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Comments ( 131 )
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I would still like to suggest Flight, Failure, Faith and Family for the feature.

Now, as first, I am well aware of the first time this story was suggested. I voted for removal because the submitter spammed the incoming folder. But that shouldn't change anything. It wasn't the author's fault that the story was removed, so I see no reason whatsoever that the story should suffer for it.

Now for the classifications:
Tags: Slice of life
Word Count: 24,370
Number of Views: 1,139
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
More than anything, this is a a story that builds a relationship between Scootaloo and Rainbow from the level of Scoots idolizing her to the level of genuine care between the two. It shows how few simple, misspoken words can cause a whole lot of damage and how much it takes to rectify those.
The pacing is wonderful, the world building is adequate to allow immersion, and on top of it all, it's well proofread.



I did look at it when it came up. I'll consider it for next week :raritywink:

Loving Accusations OR How Rarity Learned to Stop Worrying About the Cake
Tags: Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life
Word Count: 8,357
Number of Views: 398
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- This is one of the few stories that I think really gets who Pinkie is: crazy but there's a brilliant internal logic there. It then goes the extra mile to get creative with her character. The baking system was especially fun.
- I liked how the story was driven more by Rarity's busybody curiosity than scandal, even taking the time to diffuse the fillyfooling issue into "So what? It's acceptable" with the brief mention of the colts at the booth.
- It is also immaculately proofread.

When Better Days Are Past
Tags: Sad, Slice of Life, AU
Word Count: 17,965
Number of Views: 660
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- The characterization here is very strong, and the story has no qualms letting the bold personalities bounce off of each other. Some sad stories are sad because the author has put us in a sad situation, but it is a rare story that feels like the characters are in this bind because they chose to be, and they only made the choice because to choose anything else was to lie to themselves.
- AJ's situation is thoroughly explored. You can see how all the little things grow into big problems and how those problems weigh down on her mentally, physically, and emotionally.


Eek I keep spacing on updating the front page. Need to set a reminder on my computer

I also kinda forgot the usual reply-to-post business :twilightblush:

Recommending: Shattered Dreams
Tags: AU, Sad, Slice of Life
Word Count: 5,540
Number of Views: 551

Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- The author knew exactly how much AU we needed to know about and when. I never felt the story got bogged down in exposition or forgot to clue me in on anything.
- I liked Dash's accusation, especially since I had the same suspicion. It was timed very well - not up front, but just after we had gotten to the meat of the situation.
- The TwiDash had good chemistry. I always had a sense of what was going on with each of them, and it came across strongly that they truly needed to say what they did.


Okidoki I'll add it to the list

Tags: romance, SoL
Word Count: 22,317
Number of Views: 467
Reasons why the fic should be featured:

Excellent blending of symbolism and atmosphere. When dealing with symbolism, it is easy to wander into pretension or beating the reader over the head with it. However, with this carefully constructed atmosphere, I found when we got to the scene with Rainbow and Twi chained to the roses, it was more or less rephrasing and making explicit the undercurrents that were there in the tone all along. It belonged before we ever knew it was there.

Sunburst's reaction to all of this was also welcome. The due consideration and hooves-off approach she took when deciding how to approach the situation played well to the chained atmosphere. It also kept the lovers' interests in focus instead of leaving it up to Sunburst to be the hero, break into the throneroom banner flying, and demand her OTP kiss right now because it's so perfect. Bringing up the issue quietly and leaving it to the lovers to decide on the own was refreshingly tasteful.

And of course, shiny proofread words make me happy.

This Fragment of Life
Tags: Romance, Tragedy, Random
Word Count: 1,929
Number of Views: 548
This story should be featured because I cannot adequately explain in words why this story should be featured. Just read it, you will understand... or not :twilightoops:

Oh, I understand alright.

It's like me adding Rainbow Dash Gets An Abortion to Motherhood is Magical.

Explaining it is easy; explaining it without spoiling the entire point is much harder.

Render Unto Them Wubs
Tags: Slice of Life
Word Count: 3,721
Number of Views: 211
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- The voice in this story is gripping. Vinyl has a confidence problem and needs to talk it out with herself. Though a lot of this contains exposition and backstory, this character's underlying need to reflect and find strength makes it all personal and engaging.
- The ScratchTavia backstory is well done as well. We get just enough details to know what we need to, but enough is missing to want more. Their shady connection is a lot deeper than the usual "we like completely opposed styles of music" bit, which is refreshing.
- Focus is tight and the pacing is brisk: the story knows where it needs to go and it goes there as quickly as it can while still doing what it needs to do.
- All too often, I find stories glossing over the practical aspect of DJship and turn into nebulous "DJness happened here." Not so here. The inclusion of little specific details about the operation of the DJ equipment and music theory helped make Vinyl's connection to profession come alive.
- And of course, excellent proofreading.

Robo Dash 6000
Tags: Sad, Slice of Life
Word Count: 8,911
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
This is an extremely unique story from the aspect of Rainbow Dash / Scootaloo relationship. Instead of Rainbow acting all motherly the moment she sees Scoots, she denies any kinship with her. She leaves the interpersonal relationship for her own ego and accomplishments. But her own conscience and a little nudge from Scootaloo and a book, she starts to understand the meaning of her cutie mark and why she was chosen as an Element of Loyalty.

Although, there are some grammatical hinges here and there, the story is immersive and well-thought out for this errors to be ignored.


