Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 4: At Luck's End (Comment Driven Story)

by BrownDog77

First published

The Final Adventure of Bugze the Changeling, AKA You. (Comment Driven Story)

Sequel to Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 3: Tyrants, Terrorists, and Tiaras, Oh My!
3 Months after Twilight Sparkle has been Crowned Princess, You and your family are still wanted by the world at large, but that won't stop you from your next quest. You (Bugze the Changeling), Your Daughter Nightshade, and Your Grandbuggy set about to get Selena, the Former Nightmare Moon, out of your head and in a body of her own. (And Sombra too if he's a good boy). But to do that, Artifacts from all over the world will be needed, plus a few from Another World.

Title Art Edited By TartarusFire, Original Art in Source.

Episode 0: Season 3 Recap

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In a dark empty room, a wooden stage sits. Behind it is a gigantic Equestrian Flag. Hoofsteps are heard within the darkness, and suddenly several large spotlights illuminate the stage.

From behind the platform walks an old grisled changeling. A bowler hat sits atop his head, and a half lit cigar is wedged between his teeth. He stops in the middle of the platform and looks out to his audience (Us). He then salutes with his right hoof to his forehead and the sound of trumpets can be heard. As the music dies, he lowers his hoof and says.

“Be Seated…Now I want you to remember, that no commentor ever finished a comment driven story by writing it on his own. He finished it, by having the other dumb commentors write it with him. And commentors, all this dumb stuff you’ve heard about the series never being finished, is a load of horse dung. Commentors traditionally love comment driven stories. All REAL commentors LOVE putting the protagonist through hell and back!” The older changeling then stomps his hoof in disgust and glares.

“Alright, enough of this. Hope you all like this classic reference ya dang uncultured kids.” He shakes his head in disgust even though he shouldn’t technically be able to see us. “Yeah yeah, but I know the drill. This is a recap so at times like these I can break the fourth wall like it ain’t nobody’s business.”

Well yes that’s true but you shouldn’t insult-

“I’ll insult who I dang well please,” he harrumphs, “So don’t give me no sass Narrator. Let me have my say!”

Fine… The old grumpy bug then looks at all of us.

“For three years you lot have been reading the fate of my Grandbug and his family. Not only that, the majority of you have been steering that fate. And I must say…I give you an 80 out of 100.” He then stamps his hoof and the Equestrian Flag rises up and out of sight.

“I mean, kudos to keeping him alive and all, but Cheese and Rice people, some days I think you might need a chill pill. Heck, the whole reason I disappeared from his life was so he wouldn’t have to deal with the dark stuff.” He then lets out a sigh. “But then again, Lady Luck’s will is always against me and mine, so I can’t blame you all outright. So I give you all a B Minus for your part. But for the love of the gods people, cheer up!”

“Grandbuggy!” comes an adorable filly voice as Nightshade walks out onto stage, “You’re supposed to be recapping, not berating the audience.” The young black alicorn with purplish blue hair then looks to us, “But just so you all know, I give you all a solid A for helping Daddy, Mommy and I.”

“You’re too lenient kiddo,” he says as he rubs her mane. “But you’re right. We better get this ball rolling. The new readers are probably confused as all heck.” Nodding, Nightshade looks back to us as a projector screen descends behind them.

“Hello to returning and new readers, My name is Nightshade. I’m technically only 3 and a half years old, but mentally and physically I’m just as old as my friends the Cutie Mark Crusaders. My Dad Bugze is the titular Wanted Changeling, and my Mom is Selena, she used to be Nightmare Moon. This here is my Great Grandbuggy.”

“I’m Specialist 117,” he waves, “Otherwise known as Quick Fix, but most folks call me Grandbuggy. And yes, while I may be an old fart, it doesn’t mean I ain’t tough as nails, or that the mares don’t love me.” Rolling her eyes at his antics Nightshade speaks up again.

“Yeah Yeah. So anyway, welcome to the Season 3 Recap. This will help you all get up to speed before we dive right into this final season. And if you’re wondering where Daddy is, he’s still screaming at the sky over Ms. Twilight being crowned a Princess.”

“NOT REAL!!! THIS ISN’T REAL!!!” comes a panicked shout in the off camera distance.

“There’s a very obvious joke I could make at that, but I’m not going to. It’s as tired and outdated as all the references in this series. But ya, You really should go read the series from the beginning,” Grandbuggy urges, “But then again we know not everyone can read what is essentially a story with a one million word count, so cliff notes do come in handy.”

“That they do Grandbuggy,” Nightshade agrees. “But before we recap the latest season, we’ll let you skim over the Season 1 and 2 Recap first. It’s about 20,000 words between the two of them, but what would you rather have? 20,000 or a million?” She clicks the clicker in her hooves and a slide with the links comes up.

“We’ll be here when you get back,” she smiles.

“However long that takes. Let’s get some snacks while they’re gone,” Grandbuggy suggests.

“Heck Ya!” she hoof pumps.

They then rush off the stage to get whatever snacks they’re in the mood for. And just so all you know, we don’t normally let our characters break the fourth wall. The Recap is a special case and-

“They know the drill! Get on with it!” Grandbuggy’s voice comes from offscreen.

*Sigh* Alright to the new folks, here’s the recap links. To those who know the drill onward to the timeskip.

Season 1 Recap

Season 2 Recap

However Long it Takes to Read the Recaps Later

“And We’re Back!” Nighshade chirps as she brushes sprinkles off her lips.

“I know, I know, don’t rush me! I don’t want to get a brain freeze!” Grandbuggy implores as he finishes his ice cream cone. After they are both presentable again, Grandbuggy coughs into his hoof.

“Alright then you primitive screwheads, we’re gonna let the narrator take care of the bulk of this stuff, but we’ll still add some insightful commentary into the mix.”

Which is probably going to be mostly Riffs.

“You know it!”

“Just like last season, we’ll break the story into arcs so it’s easier on all of our sanities’. It is over 20,000 words after all,” Nightshade explains as she hits the clicker and a picture of a snowy Crystal Empire shows up.

“The first one is…”

The Crystal Empire

After the Events of the otherworld, Bugze the Wanted Changeling was suffering from shock and Trauma as he traveled with Nigthshade off the grid. With Selena, the mare formerly known as Nightmare Moon, still comatose, he feared using his own power.

“He didn’t want to chance a fight because he said Mommy was sick. He didn’t want to risk her…going away…” Nightshade says trepidly as she looks down and Grandbuggy puts a hoof on her shoulder.

Indeed, but even with his guilty conscious, his orichalcum caused wound was still not fully healed. Despite that though, he still tried to be the best father he could be. While helping Nightshade practice her magic, a little mishap happened.

“I uh..heh heh. I kind of teleported us clear into the arctic because I was thinking heavily about how Ms. Twilight would be proud of me,” she admits.

Because the unicorn was on her mind, she and her dad ended up near the borders of the Crystal Empire where Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Elements were along with Spike and Shining Armor. And with the only warm clothes of Bugze’s being his Hooded Offender cloak, this was a recipe for disaster. After some panicking and failed attempts at stealth, Bugze made a break for it just as the former King of the Crystal Empire appeared in his smokey glory.

“The Deadly 6 all were busy being chased by him, so Dad slipped into the Empire place.”

With the sun shining inside, Bugze dressed himself in his El Hunko outfit, while Nightshade shifted into her Pegasus form, and attempted to find a doctor as his chest wound had begun to bleed his Midnight Blue Blood again.

Encountering the Deadly 6 triggered flashbacks to the otherworld, so he tried to avoid them, but as is usually the case, this failed.

“Lady Luck is not on my line’s side,” Grandbuggy mumbles.

After entering the Crystal Castle, Bugze had no luck finding a doctor, but did find some interesting artifacts. Including a large ornate mirror where his image changed.

“FORESHADOWING!!!” Grandbuggy “coughs” into his hoof. “Ahem, excuse me.”

Right…but eventually, Bugze found an overtaxed Princess Cadance keeping up the barrier and his flashbacks of her other self stabbing him caused him to panic. It didn’t help that Flash Sentry, his Best Bro Frenemy Forever was there. After a bit of back and forth, and more injuries, the two directed Bugze to the infirmary.

With barely enough bandages and pain pills, Bugze found Spike scared and alone over an open pit which Twilight had gone down. On Nightshade’s behalf, he went to go help the dragon.

“Well of course I did! You think I was just going to let my Dad walk off without helping my bestest friend?” she accuses.

No of course not. I just meant…never mind. Anyway, in helping Spike, Bugze went down the stairwell into the pit and found Twilight staring intently at a door and crying, and he soon fell into the same trap. Bugze viewed not only petty fears, but his true innermost nightmares. The loss of his loved ones, and the fear of becoming a monster.

“He was crying and whimpering my name when I snapped him out of it,” Nightshade adds.

After escaping this trap, Twilight implored “El Hunko” to help with the Crystal Fair while she looked for the Crystal Heart since he was an outsider as well. Bugze agreed, more so to get out of her presence, and after failing to achieve a slinky world record, he began to help in his own way. This of course was counter intuitive as he traumatized countless crystal ponies with a pickle jar, made Fluttershy give Rainbow Dash a black eye, and screamed in many of their faces.

“Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong to make the boy not have the common sense the gods gave corn,” Grandbuggy shakes his head.

So after earning the ire of the Elements, Bugze’s PTSD kicked in where he saw all of their dead counterparts and had an attack in an empty tent. Pinkie Pie came along to talk things over with him, and in his grief he spilled his guts, referring to her as Pinkamena, the ally he lost in the other world. Though shocked, Pinkie Pie comforted the distraught Bugze and even helped reassure him that it was not his fault.

After hugging her in thankfulness, with a mountain of stress of his shoulders, he accidentally knocked askew his hat and mask and Pinkie Pie found out El Hunko’s true identity. But because she had promised to hear him out and that anything learned in that tent would not leave it, she chose to keep his identity a secret. She also revealed that she never truly hated Bugze, but was just a whim of how the story went. But then, after something good happened, of course something bad followed. The barrier fell and King Sombra came on in.

“He was a real big jerk in his smoke form. Though we did find he had a weakness to all things cute and fluffy,” Nightshade chuckles.

Yes, apparently Sombra has a soft spot for huggable little creatures, especially those from a petting zoo. A fact which was used against him quite a few times. Not wanting to use his cloak powers, Bugze helped the Deadly 6, and Flash Sentry to slow Sombra down, but eventually the barrier fell completely. And then with a shout from Nightshade, Bugze watched in fear as Spike plummeted down the spire and Shining Armor threw the weakened Cadence out the window.

“To be fair, I found the whole thing confusing and scary too,” Nightshade admits.

“Nightshade, sometimes in life, if you love something, you gotta hurl it like a javelin,” the old bug responds, not explaining anything at all.

So instead of Cadence grabbing Spike and the Heart and saving the day, Bugze used his telekentic plasmid powers to catch the both of them and the heart fell to Sombra. Now fully physical and possessing the heart, Sombra began his assault. In the chaos of the fight, Bugze changed outfits in secret, becoming the Hooded Offender again. In the end though, it became fruitless as Sombra launched crystal spear at Cadence, believing her to be his old enemy Princess Amore. Shining armor dove in the way, taking the blow making everyone think he was dead (Though he was only critically injured).

With this final outrage, Bugze lost control of his rage, and the nightmare cloak came forth in force, but not like it had in the past. The cloak morphed and enhanced his body at an alarming rate as the full brunt of Selena’s remaining power flowed forth, turning him into a mindless beast.

“It’s because that saucy mare in his head wasn’t around to keep the power in check. With no guidance, it just flowed out of control,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Yeah, Daddy lost it a bit there in Phase 4. He attacked Sombra, and all kinds of destruction started happening. And that’s when I realized I had to save the day,” Nightshade declares in determination.

She knew that if this rampage continued, not only would countless innocents be hurt, but her mother could die as well. And so Nightshade rallied the Elements to stop him before it was too late. But even then, she knew it wouldn’t be enough. If the day was to be saved, she had to stop Sombra and return the Heart. And with everypony else fighting her dad, she recruited the only one left.

“That’s right. Me and Spike set out to go and kick Sombra’s flank. And we totally won too! I beat him at his crystal bending, kicked his flank six ways to Sunday, and when he tried to cheat with his Smoke form, Spike fried his butt off, and then I started peeling the heart off his chest. We were like the best superhero duo ever!” Nightshade jumps up and down in excitement.

“Yeah, I seen the videos the Doctor had on file. Shade and her coltfriend are a force to be reckoned with,” Grandbuggy agrees.

“He’s not my coltfriend Grandbuggy!” Nightshade shrieks in embarrassment.

“Not with that attitude,” Grandbuggy chuckles as Nightshade hurriedly changes the subject.

“A-Anyway, long story short we were denied our rightful victory because Daddy rampaged over and knocked Sombra away from us,” she huffs and crosses her forelegs.

As Phase 4 and Sombra fought, the former Dictator was eventually defeated and the heart torn from his chest. Nightshade was somewhat able to calm Phase 4, but Sombra in his defeat claimed that he finally saw the truth, that Nightshade was a battery of power for the Hooded Offender. Phase 4 didn’t take kindly to this, and despite everyone’s pleading, the monster unhinged it’s jaw and devoured the fallen king.

“That’s an image I wish I could forget,” Nightshade shudders.

With no Sombra to target, Phase 4 set its sights on everyone else, and that’s when Nightshade decided to put a stop to it all. Whipping up a sandstorm, and riding on his back while earth bending crystal shackles, she subdued him long enough for Spike to place the Crystal Heart back upon the pedestal. The magic of the Empire then washed over Bugze and launched him and Nightshade into the sky and out of the Empire, but not before Spike witnessed her true Alicorn form.

“In the sky, daddy changed back to normal, but passed out. And since I didn’t know how to fly, we plummeted and I had to random teleport us again. We ended up in a dumpy cabin where I stood watch over him for a few days. Thankfully Mommy was still alright, but she was a lot smaller than when I’d last seen her months ago, and she wouldn’t move from her bed. When dad woke up, I told him the whole story.”

It was a hard thing for him to hear, but he now more than ever understood how important it was to not use the cloak. The fight had served to partially reopen his chest wound, and drain him of strength, so the two of them stayed in the cabin to recuperate. While there, a letter from the Mysterious Friend arrived, chastising his actions, and to be wary of the town in that area and to “trust no one.”

“And that’s when the next nightmare happened…” Nightshade shivers as a new slide shows up displaying a town covered in fog.

Silent Sunny Town

In her quest to find soup ingredients in the woods, Nightshade followed a strange filly into a town called Sunny Town.

“The adults were all creepy, and no one had their cutie mark, they were partying as if it were normal. And then in the middle of all that strangeness, I found Applebloom.”

Nightshade’s fellow Cutie Mark Crusader had also followed a strange filly into the town, and so Nightshade realized this whole place was in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Luckily, Applebloom didn’t recognize Nightshade in her Alicorn form. The two fillies then both compared how strange the town was and looked for the mysterious filly as they walked to the north side of the town. At the same time, Bugze had awoken and seen Nightshade’s note about looking for soup. He waited as long as he could, but eventually couldn’t handle it and went out after her. It’s then that he came across a gift from “A Friend.” A bonafide Chainsaw.

“Groovy,” Grandbuggy quips and Nightshade snorts.

He then set out, coming across the same filly Nightshade and Applebloom saw, and he too entered Sunny Town. While he enjoyed their hospitality, Nightshade and Applebloom found a house the filly disappeared into, and in the fireplace, they found a horrifying discovery.

“They were the charred bones of a filly…Naturally this freaked Applebloom and I the buck out, and then the whole town…changed.”

The sunlight returned to the encroaching darkness, and the town began to peel and age rapidly as a heavy fog rolled in. Bugze witnessed this first hoof and heard figures within the mist, which revealed themselves to be the undead members of the town. And as Bugze began to fight this horde, Nightshade and Applebloom were visited by the spirit of the dead filly Ruby.

“She told us that she had been killed by the town when she got her cutie mark because they feared them. Apparently they’d been hit by the Cutie Pox and labeled all marks evil. Ruby’s wrath had brought this curse upon the town, but she told us she wanted it to finally end and for everyone to pass on in peace.”

And the only way to do that was to bury her bones outside the town. Gathering up her bones, Applebloom and Nightshade then fought their way back to town where they eventually met back up with Bugze. But then the Zombies began to groan in fear and run as the true horror revealed himself.

“It was Pyramid Head! Freaking Pyramid Head! Just like how he was in the videogame!” Nightshade shouts. “Ruby’s spirit had brought him to the town all those years ago, and then he saw dad and thought he was guilty too, so he attacked him.”

“Well that’s kind of what he’s meant to do kid,” Grandbuggy says.

“It was still freaky as all Tartarus. We still don’t even know how he even exists.”

“Most legends are based on reality Shade. Videogame characters are no exception.”

Well said. But yes, the Executioner targeted Bugze as an enemy, and a battle did ensue, which was completely one sided.

Bugze held on as long as he could, and even Nightshade and Applebloom were able to help from the dreamscape, but when it came down to it, the only way to win was to escape and bury Ruby.

Covered in zombie gore, and his new chainsaw broken, Bugze fled through the Everyfree, eventually finding a meadow surrounded by the dead. The three of them then rapidly dug and buried the forsaken filly, and the curse was finally lifted. The dead spirits moved on, and Pyramid Head went back from whence he came after a tender reunion with Ruby.

“It actually was kind of sweet. All he ever wanted to do was protect and avenge her,” Nightshade points out.

With the monsters gone, Nightshade and Applebloom passed out in the Inventory while Bugze dragged himself to Zecora’s. With the adrenaline wearing off, his body started giving out on him due to lack of food and healing from the Crystal Empire. Luckily Zecora took them in. While still asleep, she used her medicinal magic to finally close his chest wound and turn it into a scar. Also, in the dreamscape Applebloom finally figured out that the Alicorn that looked like Nightshade actually was Nightshade.

“I still don’t get how the perception filter thing works,” she grumbles.

“Don’t try to think to hard about it kiddo. When it comes to the Doctor and his weird alien tech, only he can wrap his mind around it,” Grandbuggy reassures her.

“I guess so. But anyway, I made her keep my secret, and told her I would see her again. She and I had gained some sort of deeper understanding that night, not to mention Ruby said we had shared blood, whatever that means.”

“The little apple filly? Well yeah because she’s your cousin,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Wait What?!” Nightshade responds. “How?”

“Huh? You still don’t know?” Grandbuggy asks confused.

She hasn’t been told by anyone in story yet you stupid old bug!

“Oh…Well she ain’t gonna remember this anyway. So long story short, which someone will have to tell you this season, you’re related to the Apples. Your Dad’s mom, my daughter, was Granny Smith’s first child.”

“Oh…But…wouldn’t that make Applejack and Dad cousins too?” she asks in disgust.

“Yeaaahhh…I’m really going to have to talk to the boyo about that. There are just some lines you do not cross,” Grandbuggy shakes his head.

“Let’s uhhh…Let’s move on,” Nightshade says with a shiver. The next slide displays the Everfree woods with Zecora’s house and a metal door on the ground with a bright light shining out of it.

Healings and Returns

Yes. Let’s. After Zecora took Applebloom home, she allowed Bugze and Nightshade to heal at her home, after hitting Bugze in the head with the whacking stick for faking his death that is. Also, she trained Nightshade a bit in the art of fighting.

“Zebra Sensei is best Sensei!” she chirps.

Then, Bugze received another letter from his friend with a map to a safe location. After bidding farewell to Zecora they travelled to this location deep within the woods which turned out to be a hidden bunker set up by Grandbuggy himself.

“Ayup. Bunker 04, my own little home away from home. I spent years outfitting that place with all manner of things that would be useful for my boyo. Plenty of food, his favorite movies, videogames, a holodeck and weapons, useful files, the whole shebang,” he brags.

“It was pretty cool, but most of the food was rotten and we only stayed there for awhile,” Nightshade points out.

“Well excuse me little miss sass. When I launched myself into space, I’d thought he would have left the Hive and found it. I took him there a few times when he was younger. I didn’t expect him to stay in the army for several years, bond with Nightmare Moon and have a kid with her and just generally bumblebuck his way around Equestria. The food would have been fresh then.”

Anyway! While sleeping in the Bunker, Bugze attempted to visit Selena in her resting chambers in the depths of his mind, but he was suddenly attacked by the shadowy king he’d eaten only days prior.

“I only found out about him later. Let me tell you, it’s a relief off your shoulders to find out the guy your dad cannibalized turned out to still be alive.”

Indeed. Trapped within Bugze’s body, he wanted to be freed, and the only way to do that was to kill him. But in the course of the fight, with so much dark magic flung around, a certain somepony awoke and saved the day.

“Mommy!” Nightshade cheers.

That’s right. Selena awoke from her bedside, rejuvenated after siphoning and stealing Sombra’s dark magic. She then attacked Sombra using Bugze’s own mindscape. She had the advantage having been there for years already. After his defeat, she imprisoned Sombra deeper within Bugze’s subconscious.
After a tender reunion between the two, and some explaining on why the Crystal King was inside Bugze’s head, the both of them finally have a restful sleep after so long, with Selena visiting Nightshade’s dreams.

“It was great seeing her again,” she smiles. “She used to be so tall, but now she looks almost exactly like Princess Luna, just with a darker coat and mane.”

“I actually prefer the new figure,” Grandbuggy chimes in. “Tall mares have legs for days, but when it comes down to it, they’re harder to-“

OI! Children present!

“Oh bugger off,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“I don’t understand half of what he says when he gets like this anyway,” Nightshade rolls her eyes.

Ahem. So, after resting in the bunker until the food ran dry, the reunited family began to plan for the next step of their journey. Bugze found an old Bingo Style book within the bunker with wanted posters for several criminals.

“I used to dabble with bounty hunting in my free time, for the extra cash. Cigars don’t come cheap, and I liked spoiling the boy with his video game stuff,” Grandbuggy says nonchalantly.

“With Mommy back, Dad could fight again, and since we were kind of broke, he figured he’d round up a few baddies for cash. So he made a new costume.”

Using various clothing from Grandbuggy’s wardrobe, Bugze became a red clad bounty hunter with a skeletal toothy mask known as, The Crimson Vengeance.

“Why did you even have that mask Grandbuggy?”

“It was a gift from a friend way back in the day…which just so happens to be in the future…possibly.”

Bugze still felt like his costume was incomplete though, and when he saw a bull from the Longhorn Gang named Stampede in the bingo book, he coveted his red cloak.

“He was obsessing over that thing for days,” Nightshade shudders and clicks the slide, showing Bugze’s bounty hunter visage chasing after bandits.

So with his first targets in site, Bugze started his new career.

The Early Bounties

After some mishaps, Bugze arrived in Dodge Junction, found the location for the Gang’s hideout and attacked it. In True Grit style, he and Nightshade jumped two of the bulls at their cabin, and Bugze finally got his red cloak.

“I also found a gun from Smash Bros that shot a big laser. Daddy’s used it off and on, but it’s mine!” Nightshade says excitedly.

After a bit of interrogation, the rest of the gang showed up, with King Longhorn himself. And in classic fashion, Bugze started wailing on them. In the end, the bulls were no match, and so Bugze delivered them, ala Inventory to the sheriff for the bounty. The only problem was, he couldn’t collect it due to not actually having a Bounty Hunter’s license.

“I still call bullspit on that one,” Nightshade growls.

“Nah it’s true kid. Sadly no matter where you go in the universe, it’s hard to escape bureaucracy.”

The sheriff was nice enough to give some bits though, and so Bugze headed to Batlimare so he could get his Bounty Hunter License. Along the way though, he spied a Zebra shaman within the woods named Blaze who was on his updated bounty hunter sheet. Deciding that he could capture him and turn him in after getting his license, Bugze went to attack, only for someone else to attack first.

“Aqua: XX years old. A blue unicorn trained in the ways of water of manipulation, or bending. Former life as a hired mercenary, including being employed by Flag Burner during the Fillydelphia incident where her leg was broken by the Hooded Offender,” Grandbuggy reads off from a vanilla envelope.

“Why do you have a dossier on her?” asks Nightshade.

“I borrowed it from Jack. My input on her is she’s got a nice flank.”

Very enlightening. So Aqua engaged Blaze in a fight, and worrying about the loss of a bounty, Bugze stepped in when the Zebra got the upper hand. After knocking out the evil zebra, Aqua and Bugze fought over who would claim him, and in the process Bugze let his anger get the better of him and the cloak came out. He then tried to drown a very frightened Aqua.

“I stopped him though,” Nightshade speaks up. “It’d been so long since mom and dad used the cloak they kind of went overboard. I CPR’d her till she woke up then I chewed dad out and he tried to sound all high and mighty like he usually does when it comes to my safety, so I pointed out his hypocrisy by reminding him that he promised not to kill anymore.”

And it worked, he backed off. But now that the cat was out of the bag that the Crimson Vengeance was the Hooded Offender, Bugze attempted to make amends with Aqua and he and Selena swore not to recklessly use the Nightmare Cloak while being The Crimson Vengeance.

“And because the boy is a chip off the old block, he was able to smooth talk the lady into trusting him,” Grandbuggy smirks.

“Or he just apologized for being a dumbflank and meant it,” Nightshade rolls her eyes.

“I’ve heard it both ways,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

Aqua did come to become more steady around Bugze, and she admitted that after Fillydelphia she tried to distance herself from Mercenary work since it had only been a job for her. The two agreed to share the bounty on Blaze. But first, they needed to get their Bounty Licenses, as Aqua didn’t have one either. In Baltimare, a bound and gagged Zebra on Bugze’s back walking down the street caused racial tensions, and some jerkass guards took Blaze off their hooves.

“No money for that either,” Nightshade sighs.

After a long strenuous, and infuriating process, the two got their licenses, and over lunch Aqua suggested to do a bounty together to make up for their past feud.

“That’s when I first really met her. She’s nice once you get to know her and get past all her snarkiness,” Nightshade reminisces.

And so, the two Bounty Hunters decided to take on a local gang in the bingo book, The Extra Lives Gang. A group of Videogame obsessed cosplayers who stole, imported, and sold black market videogame memorabilia led by a griffon in a Samus Aran Zero Suit, who went by Samus.

“Mmph. Griffon Gals in skin tight latex? Sign me u-*BONK*”

“Not now you old coot!” Nightshade admonishes.

After infiltrating their dockside base, Aqua and Bugze encountered many of the obsessed cosplayers, and witnessed their actual functional videogame weapons. After defeating the gang with Aqua water bending the ocean water, they learned from the leader Samus that the gang itself were just subcontractors to the Video Game Mafia. A mafia that was headed by a leader of the Crimson Knights.

“DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!!” Grandbuggy and Nightshade shout in unison.

Yes the Crimson Knights, the radical splinter faction of Bugze’s fan club The Horde that arose after the Fillydelphia incident. Since Bugze had been recovering and looking for a cure for Selena, he had avoided this Terrorist Cell to avoid a fight. But now that he had a lead, he figured it was time to take out their management.
After turning in the rest of the Extra Lives and keeping Samus hostage, they traveled to the Video Game Mafia’s hideout in Bastion, Masshaychusetts to begin the hunt for the Crimson Knight Leaders. Aqua decided to stick with Bugze since the Crimson Knights had never actually paid her after Flag Burner died, and she felt like she was owed for being a part of something so horrible.

Along the train ride though, Bugze and Selena decided to finally confront the tyrant within their mind, as for the last few bounties he had been pushing Bugze mentally into dangerous situations, such as the urging to kill Aqua in the river. Pulling him out of the subconscious where he had been with his horrible movie torture, the two began setting the law for him. Also, they let Nightshade in on the secret.

“When I saw him in the cage in Daddy’s mind, I kind of did feel sorry for him. But Mom and Dad let me know that if anyone was to somehow get this guy to calm down and maybe even help out, it was going to be me. So I started to make him my friend, whether he wanted to or not.”

“Hmmph. Sounds like pony logic in a nutshell,” Grandbuggy snorts.

“Well I Am mostly a pony. But I showed Sombra I’m just as much part changeling when I shifted my forms. He kept thinking mom and dad weren’t actually my parents and were using me as a battery or something, so I showed him otherwise.”

And in forcing her friendship on him, he did crack enough to leak some information. Including the bitterness of losing the only pony he’d ever loved, Radiant Hope. But the full story of that would not come till later.

“I worked on him practically every night though. He liked calling me the Young Overlord and stuff like that,” she smiles.

So while this system was implemented, in the real world, Bugze, Selena, Nightshade and Aqua prepared for their next phase in this adventure. The slide changes to a wanted poster for several different creatures in black cloaks.

The Hunt for the Crimson Knight Leaders

Using the list of Generals from the Otherworld, he knew who his targets in this world were.

Kichi: A videogame obsessed changeling with a skewed pyramid of respect. Started a franchise and Mafia just so he could feed his addiction, and used children to as batteries.

Rutherford and Solarkness: A rich foreign wyvern, and an intelligent/belligerent Timberwolf who more than anything wanted to make a movie, no matter how many got hurt or almost died to make their vision come to light.

Kersey: A massively overweight speciest earth pony with delusions of grandeur and self entitlement. An inflated and murderous ego made him believe he was significant for the financial stability of the Crimson Knights, even though he hated them all and just wanted to watch his shows and have good food.

Pony Spartan (Changer): A hybrid pony/changeling with a misplaced quest of Vengeance and a high opinion on his abilities. Studied arcane magic to enact his plans against his former colleagues, believing they had left him to die.

Brown Dog and Snap Drake: A Drunken Idiotic Diamond Dog and Pony Best Friend Duo who did random, disruptive shenanigans for the laughs. Lazy and apathetic, they followed their own beat.

Grey Rebl and Erised the Ink Moth: An OCD addled clean freak stallion with braces and a history of violence, and an old pale changeling with sinister blood powers, and a hatred for his own kind.

These 9 made up the primary infrastructure of the Crimson Knights. And so the Crimson Vengeance came for them. Nightshade clicks the slide button and picture of a Pizza Eatery with a Cartoon Bear on it pops up.

Five Nights At Kichi’s

The first Knight to be hunted was Kichi the Changeling, the leader of the Videogame Mafia, and proprietor of the Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in Bastion. Through investigations, Bugze learned that not only were the animatronics creepy as all heck, but the atmosphere felt wrong too.

“The Pizza was pretty mediocre too,” Nightshade adds.

Waiting until nightfall, Bugze and Aqua dragged Samus into the pizzeria to search for the hidden hideout. But after all of them idiotically ate a slice of random pizza sitting on the Night Guard’s vacant desk, they all passed out. When Bugze came too, Aqua had been kidnapped, Samus was gone, and Kichi was acting like a true supervillain and made Bugze go through videogame trials to get keys and unlock the hideout door.

“There’s something about the classic hammy villains that always leaves me longing for the past,” Grandbuggy mumbles.

With both Selena and Sombra drugged within his mind, Bugze forged ahead. The entrances to each of the trials hidden within the pizzeria, and to make matters worse, the Animatronic Fazbear mascots roamed the halls seeking blood. After dodging fur covered murderous robots, and convincing one of them to become cannibalistic, Bugze made it to the the first trial which turned out to be a miniboss fight.

“That’s poor level designing right there,” Nightshade complains.

The fight was against a changeling with a skeleton mask and blue hoodie named Silver Strange.

Silver Strange: Subordinate/Buddy of Brown Dog and Snap Drake who was on loan to Kichi. Has the ability to conjure physical hard light magical constructions, which look like bones.

After a Sansational fight, Bugze was able to defeat him and retrieve the first key. The next trial was a maze of nothing but PUZZLES. And not even fun puzzles, some of them were the worst most frustrating puzzles ever made. Eventually Bugze just cheated and burn through the walls to the end, snagging the key and unknowingly setting the place on fire.

“You say ‘unknowingly’ but come on, it’s Daddy. You know how he is when it comes to fire,” Nightshade snarks.

“Heh, that’s genetic kiddo. Fire is the great equalizer after all…Though even I admit the boy enjoys it a little too much.”

Right, he should get that checked out. But anyway, Bugze then took on his third challenge, and escort mission through a “zombie” area. The subject was Samus who had a deadly health bar collar on, and the zombies were both actors and animatronics. Suffice to say, Samus did not appreciate her boss putting her life in danger. So after completing the trial and gaining the key, she joined Bugze to fight Kichi.

Inside the hideout, a drugged Aqua was tied to a chair and Kichi dramatically revealed he had been recording everything and was going to use the images of Bugze smashing his stuff as blackmail and sue him, but Bugze had other plans. Namely smashing everything and him. Then came the boss fight. Kichi rode and controlled the massive combination of Animatronics that the Mangle bot had been cannibalizing while the trials were completed. This abomination was called Mangeloid, and it was a tough fight. If Kichi got hurt, he’d heal himself with the children he kept there who gave him love. But with good ol grit, and help from Samus, Bugze was able to beat him and the bot down to its last legs. And then the fight got interrupted.

Changer (The Former Pony Spartan) rushed in and tried to kill steal the weakened enemy. Bugze wasn’t having any of that though, and sucker punched the guy as they all noticed the building was on fire. After interrogating Kichi, everyone left the building and the Knights, along with Kichi and Silver were handed over. Changer skulked into the night, and the police thought greatly of the Crimson Vengeance because of this, but he was already planning his next attack from the info he’d gotten from Kichi. For her help, Bugze let Samus go, and the griffon revealed her real name, Gretta, and that she was going home to Griffonstone. And then from the ashes of Freddy Fazbears, a miniature plush version of Mangle still tried to attack but that didn’t last long.

“Yup. Mangle is my adorable little pet now,” Nightshade squeaks in excitement as she pulls the teddy bear sized pink and white fox animatronic out of her inventory. “Say Hi Mangle.”

The robot gives a mechanical bark and waves to us causing Grandbuggy to shiver.

“What’s wrong Grandbuggy?”

“Nothing, just never had the best luck with robots,” he shudders.

With this new addition, Bugze and Aqua got their payment while Selena sobered up. They then found out that keeping Sombra drugged without the two of them being loopy was a viable option and so decided to keep drugging him to keep him placated. Bugze then wrote a letter to Cadance, whom he hadn’t spoken too since the Empire Incident, and set off to Applewood.
While he traveled, Shining Armor had caught wind of the bounty hunters who took down a Knight, and after some shenanigans and jumping to conclusions, a twitchy Flash Sentry was sent to Applewood to investigate claims of a Crimson Knight film.

The next Slide shows the Applewood sign with the wanted poster for Solarkness and Rutherford.

Lights, Camera, Attack!!!

In Applewood, Bugze quickly found the location of Solarkness and Rutherford. The two knights had been attempting to make a movie based on images they and their counterparts had received from the events of the otherworld. Thankfully, they all thought it was fiction. The problem is that in staying authentic and not using CGI, they were recklessly harming their actors and extras. Teaming up with Flash Sentry, and letting him know that Baker Sylvester Tennant was still alive (which he was thankful for), they infiltrated the studio as extras with Nightshade actually getting a big part.

“Which I didn’t even get paid for,” she grumbles. “Stupid movie not being released. I can’t even claim that!”

Also while there, Aqua reunited with her old fighting teacher, Maude Pie.

“She’s very very monotone,” Nightshade shudders.

With this team up, they set out to sabotage a scene and expose the Knights. After doing so, they began battling the two who had secret weapons of their own, a tantabus and a wendigo. Aqua pushed her abilities when fighting the Wyvern who had his own water powers, and Bugze struggled against the self regenerating timberwolf. Unfortunately, the overpowered One Punch Mare Maude couldn’t just end the fight as she had to stop another epic fight that was rocking Applewood.

Due to idiotic shenanigans, Snap Drake and Brown Dog had set up a conflict between horrible directors Michael Beigh and M. Night Shamalamadingdong hoping that the two would kill each other. Instead the fight only served to wreck the majority of the Applewood movie district, delaying countless films for months and years to come. While she stopped that dumbness, Bugze battled the Tantabus within his mind, while Aqua, Flash, and Nightshade stopped Solarkness and Rutherford.

“Also around that time I met Garble, my favorite punching bag.”

Oh right. Yes, Garble the dragon had been working at the studio in the pony world as punishment by his father Smaug. He’d also been searching for his Ex-Girlfriend Crackle with no luck. In a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Nightshade beat him down, and then he swore to defeat her one day.

“He hasn’t. It’s pretty hilarious how many times I kick his nads into his throat.”

“Thatagirl. But remember, always save your signature move for the final blow, it’s much cooler that way,” Grandbuggy coaches.

With the knights defeated in his sleep, Bugze decided to handle the interrogation, and by adhering to their hatred, was able to make them sell out the location of a Knight neither of them liked in Vanhoover, Kersey. With this info, he knocked them out and gave them to the cops, where the Crimson Vengeance legend grew even more.

“We then went to Whinny Land and it WAS the happiest place on earth…until we accidentally burnt some of it down…” Nightshade admits guiltily while Grandbuggy puts a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry kid. The Walt Whinny Company has practically all the money in the world. They’ll be back on their hooves in no time.”

So with this family attraction being left in the ashes along with most of Applewood, the team moved onto Vanhoover.

The next slide comes up showing a Sapphire Shores Concert and Kersey’s wanted poster.

Concerts and Kaijus

When arriving in the large city, the gang needed to find the one lead that could lead them to Kersey. This turned out to be a messenger that took his orders and was his go between while he stayed shut in his apartment. After some sleuthing they knew this messenger would be at the Sapphire Shores Concert going on that night, and that she would have a certain candy on her that they could track.

“Heh, stupid pop music. You kids these days got no taste. Whatever happened to some good old Rock and Roll?” Grandbuggy complains.

After getting some scalp tickets, Bugze and Nightshade went in disguise since their regular forms had been banned by the security. As they separated trying to find the messenger, Bugze ended up making a ruckus as he attacked Blue Blood who was being a jerk to a filly that looked similar to Nightshade’s disguised form. Beating him up and throwing him up through the stage, he interrupted the opening Colt Band act and Sapphire Shores decided to make a publicity stunt by saying she was captured by the Hooded Offender.

“When dad came back out, Mom was angry at him and he was mumbling about “Never Meet Your Idols.””

With good reason. Sapphire Shores attempted to seduce him, all for the purpose of publicity, and he had attempted to drug Selena before he figured out the jig to keep her from talking.

“Stupid boy. Rule number one is never piss off the ball and chain,” Grandbugg shakes his head in disappointment.

But yes, after being disgusted by her selfishness, Bugze fled, with her vowing vengeance, and encountered Aqua and Nightshade who had already captured the messenger.

“She was a pink haired changeling named Candy,” Nightshade adds. “And boy does she not do well under psychological torture.”

You all can be very convincing with your horrible movies. But yes Candy was another unbound changeling Knight who would later join the ranks of the imprisoned, but that comes later. With her information, Bugze and company committed identity theft and spent a vast amount of the Crimson Knight funds, along with Kersey’s personal funds on random things around the city. The obese pony only noticed when a bunch of exercise equipment was sent to his house and he went to investigate at the bank.

“He was like…I still can’t even describe his level of fatness. There are just no words,” Nightshade says mystified.

When he arrived, he attempted to run and fight, but failed miserably…that is until he took an experimental formula that turned him into a five story tall kaiju pony.

“Hah, is that what they’re calling a kaiju nowadays? Godzilla would be disappointed,” Grandbuggy spits unimpressed.

“You had to be there old bug. Those mountains of fat will forever haunt my dreams…”

Gross. But yeah, Bugze and Aqua took on the giant, and a lot of property damage was had. And then the fight was interrupted by two combatants. Changer showed up once again, and attacked Kersey, but both were interrupted when a 9 foot tall mecha showed up.

“Ah yes, Strong Head. I heard he’d given your dad a hard time in the past,” Grandbuggy says with a scowl.

“Yeah, he used to be Mr. Sentry’s jerk boss. Apparently he works for Blueballs now,” Nightshade gags.

He does. Prince Blueblood called in for him and the prototype armor that Shining Armor’s new classified program had been building to combat The Hooded Offender. When buildings started to crumble, they both figured it was Bugze and sent the armor out. Being a massive jerkass though, he was more than willing to test out his armor on some Knights, no matter who got in the way.

“It was a pretty cool mech too, and dad did a trick where he kept making sure all three of them wailed on each other instead of him.”

“Reminds me of the time I got that Sontaran to kick the crap out of the Ice Warrior for me, heh heh.”

So while the three fought, Bugze and Aqua protected civilians. Eventually they all became battered and bruised, with Changer being thrown into the air, the armor falling to pieces, and Kersey barely standing until Bugze gave the final punch to the gut, making him puke up most of the formula. Before he passed into a coma, Kersey gave Bugze his next two targets out of spite. Brown Dog and Snap Drake. Because of his reckless behavior, Strong Head was arrested and put on trial with Shining Armor, while Kersey’s bounty was collected and The Crimson Vengeance was seen even more as a hero.

“And from what I understand, the piece of crap is still in Armor’s program, but more like a servant to that Sentry kid,” Grandbuggy reads from a folder that says Top Secret.

“Where do you keep getting all these files?” asks Nightshade.

“Well I could tell you kid, but instead let’s just click that button and go to the next slide,” he says as he stashes the file under his hat.

“Fine,” Nightshade relents and clicks the button showing a Hippie Commune with Brown Dog’s, Snap Drake’s, and Changer’s wanted poster.

Peace and Love and Laziness

With Kersey’s info, the bounty hunter gang tracked the Goops and Stuff business back to its source in a Hippie Commune. Brown Dog and Snap Drake had been traveling with the merchandise wagon chain for several weeks after the Applewood incident, and on the outskirts of Vanhoover, an injured Changer landed in their midst. They nursed him back to health, and the revenge seeking Halfling reconnected with his idiotic friends, seeing that the entire “leaving him to die” thing wasn’t how he remembered it. While they reconnected, Bugze about tore his hair out at the Hippie Camp’s actions.

“I’ve said it a million times, Hippie chicks are into the free loving thing, but everything else about ‘em you just gotta slap ‘em down!” Grandbuggy barks.

“Dad tried not to, but I did ruin their garbage dinner. Can you believe they tried to trick me into eating Healthy?! That Pizza Was NOT Pizza!!!” Nightshade rants.

Yes, you caused quite an uproar, though it’s understandable when your Dad accidentally got you a contact high and you tried to pull the moon out of orbit.

“Wait, what happened now?” Grandbuggy sputters.

Bad Parenting. Also, she got another chance to wail on Garble.

“Now THAT I do remember,” Nightshade beams.

So after a day and night of dealing with Hippies, the wagon chain returned and Bugze was prepared to face down Brown Dog, Changer and Snap Drake…but they immediately just gave up. Brown Dog and Snap Drake’s reasoning was that everyone else was already captured, and that it was too much effort to fight when all it would do is mess up their Hippie friends’ place, and Changer figured he’d be able to wail on the others for vengeance if he was taken to the same prison as them. So they willingly went with Bugze to be turned into the police.

“It was very anticlimactic. Heck, they even gave up the last two guys immediately,” Nightshade complains as she clicks the clicker showing an evil looking Asylum with Grey Rebl’s and Erised the Ink Moth’s pictures.

“Now that fight was anything but anticlimactic,” Grandbuggy comments.

Bugze: Arkhay Asylum

On the Outskirts of Tall Tale, the gang approached Arkhay Asylum where the last two Crimson Knight Leaders were said to be. Coming up with a typical Bugze plan, he decided that the only way to enter was to pretend to be crazy and get committed.

“It was surprisingly easy now that I think about it,” Nightshade ponders. “Do you think Daddy actually is crazy?”

“Everyone’s crazy Shade, some are just better at hiding it than others,” Grandbuggy philosophizes.

Once inside, Bugze decided to investigate while waiting for the Noon Visiting Hours so that Aqua and Nightshade could give him his inventory inside a cake. What he found was truly disturbing. Oblivious dazed guards going through the motions, crazy ponies left to their own devices, and worst of all Dr. Quacksalver was employed. Ironically he was the only one in the whole nuthouse that was acting like himself.

Bugze then discovered the horrific truth. Everyone in the Asylum was being controlled by Erised through his Ink Blood which he’d infected the food and drink with. His plan was to lure Princess Celestia and several royal guards into the Asylum and cause a massacre to prove a point to the princess about how killing your enemies was the only way to truly make a difference. A philosophy he’d lived by, and thought was vindicated by the Hooded Offender’s actions in Fillydelphia. Meanwhile, Grey Rebl was using Insane Scientists to mass produce the Videogame weapons which Bugze and friends had kept stumbling over, and even Plasmids and Vigors.

After relaying the info to Aqua and Nightshade, Bugze got his Inventory, only to lose it to a loon who took it down into the weapons lab beneath the Asylum. Bugze and Selena then went Batmane on the grunts below, destroying the weapons and the lab, before engaging in battle with Grey Rebl and his Mighty Mop. While that battle waged, Aqua and Nightshade had been able to warn the Guards of the trick, and led their forces before Princess Celestia arrived to stop Erised’s plan.

“I’ve seen the footage, you sure know how to take control of a battle kid. I’m so proud of you,” Grandbuggy beams.

“Thanks. I am pretty good at fighting after all. The majority of the time I don’t is because Dad would have a cow and freak out, but when I’m needed, you better believe I’m gonna bring the pain,” she says cheerfully punching one hoof into another.

Eventually Aqua defeated the majority of the mind controlled inmates via waterbending the water pipes in the building, and Bugze defeated Grey Rebl, whose body was then puppeted by Erised himself and aided with several of his Ink Clones.

“They tried to take over Dad’s mind and body, and they brought him and Aqua to the main office, but then I intervened, and then Mommy took care of the rest,” Nightshade hoofwaves.

Selena overtook the Ink Moth’s Hive Mind and made inert the sway his Ink Blood had on everyone who had been controlled, thus ending the battle. Within a hidden room, they found the real Erised, pale, sickly and on a gurney. Unable to handle how The Crimson Vengeance was able to win without taking a life, he attempted suicide but Bugze would not let him go that easily and kept him alive with his Power Glove until paramedics took him away. With the leaders down, the Guards secured the facility and celebrated The Crimson Vengeance and Aqua. When Princess Celestia was sited flying in, Bugze rightfully did not want to meet with her for fear of her figuring out who he really was, so Aqua caused a distraction by being the center of all the Guard’s praise while Bugze slipped into the night.

The next day, Bugze and Nightshade met Aqua at the train station for some big news. For her role in taking down the Crimson Knights, she was being awarded a medal and was offered a job by the Solar Princess. The Princess also wished to thank the Crimson Vengeance personally, but she had told her he was a very private pony. This helped somewhat, but she was still bent on rewarding Bugze’s bounty hunter avatar for his actions.

“And then came the goodbyes. I never did like goodbyes…” Nightshade trails off.

With the Crimson Knights dismantled, Bugze didn’t have an obligation to run around anymore, and he could finally return to Appleloosa. Bugze, Selena and Nightshade bid their farewells to Aqua and the partnership that took down a criminal organization was dissolved.

“Don’t be so melodramatic, it’s not like they didn’t team up again,” Grandbuggy riffs.

Yes, but that comes later. So, with the Hunt for the Crimson Knights over, The Wanted Family traveled towards the sanctuary of Appleloosa, but like usual, fate had other plans.

Return To Ponyville

After walking for some days, Nightshade realized how close they were to Ponyville and wanted to stop by for a visit.

“Well yeah, that’s where all my friends are.”

Bugze of course didn’t want to risk it, but before their argument could get out of hand, someone interrupted them.

“Ugh,” Nightshade gags, “I’m still not comfortable with that jerk, even if he says he’s good now.”

“Good is a relative term. I’ve glimpsed the future and he’s not so much good, as not quite a jackass as he used to be,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Whatever. That chaos jerk still set us back a year, so I’d rather not talk to him,” she huffs and crosses her forelegs.

If you couldn’t tell, the someone who interrupted their familial squabble was Discord himself. Naturally when faced with the God of Chaos who screwed them over a year ago, Bugze, Nightshade and Selena reacted in the most predictable way possible and tried to beat him up. And shocker, it didn’t work.

“Hey, I got two good hits in,” Nightshade shouts.

Regardless, he quickly put a stop to your battle and explained that Princess Celestia had had the Deadly 6 Reform him so that he could peacefully bring in the Hooded Offender without any more bloodshed. A pretty solid plan on paper, but Discord is Discord. He said that he instead would pretend to not be able to find Bugze, as he wanted at least someone out there to keep creating chaos, as long as it didn’t involve murder. He also shocked them even more when he apologized for trying to take Nightshade hostage when the Elements were pointed at him stating that he had been desperate.

“We’ve looked down the barrel of those guns many times before, and I guess I can kind of see that,” Nightshade reluctantly agrees.

“Still, if I ever see his future timeline counterpart again, I’m putting my cigar out on his tongue for that little stunt,” Grandbuggy declares.

Even still, he announced that he would watch the shenanigans every now and again, and keep your location a secret as penance for the hostage thing. Bugze still didn’t believe Discord was really reformed, especially when he said Fluttershy was the one to do it single handedly.

“Even Discord was offended by that statement. Ms. Fluttershy is tougher than a lot of ponies give her credit for. Now if only she wasn’t so Yanderish sometimes,” Nightshade shudders.

“Hey, you can’t spell Psychotic without hot,” Grandbuggy jokes.

Anyway, Bugze rushed forth towards Ponyville to prove Discord a liar, much to Nightshade’s happiness. When they got there though, everything appeared to be fine, aside from the sea of Pinkie Pies hopping everywhere.

The slide clicks showing countless Pinkie Pie clones

Pink Ponies on Parade

Bugze immediately blamed Discord for this mess, even though Selena kept telling him she didn’t sense chaos magic, so he rushed forth to stop the chaos.

“It was more annoying than destructive, but a lot of ponies were tired of the Pinkie Pies,” Nightshade explains.

Bugze even zapped one of the poor mares, and ended up finding out they were sapient, albeit with only a basic understanding of the world. After finding out from the real depressed Pinkie Pie that the clones weren’t the work of Discord, Bugze felt himself slide into depression. When Rainbow Dash took the real Pinkie away for a test, he chased after them and witnessed something truly horrible.

“Ms. Twilight was killing them,” Nightshade sniffles. “If they couldn’t watch the paint dry, she would blow them up and send their souls back to the mirror pond. It was…it was horrible,” she shudders and Grandbuggy wraps a hoof around her shoulders.

Bugze, Selena and Nightshade were understandably shocked by this turn of events, so The Crimson Vengeance busted into the town hall, subdued the Deadly 6 and led the Pinkie Pies to freedom at the train station. He was even able to shame Twilight into realizing what she had actually been doing, which bought the Pinkie’s time to board the train. Letting them know that Appleloosa was a safe place to live, he gave out the majority of his Bounty Money to the remaining Pinkie Clones and provided one more distraction to keep the Deadly 6 from following them. Changing into his long believed dead Baker Sylvester Tennant costume, he jumped off the train, shocking the Deadly 6 enough to make them forget about the Pinkies.

“They didn’t think it was him at first, but when I popped out and ran to hug Spike, they all believed him. Boy was it good to see him again.”

“I’m sure your little coltfriend was happy to see you too honey,” Grandbuggy ruffles her mane.

“What?! H-He’s not my coltfriend Grandbuggy,” Nightshade stammers with a blush.

“Oh right, sorry. I meant your drakefriend,” he teases.

“N-no, it’s just…MOVING ON!” she hurriedly clicks the clicker, showing a stock image of Ponyville.

Naturally, the mares wanted to know how the heck BST and Nightshade were still alive after the fire supposedly took their lives, so Bugze led them back to Golden Oaks Library to tell the story, which gave the Pinkies all the time in the world to be safe.

Explanations Galore

As BST, he explained to the girls that he hadn’t meant to fake his death, but that after the Changelings kidnapped Nightshade, he moved on and stayed with his brother, who he claimed was The Crimson Vengeance. While that was going on, Nightshade was introduced to the library’s newest resident, Crackle, who had been squatting there ever since taking Spike and the girls away from the Smaug fight.

“Crackle is under the delusion that Daddy will come back for her, so she refused to leave. Or at least that’s what Spike says, I can’t understand her.”

Aside from meeting unwelcomed house guests, Nightshade also confided in Spike how it really was her back in the Crystal Empire that he’d seen. He also let her know that Applebloom had told him about the events of Sunny Town, so the two of them decided to go fill in the rest of the CMC immediately. So they rushed past the adults into the town, which got Bugze anxious. After a few more apologies and some group hugs, Pinkie decided to immediately tell the whole town about BST’s return party and ushered the others out the door to plan it after they blocked off the Mirror Pool entrance. Left to his own devices for awhile, Bugze naturally didn’t sort his priorities well and decided to track down Nightshade and Spike before anything could happen.

“I’ve told him time and time again to stop being a psycho like that. Honestly, what does he think Spike and I are going to do?” Nightshade huffs frustrated.

“Every father’s worst fear is that his little girl will end up with a guy, sitting in a tree, if you know what I mean. Unlike your Dad though I say go ahead and sit away Shade.”

“Grandbuggy!!!” she shouts and covers her face in embarrassment while the old bug laughs.

Whether it was true or not, Bugze had psyched himself up about it so much even Selena began to worry, so they set out into town. Along the way, Bugze cleverly avoided Aloe who had learned he was back, ran into Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, which went better than expected. Eventually he did make it to the treehouse where NONE of his worst fears were coming true. Instead he interrupted a pretty touching reunion between Nightshade and the rest of the CMC who were filled in about the Empire and Sunny Town, and sworn to secrecy. Luckily the CMC were just as happy to see BST back from the dead and hugged him into submission.

A few hours later, Bugze with Nightshade and the rest of the girls and Spike went to the party where BST gave his alibi and said that he was sorry everyone thought he was dead. Twilight tried to convince BST to stay for longer than a visit so that Princess Celestia could ask about his brother, so he lied and said he would. In actuality he was planning on leaving before that meeting could occur.

Then he met with Ditzy “Derpy” Do who he hadn’t seen since the events of the Otherworld, and while she was happy to see him, she felt guilty about how the Doctor had left things with him. She didn’t know what the Doctor’s final words to him had meant, and only knew that Grandbuggy and Granny Smith had been his companions way back when. She then went on to explain that she hadn’t seen him for a year, and was heartbroken because she had always thought the two had something together. Bugze comforted her as best he could.

Bugze was also cornered by Aloe, Applejack and Rainbow Dash who were still a bit upset about thinking he was dead since they all had crushes on him, so he had to play clean up duty and apologize like his life depended on it. They of course relented and forgave him, and Applejack even convinced him to help set up the farm for her Family Reunion that would be taking place soon.

“Dad sure had a lot going on at that party. All I did was eat a lot of snacks.”

“Well don’t forget when yours truly first got to finally speak to you, albeit incognito,” Grandbuggy reminds her.

“Oh Right! I had just kicked Thunderlane in the nards for trying to steal my baked goods, when an old grey stallion that I didn’t know was Grandbuggy showed up and told me I had to diversify my attack moves.”

“I taught her the all important throat punch. A move that has saved my bacon more times than I can count,” he beams.

“Yup. I then used it on Caramel’s girlfriend Sassaflass when she stole my pie while I was talking to Grandbuggy.”

Your parental advice is suspect at best.

“It’s because it ain’t parental advice, it’s Great Grandfather wisdom.”

Whatever. So while Nightshade was learning more poor lessons, Bugze and Fluttershy had a private conversation outside since she was the only one that knew BST and the Hooded Offender were one and the same. She was overjoyed to see Bugze, but she had misplaced anger for Selena who she mistakenly blamed for the destruction at the Crystal Empire and the eating of Sombra. Bugze attempted to set the record straight, but she would not concede, and so Selena came forth and said her piece to Fluttershy in brutal honesty.

“Fluttershy really doesn’t like Mommy. That’s when her Yandere look comes out the most when talking about her, and I don’t know why,” Nightshade says flabbergasted.

“It’s simple math kiddo. When two mares both like the same guy, the claws come out.”

“But that’s a stupid way to act.”

“Oh really? How do you feel when that Rarity gal is hugging Spike?”

“That Make-up Abusing Whorse Can Go Right Back to Tartarus Where She Belongs!!!” the filly shouts before her eyes go wide as Grandbuggy smiles trollishly at her. “I-I mean…Shut Up!”

Getting back on track, the two mares still had some ice between them, but the air was cleared for the time being while Bugze made peace. Afterward, the party continued on with many reunions and fun times, and for the next few days, Bugze would help set up the Apple farm for the approaching reunion. But before that happened, a certain young filly came to town…

“Uh Oh…” Nightshade says in dread as her ears wilt in guilt.

And Nightshade ended up learning a very painful lesson. She looks down and away from us as she clicks the clicker and the next slide shows a pictogram of a crying filly.

I Learned It From Watching You

The filly that arrived was Babs Seed, Applebloom’s cousin from Manehattan who had come down a week earlier before the Reunion occurred. While initially reluctant to take part in Nightshade and the CMC’s shenanigans, they all wanted her to have a good time and they showed her the pumpkin parade float they’d made.

“We spent so long building that thing…” Nightshade whimpers.

But in the midst of showing it off, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon showed up to mock the CMC, but Nightshade wasn’t having any of it. She exited the pumpkin surprising the two fillies. They hadn’t gone to the party and had only heard rumors of BST and Nightshade returning. They had felt guilty when they thought Nightshade had died and how they left things off.

“I didn’t know! How could I have known?” Nightshade wails as Grandbuggy pats her back.

You couldn’t have. Nightshade began to harass them back and told them off. She was further reinforced by Babs Seed who joined in. The two rich fillies were shocked and scared, but Nightshade and Babs took and broke Diamond’s Tiara and Silver’s glasses, much to the shock of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Nightshade then threatened them with her glowing eyes of anger and shoved them back into the pumpkin float which dislodged one of its wheels.
As the two fillies ran off crying, the float broke down and nearly crushed the two as well. And riding on the high of bullying, Nightshade and Babs declared it Diamond and Silver’s fault and rushed after them, chasing them through the Apple Trees.

“I…” Nightshade starts before sniffling and looking towards us with teary eyes. “I was a real jerk. I went overboard. I learned my lesson soon enough, but at the time, I actually thought I was justified and in the right…How could I ever have been so blind?”

“There there honey,” Grandbuggy comforts, “Nobody in this Universe is perfect. We all have our faults and screw ups. The only thing you can do is learn from them and hope to move on.”

Well said, and it’s a lesson she did indeed learn not long after this. But before that, the two frightened fillies had run off away from Nightshade and Babs, with the rest of the CMC looking for them to keep anything worse from happening. Luckily Bugze found the two first, and his fatherly instincts kicked in when seeing two bullied crying children and he comforted and hugged them. When the CMC showed up, they all told Bugze what had happened and he was filled with disappointment over Nightshade’s actions.

Learning that Nightshade and Babs had gone over to Diamond’s house to look for her, Bugze took the five fillies back to the Apple House and explained the story to Big Mac, Applejack and Granny Smith, and he had the CMC and the two rich fillies make amends with each other, citing that what their parents taught about getting ahead in the world was bullspit.

“Yeah, Diamond doesn’t have the best relationship with her mother…” Nightshade says sadly.

Once the girls were settled, Bugze took Big Mac with him as they went to Diamond’s House where they found the two fillies attempting to light a Molotov cocktail. Both Big Mac and Bugze scolded the two and Bugze laid down the law for Nightshade. How she wasn’t acting like a good guy, how she was being a bigger bully than they ever were.

“He went on and on until I finally saw the truth. But what was worse was that he kept blaming himself for being a bad father figure. That he showed me how to fight but not be responsible. It was some pretty deep stuff, and made me see how much of a butthead I’d been.”

Bugze and Mac then took the two back to the farmhouse where many apologies were had, from all sides. But eventually, it came time to take Diamond and Silver home. Mac and Bugze took the two fillies back to Diamond’s house, where Silver was staying while her parents were out of town.

When they got there though, they encountered Spoiled Rich and her horrifying upturned nose. Suffice to say, Bugze did not like her, or her badmouthing, or the fact that she appeared to have had a few drinks. Luckily though, Diamond and Silver met with Filthy Rich while they dealt with Spoiled. Mac and Bugze then had a chat with the Filthy, who actually turned out to be a decent pony who realized he had to change up how he raised his daughter and was very understanding of the whole situation.

“Exactly. Not every rich guy’s a jerk. Look at me. I’m a multibillionaire and I’m fine,” Grandbuggy boasts.

“You Are?” Nightshade asks intrigued.

“Well…not on this planet…” he admits.

After reaching an understanding, Filthy pretended to throw the two out to keep favor with his wife, and in Bugze’s terrible acting he accidentally threw a bottle of healing potion at Spoiled’s face, which ended up fixing her nose, which she and Filthy were extremely thankful for. That night, after returning back to his Shed, Bugze and Selena decided to give out Nightshade’s punishment in the form of a psychological Nightmare. Nightshade shudders at the memory and shuts her eyes.

She saw images of her friends abandoning and being afraid of her, of being seen as a monster and a bully. And then, she saw a past memory of a young Bugze being picked on, and then even being afraid of her. Selena didn’t let the nightmare go long though and comforted her daughter after the message was received.

“And I haven’t forgotten it either. I never want to be seen like that. I’ll never be a bully again.”

Good. Hopefully you keep to that promise. But after that after school PSA, some more lighthearted stuff came about. Nightshade, if you would.
She clicks it and the slide shows a bunch of Apple Family members dancing.

A Batty Reunion

The day of the Apple Family reunion came along to Sweet Apple Acres, and with it a lot of new stalkers entered BST’s/Bugze’s radar, much to Applejack’s chagrin.

“But that means we’d be related to them too right?” asks a disgusted Nightshade.

“Eyup. Boy are things going to be awkward when that bombshell is dropped,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

Bugze of course warded off these mare’s advances, and instead hung out with Braeburn who he hadn’t seen in years. Also, a new feud was started between Bugze and Bon Bon who took all the good snacks, and Grandbuggy even showed up in disguise.

“Yeah, I went as Candy Apple. Been awhile since I changed into a mare, but most of Smithy’s extended family are mares, so it was less chance of me getting caught. I just wanted to say hi to the boy. I even made sure him and Shade here got their snacks later that night.”

You’re truly a hero to all of us you senile old bug. But anyway, through certain shenanigans, a horde of fruit bats descended upon the Reunion, which didn’t sit well with Bugze.

“Who knew Daddy was so afraid of bats? I don’t see why though, they’re adorable.”

“Might have something to do with that time I took him to that abandoned mine shaft to scare off some meddling kids and their talking dog. There were a lot of the little pests there,” Grandbuggy theorizes.

Whatever the case, Bugze freaked out and ended up destroying the Apple Barn, but luckily everyone chipped in to build a new one.
The slide clicks and it shows two stallion hooves locked in a manly shake.

Bromantic and Animalistic Adventures

Some days later, Bugze attempted to leave via train while the Deadly 6 traveled to the Crystal Empire, but Twilight had anticipated this and invited Flash Sentry to town. Thrilled by being reunited with his best Bro, Flash made Bugze miss his train and the two got to hang out.

“I anticipated that, mostly because Ms. Twilight had told me beforehand. So while Daddy was dealing with his bromance, I went to go hang out and eat cake with Spike.”

Spike was going to be watching the Deadly 6’s pets, and Nightshade had decided to pitch in and help, just so long as she got to have some cake. But then…
The next slide shows Angel, Tank, Winona, Opalescence, Gummy, and Owlowicious running amok in front of a stampede of zoo animals.

“Yeah, while dad was catching up, I had a crazy day. First I found Spike knocked out by Tank, which almost happened to me, then I integrated Mangle into the mix of animals, then I found out I couldn’t actually eat gems and I chipped my tooth, which hurt like a mother bucker.”

“But your tooth looks fine,” observes Grandbuggy before a glint comes to his eye. “Let me guess. Zebra magic?”

“Zebra magic,” Nightshade agrees.

So the young Dragon and Filly traveled with the unruly pets to go find Zecora and get her tooth fixed so that Bugze wouldn’t freak out and not let Nightshade hang around with Spike anymore. They found her fairly early, and so as not to take the animals into the Everfree, they waited at the edge by Fluttershy’s cottage till Zecora came back out. Also during this time, Angel Bunny fell in love with Mangle.

“However the heck that works,” Nightshade shrugs.

But as they traveled to the cottage, they were joined by the CMC and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who had become friends with the group, though things were still awkward between them and Nightshade. When they got to the cottage, Harry the Bear had been throwing a party for all the animals, so the children all gushed over them. And then Angle started a bunny cult to the worship of Mangle, which caused a domino effect that led into a stampede.

“I still don’t know how that happened!”

As the animals stampeded into town, with the fillies all strapped to different animals, Bugze and Flash saw and attempted to stop it with no luck. Thankfully, one mare was able to stop it through the power of shaming.

“Ms. Cheerilee of all ponies. She gets really scary when she has to. I don’t know how Applebloom survived having her as a Sister in Law for so long,” Nightshade ponders.

“Or how Smithy’s Grandson even got away from such a mare. Let me tell ya, the strong willed ones are the hardest to leave. But by the gods, have you seen that mare in a cheerleader outfit?” Grandbuggy adds with his mouth drooling.

“Yeah, Daddy and Mr. Sentry had the same reaction,” Nightshade shakes her head in bemusement.

With the stampede stopped, Nightshade drank the tooth fixing tonic, with Bugze none the wiser and for the next few days, everyone prepared for the upcoming Derby Race.

“Oh heck ya. Me and Daddy made an awesome Derby car. We called it the Fury Dragula. We’d been watching Fury Road over and over again, so of course we had to make it metal as Tartarus, but also stylish. Daddy added in the traditional layer by making it look like something from an old show.”

“More than half the kids in your class wouldn’t be able to name the show it came from,” Grandbuggy shakes his head.

While building the Fury Dragula, Nightshade and Bugze also stopped a sister problem between the CMC and their respective Deadly 6 siblings. They simply had them switch partners so that each filly could try something different. Flash Sentry had also brought his little brother First Base to join in on the festivities. With all the cars made, the race began, and it was the most epic children’s derby race in history.

“We were sideswiping others, throwing out traps, rocking out to metal. It was awesome,” Nightshade jumps up and down in remembrance.

Their hard work and ingenuity paid off, and Nightshade and Bugze won the race, just as their cart fell apart.

“It now rides eternal, shiny and chrome on the fury road,” Nightshade salutes.

After that epicness, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash decided to make it up to their sisters for not being their partners in the race, and so planned a camping trip which Bugze and Flash were roped into as well. And on that trip, a long hidden secret was finally revealed.

The next slide clicks into place, showing Bugze staring up at the moon with Selena at his side.

Revelations Within The Woods

The camping trip went rather smoothly, that is after Bugze shamed Rarity for making Sweetie Belle carry all the luggage.

“She’s not even the athletic one, how the heck does that twig pull that much?” asks Grandbuggy.

“She’s tougher than she looks, all my friends are. Though even I admit McStabFlank making her pull that is a big pile of-“

ANYWAY! Everyone trekked along nicely, and at night ghost stories were told around the campfire.

“They had nothing on Sunny Town,” Nightshade boasts.

Indeed, which is why poor Scootaloo was having intense nightmares that night. Selena also sensed the presence of Princess Luna within Scootaloo’s mind and warned Nightshade from dream walking with her. So not only did Scootaloo and Nightshade not get any sleep, but neither did Bugze, Flash, and his little brother due to Rainbow Dash’s jet engine snoring. After a second day of tired traveling, the party set up camp in a cave where Nightshade knocked out Scootaloo with the Luna plushie, and with distributed ear plugs, everyone finally slept, but within the dreamscape, Bugze and Selena had the most important conversation of they’ve had.

“Hey! What are you doing Grandbuggy?” asks a confused Nightshade as the old bug plugs her ears with his hooves.

“Sorry Kiddo, but this is private info between your mom and pops.”

“But you said I wouldn’t remember anything on this recap!”

“You won’t. But while I’ll more than likely spill the beans on your genealogy this season, this is something you need to hear from your parents directly,” he points out.

“Ugh. Fine!” she huffs and crosses her forelegs.

“Alright, do your thing,” he orders as if he’s the one in charge of this story.

Selena had conjured up a peaceful Night Sky environment so that she and Bugze could talk alone. Earlier, a comment by Bugze to Sombra about covering words not lessening their truths had caused her to finally admit something to Bugze. The truth about Nightshade’s origin.

She admitted that after jumping into Bugze when he found her armor, Nightshade had been created through an act of transmutation using bits of her and Luan’s shared blood and Bugze’s. The magic used came from bits of her fractured soul, and from a wealth of Love Magic within Bugze that came from Cadence’s and Shining’s love blast.

Nightshade had been created to become the new body for Nightmare Moon herself, and was only a child because of the limited power. After draining herself and recuperating within Bugze, she saw that the body somehow had its own personality and soul, and wasn’t just a husk so she switched gears into giving Bugze power in which to protect her vessel. But as time went on, she began to see Nightshade not as a vessel, but as her own daughter which she had brought into this world. The tipping point came when Discord attacked, and she abandoned her plans of becoming flesh again via Nightshade. She would never attempt transmutation again for fear of bringing another child into this world for such a horrid goal.

After laying out this truth to Bugze, the changeling was rightly shocked and asked why she hadn’t told him this before. She tearfully admitted that she was felt tremendous guilt and shame for how she used to be, and how she thought of her precious daughter. She also confessed that she hid the truth for so long because she was afraid of Bugze hating her again, losing what they had become over the years, and viewing her for like the monster she used to be. Despite these fears though, she could not continue lying to Bugze, after all they’d been through, and would face whatever his judgment was.

And against her greatest fears, he embraced her and forgave her. He told her that who she was in the past was not who she was now. That Nightmare Moon was dead, and that Selena, the caring mother of his child that had saved his life, was the mare she truly was. No matter where Nightshade came from was irrelevant, just so long as they cared for her as they did now.

Relieved, the two took comfort in one another and gained an even more trust, and something even deeper in one another. So much so that Bugze declared that he Pinkie Promised he would find a way to give Selena a body again. While she was flattered, she also pointed out that so long as Sombra was in his head, she would not leave him alone with him. So Bugze also swore to figure out a solution for the former King they kept drugged almost daily.

After a hug that went on a little longer than either side had planned, their little tender moment was interrupted by a shout from Nightshade.

“Alright filly, we can resume listening,” Grandbuggy takes his hooves out of her ears.

“Great. Where are we?”

“You’re friend running off into the woods like a chicken with her head cut off.”

“Don’t call her chicken! She hates that,” Nightshade demands before looking back to us. “OK, so what happened was Scoots had another Nightmare and pedaled off into the dark woods, so I woke up Dad to go and get her before she got hurt.”

“Lot of good that did. My idjit boy followed the Pegasus filly into a river and right over a waterfall. The Rainbow Haired tomcolt with the tight flank caught the filly, but he plummeted and nearly drowned. Thankfully this old geezer was there to save the day.”

Although Bugze didn’t know it at the time, only seeing a shadowed shape with a familiar voice, Grandbuggy had dragged Bugze out of the river and resuscitated him. So not only did he learn the truth of his daughter and the mare in his head, but also the suspicion that his Grandbuggy was still alive somehow.

“Rainbow Dash eventually flew back with all of them, but yeesh, I’m surprised Dad was able to fall asleep again. And what do you mean by the truth about-“

“Spoilers!” Grandbuggy shouts.

“Cut that out! I hate when the Doctor says that!” she growls.

“Who do you think taught him that one?” Grandbuggy trolls.

After many revelations in one night, Bugze and Co continued on with the trip, and after that, life in general. Over the next days, he worked, had bro time, and just settled into routine like BST had done a year before. He even uncovered how Flash had been taking the wrong kind of drugs which made him more boisterous and temperamental as opposed to the calming pills he was supposed to be subscribed. Though that did little in appeasing the angry voices that still plagued him. But then came the day he knew would be their last in Ponyville.

The next slide clicks and shows the clock timer from Majora’s Mask fittingly enough.

The Final Day

After receiving a warning from his mysterious friend early in the morning, Bugze told Nightshade it was time to leave, and to say her goodbyes to her friends while he did the same. He had been wanting to leave for some time to avoid the dreaded meeting with Celestia so that she could ask him about his “brother” the Crimson Vengeance, and with the letter he finally had the excuse.

“I hate that stupid mysterious friend…” Nightshade scowls.

Nightshade reluctantly followed her father’s orders and sullenly went into town to say her goodbyes, though she ran into road block after road block.

“Everyone was way too busy. Applebloom was doing homework, Scootaloo was practicing with Rainbow Dash, and Sweetie Belle was helping her sister with clothes. Even Spike was busy with library chores…I thought my heart was going to break not being able to hang out with any of them one last time…”

It actually was pretty depressing…But she did end up spending the rest of the day with the two fillies whom she never would have thought would be her friends.

“Silver and Diamond kept me company. Through them I got to have some closure that day…”

And while Nightshade had one more day of fun, Bugze gave parting flowers to his frenemies, and his stalker crowd, including Octavia who had been rebuilding the Horde with Lyra as the small, devoted fan club it had started out as.

“Stalkers, Fan clubs, I’ve heard it both ways,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

At the end of the day though, both Father and Daughter met at the train station where Flash Sentry was leaving back to Canterlot. Bugze said goodbye to his bro, while Nightshade sulked in the inventory. Early the next day, Bugze and Nightshade left for the edges of town, and Nightshade’s mood had not improved.

“You’re darn right it didn’t improve. I was leaving behind my friends again. I love Appleloosa, but I love them too.”

Trying to comfort his depressed daughter, Bugze shed his BST disguise on the edge of town, but before they could move further, a magical dome encased the town, separating the two. Panicked about possible danger, Bugze ordered Nightshade back to town, thinking it was a defensive barrier, but before she left he made her Pinkie Promise not to fight.

“I was panicked alright? Maybe if I hadn’t made that promise things would have turned out differently.”

Perhaps, but who’s to say? But no, Nightshade ran back into town, while Bugze ran into Twilight Sparkle who recognized him without his disguise, which led to a less than welcome greeting. Almost simultaneously, Father and Daughter learned the truth. The one who erected the dome was none other than Trixie Lulamoon.

Ultra Despair

Trixie had returned to Ponyville with a fancy new necklace that gave her immense power, while also degrading her mind. She believed in her warped mind that she never actually betrayed the Hooded Offender, and that she was tricked by Twilight and the rest of the Deadly 6 into putting Bugze in jail. She also declared that by taking over the town, she would be doing it in retribution for the Hooded Offender and that he would eventually come to be her friend again.

“She had completely lost it, she even had this little black and white bear that she kept talking to, and she made it talk back in a different voice,” Nightshade shivers.

So while she enslaved the rest of the town, and Nightshade was forced to hide due to her promise, Bugze naturally freaked out and tried to punch his way into the dome to no avail. Reluctantly, he and Twilight called a temporary truce and sought Zecora’s help. With little information, Zecora’s solution was to train the both of them via montage.

And while all that was going on, Bugze and Twilight were forced by Zecora to talk to each other about their grievances. Twilight laid out her problems, about how Bugze says one thing and does another, like wanting to be left alone, yet always ending up in the middle of things and making them worse, or how ponies always get hurt around him.
Bugze countered that he truly didn’t want to be in the thick of the things, and just wants to be left alone with his daughter. He admits that his faults were his own, and he had regrets, but that he wasn’t going to submit anytime soon, and how he hated how things ended up between him and the Deadly 6. He told her straight up that when they got into the dome, he WAS going to hurt Trixie. His hatred for her was too great, and ultimately it was her that set him down this path of violence. Not agreeing with each other, but with a better understanding, Bugze and Twilight continued their training.

“And while he got his noggin whacked in, this little one led a revolution,” Grandbuggy boasts with pride.

“That’s right. I gathered Spike, the CMC, and all the colts and fillies from school and we joined forces with the adults from the Horde to take down Trixie’s reign. Since none of us had the firepower she had, and because I was still keeping my promise not to fight, I led a prank war on her.”

From water balloons, to fireworks, and explosive wubs, Nightshade and her army tormented the crazed Unicorn on the streets.

“She didn’t know what hit her, and throughout it all, none of us got hit by her.”

“Well that was mostly thanks to your coltfriend saving your bacon right?” teases Grandbuggy.

“Spike’s Not My Coltfriend! Sure we spent a lot of time alone, eating and hanging out, sure we kept going to movies together and holding hooves, and sure I kissed him on the cheek when he shot that fire out and dissolved Trixie’s wild blast that almost hit me…but that doesn’t mean we’re dating…” she trails off a blush on her cheeks and Grandbuggy just smiles smugly.

“Shut Up! Point is, Spikey-I mean Spike dissolved that blast, and the war continued, but eventually we all ran out of steam when she got serious and sang a villain song…”

Quite right denier.


Trixie captured the majority of the pranksters, save for Nightshade and sang a catchy number, and it was at that point that Nightshade had enough and confronted Trixie.

“I said I was Ms. Twilight’s number one pupil, which is technically true, and somehow she and I ended up in a duel, WHICH I TOTALLY WON BY THE WAY!!!” she shouts.

“Sore subject?” asks her Great Grandbug.

“I moved the freaking moon! That should have made me win by default!”

That was one of only a few things that went on in this magic duel, though no one believed that she actually moved the moon and that it was only an illusion.


But Nightshade and Trixie used their skills in magic, never once did Nightshade break her promise of fighting, but after the ping pong match Trixie called a technicality and declared herself winner.


Rightfully angered, Nightshade almost broke her promise to fight her, as the anger that had been in her heart for so long enveloped her.

“She was the reason Daddy was always on the run. Why we were always hunted. Why I didn’t get to stay with my friends…”

As her friends attempted to hold her back, it was when a certain dragon called her by name did Trixie’s smug demeanor vanish. Recognizing Nightshade’s name, she teleported the two across town to talk. Trixie asked why she had the name of the Offender’s child, and Nightshade revealed her true alicorn form and declared herself to be his daughter. Trixie had an opposite reaction, becoming overjoyed since she had remembered seeing Nightshade while she slumbered, and was excited that Bugze was nearby. Bugze on the other hand, was not so thrilled. Having seen Nightshade in the sky giving an epic ping pong strike…

“Don’t ask.”

...He had rushed back to the dome, leaving Zecora and Twilight behind and started punching on the dome with reckless abandon, which caught the attention of Trixie and Nightshade. Teleporting over, Trixie lifted the dome, and allowed Bugze in.

“With him there, I decked Trixie across the cheek and jumped into the inventory. I knew how much dad wanted to beat her up…I regret that now…” Nightshade says solemnly.

And Bugze did what he did best. After knocking her into town, he told the citizens to evacuate as his anger brought forth the cloak, directly to Phase 3, much to the shock of the showmare. The brutal fight then began in earnest, and Bugze didn’t hold back, but even then her magic with the alicorn amulet was immensely greater than his and Selena’s. Only because of her own damaged mind, and confusion for wanting to be his friend again allowed Bugze to land blows, which slowly chipped away at her. Her confusion, and calling him a friend pushed Bugze even further into rage, and the fight spilled into the Apple Orchard where the shack he and Nightshade had staid was destroyed.

“I’ll miss that crummy little place…”

At the end of his rage, Bugze was eventually able to overpower Trixie enough to get through past the Amulet’s influence. By simply abandoning her after she’d been beaten, she took off the amulet and saw through the fog. After throwing the cursed item away, Bugze attempted to flee, but a distraught Trixie clung to him and begged for forgiveness.

She spoke about how the night she’d betrayed him was the single greatest mistake she’d ever made, and how she blamed herself for all the trouble Bugze had gone through since then. She didn’t want to bring despair to others, she had only wanted to use the Amulet to have the power to send word out so that he could return, and she could make amends. The black and white bear she carried was symbolic of the despair and hope she felt inside, and that it represented that neither she nor Bugze were fully gone past the point of saving. But the amulet twisted her intentions. Tearfully she begged for forgiveness and to be friends again…but…

“The boy made another big mistake. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive, and let the festering hurt go…” Grandbuggy shakes his head in grief.

Bugze refused to forgive her, but he did not shout. He plainly told her that it was far too late for them to start over again, and that ultimately, it was Trixie that ruined his life. What little hope she’d held onto was squashed at this declaration, and the despair fully enveloped her. Seeing herself as the root of everyone’s problems, she came to the wrong epiphany. That if she were not around, everyone from Bugze, to the citizens in Ponyville would have much happier lives. And before Bugze could stop her, she picked up a shard of crystal he’d bent and…well she…

“She tried to kill herself,” Nightshade finishes looking down. “Mom told me afterwards, you don’t have to sugar coat it. Heck, I shouldn’t even say tried, she did kill herself, because she didn’t come back without help.”

Yeah…Trixie stabbed herself in the stomach, and Bugze attempted to save her. He frantically told her that he did forgive her, but by then, she did not believe, and told him he didn’t have to pretend to care for her. Begging forgiveness for being a monster, her heart stopped beating in his arms, and that is how the Deadly 6 and the rest of the town came upon him holding her lifeless body.


“Oh boy…” Nightshade sighs in unhappiness.

“It’s alright kid, I’ve got this part,” he pats her shoulder before looking back to us.

“My boyo was reeling from shock, I mean, how could he not be holding a dead mare? A dead mare who said ending her life was to make him happy. The evil shadowy turd king in his mind took this opportunity to overwhelm his psyche by unloading all of his repressed guilt over the last three years at once, and this turned him near catatonic. And then…then…Aw buck, I can’t talk about this either,” the old bug shudders. “Take it away narrator, we’ll stay silent,” he assures as she wraps a leg around the filly’s shoulders.

OK. I’ll try to be quick. Sombra had told Bugze previously that he kept the guilt somewhat suppressed because it amused him, but he had been storing it for such an occasion to get Bugze killed and release him. After months of being kept prisoner and drugged nearly every day, he took his opportunity to strike when Bugze and Selena forgot to sober him up. With Bugze’s mind all but gone with remorse, and Selena floundering in the shockwaves and unable to communicate, he begged the horrified towns folk to save Trixie. Several doctors rushed to her, but their prognosis was grim, and said it would take a miracle. And just at that moment, they were teleported to the hospital with the showmare’s body.

Princess Celestia had shown up on her planned arrival in the town, which Bugze had desperately been trying to avoid. Angered and saddened that her plan with Discord to avoid more bloodshed had seemingly failed, she demanded to know why Bugze did the things he did, but he could not answer as he was broken. Picking up Trixie’s bloodstained bear plush, he droned on and on that he deserved this, and just gave up. Princess Celestia passed judgment upon him, and handed out the Elements of Harmony to the Deadly 6 who all began to power up, even Fluttershy who believed everything was Selena’s fault.

At the crux of their power, Bugze all but embraced his doom, but the mare in his head would not let him go down that easily. Selena took control of Bugze’s body, and lashed out with her power, interrupting the Element charge up, and dispelling Celestia’s holding magic. She then began shouting through his mouth that “They Wouldn’t Take Him!” and defiantly struck a defensive pose. With this declaration came a turning point as Celestia recognized the voice coming out of the changeling’s mouth.

She angrily declared that it was Nightmare Moon inside the changeling, which shocked all of the townsfolk and especially the Deadly 6, and Selena who realized her mess up. Celestia then demanded that Selena “Release” her puppet, but she refused and after using Bucking Bronco on everypony, she teleported Bugze deep into the Everfree.

There she tried to reach Bugze, but he was too far gone. Angry and tearful, she lashed out at Sombra for what he had done, and after defiant back talk from the king, she let him know that he had just screwed up his own plan for getting free. Since Sombra had never been hit by the Elements of Harmony, she told him how they served to erase all darkness in their path, which would include him. And now they would always try to use them on Bugze because they were no longer hunting him, but her.

She then locked Sombra deeper away into the subconscious and placed Bugze’s consciousness into the same bed she’d laid comatose in. Promising him that she would fix this, she took direct control and made a path for the Grandbuggy’s bunker to weather out the storm. Along the way, she filled Nightshade in on what had happened.

“I’m glad she told me the truth,” she speaks up suddenly. “After being kept in the dark for so long, it was nice to know the full story…even if it was horrible. I swore I would help Daddy get better, and that I would confront Sombra over what he’d done. I had hated Trixie, but I never wanted her dead.”

“Thankfully Sunbutt’s interference did serve one good purpose,” Grandbuggy chimes in. “That showboating mare was saved and in a coma. Though my boy and his family didn’t know that.”

While Selena and Nightshade stayed in the Bunker, the mood of everyone else changed drastically. Princess Celestia was convinced that Nightmare Moon, not Bugze, was the true mastermind over the last three years of chaos, and that Bugze was just another victim like Luna had been. Her thoughts were shared by everyone else from the Deadly 6, to Shining Armor, and even Cadance and the Military. So sure of themselves, the new plan changed from stopping the Hooded Offender, to saving him and finally ending the threat of Nightmare Moon. Discord himself already knew this secret, but didn’t give it up, and Celestia changed his orders (which she thought he was still following) from confronting Bugze, to only observation and reporting due to Nightmare Moon’s involvement.

Later, in a Top Secret Super Max prison, Shining Armor had quizzed all the captured Knight Leaders about the Offender, but they had no clue about where his power came from, so he dropped the ball on them. Dumbfounded at technically being Cultist’s of Nightmare Moon, they were told that with the influx of three hundred of their fellow Knights turning themselves in, they would be shipped out to a new complex in the near future. All of this happened over the course of a few weeks, and in that time, Selena and Nightshade had attempted to cure Bugze of his ailment.

“I also confronted Sombra in that time. He was chained up in his cell in Dad’s head, and he looked like he had given up as well.”

Nightshade had asked him again and again why he did what he had done, the hurt evident in her voice. She asked if her Friendship had meant anything to him, and surprisingly, he held guilt within his voice.

“Not for Dad though, but for me,” Nightshade corrects. “He told me that me being his friend had only served to remind him of the one friend he had ever had, and how he hated feeling like that again. He told me the full story of what Radiant Hope had done, and how she had betrayed him, and how he had left her to age and die alone as the only Crystal Pony in the world. He said that it wasn’t worth it to feel like that again.”

Regretful over his breaking of Nightshade’s trust, he told her to leave him to his solitude, and no matter how much she begged him to reconsider, he stopped speaking.

“Mom eventually came in and sent him back to the depths, and he didn’t raise any kind of fuss about it. She told me that sometimes you can’t reach everyone. But I told her I wouldn’t give up so easily. But first, we had to get dad better.”

It took some time, but eventually Mother and Daughter were able to chip away at the guilt that had overwhelmed Bugze by letting him know that he was still loved and get him out of his haze, though he still refused to take back control of his body.

“But that guilt was about to be lessened greatly on the morning of one of my top ten most chaotic days ever, when someling from the past dropped by my bunker,” Grandbuggy mutters and clicks the slide, showing a circle with a shadowy figure in it.

Past Sins

“Mom and I were preparing to leave the Bunker to gather more food when the knocking came at the door. Using the monitors, we saw who it was. It was the pink haired changeling who’s buddies had kidnapped me last year.”

“Cinnamon “Sin” Sugar,” Grandbuggy reads off. “Former popular girl in school turned exceptional drone officer. Can’t say I ever liked her, what with the crap they put my boyo through.”

Despite what had happened in the past, the site of her at the door was enough to lift Bugze from the Haze enough to want to come forth into his body again. Someone he had thought had died due to his actions was alive and well, and at that moment, it was what he needed.

“Mom and Dad made me hop in the Inventory, didn’t want to take any chances they told me. It wasn’t the time to argue, so I did, but me and Mangle listened to their whole conversation.”

Selena and Bugze invited the mare in, who said something profound. They’d found where the rest of the Hive and Queen Chrysalis were being held, and they needed his help to free them.

“And boy were Mom and Dad surprised at that. She even said it didn’t matter if “Nightmare Moon” was in control, they really needed his help.”

Leading her into the living room, Bugze and Selena began to speak to Sin…that is after a very, very heartfelt apology to her over the dragon incident. She wasn’t at all prepared by the apology and was taken aback. She explained that they all had survived, though they had been scarred heavily. She sported claw marks across her face, Vicky’s wings had been slashed into uselessness, Biff and Tannen had body scarring, with one missing an ear, and Mongo had lost his voice due to a slashed throat. Though only serving to make Bugze feel worse, she ensured him that they were all fine, and better in fact since they found the Queen.

After reassuring Bugze enough times, she began to apologize herself for their actions, and told him that the Queen had ordered her to come to him for help after the Trixie incident. For months, the Five had been organizing a prison break out, and each of them had become bound to Chrysalis, meaning they were now high ranking officers, but also directly linked to her, meaning she could see and hear through their bodies, and would get extreme power boosts from the entire hive. Bugze told her, for the first time taking over his body, that if he were to help, then she and the others would have to abide by his rules. He wanted to ensure that in this break, No Pony would be harmed at the prison, and that Chrysalis would be left behind. He would help free the imprisoned and starving, but that he didn’t owe anything to Chrysalis. Sin was confused by this, since she claimed that the Queen and Bugze used to be friends. The fog in Bugze’s memories lessened somewhat and he kept seeing flashes of his larvaehood, but he was still adamant…until Sin placed a magic disk on the counter and the Queen herself had a chat with him.

“Little Prissy Chryssy all grown up,” Grandbuggy spits in disgust. “I always told him she was a bad egg.”

Chrysalis was pale and malnourished, as were many of the imprisoned hive, but even still she demanded that Bugze help save their kind. Bugze didn’t want to help if ponies were to be hurt, but she justifiably pointed out how much their own kind were hurting BECAUSE of the ponies. Bugze was understandably rude to his former Queen, but she kept at it, trying to use their past as motivation. While talking to her, the fog in Bugze’s mind lifted on many of his larvaehood memories, and he remembered that he and Chrysalis used to be friends. She had been his only friend clear up until high school where she distanced herself, and it was revealed that she was the mare at the school dance that had orchestrated his embarrassment. Apparently her mother’s tutelage of not interacting with her lessers finally sank in. Angered at her betrayal, she had one more bombshell to drop. She had killed him.

“Turns out the little whorse had ended him when he was giving Cousin Cadence food,” Nightshade grits her teeth.

“He wasn’t dead for long thank the gods. I don’t know if I could go through with that again like I did for his parents,” Grandbuggy grimaces.

Turns out Chrysalis hadn’t gone completely from their former friendship, because she used an ancient artifact and bound it to Bugze’s heart to get it beating again. The Nightmare Jewell, which had been created by Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago was used to bring him back to life. Hearing this, certain mysteries began to make sense to both Bugze and Selena. How she was so easily able to bond to him three years prior when she was but a shadow of a soul, how memories of his past were fuzzy due to being clinically brain dead for a time, and why his blood was Midnight Blue instead of the usual changeling green. After all these revelations, Bugze was filled with determination and told Chrysalis that the changeling she killed was dead, and that he was Bugze, and because he could still see the desperation and even guilt in her face, he chose to do the right thing and save the starving changelings, but on HIS terms.

As he had for Sin, he told Chrysalis that if he was going to help, no one at the prison would be hurt, and that things should change between the changelings and ponies. Also, that after it was all done, he and his daughter would be left alone. Chrysalis seemed a bit ticked off at hearing about Nightshade, and learning that Bugze was a father, but she hastily shook this off and agreed to Bugze’s demands. She then allowed Sin to reveal the rest of the plan, and bid Bugze farewell, saying she eagerly awaited him.

Sin, a bit overjoyed then explained to Bugze the plan. With him in the lead, and backed by her and the other four, they would lead their forces in a quick assault on the prison, freeing all the prisoners, and escaping. When asking where they would get the numbers to do such a thing, she claimed that they had 300 changeling drones to help as well. When he asked where she had found those numbers, she dropped yet another bombshell.

“There were a lot of those that morning,” Nightshade muses.

“And they didn’t end there,” Grandbuggy adds.

It turns out, the 300 changelings were in fact the Crimson Knights who had “Surrendered” when their leaders were captured. You see, the Crimson Knights hadn’t actually been a real organization for many many months. Every member was actually a changeling that had been cut off from the Hive, and they had used the Knights as cover to hide their presence. They put the Generals Bugze had taken out in charge due to each of them being incompetent and nuts, while they followed their own agenda.

“They’d been Hydra’d,” Nightshade exclaims.

“Didn’t see that coming did ya chumps?” Grandbuggy smirks cheekily.

With their resources, Sin, Mongo, Vicky, Biff and Tannen were able to also upgrade themselves even further with the plasmids created at Arkhay Asylum. Sin had lightning powers, Mongo had immense brute strength, Vicky had telekenisis, and the twins had fire and ice. So on top of being the Queen’s chosen, they also had powers that couldn’t be stopped by magic alone.

After the Crimson Vengeance messed things up by taking out the leaders, the changelings “turned themselves in” so that they could overcrowd the Classified prison where they were kept, and a new one would be built for them to be transported to. Thanks to their meddling, they had it built in the badlands, and the ponies unknowingly would be transporting their enemies closer to their goal.

Once they broke out of the train, all they would need to do is consume the love of ponies in the closest town between the rail line and the prison where Chrysalis and the Hive were kept. Bugze objected to this, but Sin insisted that it was vital, stating that not only would the three hundred need enough love to fight, but also to give to the starving imprisoned who would need the energy to escape, but Bugze refused to budge. And then came the kicker. The town that was going to be consumed for it’s love was Appleloosa.

“Friggen Bugs,” Nightshade huffs.

That was when Bugze declared that there had to be another way, and that Appleloosa couldn’t be sucked of it’s love. Disappointed, Sin revealed that that option was too late since that part of the plan had already gone into effect twenty minutes prior.

The last slide clicks and we show two opposing forces, one side with the Sin and her Changelings, and the other side, Bugze and the Crimson Knights.

The Battle of Appleloosa

Angered over the attack on his one true home, Bugze then declared that the deal was off, and tried to head off to Appleloosa immediately, but Sin stopped him. Upset and confused over his inability to do what she and the others thought necessary, she said that she couldn’t allow him to interfere if he wasn’t going to help. Before a fight could even break out, she shocked him in the horn, and stuck a piece of the old changeling throne to Bugze’s chest, which cancelled out all other magic aside from his innate abilities, which had never been good. Saying that only she could remove the stone, she said that the Queen, and even she had really wished to have his help to ensure things went smoother, but that things had to proceed. They would come back for him if all went according to plan. She then declared that she forgave him before knocking him out.

“And she slimed up the Inventory, meaning I couldn’t hop out and help,” Nightshade adds.

“And she welded my dang bunker door shut. That ain’t cheap ya know?”

But while Bugze was knocked out and powerless, someone did come to his aid. Someone in a big blue box, and no it wasn’t the Doctor.

“I didn’t know who it was at first. All I knew was he was some old Changeling in a nice hat with Aqua, some handsome stallion, and a recolor of Cadence,” Nightshade admits.

“That’s OK kiddo, I had to save the dramatic reveal for when he woke up now didn’t I” Grandbuggy winks.

That’s right. Grandbuggy gathered Bugze into the TARDIS, which he was driving incidentally, and he wasn’t alone.

“Torchwood, Jack’s own little gang of do-gooders.”

Captain Jack, the immortal stallion and friend of the Doctor, and his team of Aqua, and Mia, who was actually the Cadence from the otherworld with her memories erased, her fur and mane a different color, and a new lease on life. They all came to Bugze’s defense.

“When I made my grand reveal, I geeked out over this little adorable punching machine,” he pats Nightshade, “And when the boy woke up, he was sure happy to see me.”

“He punched you really really hard though,” Nightshade points out.

“As I said, Happy to See Me…”

Grandbuggy explained how they were all going to come to the aid of Appleloosa, but as they were in a Time Machine, they had enough time to get reacquainted and to plan. Grandbuggy explained that after he’d been exiled, he had launched himself to the moon to quote, “Bang the Mare in the Moon Before he died.”

“Ya, so imagine my surprise when I didn’t even leave the atmosphere, got picked up by the Doctor in a younger form, told me my Grandson needed my help and described what he’d been through in my absence. Although on the plus side he did get to that Mare in the Moon before I could, heh heh.”

That’s not quite what happened and you know it. But yeah, Grandbuggy had been saved all those years ago, and had been picked up by the present Doctor who warned him of the Appleloosa invasion. Naturally, Grandbuggy had some objections.

“I was downright pissed. I’d told the Doc to watch over the boy when I was exiled, but then I hear about all the crap he’d gone through and was still going through, so I did the only logical thing at the time.”

He kicked the Doctor out of the TARDIS the day of the Invasion (which explained his absence for the past year and why Derpy thought he’d left her), and used it to go back in time and look over Bugze and Nightshade in the time where he knew where they’d be.

“Which explains how I was at all those locations incognito while they were in Ponyville. Everything in a nice neat bow right? You think you’re so clever,” he complains to the narrator who all but pays his salary.

So after some sleuthing, Grandbuggy gathered Torchwood, got Bugze, and then they were on their way to get the Doctor, whom it would seem like only minutes since he had been kicked out.

“Dad took that all in rather well I think. But I think when you told him about Trixie still being alive is what really got him,” Nightshade says pointedly.

“He all but broke down in happiness, knowing her death wasn’t on his shoulders, and I let him cry it out. I then gave him a bit of a pep talk about the importance of choice, and that he had to choose how his emotions effected him, and not to be controlled by them completely. That seemed to work, but he also let me know that even if she was still alive, he had pushed her to the edge, and that he would learn from his mistakes.”

Bugze then met with the others, and after a happy reunion with his old bounty hunting partner, he met Jack, who kept hitting on him, causing Grandbuggy to momentarily kill the horn dog.

“That wasn’t traumatizing at all seeing a guy killed with a hatchet then come back to life like it was nothing. Nope, not at all,” Nightshade’s voice drips sarcasm.

And after a few nervous missteps, Bugze was able to meet with Mia, and face the mare who had almost killed him. As he spoke with her, he realized she was a completely different pony. She was Cadence to a point in her memories, but after her ascension, she had been given new ones. Ones that took over the horror she had gone through in the other world. Mia was kind, happy to meet him, and by her own admission, a Heavy Shipper.

Once the meet and greet was over, it came time to plan. They would split into teams, infiltrate the dome, keep the Chosen Five and their troops busy while another group rescued and evacuated the civilians. The Doctor would take out the relay points outside that were keeping the dome up, and when that was accomplished, the TARDIS would send out it’s own signal, turning it into a dome that would keep the Changelings in. They then picked up an irked Doctor, and filled him in.

“I was told to stay on the TARDIS and watch over the civilians, when all I wanted to do was help out and kick some butt, but Dad wouldn’t have it,” Nightshade laments. “He didn’t want me in ANY battle anywhere near Appleloosa. I didn’t understand why he was so scared by this, but then he and Mom took me aside and they told me about what had happened in that other dimension. A part of me kind of wishes they’d never told me…but I finally understood why Dad had been so paranoid for me that year.”

“That’s life kid. But you had your part to play, just like everyone else. Including all those idiots on the inside,” Grandbuggy smirks.

The idiots on the inside being The Crimson Knight Leaders themselves. You see, while Bugze was busy getting knocked out and rescued, and planning in Time and Space, the Knights had been putting up a resistance. When the train breakout had occurred, they had been confronted by Changelings who had been disguised as their guards, and they were told the truth. That for the last year, they had been nothing but patsies, leaders of nothing, and played for fools. They then said that they would be used for one last bit of usefulness and drained of their love.

The Knights were of course very shocked at this turn of events, but more so were they pissed off. Especially after the Changelings revealed how they had orchestrated everything about them, including their many falling outs which occurred when Changer had “died” in the Zeppelin accident. More than a little irked, Brown Dog, Grey Rebl and Rutherford broke out of their bonds, beat the crap out of those guards and freed the others. They then started to organize their own plan while they heard the chaos going on outside, with Brown Dog surprisingly taking up a leadership role which all but confused everyone, including himself.

They broke out of the train and headed towards a safe haven to shore up and defend, which turned out to be the local Tavern, using the still comatose Kersey’s body as a shield and weapon. Their goal was to find some of the actual guards from the train to get the magic restraining shackles off of their magical heavy hitters like Silver, Changer, and Erised, and in their mad dash, Appleloosan towns folk followed them to safety. Then came an intense round of what was essentially Neighzi Zombies as the Knights protected panicked civilians, and fought for survival, even calling a truce with the few real guards from the train. They even made allies out of a group of Pinkie Clones, who had been living in Appleloosa since Bugze had saved them. Eventually the Knights got their shackles off, and even got their cloaks and gear back.

Together, Brown Dog, Snap Drake, Kichi, Grey Rebl, Rutherford, Changer, Solarkness, Kersey (still comatose), Candy, Silver Strange and Erised the Ink Moth all joined hooves/claws/paws, and together, after so long of being apart, they were finally unified as the band of rejects they’d always been. And together, they were able to make due and last out the Changelings for the first Twenty Minutes, which got the attention of Biff, Tannen, Vicky and Mongo. So much so that they even offered them a chance to just walk away, since they were the only ones really putting up a resistance. The Knights refused, and they kept fighting, even though the bar began to crumble, and they knew it was a losing battle, until the TARDIS showed up in their midst and Mia put up a defensive barrier around it.

That’s when Bugze, dressed as the Hooded Offender, walked out of the TARDIS, shocking them and causing them all to have mixed emotions, especially when he told them the plan he’d come up with and how there would be No Killing. Any reservations most of them felt were washed away by desperation, awe, or the fact that Grandbuggy was also there.

“The changelings in that group who were in the know how understood my glory,” he boasts. “Also, my boy offered them the promise of a freedom of sorts. Not absolute freedom, but something far better than what the Equestrians had put them through.”

And so, four groups were created to deal with Four Changeling Leaders outside before Sin arrived. Brute Strength vs Mongo, Elemental powers vs the twins, and those best at running vs Vicky. They would distract the changelings while Grandbuggy, Jack and Mia rescued the citizens.

“And then they did just that. I had enough time to get all those poor cocooned souls into the TARDIS, along with anypony else left standing, while the Doctor and his group of Buffalo helped take down the relays. And honestly, the distractions worked so well because neither side really gained an advantage, despite taking a lot of lumps.”

Bugze and Aqua had joined the Elementals against the twins, and even they hadn’t gained any ground, what with Bugze having his Cloak and Shadow powers suppressed by the throne stone. The Runners gave Vicky a massive headache, and the Powerhouses kind of just got the crap beat out of them by the roided out Mongo. It was then that the Knights employed their last minute weapon. Earlier Erised used his blood magic and found out that Kersey still had some growth serum in his blood, and so, in desperation, Brown Dog awoke Kersey, insulted him, and had him grow. Though shorter than his debut in Fillydelphia, he was still as tall as a building. Angry at the diamond dog, and everything in his way, he started smashing any changeling that got in his way. He was eventually taken down, but it bought even more time, and had the added benefit of thinning out the drone numbers even more. Unfortunately Sin arrived during this time, having defeated the Buffalo outside, and she engaged in battle with Chrysalis watching through her eyes.

With everyone regrouped, Bugze, Aqua, and the Knights clashed with the Five. Eventually the Doctor was able to get the last relay point, and the dome changed to TARDIS blue. Utterly devastated at the loss of the battle, and realizing that they now no longer had the forces to free the hive, Chrysalis declared that Bugze had sealed every changelings deaths. Deciding that if the hive were to die, she would at least take him out, or at least punish him, she flooded the Five with all the will of the Hive Mind. It caused their bodies to become more powerful, but it was steadily killing them. It was then that Bugze realized that if he were to save them, he would have to utterly, and totally beat them.

Taking out his Jetstream Sam sword, which was a reversed bladed high frequency sword,

“Password for opening: Rorouni,” Grandbuggy quips.

He used the blade to slice into his own chest, cutting the stone off of it, and earning him yet another deep seated scar, but he did so willingly.

“He and Mom had to save those guys from their own stupid selves,” Nightshade nods. “He had no other choice.”

With the full power of the cloak finally back to him, Bugze engaged the Five in an epic battle, while the injured Knights took refuge within the TARDIS with everyone else. Repeatedly, Bugze would get through to the conflicted sides of the Five, only for the Chrysalis’s control to squash it. With the clock ticking, Bugze went all out, but even with Selena’s help, the Five were too much for him, and they began to lose control and go into Phase 4, the same mindless beast from the Crystal Empire.

“I saw him losing it on the monitors in the TARDIS. We all did,” Nightshade shudders at the memory. But then Grandbuggy took me aside and told me something important.”

“I told her that there was someone else that could still help her Dad win this fight.”

Nightshade immediately understood and entered the dreamscape. While Bugze and Selena struggled with the Five, she confronted Sombra within his prison, and begged him for help. Even with the prison bars and his chains destroyed, at first he declined.

“I had to all but slap him upside the head. He had given up, but I hadn’t. I let him know I had forgiven him, and when he asked why I told him because that’s what friends do,” Nightshade says in determination. “I let him know that if he ever considered me a friend, that he would help mom and dad right then and there.”

Nightshade’s motivation finally sparked Sombra into action, telling her to wake up, he willingly gave his powers to Bugze and Selena who were able to keep Phase 4 under control, only it wasn’t quite Phase 4. With the added power, willingly given, Bugze reached his true peak of power, the Awakened Form. Crystaline wings of many colors replaced the batwings, along with his horns, tusks and claws being covered in a crystalline layer. The cloak itself became a solid grey, where as it had been deepest black before. Sombra only claimed that he did this for Nightshade’s sake, but hehis help brought new powers to the fold. With three minds working together, Bugze was able to use this form to turn the tides. It was no cake walk, and the Five still fought all out, but one by one, Bugze was able to defeat them. But even knocked out, they were still dying. The only way for him to win, was to enter the Hive Mind itself, and so he did.

Within the Hive Mindscape, Bugze encountered the shadowy forms of the three hundred drones, along with the five, and Chrysalis herself. The former queen by this point had gone off the deep end, going full Yandere on Bugze, insisting that she could still be joined with him and his new power, but then immediately saying that she hated him for dooming everyling to die. And to this, Bugze made an epic speech to them, about the power of choice, and the hard decision that is forgiveness. He asked for forgiveness from all of his former bullies, for what he had done to them, and encouraged them to see the goodness still left within them and to not let it die. He was successful, and Sin and the rest turned against Chrysalis, who lost it. As the Hive Mind flared with her madness, Bugze, with his connection to Selena used his ultimate trick. Remembering and realizing that back at the cave, he had controlled the others with the Insect Swarm plasmid, which also manifested their angry rants via his own anger, he knew that he could control the Hive Mind. But he didn’t control it this time. This time, he broke it.

Shattering the Hive Mind released the chosen and the rest of the Changelings from it’s bond, and saved their lives. Back in the waking world, Bugze stood victorious, and though Appleloosa had been seriously damaged, not one life had been taken. Out of the TARDIS, every single citizen came out to view him, and he lowered his hood, showing the townsfolk that he was the Bugze they all remembered. He declared to them that Nightmare Moon no longer existed, and that Selena, the Princess of the Night had helped save them all, as well as the Crimson Knights. He ordered everyone to gather the wounded, and to help put every changeling into the TARDIS. The few remaining conscious guards followed suit, thankful for getting out of this situation in one piece.

“I have never been so proud of daddy as I was in that moment. He finally had people looking at him and Mom as the heroes they are,” Nightshade says wistfully.

“And it was about dang time,” Grandbuggy agrees. “And as everyone was following his orders, we helped the wounded, put the Changelings into the TARDIS, and took a trip to the Changeling prison.”

There, Bugze had Mia give out enough love to revitalize many of the starving, and he gave them a choice. For the family and friends and anyone else who wanted change and freedom, they were welcome to come with him, but for those that wanted to stay with Chrysalis, that would be their choice, with no Hive Mind compelling them. A vast majority actually chose to be loyal to their queen, but a good percentage took Bugze up on his word, and were reunited with their friends and family within the TARDIS. Bugze then bid Chrysalis a terse goodbye, with Selena berating her for good measure. His last words to her was for her to be happy. Since her mind had slipped a little, she clearly missed the point of that, and instead began concocting a scheme.

“Of course she would miss the point,” Grandbuggy shakes his head. “Well after that trip, we dropped the Changelings three years into the future where ol Antler head and his trippy colors could deal with them.”

“Who?” asks Nightshade.

“King of the changelings, kind of a wimp but he’s got a good heart, even if he’s painted like a pansy.”

“Oookaaay?” Nightshade says unsurely.

“You don’t need to worry about him. But yeah, me and the Doc then had a talk, and he let me know he was gonna be mortal for awhile because it turns out the dummy had a filly with that cute wall eyed mare he kept around. He had only found out recently do to time shenanigans, but because I’d kicked him out, he hadn’t been able to tell her for like a year…I kind of feel guilty for that.”

“So wait, the Doctor isn’t going to be around this season?” Nightshade asks in surprise.

“Nope, not as he usually is. He’s going blue boxless and staying in Ponyville. Can’t say I blame the guy. Sometimes it’s good just to sit back and relax with family.”

The Doctor also rather ominously warned about earning “HER” wrath and attention even more now that you were back. Care to enlighten?
The old bug frowns at that,

“Sorry bud, but that’s spoilers.”

Oh fine! Well after that crypticness, Bugze and company then offered the Knights a choice for all their hard work in saving Appleloosa. They could be free as long as they became Agents of Torchwood. All but two of them agreed to this. Erised, who stubbornly couldn’t accept forgiveness and non lethalness, and Kersey who did what haters did best…which is hate. The former ended up in a pocket watch by the Doctor who gave it to Jack, while the latter ended up on an abandoned planet with healthy food and documentaries, truly a fate worse than death. And so, the Knights exited the story with a future to look forward to.

Bugze then visited Trixie within her comatose dreamscape, and asked for her forgiveness, letting her know that he forgave her in kind. He told her to never give up on hope, and that when she woke up, to let the doctors and psychiatrists help her. Calling her a friend, Trixie was able to forgive herself somewhat and had the power to wake up. Bugze and family then exited back to Appleloosa where they helped rebuild the town, and the guards kept their secret. The story about how the Crimson Knights were actually Changelings spread, and even the so called leaders were covered by Torchwood by being possibly K.I.A.

With a hopeful outlook on life, Bugze declared to Selena that their next step was to get her a body, and possibly Sombra as well, since he’d come a long ways with helping them win the day. With this plan in mind, a tender moment occurred, only to be shattered by some devastating news. Twilight Sparkle had ascended into an Alicorn, and been crowned the Princess of Friendship.

“I STILL CALL BULLSPIT ON THAT!!!” comes the erratic voice of the main character as the orange haired changeling somehow bursts forth through the stage in a splinter of wood.

“Daddy?!” Nightshade exclaims in surprise.

“What the heck you doin boy? We don’t own this thing, it’s a rental!” Grandbuggy chides.

“WHO CARES?!! SPARKLE IS A PRINCESS! WHAT HOPE DO RENTALS HAVE TO STOP HER?!!” His voice then changes to an annoyed flabbergasted feminine voice.

“Bugze, there’s nothing we can do about that now, but for the love of me just stop screaming,” Selena implores.

“No, keep screaming bug. Scream until you pass out!” Sombra says cruelly.

“NEVER! WOULD YOU KINDLY BURN?!” he yells as he sets the stage on fire and runs off. Nightshade sighs at this and looks back to us as the fire starts spreading.

“Now you know why he wasn’t helping recap. But anyway, that’s all that really happened, and I’m excited to see what we get up to in Season 4.”

“Well said Shade. But yeah, say whatever segue you got left narrator, me and the kid need to go bonk that idjit in the head a few times.” He then looks to the rest of us and says, “Good Luck you ugly motherbuckers.” He then plops Nightshade on his back as the two of them rush off the fire consumed stage after the screaming Bugze.

And well, I guess it’s best they don’t hear these plot points, even if they won’t remember them. Somewhere near the Crystal Empire, Radiant Hope exited the realm of the Umbrum (Sombra’s people) with the sole mission of finding and saving her friend.

Elsewhere, in some sort of secret base, the true mastermind behind a lot of Bugze’s pain was revealed to be the “friend” who kept writing him letters. He was an earth pony named DWC, and he swore that by Lady Luck, Bugze and everyone he loved would continue to suffer. He even had some loyal henchmen he claimed were the true Crimson Knights, and that they had a secret weapon built from parts of Strong Head’s mech. Also, DWC was shown to have a rallying point for these devoted nutjobs. A badly injured and scarred stallion inside a cryogenic healing tube, with cybernetic parts replacing his damaged ones.

Flag Burner.

And, because I the narrator couldn’t get enough shocks, there was one more. In the future, all the Changelings and their families from Appleloosa were under the care of the future Changelings led by King Thorax. Sin felt the happiest she’d ever been in her life, until a bomb was dropped on her. According to Thorax, The Hooded Offender had perished in battle two years previously, dying a hero…

And on that ominous note, the recap is finished. Is the future set in stone, or can destiny be changed? Only time will tell. For right now though, the family is still upset about the coronation of Twilight Sparkle, even months later, but they do have a goal in mind, To get Selena and Sombra their own bodies. A goal which Captain Jack has some leads on. A goal that has solutions in ancient artifacts scattered around Equus, and through a magical mirror to an alien, but familiar world…

Now, with that in mind, maybe we should evacuate before the fire consumes us all? Remember, screaming helps you run faster.


Episode 1: Through the Looking Glass

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“I have a rendezvous with death…” you whisper as you stride weary and slowly towards your impossible foe.

“At some disputed barricade, It may be that he shall take my hoof,”

You raise your burnt and tattered power glove in front of you, the only line of defense you have left.

“And lead me into his dark land,”

The landscape around you is burnt and the air is full of smoke, but you continue onward. You have to.

“And close my eyes, and quench my breath…”

You tear the tattered and useless Nobody Cloak from your back and it falls to the scorched earth. There’s no more reason to hide.

“I have a rendezvous with death.”

You stop before the monster before you and look it in the eye.

“And I to my pledged word am true…”

You let the power come forth, one last time.

“I shall not fail, that rendezvous…”

Finishing the mantra that has plagued you over this last year, you plunge forth into your final battle.

There were many events that led you to this moment. Events that were set in motion with every decision you made, events that have been twisted by Lady Luck, events that were all interconnected. All of these many and varied events, have led you to your end.

It wasn’t all bad…


“It’s literally Tartarus on Equus out there, and you want to have this talk now?!” you yell at the weakened Princesses.


“You know what?! Buck you and your Lady Luck you freaking psychopath!” you yell at your “friend.”


“Lady, I’m not keeping your boyfriend hostage! If you’d just talked to me and not created the Legion of Doom, you’d know that!” you chide the Crystal Pony.


“Spike, you have permission to marry my daughter,” you say breathlessly looking at all the fiery debris.

“Wait, What?” he asks taken aback.


“This is just a rehash of your own plan! You have no originality!” you yell at your old foe.

“Says the guy wearing the same cloak after all these years,” he shoots back.

“Well…Shut Up!”


“No Pie! No Filly Filet! Just hoof sandwiches!” Nightshade yells out.

“Well that sounds yum-*POW*


“You’ll take my life, but I’ll take yours too! You fire you’re musket, but I’ll run you through!!!” you sing at the top of your lungs using the power of rock.


“Those healing tonics are evil I tells ya! Evil! EEEVVVIIILLL!!!” Grandbuggy rants while Nightshade just facehooves in embarrassment.


“Do you have any idea what it’s like to go through puberty again?! Because it really, really sucks!” Aria growls at you.

“Well excuse me for being my own age in this stupid world!”

“What’s puberty?” asks Sonata.

“Not Now!” you both yell at her.


"Enough with your bondage fetish Ahuizotl just tell her how you feel," Grandbuggy admonishes.

"Can we talk about this later?! Like when Cragodiles aren’t trying to eat us?!" Nightshade implores.


"What do you mean I'm fired?! Who the buck do you think you are Cinch?!"

Bugze calm down, it won't be productive punching this old crone Selena instructs.


“Your whole religion is stupid,” Nightshade complains.

“It’s not a religion, it’s an ideology,” Starlight Glimmer corrects.



“Hey! My Little Human didn’t make me evil!” Sunset defends.

“You turned into one, dated one, and then became a demon. I’ll let the evidence speak for itself.”


“Back off from what’s mine or I’ll cut you down whorse,” Nightshade threatens.

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” bemoans Ember.


“YOU’RE THE ONE THE VOICES ARE AFTER!!!” you accuse the teenager.

“Huh?!” he backs up in alarm.


“But now we’re going to be villains in her next book,” Nightshade moans.

“Eh, with copyright laws and all it won’t be exactly us…but yeah, she does hold a grudge,” Grandbuggy nods.


“I HATE THIS FREAKING WORLD!!!” you shout to the heavens.



Your eyes snap open and you sit up from your bed with a gasp.

What? What is it? Asks Selena, having been roused as well.

“I…I don’t know,” you gasp as you try to get your bearings. “I think I had a nightmare or something.”

Odd. Normally I can detect and stop those, Selena muses.

“Well, I was confused more than anything,” you explain as you toss the covers off you. “But I can’t help shaking some sort of feeling of dread about my future.” The former Mare in the Moon let’s out an exasperated sigh.

Are you still harking on the Element of Harmony being crowned Princess? It’s been three months. That wasn’t what was on your mind, but now it is.

“Yes! Three months since she got freaking god level uber powers with her brand new pair of wings!” you groan. “Seriously, she packed a punch before, but now she might be able to vaporize me!”

Bugze, we’ve been over this. She’s an ascendant Alicorn, just like the Princess of Love. They are powerful yes, but nowhere near the level of my…Sistersshe spits.

“It’s the principal of the matter! Now she can hand out judgment without having to take orders, plus her freaking crown is the Element of Magic which she won’t hesitate at all to use to get rid of you,” you remind her for like the millionth time.

Ever since Selena had inadvertently revealed herself to Princess Celestia all those months back, you and your family have been keeping a lower profile than normal, lest somepony come and “Save You” from the Boogeymare.

Yes yes, Selena mutters since you’ve had this same conversation over and over again. And while I appreciate the concern, are we not taking steps to keep that from happening?

“…Yes…” you relent slightly. “But still, even when we get you out of my head, we’ll still have to watch out for her. She’ll never stop gunning for you.”

And what else is new? She says sarcastically. When I have my own body, I’ll at least be able to help us better avoid the tart and her friends.

“Yeah…I guess you’re right,” you relent yet again to this point.

I usually am, she says smugly.

“Still, when we pull this off, things will get even more hairy. Maybe we can send Smokey off on his own when we get him out too. Act like a distraction.”

I heard that! King Sombra growls from deeper in your mind.

“I know, that’s why I said it,” you snark back.

The former king grumbles and huffs at your provocation. Things between you two and him have been…different since the Appleloosan invasion. Neither of you would call him a friend by any stretch of the word, and he enthusiastically shares that sentiment, but he hasn’t quite been your enemy since then. The common ground between all three of you is that you all care deeply about Nightshade, and on that point he relents. He doesn’t try to get you guys killed anymore, and you two in turn, don’t keep him drugged like it’s HoofStock. Whatever that’s called, he and you two have it.

Though that sounds hilarious, I doubt that will do anything to make them hate me less. “Oh no, Nightmare Moon resurrected King Sombra and set him loose upon us, the fiend!” she says in an over the top voice causing you to chuckle a little.

“Well it can’t be any worse for me, the supposed stool pigeon that will bring darkness back into the world,” you shake your head at the ponies and their willingness to jump to conclusions.

As I keep saying, we will cross that bridge when it comes. Before any of these hypotheticals occur however, we still need to accomplish step one of getting me a body.

“Right, right,” you nod as you look at the cell like room you’re in. “You know, I don’t think Jack knows the meaning of hospitality if these are his guest rooms.” You then get off the bed and open the door into the rest of the Secret Base HQ of Torchwood.

“How much do you wanna bet that Nightshade and Grandbuggy are already up and waiting for us?”

Seeing as how she isn’t in the Inventory, I’d say very highly. She has taken to him like a duck to water these past few months. And it’s true. Grandbuggy has all but spoiled Nightshade the way only elderly relatives can, and for better and for worse, they are inseparable.

Sure enough, when you get to Grandbuggy’s room, you see a note on the door written in crayon.

It reads,
Dear Daddy. You took too long getting up, so me and Grandbuggy are raiding Jack’s Kitchen. Meet you there.


“Well great. With those two eating everything in sight, I’m probably going to have to world hop on an empty stomach,” you grumble and head down the empty corridor. “And really, when I imagined Torchwood, I thought it’d be a little grander, and less empty.”

A month ago, while you, Grandbuggy and Nightshade had been keeping your heads down in Appleloosa, Captain Jack Harkness had sent out word to you that he was getting close to finding a solution for giving Selena and Sombra bodies. Then, two days ago, he had shown up in person to let you know the good news.


“My team and I have finally figured it out Bugze,” the handsome stallion says handing you a piece of parchment with a scrawling list.

“You have?” you ask earnestly as you look over the paper. It’s a bunch of names that don’t make sense to you.

“A Shard of the Dragon Lord Scepter, the Idol of Boreas, a Ring of Scorchero…” you trail off looking at the rest of the listed items. “What are all these?”

“Ancient artifacts of immense power. Power that while separate are pretty intense, but if brought together could potentially give you what you want.”

“Really? A bunch of ancient artifacts? That was the key the whole time?” you ask incredulously.

Do not doubt relics my bug. One of my own is what is currently keeping you alive after all, Selena points out.

“Right…” you trail off and brush a hoof against your chest. Half your heart is made up of the Nightmare Jewel, courtesy of Queen Chrysalis killing, and then reviving you.

“So what, I just collect all these trinkets, duct tape them together, and boom, Selena in the flesh?”

“Well, it’s not QUITE that simple. You see, the artifacts themselves are components to be added to a machine we’re designing. It’s pretty complex, especially on this technologically impaired world…” he trails off.


“Meaning we don’t have all we need on Equus to complete it, and with the Doctor retiring, we don’t have access to the TARDIS to go to any other technologically advanced world.”

“What?!” you ask angrily. “Then what was the point of coming out here then?”

“Well, just because we don’t have access to the TARDIS, doesn’t mean we don’t have other options…”

The Present

“I still can’t believe we’re going to another universe again,” you say aloud thinking of the Otherworld where your alternate self killed everything. “Really, two years isn’t nearly long enough.”

I know what you mean. But that scenario shouldn’t happen if the Captain is to be believed. He did say this world doesn’t even have magic…however that works, she ponders in confusion.

“He’s gotta be kidding, I mean, what kind of world DOESN’T have magic? How would the sun and moon rise? How would Unicorns do anything? It doesn’t sound possible.”

The promiscuous immortal was probably just trying to help ease your pathetic minds. World without magic, HA! Sombra mocks.

“Maybe…I still think he’s not telling the whole story. He looked at me funny when I asked about how these other world folks deal with no magic,” you think back on his trollish smile.

He’s always looking at you like that, Selena rolls her eyes. Despite the repeated murders at the hooves of your Grandfather.

“Well it’s not like that’s such a big deal to him,” you say as you reach the door to the mess hall. “Alright, let’s see what the damage is.” You open the door and despite your worst fears, it’s only slightly messy. At the table, eating pancakes is Nightshade, Grandbuggy, and Captain Jack.

“Morning Daddy!” Nightshade waves, “We saved you some pancakes.”

“Despite our best efforts,” Grandbuggy chuckles with syrup all over his face.

“Despite our best efforts,” Nightshade agrees and chuckles herself. Their best efforts being the countless drained syrup bottles, and empty pancake mix boxes. Jack sits next to them with nothing but a cup of coffee and a frown.

“Weeks! I had weeks of pancake mix saved up! Enough for the whole team! And in one morning you two decimate it!” he grumbles.

“Oh calm down Jacky Boy. It ain’t like you can’t afford it,” Grandbuggy laughs and pulls out the seat between him and Nightshade.

“That’s not the point. The point is…Nevermind,” he gives up and gulps his coffee. You smirk at his misfortune and sit down between your Grandbuggy and Daughter.

“Thanks for saving me some,” you kiss Nightshade’s head and pat the old bug’s back. “And don’t worry, I’m sure the Knights can go a few days while you go shopping.”

“It’s not the Knights I have to worry about, it’s Mia and Aqua. Who knew those two would be such Waffle fanatics?” he shudders.

“Well not me, until you just said something,” you say as you take a bite of the syrupy pancakes. “By the way, are they still out?”

“Yes, unfortunately. They are still training the Knights on their first assignment across the sea in Abysthnia.”

“Umm…is it anything serious?” you ask thinking of your old partner, the otherworld Cadence, and the merry band of misfits in some country you’ve never even heard of.

“Eh,” he hoof waves, “Just a possible alien incursion into the local population, nothing too big.” You raise a skeptical eyebrow to Grandbuggy who just shrugs.

“After years of traveling with the Doctor, Alien infiltrators become like a dime a dozen. I wouldn’t worry about them big kitties.”

“Yeah, besides, Aqua can handle anything dad,” Nightshade points out. Relenting to their point, you nod and continue eating. This may be the last meal in months that you’ll be able to have with Grandbuggy and Nightshade after all.


You, Jack, Gandbuggy and Nightshade sit in the train compartment as Jack gives you the whole plan.

“Torchwood does have some access to world shifting technology, as you know when we sent in Agent Sweetie Drops to assist you two years ago.” You nod, remembering Bon Bon phase shifting to assist you in your time of need. “But unfortunately, that kind of tech only works twice. Once for traveling to the destination, and once for traveling back. Even then, it only works when the walls between realities are close and thin enough. Depending on the universe, it may not work at all.”

“Alright Jackie, we get the technobabble. It’s only good for one trip, and only under circumstances and blah blah blah,” Grandbuggy interrupts. “Quit keeping us in suspense and just say there’s a world for him to go to and what he needs to find.” Jack gives Grandbuggy a deadpan look.

“Fine, ruin all my fun why don’t you?”

“It was getting kind of windy,” Nightshade adds causing Jack to huff.

“Alright. Yes, during the coming months there will be a world that fits the bill. The veil between our worlds can, and has been punched before in the past by Starswirl the Bearded himself.”

“Whoa, no way! The old wizard guy Twilight was always talking about in my studies?” Nightshade perks up. She then shirks back as all of you give her a strange look.

“What? I did learn stuff!” she defends.

“Debatable,” Grandbuggy snickers, causing her to give him the stink eye. “But really? You’re gonna be messing with that Old Coot’s toys? Nothing good ever comes from that. Just look at what finishing a spell of his did.”

“Wait, HE’S the reason Twilight’s an Alicorn?! Why that no good son of a-“ Grandbuggy clamps a hoof over your mouth as you scream a good amount of obscenities.

“Anyway,” Grandbuggy says to Jack as you continue to scream, “You were saying?”

“Yes, ahem,” Jack clears his throat. “This world we’ve observed has advanced technology the likes of which won’t be seen here in Equestria for decades to come.” This gets you to stop ranting for a few minutes.

“What, like Sci Fi type stuff?”

“In some regards yes. We’ve had advances to be sure, but it's mostly magic based, even the machines, but this world is way farther along. If you can bring any advanced tech back with you, it will help.”

“So wait, you want us to jump to this world and just start stealing all their future gadgets?” Nightshade asks.

“Yes and no,” Jack points. “Getting the tech is important, but it is secondary to Bugze’s main objective.”

Raising an eyebrow you ask, “And that is?”

“What Quick Fix said earlier about not messing with Starswirl isn’t all that inaccurate,” Jack says scratching the back of his neck and making Grandbuggy sit up straight. “He vanquished many a threat in his days, but one of these threats just so happened to have something we need if we’re to get Selena and Sombra out of your head.”

Jack places a photo down in front of you, in it are what look like cave paintings of three figures. They are yellow, blue, and purple and they look like a cross between a pony and a fish, and each one of them has a red dot on their chests.

“Are those Sea Ponies?” asks Nightshade to which Jack nods. “But I thought those were only myths?”

“Well most things that are regarded as myths did exist at some point. I met a few back in my adventures. They couldn’t sing worth a dang, but they were friendly enough,” Grandbuggy says.

Indeed. I remember the Sea Ponies when they introduced themselves to us at Horseshoe Bay long ago, Selena reminisces.

“Well, to be more accurate, their species used to be known as Sirens,” Jack clarifies. “ “Used to Be” being the key words.”

The Sea Ponies are all dead? Selena gasps in shock.

“Wait, hold up Jack!” you hold up your hooves. “Selena seems surprised by this. When did these Sea Ponies die out?”

“The Sirens,” he emphasizes, “Suffered a terrible cataclysm around 900 years ago that took their underwater kingdom, and drove them to extinction.”

Then it was while she and I were on the moon…she sighs.

“Oh, that’s so sad,” Nightshade bemoans.

“Indeed. I knew several of them quite intimately, and no that’s not JUST an euphemism,” he defends.

“Alright, alright. These Sea Horses are all gone, so what does this have to do with this picture and this world?” you demand.

“As I said before, Starswirl used a number of ways vanquish his foes. These three Sirens once attempted to take over several coastal cities, and they were banished to another dimension. The dimension we’re sending you to.”

I’d heard of that. That horrible pop music that still prevails to this day was invented by those sea monsters, Sombra chimes in.

“Wait a minute Jack,” Grandbuggy starts, “Are you saying that the red stones have been in this otherworld all this time?”

“That’s correct Quick Fix,” Jack nods.

“Grandbuggy?” you ask in confusion, causing him to look to you.

“The Red Song Stones are like the ultimate of lost treasures. The last magical power from a dead race, Daring Do wishes she could find.”

“What do these stones do?” asks Nightshade.

“According to legend, the stones could bring feelings and emotions into the physical realm. Give solidity to something that shouldn’t have it,” Jack explains. This causes your eyes to widen.

“So they could make Selena a body?” you ask.

“That’s what we’re hoping for,” Jack nods. “The other artifacts will be needed in conjunction, but one of these stones would be the heart of the device.”

“And since Sea Pony culture here was wiped off the face of the map, you’re hoping he can find them in Beardo’s dumping grounds?” ask Grandbuggy.

“Preferably yes,” Jack nods.

“But that was a thousand years ago. How the heck am I supposed to find them there after all these years?” you ask.

“Well…actually that part is all up to you I’m afraid,” he says rubbing the back of his neck.

“Huh?” you ask.

“All we know is that the three Villain Sirens were thrown into this world. We don’t know where, but I’m sure someone a long time ago saw a giant sea creature appear. They might even be in a museum or something.”

“That’s it? I just have to wing it?”

“Sorry, but that’s the best we can do. Though anything Magical in this world is bound to stick out.”

You share a look with your daughter and grandpa before looking back to the immortal stallion.

“So the plan in it’s entirety, is for me to travel to another reality, take a bunch of alien tech, and grave rob the last remnants of a long dead species?”

“Well when you put it like that…” Jack chuckles nervously.

The Present

“So when Daddy gets to the other side, why won’t we be able to talk to him?” asks Nightshade.

“Because the tech we have isn’t strong enough for communication. Once he’s on the other side, he’s on his own until he decides to come back,” Jack answers as he puts the plates in the sink.

“And what happens if he loses or breaks the travel device?” Grandbuggy accuses.

“Grandbuggy!” you shout in indignation. “I’m not that clumsy.”


“Okay yeah, I am, but it’s still mean to say,” you harrumph.

“The truth hurts kid. But the question remains, what happens then? Is there another way out?”

“Yes there is, but not on this side,” Jack says as he motions for you all to follow him. He takes you to another room full of random looking artifacts and doohickeys. He pulls out a large sheet of parchment that has an ornate looking mirror drawn on it. It’s in the shape of a horseshoe and looks very familiar to you.

“I’ve seen this before! In the Crystal Empire.”

You Have? asks Selena.

It’s one of Amore’s accursed treasures…Sombra mumbles.

“Yeah, I saw this thing back when my chest wound was still oozing. It freaked me out…I saw something weird looking in it.”

“What kind of weird Dad?” asks your daughter.

“I don’t know just…weird,” you trail off remembering how your image changed.

“Well weird or not, this is the only other doorway into this other world aside from our Slider. Originally there were two, but the one in Canterlot was destroyed about ten years ago after an incident with one of Celestia’s former protégés.”

“Former protégé?” you ask.

“I think I remember that. Orange unicorn wasn’t it? Supposed to be a genius?” Grandbuggy inquires. Jack nods.

“Though not many outside of the Princess’s inner circle are privy to what her name was. She was all but expunged from official records after the incident.”

“Alright, that’s all nice and ominous sounding, but what happened?” you interrupt.

“That’s the thing, even WE don’t know. One minute Celestia had a rising pupil, and the next she’s a ghost. No family, no friends. Not even a name,” Jack says in confusion. “Whoever she was, something happened and it involved a mirror that was nearly identical to this one.”

“Whoa, whoa wait,” Nightshade interrupts “What if this was like a coverup and this mare died? You still want Daddy to use that?”

“Of course not,” Jack assures. “The mystery behind this artifact is far too risky, but if worst comes to worst and his Slider is lost or broken, then this Mirror will be the only connecting doorway between the worlds.” You look at the horseshoe shaped mirror and shudder. Even in paper, it still gives you the creeps.

“And how many sliders do you have left?” you asks pointedly.

“Just the one. Only two uses, so try not to lose it,” he emphasizes causing you to roll your eyes.

“Well I don’t plan on going to the Crystal Empire any time soon. They’re preparing for the Equestria Games all year so security is high, and that Royal Summit is being held in like a month so I’d rather not use this creepy mirror. But if I have to, where’s it’s doppelganger?”

Jack ponders for a moment then answers, “This world isn’t quite like the one you visited in the past. There are other versions of folks we know, but as I’ve said, there’s no magic, and the countries aren’t the same either, but there are institutions that are similar.”

“Institutions?” you ask at his crypticness.

“You’ll know when you get there,” he answers, “But it’s logical to conclude that the door on the other side will be in whatever Crystal Empire stand in they have.”

“But if it’s not a country, how will I know?”

“Just look for Cousin Cadence or Shining Armor, Dad. They’re they rulers now whether Sombra likes it or not, so I’m sure they’d be there,” Nightshade points out. Ignoring Sombra’s huff of indignation, you beam at your daughter’s logic.

“Hey, that ain’t bad thinking kid. Guess Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” Grandbuggy praises as he pats her back.

Wow, she’s getting smarter every day, you think in pride.

And we both know she gets that from me, Selena adds.


Am I wrong? She asks sardonically.

No, but you don’t have to actually say it, you whine before looking back to your daughter.

“Great idea honey. Hopefully meeting with this Cadence won’t end as badly,” you exposit, rubbing your chest scar.

“It won’t Dad. I know you, Mom and Sombra will be alright over there,” she smiles. You smile back at her enthusiasm which is such a big turnaround from the train ride.


“What do you mean I can’t come with you Dad?” Nightshade exclaims as you have a family meeting in the train car, with Jack waiting outside.

“It means what it sounds like Honey. I can’t let you come with me to this alternate reality,” you explain with patience.

“But why not?! Just because Jack says you have to go alone doesn’t mean anything. I’ll stay in the inventory when we travel and then hop out and-“

“Nightshade…” you say tiredly.

“Daddy, you’ve never left me on my own for more than a couple of days, and even then that was with the Deadly 6! But you and Mom could be gone for Months! Why change it now? Why-“ she is stopped as you place a hoof on her shoulder.

“Nightshade, I’m not leaving you alone. Grandbuggy will look after you until we get back,” you say pointing to the old bug who only smiles and nods. Nightshade still looks conflicted though.

“B-But why doesn’t Grandbuggy just come with us?! Why do you and Mom have to go alone? Why can’t we-“ Grandbuggy pats her other shoulder stopping her midsentence.

“You know why he doesn’t want to bring you along kid. When it comes to other realities and you...?” he lets his words trail as Nightshade’s eyes widen in understanding before looking back to your solemn face.

“Oh…” she says quietly, finally getting your feelings. You lift her chin and give her a comforting smile.

“Baby, I know you want to come with us, and I know that you can fight and handle yourself. But I can’t risk it. Not you. Not in another world. Especially in a world “without magic.”

Jack had explained that without magic, your Nightmare Powers would not be achievable and that you would be left with only your physical prowess to rely upon. Even you plasmids might not work due to the genetic manipulation being on “this side’s” body. This part confused you, but he didn’t follow up on what that meant. Why would your body not be the same on the other side?

“And besides, I’ll still have your Mother and Zoomba to keep me company up here,” you bonk the side of your head which makes her smile.

A fat lot of use I’ll be though without access to our magic, Selena admits.

And like Tartarus will I “keep you company,” Sombra grumbles.

“I want you to be somewhere where I know you’ll be safe, and there’s nowhere safer than by Grandbuggy’s side.”

“Yer Gorramned Right,” the old bug agrees. “Don’t worry kiddo, yer parents and shadowy imaginary friend will be back before you know it.”

“He’s not imaginary,” Nightshade responds but then looks back down. “Still, I feel weird about not going with you. This is all for Mommy’s and Sombra’s sake so I feel like I should be helping.”

“You will be honey,” you ensure, “By being safe and sound for when we get back. That will help all three of us more than you know.”

“He’s right my precious,” Selena says through your mouth as she caresses Nightshade’s cheek. “You’re safety will be comforting, even though being apart from you will hurt our hearts.”

She looks down and nods, “Ok…I understand. I’m gonna go to the bathroom now…” She then silently walks out the door and down the corridor leaving you alone with your Grandbuggy. Selena and you then both let out a sigh.

It’s not going to be easy for her. For any of us being separated for so long.

“I know,” you answer aloud. “I was putting on a brave face too. I wish it didn’t have to be this way…”

“It ain’t gonna be easy for any of us boy,” Grandbuggy says with a shaky voice causing you to look at him. He looks like he’s trying hard not to cry which surprises you. “The last time I was told to watch the kid of the Changeling I raised, she and her husband never came back…”

The hurt in his voice registers with you. You know exactly what he’s talking about. The day your Mother and Father were sent off on a suicide mission, and you were left orphaned in his care.

“I-I’m sorry Grandbuggy, “ you apologize. “I never thought to look at it from your point of-” He then grips both your shoulders and gives you a hard look which shuts you up.

“Listen to me you two. You both got a wonderful kid that thinks the world of you. Whatever happens, you come back to her ya hear me?” the intensity in which he says it sets you back.

“O-Of course Grandbuggy. I swear I will. I promise. I won’t let her go through that, you have my word.”

“You have mine as well,” Selena speaks up. After a few seconds he nods and pats your head.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

The Present

After prepping for the trip to come, you now stand in the middle of Torchwood’s conference room. Jack has the shifter which looks like a wrist bracelet as he waits for you to say your goodbyes. Nightshade holds on tight around your neck, and you return the affection with gusto.

“Be careful over there Daddy. Remember to take lots of pictures, and stay out of trouble,” she hiccups as tears run down her cheeks.

“I will honey. I will.”

“And Mommy, try to keep dad from setting too many fires and from starting an interdimensional war please?”

“Hey! Wait a mi-OF course my child. I will keep his arsonist tendencies in check as best I can,” Selena takes over and chuckles softly while you roll your eyes. Nightshade herself giggles before declaring.

“Don’t stay gone for too long. And remember, I love you both very very much.”

“As do we precious…Always…” you both say.

She then pulls back and looks you in the eye.

“Sombra, remember what we’ve talked about. You’re my friend and I’ll miss you too. Keep watch over Mom and Dad for me please?” Your eyes take on a green tint and you allow the former King to speak.

“I…fine. For you young overlord. For you,” he sighs.

“Not just for me silly. When this is all done, you’ll be getting a body too,” she says cheerfully.

“If he’s good,” you speak up, taking your voice back.

“If you’re good,” she agrees. The shadow king sighs once more as Nightshade hugs you again.

“All of you, please come back to me.”

“Of course,” you three say in legion.

“That’s still creepy,” Grandbuggy chuckles as he moves towards you and you take his hoof.

“Watch over her Old Bug. Keep her safe, and no funny business alright?” you chide causing him to raise an eyebrow.

“What’s with the accusation boy? Do I look like the sort of bug to put a child in harm’s way?”

You briefly flash to your childhood with him, like the time he took you to Mardi Gras, that abandoned mine to scare off those meddling kids and their dog, the time you “dined and dashed” from the hospital, and many many more.

“Do you really want me to answer that?” you ask incredulously. He rolls his eyes before saying.

“I’ll keep her safe #@$%. I ain’t gonna put her in any situation she can’t handle, you have my word.” You nod before pulling him into a hug, which Nightshade gets in on too.

“Stay clear of the Princesses, especially the Bookworm,” you warn before pulling back and walking over to Jack.

“Alright Cap, how’s this work?”

“It’s fairly simple. Just hold down the green button, and it will take you to your destination,” he puts the bracelet on you. “After that, put it somewhere safe until you’re ready to return. This thing only works once. If anything occurs, the doorway on the other side is always there, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

“Ok then. And there’s no chance of me running into my doppelganger in this world? Like, would everyone else be cool with him?” you ask as you look at the device.

“It’s…well…” Jack says fumbling as he looks around nervously.

“What is it Jack? What aren’t you telling me?” you demand. “Is the me in this world a criminal too?” He then looks you in the eye and sighs.

“Quite frankly I have no idea, but that’s not what I’ve been keeping from you. The truth is, when you get to the other side…you might not be the biggest fan of the place…or of what you will look like” he admits.

“Huh? What do you mean?” you ask.

“It…would be too hard to explain, and it wouldn’t help with the shock you’re about to get, so all I’ll say is, you’ll know soon enough. Just…just don’t freak out too much, and good luck” he implores as he pats your shoulder.

“Ha! Good luck,” you mock. “As if I’ve ever had that.” You then turn back to Nightshade and Grandbuggy, the only physical family you have left and give them a confident smile.

“Don’t worry guys. All I have to do is steal some alien tech and find thousand year old relics in a land without magic. Easy Peasy,” you say cheekily, getting them to chuckle.

“I’ll be back before you know it, and when I am, we’ll start looking for some good old fashioned Home Grown Artifacts.”

“Love you Dad and Mom! Be good Sombra!” Nightshade calls out.

“Go get ‘em Boyo!” Grandbuggy adds.

You grin and say, “I love you all. Now, to infinity and beyond!” you call out as you hold down the button. For a moment, nothing happens.

Is…is it working?

I don’t feel any different, Selena muses.

“Um, I think your machine is bro-*FLASH*” you are interrupted as the world goes sparkly and you feel as though you’re spinning in a gigantic rainbow field.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you scream as you feel your body…changing.

POV: Nightshade

Just as your father is complaining about the Slider being broken, he suddenly disappears in a bright flash.

“Whoa!” you shield your eyes. “Dad?” Looking to the spot in the middle of the room, your father is gone. “Did it work correctly?” you ask the handsome immortal stallion.

“Yup. Don’t fret Nightshade. In less than a minute he’ll be over there on his quest.”

“Alright, I can’t wait for them to bring back the pictures….They’re gonna be alright, right Grandbuggy?”

“They will kid. They will,” Grandbuggy reassures as he pats your shoulder. “Your Dad’s got three good heads on his shoulders, and no alternate world is gonna bring him down.”

Oh Grandbuggy, you always know what to say…except for the times when you don’t. Grinning, you then look around the room in confusion.
“Sooooo, now what do we do? Just hang out here till he comes back?” you ask Grandbuggy.

“Well you’re more than welcome to-“ Jack starts but Grandbuggy cuts him off.

“Heck no we’re not going to just be sitting around. You heard Jackieboy, it could take months, and I sure as heck ain’t gonna hang out doin nothing.” Jack slumps his shoulders.

“Well you don’t have to be so rude,” he complains.

“Oh shove off Jack. You’ve known me long enough to know I ain’t idle. Not when there’s work to be done.”

“Work?” you ask

“Ayuh. Work that’s only for family ears,” he says with a pointed look at the Captain.

Rolling his eyes, Jack walks out of the room, “Whatever Quick Fix. I have known you long enough to know you keep your work to yourself. Just don’t do anything too stupid, and know you’ll both still be welcome here any time.”

After he leaves, Grandbuggy takes you by the shoulder and leads you back to his room where he pulls out a piece of paper.

Wait, he doesn’t mean homework does he? You think in dread. To your relief, the paper isn’t homework, but a long list of…something.

“A shard of fossilized dragon egg, a Ring of Scorchero…What’s this?”

“This little filly, is the list of artifacts on this world that will be used to get your buddy a solid form, and your mom her smoking hot bod back.”

“Really?” you ask looking at the list. “Dad did say something about doing this when he came back.”

“Yeah, but he’s gonna be gone for some time, and we’re not doing much so…” he trails off giving you a knowing look. You gasp in understanding.

“You want to go hunting for these now while Daddy’s gone?”


“B-But you told him you’d watch me and…”

“I told him I would keep you safe and wouldn’t put you in any situation you couldn’t handle. Can’t you handle a little adventure?” he says with a wink and suddenly you are elated.

“So how about it kid, you wanna travel around and do some good ol fashioned Tomb Raiding with your Great Grandbuggy?” When presented with this outlandish, mischievous, and possibly dangerous proposition, the answer is very simple.

“Oh Tartarus the Buck Yeah!” you squee as you jump up and down. Throughout all your adventures, you’ve been sidelined, and “kept safe” even though you are probably as big a hitter as your Dad. While you always appreciate the sentiment, you are no damsel in distress. And if it means helping out your Mommy and Sombra, then you’re all for it.

“Oh My Gosh, We’re going to have our own adventure while Dad’s having his? This is so cool!” you cheer before a thought comes to you. “But how are we going to find all these artifacts? I’ve never heard of half of them.” Your Great Grandbug chuckles while rolling up the list and putting it into your Inventory with Mangle.

“Let’s just say, I know a Big Cat Enthusiast who is very versed in finding ancient stuff, and that he owes me a favor…”

POV: Bugze (You)

Dizzy. You’re whole world is nothing but dizzy. Those wonderful pancakes your daughter made from you keep protesting to come back up, but you won’t allow them.

“Oooohhhhh…” you groan as you shake your head, trying to will your stability back into place.

Bugze focus, I believe that we have crossed.

“Trying Selly, believe me, I’m trying,” you answer as you wobble. It’s not just your vision, but your whole body feels weird. Your back hooves feel constricted, and your front ones feel more sensitive on the concrete ground. After taking a few breaths, your vision starts to focus on a sign in front of you. Slowly but surely, the letters come into view.

“Crystal Prep Academy?” you ask aloud as you look past the sign and see a large building that looks like it was hewn right out of the Crystal Empire.

Fascinating. Mayhaps we’ve come to the alternate Empire institution…Sombra examines.

“You like anything with Crystals,” you mutter sarcastically as you try to walk forward, only for your limbs to not work correctly, causing you to fall on your face.

“Ouch! The heck is going on with me?” you groan as you bring a hand to your face.

“Oh crud, I think I pushed in my muzzle, it’s all flattened and…wait…Hand?” You pull your arm back, but there is no hoof at the end of it. Instead, there is a chitinless, dark colored, five fingered Minotaur like hand.

“What the buck?!” you yell as you throw your limb away from you, causing you lose your balance again and topple over. Pain shoots up your arm and you even hear something crack.

“OOWWWOWW!” you groan and grasp your arm in your other hand, before realizing how creepy that feels and letting go with a shriek.

“What the buck is going one?! Am I still dreaming!” you start hyperventilating.

No, we are quite awake. The pain and fear are real! Selena answers, confusion in her voice as well.

“Then why the buck do I have minotaur hands?! Why do I-AW CRAP! I BROKE THE BUCKING SLIDER ALREADY!!!” you swear as you see that the crunch you heard was the dimensional slider that brought you here. It now crumbles into several pieces at your feet.

“Goramnit! It hasn’t even been a minute! How could I have already bro-WHERE THE BUCK ARE MY HOOVES?!” you shout as you look down at your lower half and see them covered in clothing. There are shoes at the end of your legs, but you know there’s no hooves in there.

“Oh Buck, Oh Buck, Oh Buck!” you scramble and roll around as if trying to get away from the alien limbs.

Bugze! Bugze calm down! Selena orders.

“How can I?! My hooves are gone, the Slider’s broken and I have no idea what’s going on!”

This must be what the Captain was alluding to, she insists.

“Well he should have been clearer! My body is all weird! What the heck am I?!”

Oh My Goodness. Can It Be? Sombra sounds off in your head sounding…giddy?

“Can what be you smokey nutjob?!” you demand.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think it could be true, that they could be real! he squees.

Selena suddenly gasps aloud, Oh No…It can’t possibly be true. It can’t! she says in dread.

“What? What can’t be true?!” you shout as you try to crawl, but your back legs bend a different direction now.

I might actually be able to meet Andrea, Peter, Ashley, Michelle and the rest! Sombra says all sugar and rainbows.

“Oh Come On!” you yell in frustration over his happiness. “How many times do I have to tell you, that show and it’s fandom are pure trash! TRASH I TELL YOU! They’re not even real! There’s no such thing as a huuuuuuu…” your voice skips a beat on the evil horrible word.


Bugze I think that he’s-

“NO!” you awkwardly crawl towards the Crystal Prep Academy building and it’s many, many reflective windows.

“Please don’t let it be real! Please don’t let it be real!” you beg the heavens, but because Lady Luck has it out for you, it sadly is.

You look upon your reflection. The hands and legs are attached to a bipedal being, wearing blue jeans, and a dark hooded sweatshirt. The creature's face is flat and ape like, and it’s eyes are much smaller than normal. But what kills you most of all, the most damning evidence is the crop of spiky orange hair upon it’s head.

“I’m…I’m…” you sputter as the ugly truth cements itself.

~My Little Human, My Little Human. Aaaaaaahhh, Sombra sings.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” you scream to the sky with your transformed, hideous mouth. “BUCK YOU JJJJAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!!”


Episode 2: Scream Therapy

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8bitmadness’s Comment

PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

GreyRebl’s Comment






Bugze for the love of me, will you get a hold of yourself you fool?! Selena groans in desperation and annoyance, but you can’t stop screaming. How could you? One of your worst fears has come true and then some.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” you continue screaming your new alien vocal chords raw.

Bugze for the gods’ sake, you’ll pass out if you keep screaming like that!

“Yes! I know! Sweet merciful bliss will come with it! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”
And while she audibly facehooves, since she has the luxury of still having hooves, Sombra continues to sing that inane My Little Human song like a torturous resonance of cringe and neck beard gurgling, the crescendo so terrifyingly deep and demonic that it shudders your insides... Even though it's just how his voice sounds.

La la la~ My little human~ My little human~

YOU’RE NOT HELPING!!! She yells at the filthy humie in your mind.

“Horrible Overhyped Trash For Little Fillies with Horrible Animation! Why must it be real?! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

Alright that does it! Bugze, just know that what I’m about to do is for your own good! Selena growls, and you suddenly feel your perspective get pushed back inside your head slightly.

Assuming Direct Control…

While you continue to yell to the heavens for this crime against nature and all reality, the former mare in the moon lifts your evil gross hand and…

DarkInfinity666’s Comment: i would imagine bugze punch himself in the face a few times to see if he was dreaming

Baraka Obama’s Comment: Proceed to slap yourself multiple times, praying that this is some kind of side effect after using the transporter.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!- *SLAP* OW!” you stop your shouting abruptly and clutch your smarting face. You find yourself in a familiar situation with a red hoof… er, hand mark on your face.

“Hey that really hurt! Without chitin this hand this…hand…Uh, Ah! AAAAHHH-*SLAP* Ouch! *SLAP* OW! *SLAP* OK! *SLAP* I Get It! *SLAP* Stop!” you shout and pant as several more red marks line your cheeks. Your evil wriggly hand stops inches from your cheek and lowers as you topple over once more.

Now, are you done shouting yourself ragged? Selena inquires.

“Y-yeah *pant* I think so…” you gasp as the pain helps to sober you up.

Good. I know that this is a shock, but we have to stay focused right now. There are too many variables we don’t know, she reasons, and the logic in her words does help you focus more.

“Right…right. There could be enemies nearby, there’s no time to worry. I’ll just not focus on the fact that I’ve been turned into a…a…”

~Big adventure, tons of fun. A beautiful heart, faithful and strong~

“Oh who am I kidding, how can I escape this personal Tartarus?!” you panic and start hyperventilating.

~Sharing kindness, it’s an easy *BLAST* AH! Sombra yelps in pain.

Not Now You Miserable Cretin! She chides the fanboy. Now Bugze, just ignore that swine’s- Oh For Goodness’ Sake!She bellows while you fall further into existential crisis.

GreyRebl’s Comment

"H-hands... I have ha-han-ha—!" You choke and wheeze in and out, shuddering, stammering, and coughing. The slightest tug of your jeans feels so alien. And those fingers, on your...hands, where your hoofs are supposed to be, they just—just wriggle! You can even feel the same in your shoes!

Lying on the concrete, curling your limbs—your abominable human limbs—around yourself, bombarded by memories of horrors long since forgotten, you hysterically sob into your knees as you rock back and forth along your back.

"I-it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay," you repeat, and your voice cracks. "It'sgoingtobeokaaaay!"

Bugze, You've already served your time being the fool. Now enough crying and stand up! You have survived far worse than this! She orders, but this only causes you to roll onto your side, eyes shaking in terror.

"I can hear her: Lyra, talking my ear off about humans, ranting about fan theories, inviting me to a My Little Human convention..."
Selena's sigh echoes in your mindscape. Then, her voice turns as sweet as nectar.

Listen, my dear bug,she utters soothingly,Just because you're now human does not mean you're one of...'them'.

"B-but that's what a converter would say! I've seen it! Heard it!" You squeeze tighter into your pitiful ball. "They were LIARS, those closet human-loving scum!"

...Sometimes, I wonder if we take our disgust a bit too far...


Really? What were they called? I’ll have to search those out. They better have my OTP, Sombra chimes in.

“NO! I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR DAMNED SHIPS LYRA!!! AAAAHHHH!!!” you shout as you bolt forward.

What did I just say worm?! Selena growls as she blasts at Somba again.

You’re all just haters!

Trying to get away from bad memories, you at least have some semblance of rationality, though that rationality is that smacking yourself silly will make you think better. Not quite what Selena was trying to do, but you’ve taken that lesson to heart. So before she can assume control again, you…

Master of Shadow’s Comment: This has to be a dream. You find the nearest tree/tree like object and slam your head into it till you wake up.

Slam your disgusting ape face against its reflection in the side of the building again and again. As your head starts to crack said window, which Sombra notes is made of crystal, you do feel the old memories being buried in favor of pain.

Bugze Stop! You’re bleeding! Selena commands, and as you looked at your cracked visage, you see some of your midnight blue blood coming out of your forehead.

“Oh, so I am…on the plus side…Ow….” You slump onto your knees, which bend the complete opposite direction than what you’re used to. You stare at your new form in the crystal window, before sighing and wiping your forehead with the back of your…hand.

“Gorammit Jack. Why couldn’t you have told me before and let me freak out in my real body?” you whimper as tears start coming to your eyes and your breathing gets ragged again.

DownWithChrysalis’s Comment

Bugze calm down! You’re gonna hurt yourself more and draw too much attention to us! Just remember those breathing techniques Zecora taught you!

At Selena's suggestion you start to take deep, calming breaths like how the zebra shaman instructed. As you breathe you think,

Everything is okay, everything is alright. I'm just trapped in a world where creatures from a terrible TV show exist AND I'M ONE OF THEM OH DEAR LUNA WHY?! THIS IS NOT OKAY, EVERYTHING IS NOT GO-



Slowing down your breathing again after that mild panic attack you eventually calm down enough to speak rationally.

“Okay...Okay…I'm good… sorta. As long as I don’t see any of those overrated characters right at this moment, I think I’ll be alright…”

Michelle is not overrated. She is the most adorable-

"OVERRATED I SAY!!!" You shout before you take one more long breath and open your eyes to look at your reflection again. “Sweet Tartarus I’m ugly as buck,” you groan.

It’s not as bad as you perceive it my Bug. But hurry up this loathing, there’s no telling who or what overheard your ranting, Selena urges.

Your eyes widen and you look all around you, but thankfully there doesn’t appear to be anyling else around.

“Okay, it looks like I lucked out, but who knows how long that will last?” you then look to the sky and see…

Solarkness’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

That the sun is close to the horizon. You're guessing it's either dawn or dusk, although you can't say for sure since you can’t really determine the direction it moves in yet. You lean against the wall next to the window you’ve cracked and sigh.

"Well, what now?" you ask.

Well it’s obvious isn’t it? You have to learn to walk with this bipedal form. Remember, time is of the essence, Selena instructs helpfully.

“Bipedal…” you shudder, but you let the horror that that entails go. You can freak out more later. You then do as the mare in your head suggested and begin testing out your new horrendous limbs.

It’s slow going to be sure, transitioning from four legged walking to two, and your balance still is in the gutter, but you are able to stumble walk for more than four steps without falling.

“That’s it. Easy does it. Just like a natural filthy human…” you breathe through your teeth as you puppet your new limbs. Eventually, you stumble back to the remains of your dimensional slider.

“Aw man, Jack is gonna kill me…after I kill him a few dozen times that is!” you then scoop up the shattered pieces and look them over as they sit in the greasy palms of your new hands.

“There is entirely too much feeling when holding something…but anyway, what do you think my chances of repairing this are Selly?”

I could not hazard a guess as we’ve only been in this world for less than 5 minutes, but who knows? Maybe there will be enough advanced tech to salvage it.

“Maybe…but I doubt it. No, I think we’re gonna have to end up using that other portal…wherever the heck it is.” You then sigh and go to place the broken pieces into your Inventory only to find...

Roker12’s Comment: Don't forget your inventory.

“My Inventory!” you cry out as you bring the bag up for inspection. They are no longer your helpful saddle bags, instead it has been turned into...

“A Purse?! Really?!” you shout. “It’s bad enough I’m a damned dirty ape, but now you gotta give me a purse?!”

I believe that’s more of a satchel, Sombra chuckles.

“Bullspit! It’s a purse and you know it! Great, just complete the neckbeard look why don’t you?!”

Well does it still function? Asks Selena rolling her eyes.

“Good question,” you say as you open up the man purse and look inside. Thankfully, it appears as though your belongings haven’t gone anywhere, and the bag of holding still has impossible space inside.

“Well thank goodness for small miracles,” you sigh as you place the pieces inside.

Broken Slider Added to Inventory.

And while you have your transformed inventory open, you check your other items. Unfortunately the majority of your coats and other disguises are still for an Equine body. Including…

8BitMadness’s Comment

DarkInfinity666’s Comment

“Oh No! My Power Glove!” you groan as you hold up the hoof glove. You try placing it over your new disgusting hand, but it only barely sits over the limb when you close it into a fist.

“Aw crud,” you groan.

Well…think on the bright side. At least if the plasmids and vigors do not work, surely the grappling hook still will. It’s always good to have a quick escape available, Selena tries to cheer you up, but your mood is sour.

“This glove doesn’t fit too well on this evil spidery thing, I don’t think it’s going to work at all,” you grumble as you return the weapon back to the inventory.
Sighing, Selena continues,

Well be that as it may, we should test it later. Right now we should endeavor to distance ourselves from outside this Academy to get a better lay of the land.

“Right…but wait, maybe we should scope out that portal now.”

Solarkness’s Comment

You remember Nightshade’s advice about finding Cadance and Shining Armor on this side.

“If I find their counterparts, then the portal should be here too…although they’re probably going to be gross small eyed, five fingered demons too.”

You just don’t get the artistic aesthetic, Sombra grumbles.

“It’s disgusting!” you argue back.

Bugze, Selena interrupts. We should focus on getting you used to this body and the world first before we go hunting for dopplegangers.

“But we’re right here already. Might as well get it over with before anyling else shows up and sees us snooping. And even as I say that…”

“Um Excuse Me? What are you doing on school grounds after hours?” asks a familiar voice that sends shivers up your spine. You slowly turn around and gape at what you see in horror standing in the Academy’s entrance. Even if you hadn’t heard her voice, you would have recognized her even as an ugly ape with those oversized glasses.

AllenNoir’s Comment: So how long before Bugzi meets Sci-Twi standing outside Crystal Prep…

“Um…the school is closed,” she mumbles nervously. “Are you hear to see Principal Finch or-“

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” you scream startling human Twilight Sparkle as the last three months come rushing back to you in one instant.

That’s not her Bugze! That’s her dop-

“NOT MY PRINCESS! NOT MY PRINCESS!!!” you yell as you turn and stumble run away from the shocked and confused teenager into what you now know is the night.

Behind you, you faintly hear some sort of exchange.

“What was that Twily?” asks a familiar male voice.

“I don’t know. Some crazy homeless person I think.”


After quite literally learning how to run again (fear and insanity over a little girl are great motivators) you find yourself in an alleyway panting as the night gets darker. Thankfully, by some luck you’ve never had before, you’ve not seen a single other human since running from Twilight.

“Oh jeeze *Huff* How am I *Pant* This winded already?” you ask as you lean against a brick wall.

You obviously have a different stamina for this body. But you wouldn’t have needed to find that out had you stayed calm, Selena chides.

“I couldn’t help it. It’s still too soon for me to be hearing her voice. For all I know, this world’s Twilight is also a princess and will strike me down if I get on her bad side.”

I don’t know why you were so worried, I thought the redesign was adorable and-

“I don’t give a buck about your little filly show!” you shout and pant some more, leaning into the wall.

Well, if anything, we’ve learned that the Bookworm’s double and her brother are at that Academy, so our Daughter’s theory may yet hold water, Selena points out.

“Oh goody,” you say sarcastically as you pull your head up from resting on your hand and shudder. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to this.”

You then notice something under your hand, plastered to the brick wall. Something that catches your attention.

“Huh?” you pull back and your muzzle-less mouth drops at what you see.

Kichi’s Comment

8BitMadness’s Comment

The words WANTED are plastered over the images of three humans standing in front of what looks like a Police Height Chart.

One of them is a male wearing a jagged metal crown, and sticking his tongue out, another is female in dark leather clothing and heavy eye shadow, and the last one is a cloaked figure, with his face obscured and the eyes glowing orange.

“No way…” you say breathlessly. The three humans are holding signs that have their names scrawled on it. King Crystal, Nightmare Moon, and of course

“The Hooded Offender…They’re searching for me even in this dimension? Buck you Lady Luck!” you growl, and your hands instinctively curl into fists, which feels really weird. Along the sides of the humans are a list of what you can only assume are their crimes, only it’s worded strangely.

Kill the King,

Burn the Flag,

Gut the Traitors,

Bring the Darkness.

The Wanted, with Special Guest, Queen of the Hive.

Coming Soon.

Of course it couldn’t be that easy…Selena says sounding dejected. But maybe there is hope? This poster is old and weathered. Maybe they’ve already captured our counterparts?

“If only we were so lucky,” you groan but something still confuses you. “You know for a Wanted Poster, this really doesn’t have a lot of details. And what does that ‘Coming Soon’ and 'Special Guest' part mean?”

Now that you look at it, it looks more like the three humans on the poster were posing on purpose. It’s almost as if this whole thing was a promotional.

If that’s my Hum-Sona, then I definitely give my seal of approval, Sombra interrupts your thought process causing you to roll your eyes.

“Yeah, well your little creepy fantasies just might spell our doom. The less people see this the better,” you declare as you, without thinking, immediately tear down the poster with your newly gained hands and endeavor to do the same with any other wanted posters of you that you find.

"I sure hope that this is some sort of set of collectibles that unlocks an awesome weapon or something," you muse.

Bugze, This isn't a video game, this is real life, Selena deadpans.

“Yeah, real life with Humans and a world without magic,” you snark.

…Okay, I’ll give you that one. But even then, I doubt tearing them down will accomplish much.

“It couldn’t hurt. Besides, there’s something strange about these posters…”

Your time as a bounty hunter let you see quite a few, and unless Humans are that much stranger, then something is off about this Wanted poster.

TheRutherford’s Comment

You shake your head at this little mystery and sigh.

“Let’s worry about this later. It’s not even been an hour and it’s dark and I’m already mentally exhausted,” you groan.

Indeed. So far we’ve been lucky in avoiding other human creatures, but we should find some place to rest before it gets too late.

“Well that’s going to be tough. I think we’re in a city,” you say as you look out of the alley way and see fast moving metal carriages of some kind whizzing by. “And bullspit there’s no magic in this world, look at those carriages!”

You gulp looking at the mechanical marvels that make your Derby Racer back home seem like scrap metal. You look behind you to the alley and the Dumpsters at the far end.

“Well, if it comes down to it…but I really don’t want to have to sleep outside. I need somewhere quiet so I can think through all…” you look down at yourself, “This!”

We will need funds in that case. What we have now should be enough for some days, but we will need some sort of income to support ourselves.

“Yeah, I mean I guess I could become a repairpony, uh I mean,” you grumble at the evil word.

You're tired in an alien city and it's night time.


Episode 3: Lessons in Food and Lodgings

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As you stare out onto the alien road, lit by countless lights, you feel as though you would be impressed if you didn’t feel so drained.

“It’s weird. Not a few hours ago we woke up and had pancakes with Nightshade and Grandbuggy, and now I just want to go back to bed and forget the whole day.”

Shock can do that. That and the fact that you’ve repeatedly slammed your head into hard objects, both deliberately and accidentally, Selena chimes.

“Yeah…but I’ve done that before and not been tired. This stupid body is way too weak and sensitive. I kind of just want to sleep now,” you say as you look at your side.

APonyReadingFanFic’s Comment:You could sleep in the inventory. (Someone might take it during the night, though.)

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

Your transformed inventory still has impossible space inside, and you have fit countless large inside of it, despite the opening being no bigger than a book. Not to mention it’s where Nightshade slept for the longest time, before she started getting more independent.

“I should reasonably fit inside this…Ah what the hay. This way I don’t have to spend precious bits,” you reason.

I don’t know Bugze, what if some human were to take it during the night? Asks Selena. You pause at that as the thought of being carried off by some thieving mythical monster comes to your mind. Shaking your head you say,

“I’ll have to take that risk. I’ll make sure to hide it though. Noling ever looks behind a dumpster.”

As you get closer to the garbage bin though, the stench really hits you.

“Oh geeze,” you gag. “What the buck do humans throw away that smells that bad?” breathing through your mouth, you open up your Inventory Purse and start to put your foot inside.

As you attempt to worm your way through the opening, you manage to get stuck.

"Gorramit! I'm getting stuck!"

Hmm, the entrance to the saddlebags must have been changed as well...the mare in your head theorizes.

"Really? An unlimited place to store stuff, but not a decent entrance? Ripoff!!!"

Selena chuckles,

Sort of like a reverse genie.Regardless, you should crawl out now before you are unable to.

“Ugh! Can’t anything go my way today?” you groan as you shimmer back and forth, unstucking yourself like Winnie the Pooh.

“Ok, now what?” you ask aloud as you put the inventory back over your shoulder. “I mean, I have slept in smelly places before…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You briefly consider sleeping in the alleyway, at least for tonight anyway. But that thought is immediately thrown out the window when you see just how dirty the alleyway is, and what was making the smell.

“Is that rotting meat!? Oh that is just disgusting! Wait...what in the name of Luna is that moldy thi-OH SWEET LUNA IT MOVED!!!” you shout as you swear you see the amorphous blob of brown goo move.

It’s just mold, it’s not mo-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Needless to say, you ran out of that alley faster than you did from that school. Or rather, you did the approximation of running you’ve been doing, which is still full of stumbles. Stumbles that lead you directly into traffic of those fast metal carriages.

“Ah! Whoa Now! EEP!” you dodge the alien carriages whose drivers clearly don’t understand that a changeli-po-person walking in front of them means slow down.

“This must have been what that virtual frog felt like! Why did I never consider his feelings?!” you shout as you roll out of the way of a larger carriage.

“Get out of the street ya moron!”

“Get a job bum!”

“What’s your problem Schmuck?!” several voices from the carriages call out, no doubt from evil human lips.

“I’m sorry! Walking on two legs is hard!” you cry out in anguish as you stumble and fall on your face in the middle of the road.

Bugze get up before one of these carriages hits you.

“Ya Blithering Drunk!” *HONK*

“AGH! What a horrible sound!” you cry out as you place your hands to your ears. “AH! My ears are all weird and flat! Oh Luna, one of the finger things went inside!”

In your disgust, you manage to bolt upright and make it to the other side of the street, only falling twice more. Once you get to the other side, you see a few pedestrian humans giving you strange looks.

“Cheese and Rice, you things look hideous!” you cry out causing a few of them to scowl.
Before they have a chance to retaliate, you stumble away from the ape monsters down a quieter road.

“OK, that was a harrowing experience through the pits of Tartarus itself.”

You crossed one road. Very poorly I might add, Selena snarks.

“And got away from that disgusting alley way at least. These damned dirty apes and their stupid speeding bullet machines.”

Yes, perhaps you should refrain from insulting their appearances to their faces? We don’t want them to know we come from another reality after all, she points out.

“Ugh, that’s going to be tough. They’re all stringy and their faces are flat.”

Well if we’re going to find an Inn of some sort, you’re going to have to get over your disgust.

“I’m not gonna get over it…but I’ll try to hide it I guess,” you relent as you shuffle down the sidewalk. While it’s only just gotten dark, this street seems nearly abandoned, and covered in trash. Indeed, you noticed before when running from Crystal Prep Academy that the area was nice and polished, but once you crossed a rail road track in your mad dash, the area started to look more run down.

“Great, it’s like the alley way has expanded it’s evil rotting mold influence. Ugh, now where am I going to find some place to-“
You come across a semi-rundown building with a big glowing sign on the front of it that says,


Right under the sign in tiny print are the words,

For when even your parents’ house is a worse last resort.
You can't help but raise your brow at this as you think,

Well isn't that just nice?

Sadly I believe we are that desperate, unless you believe that alleyway will be a better opti-

With that panicked thought you begin to head in. Only…

Kersey475’s Comment

You try to open the door that clearly says "PULL" on it, but you have trouble getting your hand to grab the handle.

“Come on, come on…” you mutter as you try and fail to use your new appendages.

Just grip it with your thumb and forefinger, the rest will follow suit, Sombra says matter of factly.

“The Tartarus is a thumb?” you groan back as you flail your fingers around. In frustration you basically end up slapping the doorknob with your useless human hand,

"Stupid, doornob, won't, work!" you shout. “Oh what I wouldn’t give for some good ol dexterous, easy to use hooves! Heck with this, we’re doing this the Earth Pony way!”

You then bend in front of the door knob and open your mouth to grip it in your teeth.

Bugze, I can already tell you that won’t work. Your new mouth is too sma-*SLAM*

“GYAGH!” you stumble backwards and fall down after the doorknob swung out and hit you in the forehead.

“Excuse me,” comes a half hearted apology as some scraggly and pungent smelling human with a beard walks past you and into the night.
Groaning and rubbing the bump on your head, you notice that the smelly human left the door open.

“Thank you!” you call to his retreating form, and he gives a grunt of acknowledgement. With the impassable barrier collapsed, you enter into the supposed Inn.

Kazume Michishige’s Comment

And immediately trip over a large mass and fall to the floor.

“OOMPH!” you grunt as you hit the ground for like the 50th time tonight.

This is such bullspit! How can anything walk on two legs? It’s physically impossible!

The dragon in Ponyville has a hang on it, Selena counters.

Yeah well…He’s a fluke. Even more of a reason for Nightshade not to be alone with him. Weird bipedalness…

And while Selena rolls her eyes at your overprotectiveness, you turn and see what you tripped over. It’s a sleeping human, laying on the floor right in front of the doorway. Despite you tripping over him, he hasn’t even woken up. The guy just mutters something before turning over in his sleep. Looking around, you can see that there are a large number of humans sleeping on the floor.

Wow this place is a dump, You think as you get back to your feet and make your way past the maze of sleeping homeless people.

Far better than that alleyway, Selena says.

Oh ya, no contest…though that alley didn’t actually have people in it…Your mind flashes back to the rotting meat smell and moving mold. NOPE! No, you’re right. This is better.

Despite the smell, it is preferable to rotting meat, so you make your way to what looks like the desk, which has another human behind it snoring, holding what looks like two action figures.

Ugh, I’ve actually got to talk to it…you mentally groan before clearing your throat, but the human guy behind the counter does not stir?

“Excuse me?” You ask, but still no response. Whimpering, you reluctantly reach out with your overly sensitive hands and touch the Human’s shoulder.

“Hello?!” The human jerks awake startling you and almost making you fall again.

“He-Man!?” He shouts almost fearfully looking around before noticing you, “Oh, just another homeless guy. We’re pretty full, but there might be a spot or two left on the floor. Need bedding?” He reaches down behind the desk and tosses a bundle at you. “Here you go. First night is free, gotta pay after that.” The bundle hits your chest and falls to the ground as you try to grab it.

“Ugh! Stupid unresponsive spider limbs!” you groan. You eventually pick up the padding, which smells faintly of sour milk, using nothing but your forearms. You then give a quick thanks to the man behind the desk, who doesn’t hear you as he starts playing with his action figures.

“Nyeh! I will conquer Castle Greyskull fool!” he says in a nasally voice moving around the purple and blue figure with a skeletal face. You slowly back away from this weirdo and start looking for a place to sleep on the floor.

You eventually find a semi private corner. Semi Private in the sense that the nearest human to you is two feet away as opposed to cuddling you, but it’s all you got.

Pulling your hooded sweatshirt over your weirdly shaped head, you lay down on the smelly mattress and sigh aloud.

Bucking Humans… Bucking Jack for sending me here…Bucking Lady Luck…

Would you have come if you had known?Selena asks.

Yes! Definitely!Sombra replies.

Wasn’t asking you! She chides before asking you again, So would you?

Well…I mean…you remember why you’re here in the first place and sigh again. Yeah, I guess I would have still come, you admit. This is for your sake after all. I made a promise to you remember?

I have not forgotten my bug, she says with a smile. I just wanted to know. Try to get some rest, I will remain alert to your any potential danger.

Thanks Sel…though I don’t know how easy that will be. My freaking spine is different, and I feel all squishy.

Why not use the knock out plushie? She offers. You faceho-palm at that.

I keep forgetting about that handy dandy tool. Well, let’s hope it works here too.

Kersey475’s Comment

You reach in and try to get the Luna plush from the Inventory, only to find you still don't quite know how to work the- ugh- fingers properly

"Oh come on! Stupid wriggly humany fingers!" you growl under your breath.

Haven't you ever disguised yourself as a minotaur or perhaps a griffin? Anything really with opposable digits? Selena asks.

"I suck at changing, remember? Now fing you stupid fingers, FING!!!" you grunt as you try to grab the Luna plushie.

I told you, Sombra says sounding matter of factly, You need to grip with the thumb and forefinger. That’s how Peter picks his fruit.

“Yeah? Well Peter can go buck off the edge of my horn then…If I still had one,” you lament. “And seriously, what’s a thumb?”

The big fat one, he mutters sounding grumpy. Who hates Peter? Honestly.

“Rational Equines, that’s who!” You look at your five fingers and notice that one of them is in fact different and fatter from the rest.

“This is such a weird design…” After a few tries though, you are able to snag the desired plushie.

"Finally! Sweet dreams here I come.” You then stare into the doll’s eyes, and before you know it, you’re out like a light.

The Next Day

Roker12’s Comment

8bitMadness’s Comment

You awaken to find that most of the other sleeping people are gone, and despite everything, you feel well rested.

“Well, guess I wasn’t robbed in my sleep. Now I have to….Uh Oh...”

What? What is it? Asks Selena.
There is something you have to do, but you now must do it as a human.

“I, uh…I have to use the bathroom,” you whimper in dread.

After finding the one, nastiest bathroom inside this whole place, let’s just say it was traumatizing. Now you understand why humans always wear clothes.

“Not only are my dangly bits shaped wrong, but I have nipples on my chest! What sense does that make?! I’m a guy! Why are humans so gross?!”
But after that ordeal, you realized yet another horrible truth. You were hungry.

After asking the weird desk clerk about cheap food, he pointed you to some restaurant with a big yellow M out front.

“Well, it does look like a typical fast food place. Plus that guy did say there were burgers here.”

I doubt he was speaking of Oat Burgers. Can’t you smell it? Selena asks, causing you to stop and sniff. When you do, you stiffen.

“Is…Is that meat?”

It smells similar, but something’s off about it, she says warily, scenting countless oils and grease.

“Well we can forget that. I’m an herbivore. The last time I ate meat, it was Sombra’s smokey hide.”

I wasn’t smoke when you chewed me! That pain was unimaginable!

“Yeah, exactly. So I don’t exactly have a good track record. Besides, there’s no way that smell can make me-“
Your stomach gives off a wailing call like a dying beluga whale, and suddenly, the aroma coming from the place seems much more inviting.

“On the other hand, maybe it’s not meat!” you declare as you head inside. After ordering the first thing you see on the menu above a younger human, you were asked to pay. Since you didn’t have this world’s currency, you pulled out four bits, standard price for an Oat Burger. The human behind the counter seemed startled.

“Is…is this gold?!” the pop mark faced teen squeaked.

“Yeah,” you nod. “Why? Is that not accepted?” The teen quickly looks around before answering,

“Uh, N-no no. It’s fine. Enjoy your meal sir!”
Your bag of mystery food is all but thrown at you as the human pockets the coins instead of putting them in the register. You’d question that if you weren’t so hungry.

Sitting down at one of the tables-

“This is such a weird way to sit. How does Lyra stand it?!”

-You open your bag of food and behold your meal. The fries are pretty much the same as the ones in Equestria, not much changes when cooking a potato, so you scarf them down. The burger on the other hand…

“I…I think it is meat. But if that’s so, then why is my mouth watering so much?” you proclaim in confusion as you clumsily pick up the cheap food.

There is absolutely no possible way you could ever get that disgusting slab of...definitely not meat past your lips, Bugze. I will not allow it, Selena warns, sounding like she’s an inch away from assuming direct control.

"" You say, almost hurting to give up such a delicious smelling meal.

Oh let him have his fun, this is quite enjoyable regardless... Sombra chuckles.
Your stomach rumbles, much louder than it had to signal your initial hunger.

“It smells tasty though,” you argue.

You said it yourself Bugze, you’re a herbivore. Even then, this thing seems to be mostly just grease and chemicals.I can't have you killing yourself by eating trash.

"But I'm not a pony or a changeling right now, how would you know if my digestive system was compatible with the usual foods or not?" You ask, somehow using your meager intelligence to its limit to construct a logical line of questioning.

That's... A good question actually. Wretch, you're the human expert around here, what do humans usually eat?

Based on the show, they're omnivores. I've never seen them eating things like grass though, so I doubt humans can digest complex plant protein. Maybe they use it as a source of fiber?

"Oh great, now he's making head-canons," You complain, not wanting to listen to Sombra any further.

Well, if you’re omnivorous…but still, this thing can’t be healthy Bugze, she implores.

“Of course it’s not healthy. It’s fast food,” you instruct as your stomach grumbles more. “And it’s true I may be a herbivore…but that’s Equestria Bugze. This disgusting body needs what it wants!”

And with that declaration, you open your jaws to indulge yourself, only to be stopped when you hear someling say,

“Excuse me?”

Looking to the side, you see what you can only describe as a Gothy looking human mare. She has long dark hair, heavy makeup, wears all black clothing, and sounds like if Maud Pie was bored with the world.

“Uh…yes?” you venture.

“I just wanted to say, like…I’m a big fan,” she says in that bored like tone.

“Huh?” you sputter in utter confusion. “A fan?”

“Yeah. ‘Would You Kindly?’ is like, my life’s soundtrack.”
The words are slow and still sound bored, but there is a faint smile on the female’s make-uped face.

“What are you talking about?” you ask. Her face barely registers emotion, but you do notice a slight eyebrow raise.

“You are, like, The Hooded Offender aren’t you?”

If you had had any food or liquid in your mouth, you would have spit them all over the floor.

“I-Uh-Wh-H-Guh-“ you sputter.

How the buck did someling recognize me already!

You are wearing the sweater hood up! Selena remarks sounding worried herself.

Balls! Aw crud! Is she gonna turn me in? I gotta run! I gotta hide! I gotta-

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she continues. “Don’t worry, I’m not one of those, like, nutjob fans, I know you disappeared from the spotlight, I won’t tell. I’m still bummed you all broke up, even if it has been ten years, but I don’t blame you. Your songs are still awesome.”

Your brain kind of crashes at that.


Just_Another_Guy’s Comment

“Yeah man. The Wanted is still my favorite band.”

The Wanted…I knew there was something off about that poster! Oh Sweet Luna!

What is this female getting at Bugze? Asks Selena, still confused.

Our evil human counterparts aren’t public enemy’s, We’re a freaking Band!

A band? As in musicians? She asks bemused.

Yeah. That old poster was an advertisement! And it was all old and crusty because the band broke up ten years ago…

“Um…Thank you?” you say unsuredly.

“No problem. You rock Offender. I’m still one of your biggest fans,” she says still in her monotone.

Biggest fans? Oh no…Oh Luna No! you start panicking. You get flashbacks to a news report about how Justin Beaver was dragged into a closet by crazed fan fillies saying they wanted to carry his foals, despite his screams for help. You’re doppelganger is a rock star, so what if…

“So,” she speaks again, causing you to start, “I know this is kind of much but…”


“Can I like, have your-“

"NO! NOT ME HUMAN! I'M SAVING IT FOR MARRIAGE!!" you scream as you throw your burger at the girl, and run out the door as fast as your shaky legs let you.

In the burger joint, other patrons look very confused by the outburst, and at the gothy looking girl with the hamburger smeared against her shirt.

“…Autograph?” she finishes her sentence in confusion.

As you run into the daylight, you pant and stumble and fall multiple times.

“I am not going to become like Sapphire Shores or that little twerp Pop Star! I’m not!”

Bugze, for goodness’ sake, Selena sighs at your idiotic jumping to conclusions.

“I can’t! Not in this body! Not in this world full of hideous creatures!”

I don’t know. That dark clothing and make up wasn’t all that unattractive, Sombra mumbles.

“I KNEW IT! You do want to buck some ugly ape monster!” you accuse.

I didn’t say that! Sombra defends.

“I’m not going to let you fulfill some weird fantasy of hooking up with your favorite cartoon characters!” Having shouted that aloud, several people on the street look at you with weird looks.

“Ah! More potential fanfillies! You’ll never take me alive!” you yell as you reach into your inventory and pull out the Power Glove.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Sliding it over your fist, you aim the grappling hook and fire it at a rooftop, and sail away to safety!

-is what would have happened if you hadn’t screwed up the “sliding over your fist” part with your, still, unfamiliar tentacle-hoof-things and pathetically drop the glove before you could aim it.

Well that didn't go as planned. You think redundantly as you hear a hoof hitting someling’s forehead.

Look, I’m just saying that I didn’t find that woman disgusting, that doesn’t mean I want to mate with her, Sombra continues to defend.

“Yeah Sure. Just like Lyra’s fetish for claws and minotaur hands has no correlation you filthy Humy!” you shout aloud.

“Um, are you okay?” asks a voice from beside you.

"Gah!-The Fanfillies have caught me!” you yelp as you fall to your knees. “Not like this!"

“Dude?!” asks a concerned female voice.

"Please just make it quick!" you plead, closing your eyes shut.

Ex-cuse you?! Selena asks with a dangerous edge.

I mean, it’s not like I long for it or anything, but if it’s gonna happen, then you might as well let it ha-

What. Was. That? Selena asks in a voice as cold and foreboding as a frozen lake cracking.

Nothing! I wasn’t encouraging anything! He quickly corrects himself.
You snap your eyes open in determination.

“Oh sure you weren’t! I’ll never let you have what you secretly want Smokey!”

As you stand up, you startle the female human from before. Some green haired, pink girl with headphones on.

“I’m not the Hooded Offender! So leave me alone!”
She cocks her head to the side.

“The Hooded Offender? *Scoff* That dude and his band were sooo last decade,” she declares.

“Exactly! So Noling should be his fans!” you declare before running off, leaving countless pedestrians confused as Tartarus.

“Crazy Homeless Guy,” Lemon Zest mutters as she turns her tunes up and continues jogging.

Several Minutes Later

After some more running, proving you’re getting better at that than simple walking, you come to a stop and gasp for air near Desperate Lodgings.

“That was a close one. From now on, no more wearing the Hood!” you then reach in, and after a few mishaps, you finally pull out your stetson hat and place it on your head.

“There, now I’m inconspicuous.”

You’re wearing a cowboy hat with a sweatshirt, Selena deadpans.

“Ok fine, but at least no one can connect me to my doppelganger.”

Only one person even identified you, and you decided to be an idiot and blew everything out of proportions, she chides.

“Well I’m sorry, but King Crystal kept talking about his fetishes!”

I did no such thing you insect!!! Sombra growls in annoyance.

“Agree to disagree,” you shrug as you look back at the ramshackle inn.

What are we doing back here again? Asks Selena.

“Well, breakfast was a bust, but I do need to know where the nearest library is so I can start researching this world. Otherwise, we won’t know where to start looking for Tech or ancient Sea Ponies. The desk clerk might know where it’s at.”

You are about to enter the door, when you bump into another guy who had also been reaching for the handle. The same guy that swung the door in your face last night.

“Oh, excuse me,” he says.

“No, my bad. In fact, I’m still bad at these, why don’t youuuuu…” your mouth drops as you take in the homeless man in more detail, and he in turn gets a good look at you.

He has long, scruffy orange hair and a beard, and his eyes are blood shot red from some sort of substance. But there’s no mistaking the similarities, even he can see them.

He’s You.

Kichi’s Comment

8bitMadness’s Comment

"WHO ARE YOU!?" you both ask at the same time, in the exact same voice. You are absolutely dumbfounded. You already have found your counterpart.

"Wait a minute, you're me!" you both screech simultaneously.

"And I'm you!" you both continue, still somehow perfectly in sync. You somehow manage to be the first to break the pattern, launching into a strange sequence of questioning.

"If you're me, and I'm you, then WHO AM I? IS MY LIFE A LIE? WHY IS EVERYTHING SO COMPLICATED?!"

Your doppelganger doesn't hesitate and immediately slaps you. "I'm the one that should be asking that question! Who are we?! Did I just hit myself?!" he then punches himself under the jaw and collapses onto the ground.

“Yes! Yes I did! What was in that bottle?!” he croaks.

“But if you hit me, and you hit you, and I’m you, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?!” you yell out as you collapse right next to him.

Really Bugze? You're letting yourself get confused this easily? I mean, I know you're not that smart, but this is a new record.

“I’m not smart, so he’s not smart, which means…What does it mean?! Why am I a hobo?! I thought you, I, We were a rock star!”

“I was a rock star. You were a rock star! But then the band died man! It up and died!” your doppelganger sobs. “Oh God, Is This Real Life?!”

“I…I don’t know. I don’t know…” you mutter as you watch your counterpart crying on the ground and twitching from whatever is in his system.

Bugze, perhaps we should move on? Selena suggests.

“I don’t know, should I? I mean, this guy is me, so I guess I’m crying right now? Oh Geeze,” you rub your temple at the headache.

I know this is an inopportune moment, but I’d like to reiterate again, that I was not encouraging-

SHUT UP! Both you and Selena yell.

Your Homeless Former Rockstar Doppleganger is Crying at Your Feet.


Episode 4: Me, Myself, and Crying

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Just_another_guy’s Comment: The Beard has to be orange too with Bugzes counterpart. Just saying.

GreyRebl’s Comment

As you watch your human counterpart crying on the ground in front of the cheap inn, you can’t help but feel for the guy. Despite being a hideous abomination in the eyes of Celestia, Luna, and all the old gods, he is still a version of you. Even if he’s got long unkempt orange hair, and a stringy orange beard that would look at home in the Equestrian swamp lands, he IS you.

You can almost hear the multiverse laughing at this turn of events.

Another you from an alternative universe, and he's poor, filthy and homeless, the epitome of the dredges and struggles of a life gone wrong. When you look into his eerily familiar eyes, you can see the defeat, the shell of a dying person. Lost. Alone. Facing something like this again... Even when on the run, you can still never outrun yourself.

You lay a hand over your Inventory, feeling it’s comforting texture. Your daughter has one too, an exact copy in fact. A connection, in a sense... Even when separated, you feel that she's still in there, sleeping in her room as always. With an Inventory of her own, Nightshade is bound to have adventures and a life without regret, without all the pain that accompanied yours...

Isn't that right Nightmare Bugze? You mutter, thinking of the last doppelganger you faced.

But even then, he didn't have a future to look forward to. Neither does this one, who's sobbing into the ground. It's stuff like this that you wonder how in Luna’s name you have the luck to turn out better despite your suffering and circumstances. You sigh, rubbing your neck with your knuckles.

Bugze? Selena asks noticing your mood.

I…I can’t stand this Selly. I’ve got to do something, you mutter to her. She lets out a sigh, knowing exactly what thoughts and feelings just went through your head.

If you must, but whatever it is, make sure it’s somewhere where he’ll stop making a scene. You look around, and thankfully, no one is around, though you do hear the night clerk inside still playing with his toys.

Right. Alright other me, let’s get you somewhere quieter. You clear your throat, hoping the crying human hears before you numbly say,

"Stand up.” Your human self minutely glances up, eyes glinting with tears and confusion.


"Come on. Crying into the floor is too low, even for me." You hold out a hand, smiling thinly. "Even for you."

He looks dumbly at the hand with a crooked breath. As if to test if it is even real, he prods a shaky finger to your palm. Your hand twitches from the foreign touch, but you keep it still nonetheless. Then, tentatively, he grasps it. His grip is weak...but it's still warm, alive. To you, that's good enough. He looks up at you.

"W-who are you? Really?"

A pause. Then, you pull him up with a smile. "Let’s just go with BST for now."

And you're going to accomplish what you failed to do last time. You're going to save yourself…as soon as he stops whimpering that is. You take the still shaking human into a nearby alleyway, away from possible prying eyes and ears.

“Alright, easy does it buddy,” you lean him up against the wall where he slides down and tears still stream from your eyes. “It’ll be alright, there’s no reason to cry,” you try to comfort, but he just shakes his head.

“The hell there ain’t. A cleaner version of myself going by an old track of mine is trying to make me feel better. This is it. I’ve finally snapped,” he whimpers.

“No, you haven’t snapped dude. You just need to get a hold of yourself,” you encourage.

“How? How do I do that,” he weeps.

“I uh…” you see him place his head in his hands and shudder, although it’s much quieter than it was in front of the inn. “Actually, why don’t you just get it out of your system. I’ll be here when you’re done.”

He seems to shudder more at that, but you give him his space as he cries into his hands, slumped against the wall.

“Just let it out Me. You have all the time in the world.”

30 Minutes Later

I Didn’t Mean That Literally!!! You mentally anguish as your counterpart still hasn’t looked up from his crying fit.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Puzzling Frosts’ Comment

You stand there looking at the crying alternate version of yourself, not knowing what to do.

"Dear Luna, is this what I'm like when I lose it? How do you guys stand being around me?" You ask aloud with a twitching eye.

I don't exactly have a choice about it Sombra deadpans.

To tell you the truth though, you don't really cry as much as shout out loud what you're thinking, usually because you forget you don't have to talk aloud for us to hear you. Selena says.

"He's been crying for half an hour!" You exclaim.

Like right now. She adds. If you keep speaking aloud like that the locals are going to start thinking you're crazy.

"Oh please, there's noling around except Mr. Cries-a-lot and he's not paying any attention to me right now!" You retort.

"*sniff* Who're you talking to?"

"Ah crud." You mutter.

The alternate you is looking up at you with two-halves fear, another half confusion, and a final half sadness.

Four halves equal two, Bugze. Selena groans out with a facehoof.

Well he is the second version of him-

Shut up, Sombra!

"Yeah, shut up Sombra!" You say.

"Huh? Sombra? He's here?" Human Bugze asks glancing around him.

"Shut up me! I'm talking to the voices in my head! Stay out of it!" You snap at him in irritation. He closes his opened mouth with a click of his teeth behind his lips. You facepalm at your dumbness and try to save face.

“Oh wait no, I didn’t mean it like-“

“No, it figures. My hallucinations would be crazy wouldn’t they?...” he says in melancholy.

“I’m not a…” you try to say but he is already looking down again, though this time in sadness. No whimpering in sight.

Ok, maybe I should start thinking. But at least he’s stopped crying. Now what do I say to cheer him up? Any tips Selena?

I honestly don't know my bug. This situation is jarring even for me.

Oh come on! You’re the one who always knows what to say to cheer me up and keep me motivated.

Bugze, I already have a hard time keeping you, Nightshade, and Smokey in here under control.


But two of YOU? That's a lot to ask from anypony. Thou two of you when I have my body… Selena mumbles in thought.

Alright, I guess I have to give you tha-wait, what did you-

Nothing!She cuts you off and continues with another thought. Although by the looks of things, he's homeless, so other humans are more than likely to ignore him if he talks. Especially considering talking about "another version of himself having voices in his head" will also make himself look crazy.

Huh? You lost me with that explanation,you bumble.

What I’m saying is that if he is you, he'll likely believe what you tell him so long as it's believable, and he can’t jeopardize us because others will think he’s insane. Selena says.

Oh, OK…Wa-Hey!' You think indignantly.

You believed your Grandfather’s paranoid delusions about machines being evil, she points out.

Because they ARE evil. I’ve just been able to keep my sociopathic tendencies towards them in check lately!

Regardless, whatever you say, make sure it sounds credible. He already thinks you’re a delusion of his, and if you’re dead set on helping him, then you that thought must be rid.

Alright alright.Something believable…You relent, and start to ponder your next words.

“Hey, buddy, are you done moping?”

“Heh, I guess,” he says moodily. “I’m already crazy, so I guess I might as well give up and start speaking to my hallucinations.”

“I’m not a hallucination. I dragged you into this alley way remember?”

“Oh yeah BST?” he counters. “Which by the way, is my least favorite song, if you’re not my complete mental breakdown, then what the hell are ya?”

Okay, time to put my skills of deception to use here. It'll be easy this time. He's not expecting it, and there's absolutely no reason for him to disbelieve me. It's time to deliver with a completely cool head and confident attitude. You inhale.

"I'm you from an alternate dimension inhabited by ponies and other sapient creatures that has magic and other forces at work in it. My best friend is a reformed powerful demigoddess that is stuck inside my mind and I also have another slightly less reformed villain stuck in there as well. We came here in search of ancient relics sent here over a thousand years ago along with some other bad guys in order to find a way to get them out of my head and create bodies of their own for them." You tell the alternate you with a completely serious look.

WHAT THE ABSOLUTE BUCK WAS THAT?! Selena shrieks with panic.

I DON'T KNOW! I WAS UNDER PRESSURE! THE TRUTH JUST SLIPPED OUT! You answer with just as much panic.



Oh Crud, Oh Crud. I was supposed to make it sound believable, now there’s no way I can make him take me seri-

“Okay…” your doppelganger says unsure, giving you a weird look. He sits up from the wall and cautiously walks towards you. He holds out a hand and touches your shoulder before pulling it back.

“Alright, I have no idea what you’re smoking, and I still haven’t ruled out the possibility of you being a hallucination…but what you just said sounds like a little girl’s fantasy gone wrong.”

“Oh it’s been anything BUT a fantasy! The world I come from is cutthroat and brutal. The only saving grace is that the folks look a lot better than yours!” you respond indignantly, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

What are you doing? Selena asks.

Well the cat’s already out of the bag, might as well roll with it, you reason.

“Look, I’m not going to lie to you, it’s the truth. I AM you from another dimension. I have a quest, but I can help you out as well.” He shakes his head and looks at the ground, brushing tears off his beard.

“Yeah, sure. You're me huh? I doubt that,” he dismisses.

"I Am! I'll prove it...Uh...." you think of anything you can say to make him believe you.

Kichi’s Comment

“Well, I mean, surely we have some things in common,” you stutter. “Like, uh…our parents died when we were young, and we were raised by Grandbuggy.”

“Grandbuggy?” he asks at the foreign word. “I was raised by my Grandad sure, but anybody who’s listened to my songs knows my folks beefed it when I was a kid.” He shakes his head and spits. “Crazy old fool, I still miss him.”

“Oh, well…” you stammer, “What about Sombra? You heard me talk about him earlier.”

He grunts at that. “Haven’t seen the bastard in years. Not since it all fell apart. Last I heard, he was really into crystals, if you know what I mean.”

“Oh believe me, I know exactly what you mean,” you say, misinterpreting his words.

Crystals are the life blood of everything. My kind are crystals in a sense, he harrumphs.

Don’t care, you respond before speaking aloud again.

“Ok, well what about our daughter? Nightshade?”

“Nightshade?” he asks in confusion. “Buddy, I ain’t got a daughter…Maybe if I hadn’t screwed everything up, things would be different…” he looks down.

Ah, no human Nightshade? You think in disappointment.

Perhaps that is for the best, your counterpart doesn’t appear to be father material, Selena says.

Yeah. Plus I wouldn’t want to look at a version of my daughter and totally be disgusted by her appearance.

Her redesign would be fant-

“NO IT WOULDN’T!” you yell startling your counterpart. “*AHEM* Anyway, what about Nightmare Moon?” you pull out the poster, “I know her very well. Also, what’s Queen of the Hive? Is that this world’s Chrysalis? Because let me tell you, the history I had with her was-“

“AAAAUUUGGHHH!!!” He grunts and grabs the poster out of your hand, crumpling it up in his own. He then kicks a nearby trash can, knocking it over as he starts breathing fast in sadness and anger.

“Whoa, whoa, don’t have a cow, just take it-“


"Until...?" you ask tentatively.

"Until that concert... I’d known her back in school, she and I used to be friends, so I gave her a shot and her band opened for us, and it was a great show. Then the after party happened and…” he huffs and scrunches his eyes.

“What happened?” you ask.

“I don’t know. I think Chrysalis put something in my drink because the next thing I remember, she was on the same bed as me, trying to get my clothes off. And then Nimmy…Nimmy walked in…and that Hive slut just started laughing!”

“Oh…” you say in understanding.

“I tried to explain, but she left and cut me out of her life. I have no idea what happened to her, or where she is now…but without her, the band couldn’t exist. Sombra got into his crystals, and I, well…I just spent myself into the ground trying to find some way to make me happy…Trying to find her…And spoiler alert, it didn’t work. I’m just a broke bum, and nobody knows or cares who I am anymore…”

“Oh, jeeze man…” you mutter, not quite knowing what to say. He shakes his head and sniffles his nose.

“Ultimately it was my fault, but still I hate that green haired whore for ruining any future I had with...”

8bitmadness’s Comment

"That's really harsh," You respond. "Somehow this world's Chrysalis seems more evil than mine…although, mine technically killed me…"

“Huh? Killed you?” he asks in confusion.

“Yeah, she caught me giving food to a starving mare, and she killed me for it. She brought me back to, but that initial killing, woof. She may have figuratively torn your heart out that night, but she LITERALLY tore mine out.”

“You’re serious aren’t you?” he asks in awe.

“Yup. I’ve had plenty of other near death experiences too,” you lift up your hoodie and show off the scars that have carried over into your human form, causing the other you to gasp.

“Yeah, it ain’t pretty is it?”

“I was kind of curious why hallucination me had a scar over his eye, but I thought that was just me making you look cool…are…are you really real?” he asks once more. You pause in hesitation noticing that he’s finally looking at you seriously.

Are you sure about this path Bugze? Selena intones.

Sure or not, go with it, this is character development if I've ever seen it, Sombra responds. You swear you can hear the crunching of popcorn.

This isn't your show, Scum! This can have serious real life consequences.

Meh, I really don't care anyways, so long as we don't die. Ignoring the crystal king, you answer Selena’s question as you speak aloud to your doppelganger.

"Yeah… Yeah I’m real. Everything I’ve said before, it's all true. I know it's a bit crazy, but if one of us has gone through worse, it's me, and I came out better for it." You respond.

That's... actually pretty profound. Are you sure you're still the Bugze I know?

"Not only that, But you're not forgotten. Some girl at a fast food place recognized us. You still have fans out there, and I bet you can get out of this rut," You continue, making sure to help your counterpart feel better about himself.

"... You're…You’re right,” he nods. “Hallucination of my broken psyche or not, you’re right. I can’t go on like this. I guess I just have to move on. I haven’t found her in ten years…But I’ll never find her if I’m a worthless bum. I can, and I will get out of this rut!" Your doppelganger responds showing a beaming smile. At least, that's what it would be, had he taken better care of his teeth. “By God, I will get back on top! You hear that world?! Me and my Alternate Universe self are gonna take you down!!!”

“Yeah…let’s keep that kind of talk on the down low. I know the both of us aren’t quite sane, but we kind of gotta hide that a little better,” you implore.

“Oh…right,” he responds.

Okay Bugze, I can tell you're dedicated to this course of action, so I will support you in any way I can.

I won't, but if things get bad, I'll get us out of a bad situation. I have watched every episode of My Little Human after all.

"First things first, we should get you fixed up. If anyone asks, we're long lost twin brothers, separated at birth," You continue, feeling considerably more witty than usual.

“Heh, with Grandad’s reputation, that wouldn’t be too farfetched. God rest his soul….” He says solemnly.

“Well that’s our cue. The first step to fixing you up is getting you happy, and flushing out whatever the heck is in your system. Some food might help, but I only had a few Prench Fries before some fan filly tried to take advantage of me.” He gives you a curious look at that but shrugs.

“Well, I don’t have any money. Kind of spent it all at the bar, till they kicked me out this morning.”

“Don’t worry, I got this,” you say as you pull out several bits from your bag in an awkward manner, still not used to your hands. At least you're getting the hang of them quickly. Your counterpart's jaw immediately drops, and his eyes open as wide as possible.

"Is... Is that gold?" He asks, unable to contain his shock.

"Yeah, why? The burger kid had the same reaction. Is this not the currency here?" You respond with a healthy dose of youthful naiveté.

"No, it's not. Gold is worth a freaking lot!" Your counterpart replies. Even to you it's obvious that he's getting excited.

"You need to keep that hidden until we can exchange it. People would Kill to get that much gold," He continues. You take mental note of this.

"So, are we rich?" You ask cautiously.

“How many coins do you have?” he asks.

“Well I spent four this morning, so 496.”

“Four hundred and…Dude, with this, I don’t have to sleep in this dump tonight, or any night for awhile.”

“Oh…so if I give you these bits, will you be set for life?”

“Well, for awhile at least, but still that’s better than what I’ve had in years!”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Huh...being kind of rich. That'

What's the matter? Usually when we come across wealth you start shouting aloud just how rich we are.

As well as saying how he'll buy every last bit of those terrible directors movies and 'cleanse' them with fire.

Ignoring Sombra's comment you answer Selena,

I don't know...usually this is the point when something goes really wrong and we lose all the cash. I feel like if I just don't do anything it won't happen this time.


Seriously who are you and what have you done with my bug?

"Oh shut up!" The human you blinks his eyes in confusion at your sudden outburst as he says,

"Are you talking to me or the voices in your head?" You roll your eyes at this before saying,

"The voices in my head B2, obviously." Your human counterpart blinks owlishly before asking,

"B...2? What's that?" You roll your eyes again before saying,

"Well since we both have the same name, I figured I should call you something different to avoid confusion. Since you’re the second me, B2!"

“But my name is @#$%&,” he counters, with your original name.

“Oh…right, in this world you wouldn’t have had Cadence to rename you Bugze.”

“Bugze?” he says suddenly, “I haven’t heard that nickname in…wow, when was the last time I heard that? Who even called me that?” he wonders as he puts a hand to his head in bafflement.

“Well alright then, to avoid confusion, and to make me not have to think about my old name and life, let’s stick with Bugze and B2. Sound good?” You counterpart stares at you as Selena says,

Oh come now Bugze. There's no way the other you would just willing allow you to-

"B2 huh? I like it, has a nice little ring to it, plus it makes me sound like the Bomber Plane!"

...I sometimes forget just how dumb you are my bug. In any world.

The Rutherford’s Comment

"Ok, B2, can we go and get this exchanged now?" you ask holding out your bag of bits.

"Um, well it’s not even noon yet, so the bank should be open.”

"Alright, let's go and do that first, then we’ll get food, then we should go about finding, us jobs. You are looking for a job as well right?" you ask your double.

"Y-yeah." He looks away, a bit downcast. "But who is going to hire a washed up rock star bum like me?” He begins to tear up again. "I am a bu-*SLAP* You slap him before he can get going.

"Oh no, we are not going through this again. We are going to exchange this and then you and I are going shopping. We will get us some more clothes and maybe a mane cut for you, then we will start looking for jobs." You then wrinkle your nose, and realize just how bad he smells.

"But first, why don't you go and take a shower, if you are filthy, they will throw us out of any building before we get a chance to buy anything."

"A-alright, if you think I nee-"

"No thinking, you do! Now where’s the nearest showers?"

“Um…there’s a YMCA a few streets down, but they cost money and-“

“We’re rich now. I don’t know what this Yumkaw is, but you’re getting a wash. After that, we’ll get you stabilized, and in turn, you are going to help me get all the latest technology and find the bodies of ancient giant sea ponies so I can grave rob them of their jewelry! ”

“Huh?” he sputters in confusion.

“I’ll get to that later, but for now, let’s go stinky!”

He nods and then leads you towards the building he indicated. Oddly enough, both of you stumble walk. You because of still learning how to be biped, and him because of alcohol.

Once there, you give him a Bit, and B2 walks off to the showers while you sit down on a bench by the road.

Seriously, who are you and what have you done with my bug? Selena asks suddenly.

"What do you mean?" you ask aloud since noling’s around.

You just took control of that situation and thought with a rationality I thought you would never have.

"Hey! I have my moments. Anyway, while I am having this moment of rationality, what do you think of all this? And do you have any ideas of what kind of jobs we should look for?"

Well that would depend on your skill sets, and on you getting better control of your body.

"I know and I will, and you are right. I doubt catching criminals is viable since I can’t do magic. I know I can do a patch job, and buck apples, but I doubt that they harvest apples like that here," you say looking down at your skiny legs.

They usually either pick them by hand or they use a machine.

"Ugh great, they use machines. Those are evil. EVIL!"

*GONG*Enough Bugze! We are not having that breakdown again. Besides, you said you had a better handle on that.

"The thought of them and humans together drove me over a little! And fine, but that still leaves us with a question? What do we do for a job then?"

8bitmadness’s Comment

PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

Purely by chance, you find a cork board labeled "Job Openings" on the outside of the YMCA.

"Huh, that's really convenient," You mumble to yourself.

You said it. It's kinda creepy how sometimes the exact thing you need is right in front of you the entire time.

"You're right Selena, and it is kinda creepy," you reply. You skim several of the postings, and notice that a large number of them have already been pulled down.

"Let's see, fry cook? Nah. Butler? No, that one requires a three month training course. Stuntman? Not after last time. I’d be dead within the week, and this world’s Applewood would be burnt down as well." Your eye catches a rather new looking one.

“Oh hey here’s one! With no previous experience needed. For fifty dollars a night for five nights, as a security guard! That sounds pretty good. What’s the name of this pllllaaaa…” You read the name of the company posting and your blood runs cold.

Security Guard Wanted for Fazbear’s Fright

“Oh Tartarus the Buck No!” you say, remembering the horrors you went through at the Freddy Fazbear’s in your world.

“I am not dealing with more evil electronic mascots thank you very much...but maybe I should take the address down just in case. I'm assuming buildings still burn the same in this world.”

Agreed. Look at this one, Bugze, a local school is looking for a janitor. Surely that's safer than killer animatronics.

"That could work. I'm good at fixing things, and even if I mess up at the other stuff, I can just fix things up again. And the school is…Crystal Prep Academy?" You rub your eyes and look again, and yes, the school listed is the one you ran away from the day before.

“Hmm, if I was the janitor, I would be able to move around that place without being suspicious, and I’d be able to find this side’s mirror…but then I’d be around Human Twilight and Armor…”

You take your time thinking of the pros and cons of being a janitor at Crystal Prep Academy. Despite the lack of excitement, it should be easy enough, and it's a security net just in case you run out of cash from converting some of your bits, but being around human counterparts of some of your greatest enemy/acquaintances...

"Hey, Bud, you okay there?" comes a familiar voice.

"WhoWhatWhereWhenWhyHow?!" You shriek, turning around to face B2, now much cleaner. His hair and face anyway, his clothes still look and smell funky.

"Oh hey B2, you shower fast," you speak casually.

“I was in the shower for a half hour, and I've been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes."

"Oh, I must have zoned out there. I was thinking."

"Trying to decide on a job to apply for?" Your damp counterpart asks.

"There’s an opening as a janitor at Crystal Prep Academy,” you respond pointing to the bulletin board.

"Oh, that place? It's a rather prestigious school from what I've learned shambling around the area. Pretty much for the rich kids. The cheap public school is clear out in suburbia clear on the other side of Canterlot."

"Canterlot? This whole city is Canterlot?” you ask.

“Yeah, it’s a big city. Probably one of the better ones I’ve been in since wandering the streets,” he muses.

“Huh. Canterlot’s the pony capital in my world. It’s on the side of a giant mountain though. Like literally, it just kind of hangs off the side of it.”

“How the hell could ponies even build a city like that?” he asks trying to imagine said city.

“Magic, Duh!” you say as if it’s obvious.

“…You know, when I sober up, you’re gonna have to tell me everything about this world,” he says with a shake of his head.

“Oh have I got a tale for you. But yeah, let’s go get these bits turned into your damned dirty ape money.” He gives you a quizzical look and you just roll your eyes.

“Don’t give me that look. You and your kind are so gorramned ugly.”

After dismissing the attractiveness of his kind, B2 leads you down the streets towards what is clearly a bank. Even in another world, some things never change.

“Alright B2, you know how your gross hand money works, so you do the exchange, I’ll hang back and stand guard.”

“Stand guard against what?” he asks.

“You know, Random Shenanigans. I lived in a town for a time where crazy stuff happened weekly.”

“Alright, whatever. But I think I should only exchange some of the bits. If I do all of them right off the bat, folks might get suspicious of why some bum has all this gold.”

“Hmmm, good point. Do a reasonable amount then.”

As he nods and walks up to the counter, you keep your eyes peeled at all the humans inside. It’s not the crowded actually. There are humans in business suits, and even one you can tell is a guard of some kind.

You hear a gasp, and see the bank teller human looking at the bits in B2’s hands.

Well that’s a good sign. Now depending on how much he gets, maybe we can get a comfy bed tonight. B2 is then ushered into another room to meet with someone much higher up than the teller.

“Yeesh, what is this world’s economy if Bits brings out the head Fancy Pants?”

“Yes? Did you need something?” comes a male voice beside you.

“Shove off monkey, I’m thinking,” you wave a dismissive hand to the intrusive human.

Said teenaged human just shrugs and walks out.

“Wait a minute, was that…” you turn around and see a white skinned human with blue hair walking out the bank doors. “…Nah, couldn’t be,” you dismiss and turn back to the room B2 went into.

After awhile, he comes back to you with a wide beaming smile.

“So, how much did you get?”

“100 of your gold coins got me 4,500 dollars,” he says as hands you back your bits.

295 Bits Left

4,500 Human Dollars Added to Inventory

“OK, I’m going to guess that’s enough?”

“Oh for sure. With this, I’ll be able to eat steadily, until we get a job. Also, I found a way to save this cash as well.”

Kersey475’s Comment

He then tells you about how when he was in the office, he spotted a few papers on the desk. When the banker wasn’t looking, he ruffled through the papers and found exactly what he needed.

“It was just like in Person of Interest…You ever seen that show?” he asks.

“Umm, there’s a show called Pony of Interest, but I’ve never actually watched,” you admit.

“Oh, well that doesn’t matter. The point is, one of the plot points stuck out to me, and I actually found a document about a building sold to another bank that promptly declared bankruptcy. If that show's logic holds up, then that building should be in a state of limbo." He explains.

"Wait, the buildings are sentient and limber here?" you ask confused.

"No no, that means the building legally doesn't exist so there’s no chance of being bought or inspected. So basically free room and board."

“Whoa, whoa, are you serious?” you ask excitedly.

“Yup. I should have thought of this years ago…though I guess the last time I was in a bank I was kind of being thrown out due to having no cash and all…but still!”

“Awesome, where’s this place at?”

“Oh, not too far away actually. I wrote the address on my hand,” he says showing a bunch of numbers on his disgusting palm.

“Well alright then. Let’s see what this place looks like.”

After more stumble walking from the both of you, you find the building, and it’s not what either of you were expecting.

“A Library? I don’t know. One of my deadliest enemies lives in one of those…”

“Nah man, think about it. Running water, working bathrooms, and plenty of reading sofas to sleep on. Heck, the Wifi might still be working here,” he says enthusiastically.

“I’m going to pretend I know what the last one is and agree with you,” you say as you turn back to the two story tall building who’s front doors are chained shut. “Sooo, any ideas on how to get in?”

“Oh ummm…No actually,” he admits. “I was kind of hoping you had an idea.”

“Well…I do have one, but I don’t know how well it will work,” you say as you reach your hand into your bag.

“And what’s that?” he asks.

You pull out your WD-40, Vice Grips, and a screwdriver.

“Let’s see if handymanning can get a lock open.”

With B2 standing guard, you are able to use your patching tools to surprisingly pick the lock, even with your noodle limbs.

Making sure the coast is clear, the two of you head into the library, and see just how empty everything is.

Just like B2 said, there are couches, and bathrooms, and even bean bag chairs, but all the books have been taken off the shelves. There are some boxes scattered here and there with books inside, but otherwise, this is just a hollowed out husk of a library…and it’s perfect.

“Sweet! No rent for us!” B2 declares happily as he slumps on a couch.

“This will go a long way to helping us save bits, and to store my technology when I find it.”

“What sort of tech you looking for?” he asks.

“Anything I don’t have in my world really. But before that, we need to get you and me some new clothes and food.”

“What, right now?” he whines.

“Yes right now!” you command.

“But I already did something today!” he whines again.

Rolling your eyes, you clumsily grab at him and haul him up. “Come on, if we’re gonna get you back on your hooves- er-Feet, then you gotta put in more effort. Your body may be clean, but these rags absolutely are not.”

“Ugh, Fine,” he groans in defeat.

"That's the spirit you raggedy abomination!"

It’s Now Time to Shop for Supplies.


Episode 5: Of Public Transport and Shopping Malls

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As your counterpart begrudgingly drags himself off the dusty couch, complaining the whole time, you frown a bit in disappointment.

Kersey475’s Comment

Dear Luna, was I ever this stupid and lazy? you think in annoyance.

Well….Selena trails off.

Wait really? You groan offput.

I’m just being honest. I believe in the early days of our adventure you were, but fatherhood forced maturity and responsibility on you for the better.

Perhaps you should make this drunk adopt a child of his own,Sombra snickers.

Oi! Things are complicated enough already! Besides, this guy doesn’t have powers or helpful mares in his head to keep a kid safe, so no thank you. Turning to B2 you say,

“Enough grumbling, it’s just shopping.”

“Buddy, I was drinking all night. I haven’t slept a wink since yesterday, the last ten years have been flashing through my head, and I’m talking to an alternate universe version of myself who claims he’s from some magical pony land. Give me a break.”

“Well…You can sleep later. Shopping time is now so that we can ensure you even have a future,” you declare and start walking. Rolling his eyes, he reluctantly follows you as you both head out through a back entrance.

No need to advertise where we’re staying, you think as you shut the door.

“Alright, where to?” you ask your slowly sobering up other self. He puts a hand up to his scruffy orange chin and contemplates for a second.

AllenNoir’s Comment: I would suggest going to good will or a surplus stor it will save money and you never really know what you might find there from week to week.

“Well there’s a Goodwill down by the liquor store. They usually got good cheap clothes,” he answers.

“Yeah…I’m guessing that’s some sort of second hand or surplus store by the sound of it, but let’s stay away from anything close to booze for now,” you shut down his idea causing him to frown.

“I ain’t got a problem!” he demands.

“Uh-uh,” you say unconvinced. “But we need more than just clothes, we need food and heck, we can even look for tech for me. Any stores like that?”

“Well, there is the mall, they got a bunch of stuff there, but that’s north of the tracks, clear on up in the rich folk part of town.”

“Well we have your weird green paper money now, so maybe no one will notice if we’re rich or not,” you surmise causing your counterpart to concede, thinking it’s a good point.

“Well alright then. Might want to take the bus though, it’s pretty far.”

8bitmadness’s Comment

"Wait, what's a bus?" you ask in confusion.

He gives you a look as if you’re joking but then his eyes enlighten in understanding.

"Right, right…Pony alternate universe. Guess you being a horse you wouldn’t need one.”

“I’m actually not a pony…well not completely. I’m more changeling, but I do have pony in my blood,” you admit.

“You’re a what now?” he says taken aback.

“A Changeling,” you repeat.

“What the hell’s a changeling?”

“Uh…” you contemplate how to answer that question. “I’ll tell you that later. It’s not an easy answer.” He stares at you for a moment before shrugging.

“Whatever. Anyway, you see them gas guzzler’s racing down the road, not obeying the speed limit,” he points to the metallic carriages on the black roadway.

“Yeah,” you answer as one zips by.

“A bus is kinda like those, only much bigger. People pay to get on and they take you where you need to go much faster than walking can.”

“Huh, neat. Well if you think it’s best, let’s try it.”

On the Bus

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” you scream as the scenery outside the gross smelling interior whizzes by at super sonic speeds.

“There’s no track! This is way too fast! I just sat in some gum! Why are the floors sticky?! What's that smell?! WAY TOO FAST!!! WE’RE GONNA BUCKING DIE!!!”

“Dude, sit down! We’re only going like 45 miles per hour. Everyone’s staring,” B2 implores. Turning around on your smelly and sticky seat, you see other humans looking at you with strange looks.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” you yell as the realization that you are stuck inside a hurtling hunk of metal with horrendous creatures strikes you. Your doppelganger just shakes his head.


“I saw my life flashing before my eyes…I don’t wanna go fast anymore…I don’t want to Sonic!” you whimper.

“Jeeze man, I didn’t think you’d freak out that much.”

Indeed Bugze, you’ve driven derby carts, and been on trains at high speeds before.

“My derby racer never reached those speeds, and a train at least doesn’t wobble side to side, or have gross disgusting humans on board!”

B2 just shakes his head at your outburst and places a hand to his head.

“You’re aggravating my hangover man, can you stop yelling? Besides, if you hate lots of people in one spot, you’re not gonna like this,” he says as you both step through the doors of a very large group of interconnected buildings. When you get inside, your traumatizing experience on the bus fades somewhat.

You walk into the mall alongside your counterpart, staring in awe at all of the shop signs. The aroma of different foods hits your weird small nose, and the many glass windows displaying human clothes, and things you don’t even know. And that’s not all, there is a complete second story to this place with humans walking along open paths above you. After a minute or so, you decide to break the silence, though it's not so quiet with all the other humans milling about.

"So, this is basically a large multi level market, right?" you ask.

"That's what a mall is, yes," B2 replies. The both of you begin walking down the main hall of the mall, taking in the sights, although a few people give you and your counterpart strange looks.

"Okay, so what was on the to buy list again?” you ask. He turns to look at you.

“List? We didn’t make any list. You just said we needed to buy clothes.”

“Oh…well what clothes do we get? I’m not the best when it comes to fashion and stuff.”

“What, and you think I am?” He snorts.

“Well at least you’re used to these weird shaped rags,” you complain and tug at your clothes.

“Alright, alright,” he concedes. “If we’re gonna try to get jobs, we want work clothes and boots. A phone would be nice too. Last one I had ended up in some pawn shop.”

“Phone? What, do you just want to set up shop with a rotary or something?”

“Really?” he asks back at your naivete. “Jeeze, how does your world function? Do you have any tech besides trains?”

“Hey, we have TV and video games!” you defend. “I’ve yet to see that in this crazy place.”

He deadpans and nonchalantly points behind you at a video game store, and you see rows and rows of alien, yet nearly similar games to the one’s back home.

“…You win this round,” you concede. “Alright fine, we’ll get those clothes, and our own telephone. And maybe we should get whatever it is a lot of these humans are looking at while they’re walking.”

You point to several humans who are tip tapping and looking down at something that is far too small to be a Joy Boy. Whatever it is, it’s new and might be beneficial to your quest. B2 gives you a smirk you can’t quite read after you say this and chuckles, gesturing you to follow him.

“We’ll hit the clothes store first."

As you follow, you pass by a particularly interesting store.

"Huh, Narnes and Boble," You comment. Underneath the sign in smaller writing, it says COPYRIGHT AVOIDANCE HOOOO!

You look at the smaller text with a raised eyebrow and just shrug and look inside. And what you see is,

“Holy Guacamole, that’s a lot of books.” Sparkle’s library would be jealous at the amount of literature inside this building. Heck, it’s reaching upwards to Crystal Empire Library levels of tomes.

"You sure you wanna go into a book store? We’re gonna be crashing at a library after all,” B2 asks inquisitively.

"Yeah, but for the first time in my life, I actually feel the urge to... read." You respond.

Bugze, are you absolutely sure you're okay? You've been acting strange since we got here.

"I'm fine Selena, trust me," you say aloud.

"Who is…Oh, you talking to the voices in your head?" Your counterpart probes.

"Yep. I'm going to browse inside for a bit. Go get those clothes and whatnot, we’ll be the same size, then meet me at the fountain at what appears to be a food court. That one over there," You comment, pointing at a particularly nice looking fountain by a generic looking Chineighse takeout place.

"You're the one who has all the money though," he points out.

"Right, forgot about that. Here's 500 green paper bit things, "You state, handing your counterpart some cash.

“Well…alright,” he shrugs as he heads off to some clothing store in the corner of your eye. JC something or another as you stare at all the books, and even what appears to be a coffee stand inside.

Before you walk inside though, Selena speaks up with a thought.

TartarusFire’s Comment

Hey Bugze, she says, sounding almost wistful,Do you remember when you're Human counterpart gave you all of the money?

Well yeah, that was what, an hour ago? Also his name is B2 and…wait, what are you implying?

I'm not sure…but he is you Bugze, and you do tend to scheme…

Hey! I do not scheme, I have long and well thought out plans! You defend.

Mhmm, she says thoroughly unconvinced.

Well what about…or that one time when…I…

Perhaps scheme is a bit much, your plans are more heat of the moment.

Hmph. Just you wait until I come up with a good example, you snort. Anyway, what were you going on about B2 scheming?

Well, whether or not he isn't fully convinced you're an illusion is still up for debate, but I find it strange that he would give a random stranger every last bit of a large sum of money. In his mind, You could just randomly disappear forever after all.

Hey that's not true, I wouldn't do that.

Maybe not on purpose, but every now and again things come up, she points out. And also, HE doesn't know that.

Ok, yeah that’s true, but I’m here to help the guy out. Why wouldn’t he have given me all the money from the exchange?

It’s just a suspicion. We gave over about one fifth of our funds, and it just seems like there should have been more by his earlier eagerness.

Hmmm…You do have a point there. But still, the five hundred paper money I just gave him seemed to be enough…

It might be nothing, but still it would be best to have a contingency just in case. I would rather not be taken advantage of.

Okay then. You've got me curious. Any plan?

Well back in the day when I suspected misinformation, I would confuse my target as much as possible, and ask the same question later. If the responses did not line up, I knew they were lying.

Sounds complicated... and tedious. Do we have to? Drunk and homeless he may be, but even I don’t think I would be that much of a jerk to hold out, you complain causing her to sigh.

Alright fine. Just keep your guard up just in case, she implores.

“Yeah, yeah…” you mutter as you turn back to the strangely named book store. “I’ll put that to the test later, but first let’s see what’s up with this place.

And with that, you head inside.

8bitmadness’s Comment

The first thing you see catches your eye, a cardboard cutout of some sort of rectangular device. It kind of looks like a bigger version of whatever it is that practically every human holds in their hands.

"Nook? What's an e-reader?" you wonder as you walk over to the display counter and look at the display table.

“Stores books digitally and lets you read them easily? How the heck does that work? It’s just a black mirror and…Oh….” Your eyes widen in awe. You had reached out your hand to touch the device, and it suddenly came on with a soft glowing light. “Oh this is so cool. It’s like some sort of futuristic note pad or something like on Star Trek. A Joy Boy screen’s got nothing on this!” you exclaim and pick the device up, using all of your willpower not to accidentally drop it.

You then tentatively use your fingers to swipe with it, and you see words displayed upon it. “Oh heck yeah. This thing is definitely going towards our tech scrounge. Heck, if Jack doesn’t end up using it, I’ll just get it for Nightshade. I bet she’d freak over another world’s stories.

It could be a nice memento of the trip seeing as how we have no way to take photographs.

“Oh right…I’m gonna have to get a camera at some point. But yeah, we’re definitely buying it, plus it's not too expensive, only $99…Now how do I get books on it?”

About a half hour later, you manage to extricate yourself from the book store with a brand new device and several dozen books loaded on it. It had taken awhile to explain to the Human Lady behind the desk exactly what you wanted, and to your surprise, you found that the humans have their own Daring Do series. You then had her put anything similar to that on as well.

“Alright, I’ll have to have B2 show me how this thingy works properly tonight. I can’t wait for when Nightshade gets a load of this. Maybe then she’ll do more reading…I wonder how she and the old bug are doing?”

Meanwhile, in Equestria

Kersey475’s Comment

"Do I have to?" Nightshade whines as she sits across from Grandbuggy on the train.

"Sorry grandsweetie, but you gotta get some learning in ya," Grandbuggy firmly insists.

"But I don’t want to read boring old books. There’s not even any action in them.”

“Kid, if we’re gonna be questin for these ancient knick knacks, it’s best if you start learning their history.”

“But this isn’t fun reading, this is like homework. Daddy never gave a buck about homework!" she argues.

"And look where that's gotten him," Grandbuggy snarks. “It’s still a long train ride to go kid, it’s either this or nothing.”

"Fiiiiine." Nightshade groans as she looks back down at the textbook,

"Starswirl the Bearded-"

"Pffft. More like Starswirl the Jackass." Grandbuggy scoffs before he changes into Starswirl with a brief flash of green changeling flame,

"Oh look at me, I know everything just cause I have a long stupid beard and know a few advanced spells so everypony should always listen to me." 'Starswirl' says mockingly.

"Uh, isn't that specieist against donkeys?" Nightshade asks.

"It was the DONKEYS who gave him that title!" he says flashing back to his pony form.

“OK, but why do I have to learn more about him?” she asks in confusion.

“Kid, there’s a general rule about magical whatchamahoozits in this world. They were either created by him, or they were created by other idjits just as arrogant as him,” he instructs. The filly just shrugs at this sagely wisdom.

“If you say so Grandbuggy…Do you think Daddy’s doing alright?”

Grandbuggy looks up in thought for a moment. “Well, if I know my boy well, he’s either on track, or doing something stupid…”

In Human Land

8bitmadness’s Comment: I mean, we could always have him buy a crap ton of ball bearings and use them as emergency ammo for the Second Law, turning it into what is effectively an air blunderbuss.

TartarusFire’s Comment: like 2000 snow globes or something You never know when 2000 snow globes will come in handy, trust me.

“Come on Selly. You never know when 2,000 snow globes will come in handy. Plus they’re all on sale.”

For the last time, no Bugze! she orders, and you can hear her facehoof. You are standing in a knick knack shack, and in your hands is an order pamphlet usually given to other store chains.

“Alright fine, what about a crap ton of ball bearings then? We could put them in Second Law if it still works here and turn it into a full on blunderbuss!”

Bugze, she sighs, those metal balls fired from that weapon would tear organic matter to shreds. Do you really want to end up killing someone?

“Oh…didn’t think about that,” you admit, forgetting just how squishy humans are compared to ponies.

“Well if that’s the case, then I guess I won’t be getting anything from this fine establishment,” you grunt as you throw down the paper and walk away from the confused human behind the counter.

“Who the hell was he talking to?” the blue girl with long white hair and glasses asks aloud in confusion.

After leaving the knick knack shack, another store catches your eye and you rush in.

Down With Chyrsalis’s Comment

There are so many clothes to choose from!

They are costumes Bugze. This is literally a costume store. The other You is in a real clothing store, she tries to dissuade.

I… you start to plead while holding some sort of black superhero cape before you relent and sigh. Oh you’re right like always…Dang it! Why can’t I have a better fashion sense!?

Calm down Bugze. Despite everything you did manage to pick out sets of clothes relatively fast back in Equestria. You just have to go to a real clothing store, and not wear what fictional characters do. Sighing, you put the cape back up.

“Yeah, alright. Besides, this cape would have been tainted anyway. Bat-MAN? Bleh!” you gag at the thought of the caped crusader being humanized.
“I guess I’ll just go find B2 and see what he picked out and-OH SWEET LUNA LOOK AT THAT!” you declare pointing down an aisle that has pictures of what you swear is the human equivalent of Neighponese Anime characters.

At the end of this aisle, displayed on a mannequin is something glorious. Your eyes almost pop out of your head as you stare at what you believe is the perfect new coat to wear.

Its a roughly mid-calf-length coat with a standing collar and chains attached. You can't help but stare at it in awe as you think,


Oh not the coat lust again, Selena groans.

It’s not lust, it’s Love! You walk up to the coat and feel the material up and down, the sensitive hands for once being perfect for the task. It’s absolutely perfect! Nothing can make this be-OH LOOK AT THAT HAT!

Your eyes sparkle as you see a visored, ornamented cap, torn at the back above the coat You practically rip the two articles off their placements and giggle giddily as you head to the changing room. As you do, Selena sighs before letting out a chuckle.

Hehehehehe....In a way this is refreshing, knowing that despite the sudden set of competence, you’re still the dumb lovable bug I know.

“You say something Selena?” you mutter as you observe your gloriousness in the mirror.

Nothing my bug, nothing at all…

“Alright then,” you say not really paying attention as you bask in your glory. Good Grief, this coat and hat combo make you look like kickflank as Tartarus. The hat is kind of weird in that it’s torn at the back, but your spiky orange hair seamlessly bends into the look.

“Oh I’ve got to show B2 this,” you say giddily as you walk up to the front to pay. After doing so, you walk out in coat and hat, which the counter girl called a Jo Mo costume or something, you weren’t really paying attention to her.

Making your way towards the fountain from earlier, you spot B2 in the food court, with several trays full of different foods, chowing down like Nightshade on a good day.

“Good Grief,” you mutter tugging the cap down over your eyes at what a mess he’s making.

“At this rate he’s gonna need another shower.” You then see that he has bags of clothing around his table. “Well at least he got his job done. Oh, knowing me he’s gonna freak when he sees this co-“

“Ah hahaha! Look at that pig over there daddy. He’s got his slop and everything,” you overhear a very familiar filly voice.

“There ain’t nothing funny about that princess. Filth like that shouldn’t even be allowed in such establishments,” replies another familiar voice, but it sounds wrong somehow.

You look over and see a human stallion and filly, and they are looking at B2. One with amusement, and the other with disgust. With the coloration of her hair and skin tone, not to mention the jewelry on her head, the little one can only be Diamond Tiara, so the frowning adult must be,

“Filthy Rich?” you gasp out.

