
Viewing 681 - 700 of 735 results

Trump as President, My Two Week Hiatus & A Final Farewell to Mister Phoenix · 6:51pm Nov 9th, 2016

Hey boys and girls. I hope that you're all well.

As my title suggest, I have a lot of things to talk about. So, without further ado, let's get started with the biggest topic of all:

Donald Trump as President

So, as we all know, Donald Trump has won the US Presidential Election, and is to be the new President for the USA, following on from possibly the greatest President that the US may ever have (personally), Barack Obama.

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The Marathon Begins · 6:32pm Sep 13th, 2017

Right now, I just posted Chapter 13 of Twilily Saga: Past, Present, Or Damnation.and soon the rest of the chapter will be up. If you missed the previous post, here is the info on each day the posts will go up. As for time, well, I will try my best to post around 1:00 pm central. Hopefully, this goes well. I will also be advertising this marathon on several groups to get

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You remember our venerable story, opulent and imperial? · 7:32pm Jul 25th, 2019

Hi there! This is for everypony who is following my story “Ponest Dungeon.”

Arc 1 is up and posted, and I’m working on Arc 2.

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Valiant Return · 5:31pm Jan 25th, 2016

Hey folks,

Yeah, I'm doing much better. Thanks for asking. Well, so far as my healing goes, anyway. Still very sore and stiff, but that's to be expected. However, I'm trying to get back to work with my stories and art. So hopefully this Spring I'll have an update or two, only time will tell.


^A Penny for the Old Guy^


Notice Of Hiatus, Hopefully Not For Long · 7:08pm Jun 5th, 2017

Hey, did you notice that my heading isn't bolded or underlined like my other 195 headings? Well, there's a reason for that.

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Random Ramblings CXCVII · 2:48am Jul 24th, 2017

Subtitle: A LUCKY BREAK.

Okay, so, good news bad news time. Bad News: I still don't have a new laptop (accumulating the funds to buy it has been slower than anticipated) so FF4.0 is still mostly broken for me.

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Possible Cancellation · 4:45am Feb 24th, 2018

I see little to no point in continuing My Brother's Keeper, and I don't think it's because it's not doing well.

I just don't like it.

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Laziness and Stubbornness · 4:13am Jul 13th, 2018

Hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it? How are the kids? Is the missus doing well? Good, good.

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"Batmare Begins" - The Princess and the Prodigy: Part 1 Officially Uploaded! · 10:59pm Aug 14th, 2020

Good evening, my dear watchers and loyal readers! Literally 3 years and 1 day to the day since I last posted a new chapter of "Batmare Begins," I've finally uploaded the first of two new chapters coming to you all this weekend! Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding with me and my terribly slow pace in bringing these two new chapters to you. Let me tell you, there were times I wondered if I really would ever update the story again, but it feels so great now getting to do

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WWW: Chapter 16, and a brief hiatus · 12:45pm Jul 3rd, 2016

Hello, friends! I'm happy to have posted the newest portion of The World Within the Web today, with Chapter 16 hitting your feeds as of this morning. In addition to this, however, I am making another announcement: keeping with the spirit of the show, there will be a brief "mid-season" hiatus for the story over the next week. I'll be doing some travelling, so there will be no new chapter next Sunday. Regular updates will return, however, after that.

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A Wild Hiatus Appears! · 9:12pm Nov 14th, 2017

It's not as bad as it sounds! Really, it isn't! Please just read this, and you'll know exactly what's happening. You're probably freaking out as to why, I, an author who updates like a fucking madman is announcing that there is going to be a hiatus of any kind, and what exactly it covers in my writing, and of course, to when it will end.

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First Round -- Or, Three Thousand and Six Hundred Words of Lyra and Pinkie Bringing the Thunder · 2:13pm Apr 5th, 2016

“So I’m standing there, right? Everypony is smiling and looking at me, and I have my lucky bowtie with me. Everything was going exactly as planned, down to the last detail.” Pinkie Pie took a bite out of the cupcake in her hoof and swallowed without chewing. “So I get the microphone, yes? And I take a deep breath? And nothing comes out!”

Lyra gasped and covered her mouth with a hoof.

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The Murder Anthology Going On Hiatus · 4:05am Oct 21st, 2017

I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is due to things around college, I won't be able to post the next part to the Murder Anthology. This thing being an October only event is proving to be very hard when the college I'm at has some of their finals during October. For this, I have decided to postpone the next part of the Murder Anthology until next October.

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September in a nutshell · 5:04pm Aug 11th, 2015

Ummm... SU will be back day 6 and so MLP on day 12 and new EQG movie day 26... CAN I FREAK OUT (more because I'm already)?!!! I'M SO EXCITED! So I guess... my life will be gone when this all hits me AT ONE TIME. It feels so good actually. And we will have a Rarity episode! RARITY IS BAE :3 Now freak out with me:

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Mandatory "Do I still exist?" blog post · 8:01pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Er, yes. I most certainly do. It's... very much clear at this point that I'm a bit stuck, I think. Not with writing, but with actually having time to sit down, catch up on what I have, and write the rest of stuff. I wish what I had was writer's block or a simple need to outline things because that would mean that I've had time to write and realize I'm stuck in that regard. But it hasn't been like that, and no matter how much I've wanted to write, and have been working toward getting the

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Schedule for July and reason on chapters stopping of Can You Run Forever? · 1:57pm Jul 3rd, 2017

It is July everypony, my favorite month and my birth month. Now its time for me to tell you what I am doing for this month. Well, this month will be really busy for me as I have my classic chapters to post as well as the final parts of the War Anthologies and much more stuff.

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Under construction: pardon our dust! Into Equestria's still alive and kicking (somewhere)! · 8:27am Dec 19th, 2019

Given how I'm in the process of rewriting Into Equestria from the ground up, I figured I'd might as well at the very least give y'all the chance to see what the story was going to be for some time. Keep in mind that the current iteration of Into Equestria is no longer considered canon to Pony-Me, even if the description has not yet been changed to reflect that.

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Small Episode Review: Hindi Ponies doing Curry (Spoilers... duh) · 4:15pm Jun 11th, 2016

I'm going to do a small one 'cause I'll go out with my family soon since they're over my house. But when we get back from hiatus, it will all be big review probably :3

I love father and daughter relationships so much <3

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Need a bit of help + Gonna be out of town · 4:56am Jul 3rd, 2020

Okay so first of all, it seems that Shadow of a Doubt had been reposted, without my permission, to Wattpad. This has never happened to me before, so I'm not sure how to go about it just yet. Any and all advice is appreciated. I'm assuming I just go for a copyright violation, but at the same time I'm not 100% sure if that's the right choice. Doing that asks for a lot of information so I need to be sure.

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The Hiatus is Over! · 2:03am Mar 29th, 2020

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls of an appropriate age! Now that Rhythm and Rhyme is complete, I am able to turn my writing time over to In the Absence of Twilight Sparkle! A such, today, I present you the next chapter in the ongoing saga of The Heart's Promise Series.

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Viewing 681 - 700 of 735 results