Alright I'll put it into consideration for next weeks feature

Everything You Wanted
Tags: [Adventure][AU]
Word Count: 10,863
Number of Views: 94
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- The author has a great deal of fun with Viscous's character both playing with the demon summoning archetype and the general attitude that he is written with.
- Conflict is well constructed here. The author took the time to set up a grey situation with potential for personal injury and has left the characters to sort themselves out. The quality shows when we've already had Twilight believably play the villain with no change in her character. Well done.

The Butterfly's Burden
Tags: SoL
Word Count:10,734
Number of Views: 541
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- Excellent use of subtlety here, both in subtext and in thought. Quite a bit is going on under the hood, and it all fits snugly together.
- Fluttershy is in top form: both meek and courageous. I also liked how the story remembered her animal talents come from being an astute observer of cues.
- Well proofread.

This one's on the edge of 1000 views, but only 120 likes and quite good, so I'm putting it in the hat
Queen of Queens
Tags: [Dark]
Word Count: 15000
Number of Views: 1026
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- Magnificent worldbuilding. Changeling fics are a dime a dozen, so it is always a pleasure to find a unique take on them. The author created their own little universe at once immortal and fleeting, the edge of perfection and yet lacking anything of real worth.
- The story leverages the themes built into this world to great effect. We get a Chrysalis who is both a product of her world and yet still manages to turn it on its head by the force of her own will and must deal with the consequences.
- Excellent use of the space. We see in these 15000 words the entire lifetime of a changing queen. Not a word is wasted, but the story still manages to explore its theme and world to a great extent.


Cool. I needed something for next week :yay:


Keeping the Keep
Tags: [Dark](doesn't really apply imo)[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Word Count: 8,785
Number of Views: 115 (6 likes)
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- Contains exceptional amounts of dawwwwwww, but not the flouncy disposible kind. This is some sweet-bittersweet-sweet daw that's been earned the hard way and you find yourself wanting to happen.
- The matter of Ageis's back was well executed. It is one of those rare details that can turn your understanding of everything that came before on its head even if everything worked fine on its own already. Color me impressed.


:raritystarry: Oh goodie we were running out of new potentials :raritystarry:

Winter apparently knows where the feature rec fics are kept...

Recommending: Nothing to Say
Tags: [Sad][SoL]
Word Count: 11,442
Number of Views: 166
Reasons why the fic should be featured:
- Very economical storytelling here. We are taken to exactly the scenes that are required to get the point across, even when it is not immediately clear what that point is. Yet, each scene stays just long enough to let us dwell on it and avoid feeling rushed. Excellent construction.
- These characters are some of the most curious specimens I have ever encountered. They are highly archetypical: school children telling "scary stories", old fashioned farm hospitality, teenage 'whatever' rebel girl. Yet, the story takes care to show them in exactly the moments that they are being themselves and gives the sense that they are how they are for a reason. Even though we have seen these character archetypes countless times, the story manages to remind us that we have not quite seen these characters before. That is no mean feat.
- And, of course, it is always a pleasure to see quality proofing.

So I'm a little slow on this one, but I wanted to read the whole thing to ensure that it was high quality throughout. I was not disappointed.

Recommending: Ghost of a Rose

Tags: [Romance][Sad][SoL] (Teen/Sex)

Word Count: 74,066

Number of Views: Not enough (598)

Reasons why the fic should be featured:

- Here is a case of an author taking a background pony and constructing not just a backstory, but an entire person out of that. (Well, still a pony, but it feels like a real person.) Rose has a likeable and consistent characterization, and I found myself fully immersed in her struggle and her life.

- Oddly enough, the author's choice of sidekick works really well. I wouldn't have thought that Pinkie would really make sense as a character in this, but it makes more sense as the story unfolds.

- You like showing over telling? Well, this fic starts at the end and does a fantastic job of pacing itself on giving the reader the pieces of what happened. No word goes to waste here.

- There is a brilliant twist about halfway through that, while not something I saw coming, was brilliantly built up.

- This is an entirely unique premise that I have not seen in MLP fanfic, and have not seen terribly often outside of it. This is likely due to what a challenge it can be to write this sort of story, and the fact that this premise was used makes it all the more impressive.


Good I needed something for next week.

Saw you were looking for more of these, and I had a recent read that sorta blew me away.

Tags: Romance, Slice of Life
Word Count: 22,317
Number of Views: 715
Reasons why the fic should be featured: This is a lovely little story told in the form of journal entries of a closed off and non-personable pegasus, who is assigned to guard Princess Twilight. In her stay as a member of the royal guard, she begins to stumble across signs of a tragic love story that tears her apart over how little she can do about it. It's a wonderful story with very immersive writing and characters, and does not feel at all like the typical sort of romance that clogs up most fandoms. Its views and votes aren't terribly low, but they're pretty low compared to what I feel they should be, and I feel it totally deserves a bigger spotlight than it's gotten.


Well, damn.

For what it's worth, I've heard nothing but good about it. It's been hovering at the top of my reading list, just under Austraeoh, for months. Maybe it's time I finally read it, haha.


I could feature it again I totally would. That fic was amazing

3898080 I'm really flattered that you think highly enough of Seashell to recommend it for a feature - even if it did already have its turn. Every time I remember it, I still feel some of the excitement that I did the first time I found out and saw it linked on the front page of the group and I'm really appreciative of that honor. :twilightsmile:

3898115 I hope you enjoy it if and when you get to it.

3898272 Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.

  • Viewing 101 - 150 of 131