> Love....SERIOUSLY!? > by Admiral Q Ponyform > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Intro: Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love........SERIOUSLY!? By Admiral Q Revision by RC2101_Copey ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave felt like hell incarnate. His head felt like there was a marching band, parading round inside. ‘Why does my head hurt?’ He tried to remember the last thing he did, and was almost immediately assaulted by the memories of the last few weeks; First my now EX-girlfriend, left me for a rich prick Mom had a heart attack and died, right there infront of me And to add salt to the wound, I got laid off. After an event like that, not even burying himself in MLP could help as a distraction from the pain. ‘Right, life is just B-E-A-utiful right now!!’ he groaned -’Wait?’ Dave realised that inspite of all that happened, he could not remember the last few hours. Thinking on it for a second, it came back to him; ‘I needed a break, something to clear my head - aha- I was driving to Yellowstone National Park.’ As his mind started to clear, massive headache notwithstanding, it suddenly became apparent that he had a weird feeling all over his body- no wait; the weird feeling WAS his body, and he seemed to be lying down in a bed. ‘Did I crash? DID I CRASH?! - Fantastic, I CANNOT afford to replace my car right now.’ He let out a frustrated groan. As he did so, he noticed it sounded strangely effeminate, closer to a young womans then an adult males. He heard movement nearby; “I think she's waking up your highness.” ‘Highness? There's no chance I’d be in the same ward as royalty, so what in hell is going on?’ Dave opened his eyes, in order to assess the situation. 'MY EYES! THE LIGHT, IT BURNS!' He slammed his eyes shut, and attempted to raise his arms to provide further cover, but someone was holding them down. “Easy there, you're still pretty weak. You’ve been in a coma for almost a week now, take it slow.” It was the same voice as before, probably one of the nursing staff. 'I’ve been in a coma for a week? Damn, what did I do? But could be worse I guess, I could have been under for longer, or even dead.' He tried opening his eyes again, this time much more slowly, and was greeted with the sight of a brightly lit, and overly ornate hospital room. While the decor was odd in itself, it failed to grab his attention - that was firmly rooted to the pastel colored pony standing at the foot of his bed, staring at him with concern written on huge doe eyes. Even that failed to win the prize for shocking however, because a sudden movement to his right caused him look away, and lose his jaw to gravity. Standing there was none other than ‘PRINCESS FREAKING CELESTIA!’ ‘OMG, CELESTIA IS BY MY BED! I've got to be dreaming! Before anyone could react, he raised his arm, and struck himself across the face, hoping to wake himself from whatever dream world this clearly must be. To his surprise, rather than waking up, all he received was sharp stab of pain. ‘Ouch, that hurt far too much- but if I’m not waking up, has someone pulled an Equestrian Girls prank on me? Maybe another try..’ He raised his arm to try again, but as his arm came towards his face, it stopped suddenly in what can only be described as a see-through yellow cloud. But rather than focus it that, it was the words that followed that brought his brain to a halt. “Cadance - are you feeling alright? Why’d you hit yourself?” Celestia asked, in a worried tone. ‘Cadance?’ For the first time, Dave spoke; “I need a mirror.” His voice sounded familiar, but it definitely wasn't his, and it didn’t seem a match for the Cadance he remembered from the show. Celestia conjured a mirror with her magic, and held it out in front of Dave. Dave looked into it with apprehension. There, on the hospital bed, was Cadance, no doubt about it. A much younger Cadance for sure, closer to the adolescent version Twilight remembers as her foal-sitter. Her head was almost completely bandaged, but tuffs of her white, pink, and purple hair could be seen. She moved a hoof when he tried to move a hand, and when he tried to tilt his head, so did she. She looked passed the mirror, to Celestia, and asked; “Could every..pony leave the room for a minute? And Celestia, could you soundproof the room for me? I don't want any..pony to hear this.” Sounding skeptical, Celestia reluctantly agreed; “If you’re sure Cadance?” “Just give me five minutes!” Dave pleaded. Celestia frowned, but nodded and the two ponies left the room, a distinct lack of sound prevailing from the soundproofing spell. Now there he lay, alone in the hospital room... In Cadance's body. > Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave did what any rational man would do, if they were in the same situation; He let out the biggest, manliest scream ever recorded. Now, the Royal Canterlot Voice gets some bad press from the show, but I would like to go on the record and put those neigh sayers to rest - if the voice in the show is compared to the horn of a train, then the real life one is more akin an air raid siren on steroids. It is a small miracle that Dave didn’t blow the windows out of his hospital room’s wall. 'Cadance! I'm freaking Cadance! Of all the ponies to put me into. It's bad enough that I'm a girl now, but of all of the ones to get stuck in. I couldn't be a member of the Mane 6, or Luna, or Celestia?! Heck, I’d take being Nightmare Moon over this. BUT THE ALICORN OF LOVE!?' 'Someone out there is laughing their head off at this one.' He, or let's just be accurate, she, was hyperventilating, almost to the point of going Lesson Zero Twilight style. 'Okay, I need to calm down and figure out what happened. What was that thing Cadance taught Twilight to do? Oh yes, breathe in, hold, then exhale.' Dave started by placing a hoof to his/her chest -’Damn, this hoof thing feels weird’ - breathed in, and then then moved it away as he/she exhaled. 'Sweet that actually works!' Dave did it a couple more times, and by then he had calmed down considerably. Almost immediately, there was a knock on the door, through which the muffled voice of Celestia's was heard; “May we come in now Cadance?” “Yes, I'm good now.” The door opened, and Celestia's head poked in with a slight smile on her face. She proceeded to open the door fully, granting access to herself, and the nurse/doctor pony from before. Dave decided to break the silence. “How did I end up here?” Dave inquired. Celestia grimaced, and looked away slightly, unable to hold his/her gaze. “There was an accident. Some pegasi construction workers were carrying material across the courtyard, as part of the ongoing repair work to the castle. They got into complications, which caused a mid air collision. Pieces of the metal they use for scaffolding fell while you were below. A brave guard recruit, one Shining Armor, did his best to catch the items and shield you, but a couple of the poles were still able to strike you on the head.” “Ouch.” Dave cringed; ‘Well that at least explains the cracking headache.’ He/she looked to the other pony in the room, the nurse/doctor. “Okay, so how bad am I physically?” The unicorn mare used her magic, lifting up a clipboard from its resting place at the foot of the bed. She began to flip through the pages. “Well you suffered excessive severe blunt force trauma, so badly that and I thought we had already lost you before you arrived here. There is bound to be some remaining concussion damage, and there is partial damage to your motor cortex. To be honest with you here, I’m surprised, not that you woke up so soon, but that you woke up at all. Tell us what you can remember?” “Well I recognized Princess Celestia Immediately. I’d guess I'm in Canterlot which is in Equestria. But everything else is very muddled in here.” Dave pointed to his/her head. 'Man that gender thing is getting annoying.' “What about yourself? Do you recognize yourself?” The doctor asked. “Oh, yeah. I'm Princess Cadance, ‘(Still can't believe that one)’ ,Princess Celestia's adopted niece and the Alicorn of Love.” “Well that's not as bad as it could be. We should let you get some rest. It's quite late in the night, after all.” Dave nodded to her and smiled at Celestia. As they left, the doctor cast a quick spell on him/her, instantly sending Dave to sleep. * * * * * * Dave found himself in what appeared to be a starfield, still in Cadance's body, floating in the ether. “I can't even get a break in dream world.” he said pitifully. “I would have thought that you would be grateful for a second chance.” A female voice allured. Before Dave could act, a blinding light appeared. When it faded he saw a tall, regal alicorn, about the same size as Celestia. She had a brilliant white coat, with a flowing Red mane and tail. “Who are you?” Dave put bluntly. “I am Queen Faust, Alicorn of Creation. I am the creator of Equus, the mother to Celestia and Luna. I created a set the tools for my daughters, and others to keep the world safe. But events have come to pace that threatens even my daughters, so I have chosen to intervene.” “Hold on a second- Faust, as in the Fausticorn, as in Lauren Faust?” Queen Faust’s face started to blush red, with a grin forming from ear to ear, almost reminding me of the troll face. “Ah, yes, my counterpart in your world. While she is not a direct equivalent, one of my powers allows me to project into the dreams of living creatures, like Luna, but mine is strong enough to reach even those in other dimensions. I have been planting seeds, and whispering tales in her dreams about my daughter's and Equestria, so she could make that show you like, in the hopes of spreading love and tolerance.” “Huh, well - the more you know. Even if that's a bit creepy, now it’s time for the question of the hour. Why am I in Cadance's body?” “I don’t think that there is an easy way to put this, so I’m going to be blunt - you both died.” “WHAT?!” ‘You have got to be kidding me.’ “Cadance, the body you are in now, was hit in that accident. The damage it did to her brain was catastrophic. her memories, her consciousness, the Cadance you knew, is gone. “And me?” ‘-Gulp-’ “Your… car is it? Interesting device, well anyway your car was involved in a crash with a larger vehicle. One of your wheels ...exploded?...It caused you to veer into the path of mini locomotive. Then what was left of your car and that mini locomotive spilled off that road. Then you both exploded. ... Your body was all but destroyed, but I managed to pull your mind through into Equestria.” ““DAMN!” Finally said after a few minutes. “So I was screwed anyway.” Dave pondered that a few minutes more. “Not to sound ungrateful or anything, but why me? Why do this in the first place? “I only interfere with the world in the most dire circumstances. This world needs Cadance, her role in future events is critical to the preservation of harmony. As you are well aware, Cadance plays a major role in Twilight Sparkle's path to Ascension. That also brings up my second reason; -You have the knowledge from the show, and while limited, still gives you a better head start then a random soul would. And after everything you’ve been through, surely you could use a bit of love in your life? So who better to be the princess of love, the being destined to hand it out, then someone who knows the pain of having no love. “Now I know where Celestia gets her trolling from.” Faust gave a big grin. “Well not just her. Luna got my fondness for pranks. And being immortal means I have to find something entertaining, or I will die from sheer boredom.” . “Alright, I'm stuck filling in for Cadance. If I'm going to pull this off I'll need some help. I have no idea how to use my magic, at all. I’ve only seen it work in the show. Can you do something about that?” “Well I'm sensing that you’re waking up, so we don't have much time. I'll give you the basics, the advance stuff you have to learn on your own, but my daughter is a great teacher...most of the time.” Queen Faust lowered her horn to Dave's, he felt a great swirl of magic, and as a white light began he heard Queen Faust say; “Good luck with your new life, Cadance.” And with that she was gone. Dave was back in the hospital bed. ‘I’m still Cadance, but it is my life now, to live as I choose. There’s going to be some changes around here.’ > And So it Begins.. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave....well, I guess it’s Cadance now; I might as well get used to that name, woke up as the sunlight came through her window. She groaned and glared at the window, before using her magic to close the curtain. 'Wait! I just used magic!' Looking around the room, she spotted a bedpan, and focused her mind on it. Her concentration was rewarded with the tell tale hum of magic, and a cyan colored aura surrounding the pan. She managed to lift it up from its resting place, and proceeded to fly it around the room. Seeing that she had that under control at least, caused her to cheer in delight. It seems Faust kept her word, and gave her a hand..or hoof in this case. The moment of bliss was ruined as a sharp jolt of pain lanced through her head, and she dropped the pan to the floor, clamping her hooves to her temples. 'Okay, no big magical experiments right now. My mind might be making this new body stay alive, but the brain is still injured. I still need the bed rest, so going back to sleep should help that, and my headache.' Lying back down, she snuggled up under the covers, and felt sleep begin to take her again. As she was just about to slip off, the door opened, bathing her is light once again. “Good morning Princess!” The doctor from before came in, seemingly ignorant to the unsuppressed groan Cadance let out. Rolling over in an attempt to ignore the mare, her eyes were assaulted once again as the curtains were thrown open. “Another beautiful day brought to us by your aunt.” The mare's smile vanished when she looked at me, my death glare in full force. ‘I swear if I had a mirror I would check to see if my eyes changed. I’d love to be rocking Nightmare Moon eye right now.' Outwardly I spoke; “I was TRYING to sleep.” “Apologies your highness, but you must be checked up on. Princess Celestia would send me to the moon if anymore harm came to you.” “Fine.” Cadance sighed, conceding the point. “So how are you feeling?” the doctor asked, as her horn began to glow. “I have a slight headache still, but my magic is working. I can’t use it for long however, before the pain becomes too great. The light from that window isn't helping.” ‘I glare at her again.’ “Well then, I suggest to only use your magic for short bursts when you have to, and do everything else by hoof. A bit more sleep wouldn’t be a bad idea either” -’I give her my best ‘are you kidding me?’ look I can muster.’ The door opened again to reveal Princess Celestia. “How's my favorite niece doing today?” The white alicorn asked with a smile. “Better, but I was trying to sleep, until a certain someones celestial object woke me up. THEN a certain unicorn came in, and started probing me with questions. I guess with you being here I can throw sleep out of the window. Since I’m up, I’m hungry, I'll take decent food over sleep.” ‘The whole thing came out rather more tersely than I had intended, but I hope it conveyed my current mood to the pair.’ Celestia frowned, but otherwise ignored my jibe about her sun. Setting the smile back on her face, she levitated a white box from the other side of the door; “Well then, you are in luck. I stopped by Pony Joe’s Doughnut Shop on the way here.” Cadance clapped her hooves in anticipation. “Great! You know for a profession that follows the motto do no harm, they really do make horrible food here.” The doctor left out an indignant huff, and was about to respond before Cadance pointed a hoof at her. “Don’t start, you don't eat this stuff. You go home and have a nice meal with your family, or bring your own lunch.” The doctor pouted, letting out another huff, but couldn't defend the food further, all but conceding to Cadance. Celestia once again wore a slight frown at Cadance’s behaviour, but levitated the box of doughnuts in front of her niece. Cadance used her magic to grab a one, and moved it towards her mouth. Salivating already, she took a bite and smiled, as the taste exploded across her new tastebuds. With Cadance distracted on the sugary treat, Celestia turned her attention to the doctor; “So how long does she have to stay here, Doctor?” The doctor raised her voice, having to do so to be heard over the pink princess’s food ecstasy; -‘Old Fashioned Glaze - my favourite - mmmmmmmmmm.’ “Well definitely a few days more. It really depends on how the physical therapy goes. Her motor cortex is still repairing itself. While she seems able to move around, we will test her ability to walk tomorrow. Her recovery is actually quite remarkable, but I'm not taking any chances.” 'Therapy? Figures, I do have to get used to this body. Oh joy! Well that's future Cadance's problem.' Shrugging her shoulders, Cadance dived back into the box of Doughnuts. * * * * * * Even the sugar laced treats couldn’t help sustain her body, with most of its energy going to recovery, and Cadance soon falling asleep again. Both the doctor and Celestia decided to let her rest, and moved to exit the room. With the now empty box of doughnuts now in her magic Celestia gently closed the door. She looked at the doctor with a worried expression. “I'm concerned doctor. Cadance is... different. She was never that rude, or blunt, before the accident. She was acts in ways I wouldn’t expect her to.” “It's not surprising really your highness. The brain is a marvelous and mysterious thing. It manage to repair itself but it can't repair everything. There have been multiple recorded cases where a patient has suffered damage to the brain, and have had a slight personality change, or even as far as a complete reversal. It is especially prudent with memory loss cases. Our history, our memories, are what help us form as a pony. Cadance is now drawing on what she can recall, then it will form a different mental picture than before. To be quite honest your highness I didn't expect Princess Cadance to make it. We had her hooked up to life support, but for awhile she actually read as brain dead, almost zero neural activity. Then bam- yesterday she woke up. What she's doing right now is remarkable. She can speak and hold conversations. Her magic is usable in short bursts, and tomorrow we'll see how her walking is. Personally I say it's a good trade off. I'd rather have my niece alive and active, rather than watching her waste away.” Celestia had to admit she did have a point there. “I guess I'll have to get used to this new Cadance.” “That’s the spirit, your highness. But remember, she will also need to get used to you. Her memory is messed up and she is trusting us with her life. That takes guts your highness.” Celestia looked back at the closed door. She might mourn the loss of the niece she knew, and the person she was, but she would never squander the chance to help this new Cadance flourish. Who knows, maybe this time she could be an even better pony. * * * * * * Cadance was shakily standing. It was the first time she actually stood on her hooves, having been wheel chaired to the physical therapy section of the hospital. Celestia was with the doctor and nurse ready to give encouragement. She stayed for a minute before moving a hoof forward. Then another, and another, before she fell. The nurse came to her aide, but with a brush of her wing, Cadance signalled to be left to it. Eyes narrowed, Cadance groaned with effort as she got back on her hooves. Taking a couple of breaths, she steadied herself and tried moving forward again. She made it another five feet before collapsing again. This time she let the nurse help her up. “Princess, you’ve done excellent today, but I think now is enough; any more falls and you’re going to start bruising. You’ve got determination, I’ll give you that. Given the damage to your motor cortex, this is an incredibly fast recovery, and we will stick with the everyday till you get your strength back.” The doctor looked over to Celestia. “Would there be a more convenient time for you Princess Celestia or is this time okay?” Cadance felt a magic field around her and noticed the golden glow. She pouted a bit at being handled like this but she was a tad tired trying to walk. “This time is perfect doctor. My niece is far more important to me than some noble's grievance or government busy work.” Celestia replied. Cadance felt something on her back. Looking, it turned out to be Celestia's wing. Cadance followed the wing and looked at Celestia's face. There she saw the look of love and worry there. She hadn't seen that look since her mother died. Cadance also felt a strange sensation. She felt warmth emanating from her. If she was capable of melting, she sure would’ve done so there and then. So she did the next best thing, and leaned into Celestia’s wing hug. She felt the warmth grow slightly? 'Huh - she is Alicorn of the Sun after all. I wonder if she just naturally generates this heat. I bet she never needs a scarf or or coat during winter if so, lucky girl. But I wonder how that is during summer, or if she isn't affected by summer?' Cadance’s mind wandered, as she was pushed down the hall by her new aunt. She admitted she felt bad for Celestia, she had lost her niece. The niece she knew till now. While Dave's mind allows Cadance’s physical form to live, it does not contain Cadance's memories. Only the basic starter kit on magic Faust left her with, and what Dave knew from the show. And considering Celestia lost her sister nearly a thousand years ago, this has to be hard. Heck Dave/Cadance was in the same boat as her before all of this. She figured she owed Celestia an apology at least. As they entered her room, she spoke: “Princess Celestia, I'm sorry that I don't remember much.” To her surprise, she was literally covered in Celestia's wings, as she felt legs across her barrel, and Celestia pressed up against her back. Sniffling lightly, Celestia spoke; “Never apologize for that. THIS is not your fault! The times we shared in the past do not compare to still having you around. And please drop the title. I want no title's between us other than in formal settings. You are my niece above all else. Never forget that, okay?” Cadance couldn't help but be moved by what was said. That warmth she felt earlier had gotten hotter, and warm tears could be felt landing on her mane. Something inside Cadance urged her to do something. Turning around in Celestia’s embrace, she threaded her forelegs around the larger mare, and returned the hug with force. Looking up into her eyes, she said, with the utmost sincerity; “I'll do my best, Celestia.” They stayed that way for a few more minutes, before Cadance was gently lifted back into her bed. “Will you need anything else Cadance?” Celestia asked as she turned to leave. “Some books would be nice. I've got a lot of things to try to remember after all.” Celestia nodded and left, her head subconsciously held a few inches higher then when she arrived, as if a weight had been lifted from her being. * * * * * * Two days past, and Cadance was relaxing in her bed, snuggled up to a new book. She would read it after one of her therapy sessions. Her aunt had left minutes earlier to return to her royal duties so Cadance decided to play catch up with Equestrian history and magic basics. She was about a chapter in, when she heard a huge explosion and felt a surge of magic through her horn. Looking out the window and saw a shockwave in rainbow colors. She smiled and commented to herself; “It’s showtime kiddies.” Knowing nothing bad had happened, she went back to her book. She heard hooves galloping passed the door for the next few minutes, but nothing more. It was another few minutes before her door was opened and what had to be a Royal Guard came in. “Princess, you okay?” Deciding it was best to feign ignorance, Cadance replied; “I'm fine but what was that?” “Not sure yet your highness, but rumors have circulated that a pegasus filly pulled of a ‘sonic rainboom’. It that wasn’t enough, it caused another filly, a unicorn trying out for her Highness’s school, to have a magic flare of unprecedented proportions. Princess Celestia is taking care of the matter herself.” “Well I'm absolutely fine, thank you, so you may return to your duties.” “Yes your highness.” He bowed, and left the room. Cadance returned to her book with a smile on her face, eagerly awaiting what was to come. * * * * * * The next day, Cadance just had the gloop that passed for breakfast at the hospital, and had returned to reading, when the door was opened. “Good morning Cadance.” Celestia said. Cadance gave a warm smile. “Auntie, you're early, therapy isn't for another ten minutes.” “Well I wanted you to meet somepony.” Celestia, she said, shifting a wing, and revealing a small lavender filly. “Cadance, meet Twilight Sparkle. My new personal student.” The filly was levitated onto the bed, before her nervousness took over, and she shied away towards the foot of the bed. “Go on Twilight, don’t be afraid.” Celestia spoke softly. “Ummm… H..hello Princess Cadance” Twilight waved slightly, “My brother saved you from that accident, but I didn't think I'd ever be able to meet you.” For the record. Twilight Sparkle the filly. Was. Freaking. ADORABLE. I mean forget the Spirits of Christmas or Tiny Tim. If Scrooge had a filly Twilight with him he's never gone cold. So what chance did she have? She pulled Twilight closer with her magic, and ruffled the filly's hair. “Please, just call me Cadance. And how in the world would you think I would never want to see a filly as cute as you?” The filly rubbed one of her forelegs and looked down, clearly overwhelmed by the sudden acceptance. “Shiny took it hard when you were injured. He felt he failed in his duties to protect you.” That hit Cadance right in the feels, and she put a hoof around Twilight. “Hey, tell him I want to talk to him later, ok?” - Twilight nods, but she is still looking down. Changing the subject quickly; “So how did you become my aunt's student? She only accepts the best” The filly talked about her exam, and how she was failing till an explosion startled. She explained how she felt a surge of magic, and that it took Princess Celestia to calm her down. “Then I got this!” The filly directed her butt at Cadance and the pink alicorn smiled at the familiar mark. “Congratulations Twilight. I'm sure you'll be a good student.” With the story concluded, Cadance was taken to the therapy room. She still had some trouble, but both Celestia and Twilight giving encouragement it went much better. When she nearly fell, she was surprised to see it was Twilight was by her side trying to help her up. Cadance could feel warmth radiating from Twilight. Did she feel love? They never did mention in the show how Cadance did the whole love, thing other than three instances. She would have to study that later, though, right now she had to learn to walk again. With the feeling of warmth emanating from two ponies in the room with her, she did far better this time around. * * * * * * Hours later, Cadance was interrupted from her reading again. She had being trying to soak up more history and magic, when there was a light knock, followed by the door opening. “Y-you wanted to see me your h..highness?” A familiar stallion asked with a worry face. He wasn’t wearing his guard armor, but it was unmistakably Shining Armor. She gestured with a hoof for him to enter, and come closer. He did, but rather fearfully. As he got closer, she spoke her mind; “I want you to know I don't hold you responsible for my anything that happened. Without your actions, and quick thinking, I would be in fact be dead. (Both me the human and Cadance the pony) You did your duty, so stop blaming yourself for this. From what I hear, your shield is one of the best the Canterlot Guard has seen in years, so I consider myself lucky that you were on duty that day. I would like to give you my personal thanks.” That caused his head to shoot up. “But Princess, I .. I…” “No buts Shining. You are the reason I am still here - so Thank You, Shining Armor. Now I don't want to hear about moping like that again, GOT IT?” He fearfully shook his head. Cadance gave an evil grin. “Good, now tell that sweet sister of yours I said hi and look forward to seeing more of her.” He nodded again and started to walk away. “Oh and one last thing. That includes you as well.” His face flushed red, and he made a hasty retreat, smiling the whole time. 'Well, I got to to meet Twilight today, and my walking is improving. It has definitely been a good day.' > New Cadance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After another few weeks, Cadance’s walking had gotten to the point she no longer needed help, or felt like falling over, and the Doctor signed her off. This meant she could FINALLY leave the hospital wing of the castle. She wasn’t quite ready to gallop, but flying was next on her recovery schedule. (Yes she had a schedule, on paper. Take a guess which helpful filly made it for her.) She was so lost in thought, thinking about how AWESOME flying was going to be, that she almost walked into the stallion who had led her from the ward. “Welcome back to your quarters Princess.” He said. “Thank you.” Cadance said curtly, inwardly loathing that title. She looked upon the large wooden doors, which were emblazoned with her Crystal Heart; these were definitely Cadance’s - hers now, she supposed. She walked into the quarters, and shut the door behind her, turning to scan the room. The first thing she noticed was the abundance of pink in the room. The original Cadance truly was into the girly girl thing. “Well not this Cadance.” She walked around and checked out the place. She had a sizable living room immediately on entry, laid out as such to entertain guests, and it led on a balcony to the outside. A small office with a desk and bookcases was located to the left, and to the right was a large Bedroom, with en suit bathroom and hot tub. The bedroom was dominated by a large circular bed, deck in pink lace sheets -(yuck)- ,with a dresser, a vanity mirror and, of course, a walk in closet, filled with dresses and winter gear. Heading over to the dresser, she spotted several pictures, in rich frames, spread across the top. The first, and in the most elaborate of the frame, was a photo of Cadance with what could only be her parents. She was a pegasus in that picture. “Huh - So the comics had it right.” The next picture was of Cadance, now an alicorn next to Celestia at the castle smiling at each other. She seemed little more than a foal in these photos. She saw a couple more of her and Celestia, arranged in a progression with her age. The last couple seemed to be more recent, Cadance being almost, if not exactly, the same size as now. The startling thing however, was that in these group photos, appeared to be younger versions of Fleur De Lis, and Sapphire Shores. 