Playcolt: The Great and Powerful

by Majin Syeekoh

First published

Syko interviews Trixie

Syko is assigned to interview the Great and Powerful Trixie, but that's not all on his mind...


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Syko walked into the Playcolt office, head held high. Despite the disastrous party, the release of the Elements Edition of Playcolt had gone swimmingly, and he had been promoted to Lead Writer. He stepped up to the reception desk, where a pink unicorn mare with a blonde mane was sitting. He leaned on the desk and cleared his throat. The mare looked up, then looked back down.

“Hey, Syko,”

“Hey yourself, Note Taken,” he said. He looked at her expectantly, her still scribbling down on whatever she was working on.

She looked up again, “What is it, Syko?”

Syko felt his voice catch in his throat. He wasn’t expecting this to be so hard. He finally said, “Well, you see, I got two tickets to see The Great and Powerful Trixie tonight in Canterlot as a bonus for my promotion, and, well, since it’d look kind of silly for me to go by myself with two tickets, I was wondering if-”

“No,” Note Taken said crisply, and went back to her work.


“Never gonna happen. You know how well these office romances go as well as I do,”

Syko slumped his head, “Alright, but just as friends?”



“I said NO!” Note Taken shouted, causing Syko to lurch back, “now will you please let me get on with my work?”

“Okay,” Syko said dejectedly as he trotted into the office. Inside was a whirlwind of activity. Interns rushing around the office making copies, journalists furiously scribbling out stories, artists drawing cartoons-

“Hey, Syko. Congrats on your promotion,” a female voice said. Syko turned to see the green coat and purple mane of Dress Impress, their magazine’s pegasus fashion editor.

“Thanks, Dress! I’m tray excited about it! I even have my own office and everything!” Syko said while itching the back of his neck.

Dress Impress said, “That’s great, but…”

“But what, Dress?”

“I fear I’ll miss our little chats,”

“Don’t worry, Dress. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to chat!”

“That sounds great, Syko. I’ll hold you up to that!”

“For sure!” Syko said as he walked up to his office. Finally, he thought, an office with a door. He pushed opened the oak door and trotted in.

Inside was a mahogany desk with a comfy chair, a bookcase, and two posters mounted on the wall. One was the cover of Playcolt featuring Spitfire, and on the opposite wall was the cover featuring the Elements of Harmony. He sighed and trotted over to his chair and sat down. He saw a note on his desk. He picked it up and read it, surprised at what was on it.

Great job on the Elements issue! We have another assignment for you. Get an interview with Trixie while she’s still in Canterlot.

Syko grunted at that last part. So the tickets weren’t a bonus, they were an assignment. He sunk into his chair, worried how little free time he had anymore. Sure, it was nice to get out to Ponyville, but that was business. And now, they decide to usurp his free time with an assignment? He sighed, remembering what got him to join Playcolt in the first place…


Syko, a young stallion of twenty, was called in to the interview office, greeted by a grumpy old unicorn stallion who directed him to sit down. He did so, and the stallion looked over some papers on his desk, then looked up as Syko. Syko gulped.

“Hello, Psychotic Quill, my name is White Collar, and I’ll be conducting this interview today,”

“Yes, sir,” Syko replied, “and I’d prefer if you just called me Syko, sir,”

“Ah, well, yes…” White Collar said, “on to the interview. Now, it says here that you worked for Hub Magazine for the past two years...what was that like?”

“Well,” Syko started, “it was difficult,”

“Difficult? Why?”

“Because I had to limit my vocabulary in order to pander to a third-grade reading level,”

“Ah. It IS a kid’s magazine, isn’t it?”

“Yes, White Collar, sir,”

“So what made you decide on Playcolt, Syko?”

“Well, White Collar, sir, I felt that I needed to have an edge to my writing, to...make it more interesting, you know? Get real, uncensored stories from ponies,”

“And you felt that you couldn’t do that at Hub magazine...well, I’ve looked over some of your articles, especially the one you did interviewing Twilight Velvet, and I’d have to say that it was excellent. Exemplary, even. Our journalists could learn a lot from you,” White Collar said, causing Syko to blush.

