
Viewing 21 - 40 of 71 results

You Can't Kill Me That Easy · 6:24pm Nov 7th, 2018

Seen above - Me fighting myself to write.

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A Vague-ish Update · 10:57pm Apr 16th, 2021

Vague because I'm in a vague-ish frame of mind... like Vaguely Wanting to Write, Vaguely Feeling Like Shit... Etc.

So two weeks ago, I had a horrific day at work... After I got home from work 3 hours later than I normally would have, I took a long shower.... and as I was drying off, my husband (darling, amazing man that he is) pokes his head in and offers me a glass of wine... Bonus points, he'd almost finished fixing the frozen pizza!

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what have I been up to? · 10:03pm Sep 5th, 2015

So it's been *checks watch* forever and a half eons since I last posted. If you're keeping up with my favorite's folder, then you know I'm still online a lot, but I've been kind of quiet and focused on other things. Some of you PM'd me asking what I had been up to, and I figured the rest of you might want to know.

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Hola amigos! · 5:44am Aug 22nd, 2018

Hey guys/gals I’m back! Erhm actually I’ve been back for a few weeks I’ve just been putting off the whole blog post fiasco :twilightsheepish: Not much has happened for me irl in the time I’ve been gone (my life is really boring :trixieshiftleft:) the most significant thing that has happened is that I’ve moved to a different state (yeah I live in the states) from a big town to a small one. The transition was weird but it’s been a little over a year since I’ve moved and I’d say that I’m pretty

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Good and bad news · 3:23pm Jan 15th, 2022

Good and bad news...
Good once first: :ajsmug:
- Selene The Crimson RED Changeling Empress should get tomorrow a double update. The Red Changeling will probably keep her little unwelcome surprise guest as the vote currently suggest it's only 7 hour until the vote for chapter 10 is closed. I start writing chapter 10 then.

- the next clop chapter of the story will be released as well ( see prior Blog post ). I did my best with it, hope you enjoy it :raritywink:

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Another year, and I'm still here · 5:22pm Feb 15th, 2018

So, I'm a year older (at least officially) and none the wiser, proud in my resistance to learning anything at all.

This past year has been, one could say, complicated under certain aspects. Sometimes life gets you into a war of attrition and not much hope for improving the situation.

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Yo buddy, still alive? · 1:49pm May 5th, 2016

I’ll admit it. Being a Timberwolf was a point of pride. We were the biggest badasses in the Royal Equestrian Army Air Corps. We scored so many air to air victories against ANA forces that everyone thought we were untouchable. A couple of the older fliers had a saying, “Those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible.” We thought we were, too.


I have no air conditioning and I must scream · 6:03am Aug 9th, 2017

Seriously air conditioner is busted or is it the furnace?

Either way its causing some headaches and like I didn't need that already with the whole being free child care.

It's expensive and my mom currently doesn't have the money lined up for it since it just kind of stopped working.

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It's coming, I promise! · 4:17pm Dec 1st, 2021

I know it's now been two months since the last chapter of Supermane, but I'm almost done with the next chapter. The only thing keeping me from finishing it is my semester finals, but once I get time between that then I'm finishing this sucker and getting it out to y'all.

Also happy December 1st. 25 days until Christmas!


Chapter Progress Again · 9:21am Jan 22nd, 2020

Almost 5000 more words. Let's go!
Chapter is definitely going to be two parts, and there might be a interlude in between that'll be a short but long-promised scene.

Soon, friends! Very soon. Got some editing and rewrites to do, for sure, but we're getting there.


I'm alive and currently working · 4:06am Mar 5th, 2022

Hello to anyone who gives a shit. I'm alive, and I'm currently working on a major book. It's been something I've been working on long before I dared enter the fandom and long before I made an account here. It's called soviet hellscape. You probably won't see it for a while though.

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Now with an audio reading! · 12:05am Oct 24th, 2017

My friend Dreams of Ponies did another audio reading, this time of my newest release. Go check it out! :scootangel:


Further Adventures from Quarantine · 6:27am May 29th, 2021

So... Shenanigans ensue... I'm still in Quarantine, still on the Fever Yo-Yo of Plague Rat-ness...

Y'know... the only Plague Rat I wanted to be was a fan of Emilie Autumn, dammit...

Anyways... Sorry for random digressions... It's gotten to the point where my doc's recommended that I get the Fauci Ouchies in the hopes that it will, as it has for some other "long haulers" like myself, kick the last of this out of my system.

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Still not dead! · 5:57pm Sep 1st, 2023

Still alive, still writing, I'd say I'm about...maybe wrapping up the last quarter or so of this chapter by now, by a rough guesstimate. Pretty confident at the very least that it'll be out well before the end of this month, hopefully. There goes my New Year's Resolution to work on being able to write more...

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I've done it again... ;_; · 2:07am Aug 12th, 2019

So I guess this might be another story announcement. I mean it definitely is one just that I'm not certain I will actually upload it. I have a new standard in uploads, in that I need to have four chapters written before posting. So the first one is written and I intemd to keep writing but to be honest the last...let me check...nine...damn it...havent gotten there. Well that isnt quite true one got to five chapters, if you count the prologue, but the point is I've been having trouble keeping at

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I'm Still Alive. · 6:34am Feb 21st, 2022

Good day/night, people! I'm still alive and kicking, not to worry. Working on a new story as we speak.

Here have a look-see:

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Boo! Should I write something? · 10:15pm Mar 28th, 2018

Still alive! So I'm going to be quitting my job soon, as noted by Fuzzy in this blog post..

Should I write something? I still have a few things left unfinished... hmm.


Another Update for Ranger · 4:51am Aug 7th, 2023

Still alive, summer has been brutal and my motivation to do stuff after work has been pretty low.

However, I have done some larger copy editing for the general flow of some later chapters. Right now I'm working on actually adding a new chapter or two to help fill out where the story is and better the overall flow. This also gives me more time to do what I should have done when I wrote this part of the story before. Which is do more with introducing the city and the town Moony is staying in.

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Legally dead. (but sneakily not) · 4:54pm Feb 5th, 2018

I was going to make a zombie joke but then I remembered I did that once already. Then I remembered that I'm the highest authority, so ha!


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Depresso Espresso · 3:33pm Sep 30th, 2019

So to be honest, I've been a depressed piece of shit lately, last Thursday I ended up getting dumped for reasons unknown to me, and I lost one of the closest people to me, My best friend that I have known all of my life since early childhood committed suicide, I feel like a terrible friend because I was not there for him when he needed me most, I wasn't available when he was crying for help and for that I want to die, the pain is all too real and I don't know how to handle it anymore

Viewing 21 - 40 of 71 results