• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2011
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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect


Companion stories to The Elements of Awesomery, focused on the framing story.

Honestly: Rainbow Dash is really bad at baking, but when it's the only thing she can think of to impress the pony she loves, she turns to a friend for help, and gets more than she bargained for. Originally written for the Equestria Daily Speedfic Competition (it's #78).

Trouble Comes in Threes, or Why Fanfiction Is Bad for You: Pinkie is having a heck of a day. First her friends find out about the stories she's been writing about them. Then three strangely familiar ponies show up at her doorstep, threatening to sue her over those very same stories. Now, Rainbow Dash is nowhere to be found! It's enough to drive a mare crazy!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 27 )

This story made me slightly sad when I originally read it. It's quite well written and moving, but I almost wish AoE had stood alone entirely without additional context.

It stars Rainbow and A.J. ...But it's a Pinkie Dash fic...


Author Interviewer

The decision to tie this into EoA was an afterthought. I call it a happy accident. There's more coming! (Eventually.)

I noticed that as I was tagging this. Funny, huh?

Alright that was good, one shots ain't normally my thing, but that was really well done.

Looking forward to your next story!

I remember reading this quite a while back and thinking it was cute. A quick reread reveals that my feelings on the matter haven't changed. Interesting to see AppleDash get rejected in the actual story.

Author Interviewer

PinkieDash > Appledash :V

Unless you're talking Combinatorics Project, of course.

IS there going to be a second chapter?

And the story was great. Awesome read from start to finish.

Author Interviewer

This is (as I said), kind of the second chapter of my fic The Elements of Awesomery. There will be a sequel to both fics that will tie up the events of Honestly... someday.

Pinkiedash to Appledash and back to PinkieDash again. :rainbowhuh:
:pinkiehappy: Pinkie approves this story!
:ajbemused: Applejack doesn't.
Socially Awesome Penguin: THREESOME!

Come for the AppleDash, stay for the PinkieDash. Good job dude, thoroughly enjoyed.

This was really cute. I liked it. :twilightsmile:

I feel a little empty inside. I always feel betrayed by "I want my love to be happy" stories because it's usually the one I like getting the shaft. All old time anime fans remember the tragedy that is Tomoyo. And to a slightly lesser (and odder) extent, Koaru in Evangelion.

It was well-written and powerful but is hurts like a mofo and always will.

Author Interviewer

Yay for hurt! :V I think.

Tomoyo? What anime?


Hurt shows you did well. Bravo, all my feels, etc. It was beautiful but tragic to me (because I'm an Appledasher.)

Cardcaptor Sakura. For the entire series Tomoyo was Sakura's biggest fan and interested in her in more than a friendly way. But she was so self-sacrificing she encouraged Sakura's many crushes. She was almost saintlike in her devotion to Sakura, such that she even set aside her own ultimate happiness. It frankly got a bit frustrating by the end.

Author Interviewer

Ahh, yes, I remember her now. It's been quite a while since I watched Cardcaptors. :)

You brought up how AJ would have made a good Element of Loyalty. I will now present my case for AJ as best pony. Ramble mode activated.:ajbemused:

Applejack has shown through her actions that she can represent every element, barring Magic, for obvious reasons. However, if you boil the elements down to base virtues, a la Nimaru, she covers them all. Zen:ajsmug:, Selflessness:raritywink:, Grounding:rainbowdetermined2:, Empathy:yay:, Positive Energy:pinkiehappy:, and Love:twilightsmile:.

AJ has not been the sole cause of an episode's conflict since episode four. Her only real character flaw is that she works too hard. She's always there for a friend in need, gives excellent advice, and has a good sense of humor. She's smart too, smarter than most realize. Successful business owners usually are. Even when she's only partially at fault for a problem, she's the first to work on a solution. She's practical, but not uncaring. Tenacious, but not stubborn. Selfless, but not careless. Empathetic, but not sympathetic. Funny, but not immature or disrespectful. She cares about her friends, but it doesn't cloud her judgement. As far as measuring how "good" a pony is, Applejack is "best" pony.

That being said, and being that there are multiple definitions for "best," I'm not trying to say anyone's preference of pony is wrong. Enjoy who you want to enjoy, just remember that AJ can do no wrong. That's all I'm saying.


Pinkie looked up at Black Snooty, Queen Meanie and Hokey Smokes, who gazed impassively back at her, and three things happened.
She screamed.
Her mane went flat.
She slammed the door, and the icicles dropped.

That's like, four things.

Author Interviewer

AJ is boring and worst pony. :V

Except for Cadence, of course. V:

I remember reading the first of these two. I remember feeling so terminally sad for AJ, and I still do. Unrequited love is pretty much The Worst Thing for me, and while this certainly is more complex - deliciously so - it leaves me feeling so very, very uneasy.

That said, these're a fun read! I'm going to (finally) go read the second part of the main story now. I really do like the framework for this story, and I have ever since I read the first part of the main story; the way it's written, with no more than a scant few pages' worth of "real" story giving so much meaning to the main part? I love it. I just don't know if my heart can take much more of the sidestories' threads.

Now, far as general stuff goes, I must admit I felt the last bits of Trouble Comes in Threes felt a little too clear cut. I had to pause when things were coming to a head because the buildup to the climax was so damn well done, it was hard for me to even cope. Perhaps the fault is mine there, in that I paused for a few minutes there building artificial anticipation, but when it was all solved in such an efficient manner, it felt a little too simple.

Except, well, it isn't. The AppleDash angle really isn't solved. You could easily have called attention to that in a bigger fashion, but on some perverse level, I'm glad you didn't, because.. well. Heartache. :|

1446135 Sorry I couldn't hear you over the sound of MA BASS CANNON!!!!

"Aaaagh!" Twilight spun in her chair, while simultaneously attempting to use all four of her hooves to block the view to her monitor.

This is why we have alt-tab. :twilightblush:

You just had to tease me with AppleDash, didn't you?

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I definitely care about the whole back story/framing device, and I'm looking forward to more!
Also, the situation with AJ got to exactly the point I was afraid it would; I really her to hook up with Rainbow, but Dash and Pinkie's relationship has gotten to the point where I'd hate to see it end... I don't suppose there's any chance of this ending on polyamory, is there?

Author Interviewer

I don't think I could write polyamory to save my life.

Also, I don't have any plans to continue this series at all. I've thought about it, but I really don't know where it would go. You'll have to suffice with the ending scenes from the main EoA stories, I'm afraid, not that those are terribly deep.

Yeah, I hadn't noticed it was marked as "Complete" back when I posted that. Oh well, it's not like I don't have enough fanfics to read.

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