> The Gift of the Mash > by Rated Ponystar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Only Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gift of the Mash By Rated Ponystar Edited by CommanderX5 and Unnamed Pawn *** “... this game’s winner is, Red Team!”   “For Celestia’s sake!” Scootaloo shouted, throwing the controller on the ground. Apple Bloom, looking just as upset, sighed and shook her head.   “Hey! Careful with that controller!” Button Mash shouted, rushing over and cradling it like it was a baby; cooing and whispering words of comfort. The sight made Scootaloo facehoof while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle giggled. After making sure his controller was undamaged, he turned toward the one that dare ruin one of his precious Wii remotes. “Just because you’re Sweetie Belle’s friend doesn't mean you can just go around breaking my stuff! These remotes are very expensive!” Turning his head, he whispered to himself, “And fragile.”   “So what? You have, like, twenty more,” Scootaloo said nonchalantly as she pointed to numerous mint condition controllers that were lined up on Button Mash’s shelves.   “You’re just upset that Sweetie Belle and I kicked your butts again, noob,” Button Mash proclaimed with a proud smirk on his face.   Scootaloo rolled her eyes before turning to her unicorn friend. “Remind me how you managed to convince us to spend time with him?”   “It was my choice on what we were to do today and I wanted to hang out with all of my friends,” Sweetie Belle said as she helped Button Mash put away the Wii. “Besides, the four of us never really hang out together.”   “Maybe that’s because your little coltfriend here spends all his time playing these stupid games instead of going outside like a normal pony,” replied Scootaloo.   Both Button Mash and Sweetie Belle blushed at the mentioning of the world ‘coltfriend’, and glanced at each other before turning away. Apple Bloom shook her head and stepped in. “Lighten up, Scootaloo. It was a fun day anyway, even if we lost every single game against them. Ah mean, who’d ever thought that Sweetie Belle was such a good gamer?”   Wrapping his hoof around an even redder Sweetie Belle, Button Mash puffed out his chest and proclaimed, “Yup! I taught Sweetie Belle everything I know from the Ponami Code to the proper timing of using a Blue Shell. She was quite the noob when I first met her, but she’s gotten better.”   “Oh, I was the noob, huh?” Sweetie Belle grinned. “Who was the one who kept crying because he lost to a girl at Goldeneye 007 on her first try?”   “That was one time!” Button Mash shouted.   The girls laughed for a bit before Button Mash muttered something about getting more snacks from the kitchen to which Sweetie Belle said she would go with him. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gave each other a smirk before the former said, “Are ya sure ya just ain’t lookin’ to get some alone time together?”   Sweetie Belle sighed, but took the comment in stride. It wasn’t the first time her friends had made fun of her for having a colt for a friend. Just because I find him a bit... cute, doesn’t mean he’s my coltfriend.   “Ugh, do you want snacks or not?” Button Mash asked while giving them an impatient glare.   “Sure, go do your quest for the goods, oh brave knight, and take your princess with you,” Scootaloo said, dramatically as she pointed to the door.   “Thank you,” Button Mash said cheerfully,” I would prefer being a paladin, but a knight is a cool class as well.”   “I was talking to Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo teased before laughing at the sight of a Button Mash stomping out and cursing in humgonian.   ***   Sweetie Belle knew her friends didn't mean what they said, but after a while she found their teasing annoying and repetitive. Then again, everypony from Rarity to even Button’s Mom teased them about their relationship. Seriously, you don’t see Dinky and Pipsqueak being made fun of for being friends.   The two walked through the holiday decorated halls in silence, trying to avoid each other’s gaze. While keeping her focus on the various lights, tinsel, and Hearths Warming theme ornaments in the hall, Sweetie Belle decided to break the silence. “I think my friends like you.”   "Yea, they like me like Orks like Space Marines. All that is missing is a mace and a bit of green make up on Scootaloo's face," Button Mash muttered, lowering his head.   “Ah, cheer up. They’re just doing some simple teasing. Besides, you’ve been getting along with them for the most part, right? Remember when we all played Palace Pounders and totally owned it? The four of us were like a machine!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.   This cheered up the little gamer colt as he grinned and nodded. “Yeah, I guess. And we did beat the Cyclops faster than even the time my whole family played.” He shrugged his shoulders, before looking at Sweetie Belle with a small smile. “Your friends are okay, even if they tend to be a bit annoying from time to time, but I’d rather hang out with you instead. You’re... different from most fillies. You’re cool!”   “T-thanks,” Sweetie Belle whispered. She felt her cheeks heat up and quickly hid her blush by finding the ceiling suddenly very interesting.   Arriving at the kitchen, Button Mash jumped on to the counter and hoisted himself up before looking through the cabinets. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle was thinking about her relationship with the colt that had moved to town only a few months ago.   ***   “Hoof wrestling?” Apple Bloom challenged as they went down a list. Lunch time was inside today due to the playground being worked on after an accident involving Derpy Hooves, parasprites, gasoline, peanuts, and a cart full of fireworks. So the Crusaders decided to write down their newest ideas during their lunch break for the next few days.   “We tried that last week and got nothing,” Scootaloo pointed out before taking a bite of her carrot.   “Cow tipping?” Sweetie Belle suggested.   “Daisy said we’re not allowed near her and the other cows since we tried extreme milking,” Apple Bloom answered, which made the others wince from thinking about the scolding they got, as well as the agonizing screams of six cows in pain.   “Rats, there has to be something we can do!” Scootaloo shouted, banging her head against the desk. “Ow...”   Sweetie Belle was about to say something when she caught a sight that made her stomach turn. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were entering the classroom, and appeared to be heading towards them. The others quickly recognized the impending danger and prepared to deal with their usual bullies. To their surprise, the rich fillies ignored them and made their way towards the center of the class, where a colt was playing with what looked to be some kind of electronic hoofheld game on his desk.   “Isn’t that the new kid? Button Mash or something?” Scootaloo asked, scratching his head.   “Yeah, he moved here a while ago,” Apple Bloom answered. “Ah was with mah sis when Pinkie threw her usual welcomin’ party for his family. He just stayed in the back playin’ with that toy of his. Ah think it’s a video game.”   Sweetie Belle noticed from her angle that there was no mark on the colt’s flank. “He doesn’t have a cutie mark. Do you think he’ll want to join us?”   “Ah doubt it. He ain’t the most social of ponies,” Apple Bloom said, shaking her head. “Accordin' to what I've heard the only thing he ever talks about is video games.”   The three soon quieted down when they noticed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stopping in front of Button’s desk. The colt was still focused on the screen of his new toy, never moving an inch except for his hooves which were rapidly pressing the buttons.   “Hey, blank flank,” Diamond Tiara said, smirking while she and Silver Spoon waited for him to respond. Only he didn’t, he just continued to play his game. The two rich fillies raised an eyebrow at each other before Diamond Tiara, cheeks puffing, shouted, “Hey! Blank flank! Are you listening or are there no brains under that beanie of yours!”   To the surprise of everypony who was watching, Button Mash still ignored the two. Diamond Tiara slowly started to turn red to the point where it looked like steam was about to come out of her ears. She slammed her hoof on the desk which finally startled Button Mash into looking up after he jumped in his seat. “Hey! I’m talking to you! Are you deaf as well as dumb?!”   Button was about to respond when suddenly a series of sad tones erupted from his toy and he gasped. “What?! Nooooo!” He turned towards a stunned Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon before flailing his forelegs around while screaming, “Do you have any idea what you just did?! You made me lose my last life! At the last boss! Now I’ll never save the priestess, the dark lord shall cover the land in darkness for a thousand years, his demons will feast on my corpse, and I forgot to save before this last castle so now I have to redo it again.” He then grabbed Diamond Tiara by the cheeks and looked into her wide eyes. “And. It’s. All. Your. Fault.”   