“That’s Mr. Rich to you!” he says grumpily, almost automatically as he turns to face you. He looks at your face and sees no familiarity there which causes a slight look of confusion to cross his face. “And who exactly are you supposed to be?” he asks looking over your jacket and hat.

What the buck? What’s up with the tone and scowl on this guy?

Indeed, wasn’t his counterpart more jovial?

Diamond Tiara looks over at you and she raises an eyebrow.

“Hey, isn’t that costume that from that weird anime with the fighting ghosts or something?” she asks you.

“Uhhhh….” You drone.

“Hush princess, don’t talk to the riff raff, Daddy will handle this,” he orders her as he pushes her behind him, away from you, before fixing you with a superior look.

Seriously, what the buck humanized Filthy? Why are you acting like you’re stuck up wife?


Episode 6: Jerks, Gypsies, and Janitors

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Seriously, why is Human Filthy Rich such a jerk? And why does his chin look like a butt? You wonder in bewilderment as the human stallion talks down to you.

This redesign is actually kind of atrocious. Not a big fan, Sombra mutters.

I hate to agree with you, but yeah. I mean all Humans are ugly, but this guy takes the cake.

And not just that, but this guy’s attitude sounds more like the upper nobility snobs of Canterlot back home. It’s actually starting to grate on my ears.

“And what kind of coat is that to wear sir? It is nowhere near Halloween,” he harrumphs.

“I think he’s a Weeb dad. It’s an anime thing,” human Diamond Tiara adds.

“I don’t know what that means, but seriously man, have some class. This mall still has standards, low as they may be and-“ And he continues to complain to you.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

This is definitely bad business practice. I’m just a stranger to this guy, and I would never go to his Barnyard Bargains after this.

For the think five minutes this version of Filthy Rich has been berating you, your clothes, your lifestyle choices, and you think he was also insulting the mall too. It's kinda hard to tell since his fancy talk has gotten to levels of confusion at this point.

Bugze? Are you okay, usually you would have acted by now. I can fee. your anger bu-

Relax Selena, I got this.

By now you usually would have probably punched, yelled at, or both to the snob in front of you. But for some reason you can't explain you feel...calm isn't the word for it. You’re still getting more and more pissed off at this twisted version of a pony you respected, but you feel more...contained in your anger. Like something's keeping is helping keep it in check. It's refreshing...and a bit scary. You send the human a harsh glare, that he doesn’t seem to notice.

“Now man, if you’ll excuse me, I have to take my daughter shopping still, away from this particular spot and-“

"You finished?" you interrupt in a deep voice that surprises even you. Finally noticing your glare you take some pride as he flinches while Diamond looks confused.

Deal with snob first, worry about filly later.

"Why yes I am as a matter of fact. Why? Is the commoner finally getting tired and going to say how 'money means nothing' or some rubbish like that?" You simply grunt before responding,

"No, I was wondering when you'd get tired of yapping off so I can go get my brother before he eats himself into a coma."

"Are you saying that talking to me is a waste of time?! Do you know who I am!?" he asks sounding insulted.

"Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I just said your name and all you did was start insulting me and my awesome cloak. Not the best example for your daughter huh?"

"Don’t you tell me how to raise my princess. What would you even know about raising a child?" he glares and challenges.

"More than you, that's for sure,” you spit, thinking of Nightshade. “Parenting is about setting an example for your child before they turn out like you. I almost failed in that department, and trust me when I say it wasn't pretty. For all I know, it might be too late for her," you point to the filly human and she gasps out, feeling insulted. To that, Filthy looks about ready to burst a blood vessel.

Aw crud. Father instincts still exist in this world! You think in dread. With his fists clenched at the insult to his daughter, it looks like Filthy Rich might just throw a punch at you, but then…

"Filthy honey there you are!” comes another familiar voice.

BUCK! Not her too! You panic as you the voices owner walks up, setting her hand on Filthy’s shoulder. Not Spoiled Rich! Oh Luna, if Filthy is a jerk in this world, she must be a million times worse! Though at least her nose is fixed in this world.

As you sweat profusely, and before you can think to bolt, she speaks up again.

“I found some matching swim suits for-“ she then notices you and her husband’s angry face. “Oh, sorry to interrupt honey. Who’s your handsome friend?” she says in a giddy, pleasant voice that her Pony counterpart never displayed.







I’m handsome? No! EWWWW!!! Gross! I don’t want to be handsome to disgusting apes! Especially not her! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! While Sombra laughs his flank off, and your brain shuts down from that “compliment,” Filthy doesn’t fair much better.

“Wh-What? Spoiled!” he says feeling embarrassed. “He’s not a friend, he’s a low life ruffian who tried to tell me how to raise Diamond and-“

“Filthy,” she says in scolding manner with her hands on her hips. “What have we talked about?” To this, he unclenches his fist and sighs, all the tension leaving his body, like a scolded dog.

“That insulting people is bad for business…” he says reluctantly.

“Exactly. You can’t go yelling at folks no matter how stressed you are,” she encourages. He sighs again and says.

“You’re right honey…”

“I usually am,” she smirks. “Now, why don’t you and Diamond go on, I’ll meet you by the perfume counter.”

He nods, and walks off with his head down, not even looking back at you as Diamond follows, throwing dirty looks back at you.

Spoiled then looks back to you and smiles.

“I’m sorry about that. I’m assuming Filthy gave you a hard time?” she asks with care in her voice.

“Uuuuhhhh…” you blather, your voice not working.

“Don’t take it personally, he’s under a lot of stress. He’s trying to close a business deal for some prime forest land and it’s not a smooth process. Even still, you didn’t deserve any of that. I’m sorry if he insulted you,” she says in genuine concern.

“Uhhh…” you still blather in confusion. She then reaches into her purse and pulls out a gift card.

“Here, to make up for any rudeness on my hubby’s part, take this. It’s good for 50 Dollars at any Barnyard Bargains. I hope you’ll still shop at our location.” She places the card in your hand while you still don’t know how to deal with the situation.

“Anyway, I have to go now. Have a nice day Handsome,” she says cheerfully, giving you a wink as she wanders off towards her husband and daughter. You stand there, Gift Card in your outstretched hand, for a good few minutes, before your brain reboots.


It appears this Human Mare is the reasonable one in their marriage in this universe, Selena hypothesizes.

But…what sense does that make? Is that like it for all dopplegangers? Are we in the evil counterpart universe after all? And was she hitting on me in front of her husband?!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!Sombra continues to cackle.

She better not have,Selena says in conviction. Though I rather think she was trying to diffuse the situation if anything…Just like her husband’s pony counterpart would have done…

Ah that just isn’t right. What does that mean for everyone else? Up is Down, Black is White! Ponies are Humans! It’s all wrong I tell you! It’s-


The reverberations help clear your panic as you catch your breath.

We’ll worry about inverse hypotheticals later Bugze. For now, just be thankful they’ve left you alone.

Right…right…Still though that wink…You shudder at that as you make your way to B2, who is just chowing down. There are several plates of food in front of him.

“Yeesh B2, how hungry were you?” you ask, causing him to turn around and his eyes to widen.

TartarusFire’s Comment

He stands up dramatically putting his hands to his face and screams,

“OH MY GOD!!!” This startles you into nearly tripping over your feet, and makes other people in the food court look at him curiously.

“What?! What is it?!” you gasp looking around.

“That’s a pretty sick coat and hat man. Where’d you get it,” he says calmly as he sits back down in his chair.

“Really?” you grunt in annoyance. “You had to yell about it? I know the coat is awesome, but really?”

“What?” he shrugs, “I thought it looked good on me. But no seriously, where’d you get it?” he asks as he starts eating again.

“Over at the costume shop,” you say as you roll your eyes and sit down in front of him. “I don’t know what it’s from, but some filly said I’m a Weeb if that means anything.” He just shrugs and swallows his food.

“Don’t know, sounds like some sort of car or something. The Nissan Weeb…does that sound right?”

“Do I look like one of those small bus death traps?” you counter.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

ThePonySpartan’s Comment

“Good point. Also, there’s been something on my mind. You said trains don’t wobble back and forth. Isn’t that exactly what a train does? I’ve been on a few in and out of cities.”

“I meant they don’t go side to side, moving freely all willy nilly. Trains follow the tracks, they don’t just keep sliding on different sides of a road…Why were you thinking about that?”

He shrugs again, “Dunno, just going over everything you’ve said today again now that my mind is kind of clearing. I’m still tired as all Hell, but some of the haze is gone.”

“Is that why you’re eating so much food? Trying to stay awake?” you ask.

“That and I am freaking hungry. You want some?”

He slides over a pizza slice to you. At least you think it’s a pizza slice.

“What’s this?” you ask.

“Extra Cheese Cheese Pizza. It’s cheese pizza, with extra cheese on top, with cheese stuffed crust, and optional blue cheese dipping.”

“That’s…a lot of cheese,” you muse looking at the gloriously unhealthy creation in front of you.

“Eyup, but it’s delicious. I always get it half just the cheese, and half bacon. Figured if you were a Change Horse thing that you wouldn’t appreciate it.”

“HayBacon’s good,” you admit. “It’s one of the only things I’m truly fanatical about.”

“Amen to that brother,” he says as he takes another big bite and you bite into yours. Just as you thought, it’s Dangerously Cheesy.

“Woof. I feel like this is going to make me sweat cheese,” you mutter as you keep eating the artery clogging masterpiece.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Oh if you think that’s good, you should try theFool's Gold Loaf sometime. I used to eat those all the time on tour.”

“Is that a pizza?” you ask naively.

“Nah dude, it’s a sandwich on steroids. What you do is, you get an entire loaf of bread, and fill that with an entire jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly and a pound of bacon. You slather that baby with a whole stick of butter and toast it golden…” he says in remembrance. A bit of drool leaks out the corner of his mouth, and despite yourself, you can’t help but fantasize about it as well.”

That abomination would surely kill you through sheer cholesterol intake Bugze, Selena scolds.

Yeah…but it sounds so good… And while Selena rolls her eyes, you and your counterpart continue to eat. When the last plate has been vanquished, he belches and looks to you.

“I got everything I wanted. How about you?”

“Yeah I’m good. I also got this,” you hand him the Barnyard Bargains Gift Card. “Should be good for groceries.”

“Aw sweet. I love the bakery pies they have,” he says enthusiastically.

“Yeah, even if their owner is kind of a prick. Though I wonder if my discount card works in this universe…?”

After that, the two of you grab the clothing bags, and B2 leads you to the exit. But before you get there…

Kichi’s Comment

You are suddenly bumped into by Human Diamond Tiara.

“Oops, sorry Mister,” she says almost suspiciously.

“Eh, no problem kiddo, why don’t you run along before your dad starts yelling again,” you suggest and she kind of smirks before skipping off.

“What was that all about?” asks B2.

“Eh, I ran into her and her dad earlier, and he’s a jerk,” you answer truthfully.

“Aw, some rich blowhard?” he surmises.

“And then some. But she’s just a little filly, so she’s not all that bad,” you comment. As soon as you say that though, a piercing alarm goes off just as you were crossing through a doorway.

"Gaaah! The sky is falling!" you shout, flopping to the ground and covering your head with your wriggly hands.

"No it ain’t, that’s an anti-theft alarm. Did you forget to pay for anything?” B2 says as he looks through his bags of clothing.

“Nah, I bought this hat and coat legally. Is my Nook technology setting this off?” you sputter.

“Huh?” B2 asks in confusion. As he does, a Uniformed Human guard of some kind starts walking over to you.

“Excuse me, may I see your receipt please?” he asks.

“Uh yeah, just hold on a sec,” B2 says as he opens up his bag, showing the guard and hands him the slip of paper.

“You too buddy,” the guard says, causing you to roll your eyes. You put your hand in your pocket, and as you do, you feel something round and made of glass. You pull it out, and see that it is a bottle of pink perfume with the price tag still on it.

“Huh? Where’d this come from?” you ask in confusion. The guard just raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not believing your shock.

“No seriously, I don’t know where this came from I swear,” you protest.

“Buddy, I hear that every day,” the guard sighs. “Look, I don’t want to write up a report or anything, so just pay for it and everything will be cool alright?”

“But I don’t even want this! What do I need with 100 bi-er-Dollar perfume? I…”

“Don’t worry, I got this,” B2 interrupts as he hands over the cash to the guard who just nods.

“Alright, just don’t go doing this again or you’re not coming in this mall again understand?”

“Yes sir, thank you sir,” B2 says nervously as the guard leaves.

“Why the buck did you do that? I don’t want this mare stuff,” you say glaring at the offending bottle.

“Because I don’t want to be kicked out of the mall man. I’m already a filthy bum, and finding a job is going to be harder if I get in trouble.”

“Oh alright fine,” you huff putting the perfume into your bag.

1 Bottle of Perfume Added

“I still say that’s a waste of cash. I don’t even know how it got in my pocket in the first place!”

That little brat! Selena suddenly gasps out in your head.

“Huh? What brat?” you ask aloud confusing B2.

That tiara wearing brat! She bumped into you out of nowhere and was acting suspicious. She planted that fragrance on you, she says heatedly. You think back to a few moments ago and what she says makes sense.

“Oh Come On! I Gave Her the Benefit of the Doubt!” you groan in frustration.

“Yo, other me, don’t go talking to your voices right now, others are watching,” he points out. Other humans are indeed staring at you, creeping you out even more.

“Buck off humies!” you grunt and walk out the door, with B2 following.

“What’s up with you?” he asks as he stomp off.

“That little filly planted that perfume on me to get me in trouble. And to think, I helped pony her fix her attitude problems.”

“Ooookkkkaaayyyy…” B2 says unsurely before he notices that you aren’t stopping. “Hey, aren’t you gonna hop on the bus with me?”

“I’ll walk! I assume you stupid humans have been doing it for years, and I need the practice away from that smelly death box!” you shout back and continue to walk your frustrations out.

“Alright, I’ll meet you at the library then!”

“Yeah yeah…”

Bugze, It might be a bad idea separating from your doppelganger, Selena warns.

“It’s fine! I’ll find my way there.

1 Hour Later

“Where the buck is the library?!” you yell as you take street after street trying to find your way back to your temporary home. And unsurprisingly, you’re lost. You’ve somehow managed to enter the maze that is Suburbia.

“Why do all these streets and houses look the same?!” you groan as you continue to wander around lost and confused.

I told you to stick with the other you, Selena scolds.

“And as usual, you’re right!” you agree huffily. “Ugh, all I need is some direction!”

“Hey Mister, if you’re looking for spiritual direction I can help!” comes a bubbly cheerful voice that you would know anywhere. Whipping your head around you spy the speaker and your jaw drops.

Kersey475’s Comment

“PINKIE!?" you state in alarm seeing a head of pink fluffy hair you'd recognize in any universe in a cloak and fortuneteller's hat.

"Yup, that's m- I mean- Noooo" Pinkie says in a faux-spooky tone, "I am Madame Pinkie, caterer of fate's destinnnnnny…Nice coat by the way."

“Uh…Thanks?” you answer as you look at her surroundings. She has a small purple pop up tent over her, set at the edge of a suburban house and lawn, presumably hers. In front of her is a cloth covered table and crystal ball. And despite her being human, it’s unmistakably her. The same eyes, the same smile, even the same feeling of unease and comfort around her.

Regardless of what universe we're in, Pinkie will always be Pinkie. Selena observes.

Be wary, she might have a canon full of cake to blast you, Sombra shudders remembering his last fight with her.

Good advice all around…but what’s she doing? I thought magic didn’t exist here? And why does she look so young?

"Enter the chamber of Madame Pinkie Pie. For the answers you seek let us consult the mystical orb of fate's destiny."

Well if anyone can access what little magic that exists in this world, it'll be Pinkie Pie, you theorize, Might as well see if this Pinkie really can predict what's in store for me.

With that you shrug and take a seat in the lawn chair in front of her and her crystal orb.

"Before the orb can answer, you must provide a most vital ingredient."

"Ingredient? Like what? Hair? Blood? Bone?"

“Ew No!” she gags. “Money silly,” she says holding out her hand.

“Oh, right,” you chuckle nervously. “How much?”

“10 for a fortune, 20 for it to be less cryptic,” she answers. Rolling your eyes, you hand her the bill that has a 10 on it. She smiles, and places it in a jar that reads,

Limey and Marble’s Movie Cameo Fund

Before you can even question what that means, she continues.

"Look deep into the crystal ball... for soon it will reveal all! Ah, yes, I see something... It is a vision of the future... I see... you, "

"Really? Wher- WAH!" you say leaning in closer only for you to accidentally trip and bang your head against the orb cracking it.

“OH NO!” Pinkie gasps.

"Horseapples! Don’t worry, I can fix it!" you say reaching for your duct tape only for the orb's cracks to start glowing orange as it shakes violently and erratically.

"HIT THE DECK!" Pinkie yells as the orb explodes sending surprisingly harmless pieces everywhere.

"Your destiny! This is incredible!" Pinkie exclaims, "You will be involved in a great battle, a Candyland piece in an awesome conflict between multiple agents of fate commenting and guiding your every mov-

"Yeah, yeah, That’s old news," you casually dismiss causing her to sputter. “Large battles, and yadda yadda, I deal with that practically every year. Does my fate say anything more recent? Like where I can find what I’m looking for?"

"Uh..." Pinkie Pie says confused at your casual dismissal as she takes out another orb from under her hat and starts waving her hands around it,

"Since you clearly do not care,
Let us see what you will soon have to bewar-"

"Do you really have to speak like that?" you ask in slight annoyance.

"It's in the fortune teller's rule-scroll." she nonchalantly says as she pulls a contract out of her hair before putting it back. With that Pinkie concentrates on her orb again,

"When the Sunset starts to rise,
You will have to help open its eyes.
And when you duel the sisters three,
Music shall be your key."

You wait for her to continue, but she says nothing more.

“What that’s it?”


“But that doesn’t make any sense! Where are the Red Stones? What pieces of technology do I need besides my Nook?”

“Buddy, you broke my main orb and you didn’t pay for the less cryptic reading. Fate is fickle,” she says nonchalantly.

“Ugh, fine,” you huff and give her another ten. “Now what does that mean?”

“Basically, be a good person, make new friends, listen to a good song once in awhile, and have fun,” she says without the cryptic voice.

…I’ve just been bamboozled…By Pinkie Pie! Groaning at the Fortune Cookie Wisdom, you ask

“Can you at least tell me how to get out of this maze of houses and get back to my library?”

“Sure I can. Giving directions is a freebie,” she smiles and your face goes blank.


“So, which library are you looking for?”

“I don’t know. It’s all run down and out of business. It’s close by some train tracks I think.”

“Train tracks?” she says confused. “Those are clear over in South East Canterlot, how’d you get way over here?”

“I took a bus to the mall, and didn’t want to ride back, so I don’t know,” you admit.

“Oh, well if you take two lefts, one right, and then head about a mile East towards the Grocery Store, there’s a bus stop,” she offers.

“Awwwooo, do I have to?” you whine to the teenaged girl.

“Well unless you want to walk until it gets dark…”

“Ugh…Fine…Thanks Pinkie,” you groan as you get up from the chair and walk your tender feet towards the bus stop.

And while you still curse your lack of tough hooves instead of weak feet, Pinkie mutters to herself.

“What a strange guy…Wonder how he knew my name?” she then shrugs and sits back waiting for the next customer. “You know, I bet I’d have more visitors if I set up at Sugar Cube Corner instead of my own house…”


After another horror filled trip on the Tartarus that is Public Transportation, you eventually found yourself in the right part of the city, and through the grace of some higher power, you found your library.

Entering through the back, you groggily make for the couches and see B2 sprawled across one, snoring quite deeply.

“He’s got the right idea,” you say as you take another couch. “Seriously, today was all kinds of weird. I met my washed out alternate self, found a place to stay, almost died from that Evil Bus. Twice! And met a few counterparts…Not a big fan of most of them.”

Well at least you seem to be on good terms with this world’s Element of Laughter, Selena points out.

Yeah, which is more than our first meeting back home. Maybe that will help out when B2 and I apply for Crystal Prep. If the bookworm and her brother are there, chances are the rest are as well.

So they’ll potentially be wearing school uniforms then? Sombra asks eagerly.

Put a sock in it ya dang filthy humie, you chastise.

Well, Selena interjects, I suppose on the bright side we did make our first step forward in our technology hunt.

“Oh yeah,” you mutter as you pull the Nook out of your bag and turn it on. “I bet if these get reworked into Equestria it will put Twilight’s Library out of business.”

She’s a princess now, I doubt she requires the money, Selena points out. Frowning at the reminder, you flick the Nook on and hit a random book.

“Yeah, but a guy can dream can’t he?” you then cast your eyes upon the electronic scroll book.

“Poetry huh? Well, let’s see what Humans enjoy…I Have a Rendezvous With Death…”

You shudder as goosebumps break out across your body and you gasp.

Bugze? Are you alright? Selena asks in concern.

Yeah, yeah I’m fine, you say as you get yourself back under control. Just…Just had a weird feeling…

You then look back at the “cheerfully” titled poem some human wrote and read the entire thing. Each verse sticks with you, and you don’t know why. You still wonder this even as you fall asleep.

8BitMadness’s Comment

After a night of restless dreams you awake, well into the afternoon, still feeling groggy.

You don’t know why, but that poem just wouldn’t leave you alone. You look over to your counterpart, and he is still asleep. You lean over and start shaking him.

“Hey. Hey B2, wake up.”

“Ugggghhhh, I don’t want to go to school Gramps…just five more minutes…” he groans.

“Hey, sleeping beauty, wake up,” you order shaking him more.

He immediately opens his eyes in confusion before holding a hand to his head.

“Ohhhh…” he groans.

“Are you OK?” you ask.

“Hell no. My subsequent hangovers have all caught up with me…” he groans and looks at you with squinting eyes.

“And Holy Hell, you’re still real.”

“As I’ve repeatedly said,” you say sarcastically with a roll of your eyes.

“I…I just…Oh God Sobriety sucks…Can’t I just, lay here for awhile and eat some chips before we talk? I still gotta get my head wrapped around this.”

“Where’d you get chips?”

“You gave me that Gift Card Yesterday…Wow, you actually did. Heh,” he chuckles as he slowly pulls out a bag of chips and begins to slowly eat out of them.

“Um…How long are you going to take?” you ask.

“I…I don’t know…just give me fifteen hours or so…”

“Oh Come On, I wanted to get you that job at Crystal Prep so that we can find that magic mirror ahead of time,” you complain.

“Magic Mirror? Is that where you came from or something?”

“Yes and no, what happened was…” you are interrupted as you hear him snoring, with a chip in his mouth. Rolling your eyes, you say, “You know what, I’ll wait till you’re all mentally there to tell you that tale. So, just sit there and eat your chips, I’m gonna go get us that job,” you declare as you head to the door.

"SHHH! This is a library!" B2 shouts suddenly sitting up.

"WHY ARE WE YELLING THEN?!" You respond in kind.


"…I don’t know! Just eat your chips, I’ll be back,” you declare as you walk out the door

You exit the library, and somehow manage to navigate your way to the school without incident, or without having to ride the unholy bus again. Really it was Sombra’s directions.

How did you know how to get back here? You ask as you stand in front of the doors where you first landed in this world.

While you were busy spazzing, I was taking in the wonderful scenery of this place. It’s much easier when you pay attention.

“Aw shaddup Smokey Joe.”

And just like B2 said, there aren’t any students in site. Whatever Holiday it is, plus it being Sunday, helps immensely. Entering through the front doors, you immediately enter the door labeled 'Office', and walk up to the secretary.

"Welcome to Crystal Prep, how can I help you sir?" she asks, clearly unenthused at life in general. You hesitate for a moment, then manage to gather enough confidence to speak.

"Yeah, I'm here to apply for the janitor position." You say with purpose.

"Oh, you're looking for Scruffy then. He's probably in the boiler room. Napping. Again." She replies in a monotone.

"And how am I supposed to get there?" You ask.

"Main stairwell down the hall, go down two flights and go through the red door labeled 'Maintenance', you can't miss it." Taking her advice, you walk off, but not before hearing the secretary mumble something along the lines of "Finally, the floors haven't been properly cleaned in months."

Once you enter the boiler room, you immediately see a man sitting in a chair, with his legs crossed and resting against a desk. He is asleep, and has a magazine with a scantily clad human draped over his face, which disgusts you immensely. He is wearing a dark sea green pair of work pants, a matching jacket with a sky blue shirt underneath, work pants, and a belt, as well as a burgundy hat.

"Excuse me? I'm here for the janitor job?" You announce, waking the man.

Now that the magazine is off his face, you can see a gray, unkempt soup strainer of a mustache on his face.

"Huh, who? Oh. Why are you down here?" He asks in a very deep voice.

"I'm here for the janitor job." You reply.

"Oh. You're hired. Name's Scruffy, I'm the Head of Maintenance," he says while opening up his magazine.

"Wait Really? Huh, that was easy. I expected an interview or something." You say taken aback

"Nope. Too lazy." He replies and flips the page.

“Um, don’t I need to fill out paper work, or sign my name or something?” you ask.

“Don’t see why any of that would be important,” he shrugs. “You’ll get paid cash under the table. Helps avoid taxes and what not.”

This can’t possibly be this easy, Selena says, just as aghast as you are.

“But…but what if I was some sort of crazed killer or something? You don’t want to check that out?” you ask, still confused as all Tartarus.

“Meh,” he shrugs. “What you do on your own time ain’t my business. Truth be told, I’ll probably forget what you look like on a daily basis.”

“Wait…so if I suddenly came in here with longer hair and a beard one day, and was clean shaven the next, you wouldn’t bat an eye?”

“Hmmph. Your hair is your business,” he mutters. The old human continues to read his magazine and you just stare in wonder and amazement.

"Dude, how have you not been fired yet?" You inquire, genuinely confused as to how this man has kept his job.

"I used to be a teacher here, and managed to secure tenure. I also have a position on the school board. Good luck getting rid of Scruffy," he responds followed by a long sniff from his nose.

“Okkkaaayyy. I have no idea what that means…” you babble. “Uh…is there something I have to do now?”

“Nah. It’s a holiday weekend. That’s why I’m here “cleaning up” for when the twerps come back Tuesday.” Remembering the secretary muttering under her breath, you wonder the validity of that statement.

“OK. Do I need a uniform or…?”

He just points to a set of lockers to the side. “Grab as many as you need. Come in tomorrow, Tuesday, or whenever, and just clean and all that.”

“Right…” you say as you head to the locker and pull out a pair of jumpsuits that look as if they’ve never been used.

“So…I guess I’ll be going now,” you say as you stuff the jumpsuits into your Inventory.

“Mmhmm,” he murmurs.

“But before I go, have you seen any magic mirrors that lead to another dimension anywhere on campus?” you ask.

“Don’t rightly know. Don’t get out much,” he grunts.

“I figured as much…” you groan.

“You want more info, ask the Vice Principal with the Sweet Can when she comes in on Tuesday,” he advises. Gagging at the thought of a human having a sweet can, you head for the door before he calls out.

“Oh wait, there is one rule you should follow.” You turn around and his eyes are still on the magazine.

“And what’s that?” you ask curiously.

“Don’t get on Cinch’s bad side.”

Whoever Cinch is, you know it’s bad to get on their side if Scruffy actually went out of his way to warn you.

Gulping, you give a nod which he doesn’t see and make your way out of the school.

So…I guess I got B2 and myself a job/cover.

And rather simplistically as well, Selena says still in bemusement.

I guess it’s true, you can always count on the laziness of strangers to make your life easier.

That’s not how the saying goes…but I suppose the results speak for themselves, she shrugs.

After a few more hours of walking (you are getting better at it) you reenter the library to find B2 in the same spot he was at before you left, still eating the same bag of chips.

"How the buck do you still have chips?" You ask.

"Turns out there were a few left in the bag. I almost threw them out!" B2 replies, somehow incredibly proud of his "accomplishment". “Also, you’re saying it wrong, it doesn’t start with an B.”

“The buck you talking about?” you ask.

“See right there,” he points at you. “It isn’t buck, it’s fu-“

“I don’t care,” you wave him off as you sit down across from him. “It’s my world’s curses, and I refuse to use any human-centric ones.”

“Right…horse world…” he muses as he places the chips to the side. “So did you get the job?”

“WE got the job,” you say as you pull out one of the jumpsuits and throw it to him. “The head maintenance guy is one of the most laziest people I’ve met, Human or otherwise. We can take turns, at least until I find that mirror. I still have to search for the Siren stones, and get more technology as well.”

“Okay…” he trails off looking at his jump suit, before looking back to you. “Say, do you mind, you know…Explaining some stuff now?”

“Huh?” you ask taken aback.

“It’s just that, well, my head is cleared now, and I can kind of accept the craziness of what happened yesterday…but I still don’t know much about you. You’re me from some sort of Magical Horsey Dimension and are a Shifter or something right?”

“A changeling actually,” you correct.

“Yeah that. But still, I’d like to know what’s going on. Why you came to this world, what you need tech for, and more importantly, what’s this other world like?” he asks in curiosity.

Looking into his eyes, your eyes, you see a hunger sober mind wanting any and all information after the hardships of a decade.

Are you sure you wish to tell him everything? Asks Selena trepidly.

Yeah. If he’s going to be my partner in crime so to speak, he needs to be filled in. It will help with our quest if everything’s on the table. Besides, if I can’t trust myself, then who?

Very well then, she relents. Just don’t embellish too much.

Smiling, you pick up your own bag of chips.

“Well B2, the reason why I’m here is actually a pretty long, and chaotic tale.”

He shrugs and sits back, “I got time.”

I know you do buddy. Nodding at this you continue.

“Alright then. Well first of all, the world I come from is called Equus, and on that world is a country called Equestria…”

POV CHANGE: Nightshade


The wind rushes past your face, humid and warm, as the vast green of the jungle blurs beneath you. It’s only been a couple days since your Dad went through that portal to the otherworld, but you and Grandbuggy have wasted no time in speeding up the plan to get your Mommy a body.

And so far, this adventure has been amazing, despite the boring history lessons, because now you are doing something not even Daddy can do.

“You alright back there kiddo? We’ve been at it nearly all day, do you need a rest?” Grandbuggy calls back.

“Are you kidding? No Way!” you cheer triumphantly. “I can’t believe I’ve gone my whole life without this before!”

“Heh, all four years of em,” he jests before setting his eyes forward. “We’re almost there anyway.”

“Awww, I kind of don’t want this to end,” you whine. “But you were right, walking would have sucked.”

“You’re Goramned Right Kiddo. I’m just glad I could finally share this again…” he says wistfully. “But get beside me now, you never know if his stupid hired help might take a shot at us.”

Nodding, you put on a burst of speed and zip past Grandbuggy before doing a loopy to loop and stay in formation beside him.

“You’re a natural kid,” he compliments as he gives you a mane rub, and you giggle.

“Well it’s true. I’m Kick Flank at Flying!” And it’s true, considering you only learned how yesterday.


ThePonySpartan’s Comment

"Kiddo, I think it's time you finally learn how to fly," Grandbuggy announces to you while in the middle of dray canyon. You two had trekked about half a day after being let off at the southern most train stop. After that, there were no signs of civilization, only wilderness.

At your Grandbuggy’s sudden declaration however, you forget your surroundings and stare blankly at him for a hot second, before you turn your head in surprise and stare at your wings.

"I... kinda forgot I had these," You admit sheepishly as you give them a few flaps.

"You get that from your dad," Grandbuggy explains, “But unlike him, you’re wings are fully functional, you’ve just never been taught how to use them. And I can tell you this much kiddo, I ain’t walking all the way to my buddy’s jungle home.” With that, he transforms into a pegasus stallion.

“Wait, why do you have to transform?” you ask.

"It’ll be easier to show you how to use your type of wings. My natural wings work a bit differently.” He then flexes the wings in his pony form, “Now, let's get started."

You practiced for hours, eating and drinking on occasion and making progress very quickly. The old bug wasn't the greatest flyer by far, but if there’s anything he’s good at, it was teaching.

He taught you how to hover, how to fly backwards, how to dive bomb, and even how to fly upside down. And like a duck to water, you took to it. The final feat came when he lead you higher into the air, and you landed for the first time on a soft pillowy cloud.

“Wow, these things are fluffier than I thought,” you squee as you lean down to take a bite. Unfortunately for you, clouds only take like water.

“Kid,” Grandbuggy pants while beaming with pride. “You are by far the fastest learner I’ve ever seen.”

"It's not that hard really. I don't get how Scootaloo can't do this, This is so fun!" you cheer and hover off the cloud.

"Easy, sure, but mastery is difficult. You’re no Wonderbolt, but I have high hopes for you kiddo," he chuckles and tussles your mane.

Beaming from nose to tail, you know that you’ve just unlocked a whole slew of possibilities.

The Present

“Maybe one day I can fly around as my alicorn self with my friends…” you think in wonderment as the ground blurs below you. “And when Spike finally gets his wings, we can fly around together.”

“What was that kid?” your Great Grandbug asks.

“N-Nothing, just thinking aloud,” you chuckle.

“Well get your thoughts together then filly, we’re here,” he points ahead of you and your jaw drops. You see some sort of ancient, square shaped temple jutting out of the jungle.

“Holy Guacamole…” you gasp as you two land in front of the massive structure.

“Heh, if you think that’s impressive, you should have seen when it was first built,” Grandbuggy chuckles and walks forward.

At the entrance to the temple, there are several stallions holding spears, and wearing leaves and jungle make up on them. They level their spears at you two and shout in some sort of language you’ve never heard.

“Oh get those Goramned things out of our faces or I’ll smack ya silly!” Grandbuggy orders harshly causing the stallions to wince and take a step back.

“Now I know ya’ll can understand me, so run and tell yer boss that a very old friend is here to see him, and he brought cigars,” Grandbuggy pulls out a box of the smelly things from his own pack and tosses it to one of the stallions who nods and runs into building.

And while you two wait in front of the structure, you look to your surroundings and see countless other Jungle Ponies, even a few mares as well.

“G-Grandbuggy?” you ask in awe. “Who exactly is your friend?”

“Oh he’s an overdramatic blowhard that tries too hard to be flashy and loves big cats,” he explains.

“Big Cats? Are they fluffy?” you ask excitedly.

“Well, the little one maybe, but I’d stay away from the others. I don’t think you’d want to play with the Tiger.”

You cross your arms, “I’ll have you know I pet a giant three headed dog into submission once.”

He turns back to you in confusion,

“Wait a sec, you’ve met Cerberus? When the hay did that ha-“

“Quick Fix~” comes a very excited accented voice. “Dios Mio, is that really you?”

You and Grandbuggy both look back to the entrance, and while Grandbuggy smiles, your jaw drops in shock.

“You know it Ahzy!” Grandbuggy laughs as he trots forward, meeting the tall…cat thing halfway and the two embrace in a hug.

“Stars above, I thought your old hide was dead,” Grandbuggy’s friend guffaws.

“Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated,” Grandbuggy laughs uproariously.

And while the two of them continue to laugh and enjoy each other’s company, there’s only one thing that comes to mind that you can vocalize.

“Grandbuggy, What The Buck?! You’re Friends With The Bad Guy From Daring Do?!”


Episode 7: Negative First Impressions

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PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

Master of Shadows’ Comment

After yelling out your confusion and shock, Grandbuggy and the villain turn to you inquisitively. And really, you can’t believe it, but the evidence is there right before your eyes. Daring Do's most hated enemy Ahuizotl stands before you.

Not only is this guy somehow real, but HE'S FRIEND'S WITH GRANDBUGGY?????!!!!!!

Him being real is one thing. You’ve met so called “Fictional” characters before, the Doctor and Pyramid Head to name a few, but the fact that he is real and chummy with your Great Grandbug just does not compute.

"Okay what the BUCK is going on here?!" you scream again as some of your hairs stand on end.

"Whoa there kiddo language," admonishes Ahuizotl.

“Buck You! I Say What I Want!” you shout in defiance. As you do, Instinct overrides everything else in your mind. The instinct that says, Bad Guy equals kick in the nads while yelling some sort of one liner. So as you declare your independence for saying any filthy bucking thing you want, your hind leg flies forward and strikes true, for you are a master at your art.

“EEEEEEE!!! Madre De Dios!” the tall villain cries out as he crumples to the ground, holding his nethers. This causes the tribal ponies to get into defensive stances and point their spears at you and Grandbuggy. The old bug turns to you and gives you a stern look.

“Now Nightshade, what’d you go and do that for? You ain’t even been properly introduced to the guy yet.”

“Introduced?!” you screech. “That’s Bucking Ahuizotl!”

“Oh, so you’ve read the books then. Well that’ll make explanations easier.” He then turns to the stallions pointing the spears at them. “And what did I tell you colts about the Goramned Sticks?!” he yells causing them to flinch as he walks over and helps Ahuizotl up.

“Madre, the pain…” he groans.

“Oh don’t be a drama queen, you’ve had worse. But, eh heh, sorry about that. She gets it from her dad.” As the villain gets to his feet and calls off his guards, he gives you a reserved look.

“Her Padre?” he asks. “And who is this Alicorn child?”

"Hey I'm the one asking the questions here!” You shout back, still in your own defensive stance. “How do you know my Great Grandbuggy?"

"Great Grandbuggy?” he asks taken aback. He then looks to the old bug in confusion. “Wait Quick you had a kid? And a grandkid? AND a great grandchild?! When?! How?!"

"Alright, alright now everyone calm down. Can we please discuss this inside? I'm very tired from the flight over here. I'll explain everything over lunch how's that? I know you're hungry Nightshade." Grandbuggy says with a sigh. As if on cue your tummy makes a loud grumble reminiscent of a beluga whale, causing you to blush.

"Oh finnneee,” you huff as you stand down and walk to his side. “But you’ve got a lot of explaining to do mister!"

Ahuizotl still looks confused as all Tartarus, but he nods with an “Aye.” He then snaps his claw finger things and calls out.

“Ramirez, tell the kitchen to prepare the Carne Asada…She can eat that right?” he asks Grandbuggy.

“She’s more pony than changeling in the long run, so I’d say no,” Grandbuggy answers as he starts walking into the temple, with you nearly glued to his side.

“Right…Make that Cheese Enchiladas then,” he orders and a stallion runs off to do just that.

And though some good old fashioned Mexicoltan food sounds nice, you still don’t trust the big cat thing with a hand tail at all.

He falls into step with Grandbuggy as you walk, but he keeps throwing curious glances at you before he sighs and says,

"I know you wanted to discuss over lunch, but I really must know some details compadre. She really is you great granddaughter?”

“Yeah! Can’t you see the family resemblance?!” you spit back, not being nice to him at all.

"You have no idea." Grandbuggy sighs with a roll of his eyes and looks to you, “Play nice kid, he’s going to help us after all.”

“But he’s a Bad Guy Grandbuggy! Haven’t you read the books?” you declare.

Kichi’s Comment

"Bad guy?" he declares in indignation with his hands on his hips. “I’m the bad guy?”

"Oh boy, here he goes,” Grandbuggy facehooves.

“Child, do you know how much money your dear Daring Do makes from all those books?”

“I have no idea, I didn’t even know she was real five minutes ago, much less you!” you answer back.

“Well guess what, it’s a lot. She franchises her image and adventures into stories and films using her A.K. Yearling friend, and we get nothing! I never gave her permission to put me into a story either, and I can’t exactly sue because I’m sort of wanted in several countries, but the point remains, she’s infringing on my image!” he complains.

“Oh…Well still, you put her into death traps and stuff all the time. That’s pretty evil,” you counter.

“Bah!” he waves his paw. “She exaggerates. Besides, why should I go easy on her? She paints me as some two bit villain. We are rivals. Rivals I say! She puts her artifacts into museums, and all I want is power from ancient civilizations. How’s that any different than the Princess De Sol using those Element thingies? Besides, the amount of destruction she leaves at ancient sites is atrocious and-“

“Alright, alright, we get it,” Grandbuggy interrupts. “Daring Do is bad, and we should feel bad and blah blah blah.”

“Right…” Ahuizotl composes himself. “Sorry, it’s a sore spot for me child.”

“Not the only sore spot,” you snark causing him to wince and Grandbuggy to chuckle.

“Good one kid. But yeah, I’m still too hungry to listen to your gripes buddy. We’ll discuss the intricacies of image infringement, and your unhealthy bondage fetish later.”

“Wh-What?!” Ahuizotl blushes. “I-I-I don’t do that because I enjoy it, it’s so she can’t escape and-“

“Yeah I don’t care. Food first,” Grandbuggy declares grumpily. Your tummy again accentuates that statement and the villain nods.

“Fine, fine, yes we shall dine,” he relents.

“And it better be good,” you demand causing him to sigh.

“Don’t worry Shade, ol Ahzi complains a lot, but his hired help do make a mean meal.”

You are about to some something else huffily, about him having a nickname for his Evil Buddy, but then you gasp in amazement as you enter a larger cavern with brighter lit passageways.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

The interior of the temple is... well, ancient looking. You notice a lot of the walls are covered in blocky, complex, carvings that are painted over in bright blues, greens, yellows, and a lot of red. Also, teeth. Lots and lots of animals and monsters snarling, growling, and biting things, so their teeth are very prevalent in these carvings as well.

You are conflicted on this. On one hoof, the presence of such raw and intimidating images makes you think you shouldn't be following the creature that lives with these images on a day to day basis. But on the other hoof...

This place is so bucking cool! It's like I’m really on a real life Daring Do adventure…Although maybe from the wrong side…

Eventually though, you are led further in and surprisingly, there is a semi normal looking dining table. Shortly after sitting down, the Cheese Enchiladas come, and you forgo thinking about good and evil, and just chow down. And boy is it delicious.

Eh, maybe I’ll give this guy a chance. He is feeding me after all, you think as you down a fifth plate of the cheesy goodness.

“She, uh…She has quite the appetite mi amigo,” Ahuizotl declares in fascination as you continue to chow down.

“That she does you abomination of nature,” Grandbuggy chuckles and Ahuizotl purses his lips. “Any doubt now that she’s my kin?”

“No. No doubt about it…but you said she’s your great-granddaughter. How did you have time for that?”

Grandbuggy sighs and wipes his lips with a napkin. “I’m much older than I look buddy. When I was running around with you and the others, I’d had a fully grown daughter back at the hive, and she had started a family of her own.”

“Oh…I see,” Ahuizotl nods in understanding. “Well, you certainly don’t look that old Fix.”

“Just old enough,” he chuckles as does the tall cat creature.

"Well I suppose the timing makes sense…but she’s an alicorn. How did that happen?” he asks curiously.

"My grandkid met a nice a nice alicorn lady and they made Nightshade here together," Grandbuggy replies in a “it’s obvious” kind of voice.

Ahuizotl stumbles in his next question and rolls his eyes. "... I walked right into that one didn't I?" he asks rhetorically.

"Eeyup." Grandbuggy answers and chuckles. “Ain’t that right kiddo?” he asks.

You swallow what’s left of your Sixth Enchilada and look back and forth between them. "Yeah... Mom and Dad made me…the way I guess all babies are made, with the Stork and stuff” you answer even though you have absolutely no idea how that works, or why you don’t look, think and act like other Four Year Olds.

He fumbles with his words again, and for some reason Grandbuggy laughs at this, even if you don’t see what’s funny.

“Dios Mio…Which Princess?” he asks Grandbuggy in fascination. “There’s only three, well four now, but she wouldn’t be old enough. Which one did your Grandson ensnare?”

“None of the above actually, but that’s neither here nor there,” Grandbuggy dismisses as he leans forward. “I didn’t come to just catch up Ahzi, I came to call in the favor…” Ahuizotl visibly begins to sweat at that.

“Oh…you have have you?” he stutters.

“Eyup. It’s time to pay up buddy.” Ahuizotl slumps his shoulders at that.

“Alright then…what is it you want mi amigo?”

“Well, let’s just say, I’m in the need of some artifacts. I need maps, locations, heck, if you’ve got some on you cough em up.”

“Artifacts? That’s it?” he chirps up seemingly happier. “Well that I can do. Just tell me what you need and-“

“The first thing I need is a Ring of Scorchero.”

“Oh Come On!” the villain complains. “Anything but that! I’m planning something with those!”

“Yeah, well you’re gonna have to hold off on your plans because me and the little lady need it.”

“Oh...but I already hired Cabelleron to retrieve a few of them…” he whines.

“Dr. Cabelleron is real too?” you speak up. Grandbuggy scowls at that.

“Jumping Rheesus Monkeys Ahz, what you doing working with that Flankhole again?” he growls. Ahuizotl looks a little sheepish at that insinuation.

“Well…he is effective and relatively cheap…”

“Yeah, he’s a cheapskate jerkoff is what he is,” Grandbuggy shakes his head in disappointment.

“Look, when you’re trying to bring Heat Waves to the Jungle, there’s only so many that will help out!” Ahuizotl complains.

And then they go back and forth like that for a while, doing grown up talk, which is just playground squabbling with bigger words.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

8BitMadness’s Comment

Is this what it’s like for those fillies on TV when their parents drag them to a meet-and-greet or something? There has to be something around here for me to do...

“Ugh,” you groan and push your plate away. “I’m bored. Are we getting what we want or not?”

“I’m negotiating little senorita,” the villain explains.

“Ain’t nothing to negotiate, you owe me!” Grandbuggy demands.

“But Fix, this is so sudden and-“

“Where are the kitties at?” you demand.

“Huh?” both grownups ask.

“I said where’s the cats? If you’re gonna keep on like this, I want to at least play with something.”

“Oh, they’re in their cages down the hallway and to the left,” he points.

“But only play with the little one!” Grandbuggy demands.

“Fine…” you groan as you get up from the table and stomp down the hallway while they continue to speak.

You walk down the hallway, and eventually do find the Cat room. The big ones, including the Tiger and Black Panther are all in their cages and growl at you, but sitting atop their cages is an adorable little kitty cat with big eyes.

“Awww, you look so sweet,” you coo as you walk forward.

“Meow?” the kitty asks.

“Yes you are,” you gush as you scratch it’s head. “You almost make up for the fact that my Grandbuggy is chummy with a Book Villain…though he’s more whiny than the books portray.

“Meow?” the cat asks.

“Yeah, I guess that is harsh,” you admit. “If he is gonna help us get what we need to help Mommy, then I shouldn’t judge too much. Besides, everyone’s always saying she and Daddy are villains without getting to know them first.”


“Dawww, thanks for saying that,” you coo and scrunch his face up. You then hear a sad mechanical whine and look back to see Mangle giving you the saddest look a robot fox could give. It’s like you’ve completely torn her clockwork heart out.

“Oh no, Mangle, this isn’t what it looks like,” you defend as you let go of the Kitty’s face. Mangle barks sarcastically, clearly not buying it.

“You’ll always be my one and only pet Mangle,” you implore. “I just wanted to meet some new adorable creatures. I’m not replacing you I swear!”

Barking and slapping your hoof away, Mangle jumps out of the Inventory and squares up with the Kitty, putting her dukes up like a boxer.

“Mangle! We’re guests here, we can’tjust up and start a Fight Club all willy nilly!” you admonish.

Your jealous pet just barks and continues to jab at the air, enticing the kitten. Said feline gives your Plush Bot one inquisitive look, licks it’s paw…and then what happens next, you’re still confused. In a blur of white, the Kitten jabbed, kicked, elbowed, threw, and pile drived your robot six ways to Sunday. This all happens in the span of about five seconds, and with one final uppercut, Mangle is thrown up into the air, and into an open garbage chute where she screams as she plummets into it’s depths.

“MANGLE!!!” you screech and look down the hole. You then look back to the hidden badass kitty who just licks it’s paws like nothing happened.
“Bad Kitty!” you declare as you throw yourself into the chute and plummet.

Thanks to your new found flying prowess, you don’t hit the bottom hard, unlike Mangle who lies in a heap of something soft.

“Mangle, are you Ok?” you ask as you bring the Fox up to it’s feet. Mangle holds a thumbs up, but is swaying side to side and holding her head.

Sighing that she’s safe, you go into lecture mode, “Well that was your own gorramned fault. Picking fights with other pets is not cool. I’m not gonna replace you you dummy,” you scold and bring the fox into a hug, which it returns.

“I’m just glad you landed on something soft to break your fall. What is this thing anyway, it’s kind of squishy,” you say as you shift your weight. Seeing as how it’s dark at the bottom of this pit, you change your eyes to Changeling Blue to help see in the dark better and when you do, your jaw drops for what feels like the millionth time today.


After flying up garbage chute, and admonishing the bad kitty again, you head back to the dining room with your new passenger in your Inventory. Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl are still talking while pointing at a map.

“The dragon scepter shard is a suicide mission, so I advise against that,” the cat creature advises.

“Meh, Torch ain’t so bad so long as you don’t cheat at cards,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

“Very well, but the fossilized dragon egg is trickier and-“

“Um, excuse me?” you interrupt, causing them to look to you. “Can I talk to my Grandbuggy alone real quick?”

“Uh…sure Shade,” he says in confusion as he starts trotting towards you. “What’s up?”

“Um…more alone? Out in the hallway maybe?” you implore causing him to raise an eyebrow. He relents though and looks over his shoulder. “Go ahead and mark the Egg spot, I’ll be back,” he instructs. Ahuizotl nods and does just that as you lead him into the hallway.

“Alright kid, what’s wrong? Why do you look so nervous?” he asks with concern.

“Ummm,” you fidget as you place a hoof behind your head. “I may have done something…bad.”

His eyes widen a little, “Did you play with that Tiger?”

“No," you groan with a roll of your eyes, "He’s still in his cage, though I don’t he would have gotten me into this mess!”

“What mess kid, slow down?” You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself. You upturn the Inventory and a Pale Yellow Pegasus mare with grayish hair flops out. She has a big red bump on her head from where Mangle hit her as she snuck through the Garbage.

“I Maaaaaayyyyy have accidentally knocked out Daring Do…” you chuckle nervously.

He looks from the knocked out mare to you and back a few times.

“Hooo Boy…” he groans as he rubs the back of his own neck.


Episode 8: Daring Do and the Bumbling Chuckle-Bucks

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As you and Grandbuggy look over the Tomb Raider that your pet robot fox accidentally knocked out, you begin to panic a little.

“I swear I didn’t mean to do this, but Mangle got jealous of another pet, the kitty curb stomped her and threw her down the Garbage chute, and-and…”

“Hey hey hey kiddo, calm down, it’ll be alright,” Grandbuggy comforts as he puts a hoof on your shoulder.

“Alright? How can this be alright? I knocked out Daring Do! I mean, I know that’s like an accomplishment or something, but now we’re going to be villains in her next book,” you moan.

“Eh, with copyright laws and all it won’t be exactly us…but yeah, she does hold a grudge,” Grandbuggy nods.

“Ugh,” you groan. “I’m gonna be labeled as a freaking villain. I mean buck, I brought her inside Ahuizotl’s house for crying out loud.”

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment


You and Grandbuggy whip around in surprise and see an ecstatic Ahuizotl.

"Ahui? Were you eavesdropping again?" Grandbuggy asks in annoyance.

"Yes I was, a bad habit I know, I know. But I just can't resist knowing what others are talking ab-,"

"-talking about because you worry it's about you, behind your back. Yeah, I know. But you seriously couldn't just give me a moment of privacy with my Great Granddaughter?" Grandbuggy interrupts Ahuizotl.

"...Sorry." He apologizes sheepishly. Which looks weird on a massive cat amalgamation like him. Then he turns serious in his expression. "Now then, I'd say it's time to address the issue at hand." He says with an evil grin down towards the knocked out Daring Do. Hearing this, you leap between him and the pegasus with a large bump on her head.

"Not a chance!" You declare up at him fiercely.

His face... does an interesting slew of transformations. First it looks like he's surprised, then it looks like he's going to start laughing, and finally it pulls up short and settles on a face that just says "oh wait, I can't actually do anything to her." You briefly contemplate how you’re able to read his face so well, but shove it out of your mind to keep focused on defending Daring Do.

"What if... I said please?" Ahuizotl asks hopefully.

"Nope!" You respond.

"...Pretty please?" He tries.

"Uh-uh." You shoot down.

"What if..." He starts

"You can have her if you give us the artifacts we need without any argument." Grandbuggy speaks up.

"DEAL!" Ahuizotl agrees with a pointed finger at him.

"Grandbuggy!" You exclaim in disbelief as the old Changeling magically lifts you to his side away from the knocked out pegasus.. “What the buck?!”

“Calm down kiddo, this works out well for both of us,” he answers nonchalantly.

“Grandbuggy, we can’t just let him have her! He’s a villain! Who knows what he’ll do to-“

"Blackmail shall be mine!" Ahuizotl declares while popping the cap off of a black marker that he pulled... from somewhere. He then begins to draw cat whiskers on Daring's face with the marker using his tail hand thing.

"Wait what?" You say in confusion at this and stop struggling in Grandbuggy’s grasp.

"Ahuizotl here likes to draw faces on unconscious ponies and put pictures of the end result in a scrapbook of his. Shameful I know, but everyling has their hobbies,” he chuckles and releases you from his magic.

"This will be my twenty-third masterpiece of Daring Do!" Ahuizotl informs you giddily, drawing away on her face and giggling like a child.

This wasn't in any of the books…you blink in confusion as he pulls out a camera and snaps a photo of her.

“Tee Hee Hee! Oh Magnifico! Look at her little whiskers, hee hee,” he giggles.

You look at Grandbuggy with the most dumbfounded look you’ve held since that time when all those Pinkie Pies were jumping around Ponyville.

“Wh-What is…I can’t even…”

Grandbuggy chuckles and ruffles your mane. “I know it’s weird, but in the long run relatively harmless. The guy just really likes cats is all.”

*CLICK* “Oh Ha Ha! Her tongue is hanging out. She’s doing a blep!”

“I…The books and movies…He was all evil and scary and…” you stammer as your brain tries to process this information.

“Heh, don’t count him out. He can be real terrifying when he wants to be…or at least act like it,” Grandbuggy relays.

Ahuizotl continues to take more photos of the passed out mare and you shake your head.

“Grandbuggy, how the Tartarus did you even meet this guy?”

Kersey475’s Comment

“Actually it’s kind of a funny story,” he starts. “You see back when your dad was just the littlest larvae and…his folks were still around, I got a mission from the former Queen.”

“Wait,” you interrupt, “Queen Chrysalis is that old? I thought she and Dad went to school together?”

“Nah, not little Chryssy,” he clarifies, “Her bitch of a mother. And if you thought Chryssy was bad…” His eyes take on a hard edge as unpleasant memories come to him, but he shakes them off and continues his story.

“A-Anyway, I was sent as basically an envoy of the Hive to try and procure Magical Artifacts from my good buddy here.”

“An envoy?” you ask in confusion.

“Yeah. See, Ahuizotl here has a keen sense of smell, so transformations don’t work on him. So we decided to drop the subtlety as a “sign of good faith” to him and the other less than stellar Archaeologists. Heh, that stupid old moth actually thought she could make allies of Tomb Raiders,” he spits.

“But…isn’t that what happened?” you ask as another camera flash goes off, followed by a giggle.

“Heck no. That mission was a failure because I decided it to be so. I met Ahuizotl and the rest over a game of poker and I knew I’d rather run around with them than give any help to the crown.” Grandbuggy smirks. “Well, aside from Cabelleron that is. Pegged him the moment I played cards with him.”

“He’s that bad huh?” you ask.

“Oh he’s much worse in real life. The guy’s a Grade A Flankhole. Not only that, but he’s a fraud. The Dr. in his name isn’t even official, he forged a Doctorate. He just likes the way it sounds,” he grunts and spits. “Not only that, but he cheats at cards!”

You quirk an eyebrow at that.

“Is that why you really don’t like him? Did he beat you at cards?”

“Oh no, he didn’t “beat” me kid. Just because you cheat, doesn’t mean you’ll win. Especially when you know the tricks I know. I slaughtered his flank and took over half of what he’d brought to the table,” he says in nostalgia with a huge smile before it falls, “Of course that’s the same game where Gallant True won my box of Cubhayen Cigars…”

“Gallant True?” you ask in shock and point to the passed out pegasus. “As in her Uncle Gallant True?”

“Oh yeah. Guy can definitely be a stick in the mud, but was nowhere near as bad as “the good doctor”” he says with air quotes.

“Eh hee hee. No you can’t haz Cheeseburger Daring Do. Only good kitties get that, not ones that steal names and likenesses and gives them to two bit writers,” Ahuizotl says as he places a shaming poster in front of Daring.”

“So, Gallant True isn’t so Gallant, Cabelleron is a fraud, and Ahuizotl is just a troll?” you ask watching the display.

“Sounds about right,” Grandbuggy nods.

“Why was none of this in the Daring Do books then? Is A.K. Yearling just making stuff up or something?”

“Well you gotta remember kid, this is all from one perspective of the story. There’s always another angle, if you’re willing to look,” he says sagely.

“Right…just like how it is with all of us,” you say in understanding.

“That’s right kiddo,” he smiles. “Ahuizotl can be overdramatic, but back in the day, running around with him was comforting. It took me back to the days of my adventures with the Doctor and your Great Grandmother.”

Your eyes widen at that, “My Great Grandmother? She traveled with you and the Doctor?” He gives you a confused look.

“Wait, your Dad ain’t told you yet?”

“Told me what?” you ask noticing the look in his eyes.

“Oooh boy,” he rubs the back of his neck. “Listen, remind me to tell you that tale after we’re all done visiting here OK?”

“I-“ you start before you are interrupted.

“I’m finished!” Ahuizotl exclaims as he snaps his fingers and a guard runs up. “Bring me a fresh rope.” The stallion nods and runs off while Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Always with the bondage,” he mutters as his friend walks up to you two.

“I got some good shots this time. I even have enough to mail to several museums, hee hee. Her coat looks so good in the light too. Now all we need is to get some tight rope to really accentuate her body and…”

“That’s great,” you interrupt, “But what are you going to do to her now?”

“Oh, well I’m going to tie her up and throw her in a cell of course. She did just try to steal from me I’m assuming…by the way where exactly did you find her?”

“Down the garbage chute by the cats,” you answer truthfully.

“Wow, truly?” he asks in amazement as you nod.

8BitMadness’s Comment

"Dios, how did you manage to drag her all the way over here without exhausting yourself? I know that Alicorns are stronger than a stubborn burro, but she’s a full grown mare!"

You say nothing and just smirk as you immediately take your inventory off and pull out Mangle, your Kendo Stick, Daring Do’s Pith Helmet, and several other things before putting them all back inside.

"That's how,” you say plainly. Ahuizotl looks at you with a slack jaw for several more moments before he places a paw/hand/whatever to his head and shakes it.


"Did I break him?" you ask Grandbuggy with a trollish grin.

“Just a little kid,” he chuckles. As he does, the guards return with the requested rope.

“Ah, excellent. Now we’ll bind her and keep her somewhere safe until I can get a trap room ready for her.”

“What, you don’t just have one ready?” Grandbuggy asks curiously.

“Oh, we do…but it hasn’t been reset after the test run. It’s very hard to replace sand back into a filling room trap,” he explains.

“OK, but I thought you weren’t going to hurt her,” you point out.

“I’m not going to hurt her, I’m just going to leave her in a situation where she has to struggle to get free using what is available to her in the given situation while I watch.”

“…Why? What’s the point of that if you know she’s going to escape?”

“Truthfully? I like to watch her work. Tis fascinating,” he admits.

“And entirely creepy ya dang voyeur,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“I…Ugh, grownups are so weird,” you mutter not quite understanding the situation.

You three then proceed to carry the unconscious mare into a caged cell, where Ahuizotl flops her on the floor mattress, and she begins to stir.

“Oooohhhh…what hit me?” the adventurer moans as her eyes blink blearily.

The three of you look to each other in nervous silence before looking back at the trussed up pegasus.

“Huh? Why am I tied up? What’s going...?” her eyes blink and she spots her arch nemesis beside you and Grandbuggy. “Ahuizotl!” she snarls. He clears his throat before sporting a sneer as he gloats,

“Oh Hai Daring Do, so good of you to drop in on me in my Summer Home, even if you weren’t invited.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t see your name on it. Not like you left me a key to get into the place,” she snarks as she struggles in her bonds.

“Oh Daring Daring Daring, we’ve done this dance multiple times, you can’t escape my knots so easily.”

“Oh I know your knots alright you perv,” she chides. “I’ll get out sooner or later and…What? What are you snickering at?” she snaps as you and Grandbuggy struggle to hold in laughter.

“N-Nothing. Nothing at all,” Grandbuggy snickers.

“Yup. Totally nothing happening right meow,” you joke, which causes the both of you to laugh out loud.

Daring is confused at first at the random Changeling and Filly laughing, before her eyes widen and she glares at Ahuizotl.

“Did you draw on my face again?!!!” she snarls.

“What? No…” Ahuizotl unconvincingly lies with his own smirk, and all three of you burst out laughing.

“Ugh,” the pegasus groans. “What is it this time? More glasses and moustaches?”

“Nope. You look like you’re trying to join Josie and the Pussycats though,” you giggle. She casts her gaze upon you and squints at you inquisitively.

“And who exactly are you?”

“I’m the one who knocked you out,” you giggle before stopping and your eyes widen.

“What?” she exclaims.

“Um…accidentally?” you try to save face.

“You should feel honored, it takes effort for her to do anything accidentally,” Grandbuggy chuckles. Daring Do looks from him, and back to you before looking back at Ahuizotl.

“Who are these two Ahuizotl? More minions?”

“Heh, no dear Daring, they are mi amigos. Guests in my house, unlike sneaky you,” he scolds. She glances back over you two with a raised eyebrow.

“Guests huh?”

“Eyup. We’re not actually villains or anything,” you say trying to smooth things over. “In fact, I’m kind of, well…I’m a huge fan of yours.”

She raises another brow at that.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

PrinceDuskRiser’s Comment

"Yeah…so Ms. Daring Do, I know it’s kind of an awkward situation and all…but I was wondering if I could have your autograph?" You ask the tied-up pegasus with a nervous grin.

Daring stares at you for a few seconds, "You knock me out, then you hand me over to my greatest rival, and now you want me to give you, my autograph?"
You shuffle your hooves in embarrassment,

"Well, I am REALLY sorry about knocking you out. Really it was Mangle’s fault for getting all jealous… and I was trying to get you help," you explain. Daring stares at you.

"...suuuuure..." She answers. She doesn't know what to feel about you. On the one hoof, you knocked her out, but on the other... you're just a kid, asking for an autograph.

"Thank you!" You exclaim in excitement. “You have no idea how awesome this is…well, despite the knocked out and tied up part,” you chuckle nervously.

"...Eh," She shrugs, "I've had worst Mondays before."

You then put your saddlebags on the ground, open them up and climb inside to go grab your copy of "Daring Do and the Saphire Idol". When you get out, she's staring in shock at how you managed to fit inside your bags. You pull out a pen and stick it gently in her mouth and open the book for her to sign. Daring scribbles out her signature for you carefully, but quickly.

“Thank you so much. To tell you the truth, I don’t read much, but the movies really got me wanting to read the books,” you admit.

She rolls her eyes at that, “Ugh, that actress looks nothing like me.”

“You’re right, she’s got a better flank on her,” Grandbuggy trolls causing Daring Do to look up at him in shock and anger.

“Hey!” she growls.

“What? I calls it like I sees it,” he chuckles and you facehoof.

“Grandbuggy…just…Ugh,” you shake your head in embarrassment.

“Yes…well they are my guests, and no I will not tell you there names Daring Do,” Ahuizotl states.

“Oh I already know who they are,” she states.

“You do?” you ask in surprise.

Kichi’s Comment

“Yes, you’re obviously The Hooded Offender and Nightmare Moon resurrected,” she exclaims.

You and Grandbuggy look at each other and back at her.

“Say what now?” asks Grandbuggy.

“It’s obvious really. A criminal changeling, who we’ve all learned is the new host of Nightmare Moon, has been running around for nearly three years. You’re obviously scum if you’re hanging around with Ahuizotl, and there’s an Alicorn Filly that looks like the chibi version of the Boogey Mare.”

“Hey! I’m not the boogey mare, and that title is slanderous!” you shout.

“Let me guess, you tried some ritual to give you a body, but you ended up as a child again?" she interrogates.

“I’m not Nightmare Moon!” you insist.

“Oh really?” she says unbelievingly before looking to Grandbuggy. “What about you Hooded Offender, are you still under her control?” Granbuggy just stares at her for a few heart beats before he breaks out laughing.

“What? What’s so funny?” she asks.

“Amazing. Every word of what you just said is wrong,” he chuckles. “I’m way too old to be the Offender. I mean seriously, why was that your first assumption?”

"I’m not assuming, I’m deducing. It’s second nature with my career, and after everything I’ve been through in my life, the outlandish doesn’t surprise me," she answers.

“Hmmph. Well your deductions missed the mark a bit lady. I ain’t the Offender, that’s my Grandson.”

"Grandson?!” she says surprised. “So, I guessed correctly then? This is Nightmare Moon reborn?"

“No! Quit suggesting that!” you groan.

"Yeah, this little bundle of joy you’re looking at is her daughter," Grandbuggy clarifies.

“Her…Daughter?” Daring asks extremely flabbergasted.

"Grandbuggy!" you shout in surprise. “Don’t go telling others things like that!”

"What? She already suspected something, and it’s better to clarify things before more rumors of your Dad circulate. Besides, she’s technically a fictional character, so who’s gonna believe her?”

“Her infuriating writer for one thing, always exaggerating things,” Ahuizotl harrumphs.

“Still…” you trail off thinking about how secretive you and your family have been for the last three and a half years.

“It’s a better situation kid. I’d rather stupid assumptions like you being your Ma reborn were put to rest so them Do Gooder Mares don’t try to blast you with their rainbow of death.”

“Oh…good point,” you nod at his wisdom.

“Now, I have a serious question for you," Grandbuggy turns back to the still shocked Daring and looks her in the eye. "How did you get past the curse in the Temple of Bastet in the Fourth book?"

"Wait, What?" asks Daring in surprise over the change in conversation.

"The book didn’t explain, and I know for a fact Bastet liked cursing his stuff" She stares inquisitively at that statement before she thinks back.

“I, uh, was wearing the Amulet of Apophis.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” Grandbuggy nods. “Weirdo did love his snakes.”

Not understanding how that logic works, your own Plot Hole seeking mind fires up.

“OK, but here’s a question. What happened to Roundabout, your Neighsan colt sidekick between books two and three?”

She looks away in embarrassment at that, “We don’t talk about Roundabout little filly.”

“Oh Come On! What happened? You can’t just introduce a character and then not explain what happened to them when they disappear!”

8BitMadness’s Comment

While you bother Daring Do with questions about plot holes and lack of details in the books about her, Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl converse behind you.

“Your Grandson is the Hooded Offender? Dios…I’d heard the tales even this far south of the Changeling possessed by the Mare in the Moon.”

“Many of those tales are flat out wrong, but the power he possesses is no exaggeration,” Grandbuggy explains.

“But what about that Stallion that helped you from the Quicksand in the 6th book?” you ask the frustrated mare.

“Quit trying to ship me with random background characters!”

"So she's Nightmare Moon's daughter?" Ahuizotl asks. "That seems a bit far-fetched to me."

"It's completely true though. Also she goes by the name Selena now." Grandbuggy responds. "Turns out my grandson won the jackpot in terms of partners. She's smart enough to keep him from doing his usual stupid antics. Lemme tell you what, he got my insanity, but he didn't get my intelligence."

"Truly? He courted a godess and had a child? But wouldn't the princesses of Equestria have caught on if she was resurrected in a new body?" Ahuizotl asks.

"...Truth be told, that's what this here mission is for," Grandbuggy answers after a delay. "Her spirit currently inhabits the body of my boy. He’s working on his end to accomplish that, and me and the kiddo are doing what we can to help.”

"Wait a minute, then how was your Great Granddaughter made then?!" Ahuizotl asks in confusion.

"Dunno, magic apparently."

“That sounds highly improbable,” he insists.

“Yeah it does sound that way. But it’s true,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“Alright, but what about that time you thought about how hard it would be to write what you saw. You’re not a writer, that’s A.K. Yearling,” you grill.

“I, uh…I meant about how I would tell A.K. about seeing the beast that should not be…It’s complicated “Daughter of Nightmare Moon.””

“You don’t have to call me that you know?” you say, putting your hooves on your hips disapprovingly. “Just call me…Shadow. Evening Shadow.”

“Alright…’Shadow’ will you stop nitpicking? I have things to do.”

“Like what?” you ask.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Like recovering the destructive Borealis Orb of Duchess Aurora herself. It’s said to hypnotize the masses with enchanting light, before causing massive conflagrations, and you’re friend Ahuizotl here has it.” Grandbuggy snorts at that.

“Aurora’s Borealis? At this point in time, at this time of season, in this vast jungle, located entirely within this Ancient Temple?”

“Yes!” Daring answers. “And I’m not going to let you people use it to cause untold destruction for your Dark Goddess and-“

“Yeah, I’m just gonna stop you right there. That little trinket isn’t that big of a deal D.D. The legends about it are false. All it does is get you extremely high. Those massive, glorious fires were caused by intoxicated numbskulls kicking over a lantern.” She seems extremely shocked at this, but no more so than Ahuizotl.

“Wait, really? Mierda! I paid 50 Grand for that stupid orb!”

“And who sold you that?” Grandbuggy asks.

“…Cabelleron,” he reluctantly answers.

“Well that’s your own gorramned fault then,” Grandbuggy chides.

While they argue over their choices in allies, your eyes kind of sparkle.

“So wait a minute, you were sneaking in to get an artifact?”

“Yeah…I was until your Grandpa or whatever just explained what it really was. How does he even know?” she asks you.

“Time Travel I think,” you say nonchalantly.

“What?” she gasps, but you ignore her and continue on.

“But still, that’s so cool. We’re kind of getting our artifacts easily, but it sounds fun doing the whole adventurer thing to get them.”

“I…” a conspiratorial smirk suddenly adorns her face. “Say Shadow, if you untie me, I’ll take you with me to get the orb. Even if it’s just ancient LSD, it belongs in a museum.”

“Hmmm…” you ponder as you look back to Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl and back to the pegasus. “Eh, sounds like fun. Just so long as you don’t take the Ring of Scorchero that we need.”

Her eyes widen at that. “He’s gathering the Rings of Scorchero?! Sweet Celestia, that will bring extreme heat waves to the Jungle.”

“Yeah, whatever, that’s not my problem. You deal with that in your next book, we kind of need one,” you explain.

“I…Alright fine. Let me out and we’ll go get the Borealis Orb “only” OK?”

“Sure. Why the buck not?” you shrug and walk towards her.

“Whoa, wait kid, watch your-“

“Don’t tell me to watch my bucking mouth! I don’t take that guff from anyl-EYAH!!!” you squeal as suddenly a net falls on top of you.

“…I was going to say watch your step, there’s a trap there,” Daring finishes.

“AH! Get it off, get it off!” you flail as the net trips you. Grandbuggy looks over at the situation and laughs.

“Now what’d you go and get yourself caught up for?” he guffaws.

“I was trying to have an adventure!” you whine as you try to fling the accursed net off of you.

“Ah, so Daring Do, you seek to corrupt the young to do your bidding? For shame,” Ahuizotl shakes his head as he helps take the net off of you.

PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

“Oh you’re one to talk. Working with the Hooded Offender’s family! You’ll never get away with this Ahuizotl! I’ll stop you, just as I always have!” Daring says with a smirk.

“That’s where your wrong miss Do! I have the advantage here! Your wings are bound, rendering you unable to fly! And what’s more you have no equipment, no allies, and no way ou- would you quit laughing Fix!” Ahuizotl yells, as Grandbuggy is just over in the corner laughing his flank off. Pounding his front hoof away at the ancient floor.

“I’m sorry zotl it’s just too much! Haha!” Grandbuggy wheezes. “You’re acting is like a Hammy Villain right out of a cheesy foals book!” He says calming down.

“Isn’t he technically one already?” You say with a giggle at how silly this all was. Your, Grandbuggy stumbles as he laughs again, not noticing the pressure plate he stepped on.

“Quick no! The trap!” Ahuizotl says in alarm. As the floor beneath all of you gives way to a deep dark pit. Your grandbuggy stops laughing as he realizes what he’s done,

“Oh buuuuucccccckkkkkk!!!!!!” He shouts as you, Grandbuggy, Darring, and Ahuizotl fall down the pit. Moments later the floor seals back up just as two guards come in with snacks, “Hey boss we just spotted Caballeron and his guys heading this way. Also we may be out of food for next few weeks… wait where’d he go?”

TartarusFire’s Comment

Thankfully, you’ve all landed on the mattress that was in Daring Do’s cell, though Ahuizotl did end up on the bottom of the dog pile. Groaning, you look around you, but there is only darkness.

Daring do laughs and rolls around on the floor. "Haha! Caught in your own trap. I didn't even have to try this time!" More chortles escaped Daring while Ahuizotl stares stupified in the nearly lightless pit.

“I…Well…this has literally never happened to me before.”

“Yeah, sorry about that folks. My bad,” Grandbuggy chuckles nervously.

“Now I know where Dad get is. Mangle, come on out and give us some light girl,” you say aloud. Mangle pops out of the inventory to sit next to you as light beams come out of her eyes, illuminating the room better.

“What in the world?” Daring asks in surprise.

“This is my pet Mangle. She’s the one who landed on your head,” you explain as you pet said fox.

“What is that thing? It was heavy enough to knock me out through my helmet…have you seen my helmet by the way?”

“Uhhh…Nooo?” you lie as your souvenir sits within your Inventory.

“Alright alright, so what’s the trick here Ahzui? Where’s the exit?” Grandbuggy asks.

“Well, the trap door above should still be openable,” he answers.

"Gorramit, what do we do now Granbuggy?" you ask as you stare at the ceiling far above you.

"Still thinking like your pops huh?" Granbuggy snarks. "We can fly remember?"

The sound of your hoof to face contact in the rather echo-y trap pit makes the two other 'guests' cringe. "Gor.Ram.It. I can't believe I forgot about that already!" You throw your hooves into the air. "But what about Ahuizotl and Daring?”

“Untie me and I can fly too,” she orders.

“Yeah, no, the last time I tried that I had a net fall on me,” you point out.

“I tried to warn you!”

“Still…also, Cat Guy here can’t fly. Should we put them in the inventory?"

"Nah. We'll get the pit open and they can climb out. No free rides from us two."

A bit confused but nonchalant, you and Granbuggy fly up to the crack in the floor, only to hear crying.

"I- We can’t be friends anymore! You've done this to me too many times!"

"But I brought extra snacks this time..."

“What the buck?” you say in confusion.

"Every-" An extremely emotional breath echoes down "- time. Every time I get to one, you call me out for it! It's sickening!"

"Look, it's not my fault you always forget to call uno right after you put the card down--"

Grandbuggy, with an annoyed look on his face calls out, "Hey boys, you can get back to your emotional problems after you open this pit up; we've got your boss here."

"Whoa, it's that guy from before."

“Yes, and if you don’t listen to him, he and I will kick your flanks you idjits!” you shout.

After hearing a resounding “EEP!” you hear one of the two guards fumble about for something. "Okay, so how do we open this thing up? I don't know about you but I'm not strong enough to move a thousand pound slab of stone." Grandbuggy looks back down into the Mangle Illuminated chamber.

“You don’t teach them how to operate the traps?” he chides Ahuizotl.

“They’re primitive buffoons. Would you trust them?” he shoots back.

"Good point,” Grandbuggy nods before calling back through the floor. “Okay, so there's a plate on the back left wall there, that if you step on it, it will open this floor." Some hoof steps retreat away from the crack. "Yeah just press it then leap backwards before-"

"AAAAAAHHHHHH" The guards scream as the door opens and they fall down, hitting Grandbuggy as they fall to the bottom

"BUCK!" Granbuggy yell as the three of them fall and land on Ahuizotl.

“OOF! Why me?” he groans while Daring Do laughs. The floor then beings rumbling shut, and you make a snap decision and fly through it. From below, you hear Grandbuggy growling in frustration.

"You two idjits better hide before I rip your--"

"Heyyy Granbuggy!" You yell into the crack. "I'm up here, I can press the switch, and I won’t wall in like those goofs.”

"Oh, Good job kid. Looks like you've managed to survive by pure luck. Atta girl! Just step on it and open it." “OK,” you call down and walk over the pressure plate that started this whole mess. A few moments pass in relative silence, but nothing happens.

"What's taking so long?" Grandbuggy asks.

"I, uh…I don’t think I’m heavy enough..." you admit as you bounce up and down on the plate.

PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

You jerk back at a sudden *smack* noise you hear come from the pit.

"Alright hang on sweetie we need you to go and find something heavy to put on the plate." You hear Grandbuggy shout. But before you can respond you hear a shout coming from outside.

"AHUIZOTL!!! It’s me, Dr. Cabelleron. I’ve arrived with the cargo! Where are you?” As his gruff voice echoes throughout the temple you groan in frustration.

“Great, just great. Another bucking fictional villain to deal with!” You then run back to the crack and look through it.

“Guys, I’m assuming you heard that?”

“Yeah I heard it alright,” Grandbuggy spits in anger. “How could I not?”

"Dios Mio NO! Caballeron is early?!" Ahuizotl cried out in annoyance. “My schedule didn’t plan for three unexpected visits! My daily planner will now be out of synch!”

"Oh right that's why we were looking for you sir. He's early,” responds guard one.

"Yeah. And again, we’re sorry about the trap boss," apologizes the other guard.

"Bob! Steve! You idiotas!" Ahuizotl yells.

"Actually my name is Strawberry Sunshine,” says "Steve"

"And you wonder why I call you Steve..." he sighs as he massages his head.

"Wait Caballeron is here too?! What's your game Ahuizotl?" Daring interogates despite still being tied up and on the floor.

"Daring can we call a timeout on this? At least till we get out of this mess?" Ahuizotl asks, grabbing her and bringing her to his eye level.

"Fine, but don't think this is over you fiend," she says with a glare, which is somewhat less impactful with the cat whiskers on her face.

“Oh it will never be over my Dear Daring Do, for I will never let you or your infringing stories ruin my plans,” he promises.

“As long as you have so called plans, I will never rest until-“ she starts before Grandbuggy just shouts.


“What?!” they both say taken aback.

“This sexual tension is so thick you could cut with a knife,” he says in frustration while the two guards snicker. “If you’re not going to do that, then just quit squabbling so we can figure a way out of this mess.”

"I! But she/he! We would never!" the adventurer and the villain stammer with blushing faces. Before things can get any more awkward though, “Bob” speaks up,

"Hey I think there's a hidden passage back here!"

“Wait really?” Grandbuggy asks as he picks up Mangle and points her eyelights in his direction. Sure enough, there appears to be a hidden door.

“How come you didn’t say anything before?” he asks the still blushing Ahuizotl.

“I don’t know what’s at the bottom of every one of my traps. This temple is huge,” he answers as he runs over his minion and into the passage, forgetting that he still had Daring in his tail paw thing.

"Oi! Wait for us!" Grandbuggy shouts before turning his head to the ceiling and shouting to you,

"Kiddo, we found a way out! We'll meet you up there. Don't do anything your father would do OK?"

“Al-alright. Mangle! Watch over everyone in the dark alright?” You receive a mechanical bark in reply.

“Boy this thing is creepy,” Grandbuggy says nervously as he points the fox forward and walks through the hidden passage way following the two love birds with Tweedledee and Tweedledum following behind him. As the light fades, you pull your face away from the crack and frown.

“Oh sure. THEY get to go into secret hidden tunnels and I gotta wait up here. This is such Bullspit,” you huff and cross your forelegs. You’re pouting is interrupted as you hear the accented voice call out again.

"Hello? Ahuizotl?! Where are you?! This isn't how you do good business friend. You’re supposed to greet your guests!”

“And then there’s this flankhole,” you groan.


Episode 9: Caballeron is a Terrible House Guest

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“Ahuizotl?! Heeellllooo?!” Cabelleron’s voice echoes through the halls while you sit on the pressure plate in a huff.

“What am I supposed to do about this guy? I know Grandbuggy hates him and all, but what am I supposed to think? I thought Ahuizotl was some big villain, but he’s actually kind of a dork,” you think aloud.

“I’ve found your dining room! There’s food on the table, is this for me?!” the villain calls out.

“Can I even take anything at face value anymore?” you ponder. “Like Daring Do for example…”

“I’m just going to help myself since you’re not answering!” he calls, but you’re still in introspection mode.

TartarusFire’s Comment

“I mean, here’s Daring Do, hero extraordinare, and the only reason I really started reading, and she’s real. Not only that, she’s really just kind of ordinary and kind of manipulative.”

“This is fine dining I must say Ahuizotl! But a guest shouldn’t eat on his own!”

“She tried to trick me into freeing her and I had a net fall on me. A net! If that had been a tiny net, I would have been done for,” you shiver in dread.

“Oh wow, are these homemade tortillas?”

“And really, if Ahuizotl’s personality is changed in the books, what else is changed? Is she really all that heroic, or is that what she just tells A.K. Yearling?” you worry. Really, you have a limited scope of ponies/beings that you look up to, and you thought a fictional Tomb Raider was one of them, but today has shaken up your view and-

“Ahuizotl, if you tire of this game, I could use some more salsa and chips!” the annoying “doctor” complains.

“Oh Will You Just Shut The Buck Up Already!” you yell out, your voice echoing.

“Huh? Who was that? And why are you so rude?”

“I’m trying to think deep thoughts here, and you’re not helping you Dingbat!”

There is a pause for a few heartbeats, before the stallion speaks up again.

“Ahuizotl, why is your home insulting me? I don’t find this joke funny!”

“Oh That Does It!” you growl as you stand up from the pressure plate and walk out the door.

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Whether this guy is evil or not, he’s annoying. If Grandbuggy hates him, then I’ll lean that way for now. Besides, maybe he’s got some cool stuff on him,” you reason. “If Grandbuggy and the others get a cool hidden passage experience, then I need a pickpocketing one.”

And with that, you make your way towards the dining room to try and steal whatever Caballeron is delivering to Ahuizotl.

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

"Ahuizotl WAIT!" You cry. You've been chasing Ahuizotl for 15 gorram minutes with the two stooges trailing behind, barely keeping up.

"Don't worry amigo I know exactly where we're going!" You hear him shout from ahead. You sigh and sit for a few minutes.

“This is getting us nowhere. Who knows what that Filly is going to get up to by herself,” you say in worry.

“SKREONK,” Mangle agrees.

“Well said you creepy bucking thing you,” you say patting it’s head.

You then hear the sound of footsteps, so you casually stick your leg out as Ahuziotl comes running past you.

“AHHH!!!” he shouts as he hits your leg, causing him to do a twirl, somersault, and a barrel roll in mid air before he then flops face first into the cold stone floor.

"OWWW!!" He moans and tries to get up, just as Bob and Steve come charging forward knocking him back onto the ground in a pile up.

"Ooohhh that had to hurt," You mutter, as the dust clears.

"I think I broke something.," Ahuizotl groans from under the pile.

"You mean other than your pride?" Daring moans dizzily still in his tail paw. Ahuizotl pushes off his minions and looks at you annoyed.

"Amigo why did you do that?! I was almost out of here! And how did you get ahead of me?" he growls, getting in your face with anger.

"Because Zotl, you've been running in circles!" You say in a huff. "We've passed that same statue five times now." You say pointing toward a statue of a monkey. "Which I'm pretty sure is laughing at us."

TartarusFire’s Comment

As if on cue for pointing it out, the statue starts to audibly laugh and shake off dust. The laughter chills the room.

"There is no way out, for I hide the exit. If you answer my riddle, you may leave." It hacks a fog of dust out in a cough. "Sorry about that, I've been here awhile." You cover your muzzle from the light fog of dust.

"Oh great, now what? You never told us about this," you grunt at Ahuizotl.

"Do not blame me friend, I've never actually been through here before, but I've seen this on a map."

"You're worse at this than I thought. Heh. A real archaeologist would have gone through their own site as soon as they had access," Daring mocks.

“I’ve been busy planning OK?!” he defends. “You think it’s easy raising the temperature of an entire jungle? The Rings of Scorchero are spread out all over several countries.”

“So you ARE planning on gathering them! I knew it!” Daring says in triumph.

“Well not for awhile at least, I have to give them to-“

“S-Someone who is not here!” you interrupt so he doesn’t reveal too much. “So let’s just stop talking about that and focus on this evil totem pole.

“I’m a sculpture thank you very much,” the statue says in annoyance, before beginning it’s riddle.

"What goes up and down, while also going around and around, and stopping within bounds? Each one of you will get one guess."

“Ugh, I hate riddles,” you groan. “Who built you? Zebras? They really like their rhyming.”

"Eh, it could be more vague,” says one of the tribal stallions. A hoof slapping the back of his head bounces around the chamber.

“Alright, let’s all start forming some guesses before we actually answer. I want to get to my Great Granddaughter before something stupid happens.”

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“I hope Grandbuggy gets back here before something stupid happens with him,” you mutter as you find the eating area. When you enter said dining room, you find the infamous Dr. Caballeron, and he looks just like the pictures in the books. He’s got a five o’clock shadow, his rugged adventurer’s shirt, and the golden skull cutie mark shines. Currently, he is in the same huffy position you were in not long ago, with his arms crossed and pursed lips.

But where’s the delivery? You wonder. I can’t exactly pickpocket the guy if he’s empty hooved.
The stallion, sits in front of his impromptu meal and lets out an exasperated sigh.

Kichi’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"Great, how I hate to wait alone" he groans.

"I'm here, you know?" you speak up from the doorway trying to get his attention.

"Oh, great, the voice again,” he huffs not looking your way at all. “Ahuizotl! You should have told me that this temple had ghosts! That will definitely drive my prices up!”

You tilt your head at that leap in logic.

“Um, I’m not a ghost. I’m alive…and I’m right here,” you say, fluttering your wings trying to get his attention, but he still doesn’t look at you.

“Suuure you are,” he taunts, looking up at the ceiling. Frustrated by his stubbornness, you fly onto the table, directly in front of him.

“I’m not a ghost! I’m right in front of you!” you insist clopping your hooves together in front of his face.

“Ha! As if I’d fall for that one. Leave me be spirit, you’ll just give me indigestion,” he says stubbornly, still looking at the ceiling.

“I-How-Wha-It-Huh?!” you stammer in exasperation at the idiot in front of you.

OK, OK, Calm down Nightshade. Sure this guy is a villain and an idiot, but you’re not a bully anymore. Think rationally. Now, What would Daddy do?

This thought proceeds to create multiple thought bubbles around your head...and most of which are your father punching, kicking, blasting, or all of the above, the stallion while fire rages in the background.

…Daddy really does use violence a lot to solve our problems huh? You sigh. But Grandbuggy said not to do what Daddy would, so that narrows things down a lot.

You then spot a gong over in the corner and smirk. You throw one of the table candelabras at the gong, creating a deafening crash as you use your transformative powers to bring out your changeling features and hover right in front of him.

“You will notice me, or you will face the full brunt of my wrath!!!” you command in a domineering voice. For good measure, you blast Magic Missile into the air, which bursts with a blue hue.

There. That flashy introduction should get his attention, you think as you look down at him, and see him cleaning dirt out of his hooves, ignoring you.

"Oh Come On!!!" you shout in frustration at his denseness.

“That tears it! I’m not doing what Daddy would do, I’m doing what I would do! Falcon Uppercut!" you shout as you hit him under the jaw, which throws him backward into the gong.

“Youch!” Caballeron cries, holding his sore jaw as he wobbily gets up from the gong. “What hit me?!”

"Me You Idiot! I'm right here!" After that shout, he finally, FINALLY looks to you.

"Wait! Nightmare Moon!? Amazing. Has that bumbling Ahuizotl sealed your spirit within this temple as a guardian?” he asks seeming impressed.

"What? No! I’m not Nightmare Moon! Why does everyone keep thinking that?!” you whine.

"Well, you’re a black alicorn filly in a creepy temple, I just put 2 and 2 together..." he explains causing you to groan.

"You can call me Evening Shadow, and no, I'm not Nightmare Moon, and I’m sure as Tartarus not a ghost.”

Kersey475’s Comment

“Hmmph. There’s no way you can prove that. Most spirits want you to believe they’re real until you’ve been lead to your doom,” he counters.

“Wha-I just uppercutted you in the face dude!” you point out.

“That doesn’t prove anything. I didn’t even see that happen, so I don’t know what I saw or felt,” he insists, crossing his forelegs.

This Bucking Guy! You think in frustration, before gritting your teeth and shouting,

“Well watch this then you dumbass! Falcon Kick!”

You kick the villain right in the nards, but surprisingly he doesn’t go down, only grunting in mild pain.

“What the buck?” you say in confusion. “That move usually turns guys into mares for a short time. Are you related to Bulk Biceps?”

“I don’t know who that is, but the answer is simple. I wear a cup,” he gasps as she stands back up. “I always wear one after the 7th time that accursed Daring Do nutshotted me.” This causes you to snort.

“So it took you THAT long to take the hint?” you giggle.

“Yes…but it appears I will take this hint much sooner. You are indeed flesh and blood Ms. Evening Shadow. But the question remains, Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“I, ummm…I’ve got business with Ahuizotl,” you declare.

“Ah, don’t we all,” he hoof waves. “Where is that giant cat abomination anyway?”

“He kind of fell down a hole and I’m waiting for him to come back out,” you admit.

“Of course he did,” Caballeron rolls his eyes. “Well he better hurry up, I have other potential buyers for my delivery.”

“What are you delivering anyway?” you ask.

“As if I would tell you. That’s between me and the buyer,” he says.

“I don’t even see anything on you,” you point out.

“You think I’d be so mad as to carry it on my person alone? I left it with my henchmen outside.”

“Oh. Aren’t you gonna invite them in for food?”

“Nah. If Ahuizotl can get trapped in his own house, the last thing I’m doing is bringing those muscle heads in.”

“Oh. Well…I guess we’ll just wait until he gets back here then,” you say.

“That sounds like the most logical plan, even if it will cost him extra,” Caballeron nods. After he says that, an awkward silence falls between the two of you since neither of you really know what to say to the other.

Kichi’s Comment

“Sooo…Little filly? Do you have any bits on you?” he asks.

“I’ve got an allowance,” you admit raising an eyebrow in suspicion. He then smiles mischievously.

"Well then, how would you like to increase the amount you have?”

“I do like the sound of more money,” you nod, “What’re you thinking?”

“We have time apparently, and I have a deck of cards... Want to play a game of Poker?" he asks, dripping with swindler attitude.

Grandbuggy had warned you that this guy cheats at cards, and from the looks of things, he’s trying to cheat you out of your bits. But that doesn’t deter you. You give him your own mischievous smirk.

“You’re on buster.”

Some Time Later

"No! It can't be!" shouts Caballeron as you slide more of his bits towards you.

"I win again,” you say innocently. “Boy this sure is a fun game Mister. So what is the tally now? 1500 Bits, and three artifacts you claim you have with you?”

"Gaaah! This doesn’t make sense! Double or nothing!" he shouts in anger at your smile.

"If you say so," you shrug as he starts to shuffle the deck again.

Baby doesn’t like it when his cheating doesn’t work does he? You think jovially. Thank you Sombra for the tips.


Back in Appleloosa one night, you were visiting with Sombra, who had become more open ever since the Invasion battle, and he told you he was going to teach you a few things.

"Today, I'm going to show you how to cheat and counter-cheat and over-cheat.” He declares.

“Cheat? Like in what way?” you ask.

“Games of chance mostly. If you know what you’re doing, the chance part will always fall in your favor.”

“Why does that matter?”

“Because, your father is an idiot and does not understand the essence of subterfuge and bluffing. There are many ways to defeat an enemy with cheating, whether it’s in cards, or in a fight. You think I accumulated my Empire by being honest?”

“Oh…You want me to do things the ninja way?”

“…Sure, let’s go with that,” he nods. “With a good eye for detail, and the right skill of magic, the odds will always be in your favor. Though you should never try to cheat a dragon, they have a sense for it.”

“That’s OK. I only really know one dragon and I’d never cheat on Spike.” Sombra raises an eyebrow at that and your eyes widen at how that sounded.

“Mhmmm,” Sombra says with a smirk.


Flashback End

“But yeah, I would never hurt Spike in any form,” you mumble.

“You say something Filly?” the frustrated Caballeron asks looking up from his cards.

"Nope! Are you ready to continue playing?" you challenge.

1 Hour Later

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

TartarusFire’s Comment

After an hour with each member of the group guessing a different opinion and after a short snack break, they were ready.

"Now remember all of you, stick with the planned guesses, we don’t want to be stuck down here forever." You point a hoof at one of the guards, "What was your guess again? I've no clue as you were just madly giggling the entire time."

"Oh I was just laughing about how it could be us, what with going in circles for so long." A large rumbling sounds behind you all, revealing a stone staircase.

"Are. You- For Buck’s Sake!" You smack a wall in frustration. "We spend two hours piddling around with ideas, and THAT'S the bloody answer? I say we break the statue… and Steve for good measure."

"I second that,” Daring Do adds in her two bits.

"Daring, since when were you an advocate for beating up innocent- Oh yeah I'm employing him." Ahuizotl facepalms. "I'll be honest with you Steve-"

"But my name's Strawberry Sunshine," he whines.

"Steve,” you interrupt, “I kind of want to do the same. But the fact of the matter is, you got us all out of this mess," Nods of reluctant acknowledgement go around. "So I say, just this once, he's let off the hook."

"Phew I thought I was about to get pummeled or something."

"That being said," Ahuizotl's voice becomes saccharine, "Docked pay for three days, you trapped us in here the second time."

As you lead the way up the passageway up, you exit out into the cat room.

“Meow?” asks the little kitten from atop the cage, which causes Mangle to let out an earsplitting scream.

“Mangle?” you hear your Great Granddaughter call out down the hallway, followed by footsteps.

“Fluffykins, don’t go scaring our guests,” Ahuizotl orders as he comes through with Daring.

“Yeah Fox Bot, you lost a fight, quit being a pansy,” you order.

Mangle looks at you with a sneer, before smirking as…

Kersey457’s Comment

She takes one Steve’s fanciful feathered shoulder pads and throws it onto Fluffykins’ head. You and the rest are confused at this, until Nightshade rounds the corner.

“Grandbuggy, Mangle, you’re all back. I just won like 5,000 bits and- *GAAASSSPP*”

“Meow?” the kitty asks in fear seeing Nightshade’s expression. She then lets out another high pitched squee and rushes the cat, squeezing the daylights out of it. You look at the Fox and see it laughing evily.

“You cheeky little devil,” you say in admiration.

Unfortunately, Nightshade isn’t the only one that likes Cats too much.

“OH MY GOODNESS! SO CUTE!” Ahuizotl squees as he flails around, and the bound Daring Do’s head collides with yours.

“Ooooohhhhh…” you groan as you rub your head, and Daring Do’s eyes whirl, while she’s still grappled.

“Ah Ahuizotl, is that your voice I hear? About time! The price has gone up! I’m low on funds at the moment!” Comes a very irritating voice.

“Oh Great, Dr. Caballeron is coming,” Daring Do groans.

8BitMadness’s Comment

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Hearing that name, your dizzy mind mixes with anger as three mini Caballeron’s dance around your head singing a catchy tune.

And as the flankhole himself steps around the corner, he seems very, very confused.

“What in the world?” he says in that voice of his that just makes you clench your teeth in anger.


Episode 10: Where's My Money B!+$#?

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As you sneer at the jackass with the fake Doctorate, he looks to Ahuizotl in surprise.

“Ahuizotl, you’ve already captured Daring Do? I guess that explains why you were so busy…but still, I had to wait a long time with this horrible child.”

“Hey! Who you calling horrible?” Nightshade defends as she tosses the kitty behind her.

“You! You are. Pretending to be a ghost, then “somehow” beating my unbeatable card strategy,” he whines.

“Oh please, don’t be a sore loser ya numb nuts,” you interject, causing him to look at you with a raised eyebrow.

“And you are…?” he asks.

“Huh?” you say taken aback.

“I’m asking who you are to insult me so,” he continues, confusing you more.

“What do you mean? We met each other on several occasions. Quick Fix remember?” you explain.

He gives you a once over and purses his lips. “Sorry, doesn’t ring a bell Changeling.”

“I…I didn’t even disguise when I was hanging with this crowd! How do you not remember me?” you blather.

He ignores you and turns back to Ahuizotl, “Random rude changelings aside, I think I’m owed a bit extra Ahuizotl.”

“I…Wha…?” you bumble and Ahuizotle leans down to your ear.

“I think he suppressed his memory of you after you thrashed him so hard at cards amigo.”

“That’s not true! I’ve never lost at cards! Never!” Caballeron shrieks. “This little nameless brat is the only exception, but she shouldn’t count!”

“I’m not nameless! I told you my “name” earlier,” Nightshade speaks up.

“Uh-Huh, sure ya did.”

“…Are you already starting to repress yer memories of her?” you ask.

“Of who? I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he answers.

“Oh by the gods you’re petty,” you growl.

“Yeah! Quit Repressing me! That’s incredibly rude!” Nightshade yells.

“Whatever,” he ignores you both and looks to your old chum.

“Mi amigos, please, everyone calm down now and let’s talk things out,” Ahuizotl tries to keep the piece.

“I don’t think so! I’ve had enough of this stupidity!” comes the taunt of Daring Do herself as she wriggles free from Ahuizotl’s grip, a knife in her mouth, and lands opposite of Caballeron and Nightshade.

“What in the?” Ahuizolt looks at the cut rope in his tail hand. “Who gave her a knife?”

Everyone’s eyes immediately go to Steve who is nervously looking at the ground and scratching the back of his head.

“Dang It Steve! You’re fired!” Ahuizotl yells.

“Ohhh…” Steve slumps his shoulders. Looking back to the more pressing manner than an idiotic underling, you see that

Kichi’s Comment

Somehow the situation has developed into a three way duel. Caballeron is eyeing both Daring and Nightshade, Daring sizing up the other two to see who to go through to escape easier, and Nightshade who looks at both in utter confusion.

"Alright Caballeron, surrender whatever world conquering artifact you have or things get ugly,” she threatens.

“Ha! As if I would surrender to you Daring Do!” he answers thrusting his jaw forward. “This is the last time you disturb my business…by the way the price has gone up for Daring Do involvement,” he says to Ahuizotl, who sighs.

"You better not hand anything over to her! You owe me remember?!” Nightshade barks at the villain, causing him and Daring Do to glare at her.

“Stay out of this kid. This fiend is squirelly and-“

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Nightshade interrupts the adventurer. “I may be a fan and all, but this butt munch owes me, and I’m not gonna have you stealing what’s mine.”

“You say as you rob me blind of my possessions,” Caballeron counters.

“You lost fair and square dummy!”

As you watch this exchange, Ahuizotl stands next to you.

“Quite a determined little filly you have there,” he compliments.

“Eyup. You can’t teach that, that’s genetic.

“I bet you 10 bits that if this comes to blows though, that Daring will somehow come out on top and cause mass amounts of damage.”

“Heh,” you chuckle. “I’ll see you those 10 bits, and double it that the kid will come out on top and break everything.”

“Thanks Grandbuggy, I won’t let you down,” Nightshade calls out, and you two look over to see the other three looking at you.

“I’m glad to see that you don’t underestimate your enemies Ahuizotl, but I’m not destructive,” Daring adds.

“Sommambula’s Temple would say otherwise,” Caballeron interjects. “And how come no one voted for me? I could possibly win this, don’t you think there’s a chance worth betting on?”

"Yeaaah... Nope" Ahuizotl admits.

"Nu-uh." Nightshade agrees.

“Not a chance,” Daring adds.

“Why are you still here?!” you finish.

“Fine! If you’re all against me, then why don’t we all settle this dispute with a game…”

“Game?” Daring asks.

“We just played several games,” Nightshade harrumphs.

“It’s a different game!” he shouts.

8BitMadness’s Comment

"I have in my possession an artifact of great power that will help us to settle this dispute!"

"Yeah, but you owe me 6 of those," Nightshade deadpans.

"This just happens to be my seventh artifact, thank you very much!" Caballeron replies.

“Oh so you were holding out on me then?!” Nightshade accuses.

“No! I just…Here it is,” he stammers as he holds aloft a square wooden box.

"This is an enchanted board game that cannot be quit until it is over. If I win, I get my stuff back and Daring Do cannot stop me from leaving of my own free will. If you win, you get everything. An all or nothing bet. Sound good?" Caballeron asks.

Nightshade rolls her eyes, walks up to Caballeron, takes the game box out of his hooves and says,

“Get this Jumanji Bullspit out of here!” She then throws the game into the garbage chute while Caballeron looks like he was just smacked upside the head.

“That took me years to find!” he shouts.

“I don’t give a buck,” Nightshade growls. “Gimme my money and artifacts before she steals them you sleazeball!" To punctuate this threat, she pulls out the dark cannon and aims it at him.

Your eyes pop open at that.

Holy Tartarus Kiddo, You don’t buck around do you? Good thing though, that snake probably had loaded dice for that game. Caballeron starts sweating heavily with the weapon in his face and even Daring Do looks concerned.

“Uh…Maybe we should take this down a notch huh Shadow?” she tries to calm her down, even setting her knife on the ground.

“Stay out of this Do. You can have him after he pays up.”

"N-now, I'm s-sure we can work th-this out," Caballeron nervously stutters.

"You probably should just give the girl the money, ya dumbass" you pipe in. "You won't like her when she's angry."

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Caballeron begins to back away from Nightshade, before he suddenly smirks.

"Wait a second...that gun is fake! You had me going there for a second, but there's no way that is real."

Nightshade just raises her brow before pulling the trigger. The Dark Cannon begins to charge up, and everypony begins to back away slightly as they can see the gun start to glow and hear it charging up. Caballeron starts to sweat some more before stuttering out,

"N-now see here! This is a nice light show but there's no way tha-"

Right before the gun fires Nightshade turns and aims it at a pillar. The Dark Cannon fires and its energy arrow flies threw the air and completely obliterates the pillar. Nightshade then turns back to Caballeron, her brow still raised as she shifts the gun back to aim at him.

You let out a whistle at the destruction, while Daring Do just stares for a bit before saying,

"Okay kid, gotta admit...that was pretty awesome."

Caballeron, on the other hoof, seems to forget how his legs work as he collapses on the spot shaking like a leaf. He stares at Nightshade in pure fear as he mumbles out,

"That...that was real! could have killed me! I-I-I..."

Before Caballeron's mental breakdown can continue however, Ahuizotl hands you 20 bits.

“Well you were right Fix. She did cause massive destruction.” He then releases all of his cats from their cages and shouts, “I think we should all be running, like RIGHT NOW!” Then the entire temple begins to shake. Everypony begins to look around in

“What’s going on Zotl?” you ask as you try to keep your footing.

“She just blasted the one key pillar keeping the entire temple up,” he shouts as he picks up his kitty.

“What?!” all of you shout.

“Why was that the only thing holding this place up?!” you shout.

“It was like a self destruct button, only less techy, that’s why I had it in my cat room so they could protect it!” he then takes off down the hallway with his cats.

“Well screw this noise then!” Daring Do shouts as she flies off.

“EEEEE!!!” Caballeron screams like a filly and takes off as well.

You share a look with your Great Grand Daughter, and you both utter the same exact words for your feelings on the matter.

"Oh crap baskets!"

A Daring (Pun Intended) Escape Later

POV Change: Nightshade

RandomFastReader’s Comment: kill it all kill it all with FIRE!!!

You pant from the exertion of flying through a collapsing building as you watch the ruins of Ahuizotl’s temple go up in flames.

“Why? *pant* Why did it catch fire? It’s all stone,” you ask Grandbuggy who is also panting.

“Because kid *pant* somehow you’re Dad’s predilection for arson is genetic,” he answers.

“I don’t know what preda-whatever means, but I’m not fire crazy like Daddy,” you defend. “I mean, sure I accidentally burnt down Whinny Land and all, but I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“Well, whether ya wanna smooch it like your dad or not, you got the firestarter blood in ya girl,” he chuckles and your ears flop to your head.

“You can say that again Fix,” Ahuizotl grumbles as he walks out of the surrounding trees and stares at his burning home. “Thankfully everyone got out, even if that does include Steve,” he spits.

“Yeah…sorry about all this old chum. I really only intended to get one Ring and be on my merry way,” Grandbuggy apologizes.

“Eh,” Ahuizotl shrugs. “Daring Do has done this to several of my temple homes. I have spares.”

“Still, I’m really sorry about all this,” you apologize. “I was just trying to show up Caballeron because he’s nothing but a big bully…Where is that turd anyway?”

“Gone,” Ahuizotl says with a sigh.

“Gone? With all of my stuff?!” you growl.

“Actually Daring Do took those, and he took off after her. She jumped his goons outside one of the exits and flew off with their loot, including one of my Rings of Scorchero,” he slumps his shoulders. “She’s gone too. I didn’t even get to yell out my curses to her…”

“Cheer up pal, she’ll be back again. She’s got more stories to sell,” Grandbuggy comforts and Ahuizotl nods.

“So Daring Do has my stuff? That thieving little…” you growl and Grandbuggy cuts you off.

“Shade, were any of those artifacts on the list?”

“Well…no,” you admit. “But they were cool sounding. One of them was a magic staff that could shoot laser beams.”

“You can do that with your horn kiddo,” Grandbuggy points out and you look up at your rarely used appendage.

“Oh right. I keep forgetting about that,” you admit and Grandbuggy shakes his head.

“Goramnit boy…Well next thing you’re learning that your pops should have taught you is magic.”

“Sounds good Grandbuggy, but what about the Ring of Scorchero WE need? Shouldn’t we go after it?”

“That was only one senorita,” Ahuizotl says as he pulls a hula hoop sized ring out of…somewhere, and hands it to you, “Like I said, there are more, and since I won’t be able to bring a heat wave to the jungle anytime soon, I suppose I’ll find some other Ancient artifacts.

“Oh…Sweet!” you cheer as you put it in the Inventory.

1 Ring of Scorchero Acquired

“Alright! We have one of the artifacts we need and it was easy as pie!”

An explosion somehow goes off in the ruins of the burning temple just as you say that and Ahuizotl looks at you sadly.

“…Relatively speaking. Sure it sucks that your home got destroyed, and I lost my well deserved WINNNGS! But I think we’re doing good so far.”

“Well said Kid. Luckily I also got that map me and Ahui here wrote up. We know exactly where our next destination is,” Grandbuggy agrees.

“Awesome…let’s get to that before the jungle starts burning why don’t we?”

After a nod from both Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl, you all begin to make your way back to some semblance of the civilized world.

As you do, you can’t help but wonder,

“I wonder if Daddy and Mommy are doing as well in that other world?”

POV Change: Bugze (You)

“Oh gods, I’m not doing well at all Selly, I don’t know if I can do this,” you stutter nervously.

You’ll do fine Bugze, it’s just a school, Selena encourages.

“Yeah! High school! I don’t have very fond memories of it!” you shudder as you stand outside the entrance of Crystal Prep Acadamy early in the morning.

A couple days ago, you got around to telling B2 the story of your life till this moment, and suffice to say, he really seemed into it, claiming he could write an epic rock ballad with the stories you gave him. He also swore to help you in your quest to find the Siren Stones.

Supposedly that’s what he’s doing today, using some vague information power he called, The Internet, while you get to play janitor.

“Why didn’t he take the first day again?”

Because though he is getting cleaner, the toxins in his blood still remain, Selena explains again with a sigh.

I know how that feels, Sombra grumbles grumpily.

“Oh quit whining, we haven’t drugged you in months,” you roll your eyes at his dramatics.

Oh Gee, In that case I’ll just forget about that harrowing experience why don’t I? he says sarcastically, which goes over your head.

“That’s the spirit!” you cheer before you focus again on the real world and gulp.

“Alright…I can do this. I’m the adult now, so there’s no need to fear evil disgusting human teenagers. I just have to find the portal’s location, and then I can move on with my quest.”

You then hear one of those evil bus things, only this one is Yellow, with several of the students inside.

“EEEK! There’s a whole swarm of them!” you shriek as you rush inside the building towards Scruffy’s “Work” Area.

*Sigh* Bugze, For Goodness's Sake...


Episode 11: The Almighty Janitor

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After bravely fleeing from the evils of public transportation and human teenagers, you arrive at Scruffy’s work area, and unsurprisingly, he is nowhere in sight.

“Great professionalism old man,” you mumble as you grab a spare cap from your locker and and grab the cleaning cart.

“Ok, I can do this. I can do this…” you whisper as you hear the sounds of opening lockers and hundreds of young voices.

“…Maybe I can wait till they’re in class first.”

Bugze, they’re naught but children, Selena says in exasperation.

“And children are the most dangerous of all. Nightshade’s not even a teen yet and I’m more than certain she’s more powerful than all three of us.”

I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment, Sombra agrees.

As Selena sighs and you hear her facehoof, you come up with a fantastic idea for avoiding the evil teen monkey things for just awhile longer.

Kichi’s Comment

“You know, I haven’t introduced myself to the leaders here. What kind of employee would I be if I didn’t at least speak with them?” you declare as you intentionally steer your cart away from the noisier areas. The only problem is, you have no idea where the faculty offices are.

"Maybe I should have gotten a map" you mutter as you walk the hallways, keeping your eyes down from the slowly trickling in students.

A map would not help you with your poor sense of direction, so I suggest you find some stairs, Sombra insults.

Of course you would suggest that, you roll your eyes as you remember the countless steps in the Crystal Palace.

I was not even conscience during that time, and even I feel they were too much, Selena agrees.

And what is wrong with stairs? They add a nice touch and are perfect for slinkies, counters Sombra a little angrily.

How did you ever conquer the Crystal Empire when all you are is obsessed with toys and mythological creatures? Selena chastises.

Shattering the former monarch tends to help, he growls.

Before another three way mental argument can occur though, you pause and shout,

"Gaaah! Why do all these hallways look the same?! I will starve and die in these hallways, I swear to Luna! Lost forever!"

Thankfully, it being early in the morning works in your favor since none of the bleary eyed students even acknowledge your outburst.

What have we talked about shouting while in public in this world? Selena chides.

Not to do it…you admit ruefully. But seriously all I need is a map! My kingdom for a map!

WhatKingdom? Both Selena and Sombra ask with skepticism.

My metaphorical kingdom of worth that I would give to know where the buck I’m at!

“Umm, excuse me? Do you need help?” comes a voice from behind you.

Oh Gods! One of them is talking to me! You mentally panic as you clear your throat and look down at your cart.

"Umm? Oh, yes, I'm new here, and I was searching for a map to meet my new boss" you say, not looking at the speaker.

“Oh. Well Principal Cinch would be who you’re supposed speak to, but she’s actually meeting with the Superintendent today, so you’ll want to speak with Vice Dean Cadence. Just continue on this hallway, turn right, and it’ll be the third door on your left.”

“Err, thanks kid, big help,” you mutter as you immediately start moving.

“No problem,” she says. As you round the corner, you realize that that voice was shockingly familiar, and you turn around, and see the back of her pony tailed purple and magenta hair.

Holy Crap! That was human Twilight wasn’t it? How did I not immediately pick up on that?

I’m more surprised that you didn’t immediately register who she said the Vice Dean of this academy was, Selena points out.

What? Cadence? I’d already figured her counterpart would be here after running into Human Twilight and Shining, though I figured she would’ve been the head honcho.

Following Twilight’s directions, you come across an office door with Cadance’s full name written on it.

OK, about to see the twisted visage of one of my oldest friends…the last one didn’t go over so well, you think as you rub the scar on your chest.

Verily, Selena agrees with a wince.

Summing up all your courage, you knock on the door.

8BitMadness’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Darkinfinity666’s Comment

"Come in," the very familiar voice comes from behind the office door.

As you enter the office you see the humanized version of Cadence writing something down, and you are surprisingly not as disgusted by her visage as you should be.

Oh sweet Luna no! I’m becoming used to their looks. Smokey’s infected me with his Humanism. THIS IS THE END OF ME! THE END I SWEAR!

Of course this just causes Selena to facepalm before she says,

Calm down my bug. There is probably a logical explanation. Maybe since you know what the pony version of Cadenza looks like, the human version doesn't affect you as much?

Usually you would rebut this with something along the lines of a dumb freak out, but that unnatural sense of calmness and intelligence hits you yet again.

Y-yeah that makes sense. Since I know the real version, I don’t feel like hurling...As much. Yeah that makes sense. Thanks Selly.

With that thought you fully enter the office and Cadance looks up at you, and for the briefest second there's a spark of...recognition (?) in her eyes before it disappears. This, of course, confuses you.

Wait...does B2 know Cadence or something? That doesn't make any sense...unless...
Before you can continue on that thought she speaks up.

"Good morning sir, and you are?" she asks, genuinely curious, and with no hostile intent behind the question.

"My name's Bugze, and Scruffy hired me as the new janitor,” youadmit. “I, uh, kinda don't know the layout of the school yet so I'm a bit lost and was looking for a map," you say, rubbing the back of your head with a cheeky grin on your face. At the mention of being a new janitor, Cadance smiles softly.

"About time he got around to that. Well I suppose that would make me the first to officially welcome you to the staff and faculty! I am Vice Dean Cadenza, but you can call me Cadance. If you didn't already know, all staff have access to the teacher's lounge, including maintenance. I'll have to get your name put on one of the lockers in there. If you ever have stuff you need to leave at school, you can put it in there to keep it safe. Let me get you that map."

As expected, the Cadance of this world is quite kind as well, despite being in business mode. Cadance hands you a map of the school, and it’s very high quality and helpful.

“I hope that helps Mr. Bugze, and I hope your first day will go smoothly,” she says as she reaches her hand out for a handshake.

Wincing slightly, you place your own hand into hers and she shakes it. Even if she’s not as physically disturbing to you as the others, the hand thing still feels gross and wrong.

“Th-Thank you,” you mutter, suppressing a gag. She stares at you searchingly for a few beats, before the professional demeanor returns.

“If you have any questions throughout the day, feel free to ask me, or if I’m not around, my Husband Professor Shining Armor,” she adds letting go of your hand.

“N-No problem,” you say. “Thanks for the help and all. I’ll get to it then boss.” You then salute and walk out the door before letting out a huge pant of breath.

OOF, was that awkward or what?

I found it quite enjoyable, Sombra chuckles at your misfortune.

Yeah, yeah, laugh it up Zamboni, you roll your eyes and stand up straighter. You then look at your surroundings and pale.

AllenNoir’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

Randomfastreader’s Comment

The hallways are full of students, and they are all chatting away noisily. The walls are still dirty from Scruffy’s negligence, and somehow in the time it took these teens to get off the buses and to their classes, they’ve made it dirtier somehow. You stare in awe at the trash littering the ground, the paper air planes drifting down the halls, the spit balls shot from miscreants, and the whole cacophony of noise in shock and awe. Even after the bell rings, and the gaggle of people fill into their classes, you still stare.

Thankfully now that the noise has gone, you have time to think rationally and realize it is now your job to clean up this place. Letting out a sigh, you get to work.

You scrub the walls, you pick up trash, you even help rescue some nerdy looking human from a locker, and he goes running off to class without so much as a thank you.

Working fast, you get the place looking pretty clean and you smile at your accomplishment. Then the bell rings and the students file out to get to their next class, and your hard work gets tarnished. By the time the disgusting humans leave the hallway again, there is more trash to pick up and more stains to clean.

…Is this punishment for my fear of buses? What sick joke is this? You groan and look around you. The cycle repeats itself another 3 times before you decide to take a break and enter a bathroom.

just_another_guy’s Comment

Having walked around the school, you mentally mapped certain areas, such as possible hiding spots, shortcuts, Staff Only Areas (especially staff only), and any others that would come in handy with doing your job. You open up the map Cadance gave you and with a pencil, make crooked x’s on these spots (your penmanship with your new teeth is rather challenging).

Alright, now I have an idea of where to go in an emergency, and have possible places to search for the portal.

Putting the map away, you walk over to the sink and run water over your former hooves and splash some on your face. You sigh and look at your reflection in the mirror.

Still one ugly mother bucker... you think sadly. You hear a toilet flush and a few seconds later there is a yellowish female human with rose and teal hair beside you washing her fingers (shiver) looking at her reflection too.

"Stressful morning?" she asks.

"Yeah..." you moan "first day on the job and this is soul sucking."

"At least janitors get to move more, most of my energy is spent not falling asleep on those damn chairs." She then dries her hands with some paper towels and looks at you.

"Anyway thank God you’re finally around, Now I won’t have to bleach the toilet seat before using it anymore,” she says before walking out the door.

"Bleached toilet seat? That sounds really dan-Wait a minute, was that a she? Am I in the Girl’s Bathroom?" You look around you and see that there are no urinals in sight.

Well that’s a yes. Huh… she didn't call me a creep, weirdo or a pervert? That’s strange.

You are the janitor, you keep the latrines clean so you’re the exception.

Wait really? I have that much power? I can go anywhere and not look suspicious in the slightest? You ask taken aback.

Yep, she answers simply.

You look at your big keychain with all the keys to rooms you can open and smile.

Ohhhh~ where gonna have fun with these. I’ll find that stupid portal in no time.

“I Have The POOOWWWEEERRR!!!” you cheer as you hold your mighty keys aloft. You then put your keys back on your hip and turn around.

“Now, time to clean those toilets!”


Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

AllenNoir’s Comment

As you mop the same hall for what you feel like is the eighth time that day you can't help but sigh as you stare at the mass as they move to lunch. The more you’ve seen the teens walking to and from class, the less you’ve seen them as a group of ugly animals, and more as the ugly High Schoolers they are.

Geeze, this is really bringing back bad memories. I'm getting all tense expecting Mongo or someling to jump me.

Now now Bugze, there's no reason to worry. This is a completely different world, I highly doubt you are suddenly going to attack by bullies. Even if you are in a high school, you are the adult now remember?

I know I know, but I can't shake off the feeling, you sigh. Maybe just being in a high school again is messing with me, or maybe cleaning the same hall every period is making me nu-

"HEY! STOP THAT! GIVE THEM BACK!" comes a shout and your head darts to the source. The words all too familiar to you. You head over to where it came from...and see three snotty looking girls surrounding the human Twilight.

“You know you’re not supposed to bring vermin onto school ground right?” mocks the Alpha Bitch as she holds aloft a squirming purple and green puppy while Twilight tries to reach for him.

“Give Spike Back! He hasn’t done anything to you!” she says as the three girls keep holding her back and handing the dog off.

Wait a minute, Spike? You think in confusion. Why’s Spike a dog in this world? Are all dragons dogs? Is Smaug just a giant red dog or something?

“I don’t know, maybe I should just tell the Dean about this right?” the main bully taunts and the puppy whines and Twilight looks about ready to cry.


Getting flashbacks to your days in the Hive your glare intensifies.

Hello misplaced aggression!

Bugze, you cannot physically assault those students. You will be imprisoned.

Yeah I know, you grind your teeth. But come on, I can’t let this stand! I have to do something!

You look at your cart with your mop and various cleaning supplies and are reminded of the Crimson Knight Leader Grey Rebl, who fought vehemently with janitorial items. Suddenly a light bulb goes off and you smirk as you place your bucket of dirty water onto your cart and charge forward towards the group at breakneck speeds.

“Please, just give me back my pup-“ Twilight pleads, before you shout.

“Whoa! Watch out you three!”

The three bully girls and Twilight look to your shout, as you hit the brakes and “accidentally” let the water fly from your bucket and onto the three.

“OOOHHH!!!” the three shriek as the Spike dog is thrown into the air, where Twilight catches him and he immediately starts licking her face.

“Oops, sorry about that kids, let me help you with that,” you say as you pull out an armful of paper towels and walk towards them, only to “accidentally” trip and cause them all to cover them from head to toe.

Nearby students begin laughing at this display, and frustrated and embarrassed, the three bullies retreat down the hall to the nearest bathroom.

Ha! Take that you snooty little bitches! How’s it feel to be laughed at, spit on and mocked huh? How’d you like the taste of-

Bugze…she’s staring at you, Selena grabs your attention.

Huh? You look towards Human Twilight who’s glasses are eschew and holding the dragon dog to her chest.

“Umm…thank you sir, I really appreciate it,” she thanks you.

“Oh, uhh…don’t worry about it Ms. I’m always accident prone when the situation arises,” you say with a wink. She looks at you even more intently and you start sweating.

Crud, did I overdue it? Will she tell others I did that on purpose? What is she-

“Hey, aren’t you that guy that was shouting in front of the front entrance the other day?” she asks and your eyes widen.

Ohhh…Right…I forgot about that.

That surprises literally no one, Sombra mocks.

Buck off Smokey!


Episode 12: An After School Special

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you nervously stand there you think,

Oh crapbaskets! I forgot she saw my ‘totally natural’ freak out when I arrived.

And by ‘totally natural you mean over the top migraine inducing insanity? Selena snarks.

That’s putting it mildly, Sombra grumbles.

Shut Up, you were fanfillying it up when we first arrived Zamboni, and I’m not that crazy Selly...right? You ponder for a second only to realize you’ve found yourself in another stare off. You stare, human Twilight stares, this goes on for an eternity and only a few seconds. Before you can slap yourself Spike decides that enough is enough and jumps out of Twilight’s arms and into yours.

“Gah!” You yell fumbling your arms to catch the dog. Spike then starts to lick your face.

Get him off. Get him off. Get him off!! Sombra yells in disgust and anger.

What’s the matter afraid of a dog? Selena laughs cruelly.

Yeah what gives? I thought you loved fuzzy things, you add.

For your information this dog is this world’s version of that Welp who kept blasting me with fire! If it weren’t for my intangible situation, I’d gladly pay him back! He growls.

Oi lay off or it’s back to druggy town for you, you warn as you peel Spike off your face. I mean, if Real Spike ever does try anything with Nightshade, maybe you and I can work something out…

We most certainly will not. Nightshade has warned you of that countless times,Selena chides.

…But this dog has done nothing wrong, so calm down…Yeah… You taper off to the former tyrant as you pet the dog with your hand to calm him down and he pants.

“Um good boy?” You say in confusion and he happily wags his tail.

This feels weird, I’m petting another world’s version of Nightshade’s friend, you think as he licks your hand. Twilight snaps out of it and grabs him from you,

“Sorry about that. Spike never does that to strangers, he’s only ever done this to me and my family,” she says sheepishly.

“It’s no problem,” you grunt as you wipe dog slobber from your face. “He’s probably just happy he’s not being held by those mean fil-Girls!”

“Yeah, he probably is,” Twilight nods as she brings the puppy’s face up to hers. “Don’t you go running off from me again Mister!” she chides and the dog licks her nose. Twilight brings her pet to her chest and hugs him gently. “I’m glad you’re alright Spike…”

This is kind of…odd. You think rubbing the back of your neck. I mean, Spike said his relationship with Twilight was complicated, but I always thought they were kind of siblings. Does real Twilight see real Spike as a pet? The teenaged human then kisses the top of the puppy’s head and places him in her backpack before looking to you.

“Thank you Mister. I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to him,” she says gratefully.

“Yeah, uh, no problem…Hey shouldn’t you be getting to class?” You inquire.

“Oh no I have an off period right now. I was heading to the library when you saved Spike and I from those bullies,” Twilight says with a sigh.

“D-Don’t worry about that,” you hand wave. “Anyling would do the same. I’m surprised Rainbow didn’t show up and kick their flanks.”

“Rainbow?” she asks confused.

“Ya, or even the AJ, but they weren’t in site so…” you trail off with a shoulder shrug.

“Who are you talking about?” Twilight asks in confusion which makes you raise an eyebrow.

“Umm…your friends?” you venture and she looks even more flabbergasted.

“I…I don’t have…” and then she looks down in sadness.

What the buck? She’s not friends with Rainbow or Applejack in this world?

Come to think of it, we haven’t seen them at all in these halls, nor the other three. Selena muses.

Well yeah, it’s a big place, I just figured we didn’t see them, you reason.

Really? The fact that the Pink one didn’t suddenly appear didn’t tip you off? Sombra mocks.

I…Wow…Does that mean there’s not Deadly 6 in this universe? On one hand, good for me, but on the other… Twilight looks downcast over the admittance of not having friends.

…Dang it! I can’t help but feel sorry for her! Stupid relatable problems!

“Oh, Uh, never mind that, I was just thinking that…seeing a Rainbow and some a nice cold glass of Orange Juice would cheer you up,” you lamely lie.

“Wha…?” she quirks a brow. “It’s not supposed to rain this week and Orange Juice’s abbreviation is’'t AJ it’s-“

“Anyway! Why don’t we go to the library together in case those whorses try to come back? I need to clean that area anyway,” You interuprt with a smile. Twilight seems nervous about that, but she nods and starts walking with you following her. After going down a few hallways, she speaks up again.

Kichi’s Comment

“Thank you again for what you did…but you really shouldn’t have in the long run.”

“Huh? Why not? Those little punks had it coming. It’s not like I could have left you like that,” you admit with pride.

"No really, you should be careful,” she warns you sounding a bit sad. “Why do you think no one else did anything but watch?"

"Because they’re filthy human jerks?" you guess.

"Ummm...” she trails off a bit confused by your wording. “They’re not really jerks, but more practical. Those girls back there are part of the popular crowd and-“

"Let me guess,” you interrupt, “No one wants to stand up to them because of those buckers’ status? They’re probably athletes or the “hot” ones and all you shallow teenagers can’t see past it, and they get to do whatever they want right?”

"Ummm...Yes, in laymen’s terms. How did you know?" she asks.

"All High Schools are the same. High School…High School Never Changes…" you mutter as flashbacks of getting beaten and the dance flash through your mind. Thankfully, Selena smothers those images.

There’s no need to dwell on that whorse’s betrayal Bugze, you’ve moved past it, she encourages. Nodding, you look back to Human Twilight beside your cart.

“And since you look like one of the smart ones, I’m sure they single you out, but even then taking a dog away is a bullspit move.” She quirks an eyebrow at you again for some reason but she continues on.

“Yes, today was a bit rougher. I didn’t expect Spike to bite at her new shoes and…Never mind,” she shakes her head. “The point is, you should be careful. Even if you made it look like an accident, Principal Cinch could’ve still fired you if they had actually been hurt.”

You two reach the entrance to the library and she turns back to you with sad eyes.

“Thank you again Mister, but please don’t go losing your job over me. It’s not worth it.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

She says it in such a hollow, placid voice, and it all but makes your heart sink. Her sad resigned eyes make you flashback once again to your own past, to when you didn’t have a friend in the world, to when you were bullied constantly, and had given up that it would stop.

She’s…she’s just accepting it like it’s normal and that she can’t stop it, Selena observes.

She knows not yet that there are ways to prevail against your tormentors, Sombra surprisingly adds, thinking about his own childhood.

She’s given up…you frown. No! Buck this! I can’t-No, I won’t accept that bullspit look in her eyes! On some level this girl is Twilight Sparkle, and even if it’s bullspit she’s evolved into her second god tier form, I still respect the bookworm on some level.

Yes, but she’s a completely separate being without her comrades. You’ve saved her, and she wishes no more help, so there’s not much else we can do, Selena informs.

Sure there is! I’m the wise and kindly janitor Goramnit! You think in determination as you flick Twilight on the head with one of your spindly fingers.

“Ouch!” she responds and holds her head. “What’d you do that for?”

“Because you’re a smart person saying some pretty dumb crap Bookworm,” you scold. “Bullying isn’t something anyone on any world should overlook, especially when you add puppy endangerment to the mix.”


“No buts!” you interrupt. “Those skinny fillies back there don’t have any real power, and the only reason you think they do is because you and all these spectator humans let them.”

You then place your hand on her shoulder.

“I know, because I went through the torment of high school. Tartarus, I went through a lot more than what those jerks are dishing out, and I know that every day the sadness tries to take a hold of you. You try to bury that sadness in videogames, or movies, or setting things on fire…ok maybe not everyone does that last one, but the point remains! I’m sure you burry yourself in studies and books right?”

“Y-Yes, I spend a lot of time in my lab,” she stutters.

“Yeah see, there you go. Though you’re probably learning a lot more, you’re letting that sadness control you because you hide behind something and let them win. You let that sadness win,” you mentor.

“But…but I can’t stand up to them,” she admits. “I’m not a fighter, I’m a thinker and…”

“Hey, hey, hey,” you stop her. “Standing up to someone doesn’t necessarily mean you physically fight them, it took me years to figure that one out. And it’s a good thing that’s not your first instinct because it shows you’re a far better person than them morally on any given day, but at some point you’ve got to stand up, in your own way.”

“And…and what way is that?” she asks actually taking your advice.

“That’s up to you to find out kid, but you’re smart, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. But if I did have to give any tips, I would say some healthy revenge pranks do the body good,” you smirk and twirl your keys in front of her face which actually brings a smile to it.

“Just remember, you’ve got a friendly janitor with access to everywhere on campus if you need any help in that endeavor.” You then pocket your keys and take your hand off her shoulder.

“I…Thank you Mister,” she says gratefully. “I’ll…I’ll take that into consideration.”

Smirking now that her spirits are lifted, Selena speaks up.

That...was deeply inspiring and well handled my bug. Good job.

Thanks, I just spoke from the bottom of my artificial magic heart and it just kind of poured out, you snark and she chuckles.

It’s a great start, but advise her to learn her enemies’ weaknesses and to strike with extreme preju-

Nope! Not taking it that far Simba, you cut him off and look back to Twilight.

“Now, you go and enjoy your library time, and I’ll clean these floors for like the fiftieth time.” You then push your cart down the hallway away from her and she speaks up.

“I’m Twilight by the way, Twilight Sparkle,” she introduces herself.

Oh…right. She doesn’t know I know who she is, you think feeling awkward.

“Nice to meet you Twilight, the name’s Bugze. You may see me here some days with a beard and some without, but that’s normal.”

“Huh?” she says taken aback.

Randomfastreader’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“And in answer to your question earlier, yes I am absolutely that guy you saw screaming the other day.”

Bugze, I think you’re letting your mentoring and trust go too far, Selena warns, but you continue.

“I thought so. Why were you screaming if I might ask Mr. Bugze,” she questions.

"Well, when stressed I suffer from brief periods of insanity, which tend to make me shout random things,” you admit. “So in the future, if you see me seemingly talking to myself or shouting angrily like, I HATE THIS BUCKING WORLD!” You give for emphasis which startles her, “Don’t think too much of it.”

And cue a massive facehoof from Selena resounding across your skull.

"Ooookkkkkaaaayyy…” Twilight says more than a little disturbed. “So what you’re saying is you suffer from Tourette's?”

"….Yeah that I have tourist'se,” you agree because it sounds like some weird human condition.

"Tourette's," she corrects.

"That’s what I said."

"Well, thanks for sharing that I guess,” she says as she slowly opens the library door.

“Really you should just ignore it. Though my cursing could probably teach you humie kids a thing or two, just like my baby.” She pauses at that.

"You swear to your baby?!" She asks in shock.

"She uses them in the right context and doesn't say them in EVERY bucking sentence" you counter.

"Oooookkkkaaayyy…I’m just gonna…Bye Mr. Bugze,” she says as she enters the library hurriedly.

You hear a very stressed sigh let out in your head.

That was a very nice moment before you went and bucked it up at the end, Selena says in disappointment.

Hey, I’m the friendly janitor, not guidance counselor, I have to be mysterious and contradictory, you counter, trying to hide the fact that your own stupidity is really to blame.

And with that, you get back to work.


As the day went on, you found yourself cleaning up countless other messes that these filthy humans kept making, but nothing else major occurs. Thankfully you didn’t run into any more cases of bullying, or even run into Human Shining Armor, but at the same time you have yet to find signs of the portal.

“It’s gotta be there somewhere,” you grumble as you head around to the back of your abandoned library hideout.

The problem is, it probably doesn’t look exactly like a giant horseshoe in this dimension, Selena adds.

“Yeah…Speaking of horse shoes…”

Fireheart1945’s Comment

“What the Tartarus was with that flyer for the rodeo at that bus stop?” you shudder. Since you had to ride the bus, again, you had tried to calm yourself at the smelly bus stop, and you saw a flier for an upcoming rodeo. On it was a human dressed in usual western attire, but the most horrific thing about it was…

“I mean, that human was RIDING a horse! There are horses here and the humans RIDE them! What sick world is this?”

It’s suggested in human mythology that equines were used as beasts of burden for them, though the show never went into-

“Oh Gods! That’s terrible! Add speaking to a pony of this world and getting their thoughts on the matter to the list,” you say in fright.

You then enter the library and see your counterpart on one of those small plastic screen things that every human seems to have.

“Oh hey, you’re back,” he sits up and looks to you with a smile. “So, how was the first day?”

“Your people’s teenagers are filthy horrible creatures,” you groan as you sit across from him. “But other than that, it was alright.”

“So pretty simple huh? Just scrubbing floors and everything?” he asks in preparation for when he takes a shift.

“Eyup…also, I stopped a girl named Twilight Sparkle from being bullied and kind of hinted that I’d help her get prank vengeance. Also, she thinks we have tourism, so be sure to shout once in a while.”

“Tourism?” he asks in confusion.

“Or something like that, some weird human disease.”

“Okkkaaay…well, did you have any luck finding the portal?” he asks.

“No,” you slump your shoulders. “That place is huge, and those teens kept me on my *Gag* toes. There’s so much I haven’t explored. Least we have a map.” You hand him said map with your notes and he looks it over and whistles.

“Wow, this place is pretty big. Heck, helping that Sparkler girl get vengeance has so many possibilities…”

“I know right?” you agree and start eating a bag of chips.

“Well you may not have had any luck on your end, but I think I might have found a lead on your Ancient Sea Horse Monsters,” he says handing you back the map.

“You have?” you ask excitedly.

“Yep,” he presses on his screen and the light flashes. “By the way, I got you a phone too at the mall so we’ll be able to keep in contact,” he says handing you a similar looking screen.

“This is a phone?!” you ask in surprise. “Where is the rotary and the chord?”

“…Dang, you guys are really behind in horse land,” he says with a shrug.

Cell Phone Added to Inventory

“I’ll teach you how to use it in a sec, but here, check out what I found,” B2 says as he turns his phone around to you and you read a news article.

“Supposedly there has been sightings of a giant lake monster up in the woods for years, might be one of your Siren things.”

You look at a photo on his phone and see a blurry black and white photo of something with a long neck in some water.

…Were sirens that big?

From what I remember, they could grow to size rivaling some dragons, Selena muses.

Hmmm, then I guess we have our first lead then, you think with a smile.

“Alright B2, where’s this lake at?”

“It’s about a three hour drive north near a place called Camp Everfree…”


Episode 13: Tech v. Woods

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"BUCK NO! A THOUSAND TIMES BUCK NO!" B2 jumps at your sudden outburst and looks at you in confusion.

"Whoa hey man! I know the Everfree has some creepy rumors behind it bu-"

Not allowing your counterpart to finish you send him a glare as you semi-shout,

"Rumors!? On my world practically every type of rumor that forest had is true! I've almost been maimed by practically every creature that lives in there, including the chipmunks!"

“Well…I seriously doubt you’ll come across violent chipmunks here. There is an animal preserve not far from the camp but-“

“Oh that’s even better, wild and exotic killer critters coming for my soft human hide! Do the plants spray knock out gas as well?!” you grunt.

While this only causes B2's confusion to soar, you hear Selena sigh in your head as she says,

Bugze calm down! I know that forest has caused us problems in the past but now isn't the time to-

Some problems!? I've gotten my flank kicked more times than I can count in that forest alone! For Luna’s Sake, I'm pretty sure that forest has a personal grudge against me for the amount times its almost killed me!

Yes, in our world. I'm sure in this dimension it is a perfectly normal place where no magic or dangerous creatures exist...



"Whoa Gloriosa you coming down with a cold or something?"

"No no I'm fine Timber. Through I feel like someone just said something very ironic about me."




Why do I feel like I've just been disproven?

Because the universe is conspiring with Lady Luck to make our lives suck, that's why. There is nothing on this earth that will make me go to that camp! Nothing!


Fireheart1945’s Comment

“Gorramnit!” you shout into the accursed trees as you try to erect the cheap tent you bought at the thrift store.

“I comically said hours ago that I wouldn’t come here, yet here I am. What compelled me to do that?!”

I did, Selena says sternly. Because I pointed out that you not following up on a lead that could give me my own body was breaking a promise to me, and if that happened I would make your life a living Tartarus.

“…Oh yeah,” you think guiltily. “Still, why am I out here when it’s nearly night time with such a stupid flimsy tent?”

Tent is too good a word for this thing. It’s more like worn rags with sticks, Sombra chuckles.

“The point remains chucklebuck, why are we out here so late with such shoddy protection?” you counter.

Because you putzed around with what seemed to be outdated technology on this world, and you acted like a fool in public again. To punctuate that statement, the tent falls down in a pile and you sigh.

“Okay, maybe I skimped on shelter, but I mean, come on, a lot of that stuff is surely going to be useful for whatever machine Jack’s building.”


After throwing your hissy fit, and being reminded of your promises and obligations, you decided that it was best to get the forsaken woods over and done with as soon as possible. To help with supplies for such an endeavor, B2 took you to a thrift shop.

“It’s been a long time since I went camping with Grandad. Shame I won’t be able to come with,” he says forlornly.

“Believe me ME, if your Everfree is anything like mine, you’re not missing a danged thing.”

“Yeah, but you get to go out and be in the fresh air, and eat beans from the can. I have got to deal with teenagers tomorrow,” he complains.

“More like a nice hungry bear is going to attack me for trying to eat my lunch, or killer bees that want to sting my chitenless skin…or Bears that shoot bees!”

“Whoa…that’s a metal image,” your counterpart says in contemplation. “Still, teenagers are a pain man. I should know, I used to be one.”

“Oh you’ll be fine,” you hand wave. “Just keep cleaning up things and look for the magic mirror that will be my ticket home when I’m done with this world.”

“Yeah, and how easy is that going to be if I’ve also possibly got to deal with mentoring some high school girl on revenge pranking?” he points out.

“You can multitask, now quit complaining when I’m the one that has to face a giant sea monster and have to take their family heirloom.”

“Good point,” he nods. “But if you do see it, take a picture would ya? That’s gotta be worth something.”

“I don’t have a camera…I should probably get one considering I promised my baby that I’d bring back pics.”

“Oh dude, that’s easy, your phone has a built in camera.”

“It does?!” you say fascinated.

After showing you more functions of your Star Trek looking piece of tech, you both arrived at the thrift store.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Alright,” B2 starts, “If you’re gonna keep in contact with me out in the woods, we’re gonna have to get you an external charger for that phone. Preferably one that’s solar powered.”

“Wait, this magic phone can be powered by the sun? Can anything else like my Nook?” you ask in fascination.

“Hmmm. Might have to get a multi cable too. But anyway, you get the camping supplies and I’ll look for those.”

He then walked off into the store to do just that. Shrugging, you were about to look for supplies, but then something caught your eye.

Fireheart1945’s Comment

Down With Chrysallis’s Comment

“OH MY GOSH! Is that a Joy Boy?” you squee. Indeed the gaming device you find on a shelf with other so called “outdated” tech looks exactly like the gaming system back home. The only difference is, it’s called a Game Boy.

“And what’s this game inside…Pokemon? Humans have that too?” you then look at the picture on the cartridge and see a familiar looking red monster with a fiery tail..

Jackpot! You think happily.

But this is a technology we already possess in Eques-

JACKPOT!!! You interrupt Selena causing her to sigh.

“Even without hooves, this will be easy to play.”

Game Boy Added to Inventory.

“Now, back to getting camping su-Oh My Gosh What Is That?!” you yell aloud pointing, causing the mare in your head to sigh again.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

“A hoverboard?” you say curiously as you look at the little device with two wheels. “I gotta be reading that wrong, hoverboards are supposed to hover right?...Well only one way to find out.”

Only ten seconds later, and you were regretting that decision.

"W-Whoa! How do you stay uprig-*WHUMP*” you promptly faceplanted into a display case after the board tipped over.

“Ugh! Stupid human legs!” you growl. “Get good at hover boarding!” you then began dusting yourself off from the reused second hand items collected on you, and as you did, you realized there was an arachnid perched on your shoulder.

"Gah!" you panic and flail, not realizing that the spider is in fact made of plastic.

Bugze, calm down. It's just a-

"KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" You exclaimed and threw the misleading hoverboard at the toy, which somehow caused the thing to catch fire.

"I…uh…OK,” you muttered in confusion. Whistling nonchalantly, you stomped out the fire and put the destroyed hoverboard in your bag, just in case it’s tech can be salvaged.

Destroyed Hoverboard added to Inventory.

You then grabbed the nearest thing that looked like a tent and high tailed it to B2.

“Hey Bugze, I found the cable and charger and…is something burnring?”

“Nope, just you’re imagination,” you lied.

“I…Ok,” he said unsurely. “Also, if you are gonna be in the woods, I got you something to defend yourself with.

Master of Shadows Comment


“Oh please tell me you have an ion cannon for me?” you asked hopefully.

“Ummm…nooooo,” he said trailing off, looking at you as if you were crazy.“It’s a tazer, you know, because you’re whole non killing fighting style.” He then handed you a square box like thing that emits a small electric current.

“…You know, back home I could create much more than this with my bare hoof right?”

“Yeah, well you don’t exactly have hooves right now do you?” he said smugly.

“…Touché,” you admit and pocket his items.


Solar Powered Charger

Multi Cable Added to the Inventory

After that, the two of you walked to the bust station, where B2 got you bus tickets to this accursed camp. You then wished him luck on his first day tomorrow, and he reciprocated. You then boarded yet another evil bus…but…

Randomfastreader’s Comment

Let’s just say, you’re still not comfortable with public transportation,

“All of you bucking smell! How can you stand this death machine! AAAAAHHHH!!!”

And you attempted to use the newly acquired taser on your fellow passengers which resulted in you being thrown off the bus before arriving at your destination, which resulted in you being lost in the woods.


“…Okay, maybe I could have handled things better…but hey, we have a human Joy Boy, some chords and chargers and a nifty tazer.”

And how is that going to get us to this Camp in the Everfree? Selena pointedly asks.

“I…haven’t figured that part out yet. But I’m sure if I just keep walking north tomorrow I’ll find it.

After a few more tries of trying to erect the tent and failing, you just wrap yourself up in the cheap canvas and prepare for a long night in the woods.


Kichi’s Comment

After nearly falling asleep, you are startled when you hear rampant hooting noises in the woods.

“The Buck is that?” you ask in fear. “Is it the Siren?”

Siren’s don’t hoot Bugze, Selena deadpans.

“Well I wouldn’t know, I never met one!” glancing around your campsite, you suddenly spy several eyes staring at you from the trees.

Crapbaskets! You panic as you stand up and brandish your taser. In the light of the small electric current though, the owners of the eyes reveal themselves.

A Monkey! Sombra squeels in glee.

Or rather Monkeys, since there are more than one pair of eyes in the night.

“Well that’s a relief. I thought we were gonna have to deal with Cockatrices again…Although what are monkeys doing in this kind of forest and not the jungle?”

Didn’t your counterpart mention something about an animal preserve?

Yeah. But still I’m glad it’s harmless little monkeys and not-

Without warning, the monkey in your light lets out a maddening hooting chant that gets the others all riled up, and a look of anger comes to their eyes.

“…I knew it, I bucking knew it. Every goramned thing wants to kill me in the Everfree, no matter what world it’s in,” you whimper as you try to take a few steps back. That’s all it takes though for the dam to break, and the horde of monkeys pounce on you.

“AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” you scream to the heavens as you run with several monkeys clawing and biting you.


So it turns out that monkeys are incredibly territorial. You found that out first hand as you ran all night with the little bucks trying to claw your eyes out. You stumble out of the trees with ripped up clothing, and more than a few scratches.

“Selly…when we finally get you a body, I want you to remember last night. I want you to remember that I got scratched up and nearly eaten by bucking MONKEYS for you…” you growl grouchily and sleep deprived.

…I’ll not forget it, I swear, she says sounding a bit guilty at your current state.

“And that’s all I ask.”

“Oh My Gosh! What Happened To You?!” comes a startled female voice. You look your left and see a human woman with redish pink skin and a raspberry mane with flowers in it. She has a walking stick and backpack with her and looks extremely worried.

“Monkeys, you filthy humie. It was monkeys,” you groan.


Episode 14: Battle Scars

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Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

The red-haired woman blinks in surprise before her expression morphs into understanding.

"You wandered into the reserve, didn't you?" She states knowingly which surprises you. "You're not the first person to do that, and I doubt you'll be the last. They really need to put a fence or something around it's border so people stop walking into those animals' territories." She says with a frown directed at the forest behind you.

“Or a sign that shows rabid flesh eating monkeys,” you groan into the dirt in response.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let's get you up and over to the lodge. We've got a first aid kit and we can lend you some of Timber's clothes when we get there." She offers.

“Are there monkeys there?” you grunt.

“No,” she says a bit confused.

“Then sure, why the buck not,” you agree as you attempt to get to your feet.

“Here, let me,” she says kneeling down beside you to put one of your arms over her shoulder.

Oh Luna, it’s touching me, you mentally panic before you slump your shoulders in resignation. Meh, I’ll bathe later, right now I’m too tired to care.

So offering no resistance, she helps you to stand up and helps you walk in the direction she came from.

“By the way, I’m Gloriosa Daisy,” she says as she hauls you onto a trail.

“Bugze,” you answer in kind.

“Nice to meet you sir,” she says with a smile. “By the way, is there anybody you want me to call for you?”

“Call? Oh right, magic phones,” you sputter as you remember the impossibly small piece of plastic that B2 gave you.


“Nothing,” you hand wave. “And not really, the other m-MY BROTHER is probably already at work so best not worry him.”

“Oh…OK then,” she shrugs.

GreyRebl’s Comment

And so, the human woman gently leads you to a rather small, yet quaint lodge. The base is alive with moss, and the wooden seem chipped and old, but it’s a far better sight of a shelter than the cruddy tent that you “slept” in. Just by seeing it, you feel your situation instantly getting better as you entertain the idea of a proper roof over your head.


“Ugh…” you groan deliriously as you stumble toward what looks like the entrance. “Better not be any crawlies in there. I think I already have a few in my mane…”

The woman blinks, a hand pausing on the door handle.

“Mane?” she ask as her eyes trails toward your hair. She then quickly glances away with a not-so-subtle grimace, the disgust bleeding through her voice. “I-I think we can get you bath, too...”

“...Please and thank you,” You gulp, and shudder. Whether real or not, you swear you feel something slithering along your scalp...and it may or may not have more than eight legs. It’s taking all your newly born common sense to NOT give into your burning desire to incinerate your own mane and Sombra’s obnoxious laughter in the back of your mind isn’t helping!

Ahhahahahahah! You’re a bug-pony! And you’re afraid of bugs in your mane? Ahahahah!

Ahahahahaha! You mentally laugh sarcastically. Literally NEVER have heard that one before,

Bugze, just ignore him. Selena sighs. Focus on cleaning up for now.

“Can do…” you mutter, and you follow the woman into the lodge.

You feel the air shift as you step inside. You can still smell the nature in the walls, but the punishing elements of the wild aren’t there anymore. The almighty blessing of the indoors soothes your aching skin, and you glance to the side and you see cots. And by cots, you mean proper beds. Beds so pristine and white and fluffy that you can just feel yourself sinking into it’s sweet, succulent softne—

An icky hand grabs your shoulder, shattering your illusion.

“H-huh, wuh?” you grunt and look back at the woman with flowers in her mane. She pulls you aside, guiding you to a chair.

“Sit over here.” Groaning at the denial of sleep, you do as you’re told. The moment you sit your exhausted flank on it, there is a creaking so high-pitched that you swear it’ll break, if not by your physical weight, then by your horrendous juju. Miraculously, it actually holds, but the stiff, hard wood rubbing against your lower back and, uh, lower human partsmakes you wince.

“Nnngh, Stupid monkey trying to chew my flank off,” you groan as you bare a stiff posture. “Okay, uh, now what?”

Gloriosa pulls out what you assume to be a medkit from her bag.

“I’m going to check you over, you look in rough shape,” she informs.

“Right, right…. Guess that’s fine as long as-” The words in your throat suddenly die. “Uuuh...” You look down on yourself, at your ravaged clothes, your reddening skin and your useless limbs.

I’m completely defenseless here, you shudder and look back at the human who opens up the medkit.

“Um...” you grunt nervously and shift away from her a little.

“...I-Is something wrong?” she asks, pursing her lip in concern.

In the seconds that follow her question, you come to a revelation as a recollection of ALL the times you’ve participated in medical services of some kind runs through your head. A ninja nurse appears in your mind, followed by the flash of a faulty doctorate of a certain quack, which then unravels into an inky black and bleachy white that barely resembles the horrifying faces of crazies from a certain asylum.

And with that flashing through your head, your brows go razor straight as you proceed to make the most logical response in the sanest manner possible.

“You’re not gonna do anything weird to me, are you?!” you shriek and curl your form a bit in defense.

“I...” The incredulity shoots up to her face as her arms flop to her sides. “I’m sorry—What?

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

You blink from her tone, and several warnings start blaring in your mind, which probably annoyed the heck out of the other two occupants within but-that's-beside-the-point. You forge on and repeat what you said despite the warnings.

"I said, you're not going to do anything weird to me, are you?" You answer. "Because I've had a lot of weird and unwanted things happen to me from people with medical knowledge in the past, particularly from people with the words "Doctor", and "Quack", and "Silver" in their names. Usually in that order." You're not sure why you thought of him just now, although it probably has something to do with him being present in at least seventy-five percent of those weird things.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

The women gives you a stare for a few moments before she facepalms and mutters,

"Oh not that loon again."

Your eyes widen in surprise at her comment, and you briefly snap out of your dazed state as you ask,

"Wait, you know Quack Silver!?"

"I wish I didn't,” she sighs. “That nut job comes by once every year to volunteer as the camp nurse, and every year we kick him out for trying to perform illegal kidney transplants."

"What! How has he not been arrested yet!? And why would you keep hiring that nutjob!"

She looks confused at your question for some reason before her eyes widen and she says,

"Oh no no no, not on the kids. The wildlife however...."

The growl she gives as she trails off reminds you of the Ursa Major's after you beat up her cub, and that makes you start to fear for your life before she sighs and slumps her shoulders.

"As for hiring him? We don’t. After the first time, he keeps just showing up when camping season starts.”

“Ever heard of a restraining order?” you ask incredulously.

“Yes actually, but that doesn’t stop him,” she shakes her head in annoyance. “But if you’ve run across him I can understand your fear of medicine.”

No Kidding. He’s nuts no matter what the world it seems.



Kichi’s Comment

Doctor Quacksalver is drunk and belligerent (as usual) in front of Twilight Sparkle’s Library at midnight.

“Sir, I’ve all but had enough of your ramblings, please leave before I get angry,” the Alicorned Twilight orders.

“But come on, you’re a flappy wappy Princess now, and I need approval for my medical pursuits!” he says swaying.

“I’m not going to allow you to do genetic experiments on poor helpless animals!” she shouts. “Not only is that immoral, but Fluttershy’s rage would break.”

“But Equestria is in need of a troop of two headed, four armed gorilla monsters, why can’t you all see that. Are you all suffering from Crazyitis?” he warbles with a hiccup.

“Why? Why would we possibly need that?” Twilight says, nearly popping a blood vessel.

“It’s the only way to stop the baboons with six limbs that like to suck souls,” he says matter of factly.

“What?!” Twilight says in confusion.

“They exist! One of them tried to eat my soul in a back alley in Fillydelphia, but I administered sedative and ran away,” he says holding up a mallet. “But we have to prepare! Only abomination primates can fight abomination primates.”

“…Get off my lawn!” Twilight growls and shuts her window.

“I see you’re suffering from unbelieveitis. How about instead you let me do experiments on the dragon weasel chaos guy now that he’s hooking up with the Butterfly pegasus? I could knock out that snaggle tooth and use it to make the spider gorillas much easier?”

“I’m Calling The Guards!” Twilight yells.

“Whelp, time to go!” he shouts and runs off. Inside, Twilight facehooves and groans, while a bleary eyed Spike looks at her.

“What was that about Twilight?”

“Some nutjob trying to ask favors now that I’m a princess,” she says with a groan. “This is going to become a thing now isn’t it?”

“Probably,” he nods relunctantly. “But hey, you want to hear some good news?”

“Sure,” she nods.

“I got a letter today from Nightshade,” he says holding up a piece of parchment.

“Oh that’s nice,” she says actually smiling. “How’s she and Tennant doing?”

“Not sure on BST, but she and her Grandpa are having fun on vacation.”

“Well that’s lovely,” Twilight says patting the dragon’s head. “I’m glad you two are keeping contact,” she says trollishly.

“I-Uh-Of course, why wouldn’t I stay in contact with a good friend?” Spike says with a blush while Twilight smirks.

“Uh-Huh, just hope that BST doesn’t have one of his usual fits,” she says as they both chuckle.


Down With Chrysallis’s Comment

“ACHOO!” you suddenly sneeze.

“Bless you,” Gloriosa says.

“Thanks,” you say as you rub your nose.

I feel a large amount of misplaced anger right now for some reason…

“But anyway, to answer your question, No I’m not going to do anything weird to you, I just want to make sure the monkeys didn’t get you too badly. The last thing I need is you getting sick.”

“…Alright,” you nod. “I’ll take your word on it for now.”

"Very well then. Let’s get this shirt off of you and see if we have any deep cuts or not.”

Not really paying attention due to the pain and exhaustion you nod your head and let the women get to work.

Uh Bugze...I do not think it would be wise for her to unclothe you, Selena says nervously.

Why? She needs to dress my injuries and all that. What's the worst that can happen?

Surprisingly its Sombra who answers that prophetic phrase.

I feel as if you've forgotten your battle scars.

What about them? You quirk your eyebrow. Sure they aren't exactly good to look out but I doubt that means anythi-


Stopping you mid thought is the sound of something falling to the floor. Looking up you see that Gloriosa has dropped the medical kit. Confused, you look up at her face and see the absolute look of pure horror on her face.

It takes you a few moments, and the air on your chest, for you to realize why she is so horrified.

Oh crapbaskets, you think as you look down at yourself.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Your scar you received from the other Cadence is very much evident on your human chest as it practically covers two thirds of it. The wound has long since healed, however with how severe it was the damage is still evident. Plus the damage from removing Chrysalis’s Throne Piece doesn’t help the picture either. The wound, having been cauterized, left a nasty burn in conjunction with the sword scar.

Needless to say, it looks like you were stabbed by a massive blade, then had a large part of your upper chest blown off by dynamite.

What the buck? It didn’t look nearly as bad back in Equestria! You mentally panic.

You had chitin back home, this body doesn’t have the equivalent, Selena points out.

Stupid weak fleshy human body! You chastise as Gloriosa looks all over your scars, on the verge of puking if the green in her face is anything to go by.

"I *gulp* see you've been through a lot." She says shakily. Before you could explain yourself another human with green hair steps through the door.

"Hey sis, I heard a noise and I thought you hurt yoursel-JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" the male shrieks looking over your chest.

“Timber!” Gloriosa chastises.

It's gonna be one of those days isn't it? You think mournfully as you slump against the chair back.

Yep. Selena sighs.

“I apologize for my brother Mr. Bugze,” Gloriosa says nervously.

“I-I’m sorry Mister,” the boy says in embarrassment. “I just didn’t expect it.”

“It’s OK,” you hand wave. “This isn’t the first time.”

Even though it is, you think.

“The truth is, I got these nasty scars by…uh…”

You fell down some stairs.

“I fell down some stairs…” They look at you incredulously after saying that. Even you feel off put by that lie.

“Really? Stairs?” Gloriosa asks.

“…Yes. They were really big stairs,” you double down on the lie causing them to look at each other.

“But enough about stairs and some weirdoes’ unhealthy obsession with them,” you say thinking of the chuckling Umbrum, “How bad did the monkeys get me?” Gloriosa and Timber then look to your fresher cuts.

“R-Right, I’m sorry,” she says as she picks back up the med kit, and Timber’s eyes enlighten.

“Oh, another Preserve attack?”

“Yeah,” you nod. “How often do these occur?”

“More than think, but less than you’d hope,” he shrugs. “By the way, I’m Timber Spruce.”

“Nice to meetcha,” you say absently as you watch Gloriosa tend to your bites and scratches. After awhile, she looks back up to you and says,

“Well, they didn’t get you too deep to need stitches, so that’s a good sign. All you need is a shower and some bandages and some rest and you’ll be right as rain.”

“Thank you again,” you nod as you head into the bathroom and wash all the grime and whatever evil forest things off your human body.

When you are done, there are an extra set of human clothes left out for you and you put them on gleefully. When you are redressed, you head back into the main room and see both humans waiting for you.

“Alright, now let’s get some bandages on those,” Gloriosa says as she starts wrapping your scratches and bites. While she does, Timber speaks to you.

“By the way, where were you headed before the monkeys got you mister?”

“I was looking for some place called Camp Everfree, but I got thrown off the horrible death trap bus and got lost in the woods.” They both look surprised by this.

“You were looking for Camp Everfree?” she asks.


“Well your search is over, you’ve found it,” Timber says with a smirk.

“Wait, for real?” you ask and they both nod.

“Huh…well that’s pretty convenient.”

Aside from the killer monkey thing, Selena snarks.

Yeah, aside from that.

“If I may ask, why were you looking for our Camp Bugze?” Gloriosa asks as she finishes your bandages.

“Well, uh…I’m looking for the nearby lake. Heard there was a monster there that might have some magical ancient artifact,” you say truthfully.

Why would you admit that?

Because they live near the dang thing, and if anyone would know more it’s them?

…Logical, but incredibly blunt, she says with a sigh.

Although your words do appear to have an effect. Gloriosa’s eyes widen to nearly dinner plates for some reason, and Timber for some reason seems mischievous.

“Oh, another gloryhound monster hunter huh?” he says with a smirk.

“Another?” you ask confused.

“Yeah, it’s not unheard of that you bigfoot hunter types come looking to find the legendary Gaea Everfree,” he admits.

“Timber…” Gloriosa whispers in a somewhat nervous scolding voice for some reason, but you kind of ignore that as a smile lights your face.

Well now we’re getting somewhere.

“Actually I don’t know much, can you tell me more?” you inquire and the boy smiles even wider while Gloriosa frowns.

The boy then starts telling you the Legend of the Everfree (HAH!)


Episode 15: A Fishing We Will Go

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After Timber finishes relating the legend to you, you and the two other voices in your head begin to discuss about it. And once again you act surprisingly more logical and rational than you normally do.

Hmmmm, Gaea Everfree...that name ring any bells with you two?

If this spirit existed it was after my defeat at the hooves of the two sisters.

I have no memory of this creature either, nor do I recall a legend such as this with the Everfree back home.

Me neither, so either this Gaea is just from this world...

Or she is simply a local legend to give campers a scare as they visit the camp.

Either way this legend was a waste of time. We came here for signs of the Sirens, not some urban myth.

Ignoring Sombra's heated tone you instead hum in thought, catching the attention of the two humans in front of you. Gloriosa looks rather nervous before saying,

"Please ignore my brother’s silly legends, there really isn't any pro-" You stand up, interrupting the woman.

"Actually, I think there is."

This catch's the attention of everyone, those in your head and not, as a collective "What" echoes around the cabin. Ignoring this you begin to pace and hypothesize.

"So this Gaea lady threatened to destroy the camp for destroying part of her forest to make it right?" Timber nods his head at this before you continue, "And those lake monster sightings have only been happening after the camp’s construction began, am I right?”

Where exactly are you going with this Bugze?

"Well...I mean…” Gloriosa stammers, “Yes the sightings have happened more frequently since the camp was built, but-"

"If that's the case, then couldn't this lake monster actually be...?” You leave the sentence hanging as you wait for the others to realize what you have. A few moments pass before Timber's eyes widen in understanding.

"Wait, you don't mean that the lake monster is-"

"A minion of this Gaea lady? Yes! It’s the most logical conclusion!"

Shocked silence hangs in the air for a moment as this revelation is said, until you hear Selena face hoof hard and groan.

What? You ask in confusion.

THAT’S the most logical conclusion? Wouldn’t it make more sense to suggest this Gaea IS the lake monster? She says in exasperation.

Please, you hand wave, that’s way too obvious. The stories Jack told about the sirens said they were a threat sure, but this Gaea lady can control the whole freaking forest. That’s clearly more powerful than some fish lady, so she’d be the big dog in town.

…I would be more impressed if it weren't for the fact you came to this conclusion from watching far too many films. I knew this new intelligence of yours would only be temporary. And like that your confident mood shatters.

Well...thanks for ruining the moment Selena, you think with a slump.

“I don’t know,” Timber says aloud, “That seems like a jump in logic to me. I thought you were thinking that Gaea WAS the lake monster,” Timber speaks up.

You see? Selena says haughtily.

MY REASONING MAKES PERFECT SENSE!!!You challenge, before staring the human male in the eye.

“Well whatever the case, they’re clearly connected,” you tell him before a brilliant idea pops into your head.

8BitMadness’s Comment

"Say, what's the strongest fishing line you have?" you ask

"Uh, I think we have some rated for deep sea fishing, why?" Timber replies. You catch Gloriosa giving Timber a menacing look, probably for continuing to enable you.

"Why?" You start. "Simple, we're gonna catch whatever is in that lake and draw out Gaea herself!

Bugze, that's THE stupidest idea I've ever heard come out of your mouth in the last few hours. Where did all that confident forward thinking from a week ago go?

Actually, I like this plan, as stupid as it seems. Sounds like it will lead to violence.

Whatever is in that lake is our best chance at getting a lead on the sirens, and that's if it’s not one of the sirens itself, surely underwater creatures got dirt on other underwater creatures. This is our best bet to figure out where they are. We can’t let an opportunity like this slip, Selena! After all, the entire purpose of this mission is to get you a body! You point out.

Bugze, I understand this entirely, but this is risky. Calling out this Gaea entity in this form is suicide. If you die, I die, she says in worry.

Hey, don't forget me! Sombra butts in.

Yeah, but we don't care about you whatsoever, she says coldly.

Ow, that comment stung!He responds sarcastically.

Okay you two, settle down! If this keeps up I'll look weird in front of these humans. Just don’t worry about it, I’m not going to die from some druidic hippie goddess.

Gloriosa looks at you with a slack jaw and dead eyes, while Timber seems to be vibrating with an unknown level of excitement.

"That has to be the dumb-"

"BEST IDEA EVER!" Gloriosa begins to comment, before being cut off by Timber.

"I'll go get the line and our best pole. We're catching ourselves a lake monster!" Timber continues, running off with a manic grin on his face.

“Timber!” she calls out after her sibling, before turning back to you, her earlier cheerfulness all but gone.

“Uhh, what’s wrong?” you say trepidly.

“…Nothing,” she badly lies. “I just don’t like him getting so caught up in these games,” she huffs.

“Hey, it’s a free country, “ you shrug before stopping. “I would assume…?”


“What?” you respond back.

You two stare at each other for a good few seconds in silence before she takes a deep breath, sighs, and puts on a false smile.

“Mr. Bugze, I know you had a rough night, so wouldn’t you rather relax and get some sl-“

“Yo! I got the gear!” Timber shouts triumphantly from the entrance, holding a large fishing pole and a tackle box.

“Buck Yeah!” you cheer and stand up, your drowsiness drowned out by adrenaline. “Let’s go fishing!!!”

“But I-“ Gloriosa starts, but you are already out the door with the green haired human, running full speed towards the lake.


Kichi’s Comment

After leading you to the furthest protruding shoreline on the lake, you hold aloft the deep sea fishing pole, ready to cast.

Alright, let's see if all those boring days fishing with Grandbuggy did something, you think as you try to remember any techniques…but you blank completely.

What the buck?! I know I went fishing with him. He took me all the time even when I didn’t want to, you grumble.

Were you even paying attention back then? Selena asks.

Hmmm, now that I think about it, this was back in middle school and the only things on my mind at the time were video games and how good Chrysalis was starting to look.

Say what now?

“NOTHING!!!” you yell aloud startling the human next to you.

“What? What’s up?” he asks.

“Nothing! I just said that!” you snap as you tightly grasp the pole in your alien hands.

“You alright?” Timber asks. “Your knuckles are white as bone.”

“I don’t want to lose this stupid pole is all. Still not used to stupid humie fingers,” you explain.

“Huh?” he says confused.

“Nothing! Here I Go!!!” you shout as you raise the pole and wildly fling it around like a lasso before casting it out into the lake.

“That’s, uh…an interesting form?” Timber says unsurely.

“Indeed it is Thunder,” you nod.

“Timber,” he corrects.

“Whatever ‘er’ name,” you roll your eyes as all of a sudden you feel drag on the line. “OH, I think I’ve got something!” You excitedly reel in the line, which feels really weird with fingers, and you look upon your prize…a human’s left boot.

“That’s...not what I was going for,” you admit as you toss the waterlogged footwear onto the ground and toss your line back out.

A little while later, you reel in yet another catch. Another left boot.

“Again?!” you groan.

You cast out your line again and again and again, but after an hour the only thing you’ve caught are seven left boots.

“Why? Why is it only left boots?”

Because you are horrendous at fishing, Sombra mocks.

I'm just a little rusty, I will get the monster soon, you groan as you keep casting your line in determination.

GreyRebl’s Comment

Many hours later…

“You are crazy persistent,” Timber says sitting on a log next to yours, the both of you looking out into the lake next to an even bigger stack of left boots. “You know that, right? After so many false catches, I’m surprised you’re still willing to give it a go.”

Listless as you are, what with focusing your all into the task at hoof-er, hand, you barely pay him any mind. Your eyes are growing heavy and dark, and your limbs sag from exhaustion, reminding you that you haven’t even slept since yesterday, but knowing your own luck, the instant you fall asleep, something will ruin your night anyway.

“You’re an eccentric yourself,” you mutter. “We’re fishing out a bucking lake monster for crying out loud, so what are you so gungho for?”

“Hah!” Timber smirks, adjusting the wire of his fishing rod with a tug. After watching you pull out nothing but boots, he decided to give you a hand. “I’d never turn down a monster hunt. Bit of a fanatic myself. When you get to know this neck of the woods like I do, maybe you’ll understand. I’ve been around here since I was small, and Gloriosa’s the same.”

You hum for a bit. For the first time in hours, you relax your gaze on the water where the fishing bob floats. Tilting your eyes up, you begin to see a much, much wider picture of the lake. The lake, ever extensive in all directions, glistens with shades of orange and deep violet under the evening light, and, although you don’t usually care to notice, it’s a beautiful sight.

“...must be nice with all that view,” you say.

“Heheh. Yeaaah…” Timber trails off, and you notice his expression wane. “Growing up, I thought so too. But see it enough times, and even a place as awesome as this loses its magic.”

You lift your head at that last word.


“Don’t get me wrong,” Timber licks his lips, rolling the reel of his fishing rod. “I love this place to bits. But I always wanted to believe that, well…” He gave a shrug. “That there’s more to it.”

You blink. “You mean you want more excitement in this place?”

“Nah.” He shakes his head. “This place is exciting enough as it is. We’ve got the reserve nearby, and you know how that goes.” When he gives you a meaningful nod, you realize what he means and sulk with a resounding groan.

“Don’t remind me. Freaking monkeys…”

“Look, man. I’m just saying that the Everfree Forest deserves a little mystery to spice things up once in a while.” He smiles. “Besides. It’s fun.”

Suddenly, a voice from behind breaks the conversation.

“You boys are still at it?” Timber lights up with a grin and turns around.

“Gloriosa! Here to join us?” Gloriosa rolls her eyes, brushing aside a strand of raspberry hair.

“With your shenanigans, no. Even if it’s just fishing, I would have stopped hours ago.”

“Meh.” You greet her with a simple nod. “I plan to keep on going, actually.”

Gloriosa’s brows furrows.

“That...doesn’t sound healthy.” As she goes to sit on one of the logs, her gaze trails toward the side at the obscene amount of musky boots laid in a pile. She winces, her nose wrinkling. “I… Just can’t believe it. I know they turn up once in a while, but just how bad is your luck?” A shudder runs through you.

“Oh, more than you’ll ever know…” you mutter darkly. None of the siblings hear your words, but they see the deep grimace on your face.

The two share a glance. Then, with an enlightened clap of her hands, Gloriosa fishes into her bag, saying,

“I know something that could cheer you up!” One by one, she pulls out a series of items, all enclosed in fancy, plastic wrapping. Marshmallows, chocolate bars, graham crackers. She holds them up with a gentle smile on her face. “Who’s up for some smores~?”

“Oh, sweet!” Timber practically jumps from his seat. “I’ll start the fire! Even got the wood in place.” Laying down the fishing rod, he begins to pat around his pockets. “Now where the heck did I put my lighter?”

You make a show of clearing your throat.

“Please.” With a cheeky, little grin, you pull out a certain, charred hoverboard from your bag. “Allow me.”

The siblings eye your hoverboard, following it as you hold it over the campfire circle.

“Let there be fiyah!” you yell as you smash the stupid thing onto the wood.


The hoverboard lights up in flame, catching the pile on fire along with it! When the camp fire’s toasty enough to your liking, you pull the burning hoverboard away to dip it into the lake where the fire fizzles out. After you shake off the water, you slip the hoverboard back into your bag and then continue fishing as if everything is totally normal.

Timber and Gloriosa stare, completely slack-jawed.

“W-wha…” Timber stammers, “Just… How…?

“The Buck if I know,” you shrug and watch your line.

After a long while of questioning all they know of physics and science, the siblings shrug and start preparing the tasty treats.

You know, so far most humans I’ve met are ugly terrible gross things…you ponder.

And now you think otherwise? Selena asks.

Oh no, I still think they’re all ugly gross things…but Timber and Gloriosa are alright and not entirely terrible.

You are hopeless, Sombra sighs, sounding disappointed.

And you’re a humie fanatic. That show is for little fillies, you chide.

The human mythologies were around far before that wonderful show cockroach! They were her favorite tales…he trails off in remembrance.

Oh… you think awkwardly, remembering the information Nightshade told you about Sombra and his old friend Radiant Hope. Specifically how it all ended.

I…uh…I mean, I guess human…clothes are good? You venture, which causes him to sigh.

Do not patronize me, he grumbles.

Wow…sore subject huh? You say to Selena.

That’s an understatement, she agrees.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kersey’s Comment

Darkinfinity666’s Comment

Wanting a distraction from that awkwardness, you accept a smore from Gloriosa and think about your doppelganger.

I Wonder what B2 is up to right now.

Probably something idiotic, Sombra mocks on cue.

Oi have a little more faith in the other me! He can handle himself.

I don’t know about that my bug. He does not seem as mature as you, and that’s saying a lot Selena says in worry.

I’m sure he’s fine, you say in confidence.


We find B2 after hours at school trying to peel some gum off the floor to no avail, while listening to his “brand new” Walkman, blaring out classic tunes.

“Fire! I’ll take you to burn!” he sings vindictively as he brings the lit up blowtorch towards the floor. He stops as a voice interrupts him.

“Uh isn’t that a little excessive Mr. Bugze?” he stops and looks towards the voices owner, seeing a violet girl with the glasses that Bugze told him about.

“Actually according to my guide book it’s standard procedure.” He says pulling out a book that says Now You’re Cooking With Gas.

“Okay...well I’m not one to go against a book but did you at least try to peel it off with a paper towel first?” B2 thinks for a moment at that idea. The mop didn’t work, nor the broom, or the jack hammer, or the axe, or the rusty spoon, so could a simple paper towel work? Shrugging, he turns off the torch, grabs a paper towel off of his cart and tries her method. Surprisingly it works.

“Are you kidding me?! I’ve been here for three hours trying to get rid of this thing!” He facepalms realizing he could have left for home when all the rest of the students did. As he tosses the offending mouth rubber into the trash he realizes how strange it is that he’s not the only one still around.

“By the way, why are you still here after school Twinkle?”

“It’s Twilight,” she corrects.

“Whatever “Twi” name,” he hand waves and waits for her answer.

“Oh, well, I actually use the lab a lot here for it’s free resources. I have many personal projects that I work on that I can’t at home.”

“Ohhh,” B2 says knowingly with a smug smile, “Working on revenge pranking like Bugz-errr, I told you about huh?” She smiles nervously and rubs the back of her neck.

“Kind of, actually,” she admits.

“Oh come on then, spill,” he begs.

“Well…The three from the other day are going to that new haunted house with all the animatronic jumpscares in a few nights.”

“Oh yeah, Fazbear’s Fright. I considered working for them before I got this gig. Sounds creepy.”

“Exactly. I’ve been working on a remote hacking device to manipulate the robots and maybe give them more than what they’re paying for,” she insinuates. B2 strokes his beard in contemplation before smiling and clapping Twilight on the shoulder.

“I like your moxy kid. Robot vengeance is best vengeance.

“Really? You don’t think it’s a bit much?” she asks feeling validated.

“Of course not. Now go on and finish that controller thing. Seize Your Destiny!” he commands, which causes the impressionable teenage girl to double down on her plans as she nods and runs back to her lab with gusto.

“Huh. What a nice kid. Now to see how many pounds of frozen tater tots I can steal from the cafeteria…”


Why do I have a sudden sense of dread?

Probably because your food’s on fire Sombra deadpans.

Ah, good point, you nod as you blow out your flaming marshmallow.

After a few more smores, the siblings look up at the night sky and see how late it is.

“We should probably be getting to bed,” Timber says with a yawn.

“Yes. Would you like a cot to sleep in Mr. Bugze?” Gloriosa offers.

“No thanks, I’m good where I am,” you decline causing her to purse her lips.

“Oh come on Bugze, the lake’s not going anywhere, it will be here tomorrow,” Timber points out.

“Yeah, but monsters like to come out at night, everyling knows that. If I go to bed now, I’ll miss out on my chance to get my magic stones,” you say as you toss the line back into the water.

RandomFastReader’s Comment

Behind you, a clutter of items falls to the ground.

“Whoa sis, watch those butterfingers of yours,” Timber chuckles. You turn around to see Gloriosa having dropped all the smores ingredients which Timber is picking up. She is looking at you, mouth agape, in surprise and shock.

“Wh-What did you just say?” she stutters.

“I said I have to stay up as long as I can. Catching this monster quick will lead me to what I’m looking for,” you shrug.

“Y-You said something about Magic stones?” she says causing your eyes to widen.

Crapbaskets, did I?

Yes you did,Selena berates.

Buck! Guess I am more tired than I thought.

“N-No. I said…Hammock Bones…” you lie unconvincingly.

“Hammock Bones?” she says not convinced.

“…Yes. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” you say as you quickly turn around and look at the water. You feel as though she is staring a hole into your back, but you don’t turn around. After a few seconds, Timber speaks up.

“Come on Sis, let him have his fun, he ain’t hurting anyone. Good night Mr. Bugze,” Timber says.

“Night Wilber,” you say.

“It’s Ti…Never mind,” you then hear his footsteps leading off. Eventually, you hear Gloriosa say,

“Good night Mr. Bugze…” in a tense voice.

Once her footsteps have retreated, you let out a sigh of relief.

Oh Thank Luna. I almost blew it there in front of the humans.

You did blow it, now they think something’s up, Selena points out.

OK, but I didn’t mess up TOO badly. They only think I’m eccentric, not insane. They have no cause to tie me down in a dark room or anything.

Not yet they don’t, Selena sighs. But they are right Bugze, you do need rest.

I’m fine. I meant what I said, I can’t waste any time. I’ll stay up a few more hours and catch this stupid thing.

30 Minutes Later

You are snoring like a chainsaw against with your back bent around the log and your feet in the air. Surprisingly, the fishing pole is still in your hands. You are jerked back to the waking world though, when the pole is tugged on hard.

“ZZZZ-Wha’s Huh?!” you babble as you reawaken and see your pole nearly bent in half.

“Ha HA! I knew it! This is it guys!” you shout as you tighten your grip and try to reel in the line. “I swear if it’s just another boot I’m gonna…gonna…” you trail off as an ethereal glowing light makes it’s way from out of the dark water. A large human like figure emerges from the glow, and as your jaw drops, so do your hands, and your fishing pole is yanked into the water by the figure.

“HOLY BUCK!!!” you scream aloud and scramble backward. The figure begins floating towards the shore getting closer and closer to you. “Gaea Everfree IS the Lake Monster!!!”

“Leave…My…Woods…” the eery female monster demands sending chills up your spine.

Bugze run! I can feel that thing’s energy! Selena shouts.

What?! You think in shock.

I can feel it too roach, run now! Sombra agrees.

But I-

“Leave…My…Woods!” the nature spirit demands again, louder as she steps onto the shoreline, and you get a better look at her. It has vibrant blue green hair, skin that looks made out of bark and other flora, and her sinister smile spooks the Tartarus out of you.

“I-I…No I can’t!” you say to the monster. “I came all this way just to talk to you.”

The figure looks taken aback for a moment, so you continue.

“Look, I see that you’re a busy plant thing, and I’ve got no beef with you. I just want to know if you’ve seen any sirens or anything in the last thousand years or so? I’m kind of looking for some stones and-“

“LEAVE! MY! WOODS!!!” she shouts as she darts in front of you, her form towering over yours. Only now do you feel what Selena and Sombra did. The sheer power. There is magic in this world, and now it might kill you.

You panic as the monster you sought out glares at you with her glowing eyes. You should run, you should hide, you should beg for forgiveness and mercy, but you don’t do any of these things, your mind is too frightened. So instead, you do what you do best...

Zapper frost’s Comment

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

Something incredibly risky and stupid.



“OOOHHHH!!! Son of a Bitch! You punched me in the nose!!!” Gaea Everfree cries out as she cups both hands over her face in pain.

You stand before her as she crouches and curses and cups her injured face, with your outstretched clenched fist in both shock and awe.

I…I can’t believe that actually worked, Selena says flabbergasted.

YOU can’t believe it? I just punched an alien god in the face…Why did I do that?! You mentally panic.

…I can’t believe we’re not dead right now.

Oh we’ll have plenty of chances I’m sure, you think as you watch as the forest sprit falls to her knees by the water’s edge.

“Oh God I’m bleeding!” she groans as she starts splashing water onto her face. As she does, you notice that on her wrist, there are five different colored objects. Five Colored Stones.

Holy…I’ve found them!

Bugze I don’t think those are- ignoring Selena’s wisdom, you rush forth to the grumbling goddess.

“Oh if this is broken I’m gonna-HEY!!!” she shouts as you pluck the purple stone from around her wrist.

“I ONLY NEED ONE! KAY, THANKS BYE!!!” you yell as you run off with what is surely a Siren Stone.

“GIVE THAT BACK!!!” the spirit shouts in anger.

You have now stolen a magic stone from a pissed off forest godess that you sucker punched.


Episode 16: Frustrating the Spirit of the Everfree

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Zapper frost’s Comment

You run like the freaking wind on your weirdly bent human legs from the lake and it’s pissed off goddess, screaming the whole time.


“GET BACK HERE!!!” is the only response you get from the entity you punched in the nose.

“EEEEEE!!!” you shriek as you enter the trees and start weaving in and out of them.

You hear the snapping of twigs further back as you sense Gaea chasing you.

Quick Selly! Use your mind manipulation powers on her!

What? Selena says in confusion, but you don’t explain as you turn around and point your finger at the plant lady.

Kichi’s Comment

"You didn’t see anything! You broke your own nose!" you yell, hoping the Jedi mind trick works. Guess What? It doesn’t.

“What are you talking about?! Of Course You Did!” she shouts back.

"Crap, why didn’t that work?" you shriek and dodge around a big tree.

Oh I don’t know, maybe because I don’t have mind manipulation powers outside of the dream realm? Selena smarms.

I could have sworn we did!

I can manipulate one’s fears, but I require dark magic and crystals which are sorely lacking in this world, Sombra says matter of factly.

"Oh yeah…” you mutter as you jump over a log and immediately lose your balance on something slimy on the floor.

“Whoa, whoa, AAHH! OOOMPH!!!” you yelp as you fall to the ground.

“Ugh, what was that?” you say as you look down at your shoe and see it covered in something dark and smelly. Your eyes bulge out of your head as you remember the night before.

Oh Buck No!

You look up to the trees above you and see several crouched forms with glowing eyes.

As if that’s their cue, the filthy creatures begin hooting as several jump at you, grabbing at your hair and clothing with their claws.

“AAAHHH!!! STUPID MONKEYS! GET THE BUCK OFF OF ME!!!” you shriek as you scramble to your feet, throwing several of the primates off of you. They then begin throwing their poo at you, and just like last night, you know they’re aiming for your eyes deliberately.

“Oh You Little Buckers! If it weren’t for humans, you’d be my most hated things with opposable thumbs!” you yell as you run out of the edge of their territory…only to run face to face with Gaea Everfree.

“There you are!” she yells.

“AH!” you yelp and back up into a hard flat surface, which turns out to be one of the cabins.

I ran in a circle?! Crap, I AM bad at directions!

“Give me back my stone you miserable wretch!” she demands as she advances on you.

“Buck You Lady Luck! Even in this other world you screw me over!” you yell to the heavens, which momentarily confuses the forest monster.

“Huh? I’m not- I’m Gaea Everfree!”

“I know!” you yell back in fear.

OK, Options guys! What the buck do I do?

Run! Obviously! Selena instructs.

Can’t, Monkeys!

Punch her again, Sombra suggests.

I caught her off guard last time, she’ll be expecting it!

Well Do Something instead of just shaking Bugze! Selena yells.

Right! I…Uh…

As you look around, on a wood pile next to the cabin, you spy an avian form.

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

Baraka Obama’s Comment

Aha! The Joto region be praised! You think in delight as you reach over to what your panicked mind assures you is a legitimate Pokemon.

“Now, give me the stone now or I’ll-“ Gaea begins, but you interrupt her with a shout of,

“Pidgeoto, I choose you!!!” and throw the “Pokemon” at her.

The projectile hits her in the face with a squeak, revealing your Pocket Monster to be nothing more than a rubber chicken.

“WAH!” To your surprise, the suddenness of it actually manages to startle her and cause her to fall backwards.

Seeing your opening, you run in the only direction you can, right over her. In doing so, your foot stomps right on her stomach, causing her to gasp, but you keep running in a direction decidedly not towards the monkeys.

“Sorry! Keep the Chicken!” you yell back.

From behind, you hear her grunt and get to her feet and throw the squeaky toy the ground with a grunt of,

“Damn it Timber, you and your stupid toys!”

Oh Right! Timber and Gloriosa! You think in worry. I gotta warn them!

“TIMBER! GLORIOSA! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! SHE’S REAL!!!” you shout back towards the cabins.

“No, SHH! Be quiet!” Gaea tries to silence you, but you keep shouting.

“Run for the hills! Run for your li-“

“I Said Shut Up!!!” Everfree yells as she sends a wave of vines out at you, which you dodge, falling to the ground.

“Holy Buck that was close!” you shout as you start running again, while Sombra offers counter arguments.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

I still say we should attack instead of flee. We did learn one thing from your idiotic actions actions, she can bleed. If it can bleed, we can kill it.



While you were responding to Sombra you didn't notice an ivy wall suddenly spring up in front of you. This results in you slamming face first into it ala a cartoon. You dazedly push yourself off the wall as you think,

Ugh, who put that wall the-uh oh.

You can feel the spirits presence behind you.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Evasive maneuvers! Sombra screams as Everfree barrels towards you , riding a wave of twisting vines.

A little late for that Simba!

Suddenly, several vines come out of the wall and wrap around your weak squishy human limbs and you raise up. With nowhere to go, she dismounts her vines and steps up to you, a glint of anger in her eye.

Whelp. We're dead. Sombra resigns himself.

Of bucking course, You agree. Selena, do you mind posing on a soft cotton bed in lingerie as my last image before I d-

Buck Off! You’re Not Dead Yet! Selena shouts in embarrassment and worry.

You would think the contrary as the she demon invades your personal space.

“Now, you little pest. Give back my stone or I swear I’ll-“

"AH! PLEASEDON'TKILLMEI'MSTILLAVIRGIN!" You shout out in panic and shut your eyes. Gaea's angry gaze turns to one of surprise.

"W-what? Ki-no! Why would you think I'd kill you?!" She exclaims in indignation, causing you to peek open your eyelids.

"Uh... because you're the supercharged magic alien monster forest spirit lady and I just straight up punched you in the face?" You offer.

She looks at you in deadpan, touches under her bloody nose again to look at the blood on her finger, and then looks back down at you. "Okay, yeah, I'm still angry about that, And I'm ticked off that you took one of my stones. Give that back by the way-,” one of the vines attempts to open your closed fist.

“No, Never! I need this for somepony I care for! You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead human pointers!”

“Look I’m not gonna, just give me the stone already, it’s mine! You can’t even begin to comprehend it’s power.”

“It’s magic, what more do I have to comprehend? I’m not giving it up!”

WAR GAMES’ Comment

You then deftly pull the taser out of the inventory and shock the vines holding your wrists, which sends a current back towards Everfree.

“BBBZZZZTTTT” she stutters as electricity courses through. As she does, the vines holding you release and you fall backward on to the ground. With the taser no longer hitting her, she stops shaking and smoke billows out of the top of her head. She pants and gives you the biggest look of hatred you’ve seen in months.

“Ummm…Blame a guy for trying?” you stutter nervously.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

She grits her teeth and growls rapidly at you as her eyes glow.

“Alright, you know what? Fine! I just wanted you gone, but you chose to be difficult!” she grunts losing her cool. “The spooky spirit act doesn’t work for you? How about more supervillain huh? Will that make you cooperate!!!” she yells as more vines surround you.

Oh boy, I’ve done it now, you shudder.

No Spit Sherlock! Selena says nervously.

“You want the maniacal killer monster act? How’s this?!”

Her voice then begins to echo as she uses something akin to the RCV

"You fool! You dare take one of my stones! You can't even begin to understand their power! With all six all I have to do is snap my fingers and I can wipe off half a town's population in one go! Now give me the stone and I might consider sparing your life!"

She then looks to you, assuming you’ve been cowed, but you can feel your panic leave you at her words, as it is slowly replaced with something. It's the same feeling you got from when human Filthy Rich started to bad mouth you, some form of repressed anger yet at the same time not.

This crazy chick thinks I'm giving this stone back after telling me that!? Put innocent lives at risk!?

So caught up in your thoughts you don't notice the stone in your hand actually...cracking. Nor do you notice some strange purple colored mist come from the stone and climb up your arm.

Bugze, something is- Selena is cut off as you suddenly relax, or appear to at least. You pull your hat down slightly as you let out one phrase with such a tone that the spirit shivers.

"Good Grief, you sure are something."

“W-What?” she says taken aback.

"So you want me to give you this stone? After telling me all that? You must be some special kind of dumb, huh?" you chide as you start walking towards her and her mass of vines.

The spirit actually begins to back away from you, but her attention isn't on you. It's on something… behind you? But you don't notice as you stop right in front of her and say,

"Now...let’s see if I still got what it takes to kick an evil spirit’s flank off!"

“Wh-What is that? Is that a horse behind you?” she sputters and points, throwing you off of your tangent.

“Huh?” you turn around to look but all you see is the disappearing whisps of something.

“What are you talking about?”

“There was a dark horse, I swear!”

“…Suuuure,” you say unbelievingly.

What in the world was that? Selena suddenly gasps in your mind.

She’s trying to throw me off my cool speech, that’s what.

No you idiot, something happened with me, there was- Selena is again cut off as the godess speaks again.

“Nevermind, look it’s late, we’ve all hurt each other, can you just give my rock back already?”

“No! You said you were gonna wipe out half a town with it!”

“I Said I COULD, not that I would!” she explains.

“Yeah, well I still don’t want to. I need this siren stone to make a body, possibly two!”

“Wha?” the demon gasps in pure bewilderment. “What are you going on about? Why are you so confusing?” she demands, her voice losing her echo.

“I don’t know, how else am I supposed to act with an evil plant goddess?”

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

“I’m, I…Ugh, why is this going so poorly?” she groans in frustration, facepalming.

“Hey, you know, when you’re not being all spooky and evil sounding, you sound familiar,” you point out, causing her eyes to widen.

“Uh, no I don’t!” she says quickly.

“Yeah you do…have we met before somewhere on the other side? I swear I know you’re voice…”

It's Gloriosa Daisy, Selena supplies in deadpan.

"GLORIOSA?!" You exclaim in surprise.

Her eyes widen in panic. "How did you- I mean- whooooo~ is this Gloriosa person you speak ooo~of? I~IIIII am Gaia Everfreeeeeeee~ Woo~ooooooo~." She attempts to hide her voice by making ghost noises. You have to admit that it's only slightly more creepy because of the blood on her face. Not by much though.

“What gives Daisy? I thought we were cool? We roasted marshmallows together,” you say, your voice filled with hurt.

“I SAID I’M NOT THIS GLORIOSA!” she says, her voice echoing again. “I AM THE SPIRIT OF THE EVERFREE AND-“

"GLORIOSA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! AND WHY ARE YOU ALL BLOODY?!" A new voice calls out from behind her as Timber Spruce steps out of the cabins.

“I-I….Uh…” the woman begins to falter, so you take the initiative.

“Run Timber! Your Sister Was the Monster the Whole Time! She’s Going To Kill Half the Town!!!”

“WHAT?!” he bellows as you dive into him, knocking him through the nearest cabin door, and onto the ground dazed.

"TIMBER!!!" Gloriosa Everfree cries out in worry as you slam the door behind you and get off of the dazed human male.

"You'll Thank Me Later Kid! Start Barricading When You Get Your Wits About You!" you shout as you start dragging a dresser in front of the door.


Episode 17: Boom Shakalaka!

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ThePonySpartan’s Comment

As you rush over to a nearby dresser to put in front of the door, Timber groggily sits up with his eyes still spinning.

“Anyone get the number of that bus?” he says as he holds his head.

“AH! There’s a bus here too?!” you shriek and whip around, accidentally throwing a vase of flowers that hits Timber and causes him to groan more.

“Ohhhh,” he groans as he clutches his forehead. Thankfully, you see no metal carriage of stinky doom invading the cabin.

Oh Thank Luna, you breathe a sigh of relief. A killer goddess camp counselor I can deal with, but if even see a bus, I’m setting this whole place on fire!

I doubt it’d fit through the front door, Sombra remarks.

“Hey! Let Me In!!!” comes a cry from outside as Gloriosa bangs on the door.

AH! I spoke too soon!

“There’s noling here, just go away now,” you say halfheartedly as you pull a table in front of the door. Suddenly her face appears in the window.

“Stop moving stuff around! You’re scratching all the floors!” she angrily says, the dried blood still caked around her nose. She then notices her brother with the smashed vase all around him.

“What Did You Do To Timber?!!!”

“EEEP!” you shriek as you quickly put a mattress in front of the window, blocking her view.

“HEY!!!” she shrieks and starts banging on the glass. It’s then that you realize there are countless other windows around, so you turn to the dazed human on the floor.

“Oh, that’s gonna leave a mark,” Timber says as he shakes his head and looks to you. “Now Bugze can we calm down and-“


You slap the teenager across the face to get his head in the game, which only serves to make him even more dizzy.

“No Time for idiotic things like calming down Timber! We gotta build more barricades!”

“Build?” he asks in his stupor.

“Yes, Build!” you repeat

“Alright! Build our fortress up!” he says groggily as he grabs the refrigerator and starts shimmying it.

“That’s the spirit!” you encourage. “Build it up like Marecraft!”

"No! Not like Minecraft, what are you, twelve?" He snaps back at you, not noticing you said Mare instead of Mine. "This is my Fortnite skills coming out!"


“Yeah, you know, it’s a battle royal type of game that…wait a minute, what am I doing?” he says with a shake of his head and stops pulling the fridge.

“Why are we tearing up the cabin?” he says, his head no longer foggy.

“Because we have to barricade ourselves before your evil sister snaps her fingers and wipes out the town! We can’t let her get this Siren Stone back!” you inform, showing him the purple stone.

“What? My sister would never do that!” he says in shock.

“She told me she could! She’s Gaea Everfree! She’s probably a descendant of the Sirens.”

How do you figure that Bugze? Selena asks.

Well duh, magic rocks granting powers? And as Smokey likes to point out, humans aren’t magical, so that means she’s got to have magic in her blood, so ergo, Siren descendant.

That’s…actually pretty logical, Selena says impressed.

I know right? And wait, if Gloriosa is a descendant, then so is…You eyes then widen as you make another deduction.

“Which means so are you…” you accuse the boy who looks beyond confused.


“Oh Gods! If the Sirens got sent here thousands of years ago, they must have turned human as well and…Bred with the natives,” you gag at the implications.

“What are you talking about?” he demands.

“You and your sister are part evil fish horse, and now she’s fallen to the dark side and using your nifty family heirlooms,” You shout out your deductions.

“I…What?!” Gloriosa’s face then appears in the kitchen window.

“Timber! Stop him from wrecking the cabin!” she yells.

“No Timber! Don’t embrace the Dark Side!” you shout as knock into Timber, sprawling him on the floor as you rush to the window and pull down the shutters.


Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“EEE, she’s getting desperate. Stupid magic in magicless world!”

You then rapidly grab anything and everything you can get your disgusting human hands on to shove in front of the door, the windows and the chimney of the cabin to prevent Gloriosa from getting in. You hear Timber groan and sit up behind you.

"Ugh, my head." He groans after suffering three consecutive head injuries courtesy of you.

"Timber! You’re a weird crime against nature hybrid, but you haven’t tried to kill me yet so that makes you cool in my book, so pull your own weight already so she doesn't kill us!" You call back at him without stopping your mad scramble to block the door.

"Ugh... Bugze, what?" He says in confusion at your actions.

"Come on! Don't make me do all the work! Both our lives are on the line here," You say to him rapidly, attempting to get his flank in gear.

You hear a crashing sound behind you, and you obviously conclude he’s following orders.

“Good, just like that. Make more loud noises!”

"Bugze..." He says again.

"Yeah, that's my name. Your name is Timber Spruce, and your sister's name is Gloriosa "Gaia Everfree" Daisy, who is also going to try to break through this door any second now so we should really start trying to make it so she can't by piling as much crud in front of the door as possible before she tries so HOP-TO-IT MAN!!!" You belt out, never stopping your task.

"Bugze." He repeats.

"Dude! Come on! She'll get us for sure if you don't help out! I don’t care if your great great something grandparent was an evil sea horse, we’re in this together!" You exclaim in panic.

"Bugze. There's a back door and Gloriosa's already inside." Timber deapans, causing you to freeze and turn your head around slowly to see that Gloriosa is indeed inside the cabin and standing there next to Timber with an equally deadpan expression on her bloody face.

“Timber you traitor! I take back what I said about you being cool!”

“Ahhh,” he groans in displeasure.

“Alright, enough of this nonsense!” Gloriosa booms. “Give me back my rock already!”

“No! You’ll kill us all!” you shriek back.

“OK! Both of you calm down!” Timber says stepping between the two of you. “Let’s have a rational discussion like normal human beings OK?!”

“I Am Not A Human Being! I Am A Changeling!!!” you shout in response as your eyes dart around for any way of escape.

Kichi’s Comment

Alright, all exits on this side are blocked because of me, and she’s blocking the backdoor with her stupid vines. There’s gotta be another exit!

Bugze, perhaps we should admit defeat and give her back the stone, Selena offers.

Never! We didn’t come this far in this crummy world to not get this stupid stone!

I have a solution, Sombra offers.

Not now! I need a plan, not some stupid thing about crystals or stairs... Wait, that’s it! I’ve figured out how to save us! You think in glee as you look to the wooden staircase next to the kitchen, while Sombra sighs.

“You’ll never take me alive Siren Spawn!” you yell as you sprint towards the staircase.

"Bugze, Wait! You can’t go up the stairs!” Timber warns.

“The Buck I can’t! Even with these stupid human knees I’ll-


Your foot goes through the second step, causing you to fall forward, smacking your face into the crumpling wood.

“Oooohhh,” you groan as you push yourself up from the ruined staircase.

"I tried to tell you, the stairs needed to be repaired because of termites,” Timber finishes.

WARGAME’s Comment

8bitmadness’ Comment

“Of course they are! Why the buck not?! What could possibly go right for me tonight?!” you growl and face the Siren descendants.

“Those are going to cost even more to repair!” Gloriosa shouts dramatically. “We already don’t have enough for that Rich jerk, and now you’re adding more to the bills!”

“Gloriosa, calm down now,” Timber implores as he stands up. “This is all crazy, let’s all chill before we all get even more hurt.”

“Timber! He’s got one of the stones! They’re the only thing we got to keep this place from being turned into a stupid spa!” she shouts.

“I never liked this plan in the first place sis! Look at you, your nose is broken, and HE thinks you’re going to kill people!”

“I Was Trying to Scare Him Off! He came here specifically to get these,” she holds out her wrist where the other colored rocks are. “Or did your showboating not hear that at the lake?!”

“OH Here We Go Again!” Timber huffs in annoyance as the siblings bicker. You watch as they have a familial squabble, providing you an ample distraction in which to act.

You quickly open the Inventory and look for anything that could solve your problem. Inside, you see a familiar dark blue plush and you pause. After a moment of silence, you smack yourself for always forgetting one of your most useful tools.

“Oi! Sea Horse People!” you call out, causing them both to turn to you.

“Would You Kindly Take a Nap?!” you say as you hold aloft the Luna Plushie in all of it’s glory.

Alright, go night night already you pain in the-

“What are you doing?” Timber asks confused.


“This is supposed to make you fall asleep!” you shout in anguish.

“Why would we do that because of a toy? Has everyone gone crazy?” he says flabbergasted. Meanwhile Gloriosa eyes the plushie in interest.

“That looks like the horse that was behind you…” she mutters, but you ignore her as you slam the plushie back into the inventory.

“UGH! Stupid Magicless World!!!” As you shout that, your hand brushes across your old friend, the Boomstick.

You’re probably useless here too, you think in anguish. If only I had a magic battery or something…Wait a minute!

“Look, I’ve had enough of this stupidity,” she growls and marches over to you. “Give me the-“

“LOOK A DISTRACTION!!!” you yell out, pointing behind her, and just like in Equestria, it works. Both Gloriosa and Timber look behind them as you yank two items out of your inventory. Lining up your shot, you throw the first item right at her face as she turns back around.

“There’s nothing th-*CRASH* AAAAHHHH!!!” she cries out as the bottle of pungent perfume human Diamond Tiara planted on you breaks over her face, dousing her in the liquid.

“AAAGGGH! My Eyes!” she cries as the liquid burns her.

“Gloriosa!” Timber cries out in concern. With them preoccupied, you turn to your last ditch effort,

Please work, please work!

You slot the purple stone near the red crystal of your boomstick. After a few heartbeats, it begins to glow with power, causing you to smile.

“Oh God, Timber! It Burns!”

“It’ll be alright Sis, let’s get you to the sink and-“

“Gloriosa, Timber, thanks for the night here, but I think I’ll be lodging elsewhere,” you say cheekily as you raise the Boom Stick above your head before striking the floor.

The familiar glorious impact of power races all around you, as the rotted staircase completely dissolves, the haphazardly stacked furniture is thrown wildly, and the siblings are thrown backwards into the walls of the cabin.

After a few seconds of everything returning to gravity, you pant and look to your Boomstick before giving it a kiss for such a good job.

Thank you old friend, I’ve missed you so much!

You used the stone as a conduit to power it…Bugze do you know what this means? She says excitedly.

That we’re not going to die tonight? You guess.

Well yes that, but we could possibly have access to all our magical items as long as we hold it. Not to mention whatever it did to me earlier.

What are you talking abo-

“Gloriosa!!!” Timber Spruce shrieks interrupting your inquiry as you see him cradling the head of the knocked out woman, whose guise is back to normal.

“Oh geeze, she’s not dead is she?” you ask in concern as he gives you a hurt look.

“No, she’s still breathing, but for God’s sake man, you beat her up badly,” he spits.

“It was self defense man! She was gonna mess me up if I didn’t-“

“She was acting tough moron! She’s not a killer!” he snaps.

“Well how could I have known that?! Your stories and her powers painted a very vivid picture! Besides, all I needed was One of the Siren Stones, and she flipped out even though she’s got more.”

“Ugh!” he groans as he gets a napkin and starts dabbing the crusted blood from her nose as she groans in her sleep. “I’m so sorry sis, I shouldn’t have let it get this far…” While he tends to his knocked out sister, you nervously cough into your fist to get his attention.

“OK, so, I’m just gonna go alright? I promise you’ll never see me again. You can keep the other stones, all I need is one and,”

“Just take the damn thing!” he growls. “Hell, take all of them if you want, they’ve caused nothing but trouble since she found them!”

“Found them?” you ask confused. “You mean these weren’t passed down through your family line?”

“What? No!” he says as if it’s obvious. “She found them in some cave and she got these stupid super powers that she couldn’t really control. I started making up an urban legend to…Look, I don’t care who you are, or how you knew about them, just take all seven of them and go!”

“Seven?...Wait a minute, weren’t there only three Sirens that got sent through?”

“What?” he asks deeply confused. Now that you’re not in mortal danger, you think back to the info Jack had given you.

Yeah that’s right, there were only three stones, one for each Siren, and they were all spherical and red. You look back to the stone crystal imbedded in your Boomstick. It’s not a sphere, and it is decidedly purple.

Wait, if these things aren’t Siren stones then…

Then they’re unconnected magical stones, Selena finishes for you.

What?! But how? I thought there wasn’t magic for humans! What gives Roomba?

Hey, the only info I have is the old legends and the show, don’t jump down my throat about it.

You’re supposed to be the expert Humie! If there’s magic here, then what does it mean?

Perhaps your earlier theory still holds water Bugze, Selena theorizes.


Mayhaps, these humans are descended from the Sirens and the magic in their blood allowed them to utilize a magical artifact that no other human could.

But then why wouldn’t they know who the Sirens were? You point out.

It’s been 1,000 years my Bug, do you know your ancestors that well? There could be thousands of descendants, some with more magical aptitude than others,she instructs.

…Huh. Well if that’s the case then I just beat up some random human mare for no reason. Speaking of…

“OK, if your sister wasn’t evil and stuff, then what was the whole deal with her becoming Gaea? I still don’t get that part.”

“She got it in her head that if she could make a guardian spirit of the woods, then it would keep Filthy Rich from foreclosing on us. Right now that’s a moot point,” he says in melancholy.

“Wait, you know Filthy Rich too?”

“Know him? That jerk is the only reason we’re in this mess. If he hadn’t been so pushy on sis then…” he then brushes her hair away from her face as her breathing gets more steady.

“…She went for a Scooby Doo gambit because of that flankhole, and I ruined it,” you say as you come to the realization.

“It doesn’t matter now. The main cabin is busted up, we still haven’t repaired the dock, and-“


The human stops his muttering as he stares at the bag of bits you’ve dropped in front of him, his mouth agape.

245 Bits Removed From the Inventory

45 Bits Remaining

“Look, I’m really sorry about beating up your sister and your camp site, I guess what I’m hunting for is completely unrelated,” you say apologetically.

He doesn’t answer as he still stares at the bits wide eyed.

“And since that was my bad, I’ll just leave that here as payment. That and to get out of debt of that stupid Human Rich who’s nothing like the real version! Apparently gold is really valuable in your world.”

Timber nods dumbly, his jaw hanging open.

“I’d still like to keep this stone though, kind of need any magical edge I can get in this stupid world. So…Yeah,” you rub the back of your neck. “Tell your sister I’m sorry about her nose OK?”

Timber just nods once more, not even looking at you.

“…OK, I guess I’ll be going then. Is there any paths out that don’t lead to monkeys?”

“F-F-Follow the signs on the paved road,” he stutters, his eyes gleaming.

“Right…well…Bye then,” you wave as you walk to the busted open door from your Boomstick. You pause once more in the doorframe and look back.

“And look, when I find a way back to Equestria, you guys would be welcome. I don’t know how much Sea Pony you still got in you, but it might be enough to bring your species back.” The boy still doesn’t look your way, and nods without hearing you. “…Thought I’d offer.”

You then make your way out into the night and down the road that is 100% monkey free, but it is still dark and you are exhausted.

Bugze, you just gave away almost all of our bits.

Yeah I know. I had to pay for what I’d done, and besides screw Human Filthy Rich.

I understand, but if we are going to be here long term, then we can’t go giving away such large sums.

Yeah, yeah I won’t, but this was a special case. The next Siren descendant I find though, I’ll do better.

I sincerely doubt that, Sombra heckles.

Oh Buck Off.

Next Siren Descendant? Selena asks.

Yeah, this venture wasn’t a total bust, now we know there are magic humans running around. Because of Timber and Gloriosa, we know that the Sirens did breed with the humans long ago, and if the stones were so important, there’s got to be at least one descendant that held onto them.

…Very astute observation. Of course we are making assumptions…but right now that’s the best plan of action we have.

Exactly, you smile smugly. But we’ll worry about that later, right now I just got to not pass out on this road and find a stinky death trap bus home to tell B2.

As if on cue, your magical phone thingy starts to ring. Fumbling with your sausage digits, you answer it.


“Hey clone of mine, how’s it going? Did you find the lake monster yet?” he asks curiously.

“…Yes and no…it’s kind of hard to explain. Suffice to say, my job in this world is far from over.”

“Oh, bummer dude. But hey, I got some good news on my end, we don’t have to take the bus anymore.”

“We don’t?!” you reply excitedly.

“Nope, with that cash you gave me I got us a used motorized scooter from that nice Sparkler girl.”

An image of Scootaloo’s scooter running on it’s own pops into your head and you raise an eyebrow, but you’d take anything over a bus.

“Does…does that mean you can come and get me?”

“…What, right now? It’s the middle of the night and I gotta get to work tomorrow, I just wanted to call and tell you the good news” he points out.

“Yeah, well I was swarmed by monkeys, fished out a pile of left boots, fought a plant goddess, and I haven’t slept in two days bucker,” you groan.

There is silence on the phone for a few seconds before he speaks again.

“So, you’ll be at the turn off point for Camp Everfree right?”

“Eventually,” you agree as you continue trodding down the road. “Now hurry up already, I’m tired of hijinks today.”


POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“So what hijinks are we getting up to today Grandbuggy?” you ask trepidly as the landscape whizzes by on the train.

“Hijinks?” he says with a guffaw. “We ain’t getting up to no hijinks kid, we’re getting into shenanigans. Very subtle difference.”

“OK…so what shenanigans are we doing today?” you ask in frustration.

“Ya don’t have to sound so sour kiddo. But in answer to your question, we’re headed to the rundown dump of a town where the greediest S.O.B.’s behind dragons reside so that we can start looking for the next artifact.”

“Yeah, yeah I get that. Go to Griffonstone to find the lost macguffin of whatever,” you dismiss and point to your tag along, “What I meant was, why is HE here? Won’t he mess things up for us?”

“I take offense to that Nina,” Ahuizotl huffs and crosses his arms in the seat next to you. “And besides, I don’t have much else to do until you’re done with my Ring of Scorchero and Steve rebuilds my temple.”

“But won’t ponies recognize you from the books and make our job harder?” you point out.

“Ha, the majority of ponies think I’m fictional thanks to that A.K. Yearling friend of Daring. Besides, Quick Fix is out of practice on artifact hunting, so I will lend you my aid.”

“You just wanted to come to pet the Griffons ya crazy cat fanatic,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“That’s not the only reason! Besides, you’re the one that made me leave my kitties behind!”

“Buddy, ya can’t just pet a Griffon…not in public anyway,” Grandbuggy says smugly.

“What?! I have no interest in that!” Ahuizotl blushes.

“Yeah I know, wouldn’t want to be unfaithful to a certain adventurer would ya?” Grandbuggy trolls.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” he lies badly.

And while the two of them jape at each other back and forth, you look out the window and sigh as the train pulls to a stop at your destination.

“Yep, I can see it now. Definitely Shenanigans.” Mangle gives a mechanical screech of agreement.

“End of the Line,” the train stallion calls out. “Welcome to Griffonstone.”


Episode 18: Griffon Hospitality

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As you step off the train with Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl, you give a little shiver at the nippy air.

“You better put on your coat kid, it’s only gonna be colder at the top,” Grandbuggy instructs looking no worse for wear.

“How come you’re not shivering?” you ask as you pull on the traveling cloak Grandbuggy got you.

“Changeling carapaces are more durable than pony hide my dear. Extreme temperatures are nothing for me.”

“And what about you?” you ask the cat guy thing. “You live in jungle, shouldn’t you be chilled?”

“You kidding? I’m loving this. The jungle is sweltering, and this is a breath of fresh air,” he emphasizes with an exaggerated inhale.

Rolling your eyes, you finish putting on the cloak as Mangle sits on your back and you squirm your hidden wings underneath.

“Not gonna be able to fly well in this thing,” you tell Grandbuggy.

“We’re not gonna be doing much flying around here kid. When approaching Griffons you wanna be on ground level, they’re ornery like that.”

The three of you then begin the long climb up to the top of the peak where the Griffon Capital City lies.

“You don’t hold them in high regard then amigo?” asks Ahuizotl.

“As a whole? Not really. Individually I’ve found some good eggs, but it’s been years since I’ve been back to Griffonstone and for good reason,” he grumps.

“That sounds speciest Grandbuggy,” you chide.

Kichi’s Comment

“Well maybe it is, I don’t know,” he shakes his head. “But you’ll see what I mean when we get up there. The town is an absolute dump.”

“I thought that book you had me read said it was a rich city,” you point out.

“Hah,” he laughs. “Kid, let me just say this. If I had a choice between living in Griffonstone or going back to the Hive, it would be a very difficult decision. Least the Hive had stable engineering for all it’s buildings.”

“You’re kidding,” you deadpan, but your Grandbug just gives you a raised eyebrow. Your face sinks at that.

After some time of walking, which feels so much more slower now that you’ve learned to fly, you all reach the entrance of the city, and you see that Grandbuggy was selling the place short.

The houses look tattered and shambled, Griffons either lay about or snap at one another, and there is a strong permeating smell that makes you wrinkle your nose.

“Ugh, what is that smell?” you pinch your nose.

“Griffon,” Grandbuggy says nonchalantly.

“Blah, it smells like a litterbox here. Do they not shower? It smells like an outhouse mixed with sweat and something else.”

“Hmm,” Ahuizotl ponders after sniffing the air himself. “Smells like feline mating pheromones. That other smell is probably the residual musk from when two griffons-“

“Oi!” Grandbuggy interrupts, “She’s a kid, don’t you dare.”

“Huh? What won’t he dare?” you ask obliviously.

“What, I was only trying to answer her question. Besides, how can she not know about that stuff after hanging around you?” Ahuizotl shoots back.

“What Stuff?” you ask, annoyed at being interrupted.

“Because most of what I say goes over her head. I may joke around, but it’s not up to me to explain that to her, it’s her parents. And gods help you if tell her and they find out about it,” he warns.

“OK, OK, I won’t burst that bubble,” Ahuizotl agrees.

“Oh Come On!” you shout.

In the Human World

Bugze shivers suddenly then looks around in paranoia and dread.

“Parental instincts are tingling,” you mutter.

Ah, so you felt it too then? Selena says, also sounding concerned.

Yeah, I feel like Nightshade almost learned something she wasn’t supposed to.

That old fool had better not have taken her to a bar, Selena growls.

Or worse, Mardi Gras, you shiver at past memories.

What is Mardi Gras? asks Sombra.

I’ll tell you when you’re older, you snark.

Back In Horse World

“But I am older Grandbuggy,” you whine. “Noling ever tells me about Grown Up Stuff, whatever that is.”

“Again, ask your parents when you’re older kid, end of discussion,” Grandbuggy orders, ending the discussion.

“Ugh!” you roll your eyes and kick at the cobblestoned ground. Cobblestone that is in pieces and more like gravel due to disrepair.

“Fine, whatever other smelly smell that is, this place IS a dump. What the buck happened? The pictures in the book said this place was nice looking.”

“It was kid, a looong time ago. But after they lost their pride and joy, it all went to the pits,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Huh? Pride and Joy?”

“The artifact we’ve come to find chica, The Golden Idol of Boreas,” Ahuizotl chimes in.

“Wait, so they lost a statue and everything went to Tartarus?” you sum up.

“Well, it was stolen by an Arimaspi, but yes, pretty much,” Ahuizotl nods.

“A what?”

“Big one eyed jerk with lots of teeth,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Oh…well still, one thing gets stolen and a whole kingdom crumbles? That’s stupid. That’s like saying losing only one of the Elements of Harmony would end Equestria.”

In Canterlot

Princess Celestia sneezes and shivers in dread.

“Bless you sister,” Luna says crumpling a paper and throwing it in a wastebasket, “but next time could you not aim for the official documents?”

“Sorry Lulu, I just had a weird feeling. It wasn’t anything important was it?”

“No, just the invitations for the Princesses of Saddle Arabia,” she grumbles and starts writing anew. “I hate paperwork.”

“Bureaucracy is needed dear sister, especially if the Summit is to go smoothly in a few weeks,” Celestia informs.

“Ugh, Twilight Sparkle is a Princess now, can’t she do it?”

“This will be her first Luna, I’d like her to not be overwhelmed by anything unexpected."

Back in Griffonstone

“You’d be surprised kid. Now, everyling just stay close and keep an eye on your bits around here. I’ve got to find an old flakey “Friend” of mine.”

“What’s he look like?” you ask.

“He’s hard to miss. The most ancient looking bird in this city, blind in one eye, wears a fez.”

“Shouldn’t we just ask around for him Fix?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Hah, as if any griffon would be that helpful. Watch,” he then turns to a random Griffon and asks.

DarkInfinity666’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Hey You, do you know where I can find an old fella named Gruff around here?”

“You got any bits?” the griffon immediately asks with her talon out.

“See what I mean?” Grandbuggy says to you and Ahuizotl, before turning back to the griffon. “Get a job hippie!”

“Hmmph,” the griffon snorts and walks away.

“Well that was rude,” you say.

“I know right? Flippen Freeloadin Flappy Birds.”

“I meant you as well Grandbuggy. Here, I’ll show you how it’s done.” You then walk right up to a nearby male griffon.

“Excuse me sir,” you say catching his attention, and you pull out the puppy dog eyes. “I was wondering if you could help me find someone please? His name is Gruff, and he’s my Great Grandbuggy’s bestest best friend.”

The Griffon looks at you quizzically and holds out his talon.

“Got any bits?”

WHAT?! I pulled out the puppy dog eyes! Noling can resist them!

“Umm, no?” He then just shrugs at you and walks away, leaving you dazed and confused.

“Told ya kiddo,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“That has literally never happened to me before! He didn’t even react at all to my adorableness! How heartless is this place?!” you growl grinding your teeth.

“Perhaps we should just pay one of them to get the info?” Ahuizotl suggests.

“Hey, it’s your money,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

Ahuizotl takes out two bits and walks over to another female griffon.

“Excuse me, Hi. My name is Ahuizotl and I’m willing to pay for infor-“

“OH MY GOSH! Ahuizotl! From the Daring Do Books?!” the Griffon squeels in excitement, taking you all aback.

“Um, yes?” he says unsurely.

“Omygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!” she freaks out with her talons to her cheeks. “This is such an honor!” she says shaking his free hand.

“Umm, thank you?”

“Oh where are my manners, my name is Gabby, you said you were looking for someone…or something!” she says having an epiphany. “You’re here to find the Lost Idol aren’t you?!”


“Fantastic! Everyone will be so happy about that!” she then turns to the other houses.

“Hey Everygriffon, Ahuizotl the Treasure Hunter is here to bring glory back to Griffonstone!”

Several heads turn at that, before countless Griffons swarm him.

“Are you really?”

“It’s really him!”

“He’s going to save us all!”

“You won’t let Daring Do put it in a museum will you?!”

“We’ll worship you, just please find it!”

Grandbuggy’s panicked friend just looks at all the swarm and just says,

“I, yes, I will find it.”

The griffons then let out a cheer at that.

“You must be famished and tired, we’ll set you up anywhere for free!”

“But I-“ His words are drowned out as the cheering griffons all pick him up and run off with him down the road and out of site. After a few moments, all is silent again aside from the other bickering Griffons that didn’t run off with the herd.

“…What just happened here?” Grandbuggy asks aghast.

“I think that all the griffons carried Ahuizotl away to-“

“That was rhetorical,” Grandbuggy shakes his head. “I have never EVER seen that before. Free is not in a griffon’s vocabulary.”

“I guess you just have to be the right kind of person. Also, they really want that Idol back, and we’re just going to take it?”

“Until we’re done with it, yes…luckily I made a fake for just this very reason,” he says lifting his bag and showing something gold and shiny.

“When did you make that?” you ask curiously.

“On the train. What’d you think I was doing, napping?”

“Well yeah, that’s what any sensible creature would do,” you harrumph.

“I’ll nap when I’m dead, but yeah, when we do finally find this doohickey, we’ll leave this one in it’s place. The last thing we need is those nuts coming after us.”

“Shouldn’t we go after Ahuizotl?” you ask in concern.

“He’ll be fine. Lucky S.O.B.’s probably getting free food at this very moment,” he grunts. As he says that, your own stomach growls.

“Speaking of food,” you trail off and he smirks.

“Yeah, yeah alright, let’s get you some food. Heck, we were gonna check food stands anyway. Gruff used to make pastries or something.”

The two of you then head into the market district, where there are several food and merchandise stands. But…

Master of Shadows’ Comment

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

“Are you bucking kidding me?!” you shout in anger. “25 Bits for a Piece of Licorice?!”

“Them’s the prices pony,” the candy griffon monologues.

“That’s ridiculous! I could by two whole pizzas and a buck ton of soda for the same price!”

“Not around here ya can’t,” the griffon says plainly making your face burn again.

“Urrrgghh. Do you at least have anything besides Licorice?”

“You got any bits?” she asks.

“Ugh, fine! How much licorice do I get for 25 bits?” you grunt. The griffon reaches down and pulls out one single straw of candy.

“That’s it?! One straw? It’s not even good stuff! That’s black licorice!!!” you shout. She raises a brow at that.

“What’s wrong with Black Licorice?”

“EVERYTHING!!!” you yell and stamp away. You find Grandbuggy trying to haggle at another stall with a younger blue griffon behind it.

“I asked for lemonade ya little punk!” he growls.

“And that’s what I gave you,” he counters.

“You gave me a lemon in a cup and a packet of sugar!”

“It’s Home-Made Lemonade, you have to make it at home,” he instructs.

“I paid 10 bits kid!” Grandbuggy growls.

“It costs extra for ME to make it,” the griffon kid crosses his forelegs.

“AGH!” Grandbuggy growls and makes his way to you. “No luck on the candy?”

“No, it was a rip off. I see you got swindled,” you say pointing to the unpeeled lemon in the cup.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect the kids around here to start so young,” he sighs. “But that’s how it is around here. Overpriced Everything with underwhelming quality.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Ugh, there’s got to be something around here edible!” you shout.

“Hey Pony, Giant Bug, you want food, I got it,” comes a gravelly female voice. You and Grandbuggy look over to see a white and brown griffon next to a food cart.

“What are you selling?” you ask suspiciously.

“Family recipe scones,” she says holding out a tray of…something. Your stomach grumbles again and you look to Grandbuggy.

"Well, I’ve scones before, and whatever the price I’m hungry. Can I have one?"

The griffon nods and hands you one before looking to Grandbuggy with her talon extended.

"It's 50 bits" she says with a greedy smile.

"What? For one Gorramned pastry?! That is thieving!" he groans.

"That’s the price, she’s already touched it and we don't give refunds," she says plainly.

"Ummm... I can't eat this, is as hard as a rock" you say hitting the scone against your hoof, making a metallic clinking sound. “And I’m sure as Tartarus not going to chip my tooth again.”

"Special recipe, take it or leave it, but pay me the 60 bits" she says.

"What? You just said 50 bits a second ago!” Grandbuggy argues.

"That was before inflation, you know how prices change and all of that.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense!”

“Griffon economics work differently than Bug economics, now pay up or *BONK* OW!” The griffon falls backward onto her stand rubbing her head from where you threw the scone at her.

“Oops, my hoof slipped,” you say smugly to the griffon who sneers at you.

“Fricken Ponies,” she growls and throws the scone back at your hooves.

“A deals a deal, now give me the 70 bits or I’ll get mean!”

“Oh I’d like to see you try you overgrown chicken,” you growl back picking up the scone and readying another throw.

Before things can come to a head though, a familiar female voice calls out.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

DerpTape’s Comment

“Gilda, quit trying to scam the tourists.”

Looking to the side, you and Grandbuggy see another female griffon with green feathers around her eyes. For some reason, you can’t help but think she looks and sounds familiar.

“Oh well, well, well, what kind of dish we got here?” Grandbuggy says eying her up, which makes you roll your eyes.

“Oh, Greta hey!” Gilda says taken aback. “How are you?” the other griffon just deadpan stares at Gilda.

“As good as I can be in a backwards run down town where new games take months to be in the store, but that’s beside the point. Quit scamming the bug and pony already.”

Under the scrutinizing gaze of Greta, Gilda rolls her eyes and reluctantly looks back at you two.

“Ugh, fine. 5 Bits.”

“Can do,” Grandbuggy says not even looking at Gilda as he hands over the coins.

Gilda collects her money, hooks herself up to her cart, and gives what looks like a sad look to Greta before she huffs and walks away from you all.

“But I can’t even eat this thing!” you call out to her, but she continues walking.

“Great, we’re out 5 bits, and I’m still hungry…I guess I could use you as a weapon still,” you say as you pocket the Scone.

Scone of Bludgeoning Added To Inventory

The familiar griffon then looks to you two.

“I’d recommend getting out of the town while you still got enough bits strangers. There isn’t much to-“ she then stops talking and her eyes go wide as she looks towards you.

“YOU?!! How are you still alive?!” she shrieks in fear and backs up.

“Huh?” Grandbuggy stammers looking to you in confusion.

“Fazbear’s Burned Down! You Were Burnt Up!”

“What are you-“ you start to ask before the passenger on your back breaks her silence.

“Skkkkrrreeee,” Mangle barks at the griffon and waves causing sweat beads to form on her forehead.

“Oh gods they’ve found me. I don’t want to die, I don’t-“

“Whoa lady, calm down already, this is just Mangle my pet,” you reassure as you take the robot fox off your back and hug it.

“PET?! That thing cannibalized it’s fellow bots and made a huge mish mash body that I had to fight beak and claw with a Pyromaniac to beat!”

Your eyes light up at that, as does hers as you both say at the same moment.

“Wait a Second.”

“You’re that bounty hunter’s kid aren’t you?! The one that kept jumping in and out of his saddlebags,” she says in realization.

“Yeah I am. I knew you looked familiar,” you say realizing that Greta was the griffon from the Extra Lives Gang that was dressed as Samus.

“You know her kid?” Grandbuggy asks in surprise.

“Yeah, Daddy had me watch her when she was manacled in my room. I kind of sat that bounty out because dad went fire crazy.”

“Heh, no surprise there,” Grandbuggy says with a chuckle. Greta, or as you knew her, Samus looks at you in confusion and apprehension.

“So, you kept that thing? After it tried to eat your dad?”

“Well yeah, she’s bucking totes adorable,” you say squeezing the fox who hugs your face.

“Oi! Language!” Grandbuggy chides.

“Whoops,” you say wilting your ears. “Sorry, she’s bucking TOTALLY adorable.”

“That’s better,” he nods.

“I…Whatever,” she shakes her head and looks to Grandbuggy. “Crimson Vengeance?” she asks.

“Heh! Not likely sweetheart,” Grandbuggy laughs. “That’s my Grandson you met, and before you ask, he ain’t here.”

“Oh,” she says sounding a bit disappointed. “Then…then why are you here?”

“Nah, the question is, why are you here?” Grandbuggy asks. “Last I heard my boy turned everyone in for the bounty during that Fazbear job.”

“Actually, she was from another job Grandbuggy,” you speak up causing him to turn to you. “Dad let her go after we burnt down Fazbears because she helped out. She was in a Video Game gang called the Extra Li-“

“SSSHHH!!! Keep your voice down kid,” she says looking all around her, but luckily none of the griffons are paying any attention. “I’m not in that life anymore OK, and I don’t want anygriffon to know about it.”

Grandbuggy raises and eyebrow at that and looks back to you.

“She did help Daddy before, and she’s not jerky like all the rest of the griffons.”

“True that…Alright you fine firm feathered feline, you don’t have to worry about us. Heck, running into you was just a coincidence.”

“It was? A-and you’re not going to turn me in?” she asks.

“Nah, you’re still good,” you smile. “We’re actually looking for some old griffon named Gruff, you know him?”

“Gruff? You mean Gilda’s grandpa?” she asks.

“That was Gruff’s granddaughter?” Grandbuggy says surprised as he looks back the way she left before shaking his head. “Heh, guess the apple doesn’t fall to far after all.”

“What did you want with him? I mean, I know he’s the defacto community leader and all, but still.”

“He kind of owes me a favor, and I was hoping to cash in,” Grandbuggy answers.

“Oh, well I think he’s trying to schmooze in on that treasure hunter guy that showed up. Everygriffon’s trying to win his favor in case he takes over the town or something,” Greta says in thought.

“Oh great, we gotta go to Ahuizotl’s ego stroking party to even get info,” Grandbuggy says in disappointment.

“Hmmm, maybe we don’t need him Grandbuggy,” you say slyly.

“Huh?” he asks.

“Well why deal with other griffons when we got a nice friendly one here to give us some clues?”

“Kid, she’s way too young to know anything about the Idol,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Wait, you’re looking for the Idol? It’s in the gorge that way,” she points down the road.

“…Looks like I was mistaken,” Grandbuggy admits.

“Yeah, I tried to look for it a few years back. Thought I could make some bits off it, but the drafts are way too strong, so I just hit the road and…well, you know where I ended up.”

“Right. Well, that info is worth some gold,” Grandbuggy says as he brings out some bits, but she waves her talon at him.

“No no, not necessary, I’m not going to charge you for that.” Grandbuggy looks as if he’s been punched silly at the gawking look he gives her.
“Yeah I know,” she says in understanding. “But hey, I’ve been trying to be better, even if no one else follows suit. I kinda promised I would,” she says looking to you.

"Also, here, I heard you were hungry. Most ponies can't eat Griffon food though, but here's a baggy of trail mix," she says as she tosses a bag of goodness that you catch in your hooves.

"Oh My Gosh, Thank You!" you say as you tip the bag's contents into your mouth at once, eating it all with barely any chewing.
Grandbuggy looks between your eating form and the smiling griffon and back at you.
You smile back, swallow the rest of the mix and look to Grandbuggy.

“A good egg?”

“Yeah, a good egg,” he agrees still in shock.

“So, do you want to come help us find it?” you ask Greta excitedly.

“I’d…I’d rather not thank you,” she says still staring in dread at Mangle who you notice is giving her a very sinister smile.

“I swear, she’s quite tame now,” you reassure.

“That’s…that’s alright. Um, if you need anything I’ll be around but…yeah no, that bot still freaks me out,” she says as she awkwardly shuffles away from you guys. "Good luck though!"

“Hmmph, way to go Mangle, you scared a possible ally,” you chide the fox who lets out a sad whine.

“Ah, let up on the little monster. It takes a special kind of idiot to forgive and befriend something that tried to eat ya.”

“What, you mean Daddy?”

“Him too,” Grandbuggy nods as he continues to gawk at Greta’s retreating form.

“Grandbuggy, quit staring so creepily.”

“Sorry honey, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a cat-bird that got me all worked up. You said she was in a video game gang? Did she have a uniform?”

“Well she was in the Samus Zero Suit, which is this skin tight blue latex thing.”

“Really Now?!” Grandbuggy says excitedly turning back to watch her again.

*BONK* You hit the old bug over the head with Mangle.

“Get your head in the game old bug. Honestly, what is with guys and girls in latex,” you mutter as you start marching towards the gorge while Mangle and Grandbuggy follow dizzily.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

When you finally get to the edge of the cliff, you realize what Greta said was an understatement, the Updrafts are downright hurricane levels coming out of the canyon.

“So, this gorge is kind of big Grandbuggy, how do we know which spot to go down?”

“Easy kid, you see those old supports?” he says pointing to the ancient looking pools on the other side.

“Uh Huh,” you nod.

“Those used to be part of a bridge, the bridge that cyclops thing fell down and died in.”

“Ohhhh,” you nod in understanding. “Alright, how we going to do this?” He then looks at the scenery in front of him, puts a hoof to his chin and smiles at you.

"I've been thinking kid, I'd like to see how you can figure out this puzzle.”

"All on my own?" you asks quizzically.

"If you want, your little robot monster could help," He then sits and adjusts his hat "But ultimately, I want you to do it. This is something called, parenting. I want to see how much you've grown, and learnt from your father, mine and other’s mistakes."

"Oh, ugh okay" you say, not expecting to go down on your own. Still, it feels good knowing he trusts you enough.

Guess it's part of growing up, letting your parents throw you off the Deep Edge, quite literally this time. Besides, Daddy would never let me do this.

With a smile at your little freedom, you loosen your coat and start flapping your wings.

Okay, here we go!

Many Failed Attempts Later

"OH, FOR BUCKS SAKE!" You shout as you are thrown back out of the gorge and onto your butt for like the millionth time.

“Kid, you’re not using all at your disposal,” Grandbuggy instructs.

“The Buck I’m Not!” you growl as you try to dive into the cave, but once again, any time you try to fly, your wings blow you off course, Mangle’s cables become tangled, and you are thrown back out.


“Honey, you’ve got to start using every advantage your blood gives you,” Grandbuggy calls, sounding weary.

“I’m Trying! Maybe if Dad had taught me how to fly sooner, I wouldn’t be in this mess-BUCK!”

Sighing Grandbuggy walks up to your downed form.

“Kid, maybe you should take a rest.”

“NO! I’ve fought monsters and demons, I’ve moved the freaking moon! I will not be defeated by wi-AAAGGH-OOF!” Sighing once again at your sprawled form at his hooves, he takes his hat off, plops it on your head and makes his way to the edge.

Still livid, you look at his stupid walk to the stupid edge, puts one stupid hoof over that stupid
cliff and goes down without a STUPIDsafety rope and-

... Wait.

"GRANDBU-" you run to the Edge and look down. And you see your Grandbug climbing- no... walking down the cliff!!

"Wha~??" Is all that comes out your mouth. And after say, 5 minutes he comes walking back up, with the artifact in his magic.”

“Wha…?” you blubber as he crests the edge and looks down at you with a smirk.


“All changelings worth their salt can do this kiddo, your dad is just the exception to the rule,” he says matter of factly.

“B-But. How did you expect ME to do that?!” you grunt.

He stares at you in deadpanned silence for a few moments before he sighs again and takes his hat back.

“I told you, use all at your disposal, and every advantage in your blood. What are you part honey?”