“T-thank you, sir,”

“Tell you what, you get me an interview with Spitfire, you can call me boss!”

Syko’s eyes widened, “Really? I’m in? Just like that? Aren’t you going to tell me something like, ‘What is your greatest failure’ or ‘Tell me three bad qualities that you have-”

“You ever hear the phrase, ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” Syko nodded, “Well, this is your gift horse!”

Syko nodded eagerly and said, “I’ll do my best, sir!”


Syko was wondrously reminiscing about the past, twirling a quill pen in his magic, when he looked at the time. It was twelve o’clock. He lazily looked at the tickets, noting a twelve-thirty performance on them. He went back to lazing-

Twelve-Thirty! He quickly grabbed a pen and paper with his magic and rushed out of the office door. He passed Dress Impress, who tried to wave hello to the rushing pony who paid her no heed. She sighed and went back to her article.

Welcome to the Show

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Syko shuffled into his seat at the Canterlot Amphitheater, waiting for the show to start. He had heard a lot of good things about this Trixie, or ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’, as she liked to call herself. The lights dimmed as the audience hushed.
“Mares and stallions, fillies and colts of all ages!” A female voice boomed, “Feast your eyes on the sights of the Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie!” as a beautiful unicorn mare with blue skin and a silver mane wearing a wizard’s hat and cape took the stage, elicting applause from the crowd. She bowed modestly, “Tonight, Trixie will tell you a tale of hubris and despair, of trying times and sheer desperation! But most of all, it is a tale of redemption! Watch as a young mare named Hannah enters Ponyville…” Trixie said as she drew up a passable replica of Ponyville, from at least what Syko could see, but there appeared to be a stage where a green mare with golden hair was performing tricks.

“Hannah was a boastful one, always taking credit for things that were not her own,” Trixie elaborated, as the green mare seemed to create an illusion of her own, drawing wows from the audience, “She claimed to defeat an Ursa Major in Hoofington to wow the audience!” As the illusion within the illusion reflected that statement, depicting a green mare downing an Ursa Major, “Hannah even showed up all challengers to her craft,” showing an orange mare tangled in her ropes, a white unicorn’s hair turning green, and a cyan pegasus diverting from their flight path, “Although the victories were hollow, as you shall soon see why,”

The illusion shifted to show a rampaging Ursa barreling through the forest to Ponyville, crushing Hannah’s cart. Hannah jumped in shock, “For you see, an Ursa was released on Ponyville by sources unknown, as a challenge to her lie,” as Hannah was shown summoning a lightning bolt that barely singed the Ursa. The Ursa bared down upon Hannah, who was visibly quaking in her horseshoes, “But then Twilight Sparkle dispatched the beast,” showing a lavender unicorn whose horn glowed brightly as the Ursa disappeared in a puff of smoke, “Twilight then informed the townspeople that that was an Ursa Minor, leaving no choice but for poor Hannah to skip town, forever embarrassed,” showing Hannah bolting through hill and dale, until she came upon a dusty plain with stones strewn around.

“Hannah was forced to work on a rock farm, due to losing her livelihood and her good name,” as Hannah was displayed pushing rocks with her head, an elder stallion looking over her, “But Hannah thought she was above such frivolities. So when she saved up enough bits, she bought a powerful magical artifact that increased her power one-hundred-fold!” Trixie narrated as a necklace clasped over Hannah’s neck, encasing her in a dark power, “With that, she headed over to Ponyville,” she said. Syko was rapt in the story. He knew about illusions in storytelling, due to being a theater major, but these illusions seemed almost life-like, as if they had their own solidity, Trixie apparently being a master of her craft as well as beautiful to boot.