Her response was slapping him in the face and knocking him off his chair. “Don’t touch me, weirdo!”   “Yeah, it’s just a stupid game anyway,” Silver Spoon said, picking up the toy, but quickly lost it when Button got up and grabbed it with his mouth, growling like a dog. The two girls looked at each other before turning towards Button with disgust. “What is wrong with you?”   “No noob touches the Joyboy! Especially from annoying girls like you! Leave before I cast the mighty Ultima spell and vanquish you like I did to Ultimarecia in Final Harmony VIII!” Button Mash replied while waving his hooves around in strange motions and whispering words of nonsense.   The rich fillies just rolled their eyes and walked away. Button, meanwhile, was laughing to himself. “Foolish fillies! Turned away from my awesomeness! I’ve mastered the best speech and comeback skills from Commander Shepard himself! I am invincible! And I... need to pee because I drank way too much soda for lunch.”   With that said, the students watched in silence as Button Mash ran out the room, his bladder guiding him down the hall. The Crusaders had watched the whole thing in silence before Sweetie Belle finally said, “Well, that was interesting.”   “Ah think it was kind of cool how he told Tiara off like that,” Apple Bloom commented with a smile.   Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Personally, and I can’t believe I’m agreeing with those two of all ponies, I think he’s weird. The way he went on about demons and spells and whatever? Sounds like he’s way too obsessed with his video games.”   “Oh?” Sweetie Belle smirked. “I saw some similarities to you whenever you're going on about Rainbow Dash.”   “T-that’s different!” Scootaloo shouted, while the others laughed. Before she could defend herself, Miss Cheerilee came in and lunch was soon over. Sweetie Belle went back to her seat, noticing that it was right next to Button Mash’s, but ignored the colt for the rest of class.   ***   With school finally over, Sweetie Belle had hoped that she and her friends could hang out but they both had chores to do at home. With nopony else to play with, Sweetie Belle decided to head over to Sugarcube Corner to get something to snack on. Entering the establishment, she saw Mr. Cake by the counter, greeting her with a smile. “Afternoon, Sweetie Belle. Just yourself today?”   “Yeah, the girls are busy so I came by myself today,” Sweetie Belle answered, licking her lips at the thought of tasting something from her favorite bakery. “Can I start things off with a vanilla milkshake?”   “Sure, in fact there’s a nice colt over there who ordered a chocolate one. Why don’t you two talk to each other since you both like them so much,” Mr. Cake suggested as he pointed to the table in the corner.   Sweetie Belle looked to see who it was and, to her surprise, it was none other than Button Mash. He wasn’t on his Joyboy for once and instead looked like he was struggling from reading what looked like tonight’s homework assignment on the table. The constant biting he was doing on his pencil only made it obvious he was struggling. Although Sweetie Belle was unsure of sitting next to the... unusual colt, curiosity got the best of her.   “Uh, hi!” Sweetie Belle said, getting his attention. “I’m Sweetie Belle, from class?”   “Ryanla, I’m Button Mash,” he said with a nod.   “R-ryanla?” Sweeite Belle asked with uncertainty.   “Oh, that means hello in humgonian, a language used in this real cool game that I doubt you know.”   Sweetie Belle gave a nervous smile and nodded. “You sure like video games.”   “Are you kidding?! They’re the best! I hope to make my own games someday too!” Button Mash said, cheerfully with a squee.   “You think that’s your special talent?” Sweetie Belle asked, pointing to his blank flank.   Button Mash looked at his bare bottom and shrugged. “Eh, maybe it is or maybe it isn’t. Doesn’t matter to me, it’s what I plan to do no matter what my cutie mark is.”   Sweetie Belle stared at him in shock, before cleaning her ears. She had never heard another blank flank say something like that when it came to cutie marks. The way he said it was like he didn’t even care. “Surely you want to know what you're destined to do in life, right?”   He shook his head. “Not really, I’m in no rush. I’m still a colt after all and I want to enjoy it while I can. And who says some stupid picture on my butt says that I have to do this or that?” He frowned. “What if it’s something I really don’t want to be? I wanna be my own boss so nopony can boss me around and tell me what to do, not even a cutie mark! I get that enough from my mom and brother...” He then closed the book and looked at her straight in the eye. “If making games is gonna be my special talent then I’m fine with that. But even if it isn’t, I’m not gonna stop pursuing my dreams just because I happen to be talented in something else like llama herding, or trash collecting, or nunchuck wielding... although the last one would be pretty cool.” He rubbed his chin and looked up the ceiling lost in his thoughts. “Button Mash: Ninja Master! Yeah, that would be sweet!”   While he was daydreaming about himself, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but wonder how it would be not to worry about her cutie mark like this colt was. Unlike Button Mash, Sweetie Belle wanted to grow up and find out what she was best at, but hearing his opinion it made her question something. She and her friends had spent forever trying to find their marks, but what if, down the road, they didn’t like them? What if they were unhappy with their special talents and their lives surrounding them?   She thought of her sister, who was a dress designer, but in truth her special talent was finding gems. Rarity could have been successful owning her own gem finding business, but instead she focused on her dream of designing clothes. Twilight was both a princess and talented in magic, but she seemed happy being a librarian here in plain old Ponyville instead of working at the palace or teaching magic at the school in Canterlot. There were others as well such as Derpy Hooves who was the world champion in bubble blowing, but she was happy being a mailmare and Berry Punch, who everypony said made the best wine, but preferred to keep her bar tending job at the local tavern.   The Cutie Mark Crusaders originally formed to find their special talents, and she would never give up doing so, but what would happen once they found them? Would they have their whole futures set around them or would they go down different paths?   “Order up!” Mr. Cake’s voice shouted, snapping Sweetie Belle out of her thoughts.   The two milkshakes landed perfectly in front of the two ponies who licked their lips at the sight of the drinks. Ah, well. Milkshake first, debate about life later.   She was about to take a sip when Button suddenly got in her face with a wide smile. “Milkshake race! Onetwothreego!”   “What?” Sweetie Belle could barely say as Button Mash started sucking on his milkshake at intense speeds. She raised her eyebrow and tried to warn him about this, but it was too late as the poor colt started screaming and clutching his head before falling dramatically onto the floor. Sweetie Belle shook her head, wondering how he could have been so serious at one point, but then a drama queen the next. He’d get along with my sister.   Drinking her own milkshake, she continued to watch Button flail around the floor in agony, banging his head against his hooves. Feeling bored, Sweetie Belle saw the Joyboy and figured she might as well try it out, having never really played video games before. How entertaining is this thing anyway?   ***   “Yes! Sink into the lava you nasty turtle!” Sweetie Belle cried out with glee. She watched as the giant spiked turtle demon fell into the red hot lava while the red plumber pony she had been playing exited the castle. “Yes! I did it!”   “Wow, not bad... for a noob,” Button Mash said behind her, causing her to jump. He smiled. “Normally, I don’t let anypony touch my Joyboy, but I think I’ll make an exception because you beat World 1.”   Sweetie Belle turned the Joyboy off before handing it back over to its owner. “Sorry, I guess I got caught up in it.”   “It’s okay, happens to me all the time,” Button Mash said as he put it away in his saddlebags. Upon seeing the white filly heading to the exit, he beamed, "Wanna come over to my place and play some more? I got every game on every console you can get."   Sweetie Belle had to admit, she did have some fun and Button wasn’t so bad. A bit weird and always changing emotions on the fly, but then again this colt had nothing on Pinkie Pie. And if video games really are as fun as that one is, why not?   “Sure!”   “Awesome! Let’s go!” Button Mash said before dragging Sweetie Belle out of Sugarcube Corner before she had a chance to say anything.   ***   “Sweetie Belle, heads up!”   “Huh?” Sweetie Belle said, snapping out of her daydream before a bag of Cheetos hit her in the face. “Ow! Watch it!”   “It’s not my fault you weren’t paying attention. What were you zoning out about anyway?” Button Mash asked as he jumped down from the counter, holding a bag of pretzels.   Sweetie Belle was about to say she was thinking of him, but stopped herself when she realized that could have sounded very wrong. Instead, she said, “I was thinking about the Manehatten Hearths Warming Eve Show.”   “You mean that event you’ve been talking about for the past month? Not a surprise,” Button Mash said, shaking his head with a knowing smirk. The two of them made their way back to his room as he continued. “I mean, I thought I had it bad when I was waiting for Magic Effect 3, but you’ve even talked about it when you’re sleeping in class.”   “Well, can you blame me? It’s the biggest Hearth's Warming Celebration in all of Equestria and every year all the best bands, performances, celebrities, and Broadneigh plays perform there. Even my favorite singer, Tail Swift, will be there too!” Sweetie Belle said, hopping along the way. “I’ve wanted to go there ever since I was four and my sister saved enough money for us to go this year!”   “Well, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” Button Mash said, as he re-entered his room. “But as for me I just need all the video games my parents are gonna give me and—don’t touch that!”   Sweetie Belle looked inside and spotted Scootaloo about to touch a glass box that held a game cartridge inside. Before Sweetie Belle knew it, Button Mash had pushed Scootaloo away and was huddling over the glass, inspecting every bit of it from top to bottom. Not taking kindly to the fact that she was pushed off her hooves, Scootaloo growled and bonked Button Mash on the head, making his eyes spin just as fast as the propeller on his hat.   “What the hay was that for?” Scootaloo demanded.   Button Mash got up and clashed heads with Scootaloo, the two growling at each other like dogs after the same bone. “For your information, that happens to be the crown jewel of my entire gaming collection! That is one of the only ten copies of Ultimate 11, aka Super Sidebucks 5, on Neo Geo! That there is worth over a thousand bits! Maybe even more!”   “That little game is really worth that much?” Scootaloo asked, looking at it in disbelief. “If that’s really true, why haven’t you sold it yet?”   A look of horror decorated Button Mash’s face as he quickly covered the sight of the cartridge with his body. “Are you mad?! Every gamer dreams of holding something so priceless in gaming history! I’m lucky I even found it collecting dust in my grandparent’s attic! Still can’t believe they didn’t know how valuable this is…” He muttered before pointing at the game. “I’m never selling this thing! I’m even taking it with me in my coffin when I die!”   Scootaloo shook her head before heading over to the snacks, but before they could open the bags, a knock was heard from the door, followed by Mrs. Mash poking her head out. “Button, sweetie? It’s time for your friends to head home.”   “But Moooom, we were just about to start a tournament in Fighting Is Magic!” Button whined.   “I know, but tomorrow is a school day and you still have homework to do,” Mrs. Mash said, shaking her head. Ignoring the whispers of her son speaking in humgonian curses, she turned to the girls and smiled. “Thank you so much for visiting my Button. It’s nice to see his friends come by to play. Do you need me to walk you girls home?”   “No thanks Mrs. Mash, we’ll be able to get home on our own easily,” Apple Bloom said, leading the Crusaders out. “Thanks for having us.”   “Yeah, thanks,” Scootaloo said.   “See you later, Button!” Sweetie Belle said, waving her friend goodbye.   “Yeah, see you at school,” Buttons replied, waving back.   When the three were gone, Mrs. Mash turned back to her son and asked, “Button? Do you wish to help me and your older brother decorate more of the house? We still need to put up the bells, the angel on the tree, and the mistletoe!”   “Ew, gross,” Buttons gagged. “Why would I care about that? Just because you and Dad are married, and Big Bro is dating that Sparkler mare, doesn’t mean I need to be involved in sappy romance stuff.”   “Oh, I don’t know. I think it would be cute to see you and Sweetie Belle under it,” Mrs. Mash hinted, giggling.   “Moooom!”   ***   “Rarity! I’m home!” Sweetie Belle shouted, rushing in to avoid the cold winter breeze. Taking off her snow boots and scarf, she rushed towards the living room where, to her amusement, Rarity was still fixing up the Hearths Warming tree. “Is it up to your standards yet?”   “Laugh all you want, but this year I’m decorating the tree instead of you. Last year, you made it so chaotic that Discord himself praised your work,” Rarity muttered as she slowly moved a candy cane from one pine branch to the next until she found the perfect spot. “And there! Perfect!”   Sweetie Belle shook her head before looking at the tree in all its glory. The red and green lights were lit up like the stars in the sky, the glittering tinsel of silver and gold was wrapped around the tree, the various ornaments that gave it its cheerful glow with each holding a personal memory, and the candy canes that Sweetie Belle was tempted to bite made it look just as Rarity proclaimed. Perfect. Some of the presents from her friends and family were under the tree as well as cards placed neatly in the branches, addressed to either herself or Rarity.   But the one thing she loved most was the special golden envelope at the top of the tree that held two tickets to the show in Manehatten. Every time she passed by the tree, Sweetie Belle made sure to look at it to see that it was untouched. She wouldn’t even let Rarity touch it again until the day came to leave for the city; they had to remain in mint condition.   “How was your visit to the Mash’s, Darling?” Rarity asked as she stacked the empty boxes next to each other, now that their ornaments were up on the tree.   “It was fun! Me and Button Mash kicked Scootaloo and Apple Bloom’s flanks easily!” Sweetie Belle answered, cheerfully. “It’s nice that all my friends are getting along. I just wish Button would join us on our crusading.”   While Sweetie Belle sighed, she missed Rarity look up into the sky and mutter “Thank You” to the heavens. Clearing her throat, Rarity then said, “Well, I think it’s good that you are helping each other get along. You two are quite the pair.”   “Yeah, he’s funny, enthusiastic, and a really nice colt when you get to know him. Sure he’s a bit loud and sometimes overreacts but in the end he can make you laugh. He can be emotional too, not acting like all macho like other colts do." Sweetie Belle smirked before adding, "Plus he’s not afraid to stand up to bullies like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!” Sweetie Belle sighed, a dreamy smile stretching across her face. "And that mane of his is kind of gorge..." In a swift move, one of her hooves was sealed over her own mouth.   “Oh ho ho ho! Has my little sister also found the gift of love this Hearths Warming Eve?” Rarity giggled, holding her hoof to her mouth.   “Wha-what?!” Sweetie Belle shouted, blushing. “I-I-I don’t... I was just... I’m heading to my room!”   Watching her sister stomp her way out of the living room, Rarity couldn’t help but laugh at her sister’s cute denial. “Oh to be young and having crushes. I miss those days,” Rarity mused as she turned to the tree and gasped. “Green glass balls next to purple?! Outrageous! I should slap myself for thinking such a thing. Red should go with green and purple with blue!”   ***   Sweetie Belle didn’t know why she was suddenly in the snowy woods, all alone, but for some reason she didn’t feel worried. It felt very peaceful, walking through the trees as the snow tickled her nose every time a flake landed. And despite it being winter, it didn’t actually feel that cold. The only thing that bothered her was the fact that she felt lonely.   Then, as if her wishes were answered, she saw somepony sitting next to a large tree with his back turned. Hurrying forward a bit more, she smiled and shouted out his name. “Button Mash!”   Button turned around and smiled at Sweetie Belle who walked over and hugged him. “What are you doing here?”   “I could ask you the same thing,” Sweetie Belle replied. She was about to question him on where they were when she noticed something above her. Button looked up as well and they both blushed at the same time when they found out they were right under a sprig of mistletoe. They then looked at each other, unsure of what to do in this situation.   “I... I guess we have to follow the tradition, right?” Button Mash whispered.   “S-sure,” Sweetie Belle whispered back. Slowly, the two of them moved closer to each other’s lips as Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, heart thumping louder and louder. She felt like she was burning up... in fact, she could smell something burning. Opening her eyes, she saw Button was gone, but her confusion soon turned to horror when she looked at the tree again and saw that it was on fire. She looked around and saw that it wasn’t the only one; the entire fore was lit aflame.   “W-what’s going on?! Button where are you?! Help!” Sweetie Belle shouted as the flames rose higher and higher. She curled up in a ball as tears began to fall down her cheeks. “Help me! Somepony help me!”   “Sweetie Belle!”   ***   Opening her eyes, Sweetie Belle saw her sister, in her night robe, shaking her awake with a terrified look on her face. “Darling, wake up! This is no time to be sleeping! We have to get out of here!”   Sweetie Belle could smell the horrible smoke coming from the hall as she felt suddenly much hotter than the heating in the house should have been. A grim thought entered her mind as she nervously asked, “W-what’s going on?!”   “There’s a fire in the boutique! We have to get out of here! Now!”   The little filly didn’t need to be told twice. She jumped out of bed and followed her sister down the hall but was force to stop when her sister came to a halt. Looking past her, Sweetie gasped in horror as the flames started spreading up the stairs towards them. “What do we do?!”   Rarity looked at the flames and then Sweetie Belle before she took her sister and rushed back into her room. Opening the window, she looked at Sweetie Belle straight in the eye. “Sweetie Belle, listen to me! I’m going to levitate you out of the house. Get as far away from the fire as you can! Don’t come back, you hear me!”   “But what about you?!” Sweetie Belle shouted, hugging her sister.   “I’ll look for another way to escape, I promise! Everything will be fine!”   Sweetie Belle shook her head and held onto her sister even tighter, refusing to let go even as Rarity’s magic began to levitate her. “No! No! I won’t leave you, Rarity! You can’t make me! I don’t want to lose you!”   “Sweetie Joyous Belle!” Rarity shouted, making Sweetie wince upon hearing her middle name used. “Listen to me young lady, I will not lose you to this fire nor will I lose my life, but I can concentrate better knowing that you’re safe and sound. You are more important to me than anything else and I’ll never forgive myself should something happen to you.”   “But... but...”   Rarity gently placed her hoof on Sweetie Belle’s lips and smiled. “Sweetie, I’ll be fine. I promise. Pinkie Promise even.”   Closing her teary eyes, she hugged her sister before letting go, allowing the magic to lift her towards the window. “Rarity, I love you.”   “I love you too, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity whispered before closing her eyes in concentration. Sweetie Belle held her breath as her sister slowly levitated her away from the burning building and towards the ground outside. When her feet touched the ground, she scattered away to the other end of the street and watched, hoping her sister would soon follow.   Only a minute passed, but if felt like an eternity as Sweetie Belle waited in terrified silence to see her sister appear, safe and sound, or hear her final screams before the terrible fire took her. That was when she saw Rarity, at the other end of the shop on the second floor, leaning out the bathroom window. She was looking at the tree nearby, judging the distance between herself and her one change to be safe. Sweetie Belle gasped as her sister jumped and managed to catch herself on the branch before using it to climb down the tree.   Overwhelmed with relief, Sweetie Belle ran to her sister and nearly tackled her off her hoofs. “You’re alive!”   “I said I would be okay,” Rarity muttered, holding her sister so tight she could have crushed her. But Sweetie didn't care. Her sister was still here and that’s all that mattered.   A second later, both sisters were far away from the shop where they could see the entire lower half of the boutique caught up in the fire that slowly spread to the upper half. Ponies were rushing out of their homes, gasping in horror at the sight. Ignoring the snow on her, Sweetie Belle got up and looked at the boutique, tears streaming down her face as she watched everything burn. Her sister’s work, the Hearths Warming decorations, the tree, all of it now food for the flames. And that included the tickets, the very same ones she made sure to check everyday were now most likely destroyed. All that time, all that saved money, was now gone.   Unable to take anymore, Sweetie Belle dove into her sister’s chest and unleashed her sorrows. Rarity could only comfort her sister as the Firefighter Ponies finally arrived to save what was left of her store.   ***   Waking up from his alarm clock, Button rolled out of bed and started his morning exercises. While not much of an athlete, he had read on Kocoltku that gamers like him developed back problems as they got older. Not wanting to be some hunchback, he stretched every day to avoid this.   Once he was done, Button dashed out of his room, hoping to taste his mother’s delicious pancakes before heading to school. He was always the first one up, next to his mother, while his brother and father were both late sleepers, but he didn’t care. More pancakes for him.   Halfway down the hall, Button noticed something as he sniffed the air; there was a distinct lack of pancake smell. Arriving at the kitchen, he was surprised to find his mother at the table, drinking coffee with the stove unlit behind her. Looking up from her cup, she noticed Button and bit her lip. Button knew that look and it made him feel uneasy as he remembered seeing such an expression from his mother every time she had to tell them they were moving. A lingering and familiar fear began to grow inside of him as his head began to scream denial. She promised! No more moving! No more saying goodbye to friends I just made! I don't want to leave Ponyville! I don't want to leave Sweetie Belle! Please don't let this happen again! Please!   “Button, sweetie, there is something you should know.”   “W-what is it?” Button asked, nervously. She's gonna say it. Those three words: 'We're moving again'!   Sighing, Mrs. Mash got up and walked over to her son, gently placing her hoof on his shoulder. “There was a fire at Carousel Boutique and—”   “A what?!” Button screamed as he found it harder to breathe. Suddenly his fears of moving were replaced with an even worse one. The idea that Sweetie Belle, his best friend, surrounded by fire with no way out as the flames inched closer and closer made him feel colder inside than any winter storm could ever. He would rather heard they were moving again. His imagination began to paint him a picture of Sweetie Bell screaming for help as her doom approached her, but nopony there to help her. “What happened?! Is she okay?!”   “She’s fine, Buttons. Both her and Rarity made it out unharmed, but the store burned down and they’re staying somewhere safe I heard,” Mrs. Mash answered, hugging her son. “It’s okay, they’re fine.”   Button closed his eyes and held onto his mother as tight as he could. For a brief moment, he had thought he had lost something precious to him that he had only tasted once and a while. Something no video game in the world could ever replace if he lost it. And that was a friend. In fact, Sweetie Belle was the longest friend he ever had. Before Ponyville, his father’s job often made it hard to make or keep any. At the rare chance that he did make a friend, it didn’t last long as they would soon be up and moving once again and he would lose touch with them. It also didn’t help that the only reason some ponies hung out with him was only just because of his huge game collection, and not just himself. Overtime, he soon gave up on the idea of having a real friend, preferring to live in the digital world instead of the real one. That was until he met Sweetie Belle, who had wanted to hang out with him and have fun, whether it was with games or not. She liked him for who he was, not for what system he had like so many did. Only one other pony was ever like that to him, but he hadn’t seen him since they moved. He never thought he would have that kind of friendship again, until he met Sweetie Belle.   If I lost her... Button Mash thought, doing his best not to cry. He then broke the hug and realized that he had to find her. Just to make sure she was okay. Without telling his mother, he ran towards the closet, put on his boots and jacket, and ran out the door while his name was being called. He ignored his mother's orders to come back home, not caring about school or being grounded at the moment.   It was worth having his Ponystation 3 taken away for two weeks if it meant seeing Sweetie Belle unharmed.   It didn’t take long for the determined colt to arrive at the street where Carousel Boutique was, but he soon gasped at the sight of the destruction. He had never seen a burned building before in his life and the sight of the once proud and regal clothes store that was now a complete and utter black husk sent a shiver down Button’s spine. It was barely standing with the smell of smoke and burned cloth fresh in the air. He nervously joined a small group of ponies behind some yellow tape as Firefighter Ponies inspected the area.   