Your eyes widen suddenly as you look down at your hooves and mentally command the changeling fire in you to warp them to a more carapace appearance. You go to the edge, place your foot on the side, and it sticks.

"And what did we learn today sweetheart?" He says casually.

You feel something deep inside you boil to the surface due to all the wasted time and effort. It feels like... Unyielding RAGE!


DerpTape’s Comment

After five minutes of solid screaming, you pant as you sit on the ground.


“…Yes,” you say taking your last gulp of air before normal breathing resumes.

“You ain’t never gonna forget that little trick now are ya?” he says smugly.

“No,” you reluctantly agree.

“And there’s the lesson kid. Always try to find a new angle, and use EVERYTHING at your disposal. Yeah you’re a tough as nails alicorn, but never forget that the Changeling side of you has benefits aside from hiding your wings and horn.”

“*Sigh* Alright Grandbuggy, I won’t forget.”

“Good. Now, that I’ve got the danged statue, let’s find Ahuizotl and get the buck out of h-“

“QUICK FIX! What have you done?!” comes said creature’s voice from down the road.

You see Ahuizotl and a few Griffons all with climbing gear looking at Grandbuggy horrified.

“What, I didn’t want to deal with all the cat birds so I went ahead and-“

“Idiota! You should have told me! An Arimaspi would have left a curse that I could have dispelled,” he says in worry.

“Relax, I saw that thing’s skull at the bottom of the gorge,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

Suddenly Ahuizotl’s and the griffons’ eyes widen as a shadow creeps over the top of you and Grandbuggy and Mangle cries out in alarm.

Turning around your own eyes sink in fear at what you see as you tug on Grandbuggy’s foreleg.


“Not now kiddo, I’m gloating,” he dismisses.

“Turn around you old buck!” you chide.

“Oh fine, what is I’m supposed to seeeeeeeeee,” he trails off as he sees what’s caught everyone’s attention.

Climbing out of the gorge is a massive skeletal monster with one eye socket.

“Oh…it’s an undead Arimaspi…” Grandbuggy says a bit chilled as the thing silently stares at you all. “Ummm, I think we should-“

“BUCKING RUN!!!” you cry out and start flying as fast as you can back towards Griffonstone, which causes the giant skeleton monster to let out a massive roar.

“We’ll have a better chance of fighting it in town, move your flanks!!!” you command and everyling starts following your example.


Episode 19: A Skele-TON of Problems

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GreyRebl’s Comment

In the town of Griffonstone, manning a lonesome wagon stall, Gilda sighs. Aside from that one spunky filly and the old fart, there haven’t been any other customers. No surprises there, that has been the case since, well, forever. That's fine by her, because the scones will turn out better when they get cold at least, that's what the Grandpa Gruff always tells her.

"Gruuuh..." Gilda bonks the back of her head against the stall. "Doesn't make this any less boring and pathetic," she mutters. "I wish Greta hadn’t of been so mad at me, now everything’s worse. Probably should've gone with the others, because obvious fake or not, that Ahuizotl guy was the most interesting thing to happen in this lousy town..."

...Thud cruck! ...Thud cruck! ...Thud cruck!

"Huh?" Gilda lifts her head, listening. "The heck is…"

...Thud cruck! ...Thud cruck! ...Thud cruck—!

She blinks. It seems to be coming closer and closer and a sense of trepidation sends her feathers standing on end. "...That's not an earthquake is it?"


Gilda snaps her gaze westward, toward a slight hill in the distance. Several griffons come flying with terror in their eyes, and screaming below them is Ahuizotl and a familiar filly and old changeling, who are running as fast as their limbs can carry them. And just right on all their tails, emerging from the other side of the hill...

Gilda squawks as the house-sized Arimaspi comes looming into the town. "What the buuuuuuuuu—!?"


Thud cruck!

"—uuuck!" Grandbuggy ducks his head, bits of rocks sailing over as he curses between each gasp of breath. "Buck! Buck! Buck! Today just isn't our lucky bucking day! Bucking Tartarus!"

To his side, sprinting like a cheetah on rocket fuel, Ahuizotl snaps at him.

"I told you, Quick Fix! I told you, but you didn't listen!"

"How the buck was I supposed to know?!"

"You should've known, we've worked together so many times! Curses and old artifacts go hand and hand! Daring Do’s writer mentions that all the time!”

"You expect me to remember all that voodoo jumbo you both go on about?!"

Being the good filly you are, you gallop right between them, interrupting the adults while they are still speaking and say,

"Less talking, more running!"

And with a hop, skip and a jump *thud!* you slam your earthbending hooves to the ground, launch a sizeable boulder into the air and *cruck!* with a literal earth-shattering buck, shoot it toward the Arimaspi's face!

A spectacular explosion of dust and stone, and the one-eyed skeleton reels, slowing momentarily, gasping as if it still has lungs.

“Direct hit!” you shout with a hoof pump, but then the raging glint of an ethereal eye shines through the dust, and the Arimaspi quickly rights itself with a mighty roar, clearing away the dust cloud in a single gust of wind and exposing the deep fractures on its skull.

“Oh hey, I actually hurt it,” you say proudly, but then Lady Luck rears her ugly head. Right before your eyes, the bone melts into the cracks, as if several tons of rock to the face never happened, before it swoops back in with a creeping shriek:


"Oh, come on!" you whine. "That's just unfair!" Wheezing heavily, Grandbuggy spits,

"You better dispel that curse real bucking quick, 'Zotl, else we'll be joining the party of the dead long before it'll end!"

"Very well! I’ll try, but at this point it might to be too late with the reanimation already in effect," Ahuizotl snarls. "But if I die because of another one of your stupid mistakes, I will haunt you till the end of your life!"

"Right back at you, bucko!"

"OH MY BUCKING GOD!" you shout. "Both of you shut up and help me already!"

“Calm down sweetheart, bickering is how we get stuff done,” Grandbuggy reassures.

“Indeed Chica!” Ahuizotl yells as he steps forward and holds aloft some sort of necklace trinket that begins to glow.

“RRRAAAAGGGHHH!!!” the monster screams, as nothing seemingly happens, but it doesn’t move forward.

“‘Zotl, anytime now!” Grandbuggy says nervously.

“Hold your horses, you think an exorcism is that quick?”

“Exorcism? But don’t you need a young priest and an old priest for that?” you ask.

“Ideally!” Ahuizotl yells, “But unfortunately I don’t see any around here!”

Kichi’s Comment

You then look around to the gathered griffons who are watching from a distance, hoping that Ahuizotl saves them.

“Oi! You lot!” you point at them and they look to you. “We’re trying to do an exorcism, any of you got any magic, holy or otherwise?” they all look at each other before looking back to you shaking their heads.

“…Would that change if I said I had bits?” you venture, but unfortunately they still give the same response.

“Really? Noling can help? The overgrown cat thing needs help you overgrown cat things!” you chide.

“RRRREEEEEE!!!” the creature shrieks at you, not stepping any closer to Ahuizotl and his symbol.

"Yeah, Yeah, hang on a second you!” you chide the monster who flinches back before it snarls and tries to shout again.


“I SAID SHUT THE BUCK UP! We’ll deal with you in due time so take a ticket and wait your turn to speak!" the monster seems very surprised by your tone and even tilts it’s head in confusion, but you ignore it and turn back to the crowd.

“OK, what about lime? I know from gangster movies that it dissolves bodies and bones and stuff and…What? Do I have something on my face?” you ask as the Griffons and even Grandbuggy are giving you curious glances.

"Uh... No,” says the scone griffon from earlier.

“Then what’s with the looks?” you demand.

“You’re yelling at that thing like it’s no big deal, aren’t you scared?” Gilda asks.

“A little bit, but really more for you guys. In the long run I can handle myself, but all you guys might get turned into jerk chicken.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” demands Gilda.

“Because I’m a freaking Alicorn ya price gouging strumpet!” you boast as you dramatically whip off your coat, revealing your wings, which cause several of them to gasp.

“Now, if none of you can help magically, can you at least get some torches or pitchforks or-“

“Are you Nightmare Moon?!” asks that hyperactive griffon from before, Gabby or something.

“What?” you ask taken aback.

“I asked are you Nightmare Moon?” she says, sounding kind of excited.

“NO!” you groan. “No I’m not! Why do folks keep asking that?!”

“Well, you’re a dark alicorn filly hanging around a changeling, and I’ve heard on the mail route in Equestria that there’s a changeling fugitive that has the mare in the moon in his head and-“

“Buck off with that slander to my family!” you growl shutting her up. “Now, we can either keep playing twenty questions and accusing who’s who of being their mom, but let’s handle that sack of bones first!”

“Grraagh?!” the Arimpasi lets out a questioning growl.

“Yes You!”

“Alright Chica, the distraction is good, but I could still use some help!” Ahuizotl strains with his paws shaking with the symbol.

“I’m trying!” you grunt. “Grandbuggy, do you have anything?”

“Hmm, maybe,” he says as he takes a small book from under his hat and flips through some pages.

“Ah, here we go,” he says looking at a page before turning to the griffons.

“Any of ya’ll got any spare blowfish lying around?”

The griffons look all amongst themselves, before Greta calls out,

“Will this work?” and throws a tuna at Grandbuggy’s hooves.

“…Eh, close enough,” he shrugs. “Alright, everyone repeat after me!” he then begin to chant a spell, followed by the griffons

"Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao, Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao..." you all mimic, but nothing happens.

“Gorramit. Were all you saying it right?” he accuses and they shirk away from his voice.

“Personally Grandbuggy, I don’t even think I was saying it right,” you admit.

“It’s not a spirit from Neighsan descent idiotas!” Ahuizotl grunts. “Does anyone know ancient Equestrian?”

“Uhhhh…” you all mutter and he rolls his eyes.

“Of course you don’t. This might be dangerous for just myself, but oh well!” he then starts chanting loudly in some dead language.

"Exorcizamus te,omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica..."

Unlike Grandbuggy though, the symbol he holds shines brighter and the skeleton backs away some more, but it doesn’t disintegrate or seem harmed.

“Well, it’s keeping him away from us at the very least,” Grandbuggy says.

“That’s a short term solution!” Ahuizotl grunts, sweat beads on his forehead. “We have to stop it permanently! Does no one have any depictions of powerful beings to compel this thing with?”

PuzzlingFrost’s Comment

“Powerful beings?” you ask before a lightbulb flashes above you. "Wait a minute, I do!" You reach into your saddle bag for a drawing of your mom to use against the Arimaspi ghost. However…

Human Land

*sigh* I miss my Nightshade Selena mutters sadly as Bugze sits on his library couch bed, observing the magic crystal shard.

"Ahh don't worry Selly, we'll all be back together in no time, and then you’ll be able to hug her in your own arms."

Yeah…after we track through countless hybrid descendants on this gods forsaken world… she says a bit in melancholy.

Sensing that the mood is still not lightened, Bugze thinks for a moment before slapping his human forehead.

"Oh wait I forgot!" He says before pulling out his 'purse' and reaching inside to pull out a drawing Nightshade had made for her mom.

"Nightshade told me to look at this whenever we missed home." The drawing was, well, actually very well done for a filly her age. It was a drawing of all three of them together.

Ahh my sweet filly, Selena cries a bit in happiness and longing. Thank you Bugze, she says with a sniffle.

“No prob.”

Hey what about me? Sombra whines, feeling excluded.

"Oh pipe down Smokey, I’m sure she made one of you too, but she probably didn't finish it before we left and still has it with her,” Bugze says with a roll of his eyes. Sombra huffs wishing he had his own Nightshade picture to look at, but resigns himself knowing that she’ll have even more time to make it look spectacular.

Back in Horse World

"D'OH I gave it to mom and dad before they left,” you facehoof. "I guess Sombra's photo will have to do.” You then pull out Sombra’s drawing of him sitting on a crystal throne surrounded on all sides by stairs, and a big goofy smile on his face.

“Hang on Ahuizotl!” you shout as you run next to the foal book villain.

"HEY ARIPA-, APRIMA, AKKAMA, oh forget it. HEY UGLY!" You cry out tired of trying to pronounce his stupid dumb, dumby dumb dumb butthead, unpronounceable name. The Arimaspi looks down at you in confusion as you pull out the Sombra portrait.

"The power of Sombra compels you! The power of sombra compels you! THE POWER OF SOMBRA COMPELS YOU!" You shout with all your might as it causes the monster to cry out in pain. Everyone looks in awe as you begin to push it back towards the chasm with your shouts, everyone except Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl that is.

“What are you doing?!” Ahuizotl shouts in fear.

“Kid! Quit chanting!” Grandbuggy warns.

“Why? He’s actually getting hurt and-“


You are interrupted as the skeleton explodes in a dark glow, which blasts everyone back, and even interrupts Ahuizotl’s own protective charm.

"Did I win?" You babble with a dizzy head, but as you shake it off, you see the smoke begin to part. Dark magic lighting crackles around the skeleton and it is now covered in zombie like flesh, but most horrifying of all, it’s sprouted WINGS!

“Wha…?” you trail off looking at the now demonic looking monster.

"I think you made it worse kiddo," Grandbuggy deadpans.

“Yes she did! What were you thinking channeling the spirit of an Umbrum?”

“How could I have known that?!” you grumble.

“Umbrum’s are the darkest of dark magic kid. Essentially, you just threw oil onto a forest fire.”

"GRAAAHHHOOOOOOHHHHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" cries the Arimaspi as it starts to flap it's wings and fly right at you.

"RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!" the griffons shout and run further into their town.

"DANGIT SOMBRA!!!" you yell in frustration as the now fleshy zombie monster flies towards you.

Kersey475’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment


“Alright, you’re not just bones anymore, so take this!” you shout as you slam your hoof into the ground, causing a pillar to shoot out and strike the thing right in the nards.

Please work, please work…you stammer in your head. The pillar makes the creature stop for sure, but only momentarily as it lifts itself off of the pillar and flies upward.

“Gorramit!” you shout.

“It’s an undead honey, any nards it had have since rotted away,” Grandbuggy tells you as he grabs your hoof and leads you further into town, with Ahuizotl following suit. After rounding a few bends in town, you all see the monster land in front of a group of griffons.

“AAHHH!!!” they squawk in fear and try to fly off, but the blue lemonade scammer from before gets knocked prone in the scatter before the monster.

“GGGRRRRAAAAGGGHHHH!!!” the Arimaspi yells at the teen as it lifts it’s claws up for a strike.

“Claws off pal!”Greta yells as she dive kicks the monster in the face, distracting it momentarily.

“Get out of here Gallus!” Greta shrieks to the teen.

“Y-Yeah!” he nods and flies off. Once he’s safe, she turns back to face the zombie monster.

“I have had enough of giant monsters and undead in my life thank you very much!” she yells in anger as she sinks her claws into one of it’s wings, putting a hole into it’s membrane and causing it to shriek.

“Whoa,” Ahuizotl says in amazement.

“Gorram, that’s one tough chick,” Grandbuggy says impressed.

“Well she did help dad fight Mangle when she was giant,” you point out.

“AAAAGGGHHH!!! *BONK* Greta lands at your feet head first after the Arimapsi flapped her off it’s wings.

“…But maybe she bit off more than she could chew,” you mutter as you check her. Lifting her head, you see swirls in her eyes and a goofy grin on her face.

“I like turtles,” she says before passing out.

“Of course you do,” you sigh as you shove her into the Inventory to which Grandbuggy just gives you a curious look.

“What? I’m not going to just leave her on the ground with that thing running around,” you point out.

“I didn’t say anything kid,” he shrugs and looks to the monster. “At least she did one thing, she grounded it.

“And the wound has not healed,” Ahuizotl points out and you see the gash where Greta struck it.

“That means he’s weaker!” you put two and two together. “Quick, throw me!” you yell to Ahuizotl.

"Excuse me?!" he exclaims.

"You're right, not hard enough,” you nod. “Spin me around you a few times then throw me at it as hard as you bucking can!"

"Are you loco? Your abuelo will kill m-"

"She knows what she's doing!" Grandbuggy interrupts Ahuizotl as he takes off his bowler hat. “Wait till I distract that thing then let her rip.” Grandbuggy then rushes forth.

“Hey Ugly! You came to the wrong neighborhood motherbucker!” he then throws his hat like a frisbee, and as it flies towards him, you see metallic blades exit the sides. The sharp hat hits the Arimapsi right at the corner of it’s eye and it howls in absolute pain.

“Now!” Grandbuggy calls out.

"I hope you know what you're doing little one," Ahuizotl says before he picks you up with his tail hand and starts spinning you around him. Once he has enough momentum he hurls youat the monster with all his might.

Alright Grandbuggy, cute trick with the hat, but when it comes to tricks, I’m the cutest there is, you think as you barrel roll towards the monster at extreme speeds with midnight flames exuding from your body.

"FALCON MISSILE KICK!!!" you call out as your flaming hoof makes impact with the monster’s pelvis where you nard shotted him before. This time however, the pelvis cracks and shatters and the Arimapsi collapses, it’s mobility crippled from cracked bones. You do however hit your head against said bones in the process and your vision swims greatly.

Master of Shadows’ Comment

Darkinfinity666’s Comment

“Ooohhh, anyone, get the number of that carriage,” you warble as you hold your head.

“Great shot kid, one in a million,” Grandbuggy slaps your back, which makes you almost spill your lunch. “But we’re not done yet.”

“We’re not?!” you whine and look to the now immobile giant monster as it drags it’s way towards you.

“Just bucking stay down already! Ugh!” you groan as Grandbuggy picks you up and carries you some way out of it’s range.

“Nice throw ‘Zotl, even though I’ll have to kick your flank for it later,” Grandbuggy admits.

“But you both told me to!” he whines.

“Yeah, but it’s Grandfatherly duty either way,” he shrugs.

“I…Whatever. It’s still “alive” for lack of a better term, but it can still cause damage. Why don’t you just shift into a larger form and stomp it’s head in?” he asks Grandbuggy. Grandbuggy gives him a cross look at that.

“You want me to drop dead ya idjit? I’m too old to be expending that much magic to get that large.”

“Wait, you can grow bigger Grandbuggy?” you ask curiously.

“Not anymore,” he admits. “I used to be able to shift into a bugbear in my youth when things got hairy, but those days are behind me.”

“Wait…so can I change into giant monsters then?” you ask excitedly, but the sad look he gives you squashes that dream.

“Sorry Shade, you’ve got too much pony in your blood to pull that off, that’s why your Dad and Grandma never could.”

“Ugh!” you grunt over not being able to Saddle Rager it up before a thought comes to you.

“Wait a minute, none of us have to bulk up, we have our own little monster!” you then look into the bag of holding and pluck out Mangle who had been drawing a mustache onto Greta’s beak.

“Mangle, I need you to get a bunch of metal and Huge yourself to fight the undead thing OK?” Mangle looks at the crippled, crawling creature then at her surroundings before she gives you a confused metallic bark and a shrug.

“What? What’s wrong?” you ask before Ahuizotl taps you on the shoulder.

“There’s no large stores of metal here chica, only stone, wood and straw.”

Looking around, you remember again just how dumpy this town is.

“…Alright, you know what? Forget trying to be clever. I’m just going to pull a daddy and light this mother up!” you shout in defiance as you flap your wings and lift into the air.

WARGAMES’s Comment

All those times living in Ponyville, you remember seeing the pegasi gathering up clouds for a rainstorm, so you start doing that with the many, many clouds surrounding this mountain city.

You gather and gather and clump the clouds until they start turning black above the slowly crawling monster, and despite everything, no collateral damage has been done by it thanks to all your efforts, but it still has to go.

“Eat lightning freak!” you shout and stomp on the cloud which sends a large bolt of lightning down on the monster. The Arimapsi roars in pain and shouts to the sky, a large section of undead flesh burned off.

“You’ve Been…THUNDERSTRUCK!!!” you call out maniacally as you kick the mass of clouds again and again and again, which burns more and more of it to the bone…but then things get out of hand. The storm clouds begin spewing lightning on their own accord at random, striking houses, setting fires, and destroying food carts.

storm clouds begin spewing lightning on their own accord and at random, striking random houses, setting them on fire, and destroying food carts.

“Oh! Oh No! OH BUCK!!!” you cry out in dismay as you start trying to disperse the clouds, only to get shocked yourself.

“OW!” you cry out with your hair standing on end. “Stop it! Stop being a force of nature and obey me!”

It takes some time and effort, and a lot more shocks, but you eventually do get the clouds to stop raining down death and destruction, and start spewing out just regular rain.

Flying down, you see that though the fires have been put out, somehow Griffonstone looks even worse. On the plus side, the Arimapsi no longer has flesh and is just bone again.

In front of it sit Ahuizotl and Grandbuggy who give you deadpan looks at all the chaos around you.

“Uh…my bad?” you say nervously.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Grandbuggy facehooves and gives out a sigh. All around the town, you hear the squawks of displeasure from countless upset griffons.

“Kid…” Grandbuggy starts before sighing again. “I have to give you credit for effectiveness, but you and I really need to talk about tactics. You don’t burn the whole forest down to take down a bear.” You wilt your ears and look down.

“Sorry Grandbuggy,” you apologize. He sighs again and puts his hoof on your shoulder.

“Don’t beat yourself up about it too hard kid, even with a little destruction, this town isn’t that much worse for wear. Besides, you’ve only been taught by your Dad, and he always goes for the Big and Flashy route. You’ll learn.”

“Maybe we should leave amigos, before the locals come calling for repair payments,” Ahuizotl interrupts nervously looking around.

“…Good thinking,” Grandbuggy nods as he goes to the skeleton and wrenches his hat out of the corner of it’s eye socket. As he does, the Arimapsi raises it’s head and clacks it’s jaws.

“Holy Buck!” he yelps, leaping backwards. “This flankhole’s still kicking even after all that?!”

Sure enough, the thing still snaps it’s jaws, trying to fight back even after it’s beating, and even it’s leg bones are reforming.

“Oh enough already,” you say pushing forward.

“Shade, what are you do-“

You place your hoof on the things forehead and concentrate on a trick that you’ve seen Mommy do on multiple occasions.

When you open your eyes, they are pure white and your voice reverbs with power.

Assuming Direct Control…

The yellow glow in the Arimapsi’s socket dies as it is replaced with white to match yours.

“Alright stupid, I want you to stop fighting already. You’re dead and the golden idol isn’t yours. Give up on it.”

The creature nods under your hoof in understanding.

“Now, I want you to go back to your hole and rest in peace OK?...Actually, first I want you to fix this place up a bit first. It’s only because of you it got wrecked, so help out the catbirds a bit, maybe make them be less jerky or something.”

The creature seemingly whines at that command, but it nods it’s head.

“Good. Now, do all that and be a good boy, then you can rest with this nice replica next to your bones at the bottom of the gorge,” you say as you reach out and pull out the false idol Grandbuggy made and put it in it’s eyesocket, which seems to make it happy.


The skeleton nods enthusiastically and stands up as you take your hoof off of it, and you feel drained and tired.

“It’s OK guys. He’s cool now,” you say with a yawn looking at Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl as the Arimapsi skeleton starts picking up debris in the street.

Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl look completely flabbergasted at you.

“What?” you ask swaying.

“Nightshade…what in the world did you just say to that thing?”

“Huh? What do you mean? Didn’t you hear me?” you ask confused.

“Yes we heard you speak something child…but it sounded like you were speaking in backwards speech,” Ahuizotl says astounded.

“What, really?” you ask as you yawn again.

“Huh…neat…I’ma sleep now,” you say as you flop onto the ground in exhaustion and pass out.


You slowly regain consciousness to the clickety clack of a rail road track and let out a big yawn and stretch.

“Aaaahh,” you mumble as your eyes unblur and your stomach growls.

“Ah look, she finally wakes,” you hear Ahuizotl say.

“Bout time,” Grandbuggy’s voice answers.

Rubbing your eyes to clear the blurriness, you see that you are inside a train car moving towards some unknown destination, and it’s night time. You sit up at that and look around.

“Wait, where are the Griffons? Where’s Griffonstone?” you ask looking around.

“Bout 6 hours back that way,” Grandbuggy points behind himself.

“Yes, we had to get out of there right quick before any griffon knew any better,” Ahuizotl adds.

“Wait, how long was I out?”

“Nearly half the day,” Grandbuggy says ruffling your hair. That little stunt you pulled sure took a lot out of you.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve never Assumed Direct Control before…Wait, what happened to the Ara-Whatever?”

“Well kid, you tell us, because whatever you said in your backward speech made it start cleaning up the town,” Grandbuggy chuckles at that.

“The griffons were so shocked and confused by it’s actions, it gave us the perfect distraction to escape,” Ahuizotl laughs himself.

“Oh, so my plan worked then,” you say with a smile. “I told it to stop being a jerk, fix up the place, and then go back to being dead in the gorge.”

“Nice honey,” he beams with pride. “You even stuck my replica in it’s eye so the catbirds don’t know the difference. You won the day and you cleaned up the mess you made.”

“The mess YOU made Quick Fix. That thing wouldn’t have rampaged if you’d been more patient.”

“Oh blow it out your flank, it was alright in the end,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

“Next time, we have to be more careful!”

“Well maybe if you hadn’t been trying to schmooze with all the lady birds back there, you would have been with us!”

“I did no such thing!”

You roll your eyes as they start bickering again before a sudden thought comes to you.

“So, where are we heading now?” you interrupt their bickering.

“Well, we have a few options now as far north as we are. We do have to go to the Dragonlands eventually, but between here and there there’s been talk of some new town that supposedly has an artifact of Mage Meadowbrook.”

“Really now?” asks Ahuizotl curiously.

“Yeah, but aside from her famous mask, I’m not sure what else this town could have, but it’s worth a look,” Grandbuggy says.

“Well, as long as we don’t just grab it without thinking, things should be fine.”

“Alright, alright, quit harping on it!”

And as they start bickering again, you sigh and look out the window and think about the day you’ve just had.

I totally kicked flank today, and I didn’t have Mommy or Daddy around. All those years stuck napping in the inventory seem like such a waste…wait a minute!

You open up your inventory and look inside and your eyes widen.

“I can smell them all over yer fur ya cat fanatic!”

“Of course you can, that whole town stunk of them!”

“Uh, guys?” you say interrupting them. “I, uh, I think we might have a problem.” You open up your inventory and show them what you’ve seen. The still unconscious Greta, who’s now sporting drawn on glasses, a full beard, and the word Loser on her forehead, courtesy of Mangle.

“Oh…right. Kind of forgot about her,” Grandbuggy admits scratching the back of his head.


Episode 20: New Allies and Old Memories

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As your little group stares into the open bag at the unconscious Griffon, Grandbuggy gets up and looks up and down the hallway outside your private room before he shuts the door and closes the blinds.

“OK, first step in accidental kidnappings is you cut off sight and visuals of random witnesses. If she wakes up screaming, we have the opportunity to calm her down without looking suspicious.”

“Have you been in this position before?” you ask him curiously.

“More than you’d think, and less than you’d hope kid,” he replies before looking to Ahuizotl.

“Keep your weird hand tail ready in case she squawks.”

“Why don’t you use your hoof?” Ahuizotl complains. “She’s got a beak and your chitin is harder than my flesh.”

“Oh suck it up you big baby, you’re the big guy in this scenario, so you need to act like it,” Grandbuggy huffs before turning back to you.

“You just stand by kid and play mediator if you have to. If that fails, I’ll lay on the old charm.”

“Grandbuggy, now’s not the time to be pervy,” you roll your eyes as you upend your bag and dump Greta out onto the floor between you all, with Mangle falling out right on top of her.

With her completely out of the bag, you all see the masterpiece that Mangle has accomplished.

Down with Chyralis’s Comment

The unconscious griffon’s face is completely covered in marker ink. She sports drawn on glasses, a mustache and goatee, a fake lobotomy scar, and phrase on her cheek that says, “I Eat Ponies.”

You all stare at the intricate artwork as Mangle looks up at you in glee, before simultaneously, you all start snickering.

“That’s not *Pfft* That’s not nice Mangle, heh heh,” you giggle.

“Ya, *Snort* definitely not cool, *Guffaw*” Grandbuggy agrees, hiding his mouth with his hoof.

Ahuizotl attempts to say something as well, but he can’t keep up the charade and just starts bellowing out laughter. The dam breaks as you and Grandbuggy add your own laughs.

Mangle, seeing all your joy, puts her hands on her hips and nods appreciatively before laughing with her own mechanical barks.

This turns out to be a very bad idea as the animatronic screeching reaches Greta deep in her subconscious.

Zapperfrost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“AAAAHHH!!!” she screeches bolting upright, startling you all.

“Whoa now Chica it’s al-AH!” Ahuizotl recoils as she bites at his hand tail.

“Get the buck away from me you damned robots!” she thrashes wildly in a daze, clawing at Ahuizotl and Grandbuggy’s faces.

“Calm down ya Gorramned Featherbrain!” Grandbuggy orders.

“You’ll never take me alive you flippin Fazbear motherbu-*WHAM*”

She falls to the floor, her head spinning after your Falcon Punch to the back of her head.

“Get a hold of yourself dummy, there’s no robots here,” you command.

“Reeee?” Mangle screeches holding her paw up.

“Okay, there’s ONE robot, but she’s cute and adorable, so quit freaking out already.”

As you say that, her eyes stop spinning and she groggily looks at your three forms.

"Ughhh... Where am I?" she asks.

“On a train,” Ahuizotl answers plainly causing you to facehoof.

“A train? But how?” her eyes focus on Ahuizotl. “Wait, you’re that adventurer guy.”

“That’s right senorita, I am Ahuizotl of-“

“You brought that monster to town!” she accuses pointing a talon at him.

“What? I did no such thing! That was all Quick Fix!”

“Oh sure, throw me under the wagon why don’tcha?” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“But it was your fault! You didn’t disenchant the corpse!” Ahuizotl shoots back.

“Oh excuse me for forgetting that oh so known procedure!”

And like that, they continue bickering again which all but confuses Greta. Rolling your eyes, you wave your hoof in front of her face and have her look at you.

“Just ignore them, they get dumb like that a lot.”

“Right…I’m going to guess this isn’t a dream then?”

“No unfortunately,” you say with a sigh.

“Figures,” she says wincing as she rubs the back of her head.

“Which one of you jerks punched me?”

“Who are you accusing? I’m a gentleman, I’d never hit a lady that didn’t deserve it, unlike this weirdo” Grandbuggy boasts.

“I would never!” Ahuizotl defends himself.

“Oh please, you’ve rough and tumbled with Daring so many times, she probably enjoys it by now,” Grandbuggy trolls.

“It’s not like that!” Ahuizotl shouts blushing red.

“I punched you,” you clarify as the two “Grownups” bicker and argue. Greta looks to you in shock.

“You did?”

“Yeah, you were freaking out so I had to calm you down.”

“Well…it certainly worked,” she says pulling her talon away from her bump. “That was a heck of hit…you’re the Crimson Vengeance’s daughter.”

“Eyup, that’s me,” you say with a smirk. She then looks around her surroundings and back at you.

“So, I am on a train…but how did I get here? The last thing I remember is that monster attacking Gallus before I stopped it then…nothing.”

“Oh yeah, the Arapa…Arpo…The THING hit you and knocked you out. I put you in my Inventory just like Daddy did to you when we had you manacled.”

“Ok…” she nods in understanding. “No wonder I woke with that flashback. Last time I was in that kind of bag, that Crimson Knight nutjob’s robots were all over me.”

“Eyup. Plus Mangle’s bark probably added to it. She was drawing on your face while you were out,” you point below her where Mangle is standing.

She looks down and freezes in place, her eyes going wide.

TartarusFire’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

She stares in abject horror at the tiny animatronic, who chuckles trollishly and licks her beak with her metal tongue.

“MMMMM,” Greta whines, not opening her mouth as she backs up into a corner and shakes in fear.

“Alright Mangle, we’re not trying to give her a heart attack,” you chide the robot who looks at you giddily. She then opens her mouth and plays back a sound byte.

“Got any bits?” comes one of the griffon’s voices from earlier, which only makes Greta wince more.

“Bits?” you ask incredulously of your pet. She then points to Greta, to your bag, and back before playing the recording again.

“Mangle, I’m not going to charge her, I’M the one who stuck her in there in the first place.”

You then look from your pet, to the trembling griffon, and then to your bickering Grandbuggy and his friend and look at just how crazy this whole situation is.

"You know this sounds like a joke actually,” you say to break the tension. “A changeling, an alicorn, and a… an Ahuizotl get on a train. They accidentally commit anabduction..." You pause to let everyling laugh, but no one does. "Well a bad joke that is," you say wilting your ears.


Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

So after many explanations, apologies, off topic arguments, smacking Mangle with a rolled up newspaper, and even a random bout of Rock, Paper, Scissors, you all manage to get Greta calmed down and up to speed.

“Alright, so by now I’m what? About 8 hours away from Griffonstone?” she asks.

“Sounds about right,” Grandbuggy nods. “Although if you tried to travel right now at night, might actually take you longer.

“And when’s the next stop on this train?”

“Not till tomorrow when we reach the nearest Pony city. We are travelling even further out along the way after all,” Ahuizotl adds.

“Well that’s just perfect!” she grumbles and crosses her arms. “I’ve got no bits, no supplies, no idea where the buck I am.”

“You’ve got wings, you’ll be fine,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

“Yeah, but that’s still a long trip. I’m not Gabby who can fly over the whole freaking globe with nothing but her mail bag and sugary personality,” she harrumphs.

Looking at her feeling down and cross, you can’t help but feel a little guilty. She’s only in this position because of you after all. But then a lightning strike of inspiration hits you on how to solve the problem.

"Hey, why don't you come with us?"

A few seconds of silence follow your question until you hear Grandbuggy mutter under his breath,

“Oh no not this again" or something like that. You ignore him though as the griffon looks to you in confusion.

"Huh? What do you mean come with you guys?"

“Just what it sounds like, come with us,” you answer plainly.

She looks to your two companions before raising her brow at you.

“And, where exactly are you all going?” You smile brightly at her question before standing on your back hooves while waving your forelegs about in an exuberant fashion.

"We are on a quest of epic proportions to seek out powerful magical artifacts from across the land to use them to bring about a new body for a kind being as old as time!"

A few seconds of silence past after your declaration before the griffon tilts her head.


Your eye twitches in slight annoyance at that.

How did that totally cool speech go over your head? I thought you loved Video Games!

"We're trying to find magical artifacts. Wanna help?" you say with a deflated sigh.

“Magical artifacts? What like the Idol of Boreas?” she asks.

“Exactly. There’s many others to find just like it…even though we totally DIDN’T find it before that monster attacked, right Grandbuggy?”

“Nope, not at all,” he smiles sheepishly.

“Right, that thing we didn’t find we don’t have,” Ahuizotl adds nervously.

“Okaaaayy,” she says a bit perplexed. “And, well, that sounds cool and everything, but that sounds like something out of a book…”

"Oh, and you can keep any gold or treasure we find along the way. Plus you can see this as a way to return the favor with my Daddy too!" you add, sweetening the deal.

And like that, Greta’s eyes lighten up at the prospect of gaining new wealth before she says,

"Sure! Let's go clear some dungeons!" she says enthusiastically before nervously coughing into her talon at the smirks you’re all giving her.

“I mean, yeah that sounds cool. I do need to make some bits if I wanna get back home. Let’s just…let’s stay out of Bastion if I do travel with you OK?”

“Alright awesome!” you chirp before looking back to Grandbuggy.

“She can come right? We could always use more help, especially if more giant monsters show up. She’s good at fighting those.”

Mangle chuckles at that which causes her to shudder.

“Yeah, let’s avoid those too if we can,” she pleads.

Sighing Grandbuggy shakes his head before walking over to Greta and slapping her on the shoulder.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Well, it’s not like I can say no to her,” he admits.

“You didn’t even try Fix,” Ahuizotl chuckles.

“Eh,” he shrugs. “Still would’ve been futile, she’d have pulled out the puppy dog eyes.

“You know it,” you nod. Grandbuggy then looks at Greta inquisitively.

“You’ve obviously got some skills bird gal, you’re gonna need them if you hang with us. You sure you want to do this?”

“I mean, it’s not like I got anything else going on in my life,” she shrugs.

“Well then, let’s see you put those skills to the test,” Grandbuggy nods.

“What, like right now?” she asks.

“No, not right now,” he grumbles. “I meant when we actually get somewhere…I mean, unless you still got that zero suit I’ve heard about then maybe you could sho-*WHACK*”

You stop his creepiness with a strike upside his Bowler.

“Oi! Watch the hat kid!”

"Why do you keep attacking your Abuelo?" Ahuizotl asks.

"Mommy said to hit him whenever he starts acting weird around mares. She said it's 'Sax-ual Harassment' but I've never seen Grandbuggy anywhere near a saxophone," you shrug.

“Wait, then how do you even know what kind of situation that entails?” asks Greta as she takes a few steps away from Grandbuggy.

“Good rule of hoof, if it would make my Daddy’s nose bleed, then it’s enough to hit Grandbuggy in the head.”

Greta stares at you for a good couple of seconds in contemplation.

“You’ve got a strange family little filly.”

“Heh, Strange is putting it mildly.”

“Indeed,” Grandbuggy huffs. “But before you join us, you might want to wash your face a bit.”

“Huh? Why?” she asks as she looks in the reflection of the window and sees what’s been done.


“SKKREEOOONNKK,” Mangle laughs hysterically.


After washing her face off, and retiring back into your inventory to sleep to avoid being labeled a stowaway by the Ticket Pony, you and Grandbuggy sit together while Ahuizotl snores in his sleep.

You finish writing a letter to your most favorite dragon in the world about your crazy trip to Griffonstone.

…And then I blacked out and we skedaddled before they could ask for bits. This adventure is pretty weird, but also really exciting. I wish you could be here. Tell the Crusaders my story, and tell them I miss them lots. I’ll write again when more fun stuff happens.


“You finished writing to your coltfriend?” Grandbuggy asks as you roll the letter up.

“He’s not my coltfriend!” you deny and blush.

“Right, and the hearts above your I’s are just for fun?”

“I dot all my I’s with hearts!” you defend as you focus on the message link spell and send the letter to Spike with a flourish of green fire. He just chuckles at your antics and you frown at him.

“Aren’t you tired Grandbuggy?” you ask.

“Yeah,” he nods. “But I’ll sleep after you do.”

“I kind of already slept all day though,” you pout. “I don’t like wasting time sleeping anymore like when I was little.”

“Yeah, well you’ll have to try or you’ll be groggy and irritable all day tomorrow,” he points out.

“Hmmph,” you snort and look out the window.

“Hmmm,” Grandbuggy ponders for a moment before tapping your shoulder.

“How about this. I’ll tell you a story from my past. That’ll put you to bed.”

You turn and raise your brow at him.

“Any story?”

“Well, any story that’s not above PG-13,” he chuckles and you roll your eyes.

“So come on Shade, what do you want to hear about? I was always the best at telling bedtime stories. If you want something exciting, I could tell you about the time the Doc and I robbed the most impenetrable bank in the Universe.”

“Hmmm,” you think.

“Or if you’re in the mood for something spooky, there’s the time I briefly became a cyber pony.”

“Maybe later,” you say as you are curious about that one. “But actually, I’d like to know more about my Grandparents.”

"I'm right here kid, what you see is what you get" Grandbuggy jokingly responds.

"No, I mean Daddy's mommy and daddy,” you clarify and his face loses his smile.

“Oh…what brought that on kid?” he asks solemnly.

“Well, it’s been something that’s been on my mind ever since I saw that photo Daddy found in the bunker with you and Grandma when she was little. I’ve wanted to know more, but we’ve never had time.” He looks down at that looking a bit nervous.

“And your dad, he never told you anything?”

“Not really. When he first found it he got really sad and his head started hurting, so I kind of stopped asking after that,” you explain.

"Bucking memory-ruining Queen..." Grandbuggy mutters with a flash of anger in his eyes before becoming forlorn.

“Well Nightshade, I guess we’ll be taking a trip down memory lane for this bed time story. What do you want to know?”

“Just…anything about them. I felt like I knew you from all of Dad’s stories before I even met you, but them…I know nothing.”

“…Alright honey. I’ll fill you in,” He sighs and nods at that before turning to look out the window as he begins his tale.

"Well your grandma was my baby girl. She was half-Earth Pony so she had Earth Pony features long red hair and irised blue eyes, not the typical plain blue like we changelings have," he explains before showing his changeling face before going back to his disguise.

"As a 'half-breed' her life wasn't easy in the Hive. She was always trying and working so hard to gain acceptance and fit in, but it was never gonna work. The only reason she even got a leg up at all was because of my status. Hay, outside of me keeping my baby close whenever I could; her only friend was your grandpa."

"What was Grandpa like?" you interrupt.

"He was a lazy, gluttonous, good-for-nothing, dorky, wimp," Grandbuggy snaps, before he catches his breath at your look of confusion and lets out a sad sigh, "No, not's that fair to him. He was a good bug who genuinely loved your grandma. Guess that's just my "protective daddy' instinct still kicking in. Haven't felt that in a while..."

"Now I know where daddy gets it from..." you mutter.

"Anyway, my idiot son-in-law was the 'runt of his litter' and had long since given up on trying to fit in unlike your workaholic grandma. Rather than do any actual work or training, he was a wiseflank slacker who preferred to stuff his face and watch movies."

"What'd he like to eat?" you ask at the mention of food.

"That bigmouth would eat anything, but if you’ve seen yer dad eat you know exactly what his pa liked, Nacos, Dagwoods, and extra-malt milkshakes.”

“Oh yeah, Daddy beat up Caramel for eating his Naco once,” you point out. “So Grandpa liked them too?”

“Eyup. That boy sure did go the extra mile for fatty food, so much so that I’m sure it’s genetic,” he says tussling your mane.

“Can’t deny that,” you nod.

“Your Grandma on the other hoof was a bit healthier, though she always did have a sweet tooth when it came to Candy Granny Smith apples,” he sighs at that. “He always did seem to have a supply of those for her…but yeah, my baby girl had only that glutton for a friend, but they were both outcasts together.”

"So he protected grandma from the bullies?" you say drawing on your knowledge of anime and movies, but Grandbuggy bursts out laughing.

"Him protecting her? Pfft, she was far stronger than that dork and had the temper to match. Thanks to her Earth Pony strength and some tips and training from her elite badflank of a daddy," he brags proudly, "She walloped anyone in the Hive that picked on her or him."

“Oh…that’s quite an image,” you say in bafflement.

“Ya better believe it. That was another reason she was ostracized, the fact that they couldn’t beat her,” he nods.

"So what were Grandma and Grandpa like together?" you ask, your girly side getting the better of you.

"Well most bugs, ponies, griffons, what have you strike out at love several times, Hay I know I have..." he says sadly, "But they hit home runs their first time at bat; They were each other's first and only friend, first date, first kiss, first time, first and only marriage-"

"First time doing what?"

"Your parents will tell you when you're older."

"Why does everpony keep telling me that?!" you exclaim in annoyance.

"Anyway, like most half-breeds, your grandma couldn't fly, walk on walls, or even use disguise magic so she would be used as either a Pack Drone for the rest of the squad or an expendable front-line meat shield when stealth was no longer an option due to their increased toughness compared to normal changelings. That being said, due to her zeal to gain acceptance, her success on the field due to her elite training, and some wing-twisting by yours truly she attained the highest rank ever held by a half-breed in the Hive."

"She was an Officer?"

"Sergeant." Grandbuggy responded flatly, "Not even one of the fancy Sergeant ranks like First Class or even Staff, just basic Sergeant. Chrysallis’s mother would never allow a half-breed to rise any further for her oh so perfect machine."

"That's not fair!" you exclaim.

“No it bucking ain’t,” he agrees. “Ponies aren’t the only speciests in the world kid. She was the best of them, but they put her down just because of who her mother was. She wanted so hard for them to accept her, but that whorse’s doctrines wouldn’t allow for that…I guess that’s why I’ve always had a soft spot for half-breeds.”

You pound your fist in anger at the injustice your Grandmother had to face and grit your teeth.

“Stupid Changelings, not knowing greatness,” you grunt causing Grandbuggy to chuckle.

“Well said kiddo. The hive will get better though, this I know, thanks to your Dad and a scared shrimp of a drone in a few years.”


“You’ll see in about three years or so,” he says mysteriously.

“Okaaayy…still though, that’s still not fair how they treated her.”

"Heh, you want not fair? Your grandpa had a 100% success rate on all of his missions despite only reluctantly doing the bare minimum of his duty. That boy never made it above Private First Class because he intentionally sabotaged himself so he wouldn’t have to do more work, and yet he was never captured or injured. Heck, I don’t even think he ever really fought at all. Baffled my baby on quite a few occasions, heck it still baffles me” he shakes his head in bewilderment.

"I thought you said he was a lazy slacker? How did he even get into the army?”

"He followed your Grandma naturally,” he explains. “All changelings conscripted for the army are based on their merit, but he just wanted to be near her. He got in despite not being qualified.”

“How?” you ask.

“Not following clichés is how he put it,” he says with a shrug. “Your dad used his movies and shows to base his fighting style on, while your Grandpa used the tropes to not fight.”


“I don’t know,” he admits. “That’s how he explained it. Your Grandma told me he would always use his full name instead of his drone number because he claimed it gave him 'Nominal Importance', whatever the buck that means. If ordered to split up, he’d ignore the order and stick/hide behind the strongest squad member, which was usually my baby. Heck, the idiot saved the squad more times than not by forcing a retreat if anyone threw up a “Red Flag.””

“A red…what you mean like someone saying, “What could Possibly Go Wrong?”” you ask, remembering quite a few times Daddy has done just that.

“Exactly. As dumb as that boy was, he knew what to look out for.”

"So Grandpa weaponized being a couch potato?" you conclude.

“Not just weaponized, he used it for his day to day life,” he chuckles. “When they started dating, he’d order my baby chocolates, spaghetti, crepes, and malts with two straws."

"That sounds romantic," you comment, more focused on the food angle.

"That's what your grandma thought at first too... before she realized that idiot would get those for EVERY date meal." he says shaking his head in amusement.

“But despite everything, despite him being a lazy idiot, and her futile quest to reach for the stars, they made each other happy. I was harsh on the boy, and still am apparently, but he was there for my girl when noling else was. Good thing too, because your Grandma was just as dense when it came to romance stuff as your Dad. Took her years before she realized what that runt felt.”

“Yeah, if mares didn’t literally throw themselves at Dad, I don’t think he’d ever get the hint,” you agree.

“That coming from the filly who won’t admit she’s writing love notes to a certain draconic boy,” he trolls.

“Shut Up!” you blush and he chuckles.

“Heh, you’ll figure it out eventually,” he says before looking back out the window. “They weren’t legally allowed to marry, so I did it for them. I’d gotten a license in Las Pegasus on a job way back when so I figured I’d use it. Not long after that, they had your Dad…they were happy with those few years they had with him…”

He trails off looking into the night and you see some wetness catch at the corner of his eye.

“Grandbuggy?” you ask in concern. He sniffles and wipes his eye with his hoof before answering.

“Sorry kiddo, just…just remembering how it ended…”

You wilt your ears at that, because even you can put two and two together. He’s only been talking about them in the past tense.

“The former Queen didn’t like their happiness, it didn’t fit her grand plan, nor did she appreciate her daughter becoming close with your father, a second generation hybrid,” he growls. “She moved events to send them on a suicide mission. A whole unit of changelings wiped out just to be rid of my baby and that boy…And it worked…”

“I’m…I’m sorry,” you mutter as you process that information and he shakes his head.

“Don’t be. Ain’t nothing can be done about it now. Besides, I got even with her in the end,” he says with hard eyes. You don’t ask anything else after that, for fear of opening up more of his emotional scars.

“Still, even with that bitch gone, it didn’t bring them back…They were together until the very end…that’s some small comfort I guess,” he says before he suddenly pulls you into a hug.

“You have a chance at having the life your Dad never had kid, a mother and a father that will be there for you, despite whatever the world and Lady Luck throws at you. We’re gonna get those artifacts kid, and when it’s all over, you’re gonna have the good life.”

You hug the old bug back because he really needs it.

“Thanks Grandbuggy…Thanks for telling me that, even though it hurt. I’m glad you’re with me, just like you were there for Daddy.”

“Heh,” he laughs. “I’m just glad that fool has you in his life…but thanks Nightshade.” You two then stay like that for a good while, and after that emotional roller coaster, you do feel a bit tired. But one thing still claws at the back of your mind.

“Grandbuggy?” you ask.

“Yeah sweetheart?”

“You kept saying Grandma was Half Earth Pony…so does that mean my Great Grandmother was a pony?” He smiles at that and nods.

“Oh you bet she is. Really, she is the only Mare I ever truly loved…I wish things could have been different with her after all the adventures in time and space we had.”

“You met her while you were traveling with the Doctor?” you ask surprised.

“Oh yes…the most beautiful mare in all the universe…” he lets out a sigh at that. “Even after all these years when I glimpsed her at that reunion, she still looks flawless to me.”

“Reunion? Wait, she’s still alive?” you ask in surprise.

“Well of course she’s alive, you’ve met her countless times,” he points out nonchalantly.

“I have?” you ask incredulously.

“Yeah, Granny Smith, you were in her house for months.”

“WHAT?!” you exclaim in shock. “Granny Smith is my Great Grandma?!” He seems surprised by your outburst.

“Wait a second, your Dad didn’t tell you?”

“NO! Daddy knew? How long did…I…” you then flashback to when you found that picture in the Apple’s attic with Young Granny Smith and the Doctor with another mysterious stallion who looks like a younger version of Grandbuggy’s pony guise and when Ruby mentioned you and Applebloom having shared blood.

“Holy Buck, I’m related to the Apples…” you say in shock as a momentous truth lands on your shoulders.

“Gorramit Boy, what were you thinking not telling her,” Grandbuggy grumbles as he facehooves.



Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

It’s been a few days since your run in with Gloriosa’s alter ego, and even with that magical stone, you’ve had no luck in finding the portal in Crystal High.

Talking it over with B2, you both realized that if you really want to dig into the place, you’ll both have to explore it Scooby Doo style at night when noling’s watching. You both plan to sneak in this very night, but at this moment you are preoccupied with something far more important.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Oh My-This is-AHAHAHAHAA!!!” you laugh to your heart’s content in the school library at the cat playing a piano on the magical Internet thing.

“Mr. Bugze, this is a library, please keep it down,” Human Twilight shushes.

“I-I can’t help it! He’s playing a piano like a person! AHAHAHAHA!!!”

"I know right? Ha ha ha!" your video watching companion next to you guffaws.

See, I told you you’d find something in the human world to enjoy, Sombra says.

And of course it’s the most time wasting thing in the world. This is the 87th video you’ve watched Bugze, Selena comments.

There’s just so many cats to watch though! You defend at this glorious find.

“Ok, but can you two keep it down please?” Human Twilight urges as she picks at her salad and reads a book.

“No promises,” you say to her. “Do another, do another,” you command the chuckling human next to you who now puts on a video of a cat failing to jump onto a couch.

The discovery of internet cats came about after you went to find Twilight on her lunch break to see how her plan of vengeance went. Surprisingly, it went pretty well when you consider a teenaged girl hacked the systems for creepy animatronics and set them after her bullies.

Since she’s kind of a loner, and still brings Puppy Spike to school, she eats in the library. You would have probably spent some time eating there and maybe talking to her because she reminds you of you when you were in school…but a pale skinned, blonde human boy had a video of cats jumping away from cucumbers up, and you kind of lost your train of thought and sat down next to him. After so many videos though, the teenaged boy stands up.

“I’m afraid I have to get going Mr. Janitor, but it’s been fun. Don’t forget to look at Dog videos as well,” he instructs as he leaves.

“Will do,” you wave as you click another cat video. “Hey Twilight, who was that guy?”

She rolls her eyes at that, “The prom king himself, Blueblood.”

“That Was Blueblood?!” you ask in surprise and turn to see the boy exiting the library door. “Huh…well, he’s a definite improvement over mine,” you say with a shrug.

“Huh?” Twilight asks curiously.

“Nothing, nothing at all,” you backtrack. “So what are you reading?”

“Oh, just something on the history of unexplained phenomenon in Canterlot over the years.” Your eyebrows raise at that, and you look away from the monitor.

“Oh really?”

“Yes. After hearing you ranting the other day about ancient magical monsters and alternate universes with arcane horses, I got interested on why you would believe in such things so strongly,” she nods and turns a page.

“I-I did?” you ask before your face sinks. “Did I have a beard that day by chance?”

“Actually yes,” she nods. “By the way, why do you feel it necessary to wear a fake beard every few days?” she asks curiously.

“Um…It’s a character tic,” you shrug nervously.

Stupid B2, we’re trying to make sure the hummies DON’T think we’re crazy!

Thankfully you are saved from any other slips of the tongue when another familiar human walks in.

“Hi Twilight,” Cadence waves.

“Oh, hi Cadence,” Twilight waves back, still with her nose in the book.

“Having a good lunch?” she asks.

“Mmhmm,” she nods and holds a thumbs up which causes Cadence to smile and shake her head.

“Alright, well I’ll talk to you later then. Mr. Bugze, could I have a word with you actually?”

“Uh, yeah sure,” you say as you get up from your current cat video and follow the Human version of your friend.

“What did you want to talk about? If this is about that cracked window on the third floor, I really did think that the chewing gum would fix it.”

“No no…I’ll have to look into that later, but no. I just wanted to give you a warning and some advice,” she says suddenly deathly serious.

“On what?” you ask nervously.

“Principal Cinch is back, and she’s wanting to meet you.”


Episode 21: Meeting the Boss is a Cinch (Not)

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Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

For some reason just hearing the principles name sends shivers down your back.

Principle Cinch...

From what I recall she is a very influential person, and judging on how all the staff seem to shrink away or even stutter incoherently whenever you questioned them about her, that influence was not gained without reason.

Not to mention every student we pass by looks as if they've been marked for execution when they're talking about her makes her a dangerous foe.

Mentally nodding in agreement with the two voices in your head you gulp slightly before asking Cadence with slight hesitation,

"O-oh really? And what does our esteemed principal want with me?"


Look we have to keep a low-profile if this Cinch is as dangerous as everybody makes her out to be. I'm all for going against a jerky principle but now's not the time to do so. Sombra merely scoffs at this but you ignore him in favor to listening to Cadence's response.

"Oh its nothing too big, she just wants to meet you is all. She does this with all the new faculty, usually when they're hired but since she was out she's making up for it now."

Despite how she said that cheerfully even your dense buggy mind can tell her smile and tone are fake and strained.

Oh sweet Luna this person is making even Cadence of all people nervous!

Oblivious to your thoughts Cadence gestures down the hall and begins to walk away while saying how she'll bring you to Cinch. As you follow her you look over to Hu-Twilight and see her head is out of her book and that there even seems to be slight amount of concern in her eyes. Not wanting to worry her you just flash hera quick smile before catching up with Cadence.


After being led down a hallway, which you swear was devoid of all light just to create a soul-crushing atmosphere, you and Cadence arrive at two huge and overly decorated doors. Like the rest of the hallway they are grim and dark, and they just exclude oppression and the death of any student's hope of surviving high school undamaged.

So the usual feeling you get when going to meet the principal of a high school, only times ten and on steroids.

Oh dear Luna I'm getting flashbacks to the Hive. It feels like this hallway is sucking any joy I have out of me and using it to keep any sort of light from entering!

This is...quite the demanding feeling this principal likes to have. I'm sure this is all fine for the worm though, considering his past tyrant-hood.

Sombra merely scoffs at Selena's attempt at a jab and doesn't respond. Before you can say anything to either of them Cadence speaks up, this time her voice is even more strained to keep her happy tone in check.

"Here we are. I'm sorry about the lights, but the fuses for them went out awhile ago and we haven't gotten around to fixing them yet."

You just raise your brow at that, which causes Cadence to chuckle nervously before she starts to open the doors. As she does she gives you one last quick look.

"Just a piece of advice, don't speak unless she wants you too. Trust me."

Before you can question her on her advice the doors are fully opened and you see that the oppressive atmosphere is even worse in the room.

In the center of the room is a long desk with a leather chair facing away from you. Before you can question where the principal is a cold voice suddenly sounds out,

"Ah, about time you arrived Mr. Bugze. I was wondering when you would show up."

And like that the chair suddenly turns around to reveal the principal of the school, Cinch. Before you can go on your usual 'ugly human' rant, and let’s face it, this one is the worst one so far, you notice That something being these strange symbols of oppressive purple and oozing hostility (somehow), floating and shaking around the principal like crazy.

Do you guys see that!?

Yes, she is far older than I thought, physically there is nothing she can do to us.

Your hatred for humans continues to annoy me. Show respect for the elderly.

Oh buck your respect, I meant those menacing words above her.

Hmm, yes. Certificates and awards. She must be a perfectionist. Good catch. Selena nods looking to the many plaques on the wall.

Not those, the floating purple words! You reiterate.

…What are you talking about cockroach?

Bugze, are you seeing things again? Selena asks in concern.

Apparently, you stutter as apparently you’re the only one witnessing the menace. But even still this humie is definitely not normal...

Grey Rebl’s Comment


You jump, turning to find the doors slammed shut. And on either side of the door frame, two people stand like guards, preventing exit. There is of course Cadence, who returns you a sheepish smile. And the other…

Your voice almost leaps out of its throat upon recognizing Shining Armor’s manestyle and disciplined stance. Armor’s doppelganger, ignorant to your shock, simply waves one of his hands.

“Don’t mind us.”

You can’t tell if you should feel assured that Cadance is watching your back or afraid that Shining Motherbucking Armor is behind you as well. Either way, though, you can feel the claustrophobia setting in. They have you trapped in. Surrounded. It's like the Arkhay Asylum all over again.

Definitely. Not. Normal.

Focus, Bugze. We can’t have you lose your composure every time you see a familiar face. I'm here for you, remember? You know she’s right, but it’s still a messed up situation.

“S-so, uh,” you gulp, pivoting to face Principal Cinch in all her menacing glory. “Is there something you need from me?”

“In a manner of speaking...” Principal Cinch leans her elbows onto her desk, her chin laid over interlocking fingers. “Tell me: are you aware of where we are?”


Is this a trick question?

“Crystal Prep Academy?” Principal Cinch nods.

“Indeed.” Then, she turns her leather chair and stands up. She starts walking, slowly, with her hands clasped behind her, prowling around you like a shark would for its prey. You are too afraid to even properly face her, staring dead ahead at the now empty chair. “Winner of dozens of regional and national tournaments, athletic and academic. Boasts the most prestigious members of the Honors Society, highest overall GPA in the region, a high-class rated faculty, and a 100% graduation rate. Perfection.”

By the time her back is turned to you, she stops, and so does your heart. Principal Cinch’s head rotates ever so slightly, enough to give you a narrow sidelong glance. “And it’s my job to make sure it stays perfect. I did my research on you. And I was not impressed with what I found.”

Oh. As if it is life and death, your heart starts beating again. Oh...buck.

“A former rockstar, the Hooded Offender,” Principal Cinch continues. She starts fiddling with her fingernails, as if it is nothing to her. “The kind that millennials would call...edgy these days. Had a substantial following…and then it all ended with a scandal.”

You wince at that last word as if it is the other you standing right where you are now...

“By all rights, the Hooded Offender had disappeared completely. Nobody knows where he had went, for years…Until now that is.” Finally, Principal Cinch faces you fully, and from behind her elegant glasses, her cold and unassuming eyes drill right through you. “I do hope you know what this means?”

By the time you realize the sweat trailing down your neck, you can’t help but inwardly curse Lady Luck for this. History is biting you in the flank again, and for the second time it’s because of a doppelganger from an alternative universe.

Hmm… I will admit, I can respect her thoroughness, Selena says, sounding impressed. It’s a classic method to assert one’s own dominance. I’ve done the same in the past…or at least she did.

Turning my subjects into slaves was far less of a hassle, Sombra rolls his eyes.

You would know, you wannabe tyrant.

Hey! I wasn’t a wannabe, I was the real thing!

Yes, yes… But Bugze, remain calm. So long as her threats remain threats, you are in no danger. We lived through worse after all. We know what it's hold a past that haunts our every waking hour…

Wetting your lips, you mentally nod.

Right… Right. You steady your breath and get as comfortable as you think you’re allowed to be. Time to face the music.
If Principal Cinch noticed your inner change in demeanor, there was only the slightest narrow of her eyes to show it.


“I...left all that behind,” you finally say. “I’d rather not bring that all up again.” A pause. “Especially at work.”

“So you say…” Principal Cinch hardly seems impressed. She rounds back to the other side, but this time, she faces towards a particular shelf, obscured by the shadows. “Good. Because as the member of our staff in Crystal Prep, I expect you to be the utmost professional. Whatever you do here, it reflects on this school.” She pivots around, giving you full view of the shelf, and in the shelf are trophies. Golden and pristine, all fancy with their intricate designs and craftsmanship. Only now do you notice them. “After all, we have a reputation to keep. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes.” You nod. “Of course.” She narrows her eyes. “O-oh, um… Yes, ma’am,” you correct. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“Then I’ll hold you to your word, Mr. Bugze. I care not if you’re going by that pseudonym instead of your real name, but if I hear from you of any shenanigans, any disturbances, I will not hesitate to be rid of you.” Principal Cinch sneers. “Goodness knows my precious school doesn’t need another degenerate of a janitor. Proper janitors are hard to come by these days.”

Horror creeps up your spine. Selena was right, she is a perfectionist. The kind that’ll never be satisfied with your work no matter what you do. The kind that you bet only Grey Rebl would be crazy enough to kiss. And so at that moment, you realize that your time in Crystal Prep Academy has gotten a whole lot harder.

Despite yourself, a whimper escapes your mouth.

I am bucked.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“I’ll…I’ll be a proper janitor ma’am. Nothing will happen from me.”

“Excellent,” she nods as she sits back down and crosses her fingers in front of her. “Because I will not have the taint of your past scandal infect my Academy.”

After the word scandal leaves her mouth, you hear Shining Armor whisper behind you,

"Every single celebrity nowadays has one of those."

“Yeah…but I remember that one all too well,” Cadence responds, sounding a bit sadly for some reason.

As much as you would love to turn around and kindly ask him to shut the buck up, you are still preoccupied by Cinch’s gaze.
“Now that you know your position, let me reiterate to you the guidelines and standards to which our employees are held to. I doubt that parasite Scruffy gave you any real mentoring.”

She then opens up her drawer and pulls out a stack of papers as she adjusts her glasses and goes into lecture mode.

“Now, our modus operandi at this prestigious academy, is excellence, perfection, and-“

Oh gods, I can’t handle a lecture right now, you whimper.

Neither can I. You can pay attention to that blabbering, I’m going to listen in on the human counterparts of my usurpers gossiping, Sombra says.

What do you think you’re doing? Selena asks as you hear what sounds like a chair scraping on the floor.

“Of course that doesn’t factor in the non paid lunch, only when you’ve worked for at least six months will those be included…”

Moving further back so I can hear them better.

Since when did we agree to let you wander about freely?! Selena berates, sounding like a mother- oh wait she is.

Never Sombra says matter of factly.

Then what exactly are you doing Right Now?

Making myself useful, I'm not wandering as you put it, he grunts.

“And that brings us to paid time off. You are only allotted 7 days for the first six months, but as you’re being paid under the table as it were, I would be sparing on not showing up…”

And how is there gossip useful?

Because…he pauses thinking. Because the roach will have eyes in the back of his head…yeah…

Likely story. You stay right here and

Oh just let him go Selly, it’s too late for us to escape…you think in melancholy as Cinch’s lecture blends and blurs.

“Blah blah blah blah blah,” is all you hear from her.

But Bugze, she tries to argue.

I’ve got permission! Sombra says giddily and pushes further into your mind.

Oh for crying out loud, Selena grumbles. The least he could have done is suffer with us.

Maybe she’s right, but your fear and disconnection at Cinch’s droning lecture makes you feel hollow.

30 Minutes Later

"Blah Blah Blah Pride of Crystal Prep…Blah Blah Blah, inferior Wondercolts... Blah Blah Blah Canterlot High... Blah Blah Blah Our great champions... Blah Blah Blah..." she continues to drone, though you only catch every other word.

"Blah Blah Blah..." she continues until she is interrupted by the ring of a phone. Without missing a beat, she picks the phone up.

“Blah blah blah? Oh…blah blah blah.” She then looks to you with the mouth guard covered. “Blah blah blah, don’t forget my warning, blah.”

She then continues to chat on the phone, but you are too zoned out to think of anything else. Suddenly a familiar multicolored haired dean appears in your vision.

"Blah Blah Blah Blah?" she asks. When you don’t answer she waves a hand in front of your face and looks worried.

She glances at the preoccupied Cinch and back to you.

“Blah blah?” Again you don’t answer. She then disappears from your view while Cinch still talks on her phone, not looking in your direction.

A few moments later, Cadence returns with a glass of water, which she promptly throws in your face.

"What? When? Where?" you sputter, but she puts a hand over your mouth and holds a finger to her lips, gesturing her head towards the menacing principal. You nod and she gestures for you to stand up and follow her. You do so and as you pass Shining Armor, he gives you a thumbs up and mouths, “Good job.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Before you pass through the door into the safety of the hallway though, Cinch speaks up.

“One more thing Mr. Bugze.”

You turn around and see her cupping the mouthpiece and glaring at you.

“If I hear anything of you messing with my students. There will be...” ,Cinch’s hand clenches into a fist, “....consequences.”

You nod dumbly and she gestures with her head for you to leave, and you do so. Once outside, you, Selena and Sombra all simultaneously mutter


As Cadence closes the door behind you, you hear her giggle.

“That’s one way to put it.”

“Sooo, what exactly happened? Did her menacing floating words get to me?” She seems confused at your words, but she just smirks.

“No, I’m pretty sure your mind just shut down as a self defense mechanism. I’ve seen it plenty of times with students, she has that effect on people.”

“Right…holy crap she’s scary. How can Scruffy even get away with being himself?”

“Tenure,” Cadence rolls her eyes. “He’s one of the few “blemishes” she can’t get rid of. But anyway, you’ve seen how she is, now you know not to be on her bad side.”


Looking for that portal is going to be harder if she’s breathing down my neck…B2 and I have to be extra careful tonight.

“I just wish she wouldn’t bring up the other m…My past like that. How the heck did she even find out so quickly?” you say sadly and Cadence bites her lip with a guilty look on her face.

Huh, wonder what that look is for?

Oh I know, heh heh heh. I heard aaaaallll the gossip, Sombra chuckles.

What do you mean scum? Selena demands, but all he does is laugh.

“Well either way, glad she didn’t just fire you outright. I think we should both get back to work.”

“Yeah,” you nod and begin to walk down the hallway.

“Oh, and Bugze?” she calls out causing you to turn around.

“Yes?” you ask. She has a look on her face as if she wants to say something, but then shakes her head and says, “I still enjoy your music. Just thought I’d let you know.”

“Oh…uh…thanks,” you say nervously. She then nods herself.

“Yeah…I’m just gonna, you know, get back to work,” she says as she walks to her office rather quickly.

“Right, me too,” you agree and walk on.

Well that was sure weird. I wonder what that was all about.

She’s under the influence you used to date her aunt who was in your band all those years ago, and is upset you don’t recognize her from when she was little, Sombra says giggling like a schoolfilly.

Wait What? Both you and Selena ask.

Your human counterpart, the musician. She knew him because he was with her aunt.

You got all that by listening to her and her husband whispering? Selena asks aghast.

Told you it was a great idea, he smirks.

Oh…OH…you say as you come to the conclusion. Cadence’s aunts in the real world are Celestia and Luna, so they’d be the same in this world. And there was only one of them that was in B2’s band.

Human Luna going under Nightmare Moon…Dang it B2, why do you have to have rockstar drama? It’s making my job much harder, you mutter.

Shaking your head from these thoughts you sigh.

“I’ll have to talk with him about that later. First things first though, if I want to break into the school to search tonight, I’m going to have to do something about the cameras and electric locks, and for that, I’m going to need a humie tech wiz.

After returning to your job, you wait until the final bell rings before you seek out Hu-Twilight.

“Oh hi. Glad to see you got out of their unscathed,” she says smiling.

“Barely,” you mutter. “Listen, you hacked those animatronics for revenge on those girls right?”

She looks around shiftily before nodding.

“Good…Can I ask you for a favor then?”

“Sure, what is it?” she asks.

“I kind of, sort of, need to break into the school after hours…”

“…Uh, what?” she sputters.


Episode 22: Breaking and Entering, All the Cool Kids Do It

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The confused Human Twilight just looks at you flabbergasted at your declaration. It’s a look that screams, “Blasphemy!”

Oh right, Twilight in any world is a learning nerd…but they say honesty is the best policy, you shrug.

The only one who says that is that hick cousin of yours who’s tried to kill you since day one, Selena grumbles, upset at your stupidity.

Oh yeah…Well it’s too late now, she already knows too much.

With that, you cough nervously into your filthy hand and explain,

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"Well, you see Twilight, I need to sneak into the school after hours-" Twilight shakes her head back and forth interrupting you.

"No no no no! Why do you need my help to break into the school!? Actually, a better question is why do you need to break into the school in the first place?!"

You chuckle nervously at Hu-Twilight's outburst, and as you do you can hear Selena sighing in your head,

Did you honestly think she wouldn't react like this? Given her personality it’s a surprise she didn't immediately go to another faculty to rat you out.

Hey, Humie-Light's a lot of things but she isn't someone who would rat out a person in need...I think. Besides I already have a back up plan in mind!

And what’s that?

Stromboli! How do I convince an outraged party to do my bidding?

Ahahahahahahaaa, Sombra continues to laugh as he has for the past few minutes at your doppleganger’s misfortune.

…That was your plan? Selena says exasperated.

No, that was my backup plan, and clearly it’s failed! You panic as Hu-Twilight looks to you for answers.

“Uhhh…” you stammer before you catch out of the corner of your eye the disheveled, and still frightened looking bullies from before. Whatever Twilight did to them at that haunted animatronic house clearly left a mental mark.

That’s it!

“It’s simple really kid. I need to prank those bullies too,” you lie as you point to their retreating forms.

She looks confused at that, so you continue.

“Puppy endangerment doesn’t just deserve one mentally scarring prank Twi, it needs several. Those girls have to go through enough trauma that when they even think about you, the blood drains from their faces and they have flashbacks.”

She blinks and slightly backs away from your enthusiasm over mentally scarring teenager.

“That sounds…rather intense…” she sputters, but you press on with your lie.

"Look Twi, I do not like bullies, at all. In fact if I were to compare bullies to the worst thing you can think of, the level of hate you would have for that thing wouldn't even compare. So while you may have gotten revenge on them, I still need to teach them a lesson!"

Surprisingly, instead of looking at you more like a crazy person for your sense of logic, Hu-Twilight just nods her head slowly at your explanation.

"I...I guess that makes sense Mr. Bugze, from an emotional standpoint at least," she rationalizes which causes you to blink in slight surprise.

Huh, weird, I figured she would have yelled about morals or something like the real Twilight usually does and I’d have to wear her down by reminding her of past bullying sessions.

I truly am starting to believe that you are a bad influence on this human girl.

What's that supposed to mean!? I'm a perfectly good influence, just look at how nicely Nightshade turned out, you shoot back.

In Horse World

“So are you bucking telling me that Applejack and Daddy have been cousins this whole time?!” Nightshade shouts in disgust, waking up several folks on the train.

“Yeah, your Grandma and Granny Smith’s eldest son were half-siblings,” Grandbuggy nods.

“But…But…Applejack is one of those crazy stalker mares! She’s KISSED Daddy before! BLEH! Oh cheese and rice WHY?!” she starts gagging and shaking her head.

“Because lazy anime tropes don’t translate well into real life kid. Something your Dad hasn’t quite figured out yet,” Grandbuggy shakes his head in disappointment.

“Oh gods! That means Braeburn’s my cousin too, and I thought he was handsome! I also used Big Mac as Mare Kryptonite in my revolution…AAAAAAHHHH!!!” Nightshade screams as her eyes turn white and she rushes out of the private room. Ahuizotl wakes up from all the noise and looks to Grandbuggy.

“What is all that about amigo?”

“GIVE ME THE BUCKING PASTRY CART! I need a bunch of sugar to scrub my mind clean!!!” her voice yells from further down the train.

“Alright alright, please don’t hurt me, I have a family,” whimpers the no doubt bewildered train employee.

“Don’t say the word family to me right now! It’s unclean at the moment and needs fixing! Omnomnomnomnom!!!” come the unmistakable sounds of a pig out session.

Grandbuggy just facehooves before putting on his pony guise and walking out the door.

“Just some mental trauma that’s been a long time coming because of my boy’s stupidity. Just go back to sleep Ahzi, I’ll deal with this before she eats the hole train dry.”

“Pie for the Pie God! Cakes for the Cake Throne!” she screams, stuffing said two deserts into her mouth.

Human World

You decide to ignore the heavy feeling ironic dread that suddenly hits you, but you do let out a tiny shudder.

I’ll deal with whatever that was later, you think in slight melancholy.

Human Twilight then puts her hand to her chin in thought.

“But Mr. Bugze, if you sneak into the schools after hours, even if I helped you, there’s still the risk of you getting found out. You just talked to Principal Cinch, so you know you don’t want to get on her bad side.

“Oh right, her…” you nod and fumble for an excuse. “Well, I, uh…Pranking those whorses is one thing, but I also need to make sure Cinch doesn’t have any blackmail on B2-I mean me!"

“Huh?” she raises a brow. “What do you mean by Ms. Cinch might have blackmail on you?"

At Twilight's innocent look you can't help but chuckle awkwardly.

"Ah, well let’s just say she dug up some things from his-MY past that I’d rather not get out, and I'm not exactly comfortable with her having said information on hand."

Who knows what will happen if I step out of line and she decides to use B2's past as a way to make me do something. I've yet to be blackmailed into doing something so far in my life, and I'd like to keep it that way thank you very much!

I do believe you just jinxed yourself.

…Oh Gorammit!

Twilight seems a bit taken aback, but her more rational persona takes the front.

“Okaaaayyy…I’m not going to ask about what THAT entails, but unless she has a big folder with all your secrets in it like in a movie, you’re not getting rid of that info by sneaking in.”

“What? Why not? And why wouldn’t she have a large folder?”

“Because she has a computer?” Twilight says as if it’s obvious.

“What? You mean the magic cat video box? What’s that got to do with anything?”

“…Are you serious?” she asks befuddled, but at the look on your face she comes to understanding. “You are…how are you so behind technologically-wise?”

“Because my world hasn’t gotten off it’s lazy flank and made the interwebs I guess,” you respond.


“Nothing! So wait, the Inter-computer thing has more than funny videos?”

“Yes! It’s a global network of information sharing that’s steadily progressed over the last 30 years. You have an E-Reader for heaven’s sake, how do you not know this?” she demands.

“I thought it was just for books,” you shrug and wilt back. “But if what you say is true, then I guess dismantling the entire Compu-Net is out of the question?”

She just gives you a blank, dumbfounded stare.

“I’ll take that as a yes…Gorramit!” you spit.

Stupid hummies, always muddling up my ingenious plans.

The plans you came up with not 30 seconds ago as an excuse to look for a magic portal? Selena rolls her eyes.

…Okay, they weren’t ingenious, but still, it’s the principle of the matter!

“Well if that plan is out, I’m still going to break in, and now you’ll have even more incentive for helping me right? So that I can prank your bullies and not get fired and have my past smeared over the school?”

“I…I guess I could still help,” she mutters looking away. “But I myself don’t want to be on Cinch’s radar.”

“Oh you’ll be fine. Just science me up something to get past the cameras and electronic locks, and they’ll never know it was you.” She looks to you and raises her brow again.

“You want me to make some sort of portable electrical disrupter device by tonight?”

“Ummm…Yeah?” you guess. She then looks up in thought, doing mental math.

“I suppose I could crank that out, though I’d have to cannibalize parts from Dad’s ham radio and the drone Cadence gave Shiny for his birthday…”

“Cool, so yeah, make that up, show me how to work and I’ll get those girls good for you,” you smile.

“OK,” she nods, “But you are going to take other precautionary methods right? Like gloves?”

“Why would I need gloves? It’s not cold,” you ask confused.

“So you won’t leave fingerprints when those girls no doubt complain about whatever you’re going to do?”

Master of Shadows’s Comment

“Finger Prince?” you ask in slight disgust, imagining a human with crown in a room surrounded by hands.

Oh gods, it’s Lyra’s fantasy come to life, you shudder.

Again, Twilight gives you that look as if you’re the most sheltered person in the world.

“Uh, yeah? Fingerprints? The unique identifying marks at the end of your fingers?”

“Wait, for real?” you say as you bring your wriggly appendages up to your face and look at them closely. Sure enough, on the tips of each one are unique swirl patterns you’ve never noticed before.

“Wow…these things get more and more disgusting the longer I stay here,” you gag and pull them downward while Twilight just stares at your antics.

“So what you’re saying is these things can be left behind if I don’t wear gloves?”

“…Yes?” she says, still mystified.

“Well alright then, I’ll just burn everything I touch,” you say rationally.

“What?!” Twilight gasps.

“I don’t like the feeling of gloves on these spidery things, so if I just burn everything, then there’s no evidence left behind, easy peasy.”

Twilight looks perturbed by you now and you hear Selena sigh heavily once again.

Ugh, when will people in ANY universe recognize how beautiful and natural fire is? You complain.

“…Ok, I’ll help you break in after hours, but on one condition,” she says after awhile.

“Yeah, name it,” you say happily.

“You have to take me with you.”






Twilight went on to explain that she didn’t want you burning down the school, so she was going to help you make your job easier by going with you. You didn’t really have any room to negotiate, though it did bring up an interesting point when discussing this with B2.

“So wait, that kid is going to tag along with us?”

“Yeah,” you nod.

“Dude, how are we going to keep up the ruse of being one person if she finds out? She’s smart, I bet she’s already figured it out,” he panics.

“Don’t be so sure, with the power of disguises, anything is possible.”

“Disguises don’t hide voices and physical traits well, especially when we’re side by side,” he points out.
“You’d be surprised,” you smirk and tell him about all the times you’ve become a new person with just a few random clothes.

“…Are the horses in your world just that dumb?”

“Generally? Yes, I do think so,” you nod. “So we’ll dress you up, and I’ll meet her and you’ll be an acquaintance or something and-“

“I don’t want to,” he says crossing his arms.


“I said I don’t want to. I’m the human native in this world, you’re the visitor, why don’t YOU dress up?”

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“But I do that ALL the time, I was getting used to walking around normally, even if I do look butt ugly.”

“You’re wearing some anime character clothing right now.”

“Shut up, this coat is awesome!” you defend.

He crosses his arms again and gives you a defiant look.

“My planet, my rules. If I’m going to risk the first job I’ve had in a long time trying to find your stupid portal, then I call who goes in disguise.”

“Ugh! Fine!” you huff and thump yourself onto the couch angrily.

Stupid B2. I’m not going to tell you that info about Cadence now until I’m less upset with you.

That’s pretty petty Bugze.

Yes. Yes it is, you agree.

Your mood doesn’t get any better when B2 produces the disguise for you.

“You’re kidding right?” you ask.

“Nope. Found these for cheap at the Goodwill since you decided to blow almost all our dough on that stupid campsite!”

“I had to screw over Human Filthy Rich, and I felt bad for beating up that lady!” you defend.

“Well, either way, here’s your punishment,” he says with a smirk as you look down at the clothes.

…Dear Luna I am petty.


We now find you and B2 in front of Crystal Prep at night, waiting for Twilight while you wear your new “disguise.”

It’s a black bandana with green leaves on it, similar to a cutie mark you saw at the hippie camp, and it is being worn around your gross human mouth.

Come to think of it, it smells like hippie too. Bleh.

On the rest of your body is a thin dark green rain coat with a hood that can easily be folded up and put into your pocket in case you have to run and disguise yourself quickly.

“I look like a freaking serial killer,” you complain.

“I know right?” B2 chuckles and you role your eyes.

“Alright, I get it. Jokes on me,” you huff. “Now focus. You’ll be in charge of pranking those bullies’ lockers and distracting Twilight while I look for the portal.”

“Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice,” he says holding up a dufflebag full of shaving cream, glitter, and some sort of small improvised explosive device.

“I’m going to have a field day cleaning up this mess tomorrow, but it will so be worth it,” he chuckles.

“Alright good, but remember what I told you. Stay away from the Cinch lady. She’s terrifying,” you warn and he hand waves your concern.

Oh, he’ll find out soon enough, Selena reassures you, sounding a little snarky.

After awhile of waiting, and B2 taking pics of you and laughing, Human Twilight finally appears…and what she’s wearing catches you both off guard.

Kichi’s Comment

“Uh, Twilight, what the heck are you wearing asks B2.”

“Well since we’re sneaking in, I felt I needed a sneaking disguise, and this was the closest thing I had,” she says gesturing to herself.

“That’s a Catwoman outfit,” B2 points to the black outfit with a mask and cat ears on top.

“It’s the only dark clothing disguise I had,” she harrumphs. “It’s from when me and Shining went to comic con when he was Batman and Cadence was Robin.”

Puppy Spike then takes that moment to pop his head out of her bag, and he’s also disguised with a mask.

“…OK, I’m not even going to touch that one,” B2 shudders, and you can’t help do the same.

Catwoman? Selena huffs in disgust. It’s CatMARE you filthy peasant. Catmare!

Not on this world it isn’t, Sombra chuckles.

I took my name from that wonderful character, and I will not see her sullied by…whatever the Tartarus that is.

Am I the only one creeped out by the implications of Shining and Cadence being Batmane and Robin together?

…Well now you’re not, Selena gags.

“Um, who’s this?” Twilight asks nervously pointing at you and you pull yourself from your internal conversations.

“Oh, that’s my cousin, Smokey Joe,” B2 says with a chuckle causing you to glare. “He’s going to help us out.”

“Oh…OK. Do you always dress like that?” she asks.

“It’s a disguise kid, and quite frankly it’s more subtle than yours,” you point out, changing your voice slightly.

“It’s all I had!” she repeats before looking to B2.

“But at least I am disguising myself, what about you Mr. Bugze? I don’t think the fake beard will cover you much since you wear it to work so often.”

“Right…fake beard,” B2 ruefully scratches at his lush full beard. “But don’t worry, I got that covered.” He then pulls out a set of fake oversized glasses and puts them on.

“Really? That’s it?” Twilight asks in deadpan.

"Well, if it works for Superman, it can work with me" he declares.

SuperMANE! Ugh! Selena growls, echoing your sentiments.

“But this isn’t a comic book,” Twilight argues.

“Again, you’re dressed as Catwoman,” he responds.

“Ugh, fine,” she huffs and reaches into her bag pulling out some sort of weird science fiction looking gizmo.

“Hopefully these disguises won’t be needed though with my latest invention. Are you two ready?”

You both nod and she leads the way to the front entrance. She then presses several buttons on the device, and the electronic lock sputters out and dies. Looking through the door into the hallway, the red light on the closest camera is also dead.

“We’re in,” Twilight says mischievously before giggling. “I always wanted to say that.”

You all then go in, and while B2 and Twilight head for the lockers, you start examining every nook and cranny of the school that you can. You even hold aloft the Magic rock sliver you took from Gloriosa, but nothing happens.

“This is such Bullspit! Where the buck is that portal?” you grunt as you slam closed the refrigerator in the cafeteria.

Bugze, it might be time to consider that perhaps the portal isn’t here, Selena chimes in.

No, that’s impossible! It has to be here! You shoot back. Otherwise I have no idea where to look for it.

I understand that, but it might be the case.

But Jack said that things mirror our world. Simba had it in the Crystal Empire, so it HAS to be here in Crystal Prep. Wait…I never checked Cinch’s office before! You perk up and rush towards the Principals office.

After entering the deactivated door, you flip on a light and view the interior of her office.

“It’s gotta be here! It’s got to!” you say in determination as you start pawing through her stuff. You handle all the trophies and certificates, but nothing seems magical in nature at all.

“…WHY ISN’T IT HERE?!” you shout and stomp your feet.

A thought occurs to me, Sombra speaks up.

What? What amazing thoughts do you have you dang Hummie?! You ask aggressively.

I took the mirror in my secret conquest of treasures before I was banished. In this world, I was apparently a musician, so the other me had money. Perhaps my doppelganger might have it if he lives.

“…That’s actually a very valid point,” you say in shock.

Indeed. Why did I not think of it?

Because you’re too busy swaddling the idiot to think for yourself, he says jerkishly, which ruffles her feathers.

“Alright, calm down,” you reprimand. “I’m trying to compliment you here Smokey, no need to be a jerk. But yeah, if the mirror isn’t here then maybe your washed up rocker self might have it…but that just begs the question of where the heck he’s at.”

The only lead we have is your human self. He would know him better than anyone, Selena exposits and you nod.

“Right…hopefully B2’s up for searching for his former band mate. I just don’t know about meeting another Sombra though, will this one be all annoying as well and be a big fan of ponies or something?”

Hey! He barks and you chuckle.

“But yeah, looks like we gotta look for Smokey’s double if we want to find that mirror…let’s get out of here before we get in trouble first though.”

You then gingerly make your way back to the row of lockers you left Twilight and B2 at, and judging by their smirks, their prank booby trap has successfully been set.

“Hey man, you missed the set up. Find anything?” he asks.

“No,” you slump your shoulders and he looks concerned. “But I do have another possible lead. I’ll let you know about it later though.”

He nods before looking back to Twilight.

“So the cameras and locks will just come back on once we exit?”

“Yup,” she nods enthusiastically. “Once I press this button, the systems won’t even register that anything was wrong.”

“Well alright then, let’s roll,” B2 takes charge and leads you all out the door.

Once outside, Twilight activates her device, and the electronic locks come back on line, as do the cameras, just like she said.

Hmmm, you ponder and look at the magic stone in your hand.

What are you thinking my bug? Asks Selena.

Just an idea. This Twilight can put together some nifty contraptions…maybe we can get her to make a magic finder or something. We’ll have to look into it later.

After bidding adieu to Hu-Light, you and B2 hop on the back of the motorized scooter and head back to your library “Home.”

“So, you didn’t find the portal huh?” he asks.

“No, unfortunately.”

“Well that sucks…but you said you had a lead?”

“Yeah, and really I’m going to need your help finding it.”

“Oh?” he asks intrigued.

“Yes. Do you know where your Sombra is?”

He nearly swerves off the road with that one, before righting himself and gritting his teeth.

“…I know where that SOB was last when he refused to help an old friend off the street, yes…Oh God, don’t tell me he’s your lead?”


He groans and shakes his head.

“Damn You Lady Luck,” he mumbles.


POV CHANGE: Nightshade

After two days of train travel, you are dealing with the revelation that your extended family is much bigger than you thought relatively well.

“Stupid Daddy for not telling me!” you grumble. “We could have had Hearth’s Warming celebrations with the rest of our kin.”

Greta is still stowed away in your Inventory so as not to be kicked off the train, and Ahuizotl and Grandbuggy look out the window in earnest for your next stop.

“Shouldn’t be long now kid,” Grandbuggy speaks up, pulling you out of your pouting. “End of the line’s coming up.”

“Oh goody,” you grumble and cross your arms.

“Come on kid, don’t be like that. It’s been two days.”

“So? Dad didn’t tell me the truth, of course I’m gonna still be upset. What makes it worse is that I can’t write to Spike to tell Applebloom because that would blow our stupid cover. Ugh!”

Ahuizotl looks to Grandbuggy nervously and mutters, “Yikes.”

“Alright I get it Shade, but don’t just Grumble in self pity, chew your Dad out when we see him again. Right now we got focus on the mission.”

“Fine…” you roll your eyes, though inside you are still very upset. “What’s this dumb place called again?”

“Well, it’s a fairly new settlement that doesn’t really have a name yet, built by a bunch of ponies living off the grid. So probably your typical hippie settlement.” He punctuates that last statement with a spit to the ground.

“It doesn’t have a name?” you ask in actual curiosity.

“Well, not a proper one anyway. The food and lumber suppliers said these hippies kept referring to it as “Our Town.”

“R Town?” Ahuizotl asks.

“No, O-U-R Town. Stupid name if you ask me,” he shrugs.

And as he says that, the train pulls to a stop at a lonely platform in the middle of nowhere.


Episode 23: A Cult By Any Other Name

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After getting off the train, Grandbuggy leads you, Ahuizotl and Mangle off on what can scarcely be called a road.

“There’s not even any signs or anything, are you sure there’s something out here Grandbuggy?” you ask looking at the desolate looking landscape full of rocks.

“I’m pretty sure. The delivery orders Ahzi gave specify it.”

“Why do you even have records of this middle of nowhere place?” you ask Ahuizotl.

“Because little one, the minute I heard of somepony wielding the Staff of Mage Meadowbrook, I had to get all the info I could. It’s only a matter of time before Daring Do hears the same rumors.”

“And what’s so special about this staff?” you ask.

“Well Medaowbrook was this mare that lived about a thousand years ago, real cute, had an alluring accent,” Grandbuggy says in nostalgia before shaking his head. “And she was really good at whipping up cures for pretty much everything, so if these hippies have something that belonged to her, I’d think it could be helpful.”

“Wait, you think? Don’t you know?”

“Not exactly, it’s actually something I never even knew existed,” he admits.


“The mare was an earth pony and I never really heard about her using magic items before. But then again she hung around with beardo and the rest before they blew up, so who knows?” he ponders. You stop at that.

“Wait, is this thing even on the list Jack gave us?”

“Actually…no,” Grandbuggy admits and you scowl.

“Then why the buck are we here then?”

“Oi, when it comes to artifacts, the more the merrier. Besides, maybe this thing will help your Ma have a healthy immune system or something, I don’t know,” he shrugs. Letting out a sigh you roll your eyes at him.

“That’s a weak justification, but we’re already here so fine. But next time, let’s just stick with the stuff we know we need to get.”

“Alright fine, take the fun out of relieving my glory days why don’tcha?” he grumbles.

Eventually you all crest a ridge and in the distance you spot a drab looking town that appears to still be under construction.

“Huh. They got more permanent looking structures than your usually tree huggers,” Grandbuggy says.

“I don’t even see any trees Fix,” Ahuizotl points out.

“…Good point.”

“It looks so freaking boring there,” you voice your opinion. “I mean heck, as much as it was a dump, even Griffonstone had more colors to look at.”

And as you say that…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Your eyes suddenly widen in realization.

"Oh buck, I almost forgot!"

While Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl give you weird looks, you quickly open your inventory and pull out Greta...whose face is once again covered in markings, courtesy of one mechanical fox who laughs from your back.

"Sorry Greta, I almost forgot you where in there!" you apologize. Greta just sighs as she brushes off herself before she says,

"It's no problem, that place is really comfy for some reason so I got to take a pretty good nap. How long was I out?"

“Well, we’re already at our destination, so awhile,” you say pointing to the distant town.

She peers at the buildings and scowls.

“Yeesh, you think some color would kill them?”

“I know, right?” you agree before you try to suppress a snicker. The drawn on glasses with her squinting is actually pretty humorous. You’re not the only one, Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl also hold back their laughter, but barely.

"What's with the looks? Something on my face?" Greta asks noticing all your strained faces and slight chuckling.

You, Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Mangle all look at each other before you calm down and shake your heads as one.


She stares at you all and your odd behavior for a bit before she shrugs and starts walking ahead.

"Whatever, come on this town ain't gonna lost its treasure by itself ya know?"

When she is a little ways ahead, the four of you put your heads together in a huddle and start laughing as quietly as you can.

“Oh my gosh Mangle,” you chuckle and pet the laughing fox.

“I thought glasses were supposed to make you look smart,” Grandbuggy guffaws.

“And that “L” on her forhead, Oh! I have to remember to use that the next time I capture Daring Do,” Ahuizotl giggles.

“Are you dorks coming or not?” Greta calls.

“Yeah yeah, be there in a second Harry Trotter,” Grandbuggy cat calls.


“Nothing! *Giggle* He said nothing,” you snicker as you walk ahead towards the poor confused Griffon.

After a few more rounds of snorted laughter and an increasingly agitated and confused Griffon gamer, the five of you enter the dreary town and garner the attention of the equally drab looking residents and…Well…

Kichi’s Comment


"Welcome!" a pale stallion says with a massive toothy smile.

"Welcome!" says a grayish mare with an equally big set of chompers.

"Welcome!" "Welcome!" "Welcome!" "Welcome!" every pony around says in the same tone as you all stop in the middle of the road.

"I feel like I need an adult" Greta shudders looking at all the wrong looking happy faces.

“I know what you mean,” Grandbuggy nods. “Them smiles ain’t right. I’d feel more welcome stepping back into The Hive.”

“I’ve been in traps that didn’t make me feel as uneasy as this,” Ahuizotl agrees.

You don’t answer them as your are giving a thousand yard stare shaking in remembrance.

This is…This is almost the same.

The smiling faces, the Town in the middle of nowhere, and even the cutie marks. Flicking your eyes over everyone, you see that they all have the same cutie mark. Everyone, from the adults to the children all have the same equal sign cutie mark. They’re not blank, but they are all still the same. With this realization, your pupils shrink even more as the horrifying truth washes over you.

This is just like Sunny Town.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alright you guys, just keep your heads about you,” Grandbuggy instructs. “Even if they’re creepy, they’re all just hippies in the end. Now, let’s keep moving forward and-“


Grandbuggy falters in his step as he looks back at you.

"Nope? What do you mean by that?"

You just point at the smiling ponies with a deadpanned look and repeat yourself.


"Really Nightshade?” he says in disbelief. “Sure their smiles are just screaming bad touch, but I doubt it'll be that bad. I mean when you think about it real-where are you going?!"

While Grandbuggy was talking, you had started on your way back to the train stop and at his question you turn around, stick your tongue out and shout.

"NOPE!" And with that you start marching back out of town.

The creepy towns ponies, Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Greta look at your retreating form in confusion for a bit before Grandbuggy sighs and facehooves.

"I guess we have to do things the hard way then...”


Your little group of five reenters the town and needless to say, the creepy smiles falter slightly at the sight of you tied up, struggling and screaming on your Grandbuggy’s back.


“No they’re not kid,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes and stamps forward.


“Um, Fix? Don’t you think this is a little extreme?” Ahuizotl asks apprehensively.

“No. I ain’t gonna let her run off on her own. I may be taking my Great Granddaughter on a dangerous Treasure Hunt, but even I know you don’t split the party.”


“Um, Pyramid Head is a videogame character,” Greta points out. “He’s not real.”


“Give it a rest Shade, you’re causing a scene,” Grandbuggy grumbles.


“I thought you said she fought the Arimapsi herself, why is she so easily tied up?” Greta asks.

“Because she’s not thinking straight and is forgetting just how powerful she really is,” Grandbuggy answers with an eye roll. “Her dad does this constantly.”

“I’m not above hitting an old guy in public Grandbug-UGH!” you groan as a rope is tied around your mouth by your traitorous Robot pet.

“Et Tu Mangle?” you whine through the gag and she gives a shrug.

“Just calm down Nightshade,” Ahuizotl advises. “The sooner you do, the sooner we get the artifact and will be able to leave.”

“But we don’t even know that we need this artifact! I’m Telling You! Soon one of these guys is going to properly welcome us and then offer to let us stay and then it will all go downhill!” you warn, but they can’t quite understand you through your gag.

And even as you say that…

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

"Hello! Welcome to Our Town, my name is Starlight Glimmer, I hope you enjoy our perfectly equal style” a light pinkish Unicorn Mare with done up hair greets. Just like the rest, she has an equal sign cutie mark.

“Called it!” you shout, or try to anyway.

"Now not to intrude, but why do you have a filly strapped to you back?" Starlight Glimmer asks in confusion.

"Oh right, well this little bundle of joy is my great granddaughter,” Grandbuggy explains. “You see she got a bit spooked by the town is all and this was the only way I could keep her from running off back to the train.”

“GGGRRRR!!!” you growl through the rope and the mare looks taken aback.

“Spooked? By what might I ask?”

“Uh, yeah, she uh…She saw a horror movie about a week ago that she wasn't supposed to. It had a spooky town out in the middle of nowhere and zombies showed up, so the whole town set up just kind of scared her is all” he lies through his teeth.

"Oh! Um no worries here, I can see where you’re coming from. No nefarious like things here, just a village following their beliefs of equality! Heh Heh Heh…" Starlight smiles though she has a noticeable sweat drop running down her forehead and her eyes dart around.

"Nothing nefarious my hoof, this place is reeks of it!" you counter, but because of the gag, you are muffled an unintelligible.

"Oh but where are my manners madam, my name is Quick Fix." Grandbuggy says trying to use the old charm on the mare. In response, you poke the back of his neck with your horn.

"Gah! Why you little…Uh erm, and this is Shade. I’m sure she’s glad to meet you.”

You try to hit him again but he blocks your attack with his hoof.

“The two behind me are my friends Greta, and Zotal," he continues and motionins to the rest of the group. Starlight looks over to the giant cat like creature and the griffon behind you.

"Greetings Senorita." Ahuizotal says with a bow.

"Sup." Greta says bluntly catching Starlight’s attention.

"Oh wow, I can't believe it, Traditional Griffon war paints. I read about those when I was a filly…they uh…they look good on you?” she somewhat asks.

"War paints? What war paints?" the griffon asks.

“Ummm…” Starlight starts before she sees Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and even Mangle shaking their heads no. “Uh, nothing. Just admiring your…Green eye shadow.”

“Oh, those are natural not war paint,” Greta explains.

“Right…” the mare nods unbelievingly before turning back to the group at large. “Well anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you all. Now, what brings you to our fun little town?"

"Oh just passing through, seeing the sights." Grandbuggy lies.

“The sights? Out here?” Starlight asks skeptically.

“…Yes,” Grandbuggy nods and as he continues to talk to the mare, you decide to look around from your bound position and see if any creepy monsters have appeared.

Any minute now…any minute…aaaaaannnnnnnyyyyy mmmmmiiiiinnnnnuuuuutttteee…

But despite your watchful eyes and insistence on otherworldly shenanigans, the houses don’t flake and crumble, the sun doesn’t cease to shine, and the living dead do not appear.

Wait, for real? Did I actually just spazz out for nothing? You think in dread.

Indeed, the houses aren’t crumpling apart, rather some are still being built. They are simple and sturdy with brick walls wooden roofs, although you are still a bit unnerved by just how exact each house is to the each other. Down the row you see a couple of small shops, the pale pinkish unicorn mare that comes out of it offers a tray of some bland looking muffins to your group. Greta relunctantly takes one with an awkward

“Thanks,” as she takes a bite and scrunches her face.

On the other side of the street you see a vendor selling poorly made brown cloaks, which look more like hoods more than anything.

Aw crud. Are these guys just dirt poor and I accused them of being monsters?

Even further down the road you spy a lone house, slightly larger than the rest.

Hmm. Must be either the town hall or the leader mare’s home, probably both. So maybe there’s no zombies, but this still bleeds Filly’s of the Corn!

You also notice a familiar white earth pony walking over towards Starlight. He marches up and coughs to get Glimmer's attention.

"Huh oh excuse me my assistant needs me," She says before walking to the pony in question. As she walks away Ahuizotl and Greta come up and pull you two into a group huddle.

"Alright amigo you know this place is off right?" Ahuizotl whispers as to not be overheard by the villagers.

"I can clearly see that, but I’ve been trying to play the fool so they don’t notice. I’m starting to think these aren’t the run of the mill hippies, this place reeks of something foul," Grandbuggy says.

"And it ain't their awful cupcakes either blegh! These taste worse than the ones back home," Greta says tossing the remains of the one she was given aside.

“Smiling Faces. Smiling Faces Tell Lies~” Mangle plays an audioclip of the very appropriate song.

“Exactly ya dang demonic machine,” Grandbuggy compliments. “You only see these kinds of smiles on cart salesmen, insurance agents, and blood bank workers.”

“Blood bank workers?” Greta asks.

“Yeah. They want your blood for their own nefarious purposes. I’m half convinced they’re all vampires.”

“…I don’t think these ponies are vampires Fix,” Ahuizotl points out.

“Yeah I figured that with the sun out and everything. But that just begs the question, what are these weirdos?”

"Mt's ma Mult! Ma Mult!" You contribute.

"No Nightshade I don't think they have malts here. They probably think they’re too unhealthy or some such nonsense,” Grandbuggy answers you.

"You know I think this place might actually be a cult," Ahuizotal adds.

“Hmm, it does kind of have that vibe,” Greta nods.

“Not a bad guess, good thinking bud,” Grandbuggy praises.

“Grrr,” you groan into the rope. If your forelegs weren’t bound, you’d be facehooving so hard right now.

Looking around at all the ponies Greta appears to have a flashback.

"Yeah, I’m gonna agree heavily on cult. Their attitude reminds me of Magictechnology ya know? I have some experience with that."

"You went to that crap?" Grandbuggy asks in shock. "Never took you for a coo-coo"

"No, I didn't, my neighbor did," She defends. "She kept going on and on about thetons and how their great leader showed them the way and blah blah blah.”

“Hmmm, I do get the sense that mare will start talking about equality and sharing and other commie ideology if we give her the chance,” Grandbuggy nods. “Try to convert us to her religion.”

"I wouldn’t say religion, seeing that their founder is alive, it's definitely more defined as a cult," Ahuizotl interjects.

"That's how you define the difference between a religion and a cult? Whether the founder is dead or not?" Greta asks.

“In my experience yes, since you can’t exactly argue with the dead,” Ahuizotl shrugs.

"I mean…Hmmm…” Grandbuggy ponders in thought. “Would that make every pony in Equstria cultists since they worship Sunny and Moony?” Greta and Ahuizotl ponder this statement.

“Huh…” Greta says after a moment.

“That is a great philosophical debate isn’t it?” Ahuizotl nods. Before your group could continue this deep thinking over semantics, you hear Starlight gasp. You turn your head to see her and her assistant looking at you seriously.

"Mm Muys?" You say getting the groups attention.

When they look to you, you simply motion your head to Starlight who walks toward you with a serious look.

"Excuse me can you untie your great granddaughter so I may talk to her please?"

“Talk to Shade? Well she might skedaddle if I do that ma’am,” Grandbuggy explains and she looks to you giving you a cheerful and yet fake smile.

“Oh, all I wish to do is ask you a question young filly. I swear I’m not dangerous.”

The buck you aren’t cult leader…but still, gotta play this cool.

You look to Grandbuggy and nod. Giving you a quizzical eyebrow he shrugs and magics you down to the ground and takes the rope out of your mouth.

“Blegh!” you spit out the rope and glare at Mangle. “You’re grounded when this is all over missy.”

Mangle in turn barks in outrage and puts her claws on her hips defiantly.

“We’ll talk about this later,” you grumble and look to the Unicorn Mare in front of you. You also notice that the crowd of villagers’ creepy smiles are gone as they look on in confusion.

"Um, OK, what did you want to ask Ms.?" You stutter as she seems to look into your very soul.

"Are you the daughter of Kersey?" She inquisitively.

“…What?!” you bleat out after your brain reboots at that sentence.

“Are you the daughter of Kersey, the financial backer of Our Town?” she asks again while some of the ponies mutter.

“Daughter of…I…Huh?” you stammer.

That fat flank? Me his daughter? EEEEWWW! Why would you even…OH! Oh right, Identity Theft.

You remember Daddy talking to the assistant and a few other weird looking ponies before he bought a large sum of supplies for him during your spending spree in Vanhoover.

I mean, I guess I could use this to our advantage…

“Sure. Yup! I’m that dude’s daughter alright. Helped buy your town and everything,” you nod, even though the words make you want to puke.

Like a lightswitch, Starlight’s face goes from inquisitive, to genuinely happy, and not just fake smiling happy.

“That’s fantastic!” she declares. “If it weren’t for your father’s generous donations, we wouldn’t have been able to build up Our Town as fast as we have. We’re still building, but that money went a long way.”

“…Yup. He’s uh, super happy to help and stuff,” you lie while looking back at the confused looks of Grandbuggy, Greta, and Ahuizotl.

You give them a look that just screams, “Just go with it,” and turn back to the unicorn mare.

“Is your father around by chance?” she asks enthusiastically.

“No, he’s uh…he’s at work…” you lie.

“Oh well that’s a shame, but at least we have his family and friends here. Now aside from our usual welcome, I just HAVE to give you the grand tour,” she all but squees.

“Great. Super awesome,” you give your own fake smile as sweat drips down the back of your neck.

“Oh, but where are my manners, let me get the rest of the rope off of you.”

In a flash of magic reminiscent of Twilight, the rope around your body is suddenly loosely around your hooves.

“Ah! Thanks for that. That was starting to cramp,” you say as you stretch out your wings and flutter them a little.

As you do so, you realize that things have gotten uncomfortably quiet.

APonyReadingFanFics’s Comment: I have a feeling that a cult of equality might not like alicorns...

All around you, the villagers are giving you apprehensive and nervous looks. Raising an eyebrow, you look back to Starlight Glimmer who looks equally shocked.

“An Alicorn?” she says before looking to her assistant. “I thought you said she was a unicorn filly.”

“I mean, that’s all I saw. She did have a vest on at the time,” the assistant withers under her look.

“Yeah, I’m an alicorn,” you speak up. “And before you ask, No I’m not the freaking Boogey Mare.”

“Well obviously not, you’re just a child,” Starlight nods. “Am I wrong in guessing that you’re a princess?”

“Well, I mean…not officially I guess?” you say, and really you have no idea if you have a title or not.

“I’m not exactly invited to the Princess Summit next week or anything,” you shrug.

“Oookkkaaay…” she says quizzically before she brightens back up. “Well, princess or not, you’re welcome anytime here. Everypony, give the daughter of our primary patron the warmest welcome we can!”

All of the towns ponies all murmur in excitement as they all start gathering around Starlight. As they do, Grandbuggy whispers in your ear.

“Kersey’s Daughter?”

“Daddy and I committed Identity theft and spent a bunch of money. I guess we’re the ones that built this town.”

“…Great, the boy went and built a cult town,” Grandbuggy facehooves.

“Now, we may be a bit rusty, but we’ve prepared a musical number for new guests that explains our idealogy and what we stand for,” Starlight says.

“Ooooohhhh,” you and your group moans in frustration.

Undeterred by your groans, Starlight and friends start singing the most propagandaist song you’ve ever heard

As the song finishes, they all look to you with the same too wide grins as your group sits their gaping.

“That was…something,” you mutter.

“Yup, definitely a cult,” Ahuizotl concludes.

“Freaking commie hippies,” Grandbuggy spits.

“I miss my crazy magictechnology neighbor,” Greta whines.

Mangle adds her two bits by playing a cuckoo clock sound effect.

Despite all your judgments, they still happily welcome you.

“Come, come and see what you’ve help funded,” Starlight offers as she starts taking you to the sites.

But before you do though…

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Yeah, hold up,” you say as you whip your saddlebags around and look into them.

“What’s wrong kiddo, looking for something?” Grandbuggy asks.

“More like looking for everything just in case. You never know what I might need to whip out in this town full of crazies.”

And with that you do an Inventory Check.


Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that launches junk)

Kendo Stick


Golden Idol of Boreas
Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet (Currently Sitting on Your Back)

After taking notice of everything, you come to a realization.

I’m not nearly as klepto as Daddy is.

Satisfied with your check, you wave for Starlight to proceed with her tour.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Right, well as you can see we’ve already set up several shops for our residents. Your griffin friend has already acquainted herself with Sugar Belle’s baking. Would you like one as well?” she motions towards the mare from earlier with her tray of baked goods.

“Eh, why not?” you shrug. Even though Greta warned you about the muffins, you still go for it anyway, after all Griffons have bird tongues and who’s to say what they find tasty is gross and vice versa.

Taking bite out of the muffin though…you realize you probably should have heeded her warnings.

“Oh wha da buff!” you yell with half chewed evil in your mouth which you promptly spit out and eye the mare.

“Grandbuggy was right, this is definitely hippie food. You should be ashamed of yourself!” you chide Sugar Belle who wilts her ears.

“I’m sorry,” she mutters.

“Yes, you should be,” you nod as you hurl the rest of the muffin over your shoulder at high velocity.

“GYAGH! *CRASH*” looking over your shoulder you see that your muffin has lodged into the eye of Starlight Glimmer and in her panic and pain, she’s tripped and fallen into one of the under construction houses, which promptly falls on her.

All of the towns ponies gasp, but you all hear her groaning as several boards are lifted and she dizzily steps out.

“Not to worry, I’m alright,” she warbles, her head spinning.

“Umm, sorry about that,” you apologize.

“Watch where your throwing things kid, if Ahuizotl is right then the last thing we need is this equality stuff going from cult to religion,” Grandbuggy chastises.

“I said sorry,” you point out.

“Everything is fine, it’s all fine. No cult here!” Starlight says holding her head steady.

“Here senorita, let me help with that,” Ahuizotl offers as he holds up a necklace of some kind which starts to glow.

“What’s that?” asks Greta in fascination.
“It’s an amulet of minor restoration. It should help with the damage that was done to the hou-*BOOM*”

The house remains immediately erupt into flames and a paint can comes flying out of the blaze and lands on Starlight’s head.

“OW! Son of a-“ she rubs where the paint hit and falls to the ground. Everyone else in town looks at the conflagration in shock and horror as Ahuizotl looks down at his amulet.

“Oh…wrong amulet…Oopsie,” he says sheepishly as he tucks the artifact away.

“Don’t show that to my dad or he’ll try to take it from you,” you advise as Grandbuggy smacks the back of his head.

“I…I…” Starlight Glimmer’s eye starts twitching before she takes a deep breath.

“No worries. It was just an accident. Nothing too major,” she says straining to keep her voice calm as several of the residents bring forth water hoses and buckets and start putting out the fire.

“Luckily we still have enough funds to rebuild that twice over. Let’s, uh… Let’s walk further down town,” she advises.

“Sorry ponies, sorry,” Ahuizotl apologizes profusely as you walk past the crowds.

Looking behind you, you see several of the pegasi straining to fly and push a rain cloud over the burning wreck.

“Your pegasi sure fly slowly,” you say aloud.

“Well, we’re all equal in here, so their fly speed is no greater than the walking speed of an earth pony,” Starlight informs.

“…OK, you sure you don’t need any help? I’m pretty sure even I can fly faster and I only learned how to fly a few weeks ago.”

“No no, it’s all fine. The equality system works, just trust in it,” she manically says.

“Oh gods! The hardware store caught fire too!” one of the ponies shouts in the background.

“Uh huh,” Grandbuggy says with disbelief all over his face.

“Give it time, I swear,” she all but pleads before composing herself.

“But uh, since we’re currently dealing with an…issue, most of the town is quite busy. Is there perhaps anything else I can help you with?”

Letting out a huge sigh, Grandbuggy gets right down to business.

“Look, supposedly we’ve helped fund your weird little commie club, but we got things to do. You mind if we borrow the staff of Mage Meadowbrook?”

Her eyes widen at that.

“B-Borrow? But that item is necessary for our community. It’s what’s able to give everypony the same cutie mark.”

“Oh, so that’s how it’s done? I thought you all were just related or something,” Greta speaks up and everyone looks to her.

“What? I don’t know how pony butt tattoos work,” she defends.

“You get your cutie mark when you find your special talent,” you say. “Though personally a lot of ponies obsess about it more than they should.”

“Exactly!” Starlight agrees. “As a griffon and a…whatever you are,” she points to Ahuizotl, “You don’t know how frustrating your destiny being written on your flanks can be.

She then looks to Grandbuggy, “You sir have lived a long life with that mark governing you, but here we’re founded on the idea that nothing is predetermined.”

“Uh, yeah sure. Totally lived my whole life with a mark. Eyup,” Grandbuggy says with a roll of his disguised eyes.

“But you Ms. Shade, you already know the game even before you’ve started,” she smiles.

ThePonySpartan’s Comment

"You're really lucky you know.” You twitch your eye at that since Luck has NEVER been on your side.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"You don't have your cutie mark yet." You raise an eyebrow at that.

"How does that make me lucky?”

“Yeah, didn’t you all just sing a song that having the same mark as yours was cool and stuff?” Greta points out before turning to Ahuizotl. “By the way, why do ponies just randomly sing all the time?” He merely shrugs at this.

“She’s lucky because she’s a blank slate. And for clarification, this wasn’t my original cutie mark,” Starlight answers.

"It wasn't?" you ask.

"Nope. I had a unique cutie mark like every normal pony does until I used the artifact to change it.”

“What, did you get one for being a garbage pony or something?” Grandbuggy jests and she squints her eyes.

“No I did not. But even so called “beneficial” marks in society are cursed. Whatever the mark, ponies treat it like a blessing, but they only bring hurt...” You notice a sad expression on her face as she says that last line.

Oh wow, she actually believes what she’s preaching.

“Uh…well whether that makes me “Lucky” or not, I’m still going to get my cutie mark someday. I just don’t obsess over it like my friends do.”

To that, she looks at you with... sympathy?

“Well if you don’t obsess too much, then I’ve got a grand idea. Why don’t I help you and your Great Grandpa?!” she exclaims.

“Yeah, that’d be helpful,” Grandbuggy grunts. “Really I just want to examine the stick to see how an earth pony apothecary got a magic st-“

"Not with that silly! With your cursed cutie mark!” she informs with a creepy smile.

“Say what now?” Grandbuggy raises his brow.

“I can change yours sir, and I can give Shade here the perfect cutie mark to show that even Alicorns can be equal,” she informs before looking back to you. “All you need to do is come to me when you finally find your talent and I'll take care of the rest!"

"What?! Why?!" you ask.

"So we can all be equals and nopony will get emotionally hurt sweetie," she says as if it’s obvious.

“Hey now, when I finally do get my cutie mark, I don’t want to change it. It’ll be who I am,” you defend.

"You won't be saying that after you get left alone by the only friends you’ve ever had!" she pushes.

"…What?” you shake your head. “Listen lady! You can't tell me whether or not I get to keep my cutie mark or change it!"

"Maybe not, but when the time comes you'll understand," she says cryptically.

What's wrong with this mare? you think disturbed.

“AHH! Now the water tower is on fire! Somehow!” a pony in the distance shrieks and Starlight looks up and facehooves.

“We’ll all share in the cleanup and rebuilding equally!” she shouts down the road. At this you share a look with Grandbuggy who only nods all but reading your mind as you both fly up into the air.

“Hey wait a moment!” Starlight calls out, but you two ignore her as you start helping the towns ponies put out the fires, much more efficiently than they were doing.

“I think the fires are under control now,” says one pale blue pegasus mare with silver hair.

“That’s right ya cute nutjob,” Grandbuggy smirks. “Maybe losing your mark scrambled yer brains?”

“Yeah, being equal means sucking at things equally too,” you jab as many ponies in the crowd start murmuring.

“Don’t listen to them! Trust in the Eqaulity marks. Misery only comes to uniqueness!” Starlight yells to the town causing you to roll your eyes.

Ello Callebero’s Comment

“Oh for goodness’s sake! A mark’s a mark lady! In the grand scheme of things it’s just a tattoo on your rump. With or without a mark, whatever it is doesn’t mean you can’t do anything you want. Look at me! I’m a blank flank and I can fight monsters and demons.”

More murmurs and discussions start out at this and Starlight’s eye twitches more.

“I mean seriously, you guys worry about cutie marks as much as ponies who obsess about getting them. I should know, my best friends are like that.”

“But why then did our marks make us miserable?” asks a white earth pony stallion.

“I don’t know,” you shrug. “That’s all on you. Blaming cutie marks though seems kind of dumb, but I guess it doesn’t even matter really.”

“How so?” asks a stallion with wonky hair.

“I…uh…” you fumble for words before Grandbuggy nudges you.

“Try explaining how they explained their doctrine kid,” he grins and your eyes alight.

“Aha! That’s it. Mangle! Hit it!” you order your fox who’s been sitting on your back this whole time.

She nods and opens her mouth and random music befitting for the situation begins to play.

“Seriously? More singing?” Greta complains.

“Ponies can’t help it it seems,” Ahuizotl determines. Despite their grumblings, you begin to belt out a tune explaining why everypony should just take a chill pill.

I don't know why it has to be,

That the sky is blue and the grass is green.

You swoop down to the ground and push a stallion in the middle of a group of four, showcasing his equal mark.

And I don't know why it's really true,

That one plus one always equals two

You look to Ahuizotl and Greta who are shaking their heads trying to get you to stop.

I don't know so I'll have to guess.

There may be times when a no means yes,

And maybe, just maybe It doesn’t really matter

You look at the scowling Starlight and smirk.

Hey Now, don’t get upset,

Does anypony know what mark they’ll get?

And Hey Now, it's okay.

The world keeps spinning anyway

Hey Now, why ask why,

Low is low and high is high?

And Hey Now just let go

It's alright if you really don't know

You emphasize this with a shrug.

And I really don't know

You loop your forelegs around the necks of some of the town ponies.

Some may say that I can't see

The perfect world surrounding me

And others say the end is near

They really do believe everything they hear

You then swoop down onto Starlight Glimmer’s back who looks very upset.

Some may say they know what's best

But they're no different from the rest

And maybe, just maybe It doesn’t really matter

You then reach down and lift her frown into a reluctant smile.

Hey Now, don’t get upset,

Does anypony know what mark they’ll get?

And Hey Now, it's okay

The world keeps spinning anyway

You then rise into the air and spin around with your forelegs spread out.

Hey Now, why ask why

Low is low and high is high

And Hey Now just let go

It's alright if you really don't know

You then land in the middle of the crowd and smile.

And I really don't know

After a few moments of silence, the crowd starts clopping their hooves politely. Nopony hollers or huzzahs or gets rowdy, they just give you a polite applause.
This actually causes your ears to wilt.

Seriously? I just sang a catchy tune and that’s all you have for me?

“Yes, well, thank you for that…opinion Ms. Shade,” Glimmer says through gritted teeth. “And thank you for the assistance with the fire. Perhaps it’s time for you to be going?” she emphasizes.

“Yeah alright,” you nod not wanting to be in this town anymore anyway.

“Hey wait just a second, what about seeing Meadowbrook’s magic stick thing?” Grandbuggy points out.

Dang it Grandbuggy! Quit keeping us in this place!

Starlight sighs and puts on a strained smile.

“Very well. I’ll let you see the staff, but then I think that will be enough for today.”

Without another word she turns around and starts walking out of town towards a nearby hill path. Glancing between your group you all decide to follow the mare.

After awhile of walking up the steep incline, you all see a cave entrance.

“It’s just in there if you wish to take a look, but make it fast” Starlight says with a sneering smirk which sets off all kinds of red flags.

“Oh don’t get your mane in a knot, we’ll be quick. I’m starting to doubt we even need this thing in the first place,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“That’s what I said in the beginning…And where did you get that banana?!” you demand as you see the half eaten fruit in his hoof.

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“Got it on the train,” he says as he finishes it up.

“And you didn’t think to share?” Ahuizotl growls.

“Hey, Shade ate practically the whole train of everything else, this counts as my breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” he defends.

“That was stress eating, I had to forget about my stupid handsome stallion cousins!” you shout.

“Wait, what?” Greta says with a whip of her head.

“NOTHING! You heard nothing!” you deny.

A brief snort comes from Starlight, but by the time you look to her she has composed herself.

“As amusing as that sounds, the staff is just inside, go on ahead,” she motions.

“What, with you at our backs?” asks Ahuizotl.

“It’s really quite safe,” she assures, though not very convincingly.

“Ah whatever, it’s just some stupid cave,” Grandbuggy determines as he tosses the banana peel behind him.

As Glimmer brings up the rear, she nearly steps on it but notices it just in time.

“Hah, almost walked right into that cliché,” she smirks as she disintegrates it with magic.
As she smiles in triumph however, the rock ledge beneath her begins to crumble from her blast of magic and her eyes widen.


“AAAAHHHH!!!” she screams as the rocks give way and she starts tumbling down the cliff you just walked up. You all watch as she bounces and hits every single obstacle in her way until you see her land in a big heap of mud at the bottom.

“…Should we go help her?” you venture to the group.

“Meh,” Greta says.

“It is a long ways down,” Ahuizotl adds.

“Buck her, she’ll be fine,” Grandbuggy dismisses as he starts walking back towards the cave.

You give one look at Glimmer’s mud covered form down the hill groaning before you shrug and join the rest of the group.

As you all walk through the darkened cave, you eventually come across a cavern that is lit up brightly by weird shapes trapped inside bottles, and at the center is a long stick sitting on a pedestal.

“Huh. Well that’s not ominous at all,” you snark.


Episode 24: Invest in Better Security Next Time Starlight

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Kichi’s Comment

As you and the others stare at all the glowing shapes in the jars, you all hear chanting coming from off to the side. Looking over, you notice a group of hooded ponies standing in a circle in the dark and chanting.

“Mata es vivir…Mata res vivir,” they say in unison.

“Oi! Keep it down over there with the Mexicoltan chanting, we’re trying to concentrate,” Grandbuggy admonishes which causes the figures to look at your group.

“Um, Fix, perhaps we should go?” Ahuizotl warns. “They were chanting To Kill is to Live.”

Sure enough, as they shuffle to face you guys, you all spy what appears to be a bloody figure of a pony on the floor.

“I BUCKING KNEW IT!” you shriek. “Bucking murderous cultists!”

“Luna de Pesadilla!” one of them shrieks and the group seems to shudder backward from you.

“What’s that they’re saying?” Greta asks.

“I think they think she’s Nightmare Moon,” Ahuizotl answers.

“Oh for buck’s sake!” you huff in annoyance.

Before anything else can happen though, a beam of magic shoots at the figures’ feet.

“Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here! How many times do I have to tell you not to trespass?! Go find your own cult territory, this one is already taken!” comes Starlight Glimmer’s voice as she runs in from the side, covered in mud and leaves and sticks.

“Es la dama del dispositivo trama dominado! Vamonos!” one of the yelps in fear as the whole group run off screaming like little fillies out of the cave.

“And don’t come back again!” Starlight growls before turning back to your group.

“Sorry about that, they come by every other week thinking it’s prime cult worshipping territory, Which it totally isn’t! Heh heh.”

You share a look with your traveling companions before you all look back to the unicorn mare.

“Didn’t you just fall down the cliff side all the way to the bottom?” asks Greta.

“Yes…Yes I did,” she says a bit frustrated as she pulls a stick out of her mane.

“Then how the heck you get back up here so fast without teleporting?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Yeah, I thought all of you guys were equally sucky in doing anything,” you add.

“Uhhhhhhh,” she trails off, her eyes shifting back and forth. “I, uh, took a shortcut? Yeah, a shortcut. Totally didn’t teleport with my vast amounts of mana reserves.”

You all just start are her skeptically.

“Uh-Huh. It’s more like you were using the power of plot convenience chica. That seems to be how Daring always manages to get away.” Ahuizotl says unbelieving.

“She always escapes because you won’t just man up and ask her out ya idjit,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Hey!” Ahuizotl reprimands.

“Not to get back on track or anything, but can we get back on track?” asks Greta. “I mean, there’s a freaking dead body over there,” she points to the bundled red sack.

“Oh don’t worry about that, it’s just a scarecrow and red paint,” Starlight hoof waves. “They do this all the time, and who has to clean up? Me, that’s who.”

"Ummm... Are you sure? It looks very realistic,” you say looking at the form.

“It does look like blood,” Greta agrees.

“It’s just red paint, believe me,” Starlight insists.

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

“I don’t know,” Ahuizotl shakes his head. “I’ve seen my fair share of corpses due to…certain circumstances.”

“Oh, you mean when you and Daring Do were in the Temple of the Dead?” you ask curiously, which causes him to shudder and nod.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Starlight lifts the sack up in her magic and turns it towards you. Sure enough, it’s a straw pony with button eyes, and a stitch smile.

“Happy now?” she grunts before the thing is set ablaze.

“Huh,” Grandbuggy says in surprise. “Well that’s just a waste of a perfectly good scarecrow.”

“Yeah, why would they go through all the trouble?” you ask.

“I don’t know, cultists are weird,” Starlight groans.

“Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black,” Grandbuggy comments. “Now can we see the staff already?”

Grinding her teeth in annoyance, Starlight grunts,

“Fine!” and starts marching towards the pedestal and the wall full of glowing things in jars, and you all follow suit.

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Zapper frost’s Comment

As you reenter the room and get closer to the jars, you notice that many of them appear to be floating.

“Ok, just what the buck are those things?”

“Those are all our former cutie marks once we used the staff of Mage Meadowbrook to remove them,” Starlight answers.

“Ew, that’s gross! Your whole religion is stupid,” you complain.

“It’s not a religion, it’s an ideology,” Starlight Glimmer corrects.


“Yeah, gotta agree with the kiddo, this is like keeping your appendix in a mayo jar. Why do you hold onto them?” Grandbuggy asks.

“The spell’s not perfect OK?!” the frustrated mare shouts, her mane going frizzy in some places.

“Hmmm, fascinating,” Ahuizotl mutters as he studies one of the jars. “A whole pony’s potential trapped inside a thin layer of glass.”

“That’s kind of bucked up if you think about it,” Greta says as she starts looking at the marks. “Imagine not being able to fly just by removing a-WHAT THE BUCK HAPPENED TO MY FACE!!!!” she cries with something akin to the RCV mixed with an eagle squawk.

You all look to see she has finally found Mangle’s artistic streak thanks to the reflection of the glass. You, Ahuizotl, Grandbuggy and Mangle all share a look before you all just break out laughing.

“You jerks! I look like an idiot!” she grumbles and starts rubbing the black ink off.

“Despite the laughter, Starlight does not look amused.

“OK, here’s the staff you all wanted to see so much,” she growls and holds up the stick that had been sitting on a pedestal.

“Oh goody, let me take a look at that,” Grandbuggy says as he rudely snatches it out of her hooves, to which she glowers it.

As Grandbuggy inspects it, you Ahuizotl, and Greta all look at the stick, and wonder about the powers it could possibly wield, but then…

“What the buck is this?” Grandbuggy says with a glare to Starlight. Taken aback the mare stammers,

“Wh-What do you mean?”

“I mean, what the buck is this?” he demands a little heatedly.

“That’s the staff of Mage Me-“

“Bullspit it is!” he growls. “That Mare put her initials on everything she owned and sold, and this don’t have any of her markings on it at all.”

“Well uh-“

“And don’t go saying Beardo gave this to her, this thing would stink of his magic, but it don’t,” he grunts.

“What are you saying Grandbuggy?” you ask.

“This thing is just a stick, there ain’t anything magical about it!”

Starlight’s eyes go wide at that.

“What do you mean, of course it’s magical it-“

“Don’t bullspit a bullspitter sweetheart, I knew the danged mare, don’t go saying this piece of junk is hers.

And while Starlight begins to sweat bullets, your rage boils over.

“A TOOTHPICK?!” you shout, causing all eyes to turn to you and your glowing white eyes. “YOU TIED ME UP AND DRAGGED ME THROUGH THIS TARTARUS HOLE OF A TOWN THAT'S A BUCKING CULT FOR A TOOTHPICK?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Now, now Shade, I’m frustrated too, but don’t fly off the ha-“

“You’re Frustrated?! We just wasted days of traveling when we could have been getting actual artifacts to help Mommy!”

“Huh?” Greta asks.

“We’ll tell you later,” Ahuizotl says quickly.

“Yeah, I know honey, but-“

“Buck You Old Bug! SHORYUKEN!!!” you shout as you try to take your frustrations out on the geezer’s chin. Grandbuggy, being the best specialist the Hive ever had evades your blow, the staff however isn’t so lucky. It flies straight into the wall of cutie mark jars, breaking them all free.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Starlight screams in anguish as the marks all start rushing out the cave.

“Ummm…Oops?” you venture and she turns to you, her neck veins bulging in rage.

“Oops?! OOPS?! Is that all you have to say?!”

“Hey now, it was an accident lady,” Grandbuggy reprimands, standing in between you two.

“I DON’T CARE! Do You Know How Long It’s Going to Take To Remove Each and Every Mark and Store Them Again?! DO YOU?!”

“Nope,” he answers simply.

“Exactly! This whole thing is going to drain me for days!” she snarls.

“Aha! So you admit the stick isn’t magic!”

“No Spit Sherlock!” she growls as her horn glows and all four of you are caught in a green glow.

“Hey!” you all voice your displeasure.

Kersey 475’s Comment


She then presses her horn against Grandbuggy’s flank and it grows brighter.

“Quit touching Grandbuggy’s Butt!” you shout as you flail in the magical grasp.

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At the peak of the glow, the mark on Grandbuggy’s flank peels off, only to dissolve in midair and return.

“What the Tartarus?” Starlight says in puzzlement before she concentrates again. Once again, his cutie mark is removed, only to disappear and show up again on his flank.

Gritting her teeth, she doubles down on her concentration and keeps doing this several more times.

“Do you think she’s ever going to take the hint?” Greta says amused.

“Give it a few more,” you deadpan.

“You do have to admire her determination,” Ahuizotl comments.

“Why isn’t this working?!” Starlight yells as she tries once more and fails. Panting she looks up at Grandbuggy in confusion. Grandbuggy just has a bemused face on and his forelegs are crossed.

“You done?”

“How? How come I can’t take it?” she blubbers and Grandbuggy smirks.

“Well for starter’s sweetheart,” he dissolves his disguise in a flash of green flame, “You’re barking up the wrong tree.”

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Starlight screams in fright and falls to the floor, dropping you all from her grasp.

“CHANGELINGS!!!” she yells and scrambles to the exit as if the Hounds of Tartarus were nipping at her tail.

“WHOWOWOAH!!! Ouch! Oof! Son of a-! Ack!”

You all stick your heads out of the cave and see that Starlight is falling down the same cliff from before, one painful roll at a time.

The four of you stare in silence as her screams grow fainter before you all look at each other.

“That just happened right?” Greta asks.

“Yeah, I mean, she had the power to hold all of us and yet she flipped out when she saw your true form?” you observe. “The griffons didn’t mind.”

“Typical ponies. Some folks just can’t handle true beauty,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Or pure ugliness amigo,” Ahuizotl jests.

“As if you’re one to talk ya dang crime against nature!” he counters before looking back to you with a guilty look and sighing.

“OK kid, I’m sorry I dragged us here. It was a wild goose chase after all and I should have listened to you.”

“Yes, you should have,” you harrumph and he wilts his ears.

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

"Seriously, why were you so gung ho about it?” you insinuate.

"Well when magical artifacts are becoming more and more scarce...Yeah,” he rubs the back of his neck. “Every time one gets found, bought, or destroyed, another two seem to pop up."

"I have to agree with your granddaughter, you did seem a bit hung up on something that wasn’t on the list Quick," Ahuizotl points.

Grandbuggy pauses for a moment before he lets out a sigh, "Alright yeah I got a bit obsessed reliving my youth. But in my defense when you get to be my age you have to start planning as far ahead as possible."

“Oh don’t go talking like that old bug, you’ll outlive all of us,” you chide. “Now can we please get out of this place?”

“Yeah, might as well,” he submits and you all start exiting the cave, as you do, the Mexicoltan Cultists Wanabes tip toe their way back inside.

As you walk back through Our Town, you all politely ignore the chaos that is ensuing, where everypony is screaming their heads off after having their cutie marks restored.

“Take it off! Take it off!”

“The Horror! The Horror!”

“I feel alive and full of color again! It’s terrible!”

“It’s alright everypony! Just hold still!” Starlight Glimmer shouts in frustration as she tries to calm her citizens, and is slowly but surely removing their marks again one by one.

“Ugh!” she groans. “The next time an alicorn comes through town, I’m going to be a lot more careful!” As she says that she looks up and sees your group and stops in fear seeing Grandbuggy’s form.

“So long Glim Glam, good luck with all this,” he salutes and lets out a creepy changeling tongue hiss.

“EEEEEEPPP!!!” Starlight yelps and throws the now Equalized pony at your hooves and runs.

“Not a very good leader. I’d have at least put spiders on my lackey,” Ahuizotl shakes his head.

“So long Our Town, YOU ALL SUCK!” you yell with the RCV as you all make the trek back to the train.

“So with that massive waste of time done, where are we going next?” you ask.

“Well,” Grandbuggy whips out his list of artifacts, “We got several options. Either go to the Rock Farm Lands for petrified dragon eggs, the Rainbow Falls Swap Meet, the Dragon Lands for a piece of the Bloodstone Scepter, the list goes on and on.”

“Ugh. Well as long as we get back on the train I’ll be-“ you are interrupted as Greta speaks up.

"Uh guys? I think that pony over there is following us,” she points behind you all. “He's been trailing us for awhile now."

You peer over to see the white stallion gleefully smiling, and walking at a steady pace.

“Oh what the buck is this?” Grandbuggy grumbles. “Go away, we don’t want any!”

The stallion continues to smile and walk towards you guys.

“Didn’t you hear us mate? We said buck off!” you yell, but he is unperturbed.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Alright, you know what? Enough of this!” you growl as you fly to meet the stallion halfway. “We tried to warn you buddy! Falcon Kick!”

Your flaming hoof strikes the stallion true in the nards…but he does not collapse. He just tilts his head at you with that same creepy smile. Only one other stallion ever resisted your signature move, and he was a weightlifting muscle head, this stallion should have gone down.

“Uhhhh…” you trail off as you look the stallion in the eye…and for a brief moment, his visage changes.

His already pale coat goes even paler, he is suddenly wearing a dark suit and tie, and he has no face.

“AAAIIII!!!” you shout in surprise and horror as you speed back towards your group.

“What the buck is that?!” you shriek.

“Either a unique or a guy with balls of steel,” Greta says.

“Yeah, that hurt just watching and he didn’t even flinch,” Ahuizotl agrees.

Mangle lets out a sound clip of bowling pins being struck from Grandbuggy’s back.

“Not that part! His face disappeared!”

“What are you talking about?” asks Greta.

“What do you mean, can’t you…” turning back towards the stallion, you see he has halted, but he sports that creepy smiling face again.

“Wait kid, did you say his face disappeared?” asks Grandbuggy with wide eyes.

“Yes,” you nod.

“Alright everyone, double time it, let’s go!” he yelps as he starts galloping towards the train.

“What? What is it Fix?” asks Ahuizotl as he jogs up beside Grandbuggy.

“It’s Slendermane! I owe him 20 bits, and I haven’t repaid him in 175 years! I can’t believe the bucker’s found me!”

“Uh, then why don’t you repay him?” asks Greta.

“Because he tricked me on that bet Gorramit! It’s the principle of the matter.”

“Is he dangerous?” you ask as you glance over your shoulder to see the stallion walking slowly again.

“Not really, he just likes to stare at you from a distance menacingly, never saying a word. It’s really uncomfortable!”

And as you all run from the slowly walking creature, you let out a groan.

“Great, now we got a stalker.”



“I have a rendezvous with death…”
Your eyes widen as you hear that sentence and you look around you in dread. Looking over to the used game store, you spy a video monitor showing an old trailer for some game with humans wielding guns with chainsaws on them.

Bugze, what is it? Your blood pressure just spiked? Selena asks in concern.

N-Nothing, just…just felt a bit unnerved there for a second, you answer as you turn back around to your doppelganger. You both are in the food court of the mall, and he is chowing down on a taco that has meat in it instead of oats. Normally you’d be put out, but the smell does smell heavenly to your human nose.

“Why did we have to come back to this forsaken place where small children frame me for petty theft?” you ask with crossed arms as you attempt to deny the temptation of meat.

“Because *Gulp* If that jackass attempts to make a scene, he can’t just call the cops on me, we’ll both get taken away,” he answers and wipes his chin with a napkin.

The filthy humans walk about the place as usual, but thankfully there is no sign of Human Filthy Rich and family.

“Ooookkkkaaaayyyy. Is there really that much bad blood between you guys?”

“Heh, you tell me. Freaking stoner cuts tail and runs when everything went to Hell, wouldn’t help me out years later either,” he spits in disgust. “Besides, even with all that, he’s probably gonna be pissed when he realizes I tricked him here to meet.”

“You tricked him to get here? How?”

“I left a note under his door claiming to be his Ex wanting to meet up,” he says nonchalantly as he takes a sip of his soda.

“…Yeah, maybe he will start something if my Sombra’s anything to go by,” you shudder.

Fwah! As if. I have no ex lover to be scorned by, Sombra harrumphs before he goes quiet. Unless he means…

“So yeah, seeing another me might push him over the edge, so stick close by but don’t say anything at first.”

“Is that why I’m wearing the Smokey Joe disguise again?” you complain, looking down at the rain slicker and feeling at the smelly do rag against your scalp. The glasses are a used in place of a face covering since people in a mall might get the wrong impression.

“That, and it might make him flashback to his college years if he sees you,” B2 chuckles.

Rolling your eyes you look around yourself at the other surrounding tables. Most are taken by human teens and the like, but a few only have one person sitting at them.

“So should I sit close by or something?”

“Yeah, don’t want you missing the fireworks after all. Speaking of which, here he comes,” he points down the hall.

Approaching at a steady pace…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

You spy a dark skinned human with a shaved head, a dark goatee, and a hat. His eyes are red behind his spectacles, and a scowl seems to be permanently etched on his brow. Despite the rather plain looking clothes, there’s no mistaking who he is.

Is that me? Real Sombra asks in shock. What in Tartarus happened to my Humsona’s mane?!

Karma most likely, you jest and Selena chuckles. And NEVER use that word again!

“Oh God, he’s rocking the Heisenberg look,” B2 shakes his head. “I forgot how dorky he was. Judging from his red eyes, he’s already blazed one, so hopefully he’ll be a little chiller than usual.”

“That scowl says otherwise,” you mutter.

“I said hopefully, now scatter and jump in in case he tries to strangle me with my food tray like he did back in Detrot.”

“Wait, what?”

“I broke his slinkie on the tour bus and he went loco,” he says in remembrance. “But never mind that, skedaddle!”

He then ushers you to sit further away, and you do so, sitting at a nearby table with some human girl with a tray of food.

“Um, what are you doing?” she asks you as you turn to face B2’s table.

“Shush humie, I’m running reconnaissance for a meeting,” you explain without looking at her as you see the grumpy looking Sombra walk up to B2’s table.

The two humans stare at each other with squinted eyes for what seems like minutes.

“@#$%^” Human Sombra says in monotone, using your real name.

“Sombra,” B2 replies in kind.

“…Hope’s not here is she?” he asks with a bit of heat.

Hope? Pony Sombra says in surprise from within your mind. She's...she's alive in this world?

“No, no she’s not…” B2 confirms.

Sombra glares even more intently at your doppelganger.

“I thought it was too good to be true,” he sighs. “What do you want you worthless sack of S#!%?”

“Just to talk you backstabbing bastard,” B2 says tensely.

Again the two continue to stare each other down.

“Oooh, is there going to be a fight?” the girl asks behind you sounding eager.

“Hopefully not,” you answer as you intently watch the two humans in their stare down.

“Just a talk huh?” Sombra narrows his eyes.

“Yeah, just like old times…Why don’t you take a seat? I’ve got extra tacos…”

After glaring for a few more moments, the Human Sombra sits down across from B2.

“Alright fine. Let’s talk,” he demands as he snatches a taco.

“Gladly,” B2 nods. “Now, before we begin, let me just point out that some stuff I may ask may sound bonkers and insane, but I am completely, 100% sober.”

“Heh. That makes two of us,” Hu-Sombra actually smirks and takes a bite of his food.

“They seem intense, what’s their beef?” asks the girl.

“They used to be in a band together,” you say still not looking at her.

“Ohhh,” she nods in understanding. “I get that, my sisters and I used to be in one…kind of.”

“That’s nice,” you say not really listening.

“Yeah, they kind of dropped me off here while they went to go investigate some camp in the woods. They said it’s so I don’t get in the way,” she continues sounding a bit upset.

“Listen kid, I don’t want to hear your life’s story, now hush, I have to hear if that washout over there has a magic mirror or not.”

“Really? Awesome! I’d heard rumors from a little girl in a Tiara that there was a magic mirror in this mall, but my sisters didn’t believe it.”

“Yeah yeah whatever,” you hand wave before your body locks up momentarily. “Wait! What did you just say?”

You whirl around to face the smiling human girl. She is light blue with a two toned blue mane done up in a ponytail.

“I said my sisters didn’t believe it, mostly because that girl’s dad is a real jerk with a butt chin, but you never know.”

“No not that, I meant the thing about the magic mirror.”

“Oh right,” she perks up. “My sisters and I are always on the lookout for magicy things to hunt down. Looks like you and your friends are too, Neato!”

Ah, she must be in one of those human fake sciencey groups. What’s it called again?

Crypto zoology? Selena guesses.

Yeah, that’s it. Zoomba, keep an eye on the other you and me’s conversation.

Why does human me’s gut protrude so far?! He whimpers further in your mind.

I think he’s already got that taken care of, Selena mentions.

Nodding, you say to the human girl,

“So, you’re a cryptozoologist then huh? Looking for magic things, hunting down Yetis and the like?”

“Oooh, is that what we’re called? I like it,” she smiles brighter.

“Alright, but yeah, what’s the deal, you heard there was a magic mirror here?”

“Yuppers, I was actually going to start looking for it soon, because there are A LOT of windows and mirrors here. It’d probably go quicker if my sisters were here to help, but they wanted to go to the woods for some reason. When I said ‘What if it’s true and there is a magic mirror here?’ they were like, ‘Shut up you idiot’ and, ‘We have grown up work to do, if you want to get lost in a stupid mall go for it, we’ll pick you up in a few days,’ and then they left,” she says matter of factly as she takes a bite of a taco.

“…Yeesh,” you say sympathetically at her casual familial abandonment.

“But yeah, if your friends over there have any leads, that’d be super helpful.”

“I hope so too,” you nod as you turn back to look at Human Sombra and you, who appear less tense. “If not then I’ll certainly help you look for it.”

“Really? That’s great!” she cheers. “Thanks Mister.”

“No problem. I’m Bugze by the way,” you introduce to the girl who might have just helped you find the way back home.

“I’m Sonata, nice to meet you,” she smiles.


Episode 25: Better Call Sombra

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“Nice to meet you,” she smiles. “So, why are you looking for magic stuff?”

“Eh, it’s complicated,” you shrug.

“Heh, that’s what Adagio always says when people ask,” she nods in understanding. “And if they get too pushy we just sing and they go away.”

You raise a brow at that.

“They don’t like your singing?”

“Oh no, they love our singing. Their eyes glaze over in wonder of it. Want to hear?” she asks suddenly eager.

“Nah,” you wave off. “I’ve recently gotten used to random music numbers not going off every day. It’s the one good thing of this forsaken place, I’ll give it that.”

“Oh, OK then, maybe next time,” she nods and takes a bite out of her taco.

No thank you, you shudder. The last thing I want is to hear human music. They’re probably just hack versions of our songs but with human centric words.

And as you think upon the possible butchering of classics via hummies…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

There’s suddenly a loud slam coming from B2's table.

Well that lasted longer than I expected it to, you hear Selena facehoof.

You and Sonata turn your attention back to B2's table and see that Sombra was the one to slam his hands down on the table. He's also now angrily standing up as B2 just gives him a deadpanned look.

What happened Roomba?

I don’t know, your doppelganger asked mine who he thought he was with that attitude, Sombra responds in confusion.

"I'm not doing this Sombra, this wasn't funny the first time," B2 says with a roll of his eyes to which Humbra ignores.

"Shut up, you know exactly who I am," he growls menacingly.

B2's deadpanned stare doesn't leave his face as he says,

"Yeah, I do. You’re my ex-band mate who’s got an unhealthy craving for crystals. Now can you please-"

"That's right, and I'm the man who’s moved on from that stupid band unlike your sorry drunken homeless ass."

B2's blank face falters slightly as his eye twitches in annoyance.

"No, just…no. Seriously man enough you’re drawing a crowd, sit down already will ya?" Humbra doesn't falter however as he simply growls out,

"Say my name, and maybe I will."

“Really? You’re gonna do this now?” B2 asks in frustration. Humbra just glares behind his spectacles.

“Say my name,” he asks with menace. After a few seconds of the glare, B2 lets out a frustrated sigh and grumbles out,

"You’re Sombra, King of the Crystals and a pain in my ass." Human Sombra smirks before he finally sits down and smugly says,

"You’re God Damn what were we talking about?"

“Certainly not your humbleness, that’s for sure,” B2 grumbles.

At your table, you and Sonata just stare in confusion at this bizarre scene.

"So...what was that about?" the girl asks.

"I...I honestly have no idea."

It was a play of superiority. Obviously even in this world I command fear and respect from you worthless peons, Sombra says high and mightily.

Coming from the guy who has no body.

You Ate Me Bucker!

Quit squabbling you two, Selena rolls her eyes. Focus on what’s important.

“I mean, did you really have to go and rip off his entire shtick? It’s embarrassing if your cosplay is your normal wear.”

“I’ll have you know my clothing is not indicative of that amazing show, nor am I obsessed with it.”

“How can you say that with a straight face?”

…If they ever get to anything important that is, she facehooves.

“Soooo, how do you know those two guys?” Sonata asks as the two humans start to argue about something else petty.

“Uh…the orange haired one’s my…twin brother,” you lie.

“Ooo, twins huh? I wish I had a twin, then she’d not yell at me and leave me alone in malls,” she says nonchalantly as she starts eating again. You turn to her again and still see how blatant she is with familial abandonment.

“Are your sisters really that bad?” you ask in concern.

"Eh,” she shrugs. “They’re family, what you gonna do? Adagio, my older sister, kinda leads the three of us. It's cause of her smarts that we've been able to get past some really tough times this last year. Aria may be younger than me, but she is the most protective and aggressive out of the three of us. Heck, she even learned two local fighting styles called Karate and Taekwondo and got this fancy black belt from both within months, how cool is that?” She smiles again and munches on her taco.

Whoa, this Aria girl went to two different fighting schools and is already a master? I pity whoever crosses her, you shudder.

Why do I get this sudden sense of dread that multiple beings are laughing at us right now? Selena deadpans.

Eh, could be a number of reasons, you answer. But still, the fact that hummies have Karate and Taekwondo is troubling, it means that some filthy ape might have some of my moves.

“But yeah,” Sonata continues. “They may be jerk heads now and again, but they’re still my sisters and I love them. Besides I am pretty silly and clumsy, so I can understand why they get mad at me.” She then lets out a sad sigh and slumps her shoulders.

You suddenly feel sympathy for this human girl just like how you did for Human Twilight.

Dang you humans and your relatable problems! You may be ugly, but the pain still hits you the same.

“Hey hey now, there’s nothing wrong with being an airhead,” you say.

“There’s not?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Heck no. Look at me, I’m what one would consider a ditz. I make stupid, brash, emotionally charged decisions with no forethought to consequences all the time…”

So you DO admit it, Selena points out with a quick laugh.

I am what I am.

“But just because I’m an airhead, doesn’t mean I’m dumb. An idiot sure, but I’m not dumb. You get what I’m saying?”

She nods her head yes before saying, “No, I’m confused.”

“That’s alright. Just think about it this way, when you’re considered the ditzy one, no one will see your pranks of vengeance as premeditated, they’ll just think “oh it’s that clumsy mess again” and not give it a second thought.”

“Oooohhh, she says as a light goes off in her head. So what you’re saying is I can get away with anything as long as it looks like an accident because they already think little of me?”

“Exactly. I once “accidentally” put mustard in the unit wash instead of detergent, and they just chocked it up to me being an idiot,” you smile trollishly.

“Hmm, I doubt Aria would ever suspect me of turning her clothes pink on purpose…Thanks for the idea,” she perks up.

“No problem. Just remember, no one ever suspects the Ditz.”

Some hundred miles away, two Sirens in human form shudder in dread.

“OK, but even if I do own it, I still want to be taken on searches with them, that’s why I want to find that mirror and prove I can do it,” she informs.

“Yeah, OK, I can see your point on that,” you nod.

“Once I find that mirror, we’ll hit the payday as Adagio likes to call it, and then we can hunt around for more together.”

“How many have you found so far?” you ask.

“…None actually. But we’re always on the lookout day and night,” she admits and your shoulders slump.

Well, the chances of her being right just went down significantly.

A loose lead is better than none at all my bug, Selena informs.

True, true, you nod and look at the blue girl.

“Maybe you should just focus on school, get better grades than them and be the scholarly one,” you suggest. “If they’re hunting magic day and night, then you’ll easily be able to overtake them if you study.”

“Study at school? But there’s no groups of fish around here. I don’t even know where this ocean is,” she says innocently.

“No, no, I’m talking about High School,” you clarify.

“…Like flying fish?” she asks.

“No not, huh?” you say taken aback. “Don’t you know what High School is? A large building full of teens trying to survive social cliques, bullies, and maybe learn enough book stuff to have a future?”

“Uhhhh” she trails off, clearly lost to what you’re saying.

Huh, maybe she is as airheaded as she said.

“Didn’t you learn like, numbers and stuff with other fil-Kids?”

“Oh yeah, when I was younger. We learned all the essentials like singing, other cultures, fish…” she starts listing off on her fingers, “But after that we decided to set out to take the world by storm with our singing…It didn’t work out so well,” she says downtrodden.

So she and her sisters stupidly didn’t go to school, tried to become idols and failed so now they hunt magic artifacts, yeesh.

Indeed, if anything they should find more steady jobs to support themselves, Selena observes.

Would you two be quiet I'm trying to listen to them over there! Sombra growls, causing you and Selena to return your attention back to the matter at hand. As you look, you see things are heating up a little over with your counterpart.

"Wait wait wait, so you’re telling me that another you, from another dimension has come over here and roped you into a treasure hunt while also getting you sober and a job AND you're helping because it will give him the ability to get his version of me and Nightmare out of his head? Did I get that right??!!??" Humbra asks in disbelief looking at B2 like he had sprouted a second head that was screaming, on fire and had a pink mustache.

"Yeah that's pretty much it," B2 nods causing you and Selena to facepalm/hoof.

Nice job being discreet B2!

By your own admission he is as ditzy as you, Selena groans. Human Sombra continues to stare at you double for several long heartbeats before he pinches the bridge of his nose and squints his eyes.

"I don’t know what the hell you’re on, but I'm not high enough for this s***t,” he deadpans.

“I told you, I’m sober now. And besides, booze was my vice, you’re the one that always went for the harder stuff, though I’m guessing since you have all your teeth you’ve cut back?”

“Yeah yeah,” he nods and rubs his eyes. “Just the legal stuff that I can get with my medical card. But come on man, you can’t possibly expect me to believe that bullcrap you just slung.”

“I don’t care if you believe it or not, I just gave you the truth,” B2 shrugs.

"Alright, alright, alright. Even if I was to believe you about all of this, what do you need me for?" Sombra asks pointing accusingly at B2.

“Well back in the other world, the other you had some magicy mirror or something, so were wondering if you did too?”

“Wha-I…If I had a magic mirror, why the hell would I still be living in that one bedroom hellhole instead of getting rich off of it?” he fires back.

“I don’t know, maybe you didn’t know what you had?”

“I didn’t acquire any stupid mirror,” Human Sombra grunts.

“Well crud, there goes that idea,” B2 slumps in his chair. “Well maybe you can still help us out?”

“Oh, you and your imaginary twin?”

“He’s not imaginary, he’s over there,” he points to your table.

“Uhhh…” you stammer as he focuses his attention on you.

“Hi!” Sonata says as she waves her hand rapidly at the two humans. Not having any better idea, you wave as well. Sombra looks at the two of you in confusion before looking back to B2.

“…That serial killer looking guy in the raincoat and bandanna is you from another dimension? Really?”

“OK, right now he’s in disguise, but he does look just like me I swear,” B2 defends.

“Right…and the teenage girl with him?” he insinuates.

“I…don’t know actually. Must have picked up a stray in the last 10 minutes.”

“Oi!” you rebuke, but they ignore you.

“Alright, whatever game you’re playing here I want no part of it,” Sombra grunts and stands up. “I don’t have your damned mirror, have a good day, and stay the hell out of my life if you know what’s good for you.”

He then starts to walk away, but B2 stands up and walks towards him.

“Come on Sombra, you’re the only one that can help us,” he pleads.

“Oh right, just like that time you came begging at my door for 12 Grand and you got all mad when I didn’t just fork it over?” he accuses.

“It’s not about money, it’s about doing what’s right.”

“Heh, we ain’t done a single thing right in the last 10 years,” he shakes his head. “And why would I be the only one to help you?”

“Because even if you don’t know where the mirror is, you know crystals. Even back then, I know you had your precious little rock collection, and I’m willing to believe you’ve added since then.”

“Don't talk s#!t about my crystals!” he growls. “And even if I still do, what’s it to you?”

“Well there are other magic things in our world apparently, and from what I’ve gathered he’s looking for, they’re some kind of gem or something,” B2 informs. “If anyone could help us find them, it’s you.”

“Oh, so now you want me looking for magic crystals huh? How dumb do you think I am?” he grunts and B2 sighs.

“Alright fine, I didn’t want to have to pull this but,” he steels himself and looks Sombra dead in the eye. “You still owe me a favor from the whole Dr. Sombrero incident.”

Human Sombra’s annoyed expression immediately turns to one of terror as you somehow hear a guitar playing in the distance. You also hear your Sombra gasp in fright.

"You/He wouldn't dare!" Both Sombra's say at once.

"Try me," B2 says with a cheeky grin.

Dr. Sombrero? Care to elaborate? Selena asks with a smirk.

Say one more word, and I'll show you why I am the King of Fear! Sombra sneers.

OK, yeesh, touchy subject much?

Apparently so, Selena rolls her eyes. Whatever it is, apparently it’s an even that reaches across space and time.

“If you say, one God Damned word of that to anyone, I will show you why I am the King of Fear!” Human Sombra threatens B2.

Whoa, déjà vu much?

Kersey475’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“I won’t have to Sombra, if you just decide to help an old “friend” out,” B2 insinuates.

Human Sombra grinds his teeth which even you can hear several tables away.

“Fiiinnnneeee,” he growls under his breath. “I’ll help you with your stupid delusions. But after this, we’re square, understood?”

“Crystal,” B2 smirks and Sombra clenches his teeth more at the pun.

"I guess I shouldn’t have expected less from you you two faced bastard. Your attitude is why the band died anyway. Didn't have your fill betraying Nims with that Chrysalis skank, so now you gotta-“

Before you can even blink, B2 leans forward and wraps his arm around Sombra, pressing a toothpick against the back of his neck.

"You mention her name or that traitorous bitch again, I'll demonstrate the technique Grandpappy taught me that will make all the blood in your body pool up in your head and spill out of every available hole there is. Got it?" he threatens in a low angry tone.

"That's just a movie," Sombra scoffs.

"I know, Grandpappy was an adviser on that movie while undercover on one of his black ops missions. Where do you think they got the technique from?" B2 growls as he presses the toothpick tighter while staring Sombra right in the eyes.

"Okay, okay! I won't mention them again!" Sombra says hurriedly. B2 then slinks back and tosses the toothpick behind him landing perfectly in a trash can on the opposite side of the food court.

“Good, now that that’s understood, we can move on and be friends again.”

…Nice to know even this idiot copy of yours has some steel in him, Selena comments sounding impressed.

I know right? I guess my human’s superiority play was better than yours.

Shut up! Sombra grumbles. I can’t believe he was cowed so easily…

Human Sombra takes a few deep breaths and looks B2 right in the eye.

“Very well. Let’s move on. And on the flip side, don’t speak to me about Hope.”

“Yeah, alright. And again, sorry about tricking you into thinking she was gonna be here. I actually haven’t seen her in years.”

“Heh, you and me both,” Sombra sighs and looks down sadly. “I should have been better to her…”

There is a very loud pause from all of you at that, and your Sombra takes a sharp intake of breath.

“Ummm…I know you just said not to say anything but…” B2 prods and Sombra just grunts.

“What do you think happened? We weren’t rock stars anymore, and I took more crystal to cope. She told me to stop and I didn’t, so she left. I quit too late, end of story.”

“Alright…” B2 says awkwardly and leans back on his heels a bit. “Listen, I don't like you, you don't like me, but hopefully we can get this over with quickly before something else crazy happens today, knock on wood." B2 moves to knock on the table, but Sombra grabs his wrist.

"I am the one who knocks." Sombra growls before he knocks on the table as B2 rolls his eyes.

“Whatever, before we can begin though, do you want to finish lunch? I can introduce you to my double.”

“I don’t care if you’ve found a look alike or not, you ain’t gonna convince me of your fantasy,” Sombra grunts before he sits back down. “You want to discuss crystals? Let’s discuss crystals,” he says as he brings out a book that reads “Crystals of the World.”

“…Do you seriously just carry that around everywhere you go? Dude, you are seriously obsessed,” B2 says as he sits back down.

“I’m not obsessed!” Human Sombra shouts.

And as the two of them look through his book while eating, Sonata taps you on the shoulder.

“Hey, I’m done with lunch, and it looks like their fight is over for now. I’m gonna go start looking for the mirror,” she says as she picks her tray up.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Oh, OK. What side of the mall are you going to check? I figure my twin and his “buddy” are gonna be busy, so I might as well help.”

“Awesome. I’m gonna go that way,” she points to the Western half of the mall. “I might also get some kettle corn while I’m over there.”

“Well, I guess I’ll go East then,” you nod as you stand up as well.

"Oh Wait! Here's my number," she yelps as she whips out her Little Star Trek looking device. "That way if we find anything related to the mirror we can call each other."

You hand here your phone and she types her number. You still have no idea how this Marvel works.

"Thanks Sonata" You take your phone back and it says Meermin12 as username with a picture of what you can only assume is Sonata doing a duck lip with the camera held high. You give her a raised eyebrow at the picture.

“I know right? These things are so amazing. Every girl takes pictures like this,” she giggles.

“I’m not one to question weird trends, so I’ll just move on. But yeah, if you find something, let me know.”

“Will do. By Mr. Bugze,” she says as she starts skipping away.

You know... I really like her necklace. Of course it reminds me of the elements of harmony, but still it's gorgeous, Selena comments sounding as the human girl leaves.

Huh, never took you for the flashy type.

A mare can appreciate fine craftsmanship, my old armor was more than just protection after all. Though I'm nowhere near that rag maker’s obsession.

Fair point, you nod. I’ll get ya something nice when you’re finally out of my head.

I look forward to it, she smiles, Though in the meantime I’d rather just have the Siren stones.

Yeah, yeah, I’m working on it. Though with her being a contact and Human Sombra’s crystal obsession, we might find more magic stones like the one I took from Gloriosa.

Kichi’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

We should be careful in that regard Selena states. If we get a hold of more magical objects, aside from the stones, they could possibly be used to concentrate our sleeping Nightmare magic.

You really think so? You ask intrigued.

Yes, that stone was able to activate your Boomstick, and when you held it in your hand, I felt a strange magical surge. I felt as though I was standing behind you when you faced her down.

Hmm, that’s weird. Daisy was saying something about seeing a dark horse behind me. What do you think it means?

I’m not sure. Right now our magic is not able to be tapped due to your new form, but if we gather more relics, we might be able to tap into that power in some different way. I don’t know how that would work, but it could potentially be dangerous.

That makes sense I guess. I’ll keep that in mind, the last thing we want is to hurt some random humie and get Sombra’s bridle in a knot.
Surprisingly, Sombra does not take the bait, in fact, he’s been rather quiet.

Huh, you OK there Stromboli?

Hope…he mutters. I lost her in this world too…

Oh…Uh…you pull at your collar in discomfort.

Perhaps we should leave him be for awhile, Selena recommends.

Yeah…good idea you nod as you walk over to the human’s table.

“Oh hey Bugze,” B2 says as you approach. “Care to show your face so this idiot believes me?”

“Yeah OK, but I’ve got to go check the mall real quick. That girl at the table just gave me a lead on a possible magic mirror being here,” you say as you take off the fake glasses and bandanna.

“Really? Do you want some help looking?” he offers.

“Nah, you two keep discussing whatever, I’m gonna go make myself useful,” you wave off before looking at Human Sombra who seems a bit surprised. “Hi Sombra, just gotta say, Pony Version of you was much cooler looking.” You then start walking away.

“I’ll let you know if I find anything,” you call back as Humbra looks at your retreating form, his mouth agape.

“Alright, good luck,” B2 calls before looking at his Sombra smugly. “Told ya so.”

“…It’s just some trick you’ve set up,” Sombra says shaking his head before looking back at his book. “At least I hope it is.”

Hope… your Sombra mutters in melancholy as you walk through the mall.


A hooded figure walks through the city of Somnambula.. Looking around, it pulls out a dark stone and talks to it.

“Rabia, I’m about to meet with the contact, wish me luck,” comes a sweet sounding female voice.

The dark stone pulses faintly with red energy and in her mind, a deep male voice answers.

I do not like this. We are following the whims and plans of another instead of our plan.

“Well we don’t have much a choice if we want to save Sombra from that horrid Hooded Offender. Whoever they are, this Friend is the only one to reach out to me and give me any idea of how to rescue him,” she says as she pulls out a letter signed A Friend.

“We’ll still gather allies that are foes of both that monster and the Elements who would try to banish Sombra as well,” she reassures the stone. “But while we do that, the contact this "Friend" wrote to me about can get the materials needed to extract Sombra before the Hooded Offender’s allies gather them all.”

Very well. Though I still do not trust this “Friend” who knows our every goal.

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth Rabia,” the mare giggles as she puts the stone away and enters a ramshackle establishment that is full of tough looking ponies and creatures. Towards the back she finds her mark, a tan earth pony with black hair and a golden skull cutie mark.

“Are you Dr. Cabelleron?” asks the hooded mare.

“I might be,” answers the stallion in suspicion as his minions at the table shift defensively. “What is it to you?”

The hooded mare throws out a large sack of golden bits onto the table, which spills from the top. Cabelleron’s eyes widen before he smiles and looks to the hooded mare in intrigue.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this bounty ma’am?” he asks.

The unicorn mare lowers her hood, revealing her white blue mane and light purple face.

“I have a job for you…”


After walking around the mall, and switching the raincoat and bandana for that awesome jacket and hat from before, you realize that maybe following the rumors of some random stranger isn’t the best.

“There’s got to thousands of stupid mirrors, windows and etc in this dang place. You’d think I’d be able to tell if one is magic or not,” you groan as you sit down on a bench near the indoor fountain.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“I wonder if Sonata’s having better luck,” you say as you look at your phone and see no new messages.

Let’s hope not, Selena interrupts. Because if she did, convincing her to take the mirror for yourself might not go as well as you think.

Oh right, she and her sisters are obsessed with this kind of stuff…Well it may be dishonest, but let’s hope we find it without her knowing. Heck, the last thing we need is hummies invading the real world, you think with a shudder. But still, this is going to be tough to find either way.

And as you think that, a very eerily familiar voice comes from behind you.

“You can get through this man. You’re strong, good looking, and other girls would be happy to have you.”

“Yeah you’re right,” you nod in agreement. “I am all those things.”

“You can move on from this, you don’t need her in your life!”

“Yeah, she’s just some random hummie after all, I can do this hunt on my own,” you agree.

“She dumped you, but that’s OK. She never loved you anyway, someone else will come along.”

“Yeah she dumped me, I…Wait, what? Who the buck am I talking to?” you shake your head and turn around.

At a kiosk, you see a orangish human with spikey blue hair, wearing a black jacket with red and white stripes on the sleeves, holding up a blue crystalline mirror and talking to his reflection.

“She’s not the girl you thought she was. She’s mean, manipulative, and you will not miss her!” he instructs himself with a shaking hand.

“Wait…is that…Flash?” you mutter as you recognize the twisted abomination of your best bro. And just like that, the dam breaks.



Shining Armor sits behind his desk as he goes over preparations for the Princess Summit, when suddenly his door is kicked open by an ecstatic orange pegasus.

“Captain! They’re Gone! Oh Sweet Celestia They’re Gone!” he shouts in happiness leaning over the desk.

“…Flash, I thought you were taking the correct medication finally,” Shining groans in annoyance.

“I AM! But that doesn’t matter now, listen! Just listen will you?!” Flash gestures towards his superior.

Deciding to humor him, Shining Armor sighs and listens to the empty confines of his office.

“I don’t hear anything Flash,” he shakes his head and looks back at his paperwork.

“Exactly!” Flash nods.

Shining pauses a moment before he realizes what he’s implying and looks up.

“I…I don’t hear any voices telling me to maim and kill you.”

“I KNOW! Isn’t it amazing!” Flash sings as he twirls around in happiness which causes Shining to smile.

“Well it’s about bucking time. How’d you do it?”

“I don’t know! I just felt this enormous weight lift of my shoulders, and suddenly all the ponies around me weren’t looking at me with murderous intent! I asked them if they heard anything and they said no! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!”

“OK, OK, calm down Flash. I know you’re happy, but that just raises the question of where those voices went.”

“Who cares?” Flash hoofwaves, “Zecora told me the voices were wrongly targeting me, so that just means they’ve finally found their true target. Whoever that dude is though, I do pity him.”


“YOU’RE THE ONE THE VOICES ARE AFTER!!!” you accuse the teenager who is a mockery of your BFF.

“Huh?!” he backs up in alarm seeing your angry reflection in the hand mirror. Turning to you he sees your fists clenched as you shake with the annoying angry voices screaming in your mind.

It’s as if they’ve all crashed down upon us at once! Selena cries out in alarm.

Who even are these voices? Sombra shrieks. Ignoring them both, you point at the clearly evil counterpart of your buddy.

“My bro has had to go through all kinds of Tartarus because of you! Who the buck do you think you are?!”

“What? Who are you? What are you talking about?!” the frightened human stammers as he grips the hand mirror and continues to back up.



Episode 26: Flash Sentry's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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The sudden spike of anger has you breathing in heavily as you stare at what Sombra would call, Flashe’s Hum-Soma. He is vile and disgusting, just like all the other hairless apes on this planet, but in this moment, he is somehow ten times worse. The voices are all you hear to fuel that disgust, with Selena being drowned out by their cacophony.

Flash starts shaking all over as he stare at your angry form.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Oh My God, they’ve found me, I don’t know how but they found me again!” he sputters.

“What you talkin bout hummie?!” you growl.

“The voices, they’re back aren’t they?”


“You Spit Sherclop!” you shout still shaking. Flash puts a hand to his forehead in worry and his eyes start darting all around. Sure enough, there are other mall goers suddenly stopping in their tracks to turn around and glare at him.

“No No No, this isn’t happening again,” he mumbles and continues to back up as several humans walk up and stand beside you.

“You all were gone damn it! You left three years ago!”




“Why now?! I was doing so much better! I finally got my license without anybody trying to run me off the road, I was able to ask girls out without them running away…Are you the ones that turned Sunset into a bitch?!” he blathers out.




“Aaaaggghhh,” you hold your head at the invaders rumbles. “Voices…taking over…my brain…ALL YOUR FAULT!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Your rage build towards him even more, not only because of the angry voices but also the fact he's the reason your Flash has had such a hard life.


Your eyes start to turn orange and red as you scream out in violent rage.


The force of your yell causes some of the nearby store windows to crack, and a nearby girl's drinking glass.

"Hey!" she yells but when she sees the look in your eye she backs off slowly before hightailing it.

"I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!" You roar at the scared human Flash. He screams and runs off and you chase after him with the mob of people joining suit.

In your rage, you don’t notice that gem you took from Gloriosa glowing.

Bugze stop! You’re out of control! Selena calls out.

Get a hold of yourself fool! Don’t hurt my humans! Sombra warns. You can't hear either of them over the screams from the other voices, and so you barrel mindlessly after the source of the voice’s aggression.


Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

POV CHANGE: Flash Sentry (Human)

Death to The Waifu Stealer!" the man in the JoJo outfit chants.

Death to the Waifu Stealer!!” the other humans chant with him.

“Get away from me you frickin Zombies!” you out behind you as you sprint away. “I don’t deserve this! What the Hell did I do to you?!” You’ve asked this question countless times in the past, with no clear answer. You thought you were freed from the voices when you started going out with Sunset, but now that you’ve been dumped, they’ve returned. A part of you would wonder if this was coincidence or not, had fear not been drowning out every single emotion in your body.

“AAAAHHH!!! Help! Somebody help!” you cry out. Unfortunately, many other mall goers who don’t just turn and watch the scene become part of the mob.

“WHY ME?!” you blubber. “Go to the mall Lyra said, it will help clear your mind of her she said. Curse You Lyra!”

And then hijinks happen.

You keep giving the mob the slip via Pinkie-esque maneuvers. Without rhyme or reason, you’ve seen that bubbly girl warp around constantly, and in your hour of need, you take a page out of her book as you continue to be chased. You dart into the entrance of one shop as the mob follows, only for you to somehow come out another shop door. You dive behind a rack of clothes, only to pop up in a sunglass kiosk. At one point you even pretend to be a mannequin until they all rush by. As all this happens, several mall goers who aren’t affected by the voices just watch in alarm and confusion.

“I’ve gotta get out of this stupid mall before they tear me limb for limb!” Spotting a mall cop’s segway, you go for broke and hop on it. The security guard shouts in outrage at first, until he sees the horde of angry people rushing after you, and to that he just stares slack jawed.

“Don’t let him get away!” you hear that orange haired guy shout. Looking over your shoulder your own jaw drops in absolute horror. The dude is on all fours running like Beast from X-Men, and outpacing the others by several feet.

“What the Fu-“


Not keeping your eyes forward, you run into the side of the fountain and are launched into the center of it where you get submerged in highly chlorinated water.

“BLAGH!” you spit out the water and hurriedly try to get to your feet.

“Oh hey, I know there’s free money and everything, but you shouldn’t be diving head first, the water’s very shallow,” a girl’s voice says. Looking to your left you see a blue girl with a ponytail standing in the water with you, with several coins in her hands.

"Please don't kill me!" you shout as you put your hand in front of your face to try to defend pelting via coins.

"Kill you? Don't be silly! Why would I do that?" she asks confused. Just then the leader of the pack hops onto the edge of the fountain, crouched like a frog.

"We’ve Got Him Now! Boil Him In This Lake!”

“Mr. Bugze?” the girl says to the nutjob.

Oh great, she knows him, you blubber as the crowd gathers at the lip of the fountain.


“Oh, what’s this? Mysterious Angry Voices?” the girl gasps looking around in…giddiness? Before you can question her mood though…

“YAAAAGGGHHH!!!” the leader shouts as he literally pounces onto you.

“AAAAGGGHHH!!!” you shout as he grabs you by the collar and brings you close to his face, noticing that both his eyes are glowing.

“Go Ahead and Scream Your Head Off! We’re Miles Away From Where Anypony Can Hear You! AHAHAHAHAA!!!” he shouts before he starts dunking you up and down in the water.

“Please *Gurgle* Have Mercy!” you plead as he keeps dunking you.

“Sorry, all out…of…mercy?” he says confusedly as the glow exits his eyes and he loosens his grip on you. Taking the opportunity you pull out of his grip and shimmy over the statue in the middle of the fountain. Out of his shoulders, you see some sort of green mist escaping. In fact, out of all the angry mob, you see a green mist coming out of them.

“Huh?” you sputter as you look to the source where they all converge, the blue girl. She has a content smile on her face as all the mist kind of funnels into a red jeweled necklace around her neck.

“…Seriously, What the Fu-“

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

We will be back!
Our revenge is not... The angry voices start to fade and rationality comes back to you.

“Uhhh, why am I all wet?” you ask aloud as you look around. The angry mob from before all look just as confused as you do.

“Why was I so angry?” mutters some lady.

“I feel like I’m out of breath,” says a man.

“Anyone else have a huge headache?” asks some teen girl.

Your head does pound, so you place a hand to it and groan. As you do you spy human Flash Sentry gripping the fountain statue in fear as he looks at you all.

"Wait... Why’d I want to kill him?"

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Ahh, so good, and I don’t have to share” you hear a familiar voice say in satisfaction. Looking over you see the girl you met a little while ago with an extremely happy smile.

“Sonata?” you croak out. The girl opens her eyes and sees your predicament.

"Oh Hi Mr. Bugze, are you ok now?" Sonata asks picking you up from your crouched position in the water.

"Ugh my head, one second I wanted to kill that guy, the next thing I know I see a blinding red light and all my anger is gone and I’m apparently swimming," You say rubbing your head.

"Uhhh, you tripped over that little sign, and fell in the fountain," Sonata quickly says pointing at a tipped over wet floor sign at the edge of the fountain. You look over to it and say,

"Huh…I literally have no recollection of that at all. But at least those voices are gone." You then realize you hear absolutely no voices, so you check on your roommates in your head, not noticing Sonata sighing in relief.

You guys alright?

Finally, neither of us could reach you. Your rage cut us out so we couldn't see anything. Are you alright? Selena asks.

Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I guess when I went berserk I tripped and fell into water and it made the voices go away. Never thought of that as a solution.

That was maddening! How many others have you consumed? Sombra growls.

None! You say offended. Those aren’t limited to me, everyone around Flash hears those.
Speaking of which, you look at the former mob and see them slowly dispersing as other mall goers start asking questions they don’t have answers for.

I guess I was the source of the infection for them since I’ve known them longer…or something, you shrug.

Maybe, Selena mulls it over, as you came back to yourself I heard what sounded like the rage of millions of angry fanboys crying out before they were silenced

Nodding, you then look to the girl standing in the water with you.

“So, did you get caught up in the madness too?”

“Oh no, I was just gathering up all this free money people keep throwing away,” she gestures to the countless coins all around you in the water, before pointing to the still shaking Flash, “And then he came flying in and was like, ‘AH! Don’t Kill Me!’ It was awesome.”

“…OK,” you shrug. “Any luck with the mirror.”

“Not so far,” she answers as she scoops up more coins.

POV CHANGE: Flash Sentry (Human)

Really?! REALLY?! Everyone’s just going to go on their merry way after trying to kill me? No one’s even apologizing! You think in outrage. And that girl, what was that she did? She’s talking to the maniac that brought the voices back in the first place. Is she connected to all this somehow? Before you can ponder this further, a different voice speaks to you.

"MaKe Them pAy For atTAcking yoU!" you turn and look to the source of the voice, the hand mirror from that kiosk. You didn’t even realize you’d held onto it the whole chase. Inside the mirror, your reflection is giving you a smirk... which is odd since you know for a fact your mouth is hanging open. Suddenly, your reflection’s eyes flash white and all your confusion and outrage and leftover fear turns to fury.

"Yeah you're right! Who do those people think they are for attacking me?! I'm Flash Sentry! Captain of the Cantertlot High school football team!" you declare, your voice sounding deeper.

"YEs ShOW THEm You'RE nOt tO Be MEssED WItH!!" your reflection goads, now looking older and stronger, and even with a goatee.

“Yeah…” you nod as your jaw clenches. “They call me a thief huh? Well let’s take everything from them…”

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

“So, are you not going to question why everyone went nuts?” you ask.

“No, not really. I’m sure the mirror’s connected in some way though. Where did you first hear them?”

“They started up when I saw-Huh?” You feel a vibration in your pocket. You turn from Sonata and lift out the magic gem you got from Gloriosa vibrating and glowing, not noticing Sonata doing the same with her necklace. Before you have a chance to question this you are blinded by a flash of light. When it fades you open your eyes to a hulking shadow behind a haze of mist.

You hear gasps from all the former mob and many other mall goers as this figure materializes.

Bugze…it’s radiating magic, Selena gasps.

You stare in shock as the shadowy figure grabs hold of the statue and rips it from the ground and over it's head. It then throws it right at you.

“Oh Buck! You shout as you grab Sonata and jump out of the way, getting both of you even more soaked as the statue sweeps inches from your coat. You hear it crash and see it embedded into the wall as many of the humans scream in fear and start running.

“What the heck is that?” Sonata asks scrambling to your feet as you do the same.

“I don’t know!” you blather.

The figure then walks out of the mist for you all to see. His bare massive feet press into the ground cracking the fountain floor. It's pants are still somehow wrapped around it’s waste, but it's shirt had been torn to shreds by the shear muscle bulging out from its chest. It's massive arms look like they could snap you like a twig, and it’s massive hands are curled into fists. But what is the most odd is that a handheld crystal mirror is embedded into the chest of the beast. You looked up in alarm as you realize that this hulking behemoth was the distorted Human Flash Sentry staring at you in rage.

“GGGRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!” he roars at you and all the fleeing mall goers.

"BUCK!!!" You, Selena, Sombra and Sonata say in unison.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Back at the food court, Human Sombra grills B2 for more info.

“No seriously, did you have a brother this whole time and just decide to mess with me?”

“If I’d had a twin brother this whole time, I would have messed with you a long time ago bud.”

“Well he must just be a look alike, I still don’t by this pony world nonsense you’re slinging,” he counters.

“I didn’t either at first, but hey, it’s so ridiculous, it’s gotta be true,” B2 infers.

“Whatever. I bet that’s why you had him take off so I wouldn’t get a better look,” Sombra shakes his head.

“Oh he’ll be around again I’m sure,” B2 says nonchalantly, just as a cotton candy stand is thrown against a wall at the end of the hallway and people start screaming. Both humans stand up in alarm as a crowd of people run in fear towards the exit.

Eventually you and Sonata come into view, both still sopping wet.

“B2! We gotta go!” you shout.

“What?! What happened? Why’s everyone running?” he asks.

“RRRRAAGGGGHHH!” the monster shouts as it rounds the corner and picks up human Filthy Rich.

“No Wait, I’ll Pay You! AAAHHH!!!” the human screams as he is shoved into the tiny mirror on the creature's chest and disappears.

You turn to the horrified faces of Human Sombra and B2 and shout,



Episode 27: You Wouldn't Like Him When He's Angry

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

As you and your companions run behind a corner as Flash continues to rampage, human Sombra decides to ask the big question,

WHAT THE *UCK IS THAT???!!!!” He yells as the roided out teen continues to rampage.

“That my dear friend is a human high on magic,” You deadpan, before ducking as debris flies past you.

“Oh really? Not what I was expecting at all,” Sonata contemplates as she takes a picture with her phone.

“How are you not freaking out?” Sombra mutters peeking out from your cover.

“This kind of the norm for me, taking on giant monsters and heavy hitting foes. One time it was even my own daughter Earthbending me into unconsciousness,” you shudder at the horrific memory.

“Yeah, well this sure as heck ain’t the norm for us,” B2 points out.

“FLASH SMASH!!!” the giant human roars as the sound of breaking glass and screams reach your ears.

“That’s a good point actually,” you nod in agreement.

Yeah seriously, even Gloriosa didn’t get this big and strong. This is less My Little Human and more Power Ponies with Saddle Rager over there.

Power Ponies? Sombra asks in confusion.

They’re comic book superheroes, and a heck of a lot more entertaining than your show for fillies, you answer.

Super Heroes? Like your stupid self proclaimed identity as the Hooded Offender?

Something like that yes, Selena interjects. But forget all that, more importantly we have to-

“Oi! Superheroes are not stupid!” you growl aloud earning weird looks from your companions. “But let’s forget all that, more importantly we have to figure out how turn Flash from Saddle-Rager back into a regular squishy humie.

And while Selena lets out a frustrated sigh for some reason, B2 asks,

“Saddle-Rager? I don’t know what that is, but The Hulk seems more fitting.”

“What? But Flash is rampaging and muscled up,” you argue.

“Exactly, like the Hulk,” he points out before smirking. “It is funny though, a guy named Flash gets superpowers and doesn’t run real fast.”

“What like Filli-Second?”

“What? No like The Fla-“

“Will You Two Be Quiet?!” Human Sombra whisper shouts. “That thing might hear us!”

“Sorry, you know how I get when it comes to superheroes,” B2 shrugs.

“And I can’t stand when you try to push your fake version of things when mine are far superior,” you harrumph.

“Oh My God,” Humbra groans and facepalms. “I didn’t think it was possible to find someone as stupid as you, but here we are!”

“Ha! Almost as if we’re the same right? Now do you believe me?” B2 says glaring at Humbra.

“IS NOW THE TIME FOR THIS?” Humbra yells as a food cart is tossed past your hiding spot.

MY CABBAGES!!!” A nearby man shouts which draws Flash-Rager’s attention as he stomps over to the man. Reaching out with his big hand he grabs the human and shoves him into the mirror. Flash suddenly glows and his body begins to shake and he grows a few inches larger, and his amazing goatee a few inchers longer.

“What the Tartarus?!” you sputter.

Bugze did you see that? When he absorbs people he grows larger! Selena points out making you gulp in alarm.

His mirror must rely on a source of energy. Given the fact that the there is no magic in this world, it must be using the life force of the those he traps inside, to make him stronger! Sombra summarizes.

“Oh that’s bucking great. Not only do we have to stop him but we also have to get those people out from the mirror!” You facepalm. Flash-Rager in the meantime sees a young girl and charges at her.

“FLASH MAD! FLASH DESTROY HATERS!!!” he shouts as he gets closer to the girl. But before he can reach her something attaches to his back and a sudden jolt of electricity goes through him.

“Step away from the girl!” A security guard says, holding a strange object that was connected to the thing zapping Flash.

“Hey, I got one of those,” you say as you pull out the taser you got from the second hand store. “How come mine doesn’t shoot out wires?”

“Different model man,” B2 answers, not taking his eyes off of Flash. “Though I doubt that’s any help whatsoever.”

Looking back over, Flash moves his arm behind him and removes the taser wires from his back. He turns and gives the security guard a haunting stare as he jerks the taser out of the his hand before crushing the device in his palm to dust.

“Oh dear, I did a bad,” the guard trembles.

“You think!?!” Sonata yells out, taking another picture, this time a selfie of her doing the duck lips with Flash-Rager in the background.

“Really?” you question.

“I’m nervous OK?!”

Not noticing this insanity, Flash raises his fists into the air and prepares to smash the poor guard when he’s struck by a mall cart.

“Take this you freak of nature!” Another guard yells from within the cart. However his attempt is in vain as Flash picks up the cart and chucks it through a store window.

“I’m ok! Though I think I broke a rib.” The guard moans from within the store. Flash roars as more security guards move in and try to contain him.

“What are you doing here you idiots!?” A voice says behind your group. You look behind you and see a guard gripping B2’s shoulder. “Get clear!” He says as he motions you to leave. But before you could, another guard is flung into him and both are knocked into a stall unconscious.

“Oh My Goodness!” Sonata squeaks as she takes several more pictures with her phone.

“We need to move! We won’t be able to stop him if we get knocked down by flying guards!” You shout taking Sonata’s hand and running down the hall.

“Stop him? You’re gonna fight that thing?!” Humbra shouts chasing after you.

“WE are gonna fight that thing! No way those guards can take him down!” You shout back as you hear an explosion go off behind you.

“Wait, Me too?” B2 asks as she vaults over a bench.

“Of course!” you reply which causes him to glare at Human Sombra.

“You and your big mouth!”

“What the hell did I do?” Humbra replies indignantly

As your group follows a group of retreating humans towards the nearest exit, you all stop in your tracks as Flash lands in front of it and starts shoving more people into his mirror.

“Crap Baskets!” both you and B2 declare. Several humans from the group start rushing up the nearby escalators and your group follows suit.

“LOL, Giant Monsters FTW, OMGWTF Scared Emoji,” Sonata says aloud nervously as she tweets out a picture.

“Stop that!” you chastise.

“I can’t! I have to keep a record for my sisters if something happens,” she says stubbornly.

“That was nothing but gibberish though,” Humbra growls.

“Whoa, watch it Som, your age is showing,” B2 trolls.

“Oh Screw You!” he grunts.

Down below, you hear another crash and circus music as Flash-Rager starts breaking the carousal.

“PONIES SUCK! FLASH TEACH LESSON!” he yells snapping the head off of one of the painted horses, causing some hiding kids to cry.

“Holy Hell,” B2 pants, catching his breath. “There’s being a monster, and then there’s just being a dick to children!”

“Exactly, which is why we have to figure out a way to stop him,” you respond.

“How?!” Humbra exclaims. “Look at all those rent a cops he’s plowing through, we don’t stand a chance. Setting up a trap to immobilize him would be the only option, but good luck finding that in a mall!”

“Yeah, good point, we should just leave this to the authorities,” B2 nods as he turns to Sonata.

“Hey kid, quickly call 911 and get the cops, the FBI, and the National Guard!”

“OK,” Sonata nods and starts typing on her phone. “911, 911, what’s the number for 911?!”

Before anyone can answer her, a plastic pony from the carousal lodges itself above the shop in front of you and she accidentally drops her phone, the magical device falling to the first floor.

“Oooh, Aria’s gonna kill me!” she whimpers.

“I’m sure the Hulk will get you first!” Humbra grunts as you all take cover inside a toy shop.

Kersey475’s Comment

Yeesh Flash Rager is something else isn’t he? If only I could use the Nightmare Cloak! We could’ve given him a run for his money back in Equestria you complain.

Even with the residual magic in those stones and that thing’s chest, the cloak would still be unavailable. I don’t even know if this human body could handle it.

But he’s just so powerful! If I can’t wail on him then…*DING*

You turn and look at B2 who is shoving action figures into his pockets.

“What are you doing?” asks Humbra in annoyance.

“Looting while I still have a chance…What, too soon?” Ignoring his compulsive behavior you call out,

“Yo B2, you think you can take Flash down?”

“Me?” he asks in surprise.

“Yeah, you threatened Sombra with that exploding death thing earlier, can that work here?”

“Well, I mean…” he stutters nervously before Human Sombra gives him a curious eyebrow. “I mean, sure yeah, I totally could heh heh… but uh…that technique, which I TOTALLY know how to do, is meant to work on, you know, normal people. Not giant roided out alien superbeasts.”

“Goramnit!” you curse. “You got any secret special superpowers then?”

“You’d think I’d be a homeless drunk if I had any?” he snaps back.

“Hanbuck did you wuss!” you counter.

“If you mean Hancock, that only worked cause he was Will Smith!” he counters.

Before you can devolve into more pop culture arguments across realities, a security guard lands on his stomach right in front of the toy shop.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You all look out and down onto the first floor in horror as most of the security guards are either unconscious, or being absorbed by Flash. He’s gotten significantly bigger, and is now a daunting 8 foot tall monster!

“Alright, even if none of us have superpowers, we’ve still got to get that mirror off him somehow. It’s the source of his power, if we could just remove it perhaps he would revert to normal and release the humans inside.”

“And if he doesn’t shrink back down?” Your human counterpart asks in worry.

“We’ll deal with it,” you say determinedly.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” Humbra exclaims, “I did not sign up for this! I ain’t going anywhere near that thing! Quit volunteering my help against my will!”

Hmmph. To think such cowardice is coming from my double. He doesn’t deserve to bare the same name as me! Sombra huffs within your mind.

“Well we gotta come up with a plan! And fast! Just think what’ll happen if he gets outside the mall!” Sonata says worriedly. “Maybe we could just calm him down like all the other mall people when they wanted to kill him.”


“Sonata, you’re a genius!” you declare.

“I am?”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Yes, It’s so simple. The only way to calm down Saddle-Rager is to be friendly and assure her everything’s alright. I’m the one who started the mob, so if I apologize Flash will calm down!”

“RRAAAGGGHHH!!!” Flash crashes down outside the toy shop and absorbs the guard.

“I don’t think he’s in the mood to calm down,” B2 gulps.

“Nah, trust me, I got this,” you assure. “I’m an expert on being an out of control rage monster. I’ll let him know it’s not worth it, and how there’s a better way.” You then start walking outside, despite their silent protests.

Movies don’t fail me now... you think as you slowly approach Flash-Rager.

“Hey big guy. Sun’s getting real low...” you say as you gently reach your hand out to which he looks at you in confusion.

“Bugze no!” B2 tries to warn you, but you ignore him.

“Shhhhh. That’s it. The sun’s going down. I won’t hurt you anymore. No one will.” Flash-Rager seems to calm down as he cautiously reaches out his hand as well towards yours.

Yes! It’s workin- “What th-!”

Cue Flash-Rager grabbing you and smashing you around the place.


I’d find this hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact I could feel that too... Sombra groans.

“I was trying to warn you that if it didn’t work for Thor or Deadpool-“

“SHUT UP B2!” you, Selena, and Sombra all say to your doppelganger as he holds you upside down by your ankle.

“FLASH HATE ANGRY MAN! ANGRY MAN GET IN FLASH!” he declares as he starts pulling you to his chest.

“AHHHH!!! Not like this!” you scream. Flash smirks with his long goatee until something plastic hits him in the head and he blinks in confusion. Another yellow and red plastic thing hits his face and he looks up at the toy shop, with you following suit.

B2 is shakily throwing a bunch of action figures at Flash’s face. They appear to be humanized versions of Iron Mane’s Rage Buster suit.

“Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep, Go to Sleep!” he sputters spastically as he throws the last of the toys. The assault has done absolutely nothing aside from distract Flash from absorbing you. B2 chuckles nervously at the look on Flash’s face.

“…I’m sorry?”

The next thing you know, you are hurled at your doppelganger and the both of you fly backwards, with you of course ending up on the bottom and taking the most damage.

Flash smirks and is about to start walking into the store, when he is once again mobbed by security guards.

“Uuuugggghhhh,” you groan. “Thanks for the save buddy,” you mumble.

“No problem,” B2 says dazedly. Sombra and Sonata come over to your forms and lift you up checking you over.

“OK, how in the 9 hells are you even still alive after he ragdolled you?” Humbra asks looking over the countless scratches and bruises you’ve received.

“What this? This is nothing,” you handwave even though you wobble. “My hick cousin that wants to marry one of my personas has done far worse.”

All three humans give you a very disturbed and confused look at that.

“Uh, ANYWAY! That plan didn’t work, so Plan B?” you venture to change the awkward subject.

“AGH!” a guard yelps as he is thrown into a shelf of stuffed animals.

“Preferably before he remembers we’re in…huh? What’s that noise?”

There is some sort of loud whiring sound, seemingly coming from the open skylight that has been smashed open during Flash’s rampage. The noisy thing reveals itself when you see a big metal vehicle floating above the mall.

“Oh cool a Gyro-Copter, I didn’t know you guys had those here,” you say impressed.

Both B2 and Sombra’s eyes widen though when they see the Helicopter.

“Uh-Oh!” they both exclaim.

Inside the Helicopter

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Hello, this Quick Scoop with breaking news!” says a human reporter with a bushy mustache. “A hulking monster has appeared in the Canterlot Mall. I repeat, a Hulking Monster has appeared in the Canterlot Mall, this is not a hoax. Reports say that the mall security have engaged the beast and are currently losing the fight. Several eyewitness tweets reported seeing a large flash of light and the beast appearing. No casualties as of yet, however several people have been reported missing or injured. Police and swat teams are enroute to the mall as we speak and- Good Lord Look at that thing! We have visual confirmation folks. Repeat, Visual Confirmation!” The reporter says in excitement as the camera guy gets a good shot of a 9 foot tall behemoth engaged with mall security.

“My word! You’ve seen it here first folks. What kind of beast is that?”


Two young teen boys, one skinny, the other rotund, run down the empty halls of Canterlot High.

“SUNSET SUNSET!! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!” Snips yells barging into an empty classroom. Well almost empty classroom.

“Can you two can it?! I thought I told you not to disturb me while I’m thinking! I’m trying to come up with a plan here!” growls a flame haired teen girl looking down at a calendar.

“But you gotta see this! There’s a monster attacking the mall!” Snails yelled showing her a photo that was tweeted out, showing a raging monster ripping apart a mall cart.

“A monster?” she asks taking the phone and studying it. It’s a bit blury, but it does appear to be a larger humanoid.

“This could just be a hoax,” Sunset points out.

“Nah uh, it’s all over the news too,” Snails ensures as he turns on the TV in the classroom. Immediately it goes to the action.

“Oh Good Heavens! The creature appears to be growing! The security guard numbers appear to be dwindling, but there is no sight of them. It’s as if they’ve disappeared into thin air!”

The overhead shot of the mall through the broken skylight does indeed show the giant swinging back and forth in battle with several other humans.

“…What the Buck?” Sunset mutters, mouth agape.

Kichi’s Comment

Elsewhere in a Motel Room

A purple teen girl with purple hair collected in twin tails lies on a bed as she flips through the channels on the TV lazily.

“Ugh, three hundred channels on this stupid thing, and yet nothing good,” she groans.

“There’s bound to be something, quit moping,” comes another female voice from the bathroom.

“I’ll mope all I want! We would’ve been to the stupid camp place already if you hadn’t insisted on stopping for the night. Tartarus, we could probably walk there as close as it is.”

“Oh what a brilliant plan Aria,” comes a sarcastic response. “Walk into the deep dark woods at night where unknown magic might be, truly nothing can go wrong.”

“Yeah? Well at least I’m not a coward!” the purple girl growls.

“No, just an idiot for forgetting we’re not as durable in these forms,” the bathroom voice huffs back.

“Whatever,” she grunts as she flips through the channels again.

Gah, three hundred channels and there is nothing good in anything" Groan the girl as she continue changing channels.

“Stay tuned for the paint drying marathon.”


“The history of the Q-Tip dates back to the year-“


“AAH! After Ten Thousand Years I’m Free! It’s Time to Conqu-“


“I’ve got genital herpes…”


“If you vote for me, I’ll erect a wall to keep Weebs out of the general public and-“


“This just in, several tweeted pictures from inside the mall show the creature in more detail.”

Aria drops the remote and goes slack jawed as she sees her sister posing with duck lips and a peace sign with a giant human thing behind her, lifting a golf cart above it’s head.

“As you can see, the photographer in question took a selfie, and judging by it’s height in comparison to hers, we know it started out at 7ft tall. We now estimate the creature to be nearer to 10 and a half and-“


“I’m busy brushing my hair,” the girl in the bathroom responds.

“Now! Sonata’s on TV!”

“What?!” The bathroom door is opened and an orange haired girl steps out. When she sees the TV, her mouth drops as well.

“Oh My Goodness! Look how fast it is!” the news reporter shouts and the screen cuts back to the overhead of the mall.

The two sisters stare at the news in shock before they look at each other and both start tapping their cell phones.

“Ugh! It goes right to voice mail!” Aria growls.

“And her last tweet was 15 minutes ago…” Adagio says in worry.

“RRRAAAGGGHHH!!!” the monsters roar comes from the TV.

“…Buck She Was Right!” Adagio stammers. “Why didn’t we listen?!”

“We sent her there! Buck, we killed our sister!” Aria cries out.

Back in the Mall

Kersey475’s Comment

“Crap! Paparazzi!” Humbra says as he pulls his hat down further, trying to hide from the helicopter.

“Ah crud you’re right!” B2 says nervously as he pulls his own hoodie over his head and looks to you. “Quickly, hide your face man!”

“Don’t we have more important things to worry about?” you argue as Flash-Rager slams several waffle irons on the ground and stomps them to pieces.


“Just do it dude, you have my face, and the last thing I need is it getting on the news!”

“Ugh, fine!” you grumble. You have been wearing the same hoodie that you awoke in this world in under your awesome coat, so you pull it up through the collar and over your awesome hat, thought the bill still sticks out a bit. You then look over at Sonata who does the same with her hoodie.

“What? I didn’t want to be left out,” she says matter of factly.

With you all thoroughly covered, you all stare out at Flash and the significantly dwindled mall force.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“This isn’t good, the more opponents he beats the stronger he gets!” You exclaim in alarm as another foolish guard charges the behemoth wielding nothing but a baton.

LEEEERRROOOYYYY JEEEEKIIIINNNSSSSSS!!!!” The guard shouts only to be immediately smacked aside by a mighty back hand.

“God these guys are morons,” B2 deadpans as Flash uses two guards like a pair of maracas. “It’s like watching the red shirts from Star Trek get owned in real life, only they’re somehow dumber and the pain is for real!”

“Don’t you mean Star Tro-”

“NOT THE TIME DUDE!” B2 says in annoyance.

“I’m sorry! I’m frustrated my peaceful maneuvers didn’t work!”

“What if we threw more toys at him?” Sonata suggests.

“Not helping little girl!” Humbra grunts causing her to purse her lips.

“Yeah, and strength in numbers clearly isn’t working,” B2 winces as another guard gets stomped.

“He’s magically overpowered, fighting someone like that takes…” suddenly you go still as an advert from a long destroyed awesome helmet echoes in your mind.

‘Take the fight to the magically overpowered.’

“That’s It!” You reach into your bag and pull out your power glove, sadly though it’s still only fit for a hoof.

“And what are you going to do with that? Throw it at him?” Humbra snarks looking over at your useless power glove. You however ignore him and pull out your purple gem, while putting your glove away. You decide to test something.

Bugze what are you doing? The glove is not magically powered.

Exactly, but I Am…


The Plasmids and Vigors rewrote the DNA in my body itself. I’m still me, even though I look ugly, so that means they should still work.

But without the glove…

The glove is just a conduit to help me control the powers better. They still have to come out of my hoof, so let’s see if I can cheese that with the presence of magic around this stupid hand…

Gripping the purple gem tightly, you see it give off a faint glow. Your face hardens in determination when you see the destruction that Flash-Rager has caused. Several guards knocked out or in pain on the ground, stores destroyed, windows smashed, products lying scattered across the floor. You may not like humans but even they don’t deserve this.

You suddenly hear a scream. You and your companions turn your heads to see a woman shielding a small child from him, it’s human Spoiled Rich and Diamond Tiara. As his hands slowly reach out toward them you see the fear in their eyes, tears running down the little girls face. A sudden memory of the other world pops into your head. Ponies running in fear, a terrifying monster, bodies everywhere. Without warning your body moves on its own. You leap down onto the first floor despite the protests of your friends, and your human knees. You look toward Flash, his back turned to you as you grip the stone harder and let out a silent prayer to Luna that this works.

“HEY UGLY!!!” You shout, causing Flash to turn to you. His expression pure rage. You match it with your own anger, you also nod to Human Spoiled who gasps in understanding before grabbing Diamond and running off. Flash looks back to see them run, but stops when you yell at him again.


He roars at you and charges. You grip the gem harder. It glows and you can feel it vibrate in your hand as you roll up your sleeve. As he gets closer you plant your feet and prepare to do something, really, really, stupid.


“Hold on Jim look at this!” Quick Scoop says turning the camera to see Flash facing off against you.

“A hooded man is about to fight that beast one on one! It seems he distracted it from attacking a defenseless woman and her daughter. But how will this man beat this- OH MY GOD IT'S CHARGING HIM!!!”

As the beast charges, the camera zooms in on you as you stand your ground and place your tightly clenched fist out in front of you.

At Camp Everfree Timber and Gloriosa watch in shock in their refurbished cabin on their new 72 inch, plasma screen TV. In a motel room two hysterical sirens watch slacked jawed at the insanity. At the Sparkle residence the household members including human Twilight and Shining Armor look on in bated breath.

At Canterlot High, a bacon haired girl and her two lackeys watch the news as well as a tall Principal on her tablet. And at Crystal Prep Cinch looks at her computer with contempt with Cadence standing next to her with fear in her eyes.

WOULD YOU KINDLY BURN?!!!!” You roar, your outstretched hand exploding into flames.

With Sunset,


With Adagio and Aria,


With Gloriosa and Timber,


With the Sparkle Family,


With Cinch and Cadence


Everyone watching the feed is given witness to a bright flash of light and flames before the feed cuts out.

On the Helicopter

“What do you mean the camera’s fried?!” Quick Scoop yells in frustration.

“It’s dead man! Whatever that was took us off the air!” the camera man responds.

“But things just got good! I mean, look at that!” he points to the two forms blasting away from each other. One Flash, the other you.

In the Mall

The blast you unleash is more powerful than you’ve ever used before. Not only was it strong enough to launch Flash to the back of the mall, embedding him into the brick wall, but also you who were sent crashing through several stalls. B2, Humbra and Sonata all stare at the scene in shock.

“…Holy Crapbaskets,” B2 mumbles as he stares at Flash, the mirror on his chest cracked in several places, and a huge black mark on his chest from the fireball impact. He is slumped over, head down indented in the wall.

“The other you kamikazed himself,” Humbra mutters in surprise.

“Is he dead?” Sonata asks just before their ears hear the sound of shifting debris to see you pulling yourself out of a pile of scrap.

One of your awesome coat sleeves is singed and blackened, and there are countless holes in your pants, and plenty of bruises and cuts. Most of all, your right hand is red and burned from the flames, with black spots covering it, and a good chunk of your forearm as well.

Bugze! Are you OK? Asks Selena in concern.

“Yeah…I’m OK,” you reply shakily as you bring your burned hand up to your face.

“Huh, guess I now know why a glove is always needed,” you mutter as welts and blisters start to form on it.

“Stupid chitinless hand,” you grunt as you release the gem into your uninjured hand.

Humans weren’t meant to throw flames from their meaty hands, Much less that much flame! Sombra says in amazement.

Indeed. Let’s not do that again then my bug. It’s a miracle this body is still in one piece after that.

“Yeah…good call,” you nod as you start wobbling your way towards the escalator where you group is coming down.

“Dude! That was amazing!” B2 exclaims patting you on the back.

“How in the hell did you do that?” asks Sombra amazed.

“Yeah, what magic thing did you find to shoot fire?” Sonata asks curiously.

“No magic, just good old fashioned genetic engineering,” you hand wave before wincing at the pain. “Did it work though? Is Flash down?” Seemingly in response, you hear a deep groan come from the beast as he drags himself out of his wall crater and wobbles a few steps forward.

“Had enough big guy?” you snark causing his eyes to shift to you and the anger to return.

“Well, you decked him good, though he’s not out. One more blast ought to do it,” B2 summarizes.

“Unfortunately, this stupid hand can’t take another blast,” you hold up your blackened hand for emphasis. “Luckily, that mirror’s already busted. I just have to switch it up a bit.”

Kersey475’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

You then take out Second Law and hold it in your uninjured hand with the crystal.

“Well I mean, after literally doing wizard stuff a gun seems anti climatic,” Humbra says.

“Well, it just shoots concentrated air…but you have a point,” you nod.

“Is that really going to stop him? It looks like he’s going to charge again,” Sonata warns as Flash growls and slams his giant hands into the ground like a gorilla.

“Maybe if I fired something from Second Law…” you say looking around for anything durable to shove in the barrel.

“Will these do?” B2 asks pulling out a package of ball bearings from his coat pocket.

“Where did you get those?” asks human Sombra.

“I told you I was going to loot while I still had the chance,” B2 smirks.

“That’s perfect,” you nod. Just then, Flash-Rager roars once more and comes barreling towards your group.

“EEEP! Hurry up! Hurry up!” Sonata whines and hides behind Humbra.

“Why are you using me as a shield?! Stop that!” he stammers in fear.

“Yeah, hurry hurry!” you urge your doppelganger.

“I’m going as fast as I can!” he declares as he rips the package with his teeth and pours the shiny metal balls into the barrel.

Bugze, those metal balls fired from that weapon would tear organic matter to shred,. Selena warns.

Relax Selly. If he can take that fireball, he can take this. Besides, I’m aiming more for that mirror anyway, you reassure just as B2 finishes pouring in the packet.

“Done!” he shouts and steps back.

“FLASH SMASH BAD MAN!!!" the giant roars as he charges you with no hint of stopping.

Here's your chance to test that theory! Sombra warns as Flash-Rager leaps at you from 20 feet away.

Lifting the gun up, you give a squeeze as if your life depended on it, which it does.

Just as Flash-Rager is about to dogpile you, an explosive discharge of compressed air and ball bearings strike him right in the chest mirror. His eyes momentarily hold shock before pain registers and the force launches him onto his back right at your feet. Just as you predicted, the mirror is even more damage and cracked, but Flash is not torn up, though he probably will have serious bruises all over his torso.

“Good, Bad, I’m the guy with the gun,” you exposit, blowing away some residual smoke from the barrel. You see Flash’s chest rising up and down rapidly as he tries to get his breath back, but he is still dazed, and you can feel magic radiating from the cracked mirror.

“How is he not down yet?!” Human Sombra bellows.

“Because Magic,” you respond as you walk forward. “I just have to get it off him to free the people and-URK!”

“AAAHHH!!!” your companions shout in terror as you are encased in one of Flash’s meaty hands.

“PUNY MAN HURT FLASH” he growls as he gets to his knees. “PUNY MAN GO IN MIRROR NOW!” He then pulls you towards your chest once more.

“Bugze!” Sonata and B2 call out at the same time, but there’s nothing you can do. Your arms are pinned to your sides and there’s no way you’re going to be able to summon another ungloved Plasmid charge. In desperation, you just grip the crystal even harder hoping for something, anything to happen.

“No, No, NO!” you cry out as the tip of your head is inches from the warbling glassy surface…when suddenly



“Hhhhooooo,” Flash-Rager gasps in pain and stops his progress. He gives you a confused look before he looks down at his chest. Curious, you also look to the mirror…and see a dark spectral hoof embedded in the center, seemingly coming out of your own chest.

“What the bu-“

Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! The cry comes out again as four more ghostly hoof strikes crack the mirror even further, causing Flash to gasp even more and drop you. Taking the golden opportunity, you reach your own hands out and grip the edges of the damaged mirror with all your might.

“NO!” Flash bellows, but with one more tug from you and one more Muda shouted punch to the face, you rip it free.

“NOOO! FLASH MUST DESTROY HATERS!” he gasps as he clutches his chest.

“Mirror Mirror, in my hand. Who’s the most shattered in the land?” you quip before chucking it to the wall at your left. It shatters, and there is once again a large explosion of light and smoke. When you all can see again, you see countless groaning and coughing forms in the fog. At your feet, is the normal shrunken form of Flash Sentry passed out and missing his shirt and shoes.

“Well I’ll be a son of a bitch, he actually did it,” Humbra says in awe as the formerly trapped people start sitting up.

“Of course he did, the guy has my smarts after all,” B2 brags and slaps Sombra’s shoulder.

“That was incredible. Good job Mr. Bugze,” she calls out as she darts into the mist amongst the people, seemingly looking for something.

“Yeah…yeah I did do it…” you smile before you remember something. “But not alone…”

Selly? You think.

Yes my bug? She responds.

What the buck was that back there?

I…I don’t know, she responds in confusion.

What do you mean you don’t know? You were shouting something and ghost hooves were coming out of me.

I mean I don’t know Bugze! she insists. I have no idea how or why that happened.

I saw it as well, Sombra pipes up. And those certainly weren’t my hooves.

Do you even remember it? You ask.

Yes I do, and my hooves do feel as though I’ve struck something but…she says with uncertainty before she shakes her head. But perhaps we should discuss this later. There is too much attention on us right now.

Looking around you do see some of the non assimilated humans that had hid in stores come out and start helping those in the fog.

Good point, the fuzz is probably on the way too. But yeah, definitely gotta look more into this, you nod as you turn to B2 and Human Sombra.

“Quickly you two, grab Flash, we gotta get the buck out of here before the cops show up.”

“What? Why are we taking roid rage?” Humbra asks.

“Because the last thing we need is him getting thrown in a human dungeon because of some stupid siren artifact,” you insist.

“But what about-“

“Don’t think about it Heisenberg. Grab him before everyone in the world and their dogs show up with a camera and start asking questions,” B2 declares as he grabs Flash under his arms.

“I…Ugh! What even is today?!” Humbra grumbles and takes Flash’s feet. As the three of you rush towards the elevator for the parking garage, you suddenly hear someone say,

“There he is!” followed by several cheers. Turning around, you see that the fog has lifted on many of the mall goers. Ushering B2 and Humbra to go on, you turn around and take their attention so they don’t see Flash.

“Um, uh…Please don’t cheer me, I was only doing what was necessary!” you call out, but they only cheer louder.

“What did you do to that monster?” asks a voice.

“I…Vaporized him! He was a threat to you all and I couldn’t let him live!” this of course only causes more cheers.

“What was that thing?”

“It was a demon from the deepest darkest pits of Tartarus itself!” you bellow, turning you head slightly to see that B2 and Humbra have gotten Flash into the open elevator.

“Uh-He will bother you no more! Go now and live in peace!” you declare as you turn to book it, but someone sadly says,

“But half the mall is torn up now…” Looking back you see it’s one of the security guards that bravely/stupidly attacked Flash.

“We’re probably gonna lose our jobs now…”

“Ooohhh, HERE!” you grumble with guilt as you throw the group of security guards the bag with the last of your bits in it.

0 Bits In the Inventory

Opening the bag, all of the guards’ eyes widen.

“This…this is gold…”

“Yeah, use it on the repairs and what not, now if you’ll excuse me I gotta-“

“Wait!” comes a very familiar voice. Looking back you see human Diamond Tiara staring at you with awe and amazement as Human Spoiled Rich is supporting a groggy Filthy Rich on her shoulder.

“Who are you Mister?”

You know you should run and leave them guessing, the last thing you want to do is cause more of a scene…but then again.

It’s like I’m getting a redo on my first appearance!

Flourishing the long tail of your coat, you turn to them, your face still completely hidden in shadow by your hoodie as you strike a pose. As you do, you don’t notice a blue mist absorb into the gem in your left hand.

"I am the one who watches over the innocent! I am the one who protects those who can't protect themselves. I am the shadow that follows those who follow the path of evil! I! Am! The Hooded Offender!" you bellow through your faceless hood, and as you do, your eyes briefly flash orange and red as the mist finishes absorbing into your gem.

Many in the audience ooh and ah at your speech, but in the corner of your eye, you see B2 and Humbra quietly ushering you to get the buck over to the elevator.

“And The Hooded Offender says, Don’t Do School, Eat Your Drugs, and Stay in Vegetables Kids!” you declare as you throw down one of your smoke bombs, obscuring you from view as you zoom to the elevator.

Wait, did I say that right? Ah Buck It, Running Running! You enter just as the door closes and takes you down to the parking garage.

“Well, he does showboat as much as you used to, so I guess he is you,” Human Sombra mutters.

“Really? That’s what it took?!” B2 shouts.


After getting to the garage and putting Flash in the trunk of Sombra’s car along with B2’s Scooter, you all were able to escape the mall parking lot just as countless police vehicles arrived on the scene. With you all safe, you were driven to Sombra’s mobile home at the trailer park. When asked why you all had to go to his place, the answer was that he had running water and for him to shut up.

The place was a bit dirty, had countless crystal shards on the shelves, and definitely smelled like that hippie commune, but there was enough room to work on you and flash. Sombra and B2 attended to both of your wounds, with your right hand and forearm getting a lot of aloe vera on it and a healthy serving of bandages. Flash for the most part was uninjured aside from some bruising on the chest, so after lying him on Sombra’s bed, the three of you headed to the living room to discuss things. You take the couch since you are sore and beyond exhausted, but you keep yourself conscious in order to talk.

“So…” B2 starts but Humbra holds up his hand to silence him as he looks to you.

“…Is what happened in the mall because of these magic artifact things the jackass was talking about?”

“Yeah, no doubt about it,” you nod in agreement.

“And you’re going to keep looking for these things, even though they caused that kid in there to almost kill us all?”

“Well, I’m mostly looking for three things in particular. That whole mirror thing was kind of an accident.”

“How so?”

“I thought it might be the portal that leads back to my world since I kind of…broke the thing that brought me here,” you scratch the back of your neck. “But it wasn’t, just more Siren stuff.”

“Right…” he nods before glaring back at B2.

“Alright, I’ll look into finding any…situations like this in relation to gems and crystals, but for the love of God, keep me out of any more shenanigans OK?”

B2 smiles before leaning back in his chair. “No prob Som, the quicker you help us find the stones, the quicker all this craziness will stop.”

“And the quicker I can get back to my daughter,” you add in. “Also, I’ve got a lot more artifacts to find in my own world, so the quicker I can get back there the better.”

“But you just said you don’t have a way back,” Humbra points out.

“I’ll deal with that,” you handwave. “Besides, I can’t exactly leave yet even if I do find it until I have those stones.”

“Hopefully we can find them around the same time,” B2 says optimistically.

“Exactly. Also, if you find any more info on magicy stuff here, let me know, the last thing we want is more of you humie’s turning into monsters.”

Human Sombra just stares at the both of you before he lets out a frustrated sigh and leans back in his recliner.

“Very well. Just don’t get me roped into anything else,” he says as he flips on the TV.

“Breaking News Folks, the Incident in Canterlot Mall may in fact be an elaborate Publicity Stunt,” comes Quick Scoop’s excited voice.

“Publicity stunt?” B2 repeats.

“These videos have been circulating the web for the last few hours, and it paints a very vivid picture.”

They then play the speech you gave to all the mall goers, which seems to have been filmed on several phones. B2 and Human Sombra’s eyes go wide since they didn’t really hear the speech and look to you.

“You…you said you were The Hooded Offender?” B2 gasps in worry.

“Uh, yeah. It’s kind of my vigilante persona in Equestria so I thought-“

“That’s right, The Hooded Offender,” Quick Scoop interrupts. “For those music fans out there, you might recognize this as the stage name of the lead singer of the former metal band, The Wanted which disbanded over 10 years ago.”

“…Oh crapbaskets, I forgot about that,” you mutter.

The Wanted who’s members also included King Crystal and Nightmare Moon had a repertoire of music, many songs in which detailed witchcraft and dark magic being utilized against creatures of darkness, just like the incident today,” Quick scoop continues. “With the mysterious disappearance of this creature, the self proclaimed Hooded Offender’s intervention, not to mention the small fortune in gold left to the staff of the mall for repair purposes, many are starting to suspect this whole thing was a very expensive announcement for the band’s reformation.”

Sombra and B2’s jaws drop at that.

“There has been no official word on social media from any of the former members, the identities and whereabouts of which have never been made public, but there is an overwhelmingly positive reaction from fans old and new to today’s events.”

“Hell Yeah! The Wanted Are Coming Back!” cheers a teen.

“Kids today don’t know hardcore, but when these guys show back up, they’ll get some learning,” says a gruff biker looking guy.

“They always had kick ass effects at their concerts! That whole fight in the mall is just a teaser of what’s to come!” shouts an exuberant woman.

“Like, you can call their music dark and edgy, but the message is uplifting in fighting the darkness on the outside as well as the inside,” says the human girl you ran away from at the fast food place.

“I mean, it’s gotta be animatronics or something because I swore I got whomped by that thing,” says a rough looking security guard. “But then I see one of my favorite rockers show up, blow it up, hand out flippin gold, and then disappear…man, this is going to be awesome!”

“The countless videos taken in the mall have gone viral, and The Wanted and The Hooded Offender are the top trending topics on twitter,” Quick Scoop informs. “Whether an elaborate advertisement, or simple fansploitation, one thing’s for certain, it’s a great time to be a metal head.”

The news then goes on and on, repeating much of the same information, which only makes you feel a bit guilty.

“Well…” Sombra grunts, his expression looking a little brighter.

“Yeah, that’s…Huh…” B2 mutters, a very light smile on his lips.

Oh no, what have I done? You think in worry.

Um, gotten away with blatantly using sorcery in a world where it shouldn’t exist? Selena offers.

Worse, he’s given those two nostalgia, and perhaps a glimmer of hope, Sombra adds.

And let’s not forget advertising ourselves which will make artifact hunting tougher! Who knows how many humans are seeing this?!

A House

A very steamed looking woman with long aurora hued hair storms into her sister’s room, shutting off her gaming system.

“What the hell sis?!” the smaller blue woman with blue hair growls, taking off her headset. “I didn’t save!”

The older sibling just glares at her and asks sternly, “Did you have anything to do with it?”

“With what you psycho!” she growls and stands up.

“Did you have anything to do with it Luna?” the tall woman asks slowly.

“Quit being cryptic, I’m already angry at you as it is Celestia! What are you even talking about?!” the blue woman declares.

Celestia just scrutinizes her sister for a few moments before she sighs.

“I’m sorry, I just had to make sure you weren’t going down that path again” she says as she turns her phone around with the newsfeed displayed.

Luna looks over the headline.

“Wh-What?!” she shouts as she snatches the phone from her sister’s hands. She reads more of the article, and the call for The Wanted to reform. The fans…it almost takes her back a bit, but she shakes her head and watches the videos in the news article and she gasps.


On a Road Side

Aria and Adagio have their thumbs out, trying to hitch a ride, both feeling guilty over not believing Sonata.

“That thing was definitely magic. What did she do to make that monster appear?” Adagio says nervously.

“She probably just talked to it and it got angry at her, I don’t know!” Aria snaps in frustration.

“Ugh! Why aren’t any of these stupid humans picking up two attractive girls at night?!” Adagio grits her teeth.

Suddenly Aria’s phone rings, the user id showing “The Idiot.”

“It’s Her!” Aria declares before immediately hitting the speaker button.

“Hello?! Hello?!”

“Hi Aria, I saw you called me a lot, what’s up?”

“Oh Thank Goodness You’re Alive!” Adagio yells in relief.

“Oh, Hi Adagio. Of course I’m alive, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because you didn’t answer your phone and you were in that mall with that monster you idiot!” Aria growls, even though she is also relieved.

“Oh right,” she says airheadedly. “Sorry about that, I dropped my phone in all the craziness, it’s a little cracked so please don’t be too mad.”

“I’m not mad you-,” Aria sighs. “I’m not mad…”

“Really? You kind of sound mad.”

“That’s how she always sounds, we’re both just glad you’re ok, where are you?” Adagio speaks up.

“I’m still at the mall, though it’s all closed up and police cars and news people are still everywhere,” she responds.

“OK, stay close by, we’ll be there in a couple hours or so,” Aria informs. “If any stupid human picks us up!”

“Okie dokie. By the way, I toldja so about the mirror. I've got the pieces of it, though they aren't magic anymore,” she sighs sadly.

“Yes, you were right, and don't worry we believe you that it was magic 100%,” Adagio relents. “What happened?”

“Oh well you see, it all started when my new friend Mr. Bugze sat down at my lunch table…”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Canterlot High

Sunset Shimmer and her two lackeys still sit in the classroom, watching the news about the incident.

“You two did well bringing this to my attention,” Sunset nods to Snips and Snails. “This Wanted band, find out anything and everything on them for me.”

“W-Will do boss,” Snails salutes.

“You just going to hang out here more?” asks Snips.

“Yes, this whole thing was interesting, but I’ve still got my own thing to do, now buzz off!” she shoos them out and they obey, tripping over themselves as they rush out the door.

Once they are gone, she looks back at the TV a little more before turning it off, leaving her in the low light of the setting sun.

“That wasn’t any publicity stunt, that was magic,” she says to herself as she pulls out her phone and flips to one of the many pictures of the event. Particularly she finds a picture of the bag of gold the Hooded Offender left and zooms in on it. Sure enough, her hunch is correct when she sees a horseshoe stamped on the gold coins.

“Bits…” she trails off before closing her phone. “So, someone from Equestria is here, but they couldn’t have followed me, I’ve been too careful with my reconnaissance…” She stands up and walks to the nearest window and looks out at the marble statue outside containing the portal to Equestria.

“I’ve only been in less than an hour at a time preparing for this Princess Summit. No, whoever this Offender musician is, he was here before me.”

Shaking her head she heads back to desk and moves her calendar away to reveal the layout of the crystal palace she’s mapped out, with guard rotations and times listed.

“Whoever they are, there’s no way they know about me, and even if they did, they won’t stop what I have planned. I’m so close. Just a few more days…” she says in determination.

Back at Sombra’s Mobile Home

Whatever reverie that B2 and Humbra feel over hearing their fan’s reactions is cut short when a groan is heard from the bedroom.

“Oooh, what happened?...Where am I?...Where’s my shirt?”

The three of you all look at each other in worry.

“Right, forgot about him there for a sec,” Sombra nods before he glares at both of you and angrily whispers, “What the *uck are we going to do about him?”

“I don’t know, I’m used to being the guy waking up in strange places,” B2 whispers back.

“Well we gotta think of something!” you whisper back in panic.


Episode 28: A Reasonable Response

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Grey Rebl’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

As far as Flash can tell, there is pain. A loooot of pain. His head is split down to his throbbing rib cage, his senses frighteningly numb on top of the cold draft on his bare chest, and his arms and legs feel as heavy as lead. The most he can muster is a groan, croaking as if his throat is dry.

"Ugh..." Slowly, he sits up, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Even though his eyes are barely open, everything just feels so bright. He blinks three, six and then two times in rapid succession, awkward and bleary, trying to adjust to the "brightness" as he starts to squint around the room.

“Oooh, what happened?” he groans as he rubs his eyes to adjust to the brightness.

Did I get drunk? He thinks as the light starts to focus. I don’t remember drinking anyth-

As the brightness comes into focus, he sees that it is an unfamiliar lava lamp casting a purplish haze.

“Where am I?” he says aloud and looks around the room which is decidedly not his.

Whoever it belongs to, they smell like that big hippie guy at school. And...

“Where’s my shirt?” he says in a bit of alarm at his exposed chest. To make matters even worse, he realizes he is also shoeless, and his pants are ripped and torn. After saying this aloud, he hears whispered voices from outside the dimly lit room

Just... What's happening? Did I have a good time or a bad time? He wonders at his state of undress. No wait…that’s right Sunset…
He sighs in frustration after remembering his relationship falling apart.

Right, she dumped me, I got sad, and Lyra said to go to the mall to cheer up and then…

His eyes widen at his last clear memory.

And then the voices returned!

He remembers the angry crowd, much worse than it had ever been, and being cornered in the fountain and…nothing after that.

Hearing the hushed voices again from the other side of the bedroom door, sweat begins to come to his brow as a picture begins to form.

All the pain, an unknown room, mysterious voices on the other side of the door.

“Oh,” his expression morphs into terror. “Oh God, I’ve been kidnapped haven’t I?” he whimpers as he sits up further in bed and looks to the door where the hushed voices still argue.

He fears them greatly.

The angry voices, why? Why now? He panics as he gets up out of bed and looks for an escape route. Unfortunately, the only window in this room is way too tiny to fit through.

And to make matters worse, Dr. Quacksalver doesn’t work at the hospital anymore. He was right all along to give me all those illegal prescriptions for cheap! Oh why didn’t I listen?!

Choosing to ignore the disbarred psycho who gave drugs to children, Flash’s instincts kick in as he looks for anything within this room that could be used as a weapon.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

In one corner of the room, he sees that whoever lives here really likes Breaking Bad. There are a collection of hats, posters of all the seasons, and even a signed picture from Heisenberg himself all near one dresser with candles on it, resembling a shrine.

Oh God, I’ve been kidnapped by an obsessed fanboy. What if they put me in a barrel?! He panics.

Unfortunately, none of those are weapon worthy, so he casts his eyes elsewhere. The lava lamp is out as it’s his only source of light, but he does spy what can only be described as a bong on steroids, which would account for the smell in the room. Unfortunately, it’s too near to the door and the voices.

Gritting his teeth in worry, Flash looks to the opposite end and sees a closet. As silently as he can, he opens the door and peers inside.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Inside, he sees a lot of suits. Many different colors and styles for a variety of occasions.

Ugh, This doesn’t help me! He thinks before he hears several footsteps outside the bedroom door. Eeeping, he gets inside the closet and closes the door as he goes as far back as he can go.

Damn Damn Damn! He sweats as his back reaches the back of the closet. I just need something, anything to-

His hand brushes up against a familiar feeling instrument in the dark.

Outside the bedroom door, you B2 and Humbra all huddle and whisper.

“Ok, no doubt he’s gonna be skittish, so let’s take it easy on him agreed?”

“Oh you think?” Humbra grumbles. “If he starts screaming and carrying on though, I don’t know you guys.”

“Like anyone will believe that,” B2 points out.

“I need some sort of defense! If the cops get called, how’s this going to look? A scared half naked teenager is in my damn room!”

“…Ok wow, I didn’t even think of it that way,” B2 shudders.

“Well it won’t come to that,” you reassure. “Trust me, I’m best bros with his far superior pegasus version back home, so this will all work out.”

“You’re friends with a pegasus that’s more than half your age? How did that happen?” asks B2.

“He’s not, back home we’re around the same age. Plus he’s a guard that hunts one of my personas.”

“I still don’t get the logistics of this alternate universe,” Human Sombra rubs his temple.

“Neither do I, but we’ll worry about that later,” you roll your eyes. “Now, on the count of three, we go in. One, Two…”

You then gently open the door.

“Hey Flash old buddy old pal-“ you start before you are interrupted.

“YAAAAHHH!!!” Human Flash screams as he brings a sweet looking bass guitar down on your head.


“Merry Birthday,” you dawdle out as your eyes spin and you drop to the floor. As your stupid weak human skull throbs, B2 calls out.

“Whoa now, easy kid!”

“Stay back! All of you!” he threatens and swings the guitar wildly.

“Oi! Quit swinging Carnelian like that!” Sombra hollers.

“Never! You psychos let me out of here before I drop the bass on all of you!”

“Ugh!” you all groan at the terrible pun, but regardless, the scared teen holds the guitar in front of him like a sword.

“Flash, just calm down,” you order holding a hand to you noggin.

“Calm down? How can I? I got chased by a million people who wanted to kill me and then I woke up here without my shirt and shoes and…YOU!” he sputters as he sees your face. “You’re the guy that led the mob!”

“Uh, yeah, sorry about that, I kind of got swept up in the voices and-“

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“Well you can forget about whatever you sickos had planned he threatened. I am not going to be tortured by you.”

“What?” B2 says, “We ain’t gonna torture you kid.”

“Sure you aren’t,” he says unbelievingly. “The minute I let my guard down, you’re going to rush me, tie me down, flay the skin from my feet, carve a pentagram into my chest, eat my cheek muscles and use vice grips to mutilate my junk!”

All three of you stare dumbfounded at how quickly that came out of his mouth, and with such confidence.

“Jesus Christ kid, what the hell have you been watching?” Human Sombra says in disgust.

“Yeah seriously, lay off the horror movies,” B2 orders.

“It’s not horror movies, it’s real life. Haven’t you seen the True Crime channel?” he argues back swinging the guitar again.
While your first instinct would normally to wonder just how depraved humans can get, something else comes to you.

Didn’t I threaten to do the vice grips thing to Flash’s old commander way back when? You think remembering your first run in with Flash and Strong Head. Heh, Good Times.

You did threaten to use them on his horn as I recall, Selena adds. Though I suspect the human meant something more intimate.

As someone who knows very well what losing his horn feels like, I can confirm we value them just the same, Sombra points out.

“Oh don’t be such a drama queen,” you roll your eyes before you realize you’ve said that out loud.

“Drama Queen?! You led a lynch mob against me!” Flash shouts.

“Yeah, I know, but that was the voices, they aren’t really here now and-“

“I know what those voices say about me! And if you think I’m going to give you the chance to mutilate me, you’re sadly mistaken!”

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Shakily standing up, you hold your hands out in a calming gesture, keeping him focused on you.

"Look, I understand that, but it’s all going to be OK, Flash. No one is gonna hurt-" *crash*

"WHAT THE F/BUCK?!!!" you and B2 yell as Flash slumps to the ground after something made of glass shatters over his head. The culprit is Human Sombra who holds the remains of a bong.

“Why would you do that?” you reprimand.

"What? I panicked, okay?! He kept screaming and swinging Carnelian around!" Human Sombra justifies shakily.

*facehoof* Why is my human counterpart equally as stupid as my current jailer? Sombra laments

“Well good going numb nuts, you might of just killed him!” B2 says slapping him upside the head.

“It was justified!” Humbra declares as he takes his guitar from the groaning half conscious human. Rolling your eyes, you and B2 place the human back on the bed, away from the shattered glass where it can cut up his weak human skin.

“Alright, now we’ve officially assaulted the kid. Maybe we should just dump him outside a fire station and hope he doesn’t remember,” B2 offers.

“Nah, he’ll report us, and then I’ll get sent to a filthy hummie gulag! No thank you, we gotta figure out a way to talk this over with him. Now what do we say?”

“I don’t think we have time, he’s already waking up,” Humbra points out as his eyes flutter open again.

Master of Shadows’ Comment

“Oooohohoohoho, yoooou’rrrrreee dreeeeeaaaaming Flaaaash oooohohooohooho go back to sleeeeeep ohoooohoooho” you say in a spooky voice hoping above hope that it works.

Spoiler alert, it doesn’t. And as the two humans behind you facepalm, and your two mind buddies facehoof Flash reacts accordingly.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

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He begins to scream as he curls up into a ball.

“No no, shut up! Keep it down!” you order, but he keeps going, having seemingly lost his mind.

“Ugh! Cut it out! We’re not going to hurt you anymore!” Humbra yells. And yet the screaming continues.

“Oh to Hell with this!” B2 declares as he steps forward and starts shaking the teen.

“Calm down! Get a hold of yourself!” he orders as he slaps the teen who continues to scream. Not being one to back down, B2 starts repeatedly slapping the scared teen across the face.

“This is for your own good!” he emphasizes as he keeps slapping him.

“So much for no longer hurting him,” Human Sombra deadpans.

“How did this plan become so bucked up?” you whimper as your counterpart continues his assault.

“The minute you unhulked him, threw him in my car and brought him here?” Human Sombra answers which only makes your eye twitch.

With things going downhill very fast, you subconsciously grip the magic stone in your undamaged hand as your annoyance hits a limit.


"FOR BUCKS SAKE SHUT UP BEFORE I RIP YOUR TONGUE AND SHOVE IT THROUGH YOUR SKULL!!!!" You, Selena, and Sombra shout together in unison. Unknowingly activating what your double would later call the LEGION Voice.
This otherworldly scary voice does the trick and snaps Flash out of his screaming fit. It also causes B2 to jump into Humbra’s arms Scooby Doo style.

"NOW STAY QUIET SO WE CAN HAVE A CALM RATIONAL DISCUSSION!" You three shout in his face. He nods very rapidly before putting both his hands over his mouth, while tears leak from his eyes.

Sighing, you let the anger fade a bit.

Thanks for the assist. I didn’t even know that would work, you thank your skull-mates.

That took a lot more effort for just a simple sentence than back home, Selena mentions.

Well it was worth it, someone had to be the voice of reason in this idiocy, Sombra grumbles.

And while Humbra and B2 look at you in curiosity, Flash whimpers a bit.

Kichi’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Is…is this the final form of the voices?” he asks.

“No,” you shake your head, “No Flash it isn’t. I’ve got other voices inside my head than the ones you’re used to. Just trust me when I say, they’re not here now.”

“I…I…” he mumbles before you take a step back from him with your hands raised up to show no ill will. As you do, Humbra drops B2 onto the ground unceremoniously.

"I tried to make the voices stop," Flash says, nervously twiddling his thumbs "I did everything I could. Therapy, yoga, TV shows like My Little Gecko..." He then scoffs. "It didn't work. People still looked at me like I was garbage and said hurtful things, it rarely got physical.”

He then looks up to you and you see someone who is very tired.

"But then they stopped...Right out of the blue. I moved on, focused on school and sports, and even had a relationship.” He then sighs. “I got too big for my britches, I stopped taking the meds, and now they're back. Right in time for the first Fall Formal I’m going to be alone at…” he then looks up at you.

“You’re…you’re not going to hurt me anymore?”

“No Flash, I won’t," you reassure. He nods for a second before he asks.

"How do you know my name?"

Taken aback, you stutter, "Uh, you...well, you kind of yelled it a lot after the mob dispersed."