'Was Cadance friends with them? Well that's gonna be… interesting.' She looked back at one of the more recent photos; one of Celestia and herself sat in the castle gardens. Both had ear to ear smiles, oblivious to the upcoming events. She picked it up with her magic and put it in her hooves. “I didn't want this Cadance, neither of us did, but we were pawns to circumstances beyond our control. I'll fill your shoes as best I can, and if by Christ or Faust or Whomever we ever meet, if you can’t be proud of me, at the least I hope you understand my choices.” She replaced the picture, and went back to her office area. A quick inventory of the books showed they were almost all trashy romance novels, but she was able to find a few on current history. The doctor had said to still take it a easy, and she deciding she would listen, settled down on one of her comforters. She was reading for an hour when there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” She asked. “Your sensssaaaastional friends!” Replied a voice that screamed sassy black woman. She had heard it before on the show.Deciding it was better to confront this head on, she invited them in; “Come on in.” She replied, putting the book down as the door opened. The two mares were just like the pictures, younger versions then the show, but unmistakably Fleur and Sapphire, who was sans her usual outrageous clothing. They came over and hugged her, leaving Cadance with that warm feeling again. “We are so sorry we didn't visit you in the hospital. The Guards were under orders not to let us in.” Fleur said in a heavy French (or is it Prench?) accent. “I think I know why that was. What have you heard about the accident?” “Well, we heard that some pegasi collided midair, and that you were injured by their cargo. The Princess said you had woken up, but nothing more. As soon as we heard our best friend was out of the hospital we raced over here as fast as we could.” Sapphire replied. Cadance frowned at that, and sighed. “Girls I have to be honest with you. The accident was bad, really bad. A metal rod caught me on the back of the head. I was in a coma for a week.” The girls gasped at the news, but Cadance put her hoof up, indicating she wasn’t finished. “That's not all. My brain suffered some damage from the impact. Physically, I’ve had to learn how to walk again, and right now I can’t fly. But the worst part is my partial amnesia. I remember your names, basics like how to read and write, but everything else, my memories, our history, is gone. I didn’t remember that I had you as friends until I saw that picture on the dresser.” They both had a hoof at their mouth and tears in their eyes. Cadance might have been cold to others in the the last few weeks, but even she couldn't bear the sight of these girls breaking down. It was almost as if they had been told Cadance was dead, which wasn’t too far removed from the truth. “Is...is there any hope of your recovering them?” Fleur asked. Cadance just shook her head, looking at the floor STOMP! Cadance and Fleur jumped, and looked over to see that Sapphire had smacked the floor with her hoof; “Well, if we can't get them back, we'll make brand new ones!” Fleur’s eyes brightened at this “She’s right, you're our friend and we stick together.” Sapphire nodded in agreement and they both looked at her. Cadance sat there at a loss for words. She has been hurt by betrayal and loss. Her heart was raw from it all. Celestia and Twilight had crawled in, but they were exceptions, because she knew them. These two she barely knew. She thought of ending the relationship, stopping them from chasing a fool's errand, but that would make her no better then her ex girlfriend or boss. She just couldn't do it. Overwhelmed by the sudden influx of warmth, and the look of determination in the pairs eyes, she barely managed to squeak out; “I...I -I would like to start over. Friends?” “FRIENDS!” They hugged her again. They really seemed to like hugging in this place, but right now, Cadance couldn’t care less. They spent the next couple hours in her chambers; Fleur and Sapphire shared stories of their past adventures. While she had been skeptical at first, Cadance had to admit, she had fun with those two, with the upside of gaining valuable information on the original's history and personality. * * * * * * After saying goodbye to her 'new' friends Cadance, made her way to the dinner hall, ready to meet her aunt, and likely Twilight. Except for weekends, Twilight spends her time solely in the castle. Either being taught by Celestia, studying, reading, or taking care of Spike. As Cadance entered, Celestia looked over at her and smiled. It wasn't her usual pleasant smile she used with the populace, this had real warm with it. “Hello my dear niece. I trust you are glad to be in your own quarters again?” “Oh yes. Being out of the ward sure is a God send, though I have been struck with the sudden inspiration to redecorate my quarters.” The other two ponies lifted their eyebrows at the god comment. Deciding it was best keep going in order to distract them from that blunder, Cadance continued; “Oh, Fleur and Sapphire visited me.” “Who?” Twilight asked. Cadance walked over to Twilight, petting her mane as she took a seat next to her. “Fleur De Lis and Sapphire Shores. They were my friends before the accident.” “Before?” Celestia asked in a worried tone. “Please tell me..” Celestia began before Cadance interrupted her. “Aunty, don't worry. While I can’t remember them, I couldn’t do them an injustice, so I explained my situation. After promising to start afresh, we just spent hours talking about the times we spent together, and sharing stories of my wild past. While I feel bad for them, I can’t help but feel a little excited for the chance to win their friendship again.” Celestia let out a huge sigh of relief. “Jeez, don’t be such a drama queen.” Cadance commented as she picked up a menu to hide her evil grin as both Celestia’s and Twilight’s jaws dropped to the table. Looking over the menu she saw a lot of salads and sandwiches. OOH! Grilled cheese, she’ll be having that. And let's see for drink. Scanning the list she saw apple cider with the name Sweet Apple Acres in parentheses. Oh she SO has to try it. A waiter soon came up and took their orders. While they waited, she listened to the two ponies talk about magic. Twilight was nearly constantly asking questions, and listened to Celestia with wide eyes that LITERALLY sparkled as she revealed some magical facts and theories. Cadance herself could barely keep up with it. Their meal finally came and boy was it enjoyable. That cider was divine. When the meal was nearly done Celestia asked her what was her plans. “Well, in line with the doctor's order, I plan to relax today. Tomorrow I hope to start flight training. I can't wait to fly again.” Cadance said with a grin. “Oh yes. I'm sure you will learn well, you were a natural since birth. Anything else?” “I have a general plan to do some body work. I want to make use of my earth pony traits and build some constitution. I want to be able to avoid, or make it harder to be harmed again.” “That is a very wise idea, and I wish you luck my dearest niece. Sadly I now have court to deal with. Say, would you mind looking after Twilight?” “Of course not, I think foal sitting a filly as well behaved as Twilight isn't breaking the the doctor’s orders. Besides, she's just too adorkable to not spend time with.” Twilight started to pout. “Adorkable?” Celestia laughed lightly, before she thought more on the term, and a smile slowly creeped onto her face. “I like it. It fits.” This caused Twilight to pout even more, causing both older mares to laugh at the adorkable sight. They parted ways soon after, with Cadance taking Twilight to a playground, letting her burn up some of her youthful energy. Twilight's joy was infectious, and Cadance was soon laughing along with her. They played on the swings, played hopscotch, tag, or just did dance like things. Then next thing Cadance knew she was saying; “Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Cadance looked behind her and smiled before she mentally discovered what she just did. 'I just did the Sunshine Dance. I JUST DID THE SUNSHINE DANCE!' Twilight hadn’t noticed, she was too busy laughing in mirth. Cadance looked at the sight. 'Okay, yeah, she's worth doing it for.' Then Cadance got struck by an idea. She went over to Twilight and put a hoof around her neck. “Twilight, I have a phrase I would like to share with you.” Twilight's eyes lit up. “Oh! What is it?” “E. Pluribus Unum.” Twilight frowned at that. “What does that mean. I never heard of it before.' “It's something that I made up. It means literally translates as 'through many one', or simply; many together, acting as one . Rather appropriate for Equestria don't you think. Equestria was founded by three tribes, and made into one nation. Just as I as an alicorn am the symbol of all three tribes in one body." “So if you ever have any doubts about me, or think I’m acting strange, ask me what E. Pluribus Unum means. I and will answer ‘Through many One’. If I don’t, I’m either not well, or it isn’t me. Do you understand?” Twilight nodded her agreement, and Cadance hugged Twilight. She was just so huggable. They stayed at the park until it was time to leave for dinner. Cadance tried the hay steak this time. Cadance thanked God; even though it wasn’t meat, it somehow had the same consistency and taste of a real steak. The whole herbivore thing was something she had not been looking forward to; but if everything worked like this, it would be tolerable. Dinner was followed by more reading, and a doctor's check up before bed. FYI, cloud beds are freaking awesome! * * * * * * The next day Cadance was able to sleep in a bit. The freaking sun popped up again but she used the curtains to block. 'Ugh. Note to self. Close curtains before going to bed.' Rolling over, and burying her head in the pillows allowed Cadance a respite from her aunt’s blessing to this world. However, even that bliss was not to be long lived, as there was a knock on the door. She tried to ignore it, but the knocking at the door grew louder and more frequent, and so much more and more annoying. Finally she had had enough. Getting up, she stalked through the living room, and to the door. Wearing her best glare, she opened the door, and with all the power she could muster, delivered a very annoyed question through the aperture; “WHAT!?” The poor guard was trembling before. Her dishelleved appearance, coupled with her audio assault really did a number on him. “Sssss..sorry Princess, but Princess Celestia would like to see you at breakfast.” Cadance sighed. “FINE. Tell her I’ll be along shortly. Oh, and one other thing; I HATE THAT TITLE. In future, it’s either your highness, or Cadance” “Yes Prin.. Your highness.” After a quick sprucing up, Cadance headed for the private dining room. Celestia welcomed her with another genuine smile. “Good morning Cadance.” Cadance grumbled to herself; “It’s definitely morning alright, the good is subjective; I am definitely not a morning pony.” Before smiling and loudly returning “Morning Aunty.” Cadance failed to realize that Celestia, an alicorn of her power, had extremely good hearing, and had caught her mumbled missive. She arched an eyebrow in response, before looking down; “Twilight isn’t a morning pony either, but that probably has more to do with the fact she stays up late reading.” Cadance was caught off guard by that, realizing she had been caught, before her mind was able to process the rest of her aunt’s sentence. She looked at her aunt, and followed her gaze to where she was looking. There, at the table next to Celestia was Twilight, face down on the table. She was fast asleep, her face mere inches away from her stack of pancakes, and completely adorable. “This is one of those times where you want a camera.” Cadance commented. Celestia just chuckled at that and moved to wake Twilight up. It took a little nudging, but she rose, and all three of them enjoyed their breakfast with light conversation. Near the end of breakfast, Celestia moved onto an important topic. “Cadance, I got you up this early because your flying instructor has arrived. She was hoof picked by me. I think you two will get along. She will be waiting in the aerial training grounds a guard will escort you.” 'Oh boy.' Cadance thought, the moment she had been waiting for had finally come around. After saying goodbye to Celestia and Twilight, she joined a guard who escorted her outside. A short while later, they entered castle barracks, which lead out to the royal guard training grounds. “Well if it isn't the Princess of Love herself.” Said a cocky female voice. Cadance looked over to see a smirking pegasus mare. She had bright yellow fur, and her mane and tail streaks of two-tone orange, almost as if her hair was on fire. She was also wearing a Wonderbolts uniform. Thats when it hit Cadance who it really was; -'That’s...That’s Spitfire. OH SNAP THIS IS GOING TO BE PAINFUL!' > Become a Pret... Awesome Pony Princess: Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance limped towards her bed, only one thought occupied her mind. -'I'm gonna to kill Spitfire.' Finally reaching the bed, she crashed down on it; her wings limp over the sides. -“Oh yes, I'm going to kill her, and it won't be a quick. No swift slice and a rolling head, that’d be far too quick. I think a meat grinder…, yes a meat grinder will do it. That, or find out how glue is made in this universe. Either way, it will be done slowly, ensuring she has time to suffer.' Imagining that helped calm Cadance after a week of grueling training; both wing exercises and physical fitness sessions, all of which had to meet Spitfire's standards. She’d gotten close, but she was sore all-over. She was going to spend the rest of the day just resting, and dreaming of Spitfire’s eventual demise. * * * * * * Of course, a certain unicorn filly had to put pain to those plans. “Wake up Cadance! Shiny and the recruits are training! We've got to see him train!” Cadance just shook her head, clearing the vestiges of sleep. Cracking open an eye; she was greeted by the sight of purple unicorn foal bouncing on the end of her bed. ‘If it had been anyone other than Twilight, they would be a smoking pile of ash by now.' She sighed. “Only for you, Twiliy.” “YAY!” Cadance shook her head again and slowly got up. After a quick stop in the bathroom to freshen up, Cadance re-emerged, and they set of on their way to the dinning room – breakfast was calling. The entire walk through the castle, Twilight was just hopping around her in circles, a grin plastered on her face, reminding her of the shows version of Pinkie Pie. When they arrived at the dinning room, Celestia looked up to greet them, smiling. She opened her mouth to speak, but she suddenly took stock of the 'Don't Even Start' face Cadence was wearing and faltered. Celestia gave a slight tilt of her head, and dropped it. After a few moments of silence, she started deemed Cadance to be sufficiently awake, and started up the conversation again; “So what are you two doing today?” “WE'RE SEEING MY B.B.B.F.F. TRAIN TODAY!” Twilight cheered. Celestia looked to Cadance. “Her what?” Cadance facehoofed and replied. “Her Big Brother Best Friend Forever.” “Oh that's so cute!” Cadance doubled facehoofed. * * * * * * After breakfast, she and Twilight headed out to the drilling square, out back of the main barracks, and arrived just as the bulk of the recruit guards assembled for practice. Twilight eagerly waved when she saw Shining. He waved back a little, even being joined by a few of the others. Seems she wasn't the only one vulnerable to the cute. “ALRIGHT FILLIES!!” A mid aged stallion yelled, and the guards stood to attention. “Now all of you want to join the Royal Guard do you? Well I damned well hope so, the guard is a serious organization.” -'I question that. We never see them do crap in the show.' Cadance thought. “So today we are going to put you through the ringer. This will separate the soldiers from the foals, and find the best of the best.” -'Best of the best that look good and can parade, I bet.'- Then a thought went through her head. -'I wonder if Celestia has these guys around, just for the eye candy. As powerful as she is she is still a pony, and by nature she has needs. I wouldn't like to think she's been celibate all this time? That just be cruel!'- The elder stallion had them all start to do drills, run laps or train with their weapons. She observed Shining practice his sword work. He swung the sword around with precision, but it lacked a gracefully feel to it. Then again, he was a new recruit; no doubt the grace will come with time. His technique will be strong and sleek, just like his strong and sleek muscles, gorgeous fur, and and bright man- Cadance mentally slapped herself. -'NO! Bad body. No thinking lustful thoughts about males! I'm not ready for that yet! Stupid freaking teenage female pony body.'- She moved her eyes to the other trainees, and still had to fight the lustful thoughts she had at the sight of the others. Though they weren't as strong as Shining's. -'FAUST! THIS BETTER NOT BE MENTAL URGINGS FROM YOU!? I SERIOUSLY DON'T NEED THAT RIGHT NOW!'- “Cadance, are you okay?” The question from Twilight brought Cadance out of her mental fist shaking. She looked down to the unicorn filly who looked up at her with great concern. Cadance gave her a smile. “I'm okay Twily, just thinking about some things.” She gave the filly a wing hug and Twilight brightened up again. * * * * * * After the session was over, Cadance and Twilight headed back to the castle for lunch. She spent the whole journey thinking about what she had seen. From the look of it, the guard seemed well trained. So it stood out in her mind, wandering why do they appear to do nothing during the show, only getting captured, or running around like headless chickens. It wasn’t until they reached the dining hall, that Cadance breaks from her musing, and they sit down. A maid soon gives them a menu to look over. The day’s selection was another list of fancy names, and small portions. Nothing appealed to her, and she had a craving for something simple. Suddenly inspiration struck. Slamming the menu shut, she turned to Twilight. “Twilight we are going out for lunch.” Twilight looked up from her menu in surprise. “What! Why!?” “Because I'm in the mood for simplicity. Now come on.” Cadance used her magic to take the menu out of Twilight hooves, then summoned her bag of bits. She's gotten better with the whole magic thing; at least with the basics, beyond that she still had much to learn. “Besides you shouldn't be cooped up in the castle or the library all the time.” That got groan from the filly. “Oh come on, it's not Night Eternal if you go outside every once in awhile, and maybe make some friends.” “But what about my studies?” she whined. Cadance glanced back at Twilight. “Studies aren't everything Twilight. You could be the most knowledgeable mare in all of Equestira, but still be utterly stupid. Experience is the ultimate teacher, Twilight. Even aunty will back me up on that; and I've recently discovered how important friends can be.” Cadance had to admit that Sapphire and Fleur had really grown on her; and had been there to help her with her recovery. Most importantly; they had willing accepted the new Cadance. She actually had fun hanging out with them, and did so whenever she could.Twilight looked thoughtful and they continued on. Once outside the castle grounds Cadance surveyed the area for a suitable place to have lunch. She saw Donut Joe's, but she wasn't in the mood for that. After a few minutes of wandering down the main streets, she spotted a Hayburger. -'You know, I always wanted to see how much alike McDonald's this place was.'- She even noticed an outdoor area, SCORE! Motioning to Twilight; “Hey, how about Hayburger? We can even enjoy our lunch outside.” Twilight nodded, so they both went in. Cadance did her best to ignore the stares she was getting, and walked up to the counter. The serving stallion, barely out of colthood, looked at her neverously. “H-how can I-i h-help you your h-highness?” Cadance looked across the display boards above the counter, and the menu on the wall. “I'll have a double quarter pounder hayburger with cheese, plain, a large portion of hayfries, and a large chocolate shake.” Cadance stepped sideways, allowing Twilight a better view of the boards. “And what do you want Twily?” The filly looked at the menu, and gave her order, and Cadance handed over the bits. The wait for their food wasn’t long, and once they had it, they took their tray to the outdoor tables. Cadance took a bite of the hayburger, once again surprised and delighted to find it tasted very close to a true meat burger. She tried the fries, and whilst they needed salt, they were otherwise okay. Both mares enjoyed their meal, until Cadance heard somepony talking. “Is that Princess Cadenza? What is she doing eating at such a commoner establishment?” Cadance looked around till her eyes caught a unicorn couple, whose appearance screamed snobs. “Well excuse me ‘miss Prim & Proper’; did it ever occur to you that I might prefer a simple meal every now and then, rather than the pretentiously named fair served throughout Canterlot. And what's your problem with the ‘commoners’, as you put it? All ponies, even my aunt Celestia, can trace their lineage back to ‘commoners’. Just because your ancestors happened to be in the right place, at the right time,with the right talents, and earned their place as nobles, doesn’t mean you can go around wearing you family name, and look down on everypony else. And what have you done, other than be born to the right parents? You don’t improve upon that history or success; you suck off it, and brow beat anypony you deem less than you. Take all that wealth and influence away, and let's see if you can survive a single day in the life of a common citizen. I bet you would fail. And before you attempt to call me a hypocrite, I came from the common pony, I made a positive difference to others, and earnt this.” Cadance points to her horn. “Now I am a Princess of Equestria, second only to Celestia herself, and I would sooner stand with my fellow ‘common pony’ then with the likes of you. Oh, and finally, it's CADANCE!” The unicorns looked horrified at Cadance’s behaviour, only reacting by lifting their snouts in the air, closing their eyes and storming off. *CLANG* And they slammed into a lamp post muzzles first. They soon hurried away, blushing in embarrassment. Cadance was laughing the whole time, until Twilight spoke up. “THAT WAS AMAZING CADANCE!” Cadance was tackled by the filly, and soon returned the hug. “I only said what is true, and what I believe in my heart.” It was then she noticed how quiet it had become. Looking up and around, she saw the faces of all the nearby ponies. There were some who had that same air of noble superiority about them; they viewed her with barely restrained contempt, or ignored her completely. But the rest of the ponies, the ‘common ponies’, they all looked at her with admiration, large smiles, and the odd tears. She never had that in her old life, and again she felt the warmth coming from those around her. Attempting to recover from the blush she now sported, but one thing kept nagging at her. She LIKED that feeling from the ponies around her. She liked it a lot. * * * * * * The following day, Celestia had Twilight for lessons, so this meant Cadance didn't have to look out for the little filly. Still though, she missed her company. Without a clear objective, Cadance wandered the halls, her mind replaying the events at Hayburger. The feeling she had gotten after her giving the snobs a piece of her mind. She had never felt that before. The closest was what she got from Celestia or Twilight, although it ‘tasted’ different. Following on from Hayburger, the trip home hadn’t been uneventful. On the way back, they had encountered a couple arguing. On instinct, she used her magic to calm the pair, and reminded them of why they loved each other. She even went and suggested a counselor for them, as a way of keep the rift healed. She wasn’t sure why she had done that. To go out of the way for ponies she didn't know wasn’t something her old life would’ve done; so was this Cadance's magic forcing itself on her? She just didn't know. She accepted that she had to fill in for the Pretty Pink Pony Princess, but she had no clue on all that entailed. Key events were known yes, but Cadance's actual powers were never explained. She needed to get her mind off this, reassert her own will. By this point, her wanderlust had brought her towards the back of the castle, and near the barracks. The door to the weapon racks was open, and the light glinting of the blades caught her eye. She walked over to inspect the weapons. “May I help you your Highness?” A male voice said. Cadance looked behind her to see the elder stallion from the recruit training. “You might be able to....” “Captain Iron Wall, your Highness.” “Thank you, I'm interested in learning how to wield these captain.” “I'm sure that's not necessary..” Cadance interrupted him. “I beg to differ Captain, if ponies are to follow me and my aunt, then they need to see us ready for leadership roles. Not to mention the fact that I nearly DIED because I didn't have the training to dodge, or raise a shield against, those metal poles. And what happen if I'm ambushed on a mission for Equestria. I will not stand idly by while others die to protect me, I will NOT be a helpless pony!” Cadance gave the captain a determined look and she saw him relent. “As you wish princess, give me a minute to find you a trainer. Though I have to say; I’ve been told you had a way with words, and you certainly don’t disappoint” She nodded her thanks, and waited as he left to find a trainer. The captain soon returned, with another armoured unicorn in tow. This one was a mare in her mid twenties. She trotted up and saluted to Cadance, who returned it. “I'm Lieutenant Gleaming Shield, Princess, and I will be your weapons instructor.” “Thank you Gleaming. I would also appreciate it if you could treat me like any normal recruit, lieutenant.” “Very well ma'am. Where do you want to start?” Cadance looked over the rack, and picked up a sword. Gleaming Shield looked over the choice. “Very nice choice Princess, a very balanced weapon. Now, Recruit, we shall begin.” Over the next three hours, Gleaming taught Cadance the basics of unicorn sword fighting, keeping to her word to treat Cadance as any other recruit, chastising her when she did a poor parry or lunge. Cadance took it in her stride, and did her best to follow the instructions. “Okay that's good enough for today Princess. Your eagerness is good but we do have work ahead of us. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?” Cadance nodded. “Good, then report here tomorrow at noon. Note, I am training another recruit in the art of the sword, so Her Highness Princess Celestia has suggested you two should train together.” She nodded and Gleaming Shield left. Cadance followed her training session with a relaxing bath, till her friends showed up, then they all went out to town. She endured all the girly stuff they did, as long as they knew not to try it with her. Fleur and Sapphire were fun to be around. Their joy was infectious and they helped to further relax her. She wished she had had friends like this in her old life, even if they make her sigh and roll her eyes on occasion. * * * * * * The next day started as a typical one for her. Breakfast with Twilight and Celestia, magic and political studies till lunch. But now she had combat training. Gleaming Shield met her at the entrance. “Good afternoon Princess, how was your day?” “Pretty good lieutenant and I'm eager for today's lesson.” “Good, let's head in and get started.” Gleaming smirked. There was a glint in her eyes, and Cadance became suspicious. But before she could ask anything, they were in the training room. Already in there, slowly going through blade moves, was a certain white furred stallion, with a dual blue/light blue mane and tail, and blue eyes. Also known as, Shining Armor. He looked so good going throu.....'No, NO! BAD BODY!' After fighting off the female urges of her body Cadance had only one thought in her head. 'TROLLESTIA LIVES!' > Becoming a Pret...Awesome Pony Princess: Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance splashed water across, letting the cool liquid wash away the last vestiges of sleep, before drying herself off to meet the new day. On her way out of the bathroom, she crossed paths with her full body mirror, and took a look at her reflection. The last 2 years had flown by, each day learning new magic, fighting skills, politics, or just hanging out with her friends. Now, staring back at her wasn’t the same mare from the accident. Her colour scheme hadn’t changed, she had abandoned the idea of dying anything, but her build was drastically different. She was now the height she would recognise from the show, smaller than Celestia, but larger than all but the biggest stallions. The thin lithe frame was also gone, replaced by a modestly thin one, but with well-toned muscles lying visible just beneath the surface. Her mane was also different. She hadn't grown it into a long flowing mane, nor did she keep the girly ponytail either. Instead she had a mixture of boyish scruff, not unlike that of Rainbow Dash's, but the back was a short spike ponytail. The look said feminine but strong. She liked it. Cadance had been working really hard of late, throwing herself into her studies and fitness regime. It would have continued had Celestia not ordered her to take today off. If she had to take a break, she was going to make it worthwhile. Sadly, Fleur and Sapphire were busy. Fleur’s modeling carrier had recently taken off, and with it her calendar had started to fill up. Sapphire had also made her break; she had been noticed by a talent scout, and was now preforming as a backup singer for a prominent artist. So they both had less free time, and apparently they both had appointments today. Well, there was always Twilight. She was about to set off, but remembered that she needed to wear her regalia when she was out in public. Her crown was the same as the show, but she had changed her torc. It was now larger and pronounced, with the key upgrade of a hidden dagger, one for emergency situations. With one last glance at the mirror, she checked that everything was on right, and headed to Twilight's Tower. * * * * * * Twilight lived in a sub-annex of the Royal Archive. It was built inside one of the castles older observatory towers, which held the useful, but not critical works; and was more private then the actual archives. It was no surprise that Twilight claimed the place. Thankfully, it was already set up for a live-in librarian. It even had a small laboratory in the basement sections. The castle’s repair crew hadn't been force to go in there too often. (Once every 3 weeks doesn’t count as often, right?). Cadance approached the towers external entrance, walking up the stairs and knocking on the door. “Twilight, are you in there?” She got no answer, but her improved hearing allowed her to hear some light snoring. She opened the door and peeked in. There was nothing unusual on the first floor, but as she ascended to the second floor, she was welcomed by the sight of an iconic book fort; it was roughly the size of a bouncy castle, but detailed enough to have slit windows and walls thick enough for the filly to walk on. Twilight had to be home, otherwise Spike would have started taking it down by now. “Twilight?” She inquired again; her only answer the same snoring as before, now much closer and louder. As she reached the top of the stairs leading up to the second level she saw Spike, in this basket fast asleep, just to the side of the forts main gate. Twilight, however, was not in her bed. It looked like she hadn’t even slept in it. Cadance steeled herself; she was going to have to enter the book fort. Making her way through the walls of books, she found her target in the central courtyard. It looked like Twilight did an epic study session last night; the poor filly was still at a table, looking like she had fallen asleep after grabbing a stack of books. A stack she was now snuggling like a pillow. -'Oh, now there's a Kodak moment.'- She summoned her camera, one she had only bought a couple months after her arrival, and took a picture. -'That one is so going into the Adorkable album.'- After the picture was taken, she magic’d it back to her room, and shook Twilight. “Twilight wake up.” Twilight’s response was nothing more than a groan, and further snuggling of the books. -'How is that even comfortable?'- Clearly Twilight was in a deep sleep; in such a state that there was only one way to wake her up. Cadance got into her authoritarian mindset, and said the hated fail-safe: “Twilight, you are going to be late.” The reaction was instantaneous. Twilight launched vertically into the air, where she stayed, hooves flailing wildly, for about five whole seconds. “LATE! I can't be late! Nononononononononon!” She would have been racing around like mad at this point, but Cadance had her in her magical grip. She floated Twilight over to her, and looked at Twilight with an amused smile. She saw the lights go on in Twilight's eyes. She crossed her hooves, and pouted. “That wasn't very nice Cadance.” “Sorry Twilight, but sometimes it's the only way to wake you.” She nuzzled her, and put the unicorn down again. “Forgiven?” She asked. Twilight put a hoof to her muzzle, deep in thought. “You know the price.” Cadance rolled her eyes, smiled, and moved to sit directly opposite Twilight. Dropping for all four hooves, she prepared for the little ritual. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” They intoned together, completing the sunshine dance. “Okay, now that that is done, go and get washed up. We’re heading to Donut Joe's for breakfast, and then out to make a day in the city.” “But what about my studies?” Twilight whined. Cadance had been expecting that response, and looked down at her. “Are they assignments from Celestia?” “Nooo, but..” “But nothing missy. You can't spend all your life studying. You need to take a look at the world around you from time to time. These books aren't going anywhere.” Twilight was about to continue to argue, but Cadance summoned a box of matches, lifted one out, and lit it. The sheer terror in Twilight's eyes said she understood what that meant. “Y-you wouldn't?” “Yes I would.” Twilight sighed and lowered her head. “That's low Cadance.” “I only do it because I care dearly for you. Now go wash up. Today will be fun!” They left not long after, leaving Spike still sleeping. That dragon could sleep through the end of the 1812 overture, WITH CANNONS. Twilight left a note for when he woke up. * * * * * * Breakfast at Donut Joe's was as good as ever, and Twilight had certainly cheered up, even after being forced to shelve her studies. Sadly, the high spirits wouldn't last. As the two were walking down the street chatting, a big unicorn stallion stepped in front of them. “Hey baby, why don't you dump the kid and you and me can have some real fun.” 