Pushing himself through the crowd, he overheard various rumors being spread around from Rarity being drunk and causing the accident to an arsonist trying to cause chaos. Many ponies were wondering where Rarity and her younger sister were with some assuming that they had both perished in the flames at least until others told them the truth.   Although he heard his mother tell him they were okay, he still had a lingering worry that somewhere, in that destroyed store, was the corpse of his best friend. He soon made it to the front where he quickly spotted a firefighter and waved his forelegs for his attention, but he ignored him. “Hey! Mister! Hey!”   No matter how much Button screamed, cursed, or hollered, the firepony was as unresponsive as a wall. Kicking the snow underneath him, Button tried to think of another way to get the information he needed when he spotted his teacher nearby, looking at the house. “Miss. Cheerilee! Hey!” Button forced his way past a few adults, apologizing along the way, until his teacher spotted him.   “Button Mash? What are you doing here? Where is your mother?” Cheerilee asked.   “Never mind that! Do you know where Sweetie Belle is?! I need to know if she’s okay!”   Miss Cheerilee comforted the colt by placing her hoof on his head and giving him a warm smile. “She’s okay, Button. I talked to one firefighter’s a few minutes ago to check up on her as well. She and Rarity are at their parents’ house near the lake. Now I think you should—”   “Thanks, teach! Gotta go!” shouted Button Mash, making his way through the crowd again.   “Button Mash! Wait!” shouted Cheerilee, but he was already lost in the crowd and out of her sight.   Once he was free of the crowd, Button Mash made a beeline in the direction of the lake, hoping to find the right house where his best friend was. Hang on, Sweetie Belle! I’m coming!   ***   After three failed houses by the lake, Button Mash made it to the last one by the edge and hoped this was the right one as he knocked on the door. It opened, revealing a tall white stallion dressed in a sweater covered in candy canes and wearing a Santa hat. His mustache twitched as he politely asked, “Can I help you?”   “Is Sweetie Belle here? I’m her friend, Button Mash, and I came to see if she was okay.”   The stallion smiled. “Oh, you’re that nice young colt our daughter’s been talking about. Yes, I’m her father, Magnum.” He opened the door fully. “Please come in. Sweetie’s with her other friends inside her room.”   Sighing in relief, he thanked the stallion and made a beeline for the stairs. Halfway there, he nearly bumped into Rarity who was coming in from the living room. Rarity looked surprised at first, but soon smiled and nodded at the young colt. “Hello, Button Mash. I'd ask why you aren't in school, but then again I take it you heard what happened and came to see if we were alright?”   “Yeah, um, sorry about your store,” Button Mash said.   Rarity sighed and looked down at the floor in disappointment. “It’s okay. Most of my orders were already done and the most important thing is that Sweetie Belle and I made it out alive. The insurance should be able to help out with the repairs and in a few months my shop will return, only with a few new decorations I’ve always wanted to try out.”   “Is Sweetie Belle taking it well?” Button Mash asked.   An even longer sigh escaped Rarity’s lips as she shook her head, glancing to the stairs with sympathy. “No, I’m afraid she’s not. The poor dear is still scared out of her wits. We had to put out the fire in the fireplace when she freaked out at the sight of it. But I think the fact we lost the tickets is what hurts her the most.”   “You mean... the tickets to the show on Hearths Warming Eve?”   Rarity nodded. “Yes, we had to save for an entire year just to purchase good seats. I hate to see her this disappointed, especially around this time of the year, but we’re just going to have to try another time.” Rarity then stepped back so that Button could move past her. “Anyway, I wasted enough of your time. You should go see my sister.”   Button thanked her and went up the steps, trying to think of what he was going to say to Sweetie Belle when he met her. He didn’t know anything else beyond how sorry he was that she lost so much, but he feared it would only make her feel worse.   When he reached the final step, he quickly saw Sweetie Belle’s room was the one with the pink heart on it and made his way towards the door. He knocked on it before entering. Inside, he found Apple Bloom and Scootaloo by Sweetie Belle, who had tear marks on her face, on the bed. Unable to control himself, he rushed forward, jumped onto the bed, and hugged Sweetie Belle. “You’re okay!”   Sweetie Belle sniffed a bit before hugging him back. "You came to check up on me?" "Oh course! Mom told me you were okay, but I just... I needed to see..." Button whispered, as he hugged even tighter. The two friends continued to hold each other in silence, a few tears dripping down here and there from Sweetie Belle. When they separated, Button nevously asked, “Are you... are you feeling alright?”   “She just came out of a fire, what do you think?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief.   “Scootalo please, no fighting,” Sweetie Belle said, shaking her head. "And... honestly, I'm not okay. I just keep thinking about that fire and how it was burning everything and... and..." Sweetie Belle held herself and wrapped her tail around while her friends scooted closer, helping her feel more relaxed.   “At least your both alive,” Button Mash stated, figuring he might as well say something positive. “That’s the most important thing. Sure you lost all your presents and those tickets, but your still here.” This only made Sweetie Belle lower her head even more as both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom glared at him for mentioning them. Gulping, he slowly scooted back a bit, making sure to keep his mouth shut.   “Yer family can spend Hearths Warming Day with me and mah family,” Apple Bloom said, putting her hoof around the depressed unicorn.   “Me too,” Scootaloo said.   Sweetie Belle looked at her three friends while wiping her eyes and said, “Thank you, all of you. But I think I wanna be alone with my family this year. You should probably get to school now; you don’t want to make your families and Miss. Cheerilee mad.”   “Forget school, I’m not going until I’m sure you're okay,” Button stated, standing straight up.   “Please? I want... I want to be alone,” Sweetie Belle said, looking away from them.   “But...” Button was interrupted when Apple Bloom bumped him on the shoulder.   “Come on, Button. She's been through a lot. Let's give her some time alone,” Apple Bloom muttered. Button Mash looked at Sweetie Belle for a bit, hoping to see some sort of desire for him to stay, but he closed his eyes and nodded. The three guests said their goodbyes before leaving the room one by one. Button, the last one, closed the door and was about to follow the other two down the stairs when heard the sounds of soft sobs from inside.   Muttering a humgonian curse to himself, he reluctantly went down the stairs.   ***   When the final bell rang, almost every student galloped out of their seats with joy. The last day of school before the Hearths Warming break was finally here. Button Mash started to quickly put away his school books as Miss. Cheerilee wished everypony happy holidays before skipping out of the school herself. Seems like students aren’t the only ones who enjoy their holiday breaks, Buttons thought as he finished packing. The entire class started to walk out as one big group, with everypony as bright and cheerful as can be. All except for Sweetie Belle, who was taking her time leaving.   He wasn’t the only one who noticed as both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo held back from leaving to start their break and waited as well for their friend. When Sweetie Belle was finally ready only then did they leave as a group, but it was done with a depressing tone of silence in the air. Button Mash sighed. It’s been three days and she’s still acting like this. I wish there was something I could do for her. Sweetie Belle had refused to come out of her home for two days, only to finally return today on the last day of the year before the break. The other students offered her gifts, cards, and sympathies, but she ignored them, prefiguring to stay in isolation. She was quiet all day, only answering when Miss. Cheerliee called on her to answer a problem and even then it was in a soft, monotone response. Traveling down the road that lead into the town, Button Mash felt himself getting more nervous as the silence between the four continued. Eventually, Apple Bloom managed to say something. “So, uh, the snow’s been gettin’ lighter, huh?”   “Yeah, it has,” Scootaloo said, while Button nodded and Sweetie Belle said nothing.   There was another brief moment of silence so Button decided to speak this time. “You girls want to come over to my place for video games and cocoa?”   “Guys, stop you don’t need to beat around the bush,” Sweetie Belle said, coming to a complete stop and looking at her guilty friends with a serious frown. “Just say what you want to say already.”   Sighing, Scootaloo said, “We’re worried about you. You've been acting... weird.”   “Yeah, ya was so quiet and ya never hang out with us during lunch and recess. Don’tcha want to talk about it?” Apple Bloom asked.   Sweetie Belle bit her lip while looking at her hooves. “There's nothing to talk about. I just want to be alone.”   "But..." "I said I want to be alone! Why can't you idiots take a hint?!" Sweetie Belle shouted as her friends backed away. Her anger soon faded as she gasped before biting her lip. "I... I didn't mean too... I... I'm sorry!"   None of them said anything. They just watched her leave with her head down and ears flat.   ***   For the first time in his life, Button Mash was in no mood to play video games. Something else was on his mind and no amount of zombie bashing was gonna stop it. Fumbling in his bed, Button looked over at his bedside dresser where some of photos of him and his family were placed. One photo stood out as he reached over and grabbed it. It showed him and Sweetie Belle on his last birthday four months ago. The sight of her joyful smile as she posed with him for the picture made him wish that this was the Sweetie Belle now, instead of the one he had seen this afternoon.   Having moved a lot because of his father’s job, he never thought he would have a stable friend until he met Sweetie Belle. There were others, of course, whose faces and names he could remember, but they were just for a brief few weeks, or months if he was lucky, before it was back on the road again and they lost touch.   He remembered the first time he met Sweetie Belle, never thinking that their one moment at Sugarcube Corner would evolve into the friendship they had now. He was even surprised after when he was facing the biggest crisis of his life that day…   ***   “Where is it?! Where is it?! Where is it?!” Button shouted as he searched high and low across the playground. School had been out for two hours now and he still hadn’t been able to find it. Growling, he cursed the names of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. How dare they not only steal my Joyboy but also hide it from me as well! Revenge shall be mine just as soon as I find it!”   He then gasped as his worries soon made him imagine what horrible fate might have befallen his beloved Joyboy. What if it’s got dirt between the buttons?! What if they took out my copy of Megamare X inside?! What if they threw it into a lake or buried it a hundred feet underground or banished it into an alternate dimension!   “Whyyyyyyy?!” Button Mash screamed as he waved his hooves in the air.   “Um, Button Mash. Are you okay?” Opening his eyes, Button turned around and saw Sweetie Belle nearby, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, sorry if I’m interrupting, but I’m pretty sure even ponies in Canterlot can hear you.”   “Sweetie Belle! You have to help me!” Button shouted as he got up and held her by the shoulders. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon took my Joyboy when I wasn’t looking and told me they hid it somewhere in the playground! I have to find it because it’s the only way I’ll ever be able to play games out of my home and it’s really important me and I need you to help me find it! Even though I only just met you yesterday, you’re also not a bad gamer—but I’m still calling that 007 game match a fluke—and the only one I can depend on!” With desperation in his eyes, Button’s face got so close that both their snouts were touching. “Will. You. Help. Me?”   “If it means you giving me some personal space, then yes,” Sweetie Belle nervously answered.   “Great!” Button Mash said with a smile. He pointed to the left and said, “You search this side of the playground and I’ll search the other side! Engage and roll out!”   Button Mash ignored Sweetie Belle’s confused look before he went towards the sandbox and started digging as fast as he could. He felt his confidence growing now that he had a co-op player helping him. With the two of us working together we’ll be able to find it!   ***One Hour Later***   “I can’t believe we still can’t find it!”   The two tired ponies sat on a nearby bench, catching their breath. Button Mash shook his head. “It has to be somewhere! Anywhere! Maybe we should search by the swing set again!”   “We searched it three times! Face it, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon lied to you. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done it,” Sweetie Belle said, wiping the sweat off her brow. “Maybe you should just give up and get a new one.”   “Are you crazy?!” Button Mash screamed, shocking Sweetie Belle. “I can’t just get a new one! That Joyboy is important to me!”   “It’s just a stupid toy!” Sweetie Belle argued.   “It’s not a stupid toy!” Button’s scream was so loud it blew a bit of Sweetie Belle’s mane back. Pushing himself off the bench, he turned away from the unicorn and gritted his teeth. “Forget it! I’ll search for it on my own! You wouldn’t understand anyway! You’re just some... some... noob!”   He closed his eyes and waited for her to leave. To just call him a geek or a jerk or whatever name she could come up with; just like so many others. What he heard instead surprised him.   “Are... are you crying?”   Opening his eyes, Button Mash touched his cheek and indeed felt dampness. He tried to rub them off, hide his own sorrow while trying to push away his memories. Ones that were not happy at all. “I... I wasn’t...” Button weakly said, but knew it was futile. He cursed himself for looking weak; and in front of a filly no less. Suddenly, he then felt a hoof on his shoulder and slowly turned around.   He saw Sweetie Belle, staring at him with genuine concern and worry in her eyes. He tried to say something, but he couldn’t, still stunned by the fact she was still here. She slowly lowered her hoof asked politely, “Why is it so important to you?”   Button lowered his head and bit his lip, trying his best to stop crying again. “The Joyboy.... that Joyboy... it was a gift from a friend I knew when I was living in Van Hoover at the time. His name was Live Wire and he was really cool. We always hung out at the arcades and made a reputation of being the best players in the area. We even managed to get high scores on every game from Gauntlet to House of the Zombie Ponies. My dad works a lot so I don’t spend as much time with him and my brother and I sometimes got along, but he prefers hanging out with ponies his own age. And while I love my mom she’s… well, my mom. I didn’t have many friends, even in other cities, but that all changed when I met Live Wire.”   He smiled, thinking of all the times he went out to the movies or mall with him. How he always gave him that cocky grin that was infectious. How he liked to embarrass him by pulling pranks on him during their sleepovers, but it was all in good fun. But as his memories soon faded, his smile turned upside down. “But then we had to move again, like so many other times. Even if it was just for three months, he was the best friend I ever had. Before we left Van Hoover for good, he gave me his very own Joyboy so I could always remember him.”   A fresh set of tears dripped down Button’s cheek. “I never saw him after that. I tried writing to him, but I learned his family moved soon after we did and I didn’t get the address of his new house. I don’t know where he could be in Equestria and this Joyboy is all I have left to remember him by. I never had a friend like Live Wire again. Mostly cause we kept moving or the other colts and fillies just wanted me for my games, or thought I was too weird to even talk to.” Rubbing his tears away, he turned around and muttered. “Sorry, you must think I’m kind of a baby for crying like this.”   Sweetie Belle, with a soft smile, shook her head before hugging him. He tensed up and blushed at the notion of a girl touching him, but didn’t object to it. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m sure your friend misses you too.”   “T-thank you,” Button whispered, as he let himself enjoy the warm hug a bit longer before breaking it up. “I was afraid you’d think it was a bit stupid."   “I don’t think it’s stupid at all,” Sweetie Belle said, shaking her head. She nuzzled him and smiled. “I think it’s sweet of you, and I do realize how important it is to you. So that’s why I’m going to help you. After all, you're my friend and that’s what friends do.”   Button’s mouth dropped before he started checking his ears to make sure he heard that right. “F-friend? I’m your friend? Really?”   “Of course, silly,” Sweetie Belle said, lightly smacking him on the shoulder. “What else would you be?”   Button blushed as he rubbed his right leg. “You don’t think I’m weird or loud or even obnoxious?”   “Well, you are all those things, but in a nice way. I think you’re really interesting,” Sweetie Belle said, bopping him on the nose.   “T-thanks!” Button replied before his eyes glanced over towards underneath the bench and gasped. “Oh my gosh! Look!”   He dived under the bench and pulled out, from underneath, his Joyboy looking no different than before. With a cry of victory he raised up in the air before hugging and kissing it, which only lasted a few second before he quickly hid it behind his back while Sweetie Belle giggled at the sight. “Um, anyway. Thanks for all your help... friend.”   “No, problem,” Sweetie Belle said, before making her way to leave the playground.   Button Mash looked at his Joyboy for a bit before a smile stretched across his lips. “Hey, Sweetie Belle?” She turned around as he waved her over. “Want to learn how to play Megamare?”   t***   Waking out of his memories, Button Mash sighed and put the picture back on the stand. I have to do something to make her feel better. He rubbed his chin and tried to think of an idea, when he spotted his laptop and made his way towards it. Using the internet, he looked up the Hearths Warming Show and started checking it out. Maybe... Maybe I can get those tickets for her. I mean how much do they really cost?   When he found the number of the price for a single cheap ticket, his mouth dropped to the table. “You’ve got to be kidding me! It’s a miracle they even got tickets in the first place!”   Looking up into the ceiling in despair, he knew that there was only one way he was ever going to get those tickets and it made him feel sick inside. He had to sell his games. That was the only way it could work, and he had five days to do it. But what games should I sell? It has to be something rare and... expensive...   He slowly turned around to where the most prized possession in his entire collection was. He knew dozens, even hundreds of gamers on various sites who would pay a fortune for it. Enough money to buy more than just cheap tickets and maybe even more than two. And maybe there would be plenty left over so it wouldn’t be a complete waste.   But was he ready to part with his Ultimate 11? The crown jewel of his collection? The very soul of a true gamer? Sweetie Belle and her family could always save for more tickets in the future, and the show wasn’t going to go anytime soon. Over time Sweetie Belle would get over her loss and go back to being the happy and sweet filly that she always was. But did anypony deserve to be so unhappy at the happiest time of the year?   The glass protection reflected his face as he continued to stare at it, his hoof halfway to lifting it up as he felt his personal desire begging him not to do this. He said he would never sell it. Never part with it.   Button closed his eyes. But that was before I met her...   With a heavy sigh, he lifted the glass...   ***   Hearths Warming Eve had finally arrived, the day where every pony remembered how Equestria came to be. And for every child in the world, it was also the final day before Santa Hooves came and delivered their presents. For Sweetie Belle though, this was the worst Hearths Warming Season of her life. Half the presents she had gotten were gone, as well as the tree she and her sister had set up. The worst part was the tickets were now ashes like her dreams. She knew a part of her was being selfish, and she knew it was best that both she and Rarity were alive and well. I just wish things were different...   Sitting in the darkness of her room, just before the break of dawn, Sweetie Belle tried to get to sleep, but found herself tossing and turning to the point where she grew so frustrated she threw her pillow against the wall. With nothing to do, she decided to softly sing to herself a few songs fit for the holiday to make herself feel better.   That is until a loud series of knocks from the front door alerted her that there was somebody outside. The knocking kept going on and on to the point where Sweetie Belle had to cover her ears. Getting out of bed, she opened the door and saw the rest of her family had also awoken.   “What is...,” Rarity yawned as she came out of her old room, “... going on?”   “Somepony’s knocking at the door. But why at this hour?” Magnum asked, rubbing his eyes.   “Is it a thief?” Sweetie Belle asked, shaking with fear.   “Why would a thief knock?” Rarity pointed out.   The four of them moved down the stairs where the knocking continued until they reached the bottom floor. Magnum stood in front, just in case, and asked, “Hello? Who's there?”   There was no response. Silence hung in the air until Magnum found the courage to step towards the door and open it. Sweetie Belle leaned in to see who it was, but there was nopony around. Magnum was about to close the door when he noticed something by his left front hoof. It was an envelope.   Levitating it, he closed the door behind him and read the cover out loud. “To the Belle Family, sorry about your house burning down. Here is a gift from a friend. Enjoy it and Happy Hearth's Warming.”   Sweetie Belle watched as her father opened the letter and gasped his eyes as big as saucer plates. “What is it?”   A smile grew on his face as he levitated, to everypony’s shock, four tickets with a design and logo that Sweetie Belle recognized anywhere. “Are… are those...” Sweetie Belle tried to finish, but couldn’t as her brain tried to restart itself from the sheer shock at what she was looking at.   Rarity was the first to recover as she took one of the tickets into her own magical grip and shouted with glee, “Four tickets to the Hearths Warming Eve Show in Manehatten! That means all of us can go and not just me and Sweetie Belle!”   “Are you serious?!” Sweetie Belle shouted as he rushed towards her sister’s side for a better look. Indeed, right there before her very eyes, were tickets to the show. And not just any tickets either. “Sweet Celestia! These are better seats than we had before! Whoever paid for these spent a lot of money on them!”   Magnum looked at the envelope again. “There’s no name or anything. Who knows who could have sent it?”   “Maybe it was Santa Hooves!” Sweetie shouted with glee. “He must have heard about how we lost our previous tickets in the fire and gave us these new ones as a present early!”   “But Sweetie, Santa Hooves...” Rarity was about to say, but her mother cut her off.   “Oh who cares if it was Santa Hooves or the Changeling Queen herself, we're all going to Manehatten!” She then clapped her hooves before gasping. “Oh my goodness! The event is today! We have to get ready!”   “Oh my gosh! I have to get dressed! All those important ponies! I need to get to work now! Oh, of all the times my shop had to be ruined!” Rarity screamed as she and her mother went upstairs so fast it was like their tails were on fire.   Sweetie Belle and her father rolled their eyes at the other mares’ actions before the former went out to the door and opened it. She ignored the cold before looking outside, trying to see if there was any hint of who it was that granted her a chance to see not only see her dream show, but bring her whole family as well. She closed her eyes and smiled Thank you, whoever you are.   “Sweetie? Close the door and help me get breakfast ready. Since we’re all up early we might as well eat early while your mother and sister go searching through their drawers like headless chickens,” Magnum said inside, chuckling at his joke.   “Coming, Dad!” Sweetie Belle shouted before skipping inside and closing the door   ***   It was official. It was the best night of Sweetie Belle’s life. She and her family arrived to the great city of Manehatten covered in snow like a winter wonderland. The rumors of Manehatten being a huge fan of Hearth's Warming Day didn’t do any justice to what she saw. Skyscrapers covered in red and green lights, each tree from the streets to the parks decorated with ornaments and tinsel, choirs of ponies singing at every corner while foals threw snowballs at each other, and more.   They even managed to see the big Hearth's Warming Tree at Rockafoal Center, lights on and all, as they entered the center itself for the event. A few rich ponies stared at them in disbelief as they passed by and found themselves on the seventh front row. Sweetie Belle even spotted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with their families nearby and gave a holler, earning a laugh when she saw both fillies’ jaws drop when they saw her, a commoner, in the biggest show of the winter season.   Sweetie Belle was so excited she was jumping in her seat, something that her parents had to put a stop to when some other ponies in the audience started to complain. Finally, the show started and that was enough to keep her on the edge of her seat. It was everything she dreamed: performances from Broadneigh plays such as Discorded, The Book of Larson, The Specter of the Opera, and The Lion Prince. There were special performances from acts such as Cirque Du Soleil, the famous Riverdance deer from Doelin, and, to both her and family’s surprise, the Great and Powerful Trixie was on stage, giving a performance that actually impressed them; showing just how far she had come since changing her act both skill-wise and personality-wise.   But the best of it all were the singers. She saw the greatest singers of her generation such as Sapphire Shores, Mareyonce, and Timberhorn live on stage. There were some oldies too (her mom acting all fangirly when Sir McColtney came on), but the best part of the night was her favorite singer, Tail Swift, came on and sung her favorite song of all time: “You Belong With Me.” She even managed to get an autograph at the very end.   