"I did?" he asks in confusion, which you notice and file away.

"Yeah. By the way, my name is Bugze, the bearded guy behind me is my twin brother B2, and the scary guy next to him is Sombra."

He looks at the other humans nervously and says,


Sombra just nods, but B2 waves with a smile.

"Soo, did you two hear the voices as well?"

"Nope," Humbra answers.

"Yeah, we didn't hear jack, until you started yelling and thrashing the place," B2 says.

"Thrashing the place?" he asks, but you cut him off.

"Yeah, the voices were gone by the time they come around. I don’t know how or why, but those voices just kind of disappeared. I don’t even remember much from the mob myself, but they kind of faded away for some reason..”

“Well, at least they’ve backed off again,” he sighs. “Stupid voices, I don’t even know what a waifu is!”

“A waifu is Japanese slang for the practice of holding a fictional character in such hi regard, that it’s almost as if you’re married to them.” You all look to Humbra at his matter of fact explanation.

“What?” he asks at your looks. Instead of questioning that further, you turn back to Flash who seems even more confused, yet enlightened at the same time.

“Oh I get it, it’s like those weirdoes that have those anime girls on body pillows. Well, as far as I know I haven’t stolen anything like that. I don’t need fake women, I have a girlfriend…or I did anyway,” he says sadly.

“Oh, got dumped did ya?” B2 inquires in sympathy.

“Yeah,” Flash nods. “Sunset had been getting meaner and meaner, but I thought things could be fixed. I thought wrong. That’s why I was even in the mall in the first place.”

“Sorry for your loss kid,” B2 bows his head.

“Yeah, join the club,” Humbra says bitterly looking down.

…Well said, your Sombra agrees.

Oh my gods, everyling is being such a buzzkill and getting off track, you think in annoyance.

“Alright yeah, that sucks and all but do you remember anything after the mob?” you ask gingerly.

He just shakes his head. “No. I remember you dunking me in water and that girl with the ponytail was there, and then nothing but anger,” he says touching his head where thankfully no cuts are. You share a look with your human companions before you turn back to him.

“Right…Well Flash, you’re no doubt going to see this on the news, so let me just fill you in…”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

One Explanation Later

“So wait, you’re saying I hulked out, broke the mall, and you hadokened me back to normal?”

“Yeah, that’s a pretty simple way of saying it,” you nod at the flabbergasted human.

“And this was all because of that hand mirror I was holding?”

“Eyup,” you nod.

“Because it was magic...?” he says skeptically.

“Yes,” you say simply.

“…But magic isn’t real.”

“Well what other explanation do you have smart guy?”

“I don’t know, I was drugged?” he suggests.

“Drugs don’t turn you into this, not unless you’re juicing for years, but even still,” Humbra says as he shows him several pictures of Flash-Rager.

“But that thing doesn’t even look like me. I don’t have a goatee, and I’m certainly not green,” he argues.

“Kid, look at your pants, and look at Hulkified you,” B2 emphasizes.

“I…” Flash looks back and forth between himself and the picture.

“And look, here’s the part where I blasted you off into the wall,” you say showing the clip of you unleashing the plasmid.”

“But this can’t be real! How can you use magic? How could I?”

“I wasn’t using magic there, that was genetic modification. But as for how you can use magic…well, to simplify it, a thousand years ago a few magical sea horses got banished from another dimension where they were no doubt turned into humans. In their exile, they probably got married and had kids with the humans way back then, and now their ancestors have the capacity for magic in their blood. And after today, it looks like you’re one of them.”

He looks very, very confused at this declaration, as does human Sombra who gives a sidelong glance to B2 who just nods.

“…So the reason I turned into the Hulk is because I touched a magic mirror, which activated because you think my ancestors were magic sea horses? Is that what you’re telling me?” he deadpans.

“Bingo,” you nod.

“…Either you guys are insane, a cult or both,” he holds his head in his hands.

“Well whatever you think, that’s the truth kid. Even if everyone else thinks it’s a big publicity stunt, it’s the truth,” you declare.

“I’d be fine if it was just a publicity stunt. I only know a few songs from The Wanted, but those guys were cool. I bet they’re really confused about this whole situation though,” Flash says looking at more of the news feed. B2 and Humbra both share a look at that.

“Yeah, I’m sure they’re more than confused about everything that’s happened today,” Humbra says sarcastically, which Flash misses.

“But even still, even if I buy that I was that monster, why did you guys bring me back here?”

“Well…I felt bad about letting those voices get to me,” you admit. “Usually I’m good about ignoring those impulses, but instead I chased after you and tried to drown you. Then you Saddle-Ragered, and I had to hurt you again. I’m so sorry about that by the way, but yeah, we didn’t want you to get in trouble for something that was kind of my fault.”

Flash looks at your honesty perplexed.

“You’re really serious and genuine aren’t you?” he asks.

“Yeah, I am,” you say as you undo the bandages on your burned arm as final proof which he gasps at. The flesh is still blackened, red and blistered…but surprisingly it seems less so than it was earlier.

“Huh, looks like the aloe vera’s working alright,” B2 points out.

“Yeah…aloe vera,” you agree with a lie.

So, my healing factor does still work in this world, but just not as fast.

Well that’s a relief to find out. Though it will still be hours yet before that’s fully healed, Selena informs.

Better that than have to use evil human medicine.

“Dude…so it really did happen?” Flash mutters in awe.

“That’s what we’ve been saying,” B2 exposits.

“Then…wow ok, this is a lot to process.”

“Give it time Flash,” you pat him on the shoulder. “Now that you know the truth, maybe you can help us in the future, we are looking for your ancestors’ magic items.”

“You are? Why?”

“Uh…we’re kind of like treasure hunters you could say. Mostly to keep dangerous magic like what you had from falling into the wrong hands,” you partially tell the truth.

“Oh…alright,” he nods in understanding.

“So, on that note, do you happen to know if your family has any magical stones, or have you seen any extradimensional portals recently?”

“Uh…no?” he guesses.

“Eh, worth a shot,” you shrug. “Well, if you do see anything, let us know. B2 here will use his magiphone to get your digits and you can call us if you see anything. He nods again before his eyes go wide.

“My Phone!”

He then digs in his pocket, and surprisingly, finds an intact cell phone, albeit a bit cracked. Turning it on, he sees that he has many, many missed calls and texts.

“Aw Crud! Lyra and Bon Bon have been trying to contact me for hours.” You raise a brow at that.

“Did you say Lyra and Bon Bon?”

“Yeah, they’re my friends. Lyra’s the one that suggested I go to the mall in the first place, she’s probably worried…Actually, now that I think about it, I should probably get home before anyone thinks I’m missing.”

“Yeah don’t worry, we’ll give you a ride home kid,” Humbra informs as he reaches into the closet and tosses Flash a spare T-Shirt.

“Uh, thank you, I’m just gonna tell Lyra that everything’s alright and then we can go OK?”

“Cool with us,” you nod as Flash pulls on the shirt which has a silhouette of a bald human with a goatee.

"Oh, and sorry about hitting you in the head with the guitar," he apologizes.

"No worries," you smile and handwave. Flash then dials on his phone and starts talking to Human Lyra.

Hmm, real Lyra is such a human fanatic, I wonder if that means Human Lyra is a pony fanatic?

And while Flash talks to his friend, and you hear him reassure over and over that he’s fine and that he was hanging out with some friends, Human Sombra grabs his keys off the dresser.

Kersey475’s Comment

“So, we drop this guy off, and then what?”

“We start looking for magic objects of course,” B2 says.

“Besides that,” he handwaves. “I’m talking about the exposure.”

“Oh, right,” B2 nods.

“I look different enough as it is with this amazing look,” he gestures to his Heisenberg look, “And folks would only recognize you with a hood on, so we got to be careful.”

“Yeah, that makes sense,” you agree. “A fanfilly of B2 recognized me early on when I wandered into a fast food place when I had the hood on.”

“Right, maybe we should lay low and…” B2’s eyes widen. “Oh right, you threw away all our gold.”

“Yeah, sorry,” you rub the back of your neck.

“Eh, oh well. We’ve still got some in the bank, but that does mean we still gotta work,” he relents.

“Well as long as nobody knows who you are it should be fine,” Human Sombra mentions.

"In the meantime, we should probably post something on our band's site while attention's on us again, you know, so nobody goes looking around and finds out this magic stuff is real," B2 says.

"Good idea. I think I still have our Myspace passwor-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're still on MYSPACE? You gotta get with the times man!" B2 complains.

"Says the guy carrying around a Walkman," Sombra snarks.

"You leave Star-Lord Jr. out of this!" B2 says defensively, holding his Walkman close.

Rolling his eyes, Sombra pulls a trunk out from under his bed and opens it.

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Inside, you see what you can only describe as a trunk of memories of his time as King Crystal in The Wanted. There are posters, shirts, dolls, and other memorabilia of the band.
B2 is taken aback by the sight, especially by the picture of him, Sombra, and a human woman in ornate armor and a helmet who is clearly humanized Nightmare Moon.

Hmm, it seems even my human counterpart can bring style and respect to that armor, Selena says impressed.

Yeah, but that begs the question, how was there a human version of you in this world?

…That’s actually a good question, she says as that inquiry dawns on her.

Your Sombra then gasps as he spies a lone photograph from the rest, of his human counterpart, with another female human with light blue hair. As dumb as you can be, even you can put two and two together about who the woman is, so you don’t say anything.

And while your counterpart, and you and your friends are distracted by the contents, Human Sombra rifles to the bottom, pulling out a ledger. His gaze lingers on the same photograph your Sombra saw for a second, before he closes the trunk. He then starts flipping through the pages of the ledger.

“The password is in here somewhere.”

“Right…hey Som?” B2 asks a little nervously.


“…Do you think Nimmy’s heard the news?” He looks up at that and sees the apprehension on B2’s face.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know if she’s still in the city or not. I haven’t spoken to her in years," he says sympathetically and B2 nods solemnly.

“Right…well I hope it won’t bug her if she does hear. The last thing she needs is that uptight sister of hers finding out. God that woman always scared me,” he shudders.

“Heh, you’re telling me,” human Sombra chuckles as he and B2 share a genuine moment.

“…Uh, maybe we should worry about the band stuff later,” you interrupt as you hear Flash saying that he’s heading home now.

“Right, right,” B2 says. “Besides, they’re probably not even in the state anymore, and it’s not like anyone we know would know where she was,” he says as he walks out the room to keep Flash company.

Noling except Human Cadence…I should probably let him know about that in the future.

Indeed…Selena says, sounding lost in thought.

“Ah, here it is,” Humbra says as he finds the right page.

“The password is IHARWD.”

“Eye Harwid?” you ask.

“It’s an acronym,” he rolls his eyes. “Based on one of my favorite poems, we even wrote a song on it.”

“Oh really? What is it?” you ask.

“I Have A Rendezvous With Death,” he says and a chill goes up your spine that you can’t quite understand.

“Oh, yeah I read that one on my Nook,” you say trying to shrug off the odd feeling of dread. “But yeah, human me’s right, let’s get Flash home before something bad happens. I know the pony version of the girl he was talking to, and she’s kind of loopy.”

Nodding his head, he leads you to the living room where B2 and Flash await.

As you all drive in Sombra’s car which isn’t quite a cart, but nowhere near an evil bus, you can’t help but feel something is coming, even if you don’t know what it is.


POV CHANGE: Nightshade

It’s been awhile since you all ran away from Starlight Glimmer’s stupid cult town. Slendermane as far as you know is still following your group trying to collect Grandbuggy’s 20 bits that he absolutely refuses to give out. The good thing is, he only follows at a walking pace, and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, or even threatening for that matter. He’s just kind of creepy and stalkerish is all.

“At least he’s more tolerable than daddy’s stalkers,” you conclude as you look out the window of the train.

“What was that honey?” asks Grandbuggy who puts down his newspaper.

“Nothing, just thinking about how faceless monsters are better than any of the mares that chase after Daddy,” you answer. Greta looks over at this statement.

“Mares chasing her dad?” she asks for clarification.

“Yeah, my boy’s got quite a few mares barking at his heels, I blame myself for my natural charisma and good looks that got passed on,” Grandbuggy says in all seriousness which causes Greta to snort.

“How many mares amigo?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Oh, I’d say at least a baker’s dozen worth, if not more.”

“And the majority of them haven’t even seen Daddy’s real face. They just like one of his disguises,” you roll your eyes.

“Hmm, either your father is a natural charmer, or something else is afoot,” Ahuizotl ponders stroking his chin.

“My bet is the charmer,” Grandbuggy says with a chuckle. “It’s genetic after all. Practically every female he runs across likes something about him, ain’t that right Bird Cat?”

Rolling her eyes at the nickname, Greta says, “I wouldn’t say that. I mean true his physique was nice, but you can’t base a whole relationship on looks.”

“Well whatever it is, they’re annoying. I’ve already got a Mommy, I don’t need any others,” you declare.

“Heh, you don’t have to worry about that from me kid,” Greta chuckles and ruffles your mane.
After re-smoothing out your mane, you turn to Grandbuggy and ask,

“So, how long until we get to the Rainbow Falls exchange thingy?” Grandbuggy gives you a smirk and he says,

“Well, if we stay on the train, we’d be there probably by the end of the day, but since we’re going to be taking a pit stop, who knows.”

“A pit stop?” Ahuizotl asks just as confused as you are by this news.

“Ayuh,” he nods. “After my blunder in taking us to Commie Central, I feel I gotta make it up to ya’ll, especially you kiddo.” This intrigues you and you raise your brow.

“How so?”

“Well, let me ask you this, have you ever been to Canterlot and just enjoyed it?”

“Canterlot?!” you ask with a gasp. “We can’t go there, Princess Celestia and Luna are-“

“Currently in the Crystal Empire for that self congratulatory Princess Summit,” he says turning the newspaper towards you. The article reads how both Princesses have left to accompany the newest princess Twilight Sparkle, and how many of the nobles have followed suit.

“Every single pony that could be a problem are currently in the Arctic,” he explains, “Which means, you can finally have an authentic Canterlot Experience without worrying about the Government.”

“…That’s actually genius Fix,” Ahuizotl agrees. “I’ve never been because the alicorn sisters are immensely powerful, but if they’re not around..."

“Would you be buying? I hear food there is expensive,” Greta asks.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll pay ya dang leech,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes and she smiles.

“But Grandbuggy, what about Rainbow Falls?” you ask thinking of your mission.

“We’re still going kid. As I said, this is only a pit stop to enjoy some good food, and relax for a bit. We’ve still got quite a few artifacts to go, so why not treat ourselves for a day before the trek continues?”

“Well…I have always wanted to go to Donut Joe’s. Spike always talked it up, and it would be nice to walk around without worrying about Dad getting found out and having to run away…”

Yeah, you know what, that sounds nice. When the Sisters and Deadly Six are away, the Nightshade will play.

“Alright let’s do it. I guess I’ll be an Earth Pony for this,” you say as you magic away your wings and horn.

“That still fascinates me chica,” Ahuizotl says.

“Does it ever burn?” asks Greta.

“Nah, the green flame is actually like warm water,” you explain.

“And speaking of warm water, we can hit a spa as well,” Grandbuggy adds. “We’ll have a good time kiddo, we’ll eat some gourmet food, get pampered…” he then looks at you pointedly before he says the last option, “And maybe you can say hello to an old friend in the hospital.”

At first, you are confused by this statement. Which one of your friends would be in the hospital in Canterlot? Maybe Scootaloo is she hit a ramp at supersonic speeds, but other than that…


The breath escapes you as you realize exactly who Grandbuggy is talking about. Someone you haven’t seen since a very bad day. Someone you haven’t had the chance to apologize to yet.


“Next Stop, Canterlot Station!” calls the ticket pony.


Episode 29: Embarrassments All Across The Town

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As you and the others exit the train, the first thing that catches your eye is the magnificence of the city. You’ve only really seen it from a distance in Ponyville, and only had glimpses of the inside of the Castle from way back when you used to nap a lot. It’s certainly eye catching and beautiful.

“So, once we get Mommy a body, and we somehow get everyling to stop being a butthead to Her, Daddy and Me, would we have to live here?” you ask Grandbuggy who just raises an eye.

“What sort of logic made you jump to that line of thinking?” he asks.

“I don’t know,” you shrug, “It’s just that Mom’s technically a princess, which means I would be too, and this is really the only place that royalty lives right?”

Snorting a bit, Grandbuggy just claps you on the shoulder.

“Kid, if you’re royalty, you can live any dang place ya want. This place is nice and all, but it is full of snobs. Besides, that somehow implies that we’ll all be chummy with the Princesses and Elements. It’d take nothing short of the end of the world to make your Ma and Moon flanks play nice.”

Looking around, you do see that many of the shops look overly fancy, even more fancy than Tacky McStabflank’s place.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I don’t know if Daddy would be able to afford this place.”

“Knowing how he is with throwing away money at the drop of a hat, I doubt it,” Grandbuggy nods.

Human Land

Bugze suddenly sneezes on the entrance doors to Crystal Prep.

“Ah dang it! That’s just one more thing to clean!”


“I don’t know, everygrif I see looks kind of shabby,” Greta chimes in as she points at a group of ponies outside the station.

Kichi’s Comment

The ponies in question are wearing very familiar clothing which causes Ahuizotl to stop in his tracks.

“Que?” he says in bafflement at the group of ponies all dressed like Daring Do.

“K?” you ask in surprise. “I figured you’d be disturbed by ponies dressed as her.”

“No, not…nevermind, what is going on? Her style isn’t that normal and…Is that supposed to be me?” he gasps as somepony in a cardboard costume of him walks by.

“Hmm, very close likeness, 10 out of 10,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

As you all exit the station and into the streets proper, you see even more of these dressed up ponies chatting, and walking further into town.

“Am I missing something here? Why’s the big guy freaking out? And why’s someone dressed like him?” asks Greta.

“Because everyling’s dressed like Daring Do and stuff,” you say like it’s obvious because it is.

“Oh, those campy action movies? I’ve never seen them,” she explains causing all three of you to look to her.


“You only know about the movies?” Grandbuggy asks.

“Well vaguely, they didn’t seem my style.”

“So you haven’t read the books?” you ask.

“No, I’m not much of a reader. I’m a game fanatic remember?”

“Well you shouldn’t read them! They’re slanderous and expose my failures and I don’t even get paid for them,” Ahuizotl huffs and walks away from the group.

“Yeesh, what’s up with him?” Greta asks.

You and Grandbuggy look to each other and back to her.

“You know he’s a character in those stories right?” you ask.

Greta raises an unbelieving eyebrow. “For real?”

“Huh. Guess we never really talked about it around you that much,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “But yeah, he’s kind of the main villain of the series, however the buck that worked out.”

“Excuse me senor, can I ask you something?” you all hear Ahuizotl say as you turn to look. He’s approached an Earth Pony Stallion in a pith helmet wearing a shirt that says I Heart Ahuizotl on it.

"Wow, dude, what a great costume" he says to Ahuizotl.

"Uhhh...Thanks, but it’s not a costume, I’m really Ahuizotl.”

The stallion laughs at that, “Yeah, sure pal, and I’m Dr. Caballeron.”

"Right...” Ahuizotl trails off as he scratches the back of his neck. “So quick question, why’s everyone all dressed up?” The stallion raises a brow at that clearly confused.

“For the A.K. Yearling book signing of course. Don’t you know this? You’re dressed up too.”

“Oh right, the book signing, dios mio heh heh, the sun must just be getting to me in this...costume,” he lies nervously.

“Well take a load off friend, the signing won’t be for awhile, but it’s got us all excited. Why don’t you go rest in the shade?” he suggests with a sympathetic pat to Ahuizotl’s knee.

“Sure…let’s go with that,” he huffs and walks away towards you guys.

“See you at the signing,” the stallion smiles as he walks the other way.

As he gets up to you guys, his mood is sour.

“Soooo, you’re really a character from some pony kid’s book?” Greta asks bluntly which causes him to grind his teeth.

“Fix, do you happen to have a shovel handy?” he asks gruffly. Grandbuggy’s cigar dips in his lip as he gives an “Are you Serious” look to Ahuizotl.

“Ahzi, we’re not going to be hitting no writer’s over the head with shovels today,” he says sternly.

“Oh come on! It’ll only be a little tap to the head. She’ll still be alive even as I bury her along with her thousand pages of lies!” Ahuizotl whimpers.

“No! None of that, shame on you,” Grandbuggy scolds and Ahuizotl dips his head lower.

“But Fix, Yearling is a terrible bruja that Daring Do gives her tales to. Her writing is terrible. TERRIBLE!”

“I mean, to be fair she is a good writer. I didn’t think you were real until I met you,” you pipe up.

“Even worse! She makes me out to be some sort of buffoon. Surely Daring Do knows me better than anyone and would tell of my deeds, but this Yearling lady just butchers who I am!” he complains.

As if to defy this statement, several dressed up ponies all go,

“Oooohhh,” and start clapping at the performance in front of them.

“Uuugh! Don’t look at me!” he cries out and hides his face from the crowd.

“Amazing, you’re way better than the guy in the movies,” a mare says.

“Yeah, you should definitely head to Applewood, most of the districts have been rebuilt after the Beigh v. Shamalamadingdong incident,” a stallion says.

This only causes Ahuizotl to whimper more into his paws.

“Uhhh, he’ll take that into advice,” Greta says awkwardly. This seems to appease the ponies who continue walking away.

“Ahuizotl, you shouldn’t feel sad, those ponies liked you. You are popular you know?” you try to cheer him up.

“But I don’t want to be popular, I want to be feared and respected,” he complains. “I want to best Daring Do then release all of the photos of the drawings I’ve done on her face, and then I can confidently tell her I’ve won and then she’ll think better of me, is that too much to ask?”

“What about having her cradled next to you on cold winter nights while you brush her mane lovingly?” Grandbuggy speaks up.

“Yes, that too and…Wait what? I didn’t-You-I-I didn’t say that!” he blathers as his cheeks turn red and Grandbuggy laughs. Rolling your eyes at their antics you continue your speech,

“Look, whatever you do or don’t want to do with Daring Do-“

“Say that five times fast,” Greta mutters.

“The point is, you can’t just go and attack her writer friend, she probably doesn’t even think you’re real. Attacking A.K. Yearling would be bullying someone innocent Ahuizotl and bullying is wro-WHAT THE BUCK IS THAT?!”

“Huh? You talking to me little filly?” asks a rotund unicorn stallion.

“Yes I Am! What the Buck Is That?!” you growl pointing to the poster in his grasp.

“Oh this? This is the artwork she unveiled for the next book she’s writing. She previewed it back in Manehattan and I’ve been having her sign it in every city she visits.” The stalkerish fan then shows you all in more detail the poster that has A.K. Yearling’s signature all over it. Once he does, Grandbuggy understands your outburst a little more.

The poster shows Daring Do with a lantern in her mouth at the bottom of a pit, while at the top, Ahuizotl, Cabelleron, a Changeling in a derby, and a dark alicorn filly laugh evily.

“Pretty cool huh?” the oblivious stallion asks. “She says she’s workshopping a few names, but so far Daring Do and the Temple of Nightmare Moon is her frontrunner. Personally I think she’s just cashing in on the whole Hooded Offender situation, but hey, gotta strike while the iron’s hot right?”

You just stare ahead blankly in seething rage and don’t answer him, so after a few awkward moments of silence, the rotund stallion just walks away.

“…Ahuizotl I changed my mind, let me see if I have a shovel for you,” you declare as you whip your Inventory off your back and set it in front of you.

“Shade honey, for goodness sake,” Grandbuggy facehooves.

“No, no facehooving!” you demand. “I’ve said it again and again, I’m not Mommy. Heck, she isn’t even Nightmare Moon anymore. We even told Daring Do what’s up, but no, some stupid writer is going to lie about her, Daddy AND Me!”

“Finally! Someone gets it!” Ahuizotl says happily. “What do you have little amiga?”

TartarusFire’s Comment

“Well, I’m not a hoarder like Dad is, but let’s see what I’ve got.”


Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Kendo Stick

Scone of Bludgeoning


Golden Idol of Boreas

Ring of Scorchero


Daring Do’s Pith Helmet

Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet (Currently Hopping out and onto your back)

“Oh Hi Mangle,” you say patting your pet’s head before turning to Ahuizotl. “Well, I don’t have a shovel. I got this awesome kendo stick though, I’m sure we could knock her out with that.”

“A stick? Too simple child, way too simple,” he admonishes.

“Anything else I have is too dangerous though. Well, except for this rock hard scone,” you say taking said item out.

“Hey, isn’t that Gilda’s pastry?” Greta asks.

“Sure is. And if it bounces off her and towards us, I got protection,” you say as you put Daring Do’s stolen helmet on your head.

“Oooh, devilish, I like it. Now, all we have to do is follow these fanatics and-“

Darkinfinity666’s Comment

“Alright alright, enough of that,” Grandbuggy declares as he takes the kendo stick and scone and shoves them back in the bag.

“But Grandbuggy we have to-“

“Alright, I’m gonna stop ya there kid. I don’t like being the reasonable one by any stretch of the word, but some things I gotta put my hoof down on. We ain’t assaulting some random writer.”

“But-“ you try to argue again, but he cuts you off.

“No buts. We all knew this was a possibility when running into Ahzi’s squeeze,-“


“But we all agreed that if it did get written up, it would be considered fiction. This isn’t going to hurt us kiddo.”

“But she’s going to make it sound like Mom is me, and make her sound evil and stuff,” you complain.

“Shade, there’s a whole holiday that already does that for your Ma, and everyone has fun and kids get candy,” he points out.

“Oh…well…I mean…Hmmm…” you fail to counter argue that point because even you love Nightmare Night.

“Exactly. Just let bygones be bygones kiddo. We’ve got plenty of fights ahead of us, let’s not make an unnecessary one here.”

You still fill a bit upset that you’re going to be a villain in one of your favorite book series, but you can’t really fault Grandbuggy’s logic so you just sigh and give up.

“Fine. No assault and battery of writers.” Grandbuggy nods and smiles at that.

“Good,” he then turns to Ahuizotl. “That also means no more peeps out of you got it?”

*Sigh* Yes Fix,” Ahuizotl says slumping his shoulders. Grandbuggy nods and then points at Greta.

“And you…”

“What? What did I do? I’m still confused on this whole pony book in real life scenario,” she defends.

“Exactly. Keep being oblivious, that way we have a neutral party,” he chuckles before addressing the group as a whole.

“Alright, now that we’ve got our heads out of our arses, let’s try and have a relaxing day in Canterlot. We don’t often get this chance.”

You, Ahuizotl and Greta all nod in agreement.

“Right, now I can stop being all parental and go back to being the cool Great Grandparent,” he says happily before pointing to Mangle on your back.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“You, abomination of science,” he says causing Mangle to cross her arms in displeasure, “Play something soothing and jaunty while we walk.

You all look at Grandbuggy a little weirdly.

“Why do we need music?” you ask.

“Because with that writer in town, there’s a bunch of nerds everywhere talking nerd talk. I’d rather not hear fan theories and ships and other stupid talk while we enjoy ourselves.”

Even as he says that, two stallions argue down the road.

“Are you kidding? There’s clearly subtext between her and the Somnambulan bar singer in book 7.”

“That was just an info grab like she’s done countless times before. Daring Do has no feelings for anypony. She’s just a personification of the classic adventure tales from-“

“I second that motion. Play something Maquina!” Ahuizotl pleads.

Mangle looks at you all focused on her before giving a glance to you.

“Yeah, go ahead,” you give her permission. Shrugging her shoulders, she opens up her mouth, and a very relaxing melody comes out.

“Hmm, I like it,” you say and the others agree.

“Not bad,” Grandbuggy nods. “So, now that we got our tune, let’s get some donuts eh?”

Your eyes immediately light up at that.

“Oh Buck Yeah!”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment


We currently find you and your group eating at the fabled Donut Joe’s place, if by eating you mean you scarfing down enough of the holey pastries to make a sumo wrestler blush. If you could speak at this moment, you would vocalize just how delicious and heavenly the treats are, how it’s been so long since you could go to town on food, and just how short Spike was selling this place. The eponymous Donut Joe himself watches in both horror and fascination as you go through several dozen of his magical creations. Surrounding you at the booth are your compatriots, who haven’t even touched their snacks.

“It’s like a carriage crash, I just can’t look away…” Joe says absentmindedly.

“Yeah, well the little filly’s been on a diet with her parents due to financial practicality, but I like spoiling her,” Grandbuggy says as you inhale a maple, brown sugar and cinnamon donut.

“I’ve seen colossal beasts eat less than what she’s packing, and with more grace,” Ahuizotl says in awe.

“Yeah,” Greta agrees, “Where does she even pack it? If I ate that much it’d go straight to my thighs.”

“Heh, ain’t nothing wrong with big thighed bird gals,” Grandbuggy exposits waggling his eyebrows, causing Greta to roll her eyes and take a bite of her bearclaw.

“It’s just…Spike told me about how much ice cream you could eat, but I didn’t quite believe him…” Joe says still in shock.

Gulping down a combination of an apple fritter, powdered donut, triple chocolate, and the infamous Haybacon Voodoo donut, you give a very unladlylike belch and pat your belly.

“Ahhh, that was soooo good. I’m sorry I can’t eat any more Mr. Joe, I gotta save room for dinner,” you apologize to this Godly Stallion amongst mortals.

“Room for…Sweet Celestia you are something else,” Joe says putting a hoof to his head.

“Heh, you’re lucky she’s not eating you out of a job after saying it was on the house,” Grandbuggy chuckles and bites into a raspberry filled donut.

“If I had known that Spike’s special lady friend’s stomach was the epicenter of a black hole, I would have reconsidered,” Joe whimpers.

Now normally, you might feel a bit slighted by the insult, but the first part of his statement takes up your attention.

“Sp-Special lady friend?” you ask with a blush.

“Yeah, Spike talks about you all the time when he comes in. He writes to me every so often, and mentions you a lot,” Joe says taking a long drink of water. His statement only causes you to flush more.

“H-He’s not-I’m not-“ you stammer before scrunching your face up. “It’s not like that!”

“Heh, could have fooled me,” Joe says as he wobbles away from your table to go take a nap in the back. As he goes, the others at the table give you smug looks.

“Quit looking at me like that!” you growl and hiccup from the enormous donut consumption.

“Heh, alright,” Grandbuggy ruffles your mane. “Just so you know, you keep denying something long enough, someone’s bound to get hurt.”

“I’m not denying anything!” you deny.

“Kid, I’ve never even met the guy, and I know a lot about him from you,” Greta says.

“Because he’s my best friend!” you counter. “Besides, I only kissed him once…On the cheek! So it’s not like, real and stuff,” you blather your eyes darting around.

“She’s not a good liar is she?” Ahuizotl chuckles.

“You’re one to talk Mr. I Love Daring Do,” Grandbuggy counters and his eyes widen.

“What?! I don’t-You-I-She’s my mortal enemy! Why would you say that?! Who’s been talking? Because it’s not true! Clearly False!” he stammers with his own blush.

“Yeah! Totally, she’s that to him and nothing more, just like me and Spike!” you defend the tall cat thing.

“Exactly! What the little filly said. Baseless accusations the whole lot of you!” Ahuizotl switches sides and agrees with you causing Greta and Grandbuggy to roll their eyes.

“B-Besides, even if it was true, not saying it is, he and I would need to be bigger,” you counter.

“Well, I guess that would be the mature way to think about it,” Greta says.

“Exactly. Right now only I’m able to beat daddy up, but if when we’re bigger our tag team could mop the floor with him…if he and I were something that is,” you add eyes darting back and forth.

“…I stand corrected,” Greta mutters.


“Mr. Bugze, why are you staring at Spike like that?” Human Twilight asks our favorite bug boy who is gritting his teeth and clenching both fists in front of the nervous puppy.

“I don’t know, but I feel like he’s pissed me off somehow. Did he eat my cookies in my sack lunch or pee on any of the walls?”

“No, Spike’s a good boy,” Twilight argues and holds him close to her.

“Right, right…” he nods. “Excuse me, I have misplaced aggression to attend to!”

He then walks towards where some familiar mean girls of the school are and begins punching their lockers.

“Dude, what the hell?!” one of them shrieks.

“It’s routine maintenance! Nothing to see here!”


As you all walk along the streets, your left eye twitches as somehow, someway, you know daddy is doing something stupid.

“Ugh, let’s not talk about dating or anything for awhile please? I think Dad’s freaking out right now” you groan and rub your brow.

“Yes, gladly,” Ahuizotl nods. “What should we talk about then, aside from all these fanatic Daring Do fans around us?”

TartarusFire’s Comment

You think for a moment for any topic that they can’t turn around and tease you for, when you come to an idea that’s been swirling around in your head for awhile.

"You ever think we should have a group name or something?"

Clearly not expecting that line of conversation, your companions raise their brows.

“A group name?” asks Greta.

“Yeah, you know, like a super hero team name. All of us are different and we’re hunting treasure, and that’s cool so we should have a cool name. Ooh, something cool and scary sounding.”

“Uh Shade, going around with fancy labels is asking for trouble. Just look at what it’s done for your dad,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Oh that doesn’t count, besides, Daddy only gave himself a cool and scary name, and I didn’t get squat.”

“Heh, I do like the sound of that actually,” Greta nods, “I mean, I have some experience being in a labeled gang after all.”

“Extra Lives Gang was pretty cool sounding,” you agree.

“But she had a theme with her nerd friends,” Grandbuggy points out. “I certainly wasn’t expecting this group to form like it has, and none of us have anything in common, so if we’re gonna have a name, it’d probably have to be generic.

Your brain slaps you mentally on the side of the face. "Oof. I didn't think about that. Hmm."

"Hmm indeed mi little amiga." Ahuizotl says with a paw to his chin. You are brought out of your own pondering as your stomach growls.

“Unfortunately I can’t really think when I’m hungry,” you admit.

“Still?!” Greta squawks.

“We’re on our way to lunch honey, you can think as much as you want there,” Grandbuggy says.

“No! If I don’t pursue this conversation then you’ll all start bringing up stuff that embarrasses me. I need a snack now!” you declare.

“But we’re-“

“Done!” Ahuizotl declares as he runs off to a food stand and purchases two caramel apples and rushes back.

“Oh sweet!” you chirp as you take the treat from him. Grandbuggy just gives Ahuizotl a displeased look.


“Yes really,” he affirms. “I’d rather not we go down that conversation line as well. By the way, you’re reimbursing me.”

“You guys are seriously oversensitive,” Greta chastises, “If you like someone just admit it and you’ll feel-“

“How about, I don't know, the organization without a cool acronym?" Ahuizotl interrupts her causing her to huff.

You peel caramel off your face from the massive bite you just took and say,

"Nah, doesn't have enough flare. Needs something more. Plus it doesn't sound scary."

"Carumba, little miss, you wound me."

"Well I did basically single hoofedly bring down your temple after all." You say that a bit too cheerfully.

"Aye... You know I could take back that half of caramel apple I gave out of kindness."

"You wouldn't dare!” you gasp. “Plus you're probably planning to make Granbuggy pay for it anyway. Besides I've got a name. We can be the Fearless, Awesome, Retroactively Tenacious, Exemplary Reagents of Sabotage!"

"Dios mios, where did you come up with that?" asks a stupefied Ahuizotl.

You happily stick out your tongue. "I put all the cool, big words I learned from Sweetie Belle’s word calendar."

“Yeah, well did you happen to learn what an acronym was?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Uhh…is that some sort of vegetable?” you ask obliviously.

“Nah, it’s that word for when you take the first letter out of words to make a name,” Greta clarifies with a smirk.

“Ohhh, like S.H.I.E.L.D. right? The guys that help out Captain Amareica?”

“That’s right kiddo,” Grandbuggy nods with his own smirk. “Now apply that to what you just suggested.”

“Oh, OK, that’s F, A, R…” your eyes suddenly widen as you realize what you’ve accidentally spelled out.

“Oh Come On!” you shout as the others start to laugh.

“Hmmph, fine let’s table this for now, I still think we should have a group name though,” you pout.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment


So in trying to avoid embarrassing topics, you only served to embarrass yourself more, which you pouted a bit about as you walked through the town on the way to the fancy food district. Along the way, every building just screams rich and gaudy compared to Donut Joe’s simple diner aesthetic.

“Seriously, why does the supermarket look like it’s covered in diamonds?” Greta says pointing to some place called Safe Hay.

“Because when you’re rich, ya gotta look as rich as possible in every little thing you do,” Grandbuggy explains.

“But what about Diamond Tiara’s Dad? He’s rich and his store was all wooden and stuff,” you counter.

“Yeah, well that guy’s less snobbish than your average rich snob. Got a little something called Humbleness,” Grandbuggy explains.

You are about to counter that argument with Diamond’s mom because you’re still sour and want to argue, but something catches your eye and causes you to falter.

“As rich as they all are, I doubt they’d sell anything good like Bacon,” Greta grumbles.

“Si, real pig bacon, not that stupid hay substitute ponies love,” Ahuizotl agrees.

“Oh you’d be surprised by what some of these folks would try and…Shade? You OK honey?” Grandbuggy stops and looks back at you staring at the building in front of you.

St. Megan’s Psychiatric Facility…” you read the wording above the entrance in hesitation before looking over to Grandbuggy. “Is…Is this the place?”

Understanding comes to Grandbuggy’s face as he sighs and nods.

“Yeah, yeah this is it.” Your suspicions confirmed, you turn back to the building with it’s many windows and you feel small.

Walking back to you from a confused Ahuizotl and Greta, Grandbuggy puts a hoof on your shoulder and asks,

“So, what you want to do kiddo?”

“I…I don’t know,” you admit shakily. “I mean, if Trixie is in their right now, then she’s probably lonely and wishing for a friend to visit her but…but would it even be good for me to go?”

“You still feel unsure huh?” asks Grandbuggy.

“I mean yeah,” you say in obviousness, “The last time I saw her before know, I hit her in the face and said I hated her.” Your ears go down as you remember that moment.

“I don’t know if she’d want to see me after that. Daddy said he talked to her in her dreams but…how do you apologize for something like that?”

Grandbuggy sees the confliction and hesitation on your face as you shake a bit before he claps you on the shoulder.

“There’s no manual Shade, you either do or you don’t. It doesn’t have to be today either if you’re not up for it, it was just an option.”

“Oh…” you say as you look back up at the hospital.

“Here, it’s still early, and you still haven’t had lunch yet. Why don’t we take some time for ourselves, let you gather your thoughts, and then if you feel up to it, we can come back here on our way out?” he offers.

After thinking it over, you decide to take his advice.

“Yeah, yeah ok,” you nod as you stand up and start to follow him back to the others. You pause once more to look up at the hospital and Mangle gives you a sympathetic pat on back at your hesitation.

Will sorry even be enough? You wonder as you continue on your way.

Unbeknownst to you, in one of the many windows of St. Megan’s, a blue unicorn mare with a silver mane has witnessed you on the streets below. She thinks to herself that the dark earth pony filly reminds her of Hoody’s alicorn daughter Nightshade. She thinks on the memories of that little filly and it brings feelings of shame, but also a very large chunk of hope. She thinks to herself how wonderful it would be to see both him and her again. The doctors have told her that she’s been doing phenomenally, and that if things stay on track, she’ll be released in only a few more months. She smiles at that, but at the same time she wishes that she’d be able to see them sooner.

As your group continues past the hospital, Ahuizotl speaks up.

“So, what was all that about?”

“Just…just trying to figure out how and when I’d be able to talk to Trixie,” you admit with your head down.

Ahuizotl raises a brow and turns to Grandbuggy.


“She’s a mare that’s…got some history with Shade and her Dad,” Grandbuggy skirts the truth.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Oh, is that one of the mares that’s all gaga for him?” Greta asks.

“Well…not in the way you’re thinking,” Grandbuggy explains. “No, this is actually one of the few mares that’s legitimately just a friend.”

“Really?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Yes really,” you roll your eyes. “Trixie only really wanted a friend…even if we weren’t friendly.” You then shake your head from these sad thoughts. “B-Besides, there’s way too many mares chasing Daddy, she doesn’t need to be added to that list.”

"Is this so called list real, or are you all just exaggerating?” asks Greta.

“It’s real, trust me,” you roll your eyes again, but at Greta’s unbelieving face, you grunt.

“I’m telling the truth, even some of the Deadly 6 won’t leave him alone!”

“Who?” asks Greta.

“She means the Elements of Harmony,” explains Ahuizotl.


“Nah she’s right, half of them do like em, or his personalities anyway” Grandbuggy interjects. “And they’s some good ones, ya got the athletic aspiring Wonderbolt, the sweet ex-supermodel beastmaster, and the tough farm girl.”

“Yeah, and as I’ve only found out recently, that farm girl is his cousin!” you gag.

“…Yeah, the less said about the last one the better,” Grandbuggy shudders.

“Wait, The Element of Honesty is related to your Grandson?” Ahuizotl asks in surprise.

“Yeah, via my Ex...Which I’m not going to go into now,” he says sternly.

“So this grand list is three mares, one of which is his relative, got it,” Greta smirks.

“Oh there’s more,” Grandbuggy interrupts. “And far less squicky as well. There’s a lustful masseuse who knows her way around oils, a classy cellist with great eyes, a punk rock DJ party girl with no boundaries, and those are only the regulars, there’s been others that’s have caught a passing fancy to him.”

“I’m pretty sure Carrot Top too,” you add, “She was always “Accidentally” breaking stuff so Daddy would come around way back when.”

“Ooh, nice, I know the gal you’re talking about. Heck, as sick as it is, the former Changeling Queen even had a thing for him.”

“That’s…like, way too many girls chasing after one guy that’s already married with a kid,” Greta says a little disturbed.

“Well, it’s not a traditional union they got. Tartarus if I were in his horseshoes I’d do the sensible thing and start a herd,” Grandbuggy complains.

“Those kinds of practices ended after the tribe unifications Fix,” Ahuizotl explains.

“I know, I was there! Oh those were the times when a hero could have literally all the mares he wanted…Nightshade, when your Dad gets back kick him in the nards for me.”

“Why…?” you ask disturbed.

"To make sure he actually still has a pair, and because I’m a bit upset he didn’t take a route that was only offered to me once some thousands of years ago,” he grumbles. “Dang boy acting like a Neighponese cartoon character…”

“Yeah, I’m not going to do that,” you deadpan. “Aside from those animes being trash, I only need one mommy.”

“Heh, but more mommies would mean more food kid,” Grandbuggy says wistfully.

“I don’t eat love Grandbuggy. Mostly pony remember?” you say patting your holeless legs for emphasis.

He shakes himself out of his reverie for a bit as he looks at you.

“Right…right, sorry there kid, got caught up in my own past. I didn’t end up taking the herd either. The Doctor ran out on his marriage to Princess Platinum and I kind of got a bounty on my head because of him, so I had to skedaddle.”

“…What the buck is he talking about?” asks Greta.

“I have no idea, I think he’s just exaggerating to make a point, he’s not that old” Ahuizotl shrugs.

“Of course there was really one mare I ever truly loved,” Grandbuggy contemplates, “Same went for your grandparents, so he probably gets that conviction from that.”

You perk up a bit hearing that because it’s more info about your grandparents.

"Hay, your grandma was so dense at romance that when your grandpa suggested "practice kissing", she went along with it and didn't think it was a big deal because it was just practice."

"I'm guessing you beat up grandpa for that?" you ask.

“Well, in normal circumstances I would’ve,” he snorts. “But he was her only friend and she wouldn’t have appreciated that. Also, she still only thought it was practice and that kind of brought him off Cloud 9 so I felt a bit sorry for him.”

“…So are we done talking about herds and polygamy in front of the little filly then?” Greta interrupts.

“Apparently so,” Ahuizotl says.

“Well thank buck for that,” Greta exhales.

“Quiet, I’m trying to learn more about my Grandparents I never knew,” you chastise.

“Yeah alright, go on then, anything’s better than talking about your Dad’s libido, or lack thereof.”

“Hmmph, well the boy more than likely got that lack from his mother.”

“Oh my gods,” Greta faceclaws.

“Really,” Grandbuggy insists before looking back to you. “She was oblivious, but would still get super angry and jealous if any other gals came onto “her friend” even if she didn’t know why. That trait seems to have been passed down to you as well.”

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you deny.

“Really? No harsh feelings when “your friend” goes off with Rarity in those gem caves alone for hours?”

“We’re not talking about this! We’re talking about my Grandparents!” you growl out heatedly causing him to chuckle. “And speaking of which, you said Grandpa didn’t have any other friends, why would mares be after him? Was it like with Daddy?”

“Heh, Tartarus no. You’re Dad’s situation is still mysterious, even for me, but for my idjit son in law, is was all about genes. Any ol floozy in the old hive wanted their hatchlings to be more effective, and with his success record, that was all they saw. I never fell into that trap because I’d met the Doctor, but he didn’t falter because he was devoted to my girl…So I guess that explains the boy’s morals now that I think about it.”

“Personality traits aren’t genetic…unless that’s something exclusive to changelings,” Ahuizotl wonders.

“I’m starting to think they are more and more because my little girl would pound some of them strumpets into paste if she so much as suspected them of hitting on him. It’s like she had a radar for it.”

"Dang, seems kinda excessive to try to kill somepony just for trying to steal your jeans," you conclude.

"Yeah- wait what?"

"I mean how would stealing someone’s pants make their children better at missions? Are they magic pants or just super lucky? Where can we get pants like that?"

"No sweetie I meant- Oh never mind, I'll have your parents tell you when you're older." Grandbuggy sighs.

“Why do you always say that?! If we have these fancy jeans, and they’re kill worthy, then not even Lady Luck could buck with us!” you grunt, and for a moment, something sad flashes behind his eyes which confuses you.

“…Huh, I kind of wondered why you always talked about dirty stuff around the kid, but I guess most of it just goes over her head,” Greta says in understanding.

“Well it wouldn’t go over my head if I knew what any of this so called “Adult Stuff” meant!”

“And that’s a conversation from someone else for another day kiddo,” he smirks and trots ahead.

“UGH!” you growl and trot off feeling sour again.

“…You know, I’m starting to wonder why I agreed to travel in this strange little group,” Greta says to Ahuizotl. “But at least the madness is more entertaining than anything back home.

“Agreed chica. Their family issues could fill up several books I imagine.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you continue your tour of Canterlot free from talking about anyone’s relationships, you see many other sites. Several clothes shops filled with fancy suits and dresses, the airship dock where both trade and luxury ships come into port. You even pass by the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns, which now has the recently added slogan of “Home of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Wow, they’ll just slap her name on anything won’t they?” you mutter.

“I know right?” Greta agrees. “I mean, what’s the big deal? Some unicorn got wings, big deal.”

“Ascension is no laughing matter gato,” Ahuizotl reprimands. “It’s something many seek and fail to achieve. I know I’ve tried.”

“The day you become royalty is the day I eat my hat Ahzi,” Grandbuggy laughs.

“Hmmph, you say that now,” he grumbles just as your stomach does so as well.

“Well can we at least find Ms. Twilight’s favorite restaurant? We’ve passed by like 15 places already,” you complain.

“I don’t know where the bookworm ate at, but trust me kid, we don’t want to go to any of those places,” Grandbuggy spits as you pass by another one. “Those places are all flair and no flavor, plus they give you portions that would barely satisfy a rabbit.”

“Wait, seriously?” you gasp.

“Fraid so,” he nods. “You basically pay top dollar for something blander than Styrofoam that won’t even fill your belly.”

“It won’t fill you up?” Greta says confused. “Even the crummy food in Griffonstone would make the hunger pangs go away.”

“You don’t believe me? Take a whiff of the next place we pass.”

You do just that as you pass by a restaurant…and you smell nothing. Absolutely nothing.

“Yeesh, even my dirt poor minions could whip up something that at least smelled good,” Ahuizotl chastises.

“If these are the fancy food places you were talking about, then why did we even leave Joe’s?” you whine.

“One, because ya need some proper foods besides sweets, and two, because not every restaurant is like this. There’s some gems hidden in the rough,” he smirks and suddenly turns left.

As you all follow, a very pleasant scent does hit your senses, and it’s something you’ve never really smelt before.

“Oooh, what’s that awesome smell?” asks Greta as she too seems entranced.

“It smells like…Indhayan food?” Ahuizotl guesses.

“Correctomundo friendo,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Huh, I don’t think I’ve tried that kind of food before,” you say in amazement because you have tried almost everything.

“I figured as much,” Grandbuggy nods. “This little place here is big a couple years ahead, but right now in it’s early days, you don’t have to wait hours for a dang table. Plus if I remember correctly, the owner’s daughter is quite a dish herself.”

Before you can scold Grandbuggy for that comment, the source of the heavenly scents comes into view.

The Tasty Treat huh?” you smile at that. “Straight, simple and to the point.”

“Exactly, plus it’s quiet and hasn’t been corrupted by snobbishness yet,” Grandbuggy smirks as he goes to open the door. “Now let’s get a nice delicious-“

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

As if right on que, Grandbuggy is interrupted as he opens the door by an annoying voice.

"You call this food?! I've eaten hospital trash better than this!" The hairs on the back of your neck prickle as you recognize that douchey voice.

“Oh for buck’s sake, really?” you complain as you confirm your suspicions and see the source of the yell.

"This food is the worst thing I've ever tasted! If I didn't know any better I'd say you were trying to poison me!"

Sure enough, it’s Prince Blueballs himself, acting as prissy as ever as he argues with a male and a female unicorn in foreign garb.

“Seriously, this is the first time I’ve been able to get out of the Castle since my grounding, and already an assassination attempt!” he snaps and throws a bowl of food to the ground. The young mare sighs and bends down to clean the mess.

"Your highness please we would never try to poison you!" The older plumper unicorn of the two pleads. Blueblood just looks to this mustached stallion in his simple orange shirt and raises his nose into the air.

"Hmph, like I'd believe the likes of you, I know what real food tastes like, I’m friends with THE Zesty Gourmand you know?”

You don’t know who this Zesty is, or why both restaurant workers stiffen nervously at that, but you get an overwhelming feeling that they’re probably a flankhole. The mare in exotic clothing and big hair stands up with the bowl.

“Please your majesty, we don’t want any trouble, I can bring you something else more to your liking,” she pleads. He crosses his forelegs and smirks at her.

“Oh I sincerely doubt there’s any of your weird exotic “food” I would enjoy…unless of course you’re on the menu?” he raises his eyebrows at that causing the mare, you, and even Greta to gag.

"Oh! I never!" The mare huffs.

“That is my daughter sir!” the stallion grunts.

“And? She should feel exuberant at my compliment. It’s the only thing in this dirt hole worth looking at.” Grandbuggy lets out a sigh next to you.

“Yet again, if the Doctor had just married Platinum, this waste of space wouldn’t exist.” He then looks to you.

“He ever see you as an Earth Pony?”

“Nope,” you grit your teeth. “But I’m feeling up to using that extra strength on him.”

“Not yet kiddo, we’ll see how this plays out,” he says as he ushers you into the door. None of them notice your entrance.

“Now obviously I won’t be paying for that swill you tried to murder me with, so if you feel you have to bring me something less poisonous, then I expect it on the house.”

“But-“ the mare tries to speak.

“And you better get to it quick, did I mention I invited Zesty to meet me here soon?” At that they pale even more.

“Y-Yes sir, right away,” the mare says as she runs back to the kitchen.

“…We’re sorry for any inconvenience,” the rotund unicorn says reluctantly.

“Very good,” Blueballs says smugly as he lifts a book out and begins reading snobbishly.

Sighing, the rotund stallion looks towards the front and sees you all.

“Hello, welcome to the Tasty Treat,” he says with a sad smile. “How can I help you?”

“…We’d like a table for four as far away from that bucker as possible,” Grandbuggy seethes looking at Blueblood.

The stallion smiles genuinely for a brief moment before he nods and leads your party further back, all of you giving Blueblood the stink eye.

As you pass by him, he gives you all a cursory glance and goes back to reading and you hear him mutter,

“They let any riff raff in this dump. That’s not even a good Ahuizotl costume.”

And while Ahuizotl’s tail hand crackles into a fist at that statement, you see that Prince Douchebag is in fact reading a Daring Do novel.

Great, now I feel dirty for enjoying the same books, you grind your teeth.

As you all are seated, the stallion asks.

“Alright, what can I get you folks?”

“I’d actually like to try whatever it is that Blueballs hated,” you speak up.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, give me one as well,” Grandbuggy agrees.

“Make that three,” Ahuizotl says.

“…Well shoot, far be it from me to be the odd duck out, make it four,” Greta shrugs. That actually seems to relax him a bit.

“Alright, I’ll let Saffron know then.“ He then trots back to the kitchen past the reading prissy prince. Besides you and him, noling else is in the dining room.

“Sooo, we’re eating this food vindictively right?” asks Greta.

“Oh buck yes,” you say. “I wanna enjoy this food so bad right in front of that jerk. Tartarus, I also want to throw it in his eyes.”

“Yes, he’s such a rude creature with bad taste in literature,” Ahuizotl sneers.

“Keep your heads for now, I’m in agreement in learning him some manners if he gets too out of of hand, but gorramnit, I want some good food!” Grandbuggy grunts.

You nod at Grandbuggy’s sentiment and stare intently at the moron across the room as he takes a sip of his water and overly dramatically winces.

“How dreadful. Honestly, if I wasn’t technically supposed to be outside the castle while Auntie’s gone, I’d have the guards swarming this place for health code violations.” He then sighs and starts reading again. “But alas I don’t want to get sent back to my room today. A.K. Yearling’s here and I’m not missing out on her signature.”

After a few moments, the stallion from before comes back out with four bowls of delicious smelling…something.

“Here you go folks, I hope you enjoy. Let me know when you’re ready for an entrée.”

“Wait, this is only an appetizer senor?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Oh yes. Just a sample before the main course.”

For something that’s only a sample, it smells divine. All the foreign mysterious spices mix together hitting your nose and making your mouth water.

Smiling ear to ear, you momentarily forget about Blueballs and pick up your spoon to dig in…when all of a sudden you feel your neck go cold.

What the Buck? You think in confusion as it feels like all the joy and happiness in the world is slowly being sucked away, as if something pure evil is nearing.

Looking up, you see that Ahuizotl and Greta don’t seem to notice, but the grimace on Grandbuggy’s face let’s you know he feels it too.

“Umm, is there something wrong?” the stallion asks nervously right before you all hear the entrance door opening.

You all look and see…the most horrifying thing you’ve ever seen in your life, and that’s saying something.

A pale monstrosity stands in the entrance way, it’s skin pulled way too tight over it’s frame, it’s black overcoat sucks in all light that touches it, and it’s eyes squint evily around the room as the temperature drops a good thirty degrees.

You shiver and drop your spoon, Grandbuggy’s cigar falls from his mouth from his chattering teeth, Ahuizotl freezes in place with his spoon near his mouth, the waiter stallion’s coat goes white as he pales and Greta’s feahers ruffle and she poofs up as you all take in the creature before you.

“Wh-What the buck is that thing?” you whisper as a fear you’ve never known before washes over you.

“Evil…pure evil…” Grandbuggy shudders.

“Oh Zesty Hi!” Blueballs says happily and waves.


Episode 30: Rowdy Customers

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As the living corpse named Zesty Gourmand pulls back it’s stretched thin lips into what could loosely be called a smile, it begins to walk to Blueballs’ table.

“Hello your highness,” she says in a voice that causes an infant somewhere in the city to start crying, “It has been some time.”

“Yes, I’ve been unlawfully grounded as of late, but I’m more or less free for today,” the flamboyant prince says as he stands up. The two then do that weird Prench greeting where they kiss each other on both cheeks.

The site of this causes your earlier donuts to reach the top of your throat.

Oh gods, that’s-HRK!

Noticing that your face is turning green, Grandbuggy claps you on the back.

“Keep it together Shade, I know what you just saw was borderline necrophilia, but the last thing we need is the folks here having to mop up a mess.”

Not knowing what this necro word he said means, you nod and will yourself to keep your food down, though it takes some effort.

“Yeesh, she looks like a mummy,” Greta observes as Zesty and Blueblood take their seats.

“Now that’s offensive, I’ve met living mummies that were far more eloquent and less revolting than that thing,” Ahuizotl shudders.

“Oh yeah, Boris was pretty hospitable when he wasn’t trying to devour your soul,” Grandbuggy nods.

“I mean, I’ve met actual zombies before and wasn’t this disgusted, what is it with that lady?” you ask in confusion.

“Well, most undead don’t radiate constant judgment and superiority. That perma-scowl on her head attests to that,” Grandbuggy points out.

He’s right, it looks like this mare has gone beyond resting bitch face and exudes constant jerkiness.

“Of course something so evil as that thing would be friends with Blueballs. I don’t even know who she is and I can tell she’s a flankhole.”

“Great judge of character kid. If she’s who I think she is, you’re gorramned right,” Grandbuggy nods.

“You know, I’ve never heard of this place before. The decorations are too bright and chaotic, and I can already tell by the aroma in the air that this cuisine is not going to fit the proper taste palette,” the stuck up corpse says haughtily.

“Oh don’t I know it Zesty, I’ve already had a sample and sent it back, the staff aren’t too gracious either,” Blueblood says jerkily. “But it’s a place nopony would think to look for me while I wait for the A.K. Yearling book signing.”

“Ah yes, I’ve seen the rabble walking outside in their atrocious costumes. I’m surprised there’s not more of them in this dingy setting,” Zesty dismisses after giving a quick stink eye to Ahuizotl. “Still I suppose it’s for the best you invited me here. Better to nip this one in the bud and shut it down before they get false hope.”

All of you scowl at her emotionless voice and dismissal of the restaurant.

“At least try the food before judging it,” Greta grumbles under her breath.

“Seriously, and what’s she mean by shutting this place down? How can she?” you ask.

Kichi’s Comment

“Because she’s an overhyped terrible food critic,” Grandbuggy answers simply.


“She goes around trying foods, then tells others whether it sucks or not. Those she tells treat her words like gospel.”

“But…but how does that work? She just said the food smelled terrible, even though it smells awesome,” you sputter.

“Yeah, and she’s already prejudged the food and made up her mind, that ain’t fair,” Greta replies.

“Well of course there ain’t anything fair about it,” Grandbuggy harumphs and points to the other table. “That’s Zesty Gourmand, barely even a footnote in history thanks to this place, and yet here she is. She is an illness on all things flavorful and tasty.”

“Heh, she’s right at home with many of those idiotas and their “fancy” restaurants then,” Ahuizotl snarks.

“Who do you think made them that way?” Grandbuggy growls. “That evil witch is the reason most of the restaurants in this time period taste the same. She’s the reason you have to pay 75 bits for two pieces of indescribable mush that tastes like rubber and crafting paste left in a compost dump to rot for a couple of months! Her tongue is as dead as her soul.”

“…Wow, now I feel bad for throwing Gilda’s scones into the gorge,” Greta blinks and shudders, “But I don’t get it, why do all these dumb rich ponies just blindly follow her?”

“Because they’re lazy,” Grandbuggy grunts then shakes his head, “No that’s being too generous, even lazy folks eat great tasting junk food. No, they’re more like sheep.”

“What’s wrong with sheep?” asks Ahuizotl.

“They’re bums. They can talk and think just as good as any creature, and yet they willingly follow the whims of others, get fed whatever’s placed before them, get shaved, and then start the process anew. That ain’t a real job. And don’t even get me started on Cows!”

And while Grandbuggy rants at some of the more strangely subservient hooved species in Equestria, your hoof starts to tremble in rage.

An enemy of good food, the one shining beacon in this entire world, and she seeks to kill it?

“Oh Blue, please remove the salt and pepper shakers from our table. Honestly, ponies need to get with the times and get rid of these horrid spices.”


Your eyes flair pure white as you reach into your inventory.

Kersey475’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

You pull out your Junk Jet and load the Scone of Bludgeoning into it before standing up in your chair.

“She will pay for her crimes against food with blood!” you declare aiming the launcher at the back of her head.


Why do I get the feeling that Nightshade is about to unleash dark godly wrath on somepony? Bugze wonders as he replaces the door on the locker he dented. You feel that too right Selly?

MOMMY IS SO PROUD! Selena squees.

"Righ- Wait, what?"

Whatever is occurring, that perverted old bug better take pictures! I want to cherish the moment when we return!

"Darn it Selena! Don't force me to be the responsible parent, that's your job!" Bugze exclaims in annoyance.

"Uh…who’s he talking to?" Human Cadence asks as she walks up behind Human Twilight Sparkle.

“I’m not sure,” she shrugs. “He does this sometimes though, like he’s having one half of a conversation. Usually only happens when he’s not wearing the fake beard though.”

“Right…Well I hope he cuts it out soon, Cinch wants to speak with him,” Cadence says in remorse.

Twilight seems to sense her sister in law’s mood and her mood darkens as well.



Your shout still rings true, your eyes blaze with fury and righteousness, and you put your hoof to the trigger.

“Hasta La Vista you ugly son of a –*WHACK* Ouch!”

Kichi’s Comment

You rub your noggin as your eyes unglow and fall to back into your seat while Grandbuggy shoves the Junk Jet back into your bags.

“That hurt Grandbuggy, why’d you bonk me on the head?” you ask a bit heatedly as you rub where he hit.

“I said no making a scene kid, not before dinner!” he grunts back in exasperation.

Looking over at Blueblood and Gourmand, you see that the two of them are only just now turning around to look at your outburst.

“Hmmph, typical screaming children in restaurants,” Blueblood harrumphs and turns his back to you. “If I had my way that’d be illegal.

“Indeed, proper dining experiences should exclude ponies under the age of 20. Children and teenagers are a pox upon the industry,” Zesty dismisses and turns her back as well.

“Oh buck you too,” you grumble before giving Grandbuggy the stink eye.

“Oh get over it kiddo, you hit me upside the head all the time,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, because that’s my job, I’m the adorable one who hits the stupid out of you,” you harrumph.

“I’m going to assume you see the hypocrisy in that and move on,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

“But Grandbuggy, if that undead monster gets her way, no good food will be left.”

“I know kid, I know, I’m coming up with something, just don’t go jumping into the fray without a plan,” he warns.

“A plan?” asks Ahuizotl.

“More like an idea really at this point. I still ain’t had my food yet, so I’ll have more when I’m fed.”

“…Did you get that Junk Jet from my old hideout?” asks Greta.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I think I did anyway. Practically all the games in my inventory came from their too.”

“You’ve had games this whole time and didn’t tell me?!” she squawks.

“Well I told you know, yeesh,” you roll your eyes and finally take a spoonful of the soup stuff you were served…and it’s really really good.

Your eyes widen as all the different and unique flavors hit. It’s not too salty or spicy, and it’s taste is delicious beyond measure.

“Oh wow, this is really good,” you say to the others who finally try their own and echo your sentiments.

“Yeah, this is good, which makes that lady bad talking it already even more asinine,” Greta says.

“She won’t get her way, trust me,” Grandbuggy promises taking another spoonful into his mouth. “And believe me, if the appetizer’s this good, wait till the main course.”

You still feel a bit irritated about the two snooty ponies, but you do down the rest of your soup in one long swig, wishing there was more.

“You should savor it more amiga,” Ahuizotl says.

“Savor is such a slow boring word,” you defend.
“It also helps keep your mind off flankholes,” Grandbuggy smirks as he sips his soup.

“…Buck, I didn’t think about that,” you grumble as you now have to wait for them to finish.
“Great, what am I supposed to do now if I can’t go kick flank?”

As if on cue…

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

A burst of green fire appears in front of you, and a rolled up scroll falls in your lap.

“Spike!” you squee excitedly as you immediately break the seal and unfurl the page.

“Oh boy, I can’t wait to hear what’s up. Last I heard he was heading back to the Crystal Empire.”

“He has a direct line of connection to him?” asks Greta curiously.

“Eyup, dragon fire’s a pretty nifty tool to have,” Grandbuggy nods.

“That’s…surprising. I thought with how overprotective her dad is and all…”

“Daddy can go be a psycho on his own time, he’s not stopping me from writing to Spikey!” you declare.

“Spikey?” Ahuizolt asks with a raised brow.

“Shut up! That was a slip of the tongue!” you say embarrassed as you start reading so you don’t have to look at their dumb faces.

Dear Nightshade,

How’s it going? Still keeping up with those flying lessons? Maybe you should come and teach Twilight, she is terrible ha ha. But no seriously, she’s always rolling around in the night because she’s not used to them. Makes me a little nervous for when I finally get my own, but hey, maybe you could help me too when the time comes?

Anyway, the trip to the Empire was pretty long, and Twilight’s worried about the summit, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. For some reason Cadence and Shining Armor insisted that I immediately go straight to the castle, they even had me picked up in my own stagecoach with blacked out windows straight from the train station. I don’t know what’s up with that, it’s like they didn’t want me to see the outside of the palace or something. Maybe some of the diplomats for the summit are speciest or something, but oh well.

Me and Twilight have a nice comfy room, and tomorrow she’s got a big day of meeting foreign leaders while I try not to fall asleep.

After the Summit is over, we’re going to go back to Canterlot for a time. I don’t know when we’ll be going back to Ponyville, but once I do know I’ll write to you. Maybe you can stop by and visit. I’d really like to meet your Grandpa, he sounds cool. Also, would be cool to see you fly. So yeah, have anymore awesome vacation stories? And is that faceless stallion still chasing you? Let me know and I’ll tell you how boring this Summit goes.

Talk to you again soon,


Your’s T




“Hmmph, stupid speciest ponies. Spike saved that stupid Empire, the least they could do is show their gratitude and build him a statue or something,” you grumble.

“Trouble in paradise?” Greta smirks.

“No, not trouble. The Crystal Empire isn’t really a paradise either, it’s surrounded by snow. But yeah, I feel kind of bad, he’s going to have a long boring three days.”

A strong feeling of irony hits you for some reason, but you shrug it off.

“I’ll write to him once we leave, the day’s not over yet for us.”

“How do you send a message to him?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Oh, Grandbuggy and Captain Jack built this little gizmo into Mangle,” you explain as you open up your pet’s mouth and point at a small orb in her throat. “I put a message in her mouth and it goes right to Spike.”

“…This thing went from haunting my nightmares to being a technological multitool,” Greta mutters finishing off her soup.

You are about to speak more about Mangle being more than just a tool, but you hear the two jerks at the other table commenting on her first.

“And they allow pets in, disgraceful.”

“Right?” Blueblood agrees causing you to grit your teeth. And as you wait for the rest of your meal, you begin to wonder if your next letter to Spike will be about beating up Royalty…again.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

"So Zesty, how's your cousin Svengallop?" Blueblood asks which causes her to develop a devilish smirk. Just like when you heard her name, you’re immediately hit with the sense that this gallop person is a flankhole too.

"Oh he's doing quite well for himself. Last I heard he became the manager for that Countess Coloratura pony.”

“Oh I heard about that. Some circles are saying she’ll giving Sapphire Shores a run for her bits soon," Blueblood says in fascination. The gaunt pale mare chuckles, barely moving her lips before she says,

"Well, from what Sven has told me, she’s as dull as bricks. Needs constant automated assistance and flashy lights to cover up the boringness.”

“Really?” Blueblood eats the gossip up.

“Mmhmm. She’s not that rebellious, but always wants to “Sing from the heart,” but he makes sure she’s profitable. I for one don’t care much for that kind of music, but it makes Svengallop rich.”

“Oh I adore pop music of all kinds. If it weren’t for the stupid Hooded Offender, I’d still be on the Sapphire Shores tour circuit,” he grumbles.

“Ah yes, the publicity stunt you were a part of.”

“It wasn’t a stunt! Or maybe it was, I don’t know. The point is I got hurt because some stupid foal backstage cried and a maniac through me through a stage.”

“Hmmph, foals shouldn’t be at such events either, even for publicity, I can’t stand the little monsters,” Zesty says with a shudder.

“Exactly, little fillies are the absolute worst,” Blueblood agrees wholeheartedly.

You're about to grumble again at her jerkiness and probably get another lecture from Grandbuggy, but you stop when you hear glass breaking. You turn to see Grandbuggy crushing his glass of water, causing it to crack.

"That no good son of a-" Before he can continue Ahuizotl pats him with his tail paw.

"Easy, easy, amigo. We're trying to lay low remember? Just like you told Nightshade. We can deal with that bruja later. Let's just try to enjoy our meal and not destroy this fine establishment. The owners have gone through enough already with that snot nosed brat over there." Ahuizotl says giving Blueblood a sideways glare. As he says that the two unicorns from earlier come out with an exotic tray of food. Before they get to you, you wonder why Grandbuggy is getting upset now when all this time he was keeping you calm. Before you can ponder too long on this, the mare speaks up as the father floats out the food to the four of you.

"Here you have it, two Curry Oat Cakes, four Grass Sandwiches that have been cooked overnight in a mustard Dijon dressing, and my father's special Spicy Flat Noodle soup!" The mare says with a smile so large that it would make Pinkie proud. "Oh where are my manners. My name is Saffron Masala, and this is my father Coriander Cumin. We thank you and welcome you to, 'The Tasty Treat!'"

"That's the name of the restaurant if you're confused." Coriander says giving a teasing look as his giggling daughter. Before you can reply, a certain snob interrupts.

“Excuse me, I was here before that group, why hasn’t my replacement meal come?”

“Y-You’re next order takes longer to cook and-“ Saffron starts.

“Hmmph, your favoritism is plain to see. Don’t have their priorities either huh Zesty? Haven’t even taken your order yet.”

“Indeed,” Zesty nods and rights in a notebook.

“But we were busy making yours and their-“

“Oh go cry over spilt milk elsewhere, we’re trying to have a conversation here,” Blueblood dismisses before not so covertly whispering to Zesty, “The Tasty Treat? More like the Terrible Trash am I right?” he then chortles snottily with the evil mare following suit.

You group and Coriander glare at them but the older stallion stops when you all hear whimpering. Saffron’s bright smile has vanished and her lip trembles. As her father tries to comfort her, she turns away and runs back to the kitchen with tears rolling down her cheeks.

OK, that does it! Screw Grandbuggy’s not plan to not beat-

Your angered thoughts are interrupted by the sound of breaking glass. Turning, you see Grandbuggy looking down at the floor, his glass fully shattered in his hoof. He takes a deep breath before sighing loudly.


"Oh no." Ahuizotl says moving behind Greta as Grandbuggy gets up from his chair. He turns to Coriander and gives an apologetic look.

"Sorry about the glass friend. Here this should cover it and the meal which we'll be taking to go." Grandbuggy says handing over some bits to the owner.

“To Go?” asks Coriander.

“Ayuh, might be that we have to leave in a hurry,” he nods.

“Grandbuggy?” you ask hesitantly and he sighs again.

“Well, I never said I wasn’t a hypocrite kiddo,” he ruffles your mane and starts walking slowly to the other table.

While he’s trotting over to the two snobs, Coriander quickly lights up his horn and with a flash all of your food is stored in safe sealed containers. You quickly put them all into your bag.

Added to the Inventory

· Two Curry Oat Cakes

· Four Grass sandwiches covered in a Mustard Dijon dressing

· One special Spicy Flat Noodle Soup

“Oh, and Shade?” Grandbuggy says over his shoulder.

“Yeah?” you say in expectation.

“Have your little robot ready for a tune.”

You’re a bit confused, but Mangle salutes in understanding as the old bug walks right up to their table and stares at them silently.

“Grandbuggy’s about to do something stupid isn’t he?”

“Oh yes indeed,” Ahuizotl nods.

"Hmm? What do you want old stallion? Can't you tell you’re not supposed to interrupt a royal with his me-" Blueblood starts before Grandbuggy kicks the chair out from under him, causing him to hit the floor.

“Ow! My posterior!”

"You? Royalty? You're nothing more than a snot nosed pervert that needs a lesson in manners," Grandbuggy chides in a parental tone before pointing at Zesty Gourmand who sits there shock. “And you, get a freaking tongue transplant you bottom feeding lich!”

"Who do you think you are you senile old fool?!" Blueblood screams in rage as he stands up facing Grandbuggy. “I am a Prince and this is my guest and-Ow Ow Ow!”

"Me? I'm the one who's going to give you a crash course in manners you pig,” Grandbuggy scolds as he holds Blueblood by the ear.

“Owie! Let go of my ear you senile old-Ah!” he is cut off as Grandbuggy slaps him in the nose.

“Lesson One. Respect your elders.” The commotion causes Saffron to peak her head into the dining room. “Lesson Two! *SLAP*


“Respect Mares.”

“That’s rich coming from him,” Greta snarks.

“Indeed, which makes it all the more meaningful,” Ahuizotl nods.

“And Lesson Three…” he pushes Blueblood back towards his table where he cowers a bit.

“Respect My Sick Moves…” Grandbuggy says smoothly as he pulls his hat down over his eyes.

“…What?” Blueblood asks.

“Mangle, hit it!” he calls out.

Your pet opens her mouth, and somehow, the lights dim much to everyone’s confusion.

Outside the Restaurant

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kersey475's Comment

A grey chromatic maned pegasus mare in glasses, a shawl and hat walks down a side road, hiding herself from the hordes of fans.

“Yeesh, it’s not even the convention yet and already the cosplayers are in force,” she shudders as she realizes how many poorly dressed versions of herself she’ll see and the millions of autographs she’ll have to sign.

Sighing to herself about how necessary the duality of her identity as Daring Do and A.K. Yearling, and how tiresome it can get, she forges on ahead, looking for something to eat before she has to face the dreaded book signing.

The only problem is…

“What the heck is wrong with these snobby restaurants? They’ve got no flavor at all!” she grunts as she walks by yet another one that looks exactly the same as the one before it.

“I’ve eaten banana and onion mush with beetles in it that tasted better, and yet in the richest city in the whole-*Sniff Sniff* Oooh, what’s that?”
A pleasant aroma hits her nostrils and brings a smile to her face, and just like Toucan Sam, she follows her nose towards a nice looking place called the Tasty Treat.

“Oooh, Indhayan Food! It’s been ages,” she squees before she coughs into her hoof, presents herself as a boring looking mare.

Remember, A.K. is a boring old writer. Bare minimum of excitement.

After composing herself, she opens the door…and is not prepared at all for what she sees.

And elderly looking stallion in a bowler hat is currently dancing up a storm with moves that seem to defy his age. Jaunty music plays throughout the restaurant as the lights seem to flicker every now and again.

“Noooo! His movement and pacing are too perfect!” In front of the stallion are two unicorns, one Yearling’s pretty sure is an escaped mummy from Anugypt, and another she’s pretty sure is the Prince Blueblood. Said Prince is sweating profusely as the elderly stallion dances around him, and his own dance moves are pitiful and slow by comparison.

“Ack,” Blueblood holds his chest as if he was punched, “His moves put Michael Moonwalker to shame.”

“Heh, that weirdo learned a thing or two from you’re truly!” the elderly stallion brags, showing up the flailing prince even more.

“…What in the world?” A.K. Yearling mouths as her eyes scan the rest of the room.

In one corner are two foreign dressed ponies who appear to be father and daughter, and for the most part, they seem to be enjoying the show, and in the other corner…

A.K.’s eyes widen as she spots a certain someone.

At said table, you sit while Mangle belts out some tune you’ve never heard before and Grandbuggy totally owns Blueblood on the dance floor.

“Well, I guess it’s a type of beatdown, but not the one I was expecting,” you say aloud.

“I know right? How the heck does that old guy move like that?” Greta says impressed.

“I don’t know, I didn’t even know he could dance. Did you Ahuizotl?” you ask, but the cat thing does not answer you.

“Well did he?” you turn around and see him staring angrily towards the entrance.
Looking in that direction, you spot a mare in glasses and old people clothing standing at the edge of the dance battle, who looks beyond anything, confused as all Tartarus.

“Who’s that?” you ask, curious to his wrath.

“A.K. Yearling…” he seethes. “Daring Do’s lying writer friend.”

“Oh really?” you clench your own teeth about the lies she’ll write in her next book.

“Well, there’s really only one logical thing to do,” you say aloud as you start trotting towards her.

As you do, you see that her eyes are completely fixed on Ahuizotl, and she doesn’t notice you approach.

“What’s he doing here? Is he following me? Does that mean that guy in the bowler hat is that changeling from the temple? Then-“

“Hey!” you call out, interrupting whatever it was that she was babbling about. Looking at you she cocks an eyebrow.

“Wait…you look familiar,” she says in puzzlement.

“No I don’t, I’m just a normal earth pony. But you’ve been spreading lies, so it’s time for you to go back to writing school.”

“Huh? What are yo-Whoa!” you quickly grab her by the hoof and spin toss her onto the dance floor. Not even missing a beat, Grandbuggy grabs her by the forelegs and steadies her while still keeping his rhythm.

“Ah, reinforcements eh?” he asks the mare who is dizzy.

“Oh My Gosh A.K. Yearling! I’m such a great fan!” Blueblood squees, before Grandbuggy starts dancing with her in front of him, causing him to grip his chest.

“Urk! He’s even fantastic with a partner!” he laments. The whole time, Zesty Gourmand still looks beyond flabbergasted.

“A.K. Yearling huh? Well, here, I got the perfect partner for ya,” Grandbuggy chuckles before spinning her away from him.

“Whaaa-Ooof!” Yearling hits a solid mass and steadies herself again. “What the actual Buck is goingggg” she notices that it’s a stern looking Ahuizotl who she’s bumped into.

And while the mare sweats a bit, Ahuizotl slowly smirks as he says.

“Vengeance will be mine today you horrid writer.”

Bracing herself for one of his classic attacks with his hand tail…he instead begins dancing aggressively in front of her.


“You can’t handle my moves Ghost Writer!”

“That’s right slanderer,” you add as you moonwalk behind her. “Now come on, step it up! And afterwards, I want your autograph!”

“DANCE BATTLE!!!” Greta screams excitedly from the sidelines.


Episode 31: Dance Dance Revolution

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At Greta’s squawk of a dance battle, it seems as if reality itself renders and everypony in a three mile radius hears.

The front door is opened as several ponies stick their heads in. Many of them cosplayers.

“Dance Battle?”

“Dance Battle?”

“Is there a dance battle?”

“Aw sick, A.K. Yearling’s dancing with a Ahuizotl cosplayer!”

“Ooh, that food smells delightful, I’ll take an order please!”

“Me too!”

One after the other, ponies pile in and surround the makeshift dance floor that has been created and begin ordering food, much to A.K. Yearling and your confusion.

“Well that was fast,” you say as you stop mid robot.

“Eerily fast, did you plan this Ahuizotl?” A.K. accuses.

“Of course not Bruja! For if it was, I would have more of a jungle theme!”

“Dance Battles are one of the more mysterious entities of the universe, you just gotta roll with it,” Grandbuggy says as he drops to the floor in a splits before sliding back up just as fast.

“AGH! How can someone so old be so flexible?!” Blueblood shields his eyes.

“Ah heck yeah! Show him up old dude!” shouts a random pony. “By the way, I’ll take on order of that soup too.”

“R-Right away!” Saffron says with a big smile as she runs into the kitchen while her father keeps taking orders.

“What? But you shouldn’t eat this ghastly food,” Zesty starts, “I have it on good authority that,”

“Shut up skeleton! You’re ruining the music!” shouts a bystander and she is taken aback.

“Why! I never!”

“Yeah, get grooving or get the buck out!” Greta declares as she breakdances in front of the old mare who clutches her chest and falls back onto her table.

“Woohoo!” yell many in the crowd who begin taking pictures.

“No! No flash photography!” Blueblood laments. “Otherwise my aunties will see that I disobeyed them!”

This does nothing to deter the spectators who continue snapping away.

It wouldn’t even matter if there were pictures or not though…

Kichi’s Comment

Because a group of royal guards happen to be in the crowd as well.

“Well, guess that answers the mystery of where he ran off to,” says one of them with a smirk.

“And by the looks of it, he’s run his stupid gob again. At least now he’s getting his just desserts,” smiles another as Grandbuggy picks Blueblood up and spins him further onto the dance floor.

“Umm, shouldn’t we break up this commotion?” asks another guard which causes the first one to look at him with a raised brow.

“You new private?”

“Uh, yes sir,” the newbie nods.

“Well let me put you at ease. Stuff like this happens all the time like random musical numbers in the street, nobles scoffing and being annoying, and all kinds of shenanigans. Unless there’s explosions or fire then we kind of just let it ride it’s course.”

“But what about the Prince sir?” asks the newbie.

“Waaa-OOF!” Blueblood trips over his own hooves and face plants while you laugh and do a front flip over his head.

“We’ll haul him back to the castle afterwards and make a full report for the Princesses. In the mean time, let’s enjoy the moment,” says Guard number 2.

“Well said,” the leader says which causes the rookie to shrug and do as ordered.

As your audience grows and more food is passed out, you taunt Blueblood while he’s on the ground.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Come on No Balls, I know you can do better than that!”

“That nickname is untrue! I still have one functioning testicle left!” he declares and stands back up in a huff. “Now this is getting farcical! Everypony Stop!”

As soon as he yells this, there is a lull in the music and a dark earth pony in big yellow pants jumps out of the crowd and yells

“HAMMER TIME!!!” as he starts shuffling.

“NO! Falcon Kick!” you yell as you kick the stallion in the face and send him back into the crowd.

“This is our Dance Battle!”

“Yeah! No interlopers!” Grandbuggy agrees. “Back up dancers are welcome though.”

The crowd nod and murmur at this as the music continues.

“Oi! Get back here,” Grandbuggy yells as he grabs Blueblood by the tail and drags him back onto the floor after trying to make his escape.

“Nooooo, I’ve got no moves,” he whines.

And while you chuckle at his misfortune, you look over and see that A.K. Yearling is still standing stock still as Ahuizotl dances all around her.

Kichi’s Comment

“How does it feel A.K. Yearling? To be embarrassed in front of all your adoring fans?” he asks smugly. The mare grits her teeth and looks him full in the eye.

“Of all the stupid things you’ve done Ahuizotl, this is by far the most annoying.”

“Hmmph, coming from the slanderous slop writer, that means nothing,” he says he presses her hat down over her eyes.

“OOOOOHHHH,” the crowd reacts to the scenario with enthusiasm and A.K. grits her teeth more as she pulls her hat back above her eyes.

“Ok, what’s your endgame here? What’s the purpose of this silly dancing? Is there some artifact here in the city you’re looking for?”

“Not that I know of. I was just trying to enjoy my dinner and all this happened. And even if there was, what would you even do about it? You may write about her, but you don’t even have a tenth of the skills Daring Do has.”

“What are y-Oh, right yes,” A.K. coughs into her hoof. “Clearly I don’t. Then what is it you want?”

“Oh you know what I want,” he says menacingly as he spins around and holds his tail paw, palm up, under her nose.

“You…want to kidnap me, tie me up, and use me as bait to lure Daring out?” she guesses.

“Ha! As if. As much as I’d like to see her right now, Daring is not the issue, you are!”


“I want My Share!” he declares as he clasps his hand paw over and over again.

"... What?" asks the surprised writer.

“You heard me. You write all these tales about dear Daring Do, and I’m sure she gets a cut, so I want mine!”

A.K. looks around at all the crowd, who seem to be eating up the scene.

“This is so cool.”

“Do you think this is a set up for the next book?”

“I don’t know, seems too meta for my taste, implying that Ahuizotl is real.”

The ponies murmur in the crowd as others cheer for you and Grandbuggy ganging up on Blueblood.

“Why should I give you any?” A.K. demands.

“Because if you’re going to make me look like a buffoon, then the least you can do is pay me,” he says with a snort. “If you don’t give me a share then I’…”

“What? You’ll what?” A.K. asks, imagining herself in some nightmarish trap, her wings bound to her side with thick rope.

Always with the rope, even in my own imagination. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? She wonders to herself briefly.

“I’ll sue you,” he says plainly.

“…What?!” she yelps.

“I’ll sue you for writing me as you have. Heck, I’ll make it a class action lawsuit with Caballeron and others who’ve you portrayed as fictional characters. We’re owed royalties.”

“Will you keep your voice down?!” she demands and looks back at the oblivious fans.

“Look, even if that’s true, you’re criminals! You’d never be caught dead in a court.”

“Maybe so, but with my wealth, I can afford an army of lawyers that can prove my point. You think Daring will foot the bill for you?” he smirks as he bobs his head to the music.

“H-Hey now, let’s not go throwing out the lawyer talk,” A.K. stutters nervously as she rubs the back of her neck.

“Huh, that seemed to scare her right good,” you mention as you twirl before landing on one hoof.

“And with good reason,” Grandbuggy nods as he leans forward at an unnatural angle before righting himself. “You wanna fight without throwing a punch? Ya sick the lawyers on em.”

“Very true,” Blueblood reluctantly agrees and he spastically moves. “Compared to their evil, the Hooded Offender is like unto a Breezie.”

“…OK then,” you shrug as you continue showing him up.

“Ms. Yearling?! I would be willing to help out financially if it ever comes to it in exchange for a self insert of-“

“NO SELF INSERTS!” A.K. yells back at the Prince before eyeing Ahuizotl again.

“We can talk about this in private, now can we please just end this?”

“Hmmm, maybe if you can defeat me in a dance, then perhaps I’ll consider it Bruja.”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Narrowing her eyes, A.K. Yearling presses her eyeglasses further up her nose.

“Fine, if you insist. Just hope my fresh moves don’t take you out first!”

She then starts clapping herself all over her body as she tap dances around Ahuizotl, in beat to the music, and the crowd roars.

“Oh, that’s more like it,” Ahuizotl smirks as he begins tapping himself up onto a table where he continues his fancy foot work.

“Oh my goodness, so stylish,” Blueblood fanfillies as his favorite author and character dance together.

“Focus up No Balls, one dance fight at a time,” Grandbuggy says as he does a worm in front of him.

“So, you know Sphayniard style Ahuizotl?” A.K. grunts.

“You think I talk with this accent for fun chica?” he taunts.

“Hmmph, well try to keep up with this!”

Yearling then stands on her hind legs, and begins moving with the rhythm, rotating her hips and purposefully striking out her forelegs.

“Oh, you want to go modern huh? Can’t beat me traditionally?” Ahuizotl mocks.

“What, are you too much of a relic to get with the times?” she taunts right back with a smirk.

“Oi! There’s nothing wrong with the classics!” you shout as you come to Ahuizotl’s defense.

Mangle once again changes the music as you slide right up into A.K. Yearling’s face and show some sick moves Spike taught you on karaoke night at the Apple Farm. Ahuizotl seems grateful for the save and back up dances for you along with several other back up dancers from the crowd.

“Moonwalker’s moves huh? You weren’t even alive when he was around,” she sneers.

“Yeah, we can’t all be fossils like you,” you retort.

“OOOOOHHHHH!!!” the crowd erupts at your sick burn and she grinds her teeth.

“That said,” you take your dice rolling hoof motion to grab hers, as you put a pen into it. “Can you sign this real quick?”

You then take out the stolen Pith Helmet and push it up to her, all while still dancing.

“Where did you get my-I mean, Daring’s Helmet?” she asks in befuddlement as you pull her hoof with the pen to it’s surface.

“It’s uh…just a replica. Thank you,” you say as you place it back in your bags.

“What? I…” A.K. with muscle memory signed her name as instructed. Grunting, she throws the pen away and declares,

“You thieving Rats,”

She then begins twirling in place almost in ballerina fashion, but utilizes the tables and chairs as well, the whole time insulting both you and Ahuizolt as rats.

“Hrk. Dark and swanky at the same time,” you say in pain as her moves are glorious.

“Shield your eyes amiga, she’s trying to overwhelm you,” Ahuizotl warns as he covers your eyes and pulls you back, taking the full brunt of the twirls.

“Cat Bird, tag in, tag in!” you call out to Greta. Zesty Gourmand is thoroughly aghast and beaten in her chair, so Greta looks to you in your time of need and flies over.

Placing herself in front of Ahuizotl, she grimaces.

“Urgh, she’s too good. You guys get your A game ready, I’ll take the hit.”

“What? No chica!” Ahuizotl warns but it’s too late.

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

Greta begins to do the Chicken Dance. Many of the audience are flabbergasted by this move, while many others laugh. Mangle for her part tries to make it more badass than it is, but it’s a far inferior move set. Grunting through the shame and humiliation, Greta’s sacrifice has the desired effect, A.K. Yearling is caught off guard and stops her twirls.

“Are you serious with that?” she mocks as Greta falls down panting. “Did you actually think you could beat me?”

“No, but I know he could,” Greta smiles darkly and points behind A.K.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Whipping her head around she sees Grandbuggy with a smug look while Blueblood pants on the floor with tears in his eyes.

“Mind if I cut in sweetheart?” he says with a lidded stare before he bursts forth and starts moving his body like a storm. You were decent with Michael Moonwalker moves, but Grandbuggy is a god. The crowd goes nuts and many whistles are heard. He even garners quite a few of his own back up dancers to accompany his display.

“How can you move so gracefully old timer?” she gasps as she falls to the ground besides Blueblood.

“Because I’m smooth as buck baby,” he gives her a wink, which causes her to wince.

“Gah. I’m not going down that easy,” she declares as she picks up Blueblood.

“Wah, what’s happening?” he whimpers.

“I heard you were a fan and tried to buy out the bookstore so that it was only you in line.”

“Well, I did try, but auntie wouldn’t let me and-“

“Shut up and dance and I’ll sign every piece of merch you own!”

“Deal!” he says happily as she takes him by the hooves.

“Now, follow my lead!”

Mangle then plays a lightning fast song as Yearling leads Blueblood into a strange fast paced mix of dances. Or rather, he flails, while she expertly dances well enough for the both of them.

“Group dancing? Oh she’s upped the ante,” Grandbuggy says wiping his brow.

“But that’s cheating isn’t it?” you ask.

“No, it’s just a power play,” Ahuizotl growls.

“Well, far be it from us to team up as well,” Grandbuggy then ushers you all forward.

“Get up soldier!” you order, pulling the panting Greta up off the ground.

“I can’t, go on without me, I’ve already embarrassed myself.”

“We never leave a bird behind!” you yell and push her forward into formation. After another music cue, you all follow Grandbuggy’s lead and start dancing in unison.

“Soooo synchronized!” Blueblood bellows and falters, ending his back up flailing. Growling, Daring Do looks to the robot fox and throws a hail mary.

“I Can Dance If I Want To!”

Mangle pauses.

“I Can Leave My Friends Behind!”

Because Your Friends Don’t Dance, and If They Don’t Dance, They’re No Friends of Mine!

Mangle blares out the next bit of the song and the crowd cheers even more. Picking Blueblood back up, she and him then start the infamous Safety Dance.

“No! Not that dance! No one can resist the sweet techno goodness that is the safety dance!” Greta bemoans as the crowd starts to turn in A.K.’s favor.

“Clever girl, pulling out the big guns,” Grandbuggy pants.

“What now? How do we top that?!” you panic.

“Step back Amigos! I will finish this!” Ahuizotl says in determination as he strides forward, pushing Blueblood to the ground.

“Now what are you-Whoa!” A.K. says taken aback as Ahuizotl takes her by the hooves.

“Try to keep up,” he says as they both start doing a very fast tango. At first, they seem to keep trying to one up one another, but halfway through the dance, they appear to become in sync with one another, and you swear that both of them are enjoying it. The work like a well oiled machine, and the crowd can just not get enough.

“Wait, if they’re both doing well, who’s gonna win?” you ask hesitantly.

“Probably the one who gets seduced first,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“And what’s that mean?” you raise a brow.

“You’ll find out when you’re older.”

“Oh Gorramnit!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As the Tango reaches it’s peak, Ahuizotl takes the lead and dips Yearling in his arms, while his own face is relatively close as they stare at each other.
Ahuizotl is breathing hard, as is A.K., and you notice that her face seems a bit flush.

“Do you admit defeat?” he asks, "Or shall we go another round?"

“Ah-Ahuizotl I...I-AGH!” she cries out suddenly as her hat and glasses slide off of her head and onto the ground revealing…a familiar grey chromatic hairdo.

The crowd gasps at this and Ahuizotl’s eyes go wide.

“…Daring?” he asks in shock.

“I…uh…” she fumbles looking around at all the shocked faces, as more cameras go off.

“Oooohhh-GRAGH!” she twists out of his grip, grabs her hat and glasses, and flies out the door, leaving many stunned while the music still blares. Ahuizotl himself just has a thousand yard stare after what he witnessed.

“Huh, I always suspected Daring Do was just a self insert of herself,” one fan says aloud.

“I mean, how narcissistic can you get making yourself this great adventurer when all you do is sit and write?” says another.

“I mean, it’s kind of lame and awesome at the same time,” another exposits.

“…What are they talking about Grandbuggy?” you ask.

“They still think Daring Do’s fictional and based on Yearling’s appearance.”

“Seriously?” you deadpan.

“Gotta say, if we hadn’t met her before hand, I wouldn’t have seen that one coming,” he admits before shaking his head and pointing at the weeping Blueblood on the ground. “But we’ll worry about that later, we’ve still got a battle to win.”

“But what about Ahuizotl?” asks Greta pointing to the still as a statue cat thing.

“Lover boy’s in his own head, we can’t help him now. Let’s finish this,” you say as you, Grandbuggy and Greta face the abandoned Prince and his overwhelmed corpse friend.

In unison, all three of you open up the last of your reserves and exude pure awesomeness.

“MY EYES!!!” Blueblood cries out as his eyes literally start smoking from the awesomness of your moves. The whining Prince then proceeds to faint, right on top of the downed Gourmand who gets knocked out herself and the crowd goes nuts with confetti and air horns being blasted off and standing ovations.

You all take a bow to your audience, even Ahuizotl after he momentarily comes out of his shock.

“Thank you all, thank you,” Grandbuggy smiles. “Now, help these lovely people clean up, and get some good food in ya.”

“WWWWOOOOO!!!!” the audience cries out as…they do just that. They help push tables back into proper rows, and begin to sit down and place more orders, which Coriander and Saffron are more than ecstatic about.

“Oooooo,” Blueblood groans as his eyes blink a bit. Taking the chance, Grandbuggy walks right up to him and looks him dead in the eye.

“You just got served. Now, if you want another taste, keep acting like a jackass, I’ll come back for seconds.” The frightened prince nods in fear as Grandbuggy smirk and calls back to you all.

“Time to go.”

You, Greta and Ahuizotl nod as you all start exiting the building. As you do, you see the three royal guards that were in the crowd head over to the downed Prince.

“Alright your majesty, time to go back to your room.”

“But I never got my autograaaaphhh,” he starts sniffling.

“Uh huh, that’s interesting and stuff,” the guard says without a care in the world.

“I sure hope he gets double grounded after today,” you say as you open the front door.

“Wait!” you hear Saffron call before you all step outside. Turning around she rushes up to you all with a smile.

“Thank you all so much for all you’ve done today. After word spreads, business will boom even more so.”

“No need to thank us little lady, twas only right after all,” Grandbuggy says humbly with a tip of his hat.

“Even so…who are you four? I must know,” she says exuberantly.

“Hmm, not so big on the names after a spectacle. Let’s just call us a regular ‘ol band of Outcasts and leave it at that,” Grandbuggy smirks before turning around and leading you all away.

“Thanks for the appetizers. I know we’ll enjoy the main course your dad made us,” you wave and catch up with him.

“Sorry about the mess,” Greta apologizes and exits as well.

Ahuizotl, doesn’t say anything. He still stares straight ahead, countless thoughts on his mind as he follows.

“Thank you again Outcasts,” Saffron waves before heading back inside where many more orders are placed.

As you all walk down the street, you speak up.

“Sooo, what’s our next move after that? We still haven’t eaten the food we ordered.”

“Ah, don’t worry about that, I got a nice quiet peaceful place here in the city where we can relax.”

“Wait, really? You own a place here in Canterlot?” Greta asks impressed.

“In a manner of speaking yes,” Grandbuggy says vaguely.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask.


You all are currently sitting in a crystalline cavern under the city of Canterlot on old pieces of furniture as you eat your meals.

“I should have guessed it would be something like this,” Greta sighs.

“Eh, property’s property. I’ve technically had this cave system long before even the Princesses were born,” Grandbuggy points out as he chows down on the wonderful, delicious meal.

“How? You’re not a dragon or alicorn, how can you possibly be that old?” Greta squawks.

“Time Travel,” Grandbuggy says simply.

“…What?” Greta says confused, but Grandbuggy offers no other explanation which frustrates her.

“Well it is kind of nice with the crystals and everything,” you say as you finish your heavenly meal, albeit a bit cold. “But…aren’t these the caves where Cousin Cadence was held prisoner when Daddy met her?”

Cousin Cadence? What?” Greta bawks, but you both ignore her confusion.

“Yes and no,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “This little cavern here is all mine, any other cave path I haven’t really explored.”

You let that sink in as you look at the many different dark tunnels branching off from where you’re all sitting.

“Wow. To think, this is where it all started for Daddy. And I was born, what, a couple weeks later?”

“Sounds about right,” Grandbuggy nods.

“Wait wait wait, you’re all talking about the Changeling Invasion that happened almost four years ago right?” Greta says resting a talon on her temple.

“Darn tootin,” Grandbuggy nods.

“But…that doesn’t make sense, how could you have only been born a few weeks after that? How old are you?”

“Uh…you don’t ask a girl her age, that’s rude,” you respond.

“Oh bullspit, that’s only when a guy asks. Seriously kid, how old are you?”

“I’m…well…Oh look, there’s Ahuizotl returning, let’s focus on that instead,” you dodge the question as he comes back in after scoping out the city above.

“Oh come on, what aren't you guys telling m-“

“So, Ahuizotl, anything interesting happen? You find Daring Do again?” And as Greta groans from being ignored, Ahuizotl sighs and sits down on a rotten sofa across from you.

“No…No I didn’t find her again. She took off it seems,” he says as he puts an evening newspaper on the three legged coffee table between you.

The front page is one of the many pictures snapped during the Dance Battle. Specifically, the one of Daring Do without her hat and glasses in the dipped pose in Ahuizotl’s arms.

The headline reads,

Daring Do and the Saucy Publicity Stunt.

The article then goes on to say how A.K. Yearling seems to have made a great advertisement by organizing a dance battle with an unnamed Ahuizotl cosplayer that garnered fans’ attention, before canceling her scheduled book signing, probably to garner more media attention. The writer then theorizes that A.K. Yearling is finally admitting that Daring Do is somewhat of a self insert due to her color scheme and perhaps that the ending tango with the cosplayer is foreshadowing for romance elements in her next book, which will have Ahuizotl in it. There are then many quotes from random fans known as shippers who seem to rejoice at this news, and yet others that condemn it. At the end of the article, it adds that the dance battle occurred in a new up and coming restaurant called The Tasty Treat that seems to have blown up in popularity overnight, and that the other dancers involved were an old stallion, young earth pony filly and a female griffon who went by the moniker, The Outcasts, which is probably the name of their dance troupe.

“Oooh, The Outcasts,” you say in wonder. “That’s actually pretty cool and catchy.”

“Mmhmm, sure is,” Ahuizotl says slumping his shoulders.

“What’s wrong Ahz?” Grandbuggy asks. “You bummed she skipped town on you?”

“Yeah, a little,” he nods sadly. “I just…I just can’t believe that all this time, Daring Do and A.K. Yearling were the same pony.”

“I know, right? My mind got blown when I saw that. A lot of stupid ponies still think she’s just a “Self Insert” or whatever though,” you point out.

“Oh I don’t care what the others think, I just…I thought Daring and I had an understanding of being Arch Nemeses. I thought she respected my character, but now I find out it was her this whole time writing lies about me…”

You look nervously at Grandbuggy and Greta over how sad Ahuizotl is, though from their expressions, they don’t really know how to help either.

“Uhhh…I mean, look on the bright side, she uh…she seemed to enjoy that last dance you had,” you chuckle nervously trying to cheer him up.
This only causes him to sigh once more and lean back in rotten chair.

“I thought I knew her…”

Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, Grandbuggy just pats him on the shoulder a few times. Avoiding the awkwardness herself, Greta picks up the paper and reads more.

“That’s weird, there’s no mention of Prince Douchebag in the article.”

“I know right? All the pictures they used didn’t have him or that corpse lady either,” you nod.

“Hmmph, figures,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes. “Though maybe you won’t find them on the front page,” he insinuates.

Opening the paper more, you find two smaller articles. One is of how Zesty Gourmand is retiring early due to unexplained reasons...


And the other is for a new job opening in the palace for a Royal Dance Tutor.

“Seriously? After that thrashing today, he still thinks he can improve those poor moves?” Greta grumbles.

“Heh, what do you know, the jackass actually took my advice,” Grandbuggy says impressed.

“Ugh, is it too much to hope that he gives up being a Prince and just becomes a professional dancer?” you roll your eyes.

“Yeah, but one can only hope Shade,” Grandbuggy chuckles. “Even if it’s not publicized, justice has been served this day.”

“Not to mention the ugly truth,” Ahuizotl grimaces causing you all to bite your lips again.

“Yeesh, talk about a Debbie Downer,” you mutter before coughing into your hoof and addressing Grandbuggy. “So, what’s next? We hang out here then what?”

“Hmmm,” he ponders for a moment. “Well, we can either catch a night train towards our next stop in Rainbow Falls, or we can catch one in the morning if you still want to visit somepony.”

Your eyes widen at that.

“Visit Trixie? This late?”

Grandbuggy just shrugs, “Why not? Besides, after hours in hospitals give you more privacy. It’s all up to you at this point. So, what’s the plan?”

As he says that, you begin to sweat a little seeing as how the decision making is now on your shoulders.

Dang it old bug, putting me on the spot like this. Ugh! OK, so we can either skip town tonight, or visit Trixie…Ohhh, what do I do?

Good Question, What Do You Do?

Episode 32: Visiting Hours Are Clearly Listed

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You bite your lip in nervousness as you begin to ponder the two choices that Grandbuggy has provided for you.

AllenNoir’s Comment

OK, OK, get it together girl. Making decisions is easy. You just have to sit down and weigh the pros and cons to reach the best answer. Exactly what Daddy doesn’t do.

You nod at your own deduction, and ignore the weird feeling that your dad just sneezed in the other world.

OK, so we can either skip town or see Trixie. Skipping town would mean we get back on track and are that much closer to getting Mommy out of Dad’s head and finally having a normal family for once. On the other hoof that would mean we’d miss sneaking into a medical ward in the middle of the night filled with possible inequine doctors, creepy corridors, and patients doped up on drugs only to see a mare that I sort of feel responsible for…

Now that you’ve thought through it, the answer seems relatively straightforward. Sure you want Mommy to have her own body, and to help out Sombra too, but on the other hoof…

Gorramn guilt, you sigh and wilt your ears before shaking your head in determination. Well let’s get to it then.
Looking up at Grandbuggy he raises a brow and smirks.

“You wanna go see Trixie I’m guessing?” he asks smugly.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

"Well, of course, I want to go see Trixie! I owe it to her!" you blurt out. Grandbuggy only smiles more at that.

“Well, then I guess it’s decided. We’re going for a visit,” he says as he tilts his hat up.

“Wait, hold on, we’re talking about that mare in St. Megan’s that you said was your dad’s friend right?” Greta interrupts.

“Yeah that’s right,” you nod.

“What do you mean you owe it to her? Were you the one to put her in there?” she asks innocently, but that hits you hard and you wince.

“I…No she…” you stutter and look down. Sensing your hesitation, Greta tries to back off.

“Oh, I mean…You don’t have to answer that if it’s painful or anything,” she says nervously.

“No no it’s just…” you sigh and look at the griffon. “The last time I saw her, I punched her in the face and told her I hated her. Shortly after that she…hurt herself.” You don’t explain anymore after that, but you’re sure Greta gets the gist.

“I may not have put her in that hospital, but I at least owe her an apology,” you say with conviction.

“Well said Shade,” Grandbuggy nods as he stands up. “But let’s get too it then. The quicker we get this done, the quicker we can get some rest and get going before that faceless creep shows up asking for 20 bits.”

He then starts walking for a cave exit and Greta follows suit.

“I still don’t understand why you don’t just give that thing the money you owe it?” she asks.

“Because the minute I give it to him, he’ll think he can push his luck and ask for more, and I don’t negotiate with terrorists!” he argues, his voice echoing along the crystal walls.

You begin to follow them as well when you realize that Ahuizotl hasn’t moved from his spot on the couch, still looking off into the distance.

Feeling sympathetic, you walk over to him and tap his leg.

“Hey Mr. Ahuizotl, come on. We’re going to go to a Mental Hospital. Surely that will get your mind off Daring Do?”

He just sighs in melancholy at that. “I don’t think it will niña. But I suppose that if everyone else is going, I might as well too.”

He then sluggishly gets up off the couch and starts walking towards the exit with you.

Yeesh, you find out the person you thought you knew turned out to also be the person you hated for so long and you get all mopey. You then stop in your tracks as an epiphany hits you.

Whoa, is that what everyling’s gonna act like if they find out Daddy is BST, The Crimson Vengeance and the Hooded Offender?

Looking at the dour cat creature in front of you, you shudder at that scenario.
The atmosphere would be such a downer that I don’t even think Pinkie Pie could cheer it up.


Your group stand on the cobblestone road in front of St. Megan’s. The hour is late, and all the street lamps give everything an orangish hue. You stand at the forefront of the group as you give the front door a hesitant look. Suddenly you feel Grandbuggy’s hoof lower gently on your shoulder. Looking back at him, he smiles at you and gives a head tilt towards the door. Nodding, you work up the courage and walk forward, opening the door into the front lobby.

Kichi’s Comment

You’ve only been inside a few hospitals in your short life, never for yourself, always for Daddy, but the lobby seems like all the rest. There are chairs, magazines, and the usual reception desk behind a window. The only difference is the locked off doors on either side of the hallways.

Must be so the crazies don’t escape, you shudder, remembering all the patients at Arkhay.

“Ugh, I hate hospitals. They smell too much like medicine and death,” Greta shudders.

“Well that kind of comes with the territory birdie,” Grandbuggy snarks causing her to ruffle her feathers. “Just be sure to wash your talons if you touch anything, germs are all the rage in here.”

“Ick,” Greta gags as she daintily picks her talons and paws up and tries to tipy toe as much as possible.

You decide to take no chances and follow suit, but Ahuizotl apparently doesn’t care. Because of your daintines, Grandbuggy takes the lead and reaches the reception window first and he gives it a knock.

A few seconds go by, but there is no answer, so he knocks again. Yet again, there is no response and Grandbuggy’s cigar dips in his lip.

“Well that’s a fine how d’ya do for a response. What happens if some guy comes in and is bleeding out an-“

The window opens up suddenly interrupting his tirade and startling you all.

"What is the emergency?" asks a bored sounding white unicorn mare in a nurse hat.

"Hello, there missy,” Grandbuggy tips his hat. “We are here to-“

“No Smoking Aloud,” she says in that same bored tone and points to the a wall plaque with a cigarette inside of a lined circle.

Grandbuggy takes his cigar out of his mouth at that.

“Don’t worry, it’s not lit. I just like having one at all-“

“No tobacco products are to be in sight of the hospital staff or patients sir. Please get rid of it.”

“But it’s not even lit!”

“Rules are rules sir,” she says still bored.

“Grr, fine,” he grumbles as he takes off his bowler, sticks the cigar inside of it and places it back on his head. “There, it’s out of sight and out of mind, ya happy now?”

“Not really sir. This is my fifth double this week. I wasn’t even supposed to be here today,” she says in monotone.

“Oh,” Grandbuggy says in sympathy. “Well I’m sorry to hear tha-“

“What is your emergency this late sir?” she interrupts in the same tone causing his eye to twitch.

“…OK, I’ll just get right to it then. We’re here to visit a friend, so if you would kindly-“

“Visiting hours are over, please come back tomorrow,” she dismisses.

“What? Now come on, I’m sure there can be an excep-“

“The minute Princess Luna raises the moon, visiting hours are over. No exception. Good Night Sir.”

“But I-“

Grandbuggy is cut off as the nurse closes the window on him and he is left a bit speechless.

“…Okay, that just happened,” he slumps his shoulders before taking his cigar back out of his hat and popping it in his mouth. “Now what?”

“Don’t worry Grandbuggy, I got this,” you say confidently as you push him aside and knock on the window yourself.

"Yes?" asks the nurse as she opens the window and looks down at you.

“Ma’am, can you pwease let us come in and see our fwiend? I just want to see her so badly…” you say activating your best puppy dog eyes.

“Hrk!” you hear Greta and Ahuizotl grunt as they clutch at their chests, while Grandbuggy weathers the storm. The nurse on the other hand…

"Yeah, no.”

This breaks you out of you cuteness stare.

“No? What do you mean no?”

“Just what I said, No,” she responds plainly.

“Bwah-I-Wha...” you sputter as she continues to stare at you boredly. “What’s going on here, didn’t my cuteness effect you at all?”

“Kid, I’ve worked here for a long time, and after many years of foals pulling that to get out of taking their medicine or not eating the terrible hospital food, I’m immune.”

“More like heartless,” mutters Grandbuggy.

“Now, unless you have an emergency or are a doctor please leave. Visiting hours begin at 10:00 A.M. Goodnight.” The nurse then closes the window once more and puts up a Do Not Disturb Sign on it.

“…That whorse seriously didn’t feel anything from that cuteness bomb?” you say in befuddlement. Sure others in the past have been able to shrug it off, but at least they all winced.

“Well, if it’s any consolation, you nearly gave me a stroke,” Greta comforts.

“It does help a little,” you admit as you trot over to them. “But what are we going to do now? We can’t wait till tomorrow, we got a train to catch.”

“Oh! Maybe Ahuizotl can go up there and say he’s visiting a dying patient and he’s their favorite Daring Do character,” Greta offers.

“…That’s a bit morbid,” Grandbuggy says.

“Yeah, that’s too messed up,” you admonish.

“Well it was an idea,” she huffs and crosses her arms. “Besides, he’s in the right mood for it as mopey as he’s been.”

True to her statement, Ahuizotl still seems bummed out, even after suffering your cuteness bomb shrapnel.

“Come on Ahzi,” Grandbuggy encourages, “You gotta stop being so glum just because you found out the lady you hated was just your marefriend in disguise. It’s not the worst surprise you could ever receive.”

Despite the bait Grandbuggy throws, he doesn’t take it, though he does look a bit contemplative.

“A disguise…I might have an idea for your problem,” Ahuizotl announces. “Give me five minutes.” He then unceremoniously walks out the door and into the night. You, Grandbuggy and Greta all look at each other before shrugging and taking seats in the lobby.

As you all wait for your ally, you try to remain busy, even reading the old crusty magazines provided.

“Is it just me, or are these magazines really old?” asks Greta.

“It ain’t just you birdo,” Grandbuggy says as he holds up his magazine. “This is the same magazine that another hospital had when me and the boy infiltrated a hospital some years back.”

“Oh yeah, Daddy told me that one. He said you lost your pretend medical licenses when you started doing unnecessary surgery to an intern.”

“Yeah…I kind of got hopped up on laughing gas by accident that day. But anyway, I remember reading this exact magazine. Look, it’s even got the same article on Princess Luna.”

“Yeesh, a four year old magazine? How cheap can they be?” Greta says.

“It’s older than that,” Grandbuggy chuckles as you read the headline.

Thy Princess of the Night, Luna Hath Been Banished to the Moon...Seriously?”

Before you can think too much on how a 1,000 year old piece of parchment hasn’t crumbled into dust Ahuizotl returns wearing fake glasses and a medical coat.

"What the buck are you wearing?" Grandbuggy asks pointedly.

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s a doctor’s outfit.”

“Okay. Second question, where did you get that?”

“There was a laundry cart around the back. I just took one of the less smelly coats.”

“And the glasses?” you ask.

“Got lucky, found them in the coat pocket,” he says adjusting them.

“Do you really think that’s gonna get us inside?” Greta asks with disbelief all over her face.

“Hey, if it worked for Daring then it can work with me.”

“He’s right you know? It’s surprising how most ponies are very oblivious once you add a hat, coat and glasses,” you say thinking about all the costumes your dad has worn.

“Exactly senorita. After today’s revelations, I now see how easy it is to pretend to be another person with ease…Speaking of which, I wonder of the publishing house has her house on file? Despite everything, I still haven’t gotten my share.”

Mumbling to himself, he walks towards the window and raps on it with his hand tail. Once more the nurse opens the window.

"What?" she asks in the same bored tone, though her scowl indicates she’s losing her patience.

"Hello, I'm doctor uh... Quetzalcoatl, I'm here to check the information of one of my patients."

“Yeahhh, No. Firstly, all the doctors here are ponies, and you’re clearly not. Secondly, you’re wearing Doctor Quacksalver’s old coat, and he was let go months ago for screaming about ‘Six Limbed Horse-Monkeys’ to the patients,” she points to the nametag still stitched on the coat. “We use that coat now mostly for window cleaning, which means you stole it from the laundry. Please leave now or I’ll call for security.” She then slams the window once more, this time a little more forcefully.

“...Mierda!” Ahuizotl grumbles as he walks back over to you all. “It didn’t work.”

“Yeah, no spit Sherlock,” Greta chuckles. “Here, let me try. I’ll pretend to be a patient trying to commit herself.”

Greta then starts walking to the window, but before she can even knock on it, it opens and the nurse shouts.

“No!” before closing it again. Greta, beak agape, just turns to you all and says,

“Well that was rude.”

“Alright, the system as failed us, time for Plan B,” Grandbuggy grunts as he stands up and walks to the door.

“What’s Plan B?” you ask.

“Good old fashioned breaking and entering.”


Zapper frost’s Comment

“Gorramit! Why do all these windows have bars on them?” Grandbuggy grumbles as he ineffectively tugs on the iron barriers on a window in the alleyway.

“Maybe to keep crazy people from getting in?” you guess like a smart alleck.

“Well that’s silly. There’s crazy folks inside right? They’re clearly to keep them in. Who would think of breaking into a hospital?” Greta asks.

In response you just point to the frustrated Grandbuggy who has taken Mangle and shoved her face to the bars.

“Eat the bars ya cyber-demon. Eat it!”

“Skkkrooonnnkkk!” Mangle protests and flails about.

“…Good point,” Greta acquiesces.

“Grr, there’s got to be a blow torch setting on this evil little-Yowch!” Grandbuggy utters as Mangle bites his hoof, and scrambles out of his grip before diving back into your inventory.

“That little bucker! Now I’m gonna get Robo-Rabies,” he grunts and shakes his hoof.

“Grandbuggy, next time just ask Mangle for help,” you roll your eyes.

“Heh, asking a machine for help is how they get ya! You have to keep ordering machines around or else they’ll take over the world!”

“…So that’s where daddy gets it,” you mutter under your breath before looking back up at him. “Whatever. I don’t think we’re getting through those bars anytime soon, and Robo-Rabies isn’t a thing, right Ahuizotl?”

“How the heck should I know?” he asks.

“Oh, sorry, you’re still wearing the coat and…nevermind,” you shake your head. “The point is we need a new way in.”

“Hmm. You’re right sweetheart,” Grandbuggy nods and sighs, before reaching into his hat and pulling out a roll of duct tape. “Didn’t think we’d have to resort to this, but if that overworked dish won’t let us in willingly then-“

“No no no,” you wave your hooves to stop that train of thought. “Let’s do something that doesn’t require assault.”

“Alright fine, take the wind out of my sails why don’tcha?” Grandbuggy shrugs and returns his duct tape. “What’d you have in mind then?”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Well…I know how to teleport.”

Grandbuggy raises a quizzical eyebrow at that.

“Ya do huh? How accurate are ya?”

“I’m better than daddy, that’s for sure…which really isn’t saying much,” you admit

"Well, it doesn't hurt to try kiddo," Grandbuggy says. "Give it a shot.” He then motions for Ahuizotl and Greta to block the view to you from the alleyway. “There you go, plenty of privacy. Now go on, do the thing.” You nod and take a deep breath.

"Hoo~ Okay..."

In a flash of fire green, your horn appears once again. Closing your eyes in deep concentration, you channel your magic.

The magic on your horn starts to get brighter as your face holds an expression of calmness. It takes Grandbuggy and the rest a few moments to realize that it’s getting brighter by the second due to the serenity on your face, but by the time they do, they must shield their eyes.

"Uh, Sweetie?!" Grandbuggy raises his voice over the noise of your magic. "I'm no expert, but I don't think you need this much magic to teleport!"

"Sweetie Belle isn't here," You answer calmly with your eyes still closed, the magic getting louder and brighter.

Ahuizotl, still shielding his eyes, notices some of the buildings down the road are getting their light switches flipped on.

"I think we're waking up some of the ponies amigos."

Even some of the barred hospital windows lighten up as their occupants awake. Thankfully, unbeknownst to you, Trixie still slumbers not hearing your magic. The glow of it though does seem to soothe her though.

“What’s going on?”

“Who’s authorized a rave this late?”

“Why is the moon so bright?!”

Angry pony voices call out from some of the nearby buildings, some even opening their windows.

"Nightshade, honey, maybe you’re overdoing it?” Grandbuggy says nervously.

Grandbuggy’s voice doesn’t reach you though because you are completely focused on Trixie. You don’t know which room she’s in, but you know she’s in there, and so you make her your focal point.

You remember your mom telling you that Trixie tried to end her own life, and while you don’t know a single thing about depression or any mental illnesses yet, you know it was still a terrible thing. You have to fix her, and if not fix her, ask for forgiveness. It’s the least you could do.

She wanted to be your friend, even if she was using a crazy method to do so. Everything she did was for the sake of you and your dad. She cared for both of you, and you can't deny that anymore now. This is what your dad wanted, both himself and you to be known as a forgiving and friendly. Trixie will be another step towards that.

Opening your now glazing white eyes, you float into the air and at last, used the spell of teleportation to travel inside the hospital.

Feeling a bit dizzy, you find yourself laying on the floor in some room. Shaking your head, you get up and look around, and your heart skips a beat.

Lady Luck is on your side for once, for you have managed to teleport straight into her room.


Not noticing you didn't bring the other three with you, you trot slowly and quietly to the sleeping mare. She is different from the last time you saw her. Aside from being skinnier and her silver mane cut to a shorter style, you notice the scar.

Gasping, you cover your mouth, because even months later, you can see how damaging the wound was. It reminds you of Daddy’s chest scar, jagged, rough, and with burn marks as well. If you had any doubts before, they are gone. That was a killing blow.

“Oh Trixie…” you whisper sadly as you look at her face.

Despite everything though, a small smile touches her lips as she slumbers.

Grandbuggy said you were doing better. That in less than a year you’d probably be out and about. I’m just glad you can still smile.

You then twiddle your hooves because now that you’re here, the pressure returns. Your dad was able to find, comfort and apologize to her through the Dreamscape, and it seems to have helped tremendously, but you are here in the waking world.

Oh, how do I do this? Just shake her awake? What if she doesn’t want to see me? What if she doesn’t remember me? What if she sees the others and starts screaming and-Where did they go?

You train of thought is derailed as you finally notice that your three companions are not with you.

“…Oh gorramnit,” you curse, realizing you still aren’t as good with teleporting as Twilight Sparkle is.


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After you abruptly left your group they find themselves hearing a horde of angry ponies leaving their houses and coming to investigate.

“Well great she woke up all of Canterlot with that spell!” Greta groans.

“Dios mio! We need to hide! I’m still wearing stolen property” Ahuizotl panics as he quickly backs against the wall trying to hide in the shadows.

“Calm down you two! This may just what we need to get in the hospital. With all these ponies about the hospital security will be distracted!” Grandbuggy says looking at the building.

“If we’re not caught!” Ahuizotl whimpers as he leans against a mobile dumpster, before throwing the coat and glasses into it. However in his panicked state he accidentally pushes the dumpster just enough for it to exit the alleyway and slide down the street.


“Welp it’s closing time. Another successful day of business,” an old looking stallion merchant says as he closes up his firework stand. “Ahh thirty years I’ve sold my fireworks all across Equestria. With the money I’ve saved I’ll be able to retire soon! Hehe! And never in all those years was there ever an accident. Well just goes to show what hard work, proper training and a little luck can do.”

The stallion laughs merrily at this, but it is cut short by the sound of something heading his way. He turns and sees a rapidly approaching dumpster heading right for him.

“Ahhh!” He screams as he dives out of the way. The dumpster’s wheels can’t handle the increasing speed and collapse under the pressure, flipping it on its side and causing it to slide down the street, making sparks as it goes. With his hooves over his head for safety, the stallion watches as the broken dumpster grinds to a halt just inches from his precious stand.

“Woo! That was a close one, for a second I thought I was a goner,” the old stallion sighs in relief and knocks on the dumpster in victory. This causes a dirty doctor’s coat which had caught flame from the road sparks to fall out of the overturned trash bin and right into his stand.

“Oh fiddlest-“

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment


All three of them can only watch as the firework stand explodes, sending debris and fire everywhere, except the hospital oddly enough, and the mob of confused ponies shouting in fear, surprise, and even awe. Greta and Grandbuggy turn to Ahuizotl with deadpan glares.

“Eh heh oops?” Ahuizotl stutters nervously.

“Oops? That’s it?” Greta sqawks. “Cheese and Rice man, even Michael Beigh would say that was a little much.”

“It was an accident. And don’t even compare me to that idiota! If I made a film, I’d have made Bad Colts 3 instead of ruining a beloved toy franchise!”

Before Grandbuggy can break up their squabbling, the owner of the firework stand lands in from of them, having been launched by the destruction of his stand.

“Owwww....” The old stallion groans, his coat blackened with soot and covered with several singe marks. A tuft of his mane is even on fire, which Ahuizotl puts out with his tail hand.

“We need to get him into the hospital stat!” Greta yelps. Grandbuggy nods and grabs the poor pony and runs to the hospital entrance with Ahuizotl and Greta in tow.

“Wait, do you think there might be a fire risk after that explosion?” Ahuizotl asks in worry.

“Even if there is, this is the rich snobby side of Canterlot. They got insurance,” Grandbuggy remarks as he kicks open the door and marches right up to the receptionist window. Like the countless other times tonight, he pounds on the window, and it opens up.

“Look buddy, I said we’re closed! Now go before I call secur-“ she stops when Grandbuggy lifts up the poor stallion for her to see.

“I believe this counts as an emergency,” he deadpans.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The mare just stares at the clearly guilty looking pony, creature, and griffon before she sighs and rubs her temple.

"Alright, fine I'll let you in,” she groans as she presses a button under her desk and a door buzzer is heard.

“But please get rid of the fake injured pony before you freak out any of the other patients."

The three look at each other in confusion before Grandbuggy awkwardly coughs into his hoof.

"Uh Miss, this isn't fake, this guy is probably suffering from major burns...and maybe a concussion from hitting the ground so hard."

"Don't forget the possible mental trauma from seeing his life’s work go up in flames," Greta adds.

"Or any broken bones from the explosion or the fall," Ahuizotl finishes.

“My glorious mustache…it took 25 years to grow,” the old stallion whimpers as he pats his now clean shaven face.

Grandbuggy nods his head at this before looking back at the nurse.

"Right, all that too."

“Whatever you say,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Seriously, you go through the trouble of making a bunch of loud explosions outside and waking up like half the patients, so go on. I don’t care anymore. Go see whoever you came to see.”

“Well we are here to see someone, but this guy still-“

The nurse slams the window in their faces and begins grumbling.

"Stupid desperate ponies and their bucking stories. Tonight was supposed to be my night off but noooo, I had to cover for Healing Heart cause she had some dumb 'clan' mission or something. I swear everybody takes their ninja roleplaying too far, its a bucking hospital for bucks sake!"

The three amigos look at each other in confusion and then at the groaning burnt pony before Grandbuggy shrugs his shoulders.

“OK then, looks like we’re also going to be raiding the medicine cabinet as well. Don’t worry old geezer, I pretended to be a doctor in the past, you just need plenty of bandages and soup and pills.”

“The gypsy pony said this day would come, but I didn’t believe her,” he whimpers as Grandbuggy drags him through the door.

“Oh quit your grumbling. I’ll fix ya up right quick, I still gotta find my Great Granddaughter.”

“How exactly are we gonna find the kid?” Greta asks. “We didn’t get a room number from that lady.”

“And I doubt she’ll open the window again,” Ahuizolt says nervously looking at the still grumbling mare.

“I’m sure we’ll just stumble on her if we just go with the flow. Now quit yapping and steal me some painkillers for this guy.”

And with that, the trio walks into the Hospital Proper, ignoring the still grumbling and confused ponies outside, as well as the distant fire brigade sirens.


Just as you are berating yourself for not practicing the teleportation spell as much, a loud thunderous and bright explosion fills the night sky. The window in front of you rattles, and even items inside the room shake.

“Holy Buck! What Was That?!” you squeal in shock as you watch the many different colors fade and see distant fiery embers land on rooftops and businesses.

“Fireworks?” a voice gasps from behind you causing you to freeze up. Looking over your shoulder, you see the mare you came to visit sitting up in her bed looking around bleary eyed.

“Huh, I could have sworn I heard…Oh, it must have been a dream.” She then sits up in bed and grabs a glass of water and takes a sip. “One day…one day those fireworks will be for me again.”

She then goes for another sip, but she pauses with the glass to her lip as she spots you in the window light.

You stand there, frozen in anticipation, not knowing what to say or do now that the moment has finally come as Trixie lowers her glass. Her eyes widen in surprise as she gets a better look at you, and she gasps in a hopeful voice.



Episode 33: Heartwarming Reunions and House Wrecking Ridiculousness

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Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The two of you stare in awkward silence as neither of you know exactly what to say. You feel as if the staring will go on and on if you don't say anything soon, so mustering up all your courage you say,

"I'm Sorry!"

Both you and Trixie blink in surprise as you both say the same thing at the same time. You both stare at each other with ridiculous looks before you both say,

"Sorry!? Why are you sorry? I'm the one who’s sorry!"

This time you both get annoyed eyebrow twitches before you both exclaim,


You then both pause for three heartbeats before you both exclaim,


As the two of you glare each other down, silence encompasses you both. Then, a twitch of your lips, a snort from her, and soon you’re both laughing out loud as the tense atmosphere vanishes. Eventually you both calm down enough and sigh.

"Hey Trixie...nice to see you again."

" too Nightshade," she smiles warmly.

“I, uh…are you doing better?” you ask nervously.

“Oh yes,” she nods. “The doctors say I’ll be out before the end of the year. It’s amazing what therapy and medication can do.”

“OK, I’ll take your word for it. I’ve never really been sick, and the only Doctor I’ve really ever known was a time traveling alien that never told the whole truth.”

“Ummm, OK?” Trixie says confused.

“Then again he’s not really a time traveler or an alien right now. He turned into a regular pony and got married and has a daughter and doesn’t even remember me and I’m just rambling now…” you cut yourself off.

“Oh no, it’s fine. Whatever you were just babbling actually makes far more sense than what some of the other patients dribble on about,” she jests and you both share a giggle. “By the way, is your father here?” At that your ears wilt down a bit.

“No. Him, Mommy and Sombra went to another dimension to get an ancient sea horse necklace.”

“I…I am not going to even begin to try and understand that one,” she says flabbergasted with a hoof to her forehead before looking a bit sad. “But the big thing I take from that is he’s not here.”

“Oh no, he would’ve come if he could, it’s just that we’ve got a very important mission you see. I was only able to come because my Grandbuggy decided we needed a day off,” you explain, and thankfully she seems to accept it.

“I understand. I was able to see him that one time though in my dreams, and while I’d like to see him in person again, I can wait. Seeing you is good enough…by the way, how did you get in here anyway?”

“I teleported,” you say as if it’s no big deal.

“Really?” she says in awe. “That’s amazing, there are anti-teleportation wards throughout this entire building so no Unicorn patients can escape.”

“Yeah, well, guess they didn’t think to add any anti-alicorn measures did they?” you say smugly as you let your wings out with a flash of green.

As you reveal your wings, Trixie looks both awed…and a little downcast.

Kichi’s Comment

“You do look like a miniature Nightmare Moon,” she mutters and your ears wilt again.

“Ahh man, not you too,” you groan and she shakes her head. She nods her head at this and looks down at the floor.

“I fair say, that knowledge only came about to the public because of me. If I had not tried to…” she cuts herself off and continues, “Then nopony would have found out. I’m sorry for the added stress my actions caused you.”

“Wait…you don’t think I’m Nightmare Moon?” you ask for clarification.

“Of course not,” she says with conviction. “Even all those years ago when I first found your father, those rumors were nonsense. He told me so himself, and I have had no reason to doubt him.”

“Thank you! You know how annoying it is to not be able to flutter your wings because some idiot thinks you’re your mom? I’m a lot younger thank you very much.”

“Your mom?” Trixie asks curiously.

“Yeah…It’s complicated. My mom used to be Nightmare Moon, now she’s in his head, we’re trying to fix that, but now everling thinks she’s evil and has been controlling daddy and blah blah blah,” you say in frustration.

“So she really does factor into this…” Trixie says in wonderment.

“Yeah…they went from hating Daddy, to wanting to ‘save him’ from Mommy. It’s really stupid,” you say in melancholy.

“Well of course it is. Your father is clearly not being controlled by another,” she announces causing you to look up in confusion.

“Wait, you really believe that? That Mommy didn’t make Daddy attack you?”

“It’s so obvious,” she hoofwaves “I don’t know much about how your father and your mother function, but I do know what it’s like to be manipulated by an otherworldly force. Your father didn’t show the signs as I did.” She emphasizes this by rubbing her neck where the amulet once rested.

“In my despair, I thought I could ease your burden of being hunted…but it only made it worse. However your family works, the rest of the world has got it wrong. None of you are evil. I had a taste of what that was like, and none of you fit that bill.”

After her speech she looks at you and her face drops at the tears welling in your eyes.

"Oh great, now I made you sad again,” Trixie bemoans.

“No, it’s not that,” you say with a sniffle and smile, which takes Trixie aback. “It’s just that…not many out there believe that we’re all good. Thank you Trixie.”

This actually gets her to come out of her funk a little bit as she smiles back.

“Trixie calls it like she sees it,” she says, unconsciously reverting back to her third person tic.

“And don’t put too much weight on your shoulders, you’ve never been evil Trixie. Maybe jealous and selfish, but never evil,” you comfort as you wipe your eyes.

“Well…aside from the amulet,” she mutters.

“Oh…right,” you rub the back of your neck. “Except for that, but that wasn’t really you anyway.”

“…It’s complicated,” she admits also rubbing the back of her neck.

“That’s what people always say, but it usually isn’t. Besides, you’re Great and Powerful, you don’t need another adverb there,” you encourage.

“…Trixie thinks you mean adjective,” she smirks.

“D’oh!” you facehoof. “Yes, that one. Stupid grammar.”

She starts laughing at this, as do you and you both just keep laughing until you peter out.



“Can I hug you?” you ask hesitantly and wishfully.

“Please do,” she implores with a big smile and tears in her eyes.

You don’t need to hear anymore as you rush forth and hug the mare that you placed so much hate on in the past, intent to make up for it. As you both hold each other, you feel Trixie shudder and gasp back sobs and you struggle not to do the same. No words are said for some time as you embrace into the warmth of her chest and she pets your mane. Eventually, you look up, still hugging her chest and look her right in the eye with all the sincerity of your being.

“…I’m sorry for hurting you Trixie.” She gives you a sorrowful smile.

“And I’m sorry for hurting you Nightshade.”

“Well, we apologized, I guess that means we can be friends again right?” you ask with a chuckle.

“Do you really mean it?” Trixie asks in hopefulness.

“Of course I do,” you reassure giving another big squeeze. Smiling even more heavily, she rests her muzzle on the top of your head.

“Very well then…friend.”

“That’s right. Friend. What you always were even if we were all too blind to see, amulet or no amulet. You’re our friend Trixie.”

“…Thank you Nightshade,” she says breathlessly before you feel her twitch as if she’s had an epiphany.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Speaking of the amulet, what happened to it? I hope it’s not in anypony’s dangerous hooves,” she asks shuddering at the memory of it.

“Last I heard it was taken into hiding where no pony could find it,” you reassure.

Meanwhile In The Everfree

Zecora sits in her hut, brewing up a special elixir that would help one view the past as a spectre. Though no matter how much she tries to get it to it’s final form, it will not change from purple to white

“Hmm, on one half I am torn. I want to finish this myself, but it seems I need an alicorn,” she clicks her tongue in frustration. She then realizes that the only two she knows personally are both elsewhere in the world. One, at some summit in the Crystal Empire, the other who knows where.

“Even if you were here Nightshade, I don’t know if you’d have enough power for this escapade. Still, I hope that you and your father are alright, living peacefully and not having to fight.”

As she thinks about the friends she last saw months ago, a whimpered crying comes from outside. Looking out her window, she spots a baby manticore injured and mewling near her garden.

“Well for now I shall abandon this purple soup, that poor young cub might be lost from it’s group.”

Grabbing her staff, she exits her house and slowly and gingerly approaches the cub so as not to scare it.

“Be still little one, I will not be a bother, I just want to help you get back to your mother,” she says soothingly, causing the cub to take a submissive trusting stance.

As she is distracted though, she does not notice as a light flashes in her living room.

A brown earth pony with a yellow mane, sunglasses, a fedora and a black suit and red tie lets out a sigh as he rubs a cut on his cheek.

“Stupid bucking bugcat. Why do they always have to struggle?” he grumbles and sighs. “Then again, you send a lackey and they end up as catfood, so this is more convenient I suppose.” With that said, he looks around the place.

“Eh, could be dirtier I guess,” he shrugs. “Now, where is that stupid amulet at?”

He then looks around before his eyes catch sight of a mattress through a doorway.

“Nine times out of ten, a mare will always have important jewelry in her bedroom,” he theorizes as he makes his way into said room casually.

After a few moments of searching through drawers and clothing and other trinkets, he finds a box that looks a cut above the rest.

“And bingo was his name-o,” he says as he opens the box, and sure enough, there sits the alicorn amulet.

“Well hello there little macguffin, I’m a big fan of how you’ve stirred the pot,” he mutters creepily as he rubs his hoof along the red jewel.

“Bug boy thinks he’s going to have a clean getaway, and BAM! Trixie fight,” he chuckles to himself. “Oh that was fun. The despair, suicide attempt, Bugze going catatonic and Nightmare Moon’s secret finally exposed. Ahhh, good times.” He then closes the box and puts it in his bag.

“But unfortunately, I won’t have use for you for some time,” he sighs in melancholy. “It figures, the moment when I have so much planned, he up and disappears. By Lady Luck that shouldn’t be possible.”

Grunting in frustration he walks back into the living room.

“This only happened once before when he went to that otherworld, but even then I knew where he went. This is absolute bullspit that he’s out of my reach!” he grinds his teeth and kicks the floor.

“Now all I have are Little Ms. Badass and her scavenger hunt for whatever reason, but oh no, I can’t mess with her too much she says. Can’t carry the debt over until Bugze is dead she says! BAH!” he grunts and punches Zecora’s cauldron making a gong noise.

“Stupid bucking universal rules…But what my Lady wants, she gets,” he says with a sigh before smirking. “But hey, at least I can indirectly get at her.” He chuckles remembering how he put the time displaced Radiant Hope on the trail for hunting artifacts to at least inconvenience the little brat.

“On the plus side, that chick doesn’t even have to get directly involved herself. She’ll still search out her little coalition of baddies to help her ‘trapped and misunderstood’ boyfriend,” he slightly gags at that. “It’s certainly gonna be fun when Yanderallis is released because of her.”

“If nothing else, Hope’s little group will be a good fallback plan for when that robo-douche and his grunts fail at their Crystal Games plan. Oh I hope he eats it again, that will be delicious irony…” he then loses the sparkles of wonderment in his eyes before he groans and looks back at the floor in frustration.

“But those plans are gonna be worth buck all if that idiot and his two skullmates don’t bucking reappear again from Luck know’s where!”

After nearly popping another blood vessel, the stallion takes a deep breath and calms himself before looking in his saddlebag at the box.

“I wonder…if the impossible brat is treasure hunting, would she be tempted by more power?” A creepy smile then makes it’s way upon his lips.

“I mean, it wouldn’t be direct interference if it was just lying around near something else Nightshade was looking for. Oooh, wouldn’t it be lovely if she embraced the darkness and murdered dear old daddy with it?”

He the shudders in glee at that image.

“Ohhh, so many possibilities…Please come home bug boy, your good pal DWC still wants to play…”

As DWC revels in this demented fantasy, he finally notices the clip clop of hooves as Zecora returns down the path.

“Ah, it’s good to reunite a mother with her son. Manticore thankfulness always means no need to run,” she says joyfully.

“Aw crud, Sexy Zebra Shaman is back, and I didn’t get to take any random potions,” he moans. “Maybe I should stop bemoaning my plans and goals aloud to myself like a psychopath?...Nah.”

And just like that, despite being an earth pony, DWC disappears in a flash of light. This time though, Zecora notices.

“I do not know what was up with that flash of light, but I know somehow that something isn’t right…”


You suddenly feel a shiver down your spine as irony hits you like a bat out of Tartarus, and you feel Trixie do the same.

“Well that felt ominous,” she states the obvious.

“Yeah…maybe we should just keep hugging so that the cold feeling goes away?” you suggest.

“Good plan,” Trixie nods and hugs you tighter. If you were a weaker filly, you’d probably have already lost oxygen.

And as you hug your friend, ignoring the blaring fire engines and shouting guards in the streets, you wonder momentarily about the rest of your group.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Meanwhile, With the Others

"Quick Fix amigo, I don't think that's how you’re supposed to treat a burn," Ahuizotl says apprehensively as he stands guard in front of the door to the patient room.

"What are you talking about? Logically ice cream is the best way to cool things down," Grandbuggy insists as he smears another dose of Rocky Road over the firework stand stallion.

"And how is a pillow duct taped to his head supposed to help his concussion again?" Greta deadpans in disbelief.

Grandbuggy rolls his eyes before saying,

"Obviously, the softness of the pillow will help lure him to sleep so he won't feel the concussion anymore. Then self healing takes over. Duct tape solves everything."

There’s a stilted silence after this, only broken by the old stallion groaning at the melted ice cream on his hide.

“Fix, how long were you undercover as a Doctor?” Ahuizotl asks.

“In total? About two days. Long enough to get my boy some medical care for free,” he says.

“Ah, that explains it then,” Greta says in understanding.

“Oi, don’t take that tone, while I was there all I saw was ponies getting wrapped in bandages and fed soup. Melted ice cream is essentially a soup!” he defends.

After another pause of disbelief from the other two Grandbuggy sighs.

“Look, you can either trust my crackpot healing methods or you can let this guy suffer. Now, Ahzi, fill that tub up with all that ointment we found in the medicine room. Birdie, wrap him up head to toe in bandages to keep the coolness in before we dunk him.”

Greta and Ahuizotl look at each other with concern before they both just shrug and do as he says.

After the stallion is wrapped up and set in the ointment, he breathes an unconscious sigh of relief as the bubbling sludge seems to soothe him.

“See, what did I tell you? This medical stuff is easy, it’s not rocket science.”

“I’m kind of angry that it’s working to be honest,” Greta pouts and crosses her arms.

“Well quit scowling birdo, it’ll put wrinkles on your forehead,” Grandbuggy laughs.

“Still Fix, shouldn’t we let someone know he’s in here so he doesn’t drown?”

“Hmm, good point,” he nods as he leads the other two out of the room and down the hall where the grumblings of grumpy ponies woken up by the explosion still fill the air. Eventually he spots a figure in a white nurse’s hat.

“Excuse me nurse, you got a moment?” he calls out.

The nurse looks up from her clipboard revealing…

WARGAMES’s Comment

A very familiar pink earth pony, albeit with heavily bagged eyes and a flat mane.
“Ugh, what is it this time? I already put sixteen patients back to bed, and I have a lot more to take care of” she groans as other patients and staff mill around the hallway.

“Hey now, ain’t you one of them Pinkie gals from Appleloosa?” Grandbuggy asks and she lets out a sigh.

“I was. Me and some of the others thought it’d be fun to go out and pursue our own lives, and I had the “great” idea to try being a nurse,” she spits at that.
“Let me give you some advice, if you think paying rent in Canterlot and getting your Nursing Degree at the same time are a wise choice, then you belong with the other nuts in here.”

“I see…” Grandbuggy says awkwardly.

“Yeah, I didn’t even realize that you had to train in hoof to hoof combat, bladed weapons, and parkour. Why do I have to learn ninjitsu? I just wanted to help sick and hurt ponies,” she complains.

“Ah, the Shirai Ryu are still running around I see,” Grandbuggy mutters before coughing into his hoof. “Well anyway Ms…Uh…”

“Number Eighteen, call me Katie,” she grunts.

“Right…Well listen, the guy responsible for all the explosions outside is in room 37 back there in the tub getting his burns treated in the tub and-“

“The jerk that set off all that noise is here?!” she screeches, startling the group. “Does he know how much of a hectic mess he’s made tonight?!”
She then starts marching off angrily.

“…I don’t think you did him any favors,” Greta observes.

“Nah, he’ll be fine,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves.

“I sincerely doubt it. And am I crazy, or did she look a lot like the Element of Harmony?” Ahuizotl asks.

“Eyup. Clone shenanigans, I’ll explain when we get on the train,” Grandbuggy glosses over much to the other two’s chagrin as he leads them further into the hospital.

“But anyway, let’s find Shade so we can get going and…”

Grandbuggy stops as he notices a light flickering down the hallway, and a certain tall figure shrouded in darkness.

“Oh Gorramit, Already?!” Grandbuggy curses as the figure steps under the flickering light more revealing his nicely tailored suit and blank face.

“Mierda! It’s that creature again,” Ahuizotl shudders.

“Not again! Just give him his twenty bits so he stops following us!” Greta advises.

“Buck that! It’s highway robbery! I’ve got a better idea!” He then shouts at the top of his lungs.

“Everypony run! A monster!” before he starts rushing down another hallway. Startled, but noticing the staring orderlies and patients, Greta and Ahuizotl chuckle awkwardly and follow suit.
Just at that moment, Katie comes down the hall, leading the wrapped up and ointment covered old stallion.

“Once we take care of your burns, you are going to pay so many fines Mr.!”

“Uuuuugggghhh,” he groans through his wrappings, not quite being able to hear through the duct taped pillow.

“AH! A MUMMY!” screams a random patient which gets all the rest to start screaming as Grandbuggy’s warning of a monster seemingly comes true.

“What?!” Katie asks before everypony starts running around, crashing into each other, tipping over gurneys and acting like chickens with their heads cut off.
Eventually, some of them grab the bandaged stallion strap him on a gurney and start wheeling him down the hall towards the front entrance screaming the whole time about getting rid of the curse.

With her left eye twitching, and many more screaming patients to deal with, Katie just facehooves and groans again.

“I should have just kept wrangling bulls…”

Further down another hall, Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Greta run spastically.

“You’re stupid distraction didn’t work you old fart!” Greta screeches. Looking behind himself, Grandbuggy sees Slendermane walking at his carefree pace, making the lights flicker here and there.

“Urgh! Persistent little bucker ain’t he?”

“Oh this is just getting ridiculous,” Ahuizotl declares as he turns around. “Here!” He throws twenty bits at Slendermane’s hooves. The faceless creature looks down momentarily before looking back up and continuing his casual pursuit.

“What?!” Ahuizotl says in alarm.

“He don’t want your bits dummy, he wants mine!” Grandbuggy hollers before rounding a corner. Sighing Ahuizotl continues jogging.

“Now you owe ME money Fix!”

“Noted. Alright you two, look for the name Trixie Lulamoon on any of these doors. We gotta get Shade and get out of town pronto or I’m gonna be down twenty precious bits.

“We spent more than that on lunch!” Greta growls.

“Yeah, well lunch was fun, that guy’s a stick in the mud!” Grandbuggy argues back as the trio continue to run through the halls scanning the names on the doors as they do.

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment


You eventually do unwrap yourself from Trixie and the both of you smile at each other.

“Nightshade, can you do me a favor?” she asks.

“Sure, what is it?” you ask enthusiastically.

“When you see your father again…tell him I miss him…and that I will start up my show again if you all want to come watch.”

“…Alright I will,” you agree before your face scrunches up. “But before I do, I want you to believe me about one thing.”

“And what’s that?” she asks.

“Back in our duel, that wasn’t an illusion, I DID move the moon,” you declare.
Trixie seems taken aback by this before she frowns.

“Are you still going on about that?”

“Yes! You know how hard it is to move the moon? It’s heavy, and noling believed that I did it,” you harrumph.

“Nightshade, I know you’re an alicorn, but you’re simply too young to have that much power,” Trixie insists.

“Why does everyone always think that? I’m like the only one who’s ever beaten Daddy at full power singlehoofedly.”

“…Fair point,” Trixie nods. “Very well, I believe that you moved the moon.”
“Thank you!” you say throwing up your hooves. “Now to just make sure all my friends besides Spike believe me.”

The both of you then fall into silence, and it’s only then that you two really notice the commotion on the streets below.

“By the way, what in the world is going on outside?” asks Trixie as she looks out the window.

“I have no idea actually. There was some really loud explosion. If Daddy was still in this universe, I’d suspect him, but who knows,” you shrug and look out the window.

In the distance, there are several small house fires that look to be contained by the Fireponies Down below, you see a large group of guards standing in front of the hospital putting hoofcuffs on what you can only describe as a very gooey looking mummy while a bunch of hospital staff point accusingly at it.

“…Well that’s certainly something you don’t see every day,” Trixie surmises as she looks to you with a raised brow. “Are you sure you didn’t have anything to do with this?”

“I don’t think so,” you say in all honesty. “I mean, I’m being watched by my Great Grandbuggy, and he’s not AS destructive as Daddy, and Ahuizotl and Greta haven’t really shown any love of fire.” Trixie raises her brow even higher at that.

“Ahuizotl? As in the Daring Do villain?”

“Eyup. Turns out he’s real. Not as scary or villainous as the books paint him. I think he’s got a crush on Daring Do,” you explain.

“Ha! That ship will never sail,” she declares.

“Eh, if they both keep acting weird around each other probably not,” you shrug.

“Hmmph,” Trixie scoffs. “Nightshade, I know it’s hard but sometimes you have to separate fiction from reality.”
As soon as she says that, the door bursts open, and standing in the doorway is said creature himself.

“Idiota! I found her!” he calls over his shoulder at Grandbuggy who skids to a stop, with Greta nearly crashing into him. Trixie just stares at Ahuizotl in shock and disbelief before looking at your smug face.

“I stand corrected…” Grandbuggy then pops his head in the doorway.

“Ah! Good job Ahz. Hi Shade. Evening Ma’am,” he tips his hat.

“Hi Grandbuggy,” you smile and wave.

“Hello,” Trixie waves unsurely.

“Did you get to your apologies and reconciliation?” he asks you.

“Yeah we did,” you nod. “And we’re friends again, and we hugged and-“

“Great, sorry to cut you off, but we gotta go.”

“Already? But we’ve only been here like 20 minutes,” you complain.

“Sorry honey, but Faceless McGee has caught up and we gotta skedaddle.”

“Oh for. Just give him the twenty bits and he’ll stop!” you grunt.

“Grrr,” you facehoof before turning solemnly to Trixie. “I’m sorry, but I guess I have to go because my Great Grandbuggy is a stubborn old fool.”

“I understand,” Trixie nods, before looking to Grandbuggy. “So, you’re Hoody’s Grandfather?”

“Yeah, I know, I know, I look great for my age and got a whole silver fox thing going, but sorry, no time for charm tonight baby.”

“…I was going to say pleased to meet you, but nevermind,” Trixie rolls her eyes.

“He does that,” you sigh before glaring at Grandbuggy. “Alright, so how exactly are we getting out?”

“Preferably through the front door and with all my bits intact,” Grandbuggy says matter of factly.

“But what about all the guards outside?” you point out.

“Huh?” Grandbuggy sputters before he, Ahuizotl and Greta look outside and see the grilling the bandaged stallion for information.

“Okay…this certainly throws a wrench in the plan,” Grandbuggy clicks his tongue.

“That guy can not catch a break,” Ahuizotl says sympathetically.

“Forget about him, what about us?” Greta squawks. “I haven’t seen that many guards since Fazbears went up!”

“Oh, good idea. If we set the place on fire then they’ll never…no wait, what the Tartarus am I thinking,” Grandbuggy bops his forehead. “We’d never get enough accelerant to light the whole thing at once…Plus everyling in here would burn.”

“Yeah, let’s avoid that. What even happened out there?” you ask.

“A whole lot of dumb stuff kid,” Greta shakes her head.

“Why can’t we just walk out? We haven’t exactly done anything illegal…at least in this city,” says Ahuizotl.

“Yeah, I’d rather not risk it,” Greta says nervously.

“Well whatever the case, we gotta go,” Grandbuggy insists as he turns around before freezing in his tracks as Slendermane is standing in the doorway.


“What in the world is that thing?!” Trixie shrieks.

“Some eldritch horror thing that really wants his money,” you roll your eyes.

“Well, there’s no getting around it now Fix, give him his cash,” Ahuizotl gestures.
Grandbuggy, at a loss for words or an exit seems to deflate a bit at his loss. The faceless monster holds his hoof out, waiting to be paid.

“Gorrammit,” Grandbuggy grumbles and reaches into his saddle bags…

“Alright you degenerates, out of my hospital now!” When suddenly, the very cross looking Pinkie clone from earlier shouts out from behind the creature, causing even him to look back at her.

“Pinkie Pie?” you ask in confusion.

“No! It’s Katie! And you five need to leave Ms. Lulamoon alone so she can get her sleep!”

“I’m alright actually,” Trixie says.

“No no, you need at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, otherwise you’ll feel groggy in the morning!” Katie insists before glaring at your group and Slendermane. “Now, move on!”

“Can’t ma’am. There’s guards blocking the roads outside, and this relentless jerk won’t let us leave,” Grandbuggy points to the faceless stallion.

“Oh for-Fine!” Katie facehooves before she starts doing rapid movements with her hooves. “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! Kage Bunshin no jutsu!"

Suddenly two large plumes of smoke go off at her sides, and when it clears, there are two other Katies there.

“Visiting hours are over!” she cries as her two clones rush forth, pick up the seemingly confused Slendermane and run with him down the hallway.

“…Tonight is a rollercoaster of randomness. I’m not dreaming right?” Trixie asks.

“No, but if you were I’d still visit,” you say patting her leg.
Katie then gives you all a stern look.

“That means you four as well! Now, step out of the room.”

“Yes senora,” Ahuizotl nods and steps out.

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Greta says doing the same.

“Thanks for the help balloony clone,” Grandbuggy nods stepping out. Once they’re all gone, you look back at Trixie before giving her one last hug.

“I’ll see you around Trixie, get even more better ok?”

“Oh I will Nightshade. I will,” she assures you, ruffling your mane.

“Next time you see me, hopefully Mommy will have her own body and you can meet her too.”

“I look forward to it,” she smiles. “But run along now, before the nurse gets more aggressive.”

Nodding you head out the door, and as you close it behind you, you and Trixie wave goodbye. Once the door is closed, you see that Katie is directing your group to stand in a certain spot, so you join them.

“It’s still pretty impressive that you can do that technique, what with being a clone yourself and all,” Grandbuggy compliments.

“Yeah yeah yeah, I get the irony,” she rolls her eyes. “Now, once I get you out, travel for about five miles never taking any left turns, and you’ll find an exit near the old abandoned mines.”

“Well that’s certainly convenient,” you say happily.

“And if you ever set hoof in this Hospital again, I will show no mercy,” she threatens and all of you feel a shiver go up your spines.

“Alright alright. So what exactly are we doing standing-“

"Ninpo: Hidden Lever No Jutsu!" She shouts as she pulls a picture on the wall towards.

"Hidden, whaaaaaa..." Ahuizotl starts before a hole opens under you all and you fall.

“Curse You Pinkie Clones!” you shout as you all plunge into darkness.

When you are all gone, Katie pushes the picture back into place and sighs.

“Well, still got another 8 hours of this 18 hour shift.” As she turns to leave, she sees Slendermane with his hooves on his hips looking upset.

“Oh Buck Off You Weirdo!” she growls as she proceeds to make more clones appear to carry him off again.

The Next Day

After falling through the trap door, you all ended up in another branch of the crystal caves beneath Canterlot on top of a pile of mattresses. Seems Ninja Nurses have their own hidden pathways. After eventually finding your way back to Grandbuggy’s cave and resting for the night, you set out in the morning back to the train station. The fires were contained, but word around is that the fabled Mummy of St. Megan’s was responsible for the conflagration.

We now find you on said train, as it sets off for your next destination, Rainbow Falls.

“Alright, I’ll address the elephant in the room,” Grandbuggy speaks up.

“Where?!” you look around excitedly.

“Figure of speech kiddo.”

“Oh…” you look down in disappointment.

“But yeah, I will be the first to admit that our little detour didn’t turn out nearly as relaxing as I’d hoped.”

“You can say that again,” Ahuizotl crosses his arms. “We didn’t find a single artifact, and now we’re all in grumpy moods.”

“I’m actually not that grumpy, aside from the no elephant thing,” you say in all seriousness. “I got to do a good thing. I’m friends with Trixie again.”

“Well…I will admit it was entertaining at least,” Greta says. “What with dance battles, the big guy getting his heart broken, the kid getting closure, and the explosions. The only thing I didn’t like was the big group of guards.”

“Wait, so are you telling me the only sourpuss is Ahzi?” Grandbuggy asks in surprise.

“Oi!” he grunts.

“It was kind of fun and emotional what we all went through Grandbuggy…but I think all the shenanigans is just the universe telling us that we have to get on with our mission,” you theorize.

“Heh, can’t exactly argue with that,” he nods.

“Although, I do kind of feel bad about that fireworks guy,” you say pointing to the morning paper with the headline.

Mummy of St. Megan’s faces 600 Hours of Community Service.

And a mug shot of the stallion, still wrapped in bandages and a sad frown on his face.

“Eh, he got off easy. At the end of the day it was his own danged fault for having a fireworks stand at the bottom of a hill,” Grandbuggy excuses.

“Whatever,” Ahuizotl rolls his eyes.

“Ugh, will you stop moping?” you groan. “It’s not like you’re not going to see her again.”

“I know, and that’s what bugs me. How do I even speak to her about this situation?” Ahuizotl whines.

“You’ll figure it out, you’re a big boy,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Says the old bug who won’t pay his debts even when it’s detrimental to the group,” he grumbles.

“It’s a matter of principle!” Grandbuggy argues.

“And what principle is that?” asks Greta.

“The ‘I Don’t Want to Pay That Weirdo’ Principle.”

Rolling your eyes as they start bickering again, you look out the window. It’s gonna take you a few days to get to Rainbow Falls, where you will get back to your quest. You are more than happy over your reunion with Trixie, and her forgiveness fills you with determination.
You are going to collect all the artifacts for Mommy and Sombra, and Daddy will finally see that you can be responsible and not freak out all the time.

Although with our little detour, he’s probably far ahead of us in his own quest…



“I still can’t believe I got us fired,” you groan into your disgusting human hands as you sit in the backseat of Sombra’s car.

“I kind of did think something would come of you announcing yourself as the Hooded Offender in the mall and all, but God I didn’t think Cinch would be that bitchy,” B2 sympathizes from the front seat.


Two days ago, after punching Human Twilight’s Bullies’ Lockers, you were summoned to Cinch’s office, and were promptly let go.

"What do you mean I'm fired?! Who the buck do you think you are Cinch?!"

Bugze calm down, it won't be productive punching this old crone Selena instructs.

You reluctantly will your human fist to uncurl, though you still want to strike the stupid lady.

“I mean exactly what I said. After that little stunt you pulled in the mall the other day, it’s clear that your Rock N Roll lifestyle is clearly not behind you. I cannot have that mischief tarnishing this Academy.”

You look flabbergasted between her and the despondent looking Cadence who remains silent.

“Oh come on! You’re like the only person that even knew that was me! Come on, B2-I mean, I need this job!”

“I sincerely doubt that, what with dropping that amount of gold at the mall, not to mention the cost of the effects,” Cinch says mercilessly.

“But that was practically all I had,” you whine.

“Be that as it may, it’s clear that you’re not as down on your luck as you claimed, and that whatever reason you are at this school is for some come back scheme for your band. Probably to become “Hip” with the young people.”

“But that’s not tr-“

“Now, please empty your locker and leave this campus immediately before I call the police,” she threatens.

“Fine! Buck You and Buck Your Academy Too!” you exclaim as you break your mop in half and storm out of the room.


“Yeah, well, that old bat is evil incarnate. If you ever get rich and famous again, teach her a lesson will you?” you plead.

“Yeah I will,” he nods in agreement. “Besides, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. We know the magic portal isn’t there, and now that we’re free, maybe we actually can bring the band back together.”

“Uh huh, and meanwhile the two of you are just going to keep eating into my savings like the bums you are,” Humbra grumbles as he drives.

“It’s a long term investment Som,” B2 rolls his eyes. “Once we get Bugze home and get things back on track, you’ll get repaid ten times over.”

“I highly doubt that,” he sighs as he makes a turn.

Riding in a car is definitely better than a bus you’ve found. It’s still faster than a cart, but at least it reminds you of Derby Racing. Still, Sombra’s backseat doesn’t smell any better than a bus.

“I just hope Twinkle Sprinkle’s OK without our mentoring. That’s the one downside of being banished from Crystal Prep,” B2 says with worry.

Sighing, you say, “She’s a smart girl, in both realities, I’m sure she’ll be fine. It’s still kind of weird how she’s not friends with the rest of the Deadly 6 of your world. If I could remember where that lemonade stand was, I would have at least directed her to Pinkie.”

“Yeah, well, life happens man,” he pats your shoulder. “But I’m sure we’ll see the little squirt again. That dish of a Vice Principal wants to meet with us tomorrow for lunch and she’s banging her brother, so who knows.”

After being fired, Human Cadence had come to you saying that you needed to talk. You exchanged numbers, and she set up a meeting for lunch, but you told B2 he could do that. You think it’s something more for him to hear.

Besides, she’s not my Cadence. I’d feel pretty scummy if I pretended to be the B2 that she knew.

Isn’t that the whole basis for your entire species? Sombra mocks.

Well yeah but…Shut up! You grumble as he laughs.

Still though, sending him off on his own might be detrimental. Whatever he does in public will reflect you, Selena warns.

Oh he’ll be fine. The only reason all three of us are going to tonight’s meeting is because it has to do with our hunt, you declare.

As if reading your thoughts, B2 speaks up again.

“By the way, why are we driving out to some roadside diner in the middle of the night instead of just meeting these girls in a café again?”

“Because, the last thing we need now that we’re in the public consciousness again, is to have a photograph taken of us eating with three teenage girls,” Human Sombra grumbles. “This time of night, away from more crowded places is ideal.”

“Oh yeah, because nothing screams suspicious like meeting them like a husband sneaking out on his wife,” B2 rolls his eyes.

“Hey, you two are the ones who wanted to even meet up with them, I’m just being cautious,” he argues.

“Then why didn’t we just invite them to your place if you wanted to avoid possible sighting?” you ask, which causes both of them to turn around and look at you in disbelief. “What?”

B2 and Human Sombra then look at each other and shake their heads in pity.

“Still hard to believe there’s an even stupider you around,” Sombra sighs.

“I know right?” B2 agrees.

“Hey!” you say in indignation.

Yesterday, you received a text from Sonata Dusk, asking to meet with her and her sisters. Since you had no job anymore and they were in the business of hunting for magic items, you decided it was the best course of action.

Thanks to Humbra’s paranoia, you scheduled to meet them late at night in a cheap diner where no one would suspect former rock stars to eat at.

Hopefully these girls will be able to help us. On top of finding the siren stones, we still gotta find that gateway home. Nightshade’s probably bored out of her mind without us around.

With your Grandfather around, I’m sure she’s plenty entertained.

I’d even wager and say she’s off having even more interesting adventures than we are.

Pfft, Nah. She knows better than that, you dismiss, ignoring the strange sense of irony that hits you.

“Alright, look alive dumbasses, we’re here,” Humbra says as he pulls into a parking spot under a streetlight.

Exiting the vehicle you stand in front of the cheap diner. It even has a big glass window all along it. The three of you walk inside, making the chime go off, and you notice that a few people seem to be arguing in their booths. Even a waitress seems to be arguing with a customer.

“Yeesh, did someone piss in their coffee or something?” B2 asks.

“Well on the bright side, if everyone’s bitching at each other, we won’t be noticed,” Sombra smirks.

“There is that,” you agree as you scan the booths, and eventually you do spot a familiar blue ponytail.

“Oh there she is. Hey Sonata!” you call out to her, causing her to turn around. Once she spots you she smiles and waves.

“Hi Mr. Bugze!” she calls out. “Come on over, we saved room for you. We’re going to have Chili Fries!”

“Oh kickass!” B2 says exuberantly as you all walk to the booth. Once you all arrive, you spy the other two human girls that must be Sonata’s sisters. One is purple, bored looking, and with her hair in twin tails, and the other is orange, with a big bushy head of hair, and is smiling while eyeing you all like a predator.

Huh, so these are the two that Sonata says keep berating her. I don’t know, they seem kind of nice.


Episode 34: A Dazzling Meeting

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Nice may be pushing it, Selena remarks as Sonata’s two sisters give you three a inquisitive scowls.

Well they’re not trying to bite my throat out like the other humans in here, you point out as on cue as some lady throws her drink in a guy’s face.

“Yeesh, trouble in paradise huh?” B2 comments on that argument, causing the purple sister with pigtails to snort in amusement.

“Yeah, something like that,” she says in a tone that sounds as teenager as possible.

“But that’s their problem, come on take a seat,” Sonata says enthusiastically as she gets up from her side of the table and joins her sister’s side. Taking the initiative, B2 slides in, followed by Humbra and then you.

“Thanks kid, good seeing you again,” B2 says.

Kichi’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“No problem, it’s good seeing you guys again too,” she smiles before gesturing to the other two girls. “These are my sisters, Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze.”


“Sup?” they say respectfully.

“Nice to meet you two I’ve heard…things about you,” you hesitantly say which they pick up on. Coughing nervously, you continue.

“My name is Bugze, this here is my brother B2, and that ball of sunshine on the end is Sombra,” you introduce, to which they both wave.

“Charmed I’m sure,” Adagio dismisses before glaring right at B2 to which he flinches. “Listen, I’ll cut right to the chase, we know that you’re really from that Wanting Band or whatever-“

“It’s The Wanted. Wanted!” Aria emphasizes to her scowling sister before looking to B2 and Humbra. “You guys got good stuff by the way.”

“Ah thanks,” B2 smiles.

Whatever you’re called,” Adagio chimes back in frustrated, “I know how musicians can be, we’re singers after all. So, if any of you are thinking that because my little sister is dumber than a sack of potatoes that you can take advantage of her, then you’re sorely mistaken.”

“Adagio!!!~” Sonata whines out in embarrassment while you, B2 and Humbra sputter out in bafflement. “They’re not like that!”

“Yeah, definitely not!” you agree, gagging at the thought.

“I may look like a bum, but I’ve still got integrity!” B2 defends.

“I will start recording this conversation for my lawyer if you start throwing around accusations like that!” Humbra says angrily, holding up his phone.

And while everyone shouts out defending their character and Sonata looks like she’s about to die of embarrassment, Adagio starts laughing.

“Alright, alright. I believe you, I just had to see your reactions to know for sure,” she says trying to calm you all down.

“Well you could have picked a better way to go about it!” B2 says, clutching his chest.

“Yeah, she’s not exactly the Queen of subtlety,” Aria rolls her eyes, causing her sister to shoot her a dirty look.

“Hey, they’re the ones that insisted we meet them at some out of the way diner on the outskirts of town, and no one can hide their true intentions from me when they get flustered!” she defends.

“You could’ve just trusted my word,” Sonata pouts.

“You put lemon juice in my shampoo yesterday, I’ll pass on that,” Adagio glowers.

“And to play the advocate, anyone saying they’re willingly your friend is suspicious all on its own,” Aria adds.

“Hey!” Sonata shouts in offence.

“OK, OK, let’s all calm down here, we’re not wild beasts unlike the other patrons here,” you point behind you just as another human throws their plate of food on the floor. “So let’s just move on from this weird start. We’re all friends here.”

“Hmmph, I’m still recording this. Can’t be too careful in this day and age,” Humbra says as he has his phone on record.

“No, you really can’t,” Adagio scowls right back at him.

“My bro’s right, let’s just…start over again K?” says B2.

“Alright with me Offender,” Aria says with bored sounding respect.

“Good, good,” you nod, but after a lengthy silence between everyone, you realize noling else is going to try to restart conversations.

“Soooo, Sonata?”

“Yes Mr. Bugze? And again, sorry about Dagi saying that.”

“No worries,” you handwave. “She’s just being strangely protective. But anyway, I heard that quip about lemon juice. You took my advice huh?”

To that, she grins mischievously and nods.

“I actually think it makes her smell nicer too, like fresh lemonade.”

“Heh, good job,” you nod and smirk and she giggles.

First Human Twilight, and now her. If I can train more humans in the way of pranking then there’s hope for this disgusting species.

You didn’t invent pranking cockroach, Sombra grumbles.

No, but Equestrian pranking is far superior!

“So, I’m guessing everything worked out after the mall?” you ask.

“Oh yeah, when they finally found me they hugged me, and asked if I was hurt, and they both look like they’d been crying. It was nice us acting sisterly after so long,” she says in all sincerity which causes you to flinch.

Yeesh. And it only took her being in danger to make them care, Selena mutters in sympathy.

Did you not attempt yourself to dispose of your own “sisters?” Sombra mocks.

I…It…They’re not really…Shut up! Selena sputters.

Well hey now, that’s actually a good question. Are the princesses considered your sis-

We are not talking about this now! She interrupts. Focus on their family drama for now!

OK, OK, you relent as you focus back on Sonata.

“But anyway, how have you been?” she asks.

“Eh, not too good, lost my job a few days ago, so we’re kind of reliant on Sombra when it comes to cash,” you explain.

“Oh that’s too bad. We never really have to worry about money, we just ask people and they’re forced to give it to us,” she explains.

“Wait for real?” you ask. “Where the heck can I find that kind of generosity?”

“Well, usually we just sing for it, and they fork it over,” she says simply.

Oh right, they’re all homeschooled singers. Probably sing on busy street corners and such.

“Well, I don’t have the range for that. I’m more of a fixer,” you admit.

“But your brother is The Hooded Offender, I’m sure you could sing as well,” she insists.

“I have sang for many reasons; food, during battles, as a part of the random musical numbers that govern the universe, but never for money. It’s just not my thing.”

“Oh, singing during battles is fun. But not so much when it’s 7 on 3, and some jerk hits you with his shield and another throws boulders at you with a shovel,” she says in remembrance, but you don’t really hear her fully because you are staring at…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Humbra who seems to be trying to have some sort of glaring contest with Adagio.

Any idea why your counterpart is having a glare down with a teenager?

Hmm...perhaps he feels a rivalry with her, maybe he senses some sort of similar feeling in her compared to my tyrant hood?

Yeah...a high school girl has the same feel as a tyrant who enslaved ponies to do his evil bidding. Even I can see how dumb that sounds Sombozo, you dismiss with a roll of your eyes.

And while he grumbles, you see that Aria and B2 seem to be hitting it off.

“So, I’ve only recently gotten into your stuff, but I dig it,” she says trying to sound cool.

“Thanks, always good to know that the next generation knows what good music is,” B2 says gratefully.

“Yeah, from where we’re from we all but invented pop, but here I really got into Punk and Metal.”

“Nice, though even I’ll admit that some pop songs are stupidly, annoyingly catchy, like that Countess Coloratura chick.”

“Or that Sapphire Shores lady,” Aria agrees.

“Oh don’t get me started on that attention whore,” B2 shudders. “Had a bad experience with her trying to come onto me, and then she made me out to be the asshole in those stupid songs of hers.”

“You and me both buddy,” you nod in sympathy.


"Although I gotta say, it was less annoying than the rest of these idiots,” B2 grumbles as he looks over at an arguing group where a glass was shattered on the floor.

“Eh, you get used to it,” Aria dismisses.

“Is seriously no one bothered by the fact that everyone here is arguing with each other?" B2 asks looking at all your calm demeanors, aside from the scowl off between Humbra and Adagio.

"Honestly, for once no one is trying to get at me, so I'm just gonna ignore it for now," you deadpan.

Are you sure my bug? Your counterpart may be right, surely this isn't a normal occurrence.

I agree, humans aren’t normally this aggressive.

The heck they aren’t with their rumbling metal bus death machines, but right now they're not trying to kill me so it ain’t my problem.



With that thought you end your mental conversation and stare back at Sonata's who has raised an eyebrow.

“So wait, YOU get chased around by lots of people? Because back at the mall it was you leading the mob against that Flash guy,” she chuckles.

“That wasn’t my fault! I was a victim of circumstance,” you defend.

“Eh, whatever,” she shrugs. “So how’s he doing by the way? Last I saw him he was unconscious and being dragged away by you guys.”

Adagio immediately snaps out of her gaze off hearing that and looks to Sonata.

“What was that?” she asks in concern.

“Hah! I win,” Humbra declares in victory as he rubs his eyes. This causes Adagio to growl a bit over losing the epic battle of wills, but asks her sister again,

“No seriously, what was that about them carrying someone unconscious?”

“I told you about this Dagi. Once Mr. Bugze blew up the big guy and broke the mirror, he shrank back down and they carried him away.”

“Oh right,” Adagio nods and sighs before looking back to you. “Well, it was regretful that you destroyed that magical mirror. The amount of mana inside it was surely incredible.”

“Yeah, well, I was more concerned about someone getting hurt,” you say.

“Regardless, that was something quite valuable lost. Magic is in short supply around here, and I hate seeing it go to waste,” she says with a scowl towards you, but you aren’t as petty as Humbra and do not engage in a glare off.

“I agree,” you nod not revealing that your magic sliver from Camp Everfree absorbed that power. “But magic is also dangerous and random as evidenced by the Flulk.” You then turn to Sonata to answer her original question.

“And Flash is fine. Apparently no one suspected it was him from what he’s texted us. In fact he was more worried about some dance or something else high school related, I wasn’t really paying attention.”

“OK good, because you really did a number on him. He’s actually pretty cute for what he is,” she says.

“Careful, talk like that could bring the voices back,” you warn.

“Eh, I don’t think so,” she hand waves as she briefly rubs the jeweled necklace around her throat.

Zapper frost’s Comment

“But either way, no matter how strong and tough he was, it was sooooo cool how you took him out.”

“Yeah, heh heh, it was wasn’t it?” You can’t help but chuckle nervously at the praise, considering you’re not used to being congratulated on such things, not since quitting the bounty hunting business. Adagio's eyes seem to shine at her sister’s comment as she asks,

"Yes, both me and Aria saw the newsfeed, and if weren’t for her account, we’d have probably just thought it was a publicity stunt as well.”

“Please, we’re not that clever,” Humbra rolls his eyes.

“He’s right sadly,” B2 sighs. “One of our last marketing campaigns entailed slapping album stickers on street signs. We got fined so much for that…”

“So what you’re saying is, you didn’t purposefully set this up with that magic mirror?” asks Aria.

“No, we were just there for lunch,” Humbra answers. “Then his idiot twin here ran off into the mall with your sister, and the next thing we knew, that guy was smashing everything.”

“Yeah, I told all you guys this,” Sonata pouts again.

“We’re just confirming,” Adagio reassures her. “That whole incident was a mismatch of different accounts.”

“Yeah, well her version is the truth, though we don’t want that leaking out. Might make more people start hunting magic items,” you say.

“Indeed…” Adagio says staring at you intently. “So, this guy got a hold of the mirror, was unstoppable by all accounts, till you, dressed as your brother’s stage costume, took him out?”

“Uhhh…yes,” you nod.

“Just how did you manage to defeat that hulking beast? The dummy says you shout fire out of your hand,” Aria asks pointing to your still bandaged arm.

“Yes, what magic item do you have that lets you accomplish that?” Adagio asks in interest.

“Well…” you trail off as you briefly touch the purple crystal in your pocket.

Choose your words carefully my bug, while these may be our future allies we do not need them to know of our own magic after all.

Yeah good idea. Besides, I didn’t even really use the stone so much as channel it to confuse this stupid body. Although…

A great idea comes to you as you realize you don’t have to reveal that card at all, you can just tell the truth.

“Have you girls ever heard of Genetic Modification?”

Clearly not expecting that question, all three sisters seem taken aback and confused.

“Genetic Modification?” asks Humbra equally as confused.

“Yes, do you know what that means?” you ask the girls.

“No,” Sonata shakes her head.

“I haven’t,” Aria adds.

“Is that some scientific name for magic or…” Adagio guesses unsurely.

“Nah, it means changing up the DNA in your body to be able to have powers and stuff, like Captain America,” B2 explains.

“Exactly, thanks bro,” you nod.

Even though it’s Captain Equestria!!!

“So…you have magic powers because someone-“ Adagio starts but you cut her off.

“Not magic, Science!”

You then start taking off the bandages on your arm.

“My own body creates and generates the power. It lets me shoot fire, ice, lightning, control bugs, lift things with my mind, and heal quicker than normal.”

You then show off your still red and blistered arm, but the black scorch marks and charred flesh are gone.

“Although, now I know why you use the glove that came with it, otherwise you get messed up as well.”

“Yeesh,” Aria says looking your arm over.

“That’s…Uh…” Adagio is at a loss for words.

“Glad it’s doing better,” Sonata says cheerfully. “But seriously, that sounds awesome. I want to be able to shoot fire. Where can I get these sciencey things?”

“Uh…you can’t, there’s no more,” you reply truthfully yet again.

“Ahhh, really? How come?”

“They were made by mad scientists in an asylum run by insane cultists and the lab blew up,” you respond and everyone at the table, including B2 and Humbra give you incredulous looks.

“Hey, it’s the truth, but yeah, not going to go into that long story right now. The point is, my power isn’t magic based, in fact, my plasmids give me a leg up on magic.”

That seems to catch their attention.

“Really now?” Adagio asks keenly.

“Eyup,” you say as you wrap your arm back up. “Sometimes you gotta take the fight to the magically overpowered.”

And for some reason, THAT makes all three seem even more excited.

“So, you have experience fighting those that can utilize great magic?” Adagio asks.

“Oh yeah, plenty of times. I recently fought a so called forest goddess up north and won,” you brag which captivates them even more.

“All you need is some good ol science and quick wits, and magic users can’t do squat.”

“And that small canon of yours as well?” Sonata asks.

“Huh? Oh right, Second Law,” you say as you reach into your bag and pull it out. “Reliable weapons are also a good-“

“Dude!” B2 spasms as he lowers your gun back into your bag.


“Don’t go pulling shotguns in a damn diner idiot! Especially with how heated this crowd is,” Humbra scolds.

“I should have married your brother!” screams a woman on cue.

“I wish you’d had so that he could be just as miserable!” a man shouts back.

“…Good call,” you relent before turning back to the girls. “But yeah, that’s how I was able to beat the Flulk.”

The three girls stare at you in amazement, before Aria turns to B2.

“Why wasn’t HE in your band?”

“Well…uh…” B2 flounders.

“It’s, uh, it’s because I was in the military,” you technically tell the truth. “I was a cog in the machine, saw some insane magical stuff and…got a taste for it.”

You can’t help but feel that that last tidbit they don’t quite believe, but they don’t push it, so you cough and continue.

“And, while my bro and his buddy here had their fame, I stayed out of the spotlight because we’re identical and everything.”

Aria and Sonata nod at this reasoning while Adagio puts a hand to her chin in thought.

“So…You’re adamant about finding magical items in this land, and have the skills to acquire them?”

“Yeah, just not the resources, we’re only three broke guys after all.”
“I ain’t broke yet,” Humbra defends. “Though with your mooching, who knows how much longer that will last.”

“Whatever, the point still stands. We’re hunters just like you three.”

The three sisters all look at each other, and some unspoken agreement is reached as they all nod before Adagio turns back to you.

“Gentlemen, I think that we have something we can work with here…”

“Awesome! Let’s order some food to celebrate,” you say cheerfully as you hold up your hand.
“Excuse me, Waitress? I’d like some chocolate chip pancakes please.”

“Go to Hell!” she yells back at you and you flinch back.

Well that was rude. And what the Tartarus is Hell anyway?

I still say this behavior isn’t normal, Selena insists.

How do we know for sure? Maybe this is what happens when you feed humans after midnight.

Shaking your head, you say,

“OK, maybe we’ll wait for one of the nicer wait staff. No tips though, none of them deserve it.”

“I’m sure we’d be able to calm them down if we tried,” Adagio says with a smirk. “But for right now, let’s talk about us.”

“Ok sure,” you shrug. “You got any stories about the magic stuff you’ve found?”

“Not so much…but that’s not what I meant,” she says as her eyes lid.

“Oh?” you ask.

“Mmhmm, it’s very clear you three can give us exactly what we need,” she says with a wink. B2 raises a brow at that, while Humbra scowls, and silently lifts his phone back up.

Kersey475’s Comment

“I don’t exactly have any magic items right now though,” you point out.

"Maybe not now, but you're obviously really strong..." Adaigio says while really giving you the once over with her eyes

"Learned from the school of hard knocks. Seriously, A LOT of knocks," you reply.

"And, as the saying goes, if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours..." Adaigio implies fluttering her eyebrows.

"Thanks, but my back isn't itchy. If anything it's still a bit numb from slamming into a wall thanks to that backdraft."

"Ooookay... I mean, if I should slip something into your pocket, what's the harm?" Adaigio says stretching her arms back to show off her body.

"Uh Bugze, you might want to cut this o-" B2 tries to warn you but you obliviously interrupt.

"Can those waiters stop arguing for two seconds so we can order already?" you say losing track of the conversation.

"After all, negotiations make strange bedfellows." Adaigio says with an attempted seductive wink, but she’s too frustrated.

"Okay- Wait, what exactly are we negotiating for again? I lost track a few sentences ago," you ask.

*Cue mass facepalm from everyone in the diner except you and Sonata (even the customers and staff join in due to the Siren's magic affecting them)*

Should we-

It's for the best we let Bugze's ignorance continue. Selena interrupts Sombra's suggestion, With any luck his thickheadedness will defeat this tart.

"Alright, this is going nowhere. What do I gotta do, pull my shirt o-" Adagio growls before she is cut off.

"Wait, I think I see friendly wai- Nope she just splatted a pie in that customer’s face."

Remind me again how I lost to this idiot?

My daughter softened you up by thoroughly kicking your flank. Selena counters smugly.

And as Adagio groans, Aria yanks on her shoulder and they start whispering to each other while B2 does the same to you.

"For once I'm glad you're dense as a rock,” he whispers, sighing in relief. “That girl is the definition of jailbait. Thank God you didn’t notice her creepy charms.”

"Oh I noticed them," you dismiss. “I’m not that dumb.”

"Could have fooled me." both mental-Sombra and human-Sombra say at the same time.

"Hey I have an unwanted harem of over a dozen mares back home and between that and watching harem anime, even a dense bug like me had to catch on to some of it eventually."

"So you were just playing dumb to get her frustrated?" B2 asks.

"Yup. Also, it was the only way to keep me from throwing up,” you admit with a gag. “I don’t know what she’s actually getting at, but trying to be “seduced” by you ugly monkeys is…Bleh.”

I'm in your head. I highly doubt you're that intelligent. Sombra snarks.

My bug has been getting better at harnessing his own... "unique" thinking to his advantage. Selena comments.

By the gods, If this idiot could harness his own limitless stupidity into a weapon, he'd destroy the universe! Sombra says in horror.

Buck off Zoom Zoom, you roll your eyes. But seriously, I doubt she’s actually attracted to me, so the question remains, what does she want?

You did just brag about your unique powers, mayhap she wishes to entrap you so that you have to use your power for her.

…That’s actually pretty devious of her. Bucking power hungry whorses.

“And this is exactly why I suggested a place like this,” Humbra says interrupting your thoughts. “Crazy little bitches like these send the exact message we don’t want. Thank God I recorded all that.”

“Well aside from poofy hair, the others seem normal,” B2 points out.

“You kidding? Pig tails keeps giving you the gaga eyes,” Humbra grunts.

“Well yeah, she’s a fan, or did you forget how folks used to look at us?” He dismisses.

“Regardless, everything’s fine. Just play the adult you guys while I try not to gag over sickening human ‘seduction’” you shudder.

Meanwhile, out of earshot of you three

“What in Tartarus are in you doing?” Aria whisper shouts to her older sister.

“What’s it look like?” scoffs Adagio, “Trying to lay down the charm so we can utilize his science power, but this idiot is dense as a-“

“We’re teens again, remember? You’re creeping them out” Aria hisses. Adagio is a little taken aback by this, before her eyes widen and she facepalms.

“Damn it. I keep forgetting that! Stupid bearded idiot and his spell… If we ever make it back I am cutting that thing off and shoving it down his throat.”

“I still wanna break that shovel the big guy had,” Sonata pipes in. “But yeah, I still can’t figure out how ages work in these bodies either,”

“It’s simple, adults are old and busted looking like them, while we’re young and attractive for human standards, but the word young plays a big part of that” Aria explains with a roll of her eyes.

“Oh please little miss expert, you’ve been giving the bearded one gaga eyes this whole time,” Adagio harrumphs.

“His music is awesome OK?!” she grits her teeth blushing. “Besides, it’s this stupid body’s hormones reacting, I can’t help it.”

“Uh-huh, sure, any excuse to go native” Adagio says unbelieving.

“Oh you’re one to talk, always showing off to get free food and hotel rooms and stuff,” Aria growls.

“Well you two haven’t complained before!”

“Well they’re all talking about us now, maybe we should just be friendly without all the weird human seduction stuff?” Sonata insists, cutting their squabble off.

“That’s all we got since someone decided they didn’t want to use the stones on them!” Adagio gives her a stink eye.

“Well they did save my life,” Sonata says scowling right back. “And you both promised me you wouldn’t because you were all feeling guilty.”

“Well yeah, we don’t want you dead stupid,” Aria deadpans. “And besides, even after we promised, you still put mustard in my bed sheets you twit.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Sonata smirks before looking serious again, “But still, no using our powers on them.”

“Ugh, fine,” Adagio groans.

At this point, both your groups turn back to face each other.

There’s a few seconds of awkward silence before Adagio coughs into her hand and says plainly.

“Do you want to join forces so that we can look for magic together?”

“Oh yeah, that sounds great. That’s kind of exactly why we came here in the first place,” you smile and nod. This causes Adagio’s mouth to open in bewilderment while Aria just snickers at her misfortune.


“Yeah,” B2 nods. “And word of advice, don’t go acting like Noir movie heroines at this age, you can really get someone in trouble.”

“But I…” she sputters.

“Also…” Humbra buts in. “Let’s keep this all professional shall we? We’ve got some media attention on us since the mall incident, while you three don’t, so let’s keep it that way.”

“Yeah, we’ll report any findings we can to each other, and with six people searching, it will be much easier,” B2 adds.

“And if you wanted me for a dangerous fight, you only had to ask politely,” you finish crossing your arms.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Adagio nods in agreement.

“Right right, whatever.”

“Alright, now we’re all friends,” Sonata cheers.

“Eh, friends is pushing it thanks to the drama queen,” Aria rolls her eyes, getting another scowl from Adagio. “But seriously, don’t mind her, the idiot and I aren’t like her.”

“We understand, let’s just start over and pretend it never happened,” B2 says authoritatively.

“Agreed…” Adagio pouts, looking off to the side in embarrassment.

“Alright then, now we can look for whatever magic thing you guys are looking for…What exactly are you looking for anyway?” Sonata asks innocently.

Like they did earlier, you, B2 and Humbra share a silent look before you all nod.

Roker12’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alright, we’re looking for two things actually, but any other magic item along the way couldn’t hurt.”

“Ooooh,” Sonata says in fascination. “What two things Mr. Bugze?”

“OK, the first one is a giant ornate mirror, about 8 feet tall, in the shape of a horseshoe. Have you ever heard of anything like that.”

The three sisters glance at each other, and shrug and shake their heads.

“No, sorry. The only magic mirror I’d heard of was the one at the mall…OH, is that why you got all excited when I told you about it?” Sonata puts two and two together.

“Yeah,” you admit. “Thought I’d finally found it. It’s not the main thing I’m looking for, but I kind of do need to find it.”

“What’s it supposed to do?” asks Aria. “I mean, if that hand mirror turned that dude into a giant monster, what can a larger one do?”

“It’s uh…” you stop yourself, not wanting to reveal your true nature. “It’s supposed to have the power of teleportation. You know, you step through and end up at another end.”

This gleams their attention.

“Is there…limits to that teleportation?” asks Adagio curiously.

“I don’t know,” you shrug. “This is all hearsay after all.” And while they nod at that, the idea of teleportation seems to fascinate all three of them.

“Oh! Maybe we could make it take us home!” Sonata says happily. And while the other two glare at her for some reason and she shrinks down sheepishly, you think sympathetically,

Not unless your home is Equestria.

“Who knows?” B2 shrugs. “That’s the point of finding magic stuff, to test it out for sure.”

“Exactly,” you nod.

“Okay…” Sonata says sounding a little sad before she asks, “Oh, and what was the second thing you were looking for?”

Nodding, you lean your head forward seriously and say,

“The second thing on our list is why I began my hunt in the first place.” They all lean in, seeing how serious you just said that.

“Have you girls ever heard of the Siren Stones?”

To that, their eyes widen and they all seem surprised and taken aback.

“Wh-What did you just say?” Adagio stutters.

“The Siren Stones, does that sound familiar? They’re probably called something else now, but what they do is bring emotions out into a physical form, and supposedly can manipulate the minds of others.”

Sonata and Aria seem perplexed and both look at their older sister in worry for some reason. Adagio herself seems twitchy and nervous, which baffles you.

“Wh-Wh-Where did you hear about these?” she asks, her voice quaking.

“Oh you know…other magic hunters and the like,” you lie.

“R-Really?” Adagio says as sweat appears on her brow.

"Who's been talking?" Aria whispers to her sister too low for you to hear.

"We do sing to a lot of people," Sonata whispers back just as low and just as nervously.

Adagio hits both of them on their legs, still staring at you with that strained smile and twitching eyebrow.

"That's really interesting..."

“Yes it is. So how about it then? Heard anything?” you ask earnestly.

“W-Well…” Adagio stutters looking towards her sisters.

“Is everything alright?” asks B2.

“We-Uh…” Aria stammers.

“I…” Sonata twitches, looking around nervously.

“Ah, so they have heard something,” Humbra says with a smirk, causing the three girls to nervously look at him.

“You have?!” you ask happily, startling them more and causing Selena to sigh.

Of course they have. Their reactions more than gave away their…What is that? Selena cuts herself off.

What is what? You ask back.

That! Can you not feel that?! she says as she starts breathing heavily.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

No, I do-

You stop as it hits you. A disturbance, small at first, but you can feel it building up. Inside your pocket, your crystal starts to glow, and Selena’s breathing gets more ragged and panicked sounding.

Selena? What’s going on?

I can feel it now too, what is that? Asks Sombra.

It’s not possible! How can that power be here?! She screams.

What? What’s here? You ask, panicked yourself as you start looking around.

“Hey, do you guys feel that?” asks Sonata as she starts looking around too, but she is ignored by the others.

"Whoa hey man, you alright? You look a little pale,” B2 says, but you shake off his concern, looking for the source of that feeling.

"Nah-nah I'm fine. I-“

Bugze, this world is much more dangerous than we thought! Selena says on the verge of tears.

Why? Selly, talk to me what’s-

“Wait, what is that?” Adagio says aloud.

"That's what I just said!" Sonata huffs.

“Yeah,” Aria nods, “It feels like-“

You are all cut off as in the distance, a beam of rainbow light shoots up into the sky and towers over the clouds.

All three of the sisters gasp in shock, before one by one, they file out of their seats and run outside for a better look.

“Hey! What’s going on?!” Humbra says looking at the retreating girls and at the far away beam of light.

“And what’s with the light show on the other side of town?” asks B2.

“No way…” you sputter as you stare at the rainbow light for a few more seconds, before it fades.

That surge of magic, it’s incredible, Sombra says in awe.

No, it’s terrible, Selena says in fright. I know what it’s like to be struck by it.

Wait…are you saying what I think you’re saying? You gasp as the three sisters outside still stare at where the light was in awe.

Yes, Selena says reluctantly. This world has its own Elements of Harmony.


You stand in front of a building where it looks like a war has happened, waiting for your contact. A huge crater sits in the courtyard, and the entrance looks crumbled, with caution tape surrounding it. Yet, despite these damages, there are still young humans entering the building for school, seemingly not worried about the destruction.

“Yeesh, and here some colts and fillies complain about not getting a snow day,” you mutter.

After your little revelation last night, you B2 and Humbra drove off to go find the source of that light. Sonata and her sisters said they would talk with you later and would investigate the magic themselves, so you all split up, though they did appear somewhat nervous and skittish around you for some reason. You'd have to talk to them again since they probably knew something about the Siren Stones, but you all had to leave while the trail was fresh.

“How can we possibly figure out where that light came from? It was really far away?” asked Humbra.

“Trust me, that magic will leave a mark. It’s used in my world against evil folks, and they’ve tried to use it against me several times. Whoever used it in this world, there’s bound to be signs of a battle.”

“If you’re so scared of this stuff, then why are we looking for it?” asked B2.

“Because, if there are Siren descendants using that amount of magic, they probably know not only where the Siren Stones are, but where the portal is too.”

After more driving around throughout the night, you all were on the verge of giving up, until you passed by a place called Canterlot High, and noticed a lot of rubble and the unmistakable signs of magic scorching. With no one around that late at night, you decided to investigate in the morning, and meet up with the one contact you have at the school who could possibly shed some light on the situation.

Meanwhile B2 meets with Human Cadence at some café in town, and Humbra decided he didn’t want to be around more teenagers after last night and went home after dropping you off. Thankfully you don’t have to wait for long.

“Mr. Bugze, is that you?”

Turning around, you spot the human teen with spiky blue hair and orangish skin.

“Hey Flash, glad you could make it,” you say.

“Well, I had to go to school still...,” he shrugs. “I got your message, so what is it you need?”
You simply point to the debris and crater and say,

“What the Buck Happened Last Night?”


Episode 35: Panicking, Panicking, and More Panicking

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Zapper frost’s Comment

“Uhhh, what do you mean what happened last night? It’s all good,” he says nervously as his eyes dart around.

“Really?” You deadpan at his very obvious lie.

“Uh, eyup. Everything’s fine. Nothing strange happened last night during the dance. Anybody who says otherwise is a liar.”

“Flash, do I have to kick your flank again?” you threaten and he audibly gulps.

“N-No?” he stammers.

“Then tell me what happened. I know there was some sort of giant rainbow magic lightshow last night, and I’m guessing that crater wasn’t always there. So spill the beans already.”

“Ok, ok,” he holds his hands up in defeat and sighs. “Look, everyone’s not exactly talking about this because it was weird and most people wouldn’t believe it.”

“Kid, I’m not ‘most people,’ you reassure before a thought comes to you. “Wait, did you Flulk out again and-“

“No no, it wasn’t me, I swear,” he defends. “I haven’t done that since the mall.”

“Then who did? What six people did that and against who?”

“Wait, how did you know it was six people?”

“Because I’m good at magic,” you grunt in frustration. “Now, get to explanations!”

Kichi’s Comment

“Alright, alright. OK, so remember I was asking about advice for the dance the other day?”

“Uh…I vaguely remember brushing something like that off yes. Don’t have the best experiences when it comes to dances,” you shudder remembering Prom at the Hive.

“Yeah, well, there was this girl there, she was real cute, but my ex kind of went nuts and got this tiara and…actually, it will just be easier to show you,” he says as he takes out his phone as his fingers move around the buttons at high speed.

"How are you doing that?" you ask in amazement.

“What, typing?” he asks.


“Because I have a phone?” he guesses unsure what you mean. Seeing as how that doesn’t seem to satisfy you, he moves on. “A-Anyway, check this out.”

He then turns the phone screen to you and it shows a video. It’s shaky, and there are other people murmuring in the background, but you can clearly see an orangish female human with fiery red hair shouting at a group of other human girls who are farther away from the video.

“Yeesh, what is this? Some sort of Mean Fillies type situation?” you ask as the orange girl in the leather jacket yells at the others

“Mean what?” he asks, but you don’t answer him as one of the other girls catches your eye.

“Wait a minute, is that Twilight?” you ask as you pull the phone closer to your eyes. Sure enough, the purple girl in the video bears a striking resemblance to Human Twilight, though her glasses are gone and her hair is down.

“You know Twilight?” Flash asks sounding excited for some reason.

“Yeah I know her she-Wait that looks like the Element of Magic. What’s that other girl do-Oh Sweet Luna!”

The orange girl puts the tiara on her head and transforms into a red, batwinged demonic looking creature as she laughs triumphantly.

“Sweet Luna?” Flash says with a raised brow, but you ignore him as a wave of energy comes forth from the demon girl and the video tumbles and goes out.

“That’s it? What happened next science phone? What happened next?!” you say in frustration as you shake the phone. Flash takes it out of your hands as quickly as he can and puts it back in his pocket.

“I dropped the phone. You see, after Sunset turned into that thing, me and the rest of the school kind of turned into zombies,” he says rubbing the back of his neck.


“Mmhmm,” he nods. “I mean, we could all still see and stuff, but we were compelled by what Sunset wanted, and we shambled to her command. Luckily we weren’t the brain eating type.”

“No? Oh, that’s good then,” you say as you lower Second Law back into your Inventory.

“Was that a gun?” Flash asks nervously.

“No, it was a Native Buffaloan rain stick,” you lie.

“A what?” he sputters, but you ignore him and move on.

“Alright, so this girl Sunshine, she found this magical tiara and put it on, becoming a demon and she brainwashed everyone right?”

“Yeah,” he nods.

“Where did she even get it?”

“Well, she stole it from Twilight after she’d been crowned, I guess she was jealous or something, but I have no idea where it came from originally. The Principal usually buys them from somewhere.”

“…Are you telling me that this clearly magical tiara was being used as a prom crown?” you ask flabbergasted.

“I guess? I mean, none of us knew it was magic until Sunset changed.”

You shake your head and facepalm.

I can’t believe. The counterpart to one of the pieces of the evil death rainbow that’s stalked our lives for over three years, and they were just keeping it in a high school. How haven’t humans gone extinct yet?

Sheer luck I’d wager, Selena offers. Though this situation confuses me greatly.

What do you mean?

If this human girl became this demonic entity, then how did we witness and feel that expenditure last night?

Well clearly this girl used it right? You’ve both said how powerful all of these Elements are, Sombra guesses, never having felt or witnessed the Elements firsthand.

But that’s just it, that blast was Harmony magic. Even if that girl corrupted it’s usage, what we saw and felt was not the dark magic we saw her utilizing.

Hey yeah, you’re right, you nod. Also, where are the other Elements? Magic alone can’t get results like that. If they could, we would’ve been stoned years ago.

“Flash!” you say, coming back to reality. “You said you were zombified last night right? How did you get…unzombied?”

“Uh, that’s actually kind of a tricky answer,” he says scratching his head. “From what we all saw, Twilight and the other girls kind of started glowing, and sprouting wings and fuzzy ears and then there was this big light, and everything was back to normal. Sunset wasn’t a monster anymore, and then we all partied.”

“…Twilight and some other girls started glowing, is that what you just said?” you ask apprehensively.

“Yeah, it was kind of amazing.”

“…Who were these other girls with her?”

“Oh, well, let’s see,” he says putting a finger to his chin. “There was that soccer girl Rainbow Dash, that farmer chick Applejack, that quiet girl Fluttershy, that rich glamour queen Rarity, and Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh…Really now?” you say sweating bullets. “Wait, Pinkie Pie doesn’t get a special description?”

“Everybody knows Pinkie Pie,” Flash shrugs.

“…Good point. Will you excuse me for one sec?”

You then turn around and whip out your own phone and start doing that text thing B2 taught you.

This is bad. So very bad. I know Human Twilight not knowing the other Deadly 6 was different, but I didn’t think them meeting each other would immediately bring this world’s Elements online.

Verily. The lines of fate seem to latch onto those Six, despite the rules of the world.

I know right? It’s Bullspit!

You then finish up your text, which is filled with smiley faces, random pictures of food, and other emojis that all the humans add, and it reads.

Hey Twilight,

Your old pal Bugze here. Sorry I haven’t called since getting fired and all. But anyway, do you mind explaining why you were at another school across town last night and when you realized you could harness magical energies to fight demons?

K Thx, Bye.

“And sent,” you say aloud before turning back to Flash.

“Who were you texting?”

“Someone I thought I had a good read on until a few moments ago. Seriously, she’s a technobabbling science nerd without any friends, what’s she doing out on a school night at some other school winning prom queen, making friends, and spewing magic?”

“Wait, you have a link to Twilight? She’s back?” Flash asks all excitedly as he invades your personal space.

“Whoa, down boy. Sit! What’s gotten into you? And what do you mean by back? Back from where, Crystal Prep?”

“No, from her world,” he explains. “I think she called it Equestria or something.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysallis’s Comment

The air goes quiet after Flash says that. You hear no sounds of traffic, of humans walking and talking, nor the wind through the trees. All is silent as the grave as you, Selena, and Sombra process what you just heard.

“Did…did you just say Equestria?” you ask, your voice hollow and gaspy.

“Heh, yeah. I know it sounds all cutesy and all, but it fits her. She said she was a Princess there,” he says in fondness.

You stand there for several seconds before you grab Flash by the jacket and shout in unison with Sombra and Selena in your legion voice,


“Y-Y-Yes sir, that’s what she said her name was,” Flash stammers in fear.

“I…I…” you are at a loss for words.

Human Twilight was real Twilight this whole time?! How?! When?! Why?!

The chances of that are astronomical! Selena shouts in paranoia.

That doesn’t make a lick of sense, but I can’t think of anything else! Sombra grumbles as well.

“Uh, Mr. Bugze?” Flash tries to gain your attention.

How did she know to come through on that day Jack sent me? She was right there when I first came through. Does Torchwood have a spy? Did one of those Knight idiots find out and blab? What? WHAT?!

“Mr. Bugze!” Flash shouts pulling you from your thoughts. “Maybe we should talk somewhere more quiet?”

Catching his drift you look around and see that a few human students have stopped to give you weird looks as you’re all but choking Flash.

“R-Right,” you nod and let him go before looking to the others. “Do not worry, this is all just a drill. Return to your meaningless, pointless lives.”

Your order is met with confusion and double takes, but as you start walking away, and Flash shrugs with a nervous chuckle, they move on.

After Flash leads you to somewhere more private, the Soccer field, he says,

“You gotta try to not make a scene man. It was a miracle nobody recognized me as that monster at the mall.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just…How could Princess Twilight have been here this whole time?” Flash shrugs at that.

“I don’t know. She showed up here three days ago mysteriously, and after the dance, she said she was going home and poof, she was gone.”

“She went back home? How? Did she poof out, or did she go through a big horsesh-Huh?”

Your phone buzzes, cutting you off. Opening up the message, you see it’s from Twilight.

Hi Mr. Bugze,

It’s good to hear from you, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was studying last night for a quiz today, and though I respect your opinion, I still find the idea of magic to be absurd. Have you been drinking again? I hope you aren’t. Cadence said she was supposed to meet with you today. You remembered right?


“So, the way you’ve been talking about her, you clearly know Princess Twilight right? How did you meet her? How do you contact her? When will she-“

“Pipe down Flash!” you shush as you read the text again.

This…this doesn’t make any sense. If she went home like Flash said, how could she text? Why would she still be acting like a teen?

A sharp gasp comes from Selena, and then Sombra groans as the realization dawns on them.

So that’s how it is, Selena mutters.

What? What’s how it is? You ask.

Bugze, she says slowly so even an idiot like you could understand. Think of yourself and B2.

The hamster in your brain finally gets the wheel going fast enough and the answer is obvious.

Oh Buck! That means Human Twilight wasn’t an impostor in disguise, she really is a teen human girl, which means Real Twilight was here last night!

“Savior of the Universe! Did those other girls mysteriously appear with her?!”

“Uh, no. Pinkie Pie’s been in my class since the third grade, and Rainbow Dash keeps winning every track meet gold medal and-“

“So it was just this Princess Twilight that showed up then?”


“And that crown that Sunlight had, you’d never seen it before either right?”

“Well, it was differently shaped than the last three, now that you mention it. But yeah, Sunset was using it to control us so we could invade the Princess’s home world, but she and the others glowed and took her down.”

You take a few steps back as your legs give out and you slide your back down a bleacher pole to the ground.

She was here. Someway, somehow, the now all powerful alicorn with deadly harmony magic was here and she was able to utilize it with ease, you panic. We can’t even use our magic properly, but she can still fire that deadly rainbow laser? And without the other Elements to boot? What the Crap?!

You slam your fist onto the ground, before shaking it from the pain.

“Bugze, are you angry?” Flash asks apprehensively.

“What? No, why would I be angry? It’s not like she just conveniently keeps showing up in my life no matter how many steps I take to keep ahead,” you grunt sardonically.

Easy there my Bug. Calm down. Having a panic attack won't change the situation, Selena says soothingly.

How can I not? Somehow that egghead keeps following me no matter where I go.

But she didn’t follow you, she points out. From what we’ve heard, it seems her own Element was stolen, and she followed it here. She left as soon as she got it, and you weren’t even asked about it.

…Yeah, you’re right, you nod as you take a deep breath. She left and still doesn’t know I’m here.

Exactly, which means she knows how to travel between worlds.

Oh my-Yeah! She must know where the mirror is. Surely some of these humans saw her use it! You say starting to feel pumped up again.

Exactly, Selena smiles. Now pick yourself up, we have to get through this. For all are sakes.

Yes yes, listen to your wife and get on with it already. There’s so much info we still need, Sombra says in frustration.

"MY/HIS WIFE?!" you both shout blushing.

“Huh? Who’s your wife?” Flash asks in surprise at your outburst.

“N-Noling! I’m not married! Not yet at least!” you shout.

Y-Yes! There’s been no official ceremony or anything! Selena stammers.

“Exactly! Heh heh,” you laugh nervously as Flash looks at you as if you’ve gone even more off your rocker.

Oh for- worry about semantics later you idiots. Now ask where the portal is, Sombra grumbles.

“R-Right! Hey Flash, where did Twilight go after beating this demon lady? I’m assuming she dragged her off with her to some giant horseshoe or something?”

“Well…Like I said, I don’t really know HOW she and Spike left, but her friends and Sunset might know,” he admits.

“The demon girl is still here?”

“Mmhmm. After the battle Sunset was given the task to repair the school with her two accomplices Snips and Snails."

Snips and Snails? Weren't those the two colts that brought in that Ursa Minor three years ago? You think angrily at the memory. Figures they'd do something like this. Also…

“You said Spike right?”

"Yeah, it was kinda freaky her having a talking dog and all," Flash nods rubbing his head.

"Really? After transforming into a literal Saddle Rager, and becoming a zombie slave to a wanna be conqueror, a talking dog is weird to you?" You deadpan.

“Hey, Hulking out and magical girls straight out of some anime are one thing, but talking dogs is a whole other ball park entirely,” he defends.

“…I find your parameters very skewed,” you mutter as you begin to ponder to yourself.

But seriously, if Spike came here too, why was he a dog? I mean his counterpart here is also a dog, but still. Is it cause he’s a dragon? I find that highly speciest.

I find it hilarious, Sombra snickers.

That dog could still beat you and your counterpart with no effort, Selena shoots back.


Well, at least if this world ever gets a Human Nightshade, there’s no chance of her being wooed by his counterpart. Hah! At last the human world does something right!

Turning back to Flash, you ask one more question.

“So, after Twilight and the gang beat up Sunny D, she left and you didn’t see how? You’re sure?”

“No, I didn’t,” he holds his head down sadly. “It’s a shame though, she was really cute and I wanted to say one more goodbye.”

“…Did you just call her cute?” you ask in shock.

“Uh, yeah?”


“Because she is? Is this a trick question?”

“…You like Twilight?” you monotone.


“The magical pony Twilight?”

“Yes,” he responds simply again.

“The magical princess pony Twilight from another dimension?”

“Yeah, look I know it may sound weird and all, but she’s really beautiful and I think she might have liked me back,” he defends.

You just stare at the human teen before you get a case of the willies and shiver all over.

Ew, ew, ew! That’s just…Ew! And her being interested in you? Well, she was friends with Lyra at one point if that freak was to be believed, so maybe some of that Humie fantasy stuck with her.

And even as you shudder from this disgusting scenario,

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

You hear the whispered mutterings of the hateful voices return.

Kill the Waifu Thief.

Snap Him In Two.

Boil His Brain!

Eat His Spleen!

“You guys again?!” you growl aloud, causing Flash to look around trying to find who you’re talking about.

I knew losing you at the mall was only temporary, but come on!

It’s different this time Bugze. They don’t appear to be as loud.

Indeed. I can actually hear myself think, Sombra agrees.

Hey yeah, you say as you realize they sound distant. But still, the fact that they’re here at all means…

Your eyes widen as you put one and one together to get two, before grabbing Flash’s shoulders with a manic, but not murderous, look in your eyes.

"I KNOW HOW TO STOP THE VOICES!!!!!" you exclaim close up to Flash's face, causing him to blink.

"W-wait, really?" He asks in stunned disbelief. "How?"

"You never talk to Princess Twilight again. Ever," you explain seriously. This causes him to look at you like you’ve just kicked a puppy, but the voices actually do shut up at your declaration.

"Why?" He asks in a whimper. “How can that be the solution?”

“Because it’s science! I’ve been around the other you and her plenty of times to know that this is the answer!” He raises a brow at that.

“The other me? And that’s like the third time you’ve said you know her. How do you know so much about her?”

"Okay, so, bit of a bombshell here for you, but..." you begin to explain.

Bugze, what are you doing? Selena asks in alarm.

Throwing around the one thing he's supposed to keep secret like it's candy, apparently, Sombra deadpans.


"-I'm also from Equestria, and I'm friends with the Flash Sentry on the other side." Bugze you explain causing Hu-Flash’s eyes to widen. "And he has to deal with the voices too. We never figured out why they happened, or where they came from, but they only ever got really bad while he, on the very rare occasion, encountered Twilight in our world. And just now, as soon as you mentioned your crush on her, they started yelling again."

This causes Flash's eyes to widen even more in extreme nervousness.

"Uh..." He squirms around trying to get out of your grip.

"And since they keep mentioning some kind of "waifu" that you're supposedly stealing," You continue, ignoring the discomfort of the teenager "my guess at this point, is that Twilight is the waifu they're talking about!" you declare, imagining yourself having a Shercloppe Holmes hat on your head from putting the pieces of this mystery together finally. "So to make them stop...just don't be interested in her! Just stop. Give it up! Halt the ship, and swim away before the voices sink it by making someone sink you," you conclude with certainty.

“But isn’t that just bullying me into getting what they want?” he asks sadly as he finally squirms out of your grip.

“Maybe, but it’s better than being killed over something so stupid.”

“But I really do like her,” he pouts. “I don’t care if she’s a pony. She’s a hot girl in this world.”

“Bleh, maybe to you, freaking humie,” you shake your head in disgust. “But no. Just to be safe, stay away from this world’s version of her too.”

“There’s another Twilight?” he asks with interest.

“No, shut up! Bad Humie!” you say slapping him on the forehead.

“Ow!” he grunts and rubs his the spot.

“They’re both the one that got away. Maybe you should consider going back to your Ex Girlfriend, You know, make amends and all that.”

“But she’s the one that broke up with me and she enslaved everyone remember?” he grumbles.

“Huh? You used to date the Demon Girl?” you ask in surprise.

“Yes. And I doubt Sunset would ever want to get back with me. Besides, I’m still not entirely over the Zombie thing.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Yeah, not to mention she’s probably going to jail after she finishes fixing the school right?” you add.

“Huh? Why would Sunset go to jail?” he asks in all sincerity.

“…Because she enslaved the whole school and was going to invade another world, creating an interdimensional war?”

"Oh no, that doesn’t need to happen. Twilight said her new friends would try to teach her the magic of friendship and reform her." Flash said shrugging.

You, Selena, and Sombra think for a moment on what you learned about this Sunset Shimmer. She stole Twilight's Element of Magic, used it to transform into a demon, brainwashed a bunch of high schoolers from another world to use them as foot soldiers to conquer Equestria, and her only punishment was to repair the school and be 'reformed'? Seconds tick by as the three of you compare her punishment to what the ponies want to do to you.

"What...the....BUCK?!?!?!" You all shout to the heavens in rage.

“Hey now, keep it down before somebody comes to investi-“

“Community Service?! That’s all she bucking gets?!” you rant. “Community service, after enslaving minds and turning into a monster intent on bringing a war, and she gets that slap on the wrist?!”

“Uh, she was stopped before anything really bad could-“

“That’s Bullspit! I have been accused on countless occasions on brainwashing ponies, which is something I can’t even do, and every whorse under the sun wants my scalp! This stupid humie ex girlfriend of yours does the exact same thing, and they’re all ‘Oh, just add friendship. It’ll fix itself.’ BUCKING BULLSPIT!!!”

Not to mention she gets hit with the Elements of Harmony, and is allowed to live whilst I was left to die in discarded armor! Selena growls.

“Yeah! Exactly!”

And I was banished through time and space because I killed a secret keeping despot who allowed me to suffer for years without telling me why, and enslaved her Empire!

“…OK, maybe you might have deserved some of what you got-“


“But still, if you hadn’t been in my gut when the heart went online, you’d probably just straight up be dead. This Sunshine got off scot free!”

“Who are you talking to?” Flash asks nervously.

“Don’t worry about it!” you growl. “Now, you are going to take me right to this strumpet so I can vent my frustrations out on her!” To this Flash looks offended.

“Hey! I’m not going to let you hurt her alright?!”

“Huh?” you blather.

“Sure she might have broken my heart and enslaved my mind, but we still dated and I’m not just going to let you harm her got it?!” he says getting into a fighting stance.

“I’m not gonna-I wasn’t-“ you huff before you throw your arms up and grunt.

“I know our last match ended with me getting beat up despite being 9 ft tall, but I will-“

“Oh put a sock in it humie, I’m not going to punch her or anything, I just need to yell in her face and hopefully make her cry so I can feel better about myself!”

“…I don’t know if I want you to do that either,” he says still scowling, but lowering his fists.

“Whatever, just take me to her!” you order.

“She’s in class right now though. I should get going myself before I’m late,” he says looking at his watch.”

“Oh for-Are you saying I have to wait all day to yell at this witch?!”

“Actually, she’s going to be working on the restoration during lunch so that she won’t have to do as much after school,” he answers. “But if you’re going to yell at her, I’m going to be right there beside you supervising.”

“Ugh, fine MOM,” you pout and cross your arms as you sit on the ground. “Well run off to the living Tartarus of High School. I’ll just sit here stewing in this filthy human skin until lunch time.”

“Are you sure? I mean, that’s a few hours of-“ he is cut off as a bell goes off on the school and his eyes widen. “CRAP! I’m gonna be late! Fine, I’ll see you at lunch, don’t do anything crazy!” He then dashes off towards the gigantic building full of broken hopes and dreams.

“Hmmph. That’s definitely something I don’t miss. But yeah, what the buck is up with Twilight? Why is she willing to forgive this Simmer Sun but not us?”

Because she is a hypocrite, Selena growls. Now that she has ascended, she’s trying to make it look like she’s kind and benevolent, but only to ones that suit her needs.

Nothing good ever comes from princesses, Sombra agrees.

“Exactly,” you nod. “What’s so special about this random humie, aside from her clearly being a Siren Descendant and a powerful one at that?”

Shaking your head in disgust and anger, you hear the final bell ring for the High School while you sit on the dirt.

“Whelp, I got a few hours. Let’s see if this ‘Gameboy’ even holds a candle to the Joyboys back home,” you say as you pull out the handheld gaming console and start tapping it with your fingers.

And as you get absorbed into a humanized version of PoneMon, still angry at the world, Lady Luck, and Twilight you can’t help but feel like that lunch with Human Cadence would have been far less dramatic.

Ello Calebero’s Comment



After Sombra went to drop you off at the school, B2 spent his time preparing for his meeting with Cadence. After stealing a bowler hat from Sombra’s collection, he went to meet the Vice Dean at the café/bakery while you angrily played videogames.

After finding her, and ordering some coffee and some baked goods, she got right to the chase.

“So, you’re probably wondering why I asked you here today?”

“Well, yeah, I was wondering that truth be told,” B2 chuckles. “Does Cinch want one of my organs in lieu of severance pay or something?”

“No, that’s not it” she sighs. “Actually I’ve called you here for something serious.”

Her tone makes B2 sit up a little straighter, and a part of him wonders if he made the right decision coming here instead of that blown up school from the night before.

“OK, what’s so serious Ms. Amore?”

She just looks at your bearded counterpart with inquisitive eyes before she lets out another sigh and looks down at her coffee.

“You don’t remember me do you?” To that B2 raises an eyebrow.

“Uh, you were one of my bosses till four days ago. Kind of hard to forget something like-“

“No no no,” she handwaves with a grunt looking downcast. “I meant before all that. Back when you were still singing.”

His eyes widen at that and he begins to sweat.

“Uh…” he says looking at her, trying like all hell to remember. “Were you one of the roadies that traveled with us?”


“Were you a groupie? If you were don’t feel bad I don’t remember any of them because I didn’t do the usual rocker thing. I had a girlfriend and-“

“No no, EW,” she says shaking her hands to dissuade him. “I was 10 when we first met.”

“Wow really? Your parents let you go to one of our shows at that age? That’s very irresponsible.”

She facepalms at this before she scowls heavily at him.

“You dated my aunt you moron. You’d come by for Christmas and Thanksgiving and other random times with her!”

And as she says that, it’s like a fog clears in B2’s head as he looks at her face and hair color and matches it to his old memories.

“Wait a minute. You’re little Cadie?” he says in surprise, finally causing her expression to soften. “Holy crap you grew up.”

“Yeah, no duh. It’s been 15 years,” she says with a smirk.

“Wow I feel old,” he says shaking his head. “I remember giving you tour shirts and bobbleheads and stuff.”

“Heh heh, yeah,” she giggles. “Aunt Celestia wanted me to throw them out, but I didn’t.”

“Oh God, Celestia,” he says holding his head from phantom aches. “She always wanted to skin me alive. The only thing that held her back was Nimmy and…” he pauses as he realizes what this means. Looking back at Cadence he’s about to ask her about her, but she holds her hand up, stopping him and says calmly.

“That’s actually the reason I called you here today.” Shaking his head in understanding, B2 let’s her continue.

“Aunt Luna hasn’t gone by Nightmare Moon since the day you broke up. She has a steady respectful job now, and until a few days ago, she was content and happy.”

“Oh…OK,” he says still expecting more.

“That said, I want some more information before I divulge anything else,” she says giving him a pointed look.

“Uh, like what?”

“Well, first of all. What’s going on with your life? You show up at my school about a month ago looking like you’ve been living out of a trashcan, you get a job as a janitor, and then when everything seems like it’s normal, you go and pull that stunt at the mall.”

“Oh…I…you see,” he stammers.

“Where on earth did you get the money to do that? And if you are starting the band back up again, why didn’t you let Luna know?”

“I…Look, that whole stunt at the mall, that was just a situation that got out of hand. And I lost contact with Nimmy years ago after…well, you know.”

“Yes I do,” she scowls judging him. “But whatever happened in the past I don’t care, I want to know what’s going on now, because if this band is coming back, my aunt is owed her share.”

“I-It’s not really official or anything,” he says sweating nervously.

“Giant explosions and animatronics being used at a public event isn’t official?” she asks skeptically.

“Well, I mean…”

“And isn’t it something that while you were working at my school you became kind of a mentor to my fiancé’s little sister? A little sister who’s a genius and who I know has been dabbling with robotics recently?”

“Uh…” B2 starts to panic.

“Did you even pay Twilight for her work, or were you just using her to get your dead career back off the ground?”
“OK, look the robot thing is clearly being taken out of context!” B2 defends.

“Then give me some context @#%$&,” she pleads using his real name. “I want to believe that you’re still the Cool Uncle from when I was little, but this last month has been confusing. Please tell me what’s going on so that I can better play mediator for when my aunt gets here.”

“…WHAT?!” B2 shouts, causing Mrs. Cake to look over from the counter.

“Nimmy’s coming here?!”

Sighing, Cadence says, “Yes, Luna will be here in a few minutes, though she only thinks I’m going to be here.”

He then begins hyperventilating as he looks down at his appearance and just how low he’s fallen.

“So before she gets here, just give me something to work with OK?” Cadence asks with a sincere smile.



“You jumped out the bathroom window?” you say in befuddlement on your cell phone.

“I panicked man!” B2 says breathlessly from the other end. “Cadence was asking all these questions I had no answers to, and I couldn’t let Nimmy see me like this! I still look like a damn bum!”

“Oh for-She’s only going to think that’s more suspicious B2, and news flash, you are still a bum!”

“I know, I know,” he pants. “But it was the only way. That whole meeting was a trap!”

“OK,” you grunt pinching the ridge of your nose. “Just get your flank to Sombra’s and calm down. We’ll figure this out later.”

“Yeah yeah, good idea,” he says as you hear his footfalls from the other side of the receiver. After a few moments his breathing gets more under control and he starts talking again.

“Hey Bugze?”


“I did catch a glimpse of her pulling up in her car as I snuck away…She’s still absolutely perfect…but I’m not.”

Sighing you say, “Don’t think about that just now. We’ll come up with our story later. Just get to Sombra’s, I’ve got a teenager to yell at.”

And with that you turn off the phone and turn back to Flash Sentry who had come to retrieve you on his lunch break.

“Who were you talking to?”

“My twin brother, you remember him right? Bearded fellow?” When he nods, you continue, “Well let’s just say he’s dealing with stuff and leave it at that.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Shrugging at your evident insanity, Flash leads you back to the front of the school back towards the crater. Once you get to the edge, you finally see the girl from the video. In daylight, he red and orange hair seem to shine brighter, and she wears a leather jacket despite it being fairly warm out. In person, she doesn’t seem that threatening at all.

“So there’s the witch that got off easy huh?” you mutter as you view her working. “Hmm, I thought her accomplices were supposed to help her?”

“Those two idiots didn’t come to school today. Guess their parents got upset with them almost hurting a puppy,” Flash explains.

“Ah, that’d do it,” you nod. “On one hoof that’s good parenting, on the other, it’s leaving her to pick up the slack. Guess that’s some small justice. But where are the other girls that Twilight left to be her friends?”

“Eating I’d imagine,” he shrugs. “They don’t have to pick up debris, they saved the school.”

“Phew. Well, that just makes this easier,” you think with manic glee as you start to walk forward. You are stopped as Flash holds his arm out.

“Remember, If you try to hurt her I’ll turn on you,” he warns and you roll your eyes.

“Flash you need help. You’re either fantasizing about alien princesses you should be forgetting forever or your ex girlfriend the demon overlord. Listen, I know three human teen sisters that your human brain might find attractive, I’ll introduce you later.”

And with his flustered face, you start walking towards the bacon haired villain as she starts putting debris into a wheelbarrow.

Alright you tart, you may think you’re special because Twilight’s a two faced whorse, but I’ll teach you the meaning…of…justice?

You trail off as you catch a glimpse of her face, more specifically her eyes. It’s within those eyes that you see a familiar look, one you yourself had for so long. A look of sadness, regret, shame, and worst of all, self-hate.

As she lets out a sad sigh, she reaches down for a larger chunk of concrete, and struggles to lift it.

…Oh Gorramnit, you sigh yourself as you walk forward.

“Here, let me help you with that,” you say reluctantly which surprises the girl.

“What? I-Oh, OK,” she says as you lift the other end of the concrete and help her load it into the wheelbarrow, an act which surprises her Flash big time.

Once it’s loaded up, she looks at you with uncertainty.

“I…uh…Thank you,” she stutters.

“No problem, I’m here to help,” you say with a reassuring look. Yelling at her now would be like kicking a puppy.

“Help?” she asks hesitantly.

“Yeah, help,” you nod.

“Really? That’s news to me,” Flash says in shock, causing Sunset to notice him before quickly looking down.

“Oh…hey Flash,” she says shamefully.

“Hey…Sunset,” he says nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

The three of you stand there in awkward silence for a few moments before you break the tension.

“OK, I’m just going to jump right into this then,” you say as you place a hand on her shoulder.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“I know it must be hard. You woke up one day and realized that you could do magic in a world where magic wasn’t around. That’s because in your ancestry, these giant sea horses called Sirens were sent to this world, turned into humans just like Princess Twilight, and had families.”


“And then one day, some purple lady saying she’s a pony shows up, you see her crown is all magicy, and you decide ‘I want some of that.’ You take that crown, become even more superpowered and it goes to your head, so you think, ‘Hey, maybe I should invade a realm of magic since I’m very powerful.’ Well, let’s just say good thing you didn’t because there are some Magically Overpowered individuals over there.”

“I think you might be confusing me with-“

“But you get defeated,” you interrupt her. “And all seems lost since you had that taste of magic. You think everyone hates you, and they probably do, but you do have a second chance, something some of us don’t get.”

“…Who are you?” she asks nervously as she looks between you and Flash.

“My name is Bugze, and I’m from Equestria.” Her mouth goes agape at that.

“You are?”

“Yes,” you nod. “And over there, I haven’t exactly been treated fairly for a number of reasons, and I’ve been accused of acts that you did last night.”


Sighing you explain, “Princess Twilight and her friends are the Elements of Harmony, and they don’t like me all that much.”

“W-Were you a villain too?” she asks sounding awed and shamed.

“No, I’ve never been a villain, but they’ve made me out to be one because ponies are dumb and speciestic and won’t listen to reason. The stuff you pulled last night is stuff they think I did, and they still hunt me. So take comfort in that fact kid. You got forgiven because of your weird human and Siren nature.”

“…I’m totally confused,” she says putting a hand to her head.

“It’s ok, it is a confusing tale. A bunch of stupid stuff happened, but that’s neither here nor there, I just want to you to know that it does get better, and that since she decided for whatever reason to forgive you, you’ll have an easier time healing.”

“…OK, that sentiment is nice and everything,” she says taking your hand off her shoulder. “But I’ve only just met you.”

“It’s OK Sunset, he’s…well, I don’t want to say on the level, but he’s legit,” Flash explains.

“…So is he the reason you became a monster at the mall?” she accuses.

“How do you know about that?!” Flash blurts before his eyes dart around, “I mean, what are you talking about, I wasn’t at any mall. What mall?”

“Flash, we were together for 3 years, I know you’re face. I just couldn’t understand how you had access to magic, but I guess an Equestrian Villain would expl-“

“Stop stop, I hate that cliché,” you roll your eyes. “I’m not a villain, more anti-hero. Flash stumbled upon a Siren artifact by himself, and I just happened to be there.”

Raising a brow she asks, “Just happened to be there huh? OK, but why would Twilight not forgive you if you were only accused of doing the horrible stuff I did?”

“Because ponies never give me the time of day because I’m a changeling and because of who my family i-.”

“YOU’RE A CHANGELING?!” she shrieks and takes a few steps from you.

“Oh Don’t You Start!” you chastise with hands on your hips.

“Alright, I’m totally lost here,” Flash pipes up. “What’s a changeling?”

“Changelings are these bug horse things that can shapeshift into whoever or whatever they desire and they steal all the love from you by force,” she says frightfully as she gets on the other side of her wheelbarrow.

“Ok, yes that’s true and all,” you defend. “But come on, not all of us are bad. Heck, I’m just like you two. I’m a hybrid and…wait, how do you know what a changeling is?”

“Because I’m a pony,” she responds which causes both yours and Flash’s mouths to drop.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“…What? You’re from Equestria too?”

“Yes of course. I don’t even know what these Siren things are that you keep mentioning.”

“So…you’re a pony too?” Flash asks seeming very concerned.

Sighing she looks at the boy and says, “Yes Flash, I’m a pony just like Princess Twilight.”

Your eye twitches at that before you turn around to the shocked Flash Sentry and back to the cowering Pony turned Human.

“So…knowing full well that this isn’t actually your real body, you dated a human?” you ask with a gag.

“Hey! Don’t judge me!” she growls and looks away nervously. “I was de-aged and had to go through puberty again as a human. B-Besides, he was the most popular guy around, so he boosted my standing.” Flash actually looks a bit sad at that last bit, but you ignore his pain.

“That sounds like excuses to me,” you say judgmentally. “Let me guess, you were a fan of My Little Human right?”

“Well I was a Unicorn Filly, so yeah,” she nods as if it’s obvious.

“Oh OK, this makes much more sense now. Nothing ever good ever comes from that overhyped show!” you throw your hands up in frustration.

You shut your whorse mouth! Sombra growls.

“Hey! My Little Human didn’t make me evil!” Sunset defends.

“You turned into one, dated one, and then became a demon. I’ll let the evidence speak for itself.” You then look over to the befuddled human boy.
"Seems you have a type Flash."

“Ugh, whatever,” Sunset grunts and turns away from you. “It doesn’t matter anyway. After all I’ve done, Princess Celestia would never welcome me back there. I don’t even know if I’ll fully be welcomed here again as it is…”

Princess Celestia?” Flash pipes up, but you ignore him as Selena gasps as some revelation comes to her.

What is it Selly? You inquire.

Bugze, don’t you remember what Jack told us before we traveled here? About Celestia’s former protégé before Sparkle? She says excitedly.

Oh yeah, the unicorn mare that noling knew the name of! But…

“Oi, Sunbeam!” you snap your fingers causing her to look at you indignantly.

“It’s Sunset. Sunset Shimmer,” she corrects.

“Yeah, that. Were you Princess Celestia’s former student?”

She looks down sadly at that, giving you all the answer you need.

“You said you were deaged when you got here? By how long?”

“About 5 years,” she admits. “It was freaky living through that again.”

“But…Twilight’s been Celestia’s student since she was little, and she’s a full grown mare…”
You turn back to Flash and say,

“That’s another weird thing, Twilight hitting on a high school human, gross,” you gag.

“Yeah, well, time works weirdly once you go through the portal. For me it’s been five years, but over there apparently I’ve been gone for like 15,” she explains.

“Oh Luna…then how long have I been gone there if I’ve been here a month?”

“There’s really no way to tell,” she shrugs. “Trying to understand Quantum Mechanics in relation to magic is such a pain.”

“Tell me about it,” you groan as you rub your temple.

“…OK, this is a lot to process, I think I’m going to sit down,” Flash mutters as he goes and sits on a pile of rocks.

Sunset watches him go looking a bit guilty before she turns her attention back to you.

“So changeling-“

“Bugze! I have a name so use it,” you demand.

“Fine, Bugze,” she relents. “I still don’t know why you’re here, aside from trying to motivate me, but I doubt that’s what brought you to this world.”

“That’s correct. I just felt bad about how down in the dirt you looked, but yeah, my mission is to find some artifacts relating to the ancient Sirens. I swear to you, I’m not a villain, and I’ll be leaving as soon as I find my quarry.”

“Well…OK then,” she nods. “The last three days have been crazy enough already, I think I can accept this.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

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“Alrighty then. And if you need help with this debris, just ask. It kind of sucks that your sidekicks aren’t around to help, or your new friends.”

She hangs her head when you mention that.

“That’s a challenge I have to get through myself, making friends. But this is my burden, I couldn’t ask you or them to help.”

“If that’s the way you want it,” you nod. “Oh, and before I forget, since you’re like a godsend and everything, can you point out to me where the portal is for when I’m ready to go?”

She looks flabbergasted at that.

“Um…over there?” she points at the big horse statue Flash is sitting next to on his rocks. Giddily, you skip over to it, and now that you’re this close, you can sense some sort of faint magical presence to it, but that’s it. You reach your hand to touch the stone, and aside from a tingle, nothing.

“OK, but where’s the giant horseshoe part of it?” you ask.

“It doesn’t look like the one on this side remember?”

“Yeah not really, I only saw the mirror once like last year. I didn’t use it to get here though, but I’ll need it to go back.”

"So…you didn’t use it to get here?"

"No, I used something else, but I broke it when I landed here," you admit.

"Then…then you don’t know about it’s timeframe,” she says as equations are solved in her head.

“Timeframe? What timeframe?”

“It, uh…it only works every 30 Moons,” Sunset explains giving you a nervous smile.

30 MOONS! Selena and Sombra shout at once startling and confusing you.

“Wait for real? Twilight won’t be able to come back for that long?” Flash blurts out sounding sad.

“Oh, that’s all?” you say with a grimace before letting out a sigh of your own. “That’s ok. It’s only another month. It might be hard, but I can get through not seeing my baby for another thirty days. Hopefully it’s not too long on the other side.”

To this Sunset raises an eyebrow.

“Thirty days?”

“Yeah, you said thirty moons right? And the moon comes up every night so…”

Bugze! Selena shouts sounding upset. A moon cycle is from New Moon to full moon and back. One moon is a whole month!

Your eyes widen as the numbers add up.

“WHAT?! That’s like two and a half years!” you shout aloud startling Sunset and Flash.

“Uh yeah, why do you think I waited so long to-“

“I’M GOING TO BE STUCK IN THIS TARTARUS HOLE FOR TWO AND HALF YEARS?!!” you shout as you run towards the statue and start punching it.

“Whoa, wait a minute, don’t crack it!” Sunset shrieks.

“My baby is going to grow up without her parents! We’re going to miss her getting her cutie mark! She’s going to look like a teenager when we get back! She’s going to start dating, and Spike is going to swoop in without me there to kill him! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” you throw all caution to the wind.

I won’t be able to see my baby! She’ll think we abandoned her! Buck You Lady Luck! Selena cries out in heartbreak herself.

The young overlord will have no one to teach her the art of war! This is unacceptable! Sombra bellows.


Episode 36: Buck This 30 Moon Waiting Time

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Your weak human fists hurt, and the one still wrapped in bandages stings like a motherbucker, but you continue to pound away on the statue despite Flash and Sunset's protests, having your most ultimate freak out ever…for this day at least.

"MOTHERBUCKING PIECE OF BULLSPIT! WHAT THE TARTARUS!” you shout in this body’s approximation of the RCV.

Motherbucking? Bullspit? What the Hell is he shouting?” Flash asks the worried Sunset.

“Those are curse words from Equestria,” she explains hurriedly.

“GORRAMNED BUCKING LADY LUCK!!!” you shout as you strike your bandaged fist fairly hard against the stone, and it starts bleeding. “BUCK!”

“Really?” Flash says. “These sound like cheap censored replacements that would be on cable or something.”

“Flash, now’s not the time for semantics!” Sunset growls frustrated. “Bugze, please stop!”

“BURN MOTHERBUCKER BURN!!!” you shout as you give your fists a break and throw your hoverboard at the statue, and true to fashion, the piece of plastic catches fire.