“Hannah returned to Ponyville and challenged Twilight Sparkle, who gladly took her up on the challenge,” Trixie told the crowd, displaying a glorious battle of magic between them, when Twilight fell, “but Twilight was no match for the Alicorn Amulet, so Hannah kicked her out of town, free to enact her reign of terror,” as Hannah grabbed Twilight Sparkle and literally kicked her out, the view zooming out as Twilight sailed through the air and landed just outside of Ponyville, “Twilight Sparkle, now defeated, left a power vacuum that Hannah took great advantage of,” displaying red banners across Ponyville, and Hannah being dragged around on a cart, which if Syko wasn’t mistaken, didn’t have wheels, “Hannah, unbeknown to her, was being slowly corrupted by the dark magics of the Alicorn Amulet, causing her to become a sick and twisted version of her formerly boastful self,” as the illusion zoomed in on the cart, showing that it indeed did not have wheels, creating a speech bubble that said inside of it, ‘Hannah doesn’t trust wheels!’, which drew out laughs from the crowd.

“Eventually, though, Twilight Sparkle came to town, ready for a rematch,” Trixie narrated, showing Twilight Sparkle showing up in town, head held high, “and beat Hannah through sleight of hand and deception, using Hannah’s old repertoire against her!” Trixie then created two rainbow-maned pegasi, one flickering into a yellow pegasus, a young orange filly that flickered into a yellow filly, and an orange stallion that flickered into a red stallion, “defeated, Hannah gave up the Alicorn Amulet, and was about to run out of town again, when Twilight Sparkle offered her hoof in friendship!” She showed Twilight offering a hoof to Hannah, who took it.

“Since then, Hannah has performed far and wide, displaying her magic for all,” Trixie displayed Hannah at the size of Trixie, performing wondrous feats, “and Trixie holds Hannah very close to her heart to this day,” she said as Hannah stood still, Trixie walking into the illusion, fitting it perfectly, “for Hannah is none other than the Great and Powerful Trixie herself!” as she threw a hoof up, her image slightly trailing, throwing a smoke bomb down, blinding the audience, who all gasped when Trixie was gone. Syko got up and headed towards the dressing room. He was going to have to act fast in order to get an interview with Trixie.

Interviewing Trixie

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Syko approached the dressing room, which was mobbed by rabid fans. He cut his way to the front, where a burly stallion was standing. He displayed his press pass, and the stallion nodded.

“Trixie’s been expecting you,” the stallion said in a gruff voice. Syko raised an eyebrow at that, but nonetheless walked in. Inside was Trixie in all of her glory, sitting in front of a mirror, writing something. He approached her.

“Trixie?” Syko asked. The mare didn’t respond. He moved closer to see what she was writing. She wasn’t writing anything! Instead, the quill seemed to be moving across the paper without making any notations. Syko immediately recognized this as an illusion. He then cast a Find-It Got-It spell, focusing on the cerulean mare. Trixie immediately twirled out from behind a curtain into Syko’s forelegs, batting her eyelashes. Syko blushed, not expecting the mare of his dreams to literally leap into his forelegs.

“Ahhhh…” Syko said.

“Trixie wasn’t expecting you to be so handsome...Syko, was it?” Trixie cooed. Syko pushed Trixie off of him and collected himself.

“You know,” Trixie said, “A Find-It Got-It spell only works if you REALLY want your target…”

Syko blushed even harder and cleared his throat, “Ah, nevermind that, I’m just here for the interview, ma’am,” as he sat down on the couch. Trixie sat in her chair.

“So, ask away!” Trixie said.

Syko pulled out some papers, “First, you need to sign this paperwork,”

Trixie grabbed the contract from Syko and looked it over, “Twenty thousand bits for a full monty, huh? Your magazine must really want lil’ old Trixie!” She said, eyeing Syko.

Syko grabbed the contract back, “That can’t be right,” he said, going over the contract, his eyes widening at the indeed twenty thousand bits for said full monty. He sheepishly handed the contract back over, saying, “Sorry, the figure just sounded a little high. Had to double check it,”

“No worries, Syko. Trixie understands,” Trixie said, signing the contract, “but Trixie’s a little hurt that you didn’t think she was worth the bits,” she mewled.

Syko’s eyes widened at that, “No, it’s nothing like that, I’m sure you’re worth every bit we’re paying you!”

“So Trixie’s nothing but a trollop to you?”

“No, no! That is not what I’m saying!” Syko said, noticing Trixie giggling.

“You’re cute when you’re flustered, you know that?” Syko blushed.