The Belle family returned home with smiles on all of their faces, but none was bigger than Sweetie Belle’s. She was still humming and dancing around their Hearths Warming Tree while Rarity and her parents were planning dinner. Sweetie Belle giggled and jumped on her bed, still bubbling with joy of all that had happened. This is the best Hearth’s Warming season ever! No, the best year ever! I can’t wait to tell Apple Bloom and Scootaloo! And Buttons! Oh man, what about everypony else at school?! Wait ‘till they see my autograph of Tail Swift!   “Sweetie Belle, really, I know your happy and all, but you shouldn’t ruin the couch like that,” Rarity scolded as she entered the living room.   “Ah, let the girl celebrate her own way, Rarity,” Magnum replied. “It’s a joyful time after all. And we have much to be thankful for. Especially our mysterious benefactor.”   “Oh, I think I already know who it was,” Rarity hinted.   “Really? Who? If you know them I’ll give the good pony a discount at our travel agency.”   “I’ll marry him or her!” Sweetie Belle shouted, doing a flip in the air before landing on the floor. “This is the best gift I ever got! And... oh my gosh!”   “What?” Rarity asked as she watched Sweetie Belle rush to her room.   “Button’s gift?!” Sweetie Belle shouted from upstairs. “I forgot to give it to him when I got it last week! Good thing I left it here then at your house!”   With a present in her mouth, Sweetie Belle made her way towards the door and opened it. “Imh be mack sown!”   Before she could run off, she felt a leg in her way and was knocked down on her haunches. She looked up and saw that she had bumped into none other than Princess Twilight, who levitated Sweetie Belle back to her hooves. “Sorry, Sweetie Belle. I didn’t see you.”   “Twilight! I was just thinking about you!” Rarity shouted as she rushed over and hugged her friend. “Oh, Darling, you didn’t need to send those tickets to us, but I’m very grateful nonetheless!”   “Tickets? What tickets?” Twilight asked, tilting her head.   “The Hearths Warming Eve Show tickets? To replace the ones we lost in the fire?” Rarity pointed out. “Surely, you heard about what happened to my store while you were away in Eagleland with Princess Celestia.”   Twilight shook her head. “Rarity, I didn’t even know your house burned down until I got back today with Spike. I rushed over to see if there was anything I could do to help you.”   “Oh? But if you’re not the mysterious pony who send the tickets then who did?” Rarity asked, scratching her head. “I thought… I mean you have the resources…”   “If I knew I would have, but again, I didn’t. And even if I did, why would I keep it anonymous?” Twilight asked. “It must have been somepony who didn’t want to be named for a good reason.”   “But why?”   “This is nice and all, but I have to get going,” Sweetie Belle said, taking the gift in her mouth once more and heading outside while the adults continued to talk about who it was that sent the tickets. While Sweetie Belle admitted she wanted to know as well, she decided there was no point in worrying about it. It’s not like I’m gonna meet them so suddenly. ***   Button Mash looked at the clock in his room, ignoring his Lunar Republic troops as they began their slaughter against the Solar Imperium. Sweetie Belle had to have been home by now and he wondered if she had a good time. Had to have been better than mine, Buttons thought as he remembered the relatives that had come over for the annual Mash party every Hearths Warming Eve.   He hated it, being forced to be next to his relatives, who doted on him, giving him advice on what to do with his life, or giving him nasty aunt kisses on his cheeks with ancient lipstick not used in years. And, as usual, he didn’t get games from them. Just empty cards or underwear. Why do I need underwear anyway? I run around naked!                                          A knock on the door made him pause his game as his mother opened the door and smiled. “Button? Sweetie Belle’s here. She wants to talk to you and I think she’s got a present for a certain little gamer.”   “Really?! Awesome!” Buttons shouted as he jumped off his seat and waited for his friend to arrive   Sweetie Belle soon entered, placing the gift between them. Button’s smile grew even more as he noticed it was shaped just like a video game cover and did his best not squee. “Hey, Sweetie! Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! Is that my gift?! Is it Mare-Do-Well: Arkham Origins or Battlezone 4?”   “It won’t be a surprise if I tell you, silly. And you better not open it ‘til tomorrow!” Sweetie Belle said, sternly but with a playful grin.   “I promise, I promise,” Button Mash repeated as he picked it up and hugged it. “So how was your day? Better than mine I hope?   Sweetie Belle didn’t waste any time as she quickly told Button everything from the tickets to the event. Button, for once, kept his mouth shut and let his friend speak about the greatest night in her life, speaking so fast that he barely understood half of it. But what he did know was that she had the “greatest night of her life” as she put it and that was enough to make him smile. He had wondered if his sacrifice was worth it and the beaming face he saw on her proved that it was.   “Sounds like you had a great time. I’m going to put this away now,” Button Mash said as he went towards his gaming shelf. Just as he put the packaged game away he then heard Sweetie Belle gasp. Turning around, he saw her staring at his shelves for his most prized games. “What? What is...” He then saw what made her gasp and cursed himself for not getting rid of the glass case where his former prized jewel was.   “It’s gone! Your copy of Ultimate 11 is gone!” Sweetie Belle shouted. “Was it stolen?! Did you let the authorities know?! Maybe they can find it before—”   “Sweetie, stop!” Button Mash yelled, realizing he had no choice but tell the truth. “I didn’t lose it I... I... I sold it.”   The look on Sweetie Belle’s face would have been priceless if the situation was different. Button didn’t even think a jaw could drop that low except in cartoons. Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle looked at him as if he was a changeling revealing himself. “You sold it?! Why?! You said that you would never ever ever ever part with it! That you would take it with you to you grave! If you sold it that must have gained a... huge... fortune...”   A deep silence lingered in Button’s room as he did his best to avoid Sweetie Belle’s gaze. Her look of disbelief remained as she then asked, “Button... were you the one who...”   Seeing that there was no point in hiding it, he sighed and nodded. “Yeah... I got those four tickets for you and your family. I sold the game and got the money using my brother’s paypal account. It was just a matter of paying for the tickets online and getting them. Sure I lost that game, but hey it all worked out in the end right? You got to see your show and have a great time, right?”   “But... but...” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “It was important to you! You didn’t need to sacrifice your game just to make me feel better!”   “But I had to do it! I didn’t want to see my best friend sad anymore!” Button shouted as he stomped his hoof. “Sweetie Belle, it may have been important but you’re more valuable to me than some game! It... it hurt seeing you like that, all sorrowful and depressed... I wanted to do something. I had to do something and I would give up that game a thousand more times if it meant making you feel happy! I did it because... because I wanted to stop my best friend from crying.”   Before Button knew it, Sweetie Belle had nearly tackled him off his hooves and held him. Crying into his shoulders, she whispered, “Thank you... thank you...”   Button smiled and hugged her back, enjoying the warm feeling inside his chest. The two continued to hold on to each other for a long time, everything else forgotten. Soon enough though, she broke the hug and, with Button guiding her, they made their way down the hall, blushing and avoiding each other’s sight.   Just by the front door, they stopped and looked at each other once more. “Button,” Sweetie Belle said, smiling at him. “Thank you for the greatest Hearths Warming Eve I’ll ever have.”   “No prob—”   Button’s eyes widened as Sweetie Belle leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. Frozen stiff, Button’s mind shut down as he felt the sweet taste of his best friend’s lips. He should have been horrified, or at least backed away, but he didn’t. He just closed his eyes and accepted her kiss. His first kiss. Their first kiss.   Sweetie Belle soon ended it, and, with face completely red, said goodbye before rushing out the door. Button was left standing in complete silence before he looked up and saw, to his disbelief, the mistletoe his mother had teased him with only days ago.   Nevertheless, he grinned as he thought to himself. Maybe this Hearths Warming Eve wasn’t so bad after all...   The End