
Viewing 101 - 120 of 148 results

It's okay, Jaxie. It's over. · 6:48pm Sep 20th, 2018


I Have a Question · 2:33am Dec 7th, 2016

How do I rekindle my faith in humanity? Sometimes I look at the state of humanity today as a society and I realise why some people have completely lost all cares for societal problems. No care for politics, no care for religious and social movements, no care for sexism or racism. And I feel like I'm going the same way. I want to care about our society, I want to help and contribute. But when that society is full of things that just make me angry well before I can even think about anything, I

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Random Ramblings CCXXII · 10:30am Jan 13th, 2018

I'm a tad upset with myself. I've started my Mayor Mare short story -- its title is Non-Adventure in the Crystal Empire -- and I made some progress, but it's not ready yet. The reason I'm upset is because I had last year's Mayor story completed a week before deadline. This won't be. Sigh. Let me tell you about it.

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Black Is The New Trouble · 1:34am Dec 10th, 2021

I really wish we could have black-free spaces.

No, seriously, I'm fine if blacks want to be separate, in fact, I'd prefer it and with the current increase of black misbehavior and black disobedience, more and more people are starting to see that as the more preferable solution to the black issue.

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How Things Get Done (Art) · 4:24pm Apr 30th, 2016

So you guys know I can draw, well how would you like to know how I get a drawing done? It's more than just thinking of a picture or looking at a base or reference and drawing that. It becomes very psychological at a certain point. There are two ways a drawing can go for me, and here they are:

Easy and Fun
-Starts with the basics of drawing. Circles, lines, etc.
-Begins to develop half the body seems pleased with the work so far.
-Get distracted with video games, television, eating, etc.

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Pitching in my own 2 cents · 2:36am Sep 25th, 2019

A Suicide Note got pushed on my feed, and they all asked to add our own blog posts and share on our groups.

As someone who is diagnosed with depression I would like to avoid the suicide, so here's my blog, which will be shared on my groups.


Will release chapter when done · 11:29pm Jun 10th, 2017

Its not done but since I talked to my mom as to why my sister's family hadn't left since they came- seems like this week is a strange one and so my hope to release a chapter weekly won't include this week now.

I like silence and I can't get it. Primarily because children are children and I think my sister's marriage is close to imploding.

So hopefully next weekend I can get this out.

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Which one looks better? · 10:35pm Feb 15th, 2018

So basically, I began reading the IDW comics. After reading up to the 20th issue, I was rather fascinated by reverse Luna and Celestia.
After showing the person who i consider one of my closest friends evil Luna and Celestia and asking what he thought of their designs, he said that Lulu should be purple instead of red. I opened photoshop and did some work on her clothing and this was the result:

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Sequel to 'the night of the outcasts' confirmed? · 11:59pm Apr 20th, 2018

Well, I've been thinking about this, and I wanted to share my thoughts:

'The night of the outcasts' is easily my most well-received story on this site, also, I did another shipfic between AB and Spike a long time ago, that was my first story ever, and I can't say that no one liked it, but my horrible grammar and orthography made the dislike meter go high.

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I told myself... · 4:22am Jan 24th, 2018

... that I wouldn't put this here until I did a major update, but a situation forced my hand.

I don't currently have a job. I did have one last year, but it was a telephone customer service thing that, long story short, I have no idea why I applied for in the first place. Seriously. On top of that, the utter lack of consistency in schedule and so many other issues piled up and killed me. I've sent my curriculum out, but so far, nothing.

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Finally! · 7:47am Jul 9th, 2015

Phew! Four Months without your own laptop is tough!

My laptop screen had broken randomly one day. Long story short, a loose hinge that was threatening to break the casing on the laptop actually damaged the cord connecting my screen to the motherboard. I handed the laptop to my friend's dad, who is a professional at fixing computers/internet stuffs.

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When next Rebirth of the Damned chapters? Or chapters in general?! Wait, what kitties?! · 3:54pm Apr 16th, 2022

Soo yeah, been very unproductive as of late. Especially in regards of Rebirth, which hadn't been updated in almost a year now.

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Friendship is Card Games: Wrestling Issue and Friends Forever #13 · 12:59pm Mar 5th, 2017

In case you missed it, I have a contest going on! Sign up here.

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A Math Question: · 6:37am Jan 27th, 2020

How many words of dialogue do you think are in all of the episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? How does the answer change if you include the movie, the holiday special, the various shorts, and the Rainbow Roadtrip special? How does the answer change if you include all canon Equestria Girls material? Bonus Round: How does the answer change if you include all lines of dialogue in the official comics and official books?

Have fun! I don't know the answer!

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Commissions opened and what's to come · 3:43pm Jul 9th, 2019

Hey all,

As you know I finished up a very long commission that many seem to enjoy. So now is the time where I reopen commissions once more.

And in other news I will slowly start working on the sequel to Wanna See My Hot Rod? (Just deciding which one to be next...) it may take awhile however cause at the moment I am knee deep in Monster Hunter World, along with Persona 5 and streaming the Saints Row series but expect stuff to come in time.

Later all


And I Would've Gotten Away With It Too, If It Weren't For You Meddling Blue Screens! · 11:05pm Sep 17th, 2015

My evil plan for this week was twofold: make up for the lukewarm If You Give a Little Love reception of new readers with relation to Mise en Scene by getting the new part out a week in advance from the projected three-week output time and write a story about Sassy Saddles for the EqD Writer's Training Grounds this week that relates back to said ongoing series, ending in me stirring up more fans from EqD's large stake in the fandom. Sunday, everything appeared to have gone as

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Wireless Issues - Possible Fixes · 2:06pm Aug 3rd, 2015

I have been having issues with my laptop's wireless connection since late June. The odd thing was that it started happening sometime after I upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. I tried all sorts of things to repair the issue, and each possible solution is said to work for some people -- and by the way, this does seem to be a common issue. The one thing I did not want to do is a factory reset on my whole system, even after backing everything up.

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Review #5 - Tantabus, Mk. II , Aunthood Issues, On the Natural Rise and Fall of Celestial Bodies · 4:00pm Nov 29th, 2016

Today I have three more reviews, they are:

Tantabus, Mk II by Rambling Writer
Aunthood Issues by Rambling Writer
On the Natural Rise and Fall of Celestial Bodies by Georg

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Friendship is Card Games: Five Temples and a Wedding · 11:51am Aug 29th, 2021

The centennial issue marks the penultimate entry for the IDW main line. Issue #102, coming out next month, will close out Season 10 and the line as a whole. For now, let’s see how the end begins.

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I finished an old story - link included · 3:25am Feb 16th, 2021

I started off a story about two years ago called Winona, which was changed to Wi-no-na, to rhyme with 'no owner', as is implied in the context if you read the short description.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 148 results