribe: the bicorns. Two bronies are thus turned into this new sub-species of ponies and gradually discover the monstrous difference it made on Equestria. In-progress, 19, 702 words.

I'm kind of in the same boat as FireCracker up there, though I think I've only missed Two folder openings... So... Yeah you know what, this is the story I am most proud of but has very little exposure.

Nightmare's Moon is the story of how Luna got her groove back... sort of... also now I am considering writing that... Right on to the proper introduction.

Nightmare's Moon is the story of Luna's first nights after being freed from Nightmare Moon by Twilight and her friends. Luna goes to sleep hoping for a peaceful rest only to find herself plagued by the outcries of fear and despair from her little ponies as they are beset by nightmares of their own. It is a forty-three hundred word one-shot tagged as Slice of Life and starring Luna, Celestia, and the Ghost of Christmas Pa... I mean Nightmare Moon... yeah... pandas... Oh spoiler, there are no Pandas in this story... I'm sorry if you got excited... as a form of compensation I will also plug my most successful story... because I wasn't told I couldn't...

A Mother's Love... is a story that shows just how far a mother would go for her beloved child. It is tagged as Sad and stars Celestia, Chrysalis, and an OC that has inspired a currently ongoing sequel.

The Butterfly's Burden

What should be done about Discord?

Fluttershy knows that’s the question that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia will be asking during their meeting about “the breezies” in the most secure room in all of Equestria.

Could she ever forgive herself if she condemned one of her friends to be imprisoned in stone for a thousand years? But if the fate of Equestria really is on the line, could she ever forgive herself if she doesn’t?

Set prior to the season 4 finale.

This is my latest story, and I really like it a lot; it examines the relationship between Fluttershy and Celestia, how Celestia has put a great burden on Fluttershy to keep an eye on and help reform Discord, and how it feels to Fluttershy to be thrust into a position of great responsibility, personally, as opposed to merely being one of Twilight's friends.

I experimented a bit with the prose in this one; I was trying to be very evocative, and went for a motif with the environments in the story, using a bit of symbolism to reinforce the central narrative and the feelings Fluttershy had over being given such a burden to bear.

It is also kind of fun to see how much FIMFiction inflates word count; this story was exactly 10,000 words long in Microsoft Word, but is 10,796 words long according to FIMFiction's count.

If your up for reading something sad check out my new one shot story featuring Big Mac talking about when he went quiet. The Silent Stallion

I can't catch the Incoming Folder's opening hours, since I don't have internet back home, so I guess I'll try and promote my story here. I hope nopony minds. :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, I'd like to have my latest story, Heart Swap, up for reading. It's not great, but I don't think it's bad either. :pinkiesmile:

3577487 If I'm around when the folders open up again, I can submit your story if that's okay with you. I can't guarantee if I'll be there when they do, but I'll try.

3577495 thank you. i appreciate that. :twilightsmile:

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