“Nevermind that, let’s get on with the interview,” Syko said, pulling out his magical recording device.

“Ooooh, fancy! That must’ve been a pretty bit!” Trixie said.

“Tax write-off,” Syko said, “Now, I’ve noticed that you’ve been referring to yourself in the third person even though we’re off stage. Why is that?”

Trixie sighed, “Brain damage,”

“I’m not aware of any brain damage that affects personal pronouns,”

“Well, that’s because you don’t know much about brain damage,” Trixie harumphed, “There was one colt who was perfectly fine except for confusing his fruits and vegetables. Another filly, colors,”

“So,” Syko said, “when did you get your brain damage?”

“Trixie was eight, carriage accident. She was in the hospital for two months. It was when Trixie was infirm that she got her acceptance letter to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns,”

“About that,” Syko continued, “many say you dropped out,”

“Lies! Trixie graduated magna cum laude, behind Sunset Shimmer!” Trixie said, “but that was because the little harlot was Celestia’s personal protégé. Trixie swears, some mares have all the advantages!”

“So how do you think that rumor came about?” Syko asked.

“It was probably when Trixie turned down a full scholarship to Manehatten University to begin her life on the road. Mother and Father were so angry with was perfect!”

“So you turned down a full scholarship to get back at your parents?”

“Well, when you put it that way, it sounds petty,”

“I’m afraid it does,”

“Well, it isn’t!” Trixie shouted, “ My parents thought Trixie would never get anywhere in life with a degree in Illusion, so Trixie showed them up by starting a career in illusions!”

“And you’ve done very well for yourself, barring certain hiccups,” Syko said, “would you like to go into them?”

“You’ll have to see the show,” Trixie said.

“I did see the show,”

“That was directed to the readers,” Trixie said, “Hi readers!”

“How meta of you,” Syko noted, “so, how did you revive your career after your misadventures?”

“Well, it’s not very hard to sell yourself as ‘Great and Powerful’ after you’ve taken over an entire town, now is it?”

“I didn’t think you’d like to advertise that, Trixie,”

“Well, you know what they say ‘All publicity is good publicity’! So Trixie just used that to book shows, and those shows to book more shows, and here Trixie is!”

Syko nodded, “Alright, now it’s time for some more...personal questions...are you a maiden?”

Trixie batted her eyelashes at Syko, “You’re such a charmer, you know that?”

Syko blushed, “Standard question, Trixie,”

Trixie sighed, “No, Trixie is not,”

“Well then, who did you lose your maidenhead to?”

“A pegasus Trixie met in a bar...she thinks Bulge Biceps was his name. His wings were tiny, and you know what they say about tiny wings,” Trixie shuddered, “barely even hurt,”

“Well, I’m sure that now you’ve embarrassed that stallion in front of the entire world...I believe you’ve had better experiences?”

“Why, yes, of course! After that, there was Jet Set before he met his current wife, Barricade of the Royal Guard, Magic Hat in Hoofington, Preved Medved of Stalliongrad…” and Trixie went on to list fifty other stallions. Syko was wide-eyed at all the names she listed.

“Wow...thank you. You’ve really been around the block, haven’t you?”

Trixie blushed, “A mare does have her needs, you know?”

“Well, then,” Syko said, “do you have any aspirations?”

“Well, the fame is nice and all, but, however cliché it may sound for a mare to say this, Trixie would really like to settle down with a nice stallion and start a family of her own,”

“That’ll be all, Trixie,” Syko said, pulling out his camera, “time for the photoshoot!” And at that, Trixie ripped off her cloak and hat, bared for all the world to see.

“Make sure you get my good side,” Trixie said.

“Which one is your good side?”

“All of them,” she winked.


The photoshoot finished, Trixie put her cape and hat back on, adjusting the hat ever so slightly.

“Thank you, Trixie. You’ve been a very good guest,” Syko said.

“No, the pleasure was all Trixie’s,” Trixie said.


“Would you like to go out for drinks after my last show?”

Syko blinked, “Excuse me?”

“Did Trixie stutter?”