“What in the world was that?” Sunset shrieks.

“Cheap hardware. My brother got one of those for Christmas,” Flash responds.


“Luna forsaken?” Flash asks.

“I actually don’t know. Never heard that one before,” Sunset confesses.

You reach into your bag to pull out your Boomstick and Second Law, however before you do, Sombra and Selena shout out in alarm,

BUGZE/IDIOT NO!! They in a rare instance of unison take over and make you smack your forehead on the butt of the Air gun you were just trying to pull out. Dropping both your magical weapons, you put both of your hands to your head in pain.

"Ahh! What the buck was that for?!" you cry out, confusing the human and pony in human guise behind you.

Bugze, you fool! If you smash the statue you'll destroy our only way home! I wanna swear and rage too, but not if it means destroying our only means of returning to Nightshade! Selena says scolding you.

“Ohhh,” you groan. “I thought if I hurt it enough, it would turn back on. Like slapping a finicky washing machine.”

Magical artifacts aren’t household appliances you stup- wait hold on, what is that? Sombra cuts himself off as he notices something about the statue.

“Huh?” You turn to the statue in confusion. "What? Did I break it?" You say worriedly.

“What your hand?” asks Flash.

“No, the statue!” you grunt back.

“I’m sure you broke both,” Sunset gags as the bandages on your right fist stain red.

Pay attention moron! Look there on the side of statue! You look closely at the side of the statue through the smoke of your hoverboard and see some strange lines.

“Ahh Luna I scratched it." You say in worry as you hear Sombra facehoof.

No you didn't scratch it. That's writing!

"Huh?" You and Selena say in confusion as you suddenly lurch forward and your face smooshes against the statue. Meanwhile Sunset and Flash look on in confusion.

"What is he doing?" Flash asks.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Sunset says taking a few steps back and grabbing a shovel. “But seriously, I think we should put that fire out before it spreads.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Flash nods as he takes his jacket off. And as they start beating the fire out on your hoverboard, you stare intently at the faded writing that follows the arch of the outer part of the portal.

“If this is writing, I can’t quite make it out,” you admit.

Hang on let me try something. Sombra says. You feel your hand reach into your pocket and pull out the magic crystal you got from Gloriosa.

"Avsløre" Sombra says in a whisper through your lips. Suddenly the portal glows faintly for a moment, lighting up the statue and revealing the outline of a doorway.
The glow fades but the words are now more legible.

Whoa. Did you just fix it? you ask with hope.

No, unfortunately, but my hunch was right, this is a hidden message, he explains.

Really? Looks like a bunch of scribble scrabble to me.

No he’s correct my bug. This is ancient poneish, Selena says in amazement.

Exactly. It was in all the books and texts I read growing up in the empire. I used to write hidden messages with…his voice hitches and he coughs. But anyway, it seems the old methods work even on this side.

Incredible. Guess you're not as useless as I thought, Selena quips.

Quiet you. I'm trying to read it... Sombra murmurs.

“What is that, latin or something?” Flash asks as he shakes the soot out of his jacket, your hoverboard no longer on fire.

“I don’t think so. It looks like ancient poneish to me,” Sunset says as her eyes scan the statue.

“Did I miss a class on ancient languages or something? How does everyling know this but me?” you groan, much to her confusion. Before anyone can answer you though, Sombra begins reading out the inscription.

For once every 30 moons this door of magic shall open to it's double in Equestria, however if need be, the portal shall open early if fed magic by one who's heart is pure and full of light and innocence, Sombra says aloud.

Oh that's typical Starswirl right there, Selena huffs in annoyance. Riddles and emotion locking. How original.

Wait! Does that mean I don’t have to wait for like three years to open this Gorramned thing?

Maybe…Sombra trails off scanning it. Though it infers that one needs magic on this side, and without the blessing of dark magic.

…Well we’re bucked then, you groan.

Hmm, not necessarily, Selena pipes up. We do have magic on this side after all.

Yeah, but every single human here is an abomination against nature itself. Their hearts are magicless where no light can penetrate.

…For one who calls every other creature under the sun Speciest, you sure are bigoted, Sombra rolls his eyes.

I never claimed not to be a hypocrite! You growl. So unless there’s someone magical that has a light in their heart then I’m going to be stuck here for two and a ha-

“Are…are you alright?” Sunset asks in concern, causing you to turn to her. “You’ve just kind of been staring at the statue silently for the last few minutes.”

…Or maybe Twilight’s inadvertently saved us, you think as a lightbulb goes off in your head.

Smiling as best you can, you walk towards Celestia’s former protégé who was brainwashed by My Little Human.

“Say Sunset ol buddy ol pal. Looks like your shoulders got soot on them, let me fix that for you,” you say as you thrust your hand out and a small gust of breeze comes out and blows it away.

“What the buck? Was that magic?” Sunset asks startled.

“No it’s limited air bending, something I haven’t used in a long while now that I think about it, but still, get with the program.”

“What?” she asks, but you ignore her.

“So anyway, how’s your redemption that Twilight set you up with going? Feeling pure of heart or Lawful Good after being given a second chance?”

“Uh…it’s only been like twelve hours so…”

“So are you feeling more magicy and innocent then?” you push.

“I don’t know,” she huffs and throws her arms up in the air. “It’s only my first day. I don’t know what the girls are going to teach me yet, the school still hates me, and I haven’t finished cleaning up the debris like Vice Principal Luna told me to.”

“OK…do you think you’ll be all sunshine and rainbows and pureness in say, less than 30 Moons?” you ask desperately.

“I don’t know, OK?” she responds dejectedly.

Bugze, do you actually believe she could fit the description on the epitath? Selena asks.

Well who else would? Sure she turned into a demon, but besides me she’s the only real equestrian here who would even be capable of magic. If she’s going to be reformed by the other Deadly Six’s counterparts, then maybe we can get her to open the mirror.

That’s putting a lot of faith on a failed underling of a Princess, Sombra points out.

Maybe so, but right now, she’s the only hope we got. The siren blooded humans like Flash don’t stand a chance, and our whole deal is Shadow and Dark Magic, so…

“Why are you asking?” Sunset interrupts your internal discussion.

“Because lady, I think you might be the best shot to getting me home to my little filly without waiting literal years.”

“Me?” she asks skeptically with a raised brow.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

“Yes you,” you nod. “Because, as much as I’d like some egghead to just whip up some unholy macguffin union between science and magic to counteract the portal, I doubt that’s even an option.”


“Achoo!” Princess Twilight Sparkle sneezes as she stands with all her friends in one of the gardens of Canterlot Castle.

“Bless you Darling,” Rarity says.

“Thank you,” Twilight nods as she rubs her nose.

“You’re not getting a cold are you?” asks Applejack.

“I don’t think so…” Twilight trails off.

“Maybe you caught some disease from one of these Hoomans on the other side of the mirror,” Pinkie suggests.

“I don’t think that’s possible,” she reassures.

“Oh it very well is,” Fluttershy insists. “Many animals can get sick when encountering new and exotic creatures.”

“But I was in a different body at the time,” she argues.

“Yeah, but you did put their books in your mouth and hugged and danced with all of them,” Spike points out.

“Oh hush Spike, by that logic I should check you for fleas,” she harrumphs.

“Well weird alien sickness or not, we’re not skimping on practice,” Rainbow insists while holding a whistle. “Now get to flapping those wings egghead.”

Groaning, Twilight gets ready to start her last flying lessons before her friends head back to Ponyville, wondering why a sense of foreshadowing and irony washed over her earlier.


“…At least I don’t think it’s an option,” you mutter as a sense of irony washes over you. “But anyway, I can’t believe I’m saying this but, Help Me Sunset Shimmer, you’re my only hope.”

She looks bewildered at your pleading state and gives an aside glance to Flash who just shrugs.

“Look, I’ll try to get better and redeem myself, because that’s the promise I made to Twilight…but what you’re asking of me might not be possible,” she says downtrodden.

“Yeah, well no hurt in trying right? Let’s get this reformation started quick with lots of tea parties and picnics and whatever else it is human females do.”

“She’s not five years old,” Flash says looking at you like you’re dumb.

“Well sorry, from what little I saw of that trash show, that’s the impression I got. Now, let’s get this little clean up done so you can hang out with these humie girls that are reflections of my greatest enemies/best friends/incessant stalkers.” To emphasize this, you pick up your even more scorched hoverboard and shove it in the inventory.
Sunset though seems even more confused by your statements and just stares at you in befuddlement.

“What? Griffon got your tongue?”

Kichi’s Comment

“No, it’s just…” she starts.

“Just what?”

“What in Tartarus has happened in Equestria since I left?”

“Oh, now you’re using them too,” Flash says in monotone. Ignoring the boy you ask,

“In fifteen years? A lot I’d say. Why?”

“Well, all I knew was that Princess Celestia got a new student, she became a Princess, and she found the Elements of Harmony and was using the Element of Magic as her crown.”

“Well the princess thing is relatively new, but the Elements thing was over three and a half years ago,” you mention.

“Yeah but, you keep talking about how speciest ponies are to you, or how you have stalkers and they’re your friends as well? What changed with the Changelings to make that even possible?”

“Yeah and…what exactly does any of that mean?” Flash adds in. “I know you’re like an alien and such, but…yeah.”

“That is a long, long tale,” you sigh. “One that would take longer than a lunch break to explain. So how about we hold off on that till we have more time and focus on you being reformed faster OK?”

“I…” Sunset starts before she sighs. “OK fine, that’s fair. Do you have time after school?”

“I got fired from my job recently so I got all the time in the world, even though I’d prefer not to.”

“Alright,” she nods. “In that case how about we all discuss this, and you can also explain more about what’s been happening around here, like what happened with Flash at the mall.”

“I mean, are you sure?” Flash says hesitantly looking at her.

“O-Only if you want to be there,” she stutters looking away guiltily.

“…I do want to know more about this whole weird situation, so I’m down,” he nods.

“Great, fine, we’ll all go grab a bite to eat and chat. Maybe helping me get home will help your redemption go faster. Now let’s get to cleaning before any more weird humie things happen,” you insist.

WARGAMES's Comment

Just as you do, a massive metal bird of some kind crosses across the sky without flapping it’s wings.

“…” you stare blankly before looking over at Sunset Shimmer. “Why are there massive metal Roc’s in the sky?” you ask tiredly.

“What, the airplane?” she asks.

“If that’s what they’re called then yes,” you say with your eye twitching.

“They’re not Roc, or any kind of bird if that’s what you’re asking,” she explains.

“Oh…so what are they and how many humies do they eat on a daily basis?”

“Are you serious? They’re machines man, they don’t eat people,” Flash points out.

“So evil death machines, got it,” you nod.

“Not really, human aeronauts are way more advanced than back home. Planes are basically flying busses,” Sunset instructs.

“…Thank you for putting that horrifying image in my brain,” you groan as you start putting concrete into the wheelbarrow. “So would you kindly start being reformed faster so I don’t have to stay in a world with such monstrosities?”

“Um…OK…I’ll try,” she says still wary and confused by you as she starts putting broken cobblestone into a garbage can.

…Bugze are you OK? Selena asks in worry when you quietly go about working without saying anything for five minutes.

Tartarus no. But mind numbing handy work helps keep me away from all these horrifying revelations.

“Um, by the way, when you were freaking out earlier you were talking about your baby…you’re a father?” Sunset asks.

And now I’m back to thinking about it. Dang it Sunset!

“Yes. Her name is Nightshade and she’s my pride and joy, and I really don’t want to wait for Two and a Half years for her to see her Dad, Mom, and creepy guy that can loosely be called her Uncle.”


“Oh my gosh…I’m so sorry,” Sunset says with genuine sympathy. “I don’t really have family on the other side, so I can’t even imagine what that must be like.”

“Yeah, well the thought of it is bucking terrifying, so let’s try like Tartarus to avoid that future,” you say as you dump the wheelbarrow in the garbage pile where Flash has gone back to sitting.

“Like I said, I don’t know if I can be that hope for you,” she says guiltily. “But I’ll try to be better faster if possible. No filly should be all alone.”

“Thanks,” you nod in gratitude. “Though thankfully she’s not fully alone. My Grandbuggy is watching her. The guy raised me so he’s…competent I guess?” You then put a hand to your chin.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“I mean he’s always smoking those stinky cigars, teaching very loose morals hitting on every female under the sun, but I’m sure it’ll be fine if worse comes to worse, heh heh.”
At your nervous chuckle Sunset’s face becomes disbelieving.


“Sure I turned out alright, it’s not like being raised by Grandbuggy made weird anime tropes happen to me in my adult life and have members of the opposite sex hounding me for seemingly no reason and-Oh Sweet Luna My Baby’s Going To Grow Up Into A Tramp!”

“He’s freaking out again?” Flash says in bewilderment.

“Apparently. Is this guy bipolar or something?!” Sunset yelps as you begin biting the nails on your uninjured hand.

Bugze, Nightshade would know better, Selena insists.

“Would she? Maybe for multiple guys, but all it takes is one, and that sleazy little dragon is already collecting brownie points!” you start breathing heavily.

“Please don’t start punching the portal again, I’d really like it if there was still some way to go back home,” Sunset says in a tired voice.

With her and Selena’s reassurance you take a deep breath.

“Haaaa,” you sigh. “Right, right. I can’t be an overprotective dad based on what ifs. I’ve just got to focus on the here and no-“

“Calm Down! Get A Hold Of Yourself!” You voice rings out as you are suddenly grabbed by your shirt and shook vigorously.

“Whoa, whoa, hey! What are you-“


“OW!” you cry out in pain after being slapped in the face.

“Calm Down I Said!” B2 insists as he shakes you like a dog’s chew toy.

Kichi’s Comment

“Who The Buck Are You?!” Sunset yelps in alarm as your bearded double violently shakes you, but he ignores her.

“There Is No Reason To Be Upset!” he declares.


“OW!” you yelp as you are once again struck.

“There Are No Mistakes, Only Happy Accidents!”


“Ouch! Cut it Out!” you declare.

“Breathe In and Out and Stop Fantasizing the Worst Case Scenario! Calm Your Ass Down!” B2 shouts hysterically.

“I Am Calm You Id-“


“Stop That!” you cry out as your face starts turning red from the smacks.

“I…I…” Sunset just stares agape as the madness unfolds.

“Oh right, that’s his brother or something,” Flash explains, sounding tired himself.

“Soooo, is this normal for them?” she asks as your human counterpart continues to slap the crap out of you.

“Truthfully, I’m not sure. Then again the only times I’ve met these guys they’ve attacked me, screaming at the top of their lungs, so maybe?” he shrugs.

“There aren’t even any live dinosaurs around anymore!” B2 shouts.

“What does that have to do with any-“


“GORRAMNIT!!!” you shout.

“Should…should we stop them?” Sunset stammers.

“That might be more dangerous than it’s worth. Best we let it run it’s course,” Flash suggests.

“I don’t know,” she says hesitantly. “If someone reports them fighting, then Vice Principal Luna might get angry with me thinking I was ap-“

“WHAT?! She’s Here?!” B2 shouts as he stops slapping you and dives into a nearby flower bush.

And as the flower bush starts shaking, your head spins as you try to keep your balance.

“Are you OK Bugze?” asks Flash.

“I’ll take a number five and a double order of onion rings,” you answer back as your brain reboots. After shaking the dizziness away, you correct yourself. “I mean…yes.”

What in the blazes was that all about? Selena sputters.

Idiocy that prevails through space and time apparently, Sombra quips.

Hey! I’ve only done this exact thing twice, get off my back, you grumble before you face the shaking bush.

“B2, what the buck are you doing? And yes, I am calm!” you say angrily, seemingly going against your words.

“Were you? I saw you flipping out about your kid, so I assumed the worst,” his voice calls out.

“Yeah but…Look, everything’s alright relatively speaking. What are you even doing here? I told you to head back to Sombra’s?”

“Well, I was going to, but his house is clear on the other side of the city, and he just laughed when I called for him to pick me up, and I didn’t want to walk the whole way and-“

“Alright, alright, I get the picture,” you sigh as you facepalm.

And as you grumble and heavy breathing comes from the bush, Sunset speaks up.

“OK, I’m just going to broach the subject because this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but what’s going on? Two changelings came through to this world?”

“No No,” you handwave. “Nothing like that. The shrub is my human counterpart. I met him literally one after getting to this bucking world.”

“Your counterpart? Really?” Sunset seems amazed. “And you’re both working together?”

“Of course, great minds think alike and all that,” you shrug. “Why, you and your double not on friendly terms?”

“I’ve never met mine, she doesn’t live in this city,” Sunset explains.

“So wait, there’s another Sunset too?” Flash asks.

“Yes Sentry, this is old news. Alternate Universe have alternate versions of the same people, watch a Science Fiction movie and catch up,” you roll your eyes.

“I recommend Fringe,” B2 calls from the bush.

“And for pete’s sake, get out of those flowers,” you demand.

“No, that bacon haired girl said her name, she’s clearly around right?”

“No she’s not, she’s probably still at the café with Hu-Cadance as we speak.”

At Sugar Cube Corner

“So Cadenza, what was so important that you had to meet with me during a school day?” Luna asks tapping her finer impatiently while her tricolored haired niece sweats nervously.

“Oh, you know…just wanted to ask some advice from my favorite aunt, heh heh,” she chuckles nervously.

“And this couldn’t have been said over the phone because…?”

“Because, uh…it’s uh, super personal?”

“…Are you asking or telling me?” Luna asks with a raised brow.

“…Yes,” Cadence nods sheepishly causing the older woman to sigh.

“Cadence, I had a very strange night last night involving a few of my students gaining abilities that might be supernatural in origin, can this “emergency talk” wait for the weekend?”

“Wait, what happened?” Cadence asks in confusion.

“I’m still not entirely sure,” she says as she rests her forehead in her palm and takes a sip of coffee. “But once Tia and I figure it out completely we’ll let you know. As it is, I still have a lot of paperwork for reconstruction to do.”

“Oh, but I’m sure if you stay a bit longer…” Cadence says looking to the bathroom door anxiously.

“Why?” Luna asks as she notices the nervous look on Cadence’s face, and her eyes go wide. “You aren’t pregnant are you?”

“What?! N-No!” Cadence blurts blushing.

“Are you positive? I know how clingy you are to your handsome little fiancé,” Luna trolls.

“Ugh, Auntie Luna!” Cadence groans. “We’re at least going to enjoy our marriage a little before we even think about kids!”


“So get out of the bush already, I owe you a few smacks!”

“Hell No! It’s safe in here!” B2 responds.

“So wait, he knows Vice Principal Luna?” Flash asks.

“Yeah, she’s his ex or something, which is weird since I never dated Princess Luna back home,” you shrug.

Princess Luna?” Sunset asks seeming lost.

“Yeah, you know, she was the Mare in the Moon for like a thousand years and- Oh right, fifteen year vacation,” you catch yourself. “I’ll explain that whole situation after school too.”

“We’re having another meeting with teens? Sombra’s not going to like that,” B2 says.

“Well too bad, we’ve got to,” you say with authority. “On top of finding the Siren Stones, we now gotta make sure Sunny here becomes a Paragon of Truth Justice and the Equestrian Way so I can even get home.”

“We do? Why?”

“Because Lady Luck Bucking Hates Me,” you groan.

“That’s still a lot of pressure you’re putting on me after only having met 10 minutes ago,” Sunset stammers.

“Oh, OK, sounds good to me,” B2 says as the bush seemingly shrugs.

“…So you’ll agree to that, but you won’t stick around to talk with Humie Luna?” you ask exasperated.

“This is a lot easier for me to grasp, believe me,” he grunts. “I mean, what would I even say to her? I look like a hobo, and the last thing she’s gonna believe is I’m gallivanting around with another me from another dimension collecting magic rocks.”

“I’m from Equestria and even I’m having a hard time believing that,” Sunset says rubbing her forehead.

“Oh cool, another dimensional traveler?” B2 asks.

“Yeah, I’ll fill you in at the meeting,” you nod.

“Sounds interesting. But yeah, getting back to what I was saying, she’d think I was nuts, or still drugged and boozed up, even though I’m not anymore. Hell, she didn’t even believe me when I told her about how Chrysa-Bitch tried to violate me!” he says a bit heatedly.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Hold up, what happened?” Flash says looking disgusted.

“Nothing, leave it alone Flash,” you cut him off.

“No seriously, what was that about being vio-“

“Leave. It. Alone…” you threaten as your eyes briefly glow, causing him to eep, and shut up.
“It’s something bad in his past, so don’t push it.”

“Yeah, I don’t even know why I said that aloud,” B2 sighs heavily, and the bush slumps over as if sad.

“…OK then,” Sunset claps her hands. “I’m sure we’ll all have a lot of explanations when we meet up after school, so let’s not get any more heated about our pasts or the portal problems.”

“Wait, you found the portal?” B2 asks energentically.

“Yes, I told you earlier, that’s why we have to make Sunset into the perfect reformed princess or whatever now.”


“Yes, unless you know some other dimension walker with magical capabilities who’s pure of heart.”

“Can’t say that I do,” he relents.

“Exactly. And we’re sure as buck not waiting for thirty moons.”

“Thirty Moons? Like thirty days?” he asks.

“No, as in moon cycles. Whole months,” you explain. “That’s how long till the portal opens on it’s own.”

“HOLY CRAP!” the bush rattles.

“Yeah, I know,” you sigh.

“But you can’t stay here that long, what about your daughter back home?”

“I know that already,” you say with gritted teeth. “I’ve panicked enough over this, so we just gotta-“

“Oh, your poor bastard child, growing up without her father” B2 says in sympathy.

“Hey! Don’t you call my sweet little angel that!” you shout in anger.

“Hey now I’m just being technical, you ain’t married to her mama after all,” B2 says holding his hands up out of the bush.

“Oh…well still you don’t have to phrase it like that!” you reply indignantly.

Yes, he is quite crass.

“You’re only choosing to be offended by it, Grandpappy never married my Grandma,” he points out.

“Well neither did my Grandbuggy, but still, true or not I don’t like that word for my Nightshade,” you harrumph.

“Don’t worry Bugze, we’ll get you back to your larvae,” Sunset says trying to sound confident.

“Not larvae, a filly,” you correct.

“Filly? She’s a hybrid?”

“Yes, in more ways than one, so if you feel like being a stuck up Unicorn about it, don’t-“ you warn.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“I wasn’t going to-“ she begins sounding indignant, but you continue.

“She is my big ball of sunshine that blows away all the darkness in my life and one of the few family I have left, and I can’t stand the thought of not seeing her grow up,” you say in melancholy.

“OK, OK, I believe you,” Sunset says calmly noticing your shift in tone. “It’s clear that you love her very much.”

“Gorramn right I do,” you say with pride. “I would and have taken on the whole world for her, and if it meant laying down my own life to save her, I would.”

I have a rendevouz with death…

The poem briefly flashes in the back of your mind at that declaration, causing you to shudder, but you continue on with your speech.

“You may not believe it with me being a changeling and all, but my love for her, and vice versa is what keeps me going.”

Selena and Sombra stay silent at your conviction, but you can tell they mirror your sentiment. There is a few moments of silence as the human, pony turned human, and your hiding doppelganger take in your words.

“Damn man,” the bush says. “To think that I’d be a Dadzilla if only I’d had a kid like you.”

“Right?” Flash agrees.

“Still not too late,” you point out as you smirk sadly and look down. “I’m going to see her again, and as the gods as my witnesses, she’ll see her mother too.”

After that statement, there’s another moment of silence as they all gauge your mood, maybe to see if you’ll flip out again. When you don’t, Sunset places a hand on your shoulder.

“I’m going to do my best Bugze,” she says. “I was a bad pony, blinded by power, but I’ll try my darndest to learn this love and friendship thing. I don’t know if you can rush it or not, but we’ll see how it goes. But even still, even if the worst were to happen and we had to wait, I know that despite the distance and time your daughter will always love you as your hearts are connected…probably.”

You smirk at that and chuckle.

“You’ve gotta work on ending your motivational speeches.”

“Yeah, I realized that as I finished,” she says rubbing the back of her neck.

“Still though, I appreciate the sentiment. For a former she-devil, you’re not so bad.”

She smirks at this as Flash even seems impressed.

“Wow, you’re already leaps and bounds ahead with just that speech Sunset.”

She looks down embarrassed at that.

“Y-You really think so?”

“Wait for real? She’s already improved?” you ask. “Do you think that’s enough to open the-“

“Oh My Gosh, that’s so inspirational and sad at the same time,” a sniffling voice interrupts your conversation.

Before you can even question who it is, both you and Sunset are pulled into a hug by a pink blur.

“Don’t you worry Mister, Sunset will help you get back to your daughter.”

The familiar bubbly voice says with a sniff before letting you both go as you and Sunset gasp for air.

“By the way, why would Sunset being a better person help with that? Did some demon friends of yours kidnap her or something?” Human Pinkie Pie asks to Sunset.

“What? No, I-“

“Mr, blink once for yes, or twice for no. Are you in danger?” Pinkie asks you, but you just stare at her blankly in confusion.

When did she get here?

I don’t know, I didn’t even see her.

“Hmm, hard to read,” Pinkie deduces from your face. “Oh hey Flash, you come to help out too?”


“Pinkie, Sunset, who’s this guy? What’s going on?” asks another raspy voice. Looking towards the entrance, you see that it is indeed the humanized version of Rainbow Dash, and with her are the rest of the human Deadly 6, sans Twilight, each more ugly bastardizations of the ponies you know than the last.

Human Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash stare curiously at your little group as Pinkie hops around.

Of bucking course they’d show up now, you bemoan.

“How long have you guys been standing there?” asks Sunset.

“For like a minute,” Applejack says.

“Yes darling, we finished lunch and came out to see how you were doing,” Rarity says.

“And to see if you needed help,” Fluttershy adds.

“But then we hear something about this guy needing you to help find his daughter, what’s up with that?” Rainbow asks.

“Also, why were you yelling at the flower bush? *GASP* Is it in on the conspiracy?” Pinkie sleuths.

You, Flash, Sunset, and even B2 from his hiding spot look at each other.


Episode 37: Better First Impressions...Relatively Speaking

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Your four way silent conference…doesn’t really yield much. Sunset looks nervous, Flash is perplexed, and B2 is still in the bush. Some sweat drops start to appear on your forehead as your eye starts to twitch.

Master of Shadows’ Comment

“LOOK A DISTRACTION!” you shout pointing behind them at the school entrance. As they all look (just like old times) you...

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Then get down on your knees before slamming your forehead onto the ground in immense frustration.

“BUCK!” you scream into the dirt as your head starts to pound.

“Hey! Watch your language…I think,” Applejack scolds in confusion as she turns back around and sees your face.

You ignore her and the rest looking at you in awe, disbelief and befuddlement as you throw yourself a pity party.

Why? Why, no matter which world I go in, do they always show up to mess with my plans? You lament feeling a migraine coming on. Gross disgusting alternate versions of them or not, why do I keep crossing them despite my best efforts?!

Because it seems our fates are tied to theirs, Selena muses. But remember Bugze, this world’s versions aren’t out for our blood yet. Calm your mind and breath in and out. They don't know you here. There’s a chance to make a better first impression.

…That’s fair, you nod in appreciation as you stand up with a red welt on your forehead and face all the human girls.

“Sorry about that, I was…praying to the moon,” you half truth. Sunset, Flash and the Human Deadly 5 look even more confused at that.

“Are you OK?” asks human Rarity at the trickle of blood on your head.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s all good,” you reassure as you wipe the blood away, which only shows off your bloodied bandaged hand even more.

“Are you sure?” she asks with wide eyes.

“Yes I’m sure Mcstaaaaaa-Apples” you trail off as you almost call her real Rarity’s nickname and make a bad impression.

“I’m sorry, what?” she asks in all sincerity.

“Apples,” you say again pointing to the picture of the fruit on Human Applejack’s shirt.

She and the rest look at the shirt and back at you as if you’re not right in the head.

“What about apples?” she asks.

“…They’re delicious?” you guess.

…Bugze, you’re blowing your whole second chance thing here, Selena says with a sigh.

I beg to differ, if they think he’s special, they won’t think he’s a threat, Sombra says smugly.

Oh give me a break, I was caught off guard! You whine.

“Well, I’ll give you that partner, but whatever screw you got loose, you still haven’t answered our question, who the heck are ya?” the cowgirl asks.

Oh I’m just the alternate universe version of your long lost cousin, you think sardonically until a realization hits you. Wait a minute. You look to B2 in the bush and back at her and you get a headache. I sure hope that whole situation doesn’t happen here.

“Hey buddy, answer her question,” Rainbow Dash threatens.

Zapper frost’s Comment

Oh buck, oh buck, what am I supposed to say? I know I’ve been revealing my backstory a lot as of late, but how do I go about this with such a large audience? You panic as Human Pinkie looks you up and down.

“Oh hey, I remember you,” she says excitedly. “You bought my gypsy services about a month back.”

“Uh…yes,” you nod nervously.

Yeah, and a whole lot of good that cryptic nonsense was.Helping a sun open it’s eyes or something, what a joke, you think bitterly over getting bamboozled.

“Nice,” she chirps. “Unfortunately I didn’t make enough to get Limestone and Marble cameos, which is a shame since they were looking forward to it,” she says suddenly a bit sad.

“Pinkie, you know this guy?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Eh, kind of,” she says. “I gave him a reading which essentially boiled down to make new friends, be a good person and listen to a good song every now and again, and then he wanted directions to a library.” She then looks to you, “Did you do all of that? Oh, and did you find the library?”


“Yay!” she cheers. “What new friends did you make?”

“Uh…” you fumble before pointing at the boy behind you.


“Oh that’s wonderful, he’d been feeling down in the dumps since he and Sunset broke up,” at that both him and Sunset look down and to the side, but Pinkie continues. "But then he got happy again when he met Princess Twilight, she’s an alternate dimension pony princess by the way, but now she’s gone, but it’s good he’s got a new buddy to cheer him up.”

“Have you been pitying me?” Flash asks sounding hurt.

“What? No…” Pinkie lies unconvincingly and he looks crestfallen as he goes back to sitting on his pile of rocks with a thousand yard stare. She coughs into her fist and looks to the bigger group.

“But see everybody, the bush talking moon praying guy is alright,” Pinkie slaps your back. “Isn’t that right Sunny?”

“I…I guess?” Sunset shrugs her shoulders.

“Oi, give me a little more confidence,” you bark.

“I only met you like 15 minutes ago and it’s been a roller coaster of emotions talking with you,” she argues.

“Yeah, well…good point,” you reluctantly agree.

“Hmm, so Sunset isn’t a part of your kidnapped daughter? Intriguing,” Pinkie says a she blows bubbles with a pipe she didn’t have a moment ago.

“She’s not kidnapped, she-” you start but are interrupted.

Kichi’s Comment

“But anyway, what’s your name mister so that all my friends can be less nervous?” Pinkie talks over you.

“Yes, a name would be helpful,” Rarity says.

“And an explanation of what you’re doing with Sunset,” Fluttershy adds meekly.

“And why you’re here on school grounds during hours,” Rainbow accuses.

“Yes, alright, I’ll give you a name,” you try to placate. “My name is-“

“Oh, oh, let me guess!” Pinkie interrupts you again making your eye twitch. “Is it Baker? Is it Hunko? SeeVee?”

Your jaw goes slack at those three very close guesses to your past identities.

“Oooh, am I getting close?” she asks with sparkles in her eyes before an orange hand gently pushes her backwards.

“Give him some room Pinkie Pie,” Sunset says at first commandingly before she catches herself and adds, “Please?”

“Oh, no problem Sunny,” Pinkie smiles and takes a step back with the other girls who look at Sunset expectantly.

“Alright girls, I know a lot of crazy stuff has happened over the last few days, and this is going to fit right into it,” she admits, but she has their attention. She looks back at you and you give a sincere smile of gratitude.

Thank you Sunset, please salvage this first impression.

“Since he seems to be fumbling, let me explain. This guy here is-“

“Achoo!” B2 sneezes from his bush, making everyone turn to it. “Damn Pollen,” B2 grumbles.

“Is…is someone in that bush?” asks human Fluttershy.

“Well actually-“ Sunset starts.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“What?! Of Course Not!” the bush shouts causing Fluttershy to give a startled eep. “As you can clearly hear from my voice, I am the guy standing next to the Bacon Haired girl!”

“What the buck are you talking about?” you say in confusion.

“Huh, that is the same voice,” Pinkie nods.
“Yeah, that’s because-“

“BECAUSE I AM A GOD!” B2 declares.

“WHAT?!” you and the girls all shout at once.

“Ooh, what kind of god?” Pinkie asks sounding intrigued.

“He’s not a god he’s-“

“THE GOD OF VENTRILOQUISM!” he interrupts you yet again making your scowl deepen. “See how I never move my lips, and yet my voice comes from this lowly plant. Muhahahaha!”

“Oh wow, that’s amazing,” Pinkie claps while the others look at your equally flabbergasted face. “Now I see why you were talking to the bush. You’re trying to cheer up Sunset on Flash’s behalf with this funny routine, isn’t that sweet?”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

And before anyone can speak up, Pinkie rushes up and places a mustache and monocle on the bush that she got from God only know’s where.

“There we go, now we have a face to look at when we talk. I’m going to call you Hedgeworth,” she says with a squee.

“Uhh…thanks kid,” B2 says befuddled.

“No problem,” Pinkie looks over back at you as if you answered and you facepalm.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alright, alright, enough of that,” you grunt. “Get out of the bush!”

“No!” B2 answers.

“Do it right now, you’re making me look bad!”

“What do you mean I’m making you look bad? You did that enough on your own praying to the moon.

“That was a nervous twitch, but at least I wasn’t claiming to be a god! Now get out and stop acting like an idiot!” you growl.

“Oh yeah, because you’re so much better. I thought you were wanting to keep everything a secret,” he pouts.

“I was, but things have changed for certain individuals!”

Selena sighs as the situation goes further and further off the rails.

Well, it was a good idea while it lasted.

I know I should probably feel frustrated, but this is hilarious, Sombra laughs at your misfortune.

And while you have this back and forth with your doppelganger the others watch in fascination.

“Whoa, this guy is pretty good,” Rainbow says impressed.

“I’d say,” Applejack nods.

“Calling himself a god seems a tad much, but he is very talented, I can’t even see his lips move when it comes to the bush,” Rarity adds.

“And the way he throws his voice like that, that takes a lot of skill,” Fluttershy observes.

Sunset and Flash though just look at this scene as their own headaches increase tenfold.

“What even is my life right now?” Flash says tiredly.

“Good question Flash,” Sunset says rubbing her temple.

“Awww, I’m glad you two are working things out with this,” Pinkie says with smile while both of them just give her “Are You Serious?” Looks. “That’s a huge step since last night Sunny. By the way Flash, how much is this guy’s rates? He’d be a riot at birthday parties?”

“Even my first impression with their real versions wasn’t this idiotic!” you cry out.

“I thought you said you used one as a meat shield?”

“AAAGGGHHH!!!” you groan and pull your hair.

The rest of the Human Deadly 5 then group up with Flash and Sunset and stare at your shenanigans.

“Sooo…Flash hired a crazy ventriloquist to cheer you up?” Rainbow asks. “Weird Flex, but OK.”

“NO! That’s not what’s going on here!” Sunset facepalms before glaring at you. “MR. BUGZE!”

“What?!” you call back over your shoulder.

“Can we please explain what the Tartarus is going on? Please?” she begs sounding on the verge of a mental breakdown.

You look back at the monocled and mustachioed bush and sigh.

And just as you’re about to open your mouth


The bell rings singling the end of lunch.

“Already? But I didn’t get much done because of all this craziness,” Sunset whimpers.

All of the students look back at the school, and some of them bite their lips weighing whether to stick around and risk being late.

“OK…after school we’ll meet up and everything will be explained,” you declare. “Hopefully without any more chicanery!” You give a boot to the bush who lets out an Oof. “Does that work for everyling?”

“Uh…sure?” Rainbow Dash guesses.

“Oh, we should meet at Sugar Cube Corner, that way we can get discounts on-“

“NO! Not there,” B2 says from the bush before you cough and continue,

“Yeah, somewhere…different.”

“Ahhh,” Pinkie whines.

“Flash, what’s another bakery place?”

“Uh…Donut Joes?” he throws out.

“Wait, you have one too? Sweet, yeah let’s go there,” you nod. “Now, get to class you truants.”

After that declaration, they slowly but surely start shuffling towards the school entrance. A few times, they look to Flash and Sunset as if wanting to ask them something, but they both tiredly wave them off. Eventually, you are left standing in front of the statue with the finicky way home alone with your double.

“What the buck is wrong with you?” you growl at the bush as he finally comes out.

“A lot,” he grunts as he brushes the leaves off of him.

“Why didn’t you just pop out and not been an idiot?” you chide.

“Because I’m not in my right mind right now. I chugged a bunch of coffee and I saw my Ex-Girlfriend from a distance for the first time in 10 years, give me a break,” he shrugs and starts walking off.

“Oh cry me a river. Now they all think I’m nuts. I mean, I’ll admit I am crazy, but I try like Tartarus to keep that hidden.”

“You do?”

“Shut Up!” you reprimand as the two of you walk off towards the Humie’s version of a wonderful donut chain.



After a few hours of loitering at the donut place, which even you have to admit is just as good as the one back home, the Human Deadly 5 with Sunset and Flash finally arrive.

“Alright, let’s try to get a better second impression,” you warn your double.

“Yeah yeah,” he rolls his eyes as he shoves another donut in his mouth.

“Sorry we’re late,” Flash apologizes as they all start sitting at your table. “Sunset still had to pick up some debris after school, but we all chipped in to speed it up.”

“Understandable,” you nod.

As everyone else gets seated, Human Pinkie Pie seems confused.

“Hey, there’s two of you now?”

“There’s always been two of us,” you sigh as B2 waves.

“Does Hedgeworth know?” she asks which causes everyone to look at her dumbly. Eventually it clicks in her head. “Oh…OH…Right,” she nods and giggles.

“Although that begs the question, why was your bearded brother here in that bush? What do you all want with Sunset?” Rainbow demands. “She and Flash wouldn’t say anything at school.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Right, well, I said we’d explain, so here I go,” you nod to Sunset and Flash who still look mentally exhausted.

“My name is Bugze,” you point to yourself before pointing to B2, “And this is-“

“An abomination of fashion!” Human Rarity interrupts scowling at your doppelganger. “The scraggly beard, the mismatched second hand clothes, and that unkempt hairdo. Mr, you look like a hobo!”

“Rarity, ain’t no reason to be rude just because he’s a little shaggy looking,” Applejack scolds.

“Nah, it’s OK, she’s actually right on the money,” B2 shrugs not even mad as all the other girls look at him in disbelief.

“Yeah…” you rub the back of your neck. “This here is B2, my…” you hesitate.

“Twin brother apparently,” Rainbow finishes before looking to Sunset and Flash. “So…two homeless guys hanging around with you after the demon thing last night? What’s the deal?”

“Be patient, I’ll get to it,” you harrumph, but they all get silent as all eyes are on you.

“The truth is…” you begin

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

But are cut off as Human Pinkie gasps loudly before saying,

“You’re actually from Equestria like Princess Twilight and Sunset, except you’re a different species and over there you’re considered a villain even though you’re not because you had a kid with a dark godess who gave you powers who eventually mellowed out, but because of poor communication and judgmental folks you’re still hunted, but now you came here looking for lost magical artifacts to help give that goddess and some dictator bodies of their own, but you got trapped here, so you’re looking for a way home on top of finding those artifacts?”

She finishes off this fast said sentence with a squee as everyone looks at her in amazement.

B2’s, Flash’s, Sunset’s and Your mouths are all slack at that apt and summarized description of your life.

How? How can she possibly…? Selena sputters as she fails to process the situation.

That was way too specific, not even the other humans knew that much, Sombra says woozily.

You stare at the smiling Pink girl as the others stare at her before you give into the madness and start laughing. The others give you nervous looks before you peter out and say,

“Well, that’ll help explain things a little quicker.”

“She was right?” asks Fluttershy.

“Eyup,” you say and laugh again.

The others stare back at Pinkie again.

“How do you keep accurately guessing things like that darling?” asks Rarity.

“Heh heh, wouldn’t you like to know,” Pinkie giggles.

“Yes, Yes I very much would,” Rarity pouts.

“Oh wow, I’m just glad no matter what universe, Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie,” you chuckle. “So at least there is some consistency even with all you ugly humies.”

“Hey! Who you calling ugly?” Dash says offended.

“Your whole species,” you roll your eyes. “But anyway, Pinkie’s right, and I’ll go into more detail on that some other time, but right now all you need to know is that I need to find these things called the Siren Stones, and that Sunset is probably my only ticket back home for when I find them, which is where all of you come in…”


POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“Oh My Gosh, he’s so fluffy! Can we buy him Grandbuggy? Can we?” you beg your great grandparent as you grip the canine as both of his heads lick you simultaneously.

“I don’t know Shade, an Othros is kind of a big responsibility…” he scratches the back of his head.

“But he’s so cuuuute,” you squee as you play wrestle with the two headed dog who pants heavily.

It’s only been a few hours since you got off the train, and now you, Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Greta are in the middle of the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange, looking for a petrified dragon egg. Though there are quite a few distractions along the way.

“Huh, she seems really taken by the thing, she got experience training?” asks the mare who currently owns the dog.

“Heck yeah, I hugged Cerberus into submission once, but Twilight wouldn’t let me keep him,” you pout as you receive another doggy kiss.

“Come on kid, this is like the first stall, there’s probably more cool stuff further in,” Greta speaks up.

“Yes…also I’ve never really been partial to dogs. Felines is where it’s at,” Ahuizotl adds.

As Grandbuggy sighs and you pat both of the dog heads, you peer further into the mismatch of stalls and tents that line the grounds underneath the beautiful rainbows pouring from above. You do have a job to do, but Greta is right, there are plenty of cool things here, especially this dog.


Episode 38: Fair Trade

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As you cuddle with the two headed dog, you suddenly hear a sniff from your back.
Looking behind you, you see Mangle with her head halfway out of your inventory, and projecting her eyes to look misty.

“Oh Mangle, don’t cry,” you say as you let go of the dog and turn to her.

“How the heck can robots cry?” Greta wonders aloud, as Mangle crosses her arms and looks away from you.

“It’s not what it looks like. You know I like big cute things. You’re still my number one pet,” you try to reassure the jealous plush bot.

“Skkrooonnkk,” she warbles, putting her paws over her eyes before darting back into the inventory.

“Mangle, come on, don’t be like that,” you plead, feeling guilty, but she refuses to come back out, and you can hear mechanical crying coming from inside the bag.

“Oh geeze,” you say rubbing the back of your neck.

“Don’t worry about it kiddo, if she’s like most females, you just give her some space, buy her a gift and keep admitting it’s your fault, and she’ll warm back up to you,” Grandbuggy says patting your shoulder.

“Hey, I take offense to that,” the owner of the othros says.

“I’m sorry ma’am, that was crass of me,” Grandbuggy says taking off his hat and pulling a rose out of it. “Here, have this flower, and I’ll get out of your pretty little mane.” He then starts walking off.

“Oh, well thank you sir,” the mare says flustered. “I appreciate that you accept your wrongs and-Hey Wait A Minute!”

You hear Grandbuggy snicker a few stalls down as the mare realizes she’s proven his point.

“Where did he even get that flower?” Greta asks Ahuizotl.

“Beats me chica,” he shrugs. “I never question what Quick keeps in that hat of his.” And with that, both of them follow after your Grandbug as you look back at the ticked off mare.

“Yeeeaaahhh, looks like I’m not going to be able to buy him today,” you admit as you look back to the big drooling beast. “Sorry buddy, you both be good boys though.” And with one final pat to both heads you rush after your group.

“…It’s a bit of a pocket dimension, just like Shade’s bag,” you catch up and hear Grandbuggy say. “I keep a few essentials in there.”

“And you think Roses are essential?” Greta asks with a raised brow.

“Lady, I piss off a lot of women. It’s always good to be prepared,” he says nonchalantly.

“It’s true,” you agree.

“Ah, didn’t get the dog then?” Ahuizotl asks.

“No,” you say sadly. “I don’t want to make Mangle any more sad…plus we’d probably have to feed him and such if I did buy him.”

“Exactly kiddo, that evil abomination of yours is the best kind of pet because they don’t eat and there’s no clean up,” Grandbuggy nods.

“I’ll remind you again, that thing tried to eat me like a year ago,” Greta says warily.

You do hear a chuckle from your bag, but then the overdramatic sniffling returns.

“I’m sure she’s sorry about that,” you lie. “But yeah, what do I get a robot fox to make it feel better?”

“My kitties prefer little toys and that they can sink their teeth into,” Ahuizotl suggests.

“Toys huh?” you ponder, and just as you do…

Zapper frost’s Comment

You see a sign above a stall that reads Toys Were Us, and behind the stand is a tired looking giraffe.

“…Why does that make me feel sad?” you wonder aloud. Shaking off the mysterious bit of depression, you walk up to the counter, and see some pretty strange items. There’s a statue of a chicken on top of a xylophone, a rubber quesadilla with a miniature model of Manehattan on it, a misshapen Stretch Hoofstrong, and a can of something called Gak.

“Hmmm…How much for the chew toy?” you ask the long necked equine.

“What do you got?” he asks hollowly.

“Uhhhh, money?” you say taking out a few bits to which he just raises an eyebrow.

“Shade honey, this place doesn’t really deal in money. You trade goods for other goods here,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Really?” you say in surprise before your eyes widen. “Oooohhh, that’s why Mangle’s so upset, she thought I was going to trade her for the dog.”

“That, and she’s a bit of a drama queen,” Grandbuggy quips before looking to the giraffe. “How about a nice cigar for that squeaky toy sir? You look like you could use a good smoke.”

“That I could,” he nods as he hands you the quesadilla and Grandbuggy gives him one of his cigars and even lights it up.

“Ahh, thanks for that,” the giraffe says with a tiny smile. “It’s been hard with the bankruptcy. My sister even started wandering around to zoos and nature preserves pretending to just be an animal so she can get free rent and food.”

“Yeah, the economy sucks and all that,” Grandbuggy says sympathetically. “You take care now sir.”

“You as well, and enjoy the toy little filly, you’re probably one of the last Toys Were Us kids…”

Again, you feel extremely sad for some reason, but you shrug it off and say, “Thank you,” before opening up your inventory.

“Mangle, I’m never going to replace you. I’m sorry if you thought that, but I hope this helps you forgive me.”

You then drop the squeaky toy in.

Rubber Quesadilla Added to Inventory

After a few moments of silence, you hear happy gnawing and chewing sounds along with soft squeaks from the toy which makes you smile.

“See, she’ll come around,” Grandbuggy smirks as you all start walking into the interior of the market.

“I honestly didn’t know giraffes could talk,” Greta says impressed.

“Well of course they can, the country they and Zebras come from is called Giraffrica after all,” Ahuizotl says like it’s obvious.

“Yeah, yeah, I guess, but still, just not something you expect to see.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

She’s right, but that sad giraffe isn’t the only one who sticks out. Creatures from all walks of life, not just ponies are walking around. There’s griffons, crystal ponies, some zebra, a walking fish lizard thing


And many more, and that’s not counting the booths and stalls vendors and their wares. Some are filled with exotic looking plants, others had a small library's worth of books, some selling tools, gems, and....

"FOOOD!!!!" You shout at the top of your lungs upon seeing the food court area. You are about to run off when you feel a large paw lift you up.

"Now now chica. We can eat later, we must focus on the goal," Ahuizotal says placing you next to Greta.

"Yeah kid. Don't worry the food's not going anywhere," Greta says ruffling your mane.

"B-but the food…" You say wistfully looking back at the court which has funnel cakes, carrot dogs, caramel corn, cotton candy, popcorn, pretzels and all sorts of other amazing delights.

"Yeah we'll get some chow before we leave, but there’s a lot of booths to look through. Let's just find a petrified dragon egg before that money grumbing creepasta moron finds us," Grandbuggy says looking around worriedly.

"Just pay him! Stop being so stubborn!" Ahuizotal admonishes for the 20th time.

"NEVER!!!" Grandbuggy exclaims.

“Ugh, alright fine,” you huff as you turn away from the glorious sustenance. “But if I see anything else I want, I’m going to get it, faceless creeper or not.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

And with that you move on back to the trading areas. After passing a few, Greta gets sparkles in her eyes.

“Ooh, custom jackets!” she squees before running up to a booth that has mannequins with different colored coats on them.

“But it’s not cold out,” you point out as you walk up next to her admiring an assortment of patches.

“That’s not the point kid, think about if we had a kickflank matching uniform?”
You think about that for a moment and your eyes widen in wonder.

“That would be awesome. It’d be like we were in a gang. The paper did call us the Outcasts.”

“Exactly. Having already been in one, we didn’t have a solitary uniform, but we had a theme. What if we got some long coats and flyer jackets or something,” she says excitedly.

“Yeah! And we could get a team emblem like how the Crimson Knights had. That would definitely show off our coolness. And Sunglasses!” you shout, getting into it.

“Definitely sunglasses,” Greta agrees as she holds up a leather looking black coat.

Off to the side, Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl watch this display with amusement.

“Girls, I don’t think we need a uniform,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Well…yeah, but it’d look so cool,” Greta insists.

“She’s right Grandbuggy. Think about if we had a cool emblem for The Outcasts.”

“An emblem that others could identify if and when we get into trouble?” Ahuizotl replies.

At that, both you and Greta wilt your ears and look down.


“Exactly. When you’re all matched, folks tend to notice you more,” Grandbuggy says.

“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” Greta sighs putting the coat back on the rack.

“Yeah…but it was a cool idea. Maybe we could still get sunglasses and-“

"Step right up, step right up! Feast your eyes on my incredible Laughter in a Jar!" a familiar voice cuts you off from the adjacent booth.

“What the…?”

Peeking your head around the corner you spot a very familiar mare selling…jars?

"Um Pinkie, you can't put laughter in jars...I think?"

That's right, the mare selling these jars of laughter is Pinkie! But for some reason she's painted her coat black and mane purple. Really the only way you could tell it was Pinkie was because of the familiar hairstyle, and the fact that her cutie mark (which is poorly hidden by a taped over picture of a money symbol) is her usual balloons.

Pinkie seems to panic at your tone as she nervously looks around and sweat starts cartoonishly sliding down her forehead.

"Pinkie?! I'm not Pinkie! Nope, no way no how am I a mare named Pinkie! I mean look at me, naming me Pinkie makes no sense! My names...uh Laughing Mary! Yeah that's it! It's not like I'm a clone hiding in plain sight in fear of being vaporized, that would just be ridiculous hehehehe…"

Of course this Pinkie gave away her status as one of the many Mirror Pool versions your daddy helped escape into the world due to her poor lying skills, but you choose to ignore that.

Well she’s not like the sisters in Appleloosa, but least she’s happier sounding than the one back in Canterlot. Gotta say though, these scattered Pinkie's personalities have really developed since the first time I saw them, looks like they took daddy's advice seriously.

And while you bask in the fact that your Daddy's advice has finally helped someling, your Grandbuggy decides to speak up,

"Of course Laughing, but I think my little great-granddaughter is right about that whole laughter thing. It's just not possible."

The Pinkie Clone, now far less nervous, sends your Grandbuggy a sly look as she leans in and places one of the jars on the stand.

"Oh really? Well if you doubt my services, why don't you test out my product?"

Grandbuggy gives his own sly grin as he picks up the jar and begins to open it,

"Well sure thing, but I hate to prove you wrong. Say, how about in exchange you and me fin-"

And that's all he gets to say before he is blasted backwards as an almost supercharged chorus of laugher as well as some strange noises escapes from the unsealed jar.

Thankfully your Grandbuggy was launched into a nearby stand selling super stuffed beanbag chairs, but you weren't really paying too much attention to him as you put your focus at staring at the now slyly smiling Pinkie Clone in awe.


Laughing Mary just shakes her head in amusement before looking to you.

"Now you see, my product is one hundred percent legitimate! Nopony can put laughter in jars better then Pink-I mean Laughing Mary can!"

You quickly grab a Dreamcast and a variety of games for it out of your Inventory and slam them onto the stand as you shout,

"I'll Take Eight!"

“Deal!” Mary says as she slides you eight of the jars and takes the console and games under the counter.

“Wha-I…Shade! You just threw away a Dreamcast!” Greta says sounding offended.

“I didn’t throw it away, I traded it.”

“B-But…it’s a classic console!”

“Meh, it didn’t have too many games on it that I liked. Besides, that controller was terrible,” you say as you shove the bottles into your Inventory where the sounds of chewing and squeaking can still be heard.

8 Jars of Laugher Added to Inventory

And while Greta looks like she’s about to have a conniption fit, Grandbuggy walks back over dizzily, holding his head.

“Are you hurt Fix?” asks Ahuizotl with a smirk.

“Just my pride…” he admits as the Pinkie clone giggles. “We should, uh…we should get going,” Grandbuggy grumbles as he starts walking away.

“Alrighty then. Oh, and Mary?” you say to the clone.


“Your sister in Canterlot is a bit stressed with Nursing School, you might want to pay her a visit at some point.”

“Katie is stressed? Oh no. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll make sure to make a jar of laughter specifically for her,” she says gratefully.

“No problem,” you wave as you walk after Grandbuggy.

“A bucking Dreamcast for a laughter bomb!” Greta seethes.

“Yes yes, it’s the crime of the century,” Ahuizotl rolls his eyes as he pushes the griffon down the road.

As you and your fellow Outcast continue to explore the Farmer's Market, you spot a certain stand that, well…annoys you greatly.

"Oh you have got to be bucking kidding me! Who would want to buy that?!"

The stand you are referring to is one selling a bunch of strange, Discord looking lamps that seemed to be made from smashed together glass. You can feel your annoyance rise just by seeing them, and you’re half tempted to go over there and destroy the whole stand. But before you can do anything your Grandbuggy puts his hoof on your shoulder to stop you.

"Now Shade, I know that punk Discord messed with you and your pops, but I don't think that gives ya a good reason to smash some poor fella’s property just for selling that oaf’s merchandise. Which is weird enough actually..."

"He is right senorita,” Ahuizotl nods. “It would just be a waste of that stallion’s...unique work for the wrong reasons."

"Alright alright fine,” you huff as you start walking towards the stand. “I’m still gonna give that owner a piece of my mind. Also, when we get into a fight I totally got dibs to use those lamps as ammo!"

"Now come on honey, just because we end up in fights in most of the places we've been to, doesn't mean one will happen here,” Grandbuggy says rolling his eyes.

You just give him a look that just screams, You’re Joking Right? as Greta begins to squawk.

"Okay, now you guys have to tell me the beef CV's got with the Spirit of Chaos! Seriously just how many beings did he piss off before he took out my crew?"

"Oh, more than a few and less than a lot," Grandbuggy explains to her as you walk right up to the stand with Ahuizotl and ring a bell on the table.

“Excuse me, I’d like to make a formal complaint to the owner!” you call back into the tent.

A grey, black maned unicorn stallion with a tornado cutie mark comes out from the back.

“Yes? How can I help you?” he asks.

“I want to know why you’re selling that jerk in lamp form,” you demand pointing to the merchandise.

“Why it’s simple little filly, ever since Discord was reformed, his popularity has gone up, and it’s so marketable. These are my best sellers,” he says with pride.

Kichi’s Comment

“Hmmph. Reformed or not, he was still a big jerk,” you grumble.

“That may be so,” the stallion says sounding sympathetic. “But business is business and he is popular.”

“What are you his biggest fan or something?” you ask.

“Well I wouldn’t say that,” he says scratching the back of his neck. “But his career is fascinating, and I’ve had the fortune to acquire some things made by his magic. Take this for example, a Discordian Balloon.”

He then holds up a red balloon with Discord’s face painted on it.

“Ugh,” you say and roll your eyes.

“Discordian Balloons?” asks Ahuizotl before he puts his paw to his chin. “Now where have I heard that before?”

“Why probably here, they’re quite a hit with children,” the sales pony says with a smile.

“Why? Because they have his face on them?” you say skeptically.

“Well not just that. It’s because when you pop one a unique and special surprise will appear in it’s place utilizing his magic.”

“Really?” you ask curiously as against your better judgment you start reaching for the red floating piece of rubber. Before you can grab it though, Ahuizotl stops your hoof with his tail paw.

“No, don’t touch it,” he warns before glaring at the surprised stallion.

“Huh? Why?” you ask.

“Discordian Balloons are dangerous artifacts, I remember now reading a warning about them in Montezuma’s Crypt,” he warns before glaring at the sales pony again. “And you were giving them to children…”

“Uhhhh, they’re not dangerous, they’re fun little pranks that-“ he starts to explain, but is cut off by Ahuizotl.

“It is said they conjure the wickedest of creatures that enrapture their victims and take control of their bodily functions. They are unto bombs child.”

“Whoa seriously? Well, mind control is kind of up Discord’s alley, so I wouldn’t doubt it,” you say in amazement before you too glare at the stallion.

“You should feel ashamed of yourself. Now get rid of those awful things or I’ll call the police,” you threaten as you walk away.

“We probably should see if any children have these and destroy them before it’s too late,” Ahuizotl says as you rejoin Grandbuggy and Greta.

“Good idea Ahz,” you agree.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

And as you and your fellow Outcasts walk away, the sales stallion still stands there in bewilderment as he takes a pin an pops the balloon, which releases a ferret which wraps around his neck and cuddles him.

“Goodness me, that was a bit harsh,” he says sounding hurt. “Stupid Montezuma. Just because a harmless little corn snake popped out of your balloon and literally scared the poop out of you didn’t mean you had to ruin it for everyone else.”

He then pets the adorable ferret as your group rounds a corner and disappears.

“Well at least it was good seeing Nightshade again before all the heartache…Wish I could have seen a smile instead of anger” he says sympathetically before taking out a pocket watch from seemingly nowhere. Strangely instead of a regular clock, it displays countdown of some kind. Upon seeing the countdown, the stallion’s good mood sombers even more.

“And it’s almost time for past me’s mistakes to manifest, what an idiot,” he shakes his head in disgust. “Better get back to the old Doctor before I cause some paradox or whatever.”

Closing the pocket watch he looks back in the direction where your group left and sighs.

“Good luck Nightshade. I’m sorry for what’s to come…”

With that said the stallions horn flashes and him, along with his stand and that ferret, seemingly disappear. As if it had never been there in the first place.

Kichi’s Comment

Back with your group, Grandbuggy is facehoofing as you’ve taken a filly’s balloon from her.

“Give that back you jerk!” she cries and flails at you.

“Do you want to die you idiot?! I’m saving your life!” you shout as you hold her back with your other hoof.

“Ahuizotl, Montezuma was a drama queen with irritable bowel syndrome, I wouldn’t take his words to heart,” Grandbuggy groans.

“It’s better safe than sorry Fix,” he defends as the filly’s mother starts scolding you.


After having popped the filly’s balloon and producing an adorable Guinea Pig out of nowhere, Grandbuggy settled matters with the mother and you all embarrassingly moved on.

“But what if that furry potato brainwashes her Grandbuggy?” you exposit for the fifth time causing him rub his temple.

“Trust me honey, she’ll be fine.”

“Not gonna lie, that little thing looked delicious,” Greta says, causing all of you to look at her aghast.

“What? I’m an omnivore. Cooked rodent is delicious,” she defends.

“And there went my appetite…for now,” you gag as you all scout out the stalls. None of the rock, mineral or antiques stalls you’ve visited have had a petrified dragon egg so far, but you’ve got a lot to go.

“I will not apologize for scrumptious meat,” Greta huffs and looks away before her eyes go wide. “Ooohh!” and she flies off to a stall.

“After her before she eats hamsters!” You cry out and rush after her.

When you finally catch up, you see exactly what’s caught her eyes. There are all kinds of interesting looking items, some of which look like video game and movie props.

There’s some creepy masks that give you the chills, a green one, a blue one, and a horned one. There's also a ring with some inscription in another language on it, a mummified paw of a monkey, some po-ny-oh decks of cards, a necklace made of four-leaf clovers, a cup that feels magical, a lance with the words 'Gungnir' inscribed on it, a hammer with a banner that reads "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the..." and the rest was ineligible.

Then there's a ring with a green gem, some glass jars with colorful liquids labeled potions, a strange portrait of a beautiful pony, a scythe, a silver cloak that seems to be both tangible and invisible at the same time, what seemed to be pieces of a rainbow made of darkness and so much more.

“I…I…I don’t know what to choose,” Greta squees her talons hovering over the many items.

“I know right? There sure is a lot,” you say looking to a sword the size of a surfboard.

“Ever since your dad took down the Knights, I haven’t seen video game props so well made. These might be remnants of those good times,” Greta says as she reaches for a familiar looking helmet.”

“Yeah, Nope!” Granbuggy interrupts and slaps her talon.

“Ohhhh, why not?” she whines.

“Because, unlike Ahzi’s last assessment, this crap here is definitely cursed,” he says as he ushers you away from the table.

“How can you tell?” you say as you walk beside him.

“Because I can smells it. Plus the fact that you got all this junk and no sales pony behind the table, it just reeks of a trap, and we ain’t gonna spring it.”

You nod at this wisdom and go along with him…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

"Come on let me go! Do you see the stuff on that table?!” Greta squawks and hollers, literally being dragged by Ahuizotl.

“Half of it looks like limited edition collectibles, and the rest look like actual props from the games and shows! Let me go you giant fur ball before I peck your tail off, I need that merchandise!"

“Greta, it’s not worth being cursed,” you call back.

“Like Tartarus it isn’t!” she defies while she squirms in Ahuizotl’s hand tail.

“I beg to differ, I once had a curse where a banjo grew from my knee. It was terrible,” Ahuizotl shudders.

And as your group rounds the corner, a nerdy bespectacled stallion walks up to the booth.

“Ooohhh, the Doom Slayer’s Armor, awesome!” he says picking up a green set of armor, before disappearing in a flash of light. As he does, a creepy hooded biped of some kind comes out from under the table and chuckles darkly.

"Ah, so another Displace joins the game. A hero or villain, I wonder what he'll be..." And with that, he and his shop disappear.

After some more walking, and Greta going boneless in protest, you come across two booths with very long lines, and the banners at the top of the booths are interesting to say the least.

“What the buck?” you say as on the right is a depiction of Daddy in his Crimson Vengeance garb, and on the left is him as the Hooded Offender.

“Well…that’s interesting,” Grandbuggy says as he looks at the booths and their merchandise, which is mostly T-Shirts and posters.

“You can say that again,” you say in awe as you take in the shoppers. On the Offender’s side, there appears to be a bunch of geeks and gothy looking ponies and creatures, while the Crimson Vengeance Side has what looks like off-duty guards and children.

On top of all of that, both stand owners are arguing relentlessly even as they make transactions.

“He still protects from the shadows harnessing the power of evil for good!” the black wearing, heavy set pegasus in the Offender booth argues.

“Yeah!” shout the Geeks and Goths.

“Bullspit! You’re puny changeling is just a puppet of the single greatest threat to this nation and the world!” the buff as Tartarus CV stand owner growls.

“Yeah!” the guards and children shout.

“Why fear what you can’t understand?! The Mare in the Moon protects in her own way with her hero!”


“He ain’t no hero! He’s a giant bug being manipulated to kill and destroy. You want a real hero? You look at The Crimson Vengeance who saved countless lives without taking any!”


“Oh sure, some hero who disappeared once he got his money!”

“Like you can say that with your little cult head hiding like a little wuss once his master got found out!”

And they keep going back and forth like that while the audience shouts their support.

“This is…this is that fancy word where things are bonkers and confusing,” you say.

“Surreal?” Grandbuggy suggests.

“Yeah that’s it,” you nod.

“Why is it surreal? I’m sure your dad could beat up the Offender any day of the week,” Greta says, apparently getting over her boneless protest.

You give her a confused look before you look back Grandbuggy, and realization dawns on you.

None of You Have Told Greta that CV and The Offender are the same person.

Well this is awkward…Maybe we should tell her at some point.

As you come to that conclusion, you hear a cry from the middle of both groups.

“Both Crimson Vengeance and The Hooded Offender are masks for what is truly the problem!”

Looking over you spot a certain comic book loving stallion from Ponyville that your dad would regularly knock out for freaking out.

“What’s the real problem then?” asks both stallion booth owners at the same time.

“The fact that DC got away with Countdown and Cry of Justice! These Comics SUCK and every copy must be burned! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” he starts screaming madly, getting on the nerves of everyone.

…Well since Daddy’s not here, you shrug as you pull out the Scone of Bludgeoning and toss it at the stallion’s head.

“And let’s not forget One More D-*BONK*” and he goes down, with your scone bouncing back towards you. Not seeing the source of the thrown object, everyone in both crowds start clapping and laughing, before immediately going back to arguing.

In Human Land

Bugze suddenly feels a swelling of fatherly pride and stops midsentence.

“Uh…is everything alright?” asks Sunset.

“Yeah, yeah I think it is. I think my little girl just did something sound and just,” he beams.

I don’t know, I feel as though she might have done something misguided, Selena counters.

“No…no it’s definitely something justified,” he smiles.

“Ooookkkay…” Rainbow says a bit confused.

“But anyway, where was I? Oh right! So there I was dressed as a Big Daddy, and Nightshade…”

Back in Equestria

After leaving the crowd of bickering ponies, you and your group come across two familiar red haired stallions.

“Hey, aren’t you the guys who’s Apple Machine blew up two years ago?”

“What?!” shouts Flim.

“Who Told You That?!” asks Flam.

“Uh, I was there?” you point out. “You machine tried to eat my daddy.”

“Well…you’re clearly misremembering things,” they lie and you give them a disbelieving look.

“Uh huh,” you nod.

“Besides, the Cider Game is so two seasons ago,” Flam says.

“Yes, for now we are on to medical cures!”

“With our new revolutionary Tonic!”

“Tonic?” you ask in surprise, remembering the ones that helped boost your dad’s powers. “What do they do?”

“Why my dear little filly, they help even the most grievous of wounds,” Flim says.

“And they keep the elderly spry and alive,” Flam finishes.

“Perhaps your Grandpa there could use some,” they both point to Grandbuggy.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” he says grumpily.

“Well not to offend sir,” Flam starts.

“But you’re in your Twilight years,” Flim ends.

“That cigar in your mouth is shortening that time as well,” Flam adds.

“And I’m sure a man of your caliber takes a nip of the hard stuff too,” Flim speaks up.

“But this revolutionary tonic can give back those years that-“

“I don’t want no gorramned snake oil ya idjits!” he barks taking them aback.

“Sir, this is not snake oil it is-“

“I don’t care what it is, I know this game, played it a few times myself. But if you think I’m going to be drinking banana and onion goop instead of some whiskey and giving up my smokes, you got another thing coming!”

“Now hold on Grandbuggy, what if these are some healing tonics? Like maybe we could get regeneration powers like Daddy?”

Hearing that Flim and Flam put their heads together and whisper.

“Oooh, that’s a good marketing ploy right there,” Flim says.

“I agree brother of mine, the tonic makes your immune system super powered,” Flam agrees.

“It’ll practically sell itself!” they both say.

“Nightshade, I don’t care if it was the fountain of youth, I ain’t taking no tonic from some Machine Cavorting Frauds.”

“Machine Cavorting?” Flim and Flam ask.

“Grandbuggy, not all machines are evil,” you deadpan.

“No, but the ones that built them are, and everything they build is bound by that same evil!” he starts ranting causing others to look at him.

“Uh, Fix, you’re causing a sc-“ Ahuizotl starts to warn before Grandbuggy cuts him off.

“Those healing tonics are evil I tells ya! Evil! EEEVVVIIILLL!!!” Grandbuggy rants while you just facehoof in embarrassment.

“Sir, could you please stop shouting?” Flam says looking around at all the negative press.
“Yes, could you? If you do we’ll cut you in on some of the profits and-“

“This juice makes your brain go crazy! Dear Gods Above Save Meeeee!!!” he shouts insanely which drives away any other potential buyers.

“No! Don’t Listen To Him! He Didn’t Even Try It!” they call out, but it’s too late, the damage has been done. They give him the stink eye over his antics to which he chuckles, suddenly “sane” again.

“Please leave our site and never come back!” they shout. Grandbuggy just shrugs, strikes a match and lights up his cigar.

“That there is what happens when you insinuate I should give up my smokes. All in all, fair trade,” he says blowing smoke in their faces as he walks away. Rolling your eyes, you follow him, with the bewildered Ahuizotl and Greta following soon after.

“That was kind of mean Grandbuggy,” you admonish.

“Trust me kid, I did a lot of folks around here a service,” he says before his eyes start scanning the other tents. “Now, since we’re having trouble with finding this Egg, let’s see if there’s any beast tents around. They might have some fresher ones and know where to find a petrified type.”

A Few Moments Later

You know all find yourselves in a tent run by a large scarred stallion in strange garb. Inside, he has countless cages full of snarling, monstrous looking things. Some of the things you have never heard of.

“Who the heck would want monsters as pets?” you say as you look at a winged, three eyed, horned…thing which hisses at you.

“Rich folk mostly,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“And those needing extra security for their lairs,” Ahuizotl exposits as he peers at something that looks like an Alligator made of stones.

Kichi’s Comment

“I can’t believe there’s even a market for monster pets,” Greta says as she sticks her finger in the cage of a white rabbit with red stuff around it’s mouth. When it tries to bite, she immediately pulls back and squawks.

“It is a living,” the monster hunter shrugs. “And you’re lucky you still have your talon. Descendant’s of Chaerbanog are notoriously violent.”

“Say what now?” Greta asks, but Ahuizotl seems intrigued.

“Truly? Is it a pureblood descendant?”

“Ya,” the stallion nods. “You can tell because of it’s pure black eyes and bone white fur.”

“Fascinating,” Ahuizotl says.

“The buck’s a Chair Bong?” you ask.

“Chaerbanog was an ancient monstrous rabbit that was the protector of an ancient powerful artifact and was said to have slain an entire legion of soldiers.”

“…A rabbit?” you ask skeptically.

“Oh, he was no ordinary bunny,” Grandbuggy says shuddering in remembrance. “He was a vicious killer, but eventually he got done in when ponies finally starting using black powder.”

“Si, but he did have children, and those descendants are sought after for their ruthlessness and savagery,” Ahuizotl explains.

You look back at the snarling bunny with blood on his lips.

“Huh…You know he kind of looks like Angel,” you realize. “I wonder if that’s why he’s always such a jerk.”

Across Equestria in a hut near the White Tail Woods, a little white bunny sneezes while looking at a portrait of a certain robot fox.

“Aye, though I don’t think you’re interested in him? What can I do for ya?” asks the monster hunting stallion.

“I’m wondering if ya got any dragon eggs?”

The stallion’s eyes widen and he starts shushing Grandbuggy before he leans in closer.

“I’m not in that business sir. It’s far too dangerous.”

“Alright alright, but I’m sure you know someone who might have some? Specifically a petrified one.”

“Petrified?” the stallion says sounding a bit relieved. “Aye I know where one of those is. I traded it to a diamond dog for a bunch of Nightmare Night disguises.”

At that declaration, you all give him weird looks.

“What? I like having costume parties…”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

After getting directions from the monster hunter, you find the Diamond Dog’s booth. He’s tall, dark brown, has a lisp, and he’s selling costumes, mystery machines and other oddities. But before any of you can ask him any questions.

“YOU!!!” Grandbuggy shouts in anger causing the Dog to look at him.

“Ruh?” he asks.

“You and your flankhole friends are the ones that kept messing up my get rich quick schemes!” Grandbuggy growls getting up in his face.

The diamond dog looks confused at first, but once Grandbuggy is in his personal space, his eyes widen in fear.

“RUH ROH! Miner Rorty Niner!” he screams as he takes off running…

Ello Calebero’s Comment


Only to crash into another vendor’s stand.

“My Cabbages!” the pony shouts in anguish as the dog lies there dizzily.

“This is the worst! My brother needs financial support since his fireworks stand got destroyed!” the stallion admonishes the splayed out canine. As he does, you, Ahuizotl and Greta both slowly look at Grandbuggy.

“What?” he asks.

“What did that dog and his friends do to you?” you ask seriously.

“Ruined good schemes is what,” he spits. “They unmasked me when I tried to get all that gold in the abandoned mine, and when I tried to fraud the amusement park and when I tried to drive the housing market down in a neighborhood and-Look! The point is, I would have gotten away with all of it if it weren’t for those meddling kids and that dog!”

The three of you share a look at that declaration before you all shrug.

Moments Later

After Grandbuggy asked (interrogated) the poor diamond dog about the egg, he pointed in the direction of another stall that he claimed he traded it for a box of dog snacks.

When you reach that stall though, with its blue flame torches, you gasp in realization.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Holy Buck, I know who runs this shop!” you say excitedly. Sure enough, at your voice a familiar masked pony in a cloak walks out of his tent.

"Welcome!” He greets with a chuckle. “Hello again little one.”

"I knew it was you! Wow it's been awhile how have you been since the concert?" You say walking up to the merchant.

"I have been well young one. I can see you've grown," The merchant says with a smile.

"Really? I mean I can't really tell," You say checking to see if you got taller, the past few years you've remained relatively the same height.

"Not in size my dear, but in spirit. Your magic power has improved as well. Now what can I do for you?" The merchant says motioning to their stall and the many wears inside.

"Wow that's a lot of stuff!" You say in awe at all the potions, masks, books, and many weapons.

"Indeed, it took me many a year to create such a collection. I’ve got some rare things on sale if you’re looking to buy.”

“Well that’s nice, but actually we were looking for a dr-Oooh, what is this?!” you say picking up a short red pool in a little strap on a bag.

“It reminds me of a weapon one of my friends has,” You say thinking back to Zecora’s whacking stick.

“Ahh good choice young one,” he says as you look it over, “A battle pole, used for hitting enemies as well as disarming them. Very good for non lethal takedowns, and it has a few surprises hidden away. You want it?”

“Yes please,” you say excitedly.

“What are ya sellin?” he asks mischievously, and you bonk yourself on the head for forgetting that part.

Reaching into your inventory, you pull out the Kendo Stick you’ve never used.

“Will this work?”

“Hmmm. Giraffrican Oakwood and Cragodile hide handle…I’ll take it.”

“Done, and done,” you say as you hand him the stick.

“Heh heh heh heh, thank you,” he nods in appreciation.

Power Pole Added to Inventory

“Is that all filly?” he asks.

“Yeah pretty much I-“ you look back at Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl and Greta who are just watching this whole transaction with interest. “Oh, right! A Diamond Dog said he traded you a petrified dragon egg earlier. Do you still have it?”

"Why yes! I'll be just a moment," he turns around goes into the back of his stall.

“Soooo, friend of yours?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Eh, kind of. He helped get us in the Sapphire Shores concert last year.

You then hear an all matter of noises coming from the stall. Taking a step back you watch it shake and bounce up and down as the merchant continues to search. You swear you hear, animal cries, breaking glass, and even music coming from inside, until eventually the stall settles back down. The merchant steps back out into view and he looks shocked and angry.

"I'm sorry little one, but it seems the object you seek is no longer here. I've been robbed!" The Merchant yells and you back up even further as you see steam come out of his ears.

"You have?" You ask confused. “Are you sure you didn’t just misplace it?” The Merchant pulls out a note at that.

"It seems our thieves left a calling card,” he then turns the page towards you and you freeze as it’s familiar. A bleeding sun with an arrow through it, only the symbol was black instead of red.

Underneath that, is a warning.

"Through blackest day and darkest night, We shall rise with greater might! With luck on our side we will do what needs be done. Long live the Black Suns.”

“What?! Who the buck are the Black Suns?!” you ask angrily.

On a Train Heading Out of Rainbow Falls

“Hey boss, who the buck are the Black Suns?” asks a large earth pony bodyguard with a beard.

“I have no clue, but it doesn’t matter it’s subtle misdirection,” says Doctor Calleberon as he holds the petrified egg in his satchel. “Our benefactor asked us to leave these calling cards and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. That way we go about our mission, and someone else gets the blame.”


DWC smiles trollishly as he starts penning a new letter.
“Man I love stirring things up. Wonder how Flag’s group will respond when someone starts asking for them by name…”

He then starts writing his letter.

Dear Nightshade,

Rainbow Falls

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Well this is some bullspit!” you growl as you throw the note to the ground. “What are the chances of this?!”

“Astronomical,” Grandbuggy says perturbed.

“And way too convenient,” Greta says.

“Ugh! Now what do we do?” you groan.

“Well, we still have a few shops,” Ahuizotl says looking at a few ponies who have gardening supplies out. “…though that may not pan out.”

Grandbuggy lets out a sigh. “Well, I guess we go with Plan B then. There was always the chance of this, but I got a back up.”

“And what is it?” you ask.

“We were going to the Dragon Lands anyway, but I’d hoped we wouldn’t have to ask Torch for two things…” he lets out another sigh. “Dealing with dragons can be a real pain.”

And as he says that,


You and the rest of the Outcasts turn around in shock as you see some tall lanky red dragon wearing some weird armor and carrying a bo-staff of all things.

“At long last, I will defeat you and-“

"Who are you again?" you interrupt him which seems to throw him off.

"Wha-Huh? It's me! Garble!” he stutters.

“Uhhhh…” you say as you look up in thought.

“Your eternal rival?”


“You brought great shame to me in Applewood?”

“Did I meet you there?” you say aloud.

“I…have you really forgotten me?” he says sounding crestfallen. “You beat me again in that hippie commune.”

"Oh right, Garble! Where have you been man?” you say happily which stumps him.

“Really? That’s what you remember?”

“Actually, I was just messing with you,” you giggle. “I need all the lightheartedness I can get since some thieving flankholes ruined my day!” you huff.

“Oh…OK then,” he says confused.

“But anyway long time no see. I thought you said you'd stalk me and daddy till the ends of time so you could get a rematch with me?"

At your question Garble gets an embarrassed look on his face as he rubs the back of his head.

"And I would have too, I a little lost is all and kind of ended up running a business here and-Look that doesn't matter now! Today, I will defeat you once and for all!" he says reading his bo staff.

“Well, about that, I kind of don’t want to fight you right now,” you admit.


“I’m trying not to be a bully anymore and I realize that the way I treated you in the past was wrong so…I’m sorry.”

“Bu-I…You can’t do that!”

“I can’t?” you ask in surprise.

“Yeah, because we’re rivals! We have to fight, you can’t just apologize and end it! That would dishonor me more!”

“Oh, I didn’t know that,” you say scratching your head.

“OK, your family is officially the weirdest,” Greta sighs to Grandbuggy.

“Agreed. She has a rivalry with a dragon?”

“It appears so,” Grandbuggy says rubbing his temple.

“Grandbuggy, is it true I have to fight my rival when he wants to fight?” you ask.

“Well, traditionally yes,” he says.

“And it’s not bullying?”

“…I mean, that’s a grey area-“

“Right! All I needed to know,” you say smiling as you take out your newly acquired Power Pole.

“Ah, so you have one too huh?” Garble says impressed. “I hope you know how to use it, for I have trained hard!”

“Nope, no idea,” you say snarkily.

You face Garble the dragon, you lock eyes, and as you do, both of you start to run at each other…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Only to both stop as you hear screaming and the sound of breaking wood and rock.

“Huh?” you both exclaim looking to the source of the noise. And what you see is…weird.

“What the buck is that?” you ask as suddenly the moon and sun take up half and half of the sky and giant black spikey tendrils start snaking their way through the Exchange.

“I have no idea,” Garble says confused.

Looking to Grandbuggy you see he looks perplexed, as does Ahuizotl and Greta.

“What is it Grandbuggy?”

“Trouble kiddo. Same as always,” Grandbuggy declares as he chomps his cigar harder.


Episode 39: The Market Crashes

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Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Now while most of the creatures and ponies around you start running away in a panic at the attacking vines, you just send your Grandbuggy a smug look. To this he gives out a tired sigh.

"Okay, so maybe we do end up fighting everywhere we go. But by no means did you know that these would be what we would fight!" he argues.

You just roll your eyes playfully before you say,

"Whatever you say Grandbuggy,” you roll your eyes.

“Mierde, the sun and moon are out of balance, and these things…” Ahuizotl mutters.

“Do you think it’s those Black Suns or whoever that stole the egg?” asks Greta.

“Who knows with a mysterious enemy, can’t put nothing past the unknown,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“So, uh…should we be fighting, running, or fighting each other?” asks a very disturbed and confused Garble.

“Let’s put a hold on our little sparring match,” you chastise before looking to the train station. “We should probably fight to reach there if everyone wants to make it out of here.“

“Well, we’re fighting regardless,” Grandbuggy says pulling his bowler on firmly. “So we’ll start with that and see where it takes us.”

“Right. Now..." With a determined glint you start to rush into the fray and yell out, "Let's get this party started!"

The rest of the Outcasts soon join you, along with Garble, as all Tarturus soon breaks loose!

As you all charge into the fray, dodging fleeing creatures, you see that the vines ensnaring ponies, breaking booths, and otherwise causing quite a nuisance. Now of course while most ponies would either run in terror at the sight of these things, you instead rely on your instincts and go with the only obvious solution.

"EAT LAZER BUCKERS!!" Yes, you instantly pull out the Dark Cannon and yell as it finishes charging and fires. The arrow looking like shot zigzags through vine after vine, almost acting like a homing shot as it tears them to pieces. Eventually the arrow beam hits its last target and fades away, leaving chunks of burning vine in the aftermath.

The few ponies and creatures who witnessed that attack stare at your smug form as you lean onto your weapon with pride.

“Holy crap, how long have you had that thing?” asks Garble in shock.

“Awhile,” you say simply. “Greta’s old friends bought a bunch of things just like this.”

“Yeah…good times,” she says wistfully.

“Nice job and all honey, but try to save the powerful attacks till later,” Grandbuggy instructs.

“Why? Why does it always have to come later? Doing it right off the back makes much more sense,” you say as you look over at the ponies and creatures that you helped save.

Taking a bit of inspiration from Rainbow Dash you start to brag.

"I know I know, my laser was bucking awesome! Those vines don't got nothing on m-"

You boasting is cut off when, what you thought were dead vines, suddenly start to regenerate. While the bits that were cut off remain withering on the ground, those that were still coming out of the forest start to grow again. In fact, it’s almost as if the vines are angry as they start to lash out even more violently than before and seem to be growing even faster as more of the market is consumed by them.

The ponies and creatures looks of awe change to looks of shock/annoyance, which only causes you to chuckle nervously. this is how Daddy feels like when he bucks up.


“Uh, don’t worry, I can fix this. I got other weapons!” you call out to them as you pull out the Junk Jet and the Scone of Bludgeoning.

“Eat trash monster!” you yell as you fire the scone, which knocks over one of the vines.

In response, three more vines whip out in your direction as your eyes widen.

“Oh Buck!”

Holding the Junk Jet as a shield you are whipped backwards and into the air.

“Nightshade!” Grandbuggy calls out in alarm.

“AAAAHHH-Someone Pick Up My Scone-AAAAAHHHH!!!” you shout as you fly away from your group. After quite a distance, the ground is coming back to meet you and you begin to brace yourself before you mentally bop yourself on the forehead.


With a flash of green light, your wings appear at your sides and you flap them madly, which leads you to gently hovering to the ground.

“I gotta stop forgetting about these,” you chide yourself as you fold them back to your side. “In fact, everyone but Ahuizotl could fly, so technically we could all get out of here that wa-“

“AIGGGHHH!!!” comes a cry as a few pegasi are snatched from the air and brought back to the ground.

“…Or just buck me then I guess,” you grumble at your plan immediately getting broken.

Speaking of broken, there is plenty of junk and debris around from the plants attacks. A buck ton of it.

“Alright, infinite ammo!” you cheer as you start loading up the junk jet and rocket launchering those bucks left and right.

You fire a teddy bear at terminal velocity towards a vine attacking a scared colt, you launch a tea set at another that’s bugging a fancily dressed mare, and you even fire a toy cart and save that Diamond Dog from earlier.

“Rhank Rhu!” he says in gratitude before he proceeds to haul flank.

“No problem!” you salute.

Dodging this way and that around the black monstrosities, you eventually catch site of Grandbuggy and the rest of your friends, but the only problem is that a wall of vines cuts you and several other ponies off.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Ahhhh! We’re trapped!” yells a stallion from next to you.

“The buck we are!” you say as you look around for more ammo. “Agh, just small stuff. What I wouldn’t give for one of those tactless Discord lamps right now.”

And even as you say that, you hear a magical noise behind you and the startled cries of a few ponies. Turning around, you find a small pile of the ugly things.

“Well that’s convenient,” you smile not questioning your good luck as you load them up in the Jet Junk and take aim.

“Smile for the camera!” you quip before firing. The glass lamps explode on contact, and shreds the wall into tiny pieces, which causes the ponies beside you to cheer and continue escaping.

“…Dang. Maybe I should have bought some of those things,” you say in amazement as you run along with the group, trying to catch back up to your group.

You eventually come across the cowering forms of Flim and Flam as they hide behind their stand.

“Oi! You got anymore of those healing tonics?” you ask.

“Yes! Just take it and go before they see us!” they both say and toss you one a piece.

“Wait, hold up-Ah!”

You are only able to catch one since your hooves are full and the other one goes falling onto a nearby vine which breaks over it. The vine surprisingly begins to melt as the liquid eats through it like acid.

“…What the buck kind of healing tonics are these?” you accuse them, but even as you turn around, their stand has a new crudely drawn sign over which says,

Flim and Flam’s Weed Killer. 15 Bits.

“Step right up and get your weed killer!” Flam calls.

“Kills giant vines on contact!”

“It’s a steal for 15 bits a bottle!”

And just like that, ponies begin throwing their money at the two stallions and gathering up bottles.

“…Really?” you say flabbergasted at this turn of events before you just shake your head and move on.

As you round a corner, you see three vines block your path and three more coming up from behind.

Kichi’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Ugh! Why are you buckers singling me out?!” you yell as you junk jet the Tonic at the three in front of you, causing them to sizzling into goo.

But before you can dash forward, the ones from behind ensnare you.

“AAAHHH!! Let Me Go! Let Me Go!” you squirm and thrash about.

“Get Off Of Her Ya Damned Perverted Things!” an old gruff voice shouts as suddenly the restraints go slack. You look around just in time to see Grandbuggy’s bowler flying like a boomerang through another vine that was trying to sneak up on you before it returns to his hoof.

“Grandbuggy!” you shout happily as you hug the old bug.

“Don’t go flying off like that again little filly,” he lightly chastises you before glaring at the severed vines.

“I’ve seen enough neighponese adult cartoons to know where this is going, and they ain’t gonna touch my filly!”

“Quick, for goodness’s sake,” Ahuizotl facepalms.

“What? I don’t get it,” Garble asks just as confused as you.

“Nah he’s right, I’ve seen those same videos,” Greta shudders. “If that logic holds, they’ll be going after the females mostly.

“There’s no basis for that,” Ahuizotl argues.

“AAAHHH!” comes a mare’s scream due to comedic timing.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Looking over you see the Pinkie clone from earlier wrapped up in several vines and dragging her away to the forest.

"Ahhhh! Evil black vines dragging me off to my uncertain doom! Just like the gypsy mare said!"

“Huh, that sounds familiar,” you ponder before leaping into action.

“And uncertain is an understatement, we all know the truth,” Greta says following you.

Pulling out your Power Pole you whack one of the vines and pin it while Greta uses her claws and beak to shred the tentacles enough for Laughing Mary to escape.

“Oh, thank you so much,” she says in gratitude. “I escaped the Purple Death, the last thing I need is to be taken out by these squirmy things.”

“No problem,” you say. “No go before they get you again!”

“Righto Roony,” she says before zipping off.

“AAAHHH!!! Now I’m The Butt of the Joke!” Greta screams from behind you as the tentacle you were in charge of grabs her.

“Doh!” you facehoof before you…

WARGAMES’s Comment

Dig out Mangle from your inventory.

“Mangle! I choose you!” you cry out as you toss the robot fox onto the vine. Seeing as how her old chew toy Griffon is being assaulted, Mangle cries out in mechanical rage and starts biting and slashing at the thing with machine efficiency.

When she is loose, Greta flies out of the dying thing and gives a hesitant look to Mangle.


“Skreonk!” Mangle says with a salute.

After that, you regroup with the rest, and duck into another stand as more vines block your route. Looking around, you see several beasts in cages.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Oh hey, it’s that Beast Stand,” you say as you look at all the trapped and helpless monsters with their master nowhere in site. Biting your lip, you give a pleading look to Grandbuggy who sighs.

“Fine, let the abominations out. What’s the worst that could happen,” he shrugs. Smiling, you start opening up the cages as several monsters happily start running away.

“Run along, you’re free now!” you say happily…only to wince nervously as several of the monsters get ensnared by the vines.

“Oooohhhh,” you say pulling at your imaginary collar.

“Well that was fun while it lasted,” Grandbuggy says looking to the only remaining monster, the bunny. “But let’s keep him in there and-“

A stray vine comes up in the middle of the tent and knocks the rabbit’s cage over, setting him loose.

“Buck You Lady Luck!” Grandbuggy spits.

“Mierde!” Ahuizotl shouts as he stands stock still in fear of the little fuzzball.

The evil rabbit looks around at all of you, looks at the vines, and then looks at the corner of the tent that hasn’t been destroyed and smiles. Hopping over there, he suddenly pulls out a freaking Blunderbuss as he aims it at the vines and all but vaporizes them with the explosion.

The little terror then starts laughing maniacally and evily as it hops out the tent with it’s weapon and stars shooting at all the vines.

“…Well that just happened,” Greta says.

“Is that a good or bad thing?” you ask.

“Both,” Grandbuggy rubs his head.

“Let’s go the opposite way, that rabbit is dynamite,” Ahuizotl warns and you take heed.

“...Did that rabbit have a freaking claw cannon?” Garble asks still a bit stunned.

As you all head towards the train station, ducking in and out of stalls and tents as stealthily and quickly as you can, you come across one that was selling electronics, and one of the radios is blaring.

Kichi’s Comment

“Emergency News! This Just In!” comes a raspy authoritative voice on the radio. “With the disappearance of the Princesses and the stasis of the Sun and Moon, Canterlot has been put into a state of emergency due to the appearance of giant black vine creatures. With Princess Twilight in Canterlot, Prince Blueblood is acting ruler, and claims that this is the act of The Hooded Offender, the current host of Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh Come The Buck On!” you scream in annoyance.

“No news yet on Princess Cadenza or the Crystal Empire, but citizens are advised to stay in their homes and not confront the creatures. If this is a power play due to Nightmare Moon, be on the look out for her followers known as The Horde. And on behalf of the brave guards all over the country, they ask one thing, defend as the Burning Avenger of Justice would and carry on. If you’re out there Crimson Vengeance, Help Us In Our Time Of Need.”

“Yeah, amen to that, we could definitely use your dad right about now,” Greta says as she throws a Joy Boy at a vine.

“Well he’s not here right now!” you huff, still upset over that stupid radio message. “Dragging Mommy’s name through the dirt again…and how the Buck is Blueballs in charge? Has the whole world gone mad?!”

“Well, it sounded like the Moony and Sunny got kidnapped by these things,” Grandbuggy deduces. “Maybe that’s why they’re so keen on going after you Shade.”

Looking at your wings, you have to admit that sounds reasonable.

“OK got it, vines hate alicorns,” you nod.

“Most things do,” Garble grumbles under his breath, but you ignore him.

Still kind of ironic that stupid news pony condemned and asked for Dads help in the same message

Shaking your head, you get your mind back in the game as your group run and guns it once more.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Awhile Later

The vines have taken over the train yard, so that option is no longer a viable escape, and many of the market goers have formed into a large group in the center, not knowing what else to do. Some of them defend themselves with various tools and objects, but there’s noling on the offense.

As you knock away several vines with your Power Pole you hear the sound of slashing. You turn to see the merchant pony defending his stall with a sword in his mouth. You run toward him knocking away a sneaky vine coming at him from behind.

“Look out!” You shout.

“Thanks for the help little one. I have to keep these vines away from my goods, who knows what could happen if they got a hold of one of my items.” As he says this you see Ahuizotl having trouble dealing with the vines. A strange looking vine appears next to him, at the end appears to be a flytrap about to grab him.

“Mr. Merchant! Look!” You direct his attention to Ahuizotl.

“Behind you!” The merchant shouts tossing his sword into the mouth of the flytrap. Barely missing Ahuizotl’s head.

“Oi you nearly took my head off!” He shouts in anger.

“I just gave you a weapon! Use it!” The merchant says pulling out more weapons from his stall. He whistles attracting the others’ attention. He tosses them to your gang.

Greta grabs a pair of gauntlets, she puts them on and they deploy some claws.

“Sweet!” Greta says flying over to you.

Ahuizotl catches two more pairs of swords, one red, the other green.
Once in his palms they ignite with magic energy, one with blue electricity, another with blazing fire, and the double bladed sword causing wind and air to swirl around it.

“Interesting!” Ahuizotl says, before he takes a simple machete into his tail hand and starts slicing a pathway to you.

Grandbuggy grabs a large sword that lets off some steam.

“Nice,” he says puffing out his own cigar smoke before teleporting next to you. The merchant then pulls out a large looking axe And starts hacking away at some that come near your group.

Both you and Garble look at your staffs respectively and at the other’s cooler weapons.

“I feel like we’re kind of being left out,” he says jealously.

“I know right?” you agree.

“You’re both deadly enough as is,” Grandbuggy jests. Nodding at that, you look over at all the many ponies who have been corralled by the vines and you are suddenly filled with determination.

Looking at your group, you nudge Mangle to start playing some inspirational music.

“Outcasts! Who are we?!” You shout.

“Those who society shuns!” Greta says.

“Villains in the eyes of the law!” Ahuizotl says.

“Monsters in the eyes of the people!” Grandbuggy shouts.

“And what do we do?!” You shout as the vines turn their attention to your group. Nearby creatures turn and look at the commotion.

“Hide in the shadows to protect the light,” The merchant says joining in.

“Protect the defenseless from harm,” Garble says readying his staff “Or so my sensei says…”

“And why do we do it?!” You shout.

“We fight to ensure that all are safe from the forces of evil!” They shout. You turn and grin at the horde of vines and plants rushing toward you.

“And because it’s bucking fun!” You roar as your group charges toward the enemy.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Greta goes all Wolverine on the vines, using her new bladed gauntlets to hack and slash them one after the other.

“Rest in pieces!” she spouts as she keeps giving one one-liner after another.

“Sale! Everything Half Off!” she continues. They’re all bad cutting puns.

Ahuizotl, now armed with three swords, one in each hand and the other in his tail hand, is going to town on the monstrosities in a spinning whirlwind of death.

“Can you see me now DARING! Can you see your foolish oaf now!” he shouts in the midst of his carnage.

Yeesh does he have issues, you shudder.

Your Grandbuggy, being the kickflank that he is, is dodging vines left and right while taking them out as they pass him with that big sword of his, and using his hat as a slicing boomerang weapon . You honestly think he would be a lot cooler if he didn't get distracted flirting with every mare he saves from the vines.


“Hey sweet cheeks, no need to worry, I am here.”


“I know you’ll have trouble not falling in love with me, but that can come later.”


“See, age don’t mean a thing, experience is everything,” he says with a wink causing you to roll your eyes as yet another mare backs away from him. You seriously are starting to think your Grandbuggy has a bit of a problem with his flirting habits.

Thankfully, them taking action and your little speech earlier has gotten more ponies and creatures involved in fighting back, many of them fighting with gardening equipment, bare claws, or whatever else they can grab.

Utilizing your magic missiles, earth bending, and power pole, you deftly move through the vines as they come, knocking them right good. Even as you do, Garble keeps pace right with you, clawing and biting and breathing fire on top of his own impressive bo staff techniques.

“Huh, guess you have been practicing,” you say impressed.

“Buck ya I have,” he says with pride as he smacks another vine into the dirt.

WARGAMES's Comment

“That’s 36 for me, what are you on?” he says smugly.

“53 last I checked *WHOMP* Nope, 54.”

“What?! Gorammit. I’m not gonna lose this time!” he says as he kicks and claws two more. “38!”

“55!” you call out as you magic missile another.

“41!” he calls out after firing up more.

“57!” you proclaim as you tie two into a knott.

“44!” He proclaims back.

And the both of you keep on at it, making a game of the whole situation. But eventually, even your jovial score keeping goes quiet. After the initial push of The Outcasts and the rallied market goers, the vines have started fighting dirty and sequestering groups off so that strength in numbers can’t be spammed.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You aren’t any exception as you are cut off from your fellow Outcasts, and end up being back to back with Garble as the vines slowly surround you.

You start looking around in slight panic as you try and think of a solution out of this mess.

Come on brain, think! What would Daddy do in this situation!?

An image of your dad laughing maniacally while setting fire to everything pops into your head.

OK, that may be true, but that’s not exactly helpful right now.

From behind you, Garble lets loose a ring of fire around the two of you to keep the vines back, and it seems to be working as they halt their approach.

…Or maybe it is. And like that you gain a idea that would make your Daddy swell up in both pride and awe as you rummage in your inventory.

"Quick Grable, how long can you breath fire at a time?!"

Your self-imposed eternal rival gives you a confused glare as he says,

"What?! Why would I tell you that? You would just use that information in our next battle against me!"

You can't help but roll your eyes in annoyance as you grunt out,

"Oh come on man! We're surrounded by evil plants and unless you tell me we won't even have another battle! Besides, aren't rivals supposed to reluctantly help each other out in times of crisis?"

Garble doesn't respond right away, but after a few moments of silence you get annoyed.

"GARBLE!" Your shout manages to snap him out of it as he groans.

"Alright alright fine! I can use my flames for about thirty to forty seconds before I need to take another breath. Now how is that supposed to help us?"

You just smirk as pull out the Ring of Scorchero.

"Well, tell me Garble, how do you feel about giving these nasty vines a little heated message?"

He just looks at you confused.

“Uh what?”

“Oh for, just get ready to breathe through this thing, trust me.”

“Alright, not like I can do much else,” he shrugs.

And in an almost perfectly synched motion you climb onto Garble’s back, as he is taking the deepest breath he can, and hold the ring in front of his mouth. Once his lungs are full he calls forth his flames, and as he does you cry out.


And in true beautiful fashion Garble's flames travel through the ring, and as they do they suddenly get far larger and hotter. His flames, imbued with the power of the ring become a single superheated beam that unleashes devastating destruction on the vines surrounding you both. Almost nothing remains of them as they all burn to ash consumed by the extraordinary heat.

There's no doubt in your mind that if Daddy were here, he would have fainted at the display of fire given today.

“Holy Tartarus! What in the world is that thing?!” Garble says beyond impressed at the Ring.

“Some ancient macguffin. Honestly, I didn’t even know if it would work, but hey, results speak for themselves,” you say in giddiness.

“Uh…yeah. Let’s keep doing that then,” he declares as you hover next to him. You two then go to wall after wall, burning them to cinders with your mega flame technique.

Kichi’s Comment

As you take the fight to the enemy, a radio continues to blare it’s news unheard by you.

“Breaking news. There have been a few sightings of hooded individuals in the town of Ponyville. With members of The Horde present, there is some merit to Prince Blueblood’s accusation about Nightmare Moon being involved, though reports say these individuals are actually fighting the tentacles. Whether this is true or just a misdirection on their part, we have no clue, but stay away from these menaces if you spot them. This is J.J.J. of the Pony Bugle, and we’ll update you as the news comes.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


When Princess Twilight Sparkle rushed back to her home of Ponyville, she expected many things. Perhaps the town being overrun by the same black vines attacking other towns near the Everfree, or even to see some of her fellow ponies panicking in the streets.

What she did not expect was to see the town relatively unharmed, and for a group of ponies wearing the Offender's cloak of all things fighting effectively against the black vines.

"What...what is going on?!" she asks the ponies.

"Princess Twilight!" a few of them shout.

Wincing slightly at her new title, Twilight prepares to speak to them again, only for them to scatter in her presence.

“Hey! Get Back Here!” she orders but they don’t listen causing her to groan.

“I think they’re scared of you Twilight,” Spike says from her back.

“Oh gee you think? The ponies dressing up like Nightmare Moon’s vessel?” she snarks.

“Twilight!” comes a familiar southern drawl. Looking over Twilight relaxes slightly as she sees her friends, running down the street.

"Applejack! Girls! Please tell you know what's going on!" she asks as she lands.

Rainbow nervously rubs her hoof behind her head as she mutters out,

" see...funny story. When those vines started attacking we tried fighting back, but nothing was working.”

“But then those Horde guys started attacking them and we were able to push them back near the forest entrance!" Pinkie chimes in.

"The Horde? I thought that group disbanded after the Offender's true nature..."

"Ah don't know what to tell ya Princess,” Applejack shrugs. “I guess once a fan always a fan.”

Twilight looks to both Spike and Fluttershy.

“Did you two know about this?”

Wincing slightly at the accusation Spike says,

“N-No Twilight, I swear.”

“And, I…Well I haven’t been a part of The Horde since the Fillydelphia Incident. I didn’t even know they were still operating,” Fluttershy admits.

“OK…sorry about that,” Twilight apologizes and looks to the distance where many of the hooded ponies are using fire weapons to their hearts content.

“Well, I’ll give them this, they’re fighting like he used to,” Pinkie says.

“Yeah…” Twilight says trailing off before shaking her head. “But anyway, we’ll worry about them later, right now I’m just thankful for an extra pair of hooves. It doesn’t matter right now that it’s from a group sensationalizing a victim of Darkness…”

Everypony puts their heads down in shame at that for a moment, but that is interrupted as an explosion rocks the street.

"BUCK! I'M OUT OF MOLOTOVS!" comes a slurred voice.

“Then stop drinking them idiot!” comes a peppy voice.

"Oh! If only we still had Mr. Tennant’s Shack around!” a voice with an undertone of classiness utters. “We need more fire power!"

“Let’s raid Berry Punch’s bar for supplies!” the slurred voice returns.

“Excellent idea! But no tasting these ones!”


The purple alicorn and her friends just watch this situation in dumbfoundment as the vines start creeping back in as some of the members go to steal booze.

“I…Just…Today is just…Gaaaahhh” Twilight facehooves.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment



The battle has gotten intense with the sounds of fighting all across the market as your group holds off the vines. You and Garble are back to fighting physically as he has practically drained himself of fire breathing for awhile, but thankfully a new route out has opened up.

Further up the mountain at it’s rockiest, the vines can’t seem to penetrate, and so countless market goers have begun to evacuate there as your group and a few others continue to fight. And despite having fought plenty of bad guys in the past, you are starting to feel tired.

Usually the enemy is already down by this point! You think as sweat drips down your brow and you earth bend another vine into the dirt.

Your thoughts are interrupted though as another vine flings you into a random potion stall.


You crash into the back of it and several potions fall off the shelf breaking on the ground. One however lands in your lap. Unlike the others that are bright and colorful, this one looks more like black ooze in a bottle. A flytrap comes into the stall and prepares to attack. Without thinking you toss the bottle at the plant. Splattering it with the potion it shrieks and recoils back outside. You get and look outside as the vine you saw recoils in agony and is coated in the black liquid all over and it stops moving.

“Huh, if only I had some more that I’d-“

The tar black flytrap then screeches to the heavens and begins thrashing wildly and all the other vines around the market place stop their assault.


All the other vines in the area then are dragged towards the one you assaulted as they begin to fold into a black ball of vines, the liquid spreading all over them.
Eventually the combined mass slinks into the ground creating a hole, which quickly fills up with that black potion. As the noise of the plants dies down, your weary group make their way to you.

“Nightshade honey, what in Equestria did you do?” Grandbuggy asks both sounding impressed and shocked.

“I…I threw a bottle of something at one of them then…” you gesture to the hole “This happened.”

“Well, at least it’s giving everyone the time they need to get out,” Ahuizotl points to the evacuees, many of whom who have stopped running and watching your group in curiosity.

“Is it too much to hope that the battle is done? I’m getting tired,” Greta says wiping her brow of plant juice.

“Yeah, I don’t think I can breathe fire for like a day after this,” Garble pants sounding sick.

“I hope so, I mean the thing just-“ You stop as your hoof brushes against the discarded bottle of the potion and you pick it up. There’s a note on it.
Warning! Unstable dark magic potion! Name: Chemical X. Do not use on any form of living life form, pony, animal, or plant. Results unknown and untested. You stare slack jawed at the warning.

“Oh crap baskets.”

Suddenly a large black tree rises from the hole and towers over you all, larger than a full grown dragon. It shakes as it’s branches change to form limbs made of the stringy vines that continually move. It’s body is constantly shifting but a facsimile of a face appears, nothing more than hollow eyes and a mouth, which still somehow stretches into a grin The eyes of the creature open. It’s sickly mouth smiles.


An evil legion like laugh escapes from the monstrous creature

Oh Buck!” you all shout.


Discord sits in a floating cinema chair looking through binoculars at Rainbow Falls.
“Oh how unexpected! I’m going to need more popcorn!” he says excitedly.

“Discord! Pay attention,” Twilight says sternly. “Do you know anything else about these plants?”

“Huh? Oh probably, just go talk with the Zebra, you’ll figure it out,” he dismisses as he points to a haggard looking Zecora.


By now everyling is screaming their heads off as you’ve somehow, someway made the situation beyond worse.

“Why would anyling even have that in their shop in the first place!” you shout to the sky as the vine abomination.

“Because it’s a Trade Market!” Grandbuggy hollers as the thing starts slithering towards you all like a snake.

Every other creature is trying desperately to run for the hills as the giant mega plant starts stalking everyone.

“I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry!” you apologize profusely as it’s tentacles slam all around you.

“Incoming!” Greta calls as another large clump of them come from overhead.

You all brace for the attack…but it doesn’t come.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Looking to the “fist” of the creature, you see it being held aloft by another set of dark tentacles which lead back to a lanky faceless pony in a suit.

“Slendermane?” you ask in surprise.

The plant monster growls at this interruption and turns it’s attention to the eldritch monster.

“Oh great, that’s all we need,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Grandbuggy, he just saved us,” you point out as you all run.

“Yeah, but only because he can’t get paid if I’m dead,” he says.

“Surely he deserves those bits now,” Greta insists.

“Like Tartarus!” he shouts stubbornly.

“Umm, who’s the creepy faceless pony?” asks Garble.

“Someone he owes money to,” you “explain.”

“Oh…OK, because he’s about to die,” Garble says.


Looking back you see that the giant has picked up Slendermane by his own tentacles and is swinging him around like a chain, before promptly throwing him down the mountain.

“OH Buck!” you shriek.

“He’ll be fine,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves.

As you all keep running, the monster sends out a wave of it’s arms, and several of it’s vines slither off of it’s body and act like snakes as they move with no tether.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You and your group fight them off as best you can while still running away from the behemoth, but you’re all so exhausted. does daddy do this so often?

So tired and deep in your thoughts you don't notice a vine whipping towards you till its too late. It manages to hit you and sends you flying through a few stands. When you hit the ground you roll a few feet and let out a groan of pain as you finally come to a stop.

"Ugh, this isn't good. Why did we have to exhaust Garble’s mega flame and my Dark Canon so early?”

Looking up from your position, you see that Greta, Garble, Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl are all being lifted up by the monstrosity, as are countless other ponies and creatures.

“Buck! What do I do? It’s not like I can earth bend that much. Ugh!’ you kick the ground in frustration. “I can move the freaking moon, but I’m still not strong enough to help anyling. Why can’t I be more powerful?!”

As if to answer your plea a flash of light catches your attention at the corner of your eyes. Looking towards it you gasp in shock as a very familiar looking object that should not be here is...well here, along with a scroll with a familiar seal on it.

You hesitantly read the scroll.

Dear Nightshade,

Without your Dad around, folks are gonna need another powerhouse to save the innocent. You’re a strong filly, but even you have limits, but with this little trinket, you’ll put even your pops to shame.
I know you may be hesitant to put it on considering what happened last time, but there’s a key difference with you.
You Are An Alicorn.
You can handle a little something from your own namesake can’t you?
Of course you can.
Happy Hunting little filly.

A Friend.

Biting your lip you look back at the object in worry. Picking it up you can feel the power in it, yet at the same time you know just what happens when someone wears it.

The creature laughs again as even more ponies are ensared by it and brought up to it’s hollow face and you grit your teeth.

“Buck you Friend! I still don’t trust you but I’ve got no choice!” You then slowly place the object around your neck. "I'm...I'm really going to regret this. Sorry Daddy, sorry Mommy..."

In the human world, Bugze, Selena and even Sombra suddenly feel an immense feeling of dread.

Over with the monster, Grandbuggy is frantically cutting at his binds he and the rest of the Outcasts are brought towards the monster’s mouth.

“I hope I give you heartburn you bucker!” he spits with venom.

Just then, a massive blast of midnight colored magic slams into the thing’s face causing it to groan in pain, and bits of it to catch fire. Grandbuggy ,Greta and Garble are dropped, but they catch themselves and Ahuizotl since they can fly, but countless other ponies plummet to the ground…only for them to be caught by a magic field. Dozens upon dozens of ponies all saved with one magic spell.

“What in tarnation is…Oh no…” Grandbuggy’s eyes widen as do countless others as they see the source of the spell.

You…only not quite.

“Everypony, Get The Buck Out Of My Way While I Kick That Thing’s Flank!” you cry out with authority as you set the one’s you’ve saved to the ground.

“Fix…what’s happened to her?” asks Ahuizotl in fear.

“Is…is that really her?” asks Garble.

“Hot damn kid, what did she find now?” whistles Greta.

“Ah Tartarus…” Grandbuggy says, disappointed in himself. “My boy’s gonna kill me.”

The creature then takes it’s chance to roar at you, but you turn your blazing white eyes to him and send out yet another massive magic missile which makes it stumble back. The magical power well at your disposal is...amazing.

“Oh, I could get used to this," you smile as you flap your wings and lift yourself into the air gracefully. Long dark shadows bleed off of your body like a cloak, similar to your parent's nightmare cloak, which makes you appear larger than you are, and your now ethereal mane whips about on it’s own. In the center, the most striking part of your attire, the Alicorn Amulet shining brightly against your chest.

Looking up at the sun and the moon both in the sky, you decide to correct that as you move BOTH at the same time to their correct space. It almost feels natural now.

With just the sun shining once more, all now can view your majestic form. The ponies and creatures you saved haven’t run yet though as they now look to you in awe, amazement, gratitude, and fear all at the same time.

“It’s…it’s…” the crowd murmurs until the dam bursts.

“It’s Nightmare Moon!”

You grit your teeth at that in frustration before you let out a long drawn out sigh.

“You know what? Fine. I doubt any of you idiots would believe anything else,” you chastise before looking to the giant plant monster with a smirk.

“Nightmare Moon it is…”


Episode 40: Daughter of the Moon

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Ello Calebero’s Comment

The massive monster roars at your smirk, but true to your name, you fire a blast of energy at it in the shape of the moon.

The orb slams into the creature’s chest and it stumbles backwards, shrieking in pain.

“Hah, poetic justice,” you smile cruelly.

“It is true,” a pony in the crowd below shouts. “The ancient mare in the moon has returned.”

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Hey! I’m not that old!” you yell at the crowd which causes them to cower and scream.

“But Nightmare Moon has been around for over a thousand years,” some mare points out.

“OK yeah, but I’m not old dang it!” you grit your teeth as you look over the frightened mass. “If anything I’m Nightmare Moon Junior!”

Some ponies, despite the danger, stop screaming and look at you weirdly as if it say 'wait what?' and you swear you here a groan from somewhere.

Rolling your eyes you say, "You will learn to love my name in time mortals!" and they cower again.

Good! Cower like the weak subjects you are mo-Whoa, where did that come from? You think as you hold a hoof to your head at your arrogant words.

Ah right, stupid amulet. Can’t be arrogant or self centered, that’s what it wants.

With that thought, you look back to the cowering ponies you scared and try to adopt a friendlier visage, despite the shadows billowing off of you.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t bad mouth them by saying I’m Mommy. It might make things even harder on her when she’s got a real body again.

“Uh, b-but if you don’t like that name you can, uh, you can call me…Shadow Eclipse!” you say combining two of your old aliases together.

“Shadow Eclipse?” asks a Hooded Offender fan boy.

“Yes! Shadow Eclipse! Daughter of the moon and protector of light!” you yell, your voice echoing across the valley. As your voice rings out, it seems as if the sun is growing dimmer just like in your name and the market goers look afraid again.

Huh? Did I unintentionally cause an eclipse while I was mono-OH CRAP!

You shoot out a blast of magic just in time to deflect the fist of the monster who has encompassed you in it’s shadow. While not a direct hit, you are still sent scrambling away through the air until you correct your flight.

“You Cheap Shotting Flank Hole! I’ll Murder Your Face!” you roar as your eyes glow even brighter.

With a flap of your wings you blast forward and introduce your back leg to it’s head.

“FALCON KICK!!!” you roar as your hoof doesn’t impact as much as you thought it would thanks to the stringy nature of it’s body, but the momentum does still carry you both backwards as the market goers start running again.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

With your hoof in the thing’s face, it’s hollow eyeless sockets somehow turn to you and it lets out that creepy laugh again.

“Oh you think that’s funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about. SHADOW FALCON PUNCH!” Your forehoof, encased in the dark energies surrounding you, strikes the thing right in one of it’s sockets and it screams in pain, which releases your back hoof.

“Ha! Do you think that’s funny?! I don’t hear you laughing now!” you shout, cackling madly as you fly around a swipe from the monster.

“I don’t know what gods forsaken hole you crawled out of or what the buck that oil stuff I threw on you was, but you’re nothing!” you roar as you fire another midnight magic missile at the thing, driving it back.

“The Darkness in my heart is far stronger than whatever flows through your vines!” you say with maliciousness.

The vine monster then garbles out some sort of gibberish response, and you take offense to that.

“Don’t you dare talk back to a godess! MAGIC MISSILE!”

The projectile slams into the thing’s chest, but it is tired of you and from it’s chest several of it’s vine tendrils spring forth towards you.

“AH!” you yelp as they begin to slap and entangle you, trying to reel you in.

“Oh I Don’t Think So!”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment

Focusing on your horn, your magic swirls around it, but instead of a blast, it condenses into a long, purple diamond shaped blade about as long as your torso which you telekinetically use to slash the vines holding you. Groaning, the monster’s tendril stumps retreat back into it’s chest and you hold the blade aloft in a threatening gesture.

“Yeah, that’s right, I can make swords…apparently,” you say looking at the weapon floating in front of your face. It’s then that another cruel smile crosses your visage as you look at the frowning monster.

“You know, aside from some mediocre magic spells, my earth bending, and some fighting moves, I really don’t have anything that unique to myself.”

The monster doesn’t seem to care about your words and begins to swing again, but you continue your monologue.

“I mean, Daddy and Mommy have the Nightmare Cloak, Sombra’s got crystal bending and mind control, so I think it’s about time I get something fun…”

Concentrating on your magic, you just will what happens next to happen, and it does as your sword replicates into nine.

There’s three on each side of you, and then three more tiny ones embedded on the back of your neck. As the thing’s hand reaches you take a deep breath.

"Dancing Blades!" You shout out, as the blades fly fast towards its hand, moving like a saw. Controlling it with a combination of your earth bending and your horn, you sever through the monsters “fingers”

As it roars out you continually slash away with your new technique.

Hmm, you think as you get the hang of it and note your weaknesses. It seems that the further from me they get, the slower they become, and trying to control them individually is tough.

The monster’s claws regrow, and it shouts out hardened projectile vines at you and you smirk.

But this thing is dumb, so simplicity for the win.

Whirling them like a chainsaw on steroids, the projectiles are mulched, but then you see maybe the monster is a bit more clever than you thought as some of it’s foot vines have reached around you and are coming for a back strike while you were “distracted.”

Bringing you blades around you like a shield, you cry out,

"Bladesurge!" as you jump forward, grabbing one of the swords, and slice the vine in half before it has a chance to do anything to you.

Chuckling at the sight of the vine cut into two pieces like a carrot, you fly menacingly towards the creature once more as your blades slowly rotate around you like gears on a clock.

“You see what happens when you let me out of the bag Daddy?” you say menacingly and with heat as your necklace glows briefly. “We all get to have fun…”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Seemingly sensing your cruel intentions, the thing raises it’s claws to it’s face as a mist emenates from it’s flytrap like digits directly into it’s sockets.

“What the-?” you begin before the monster gives a gleeful roar it’s eye sockets begin to glow red right before it fires laser beams directly at you.

“OH COME ON!” You roar as you dodge the heated beams. “Fricken Laser Beams?! REALLY!?!”

Even as you dodge the projectiles though, you suddenly feel a hot impact on your back.

“AAAAHHH!!!” you cry out in pain as you crash to the earth, creating a crater. Shaking your head you look up at the towering laughing monstrosity as your back smarts something fierce.

“That gorramned cheater! You can’t curve laser beams like that!” you yell as your teeth grit when suddenly you subdue your anger into a low burn.
“How annoying of you…” you say dangerously as your amulet glows intermittently and your blades dissipate.

Crawling out of the crater in determination, you fly right up to the thing’s knee.

“Shadow kick!!” you scream as you blast clean through the thing’s leg. As you land on the other side, you see that the hole you made is quickly closing up as the monster regenerates.

“Oh Buck You,” you say in frustration when you notice something.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The tendrils that you’ve severed or blasted from it are wriggling independently from the giant monster, and those vines are currently harassing the remaining market creatures.

“Grr,” you grit your teeth as you look up at the monster. “OK, two can play at the minions game!”

Not even knowing where the idea came from, you focus on the shadows that billow around you, the very essence of your immense power, and with the control granted by the amulet, you create of pool of darkness. Concentrating even further, you realize that the light is harming this pool, so without a second thought, you lower the sun bathing everything in darkness.

Not knowing how you know, you realize that this is just what you needed.

“There we go,” you smile as from out of the pool these strange, twitching imp creatures made of pure darkness with creepy glowing yellow eyes emerge. Then, after a couple dozen of them materialize, another creature emerges from the pool, but it’s different from the others.

It has on an army helmet, is made of flesh, has an Equestrian Flag as a shirt and looks like some sort of goblin.

After they emerge and the pool dissipates the shadows and imp look to you.

“Orders Master?” the imp says in a strange voice.

"Uhhh…Destroy those vine monsters and protect the creatures and ponies they're attacking!" you order.

“Yes Sir!” the imp salutes before it signals the shadow creatures to charge at the separated vines. They set about on the thorny things, and even the fly trap gas attacks don’t seem to affect them much as the Imp directs them and slashes at them with his claws.

The giant monster doesn’t seem to appreciate that as he starts to attack you again.

“What, you thought the Princess of Darkness wouldn’t have her own subjects?! Pathetic!” you cry out in arrogance as the amulet shines just a bit brighter.

Kichi’s Comment

The vine monster’s eyes then glow red again, and knowing what’s about to happen, you summon a few orbs of magic around your horn as it fires.

This time, as you dodge the lasers, you swirl the balls of energy around you which all explode as the lasers hit them instead of you.

Gritting your teeth at the heat, you once more summon your Dancing Blades as you charge the beast, but it’s gotten wiser as well and summons walls, and begins throwing stalls and other debris towards you, causing you to dodge, or slice through them.

A big stall though gets thrown against you, and even with your blades as a shield, you are knocked backwards and are covered in the wreckage.

Popping your head out of the wreckage you are about to charge at the monstrosity again, when a radio within the debris squawks out,

“Attention. The Moon and Sun are being controlled more directly now. As the night sky now fills up our afternoon, it’s clear that the tyranny of Nightmare Moon is upon us”, the reporter pony says.

“OH SHUT UP!!!” you yell at the radio as your horn glows with white hot power and suddenly, you are in front of a white haired stallion with a big moustache.

“I say again, Nightmare Moon through the Hooded Offender has…” the stallion stops dead as he notices you and goes slack jawed.

“SHUT UP WITH YOUR SLANDERING!!!” you shout with all of your hate which makes a lot of his equipment to fall over and his mane to blow back.

“AAAAHHH! Nightmare Moon Has Invaded The Station! The End Times! The End Times Have Co-“

“I SAID SHUT UP!” you roar as he falls out of his seat and his face pales of all color.

“What do you want from me?” he blubbers.

“Stop Bad Mouthing Nightmare Moon! She’s done more for this stupid world than you would ever be able to do in five lifetimes!” you growl. “If you want to blame anyone, blame the stupid Black Suns for stealing my dragon egg!”

“Black Suns? What is that? Are they another name for the Horde?” the pony ask like the reporter he is.

“I don’t bucking know, but whoever they are, I WANT MY DRAGON EGG BACK!” you yell as you blast his radio equipment into scrap causing him to shriek.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to save Rainbow Falls!”

And with that your horn lights up, your vision goes white briefly, and you are once again in the chaos of Rainbow Falls.

“I sure showed that stupid peasant!” you spit with glee. Looking across the battlefield, you see your minions doing a bang up job of hunting down the vines as the kaiju looks around from where you teleported in confusion.

“Hah, idiot,” you chuckle before spotting Grandbuggy and the rest of the Outcasts, who are still fighting against the vines your minions aren’t engaged with.

“Oh right, Grandbuggy…” you say aloud as you look down at yourself. “He must think I’ve gone insane with power or something. I’ve probably worried him or-“

“SSSSSKKKKRRRROOOONNNKKK!!!” a mechanical shout of pain fills the air. Looking to the source, you see as Greta is running away from some vines, clutching Mangle…who’s right paw has been severed and is in one of the fly trap’s mouths.

“MANGLE!!!” you cry out with all of your rage as the gem on your chest shines like a beacon and the shadows quake all around you.

Looking up at your trembling rage filled form you hear Grandbuggy mumble,

“Ah Tartarus,” as you dive bomb the monster that hurt your pet.

You all but vaporize the tendril as you crash into it, leaving yet another crater as you take Mangle’s paw out of it’s mouth and place it in your inventory.

“You Damn Vines! I’ll End You All!” you shout to the surrounding enemies as the monster in the distance hears your roar.

With your eyes glowing brighter than the sun, black flames begin to erupt around you as the surrounding vines catch flame. Rising into the air, the fire swirling around you look down on all the vines all over the market.

You can destroy them all, you have the power, your new weapon ensures that. It doesn’t matter if your shadow minions are attacking a lot of them or not, they must pay for hurting your robot fox!

Earth bending a giant chunk of rock out of the crater you made you hold it aloft your head as…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

You start to focus your dark energy, and the flames around it creating a dark sphere of flaming magic and rock.

I’ll destroy them all. I’ll…

You catch a glimpse of Grandbuggy and the other Outcasts below you and enough sanity compels you to aim for where there are no creatures or ponies, only the vines and some of your minions.

I’ll just bring them back if I need them again, you think coldly before you call out to the heavens,


And sling flaming dark energy meteorite at the vines.

The impact rocks the entire market and flames spread out, setting fire to stalls, vines, and shadow minions alike.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The release of power sends an echo across the world.

The Everfree Forest

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity all stop suddenly as a feeling of dread washes over them.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack stutters.

“Whoa, you all feel that?” asks Rainbow.

“Holy Guacamole, my tail’s going crazy,” Pinkie says.

“Is…is that the plants?” Rarity guesses glancing around.

“Or is it something else?” Fluttershy shudders at the dark feeling.

“Girls! Girls! Twilight needs help!” Spike’s voice breaks through the tension as he runs up to them.

“Ah shoot. I knew we shouldn’t have left her behind,” Applejack berates herself as the friends all gallop off to help the Princess.

Not too far away at the Tree of Harmony, the roots draining it stop briefly at the sensation, and the tree glows faintly for a bit as in two nearby cocoons, two slumbering princesses stir.

At The Crystal Empire

The Crystal Heart spins a little faster and Princess Cadence suddenly is filled with dread.

In Ponyville

Discord gets up from his floating seat and looks on in both awe and slight fear.

“Wow. I didn’t know Nightshade was that strong. Far above dear old Bugze…wherever he is in this whole mess…” As he watches the vines shudder at this display of power, even he feels a bit of guilt.

“Perhaps I let things go too far.”

Somewhere in Fillydelphia

A cloaked figure grabs a nearby rat and drains its magic leaving it weakened. However it stops when it senses an large amount of magic energy.

“Interesting…” The figure says licking their lips. “It’s similar to that wave so many months back…”

In Canterlot

Trixie shudders and begins to cry as she subconsciously touches the scar on her abdomen. She doesn’t know why she’s sad, but the tears flow freely.

In Human Land

Bugze is detailing how he and Nightshade won the derby race…when a sensation of instinct worry hits him.

You feel it too? Selena asks sounding alarmed and worried.

Yeah…Yeah I do, you think frowning.

Feel what? Somba asks a bit confused.

Parental instinct, you respond back. I have a strong feeling Nightshade’s gone and done something grounding worthy…


“Heheh, and the tables begin to turn.” DWC laughs as he looks on with glee. “Oh how I love when bad luck is shared…”

Back With You

Zapper frost’s Comment

“BURN! BURN! BURN! AHAHAHAHA!” you laugh in glee as you finally get it. The way the flames dance, the ash and smoke that fills the air, and the cries of shriveling burning monsters. You now know why Dad loves fire so much.

Kichi’s Comment

Down below, Grandbuggy and Co look at your insane laughing form and sweat nervously.

“She’s gone loco!” Ahuizolt says in horror.

“No Spit Sherclop!” Greta chastises. “That necklace must be scrambling her brains.”

“I don’t know about that,” Grandbuggy thinks nervously. “I mean, I’ve always been on good terms with flames. Her Dad, and even her Grandmother were just as partial so…maybe it’s genetic.”

“…Dude, I’m someone that’s been able to breathe fire my whole life and even I know that’s kind of messed up,” Garble says in disbelief as half the market place burns around them.

“Wait, you can breathe fire? That simplifies things,” a bubbly voice says out of nowhere.

“Hey! What are you-*BURP*” Garble is picked up by Laughing Mary who is now wearing a gas mask as she begins to use him as a flame thrower against the few vines that escaped the meteorite.

“There’s enough fire already chica!” Ahuizotl calls out to her.

“Nonesense, you heard what the scary goddess in the sky said! Burn Burn Burn!” she says before laughing merrily as she carries the confused dragon away.

“…The whole world’s going to Tartarus,” Greta sighs.

“Not yet it ain’t. We just gotta stay alive before Shade saves us to death,” Grandbuggy says as he helps up a scared mare and has her run off.

“Does she not have control Fix?” Ahuizotl asks in worry.

“In my family? Tartarus no,” he spits. “But noling’s ever been as strong as her. I’ve never pulled minions from the abyss itself,” he says pointing to the imp who is helping pull debris off a Buffalo.

Suddenly, the sound of lazer beams once more fills the sky and you are struck once more with burning pain.

“You again…Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about our play time…” you say menacingly as you dash towards the head vine monster.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

As you continue to battle the creature, the rest of the Outcasts help other ponies evacuate along with the few shadow minions that are left.

Eventually they come across another group which is comprised of the Hooded Offender and Crimson Vengeance fanboys.

“We…we…We should definitely arrest her,” says one of the Crimson Vengeance guards and everypony looks at him like he’s insane.

“You want to arrest freaking Nightmare Moon?” asks another CV fan.

“Shadow Eclipse, she’s calling herself Shadow Eclipse now,” says a HO fan.

“Whatever she’s called, she’s wanted by the government. Look at all this destruction she’s causing,” the guard points out.

“Yeah, exactly, look at what she’s causing,” another HO fan points to the many burning stalls and shadow monsters fighting on your behest. “Not exactly much we can do.”

“Really? I thought you’d be all fanboying over this,” a CV fan accuses.

“Nah man, The Hooded Offender is who I root for, this…this spawn of the Nightmare must be some new development…” he says with fear.

“Get yer keisters moving and stop debating what ifs right now ya idjits!” Grandbuggy calls to them.

“Yes stupid ponies, run and stop insulting my master!” comes a warbled voice.

They all look over and see the imp with the army helmet on, glaring at the group.

“What the heck are you anyway?” asks Ahuizotl.

“I am a servant of Darkness. Hail to she the master of it…” he praises as you uppercut the monster with a dark flaming hoof.

“So its true…she is the second coming of Nightmare Moon?” asks a Hooded Offender fan, and the Imp smiles before he starts singing,

Yeah. Watchu know 'bout Nightmare Moon, son?! Welcome Fillies and Gentlecolts; No reason to scream
Your favorite Princess is back; She's walkin' up on the scene

“Oh my gods he’s rapping,” Greta says in terror.

She has been stuck on the moon, but that's no reason to fret
She's not a Nightmare no more, so buckle down and get set

“Now’s not the time for a musical number!” Grandbuggy grumbles but to no avail.

She's comin'; Gracin' her subjects. She ain't leavin' no choice
She's gonna blow you all back with her Equestrian Voice

“FALCON PUNCH!” you cry out.

So cover all of your fears and stow away all your fright
The Lunar Princess is back; to bring the Nightmares Tonight

At his declaration, the remaining shadow minions begin to sing as they fight the few remaining individual vines.

She's living in the past
so you won't last
Without the proper care

With a royal farewell
And an animate spell
You won't have long to prepare

The imp then starts singing again as the Outcasts and the fanboys get another group to safety.

Now little fillies, that is Nightmare’s fight
Your ruler Nightmare Moon is back to come and fill you with fright
So Hurry Now get your goodies and run for the hills
And know that these monsters will die by her will!

“DANCING BLADE!!!” you roar as you slice deep into the monster.

Get runnin' And pray above she forgives your heresy
Or she’ll come and take away your soul showing you no mercy

“Suffer you filthy bucker! SUFFER!” you cry out as you burn one of it’s claws away to a stump causing it to scream.

So run away and go hide; just keep your head out of sight
The darkness is rising again cause this is Nightmare’s fight!

And once more the minions begin chanting as they destroy the rest of the vines.

She's living in the past
so you won't last
Without the proper care
With a royal farewell And an animate spell
You won't have long to prepare

As the song ends Grandbuggy just looks extremely unnerved by the whole thing.

“Holy Buck, this worship is gonna go straight to her head…”

And as Grandbuggy worriedly gets the last of the market goers to safety, you continue fighting the kaiju, despite the cuts and bruises you’ve sustained.

“I’m not weak! I can take the pain! I should have always been able to take the pain! BUCK YOU FOR ROBBING ME OF THIS DADDY!!!” you shriek as you wildly attack the monster, only to be struck once again.

“Ah! What the buck am I saying?!” you say aloud fearfully. “I’m not a crazy pony! I’m not!” you then look down at the shining amulet and grit your teeth.

I've got to end this fight soon, before the amulet gets the better of me!

You are struck once again by another fly trap limb and you are snapped out of your moment of clarity.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“GRAHHH THAT IS IT!!!” you roar as massive amounts of magic gathers into your horn. The beast turns around eyes glowing preparing to fire another laser beam.

“Shade no!” Grandbuggy yells but it’s drowned out by humming of your magic.

“SHADE YES! Burn! BURN! BURN!!!” you chant madly as your pure white eyes take on a tinge of red and the orb of power on your horn triples in size. The beast roars as it fires off it’s laser again.

STARDUST BLAST!!!” you shout in defiance and fire off your own laser.
Your attack ignites, blasting everything back and goes on a collision course for the beast’s beams. However, just as they’re about to hit they spin around your attack.

“What?!” you yell in out in shock and confusion before both beams hit their targets. Yours strikes true and blasts the creature’s upper torso apart, but the curving beams hit you right in the chest.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you scream in torment as the fur and skin on your chest burns. As it does, you hear the sound of shattering glass, and then feel multiple piercing sensations on your chest.

You drop out of the sky, smoking and in pain as the wisps of energy around you begins to dissipate.

“Nightshade!!!” Grandbuggy cries out in fear and alarm as he and the others rush to your side. “Oh gods, oh gods baby, please be alright, please be alright!” he all but sobs as he grabs ahold of your shoulders.

“Uuuuuugggghhhh,” you groan as your eyes fight to stay open.

“Oh thank goodness,” he says with tears in his eyes, his disguise falling to reveal his real changeling form.

“Did…did I beat it?” you gasp out and cringe as you feel your injuries catching up to you.

“Yeah honey, you got it. You-“

“No Bucking Way! It’s Getting Back Up!” Greta squawks in fear and you and everyone else turn to look at the plant monster.

It’s entire right arm is gone, as is most of it’s chest and it’s left “foot” and some of it’s head has been blown away, but it is leaning up on it’s remaining arm and glaring at you. The distant market goers up the mountain scream at that as it tries to stand up.

“Oh come the buck on!” Grandbuggy growls and you scowl at the thing.

“You have a lot of nerve still being alive…” you say with gritted teeth, but you feel weakened. The power is still there…but it feels different to access now.

“Master!” the imp cries as it comes to your side, along with the dozen or so remaining minions. “It’s looking pretty rough. Finish it off,” he says before he and the rest of the minions sort of dissolve into your shadow cast from all the fire.

“Seriously, who the buck are these guys?” Grandbuggy sputters in bewilderment, but with them despawned, you get just enough of a push to stand back up.
“Honey don’t-“ you ignore Grandbuggy as you stumble forward and look at the ragged looking giant.

NO MORE!” your voice booms as you raise your hoof and several large clumps of rock rise from the ground, pushing against the beast. It tries to escape, but no avail as more rocks blast against it making a prison around it.

Grunting you raise your hoof up and the rocks form into a large stone ball and lift into the sky. More and more rock increases the size of the stone prison until it looks nearly the size of Ponyville. Your eyes still blazing, but on your last limits you utter one more forceful command.


You then curl your hoof causing the entire thing to collapse in on itself reducing it to a small pebble.

All of Rainbow Falls, Grandbuggy and your friends look at you with divine awe.

“Holy Buck…” Grandbuggy says it best.

The pebble falls to the ground and you walk over to it. Glaring at the small stone you lift your hoof up and bring it down, reducing the rock to dust.

Smiling in victory, you tiredly look over at your group.

“Well…that was easy…” you sway and fall over.

“Nightshade!” is the last thing you hear before passing out

Several Hours Later

Somewhere in Equestria

Standing on a cliff, a tomb raider and his hench-stallions meet with their hooded benefactor.

“Here’s the egg now where’s my money?” Cabaleron says hoofing over the petrified treasure.

“You’ve done me a great service doctor, here is your reward,” The mare speaks as she passes a large sack of crystals over to the criminal. Cabaleron looks in the bag and widens his eyes.

“Crystals? No bits? Eh money is money, but this is more than you paid for, not that I’m complaining, but what’s the catch?” He said looking up with suspicion in his eyes.

“Think of it as a bonus upfront payment. I still require your services you see.” The figure says passing a list. “I would get them myself but I currently have my hooves full.” The Figure says.
The doctor looks over the list.

“I’m going to need a lot more for this.” Cabaleron says, looking up. “I mean ancient artifacts are my forte, but this...may attract a certain plan ruining adventurer. Also, whatever madness that happened around the forests today, business is going to be harder.”

“Fear not doctor, if you help you will be paid enough to fill a hundred dragon hordes.”
Cabaleron’s eyes turn to dollar symbols for a moment before shaking his head.

“Then I believe we have a deal.” He said with a grin.

“Yes we do.”

“Well, I suppose we’ll be off then. By the way, who are these Black Suns that I’ve been incriminating with my acquisitions?” he asks holding up one of the cards.

“I don’t know. Just a wild goose chase I guess,” the mare shrugs looking at the cards that were her “Friend’s” idea. “Whatever the case, it’ll help keep that adventurer off your back.

“…Indeed,” he nods. “Though I’ve heard she had a bit of meltdown in Canterlot, something to do with Ahuizotl…”

After that the doctor and his goons take their leave as the cloaked mare turns to the cliff and stares out to horizon, toward Rainbow Falls. Smoke can still be seen even in the dimming light.

“You were there, weren’t you?” she says aloud before baring her teeth. “That miserable changeling and his goddess, it had to be them.”
She takes a few deep breaths before she looks down, a tear slipping out of her eye.

“I’ll save you from them Sombra, I’ll free you from being their prisoner, I just have to gather enough forces first…” she then looks at the eggs in her hooves. “And I have to have the means to bring you back.”
Sniffling Radiant Hope pockets the egg and begins walking away from the cliff.

“Once I’ve saved you, we’ll free your people…and this time I will become your queen…”

At Rainbow Falls

A squadron of royal guards, along with two 9 foot tall mechanized suits of armor survey the damage to the Market Place as information is gathered.

One of the suits, painted gold and blue walks up to the white and blue one.

“What’s the news so far Sentry?” asks Shining Armor.

“The reports are…confusing sir,” Flash says from his suit. “More than half of the traders here claim that when the Vines attacked, Nightmare Moon herself appeared and used all sorts of dark magic to fight some sort of giant creature.”

Shining Armor contemplates this information and shakes his head.

“They said Nightmare Moon? Not the Hooded Offender?”

“That’s correct sir,” Flash nods his mech. “When asked for a description, they said it was a female alicorn with unimaginable power. Though after the fight had ended there are reports that a group of different creatures ran to her side, and one of them was a changeling.”

Shining looks to the craters littering the landscape and sighs.

“Sweet Celestia, that’s not good at all. I don’t know what it means, but if Bugze has somehow been able to make her flesh and blood again…”

Flash seems unnerved by that as well but something doesn’t sit right with him.

“But sir, what would be the point? Why would Nightmare Moon attack these vines that attacked all the other princesses? Why not take Canterlot?”

“I don’t know Flash. Perhaps she saw an opportunity to gain supporters,” Shining says while looking at a group of Crimson Vengeance and Hooded Offender fans who are talking to the guards.

“You really think so?” asks Flash.
“Stranger things have happened. I mean Tartarus, Blueblood was in charge of Canterlot for half a day,” he shudders.

“Yeah I heard,” Flash shudders as well. “Hopefully it wasn’t too bad?”

“Not really. He’s not ungrounded by Celestia, but he is being allowed his dance “Royal Dance Instructor” for whatever reason. Still though he really shouldn’t have been spreading mass panic by yelling about Nightmare Moon…though maybe he was onto something.” Shaking his head Shining looks back at the field. “And once again, we’re too late to try these suits out on her.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing since Strong Head refused to leave Blueblood’s side during the whole ordeal. I think all three of us would have been needed if there was Nightmare Moon and a Kaiju” Flash says.

“Perhaps,” Shining shrugs. “But I think that we’ll be facing her soon enough.”

“Captain!” a guard runs up to the two mechs.

“What is it private?” asks Shining.

“We have a possible lead on where that changeling went after the battle.”

“Speak up then private,” he orders and the stallion nods.

“After the battle when Nightmare Moon disappeared, a changeling and a number of mismatched creatures left in a covered wagon heading North.”

Frowning at that, Shining looks to Flash.

“Sentry if no other leads are gathered, I want you to look into this personally. If you find her and…and if you find Bugze, then try to subdue them, but if you can’t pick up the trail, then report back to Canterlot.”

“Yes sir!” the mech salutes.

Meanwhile 10 Miles Outside of Rainbow Falls

A group of cloaked individuals stand around a container, which holds an angry looking black claw made of vines.

“Well this was an interesting development.” One figure says as they close the box.

“Yes, it was,” Another says with a cold tone. “Good thing we got a sample before the Elements of Harmony wiped all the plants off the face of Equus.”

“Yeah, this should come in handy, if you pardon the pun, but thank goodness we got out of there before the feds showed up” a third one says looking at the box.

“But most of all, after months of absence, the Hooded Offender finally shows himself again,” the first one says sounding happy.

“Well the boss is gonna be happy about that. He was starting to worry he wouldn’t be able to heed the call when everything goes down,” the third one agrees..

“At least something will. What the heck was up with that News Cast broadcasting our name during the panic? We haven’t gone public yet,” the second one spits.

“Well obviously there’s a leak, so we gotta be more careful,” the third one suggests before looking at the horizon. “Just wish we’d have been her even sooner. There’s no telling which way the Offender went.”

“Yeah, and the boss is definitely gonna want tabs if we can find him.”

Suddenly from the top of Rainbow Falls, a golden and blue mech flies north.

“…Do you think the guards found a lead?” asks the third one.

“Well if it’s just Sentry going, then maybe…” number one muses.

“Well, he is by himself right?” the second one asks coldly. “If he’s found a lead, then so have we, but if not then maybe we can scrap more toys off the feds for the Boss’s toy.”

The other two look at each other in debate before looking back to number two.

“If you want to tail the guard we’ll pass the info and the claw on up to the higher ups,” number three says.

“Excellent,” the blue unicorn stallion with pale blue eyes says maliciously. “I’m already there.”

Some Time Later

“Ugh...” you groan as your eyelids barely open and you look around. You’re on a bed in a small room of some kind and a small blue lantern lights the room on a nearby nightstand.

Turning your head you see a small window and through it you notice that it is night out…and the trees are moving.

“Just…stay down,” you groan as you try to take a defensive stance, but the effort causes you to groan and slump back in pain. You’re everything hurts and moving anything aside from your head is torture., From outside of your room you hear muffled voices. You can’t make out what they’re saying, but you could recognize Grandbuggy’s gravelly voice anywhere. Sighing you look back out the window and realize that the trees aren’t moving, you are.

“I guess I’m in a carriage, like Trixie’s,” you muse faintly remembering the few times you weren’t sleeping in Daddy’s Inventory. Instead of magical supplies and hammocks though, there are instead several knick knacks all over. You see masks, gems, necklaces, several books, a map with several X’s on it, and countless other oddities, but the act of looking is exhausting. You close your eyes again and drift off.

Even More Time Later

You are woken by the sound of birds chirping and the rays of the sun creeping into the room.

“Ugh, stupid sunshine,” you grumble and groan as you try to get up again, this time with mild success.

“Well, get used to it sweetheart, it happens every morning,” Grandbuggy’s voice says from the foot of your bed. In your bleary eyed awakening, you didn’t notice him at first.

“Grandbuggy?” you say as you rub your eyes.

“The one and only,” he smirks trying to sound arrogant, but he looks tired and sad. “Good morning Nightshade…you alright?”

“Yeah…” you grunt. “Just a bit sore. Where are we?”

“We’re in the Merchant’s travel cart. He helped us get out before the guards arrived,” he says with a sigh.

“G-Guards?” you ask hesitantly.

“Ayup,” he nods. “Can’t go causing a scene like that and not attract their attention…” he says looking down.

Flashes of your fight, of what you said, how you felt…the power come to you and you gasp.

“Shade...where did you get the Alicorn Amulet from?” he asks tiredly.

“I...I-I” you begin, but you can’t find the words as guilt eats at you. Your eyes begin to fill with water before the dam bursts and you begin sobbing. Sighing, Grabdbuggy walks to your side of the bed and pulls you into a hug, and you bury your muzzle into his shoulder.

“Shh ahh it’s ok, let it out. Let it all out girl,” He whispers stroking your mane.

“I’m sorry, *hic* I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to, *hic* but the plant had you, and they just kept coming and I... *hic* I’m sorry,” you weep.

“It’s alright now, the plants are gone. You saw fit to that,” he says soothingly.

“I know *hic* But I was crazy and…I didn’t mean to make you mad,” you sob.

“I’m not mad, I’m just worried. You had me scared there for a minute. You had all of us scared what with the fire and all. You’re definitely your father’s daughter,” he says with a chuckle as he lifts your chin up and wipes a tear from your cheek.

“I’ll never be mad at you for defending yourself and others Nightshade…but using the Alicorn Amulet,” he shakes his head at that. “You know first hoof how dangerous it is.”

You nod at that, feeling immense disappointment in yourself.

“Though the old adage goes, desperate times call for desperate measures…but for that thing to just randomly be at that marketplace when it was supposed to be with that Zebra gal…something stinks about it.”

You nod your head at that. You wouldn’t even have the stupid thing if it weren’t for Daddy’s “Friend.”

“So honey, I need to know. Where did ya find that thing?”

Letting out a sigh, you go on to explain what happened. The scroll that you didn’t pick up from Daddy’s friend, though you summarize what it said and how the amulet was with it and how you used it to become uber magical. When asked how often this friend wrote to Daddy, you said it was random, and you’ve never met him.

“That’s…troubling,” Grandbuggy says with a frown as he looks off in thought.

“I know, if he was really our friend, he’d have introduced himself a long time ago,” you add.

…It couldn’t be. The herald?” Grandbuggy mumbles to himself.

“Huh? What was that?” you say not quite hearing him.

“N-nothing honey, just thinking out loud,” he reassures.

“Oh…ok then,” you say a little suspicious, but you let it go for now.

“Well in the future, hopefully we won’t be in a situation where we need this “friend”” Grandbuggy says patting your shoulder and you wince.

“Oh sorry honey. Guess it is hard to tell where you’re still hurt,” he says pointing down at your body. Aside from your head, literally every part of your body is covered in bandages.

“Whoa, was I bleeding that much?” you ask.

“Nah, but my limited medical knowledge is ‘bandages solve everything,’ so better safe than sorry,” he shrugs.

Rolling your eyes at that, you attempt to sit up and he helps you.

“Oh gosh I can’t believe I feel so weak,” you complain.

“Well, two days ago you were moving Celestial bodies and outpouring so much mana it’d make the Princesses jealous,” he chuckles before stopping. “Though maybe we should leave out your little demon minions next time, that’s gonna be super tough to explain to your dad.”

“Two days?” you say in shock ignoring the comment about your minions. “I’ve been asleep that long?”

“Well Shade, you jumped on a bike without even learning how to ride. Ya didn’t even have any training wheels. In the future you might be able to do that without a second thought, but you took a cheat sheet with that amulet.”

“Oh…I guess that makes sense,” you nod.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Still, that fighting move I came up with was awesome right? Crazy or no crazy?”

“Well…it was certainly something,” Grandbuggy says with a small smile and you feel a little better and get to your hooves.

“Though Dancing Blades on anything other than evil plant monsters might be a bit dangerous…maybe I’ll turn it into Dancing Shields or something in the future.”

“Heh heh, don’t go planning fights now little filly. We’re heading to the Dragon Lands and the last thing you want to do is pick a fight with a dragon,” he says as he opens the door.

“But I literally use to do that all the time, that’s why Garble was my rival or whatever,” you point out.

“I’m talking about real dragons shade, not your rival and not your drake friend.”

“He’s not my…ugh, I’m too tired to argue,” you pout as he chuckles and leads you outside.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you both exit the carriage, you see the others of your group. Ahuizotl is keeping watch, Greta and the merchant are cooking breakfast, and surprisingly Garble is there too, lighting a campfire.

“Oh, she’s finally awake,” Greta says causing everyling to look over.

They stare at you, you stare at them…and unlike your dad you don’t let that go too far.

“H-Hi guys,” you wave. “Sorry if I scared you or anything.”

“Scared us? Chica, I’m still frightened of you,” Ahuizotl shudders. “Though I do appreciate not being digested so thank you.”

The others echo similar sentiments.

“Yeah, uh…how long do ponies usual live for?” Garble asks. “Because I think I need to be fully grown in order to beat you…”

“Heh heh heh, that’ll be the day,” the merchant chuckles causing the dragon to scowl.

“Yeah…by the way, why are you two following us?” you ask. “Not that I’m not grateful for the bed while I was passed out but…”

“Oh, well I didn’t want to stick around when the guards showed up. Got quite a collection of odds and ends that isn’t necessarily…legal,” the Merchant chuckles.

“And I’m coming because as powerful as you are, I’m still your rival. Maybe if I train with you, I can one day surpass you,” Garble boasts.

“Right…well, thanks for not abandoning us after I went…kind of crazy,” you say sheepishly.

“Eh, no sweat kid. I still think it was kind of awesome.” As she says that, Mangle runs from out from under Greta and hugs you.

“Oof, easy there girl I’m still a bit-Mangle! Your paw is back!” you say happily as your robot hugs you with both arms.

“Yeah, Mr. Creepy here fixed her up while you were sleeping,” she says pointing to the Merchant.

“Oh My Gosh, thank you!” you say in all sincerity.

“Ah, no problem at all,” he hoof waves as you pet your restored pet. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t help you with your real problem.”

“Huh? My real problem?” you ask confused and Grandbuggy grits his teeth at the Merchant.

“Oh…sorry, I thought he told you already.”

“Told me what Grandbuggy?” you say worriedly. He looks at you and sighs.

“I was hoping to get some breakfast in ya before I broke the news…it’s about the Alicorn Amulet Shade.”

“Oh don’t worry, I’m not going to use it again,” you reassure before a thought comes to you.

“Say, where is it anyway? Did I take it off before I passed out?”

The others all look at each other nervously but don’t say anything and you get a bit more nervous.

“No Shade…that’s the problem. I don’t know if you can," he says tiredly.

“Wh-what do you mean? I’m not wearing it right now,” you say pointing to your neck.

“You’re not wearing it true…but that doesn’t mean it ain’t on ya,” Grandbuggy says biting his lip and pointing to your bandages on your chest.

Confused and even a bit scared you tear at the bandages on your battered chest…and see several shards of red, black and grey crystal embedded into the upper right portion of your chest skin.

Your mouth agape you look up from the shards, to the others and back as you try to dig them out of your skin…but to no avail.

“Oh Buck You Lady Luck!” you shout.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment



You feel another tick of annoyance as some instinct deep within you knows that Nightshade is upset…but there’s really nothing you can do right now as you finish up yet another tale to the Humie girls about Nightshade.

You didn’t exactly tell the whole story. You left out details about the Otherworld, killing Flag Burner, eating Sombra and the more sociopathic sides of you before you and Selena found equilibrium. Really all you’ve told them is lots about Nightshade and how much you love her and how you’ve defended her hoof and tail. You also don’t bring up just how much Princess Twilight, there friend, hates you or that the former Mare in the Moon is in your head.

Still, they get the gist of your tale, that Sunset is your only hope of getting your daughter back, Equestria isn’t really kind to you, how you’re (kind of/sometimes) on good terms with their doppelgangers and how finding the magical Siren Stones is the only way to help someone you care for.

“And so that brings us here,” you conclude. Looking at all the girls and Flash, you read their reactions.

Human Fluttershy seems a bit unnerved about all your past exploits and fighting, Rarity you’re not sure if she heard the tale or is still judging you and B2’s clothes, Pinkie Pie of course has been interested from the get go, Flash just seems flabbergasted and Sunset seems confused about the Equestria she left behind.

Human Rainbow Dash and Applejack however seem to suddenly be your biggest fans.

“Dude, you’ve got to teach me some of your fighting moves,” Rainbow begs.

“Boy howdy you do,” AJ agrees. “I’m quite protective of my own family, so I can appreciate your plight pardner.”

Out of the corner of your eye, you see B2 flinch at that, but you ignore it for now since you’re taken aback by this turn of events.

Huh, I guess humans just love violence a lot more than ponies.

Not all of them it seems, Selena muses.

And that’s quite derogatory to think, Sombra chides.

True, but if it was gonna be anyling, of course it’d be Dash and Applejack’s dopplegangers. Still, it’s weird them being all friendly like this instead of beating me or trying to get me to marry them. There’s literally no middle ground with their real versions.

“And dude, I can’t believe that you’re actually the Hooded Offender,” Rainbow Dash says looking at B2 with sparkles in her eyes.

“I’ve been getting that a lot lately,” he says rubbing the back of his neck.

“Seriously dude, I know how to do the solo to Burn the Flag! Please tell me the comeback tour is actually happening and not just a misunderstanding due to pony world crises?”

“Uh…that remains to be seen,” he says.

“Yeah, you can worry about that later,” you interrupt. “What matters now is that you humies have to turn Sunset into a nice, happy go lucky friendly human so that I can go home. Do you think you can handle it?”

The high school girls all look at each other and mumble a few things while you, B2, Sunset and Flash await their response.

Stuffing your face with another donut, you get a text from Human Twilight Sparkle, and she seems to be upset about something.

Hmmm…Probably about B2 ditching Human Cadence. Should I introduce her to the others to complete the whole Deadly Set? It is late...


Episode 41: You're the Inspirational One Apparently

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Hmm…There’s already enough going on tonight, I’ll broach the subject later, you conclude as you start tapping away. Thankfully you've been practicing using your fingers to text with your phone, so you “quickly” (not as quick as actual humans obviously) text Hu-Light.

Hey, now isn’t a good time to talk. Just tell Cadence I’m sorry OK?

Almost immediately you get a response back.

Huh? What’s wrong with Cadence?

What? Isn’t that why you’re upset? You ask.

No, I just wanted to vent to someone because Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet trashed my locker again. What did you do to upset Cadence?
Eyes widening at your slip you quickly attempt to divert that conversation.

Oh, nothing to worry about. But hey, why are they targeting you again? I thought you used scary technology to get back at them?

I did, but I never said it was me that did it.

Well there’s your problem. When taking vengeance, you have to own up to it so they know where retribution is coming from.

“Who are you texting?” Sunset Shimmer asks seeing your concentrated face.

“This world’s version of Twilight Sparkle,” you mention off hand and her eyes widen.

“Wait, what?” she gasps. “How long have you-“

“I’ll tell you later,” you cut her off as you send out your next text and she frowns.

Get them back immediately and make sure they know it was you. Also, I might have some new people for you to meet in the future so keep that in mind.

OK? Well thanks for the advice. I’ll put something into motion tonight. And thanks but I’m not too keen on new people. Also whatever you did to Cadence I’ll know soon enough, I’m asking her now. Also, I have other questions to ask you still about the mall.

You cringe at that since she’s constantly been asking questions about the mall incident since you got fired. You haven’t admitted to anything, but you know she might be on to you.

Stupid bookworm, too smart for her own good.

I’m just surprised she’s the only human to investigate further than what the media presented, Selena adds.

Exactly! Now if only the real Twilight would see past all the bullspit, you think in melancholy over her immediately accepting that Selena was using you as a puppet. Shaking your head from these thoughts you respond with a classic text conversation stopper that humans implement.


Looking up from your phone you notice that aside from Sunset, noling else has paid attention to your texting. The partial Human Deadly 6 are still huddled up and whispering to each other while Flash and B2 seem to be muttering about something.

Hmm. Guess it’s so commonplace it doesn’t raise many eyebrows.

Humans do love their technological wonders after all, both in reality and fantasy, Sombra concludes.

Too much maybe, you shrug before you notice that Sunset seems a bit distressed.

"Hey Sunset, what's up? You look a little pale. Sorry about the whole Twilight thing, but it wasn’t really important till n-"

"It's not that,” she interrupts and looks down. “Well, not just that anyway…”

“Oh?” you question.

“It’s just…” she lets out a sigh. “So much has happened since I left Equestria. Princess Luna's return, Discord's return and reformation-"


"A changeling invasion, the return of the Crystal Empire, an entire terrorist organization's rise and fall. I guess..." Sunset goes silent for a few moments before she sighs again and says, "I guess a part of me feels like if I wasn't so selfish and bent on power, then maybe I would have stayed and been able to help out."

Poor dear, the guilt she was able to hold back during her reign of 'evilness' must be hitting full force now that she knows all the events from her home...
Can't say I blame her, I would feel pretty crummy too if I found out a bunch of stuff happened while we were here that we could of helped make less worse.

For some reason you feel an immense amount of irony at that thought, but you shrug it off and focus on comforting Sunset. You place a hand on her shoulder before you say,

"Hey it’s not that bad. Sure you may have missed out on a lot of stuff, but you probably had plenty of adventures while you were here right?"

"Sure, but most of those 'adventures' were me being am evil and manipulative bully, so not many good memories there,” she says in a depressed tone.
You cringe slightly at that before you quickly say,

"Well my life isn't exactly full of sunshine of rainbows either. Well I mean rainbows in the sky not Rainbow the pony-" At Sunset's 'really' look you quickly stop talking before stuttering out "Er-what I mean is that my life ain’t peachy either. But I'm still a reference spewing, flank-kicking, badflank with only a slightly extreme case of paranoia and destructive habits! You wanna know why?"

Multiple untreated head traumas? A lack of self-discipline and common sense?

Too many video games and media influencing you?

Okay, quiet peanut gallery I didn't ask you for the Semi-Truth!

“Why?” Sunset asks unsurely and you smirk.

"Cause I got folks like Nightshade to keep me going. Every day I remember that there are those out there who care about me, and so I make sure to keep on moving so that they don't worry. Now I know before you didn't have that, but now you do with them."

You point over to the still mumbling girls, who are also shooting you looks of what you think may be awe at your little speech, but you ignore them when Sunset still has an unsure look.

"And if they don't, then you can count on me and B2 to be there." You point a thumb back towards B2, who is stuffing his face with Donuts. When he notices you pointing at him he gives a muffled,


You roll your eyes at that before looking back at Sunset, who now finally has something besides unease in her eyes. Something you yourself have constantly had to fight to keep.


" you really mean that Mr. Bugze?"

"Sure, why not?” you smile. “You’re really my only hope to get back home, so I’m putting all my faith in you, so why not return the favor?”
She smiles at that.

“Besides what's one more ex-villain on my friends list anyway? What's Sunbutt gonna do, accuse me of making a 'League of Villains?' Ha!"
Sunset lets out a laugh at your comment as well, and you decide to ignore the slight dread you felt at it. You were probably just imagining things anyway.

“Is-Ha-Is that even a thing? The Ex-Villain club?” she asks.

“Eh, kind of,” you wave your hand thinking of Selena, Aqua, the Changeling 5, and even Sombra to a lesser extent. “But “reformed” or not, Discord is on thin bucking ice around me…”

“Oh…OK?” she mutters as she hears the heat in your words. You told her and the rest about the one sided battle you fought against him and the dirty trick he pulled before he was stoned.

Not like those false memories matter anymore with everyling thinking you’re controlling me, You think bitterly to Selena.

Indeed, though I wonder sometimes if I as I am now would even be here were it not for his meddling. Our bond did grow through our plight, she points out.

Huh…Yeah, You nod. Who knows what would have happened to you if I’d been all buddy buddy with them way back when?

And with that thought of “What If,” the human girls finally break their huddle and turn to your side of the table, causing you and the rest to pay attention.

“Alright, we’ve reached a consensus,” Rarity says and pauses.

“…And?” you ask impatiently.

“Oh sorry, just building up suspense,” she smirks and you roll your eyes.

“Really Rares?” Rainbow asks.

“What? A monumental decision like this needs the appropriate flair.

“Alright, I’m flared, what’s the answer?” you ask.

“The answer’s of course we’re gonna help out,” Applejack says, cutting through all the fanciness and causing Rarity to harrumph.

“Alright awesome!” you cheer as you pump your fist. “Was kind of nervous there for a second.”

“Well you shouldn’t have been, any sorta-kinda friend of Princess Twilight’s is a friend of ours,” Pinkie says bubbly.

“You could have fooled me,” Flash chimes in. “What with the group huddle and everything…”

“Oh, that was to discuss whether we should ask for merch and stuff for when The Wanted get back together as payment, or not,” Rainbow says looking to B2.

“Uh…we don’t actually have anything out right now?” he says nervously.

“Don’t worry partner, we all let Rainbow know that was a bit extortiony,” Applejack reassures.

“I still want an autograph!” Rainbow grumbles.

“Well regardless, we’re helping you darling,” Rarity says to you.

“We would have helped Sunset anyway, even if Twilight hadn’t of asked,” Fluttershy pipes up. To this Sunset seems to be in disbelief.

"Bu-but I ruined your friendships! I turned the school into a miserable warzone of cliques against cliques. I turned everyone into mind-controlled zombies! Why would you help me out still!?"

To her, and the others, surprise it’s not one of them who answers, but you.

"Of course they would Sunset. If these girls are like the ones from back home, they would have helped even if you turned Sunbutt into a statue," you chuckle.

"I don't understand, from what you said Equestria isn't exactly on your side and you've even fought their pony versions before. How can you be so sure that they'd help me?"

I have to agree with her my bug, just why do you believe the Element Bearers would be so set on helping a former enemy?

You smile knowingly at both Sunset and Selena's questions before you say,

"True...but trust me on this, you never really know a person till you’ve fought in battle with them, or however that saying goes.”

“Who said that?” asks Fluttershy.

“Some dead guy from the past I’d assume, but anyway the real versions of you girls are some of the most stubborn, violent, crazy and head strong ponies I’ve ever known…but they’ve also been kind, loyal and caring as well. Of course they’d be willing to give her a second shot.”

The girls’ smile and Sunset seems more at ease from your words.

My Bug...did you really mean all that?

I...I don't really know Selena. I mean, they did supposedly reform Discord after all, so it is in their nature, just not for us. Either way, it helps them think I’m a little friendlier with their counterparts than I actually am, so more power to them. So long as it’s not you or me, the real Deadly 6 help anyling, you think a little bitterly.

Oh…Selena says sounding a bit put off herself.

…If it helps any, I doubt they’d give me another chance either, Sombra tries to comfort.

Well of course they wouldn’t, you still want to mind control them, you snark.

How else are you supposed to get 100% compliance?! He counters.

Rolling your eyes at his antics, you see that Sunset is gracefully accepting the girls’ words.

“I guess…I guess after how quickly things went last night I didn’t fully believe it,” Sunset says with a happy sniffle.

“Well seeing is believing, we’ll be your best buds. It doesn’t matter that Mr. Bugze’s entire hopes and dreams are riding on the outcome, we’ll be your friends till the end,” Pinkie smiles.

“Wow…thanks you guys,” she says gratefully.

“Yeah, thanks…” you say a bit sarcastically.

“Yeah…maybe I should have that same optimism as well,” Flash says to her causing her to turn. “I know things between us got…rough. But I won’t leave you hanging like an outcast.”

“…Thanks Flash,” she nods.

The girls and Flash then all keep reassuring Sunset and talking about plans and activities for them all to do and you smirk.

“Looks like they’re all on board,” B2 says impressed.

“Eyup. I don’t know exactly how long redemption takes, but I know that with their help I’ll be seeing my little filly much sooner than 2 years.”

“Right…your Nightshade…” he mutters while looking off into space. You raise a brow at how he said that.

“You OK?” you ask.

“Yeah I’m fine, I just…” he trails off before shaking his head and standing up. “I’m gonna go use the restroom.”

“Oh, alright. I’ll be right here still,” you say as he walks off and you take one of his donuts.

Bugze, Selena scolds you.


He’s clearly upset about something.

He is? You think in surprise as you see him enter the bathroom.


How can you tell?

I’ve been with you nearly 4 years, I know your tics. Your counterpart has the same ones.

Oh…you then look guiltily at the stolen donut and put it back on his plate. There, that should help some.

Oh for…Selena trails off and you hear her facehoof.

What? The last thing I need is to make him more upset. Besides, he’ll be out in no time and I’ll ask him what’s up then, you placate.

Bugze, he jumped out of a window earlier when he was panicked. Don’t you think he might do the same now? She argues.

…Good point, you nod as you stand up.

“I’ll be right back,” you tell the humans as you jog to the restroom.

“What’s up with that?” you hear Flash ask.

“When you gotta go, you gotta go,” Pinkie shrugs.

Opening the door to the restroom, you see that Selena is right like usual as B2 has one of his legs hanging out of the window leading to the alleyway.

“What are you doing?” you ask him causing him to stop and turn to you nervously.

“Oh, uh, hey Bugze. I was just, uh, stretching my calves on the window sill,” he stammers before mimicking a stretch and pulling his leg back inside. “Need to keep limber ya know?”

You are not convinced.

“Dude, you were just going to ditch me? What the buck bro?” you scold and he wilts down. “I mean, I understand the whole Cadence and Luna situation, but why now?”

He looks at you guiltily before letting out a sigh.

Kichi’s Comment

“Look, I’m just…I just felt a little uneasy is all.”


“Yeah man,” he nods. “I mean, here I am hearing your life’s story once again, but now you got a bunch of happy go lucky high schoolers hearing it and jumping on board to help you.”

“And? What’s to get upset about that?” you ask confused.

“I don’t know,” he shakes his head. “It’s just…they’re just going for it, hook line and sinker. They wanna help the bacon haired girl, and in turn they want to help you so you can get home to your daughter and…and that’s awesome.”

Still lost at why he is upset about this he just waves his hand and looks down at the ground.

“I’m not upset that good things are happening man, It’s just that…I think I might be a little jealous.”


“Yeah. You’ve got a goal and people to help you, and it’s a noble goal as well,” he then looks up at you. “But what the buck do I got? I’m still all but broke, got very few friends, and a vague dream like goal of putting my band back together…but I’ve got no real plan or goal.”

“Oh…” you say in sympathy as he quivers a bit.

“I’m nothing man…and I feel like a piece of crap for being upset at something good for you, so I was just gonna bounce so my negative attitude wouldn’t bring things down.”

“You don’t have to leave B2, I understand where you’re coming from,” you reassure and he looks up at you a bit in surprise before he laughs.

“Maybe you do…but still, I can’t help the way I feel. Especially because you have someone like Nightshade in your life.”

You raise a brow at that and he continues.

“Hearing your story again, the main point you kept hammering home to those girls was how important she was to you and…well, I don’t have anyone like that in my life.”

“But…you’ve got, uh…” you stammer and he smirks.

“Who, Sombra? Big whoop. Maybe he’s the closest thing I have to a best friend, but I’m not invested in him like you are with your daughter,” he sighs again. “Grandpappy’s resting in peace, my folks died when I was little, and I know my Grandma’s real family doesn’t even know about me. Bunch of yeehawers probably wouldn’t like me for being a metal head anyway.”

You raise a brow at that.

Wait, does he already know that him and Applejack are related? Before you can inquire this, he sighs and slumps his shoulders once more.

“If Chrysalis hadn’t destroyed my band…could I have had a Nightshade of my own?” he shakes his head. “Whatever, it’s far too late for that anyway. I’ll never have a kid to care for like you do…”

You don’t say anything as he ponders.

“I mean, Nighthsade was one of our best songs, so I probably would have named her that. But things with Nimmy…” he trails off and shakes his head. “Guess I’ll never have what you have…”

You give your sad human counterpart a few moments of silence as he wallows in self pity before you slap him upside the head.

“OW!” he cries out.

“Quit your bucking moping already,” you scold and he looks at you in surprise.

“What? I-“

“Sure you don’t have a Nightshade, and sure maybe things went wrong with your Ex, but don’t think the whole world is against you. Believe me, I know how that feels,” you chide.

He looks down at that, and you place your hand on his shoulder.

“Look, don’t beat yourself up too much, you can come back from this. And who knows, maybe it’s not too late for a Human Nightshade to come about…”

He looks up at you at that.

“I don’t know man…Nimmy…”

“You never know unless you try B2. You just can’t keep jumping out of windows and running away.”

“He’s right,” comes a feminine voice. Looking backwards you both see Sunset and the rest of the Humans standing in the doorway of the restroom.


“You can’t just run when the going gets tough. I’m starting to see that now,” Sunset says looking at her smiling friends. “You just gotta give it a chance, no matter how scary.”

B2 looks at her and her words of conviction and nods. He doesn’t say anymore, but you can see the gears turning in his head.

“We’d be willing to help you anyway we can Mr. Hooded Offender music man,” Pinkie adds helpfully.

“N-No thanks kid. I think…I think this is something I gotta do myself,” B2 says.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” Pinkie says with a smile.

“Uh, thanks for the encouraging words and all guys, but uh, are you sure you should be in here? This is the colt’s room.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Just as you say that, there is a flushing noise from one of the stalls and all of you look over to see Prince Blueblood’s human counterpart open the door and walk out wearing headphones. He immediately stops and his eyes widen when he sees the 6 girls, one guy, and two homeless looking dudes all crowded around looking at him.

He stares in shock for five heartbeats before he slowly backs into the stall and gingerly closes the door and starts screaming in confusion.

Both you and B2 facepalm at that as all of the girls get red in the face with embarrassment and Flash laughs like a loon.

“We should go,” you say to the girls as the teen continues screaming in confused terror.

Suffice to say, when your whole group steps out of the restroom, you all garner quite a few stares from the other patrons, but you all try to ignore them as you make your way back to your table.

“That probably wasn’t the smartest idea,” Sunset mumbles in embarrassment.

“You’re telling me. My street cred’s definitely going down after this,” Rainbow grunts.

“What street cred?” Applejack says sardonically causing a scowl from the rainbow haired girl.

Talk about mood whiplash, Selena mutters.

I know right?

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you all settle down and everyone laughs nervously, still kind of embarrassed, you get another text on your phone.

Oh thank Luna, a distraction, You think as you look down at another message from Twilight. But this one you know is serious because it’s in all caps.


You give one good look at the phone before slowly looking up. You then remember where Twilight got the robots in the first place.

Fazbear's Fright. FAZBEAR'S FRIGHT. You get a flashback to the last time you dealt with those animatronics.

"Oh buck." You get up and grab your counterpart much to the confusion of the girls.

"Whoa hey! What's going on?!"

"No time, Robots! Kidnapped teens! Fazbear!" You yell in a crazed stupor as your hatred for machines begins to take the wheel. You burst out of the restaurant while carrying your double in tow as you race down the road. You don’t know where this place is, but running randomly seems like the best option. Meanwhile the girls (and Flash) stare slack jawed at what just happened.

"Should we follow them?" Rarity asks.

"I don't...." Flash continues. However Sunset butts in with a gasp.

"Did he say Kidnapped teens?" It takes a few moments before the group races after you two, but not before Pinkie runs back in and pays the tab. She turns to the viewers.

"What? You always have to pay for your food. It's the law!"

She smiles before running back to the group.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After running down the street madly for awhile, B2 eventually gets out of your grasp.

“Dude, what the hell’s going on?”

“Robots! Evil Demonic Robots! We Gotta Stop The Machines!” you shout before he slaps you.

“…Huh, déjà vu,” you mutter as you calm down a bit.

“OK, now where are the robots?” he asks.

“…I don’t know actually,” you say before opening The Internets on your phone.

“Magic Phone Lady, Where is Fazbear’s Fright?”

The lady that lives in your phone then gives you directions. Surprisingly, you were kind of heading in the right direction already.

“Huh, that’s neat,” you say.

“Alright, now why are we running towards robots?” B2 asks.

“Oh, right. Twilight’s kind of taken her pranking too far and the animatronics she hijacked to scare her bullies have kidnapped them and her and in my experience, they’re probably going to disembowel them alive.”

“…Oh…OK…” he says taken aback. “Well, I guess we should go stop that then.”

“My thoughts exactly, and since Sombra ain’t here, and I don’t want to take a death bus, running is the best course to-“

Just as you say that, a car and a truck come rounding the corner and nearly hit you two.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you both scream and hug each other, but thankfully both vehicles stop, and you see that the drivers are Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

They all get out of the vehicles and rush up to you.

“OK, who’s been kidnapped? And where are we going?” Sunset asks.

It’s then that you realize maybe Sunset saving some humans could bump up her redemption faster, so you give her the quick rundown.

“Wait, Fazbear’s Fright?” Fluttershy asks with a gulp and a shake. “Oh dear…”

“That place is creepy with a capital C,” Pinkie says. “Plus I still remember the original Freddy Fazbears, I had so many birthday parties there and it was fun.”

“Those animatronics were always creepy,” Rainbow argues.

“That’s true, but that just begs the question, why do you think they’re rampaging now?”

“Oh, Twilight told me. I actually met her when I first crossed over and was gonna introduce you all eventually, but now’s a good time as any.”

All their eyes widen at that, and even Flash is taken aback.

“Twilight’s here?” he asks hopefully.

“Down boy, it’s our world’s Twilight,” B2 shuts him down.


“Our world or not, we gotta save her and the others!” Sunset says in determination.

You all then pile into different vehicles with you, Sunset, Flash, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy in one car, and the rest in the AJ’s truck. As Dash breaks every speed limit known to man and beast, you try to keep your focus and not vomit.

“So, uh…what exactly are we going to do to these scary robots?” asks Fluttershy nervously.

“We’ll break them of course,” Rainbow says.

“How? Do you guys have access to your magic from last night?” asks Sunset.

“Well…no…” Rainbow admits. But we’ll think of something.”

“Just use basic fighting moves and avoid their sharp teeth. Also fire, fire is good too,” you say as you squeeze your seat belt hard.

“Is karate good enough? I know karate,” Rainbow asks.

“That’s a start, but just watch me when I go in. I’m sure a Falcon Punch here is as good as one in Equestria.”

“Ooooh, are you gonna teach us your moves you kept bragging about?” Rainbow asks hopefully.

“Yeah sure, they’re quite easy to pick up, even Fluttershy could learn them.”

“Eeep, I don’t think I could actually,” she shrinks down.

“Also, I’m not sure your moves will work here since you’re not a hooved creature anymore. Also, the media differences your moves are based on might not translate for them,” Sunset points out.

“Well whatever, just throw out a few good moves and learn to defend yourselves so it’s not on my head if you get hurt. I’ve got a few goodies I can implement as well.”

Although I suggest not using the plasmids unless necessary, your arm is only just now almost healed, Selena warns.

Yeah, I was thinking maybe tying out Gloriosa’s Crystal for a change. You know, make Sombrero happy for once.

…What? He asks when you both wait for him to respond. That is a good idea, and who am I to say no to crystals?

See, there you have it.

Alright then my bug, just be cautious and don’t burn the entire place down this time.

No promises. And definitely not getting another robot pet out of this.

Eventually you all arrive at the attraction, and all the lights are out, though the sign out front clearly labels it as Fazbear’s Fright, with a picture of that bucking bear to boot.

“Well we’re here…You sure there’s folks inside?” asks Applejack.

B2’s phone then buzzes and he looks down.

“I’d say so yes,” he nods as he shows a text from Twilight which says Help, over and over again.

“Alright, rescue operation is almost ago. Now, all you Humies line up here and I’ll show you a few basics before we go in,” you order.

“Yes!” Rainbow pumps her arm in triumph.

You then attempt to show them the Falcon Punch, Psycho Crusher, and a few other melee moves…but Sunset was right, your new body is just not cut out for it.

“Are you OK?” asks Flash as he helps you up from the ground after a failed Psycho Crusher.

“…Yeah, I just hate this world,” you grumble before looking to the rest. “OK, you all get the basic idea. Just stay behind me, and for the love of Luna, don’t act like a bunch of kids and their dog that my Grandbuggy kept trying to scare off and split up. That’s horror movie 101 there.”

“Got it,” Pinkie salutes. “By the way, what are the other girls names that got kidnapped?” she asks.

“Uhhh, I don’t know, I don’t exactly remember their names,” you admit thinking of a few of the bullies. “Zappy Sour and Inigo Montoya? Something like that, but whatever, let’s get to it!” you declare before you rush at the door and kick it…only to have your leg go jelly as you fall onto the floor.

“AAAHHH, funny bone, funny bone!” you groan rubbing your leg as the rest look at you in pity. As they do, B2 simply walks up to the door and pulls it open.

“It’s a pull door dude.”

“Well we all know that NOW!” you groan as you sit up. Once you’re up and leading again, you all one by one nervously and cautiously enter the building…

Ello Calebero’s Comment


Inside the building, Human Twilight is sitting comfortably with her digital pad on as Spike chews on a piece of pizza.

“Hmm, this isn’t good, he brought a group with him,” she says aloud to the puppy who looks at her and wags his tail.

“Tck…This complicates things. If he has help, then there’s no guarantee that he’ll display that power he exhibited at the mall.”

She then looks over stills from the news broadcasts and internet videos.

“Everyone else might be convinced it was a spectacle, but outside of digital manipulation, there’s no way that was a practical effect. Whoever that giant monster was, and whatever Mr. Bugze used was something unknown, and I need to get to the bottom of it.”

Spike barks happily at that.

Twilight then flips through her pad and looks on the camera feed of the freaked out Indigo Zapp and Sour Sweet that have barricaded themselves in the “Arcade Room” from her hacked animatronics and are crying.

“Hmmm, I’d hate to frighten them and these other people more…but Mr. Bugze did ditch Cadence at lunch today, and that whip cream in my locker attracted ants so maybe some more comeuppance is necessary.”

She then presses a few buttons, and a few more of the creepy robots come online.

“There we go,” she says before looking to her puppy who looks like he’s judging her. “What? It’s all in the name of science. If I can learn more about Mr. Bugze’s power source then…” she pauses as she looks at the camera feeds.

“…Why are there two Mr. Bugze’s?”


As you all walk through the entrance, you see an abandoned ticket booth, and the ominous Enter sign above the door.

Once entering, you are all treated to a warehouse sized labyrinth of hallways and creepy imagery.

“You know, it kind of does lose it’s creepiness when they try to be scary,” you point out.

“Not for me it doesn’t,” Fluttershy all but cries as she holds onto Rarity.

"And all these cameras about, it does feel voyeuristic," Rarity shivers.

"Yeah, plus why is nobody here? It'll be Halloween in like a month, and nobody's here?" Pinkie deduces.

"Hallo-What?" you ask, but noling answers you.

"School Night Pinkie," Sunset answers her question.

"Ah...still seems counter productive for business. Almost cliched and convenient..." she says looking at the audience.

"What, is there something on my shirt?" Flash asks as she's looking in his direction.

"Nope," she smiles.

“Well aside from whether it's closed or not, I mean, should we really be destroying the animatronics inside? They’re somebody else’s property,” Applejack says.

It’s then that creepy music plays over the intercom, and several deep laughs are heard.

“…I’m all for destruction of private property,” B2 says.

“Yeah, me too,” Flash nods.

“Me three,” Rainbow cracks her knuckles.

“That’s the spirit,” you say pulling out your Boom Stick. “Now…if I were a bunch of teenage girls kidnapped by machines, where would I be?”


Episode 42: Fright Night

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Twilight stares slack jawed through her cameras at the sight of two Bugzes.

"How? When? Why are there two of them? Where did the second one come from? Or was he always here?" Twilight says confused. She also notices the second Bugze's apparent beard. "Wait were they just swapping places at the school? Are they twins? That's the most logical conclusion. But why'd he hide this from me? Ooh I'm gonna have words with him, I mean the other him, err both of them Grr," she growls in frustration causing her puppy to look at her funny. After taking a deep breath, she looks more closely at the camera feeds she’s hacked and how full of conviction both of the Bugzes look.

“Which one of you is the one who produced that fireball then? And how did a rockstar gain access to that power?”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Now, Twilight considers herself to be a smart person, to which her numerous awards from past science fairs and report cards can attest to. She is a being of logic, one who doesn't get distracted by her emotions when it comes to science. She has pledged her name to science, and she cannot stand by when a clearly unexplained phenomenon has happened and needs to be investigated, hence why she set up this little trap for the friendly janitor who briefly made her life at school less stressful thanks to his tips and advice with handling her bullies.

Even though lying to him about being kidnapped by evil robots and tricking him into revaeling his powers from the mall could be considered immoral, she takes what she's been taught quite seriously.

And if he/them have taught her anything, it’s that it is perfectly okay to 'prank' people if they did you wrong. Like ditching her amazing future Sister-In-Law Cadence during lunch, or apparently having some sort of flame based power and not telling her despite her clear interest in science, or how he had a twin brother/clone/lookalike/android and again never told her, or how he got fired from the school cause of his stupid stunt at the mall leaving her all alo-

Calm down Twilight, focus on the task at hand.

She takes another deep breath as she continues monitoring the cameras of both Mr. Bugze's group and of Indigo and Sour.

And while the two bullies shake and hold onto one another while the Chicken Animatronic you’ve hacked bangs on their door to keep them terrified, both Bugzes look a bit concerned.

“Twilight! You in here?!” your call is picked up by her monitor and she winces.

“Oh, I hope this isn’t all for nothing in the end Spike,” Twilight says with worry before snapping herself out of it. “What am I saying, of course it will be! For Science!”

And with that she presses a few more buttons on her tablet.

“Perhaps it’s time to set things into motion...”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You

“Yo Twilight?! Cavalry’s Here!” you call out again, but just like last time, all you hear is your reverberating voice before it goes back into silence. Or rather, the strange unsettling ambience that passes for silence in this place.

“I don’t think she’s answering,” Flash points out. “So maybe stop broadcasting our location to murderbots.”

“Hey, it was worth a shot. If there’s one cliché I hate in horror movies it’s where one survivor rounds the corner and is attacked by another one thinking they’re the killer because they didn’t say anything.”

“So, which one are we in that analogy?” asks Rarity.

“Both,” you say as you all make your way through the first door. And while outside in the lobby near the ticket booths was relatively try hard, the inside of the first hallway does make you shiver. The flickering lights casting shadows where untold number of robots could jump out at any moment cause you to gulp.

“Alright, when we go in there, keep your eyes and ears open and keep your heads on a swivel. Who knows where Twilight and the others could be,” you say to the group who nod in agreement.

Kichi’s Comment

“You know, a thought occurs, why don’t we just call the cops?” asks B2 and you all pause and look at him. “Better yet, why don’t we try to call Twilight and that way we can know exactly where to beeline it to so we don’t have to wander aimlessly?”

“That’s…actually not a bad idea,” you say, a bit jealous you didn’t think of it.

“Yeah, that might be sensible if what you said about these robots is true,” Applejack nods as she brings out her cell.

With Twilight

“Whoops. Forgot to activate the jammers.” Twilight then presses a button and a high frequency goes throughout the attraction which jams cell phones.

With You

“Uh, My magic phone thing is acting weird,” you say as your phone doesn’t call Humie Twilight.

“Yeah mine too,” B2 says as he shakes his.

Soon, all the girls and Flash echo the same sentiment.

“No signal my butt! My plan is supposed to work even in the middle of the woods!” Rainbow grunts angrily at her phone.

“Well if that isn’t just typical of a horror movie,” you grumble.

“Well, maybe it’s best we don’t call the police, since we’d get arrested for trespassing,” Pinkie says plainly.

“Yes, I doubt they’d believe killer machines were afoot,” Rarity agrees.

“Oh yeah, because that’s what we should be worrying about when all of our phones go on the fritz at the same time,” B2 deadpans.

“Um, he’s right. This definitely isn’t normal,” Fluttershy says nervously. “Maybe we should leave the building and try to-“

“There’s no time for that!” you say in determination. “We’re the only ones here now that can make a difference and…” A thought comes to you as you look to the side and see a restroom sign.

“Hang on, one sec,” you say as you jog to the restroom, open the door and put your head inside.

“I thought you said there was no time, and you’re going to the can?” Rainbow asks.

“I’m just checking something. The last Fazbear’s I was in the machines couldn’t go into the bathrooms,” you call back before speaking into the dimly lit toilets. "Hello! Is anyone there?"

Your voice echoes off of the tiles…and there’s no response. Entering the bathrooms, you open each of the stalls, seeing no heads or tails of anyling, not even any secret doors.

“Huh, well I guess that answers that,” you shrug as you rejoin the group outside by the first hallway.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” asks Sunset.

“No, but I just had to be sure,” you say. “Last time there was a ruse with some creep and there was a secret room and all kinds of torment, but human land is still different.”

Not to mention this establishment isn’t a restaurant but a horror attraction, Selena adds.

That too, you nod as you finally steel yourself and lead your group into the lion’s den.

After the last one through the door (Flash) walks through, the door closes shut behind you. And while nearly everyone else eeps or jumps at that, you and B2 roll your eyes.

“Yeah, typical haunted house,” B2 drones.

“So clichéd,” you grumble and continue trudging forward.

As you walk through the flickering narrow hallways, the lights illuminating old wallpaper and burnt children’s drawings, Sunset comes up beside you and whispers,

“So, do we even have a plan besides randomly searching every square inch of this place?”

Master of Shadows’ Comment

“It’s all we really have Shim,” you shrug. “I mean, unless we could find the security office and someone could check the cameras.”

“Wouldn’t the cameras be outside of the scary parts?” Applejack asks.

“Uhh…oh right, I keep forgetting this isn’t the pizzeria,” you bop yourself on the forehead.

“Well, there is a security office room somewhere in here that’s a part of the attraction,” Pinkie says in thought.

“Does it actually have cameras and stuff?” asks B2.

“Oh no, it’s just another room to spook you,” Pinkie says with a smile.

“And how do you know that?” asks Flash.

“Derpy told me,” she answers. “She and a date went here a few weeks ago.”

“Huh…human Derpy huh? Does she have a lazy eye in this world too?” you ask curiously.

“Yeah, but she doesn’t like talking about it,” Rainbow informs.

“OK then,” you say filing that info away for later. “Well if this place doesn’t actually have cameras then nevermind. It’s best we just stick together.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With Twilight

The bespectacled girl lets out a sigh at that as she looks around her little base of operations, the “security office.”

“Well it’s got cameras now,” Twilight mutters. “Besides, it’s easier to handle all the electronics here in the center than up in the real Security Office anyway. Also, even if you somehow bypass the animatronics, I’ve got places to hide here.”

As she says that, she activates the Purple Rabbit animatronic to head in their direction.

“There we go. Now to sit back and analyze…” she trails off as she looks around the room again before back at her puppy.

“You think these others might get hurt if one of the Bugze’s uses that power Spike?”
The dog just looks at her obliviously, panting.

“Hmm, we’ll see what happens with the rabbit first, then I’ll make a decision. Know any good places to hide in case they pass through here?”

Spike stops panting and looks under the desk she’s behind.

“Hmm, simple yet affective. Good boy,” she says patting his head as she looks under the desk. Surprisingly, she finds some buttons.

“What the heck?” she asks as she looks closer at them, noticing that they are covered in dust and look unused. "I wonder what this one does?"

She presses one with a question mark symbol on it, and suddenly one of the old prop computer monitors at the desk she’s at turns on.

“Huh,” she says curiously. “I thought this stuff was just for show.” After a few moments of booting up, a video appears on the screen and a boy who looks around her age wearing horror merch appears.

He-hey! Welcome to the crew! So, uhh- let me just update you real quick, then you can get to work. Like, the attraction opens in like a week, so we have to make sure EVERYTHING works, and nothing catches on fire! Um, when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way towards you, and PASS you, and out the exit.

“Huh, that doesn’t sound right. Must be their old set up,” Twilight observes.

Uh, yeah you've officially become part of the attraction. Uh, you'll be starring as... The Security Guard! So not only will you be monitoring the people on the camera as they pass through, you know, to make sure no one STEALS anything or, (makes out?) at the corner, but you'll also be a part of the show! It'll make it feel, really authentic I think.

“Hmm, that doesn’t sound very productive. No wonder why they changed it.”

The teen then goes on to describe how to check the cameras, check the ventilation system, and how to reboot the systems if they go offline. Being the tech wiz she is, Twilight just hacks into the systems with her tablet so she doesn’t have to use the outdated system.

Um, but the MOST IMPORTANT THING, you have to watch for, is the Ventilation. Look, this place will give you the spooks man, and if you let that ventilation go offline, then you'll start seeing some crazy stuff man, keep that air blowing!

Looking towards the steadily blowing ventilation grate, she hears a fan going.

“Did they really think this place was airtight enough to cause air stagnation? I suppose he could be talking about heat exhaustion, but it’s not all that warm in here,” she says as she pets her dog.

Also we found some vintage audio training cassettes. Dude, these are like, prehistoric! I think they were like, training tapes, for like other employees or something like that. So, we hooked them up to the speaker system, all you gotta do is press that button with the phone on it and they’ll play.

Looking on her tablet, she sees the system for it and shrugs.

“I guess that could make things creepier for them, especially for Indigo and Sour.”

But I have an even better surprise for you, and you're not gonna believe this! We found one. A REAL one. .Not those animatronics we made from scratch, but a genuine classic Freddy Fazbear suit. Uh, some guy who helped design one of the buildings, said there was like, an extra room that got boarded up..? So we checked it out and found it in there just collecting dust. Sadly we can’t get it working yet, it’s like mostly metal and wires, you know classic build so it’s gonna take a bit to get up and working again. Also it kinda reeks, probably in need of clean up, but we don’t want to mess with it till we find the design for it, so leave it be for now. Talk to you later man!"

“Hmmm,” Twilight ponders as the video ends. “Another animatronic huh? Well, if I can’t get him to display that power utilizing the ones I have already, then I can look into that. But anyway, let’s see what’s on these tapes.”

Pressing the icon on her tablet, the speakers all throughout the warehouse buzz to life and Spike huddles underneath the desk whimpering.

With You

You continue down the endless stretching halls, never going too far so you don’t lose the group. It’s kind of a tight conga line, but it’s better than splitting up and looking for clues.

“How did those teens and that diamond dog thwart Grandbuggy when they kept breaking that rule?” you wonder aloud.

“Huh?” asks B2.

“N-Nothing,” you say shaking your head from the past.

Just then, a strange buzzing sound is heard throughout the complex before…


"GAH!!" Everyone yells at the sound of a phone ringing. You look up to see it's coming from some built in speakers. Suddenly a voice comes through.

"Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced.
Blah blah blah, now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about.

“Uhhhhhh…” you blather as the shockingly cheerful sounding human male continues to talk about how the animatronics roam at night, and how it’s not a big deal to fear them.

Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of '87 Yeah. I-It's amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?

You all look at each other at that declaration and you see that everyone is equal parts confused, and creeped out at the recording. The man then goes on to talk about how the animatronics will try to stuff you into suits full of metal and wires which will kill you, and how playing dead will make them shove an exoskeleton into you. He then wishes whoever he made the recording for a good night.

After the phone call ends, you and your group (along with Twilight, Indigo and Sour) are understandably disturbed.

“The bite of 87?” You say aloud to the group, but all of them shrug.

“Don’t ask us, we weren’t born yet,” says Rainbow.

“I may have been, but I was in Equestria as you know,” Sunset says.

"Wait what? How old are you?" Flash asks in surprise and she blushes.

"I don't really know anymore. I got de-aged when I got here and time works differently on the other side."

"Not for me apparently," you say as you all look to the only other person who might know something.

“Well…the place did get shut down in the eighties, I do remember that. But yeesh, didn’t think it was because of that. I’m surprised the reopened in the nineties.”

Wow seems this version of Fazbear’s was more gruesome. Glad it closed down back in our world, and I burned the resurgence to the ground you think.

Indeed, though it begs the question, what caused this version to have such events. Selena muses.

Because humans were involved, obviously. They build evil death trap busses and giant metal birds, why wouldn’t their evil animatronic robots be even more eviler?

You then wait for the inevitable blow up from Sombra over insulting his precious hummies, but he stays silent.

Uh, you gonna react there at all Zambo?

I sense, something sinister...something dark, Sombra mumbles under his breath and you roll your eyes.

Yeah, no duh. We’re in a haunted house genius, you insult.

Idiot, I mean I sense something aside from the atmosphere and machines, he barks.

…Like magic? You ask.

Perhaps. It’s faint.

Selly, do you sense it? You ask.

I’m not sure, she says. The terror of your human companions is very distracting.

You look back at the group of teens and see that they are indeed rather spooked.

Yeah OK, I’ll handle that. Let me know if that sense gets any closer Sombrero. Maybe some other Siren artifact is here…

You then clear your throat and get everyone’s attention.

“Alright, you all heard the speaker guy, these things will try to stuff us in suits so be on guard and try not to get separated!” You say taking charge, while also trying to keep everyone calm.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Surprisingly the only other people as calm as you are are Sunset and Rainbow, though you can't tell if that's just her usual false bravado or not.

“Well that’s a start. Just stay behind me,” you order as you keep your Boom Stick at the ready. It’s got a magic base, and with Gloriosa’s gem in your hand, it should still pack a punch.

As you walk through the attraction, you come across a room where there are tables with fake gore on them, and torn up presents.

OK, that right there, that was never in the real world. Why would animatronics serve kids to other kids and tear up their gifts? This is just more try ha-


You suddenly feel something latch onto your back and your inner mantra goes out the window. You whirl around and raise your Boom Stick to strike the monstrous animatronic, before you realize that it’s Hu-Fluttershy who is shaking like a leaf and holding onto your coat like a life line.

"S-s-sorry Mr. Bugze. I-I'm just...just very scared,” she whimpers and you guiltily put your staff down.

Aw geeze, here I am making another Fluttershy cry.

“Hey hey, it’s gonna be alright, you just startled me is all,” you try to reassure. “You are listening to orders after all. Just give some forewarning next time, I need to attack at a moment’s notice.”

“O-Okay,” she nods.

“And don’t worry so much, you’ve got 8 other people here, and if we all work together, everything’s gonna be fine.”

She does stop shaking a little after that and her grip lessens, but it doesn’t look like she’s letting go anytime soon.

Thankfully, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stick right by her to make her even more comfortable, so you continue on.

"So Mr. Bugze, you said you've dealt with evil animatronics before right? Did they stuff people into suits as well?”

At Rarity's question you get flashbacks to your first Knight capture and the eventual robot monstrosity you had to cut to pieces three times. You didn’t exactly go into all the details of your life back home.

"Yeah...something like that."

"Well do they have any weaknesses?"

"Well the only one I really fought was a metal monstrosity of a whole bunch of them that had been cannibalized by one of their own on my suggestion. It took several explosions, chainsaw strikes, plasmid attacks, and kept ticking, plus it was be driven by a changeling using kids as love batteries. And the only way I was actually able to beat it was by causing it to explode twice, and also melting it with amazing flaming goodness along with the rest of the building. And then the original animatronic was plushified and is now my little filly’s loyal pet."

There's a few moments of silence before Rainbow looks over to Sunset and says,

" come your dimension is so freaking awesome even though it’s just a bunch of ponies! I mean..." Rainbow struggles to say anything as she gestures to you, to which Sunset sighs.

"I wouldn't exactly call that awesome, if anything it sounds terrifying!"

"Eh, honestly at this point it’s more normal than anything for me,” you shrug your shoulders. “Anyway, I doubt anything like that will happen here without any magic so just smash them till they stop moving...I guess."

And while they nod and Human Twilight on her tablet raises an eyebrow about the talks of dimensions and ponies and magic, a robotic purple rabbit enters the room and glares it’s red eyes right at you.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” everyone of you screams as the thing raises it’s arms and gives a mechanical screech at you.

It’s a mechanical nightmare, one that you’re having to live through again. A highly advanced robotic monstrosity. A no good, dirty rotten MACHINE!!!

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“EEEEVVVVIIIIILLL!!!” you cry out as your zealous phobia takes over and you rush right at the bunny and jab your Boom Stick right into it’s chest.

As it hits, the gem in your hand glows briefly and the red gem at the end of your staff in turn glows and a deafening boom is heard.

Not only does the filthy machine fly backward, but you too are launched back into your group, who all groan as you hit them.

Holy Buck, that was stronger than normal! You think in both giddiness and surprise.

Falx_of_Lume’s Comment


The animatronic crashes into a prop ice cream machine. It’s head twitches and sparks before it goes still.

You all stare at this for a few moments before you and the others all cheer.

“Holy Crap that was awesome!” Rainbow says in awe.

“That thing packs quite the wallop,” Applejack whistles impressed.

“That was amazaciting!” Pinkie shouts.

“Uh, I think you got it, good job,” Fluttershy says softly.

“Very well done darling,” Rarity congratulates.

“Wait, did I get hit with that thing before?” Flash asks.

“Wait, how did you get magic to work on this side?” Sunset asks curiously.

“Yes yes, I know I’m awesome,” you brag as B2 picks you back up.

With Twilight

She bites her lip as the animatronic she hacked goes offline, dead after one shot from you.

“Ugh, that wasn’t what I wanted!” she slams her fist and Spike barks. “I wanted to see that fireball with his hands. That concussive stick of his is impressive, but it can be explained away!” She then starts typing furiously on the tablet.

“Come on, Come On! Get Back Up!” she begs, but the machine won’t come back online.

“Grr, well time to send the…wait, is that thing smoking?”

With You

“Is that thing smoking?” asks Sunset as the rabbit sparks and the “ice cream machine” begins trembling.

"Don't worry guys! It's an ice cream machine, it won't explode in fire, it'll just be icy goodness!" Pinkie Pie informs everyone cheerfully.

“But it’s just a prop, there’s no ice cream here Pinkie!” Flash informs.

“Oh…right…” she says sounding depressed.

"WHERE'S THE EXIT?!?!" Rarity exclaims as the machine starts shaking more violently.

“This is just a haunted house though, there shouldn’t be anything exploding in here,” Applejack exposits.

“Well say that after it explodes!” Rainbow exclaims as everyling attempts to take cover, but you are all still jumbled up. For you in the epicenter time slows down as you look to Rarity and let out a giggle.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rarity asks in alarm.

"Oh, no reason. I'm just soaking in the feeling of nostalgia from what's about to happen," You answer smoothly.

"What do you mean by-EEEK!” she shrieks as you grab her by the shoulders and hold her in front of you.

"THIS IS MY MEAT SHIELD!! THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT BUT THIS ONE IS MINE!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" you cry out, feeling a strangely absurd level of joy from uttering those words for some reason.

And then the ice cream machine explodes.

In Equestria

Rarity suddenly drops a swath of fabric and gasps in alarm.

“What is it Rarity?” asks Spike.

“I don’t know…I feel strangely jealous and disowned for some reason…”

Back In Human Land

Human Twilight looks over the small explosive that just occurred and grabs at her shirt collar nervously.

“OK, it seems these machines are prone to explosions…good to know.”
Spike then looks at her judgmentally.

“What?! That’s good info to have! I mean…it is dangerous to have them all grouped together like that if these things blow up. To be safe, I should separate them and focus my efforts on the Bugzes…” She then starts tapping some more buttons on her pad.

Back With You

You all hack and cough from the explosion as you all stand up. Aside from some minor force and fire damage, you’re all pretty much OK.

“OK Gang, it seems we’ve found their weakness. Point Blank Annihilation,” you say proudly before you are slapped by Rarity. “OW!”

“Don’t you ever do that to me again!” she growls, her hair standing on end and darkened, her clothes are even a bit singed.

“Sorry, sorry, it was instinct. The first time I ever met the real you this happened and-“

“I don’t care what Pony Me allows to happen, if you do that again I shall introduce your legs to the wrong end of a pair of scissors!” she threatens, her eye twitching and you gulp.

Well, looks like she can be considered Tacky McStabflank here as well.

You’ve certainly lost some trust points with her I’d imagine, Selena adds.

“Alright, alright, calm down everyone. Let’s all keep our cool, there’s still three or more girls we gotta save,” Flash interjects.

“Hmmph, very well then,” Rarity scoffs and walks away from you.

“That wasn’t very nice Bugze,” Pinkie admonishes you.

“Maybe not, but…yeah OK. But seriously, you all should have seen this coming. You know I’m not the most mentally stable individuals if you paid attention to my stories.”

“You can say that again,” Sunset mutters.

Thankfully it seems that this place isn’t as fire prone as the last Fazbear’s, and you all move past Bonnie’s remains.

“OK, no doubt even more evil filthy machines heard that, so be on the lookout,” B2 says to the others.

“Yeah, and make sure you take steps back when I destroy them.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After saying this, you all step into a larger room with multiple hallways and doors, which is a far cry different from the corridors you were just in.

“Oh...well this certainly complicates things,” you say looking at all the options.

“Guess it’s not just straight shot then,” Rainbow shrugs.

“What do we do now?” asks Fluttershy from beside you.

“It will take forever if we search them all one by one,” Sunset observes.

“Hmmm,” B2 ponders. “Here, why don’t we just spread out and poke our heads through the doors and hallways while still in site of one another and see if there’s any distinctions.”

They all look to you at that suggestion and you just shrug.

“Yeah alright, sounds good to me. If you see any robots, just holler.”

Nodding their heads, you all start branching off…and almost immediately walls come from out of the ground separating you all into groups.

“Oh Come On!” you shout as you, Sunset, Fluttershy and Rarity are cut off from the rest.

The speakers turn on again as a different voice echoes across the building.

“Welcome to the Maze of Fazbear my dudes! Are you ready for Freddy?” The voice finishes excitedly.

“First creepy messages and now a maze?! Ugh, a maze is just another word for puzzle!” you think in trepidation.

“Hey, you guys alright over there?” you hear B2’s muffled voice.

“Yeah, we’re fine…I think,” you say looking to the trembling Fluttershy, nervous Sunset an still upset Rarity.

“OK cool. So uh…should we just solve the maze?” he asks.

“Probably. If the machines are running the show, they know where we are now, so we better get going.”

“Yeah, good idea. I guess we’ll meet you-“

“AAAAHHH!!! Pirate Fox! Run!” you hear Pinkie’s voice shriek, followed by the sounds of the others screaming and their hurried footsteps.

You begin sweating a little as you look back to your group.

“…They’ll be fine…I hope.”

“Yeah sure, let’s move before our own monster shows up,” Sunset encourages.

“Yeah, OK,” you nod as you lead the three girls towards one of the doors…only for it to burst open and a Bear in a top hat roars in your face.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you all scream as Freddy grabs you in a bear hug (pun intended).

“No! Bad Touch! Bad Touch! I Need An Adult!” you shriek as you kick your legs wildly, your Boom Stick pinned uselessly at your side.

“EEK! We Need To Do Something!” Fluttershy says panicked to Rarity and Sunset.

“Like What?!” Sunset counters. “Maybe last night when we were all amped up on magic, but now we’re-“

“HYAGH!” Rarity cries out as she kicks the animatronic in it’s nether regions, and though it doesn’t have nads, that kick plus your flailing causes the machine to stumble back with you into a wall.

Sunset and Fluttershy look at the disheveled Rarity in shock and awe.

“What? Just because I’m a lady doesn’t mean I don’t know how to defend myself,” she says.

“That’s nice and all, but could you maybe do that again? He’s still hugging me against my will!” you plead as the bear attempts to get off the wall. Then, due to your struggling, Freddy’s back scrapes across an electric panel in the wall and is suddenly shocked by electricity, and ergo, you as well.

The animatronic screams as the current fries it's circuits.

“AHHH!!!” You scream in pain as electricity is sent through your body.

“Bugze!” Both Sunset and Selena shout in fear. However as luck would have it your magic geode reacts to the electricity and sends a feedback of purple magic into the system.

With Twilight

“Urgh! Why isn’t he using it? The bearded one just ran away with the others, but why isn’t he using his power when he can’t use that stick?”

As she watches you continue to flail, she bites her lip in worry.

“Ohhh, Perhaps I went too far.” Twilight says in alarm just as she sees a purple flash surround you and Freddy and suddenly the power goes out cutting her feed. “No, No, NO!” she shouts at her tablet. “Oh this isn’t good. This isn’t good at all!”

Spike simply gives Twilight a judgemental ‘really’ look. “You’re not helping! Oh come on where’s the backup power on this thing?!”

She frantically flips switches and presses buttons on the old set up as she tries restore power.

“Come on, come on! Work darn you!” In anger she smashes her fist into to the console, unknowingly as her fist hits the panel the magical bolt of energy surges through it.

“Gah?!” She yelps as she’s shocked. It causes her to fall backwards and out of her chair. Spike rushes up to her. He licks her face trying to get her up only to receive a shock, though not as bad as the one his master received, it does make him dizzy. Twilight groans getting up from her fall as she looks herself over to see if there’s any serious damage only to find herself standing up from the shock.

“Ugh and I just got my hair done,” she grumbles as she sees a faded power symbol on one of the buttons under the desk. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be underneath?!” she growls but stops when she hears her tone. “Whoa where’d that come from? Ugh never mind let’s get this place up and running again.”

Unbeknownst to her, her eyes briefly glowed when she raised her voice, but Spike saw it and whimpers again.

Once the power comes back on she finds numerous systems glitching. The lights in the facility now barely give out any light, the cameras keep going staticky, and the ventilation is completely offline.

“Ugh let’s hope this place’s repair system still works. And it seems that power outage took out the Freddy animatronic. It’s totally unresponsive! I’ll have to fix that later.” She sighs getting back in her chair. “Foxy is still chasing Bearded Bugze, Indigo and Sour are still preoccupied with Chica, so I guess I’ll activate the rest…” She then presses more buttons as she takes a bite of pizza she’d brought with her.

Meanwhile in a Boarded Up Room

In a dark room a single yellow animatronic lays motionless on the ground on top of a live wire. Suddenly a purple electric current goes through the wire shocking the machine. It groans as magically fueled electricity goes through its body. For a few moments nothing happens. Then the lights come back on in the building though now severely more dim. The animatronic opens its eyes glowing with magic. The animatronic simply gazes out into the room lazily,

“Fazbear…” Suddenly it hears a scream come from down the hall. The animatronic eyes turn purple.

“Children...heh..heh.heh.” The animatronic says as it stumbles to find it’s feet. When it finally stands up, it looks to the boarded up door before it punches through it, it’s purple eyes glaring in the darkness.

“Children….Follow...Me.” The animatronic says with a scary grin on it’s face as it stumbles into the attraction.


With Indigo and Sour

Both girls are still extremely freaked out as the chicken robot continually bangs on their door. After the power outage, they shrieked up a storm, but even with the returned lights, there situation is still dire.

“Ohhh, why did we ever come to this stupid place!” Sour Sweet growls, holding her face in stress.

“Because we were promised free pizza for some contest we’d won!” Indigo all but whimpers.

“But we didn’t enter any stupid contest! AGH! Why would a horror attraction even have pizza? There’s no kitchen here!”

“I don’t know! I’m sorry OK?!”

“Shut up!” Sour orders holding her hand up.

“I said I was sorry!”

“No! Listen, I hear screaming people,” she says. Sure enough, both girls hear distant yelling even above the pounding on their door.

Both girls look at each other.

“There’s others here?” Indigo says in hope.

“HEY! HELP US!” Sour starts yelling through the door.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

With B2

“Hey, anyone else hear screaming?” asks Flash.

“Of course we do, it’s us!” B2 hollers as they take another turn as they sprint away from the pirate fox.

“No, I think I hear it too. Maybe it’s those kidnapped girls,” Applejack agrees.

“Well there’s not much we can do for them until we get this jackass off our tails and-AAAHHH!!!”

B2 comes to a screeching halt, and the others bowl into them, causing a dogpile.

“Why’d we stop?!” Pinkie shrieks.

“THAT!” B2 yells pointing at yet another robot fox, only this it’s white and pink, and missing a few pieces.

Cornered by two horrifying monstrosities, B2 thinks quickly before pointing at the white and pink one.

“Say, you look like you could use some extra parts. You know who’s got some? That guy!” he points to Foxy.

The other fox stares with it’s one good eye at B2 before whirring noises can be heard coming out of it’s head, before it looks at the pirate one.

“Yeah, I mean, you wouldn’t want to capture humans without being 100% complete would you?”

The robot looks to B2 then back at Foxy before what sounds like a computer restarting comes from it’s mouth. It then leaps at the other robot and begins tearing into it.

B2, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Flash look at this robot on robot violence in both shock and relief.

“Well…that worked,” B2 shrugs.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back With You

You, Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy leave the unmoving body of Freddy behind you as you make your way further into the maze.

After that shock, your hair is standing even more spiky, even through your awesome hat, but you are pretty much no worse for wear.

“After we find Twilight, we should probably tattle on her to her parents so that she never dabbles in the realms of machines again,” you suggest as you brush some more soot off of you coat.

“Indeed,” Rarity says, her face still smudged with black.

“Um, maybe when you shut down the power all the scary robots got deactivated…hopefully,” Fluttershy says.

“Hopefully, but I doubt it’ll be that easy,” Sunset shakes her head.

“Of course it’s not, you’re all around me. Easy is never in my wheelhouse.”

As you say that, back where you came from the Freddy animatronic suddenly sparks with that purple electricity as it boots back online, not even registering on Twilight’s grid.

When it sits back up it’s head twists left and right.

“Friend…Friend? No. Killer. Have to Pay Killer. Killer Must Die,” it warbles out in broken mechanical speech as it gets up and starts looking for it’s “Friend.”

Far ahead in the maze, you eventually come to a room full of drawings and a burnt merry go round. What immediately catches you and your group’s attention however is the angry chicken animatronic banging on a door and the calls for help coming from inside.

Alright, they’re explosion prone, and they conduct electricity real well. Hopefully I can take it down without harming the girls inside…


Episode 43: Fright Night 2, Electric Bear-Galoo

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As you stare at the yellow animatronic with a comical bib on it’s chest and the sounds of terrified whimpering can be heard from the other side of the door, a realization hits you.

Zapper frost’s Comment

Wait, it's a chicken! Therefore if I imitate a chicken I can get its attention and get it a safe distance away from the door and use my boom stick.

Imitate a chicken? It’s a machine Bugze, I don’t-

I see absolutely no way this could no horribly wrong! You think in determination as you peek your head around the corner and...

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Oh chicken! You’re just a little chicken! Cheeeeep, cheep cheep cheep chhheeeeeppp.”

"Mr. Bugze what are you doing!?” Sunset whispers harshly as she pulls on the back of your coat. “That isn't an actual chicken, and there’s no way that's going to work! You don't even sound like a real chicken anyway!"

I must agree with her my bug. There's no way that you making terrible chicken noises will draw the robot’s attention.

You ignore Sunset and Selena's doubts as you continue to make strange chicken noises in the hopes of drawing the robot bird’s attention, and as per usual when you do something that shouldn't work...well it works. Chica stops pounding on the door and eerily turns towards you, her evil robotic eyes staring you down.

I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but yet somehow I still am...

"How...why did that work!? That doesn't make any sense!" Sunset blathers.

Unknown to the rest of you, Twilight is sharing similar thoughts.

“I bet you can’t even play hoofball chicken, cheep cheep cheep!” you mock as you flap your elbows like wings.

After a few more seconds of the robot chicken staring you down it releases a terrifying shriek before charging at you. You don't make any move to avoid the charging machine while Sunset, Fluttershy and Rarity have the brains to quickly move out of the way.

“Get back! You’ve got it’s attention!” Rarity urges but you still continue flapping your arms and cheep.

“At least stop antagonizing it!” Fluttershy implores, but you don't make any move to stop as you wait for the robot bird to get closer, and closer, and closer...


Just as the demonic bird reaches you, you quickly shove the Boom Stick into its open beak. You get pushed back into a nearby wall from the force of the robots pushing, but thankfully it appears you’re still strong enough to hold it back. The bot tries to get the Boom Stick out of its beak, but after a few seconds of futile struggling it just glares at you.

However that glare soon changes to one of shock as a purple glow begins to come from your hand as the magic crystal works its magic on the staff. You give the robot a smug look, notice its bib, and smugly say,

"Eat this!"

And with a blast from the Boom Stick, the robot chicken (minus a head) is flung back and slammed into a nearby wall. The now headless robot twitches for a few moments with sparks coming out of it before going dormant. Thankfully since your back was against the wall you didn't get blasted back this time, so you were able to see the shocked looks of the others.

You simply twirl the Boom Stick around before saying,

"What? You’re all acting like I didn't have a plan or something?"

My bug, I am in your head and I didn't know you had a plan.

I thought you were just going to recklessly attack like you always do honestly.

Okay, I do have plans sometimes! you grumble mentally to your skullmates.

Eventually your group snaps out of their shock and make their way to the door where Chica was going at it. You try and open it to find it locked, and after a few moments of silence from the other side Sunset knocks on the door.

“You alright? Don’t worry the thing is gone. We won’t hurt you.”

“No way! That thing tried to eat us!” Indigo cries out.

“Yeah how do we know you’re not just robots mimicking a human voice?!” Sour adds equally scared. Sunset sighs at that.

“Look you guys, I know you’re scared and you have every right to be. But I promise you that we’re not robots.”

“But that’s exactly what a robot would say!” Indigo argues.

“Humie, we just blew up that gorramned robot for you, and you’re looking a gift horse in the mouth?” you grunt in frustration.

“Humie? …Is that the janitor?” Sour asks.

“Huh?” you blather.

“It kind of sounds like him,” Indigo says.

Sunset, Fluttershy and Rarity look at you after hearing this.

“You know these girls?” asks Rarity.

“Not personally. Kind of from a distance since they were always picking on Twilight and the like. There was that one time where I-“

You are cut off as the sound of something heavy being dragged behind the door can be heard. A moment later, the door opens and both terrified girls stare at your group in trepidation. Their clothes are dirty in some places and their eyes red from crying and tears stain their cheeks. They shake like leaves, heads looking back and forth for danger before their eyes train on you.

"It is Mr. Bugze," Indigo says in shock, and you blink in surprise at their recognition.

That's do they know my name? I never introduced myself to them.

Shaking off your confusion for now you hesitantly say,

"Uh...yeah it’s me. Think you can let us in before any other evil robots show up?"

"Uh..." they say looking to the girls.

“It’s alright, we’re with him,” Sunset reassures.

“Nothing is going to hurt you now,” Fluttershy smiles.

“Quite so, but yes, may we please come inside?” the ragged looking Rarity pleads.

“R-Right,” they nod as they wave your group inside. You then quickly close the door, and since it’s an attraction, there’s no locks, so you help re-slide the fake arcade cabinet in front of it.

As you do you don't notice the sounds of Chica's body being dragged off by a metallic clawed hand.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With Twilight

All of Twi’s anger for her bullies slips away as she sees just how frightened they are as they latch onto the three girls with the clean shaven Bugze.

“Ohh, I didn’t think they’d be that worse for wear,” she says holding her cheeks as guilt hits her.

“I mean, yeah they keep picking on me…but did it justify this?” she groans as she scoops Spike up in her arms and holds him tight.

“I didn’t even have to have them here for this experiment, I just…I just wanted to get back at them and…”

She covers her mouth in shame before Spike licks a tear off her cheek.

“Oh Spike, I should never have brought them into this. It’s far too dangerous, especially if one of these Bugze’s uses their power.”

Speaking of that, she looks at the read out on Chica and sees that it’s completely offline.

“I just hope there’s enough left to actually make this all worthwhile. I mean, first Freddy goes offline and now Mangle, is attacking Foxy? It’s not supposed to be doing that! What more could go wrong?” She changes her camera in time to see B2 running with his group through the hallways.

“Well, at least there was another one of those Chica models,” she says downtrodden.

With B2

B2 gasps as he and his group catch their breaths after getting as far from the two robot foxes as possible.

“You *huff* think we lost them?” Pinkie gasps.

“Yeah, I think my ruse worked. Though I have a feeling it’s going to come back to bite us. Literally,” B2 says in worry. After a few moments of panting, Rainbow Dash speaks up.

“Alright, let’s just assume that we can’t convince other robots to eat each other, what’s Plan B?”

“Preferably staying as far from them as possible. I don’t have a bag of goodies like the other me,” B2 admits.

“We really didn’t plan this well did we?” Applejack asks sounding defeated.

“No…no we did not,” Flash grunts defeatedly.

“Wait a minute, why don’t we just get Flash to Hulk out like he did in the mall and just smash everything?” Pinkie suggests.

“Oooh, I like that idea,” B2 agrees.

“Oh Hell No!” Flash argues. “One, I don’t want to go through that again thank you very much, and Two, that magic mirror got destroyed so I can’t even if I wanted to.”

“Awww, that stinks,” Pinkie pouts.

“Yeah, I bet it would have been awesome,” Rainbow pouts as well.

“It’s more terrifying than anything else,” B2 says. “Though it would have been welcomed in this land of mechanical death. Speaking of which, there’s another one!”

The teens look to where he’s pointing and see a plastic looking animatronic chicken with a bib on, just idly standing in front of an intersection with doors surrounding it. Surprisingly, it doesn’t appear to have noticed the group yet.

“We need to draw its attention, but how?” Applejack mutters. Pinkie meanwhile remains silent as she cranes her neck to read the lettering on the bib.

“Hmm, it says ‘Let’s Party’, but the party is crossed out in sharpie and ‘Eat’ is written above it…”

“Yeah…and?” Flash whispers, though she ignores that.

“Leave it to me,” Pinkie says with a determined look. She then tip toes around the robot into another room that looks like a typical haunted kitchen. As the group watches in anticipation, she suddenly pulls out a pizza box from, her hair.

“Wait what?” B2 says confused

With Twilight

“How?! Where?! Does everyone suddenly have strange unknown powers?!” She yells in confusion her eyes glowing a neon blue as Spike whimpers at the sight and backs away. “This…this must be why these people are hanging around both Bugzes. They all must have powers! I Must Know More!” she declares as she pushes a button for Toy Chica.

Back with B2

Suddenly, the chicken bot whirls around and looks at Pinkie Pie and B2’s group all collectively gasp in worry.

“Pinkie!” Rainbow shouts. “Run Before-“

“Yoo-hoo! Come and get it!” Pinkie yells as she opens the box to reveal a steaming hot pizza inside. Toy Chica’s eyes widen as it’s mouth somehow grins.

"Pizza?! Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!" it yells as it charges toward Pinkie with surprising speed into the adjacent room. With deftness and skill, Pinkie throws the pizza right at its face and beelines it out the door before shutting it behind her.

“Pizza?” Chica says looking back to the door it shuts.

Deciding to help after that amazing spectacle, B2 and the rest of the group pushes over a nearby vending machine blocking the door. Once it’s in place, everyone sighs in relief at their accomplishment.

“…You know, I hate to ask but, where did you get a fresh Pizza from?” B2 asks.

“Ha ha ha,” Pinkie giggles. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“…Yes! Yes I would!” he says in frustration.

“You ain’t gonna get a straight answer out of her sugarcube,” Applejack interjects.

“Yeah, that’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” Rainbow nods.

“You learn to stop questioning things when it comes to her,” Flash says reluctantly.

B2 looks at the resolute teens and just shrugs in defeat.

“Alright then…you got any more?”

“Now why would I have more than one? That’s just silly,” Pinkie giggles at her insane logic just before a pounding noise comes from the other side of the door and everyone jumps.

“I think that’s our cue,” B2 says as everyone nods in agreement and backs away slowly.

On the otherside of the door, Toy Chica gives up on trying to open the door and decides to shove the pizza into it’s beak. However as it attempts to eat, a large figure appears behind it with purple electricity flowing around its body. A yellow disfigured hand reaches forth and grabs Chica by the shoulder.

“Pizza?” Chica asks turning around.

B2 and the rest of the group hear a scream come from the kitchen followed by the sounds of a machine being torn apart.

“Huh, sounds like that cannibal fox is at it again,” Rainbow theorizes.

“Well, better them than us,” B2 shrugs as they continue moving through the attraction.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

With You

After a few minutes of consolation, you and the girls manage to calm Indigo and Sour down and they explain how they got there.

“And then when we showed up to the entrance, the robots grabbed us and dragged us inside,” Indigo says.

“They then let go of us inside the maze, and we just booked it, and we were stuck in here until you all found us” Sour finishes.

“OK, but why would you think you’d get free pizza at a haunted house?” Sunset asks.

“I don’t know!” Indigo huffs. “We thought maybe we were getting compensated by the owners after those stupid robots harassed us a few weeks ago.”

“Wait, you’ve been here before?” asks Fluttershy.

“Yeah, and it was terrible!” Sour shudders. “Those stupid robots singled us out. No one else got chased as much as we did.”

Oh right, Twilight’s original vengeance on them, you put two and two together. Speaking of…

“Alright girls, you’re gonna be just fine after this, but where is Twilight?”

“Huh?” both girls ask.

“Twilight Sparkle? She goes to your school? You pick on her a lot?”

“Why would Sparkle be here?” ask Sour.

“Because she’s the one who called and said you two and her were in trouble,” you explain.

They both look at each other in confusion before looking back to you.

“We didn’t see her Mr. Bugze,” Indigo admits.

“Well crap baskets,” you growl. “That means we can’t just make a beeline for the door now! Also, how do you guys know my name?”

“Uh, why wouldn’t we?” asks Sour.

“Because I was only the janitor?”

“Yeah exactly. You’re the guy who actually did his job,” Indigo scoffs.


“You actually cleaned and stuff, unlike that old dude. Ever since Cinch fired you, everything’s sticky again for some reason.”

“Yeah, plus you were always giving out advice on random things, like how to spruce up pranks and such.”

“I did?” you blather.

“Yeah…you don’t remember? You taught me the whip cream in the locker trick,” Indigo says.

“Yeah, and you got it in your beard. You forgot that?” asks Sour.

Dang it B2!

“Oh right, yeah totally remember now,” you dismiss. “But, uh, anyway just…just take a few more minutes to rest up. We’ve still got to find the rest of our group and Twilight.”

You then go to stand guard by the door while Fluttershy and Sunset continue to talk with the two girls.

Maybe B2 and I should have compared notes on what we did at Crystal Prep instead of not at all, you ponder.

Yes you should have. This perpetual motion of vengeance seems to stem for your lack of communication, Selena agrees.

As you nod your head at her assessment, Rarity comes to stand beside you.

“Hey McSta-I mean Rarity. How you holding up.”

“Better I suppose,” she huffs, still annoyed at you. “Was it truly necessary of you to use a lady such as myself as a 'meat shield' as you put it? I mean what if that robot had exploded into shrapnel!?"

"Yeah...not my brightest moment I know,” you wince at her tone. “I forget that you humies aren't as resilient as the ponies back home, and in my defense its kinda second nature for me to do that whenever I have to fight the pony you."

Rarity quirks her eyebrow at that and places her hands on her hip before she huffs and says,

"Darling, are you telling me you get into enough altercations with my other self that it becomes instinct for you to use her as a meat shield?"

There is a few moments of awkward silence before you chuckle nervously and mumble out,

"If it makes you feel any better, pony you seems to take offense whenever I use someone else as a meat shield."

"I...I quite frankly don't know how to respond to that."

“Right…” you say awkwardly. “ about an olive branch? I’ve got Equestrian clothes in my bag, maybe they could help with designs or something?”

“As much as I’d like to view such things, I don’t really know how they would help me if they are built for horses. Also, I think it’d be better if we were out of this whole mess first.”

“Yeah, alright,” you nod as the two of you go back to being silent and staring at the rescued bullies.

This is troubling…Sombra says suddenly.

Yeah I know, but don't worry I'm on the lookout for if she ever has scissors in her hands.

Not her you idiot, I'm talking about that presence I felt before!

Oh boy, that doesn't sound good. What's up Zippo?

That dark presence has become stronger, almost as if it just became active after some time. And now that I can sense it more is far more sinister then I previously thought.

You look back over at the still peeved Rarity and how close in proximity you are to her.

Are you sure it's not just McStabflank's cheap knock off here?

I'm afraid not my bug. I can now sense it too, and needless to say whatever it is, it’s sickening. Even dark magic doesn't feel as...nauseating as this does.

That causes you to sweat nervously.

How bad are we talking?

Very bad, she says. The source of this feeling is nothing but malice.

Yes that’s it. Maliciousness for the sake of malice, with no other purpose Sombra agrees.

Nothing but evil and malice? You gulp. Like…like The Nightmare?

...I'm afraid that is a good comparison my bug.

And just like that any and all relaxation leaves you as your fist tightens in fear and anger. The others in the room notice your change and Sunset asks,

"Mr. Bugze? Are you okay?"

You don't immediately answer, instead you pull out Second Law and load some leftover ball bearings from the mall into it.

“You had a gun this whole time and you didn’t use it?!” Rarity shrieks but you ignore her. Once loaded, you give the girls a grim look before saying,

"Things just got far more scary. We're finding the others and then getting the buck out of here as fast as possible. Am I clear?"

Your change in tone does its job as the others numbly nod their heads.

“Alright, let’s roll out,” you say to the five and they fall in line behind you.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment


As you travel through this seemingly never ending maze of twists and turns. Fluttershy raises her concerns.

“Mr. Bugze? Are you sure you’re ok?” she asks worriedly.

“Yeah, sure, never better,” you lie as you point Second Law around a corner before continuing on. “Why do you ask?”

“Um, you kind of keep giving off little bits of that purple electricity,” she points to your finger, which does just that as you touch a wall.

“Oh that’s just static, I’ve been through worse. I throw bigger amounts than this back home,” you brag. And while Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy still worried, Indigo and Sour just seem confused.

I don’t know my bug, you’re human now remember? We don’t know the limits your body can take, Selena says worriedly.

Yeah, well I don’t have much choice at the moment if some insane malice magic is inside this stupid place, you point out.

Suddenly you and your group hear laughter. Unnerving and annoying laughter.
You turn the corner, Second Law raised, to see a small robot child holding a balloon staring at you, it’s laughter seemingly repeating over and over again.

“Oh Luna it’s this one again,” you growl.

“Again?” Sunset asks confused.

“I met it’s double In Equestria, relax it’s harmless, it’s mostly just annoying.” You say pointing at it with Second Law. However as you claim it’s harmless it stops laughing and it’s eyes turn to a glare.

“Are you sure about that?” asks Rarity as it starts laughing again, only with a much lower pitch.

“I…think so?” you say cautiously as you raise the gun. “I mean, it’s got no claws or teeth or-“
Suddenly it’s body contorts, it’s mouth growing larger with sharp teeth and it’s hands forming claws and it leaps right at you.

“Motherbucker!!” You shout jamming Second Law into the robot’s mouth and pull the trigger. Balloon Boy’s head completely vaporizes as it is thrown backward and parts of it catch fire.

“What the buck was that?! I thought only Mangle could change shape?” You say a bit spooked.

“Change shape?” Sour asks.

“Yeah! It’s like it did it just to spite me for saying it wasn’t dangerous!”

“Uh Bugze?” Sunset says, “The robot didn’t change, you just freaked out and blew it’s head off.

“What?!” you look to her pointing to the robot, and sure enough there are no claws on the bot’s hands.

“Wait, none of you saw that thing leap at me trying to bite my face off?”

“With what? It’s balloon?” asks Indigo.

I…Wha…Selly? You ask.

I don’t, how, You hear Selena mutter stumped.

Ugh can’t you tell it’s an illusion? The air quality in this place is abysmal and your mind is being affected.

Wait how do you know that?

Hello? I’m the master of illusions and fear manipulation. Of course I would know this kind of thing, he huffs.

Point taken, You and Selena admit.

Though aren't I supposed to be immune to this Selena?

For toxins yes, but for stagnant oxygen all around...That's a different story.

Great, you think grumpily. Well, shallow breaths it is then.

As you walk away and explain to the girls what happened, a claw grabs the burning body and pulls it into the shadows.


A certain bear wanders through the halls limping it’s way toward its enemy.

“Killer-mmust find kkiller.” As Freddy walks down a hallway it sees through an open attraction room with a present box inside.

“Nneed-help. Prevent more deaths.” Freddy reaches out a paw and places it on the box as purple electricity into it. A few moments later, a winding up noise comes from within, before the box lid pops open and a black hand emerges out.

“Hello f-friend.” Freddy says as a pale white smiling face rises from the present.

“Hello…” it answers back.

“He’s back…h-he’s awake. We must stop him,” Freddy says.

“Others are awake?” the puppet asks.

“Ch-Children inside. Mangle gone cr-crazy. Killer stalking,” the bear sparks.

“…Follow,” the creepy puppet orders as it exits it’s box.

With Twilight

“Wait, was that Freddy I just saw?” she asks aloud looking back at one of the feeds. For a moment, she swore she saw the animatronic back online, with some spindly looking thing, but by the time she checks again, it’s gone.

“Ugh, I’m just seeing things now,” she shakes her head. “Maybe I’m just shaken because one of the Bugze’s brought a shotgun with him…”

She then looks at more cameras at Your group, B2’s group, and Mangle who is currently devouring Toy Bonnie…

Kichi’s Comment

But then something catches her eye. A poster near the crossroads, a little ways outside the “Security Room” she’s in. It’s a Freddy Poster…but not.

“Hmm, a yellow Freddy? Was that even one of the options I had?” she asks herself as she looks through the roster. Finding nothing she shrugs and looks at her dog.

“Guess it must have been a previous moddddddd…” she trails off as she sees said electronic in the doorway.

“Spike, please tell me you see that?” she asks to her puppy who just looks at her strangely.

Looking back up from her dog, she shrieks as the hollow eyed suit is right in front of her. She falls backward in her chair and hits the ground with an


Scrambling backwards she looks to the suit…and it’s not there.

“I…but…” she stammers a she looks to her concerned puppy. “I, uh…I guess nerves are just getting to me. Maybe it’s latent guilt. I should actually get Indigo and Sour free pizza after this…”

"Calm down, Twilight, nothing happened, I... Yes, I must have dozed off, that it... there is no golden Freddy, it was just a dream" muttered Twilight to herself as she sits back in her chair.

“I’m just seeing things. I’m just…”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

She stops as she notices something...strange on one of the cameras. At the end of the hall, almost out of the camera's sight, is a large shadowed figure that wasn't there before.

Assuming it’s another hallucination brought upon by her guilt and nerves, she clears her eyes, but to her shock the shadowed figure is still there. Before she can question exactly what it is, it starts to move.

Her eyes slowly widen in horror as the large shadow begins to slowly move towards the camera, with its limbs and head spasticly twitching with each step. But that’s not all…it begins to speak.

"It-it’s been y-years...sin-since I've se-seen a face rou-round here..."

It's voice is deep and gravely, as if the person hasn't spoken in years. It’s a quiet voice, and yet it somehow echo in the room the camera was in.

"For-forgotten fo-for so long...bro-broken and alone in the he-hell I called my ho-home."

The figure struggles to speak and move, yet it keeps walking towards the camera and as it does, Twilight sees that it’s got rabbit ears.

"I-I am the hun-hunter, you're the pre-prey...You're ju-just an attar-attraction in my amusement par-park... "

Twilight lets out a gasp as the creature walks under a flickering light and she sees it is a disheveled and rotting rabbit animatronic, with bits of it’s endoskeleton exposed.

"The show has ju-just be-begun...I'm giving on-one last encore to-tonight..."

And it’s glowing purple eyes are far more lifelike than the other animatronics, like someone had forced a pair of actual eyeballs into the suit, forever unblinking and staring into her soul. And on closer inspection she can see dozens of blood stains on the suit along with what looks like actual flesh dangling on the limbs sockets.

Twilight's hands cover her mouth in fear at the sight, and even more when the monster just stops. It stops talking, stops moving, just...stops and stares eerily at her camera, and as the seconds tick by it appears that the camera might have frozen. Until the feed goes out.

"WHAT!? No no no no no!" Twilight starts shaking the tablet crazily trying to get the picture back.

"What in the world is that thing? It’s not on any of the public animatronic lists and-AHHHHHH!" She screams as the feed returns and the monsters face of a gooey human skull, eyes widened in permanent horror.

"It's a dan-dangerous thing...waking up ancient his-history! Wel-welcome to m-my NIGHTMARE!"

And with a final screech from the creature the camera goes offline...permanently.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As she pants and gasps in air, Twilight looks to Spike who whines and back at the staticy image.

“OK Spike, things have gone far enough. Someone else is inside this building, and they seem dangerous. I need to set things right and get everyone out of here before that…thing finds them!”

She then presses the button to deactivate the jamming device on the phones, however it doesn’t work.

“Oh come on! Did the power outage affect this to?!” Twilight groans. “Well, the least I can do is turn off all the robots, they don’t rely on the building power.

She then sees Mangle on one of the cameras brutally dismantling Toy Freddy.

“Wow they really are efficient…maybe I should keep them on to keep that thing away from the Bugzes and their friends. In fact if I could use the robots to have everyone keep in contact with one another! If I just tweak a system here and there, I can make it so they can send messages between the groups and protect them!” Twilight says before beginning to reprogram her robots.

“I just have to hope they don’t instinctively break them.”

