
Viewing 61 - 80 of 242 results

Writers Block Again · 9:56am Nov 7th, 2018

The new chapter is ALMOST done but I just can't find a way to finish it. This may take a while guys.


The cursed block · 3:20pm Feb 24th, 2016

It is happening again... I have a major case of writers block... Been stuck for like two hours. Hopefully it will pass soon.

Report Saffron · 337 views · #Block #Writers block #Stuck

Vertigo and Writer's Block · 7:41pm Feb 3rd, 2016

I know its been a while since we've posted a new chapter, but we've ran into some difficulties. We do have some ideas on the next chapter, but getting it down is the problem. All writers run into this problem, so I know it will pass and we can put the chapter. If any of you can give us some advice on how to get over it faster, it will be greately appreciated.

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Writer's Block · 8:11pm Aug 26th, 2015

I fucking hate it. Haven't written anything since November. -.- I'm hoping to think of something new. >.> Could someone like...throw random topics off the top of their head? Maybe I could work with something.



Habits and their Consequences · 7:15am Mar 2nd, 2016

I have a problem. I'm a very imaginative, artistic person, however everything that catches my attention can completely throw me off what I was working on. I must have eight stories that never grew past the first two pages, all of which could have been good works of fiction if I could just have focused better. Even now, I've considered writing a story simply by playing a card game and hearing a good song, yet probably won't due to my record of abandoning projects that barely even start.

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Writers Block · 12:44pm Aug 14th, 2016

Hey guys. So The past week I've been trying to think of story ideas. But I just can't think of one. I think i'm in this thing people call the writers block? I 'm literally thinking all day for story ideas but nothing pops out. If you guys have any ideas the please do share them with me. I will credit you if I use them. So yeah. Have a good day, night or afternoon. Wherever or whenever you are.



[no title] · 3:27pm Feb 15th, 2017

It saddens me a lot to do this but I've tried to write the latest chapter of The Mare in te Warp for months now and I struggle to write more than two sentences at a time... It is incredibly frustrating and believe me whatever disappointment you may feel, I feel tenfold... I'll still work on it but I feel like it is the correct thing to do... Thanks for your patience and I hope I'll be able to finish this chapter (and this story) soon...

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Report Gowak · 233 views · #hiatus #writer's block

Writer's Block · 9:42am Mar 28th, 2017

So, for those few people paying attention, I have writer's block. I have a lot of the story planned out and could probably update, at the least, weekly but due to one little thing I cannot write anywhere near as much as I wish to.

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"Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers · 9:14am Jun 23rd, 2018

Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind's elation
And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation
And if you want these kind of dreams it's Californication

It's the edge of the world and all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the East at least it's settled in a final location
It's understood that Hollywood sells Californication

Pay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging
Celebrity skin is this your chin or is that war you're waging?

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I'm Not Happy With My Work · 3:55am Nov 8th, 2018

Title says it all. Ever since Hunted, things have been going downhill, and noone decided to tell me why they hate my stuff.

I've gotten nothing but dislikes, low views, and I hit Writers' Block big time.

I don't know what I should do. Should I quit writing? What do you all think?


[Writer's] Block Head · 5:54pm Jul 13th, 2021

Note to Self: Do not write down a detailed idea of what to write next in a story. Instead write down a teaser about what might happen next. Don't defuse the excitement; enhance the need to write at the next opportunity!


Writers block · 12:10pm Aug 4th, 2016

Dear general peeps

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Hitting The Wall · 4:07am Sep 22nd, 2015

We all know it; we've all encountered it. It is one of the nightmares of all writers: writer's block. That time when you have a good story in mind, it's all in your head and then you sit down to write or type, and then it hits you: you can't seem to get it out somehow. You have a general idea about a story, or perhaps an idea, but then when you sit to get the details out, you realize it's not working for you. It is most difficult for those who want to write something new and refreshing,

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Writing, something from nothing · 11:47pm Jul 3rd, 2015

Once again persistent effort proves rewarding. The Equestria Daily WTG prompts for Party Pooped struck me as unappetizing fodder. If anything, I thought it at most an opportunity to write something really short, like barely 1000 words short. The only thing I could think of was a My Dinner with Andre moment with friends just talking, but talking like adults. I struggled over two days and barely got 300 words. Then Fluttershy took over the narrative and turned secretive. What fun. The

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Sorry, inactivity · 1:15pm Aug 21st, 2016

I haven't been active at all lately, and I apologize for that. I've been busy with school projects, reading, and essays! I can't believe how much I had to get done, and I'm still not finished! I'm almost finished, and for that I'm grateful!

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What should I do? · 7:33pm Jul 2nd, 2015

For the next chapter, I’m having a little bit of writer’s block. I have a few slightly different plans for the next chapter, and I’ve decided to ask you what interests you all the most.

The next chapter will be the return home and a lead in to a timeskip leading up to the next big events. What I want to know is which version you want:

A: Emphasis on the return trip itself (A1 - the conversation or A2 - the scenery)

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Report wille179 · 401 views · #ask #writer's block

write write write write write · 11:27pm Jan 13th, 2016

I want to write

I need to write

I find it hard to write

Why is it so hard to write? It used to be easy before


what do I do


No more writers block · 2:46pm Nov 17th, 2016

You read it correctly. I am finally getting back to work. As always I'll be on Queen Twilight Sparkle for the time being. In the next chapter you'll find out what happens to Twilight.

Keep an eye out for some new cover art for the story. And an upcoming event with the help of...someone on Youtube. No spoilers just yet.


Still Writing Chapter 7 · 4:57pm Oct 20th, 2017

Hello to the few people who see this, just want to let you know I'm still writing chapter seven. The fast uploads are just because I wanted to bring this story to this website as well. As the Fanfiction page knows, I had to put this story on hiatus until I could get my life back on track, but now it's just writer's block. Months-long overdue at that.

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Bucking frustratring! · 9:40am May 15th, 2020

I've no idea what is going on.. :twilightangry2:

I am in the mood to write, but I simply have writers block, I know where I wanna go, but no idea how to get there... You guys ever feel that?

Report DanishDash · 175 views · #erghh #writers block
Viewing 61 - 80 of 242 results