“N-no!” Syko stammered, “I’ that,”

“Well, Trixie would like that, too…”

“Pick you up at eight?”

“Most certainly!”

Real Magic

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Syko was standing outside of the dressing room at eight o’clock sharp. He twiddled his hooves, waiting for Trixie. Fifteen minutes passed, then another fifteen. Finally, Trixie opened her dressing room door and closed it behind her.

“You made me wait for thirty minutes, you know that?” Syko said.

“And you stood around and waited. Whose fault is that?” Trixie said. Syko blushed again.

“Well I wasn’t going to very well stand you up. Shall we?”

“We shall,” as they walked out of the amphitheater together out to the street.

“So where are we going, Trixie?”

“You’ll see,” Trixie said, “TAXI!”

A carriage pulled up to them and they went inside.

“Do you know where the Stone Pony is, good man?” Trixie asked the cabbie. Syko facehooved.
“Sure thing, miss,” the cabbie replied as he took off with carriage in tow.

“What was that, Syko?”

“It’s nothing,” Syko said, “it’s just upstairs neighbor likes to frequent it,”

“So you have someone to introduce Trixie to when we get there!”

“Not exactly…” Syko started when the carriage came to a stop.

“Here we are, miss,” the cabbie said.

Trixie tipped her hat to the cabbie as they got off. Syko paid the cab fare, and they went inside, Syko looking around. He sighed in relief, when he felt a hoof tap his shoulder. He slowly turned his head. Standing there was Vinyl Scratch, his upstairs neighbor.

“Hey, Syko!” she said, “what brings you around these parts?”

“My date wanted to come here…” Syko grumbled.

“Trixie’s heard that the Prench Onion Soup here was named ‘Best in Equestria!’” Trixie said.

“Well, aren’t ya gonna introduce me to her, buddy?” Vinyl asked.

Syko gritted his teeth. She was NOT his buddy, “Vinyl Scratch, this is Trixie…”

“...Lulamoon,” Trixie finished. Syko’s eyes widened at that.

“and Trixie, this is Vinyl,”

“Charmed,” Trixie said, offering a hoof to Vinyl. Vinyl took it and shook it.

“It’s strange seeing Syko out with a mare...I was starting to think he was a closet coltcuddler!” Vinyl said, causing Syko’s cheeks to turn a shade of ruby.

“I think was Vinyl meant to say was that I’m more of a one trick pony,”

“More like a no trick pony, if the silence from your apartment is any indication! HO!” Vinyl hollered, holding up a hoof. To his chagrin, Trixie hoof-bumped it.

“What did you do that for!?” Syko asked.

Trixie batted her eyelashes, “Trixie believes it is customary to hoof-bump a pony after they deliver a burn,” she said, “and that burn was MOST legendary, if I do say so myself,”

“Enough of this, let’s get seated,” Syko said, taking a booth, Trixie next to him, Vinyl sneaking in the opposite booth.

“What are you-” Syko started.

“Just hanging out with mah bud and his new fillyfriend,” Vinyl finished. Syko blushed, but said nothing. From his limited experience with mares, there was NO right answer to that statement. Just then, a waiter walked up.

“What’ll it be?” the waiter asked.

“Yo! My man, Pressed Collar! What up?” Vinyl said, holding out a hoof, which Pressed Collar bumped back, “by the way, this table’s on me!”

“Very well, then, what’ll it be?”

“We’ll all have the Prench Onion Soup,” Syko said. The waiter jotted down the order.

“Will you have anything to drink with that?”

“Three Rainbow Shooters, please,” Trixie said, Vinyl nodding in approval.

“Well, then, enjoy your meal,” Pressed Collar said as he briskly walked away.

“Well, I’m gonna take a whizz,” Vinyl said, standing up, “I’ll leave you two to your canoodling,” she snickered as she walked away. Syko then stared at Trixie.

“You’re a Lulamoon!?” he hissed.

“Well, I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal…” Trixie whispered.

“No big deal? The Lulamoons are practically royalty in Hoofington!”

“No, they’re just a very successful business family…”

“Which is practically the same thing!” Their Rainbow Shooters were served to them. Trixie stared at Syko.