With You

“Buck Your Mama!” you cry out as you blast some sort of Pig animatronic in the face.”

With B2

B2 and his group eventually reach a corridor in the maze that ends at a single door. Above it, says Exit.

“Holy Crap! We actually made it!” Flash cheers.

“But what about the others?” Applejack interjects.

“Who cares, they’ll be fine,” B2 cuts her off. “We can find our bearings now.” And without another word, he opens the door and hanging from the ceiling is a banner that says Congratulations.

And beyond that is another sign that reads, History of The Lost, and the walls leading to yet another door are filled with glass cases full of newspaper clippings, and other things.

“Aw man, I hate museums!” Rainbow groans. “How can that be the grand prize after going through all that?”

“Nah, it’s probably just hidden camera pictures showing our scared faces,” Pinkie suggests. When they all get closer though, they find that it is indeed, just museum type stuff and Pinkie deflates a little. “Oh that’s disappointing.

“Well at least we’re no longer in there with those things,” Applejack shudders.

“History of the Lost? What does that mean?” Flash says looking at the label as B2 peers closely at the newspaper clippings.

“Looks like these old news headlines talked about a series of disappearances of kids at Freddy Fazbears.”

“Disappearing kids? Now that sounds worrying.” Applejack says with a hint of fear.

“Well that’s the urban legend isn’t it? The robots ate the kids and that’s why everything got shut down,” Rainbow points out.

“Yeah, why else would they make a horror attraction out of it?” says B2.

“Well yeah, but these look like real newspaper articles, just like my Granny Smith has in her scrap books.”

“…Granny Smith?” B2 asks curiously.

“Yeah that’s right,” she nods.

“Uh…do you happen to know what her first name is?” he asks her and she gives him a raised brow.

“Orchard. Why? Do you know my Granny?”

“Uh…” B2 stammers before diverting his eyes nervously to the glass cases. “Oh look at that, a shiny red button!”

“Oooh! I love buttons!” Pinkie cheers, pressing it and helping B2 divert the conversation.

Freddy Fazbear’s a wonderful place for children, and a successful food chain business…So what brought it into the kingdom of horror urband legends?” A teen speaks from the intercom box next to the glass case. “Well, why don’t we listen to what our friend here has to say and find out?” The phone dude says before the familiar intercom voice from before speaks up.

So I just talk into this thing? Yeah ok ok. This is off record right?” The phone guy speaks. “Alright well, I guess I’ll tell about how everything fell apart.

“Hey, it’s that guy on the loudspeaker from before,” Rainbow says.

Before Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, there was the original location known as Fredbear’s Family Diner. There were only two animatronics then, a Golden Fredbear, and a yellow Bonnie, and things were a bit simpler.”

B2’s group looks in at the photos and sees an article advertising Fredbear’s diner and pictures of the two mascots.

“I was a janitor and junior technician at the time cleaning up the messes the kids made. It wasn’t a fun job but it paid the bills. And I was there that day when it all started going south, when the Bite of 83 happened.”

“83? Didn’t he say 87 before?” B2 asks.

“Must have been more,” Flash shrugs.

"Now that's a morbid thought," Applejack says.

“See, we had this security guard named William Afton, and it was his youngest son Chris’s birthday, so of course he was going to have it there, and several other kids from employees came for the party. Even though he never liked the animatronics for some reason.”

“Gee, I wonder why?” B2 deadpans.

But even poor Chris on his birthday couldn’t escape trouble. His brother Michael was a bit of a punk and tormented his little brother constantly…but that day.” He pauses and sighs. “What happened that day will haunt me for the rest of my life. Michael corralled the kids into putting Chris’s head in the mouth of Fredbear as a cruel prank.” He pauses again. “The old suits had a problem with the mechanical components, specifically in the jaw and head area. Think of a bear trap…

B2’s group pale at that analogy.

It was a mess….that poor kid. I should’ve stopped them. I should’ve…oh god….*sobs* Well, it is amazing how long a human can survive without their frontal lobe. He was in a coma for 15 years before passing”

“Jeeze…” Flash says.

“After that incident, the Fredbear Diner closed down. A few years later, they opened it up again as Freddy’s, and swore to take safer precautions, but that didn’t happen. Those children all disappeared, and then the Bite of 87 happened…it was a mess.”

“Holy…” Applejack gags.

“Despite everything though, I do enjoy the animatronics, because their job is to make kids happy. I still work security for the company, even if it is on it’s last legs. Although things are looking up, we are hiring a new security guard soon. Maybe things will turn around for the better.”

After the sound of a tape stopping is heard.

“Freddy’s closed a week after that interview, and the one who gave it was reported missing,” the Phone Dude’s voice returns. “Pretty twisted stuff right? It’s said that the souls of the dead children still possess the animatronics…but hey, you’ve lived through it. Congratulations on surviving the night!”

And then the intercom goes off for good. A few moments of silence fall over the group. Flash looks green, Applejack looks outraged, and Rainbow is hugging Pinkie who’s hair is flattened out.

“God Damn,” B2 shakes his head, saying what all of them had been thinking.

“I never should’ve pressed that button,” Pinkie whimpers.

“I hear that,” he shakes his head and looks to the last exit door. “Even without all this messed up history, these things are screwed up.”

“It’s dang irresponsible for these haunted house folks to be using those animatronics if they caused so much death,” Applejack spits.

“…You really think they’d use the same ones?” asks Rainbow.

“Well, it would be cheaper…” Flash says.

“And those things have been really aggressive tonight,” B2 adds. Almost as one, everyone in B2’s group looks back at the door they just came out of.

“Fluttershy, Rarity, Mr. Bugze and those other girls are still in there with them…” Pinkie whimpers.

B2 stares at the door back to the maze and the exit and just sighs deeply.

“Ah Hell…”

With Twilight

“Dear Lord! The history of these things is horrifying!” Twilight shudders as she finishes hearing the recording from B2 and his group’s side. “Well, at least they’re about to be out. Now all I have to worry about is-What?! Why are they going back in?!”

B2 and the teens reluctantly walk back into the attraction and a strand of Twilight’s hair falls in front of her face.

“H-H-How Stupid Could You Be?!”

With Bugze

“How stupid can you be?!” you taunt to the hippo animatronic as it walks towards you slowly. Quite a few animatronics have done that recently, and they’ve just been easily taken down.

You go to fire Second Law one more time…and all the animatronic gets is some air blown in it’s face.

“Dang it! Out of Ball Bearings!” you shout as you instinctively punch the slow robot right in it’s stupid face as it reaches out to you. Pain hits your wrapped hand since it’s still tender, but as you’re also holding the purple gem in that hand, the robot gets sent flying in an arc of purple electricity.

“AGHGHAHAHGAGHHEEE!!!” you yell as the electricity courses through you too and your teeth chatter.

Agh! Stupid weak human body! Selena growls herself as she feels that sensation.

For once, I have to agree! Sombra groans.

“Are you alright?” asks Sunset.

“Never better,” you lie as smoke wisps off of your hair. “You should see the other guy.”
As you say that, a whirring metal clank is heard as the Hippo crawls out of the hole, looking disorientated as purple electricity sparks off of it’s body.

“I see the other guy! We all see him!” Sour says in horror from behind you.

“Oh I am not in the bucking mood!” you growl to the evil machine as you put away Second Law and bring back out the Boom Stick. “You maybe be hungry, hungry, so let me feed ya with a Boom Stick Sand-“

“Hhh-Hello Hello! Hello?” the animatronic speaks with a robotic voice, holding it’s arms up for you to stop.

“What the…?” you sputter and back up a bit.

“See! I told you they could mimic human voices!” Indigo rants as she, Sour, Fluttershy and Rarity all hold onto one another.

“Well if you’re hearing this-Don’t-bite. I’m-Friends-“ it says with interspliced audio clips.

“Whoa, it sounds just like that guy over the intercom,” you say aloud.

“I-Am-" it answers.

"Wait, what?"

"There’s nothing to worry about-good idea-to chat with you-Things start getting real tonight,” it says with more spliced audio of the phone guy.

You look at the thing, and look back at the girls and back as you are beyond confused. Twilight up in her control area is just as flabbergasted at this as you are.

“What. The. Buck?” you say as the hippo robot stares at you all intently.


Episode 44: Fright Night 3, The Frightening

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With B2

B2 wasn't exactly sure when things started to get out of hand.

Maybe it was when another version of him from another dimension filled with ponies showed up when he was at his lowest.

Maybe it was when he decided to tag along with said double on some adventure to find dangerous magical artifacts.

Maybe it was when he chose to stick with this quest despite a rampaging teenager inadvertently advertising a comeback he never planned or dreamt of.

Maybe, just maybe it was when he decided going into a clearly dangerous looking building to fight evil robots and save a couple of teenagers from said evil robots.

Whenever he lost control, he has no clue, but what he does know is that watching some abomination of robotics vaguely resembling the white fox animatronic he convinced to attack the other robots, fighting a demonic looking robot rabbit was about all the weirdness he could handle for today.

He doesn't even know how it happened! One minute he and the others were heading back into the maze to search for his double and his group, the next some evil ass looking robot bunny spots them, growls out something about 'children meet your nightmare' or something and then started charging at them!

The others hid behind him as if he was the version that had mystical magical DNA splicing powers and could easily kick the rotted bunny down. Of course, he couldn't just dodge since his legs not only froze in fear, but also because he had a feeling he'd really regret letting the teens hiding behind him get hurt under his watch.

So he just braced himself for pain, only to watch a Mangled monstrosity burst through the f@#$ing wall like it was the Kool Aid Man and charged the demon bunny down the hall.

So now here he and the others are, watching the demented bunny fist-fight a robot animal monster that knew how to punch, bite, and also stab!

"What even is today? What happened to my life!? Am I just tripping balls somewhere in a dumpster right now, is that it?” he says in monotone as the mangled fox spears the bunny through one of the shoulders into the wall.

“Well if you are, then we’re along for the ride,” Applejack says just as confounded.

“Woohoo! Go messed up Fox thing!” Rainbow cheers while Pinkie Pie just watches while eating popcorn that she inexplicably has.

“Should we be really cheering that thing?” asks Flash.

“Well, at least it’s attacking that thing and not us,” Pinkie says between munches.

“Yeah she’s right,” B2 nods. “It could be worse.”

Just as he says that, a muffled explosion is heard and suddenly, through the hole that the Frankenstein Fox burst through, he and his group see waves of fire spreading..

The two fighting robots pay it no mind as they continue their brawl, further getting away from the group as they fight. However, before the robots are out of sight the evil bunny manages to rip one of the giant’s many arms off, causing sparks to fly and the Fox to screech in pain before growling and tackling the bunny.

As both creatures disappear down a hallway, the dislodged limb goes flying and hits above the exit entrance, and fiery debris suddenly falls from the roof blocking it.

"…God Damn It! Why'd I open my stupid mouth?!" B2 groans in frustration as the teens suddenly look very anxious.

“Please for the love of God tell me that wasn’t the only way out?” Applejack gapes.

“Well if it was, there’s not much we can do about it!” B2 grunts. “Where the hell did that fire come from anyway?”


Zapper frost’s Comment

“Didn’t we start it?” asks Rainbow.

“Of course not Dashie. We didn’t start the fire, it was always burning since the world’s been turning,” Pinkie Pie smiles.

“Now’s not the time Pinkie!” Rainbow growls.

“Maybe it’s remnants from when that first rabbit exploded?” suggests Applejack.

“It could be that, or it could be my magical double who can shoot fire out of his hands,” B2 counters.

“That explosion would’ve been much bigger then,” Flash says since he was on the receiving end of it.

“Yeah well, maybe it was his stupid hoverboard that keeps flaring up yet never seems to disintegrate.”

“How does that even work?” ask Rainbow.

“You got me,” B2 shrugs. “We may be doubles, but the inner workings of his life still confuse me.”

The group, with no other safe way to go, follows after the sounds of the fight since they are further away from the spreading flames.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You

As you and your group stare slack jawed at the talking machine several thoughts go through your mind but one screams out above the others.


Bugze don’t you dare start! Selena begins only to be cut off as the group, minus Sunset, begin screaming in terror.



“I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!!” Both Indigo and Sour scream in unison as they hug each other.


Oh for the love of- Not you too! Selena groans.

“YES YOU’RE RIGHT! DOWN WITH ESCALATORS! STAIRS ARE LOVE! STAIRS ARE LIFE!” you shout in crazed agreement as you start running around in circles with the other panicking girls.

Yes! One Small Victory in this Sea of Nonsense! Sombra exclaims in triumph as Selena audibly facehooves just as Sunset does.

The hippo animatronic just stares in confusion at the screaming teens and adult and even Twilight in her room can’t help but watch the insanity, even amidst the fire warnings.

“MAAACCCHII- *SLAP* OW!” you cry out and stop running as Sunset Shimmer gets up in your face and grabs you by the jacket.

GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!” She yells which of course makes Rarity, Fluttershy, Indigo and Sour stop screaming and turn their attention towards you.
“Calm down and focus!” she orders shaking you like a doll before forcefully sitting you down on the ground.

“Uhhhhh,” you stammer in shock as she turns her attention to the other two who sit down immediately, as to not anger her.

“Uhh…” The hippo says raising a finger to interject.

“You shush! I’ll deal with you in a moment!” She chides, giving it a ‘Don’t test me’ glare. The hippo wisely snaps it’s mechanical mouth shut as Sunset turns her attention back to you, Rarity and Fluttershy.

I suddenly have new found respect for this girl, Selena mutters in amazement.

“You all finished?” The five of you nod. “No more screaming?” You all nod faster.

“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me for a moment.” Sunset says before calmly walking past the robot and down the corner.


After a few tense moments where the five of you share an uneasy glance with the hippo, Sunset walks back, dusting herself off and fixing her messed up hair. She returns to her original position and looks back to the hippo.

“, let’s try to decipher this thing calmly,” she says in a calm polite matter.

You and the rest of the teen girls nod as you all shakily stand up and look to the animatronic as it nods.

“Right,” you nod as you look back on the last thing it ‘said.’ “So, you said I am when talking about the guy on the tapes right?”

The hippo nods so you continue, “So are you saying that you literally are that Phone Guy?” It nods again.

“Hey you’re doing great-“ it says.

“...Ok, but why are you a robot hippo?” Rarity asks.

“Were you always a hippo?” Fluttershy asks confused.

“Yeah! Why would a family restaurant hire sentient machines?!” you scream, before being knocked upside the head by Sunset’s fist as she gives you a terrifying glare.

“Don’t you bucking start again!” she threatens.

“Yes ma’am!” you salute, sweating nervously.

If I was in my own body I’d want her as my pupil. She’s already touched dark magic, Sombra says impressed.

I want to adopt her. She’s actually a pony and would be a good sister for Nightshade, Selena mutters.

What? you and Sombra say in response.

Nothing! Selena says blushing.

“Um…OK-Th-Th-That’s not what I meant.-a missing person-first-human,” it explains with it’s choppy audio.

“You were a person?” asks Sunset and it nods.

“How does that work?” you inquire before it opens it’s mouth and an entire audio file plays.

A purple electric shock passes over the hippo making it shake its head as it shivers in horror at the memory.

“Y-yeah, they don’t tell you these things when you sign up.” Everyone stares with different expressions, some shock, others horror, and finally sadness.

“You’re...dead?” Indigo asks cautiously. He nods and a sighing sound effect is heard.

“Wait how are you here if you’re…deceased?” asks Rarity.

“I had an idea,” The Hippo Guy lifts his robot paw and points at the small glowing geode in your hand. “That’s-my-best-guess.”

“Oh, so that’s why you’re sparking with purple electricity,” you nod in understanding before your eyes widen. “Oh crap! I hit Freddy with this and didn’t break him, not to mention anything else in the magical backlash!”

“Magical?” asks Sour.

“Yes magical! Get with the program hummie,” you chide as the Hippo suddenly looks worried as it shifts it’s head left and right.

“oh on. danger,” it says.

“Why what’s wrong?” Fluttershy asks in worry.

“animatronic characters here-live-now. be aware-he doesn’t like being watched.”

“What? There’s more living robots?” you interpret.

The Hippo then starts to play the audio clip that B2 and his group heard.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

With Twilight

The purple teen is currently having a panic attack as literally everything that could have gone wrong tonight went wrong and even further beyond that.

"Evil monster robot bunnies fighting assimilated foxes, secret twin janitors, talking machines and now the BUILDING IS ON FIRE!? Ohhhhh…." Twilight’s hands slide down her face in anguish. "Maybe whichever Bugze said that bad luck follows him around and throws Murphy's Law like bullets at him wasn't too far off?"

With another sigh, the purple neurotic scientist picks up her beloved dog and looks him right in the eye.

"Okay Spike, we need to meet up with both Bugzes before it’s too late. Neither will leave unless they find me, and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. I only hope he-they-whoever can forgive me for this mess when they do."

The dog whimpers sympathetically to his owner.

“Alright Twilight, let’s go find your friend then,” he nods, still fearful of his surroundings.

“Right…friend,” she nods with a smile. “I like the sound of tha-“ Her eyes suddenly widen to the size of dinner plates as her overtaxed mind registers what just happened.

“SPIKE! Did…did you just talk?” she gasps.

“Did I?” the puppy asks before it’s own eyes widen hearing itself. “Huh, that’s weird,” he says as some residual purple static zaps off of him.

“I-Buh-Gih…” she stammers as the sheer concept of her puppy speaking pushes her over the edge of rationality. So absorbed in this revelation, she doesn’t notice the tall bear like shadow behind her.

“Twilight! Watch Out!” Spike barks, baring his teeth.

"Huh? Wha-“

"Fri-friend f-found!” a warped mechanical voice says as a brown paw grabs her.

“Must pro-pro-protect. Must ge-get to Hel-Helper!" it declares as it starts picking her up. And as she is lifted and her suddenly voiced dog starts barking and swearing up a storm, the teenage girl can only do one thing as her eyes suddenly glow deep blue.



Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You

After the recording stops, you all stare aghast with varying array of emotions. Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet are holding onto each other tighter in fear, Fluttershy has tears in her eyes, Rarity is in a state of shock, and Sunset looks about ready to kick something. You however just feel an uneasy aura of rage build within you as both Selena and Sombra share your anger.

“What the buck is up with your stupid human world?!” you growl as your fists tighten, imagining Nightshade in that terrible situation.

The hippo looks at you, tilting it’s head in confusion at your words, but before anything else can be said…

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" a very familiar voice screams and your head snaps towards it’s direction.


The others and the Hippo look towards the scream in fear and concern as well as the magic geo shard starts glowing brighter than it has before. The magical essence climbs up your arm as a wide array of emotions hit you.

Fear. Anger. Desperation. Panic…Guilt.


"Uh Mr.Bugze, are you okay?” asks Fluttershy. “Your eyes are-"

“BUCK THIS WORLD!!!” you shout as your eyes flare orange and red and you start sprinting down the hall, leaving the others behind.

After a moment of shock and hesitation, they all begin trying to catch up to you.

You round a few corners, frothing at the mouth, and you notice that some of them are blocked by a wall of flames. Normally, your most guilty pleasure in the world, right now you don’t have time for them.

My Bug you must calm down and come to your senses before you do something drastic! Besides your eye-

"Calm down!? You expect me to calm down when Twilight is clearly in danger!? The building is one fire and there’s forsaken child powered evil robots! I have to get to her now!"

That may be true, but if you just charge needlessly in then-

"IT'S MY FAULT DANG IT!" you shout as you bring out your boom stick and punch a hole in a wall so you can go around some fire.

My Bug... she says sympathetically after a moment of silence. Please don't do this to yourself. You had no way of knowing any of this would happen.

"Doesn't matter!” you bark heatedly. “This world is garbage, and so are the people in it, but Human Twilight put her trust in me! I gave her this dumbflank idea of a prank and I'm the one who encouraged her to do it! She's my responsibility, and I need to make sure she's safe!”

And I Want To Make Sure You’re Safe! Selena shouts mournfully. You’re MY responsibility, and you can’t save anyone if I lose you!

Your eyes dim slightly at that, but you still push on.

“I will be OK, I’ve got experience,” you try to reassure as you grit your teeth. “But right now, I gotta risk a lot. I’ve already lost the chance to be actual friends with the Twilight back home, and ugly human or not, I won’t make that mistake again.”

“Bugze! Slow Down! Who Are You Shouting To?!” Sunset calls from behind.

Before anything else can be said a large crash happens before you, and out of a new hole in the wall comes a vaguely Mangleoid looking creature like the one you fought back home but smaller and more damaged. It seems to let out a whine of pain as what looks like a demonic robot bunny follows out of the new hole looking only slightly damaged.

You'd think you'd be disgusted by its appearance, and you are. But honestly you’re pissed and you've seen far worse.

The monster turn towards you, points, and growls,

"Th-the night-nightmare en-ends tonight. Yo-you sha-shall experience it-it in full be-before de-death shal-shall come!"

You just angerly glare down at the human made beast, rage coursing through you at the mere sight of it.

"Sorry buddy, I've already experienced a Nightmare. And dude, you’re nothing compared to it,” you growl.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

As you stare down the mechanical beast in front of you, you can feel the malice and murderous intent radiating off it and it’s sickening. It turns its head to see Sunset and the girls and it’s eyes narrow and glow a sickly purple.

“Children…!” It groans out as it takes a step forward. You immediately take a defensive stance, your eyes glowing orange and red, the geode in your hand reacting to your anger.

“Oh no no no you miserable pile of scrap, you’re facing me! I won’t let you harm them!” You growl. The machine roars as it charges you, and you reciprocate as you both attempt to strike the other. In the last second both you and the machine catch each other’s fist with the other hand, and while it hurts your weak human appendage, you hold on. The resulting standoff sends off a wave of air with electricity flowing around both of you.

“You...different…” The yellow bunny robot says as it stares at you like a wild beast.

“No Spit Sherclop,” you taunt as you give the creature a swift kick in the nads…only for the top of your foot to start smarting because you kicked a robot with no junk.

“Owie owie owie,” you groan as you shake your foot, but sensing your moment of weakness he grabs your arm in a quick motion and begins to spin you.

“AHH! Put me down!” You say trying not to hurl as you spin faster and faster. The beast then let’s you go, tossing you into the pile of mechanical parts.

Huh, he's stronger then he looks, Sombra observes.

He's clearly different from the others, Selena adds.

"Yeah the actual speech and bits of flesh poking through his suit are kind of a giveaway," you say aloud as you stand up and point Second Law at the monstrosity.

“Eat This!” you quip and pull the trigger…only for a blast of wind to fire out and only make his ears flap.


Oh buck, oh buck I’m out of ball bearings! You think in worry as the creature rushes you.

You strike it across the face with Second Law, but it doesn’t slow down as it grabs you and slams you into the wall repeatedly.

“AGH!” you groan out as the back of your head hits the wall and you turn your gaze to him, your eyes glowing.

“Eyes…eyes like holes…” the creature says.

“At least I have eyes you filthy degenerate MACHINE!!!” you cry out as you poke one of it’s eyes. It doesn’t even blink, but you cut your finger on the exposed wires and stuff inside.

“Stupid machines and their inability to feel real pain!” You grunt as you slam The Boom Stick onto it’s foot, making a shockwave that propels you sliding along the wall and it stumbling backwards.

You lose your footing on a bunch more scrap metal and become entangled in wires.

“Dang It!” you shout as you flail around, and are are immediately greeted to three familiar heads staring at you.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“GAH!” you shriek kicking the heads of Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica away from you into the pile. You turn your head to see Mangle’s head staring at you with curiosity just outside the pile slowly trying to rebuild itself.

“Uh good robot?” You say patting it’s head which it seems to enjoy. Five screams grab your attention as you look and see the robot bunny ready to pounce on the girls. You leap up, brandishing your Boomstick and rush toward the robot.

“BATTER UP!” you yell as purple electricity flows through your staff as it hits the machine. The staff glows sending the robot flying off into a wall, purple energy flowing around it as you turn your attention to the girls, “You guys alright?”

“Yeah we’re fine, you stopped him before he could get us,” Sunset thanks.

“Uh, what’s that?” Fluttershy says pointing behind you. Turning around you see Mangle's head hopping towards you as it lets out a friendly bark and rubs itself against your leg.

“Don’t worry, she’s friendly…ish,” You say as you pick up the head and it seemingly pants. “Guess even in this world you can’t help but defect."
The girls are understandably very confused as you cradle the robotic head when the Hippo animatronic rounds the corner.

“responsible for damage to property or person,” it says pointing to the hole.

“Gorramned Right!” you say.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you hear Twilight shout again.

“Oh no Twilight’s still in danger!” You say as you shove Mangle’s head into your inventory and start running.

Mangle Head Added To Inventory.

“Bugze Wait!” Sunset calls after him as the others join the chase.

“a bit overwhelming-“ the hippo seemingly sighs as it starts marching as fast as his little robot legs can go just as B2 pokes his head through the wall Mangle made.

"We gotta find the others fast! I don't think the building can handle more damage,” He says stepping through followed by his group.

"I'll say. The sooner we get everyone out the better," Flash agrees stepping through only to stop when he sees the Hippo.

"AHH! Another one!" Flash shouts getting everyone's attention and causing them to jump.

"Alright pal put em up you big meanie robot!" Pinkie says putting her hands into fisticuffs. “This place is burning to the ground so it’s no more Mr. Nice Girl!” The Hippo just tilts it’s head to the side in confusion before it’s playback voice comes out.

"No-bite. Friend!" it defends.

“Well, it’s saying a lot more than just pizza…but still likely story,” B2 says with a scowl.
Before anything else happens though, they all hear Twilight screaming.

“no-time-move-now-“ the hippo says as it runs in the direction you and the others went.

“Ah hell! It’s going after Twilight! After it!” B2 says as he and the others chase after the hippo.

As the group rushes past, Springtrap pulls itself out of the wall.

“C-c-come back children…it’s time…”

Up ahead, as you round yet another bend, you start feeling the heat of the place increase more and more.

Shoot! I hope the others are OK. We’ve got to get out of here soon!

“AAAHHHH!!!” you hear Twilight’s voice once more followed by the sound of metal clashing. As you double your speed, you can’t help but feel like that scream sounded more angry than fearful.

You round the corner and finally see the Freddy Animatronic flailing against a familiar purple girl.

“STAY AWAY FROM HER!!” You shout as you smack it in the back with the Boomstick, causing it to cry out.

“Thanks Bugze,” Twilight says, your view still cut off by the robot, and again, she sounds eerily not frightened.

“No problem kid, you have to don’t worry anymore, because I AM-“


“SSSSKKKRRREEE-*CRASH*” Freddy is blasted back past you by a purple blast of magic as he skids across the ground, heavily damaged.

“…Here?” you finish as you turn to look at the human girl…and her eyes are glowing blue.

“Thanks for the assist, he just kept struggling, saying ‘friend’ over and over again,” Twilight says with a cruel smile and a slight reverberation to her voice.

“Uhhhh…” you droll as you see purple energy snaking around her and Spike the Puppy whines uncomfortably by her feet.

“Oh this power is amazing,” she says studying her hands before she looks past you at the robot. “Thankfully these machines are hearty.”

Wh-What happened to her?

She’s gained magic obviously! Sombra says to you like you’re an idiot.

I can see that, but how?!

The purple glow, Selena answers. It’s the same that courses through some of those machines. She must have latent Siren blood in her.

You look at your fist where the geode crystal glows.

Ah crapbaskets! I did this!

“Well, guess he’s ready for round three, and he’s brought friends” Twilight says as she points at the sparking and damaged Freddy as a creepy looking puppet thing floats next to him.

“Uh, Twilight, forget about them! We have to go! The building is on fire and-“ you start but are interrupted as your group rounds the corner and gasps.

“Twilight?” asks Sunset as she sees her glowing eyes.

“Yes? And you are?” she says kind of arrogantly which takes her aback.

“That’s Sparkle?” asks a freaked out Sour, and Twilight narrows her eyes at the girl.

“What happened to her?” asks Indigo as she takes a step back.

“She looks scarier than Princess Twilight,” Fluttershy sputters.

“Indeed,” Rarity nods with wide eyes.

Sunset seems very confused and looks to you, the two animatronics separating you and back.

“Bugze what’s going on?”

“Humie Twilight’s gotten magic!” you answer back.

“What? How did-“ she starts before there is a commotion from behind them.

“Freddy. Friend-“ the Hippo says as it moves through the girls and crouches beside the other two robots.

“Get back here you hungry hungry jackass before I-Oh hey, there you guys are!” B2 says as his group enters the room and sees yours.

“Twilight!” Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Flash all say in unison and happiness.

“Hmm, more strangers that seem to know my name. Interesting,” she states, sounding rather bored which takes them aback.

“Oh thank buck! B2! We gotta get out of here!” you call out.

“I figured as much! Now kill those three bots before…Whoa, what’s up with Twilight’s eyes?” he says noticing Twilight for the first time.

She just looks to you with a raised brow.

“B2 huh? Interesting. Perhaps my clone theory wasn’t far off,” she mutters.

“Look, let’s talk later,” you say eyeing the machines who haven’t moved from their spot. “We’ve got to get out of here before-“
You are cut off as the torso of the yellow bunny bursts through the wall next to you and grabs you.

“AAAAHHH!!!” you cry out as you struggle.

“Him…” all three robots say.

“BUGZE!” the accumulated group yells as it tries to drag you into the wall.

“Power…give…” the creature says trying to pry your fist open.

“BUCK OFF!” you shout as you slam the Boomstick onto the ground, which launches both you and him out of the wall at an angle towards the other three machines. In the process though, your weak human hand is jostled loose from both the Boomstick and your purple gem.

“Gorrammit!” you shout as you land face down with the rabbit on top of you.

Immediately, three mechanical shriek of the other three as they in turn pounce on the rabbit, adding their weight to you.

“AGH!” you cry out as you struggle to breathe. The yellow rabbit shrieks itself as the others tear into it, but it will not let you go.

“Mr. Bugze!” Twilight shouts out.

“Get the Hell off of Him!” B2 yells as he tries to push the creatures off of you, but to no avail.

Can’t…Breathe! You think as your vision begins to swim.

Bugze No! Stay Conscious! Selena implores in worry.

Yes! Do Not Die Now You Moron! Sombra urges sounding angry.

“Bucking…Machines…” you croak as darkness closes in.

“Twilight No!” Sunset shouts somewhere in the distance.

With a ripped off ear by the hippo, Freddy’s jaws wrapped around his neck, and the Puppet, elbow deep into his back, Springtrap pulls it’s face to your ear.

“Si-Si-Sing…Sing f-for m-“


The demonic rabbit and the other animatronics are suddenly blasted off of you by another purple beam of magic, but this one is more intense.

Gasping in pain and surprise, you fill your lungs with oxygen and cough.

“God Damn,” B2 says in awe as he lifts you to his feet, still looking behind you. You see the others staring slack jawed as well, and when you turn around you see Twilight floating with a purple miasma all around her as she holds Gloriosa’s stone in her hand.

“What in the…” you say speechless as she opens her eyes which glow an even more intense blue as suddenly, her whole outfit changes as she sprouts dark purple wings, and her glasses become like some sort of mask around her eyes.

Impressive…Selena says in amazement as you all sense her magical essence.

Beautiful, Sombra agrees.

Creepy, you finish as you get an unsettling feeling about your human friend.

“I’m tired of this drivel,” she says in a demonic sounding voice as she glides past you and your double towards the four heavily damaged animatronics, three of which are still beating the crap out of the yellow rabbit.

As the thing shrieks she grabs it by it’s head, and suddenly a stream of purple electricity is pulled out of the monster and into the geode in her hand.

“Skkkrrrrnnnkkk,” Springtrap chokes out as he spasms and his movements become sluggish..

“Holy Buck!” you say in shock.

“You can say that again,” comes a familiar voice and looking down by your foot you see puppy Spike whining as he spits out your Boomstick.

“…Did you just talk?” B2 asks as you pick it back up.

“Twilight’s gone crazy and you want to ask me that?!” he says with a roll of his eyes.

“…I mean, he’s got a point,” you shrug.

“Holy Moly! Another Demon Girl Two Nights In A Row?!” Pinkie’s voice cuts through the air. You look over at your companions and see signs of absolute shock all over their faces, none so much though as Sunset.

The demonic Twilight just looks at everybody and smirks as the Hippo, Freddy and the Puppet start dismantling the nearly functionless Springtrap.

“It ends here…” the puppet says as it tears an arm off.

“N-No more n-nights!” Freddy sputters as he bites half of the face off.

“no-More-deaths!” the hippo says as he starts tearing mechanical and decayed organic innards out of the creature.

“Oh hey stupid robots, why don’t you be good pieces of junk and give mama her gift?” Twilight says cruelly as she suddenly siphons the electricity from them as well.

They all scream in pain and you and your companions back up in shock as you feel the power in her grow more.

“Much better,” she says in satisfaction as the animatronics all look a little less lifeless, though they still continue to hold Springtrap in place.

“Twilight?” Sunset asks nervously causing the demonic girl to look to her.

“You say it so familiarly, but I don’t know who you are weakling,” she says causing the Unicorn girl to take a step back.

“Hey now kid, calm down,” B2 interjects. “You’re acting a bit loco. Since when were you this cruel?”

“Since when were you TWO people?” she snarls back at the two of you.


“You see…” you both struggle to say anything as a burning beam then falls behind the rest of the group and they let out shrieks of fear.

“Oh right, fire,” Twilight says rolling her eyes as she suddenly snaps a finger and a hole is blasted out of the roof. “Guess you jerks don’t like that huh?” she says boredly before you are all levitated off the ground.

“What in Tarnation?!” Applejack sputters as everyone else shrieks or stammers as they leave the embrace of gravity and out of the building through the hole.

“Wait! What about Hippo Bro?!” you shout looking down at the piled animatronics.

“What about it? It’s just scrap anyway,” demon Twilight says with a snicker as she flies past you all lifting you above the building which is just spewing smoke.

As you are carried away you see the struggling Springtrap as the Hippo, Freddy, and Puppet continue to hold it down despite their weakened states. The Hippo even gives you a wave as you are lifted to safety.

“No! NO!” the monster shouts as it weakly tries to get away, but the others do not budge. “I’ll-Come-Back! I always-“ he is silenced as the Puppet tears it’s lower jaw off.

“Burn now Afton…” it says.

“Burn now… Killer…” Freddy says.

“not-see the light of day again-“ the Hippo finishes as the fire envelops all four of them and they shriek for a few moments before all goes quite.

You don’t know why, but there is a sense of peace as they burn, like some weight has finally been lifted. Speaking of being lifted, you are all unceremoniously tossed to the street where you all end up in a pile.

After you all untangle yourselves from this position, Twilight just hovers over all of you with a smirk as the fire burns behind her.

“So Sour, Indigo, let that be a lesson to you. Don’t F#$% with my locker again!” she warns, power radiating around her.

“This was all you?” Sour interrogates, albeit a bit timidly.

“Ah doi!” Twilight mocks. “You needed some comeupence obviously. Also, I had to figure out where Bugze’s power came from at the mall, so two birds with one stone.”

“You know about that?!” you ask in shock and she looks at you with her glowing eyes.

“Everyone else in this town may be an idiot, but not me!” she snarls and you all back up. “And I thought maybe you would have told me without having to resort to this, but here we are.”

“But…but kid, this was messed up,” B2 says sounding hurt.

“Hey, no one got hurt too badly, and I found out the secret to your power,” she says holding the gem. “Magic...What a flawless plan. True the machines gaining sentience was a hitch, but I came out on top.”

“Twilight! You have to let those powers go right now!” Sunset begs. “Just last night I let myself become corrupted by-“

“Yeah, listen, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me,” she interrupts and begins pointing at all the human Deadly 6 and Flash. “Sorry you all got thrown into this, but hey, I’m sure you had fun. In the end, it was just a prank, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” She gives you and B2 a pointed look and smirk as says this.

She then starts flying higher into the air as fire engine sirens are heard.

“But if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go do more experimentation with this magic to test my limits. I’ll see you two later for more interrogation” she says pointing to you and your double.

“Twilight! You’re acting all scary!” Puppy Spike pleads and she looks down at him with a softer, kinder smile.

“Don’t worry Spike, no one’s going to get hurt…permanently.” The puppy of course is not assured by this. “So stick close to the two Bugzes, I’ll come pick you up later. I’ve got lots of Science to do!” she declares as she cackles and lifts off into the air, flying out of sight.

You sit there in the parking lot as Fazbear’s burns to the ground in shock as all the teens look at each other in absolute confusion.

“So…that just happened,” you say as the emotional roller coaster of the day’s events catches up to you.

“What? What just happened?!” B2 asks, all but pleading for an answer.

“I Don’t Knoooowwwww!” you whine as you grip your scalp in frustration.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Near The Dragon Lands

“What do you mean you don’t know?” you ask your Grandbuggy as he trots next to you on the cart.

“I mean I don’t know kid, I can’t make it more simpler than that,” he shrugs.

“Grrr,” you growl in frustration as you look at the embedded amulet shards on your chest. “Well if there’s even a risk of Spike turning evil, I won’t ask him to bite this out of me.”

It’s been a few days since waking up to your discovery, and though the initial freak out was huge (you stress ate Garble’s breakfast and lunch) you’ve felt fairly in control of yourself. When you fought that plant monster, you knew the signs of losing yourself as the impulses were strong, but with it in your chest, you don’t feel any eviler or crazier. Still, the last thing you want is having a bejeweled scar, even if it looks cool, because you’ll never hear the end of it from your Daddy.

“Him chomping into your chest and causing an even bigger wound aside, that would be the smart thing to do,” he says.

“That and Dad would obviously freak out thinking he was trying to eat me or something stupid like that,” you sigh and shake your head.

“I could do it if you want,” Garble volunteers. “I’m sure I could bite it out.”

“You’re just saying that so that you can hurt me and open up a weak spot!” you chide.

“Wha? I would never,” he badly lies and you give him the stink eye.

“I’m sure there’s more practical means little one,” the Merchant says as he pulls the wagon. “Perhaps a bit of plastic surgery.”

“The guy selling all kinds of weird magical stuff recommends modern medicine?” asks Greta as she flutters along next to the wagon.

“You can’t solve everything with magic,” he points out.

“Hmmph, or so Daring Do would have you believe,” Ahuizotl quips.

“Oh will you quit bellyaching about her? It’s getting annoying,” Greta whines.

“Oh I’m sorry that my trust and understanding of my one true nemesis was destroyed and is ticking you off griffon!” he huffs and you all roll your eyes.

“Cripes Sake Ahz,” Grandbuggy facehooves and shakes his head. “When you two meet up again, you both should just do it and get it over with.”

“Wha-I-That’ll never happen!” Ahuizotl blushes.

“Not with that attitude it won’t,” Grandbuggy admonishes.

“Yeah seriously, next time you see her just do it,” you agree and all of the adults all look at you in worry. “What? Even I think they should just kiss already.”

“Oooohhh,” they all say in relief and understanding, which confuses you.

“What? What did you all think I meant?”

“Never you mind kid,” Greta says with a chuckle.

“Oh Come On!” you growl as you are once again denied the adult knowledge they keep hidden from you.

They just don’t want me to grow up! They just want to keep me a filly forever and never leave the bag! You think bitterly before your eyes go wide. Now was that my own bitterness or the Amulet crazy talk? Ugh, I can’t tell!

And as you have an existential debate with yourself, Garble suddenly speaks up and points at a mountain on the horizon.

“There it is, home sweet home,” he says happily before his ear fins droop.

“What? Why so glum looking?” asks Greta.

“It’s just that I don’t know if my Dad and Uncle Torch consider me worthy enough to return. I was kind of doing a penance run with the ponies and searching for my Ex Crackle before I devoted myself to defeating Nightshade.”

“Eh, you’ll probably be alright so long as you don’t piss me off ya dang lizard,” Grandbuggy says as he lights his cigar. “Torch and I go back a long time, and there’s no reason he wouldn’t pay his dues.”

“What, just like there’s no reason why you shouldn’t pay that faceless pony that always follows you?” quips the Merchant.

“Buck Him!” Grandbuggy says as he turns and looks at the slowly walking Slendermane who can be seen a few miles back. “You’re Not Fooling Anyling Ya Dang Bum!”

You roll your eyes at his antics, before facing the mountain which has smoke coming out of the top.

“So you’re sure the Dragon Lord will be nice to us?” you ask timidly.

“Eh, as nice as the old git can be,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “He is pretty intimidating though, so if you want you can hang out with his daughter while we chat.”

“Which is code for losing your money at cards,” Ahuizotl riffs and Grandbuggy shoots him a look.

“He’s got a daughter?” you ask surprised.

“Yeah, about the size of chuckle buck here,” he says pointing to Garble. “So she’s less scary than her pops.

“Ha! Princess Ember NOT scary? In your dreams,” Garble laughs.

You ignore the dumb flank and look intently at the volcano.

Well, scary or not, we need to get that Egg and Scepter piece. The sooner we get done with our hunt, the sooner we can figure out how to get this stupid amulet out of my chest.


Episode 45: Over the River and Through the Woods, to Dragon Lord Torch We Go!

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After some more time walking, you eventually get to a shack near a river.

“Hey, wait a second, I think dad talked about a donkey with a raft business that helped Spike when he went to the dragon lands,” you speak up.

“It is a quick way to get through without wandering through dense forest,” Grandbuggy says.

“Hmm, if there is no road, then I suppose that’s it then,” the merchant says and you turn to him.

Kichi’s Comment

“What do you mean?” you ask.

“There’s no sense in me trying to pull this wagon around that river, too much time and effort,” he answers as he unhitches himself. “So I suppose it’s time for me to bid you farewell for now.”

“Huh? You’re leaving already?” asks Grandbuggy.

“That’s right stranger. Now that I’ve dragged ya as far as I could, it’s time for me to get back to business and set up shop elsewhere.”

“Ahh, that sucks. I was getting used to having a travel trailer,” Greta whines.

“Heh heh heh,” the merchant chuckles. “Always a sound investment in my opinion. Now,” he claps his hooves together before he holds them out to you expectedly. “If you don't mind returning me the weapons, I can be on my way."

"Wait, you want us to return these amazing weapons? Why?" asks Ahuizotl.

“Well one, you never paid me for them and they fetch quite the penny, and two they are far too powerful for you lot,” he explains. “Back at the exchange was an emergency situation, but now that the crisis is over, would you kindly return them?”

"And what if we don't want to return them?" asks Greta as she holds her weapon close to her chest.

The merchant’s eyes glow red at that as he stares you all down.

"Then, I will curse you all,” he threatens before looking at Grandbuggy. “If you thought you had bad luck before, wait until you get hit with my speciality. Bits will disappear, equipment will be lost in the laundry, your enemies will manage to find you in your worst moments one after the other...Should I continue?"

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Well, I mean, that kind of has already happened to me my whole life,” you point out remembering how Dad has won and lost several fortunes, your inventory roster keeps changing and your enemies always seem to find you.

"Also, you'll never be able to see a movie, show, or play a videogame without spoilers ever again…”

Your eyes widen at that declaration as you turn to the others.

“Give them up! Give them up right the buck now!”

“Yeah, good call,” Greta nods as she tosses over hers.

“Indeed,” Ahuizotl follows suit.

“I do hate spoilers,” Grandbuggy agrees. “Which is funny considering I traveled with the Doctor.”

“I mean, is it really that big a deal?” Garble asks and you glare at him with immense fury.

“Do it now scaly or I’ll descale you!” you threaten.

“OK, Fine! Jeeze!” he relents.

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After everyone has reluctantly given their weapons to him, the Merchant’s eyes stop glowing and he even seems to smile through his mask.

"Good doing business with ya," he says before he walks over to a tree with a piece of chalk and starts drawing a door on it.

“Well, thanks for all your help and for looking after me when I was out,” you thank as he finishes his drawing and sets a blue flamed torch at the base of the true.

“You’re welcome Little One. I’m sure I’ll see you again in the future. If you do, stop by and see what I’ve added to my collection,” he says as he suddenly opens the chalk door inwards and light comes out of the tree.

“What the…” you blather as he re-hitches himself to the cart and starts walking into the doorway. He stops for a moment though and looks back at you.

“It’s been fun traveling with you all. I hope to do it again sometime. Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention, that staff you purchased has a little something extra to it. I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” he says with a wink before he completely walks all the way in with his cart and closes the door behind him. As it closes, the chalk outline fades away and the torch goes out.

You look to Grandbuggy for an explanation.

“You got me kiddo,” he shrugs. “I may be old, but I don’t know everything.”

“It’s like he glitched through reality itself,” Greta mutters.

“I say we just chalk it up to arcane forces outside of our control,” Ahuizotl suggests.

“So weird pony magic mumbo jumbo, got it,” Garble nods.

“…Yeah sure, why the buck not,” you shrug as you look at your Power Pole. “Hmm, I wonder what the secret is?”

“Well no use crying over otherworldly milk, let’s get going to that raft house before our faceless stalker catches up,” Grandbuggy urges.

You look back down the trail and see Slendermane slowly but surely making his way towards you.

“He’s determined, I’ll give him that,” Greta says as you all start walking towards the shack.

“So quick question, why do we even need the raft? We can all fly can’t we?” Garble asks.

“I can’t,” Ahuizotl says and you all look to him.

“Huh…I guess you are the only one Ahz,” Grandbuggy notes.

“So can’t we just carry him or something?” asks Garble.

“Heh, good luck with that. I ain’t carry this heavy jackass all the way down this river,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Me neither!” you agree.

“Same,” Greta nods.

“I don’t weigh that much…” Ahuizotl mutters sadly.

“Well alright then, but you’re paying,” Garble says as he points to the chalkboard by the front door which reads 150 Bits Per Trip

Ahuizotl sighs at that. “I sure hope that’s not per person.”

Grandbuggy takes the initiative and knocks on the door. After a few seconds, the door opens, but instead of a donkey like you were expecting…

“Yes, how can I help you?” asks a Pink Mare in overalls and a floppy hat.

“Hey! I thought we left you behind at Rainbow Falls!” Garble accuses pointing a claw at the Pinkie clone.

“Rainbow Falls…? Oh, did you see Mary? I ain’t seen her in a good long while,” the clone says.

“What are you twins or something?” asks Garble.

“Something like that,” you interject.

“What she said,” the clone says with a smile. “Name’s Pickle Barrel, how can I help you?”

“Uh, we’d like to go to the dragon lands please,” Ahuizotl says.

“Hmm, well I hope you got the coin for it,” she says with a smile.

Some Time Later

We now find you all on a raft as Pickle Barrel rows you all down the river.

“Ha! Suck It No Face!” Grandbuggy taunts Slendermane as he is forced to walk along the riverbanks and losing distance.

You roll your eyes at this before looking to the Pinkie Clone.

“So, didn’t a donkey used to work here?”

“Oh yeah he did, but Cranky decided to retire completely after I…or rather a part of me helped him find his true love again…” Pickle says a bit sadly.

“Oh hey, I remember that guy. He’s got a fancy wig,” you say in remembrance. “I always thought he was too grumpy to like, but if he helped Spike out he can’t be too bad.”

“So, to cut her off before she starts gushing about him again, let’s plan out what we’re gonna do when we start seeing dragons,” Greta says quickly over you and you give her the stink eye.

“I don’t gush about him!”

You are promptly ignored though as Grandbuggy nods to Greta.

“Well first of all, we’re not going to start any fights. There’s a lot more easier ways to commit suicide than fighting off a group of dragons.”

“Daddy turned out alright,” you point out.

“Yeah, but that was a bunch of piss ants and one grown up. I’m talking a horde of grown ups.”

“Oh…” you trail off imagining a swarm of kaiju.

“So yeah, we go in, play all nice like, and when we get to Torch, I’ll remind him of the good times, and I’ll ask him for what we need.”

“And he’ll just give it to us right?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Pfft, Tartarus no. The old bastard will want to gamble again for sure. I’ll give Torchy this, he’s never changed when it comes to his vices,” Grandbuggy smirks.

Changer T. Emerald’s Comment

“Oh, can I play too?” you ask. “Sombra taught me how to always win at poker.” Grandbuggy gives you a stern look at that.

“Did she just say Sombra?” asks Pickle Barrel, but she is ignored.

“What that jerkoff taught you was how to cheat Shade, and the last thing you want to do is cheat a dragon. Not even that cigar thieving Gallant True would be that dumb.”

“Oh ok, can I still play though?”

“Nah, this is gonna be for the grownups Shade, there’s no room for little kids,” he tells you.

“…Really?!” you huff angrily. “There’s no room? If you don’t remember I’m the one who pulled the most weight in the last town!”

“Don’t get snippy with me missy,” he scolds. “And trust me, the last thing I need is you attacking the dragon lord.”

“Who says I’m going to attack him?! I’m not crazy like daddy!” you growl and your shards glow faintly.

“No gambling kid, and that’s final,” Grandbuggy puts his hoof down.

“Oh fine!” you grunt and turn away from him crossing your arms as you pout.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Quick, maybe you could relent a bit?” you hear Ahuizotl whisper.

“No can do,” Grandbuggy reaffirms. “The card games with Torch can get out of hand and intense and I don’t need her blowing up with that thing in her chest.”

You’re just using that as an excuse, just like Daddy always had excuses for keeping me in the bag, you think bitterly.

“I mean, you and Catbird can either join or watch at your own leisure, but just be warned, some sportsmanlike violence may occur.”

“Quit calling me that,” Greta scolds. “And how bad are we talking?”

“Well, let’s just say the last time I played, friendly relations between the kirins and the dragons became a thing of the past, and Hippogriffs could still fly.”

“The heck are kirins and hippogriffs?” Greta asks.

“My point exactly,” Grandbuggy nods without explaining.

And while Greta groans at this vagueness, you continue to grumble.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Mmhmm, excuses and vague answers, just like my whole life. You snort and look out at the passing riverbanks. Daddy wants to keep me in the bag forever, Mommy doesn’t want me to dreamwalk too much, noling wants to explain “Adult Stuff” to me. I can handle Adult Stuff, I’m not a baby! I’m a big filly! I’m strong as buck too!

You grit your teeth and the gem shards glow again.

They just want me to be a filly forever! Sure I don’t have a cutie mark, but I’ll get one eventually! I know I’m only four, but I’m just like Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo! You huff again as your body tingles with faint green flame.

Noling wants to explain that to me either! Why am I so much different? Why was I never a baby like the Cake Twins? Will I ever get answers when Mommy gets a body? Will anything ever really change? Will everyone always hate us?

“Uh, are you alright?” asks Pickle Barrel and you look at her.

“Yeah I’m fine,” you grunt. “What’s it to you?”

“It’s just…um…” she gestures towards the water and you look at it.

“What? What am I suppo-“ your eyes widen as you see your reflection.

Your mane is black and is a different style, with part of it covering one of your eyes. Speaking of your eyes, there is black mascara looking smudges around them and to top it all off, you appear to have a nose piercing.

“Ah! What the buck?!” you say startled as with a green flame, your face and hair return to normal.

“Huh? What is it kid?” asks Greta from the other side of the raft. You look back at her and realize that none of the others aside from Pickle Barrel saw your little transformation.

“Uh, n-nothing. Just saw a fish jump,” you lie.

She shrugs and turns back to Grandbuggy’s discussion and you look back at the clone.

“Why did I look like that?”

“I was just about to ask you the same thing,” she responds.

“I don’t know, but I looked like that weird vampire looking teenager that likes to hang around the bowling alley,” you shudder. “She always speaks in a bored voice and rolls her eyes a lot.”

“Oh, so a typical emo teen?” she asks.

“I guess? Though I wonder what brought that on…?”

“Maybe you’re just feeling sad. You know what will cheer you right up?”


Ello Calebero’s Comment

“CHURROS!” she declares as pulls four of them from nowhere.

“Oh heck ya!” you cheer, your grumpy mood melting a bit and your shards to dim.

And as the others ponder the impossibility of hot and fresh churros appearing out of nowhere, you continue down the river.

Some More Time Later

“Alright, you all be safe now you hear? Dragons can be pretty dangerous,” Pickle Barrel warns as she waves goodbye.

“You’re danged right we are,” Garble boasts.

“Oh…Well, I kind of meant real dragons…” she says awkwardly.

“I Am A Real Dragon!” he whines in outrage.

“Uhhh…well bye now, I’ll see you if you get back.”

“Don’t you mean when?” asks Greta.


And while Greta and Ahuizotl exchange uncertain glances, you wave goodbye.

“We’ll be back, don’t worry,” you assure before you all start walking through a forest path towards the base of the volcano.

After a few miles, Garble turns you all.

“OK, so the volcano leads to the rest of the range which is near the coast, which is where Dragon Lord Torch will be.”

“Yeah Yeah, I know the dang layout kid,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes. “It may have been about 300 years since I was last here, but I know the route.”

Garble just gawks at that.

“How old are you?”

“Heh, that’s the mystery ain’t it?” he says smugly as you all keep walking on.

You all then start scaling the side of the mountain, and as you near the top the temperature increases and you hear several voices.

Alright, entering a new place in three, two, o-HOLY CRAP!

Cresting the ridge, you spy a buck ton of dragons, and you mean a BUCK TON.

They come in all shapes in sizes and colors. There are some just snoozing on the blackened rocks, some are flying around, and still others are actually swimming in lava. You’ve only met a handful of dragons, but they are all shrimps in comparison to many of them.

“Hmm, it seems they still haven’t adopted basic culture yet,” Ahuizotl observes.

“I know right? Even we have huts,” Greta agrees.

“Well, they’re a fair sight better than changeling homes. A giant cocoon in the middle of the desert does not a good view make,” Grandbuggy informs as he adjusts his bowler.

“Well…I guess we should just keep walking then?” you suggest as you look the gigantic firebreathing lizards.

“Yeah alright, follow me,” Garble nods as he leads you down a path.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

As you and the Outcasts continue to walk through the Dragon Lands, you get all kinds of looks from the surrounding dragons. Most of them are those 'looks like a couple of idiots are going to do something stupid' looks your Daddy gets whenever he...well acts like Daddy. You’re used to them though so shrug them off.

What you can't shrug off are the occasional looks of fear, awe, and hesitation you get from some of the younger looking dragons. You haven't done a Daddy (yet) so you don't get what's up with all those kind of stares.

"Geeze, you'd think they've never seen a diverse group of creatures walking together before,” you say aloud as a dragon about Spike’s size ducks down behind a rock. Your Grandbuggy lets out a chuckle at your observation before he says,

"Well sweetie, that's probably because they haven't seen us before. Most young dragons don't leave the Dragon Lands till they come of age and go out to claim their own hoard. This is probably the first time any of them have seen a living creature that doesn't have scales on them, much less feathers, fur and chitin."

"It’s true, with how bothersome you ponies can be, our parents don't usually let us leave unless it’s to one of our hang-out spots in the mountains. Course that hasn't stopped me from sneaking out to mess with some ponies with my buddies," Garble adds in as he chuckles cruelly at what was probably some past 'prank' he pulled.

"And now look at you, forced to follow around some filly half your age because she kicked your flank,” you say in deadpan. “Real impressive what that sneakiness did for ya buddy."

Grable stutters out a bunch of gibberish at your comeback before settling on just grumbling angrily while glaring at you. You just return a smug look of your own, while pointedly ignoring a tiny voice in your head saying to go further with your teasing.

"Hey, speaking of scaly over there, you think we’re gonna run into his Pops while we're here? I don't think I wanna stick around if he gets pissed we dragged his son all the way here,” Greta asks the group a bit as her eyes continue to scan the creatures.

Garble scratches the back of his head nervously at that.

"I doubt we will since he lives on the other side of the mountains. Besides even if we do he'd be more pissed at me than you guys for showing up before my exile was finished. So unless you guys start seeing fiery death in the sky we should be fine...hopefully."

While the prospect of running into Smaug does scare you slightly (and a smaller part of you to get excited at the prospect of fighting a fully grown dragon) you simply blow off Garble's worries.

"Garble, trust me when I say your pissed off dad is the least of my concerns. If my Daddy finds out I got this stupid Amulet on me..." A brief image of your Dad in his Cloak blowing up a mountain while cursing Lady Luck with a whole slew of insults even you wouldn't dare say flashes in your mind before you shake your head and continue, "Well let's just property value will be dropping around here by a lot."

Garble, who has actually seen your dad when truly pissed off, can't help but shiver in fear at that.

"On second thought, yeah my dad is probably the smallest problem we'd have if your dad showed up. I still get phantom pain when I see a drill..."

While the others, aside from Grandbuggy, look at the young drake in confusion you just sigh in sympathy before saying,

"Well the chances of running into either of our dads is pretty slim, especially mine. So we should be all go-"


"-od oh Gorramit!"

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You stare up as a large shadow descends from the clouds. With a loud boom you look as Smaug lands and glares at your group, or rather the dragon currently cowering behind you.

GARBLE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOUR EXILE ISN’T OVER YET!” He roars glaring daggers at him, seemingly ignoring you and your little group. You’d normally be intimidated by this but after the giant op plant monster, you feel rather annoyed than scared. And unknown to you, your shards glow at this annoyance. Your Grandbuggy would’ve taken notice of this if he wasn’t currently struggling to hold up your other two companions as they cling onto him in fear.


“Well, uh… you see...” Garble stutters under his breath.

“Oh come on, stallion up, it’s just your dad,” you scold him.

“Yeah, as if it’s that easy,” he grumbles.

“It is. I’ve beaten up my dad more than once,” you point out.

“You have?” he says wide eyed and you roll your eyes as your annoyance grows.

“Garble! Answer Your Father!” the giant roars and the teen cowers again.

Seeing as how he’s wussing out and getting nowhwere, you spread your wings and hover above the group, getting near hs snout.

“Hi! Big Red Dragon, Excuse Me?” you say staring into his eyes.

“Hmm?” Smaug notices your flapping form and stares at you for a moment. “Who are you again pony?”

“Yeah hi, this is the first time you and I are officially meeting, but I’m Nightshade, daughter of The Hooded Offender? You know, the guy who drilled you and took some of your hoard?” His eyes widen immediately at that and he looks down at your group right at Grandbuggy?

“Offender…? How did you get so old?” he says fearfully, his voice no longer booming.

“Guess again buddy,” Grandbuggy chuckles as he puffs out some smoke.

“Yeah no, that’s my Grandbuggy, he’s my Daddy’s grandpa,” you explain.

“Oh…OK,” he says still looking left and right. “He’s not here is he? I really don’t want to go another round of his insanity.”

“Nah, he’s off in another dimension or something with my Mommy,” you say as you flap back down to your group.. The dragon just tilts his head in confusion before shaking it off.

“Right, but that still doesn’t explain why you and my son are here along with a chicken and a large weasel.”

“Hey!” Ahuizotl scoffs.

“What did you just call me?” Greta growls, but both are ignored as the dragon looks right back at his offspring with a glare.

“Especially when his banishment isn’t over,” he sighs.

“Oh yeah, he said I’m like his lifelong rival or something and by his dragon code he has to beat me, and he thinks the best way to do that is to follow me wherever I go to find my weakness,” you say rolling your eyes. Smaug ponders this for a moment before sighing.

“Fine, I’ll allow him to enter this one time, but only to honor the code.” Garble sighs at this but his father continues. “HOWEVER, he has to go see his sister while he’s here.”

“What?! Come on Dad, anything but that!” Garble pleads on his knees.
Smolder misses you young drake, so you go visit with my little princess!” he orders causing Garble to groan in defeat.

“Hey, you didn’t tell me you had a little sister,” you accuse the dragon.

“Why would I? Mentioning her wouldn’t help me defeat you,” he points out.

“Well I don’t know, maybe I would have gone easier on you if I realized you had a sibling that would miss you if you were gone!” you snarl.

“You would have?” he says taken aback.

“Well not now,” you huff.

“Great thanks,” he monotones. “But yeah, what do you mean by ‘if I were gone’? You haven’t tried to kill me have you?”

“Not actively, but from what I heard about the hippie camp, I messed you up pretty badly.”

“From what you heard? You don’t even remember?!” he says exasperated and you shrug.

“The hippie smell made me forget a lot of that night.”

“Wait, what’s this about Hippies?” Smaug says as his eyes hone in on his son.

“NOTHING! I wasn’t smoking anything I wasn’t supposed to!” he says rapidly causing the older dragon to raise a brow. By now a whole group of dragons young and old are watching this scene unfold with rapt attention, which causes Grandbuggy to cough into his hoof.

“Not that I don’t want to talk about your son’s experimental phases, but do you two just want a moment? The rest of us got a schedule to keep.”

Smaug turns his attention to the old bug with interest.

“And what business do you have here Grandsire of the Offender?” he asks.

“Oh not much, we’re just here to see Dragon Lord Torch about personal matters,” Grandbuggy states.

“YOU have business with the Dragon Lord?” he sputters which causes many more dragons to turn their heads to your conversation.

“Heck yeah I do, though business is kind of a strong word. I prefer catching up with a drinking buddy that owes me one.” Hearing that, Smaug squints his eyes and lowers his head to get a better look at Grandbuggy. After a few seconds, his eyes widen in recognition.
“Wait, you’re the one who beat Torch at the 777th annual dragon drinking contest!” Smaug says in amazement.

Gasps erupt from many of the older dragons in the crowd and Grandbuggy smiles smugly. Garble turns around with his mouth agape.

“That was you?!” Grandbuggy chuckles and puffs out his chest.

“The one and only!” He says proudly.

“That’s…that’s not possible,” Garble says as he looks back at his dad. “How can he be the Drunken Disaster? You said that happened when YOU were young?” Grandbuggy slumps at that nickname, as does the cigar in his mouth.

“I don’t know Garble, but it is him, I’d never forget that scent, or that hat,” Smaug says.

“Yeah that’s him alright,” says another large dragon.

“For sure!” says a large female.

“The Drunken Disaster has returned! Everyone, put tarps over your treasure!” cries out another one and many of the dragons disperse.

You look at Grandbuggy with a giggle, “The Drunken Disaster?”

He lets out a sigh, “Yeah…yeah that’s what they called me after the last time.”

“What did you do?” asks Ahuizotl as he chuckles.

“Yeah, oh great disaster artist?” Greta teases.

“Ha ha ha, laugh it up ya ingrates,” he shakes his head. “Let’s see you all try to hold your wits together after drinking ten mountains worth of ancient dragon booze in under thirty minutes! And what happened afterwards I will not go into because there’s a child present."

“Oh Come On!”

“Nope, and that’s final,” he says in determination.

“So, have you come to play yet another game of chance with Torch?” asks Smaug.

“Yeah, that’s about the gist of it,” Grandbuggy nods.

“Ah, well, carry on then,” he steps aside and raises his arm to allow you all to pass.

“But seriously, no urinating on the gold again,” he instructs.

“Oh shut yer yap!” Grandbuggy grunts as you, Greta and Ahuizotl start laughing again.

As you all start walking again, Smaug cuts Garble off.

“Ah Ah Ah Mister, you and I are going to visit your sister, and you are going to tell me what you’ve accomplished so far in Exile.”

“Aaaaahhh, but I don’t want to hang around the twerp! She’s so annoying!” Garble whines as you leave him behind.

“Hmmph, he should be more grateful. If I had a little sister or brother, I would always appreciate them,” you announce as he is flown off by his dad.

“Heh, who knows, maybe that’s in your future kid. Once your ma gets a body she and your pops will probably get to testing it immediately,” Grandbuggy chuckles and you look at him confused.

“Huh? How does mom getting a body lead to that?” you ask and Grandbuggy’s face stiffens.

“…Magic mostly,” he coughs awkwardly before Greta jumps in.

“Uh yeah, don’t put too much stock in brothers and sisters kid. They can get real annoying real fast. Take my sister Gabby for instance, she never shuts her dang beak, Ugh!”

“Hmmph, so says you ya video game nerd,” you insult.

“Oi!” she responds.

Pretty soon, you all enter the heart of the Dragon Lands proper and see the coast far in the distance.

“Dang it Ahuizotl, why can’t you learn to fly already?” you grumble as you see the long path over sharp obsidian rocks.

“With what wings?!” he exclaims.


Flash Sentry gasps as his mecha suit dives into the trees at the edge of the river.

“Ugh, I need to remind Armor to add a cooling system into this thing. It feels like an oven in here,” he sighs as he splashes some water on his mech. After a few moments of sizzling, he looks forward as his HUD appears before him.

“OK, the trail of dark magical energy is still heading this way,” he says as his suit picks up fading signatures on the path. He then pulls up a map and after cross referencing it, he bites his lip in worry.
“If this path continues, I’ll be heading into the dragon lands...” he thinks aloud, wondering if he should head back now, or continue while the path is fairly fresh.

“If this is her, then why would Nightmare Moon go to the dragon lands? Is she making an alliance with them? Oh that would not be a good combo,” he shivers at the implications.

“Better go into stealth mode. I’d rather I find out proof before trying to get more troops into a dangerous situation. Also who knows, maybe the dragons will rough her up and I can save the Changeling’s body while she’s weak.”

Nodding at his plan, he pushes a button on his gauntlet and almost instantly, the color fades as he camouflages into the background.

“By Celestia, these things are cool,” he says giddily as he once more flies above the trees, following the river. From his position, he spots some movement some distance ahead.

“Ah, there’s that guy in the suit that makes things all staticy when I try to look at him properly,” Flash says as he sees the slowly walking individual. “Are you following the trail too?”

And as Flash keeps the strange stallion in his sites, a couple miles behind him a blue unicorn in a tree watches him with a pair of binoculars.

“Wow, these new binoculars can track anything! That guy’s lit up like a parade,” he chuckles as he can see both the heat and magical output of the mech. He then points his binocs lower and sees the same particle trail that Flash saw.

“Hmm, strange. It is dark magic, but it seems more powerful than what’s on file for the Offender. Has Nightmare Moon grown stronger, or is this something else? And why’s there a red tint to it as well?” he ponders for a moment before putting his tool away.

“If Sentry keeps following this path, he’ll end up in the Dragon Lands chasing whatever this is…Ah screw it, I came this far, might as well see what that source is. Plus, if Sentry gets eaten by the dragons, well, that’s just more valuable scrap to recover.”

The unicorn then hops from his tree, deploying two green claws from his hoof gauntlet which he digs into the bark, slowing his descent. Landing without a noise on the forest floor, he follows after the camouflaged mech, leaving a trail of ice in his hoof prints.

“Well, on with the show,” he sighs.

Zapper frost’s Comment

After what feels like forever walking over the blackened stones, you come across a cave that’s entrance is as big a skyscraper. Ahuizotl lets out an impressed whistle, and Greta just gawks.

“That’s a big hole,” you say elegantly.

“That it is honey, that it is,” Grandbuggy nods before becoming slightly serious. “Now remember what I said Shade.”

“Yeah yeah, no gambling or whatever and go hang out with the Dragon Lord’s daughter,” you huff and cross your arms. “Just putting me at the kid’s table like usual. I bet she’s boring and all full of herself to boot.”

“Heh, well screw you too then,” comes an amused yet stern voice from within the cave. You all turn your heads to the source and see a female blue dragon teen about the size of Garble, with curled horns, lazily flying out of the darkness.

“And who said I wanted to hang out with a bratty little pony?” she quips crossing her arms as she eyes you curiously.

“…Not me, that’s for sure,” you grumble as you get a pretty good read on her. Teenager is practically highlighted above her head.


Episode 46: Place Your Bets

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The teen dragoness continues to hover before you all, and seeing as how you’re not going to break the ice, Grandbuggy coughs into his hoof.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Ahem…hello Princess, I’ve come to meet your father. I’m sure he’s told you of me?” Grandbuggy says taking a step forward. The blue dragon huffs at her title and sighs.

“Yeah, yeah, I heard of your arrival from the other dragons. My dad’s in the cave,” she grumbles rolling her eyes. Grandbuggy smiles and nods at this before turning to you with a sheepish expression.

“Now Nightshade I know you’re not keen on not partaking in this, but it’d be better for all of us if you stayed out here. I don’t want you caught in the middle if this meeting goes south.” Grandbuggy says leaning down to look you in the eyes.

“But Grandbuggy I’ll be fine! I took down that giant plant monster! I can handle myself,” You whine in annoyance.

“I know you can dear, I’m not saying you can’t but this is something we can’t risk. Remember this is for your mommy remember?”

“Yeah I know…” you groan as you look at the ashy ground.

“Here you can make friends with the princess here, having her be on our side would really help things out,” he says to you with pleading eyes. You sigh in reluctance but you nod your head.

Sure, make friends with a teen dragon I’m not allowed to pummel, that can only go well…

He smirks and pulls you in for a hug, and despite your moodiness, you reciprocate. You may be huffy, but you aren’t that much of a brat.

“Alrighty then, don’t get into too much trouble, and avoid anything your pops would consider fun,” he says before he looks up in thought. “Or rather, go ahead. Fire is all the rage with dragons, might be a good conversation starter.” And with a smirk he walks into the cave entrance.

Well too bad I’m not a pyromaniac like you or Daddy, you think to yourself as Greta gives a thumbs up to you and follows Grandbuggy.

“Don’t worry nina, I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything too loco,” Ahuizotl assures you as he follows the rest.

The dragon princess watches as your companions enter the cave before looking back at you.

Kichi’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Ugh, did I seriously just get volunteered for babysitting duty?” she complains.

“Hey, I’m not a baby!” you bark back. “And it’s not like I want to be here either…”

“Yeah, well, I don’t exactly have any frilly pony things around here, so don’t even ask for tea on some tiny pink plastic table,” she says as she lands in front of you.

“And what’s wrong with tea?” you challenge. “I mean sure I prefer soda and all, but it’s alright.” She raises a brow at that.

“What’s soda?” she asks and your jaw drops.

“You don’t know what soda is?!” you shout in outrage and she just shrugs.

“It’s pony stuff, and quite frankly, you’re the first one I’ve met.”

“But soda is like the life blood of the universe! It’s sweet, bubbly, and 9 times out of 10 you can put ice cream in it!”

“…Ice cream?”

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” you shout in frustration and she winces.

“And there’s the crying I was expecting, ugh!” she looks away from you.

“Well it’s your fault! You’re missing out on two of the greatest inventions ever!” you shout.

“Oh whatever,” she grumbles. “Now can you stop whining already? It’s bad enough my dad made me sit out on this meeting, the least you could do is make it suck less.”

“Wait, you weren’t allowed in either?” you ask curiously.

“Heh! No,” she spits. “My dad is like overprotective to the extreme. So what if a so called living legend has returned, oh I guess you can’t go see that Ember! Grrr…”

In that moment, a bit of sympathy hits you.

“I know right? They think they always know what’s 'best for you’ or that 'you’re too young to understand' or some other stupid reason.”

“Exactly!” she says triumphantly, pointing at you. “And when you argue, they hit you back with that ‘I’ve gotta protect you,’ BS.”

“Oh don’t I know it!” you agree getting riled up. “I mean, how many times do I need to show that I can defend myself before they get the message? Zombies, bulls, freaking kaiju? Can’t they see I’m tough?”

“Yeah!” she encourages. “And then they butt in every time you try to talk to a guy and make them all scared of you, like you couldn’t deal with them in the first place!”

“Preaching to the choir,” you agree.

"Adults…" you both groan at the same time before you both look each other in the eye and laugh.

"Ember," she says offering a claw.

"Nightshade," you respond as you shake with your hoof.

“Heh, never thought I’d have so much in common with the first pony I met,” she chuckles.

“Yeah, well, I guess our dad’s are just the same amount of dumb,” you giggle.

“Do all ponies have overprotective dads?” she asks sincerely.

“I mean…” you trail off as you think about it. “I don’t think so? Then again I don’t really know that many families. My friend Sweetie Belle’s parents are nice and let her do basically whatever, Scootaloo’s parents are always out of town on business, and Applebloom’s parents are straight up dead, so I don’t really have that much frame of reference.”

“Huh…” Ember says sounding a bit intrigued and confused. “Well speaking of which, where is your dad? Because though I don’t doubt that the Disaster in there fathered you, you kept calling him Grandbuggy.”

“Oh, well he’s actually my Great Grandpa, and as for my Daddy he’s not in this reality right now…it’s hard to explain,” you say.

“…Alright then,” she just shrugs and goes with it. “But I gotta say, you don’t look much like a bug.”

“Yeah, I tend to keep that part hidden,” you say as you flash some green flame on your face and give yourself some fangs. “Most ponies would flip I think.”

“Probably…speaking of, are you like royalty or something? Dad once told me horses with wings and horns were in charge.”

“Oh yeah, most alicorns are. There’s four of them now that are princesses but I’m…not really a princess I don’t think, though in a weird way I am related to them…it’s complicated.”

“Sounds like it,” she says as she scratches her horns. “So…since we’re not exactly allowed into the cave, you wanna go do something fun?”

“Like what?” you ask.

“Well, how good are you at fooling others out of treasure?” she asks with a conspiratorial grin.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With Grandbuggy

Further in the cave, the rest of the Outcasts notice several carvings sketched into the walls.

“Intriguing,” Ahuizotl gapes as his inner archaeologist bubbles up.

“Yeah, it’s like a tapestry made of rocks,” Greta says as she views claw drawn portraits of past Dragon Lords.

“Well, paper doesn’t do so well out in these lands,” Grandbuggy chuckles as he passes a depiction of a group of dragons fighting what looks like a big red ape with a horse body.

“It may not be eloquent, but it is fascinating. Oh hey Fix, I think that one’s of you,” Ahuizotl points to a mural depicting a changeling in a bowler hat drinking with a large blue dragon.

“Oh for Pete’s sake,” Grandbuggy grumbles and looks away from the drawing. “I’ve left several marks on history, and yet it’s this that these dumb lizards choose to remember.”

Shaking his head Grandbuggy walks forward into the central chamber where everal dragons stand ready as guards for their lord. Ahuizotl and Greta gasp and hold there breath as they catch site of the being beyond them. There, sitting upon a mountain’s worth of gold and jewels lies the largest dragon they have ever seen.

Twice the size of Smaug with thrice the number of scales and closed wings so massive they would not be able to fit in the large chamber if unfurled. Large black armor adorns his chest, and atop his head is a humongous crown of red crystals, and two curved white horns that could easily pierce an airship, one of which is decorated with a large gold ring.

Upon their entrance, he clenches a jaw large enough to swallow ten manticores and raises a claw as large as three hay carts to point at them. In said claw is the Bloodstone Scepter that they’ve traveled oh so far for, looking like a toothpick in his mitt. The massive beast opens his mouth revealing rows and rows of sharp teeth, strong enough to turn diamonds into dust.

WHO DARES ENTER THE CHAMBER OF TORCH, THE UNDAUNTED, THE MOUNTAIN BREAKER, 13TH LORD OF THE DRAGONS?!” he roars, his voice echoing throughout the mountain itself. Greta and Ahuizotl gulp in sheer terror as they cling to each other, but Grandbuggy just grumbles as he picks at his hurt ears.

“Still a loud blowhard as ever eh Torchie?” Grandbuggy jokes. The dragon guards growl at this, but cease as Torch raises a claw. He opens his eyes, the orange irises glowing like fire surrounding black slits that narrow as he lowers his head to the group’s level.

“You’ve gotten old,” Torch says looking to the old changeling.

“You got fat,” Grandbuggy says right back, never breaking eye contact. The guards look to each other nervously while Greta and Ahuizotl feel their souls leave their bodies in fear. After an eternity of silence though, Torch smiles as he lets out a hardy laugh.

“HA HA HA HA ha ah. Oh it’s good to see you again old friend,” he says merrily, lifting a fist.

“You too you big lug,” Grandbuggy chuckles lifting his hoof to bump the fist. The guard’s jaws drop at the exchange while Ahuizotl and Greta fall to floor with a thump.

The kaiju sized dragon lets out another hearty laugh as he sees them fall.

“Oh, it has been far too long. The years may have finally caught up with you, but that bowler is still as fresh as ever,” he says pointing to Grandbuggy’s hat.

“Ayup, and it don’t matter how many times you try to win it, this here hat ain’t never leaving me,” Grandbuggy smirks back.

“Heh, I’ve got time,” Torch chuckles as Greta and Ahuizotl sit back up. “Who’re your new friends? More companions of the Doctor?”

“That’s Ahuizotl and Greta, and nah they’re not companions, just your usual pair of criminals and graverobbers,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Hey!” they both say in indignation as Torch laughs.

“Nice, very nice,” he nods. “Though I heard through the vine that you had a pony with you too?”

“Oh right, my Great Grandaughter Nightshade. I left her outside with your kid,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Great Granddaughter?” he says in shock before he smirks. “Why you old dog, did you and Orchard Smith actually start a family?”

Grandbuggy suddenly looks downtrodden at the question as he looks down and bites his lip.

“Not…not really,” he says solemnly. “We had a daughter, but things with me and Smithy…it didn’t work out…”

Torch notices the mood shift and how tender the subject is and gasps out,

“Oh…Uh…sorry about that ol’ chum.”

“Yeah…” Grandbuggy nods as Greta and Ahuizotl eye him curiously. He then coughs into his hoof and looks back up. “But enough about the past, why don’t we get down to business and catch up?”

“Business you say?” the giant says with a greedy glint in his eye. “I like the sound of that.”

Grandbuggy then goes on to tell him exactly what they’ve come there for. A petrified dragon egg, and a piece of the Bloodstone Scepter.

“And do I even want to know what you need those for?” he asks.

“No, not really,” Grandbuggy says simply.

“Eh, never hurts to ask. I do happen to have a petrified egg, actually it came from my nest when I was young.”

Grandbuggy lets out a sigh of relief at that.

“I’ll be willing to play just about anything for that. But for the Scepter…We’re gonna have to play something a bit harder for that,” he says ominously.

“I figured as much. It is almost time isn’t it?” Grandbuggy says in understanding.

“Yup! Almost time to retire and let one of the whelps run things for a millennia or two,” he says wistfully.

“Sounds like a plan,” Grandbuggy nods. “So…”

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“What game are we playing?” Grandbuggy asks.

The massive dragon leans down, his head easily dwarfing everyone else.

“Well since you’ve got some friends with you, we got the usual. Black jack, hold’em, war, old maid,” he lists off.

Grandbuggy contemplates silently for a moment before he smirks trollishly.

“How about…UNO?”

A collective gasp echoes from the guard dragons inside the cavern as Torch looks utterly bewildered. He narrows his eyes and grins.

“Oh that’s evil…Is this vengeance for the Monopoly incident?”

“You bet your sweet bippy it is,” Grandbuggy nods and the dragon smiles, showing off his column sized teeth as Ahuizotl and Greta shudder in fear once again.

“I accept.” And with a thunderous snap of his fingers, the guards break formation and after a few moments, a regular sized chest is brought out. Grandbuggy doesn’t even wait for permission as he opens the chest, and takes out the colorful cards.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

"Now Fix, need I have to remind you of Da Rulz?" Torch says in a playful mocking voice.

Grandbuggy simply rolls his eyes at the question before he starts shuffling the deck.

"Oh please, you think I've forgotten the sacred rules of the gamble at my age? I've been playing for far too many years to forget them!"


"Why, I dare say I invented gambling. Don't let those history books fool ya, those ponies were mean as buck when it came to their card games. I got a new hole in me cause one feller decided he didn't like losing at his own game,"


"Course, it was The Blackjack Kid, so I guess he would be a bit pissed off for some random changeling kicking his ass at his namesake, but that's no good reason to stab someling ya know?"


Grandbuggy's head leans back slightly at the force of the shout, but not before he plugs his nose at the smell at the dragon lords breath.

"Geeze Torch, lay off the Amber and Arsenopyrite! Your breath smells worse than a Diamond Dog's tunnel during a heat wave!"

While most of the other residents in the hall stare at Grandbuggy like he just signed his own death warrant, Torch just gives a mighty deep chuckle before saying,

"Yes yes of course, but if you could stop gloating for five seconds maybe you could pick up all those cards you've managed to scatter all over the place?"

Looking down, Grandbuggy sees a mess of cards scattered all over the floor. As skilled as he is at gambling, the old bug is not a shuffler.

"Heh heh heh, guess old age is getting to my hooves," he chuckles in embarrassment.

“Oh please, you couldn’t shuffle worth a damn back before your shell had wrinkles in it,” Torch cackles.

“He does have a point,” Ahuizotl agrees having been in quite the number of games with the old bug.

“Ah shove it ya dang overgrown weasel,” Grandbuggy barks before reluctantly handing the cards to Greta.

“Uh, why me?” she asks.

“Because you play them vidya games, so you’re probably good with your claws,” he explains.

With all eyes on her, Greta gulps and starts shuffling as best she can, which is leagues better than what he did.

“Alright! Progress!” Torch cheers before turning to one of his guards. “Bring some drinks and make it snappy.”

“Yes my lord!” the dragon says as he flies off.

“I ain’t doing no drinking competition again,” Grandbuggy says sternly.

“You say that now,” Torch says mischievously. “But we’ll see how it goes. Since you ain’t attached no more I know a few ladies who are awfully anxious to see you again. Remember Emerald and Cinder?”

Grandbuggy’s face pales at those names and sweat appears on his brow.

“Is that something we should be worried about?” asks Ahuizotl as the guard returns and sets down fairly large tankards full of ale in front of them.

“I sure hope not,” he says breathlessly as he takes a huge swig of his drink.

“Oh this only bodes well,” Greta says tiredly.

With You

“And so then I realized that magic missile wasn’t going to work on all of them, this was back before I knew I could summon legions of the damned myself you see, but then Daddy showed up with a Chainsaw and went hog wild.”

Ember listens to your tale about Sunny Town with the utmost attention as you walk together towards your destination.

“That’s…pretty freaking awesome actually,” she says impressed.

“Yeah, but then Pyramid Head showed up, he’s this enemy from a videogame, do you have video games?”


“I’ll take that as a no. But yeah, he showed up, rained on our parade, and so my cousin Applebloom and I told Daddy that we had to bury Ruby. Oh and this was way before I found out Applebloom was my cousin by the way, though I guess she’s technically a second cousin. I’m sure she’s going to freak out as much as I did when I found out since her older sister has kissed my Daddy. But yeah, then we…”

And you continue chatting her ear off about your little escapades, giving little tidbits of info here and there so that she can understand the story better.

“So wait, why didn’t your dad just use his dark power or whatever?” she asks.

“Oh, that’s back when Mommy was still sick and weak after saving Daddy from dying when an alternate universe version of another one of my cousins stabbed him with orichalcum,” you explain, causing her head to spin.

“That’s…I’m having trouble following your life’s story,” she admits.

“Yeah,” you nod reluctantly. “Maybe I should have started from the beginning, but if I had we would be here all day.”

“Well what I’m getting mainly from it is that your Dad’s had some pretty epic adventures and makes you sit out for most of them,” she summarizes.

“…Yeah. Yeah that sums it up pretty much,” you say gritting your teeth a bit. “I mean, if he wasn’t in another dimension right now, he would never have let me go treasure hunting with Grandbuggy. That’s why it’s so important that we get all we need to get before trying to figure out how to get this stupid broken amulet out of my chest.”

She looks down at the crystal wound and nods.

“It’s a shame though, it looks pretty badass,” she says truthfully.

“I know, right? The only downside is I might become crazy and start wishing for the downfall of my enemies as I stand above them as their one true ruler where my word is absolute…But mostly because my Dad will flip out like he usual does.”

She raises a brow at that before shrugging.

“Yeah I can understand that. My dad and mom got hit badly by lightning like a thousand years ago, and now every time there’s a storm, he makes me go in a cave!” she huffs.

“That sucks,” you sympathize. “What you’ve got to do though is start leaving the bag-er-cave after they’ve made you go inside and start pushing the boundaries.”

“Does that actually work?” she asks.

“I mean, a bit. I used to not be able to leave to even talk to ponies. I mean sure, I used to sleep a lot when I was younger, but I still wanted to meet new folks, but no, it was always ‘Get in the Bag! It’s Dangerous!’” you spit.

“Yeesh,” she shakes her head. “Well alright then. Next time there’s a thunderstorm, I’ll just go for a nice little fly, Dad’s opinion be damned.”

“Heck yeah! That’s the spirit! Show your Dad what you really think!” you cheer.

“Yeah, I’ll show him up for being so clingy,” she nods.

“For being overprotective,” you add.

“For not letting me have dangerous fun,” she throws out.

“For always acting like a psycho,” you pitch.

“For always trying to make me safe…” she says a little softer.

“For putting himself at risk for me…” you trail off as well.

“For caring too much…”

You both stay silent for a moment as conflicting emotions wage war in your head before the Teen dragon coughs and breaks the silence.

“But yeah, if it came down to it, who do you think would win in a match between our dads if we were ‘In Danger?’” she air quotes.

“Oh my daddy would, no contest,” you hoofwave and Ember looks at you incredulously.

“Really? You haven’t seen my Dad yet. He’s literally the size of a mountain, and I’m not misusing the word literally here.”

“Yeah, but my Dad has both the power of my Mommy and Sombra, and when he goes into his Awakened form, he’s pretty powerful,” you argue back.

“I heard he beat Smaug, but that took a lot of effort, and Smaug is nowhere near my Dad’s level,” she counters.

“True, but after everything my Dad’s done, you still think so?”

“I’m just saying, maybe you’ve embellished a little,” she argues. “I mean, I may not know how Changeling’s work exactly, but dismantling their entire magical mind magic and reducing their Queen into a bumbling mess of obsession by himself?”

“My Mommy is literally a goddess of the moon, and that’s what you have trouble believing?” you sputter.

And for a little while longer you two keep arguing about who’s dad could beat up who.

“So by your logic, you could beat up my Dad because you beat up yours?”

“I mean…I’m sure I could,” you boast. “I beat up Sombra and my Dad once.”

“I thought you said that Spork guy you keep mentioning helped you with that,” she points out.

“No no, his name is Spike and…Yeah you know what, I bet with Spike at my side, we could take your Dad down,” you smile.

She raises her brow at that.

“You really have a lot of confidence in this guy huh?”

“Well yeah, he’s like my top best friend,” you say. “If it weren’t for him I’d think that all dragons were just monsters and not nice like him.”

“Whoa wait a sec, he’s a dragon?” she asks in surprise.

“Yeah…didn’t I mention that already?”

“No not really,” she says. “You just kept saying his name over and over again and how great he was, I thought he was like your mate or something.”

“Wh-What?! No! No it’s not like that!” you say in embarrassment as your face flushes.

“Well now I know that since you said he was a dragon, which is pretty interesting…”

The crystals in your chest glow faintly as your eye twitches at that.

“What do you mean interesting?” you ask inquisitively.

Yeah, why is he interesting when you think he’s not my coltfriend?

“Just that there’s a dragon living with ponies. You’d think a guy like that would be all soft and squishy, but from what you’ve said he sounds tough,” she informs.

“Yeah…he is tough,” you say with a bit of a snarl as you feel angry for some reason and your shards glow more.

Who does this hussy think she is?!

“For sure. At least he’s doing his dragon heritage proud. I actually wouldn’t mind meeting him,” she mentions off hand and you grit your teeth and fly in front of her face.

“Huh? What are you-“

“No, No I don’t think you will be ‘meeting him!’” you growl.

“Uh, what’s going o-“

“Back off from what’s mine or I’ll cut you down whorse!” you threaten as your eyes glow brightly white.

“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!” bemoans Ember as she takes a few steps back.

“Spike isn’t yours! Get that through your head!” you command, your voice on the edge of the RCV.

“Alright, alright, jeeze, cool your jets you jealous little horse!” she growls back.

“What?! Jealous?! I’m not jealous!” you sputter as your eyes and shards stop glowing.

“Yeah, well you could have fooled me,” she grunts and gives you the stink eye. “If you’re involved you don’t have to worry about me, I was just curious about a Dragon raised by ponies is all.”

“In-Involved?!” you squeak as your face goes deep red from embarrassment. “I-I-I’m not-We’re just-“

Ember places a claw on your head and lowers your body back to the ground and now that you’re no longer threatening her, she’s smirking again.

“You’re even worse than Crackle was when she was still with Garble,” she says before shuddering. “So many unprovoked bitings…”

“Ye-yeah, b-but Spike and I aren’t dating or anything,” you stutter. “I just worry about him a lot and-and…”

“Relax Shade, it’s fine,” she reassures. “In fact this just shows that you’re attracted to the Apex Species on the planet, which is fine by me. Dragons are awesome after all,” she boasts.

You hide your face behind your wings as you look away from her.

“I’m so sorry for snapping at you! I don’t know what came over me…b-but it’s not because I like Spike like that or anything!”

“Baka!” a cockatrice bellows after you say that.

“Shut up!” you yell at the chicken snake as it slithers away.

“Huh, must have gotten out of someone’s pen,” Ember says as it goes behind a rock.

“Y-Yeah, well let’s just stop talking about this in general huh?” you plead and she looks at you in amusement.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“What, is crossbreeding illegal for ponies or something?”

“Huh?” you ask.

“I mean, you’re a hybrid and you obviously like a dragon, so is that against pony law?”

“Uh…I don’t think so?” you say truthfully.

“Huh,” she ponders. “Well it would make sense why the Dragon Unicorn hybrids went into seclusion.”

“Say what now?” you ask.

“My dad told me there was a race of Dragon Unicorns that came about because of a birthday party that got way out of hand, and that they lived separately from ponies and dragons. I think your Great Grandpa was actually responsible now that I think about it.”

“Wow, that’s the first I’ve heard of such a thing,” you admit.

“Yeah, I think they called them the Nirkins or something. But yeah, you’re tough enough, don’t let stupid ponies say you can’t crossbreed.”

“Uh…sure,” you say confused. “Quick question, what does crossbreed mean?”

She looks at you in shock at that.

“For real?”


“…How old are you?”

“I’ll be four soon,” you answer and her eyes widen.

“I see…” she says nervously. “Uh, you’ll find out when you’re older.”



After cursing up a storm over being once again denied the answers to the mystery of what the buck adults are always talking about, you decide to let it go since it gets her to stop talking about you and Spike.

Yeah she doesn’t know what she’s talking about…Though maybe I should keep her from meeting Spike alone just in case…

Eventually you all get back to talking about random stuff and you regale her with more of your deeds, when suddenly she says,

Roker12’s Comment

“Oh look, here we are.” You are now by the shoreline, and a little ways offshore is a lone volcanic island.

“Kind of a crummy beach,” you admit seeing more rock than sand.

“Well we’re not here for the beach,” she says pointing to the volcano. “That’s the Gauntlet of Fire. When my Dad finally decides to up and retire, I’m going to conquer that trial and be the next Dragon Lord.”

“Cool,” you respond. “But I thought you said we were going to scam others out of their treasure?”

“What, I can’t point out something cool?” she says with her hands on her hips.

“…Sorry,” you apologize.

“No worries. But yeah, when I get in charge, there’s gonna be a lot of changes around here. But that comes later. Right now we pick our sucker now that you’ve brought him back.”

“Huh?” you ask as she starts walking along the beach.

“The messengers said that Garble came back with you right?”

“Oh yeah. His dad was super grumpy about that and made him go hang out with his sister.” She smiles mischievously at that.

“Perfect. That guy’s such a tool, getting treasure out of him and his dumb friends will be a cinch.”

As you crest a small hill, you hear voices coming from the other side. One of them you recognize as Garble, but the other is new.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Come on Smolder, quit hugging me so much. My friends might see,” you hear him whine.

“What’s a matter Gar Gar? Afraid someone will realize that you missed your little sister?” the voice says teasingly.

“Yes! I’m on a quest for vengeance, I can’t be seen as weak.”

“Oh, like your little bongo drums didn’t scream that?” the younger female voice snarks.

“Shh!” he shushes. “No one knows about that but you and Crackle.”

“Oh now I can’t talk about it? You just bragged about owning those Hippie Ponies with your skills,” she huffs.

You hold back a snort of laughter learning that tidbit.

Definitely saving that for later, you think as you and the Princess crest the ridge. Sure enough, you see your punching bag with a female dragon, a little bigger than Spike with a familiar coloration.

“What the heck? Scootaloo? Did you get turned into a dragon?” you ask as both of them turn to you.

“Oh great, just perfect,” Garble grumbles as the Scootadragon raises a brow at your words

“Scootawho?” she asks.

“My pegasus friend, you’ve got her same color scheme,” you explain.

The little dragon looks at her older brother before back at you.

“Well I’m not a bird horse, I’m a dragon,” she says before looking at Princess Ember with sparkly eyes. “Hi Princess!”

Kichi’s Comment

“Ugh, hi Squirt,” Ember waves lazily. While the not-Scootaloo dragon gushes a bit, you look to Ember who rolls her eyes.

“The little twerp has been hanging around me a lot asking me to be her mentor and big sister and other stupid stuff, it’s really annoying,” she explains. You look back at the orange dragon and her excitement, then back to Ember’s nonchalance, and back.

“…Seriously, this is exactly like looking at Scootaloo trying to get Rainbow Dash’s attention. You both even have the same color schemes,” you say in shock.

“Is…is that an issue?” Garble asks and you glare daggers at him.

“I don’t know, how about how you never said your little sister was like one of my best friends?”

“How would I have known that? I’ve never met your stupid pony friends!” he points out.

Smolder looks at you two arguing before a huge grin comes across her face.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Hang on a second, are you the pony that kicked Gar Gar’s ass and who he’s sworn eternal vengeance against?”

“That’s me,” you say cheerfully with a smile causing the dragoness to laugh.

“Really Gar? To that little pony?”

“There’s more to her than that! She’s like a demon made flesh. Her Dad’s the freaking Offender, and you saw what he did to our Dad!”

She looks back at you in intrigue.


“Mmhmm,” you nod.

“Dang. I know I should probably feel mad about that but…eh,” she shrugs. “Plus you’re hanging out with Princess Ember so your coolness meter goes up even more so. Sorry for doubting you Gar Gar.”

And while he rolls his eyes, Ember speaks up.

“Yeah yeah, we all know each other, but we did come here for a purpose.”

“What?! What is it?! Can I help?!” Smolder says excitedly.

“Actually yeah,” Ember smirks. “Garble, go get your stupid friends together while you’re temporarily unbanished.”

“What for?” he asks wearily.

“We’re gonna have ourselves a little betting competition,” she explains.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Oh Awesome! I’m gonna go get my board!” Smolder cheers as she flies off into a nearby cave.

“Claws off! That’s still mine!” Garble calls as he chases after her.

You look back to Ember in confusion.

“Board? We’re not playing cards?”

“What? No. We’re going lava surfing,” she says as if it’s obvious, pointing to a lava flow coming out of a hill.

“Ohhhhhh,” you nod before her words fully comprehend. “Wait, we’re what?!”

“What? You’ve never tried?” she asks.

“Um, I’m not exactly fireproof, so no,” you snark.

“Well that makes this even easier,” she says mischievously as she leans down and whispers in your ear. “What you’re gonna do is use that fancy pony magic of yours to sabotage the competition while I sweep the victory board.”

“You know, that sounds really sneaky and low…but Garble’s friends are probably the same idiots that my Dad beat up before, so why not?” you shrug.

“Good,” she smiles. “Just be sure to bet everything on me.”

With Grandbuggy


“I keep telling ya, I really would have shanked that blowhard!” Grandbuggy slurs as he holds a few cards in his hoof.

“Dat was a butter knife, never would have gone past his *hic* scales!” Torch counters, a bit buzzed himself.

“If I’d had a rusty spoon, things would have been different!” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Um, it’s your turn,” Ahuizotl informs the giant, pointing to the yellow 8 on the table placed before them.

“Hah! I’ll keep it yellow so that you can use that Yellow 5 that I know you have!” Torch says triumphantly as he places down a yellow 3.

“Oh, you wanna see my Yellow 5?” Grandbuggy taunts.

“Yes!” Torch bellows.

“Do you really want to see it?” Grandbuggy trolls.

“For the gods’ sake, just play it already!” Greta groans.

Grandbuggy hiccups and places his hoof on a card in his hoof, before he suddenly reaches for the draw deck.

“No…” he says ominously as he picks three more cards before getting a yellow.

“AAAHHHH!!!” both Torch and Greta growl as once again the old bug refuses to put down the card, prolonging the whole endeavor.

“Why?!” Greta whines.

“Because you don’t deserve to see it!” Grandbuggy laughs as he takes another swig of his ale.

“Why do you play these mind games Fix?! I just want to see the damned Yellow 5!” Torch bellows.

“Well if I did that, then Ahuizotl wouldn’t win,” Grandbuggy says.

“And that’s game,” said creature says as he places down a Draw 4 card, and has no others in his hands.

“What the?! When did you say Uno?!” Torch demands.

“Back when you all were chattering about butter knives and shankings,” He says victoriously. “So I guess that means that petrified egg is mine.”

“Seriously?!” Greta says wide eyed. “Did you plan this?”

“Actually no. I just took advantage of the situation,” Ahuizotl says truthfully.

“Well I’ll be. One of the newbies played us like damned fiddles!” Torch says impressed before glaring at Grandbuggy.

“You just kept distracting me with a fake Yellow 5 that never existed didn’t you?!”

“Well actually,” Grandbuggy smirks as he turns his cards over, and sure enough, there is a Yellow 5 in the hand.

“OH YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” Torch shouts as he throws his giant tankard against the wall while Grandbuggy laughs his butt off.

“I think I’m gonna abstain from the next game,” Greta says, placing a talon against her sore head.

“It would be wise, too much stupidity can be detrimental to health,” Ahuizotl nods as the griffon walks back towards the entrance.

“So, what game are we playing next?” Grandbuggy says as she takes another drink.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

As Greta walks outside, rubbing her temples, bemoaning how loud a drunken dragon can be, she spies a black and purple blur heading towards her at high speeds. In only a few seconds, you land in front of your Griffon friend, panting a bit as you start tossing bits of treasure and gold onto her.

“What the heck are you-“ she starts but you interrupt her.

“No Time! Just hide some of this in your bag!”

“Where did you even get this?” she squawks as she reflexively starts putting gold in her bag.

“Cheating on a race, though I may not have been as sneaky as I’d hoped,” you admit.

“BACKSTABBER!!!” Ember’s voice reaches you.

Looking back, you see the very irked Princess of Dragons flying very fast towards you.

“What the buck did you do?!” Greta asks in alarm.

“Well, she and I rigged the race in her favor, but then I saw no one was betting on Scoota-Smolder, so I changed my bet and made her win with magic,” you admit.

“YOU WHAT?!” Greta screeches.

“Give Me My Share!” Ember shouts as she gets closer and closer.

“The Game Was Rigged From the Start! Muhahahahahaha!!!” you cackle as you fly with the rest of the ill gotten treasure into the massive cave.

“I’ll Rig Your Game!” Ember shouts as she swoops past the very flustered Griffon.

A few moments later, and a whole heard of teen dragons, along with Smolder reach Greta.

“Hey, did you see where Princess Ember and that pony went?” asks Smolder.

Greta, with a vacant look in her eye just points into the cave.

“Alright, awesome! This way guys!” she says excitedly as all of them fly in.

After they disappear into the darkness, a dusty looking Garble flies up to her.

“You OK?” he asks.

"Ya know, I miss the Crimson Vengeance and the killer animatronics sometimes..." Greta sighs as she facehooves.

Back with you, you swoop left and right, laughing the whole way. You hadn’t set out to pull one over on Ember, but it’s all in good fun. Plus, maybe it is a bit of payback for her being so interested in Spike earlier.

“Get Back Here!” she shouts behind you and you smirk.

“Nah! You Gotta Catch Me F-WHAAAA *CRASH*” Your playful taunting results in you crashing through a pony sized door and tumbling hoof over head into the main chambers and onto a card table, where Uno cards go flying everywhere.

“Oof. Distracted flying is never OK,” you mutter to yourself before you look up…and see that Ember wasn’t kidding.

“HOLY BUCK YOU’RE HUGE!!!” you say in startlement at the Dragon Lord.

“Shade, great to see ya. Do ya got any chips?” Grandbuggy says with a slurred voice and you smell alcohol throughout the room.

Oh great, the old bug’s sauced, you think before the kaiju above you starts bellowing thunderous laughter.

Kichi’s Comment

“Well now, you’re betting your own Great Granddaughter for the Scepter? Pretty ballsy since I haven’t chosen the game yet!”

“What?! I didn’t bet her!” Grandbuggy says in indignation. “She slipped and fell.”

“A likely story!” he guffaws. “But now I know you mean business.”

“I’m not a betting chip!” you shout back up huffily.

“Yeah Torch, I wouldn’t bet my own flesh and blood for just a stupid piece of red stone,” Grandbuggy says with conviction.

“Hmmm, I suppose that’s fair,” the dragon nods sagely as his daughter bursts into the room.

“There You Are!” she points at you and you chuckle nervously. “Give me my share or I’ll-“

“Ah! Perfect timing Ember!”

“Hey! Dad! What are you-“ Torch grabs her in his claws before placing her on the table next to you.

“There, now I’ve *Hic* Bet my own daughter. Fair deal right?”

“Dad! What the Buck?!” she chides.

“…You know, I guess it does equal out in the end,” Grandbuggy admits with a shrug.

“Grandbuggy! What the Buck?!” you shout at the drunken fool.

“What? It’s like the law of equivalent whatchamacallit,” he says swaying.

“Uh, gentlemen? Perhaps we shouldn’t be betting anyone’s offspring?” Ahuizotl tries to interject.

“Nah, nah, this is good,” Torch claw waves.

“Yeah, I mean, you know the guy’s serious if he’s putting his own kid on sale,” Grandbuggy hiccups.

“Winner Takes All!” both of them shout and giggle like idiots.

“Just wait until Mom here’s about this!” both you and the Princess say in unison.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Back in Human Land

Bugze clenches his fists and the fingernails dig into his weak human palms as B2 argues with Human Sombra.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s wrong Selly? He asks as he can actually feel the anger radiating off of her.

I don’t know, I just feel incredibly full of rage at this very moment! She growls.

Is it one of those parental instincts things I normally get?


Huh, usually I feel those to-OH THERE IT IS!!! He grits his teeth as the sense that something incredibly stupid involving Nightshade is happening.

“Are you alright Mr. Bugze?” Puppy Spike asks from Sombra’s couch.

“DID THAT F@#$ING DOG JUST TALK?!!” Humbra shouts in alarm.

“Yes yes, get with the program,” B2 rolls his eyes. “He belongs to the magic girl that flew away after we burnt down the Haunted House last night.”


“Oh this is so stupid!” Ember says crossing her arms and giving you a stink eye as the two guardians start talking about what game to bet you all on.

“Yeah, I agree and all…but on the plus side, at least he’s not being so overprotective right?” you say try to find a silver lining.

“Because he’s drunk and trying to sell me into slavery!” she growls and points at you. “And I’m still mad at you for tricking me!”

“Children, calm down, the adults are talking,” Grandbuggy shushes you.

“Oh Buck Off! If you lose this match, I’m giving your twenty bits to Slendermane!”

“AGH! Don’t say that!” Grandbuggy belches.

“Oh what idiocy have I just walked back into?” asks Greta as she walks through the crowd of intrigued Teen Dragons.

“Fix is plastered and now Nightshade is being used as a wager,” Ahuizotl says with a sigh.

Greta doesn’t say anything to this as she just rubs the bridge of her nose.

“So who’s gonna kick his ass after all of this?” she asks.

“Well if he sobers up, he’ll be the first to punch himself in the crotch,” Ahuizotl says.

“ALRIGHT! QUIET DOWN!” Torch thunders and everyone looks to him. “I Know What Game We Are To Play!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

He then pulls out a deck of cards from the game chest and Grandbuggy pales.
“Ah Geeze, not that overly complicated trash!”

“Indeed! I have become a master of it!” Torch says as he starts going over rules and loopholes that make his cards beyond invincible.

“And with this deck, you shall not be able to wi-“

5 Minutes Later

“WAAAAAHHHH!!!” the Dragon Lord cries as Grandbuggy now has a shard of the scepter in one hoof and Ember pouts on his pile of gold he’d also won.

“Good game Torchie, good game!” Grandbuggy laughs as the rest of the dragons look on in shocked silence.
With one card, ONE CARD, Grandbuggy totally annihilated Torch’s unbeatable hand.

You are still annoyed by the whole situation, though you are also very relieved that you aren’t a dragon slave. You look over to the other unwitting pawn in this.

“Sooooo, does this mean we own you now?” you ask the pissed off teen who just grumbles to herself.

“MY SWEET BABY! I’m So Sorry! Don’t Leave Me!” Torch cries looking at his daughter.

“You’re the one who bet me you idiot!” she snaps as she turns away from him.

“I Didn’t Mean Tooo-hoo-hooooo,” he whimpers.

“Ohhhh, he’s so gonna be in trouble when her mom finds out,” Smolder gushes excitedly, which causes Torch’s eyes to widen.

“AH TARTARUS! Don’t Tell My Wife!” he bellows out.

“Too Late,” a stern giant green dragoness says from the cave entrance, looking rather cross with her husband.

“Oh Boy, better take a step back,” Grandbuggy says worriedly as he uses his magic to pull you and Ember away from Torch’s feet. It seems that even as drunk as he is, even he has SOME common sense left to avoid the resulting marital spat. And not a moment too soon.

Ember’s mom full on tackles the drunken giant and starts walloping him across the head as he cowers beneath her.

“WHAT! WERE! YOU! THINKING?!” she punctuates with every strike.

“I Wasn’t!” he whines behind his arms.

“OBVIOUSLY!!!” she yells as she gives him a kick.

Meanwhile, you, your group and a bunch of teen dragons watch the spectacle in amazement.


Episode 47: Sore Loser

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

AlenNoir’s Comment

YOU! STUPID! DRAKE!” Shouts Embers mother as she holds Torch in a full nelson. Then with great strength she lifts him up over herself and drops him on his head which lands with a thud.

“AAGH! Sapphire please dear I’m SORRY!!” Torch cries in pain. Sapphire then leaps up and drop kicks him through the wall and out of the mountain. This of course attracts the attention of all the nearby dragons as they see their leader being pummeled by his wife.

“By Bahamut's Scales! The Dragon Lord is being beat up by his wife, again! Quick let’s go check it out!” One dragon says to its neighbor as they fly off. Back with you, you look out the massive hole that Sapphire made. She roars as she flies after her flung husband, followed by some very annoyed and stressed looking guards.

“And I think that’s our cue to leave,” Ahuizotl says grabbing your bag and stuffing it full of coins and with the shard of the Bloodstone Scepter and the Petrified Dragon Egg.


Bloodstone Scepter Shard
Petrified Dragon Egg
A Buckton of Treasure

He hands the bags back to you as he picks Grandbuggy up in his tail hand.

“Oi, lemme go ya dang Chimera! I like the idea of three gals at once, but not when you’re the same person!” Grandbuggy drunkenly warbles as he starts thrashing around in his grip.

“What’s he talking about now?” asks Greta.

“A creature that is half tiger, half goat, and half snake,” Ahuizotl explains with a roll of his eyes as Grandbuggy starts giggling.

“Wait, how can there be three halves?” you ask inquisitively. “I may not have learned much from Cheerilee, but I know that that means two.”

“Really? We’re going to debate grammar now?” he huffs.

“I mean, she’s got a point,” Greta agrees. “You should have said a third for each creature.”

“Ponish isn’t exactly my first language you know?!” he argues back.

A heavy sigh catches your attention as you turn from the arguing creatures and see the distraught dragon princess as she watches her parents fighting.

“Uhh…are you OK?” you ask tentatively, never having exactly seen your own parents fighting like this.

“No. No I’m pretty far from OK Shadow!” she harrumphs, not looking at you.

“Nightshade,” you correct.

“Whatever!” she crosses her arms and stares angrily at her Dad just as her mom kicks him between the legs which every male within a five mile radius winces at. She then uppercuts him into the air, flies up, does an in-air combo, before hammer striking him to the ground.

“Yeesh, she’s really letting him have it,” Smolder speaks up, her and Garble not having flown out like the rest.

“Oh she’s only just getting started,” Ember says with a sigh.

“Yeah, at this point she’s just prolonging the experience, just like I do when I fight Garble,” you observe.

“Huh? What do you mean by prolonging?” he asks taken aback.

“Well technically I could beat you with One Punch, but then that’s no fun,” you explain. “So it must be the same for her Mom, because she is Tough with a capital T.”

“Nightshade! We should be going now…” Ahuizotl urges as Emerald’s mom lands on Torch’s gut, knocking the wind out of him, before picking him up, flying around and around in circles and throwing him to the floor, creating a massive crater.

“Do we have to leave now? I hardly ever get the chance to sit on the sidelines and see a kaiju fight. The last one was when Smaug fought King Ghidorah,” you whine as a boom echoes through the lands as Sapphire gives a mighty elbow drop to her husband.

“Wait, you were there when Dad fought that Hydra?” Smolder asks turning to you.

“Yeah, it was pretty epic,” you nod.

“Huh,” Garble says in thought, “Didn’t Dad say he doesn’t even know how that ended? He just woke up with all of it’s heads tied together around him?”

“Yeah…” Smolder nods before looking to you. “So, what did happen?”

Your brain hurts as you think back to that fight…and honestly, you for the life of you cannot remember how it was resolved.

“I mean, they were fighting and then my dad said he would do…something, and then all I remember was the fight being over,” you say in exasperation.

Weird that I can’t remember that wrap up. It’s almost like the solution was used as a cutaway gag in a cartoon or something, you think to yourself, your brain hurting just a little bit. Any further thoughts are interrupted by the very anxious looking Ahuizotl.

“Let’s chit chat with your friends later chica, it’s best we leave now while the literal heat is off us. Dios Mio, I don’t want to have to deal with a very large and very angry dragon-”

“What Kind of Role Are You Setting For Her?!” the angry dragoness shouts as she holds Torch’s arm behind her back.

“AAAHHH!!! Not A Good One I’m Sure!” he cries out.

“You’re Gorramned Right!” she growls as she yanks his arm painfully.

“-Especially when that dragon is an angry mother!” Ahuizotl shivers “Besides it’s best we take this puta somewhere where he can’t fall into a lava pit,” Ahuizotl huffs and points to Grandbuggy still loopy in his grasp.

“-with a drunken sailor, what do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning,” he sings like a buffoon and you facehoof.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Now I understand why Daddy keeps telling me to never take up drinking,” you mutter before looking back to Ember who still looks miffed. “But what do we do about her? Do we actually own her now or…”

The princess sighs and rubs her temples at that.

“Look, even I don’t know the answer to that. I’m sure though that once my mom’s done, she’ll sort everything o-“

She is interrupted as Torch’s face slams next to the hole, making the earth tremble. A moment later, the Dragon Lady lands next to him and Ahuizotl gulps in fear.

“And that’s just a taste to come buster!” she yells at the Lord. “You’re sleeping in the children cave for a hundred years for betting my little baby!”

“I’m sorry…” he moans as a black eye begins to swell.

“Oh, you’re not sorry enough. Just be grateful I took it easy on you!” she growls.

“That was easy?” asks Greta.

“Oh yeah,” Ember nods. “If she really wanted to hurt Dad, she’d use the extreme moves Grandpa Gojira and Grandma Tiamat taught her.”

“Please don’t,” Torch begs before getting a kick to his ribs.

“Quiet! You’ve lost the right to make decisions right now!” his wife growls before looking sadly at her daughter.

“Look Mom, he was drunk, can’t we just call this whole thing off?” Ember asks hopefully, but the adult dragoness sighs.

“Sorry my dear, but Dragon Law states you have to follow through on your bets,” she says sadly and Ember’s ear fins droop.

“Hey, hey ya’ll! Let’s go to the Waffle House. They’re open 24 hours a day!” Grandbuggy slurs.

“That’s all the way in Manehattan,” Ahuizotl reprimands.

“Yeah, but it’ll soooo be worth it,” he persists and Sapphire looks a little horrified.

“I can’t believe your father sold you off to the Drunken Disaster…”

“Look ma’am, if it helps, I can speak for him,” you raise your hoof to get her attention.

“And who are you?” she asks.

“Hi, I’m Nightshade,” you introduce. “The disaster there is my Great Grandbuggy. He’s kind of an idiot, but he means well.”

“Thank you,” he says and you roll your eyes.

“But yeah, I’m sure he doesn’t want to own Ember. As his family, can I call it off?”

Ember looks to her mother more hopefully after you suggest that, but her Mother has an unsure look about it.

“Hmmm,” she ponders. “He did make the bet, and he won fair and square…but if you’re not willing to accept the rewards you could return them all back I suppose.”

“Oh, uh…we kind of need two out of the three actually,” you say rubbing the back of your neck nervously.

“Come on mom, let them take the stuff they need and go,” Ember insists but her mom shakes her head.

“Sorry honey, but it’s an all or nothing situation here.”

“OK, how about this,” Greta speaks up causing all eyes to turn to her. “There’s no time limit on returning the winnings right?”

“I suppose that’s true,” Sapphire nods.

“So why don’t we just return your daughter along with everything else after we’re done with the Egg and Stone Piece?”

“What, like a return policy?” you ask.

“Exactly,” Greta says with a smirk.

“Daddy always said those were scams to get more money out of you.”

“Yeah, well, they always worked nicely for when you’re broke and still want to play videogames,” she chuckles before looking back to the Dragon Lady. “So, what do you say?”

“Hmm. It still honors my foolish husband’s pact and it insures that my baby will come back to me-“

“I’m Not A Baby Mom!”

“-So yes! I accept!” she smiles as she shakes Greta’s talon with the tip of one of her claws.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” Greta smiles back.

“Oh Come On! We don’t know how long this will be,” Ember whines.

“Yes, take me instead! It’s dangerous out there!” Torch grunts, before Sapphire gives him such a cold stare that it could rival Fluttershy’s.

"Did you say something after I told you not to?" she growls.

"No! Nothing! Not a Thing!" he eeps as he lowers his head back to the dirt.

“That’s what I thought,” she nods before looking back to Ember.

“Now my little gem, while what your father did was idiotic and stupid, perhaps this could be a good thing.”

“How?!” she huffs.

“Well, the outside world is dangerous, but the Drunken Disaster is a mighty warrior, so you could have worse for a charge.”

“Stop Squirming!” Ahuizotl shouts.

“But I don’t want to go to school!” Grandbuggy bellows.

“…There really are worse choices,” she reassures. “Besides, if you ever want to be Dragon Lord one day, it’s best if you see the outside world and learn how to be a leader.”

Ember pauses at that, no doubt imagining the freedom outside her parent’s control that she’d sought for so long. Seeing a chance to seal the deal, you jump in.

“Yeah, I can show you the ins and outs of how Equestria works,” you say wrapping your arm around her shoulder. “Rule number one, the Princesses are powerful as buck. Anyone who thinks that all they do is eat cake and have tea parties is an idiot.

Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle

“Achoo!” Princess Celestia sneezes into her tea cup, spilling some of the tea.

“Bless you Princess,” Shining says as he sips his own tea.

“Thank you,” she says as she cleans her face with a napkin. “Must still have spores from those stupid vines in my nose.”

“Or perhaps you’re inhaling frosting with all that cake you’re scarfing down,” Luna snarks, pointing to the five empty plates in front of her sister.

“I’m a stress eater Luna! These are stressful times!” she argues back as she picks up her sixth plate of cake.

“Whatever,” Luna rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, it might not be all that stressful ma’am,” Shining assures.

“But you said it’s been some days since you sent Sentry to scout that lead,” Celestia points out.

“Yes, and if it were something extreme, he would have sent an emergency letter via dragon flame. He still has a few days to check in, and I am confident he has everything under control.”

Back to Dragon Lands

“Holy Crap it sounded like someone big was getting murdered up on that mountain,” Flash says nervously, having heard the roars of angry dragons and thunderous strikes earlier.

“The eye witnesses did say that Nightmare Moon fought a giant plant monster…is she capable of fighting fully grown dragons now?” He shudders at that thought as he tries to get a better vantage point to peer into the Dragon Lands.

Back with you, Ember pulls your arm from around her shoulder and looks to both of her parents.

“Alright, I’ll go with them. Now don’t none of you break this deal and come looking for me until they return me got it?”

“Of course, I would never go against our law,” Sapphire reassures.

“I…” Torch starts before his wife glares at him.

“…Be safe honey,” he says with a nervous chuckle.

Since Ember doesn’t exactly have any things to take with her, she says her goodbyes to her parents and starts walking with your group after only a few minutes. Sapphire drags Torch by the foot away from the cavern, presumably for more punishment, as your group exits the massive cave.

“Soooo,” you break the silence but Ember glares at you.

“Don’t think I haven’t forgotten that you cheated me out of that treasure,” she huffs.

“Oh come on, that was like 15 minutes ago, you’re still cross?” you scoff.

“Yes!” she growls.

“Whatever. Oh! By the way, here’s your cut since I bet everything on you Smolder-Loo,” you say as you give a handful of gold to Garble’s sister who is flying behind your group.

“Ah, thanks,” she says sincerely. “That was the first time I’d ever won a lava board race.”

“See, she’s happy about it, isn’t that enough to brighten your mood?” you ask smugly to Ember.

“Look, I basically just got sold into slavery, no matter how temporary it is, so I’m still a bit ticked…but I will admit, I have always wanted to see what’s beyond our mountains and not have my dad always hover over my shoulder,” she says smiling. When she notices your smug grin over noticing her joy, she quickly tries to put on a scowl again.
“B-but, I’m mostly even agreeing to it because you still owe me for backstabbing me.”

“Mmhmm, whatever you say,” you chuckle and her eye twitches. “By the way, great haggling Greta.”

“Aw it was nothing,” she claw waves. “It’s not the first time I had to make the most out of a crummy situation some idiot put us in.”

“Are you OK? Are you OK? Am I OK? Is Nightshade OK? Are-“

“Yes Quick! We’re All OK!” Ahuizotl shouts in frustration as Grandbuggy continues to blather in his stupor.

“You wouldn’t lie to me would you? You’re sure we’re OK?”

Ahuizotl sighs in defeat and keeps walking.

As you do, you all notice how empty and relatively quiet the Dragon Lands have gotten.

“Is it just me, or have all the Dragons disappeared?” you ask aloud. Even as you say that, a few dragons fly overhead back towards where you guys were.

“Well it is rare to see the Dragon Lord be put into a position of such embarrassment,” Garble speaks up.

“Yeah,” his sister agrees. “Dragon Lady Sapphire is like the only one who can fight him, so it’s a rare treat.”

“The last time this happened was after my mom laid my egg,” Ember adds. “Said she was getting back at him for the labor pains he caused her. I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly every dragon here went to see the commotion. Plus my dad can be a bit demanding at times, so I guess this is as close as the other dragons will get for payback.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna go right back to it when you guys leave,” Smolder says, hovering near her brother.

“Oh, you’re not coming with us?” you ask the orange and purple dragon.

“No. I haven’t been kicked out of the cave, nor have I been sold,” she snarks.

“Oh, then why are you following us?” you ask.

“Because I want to see Gar Gar off, who knows when I’ll see him again,” she says hugging his arm.

“Gar Gar?” Greta asks chuckling.

“Smolderrrr,” he groans in embarrassment while she chuckles.

“But yeah, you keep whipping my brother good, and you Big Sis Ember, you can join in as well,” she smiles at the Princess.

“Uhh…sure,” she shrugs.

Garble just sighs at being the punching bag once again.

“Well I gotta say, aside from the idiocy, this trip went better than expected,” Greta says aloud.

“…I would say that’s putting up a red flag, but I gotta agree,” you nod. “We got the egg, the Bloodstone shard, and even a new friend and a bunch of gold. All’s right with the world.”

“By the way, why did you need that egg and the shard of the Bloodstone?” Ember asks curiously.

“Well it’s to help my Mom get a body of her own. You see she lives in my dad’s head along with Mr. Sombra and Daddy doesn’t want them to stay in his head forever.” You say calmly. Ember along with Smolder look at you in confusion before Garble buts in.

“It’s best not to question it. Makes your head hurt less.” He jokes. You all have a good laugh at this.

WARGAMES’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

“Hey *hic* I won us all that. I am so smart,” Grandbuggy interrupts looking at your group.

“Yes Quick, you’re great and everyone loves you,” Ahuizotl mumbles in annoyance.

“You got dat roight,” he hiccups and points to Ember. “Thanks to me we have a literal flame thrower now. That’s useful.”

“Hey, what about me?” Garble asks in shock. “I can breathe fire too.”

“What, the red guy that follows us around like a whipped dog? Nah, he’s useless,” Grandbuggy says to Garble.

“HEY!” he shouts.

“…Who’re you again?” he asks and the Garble just throws his arms up in exasperation.

“Grandbuggy, don’t be so mean. Sure he may not be a real dragon yet-“

“I Am A Real Dragon!”

“But he does have his uses…I assume,” you trail off.

Before anyone else can put Garble down any further, two dragonesses the size of Smaug land in front of your group, halting you.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Madre De Dios!” Ahuizotl shouts in surprise and backs up, accidentally dropping Grandbuggy at his feet.

“Uh, can we help you?” you ask the two female dragons, one who has brown and green scales, the other orange and yellow.

“Oh no, we just came to give our regards to the Disaster,” says the green one.

“Emerald, Cinder, how ya galls been?” Grandbuggy hiccups and sways to his feet.

They both look at each other before back to him before both slap Grandbuggy into the ground.

“Whoa Whoa Whoa!” you call out in alarm as they lift their claws and Grandbuggy is in a little crater.

“…Not sure I deserved that,” he wheezes and stands back up.

“You. Stole. Our. Gold!” Cinder growls.

“Well actually,” Grandbuggy starts before he is slammed into the ground again.

“Hey, hey hey, take it easy!” you interject, standing before them and Grandbuggy.

“Borrowed!” you hear Grandbuggy say as his head spins. “Borrowed your gold without permission, but I had every intention of giving it back.”

“But You Didn’t!” they both snarl and he winces.

“Hey now, an Elite Changeling always pays his debts,” he chuckles nervously as he takes your Inventory off of you.

“Hey!” you protest, but he proceeds to dump out all of the Buck Ton of Gold that was in the gambling pot, much to the two females’ amazement.

Buck Ton of Treasure Removed from the Inventory

Mangle also falls out onto the pile, and when she sees the two drooling dragonesses, she immediately dives back into the bag.

“What was that?” asks Ember.

“My pet robot fox Mangle. I’ll introduce you later,” you say before grabbing your bag back from Grandbuggy.

“There…everything cool now ladies?” Grandbuggy asks nervously with a hiccup.

They both look to each other again and like before, they slam Grandbuggy into the ground.

“That’s for not calling for 400 years,” Cinder scolds.

“And for duping both of us into thinking we were the only one,” Ember growls. The both of them then start gathering up all of the treasure while Grandbuggy shakily stands back up again.

“Check Please!” he shouts before he falls face first into the dirt, passed out.

“Is he going to be OK?” you ask as he starts snoring.

“He’s been through worse, trust me Niña,” Ahuizotl reassures as he picks Grandbuggy back up. “At least now he’s easier to handle.

“Right…” you say glaring to the two dragons taking all of the gold. “Well anyway, before we run into more skanks, I guess we should say bye Smolder.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready for random fights just yet,” she nods before hugging her brother. “You be good Gar Gar, and please don’t get yourself killed.”

“I won’t ya little twerp,” he says playfully as he hugs her back.

“Awww, you actually have emotions besides being a turd,” you gush and he glares at you.

“Har Har,” he says sarcastically while Smolder actually does giggle.

“Well anyway, have fun everydragon.”

“Will do. And hey, you’re cool enough, I’ll tell the CMC and Spike all about you,” you say as you wave.

“Who’re they?” she asks.

“My best friends. Three ponies and one dragon.”

“The dragon is her coltfriend,” Greta explains with a smirk.

“He Is Not!” you shout in embarrassment.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Changer T. Emerald’s Comment

“Heh, guess it runs in the family, hitting on dragons,” Cinder says from behind you and your brow twitches.

“I think I remember that one,” mentions Emerald. “A little green and purple scale that was in the lava pits with all the other kids. Cute little guy.”


Suddenly both Ember and Cinder are struck by a beam of magic, which sends them headfirst into their new pile of gold.

“Alright, let’s get out of this place,” you grumble as everyone else looks at you in shock. “What?” you ask as smoke billows off your horn and the amulet pieces stop glowing.

“You just blasted those dragons with one attack,” Ember says in shock.

“What do you mean? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you lie as you start trotting past the two females who’s legs flail in the air whilst their upper half is still encased in treasure.

Yeah, I certainly didn’t punish any whorses who dare think about my Spikey that way, you think heatedly as your gem shards glow again.

In Ponyville

Spike suddenly shudders as goosebumps creep up his spine.

“What’s wrong Spike?” asks Twilight as she packs her saddlebag.

“I just had a strange sensation of dread and…excitement I want to say?” he tries to explain.

“Oooh, Dread-Citement!” Pinkie Pie interjects, hopping up and down. “I’ve had that one a few times.”

“Huh, you’d think Rainbow Dash would be the one feeling that what with this trip and everything,” Applejack ponders.

“Yeah, I’m not even going,” Spike nods.

“Well, you did say you’d watch our animals again,” Fluttershy says sounding guilty.

“Yeah I know, don’t worry,” he claw waves causing her to smile. “I don’t really want to go into the woods anyway.”

“Neither would I actually, but I must,” Rarity nods before rubbing the top of his head. “Do be a dear and keep an eye on the Crusaders too would you? Who knows what they’ll get up to for that flag carrier tryout.”

“No problem,” Spike says with a blush.

“Alright, enough chit chat!” Rainbow bursts into the room “The more time we waste, the longer A.K. Yearling will take to write the book!”

"OK, hold your horses Rainbow," Twilight says as she hugs Spike goodbye.

Puzzling Frost's Comment

"Twi, ever get that feeling like you are the luckiest creature alive, except its followed by extreme terror?" he asks her as she pulls back.

"You probably just have a belly ache," she says with a smile.

"Bye Bye Spikey Wikey," Rarity says giving him a hug as well and he blushes again.

"B-Bye Rarity..." he stutters as his stomach feels funny again.

Back With You

A growl hits the back of your throat, but you don’t know why you suddenly feel upset. You look back down at your “tattoo” and grit your teeth.

Cut it out you stupid bling!

And while you get mad for unknown reasons, your companions follow you down the mountain side, more than a little disturbed.


Up on a nearby mountain, Flash watches with shock and fear as he sees the state of the biggest dragon he’s ever seen.

“First the princesses disappear, then the sun and moon go out of balance, then a plant monster attacks, and now this?! This has dark magic written all over it. No doubt about it. Nightmare Moon is up to something.” Flash states angrily. He can’t tell whether the giant blue dragon, who he assumes is the Dragon Lord spoken in legend, is alive or dead, but he sees many other dragons surrounding him.

“Maybe she made an example of him to show her power?” he thinks to himself and pales. “That means she has gotten more powerful. That changeling was strong before, but this…this is terrifying. What if they start worshiping her?”

Putting that terrifying thought on the back burner, he fires up the scanners and scans for any signs of dark magic. Aside from one blip towards the edge of their lands though, he finds hardly any traces.

“Could she have taken him out with so little magic use?” he wonders as he looks to the source of the one recent blip as it begins to fade. He sees two adult dragons with smoke coming off of them, buried head first in a pile of gold.

“Oh no, even more victims,” he thinks in worry before flying to a better vantage point.
“Where are you? Where…” he pauses as he catches sight of a group walking down the mountain.

When he gets closer, he sees that it’s a hodgepodge group of creatures walking together, including two dragons, a tall cat like thing, a griffon, and a dark alicorn.

“Sweet Celestia…” he gasps as he zooms in on his HUD and sees a faint glow coming from the alicorn.

“Is…is that the filly that was always with him? She seems…different somehow. Angrier, more powerful. Can…can that be her?”

Flash thinks back to the turbulent years following the Changeling Invasion, and how early on Princess Luna had called for the Alicorn Filly to be executed thinking she was the resurrection of Nightmare Moon. She’d later rescinded those orders, and even after the Alicorn Amulet incident, Princess Celestia had claimed her as a mystery.

“But what if it’s true?” Flash thinks in shock. “What if this whole time, Nightmare Moon already had a body, but needed that changeling to protect it for some reason?”

The reports from Rainbow Falls had clearly stated that Nightmare Moon herself had fought the plant monster and unleashed a horrifying shadow army. They never said The Hooded Offender.

“I don’t even see him down there. Could…could he have outlived his usef-OH MY GOSH!” he gasps as he sees the blue catlike creature turn, and in his tail he carries a disheveled sickly looking changeling. The last time he saw him, The Hooded Offender was young, with a head full of spikey orange hair, but now.

“You look like you’ve aged decades,” Flash says in shock and sympathy. “What has she done to you?”

Bugze, as Princess Cadence liked to call him, looks like he could die at any moment, like a stiff breeze would blow his prematurely aged body over if he wasn’t being carried by the cat thing.

“Maybe that’s why the filly looks more angry and powerful, Nightmare Moon has regained a body. The transfer must have drained Bugze nearly to death. But then, why keep him around? Why prolong this torment?”

Whatever the reason, Flash knows one thing.

“I’ve got to save him, and fast!” he says as he enacts his cammo once more and flies off towards the group.

“If there’s anyone who would be able to give more details on Nightmare Moon’s plans, it’s him. It’s a losing battle facing her without Armor and Head, but I don’t have to face her to save him!”

A Little Farther Away.

Slendy continues his slow walk toward the group, ignoring the blue stallion not far behind him.

The stallion looks up as he hears the jets from Sentry’s mech fly off and he pulls his binoculars back up.

He follows the trajectory of the mech as it makes a beeline towards where the faceless stallion up ahead is walking.

“Hmm, what did you catch sight of fly boy?” he mutters as he clicks a button and the sensor reads a blip.

“There it is, that elusive dark power,” he says giddily as he zooms in on the mountainside…and he pauses in shock.

“No Way!” he exclaims.

From the reports he’d been given, the Hooded Offender had been an adult, yet still young Changeling who had gotten his powers by being possessed by Nightmare Moon. There had been reports of a young filly that had been his “Daughter” but details of that were always muddled.
What the stallion saw before him though, was a group of creatures following a young, dark, alicorn filly who’s face just screamed Evil Overlord, and the source of the Dark Magic readings were clearly coming from her. Even more shocking was the withered old changeling being dragged by one of the minions.

The stallion smirks and chuckles.

“Well, it seems the Mighty Hooded Offender has seen better days, but he actually did it. The crazy S.O.B. actually went and resurrected Nightmare Moon into her own body.”

He then looks over the rest of the group.

“And it seems like she’s recruiting allies…this might actually work out in our favor,” he says lowering the binoculars. “The Offender is no longer in charge, so perhaps this blood thirsty goddess would be willing to join forces and upset the status quo. If that idiotic guard actually attacks, I could make that offer even more believable.”

He lowers the binoculars and sighs as he pulls from around his neck the necklace with the small blue glowing gem at the center. He clicks a button on the side of it to reveal a hidden compartment within that held a photo of a unicorn mare.

“Soon everything Flag Burner has promised me will be in reach, and then we can have revenge on those evil ponies and their tyrannical princesses. Soon everyone will know exactly what Pompeius Frost can really do…” He says as his eyes glow a deathly blue. He then sighs and closes the locket as he continues his trot toward his goal, leaving a trail of ice as he does.

The Next Day

After walking a ways from the Dragon Lands, you and your group set up camp for the night. Even without the Merchant’s wagon, the largeness of your group made sleeping a breeze, though for awhile you kept feeling angry for some unknown reason. Still, everyone got their rest. Grandbuggy was set up in his own tent since he was assuredly going to wake up with a massive hangover and problem upchuck a few times, but throughout the night, you didn’t hear a single pip out of him.

As you face the new day, waking up before anyone else because of your youth, you go to check on your Grandbuggy…and see that he is gone, and only his bowler hat remains.

“Grandbuggy?” you say aloud as you look around the camp, seeing if he snuggled up to anyone in his stupor, but in each tent, you only find the respective occupant.

“Grandbuggy?!” you call out to the surrounding woods thinking maybe he got lost after using the bathroom, but the silence of the forest is all the response you get.

Your gem starts to glow as you realize that something isn’t right.

“Wake Up Everyling!” you call out as you start shaking your companions awake, earning some groans of annoyance from them.

“Grandbuggy’s Missing! Get Up!” you shout, which is more than enough to get Ahuizotl and Greta standing at attention.

“What do you mean missing?” asks Ahuizotl.

“What the buck do you think I mean?! He’s not here! He Left His Hat Behind!” you say in alarm as you start to hyperventilate.

With the others up, they look into the tent, seeing it empty, along with his sleeping bag and they become concerned as well.

They all then start yelling to the woods as well and fear actually starts to get the better of you, causing your shards to glow even more.

Oh No! Oh No! What if he got eaten by a monster?! What if he fell in the river and drowned?! What if he forgot who he was and just left me behind?! You panic and bite your hooves. He may be an old pervy fool, but he’s your Great Grandfather. You only got him a few months ago, and the thought of losing him is…

“GRANDBUGGY!!!” you shout to the woods, near tears, but once again, there is no response.

“Hey you guys! Check this out!” Garble calls from nearby Grandbuggy’s tent.

“Yes we know, he’s not in there!” you snap at him and he winces.

“No, no, look at the ground by the opening!” he clarifies. Flying over to your punching bag, you see what he’s seen. A large square print of some kind in the dirt.

“What the buck left this?!” you ask as the others come by to look over the print.

“I don’t know, but whatever it was, it was outside his tent last night,” Garble explains.

“There’s more over here!” Greta calls, a few feet away. “It came from out of the woods.”

Your group then follows the tracks back to their source, and find three prints of some kind, deeper than the rest.

“It looks like something landed here,” Ahuizotl observes. “Dragon perhaps?”

“We wouldn’t leave prints like that,” Ember points out, showing her toes.

“Yeah, well whatever it was, it was huge and it walked right into camp without us knowing,” Greta says as you all go back to the camp site.

“There’s more prints this way,” you say as you follow some leading to the opposite side, before they too end in.

“So something landed, snatched Grandbuggy, and took off flying again?” you say aloud.

“Yeah, that’s what it looks like,” Ember nods.

“But…but what was it?! How do we find Grandbuggy?!” you plead to the group who seem at a loss for words.

“I…I don’t know if we can Shade,” Greta admits. “There’s no telling which direction he was flown to.”

“NO!” you scream as your eyes flash white, and you slam the ground, creating a crater. “THAT’S NOT ACCEPTABLE! WE HAVE TO FIND HIM NOW!!!”

“How chica? He could literally be anywhere,” Ahuizotl says, sounding a bit disheartened himself.

“Well Someone’s Got To Know Something! All those cop movies, there’s always an eyewitness or a passerbye or…” your eyes widen as you realize something.

“SLENDERMANE!” you shout as you blast off into the air.

“Nightshade Wait!” Greta calls out, but you are already high in the air, scanning for the faceless pony.

“Wait that’s genius!” you hear Ahuizotl say below you as he sees where you’re going with this.

“Who?” asks Ember.

“Some faceless pony that follows them always because the old guy owes him money,” Garble explains.


You ignore their exchange as you go higher and higher, scanning the sea of trees until…

“There You Are!” you shout as you make a beeline for the slowly walking pony who’s about twenty miles from your camp.

When you land in front of him, he does not stop his walking, but merely steps around you.

“You! Creepy Boy! Are you still following my Grandbuggy?!” you shout.

He doesn’t answer you, and instead keeps walking.

“You always know where he is right? Because you want your twenty bits?”

Again, he doesn’t answer.

“Well you’ve done nothing but slowly chase after him, so I’ll take that as a yes,” you say as you fly next to him. “But can you please hurry your pace? He might be in danger.”

Slendermane doesn’t pick up his speed nor slow down, but continues to walk at a relaxing speed.

“There you are,” Greta says from above you. “Is he still chasing him?”

“I think-No, I know he is,” you say in determination. “Go get the others, he’ll lead us to Grandbuggy!”

Greta nods and flies back to the others as you flutter next to the eldritch horror.

“So, if I gave you an extra 20 bits, would you go faster?” you implore, but again he ignores you and keeps walking. You let out a sigh and look to the road ahead of you.

“Just be safe Grandbuggy, I’ll save you…eventually.”

Nearby, Frost watches the dark filly as she follows the faceless stallion.

“Well, this is interesting. That guard took the Offender and left Nightmare Moon. Guess he isn’t as dumb as I thought,” he says in intrigue. “Well they’re not going anywhere fast any time soon. Maybe I can meet with the Boogeymare when she’s alone…”

Several Hundred Miles Away

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

You wake up, and you want to die.

“Uuuuuuugggghhhh,” you groan as your head beats like a million drums and your stomach feels like a Wendigo twisted it into a knot.

I swear, never again with the Dragon Booze. Never again…You think to yourself as you slowly open your eyes, the faint light there is in this room brighter than a thousand suns.

“Blllaaarrrggllle,” you groan as you try to move your hoof in front of your face, but find it restrained.

“Eh?” you blink your eyes open more and see all of your hooves tied together.

The buck? Did I get into some kinky stuff again? What even happened yesterday? Your eyes widen as a flash of the previous day’s events come to you. Oh buck, did Emerald and Cinder do this to me?

You then start wriggling and trying to sit up, when a voice speaks up. A male voice.

“Oh thank goodness, you’re waking up.”

Crap! Don’t tell me I finally went and crossed that line?! If I did, Jack can never know! He Must Never Know!

“Take it easy there Bugze, you’re still weak and sick,” the owner of the voice comes into your view and you see,

“Flash Sentry?” you warble out in surprise more than anything and he smiles.

“So you do remember me. Listen, it’s all going to be alright Bugze, you’re far away from Nightmare Moon right now.”

“Wha-“ you try to say before you start coughing and your stomach drops with that sickening cold feeling after a heavy night of drinking and you groan.

“Hey hey, it’s going to be alright. Have some water,” he all but pours some water into your mouth, and you are powerless to not drink it, lest you choke.

“There we go. Drink up, and save your strength. We’ve got a lot of flying left before we reach Canterlot. Princess Cadence is going to want to see you.”

“What?” you gasp out, your neurons still misfiring in your pounding brain as your eyes open further, and you see that you are on a couch of some kind inside of what looks to be a wood cabin, and it looks like it's been through a tornado.

“Where…?” you grunt out and Flash pushes you back onto the cushions.

“We had to make a pit stop so that my armor could cool down and recharge. I flew nonstop after I rescued you. I hope whoever owns this cabin is understanding if they come back, but this place looked ransacked and abandoned.”

“Huh?” you say as you turn your head and see a lot of books, balled up scraps of paper, other furniture thrown about, and on a desk a typewriter.

“Yeah, sorry I have you tied up, but it was to keep you safe while you flew. I still don’t know if Nightmare Moon has influence over you Bugze.”

“Nightmare Moon? Bugze?” you blather as the white noise in your brain dims just a bit. “What are you talking about?

“Don’t…don’t you remember who you were?” he asks a bit nervously.

“Of course I do! Sure I’m Buggy or whatever, where’s my group and my little filly?!” you growl as you try to ignore the pain.

“They’re miles away, they won’t be able to find this place anytime soon. Just relax, I’ll keep you safe,” he says sadly as he tries to reassure you.

“I-Wha-Son you better get me some greasy eggs and toast right now so I can understand what the buck is going on!” you shout, worried beyond worry where your Great Granddaughter and all your friends are.

“Even your voice is drained and gravelly,” he says sadly as he closes his eyes, a tearing running down one of them.

“What are you-“

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!” a familiar female voice shouts, causing your head to beat even worse. Flash of course is startled and looks to the front door in a defensive stance, and there in the doorway is a tan mare with chromatic rainbow hair, wearing glasses, a purple shall and grey floppy hat.

Oh you’ve got to be kidding me, you think to yourself as once again you’ve run into Daring Do.

“S-Sorry Ma’am,” Flash apologizes. “I’m from a special division of the Canterlot Royal Guard and had to stop to rest. I swear this house was messy and ransacked before I even got here.”

She seems surprised by this, until her eyes land on you and they narrow immediately.

“You…” she seethes and you gulp and wave.

“Hi Daring,” you say meekly before wincing.

Gods I wish I wasn’t hung over right now.



Episode 48: Migraines and Mania

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

As you sweat what you can safely presume is pure booze nervously, daring growls and marches toward you. Flash worried for your safety steps between the two of you.

“Now ma’am I know you’re mad but please don’t-” He doesn’t get to finish as Daring pulls of her shall and tosses it onto Flash blinding and disorienting him. With little effort she picks up and throws Flash to the other side of the room shouting,

MOVE!” With a thud Flash lands into a bookshelf, or what’s left of one seeing as it’s already broken, and falls head first into the piled up books beneath it. Daring grabs you by the neck and pulls you in close to see her raging eyes.
“You stupid son of a bull!” she growls grinding her teeth. You of course being hungover respond appropriately.

“Whoa there Missy, no need to be so forward,” you slur, causing her to blush angrily. “I’m flattered, but I’d hate to steal Ahuizotl’s gal.” Daring growls as a visible vein appears on her forehead and she flings you toward Flash just as he digs his head out of the shawl. Your foreheads collide with the sound of two coconuts hitting together, and just makes the both of you even more miserable.

“Why yes mother I’d like another cookie,” you say dazed as Flash groans. Shaking your head you climb off of him, flop to the ground since your limbs are still tied, and blearily glare at her. “Jeez mare, I can see why Ahui likes you now,” you chuckle as she groans.

“I’m not! We’re not! Grrr! Why can't you just leave me alone you crazy old changeling?!” she huffs. Flash shakes his head as he stands up. When he looks again at Daring his eyes widen at the sight of her.

“Wait…Daring? As in Daring Do? You’re…you’re real?” he gasps.

“No, as in daring me not to slam your head into a wall,” she mocks before yelling. “OF COURSE I’M DARING DO!” she growls before she closes her eyes and starts counting to ten under her breath.

“No way…I thought that was fan rumor spread around after the signing in Canterlot,” Flash exposits with wide eyes as Daring groans rubbing her temples.

"Great, another fan...” she mumbles before glaring at the guard. “And don’t remind me of that disastrous day! Ugh! I wanted my identity to remain a secret, but thanks to that buffoon and his group my entire career and life as A.K. Yearling has been jeopardized! And to add insult to injury, I lost my favorite hat!” She then sighs as she goes over to her couch, brushes some debris off of it, and plops down, covering her eyes.

“And now I’ve got to clean the bucking house up too…”

Since both your front hooves and back hooves are still currently tied, you just lie on the floor like a dead fish, while Flash takes a step over you.

“Again ma’am, this wasn’t either of our doings. The place was already trashed when we got here,” he explains and she opens her eye at that.

“Really?” she asks a bit in concern as she immediately sits up and starts rummaging through the junk all over her floor.

“Yes…and can I just say it’s an honor to meet you?” Flash says a bit startstruck.

“Uh Huh, sure,” she grunts offhandedly as she continues looking for something.

Flash, a bit giddily looks down at you.

“So you’ve crossed path with Daring Do huh? I’d heard her next book would deal with Nightmare Moon in some way, but now that I know she’s real that takes on a whole new connotation.”

“I wouldn’t say I know her well,” you admit. “More like we just keep crossing paths, though me and her boyfriend Ahuizotl go way back.”

“HE’S MY ENEMY AND NOTHING MORE!!” Daring shouts in embarrassment as she throws a broken chest to the side.

“Yeah, it’s a sore subject with them,” you shrug and Flash’s eyes widen in realization.

“That cat thing I saw with you…that was Ahuizotl? The real life Ahuizotl?”

“Trust me, he’s not all that great in person,” you grunt, but Daring overhears and whips her head around.

“Is he around too? Still wanting his stupid money he thinks he deserves?!” she growls.

"Actually, I have no idea,” you say as your head spins. “My heads not exactly sharp this morning…or whenever it is.”

“He’s been drained of life energy Ms. Do,” Flash explains.

Huh, ain’t heard it called that before, you ponder as he continues.

“But if that was really Ahuizotl I saw, he and the others Nightmare Moon has gathered are back near the Dragon Lands a few hundred miles away.

“What The Buck?! Hundreds of Miles?!” you shout, hurting your own ears as they look back at you.

How the Buck Did I Sleep Through That?!

“Well that’s one relief I guess,” Daring sighs as she picks up a book with a horseshoe on it, which turns out to be a secret box when it opens, showing a large golden ring. “Ah, thank goodness, still safe.”

“That ain’t a dang relief! Where the buck am I?!” you demand, but Flash places a hoof on your forehead.

“Easy now, you’re still weak.”

“I may be weak, but I’m still pissed,” you say batting his hoof away, and as you do, you realize there is something missing from the top of your head. “AND WHERE THE BUCK IS MY BOWLER?!!”

Your head thumps loudly, but you can’t help but feel it wouldn’t be so bad if your longest companion, your amazing and smooth hat were still upon your head.

“I didn’t see a hat…” Flash says meekly as you start groaning and thrashing on the ground in anger.

Gorramnit! Motherbucker! I Hate Everything Today! You tantrum as Daring walks next to Flash.

“So, I take it that giant metallic golem looking thing with the solar panel chargers in my backyard is yours?”

“Yeah,” Flash nods. “It was overheating and needed to recharge and cool off. “Shouldn’t take more than two hours at the most.”

“OK, and you didn’t see anypony else here who could have done this to my house?”

“No ma’am. None that I could see anyway,” he shrugs while you still flop about.

“Soooo, you’ve dealt with him before then?” she inquires.

“You could say that…if you didn’t know Ms. Do, this is actually the Hooded Offender.”

Wait What?! You stop fumbling in shock.

“Wait, What?!” Daring echoes aloud to the guard.

“That’s right,” he nods, “Nightmare Moon did this to him.”

Did what to me? Got me drunk? She’s in another universe with my boy!

Daring then looks down at you, and you can taste the pity flowing off of her.

“Then…then why is Ahuizotl and that Griffon with them?”

“I would imagine gathering villainous allies,” Flash shrugs before a thought comes to him. “Wait a second. That rumor in Canterlot… if Ahuizotl was there, then so was she!”

“Yeah, they were there alright,” Daring mutters and Flash has another brain blast.

“That means the fires caused by that old stallion’s stand were probably set off by her!”

“Well actually,” you try to butt in, but he talks over you.

“Oh My Gosh! That poor old stallion! He got fined so many bits for that! Yet another life ruined by Nightmare Moon,” Flash snarls in anger before calming himself down. “It’s OK, with this news, maybe things can be set right…”

“I don’t know anything about fireworks or fires, but I did run into them in Canterlot,” Daring admits. “Though that’s not the first time I met them.” Flash then looks to her inquisitively.

“Now, I really don’t like spoilers for your books, but when you encountered him, did he already look like this? And did you happen to run into a black alicorn filly?”

“I did,” she nods in understanding. “He already looked like this when I met. And as for that filly, she was a foul mouthed little brat and kept claiming she wasn’t actually Nightmare Moon, that she was her daughter.”

“I see,” Flash nods as he puts a hoof to his chin. “The filly had been around for a long time, so perhaps the boogeymare is having identity issues now that she’s been made whole.”

“What conclusions are you all drawing?!” you growl as you try to wriggle your hooves out of their binds.

“As for him, he seemed devoted to her, despite looking like this,” Daring says nodding to you.

“I see. I feared that actually,” Flash sighs and shakes his head. “That’s why I had him tied up in the first place. Being possessed by her for so long must have taken a toll on his psyche and made him feel drawn to his captor.”

“Ah, Stockholm’s, got it,” Daring nods.

“Oh For Pete’s Sake!” you bellow as even more ponies start jumping to conclusions.

Shade’s gonna be mad if she hears this, you think to yourself before your eyes widen in realization. Oh crap Nightshade! She’s all alone! Er...well she’s still with Ahui, Bird Cat and the scalies, but still! You begin inchworming your way towards the door, but stop and pant when a migraine hits.

“Gah! Stupid bucking poker game, stupid bucking drinking contest!” you complain as Flash steps in front of you.

“Whoa there, where are you trying to go?” he asks.

“I’ve gotta get back to her! She can’t be left alone, not right now!” you implore, thinking of the Alicorn Amulet shards in her chest.

“No way, I’m not letting you run back to that demon. Not after you two have finally been separated,” Flash insists as he puts a hoof on your back. A spike of anger flashes through you and you turn around and bite his hoof hard.

“YOWCH!” he cries out and pulls his hoof out of your maw, shaking it. “What was that for?”

DON’T YOU EVER CALL HER A DEMON YOU SON OF A BITCH! SHE’S A PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGEL!” you threaten because no one insults your kin.

“Bugze…” he says in pity before he closes his eyes and sighs. “Her mind games are going to be a pain to fix…but the princesses will save you I swear.”

“I don’t need saving ya dang idjit! I just need some gorramned peace and quiet away from all this stupidity! Now quite being an idiot Sentry, or I’ll whip you like I did your ancestor Magnus!” He is understandably a bit confused by that, but before he can think more on it, Daring speaks up.

“Sentry? As in Flash Sentry?” she asks, causing the guard to turn to her in wonderment.

“You know of me?” he asks eagerly.

“Yeah…I’ve heard of you alright,” Daring says cautiously as she reaches for something in her vest pocket.

“Oh My Gosh! I can’t believe Daring Do herself knows about me!” he fangasms. “This is fantas-“

He is interrupted as Daring slaps a piece of paper covered in neighponese script onto his forehead. Everything falls into an awkward, though blessed silence as nothing happens.


“It’s a neighponese exorcism note,” Daring says a bit in confusion. “I’d heard through the vine that you were hounded by belligerent, rage filled spirits that could affect others.”

“Oh, right. Don’t worry about that, those jerks left me some time ago,” he says with a smile as he discreetly pockets the note.

Oh this is some Bullspit right here, you think to yourself as you eye the kicked in door. If Shade and the others are hundreds of miles away, then they ain’t finding me anytime soon. They won’t even know what direction to look. I’ve gotta make a break for it when the chance arises and try to meet them halfway somewhere.

You then look back at the two pegasi behind you.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

These idiots think I’m the boy in some stupid roundabout way…maybe if I play the victim and confirm their beliefs, they might slip up and free my dang hooves, you ponder through your pounding brain. I just hope Shade’s reputation ain’t tarnished too much after this, but I gotta stall. It’s all I can do right now.

*Cough* *cough* "Flash..." You say, in your hurt old bug voice. "Is that you old buddy, old pal?"

“Bugze?” he says softly. “Yeah Bugze it’s me.”

Heh, if only the boy was as good as me at acting, you think smugly.

"Tell, me *cough* how long has it been?"

"I don't know, a year? Maybe more?" he guesses.

OK, time to lie with a kernel of truth. They think my mind’s gone bonkers, let’s confirm that.

"For me it has been many, many years since I last saw you…” He looks taken aback by those words, if only for a moment.

"Bugze... What do you-"

"I traveled through time and space for many years,” you say without a hint of sarcasm.

Flash stares at you, looks back at Daring, then back at you.

“His mind seems to be a lot more scrambled than I thought,” he says sadly.

“That’s an understatement,” Daring nods, and you know you got them.

“But it’s true. I traveled in a box to the outer reaches of space and tangoed with the worst of extraterrestrials,” you recount as you stall, both to make them less cautious, and for you to work at your binds.

Hopefully Shade and the others head for the rail road tracks so I can find them again. I mean, why wouldn’t they? There’s no other way they could figure out my direction.

POV SHIFT: Nightshade

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

"UGH why can't you just go faster?! Grandbuggy's in danger!" You shout to the eldritch horror. Slendy however simply ignores you and continues walking slowly. You growl in annoyance.

“I don’t think it’s any use shouting at him Niña. He’s an entity outside of normal reasoning,” Ahuizotl says from behind you and you shoot him a stink eye.

“Well just because he comes from the space between spaces doesn’t mean he has to be such a slow moving jerk!”

Garble trails behind him, looking nervous about you and the shards that are slowly glowing brighter. Greta and Ember meanwhile are having an intense conversation.

“But how can it live without a mouth? How does it breathe and eat?!” the blue princess asks, still not over the fact that the abomination in front of you exists.

“For the last time, I don’t know!” Greta squawks as she holds a talon to her forehead.

“I mean, it looks like a pony, but did it like escape Tartarus or something?”

Greta sighs as the dragon keeps pestering her, and truthfully, it’s getting on your nerves too.

Who gives a crap how this guy works! He’s useless, useless, useless! He doesn’t care about our plight, he just wants to make me suffer! You growl in anger, the shine of your ornaments glowing even brighter. He's my only way of tracking Grandbuggy, but a dang turtle would be faster! Ugh! Why don’t we have a bucking map, or something? Then we could guess where he’s headed. But no, we get stuck with the most useless compass in the wo-

A light bulb goes off and you get an idea. Your horn glows as you lift Slendy off the ground, this confuses him as he whips his head left and right. Your horn glows brighter with a hint of red as do your shards. With great effort you forcibly make him straight as an arrow much to his discomfort and disbelief. He floats above you and he keeps trying to walk in a certain direction. Every time you turn him, he swivels back towards the direction he wants.

"Uh Nightshade, what are doing?" Greta asks worriedly. You turn your head to them with a sudden snap that makes them jump back.

"Since this flankhole here is taking so long I decided to make him more useful,” You say with a sadistic glee before flying off through the forest toward your destination. “Better keep up slowpokes!” The group stands there terrified and worried.

"Well that makes things easier I guess?" Greta says gulping as Ahuizotl's gaze narrows.

"Something is definitely wrong with her. We need to remove those shards from her and soon. Or I fear she might do something she'll regret," he warns before chasing after her.

“I’m so confused. What’s up with those shards again?” Ember asks.

“They’re part of an ancient artifact that makes her uber levels of powerful,” Garble explains as they follow after Ahuizotl and Greta.

Up above the trees, you fly a little quicker now that you aren’t taking a casual pace, and Slender continues trying to walk towards Grandbuggy despite levitating.

“See?! Was this so hard?! If you had been a team player in the first place we wouldn’t have had to resort to this you stupid faceless moron!” you chide the monstrosity. Even though he continues trying to walk, tentacles sprouting from his back still press against the sides of the orb you have him in.

“Quit trying to break out! This is your new home now!” you shout maliciously with a laugh. Suddenly, Slendermane stops walking in midair and stands stock still.

“Huh?! Did we find him?!” you gasp excitedly as you look down at the ground. All you see are more trees, and in the distance your friends.

“We didn’t even go that far,” you say looking up. “But why else would you stop wal-“

You stop as you see Slendermane’s faceless face facing you, despite his body facing the opposite direction. The tentacles release a dark miasma against your bubble and suddenly an invasive white noise fills your head.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” you shout as you hold your head in pain and both of you fall to the ground. You hover before striking, lessening it, but Slendemane full on lands in a tree, cracking many branches.

“Motherbucker That Hurt!” you shriek as you shake your head and glare at the faceless stallion. He just looks at you silently, and starts making his way out of the branches. You begin to levitate him again to speed up the process.

“Alright, don’t you do that static thing again or I swear I’ll” you start, but you shriek again as not only the white noise comes back to your head, but also some sort of spastic chanting.

“AAHHH!!!” you shriek again and drop him. “Cut that out you stupid…stupid…”

You trail off as he drags himself out of the tree and starts walking…into the tree.

Kichi’s Comment

“What the buck?” you mutter as he keeps walking over and over again into the tree.

“Just go around it you idiot!” you shout, but he does not. Growling angrily, you shoot a magic missile at the tree, blowing it to splinters, and he walks through it. It’s not even a second later that he starts walking into another tree.

“Oh Come On!” you shout in frustration. “You’re just bucking with me now aren’t you?!”

He of course doesn’t answer you, but you’re pretty sure that’s the case.

“AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!” you shout to the heavens as he gets vengeance on you for having used him as a compass. “What the buck do you want from me?! First you’re too slow, and then when you’re helpful you blast my brain, and now you’re just being a huge jerk! I ought to rip out your cold black heart and…” you stop ranting as you see your shards glowing bright.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Aw Crap! Getting too angry, you think in worry as you sit down. OK, what does daddy do to come out of a rage?

You ponder to the many fights he’s had, and how he was calmed down…and the diagnosis isn’t pretty.

OK, so either I take things too far and get eaten by guilt, have mommy talk me down from inside my head, or have myself calm me down…Well that’s not helpful!

You then stop focusing on how Daddy deals with things, and try to incorporate some methods you saw Zecora using.

OK, just breathe and think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts, you mentally chant as you close your eyes.

You imagine the times spent with Daddy and Mommy inside his dreams, all together. You think about when you first broke Sombra down into being your friend for real. You imagine your sick dance battle in Canterlot with Grandbuggy…and then you start panicking because none of them are here, and Grandbuggy is still in danger.

Dang it, Dang it! You grit your teeth and clench your eyes harder. OK, just think of someone who would calm you down like you calm daddy down like…like Spike!

You then imagine your favorite dragon, smiling and hanging out with you as you remember the good times and you actually feel a lot less stressed. You let out a sigh of contentment as you think about your best friend and how when the whole world stops hating your family, you and him can hang out more and grow up together.

You imagine your older self from when Trixie messed with your body standing next to him as a tall muscular drake without wings, wearing a loose fitting robe. The sleeves long torn off from years of battle doing little to hide the rippling waves of scales that covered his powerful physique. Each one shone like the gems he so craved, but not as much as he loved the beautiful Nightshade that he so cared for, standing from the battlefield eclipsing the sea of death that lay at his feet by his mere pretense. In his claws was a weapon unlike the world had ever comprehended, two beams of light elegantly emerging from what seemed like a pair of nuckaku yet managing to stay perfectly straight. He looked upon your older self with a smoldering gaze that could set her aflame at any moment. Closing his eyes he spoke with a manly voice befitting his stature and in clear defiance spoke of an innocent fool who only knew how to love.

He speaks to your older self in impeccable neighponese but you understand anyway (Nightshade with your love there is nothing I can’t do. Though I have no wings you give me the strength to soar all the same. ) opening his eyes full of passion as if already knowing the answer to what he was about to ask he said (Will you fly with me my majestic Nightshade?)

Your older self reached longingly for her draconic dream, replying in the same elegant neighponese. (I wi-)

“Nightshade, what are you doing?”

“HUH?!” you snap your eyes open, your hoof outstretched as you see your group has caught up with you.

“I said what are you doing sitting on the ground?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Yeah, and why’s your face all red?” asks Greta.

“And your tongue hanging out?” adds Garble.

“NOTHING! I WASN’T DAYDREAMING!!!” you deny heavily as you look around with shifty eyes.

The others look at each other perplexed before they shrug it off. Sighing in relief, you look down at your chest, but instead of your shards fading, they actually seem to be glowing brighter.

SERIOUSLY!!! Buck You Stupid Hormones! I blame that stupid romance book Sweetie brought to the clubhouse that one time! You think angrily.

“Say, what’ wrong with the creepy guy?” Ember asks pointing to Slendermane who is still walking into a tree over and over again.

“Being a flankhole because I picked him up!” you snap as you stamp over to him.

“Look, I’m sorry about earlier, can you just keep walking?! I prefer that to this!”

He doesn’t acknowledge you and continues to act like bad AI during an escort mission. By now, your emotionally blended brain has enough and you reach a breaking point as your eyes glow pure white.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

"Mother Bucker MOVE!" You roar, blasting Slendy through the tree and down many yards away, making a crater. The group gasps thinking the worst, only for him to pop up shaking his head a bit before continuing to walk in Grandbuggy's direction, and this time, he’s not trying to clip through trees.

"Oh well that works,” you smile cruelly, your eyes still glowing as you zoom up ahead, preparing another blast.

“OK, the little pony’s gone nuts,” Ember observes.

"Why couldn't my rival have been just another dragon?" Garble groans.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

And second verse, same as the first, you blast Slendermane far ahead of you, causing him to make another crater, only to get up and keep walking.

Hah! And because I’m just blasting him, he can’t put static in my brain anymore! You think in triumph as you cackle madly and blast him yet again.

“You didn’t want to be a compass, so you’ll be a divining rod instead!” you shout to him as you once again, shoot him, but this time you keep juggling him in the air, prolonging his time in the air.

“Nightshade, wait up!” you hear Greta call from way behind you, but you ignore her and continue your new found speedier process.

They at least can keep track of you due to the craters, but they are way behind after some time passes.

After who knows how long of blasting and cackling the faceless monster, you decide to take a fiver and sit down. He once again leaves his crater and keeps walking and you pant from the exertion of consistent malice.

“I’ll catch up with you in a second you freak!” you taunt as he walks further down the road and you take a drink of water from your water bottle.

Mangle pops her head out of your inventory and gives a questioning bark.

“No need to worry Mangle, I’ll get to Grandbuggy one blast at a time. You just keep hold of his hat you hear?” you order the fox who nods and nervously reenters the cave upon seeing your still glowing eyes.
After taking another few breaths, you psyche yourself up to go for another round of blasting and chasing, when a voice hits your ears from up ahead.

Zapper frost’s Comment

“Well well well, Nightmare Moon in the flesh. I have to say, you’re a big deal around my circle.”

Turning your head, you see a blue stallion coming out of the woods from where Slendermane walked. He has a menacing air around him, and is wearing a black hooded cloak of some kind.

“Now, I come only to talk now that you’ve rid yourself of the Hooded Offender, but I am Frost from the Black S-“


“AAGGHH!” he shrieks as you hit him with a magic missile, singing his cloak and fur and sending him crashing into a tree, which leaves an icy residue on it. Shaking his head, he looks up at you in shock and confusion.

“Really? The ‘well, well, well thing’? How bucking cliché can you get?!” you chide the clearly evil pony as he gets to his hooves.

“Wait, I didn’t come to fight, I-“

“Oh Buck Off You Evil Sack of Evil!” you cut him off. “You’re wearing a cult robe, you’re decked out in a bunch of weapons, and you come trying to talk to me in the middle of the woods. Aside from Stranger Danger, that screams you’ve been following me, and seeing as how I’m missing my Grandbuggy and you came from where Slendy walked, I know you have something to do with it!”

“What?!” Frost says completely taken aback. “No! It was the guard that took him. I have no idea where he we-“

“LIAR!!!” you cry out, your eyes and chest blazing even hotter as you send forth another blast of magic towards the evil dude, but he dives out of the way, so the tree gets obliterated.

“Listen! I came to offer you-“

“Go Shove Whatever Offer You Have You Kidnapper!” you shout as the shadows of the trees bubble and melt, and suddenly your shadow minions crawl forth from the darkness.

Frost’s eyes bulge out a bit as he witnesses this, and unsheathes a greenish metal claw from a wrist gauntlet and slashes one of them. They dissipate, but another soon takes it’s place. Reading the situation, the stallion turns tail and runs into the woods, away from where Slendy walked.

“Orders Ma’am?!” the Imp in the combat helmet asks as he springs from your shadow and salutes.

“Get That Motherbucker!” you order in rage, with shadows billowing off of your back.

“Yes Ma’am!” the imp salutes and suddenly he lets out a shriek and your horde converges on the stallion.

You soon join your attack dogs, going after the flankhole that stole your Grandbuggy.

“I will tear you limb from limb!” you shout as your minions flow like a river below you, nipping at his heels.

Up ahead, Frost sweats nervously, which freezes upon his brow as the many demons start to catch up.

“I may have made a miscalculation!” he pants as he parkours up a tree. “Who’d have thought Nightmare Moon would be this unhinged?!”

And back with your group, they see Slendy’s last crater, and hear the cacophony of shouts and breaking branches, so nervously and in trepidation, they follow after you while Slendermane continues on the true path, slowly but surely, and now without annoyance.

POV SHIFT: Grandbuggy

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

After what feels like an hour because of your throbbing head, but is only a few minutes, you finish up yet another rambling tale.

“And then the Cyberpony was like, “There is logic in what he says,” and then-“

“Bugze, everything you’ve said has literally just been Doctor Whooves episodes,” Flash interrupts you and you stare at him fixedly.

“Episodes?” he asks incredulously and he sighs.

“Yes, it’s a very popular show. Your mind is just confusing reality and fiction at this point,” he says sadly.

Wait a goramned minute. Did that bastard have episodes of adventures where I was involved and not included me? Who’s writing this trash if-

“Oooohhhhh,” you groan as the two pegasi loom above you.

“Are you OK?” asks Daring Do.

“No, my head hurts,” you admit and she nods.

“I’ll make some tea then,” she says as she walks off, before muttering under her breath “If they haven’t already wrecked my kitchen too.”

Left alone with Flash he just looks over your pained form in sympathy.

“I really, really need an aspirin right now,” you moan.

“Here you go!” a bubbly voice says a little too loud as a pair of pink hooves shove a tablet in your mouth, followed by a cup of water.

“What the-“ Flash says startled.

“Thank you,” you nod as you drink the medicine down.

“No problemo,” the pink pony smiles.

“Pinkie Pie?” Flash gasps.

“Yep, Hi Flashy! Fancy meeting you here,” she says happily and it’s now that you realize that a new mare has shown up, and she looks exactly like the mares from the Hospital, Swap Meet and the Boat.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Oh great another one of the clones,” you grumble as you tuck the glass under yourself.

The pink mare seems surprised by this.

“Clones?” she asks before another voice calls from the doorway.

“Clone?! Who said clone?! Is there a clone here?”

“I don’t know, this guy just looked at me and said it though,” Pinkie says to doorway.

“Who was…Flash?!” the voice says in surprise.

“Twilight?! Flash says in equal surprise.

Twilight?! You think in dread as you quicken your plan and break the glass while they’re distracted.

“What are you doing here?” both Twilight and Flash ask at the same time, causing Pinkie to giggle.

“I’m here on a mission,” Flash answers first.

“I’m here because Rainbow Dash is impatient, but who is that on the ground? Why were they talking about clo-“ she stops abruptly as she sees your tied up form and your eyes bug out as she yelps as her wings pop out in fright.

“A CHANGELING?!” she shrieks and you wince at the loudness.

“What?!” comes a tomboyish voice as a rainbow maned pegasus enters the room. “What’s a changeling doing here?”

“I thought we locked them all up in that castle prison!” a posh voice says as white unicorn with a purple mane enters.

“Oh, this is just my luck,” you groan as one by one the Elements of Harmony start entering the door.

“Oh My Gosh! Look what it did to A.K. Yearling’s house!” Rainbow says looking around at all the destruction.

“Uh, actually,” Flash starts before the athletic mare gets in your face. “What did you do with Yearling?! I swear to Celestia if you’re the reason the book got delayed I’ll…”

“Uh Rainbow slow down, maybe we have the wrong idea here?” Pinkie suggests.

“I agree with Pinkie he looks hurt,” Fluttershy says poking her head from behind Rainbow.

“Flash, did you take him down?” asks Twilight. “Do you need our assistance?”

“Actually yeah I could use some assistance,” he admits. “You see, this is-“

To Tartarus with that! You panic as you slice your bonds free quickly and make a break for it.

“HEY!” several voices cry out, but you scramble towards the window and dive through it. There are several gasps, and a cry from Daring in the kitchen.

“Oh Now What?!”

You land in a roll, your scalp having a few cuts since you’re missing your favorite bowler and you get your feet under you to start running. Your vision is still a bit blurry, and your head hurts even worse now, but you’ve got to get away. You’ve got to-

“Whoa there partner! Simmer down!” a southern twanged voice shouts from behind you as suddenly a lasso wraps around all four of your hooves and brings you crashing into the ground.

“GORAMNIT!” you shout angrily. “Can’t I just get a moment of peace with the second worst hangover I’ve ever had?!” you shout before turning to face your assailant. “Look missy, I’ve just about had enough of this bullspit day so can you…you…”

You trail off as the blonde maned, orange mare lifts her Stetson and you see her face more clearly. For a moment, your vision blurs and she’s replaced by a young green coated mare with blonde hair and a sly smile on her face.

“No need to get all worked up Quick Fix,” a voice echoes in your mind from a lifetime ago.

“Orchard…? Smithy is that you?” You ask shaking your head. The mare gasps and drops the rope, and as she does, your vision returns to normal.

“Why...why do you know my granny’s name?!” She yells causing you to wince.

“Oh Buck you Lady Luck,” you grumble under your breath.

Flash takes this moment to step in and keep either of you from doing something stupid.

“Alright, everyone calm down. Please miss Applejack I know this situation is strange and all-”

“Strange? Strange?! This here bug knows my Granny! I need some answers and I need them now!” Applejack says as she walks toward you with anger. Flash gulps and raises his wing to block her.

“Applejack please. Don’t do anything rash. This isn’t a run of the mill changeling we’re dealing with here.”

“Flash, what are you-“ Twilight starts, but is interrupted.

“It’s him! It’s Bugze!” Flash exclaims. The elements gasp in confusion while Fluttershy looks extremely worried.

“Bugze?” asks Twilight. “As in-“

“The Hooded Offender, yes,” he nods and they all look at you warily.

Ah beans, you think in dread. Applejack shakes her head, being the stubborn mare she is and just glares.

“That can’t be him. I mean look at the guy, he’s way too old to be him, he doesn’t even have his orange hair.” Applejack pauses for a second. “Wait why did he have hair? I thought changelings didn’t have any?” Everyone raises their eyebrows at this, before they all realize they’ve never asked this question.

“Huh, why didn’t we ever question that?” Twilight says aloud but no one has any answers.

"I have a pretty good idea of why he doesn't have his hair anymore, but I'm telling you, this is him," Flash insists.

“What happened to him?” asks Rarity looking over your form.

“He looks so old and busted,” Pinkie observes.

“Hey!” you bark in response.

“Bugze…what did she do to you?” Fluttershy whimpers looking on the verge of tears.

Yeesh, the boy ain’t even here and he’s making mares cry. Why is he so good at that?

“Well what the heck do we do?” asks Dash nervously. “We don’t have the elements anymore, so we can’t just blast her out of him!”

You don’t? you take note as Smithy’s granddaughter speaks up.

“Rainbow! Don’t go giving that away!” she scolds and the pegasus wilts her ears at her mess up.

Well shoot, if they don’t have the Elements anymore, then the boy could just march down the street singing and they couldn’t do anything about it, you realize as Flash speaks again.

You take this opportunity to try and run, key word being try as you flop around the minute you try to get to your hooves.

“Ooohhhh.” You groan as Flash sees this and gulps.

“His mind still isn’t completely his own though, but he really needs a hospital. Nightmare Moon drained his life force.”

They all look sickened by this, and Fluttershy gasps and dives toward you trying to help you up.

“Oh you poor thing! What did that witch do to you Bugze?!” She exclaims as she feels your forehead. “My goodness, he’s running a fever!”

No I’m not, I’m just queezy! You think defiantly, though you gotta admit, this Fluttershy gal ain’t too shabby looking.

“Wait why would she drain him if she’s using his body? Wouldn’t she want it in tip top shape?” Pinkie asks while the yellow pegasus fawns over you.

“It’s because she’s separated from him. She’s not in him anymore girls, it’s just Bugze, no Nightmare Moon.”

Their eyes widen even more at that, and even Applejack loosens her grip on the rope.

“He’s been freed?” Twilight asks breathlessly.

“R-Really?!” Fluttershy says oddly relieved and excited sounding.

“But if she’s not in him, then where is she?” Twilight inquires and Flash looks down sadly.

“You…you remember that little alicorn filly he always had with him?”

Everyling blanches at this, and you hear the Element of Kindness whimper out.


“Are you saying that that filly is hosting Nightmare Moon now?” Rainbow asks sorrowfully and Flash just nods and you sweat by the conclusions they’re jumping too.

“How can you be sure?” Pinkie asks.

“Because I saw her with my own eyes,” Flash sighs. “The filly had a strong aura of dark magic about her, and had a sneer befitting a monster.”

“Don’t you talk about her like that!” you shout in outrage, startling the pegasus above you into jumping back and Flash sighs again.

“Like I said, she still has a hold over him,” he shakes his head and they all look at you sympathetically.

“Oh for pete’s sake, aaaahhhhh,” you rub your temple.

“Where were they?” Twilight asks as you try to subside the pain.

“Out in the dragon lands. For what purpose, I don’t know, but the sounds of an intense battle came from their caves as soon as she was up there with a female griffon and what I now know is Ahuizotl.”

“Wait, what?” Dash double takes, but Flash continues.

“After it quieted down, she was flanked by two younger dragons, one of which I’m sure I saw in Appleloosa last year. When I saw his state…I knew I had to act fast, so I grabbed him in the night and flew as fast as I could.”

“Oh, with the super secret program Shining wasn’t supposed to tell me about?” Twilight asks and he nods.

“Ya’ll are idiots,” you grunt and they look back at your hogtied form.

“We should bring him inside, I still have awhile till my suit is charged enough for the flight, and he’s still so weak.”

They all nod at this as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie half drag, half carry you back into the house while Flash explains what was reported at Rainbow Falls and how he came to be out in the Dragon Lands. You groan in pain as the headache continues, not to mention the bruises and cuts you received from jumping out a window, but your mind still races on how to get out of this.

Ugh, I need to get to Nightshade and get to one of the bunkers to lay low. Even if they don’t know where she is, if they send troops out scouting the Dragon Lands, they might end up in a scrapper, and with that amulet inside her, it won’t be pretty. You shudder, remembering her power during the vine attack. And the last thing I need is Sunny and Moony confronting her. Even if they don’t have the Elements, I have no idea what would happen if they fought. Not to mention what the boy will do when he finds out.

As Pinkie and Fluttershy set you tenderly back on the couch, albeit still tied up, you glance over at AJ who is still giving you curious glances over your slip up.

To think I’d run into Orchard’s granddaughter of all ponies, you sigh as you remember seeing Smithy briefly when you were disguised at their last family reunion. Despite the years, your ex-fiance still looked beautiful to you. Had Lady Luck not been so cruel, perhaps that massive family could have been mine…You think exhaustedly closing your eyes as your mind starts to drift off.

“Now who are these ponies?”

“EEEEEEE!!!!!” an ear piercing scream keeps you from nodding off.

“AHH! Mother Bucker! What is that noise?!” You shout as you cover your ears, your headache coming back tenfold.

“OH MY GOSH YOU’RE DARING DO!” Rainbow Dash squeals in delight. You look over to see Rainbow practically bursting with glee, while Daring slowly backs away from the overactive fan.

“Yeah hi kid. It’s me heh heh,” Daring says sweating bullets as now Twilight and the others look at her in amazement.

“Oh my gosh I have a million questions! Why did you hide your identity? Where’s your hat? Since your next book talks about dealing with Nightmare Moon and you’re real, did you really face off against her? How did you defeat Ahuizotl in that dance off in Canterlot? When’s the next book coming out? Wh-” She is stopped short as Pinkie stuffs a cupcake in her mouth to shut her up.

“Wowie Dashie, I’ve never seen you so excited before,” Pinkie whistles, pulling her out of Daring’s personal space.

“Thank you miss,” Daring says in gratefulness.

“While I apologize for her actions, I’m just as giddy,” Twilight says fluttering her wings. “I’m such a huge fan too. Princess Twilight Sparkle by the way, but I’m sure you guessed that with the wings and everything, but-“

“Yes Yes, I figured that,” Daring cuts her off, holding her hoof up. “Now, to answer your questions, I wanted to live a quiet life and to make sure no one actually attempted to do what I do, it’s dangerous business being an adventurer. I don’t know where my hat is but I have a few suspensions.” With that she gives a glaring glance to you.

For real? You think in annoyance as she turns back to the others.

“I did encounter Nightmare Moon while she attempted to join forces with Ahuizotl, and from what I’ve pieced together, she succeeded.

“We just asked him,” you pipe up, but she ignores you.

“And as for the dance off, yes I defeated him, and the next book will come out when I’m not so stressed and have the time!”

“Oh that’s a load of bullspit!” you interject, causing her to scowl at you. “You beat us in the dance off? Please! We walked all over you! You could barely keep your head on straight trying to follow us!”

“It was a stupid out of nowhere event, but I still won it! Everyone stopped dancing and I left the floor!” she counters.

“Only because you and Ahzi were about 5 seconds away from making out when your disguise fell off.”

“WE WERE NOT!” she denies.

“And by the way, he’s still sore about that! It’s one thing when A.K. Yearling is posting lies and slandering his image, it’s another when it’s you doing it to him. So yeah, give him his cut of the money you owe him, oh and I don’t give you permission to slander my little filly’s image either!”

“Nightmare Moon is over a thousand years old, and thus part of the public domain, I don’t need your permission!” she counters and your growl.

The others just look back and forth and your exchange in utter fascination.

“This is so awesome,” Dash squees as Twilight looks sparkly eyed. Thankfully, Flash coughs and interrupts the argument.

“Everypony just calm down. Whatever issues we have can wait until Bugze is treated. Now, let’s make him comfortable until I’m ready to fly.”

They all nod at this guiltily, having been caught up by seeing Daring Do, though Fluttershy hasn’t left your side.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Oh Bugze, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” she coos, petting your head.

Well hey now, finally some TLC, you smirk as she looks at you sadly. She then leans down closer, much to your delight.

“Is it true? Did that horrible witch do that do Nightshade?”

“What? Of course not. Nightshade’s fine…ish,” you admit but she only shakes her head in shame.

“How do we break her influence over him? I asked him about the filly and he didn’t seem that concerned,” she announces to the others.

“Oh Come On!” you bellow as Twilight perks up at that.

“Now that is strange. In the past, The Offender was always almost religiously protective of the filly,” she ponders aloud.

“Yeah, like me and Applebloom on steroids,” Applejack nods.

“So could it have been that it was Nightmare Moon making him protective of the child?” asks Rarity.

“It could be…” Twilight ponders as you roll your eyes.

“I am protective of her ya dingbat! And I for one don’t take kindly to your insinuations. She is not Nightmare Moon, and all ya’ll are just making huge leaps in logic here.”

“He can deny it all he wants, but I know what I saw,” Flash insists making you scowl more as Twilight gets closer to you.

“Yes, but either way, perhaps we should examine him more thoroughly. For all we know, this could have been a trick for you Flash. For the most part, every Changeling has been locked away, but some may have fallen through the cracks like those that attacked Appleloosa a few months ago.”

“Are you saying this might not be him?” asks Pinkie.

“I’m saying it’s a possibility. If Nightmare Moon is gathering allies and has jumped to that filly, then for all we know the Bugze changeling might not even be…around anymore,” she explains and Fluttershy gasps.

“Twilight! Don’t say such a thing! This is Bugze! I think I would know!” she shrieks as she holds your head.

Shows how much you know, and oh wow are you soft girl, you think as you nestle into her chest fur which causes her eyes to widen momentarily.

“I-I mean, Flash’s explanation sounds right. We all know how evil that monster is,” she stutters as she slowly lets go of your head with a blush.

“That may be true Fluttershy,” Twilight nods. “But I say we find out for sure.”

“And how are we going to do that? If this guy’s mind is scrambled, how could we know lie from the truth?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Simple,” Twilight says as she gets to your side. “We’ll give him a thorough physical examination.”

There is a moment of pause after that declaration before Twilight looks at the others staring at her strangely.

“What?” she asks bashfully.

“You want to like, touch him all around and stuff?” asks Pinkie.

“Well yeah, that way we can know how damaged his body is and-“

“Are you just looking for an excuse to get hoofsies with this guy?” asks Applejack and Twilight flinches back.

“Wh-What?! No! Of course not!” she sputters. “Why would you think that?”

“I mean, why else would you want to touch him?” Fluttershy all but snarls with a very aggravated scowl pointed towards her friend.

“To compare and contrast?” she wilts.

“Compare to what? Aside from his hair, there’s not much else that distinguishes him aside from that cloak, and both of them are nowhere to be seen,” Rarity points out.

“I mean, I’m not gonna complain if you all want to touch me,” you quip which causes Twilight to blush and Fluttershy to look at you giddily.

“Th-That’s not what I…forget it,” she sighs as Flash puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“We should save the examinations till he’s been treated in Canterlot,” he says and she nods. Meanwhile, Fluttershy takes advantage of your words and starts caressing your forehead again.

“Hey now, this ain’t half bad,” you say with a smirk and she blushes again.

“Y-y-yeah…” she says flustered before she shakes her head and gives you a pleading stare. “But what is bad is what’s happened to Nightshade. She went and took over her body, and you’re not even mad.”

“Oh will you stop harping on that?! That ain’t true, and the more you believe it, the more my head hurts than it already does” you grunt and she looks even sadder.

“I’m sure you’ll think more clearer when we get you some help. You said it yourself, your head wouldn’t hurt if not for that monster.”

“That is not what I…” you let out a sigh at how stubborn all these cute mares are. “Look, you seem to like “me” as it were right?”

“Well…I mean…” she nods not looking at you and an idea comes to you.

“Well, if that’s the case, stop putting words in my mouth. If you’re gonna put anything, I’d prefer yer tongue,” you say wiggling your eyebrows and Fluttershy blushes deep crimson as her wings pop out.

“Oh…oh Bugze…” she stutters as blood leaks out her nose.

Heh, still got it.

“Do…do you really mean that?” she asks, with sweat beading on her forehead.

“Tartarus yeah,” you admit with no hint of guilt. “So hey, maybe a bit of lovin could break the curse or whatever.”

Her lip begins quivering as her eyes dart around and her whole body starts turning red.

“I…I…” she pants and you give a sly grin.

Come on girly, give me a big ol smooch. It’s been some time since I’ve drained some love, but it’ll give me the boost I need to get my head clear and get the buck out of here.

The shy mare, still overly flustered just keeps babbling and blushing, until Rainbow Dash flies up.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on here?” she asks suspiciously.

“N-Nothing!” Fluttershy exclaims, eyes darting around suspiciously.

Stupid sexy athletic mare! Quit ruining my plans…though two hot babes giving some sugar to me will heal me a lot faster.

“Nothing much Rainbow Buns,” you flirt and she is taken aback.


“Though I think I’m feeling better having two cute mares fawning over me.”

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash look at you with their mouths agape at that.

“What?!” they both exclaim, causing the others to look over at you.

“What, you don’t like compliments sweetie?” you ask curiously as she looks lost.

“I…uh…” Rainbow stutters before looking over at Twilight. “Twilight! The Changeling’s flirting with me!”

“He’s what?” Twilight asks in surprise as Fluttershy glares at you, and you can’t help but gulp.

OK, must have read the situation wrong here…

“That witch is going to pay for messing you up!” she growls. “You used to be so innocent, and now you’re trying to seduce everypony!”

Oh right, the boy’s a coward when it comes to ladies…Dang it Boy!

Before any more outrage can occur while trying to steal healing kisses, everyone is interrupted as…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Daring Do grunts as she slams into a wall.

You all look over to see three mean looking stallions stepping into the living room, their eyes only on Daring.

Ah Tartarus, Cabaleron’s Goons? You think in dismay.

“Who are you and what do want?!” She demands.

“We’ve come for the Ring of Scorchero Ms. Do. Our boss requires it. Now hoof it over nice and easy,” The big one says pulling out a knife with his hooves.

“You’ll never get it! I won’t let the forest be reduced to ash!” shouts as she subconsciously touches the book with the hidden compartment in her vest. Flash trots up next to her just as the other two goons notice.

“Halt you are under arrest for assault and attempted robbery! Now put your weapons down!”

“What the…Why’s a cop here?” the goon with sunglasses sputters in surprise.

“Who cares,” says the big one. “Besides, there’s only two of them and three of us.”

“That’s where you're wrong!” Rainbow yells getting up next to Flash and Daring defensively with the rest of the girls following suit.

The three stallions seem absolutely flabbergasted by the number of combatants. Sunglasses even lifts his shades up in surprise.


“As Princess of these lands, I demand you surrender!” Twilight commands, showing off her wings, and the three grunts start sweating.

“Uhh, Boss! There’s more of em!” The large stallion yells out the busted door.

“More?” comes a familiar voice that makes you and Daring scowl. “What do you mean mo-“ Cabeleron sets one hoof through the door and pauses as he sees the entirety of the group in the living room.

“Oh…” he gasps.

“Alright Cabeleron! It’s time for you to-Hey!” Daring cries out as he immediately runs out the door. The minute the goons try to follow, the girls and Flash immediately overwhelm them.

“Get Back Here!” Daring cries as she flies out the door. And as the Elements and Flash Sentry dog pile the bodyguards, you take your chance and get your hooves free and start heading to the door.

Alright, buck this noise. I am ou-

“AAAGGGHHH-OOOMPH!” you are suddenly thrown to the ground by a sprawled out Daring Do who’s head is shaking heavily.

Oh For Buck’s Sake! You grunt as you feel like puking your guts out.

“Daring Do?!” Rainbow Dash calls out as she flies over. “What happened?”

“Cabeleron! He’s got a-“ Suddenly the front entrance is completely blown open with a small explosion as all the others are thrown about. You finally give into a losing battle and lose what little lunch from the previous day you had.

Oh that’s gross, you think as you wipe your chin and look to the entrance and you pale. You aren’t the only one.

“My mecha suit!” Flash yells in horror as Cabeleron’s laugh echoes from inside the hulking bipedal piece of armor.

“Ha! So you’re the one who left this little gift for me? How thoughtful!” He asks making a show of power by smashing his metal hooves to the ground causing everything to shake. This gives the three beaten goons a chance to run by their boss’s side.

“But that’s impossible, you can’t run the suit without the key!” Flash sputters in confusion. “I mean I have it right here-” Flash stops as he pats himself and finds nothing.

“Oh you mean that thing that was in this thing that said turn to start?” Caballeron asks.

“Eh heh heh…yes?” he chuckles nervously.

“Seriously?!” Daring and Rainbow chide at the same time.

“Look, I’ve been moving for like two days without sleep, give me a break!” he argues. “Besides, he can’t have that much of a charge, it was almost completely drained.”

“Ah, so that’s what this blinking red 10% means? No matter, I’ll crush any of you in that time unless Daring Do gives me what I want!” he threatens.

“Never! I don’t know what Ahuizotl did with that other one, but this one is not going to end up in your hooves!” Daring says defiantly.

“Well, sorry to hear that,” he chuckles. “Now why don’t we…wait, don’t I know you?”

You stop midstep as everyone looks to you. You had been slowly making your way to the window, but now that’s a bust.

“Uhh, I don’t think so,” you lie.

“No…no, I recognize you! You were with that filly that cheated me out of my treasure!” he shouts, and the feedback from the microphone pierces your eardrums something fierce.

“So wait, Nightmare Moon tried to recruit him too?” Dash ponders aloud.

“Well…I guess two birds and one stone eh?” Cabeleron chuckles as he starts stepping further into the house, towards you and the group of ponies.

“Ugh, today is just not my day is it?” you groan.


Episode 49: Escalations

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The 9 ft tall abomination of steel, magic, and machinery sets your nerves on end as the jackass operating it has you in his sight.

“I, uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about bub,” you lie as sweat gathers on your brow.

“No I can’t be, surely it must be you you filthy changeling!” Cabelleron accuses. “And I do not like being made a fool of!”

“Hasn’t stopped you before,” you mutter under your breath as whirring machinery starts up.

“Sir! Please exit my armor!” Flash shouts. “This is a treasonable offense, and besides you don’t know how to operate it correctly!”

“Nonsense! All these buttons are laid out simply!” Cabelleron shouts in defiance as suddenly…

Master of Shadow’s Comment

The mecha slumps and a fading whir is heard.

“What the hay? Why did the counter go from 10% to 0?” he asks in confusion.

“Oh, you must have turned on the stereo, it’s a real energy drain,” Flash answers as suddenly…a very girlish song comes from the mech.

“…” everyone in the room silently pans their visions over to the blushing Flash who has his ears wilted.

“What?! Upbeat happy music keeps me focused…” he defends as everyone looks at him incredulously.

“Heh, probably one of those weirdoes that watches My Little Human as well,” you hypothesize with a roll of your eyes.

Another click is heard and the music stops.

“Honestly, I’d rather listen to that drabble Sapphire Shores belches out,” Cabelleron mocks.

“And what’s wrong with Sapphire Shores? She’s an artist!” Rarity challenges, just as the mech whirs back to life.

“Oh there we go, back to blinking 10%,” Cabelleron says giddily.

“That seems like a very flawed energy system,” Twilight observes.

“Yeah it is,” Flash nods. “And don’t even get me started on the coffee maker.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Well, now I know to avoid that particular button, let’s see what-Whoa, there we go!” Cabelleron says excitedly as the mecha starts making it’s way towards you. “Boys, deal with the others. I’ll handle Daring and the bug!”

Daring, for her part, dives into you pushing you of the way as he plows through the back wall. You groan as your head continues to spin.

I can’t deal with this Walter Wombat Bullspit right now! I’ve gotta get to Shade before she starts panicking with that stupid amulet in her! you think as Daring stands up and stares through the hole.

“Oh come on! Hasn’t my home been damaged enough?!” she shouts as she flies after the doctor. You continue to struggle in your binds when you realize something.

“Oh right my magic.” Your horn glows as you try to pry off the binds but you groan as your headache cuts out your magic. “Stupid bucking hangover!” You growl. You turn your head to the goons as they fend off the group surprisingly well, mostly by using funneling tactics with the kitchen doorway.

“AH! There’s a banana peel in my mane!” Rarity shrieks as countless more food items and cooking implements are thrown against them.

“Oh yeah, that’s real terrible!” Applejack snarks as a pot gets stuck on her head.

“Twi blast them!” Rainbow shouts kicking a goon who in turn, throws a bar of soap at her.

“I can’t! If I miss I might hit the walls and the house doesn’t sound like it can take more punishment.” Twilight explains as the house groans from all the fighting, and the two large holes in it. Flash wrestles with goon 3 who tries to drive a knife down his throat, but he bucks the guy off, the goon gets up and prepares to attack again before being hit with a book. He looks to see Pinkie and Fluttershy throwing books from the pile.

“Eat literature meanie!” Pinkie shouts throwing another book. It knocks the knife out of the goons hoof and it falls over to you. You grunt as you bring the binds to the knife, trying to cut the rope.

“Get your hooves away from me you ruffian!” Rarity says punching goon 2 in the jaw. He neighs in pain before shoving Rarity to the ground before Applejack tackles the thug rolling him to the ground. You hurry your attempts to break free as you see Daring flung back through the hole bonking into Dash.

“Not so fun when you’re the one getting knocked around is it Daring?!” Cabellaron mocks from the other side as he stomps toward the hole. You grin as the binds finally snap from the blade, but your small victory is cut short as Cabellaron steps in and grabs you by the tail. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!” he says before launching you at the group sending them all barreling outside.

You groan from the pain as you, Daring, and the Elements look to the house. Flash yelps as he’s kicked out by the goons they step outside looking bruised but not out. Cabellaron walks through the remaining front wall as he grabs a chunk of the wall and tosses it at you. You brace yourself for impact only for a purple barrier from Twilight to block it. Behind Cabellaron the house groans as it collapses in on itself.

“Oh come on!” Daring shouts.

“NOOO!!! Now the books will be delayed even longer!” Rainbow Dash laments as the explorer gives her a twitching scowl.


“The government will pay for everything ma’am, I swear,” Flash apologizes.

“Oh that’s no fun, after we went through the trouble to burn it,” Cabelleron says smugly as he raises a metal fist to the ruins and…

*Vrrrr* the mech shuts down again.

“What? Why?!” he shouts.

“Oh you pressed the button with the fire on it didn’t you? Yeah, that’s the coffee maker,” Flash explains.

“But why would it…Ugh!” the doctor grunts, before the mech comes back online again.

“Alright, this is all stupid,” you growl and look at Daring. “Just give him the dang ring already!” Ahuizotl doesn’t have the full set so just let him have it.”

“No! Whatever the reason he wants it, he’ll never get his grubby hooves on it!” she argues, holding the lock box book to her chest.

“Why You Little-“ you growl as you grab the book and try to wrestle it from her, but she won’t budge.

“Suit yourself I suppose,” Cabelleron interjects. “Now please let this one actually be-“


“Ah, success!” he smiles as a three pronged claw shoots out and grabs around the book between you two. You both look at each other in a moment of panic, before the claw retracts, yanking you two with it.

“Oh Buuuuuuuuuuuuuccck!!” You shout as you’re both flung up into the air after losing grip of the book, before you both fall with a thud. Cabelleron laughs as he tosses the ring to one of his goons.

“Take it back to the rendezvous point, I’ll meet you all there,” he orders. The goons nod and run off into the forest with their ill gotten goods.

“Oh no you don’t!” Twilight shouts before blasting her horn at them, but the mech jumps in front of the blast. The suit starts sparking as the purple energy courses through it, but suddenly it fizzles out with an electric pop.

“Oh wow, 20% now! So that’s what this button does,” Cabelleron says in awe as Twilight’s jaw drops and Flash gulps in worry.

“It absorbed my magic?! How?! Twilight shouts.

“That thing was built to fight the Offender, so it was designed to handle much more than that.” Flash explains and you give him a perplexed look.

They built that to fight the boy? Cheese and Rice that ain’t good.

“But why is it using Twilight’s magic to run?” Pinkie asks.

“Well…we kind of figured that when we faced Nightmare Moon, you all would be there and Twilight would be able to keep our suits from running low…” Flash admits sheepishly.

“Oh that’s just great!” Twilight spits as the mech lumbers forth again.

“Thanks for the juice princess!” Cabellaron laughs as he presses another button and a hatch in the front opens, which spews out a bunch of small balls.

“Hit the deck!” Flash shouts as they all take cover and you and Daring just watch as several explosions ripple her lawn.

“Oh this is so much fun!” Cabelleron cheers. “You know what, now that I’ve got more power, why not?”

And suddenly from the mech, comes an even cheerier sounding song.

“Really dude?!” Rainbow mocks.

“Operating that thing is very stressful!” Flash shouts back.

Daring launches herself forward with a yell and starts banging away on the exterior of the mech uselessly.

“Heck Yeah! Get ‘em!” Dash cheers before she starts doing the same while the mech keeps moving about unhindered.

“I’m getting too old for this,” you shake your head as you get to your hooves and take shelter behind a tree.

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

"You know big brother is going to get angry that you lost this secret mecha that isn’t even supposed to exist to a second class villain, right?" Twilight says to Flash as Dash is thrown off.

“Yeah…” he rubs the back of his neck. “Look, if he asks, we just say Nightmare Moon did it okay?”

“That ain’t very honest,” Applejack points out as she lassos one of the mech’s legs.

“No, but I’ve only just recently gotten better pay what with my wrong drugs and the murderous voices leaving, I can’t take another hit to my paycheck!”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have left the keys inside!” Rarity reprimands.

“Yeah, this thing charges from Twi’s magic, and we can’t even put a dent in it,” Pinkie agrees.

“It’s Been A Long Couple of Days!” Flash cries as Daring is thrown into Applejack.

“Oh wow I love these buttons,” Caballeron says cheerfully, and you notice Flash gain a look of inspiration.

“OK, we’ll all be alright as long as he doesn’t press the Big Red Button above his head!”

“Ah, a big red button you say? Well thanks for the information you fool!” he laughs as the others give incredulous looks to the pegasus guard.

““No! Not the super death laser beam of awesomeness!”

“Yes the super death beam of awesomeness!”


"The Self-Destruct Sequence Has Been Initiated. Repeat, the Self-Destruct Sequence Has Been Initiated. All Personnel Please Evacuate Immediately,” a robotic female voice says from the mech.

“…WHAT?!” Cabelleron screams.

“Really? It’s that easy?” asks Twilight.

“Yeah, better to scrap it then let him use it. Besides, I’ll just use Strong Head’s if worse comes to worse,” Flash says with a shrug.

“No, No, NO!” Cabelleron yells as he starts pressing random buttons, to no avail. “There’s got to be a way to, what the-?”

Suddenly, Cabbeleron is jettisoned out of the suit at terminal velocity, chair and all far into the distance, where if you squint, you can see a parachute deploy.

“Heh, serves him right,” you think in satisfaction as the mech starts to count down.


“Here back up! It’s gonna go hot!” Flash yells.

“You’re all just ruining any chance I have of living here ever again!” Daring shouts in outrage as everyone takes cover and you move further into the woods.

“…4….3…2…” the mech warbles off and slumps as power drains from it and it doesn’t explode.

The entire group peak their heads from their covers at this anomaly.

“It must have run out of power before it had a chance to detonate,” Twilight theorizes.

“Oh Thank Celestia,” Flash says wiping his brow as he starts walking towards his machine. “You’re brother definitely would have had my hide for su-“


The mech explodes, sending Flash careening through a tree and leaving a large crater.

“Bucking machines and their evil explodeyness of evil,” you curse the infernal contraption even as it burns to death. “How the buck did the boy manage to survive all this insanity on a daily basis without me?”

Looking in on the group, you see Daring lamenting all of her destroyed property, and see the others crowding over Flash who is on the ground and groaning. You briefly think about going out there to help, before you realize, you don’t have to stick around anymore. You were literally dragged into this situation, and ultimately, you have no stake in it.

I’m tired, my head hurts, and I just want to go to bed. These mares can handle this, you conclude as you turn tail and gallop into the woods. Behind you, two of the Elements notice your departure, but you don’t notice as you run away from the explosions and madness. Although, you do worry that even if you do get to Shade in time, there will only be more madness waiting.

“Oh Lady Luck, you bucking mutt you! You’d better not cast your gaze on her!”

And as you bravely flee…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The others tend to Flash.

“Grr, my wing it’s broken!” he groans, as Twilight looks at that and his other injuries in worry.

“Oh no, he needs to get to a hospital and quick,” Twilight says biting her lip.

“But that’s all the way back in Ponyville!” Pinkie gasps.

“Yes I know, but it’s where we’ve got to go,” she says looking to the trail they took to get there.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Daring Do could lead us more quickly through the-“

“CABELLERON!!!” she shouts as she shoots up into the sky towards where the good doctor was ejected.

“…or not,” Rainbow finishes as she watches her idol leave.

“And what about the Offen-I mean Bugze?” Rarity asks looking around.

Fluttershy looks back to where you ran off.

“He went that way, I’m going after him, she says as she starts to take off.

“Not alone you're not!” Applejack says walking up to her. She turns back to the rest of the group.

“Listen ya’ll need to get Flash to the hospital, me and Fluttershy will find the changeling.”

“Just you two?” Twilight asks.

“Yes,” she nods. “You and Rarity are the only ones who can use magic to carry him, and Rainbow Dash needs to go check on Daring Do to make sure she’s OK after all of this.”

“I…right,” Twilight nods as she lifts Flash in her grip along with Rarity’s.

“Uuuurrggghh,” he groans before he looks to Twilight helplessly. “Remember…Nightmare Moon did this, or your brother will bite my head off!”

“We’ll worry about that later…good luck girls,” Twilight says as she and Rarity begin running with Flash.

“Yeah, be safe,” Rainbow nods as she zooms off after Daring Do.

“Alrighty let’s go get that bug Flutters,” Applejack says.

“Thanks Applejack,” she says with a smile.

“No problem, I’ve still gotta figure out why he knows my Granny’s real name after all. I only ever heard Grandpa Applesauce call her by that before he passed, nopony else in my family does.”

Fluttershy then nods before calling out to the woods. “I’m coming Bugze! Don’t Worry, I’ll Save You!”

She and Applejack then proceed to gallop after you leaving a wrecked, burning cottage surrounded by high tech scrap and one very confused pink pony.

“So…Was I just forgotten in the plan? Where the hay am I supposed to go?” she asks aloud to no one.

A Few Hundred Miles Away

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

In the depths of the woods, a pink filly sits at a campfire thinking to herself,

“What direction in life should I take at this point?”

As she ponders that existential question, a cloaked stallion stamps through her campsite, screaming bloody murder, as his hoof hits her fire and puts it out.

“Hey!” she shouts in outrage, but he is already further along in the trees, and before she can even think to say anything else, a wave of black, shadowy creatures all swarm past her in pursuit of the stallion, stomping over her in the process

“What in the world?” she gasps, battered and bruised as the monsters keep running. Moments later, an honest to goodness alicorn, maybe a few years older than her zips through the trees above her.

“GET BACK HERE!!!” she commands and the pink filly can feel the power in those words, the sweep of her flight causing branches and dirt to fall onto the filly below. Once the alicorn is out of sight, there is about a minute of silence before a panting, trudging mish mash of creatures stomp through, also stomping over her in the process.

“Calm Down Chica! It’s Not Worth It!” the big cat thing says as his paw hits the middle of the pink filly’s back and pushes her further into the mud.

After a few minutes, the trampled filly raises her head from the mud.

“Well that settles it. I’m going to acquire that much magical power and rule the world someday,” she says, determining her life goals.

And as that filly prepares to become someone else’s problem several seasons down the line, we cut back to our beloved princess in the midst of a power trip.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You charge with anger and fury at this motherbucker who kidnapped your Grandbuggy, practically blasting through trees and rocks with your destructive flight. Your horn glows as you close your eyes and suddenly your vision changes to one of your minions who is catching up to the bucker.

“I’M GONNA BITE YOUR HOOVES OFF!” Your voice booms through the minion, which causes the stallion to give a sideways glance and yip in terror. Another of your minions leaps at him, claws extended and mouth screeching death, and it manages to dig into his hide.

“AHHHH!!!” he screeches in pain as blood pours from his wound before freezing. “The buck is this thing?!” Before your monster can do another swipe though, the stallion somersaults in the air, and slices through the minion with the green gauntlet claws like he did before. As the minion fades to nothing, he lands and keeps running, his breath panicked and hectic.

“Oh come on!” You yell in annoyance. “Quite swiping through my buddies!”

“Buck You You Psycho!” he calls over his shoulder, before he leaps up and slashes through a thick branch, which falls onto the minion you were looking through.

“Grr,” you growl as your vision comes back to your own body and you reorient your flight. “OK fine, the base models not good enough? How about some upgrades?” you maliciously grin as your horn shines bright and several of your minions begin to warp.

Down below, Frost continues to scramble as the beasts nip as his heels.

“Why the buck is this happening? I just wanted to talk! Why is Nightmare Moon so far off her rocker?!” he pants even as some of the monsters shriek and glow red behind him. “I mean sure, she got blasted by the Elements, lived in an emotion eater for years and is now in the body of a child, but still!”

Ahead of him, from the bubbling shadows, he sees more of those minions spawning. Extending the claws, he attempts another jump and swipe, but he is halted as a massive claw swipes him out of the air and into a tree.

“AAAAHHHHH!!!” he cries out as his chest now has three jagged claw marks through it, his blood freezing into red ice crystals on his skin. Also, he’s lost something.

“My Binocs!” he laments before he sees them in the claws of the thing that hit him, and he pales. Unlike the other monsters, this one is far larger, and it appears to have brought friends.

The monster grins as it crushes this binoculars in it’s fist and the Nightmare’s voice comes through it.


“Oh Buck Me!” he shouts as your upgraded mooks charge.

“Oh such a lovely noise, like music to my ears,” you sing song as his next dash for freedom isn’t as dignified. The shards grow a bright red as you giggle with sadistic glee. With a wave of your horn your voice echoes in the minds of your pack. “I want him alive! He knows where Grandbuggy is!” you order, before another voice comes back to you.

How alive we talking boss, if you don’t mind me asking?” The shadow imp from before asks.

“Heh, I guess the loss of a limb or two wouldn’t hurt. Just keep him breathing,” you order as you cut off the link as you fly above the treeline. “Although he still likes using those trees for comfort,” you observe as he utilizes his terrain to keep not getting maimed and you frown. Looking ahead you smile as you see a place where he can’t juke and jive. Now if only the forest wasn’t such a hindrance.

“You know, for once, maybe I should copy what Daddy does,” you giggle cruelly as you fly to some stray wild clouds. “Now let’s get ignite the SPARK to set off this barbecue shall we?”

With a shot from your horn, you blast the cloud, turning it dark. With a wave of your hooves the cloud begins to grow and multiply as the sound of thunder booms through the air. With a great big smile you shoot your hoof down causing a bolt of lightning to arc past you and hit the trees. The trees begin to burn as fire rises up the trunks. You swing your hooves up and throw them down as another bolt strikes the forest, *BOOM*, then another, *BOOM BOOM*, then another! *BOOM BOOM BOOM*

Hehehe hahahah AH HAHAHAHAHAHA! BURN BURN! BURN BABY BURN! WE’RE HAVING GRILLED MORON FOR DINNER AHHAHA!” You roar to the heavens asthe shards grow brighter and your mane and tale begin to sway ethereally.

In The Human World

Bugze is wracked suddenly with a sense of pride and dread at the same time.

“I feel proud, yet terrified,” he muses aloud.

Probably because of what you caused at the haunted house, Sombra suggests and he shudders as he remembers Twilight’s cold calculating glare before flying off into the night.

“Thanks I was trying to forget that,” he groans putting his hands to his face followed by the sound of a slap.

Quit it! He's going through enough as it is, Selena chides Sombra as he nurses a red hoof mark on his face.

Doesn’t mean it’s not the truth, Sombra grumbles.

“Yeah Yeah, I know,” Bugze huffs.

“Are you talking to me?” asks dog Spike on the couch next to him.

“Nah, Sombra’s just being his cheerful self,” he says just as Humbra in the other room yells.

“What the hell do you mean you invited those little skanks here?!”

“Well Bugze figured we’d need all the help we could get if we’re gonna help find Sparkle,” B2 explains.

“OH MY GOD! How Stupid Are You Two?! What’s that going to look like to my neighbors?! Old Lady Matilda next door is going to have a heart attack!”

Back In Equestria

Ahuizotl gulps as the sound of thunder and smell of smoke fills the air. The group continues following the massive path of destruction left by you and your horde.

“Yep that girl has lost her marbles,” Ember says.

“As if she had any to begin with,” Garble shudders in fear.

“Ahuizotl, what do we do?” Greta asks flying next to the big fuzzball.

“I don’t know chica. We have to snap her out of it, before she hurts someone!” Ahuizotl says hopping over a fallen burnt tree.

“You mean like us?” Garble gulps.

“You All Talking Spit Behind My Back?!” your voice comes through, causing them all to yelp and turn around. Galloping behind them is one of your shadow wolf bear things and it glares right at them. “You shouldn’t talk about ponies behind their back!”

“Nightshade, you have to get a hold of yourself,” Ahuizotl advises but you scoff.

“I’m in control fuzzy wuzzy, and once I go Casino Royale on this guy, we’ll know where Grandbuggy is.”

“OK, I get that reference and…ew,” Greta gags as the wolf looks to the bewildered Ember.

Kichi’s Comment

“But hurry up all of you or you’ll miss the fun. Especially you princess!”

“Why ‘especially me’?” Ember asks.

“Well duh, you’re my flamethrower minion. Gonna need that to roast his mane off!”

“Since when am I your minion?”

“Since Grandbuggy won you and you became our bitch,” you say through the wolf with glee. “Now do your part and help burn this accursed forest to the ground! AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!”

And then the wolf stops laughing and the Outcasts keep running, now even more disturbed at your mental faculties.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“What the buck is she even chasing after? Slendermane?” asks Garble as the fly through the chaos.

“I don’t think so,” Ahuizotl muses. “He’s a walker. Besides, the path we’re following is laden with icy steps.”

The hoofprints remain unmelted as the outcasts run alongside them, despite the increase in temperature.

“So what the buck does that mean?” asks Greta.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we’re chasing a Wendigo,” Ahuizotl guesses.

Up Ahead

“AHHHHHHH WHY IS EVERYTHING BURNING?!” Frost shouts from the top of his lungs as the forest catches flame all around him and his icy steps become more and more spaced apart. Several more lightning strikes hit all around him, and all he can do is run. Behind him, one of the wolves catches fire, but doesn’t even bat an eye as it continues to chase him with it’s pack, setting even more things on fire and looking like something out of a heavy metal artist’s wet dream.

Ahh ha! Now this is what I call a party ahahahha!” The imp laughs atop one of the wolves and the pursued’s eyes widen.

“And What The Buck Are You?!”

“Only a Humble Servant Flesh Bag!” the imp laughs before he holds up one of his claws and a serrated dart made of darkness shoots out and hits Frost in the leg.

“GGGYYYAAAAGGGHHH!!!” he shouts as it sticks, and he tumbles and skids into an open shoreline of a crystal blue lake.

“Ahahahaha! Got’em!” the imp cheers as the wolves all form a semicircle between the wounded stallion and the lake, cutting off his exit. With frozen spittle, Frost looks between the wall of teeth, at the burning forest behind them and at the lake behind himself.

“They led me into a trap,” he realizes as he’s got nowhere else to go. With the spike still in his back leg, he shakily stands and backs up to the water’s edge.

“Nowhere to run to now buckface,” your voice comes from one of the wolves and he shivers. “Now grovel until I get there in person and-“

“EGH!” the stallion stammers as he jumps out onto the lake and starts bounding like a rabbit as lilly pads of ice appear where his hooves hit.

“Oh for-Will You Stop Running Already!” you shout as you pull back into your own body and make a beeline for the lake.

Of course, this won’t please the mistress,” the imp deduces. “Alright! Circle the lake Make sure he can’t go anywhere! Keep him stuck in the center!” The wolves howl in acknowledgement as they begin to do just that.

At your altitude, you find the lake easily, as your wolves surround it. You let out a smile just as the sun sets and the moon rises and fly towards the stallion on his small patch of ice in the center. As Frost looks at all of his escape options disappearing, his sweat crystallizes as he begins to panic and he tries to balance on his little raft of ice with only three legs.

“This is bad! So very, very bad!” he stammers as his head darts left and right as the sun sets. “I’ve gotta get out of here! I gotta get to the others or I’ll-“ his thoughts trail off as the clouds above begin to swirl as the thunder and lightning grow more intense. The light begins to diminish as the flames from the trees starts to die down, seemingly snuffed by living shadows, leaving the entire area in darkness. Then with a flash of light, hovering above him is the silhouette of a pony, with a red glow emanating from her chest.

The clouds part, and the moon breaks through bringing light, causing the pony to cast a shadow over the injured stallion. He sputters in fear as her ethereal mane, full of starlight, flows in the wind, and slitted reptilian eyes gaze through him to his very soul. His already cold blood goes even colder as he truly takes in You.

Nowhere left to run, nowhere left to hide,” you say menacingly with the RCV. “You are outnumbered. So quit lying and speak the truth to me. Where. Is. My. GRANDBUGGY??!!” your voice booms out across the land, echoing into the night.

“Oh buck oh buck, oh crap!” Frost mutters as you stare him down. He looks side to side, only seeing your minions blocking all other exits.

“Answer Me You Worm!” you growl with power and his eyes dart around in panic.

“Um uh... oh look he’s over there!” he points behind you…and you scowl.

“AGH!” Frost bellows as you tear the barbed spike out of his leg with your magic and he falls onto his ice block.

“Did you really think that would work on me? My Dad Patented That,” you chide before grinning at his whimpering.

“Gah, this mare is crazy! I figured she’d be hard to reason with but she’s downright insane!” he says under his breath, but your superior ears pick it up and you scowl more.

“I’m waiting filth, and I’m not very patient…”

“Ummm,” he stammers as he looks left and right. “You, uh, you clearly need that changeling still for some reason right? So…so you need me alive if you want that info right? So if you want it, I need something in return." You stay silent for a moment before you start chuckling at his audacity, as do your minions which echoes eerily throughout the valley.

And what makes you think you’re in anyplace to make demands?” she asks with heat as the shadow monsters stop their chortling at the drop of a hat.

“Because how can I tell you where your changeling is if I’m dead?” Frost declares.

“Dead and in pain are two different things moron,” you say maliciously as you start to charge up your horn and his eyes widen.

“Uh…you’re right!” he says as he holds his blades up to his own neck and you frown.

“Really?” you say in deadpan.

“Yes! One wrong move and you lose your one ticket to the changeling!” he says, almost desperately and you grit your teeth.

Grr…he’s probably bluffing, but if he’s not then I won’t be able to find where he put Grandbuggy. He’s a crazy cultist of some kind so he might just do it…You think in frustration. He sees your hesitation and a bit of hopefulness enters his eyes.

“Yeah, so, come down here then if you want to talk. It’s straining to my neck having to look up at you like this.” Gritting your teeth, you flutter down to the edge of his little island and land, shifting the weight a bit and making it bob in the water.

“Okay that’s better. Now you’ll listen to my demands and I’ll show you where your changeling is,” he says a little more confidently.

Alright speak then!” You spit with venom dripping from your voice.

“Good, let’s start over. My name is Pompeius Frost, I am a member of the Black Suns and my master wou-” He begins however you don’t hear the rest as you recognize the name of his group and roar in anger.

GRAHH! You’re the one’s that took the dragon egg from the market?!” You shout as your eyes glow white and red, the shards shining brighter than ever. Frost jumps back slightly in shock as the wolves whimper and they lower their heads in fear.

“Huh?” he sputters. “You mean that egg that was given to us by Cabe-“

“You little thieving punks thought you could just call us out like that huh? Well guess what?! BUCK YOUR CALLING CARDS!” you shout.

“What calling car-AGH!” he grunts as your magic envelops his arm and pries it away from his neck. It’s harder to grip the blades you find, which are coated with a familiar green metal, but despite the orichalcum, his gauntlet and arm are weak to your pull. Seeing his leverage gone, he looks to your glowing eyes and stammers,

“N-Now Ms. Nightmare Moon, I don’t know what you’ve been told but let’s not make any hasty-“


“STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!” you shout to the heavens and twist the gauntlet at a very uncomfortable angle.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” Frost shouts as his hoof dangles and more tears rush to his eyes.

With a boom and a roar, the ice under you begins to crack.

“Oh dear.” The imp says in fear as he and the other minions melt into the shadows from whence they came. “He shouldn’t have done that.” With them all recalled, your power grows even stronger and the clouds above thunder and roar as lighting flies through the air. The ground begins to shake as pillars of rock rise from the ground all along the shore as your magic swirls around you.

“Wh-I don’t understand,” Frost whimpers. “What do you want me to-“

“That Name Is Dead! It’s Not Me! It’s Not My Mother! It’s NOLING!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK BUCKING HEADS YOU STUPID PONIES!!!” you roar as you rush forth and give him a Shadow Falcon Kick, which he tries and fails to block. The kick sends him flying off of the island and groaning in pain as he skips across the water, forming patches of ice along the way. Flailing wildly, he scrambles onto his newest ice raft, though ice blocks encase his lower half from where he was submerged.

You look to your own hoof you just kicked him with, and it feels like you dunked it into extremely cold water, there’s even steam coming off of it.

“Why The Buck Are You So Cold You Freak?!” you shout angrily as you fly over to the half frozen stallion who all but grovels.

“I-It’s just who I am. Please, I was lying before, I don’t know where the changeling is! Just let me go, I swear I won’t bother you again!” he begs and you sneer.

“As if I’d believe your lies,” you say as you grasp him in your magic and float him before you, and his face is full of fear.


You ignore him as you notice a small blue glow coming from his chest.

“What have you got there?” you interrogate and his eyes widen.

“Uhh nothing! Nothing’s glowing on my chest,” he blunders but you roll your eyes and shake him, and a small locket with a blue gem reveals itself.

“Oh, so you stupid Black Suns are copying me now too?” you growl as you snap the necklace off of his neck.

“No please don’t touch that! I’ll tell you anything just give that back!” He cries struggling to break free from your grip.

“You were willing to die to keep me from clobbering you, but you freak out over this?”

“Please,” he cries but you growl.

“It’s because of you bucks I even have this crap in my chest in the first place. And if you think I’m gonna let any other punk have that kind of power…You’re sadly bucking mistaken…”

“NO WAIT!!” Frost screams as you poise one hoof over it, ready to smash it.

“You took something of mine, so I’m just returning the favor…” you grin evily and look into his eyes as you bring your hooves together hard.

There is a crack, followed by a shattering noise as you feel the locket break in your hooves, and it is really really cold. Pulling your hooves back, you cackle as the gem inside it has shattered to bits.

“Why…Why?” he sniffles like a little baby, before he begins to glow bright blue, and the temperature plummets.

“What are you doing?” you ask, noticing that the shattered gem lets off the same glow. He doesn’t answer you, as frozen tears stain his cheeks, and his body starts to crack and bright lights seep from them. Thinking quickly, you drop him just as the light envelops his shattering body.


“GAHH!” You say as you’re flung back, an intense ringing going off in your ears. All around you, the temperature has plummeted to freezing, and snowflakes fly into you on the ice cold wind. After getting your flight and hearing back under control, you look below you and see that most of the lake top has frozen over.

“Grr, Cute Trick You Motherbucker!” you bellow out as you charge a massive magic missile on your horn and aim it down at him. But It Will Do…You…No…” you trail off as you look back below you at the stallion in confusion. Where you dropped him, a small figure now stands in a bubble of wind and snow. A blue unicorn foal about the same size as Pip back in Ponyville.

“What? Where did…Who are-“

“Why?” the colt says with a defeated sob. “Why do you ponies…always have to be so cruel?”

“I…” you try and fail to respond as you look at the colt closer. His cloak has crumpled around, him, instead of gantlets, he now has two black shackles around his forehooves. He looks up at you with grey, nearly invisible pupils as an icy slush leaks from them and his snow white mane flowing in the wind.

“Why are you all so mean?” he whimpers and you are at a loss for words. His body has several burn marks and scars that stand in contrast to his coat, and that’s not including what you’ve done to him.

“I…” you try say again as guilt starts to take you. He favors the legs you haven’t injured as his lower half fades in and out of transparency like a ghost. "What...what are..." He doesn’t answer you as he just looks at your amassed ball of power in resignation and just closes his eyes, waiting for you to strike.

“You’re…just a kid?” you say in horror as the amulet shards stop glowing and the power dissipates around you. Your eyes go back to normal, your mane and tail become static once more, and the shadows solidify back into your coat. “I’m…I…” you stammer and he opens his ghostly eyes, still full of sadness, they now also hold confusion.

You just stare at this colt who is (in relative years) younger than you as you land on the ice in front of him. The two of you watch each other for several seconds as localized snowy winds blow around you. Your face, riddled with guilt, and his with grief.
After what feels like an eternity, the colt gives a sniffle before he turns tail and runs with a limp across the frozen lake, away from your shocked form. You don’t do anything but watch as he leaves, disappearing into the dark woods with several trees gaining a frosty coating.

“Nightshade! Nightshade what happened?” you hear Ahuizotl cry out to you as he and the rest finally make it to the edge of the lake.

You don’t answer him as you look back at the broken locket and pry open the damaged hinge. Inside, is a portrait of a smiling Unicorn Mare.

“Wow it got cold around here fast,” Garble complains.

“I know right? Is this also something she can do?” asks Ember.

“I’ve never seen her do it before,” Greta admits.

“Nightshade, are you alright?” Ahuizotl asks as he gets to your side. “Did you encounter a wendigo?”

“A Wendigo?” you ask hollowly as you stare at the portrait. You remember facing one of those back in Applewood on the movie set. It was ghostly and pale similar to Frost, but not quite the same.

“Yes, a spirit of winter that-” he begins but you close the locket.

“N-No…I didn’t,” you say as you look back to where the colt ran.

He was just a kid, like me and I…I hurt him. I hurt him so badly. I…I was being a bully again…No...I was being a monster...

“Oh…OK then. Sooooo…what happened exactly?” he pries and you lower your head in shame.

“I…I feel like such a flankhole…” you lament as the moon casts a shadow over you.

POV SHIFT: Grandbuggy

The sun has set as you pick your way through the woods. You haven’t dared try to fly just in case the Rainbow haired chick spots you. You are not in good shape to say the least. You’ve had no food to speak of, you’re a bit battered from the earlier shenanigans, your head and stomach still hate you, and there’s a nagging feeling of dread you feel for Nightshade.

Stopping your gallop, you catch your breath leaning on a nearby tree.

“OK, all I gotta do is find the North Star at the end of the Ursa Minor tail then I’ll have a good bearing of where I’m-WHAGH!” you cry out as a lasso comes out of nowhere and drags you to the ground.

“OOF! Oh Come On!” you shout as Orchard’s granddaughter and the cute pegasus gal show themselves.

“Bugze, you’ve got to stop running!” Fluttershy commands.

“I got’em!” Applejack says just as you grit your teeth and use your magic to shoot through the rope, which only drains you more.

“Wow! Watch it now, he’s getting antsy!” Applejack says cautiously as she and Fluttershy stop short of you.

“Bugze, please just come with us. You have to-“

“Oh For Bleeding Criminy I Ain’t Bugze Ya Dang Idjits!” you growl as you stand up and throw the rope to the ground.

“W-What?” Fluttershy says taken aback.

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“I said I ain’t Bugze! If you stupid ponies would just give me a bleeding second to collect my brain and NOT jump to conclusions, then I could get that through your heads!” you growl at their stubbornness.

“B-But you said you were earlier when you-“

“I was tricking ya so I could snag some love off of you babe, I am way too hungover to be a gentleman about it, but I’m done beating around the bush, I’ve got places to be!”

“Well if ya ain’t Bugze, then who are ya? And how do you know my Granny’s name?” Applejack demands.

You know what, they ain’t gonna believe me anyway, so why the buck not? You think in frustration.

“I’m “Bugze’s” Grandfather, so I am as old as I look, and I know her name because I used to date her,” you admit. Both mares stare at you in silence after that until,

“…What?!” both of them exclaim at the same time.

“Not the answers you were looking for sweethearts? Good, now leave me be so I can-“

“Nah, that can’t be true, he’s got to be lying,” Applejack says in denial as her eyes dart around.

“Of course he is. Nightmare Moon must be making him believe new things to trick him,” Fluttershy says adamantly.

“Oh for crying out-“

“Besides,” she growls and looks you dead in the eye. “Bugze’s Grandbuggy died a long time ago, he told me so.”

“Well…I mean I wasn’t obviously,” you stammer but she still eyes you dangerously.

“I…look, I’ve got to get to my Great Granddaughter, she’s got a dangerous thing in her chest and-“


“AAAHH!!!” you shout as you are bowled over by a mass of confetti and streamers and hit your head on the ground.

“Pinkie?” Fluttershy gasps.

“Don’t worry girls, I’ve subdued him,” she says with a smile from atop her party canon.

“We were asking him questions, and what are you doing out here anyway?” Applejack asks.

“You didn’t tell me where I was supposed to go so I decided to go to the most plot critical area,” she says.

And while they question what that means, your vision swims.

No Gorrammit! Not Now! I’ve got to get to Nightshaaa…The blackness envelops you and you pass out.

“Oh dear, he’s out cold,” Fluttershy says as she prods your body.

“Shoot, he didn’t really give us any good info…” Applejack says.

“Well excuse me for being a well timed tease,” Pinkie huffs and crosses her arms.

“Um…he could be easier to transport like this though,” Fluttershy suggests.

“Yeah he would…but still, something ain’t right about all this,” Applejack says.

“I know what you mean. That evil witch taking over his daughter’s body and making him think he’s his own dead grand-“

“No, not that Fluttershy,” the apple pony interrupts her tirade. “I mean…what if he was telling the truth?”

“Applejack! We can’t believe any lies that have been implanted by that witch. She hides all truth behind her web.”

“So does jealousy,” Pinkie quips and the pegasus shoots her a dirty look.

“I’m just saying, it could be possible…he did know my Granny’s name and he does look old, how would Bugze have known that?”

“I…” Fluttershy trails off, not having a good answer.

“Exactly, so something is going on here, and I don’t want to just hand him off to the princesses in this condition, not if there’s a chance we could know the truth first.”

“But Applejack, we have to-“

“We have to make sure he’s alive and well first and foremost, regardless of who he is,” Applejack stomps her hooves. “I need to know more before we send him to Canterlot.”

“I actually agree with that,” Pinkie chimes in and Fluttershy looks to her in surprise.

“You do?”

“Yeah, seems like some good character development waiting to happen,” she smiles. “Also, he was saying something about clones back in Daring Do’s cottage…I kind of want to know more about that.”

“Oh…well he does need to be cared for,” Fluttershy relents.

“Excatly. So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna haul him to Sweet Apple Acres, care for him, then question him without letting Twi and the others know,” Applejack schemes.

Fluttershy gasps, but Pinkie seems into it.

“Oooh, sounds all secret spyish, I love it!”

“Why can’t the others know?” Fluttershy questions.

“Because they’ll go to the princesses immediately. Right now they’re handling Flash and Daring Do, so it’s gotta be us gals. Besides, it’s a long shot, but my Granny might be able to shed some light on this fella. So are ya with me?”

“Sure! Sounds like fun!” Pinkie bounces.

“Well…OK. Just so long as we save him from himself, I’m in,” Fluttershy nods with conviction.

“Alright then, let’s get to it…”

In The World of Humans

POV Change: Bugze

Do you have the nagging suspicion that terrible things are happening back in Equestria? Selena asks as she shivers in dread.

All the time, you nod. Really I’d worry more about it if terrible things weren’t happening here too.

They could be worse, Sombra points out.

Oh, so now you’re an optimist? Anyway, shush, I’m almost done.

“And then she flew off into the air, talking about science experiments and stuff, and that’s the last we’ve seen of her, aside from the vandalized houses from a bunch of kids from Crystal Prep,” you finish up your explanation of that night’s events, sitting at Human Sombra’s kitchen table.

It’s been a few days since the Fazbear incident, and you and your group, along with Sunset and five of the Human Deadly 6 have had no luck in tracking down the empowered Twilight. From what the girls have said, not even her family has seen her. So, with the group split with the teens off searching in their own teams, you and B2 decided it was time to call in support with the only other magic hunters you’ve met in this world.

“So…what you’re saying is that there’s some girl, hopped up on magic, flying around somewhere in this city?” Adagio asks in awe, while Sonata and Aria look strangely excited.

“Yeah that’s the gist of it,” you nod.

It wasn’t easy getting them here, since for some reason they hadn’t been returning your calls since the night at the diner, but after Twilight’s handiwork ended up on the news, Sonata got back to you fast. And so, despite Human Sombra popping a few blood vessels, the three sisters now sit in his kitchen with you, your doppelganger and dog Spike.

“And…and you’re sure it’s magic?” asks Aria inquisitively.

“Pretty positive, I mean hell, her puppy’s talking now,” B2 chimes in.

“Hello,” Spike says with a wave and their eyes all snap to him.

“OH MY GOSH! A Talking Puppy! He’s So Cute!!!” Sonata squees before picking up the startled Spike and nuzzling his head.

“Hey! Watch It! I…I mean…This is nice,” the dog sighs as he receives many pats.

Adagio and Aria look at their sister for a moment before turning back to you.

“OK, so that is clearly magical,” Adagio says.

“Obviously,” Aria snarks and Adagio shoots her a look.

“Oh, so you called us here because you want our help in tracking that girl down then right?” Sonata asks as she sets her chin on the top of Spike’s head.

“Yes, exactly,” you smile as they’re on the uptake.

The three sisters all seem to have a nonverbal conversation before Adagio mutters to herself.

“This does sound pretty fascinating. Does this girl gaining powers have anything to do with that giant beam of magical energy we saw the other night?”

“Actually no, that was something completely different,” you admit and they go bug eyed.

“Wait, really?” Aria gapes.

“Yeah…I still don’t quite get the explanation for it,” B2 shrugs.

“It’s simple really, but it doesn’t really matter for the Twilight problem we have,” you hand wave.

“So…if that influx wasn’t the cause, then how did she get that power?” Adagio inquires.

“Oh, well, awhile back I found an artifact from these two camp counselors up north, and it turns out that the older sister was from Siren descent, so she was able to utilize that power.”

All three of them stiffen after you say that, but you continue.

“And I had it for awhile, couldn’t really use it as well, but clearly Twilight must have Siren ancestry as well since she got those wings and everything, but yeah, some feedback made Spike talkative, and here we are.”

The three of them keep look to each other before looking back to you.

“You…you keep saying Siren ancestry…” Adagio asks carefully.

“Yeah, it’s actually integral to the Siren Stones I told you I was looking for” you say simply and they still look hesitantly at you.

“Um…do you mind telling us exactly where you heard that term, and why you keep using it?” she finishes.

Oh Right, I never got to explain that to them before the light show. But how much should I reveal? I mean, B2, Humbra, Flash and practically all the Human Mane 6 know the tale, but should I bring these magic hunting teens into the mix?


Episode 50: The Truth Hurts

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…You know what, Why Not? If these girls are gonna help us find Twilight, building trust with them will be beneficial, you conclude after a moment of thought.

I suppose so, Selena relents. It’s not like three more human teenagers knowing is going to hurt our standing.

It may even lead to them helping search for the Siren Stones more easily, Sombra adds.

Alright, so we’re all in agreement then, you nod before that clicks for you. Huh, not often that happens.

And for good reason, you two are morons, Sombra grumbles.

I think this world is just weathering down our expectations, Selena sighs with a roll of her eyes.

Yeah, you sigh. Even more reason to wrap everything up so Sunset can get redemptionified and get us home.

That’s not a real word Bugze, Selena chides.

Agree to disagree, you wave off before you focus back to the three sisters and cough into your hand.

“Alright you three, I’m going to let you in on a bunch of stuff that’s going to sound absolutely insane, but trust me, it’s the truth.”

They perk up as you have their full attention.

“Oh boy, this tale again,” B2 sighs before walking to the fridge and pulling out a few cans of soda.

“It’s not that long a tale!” you chastise as he sets the cans in front of the girls.

“No, but trust me, their jaws will probably stay dropped, and their tongues will get dry. Mine did, I can tell you that much,” he shrugs.

“Thanks!” Sonata chirps as she immediately starts drinking hers.

“Uh, yeah thanks,” Adagio says tentatively as she opens hers. Aria just shrugs and pops hers open as well.

“Alright then, now that you’re prepared for dry mouth I guess, here’s the truth,” you start as they once more give you all their attention.

“You see, there is another world out there. A far better version of this planet called Equus, which is full of regular non-human people like ponies, griffons, dragons, and other creatures that stupid humies think are make believe. And when creatures from Equus come here, they turn into humans.”

The sisters’ eyes widen at that declaration, and you notice that they subconsciously sit back in their seats away from you.

“Eq… Equus?” Adagio asks, mouth agape.

Wow, guess B2 was onto something, you note before nodding.

“Yep. Pretty speciest I know since not all of the creatures living there are equine, but whatever,” you shrug. “But yeah, there’s all sorts of creatures in this world, not just ponies, and that’s where I come from.”

Sonata’s eyes twitch at that and she suddenly looks sad for some reason.

“You…you’re a pony?” she asks hesitantly and the others glare at you.

“Heh, no, I’m a changeling actually,” you admit and just like with the other humies, the three sisters seem confused by this.

“Long story short, Bug Horse that eats love,” B2 interupts.

“That’s oversimplifying it but pretty much,” you nod.

“Oh, so that’s what those things were called,” Aria whispers to herself, but you don’t quite catch it.

“But yeah, that’s a story for another time. All you need to know about me is that I came to this world seeking the Siren Stones because they can help someone very important to me.”

The three sisters look to each other, and almost absentmindedly, they each reach up to their necks.

“Uh…what do you-“ Adagio starts but you cut her off.

“Oh right, probably should explain that. You see, a Siren is like a giant sea horse, and awhile back, three of them got sent to this world because they were using these stones to brainwash people or something.”

They frown at this as they grip their necklaces tighter but you shrug.