'Is this guy for real?' Cadance thought. -(It must be noted at this time, that Cadance isn’t as widely recognised in Equestria as Princess Celestia is. Having never been on a state tour, or even left Canterlot much since her ascendance, she isn’t known by the majority of the nation’s citizens; even then, only by the name Mi Amore Cadenza. This stallion is either not from / new to Canterlot, and has to be particularly dense not to recognize an alicorn. It should also be noted, that Cadance has seen fit to block any attempt at the formation of a set of personal guards, born out of both a sense of macho pride, thinking she can protect herself, as well as not wanting anyone else to get hurt on her behalf).- “Not interested.” She tried to get passed him, but he moved to block her way again. “Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm great at mutual pleasure. So come on, come back to my place.” “Again, no, now move.” She tried passing him again, but he put a hoof on her shoulder. She glared at him, and his smile was gone. “Now you see here missy. You and I are going to have some fun together. So ditch the kid.” “GET YOUR HOOF OFF ME NOW!” Cadance forced through gritted teeth. He merely sneered at her. “Make me.” -‘Well he asked for it.’- “Twilight, take note. This is how to deal with those who don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘no’.” Cadance powered up her magic, and an aura soon engulfed the stallion. His horn flared as he tried to fight it off, but she overwhelmed him with her far more powerful alicorn magic. She lifted him up on his hind legs, so it looked like he was standing like a human, giving her clear view of her intended target. She faced away from him, aimed, and bucked. As she made contact, she heard a deep crunching sound, followed by a scream so high in pitch it was almost inaudible. As she dropped him, she bucked him again, aiming higher. The screaming turning to whistling as he flew through the air. He stopped with a resounding crash, causing a nearby stallion to scream. “My cabbages!” Cadance looked behind her, and she was greeted by the sight of the idiot sprawled in the ruins of a cabbage cart, completely unconscious. She summoned a small bag of bits, enough to cover the cost of the cart and produce, and then some, and gave it to the owner of said cart. “Sorry about the mess.” The stallion accepted the bits and walked back to Twilight. Twilight quickly looked up, floating a notepad and quill back to her saddlebags.- 'She actually made notes. She's so adorkable.'- “Um Cadance, wasn't that a little harsh?” “No Twilight, it wasn't. I gave him plenty of warning, and he ignored it. The worst thing to do Twilight is back down. If they feel if they can walk over me, they will try it with everything and everypony. Equestria has enjoyed the lasting peace we have is because the other countries know that Aunty will do what she says, from agreements to warnings. Peace through strength Twilight, that is the key. We prefer to live peacefully with our neighbors, but we must always defend our ideals and those we have sworn to protect.” Twilight looked a little depressed. “But I'm just a little filly. What could I do?” 'More then you know.' Cadance thought. Aloud she said. “Twilight, you might not be able to do much now, but in the future you can make a difference.” Cadance had an idea pop up in her head. “Why don't I talk to Gleaming, and maybe get you started on some basic self defense.” “You think that would be a good idea?” Cadance nodded. “If I had had training earlier, I might have dodged those pipes that hit me a couple years ago.” That seemed to comfort Twilight, so they walked on. * * * * * * Hours later, the sun was on its downward journey when Cadance and Twilight returned to the castle. A guard stallion at the gate informed Cadance that her aunt wanted to see her in the northeast ballroom. Thinking nothing of it, Cadance just shrugged, and went there as requested, Twilight following closely. Canterlot Castle had three ballrooms in total; and the one they were heading for was the smallest, located in the higher levels of the castle. She opened the doors on arrival, but found the room wasn’t illuminated, nor the curtains drawn open, leaving the whole room surprisingly dark. “Aunty, are you here?” She voiced into the darkness. Receiving nought, she ventured into the black. Suddenly, the curtains were pulled open, and a multitude of voices cried out: “SURPISE!” She and Twilight jumped. Before she knew what was going on, she was hug tackled by Fleur and Sapphire. Looking around the room, she spotted her aunt, Fleur’s boyfriend Fancy Pants (Took her a month to stop giggling at that name), Gleaming Shield, Shining Armor, Spike, Twilight Velvet, and Night Light, and a few over palace staff Cadance knew well. There was party streamers and balloons everywhere; causing Cadance to look around for a certain Pink Party Pony. “What's going on?” Cadance asked, causing her aunt to giggle, and a surprisingly large amount of bits to change hooves amongst the group. “Why, you surely haven’t forgotten Cadance? It’s you're birthday, my dear niece. Happy Birthday Cadance.” It took Cadance moment for everything to straighten out. Then she facehoofed. It was CADANCE's birthday today. She had been so busy with her studies she had forgotten. Plus, this is only the second time it has come around since she had been here/lost her memory, so she is allowed some latitude. “Are you okay, Cadance?” Celestia asked with concern. “Yes, I just realized it IS my birthday. Thank you all for coming. Now let's get this party started!” With that, she got her birthday party going. The party got underway, and before long, the cake was brought out. After the candles were blown out, she was given presents to open. Celestia had surprised everypony with her gift; a new blade. She had decided that since Cadance insisted on wearing one, she should have one fit for her station, and had commissioned a beautiful sword. The hilt was gilded in gold, white and pink, not unlike her mane, and her cutie mark was emblazoned on both sides. She put it back in it's sheath. Twilight had gotten her another book on magic. It took all of her will power not to sigh at that. -'At least her heart is in the right spot.'- After she had opened all her gifts, and thanked everypony, she moved to a table with her cake and drink, and sat down next to Gleaming. “Well this party is going well, -Gleaming nodded-, but who chose the music?” “I did, it's some of my little sister's work. What do you think?” “I like it, it’s certainly better then any classical stuff everypony around this castle tends to listen to.” That got a chuckle from the older mare. “Well I'll let Vinyl know you liked her work. Would you believe her best friend is into classical. It has got to be the oddest friendship I have ever seen.” “I would actually. I believe your sister has got a bright future ahead for her.” Cadance eyed Twilight across the room, with Spike riding on her back. She was talking with ponies for once, who weren’t family or her aunt. She took another bite of the cake, enjoying the treat and the fact that Twilight was becoming a bit more outgoing. She asserted herself and was making good friends. -'Yup, a good SECOND 16th birthday.'- * * * * * * For the first time in her new life, Cadance welcomed the next morning with a smile on her face. After a great birthday party the night before, she was in too good of a mood. She had even started singing. “T to the W, I L G H T, and ain't no other pony troll it down like me- I'm Twilightlicious!” She even did a small dance as she continue to sing Twilightlicious till she was done with her shower. Afterwards, she headed to breakfast, but surprised to find that her aunt was not there. She looked out the window, and sure enough, the sun was up. So if her aunt hadn't overslept, where was she? As for Twilight’s absence, it probably meant she was likely studying again, so no biggie there. She decided to check for her aunty, slightly concerned. She checked the kitchen, seeing if she had sneaked into the cake pantry again, but no dice. Out of local areas to check, she decided to check her aunts bedroom. A quick teleport spell, and she was there. It. Was. CHAOS. The mare who ran the country with a cool and level head, was currently running around the room at a pace that could trouble Rainbow Dash. Scrolls flew this way and that, books and small knickknacks skidded out of the mare’s way; even the bed had not survived. Cadance had to admit it was scary, seeing the alicorn of the Sun acting a like Twilight. -'IF her mane starts fraying and she gets that creepy smile, I'm running to Ponyville.'- “Aunty, what's going on?” Celestia glanced her way, and skidded to a halt, her golden shoes causing sparks on the stone floor. “Oh Cadance. Well, I just got word that our ambassador to Gryphonia has died in a carriage crash, on the way to attend an important ceremony for their kingdom. Nopony else but me knows what needs to be done, or the etiquette to follow, so I have to race out and be there. Otherwise it would be a great insult to them, harming our relations with them.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” Celestia eyed through various floating document before replying. “No. Thank you, but I don't think so. Oh horseapples, I’ve got to cancel court today.” “Maybe I can stand in for you.” Celestia looked at her with a bit of surprised. “Are you sure?” Cadance rolled her eyes. “You have been training me for politics for the last two years, I should be able to handle court for a bit while you're away. It would be unfair for your little ponies that have taken time to come here, for you to up and close court on such short notice. This crown on my head isn’t just for show, is it?” “No, you’re right. Huuuh, are you sure you want to do this.” “Please, let me show our ponies that I'm not like Blueblood.” She and the arrogant prick have butted heads a lot the past couple years. Thankfully, she has managed to confirmed that he and Celestia aren't blood related, and that his position is only due to being part of the Platinum bloodline, rather than having actual power. “Very well Cadance. Roll Scroll will be there to assist you with anything.” “Nice. Well, need help packing?” “No, thank you, you will need your strength for court.” The grin on her face made Cadance worry, but her mind was side tracked by a growl from her stomach, she she finally went to get breakfast. * * * * * * Celestia usually had court after lunch, so Cadance had her combat and magical training moved up. To make for a smooth transition, Cadance was prompt in making it to the throne room after her lunch. She sat down on the large throne, and the nice comfy cushion she found on it. “Comfortable chair.” She said to herself. She then noticed a button, one that is only visible to somepony sitting in the seat. Curious, she pushed it, and the cushion began to vibrate. “Oh you devious pony. A massaging cushion, nice!” The side door opened, and a earth pony mare walked out. She had lavender fur, and an orange mane and tail. She walked up to the throne and bowed. “Princess, I am Roll Scroll. Princess Celestia's personal secretary.” “A pleasure to meet you Miss Scroll. Now, shall we get this show on the road?” “Yes your highness.” Miss Scroll then motioned towards a guard stallion at the end of the hall. The large doors opened, and the guard shouted out: “Day Court is now officially open, with her Royal Highness Princess Mi Amore Cadenza presiding in place of her Royal Highness Princess Celestia.” “It's CADANCE.” She fumed to Roll Scroll. “Have them get that right.” A pegasus mare approached the throne, preventing Roll from saying anything. “What has brought you to the throne my little pony.” Cadance said in a kind voice. “Your highness, I am Thundercloud from the town of Sun's Peak. We've been trying to expand our town, but Cloudsdale has repeatedly held back any shipment that will allow us to do so.” Cadance frowned at the sound of that. She looked to Roll “Roll Find out why that is going on.” Cadance returned her gaze to Thundercloud. “Did they ever give you a reason for the delay?” “Only that the resources were needed elsewhere, your grace.” “This will be looked into, even if I have to do it personality.” She saw Thundercloud's eyes brighten, then she bowed. “Thank you Princess.” She turned and left, leaving Cadance to her thoughts. -'This won't be so bad.'- * * * * * * 'Oh God, this is bad.' Cadance thought as she leaned against one side of the throne. A noble had been droning on about something regarding the economics of Equestira. While she has helped many good ponies, there were SO many frivolous issues that came up that caused her to facehoof. –‘So that explains the look on auntie’s face earlier.’- “So that's why I think we should raise taxes to pay for this grand pool.” Cadance lifted her head up from her hoof. “Wait a minute. You just spent ten minutes to tell me you want bits from our subjects for a POOL!?” “Well, yes?” “Is this pool for public use?” “Well no but...” “I have heard enough.” She got down from the throne, and picked the mare up in her magic, taking her towards the line of waiting ponies, where upon she address them all: “This mare wanted to raised taxes, in order to pay for a private pool, even though she has plenty of bits of her own to build it. She has wasted not only the time of the crown, but yours as well. I will now show you what I do to those who waste my time like this.” She open a nearby window with her magic, lined the floating mare up with it. She then turned around, and positioned her rear hooves against the mares flank. In one quick movement, she pistoned her rear legs to full extension, giving the mare an almighty shove, propelling her screaming out through the open window. The crowd heard a loud but muffled splat. “Anymore requests of that caliber will get the same treatment.” Court went on as normal from then, with only two more ponies suffered the same fate. Heck one of them even did a wilhelm scream. After those examples court was so much better. She could totally do this now. > Rides and Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a couple months since her birthday, and today she was sword training again; on the barrack’s training grounds. She had nicknamed her sword ‘Love's Pain’, and she cherished it. Leave it to aunty to make sure she gets a gift is of the finest quality. “Your highness!” Cadance paused from her practice to see Roll Scroll at the edge of the mat. “Yes, Roll?” “Princess Celestia has requested your presence in the throne room.” She sheathed her sword, and replied. “Very well.” Cadance cleared away her training gear, and the pair proceeded to the throne room. Once they arrived, she saw that her aunt was going through several scrolls of parchment; either writing something or signing something. She also spotted Philomena, perched on a nearby stand. Suddenly, her aunt made a huffing noise, and threw the scroll towards the phoenix. Just before it hit her, Philomena flared her wings, and the scroll promptly burnt to ashes, falling into a bin below her. “Aunty, you should just make a stamp, either with your seal or your signature, and just stamp the bottom when it needs your approval. You’d certainly go through all of this a lot faster.” Celestia put a hoof to her muzzle in thought. “You may have a point there Cadance. I will definately look into it.” “Trust me, it will be worth it. Now, what is thy bidding my master?” Yes she couldn't resist that one. Celestia just raised an eyebrow before chuckling. “Well Gryphonia is celebrating their founding in a week, and as a way of furthering the bond between our nations, I would like to send an envoy, or important pony, as a sign of kinship. Now, my duties have wrapped up for the next two weeks, so I can't attend; and considering your actions while I was gone, I figure you to be the best pony for it.” Cadance rolled her eyes at her aunties poorly veiled rebuke. “Just because I applied a little common sense?” “You call sterilizing a stallion, and hospitalizing Lady Pretty Coin for a week common sense?” “One: That stallion was harassing me. In all honesty, I believed he might have even tried to rape me. Two: That so called ‘Lady’ wanted our subjects to pay for her pool. A POOL! I fear you have been too soft on them aunty. There is a time and place for mercy and there is a time and place for justice. Remember that pegasus from Sun's Peak? As it turns out’ a supervisor in charge of resource management had personal issues with many of the citizens that lived there; so he made sure they didn't get what they needed. He is now in jail, and they can finally grow their town. Ignoring an issue only makes it a more dangerous issue later. I would think you would know that by now.” Yes it was a low blow to aunty with that reference to Luna but, tough love. “Regardless, your attitude and demeanour should fit better with gryphons, then anypony else I could send.” “Well you have a point there. So when do I have to leave?” “The carriage leaves tomorrow after breakfast. You and your guard should arrive a couple days before their founding day.” “Guard?” Cadance eyed her aunt. “Yes, besides the pegasi pulling your carriage, I've assigned a guard to you.” “Why?” “To send my only niece to a foreign nation without escort? I think not.” “But..” aunty lifted her hoof up and with closed eyes and a stern look. “No buts. You will have an escort.” Cadance pouted, and she thought she saw a gleam as her aunt opened her eyes. “FINE.” Cadance shook her head and left to go pack. She was unaware that she had missed the twinkle in Celestia's eyes, who watched her niece leave the room. Even Philomena chuckled at the antics of her owner. * * * * * The next day, breakfast was followed by goodbyes to Twilight, Spike, and Aunty. She went to the carriage hanger and took in the sight of her personal carriage. When she had first seen it, she immediately had it repainted. Pink was so not her color. After resigning to the fact she had pink fur, and the truth that dyeing it every few days would be a hassle and a waste of time; Cadance vowed that the colour pink would suffer a genocide when it can to her belongings. It now was mainly purple, with a white gold trim. She also noticed who was standing next to, which caused her to roll her eyes and facehoof. She should have known it would be Shining. He was out of his armor, and had would have likely extruded an air of confidence, had it been anypony but her. Unless they were training together, he always seemed to be distracted when she was around. He eyed her outfit, tilted his head and he asked. “Wearing armor, Cadance?” “We are visiting a kingdom with a strong warrior tradition. I will make a better impression in this armor, appearing as a warrior than a meek princess.” “I can appreciate that, your highness, but what I meant was; why are you wearing it now? It’s a two-to-three day journey.” “Oh…” He snickered, and climbed onto the carriage. Cadance joined him. She nudged him bodily. “Take your cheap shots while you can; personally I just think you're just still miffed that I owned you last time we sparred.” He just snorted in response, causing her to chuckle, as the four pegasi guards took to the skies, heading for Gryphonia. * * * * * Not three hours into the trip, Cadance was already bored, so she asked Shining. “Hey did you see Twilight before we left?” “Yeah, last night when we had dinner with the family. You?” “This morning. I had to knock a ink pot over to get her attention. I swear, a marching band could circle around her and she STILL wouldn’t have noticed.” That got them both laughing imagining that situation. As their laughter died down, Shining turned to Cadance; “So, did you bring a book to read?” “What, like 'My Secret Life As An Evil Insect Overlord'?” He gave her that completely clueless look that got her laughing, having mentioned of one of her favorite fanfics from back in her old life. “Where you come up with this stuff boggles my mind. Like that outfit you had last Nightmare Night.” Cadance smiled and looked up as she remember that night. * * * * * * (The previous Nightmare night) Cadance clapped her hooves as she beheld her Nightmare Night costume. She had it custom made. It was mostly made out of plastic. It turns out Equestria did in fact have plastic, but as for why they still use quills, and other materials, she could not fathom. Lifting it in her magic, she started to remove her regalia, and slipped into the costume. When she finally had it all on, she went to the mirror to check herself out. She was in black armor, with a fearsome mask and helmet. Her entire body was covered in black cloth, with pieces of chrome and plastic. On her chest, where her torc normally sat, was a box with three red lines, and blinking in various sequences. She could almost hear the deep breathing. SHE. WAS. DARTH CADANCE! After making some adjustments, she went over to check on Twilight. Heading over to the filly’s tower, she entered the ground level and asked. “Twilight? Are you in here?” “Up here Cadance!” She walked up the stairs and saw little Spike first. He was dressed up as a dog. -'No Spiky, too early for that.'- “Hi Cadance.” The little dragon said. “Hi Spike, where's Twilight.” “In the bathroom.” Cadance decided to wait. She did value privacy after all. Twilight came out a few minutes later; she had dyed her fur white, and her mane and tale in rainbow colors. She had even managed to make a good copy of aunty's cutie mark. Only the ethereal mane was missing, which could be forgiven. She saw Cadance and looked confused. “It's me Twilight.” She said thanking God she hadn't cast the voice filter yet. Twilight relaxed hearing her voice, then she got that grin on her face and ran over. I think we all know what's next. “Sunshine, sunshine Ladybug's awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” She hugged and laughed with the filly, and was honest about the fact she has fun doing that dance. “What are you dressed as Cadance?” Twilight asked, as she looked over the costume. “A character from a story my mom used to tell me. A dark figure with a tragic story who ended up being a bad guy. For tonight, I am not Cadance.” She cast her spell and with a deeper voice. “I AM DARTH CADANCE!” That got a giggle out of the filly. With that they all left the tower, and Cadance led the filly with the dragon on her back. They had fun getting candy and checking out pranks. They even meant Shining, who was decked out as a Unicornian Knight. They even saw Celestia, who was slipping out of a noble’s party on a secret cake hunt. Though she paused her pursuit to check out her niece's and student's costumes. She daaawww’d at Twilight's outfit. They took a picture of the four of them before Celestia got this wicked grin and slunk away. -'I guess she found her first cake victim.'- * * * * * * (Back in the present) “That was a fun night, though you were a bit overprotective.” “Hey, two of the three most important mares in my life were out. I had a duty to protect them.” Cadance poked him in the chest. “Just remember bud, that I'm not the weak mare I was before the accident. Having a near death experience causes you to enjoy life to the fullest. Heck even ask aunty some time. She’ll agree with me. SO learn to loosen up a bit; enjoy life!” “I do enjoy life!” He defended, which earned him an evil grin on Cadance's face. She put a wing around him, and pulled him close, watching him go pale. Quite a feat for somepony with white fur. She lifted her left hoof in the air and began. “100 bottles of cider on the wall, 100 bottles of cider! Take one down, pass it around and you have 99 bottles of cider on the wall....” She ignored the groans from the five guard ponies with her as she continued singing that annoying song, even if she sang it well. She had a great voice, but that song could get to anypony. She eventually finished, and pranked the group into thinking she would sing another annoying song. Instead tough, she sang some well like hits, and even pulled of a pony version of Johnny B. Good. Shining even managed to relax and joy the trip. He looked at Cadance as she sang from her heart, and he concluded that he really did admire the mare. She may now act different than she did when they met in highschool, but still a mare worth knowing, if not more so now than ever. But he couldn’t help thinking maybe it could be something more. > Time with the Gryphons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost three days in, they finally arrived at the capital of Gryphonia, First Keep. Unlike Canterlot, when they chose a mountain for their home, it was logically built into the mountain, as opposed to attached half way up. The kingdom of Gryphonia was fairly mountainous region, but was blessed with many fertile valleys hidden between its high peaks. As they closed in on the largest peak, a pair of Gryphon soldiers flew up to meet them, and once they were identified, directed them in for landing. The carriage touched down in a large courtyard, surrounded by low stone walls. Upon exiting the carriage, they were met by the welcoming party, which consisted of Gyphron King himself, his wife, and his son. All of them were dressed in full ceremonial armour, which caused Cadance to give a knowing smirk to Shining, eliciting a grumble from him. Cadance gave a nodded low towards the king, and introduced herself; “King Horus, I am Princess Cadance, niece to Princess Celestia, and I come in her stead. She regrets that her duties keep her from attending your Founding Day, and hopes that by sending me, you see how we are still committed allies as we celebrate the momentous day for your Grand Kingdom.” “I can understand the needs of royal duties, and though it saddens me that your Aunt could not be here, I welcome you your Highness, and hope you enjoy your time here.” Cadance nods respectfully. “And who may your companion be?” “This is my escort, and a member of the Canterlot Royal Guard, Shining Armor. He looks tough, but I can take him.” Shining glared daggers her way. “Well, I bid you welcome to First Keep, and I look forward to talking more with you at dinner.” He stomped his talon a couple times, and servant appeared beside him. “Grenda, see Princess Cadance and her group to the diplomatic quarters, and see to their needs for the duration of their stay.” The female Gryphon bowed, then proceeded to direct Cadance and her company to their quarters. The pegasi were given the rooms directly next to the diplomatic wings entrance, and they helped drop off Cadance's and Shining's stuff before retiring themselves. Both Her and Shining got their own rooms, each one designed to hold visiting diplomats or royalty, and they were equal to one of Manehattan’s fanciest hotel rooms. “Will you need anything else, your highness?” Grenda asked. “Only the time dinner is set for.” “It's at seven, your highness. You can pull this rope if you have need of my services”, she pointed towards a black rope that ran down the door frame. “Thank you Grenda.” The Gryphon bowed and left. Cadance took a seat, the first one on solid ground for almost three days, and melted into it. Using her magic, she removed her armor, and restored her regalia, relaxing by a window and observing the city below. * * * * * Grenda showed up a few minutes before seven, collecting both Cadance and Shining. They were led to the ‘Imperial Dining Room’, which was apparently one of five the castle held. They were offered seats to the right of the king, and were brought plates of fruits and vegetables. A large goblet was given to each of them, filled with a deep red liquid. A quick sniff told her it was wine; and if the many parties she’d attended since her arrival were anything to go by, then this one was quite a vintage. She eyed the rest of the room, the tables is a rough ‘U’ shape surrounded by the royal family, and hordes of gryphon nobles. Every single one was digging into a plate of meat as if it was their first meal in over a week, looking as if they were trying to make it an especially bloody and gory affair. Shining was starting to turn a shade green from it. Cadance turned to him, and put a hoof under his chin. “Pony up Shining, they are doing this on purpose, trying to test your metal.” With that, she lifted a carrot and resumed eating, not bothered by the scene around her. Being a former omnivore, she was in fact a little jealous. SHe hadn't eaten meat since she got here. She continued eating and enjoying her meal, and she noticed they gory sounds grew less and less, the nobles obviously aware that their guest weren’t easily put off. King Horus decided to break the silence. “So Princess Cadance, I’m curious to know what title you hold amongst your kin. Your aunt, Princess Celestia, is the Alicorn of the Sun, so I am wondering what you are the alicorn of?” “I am the Alicorn of Love.” She ignored the snickers around the room, and continued: “I can see and feel the potential couples, follow love lines between strangers, and feel the love beings have for each other. For instance, the love you have for your wife and son; it feels like a warm breeze, and I can feel it radiate from you to them, and back again.” There was a definite muttering about her being the right colour for the job. Horus smiled, and placed a wing around his wife seated next to him. “I think I understand. Yet you come dressed like a warrior.” Horus commented. “Strange for a pony with such a title.” “I believe in tough love. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, and sometimes love is like a war in your heart.” The King gave a nod of his head, and Cadance inwardly smiled, thinking she may have won some personality points with him, as they both returned to their meals. -'They aren't use to dealing with a pony like me'- she thought. Dinner went on with small talk, broken up with stories of the gryphon’s great feats. * * * * * The next morning, Cadance had a light breakfast in her room. With nothing planned till later, she walk the castle’s halls till she stumble out into a flagstone quad, where some of the gryphon guards were sparing with wooden weapons. Shining soon located her, and together they watched the training session. She carefully observed how they moved, and noticed how often they used their talons in their fighting. Shining was making his own observations. The current bout between an eagle gryphon and a hawk gryphon ends as the hawk one is ejected from the ring. The spectating guards clap at the victory, and Cadance joined in. The sound of clip-clopping hooves catches the victors attention, and spinning around he notices Cadance has been watching him. “Care to try your luck, miss Pretty in Pink?” His tone was almost as full of ego as Rainbow Dash, as was his confident smirk. The name got a few laughs from the crowd. Giving a smirk of her own, she got up and strode forward. “Sure, why not.” One of Shining's hooves blocked her path. “Why don't I take care of this Cadance. You are here to represent Equestria and Princess Celestia, we can’t have you getting hurt.” “No, Shining I’ll be fine” She looked past Shining to the gryphon. “Besides, I think I can take him.” A few of his fellow guards chortled at his expense. “Cadance, I can’t…” “Now now Shining, this is just a simple sparring match” she looked towards the gryphon “correct?” “Yes your highness. The most you will get are a few bruises, but if you’d prefer to get the armor, we can spare that dainty hide of yours.” That got a few more snickers from his fellow gryphons. Cadance kept her smirk. “No, I don't think that will be necessary.” She moved past Shining, who lowered his head in defeat, muttering something about being banished to the moon. She just shook her head, and picked a wooden sword out from a nearby rack, before entering the ring. They both took a combat stance, and waited. Another gryphon broke the silence. “BEGIN!” With that, they both leapt at each other, and their swords clashed. Cadance parried, thrusted and swung her sword; her opponent blocking most blows, and answering with a few of his own. They soon took to the air, diving and rolling, almost turning the spectacle into a type of dance. Wood met wood, the constant clacks almost like machine gun fire, only punctuated by grunts of exertion from both combatants. Finally, Cadance did a backwards flip, trying to bring the blade to bear from below the gryphon. At the last moment, he barreled rolled out of the way. Cadance, her blade having met no resistance, was subject to momentum, causing her upwards strike to continue far past her intended arc. This forced her head and neck upwards, opening her stomach towards the gryphon. Seeing his chance, he plowed bodily into her, forcing her to the ground, and placing his blade to her neck. “Crap.” She dropped her sword and yielded. The sword at her neck was removed, and a talon held out for her. “You fought well, your highness. I wouldn't mind you at my side in combat.” The Gryphon complimented as Cadance took the assistance up. “I was still hoping to win there though.” “I've had years of combat experience, and you have just had training, correct?” She nodded. “Experience trumps training every time. But even for just training, you did very well. Take pride in that. You certainly have my respect.” “Thanks, mister...” “Raven Warfist.” “Thank you Mr Warfist. It was fun sparring with you.” “Like wise your highness.” Cadance walked over to Shining, who looked past her. Following his eyes, she and noticed the looks of respect coming from the assembled gryphons. She may have lost the match, but in the effect of the gryphons, it was small a victory for Equestria. She was happy with that. * * * * * Cadance spent the next few hours enjoying a long hot bath, soothing the bruises earned in the match, and man was it relaxing. When she went to dinner that evening, she noticed a huge reduction in the amount of sneering or snickering directed her way. News of her spar must’ve travelled quickly throughout the castle. After the dinner, the king asked for an audience in the throne room. Seeing no reason to deny the request, she and Shining headed over. The king led them through the castle, and into its throne room. While it couldn’t hold a candle to the one back home, it was still impressive. One arrival, they were led up to the throne, were the king took a seat, and offered the pair the adjacent divan. Once they were seated, he clicked his talons, and a servant appeared, holding numerous scrolls. “Princess Cadance, I have drafted some trade proposals between our two kingdoms, and would like your input on them.” “Of course King Horus, let me take a look.” The servant gryphon passed the scrolls to Cadance, and quickly scurried out of sight. Herself and Shining started to sift through through them. They were basic proposals on easing tariffs, and the trading of important resources. “While I can't approve these suggestions myself, I can see the appeal of such agreements, and give them my support when I deliver them to my aunt. I don't forsee any reason for her to reject these. There maybe a few nobles who refuse, but I have little patience for them. I'll give these to my aunt when I return home.” “That's all I can ask. Thank you. Now please, have a good nights rest princess. We have a big day tomorrow.” “They same to you your highness.” She said with a light bow, before leaving for her quarters. * * * * * * The next day saw Cadance again in her armor, stood before a mirror and adjusting it to fit snugly. There was a knock at the door. “Come in.” The door opened to reveal Shining Armour, wearing his full, and highly polished, guard armor. “Time to go Cadance.” “Okay, I'm coming.” She made one more adjustment before walking over to him. Tapping his armor with her hoof, she quipped “Shining Amour’s shining armour?” He gave her a shrug and a sheepish smile. Rewarded with a smirk from her, the two followed Grenda. Cadance noticed the gryphon seemed to be moving rather stiffly, and avoided look at the pair of them, so she decided to pry. “Grenda is anything wrong?” “N-no your highness. Nothing's wrong.” Cadance gave the gryphon that dead-pan knowning look, and the gryphon wilted and caved. “It's just that I'm worried about my performance your highness. Have I displeased you in some way? You barely summoned me for any of your needs and.....” Grenda stopped when Cadance put a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Cadance eye to eye. Cadance tried to project caring and warmth. “Grenda, you have done nothing to displease me. The reason I have barely summoned you is that I'm a very hooves on mare. I like doing stuff myself. Shining can vouch for that.” “It's true, it drives us all crazy half the time, but it’s true.” Cadance responded by sticking her tongue out at him, earning a giggle from Grenda. Cadance turned back to Grenda, glad to see her mood improving already. “Put your mind at ease. When I needed your help you were right on top of it. With the lunch deliveries, to guiding us around the palace. Now come on and cheer up. This is a day to celebrate the founding of your proud nation.” Grenda's spirit perked up at the reminder of the holiday, and the three continued their journey. Grenda brought them to a large balcony, over looking the main part of the city. She was given a spot next to the king, where they and engaged in small talk with the royal family until the time came to start the ceremony. “My fellow Gryphonians! Today we mark the three hundredth anniversary of forefathers leaving Griffonstone, and bringing to pride back to our race! Since then we have experienced a great run of prosperity! Even a nation who was once our enemy, and since turned ally, has seen fit to honour us as we celebrate our Founding Day!” He paused, and Cadance waved a hoof to the crowd below. “Now my fellow Gryphonians! Let us show the world our pride and our MIGHT!” With a a nod to the left Horus signalled to somegryphon. Cadance heard a gong, then silence. Soon though, she began to hear the sound of marching in armor, and flap of wings. A military band soon struck up; playing a cheerful tune she was sure she had heard before. Shock took over her system, as the tune started playing notes she knew all to well. She would bet her crown is was a modified version of John William’s ‘Imperial March’. Faust must be having a laugh at this, the troll. She looked closely at the armored gryphons as they flew past. -'Nope, none in white armor. Darn, I still wish I had brought my Darth Cadance outfit. I’d fit in more.'- She gave a small shake of her head and sat back to enjoy the show. The march was impressive, hundreds of gryphons in armor either marched or flew passed, almost blotting out the sun at times. Gryphonia was not a nation to be trifled with, but neither was Equestria. God have mercy whoever gets both nations mad at them. * * * * * * After an hour the march was over, finished with the equivalent of a Wonderbolts spectacular air and a fireworks show. When that was all said and done, there was a hearty meal. It was strange; this whole holiday was an alcohol free event. This meant that when it was time for them to return to Equestria, everyone was able to see the, off. King Horus and his family even hugged them goodbye. “Have a safe trip home Princess Cadance.” “Thank you your highness. May your reign be long and glorious.” She secured her stuff, and took her spot next to Shining and with a double tap of her hoof the carriage took off. She waved at King Horus and his family as they waved back, until both parties were out of sight. She sat back and sighed. “It’s good to be going home again.” “Indeed Cadance. I need to see my L.S.B.F.F.” That earnt a facehoof from Cadance, before she got an evil grin on her face. “So shall I start with 100 bottles of Cider, or 1000?” “WWAAAAAAAAGGGHH!” All five of her companions wailed, causing the alicorn to laugh. > Destiny and Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance was walking through the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters alone. She was looking for something that she found out was canon in this version of Equestria and she wanted to find it. Normally Shining would never let her go anywhere alone, not since Celestia had assigned him as her guard. He is a great guy, and he has that loveable nerdy goofiness that seems to run in his family, but her aunts blatant matchmaking was starting to annoying her. Also added to the mix was the fact her body was starting to betray her, and it was getting harder to keep her eyes off him. To the brain chemistry she had inherited, he was an attractive stallion, a worthy mate. THAT was something that was getting harder to ignore. Then throw in the feelings she gets from him. She had honestly checked a few times to see if in truth she was a changeling, but every attempt just proved she wasn’t. She doesn't need love to survive like they do, but she feels the warmth and power of it, and it does strengthen her. Right now, Shining's was the strongest source she had. It could be worse. He could have been Blueblood. She would have to deal with this in time. Today she had been able to ditch him, as he is currently recovering from last night's bout of Roller Derby with Twilight, and the closest thing she has to friends. It was all according to plan; but it was fun, and seeing Twilight excited is always a good thing. She just wished her attempts at making Twilight more sociable had been more successful. It seems destiny wants her first TRUE friends to be her fellow bearers. Still, she has seen both her and Moondancer spend less time reading, and more time interacting with their friends. She checked the blueprints she found in the archives again, and moved in the appropriate direction. Soon she entered the remains of Luna's room. It is clearly night themed, and it was probably awesome in its heyday. She checked the blueprints again, then moved to the furthest wall, and put her hoof on it. She moved her hoof along the wall, tapping till she heard a change in the sound, and placed her hoof flat to that section. Pressing the stone block, it gave way, and she heard mechanisms shift and stone grind, seeing a section of stone slide back to reveal a doorway. Lighting her horn, she entered the dark room and looked around, quickly spotting what she was after. She looked the items over; they needed some touch ups, but were overall in good condition beneath the dust. She placed them in her saddle bags, and left the room, pressing the stone to shut the door, before heading home again. The 1000th Summer Sun Celebration was only a few days away and she had to be prepared. * * * * * * Cadance yawned as she woke up. Today was the day before the Summer Sun, and she was looking forward to it. She stretched out, washed up, and prepared for the day. She had slept late in preparation for the all night party that preceded the big celebration the next day. She had heard many ponies question the night party and it’s role in the years she has been here, but she knew. It was Celestia’s penance for ignoring Luna's plight. After a nice breakfast, or it being this late - brunch, she was on her way to check the preparations in the Canterlot for the celebration, which she will be hosting this year. She was passing the chariot hanger when she noticed Twilight looking annoyed, and pacing back and forth. “Hey Twilight what's up?” The unicorn mare was too annoyed to even do their dance. She wasn't sure if she was glad or disappointed in that. But she still lit up when she saw her foal sitter. “Cadance! Please talk some sense into Princess Celestia! I tried to warn her about an upcoming threat and she just dismissed it, and is now sending me to Ponyville, PONYVILLE! I’m supposed to oversee the preparations there.” “And make some friends.” Spike added, earning a glare from Twilight before the mare continued. “Please, all of Equestria - no the WORLD - is on the line tomorrow, and she wants me to go and make FRIENDS!? Please Cadance, help me.” Cadance closed the distance and put a hoof around Twilight. “I believe you Twilight, but I also believe my aunty Tia has it under control. She likes to keep things close to her chest. YOU should know that by now. So go to Ponyville, see to those preparations which, btw, I know you will do excellently with, and make some friends.” She heard Twilight groan at that. “Now, now. Friendship is important. Go make some. I know you were planning on avoiding Moondancer's party, and I would have dragged you there it wasn't for this assignment. So make some friends in Ponyville. Friendships made today just may save the world tomorrow.” Twilight rolled her eyes at and replied. “I expected that kind of line from Princess Celestia, not you Cadance.” “Well I do spend time with her a lot, and if she was the one telling you that. Would you be so quick to dismiss it?” Twilight lowered her head, and with the air of a doomed pony she stepped onto the chariot that soon speeded her and Spike away to destiny. She watched them till they were out of sight, then teleported to Twilight's room. Walking up the stairs she found the broken teddy bear and it’s box. She used her magic to repair the teddy, and was about to toss the box when she notice something else. At the bottom of the box was a picture of Twilight and her Canterlot friends. It had somehow dodged Spike's tail and was intact. She summoned another gift box and wrapping, and put both presents in. She walked to the west courtyards, and soon she found the small party in it's beginning stages. Lemon Hearts, Minuet, Lyra Heartstrings, Twinkleshine, and of course the guest of honor Moondancer were all there. The five mares saw Cadance, and they ran over and bowed. “Girls, you know better then to do that in a non formal setting. Please, rise up.” “Is Twilight coming Princess?” Moondancer asked eagerly as she stood up with the others. Her eyes beamed with hope. She was so like Twilight in many ways. They often did lab work together, and if it wasn't for some quick timing by Cadance, she could have hurt her eyes, resulting in her need glasses too. “My Aunt has sent Twilight on an assignment to Ponyville, so she won't be able to make it.” Moondancer’s face fell immediately, and Cadance put a hoof under the filly's chin so she would look up and see her. “She and Spike may not be able to come, but they did have this for you.” She revealed the present to Moondancer. “If my aunt hadn't sent her away I would have made sure she would be here. Now if you’d like, I can stay for a bit before I have to take care of the preparations for tonight and tomorrow.” Receiving a nod from everypony, she dove into the party, happy to see Moondancer had cheered up again. After an hour she had to leave and waved the girls goodbye. * * * * * * Cadance was looking over her checklist for preparations to the night party and the celebration afterwards. Yes Twilight had rubbed off on her a bit. “Let's see; both the classical band and the rock DJ are booked.” Sadly it wasn't Vinyl or Octavia. After Vinyl's sister Gleaming had died in the line of duty, the pair had both moved to Ponyville. At least she died a hero, saving ponies. “All the catering is done. Decorations are up and the rides and games are ready.” She checked everything off as the sun set and the party was beginning. Her rounds ended as she reached the large platform the celebration would be hosted from, and she the noticed Shining approaching her, and he looked extremely nervous. “Cadance! Thank Celestia I found you. Have you've seen Twilght anywhere? I’ve tried looking everywhere; in the library, in her tower, even Pony Joe’s, but I can't find her.” “She's in Ponyville overseeing the preparations for Aunty’s appearance tomorrow.” Shiny’s face dropped, looking shocked and fearful. “WHAT IN TARTARUS IS SHE DOING THERE!?” The years paired up with him let Cadance learn that he has a fierce protective streak, and she even wondered if what had happened to Cadance (The accident that started all this) had increased that protective drive. Given his sudden outburst, she realised she only had about 30 seconds before Shining started moving heaven and earth to get Twilight back. She was pretty sure that he would move mountains if he need too, and she doubted the rest of Canterlot’s citizens would be too happy at being relocated. Cadance moved to him and placed a leg around him, half as a comforting gesture, and half to hold him down if need be. “My aunt has sent her there because she believed it will be good for her.” She gave him a big look. “And you're not racing after her. She's a grown mare now, and you should have faith in her abilities. I made sure she can defend herself; aunty has made sure she is knowledgeable in magic, and she is a very smart mare. She will be fine. It isn't like anything ever happens in Ponyville.” -'Good thing I'm not the Element of Honesty.'- She thought after saying THAT line. He seemed to calm down a bit, so she didn't have to worry about him going into shear panic and border line Lesson Zero. Years of being around the Sparkle family had shown her that the freak outs were pretty much a family trait. However, there was a couple times she had seen her aunt like that, so Twilight got it on both ends it seems. She decided to drive the win home; she looked at Shining and gave her best puppy dog eyes: “Besides, if you run off now, who’s going to escort me to this party?” Shining’s face turned bright red, and he almost melted into the platform. Leaving the puddle of a stallion for the moment, she stepped up to the podium that Celestia uses, and addressed the crowd of ponies below. “Ponies of Canterlot! I am proud to announce the start of the Eve of Summer Festival. So enjoy yourselves everypony, I know I will.” With that she and Shining went into the crowd – fun was had. * * * * * * Hours later, Cadance was taking a break from the fun, and was walking the castle halls. The palace was basically abandoned at this time, with everypony out enjoying the festival. She was nearing her aunt's quarters when she heard singing, and it was coming from her Celestia’s bed room. As she got closer, she could hear the lyrics. “Once did a pony who shone like the sun Look out on her kingdom and sigh She smiled and said, 'Surely, there is no pony So lovely and so well beloved as I' So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory That long was the shadow she cast Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved And grew only darker as days and nights passed Soon did that pony take notice that others Did not give her sister her due And neither had she loved her as she deserved She watched as her sisters unhappiness grew But such is the way of the limelight it sweetly Takes hold of the mind of it host And that foolish pony did nothing to stop The destruction of one who had needed her most Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine And rest now in moonlight's embrace Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth Through cloud, and through sky, and through space Carry the peace and the coolness of night And carry my sorrow in kind Luna, you're loved so much more than you know May troubles be far from your mind And forgive me for being so blind.” -'Wow, she actually sings this song.'- Cadance thought as she quietly opened the door, listening to the saddest song known to the fandom. As Celestia finished the lullaby, Cadance put a hoof on her shoulder startling the older alicorn. “Oh Cadance, I didn't hear you.” Celestia attempted to look regal and perfect again. “Don't bother aunty. That mask won't work on me.” Cadance looked up and the moon and saw the slowly approaching stars. “She's coming back tomorrow isn't she?” “How did you know?” Cadance gave her a 'really' look. “I studied history after my accident aunty, and I found out about Aunty Luna. The history, the lore, AND the prophecy. Twilight is a key part isn't she? Her magic ability is Alpha++ at least, and she could give me a run for my bits if she tried.” Celestia looked down and nodded. “Yes, yes she is. She is the new bearer for the Element of Magic. I sent her to Ponyville to meet and, hopefully, befriend the other bearers. They are the last hope I have to have my sister back.” Tears started to from in her eyes. “If Twilight has got your support, and those of the other bearers, then she will no doubt succeed. I look forward to seeing my long lost aunt, but not just for myself; I want you to have something real to smile about again, and not have to wear the one you paint everyday.” She gave her Aunty a hug, and looked at her; “I hope you know you can talk to me about things like this right?” Celestia returned the hug, and gave Cadance a squeeze. After a few moments, they broke apart from each other. “Well you better get going for your appearance in Ponyville. I'll hold the fort here.” As Cadance left the room, she took a quick look back. Celestia’s head was still hanging down, but she swore she could see the very corners of her mouth twitching upwards. As she turned the corner at the end of the hall, she heard Celestia take flight, likely heading for the chariot hanger. * * * * * * After hours of fun, food, and partying, it was nearly time for the sun to rise and bring forth summer. Then the time came, and past, and it was still night. Ponies started to look at each other as the night remained. Then some talking began. This wasn't good. “Stay calm every pony. Princess Celestia may be just delayed.” Cadance said with a calm voice. “Please continue to enjoy the festival and the sun will rise in time.” Cadance moved over to Shining. “Shiny, find Captain Iron Wall. Tell him to have the guard ready to counter a panic, and to subtly increase the guard in the city. Above all I want to extrude a look of control.” He nodded, and walked off doing his best not alert the civilians to the problem. As time went on, Cadance kept herself visible to help reassure ponies, and to keep up the appearance that everything was fine. Shining was always by her side after he informed Iron Wall of Cadance's orders. Both sharing smiles at each other, they relied on each other's strength, and kept the game going. The closeness was especially important for Shining, as reports came in that Celestia had gone missing, and that a black alicorn showed up in Ponyville, besting the guards that Celestia took. News had come that Twilight had verbally confronted the alicorn, but all accounts said she was unhurt. That alone kept Shining from leaving. At least she thought so. She has been getting disconcerting looks from him since the news. She couldn’t help feeling guilty that she did in fact know all this was going to happen. Finally the sun rose, and the ponies in the city cheered to high heavens. Shining breathed a sigh of relief. Cadance and Shining stayed with the party crowd a little longer, before retiring to the castle for a nap. Cadance wanted a little rest before meeting Princess Luna. * * * * * * A few hours later, Cadance spotted a carriage approaching the castle. It didn't take long to tell that it was her aunt's carriage, and as it drew closer she could see the blue pony inside. Shining rushed up to the carriage as it landed, and Cadance guested he was looking for Twilight. Cadance followed him at a walking pace. The door opened, and Celestia stepped out. “Princess! Where's Twily?” Celestia looked down at Cadance and Shining. Her eyes had red rings around them, evidence of resent crying, but her smile was threatening to rip her face in half. “Be calm, my little pony. She has made five new friends, and has asked permission to stay with them in Ponyville. I agreed, and have tasked her with studying the magic of friendship, and she will be sending me reports on her findings.” Cadance stopped next to Shining as he absorbed the news. “But focus not on her absence, but on her achievement this day. Not only has she become the bearer for the Element of Magic, she has returned to me my greatest lost treasure, my beloved sister, Princess Luna!” With that, Celestia stepped sideways, revealing Luna in the carriage doorway. Luna stepped down from the carriage, and looked at Cadance and Shining. Cadance inclined her head to her fellow princess, and after a jab to the ribs, Shining bowed low. “Welcome to Canterlot Auntie Luna, it is a pleasure to meet you at last.” Luna looked at her, scanning her features, and Cadance did the same. Luna in her 'Woona' form was indeed cute, but she wasn't as young looking as the show depicted. She was only slightly shorter then Cadance at this point. After years of hanging out with Fleur and Sapphire, she understood the pony ideal of beauty, and her aunty definitely good looking in this form. Finally Luna broke the silence. “Sister, hast thou forgotten thine own 'preventative spells' speeches, oh hypocritical sister of mine? Oh and who is the sire?” It took all of Cadance's will power to not react. She eyed both Shining and Celestia on their reactions. Shining was doing his best to hold a laugh back while Celestia was in UTTER shock. “Luna, how can you ask that!?” “Tis simple, she is an alicorn, though her form takes more after me, being so lithe yet toned, rather then thine cake flanks. And since Twilight Sparkle is thine faithful student, and not thy daughter, then young Cadance can only be one thing. Thou's child; so who is the father?” “She's our niece Luna, not my daughter.” Luna looked shocked at her sister. “Thou would reject thine own daughter!?” -'Oh this is too good to pass up.'- Cadance decided to but in, in a dramatic fashion that would do Rarity proud. Cadance threw her foreleg across her brow, and fell to Luna’s hooves. “Oh dear aunty it's true! She has refused to ever acknowledge me as her daughter. Through what sick twist of fate her logic runs, I know it not, but I have always been known as no more than her niece.” She just proved that Celestia could be even more shocked. Her mane had stopped billowing, and her jaw was greeting the floor. Luna picked up Cadance and hugged her. “Do not be sad our dear niece. I will not reject our bond as thine mother has.” Luna shot Celestia a withering glare. From over Luna's shoulder Cadance could see the speechless Celestia. She decided to employ the Twilight Awesome Face 27. That jolted her aunt out of her stupor, and she gave Cadance a frown. They broke off the hug. “Please, our dear niece. Let us bond as thy shows us the castle, it was built after the start of our… our…” “After the beginning of your extended absence. You were not banished, Nightmare Moon was, and you got taken along for the ride. I would be glad to give you the tour Aunt Luna.” Luna smiled at, and allowed herself to be led past the poor stallion doing everything in his power to not laugh out loud. Cadance looked behind her at Celestia, and was sure she gave an evil glint. Celestia responded with fire in her eyes, declaring silently retribution. Cadance ignored it and showed Luna around the castle. Should Celestia actually succeed in revenge trolling her all she had to say to it would be. 'TOTALLY WORTH IT!' > Prank War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Cadance awoke she was still tired from the night before. She had spent a good few hours with her aunts, relishing the company, and helping Luna tease the heck out of Celestia. It was one of the most enjoyable things she had done since she came to Equestria, but the long day, and subsequent night had taken it's toll on her, forcing her to bid her aunts goodnight and crash on her bed. Yawning loudly, she checked her clock, finding it to be almost noon. She rolled out of bed, still somewhat dead on her hooves, and shuffled to her bathroom, before taking care of business. After the few years she had been here, she now hardly noted how weird it was to go to relieve herself. Trying to do it as a pony took away from the shock of trying to do it as a female. All said and done, she headed out for lunch. Once at the dinning room she saw Celestia was already there eating her lunch. She smirked at Cadance; “Well look who has risen from the dead.” Cadance levelled her with a glare; “Considering the events of the past couple days, I earned a lie-in. I was the one keeping ponies calm while you sunbathed in the sun.” “I wasn't in the sun.” Cadance looked at Celestia with a shocked and confused expression. “I hid in a cave near Ponyville when I felt my sister's release, not wanting to confront her unless Twilight failed. How do you think I was there so quick on her victory?” Celestia then look at her confused. “Why would you think she had the power to banish me to the sun? I needed the Elements of Harmony to do that a thousand years ago.” Cadance just sat there, unable to refute her logic, finally reaching the conclusion: -'OH YOU TROLL!'- “Everypony just assumed she did that since you just vanished.” “Well, they're wrong.” Admitting defeat, Cadance just shrugged and turned to her meal. A flower filled sandwich awaited her. It seemed like the usual faire, a mixture of flowers, but it also contained a blue flower she couldn’t say she’d seen the castle serve before. A quick sniff didn’t reveal any secrets, so she took a bite. It was surprisingly pretty tasty, and from the quickly hidden smile she thought she saw Celestia make, she assumed it was a ingredient trial – perhaps it would now be served more often. “By the way, thank you for that lovely prank, it took me half the night to finally convince Luna that you are my in truth my niece, and not my daughter.” “How did she respond?” Cadance asked curiously. “Oh she laughed it off, saying that it was good that somepony else can prank me.” Somehow Celestia manage to pull off a predatory grin with equine features. It unnerved Cadance a bit seeing that. “I will get you back for that.” Then her smile grew mischievous and playful. “But on to more serious things. In a couple days, I want you to help my sister adjust to the changes these past thousand years, bring her upto speed. I would like to do it myself, but the needs of the country demand my attention again.” Celestia said dejectedly. “Things will be different this time around aunty. Ponies enjoy the night hours now. I have no problem helping Aunty Luna.” Cadance gave her aunt an evil grin of her own. “Besides, she can tell me embarrassing stories about you.” Celestia's eyes shrunk to pinpricks and her ears flattened to her skull, forming a frown. -'AH! So that's where Twilight got that look.'- After lunch, Cadance helped Shining pack the bulk of Twilight's stuff, ready to be sent to Ponyville. For a mare seemingly obsessed with organisation, she had jumped at the chance to live in Ponyville whilst completely forgetting to take her own belongings. After that, it was quiet chillaxing till bed. * * * * * * The following morning, Cadance woke up at her usual time, stretched and yawned. She frowned when her yawn didn't sound right, it was too high for her voice. She rubbed her eyes, and looked around blearily. Her bed seemed bigger. Confused by all this, she put it up to not being awake yet and headed to the bathroom. Once again, everything seemed higher or taller then they should be. As she walked to the bathroom she caught sight of her length mirror nearby. What she saw caused her to stop dead, and her eyes bulged. She ran over and took a long look at her form. She wasn't Cadance anymore. But she knew this form, she’d seen it before. She. Was. Fluffle. Puff. It took all of her willpower not to scream to high heavens. -'HOW!?- How was she Fuffle Puff? It was bad enough being the Pretty Pink Pony Princess but this pink fluff ball?' She sat on her hunches, or at least tried to. She ended up rolling onto her back. -'This is just great.'- She thought back to what she did yesterday that might have caused this. She got up late yesterday after the REALLY long night and party that followed. She went to the dinning room, had lunch with her aunt Celestia where she had that tasty sandwich.......that was there waiting for her. It was a flower sandwich - with blue flowers. Blue. Flowers. -'Well played aunty, well played.'- Now she had to go about find that Supernatural remedies book for the Poison Joke cure. It didn't take her long to find out she didn't have a copy of the book in her quarters. With a heavy sigh, she went to her desk and hopped onto the chair. -'Having no magic sucks!'- She thought as she had to grab a quill with her mouth. She was too fluffy to use a hoof. She wrote out a request for the book, and made up a cover story about being ill, and not wanting to spread it to others. She placed the note on the table by the door, pulled the rope for the serving bell, then rushed into her bedroom and closed the door. She waited, and soon she heard the door open. “Yes Princess?” There was a pause “Prin....” The maid that answered the door spotted the letter. After a few minutes. “I'll get that right away your highness, I hope you’re not too unwell.” Cadance then heard the door open and close again. With nothing else to do, she waited for the maid's return. Meanwhile she checked out her changed body. While she was visually large, she didn’t feel heavy at all. If anything she felt lighter. She tried jumping, only to find she hit the ceiling. –‘Holy crap, does gravity not care about this body?