
Viewing 21 - 29 of 29 results

300 upvotes and (almost) 100,000 views in the same day! · 6:11am Sep 10th, 2022

Hello everybody! I just wanted to thank you all for making my first ever (published) fanfic/story such a success!

We've officially reached 300 upvotes and are almost at 100,000 views! I never imagined that the story would get this popular.

A lot has changed since I first started this story. I had vastly different plans for certain events and characters, and half of what has happened in the story was either unplanned or off the cuff.

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I Don't Care Crap or Shit · 1:29am Dec 31st, 2016

No really. I have this innate ability to not care crap about something. It's...actually more of a blessing than a curse. I have gone through some hardships, though not as bad as some so good luck to them and may they stay happy. But because of this ability of mine, I can literally not care about it and my brain can process it better than most people. Almost like a job, I think. This is also how I can take such...bad...crazy...almost horrifying things that happen or look at. I mean, look

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Thank you! · 6:11pm Oct 8th, 2017

Hey guys, just a quick message that nobody's going to read.

And that's a shame, 'cause I want to say:


"Silent Love" has reached 50 upvotes, as well as 100 tracking (278 bookshelves in total)! That's fucking crazy! One hundred people, watching me write over my shoulder and saying "Eh, that's not bad, I'll keep reading."

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An Honor · 8:14pm Oct 6th, 2023

Hiya, lovely peeps!

And wow. Wow.

When I first published Ladybugs Awake, I made a corresponding Behind-the-page. In it, I said that I was so genuinely surprised by the reception and expressed my gratefulness to all of you.

And then you proceeded to shatter my expectations.

100 upvotes? 100 upvotes? It baffles me how well this story is doing.

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RATINGS ARE OPEN · 2:26pm Oct 13th, 2023

Act two begins! Get ready for more Marigold over the fall and winter. Now, there is the bonus of the ratings no longer being disabled. Please be sure to give these stories a thumbs up if you enjoy them. My M-rated stories tend to get very few upvotes and many downvotes, and they're certainly not related to quality. Upvotes will also help make this story more visible across the site and to prospective readers, so all in all, you're just doing me a huge favor in showing appreciation for my work.

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Great Scott! Where'd You All Come From?! · 5:16pm Oct 23rd, 2016


Twilight-Level Panic Rant In Progress. You've been warned.

Okay, seriously, would somepony please tell me in blue blazes happened this week?

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New Changeling Doll: White Lie Chapter!! · 3:49am Jul 17th, 2016

Go check it out!

Dangit man, why'd I have to go and do that to them?

And by that I mean, why did they have to do and do that to themselves. As much as letting my characters control my story is an awesome way of getting real flow and legitimate reactions, it does make things a bit more complicated to write, especially when things like broken trust is involved.


Uuuuugh · 3:24am Jun 15th, 2016

I don't like the recent chapter of Home is for the Weak.

It's hard to walk the fine line between LOL SO RANDUM and humor that's... um... what I write. I don't really like being the former actually, and I feel the most recent chapter kinda jumped in that direction just a bit.



thank you (to my readers)! · 10:10pm May 3rd, 2018

for 150 updoots on this:

TForever Mare
There are ponies that even the gods cannot help.
Ice Star · 12k words  ·  207  28 · 6k views

and 90 on this

TCrystalline: Her Destiny
Lately, Princess Cadance has been feeling inadequate. She's spoken of this briefly to Twilight Sparkle but her longing for a grand adventure is really starting to get to her as are the thoughts that she isn't doing all that she can.
Ice Star · 24k words  ·  175  11 · 4.6k views

and 70 on this small contest story

THer Own Sky
Twilight Sparkle is many things, as Princess Celestia is about to learn. Will her newest Faithful Student finally serve a higher purpose?
Ice Star · 18k words  ·  132  11 · 4.2k views

and especially to whichever of my readers read far enough to finish and updoot this

TFavorable Alignment
Princess Luna disappears from Equestria with hopes of saving the world and is accompanied by the enigmatic Sombra. Meanwhile, Celestia tries to bury secrets as immortal as she is and Cadance must choose her loyalties carefully...
Ice Star · 360k words  ·  94  10 · 3.2k views

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Viewing 21 - 29 of 29 results