“But whatever they did, I don’t really care,” you say and they look taken aback. “I mean Tartarus, I’ve been accused of that plenty of times, ponies are quick to jump to conclusions. But whatever, the point is, these sirens got sent here, and so that means their stones are in this world, and I mean to find them.”

The sisters stare at you , frozen in befuddlement at your declaration as they look to each other nervously.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, but believe me, he’s telling the truth,” B2 adds. “He and I ain’t brothers, we’re the same person just from different universes.”

They look from him to you and back a few times, before Adagio raises a finger.

“Give us a second,” she says before she draws her sisters into a huddle and they start whispering furiously to each other.

Hmm, maybe I should have eased them into it slower, you ponder.

I doubt any amount of time would help dissuade their skepticism, Selena counters.

As you and your counterpart watch them argue, you hear a few snippets without context.

“-doesn’t know,”

“-ing followed us!”

“-ake our sto-“

“-just thrall the-“

“-know the way back.”

“-risk it?”

“-pretty dumb.”

“-tread carefully.”

They all then sit up straight and stare back at you, more than a little reserved now.

“So you guys believe me?” you ask hopefully, which earns a glare from Aria for some reason.

“Sure, we believe you,” Adagio answers emotionlessly.

“Yes, we definitely believe that three beautiful and talented sirens were sent here for no good reason,” Sonata huffs and Aria shoots her a look to which she winces at.

“Oh great news,” you smile, despite their weirdness. “Now, eventually I want to look for those stones, but right now this situation with Twilight is more important and-“

“Just a second there, we got a few questions for you first,” Aria interrupts.

“Oh, Ok then,” you nod. “What do you want to know?”

“Well first of all, if you’re from Equus, how did you get here? Did you get banished as well?” Adagio inquires.

“No I wasn’t banished. I used this alien technology doohickey that a friend of my Grandbuggy gave me, and it let me hop into this dimension,” you explain.

“Yeah, like that show Sliders,” B2 chirps up and the three give him blank looks. “…What seriously? You’ve never seen that show?”

“No,” Aria answers bluntly.

“Oh Come On! It’s a classic!” he complains.

“What’s a classic?” Humbra shouts from the other room.

Sliders! These girls ain’t seen it!” he hollers back.

“For Real? That’s Bulls#%t!” Humbra growls.

“I know right?!”

“To be fair, I don’t know what the buck you’re talking about either,” you glare at B2.

“You’re an alien, you have an excuse,” he harrumphs.

“OK, OK, sorry we haven’t seen your slide show!” Adagio throws her hands up in frustration. “Do you still have this device to get to Equus?”

You rub the back of your neck sheepishly and look down in shame.

“No…I kind of broke it when I first got here,” you admit and she grimaces.

“Oh that’s just perfect!” she grunts and leans back.

“Believe me, I know,” you nod and shake your head.

“Then wait, how are you going to get back home if it’s broken?” asks Sonata curiously.

“Don’t worry, I got another way back,” you reassure her. “There’s this mirror portal that opens once every 2 and a half years, but if a friend of mine can be all sunshine and rainbows, then I might be able to go home sooner.” They perk up at that info.

“Wait, hold on, are you saying that there’s been a way back to Equus here this whole time?!” Aria asks, shaking a little.

“Yeah, this ancient pony named Starswirl the Bearded built it.”

“Did you say Starswirl?!” Adagio asks with heat as suddenly they all look on edge.

“Uh, yeah?” you answer, still confused by that response. “He was the guy that banished the Sirens in the first place…huh, maybe he built it to try and keep tabs on them or something,” you ponder aloud.

“So, you know that bearded idiot?!” Aria snaps and your eyes look left and right trying to process their emotional states.

“I mean, I know of him,” you explain. “It’s kind of hard to really know someone when they’re dead you know?”

And just like all the other confusing emotional swings these girls have taken, they suddenly shift from apprehensive and annoyed, to hopeful and relieved.

“He’s…he’s dead?” Adagio asks sounding joyful.

“Uh, yeah, I’m pretty sure...”

Unless he was secretly an alicorn? You prod to Selena.

He was not, she answers as she too ponders the girls’ mood swings.

“Yeah, definitely dead,” you nod and they all sigh in relief.

“There is karma after all…” Aria mutters to herself and you raise a brow. Before you can ask what she meant by that though, Sonata speaks up.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Uh Bugze? What about the other ponies who, um, helped him?” she asks and the others look at her with wide eyes.

“The others?” you repeat. Sonata then notices the looks of her sisters and her own eyes widen for some reason.

“Uh…Yes, the others you mentioned that helped Beardo banished u-Them!” she stammers and you think back on your conversation.

“Did I say that?” you ask aloud and they look nervous.

“Probably, you do tell your stories in a jumbled manner,” B2 shrugs.

Huh…that does sound like me, you think.

Well there were others, that’s for sure, but I don’t believe you spoke of it with them, Sombra pipes up.

Wait for real?

Yes, there were 6 others who worked with him, Selena agrees. But how would you have known?

Starswirl was a powerful sorcerer in his own right and his name was well known even in the Crystal Empire. Even as a child, I heard stories of him and his companions Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula and Mage Meadowbrook, though I have no memory of this 6th one your mare claims, nor do I recall their fate, Sombra muses.

Hmm, if my memories serve me right, the seventh was the one who recruited Starswirl and the others. Though I can’t remember his name as I never spoke to him directly, but he was a small and weak unicorn stallion.

I see...Well if he was weak then perhaps his story was forgotten for a reason, Sombra chuckles.

Alright, hold up, let’s back it up there smoky, did you say Rockhoof?

I did, he answers plainly.

As in Rockhoof, the Coltic Shovel Knight? THAT Rockhoof? You ask in shock.

Yes that’s who he means Bugze, Selena answers. Why are you-

I thought he was just a folk tale! I mean, he’s the one the Shovel Knight game is based on! You geek out. Also, Somnambula? Like the city with the pyramids?

Yes Bugze, it was named after a pegasus mare who was just as real as Rockhoof, she summarizes.

Awesome! You smile. I wish I’d known about him fighting giant sea horses with Starswirl the Bearded though.

It was one of their last endeavors. Shortly after, that weak stallion betrayed them, or so Starswirl told me…or rather her, she says after a moment’s hesitation. And then one day, he and the others disappeared without a trace.

Huh…So they probably are all dead and gone then if this was a thousand years ago right?

That would be a good assumption, she nods. This was 200 years after Discord, and 20 years before our guest’s usurpation of the Crystal Empire. So the year 25 BNM as the modern ponies put it…she says with a sigh. You frown at her saddened state over the calendar dating stamp of BNM (Before Nightmare Moon) as well as the name of that chaos turd.

Seriously? They changed the modern day calendar because of you? Sombra asks unimpressed.

Oi! Cork it! You shut him up before he earns even more of her wrath.

It was just a question! He shoots back. But that is intriguing. They vanished around the time I was found…

Perhaps they should have left you, Selena huffs and Sombra growls.

Hey, you brought that on yourself, you tell him before focusing back on the physical world.

“So this happens a lot?” Sonata asks B2.

“Pretty much. Sometimes it’s for minutes on end,” he answers. “Says he’s talking to his skullmates, whatever the Hell that means.”

“Hey! Quit badmouthing my dazed state!” you chide.

“Oh good, you’re back,” he smirks. “So yeah, what happened to Swirly’s buddies?”

“Well they vanished shortly after the sirens were banished. No one knows where they went or what happened to them. I think it had to do with some kind of disagreement they had with one of their members though I can't say for sure," You answer, the three let out a sigh.

"Wow your world sounds very hectic and crazy," Spike says from under the table.

"You wouldn't know the half of it," you deadpan as your memories of the past few years flash by.

“And there he goes again,” B2 shakes his head and you snap out of it just for spite.

Thankfully, for some reason the sisters seem much more relaxed and happy since your tale began.

“OK…so Starswirl is dead and his annoying friends disappeared? That’s great news,” Adagio says with a genuine smile.
“I guess?” you offer. “I mean, if they were still around I’d probably be able to solve the portal problem a bit easier.”

“Whatever the case, I’m glad they’re gone,” Aria says with a cruel smirk. “They all had a meeting with death, and it came early.”

I have a rendezvous with death…Your head snaps to her as the poem echoes in your mind.

“How much you want a bet they all beefed it?” Aria continues, looking to Sonata.

“I don’t want to bet again, I still owe you twenty dollars,” Sonata whines.

You shrug off the feeling of dread from that poem, and try to keep the conversation going.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“Well it would be easy money, seeing as how it was a thousand years ago and none of them were alicorns,” you say cheekily, trying to add to the joke. You may have made a miscalculation though since all of them either start choking on or spit out their soda.

“What was that?!” Humbra calls.

“Nothing a few paper towels can’t fix!” B2 calls back as he grabs a few from the sink.

The girls continue coughing and choking as they all eye you in shock.

“Was it something I said?” you ask.

“A thousand years?!” Adagio gasps out hecticly.

“Uh, yeah?”

“What do you mean a thousand years?!” Sonata says breathlessly.

“Uh…that’s when they all lived?” you answer and their faces pale even more.

“A thousand years ago?!” Aria chokes out.

“Yeah, that’s when the Sirens got banished.”

“WHAT?!” they all shout and lean towards you, causing you to lean back in your chair.

“How Is That Possible?!” Adagio shouts.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Well, I mean, sure they weren’t as advanced back then as Equus is now, but Starswirl was a smart guy and everything so-“

“You’re telling me, that a thousand years ago, before you were born, the Sirens were banished?!” Aria asks, pulling her hair.

“Yes, I…are you guys OK?” you ask, beyond confused.

“No…No…it can’t be,” Sonata starts mumbling.

You look between them and your doppelganger who shrugs as he mops up the table.

“I guess they don’t get how history works? You did say they were homeschooled.”

“Right, yeah,” you nod. “I probably should have started with that. But yeah, this is all in the ancient past, so when the Sirens got sent through, they no doubt turned into humans like I did, and lived out the rest of their lives like that. I know it may sound icky, but since they became humans, the Sirens probably started families with the natives, and that’s why some humies can use Equestrian magic, and why one of their ancestors has these stones.”

“But it’s…it’s…only been a year…” Adagio says to herself.

“What’s only been a year?” you ask.

“This…No! You have to be wrong! There’s No Way This Is True!” Aria accuses.

“Why would I lie about this?” you scowl at her. “Look, I know it sounds weird, what with the mating with gross disgusting humans and stuff, but if you think about it, it is kind of a silver lining that some fragment of Siren culture survived, even if it’s in hairless ape blood.”

They gawk at that.

“What does that mean?” asks Sonata on the verge of tears.

“Oh right, I forgot that part,” you bop your forehead. “A few hundred years after the banishment, Siren civilization got wiped out by a volcano.”

You didn’t think it possible, but their gasping completely stops as their jaws fall even further. It’s so quiet, you could hear a pin drop if Humbra didn’t have the TV on so loud in the other room.

“Wiped out?” Adagio and Sonata gasp at once.

“Yeah…it’s pretty tragic,” you nod in sympathy as their lips begin quivering.

“Are…are there any Sirens left?” Aria chokes out reluctantly.

“Sadly, no,” you answer truthfully. “I grew up thinking they were myths…but that’s because they went extinct so long ago.”

Once again, the sound vanishes from within the kitchen and the atmosphere changes drastically. The absolutely horrified faces of the sisters stare at you, hoping for some other answer, but you have nothing else to say but the truth.

And that’s when the damn bursts.

Sonata leaps over the table and latches onto you as she begins crying her eyes out, Aria leaps out of her seat and starts pacing back and forth, pulling her hair and muttering wildly, and Adagio…well, she passes right out, her head hitting Sombra’s table with a heavy thud.

B2 and you can only stare at the scene in awkward befuddlement.

“This can’t be happening, This Can’t Be Happening!” Aria chants.

“Why?! Wwwwhhhyyyyy??!!” Sonata sobs onto your shoulder.

"Huh...guess these girls are really...empathetic huh?" B2 guesses.

"Gee, what was your first clue?" you deadpan to him as you begin patting the teen’s shoulder.

I do not know my bug, even if these magic hunters are sympathetic to what happened to the Sirens, these reactions seem a bit much.

Yeah, I know, you nod. Something’s been off this whole conversation, but now I’m even more confused. I mean, they’re acting as if they knew the Sirens.

Before you can continue your conversation with Selena, Humbra enters the room and looks at all the chaos. After a few heartbeats of silence, he decides to add in his two cents, and by that I mean he complains like usual.

"So not only did you bring a bunch of underage girls to my place, but now you broke them too?! Great, just what I needed!"

“Oh piss off!” B2 grumbles as he tries to calm Aria down to no avail. “How were we supposed to know they’d be this upset over a bunch of dead sea horses?”

“OH GODS NO!” Aria shouts as tears stream down her face and she crouches into a fetal position.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Sonata cries harder on your shoulder and grips your arm like a vice grip causing you to grit your teeth in pain.

“…Yeah, maybe you should stop saying that?” Spike says, pulling his ears closed.


Both you and B2's eyes widen in panic at the sudden shrill voice, but Humbra appears barely phased. Instead he just gives out a very annoyed sigh before walking over to his window.





Humbra's body shakes in rage as he shouts back,




Puzzling Frost’s Comment




"HA! YOU’RE JUST CRAZY YOU OLD BAT!" Humbra bellows.


“Matilda, quit harping on the druggie and come back inside,” a tired and annoyed human Cranky Doodle says as he starts pushing her back into their trailer.


"Come on dear, remember your blood pressure," he says sighing. "Just a few more days and we can return home once the termites are exterminated.” And before the old woman can start shouting again, her husband closes the trailer door.

“Ha! That’s Sombra: 23, Old Bitch: 0,” he chuckles before turning back to three distraught girls and you two.

“…The buck was that?” you ask as Sonata continues to bawl.

“Nosy neighbors,” he grumbles. “That’s why I didn’t want crap like this happening here!”

“Alright alright, just…can you help us calm these girls down? Like, do you have any grass?” B2 pleads.

Humbra sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. “The last thing I want is to have three teenage girls high as balls in my damn trailer…But I’ll see what more legal things I got in the bathroom cabinet…” He then leaves the room as B2 pats Aria’s shoulders, while you do the same with Sonata.

“Listen girls, I think you’re blowing everything up. There’s no need to be sad, really,” you try and fail to comfort as they continue to cry.
Spike jumps on the table and paws at the passed out Adagio’s face, getting no response.

“OK, Sonata…SONATA!” you shout, shaking her by the shoulders. “Everything’s going to be alright! There is nothing to feel saddened or frightened by and-“

Master of Shadow’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You are interrupted as a girlish song starts playing from your pocket which startles the blue haired girl.

“EEEP!” she shrieks and jumps into your arms like that dog did to that stoner pony in the mine Grandbuggy was trying to make money off of. Unlike that pony though, you aren’t used to catching another creature in this horrible body.

“Aaaa-OOPH!” you fall to the ground next to the muttering Aria. “Damn Humie Legs!” you curse as Sonata cries on your chest and the song keeps playing.

“…Seriously dude?” B2 says, judging you for the music.

“It’s not mine!” you shoot back as you reach into your coat pocket and pull out a phone that is definitely not yours, seeing as how yours is in your pants pocket. Pressing the green button, you answer the device and silence that horribly upbeat song.


“…Bugze?” Sunset Shimmer’s voice comes across.

“Yeah?” you answer as Sonata keeps crying.

“Why are you answering Flash’s phone?”

“Flash’s phone?” you ask but then you remember how during one of your searches yesterday, your phone ran out of power and you borrowed his to look at videos of cats. “Oh right, must have forgotten to give it back to him.”

“Well that’s just great, now I’m gonna have to drive all the way to his house just to let him know what’s up,” she groans.

“Yeah sorry…” you apologize as you slip out of Sonata’s grip, who then latches onto B2.

“Hey! Dude!”

You just wave him off as you walk into the other room so you can hear better.

“Was that crying I heard?” Sunset asks.

“Yeah…things are going weirdly with those magic hunters I told you about,” you explain.

“Ooookkkaaaayyy…well anyway, I have a possible lead on finding Twilight.”

“Really?” you ask hopefully.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Yeah, I snuck into her house with Pinkie Pie today, but then she blew our cover and started talking with her parents so we had to sit and chat with them for most of the day. They’re actually pretty pleasant people.”

“OK…” you trail off, waiting for her to say more.

“But anyway, they didn’t even know Twilight was missing, they were under the impression that she was staying at her brother’s place since she uses his garage for experiments and the like.”

“Oh, so she’s been talking to them then?”

“Through text yeah, but still that’s a big lead. Now all we have to do is figure out where her brother lives and we can go from there,” she says excitedly.

“They didn’t give you the address?” you inquire.

“Oh yeah, just straight up ask where their son lives without letting slip that we think their daughter has turned into a magical demon, that’s smart,” she sasses and you roll your eyes.

“Har Har,” you snark back.

“So yeah, all we have to do is do a little sleuthing on the internet and we’ll be able to find where he li-“

“Don’t bother, I got an easier way to figure that out,” you interrupt.

“You do? How?” she asks.

“Humie me’s got the number of her brother’s fiancé,” you answer as you look back in the kitchen.

“He does? Why?”

“Spike! Fetch Me A Crowbar!” he begs as Sonata refuses to let go of his arm.

“Where am I supposed to find one of those?” the puppy shrugs.

“That’s a…long story, and it might lead to more trouble for him, but it’s an avenue.”

“That’s great! Let me know when you figure it out. I’ll update the girls and then go let Flash know,” she says.

“OK, and when you do see him, tell him I said to change his phone song to something more awesome,” you order.

“His ringtone?”

“Yes, that. It was somehow more fillyish than the My Little Human opening. Something about plastic girls or something.”

“He…he still has that ringtone for when I call?” she asks in amusement, though at the same time sounding touched.

“I guess? I still don’t fully get these futurey things,” you admit.

She then let’s out a giggle before she says, “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to let him know. Talk to you in a bit.”

“Yep, see you then,” you nod as you hang up and slip the phone back into your pocket.

“Alright, good news, I got some Xanax left,” Humbra says coming out of the bathroom holding a bottle of pills. “And if anyone asks, they took it themselves.”

“Sure, whatever,” you shrug as you follow his lead.

Some Time Later

Whatever magical human pills Humbra used have worked. The girls are much, much calmer than they were…though Adagio is still faint, but she’s now been moved to the couch where she stares at the ceiling. Aria and Sonata however remain silent and just sit next to their sister, staring off into nothing.

“Uhhh, how long are they gonna be like this?” asks B2.

“Till they decide they want to talk I suppose,” Humbra shrugs and flips through the channels.

“I still don’t get why they freaked out in the first place,” B2 shakes his head and looks at the TV.

“Yeah…it is pretty strange,” you agree as you ponder the three.

Color me crazy, but I’m starting to think they might know more about the Sirens then they’re letting on.

Oh gee, you think? Sombra mocks.

Oh Buck Off, you didn’t know either till they freaked out, you growl back.

I felt something was off, and that they were keeping secrets, but their reactions are highly suspect, Selena agrees.

And that’s putting it mildly…maybe they’re siren blooded too and they felt bad for their ancestors?

Possible…but then Sentry did not react as such, Selena points out.

I would not base reactions upon that one, he is off in a number of ways, Sombra theorizes.

After his choice in music, I have to agree, you nod.

Before you can continue with this train of thought though…

Kichi’s Comment

“Wait, go back!” B2 orders Humbra.

“Huh?” he grunts.

“Go back two channels, was that the Pink girl?”

Curious you glance at the TV as Humbra flips it back and sure enough, Human Pinkie Pie is on TV.

What started out as a simple story about an ice cream challenge, quickly turned strange this afternoon when our reporters spoke with one of the waitresses, the narrator says as Pinkamena Diane Pie, Sugarcube Corner Employee appears below her.

“Yeah, the Super Duper Chocolate Scooper challenge is nice and everything, but you know what’s more interesting? Finding a missing girl with wings!”

You and B2 pale at that as the video continues.

Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie as she likes to be called, enthralled our crew with such out of the world fantasy, that they couldn’t stop filming her.

“You see, there’s this girl named Twilight Sparkle, and we don’t know where she’s at, because she flew away with her big dark wings she got when she was infused with magic. She may or may not be a demon at this point, like how my friend Sunset was for a bit, but she also might not be.”

“What the Buck is she doing?!” you say in shock as Pinkie Pie keeps on talking.

When asked to describe her “Magical Friend” she provided a detailed drawing in colored pencil, the reporter says as a picture depicting a more ominous looking version of Twilight from that night.

“So yeah, if you see her around, let me know. From my experience, girls turning into magic demons can lead to people feeling loco in the coco, so if you see anybody with glowing green eyes, you’re on the right track,” she smiles. “But please don’t call the police or FBI or anything, that would just make my job harder.”

And just like that, she went back to serving the actual Ice Cream challenge as if nothing had happened. It seems that either Ms. Pie really has an active imagination, or she’s trying to reach out to former Rock band, The Wanted.

“Ah Hell,” Humbra mutters and facepalms.

Earlier this month, a mysterious publicity stunt by the band occurred at Canterlot Mall without any formal statements, which has propelled the former musicians into the public consciousness. And while it’s highly doubtful that Ms. Pie is a spokesperson for the band, her enthusiasm over their music is quite evident. The bassist for the band, known as Nightmare Moon, would appear in dark armor with a horned helm and wings, just as this Twilight Demon, which incidentally is also a shout out to one of their singles.

You look to Humbra and B2 at that.

“The Demon of Twilight…That was one of our weaker ones,” B2 grumbles.

So whether it’s a shout out, or childlike imagination, Ms. Pie just goes to show how many people have caught the Metal bug. Back to you Bret.

It then cuts back to the news anchors who are giggling at that story.

“Oh my, she does not look like she listens to that type of music at all,” Bret chuckles.

“I’m just imagining her in a mosh pit with all these dark clothed people with tattoos,” says his co-anchor as they both laugh.

And as they both continue to laugh you groan and look back to the other two.

“Well, I don’t know what the buck she was thinking, but looks like you’ve got more exposure,” you shrug.

“But we ain’t making a comeback! If more people think that, then we’re screwed!” Humbra rubs his cheeks.

“I mean...It could be possible to set up a small venue,” B2 starts.

“NO! We’re not talking about that again! We’re not going to bankrupt ourselves for this stupidity!” Humbra chides and B2 lowers his head in defeat.

Sighing, you send a text over to Sunset, telling her to keep a tighter leash on Pinkie Pie.

“But besides that, that girl’s a fool. If they took her seriously then we’d get the government involved and all hell would break loose,” Humbra shakes his head.

“Oh, is that what she meant by Effbeyie?” you inquire.

“Yeah, last thing we need is feds snooping around,” B2 shudders.

“Sooo, what, are these guys that hunt magic or…”

“Not really, they’re basically federal cops who take on threats on a national level…which I hope to God Twilight isn’t” B2 explains.

“Uh huh, that’s what they want you to think. But them guys definitely round up all alien activity and hide them away in their desert bases,” Humbra says.

“Oh not this again,” B2 rolls his eyes.

“You doubt me, but everyone knows they dissected those grey aliens in the 1940’s! Weather Balloons my ass!”

“Wait…these F-Bye Bye guys dissect aliens?” you say in fear. “Like the ponies in black?”

“Yes!” Humbra answers as B2 says at the same time,


But it’s too late, your imagination runs wild at that image.


You picture Human Twilight tied to a chair as humans wearing black suits and dark sunglasses surround her.

“Tell us all you know about magic and how we can acquire it!”

“Never!” she cries back defiantly.

“Then we will be forced to do something extreme…” the human threatens.

“Your torture will never work, I am a magical princess goddess now and I can choose whoever I want to redeem and who to condemn!”

“Are you sure about that?” the human smirks as he opens a book in front of her…and folds the corner of the page.

"Noo! You monsters!" Twilight cries.

"Tell us what we want and we will stop!" the man from Efby Eye orders.


The man then takes a marker and starts underlining sentences in the book.

"Nooo!!! OK, OK, it was Bugze! It was all him! He’s the one who did this to me, and he’s a Bug Man!”

“Excellent, you’re free to go without punishment because of reasons,” the feds say as they let her go.

“Yippee!” she flies off through the roof.

“Now, we hunt Bugze and shoot to kill because only he is evil,” they say priming alien blaster weapons.

Back To Reality

“BUCKING BULLSPIT!!!” you shout aloud, startling the others.

“Heh, fine, continue to be a skeptic sheep,” Humbra crosses his arms.

She definitely would give me up, just like real Twilight would. When the chips are down, it’s always blame Bugze for everything!

I think you may be projecting my bug, Selena offers.

I don’t think so. Princess Twilight’s probably blaming me and you for something right this instance.

In Equestria

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Twilight sneezes as she sits beside Flash Sentry’s hospital bed.

“Bless you,” Rarity says.

“Thanks,” she sniffles and looks to Flash. “I’m glad we got him here in time. I just wish Applejack and Fluttershy had been able to find Bugze after all that craziness…I’d hate to think he ran back to Nightmare Moon looking as weak as he did.”

“Hmmph, I blame that ghastly Cabeleron. If he hadn’t of interrupted, then we would have been able to get that poor changeling to Canterlot.”

“Yeah…if only Daring Do and Rainbow Dash had been able to find him as well…”

“Well at least Zecora was willing to take in Ms. Do after her house was destroyed,” Rarity finds the silver lining and pats Twilight on the shoulder.

“Yeah…I just want to stop Nightmare Moon’s terror once and for all so nopony else can get hurt though,” she says looking sadly at Flash who, for the most part, is sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face.

Back To Human Land

She would sell me out for in a heartbeat! We have to find her! You think in determination as the news continues to play.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

"In other news, the burnt down establishment of Fazbear’s Fright, a horror house built in dedication to the mysterious disappearances at Freddy Fazbear’s in the 90s, has been declared as arson.”

“It wasn’t deliberate!” you whine at the TV, who of course can’t hear you.

“Henry Emily, owner of the establishment, and former owner of the food chain, has said that while tragic, he had been planning on tearing the place down in the first place. Despite these ominous words, the owner has been cleared of suspicion.”

“Heh, can’t say I blame the guy, that place sucked,” B2 says with a shiver.

“From what you’ve said, I don’t doubt it. Hated the original chain way back when as well, too creepy. Glad everything burned up in there,” Humbra says as he drinks some beer.

“Well not everything,” you correct as you hold up Mangle’s head which gives him a mechanical growl, causing him to spit take onto the floor.

“The Hell Is That?!” Humbra shrieks as he scrambles back in his recliner.

“Whoa easy! She’s fine! She won’t bite,” as you say this she and Spike growl at each other. “Probably.”

“Well biting or not, put it the hell away!” he orders. You look at the head and shrug as you push it back into your inventory.

Just_another_guy’s Comment

“I bet she bites…” Sonata’s voice cuts off whatever else would have been said and you look over at her. She is still staring dazedly off into space with tears in her eyes, but she still talks.

“Sonata?” you question but she doesn’t hear you.

“I bet she bites just like Mr. Snapper…He was such a good turtle…he always showed dad what for,” she says as she sniffles.

“Dad…I said that I hated him before we left…” Aria sniffles with regret.

They stare blankly ahead, there pupils so tiny they may as well not be there.

“Uh…girls?” B2 tries to get their attention, but it’s no use.

“Why? Why did we leave?” Sonata asks her sister.

“Because we wanted to be in charge…” Adagio says from the couch. “We wanted to show them all…but now they’re all gone, Mom and Dad, Mr. Snapper…and everyone else. All gone.”

Sonata starts crying again as she holds her hands to her eyes.

“I told him I would come back for him. He was sad that I didn’t take him with me. And Mom and Dad they…”

Adagio’s eyes flood again as she covers her eyes as well.

Did…did they lose their parents? You think as you watch them. You can certainly sympathize with that pain, but what brought this on all of a sudden?

You cough into your hand, but they don’t really pay you any mind.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“Uh, I can see you three are having a bad time right now. Does…does this have anything to do with what I told you about the Sirens?”

Adagio and Sonata wince at that, but Aria looks at you in disbelief.

“I mean, this is such a strong reaction so…do you guys know more than you let on about? If so, what do you know?” you ask plainly and gingerly, hoping not to upset them further.

“What do we know? What Do We Know?!”

And you fail miserably as Aria stands up from the couch with her hands balled into fists.

“What we know is that some moron from Equestria drops by out of the blue and tells us that not only have we been gone for a thousand years, but that we’re the last of our kind!”


“WE’RE THE SIRENS YOU IDIOT!” she shouts as tears sting her eyes and the other two slump even further. Humbra, B2, Selena and Sombra all gasp in surprise at this, while you just feel utterly flabbergasted.

“…I’m sorry, you’re What?!” you ask in surprise.

“We’re the Sirens! The only ones left since you so kindly told us! That bearded idiot and his friends kicked us through that portal and here we are!” Aria bellows at you, stomping her feet.


“B-B-But that doesn’t make sense, that was a thousand-“

“Years ago, YES! Thanks for harping on that!” she throws her hands up and turns away from you. “A thousand years gone in the blink of an eye, and now all our family and loved ones are as dead as those jerks that sent us here!”

This information…it’s mind boggling. These three human girls are over a thousand years old? They’re not alicorns or dragons. You don’t know how long Sea Ponies could live, but Humans definitely can’t hit those numbers.

“You…you’ve been here that long?”

“No,” Adagio speaks up, still sounding breathless. “We only arrived here last year. We’ve been surviving with what little magic we had left…”

“A year? But how…”

Sunset Shimmer had something similar happen to her remember? Selena pipes in, bringing up something you’d learned days ago. She was de-aged and time for her worked differently than it did for us.

Yeah, but that’s a big jump. She was gone 15, these guys were for a millennia!

Technically I am over a thousand years as well, and that was through space and time manipulation as well, Sombra offers.

Yeah but still if that’s the case then I…Oh Luna, I just told them they’re the last of their kind as if I was talking about the weather…You say as guilt suddenly hits you.

“Why? Why is this happening to us?” Sonata asks helplessly as Adagio puts her arms around her.

“Why?! Because stupid pain in the tail ponies bucked us over that’s why! And now this stupid bug has only come to tear our hearts out!” Aria growls and points at you.

“I…I’m sorry I didn’t kn-“

“You said it yourself, you want our stones! These stupid things that got us in this mess in the first place!” she yells tugging at the jeweled collar on her neck and your eyes widen as the object of your quest is right in front of you.

How did we not sense them?!

“Well you know what?!” Aria says as she tears the necklace off and throws it at your feet. “There! Take It! Take the only things we have left! That’s All You Equestrians Do!” she breaks down in sobs and turns back to her sisters, embracing both of them at the same time.

B2, Humbra and Spike are speechless as they look at the embracing sisters, while you stare slack jawed at the jewel at your feet.

This…I found it…But… You look back up at the three, the three Sirens, the last three Sirens in all of existence as they lament their losses. You can’t even imagine their pain. You lost your parents, but you didn’t lose your entire species.

This…this doesn’t feel right, you think hollowly.

I…agree. This is far too sorrowful for a victory, Selena says in sympathy.

…Their entire people destroyed, Sombra says contemplatively. If Amore had had her way...I would have been in their position…

You stare at the Siren Stone before you. It’s the key component of getting Selena and Sombra their own bodies, and the reason you’ve put up with so much turmoil in this horrible world…but can that pain even compare to theirs?

What's...What's the right call here?


Episode 51: A Promise of Home

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I…OK, this is really throwing me for a loop here, you think as you rub your temple. I mean, I thought I was going to be doing some archaeological tomb raiding or something, not taking the only remnants of civilization from living fossils!

You then look back down to the red, smooth stone at your feet and gulp.

She gave it to me, but she’s in an intense emotional state right now, I couldn’t possibly rely on it being a genuine gift…

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

You pick up the Siren Stone, and you can feel the thrum of power within it.

It’s right here, the power to turn emotions into a tangible form. The key piece in getting you a body Selly…

I know, but Bugze… she trails off hesitantly.

No more hunting, no more having to deal with humans. I could just jump out the window right now and just wait till Sunset is redeemed and then go home. It would be so simple…you think as you close your fist over your prize.

Yes you could, but I’m more than positive you won’t, Sombra mutters sarcastically, though you don’t get annoyed at him.

You’re right, you nod. How could I do that to them after I brought them to this emotional state?

The sisters continue to shudder and cry in each other’s arms as even more guilt hits you.

WARGAMES’s Comment

A thousand years in the real world for a year here. How does that even work? Like, we aren’t going to go home and it’s been many years right? You panic slightly at that possibility.

I do not know Bugze, Selena admits. For even Sunset Shimmer missed 15 years for 3 here.

The math does not add up then, Sombra shrugs. The logistics are far too random.

Maybe it has something to do with Starswirl bamfing them instead of shoving them through a mirror? You suggest.

Possible, Selena nod. But still, all those years gone…

Kichi’s Comment

Your head hurts just trying to imagine how that would feel to you…but it’s unfathomable.

And they call me monster, Sombra mutters as Sonata starts whimpering again about her turtle.

Do not forget, you did the same with the crystal empire, Selena admonishes. A whole civilization lost to time.

Yes I did, he agrees sounding hollow. 1,000 years gone…but all of my slaves and subjects still had each other when we returned. I was the only one to lose someone I loved…and I did it deliberately… Once more, Sombra sounds melancholic, remembering Radiant Hope.

Yeah you did, you nod, though you say it softly. But these girls…they didn’t ask for this.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

You stand up from your chair and start walking to the distressed sisters.

And whether they were villains or not, above anything else, right now they need comfort, you think with resolve as you stand above them. Aria notices you out of the corner of her eye and takes her chin from off of Adagio’s head to turn and glare at you.

"Here," you say, offering the stone back to Aria. She glances at the jewel for a moment but glares right back at you without a word. "I can't take this. Instead, the only thing I'm taking is you three, back home," you declare.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“What?” she asks, looking directly at you while Sonata and Adagio look up with confusion.

“I’m gonna take you all home. Back to Equus,” you say with determination in your voice as you crouch in front of them, still offering the stone.

“B-B-Back home?” Adagio stutters, her runny makeup staining her cheeks.

“Y-You mean it?” Sonata hiccups.

“Of course he doesn’t!” Aria growls before you get a chance to respond. “He’s just talking out his flank to hurt us, just like what Starswirl and those other ponies did!” she yells as she squeezes her sister harder.

“I’m not lying,” you say more forcefully. “The situation has changed, and I can’t just take something so precious away from you. After what I’ve learned, I’ve got to take you back where you belong.”

“Where we belong?!” Aria bares her teeth. “We don’t belong anywhere now! Home for us was a thousand years ago! If you take us now, what is honestly going to be there for us?! No family! No species! No HOME!”

Kichi’s Comment

“Yes I know, I would be taking back to another time, but all might not be lost!” you argue back.

“How could it not be?! You told us we were the last of our kind!” she snarls.

“But that doesn’t have to be the case,” you encourage. “There still might be a way for you to see your family again.”

She pauses at that as the other two gain a look of shock.

“How?!” Aria challenges. “Are you a time traveler too on top of being a world hopper?”

“No, but I know someone who is,” you say with a smirk.

“…What?” she gasps in surprise at how nonchalantly you say that.

“I happen to know a stallion with a big blue box that can travel through time,” you smile more genuinely, looking in to each of their eyes.

Off to the side, you hear Humbra whisper to B2.

“Is he talking about Doctor Who?”

“Yeah,” B2 nods. “Apparently he’s real in their world and is a horse like everyone else.”

“…OK, for real, this other world sounds like a hodge podge of random pop cultural references that have been horsified,” Humbra grumbles in exasperation.

“Are…are you being serious?” Adagio asks, sounding skeptical after hearing Humbra as well.

“I am,” you nod. “His name is The Doctor, and he has pulled off the impossible on a number of occasions. He also owes me one…or rather more than that, but the point is, I could get you home.”

“R-Really? Home to Mom and Dad and Mr. Snapper?” Sonata asks with a bit of hope.

“Yes,” you nod in sincerity. “All of them, all of the Sirens back together again.”

At that declaration, Sonata and even Adagio seem to desperately latch onto what little hope that scenario brings, but Aria is still skeptical.

“Even if you could do what you claim, what’s to stop Beardo and his pals from just throwing us through again?

“Well I-“

“And why would we go back, knowing full well that our whole species is just going to die a few centuries later? It’s already happened in your past, so there’s nothing we can do to stop it right?!”

Adagio and Sonata shiver and sniffle at that as Aria’s words ring true.

“I told you, the Doctor owes me,” you say. “He already transported a large number of my own kind that rebelled against the queen to a time in the future where they would be able to live in peace. He could probably do the same for you and the rest of the Sirens. Heck, he could probably bring you and your family and then rest of the civilization before the disaster to modern times.”

“But…wouldn’t that be odd, an extinct species just popping back up one day?” Humbra asks, not even knowing the irony you feel hearing it in his voice.

“Believe me, that’s more common than you think lately,” you say to him before looking back at the three.

“So please, trust me. I’ll save you and your people and none of you will have to suffer anymore,” you plead, pushing the stone closer to Aria.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Sonata and Adagio look to their hot headed sibling who just stares into your sincere face with mistrust.

“…What you’re saying…it’s too good to be true,” she says in denial.

“I know what it sounds like, but it is true. I want to help you!” you plead. Aria just shuts her eyes and lashes out at you.

“Liar!” She yells as she slaps your hand, hitting the stone in the process. The red jewel glows brighter causing the other two on Adagio’s and Sonata’s necks to glow as well, before a flash of light blinds you all. Humbra ducks behind the door while B2 is covers his face, but you get a full face of the light as everyone falls to the ground.

“Gah!” You yell as flashes of memories go through your head. Memories of the sirens back on Equus, of being banished and being forced to survive in this world. Having to sing and manipulate to get their way, feeding on the negative emotions of the humans. The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 also shout in surprise as brief memories of your past flash through their minds. The light fades and everyone groans in confusion, the jewel lying on the ground as the light fades from it.

The Tartarus was that?! You think as you shake your head.

Ugh, if I had to guess, The jewels reacted to your strong emotions, Selena said theorizes, sounding put out at what she saw of their life as well.

These stones manifest and feed on emotional states, so of course they would react to an emotion eating bug, Sombra says as if it’s obvious, which annoys you two. You look back to the three girls as they groan and get back up and Aria looks at you with shock.

“Those visions…what’s with all the costumes?” she asks, putting a hand to her head.

“Why are there so many mares after you?” Sonata asks in confusion as Spike walks over to her and puts a paw on her lap.

Ahh crud, I hope they didn’t see anything too bad, you think in worry.

“I…I just,” Aria gasps out, looking at you curiously.

You sigh as you stand up, walk to her, and reach out a hand to help her up. She looks up to you in hesitation.

“Please let me help you. I know what it’s like to have life give you the short end of the stick.” Aria still hesitates, but Adagio’s hand falls on her shoulder and she looks to her sister.

“It’s okay, we can trust him. He’s genuine…a little off, but genuine,” she says before looking to you with a smile.

“Adagio? But…”

“The time travel stuff, it’s real sis,” she encourages, sounding much more lively than a few minutes ago. Aria’s eyes widen as she looks to you in surprise and you give her a warm smile.

Huh, guess all the bullspit with the Doctor paid off once again, you think happily as Aria’s features soften.

Tears once more come to her eyes, but the despair is no longer there.

“You can…you can let me see Daddy again? To apologize?” she whimpers. A voice echoes in your head from one of the memories that flashed through your head.

“It’s okay my little Blaze, Daddy’s got you,” an older purple siren says placing a hoof on her shoulder. You answer by picking the stone back up and gently placing it in her hand, which she allows you to do.

“I will try my hardest to,” you promise as you help her to her feet. Her mouth twitches into a small thankful smile, but then you are caught off guard as she buries her head on your shoulder and hugs you.

“Thank you,” she whispers between her crying. You slowly return the hug as you pat her on her back. You hear Selena sniff a bit as she wipes a tear of joy from her eye. Sombra just huffs in mock annoyance trying to hide his face.

Deep down she’s still a kid. Like Nightshade, you conclude as Adagio helps Sonata up to her feet and they both look at you with thanks. They all are. You think as your parental instincts kick in.

“I’ll get you home. I swear to Luna I’ll get you all home,” you declare. To this, the other two also begin shedding tears of joy and dog pile you with hugs. Now this would be heartwarming, if weren’t for the fact your now human lungs were collapsing from the pressure.

“Uh girls? Air!” You gasp as they get off you. They back up in concern but you laugh it off, making them laugh.

*sniff* This is too sappy for me, I’m gonna go open a window, care to join?” Humbra says looking over to your double. He stands there with a blank expression on his face. “Hey, earth to moron, you there?” Humbra says waving his hand in front of his face.

“Huh, wha?” B2 says snapping out of his trance.

“I said, let’s give them some space and get some air eh?” he repeats.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” B2 responds following Humbra out the door. He pauses as he looks back to you and the girls laughing, his mind wandering to what he saw when the light flashed.

“Just what have you been through buddy?” he says remembering the visions he saw. The fires, the screaming, the explosions, the heartache, and the little foal, your daughter. He shakes his head as he follows Humbra outside.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After a few more minutes of settling down and getting emotions under control, you and the sisters sit more comfortably in the living room alone while Humbra and B2 give you some space. Well, not quite alone, Spike’s still there playing emotional support to the three girls who pet him like there’s no tomorrow.

“You OK there pup?” you ask as he receives all of the love.

“Yeah I’m fine,” he nods.

“I figured,” you nod before looking back to the sisters. “OK, now that we fully know who we all are, I guess I’ll fill you in more.”

“Yeah, I mean, getting home sounds complicated enough already,” Adagio snarks.

“Is it though? Aren’t you friends with that Doctor fellow?” Sonata asks.

“Yeah…well the thing about him is that he’s kind of mortal right now, living with his wife and raising their daughter, and he’s kind of forgotten his memories of who he really is on purpose to do that, so showing up might ruin his happy little life” you admit and their eyes widen.

“Wait, I thought you said,” Aria starts but you hold up a hand.

“But, that doesn’t mean it has to go down like that. All we need is his TARDIS, wherever he stashed it, and my Grandbuggy can take care of the rest,” you smile.

“Oh, the old bug guy in the bowler hat?” Adagio asks.

“Yeah him, you saw visions of that?”

“Mmhmm,” she nods. “Seems like an…interesting guy?” she guesses.

“That’s putting it mildly,” you roll your eyes.

“How come I didn’t see that guy” Aria asks.

“Huh?” Adagio responds.

“Yeah, all I saw was Bugze here dressing in a lot of different costumes and no one seemed to know it was him usually. Also, he really likes his Hooded Cloaks.”

“That’s…partially true,” you stammer, wondering how many battles she possibly glimpsed.

“Well, all I saw was all these pony mares chasing him down, sometimes angry, sometimes with these weird dopey looks in their eyes, and sometimes both at the same time,” Sonata speaks up.

Adagio and Aria give you a raised brow at this.

“Don’t ask, I don’t get it much either,” you shrug. “But anyway, it seems like you only gleamed a few things into my past, and it was random for each of you.”

“That makes sense. I saw a lot of your feelings for your family, and the time travel stuff,” Adagio confirms.

“Oh…well, since we’re sharing, I glimpsed what you three have been through.”

They wince at that and you nod in sympathy.

“It’s been tough,” Aria says stroking her necklace, which she’s now placed back on her neck.

“I know, and again, I don’t care what you guys did in the past. For me and anyone else concerned, it’s ancient history. Just…well, when we get back home, maybe take it easy on trying to take over coastal towns?”

“Oh trust me, I’m not losing another millennia to make creatures love my singing,” Adagio shudders.

“Good to know,” you nod. “But yeah, we’ll figure out all of that once we do get home.”

“Umm,” Sonata raises her hand up.


“You said earlier that you needed our stones to help someone important to you?” she inquires.

“Oh…yeah. I still will need one of your stones for that when we get home, but I’m sure I’ll be able to return it.”

“How can one of these help someone? We kind of just use them to feed off emotions and make people do what we want,” Aria asks.

“Uh, well the thing is,” you start but Adagio takes over.

“He’s got a friend who can use them to make a body for his wife who’s stuck in his head,” she says and you and Selena choke in surprise.

Aria looks at Adagio and back to you.

“His wife?”

“We’re not actually married!” you say with a blush as Selena groans in embarrassment as well.

“Ooookkkaaaayyy,” Aria trails off looking to her sister. “Still doesn’t explain the whole stuck in his head thing.

“It’s, uh…complicated,” you admit.

“I don’t know, it’s what I glimpsed earlier,” Adagio shrugs. “He’s got a mare in his head, they have a daughter, and somehow our stones will help make their family whole.”

“Oh My Gosh! You have a daughter?” Sonata says with a squee.

“Uh, yeah,” you nod.

“Oh, Oh! What’s her name?!” she asks excitedly.

“I think we’re still glossing over the whole mare in his head thing!” Aria says in exasperation but is ignored.

“Her name is Nightshade and she’s my pride and joy,” you boast.

“Oooohh, how old is she? Is she a changeling too? Does she have a boyfriend yet?” Sonata asks enthusiastically. To that last one you just give a glare at the dog in her lap who recoils a bit from your look.

“Her age is kind of weird, she’s a pony, and she’s far too young for dating, and that’s all I have to say on that matter,” you growl thinking of the dog’s doppelganger back home.

“Seriously, Mare in the Head thing! How do you have a daughter with something in your head!” Aria harps on.

“Not easily. Her name is Selena by the way,” you partially answer her question. “But yeah, I need one of your stones to power a device which will give her a body…and probably this other guy I know who’s in my head as well.”

“What?!” Aria gasps in shock.

Why am I always a secondary thought when it comes to that? Sombra complains.

Because he doesn’t care for you like he does for me, Selena brags with a smirk.

Well, can’t say she’s lying there, you snark at the former king.

Oh shut up you self denying bucks! He huffs.

I’m not in denial she shouts in embarrassment.

Yeah! Who’s denying things?! I’m sure not! You deny and focus back on the sisters.

“So yeah, what do you girls say? I scratch your backs and you scratch mine?”

The three of them look at each other before each one nods.

“I still don’t get this whole head mare thing, but sure,” Aria answers.

“I’m sure you’ll get it eventually,” Adagio nods. “But yes, if you get us home, we’ll gladly let you use one of our stones for your marefriend and this other guy.”

“Marefriend?” you gasp out.

“Yeah, you said she wasn’t your wife,” Sonata points out.

“W-Well yeah, but…”

He and I have not, well…

Oh for Pete’s sake, Sombra facehooves.

“Who the Buck Is This Pete?!” you shout for the sake of shouting something and they all look at you funny. “I mean…awesome, that sounds like a deal to me, heh heh…” you chuckle nervously.

“Yay! We got a homecoming battle plan!” Sonata cheers and her sisters roll her eyes at that.

“For when we get through yes, but we still need to wait till we can get the portal open on this side,” you remind her.

“Oh yeah,” she says deflating a bit. “Who’s this friend that you said could open it?”

“Her name is Sunset Shimmer, she’s a unicorn that came here a few years back,” you explain.

“…There’s more people from Equus here?” asks Adagio.

“Yep,” you nod. “So yeah, the portal thing only opens every two and half years like I told you before, but there was this inscription on it that…”

And you go on to explain how you think Sunset is the key to opening it early, what happened a few nights ago with the giant pillar of magic and how it relates back to the Human Deadly 6 and redeeming Sunset.

“…Wow, that’s kind of messed up,” Aria remarks on the demon Sunset thing.

“Don’t I know it,” you nod. “But yeah, Sunset is our ticket to getting home, and finding and stopping Twilight might boost that along.”

Once more the sisters share a look with one another before they look back at you with small smiles.

"Well Mr. Bugze, if you’re going to help us get home it’s only fair that we help you with this.” You can’t help but smile at that yourself.

"I would really appreciate it, but you don't have to help if you don't want to. I did just kinda put you all through an emotional rollercoaster after all, so I would understand if you needed to rest first."

"There's no need for that,” she hand waves. “I means sure, this afternoon has been taxing, but we now have something to look forward to.”

“Yeah! Besides, now we’ll be able to drain someone’s energy and no one will be mad about it!” Sonata says excitedly.

“Huh?” you question.

“These stones don’t just drain emotions, we can sense and consume mana as well,” Aria explains.

“Oooohhh, and if we drain her magic, maybe we could like, transfer it to Sunset or something so that she can be more powerful to open the gate,” Sonata suggests.

“I…don’t know if it works like that, but yeah, if we can drain Twilight, then she’ll uncrazy herself and I won’t feel guilty anymore for putting her through all this!” you say in exhilaration. “So, where is she? Can you sense her now?”

Adagio just gives you a pointed look at that.

“If she’s not nearby and actively using it we won’t be able to sense it. And while this world is deprived of magic, there are still remnants of it scattered throughout as you've seen," she explains.

You nod your head at this, remembering the Everfree Forest incident and the mirror incident at the mall.

“I’d thought that all the humies using it were your ancestors…now I don’t know what to believe when it comes to these apes using spells,” you admit.

“Well, however that works, it means that this Sparkle girl has her work cut out for her,” Aria exposits.

“What do you mean?” you ask.

"Funny thing about magic, it tends to draw magic users to it,” Adagio jumps in. “Since this world has some scattered specs of it, I have no doubt that this Twilight girl is probably being drawn to them to absorb their power. It’s what we were doing.”

“Oh…how much success did you have?”

“Not much,” Sonata admits. “Heck, that mall incident was the biggest magical one we’d seen before that rainbow light!”

“So what you’re saying, she's probably looking for more magic in-between her pranks around the town?"

“If she’s as powerful as you say, then yes,” Adagio nods.

Selena? Does this sound right to you?

What she says does hold a merit of truth my bug. While we may be unable to sense it now, magic does tend to draw other magic users to it such as unicorns and the like. With how much magic is coursing through Twilight's veins, I have no doubt that she is now capable of sensing what little magic this world has to offer.

So if we want to find Twilight, we have to find magic. Great, so it’s literally back to the original plan but with an added amount of trouble to it.

With a sigh you say,

"Looks like that makes sense. So, what are the chances of her finding you three instead of the other way around?”

“Unless we go around sucking up emotions in broad daylight, I doubt she’ll sense us. Heck, you didn’t even sense our power till we straight up told you,” Aria points out.

“Hmmm,” you ponder to yourself for a moment before you make up your mind. “Okay, so where we sit now, we have two objectives. Objective one is to find the nearest source of magic and stake it out in case Twilight shows up, and Objective two is to stake out where she’s been holding up and try to get the drop on her.”

“Nearest source of magic? You mean us?” Sonata asks.

“Well, outside of you girls I mean,” you rephrase. “The only other place that has magic that I know of is up at Camp Everfree with the other 6 crystals.”

“Wait a minute, our lead when we left Sonata behind was real?” Adagio huffs.

“Yeah, the counselors up there have more magic rocks like the one that powered Twilight up. I never told her that, but she might be drawn to them like you said.”

“I see…and you know where she’s been hiding out as well?” asks Adagio.

“I got a pretty good idea, I just need Humie Me to call someone up for an address and we can head over there.”

“I’ve got to what now?!” comes his voice from around the corner.

“I’ll tell you in a minute,” you call back before looking to the Sirens for their input.

“Hmm, there is no guarantee that she would be at that camp tonight unless she knew already,” Aria says.

“But if nothing else, we could boost our own magic with those stones for when we eventually have to face her,” Adagio counters.

“So should we like split up then?” asks Sonata.

“No, not after last time!” Adagio spits.

“Yeah, we don’t want to risk you getting squished again,” Aria snarks.

“Ugh, fine,” Sonata pouts.

“If it helps, I’ve got a team of humie teens that are at my disposal. We could get a team of them to check out the location we don’t go to,” you suggest.

“Oh that helps,” Aria sighs in relief.

“Yeah, besides, we don’t have a car, so which one is closer?”

“Definitely the home base option,” you answer as you get up and walk to the window. “Yo B2!”


“Call Cadence Up!”

He chokes on whatever he was drinking and looks at you like you’re mad.

“Why the buck would I do that? She’s still mad at me?!”

“Because we have to pay them a visit. Twilight’s more than likely there.”

“Cadence?” Humbra asks curiously looking to B2. “Wasn’t that the name of Moon’s little-“

“Niece, yes, yes she is!” he harrumphs in exasperation. “And I kind of ran out on her a few days ago when she tried to set up a little reunion.”

“…Well, sucks to be you,” Humbra laughs cruelly as B2 sighs and starts dialing on his phone.

“Don’t laugh too much smoky, you’re driving us,” you order and he chokes and looks at you with scorn.

“Like Hell I am!”

“You want me to go bug your neighbor and tell her things that will make her scream at you day and night?” you threaten and his eyes shrink.

“…You bastard,” he grumbles and you smirk in victory.


You, B2, Humbra, The Sirens, and Spike are now all crammed into Humbra’s car on the way to Shining Armor’s house.
It wasn’t easy, but after a few minutes of Cadence chewing B2 out, he was able to convince her that he wanted to talk with her in person and explain everything. She agreed, and gave the address and now all of you are heading over for dinner. Well, he is, while you all snoop.

You in turn called Sunset who agreed to meet you there with Flash, who she’s bringing along since you still have his phone. Since she’s the one commanding the troops as it were, she let the others know about Camp Everfree, and so 5 of the Human Deadly 6 are driving there to check things out.

“I can’t believe you guys are doing this to me,” B2 groans into his hands. “I mean, what if her husband kicks my ass for bailing?”

“Take it as a compliment, unicorn Shining’s kicked my flank plenty of times,” you advise.

“Ugh, but she’s still going to be angry that I didn’t talk with Nimmy,” he moans.

“I mean, she’s got every right to be,” Humbra rolls his eyes.

“Oh screw you,” he huffs. “Besides, if I start talking about magic and other me’s, they might call the cops.”

“So just stall while we snoop and then if we find and subdue Twilight, they might believe you,” you say.

“Or just don’t mention the magic, that’s an option too,” Humbra points out.

“How come we don’t get to go to dinner?” whines Sonata.

“Because we weren’t invited,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“And we’ve got a job to do,” Adagio adds.

“Fine…but can we get some drive thru afterward?” she asks.

“You got money?” asks Humbra.

“Umm, not on me so-“

“Then nope,” he says plainly and she scowls at him.

“Hey, I don’t even want to be here in the first place Ms. Seahorsey,” he grunts.

Kichi’s Comment

“Hmmph, you’re just jealous because you never had a seapony party,” she pouts again and looks out the window.

“Seapony party?” you ask aloud.

“Yeah, those were what the hippogriffs called our shindigs,” Adagio answered. “They were good allies with our leaders.”

I do remember enjoying a few of those celebrations myself, Selena pipes up in nostalgia.

No you don’t, it’s not your memory, Sombra corrects. There is a moment of silence before the sound of a hoof striking a face is heard. Argh!

Thanks for the reminder, Selena says heatedly.

Ignoring Simba’s pain, you look to Adagio in the backseat.

“Aren’t hippogriffs like hybrids between ponies and griffons?” you ask curiously.

“I think?” Adagio says unsure. “But whatever the case, there would be celebrations with them along their beaches.”

“Yeah they were alright,” Aria says trying to sound dismissive. “Kind of lame in other aspects.”

“Didn’t you have a crush on that sailor guy though?” Sonata says trollishly and Aria’s face reddens in embarrassment.

“Shut Up!” she shouts as her sister giggles at her misery.

“Anyway, how are the hippogriffs doing?” Adagio asks.

“I honestly have no clue, never met one,” you admit. "But if they're flying creatures that kind of confuses me, I thought you'd hang out with other underwater folks."

"Eh, it was mostly just us that were intelligent enough to hold conversations," Aria proclaims.

"But what about that Shark Pony I told you all about?" Sonata inquires.

"You're imaginary friends don't count Sonata," Adagio rolls her eyes as Humbra starts to slow down.

“Alright, I think we’re here,” he announces as he points at a very big house separated by acres of land from it’s neighbors.

Down With Chrysalis's Comment

Ello Calebero's Comment

“Holy Crap, Shining Armor’s loaded!” B2 whistles impressed.

“Makes sense, his real self runs the Crystal Empire,” you shrug.

“He always has amazing treats for me too,” Spike says wagging his tail.

“Oh hey, it’s that guy that got huge in the mall,” Sonata says pointing out the window. Looking in that direction, you see Flash and Sunset walking towards the car.

“Oh, perfect timing,” you say as you get out and greet them.

“Hey guys, how goes it?” you say as you hand Flash back his phone.

“Thanks,” he nods.

“We’re doing alright. We scoped the perimeter before you arrived. Twilight’s brother is doing well for himself,” Sunset says.

“I can tell,” you nod as everyone else gets out of the car.

“Yeah, when Sunset said Twilight was working out of a garage, I pictured like a two car one, but her brother’s got a freaking Barn out back for remodeling cars,” Flash says.

“Oh, you already checked it out?”

“Nah, we saw that on Stablebook,” Sunset answers, showing a picture of Humie Armor posing in front of a car in front of the big garage.”

“I see,” you nod.

“The only problem is, this house does have an attached garage, so Ms. Velvet might have meant that as well,” Sunset shrugs.

“Well we’ll just have to check both while B2 distracts them,” you nod. “By the way, Sunset, Flash, these three are Adagio, Aria and Sonata, the magic hunters.”

“Hi! We call ourselves the Dazzlings!” Sonata announces. “Hi again Flash.”

“Oh, hey,” he waves back and Sunset shoots him a look.

“You know them?”

“Just her. She was there that day in the mall,” he admits.

“Ah,” Sunset nods in understanding.

“So she’s the unicorn that’s gotta be redeemed?” asks Aria blatantly which causes Sunset’s eyes to widen.

“Wha-You told them?” she accuses.

“It’s fine, they’re actually the Sirens that Starswirl banished here,” you say plainly.

“Wait, hold up, What?!” she stammers in confusion.

“I’ll explain in more detail later, but suffice to say, if Twilight does show up, they’ll be handy,” you reassure her as she still gawks at the Siren sisters.

“Ooo…OK?” she says unsuredly.

“That’s the ticket,” you clap her on the shoulder.

“Alright, we should have two magic people per group. Sunset, you, Flash and Adagio go check out the attached garage while I take Aria, Sonata and Spike to the barn.”

“Wait, what about Sombra?” asks Flash pointing to the crotchety bald rocker still in the car.

“He’s just going to drop me off, he doesn’t want to get involved, like usual,” B2 rolls his eyes.

“Exactly. So keep your magic phone things handy in case B2 needs back up,” you order. “And B2, Do NOT bail until we give you the go ahead OK?”

“I’ll try…” he groans as he gets back into the car.

“Alright, so we got our teams now let’s”

“Can I actually go to the barn with you?” Flash raises his hand and you all look to him.

“Why?” you ask.

“This Armor guy’s got some pretty sick vintage classics in that place and…I like cars OK?” he admits. You look over to Sunset who just shrugs.

“Alright, I guess four people for the bigger location does make more sense,” you nod. “But if any of us need help and we can’t use the phones, just scream Rutabaga at the top of your lungs and we’ll know what’s up.”

“Alright sounds good,” Adagio says before looking to Sunset. “Come along pony, the quicker we get this done the quicker we can go home.”

“I…alright then,” she says in exasperation as they both get into the car and it drives to the house proper, as you, Flash and the other two Sirens head for the Barn Garage out back.

At the front, B2 is just getting out of the car,

“Alright, now just park somewhere where I can easily run if things get too awkwa-“

“Oh you’ve arrived,” Human Cadence says, opening the front door and startling the group.

“Oh, uh, Hi Cady,” he says nervously waving.

“Hello #%@#,” she says his real name to him, still sounding bitterly before her eyes widen as she sees the other occupants in the vehicle.

“Ah buck,” Sunset curses to herself as B2 sweats nervously.

“Why didn’t we just walk again?” Adagio grumbles.

“Is…is that Sombra in the car?” she asks in surprise and Humbra looks to B2 anxiously.

“No, I’m just your Uber…” he whispers, but B2 panicks.

“Yup! It’s Sombra alright. Thought I’d bring him along to talk as well,” he says with a nervous chuckle and Humbra just gives him the stink eye.

“Oh…OK then, that’s alright with me, I haven’t seen you forever Sombra,” Cadence says with a genuine smile as she waves at him.

“Uh, yup, good to see you kiddo,” Humbra reluctantly answers back.

“And who are those girls in the back seat?” Cadence asks curiously as she walks to the driver side window.

“Uh, well…” Sombra chokes, not knowing how to answer.

“Uhh, those are…his Daughters!”

“Huh?!” Cadence says in surprise, not hearing Humbra, Sunset and Adagio doing the same.

“Yup, those are his kids Sunset and Adagio. They gave me a lift here,” B2 lies.

“Really?” Cadence says before looking at the flabbergasted Humbra. “I didn’t know you had children.”

“Uuuuuhhhh…” Humbra stammers.

“Uh, it’s his weekend for custody!” Sunset jumps in with her own lie.

“Yeah, good old dad said he’d introduce us to some friends,” Adagio lies as well.

“Hmmm…” Cadence at first seems to think there is something off, but then B2 and Sunset notice a slight green mist come from Cadence’s chest and into Adagio’s necklace, and Cadence’s tune changes. “Well I’m very pleased to meet you both, I’m Cadence,” she says hugging the two girls as Humbra still sputters in disbelief.

“Yup, Sombra’s got responsibilities and stuff,” B2 adds wood to the fire and Humbra grits his teeth.

“Yeah…my daughters and I sure are busy,” he seethes.

“Oh please, all of you come in, dinner’s almost ready, and I’m sure we’ll have enough,” she says happily before hugging B2 and Humbra as well.

“…What just happened?” Sunset whispers to Adagio.

“I took away her skepticism, now she’s overly optimistic,” Adagio whispers back as the two of them, B2 and Humbra are ushered inside.

“Shining, we have more dinner guests!” Cadence calls out while Humbra glares at B2 who chuckles nervously.

“My daughters? You F@#$ing idiot…” he growls.

“It seemed like a good idea at the time!” B2 whispers back.


You, Flash, Aria and Sonata enter the barn…and there are strange technological do dads everywhere, which is clearly signs of Twilight’s handiwork, though there is no sign of Twilight herself.

“Ah man, there’s just science here, no cars,” Flash grumbles.

“I think it looks cool,” Sonata says.

“Looks like a crazy person’s house, not gonna lie,” Aria admits.

Her field of magic has definitely been here recently, but I don't sense it now, Selena informs.

Which means she may be out on the hunt already, Sombra adds and you nod in thanks to both of them.

"I've caught Twilight's scent!" Spike barks. "She's been here, but she's not here now..."

“Well look for some clues gang…like that over there,” you point over to what looks like a detective evidence board with pictures and newspaper articles and strings of yarn attaching many things with the title MAGIC BEINGS? at the top.

One of the pictures is of a pale teen girl with green hair, one has Camp Everfree with a question mark next to it, a picture of Flulk, and a few others.

Another similar board has a bunch of pictures of Crystal Prep Students with the title VENGEANCE!!!

“Well…Ominous much?” you quip.


Episode 52: Let's Split Up and Search For Clues

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As you shudder at how obsessive poor Humie Twilight has gotten, you examine the evidence boards more closely.

You know, if you end up on her Vengeance board you will blend the two goals she has, Sombra points out and you eye twitches.

Thanks Zamboni, just what I wanted to think about in this mad scientist lab. Yet another Twilight wanting to hunt me down! You think in annoyance. Shaking your head you peer at the photos, and at first, you are alarmed as some of them have X’s through them. Oh Tartarus, did she go uber vengeance and take people out? You think with fear.

No, this is still the Magic board dummy, Selena says with a roll of her eyes.

Oh…right, you chuckle in embarrassment as you see that she’s right. Most of the X’d through photos even have notes scribbled on them. You see a picture of Fazbear’s Fright that’s been crossed out, with the word NO written on it, as well as the Canterlot Mall and a picture of Flulk with Questions Marks on it.

There’s also a picture of two girls, and from their attire you suspect they're pop stars of some kind. The words, Time Anomaly?? are written underneath them. Another picture shows another girl at a carnival fair. The words, Magical projections?, are written underneath her photo. You also see a picture that hits you in the gut as it shows a blue skinned girl with white hair, in a familiar hat and cape on stage with a wand with the words Real or Fake? On it.

Well, if Trixie is a stage magician in this world too, then I’m sure she’s got nothing to worry about, you think as you remember the real Trixie. I hope she’s still doing better back home.

Selena doesn’t say anything to this, but you know she gives a sympathetic nod, while Sombra just looks away. Coughing into your fist to distract you from sad thoughts, you look over more photos and do a double take as something catches your eye.

It’s a newspaper clipping of your double’s band, showing off Humbra with long flowing hair playing the drums, B2 in his cloak on guitar, and what looks like…

"Is that Humie You Selly?" You ask in confusion. The picture shows who you assume is Human Luna clad in a rock star version Selena’s old armor, and jamming out with the happiest expression you’ve ever seen on a human, other than human Pinkie. Humie Nightmare Moon even has draconic pupils like Selena does now, though you think those are probably contacts.

Selena says nothing as you stare at the picture, but you know she’s taking in the details just as much as you are. You both read the headline above the clipping.

The Wanted’s new hit single, The Nightmare in Me, hits all time high. The clipping has pins in it that lead to pictures of B2 in his janitor jumper, Humbra bald and yelling at a cloud, and Human Luna who looks bland and boring compared to her rocker get up as she sits behind a desk.

What Happened? How Are They Connected To The Magic? Is scrawled over your doppleganger’s pictures. There’s also an offshoot of string leading to a picture of Cadence with a sticky note next to her. How Much Does She Know?

"Oh boy, she's looking into why B2’s band broke up, and thinks they know more than they think,” you say nervously.

My other self had such beautiful hair. Why did he go bald? Sombra groans in annoyance.

“Hey, you got it easy, B2 ended up on the streets, and Selly…Uh…” you trail off.

I don’t even exist in this reality, she says sounding a bit hollow. I was just a persona of hers, thrown away and forgotten…just like in our world…

Seeing her mood souring, you step in.

Hey now, at least in the real world, you had me to make sure you could become your own pony, you comfort and she sighs.

That is true…though I still feel somewhat regretful that my double was just a costume here.

Hey, at least you’re not a dog, you say pointing to Puppy Spike who is sniffing the floor like crazy and she chuckles at that.

There is that, she smiles and brightens a bit.

But no seriously, Sombra interrupts. Tell me Ponies in the modern age have cures for baldness. I don’t want to risk such a thing when I become flesh once more.

I mean, there’s wigs I guess? You shrug and he groans again in dread while Selena laughs at his misery. Ignoring the fallen king’s grumbling, you see another line connecting B2 to a picture that is folding over. You push it up and step back in surprise.

"That's-" Selena begins.

"Chrysalis." You say with venom in your voice. There’s no mistaking the human for anyone else with that coloring. The real former queen is serving her sentence and has been dealt her justice, but from what you’ve been told, Humalis didn’t so much as get a slap on the wrist for what she did to B2.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Hmmph, she’s just as bitchy looking as that whorse back home, Selena snarls with a grit of her teeth.

Probably just as megalomaniacal and idiotic as that overgrown cockroach as well, Sombra nods.

And no doubt completely and utterly insane with her obsession over me, you shake your head remembering that last look she gave you back at the prison. And if she is, I hope B2 can somehow get this one behind bars as well.

Oh you can garun-bucking-tee that we’d help him beat this skank down if she showed up! Selena says in steely determination and you can’t help but smirk at that.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that, you think as you let the picture fold back over.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Putting her out of sight and mind, you hear a camera snap sound as Flash comes up next to you.

“That can’t mean anything good,” Flash says pointing to yet another picture. You follow his sight and see several pins connected to a photo of Canterlot High, and it is circled multiple times in red marker. Magical Origin Point? Is underlined next to it, along with photos of the Human Deadly 6 (aside from Twilight of course) and Sunset.

“Hmmph, looks like someone at your school talked about that night…or she hacked your phones with her magical internet skills,” you shrug. Flash looks nervously at his phone before he puts it away.

“That’s a scary thought,” he shudders.

“Of course it is, she’s going full on mad scientist here,” you gesture to the wall and at all the sciency doo dads throughout the garage.

“Though what scares me more is what his Twilight will think if she finds out about Princess Twilight…” he says with worry.

“Oh don’t worry about her, she’s basically a demigod now…and in another dimension” you handwave. “And what did I tell you about thinking of Pony Twilight?”

“I’m sorry OK?” he huffs. “She was the cute new girl, and she left an impression on me.”

“Yeah yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Well stop with the weird dreams that won’t come true, Ponies and Humies don’t mix. You’ll find some ugly human like you in no time.”

He scowls at that, before he looks over at Aria and Sonata who are looking through notes and gadgets. Well, more like Aria is trying to keep Sonata from on, but still.

“You know, you did say back when we first met that you knew some sisters you’d intro-“ Flash starts with a smirk but you smack him upside the head.

“They’re giant sea horses that are chronologically a thousand years older than you, cut it out,” you chide.

“Oh for-Is every girl that catches my eye a freaking alien?!” he harrumphs and crosses his arms.

“…I don’t know, maybe? Maybe dating Sunset for so long poisoned your brain or something.”

He just lets out a sigh and shakes his head at that.

“Well, you could take baby steps I suppose. There are plenty of magical human girls, so maybe that will scratch your itch,” you say pointing to the targets on the evidence board.

“Please stop,” he begs.

“And who knows, maybe after we find Humie Twilight and stop her evil mastermind ways, maybe she’d go for you…or not, just in case that resurrects the voices again.”

Groaning, Flash turns away from you and walks to another work bench.

“Oh Come on Aria, let me turn it on!”

You look back at the Siren sisters as Sonata holds what looks like a popcorn maker with electric diodes all along it.

“For the last time NO! That thing might fry what little brains you have left!” Aria shouts as she tries to flip through notes.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“I’ma do it!” Sonata says with a smirk as she holds her finger over a switch.

“Don’t you dare!”

“I’m gonna!” she says getting a little closer.

“Don’t!” Aria orders and you walk over.

“She’s right, don’t turn it on, it’s got latent magic in it,” you warn.

“Ahhh, but I want popcorn!” she whines, giving you a pleading look.

“So would I honestly, but you can’t trust anything in here. Escpecially not machines!”

“Uhh, what’s wrong with machines?” Aria asks.

“They’re evil!” you shout.

“Evil? Why? Because of the Twilight girl?” Sonata asks.

“No! That’s just a bonus! All machines are inherently evil! When you start relying on them too much, that’s when they take over! Just look at the buses of this world, or those stupid animatronics from the other night! Pure unfiltered EEEEVVVVIIIILLL!!!” you rant, some foam coming out of your mouth.

Sonata and Aria look at each other worriedly before looking back at you.


“The Only Solution Is To Burn Everything In Here Down! Fire It Up! Fire It Up! Fi-“


“Agh!” you cry out, startling the girls as you rub your head.

Bugze… Selena scolds you as if you were a kid caught sticking his hoof in the cookie jar.

“…Sorry,” you say aloud to everyone. “What I meant to say is, let’s not mess with anything too gadgety while we’re here.”

“Oh…OK then,” Sonata nods as she sets the machine down…right onto the switch. The thing starts to whir.

“Oh Luna No!” you scream.

“You Idiot!” Aria scolds.

“Whoopsie!” Sonata says sheepishly. You grab the girls and dive over a table as the machine hits it’s crescendo and…starts spewing popcorn.

The three of you blink in silence for a few moments before Flash walks by.

“Ah sweet, popcorn,” he cheers as he takes a handful and starts munching on it.

You and Aria look to Sonata who just sticks her tongue out at you two and hops over and joins Flash.

“…I’m starting to feel like this place isn’t as dangerous as we think,” Aria grumbles.

“Well stop it,” you warn as you stand up and dust off your coat. “Because I promise you, when it comes to Twilight, Pony or Human, there’s always danger afoot.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Then why are we snooping around when she’s clearly not here?” Aria asks.

“Because we need clues of course. We have to put a stop to her shenanigans before she goes overboard,” you say.

“OK, maybe it’s because I’m new to the whole, hunting overpowered villains thing, but why don’t we just talk to her family about it?” she suggests.


“I mean, human you is chatting with them right now, why don’t we just go up to them and tell them what’s going on instead of sneaking around?”

“Oh sure, let’s just tell them their little sister got drunk on dark magical powers and is planning all sorts of nefarious schemes,” Flash snarks pointing to the two evidence boards. “I’m sure they’d believe us.”

“Hey Human, you’d be surprised what’s possible to believe around here,” she huffs.

“Yeah, for example we learned that we were the last of our kind like an hour ago and that we’ll use time travel to fix that when we go home,” Sonata says munching on some popcorn. Flash turns a skeptical eye to you and you shrug.

“To be honest, they did put up a fight, but they saw the truth in the end.”

“Exactly,” Aria adds. “And besides, family looks out for each other. I know if Sonata or Adagio started going crazy I’d like to be informed so I could help them.”

“Awww, thanks sis,” Sonata coos.

“Shut Up Dork!” Aria snaps, but Sonata still smiles with a mouthful of kernels.

“Diplomacy huh?” you say with a finger to your chin. “I have a spotty record of that because Lady Luck hates me.”

It is a possible avenue, though we would have to reveal our entire story once again to more humans, Selena points out.

“Ugh, I need to make a video of it so I don’t waste so much time,” you groan before a thought comes to you. “Can’t we just like, say Twilight is really dangerous and needs to be stopped without revealing the magic thing?”

“How would we be able to hide that factor?” Aria asks with a skeptical brow.

“I don’t know. Flash here got freaked out when I pulled Second Law out, maybe we could just say Twilight’s got a gun or something?”

They all just stare at you quietly for a few moments.

“What?” you inquire.

“How exactly does her having a gun give her wings and magical supervillain powers?” Flash deadpans.

“Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense at all,” Sonata says in pity.

“Pretty stupid,” Aria nods.

“Oh Come On! It Was Just A Thought!” you whine as everyone poopoos your plan with logic.

“Hey, if we do decide to tell her family, I think the truth is the only way to go,” Flash says with a shrug.

“Ugh! Fine! But if I have to spend another few hours explaining this whole tale again, you’re sitting along with me!” you threaten and he pales.

“Soooo, yay or nay on telling them?” Sonata asks and you sigh.

“Just keep looking around for now. It wouldn’t do to barge in on B2 while he’s got that handled. For all we know Sunset and Adagio found some clue while Cadence and Shining are being distracted.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Inside The House

"So...Sombra! How have you been? I haven't seen you in such a long time!"

To say the tension in the room is thick would be like saying pudding taste amazing, obvious and no need to even mention it. B2 didn't even think it would be possible to top meeting his alternate self in terms of awkwardness, but here it is, sitting at a large dining room table across from the niece of his ex while sitting next to his former bandmate/druggie with his two supposed daughters at the end of the table.

Oh, and let’s not forget the suspicious glaring husband sitting next to his wife, looking he'd rather be curb stomping him then chatting over his wife's lasagna.

"Oh you know, this and that. Just been trying to make ends meet so I can keep my girls happy." Sombra struggles to say in an even tone, but even B2 can feel the not so hidden heat behind his words.

"Oh that is just grand! You know I tried looking you up after your band split, but I just had no luck after you left Vegas!"

To make matters even worse, for some reason Cadence is way too overly positive about this whole thing. It's like any of her previous cynicism just didn't exist anymore!

"I think you may have taken a bit too much of her skepticism,” Sunset whispers.

"Yeah...I'm starting to realize that,” Adagio replies.

Of course, it’s the magical fish pony that made Cady so optimistic. God...where has my life been going when that sounds normal to me!?

While B2 wallows in self-pity with how weird his life has been lately, Cadence's husband decides to add B2 to the conversation as he asks,

"So @!$#, my wife tells me you used to know her aunt back in the day?"

B2 can’t stop himself from tensing slightly at the mention of Luna, but he quickly tries to shrug it off.

"Uh-ye-yeah I did. She was a part of our band back in the day, we-we used to be pretty close.”

“I see…” he says eyeing the orange haired man skeptically.

“Yup, that’s why I used to call him Uncle back in the day,” Cadence giggles before looking to the girls. “Would you two like some more? I’ve got plenty?”

“Uh, no thanks ma’am,” Sunset declines.

“I’d actually like some more,” Adagio says holding out her plate.

“No problem! Be right back. Oh Sombra, you’re so lucky to have such cute and polite little girls,” Cadence squees as she takes the plate and skips to the kitchen.

“Uh huh, sure,” Humbra nods as Sunset gives her “sister” a glare.

“What? I’m still hungry!” she grumbles.

Shining just looks back to where his wife disappeared and shakes his head.

“I have no idea what’s gotten into her.”

“Uh, what you mean by that?” B2 asks nervously.

“I mean, the past few days all she’s talked about is how rude you were and how you’d get a piece of her mind, but now she’s all sunshine and rainbows,” he says utter perplexed.

“Ah…Yeah it is a mystery,” B2 lies nervously.

“Seriously, this whole situation is strange. First she tells me who you were, how you disappeared then showed up and worked as a janitor, and on top of that, my little sister tells me you were doling out wisdom,” he accuses.

“Ah yeah, Twilight. She’s a good kid. How’s she doing by the way?” B2 stammers.

“She’s fine, working away on her science projects practically every night, but that’s not important right now,” Shining changes the subject. “I just want to know why you were so adamant about coming to my house after ghosting Cady for like a week?”

“Oh…I…wanted to apologize?” B2 lies and Shining raises a brow.

“Uh Huh. And so why is he and his kids here?” he asks pointing to Humbra.

“Uhhhh…they wanted to come along?”

Shining just stares down B2 who sweats nervously.

“It’s true,” Sunset lies and Shining looks to her. “Uh…Dad said his old friend needed a ride and we thought we’d tag along.”

“Yeah, B2 is a pretty cool guy, and he said your sister might be around to meet,” Adagio adds.

“Hmm,” Shining nods. “Well she’s not here tonight unfortunately…and who’s B2?”

“Oh, that’s what I go by nowadays,” B2 speaks up.

"B2? What kind of name is that anyway?" Armor asks with a suspicious glare.

"Uh, well you see my twin brother came to town an-"


B2's flawless (read: poor) attempt to explain his recent name is interrupted by Cadence's shocked outburst as she reenters the room, surprising everyone at the table. The fact that her eye starts twitching was also another alarming factor. Of course, B2 also picks up the fact that the others are sending him side glares for letting slip the existence of Bugze.

"Hehehe...well ya see there's a funny story to that..."

“Oh please tell, I had no idea!” Cadence says cheerfully as she gives Adagio more food and sits down in rapt attention.

“…Seriously Cady, are you drunk or something?” Shining asks.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back With You

“Wait a minute! Who decided that B2 going in alone was a good idea? I wouldn’t trust myself not to screw up a distraction by myself!” you say aloud in alarm.

You did Bugze. You came up with the plan, Selena sighs.

“…Oh right,” you acknowledge before shrugging your shoulders. “Oh well, he hasn’t cried Rutabaga yet so we’re still fine.”

"Hey over here! Twilight's scent is strongest over here!" Spike says at the far end of the barn. You and the others walk over to Spike to see a desk of some kind.

"What is this?" Aria asks.

"It's Twilight's main work desk outside of her room at Crystal Prep and home," Spike says before hopping onto a nearby chair. "She does her main work over here." You examine the desk and there's several notes and such all over it, including blueprints to CHS and Crystal Prep buildings and more.

“Oh, so that’s where my blueprints of Crystal Prep went,” you say in recognition.

“Why did you have these?” asks Aria.

“I kind of thought the portal to get back home was at that school since it’s the mirror location to the Crystal Empire where the other portal is and…Never mind. Point is, it wasn’t there and was a waste of time.”

“Not really. Twilight used these plans to prank those mean girls that laugh at her,” Spike says.

“Oh yeah, forgot about that,” you nod.

“And now she has the blue prints to Canterlot High,” Flash says with a shudder and your eyes widen.

“Right, we’re taking these with us,” you say scooping up the blue prints and throwing them into the inventory.


CHS Blueprints

Crystal Prep Blueprints

“I’m pretty sure she’ll just get more,” Aria says after you close back up the bag.

“Yeah, but this might delay her. We have no idea what she’s planning, but if I taught her anything it’s sneaking around in public places at night.”

They all look at you funny at that.

“Shut up!” you yell at their unspoken judging. “But yeah, even if we don’t see her tonight, we know she’s interested in CHS thanks to this and the evidence board.

“Hey look, I think I found her diary!” Sonata chirps. When you look at her, she is holding a notebook open, but she suddenly frowns. “Oh wait, it’s just more boring technobabble junk!” She then tosses the book down, and the cover catches your eye.

“Project Midnight?” you ponder as you pick it up. Just as Sonata said, it is a bunch of technobabble, with sketches of some sort of weird amulet. There’s even a bunch of numbers written down with a star at the end.

“Hmm, it looks like a combination,” Flash says reading over your shoulder.

“Really? Like that safe thing over there?” Sonata speaks up. You look to where she’s pointing and see a wall mounted safe with a number pad stuck to it.

“Huh, good eye Sonata,” you praise and she grins.

“You know, this girl doesn’t seem as smart as you claim if she’s leaving all this stuff out in the open like this,” Aria observes.

“Well when you go the villain route, you tend to get cocky and do stupid things. I’m sure you guys know all too well,” you point out as you walk to the safe.

“…Adagio did start laughing a lot more for no reason and we followed suite,” the purple girl reminisces in realization.

“Hey Bugze, maybe we shouldn’t look in there? It might be her brothers cash or something,” Flash warns but you ignore him and start entering the code.

"10102010" You say aloud as you enter in the numbers. The panel lights up as a hissing noise fills the room and the small compartment opens up to reveal the amulet in the book.

"What is this thing?" You say turning around for the others to see. Unnoticed by you a small red light turns on the moment you take the amulet and a high pitched frequency goes off, unnoticed by the others except Spike who shakes his head in annoyance.

In The Everfree

“Thanks again for these. You’re contribution to science will not be forgotten,” Midnight Sparkle says to Timber Spruce holding the 6 companion gems to the one she got from you. “Say, you’re pretty cute. You doing anything this weekend?”

“You just beat up my sister and now you’re asking for a date?!” the green haired boy shouts in exasperation as he cradles the still dazed Gloriosa.

“Hey! She started it!” Sparkle says with her hands on her hips. “If she had just given me the stones when I politely asked, I wouldn’t have had to use my sick powers on her.”

“You crashed through our roof while we were eating dinner! Of course she was going to retaliate!” he argues.

“Oh Nag Nag Nag, look, you wanna go to the carnival or not?” she asks with a roll of her eyes.

“I mean…I wouldn’t be opposed…" he admits after looking her up and down. "But still, kind of still upset about the whole knocking Gloriosa out thing!”

“Ugh, fine. I’ll ask again when you’re in a better mood,” she grumbles as she takes out her phone. “What’s your phone num…What the Hell?!” Her shriek is caused by the warning message that her phone is giving off.

“Seriously?! Who the Hell is Messing With My Stuff?! It Better Not Be You Cadence!” she growls before looking to the boy with a creepy smile.“Sorry cutie, but I gotta go deal with something,” she says as she puts her phone away. She then queezes all of the stones together, causing her to glow with even more power.

“Oh yeah, that’s the stuff…” she moans before winking at Timber. “See Ya!” She then blasts off into the sky with her powerful wings over the monkey sanctuary and towards Canterlot.

“But…I didn’t give you my number…” Timber whimpers as she disappears into the distance.

“Oh goodie! Lower Primates! You’re definitely coming with me!” Sparkle giggles in the distance.

After awhile of sitting on the ground with his knocked out sister in his lap, two vehicles pull up, illuminating him with their head lights. Applejack exits her pick up and tips her hat at Timber.

“Howdy there, you doing alright?” she asks.

“Uhhh…” he stammers and she raises a brow.

“I’ll take that as a no,” she says cautiously looking to Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy still in the vehicles. “I know it may sound strange, but did you come across a girl with wings tonight?”

Timber just gives the cowgirl a deadpan look as Gloriosa moans and stirs.

“You could say that,” he nods.

"Dang It Fluttershy! I told you we shouldn't have stopped at the Monkey Sanctuary!" Rainbow Dash complains.

"...Sorry," Fluttershy apologizes.

Back With You

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Anyone else hear that?” Spike asks as he paws at his ear.

“What? The sound of my brain melting trying to understand this sciency nonsense?” you groan as Flash still reads off notes about the Amulet.

“No, I mean that high pitched whining noise?” he clarifies.

“Aria, can we please go now! I’m hungry!” Sonata whines.

“You Just Had Popcorn! Suck It Up!” her sister scolds.

“Yes, yes I do hear that Spike,” you nod and he growls in annoyance.

“Yeah, I’m still not getting the gist of this,” Flash admits as he stops reading aloud and closes the book. Sunset probably would get a better grasp of it.

“Can’t argue with that logic,” you nod. “OK, let’s go link back with the others and-“ you are interrupted as Flash’s and your phones chime with a text. Looking at it, you see it’s from Human Pinkie Pie.

Hey, so we made it to Camp Everfree, but we were too late and Twilight already stole their magic rocks. Sorry :(

Your eyes widen as you look to Flash who got the same message.

“Does this mean she’s even more powerful?” he asks shakily.

“Yeah, yeah I think it does,” you sigh and facepalm.

I would not suggest a direct confrontation with her then if she’s even stronger Bugze, Selena warns.

I figured as much, you nod as you look at Aria and Sonata.

“OK so bad news, Twilight hit Camp Everfree and now has even more magical rocks making her OP.”

“Oh…that’s bad right?” asks Sonata innocently.

“Yes that’s bad stupid,” Aria grumbles and looks to you. “So what do we do now?”

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Well, if she’s just completed a mission, my gut tells me she might come back here at any moment to further her villain progress…so I say we stake this place out. I’ll try to talk her down, but if it doesn’t work, you, Sonata and Adagio do your Siren thing and subdue her.”

“But Adagio is still at the main house,” Sonata reminds you.

“Well give her a text as a heads up, and if it all goes bad before we reconvene just yell Rutabaga,” you say in exasperation.

“OK, why is the code word that?” Flash asks.

“Because it’s funny sounding and I’ve never heard anyone accidentally say it,” you explain. “But anyway, let’s find some places to hide.”

“Alright, you wanna saddle up with me partner?” Aria asks Flash, giving him lidded eyes to which he starts sweating.

“Uhhhh…” he stammers and takes few steps back.

“OI! Cut that out!” you chide, throwing a bit of popcorn at her for good measure. “You’re a sea horse, don’t forget that!”

“Ugh!” she groans as she facepalms. “Sorry, sorry, it’s this stupid body’s fault!”

“Right, no worries, heh heh,” Flash chuckles with a blush.

“Seriously, does it only take a year in this place before you start thinking apes look attractive? Even Sunset held out for a few years,” you shake your head in disappointment.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to go through puberty again?! Because it really, really sucks!” Aria growls at you.

“Well excuse me for being my own age in this stupid world!”

“What’s puberty?” asks Sonata.

“Not Now!” you both yell at her and she winces.

“Seriously, that is NOT a conversation I want to have right now,” you say trying to dissuade her.

“…Alright then. If it’s making things weird, I’ll hide with the cute guy,” Sonata says.

“Yeah alri-Wait, Wha-“ Flash babbles before Sonata seizes him by the arm and pulls him away.

“You’re coming too Spikey!” she says excitedly as she picks up the puppy.

“Why do I have to hide? I belong here more than you guys do?” he asks as she carries him under one arm and drags the teen with the other.

“...” Aria glares at you silently while they disappear.

“What?” you question.

“Really? Not gonna yell at her?”

“Nah, she’s too innocent for thoughts like that. Reminds me a lot of Pinkie Pie only without the reality warping powers,” you admit and she sighs. “But yeah, guess you and I are hiding together.”

“Oh Goody,” she snarks as you two walk off.

“Hey, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get home before you go full on native and live out every sicko Humie’s disgusting dream.”

“Alright, why do you keep saying Humie? I know it’s derivative of Humans, but still,” she asks in annoyance.

“Oh, that’s the name of these weirdo adults that watch a filly’s show called My Little Human back home. And trust me, it’s just as bizarre and sickening as you think,” you shudder, picturing Lyra.

“They watch a little kid’s show? Heh, how pathetic can you get?” Aria smirks with a laugh.

“I know right?” you agree.

Haters, Sombra grumbles.

“But yeah, don’t be like them Aria, fight the teenage brain chemicals and be normal. I’ll have to deal with that enough as it is in a few years, but I sure as buck don’t want to deal with it now,” you admit in fear as you picture how torturous teenage Nightshade is going to be.

“Ugh, quit harping on it! I got it, I got it!” she groans as she stumbles across something big. “Oh hey, this could work.”

Looking to where she’s pointing, you see a car, far more fancier than Humbra’s piece of junk. The only thing that gives you pause is that sciency things are lying around it…but then again, you don’t know much about car repair which Flash said Human Shining does, so you shrug it off.

“Yeah, this could work, and it’s got comfy seats,” you say looking inside.

“I call driver!” Aria says as she opens the door and hops in.

“Eh, go ahead. Last time I was allowed to drive something it literally fell apart. And that was just a derby racer,” you relent as you get in the passenger seat, not even realizing that there is a large rocket engine attached to the back of the vehicle.

“Alright, time for a magical stakeout,” you say in determination.

Some Time Later

“Ugh! Stakeouts are so boring! We’ve been here forever!” you complain and slump in your seat.

“It’s only been five minutes,” Aria says.

“AGH! Even Worse!” you whine as you look for something, anything in this stupid human car that could entertain you.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

And that’s when you see it, a big red button right on the dashboard. It’s colors shine in the darkness illuminating your whole world as an angelic choir beckons you to press it.

Bugze, don’t you even think about pressing that, Selena scolds.

Oh, but it’s just sitting there, taunting me, you argue.

Yes, but I have a feeling that this button won’t produce popcorn. Don’t Press It! She warns.

…Can’t I just feel the texture of the button without pushing down?


Go for it, just get it over with, Sombra encourages.

Oh, so I’m not the only one, You think happily

What?! Why Would You Say That? Selena snarls at the king.

Because arguing is just delaying the inevitable, you know he’s going to push it regardless, so why fight it?

Because I like encouraging his self preservation thank you very much! She yells. BUGZE, DO NOT PUSH THAT BUTTON!

Alright fine, geeze, you relent and cross your arms. I just wish I had Flash’s phone still so I could look at cat videos.

You see? She says smugly to Sombra. He knows when to listen to common sense and-


“What was that?” Aria asks as she lifts her foot from the button where she kicked her feet up to relax.

Told you, inevitable! Sombra goads.

To be fair, it wasn’t me, you chuckle nervously as the car starts to rumble.

…Gorramit, Selena curses tiredly.

Inside The House

“So what you’re saying is, this mysterious twin brother and you kept disguising yourselves as each other while you were working at Crystal Prep?” Shining asks in disbelief.

“Yup,” B2 nods. “That’s why Twilight kept getting different advice. In fact, you can blame anything bad on my twin brother! He’s the trouble maker!”

Humbra, Sunset and Adagio give perplexed glares at you as Shining clearly doesn’t buy it.

“Oh, that makes complete sense to me,” Cadance says without a hint of sarcasm.

“Cadance, what are you talking about? That’s complete bull crap!” her fiancé asks in exasperation.

“Oh Shiny, you’ve got to be more optimistic,” she says with a sweet smile. “Sure he might have lived on the street for a few years after cheating on my aunt and is now trying to restart his career without her…but I’m sure he’s being honest.”

“Wha…I…” Shining just looks at his wife in total confusion.

“Hey Now, that whole cheating thing wasn’t by choice!” B2 defends a bit angrily.

“Oh really? I’m sorry then,” Cadance apologizes.

“Baby, what’s going on with you?” Shining asks in desperation.

“Hey girly, you think you can do this voodoo on my bitchy neighbor?” Humbra whispers to Adagio.

“I could, but what’s in it for me?” she asks slyly.

“No! No More Mind Manipulation! This is going so poorly,” Sunset says facepalming. “That text I got from Pinkie earlier said Twilight might be on her way, and we’ve made no progress.”

“Hey, at least we’re in the safest spot for when she does come,” Adagio points out.


Irony strikes as a large explosion happens outside, startling everyone.

All of the dinner guests get up and look out the window to see a car hurtling out of the barn, which now has a hole in it, and moving at high speeds as flames shoot out the back, and two figures inside scream to the heavens.

“What The Hell Is That?!” Shining shouts in anger as the car wildly swerves down the road.

“Uh, uh, Sombra’s Car Just Got Stolen! Filthy Car Jackers!” B2 lies badly as everyone facepalms.

“But that was my car!”

Ello Callebero’s Comment

“RUTABAGA! RUTABAGA!!!” Sonata yells, flailing her arms wildly as she runs out of the hole in the garage, followed by Flash and Spike.

Shining turns his twitching eye towards B2 who sweat nervously.

“…Yup! Stupid Teen Car Thieves!” he doubles down.

“Alright you filthy bum, I’ve had enough of your suspiciousness,” Shining says as he advances on B2. “Tell me what’s going on right now orrrrrrrr...Right, car thieves, I can’t believe they stole your car.”

Everyone in the know looks as Adagio sucks up more green smoke into her pendant.

“What?! He was getting violent!” she defends.

“…Yes. Car thieves. They broke your barn too,” B2 takes advantage of the situation.

“Those little punks! How Dare They?!” Shining scowls and looks out the window at the befuddled Flash.

“It’s awful what this neighborhood is turning into,” Cadance shakes her head.

“I’m calling the cops,” Shining says as she digs out his phone.

“Uh, there’s no need for that! Everything’s cool!” Adagio says in a panic as she starts absorbing more green energy from the couple.

“…Yeah, everything’s cool,” Shining says sleepily as he sits down.

“It’s all fine,” Cadence agrees with a yawn.

“Really?” Sunset chides.

“Shut up kid! We’re in too deep, it’s all or nothing now!” Sombra defends.

“Don’t tell me to shut up! You’re not my real Dad!” Sunset argues.

“Ain’t that the truth,” he growls.

“Quit shouting or I’ll harvest your negative energies too!” Adagio threatens. And while they argue and B2 has a mild panic attack…

Back With You

We find you screaming for your life as the siren turned human steers the super sonic car as best as she can down the street.

“This is worse than a bus! This is so much worse!” you screech as she swerves around several more vehicles.

“I’m trying my best here!” Aria yells in abject terror as she tries not to get you both killed.

After scraping vehicles, avoiding pedestrians, and running more than a few red lights and stop signs, vehicle starts to run out of thrust, though at this point you are halfway through a city park, messing up all of the grass and heading straight for a duck pond.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” you shriek as Aria yells, gluing her foot to the brake. Thankfully the car stops…just as soon as you enter the shallow end of the pond.

The both of you panting heavily, you look at each other, then at the water halfway up the car doors before you both climb out the windows and get onto dry land.
Sopping wet, you both catch your breaths on the shoreline in the middle of the gigantic park as the car steams.

“…If anyone asks, you did this,” she pants. “I’ll never hear the end of it from Adagio.”

“Oh Buck No, you made this bridge, now burn it!” you sneer at her.

“I don’t think that’s how the saying goes,” she points out.

“Whatever!” you throw your hands up. “But yeah, my thesis on machines being evil has yet another piece of evidence added.”

I’m actually starting to lean that way myself, Selena says, sounding rattled.

…I thought it was fun, Sombra mumbles under his breath.

Before anymore conversations can be had though…

“Well, well, well, look what we have here?” a very irritated and distorted voice says from above you. You freeze in shock before your eyes travel upwards, and you see the dark demonic visage of human Twilight flapping her wings.

“Oh, uh…hi Twilight?” you say lamely with a wave.

“Holy Crap! This is her?” Aria says a little spooked. The flying girl ignores the Siren as she just glares right at you.

“Mr. Bugze, whichever one you are, what do you think you’re doing stealing my car and amulet?” she asks with venom as her eyes glow.

You start to shiver as you look into those eyes, and even now, you can sense how much stronger she’s gotten with the other gems in her possession. Basically, You’re Bucked.

“I…well you see,” you stammer as she scowls at you.

“Choose your next words carefully…” she threatens as she snaps her fingers and flying out of the darkness around her, are some familiar looking simian terrors you encountered some weeks ago. Only this time their eyes are glowing purple and they all have their own ethereal wings.

“Flying Monkeys? Are You Bucking Kidding Me?” Aria gasps.

…I don’t like this new side of her, Selena says in worry.

You can bucking say that again!

Midnight Sparkle and her flying monkey minions hover above you and Aria. You are soaking wet, separated from your allies, and alone in the middle of the night in a park.


Episode 53: Midnight Sparkle's First Strike

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Kichi’s Comment

Master of Shadow’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

You stare up at the demonic looking human and her flapping pissed off simians.

Oh for buck’s sake, not the monkeys again! How did I turn Twilight into the Wicked Witch?

Well you’re brainless, your heart’s not your own, and you’re a massive coward, Sombra points out and your eye twitches.

Wow thanks, very helpful! You chide sarcastically. And I doubt throwing water at her is going to make her melt either!

“Well? I’m waiting for your wonderful excuse as to why you’ve betrayed me?” Sparkle says impatiently and you gulp.

“Uh…er…Would you believe that we found the car like that?” you ask pointing at the rocket propelled vehicle which is slowly sinking into the mud.

“…No. No I would not,” she says, her glare intensifying.

“I didn’t think so,” you sigh heavily.

“And my amulet, which was behind a safe if I recall, did you just ‘find that’ too?” she asks crossly.

“….We were spring cleaning?” you say lamely and she just deadpans at you and Aria facepalms.

“First of all, it’s Fall, and second of all, thanks to your snooping, I need to set up a new lab, and lastly, I think I’m done with your excuses,” she says as power begins to vibrate around her.

“I…Uh…” you stammer.

Placate her Bugze! Quickly! Selena implores.

Yes! Divert her attention! Sombra agrees.

You take their advice as you raise your hand and point behind the flying girl.


“What?!” the winged human yelps as she turns her head and looks behind herself.

Seeing your chance, you grab Aria by the hand and start to book it…only for her to quickly fly in front of you, cutting off your escape route.

“Cute, very cute,” Sparkle says without humor as the monkeys now encircle you.

“Gorramnit!” you curse, “That usually buys me a few more seconds.”

“Really? That trick works consistently for you?” Aria asks in astonishment.

“Yeah, it’s an oldy but a goody,” you nod.

“Yeah, but don’t expect that to work again,” Sparkle says menacingly as her eyes glow.

“OK Twi, let’s just calm down here huh?” you plead nervously. “I know things are bad looking, but it’s not what it looks like.”

“Not what it looks like huh?” she accuses. “You wrecked one of my experiments and stole a prototype! I told you, I’d come around again after I was done experimenting, but no, you sneak into my lab, betray my trust, and you even have some other purple girl with two toned hair as your sidekick!”

“Hey now! I am not his sidekick!” Aria defends, but is ignored.

“So yeah, I think it’s exactly what it looks like. You betrayed me, just like all those bitches in school…”

“Okay, okay, you got me, I did steal some of your stuff,” you admit, hands outstretched and palms up. “But I didn’t betray you, I was just worried about you kid. Magic can get to your head and overload you. Just look at the guy at the mall.”

“Aha! I knew that wasn’t just a promotion!” she cheers triumphantly. “Where is that specimen so that I might study and drain his magical essence?”

“Okay, first of all, ew, and second of all, I can’t let you do that Twilight. Look at yourself, you’re becoming a cartoon villain.”

“I am not a villain! I am a scientist!” she declares.

“Yeah and me and my sisters were singers, the two aren’t mutually exclusive,” Aria snarks and Twilight glares at her.

“I don’t know who you are bitch, but shut it! This is between me and Mr. Bugze!”

“What did you just call me?!” Aria growls but again she is ignored.

“Hey now, there is no need for that, but come on Twilight, seriously look at yourself,” you try to reason.

“Hmmph, so if I’m a ‘villain’ then that makes you what? The hero?” she accuses.

“Me? A Hero? Hah!” you laugh in self deprecation. “Long ways from that kid, but even still I’m not going around stealing magic and getting vengeance with an army of monkeys!”

“The monkeys are relatively new,” she defends. “But still, what’s wrong with taking vengeance? You’re the one who taught me to stand up to those whores!”

“Yeah, but Twilight, you’re super powered now. Believe me, it’s easy to go overboard and hurt them badly, maybe even kill them,” you warn.

She grits her teeth at that.

“What? You think I’m stupid? You think I’d do something as dumb as kill someone? I Am A Genius! It Makes No Sense To Kill Them! They Must Continue To Suffer My Wrath And So Must Live!” she says sounding extremely deranged.

“…Holy Crap,” Aria says from behind you after a few heartbeats of silence.

“Yeah, no kidding,” you nod beyond disturbed by Twilight’s new sadistic attitude.

“And I won’t just stop with those bullies, oh no. I’ll go right to the top and knock Cinch down from her high horse! I have the power to stop her corruption, and all corruption! When I’ve gathered more magic, no one will be able to stop me!” she monologues with a cackle.

“But Twilight, come on, this isn’t-“

“It is now Mr. Bugze, now, give me back my amulet and I’ll only punish you a little” she demands.

“A little?” you ask with a shiver.

“Well if you play hardball, I’ll go with my original plan of dunking you both at the bottom of the lake and shaving your heads and taking whatever magic you have left,” she smiles maliciously.

“The Tartarus you are!” Aria screams as she tugs her twin tails down.

“Yeah! Noling messes with the do!” you cry, pulling your hat down tighter. “B-Besides, I don’t have any magic. You took the stone I had!”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Don’t give me that. I studied that mall fight. Even with all of these stones I can’t shoot fireballs out of my hands, so you’re still holding out!” she points at you.

“Oh, that’s actually not magic, that’s genetic manipulation,” you explain and she raises a brow.

“Say what now?”

“Yeah, you see back where I’m from I took these experimental potion things that rewrote my DNA and stuff and so I can do magical type things that aren’t magic. Although without the glove in this stupid body, it really really hurts.”

She just shakes her head at that.

“That amount of genetic manipulation is nowhere in the realm of possibility, not in this century anyway. Magic on the other hand is surprisingly more believable.”

“But it’s the truth! Heck, you know I’m not the only Bugze. You saw both of us together!” you point out.

“Yes, I overheard your explanations back at the haunted house. A parallel world filled with talking horses? Please, that sounds like a little kid’s cartoon!” she balks.

“Hey take that back! It may be full of stupid speciest ponies, but it’s still my home!”

“Hmmph, well the magic does have to come from somewhere…” she ponders before shaking her head. “But that’s research for another day. Now hand over the goods!”

“Uhhh, right,” you say as you reach into the bag. “Here it is. Bonafide magic!” you yell as you throw the hoverboard at her feet.

“…Is this supposed to be funny?” she asks humorlessly.

“No, it’s supposed to be fire,” you lament, just as it catches flame for no reason.

“…Why did it just do that?” asks Aria.

“I have no clue,” you shrug.

“This isn’t magic, this is just faulty craftsmanship,” Sparkle says disgusted as she telekinetically throws the flaming hoverboard back at you where it promptly extinguishes. “Now enough stalling! GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!” she commands with power.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"Okay...Aria stay behind me alright?"

The siren looks at you like you’re crazy...which admittedly you probably are at this point, but that's beside the point.

"What!? Are you crazy or something!? That is literally a magic demon with a human body, and you want me to stay behind you!?"

“It doesn’t matter who stands behind who, you’re not getting out of this,” Twi-Midnight says maliciously. You’ve decided to call her Midnight since Twilight entails having some sort of light to it, but she is gone full dark. "The logical and safest option is to just give in and accept your fate," she says in an evilly sly tone.

You stop yourself from gulping in fear as you put on a brave face and smile kindly at Aria before saying,

"Just trust me Aria, I've got this. Whatever happens now you do not interfere, we clear?"

For some reason Aria seems to flinch at that, as if she was remembering something she'd rather not, but still reluctantly nods her head in agreement.

With that said and done you slowly start to approach Midnight, your hands clenching in anger at the monster she has become due to the magic's corruption.

Are you sure about this? I must admit this is not even close to the smartest decision you could make.

Selena's words echo in your mind, but you don't respond as you focus on keeping a calm expression on your face as you approach Midnight. However even you don't realize that your 'calm' expression has morphed into one of subdued rage, at how twisted the kind girl you've been helping has become.

"This is between you and me, Midnight!"

Her eyes widen slightly in surprise, but it quickly leaves her face as a smug look takes form on her face.

"Ooooh, Midnight! I quite like that. It has such an...interesting feel to it. And the harshness you speak with it, I wonder if there's some story behind it with the rest of your secrets?"

You don't say anything as you continue to slowly stalk towards the mad teenager, but this doesn't seem to effect Midnight. Instead she spreads her arms out in mock superiority with arrogance bleeding off her as she speaks in a mocking tone,

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of fruitlessly running away, you're coming right to me?" Her outstretched hands fly backwards to her magical monkey army as she continues her condescending tone, "Even though you've seen my magical monkey minions and sensed my magical power, you still decide to approach me?!"

Her ignorance breaks into slight madness at the end, but you don't pay it any mind. After all, you've dealt with and seen far more insanity caused by corrupted magic in the past. Perhaps that's why you’re so enraged at this abomination? Perhaps this was the last straw for you, to see that not even a person like Twilight could resist the temptation of the dark?
Even for a few seconds you swear you can feel the familiar rush of your magic course through you, but it’s only a phantom feeling.

"I can't beat some sense into you without getting closer," you call out in an even tone, with rage bubbling behind it. Your tone seems to ignite something inside of the deranged Midnight, as she sneers at you and begins to walk towards you as well.

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like!"

The two of you stalk towards each other, neither of you taking your eyes off the other as you get closer and closer. Eventually you both meet up in the middle and you quickly take Second Law out of the Inventory and fire before Midnight has a chance to react...only for your blast to be caught in her magic. You stare at the magical bubble holding your air blast and even through your rage you can't help but chuckle nervously.

“You…You…” she stammers looking from the bubble to you and back in outrage.

"So...about th-*BAM*!" you are cut off as the air shot slams into you, sending you to the ground.

“Bugze!” Aria cries out as you cough.

Okay…wasn’t expecting that, you think as you wheeze.

“You did it, you actually did it,” Midnight says in barely subdued rage. “You went and fired a gun at me! You call me a villain, say you were worried, but you’ve shown your true colors you bastard!” she yells at you.

“H-Hey, if it helps, it’s just an Air Gu-AAAHHHH!!!” you are cut off as all of the monkeys descend upon you. The first 20 to 40 punches come in rapid fire succession and your stupid human body is thrown for a loop.

“Anyling get the number of that bus?!” you stammer as your eyes spin and Midnight looks at you with malicious enjoyment.

While still dizzy, some of the monkeys begin biting you and pulling at your hair, and that pain finally gets your feet moving.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Ahh back you crazy flying monkeys!” You yell trying to dodge their attacks. You look to see one create a flaming ball of poo and fling it at you. “Really?! Flaming poop?!” You groan dodging the poo as it sails past you toward the ground. And of course because Lady Luck hates you the grass is set ablaze. Aria yipes as she flees behind a nearby park bench trying to avoid getting caught in the disgusting crossfire and Midnight laughs at the sight of your misery.

“Hah ha! Yes get him my pretties! Retrieve my amulet! Hahaha!” She laughs to the heavens, her expression turning to that of a crazed maniac. You raise your fist and punch the nearest monkey disorienting it. Another comes up from behind you and tries to put you in a full nelson. Thinking quickly you ram your back into a nearby tree making the flying beast let go in pain. You quickly start running trying to avoid the raining fire.

“Dang it! I really wish I had my magic!” you yell turning Second Law at an nearby monkey, you pull the trigger and send it flying into another.

As do I Bugze, but without that shard, we are useless! Selena sighs in frustration as the monkey’s began to cut you off, edging you closer to the poo fires.

Why not use the amulet? Miss monkey queen over there wants it so obviously does something, Sombra suggests and your eyes light up.

“Well might as well,” you shrug as you bring the mysterious amulet out of the Inventory and hold it in front of you.

“It’s too late to give it back and hope for forgiveness! Take your beating like a man!” Twilight mocks you when she sees her prize.

“But I’m Not A Man! I’m A Bug! Come on do something!” you panic as the monkeys get closer. You start shaking the amulet around, praying for a miracle, when you hear a clicking noise as you feel one of your fingers find a button. The amulet lights up, opens itself like a clam and rises towards the encroaching monkeys as Midnight’s eyes widen in shock.

“Stop get back!” The monkeys try to stop their charge, with most veering off in different directions, but some are too late. The ones closest to you stop in mid air panicking as their magic begins to be sucked out of them and their glowing blue eyes and purple ethereal wings begin to fade.

“Whoa!” you say in amazement as the magic amasses itself into a ball of energy which gets absorbed into the necklace. Drained, the monkeys fall to the ground, and start groaning dizzily.

“OF ALL THE! GRAAH!” Midnight roars as she motions for her remaining monkeys to fly back to her. “How dare you test one of my experiments out successfully?!”

“Hey! You’d do the same when being attacked by a million monkeys!” you yell out as you stare at the item in your hands.

Soo, Selena, what did I just do?

I think you absorbed their magic? She guesses unsurely as Sombra groans in annoyance.

That’s only partially true. The amulet itself absorbed the magic you dense motherbuckers! She’s looking to steal what little there is in this world!

Your eyes widen as you look at the angry visage of Midnight.

So she not only wants all the magical items in this world, but she wants to absorb all of that magic into her body? What kind of bucked up villain plan is that?

In Equestria

A centaur sneezes while in the midst of absorbing the magic out of some pink haired jackass. He sniffles, rubs his nose, and then doubles his efforts on the sad sack.

Back In Human Land

Midnight stares at you meticulously as you hold the amulet and the depowered monkeys start to shake through their fuzziness and wander off.

“…It’s still not complete,” she mutters to herself.

Huh? You think in confusion.

She’s right, it’s incomplete, Sombra points out.

How so? Selena inquires.

For one do you feel any more magic flowing through you? He asks.

Uhhh…you trail off, feeling no different.

Well there’s your answer. If it were complete then the magic in this device would have transferred to you directly, instead of within within the device itself. As for it’s capacity, I know not.

And you know all this how?

I am a master of dark arts and the arcane you peons! I dabbled with devices such as this when I was king, or did you forget how Amore was the one who created such an amulet using my people’s power? He says snootily and you flash back that accursed amulet that made Trixie nuts.

Right, I almost forgot that. Almost…you think sadly as you look down to the slightly glowing star on the amulet. It then starts glowing on two of the arrows, pointing in Midnight’s direction as power begins flowing in her fist.

“Surrender it now, or I will blast you Bugze!”

“Not a chance! I’ll just absorb it!” you say in defiance, holding the amulet up defensively.

She grits her teeth before she looks over to Aria and smiles evilly.

“Give it back now or I’ll blast her!” she threatens and you pale.

“Oh Screw You!” Aria yells at Midnight, standing up from behind the bench.

“…Okay, I’m gonna blast you anyway now!” she yells as a ball of dark energy shoots over your head and towards the Siren.

“Aria! No!” you call out in alarm as it’s too far away to absorb…but Aria doesn’t move. Instead, she starts…singing?

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

“You’re a bitch, you’re a bitch, you’re a bitch bitch bitch!

You’re a bitch, you’re a bitch, you’re a bitch bitch bitch!

You’re a bitch, you’re a bitch, you’re a bitch bitch bitch!

“Yyyyooouuurrr’eee A Stupid Bitch!”

And believe it or not, a miasma of green energy surrounds her as the dark magic hits it…and is seemingly overtaken.

“WHAT?!” Midnight shouts in alarm and the amulet in your hands starts dragging you towards the Siren.

“You can’t handle my solo skills bitch!” Aria sings smugly as Sparkle sends another blast, which is absorbed into her necklace.

“You’re…you’re a magic type as well…” Midnight gasps as Aria smirks in defiance.

“Far longer than you have, stupid human!” Aria then takes a deep breath and…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Starts singing a fast paced song as more green smoke billows around her.

“Nobody's gonna wanna get next to me
Cause they know (they know)
I'll take this one I won’t let it go
Doesn't matter how you approach the scene
Just go (just go)
You're everything you want when you hit the door”

Twilight snarls and sends more blasts at Aria, but she moves within her smoke and they miss.

“I dare you to challenge me
You'll be begging for mercy please
Just watch I'll give you something to follow
Cause I've been waiting so patiently
Got fire come outa me
I fought you up again, I'm just letting you know.”

Aria gives a smug grin as her smoke wafts over the fire from the flaming monkey poo, and seems to manipulate it into a shield in front of her, which blocks more of Midnight’s blasts.

“I keep giving you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for fire
I'm a light it up
Gotta make it hot
This stage is mine
So set it up”

A genius knowin no one can take this crown
It's so great (so great)
They can’t cool me off when I hit the stage
Burnin hot, the spotlight has spelt my name!”

Despite the amulet tugging you closer and closer to her defensive moves, you can’t help but stare longingly at the beautiful flames she’s created to frustrate Midnight.

“I feel famous (famous)
The crowd cheers me on I can't get enough

“I dare you to challenge
You'll be begging for mercy please
Just watch! I'll give you something to follow
Cause I've been waiting so patiently
Got fire come outa me!

She then sends a blast of that fire at Midnight who eeps and flies higher, while some of the monkeys scatter and fly back.

“I fought you up again
I'm just letting you know

“I keep giving you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for fire
I'm a light it up
Gotta make it hot
This stage is mine!”

Then with a flourish, and what you swear to be the ghostly image of some aquatic sea horse, she shoots a big torrent of flames out at Midnight who holds her hand sup to block the flames.

“I keep giving you the fire
I'm a heat it up
Under my control
Here's the night that you've been waiting for fire
I'm a light it up
Gotta make it hot
This stage is mine
Let's set it up

She finishes the solo with a spin and the flames deepen and Midnight actually grits her teeth from the heat.

Holy Tartarus the Sirens are hiding some moves, you think in amazement as the increase in magic tugs you even harder to her fiery green smoke.

Snarling, Midnight puts more energy into her hands and disperses the flames.

“ENOUGH! You’re Power! I Must Have It!” she shrieks as she rapid fire sends a volley of magical blasts, trying to overwhelm the Siren who starts having trouble dodging and absorbing them. But just as a few near her and are about to strike, you step into the green cloud and you feel the touch of magic. Shadows suddenly swirl around you, and a dark black hoof appears and deflects several of the dark blasts with a cry of,

“MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDAAAA!!!” you scream without knowing why.

“What the hell?” Sparkle stutters in surprise as she glimpses the shadowy alicorn in front of you.

“Whoa, dude, is that a pony?” Aria gasps, interrupting her concentration on the green smoke.

“…Selena?” you question as her smoky form looks down at her hooves before she fades back into you and the green mist goes back into Aria.

“The buck was that?” you question.

I don’t know! she admits, sounding startled. I did something similar back at the mall, but I thought I’d imagined it.

It must be the siren magic surrounding our human body making you be able to Stand next to me…you theorize as the amulet still seemingly pulls towards the bewildered Aria.

Well, she’s more floating but-

Yes, STANDING next to me, you ignore the king as Twilight looks at you in rage.

“Are you going to deny that that’s magic too?” she accuses pulling at her hair.

“…Yes,” you nod and she snarls.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“This isn’t over Bugze! You won’t stop my plans! I’ll get you, that singing bitch and your shadow horse too!” she roars as she flies off into the night with her remaining monkeys as you and Aria look on in confusion as you try to process everything.

“Uhh what just happened?” Aria asks.

“I have no clue, but this stupid thing won’t stop yanking!” you grunt as the amulet starts dragging you towards her.

“Gah what are you doing?!”

“It’s not me it’s the amulet!” You say trying to pull it away. It starts to open up again and Aria starts to sweat nervously.

“Stop it hurry!” she shouts, and you squirm your wormy fingers over the surface, eventually finding that hidden button in it’s midst, and stopping the tug of war. Sighing in relief, you lower the magic absorber and Aria shouts,

“The Tartarus was that Bugze!?”

“Sorry it just acted on it’s own. It absorbs magic, and from the look of things, also tracks where said magic is, and you’re pretty much a hotbed of it,” you explain.

“Well just be more careful next time, I felt the mana moving through my veins when that opened. Oh goddess, was that how it felt for when we absorbed negative emotions from others?” Aria thinks to herself.

“I have no idea,” you shrug. “I mean, you did eat some of Midnight’s blasts, so maybe?”

Aria then looks at the thing nervously and back at you.

“Well then why didn’t it absorb that shadowy pony that appeared? What was that anyway?” she questions and you just shrug.

“I…Well that mare is the one that Adagio said was in my head-“

“That was your marefriend?!”

“I mean…we haven’t exactly dated or-“

“Whatever!” she handwaves, “Why did she appear?”

“I think it had something to do with your green mist,” you hypothesize. I mean, we did come here looking for one to get her a body, so I guess that function is partially working. But as for why she wasn’t absorbed…”

I have no idea my bug, Selena says breathlessly. I still felt the essence of my soul within you, but it’s like I was puppeting that image of me, that…

Standing thing? Sombra suggest mockingly.

You know what, if you’re going to be an ass about it, then yes, that STAND of me, I could control it, she says as Sombra groans.

“Yes?” Aria asks at your trailed off silence, so you give her the best answer you can.

“I think maybe since that was Selena’s Stand of herself, that it was her life essence, and not magic to be absorbed?” you guess.

“Can…can you do it again?” she asks.

…Selly? You question.

No such luck Bugze, I can’t seem to do anything. I think your hypothesis about surrounding magic was spot on.

Huh…Am I secretly a genius?

No, Sombra answers immediately and you frown.

“I think I need a lot of magic flying through the air before she can help like that,” you tell Aria.

Aria just looks at you quizzically before looking back to her necklace and shrugging.

“Well whatever the case, thanks for the assist,” she says in gratitude.

“Yeah, no problem,” you think sadly as you look up at the empty sky.

“Seriously, she’s pretty strong. I’d hate to imagine what she’d be like with even more magic,” she shudders, as do you.

“Let’s try not to let that happen,” you say as you look at the still dazed regular monkeys who start to run around in the park as if they own the place. You then put the amulet into the inventory.


Magic Absorbing Amulet

“FREEZE PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!” comes a loud voice startling you two. You look over and see a human cop pointing something that looks like a gun crossed with your tazer. Behind him, are several more officers, arriving as they look at the damage done by the car, the magical blasts, and the monkeys.

“Oh come the buck on! What did we do?”

“You’re near that vehicle that ran through several red lights and damaged countless parking meters, now hands up!” he says gruffly.

“Really? You’re mad about that? Not about the magical winged girl spitting magic out?”

“…He’s on drugs!” the officer yells over his shoulder as more of them come to his side.

“Oh for-AAAAHHHH!!!” you yell in frustration as Aria raises her hands in the air.

Kichi’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“I mean come on! Shouldn’t the Monkeys be a bigger priority?” you complain but they don’t give you any leeway.

“Seriously, “LOOK! A DISTRACTION!!!” you point behind them as a group of the depowered monkeys run towards some humans with camera equipment.

Back at Shining’s House

“OK, just what is going on here?” Luna asks as she looks at the dazed and confused looking Shining Armor and Cadence. “You asked me to dinner, but it’s all been eaten, and there’s wreckage outside, is everything OK?”

“Oh, Hi Aunt Luna,” Cadence waves with a tired smile. “We’re just watching TV because everything is fine.”

“Everything is fine? There’s a hole in your barn out back,” the older women points out.

“Nah, that’s just stupid neighborhood kids, it’s all good. Sombra’s daughter said so,” Shining says with a goofy grin.

“Sombra’s daughter?” Luna asks in shock.

“Yeah, they were both about Twilight’s age,” Cadence says nostalgically.

“Sombra didn’t have any kids…at least I don’t think he did,” she ponders before shaking her head. “Wait, that’s not important, he was here? Why?”

“He gave B2 a ride here,” Shining says loopily.

“Who the hell is B2?” Luna asks.

“That’s #$%# silly, he goes by B2 now because of his twin brother, heh heh,” Cadence giggles.

“…WHAT?! Hoody was here?! He Has A Brother?!” she asks in surprise.

“Oh yeah, but keep it a secret, Cadence wanted it to be a surprise for Luna,” Shining Armor says dopily.

“He…he was here…” she says with many mixed emotions as Cadence squees and gushes at her face.

"You're face is all red like a tomato, tee hee hee," she giggles while her husband chuckles.

“…Seriously, are you two on drugs or something?”

As she asks that, the TV shows images of some park and reporters.

“We think that the perpetrators of the flaming vehicle might be animal rights activists as there are countless monkeys wandering the area. Police seem to have cornered the suspects, but as you can see, there are plenty of simian friends wandering about.”
The camera then pans down to a friendly looking spider monkey.

“Hello Mr Monkey are you going to say hi to the camera?” The wild creature snarls at that and leaps at the camera, causing it to shake heavily and be dropped. “Agh, ugh, stop scratching my face! Agh no don't bite me there! The horror! The horror! AAAAAAA-“

And then the feed cuts with a long beep sound effect as it cuts to the news anchors.

"We are having some technical difficulties it seems, wait with us a little while we repair it, or send another crew to the scene,” the news anchor says pleasantly.

“...The heck is going on in the world today?” Luna says placing a hand to her forehead.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Back With You

“I really think that guy is getting his face bitten off by a monkey! Are you not going to do anything?” you ask flabbergasted as the officers don’t take their eyes off you. “No? Really? What use are you guys then?!” you ask angrily as you take a step forward.

“He’s coming right at us!” the first guard shouts as he shoots his weapon, and two wires launch at you and attach to your chest, sending volts of electricity into your body.

Your teeth chatter a bit at that as you feel the rush of lightning…but it’s more of a tickle.
You look at the two prongs on your chest and back to the officer who looks completely mortified that his weapon is having no effect on you.

“Really? You’re trying to take me down with that weak sauce?” you boast as you pull the wires off and throw them on the ground.

"That's Impossible!"

“Did you charge it?” asks another cop.

“Yes! That thing could take down a horse!” the first cop says nervously.

“Wait really? Really? That’s the one thing that doesn’t get me in this world?” you think in frustration.

Your nerves have probably been fried too much by your stupidity to even register even in this body, Sombra chuckles and you purse your lips.

…Selly, slap him for me please?

Way ahead of you.



Thank you, you smile.

You’re welcome, she says cheerily.

“I…I don’t understand, I don’t-“

“Hey Hey, Get The Monkeys,
They Seem to Be Monkeying Around,
But you’re too busy sniveling,
To Help Anybody Now,”

Aria sings as more green smokes releases from the cops and their eyes go vacant a bit.

“Hey Hey, Get The Monkeys,
And stop them from monkeying around,
And then forget you saw us,
Or you’ll let everybody down…”

She finishes as the green mist goes into her necklace and she sighs in satisfaction.

“…We should go get those monkeys…” the cops says dazedly.

“Yeah…monkeys need to be stopped,” agrees another one slowly.

“For God’s Sake! He’s Eating My Moustache!” screams the reporter in the distance.

“…Yeah, good idea,” the cop nods as all three of them slowly shamble towards the monkey attack.

Except for the screaming, all is silent as you look at Aria in a new light.

“What? Jealous of my voice?” she asks smugly.

“Kind of yeah, it’s just…I can kind of see how you were able to take over a bunch of towns,” you say impressed.

“Oh that’s nothing, you should see when all three of us are at our full power,” she boasts.

“Stop resisting!”


*Angry Monkey Noises*



“We should probably go,” you suggest.

“Yeah, that sounds good,” you nod as the two of you make your way towards the street…just in time for Humbra to pull up in his vehicle.

“Oh, hey guys,” you wave as they all looked panicked.

“Hi Bugze! Hi Aria!” Sonata waves enthusiastically.

“What the hell’s going on over there?” asks B2.

“Monkeys,” you answer and his eyes widen.

“Oh…that’s understandable,” he nods.

“Is it?” asks Adagio.

“Well whatever, hop in!” Humbra orders and you pile into the back seat with Aria and Sonata.

“Oh wow, you two looked banged up, are you OK?” asks B2.

“Yeah, we’re fine. Good News, we ran into Twilight, Bad News, she hates us now and is going full villain. She’s got flying monkeys now.”

“…What the hell did I get myself into?” Humbra shakes his head.

“On the bright side, we have this,” you hold up the amulet. “And I’m sure we can come up with a plan to stop her with it.”

“She is though, and now she knows what I’m capable of,” Aria adds.

“Well, we’ll just have to plan around her won’t we?” Adagio smiles conspiratorially.

“Exactly,” you nod as Humbra speeds away from the monkey chaos. “By the way, everything alright back at Shining’s?”

“Eh, they’re fine mostly,” B2 shrugs.

“But we kind of had to get out of there and split up with the power couple when little Ms. Rufie here decided to use her voodoo!” Humbra complains.

“It’s not Voodoo! That’s a stupid word you humans created!”

“Don’t you backtalk me in my own car young lady or I will turn us around!”

“You’re not my real Dad!” she yells and crosses her arms while Sonata giggles and B2 facepalms.

You and Aria look at each other in confusion at that.


“Don’t ask,” B2 says embarrassed and you just shrug.

Well whatever happened, we’re at least a step closer. I’m sure once we talk to Sunset and the others and get them in on this, we’ll get her redeemified in no time for saving Twilight, you think with enthusiasm.

Right, and also, I may be able to help with that if this Stand power of ours works around the Sirens, Selena says sounding hyped.

You know, I feel like if they’re singing, I could pose like a badass with this coat whipping about and have you just summon by my side and it would look awesome!

I know right?! She says just as excitedly.

You two are morons, Sombra sighs to himself.

And as you drive off into the night with a key weapon and the ideas of a plan to defeat Midnight Sparkle…

Back In Equestria

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

You sit upon the back of the carefree paced eldritch abomination with no face as he makes his way towards wherever Grandbuggy is. The foliage has gotten denser, and the air smells of sulfur and wet rot in a place Ahuizotl calls the Fire Swamps…but you couldn’t care less about the surroundings.

“Hey chica, you want some trail mix?” Ahuizotl offers you, but you wave him off without saying a word.

“Oh boy, still bad huh?” Greta asks the cat guy and he nods with a sigh.

You’ve really felt down in the dumps since that night when you really hurt that Frost kid. You’d watched countless times from the sidelines when Daddy went too far, and how it got to him…and now you can safely say you know how he felt.

Is Everyone Right? Am I just turning into a monster? You ponder in sorrow for like the millionth time, and just like all the other times, noling answers your thoughts. The last few days have felt sucky.

“…I don’t like this. I don’t like the kid being all sullen and moody. It’s just not right,” Greta complains.

“Just give her time gato. She’ll come out of it in due time. I’m sure of it,” Ahuizotl says confidently.

From what Ahuizotl was able to piece together from your description of events, that amulet you broke had some sort of enchantment to make him appear as an adult, but as for the kid himself, he had no idea. A hybrid between a wendigo and a pony was not something he’d heard about.

Who the heck are the Black Suns anyway? A bunch of cultist kids in disguise? Why do they want the stuff we’re looking for? You ponder, but yet again, you have no info.

“So is this normal? You guys get into a scrapper and then everyone gets all moody?” Ember asks aloud.

“…That’s kind of been the norm for me for like the last year and a half,” Garble admits. “If it’s the same for them, I have no clue.”

“Well that’s obvious, you’ve been in a mood since you and Crackle split up.”

“Hey! That was a mutual thing! It’s not my fault she couldn’t get over it!” he harrumphs.

“My point exactly,” Ember rolls her eyes.

Your traveling companions and their banter helps alleviate some of the stress you feel, but that’s not saying much. You still feel like a turd, Grandbuggy is still MIA with only creepy pasta knowing the way, and you still feel like lashing out. Really, the most contradicting thing about this whole mess is that you feel like fighting again, as if punching something could help. You look to Garble, always a tempting punching bag but you shake your head.

I can’t be a bully, I can’t be a monster. Mommy and Daddy won’t just ground me if I do become one…they’ll be Disappointed!
You can’t let them down, not after everything you’ve already been through to help them. Also, you can’t let your friends fear you. A shudder runs through you when you remember that Nightmare Mom and Dad gave you when you terrorized Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and you don’t want the CMC, Spike, or anyling cowering from you.

“You know, this would be a heck of a lot easier if we even knew who took the old bug,” Greta lets out a sigh.

“Yeah, but I’m not asking that weirdo,” Ember says pointing at Slendermane.

“I doubt he’d even be able to answer you, what with the no mouth and everything,” Garble shrugs.

You look at the back of Slendermane’s head and frown a bit.

I guess he’s forgiven me for the whole blasting thing since he’s letting me ride on him and not making my brain bleed…But Ugh! Why do I still want to hit him for his slowness?! You curse your confusing hormonal mind giving you a train wreck of emotions to sort through.

Suddenly from the left of the group, a plume of fire erupts from the ground.

“EEK!” Greta squawks, but Slendermane doesn’t care though as he keeps walking. “Oh I hate this freaking fire swamp!”

“You wussy haired and feathered creatures gotta chill out. A little fire never hurt anydragon,” Ember says trollishly.

“Says the fireproof lizard!” she snaps.

“Both of you shush! We don’t want to get the attention of a Chimera now do we?” Ahuizotl scolds.

You do perk up at that, since you’d heard Discord once described as something like that.

“What’s a chimera?” you ask and Ahuizotl looks at you, a bit happily.

“It’s a demonic fiend that feasts on other sentient creatures. It is half tiger, half goat, and half snake.”

“…Wait, how can it be halves of three things?” you question as your limited education shines through once again.

“Uhhh, I mean…thirds?” he guesses.

“So be on the look out for a Cat-Snake-Goat, got it,” Garble says.

“That kind of sounds tasty, not gonna lie,” Ember admits and Greta looks at her in shock and disgust.

It eats sentient creatures huh? You think to yourself. Well if I do see it I wouldn’t mind punching it in it’s faces. Maybe that will make me feel better…

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

Your eyes slowly blink open as you come to consciousness once again in an unfamiliar location, although this time your head isn’t killing you. You are tied down to the bed though.

Oh for buck’s sake, you mentally grumble, remembering the swath of confetti and streamers that knocked you out. How did the boy survive these mares for this long?

You then start to look around to gauge your location. You are in dimly lit western themed room it appears, on a very soft mattress with an IV drip leading into your wrist.

Ok, I doubt this is a Canterlot hospital or holding cell…but considering that nonsense them gals were talking about thinking I was the boy, where the buck am I? And how long was I out this time?

You then hear a gasp in the corner of the room, and looking over you see the cute, obsessive yellow pegasus gal sitting in a chair. Before you can even say anything, she zooms to the door and calls out,

“Applejack! Hoody’s awake!”

Oh for crying out-I ain’t…Wait a minute, your eyes widen as you look down at your blanket. It’s an apple themed quilt. Criminy! I’m in Orchard’s House!

You then start squirming wildly and the butter yellow chick flies over to you.

“Oh please stop Hoody, you’re going to hurt yourself,” she pleads.

“You don’t know the half of it!” you yelp as you try to summon some magic to cut the ropes, but you are drained still.

I’ve gotta get out of here! I can’t risk seeing her again! Not like this! I-

“Easy there partner, simmer down before you injure yourself again,” Applejack orders as she walks into the room.

“Not a chance!” you say in defiance as you continue to squirm, but it’s useless. Rolling her eyes, the cowpony walks over and glares you down.

“We went to a lot of trouble making you comfy, the least you can do is comply,” she growls.

“Please Hoody?” Fluttershy begs.

“I ain’t Hoody! And I ain’t comfortable! And I sure as buck ain’t gonna be turned over to your two goddess wannabe rulers!” you snarl as your thoughts are only on finding Nightshade and getting out of here.

“It’s alright, we’re not giving you to the princesses,” Fluttershy reassures.

“Huh?” you ask.

“Yet,” Applejack emphasizes.

“Uhhhh, then what’s going on then?” you ask in sheer confusion.

“Applejack just wants to…ask you some more questions, even if I don’t think it’s necessary,” she says shooting a look to the apple mare who rolls her eyes.

“It is necessary Fluttershy. But yes, I want to get to the truth and right now, the only ones that know you’re here are the three of us in this room.”

“And Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy adds.

“…Yes, and Pinkie too,” Applejack rolls her eyes again.

“Oh lord, tell me she ain’t here with that cannon?” you quiver.

“No, she’s out checking on Mr. Sentry with the others. He broke his wing,” Fluttershy explains. "But she Pinkie Promised not to tell the others until we were good and ready."

…OK, there seems to be some dissent in their little group. This could work out favorably. I just have to get away before they all regroup and-

“Now, I don’t know what to believe about you varmint,” Applejack interrupts your thoughts. “I don’t know whether you’re the Hooded Offender, dried up and abandoned by Nightmare Moon, or if you’re his Grandfather like you claimed.”

“His Grandfather who died a long time ago, which he told me in confidence,” Fluttershy reminds her with a scowl.

“Look, it’s simple, I am who I claim,” you interrupt before they start arguing again. “I was just trying to sneak some love off of this one here when I was weak since I can feel that highly stalkerish obsession with my boy-“

“I’m not a stalker!” Fluttershy scoffs.

“The point is, I may have lied at first, but I ain’t the Offender. Now please let me go so I can get back to my Great Great Granddaughter?”

Applejack looks you deep in the eye and just shakes her head.

“Sorry pal, but I can’t just take your word on it. I need proof.”

“Oh for-How am I supposed to-“

“You knew my Granny’s Name,” she accuses and your blood goes cold.

Oh Tartarus.

“You knew her name, which she hasn’t gone by since before I was born. So how did you know it?”

“I…Well, she…” you stammer nervously and she shakes her head.

“And I figured, that if you knew her somehow, maybe she knows who you are.” Your eyes widen even more at that as she calls to the door.

“Granny? Can you please come in now?”

“Yeah yeah, hold yer horses I’m comin,” her voice comes from beyond the door and you start to panic even more.

“Oh please don’t! I-“ your pleas are stopped as a green hoof pushes open the door, and she walks in.

“Now, what’s this feller that you wanted me to me…” she trails off as she catches sight of you.

“Don’t be alarmed Granny Smith, he may be a changeling, but he’s good,” Fluttershy reassures.

Speciest! You think subconsciously, but the rest of your mind is focused solely on the radiant beauty in front of you.

“Do…Do I know you?” she asks inquisitively and you sweat profusely.

“I, uh…” you fail to make your tongue make words.

“I do don’t I?” she asks as she gets closer and you can’t help but squirm.

I made you forget to protect you, please don’t…

“You recognize him Granny? Who is he? When did you-” Applejack asks but the elderly mare holds up her hoof and shushes her granddaughter.

“I saw you when the Doctor took us to Gallopfrey…You used to have a hat…yes that’s right, a bowler hat. Just like Fix’s…Wait…” her eyes widen as she makes a connection and the geas you put on her so many decades ago starts to crack.

“Quick Fix?” she asks in disbelief as the two younger mares look on in confusion.

You could deny it you know, lie to her and maybe try and pull the wool over her eyes once more…But her saying your name after all these years, the only mare you ever truly loved…

The geas is crumbling anyway, You sigh in defeat. Heavens above, I hope you can forgive me when EVERY memory returns.

“Yes Smithy, it’s me,” you admit and her jaw drops.

“So you do know him?” Fluttershy asks in complete confusion as she looks back and forth at you and her. “But that can’t be right, Bugze hasn’t looked like this for long and-” Fluttershy interjects, but Orchard ignores her as she gets even closer to your bedside.

“I’d…I’d forgotten you were a changeling…” she says as she stares deeply into your eyes.

“I know you did,” you say guiltily.

It was either that, or have Chryssy’s mom end your life…

“Sweet Celestia…I never thought I’d see you again,” she stammers as tears come to her eyes and she touches your face.

“Neither did I…I’m sorry Smithy,” you say as you touch her hoof. “I’m so so sor-MPH!”

And before you know it, your former fiancé glomps you, putting her lips to yours as if the last 60 years never happened. And, well, you return that intensity with gusto as you kiss the mare that none of the others ever held a candle to.

“GRANNY! WHAT THE BUCK?!” Applejack shouts in surprise and disgust as Fluttershy holds her mouth in shock.


Episode 54: Mental and Physical Sucker Punches

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring to you, the broken Applejack and Fluttershy show!

That's right folks, two of the esteemed Elements of Harmony minds have had a complete mental shutdown at the sight before them, Granny Smith making out with a changeling previously thought to be the Hooded Offender!

It appears the shock has caused Applejack's eyes, that's right both of them, to twitch uncontrollably. There are bits of frazzled hair popping up all over the mane and tail, and it looks like her jaw is slowly being sucked into her face in pure disbelief. It also appears that her mighty Stetson has lost its usual niceness, and is now slowly deflating into a floppy hat.

As for the Element of Kindness, she appears to have an eerily calm look of shock on her face. Oh! I spoke too soon, it appears she is now slowly walking towards a nearby wall and...yep! The poor dear is now banging her head against the wall over and over again. If this were any other kind of show, I'm sure there would be blood and brain matter all over the place by how hard she's hitting her head! Also does anyone else here that music?

Oh, what's this!? Ms. Fluttershy has finally ceased banging her head against the wall in disbelief, most likely now with a couple of concussions on her record. She is now slowly curling up into a ball on the floor...and is rocking back and forth while whispering 'Not Real' over and over again. Oh the poor dear.

This has been the 'The Elements Having Mental Breakdowns' show, tune in next week when Twilight finds out her library has been completely reorganized by cover color!

}Brought to you by the Discord Random Narrator Association of Laughs{

For a second, you could have sworn you heard something being comedically narrated, and the sounds of gagging and the shattering of mental processes, but you have ignored it as the bliss washes over you.

It’s been so long…Too long since I’ve felt this, you think as love is freely given to you, and not any of that cheap stuff other females have given over the years, but legit, pure love. It makes you feel invigorated and strong enough to take on the world.

When the love of your life finally breaks the kiss though, you see that she looks just as intoxicated as you feel.

“Ya finally came back,” she says happily as she strokes your cheek.

“…Better late than never huh?” you quip as you both chuckle.

Kichi’s Comment

Behind her, you can see her Granddaughter and the Element of Kindness looking quite ill.

The pegasus gal has a trickle of blood dripping from her forehead while she rocks in a fetal position, and the cowpony looks green in the face in absolute disgust and befuddlement. Her eyes keep trying to find purchase, but she can’t comprehend the sight in front of her.

"Fixie, I...” you love starts and you look back to her shining face. “Why? Why did I forget about you being a changeling till just now?” You flinch at that but she continues. “When we were with the Doctor, you showed me that night we escaped Galopfrey…how could I have forgotten? Have I really gotten that old?”

“No my dear, it’s not because of that,” you say as you use your now empowered magic to cut through the binds and release your hoof. Once freed, you take her hoof in yours. “It’s…it’s because of something I did…”

“Something ya did?” she asks confused before her eyes sharpen. “You sure this wasn’t The Doctor and one of his tricks?”

“Heh, heh, no. The Doc may have been a pain in the flank, but he wouldn’t have done that to you,” you reassure.

“Heh, you sure about that? Remember when he got his scarf singed and he went out of his way to get that factory shut down?” she quips.

“Smithie, that place had Cyberponies underneath it,” you remind her.

“Yeah, but he didn’t know that at first,” she chuckles and you smirk remembering The Doctor in his fourth incarnation.

“Okay yeah, he could be a bit of a hassle,” you admit with a smile and she looks at you longingly.

“You’ve aged as much as I have…how long’s it been since you traveled with him?”

“Actually, only a few months if you can believe it,” you tell her and her eyes widen.

“Wait for real?”

“Yeah,” you nod. “He’s on his tenth incarnation now and looks about our age when we first joined him.”

“He looks younger now?” Granny says in disbelief.

“Yup, and just as stupid,” you laugh.

“Well shoot, that just ain’t fair,” she shakes her head. “Is he still flying around with pretty young mares at his side?”

“Would he be the Doc if he didn’t?”

“Hmmph, well if there’s one silver lining, it’s that he probably gets hounded by mares more. That dolt never knew when one was interested,” she chuckles.

“Funny you should say that, he’s actually retired now with a wife and kid,” you say and her jaw drops.

“No way,” she says in shock.

“It’s the truth,” you shrug. “He’s actually living right now here in Ponyville as a mortal pony, married to his last companion. I think your youngest granddaughter goes to school with his kid.”

“…Huh. Ain’t that something,” Smithy shakes her head, processing that info. “I mean, I’m glad he found a mare that could manage him and all, but I remember how oblivious he used to be.”

“Like the time he ran out on his marriage to Princess Platinum?” you smirk.

“Yeah, or the time Firefly started chasing him around and started up her little military group just to impress him,” she giggles.

“Oh gods, I forgot about that one,” you guffaw as you both have a hearty laugh before you are interrupted by a fake cough.

"*Cough Cough* Ehem, sorry to interrupt…whatever this is, but WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON?!” Applejack exclaims as her eyes appear to be getting more and more bloodshot.

“Applejack! What did I tell you about that cursin?” Orchard reprimands. Applejack winces slightly, but looks at her grandmother in desperation.

“Granny! Why are you going around kissing this changeling?!” she shouts and Smithy frowns.

“He’s got a name Applejack, there’s no need to be rude.”

“Bu-Wha-?” Applejack still fails to form coherent thoughts at the strange and impossible situation before her.

“Sorry about this Fixie, I ain’t got the slightest clue what’s gotten into her.”

“No no, I understand completely,” you say patting her hoof as you give a bit of a smug grin at the younger pony.

“Y…You know him?” she finally stammers.

“Well of course I do. Land’s sake girl, you think I go around kissing anyone I don’t know?” she chides. Applejack for her part does take that bit of info and looks between the two of you rapidly.

“Bu-But who is he? How do you know him?” she asks and Smithy sighs.

“His name is Quick Fix, he and I were…together a long, long time ago,” she says looking at you with lidded eyes.

“What?!” Applejack shouts in outrage. “But Granny! What about Grandpa?! How could you-“

“Don’t finish that thought missy! I ain’t never betrayed your grandpappy, gods rest his soul,” she says sadly before perking back up. “Nah, Fix and I were together before I met your Grandpa.”

“You…You were?” Applejack asks in shock as she looks you over.

“That’s right, and had things been different, he probably would have been your Grandpa,” she admits. And while her Granddaughter makes a choked gasping sound from the back of her throat, you wince in regret.

I could have…but everything got so bucked up…

“I…He…” the farm pony wobbles in place.

“Yeah, I know that’s hard to hear, but we’d been very close when we traveled with The Doctor,” she says.

“To be fair, you hated my guts at first,” you chime in and she looks at you with a playful scowl.

“Well it ain’t my fault my first impression of ya was getting us captured by the Tax collectors on Taxacoricofallapatorius,” she smirks and you groan.

“Oh, you’ll never let me live that one down will you?”

“Tax-a-What now?” Applejack asks.

“The planet of taxes,” you explain. “It’s full of money grubbers that tax literally anything and everything under their three suns.”

“Ain’t that the truth. Luckily the Doctor was able to bail us out by declaring us bankrupt,” Smithy says in nostalgia.

“Alright, alright, who is this Doctor and what do you mean by planet? This Raxasorryfalin-

"Taxacoricofallapatorius," both you and Smithy say at the same time, causing you both to chuckle.

“Whatever you call it!” the mare shouts in irritation.

“Well ya gotta get it right Applejack. You don’t want to confuse it with Raxacoricofallapatorius, their cousin planet," she explains.

"Yeah…those dang meat heads,” you shudder in remembrance.

“Alright, alright! Leaving the names aside, what doctor are you talking about? Doctor Who?”

"Exactly!" Smith says pointing to her.

"What?!" asks Applejack now even more confused. Taking pity on the poor girl, you speak up.

“He’s a time traveling alien that your Granny and I traveled with when we were young.”

“…What?!” she exclaims and the both of you roll your eyes.

“It’s pretty self explanatory sugar cube,” Smithy says.

“No! No It Ain’t!” Applejack stomps her hoof in frustration. “Time Travel? Aliens? That’s just too farfetched to be believed!”

“Oh really? A moment ago, you and the cutie in the corner were believing I was my Grandson and not wanting to accept the truth,” you point out her hypocricy and she stiffens and bites her lip.

“Not real…Not real…” Fluttershy continues to moan in the corner.

“Applejack, I think your friend needs a blanket and a cup of tea…or maybe something a bit stronger,” Smithy mentions, but the apple pony just continues to stare at you.

“You…you were telling the truth?”

“…You know, for the Element of Honesty, you sure are dense to sniffing out what’s true ya know?” you insult and her eye twitches a bit.

“Only when she’s being stubborn,” Smithy rolls her eyes.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Will you all stop treating me like I’m the one who’s got a screw loose?” she exclaims. “I mean, for goodness sakes Granny, it ain’t normal for somepony to come out and say they were in love with a Changeling!”

At that, Fluttershy winces and rocks even further. “Not real, not real! It’s all just a trick from that witch, it’s all just a trick…”

And while you three ignore her breakdown, Orchard sighs.

“Look sugar cube, I know it might seem a bit strange, and heck, it is probably worse than falling in love with a Pear, but that’s the way the cards fell.”

“B-But Granny, what about the Canterlot Invasion?! That time they took over Ponyville and kidnapped Applebloom? Or just recently when we found out the Crimson Knights were just remnants of them?”

“If you can believe it, things were actually a lot worse back in the day,” you pipe up and she turns to you in confusion. “Sure you ponies didn’t really know about our kind, but The Hive used to be so much more cutthroat and secretive that it makes Chryssy’s failed coup’s look like a walk in the park.”


“I have to admit Fix, even I started to hate on the Changelings after the invasion,” Smithy admits with a sad look. “I guess I just forgot that there were some good eggs in the bunch. You all ain’t evil.”

“It’s alright, I getcha, because there are some pretty bad ones,” you nod in understanding.

“Also, didn’t you tell me that that Offender fella was innocent too and just being used by Nightmare Moon?” she asks Applejack and you frown.

“Th-That’s Right!” Fluttershy sits up suddenly causing all your eyes to shoot to her. “Hoody is a nice innocent hero who was possessed by that evil monster to-“

“Oh Shut Yer Gob! Yer even worse than cowgirl here on ignoring the truth!” you chide and she winces back.

“Hey! Don’t you yell at-“ Applejack starts but you talk over her.

“I’ll yell at whoever I gorramned please!” you snarl and shake your head. “Dang youngens thinking they know what’s right just because they have access to ancient rainbow death magic.”

To this, Fluttershy scowls and marches over to you.

“Alright fine! Maybe you aren’t Bugze and maybe we did make a mistake, but saying Nightmare Moon isn’t evil? Hah!” she spits and your eye twitches.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“But it’s the gods’ honest truth you little jealous minx! She’s probably the best thing that could have ever happened to my boy!” you reprimand and she scowls even harder.

“Best Thing? BEST THING?!” she shouts. “She took over his body! She made him a murderer! And now she’s taken over the body of his sweet innocent little filly! How Can She Be Good For Him?!”

“Because she’s done neither of those things you tart!” you shout back. “Sure she might have been a bit dangerous at first, but she mellowed out! That’s what the power of love and friendship is all about right?!”

“Hah! I don’t believe that for one second!” she spits.

“Then you’re a massive hypocrite. Didn’t I hear you reformed Discord not too long ago?” you point out and she stiffens and stammers while looking to the side.

“Th-That’s different. Discord is a sweet guy who wouldn’t hurt anypony seriously…” she says in denial.

“Oh for-He’s always been a turd,” you grumble. “The thing is, he always had a weakness for a pretty face, and though I hate to admit it, you went and mellowed him out. So if he can do it, why not her?”

Her eyes dart all over at that, before she asks meekly.

“You…you think Discord thinks I’m pretty?” she asks with a bit of a blush.

“…Seriously? How many guys you stringing along as you obsess over my boy?” you ask in frustration.

“I’m not stringing anypony along!” she defends.

“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “The point is, Nightmare Moon, or Selena as she goes by now, ain’t evil no more! Everything she and my boy have been put through these last four years has just been a series of misunderstandings and desperation.”

“I…But she…” she stammers, trying to still argue the point, but you can see your truths have rattled her.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“I thought this one was all about kindness?” you say in frustration to Smithy who shrugs. Fluttershy grits her teeth and pulls the fabled Stare on you.

“Even if I believed…THAT, you still claim to be his Grandpa! If you’re his Grandpa then why did he tell me you were dead?!” she growls, sending killing intent your way. You’ve read reports of the effects of the Stare, how it can paralyze and dominate lesser beings…but you’re not energized with True Love, so the effect just washes over you as you stare her right back in the eye.

"He thought I was dead missy. It happens when you don't see someone you love for years. Especially when the last time you saw them you were strapped to a rocket heading towards the Moon."

That statement seems to throw her and Applejack off.

“Wait, what?” Fluttershy asks as her Stare fumbles.

“It’s a long story,” you hoofwave. “Basically I was trying to knock off a check on my Bucket List, which will sadly never be completed now. Smithy here knows what I’m talking about.”

Both Elements look to the green mare questioningly, but she doesn’t say anything.

“Smithy?” you question as you turn to look at her with a thousand yard stare.

“The Offender is your Grandson…?” she says aloud, not all entirely there and a bead of sweat forms on the back of your neck.

Oh boy, you think in dread.

“Granny? Are you alright?” Applejack asks, but the older mare is lost in memory as the geass breaks apart even more.

“…That’s why you left, I remember now,” she says as tears come to her eyes. “You said it was the only way to protect me.”

“What Granny? What was the only way?” Applejack begs, but she doesn’t answer. With a sigh, you take her hoof, and she does not pull away.

“Is…is he hers?” she asks and you stiffen a bit, before you close your eyes and nod.

“Yes honey…her one and only.”

Smithy is then hit by a whirlwind of different emotions. Sadness, hurt, surprise, joy, longing, and many more as she hears that truth and more tears come to her eyes.

“I…I can’t believe I was hating on my own blood…Her son…”

“What is going on?” Fluttershy asks, but again, only you two matter.

“I’m sorry it had to be that way…I raised her as best I could,” you say as your own eyes get misty. “She was…she was happy I think…”

“Was?” she questions. “So she’s…?”

You look down in misery at that.

“Yeah…” you nod reluctantly. Orchard takes in a stiff breath at that before she leans over and hugs you, with tears running down her face.

“I wish I could have known her…”

“I wish you could have as well,” you sniffle and embrace her.

“Oh for Crying Out Loud! Who Are You Two Talking About?! Why Are You Crying?!” Applejack bellows, at the end of her rope.

After a few more seconds of embracing each other, Granny sniffles herself and turns to her Granddaughter.

“We’re talking about our daughter sugar cube,” she says truthfully. If you had thought Applejack’s jaw couldn’t drop any lower, then you were wrong.

“…What?” she all but whispers.

“Our daughter,” she says again. “Your Dad’s older sister…your aunt.”


“Changelings and Ponies weren’t supposed to have children back in the day…that’s why he made me forget…to keep me safe,” she says sadly and you look down in guilt.

“I…Are you saying I had an aunt who was part changeling?!” Applejack gasps as her jaw opens and closes sporadically.

“Oh My Gosh!” Fluttershy holds her hooves to her mouth and looks at Applejack warily “Th-Then that means…”

“What?! What Does That Mean?!” she demands to everyone in the room.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Applejack…” Granny says softly. “That changeling, the Hooded Offender?”

“Yeah! What about him!” she whimpers.

“He’s the son of our daughter,” she finishes and Applejack looks at you pitifully.

“Our Grandson,” you add to the overwhelmed mare.

Again, she makes that choking sound as she can’t quite get the words out. Fluttershy in the mean time is making gagging noises and looking at Applejack sympathetically.

“…Are you saying…That this whole time…All those times we fought…Bugze, The Hooded Offender…” she pauses apprehensive about dropping the last brick. “WAS MY COUSIN?!”

You swear you hear some sort of dramatic chord sound out at that, but you can’t place the source as Smithy sighs.

“Yes honey…I didn’t know till now either, but yes. He’s your cousin,” Orchard says as gently as she can.

Applejack just stands there in silence as her whole body starts to twitch sporadically and a loopy grin comes across her face.

“Eh heh, Eh heh…heh heh heh heh hahahahahahahaa,” she starts giggling madly as her hat falls to the ground and her mane and tail break out in strands.

“Oh hay, that might have been a bit too much,” Granny says worriedly as the mare has a bit of a mental breakdown.

“Well, she had to hear it sooner or later. I still say ripping off the bandage is the best solution,” you admit as the Applejack’s eyes go cross eyed like the Doc’s wife.

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! Applejack you, and him, you…Mmmph!” Fluttershy babbles, sticking her hoof in her mouth to either avoid saying something or to not puke. Probably both.

“What’s wrong? You got something to add missy?” you ask with a raised brow.

“N-No! I…I can’t! I Pinkie Promised! But she and Bugze, they k-k-k…Ew, Ew, Ew!” she starts shaking her head back and forth with her eyes closed.

“Oh right, you know about that stupid costume of his,” you say, remembering the BST persona. Fluttershy looks to you with pleading eyes looking back and forth at Applejack.

“Fix?” Smithy asks nervously.

“It’s something I’m not prevented from saying…but it might push yer granddaughter over the edge,” you admit.

“…How much more?” she asks as Applejack starts to foam at the mouth a little.

“It is a doozy,” you say.

“Hmmm,” she ponders as she looks over the younger mare’s mental state.

“Hey Applejack, you still in there girl?”

“Ahahahahahaha,” she continues to laugh.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“You okay there girly?” you ask, and suddenly she stops dead in her laughter and her eyes roll even further into the back of her skull.

“Eyup! I’m fine as can be!” she says in a false cheerful voice. “The only thing is that my arm is numb.” She holds her front left foreleg. “Numb arm…numb arm, Narm, Narm!” And with that, she falls over and passes out.

“…I think that may have been too much Quick,” Orchard monotones while Applejack twitches on the ground.

“…Yeah, I think you’re right,” you nod as Fluttershy takes the opportunity to lose her lunch into a nearby wastebasket.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

As you stare off into space you sigh.

This is all too much too quick. Why is everything so complicated and confusing? Is this what Mommy and Daddy had to go through? you think as the memory of Frost’s scared and saddened face flashes through your mind. You shake your head and look over to stare at the forest. A low rumble makes you jump and you look every which way for danger, before you look down to your tummy and hear a groan.

Jumping at my own stomach. Agh, I’m so stupid, you roll your eyes and pull out the food you got from Canterlot, still freshly stored in your inventory.

Hmm, it’s still fresh. Maybe that’s why I’ve started feeling all moody? Being out of the bag, I’m starting to spoil? You ponder as you start munching on the Indhayan food. You hear more grumbles and look over to see your group also all looking at their stomachs, which actually gets a chuckle out of you.

“Heh, I guess everyone is hungry too?” you ask, and you see them become less tense at your voice.

“You could say that again,” Greta says.

“Yeah, that trail mix stuff just ain’t cutting it,” Garble complains.

“It’s easy to handle and full of nutrients!” Ahuizotl defends. “Just because you don’t like raisins doesn’t mean they aren’t good for you.” Smirking at this banter, you pull out more leftovers and hoof it over to them, including Grandbuggy’s.

“Whoa, I can’t believe how fresh it still is,” Greta says in wonder as she digs right in.

“I know, it’s like her bag is a refrigerator or something,” Ahuizotl says.

“Well, it’s not cold or anything…At least I was never cold in there. Is it Mangle?” you ask looking into Inventory. Your pet looks at you and gives you a thumbs up. “Nope, just bigger on the inside,” you say as you give her a scratch behind the ears. And while the two part-cat creatures dig in, Ember looks at their food in confusion.

“What? Don’t like exotic food?” you ask.

“Well, I’ve never had anything other than gems or crystals,” Ember states poking her cup of noodles with a claw.

“Well you better eat chica, we’ve got no gems and I highly doubt there’s any around here.” Ahuizotal pipes between bites of his sandwich.

“He’s right, just warm it up a little with your breath,” Garble tells her as he does just that with his alfredo soup.

The dragon princess just shrugs before she warms up her noodles and takes a bite. Once she does, her eyes light up like dinner plates and she begins to start devouring her food.

“Watch it! You’re getting broth everywhere!” Garble complains as some liquid gets in his eye and you, Greta, Ahuizotl chuckle at their antics.

“This ain’t half bad!” Ember says as she swallows more noodles.

“If you think that’s good wait till you’ve had a cake,” you giggle as your mood improves.

“What’s cake?” she asks excitedly.

“It’s like this soft bread that’s got different flavors and is the best,” Greta answers.

“…What’s bread?” Ember asks and everyone laughs at that.

“It’s a pony food,” Garble answers. “They take like these plants, grind it up with stones and then they add water and a bunch of other stuff and cook it for awhile.”

Ahuizotl raises an eye at that and Garble shrinks.

“What? I hung out with those hippies for awhile, they’re all pretty self sufficient.”

“Well if this bread is as good as these noodles, and cake is better than that, then color me excited,” Ember says beaming.

“Oh, there are so many joyful cuisines you can partake in nina,” Ahuizotl promises. Just watching them eat and feeling excited for the future…it brightens you up.

Daddy had me for when he was down in the dumps, and I did my best to keep his spirits up. Sure Grandbuggy is gone but…I still have friends with me…Friends…

They haven’t called you a monster or abandoned you in fear, even at your worst. They still stick by your side. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Aqua, Sombra and of course Spike were the only ones you considered close friends…but these Outcasts…they’re growing on you.

However, your good mood is cut off because Lady Luck has it out for you. The sound of heavy approaching steps causes you all to stop and peer into the yellowish fog.

“What is that?” Garble asks as the heavy steps get closer and closer. Eventually, through the fog, large orange paw makes it’s way through, followed by a pair of fierce glowing eyes and a low growl.

“Ah! A tiger!” Greta shouts hopping on top of Ahuizotl, as you climb up peaking over Slendy’s head to stare at the creature.

“Greta, I own a Tiger,” Ahuizotl says shakily as you see a pair of teeth gleam. “That thing is not one of them.”

“Please, what can a little cat do to the daughter of the Dragon Lord?” Ember says finishing her meal and getting into a battle stance with Garble following suit brandishing his staff. A hissing noise draws your attention as a snakehead rises from behind it and a pair of horns from a goat head rise up from below as the thing steps into better visibility.

“Who are you calling little?” growls the Saber Toothed Tiger head of the three headed monster.

“I think sshe meanss usss ssister,” the snake tail hisses.

“I do believe they do…” the mountain goat head snarls offended.

“Oh hey, it’s that Cat-Goat-Snake thing you were talking about Ahuizotl,” Garble states the obvious.

“Cat-Goat-Snake?!” the tiger growls.

“We are a Chimera you ssstupid fire lizard!” the snake hisses again.

“Oh you are are you?” you ask, feeling full of energy.

“Leave this place! This is our territory!” The goat speaks up looking angrily at you and your group. At that, everyone gets into battle positions…except for you and Slendy, as he continues to walk forward.

“Um, chica?” Ahuizotl asks nervously as he looks to you two getting closer and closer to the monster.

“Stop! Turn around stupid!” You shout as you try steering him around the beast, however, he continues forward as is his custom and the chimera takes offence.

“You dare come into our territory and challenge us?” The tiger growls.

“You need to be taught some manners!” The goat bellows.

“We tried to warn you but you jusst wouldn’t listen. Attack my sisterss!” the snake commands and the chimera charges. The goat head lowers its horns, and collides with Slendermane, sending you flying.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you shriek as you tumble through the air before Greta hovers up and catches you.

“You OK?” she asks worriedly and you shake your head loose from the impact.

“Yeah I’m fine. Stupid single minded faceless freak,” you grumble as you look back to the monster…and see that it’s trying it’s darndest to eat Slendy. The snake is wrapped around his torso, the goat is continually striking him with her horns, and the tiger has her jaws clamped over his entire head…but he still continues to walk.

“What isss thisss thing?” the snake asks in confusion.

“I don’t know! It won’t stop moving!” the goat answers.

“Ptoo!” the Tiger spits his head out of her mouth. “It tastes like tingling fuzz!”

Suddenly Slendermane just looks at the tiger right in the face, and all three of them suddenly screech out in pain.

“Oh, so that’s what that looks like from the outside,” you reckon as they are brainblasted by his psychic static thing.

“Forget thisss!” the snake shouts as the lifts up and throws Slendy from the rest of the body into the swamp waters. He lands face down in the muck, yet his hooves keep trying to walk.

“He really is devoted, you gotta give him that,” Greta deadpans as your eye starts twitching.

“Okay, this is bullspit!” you shout. “I was just starting to feel better, and now you’ve gone and ruined that!”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have trespassed!” the goat bleets.

“It’s not like we really had a choice,” Ember scoffs and all three heads peer at her slyly.

“If what you say is true, then pay reparations, and we’ll let you go,” the tiger threatens.

“Reparations? As in money?” Ahuizotl asks.

“No no no we require sssomething more ssspecial than that,” the snake insinuates.

“And what is that?” asks Greta.

The three heads look at each other before they smirk and turn back to you.

“Ponies come through here sometimes with wagons full of pies,” the goat says.

“They ssssmeel ssscrumptious.”

“If you give us pie, we’ll let you go.”

“…What the Tartarus is pie?” asks Ember.

“Fruity goodness,” you answer before glaring right at the three heads. “Well we ain’t got pie!”

“Hmmm, that’s a shame,” the goat says eying you. “Guess we’ll just have to make you into filly filet then…”

“Filly…Filet?!” you ask in outrage.

This thing has eaten fillies before? You Evil Sack Of Crap!

“Buck You!” you cry out as you charge forth. “No Pie! No Filly Filet! Just hoof sandwiches!” you yell out.

“Well that sounds yum-*POW*” you interrupt the tiger with a swift punch to the jaw which sends the monster spinning.

“Sister! What are you doing?” the goat admonishes.

“That filly packs a punch,” the tiger says.

“But it’sss jusst a fi-*WHAM*” the snake starts but you give it a falcon kick which makes it hit the ground.

“What the-“ the goat starts but you blast her with magic which sends the rest of the body sprawling.

“You like hurting little ponies do you? DO YOU?!” you cry out in rage as your eyes light up and your amulet shards glow, but even as you raise your hoof you freeze as you remember what you almost did to that kid.

“…Do I?” you say aloud in confusion.

With you in thought, the chimera takes this chance to swipe at you sending you back to your group.

“Oomph!” you grunt as you hit the ground.

“Kid! Are you alright?” Greta says helping you up.

“I..wha?” you stutter, wondering why you got hit.

“Um, Shade get in the game here!” Ember shouts cutting off your train of thought as you look over to see the beast charging. Ahuizotl leaps forward meeting the chimera head to head. Though he is bigger, they still get into a power struggle. The snake tries to bite him only for his tail paw to grab it by the neck.

“You’ll have to try harder that that puta!” Ahuizotl growls in the three faces.

“Hey, don’t take all the fun!” Garble says as he charges trying to knock it off balance. However, the goat head sees this and knocks Ahuizotl into the drake with her horns.

“Ah! Idiota!” Ahuizotl chides the red dragon.

“Sorry, sorry,” Garble apologizes as he attempts to reposition, but gets whipped by the snake tail.

“Ha! You can’t catch us off guard!” The goat gloats.

“We work as one!” The tiger growls.

“Three headss are better than one.” The snake hisses.

“Careful now, that thing’s got eyes in the back of it’s head,” Greta warns and you frown.

Get it together Shade, you think with a shake of your head. This thing is a monster that eats children, it’s not like that wendigo-pony kid! You look to the shards on your chest and see them glowing slightly. Gorramned this stupid amulet! It’s making my head all weird! You think as the beast throws Ahuizotl off and it charges towards Ember and Greta. The griffon goes for swipe only to squawk in terror as flames shoot up from the swamp floor.

“Gah!! Put it out, put it out, put it out!!” she yells patting away at her now singed tail, which distracts Ember and they both get knocked back by the goat horn charge.

“Oh, Way To Go Getting In The Way Bird!” Ember chides.

“I’m sorry, I’m Not Fireproof!” Greta huffs.

Ahuiztol then charges again knocking the monster on its back only for the snake to whip up and strike him in the nards.

“AGH! My Cajones!” he shrieks and flops over as Garble gives a sympathy wince.

“Grr, Leave now or suffer our wrath!” The tiger head roars as it gets into a pouncing position.

“We wanted to, but you tried to extort us for pie or kid meat!” you shout angrily.

“Yeah, what she said, no dice ladies!!” Garble shouts hitting the two front heads with his battle staff. Your eyes widen as you see the beast get disoriented.

Wait, he actually did something useful? You think flabbergasted before you shake your head and pull out your own Power Pole. I Will Not Be Outdone!

“YYYAAAHHH!!!” you shout as you whack the chimera with a powerful strike to the side of the monster which knocks the wind out of it a bit.

“Ahh, you bratss!!” The snake hisses as it tries to bite you. You roll out of the way and kick up some muck and throw it into the snake's face. “Ahh, I can’t ssee!” she cries as you roll towards Garble who whacks at the creature between the legs.

“Oof!” the tiger and goat cry out before looking at the drake with a frown.

“What did you honestly expect to accomplish with that?” asks the goat.


“HIYAH!” you shout as you strike the tiger across the eye and it roars.

“That! Definitely that,” Garble lies badly, and for his part he is butted backwards by the goat head and you roll your eyes.

Then Ember flies in and breathes a stream of fire at the creature, which winces, but just glares at the dragon princess.

“Huh? Why isn’t this thing catching fire?!” she cries out.

“It lives in a place that’s constantly spewing fire from the ground. You didn’t suspect it was resistant?” Ahuizotl says in a high pitched voice.

“Don’t talk down to me!” Ember says as she doubles down on her fire breath.

“AGH!” the chimera groans and Ember smirks. “This is hotter than normal!”

Greta then flies overhead, with an armful of stones and starts chucking them downward.

“Really? Rocks?” Garble snarks.

“I ain’t getting close to Princess Tsundere’s fire thank you very much!” the griffon squawks as she drops a heavy stone right onto the snake who whimpers and hides under the belly.

With the chimera distracted, you notice a couple of rocks in the muck and grin.

“Hey, Garble! Batter up!” you shout using your earth bending to launch the rocks up for you to hit with the pole. The rocks go flying and hit the chimera and Garble grins at this.

“Well if you can’t beat em…” he quips and does the same. The two of you become a blur of movement and pain as you bat multiple rocks at the beast.

“Ooh! Oww! Yipe! Stop it!” The goat head shouts before you land a rock between its eyes. You both move forward continuing your assault pushing the beast back with your rocks, flames and aerial bombardment.

“You gonna join in Ahuizotl?” Greta asks.

“Nah, nah, you got this,” he waves his tail paw as she still cradles his nards in the fetal position. With him out of commission, you spot a rather large boulder in the ground and grin.

“Alright time for the home run!” you shout as you try to lift the boulder, however, it doesn’t respond to your bending. “Huh?” sputter as you try to lift the stubborn thing up. “Come on! I can move the freaking Moon! Why won’t you move!?” you grunt in frustration.

“Uh, Shade?” Garble questions as he runs out of ammo and resorts to using flames with Ember.

“Just a second! Got a heavy sucker here!” you holler back.

“You little punks are gonna pay!” The chimera shouts as it leaps over the flames and swipes at Greta in the air who eeps and dodges.

“Alright fine, I’ll generously let you all leave alive if you just go no…” the tiger stops dead as all six of it’s eyes widen seeing you picking the boulder up with your magic. “Wait, stop that’s not a-”

You ignore her as you lift the half buried rock out that your bending couldn’t move and lift it over your head.

“As I was saying…it’s time for a HOME RUN!!” you shout as the shards in your chest glow brightly. You fling the giant rock right at the monster’s stupid faces and it yells in fright and dives out of the way. “AH Shoot! Foul Ball!” you grunt in frustration and glare at the chimera…who looks extremely panicked for some reason.

“You stupid fool! That’s no rock! It's a Cragodile!!! And you just interrupted its nap!” The goat head roars out as Ember and Garble start on their flame breath again.

“Wait, what did she just say?!” you hear Ahuizotl gasp behind you.

“A Cragodile? What the buck is…” you start, but trail off as you see the rock you threw unfurl itself into a long, large reptilian form and bearing several rows of sharp stony teeth.

“RRRRRAAAAGGGHHH!!!” the thing roars, catching everyone’s attention.

“…Cragodile? Really?” you complain. “Who named this thing? It’s made of rocks! Why isn’t it called a Rockodile?!”

“That is…a very good question,” Ahuizotl ponders before he shakes his head. “But nevermind that now! Keep Your Distance Everyone! It’s an Apex Predator!”

“Well so am I!” Ember says unperturbed. “I’ll roast that thing’s stupid-Hey!” she calls out as Greta and Garble both grab her arms and fly her away.

“No time for suicide missions now your highness!” Greta mocks just as the Cragodile roars again, and rushes the still disorientated chimera.

“GYAGH!” the mix match beast cries as the tiger paws catch the rocky jaws from clamping down on their throats.

“Whoa, that’s brutal!” Garble says as Ember squirms out of his grip and pouts.

“Yeah, it didn’t even look at us after waking up,” you observe.

“Chimera’s and Cragodiles are natural enemies,” Ahuizotl explains looking at the two go at it. “They fight over prey and other resources.”

“Sooooo, let them fight?” you guess.

“Let them fight,” he nods and you five just watch the two enemies bite, slash and hack at each other.

“…Okay, I take it back, I wouldn’t want to fight that thing,” Ember shudders.

“Eh, to be honest this is kind of tame compared to that fight between Garble’s dad and that hydra. At least we had popcorn back then,” you grumble.

After a few more moments of the things tearing into each other, you look to the rest.

“Okay let’s get Slendy out of the mud and get going. This is just wasting time we could be using to find Grandbuggy,” you say in determination.

“Awww, but I wanted to see who won,” Greta complains.

“It’s obviously going to be the Cragodile since we weakened the chimera first,” Ahuizotl points out just as the reptile clamps it’s jaws onto the back of the demonic beast.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” all three heads cry in unison.

“Jeeze nature sure is messy,” Ember gags a bit.

“Well there’s your answer Greta,” you say looking at the monster without pity. “But let’s go before it decides it wants more snacks.”

“It seems kind of messed up just leaving it like that though,” Garble says sympathetically as the swamp lizard brings the three headed beast to the ground and starts dragging it to the water.



“Help!” all three heads say as they dig their claws into the ground, leaving scratch marks.

“Oh no, don’t make eye contact,” Ahuizotl warns as they all look at their surroundings, but you look the thing right in it’s eyes.

“Help?! You Eat Kids! You’re A Monster!” you shout, and for some reason, you feel a tear stream down your cheek. “And Monsters That Hurt Kids Are The Worst of the-“

“MOMMY!!!” three young male voices cry out in unison. All of you turn to the side and see a young chimera cub, no bigger than you with tears in their eyes. “MOMMY NO!”

“Flee Child!” the goat bleets.

“Save Yoursself Little One!” the snake begs.

“Don’t Look Back!” the tiger pleads as it’s back legs are dragged into the water.

“No, No, NO!!!” the three heads cry out in pain and sorrow as it sees it’s mother about to die. Three children in one, bellowing because noling is stopping it from becoming an orphan, a kid who is about to be hurt with the worst pain possible.


"GGGGOOORRRAAAMMMIIIITTT!!!" You scream, your eyes blazing white, as you zoom towards the reptile drawing it’s attention. With only seconds before the chimera can be fully submerged, you torpedo between their struggle, wedging your Power Pole right into its jaw ad prying it loose.

The chimera, sensing the relieved pressure quickly scrambles back onto shore while you stare down the thing that was asininely misnamed.

“I’M NOT A MONSTER!!!” you holler in it’s face as you use your momentum to fling the reptile into the air. As it reaches it’s peak you fly at high speeds, meeting it before gravity takes hold.

"I DON’T HURT KIDS!!!" You roar as the pole magically extends from you, hitting your target square in the chest and sending it flying into the distance and out of sight.

With the reptile gone, you huff and puff while hovering in the air as you try to get your motions back under control.

I’m Not A Monster! I’m Not A Monster! I’m Not A Monster…you chant over and over again in your mind. After a little bit, you and let out a sigh before looking down. You see the cub and it’s injured mother rubbing their heads against each other lovingly and crying in relief.

…But even monsters have loved ones, You think glumly as you hover down towards them.

"Are you alright?" you ask and the chimera looks at you warily, with the cub hiding beneath her.

"I will heal. Not the first time I've tangled with a Cragodile," the tiger head huffs.

"But we thank you for saving us," The goat head adds.

"We will let you passs, thiss time," The snake declares.

“Alright, but I didn’t do it for you,” you tell it truthfully as you look at the cub who hides from your gaze.

…Creatures are afraid of me…you think in melancholy before forcing yourself to harden your gaze.

“Just don’t go eating any more kids, or I swear I’ll come back and finish the job!” you say menacingly as your eyes glow and all three heads gulp.

“A-Actually, that’s just a boast,” the tiger whimpers.

“Y-Yeah, we’ve never actually eaten a pony before,” the goat stammers.

“You haven’t?” you ask taken aback.

“No. Sscoutss honor,” the snake says nervously, wrapping around the cub.

“Then why the buck would you say you did?!” you growl.

“B-Because it makes us look more menacing?” the tiger chuckles.

“I mean, it’sss not like we haven’t tried to eat a pony before,” the snake admits.

“But we kind of suck at it,” the goat adds.

“Yeah…we really like pie more anyway,” the tiger admits.

“And a good cheese now and again,” the goat says.

“…Whatever, just get out of my sight and don’t even attempt to eat other creatures that can talk!”

“Yesss Ma’am!”

“No Problem!”

“Thank You!”

They all say before they scoop up their cub and start limping away from you as fast as they can go. Despite putting the fear of the gods into them though, you notice that the cub heads do look back at you…and they give a thankful mewl.

Once they disappear into the fog, you slump your shoulders and turn back to your group who are all giving you mixed looks.

"I'm...I'm sorry…I just..." you begin only for Ahuizotl to pat you on the head.

"We know chica, we know," he says warmly. You smile and give him a hug much to his surprise, but he returns it.

Can I be a monster and still be good? You think as he continues to stroke your mane. After awhile, you lose count of the time, you pull back from him with a sniffle and give him a small smile.

“Thanks Ahzi,” you say and he just nods.

Sensing that you’ve calmed down, the others surround you.

“Dang Shade, you yeeted that thing into next Tuesday,” Greta says impressed.

“Hey! Don’t use that word!” you chide. “Daddy hates valley girl slang!”

“Right, right, sorry,” she apologizes.

“Holy Crap Nightshade, how did your Power Pole do that?!” Garble asks with stars in his eyes.

“Yeah, how did it get that big?” Ember asks equally intrigued

“I don’t know,” you shrug as you look down to see it slowly revert to its original size.

"Huh, guess this is what the merchant meant when he said it had a little something 'extra'," you say as pocket the pole again.

And while they still gush about your exploits, you still feel very conflicted and confused.

Even Monsters Have Loved Ones…

Coughing into your hoof, you say,

“Right, well that was a waste of time, let’s get Slendy out of the mud huh?”

“Oh right, forgot about him,” Ember says and faceclaws.

“You’d think a guy with no face wouldn’t be so easily overlooked,” Garble mentions as you all start making your way back to where he got rooted…and he’s gone.

"REALLY?!" you shout annoyance.

“Again, that guy is very determined,” Greta says.

“Ugh! Someling find his tracks,” you groan as you all scan the area.

"Guys over here! I found his trail,” Garble says and you all find muddy hoofprints.

“Well, wherever he’s heading, it’s the same direction so it doesn’t appear that Fix has been moved,” Ahuizotl points out.

“That’s good I guess,” Ember shrugs. “But let’s catch up with him before something else tries to eat him.”

Nodding, everyone doubles their pace to catch up and you look to Ahuizotl.


“Yes Chica?”

“If we’re still on the same course, you got any ideas where it might lead?”

“Well, there are quite a few places he could be, but if we keep this heading, I think we’ll eventually end up back in Canterlot,” he admits and you pale.

Great, that’s all I need! What Bucking Thing With Big Feet Took You There?!, you growl, thinking you’ll have to tangle with the Princesses before a thought comes to you.

“Say, from where we’re coming from, do you think we’ll pass through Ponyville first?”

“Hmmm, I believe so yes,” he nods. “At least towards the edge of it, but that won’t be for some time.”

His words fill you with both dread and hope.

If we have to pass through Ponyville on the way to Canterlot, I can stop in and see the girls and Spike. They’ll let me know if I’ve become a monster…And if I have…

You shudder at that thought, but put it out of mind for now as you focus on your task…which is slow going again as you quickly catch up to Slendermane.

Well, if I am a monster, then I gotta get these shards out of me so I’m weaker. I bet Zecora would know a thing or two…

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"I...I can't believe it,” Applejack spouts, her first words after her little fit on the ground after your explanation. Orchard puts a reassuring hoof on her shoulder and gives her a pat.

"Now I know it may be hard to accept this dearie, bu-"

"No! Not this, not...that!" Applejack harshly says as she shoves Smithy's hoof off her shoulder, surprising both her and Fluttershy.

"I...I can see the way you look at him...and how he looks at you,” she says quietly, barely above a whisper as if she had just accepted her death sentence and was ready for the noose. "I...I can believe ya Granny, and yer family so I can't really judge. It's's just!"

Applejack, face suddenly red with rage, slams her hooves harshly onto the ground as tears fill her eyes.

"This whole time! This whole bucking time I was hunting my own blood like some animal! All these years, all those insults and fighting, this whole time! I...I hated him so much," Her tone returns back to her haunting softness once more before she continues, "I still hate him Granny. All these years we fought, they just don't go away! Even when we found out he was being controlled by Nightmare Moon, I felt bad for the bug but still I-"

By now the tears are freely falling from her face as she looks at her grandmother and softly asks,

"How can I call myself an Apple after all that? How can I look Applebloom in the eyes after all my talks of the Apple pride and that family is one of the most important things when I treated my own kin like that?"

"Oh sweetie, don't beat yourself up so much. You couldn't have known..." Orchard softly coos as she wraps her hooves around the distraught mare who returns it quickly.

"I think a part of me knew Granny,” she admits, muffled into her shoulder. “Every time we saw that varm-him I felt like he was familiar. I thought it was just because he was from the Invasion, but now I think on some level I knew he was apple blood. Shoot, he even had orange hair! Now all this..."

Smithy says nothing to that as she has no answers, so she softly strokes her mane in comfort. They aren’t interrupted in their little moment, even as you still argue with the stubborn pegasus gal.

"For the last time girly, The Boy is not under her control!" you grunt in defiance at the yellow mare’s insistence.

"Then how can you explain all that nasty stuff poor Bugze had to go through? All the bad things he was forced to do like The Crystal Empire and Fillydelphia!? I’ve heard her say ‘Assuming Direct Control!’"

You facehoof at how pigheaded she is. After AJ had her little tumble on the floor, you’d felt pity for the sickened pegasus since you two were the only ones in the room that knew that the boy and Applejack had gotten a little friendlier than family is supposed to be.

Freed from the bed, and strong as an ox thanks to that kiss, you helped her clean up, but because she wanted to rid her mind of those thoughts, she just went back to spewing mindless accusations to distract herself.

"Listen Shy girl, as much as it pains me to say it, Fillydelphia and The Empire was my boy going out of control on his own. He couldn't control the dark magic he uses for that damned cloak and it made him lash out. His rage has always been his weakness and it got the better of him. He deeply regrets all those things, and I know he'd be downright pissed if he knew you of all people are pushing the blame onto someone else. Especially someone who’s helped him through those dark times."

Fluttershy recoils slightly at that, as if she was hit, but she quickly shakes it off.

"An-and so what!? Just where do you think that dark magic came from in the first place!?" she argues for the sake of arguing.

"All right girlie, first off dark magic isn't so black and white as you'd like to think,” you say through clenched teeth. “Second off, and for the last time, she ain’t evil NO MORE!"

“But what Flash said about Nightshade…” she begins but you cut her off.

“She would never do something so terrible! What’s happening with Nightshade is noling’s fault but my own,” you admit a bit guiltily. “But it’s got nothing to do with her mother alright?!”

“What?” she asks, sounding strained.

“I’m sure the boy told you that she was her mother, and that’s the gorramned truth. Right now, with all of your jealousy, you’ve blindly decided that a sweet girl’s mother is the root cause of everything wrong in her life. And I don’t take kindly to that line of thought…”

“I…But…” she says, losing composure once more.

“I’ll say it again, Nightmare Moon ain’t a thing anymore. This whole with you and the Government thinking she’s out there building an army or something is complete bullspit!”

Saying that actually makes her lose her confidence, and it even gets through to Applejack who lifts her head up from her Grandma’s shoulder.

"What...did you just say?" she asks.

“Like I said earlier, her name’s Selena now. She ain’t controlling my boy, and they’re partners in many senses. Neither one of them is evil. What is evil is making me sit here explaining this crap when my Shade is gods only know where and-“


A knock comes from downstairs and you stiffen.

“…Who is that?” you whisper.

“Maybe it’s Big Macintosh back from his pie run?” Granny suggests. “Or Applebloom getting off from school?”

“They wouldn’t knock Granny,” Applejack says as she gets up and looks out the attic window and pales.

"Applejack? Granny Smith? Anyone home?” Twilight Sparkle’s voice echoes from below and you begin to sweat.

“Uh Oh…” Fluttershy says as she wilts.

“Applejack?! Are you there? I heard raised voices? Aren’t you coming to visit Flash?” the alicorn asks as she cracks open the front door and calls inside.

Everyone in the room looks at you nervously as the Princess lets herself in downstairs.

“Hhhheeelllllooo?!” she echoes downstairs.

"Oh Buck You Lady Luck..." you curse under your breath.


Episode 55: Dwindling Sanities

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“Hello~” Twilight sing songs as her hoofbeats climb the stairs.

“Oh horseapples,” Smithy grunts. “Didn’t yer new princess friend ever learn it’s rude to wander into other folk’s houses?”

“Twilight still has some social norms she hasn’t quite grasped,” Applejack shakes her head in disappointment.

“Well she is an alicorn, so basically you’d have no real way of stopping her even if you said no,” you point out and Fluttershy starts hyperventilating.

Kichi’s Comment

“So, what do we do now?” Applejack asks biting her hoof.

“Uh, go downstairs and explain the situation?” you suggest and she looks at you like you’re nuts. “What’s with the look?”

“You want us to just lay it all out on her at once? Land’s sake, I’m still having trouble processing and believing what you told me,” she shakes her head.

“Well ain’t you the Element of Honesty?” you point out and she frowns.

“Honesty yes, stupidity no.”

“Debatable,” you mutter under breath but she continues.

“This should be something we ease into, otherwise you’ll overload her like Shy and I,” she explains. “I mean, just look at how she’s reacting to Bugze being my kin.”

At that reminder, Fluttershy’s cheeks puff out and she holds a hoof to her mouth as her face turns green.

“That’s for different reasons,” you hoofwave.

“Well either way, we don’t want her to find you just as you are now. She might take you away to Canterlot, and who knows if the princesses will believe you.”

“Probably not if they’re as stubborn as you two,” Granny heckles and both mare’s ears droop.

“…Okay, good point,” you relent. “I ain’t exactly got all the time in the world seeing as I’ve got to get to Shade. The poor kid is probably stressing to high heaven without me.”

“Exactly, and we still don’t know that whole story, or why she attacked Rainbow Falls if what you say about…her is true,” Fluttershy adds accusingly and you roll your eyes.

“You know, with all those years you yelled about brainwashing, and yet you lot have done it to yourselves,” you shake your head. “I mean, even your chaotic boyfriend did it.”

“M-My What? I-Uh…I don’t…” she stammers going red in the face.

“Wait, what’s this about Discord?” asks Applejack.

“N-Nothing! Nothing’s about Discord!” Fluttershy squeaks and AJ gives her a raised brow.

“Ain’t nothing my flank. That mix match nutjob brainwashed ya’ll two years ago right before he was stoned again, and noling gives a buck.”

"HE DID WHAT?!!" Applejack shouts in outrage looking to Fluttershy who shrinks down.

“Applejack?!” Twilight calls from downstairs sounding surprised.

“Oh…right…” AJ rubs the back of her neck and you facehoof.

“Well, I mean, I did tell you all about him changing everypony’s memories aside from myself, Zecora and some members of the fan club…” Fluttershy whispers meekly.

“…And you didn’t think to bring that up again after ya sweet talked him into being compliant?” you chastise.

“I…heh heh, I guess I forgot?” she chuckles nervously with a blush as you, Applejack and Orchard just stare at her in befuddlement. This is interrupted as there is a frantic knock at the door.

“Applejack! Is Everything Alright?! I Heard Yelling!” Twilight shouts from the other side of the door and AJ just starts sweating profusely. She gives one last look to Fluttershy and whispers,

“We’re going to have to discuss that more later too, but for now…” and she moves to the door.

On the Other Side of The Door

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"Ah! Twilight, Sugarcube!? What are...what are you doing here!?" AJ says nervously in a strained voice, causing the princess to stare at the wooden barrier in both relief and confusion.

"Uh...I came over to get you to visit Flash remember? We all talked about it yesterday?” she answers.

“Oh, uh, right. We were going to do that huh?” AJ says stiltedly.

“Yes, but then I heard you shouting. Is everything alright?”

There’s a short pause before she suddenly hears harsh whisperings between you lot. For a moment, Twilight wonders if it’s just her mumbling, or if she’s actually talking to someone else.

"Ah, gee Twi! I'm sorry but I'ma gonna have to make a rain check. Ya see, uh, Applebloom has been a little down and out since Nightshade hasn't sent a letter in a while. So we decided to play some games with her to cheer her up and they’re very competitive. Right now we're playin, uh..." she trails off. Twilight does find it a might suspicious, but she reckons all the blows Applejack has taken over the years has something to do with it. The Offender escaping in the chaos at Daring Do’s probably isn’t helping either.

"...Uh 'Secret Agent Infiltration!' Uh yeah, that's what we’re playing! Concarn it this is not going to work..."

"Uh, okay Applejack. I understand...kinda. But doesn't Applebloom have school? Also can I come in and not have a conversation through the door? Also, have you seen Fluttershy? She wasn’t at her house"

"Oh um, we let Applebloom skip today! Fluttershy? Nope! Haven’t seen her in ages! As for why you can't come need to answer a riddle!"

"...What?" Twilight monotones at her friend’s confusing words.

"Its...its apart of the game! Heh heh." You and the others facehoof simultaneously which Twilight thinks is just the house settling as she frowns. On one hoof, Twilight thinks that the pony who can’t lie her way out of a plastic bag might be hiding something from her…and yet, a gentler side thinks that maybe she’s just jaded after all the years of turmoil thanks to Nightmare Moon.

“Maybe seeing Flash hurt hit me harder than I thought,” she mumbles to herself before looking back to the door. "Okay then. What's the riddle?"

“Huh?” Applejack starts.

“I asked what the riddle is. I’ll play your game if it helps me talk to you pony to pony.”

"Uh...well...its....its...oh! Its-"

Back On Your Side of the Door

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

You facehoof once again.

“Why are we stressing?” you whisper harshly. “I’m a bucking changeling! I could just turn into literally anyling and solve this problem.”

“B-B-But she…” Applejack bites her lip nervously. You share a look with Smithy who just rolls her eyes at the stupidity before you and you nod and take initiative. You transform into Applejack herself and they all gasp.

“That’s unsettling,” AJ says plainly.

“You can say that again,” Fluttershy nods.

“Heh, ya still got it,” Orchard congratulates.

“Thanks babe,” you smile before you waltz over and push Applejack onto the ground and take her place.

“What was that thumping noise?” asks Twilight.

“Oh, nothing sugarcube, just my big headedness making the floors strain,” you say in AJ’s voice and she shoots you a dirty look.


“But yeah, you wanted a riddle right? Well…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

And thus this exchange happens:

After your expert trolling, Twilight makes a mental note to schedule an appointment with her usual therapist.

“Looks like canceling sessions after Nightmare Moon was revealed was a bad idea,” she mutters in strain.

“So yeah, answer the riddle and I’ll let you in,” you say.

“But there is no riddle! You won’t give it to me! AAAAHHHH!!!”

You all then hear the sound of magic and the shattering of a vase.

"Uh...Twilight. What was that?" asks the real Applejack.





"Sorry Applejack but I gotta go see Flash I'll pay for damages later bye!" she shouts speedily followed by the sounds of retreating hoofsteps and the slamming of the front door.

Once everything goes quiet again, everling lets out a sigh of relief and you give a stink eye to AJ.

“A riddle? Really?”

“I ain’t good at improvising dang it,” she hoof stomps. “And stop looking like me, I don’t like it.”

Rolling your eyes, you change back into your gloriously handsome form.

“Seriously, I could have looked like either of your siblings, and just walked out, but no, ya made it complicated.”

“I’m sorry alright!” she huffs and crosses her forelegs.

“Well, ain’t no use crying over spilled milk,” Orchard speaks up before looking to you. “You said you had to get back to Shade?”

“That’s right,” you nod.

“Who’s that?” she asks and you smile.

“Your Great Granddaughter.”

She holds a hoof up to her chest in surprise.

“Great Granddaughter?” she asks happily.

“That’s right,” you smirk.

“I’m sorry, what?” Applejack says doing a double take.

“What, you thought that little Alicorn he kept with him and called his daughter was all an act?” you question.

“I just…we never knew what to make of her,” Applejack admits.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“I do,” Fluttershy interjects. “She is an innocent in all of this mess.”

“Darn tootin,” you nod. “And she is most definitely NOT the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon.”

“Of course not,” Fluttershy agrees. “Just because she was taken over by that evil-OOMP”

You silence her usual tirade by putting a hoof over her mouth.

“It ain’t like that. The only reason Nightshade’s acting out and making headlines is that some jagoff went and gave her the Alicorn Amulet.”

Orchard and Applejack gasp at that announcement, and Fluttershy’s eyes widen since you’re still holding her mouth shut.

“That dang thing that went and made that Trixie lady go nuts?” asks Smithy.

“Yes,” you nod and sigh. “And right now that stupid thing is stuck inside her chest in a bunch of pieces, and the longer you all keep me here, the possibility of her losing control grows more.”

They are all shocked silent at that, even Fluttershy doesn’t seem to fight against that revelation. When you lower your hoof from her face, she looks speechless.

“How…how did she even get it? I thought Zecora…” she starts, but trails off.

“I don’t know,” you admit. “But how it came to pass can take a backseat till I figure out how to get the dang thing out. I mean Tartarus, that stupid fly boy kidnapping me in my sleep might have made Nightshade go on a rampage for all I know.”

Fluttershy and Applejack share a worried glance at that, while Smithy suddenly scrunches her face up.

“Her name is Nightshade?” she asks aloud and you beam.

“Eyup. Cutest little filly you ever did see,” you brag.

“But…wait…” she says deep in thought.

“What is it Granny?” asks her Granddaughter obliviously.

“Isn’t…isn’t that the name of Tennant’s daughter?” she asks aloud.

There is a deafening silence at that, and looking at the other two mares, you see two different sets of emotions. Applejack seems utterly bewildered, like she’s calling up a hazy memory, while Fluttershy is biting her lip, her eyes darting all around.

“I…Huh, you’re right,” Applejack says after awhile holding her head. “That is the same name isn’t it?”

“Yeah, he was always hollering that name,” Smithy nods.

“How…how did we not notice that before?” Applejack stutters as her vision clears.

Ah, the perception filter the Doc put on them. Guess I went and broke that, you conclude.

“Wh-What does it mean?” asks Applejack nervously. You look at Fluttershy who still seems to be holding back the info despite her wishes.

And that’s why you don’t make promises with the Pie lineage, you think before you decide to drop one more bombshell to get the train rolling.

“It means that that they’re the same pony ya numbskull,” you say bopping her on the head.


“Both those fillies are the same pony, because BST is my boy.”

Applejack’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates at that, as Smithy gasps and Fluttershy lets out a great gust of air.

“Agh! Thank you! I’ve been holding that one back for so long!” she cries out in a mix of emotions.

“So wait…Baker is my Grandson, and Sweet Little Nightshade is my Great Granddaughter?” Orchard asks excitedly.

“Eyup,” you nod as Fluttershy breathes in and out heavily, while Applejack has yet another thousand yard stare.

“Oh my goodness gracious!” Orchard gasps. “They was living right along with us, and I had no idea. My own flesh and blood, so close and yet so far…”

You put a comforting hoof on her shoulder and give it a squeeze.

“To be fair, he didn’t know at the time either.”

“I just…I can’t believe it. This whole time, they were right here and we didn’t know,” she stammers.

“I found out first! I figured it out! I made a Pinkie Promise and I couldn’t say anything no matter how much I wanted to!” Fluttershy yells loudly, finally able to vent.

“Nnnnoooo,” Applejack groans.

“Yes, I’m sorry Applejack, but it’s true!” Fluttershy declares, taking her friend by the shoulders and shaking her. “It’s all true!”


“Yes Applejack! You and him...HRK!” Fluttershy lets go and stops herself from vomiting again as Applejack looks like a kicked puppy.

“Wait a sec, that’s right!” Smithy says as a look of disgust comes across her face looking at her Granddaughter. “Oh sugar cube you…”

“I kissed him…” she says in horror. “Baker is the Offender, he’s my cousin and I…I…” and true to form, Applejack passes out.

“Yeah, this was the other thing I knew that I said would break her,” you admit to Smithy.

“I can see why…” she nods before looking you right in the eye. “I think she might need a stiff cider after all of that. Hay, I know I do.”

“Me too,” Fluttershy says, still a bit red in the face.

“Well alright then, I’ll refrain since I had Dragon Whisky not too long ago, but seriously, I’ve got to get out there and look for Nightshade afterwards,” you say and Orchard looks at you with reluctance before she nods.

“I suppose you do,” she nods as she touches your face. “But first, help me drag her to the distillery in the barn, she weighs a ton.”

“Yeah yeah, alright,” you nod as you transform in Smithy’s grandson since he has a stronger back. Though your transformations aren’t as good as when you were younger, the size difference does still help, even if you don’t have his full strength.

Fluttershy also helps, by grabbing a hoof.

“Umm, by the way, I’ll help you find Nightshade,” she says and you look at her incredulously. “I will! Whatever is going on, I don’t want her having the Alicorn Amulet inside of her.”

“Neither do I. Take her with ya Fix, you might need the extra help for our Great Granddaughter,” Smithy smirks.

“I’ll think about it,” you say as you grunt hauling the weight of the passed out mare.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Kichi’s Comment

You and your group finally exit the fire swamps, and enter into the good ol Everfree Forest…so really, about the same, only less fire.

“Alright, now hear me out. If we all fly together and all pick him up without magic, then maybe he won’t get mad and blast our brains,” you suggest pointing to Slendermane.

“But if he does then we’ll all fall into a big lump and that will be even worse than hitting the ground,” Ember counters.

“That’s assuming he can hit us all at once,” Greta argues.

“Yeah, maybe it only affects ponies. I bet a superior dragon mind wouldn’t even be bothered by it,” Garble boasts as he slaps Slendy on the back. Almost as if to prove a point, Slendermane’s head does a 180, and Garble suddenly stiffens, shrieks, holds his head in pain and falls to the ground with a small trickle of blood coming out of his ears. You all walk past him as he pants.

“You deserved that,” you say plainly before getting back to the matter at hand. “But what if we like, played hot potato with him mid air? Between the five of us, maybe he won’t have a chance?”

“Uh, you all seem to be forgetting that I can’t fly,” Ahuizotl speaks up. “No wings remember?”

“Ah buck,” you grunt and kick the floor, because you really did forget.

“I mean, can’t we just carry him too?” asks Ember.

“Are you kidding?” Greta asks. “He’s a good 8 heads taller than any of us, and probably weighs a ton.”

“Are you calling me fat?!” he scoffs putting his paws on his hips.

“No! I just meant that-“

“It sounded like she called you fat,” Garble warbles as he catches up and leans against Ahuizotl for support and Greta rolls her eyes.

“I’ll have you know I am quite fit and healthy for my kind, thank you very much,” he says in offense.

“To be fair, that would actually make you heavier I think if it’s all muscle,” you point out.

“Okay fine! We’re not carrying him, I get it!” Ember throws her hands up in frustration.

“Maybe we could just leave him behind and he can play catch up?” Garble suggests and gets a tail paw to the back of the head for the effort.

“No no, we don’t want to split the party,” you say with a sigh and trudge along.

“Well if we know he’s going to Ponyville or Canterlot, why don’t some of us fly ahead and wait for him to pop out?” Greta suggests.

“Because if he changes direction, it would take forever to find him again,” Ahuizotl answers.

“Are you sure? I could scout ahead. I am the best flyer in the group after all,” she boasts.

"Wait, why are you the best?" asks Ember.

"I'm the only one that was in a Flying School...I would assume,” she says looking to you.

“Yeah, I’ve only been flying for like a month and I was taught by Grandbuggy,” you admit.

“So yeah, because I doubt Dragon’s have organized schools.”

“Not for flying anyway,” Ember mutters.

"Wait, how do dragons learn to fly then?" you ask curiously. “I mean, when Spike gets his wings, this could come in handy.”

"Uh, we are given a couple of tips and suggestions and then thrown into a volcano until we get it,” Garble answers and you all look at him.


“Dude, that’s not how it usually goes,” Ember chuckles. “I think your Dad just hates you.”

“He does not!” he barks.

“Yeah, well my Dad actually flew alongside me till I got it soooo…”

“Hmmph, whatever,” Garble pouts.

“Hmm, fascinating,” Ahuizotl ponders. “That practice Garble’s father used sounds like an ancient Pegasus practice where they would throw foals from a cloud to see who was the strongest.”

“…That’s bucked up,” you shudder.

“Indeed, the Princesses banned that many centuries ago,” he nods.

“Well, I’m gonna see how much further we have, maybe someone could go and get snacks or something,” you say as you fly above the tree tops and peer into the distance. Sure enough, you can see signs of civilization.

“We’re a lot closer than I thought,” you say aloud before flying down to the others.

“Okay, I think I saw Ponyville and we just get there before we all die of boredom,” you tell them.

“Ugh, Finally! I’m tired of roughing it,” Greta complains.

“And we are running a bit low on supplies,” Ahuizotl adds.

“We are?” you question.

“Yeah, unless you got anymore food in your bag?” asks Garble.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Let me check,” you say as you do an Inventory Check.



Dark Cannon (Laser Gun with Limited Shots)

Junk Jet (Cannon that Launches Junk)

Scone of Bludgeoning

8 Jars of Laughter

Power Pole


Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Petrified Dragon Egg

Ring of Scorchero


Assorted Movies, Videogames and Videogame Systems

Daring Do's Pith Helmet

Frost’s Locket (Broken)

Grandbuggy's Bowler

Ocarina (Might be able to manipulate weather?)

Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

Rubber Quesadilla

After giving Mangle a scratch behind the ears, you pull your head out.

“Nope, no food. I mean, you could always try to nibble on the Scone of Bludgeoning, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“Alright, so a supply run is in order if we can manage it,” Ahuizotl nods.

“Well, if he’s not in the town, that would make it easier I suppose,” Greta says.

“We’ll know soon enough, because once we get there, we see which direction Slendy is walking and then I’ll know whether he’s there or not, because really there’s only 6 places he could be if he is,” you say confidently.

“Uh, chica, not to rain on your parade, but have you forgotten who exactly lives in that town?” Ahuizotl asks.

“Uh, yeah? The Deadly 6, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, several mares that chase daddy around trying to marry him and Spikey.”

“Spikey?” he asks with a raised brow.

“I mean Spike! There was no cutesy flair to it!” You ramble with a slight blush.

“Noted, but yes, most of those you’ve listed haven't had the best history with you and your father right? Especially since they found out about your mother?” Ahuizotl points.

“Yeah, yeah, but I’ve dealt with them before, and if he is in town, then the 6 are most likely involved, I know,” you admit, thinking back to your “fight” with Frost and how he said a guard took Grandbuggy. “Ms. Twilight’s a Princess now, so guards would most likely go to her…”

“And that fact doesn’t give you pause?” he asks.

“So? We’ve dealt with that before, we’ll be fine! We’ll just sneak in, look for Grandbuggy, grab him and get out. Simple as that,” you say with a cheeky grin.

“And how are we gonna do that? We don’t exactly blend in with a crowd,” Greta says as she emphasizes your NONpony companions.

“Ooh…you're probably right,” you say lowering your head in annoyance but your frown fades as an idea pops into your head. “Wait, I can fix that!”

“Wait what do you mean by fix?” Garble starts but you cut him off as you cast a spell. Your horn glows brightly as a flash of green light blinds everyone. When your friends open their eyes again, they see that nothing seems changed.

“Um, I’m no expert on magic, but nothing happened," Ember states in confusion as you giggle and stare at their bewilderment.

“Just go look in the water,” you say pointing your hoof to the nearby stream. The group goes over to do just that and they gasp for in the water they see four ponies staring back at them.

Ahuizotl looks like a rather large dark blue earth pony stallion with a lighter blue shaded mane with gold rings around his neck and a temple for a cutie mark, Greta has a dark brown coat and wings with a white mane and tail with green streaks and a video game controller cutie mark, Ember is a teal blue pegasus with white streaks in her mane and a cutie mark of a dragon winged crown, and Garble is a red pegasus with a large orange mane and tail and his cutie mark is a pair of bongos.

“I...wha?” Ember sputters looking back and forth at the ponies in the water and their real selves in front of her.

“Um, Shade? Explain?” Greta demands backing up from the river with the other three following suit. You chuckled at their bemusement.

“Well you said you’d all stand out, so I made you not stand out,” you giggle. “I thought that I could use my changeling magic and what little I learned from Twilight to make you all look different, and it worked!”

“Y-You didn’t know if it would work or not?” asks Garble shakily.

“No, I’d never tried it before. If I knew I could do this way back when, Daddy wouldn’t have had to wear so many disguise,” you hoofwave.

“Then how did you…?” Ember starts, but you tap your chest.

“Because I have an unwelcome power boost for right now,” you frown before pepping up. “But for now it’s proving useful. To everyone else, you look like ponies, but for us, you look the same. It’s like an illusion spell only more effective. Now we can slip into town undetected and you won't have to hide. As long as we don’t draw attention to ourselves we’ll be fine.”

You then change form into an Earth Pony filly.

“They know me in that town as an alicorn and a Unicorn so this will have to do…But if I see my friends, just know I might say a quick hello,” you warn them. All of them remain silent at that however as they look at you and at each other worriedly.

“Uh...chica? I think there’s a flaw in your disguise,” Ahuizotl speaks up. You turn to him confused as you see him point to his chest. Your eyes widen as you look down to see the shards of the amulet still there.

“What?!” Your horn glows and you change into a pegasus, but the shards remain. You then shift to a unicorn, still there. Pony changeling hybrid, nope. Your horn glows as you changed again trying to hide the shards, a donkey, a bird, a dog, a snake, a chimera, a dragon, a griffon, even a diamond dog! Nothing changes, as the shards still stick out. You growl as your annoyance grows and you return to your alicorn form and glare at the glowing protrusions “OH COME THE BUCK ON?! THEY STAY WHEN I CHANGE?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” You shout in rage.

“Whoa there Shade, take it easy, getting angry won’t solve anything,” Greta says comfortingly as she eyes the glowing shards.

“But that still doesn’t explain why the shards won’t go away!” You growl.

“The amulet was a very powerful artifact chica, it can’t easily be hidden by magic. It's like hiding a stain with more stains, it will still show up,” Ahuizotl explains.

“Yeah, or like trying to cover dirt with more dirt, all you have is dirt,” Ember adds.

“What if it’s different colored dirt?” Garble asks uselessly and they all glare at him till he chuckles nervously.

You sigh as Ahzi’s words make some sense, but they still don’t make your annoyance go away.

“Well, I can’t go to town like this! Ponies may be dense at times but I doubt they’ll not see a foal with a glowing scar on her chest!” you grunt.

“Perhaps I can be of some help my little friend, if you tell me what it is I need to mend?” a familiar voice speaks as the group jumps and stares at the zebra who walked up to them.

“Zecora!” You shout running to hug the zebra mare in question. “Oh Zebra Sensei I missed you!”

“Nightshade, it is good to see you,” she says as she returns the hug, albeit with a grunt from your tackle. “But pray to tell who are these creatures that come with you?”

“Zecora these are my friends! Ahuizotl, Ember, Greta, and Garble,” you say waving your hoof over to the group but you pause as you recognize what she said. “Wait, you can’t see the illusion?” You say looking at her with curiosity.

“My dear little one, if Discord’s powers could not affect me, then I highly doubt your neat little spell would do so easily,” she chuckles, “Though not bad arcane mastery.” You blush at her compliment.

“Thanks Zecora,” you nod as you step back from her. “It’s been awhile huh?”

“Yes it has my little friend, and like most times, it came at an unfortunate end,” she says sadly. You didn’t see her yourself when the Trixie incident happened, but you know she was around.

“Yeah…” you nod sadly.

“Though I am glad to see you alive and well, but since I don’t see him, where is your father, pray tell?” she asks looking around.

“He’s....kind of in another dimension right now with Mommy,” you say and she only raises a brow. “Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but he’s looking for something that can help Mommy get a body, and that’s what I’m doing too, but things got so out of hand and-“

“It’s alright child, I believe you so,” she interrupts you. “And by Mommy, you mean Nightmare Moon, no?”

“That’s not her name anymore!” you shout out of habit, though Zebra sensei is not fazed. “She’s not a monster!”

Not like me…

“Forgive me child, I did not mean it that way, I just like having all the facts in this age and day,” she apologizes.

“…Why is the striped horse rhyming everything?” Ember asks Greta.

“You’ve got me,” Greta shrugs. You ignore the banter with a sigh and look to your shaman friend.

“It’s alright, sorry for yelling. But yeah, what everyling thinks about Mommy is wrong,” you tell her plainly and she gives you a smile.

“I look forward to hearing tale, hopefully I can hear it all before you yet again bail,” she smirks.

“So is this the lady that taught you how to fight better with sticks?” Garble speaks up.

“Yup! Zebra Sensei in the flesh!” you brag.

“Ah, so you are the famous Zebra I’ve heard so much about,” Ahuizotl says walking forward and extending his paw to her. “A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Senorita.” Zecora shakes his paw happily as the others gather around.

“Oh no, the pleasure is all mine. In fact, I think I may have heard of you from a new housemate of mine,” she says with a smirk.

“No kidding?” he asks a bit surprised and she nods.

“Our time together has been short, but it’s true, if there’s one thing she talks on end about, it’s you.”

“Huh, she might be a fan or something,” you shrug.

“If so, I would like to meet her,” he says excitedly before coughing into his paw. “I mean, after we find Fix of course.”

“Of course,” Greta rolls her eyes with a smirk.

“Um, not to be rude or anything black and white pony, but how did you find us?” Ember asks looking at her with suspicion.

“She’s a Zebra Ember,” you correct. “And she found us because she lives in these woods and sees everything within it.”

“Well that’s only partially true,” she admits. “I stumbled upon you all while on a chore I came out here to do.”

“Oh,” you say a bit disappointed that she isn’t some all seeing force of the universe.

“Yes, I came out here to see what could cause a flying Cragodile,” she continues and you pale slightly. “To be honest, I have not seen something that strange in quite awhile.

“Yeah…sure sounds mysterious,” you say nervously before coughing into your hoof.

“But anyway, if you say that your father has gone to this other where, how did you come to be in this group’s care?” she inquires. “Two dragons, a griffon and a guardian beast, quite a mix match of character you could say at least.”

“Well actually I started out with my Grandbuggy, that’s my Dad’s Granddad by the way, turns out he was alive this whole time and kind of moving through time, but he stayed with us after the incident in Appelloosa, but then Daddy and Mommy went to another dimension and we went hunting and we picked up Ahuizotl to help, and Greta by accident and-“ you start to ramble on, but are stopped when she gasps in fright after getting a better look at your front.

“By the old ones! My child, what has happened to your chest?!” she asks in horror pointing to your little souvenirs. “How in your skin, did these gems come to rest?”

“Oh…right,” you sigh at that. “Well you see we needed a petrified dragon egg, that’s one of the pieces we need for Mommy, so we went to Rainbow Falls and…” And you proceed to tell her the cliff notes on what happened. When you are finished, your sensei looks at you with very sad eyes and puts a hoof on your shoulder.

“…My poor little Nightshade…I am so sorry for bringing you pain that can’t fade…”


“The Princesses left that accursed thing in my care, but it was swiped beneath my nose. And now I can plainly see, it has caused you pain and untold woes,” Zecora sniffles, bringing you in for a bigger hug.

“You…you had the amulet?” you ask in shock and she nods. “But…but who could steal from you? You’re awesome?” you ask aloud. It doesn’t make sense, Zecora is not the kind of mare you steal from without a bop to the head.

Daddy’s “Friend” sent it to me. Whoever they are, they keep sending letters even when we’re in the middle of nowhere, you think in realization and frown. Well if I didn’t think they were no good before, this cements it. That bucker stole from Zecora, and whoever they are, I will make them pay!

“You think you can help her?” Ahuizotl asks the shamans who lets out a sigh.

“It would take time and skill, far beyond what I can do with my own aid. The amulet is ancient and filled with dark magic I’m afraid. But now that it has merged with you, we must get it out before it’s too late, for I do not wish you to share Trixie’s fate....” Zecora says sternly and you shudder at her warning.

Before you all can say anything else though, you hear a distant shriek of a mare.

“AHHH!!!! MONSTER!!!!!” the familiar voice carries to you all.

“Where?” Ember asks turning her head left and right.

“Oh for-Mr No Face wandered off again!” Greta says in frustration.

“Doh!” you facehoof as you completely forgot about him after seeing Zecora. “Of course he would keep going.”

“ZECORA!!! If You Can Hear Me I’m Heading To Town, BYE!” the mare’s voice calls through the trees and Zecora looks confused.

“Hmm, that voice sounded awfully familiar,” Ahuizotl strokes his chin.

“Um, my roommate seems to be under a bit of strain, what do you mean by Mr No Face? Can you explain?” Zecora asks you.

“Your friend got spooked by Slendermane, he’s a tall stallion in a suit and no face, and he knows where Grandbuggy is at all times because he owes him money!” you explain hurriedly.

Zecora just seems awestruck by that explanation.

“Yeah trust me, thinking about it doesn’t make him make any more sense,” Garble interject.

“Ooookkkkaaaayyy…I guess it’s not the strangest thing I’ve heard today,” Zecora shrugs.

“So yeah, maybe we should catch up with him before he causes a ruckus in Ponyville? He kind of stands out,” you suggest to the group as you start galloping in his direction. “I mean, the last thing we want is Grandbuggy getting caught between Twilight and a very annoyed, albeit patient eldritch abomination.”

“Well so much for not attracting attention,” Garble grumbles as you all pick up his trail again.

“If we’re lucky, we’ll just surround him looking like our pony illusions,” Greta says.

“The dude still doesn’t have a face!” Ember argues.

“Then Ahuizotl will stand in front of him!” you interrupt and he looks to you.

“The last thing I want is him behind me chica!”

“Yeah, well, too bad!” you say as Zecora just watches all of your banter with fascination. She then runs evenly with you and pulls something out of her bag and drapes it around your neck with ease.

“Huh?” You say looking down at the dark grey scarf around your neck.

“To hide your nasty wound, so that no one will bother your unhelpful boon,” Zecora rhymes as she keeps up with you. You nod thanking her as you head towards the town which houses so many of your family’s problems, and yet also some of the best memories of your short life.

“Why does Lady Luck hate me?” you mutter to yourself.

POV CHANGE: Grandbuggy

After dragging the passed out mare to the barn, Smithy and Fluttershy all grabbed a bottle of cider each. And while Orchard takes steady drinks, the pegasus mare just downs her bottle.

“Easy there missy, you don’t want to get a pounding head, trust me,” you warn as phantom pain from your massive hangover makes you wince.

“It’s fi-Hic-Fine! I cahanndle it!” she warbles as she sways.

“…Really? This girl’s that much of a lightweight?” you ask incredulously to Orchard.

“Like I told ya back at Commander Hurricane’s wedding, pegasi can’t hold their liquor. It’s them hollow bones,” she answers taking another swig and setting a fresh bottle by AJ’s head.

“I can see that,” you say as the mare starts giggling drunkenly.

“Can’t say I blame her. I mean, two of my grandkids getting too friendly? Bleh! We ain’t the Hayseeds!” she grimaces and drinks again.

“Yeah don’t worry, I’m sure after some very awkward dinners, we can all look past this and laugh,” you comfort. To this she looks at you forlornly.

“Fix…will that actually happen?” she asks hesitantly and you wince. “Will you come back after you’ve find Nightshade?”

“I…” you start and sigh. “I want to come back Orchard, but it might be hard. There’s still one or two things I need to find, and I’ve really got to get that thing out of her chest. Plus, once the boy comes back, there’s still gonna be angry folks wanting to hurt his significant other.”

She looks downcast at that but nods.

“I understand…Which is saying something,” she chuckles. “Where is he anyway?”

“Another dimension,” you answer honestly since you two have experiences with that.

“Hoo Boy,” she shakes her head.

“Yeah, he needs to find something to help get Nightshade’s mom out of his head.”

“Heh, if I hadn’t traveled with you when we were younger, I think I’d find more of this strange,” she smirks. “I mean, I didn’t think in a thousand years that the Apple family would end up being family to royalty.”

“It’s a crazy world we live in,” you chuckle.

“Yer Darn Right It Is!” Fluttershy hiccups from the corner.

“…You know, I think it might be easier just to leave her here. Last thing I need is a drunken Element drawing attent-“

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Suddenly, there is a pop of magic as Twilight teleports right in front of the barn, facing the house.

“I FIGURED IT OUT!” she shouts to the house.

“AGH!” you yelp in surprise and fear at the sudden appearance.

“Huh?” Twilight’s attention is caught by this as she starts to turn her head, and instinctually you jump into a barrel of apples.

“What the…?” you hear Twilight stammer as she walks into the barn. “Granny Smith? Fluttershy?”

“Oh, uh, hey Twilight, how you doin?” asks Orchard. Peering through a knot hole, you see the mare looking at your nervous love, the dizzy pegasus, and the passed out AJ.

“Uh…fine. I came back because I figured out that the riddle was just a play on words and…What’s going on here?” she asks.

“Oh, uh, just having a bit of an afternoon nip, heh heh,” Orchard lies nervously.

“Yoush should join us Twilighke!” Fluttershy bellows and the mare seems even more confused.

“You’re all drinking? When did you get here Fluttershy? What happened to Applejack? I thought she was playing games with Applebloom, and who the heck jumped into the barrel of apples?!”

“Oh uh…that was…” Smithy stammers as Fluttershy puts a wing over her friend.

“Ish a secret,” she giggles.

Beyond confused, the purple alicorn starts making her way towards your position.

“Who’s in there?” she asks suspiciously.

Crap baskets! Alright, time to override her brain, you think as you transform.

“I said who’s in-WHA?!” she falls backward in shock as you pop out in the guise of Princess Celestia.

“Hello My Faithful Student!” you say to her and her eyes widen.

“AHHH! The Princess Is Here!” Fluttershy shrieks and flies out the door and Orchard just looks at you incredulously.

“Pr-Pr-Princess Celestia?” Twilight gasps.

“That’s right Twilight…How are you?” you ask.

“I-I-I’m fine I just…When did you get to town?”

“Oh, just awhile ago,” you lie and the mare looks bewildered.

“And you came here?” she asks.

“…Yes,” you nod.

“I…Why did you come here to the Apple Farm? Why are You Hiding in a Barrel? What is…What is going on?” Twilight asks as her mane starts to frazzle.

“Oh, uh…I was hiding because I didn’t want you to know I was visiting my lover, uh…Big Mac.”

“WHAT?!” she shrieks and Smithy facehoofs.

“Oh yes, I didn’t want you to know I was dating a lowly peasant and all that. He’s actually in the barrel with me.”


“In fact, now that you know, You Should Join Us Twilight,” you say with lidded eyes.

“Huh?” she asks taken aback.

“Join us in the barrel Twilight, there’s plenty of room for one more,” you troll wiggling your eyebrows.

“I-I-I-I-“ she starts to stutter with a blush on her face before her eyes roll into the back of her skull and she passes out.

“…Dang, I’m on a roll today,” you think with pride as you transform back and hop out of the barrel.

“Fix, yer gonna give these mare’s a heart attack if you keep messing with them like this,” Orchard scolds.

“Eh they can take it,” you hoofwave as you transform into your pony guise. “Now, I think I should be going before she wa-“

“Oooohhh,” she groans as she starts to come out of it.

“Curse You Alicorn Resilience!” you shout as her eyes land on you.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Wh-What happened?” she asks groggily and sits up. Her eyes then widen and she looks at the barrel. “Princess Celestia?!”

“Celestia? Why would she be here Twilight?” asks Smithy.

“I just…” she pauses as she sees the barrel is empty and shakes her head. “I think I just had a really weird dream…”

“Yeah that’s definitely what it was,” you say as you help her up.

“Thank you…who are you?” she asks.

“Oh nopony in particular,” you say and she raises a brow.

“Right…” she trails off and looks to the passed out AJ with a bottle by her head. “Well at least I didn’t imagine that. What’s really going on Granny Smith?”

Orchard sighs and gives you a look that makes you sweat.

Ah buck, she’s going the truthful route!

“I ain’t gonna lie to you princess,” she starts and you eye the doorway. “The truth is…Applejack couldn’t handle the truth.”

“Huh? What truth?” Twilight questions.

“I…well…” you stammer.

“The truth that this here stallion is an old flame of mine…and we’re rekindling that flame,” she says as she walks next to you and drapes a foreleg around your neck.

…Oh you sneaky minx you, you think with pride.

“Oh…OH!” Twilight blushes as she realizes what that means.

“Eyup,” she nods. “This here is Quick Fix, and he stopped by to visit me,” she says with flirty eyes towards you. Taking her cue, you easily slip back into your role with her.

“That’s right, it’s been years since I saw this beauty. But yes, it’s pleasure to meet you Princess Twilight,” you say with a slight bow.

“I see, well…sorry for prying,” she chuckles nervously and looks back to Applejack.

“Like I said, she couldn’t take the truth well, so we dragged her here,” Granny says.

“She’ll probably need a drink,” you add.

“Right…Seems like a bit of an overreaction to me,” Twilight says.

“Yeah, well, sometimes the truth is too much to handle,” you say slyly and she nods.

“Okay…well if she’s busy and not wanting to talk about it, I guess I’ll keep looking for Fluttershy to visit Flash and…Wait, did I imagine her drinking in here as well?” she asks.

“EEEK!” the mare in question shrieks and flies back inside the barn, bowling over her friend.

“Nope,” you answer Twilight’s question.

“Fluttershy! What is it?! Wh-“

“M-M-M-Monster!” she cries out, clinging to her friend and pointing out the barn doors. All of you look and you see…

“Oh for, Are You Serious Mate?!” you yell in frustration as your faceless Stalker stands in the doorway, staring at you expectedly.

“AAAAHHHH!!! WHAT IS THAT THING?!” Twilight screams as she scrambles backwards with the drunken Fluttershy and aims her horn at him.

“A Pain In The Neck Is What He Is,” you spit in disgust. “Seriously, get a hobyy!”

“Why Slendermane, is that you?” Orchard says, not scared at all. The faceless abomination looks her direction and gives a slight nod of acknowledgement. “Shoot, I ain’t seen you in a dog’s age.” Ironic since her dog Winona is currently hiding inside the main house under the kitchen table after seeing him.

“It’s far too soon for me. Go on, get out of here!” you try to shoo him away, but he won’t budge.

“Have you still not paid him back his bits?” Orchard reprimands you.

“He don’t deserve them!” you respond tersely.

“What are you two talking about?!” Twilight yelps as Fluttershy whimpers. Before anyone can answer, Slendy starts walking closer and closer, holding his hoof out, asking for his change. “AHHH! STAY BACK!” Twilight shouts as her horn starts to glow.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

WARGAMES’s Comment

After rushing through the woods, you found Slendermane again, and thankfully he wasn’t heading for the town proper, but to the west of it. Having lived there for some months, you immediately knew that he was heading for Sweet Apple Acres.

By the time you caught up with him again though, he’d gone into the Apple’s barn and you heard the screams of Fluttershy and Twilight.

“Oh great, we were too late,” grumbles Greta.

“Not necessarily,” you point out. “If they’re in the barn, then Grandbuggy is probably tied up, so while they’re distracted, we just sneak in, grab him, and-“


A large magical blast echoes out from the barn as a hole is created and Slendermane lands at your hooves. You all take a moment to stare at the smoking creature as he starts to get back up, seemingly nonplussed.

“Holy Buck,” Ember says what you’re all thinking.

Looking to the hole in the barn you see…something you weren’t expecting. Applejack seems to be sleeping on the ground, Fluttershy is crying and swaying for some reason, and Twilight looks harried and frazzled and is panting in fear, but there’s no sign of the rest of the Deadly 6.

“Stay Back You Horrible, Horrible…” Twilight stops her threat to Slendy as she notices you and your group disguised as ponies.

“What the…Nightshade?” she seeing you in your unicorn form.

“Nightshade?!” you hear a familiar gruff voice, and peering around the corner is you Grandbuggy in his pony form, and next to him is Granny Smith. Both of them seem very overjoyed to see you.

“…Okay, I’m gonna be honest here, I was not expecting this at all,” you admit as you and the rest of your Outcasts stare at the scenario dumbfounded. While Slendy stands back up, and the silence and shock of everyling else fills the air, Zecora takes this moment to say,

“I didn’t expect this either, I have to agree with you. But in such strange circumstances like this, one must ask themselves:


Episode 56: Debt Consolidation

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“What do I do?” you say looking at Zecora as if it’s obvious. “I do this…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Grandbuggy!” you shout as your eyes shine with happiness and you rush past Slendy and Twilight towards the old bug.

“Nightshade!” he exclaims in a similarly happy tone. And in front of everyone, you tackle hug the old fool and laugh in joy as he wraps his forelegs around you.

“You’re alright! You’re actually alright!” you exclaim as you nuzzle his chest.

“My words exactly kiddo,” he says as he lifts you up and spins you around.

“I Was So Worried!” you both say at the same time. You both then pause for a beat and begin laughing again as if nothing else in the world mattered.

“Don’t go disappearing on me again alright?!” you order sternly as you look him straight in the eye and he smirks.

“Only if you don’t honey,” he says as he ruffles your mane.

“Oh…that’s so sweet…” you hear Granny Smith say from beside you, with tears in her eyes, and suddenly, you feel nervous.

Oh…right. She’s actually my Great Grandma isn’t she? Does…Does she know? You ponder as she looks over the two of you.

“W-Wait just a minute here! What’s going on?! Nightshade is that really you?” Twilight shouts aloud and you all look back to her. Her mane is currently frizzled and she looks beyond confused standing between you, Slendy, and the rest of the Outcasts.

“Uh, yeah…Hi Ms. Twilight,” you say with a nervous wave.

“I…Bu…What are you doing here? Where is your father? And why are you hugging Granny Smith’s old boyfriend?” she asks.

“Oh, he’s uh, not here right now. I just came here to get my Grandbuggy and-“

“Grandbuggy?” she exclaims as she looks at his disguised form and her eyes widen schizophrenically and the old bug gulps.

“…Twilight?” you ask nervously and her eyes dart back to you, and they soften somewhat in joy and confusion over seeing her favorite/only student again.

“Nishabe!” comes a slurred voice next to you and you jump a bit seeing the droopy eyed and swaying Fluttershy staring at you.

“Flutter...shy?” you dare to ask as the mare starts giggling.

“See? I shaved you!” she slurs and falls to the floor.

Still perplexed by this, you hear Grandbuggy call out,

“Ahzi?!” to the disguised Ahuizotl.

“Fix!” he calls out with a smile and a wave.

“Ahzi?” Granny Smith asks Grandbuggy who nods.

“Wh-“ Twilight tries to talk, but then Fluttershy laughs and points at the passed out AJ.

“Napplejack!” she giggles.

“Fluttershy!” Granny Smith scolds.

“Zecora!” the drunken mare laughs again and points at Zebra Sensei who just smiles.

“ALRIGHT THAT’S ENOUGH!” the unicorn turned alicorn shouts and stomps the ground, causing a minor magical shockwave to blast outwards. “I can’t take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds and stop shouting names crazily?!” She growls as apparently her short temper reaches it’s peak at all the shenanigans. And as a short silence falls over you lot, she seems to take this as a cue to continue…

“MONSTER!” Fluttershy shouts again pointing at Slendermane and Twilight’s teeth clack together in anger.

“I said sto-OH RIGHT! MONSTER! AGH!” she is pulled out of her psychotic break as Slendermane brushes past her, trying to get to Grandbuggy. “Begone!” she shouts and blasts him with magic away from her again. Once more, Slendy lands on his side before slowly getting back to his hooves and walking towards you all again.

Kichi’s Comment

“Um, I wouldn’t do that again Twilight!” you warn as she gets into a defensive position.

“I’ll be fine! Now, I don’t know what’s going on Nightshade, but you and everypony else need to run before this creature gets to you!” she says as she blasts Slendermane into the dirt again.

“No really, he’s not all that bad if you stop attacking,” you warn again as the rest of your group and Zecora walk through the hole in the barn.

“Nonsense! This thing is clearly a servant of Nightmare Moon! Come to prey upon Fluttershy and Applejack while they’re at their weakest!” she shouts in conviction, which causes Fluttershy to whimper and hug onto the passed out mare.

Meanwhile, the other Outcasts just look at this scene in awe, as if a trainwreck was about to happen.

“…Fix? Does he still do that brain blast thing?” asks Granny Smith to Grandbuggy.

“Well…” he trails off as Twilight once more stands defiant in front of the faceless stallion.

"I don't know from where you come from or what exactly you are servant of Nightmare Moon, but I will not let you hurt anyp-AAAAAAHHHH!!!" she suddenly seizes up and holds the sides of her head as she falls to the ground, twitching.

“I’d say so yes,” Grandbuggy answers.

“Twight Bright!” the drunken mare shrieks in fear, as her friend rolls on the ground, mumbling incoherently.

“I warned her twice, you all heard me,” you say looking to the others.

“Gorramit, Fixie just pay him already!" Granny scolds.

"Never! I’ll be six feet in the ground before he gets my bits!” Grandbuggy responds resolutely.

“…Okay, my first interaction with pony culture is kind of underwhelming you guys,” Ember says in response to the madness.

“Come on you old fool, just give the guy his bits already!” Greta growls at Grandbuggy as Slender steps over the twitching Twilight.

“Yeah Grandbuggy, do it before the stupid ponies in town have a heart attack,” you agree.

“It’s the principle of the matter! No, now that we’re all together again, let’s just make some distance and-Ow, Ow, Ow, OW!”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Grandbuggy starts wincing in pain as you see Granny Smith pinching his ear with her hoof.

“Quick “117” Fix! You will pay the danged stallion what he is owed like an honest gentleman, and you will do so RIGHT NOW!” she orders with a steely look that gives even you the shivers.

“B-B-But…” he tries to argue the old mare just gives him a stare that would rival Fluttershy’s and he gulps in fear.

Holy Crap. Do I have that ability since I’m in the bloodline? You wonder in astonishment.

“Well the thing is, I left my bits in my hat, and I seemed to have lost it and-“

“Here it is!” you chime up as you pull the hat from your inventory and place it on his head mid-excuse.


Grandbuggy’s Bowler Hat

“Thank you dearie,” she says giving you that warm sweet smile you saw many times around the Apple Dinner Table, before immediately switching right back into the murder stare when looking at Grandbuggy.

“Okay, alright! Fine! I’ll pay that free loading jerk!” he finally relents. Granny Smith smiles at this and shoves him forward, towards the patiently waiting monster, who has his hoof out expectantly.

The two of them stare at each other for what seems like a millennia, but is only a few seconds, before Grandbuggy just lets out a sigh of defeat and sticks his hoof into his hat.

“Gorrramit,” he curses as he rummages around in it.

“I…I can’t believe it…” Ahuizotl says with mouth agape.

“I know, right?” you agree. “I didn’t think anything would convince him…”

“Heh, well an Apple Mare can get any stallion to bend to their will,” Granny says as she puts a hoof on your shoulder and beams at you. “Ya just gotta know what buttons to press.”

You look at her in awe as she gives you a knowing wink.

“You know then?” you ask hesitantly.

“Well, for about the last 10 minutes I do,” she admits with a chuckle and gives you a side hug.

Uh Oh, you think as your Great Grandmother admits this. Is Daddy gonna be upset that she knows? But another part of you silences that voice since it means you now have more family to love and learn from. A loud groan of annoyance causes your attention to be drawn back to Grandbuggy, and you all watch in astonishment as he finally, FINALLY pulls out 20 shiny golden bits and dumps them in the hoof of the eldritch abomination.

“Here! Take it and leave me the buck alone ya Gorramned nuisance!” he grunts as the bits overflow from Slendermane’s hoof, some of them hitting the ground.

If someling without a face could smile, you think Slendy would be doing it right now as he puts the bits into his suit pocket, and begins picking up the other bits with his tentacles that form on his back.

“EEEEKKK!!!” Fluttershy squeals and hides her face at that sight.

“Calm down lady, he’s just picking up money,” Garble says.

“But why dush he owe that thing bits?” she exclaims.

“I honestly don’t know senorita,” Ahuizotl shrugs.

“But really, Slendermane’s not something you need to hide from,” Greta adds.

“B-But he’s so scurry,” she slurs and cries.

“It’s really alright Fluttershy, I promise,” you say trying to soothe her but she adamantly refuses to open her eyes.

“No! He hash no face, and tentacles! The only thing worse ish a dragon!”

“Hey...” Ember says taking offense.

Huh, good thing they’re disguised or she’d be freaking out about them too…And wait, does she have a problem with Spikey?! You think as you frown at the drunken mare.

“GYAGH!” your head whips around as you see Grandbuggy being held aloft by one of Slendy’s tentacles around his throat.

“GRANDBUGGY!” you shout in fear and are about to charge forth, but Granny Smith holds a leg out.

“Hold on honey, it’ll be over in a second,” she warns.

“But he’s going to kill him! Why? He Got His Stupid Bits!” you exclaim as Grandbuggy is drawn closer to the smooth faceless face and his eyes widen even more.

“This is just interest for making him wait so long,” Granny sighs and shakes her head just as Grandbuggy starts screaming. And while Fluttershy whimpers and holds her ears, and the rest of the Outcasts look on in horror, you grit your teeth, not knowing whether to save Grandbuggy, or listen to Granny. But after a few seconds, Slendermane lets go of Grandbuggy abruptly, who falls to the floor panting.