- After a few minutes of bouncing around, she ended with a triple backflip rather hard, and all of a sudden, a few feathers fell out of her fluff. Deciding to check what else was in there, she stuck a hoof in. Pillows. What she found was pillows, more and more and more. Slowly running out of floor space, she soon found herself next to the window. She had a perfect view of the garden on a sunny day, but today, she had a clear view of her dear aunty Celestia, sitting down at a table to enjoy some tea and snacks. The setup was just too perfect. Using the pillows, she started assembling a pillow cannon. (Don't ask her how she knew how to make one. It's in the Pinkie Pie zone, don't question it.) She was interrupted by the sound of her door opening, then soon closing again. She poked her head out of her bedroom door, and saw the book lying on the table. She had placed another message asking the maid to wait on the other side of the door and she could hear her shuffling outside. She went through the book to find the entry on the Poison Joke. Once she had it, she wrote down the ingredients, and slipped it under the door for the maid. A muffled 'yes your highness' was heard, and Cadance went back to her cannon. Once completed, she took aim and her aunt. Just as Celestia was about to take a sip of her tea, Cadance pressed the fire button. There was a muffled ‘pomf’, and then a fainter one became impaled on Celestia’s horn. She didn’t even flinch, and resumed drinking her tea. Her staff and guards were all too stunned to act. IT. IS. ON! She pressed the fire button multiple times till Celestia was buried in pillows. It was hilarious seeing ponies freak out as their princess was assaulted by pillows. Her giggling was interrupted by the sound of the outer door opening. She stayed quiet as she heard something be set down and the door closing. She opened her bedroom door and saw a basket with the items she requested. She quickly gathered them, and the book, and raced to her bathroom. After following the instructions CAREFULLY, she dived into the bath (which was more like a jacuzzi). After a few seconds she rose up again and looked down at her right fore hoof. It was normal again, and she sighed in contentment, (Yes it was pink, but she’d come to terms with that years ago. Being FLUFFY pink she couldn’t stand.) She was just about to lean back and enjoy the bath, when her doors burst open and a pair of Royal Guards came in. “WHAT THE HAY!?” She yelped in surprise. The two guards then looked at her, and at least one had the decency to blush and avert his gaze. (Hey, if I have to be stuck as a girl then I better be a hot one. Of the tomboyish kind.............. DON'T JUDGE ME!) “Sorry princess, but Princess Celestia was assaulted and we are making sure that the royal family is safe and secure.” Feining concern she asks a question she already knew the answer to. “Is my aunt okay? What happened?” “Yes, she is fine. She was assaulted by......pillows.” One guard said. Cadacne gave a 'huh' look before she started laughing. “Oh That's rich. Tell me, did Shining or my aunt put you up to this?” The two guards just looked confused before saying. “Your highness we are serious. Princess Celestia was assaulted by pillows.” She eyed them before asking. “Okay if true, then how is my aunt taking it?” “Well,” One guard said scratching the back of his neck. “Well some said they heard....giggling under the pillows.” -'Wow, her life must be really dull if a pillow assault gets her to giggle. I must prank her more then, and I may have help now.'- aloud she said. “Well regardless I am fine so you may return to your duties. Shoo. Go on – get!” With some stuttering they leave, and Cadance went back to enjoying her bath. * * * * * * It was early evening when Cadance went to dinner. She had spent a few hours watching poor Shining and the other guards race around trying to find the master of pillows. They won't find her. Stepping into the dinning room she saw both of her aunts, with Luna still in Woona form. Celestia notices her first. “Ah, Cadance. I trust you had a good day?” She asked with a knowing glint in her eye. “Why yes, the story of my great and powerful aunt buried under pillows made my day.” Luna had a look of confusion on her. “Sister, is pillow burying a new tradition in thine kingdom?” “No Luna, I believe it was an attempt at revenge for yesterday's lunch surprise.” Cadance took a menu not trusting Celestia to not try anything else. “Well Poison Joke can backfire if the victim knows how to use it right.” Luna eyed her sister and her niece a couple times before saying. “Thou is having a prank war with our niece, and thou didn't include us?” “Well, I kinda did with our meeting aunty. The prank was solely aimed at Celestia. You presented a too good of an opportunity to pass up.” In a dead pan look Luna addressed Celestia. “Sister, we like our new niece. However, are thee sure she isn't a blood relation to us?” Celestia actually looked at Cadance seriously before answering. “You know, I'm not so sure anymore.” Cadance's response was to give and impish smirk before going back to the menu. She was just about to place her order when she saw a scroll appear in front of Celestia. Her aunt opened and read it before starting her own letter. “What is it aunty?” She asked. “Oh it's just Twilight. I gave her two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. However she doesn't want to go without her friends, so I'm going to send seven back to her.” “Aunty, why are you torturing her? The gala is THE most boring thing the Kingdom does. I'm surprised you endure the thing. That kind of event was never sort of Twilight's thing. Hay, I stopped going years ago.” “Well I’m hoping they can liven it up this year.” Celestia finished her letter and put the tickets in, and before Cadance could say more it was off. Cadance just face hoofed, and vowed vengeance for the unleashing of Trollestia on her favorite filly. > Family Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t until the following afternoon that Cadance awoke. After attending to the necessities, she spent a couple of hours at the guard barracks, before heading to a late dinner. She soon walked into the dinning room, and her smile turned evil as she gazed upon the other occupants. She saw that Luna was struggling not to giggle; while Celestia sat their frowning. In PINK fur. Cadance had switched out her shampoo with a fast acting coat dye. She had to admit her auntie looked pretty in pink. maybe hasbro was on to something since they wanted Celestia pink at first but Faust said no. Tia looked up at Cadance with resignation, and with a voice filled with sorrow asked; “What did I do to deserve this?” “That my dear auntie, is for tricking Twilight and her friends to attend the most BORING party to ever exist. Frankly, I think a wake has more life in it then the Gala.” Cadance saw both sisters wince at her description. “Seriously, why don't you change the gala to something enjoyable? You are the Princess after all.” “The nobles would raise a terrible fuss..” “Then let them.” Cadance declared with a raised hoof. “This is YOUR Gala, you are hosting it so it should be to YOUR tastes. If they don't like it, they can host their own gala elsewhere.” Dropping her head, Celestia gave in. “I'll think on it, niece.” Cadance sighed, and ordered her dinner from the waiting servant, who quickly scuttled off. “So how was your day Cadance?” Celestia was clearly trying to change the subject. Allowing her aunt the respite, she went with the change. “Well so far, all I have done is sleep in. Seeing as I am going to be teaching aunty Luna on the subject modern Equestria, I’ve adjusted my sleeping pattern to give us more time together. After that, I got some practice in at the guard barracks. I do believe Lt Armor is nursing a bruised ego and a bruised rump.” -'Even though it was a fine rum....NO! MUST NOT THINK THAT!'- “Sister, we had thought that our niece was the Alicorn of Love? Yet she knows combat, and relishes beating up our own guards?” Luna asked. "Yes Luna she is. A few years ago, Cadance was the victim of an unfortunate accident, which nearly killed her. Her recovery was remarkable, but the whole experience left a profound change. Since then, she has adopted a new way of thinking, one that she calls…" Celestia put a hoof to her chin, and rubbed as she thought for a moment."Ah yes, ‘Tough Love’ wasn't it?" Cadance nodded at that. "The only time she still matches the description of the ‘love’ we think of, is when she is around Twilight..." “Well Twilight was adorably cute.” Cadance admitted, before pointing a hoof at her aunt. “I dare you to say you were able to be resistant her cuteness.” Celestia shook her head, and Cadance continued. “As she got older she went from adorable to adorkable.” “Adorkable?”Luna asked clearly confused. “She's a big science and magic student aunty. She can and will study anything. Someone like that is called a ‘Dork’. And she is so adorable; hence the new term adorkable.” Cadance looked over an addressed Celestia. “How many times did she fall asleep with her face in a book, or use a couple books as a pillow and bedding?” With a smirk Celestia answered. “More times then I can count.” Cadance joined her in that smirk. “I still remember when I found her asleep next to her telescope, her head on a book, and wrapped up in star charts. I was surprised that none had fallen from the balcony.” “What was she doing with the telescope?” Luna asked. Cadance gave her a knowing smirk. “Twilight is an avid stargazer. If she wasn’t studying through the night, then she was staying up watching the stars.” Luna’s ears stood straight up, and she had this astonished look. Cadance was sure she could see Luna’s eyes starting to moisten. Celestia nudged her out of her zone, and the rest of dinner went on in silence. * * * * * Cadance followed Luna to her quarters after dinner. They past a couple of royal guards, both still in gold armor, as they entered Luna's quarters. As expected it was night themed, with the ceiling representing the night sky; Luna's cutie mark standing for the moon itself. The room was decorated with blues and purples with a black outlines throughout. A lot of the furniture was moon glow white, with blue or purple throw cushions. “Nice digs Luna.” Cadance commented. “Digs? Where are there digs?” Luna asked causing Cadance to giggle. “Oh Luna, it's just a phrase. Digs means, in this case, your room; or anypony's place of living.” “Oh.” Luna then looked downcast. “We still have much to learn of this time.” Cadance took a hoof and lifted Luna's head till they were looking into each others eyes. “Aunty, that's why I'm here. I’m happy to teach you these things, so lessons begin now.” Cadance saw a spark of happiness from her aunt, so she began. “First lesson, updates on modern language. The Royal We is no longer used. My guess is that it became confusing, or it just died out because of your sister. She is probably directly responsible for a lot of the changes, whether she knows it or not. Also, the Royal Canterlot Voice is only used in limited amounts, like when you are addressing a massive crowd of your subjects, or if a noble has requested something completely insane.” “So that still happens.” Luna said in a deadpan voice. “Yup, I even bucked a couple out of window in my first court appearance.” That got a smirk out of Luna. One that Cadance happily returned. “Niece, we-I do believe we will get along well.” They both shared another smile, and Cadance could feel that odd warmth again. “Let's move onto the next lesson shall we?” Luna nodded and Cadance took a seat on a couch, levitating several books she had seen on Luna's desk. * * * * * Celestia walked to her dining room with a better smile then the pleasant and serene one she usually wore. It was the first time she had been able to wear a real one in longer than she could remember. Her sister had finally returned to her after a thousand years. She was settling in nicely, and getting along with her niece. Celestia counted herself lucky. This time she would make sure she paid attention to her sister; so they shall not have a repeat of Nightmare Moon. Luckily things seem to be going well. She found both her sister and Cadance already at the breakfast table, with Cadance looking completely tuckered out. “Cadance, why don't you go to bed. I never expected you to stay up all night with Luna. Don't worry about your duties I will have them taken care of.” Cadance just waved her off. “Oh, I have just a couple things left to do before hitting the hay.” Celestia just shrugged before looking over to her sister. “And how was your first lesson in modern Equestria?” Celestia asked. Her sister beamed back at her. “Oh it twas most enlightening. To be rid of most of the traditions that hampered us, with trivialities now not used, it just brings us- I mean me - joy. I look forward to my next lesson with our niece.” That brought a great smile to Celestia's lips. “I am glad to hear that Lulu. I also want you to recover your magic as fast as possible, so you can take your rightful place at my side.” Cadance got this odd look, but it quickly disappeared. After that, they enjoyed a nice quiet breakfast, before Celestia had to head to the throne room for Day Court. She entered the throne room from the hidden rear entrance, and walked around her throne. She eyed the gate, and saw several of her little ponies waiting for her word to make their lives easier. She manoeuvred in front of her throne and lowered her plot onto the cushion, as she prepared for the coming onslaught. As the cushion took her weight, the most dreadful sound erupted from under her. “BBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPP!” Celestia blushed, as it had sounded like she just let rip one of the loudest farts she had ever heard. She stood up and raised the cushion, soon to find a flattened whoppie cushion. She then heard the sound of hoof bump, and hushed giggling coming from behind her throne. Celestia instantly recognised the distinct sounds as Cadance and Lulu, before she returned to her seat and facehoofed. 'At least Luna is having fun again. Even if it's at my expense.' Celestia thought, before she signaled to a guard to open the doors, and court began in earnest. Pretending to listen to noble would give her plenty of time to plan her revenge. * * * * * * The deed done, Cadance waved goodnight to Luna, so to speak, as the mare in question closed the door to her quarters. Cadance herself could barely stay awake, but seeing that prank play out was just to good to miss. They had placed the whoppie cushion under the actual cushion a few hours before. It had worked flawlessly, though she would have to be cautious now that she pulled off two pranks in a row. But the smile on Luna's face was so worth it. Cadance trudged into her quarters, walking obliviously past everything till she found her bed, just collapsing on it. Cadance was asleep instantly, and never saw the column of smoke near Ponyville. > Guest Chapter 1 Failure with a Spark of Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining’s Story A side story to Admiral Q Ponyform’s ‘Love…SERIOUSLY!?’ Written by RC2101_Copey * * * * * * * * * * * * (2days BA (Before Awakening)) “I failed her mom, I failed her.” Shining Armour sobbed between breaths. Twilight Velvet had found her son in his bedroom, face down on a thoroughly drenched pillow. “Now Shining, stop that, please,” Velvet knelt by her sons bed, bringing him into a tight hug. “You were the only one out of a dozen guards in that courtyard to even react, and your actions are the reason we aren’t holding a state funeral right now. You did your duty.” “But it wasn’t enough.” He looked his mother in the eyes, his blood shot and sore, “I wasn’t strong enough to stop it!” His mother shook him violently from the shoulders. “STOP IT. She is alive. She is alive because-of-you” She punctuated those three words with hoof jabs to his chest. “When – and I mean WHEN, she wakes up, I’m sure she will share my sentiment.” They sat in silence for a few more minutes, while Shining collected himself. “I know you’re right mom, but I just need some time to convince myself.”Velvet smiled at her son. His heart was too big for its own good sometimes. He would always blame himself when Twilight hurt herself under his care, and Celestia above knew she was a law unto herself. “Well when you are done drowning your pillow, dinner is ready downstairs. You’ll need your strength; they want you back at the training barracks tomorrow morning.” Velvet smiled at her son, and left the room. Now alone, Shining moved from the bed, and knelt down, bringing his fore hooves together. “To Celestia, to those on high; I –Shining Armour- vow to never again allow harm to come to any Princess, or any citizen of equestria. I pledge myself to the protection of all ponykind, and I shall devote myself to learning skills to do just that – may my soul rest in Tartarus if I don’t.” * * * * * * * * * * * (1 day AA (After Awakening)) “SHINGING SHINING HAVE YOU HEARD?” Twily bolted into the living room. However, her enthusiasm was no match for physics; her momentum overtook her and she slid the remaining distance, colliding with her brother, eliciting a slight ‘oomph’ from the pair. Shining Armour grabbed his little sister, and set her back on her hooves. “What is it Twily? What’s got you so excited?” She stood in front of him, bouncing slightly, a newspaper held in her magic. “Here – read this read this read this!!!” “Ok ok, just settle down a bit first, ok?” Twily slid down onto her stomach, and looked up at him with a big smile. Taking the paper from her, he unfolded it, and looked at the front page. The main article was a large picture of Princess Celestia, and to the corner, a smaller picture of Princess Cadance. “-In an address to the palace press this afternoon, Princess Celestia was overjoyed to announce that her niece, the Princess Cadance, has awoken from her coma today, and has already started to make a remarkable recovery…-” Shining never got any further through the article. He soon found that his eyes were seemingly underwater, and that the ink on the paper was running due to an unknown water source. All he could feel was a huge weight being removed from his head and his heart. * * * * * * * * * * * (4days AA) “I still can’t believe it, a full size dragon just up and appeared, right in the middle of the college grounds. It’s a good thing the Princess was going past at the time Shining; I’m not sure what we could’ve done.” “You’re not wrong there Bastion, but I’m pretty sure we would’ve done something; they don’t train us for nothing.” Shining replied. The two stallions had just returned to their dorm at the barracks, following a long day of training exercises. “I’m just glad the reports say there was no injuries to anyone; my sister and parents were there for Twily’s entrance exam. If they hadn’t confirmed that so quickly, I probably would’ve headed straight there.” “First you save a Princess, now you’re talking about fighting dragons head on? Are you sure you don’t think you’re living in a little girl’s fairy tale world?” he snickered. “Shove it Bronze, that’s just stupid. I …” He never got to finish his sentence, as the door to the dorm burst open, and a purple missile assassinated him. Said missile was swiftly followed by Twilight Velvet and Night Light. “Mom, Dad, Twily? Oh thank Celestia you’re safe.” He pulled all three into a hug. Letting go, he looked at the group with an eyebrow raised. “How did you guys even get in here? The barracks is a restricted area?” Night Light coughed, and rubbed a hoof on his chest. “As Royal Astronomer, I do get a bit of leeway here and there. Besides, with the news we have to tell you, I reckon anyone could’ve got past.” Twily gives Shining the run-down of her entrance exam, her Cutie Mark, and her new position as Princess Celestia’s personal student. After such and information overload, it took Shining’s brain about a minute to reboot. “Wow Twily, that is so awesome; I am so proud to have you as a sister.” He pulled her close, and nuzzled her till she squirmed. “And that’s not everything.” Shining gave her a sceptical look. “After my surge, Princess Celestia took us to the hospital, to have us checked over. Me because of my surge. Mommy and Daddy because I kindof turned them into plants for a tinsy bit of time.” Shining looked over to his parents, both of which were red in the face, doing their best to avoid his gaze, all but confirming her story. Twily continued her monologue, oblivious to her parent’s awkwardness. “And while we were there, she took me to meet Princess Cadance.” Shining’s face paled, as the blood drained away. “I got to help her learn to walk again.” Twily practically beamed, unaware of the effect her words had on her brother. -Oh no. No no no no no. It was as bad as it looked. Oh Celestia no no no no no no no no “She wants to see you.” No no no no no no no no…- “Wait. What?” “Princess Cadance wants to see you.” Twily repeated. Shining gulped. He couldn’t breathe. The walls were closing in. He would have fainted had his family not immediately glomped him. He was just glad Bronze Bastion had made himself scarce; or he would never live it down. After reassurances from his family, he decided it was best to treat this like one would a Band-Aid, and get it over with quickly. He soon arrived outside the princess’s hospital room, and he took a minute to compose himself. Unsure of himself, he knocked lightly on the door, and push it open. “Y-you wanted to see me your h..highness?” He stammered, worry across his face. She gestured with a hoof for him to enter, and come closer. He did, but rather fearfully. As he got closer, Cadance spoke up; “I want you to know I don't hold you responsible for my anything that happened. Without your actions, and quick thinking, I would be in fact be dead. You did your duty, so stop blaming yourself for this. From what I hear, your shield is one of the best the Canterlot Guard has seen in years, so I consider myself lucky that you were on duty that day. I would like to give you my personal thanks.”That caused his head to shoot up. “But Princess, I .. I…” “No buts Shining. You are the reason I am still here - so Thank You, Shining Armor. Now I don't want to hear about moping like that again, GOT IT?” He fearfully shook his head. Cadance gave an evil grin. “Good, now tell that sweet sister of yours I said hi and look forward to seeing more of her.” He nodded again and started to walk away. “Oh, and one last thing. That includes you as well.” His face flushed red, and he made a hasty retreat, smiling the whole time. Once he made it out the door, everything seemed brighter. The princess had been alive, and in good spirits. He even said she wanted to see him again. Had he just made friends with a princess? > PONYVILLE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Cadance finally awoke from her slumber, she rolled over and checked the time. It was almost dinner time already. With a yawn and a stretch, she removed herself from the sheets, and headed to the bathroom to take care of the necessities, before heading off to dinner. When she arrived in the private dinning room, she saw that both her aunts were present, but Luna still looked a little sleepy. Luna looked as if she was about to face plant onto her food and snuggle it, the mental image enough to let her know she would be unable to avoid laughing if so. “Oh, good evening Cadance, I trust you had a pleasant sleep.” She couldn't help the smile on her lips. “Like a foal, thanks to dreaming of the look on your face.” She heard Luna giggle, and she looked over the menu. Celestia rollied her eyes and wore a ‘grin and bear it’ face. “Oh auntie, look on the bright side.” She paused to give her order to the waiter before continuing. “You have all eternity with me and Luna making sure you aren't bored all the time.” That actually won a genuine smile from the big alicorn. “Well, I suppose that is a perk.” Celestia commented before looking at Cadance with a predatory look. “You do know I will plan on getting even, right?” “Of course, it's all part of the fun. So did anything major happen while Luna and I were out?” Celestia ate a piece of her dinner before replying. “Oh, just a dragon. It decided to start hibernating in a nearby mountain, and was causing local smoke polution with his snores.” “Oh, well I hope the local guard took care of it easily.” Cadance replied, though she had a nagging feeling of deja vu with that. “Oh no, I sent Twilight and her friends to take care of it. Twilight even sent a friendship report on their success a couple ofhours ago.” Cadance sat bugged eyed as she remembered that episode now. Even though Twilight won both in the show and in this reality, there was no guarantee of it being so always. Heck she alone was proof that things could change. Cadance dropped her cutlery; “Please tell they had guard back up?” She asked. Celestia looked at her confused. “No, I had faith that they would succeed, and they did.” Celestia responded. She double facehoofed. “Auntie you can be so STUPID at times!” Celestia looked at her shocked, but before being able to reply, Cadance continued. “There is no denying that Twilight and her friends are very talented, but they are still civilians. I may have made sure Twilight could defend herself but the others I have no clue on. You sent a group of young mares to remove a full grown dragon?!?! They could have easily been EATEN. Not only would Equestria have lost its best line of defense, but also a mare I care dearly for. All for a task that can easily be handled by the guard! A dragon isn't an issue you need the Elements of Harmony for, it’s nothing like the scale of Aunty Luna's tantrum.” “Heeeyyyyy!” Luna weakly complained as her headed hovered over her Prench toast. “Sorry aunty.” She took a calming breath, one hoof pressed to her chest, before continuing. “That settles it, I'm heading to Ponyville tomorrow to see Twilight and her friends.” She stomped her hoof on the table and left to go prepare. Celestia was speechless for a few more seconds, before she shrugged at it and returned to her meal. As she left, Luna waved a forehoof in her vague direction and said; “Fare thee well niece.” Then she faceplanted into her her food, wrapping her forelegs around the plate and snuggling into it. Celestia looked around, and spotting no pony, began to sport an evil grin. She summoned a camera, and took a picture of her sister sleeping on her Prench Toast. * * * * * * Cadance was walking through back though the halls when she noticed Shining a few feet ahead of her. He was in a world of his own, and likely leaving for the night and heading home. “Hey Shining!” He jerked and looked behind him, eyes falling on her. His mouth split into a wide smile that caused a flutter in her heart. 'No!No!NO! Nasty thoughts go away!' She said mentally. “Hey, Cadance. You called?” She quickly recovered from her mental argument; “I'm heading to Ponyville tomorrow, to see Twilight. Can I assume you want to be the guard that comes with me?” Shiny made a loud whiney, and had that innocent look of delight on his face and even Cadance had to admit it was cute. “Twily!? I get to see Twily again!?” he said, moving closer to her. He saw her nod. “Thank you Cadance.” Before she could react Shining kissed her on the cheek before pulling back. Cadance.exe has stopped working. \\ Cadance.exe rebooted successfully. It took Cadance a few seconds to regain her composure. Luckily, Shining had been too busy dancing in joy, so he never noticed that she hadn’t moved in about twenty seconds. “We..well I figured that you would want to see her, and having at least one guard will appease the Captain enough. So pack tonight, we are taking the first train to Ponyville tomorrow morning.” He nodded and skipped..yes SKIPPED, away. She watched him leave, and brought a hoof to the cheek Shiny kissed, a light smile gracing her muzzle. THEN SHE REALIZED WHAT SHE WAS DOING. Shaking herself to get rid of those thoughts. She raced to her room to pack. * * * * * The following morning, Cadance and Shining caught the southbound train at 6am. They were riding on the childish and colorful Friendship Express, heading to Ponyville. Cadance had refused the station masters offer to order the attachment of the Royal Carriage, mainly because she wanted to get there quicker, but also partly because she wanted to be seen amongst the populous, and not appear aloof. She was enjoying the view as they descended the mountain, coming to the realisation that she was will finally going to get to see the iconic town. Shining sat next to her on the seat, doing paperwork. Or at least, he was trying to. In reality, Shining was as giddy as a school boy, he was this close to just jumping around in his version of the yes dance. Only his guard training prevented him from doing so. What could she say, the guy loved his sister in a way that was just short of the ewww area. After they finished up the last assigned work, she magically sent it on it's way and looked out the window. To her surprise, and delight, she saw PONYVILLE fast approaching. The town had at least a hundred buildings, most of which were thatched roofed houses; but she could see some of the more iconic ones. The Town Hall was the easiest to spot, with the Golden Oaks Library not far behind it. The roofs of Carousel Boutique and Sugarcube Corner could be seen just over the tops of those around them. And of course, Rainbow Dash’s house listed off to the side of Ponyville proper. Shining looked over as well; “Looks like a nice little town.” She could only nod, not trusting herself to speak yet. The train pulled into the station a few minutes later, and they grabbed the items they brought with them, before they and exited the train. “So what's the plan Cadance?” “First, we need to find the local inn, and book a room for a few night. Once we’ve done that, and ditched our stuff, I’m hoping we can bump into Twilight over diner time. It is getting close to noon, so she might be having lunch.” “Good plan. Oh I can't wait to see Twily again!” “Your not the only one.” They found the inn a short walk from the station exit. After getting the staff to stop prostrating themselves in front of her, they booked two rooms that held an interconnecting door. She wasn’t ready to share a room with anypony yet, but needed to have Shining close by in the event of an emergency. After leaving their luggage in their rooms, they set off into Ponyville. At first it was kind of annoying - everypony was bowing to her till she finally declared. “Informal visit everypony, no bowing please.” About ten minutes into their journey, they walked past a house that stuck out slightly from the rest. They were close enough that they could hear the sound of a comically large butten being pressed – ‘CLICK’. A ‘poof’ sound was then heard, before the voice of a very british accented stallion declare; “But I didn't even install a muffin button!?” “YAAAAAAYYY!” A mare cried out and the sound of more button pressing was heard. Cadance just shook her head at that, while Shining shied away from that house. Finally she spotted the mare she was looking for. Twilight was at a café, sitting at one of the outside tables. What was even better was that the rest of the elements were with her. Signaling Shining to stay quiet as keep low, they approached the group. They had just finished a conversation when she slid up behind her. She pulled herself upto full height, and put on her best Celestia voice impression; “I am glad to see you have taken my advice on friendship.” She saw Twilight stiffen. Her ears shot up, but then one of them dropped done, indicating that she had noticed something off. She slowly turned to look behind her. Cadance smiled at the younger mare. Twilight's eyes lit up and she cheered. “CADANCE!” Twilight turned towards her, and gave her that smile and look. “Sunshine,sunshine, Lady's bug awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” They said in unison before hugging and giggling with each other. “Hey Twily.” Immediately, Twilight squeed and hugged tackled her brother. Cadance felt the warmth they had for each other and loved it. She felt empowered by it. Frankly, since she started studying magic, and her love magic, Cadance had started to see less and less of a difference between her and changelings. But she doesn't NEED love like them to survive, or have the shape changing ability, YET. She still plans to get Luna to teach her that shape changing ability at some point. She continued to muse on her thoughts on love; she seems to be stronger when she is around it then when not. Sure, she is still a bucking alicorn, and the guard have long learned she is no push over, but being surrounded by love just makes her more dangerous to those that would do her ill. Her hug with Shing done, Twilight broke Cadance out of her trance by beginning introductions. “Girls, this is my brother in the royal guard, Shining Armor. And this is Princess Cadance.” Her friends suddenly noticed the fact she was an alicorn, and they all bowed. “Everybody stand up. This is an informal visit. Even if it wasn’t, I hope to soon call all of you friends, so there will never be a need for bowing or using my title. Cadance will do.” Leave it to pinkie to be the first out of the gates. “Wow that doozy was right on the bit.” 