“Well, drink up,” she said.

“I’ve never had one of these before...I hear they’re quite strong…” Syko said as he downed the entire glass. Trixie winced. Suddenly, Syko saw flashes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet as he convulsed in his chair, Trixie giggling, “What’s so funny!?”

“Nothing, Syko,” Trixie said between fits of chuckling, “It’s just the faces that one makes when downing an entire Rainbow Shooter are most amusing,” as she sipped on her Shooter, her coat fading between all the colors of the rainbow. Vinyl decided to come back at that time and took her seat, pleased to see the Rainbow Shooter in front of her. She quickly downed the entire glass, Syko cringing. Vinyl did indeed violently flash rainbow colors, but she did not convulse, instead opting to grit her teeth.

“Another round of Rainbow here!” Vinyl yelled. Music started up.

“Come on, Syko, let’s dance!” Trixie said as she pulled Syko onto the dance floor, him stumbling along. Trixie then grabbed his hooves and put them on her hips as she wrapped her forelegs around his neck as they began swaying to the beat. Syko liked this, Here he was, dancing with a beautiful mare that was way out of his league, and she was enjoying it. She batted her eyelashes at him again. Syko lost all control and kissed Trixie right on the dance floor. Trixie lingered, then pulled away.

“Getting fresh with a Lulamoon, are we?” she said.

“I’m sorry, I can’t imagine what came over me,” Syko apologized.

“Well, Trixie can,” Trixie said as she returned the kiss.

Morning After

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Syko woke up to dubstep blaring from the apartment above. Celestia, he hated living under a DJ. He grabbed the broom he kept by his bed with his orange glow and slammed the ceiling with it.

“Quiet down! Some of us are trying to sleep!” he said, when he saw the broom wrapped in a blue glow as it was slammed into the ceiling even harder.

“Keep it down up there! The Great and Powerful Trixie has a Great and Powerful hangover right now!” Syko quickly turned his head over to the cerulean mare lying next to him as the music stopped.

Vinyl’s voice was heard from upstairs, yelling, “Wait, THAT Trixie!? You were banging the Great and Powerful Trixie last night!? Score!”

Syko stared at Trixie, dumbfounded, “I guess I was…”

“You know, after last night’s performance, they should call you the Great and Powerful Syko!” Trixie said.

Syko quickly got out of bed, “I bet you say that to all the stallions you bed,”

“Not all of them,” Trixie said, stretching out across the bed, “just the Great and Powerful ones,”

Syko blushed at that, “Well, would you like some breakfast?”

“What does a swinging bachelor like you have for breakfast?” Trixie asked.

“Toaster waffles,” Syko said, magically pulling out waffles from the freezer and putting them in the toaster, “want some?”

“Trixie supposes…” she said as she got out of bed and sat down at the table, Syko monitoring the waffles. They popped up, Syko grabbing them, getting plates from the cabinet and putting two on each plate as he served Trixie. Trixie looked expectantly at Syko, “Do you have any syrup?”

“No, but I have butter!” Syko said as he pulled out the butter from the fridge, two knives from the drawer, and lay them on the table, sitting across from Trixie. He then proceeded to cut off a slice of butter and spread it on the waffle, taking a bite when he was finished, “well, aren’t you gonna have some?”

Trixie stared at the waffle, then picked up the other knife, cut off a slice of butter for herself, spreading it across the waffle. She took a bite, her ears perking up as she did so, “This is good!”

“Breakfast of Champions, Trixie!” Syko said as they ate their waffles in silence. Having done so, they sat around for a minute, the Syko said, “I have to get into the office to write my transcript of yesterday’s interview,”

“Trixie supposes she should get going as well,” Trixie said, “Trixie has a show at ten-thirty and should prepare,” as she got up, threw her hat and cape on, and headed for the door, “and do keep in touch, Syko,”

“Will do, O Great and Powerful Trixie!” Syko saluted. Trixie giggled at that.

“Bye, Syko,” she said as she closed the door behind her. Syko just basked in the moment, enjoying the act he committed last night. Today was going to be a good day, he thought to himself.