
Viewing 61 - 80 of 471 results

CA: Theming · 10:50pm Mar 16th, 2016

A continuation of my Cumulative Advice for Writers blog, introducing one of the core elements of writing.

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Report LegionPothIX · 618 views · #Hints #Tips #Advice #Help

The Necessity of Failure · 1:20am Oct 12th, 2014

If I had a nickel every time I heard someone say nobody’s perfect, I’d have about three bucks. Seriously, a nickel isn’t worth that much. Regardless, the point of the saying still stands. I’ve heard how nobody’s perfect so often because it’s true. Whether you nod your head or roll your eyes when you hear it, we all understand it to be true.

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Advice · 7:57am Jul 9th, 2017


Today, I could need your advice/opinion.

My proofreader had the suggestion that I should upload the remaining chapters on my two incomplete stories and publish the new onces should he take too long. I'm just unsure, given they're still not checked on errors, if it would be a good idea, but I don't want you to wait for too long.

So, my loyal watchers and anyone who is interesting in the incomplete stories, what do you think? Should I do it?


So, ummm... I think I'm getting evicted this month. · 1:01am Jan 3rd, 2018

I just got a letter from my apartment building today, informing me that my month-to-month lease is not being renewed. And with that, I have until the 31st to return the apartment to them. This came completely out of nowhere, and I was not expecting to be given such an ultimatum.

Well, so much for having high hopes for 2018, huh? :ajsleepy:

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Report TheVClaw · 513 views · #Serious #advice #help

How Do You Get On TV Tropes? · 11:01pm Nov 22nd, 2016

Does anyone know ways or people to put mention of my stories on TV Tropes?
I don't want to put in on myself, I'd feel narcissistic.:twilightblush:


Common Issues and How to Avoid Them · 10:11am Feb 6th, 2017

A collection of errors, advices mostly for beginners and something more I often point out--putting this up here just for reference. Still, feel free to read and share your own experience!

1) Character descriptions

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How many people are willing to donate to my Ko-Fi page? · 4:24am Jun 21st, 2019

I'm only asking because I need to raise about $300 to afford a new laptop (preferably something like a chrome book) & external hard drive. I know I already have a Patreon, but I wanted to put a new computer fund on a different format. I was thinking about offering various stories that could be donation goals, with the biggest story up for grabs when I get to three hundred. Now, I'm fairly certain which prompts could garter the biggest chances for success, but I'd also like to hear from you

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Report TheVClaw · 296 views · #Advice #Ko-Fi #Patreon

Ideas for new writers ranging from HIE to the standard FIM story. · 5:35am Jan 4th, 2018

HIE: Human created from ancient dark magic uses his abilities to help or destroy Equestria.
HIE: Human is stranded (not very original) and looks for answers to as of why.
HIE: Human is apart of CIA and walks into a wrong room with a portal, there is no way back and he must deal with a new society.
Pony: Pony is raised in a harsh environment and wants to help the world (The Protector but just a pony instead of a human).

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How to Write Compelling Villains · 3:33pm Oct 24th, 2020

I posted this a while ago as a reply comment to a blog of Wanderer D's, but thought it was worth a blog of its own. Because this is something so many people screw up, when it's really the easiest thing to get right, and I struggle to understand how many seem to find it so hard.

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A bit of a rant need some advice · 1:46am Aug 7th, 2018

I am not liable for what I may or may not say... just thought I'd say that. _Sigh_ I dont fucking know I'm... well im not in a slump bet i just... I just cant fucking write! I cant do shit! Sigh I dont know how to explain it... I just... have no muse no inspiration I have nothing no... anything... Fucking hell I cant write a thing without hating myself and what im writing! I dont know maybe Im being to hard on myself? Not sure

Report DracoBrony · 362 views · #need advice #rant

"What the hay is a Pokeyman?" · 10:11am Mar 21st, 2021

All too often in Pokémon crossovers on this site, I’ve seen the plot grind to a screeching halt so the Mane 6 (or whoever) can ask what a Pokémon is. This isn’t limited to crossovers, either. Once I read a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fanfic where most of the first chapter was the protagonist asking his partner about every single Pokémon mechanic. No characterisation, no actions, just back-and-forth dialogue. ​I’m going to make a point of not doing this in Forging Our Own Paths, for a simple

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Some notes on HiE (That may or may not be useful) · 2:58am Nov 20th, 2022

Human in Equestria, or HiE from now on, is one of the most popular genres on FiMFic. This blog post is meant to go over a few thoughts I have on the genre that could be seen as tips. So this is essential a blog for those of you who plan on writing HiE, or know someone who plans on doing so. A lot of these tips are only really useful prior to starting the story, but regardless this might be an interesting read.

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BradyBunch's Practical Writing Advice · 10:22pm Oct 29th, 2021

When you're on the site for four years, you pick up a few tips, skills, and personal advice. Not all of it is within this post. But this is all useful advice that I have taken into consideration.

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Report BradyBunch · 340 views · #wisdom #tips #advice #writing

Clarity · 3:36pm Apr 18th, 2023

Someone whose writing I admire has been dealing with the hopelessness of it all. How the meaningless is elevated, how rage is cherished, how expressions of contentment or joy or love are to be mocked and discarded. How those who want to offer substance lose out to those who offer only immediate gratification, whether it be confident (but wrong) answers or two minutes of hate. I offered her a little advice, which I hope helps.

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Advice For New Writers · 6:34am Jan 11th, 2016

Every writer has that feeling of wanting to make the story of their dreams. Or at least a story they know people would love. So you sit down, and start typing away the amazing title that will advertise your work with intriguing words. Then you write down the descriptions, and click on all of those pony photos at the end, finally hitting the save option. You bring yourself to your story's page, creating a chapter, and of course begin writing. This is of course is where you encounter the

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CA: Three Roles · 5:18pm Feb 27th, 2016

This extension of my Cumulative Advice for New Writers Blog helps distinguish and disambiguate three frequently used terms: Pre-Reader, Proof-Reader, and Editor. The goal of which is to help identify what each term means (through reference), so that when a writer is seeking help they know exactly what kind of help they need, based on the kind of work they want help doing. Or, alternatively, the kind of help they can

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Report LegionPothIX · 503 views · #Hints #Tips #Advice #Help

Some more bizarre writing advice: Character Psych · 7:33pm Feb 3rd, 2016

Back in ancient times when dinosaurs roamed the land (last June), I made a blog post meant to be a rant. That post unexpectedly ended up turning into a rather bizarre writing advice blog:
Outside of a formal literary setting, WRITE HOWEVER YOU WANT.

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CA: Narrative as Communication · 2:07am Sep 10th, 2015

A continuation of my Cumulative Advice blog. This session we tackle not only what makes a story, but also why.

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Report LegionPothIX · 564 views · #Hints #Tips #Advice #Help

Masked Beauty Rewrite? · 10:51pm Feb 28th, 2017

Masked Beauty was one of my first few stories and I have grown and changed with my writing a lot more. I originally wanted to have it be an all happy story, but after I published the first few chapters, I wanted to have a twist, so I added in a few things and it got more and more hard for me to write the way I wanted to write it. I realized that I was updating it monthly by the most, so I can't figure out a way to put it all together. I have decided to think more on it, and keep the current one

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New Fanfic author seeking advice · 3:37am Oct 29th, 2015

So hello everypony, My name is Midnight mane and as the title suggests, I would like to start writing a fanfic. My only problem is I don't know where to start, I got the whole story practically playing in my head. But when I try to get it out, I just get lost in words. So if you have any advice on how I could get more organized I would greatly appreciate it.

Viewing 61 - 80 of 471 results