'I counted as a doozy?.............SWEET.' She thought to Pinkie's comment. “Um what's a doozy?” Twilight asked confused. “My latest Pinkie Sense.” “Pinkie Sense?” Twilight asked confused while Cadance struggled to hold her laughter in. “Every once in a while I get these weird reactions like an itchy back which means I'll have a good day, or twitchy tail for falling objects. I'll learned many different combos on them.” “That's....that's just impossible.” Twilight stated. Applejack put a hoof around Twilight and said. “Sugarcube, we in Ponyville learned years ago that when Pinkie has a Pinkie Sense going on you better pay attention. It may not match with yer high faluten sciency stuff but ah have seen her predictions proven right every single time.” Twilight looked like she was about to argue further when Cadance decided to intervene. “I think we have gotten off topic here. Twilight, introduce me to your new friends.” –‘I better pretend I know nothing of these girls’- Twilight used the calming technique Cadance taught her and began. “Well you just heard Pinkie Pie, she's the pink mare there. She helps run the local bakery, Sugarcube Corner, and is also Ponyville’s premier party pony.” Pinkie beamed at her. “The orange mare next to me is Applejack. She and her family run Sweet Apple Acres.” “Oh, your that Apple family? We have some of your products on the menu at the Castle and I love them.” Cadance interjected, and Applejack actually blushed at that. “Thank ya kindly, Princess.” Applejack responded. “Next, the white unicorn mare is Rarity Belle, and she runs her own fashion shop; the Carousel Boutique. She can make the best custom outfits for any occasion.” Cadance lifted up a hoof towards Rarity. “I know what you are going to say Miss Rarity, but as generous as an offer to tailor me a dress is, I am more of a tomcolt , and thus not into dresses. However if I do need something made I will send it your way.” Rarity sighed and she almost did that cute pout, but relented. She did however mutter about a waste of great beauty. “I didn't peg you as a tomcolt at first, but looking at you now I can totally see it. I'm Rainbow Dash by the way. The fastest flier in Equestria.” Rainbow said with her ego on full display. If she didn't like Rainbow so much she would probably tried to knock her down a few pegs. Instead she noticed Fluttershy trying to hide under the table. “And who is that?” She asked pointing to Fluttershy. Who eeped and tried to hide more. Cadance just wanted to hug the cute mare. Rainbow filled her in ;“That's Fluttershy, she's my oldest friend, and she takes care of animals here in Ponyville. As you can guess, she is a little shy.” “She's rightly named. Well hello everypony, I'm Cadance, Princess Celestia’s niece.” Rarity was the first one to respond. “It is a pleasure to meet to Darling. But pray tell, what is your relation to Twilight Princess?” Cadance smiled at the signature greeting; “Oh, I was her foalsitter for years, before helping to look after her when she moved to the castle. She’s almost like the little sister I never had.” She pulled twilight into a hug, and ruffled her mane. Then her eyes light up and she sported that evil grin once again. “In fact I have some mementoes from that time I think you all will enjoy.” With her magic she summoned her photo album and Twilight’s eyes went wide - she KNEW that book. She felt Twilight try to take the book, but a flick of her wing on Twilight's horn shorted it out. Twilight then tried to grab it with her hooves but she held her back. “Girls, feast your eyes on Adorkable Twilight!” She opened the book to them as Twilight gave up, before she face hoofed and melted in embarrassment. * * * * * After a few minutes of laughing, cooing, and general embarrassment Cadance put the book away, for now. “Please tell me there is more to this visit then embarrassing me?” “Well I just had to come and see you after I heard that you six faced down a dragon. I am really not happy with the Princess on that. You could have all been hurt, or worse. I don’t like seeing anyone hurt, especially not my favorite filly. So I came to finally meet you all, see if you were all ok, and catch up with you Twilight.” The girls seemed pleased that she had come to check on them. “Thank you Cadance. You really are a good friend.” “Speaking of friends; when was the last time you spoke to your Canterlot friends? Twilight dug a forehoof into the dirt. “Not since Princess Celestia sent me here a few months ago.” She answered sheepishly. “You should check up on them then. I know Lyra and Colgate moved, and Lemon Hearts, Twinkle Shine, Minuette, and especially Moon Dancer would be happy to see you again.” Twilight looked down a bit before nodding. “I'll make time Cadance I promise.” Cadance smiled.That discussion over Cadance sat back and looked around, before she noticed that Pinkie was missing. “Where's Pinkie?” Before anypony could answer that they all saw a blur of pink. The next thing she knews was that she was in Sugarcube Corner. “IT'S YOUR WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!” Pinkie shouted. –‘She has managed to get this all together in minutes? Or had she known, and done this in advance. The show was right; thinking about this hurts your brain’-. She looked over to Shining. They both shrugged and entered the party. It was an exhausted Cadance that shuffled into her room at the inn, midway through the night. The party was a whole lot of fun and she was giddy for having experienced a Pinkie Pie Party. Even more that she met all of the Mane 6 now. There was a few things she still disliked about her condition, but today was definitely not one of them. > Foreign Relations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance fondly remembered her trip to Ponyville. While she couldn't stay for more than a day on such short notice, she did have fun with the Mane 6; and she did get to see all of the favoured background ponies. She and Dash had really hit it off, and she had had a good time with Applejack. She even endured Rarity and Pinkie. She barely saw Fluttershy at all. Sadly, her reminiscing was brushed aside as Shining nudged her and asked; “Is that it?” pointing a hoof at a bag. “No! For the hundredth time it's that same stupid black bag. My doesn't have a stripe! It's like that stripy bag is mocking me.” She stared at the bag going past them on the conveyor belt with a building rage. Lifting a hoof she declared. “BUCK YOU STRIPY BAG!” She fumed there for a bit. “Well that bag is lost; guess I'm doing some shopping later.” Then she noticed the last thing she would ever think to see in a desert. A surf board. “Wow, for real? Who brings a surf board in the middle of the desert?” “Some of the guys I trained with do that. Crescent Wave always took his board with him.” “But it makes no sense! All it's going to do is just sit there and take up space. UUUUGGGHHH!” She facehoofed as they walked out of the train station. Now why were we in the desert you ask? Well, not long after returning to Canterlot my auntie decided that she wanted me to represent Equestria in some trade talks with Equintopia. Equintopia is a country formed from Equestrian ponies and horses from Saddle Arabia, who were not happy with how their original countries were run. Because of this, she often met a lot of tall ponies, or short horses, that made her look average size rather then the taller mare she normally was. Poor Shiny was, however, looking a little on the runt side. They had arrived in the town of Overusedpuns, no joke, that's it's actual name. She just had to shake her head at that. At least somepony was as annoyed by the puns as she was. She spotted a tall unicorn stallion holding a card up with 'Princess Mi Amora Cadenza' on it. She rolled her eyes at the formal name. She hated it with a passion and had tried hard to get ponies to just call her Princess Cadance, or better yet just Cadance. Thank Celestia that Twilight grew up knowing her by her preferred name, and that Rarity caught on quick. Out of all the girls, she would be the one to know the name Cadenza. She walked up to the stallion and smiled. “Princess Cadenza?” He asked and she responded. “I prefer Cadance, but yes, that’s me. Are you our escort?” “Yes your highness.” He said with a slight bow. “Do you have all your things, your highness?” “Well what we have left. Some got lost in transit.” “I am sorry to here that your highness. Well, let me escort you to where the Prince and his wife are staying.” Cadance and Shining were lead through the town, passing by homes and modern business untill they got to a fancier part of the town. Soon, they caught sight of their destination; an elaborate looking hotel made almost completely of white marble. With the exception of the palm trees lining the front, it reminded her of the buildings back in Canterlot. The lobby’s floor, rear wall and ceiling was a fantastic mural of the desert in sunset. The stallion guiding them went to the front desk and exchange words with the receptionist, before coming back to Cadance and Shining with a pair of keys. Each was on a chain designed to go around their necks. “The bellhop will show you to your rooms.” The stallion said, and soon a young mare, one clearly of pony desent, showed up and took their luggage, guideding them to the elevators and too their rooms. Well, it turned out their ‘rooms’ was actually their ‘room’. “This is the executive suite sir and ma'am. Only the Emir's suite is better, but that is being used by the crown prince and his wife. You have two separate bedrooms if you decide to not share.” Cadance gave the mare a dead pan stare while Shining blushed behind her. “My GUARD (she emphasised the word), will be fine in the second bedroom.” “Of course, my apologies your Highness.” She bowed low, and quickly moved on with the tour. “Here we have the joint living room, with a small kitchenet area if you are inclined to make some of your own meals, and a bathroom area for you as well. Please enjoy your stay.” mare said, bowing again before she left the room. “It's nice.” Shining commented as the door thumped shut. “That it is.” Cadance replied, moving to inspect her bedroom on the right. She wasn’t really impressed - she normally lived in a castle; but to Shining, who lived on the guard barracks, this was a real treat. She kept her feelings to herself until she opened the bedroom door and she saw a grand bed with silk coverings. “Minemineminemineminemineminemineminemineminemine.” She chanted and she leaped to the air and landed on the bed. “OOOHHHH So comfy!” She may be a tomcolt, but there are somethings, like the feel of silk on her fur, that she could care less about when it came to gender stereotypes. “So is this how a princess is supposed to act?” Shining commented. “Hey, when you nearly die you might come to enjoy life. And as for acting like a princess - You haven't seen my aunts when it's their personal time.” “Do they really act like you do?” She nodded her head vigorously; “Yup, we may be princesses and ageless rulers but we are also still ponies. We like to have fun at times.” “Only at times?” He asked with a smug grin. She just gave him the look. That seemed to cow him, for he nervously looked around. “How about we get dinner?” Cadance looked out side and saw the sun beginning its decent. “Sounds good to me. Let's see the room service menu.” She hopped from the bed and glided over to the living room. There was a service menu on the coffee table. She settled down on one of the large seating cushions, and began to peruse the menu. “Let's see....Oh! They have pizza!” “Sweet! Let's split a large.” Shining commented. “HA! No. I'm getting a large for myself. You can have a medium of anything you want.” “How can you eat a large on your own?” “Alicorn metabolism.” She replied smugly. “Why do you think auntie Celestia can stuff her face with cake and only have it show up in her flanks? Our metabolism allows us to eat far more then the average pony. So I'm having a large cheese and you will have what?” “I'll take a medium with daisies.” “Got it.” She stood up, and walked over to the writing desk in the corner. She took a quill in her magic, and wrote out their order, adding a few drinks aswell. The order written, she looked around for a box of enchanted candles. One of the things that had really surprised Cadance when she first arrived in this word was how inventive ponies really were. They may not have modern conveniences like phones, but what enchanted items could do blew her away. Finding the box, she lit the one marked ‘Room Service’, and held it the parchment. In a puff of smoke, the order was on the way to the kitchens. It wasn’t long before their food arrived, and after a lovely dinner they both hit the hay. After such a long trip, across at least one time zone, they were both exhausted, and it wasn't long for before they slipped into Luna’s realm. * * * * * The next day the pair enjoyed a hearty breakfast, before Cadance and Shining went to meet the prince and his wife. They saw a hoof-ful of guards, comprised of all tribes, and mixed tribes, before going into the Emir Suite. Once inside she got her first look at the Prince of Equintopia. He was as tall as she was, with Blue fur, a gold mane and tail and a powerful looking set wings at his sides. Next to him was a average height unicorn mare with bright red fur, and a yellow gold mane. She also wore an outfit similar to Jasmine from Aladdin with a veil over her muzzle. “Princess Cadenza, I am Crown Prince Dawn Light.” Gesturing to the unicorn mare. “This is my wife Princess Sunny Wave. We welcome you to Equintopia.” She gave a slight bow and replied. “Thank you. I am Princess Cadance and this is my bodyguard Lieutenant Shining Armor.” “Well, shall we have lunch and discuss the hopefully future trade pact between our two nations?” Dawn asked. “That sounds lovely.” She took a seat, and all they made their orders to the nearby servant before they began. “Alright, since you called for this meeting, I’d prefer for you to open the talks, please, Prince Dawn.” “Very well Princess Cadenza.” She lifted a hoof up to interrupt him. “Please call me Cadance, I prefer it over Cadenza, and saying ‘princess’ every time is going to get tiresome quickly.” “Very well, Cadance.” Prince Dawn couldn’t help but smile at the sudden drop of formalities. “At the current time, our country is facing a bit of a food shortage. It has been a very dry year for our nation, and as such the yields haven't been good. We have our reserves, but they will only last so long. On the otherhoof, our glass weaving industry and gem mining operations have been experiencing production boom, leaving us with an abundance of both. So we would like to make a deal to sell our surplus in return for shipments of food from you.” He hoofed her a paper of the proposal and she looked it over. Cadance read through the details, before one of her eyebrows shot up. “The quantity of food you are bargaining for is not enough for what you are proposing. We would almost be robbing you blind. Those are very valuable resources.” Cadance thought to herself for a few moments. “Looking at the value on the table, might I propose that in exchange for these resources, we not only send the food you request, but we can set up a weather operation? We could hire teams of weather ponies willing to work abroad to help your farms on a short term basis, and train your own citizens. You have plenty of sea water, and with some of the techniques that our pegasi have perfected they can separate the salt, providing fresh water to distribute across your nations farms.” The Prince sat there with his jaw hanging limp. “That… that…” The Prince’s wife nudged him with a hoof. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I have never before met a ruler as open and generous as you, your highness. When our nation was founded, we had very few weather trained pegasi. Over the generations, what knowledge we had has been lost. And here we are now; our country is struggling to feed itself. So when we approach you with a deal loaded in your favour, in the hopes that you don’t use this as an opportunity to annex us - you do the complete opposite. You honour me, allowing me to call you by your name, and then offer to help my kingdom. I just don’t know what to say.” “Well, it isn't like we would be doing it as a charity. I plan for Equestria to profit from this fairly. Helping you is a bonus, and any strengthening of the relations between our nations is always a good thing.” “You truly live up to your title as Alicorn of Love, with both your kindness and generosity.” “I can’t claim own those titles; two brave mares back in Equestria do, but I am flattered you would think me worthy of those them.” The Prince smiled, “Those, and so much more. With that out of the way, there are some other things I would like to talk about, and I have a good feeling from this point on.” * * * * * After a couple hours of talks, Cadance and Dawn light decided to take a break and tour the city. They had made their way to the central bazaar, and Cadance had been getting to know Sunny Wave. As they passed a clothing stall, she asked Cadance about Equestrian fashion. “I not too much into fashion, actually, Sunny.I know the perfect pony to ask, a fashionista and friend called Rarity Belle; she's a good friend of Shining's sister Twilight. Other than my regalia, I don’t own much clothing. What outfits I did have with me got lost on the way here, so I only have the clothes on my back.” She heard a gasp from Sunny Wave. “That's all you have!? We cannot allow this crime against fabulousity continue.” Before she could act she felt magic around her and she was floating in the air. “WAIT! YOU DON'T NEED TO DO THIS!” She pleaded but to no avail. “OH COME ON! I ESCAPED RARITY'S FASHION SENSE WHY CAN'T I ESCAPE THIS!" She screamed as she was dragged into a building. Shining and Dawn looked on as Sunny Wave went into a fashion shop dragging Cadance with her. Both stallions were silent for a bit before Shining dared to speak. “Your wife is passionate about things isn't she?” “You have NO idea.” Dawn replied. “ She loves beauty in any form and hates when it's denied to some pony. She does this often, but it's what I love about her.” Dusk then eyed Shining. “I suspect there our things you love about Princess Cadance?” Shining blushed, but he couldn’t deny such obvious feelings (even if Cadance was that blind to them). “Well she is strong, willful, and has a love of life; but I'm still getting used to her change after the accident.” “Accident?” “I’m surprised you never heard about it, back home it made national news. Several years ago she was hit by several falling pipes in a construction accident, and they honestly thought they lost her. She recovered, but she wasn't the same mare. She went from being your typical girly girl to a complete tomcolt. She started physical training, and making court rulings with less compassion. She called it 'Tough Love'.” “Well, I did notice she seemed rather muscular for a mare. She carries herself like a warrior despite her pretty form. How does the populace respond to her?” “She is loved by them, mainly because of her open dislike the nobility's attitude. They call her the ‘Common Pony’s Princess.” Any further discussion became mute when the mares emerged from the shop. Princess Sunny Wave had a content smile on her face as she trotted back to them. He then turned to Cadance, to find she was wearing the local garb. The outfit was similar to Sunny's, but lighter and clearer so that you could still see Cadance's fur beneath the thin red fabric. It brought the attention to the toned figure beneath. Her mane and tail were brushed, but she still had the ponytail she prefered. She. Was HOT. Shining couldn’t take his eyes off her and had a tingling between his legs. He changed his stance to make sure no pony saw his emerging erection. That didn't last long though, as he noticed her look. She was glaring at him, and clearly unhappy with the outfit. When she looked with his eyes she mouthed- 'Don't say a word.' Shining gulped, and knew he wouldn’t. She could get so scary at times. The tour soon finished, and they retired for the day, biding the Prince and Princess a good night till the talks again tomorrow. After they return to their rooms, Shining was sure she was taking off that outfit, and likely cursing to herself at wearing it. However Shining could get the image out of his head, or the desire to be in there seeing her remove it. She was always a pretty mare before the accident, and his training meant he didn't get much time to admire her body until now. Yes, she wasn't beautiful like Cadance's friend Fleur, or effortlessly graceful like her aunt Princess Celestia; but she had become striking in a her own way. She projected the image of a warrior princess, and he couldn't stop thinking how hot that was. As he fell asleep, he dreamed of taking the sexy warrior princess. > Royal Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance had a look of determination as she moved her piece. She set it down at her chosen spot, and held it for a few seconds, before she released it. Prince Dawn eyed the placement and sighed. After five more minutes of waiting and deep thought, he made his move. Spotting her chance, Cadance could not with hold an evil grin. Moving another one of her pieces, she looked over at Dawn, all smiles. “Check.” Sighing again, Dawn moved his ‘king’. Thankfully chess did exist in Eqqus; but in Equestia the king and queen are replaced by Prince and Princess. ‘What is with them and doing that?’ She understands that with Celestia's mom still alive, but never seen, she is still Queen; and Tia and Luna are only Princesses - but to replace everything with Prince and Princess? Ponies drive her crazy at times. A few moves later, and Cadance played her finishing move. “Checkmate.” She stated, and Dawn looked over the board in consternation. Finally, he took his Prince, and laid him on his side. "You had me beat five minutes in. How did you do that?" Dawn asked. Cadance just smirked. “When your aunt is none other then Celestia herself you tend to learn things from her. She is a very good chess player.” 'Just on a different board.' “You have a point, I suppose. A pony that has all the time in the world would gain a lot of skills. Anyway, Princess, we have a concert to go to, before you depart tomorrow.” “Sounds nice, lead the way.” Prince Dawn lead them to a fancy amphitheater, adorned with with cloth banners all around the room. The stage setup for a musical concert, with tiered rows of seats, and two pits at the front. They took a VIP booth in the upper deck, one that faced straight on towards the stage. They sat down and waited quietly for the show to start; a few more ponies, and some of the local royalty, soon joined them in the booth. Shining Armour stood guard on the inside of the booth’s door. A half hour past before the speakers roared to life, a deep and bellowing stallion's voice called out: “Mares and gentlecolts. I present to you......SAPPHIRE SHORES!” The crowd cheered, stomping hooves thundering. Cadance joined in, as one of her dear friends entered the stage. “HELLO MY SENNNNSSSAAATIONAL SUPPORTERS!” She spent the next few minutes greeting the fans. Soon after, she started singing, setting off with tracks from her latest album. Cadance sat back, watching and listening with a big smile, as Sapphire sang and danced for the crowd. After the last song had ended, Sapphire took a bow and the curtains closed in front of her. “Well that was a delightful show.” Sunny Wave commented as they got up to leave. “Would you like to meet Sapphire, Sunny?” Cadance asked. “Would that be okay? Here in Equintopia, we don’t want to look like we are trying to abuse our status, or our connections.” Cadance came closer to the unicorn and winked. “Trust me on this, and follow me.” Despite the lavish differences each theater uses to try and make themselves stand out, they all have the same basic building layout. With confidence, she walked through multiple doorways before spotting a pony in a suit. He also wore sunglasses inside, and an ear piece. Very ‘secret service’ if ever Cadance's saw it. “Hey Stern, laying off the donuts?” She saw a slight smile twitch upon the stallion's lips. “Welcome Princess, go right on in.” The pony stepped aside, and held the door open for her. Cadance walked past with the visiting royalty, into the now open corridor, while Shining nodded to Stern. Further down the corridor, the group reached a door with her friends name on it. She knocked, but opened it anyway, to find her friend by a mirrored desk. She was nude, lacking her stage clothing or other apparel, and her cutie mark area was visable. “So, what's a two bit singer like you doing in a place like this?” Sapphire dropped her mane brush, and whirled around, ready to give a verbal lashing to the rude intruder. At least she was until she who it was. “CANDY my friend!” Sapphire declared, before racing over. The two mares shared a tight hug. “What are you doing here Candy?” “What? I can't drop in and see my friend on occasion?” “Of course you can girl, but I meant here; in Eqiuntopia.” “Doing some chores for my aunt. I think it's a bit of her 'Princess Training' she has planned for me. But enough about that; may I introduce Prince Dawn Light and his wife Sunny Wave.” Sapphire bowed to them both, and she was granted the permission to rise. Turning back to the royal couple, Cadance explained; “Me and Sapphire have been friends since we were teenagers, so I'm not using princess privilege to be here, only friendship privilege.” “But I must say Candy, it is an honor to meet the royalty of this fair nation. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but Candy here can definitely show you a good time.” “Princess Cadance has certainly been interesting guest. Though she has no sense in fashion.” “Oh don't you start!” Cadance huffed. That got the other mares in the room giggling. “Oh yes, my friend Cadance her lost her sense of personal fashion in that accident, but not her ability to see good fashion on others. Candy I must thank you again for directing me to Rarity Belle. That mare has such a talent for designing and making outfits. All my costumes are now done by her.” “Hey, she deserved a chance; and I want the best for all of my friends. Now I'm starving. Would you like to get a bite to eat?” “Sure, just let me put my disguise on.” Sapphire didn’t give her time to respond, before she tapped a crystal on her hoofband, and magic washed over her. She suddenly took on a blue coat, and had a vanilla mane and tail. And her flanks now bore a cutie mark of circling pink dolphins. “That is interesting, a way to not worry about being pestered by your fans, correct? But why the dolphin cutie mark?” Sunny wave asked. “Because that is her actual cutie mark. You notice may not of noticed, but she was a blank flank till she turned it on.” Cadance replied. “So is this your actual form?” Sunny asked, confused. “No.” Sapphire answered, with a shake of her head. “I perform in my real form, but I hide my cutie mark. In this disguise I reveal it; not many know what I have, and I like it, but don’t get much chance to ‘wear’ it.” “I can understand that.” Sunny smiled. Soon they headed out to find a nice restaurant nearby. Finding a quaint place not far from the event arena, the group sat down and enjoyed a nice meal together; embarrassing stories going around being shared as if among old friends. “There was this one time Candy made this thing she called a skateboard.” Cadance facehoofed and moaned. “Oh no, please don't Sapphy.” Sapphire just grinned an continued. “The thing was just a piece of wood with four wheels. It might have worked if she stayed on four hooves but no Candy wanted to stand on two. She quickly lost control and ended up crashing straight into a cabbage stand.” Cadance's facehoof upgraded to a double. “I had to pay for the damages again, and he declared he was moving out Canterlot.” Commented through her hooves. “Oh how did Princess Celestia take it?” Dawn asked. “She thought it was funny as hay and sad she missed it.” The three other ponies laughed at Cadance's expense. “And with all the incidents I have with him, it might be easier to have him on royal pay roll.” The laughed doubled, and Shining patted Cadance on the back. * * * * * * The next day found the five heading towards the train station. Turns out Sapphire was taking the same train back as Cadance and Shining. The Prince wanted send his new friends off personally, so he and Sunny were with them on the platform of the the station. “Hey Sapphy, have you ever lost luggage on your trips?” Cadance asked. “Well no, I would hate to lose any of my costumes.” Cadance rolled her eyes. “Why?” Sapphire was confused until Shining explained what had happened when they arrived in Overusedpuns. Sapphire laughed at that. Before the embarrassment could continue, they all noticed a crowd forming up ahead. Curious, they all got closer and found a Saddle Arabian stallion on a platform. “BROTHER AND SISTERS; A NEW AGE IS COMING! EQUINTOPIA HAS TRIED TO FORGE SOMETHING NEW BUT STILL HOLD ON TO TOO MUCH OF THE OLD. WE STILL HAVE A ROYALTY. ‘CAN ABLE’ BRINGS US A VISION FOR THE FUTURE AND WE SHOULD EMBRACE IT. HE FORSEES THE COMING OF A CRYSTAL TO HELP US ALL. BUT WE MUST RID OURSELVES OF THE SHACKLES OF OLD. “ “You want us to overthrow the royalty!?” Somepony in the crown shouted. “Only if necessary. We of the Brotherhood hope that the royalty will see the light and disband themselves. Please join us and help us see Can's vision come to fruition. ONE VISION, ONE PURPOSE! PEACE THROUGH POWER!” It was then Cadance looked around and saw red and black signs. They all read; PEACE. UNITY. BROTHERHOOD. Then she spooted the symbol for this group, displayed on each sign. It was a black background, on which sat a red triangle surrounding a red scorpion tail. They didn't stay long after that, and Cadance urged Dawn to be watchful of that group. Dawn said he would watch them, but couldn’t do anything else; they hadn't broken any laws yet. As the train left the station, Cadance hoped for the best, but Equintopia's future didn't seem so bright anymore. > Night Affairs Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was well into night when Cadance and Shining got home. After bidding him a farewell at the barracks she headed for the Castle proper. Once she got inside things at first seemed normal, but soon she noticed that all of the guards were missing. Her magic activated, forming a grip on her concealed dagger in readiness. “AH my dear niece you have returned!” Cadance looked in the direction the voice came from, only to find darkness. Then, as if forming from the shadows herself, her aunt Luna swirled into being. Luna was known for her theatrics, but this time she wore a face that was a little too close to ‘Party of One’ Pinkie Pie. The manic grin was there, but her eyes weren't drifting; that was the only difference. Before Cadance could act further Luna pounced on her and they teleported. Blinking away the afterimage from the spell, Cadance looked around, trying to figure out where she had been taken. It took her a second, but she realised that they were in Luna's quarters, and that they weren’t alone. Just inside the door there stood a male pegasus, blue maned with white fur, and a small tuft of fur on his ears, showing some thestral heritage in him. “Who's this?” Cadance asked, pointing a hoof at the guard. “He’s not one I recognise.” “Ah that is my new personal Guard, Silent Night. He is the first of a new Night Guard Tia is forming.” “Oh, I hope you have a say in the matter aunty.” “Oh, I do, but he volunteered. Now, since you are here we can finally play.” “Oh?” Cadance glanced down and saw a table set in the middle of the room, on which was laid a world map, and several model units. It instantly reminded her of the game Risk, which caused her to smile. “Bring it on.” * * * * * Cadance yawned as she walked to the dining room. She had been up late, locked in a battle with Luna and Silent Knight. That stallion was well named, he barely said a thing all night, and most of what he did was only in connection to the game. It was still fun, but it was now around noon and this was her first meal of the day. She was yawning again, eyes closed and head raised, when she hit something that squeaked, and fell to the floor. Cadance groaned and soon a female voice spoke out. “Oh Princess Cadenza I am so sorry!” Cadance shook of her yawn found a foal with light blue fur, cyan mane with a bit of light purple in it. Oddly the foal was wearing an outfit that looked like guard armor. “It's okay little one. I wasn't watching where I was going. But a filly like you shouldn't be in this section.” “I'M NO FILLY I'm Fun sized.” The filly then saluted. “Warrant Officer Azurite your highness, I'm assigned to pony Resources your Highness.” “Nice story filly.” Azurite pouted and Cadance admitted it was adorable. Then she summoned a scroll. “These are my transfer orders.” The mare held out a scroll and Cadance took the time to read it. She found that the papers bore the right seals, and noted her service history. It covered an incident on the night Luna can back; a riot in the city, leading to the then city guard having to use lethal force to save her partner. It also stated that the guard requested to do something different, and that she had in fact been assigned to the castle. “My apologies, Warrant Officer. I shall enjoy seeing you around the castle. Please, return to your duties.” The mare took her scroll and saluted, before going on her way. * * * * Cadance shortly arrived at the Dining Room, only to find a pouting Luna, while Celestia smiled and sipped her tea. “Morning Aunty, Aunty.” She greeted, nodding to them in turn. “Afternoon actually Cadance, but considering you helped entertained Luna last night I can see why. Though her mood right now is very ‘pouty’.” “Well she did lose last night's game.” Cadance replied. “She came close, I have to say.” “Oh? How strange. Usually the only pony that beats her at strategy games is me, though even that is rare.” “I think it's the fact her guard Silent Knight did better than her.” She said with a smirk. “OOOHHH!?” Celestia had a very interested look. “Oh yes, I just barely squeaked out a win last night. Aunty Luna's last desperate attack turned it to my favor. But that is not even the worst of it. The stallion barely said a word, and I challenged Luna to get more the three words out of him that didn't have to deal with the game. In the end he only said two words, 'You lose.'” Celestia started laughing as Luna faceplanted on the table. It took a couple minutes for Celestia to calm down. “So how did your trip to Equintopia go?” Her aunt asked. “Overall quite well. Dawn Light was a very good host. I have what trade deals they wish to make.” She summoned and hoofed over the scrolls. “Also, I hope these are approved, a group is forming there that is giving me a bad vibe.” “Well I'll look it over with my advisors. But it sounds like a successful mission. I knew you could do it.” Celestia replied. I rolled my eyes and continued my meal. * * * * * A few weeks later Cadance was out flying with Luna and Silent Night, long after the sun had gone down. The stallion did protest to this action, two princesses leaving the castle with but one guard, but Luna was determined and secretive. After a long flight, they finally landed on concealed flat pad, hidden amongst the tall mountain range that acts as a border between Equestria and the Frozen North. “What I am about to show you two must not be revealed to anypony. Not even my sister knows of this place.” “I won't, I promise, but why keep it such a secret?” Cadance asked. “You will see my dear niece.” Luna answered. “I will be silent on this your highness.” Silent answered drawing a smirk from Cadance. Luna nodded and traced her hoof in a crescent moon shape against the mountain. A low grumbling sound echoed through the mountain tops, and a large portion of the rock face slid away, revealing a passageway. “Follow me.” Luna said and they did so and entered the passage. While it was dark at first a few paces within, they found a hallway lit with magic crystals. Luna led them on through the hallway. After a couple minutes at a slight downward slant, the hallway opened up to a large cavern. A cavern filled with buildings and ponies. The ponies had dark coats, bat like wings, slit eyes and tufts on the ears like Silent. “Thestrals.” Cadance stated and Luna nodded. Before more could be said they were surrounded by guards. “Halt! You are trespassing......” Whatever the guard was saying was lost to history as he looked at Luna. “Sovereign?” He asked, dropping into a low bow. “Yes, it is I Princess Luna, your Sovereign.” Luna said as she stepped forward. “I know I don’t look quite like those here would remember me. I am glad to see you are still here; I was worried about you whenever I was in my right mind, and I have finally had the strength to go and seek out you.” “And those with you?” The guard leader asked. “This is my niece Princess Cadance.” Luna said with a gesture of her wing, before using her other wing to point at the stallion. “And this is Silent Knight, my Guard.” The guards muttered among each other, and Cadance overheard the mentioned of Silent’s ears, and the name of Knight. Cadance leaned over to him. “Seems you are making an impression, Silent.” “Indeed.” He responded. ‘What? Is this guy Teal’c from Stargate?’ Cadance mentally asked. ‘He just needs that single eyebrow raise thing.’ She groused as she stared at him. And he raised a single eyebrow. ‘YUP!’ She mentally threw her hooves in the air, her brain deciding to walk away. “Well this is a time of rejoicing, our Sovereign has returned! Please follow us.” The guards took to the air and Luna's group followed. Cadance gazed over the city. She saw curving pathways among the stone houses of various sizes and designs. There was a large market area where she saw thestrals bartering for food or other items. Soon she saw a massive castle in the center. It was a true castle; walls, keeps, the whole shebang. This was meant to defend the residence of this city. They landed on one of the balconies and were escorted in. The same gems lit this place as in the entry way from the mountain side. They walked till they got to the throne room. There she saw two thrones; one far larger than the other. The smaller of the two was occupied by a thestral mare, her features and body showing her advanced age. “Regent, our Sovereign has returned.” He stepped to the side to reveal Luna's group. “She looks different then the paintings show.' The regent stated. “That happens when an alicorn exhausts almost all of their magic, Regent. I know some books depict me and my sister in this state.” The regent was silent for a minute before responding. “True, true. I remember seeing some books with those depictions in it. So my Sovereign, what is your plan for us?” “To re-establish myself with you all, and to start reuniting you with the rest of Equestria.” Luna stated. “But they would abuse and torment us!” A guard shouted. “They would not. Times have changed.” Luna answered calmly. “But they banished you away! We even feared they killed you – that’s why we fled here.” The guard responded. “What happened 1000 years ago was a series of mistakes, some made by my sister and others by myself, and we both paid in our own ways. Some might have thought to harm you; they are a minority, and I know my sister never would. As you can see Silent Knight here is of your blood, a line long lived outside of this bastion. He volunteered to be my guard. And this is my niece, who has been working hard to update me to the modern world, and has been very supportive to me since my return.” Cadance nodded. “Nothing to say for yourself, Princess?” The Regent asked. “Only that I figured out my aunt was returning, and that Princess Celestia made grave mistakes, some that lead to Princess Luna's mistakes. What my Aunt Celestia wants now, as she has from the beginning, is a chance to heal old woulds. Between her and her sister. And between you and the rest of Equestria.” “So she knows of our location!?” A Guard responds. “She does not. She knows you exist but not where you are. Aunt Luna didn't tell us where we were heading so this was a surprise to me and likely Silent.” Luna nodded. “I came to see..... to hope you had survived. I am very happy you have. I want this rift to be fully healed. It will take time and it won't be easy. But I Luna, Princess of Equestria, Alicorn of the Night, and Your Sovereign swear to lead you out of the shadows and be with your cousin tribes once again.” Luna said with a very determined look, and Cadance couldn't help but smile as her aunt seemed to regain some of her lost confidence. > Night Affairs part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the brief meeting with the Regent, Luna, Myself and our company were shown the rooms we would be staying in. Princess Luna, as per her station, had the royal quarters; but the one given to me weren’t bad. They were spacious, well kept, and of course night themed. I explored the rooms I was given. From the door I had a nice living room with a couch and a pair of chairs facing a small table. To one side was a small kitchenette alcove with a small dining set. On the other side was a decent bedroom and bathroom. And at the very back was a balcony. I walked out on the balcony, small by Canterlot standards but comfy and with an excellent view of the city. A yawn broke my face. It was a long flight and likely a busier day tomorrow. I took care of my needs and lay down. Sadly the bed wasn’t a cloud bed, but it was comfy enough that soon I was out. The next day I got up groggy, and I dragged myself over to the kitchen area to make coffee. My face fell when I soon found the cupboards empty. They must not have stocked them yet and we did come unannounced. I trudged to the door and opened it, finding a thestral guard standing by it. “Ma’am?” The thestral, female by voice, asked. “Kitchen. Coffee.” I mumbled eloquently. “Ah, follow me then please ma’am.” I did, down the corridor, and almost instantly I could smell the sweet smell of brewed coffee. I moved to the source, nose taking over from half lidded eyes, barely acknowledging my aunt’s presence. I found the pot and poured a cup, before moving to a table and beginning to savor the hot drink. Then the thunder of laughing ponies was heard as a group came in. “Oh look what we have hear gang! A sweepy wittle day pony.” It was clear he was talking about me. I gave him a short glare before resuming my drink. “Oh, did I hit a button?” He sarcastically asked me. “I’d leave her alone if I were you.” My aunt warned. He looked at her. “Oh come on mighty Sovereign. She is a Day Pony; they are weak non fighters.” He poked me. “Sure she’s in good fitness, but a Day Pony actually ready for battle? Plus she’s pink, how can a strong pony be pink?” I don’t recall what happened next. My aunt told me one second I was sitting there drinking my coffee, and then the next second the jerk and I were in a fury of wings and hooves. Moments later he was on the floor, battered and dazed, while I was back in my seat drink my coffee like nothing had happened. The thestrals were slacked jawed and my aunt was beaming, so proud. She was smiling that proud parent smile for the rest of the day, every time I saw her. After a more normal breakfast I freshened up, put on my regalia, and met my aunt and the Regent in the throne room. She bowed to us. “Sovereign, princess, we have prepared an event for your arrival.” “Wow that’s fast. We just got here last night.” I commented. The Regent looked at me before replying. “We have long prepared for the return of our Sovereign. When word got out of her return we began work on it. Now if you three stand here I will get the ceremony started and introduce you three.” As the Regent went out to a massive balcony I outwardly asked. “Three?” I looked to my right and there was Silent. “Ack!” I flinched away in reflex. “How long have you been there?” He looked at me with his usual stoic look. “Since the throne room.” I sighed, bested, and resumed my spot and listened in. “Citizens of the Kingdom of Night! The time we have long been waiting for has arrived. OUR SOVEREIGN HAS RETURNED!” Massive cheering began and trumpets roared. Regent waved them to silence but it took a bit. “She even brought with her a descendant of the heroic Shadow Knight.” I glance over to see a look a look of surprise on his face. ‘So he does have other settings.’ I mentally voiced, before deciding to go with it. “So you do have other settings.” I quipped, provoking a quick snort from Luna. “Now it is my greatest honor to present Sovereign Luna, her niece Princess Cadance of Equestria, and Personal Guard Silent Knight!” I stepped out with Luna and Silent to the cheering crowd. Wow there was a lot of ponies here. About on par with Manehattan, impressive. Luna stepped forward and waved and I swear I saw a mare foam at the mouth and collapse. Wow, just wow. “My subjects! Tis is with the greatest joy to be with you again. When my mind was clear again you were my top concern. I feared you gone, that you were my last failure. But seeing Silent gave me hope. As soon as I was strong enough I came and what I found……” she took a deep breath. “What I found is beyond my dreams. You have thrived here, and together we will bring a more unified era to Equestria!” The crowd went nuts again. Luna stepped back and fireworks were set off, bringing an end to this part of the Celebration. “Sovereign, our reporters would like some time to ask questions if you don’t mind?” The Regent asked. Luna took to the throne and sat before responding. “Send them in.” I moved to sit between the throne and the Regent’s while Silent stood on the other side of Luna’s throne. A gang of ponies entered the throne room wearing the typical attire of reporters and all yelling out for aunt Luna’s attention. “SILENCE!” Auntie bellowed, as she R.C.Voiced for the win, knocking the reporters into shocked silence. “I will pick out who gets to ask me questions.” Hooves jumped skyward. “Now then, you in the back.” “Sovereign, do you plan setting up shop here in Kingdom of Night?” Auntie looked confused and I lean over and whisper in her ear. “They want to know if you are going to be ruling from here.” I return to my position. “No I will not. I am visiting for a few weeks and will routinely return but I will rule beside my sister in Canterlot.” She pointed out another reporter. “Sovereign, what is the purpose of the Day alicorn at your side? Is she your handler?” I snorted and heard auntie take deep breath before putting a wing over me. “Cadance here is my adopted niece. Since the night I returned she has done her up most to assist me in the changes that have happened in the last thousand years. I love her dearly and I invited her to come here; is that CLEAR?” Without waiting for a response she picked another. “So what are your plans for the Kingdom?” “Simple, strengthen it’s bonds with the rest of Equestria. I know it will not be easy, many things in life never are but there will be a slow introduction to the rest of the country. I am starting to reconstitute the Night Guard, and while day ponies will be part of it I hope to have thestrals be a large part as well. They and any thestral willing to go will be the first representatives of this kingdom.” There were a few more minutes of these kind of questions before the reporters were dismissed. “So, what’s next?” I ask. “Well I planned to show the Sovereign the Royal Archives…..but it is meant for just the Sovereign.” I frowned and then shrugged. “Okay, I’ll just hang around town and be the token DAY pony.” With that I turned and left the room. Luna watched her niece go with that subtle anger simmering. One she shared. She pointedly looked at the Regent. “I do not appreciate the attitude my niece is given. She has been nothing but supportive since we met. I brought her here because I trust her and wanted to so her to see something I am proud of. Yet she is treated how you were before my banishment.” Regent looked ashamed. “I am an alicorn of the night but also a day pony physically. Remember that. If Cadance is mistreated at all I will be most displeased. Are we clear Regent?” Luna stared at the elder mare, and for once the Regent feared her ruler. “Crystal my sovereign.” Silent just stood there living up to his name, but mentally vowed to never get on the Princess’s bad side. I left the throne room irritated. Racism here is strong as ever it seems. I stomped to vent a bit and I noticed a thestal mare in armor walking behind me. I whirled to face her. “Why are you following me!?” I demanded. Had to hand it to the mare, she didn’t even flinch. “I am your guard during your stay your highness.” “So they don’t even trust me to simply walk around the city. Why do you consider me such a threat? Is it simply because I am a so called day pony? I had never even heard that term till I got here!” “No ma’am, I am here to ensure your safety. You can go where you like in the city. I am here to make sure you get back to the castle.” “So how dangerous is it for me?” I asked her and she grimaced before answering. “There is some danger from those that just hate day ponies. Many of them had suffered under day ponies and they can’t forget. They may see you and try to avenge past wrongs. Hopefully my presence will make them rethink attacking you.” “They’ll regret it no matter what.” I resumed walking. “So what is with this Day Pony thing?” “Well, your eyes are not suited for low light levels and darkness, nor do you have echo location. Your body is designed to be most effective during the day. You can stand bright lights better then us.” “I get it, so what’s your name?” “Corporal Night Lance you’re highness.” “K or N on the night?” “N, I don’t have the honor of being part of that bloodline.” “I wouldn’t put too much in bloodlines. The nobles back home focus on who they are descended from, rather then being a good ruler.” “So that remains unchanged.” “Yeah, I have been working on it, but it will take centuries to overcome.” “I wish you luck then.” “Thanks.” We entered a market place and I looked around the stalls. There was the usual foodstuff and utensils but there was more exotic stuff further down. Figuring I might buy something, I summoned my saddle bags. “Where did they come from?” Night Lance asked, the sudden appearance of my bags startling her. “I summoned them from my quarters. Perks of having a horn. By the way do you guys take bits?” “Uh, yeah we do…so what’s it like being an alicorn?” “Cool; being able to fly and use magic, have the strength of an earth pony, and agelessness. But you have to deal with politics, and I’m going to have to get used to watching friends grow old and die.” “Never thought on that last one.” “Most don’t. The last thousand years had to be hard on aunt Celestia, watching every pony around her die. Luna was her rock and sadly one she didn’t pay enough attention to. I bet it was why she was ecstatic when news of my ascension got to her. I wouldn’t be surprised if both my aunts could use some therapy. The best I can do is support them when I can.” A stall filled with crystals caught my eye and I moved over to check it out. They were of various sizes and shapes. Till one necklace had a crescent moon on it’s side with wings. I smiled and bought it, slipping it over my neck I wore it as we walked on. I noticed the ponies glancing at me. I occasionally waved at them and kept walking. Just judging by the colors I would always stand out in this place with my bright PINK coat. This place had various shades of black, grey, blue, and purple in their coats. Fits with the whole day night thing. She suddenly sensed something approaching her at high speed. I caught it before looking at it. It was a simple ball. The kind you use in kickball and such. “Nice catch.” Lance complimented. I looked over my shoulder at her. “Thanks.” Then I heard the sound of little hooves approaching. I look and see a group of kids coming up then stopped and stared. I couldn’t stop the smirk on my face. Their looks were just adorable. “I’m guessing this is yours?” I lowered the ball within their reach. “Yeah, sorry we were playing kickball. And the ball went way foul.” One kid explained. “WHY IS YOUR FUR PINK!?” “Is it dyed?” “How do you have a horn and wings?” And from there the questions came like a tsunami. “Hold it, hold it, hold it, HOOOOLD IT!” They all went silent. “Now I will answer your questions the best I can. My fur is pink because I was born with it.” ‘And because a certain alicorn thought it be hilarious to put me in a girly body.’ In a pocket dimension. Faust was watching Cadance through a crystal ball and heard the last remark. “Nnnnnoooo I didn’t.” Her eyes going back and forth like AJ’s did after being Discorded. “So are all day ponies bright colored like you are?” another kid asks. “Oh no. There are all colors. The filly I foalsat years ago has the same lavender coat as you and she is currently the personal student of my aunt Celestia, as well as the pony that restored your sovereign to her true self. And to answer your question about the wings and horn; Well I belong to a rare group of ponies called alicorns. We have the traits of the three main tribes of ponies.” Time passed as I answered their questions and played with them. Things came to an abrupt halt when a couple of mares dove in and grabbed their kids. “GET AWAY FROM HER! SHE’S A DAY PONY!” They flew away before Cadance she could retort. She gave Lance a cold look for a second before checking the remaining kids. They looked uncertain. “Maybe we should go.” One kid said and many nodded. One filly looked at me and asked. “Will we see you again?” “I would like to.” I answered giving her a small smile. She came over and hugged me before leaving as the group dispersed. I started to head back to the castle. I heard Lance by my side. “I’m sorry about how those mothers reactions. Lance said. “You’re not responsible but it is ironic. Treated this way by the very group persecuted because they look different. They strive to be treated the same as others, but give it a few centuries or even a few decades and the persecuted become the persecutors. Thus the cycle begins.” With that we walked back to the castle in silence. > Night Affairs Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day I was making eggs and haybacon in my kitchenette since they stocked it while I was out in the city the yesterday. Soon my room was fill with lovely smells and after pouring some chocolate milk she went to the table, poured salt on my scrambled eggs and then began eating. The haybacon tasted different. Still tasty, but different. As I ate there was knock on the door and I heard my aunt's voice. “Cadance, may I come in?” “Of course Aunt Luna.” The door opened and my aunt came in, looking like she did from season two onward. “Aunty, what happened to you?” I had to keep up the lie that I have never seen her like this. “With the help of the archives, I have regain my full magic power. The Elements had stripped me of most of it to restore my sanity.” “Well, you look good.” I commented and…Luna blushed. She then saw me bite into a piece of haybacon. “Niece what are you eating?” Confused I replied. "Haybacon." “Umm, that isn't haybacon but actual bacon.” She said sheepishly. I paused as I processed that. It did taste like bacon, that was the difference I tasted. It was actual meat. “How?” I asked. “Thestrals require protein so they have meat in their diet.” “But it tastes so good. Will I get sick?” I asked. “Oh no, all ponies can eat meat. It just became common to be vegetarian. I eat meat all the time.” I thought for a bit. I have denied myself meat when I didn't have to. Well no more. I finished the bacon. “So what is the plan for today?” I asked, eating some eggs. “Well I plan to have court and I want you there. After that you can do what you want.” “Sounds good.” I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes and put on my regalia and followed Luna to the throne room. Luna sat on the throne and I took her right side, Silent took the left. Soon court began and I silently observed the process. The thestrals had more sane requests then seen in Canterlot. I looked at Luna and she was smiling. She was having fun in this court. But sadly it was bound to happen. A petitioner requested my removal from the city. Luna frown and got up. And the room suddenly got colder. “Let me make this clear. She is my beloved niece. I love her dearly and I will never cast her out. You have become the very thing the ponies of the past have done to you. I am ashamed of you. Get out of my sight before I would do something I might regret.” The thestrals scampered away and a minute after they had left I saw Luna release her breath and the coldness faded away. Luna turned around and I saw hurt and anger in her eyes. She walked over to me and hugged me. I joined it. “It's okay aunty. I don't blame you. Racist are everywhere auntie.” Luna broke the hug and looked at me. I smiled at her. “Your opinion matters to me over some stupid, ignorant thestrals.” She smiled at me and return to the throne. Another hour and the court ended. And I headed out and passed a barracks and heard music and saw a pair of thestral ponies battling in the air. I looked closer and saw they were using wooden weapons so this was training. I walked over and saw a sound system nearby manned by a blue furred mare with red lens glasses. Several thestrals watched the fight. The fight was more like a dance as they moved to the music. With a twirl the fight ended with one of the thestrals disarmed. The fighters bowed to each other and landed with the others that stomped their hooves in applause. A tall thestral stallion approached me. I eyed him and minus color he was a thestral version of Big Mac. What did he want? He stopped and bowed to her. “Princess Cadance, would you do me the honor of a duel?” I blinked. He was treating me with respect. “I am not familiar with this kind of duel.” He stopped bowing. “It is simple princess. We fight to the music that is played. Music is chosen by the defender and the duel ends with either a disarmed opponent or a pin.” “Very well, I accept.” I walked over to the racks of training weapons. I found a sword and took it. I then checked their library of music but none spoke to me. Luckily I had one. I summoned a personal record that had a one of her favorite tracks and perfect for this. I walked over to the dj. “Play track three.” The mare nodded and I went into the ring. The stallion had a halberd. This was going to be interesting. The music began and though I couldn't pronounce its proper name but its unofficial name to World of Warships players was Dance of the Torpedoes. Both of us took to the air. He swung his weapon and I dodged to the beat of the music, twirling in the air and made a charge. He used the staff to block my strike. I flipped and charged again and he tried to block but I was too fast and got a hit in. Then I felt pain as he used the staff of his weapon to strike me in the head. As I try to recover he struck with the axe head and my side hurt. I spun dodge and with more aerial moves I struck again hitting his body several times. He swung his halberd at me but I swatted it with my sword and tackled him and dove to the ground. He tried to get free but my grip was too strong and we hit the ground. I didn't go full speed so he was only slightly hurt. I pinned him to the ground and another thestral did the ten count. I had won. I extended a hoof to him and he took as I help him up. “Good fight.” “Thanks your highness. Your appearance makes many believe you weak. You are far from weak and what I expected from the Sovereign's niece. It was an honor fighting you.” “Thanks solider.” Cheers were heard and I bowed to him and left. Night joined me as I left the barracks. “Wow, lieutenant Dark Wing is among our top fighters and you beat him.” “He didn't make it easy and I have been training for years.” “It shows.” Night looked at me lustfully….. I wasn't sure how to take that. Before those thoughts could get further I notice a bunch of thestrals approached them. “Can I help you?” I asked. “Yes.” A stallion said. “You can…DIE!” He pulled out a rapier and thrusted it at me. I felt pain in my shoulder as I tried to dodge. Working through the pain I pulled out my dagger Pierced Heart and stabbed him in the head. I pulled out the rapier and threw it at another that was charging at me and went into her mouth. I summoned Love's Pain and ducked as another thestral flew over me. A rolled to the left and lifted Love's Pain and blocked an axe from another thestral. I charged my horn and the thestal used his axe to block it. Only to get impaled by my sword. He fell dead and I felt pain on my side as the thestral I ducked under returned with a scythe. I let lose a bolt from my horn and got her in the face. As she fell over I was ready for the next opponent. But there was none and Night was panting, covered in blood and her armor a mess. I wince as I walked over to her. “We need to get to the castle.” I nodded and the two of us limped to the castle, weapons ready. Nearby thestrals looked at us in shock. Halfway to the castle armored thestrals arrived and placed us on gurneys and took to the air and got to the castle in a minute and raced us to the infirmary. I was being bandaged up when Luna burst in. “Are you alright Cadance?” she asked as she looked me over. “They got a couple of good hits in but I will be fine.” I told her. She nuzzled me before her anger returned. Her fur went black and her eyes dragonic as she turned to the Regent. "I want to know the families of these thestrals. Search their homes for any information on who else was involved. I will not stand for my niece being nearly murdered because she isn't a thestral!” “At once Sovereign.” The Regent raced out. Luna took a deep breath and turned back to me. She was still Nightmare colored but her form remain unchanged. She hugged me. “I am sorry my dear niece. The thought of losing you is too painful.” I joined her hug. “Not your fault auntie and I am okay. We will be okay.” Luna began crying and I kept telling her I was okay and maintained the hug till I was ordered to rest. I woke in the middle of the night I found Luna sleeping at my side. I smiled and laid my head down and let sleep take me knowing I was in good hooves. > Home and Birthdays (UE) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days later found me, Silent, the Regent, and my aunt standing in a plaza. Aunt Luna has not lost her Nightmare coloring and eyes yet still maintain her Luna form. She looked rather nice like that in my opinion. I was still sore and bandage but I'll be darn if I appear weak to Luna's ponies. I did have Love's Pain out in case of a second attack. But with today's planned event that should cease. I had a new guard as well since Night Lance was still in the hospital for her wounds. She be out in a day but not up for guard duty yet. She was so down when she learned that. She took her job seriously it seems. Anyway Luna's ponies had been busy and gathered the remaining supporters of my attack and today was judgement day. The thestrals looked on with hush discussions going on at the sight of several of their kind bound to pillars of wood in the middle of the plaza. At a set time Luna stepped forward. “Some of you have greatly disappointed and angered me. I come back after my exile and do see a wondrous city you have built. But the actions and words of some have tainted that.” She points to me and continued. “She is my beloved niece, she has helped me adjust to this time and has not judged my actions. She came here because I asked her and wanted to show her something I am proud of. Instead what to a find? Tribism, hatred, and fear because she is a day pony. Note a term that is only used here not in Equestria proper. Yet unlike many of you she has not judged you for being thestrals. She is a day pony, despite my duties and talents for the Night I AM a day pony. Any attack on my niece is an attack on the crown. Those directly responsible met there end to my niece's blade. Those supporting are here and will be punished.” Luna approached the prisoners and summoned a group of whips and proceeded to flog the prisoners who cried out in pain. After thirty whips Luna stopped. “Not sorry for what I just did, but that I had to do it. Attacks against my family can not go unanswered.” Luna let the guards take them away to be treated. We headed back to the castle. A couple days later we were getting ready to leave. Several thestrals were coming with to be the core of a Night Guard. Night Lance joining us. She was still bandaged but looked better. She was assigned to guard my flank. She seemed very happy about that. I looked around. “Where's Silent?” “Right here.” I heated from behind me. “Ack!” I jumped and glared at the hybrid pony. “Stop doing that!” “Will try princess.” He said with that Spock like demeanor. I rolled my eyes and got back to readying myself for a long flight. Soon we were outside the mountain Luna no longer looking Nightmarish and fifty three ponies to the air. ********* Hours later we landed in Canterlot Castle. The thestrals looked around in awe. The place was much different then one thousand year old pictures. Celestia walked up to us as Shining galloped over. “You okay Cadance!? Hooves trimmed, horn shined, wings perfectly cleaned?” He was inspecting me and getting a little too intimate. I booped him on the nose to get him to stop. “Have to remember that move.” Night commented. I rolled my eyes. “I am fine Shining, a little sore from a fight.” “FIGHT!?” Shining nearly screeched. I stared at him deadpan. “Yes a fight, one I won. I am not your sister Shining, though she has gotten better.” I brushed him aside. He took his job seriously but he does go over board. I observed my aunt’s interact. Celestia observed her sister's changes. “It is good to see you like this sister.” “Thank you. I am now ready to resume my duties.” Celestia nodded then looked at the thestrals around us. “I see you found the thestrals, good I worried about them after that night.” “Yes, they have survived and thrived. These fifty will form the core of my Night Guard and I will be working on integrating them back into Equestria.” Celestia smiled at that. She then raised her head higher. “Well come in everypony and eat. You just finished a long journey here.” Ears perked up all over and we followed her to the main dining room and the staff whipped together a buffet meal quickly. The fruits and especially the mangos did not survive. It was cute seeing one thestral mare named Echo dance with a mango in her mouth. I grabbed some food my self and ate and relax. ****** I was now annoyed at Luna. It seemed she wanted one of her guards assigned to me and of course it was Night Lance. She wasn't a bad mare to say the least but does no pony trust me enough to keep myself safe. One incident in the past ten years! Then there was how Night was with me. Sure she was fun to talk with but I notice how often she looked at my flanks. The past ten years I learned what was the ogle zones for ponies and that was a big one. Despite my tomcoltish nature I know I was still hot in the eyes of most ponies. I have observed Night and she was attractive. Honestly I didn't get my body sometimes. It found stallions attractive and that still annoyed me a bit but it was also attracted to mares. Seriously was the original Cadance bisexual? She was the alicorn of Love so it was possible. Uuuuggghhh! magic and ponies still confused me. Anyway despite her annoying me right now Aunt Luna's birthday was coming up so I was checking up on my present. I walked into the armory with Shining and Night shadowing me. I approached the blacksmith and greeted him. “Greetings Mr. Fire.” He looked up and his eyes brightened. “Aaaahhhhhh lassie! Looking good as always.” I gave him a smirk. “You old flatter you. I wonder what your wife would say if she heard you say that?” “That I have a fine taste in mare and as I only look and compliment I am safe from her wrath.” I gave out a hearty laugh. “Oh you got a keeper there Forge Fire.” “That I do lassie, my greatest treasure not forged by my own hooves. Now then you are here for the project?” “Indeed, how is it?” He gestured me to follow him and we walked to the back area. “Luckily it was well maintained so we just needed to spruce it up and do some sharpening. It was well designed and built.” We entered a private area and both Shining and Night went bug eyed at the sight. Though I suspect Night knew more about the items then Shining. “So, is it ready for tonight?” I asked. “It's ready right now.” I smiled. “Bring it to the private dining room under a tarp.” He nodded and we left the armory. “Where did you get those?” Shining asked me. I smirked at him. “I found it in their old castle. Took it to Forge Fire to give it some TLC.” ******** That evening we celebrated Luna's birthday. I had Twilight's friends over and Pinkie in charge of decorations. Luna was happy at the sight of so many ponies at her party. She nearly leaped at the presents. Of course Twilight gave her a book. She then eyed my present under its tarp. “Go ahead aunty. They were too big to wrap.” Luna went over to the tarp magically and revealed my gifts. The largest was a set of black armor with a blade just below the horn hole and a white crescent moon on its side on the chest piece. The second was a wicked size scythe that was so silver it looked white. Luna looked shocked at seeing them before looking at me. “How Cadance, how did you get these?” “After I learned of the Crystal Empire and your attempt to free it I went looking for the armor and scythe. Once found had our armorers look them over. They are ready for battle should you ever need them auntie. Go ahead and put them on.” Luna quickly she’s her regalia and put on the armor. “It's more comfy then I remember.” Luna commented. “Thank Forge Fire for that.” I replied. She nodded and took the scythe. She stared at it for a minute as we all backed up. She swung the scythe and the thing sang and reflected the light. It was a beautiful sight and Luna put the scythe away and hugged me. “Thank you niece.” “You're welcome aunt.” ***** The party lasted for a couple hours more before ponies started turning in for the night. Though Celestia wanted a word. We were in her chambers when she cast the silence spell. “So, you know of the Crystal Empire.” It wasn't a question. “I had to reeducate myself after the accident and found some material. Wasn't hard to miss the fact the Crystal Heart matched the one on my butt was a dead give away that I am meant to lead the Empire whenever it returns. Even more likely when you knew your sister would return to take her place by your side. I am not her replacement. I am Amore's replacement.” Celestia nodded. “Yes you are. Your bloodline leads back to Amore. You are the rightful heir to her throne. I know you will be a good ruler. Even if I don't agree with all your choices.” I smiled at her. “Can't be a mere puppet ruler. The Empire will be mine to rule. I already got plans. So worry not auntie Celestia.” “So not upset with me on this Cadance?” “This no, my destiny after all. But other things maybe.” We then hugged before turning in for the night. > Stress and Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was sitting in my office going over various documents as part of now dwindling duties since Luna came back and resuming her old duties. Good thing in the end since I am destined for the Crystal Empire. It was midmorning when Shining stopped by. “Hey Cadance, wanna get a snack with me? They have fresh fruit.” “Thanks but had breakfast an hour ago.” I looked over at him. “Be careful. The bat ponies LOVE fruit. Especially the mangos.” “I am a lieutenant now. I'll be fine.” “Your funeral.” He waved me off and left as I got back to work. Ten minutes later I needed to go to a department and passed by the mini mess hall setup do staff and guards didn’t have to travel far to get food. I passed Echo who was munching on something happily as she walked by. Likely a mango. Then stopped and looked into the hall. It was a mess. Furniture strewn all over the place and Shining laying under a tipped over chair. “Hey Shining! Ya dead?” I got a moan in reply. “I told you so.” I pulled a nearby cord and soon a maid arrived. “Get a team to fix this place up and restock it and a medic to check the lieutenant here.” “Yes ma'am.” I nodded and moved on. Soon I had my questions answered and headed back when Night Lance walked to my side. “So I here there is a gala tomorrow night, so should I wear something fancy as I escort you?” “Not going.” She looked at me shocked. “What, why?” “Because its extremely boring. Just a gathering of the nobles that just talk gossip or try to court me so they will have more power. I don't understand why my aunt goes every year. She knows how boring it is.” “So what are you doing that night?” “Hanging out with Aunt Luna.” She perked up at that. They really did adore my aunt, it was lovely to know. I kept walking back to my office aware of Lance following. I know EXACTLY where she is looking to. Still trying to figure out what to do about it. It seems my body was attracted to both genders as I did find Lance attractive. While also finding Shining attractive. I sighed and looked at Lance as she sat down. Lance was black furred with a purple mane and tail with the typical golden eyes of her tribe. She was quite huge as her muscles were easily seen under her fur. A very nice flank. Just the right amount of curves and still toned. I shook my head. Got to get that thinking out of my head. I went back to the paper work. If was on the economics of southern Equestria. Training for her eventual take over of the Empire. I took it to heart and suggested what regulations to add, remove or modify to encourage economic growth. After a few minutes I glanced over to Lance who was still there. “Don't you have some training to do?” “Nope, did that earlier. I just sit here and look at your pretty face.” I raised my eyebrow at that. Wow not holding back now. “Okay, why me and you do realize we can't have foals.” If she was going all out might as well return it a bit. “Well to me your exotic. My fellow bat ponies are all dark colored and that’s boring. You, you are so bright colored and multicolored at that. Your toned and support the sovereign fully. As for foals. I have five other sisters and a brother. My family is secure there and I prefer mares over stallions.” Well, that was detailed. “And your duties here?” “Already doing it.” “Huh?” “My job is to guard you. That comes from the sovereign herself.” I sigh and face plant. “How do they trust me so little?” “I think they do trust you. The love you and want to protect you. But you have to ask the sovereign herself. You are important to Equestria and my home.” I look up and stared at her. “Come again?” “You have to ask the sovereign for the full details but I think you are in line for the throne of something happens to her.” “You mean Equestria or the Kingdom of Night?” “The Kingdom.” “Okay talk time.” I got up and left the office. I heard Lance scramble behind me. I stomped through the corridors heading for the lunar wing. She passed by the combo of regular ponies and the thestrals that came back with them. She went to Luna’s office doors and burst through them. I heard a femine yelp and looked to she a small size mare impaling a couch. “Uh, sorry. Some pony look after her.” I continued on passed Silent at the receptionist desk…odd. And opened the second set of doors leading into the office. This time more careful. Luna looked up from a scroll. “Yes Cadance?” “You named me your heir for the Kingdom?” “Yes, I discussed this with Regent Bat Way. She is now third in line after us.” “For Equestria’s sake why? You do know I am destined for the Crystal Empire. I have their heart tattooed on my butt!” She had the gall to smirk at my phrasing. “We have no idea when the Empire will return. Could be millennia from now. Celestia was technically my heir before but after my fall they just don’t trust her. And despite those rogue ponies you are liked. Many asked about your health. You are the logical choice to be my heir.” I sighed. “We are only legally related.” “Not quite true.” I looked back up in shock. “What?” “I looked up your family tree and you are related to the late Empress Amore. While aren't birthed by me or my sister we did have cousins and your line goes all the way back to that cousin of ours so there not too big of a surprise you joined the club so to speak.” “So having an alicorn relative ups the chance's of being one?” “Yes. Not required but does help. Most of those I remember had at least one alicorn relative. But I was a teen when Discord started wiping us out. Any more then two alicorns can threaten him so he left me and Tia alive. Our efforts proved him right. We threw everything we had and he just laughed through most of it.” Luna looked down. All our efforts were bought and he beat me for the insolence of throwing the moon at him.” “Jeeze, talk about reality bombing me.” Luna couldn't stop the snort. “Well now you understand why I care dearly about you and why Lance is assign to you. You are capable but I want that extra insurance. Besides she seemed quite eager.” I have her a look. “Oh not you to. I get enough of that from Tia. Jeeze shipping is my schtick not yours.” Luna out right laughed at my complaint. Before we could continue Silent poked his head in. “Princess, permission to put the couch out of its misery and free up Private Hooves?” “What?” My aunt asked confused. “I burst through the doors and a mare went flying into the couch.” I look to Silent. “Is she okay.” He wave it off. “She is an earth pony. She is more durable then a couch. She is merely embarrassed.” We left the office and saw Private Hooves halfway through the couch. She had a blush as her butt was higher then her head. Only her tail kept her holes covered. Silent drew his sword. “Miley, stay still.” The mare did and Silent showed his skill with a sword. Soon the mare was free of the couch. I turned to Luna. “Now back to our discussion?” “There is nothing further to discuss on this issue my niece. My decision is final.” I frowned and left. In a foul mood. I headed for my apartment. I burst opened the door and slammed it barely missing Lance. I started throwing stuff to vent. “Highness please stop.” I look at her and she looked back with concern. “Why does this bother you so? The sovereign loves you and us so you as heir makes sense. You would have an easier time ruling the Kingdom then any other pony.” “It bothers me because it’s being forced on me. Years before Aunt Luna returned I was in an accident and lost my memory. I worked hard to recover and never did I want to be so helpless and not in control ever again. Yet I end up there anyway.” I was lightly panted as I let my frustrations out. My entire time as Cadance has been controlled in some form. I looked at the floor , these thoughts going through my head. I needed to control something. I then felt a hoof lift her chin and saw Lance's sad smile. “Princess, you have me. I am your guard. Command me.” I looked at her seriously. “What exactly are you saying?” “That I am willing to more then your guard. I love you Cadance. I want to be more.” I took her all in. She seemed so sincere and eager. And she was sexy…..screw it I needed a vent and Lance was willing. “You give yourself fully to me?” she nodded. “Okay, remember you asked for it.” My horn lit and I sealed the room. I teleported her to the bed and strutted up to it. “I don't have the right equipment..yet. But, I am good at improvising.” I said to her with a smile. (Scene continues here https://www.fimfiction.net/story/470040/sex-seriously ) I was feeling better the day of the gala. That night of sex was needed. I felt less stress and more control. And Lance was good in bed. We hashed things out and right now we are friends with benefits. The castle staff was going crazy with the preparations for the gala. I moved around or otherwise ignored them. Finally night came and I headed to Luna's room with Lance and Shining. Silent opened the door to let us in and directed us to the large balcony where Luna sat at a large table. Said mare smiled at us and greeted us with an almost RCV. We sat down to the axis and allies like board game on the table as we heard the mane six start their musical number. “Well their downward spiral begins now.” “Why do you say that Cadance?” Shining glanced at me. “This is a nobles party. All it’s going to is fancy food, slow classical music, and gossip. Only Rarity would be interested in that. Twilight would just want some time with aunty. She isn't going to get that for aunty as to greet everyone that shows up so no real time together.” “Dang then why does the princess even host the gala?” “Honestly no clue except maybe the whole tradition thing. Though I think she may try something to stir things up.” “My sister's sense of amusement is very odd.” “No kidding. So let’s gets this game going.” After two hours Lance was knocked out of the game with Shining hanging on when Silent looked over to the ballroom. “That mare has pulled out a cannon.” And was readying a crossbow…. WHERE DID THAT EVEN COME FROM!? “Put that thing away, that is Pinkie's party cannon.” He looked at me skeptically. “Just watch.” And like clockwork confetti came out and Silent put the crossbow away….from where ever he got it and we got back to the game. * * * * I was seeing my defeat being played out when we here. “YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE ME!” Silent looked over in surprise. “What the buck?” He said. “That sounded like Fluttershy. Who'd thought such a quiet pony could have a set of pipes on them?” Then the chaos began. Silent watched the chaos. “Princesses, shouldn't we go and restore order?” “No.” Luna answered. “This is my sister’s party. Let her clean it up. Now prepare to meet your end!” Spoilers it was her end. > Crazy Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about ten in the morning when I woke up. I stretched, did my business in the bathroom and walked out to the balcony. It was a beautiful spring day, sun shining, birds chirping, ponies walking around. A grade A Disney Princess Song material that would expect me to break out in and reel the ponies who would easily join me since this was Equestria and musical numbers were their shtick. Thankfully I have better self control then that. So I took a deep breath and went to get my regalia and was soon on my way to breakfast. Breakfast was simple and lovely as I read over my schedule today. A couple of meetings with nobles, joy. But other then those it was a free day, nice. I was heading for the first meeting then I glanced out the window and was that a pink cloud? I look out the window and yep, pink clouds all over the place. Great, why didn't the show have a date? Well today is screwed. Before I could think more there was a white flash and I found myself on a cloud near Cloudsdale. Then I saw him, Discord. He looked at me seriously. “Interesting, I human in the guise of a pony. Oh the chaos you can do. I love your kind in that.” “So what do you want Q wanna be?” Discord flinched and gave a dramatic pose. “Oh, wound me with that blow.” Then he stopped and looked at me. “I am debating on whether to reveal who you really are. I will have so many chaotic options after my win.” “If you win. I personally believe your predictability will lean to your defeat.” “ME, PREDICTABLE!? I AM THE LORD OF CHAOS! I am hardly predictable.” He dismissed my words with a flick of his wrist. I smirk right at him. “And there is it. Your predictability, you always chose the chaotic option thus predictable. I may not know exactly what it is but I do know it’s going to be weird, funny to you, and most importantly be chaotic.” He raised a claw to refute my claim but then paused as he considered my words. Then the jaw went through the cloud. He even blue screened. With him trying to process my revelation. I looked around and Cloudsdale was nearby. Then look at Discord. “So why here specifically?” “Well, you’re human a cloud city over there, ssssoooo…” He leaned toward me. I smirked and used my wing to snap and Some music started to play. ( )Yeah ponies can call music on command. They just prefer instruments for less magic draining. With my other wing I took out sunglasses and started singing the song. When I was done Discord clapped. “Bravo! Bravo!” I have a slight bow. “Now for my next song.” I started singing a Brentalfloss classic. ( )Looking right at him as I sang so the message was clear. He looked a little upset. I think it was the steam out of the ears. Then he took a calming breath and gave an evil smile. “I have just the thing for you.” He then snapped his talon and I was back in my room. I went to the mirror and checked myself over. I saw a still toned yet feminine body and my ponytail intact. I was about to sigh in relief when I heard a familiar voice asked. ‘What in Equestria happened to me?’ I looked around and saw no pony. ‘How is my head moving?’ Fear went through my head. “What's your name?” ‘Formally, Mi Amore Cadenza but prefer just Cadance.’ I paled then got red (still facing the mirror so saw it including the steam out of my ears.) I started cursing Discord. He played that well. ‘That is quite a mouth. Now explain why you are controlling my body!?’ “Not your body anymore that is if you are the real Cadance and not a construct of Discord.” ‘What?’ “Basic nutshell. You received a brain injury that left you a vegetable. Since you were needed for the future your great aunt took a male from another world that was dying and plot me in to forever be the PINK PONY PRINCESS!” I was panting at the end of that. ‘What's wrong with being pink?’ Cadenza asked. “Its an issue because I was male and pink is exact opposite of that. And I have lived with it for years!” I took a deep breath. “I have worked hard to make this body mine own. Now Discord has pit you here to rob me of the one thing I worked hard to do. Make it my own. And now your back in a way. Well it’s just for a few hours, Twilight will solve this.” ‘Do not like you berated me. I am here, I am alive. But Discord, wasn't that just a statue?’ “It was a statue but that was a prison containing the real deal.” Cadenza was silent for a bit. ‘Auntie really did that?’ “Yeah, her planning is not the best at times. So till Twilight takes care of this we have to deal with each other.” ‘Who is this Twilight?’ I smiled and began. “They best foal you could foal sit. Who has grown into a beautiful mare and good friend.” ‘And she can beat Discord. I know stories of him?’ “She bears the element of Magic so she and friends can do it.” I decided to leave the room and see more changes Discord as done. Walking through the halls and saw the guards turned onto plushie versions of themselves. Night Lance was Batmare Beyond. Then she saw Shining Armor. He was likely on his way to somewhere when Discord came. He was now a literal shining set of armor. A handsome set. I bent down and his ‘sword’ was out and long. Very nice……then I blinked. What the fuck!? I quickly pulled back. “What the fuck!?” ‘What, he has a nice dick. Oh are you into mares? Hhhmmmmm.’ I could literally here her tapping a chin. “I honestly don't know which way I truly go anymore. Was straight male when I was in my original body. As you I have a lesbian lover and think Shining is sexy. So I am so confused.” Cadance was silent for a minute. ‘So you're bisexual.’ She said calmly and my processes stopped. “Huh wha…..” ‘Well you are clearly interested in mares from your previous life. Bbbuuuuuutt it wasn't just me that bent down to look.’ “But I, but I, but i……” ‘Nothing to be ashamed of. He seems to be well built so likely good mating material. And I am bisexual so I don't mind. As long as you love them. Be comfortable in that.’ I shook my head and moved on and Cadance sighed. * * * * We ran into Celestia first. She was literally a alicorn of cake. But saw her use magic to send a letter off. Good idea where that went. Otherwise it seems she couldn't move. Could she even see? Well she will be restored. Moving on she spotted Luna at a silver statue......she looked nice but man Discord is bending his no stone rule by using everything but stone. Everything else was as expected. Pure chaos, things floating in mid air, room switched upside down, and ponies acting weird. ‘This is crazy.’ Cadenza commented. “This is Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony. Crazy comes with the job.” She was silent after that. And we watched insanity happen. It was kind of amusing watching the nobles act crazy…well crazier was entertaining because it was actually embarassing. Then a rainbow wave sweeped through everything and when it hit me I knew only darkness. When I awoke a found myself in a hospital room in the medical wing…..again. I groaned and slowly got up and looked around. The room was empty and typical style of the castle. I left the bed and headed for the door. And as I neared the door it opened and slammed into her muzzle. I yelped as I back up and rubbed my muzzle. “Oh sorry your highness. Here let me heal that?” She approached and the horn lit and the pain was soon gone. She then inspected me. “What happened?” I asked. “You were found unconcious in a hallway and was taken here to the medical wing.” “So how long to do I stay here?” “We will see after this check up.” I stood still and let her. After a couple of minutes she answered. “You check out. You can return to your duties.” “Thank you.” I nodded and headed out. After checking in with Auntie Celestia on what I needed to do. Turned out, not much all Discord's antics were undone by the Elements of Harmony. So it was just dealing with the panicked nobles. I had a headache after that as I headed to bed. It was truly night when we were done. With a relieved sigh I entered my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. So ready to put this chaotic day behind me. The next thing I know I am in an odd room. I looked around and it was a mix of my room and my old room as a human. What in Equestria? Then I saw a full length mirror nearby. I walked over to it and I was an anthro. I nice amazonian figure. I knew because I was completely nude. I couldn't help but smirked. “Looking hot Cadance.” Then I heard a door opened. “Oh, that is an interesting look.” A familiar voice said. My eyes went wide and looked in the direction of the voice. And I saw Cadance, she looked as she did when we first saw her. I responded appropriately. "WHAT THE FUCK!?” > Face Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stared at the OG Cadance for a minute as she stares back. Neither of us saying a thing. I then moved to a chair and collapsed on it rubbing my head. “Why can’t things be simple?” “Because life isn’t simple. Aunty Tia taught me that.” I grumble in response and close my eyes trying take stock of everything. I heard Cadenza's hooves clipping about as I did. Then they stop. “Happy Tree Friends?” My eyes go open and look in her direction and saw her going through a door labeled Happy Tree Friends. “WAIT! DON’T GO IN….” The door shuts. “…there.” I got up and went to the door as. It slammed open and a shivering pale white Cadenza came out. I closed the door and picked her up and returned to the seat scratching an ear. She soon stopped shivering and have a light moan from it. I smirk and kept it up as color slowly returned to Cadenza's fur. Then I worked on her frazzled mane, summoning a comb I began to comb her mane. She leaned against me for a minute before pulling away looking at me confused. “Why are you being nice to me? Before you seemed to hate my guts.” “I don’t hate you. I hate the situation. We have to deal with this as it’s clear the Elements of Harmony want this so unlikely it can be undone so we both need to live with this. But how?” “With compromise. First we need to see what happens when we wake up. Then wing it from there.” Cadenza thought for a bit. “Sounds reasonable.” She then looked up at me and focused on my breasts. “What are these?” She patted one. It felt good. “Those are breasts, they are like your teats.” “Odd placement.” “Not really, biped forms this is the norm. And makes a sexual pleasure zone.” Her eyes go wide. “Oooohhhhh!” Before either of us could say or do anything else their sleep was over. Their eyes opened and by instinct I yawned and stretched. ‘Seems you are in control Dave.’ “Seems so, and call me Cadance. I'll call you Cadenza.” ‘Fair enough.’ I did my usual morning routine. And headed to breakfast. Both my aunts were there. “Good morning Cadance.” Celestia greeted me with. “Good morning Aunty Tia, Aunty Luna.” Luna mumbled something took a banana and ate the peel not the banana. Odd and a bit amusing but in her defense she looked dead tired. “Busy night Luna?” I asked. She responded with cursing Discord in a colorful way. Old polish cursing was very entertaining. “Cadance, I want you to go on a tour to reasure our ponies that things are back to normal.” “As normal as are around here.” I quip and Tia gives me a deadpan look with I reply with an impish grin. Cadenza laughing in my head. Tia just shook her head in response but I detected a slight smiled on her muzzle. After breakfast I worked to preparing the tour. Their would be five of us, me, Shining, Lance, and two pegasi to pull my carriage. So we needed supplies for all of that. After lunch they took off for Fillydelphia. I engaged in small talk with Lance and Shining and felt Cadenza checking Lance out. ‘Like what you see?’ I mentally ask her. ‘Oh yes, toned while still feminine and that exotic look.’ ‘Well don’t get too aroused. Can’t have a proper sex time in this carriage.’ ‘Says you.’ ‘Pervert.’ ‘Pot calling kettle.’ ‘Please, you are more pervy then me.’ ‘Maybe.’ * * * * * * We soon arrived at Fillydelphia and soon I began walking the streets greeting the various ponies. I saw many smiles and thankfully no foal kissing needed. I felt the love and happiness raise around me. It felt good to feel that. ‘Was that always a thing?’ I asked ‘Only since becoming an alicorn. Before that I had to read body language to gage a pony’s feelings.’ That was interesting. She gave me insights on the various ponies we met. She helped me spot a conpony trying to swindle me. We headed for a hotel where we will be staying for the night. I checked on the carriage guards and they were settling into their room fine. I headed to my suite which had had all to myself..well technically. Cadenza didn’t count in that. After unpacking some stuff we headed down to he restaurant for dinner. At a large table we relaxed and had fun. “So Shining was in the mares locker room with a bunch of mares glaring at him and with a sheepish look she explains. ‘My shield did its job a little too well.’ Hoping it would placate the mares. It didn’t.” “So that’s why I saw him running that day.” I commented. Causing new bouts of laughter from Lance and the two guards who were mares while Shining was trying to hide. “ Yeah it was kind of fun chasing him around the castle. Eyeing is plot.” His raised up at that and is was soon blushing hard. I laughed hard at the sight. When I calmed down I looked at the mares. “So, how did you two get this gig?” “Princess Celestia asked for volunteers and we both took it.” “Why?” “We like you princess, you aren’t like those stuffy nobles not seem unreachable like Princess Celestia.” “Oh…thanks.” ‘Aaaawwww that is so sweet. A nice harem building.’ ‘Oh come on! I am not harem building!’ ‘Oh really? I check out the room labeled as R34. Found A LOT of interesting things. Especially on our aunts and Twilight and her friends.’ ‘Just stuff I looked up in my previous life. I have my hooves full dealing with Tia shipping me and Shining and Lance having interest in me. Adding two more is just too much.’ ‘I think you underestimate yourself. I bet you will succeed. You made everypony think you are me.’ ‘Well the fact I was brain damaged helped there.’ ‘You sell yourself short. You still rule as me. And with me around you can do even better. We are partners, now and forever.’ I internally winced at that. ‘Hey I felt that, what's up?’ ‘I just feel like a puppet. I know what can happen and fulfill it my own way. Now you are here and I feel like a tool.’ ‘YOU ARE NO TOOL! What you are is your own self. With our situation compromises will be made by both of us. We are a team. Maybe a recently new one but still a team. We just need to get to know each other and work it out.’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Trust me, you will see.’ I mentally shrugged and listened as her mare guards introduce themselves as Wing Blast and Air Razor. Been in the guard for five years and had no real event of note they have done besides occasionally pulling Celestia’s carriage. This will be an interesting tour. After dinner we headed for our rooms and I had mine all to myself. It was the large Princess Suite. Figures they gave me that. After a bit of a clean up I headed to bed. My eyes opened to the same hybrid place I saw last time. I look around and saw Cadenza emerge from a room. “Welcome back.” “Guess we don't exactly dream anymore.” “Or this is our dream.” “Huh?” I was confused. “This is our dream. Something that we and our share. Our space where we can be equals and not be suppressed by the other. Where we can be us.” I thought on that for a minute. “You disagree?” “No..I think you are right. But Luna can see dreams. She could come here and see us.” “We will deal with that when it happens. Meanwhile should we explore our home?” “Sounds good.” The two of us then explored this dream home. It was as large as a castle. Parts clearly from Canterlot. Parts were of Dave’s home. When they looked out the balcony it was not Canterlot they saw bit a small village. “Ooohhh! The village I was being raised in till I got this horn!” “Looks cozy.” I commented. “It was.” Cadenza said whimsically. I tilted my head slightly. “You miss it?” I asked. “A bit. But I can do so much good in Canterlot with Auntie. We can do so much good.” “You really want to make this work?” “Yeah, neither of us truly wanted this but this is what we have. You seem like a nice pony. I can get use to sharing my life with you. Hey! We are kinda like a married couple.” “Uuugghhh!” I face palmed and heard her chuckled. I gave her a glare in response. It made her full out laugh. Then I smirked and booped her muzzle. She stopped laughing and scrunched her muzzle. She looked so confused. “What was that?” Boop. “Seriously what is that.” Boop. “Quit it.” Boop. “Stop it!” “Boop.” I said as I did it again with a smile. “RRRRAAAAAAHHHHH!” She pounced tackled me and I respond with the dreaded use of fingers. THE TICKLE. Her screams of rage soon turned into screams of laughter as I tickled her barrel. Her wings unable to block my hands. After about five minutes the begged me to stop. “Do you give up?” I ask her as I don't stop. “YES! YES,PLEASE!” Hearing her plea and stop. I laid at my side and smirked at her. After panting a bit she looked at me and pouted. It was so cute. It cause me to chuckle. She glared for a minute then smirked and joined me in my laughter. We laughed for a couple of minutes. “See, we can make this work. Just like any couple it takes compromise.” “You are rather chill with me.” “You did have to comfort me after I went into….that place. You could have pointed and laughed bit instead you calmed me down and comforted me. Means you are good at your core so I can accept this. But why Happy Tree Friends for a title?” “Its part of the joke. Looks like a nice innocent show then BAM! You get the dark humor of the show revealed.” “But why make that?” I shrug. “It just the way humans are. Would wish that on anybody for real? For the most part no. There are evils and sick people out there but the fact the show is fiction allows us to enjoy it. Granted it’s not for everyone. Ask next time. I'll respect your private areas on return.” “I have nothing to hide from you. You are my…” She paused as I give her a look. “ My partner in this. I trust you, maybe in time you can trust me more.” "We will see." “Good, let’s seal this with a kiss.” She leaned in to kiss me and I found myself on my bed, back in pony form. ‘Aw poo, the moment ruined.’ “Seriously what is with you. You would be practically making out with yourself.” ‘But you are really me in that area and you do have an exotic form. I do you easy.’ I shake my head. “You are such a pervert.” She just laughed at that as I started the day.