“Grandbuggy!” you call out as you rush to his side and lift his head up. His eyes are a bit loopy at first, but eventually they find purchase on you.

“Oh Hey Honey, how’s school?” he asks dopily.

“Uhhhh, I haven’t gone in like a year?” you say.

“Right, right,” he nods as his eyes focus more.

“Are you feeling okay?” you ask.

“Yeah…Yeah I think so I just…” he trails off.

“Just?” you question and his eyes widen in horror.

“I’ve forgotten how to make my world class nachos!” he shouts in outrage.


“My Nachos! They had meats and stuff on them, but I can’t remember them now! They won prizes on multiple planets! I’ve forgotten the recipe!!!” he exclaims.

“You have?! Why didn’t you ever make them for me?!” you accuse.

“I was waiting for a celebratory moment! Since you’re omnivorous, unlike your dad, I was going to spoil you, and now I can’t!” He then glares right at Slendermane as he begins to walk away. “You Bastard! You Unbelievable Bastard!!!”

“Oh give it a rest Fix, you’re lucky that’s all he took,” Granny says setting a hoof on his shoulder. “It could have been so much worse.”

“She’s right ya old geezer, so settle down,” Greta adds.

“…I kind of feel sad I’ll never get to try them now,” you admit forlornly.

“Ya See! My Great Granddaughter can no longer taste them…however they tasted! AH! Why would he leave the memory of them, but not what they tasted like or how to make them?!”

“Because ya hadn’t paid your bills for over 60 years?” Granny asks sarcastically. “Shoot, it’s been much, much longer for him.”

“Uh, speaking of “him” where’s he going?” asks Garble as he points to Slendermane who steps gingerly over the groaning Twilight who is being helped by Zecora.

“Ugh, I ain’t the only one who had a debt to him,” Grandbuggy says rubbing his temple.

“Nah, but you were the most stubborn,” Granny says with a chuckle.

“You can say that again,” you smirk as you hug the old bug again and he rolls his eyes.

“Still, him going away is a bit sad. He’s kind of been around for awhile,” Greta mentions as he walks onto the main road going north.

“I know right? Like a stray cat that won’t come home with you, but will still ask for food and head scratches,” Ahuizotl says.

“Well wherever he’s going, I hope the other idiot doesn’t owe him any more than just 20 bits,” Ember says.

“Wait a minute!” Fluttershy says bolting upright.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“Dish court!” she slurs and she piques your curiosity.

“What about him?” you ask.

“He told me once dat he owed a shlim pony a new suit!” she covers her mouth.

“Wait, when did you talk to him about that?!” you inquire.

“We have losh of tea parties. He’s probably at my cottage now!” she answers and your eye twitches.

“Wait one gorramned minute here, are you saying you’re constantly hanging out with that troll, and you still haven’t gotten him to fix that memory altering from 2 years ago?!” you huff and she looks at you sheepishly.

“Uhhhh, Sorry Nightshade. I’ll be back to help you later, but my animals are there too!” she excuses as she drunkenly flies out of the barn, knocking into Twilight as she goes.

“Hey!” she yelps as she is knocked down again.

“Sorry!” she shouts.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Aaaaaggghhh,” Twilight groans as she stands back up and looks at Zecora. “Zecora, I’m not having a good day today,” she says meekly and the zebra chuckles. She then starts to look towards you lot, but using your awesome cloaking skills, you make all of your group and Grandbuggy look like Apple Barrels from her point of view.

“Wh-Where did Nightshade go? Wasn’t she just here with her…Grandbuggy?” she asks unsuredly as she looks to Zecora.

“They were indeed Twilight, and they’re probably still around…but maybe you should see if your friend is alright?” the Zebra vouches for you and you smile.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Right, right,” she nods and her eyes perk up. “That’s right! Where did that monster go?! He was after that Quick Fix, Grandbuggy, whoever the buck!”

As if on cue, that familiar voice from the woods shrieks.

“AAAHHHH!!! It’s Back Again! Princess Twilight! Princess Twilight! There’s a Monster!” and floating above the frazzled mare is none other than Daring Do herself.

“Daring?!” Ahuizotl gasps in shock at seeing her.

“Who dat?” asks Ember.

“His girlfriend,” Greta answers.

“She is not!” he denies as both mares outside seem to be panicking.

“I saw him out near your place Zecora and I flew into town, but then I heard magical explosions this way, and that shy animal lady is flying the same way and-“

“Easy now my roommate, we already know, you came to the party late,” Zecora chuckles.

“…Why is Daring Do living with Zecora now?” you ask aloud, and surprisingly, Grandbuggy answers.

“Oh, well her house kind of got blown up when Cabeleron took over a stupid MACHINE suit.” You all look at him incredulously at that. “What, it’s true.”

“Daring’s house was blown up?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Ayup, by a big robot suit.”

“A robot suit?” you ask.

“That’s right,” he nods. “That stupid Sentry guy’s to be precise. After he scooped me up he landed at her cottage and-“

“Whoa, whoa, wait! Mr. Sentry kidnapped you?” you gasp and he sighs.

“Kid…A lot happened in these last few days, let me tell you.”

“…Yeah. A lot happened to us as well,” you respond, feeling guilty over letting the amulet influence you.

“Well, I think that we’ll all have time to talk about it over some dinner, what do you all think?” asks Granny Smith as she steps between the two of you and gives both of your shoulders a squeeze.

Kichi’s Comment

“Uh, but shouldn’t we worry about that?” asks Garble pointing to the Alicorn and Pegaus that fly off towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Hmmm, I mean if anything it only puts a spotlight on Slendy…” you say.

“Can they even throw something like him in a dungeon? I don’t think it would hold him,” Greta ponders.

“And you don’t think we’ll be held guilty by association?” asks Garble.

“What association? He can’t exactly talk or rat us out,” Ember rolls her eyes.

“Even if they did though, you are an alicorn so we could just claim you’re a princess and get royal amnesty,” Ahuizotl mentions.

“But I’m not actually a princess, princess…I don’t think.”

“Well I am, does that do anything?” asks Ember.

“Oooh, Diplomatic Immunity! They wouldn’t dare harm you,” Greta says excitedly.

“But does that still work if Grandbuggy owns you?” you point out.

“Say what now?” Granny asks.

“Don’t worry about it hun,” he hoofwaves. “But yeah, let’s get a bite to eat and catch up. Now that there’s no rush, we’ve got time.”

“No rush?” you say sarcastically as you open up your scarf and point to your peppered chest. Granny Smith lets out a gasp at that, but Grandbuggy just covers it back up.

“Yes, no rush. Because in all honesty, the only one in this town that would have any idea on how to get it out is going to be busy dealing with ‘ol no face for a bit.”

“Twilight?” you ask.

“Nah, that chaos turd,” Grandbuggy spits.

“Oh…” you say in understanding. It does make sense now that you think about it, who else would be that powerful? “Sooo…should we go take a look at that impending battle then?”

“Nah kid, it’ll be fine,” he reassures before looking at AJ who starts to moan and the curious Granny Smith. “Besides, we got family business to discuss…”

“Well…” you say looking over your shoulder in the distance where you still hear Twilight screaming and you shrug. “Yeah alright.”

That bit of stupidity is over there, and over there can take care of itself.

“And I think this is a bit overdue as well,” Granny Smith says as she wraps you in a hug. “Heh, and here I thought I’d have to wait for Big Mac to get married to be a Great Great Grandma…”

Smirking, you return the hug as Applejack blearily opens her eyes.

“Wh-What in the hay?” she warbles seeing you three having a tender moment. You look to the Hick, one of the mare’s that made your dad’s life a living Tartarus, and who also wanted to marry him (Ick) but at the same time she is family. You awkwardly wave at her.

“Hey cousin…”

And like that her jaw literally hits the floor, causing a crater to form.

And as you and the Outcasts, along with Zecora and AJ enter the Apple House with Granny Smith to discuss the future…


Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

DWC views the ensuing shenanigans via his mystical means. And though normally he would view the visual of the God of Chaos meticulously dressing up a faceless eldritch monster from beyond the veil of reality in countless silly suits while Princess Twilight keeps blasting at it and Fluttershy hurriedly evacuates her animals, today he’s not really feeling it. In fact, he grits his teeth in annoyance as he also looks in on Nightshade, reunited with her Great Grandfather, sitting around a dinner table and calmly discussing things with her extended family.

“Grrr, you stupid little filly! You’re supposed to be falling into despair, not making progress for your stupid father!” he spits and crumples a half written letter before throwing it over his shoulder.

“Progress! Progress is the antithesis to those cursed by Lady Luck! This goes against everything I’ve Put Bugze Through!” he growls as he starts huffing and puffing. Looking to the other screen, he sees that Slendermane is now dressed in what can only be described as some sort of Pimp Costume with a feathered hat, and is blasted further into the Everfree.

“I mean for Luck’s Sake! Bugze would have gotten involved with this stupidity even though he wouldn’t have to and make things worse and causing angst and…” he stops himself as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. After a few seconds, he lets out his held breath in a long sigh and shakes his head.

“Calm down DWC, there’s still plenty of ways this can go wrong…” he says to himself as he looks back to Nightshade. “I mean, the roots of despair have been sown already. It’s a shame she didn’t actually kill that half breed wendigo freak that yips at the heels of Burner, that would have been glorious.” He smiles cruelly.

“Bugze would have come back from wherever the buck he is and found his daughter as the monster she was always meant to be…Oh that would have broken him…”

Letting out another sigh he glares at Nightshade.

“But no, you have to go and be merciful, despite the crazy juice amulet in you,” he shakes his head in shame. “Well good luck having Discord just pop that out of you you little brat. It was made with the darkness of the Umbrum, and only through them can it be unmade.”

He then pauses as a thought comes to him.

“…That could work. Mr. “Glorious Leader” is going to do his big reveal at the Games, and at the same time Sombra’s old squeeze will be launching her own incursion…” he then smiles cruelly and looks back at Nightshade.

“Oh ho ho, there’s going to be plenty of chances for you to lose it My Dear Sweet Nightshade. I mean, there are plenty of reasons to go to the Empire when it all goes down. Suggestions aren’t coercion, so it’s not like I’d be forcing you to go…”

He then starts tapping his chin in thought.

“Yes, I can’t bring bad luck upon you directly while your Dad still lives and breathes per my Lady’s will, but just like with the Amulet, I can just throw the cards in the air and read them as they lie. You are impressionable after all…” he trails off as he sees a small purple dragon talking to the frazzled purple alicorn, which brings a smile to his face. That smile is completely dashed though when he looks in on Slendermane in his pimp costume, and sees him in the middle of a “dispute” with Pyramid head, who seems to be chasing him with his hand outstretched as they both walk deeper and deeper into the dark woods.

“OH COME ON! That encounter would have been so…AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” he pulls at his mane in frustration before he just waves the image away and pouts. “Bugze would have caused a three way battle for no reason and set the forest fire again…”

He sighs once more in disappointment and looks at Nightshade and Grandbuggy and the others.

“At least they’re going with the cover of you all being BST’s family…but still, that reveal would have been so much better in front of Bugze! I mean, Applejack might have started bleeding from the brain if he’d been in the room when it was revealed…”

Shaking his head again he gets a new piece of paper out and starts penning a letter.

“But no matter. The Games will be coming soon, and even if Bugze isn’t there, the possibility for angst and misery is infinite. Hope is making progress gathering so called “villains,” and by Luck I hope Chrysalis takes the bait. It’s only a matter of time…”

He stops as he once more looks at Nightshade.

“Heh heh, oh yes, you’ll feel the sting of more bad luck Nightshade. It’s only right that you pay for the sins of your father. But Seriously, Why Are You Gathering Artifacts, and Where The Buck Is Bugze?! I Want My Old Chew Toy Back!!! HE HAS A RENDEVOUZ WITH DEATH!!!”

In The Human World

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

A shiver runs down your spine despite the bright and sunny day.

“Are you okay Mr. Bugze?” asks Sonata from the backseat.

“Y-Yeah, perfectly fine just…just fine,” you lie as you rub the back of your neck.

You’ve been getting chills like that a lot lately, Selena mentions as you stare out the front of Humbra’s car.

I know, and I don’t like it. It keeps feeling like someling’s walking over my grave…

Shaking that feeling off, you look past B2 beside you and towards Humbra.

“Are We There Yet?” you ask for like the millionth time and he grits his teeth.

“We’ll Get There When We Get There!” he growls in frustration. You, Sonata, B2 and Pinkie have been annoying him with that question for awhile because you honestly don’t have anything better to do. You currently sit in the car with them, as well as Aria and Adagio as you all make your way towards a possible hit spot for Midnight.

“Oh boy, I can’t wait to get all that cotton candy, and rides, and balloons!” Pinkie cheers from the backseat and Sombra only groans more in frustration. After all, it wasn’t his idea to drive a bunch of teenage girls to the Carnival. Aria, who is sat right next to the hyperactive girl looks equally as annoyed.

“For the love the gods, I can’t take much more of this! It’s like having a second Sonata!” she groans and tugs at her twin tails.

“I know, isn’t it awesome?!” Sonata says as she and Pinkie continue to chat about silly inane things, quickly becoming the best of friends.

“You know, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think those two were the actual siblings,” B2 mentions as he observes the two giggly girls.

“Oh trust me, if you met the real Pinkie Pie, you’d know that those two are leagues behind her,” you say.

“Slug Bug Red!” Pinkie cries as she punches Adagio on the arm.

“AH! Watch it!” the siren groans.

“Punch Buggy Blue!” Sonata shrieks and punches Aria.

“QUIT IT!” she yelps as more commotion is made and Humbra looks like he’s about to pop a blood vessel.

Tell me who’s bright idea it was to have those two fools in the same vehicle as us?Asks Sombra.

Nolings, Pinkie just invited herself, you point out.

Sunset, Flash, and the other Human Deadly 6 (which you’ve dubbed the Humane 7) are currently in other vehicles all heading to the same destination you are. The Carnival. And why are you going to the Carnival exactly? Well, after all that creepy evidence at Armor’s place, you know Midnight had it circled with a question mark and the words “Time Anomalies?” next to it.

Whether there’s actual magic or not, no one has seen her the past few days, though her family seem to be in contact with her and not panicking somehow, so this seems like the best way to try and find her again. And if nothing else, perhaps find the possible magic artifact before she gets her hands on it. The only downside is, it’s a carnival, with lots and lots of merry making humies running about.

“Oh My Gosh, It’s going to be so amazing! PostCrush has been performing there on the weekends to prep for their next tour! EEE! I’m gonna get their autographs!” Pinkie squees.

“No way! I’ve actually heard their music! They’re Great!” Sonata gasps excitedly.

“Sonata, WE can sing better than those stupid human girls,” Adagio points out with an eye roll.

“Well duh, we got magic,” Sonata shoots back. “K-Lo and Su-Z are just naturally talented for humans!”

“Oh God, I know those names,” B2 groans and facepalms. When he notices your intrigued expression, he says, “They’re a bunch of New Pop singers that use Autotune and peppy music. It’s annoying.”

“Heh, you can say that again,” Humbra grunts. “Kids these days don’t appreciate Hard Metal anymore.”

“Hey, I appreciate both. Just don’t knock it just because you can’t sing it,” Aria defends.

“You’re a sea horse from another dimension, you don’t get a say in how we humans rock out!” Humbra counters.

“Eh, we’ve got both too,” you interject. “And really, I used to be a fan of pop until…” you remember Sapphire Shores and shudder. “Yeah, let’s just say it’s best to never meet your idols.”

Or try to fornicate with them like a moron, Selena huffs.

I said I was Sorry! You whine, just as Humbra rounds a corner and you see a giant ferris wheel and a sea of other rides and booths.

“Are We The-“ Pinkie and Sonata start, but Humbra yells over them.


“Yay!” they both cheer.

“About time,” B2 trolls. “Now, all we have to do is link up with the rest of the crew and we can look for…Time Stuff?”

“That’s all I can think of,” you shrug. “But yeah, I’m sure the Dazzlings might be better at tracking it.”

“So long as it’s actively being used, if there’s anything at all,” Aria nods.

“Right, so yeah, try not to have too much fun and keep your eyes peeled for either magic stuffs, or Midnight Sparkle herself.”

“I’m pretty sure a winged girl wouldn’t be able to blend in well,” Humbra says sarcastically.

“No, but she still is a human, and I’m willing to bet she can turn that appearance on and off, just like Gloriosa did…”

Humbra parks his car in an available spot, and not too far away, the rest of the Humane 7 park and come towards you.

“Alright Everybody, Roll Out!” B2 says in a mock deep voice and you all look to him.

“…What? You Don’t Like Optimus Prime?” he says defensively.


Episode 57: Deja Vu

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“Here’s your ticket sir,” the girl behind the booth says with a smile as she hands you your voucher.

“Thanks,” you say.

As you gather with the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 at the entrance after buying tickets, a strange sense of déjà vu comes over you.

“Huh…” you mutter aloud.

“What’s wrong?” asks Sunset seeing your confused face.

“N-Nothing really. Just this whole situation felt really familiar for some reason,” you say with a wave of your hand.

I know what you mean…but we haven’t been to a carnival together have we? Selena asks.

Well, there was the Crystal Fair, you shrug seeing how there are some similarities, thought the Humies have way more deadly MACHINES in their midst.

But I was still out during that…Selena trails off.

Quit worrying about whatever it is you two are feeling, and get inside! Sombra barks sounding impatient causing you to frown.

Wow, someone’s in a hurry, you roll your eyes.

Of course I am! I never got to experience the Crystal Fair because that whorse Amore’s precious heart would waylay me to my bed. Hope and I never got to go! He complains.

Alright, alright! I’ll get you a funnel cake or something, you wave off as you look to your physical companions.

“Alright you all, we’re here on very important business, so I don’t want you all to lose focus. We may be at a Carnival, but there should be No Fun Having at all!”

The humans and Equestrians turned Humans look at you like you’ve gone even more mad.

“Bro, it’s a Carnival, if they don’t have fun they’ll stick out like a sore thumb,” B2 points out.

“Yeah, and just because we’re working doesn’t mean I can’t get lots of snacks!” Pinkie shouts.

“I understand the need to look out for Twilight and all, but it’s not often we come here,” Rainbow complains.

“Exactly! Plus, some of us got other business here as well,” Applejack mentions and Rainbow pales.

“Like what?” you huff.

“Rainbow lost a bet and has to pay up,” AJ smirks and the chromatic haired girl groans.

“I want to go to the petting zoo,” Fluttershy speaks up.

“I could go for some rides,” Flash says.

“And I’d like to play some carnival games,” Rarity adds and they all look to her. “What? Not everything I love is fashion related,” she huffs.

“I could actually go for some funnel cake since I’ve been dragged along,” Humbra grumbles.

“Alright alright, there can be SOME fun having allowed!” you relent as you pinch the bridge of your nose and turning around. “Now, the key to all of this is to stick together alright?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Roker12’s Comment

You then walk into the front entrance of the carnival and say in determination.

“Alright gang, let’s get started!” A moment of silence greets you at that. “…Guys?” you say turning around only to see more than half the group gone. All that remains are an apologetic looking Sunset and the Dazzlings, two of which are restraining the third from wandering off.

“Where the buck did everyling go?” you ask in exasperation.

“They kind of went off the minute we got through the gate,” Sunset explains apologetically and your eye twitches.

“Of course how cliche can this get?” you grumble and facepalm. “I mean, has no one ever played Ogres and Oubliettes? You don’t split the party when enemies could be hiding!”

“Quit struggling you dolt!” Aria growls as Sonata keeps trying to break her grasp.

“But I saw someone in a panda suit! I want to take a picture with it!” she shouts giddily.

“Oh gods, it’s the zoo all over again!” Adagio complains.

A vein starts to pulse on your forehead as you’ve practically been abandoned and all of your allies scattered to the wind.

Why can’t anyling just listen to me for once?! We’re on a mission here! No Fun Allowed! What’s so hard for humies to learn that?! You mentally shout, feeling more ticked off than usual.

You may be being a bit harsh, Selena starts, but you keep grumbling.

The buck I am! For buck’s sake, how many times do I have to tell them this?!

More than once perhaps? Sombra offers with an eyeroll.

But I Have!...Or wait, did I…? You give pause as you do recall only just telling them to stick together not even a minute ago. Huh, feels like I’ve said it more than once at this point…But whatever! If they want to split up, Let Them Split Up!

“Bugze, Bugze! Can We Go Get Snacks?! Can We? Can We?!” Sonata asks excitedly.

“Sure, go buck wild! Do whatever you want!” you throw your hands up in frustration and walk away, startling the four.

“H-Hey! What about sticking together?” asks Sunset as you walk further into the crowd.

“Exactly!” you shout in annoyance as you disappear into the crowd, causing the other creatures turned humans to look caught off guard.

Bugze, this is no time to be petty! Selena chides you but you brush her off.

They can look after themselves. Besides, if they run into Midnight, I’m sure they’ll make a scene and I’ll catch it. You say as you start looking around with purpose.

…Can I still have funnel cake? Sombra asks meekly.


And with that, you spend the next few hours searching.

In that time, you see a few members of your group from a distance, and none of them look invested at all in the search. You see B2 looking depressed with a black eye as Humbra pats him on the shoulder, you see Applejack and Rainbow Dash screaming as they leave the grounds in a hurry, and Pinkie Pie wrecking a churro stand and being thrown out. You even see some human police officers detaining three drunken humans, and see a sniffling, green haired girl with a rip in her sweater sleeve walking through the crowd, yet noling seems to pay her any mind.

You note all of these things, but you don’t invest in them since you’ve got a mission. A mission you are failing horribly at. After some more time, the sun starts to set and music starts to play from the stage set up. Grumbling, you kick an empty can on the ground and pull at your hair.

“Today was a freaking waste of time!” you complain.

It’s your fault for striking out on your own! Selena growls at you.

Well They Did It First! You harrumph and cross your arms.

That doesn’t mean you should have abandoned those that did stick around! She shoots back.

Well whatever, they would have been useless as well!

You could have at least eaten something, Sombra pouts.

“Well it’s not like you would have really tasted it!” you shout aloud. “Ugh! I’ve got no messages on anyone finding Twilight or whatever magical macguffin is here! None of this would have happened if everyone listened to me and stuck together! I…” you trail off as you notice a familiar bespectacled girl without her supervillain look standing arm in arm with a familiar camp counselor.

“OH BUCK! THERE SHE IS!” you shout aloud in shock which catches her attention. She turns to face you and at first, there is a moment of shock before her eyes narrow.

“Bugze!” she shouts as her eyes start to glow and Timber Spruce looks at you in bewilderment.

“Uh…Hi Twilight,” you waver with a nervous chuckle and she starts marching towards you.

“Are you the one that caused the restart?! Do you have it?!” she grills as her Midnight guise starts to form.

Eeping, you whip out your phone and start texting the others.

“Hurry Up Stupid Humies! I found Sparkle! She’s-“


“Here’s your tickets sir,” the girl behind the booth says with a smile as she hands you your voucher.

“Thanks,” you say as you grab the ticket before you stop and do a double take. “Wait…didn’t I already buy this?”

The booth girl seems confused by this. “Um, I don’t think so, we don’t do online orders.”

“…Huh,” you shrug as you gather with the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 at the entrance after buying tickets, and a strange sense of déjà vu comes over you.

“What’s wrong?” asks Sunset noticing your confused face.

“I’m…not sure,” you admit as you look at your ticket. “I just…feel like I’ve already done this.”

…As do I, Selena agrees sounding perplexed. Which is odd, since I’ve never been conscious with you at one of these things.

I don’t know what you two are carrying on about, but let’s get going already! Sombra says impatiently.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. You want to experience your robbed childhood and all that, you handwave.

…I mean, you didn’t have to say it like that, but yes, Sombra says sounding a bit put out.

Oh cheer up Smokey, I’ll buy you a…funnel cake? You ask more than say.

Why did you say it like that? asks Selena.

I…don’t know. It’s like funnel cake is important or something, you say holding your head.

And while you do, and Sunset looks at you in concern, you hear the others talking about the various activities they want to do, and for some reason, you feel as though you’ve heard all of that before.

“Bugze?” asks Sunset but you wave her off.

“Okay guys, I know you’re all excited and want to split up, but maybe we should-“ you start, but you’re too late as everyling rushes through the gate, leaving you alone with the Dazzlings and Sunset. “…stick together,” you finish.

“Quit struggling you dolt!” Aria growls as Sonata keeps trying to break her grasp.

“But I saw someone in a panda suit! I want to take a picture with it!” she shouts giddily.

“Oh gods, it’s the zoo all over again!” Adagio complains.

“…My head hurts,” you say as even more déjà vu washes over you.

As does mine, and it’s not even physical! Something is amiss, Selena concludes.

I haven’t seen anything worrisome yet, Sombra mentions.

No, I think she’s right, something’s off, You respond as you look at the other four equestrians turned humans. And though there is a modicum of annoyance at being abandoned by the rest…you feel as though sticking with them is the smarter thing to do.

…Maybe Midnight is already here and messing with me somehow?

Perhaps, Selena nods. But I have this strange inkling that it’s not a maybe, that she most definitely is here.

What she says rings true for some reason, so you look to the others.

“Alright girls, let’s get started,” you say getting their attention. “The others may not have the wisdom of Ogres and Oubliettes, but we are definitely not splitting out party. I know Midnight is here, and we’re gonna find her and whatever magic macguffin as well!”

“Heck yeah!” Sonata cheers as she breaks free of her sister’s grasps…and quickly runs up to the panda mascot and takes a selfie with him.

“Yeah, that sounds good and all, as long as she doesn’t run off,” Aria grumbles.

“We should have brought a leash or something,” Adagio shakes her head and facepalms.

“Uh…” Sunset looks at you apologetically and you sigh.

“You know what? It’s fine. We’re at a carnival after all,” you say, almost in penance for some reason. A strange feeling comes over you to make it up to these girls, but you have no idea why.

“I’ve got a really cute picture with him,” Sonata smiles bubbly as she rejoins the group and you chuckle.

“Well, I guess we better get looking,” you say as you motion for them to follow.

Yes, explore the sights, take it all in, Sombra says enthusiastically.

…I feel strangely relieved that we’re sticking with them, Selena mutters.

I know, right? Plus, safety in numbers and all that.

As you wander, you guys walk through the booth section filled with games and food stalls and you stop when you hear Sonata squee as she stares at a food truck.

“Eeee! All of this looks so good!” she says looking at all of the goodies.

“Sonata! We can’t stop to eat! We’re on the clock! Who knows when Midnight might pop up and take us by surprise,” Aria says as she starts dragging her away from the food truck.

“…Didn’t I say that before?” you ponder aloud.

“But Ari! I’m hungry! Can I please get something?” She whines and wiggles out of her sister's grip and runs over to you “Can we please get something to eat, please?” she begs giving you big puppy eyes. Before you can speak your stomach rumbles.

“…Well, I we could have SOME fun while we’re here,” you give in, causing Sonata to grin happily.

“You know, you can’t keep getting her what she wants,” Adagio says.

“Yeah, then she’ll think she can get away with everything,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“Eh, live a little. We’re gonna be here all day after all,” you shrug.

“Heh, you say that, but we might get lucky and find Twilight or the source of magic soon,” Sunset points out.

“No…no I don’t think we will,” you say with an unknown source of certainty. Sunset raises a brow at that, before Sonata calls from the food counter.

“I Don’t Have Any Money!”

The others all look to you expectantly.

“…What? B2’s got most of my humie cash.”

“Don’t worry, I got it,” Sunset volunteers as she walks towards the wayward Siren. You look to the other two and shrug.

“Well, might as well join her.”

“…Yeah alright,” Adagio nods.

“As long as Bacon Hair is buying,” Aria snarks.

“That’s What It Looks Like! Thank You!” you say in epiphany.

As you all sit down at a picnic table to eat your various foods, you getting grilled corn cob on a stick (a classic), you notice Sonata practically inhaling her tacos, nachos, and other various Human facimilies of Mexicoltan food.

“Sonata! Chew!” Adagio orders.

“Can’t! Aria said we were on the clock!” she says playfully as she shovels more in and Aria once more shakes her head with a roll of the eyes.

“Heh, have you ever seen anyone eat that fast before?” Sunset chuckles as she asks you.

“Yeah…yeah I have…” you trail off in nostalgia as you remember all the times your baby girl would empty out restaurant after restaurant in the early years. You now know it was to make up for the caloric intake her body should have had over years of growth after bypassing a few years, but the process was always a highlight, especially at all you can eat buffets.

She’s got the young empress's appetite, that’s for sure, Sombra muses nostalgiacly.

You can say that again, you nod as Selena just gives a small giggle at Sonata’s antics.

After everyone has finished their respective meals, you continue on your search.

“Hey, isn’t that Rainbow and Applejack over there?” asks Sunset. You look to where she’s pointing and do in fact see said girls as they walk into what looks like the mouth of a giant, hideous, human clown.

You pale slightly at that, realizing that even humies have those horrifying creatures and say,

“Y-Yeah! Yeah that’s them.”

“Oh, should we go gather them then?” asks Adagio.

“Tartarus No!” you dismiss and start walking away from the haunted house attraction.

“Are you sure? Maybe they found something?” asks Aria.

“They’ll be fine, they’re probably on a date or something, so let’s leave them alone,” you dismiss.

“A Date?” asks Sunset skeptically.

“Yeah, they’re filly foolers aren’t they?” you ask.

“I have no idea. Are they in Equestria?”

“Uh…Well I mean, I always taunted real Rainbow about being one, and there was that time they made out during the Lovepocalypse…but then again they tried to drag me into a three way, and both kept competing for my love and affection so…” you trail off and Sunset looks even more confused.

“I thought you said they hunted you back home,” Sonata pipes up.

“It’s complicated,” you sigh. “I mean, they really, REALLY like one of my personas, and both have kissed me at different times, but it’s weird.”

“I’ll say, aren’t you older than them?” asks Aria.

“The age thing is different in the real world, they’re all adults and I’m only a few years older than all of them. But still, it’s all kinds of weird with them hunting me, and Applejack turning out to be my cousin and-“

“What?!” they all gasp aloud.

“…Yeah, that’s a whole story and a half,” you shake your head as you start to explain that complicatedness while still walking. After awhile, you come to the end and they look speechless.

“That’s…kind of bucked up,” Sunset says.

“You’re telling me,” you nod.

“Soooo, does that mean B2 and Applejack are also cousins?” asks Sonata and you pause.

“…Huh, I never thought to ask that.”

And before you can think anymore on that, a pair of familiar voices speak up.

“Step right up step right up! Come one and all!”

“Knockdown all the bottles and win a fabulous prize!” You turn to see two nearly identical looking men running a booth, both wearing identical carny outfits, with the only difference between the two being one has a mustache.

“Say isn’t that-” you begin when the human Flam points to Sunset.

“You there, young lady! Want to give a chance at winning a fabulous stuffed animal?” he asks.

“Well, I dunno, we’re kind of busy…” Sunset answers nervously.

“Oh come on then! It's easy, all you need to do is throw the ball at the bottles and knock them all down! The first three tries are free!” Flim interjects as he points to the pyramid stacked bottles. She looks at you for your opinion and you just shrug.

“It is free,” you point out.

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt then,” she says as she walks to the booth and grabs a ball.

“That’s the spirit!” both humans say at once.

Sunset looks down the lane at the bottles, judges the distance and chucks the ball, only for it to miss by an inch.

“Dang It!” she grumbles as she picks up her second ball and throws again. This time, she hits the pedestal below the bottles. “Oh come on!” she shouts in frustration, before grabbing the last ball and getting into a pitcher’s pose. When she tosses this one, it hits the top bottle dead on, and knocks it off of the pyramid. “Yes! I did it!” she cheers. “What do I win?”

“Oh, sorry sweetheart that’s not how it works,” Flim says with a mock frown on his face.

“What?!” she rages.

“You have to knock down all the bottles to win a prize remember? And if my math checks out you only knocked down one,” Flam answers with a tisk tisk.

“Well give me another ball then!” she demands, holding out her hand.

“Of course of course! That will be twenty dollars please,” Flim grins slyly.

“Twenty dollars?! That’s highway robbery!” Adagio hollers as she walks up next to Sunset.

“Well, that's the way it goes miss. First, three tries are free, to try again you need to pay. Twenty dollars per ball!” Flam chuckles.

Sunset growls and looks ready to pounce when Adagio holds out a hand.

“What about me? Don’t I get three free tries?” she said with an eyebrow raised.

“Of course my dear! First tries are free!” Flim chuckles chuckles as she sets the three balls in front of her.

“Why thank you, boys. But I’ll only need one ball for this,” Adagio says with a confident grin. The two vendors look to each other and shrug.

“You’re choice to waste,” Flam says as he retracts two of the projectiles. Adagio turned to you and the others.

“You all might want to take a step back,” she says, and at your confused faces, she winks.

Aria and Sonata chuckle, while you and Sunset still reel in the dark, but you listen to her. You then watch as she gets into a pitcher's stance, arches her arm back before lifting her leg and following through with a swift move that would make Rainbow Dash jealous as she throws the ball at super speeds. The ball hit the bottles right in the center of the pyramid, flying through them and through the stall wall as the trick bottles shatter, despite some of them being filled with concrete. You, the vendors and Sunset look on in shock and awe as Sonata cheers loudly and Aria roars with laughter.

“…Holy Crap,” you mutter as Adagio raises her hand and blows smoke off of it with a wicked smile on her face.

“Hmm, I’ll take that one,” she says pointing to a stuffed yellow bear with a redshirt. Flam wordlessly grabs the bear and hands it to her, mouth still agape while Flim tilts and falls behind the counter. Adagio giggles as she saunters back to your group and hands the bear off to Sunset.

“Here you go, sister,” she says with a wink before closing both yours and Sunset’s mouths.

Such power and speed, Sombra mutters sounding impressed.

She’s resourceful and has a can do attitude, Selena says with pride as she laughs at the bamboozled con men.

“Th-That was…” Sunset says.

“That was incredible!” you finish for her and Adagio just waves her hand as if it were no big deal. “Seriously, how did you…?”

“What? You think manipulating emotions is the only thing we can do with our magic?” she smirks.

“We survived for over a year in this stupid world, we learned to get creative,” Aria grins. You then look to Sonata.

“If you guys can do stuff like that, why didn’t you help with the Flulk?” you ask.

“Oh heck no. I may be able to get one good punch in, but that hunk was way too much for me to handle,” she defends. Sunset then gives the blue girl an accusatory stare.

“Hunk?” she insinuates.

“Yup, even for a human,” she giggles. You see Sunset’s eye twitch at that and you nervously clap your hands to get their minds off of that disgusting conversation.

“Alright, well thanks for that demonstration Adagio. Hopefully we’ll be able to utilize it if we run into Midnight.”

“…I’d actually rather avoid the direct fighting thank you very much,” she dismisses as you all start walking again, eventually reaching the end of the stalls and into a more open area.

Over by the petting zoo, you see Rarity getting spit on by an alpaca and she runs off screaming as Fluttershy watches sheepishly.

“Heh heh,” you chuckle, because in all honesty, that is funny. After awhile, you come across another site, Flash Sentry trying and failing at a test your strength machine. A large bulky man tsks at the display as the teenager looks frustrated.

“Sorry son, looks like today isn’t your lucky day.”

“No! I Swear I Can Do It! I Am A Strong Man!” he shouts as he brings the mallet down on the button, only for the indicator to not even reach halfway. “OH COME ON!”

“That extra one’s free for now, but your turn is up unless you pay more son,” the bulky man warns and Flash groans in frustration.

“I was able to throw golf carts and fight 15 people at once not too long ago,” he mumbles before he sees your group.

“HI FLASH!” Sonata waves enthusiastically.

“Uh, hey Sonata,” he waves in embarrassment.

“What’s wrong? Problem getting it up?” Adagio asks in a teasing tone and his eyes widen in shock.

“Wh-What?” he stammers.

“She means the machine,” Sunset says as she gives Adagio a side glare.

“Oh, uh, right,” he chuckles nervously. “I mean, I can’t even hit it half way.”

“You’re not the Flulk anymore, it’s understandable,” you say patting his shoulder.

“Yeah…besides, it’s probably a scam anyway,” Sunset says in his defense. “I mean, he’s not built like a truck, but he’s strong enough.”

“Uh, thanks Sunset…” he says apprehensively at her praise, and you sense that things might still be awkward between them.

“Psh! A scam my Flipper,” Aria hand waves causing him to frown. Flash then looks to you and gestures towards the game.

“You don’t believe me? Go on, give it a swing.” You shrug in response and step right up to the carnie.

“Hello sir. First three swings are free,” the Bulky man says as he hands you the mallet.

“Sounds good,” you say as you raise the hammer up. “Back in my world I was able to lift a lot so this should be ea-“ you bring the hammer down, and the indicator barely reaches the halfway mark. “…WHAT?!” You then strike down a second time, but the indicator goes down even more. Gritting your teeth, you wind up with all of your strength…and you still don’t breach the halfway mark.


“Sorry sir. NEXT!” the carnie calls.

Grumbling, you walk back to the group and Flash has a smug look of vindication on his face.

“Shut Up! It’s this weak disgusting human body’s fault! Back in the real world, I’ve literally torn houses down in my anger!”

Ahem, you had help with that thank you very much, Selena interjects.

“…Okay, sure I was hopped up on magic, but still!”

Perhaps you should mention how you can also consume a creature’s whole body in one bite, Sombra snarks unpleasantly.

Oh Don’t You Start That Again! You chide.

“Yeah, see? It’s not just you Flash,” Sunset gives the boy a smile and he starts scratching his ear.

“*Sigh* Guess If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself,” Aria says with a smirk as she walks up to the plate, grabs the mallet in one hand and raises it above her head.

“Uh, Ms.? It’s easier to use both ha-“ the bulky man is cut off as she slams the hammer down. The ground beneath her cracks slightly, the button shatters, and the indicator shoots past the bell at the top, off of the machine and into the sky. Once again, you are shocked and amazed by one of the siren sisters, as are Sunset and Flash.

“WOO! GO ARIA!” Sonata cheers as she walks back to you guys while the man running the game looks on in horror at his destroyed machine.

“Couldn’t you show a little restraint?” Adagio asks.

“What, like you did at that bottle game?” Aria counters with snark.

“…Touche,” she nods as they fist bump and you shake your head as you try to comprehend what just happened.

“I don’t...wha?” Flash says voicing your thoughts exactly.

“It’s like looking at three grown-up versions of Nightshade,” you mumble. “I mean, except for the ugly as tartarus ape features, but still.”

Well let never be said that Sirens aren’t helpless creatures, Sombra exposits.

Agreed, Selena says with a large grin on her face.

After quickly vacating that area, you smell the scent of alcohol and something rings in the back of your mind.

“…Wait a second,” you say as you round the corner, and your suspicion proves true. You see B2 looking depressed and with a black eye, holding a cup of beer, while Humbra pats his shoulder.

…How did I know this would be here? You ponder to yourself, but are interrupted as Aria speaks up.

“Whoa, what happened here?”

“Everything…” he slurs. “Everything happened here fish horsie…” he says sorrowfully as he takes a drink.

“Hey, I thought you weren’t drinking any-“ you start but he throws his hands up.

“What’s the point?! My life is crap, and once you leave it will still be crap!” he bellows and you all look at him nervously and with pity. You turn to Humbra, who has honey and powdered sugar on his beard.

“What happened?” you ask and he sighs as he whispers to you.

“Apparently Luna was here,” he says and you pale.


“Yeah,” he nods as your counterpart starts crying.

“So I’m guessing she…?”

“Yup,” he nods. “She wanted answers about all these “publicity stunts” that have been going around, he was a bumbling idiot and lied horribly, so she slugged him and walked off.”

“…And you didn’t get slugged why?” you inquire.

“I was eating funnel cake and only caught the tail end,” he shrugs as B2 starts sobbing and trying to order another drink, but the beer guy won’t let him.

“Ah jeeze, he needs to get out of here before he causes a scene,” you say as you look around. Humbra nods and walks over to him while pointing at Flash.

“You, roid rash, help me get him to my car,” he orders as he takes one of B2’s arms.

“Uh…right,” he nods as he helps the other side.

“Why does telling the truth hurt so much…” B2 sobs as Humbra pats his back.

“It’s just how it is sometimes bud,” he says as soothingly as Humbra can as the two carry your doppelganger out of the carnival.

When they are out of sight, you and the other Native Equestrians look at eachother nervously.

“That was…that was sad…” Sonata says.

“Yes…yes it was,” you nod and shake your head.

“You think he’s going to be alright?” asks Sunset.

“…I honestly don’t know,” you admit as everyone looks downcast, all the fun from before being overshadowed.

“Hey, thanks for taking that guy away,” the beer stall owner thanks your group. “The last thing I need is more ornery drunks. Three pregamers already came through and wandered off, so be careful.”

“Thanks for the heads up,” you say as you look back to your group. “Come on, we’ve still got to search for stuff, we’ll help him later.”

As you walk along, checking booths and stalls for any sign of magic, or a hidden Midnight Sparkle, you worry about your Human self, and you aren’t the only one.

But as you pass by a merry go round you hear some sounds of distress. Looking to the side, you see the three drunken men that the bartender warned you about, and boy are they wobbily.

“Heh, found the drunken humans,” Adagio says with a chuckle pointing at the men.

“Seriously, I can smell them from here,” Aria gags.

“You can? I can’t,” Sonata inquires and her sister rolls her eyes.

“Well just give them a wide berth, they’re not our concern,” Sunset says and they all continue walking but you look at them aghast.

“Whoa, wait a minute, what about the girl?” you point out.

“Huh?” Sonata asks.

“What girl?” asks Sunset as they all give you inquisitive looks.

“The girl in the yellow striped sweater that they’re all gathered around?! Can’t you see her? She looks distressed and uncomfortable,” you say urgently pointing again to the group of drunken men.

“Hey, baby~ Wanna hang with some big men?” One says staring at her with an inappropriate gaze.

“Ugh, get away from me you creep. Just leave me alone,” The girl says trying to walk away only for another guy to block her path.

As the girls all look back you see this each one of them gains a look of comprehension.

“Huh…I didn’t even notice her,” Sunset mutters.

“Me either,” Aria says.

“Same,” Adagio nods.

“Really?! Do You all need glasses or something?” you sputter as the girl is further harassed.

“Come on beautiful, you look like someone who wants some loving attention,” one of them says salaciously and she winces.

“Oh forget that!” you say as you start to take a step forward, only for Sunset to move first.

“Hey, leave her alone you drunk bums!” she orders causing their attention to fall on her.

“Drunk? We ain’t drunk, we’re just having a good ti-“ one starts to say, but Sunset doesn’t even let him finish as she strides past him with an elbow shove which causes the drunk to fall onto the floor.

“Oi, what was that for?” another one says angrily, but Sunset ignores him and pulls the green haired girl away from them and shoves her back towards your group, with you steadying her.

“You were harassing her, now go on get out of here before I call security,” Sunset says her eyes narrowing.

“Oh yeah and who’s gonna make us? You miss bacon hair? HA!” The third guy says as the one who fell gets up and starts advancing on her.

“Yeah, no quit being a little bitch, and just let us have our fun. You could join in if you li-“

He doesn’t even get to finish that sentence, as the moment he touches Sunset’s shoulder, she grabs his arm and suplexes him with ease causing a few people to turn their heads. The crowd, including your group are speechless at this site as she stands back up and glares at the other two who begin to charge.

“Why you little bit-” They start but Sunset elbows one in the stomach and gives a kick to the other guy’s jaw, knocking them to the ground. The suplexed one starts to get up, but she quickly turns and delivers a swift kick to his groin, making him fall over with a high pitched wheeze.The audience oohs at the sight of the three guys getting their butts kicked as security take notice and come running.

With the three groaning on the floor, she looks back to your group with a victorious smirk as the crowd cheers. She looks to the girl you all rescued who is very, very surprised and confused.

“Are you alright?” she asks.

“I, uh…yes,” the girl nods. “Thank you Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset seems surprised at that.

“You know my name?” she inquires.

“Uh…yes,” the girl says meekly. “I kind of…go to your school...” she trails off. And while they are having this conversation you just look to the Sirens and back at Celestia’s former protégé.

Gorramn, is she tougher than she looks. She’s mastered fighting in this horrid human form, you beam as Selena squees and Sombra laughs. It also helps that her kicking that dude in the nards brought back delightful memories of your little girl doing the same.

“Looks like the unicorn can fight,” Adagio whistles.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind sparring with her,” Aria says with a chuckle.

“Hey look, that guy’s getting back up,” Sonata warns, yet the others don’t hear her over the applauding audience. You see one of the drunks pull an empty bottle out of their coat.

“You Little Whore!” he shouts as he throws it at the back of Sunset’s head. You watch the bottle come towards her unsuspecting form and time seems to slow down for you.


“MUDA!” you shout as Selena’s spectral hoof collides with the bottle, shattering it and sending the pieces flying to the ground.

“What the…?” the guy says confused while everyone else pays attention since a bottle kind of exploded. “How did it…”

From the drunk’s and every other humie’s view, the bottle just seemingly broke in midair after you shouted. All they see is you advancing on the coward, and not seeing the shadowy alicorn floating beside you. His eyes widen and he attempts to throw a punch, but once more you scream,

“MUDA!” and Selena’s hoof strikes his hand, breaking it.

“AAAAHHH!!! What the-“

“No One Touches My Baby!” you and Selena growl together, frightening the drunk even more.

And around that time, the Security guards finally push through the crowd and start subduing the trouble makers. They attempt to grab you as well, but the crowd shuts them down and point to the true culprits. Also, they don’t believe the drunk who says you shouted and broke a bottle and his hand without touching him.

As the drunks are escorted away, you turn back and look to Sunset.

“Sunset? You Okay? Did Any Of The Glass Hit You?!” you ask in worry.

“Uh, no, I’m fine,” she says confused by your tone.

“Oh thank goodness,” you say as you give her a hug.

“Uhhh…” She says in confusion as you realize what you are doing and pull off her sheepishly.

“Ahem, just…glad you’re alright,” you chuckle.

“Ooookkkkaaayyyy…” she says looking at you in befuddlement.

“So that’s what you were talking about Aria?” asks Adagio.

“Yeah, that’s the Stand,” Aria nods.

“She had a horn and wings…so cool,” Sonata gushes and you turn back them nervously.

“Oh right, you guys can see her when she does that,” you say and Sunset looks at you with a raised brow.

“Okay, seriously, what was that? It looked like an alicorn made of shadows punched that guy,” Sunset asks.

“Well, she did…I don’t get how it works, and neither does she,” you mutter.

“…Okay, I’m just going to come right out and ask, was that Nightmare Moon?”

“That’s not her name anymore,” you say automatically before coughing. “But yes…” And while she looks at you, trying to parse out any more info…

“Um, excuse me?”

“OH JEEZE!” you shout nearly having a heart attack as the green haired girl speaks up beside you. “I’d forgotten you were there.” She winces at that, and from the looks of the others, you feel they forgot as well.

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” she says sounding melancholic, but she brightens back up as she looks at you and Sunset. “But anyway, I don’t know what you two are talking about, but I just wanted to say thank you for helping me. People don’t normally notice me…but I certainly didn’t want their attention.”

“Uh, hey no problem. I’m sure anyone would have done the same,” Sunset says meekly and the girl smiles.

“You know, after tonight, I can safely say that that magical girl at the dance was right in giving you a second chance,” she says and Sunset blushes.

“Well I mean…thank you…” After that, there is a bit of awkward silence, before Sunset says, “Okay, I know you go to Canterlot High, but I can’t for the life of me remember your name.”

“It’s Wallflower, Wallflower Blush. And don’t worry about it, hardly anyone remembers…” the girl trails off sadly and you give her a worried look. She notices this and smiles sadly up at you.

“I really appreciate the help Mr. Shimmer. Your daughter is a good person.”

“Wait we’re not! He’s/She’s not!” You and Sunset stutter in embarrassment.

“Heh yep, that's our dad!” Sonata says giving you a both a big hug, causing you to gasp in exasperation.

“Sonata!!” both Aria and Adagio say in annoyance while blushing.

“What?” she says with a trolling smirk.

Dang it, I’ve given her too many lessons! You think in worry, but the green haired girl just giggles at that.

“Well anyway, there’s got to be a way I can repay your family Sunset…” she says ignoring the denials. After a moment of thought she perks back up and says, “Say, do you like PostCrush?”

And just like that, Sunset loses all composure.

“DO I?!” she shouts in excitement. “They’re like my favorite band here!” After hearing that, Wallflower smiles more.

“Oh good, well how would you like to get backstage passes to see them tonight?”

To say the fiery haired girl goes white as a sheet would be an understatement.

“…You can do that?!” she gasps.

“Oh yes,” Wallflower nods. “My cousin Vignette Valencia is in charge of the music performances happening tonight, so she can get me a few more passes. What do you say? It’s the least I could do for you standing up for me.”

And like that, a dam bursts as Sunset and Sonata start squeeing like banshees at the prospect of seeing the band in person, you even have to rub your ear to stop the ringing.

“Oh my gosh, this a dream come true!” Sunset says as she hugs the green haired girl who doesn’t quite know how to respond.

“This is gonna be awesome! I gotta let Pinkie know!” Sonata shrieks as she starts texting.

Aria and Adagio look at this situation in bemusement before they both sigh and give a smile.

“Heh, why the buck not?” Aria shrugs.

“Heh, maybe we can “convince” them to let us sing with them?” Aria suggests causing Adagio to grin maniacally.

“That sounds like a fun idea…”

And as you are dragged along behind the very excited girls, you can’t help but think back to the rowdy humans earlier and how they’ve all but left the memories of everyone else.

Hhhheeeeyyyy, Selly? You ask apprehensively.

Yes my bug? She answers.

Did, uh…did we call Sunset our baby when threatening that guy?

She goes silent for a moment before saying,

Whaaatt? Nooo, nooo, of course not, heh heh…She denies as she sweats profusely.

Are…are you sure? Because I could have sworn…

Whhhaaaaattt…? Noooo…Noooo…Don’t be silly…

Yes you did cockroach, Sombra interjects with a chuckle.

No He Didn’t! Selena yelps.

He most certainly did! Sombra argues.

Alright, that’s what I thought…but why did I say that?

I believe your wife’s feelings influenced you in the moment. It appears she’s going baby crazy for the wayward Sirens and Unicorn, he laughs.

You shut your mouth!!! Selena barks and fires off a blast of magic.

OW! Quit It! Sombra bellows.

Uh… Selly is there something you want to talk about? You ask nervously as you hear her reaction to Sombra’s words.

NOPE, NOTHING EVERYTHING IS FINE HERE, EHEH heh heh, she laughs suspiciously. Raising a brow, you are about to pry for more info…but then you feel a familiar sensation run through your body Before you could pry her for more you suddenly hear someone singing and your danger senses pique.

“Wait…this song…” you mutter as something itches at the back of your mind.

What about it? Asks Sombra.

We’ve…heard it before haven’t we? Selena says sounding just as on edge as you are.

I think so? Why does it make me feel like Twilight is going to show up?

You then start looking all around for any signs of the purple girl, but then your eyes land on the stage and you see the one who’s singing and you jaw drops.

“No way…” you trail off. Sunset, noticing your stare, looks to the stage as well and quirks a brow.

“Hey Wallflower?” she taps the other girl on the shoulder.


“Isn’t that Lulamoon from school on stage?” she inquires.

Sure enough, the human girl on stage has the same coloration and voice of the mare who drove you to your darkest point…and who also helped you see the light again. Your friend Trixie.

“Huh? Oh yeah. She and her little band got on the venue. They give local bands the chance to open up for the more well known ones. And while PostCrush is huge and all, my cousin is waiting in anticipation for when The Wanted officially announce their comeback so she can try and book them.

You hear this conversation, but you still look at Human Trixie as she sings with two other girls, all wearing fancy star lined capes and hats.

…She looks and sounds so happy, you think as you remember the last conversation you had with your friend in her dreamscape. You left her on a note of hope and forgiveness, but that was the last time you saw her.

I’m sure the real Trixie is doing just as well, Selena says in a comforting tone and you nod.

Yeah…Yeah I’m sure she is to-

“ULP!” you gag as your neck is yanked from behind, separating you from your group.

Suddenly, a very familiar sensation washes over you as, against all reason, you are teleported away from the group, and in the parking lot.

“What the-“ you start but you pale as you see Human Twilight glowering at you.

“BUGZE!” she shouts as her visage changes into Midnight Sparkle and she grabs you by your shirt. “Give Me My Prototype NOW!” she shouts as her eyes glow fiercely.

“AGH! MUDA!” you shout as Selena’s hoof strikes the powered human in the chest.

“OOF!” she gasps as she is thrown backward into the side of a van. “AGH! That hurt you stupid-“ You ignore her as you send out your emergency text to the others.

“Give it up Midnight! Reinforcements are on the way!” you boast as you stare her down. “And this time, we’ll stop you for good!”

“This time? TIME?!!!” she growls in a deranged tone as she yanks at her hair. “You want to talk to me about time?! How about the fact that it keeps looping?!”

“Huh?” you say taken aback.

“How about the fact that I can’t figure out the source, because I don’t have my prototype? How about how I can’t enjoy my date with that cute counselor boy because TIME IS BROKEN?!!!”

“Wh-What the buck are you talking about?!” you ask in alarm as she starts hovering above you.

“Time keeps resetting! It’s happened multiple times already, but I seem to be the only one who’s noticed!” she declares and her words make something itch even harder at the back of Selena’s and your minds. Her crazy words ring with truth.

“Wait…so if that’s true…then you’re not the one doing it?” you ask.

“NO! I thought maybe you might have known, but you’re only semi-aware! I’ve explained this a dozen times, but you keep fighting me! The last time you burnt the whole carnival down!”

“I did?” you say in shock before you think about it more. “Yeah, alright, that does sound like me.”

“Without my prototype, I am only vaguely aware of the magic permeation throughout this place, but I can’t pinpoint it due to you and your little group’s presence! It’s all a big jumble! Especially since you keep doing different things every loop!”

B-Bugze! I…I do remember her explaining this before…Selena gasps.

That’s right, you nod as flashes go through your mind. We’ve fought here before…it feels right…

How come I don’t remember this? Sombra asks.

I…Maybe because Selena and I traveled longer with the Doctor? Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff? You guess.

She did say we were semi-aware. The Time-Lord’s machinations could be the source, Selena agrees.

“Soo, you think your prototype can find the source?” you ask.

“Yes! It’s what I designed it for! Now give me before-“

“THERE SHE IS!” you hear Pinkie Pie shout as you see them all exiting the carnival.

“…Your group shows up,” Midnight finishes, gnashing her teeth in frustration. “UGH! This always happens! Why do you they keep getting in the way?!”

“I don’t know, but one thing’s for sure,” you say as you hold out the prototype, “You’re not getting your toy back until I can unvillify you,” you proclaim.

“THAT’S NOT A WORD! I’VE TOLD YOU THAT SEVERAL TIMES!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!” she screams and divebombs you. You take a defensive stance as Selena uses her Stand ability to prepare a strike and-


“Here’s your ticket sir,” the girl behind the booth says with a smile as she hands you your voucher.

“Thanks,” you say.

As you gather with the Humane 7, The Dazzlings, Humbra and B2 at the entrance, a strange sense of déjà vu comes over you, and you pause.

“…” you stare off into space as everyone talks about the activities they want to engage in.

“…” you stare at your ticket as everyone else disperses.

“…Uh, Bugze?” Sunset pipes up.

“WAIT ONE GORAMNED MINUTE HERE!” you shout causing her to eep and take a step back.

We’ve done this before! I know we have! Selena says with confidence.

Done what? What’s going on? Sombra asks in confusion.

“Exactly! Timey Wimey Stuff! I Can Feel It In My Bones!” you say as you pull out Twilight’s prototype, and you stiffen as you look into the faintly glowing depths of it…and some memories start to flood back.

“Bugze, what’s wrong?!” asks Sunset as the Dazzling look at you in worry.

“We’re in a bucking time loop!” you shout aloud.

“Huh?” they all ask.

“A Time Loop! We’ve Been Doing This Carnival Trip for…gods, I don’t even know how long!" You shout as you look around in panic since the others are gone.

“What are you-“

“We Need To Stick Together! I’ve Harped On That Multiple Times! AAAAHHHH!!!” you shout as you rush into the crowd.

“Hey wait! Can’t I take a picture with the panda?” asks Sonata.

“Yes! But Keep Up! I have to gather everyone and make sure we all make the right decisions!” you shout and keep running.

As you dive in and out of filthy humans, you start thinking in worry about all the things you need to accomplish.

I’m still confused here, Sombra mutters.

My bug and I are cognizant of the time manipulation going on, and you’re not, Selena answers tersely.

Exactly! Something about holding the Prototype though helped us remember! And Now I Have To Make Things Right! You think in determination. The B2 and Luna meeting needs to be smoothed over before it escalates, Wallflower still needs to be saved, and the others need to be gathered before Midnight corners us again!

Okay, but Bugze, what about the source of this time loop? Selena asks.

We’ll find it after I make everything right! Sparkle wants the prototype, so that’s the key!

And with that you rush forth, heading first for your doppelganger to set things right.


“-been awhile since I’ve been to a carnival,” Timber Spruce says as he parks his pick up.
Twilight, sitting next to him, pulls at her hair in exasperation and shouts, surprising him. “What? What is it?” he shouts in alarm.

“You’ve said that a million times already! AGH!” she shouts as she busts open the door in a huff. Timber, unsure of himself, steps out and looks at her apprehensively as she balls her fists up.

“Hey look, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt after beating up my sister, but if you’re just going to act like this then-“

“No no, it’s just…” she waves him off and sighs in frustration. “I’ve got something that’s come up. Just head inside and get a snack or something and I’ll catch up, I promise,” she says as she starts sprinting to the entrance.

Timber looks at her go and just sighs and shakes his head as he closes his door and follows.

“Timber, you are an idiot for a pretty face you know that?” he chastises himself.

After getting her ticket, Sparkle’s eyes dash around, looking for the orange haired rocker janitor, but like all the other times, she sees no heads or tails of him.

Growling again, she clenches her fists.

“Every time he changes things up. Every time I corner him, the others show up. I almost had him when I scared off the cowgirl and rainbow haired girl, but then everything burned!” she kicks a can on the ground as she starts running up and down the aisles.

“I need that prototype…maybe I can get one of his cronies to get it for me?” she pauses at that. “Yeah…I find the weakest one in the bunch, they take it and give it to me, I find my next power boost, curb stomp that singing bitch, and make out with my date! It’s the perfect plan!” she cackles maniacally as her hair starts to stick out.

As she does, her eyes land on Fluttershy and Rarity by the petting zoo and she smiles maliciously.

“Hello Weak Link…” she says as she gets closer.

“Fluttershy, I’m glad that we’re all friends again,” Rarity says.

“Me too. I still can’t believe we all fell for old Sunset’s plans,” Fluttershy says apologetically.

“We were all foolish darling. But on the bright side, we all have a second chance. Even Sunset is coming along swimmingly.”

“Yeah…I wonder if we’re doing Princess Twilight proud,” Fluttershy nods and Midnight stiffens at hearing that.

“I’m sure she is. I mean, we’ve got her helping a few people from her world. That sounds like something she would do,” Rarity says confidently.

“Huh?” Human Twilight mutters to herself.

“Oh, I sure hope she won’t be too surprised when we’re able to send them all home to their own world,” Fluttershy worries as she pets an alpaca.

“Own world…?” Twilight mutters to herself. “Interesting…making a mental note of that for later.”

And just as she says that, the alpaca spits on Rarity, and she runs off screaming, leaving Fluttershy by herself.

“Oh my…” she gasps at her friend’s situation, and Sparkle grins.

“Pustulio! That wasn’t very nice! She didn’t deserve that!” she reprimands the alpaca who grunts and lowers it’s head in shame.

“You think about what you’ve done Mister,” she orders and turns to follow her friend, only to come face to face with Sparkle.

“Hello Shy Girl,” she says sinisterly.

“EEEP!” Flutteshy shrieks and starts turning only for Sparkle to stop her by grabbing her shoulders.

“Oh no no no, you’re going to help me so that I can finally move on from this day!” she orders, teleporting the two out of sight. Once the girls’ eyes stop rolling, Twilight shakes her to get her attention again. “So, you are going to be a good little sidekick and get my Prototype from Bugze!”

“Oh, but…I don’t want to…” Fluttershy says meekly.

“Well too bad, you have no choice,” the magical girl says as she places her glowing hands on either side of Fluttershy’s head, causing her eyes to glow with purple energy. After a flash of energy, Fluttershy looks completely different. She now wears a sleeveless shirt with a bat on it that emphasizes her bust, dark torn pants, gothic makeup, a punk rocker hairdo, and a staff with a glowing ram skull on the end.

“…Okay, didn’t expect that, but hey, magic is still a new science after all,” Midnight shrugs as her wings unfold.

“Whatever,” Fluttershy says with disinterest and looks to the side.

“Alright, now that you’re my minion now, you’re going to do exactly as I say!” Midnight orders.

“Sure, why not. Not like I got anything better to do,” Fluttershy says in that same disinterested and sarcastic voice.

“…Is this like your inner personality finally shining through or something? Because if it not then I’ve severely underestimated my powers,” Midnight says looking her up and down.

“I don’t know, you’re the expert, you tell me,” Fluttershy spits and Midnight raises a brow.

“…Whatever, I’ll fix everything after this day stops repeating! Now! Go out there and-“

“HEY YOU TWO! BREAK TIME’S OVER! GET IN THE HAUNTED HOUSE!” a large booming voice interrupts the two causing them both to jump.

“What?!” Midnight asks looking at a giant of a man who is wreathed in muscle, and he has a nametag that says Will.

“We’ve got customers out the door, now get out there!” he orders and pushes the two girls through a door, despite Midnight’s complaining. She then sees that the out of sight place she’d teleported the two of them was backstage of the haunted house.

“Whatever,” Fluttergoth rolls her eyes and walks into the attraction.

“No Wait! Get Back Here!” Midnight calls after her. “We’ve got to get my prototype before,”

“Hey look, a distraction,” the other girl says lazily pointing behind her. Midnight turns around, just in time for skeleton prop to drop down with a noose around it’s neck with a ghostly shriek.

“AAAAHHHH!” Midnight shrieks, accidentally blowing up the skeleton in the process. Paling she looks around, but no one else has seen this blunder. “Ooooh, I don’t have time for this. Let’s get-Where’d You Go?!” she shouts as Fluttergoth is nowhere in sight.

Deeper in the house, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are stuck in a maze of mirrors, shuddering in fear as they both try to look tough in front of the other.

“You kn-know, even if I hadn’t lost that bet, I w-would totally be fine in here,” Rainbow lies.

“H-Heh, sure ya would. Y-Ya chicken,” Applejack tries to sound confident, but is still shaking. Suddenly, Fluttergoth rounds the corner, not saying a word and they both shriek in terror.

“AAAAHHHhhhh…Fluttershy?” they ask as they notice their friend’s change in attire.

“Sup?” she asks boredly.

“Uhhh, nothing much I guess…what’s up with you?” asks Rainbow.

“I don’t know. Something sinister and evil I guess,” she shrugs without a care in the world.

“Sinister and evil?” Applejack questions just as Midnight Sparkle slams against the mirror on the other side of them.

“THERE YOU ARE!” she shrieks.

“AAAAAAHHHH!!!” AJ and Rainbow Dash shriek again as the dark powered, glowing eyed winged girl starts pounding on the mirror.

“Whatever,” Fluttergoth shrugs and starts walking away.

“QUIT LEAVING!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!” she yells, striking the mirror harder.

“It’s just like that damn clown movie!” Rainbow shrieks as she and Applejack start scrambling for the exit, while Midnight can only groan in even more frustration.


You finally see your doplleganger, along with Humbra near the funnel cake booth, and he is neither depressed or has a black eye.

“Alright! I’m not too late!” You say before rushing up to him, panting. “B2! B2!” you shout getting his attention.

“Oh hey Bugze, you want some funnel cake too?” he offers, but you strike it out of his hands. “Hey!” he complains but you start shaking him by the shoulder.

“Listen! There’s Not Much Time! Human Luna is here and going to find you soon!” His eyes widen at that.

“Wh-What?!” he gasps as Humbra looks up from his meal with interest.

“It’s true! And somehow, you keep screwing things up and going back to your old ways!”

“Wh-What do you mean? Nimmy’s here? Did you see her? Did-“

“%$@#?” a feminine voice calls your real name causing both you and him to stiffen and turn around. There, looking absolutely perplexed at seeing two of you, is human Luna.

Both you and B2 are caught speechless like a dear in the headlights, and you even hear Selena murmur in nervousness.




“…Someone’s getting slugged,” Humbra says as he takes a bite out of his deep fried treat.


Episode 58: Let's Do The Timewarp Again!

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Down With Chrysallis’s Comment

Just_another_guy’s Comment

Human Luna just looks agape at the two of you, with wide eyes as she raises a shaking finger and keeps pointing back and forth between the two of you.

“Bababababababababababba…” she keeps failing to create a cohesive word as the site of two of the same person, one with a beard, the other without, starts to wear on her sanity.

Meanwhile, both of you aren’t faring much better as sweat beads at your brows.

“Heh heh…” B2 chuckles nervously before he wraps his arm around you and turns from her, bringing you into a huddle. “What the hell man?! She’s right freaking there!”

“I can see that!” you whisper back apprehensively.

“Was this your plan?!”

“NO! I had no idea she would be here this fast! This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t split the party!”

“I-I-I don’t know what to say to her! I’m too freaking nervous! I don’t know what to do!” he stammers.

“And you think I do?! I’m barely stopping myself from throwing sand in her eyes and running away!” you admit.

“Why are you so shaky? I’m the one with the history with her!”

“Because the real Luna is one of the most powerful creatures in my world and she wants to kill Selena!”

“What? Why?”

“I’ve told you this! Through magicy magic stuff, she still thinks she’s controlling me to do bad things and thinks she’s the darker half of her soul, when in reality they’re more like radically different twin sisters now.”

That’s an oversimplification! Sh-She’s not my sister! Selena says flustered.

“Well, I don’t think my Nimmy is that powerful,” B2 interjects.

“Can you know that for certain?! Many humies are juiced up on magic apparently and-“

“Yo, Dee and Dumb, I’d turn around if I were you,” Humbra says with a mouthful of funnel cake.

You both turn back to see Luna’s eye twitching and saliva leaking out the side of her mouth, and a very perplexed, furious expression.

“Uh Oh…” you both gulp.

“#$%@?” she says your real name in barely suppressed rage.

“Uh…Hi Nimmy…” B2 waves nervously. She winces at that name before she glares at the two of you silently for a moment.

“…What is going on here?” she whispers dangerously.

“Uhhh, what do you mean? Everything’s fine…” B2 sweats profusely and her eye twitches even more. “I…Okay, I know it’s been some time, but it’s great to see-“

“What The Hell Do You Mean Everything Is Fine?!” she shouts causing a scene.

“Oh boy,” you mutter as she starts huffing and puffing.

“N-Nimmy, calm down,” B2 tries to placate her.

“How Can I Calm Down?!” she shrieks getting right up in your faces. “Do you have any idea how nerve wrecking these last months have been?!”


“I see it on TV, I see it on the Internet, I hear it constantly around the school, The Wanted are making a comeback!” she shouts pointing a finger at his nose. “Only, get this, I HAVEN’T BEEN NOTIFIED OF THAT FACT!!!”


“And then I find my niece and her husband whacked out on who knows what, claiming that you came to visit them, which was coincidentally a night one of their cars was stolen and driven in to a lake!”

“Uh, that’s a little harder to expl-“

“Ten Years! Ten years and I haven’t heard from you, and now all this?!” she shouts then looks at Humbra. “And you told me nothing was happening when I messaged you!”

“I’m Staying Out Of It!” Humbra shrieks as he slumps lower in his chair.

“Nimmy, please, I can explain-“

“AND STOP CALLING ME THAT! My Name Is Luna! LUNA! And You Know That Perfectly Well @#$%!”

“O-Okay! Luna! Let’s just take a step back and calm-“

“And more importantly, Who The Hell Is This?!” she demands pointing at you.

“I-I’m No One! I’m just an optical illusion brought upon by swamp gas and a laser pointer!” you stammer out nervously.

“…What?!” she shrieks as Humbra looks at you like you’re stupid.

“Oh Shove Off! I Panicked!” you scold and he just shakes his head while B2 looks to the hysterical woman.

“Okay, first of all he’s not an illusion,” he starts.

“I figured that!” she deadpans.

“But anyway, his name is Bugze…” he trails off and Luna raises an eyebrow.

“…And?” she insists. “Who the Hell is Bugze, and why does he look exactly like you?”

B2 looks back to you with unsure eyes, and since you’re cornered, you just give him a nod.

Not like this can get any worse, you think.

Bugze No! Selena shouts over that red flag.

“He is my twin brother!” B2 shouts dramatically.

“What?!” Luna exclaims and you hear Selena facehoof.

…I really thought he was going to tell the truth, you whine at her disappointment.

“Y-Yes! My Twin Brother! In fact, he’s the evil twin!” he digs his hole deeper with the lies as Luna just looks back and forth at the two of you.

“Evil Twin My Flank! You’re the one with the beard!” you huff.

“That is not indicative of my morality!” he defends and Luna just puts a hand to her forehead.

“What are you two going on about?! You don’t have a twin! You told me you were an only child!”

“I-I Lied! An-And the reason you never met him before is…Well you did, but didn’t know it because he was there the whole time!”

“Huh?!” she exclaims.

“Both he and I lived as the same person! Just like that awesome magician movie!” he declares as his hair starts to get unkempt.

“Dude! Quit trying to throw me under the cart!” you bop him on the back of the head

“Don’t you mean bus?” he asks.

“BUS?! WHERE?!” you yelp in fright as your head whips left and right for signs of that mechanical monstrosity.

“…Are you being serious right now?” Luna asks with a dangerous glare as you keep looking for the metal deathbox.

“Y-Yes!” B2 doubles down.

“Wh-Why would you do something like that?” she asks sounding hurt.

“Uhhhh…Reasons?” B2 asks more than answers.

“…So, if what you’re telling me is true, then all of our time together was a lie from the very start?” she accuses and B2’s eyes widen.

“I…Um…” he chokes as those eyes stare into his soul.

“That all those years were nothing but a sham?!” she growls as killing intent is sent both of your ways. This makes even you shudder as you remember that look clear back when you faced the real Luna.

Ah Tartarus…you gulp.

“I…” B2 starts before he tugs at his color and clears his throat. “Okay, maybe I was lying just now, but Ni…Luna, I…The truth is really unbelievable and-“

“Which one of you was the one I caught with that green haired bitch?” she demands looking between the two of you.

“Nothing happened!” B2 immediately shouts in defense and her eyes snap to him. “Nimmy, you’ve got to believe me! She drugged me, and I don’t think-No! I know nothing happened! I-“

She cuts him off as she punches him right in the face and he goes down.

“Whoa, Whoa!” you raise your palms up, but she immediately turns to you and kicks you in the nads.

“EEEEE!!!” you slump over and fall between your doppelganger.

“Like I Can Believe Anything From A Liar Like You!” she shouts before glaring at Humbra who slouches more. “If you’re restarting everything without me, then I expect a God Damned Fat paycheck, or I’ll sue all of your asses!” And with that, she storms off, heading towards the exit.

The both of you watch her go in varying degrees of emotion. You are pissed that you got lumped into that ridiculousness when you tried your best to avoid it, and B2…B2 looks broken. Humbra eventually walks over and stands above you.

“Soooo…That could have gone better,” he says scratching his beard nervously.

“Oh Really?! I Wouldn’t Have Guessed!” you say sarcastically as you see B2, stand up, slump shouldered and starts walking away.

“I need a drink,” he says miserably.

“Wait! B2!” you call out to him, but he is dead set and keeps going. You remember from several of the loops, him at that beer stand and you sigh in defeat and look at Humbra.

“Thanks for the backup you jerk!” you scold as you stand up and glare at him.

“Hey! I told ya’ll from the beginning, I don’t want no drama,” he defends and you only glare at him more.

…I’m a spinless jellyfish, Sombra gapes in shame at his human counterpart. Normally, you’d make a quip about that, like the apple not falling far from the tree, but at this moment, you are not in the mood.

“Go and comfort him!” you order. “I think I can still fix this…”

“How? Luna’s long gone at this point, and I don’t think she ever wants to see either of you again,” Humbra points out.

“Yeah, well, we’re in a bucking time loop, so whatever,” you wave him off, much to his confusion. As you walk further into the crowd, you hear the Dazzlings and Sunset catch up to Humbra.

“Hey Dad, did you see Bugze by chance?” asks Adagio teasingly.

“Stop Calling Me That! I Did Not Spawn You THOT!”

Shaking your head, you move miserably away from them.

Bugze? You know that wasn’t your fault right? Selena tries to comfort.

Yeah I know, you nod. But still, I should have known idiocy would be the first option. He is me after all.

…So you’re freely admitting that now? Sombra jeers, but you don’t answer him back.

Well be that as it may, you should not put this on your shoulders, not with the time warping occurring.

But I can’t help it Selly. Like I said, he is me, and I don’t want even an ugly ape version of me being that sad, you tell her as you ignore Flim and Flam trying to get your attention. And since I’ve got the chance for a redo, I’m gonna take it.

But we still don’t know what is causing this. We only just now realized we were looping. What if we lose sight of that again? She points out.

I think the prototype will help from now on, you say as you bring it out and look at it’s glowing hole. And even if it doesn’t, I’d still go through a thousand loops to make sure everyone is happy today. I know that that human is a version of Luna…but so were you at one point Selly.

She pauses at that, and you can feel a sort of uneasiness from her.

I seriously doubt humie Luna got blasted by a rainbow of death, so I’m certain there’s still a version of you just under her skin. And if you and I can be happy together, then so can they.

She is silent for a few more moments after that before she tentatively asks,


Your eyes widen slightly at that.

Well, I…Uh…Yeah...Uh...You stammer nervously getting a bit red, before being saved by the Crystal King.

Eyes front and center love birds, those humans seem dangerous, he warns. Focusing more on the real world, you spy the three humans in question, and it’s the same drunks you encountered last time.

Oh not these yahoos again, you grumble as they walk around, swaying on their feet.

We seem to have caught them early, that young human is not with them, Selena points out.

Huh…Well let’s make sure that doesn’t come to pass then shall we? You think cheekily.

"Oi! Drunk Humies!" You call, catching their attention.

“Huh? What’s that?” one of them asks.

“I just wanted to let you all know there was something on your ugly faces,” you inform and they all start to glare.

“Oh really? And what’s th-“


Selena cries out as she strikes all of them in the face, making them crumple.

“It Was Pain!” you quip as you keep walking, much to the confusion of the other Humies who just saw three guys crumple for no reason.

ForeverAnotherChangeling’s Comment

After walking some more, you start to take in details of where certain humies are, any major interaction and the like, since if you go through this again, it’d be good to know what to avoid, and what to expect.

So those drunks were there before they get to the rides, which means Wallflower is probably walking around there as we speak, you determine, but for the life of you, you see no sign of the green haired girl.

I still have no recollection of these loops, but if what you say is true, then even slightly deviating from it would cause minute changes. You would also have to focus on those branching paths as well, Sombra adds analytically.

…That’s gonna be a lot to keep track of, you realize apprehensively.

I will strive to remember as much as I can as well, Selena offers. The only thing I do remember from the past loops, is that time resets towards the evening.

Yeah, and usually Midnight is there, you ponder. She remembers the loops to, so she’s trying to figure them out as well, but we can’t let her stop them until we’ve made everything right for everyone else.

As you think that though, something unexpected happens. Fluttershy steps in front of you…and she seems to have gotten a punk rocker make over.

“Hey,” she says boredly.

“Uh, hi Fluttershy,” you say with quirked brow. “What, uh, what’s up with you?”

“Not much,” she shrugs in that same tone. “Just here to do dark deeds and stuff.”

“Dark deeds?” you question and she shrugs.

“Yeah, I gotta, like, get that magic finder prototype from you or whatever,” she monotones while pointing at the inventory.

“Ummm, Nooooo,” you tell her plainly as you clutch the bag tighter.

“Yeah, I figured as much,” she nods and starts walking away without a care in the world.

A few moments pass after that and you start scratching your head.

“Okay, that’s definitely suspicious.”

What was your first clue? Sombra snarks and you roll your eyes.

You then follow the gothed out Fluttershy, as she slowly walks about the carnival doing “dastardly deeds.” Such as, throwing a cup of soda onto the ground instead of in the trash, switching some kid’s balloon with a different colored one, and using a marker to graffiti “Heck” onto countless booth walls.

Eventually, she ends up at the gathering crowd for when Trixie starts to sing, and you hear an exasperated voice call out.


“Ah Buck!” you shriek and get into a defensive stance looking for Midnight. When you spot her though, she isn’t looking at you, but rather stomping towards Fluttergoth with an intense look of irritation on her face.

“I’ve Been Looking All Over For You!”

“I was here the entire time, you just didn’t see me,” Fluttergoth dismisses lazily.

“No You Weren’t!” Midnight growls.

“Whatever,” Fluttergoth rolls her eyes and Midnight starts grinding her teeth.

“Did you at least nab the prototype from Bugze?” she asks.

“Nah, he was too tricky. There was absolutely no chance,” she responds without enthusiasm and Sparkle drags her hands down her face.

“Honestly! What’s the point in making you my minion if you’re just going to act like this?!”

After hearing that, you frown and voice your objections.

“Hey!” you call out to Midnight who only just now notices you.

“Bugze! I don’t have time to explain! Just give me the prototype and-“

“Not a chance Missy! You’re far too evil and unstable!”

“HOW AM I UNSTABLE?!” she shouts, her eyes going cross eyed.

“Look what you did to Fluttershy!” you point to the girl.

“Sup?” she waves lazily.

“Sure she’s a hideous, disgusting human representation of one of my first friends, but that’s still taking things too far!”

“Harsh,” Fluttergoth says without enthusiasm.

“Ugh, just keep your holier than though out of this!” Midnight shouts. “If you don’t give me the prototype soon none of this will even matter and-“


“Here’s your ticket sir,” the booth girl says handing you your ticket.

“Thanks,” you say as you grab it and pause.

“…Sir?” she asks.

“Heh, I actually remembered two times in a row! Woo Hoo!” you cheer much to her confusion as you rush out of line.

“…Okay, enjoy yourself I guess,” she mutters.

Selly, you remember too right?

I do indeed my Bug, she nods.

Remember what? Asks Sombra.

Time Loop Smokey, that’s all you need to know, you answer as you immediately make a beeline for B2 before he disperses. When you reach him you wrap your arm around his neck and pull him towards you.

“B2, we need to talk…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


After explaining to B2 as best you can about the time loop, you immediately jumped into how to make things right with Luna, and not to make up grandiose lies.

“Ah man, this is too sudden, I don’t know if I can do this,” he paces.

“It’ll be easy. Just go show your heart and tell her the truth,” you instruct.

“But I’ll just flub my words man! I haven’t seen her in ten years! I’ll…I’ll…”

You slap him and shake his shoulders.

“You will not because the last thing I need is you falling off the wagon, and me getting a shot in the pills again!” you drill and he shrinks back.

“But man, I still look grubby and stuff…” he says before a lightbulb goes off in his head. “You’re better dressed than me, why don’t you explain things to her?”

“Me?” you say in surprise.

“Yeah! You apologize to her, tell her the things I would just flub up, and when the truth comes out, I’ll step in and show how there’s two of us!”

“Can’t you just do it? It’d be more meaningful if-“

“Nah, nah, I have no confidence in myself right now,” he admits and you sigh.

“Fine, but it’s gonna be hard for me to sound convincing to an ape faced Luna,” you roll your eyes.

Then, with him hiding, you stand and wait for Luna to appear. When you see her, obliviously looking at a fortune telling booth, you approach and cough to get her attention. When she turns around, her eyes widen in shock.

“#$%@?” she gasps out.

“Yeah…Hi Luna,” you wave nervously. Her shock though soon turns to that look of subtle rage.

“Alright, just what the hell is go-“

“I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you,” you say with a placating gesture. “But please let’s not make a scene? I’ll tell you everything, including what’s going on with the band and what happened at Cadence’s house.”

She raises a skeptical brow at that.

“Will you just give me five minutes?”

After a long tense, silence, she narrows her eyes, crosses her arms and says,


“Okay…well first of all, I’m not actually @#!@. I’m from an alternate dimension called Equestria…” And you proceed to tell her the truth.

Throughout the whole thing, she stays silent and lets you speak.

“And now we’re in a time loop, and the real human me, who goes by B2 now, is just too shy to speak for himself.”

She looks at you with that same expression from before, disbelief clearly on her face.

“…So are you going to ask any questions or-*PUNCH* AGH!” you cry out as she punches you in the face and sends you to the ground.

“How Stupid Do You Think I Am?!” she shouts at you with an accusing finger. “Telling such a stupid story won’t make me forgive you for what you did you bastard! You tell Sombra, that if I don’t get royalties from whatever you’re planning, I’m suing the hell out of you!”

And with that, she marches off, leaving you with a throbbing eye.

“…Gorramnit!” you curse as you stand back up and B2 comes from around the corner.

“What happened?” he asks in exasperation

“She can’t handle the truth apparently,” you spit and glare at him. “This was meant for you!”

“Ah jeeze!” he says before running off after her. “Nimmy! Nimmy Wait!”

Grumbling you stand up and sigh as you hear her shout in the distance,

“Putting on a fake beard won’t make me believe you any more!”

Well that failed, you mutter and start walking away.

Really? Sombra snarks.

Oh shut up, you grumble.

You overloaded her with that tale Bugze, Selena interjects.

Well how was I supposed to know that would happen? Everyling else that’s heard it has seemed rather accepting of alternate dimensions and magic.

Yes, but even if it had been B2 to try an explain, you didn’t compliment her or apologize or anything.


If she’s anything like the other Luna, she wants an apology, and perhaps some flattery before you dump all that lore on her, she says matter of factly.

Oh…Huh, you think dumbfounded. I mean, when you say it aloud, it sounds so obvious.

You would think that, she says with a roll of her eyes.

Well, next loop then, I know exactly what to do, you think in determination.


“Oh #$%@...I missed you so much,” Luna says with teary eyes as she grabs you by the shoulders and leans in to kiss you.

“AAAAHHH!!!” you scream as you push her off roughly. “Get Away From Me You Horrible Disgusting Ape!” you shout as she falls onto the ground.

“EXCUSE ME?!!!” she shouts as the rage returns.

What the buck was that?! You pant in fear.

You used too much charm Bugze! Selena says sounding upset.

But you said-

I said compliment and apologize, not sweep her off her hooves-er-feet!

I wasn’t trying t-

“AAAAHHHH!!!!” B2 shouts as he runs, jumps at you and RKO’s you out of nowhere.

“AGH! The Buck Dude?!”

“I knew it! You were overly enthusiastic about talking to her in my stead! You want to steal her away from me!!!” he accuses as he starts to throttle you and Humbra laughs with a mouthful of funnel cake.

“Oh Come On!” you shout as Human Luna looks even more confused at seeing the two of you. After an almost repeat of the other times, you walk through the carnival sporting a swollen eye, and red marks around your neck.

Why is doing the right thing so bucking hard? You bemoan. You then come across Wallflower being harassed by those drunks again, only this time, Sunset and the others aren’t there.

“And then there’s THESE flankholes!” you shout and they look to you.

“Huh?” one grunts and looks at you.

“Get a clue ya idiots! The lady doesn’t want to play! How many times do you gotta go through this before you learn?!”

“Oh buzz off pal before-“ this time, you decide to attack them personally to let off some aggression.

Agh! Stupid weak human hands and their painful throbbing! You shake your appendages and look to the shocked Wallflower and the beaten men.

“You Okay Blush?” you ask and she nods.

“Right, well, stay in school and all that jazz,” you pat her on the head and begin to walk away.

“B-But wait! Are YOU Okay?” she asks in concern.

“Yeah? Why?”

She points at your abdomen, and you see red blood staining your shirt.

“…Huh, that’s disturbing,” you say as you lift up your shirt to see broken slash marks and bits of glass in your skin.

“Disturbing?” she says, mouth agape.

“Yeah, not used to my blood being red,” you say as you pick the glass out and walk away, much to her confusion.

Awhile later, you come across Midnight again, who is in full villain attire.

“Alright Bugze! Enough of this game! I’ve kidnapped that old guy at the funnel cake stand and I won’t release him until you-OH MY GOD!” she shrieks in horror, bringing her hands to her mouth.

“What?” you ask in response.

“Y-You’re bleeding,” she says as her eyes lose their glow and she points at your stomach.

“Oh yeah, a drunk slashed me with a broken bottle,” you handwave and she looks disturbed.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” she asks, actually sounding concerned.

“Oh yeah,” you nod. “But after being beaten, burned, run through with swords, and personally carving a section of my flesh off, this isn’t anything special,” you admit and she looks sickly green. “Plus, in a bit it’s not gonna matter anyway.”

“You know about the loops now?” she asks in surprise.

“I have for a number of them,” you admit and her eye twitches.

“Then you know what I’m trying to do! I need the prototype to-“

“No can do. I need to go back and make sure things are set right, and not get kissed by a disgusting, filthy human in the process.”


“Nothing you need to worry about,” you say. “But anyway, you actually sound concerned for my health. I thought you were full on villain and stuff?”

Her eyes widen at that, before she shakes her head and her eyes glow.

“I Am! I was just…Nevermind! Now give me the pro-“


“Here’s your ticket sir,” the booth girl says.

“As always,” you say snatching it and running off.

Alright, this time I’m gonna get it right.


“Who are these girls?!” Luna shouts pointing to the Sirens.

“Oh, well they’re sea ho-“

“He’s our daddy,” Sonata trolls, taking B2 by the arm.

“WHAT?!” Luna shouts and you facepalm.


“AHA! I’ve Got You Now!” Midnight shouts as she dropkicks B2.

“Wait, aren’t you the girl that won the Fall Formal?” asks Luna.


“Rarity! Why are you attacking the Vice-Principal?!” Pinkie exclaims.

“Her position will be MINE!” the dark dressed girl says maniacally.

“Midnight!” you cry out to the heavens.

“I’m still working out the kinks!” she responds.


“AAAAAIIIIIEEEE,” Humbra cries, holding his manhood. “Why did I get hit?”

“It’s long overdue after all the times I got it!” you shout.


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment


“Quit Hitting Me!” you shout as once more you are hit to the ground by Luna.


“Yes! I finally did it!” you cheer at B2 and Luna kissing…only for them to get interrupted by an out of control Ferris wheel, followed by the Flulk.

“My Bad!”

“Gorramnit Sparkle!”


“It’s over Midnight! I Have The High Ground!” you shout atop the roller coaster with your blue pool noodle.

“You Underestimate My Power!” she shouts as she comes at you with her own.


“Bugze you’ve got to come back with me!” Midnight says, wearing a Doc Brown outfit.

“Nice try, we have that movie too,” you tell her bluntly.

“Damn It!” she shouts.


“You know, I thought it was crazy, but this is actually a very nice place for a picnic,” says Applejack as the whole group sits on a blanket not too far from the concert stage.

“Eyup. Plus I needed the break,” you say as you eat some cotton candy.

“We’ve only been here for like an hour though,” points out Rainbow.

“For you…” you sigh.

“…I’m sorry, but why are you just casually hanging around with several of my students?” Luna asks as she sits next to Sunset.

“Because they’re kind of our task force,” B2 answers.

“BUGZE!” Midnight cries.

“And breaks over,” you sigh again.


“Your future, and the future of your people…I see all colors of the rainbow…” the gypsy woman says looming over her crystal ball.

“Ha! As if,” you handwave. “The most colors you’ll ever get besides black, green and blue are the hybrids like me or the ones who dye their cilia manes.”


Selena! What Are You Doing?!

“I’m tired of this song and dance! I just want to feel like a parent again!” she shouts with your mouth as your body runs around, holding Sunset under one arm and Sonata under another.

“…I am so confused,” Sunset groans.

She can say that again, Sombra says in exasperation.


“AAAAAAHHHH!!!” The Dazzlings, Pinkie and Rarity scream as their blimp hurtles towards the stage.

“H-How...How did they even get on that blimp?” Midnight asks in exasperation.

“…I don’t know,” you admit.


“Oh My God! My Locks! My beautiful locks! They’re back!!!” Humbra shouts in exuberance, seemingly having a full set of long hair.

You look behind him to see Flim and Flam counting their money from him as they begin to shave a one of the alpacas from the petting zoo.


Wallflower nervously holds the microphone on stage, stammering as she looks over the crowd.


“Boo! You Suck!” Rainbow calls from the crowd before getting smacked in the back of the head by Flash.


“The Bomb Fluttershy! Focus on the Bomb!” Sunset orders while the shy girl bawls over the exposed wires with a pair of wire snippers.

“I didn’t put that, did you?” asks Midnight.

“No, Applejack did after you minionized her,” you answer back boredly.

“Death to Strawberries!!!” a distant voice yells followed by a scream.


“Redemption was a mistake! There can be only one!!!” Demon Sunset cackles as she sends a blast of magic at Midnight.

“I didn’t think this through! I DIDN’T THINK THIS THROUGH!!!”


“I Didn’t Think This Through Either!!!” Midnights screams as she, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and you run from Pinkie Pie who has gone full killer clown thanks to Sparkle.


“So, what you’re saying is…the reason I drink so much and lash out at women…is because I still feel inadequate over my mother belittling my dreams to become a breakdancer?” asks one of the drunks on the verge of tears.

“…I asked if you had a lighter, what the buck are you on about?” you ask as the man begins to bawl while his drunken friends pat him on the back.


“What’s the matter hick? All that boasting just for show?” Aria snarks as she arm wrestles Applejack.

“N-Not on your life,” AJ says with strained grunt.

“Ten bucks on the famer,” Timber offers.

“Fifteen on twin tails,” B2 raises.


“I’ll kill you you sea horse bitch!” Sunset shouts as she tries to strangle Sonata.

“Ha! Fight all you want unicorn, he’s mine now! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Sonata cries out evily as Flash sits duct taped to a chair.

“I really don’t know how to feel about this,” he deadpans.

“Okay, now you’re just bucking around with them,” you accuse Midnight.

“I got bored, wanted some drama,” she sighs.


Adagio engages in a rap battle with Trixie after running crashing the stage, while B2 runs away from evil petting zoo animals with an unconscious Luna over his shoulder.

Well, at least he’s trying, Selena points out.


“¡El hombre con el sombrero nos envió!” Humbra shouts drunkenly on stage, wearing a large sombrero and shaking maracas as Wallflower and Luna beat up the drunks.


“You’ve taken my virginity 17 times already! I thought you’d be more loyal than this!” Midnight shouts unhinged, holding Timber Spruce by the throat up in the air.

“The Hell You Talking About?! You ditched me, so I was just-AGHK!”

“…I am not touching that one with a 10 foot pole,” you shake your head.

“Good call,” Flash nods as he eats his funnel cake.


Everything buns.


Everything burns.


Everything burns.


Bugze! Stop Setting Everything on Fire! Selena scolds.

“But why?!” you whine as you hold your flaming hoverboard over the haunted house.


“ALRIGHT I’VE HAD IT!!!!” Midnight booms as she slaps her hands together, and causes everyone in your group, including Luna, Wallflower and Timber to show up outside of the carnival.

“What the-“ Everyone starts but Midnight cuts them off.

“SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!” she shouts, causing everyone to stare at her in terror. The Dazzlings and the Mane 7 get into a fighting stance while Timber, Luna, and Wallflower hide behind them, with B2 and Humbra hiding behind you.

“IT’S BEEN 3 MONTHS OF THIS TIME LOOPING BULLSHIT!!!” She screams not even paying attention to everyone else.

“THREE MONTHS OF NONSTOP INSANITY AND IDIOCY!!!” you add your own rage to the mix surprising them.

“SO MANY EXPLOSIONS AND HAVING TO RETELL THE SAME STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!” Selena shouts through you, surprising everyone.

“Living the same night over and over and over again!!!” You cry sitting down and rocking back and forth.

“Why does this keep happening?!” Midnight screams blasting away a nearby bench.

“Uuhhh….” Everyone says confused.

“Do the screen thing,” you groan.

“I’m Doing The Screen Thing!” she shouts as she snaps her fingers in annoyance and a large screen appears in front of them. The screen then begins playback of all the nights you two have had to go through, just as it has a few times before when you two decided to team up.

“What the…is that me on a unicycle on a tight rope?” asks Rarity.

“Why the buck am I fighting a bull?” asks Sunset.

“Why the hell am I making out with Flash?” Rainbow questions.

“Who are all you people?” Wallflower asks.

“Yeah, Twilight, what’s going on?” asks Timber.

“%$@$? Is that y-“ Luna starts but Midnight shouts over them.

“Ugh, for the 1000th time, we’re all stuck in a time loop! Bugze and I have been reliving the same night for 3 months and neither of us knows why!” she says in a very exhausted voice.

“We can’t break the loop no matter what we do!” You yell pounding your fist to the ground.

“And frankly I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!” Midnight yells laughing insanely her eyes twitching. The Dazzlings walk over and pull you back to the group giving you a concerned look.

“Uhhh, that still doesn’t answer the qu-“ Wallflower starts but you sit up.

“You, invisible girl, don’t walk near the gravity pull. Luna, B2 has trouble saying the things he wants to say, but he still loves you, and that whole thing with Chrysalis isn’t what it seemed. The band isn’t planning on getting back together without you, and all the stunts are because of me, his alternate universe counterpart, hunting magic. Timber…you’re just kind of here.”

The humans still look very confused and concerned at that as the images start to play on the screen still.

“…Okay then, if this is some strange magic stuff, and you’ve been living this day over and over again then-“

“Why are we just now teaming up?” you and Midnight say at once startling her.

“The answer is, we have teamed up before. We thought the prototype would work, but it didn’t lead us to jack squat!” Midnight shouts in exasperation.

“Yeah, all it’s been doing is helping her and I remember the loops for whatever reason,” you sigh. “But I don’t want to keep going through this! It’s horrible!”

“And many times boring!” Midnight cackles. “We got so bored, I learned a bunch of stuff from you all just to spice things up.”

“I learned how to sew with these stupid fingers thanks to Rarity,” you say.

“Applejack taught me how to lasso,” she adds.

“I took some singing lessons from you Dazzlings,” you wave.

“And Pinkie Pie taught me how to always smile and laugh…Aha…AHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” she laughs, losing even more marbles and everyone shudders.

“…I also learned how stubborn Humie Luna is,” you chirp.

“Hey!” she responds indignantly.

“You’ve battered B2 and I countless times! I remember everything lady!”

“…B2?” she asks human you curiously.

“Yeah, it’s a nickname I use when he’s around me. Makes things easier,” he nods.

…I honestly have no recollection of-

WE KNOW!!! Both you and Selena shout at Sombra who winces.

“Yeah! Get With The Program Gruff Voice that sounds like that bald guy!” Midnight shouts pointing at Humbra.

“Wait…you heard him?” you question in shock.

“Yup!” she nods.

That shouldn’t be possible, Selena gasps.

“Oh but it is dark female voice,” Midnight cackles as she pulls at her hair. “I wanted to know who kept shadow punching me!”

“…Alright, this is officially too crazy, even for me,” Pinkie shakes her head.

“Pinkie’s right,” Sunset speaks up. “Why exactly are you bringing us all here if you’ve done it before?”

“Because we’re hoping for better options!” you shout. “Because I’ve burned down this whole carnival countless times, and nothing’s changed!”

“And surprisingly, Arson isn’t the answer here!” Midnight corroborates. “So that’s why we’ve brought together all the important players in these shenanigans aside from those drunk assholes.”

“So yeah…any ideas?” you ask to the group at large and they all look to each other.

“Have you tried-“ Adagio starts.

“Teleporting away? Yes. Didn’t work,” Midnight finishes.

“Did you try dri-“ Flash starts.

“Yes I forced you all to drive away, and we kept getting into accidents. I can honestly say I’ve seen all of your broken bodies, and it wasn’t pleasant!” you nod.

They all shudder at this, and human Luna sighs.

“Sunset Shimmer, is this more of the strange demon magic stuff you used back at the Formal?”

“It’s…similar,” Sunset admits.

“Oh believe me, I’d like to know more about this Equestria and the implications of multi-universal interactions, but I’d rather move on from this day first!” Sparkle shouts as she starts to weep sadly.

You have a sudden urge to comfort her, since throughout many of these loops, she has still shown signs of the old Twilight, such as caring about you when you were shanked, and freaking out over mishaps, but she’s still unhinged and a villain, so you refrain. Even a sad wild dog could still snap after all.

And while she cries, Sonata suddenly pipes up.

“Aw, no fair, you guys got to meet PostCrush in person,” she pouts.

You look back to the screen and show some of the past loops where the pop band girls show up on stage after Trixie.

“Big Whoop,” Midnight rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I’ve only seen them like a few times, and never heard their songs all the way through,” you add.

“Huh? Why not? They’re great,” Aria defends.

“Because the loop starts again, right after they start,” Midnight grunts and slumps her wings.

“Wait…” Sunset says as she looks at the screen curiously. “Are you saying, that without fail, the loop always starts after they take the stage?”

“Well, maybe? There are the times where we’ve completely annihilated the whole thing, like when you crashed the blimp with the arrows and the dynamite, but they were singing yeah,” you nod.

Sunset looks between you and Midnight and says,

“Show me every instance where they take the stage, er, without the destructive shenanigans.”

“Ugh, this isn’t time for a fangirl session, but whatever,” Midnight complains as images of PostCrush taking the stage after Trixie play over and over again, sometimes in the background, sometimes like Sparkle was actively watching.

“Uh did either of you ever notice this?”

“We’ve noticed everything Demon Girl!” Midnight insults and Sunset frowns.

“Oi, lay off Bacon Hair,” Humbra defends.

“Oh whatever! Yes we’ve noticed them. I’ve grown sick of their opening song!”

“No look closer, something is different each time, even without your interference” Sunset points out.

“Wait, What?!” you, Selena and Midnight say at once as you glue your eyes to the screen.
Sure enough, unlike the other humies who walk their predetermined path the same way unless you change something, the two musicians seem to have different body languages and movements each time. There’s even an instance where one of them trips onto the ground, and another where a guitar string breaks. All of these differences are subtle, but to you and Midnight, they shine.

“Impossible!” Midnight says as she conjures up scenes from when you two let things run wild. And sure enough, whenever they take the stage at those times, their freakouts are different each time.

“Also why does K-Lo keep messing with her hair?” Pinkie asks. Raising a brow at that, you both look and see after each mess up, or each disaster K-Lo messes with her hair, then the video switches to the next 'night'. Even when the stage goes up in flames, or the blimp, carnival wheel, or even Flulk smash it up, K-Lo fusses with her hair in the last moments.

After Three Months, it finally clicks.

“THEY’RE THE ONES CAUSING THE LOOP!” you shout as you see K-lo fussing with her hair as clown pinkie chases after her.

“Whoa, what happened there?” Pinkie asks but is ignored as you fall to your knees.

“This whole time…THIS WHOLE TIME?! How did we not notice before?!”

“Probably because you two kept fighting?” Sonata suggests. Before you retort to that sassiness though, you swear you hear something snap. You look over to see Midnight glowing with magic power as she begins to laugh insanely.

“Heh, heh ha he ho he ha ha Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!” She laughs here eyes twitching like crazy and her irises turning into slits. “It was so obvious! It all makes sense! They’re the reason I’ve had to endure so much insanity for three months haha!!”

“I feel like we should be concerned…” Rainbow shudders.

“Yeah, this one’s definitely scarier than Princess Twilight,” Flash trembles.


“Wait, Twilight don’t-” you gasp, but she flies off.


“Hurt them!” you shout, startling the girl in the ticket booth.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asks in concern.

“NOTHING!” you shout as you grab your ticket and rush to the others.

“Everyone! There’s Not Much Time! We’ve Got Maybe 10 Minutes before Midnight gets to PostCrush and bucks everything up!”

“Huh?” they all collectively ask.

“AGH! We’re in a Time Loop! Now Quickly! Follow me and we’ll Speed Run this bullspit! And for like the Millionth Time, DON’T SPLIT THE PARTY!!!” you shout as you grab B2 by one hand and Sonata by the other and you start running through the carnival before Midnight arrives.

You quickly buy some food for Sonata and shove it in her mouth, and take a picture with the panda mascot, before you push Adagio, Aria, Flash, Applejack and Rainbow to the booths.

“Play the games! Use Magic To Cheat! Hurry!” you order as you gab Sunset, B2, Humbra and yell back to Rarity and Fluttershy, “Avoid the Alpaca! Give love to the Bull! Trust Me!”

You then round the corner with the others just as Luna walks into view. B2 stiffens, but you yank him even harder.

“Luna!” you shout catching her attention as you twirl and throw B2 into her, causing them both to fall to the ground in a jumble.

“What the-“ she starts as she looks at both of you.

“Alternate Dimensions! He’s the real @#$!@, I call him B2, he never cheated on you, the Band isn’t reforming without you, and everything can be explained with magic just like when Sunset turned into a demon,” you say thrusting Humbra and Sunset forward.

“Uh…” Sunset starts.

“It’s true! It’s all magic! B2, you and her make up while I carry her!” you order.

“What are you-HEY!” she shouts as you quickly tie her arms behind your back with your awesome 4th Doctor scarf, lift her up and put her on our shoulder and start running. Despite her complaints and the confusion of more humans, you keep running, with B2, Sunset and Humbra running right behind you.

“@#%&!, Sombra! What is going on?!” she demands.

“Well, it’s uh…It’s like he said Nimmy. It’s magic and stuff,” B2 says sheepishly as he jogs behind you.

“Yeah…there is magic Vice Principal…even if I’m confused right now,” Sunset corroborates.

“I personally think I’ve finally gone mad and have been hallucinating everything, but sure, let’s go with magic!” Humbra adds.

“B-But…I…” she stammers as she looks back at B2 who stiffens and gets nervous again.

“N-Nimmy…about what happened…I…”

“Compliment her and apologize you dolt!” you call over your shoulder.


“Be Charming!” you declare as you toss her off your shoulder.

“AHHH-Oof!” she grunts as B2 dives forward and catches her before she hits the ground, using his body as a cushion.

“Dude! What the Hell?! You could have hu-“

“Say these exact words and mean them!” you order before you then whisper your charming words from that one awful loop into his ear, before you grab Sunset and lift her above your head like a spear.

“AH! What are you doing?!” she shrieks.

“Using you in battle just like I should have done with my real daughter!” you shout as you rush forward towards the three drunks.

“D-Daughter?” Sunset stammers with a blush.

That one was for you Selly, you smirk.

Oh, Bugze…she coos in gratitude.

What The Buck Is Going On?! Sombra screams in confusion.

“Exactly! Now Sunset Shimmer! I Choose You!” you shout as you javelin toss the teen at the drunks.

“Yo! Mommy Issues!” you call out.

“Huh?” bottle drunk stammers before Sunset’s feet hit him square in the jaw and knock him out.

“What is-“ the other two start to speak but you rush forth, strike one in the nose with your fist, as Selena “Mudas!” the other one.

“Sleep tight punks!” you say as you pick Sunset back up and dust her off.

“Why the buck did you do that?!” Sunset exclaims. “I just hurt that guy!”

“They were gonna harass Wallflower Blush, a girl from your school that people overlook, but they shouldn’t because she’s nice. Show her some kindness after this is all over, but now we need her for backstage passes,” you say as you grab Sunset’s hand and look back at Humbra, Luna and B2.

Sure enough, your honeyed words did the trick as your doppelganger is currently interlocked with Luna in a very, very intense act of public affection.

“Sweet! They’ll come down for the bliss soon, but we need to move them!” you order the very perplexed Humbra and Sunset. You then grab a wagon from the children hay ride, toss the two making out humans in, along with Humbra and Sunset, and start sprinting full speed towards the others.

“What The Hell Is Going On?!!!” Humbra shrieks similarly to his pony counterpart but you don’t answer as you come across Wallflower who seems very shocked at the scene before her. Before she can even say anything though, you grab her and shout,

“Sunset Shimmer is on a goodwill mission, and she really needs your valuable help to see PostCrush! Plus she thinks you’re cool!” You then toss the shocked girl into the wagon next to Sunset.

“I-Wha-It…Is that the Vice Principal?!” she gasps pointing at the indisposed Luna and B2.

“Yeah…Yeah it is….” Sunset sighs as you round a corner, just in time to see Aria destroy the strength test.

“Woohoo! Go Aria!” Sonata cheers as Flash grumbles and crosses his arms in embarrassment. But then he notices you speeding towards him.

“What the-“

“NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! GET IN THE HAYWAGON!!!” you shout as you barrel through the group, causing Flash to fall into the wagon face down next to Luna and B2.

“I’ve missed you so much,” B2 gasps.

“Just shut up and keep kissing,” Luna orders.

“Oh My!” Flash says in embarrassment.

The Sirens, AJ, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash just shrug and chase after you. Along the way, you pick up Fluttershy and Rarity, who hasn’t been spat upon, as you all rush to the concert, way earlier than any of the other times you’ve gone.

“So, why do you all need to see PostCrush?” Wallflower asks nervously.

“Because they’re the key to getting out of this Groundhog Day Nightmare!”you shout back as you storm past the human security guard.

“What the-“

“It’s Okay! My cousin runs the venue!” Wallflower calls back, but you don’t wait for confirmation as you beeline it for the backstage trailers.

As you do, you see the two pop singers, one with packed bags, hurriedly trying to make it towards some sort of tour bus.

“That’s it! I’ve had it K! I don’t want to deal with any more fire and random explosions!” Su-Z exclaims angrily.

“Come on Su! If we don’t put on the most perfect performance, then people could LITERALLY Die!” her partner begs.

“Perfection means nothing when some nutjobs keep setting things on fi-AH! There He Is!” she shrieks pointing at you, and your large barreling group.

“POSTCRUSH!!!” you shout in anger, sick of all these time shenanigans.

“Big Fan!” Pinkie calls out.

“We mean you no harm!” Sunset adds.

“Can You Sign My Face?!” Sonata asks.

The two startled singers though only have frightened eyes for you, as if you are the devil incarnate.

You commit arson several times, and people label you for life, you scoff.

“POSTCRUSH!!!” another angry voice calls from the heavens as Midnight comes divebombing towards them from the other direction, power and fury lighting her up.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Su-Z and K-Lo shriek and hold each other, just as K-Lo starts to reach for her hair.

“NO! Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco!” you shout thrusting your hand forward. You feel the intense pressure of the genetic power flow out of your human limb as it catches the two girls and shoots them upward, stopping them from resetting time…but just like when using the Flame Plasmid without your glove with a weak human hand, you get injured.

Three of your fingers bend the complete wrong way, and your wrist snaps like a twig.

“AGH!” you grunt in intense pain.

Bugze! Selena shouts in horror, but you keep pushing forward, for you see what the singer was reaching for. A small looking ornament floats, along with her hair in your plasmid field.

Midnight notices as well, and all things considered, she would probably have reached K-Lo before you did with her flying speed, but just like when you were cut up with glass, she is momentarily distracted from her rage by your wounds. And thanks to this distraction, you are able to get your hand on the time piece, just as Twilight grabs the other end.

“AH! My Hair!” K-Lo screams but you and Midnight glare into each other’s eyes as your group and the wagon barrel into you all, causing a pile up. As you and Midnight wrestle for dominance, you being one hand short, the both of you start to hear a cracking noise.

“Let Go!” Midnight shouts as she tugs.

“Not A Chance!” you declare in determination and give a yank.


You both stumble back from each other, each with one piece of the artifact in your hands (along with a clump of the singer’s hair to boot). Suddenly, there is an immense wave of energy that washes over the both of you.


“Here is your ticket sir” the ticket girl says.

“Thanks,” you answer as you reach out for it…and you realize that your half of the artifact is still in your possession.

“Whoa, what the hell?!” you hear Humbra shout.

“What just happened?!” Adagio shrieks as she starts looking around in panic.

“Weren’t we just barreling towards PostCrush like crazed fans?” asks Pinkie.

“Nimmy! Nimmy where are you?!” B2 calls out in alarm, looking left and right.

The rest of the group also voice their confusion as for the first time in 3 months, they remember as well and you give a sigh.

Oh…this is what you were on about, Sombra says in understanding.

Bugze you did it! Selena cheers with enthusiasm.

Yeah…Yeah I did didn’t I? you proclaim and start to laugh.

“Here is your ticket sir,” the ticket girl says again. “ris tekcit ruoy si ereH.”

“Huh?” you turn back.

“Here is your t-t-t-t-t-ticket sir!” the girl stutters, as if she was a faulty machine.

“What the buck?” you stammer and look around, and you notice some more strange things occurring.

For one thing, many of the carnival goers outside of your group are either moving very fast, then very slow, and some of them even appear to rewind in their actions, only to move forward again only at a slower speed.

“…Okay, that’s new,” you say aloud just as another wave of energy washes over you and your group. You then hear many more shrieks of terror by confused carnival goers as objects start to fade in and out. Like an out of conrtrol ferris wheel, the strength machine exploding and reforming off and on, and of course fire appearing. The thing is, just like the fading ins and outs, the screams are warbled, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes reversed.

“Bugze! What Is Happening?!” Sunset yelps in terror.

“I Don’t Know! This Hasn’t Happened Before!” you blather and look around at the chaos. “I mean, you guys all remember now I guess because you were near me, but I don’t-“

“Nimmy!” B2 gasps in realization and runs off into the carnival.

“B2!” you shout after him.

“If she remembers too, then she’s very, very confused!” he calls back.

“No! Stick Together! We-“

“BUGZE!” Midnight cries out as she flies above you.

“Midnight!” you call out in surprise and she just glowers at you.

“You Idiot!!!” she shrieks holding her half of the time piece. “You’ve Killed Us All!”

“What are you talking about?!” you shout as the rest of your group look at her, but none of the other carnival humans do as they blur in their movements.

“All of our loops through the last 3 months are collapsing in on themselves at once!”

“What?!” your group shouts in horror.

“Time is fixing itself, but without a focal point, it’s getting smooshed together!”

You pale at that as you look at shades of the past three months and your shenanigans popping in and out. Screams of terror, mixed with cheers of joy, some from the same people simultaneously.

“Give me your half so I can fix this!” Midnight screams.

“No! You Give Me Your Half!” you shout in defiance.

“Are you serious right now?”

“Yes! I know this is Discord’s dream come true, but I won’t let you have this power!”

“Oh for-You Impossible Insufferable Man!” she yells before diving at you, and you take off into the carnival of madness.

“Run For Your Lives!!!” you shout to your group.


Episode 59: Out of Time

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Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

As you bravely flee from Midnight through the collapsing time space, a part of you can’t help but feel nostalgiac. It’s been some time since you’ve fully fallen off the wagon and gone crazy with the world crumbling all around you.

“Woo Hoo, Woo Hoo, Woo Hoo!” you laugh madly, having been conscious for over three months and yet not needing to sleep.

Bugze, now’s not the time to lose it, Selena warns.

This is the perfect time to lose it! You snap back. Everything’s bucked and I really have no idea what I’m doing right now!

Then why are you running through all this chaos? Sombra asks as you see the drunks and Flim and Flam glitching in their movements.

Because we’ve got to keep our group together! I need to find B2 and Luna, but also PostCrush! They might be able to stabilize this or something! You think desperately as you yank Aria out of the way of the constantly exploding strength machine.

“What do we do Bugze?” asks Sunset as she tackles Flash and Wallflower out of the way of several thrown bottles from the speedy drunks.

“We’re heading to PostCrush! But look for humie me!” you call back to her as Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity scream and dodge a very ornery alpaca who is sometimes on fire.

“What are they going to do about this?!” Adagio asks hectically as the phasing in and out Ferris wheel nearly crushes her, Dash and Sonata.

“I don’t know, something?!” you say desperately just as Midnight teleports in front of you.

“GYAGH!” you cry out as she starts to charge a beam attack.

“Give me your half before we all die you stupid-AGH!“

Ello Calebero’s Comment

She cries out as a cart filled with burning marijuana plants strikes into her before phasing into a hay ride wagon, and one filled with ducks simultaneously.

“Ah, right, minionized Humbra trying to sell drugs to children,” you nod as you remember that particular loop in very vivid detail.

“Huh?” said human sputters.

“The security guards tackled you to the ground and beat the crap out of you,” you tell him as you round a corner where people keep screaming at a Flulk that isn’t there, enjoying games, and angrily shouting all at once. As you do, you come across B2, who is on top of the burning yet not burning Haunted House, holding onto the hand of a dangling Luna where a very pissed off bull bellows below.

“What’s gotten into Ferdinand?” Fluttershy asks in horror.

“Echo of when Sparkle minionized him. He broke Dash’s bones fairly quickly before the table turned,” you answer.

“He did what now?” Rainbow asks, but you ignore her as B2 struggles to lift Luna back up.

“$%#@, please don’t let me fall, please!” Luna pleads in desperation as the bull starts ramming into the building, causing it to rock.

“I won’t! I won’t let you go again! Never again!” B2 declares in determination as the flames continually phase around him. With the angry bull though, he can’t quite bring her up.

“Wallflower! Slap the bull in the nose!” you order.

“Excuse Me?!” she shouts in shock.

“It won’t be able to see you, it’s how we defeated it last time!” you shout as you push the scared teen forward. Apprehensively, with a stampede of rabbits all around her, she walks up to the angry bull who is still focused on Luna and Bugze.

“Eeeeeeee!” she cries out in terror as she slaps the bull on the nose which causes it’s eyes to widen, and for it to fall on it’s side in shock as it faints.

“Good work!” you clap the confused girl on her shoulder and look back as B2 pulls Luna back up.

“You…you saved me…” she says wistfully to him.

“Yeah…why wouldn’t I?” he says cheekily. This moment is broken though as Sparkle comes blasting in.

“Quit Running and Let Me Fix This!” she wails as B2 and Luna scramble off the building, avoiding the projectiles.

“Wrong Bugze!” you shout up as you throw one of the sentient stuffed bears from time loop 332 and shoot it with Second Law, causing it to collide with Midnight’s wings.

“AGH!” she cries out as the bear starts hugging her wings together, making her fall out of the sky and into the ball pit that Fluttershy and Adagio drowned in during one loop somehow.

“B2! Humie Luna! Get to PostCrush!” you shout at them over the roar of a phantom Flulk.

“Okay!” he calls back and you and your group continue running as Midnight bursts forth from the ball pit.

“BUGZE!!!” she roars as she flies right at you, but you fire another shot of Second Law behind you, causing her outstretched wings to be caught in the wind force and thrown backwards into a food stand.

Eventually though, you and your group do catch up to Su-Z and K-Lo, who are trying to run for their lives as well from a stage where Trixie continually plays the same lyrics like a skipped record.

“There you are!” you shout, startling them. “How do we fix this?!”

“Fix this?! FIX THIS?! What The Hell Did You Do?!” K-Lo shouts in anguish as a blimp keeps crashing over and over again on stage.

“I broke your stupid time thing you bucking premodonna!” you shout back.

“Why would you do that?!” her partner shrieks as Sonata clings to her arm asking for an autograph.

“Well excuse me for not being gentle with the thing that’s been looping me for Three Bucking Months!!!”

“Yeah, I mean, we only remembered the last one, but that’s kind of on you,” Sunset adds in support and K-Lo just pulls at her hair.

“It wasn’t supposed to go on that long! But the more we used it, the crazier and more out of control the situation kept getting! I kept looping to save everyone’s lives after awhile!”

“Yeah! You and that crazy demon girl were the ones setting fires to everything!” Su-Z adds.

“Well maybe if some stupid humie didn’t try to be such a prissy perfectionist, I wouldn’t have been in that mental state in the first place! Now, how do we stop this?!”

“I DON’T KNOW!” K-Lo shouts in anguish. “I only knew how to make it turn back time, I don’t know how to repair…This!”

“…Well Buck!” you curse as an after image of clown Pinkie eating people flashes.

“Okay seriously, what happened to me?!” Pinkie says in disgust and horror. You don’t get a chance to answer her though as Midnight suddenly teleports with her hands around her throat before she teleports high above the fair grounds with you.

“GACK!” you choke as your feet dangle to the madness below you.

“Enough! Give me the other half before time crunches in on itself and wipes all of us who remember the loops from existence!” she yells in rage and desperation.

“Is-GACK-Is that what’s going to happen?!”

“I Don’t Know! But you can’t prove it won’t happen! If I can just reforge the stupid thing though, then maybe this will all stop!” she yells as she starts trying grabbing at your pockets looking for your half, but you grab her hand.

“I’m not going to let you gain this power!” you groan out.

“Screw what you want! I want to live more than anything else right now! And I have a better chance of fixing this than you do!” she growls as she begins to squeeze your throat harder.

“I warned you!” you croak out as you use your other hand to take out the Boomstick and strike her point blank in the chest.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

megamanzero’s Comment

“AGH!” she grunts out as the both of you blast apart from each other. As you fall though, you see her half of the time artifact fall from her grasp. “NOOO!!!” she cries as she sails farther away and you head straight for the ground.

“Ah buck, ah buck! Selly! Can you like punch the air or something to slow my speed?!”

Physics doesn’t work like that Bugze! Selena yelps in terror as the ground gets closer and closer.

Well someone do something or we’re paste! Sombra hollers in alarm.

Gritting your teeth, you point your fist towards the ground and holler

“Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco?!” Since you’re making a fist this time, none of your fingers break, but your wrist still snaps in agony. “GGRRRAAAGGGHHHH!!!” you shout, but thankfully you are kept from the ground’s embrace in your Plasmid effect.

As you get out of your field, you cradle your broken hand as your human crew runs over to you.

“Bugze! Are You Okay?!” B2 asks in worry as Sonata and Sunset run up to your side.

“Yeah, I’m fine. You humans really need to drink more milk or something,” you grumble as they gasp at your wrist.

“Oh my goodness!” Sonata sputters.

“It’s fine, it’s fine! We’ll worry about it later. Now start looking for Midnight’s half of the artifact. She dropped it when I fe-“

You are interrupted as a great crackling sound comes from the middle of the carnival. Rising above the mix matched chaos, is Midnight’s hall of the pendant, only time energy starts to swirl around it like a tornado without the suction.

“I think we found it,” K-Lo says in despair as all the craziness gets even more insane. Buildings and stands, and even the looping people start to float as an eerie blue light starts shining from the center of the increasing vortex.

“I…I…I am so done with this alien magic stuff,” Luna says as she rubs her head.

“No offense Vice-Principal, but at least you didn’t get turned into a monster by it,” Flash says sardonically.

“Uh, can anyone care to explain what’s going on there?” Applejack asks trepidly.

“It’s a time vortex,” Sunset answers breathlessly.

“Right…and what does a time vortex do?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“It’s going to suck all of the collapsing time in on itself till there’s a singularity and then there will be nothing left of our universe!” Fluttershy yelps and you all turn to her. “…What? I’ve watched Doctor Who.”

“Ah, classic show right there,” Humbra says with praise.

“The new series has got some hits and misses,” B2 analyzes.

“Yeah, well first of all, it’s Doctor Whooves for the real unhumanized version, and secondly, he’s real in my world.”

“What?!” Flash, Fluttershy, B2 and Humbra shout in surprise.

“Yeah, he’s the guy that can help you three later,” you say looking to the Sirens, who are still a bit confused. “But we’ll worry about him later. Right now, I’ve got to stop that vortex before-“

“AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you hear Midnight scream. Looking up, you see her being chased by a horrifying, winged, bat like thing.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” everyone, including you scream as the thing attempts to eat Sparkle.

“What the Tartarus Is That?!” Aria shrieks.

“It’s a freaking Reaper!” Flash bellows in panic.

“Huh?” Sonata asks.

“Basically a time cop, only with more dismemberment and biting!” you yelp as you see more exiting the vortex and coming towards your group. Still holding the Boomstick with your uninjured hand, you start swatting the things as they try to get at your group.

“Keep Moving Towards The Vortex!” you yell as you slap one out of the air.

“Why in the hell would we do that?!” shouts Su-Z.

“Because if we don’t, everyling’s gonna bucking die!” you yell as you charge forth, striking reapers left and right.

Of course these bucks had to be real as well. First weeping angels, then daleks, so why the buck not?!

As goes the story of our lives, Selena nods solemnly.

As more of the winged things emerge, you look up to the epicenter of the vortex, and it is high above the ground.

“You all, try to take some cover! I’m going to grab that stupid thing!” you order as you start parkouring up the floating stalls and buildings, although with difficulty with your broken wrist.

“Bugze wait!” Sunset calls out to you and you look back at your humie crew.

“I can’t! It’s now or never guys! Stay safe, and I’ll be back,” you promise.

“Ha! Terminator! Awesome things are just universal,” Humbra says happily as The Sirens look at you teary eyed, B2 holds onto Luna, and the Humane 7 look worried, but place their hands on Sunset’s shoulders. Even PostCrush seem apprehensive at your departure.

“Be careful you dumb bug, you still have to take us back home,” Aria says without malice and you nod at her before leaping to a floating trinket stand.

“Bugze!!!” you hear Sparkle call, and looking over, you see her blasting a Reaper and flying for the pendant as well.

“Oh no you bucking don’t!” you shout as you use the Boomstick to rocket jump from floating piece to floating piece, getting closer and closer to your goal. All around you, the time energy swirls and sways, causing the sporadic changes to the people and objects of the Carnival.

Cockroach, going into the center of something like this-

Is dangerous, yes I know Smokey, you think back as you springboard off one of the floating drunks.

Bugze…if we perish in there, I just want you to know that- Selena starts, but you cut her off.

“We’re Not Going To Die Selly! I Won’t Let That Happen! We promised Nightshade we would return!”

I…I see. Please don’t die, she begs and you steel yourself.

I won’t. Not here. Not now, because-

“I have a rendezvous with death.”

The thought chills you, but you push forward, jumping off of a Reaper and entering the swirling winds, just as Midnight does on the other side…

And then things get really, really weird!

“WwwhHhhWWWhhhhhaAAaaAaaaTt thhttteeethee BbbbbBBUuuuBBBuuuuccckkk!!!” you shout in distortion as your body ages and de-ages rapidly.

“Aaaaaaaaggggghhhhh!!!” Sparkle’s own distorted voice rings out as the energies pass around and through you. Looking at her, you see that in one step, she is an old grey woman, and the next she’s shrunken down and looking like a preschooler, yet she is still her own age at the same time.

“This is bucking weird!” you screech, and when you look down, parts of your torso just seem to be gone, replaced by static.

“It’s already starting! We’re being erased!” Midnight says in horror as her wings blip out of existence and she falls on top of the floating stage, because of course it would be at the center as well.

“What?!” you call out as your right ear dissolves away.

“I said-Oh Never Mind!” she grunts as one of her eyes starts to phase out.

Grunting in effort, you both slowly make your way towards the piece of the artifact, your coat billowing in the cosmic wind.

“Don’t! You’ll Make It Worse!” Midnight warns you, but you keep pushing on.

“It’s gotta be hard to make it worse!” you respond back.

“Don’t! You’ll Make It Worse!” Midnight shouts sounding confused.

“It’s gotta be hard to make it…worse?” you guess.

“Don’t! You’ll-Hey wait a minute!”

“It’s gotta…Ah heck we’re-“

“Don’t-AGH! I hate time stuff!”

“Mini loop! Agh!”

“Don’t! GRAGH!”

“That tears it!” you shout as you strike the stage with your Boomstick…and it works, you are able to move forward again, even though two of your fingers on your broken hand are now phased away.

How in the blazes did that work? Sombra asks in befuddlement.

When all else fails, just hit things really hard, you answer back.

As dumb as it sounds, he is correct. I’ve learned that the hard way these last four years, Selena nods.

“That is not scientifically sound Dark Female Voice! Stop accepting stupidity!” Midnight yells as her foot phases out and she starts hopping.

Don’t you tell me what to do smelly human! Selena barks back.

You both scramble closer and closer to the pendant, losing random pieces of you to the void, and in a mirror of when you both gripped it in the last loop, you reach the pendant piece at the same time. And once again, with you’re only using one hand.

“Let go!” Midnight orders and tugs, but you tug right back.

“No! You Let Go!”

“Are you seriously doing this right now?!”

“Yes! I’m not gonna let you get even more corrupted!”

“It’s not like those red stone necklaces those hussie singers have that I’m planning on taking, I need to fix this!”

“No! I have to fix this!” you tell sternly.

“You don’t know how! You’re a pathetic, idiotic, bumbler from another dimension!”

“Yeah, and that’s all true, but that’s exactly why I’ve got to fix it!”


“All of this, all of it stems from the fact that I came to this world. I got all of you involved in things beyond your comprehension, and it’s only because of me you became like this. You and I breaking this stupid thing is just the latest consequence of my actions.”

“So what?! The universe will be erased whether it was your fault or not. Let Me Fix This!”

“I can’t Twilight…” you say and she gasps when you call her her real name. “I’ve got to take responsibility for you as well. And if you fix this, you’ll keep it for your own. And believe me, I know personally what happens when you gather so much powerful darkness in your heart…”

Midnight seems to snap out of her desperation at that as unbeknownst to you, an image of The Nightmare flashes through her mind. With this distraction, you yank the half from her and quickly reach into your pocket and grip it against it’s other half.

“This is going to hurt,” you weep before you hold the two halves in your uninjured hand and say, “Would You Kindly Solder?!”

An intense heat goes through your hand, as your skin is cooked and smoke sizzles from your grip.

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!” you shout in anguish, but you keep holding onto the pendant as the halves start to melt back together.

Oh good gods! Sombra says in surprise and disgust.

Bugze! Selena calls out in alarm and worry.

“Wh-What is happening?!” Midnight shrieks as bright, circular portals open up all around you, swirling with the vortex. And though your flesh melts, you can still see into the doorways to other worlds.

You see a world with Sunset Shimmer as an alicorn, a world that had Rainbow Dash as the student of Celestia, the dazzlings as cheerleaders, Applejack as a changeling, A killer Rarity, a world with Nightshade as Twilight daughter, where Pinkie Pie roamed the foggy streets of Silent Hill, and where Fluttershy lived in a post-apocalyptic world.

“Alternate realities…full of horses,” Midnight says with fascination as she also sees the many portals.

Through the pain, you see other images. You see yourself a child you being protected by a dark colored alicorn from fillies that look exactly like the Deadly 6. You see yourself as a wrinkled old bug with a cigar in your mouth, leading around a younger changeling in a bowler hat, and one where Sombra protecting Nightshade at the Grand Galloping Gala with a Nightmare Cloak.

What the buck is all this?! You think as you smell blood burning.

Echoes and possibilities… Sombra says in awe.

Things that might have been under other circumstances, Selena says, mouth agape. Or what might one day be.

As she says that you see a glimpse into a world where two creatures stand at a chapel together for a wedding. An older Spike, and a familiar dark colored alicorn filly all grown up.

OH BUCK NO! You grit your teeth. Not in my lifetime you squirmy lizard!

Outside of the vortex, the Reapers start to fade away, as even more portals spin and give glimpses into other worlds than these.

They see you using Rarity as a meatshield, then Pinkie as a meatshield, then Fluttershy as a different member of the Elements uselessly sticks up for you. They see images of an old changeling in a bowler hat and a young alicorn traveling with dragons, a griffon and other fantastical creatures. They see serene happy images of a changeling peacefully living amongst the ponies with that same alicorn.

"What the Tartarus is happening?” asks Adagio as she catches a glimpse of Starswirl in a Haywaiin shirt and she grits her teeth.

"Time and Space seems to be opening up glimpses into other realities,” Sunset says aloud.

“I don’t remember becoming a queen,” Aria says pointing at an image of the Sirens laughing historically from a throne with Starswirl and his friends chained at their fins.

In another portal they see a red centaur, the size of a kaiju destroying cities, and in another they see a blue goat laughing.

“Oh hey, it’s that fairy tale guy. You know, the one where that pony stole his bell?” Sonata asks.

“…How do you know pony fairy tales?” asks Sunset.

“Because our Dad was a traveled Siren and told lots of stories,” Aria says, sounding sad.

“…I really really hope one of these things just doesn’t open up into the endless void and let in the old gods or something,” Humbra says with a shiver and everyone looks to him.

“What? If The Doctor is real in another universe, what’s there to say that Chthulhu, Yog Soggoth, Beetlejuice, Hastu-“ he is cut off as Luna hits him with a newspaper.

“Don’t tempt fate you subpar drummer!”

“Hey!” he growls back.

“Whoa, wait a second, is that supposed to be me?!” Rainbow Dash says in disgust pointing to a rainbow haired horse in fancy frilly clothing.

“Hmm, for a pony at least that version of you dresses in style,” Rarity quips.

“…Why is pony me getting hounded by a lynch mob?” Flash asks, highly disturbed at a pegasus fleeing from a group with torches and pitchforks.

“Aww, look at the puppy,” Fluttershy coos as a Shibi Inu wearing headphones barks happily in front of a control panel.

And then they start to see not just other worlds, but the past, your past. They see you in your many battles against their counterparts, they see you setting flame to your surroundings, saving those in danger, and failing in your goals. They see you in your many stages of the Nightmare Cloak…and a chill runs down their spines.

“…Hot Damn,” B2 whistles, being very impressed.

Back inside the vortex, Sparkle looks at all of the images in fascination.

“Another world, filled with magic and mystical races. Infinite versions of them being shown because you’re at the center…”

You don’t answer though as you actually start to lose feeling in your hand as the cooking smell gets worse.

“GRRRRAAAAGGGGHHH!!!” you bellow out in pain and anger…and that’s when the last of the windows open.

You see Selena as Nightmare Moon, lording over her eternal night, Sombra, sitting upon a Crystal Throne in Canterlot, Discord reveling in the chaos of randomness that was once Equestria, you see a world where the Crimson Knight’s logo flies proudly from the top of Canterlot Castle, a world where the Hive has cocooned every living soul, you even see yourself, in full Nightmare Form setting fire to the world. Flashes from the other world go through you and the scar on your chest aches with phantom pain.

But worst of all, you catch a glimpse of something that makes your blood run cold. What looks like a cross between a changeling queen and an alicorn sits in the ruins of Ponyville. She is decked out in armor similar to Nightmare Moon’s, and a strange bedazzled scar peppers her chest. In her hooves, she cradles several objects. A red crystalline horn, purple, blue and red dragon scales, a frayed Cutie Mark Crusader cape, the singed Elements of Harmony, a tattered old bowler hat, a darkened and ripped Luna plushie…and a burnt and torn Nobody Cloak.

Time seems to crawl in that instance as the creature opens it’s eyes and looks right into your soul.

“Why did you all leave me…?” Nightshade asks, her heart broken and filled with darkness.

“NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!” you, Selena and Sombra all yell in unison as you will the fire to burn even hotter. The sinew, bones and muscle blacken to ashes as your weak human hand is pushed to it’s limit. This is the final push for the broken halves as they finally weld back into one, and all of the many and sundried windows disappear as the time vortex starts to get sucked into the pendant.

As some of the winds get sucked into the pendant, some pass through your blackened hand, and you feel some sort of energy pulse through your body. The pendant then lifts out of your hands, absorbing all of the energy back into itself and causing everything to start falling back to earth.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Midnight screams holding onto you, still without her wings, but you just stare back up at the Pendant as it begins to pulse and glow….before it fades into nothingness.

…Huh, I kind of thought there would be a huge explo-


A massive blast of energy explodes forth from where the pendant once was, and a massive white nothingness envelops everything before you and Sparkle hit the ground.


“Here’s your ticket sir,” the booth girl says holding out your ticket.

You stare back at the human girl who has said that so many times these last three months, and you smile.

“Thank you,” you tell her as you take the ticket and turn to the others who are looking around in shock and confusion.

“Bugze!” Sunset and Sonata call out as they run to you, the others following suit.

“What happened? Did we fail? Are we still stuck in the loop?” Sunset asks frantically.

“Are we dead?” Sonata asks fearfully.

“No…no we’re not dead and I don’t think we failed…” you say as you glance around at all the normalcy of the carnival goers and your non broken/burned hands.

No we’re not, just like you said, Selena says with pride. Well done my bug.

Although my head hurts, which is odd since I don’t have a physical one, Sombra mutters.

“What happened?” asks Fluttershy.

“I…I fixed the pendant and then it kind of sucked into itself,” you say with a shrug.

“And Sparkle?” Sunset asks apprehensively.

“I…she’s still out there. Without the pendant now though, there’s nothing to stop her from getting. Besides, I know practically every move she could make this day.”

“So…it’s over?” asks Aria.

“I think so…” you say as you look around for any sign of Midnight.

“Sooo…what do we do now then?” asks Adagio.

“Yeah, I mean, I bet you’re sick of this carnival huh?” Rainbow adds.

“Oh tartarus yes I am,” you nod. “But on the other hoof, I think we should go see PostCrush to get your stupid autographs. They owe us that much.”

“Heck yeah!” Pinkie cheers.

“Ah Crap! Nimmy’s already inside!” B2 says in alarm as he grabs Humbra and drags him into the gates.

“Hey! What are you-“

“We are having a band meeting long overdue!” B2 says in determination as they rush through the crowd.

“…Well I guess he’s in the spirit,” you shrug and look to the rest of the girls. “And all of you, maybe involve Wallflower in some activities? Someone who goes ignored for so long might one day lash out.”

“Heh, sure think partner,” Applejack agrees.

“Just…just go out and enjoy yourselves,” you tell the group and look to the Dazzlings and Sunset. “You four, I’m going to do this one last time, so let’s start with that stupid picture with the Panda.”

“YAY!” Sonata squeels and runs towards the mascot.

Just then, you get a text message and you pull out your phone, and surprise surprise, it’s from the twisted supervillain.

Alright Bugze, you win this round. I am done with this day! I’m glad you’re not dead and stuff, but nothing’s changed between us! When another big influx of magic rears it’s head, I will be there to collect. So stay out of my way!

Yeesh, even after all of that she’s determined to be the villain, you shake your head and sigh.

Old habits die hard my bug. It took me well over two years, Selena points out.

That’s because you’re a quitter, Sombra insults and she rolls her eyes.

Yeah, but even still Selly, these last three months, she was really the only one that shared in the experience with us. Many of those times when we became lazy…I saw glimpses of the real Twilight personality peaking through.

You sigh again and look around.

But I’ll deal with that another day. She’s right, let’s just get this day over with once and for all.

You then get another text message from Sparkle and you look at it.

P.S. Thanks for the parting gift :P

“…Parting gift?” you say aloud before your eyes widen. You open up your inventory and search through it, but something’s missing.

“SON OF A BUCK!” you shout out loud startling Sunset and the Sirens.

“What? What is it?” asks Sunset.

“She Took The Freaking Prototype!” you yell, remembering the last moments in the last loop when she was holding onto you.

And as you rage and kick an empty can you’ve kicked countless times before, and Midnight chuckles, clutching her precious device as she has Timber Spruce drive as far away from the Carnival as they can get…something happens unnoticed.

A strange crack in the wall near the entrance of the Carnival opens up and starts to eerily glow an odd rainbow color as a nearby parked bike vanishes...

In Equestria

“…Bugze?” DWC says aloud with a gasp as he feels a flicker of his mistress’s target. He then smiles cruelly. “So…that’s where you’ve been…”

In Ponyville

Time Turner, inventor extraordinaire, feels a shiver go up his spine and stops in the middle of one of his experiments.

“What’s wrong honey?” his wife Ditzy “Derpy” Do asks noticing his reaction.

“…I don’t know. I just felt like something was…off,” he says confusedly as he subconsciously reaches for a pocket watch that isn’t there.

“O-oh, really?” Derpy says nervously afraid that he might wake up.

“Yes…perhaps working on this mechanized bowler hat that Quick Fix fellow commissioned has gotten me more tuckered out than I thought,” he says as he takes a bite of what he thinks is an apple before his face scrunches up and he realizes it’s a pear. “What?! Ew! Rubbish!” He then chucks the offending fruit out the window.

“Oh sorry, I think Dinky left that in here,” Derpy apologizes with a giggle as her husband starts to eat butter to get the taste out of his mouth.

“Yeah, well my daughter deserves something better than such grossness,” he gags as the lingering taste of the fruit still sits on his tongue.

“Where is she anyway?”

“Oh, she’s off saying bye to her friends. They’re leaving for the Games today,” Derpy says with a cute smile.

Ponyville Train Station

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“Ahhh, I’m so excited! I can’t wait!” Applebloom hops up and down in place.

“We’re going to be seen by so many ponies!” Sweetie Belle squees.

“Yeah, and we’ll have a front row seat to all the events!” Scootaloo cheers.

“I hope my mane is Okay, is my mane Okay?” Silver Spoon fusses worriedly.

“Yes Silv, it’s fine, the question is, is my mane Okay?” Diamond Tiara responds.

“It’s not a beauty contest girls,” Spike says with a chuckle.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it girls, we all look fine and dandy,” you say with a smile, wearing your concealing vest.

“You said it cuz,” Appelbloom nods and slaps your shoulder. “We’re gonna bear those flags like nopony’s ever beared before.”

You smile at that and look to all of your friends, happy and carefree and ready to be apart of the biggest sporting event of the year.

You look over at Grandbuggy in his pony guise standing proudly next to Granny Smith with a grin on his mug. You smile at that before you sigh and pat at the shards still embedded in your chest under the vest. There’s still been no word on your Dad and Mom from Jack, and while you’ve been able to keep your mood swings in check, they still happen. It helps when your friends are around though, especially Spike. Although at the same times, he can be the cause for many of those swings…

Shaking your head, you look back over at Grandbuggy who is now speaking with AJ and Fluttershy conspiratorially. From what he, Ahuizotl and Daring have gathered, only Umbrum magic can free the shards from your body, and since Sombra is still with your parents in another dimension, it’s time for Plan B. Being a flag bearer with your friends is just a benefit to going to the Crystal Empire once more. That, and Jack also has the machine finished, that too.

And as the rest of the Deadly 6 show up and Twilight smiles at you warmly, you can’t help but feel how in only three months, so much has changed…and yet not changed enough.

3 Months Ago

You currently sit between Granny Smith and Grandbuggy, while the rest of the Outcasts sit around the table, along with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Zecora, filling in two others about your secret.

“And so, they’re gonna be staying with us from here on out. They’re our family, so it’s up to us to keep them safe, even if that means lying to the princesses,” Granny Smith says with authority.

Applebloom and Big Macintosh look absolutely gobsmacked by the news, with the older stallion taking it particularly hard.

“T-T-T-Tenant’s our kin?” he stammers and you’re surprised to hear even those different words come from his mouth.

“That’s right, as is this precious little filly here,” Granny says giving you a squeeze.

“Bu…He…” he points in shock at the undisguised Grandbuggy.

“You don’t have to be so nervous kid. I’m not your Grandpappy, I’m just your Grandma’s first lover,” he says cheekily and Big Mac turns a bit green.
Applebloom though has only been staring right at you this whole time with the dopiest look on her face.

Oh Dear Luna, I hope this news doesn’t affect our friendship and-

“Shade…We’re Cousins?!” she shouts excitedly.

“OHHHH YAAAAY!!! It’s like I got another sister!” she cheers as she rushes over and hugs you. “Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! Best Day Ever!”

You smile and hug your family right back.

“Buck Yeah It Is!” you laugh.

“Hey! Language Little Lady!” Granny scolds you and you shrink.

“Oh, right, sorry…”

“I…But…Dragons…Ahuizotl…” Big Mac keeps gasping looking at all the strange creatures in the room.

“Yo,” Ember waves trollishly and Fluttershy shrinks down in her chair a bit.

“And a good day to you senor. I can assure you, my character is grossly misrepresented in Daring’s books,” Ahuizotl says to your big red cousin.

“Uhhhh…” Big Mac still says dumbly.

“It’s not that hard to understand big guy, we’re all chill,” Greta pipes up. “I mean, except for Gar Gar here.”

“Hey! Only my sister gets to call me that!” he growls back and Fluttershy shrinks under the table even more.

“…” Big Mac continues to gape at everything until his sister walks up to him.

“Believe me Mac, I know the feeling,” Applejack says as she pats his shoulder and looks at everyone.

“…Granny, I’m alright with protecting kin and all of that…but how do explain all of this to the others without them wanting to take her away?”

“Yeah! I mean, thanks for including me in the conspiracy and everything, but what about Dashy and Rarity? What about Twilight?” Pinkie Pie adds.

“And, um, what do we do about when Bugze does return…?”

The gathered cabal all start to look around at this and you add your two cents.

“Also, how in the bu-Heck do I get this stupid thing out of my chest?!” you declare pointing at the shards.


Episode 60: In The Loop

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Kichi’s Comment

“What in tarnation? That looks painful? What happened to you Shade?” Applebloom asks in worry.

“I got in a fight with a plant monster and it’s stupid laser beam broke my amulet and it went into me,” you admit and everyling goes silent.

“Say what now?” Bloom asks with wide eyes.

“It’s just one set of a very, very long story,” Grandbuggy mentions.

“Well I for one don’t care if it’s part of a story, that looks absolutely wrong for a little filly and needs to be corrected,” Applejack says protectively.

“You’re right, it does, but I think it’s outside of your control really,” Grandbuggy responds back.

“Oh, are you sure it’s not going to get infected or anything? Foreign objects entering the body and blood stream can be very dangerous,” Fluttershy says looking squeamish at your chest.

“She is an alicorn ain’t she? Doesn’t that mean she’s got super healing and stuff?” asks Applebloom.

“…Do I?” you ask Grandbuggy and he shrugs.

“I don’t know kiddo, you ever heal wounds faster than the other kids?”

“…I’ve never really gotten hurt before this actually,” you admit and his eyes widen.

“You haven’t” asks Granny Smith.

“No. Daddy made me stay in the bag all the time if he thought something was dangerous, even if it wasn’t, so…yeah this is new for me.”

“He kept you in the bag all the time?” asks Big Mac in shock.

“No no, it’s a big bag! Look, I’ve got one too, it’s got plenty of room,” you say as you reach in and pull out Mangle who waves at everyone.

“Oh, hi Mangle,” Applebloom says as she starts petting your robot.

“Yes, I’m sure your father was just looking after your safety,” Fluttershy nods.

“Yeah…but still, I didn’t like going in there ALL of the time,” you admit. “I’m not weak after all, I beat up Sombra remember?”

“Wait a tick, that was you at the Crystal Empire?” asks Applejack.

“Uh, yeah?” you answer.

“But wait a second, that filly was a pegasus…right?” Pinkie Pie mentions.

“I’m part changeling guys, I can look like a lot of different ponies,” you say as you turn yourself into an earth pony just for emphasis. And while the other equines in the room, save for Zecora look absolutely awed by that display, The Outcasts just roll their eyes.

“Show off,” Garble mutters.

“I heard that!” you warn him and he eeps.

“Alright, alright, I think we’re getting off topic here,” Applejack speaks up. “Look, I can weirdly accept that you’re my kin and that the Offender is too, but shouldn’t we get her to the hospital to get those shards out of her?”

You briefly flash to all your experiences in the hospitals. The secret society of Ninja Nurses, the wailing and despair of the hypnotized insane, and of course that crazy Quack doctor that kept trying to “Heal” your Dad.

“Oh Bu-er-HECK no!” you say with determination. “Let’s call that plan Never and forget all about it!”

“But-“ the farm pony starts, but Ahuizotl interrupts.

“Those shards are from the Alicorn Amulet Senorita. Modern medicine won’t exactly be useful.”

“THE ALICORN AMULET?!” Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie all shout at once in alarm.

“Zecora, I thought that you had those pieces?” Fluttershy asks the zebra, who sighs.

“I did indeed Fluttershy, but one day it disappeared, and I don’t know why.”

“Then how did you get it Nightshade?” asks Pinkie Pie.

“My daddy has a mysterious friend he’s never met that gives him letters and gifts and stuff. I don’t trust them, especially not after they gave me this,” you emphasize the glowing shards.

“I…Bu…Why aren’t we talking to Twilight about this then?!” Applejack sputters. “If something so dangerous is inside her then surely she would-“

“Talk to the princesses about it?” Grandbuggy interjects.

“Well, yeah but-“

“Listen here missy, the last thing we want is them getting involved, especially since they’re all quick to believe that she’s Nightmare Moon, or that my boy is controlled by her.”

“Exactly,” Granny emphasizes. “I’d trust that nutjob Discord than I would them with that info.”

“I’m not so sure on that, yesterday my head got flooded with new memories about our fight with him,” Pinkie says as she holds her head.

“Oh…right. Yesterday after that faceless monster went away, I finally talked to him about reversing the false memories he implanted,” Fluttershy says raising her hoof.

“Is that what that was?” Pinkie asks. “I thought I’d just gotten heartburn.”

“Yeah, well, better late than never I guess. You’re all welcome by the way for my dad fighting him,” you harrumph as your chest glows a bit.

“Well, even if he did fight against Discord, does that really even matter anymore?” Big Mac asks aloud. “I mean, Discord got reformed right, but The Offender has still hurt lots of ponies since then under Nightmare Moon’s contr-“

“SHE IS NOT CONTROLLING HIM!” you shout your cousin down who gulps. “And that’s not her name anymore! It’s Selena!”

“I…” he tries to say before looking at the others who seem mentally shocked by that outburst.

“Wow, okay, so if she’s your mom, then no wonder you’re an alicorn,” Pinkie concludes as if she solved a puzzle on her own.

“Yeah, exactly,” you point out.

“I still can’t believe Mr. Tennant and the Hooded Offender were the same person,” Applebloom says breathlessly.

“Yeah, how the hay did we not figure that out sooner?” Big Mac speaks up, still utterly lost.

“Interference by a time traveling alien, or something,” Greta says.


“I don’t know, that’s the best summary I was given,” she shrugs.

“You know, maybe I should explain from the beginning?” Grandbuggy suggests.

“Can’t that wait?! Regardless of context, them shards have got to come out!” Applejack insists.

“Yeah, no spit,” Ember rolls her eyes. “She gets all nuts with them in.

“Maybe you could kick them real hard?” you suggest.

“That would drive them further into you though Shade,” Applebloom warns. An image then comes to your mind of the shards going into your belly and heart, and you becoming an even bigger monster.

“Right…forget I said that one.”

“Why not the Elements of Harmony?” Fluttershy suggests and you pale.

“NO! Not the Rainbow Death Beam!” you shout.

“But Nightshade, you’re a good filly, they wouldn’t hurt y-“

“Buck No! Sorry for cursing, but that crap nearly killed my Mommy and I am not going through that!” you warn as the shards start to grow brighter as do your eyes.

“Okay, okay, bad idea, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy wilts, and seeing that you unglow a bit out of guilt.

“Sorry…it’s just kind of a sore subject,” you apologize.

“Well it’s kind of a moot point, we can’t exactly use them anyway since they got put in the tree and that weird lock box showed up,” Pinkie adds.

“…Okay, I’m not even going to ask about that,” you say as you look back to the others.

“Look, I want these things out of me, but I don’t want to go to the princesses. Even if they understood and tried to help, Lady Luck hates me, so I’m sure then would be the time Daddy and Mommy come back and think I’m in danger and start fighting and then we’d all be back to square one!”

“She is right, my pony friends. Looking into this on our own will deter a violent end,” Zecora nods.

Applejack looks to Zecora and sighs.

“I trust you Zecora, if you say that’s the way we gotta go. I just don’t like the idea of one of my kin being in this dangerous situation.”

Zecora nods in understanding before Pinkie Pie perks up again.

“Wait a second! If BST and the Offender are one and the same and you’re cousins then…”

“Yes Pinkie, we’ve been over that, I kissed him!” Applejack snarls impatiently before gagging a bit.

“…I was going to say he went to your family reunion as he should have, but there’s that too,” Pinkie says with a wince.

As Applejack groans in frustration, Fluttershy speaks up again to change the subject.

“Um, maybe Discord could help? I convinced him to undo the false memory thing, maybe he could just snap his claws and poof it out of her?”

“I don’t know if that would work Senorita,” Ahuizotl shakes his head. “Your god only utilizes chaos magic, and this artifact is from dark umbrum magic. It’d essentially be like trying to clean an oil stain with fire.”

“Also, dark magic is like one of the only things that can actually hurt him,” you say aloud remembering when Daddy used Sombra’s shadow whip to actually harm the god.

“Oh…okay,” she says getting quiet again.

“…Fix, I think we’re just talking in circles at this point,” Granny Smith mentions to Grandbuggy.

“You’re right, I guess dropping the info on all the newcomers without context would be overwhelming,” he nods.

“You can say that again,” Pinkie says. “Also, you still haven’t told me about the clones of me you said you saw.”

“Or where Bugze even is right now,” Flutteshy pipes in.

“Or how Night-uh, I mean Selena isn’t evil somehow?” Applebloom says, to which Fluttershy twitches at briefly.

“Yeah Yeah,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves. “Now look, this ain’t my story to tell, but I’m the only one here that can give you the cliffnotes…on what I know anyway.”

“Yeah, definitely the shortened version please,” Garble pleads.

“The whole story is freaking long,” Greta adds.

“I dare say you could fit the whole thing into several volumes of large books if it were written,” Ahuizotl nods.

“Really? I didn’t get the whole story,” Ember says.

“And you’re lucky,” Greta rolls her eyes.

“Now, everyling stay quiet, and let me finish. Only ask important questions, otherwise I’m gonna ignore you.”

“Can I add in flavor text for the parts I was around for?” you ask.

“Sure, knock yourself out honey,” he smiles before coughing into his hoof. “Alright, this tale begins a long long time ago. My plans to marry Orchard fell through because of the former Changeling Queen, Chrysalis’s mother…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Grandbuggy then weaves the tale of your father, from his early days, to the present, and the audience is enraptured. Sure, he skips over some things, like the Otherworld where Daddy told you an alternate him became a monster, and he skims a bit on the Fillydelphia stuff as well, but for the most part, he lays it all out.

When it’s all said and done, everyone in the room is silent. Applebloom still has her mouth agape, holding onto Mangle as she processes all the info given to her.

“And, well, that leads us to now,” Grandbuggy finishes. “We’ve gathered nearly every artifact so that we could get a new body for Shade’s mother and possibly Sombra, if he’s mellowed out some…but then Rainbow Falls happened, and here we are.”

For a long time, the room stays silent after he finishes. Fluttershy looks heavily conflicted, especially about getting a body for your mom, while the others are more shocked that Sombra is still alive. Pinkie on the other hand, looks incredibly sad, and has been since the depressing parts of the story, especially Fillydelphia and the Crystal Empire. Despite all these varied feelings, it’s Applejack that breaks the silence as she stands up from her chair.

“That’s…that’s a heck of a tale there…”

“Yeah…yeah it is,” Grandbuggy nods.

“…I know you’re not lying, because honestly, how could you make half this stuff up?” she says with a shake of her head. “No…No I believe you.”

“Well, maybe some of it might be stretching…” Fluttershy tries to argue but Applejack just shakes her head.

“I don’t think it is Shy…” Applejack says with meaning as she looks to Granny, Big Mac and Applebloom. “He had a hard upbringing, we lost our folks as well, but we had each other, he didn’t…”

Her siblings look down at that, knowing all too well the pain of losing a parent and Pinkie sniffles again at that.

“I’ve…I’ve got more respect for him after learning all that background. Despite how crazy it is, he’s family…but that don’t mean I ain’t gonna sock him in the nose when I see him again.”

“What? Why?” you interject and she glances at you.

“Look, I don’t hate him anymore, and I don’t think he’s a victim like we all thought after Trixie…that means he was free to make a lot of choices, and some of them were still wrong.”

“…I ain’t gonna deny that,” Grandbuggy nods.

“I mean, I know we ain’t in the right either, and perhaps we did let our speciesm get in the way and could have handled our first interaction. Shoot, the incident with the Buffalo and the Gala could have been handled way better by us…but that also means he could have as well.”

“He…he has said that quite a few times,” you nod and she sighs.

“And as for Ni…Selena, I think she should share some of the blame, not all of it,” she says giving a pointed look at Fluttershy. “And no offence, but I’m gonna sock her in the nose too if she gets her body back.”

“That might end badly for you,” you warn with a chuckle and she chuckles herself.

“Yeah, I suppose it would. But it’s the principal of the matter. We’ve all been wrong, both sides in many ways, but once we’re evened out, I think things could start anew.”

Fluttershy stays silent at that for a few moments, before she mumbles out,

“I was right though, originally. She was evil…”

“And so was Discord, and look what you accomplished with him,” Applebloom speaks up, causing the shy pony to nod while looking away in guilt.

“…So just the one punch?” you ask Applejack.

“Eyup,” she nods.

“…And this totally isn’t because you’re still mad that you kissed him?” you inquire and she frowns with a blush.

“Nnnnnooooppppeee, not at all,” she seethes unconvincingly.

“Well keep in mind Jacky, I always taught the boy to hit back, so you best warn him before you get to rock’em sock’em,” Grandbuggy warns.

“That’s right sugar cube, ya gotta be honorable at least,” Granny nods.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it I guess. Now, is there anything else to add? Because I feel like there’s some stuff ya ain’t told us.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie speaks up with a sniffle. “Like how and where did he get that scar on his chest?” she asks.

“You did glance over that whole thing where he went into another world two years ago,” Applejack nods.

“That’s right, he didn’t have that scar then,” Fluttershy adds.

“That ain’t my tale to tell I’m afraid,” Grandbuggy says simply giving you a look. “If he wants to tell you that himself, then you ask him when he gets back.”

“Trust me…it’s not a fun story,” you agree, remembering the details he went into on the TARDIS with you.

“That wound on his chest, it was still raw at the Fair…” Pinkie says sadly.

“It was? You saw it?” asks Fluttershy and Pinkie nods.

“Yeah…but I Pinkie Promised not to talk about it and-“

“My Dad is also El Hunko,” you speak up and the others drop their jaws.

“He Is?!” Fluttershy and Big Mac gasp in shock.

“…Well, that Pinkie Promise is dead now that the cat’s out of the bag,” Pinkie shrugs. “Yeah, I caught him in a tent crying, and he confesses such terrible things to me. About not being able to save us in another world.”

You shoot a nervous look to Grandbuggy but he just shakes his head.

“His disguise fell apart, but I’d already promised him that nothing left that tent, so I just comforted him. He was really sad and scared, whatever happened in that world…”

AJ and Fluttershy and Applebloom look saddened by that development, but Grandbuggy coughs into his hoof.

“Again, it’s up to him if he wants to go into more detail.”

“Those scars are his reminders of something he never wants to happen again…” you add ominously and they all shiver at that.

“I…I did not know my friend went through something such as this,” Zecora speaks up. “I helped him with his wound, I knew he’d been through something dangerous…” She trails off in deep contemplation.

“Dang…your Dad is even tougher than I thought Shade,” Garble says. Looking to the Outcasts, you see that Greta, and even Ember seem to be a bit misty eyed which shocks you.

What part of the story got to you? You wonder.

“Well that settles it then yes?” Granny speaks up. “My grandson has been through Tartarus and back countless times, and when he gets back, we are going to set things straight with Everypony.”

“That’s, uh, that’s gonna be tough I think Granny. Especially with the whole, you know, getting a body to two villains? One who especially has rocky ties with Princess Luna?” Applejack points out.

“Yeah, how does that work Shade?” asks Applebloom. “Weren’t your mom and Luna one pony at some point? Doesn’t that mean she’s kind of your mom too?”

“Eh, not really,” you hoofwave. “I’ve heard Mommy slip up a few times and refer to her and Celestia as sisters, and Cadence is my cousin, so if anything she’d kind of be my aunt.”

“Don’t that mean we’re related to royalty in a strange way then?” asks Big Mac.

“It’s complicated,” Grandbuggy admits.

“So, uh…what do we do now?” asks Fluttershy and everyling looks at one another.

“Well first of all, we stay put and start looking into how to remove the amulet,” Grandbuggy says. “Except for those in this room though, we shouldn’t be going around telling the world the whole truth just yet.”

“…So just that you’re Mr. Tennant’s family and ours?” asks Applebloom and the old bug smiles.

“I like this one Smithy, she’s quick on the draw,” he says ruffling her mane.

“And what about us?” asks Ember.

“Well, I still technically own you, but if not for that reason, then you can think of it as a vacation away from your folks.”

“…I like that idea.”

“And I have to stay, so that when Nightshade gets turned back to normal I can defeat her!” Garble exclaims.

“And I’ve really got nothing better to do until we get back to hunting artifacts,” Ahuizotl says.

“There’s only like one more really essential one, and I think maybe it might be nearer here than we think,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves.

“So, we all just kind of hang out in this pony town using only the folks in this room to cure Nightshade? You think that will be enough?” asks Greta.

“Sure, we got an honest to gods Zebra Shaman, a gal with access to a literal god, and of course Ahzi and his marefriend who know a lot about artifacts.”

“Quick!” Ahuizotl scolds and he smirks.

“Who?” asks Applejack.

“Daring Do,” you answer plainly.

“Oh my goodness! You two are dating?” Fluttershy gasps with her hooves over her mouth.

“What?! No!” Ahuizotl denies, but Flutters keeps rattling on.

“Oh my gosh, if only Rainbow Dash could know! She told me once that she really shipped your two characters because there was so much subtext between you and-“

“AAAHHH!!!” he groans and pulls at his ears while everyone laughs, breaking a lot of the tension.

“But yeah, his denials aside, I think that it’s best that no one else needs to be pulled into this knowledge until Shade is better and my boy comes home.”

“…What about Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle?” Applebloom asks.

“Yeah, and Spike?” you add and he looks at you blankly.

“You really wanna bring more kids on into something like this?” he guesses.

“Well, I mean, they’re all our friends,” Applebloom points out.

“Please Grandbuggy? At least Spike?” you beg.

“Wait, he lives here?” Garble sputters but is ignored. Both you and Applebloom decide to employ your weaponized cuteness and deploy the puppy dog eyes simultaneously.

“HRK!” Grandbuggy clutches at his heart and looks away. “Alright, alright, fine. You can tell your little friends, but they’ve got to swear to the same secrecy we all are.”

“Right! Now, say it with me everypony,” Pinkie chirps. “Cross my heart and hope to fl-“

“No, no no, none of that,” he interrupts her. “If we want this info to come out someday, I ain’t gonna make a promise on someone of your bloodline.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?” she inquires.

“I saw the dawn of the Pie line girl, your ancestors were nigh incomprehensible,” he shudders and says no more.

“Well alright then, I non Pinkie Promise to not tell anypony else until the time is right…so long as you help we reconnect with some of those clones you met.”

“Sounds reasonable,” you nod. And then from everyone around the room, they make their promises.

“Alright then, I think this meeting is over for now. Once we leave this room, it’s just BST’s family reconnecting through long lost family.”

“Ugh, that’s still going to be a headache for me…” AJ complains.

“Wait,” Fluttershy raises her hoof. “I think there is one thing more to say before this meeting is over.”

“And what’s that Sugar Cube?” asks Applejack.

Fluttershy stands up from her chair and looks directly at you.

“We need to say this to your father as well…and I guess maybe her…but I’m sorry Nightshade,” she says sincerely.

“Oh, uh, you don’t have to say that Flu-“ you start but she interrupts you.

“Yes I do. All of us do,” she says guiltily. “We were wrong to think we knew better, especially me. Please forgive me Nightshade.”

“Yeah…” Applejack nods. “I’m sorry too little cuz, for bringing so much grief to your family.”

“Eyup,” Big Mac says solemnly.

“I’m sorry for hating your Dad for longer than I should have Shade,” Applebloom says giving you a hug.

“Same here,” Granny nods. “Feeling such contempt for my own flesh and blood…I’m sorry.”

“Can you ever forgive me for just going with the flow of the story despite it being outside of my control?” Pinkie bawls.

“I…Yes, yes, I forgive all of you,” you say with a smile. “Just, please stop looking so down. You’re all my friends and family after all.”

And just like that, the ponies all give you a group hug while Zecora, Grandbuggy and the Outcasts sit back and observe.

“So are ALL ponies like this huggy or…?” Ember inquires.

“Pretty much,” Ahuizotl nods.

The Next Day

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Smiling and waving, (you've been doing that a lot lately,) when passing ponies you recognize, you trek to the Golden Oak Library, to find Ms. Twilight and Spike.

Grandbuggy wanted to come with you, scared that the young Princess would do something reckless, but you managed to persuade him not to and to trust you.

“She already knows I’m in town, so I might as well visit before anything rash happens,” you pointed out.

“Well, alright then,” he relented. “Just stay away from that Sentry guy. I still don’t like him after he took me from you,” he informed.

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on going to the hospital, I’m gonna see my friends!”

That was this morning, and now here you are standing on the doorstep of the Tree-bary. Applebloom, who is still giddy over you being her family, has gone to grab the other Crusaders in one location so that you can lay the truth on them.

Boy are they going to be surprised when they find out we’re related, you think before a thought comes to you. Hmm, maybe we should write to Babs at some point and let her know? Or am I not related to that side of the family like how the Apples aren’t related to Cadence? Bah, we’ll figure it out.

You then proceed to knock a couple of times on the door, waiting patiently for somepony or dragon to answer. Minutes pass, and you don’t hear any steps or voices from inside.

"I guess they're probably busy because Twilight's a princess now," you ponder to yourself. "They wouldn't mind me barging in on them though, they might be more excited than mad,” you conclude as you timidly reach for the door handle…and then it hits you.

“Doh!” you slap yourself on the forehead. “This is a bucking library.” Sighing in disappointment at your brain fart, you open the door to the public building and walk inside. As you do you are hit with the familiar scent of parchment, and the sight of countless books you’ll never read on the many carved in bookshelves. It’s…quite nostalgic.

“Ah, good to be back,” you think with a small smile as you remember your lessons on teleportation and magic missile, and of course of hanging around with your favorite dragon eating ice cream on lazy days. With a smirk, you pull yourself from good times and look around the room, and there is noling else around.

“Spike? Twilight?” you call out, but nothing greets you. “Hmmm…” you mumble before your eyes land on a colorful book on a reading stand that is almost identical to your coat.

“Hmmm, ominous,” you say as you walk over to get a better look and you read the title. “The Powers of the Nightmare, by Princess Celestia?” A cold shiver runs down your spine as you read it aloud, and the ominous slit eye on the cover doesn’t help.

“Hoo boy, this is about Mommy isn’t it?” you say to yourself with trepidation as you examine the book more. On the inside of the cover, you see a stamp of small letters that say, From the Archives of Canterlot. “Yup, definitely about Mommy.”

Sighing, you close the cover, not wanting to look at all the slander and descriptions of your mom’s past. You know all too well who she used to be, and what a lot of stupid ponies have been accusing you of being.

Twilight’s probably studying more of her and my powers because of all this stupidness, you think bitterly as the gems glow slightly. What with what happened to Trixie, that plant monster and Flash Sentry jumping to conclusions, it’s no wonder she wouldn’t be looking into this, but still, how would she feel if she knew it was me she was preparing to fight?

Grunting in frustration, you walk away from the pedestal as a stray thought comes to you.

It would be an epic fight. Two alicorns duking it out at full strength? And I bet I could win with the amulet and-

“No, NO! Stop that!” you scold yourself and shake your head. “I am not a villain!” You slap at your shards for good emphasis…which doesn’t particularly feel good, but they do stop glowing.

“That’s better,” you nod before you head over to the staircase.

“Heellloooo?~” you call out, but again noling answers. “Well buck, did I just miss them or something?”

Trotting up the stairs, you take sight of a sleeping drake, resting his head on Twilight's study desk with drool escaping his mouth, and a gigantic smile lights your face.

EEEEE! So good to see him again! You mentally squee as your face starts to hurt from your smile. Napping in the middle of the day, just like we used to do together…

Trying not to make a sound, you slink over to his side and hear the soft cute snores coming from him.

"Hey, Spike!" You whisper gently. The dragon mumbles something incoherent while shifting his position a bit before sleep talking back,

"I'll get them done in a minute Twilight..." followed by more snores.

You giggle at this and look at the papers all around him.

“Still working yourself to the bone ain’tcha?” you whisper before a worried frown crosses your visage. “Although, now that she’s a princess, does that mean you have even more work to do?”

Picking up a few of the papers he had already worked on, you see a bunch of adult, legal mumbo jumbo dealing with Twilight being a princess and blah blah blah.

“Sweet Luna this is boring,” you groan before looking at your exhausted friend. “I don’t know how you do this all the time, but I’ve got to admire you for it Spikey.” He hiccups in his sleep and turns his head on the desk at that, and a feeling of guilt comes to you.

“Shoot, here I am out having adventures and meeting new friends, and you’re stuck in this tree slaving away on adult papers, the evil parent of homework! Well not today!” you beam as you magically lift the documents he fell asleep in the middle of and place them on the floor since the desk is kind of occupied. You then grab his quill and inkwell and set them down next to you.

"When you wake up, all your work will be done and we can go play. I'm a Princess, I should be allowed to do this…" A thought then comes to you, and you tap the feather to your chin twice. "Wait, since Twilight's a princess, does that mean Spike's a prince? Isn’t he her brother? Dad kept saying he was more like a pet…but that better not be the case. No one belittles my Spikey!" you grunt as the shards pulse a bit.

Almost One Document Grind Later

“Ugh, a lot of this is simple, but it’s sooo boorrriiinggg,” you complain as you sign yet another paper in the stack. A lot of it was pretty straightforward, like names, initials, gender and all that stuff, and it came to a point where you just stopped reading the text.

Eventually though, you come to the last page.

“Oh Finally!” you exclaim and place your quill to the last blank line…only…

“What's a bucking signature?”

Raising an eyebrow at a new stupid word, which there were A LOT of in these documents, you quickly read through the fine print looking for clues.

“Signature of Royalty, Guardian, or Royal Scribe only?” you read aloud and only feel even more confused. “Okay, but what the buck does it mean? Ugh! Where’s Sweetie Belle and her dictionary brain when you need her?”

"...i...h...d,” Spike mumbles in his sleep, distracting you.

“Huh? What’s that Spike? Do you know what this word means in your subconscious?” you ask hopefully.

"Nig...ade,” he mumbles before he smiles dopily. " Hi... Night... shade."

Your mouth opens in shock, and a blush comes to your cheeks.

“H-he’s dreaming about me?” You stammer, feeling redder than a tomato, but oddly not in embarrassment. This feeling is new and strange which causes you to giggle nervously before you shout, “Spike! Wake Up!”

"AHHH!" He yells and tips out of his seat, falling onto the floor on his side.

“Oh jeeze, sorry!” you apologize as he quickly gets up, still in a daze.

"Twilight! I'm almost finished give me five more... minutes?" He trails off as he sees you standing before him in all your glory and his jaw drops.

"Nightshade?" He asks in disbelief.

“Uh, yeah…Hi Spike?” you wave like a dork.

“…Am I still dreaming?” he asks as he scratches his head.

“N-Nope! I'm back! Heh heh…” you stammer for some reason.

He stares at you for a few good heartbeats before he simply walks up to you and pulls you into a big hug.

EEEEEEE!!! You squee again in your mind as you hug him back, nuzzling the side of his neck. And though you are no doubt squeezing all of the oxygen out of him like in the past, he doesn’t complain. In fact, he only grips you harder, making you have difficulty breathing.

"It's really you...I knew you'd be back someday, Nightshade!" He exclaims happily, pulling away from the hug and looking at you for real this time.

“Well of course I would. Can’t leave my favorite dragon hanging could I?” you snark and you both giggle.

After a few more moments of exclaiming how happy you are to see each other, you both take a seat on Twilight’s bed since it’s comfier than the ground.

"It's been a while huh?" you note.

"Yeah…though next time you disappear I might not even care," he says trying to sound cool and unfazed.

"Oh stop!” you giggle. “I know you’d miss me so much you probably wouldn't even eat cake for weeks!"

"…Mor like Months," He corrects with a smirk and you both laugh again.

“Well, now that’s just a crime against pastry kind…but anyway, sorry I haven’t written in awhile. What’s new?”

"Well, other than some small mishaps here and there, not that much,” he shrugs. “Twilight’s Coronation has really been the biggest thing and I told you all about that.”

“…Yeah, sorry about not being able to come and all that,” you apologize remembering his invitation. “I was busy with family stuff, and getting to know my Grandb-uh-pony.”

“Oh right, you told me about him. Is he in town too? Is your dad?” he asks.

“My dad’s…still busy. I hope to tell you, Sweetie and Scootaloo about it together, but yeah, my Grandpa is here.”

“Oh nice. I’d like to meet him,” he says enthusiastically.

“Oh you will, don’t worry about that,” you hoofwave and smirk. “But yeah, how is Twilight? I saw her the other day, and she was kind of off her rocker again.”

“Yeah…” he rubs the back of his neck. “She came home ranting about faceless demons, Fluttershy being drunk, and how she swore she saw you and an older stallion hugging Granny Smith.”

“Well…she did see that yes,” you admit and his eyes bulge a bit before he sighs.

“And here I thought the stress of turning into an alicorn was getting to her.”

“Why would she be stressed about that?”

“Getting wings is a pretty big deal,” he points out before a look of realization crosses his face. “Oh, well, I mean it is for those that weren’t born with them.”

"Oh yeah…you know about that," you say as you scratch your neck. “And I guess to be fair, I only recently learned how to use mine anyway, so I guess it’s a big deal. Plus there’s what, only six of us in all of Equestria?”

"Um... five, including Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and you... oh wait, then there's Nightmare Moon, who's now a filly apparently…” he trails off giving you a raised brow and your heart drops.

"W-Wait! I know what you're thinking, but I'm not Nightmare Moon!" stammer, not wanting to screw up this reunion.


"I know it seems so obvious, since my fur is black, and my eyes glow white when I’m mad, but really!"


"I mean sure, maybe some of the stuff I’ve done recently has been claimed to be her doing, but that doesn’t me-“

"Nightshade!" He shouts ending your antics. Gulping, you look him square in the eyes…and see that he has an understanding look.

"I know it's not you…and I know that it is kind of you at the same time,” he says.

"Huh?" you ask and he rubs his head.

“I kind of figured it out, even though I kept it in the back of my mind, what with Twilight’s new title, my debt to Applejack, and the whole Mirror World incident distracting me.”

“…What did you figure out?” you asks nervously. “Also, what was that about mirror wo-“

“Well, I…kind of heard that recording from when you broke into the news station,” he says and you look down sheepishly.


“Yeah,” he nods. “I’d recognize your voice anywhere.”

“Oh…” you say again, this time with a bit of red on your cheeks. “But, uh…ahem. But you said you didn’t believe what the news said?”

“No, I don’t believe your Nightmare Moon, even if that’s what a lot of ponies from Rainbow Falls said. I just knew it was you, not only from your voice, but because of how you were described. A bratty dark filly with immense power.”

You whip your head towards him as your ears wilt and a look of hurt comes to your face.

"You think I'm a brat?"

"No no!" He backtracks frantically. "It's just...I’ve seen you mad Shade, and I’ve seen what you done while in that state. Like with Trixie, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.”

As you look down in guilt of your past shame, and the gems glow a bit more, he continues.

“B-But I also know how freaking strong you are. I mean, you took down Sombra and your duel with Trixie was awesome” he says reassuringly.

"Yeah, I guess so,” you say relenting to his point. “But don’t forget, you helped in that Sombra fight.”

“Barely,” he claw waves. “But yeah, the description fit you, and I know your Dad’s pension for getting into trouble, so I kind of just put two and two together.”

“…Yeah,” you sigh. “It does kind of suck though, getting caught in the middle of all that bullspit. And just because of how I look, they immediately start calling me Nightmare Moon.”

“Yeah I know,” he says patting you on the shoulder. “But really what Flash and Daring Do have said doesn’t make much sense. Nightmare Moon is still possessing The Hooded Offender. I guess a lot of ponies are just jumpy.”

You bite your tongue at that.

…Okay, buck it. When I get the chance, I’m telling you everything. I don’t want you hating my mom! You think with determination, and your shards glow more.

“Soo…yeah, what got you so mad at Rainbow Falls?” he asks and you sigh.

“A lot of things…but it’s deeper than you think. There’s a reason why I seem like such a brat and a threat," you say, before lifting your scarf, revealing the amulet shards which are glowing slightly, and his eyes widen.

"Is…is that what I think it is?" he asks, aghast.

"Yup." You say with a sad smile.

"H-how?!" he asks in worry, putting his claws on your shoulders.

"It's...a long story," you say, flashing back to the vine monster, and the blue wendigo colt you nearly...yeah. "I don't really want to go into detail right now, but believe me when I say it's complicated."

"No spit..." he says simply as he glances nervously at the shards which dim a bit with your sadness.

"I was gonna ask, you like gems a lot right? Wanna eat the shards?"

He looks back at you blankly for a few seconds processing what he just heard, before letting go of your shoulders.

"I'm not eating it out of you,” he says sternly and you giggle.

"I know, I'm just kidding. I already showed Zecora, so, for now, I just have to wait." He nods at that before looking at your chest once more and grimacing.

"You gonna be alright?"

"I'm more scared of who's around me, Spike,” you admit with a sigh. “Whenever I'm around friends and family I should be okay, but if there's anything small that might upset me... it's scary."

He picks up on your guilt and puts a claw on your hoof, which snaps you out of it.

"Anyways!" You continue in embarrasment, putting your scarf back on. "There's no point in wasting our time here! Come on! I have to show you my grandpony! He's so cool!"

"Okay!" he agrees as the both of you hop off the bed. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Yup! Totally a plan,” you say woodenly as you try not to look at him directly.

Quit acting stupid mouth! You’re embarrassing me! You chide yourself as you start walking towards the stairs.

“So, Shade, you said your dad wasn’t in town right?”

“That’s right,” you nod.

“Well, do you wanna grab something to eat before we see your Grandpa? Or is he like your dad in that regard?” he asks tapping his claws together nervously.

“Oh no, Grandbu-pa is cool. He’s not as crazy as my dad when it comes to my friends,” you answer with a grin.

“Awesome! So how about we go try the new banana chocolate cake Pinkie Pie invented over at Sugarcube Corner? I know you’ll love it.”

“You had me at eat Spike,” you say with enthusiasm and he perks up.

“Alright…but uh, hang on a second, I’ve kind of got to finish a few more pages of Twilight’s documents,” he says a bit sullenly as he looks back at his desk. “She’ll be back in like half an hour or so, so I should probably-“

"Oh don't worry!" you wave him off. "I completed them for you!"

"You did?" he says turning back to you.

"Yup!" You say proudly. "You looked so cu-peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you, so I finished the work for you."

"Did you do them properly?" he asks, going over to pick up the documents and proceeding to look through them.

"Yeah, I followed your examples from the other pieces of paper down to the letter."

"This is great! Thanks a bunch, Nightshade I owe you a fortune!" he says with a huge grin.

"It was nothing,” you hoofwave again. "But one question, what's a signature?"

Spike stares at you for a second, before bursting out laughing and you frown.

"Hey! What’s so funny?! It’s a big word and I don’t know it,” you harrumph.

“Oh-heh heh-Shade,” he chokes back on his laughter. “A signature is just you signing your name in your cursive handwriting to show that it was really you marking everything down.”

“…Cursive?” you ask befuddled.

“Yeah,” he nods.

“What, like I write down Bucking Nightshade or something?” you ask sincerely and he laughs again.

“N-No, heh heh, that’s cursing. Cursive is that fancy writing with all the squiggles and loops,” he explains.

“That’s writing?” you ask perplexed. “I thought those were just doodles ponies did because they were bored.” He starts laughing again at this, and you purse your lips and look to the side in embarrassment.

"Oh ho ho, good thing you didn't sign it though, only Twilight or myself can officially do that for these papers.”

“Why?” you ask.

“Well, I’m a royal scribe and Twilight’s a princess now…I guess technically Celestia, Luna or Cadence could as well, but they’re not exactly here so…” he shrugs.

“Oh, so it’s an alicorn thing huh?” you say as you make your wings appear with some green flame, startling him a bit. “So I can sign it now in those scribble scrabble words right?”

"You may be an alicorn, but there's more to royalty than that,” he says with a giggle.

“Really? Like what?”

“Well, it more depends on who your family is, or if you’ve been officially coronated. So unless you’re parents were royalty, I don’t think you’d officially be one,” he points out.

"Huh...I think maybe my mom counted as royalty, but I’m not sure,” you say aloud and he raises a brow at that.

“Oh…right your mom,” he says trepidly. “I thought you didn’t know much about her?”

Huh? You think confused before realization comes to you. Oh right, he still thinks BST is a pony and my dad and that my mom is dead.

“I, uh, I know more than a few things about her, and trust me, I am going to fill you and the girls in on so much when we’re all together…but that’s going to take awhile. Let’s get that cake first shall we?” you say, poofing your wings away.

He notices your hesitation, but he just shrugs and accepts it.

“Alright then. Let me just sign this and…Got it! Let’s head out!”

“Sweet! Baked Goods Here I Come!” you think with enthusiasm as it’s been so long roughing it in the wild.

As you both head out the front door, another thought comes to you.

“Say, Spike? Didn’t Crackle live here too?” you ask and he rolls his eyes.

“More like she freeloaded, but yeah,” he nods. “She moved out though a few months ago and is rooming with Vinyl Scratch and Octavia.”

“She is?”

“Yeah, I guess Vinyl actually pays her to transport her around when she’s had too much to drink,” he shrugs and you shake your head.

All the mares chasing after Daddy have many different issues, you conclude as you keep walking.

“Oh, there is one interesting thing that happened not too long ago that I could tell you about if you want to wait to tell me your stuff,” he says as you head further into town.

“Oh? What is that?” you ask with intrigue.

“Alright, get this. Awhile ago, during the Princess Summit in the Crystal Empire, me and Twilight got transported to another world,” he says trying to sound mysterious.

“Whhhaaat? No way!” you say genuinely surprised.

“Yes way,” he smirks. “This unicorn named Sunset Shimmer stole Twilight’s Element Crown thingy and ran into this horseshoe shaped mirror. Twilight went after her, and I followed and we ended up in an alternate universe.”

“Dang…the last time I was in an alternate universe I slept through the whole thing,” you murmur to yourself.

“Huh?” he asks.

“N-Nothing! So what was so different about this universe? Did everyone have evil twins and stuff?”

“No, nothing like that. It was actually, get this, a world run entirely by humans!” he exposits and you raise an eyebrow at that.

“Humans? Really?” you ask skeptically at the fairy tale creature.

“Yes really, I’m totally serious,” he defends and you can tell by his tone that he is.

“…Huh,” you exhale in thought. “Nothing but humans?”

“That’s right, and there were versions of Rarity, Pinkie and the everypony else in human form there.”

“Heh heh, oh wow, that sounds like my Dad’s worst nightmare right there,” you chuckle knowing full well his utter hatred of My Little Human.

“Tell me about it, Twilight herself got turned into one of them, and we didn’t have magic and things got nuts,” he says with a shiver and your jaw drops.

“She turned INTO a human?” you say aghast.

“Yeah…I don’t get how that all works, but she had a heck of a time trying to walk and blend in,” he says with a nostalgic chuckle.

“Okay, so my Dad would DEFINITELY hate that place,” you conclude.

Thankfully he’s in another universe looking for dead seahorse bling.

“I don’t doubt it. I didn’t care for it much either at first,” he admits.

“Oh? Did you get used to being a human? What was it like not having scales and a weird ape face? Could you climb trees better?”

“I…wasn’t turned into a human,” he says with a nervous chuckle and you look at him inquisitively.

“You weren’t?”

“No,” he says with a sad sigh.

“Oh…did the humans get scared of you for being a dragon?” you ask gently, not wanting to upset him.

“No, that would have been preferable actually. No, no, I was just turned into a talking puppy.”



“…Come again?” you ask in befuddlement.

He then starts to regale you with his misadventure in the Human World as you both eat your baked goods. You can’t even really appreciate the Banana Chocolate cake though because his story starts leaving a bad taste in your mouth. He finally finishes his tale as you start to near the Crusader Clubhouse.

“…I don’t think I like that place,” you conclude.

“Oh it wasn’t all bad,” he insists.

“Spike, you were a dog! That’s just insulting, and that universe only has itself to blame!” you growl in frustration.

Stupid Humie World…

“Heh, thanks for that Shade, but it’s really alright,” he chuckles.

Eventually you all catch sight of the clubhouse and hear excited voices, and moving through the trees you see your other fellow crusaders Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo…along with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Huh…so everyling stayed friends after I left?” you note and Spike smirks.

“You could say that,” he chuckles. “Because of you, all five of them are closer than ever. Heck, they’ve made a team to try and be the Flag Bearers for the Equestria Games. That’s what they’re doing right now.”

As he points it out, you see that all five of them are giggling, and each have props and streamers of some kind, and are trying to work out a few moves.

“…Huh. Bloom didn’t mention that to me last night,” you ponder aloud.

“Maybe she was just excited to see you,” Spike suggests.

“Oh she was,” you nod. “Still, that looks like fun.”

“Well it’s gotta be more than fun if they want to impress Ms. Harshwinny.” As he says that, the hair on the back of your neck stands on end and you swear somewhere in the distance, somepony whinnies in fear.

“What the buck was that?!” you say whipping your head left and right.


“Are you telling me you didn’t feel that after you said that name?” you gasp.

“What? Ms. Harshwinny?”

Again you hear the distant brays and you feel spooked.

“…Shade?” he inquires.

“I-It’s nothing! Forget about it!” you stammer as you start walking forward. “Let’s go see my friends!”

As you start to near their choregraphy, you can’t help but wonder what that weird feeling was, but you shake this thoughts off as more pressing ones come to mind.

If Diamond and Silver are part of the crew now, should I let them know as well?


Episode 61: Title Drop

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Kichi’s Comment

You look towards your friends, each and every one of them. Applebloom, who treated you like a sister before you found out you were family, Sweetie Belle who was always kind and smart and even taught you a few things, Scootaloo who would share your enthusiasm for reckless adventure and mischief, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, once considered enemies, but now something more, especially on that final day before the Trixie incident.

You are more than happy to see them…but you hesitate.

Oh gods, what am I doing? What if they don’t like me anymore if I tell them? What if they think I’m a monster?! Applebloom heard Grandbuggy’s side of the story, but what if she’s just accepting everything begrudgingly because we’re family? What if she’s already turned them off of me?! You think irrationally as the shards glow, and in your mind you imagine the worst.

In Your Imagination

“At last you’ve appeared Nightmare Moon!” Diamond Tiara shouts pointing a hoof at you.

“No! I’m not Nightmare Moon, I-“

“She’s right, she’s just a false friend,” Silver Spoon accuses. “Applebloom told us everything!”

“Why didn’t you tell us your Dad was the Offender, or that you were an alicorn?!” Scootaloo growls.

“And that your mother was the Boogey Mare?!” Sweetie snarls as they all surround you and point.

“B-B-But…” you whimper as Spike joins in and points a claw at you.

“You are nothing but a monster, how could anyone love you?” he says cruelly and you start to whimper.

“You’re nothing but a bad seed,” Applebloom scowls. “You may be kin, but you always throw out the bad apples before they ruin the rest…”

“Yeah! We don’t need you in the Crusaders!” shouts Sweetie.

“We don’t need you as a friend!” Scootaloo chants.

“We don’t need you for anything!” Diamond and Silver say at once.

“We don’t need you,” Spike grits his teeth and smoke comes out.

“No…please…” you cry but they don’t relent as they all start chanting as their circle spins all around you.

“Monster! Monster! Monster! Monster! Mon-“

“Nightshade! Hello?”


In The Real World

You are snapped out of your delusion as you see Spike snapping his fingers in front of your face.

“Uh…are you Okay?” Spike asks as you shake your head. “You kind of spaced out there for a moment.”

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine, I…I’m fine,” you say nervously, noticing the glow from beneath your scarf.

“Are you sure?” he says worriedly and you can’t help but feel nervous, despite his tone.


“There she is!” Scootaloo’s voice breaks through the air. Turning around you see the five fillies looking at you, before all five start charging at you.

Oh no, they’re going to try and run me off and hurt me then I’ll hurt them and-

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Your paranoia is cut short as all of them tackle you into a gigantic group hug.

“I told ya’ll,” Applebloom smirks.

“Oh my gosh! We missed you so much!” Sweetie squeals.

“We read every letter you sent through Spike,” Scootaloo chirps.

“It’s so good to see you again!” Diamond Tiara giggles.

“The town is boring without you around!” Silver Spoon chuckles. And as each and every one of them hugs, nuzzles and grips you like there’s no tomorrow, your shards stop glowing as relief and happiness wash over you.

“I missed you all too,” you respond as you hug them back. Outside of the massive glomp pile, Spike nearly has a heart attack from the sheer adorableness of this situation, before you grab him with your magic and pull him in as well.

Please…Please don’t let this change after they know they truth, you plead to whatever benevolent force may be listening.

A Few Moments Later

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

After enough introductions and good natured laughs and inquiries to last a whole lifetime, you now sit with everyone in the club house. You had told them that before anything else was to be said and answered, you had something major to tell them. Applebloom knew where you were going with this, and helped corral them into complying, and now here you are.

"Okay... I have a story to tell, and it's pretty long, so get comfortable," you order, causing everypony and dragon to take a seat, with Apple Bloom providing cushions.

"Everything I'm about to tell yo-"

"Wait!" you pause as Sweetie Belle lifts her hoof into the air.

"Yes, Sweetie Belle?"

"What's the title?"

"Arg! Does that really matter?" Apple Bloom says a bit annoyed, covering her eyes with her hooves.

"Of course it does!" Scootaloo argues.

"Yeah! All the best books have great titles," Silver Spoon agrees. Your cousin rolls her eyes as you look to Spike who just shrugs. This causes Diamond Tiara to giggle and ask kindly,

“So yeah, what’s the title Nightshade?”

"Um..." You think, trying to come up with something great, something that they will all remember, and something that is relevant to your experiences of course.

What do you call my whole life until this point? We’ve all been on the run for so long. And it all started when Daddy pissed off the wrong ponies…

You smirk as a title idea comes to you and you look to all of your friends.

“Alright everyone, I think I’ve got one,” you say and they straighten up. “Now, before I begin, I just want to ask you all to not ask too many questions or we’ll be here for days. And…if you can't keep everything I say in this clubhouse a secret, and don't think you can handle what you're about to hear, leave the room.”

They all seem a bit confused and intrigued by that part, and Applebloom flashes you a sad knowing smile. None of them leave however, and you continue.

“This is a story about my Dad and I, and how you all don't know us as well as you think you do." A couple of them raise their eyebrows and look at each other searching for answers and finding none.

"My daddy is not who you think he is. Some in the room already know, or have put it partially together themselves. But know this, when I say that, he also is who you know him as. But this story I'm about to tell you isn't about Baker Sylvester Tennant. This is about someone else. Someone you all know, and someone who's very... um... I don't know the word for it but some of you hate him and some of you like him."

"Contradicting?" Silver guesses.

“Yeah, that’s it,” you nod and they all look around unsurely.

"Okay, but who are you talking about?” Scootaloo asks. “Your dad is-"

"Sometimes he's scary, sometimes he's awesome," you cut her off, ending your sentence with a bright smile. "Sometimes he's really frustrating to deal with, and sometimes you really feel bad for him."

Your horn then glows as your wings appear in green flames and everyone aside from Spike and Applebloom gasp.

“But throughout it all, he loves me just as I am, as I do to him,” you continue as you take your scarf off revealing the shards. Once more, the others who weren’t in the know gasp at your wound, but you aren’t done yet.

“And the title doesn’t just describe him, but me as well…” you say as your whole body washes over with green flame, revealing your hybrid form with your cute tiny fangs, pale blue yet still draconic eyes, and chitinous hooves. This time, everyling looks upon you with shock and awe, to breathless to even gasp.

"This is the Life of a Wanted Changeling."


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“ACHOO!” DWC sneezes unexpectedly.

“Bless you,” says the biomechanical freak from across the table, his freakish cybernetic eye brighter than is necessary.

“Thank you,” he sniffles and wipes his nose. “Must be coming down with a cold. Your little ice pony freak might be to blame.”

“Oh calm yourself, he has his uses, just like you,” the cyberpony says with a smirk and DWC forces himself not to roll his eyes.

You’re the ones that are useful to me you nimrod.

“Speaking of which, have you heard any more news about The Offender? Thanks to Frost, I know about his resurrection of Nightmare Moon, but what about the Changeling himself?” he asks wantingly.

“There is no news on the changeling unfortunately,” DWC says bitterly. “But I’m certain that wherever Nightmare Moon goes, he will as well.”

“Hmm, good point,” he nods. “But that just raises the question on whether that suit could handle both her and him if he still retains power.”

“I’m positive it will, don’t worry yourself. Especially now that we have even more parts to work with,” DWC lies reassuringly.

Gotta hand it Cabeleron, his buffoonery did help us get Sentry’s suit pieces. At least the battle will be more destructive, he reminds himself.

“Well it better,” the other stallion says, clinking his metal teeth against his true ones. “When I call out the challenge to the Offender, I want to end him, Nightmare Moon be damned. In the long run, she’s just another useless princess just like the others.”

“Oh indeed, but I’m sure your lads will be able to assist you,” And Die in the Crossfire, making Bugze and Nightshade suffer more…

“Right, especially if she summons more of those shadow things the kid told me about. We’ll be more than prepared. But even if we’re not and we have to retreat, the Offender still dies by my hooves!”

“Of course, of course, no one’s denying that...” Heh, good luck on that you worthless scrap of metal. He’ll just kill you again and fall into even more despair, heh heh.

“Right,” the cyborg nods with conviction. “Well, keep at it then. I’m going to go check out the improvements that are being added to Red Dawn.”

“Very well Burner. Have fun,” DWC waves as he clunks out of there. The minute he leaves the room, his false smile vanishes and he just rolls his eyes.

“Moron, thinking that you can handle even one of them? Please” he scoffs and shakes his head. “Even if you pulled off that miracle, Hope’s little legion will be more than enough…I should probably get on that then.”

He then pulls out a pen and parchment and starts writing.

Dear Hope,

I see you’re having trouble gaining any allies. Don’t you want your boyfriend to be saved? Because without firepower, the Offender isn’t going to go down that easily, and he sure isn’t going to puke up your colt toy’s horn. Listen, you want the Empire out of Cadenza’s hooves and back into his, you’ve got to get more numbers. Thankfully, there’s this quaint little prison full of bugs who happen to hate the current Empire rulers…

He stops at that and looks up in thought.

“You know, why aren’t Armor and Cadenza called Emperor and Empress? They rule an Empire after all. Same goes for Princess Celestia and Luna. Do they think they sound evil or old if they go above that title? Pfft, stupid alicorns,” he shakes his head.

Back With You

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“And now that they knew the truth, I decided to let all of you know too, and that leads us to now…So…yeah, that’s our tale.”

Your story is now done, after a long sit through, and you are surprised how many hours it took to tell the tale. You added in as many details as you could, even some more than what was told to Granny and the others, but there were still some areas you didn’t go into too much detail, such as the story your Dad told you about The Otherworld, and of course all of the segments from the first two years where you slept a lot. But other than that, you’ve told them everything you know and they stare at you with mouths agape.

…I knew it, they hate me, you think in melancholy as they continue to stare at you. They don't trust changelings, and now after everything I just told them, all the secrets, lies, and with these stupid shards, they won't trust me...

You don’t want to look at them, at the looks of outrage and hatred, at the looks of broken friendship, so you just stare down at your shards as they glow, hiding behind your mane as the tears rain down your face.

“I…I know I’m a monster, that I’m ugly inside and out…This may not be my true form, but it’s a part of me…And I know you can’t truly accept it,” you sniffle. But even through your tears, you smile. A part of you is sad yes, but the majority of you is so bucking happy over finally getting to tell the friends you so love the truth. All your life, it’s been half truths and full lies, but now you’ve gotten to share everything on your own terms. They might hate you, but you still love them, and you know they had to know.

It feels so good to finally let it all out…you think as you sniffle again.

You then hear their hoofsteps as they all start to get up.

And now they’ll leave…at least they aren’t yelling…I

Your mouth then opens in surprise when you feel someone touch you, and bring you into a hug. And then another, and another, and another hug wraps around you from different angles.

"You're not ugly Nightshade, you're absolutely beautiful." Sweetie Belle compliments from your right.

"And even if you think you're ugly on the outside, which you definitely are not, you're still Nightshade on the inside," Diamond says from behind.

Your shards unglow as once more, your friends break through your paranoid delusions and send their love right to your heart.

“I…I…” you start to whimper before your smile fades and the sobbing starts in earnest. “I miss my Mommy and Daddy!” you cry out as you hug the one in front of you, crying against his scaly chest.

“They’ll be back cuz, they always come back,” Bloom reassures. “They’ve never lost a battle before, so some other universe won’t stop him.”

"Of course not!" Scootaloo adds. "They’re the strongest in Equestria, and they’ve even got Sombra to boot!

"Thanks guys..." You say, revealing your face to them again, your eyes back to normal. "You're all the best."

"Let's never split apart ever again Shade,” Spike says with a smile. "We're all in this together. No more running." You look from him to the other five holding onto you as those words make you smile again and you turn back into your alicorn form.

"No more running..." you nod.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After emotions have calmed down a bit, and the group hug is disbanded, then the questions start coming in.

“Sooooo, you’re Applebloom’s cousin?” asks Scootaloo.

“Yeah,” you nod and chuckle. “I know, shocker when I heard it too.”

“Wow, just how big do the Apple family roots stretch?” Silver Spoon asks. “I mean, you guys are like in every town and city in Equestria.”

“Well, Granny had a lot of brothers and sisters, who in turn had a lot of kids and…yeah there’s a lot of us,” Applebloom smirks.

“Wait a minute,” Diamond interjects sounding creeped out. “Then doesn’t that mean your Dad and your sister are cousins too?””

“Yes, yes we’ve been over this,” you facehoof and gag.

“Oh jeeze, I didn’t even think about that,” Spike gags a little.

“Yes, we know, we know,” Applebloom rolls her eyes.

“To be fair, she at least didn’t know beforehand…right?” Scootaloo asks.

“I hope she didn’t,” Sweetie shudders before her eyes widen. “Oh No! That was during the Loveocalypse! We’re the ones that caused that!”

“…Buck, you’re right! You say in horrified realization before looking at the others. “Alright, let’s move on! When Daddy gets back, we admit to nothing!”

“R-Right,” Applebloom says while scrunching her eyes up. “We’ll just focus on the good, like me having yet another new cousin.”

“Another?” you ask.

“Oh right, you don’t know,” Silver perks up. “Yeah, apparently Pinkie Pie is related to the Apples too.”

You stare at the bespectacled filly for a few hearbeats of silence.


Maybe. Maybe she is related to us, the family tree documents were smudged,” Applebloom corrects but your eyes are still wide.

“Shade?” Sweetie asks in concern.

“If she is related to you then does that mean she’s related to me too?”

“If she is then it’s pretty distant, like four times removed,” Applebloom explains.

“Yeah, you two are more closely related than she is,” Scootaloo agrees.

“But even still…this is weird. All those clones we encountered are technically my family too? I don’t…”

“Yeah, I kind of wanted to know more about that,” Spike says. “Twilight’s kind of wanted to see the others and-“

“I am not letting her kill them like she got those others during the paint drying massacre Spike!” you shout startling him.

“Whoa, whoa, I was gonna say she wants to apologize and make it up to them, and Pinkie does too…”

“…Yeah, I don’t think they’d want to talk to her after all that,” Diamond shrugs.

“Yeah, what she said,” you nod before sighing. “Though maybe Pinkie should know more. She kind of got let in on the conspiracy because she started asking about them…”

“…Maybe we should talk about something else?” suggests Sweetie Belle and everyone agrees.

“Okay,” Scootaloo shrugs. “So your mom is Ni-Er-Selena right?”

“Yeah,” you nod.

“That’s a pretty name,” Silver compliments as Scootaloo continues.

“So, she’s like a Princess and stuff right?”

“…Kind of? I’m not sure,” you shrug.

“Well, that would make you a princess too right?”

“She hasn’t been sworn in,” Spike rains on her parade.

“Oh…well crud! There goes my idea of making The Cutie Mark Crusaders as an official title.”

“Believe me, if I had that kind of power, you bet your flank I’d abuse it,” you smirk and the others laugh.

“Well, speaking of your mom…I’m sorry we all thought bad of her,” Sweetie apologizes.

“Yeah, sorry,” Scootaloo adds.

“Yeah. Sorry for thinking she was using your Dad as a meat puppet Tartarus bent on destroying the world,” Diamond adds. When you all look at her, she shirks back. “Mom’s words, not mine.”

“I’m sorry too,” Spike says. “I got it in my mind that I would do whatever I could to help destroy her to save the Offender…but I guess I was just as ignorant as the rest.”

“Guys, guys, it’s okay,” you reassure. “There’s no way any of you could have known. I sure didn’t tell you…but thanks all the same.”

“…Does this mean we shouldn’t celebrate Nightmare Night anymore? Cause like it’s offensive and stuff?”

“Oh buck no! Free candy is awesome! I’m sure my Mom would agree,” you say with conviction and she looks relieved.

“Well I can’t wait to talk with them candidly then,” Sweetie says with a smile.

“I know right?! I mean, I was a fan of The Offender AND BST. I guess my eye for awesomeness can’t be beat,” Scootaloo says.

“Oh my gosh! When your mom has a body again, we could give her fashion tips! She’s probably way out of practice after a thousand years,” Diamond says with stars in her eyes.

“But what about Sombra? You sure he’s going to be alright?” Spike asks warily and you grin at him.

“Trust me Spike, he’d do anything for me. He’s a good friend, and kind of like an uncle.”

“…Wait, I’m related to King Sombra too?!” Applebloom’s eyes widen in shock.

“Uhhh…In an honorary way? If you want that is…”

“…Seriously, who aren’t you related to Bloom?!” Sweetie Belle guffaws.

“More importantly…he’s not gonna hold any grudges for, you know, burning his spectral flank?” Spike asks and you look at him seriously.

“Spike, if he so much as snarls at you, I will reintroduce him to the pecking order and make him regret having nards again.”

This determination silences the room in awe.

“…Gorramn,” Spike mutters as his heart skips a beat.

Eventually, seeing as how you’ve been talking for a few hours straight, you feel it’s high time to get some food, some real greasy unhealthy food. So you all start walking into town, chatting the whole time.

“So, how does your mom take all the mares going gaga for your dad?” asks Sweetie Belle.

“Well…angrily I would assume,” you shrug. “I mean, she got really upset with Dad for trying to kiss Sapphire Shores, and of course both she and Fluttershy hate each other, to the point where Fluttershy keeps wanting to destroy mom even after everything I’ve said…”

“I thought she was dating Discord?” says Silver Spoon.

“No, he was reformed by her,” Spike points out.

“Pfft, as if that was the only thing going on with them,” Diamond Tiara scoffs with a chuckle. “A guy like that just doesn’t change overnight without some incentive.”

“I bet Featherweight could find out for sure if we-“

“NO! We are not doing the reporter thing again!” Scootaloo and Applebloom interrupt Sweetie Belle who purses her lips.

“It was just a suggestion,” she pouts.

“And hey, you three were great at that under my leadership if you recall,” Diamond points out.

“Yeah, but we ended up starting a turf war over the Mare Do Well and Hooded Offender fandoms remember?” Scootaloo points out.

“Not to mention you lost your mind thinking SpiderMane was everywhere,” Silver adds.

“You can’t prove that he’s not!” Diamond snaps before composing herself.

“You know, despite everything, those were good times,” you say with a smirk. “Sorry again about giving you all those espresso beans to make you paranoid.”

“That Was You?!” Diamond gasps.

“Yeah, sorry…” you say meekly. “But hey, way before anyone else, jittery Diamond Tiara was the closest to figuring everything out.”

“Oh right, she did think you might be an alicorn when you still wore that vest,” Applebloom says in remembrance.

“Wait a second, does that mean that picture of the changeling at the spa was your Dad?” Sweetie yelps in understanding.

“Yup. I actually debated on whether to rat Dad out for a good story back then because you guys thought we might get our cutie marks. I guess I have now, two years after the fact.”

“Heh, see! I was a good journalist! And SpiderMane is still out there!” Diamond calls out.

“He did show up to save your dad after he fell off the roof,” Spike says curiously remembering that randomness.

“Oh yeah…wow things were nuts two years ago,” you chuckle.

“Yeah…speaking of nuts, do you still have Mangle or did she run out of batteries?” asks Scootaloo.

“Oh no, she’s still with me. I keep her in the bag all the time though to keep her safe…” you trail off as that sounds very familiar.

“Uh, Sha-“ Silver starts.

“MANGLE!” you shriek as you dig your robot fox out of your bag and look her in the eyes. “I’m so, so sorry Mangle! I didn’t mean to keep you in the bag like that! You’re tough and you don’t have to be hidden away like a weak little flower! You can come outside whenever you want.”

Your pet looks at you curiously as you nuzzle her chest in guilt and just shrugs and gives your head a pat.

“Skreonk,” she mechanically barks in comfort before clamoring onto your back.

“…I’m starting to think you may have issues with your Dad and the bag,” Sweetie observes as she gives the fox a scratch behind the ears.

“Yeah? No Spit,” you grunt a little in aggravation before shaking your head. “No one’s existence should just be as a macguffin that’s hidden away for convenience’s sake only being pulled out as a plot point!”

“…Maybe you should talk with someone about that?” suggests Spike.

“I just did,” you tell him plainly, even though your shards glow again.

“Hey, if you’re upset, maybe you should hit a pillow or something?” Diamond says giving Mangle a pat. “That’s what my dad does when mom’s had one too many glasses.”

“Good Idea!” you declare as you whip out your Power Pole, point it at a nearby tree and just completely obliterate it with it’s extending function.

They all look amazed at that, especially after you shrink it back, twirl it around and strike two more trees, cracking them in half as Mangle cheers from your back.

Covered in splinters, saw dust, and a bit of sap, you walk back to the group actually feeling more relieved.

“Better?” asks Applebloom.

“Eyup,” you nod and smile.

“Good, now let’s leave before get in trouble for destroying park property,” she suggests as you all pick up your speed.

As you near the town, answering more and more questions, you speak up.

“Say everyling, I know you’ve got lots to ask still, but I’ve been gone for so long. Tell me what’s new here in Ponyville. What’s the gossip?”

“Oh, gladly!” Diamond says excited.

“Never thought you’d ask,” Silver says enthusiastically.

“Well, did you hear about how Twilight and Spike-“

“I already told her about the Human world,” Spike interrupts and she grunts.

“Darn it! That’s the juiciest thing we had!” Silver groans.

“I still think it’s fascinating. I mean, what would our human versions even be crusading for in that world?” Sweetie Belle wonders.

“Something about Internet Stardom or something from a magic box full of cats and people falling down,” Spike answers. “I really only saw your counterparts briefly.

“And he was a dog, so that place sucks, come on, give me something else,” you plead.

“Well, you already know about Daring Do being real and living with Zecora,” Sweetie lists.

“Which you’re gonna have to introduce me to Ahuizotl eventually! They’re totally into each other right? My ship is valid?!’ Scootaloo asks enthusiastically.

“Uh, you could ask him that personally,” you say with a nervous chuckle knowing how touchy the subject is.

“Umm, Fluttershy’s been talking about going to a nature preserve to learn about some new species?” Applebloom suggests.

“...Okay,” you say with a raised brow.

“Oh, and, uh, Rarity and a lot of others are prepping for a redecoration of the town for a theme?” Sweetie says.

“…Is that it?”

“Oh, Sweetie’s got a play she’s been writing so we might do something with that,” Scootaloo mentions.

“What, no explosions or rampaging monsters or anything?” you ask.

“Nope. It’s actually been pretty quiet for awhile, aside from those black vine things, but you already know about those,” Spike says.

“I sure do,” you mumble before you remember something. “Oh wait! What about that Flag Bearer thing for the Equestria Games?”

“Oh that! Yes That’s Awesome!” Scootaloo squeaks excitedly.

“Yeah, we are totally gonna win,” Silver Spoon says confidently.


“Yeah, it’s a competition to see who actually gets to bear the flag for Ponyville. Everypony in school is competing, but we came up with an idea of what makes Ponyville great, and that’s how all three tribes live together in Harmony,” Scoots says rapidfierly.

“Yeah, and we helped boost it with some flashier designs that only money can buy,” Diamond says with a smirk.

“We’ve even got a theme song for it and everything,” Sweetie chirps.

“And it’s sure to knock the socks off of Ms. Harshwinny."

The distant thunder and braying is heard again by seemingly only you and you look around.

“Seriously, what is that?!”

Mangle only shrugs thinking you’re talking to her.

“Didn’t you guys hit a snag or something?” Spike asks and they all chuckle nervously.

“Yeah…I kind of got self conscious cause I can’t fly and almost quit…” Scootaloo says in embarrassment.

“I said I was sorry! I didn’t mean for it to sound malicious!” Diamond apologizes, still sounding shameful.

“Water under the bridge Di,” she hoofwaves before her eyes sparkle. “But Nightshade! If you’re here then we’ll have two of everypony and you can actually fly!”

“Oh really? You want me to join?” you ask excitedly before confusion comes over you. “Wait, two of everypony? There’s three earth ponies and only one Unicorn,” you point out.

“Actually, they came up with the idea that I would wear a fake horn,” Silver Spoon rolls her eyes.

“…Okay,” you shrug. “But before I came back around, you would have only still had one pegasus.”

“We were working on trying to get Rumble to join, but he declined,” Applebloom shrugs.

“But yeah, with you back, there’s no way we’ll lose!” Scootaloo cheers aloud.

“I still say the Silver’s horn is an eyesore,” Spike speaks up.

“Well excuse me for being born like this!” she harrumphs.

“Okay, settle down. I could actually help with that too. I can make others look how I want,” you remind them and they start mumbling with new ideas.

“So, could you like, make me look like a griffon?” asks Scootaloo. “Because that would be so cool!”

“But that doesn’t fit with our theme,” Sweetie points out.

“I just meant in general,” she responds.

And while they all start discussing new things they’d like to look like, you enter the town proper, and suddenly you hear a predatory gasp.


The hairs on the back of your neck tingling, you look around to see Aloe from the Spa looking like she’s won a million bits.

“Oh buck,” you whisper under your breath.

“Nighthsade! Where is your father?!” she all but demands, getting up into your face and drooling slightly.


“Does anypony else know he’s back yet?! Please say no! Tell me where he’s at right now and I’ll give you free coupons for a VIP treatment!”

“Look, lady-“

“Has he talked about me? I bet he has! I’ve been waiting for this day when he-“

“Ms. Aloe, Mr. Tennant isn’t here, it’s just Nightshade and her Grandpa,” Applebloom interrupts forcefully. The stalker stops midsentence and slowly turns her eyes to your cousin.

“…What?” she asks.

“He’s not here,” she says with conviction.

“Th-then where is he?” she asks looking between the two of you while the others back away from her.

“Well he’s, uh…” you start to think of a lie but Applebloom silences you with a smirk.

“Oh he’s off on his honeymoon with his wife,” she says to the masseuse who’s eyes shrink to pin pricks.

“…What?” she chokes out in shock and you grin maniacally as well.

“Yup. Daddy got married to my “new” mommy,” you say and if it weren’t metaphorical, you swear you hear her glassy heart shattering.

“…WHAT?!” she exclaims as she starts hyperventilating. “Tennant-He-Mar-Wha-Bu-WWWWHHHHAAAAA???!!”

Looking absolutely defeated, she just continues to babble incoherently before her sister Lotus walk outs the front entrance.

“Oh dear, what’s happened this time?” she asks as her sister’s mane starts to get frayed.

“She heard some bad news,” you chuckle as does everyone else.

“I can see that…” she then does a double take and sees you. “Oh, hello Nightshade. Good to see you again.”

“Hi Ms. Lotus,” you wave cheerfully because you’ve never held a grudge against her.

“I’m assuming this has something to do with your father?” she asks pointing to her mindbroken twin.

“Eyup,” you nod.

“M-M-Married?! I…GAGH!” she continues to cough and Lotus winces.

“Oh boy…” she mutters before whistling. “Bulk dear! We have a Code Tennant Level Red situation!”

“YYYEAAAHH!!!” the overmuscled pegasus shouts as he runs outside, picks up Aloe, waves at you and runs back inside.

There goes the only one my Nard Shot failed on…you think with a bit of resentment.

“You all have a great day,” Lotus says with hectic cheer before running inside and closing the door.

Once they are all gone, your whole group devolves into laughter.

“Wow Bloom, savage today aren’t we?” Spike chuckles.

“Heh heh, I know right?” Silver giggles.

“Yeah, thanks for the help cuz, what brought that on?” you ask. After she stops giggling she looks at you and says plainly,

“Well, now that I know you both are my kin, it felt only right to stop laughing on the sidelines and to help my family out.”

“Oh wow, this gossip is gonna spread like wildfire if it’s starting from her,” Diamond guffaws.

“Oh boy, Rainbow Dash is gonna hear that and get hit hard,” Scootaloo realizes. “She and Bulk are on the same Equestria Game Team.”

“I’m sure she’ll be able to handle it,” you hoofwave. “Now, let’s move on from a member of what Grandbuggy calls “The Thot Brigade,” and get some food!”

“Yeah!” they all cheer as you continue walking towards In and OatBurger

You all get inside and after you order enough servings for five ponies for yourself, you all sit around a booth and keep eating and chatting.

“So, Nightshade, this Princess Ember that’s traveling with you, you think I can meet her?” Spike asks curiously and you narrow your eyes at him, with a large chunk of burger still in your maw.

“Why do you want to meet her?” you ask suspiciously.

“Well, because she sounds nice? I’ve already talked to Garble, and Crackle is a freeloader, so I’d figure I’d talk with someone else like me.”

“Yeah…that sounds…Really great,” you say through gritted teeth as your eye twitches and your shards glow.

“Awesome! Maybe I could get on her good side by bringing some gems, you know what her favorites are?” he asks innocently and your shards start to glow more.

“Oh yeah, the thing about that is, she hates gems,” you lie.

“Wait, really?” he asks in surprise.

“Yup! Totally hates them. She says they make her fat, so she only eats plain rocks,” you say with a malicious sip of your soda.

“Huh…Okay then,” he shrugs, accepting your words as truth as he starts eating his fries.

Heh, let’s see them “Get Along” after making her munch on rocks, you think cruelly, before catching the side glare of Diamond and Silver.

“What?” you grunt and they just shake their heads in disappointment.

“Nightshade, is that you?” comes a voice that makes you nervous, but not for the same reasons as Aloe.

“Oh, Hi Ms. Cheerilee,” Applebloom waves to her former sister in law. “Yup, Nightshade is back.”

“Oh that’s wonderful to hear,” she smiles before looking around with a frown. “And…?”

“Don’t worry, my Dad’s not here, not just this place, but the whole town,” you reassure her knowing how the two don’t get along. She actually sighs contently at that and you swear you hear her mumble something happy under breath.

“Well still, it’s good to see you again. Have you been keeping up with your studies?” she inquires and you pale.

“Ummm, Hey Look! A Distraction!” you point behind her.

“Huh?” she says as she turns around and sees a sad looking blue stallion eating a burger.

“…What? Can’t a guy eat in peace?” he asks her sadly.

“Uh…” she stammers.

“Bail, Bail!” you whisper to your friends as you grab your remaining food and run out the front door before the teacher can see you.

“Aw, I didn’t get a milkshake,” Sweetie complains.

“We could just go to Sugarcube Corner for those,” Scootaloo points out.

“Yeah, but what was up with that Shade?” asks Spike.

“Yeah, have you not been learning anything?” asks Applebloom.

“No I have, I can read and write and all that good stuff,” you respond.

“Oh…then why-“

“Because the last thing I want to do is talk about school work when hanging out with my friends,” you say with conviction and they all agree with that sentiment. “Besides, I did enough work earlier today for Spike.”

“She didn’t know what a signature was,” Spike chuckles.

“Spike!” you whine and the others laugh at your misfortune, causing you to pout.

“Ugh, let’s just go get those milkshakes,” you grunt as you swallow one of your remaining burgers in one gulp.

After walking along some more, near the edge of town, you spy a certain purple alicorn at the train station sitting with Flash Sentry who has a cast around his wing.

“Uh Oh…” you say aloud, thinking about what Grandbuggy, Fluttershy and Applejack told you about the incident at Daring Do’s.

“Oh right, forgot he was being released today. Thought he’d stick around longer,” Spike mentions.

“He’s probably going off to spread more misinformation to the Princesses,” Sweetie says looking at you apologetically and you sigh.

“Probably,” you nod. “But there’s nothing I can do about that. He and dad may be best Frenemies, but there’s no changing his mind at this point.”

“He is kind of like your Dad when he gets his mind focused on something,” Scootaloo theorizes and your eyes widen a bit.

“Not to mention he’s gotten a bit cuckoo just like your father,” Diamond adds.

“And having lots of ponies hate him for seemingly no rational explanation,” Silver speaks up.

“And catching a few mares’ eyes,” Applebloom finishes.

“…Huh. Maybe that’s why they keep hanging out,” you realize and the others all agree with that sentiment.

“So…” Spike interrupts. “Do you want to go talk to Twilight now? She’s really awkward around him because she’s not so good at the relationship stuff but…”

“Nah,” you shake your head. “Let’s just leave them to it. When I talk to her I want it to be one on one…or at least with you around Spike.”

“Good idea,” Sweetie says. “If Mr. Sentry sees your back, he might start looking around for your Dad and be sad he’s not here.” You agree with that sentiment, as Diamond speaks up again.

“Also, why do you want to be alone with her? Are you…are you going to tell her?”

“No,” you shake your head. “She’s the one pony I can’t. Really the only princess I would want to tell, if any, is Cadence because she’s one of Dad’s oldest friends, and kind of my cousin.”

“Your family tree still confuses me,” Silver Spoon says holding her head.

“You’re not the only one. But yeah, telling Twilight would be dangerous until I get this stupid thing out of me,” you gesture to your chest.

“Then why are you going to talk to her then?” asks Scootaloo.

“Because while I don’t want to reveal to her what I am, I have a lot of powers that I kind of need to know how to handle better. I mean, I went straight from basic Magic Missile to summoning creatures of darkness, so I think I skipped a few steps,” you say in exasperation.

“That still sounds cool by the way, especially that imp thing,” Scootaloo says and the others look at her incredulously. “What? Just because it’s dangerous doesn’t make it not cool.”

“He’s creepy more than anything, though he is loyal I guess,” you shrug. “But seriously, there’s so much about magic that I don’t know, and Nightshade the unicorn was her student. Plus I wanna know how I can restrain my own magic so that I don’t go overboard again…”

“Like that windigo pony?” Sweetie asks hesitantly and you nod. Spike sees your wilted ears and saddened expression and puts a claw on your shoulder.

“Hey, it won’t come to that again,” he tries to reassure.

“I hope not,” you sigh. “Really I just want to apologize to the kid, but how do you do that after he ran off? Plus, I broke his locket thingy.”

“Hey, maybe we could fix it,” Applebloom says earnestly.

“Yeah, there’s all kinds of fixers and tinkerers in Ponyville,” Scootaloo adds.

“…That’d be nice,” you say with a small smirk.

“Yeah, there’s this new guy here that’s really inexpensive too,” Spike says. “He married Derpy a few months ago.”

Wait…your eyes widen at that.

“Oh, you mean Dinky’s long lost Dad?” Silver Spoon asks.

“Oh yeah, Mr. Time Turner. He’s from Trottingham I think,” Sweetie mentions and you chuckle nervously.

“Oh, well I guess I’ll look into that then…” you stammer while internally you debate with yourself.

Daddy and Grandbuggy said the Doctor retired and married Derpy, but that he wouldn’t remember himself. Would this be a problem? I gotta ask Grandbuggy…

Filing that away for later, you return for the second time that day, to Sugarcube Corner.

“I think I’ll get that chocolate banana cake again,” you tell them as you walk inside. Earlier, you and Spike had only encountered Mr. and Mrs. Cake who had been tinkled pink seeing you again, but now that evening is setting in, Pinkie Pie is behind the counter.

“Oh, Hi Nightshade!” she waves enthusiastically, and you chuckle nervously.

“Hi Pinkie,” you say as you get to the counter with your friends. She then looks left and right before leaning down to you all.

“So, are you all now part of the conspiracy?” she whispers.

“Eyup,” you answer for your friends.

“Great! More members means more party goers,” she giggles before looking pointedly at Spike. “Don’t let Twilight read your mind by the way.”

“She can’t do that Pinkie, we’ve been over this,” Spike sighs.

“You never know…” she says spookily before looking to you and grinning. “So, what will it be? Anything you want on the house.”

“Wait, really?” you ask taken aback.

“Sure! You’re now possibly part of my family now. I know we’re like cousins and stuff, but would it be alright if I treated you like a niece? EEE, I can’t wait for you to meet my parents and sisters.”

“I, uh…” you stammer looking to the others who only shrug. “I guess that’d be alright…also I already met your sister Maude.”

“…Oh right, she did talk up a storm about fighting along the Crimson Vengeance in Applewood, and now that we know the truth, of course you met her. She’s the greatest isn’t she?!”

“She’s tough alright,” you answer, trying and failing to imagine her talking up a storm as Pinkie claimed. “But anyway, why didn’t you tell me back at the meeting that we might be related?”

“Oh, I didn’t think of it at the time with all the revelations. Really me possibly being related to Apples is still fresh news and hasn’t really settled. Applebloom, Me and her family went on this awesome road trip and everything last week, and it was awesome! But there’s already been enough road trips this season so that’s why it’s already happened.”

“Wait, what?”

“Huh?” she asks obliviously to that weird thing she ended on.

“…Never mind,” you roll your eyes. “Can I get-“

“Here you go!” she squees, putting a giant slice of chocolate banana cake in front of you.

“…How did you-“

“Hey, we’re family now,” she smiles before adding, “Probably.”

“Right…thanks Pinkie.”

And with that, you and your friends sit around enjoying the rest of the day with sweets and plans for the Flag Bearing competition.

This. This is the love and comraderie that you’ve desired for so long. You love Appleloosa as much as your Dad, but Ponyville is where your friends are.

If we can solve all of this, if everyone can know the truth and let us be a family, then maybe we could live here, you think optimistically imagining your Mom and Dad and even Sombra living in a house and your friends coming over to play. …Please let that be a possibility.

The Next Day

“No, but seriously, where’s these music ponies at?” Garble asks again for the millionth time and you regret telling him anything.

“For the last time Garble, I’m not just gonna let you go out on your own. Crackle never had anything nice to say about you, and the last thing I want is you two fighting around flammable pony houses!” you chide.

“Come on Shade! She’s been missing for almost two years! When I was banished, my Dad told me to try to find her and send her home and it would lessen my banishment,” he pleads and you roll your eyes and look to Ember for assistance.

“…What? I don’t particularly care if she comes back or not,” she shrugs. “She once ate a Ruby Heart I’d been saving for a special occasion.”

“Wow, I’ve heard of cold, but that was sub-zero,” Greta chides.

“It Was Almost Ripe! You know how hard it is to find such a perfect fire ruby?!” she growls back.

“They’re that rare?” you ask and she nods. “Oh…so Spike gave that hussy something really precious then…” As your shards start to glow and you frown, Ember speaks up again.

“This Spike guy gave something like that to a pony? Why?”

“Probably for a courtship thing or something,” Garble shrugs.

“That is not the case! She scammed him out of his own birthday present!” you spit back with gritted teeth.

“Really?” he asks confused. “Because if I remember correctly, didn’t that little twerp have like mad game when it came to pony females?”

“Huh? What games?” you ask confused and he raises a brow.

“Like, kissing and stuff?”

“NO!” you shout and he holds his claws up.

“Look, that’s the impression I got from this town when he and I first met,” he defends and Greta just looks at him disbelieving.

“Nah dude, if a guy like you wants loose mares, you go to Las Pegasus,” she chuckles and he rolls his eyes.

“Wait, is this Spike guy really into females outside his own species? Is that why you two are so close?” Ember asks and you just hoof and wing palm in embarrassment and frustration and groan real loudly.

“Alright ya’ll, enough locker room talk,” Grandbuggy chuckles as you all continue walking through the woods.

“He’s right, it’s Star Spider season and they are attracted to lots of noise,” the still disguised Ahuizotl adds. He’s really the only one since he hasn’t wanted Daring Do to see him.

“Oh thank buck,” you sigh in relief.

“What do you mean by that? Spiders are creepy,” Ember shudders and you frown.

“Not all Spiders! Some of them are adorable and misunderstood!” you defend.

“Really?” Greta says in exasperation.

“Many changelings have an affinity towards lesser bugs due to our heritage,” Grandbuggy says. “It’s a genetic thing. I myself am partial to grasshoppers.”

“Well whatever,” Garble grunts in frustration. “Why are we going to this haunted run down castle again?”

“Because, idiota, one of our few remaining artifacts is there,” pony Ahuizotl answers.

“And since all the other Elements of Harmony are busy today, and it’s not too far, now’s our chance,” Grandbuggy says.

“I’m just thankful for getting off of that farm,” Ember huffs and looks at you. “I thought you said you were going to show us around?”

“Well I was going to today before Grandbuggy sprang this on us,” you defend. “Plus all of this conspiracy pact we’ve made with everyling else and catching up with my friends and family have kind of taken up all the other time.”

“I actually kind of wanted to see who won between Applejack and that Rainbow haired pony with their whole competition,” Greta mentions.

“Yeah, no thanks, they were gonna cover themselves in bees while that Pink weirdo watched,” Garble shudders.

“Ain’t nothing wrong with bees. It’s wasps and hornets that are the flankholes,” Grandbuggy says. “Now, keep focused. If we find pieces of Shade’s mom’s armor quickly, we can be home in time for dinner.”

You pause at that.

“Mommy’s armor? From when she was…”

“Yeah…” he nods before giving you a quick grin. “Essentially, we’re going to where your parents met and where you were born.”

You really don’t have anything to say to that because you’ve never thought about it like that.

This is where I was born? You think in wonder just as you all exit the trees and stand in front of a rope bridge leading to a dilapidated castle.

“The Castle of the Two Sisters huh?” you say in awe as you look it up and down.

“Yup, also, there might be some tomes inside as well pertaining to that Umbrum bling you got,” he says pointing to you.

“Wow, something this close to Ponyville could hold so much for us,” you say thoroughly impressed.

“And somewhere down below should be that crystalline tree your cousin informed us of,” Ahuizotl adds pointing down into the ravine below.


“A crystal tree you say?” asks Garble enthusiastically.

“That sounds tasty,” Ember agrees.

“Don’t even think about it you two,” Greta warns.

“We can take a look at it on the way out, but let’s get looking before it gets too dark,” Grandbuggy suggests. “It shouldn’t be hard to explore if we split into teams and take different sections, and it’s not like anyone else is going to bother us.”

“I know right? Who besides us would willingly go exploring an abandoned castle today?” you smirk, not knowing why irony has hit you like a ten ton weight.


Episode 62: Hijinks in the Castle

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You brush off the feeling of irony as your group nears the rickety looking rope bridge.

“Yeah, I’m just gonna say nope to that,” you declare as you start to fly over.

“Same,” Greta nods and follows.

“Obviously,” Ember agrees and does the same, followed by Grandbuggy and Garble.

“Oh come on!” Ahuizotl complains.

“What? You weigh the heaviest out of us Ahz, I ain’t gonna cross with you,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Ugh! It’s time likes these I curse my ancestors for not developing a way of flight!” he grumbles as he gingerly and carefully makes his way over the swaying bridge over the chasm.

And while everyone else watches his nervous stride over the death pit…

Kichi’s Comment

You can’t help but feel distracted by something down in the gorge. Floating halfway across the chasm, you spy a faint light down below at the base of the cliff, and you feel something powerful.

Is that the Element Tree? You wonder as you hover down a bit, but as you do so, you feel another sensation. An instinctual warning as if something dangerous does not like you. You gasp and stop your descent as your shards shine in response to this warning.

“What the buck is that all about?” you shudder as you ascend and the menacing aura dissipates.

“Not much. I was kind of hoping the bridge would at least crack or something,” Ember says in disappointment. You look back to her and notice that everyone else is still watching as a panting Ahuizotl sits on the Castle side of the gorge.

“Dios Mio, I do not want to do that again,” he pants.

“Oh don’t be such a crybaby,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes but he raises a brow when he sees you. “Shade, you okay?”

“Uh, yeah, why?” you say unconvincingly.

“You’re sweating worse than Ahz, what’s up?” he pushes and you realize you still feel a bit fearful.

“Oh, uh…” you try to think of an excuse before you just sigh and admit, “I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go look at that Element Tree.” Grandbuggy raises a brow at that curiously, but he can tell by your face that you are serious.

“Ha! You’re scared of a tree?” Garble mocks and starts to laugh, causing you to pout.

“Shut up,” you grunt and look away from him.

“Yeah, stupid, if she’s afraid of it, then that’s pretty good evidence for us to be as well,” Ember reprimands.

“I’m Not Afraid!” you deny and start rubbing your foreleg with your hoof. “I just…I have a bad feeling about it.”

“Hmm, if that tree is indeed the birthplace of the Elements of Harmony, then it would probably be a bad idea to go near it when she’s got the alicorn amulet embedded in her, “Ahuizotl observes.

“Yeah! That’s it! Totally it!” you point at him, knowing that it’s only partially the truth.

“Also, didn’t your mom get hit from that same magic?” Greta adds and you stiffen over the other aspect of your nervousness getting said aloud.

“It did,” Grandbuggy answers for you and gives you a knowing look. “So if you’re nervous kiddo, we can just skip that part of the field trip.” You give a small smile at that in gratitude.

“Pfft, forget that!” Garble dismisses before he starts flying downwards. “I’m gonna take a look at this stupid thing. It’ll be one thing even you can’t accomplish!”

“Oh for-Really?!” you call after him in exasperation.

“Yyyyyyeeeessss,” his voice trails off as he gets lower and lower. Exasperated, you look to the rest of The Outcasts who are all smacking their foreheads at the sheer stupidity.

“I can’t believe he and I are even in the same species,” Ember sighs in disappointment.

“Well, he’s most likely dead, I guess we better head on,” Grandbuggy says dismissively and starts walking away.

“Grandbuggy!” you exclaim.

“Oh, I was kidding! Yeesh,” he rolls his eyes. “But I ain’t going down there for him.”

“Me neither,” Ember says.

“I sure can’t,” you add.

“And I can’t fly,” Ahuizotl pipes up.

“And I…” Greta tries to come up with an excuse, but fails and everyone stares at her knowingly.
“…Alright fine! I’ll go get the dumbass!”

With that she flies up, but before she descends she looks back at the others.

“I guess I’ll meet you inside or whatever.”

“Be careful Greta,” you warn and she smirks.

“Hey, out of all of us, I think I’ll be the most fine. I don’t this magical pony tree would even care about a griffon in the long run.” After saying that, a young blue griffon back in Griffonstone sneezes.

“Alright chica, but watch out for star spiders. They’re not really venomous, but they like to crawl on creatures,” Ahuizotl warns.

“…Thanks for that terrifying thought,” she shudders and starts her descent.

“A part of me kind of wants to see what happens to that idiot…but the cat bird’s got this,” Grandbuggy shrugs before pointing to the castle entrance. “Shall we?”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The rest of your group follows his lead as Mangle pops out of your bag and looks in awe at the Castle.

“I know right?” you say to your pet as you look at the looming crumbling ruins that tower above all of you. “Apparently, this was where I was born…”

“Skreonk,” the fox nods in amazement.

“Heh, it may not look like much, but you should have seen this place in it’s hay day,” Grandbuggy says before pointing to the left. “There used to be a bunch of tacky pink flamingo lawn ornaments that Starswirl experimented with.”

“Fix, you talk as if you knew the stallion,” Ahuizotl points out.

“Eh, I was more friends with Clover the Clever, but yeah, I crashed at this place when Sunny and Moony were out and about. It was the perfect place for royalty.”

“Royalty huh?” you say looking back to your birthplace. So maybe I am a princess, you think as you open the front door yourself.

Back in the Gorge

Greta, makes a beeline for the only source of light in the dark, craggy ravine...and as she does so, her feelings of irritation and frustration are replaced with a sense of ease and tranquility.

“Oh wow…this feels nice,” she says as a sense of warm nostalgia passes over her. Happy memories of when she received her first Neightendo, and played Mareio for the first time. Those warm feelings are gone almost instantaneously however when that light flashes extremely bright for a moment and she hears Garble’s strained yell of fright.

“OH BUCK!” she says in worry as she super hero lands in the mouth of the cave entrance. “Garble?! What…happened?”

Her breath is taken away as she spies the crystal tree that’s extremely important to the ponies.

“It’s…beautiful…” she gasps as the warm glow returns and she feels a bit more at ease again. She sees symbols carved into the tree of a sun, moon, and some sort of star, and six strategically placed crystal shapes embedded within it’s crystalline form.

“How could Shade be afraid of this? This is-“ her eyes land on a dark stoney form at the base of the tree.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

It is distinctly draconic in shape with arms held up defensively in front of it’s face and it’s wings outstretched, and it is not.

“Oh right, Garble!” she calls out and flies toward the form, but as she gets closer, she realizes that there aren’t really that many sharp features. Rather, it looks like the dragon was covered in rough stone, hiding his features.

She lands in front of the “statue” and reaches out, but brings her talon back in pain as it scorches her.

“Yowch!” she waves her digit and looks at the smoking stone. “Oh Gods It Killed Him?!” she shrieks as she starts to back up from the massive tree.

“Mhrmmttgggmmm!” a muffled voice comes from the statue, causing her to pause.

“Garble?” she asks tentatively.

“Mmmhhhhrrrrgggg!!!” the figure says as it shakes a bit.

“Oh thank goodness,” she sighs holding her chest in relief before she glares at it. “Now how the buck did you go and get yourself into this mess?!”

“Mmmm!” he responds from inside the stone.

“Did you try to eat the tree?” she reprimands.

“Mmmm…” the moan answers guiltily.

“Well, this is your own gorramn fault then!”


“Yeah I know, but you’ll have to break yourself out! The rocks are too hot,” she says.

“Mmnnggghhh Nnnbbbbppphhh! MMMM!”

“Oh alright,” she huffs and looks around. “Let’s see…Oh! This might help.” She picks up a loose stone and tosses it at the statue. Much to her surprise, this actually does help as the stone starts to crumble…completely into a pile of dust.

“…AAAAAAHHHHH!!! I KILLED HIM!!!” she shrieks in terror holding her cheeks. “Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck!” She then starts to look around shiftily and panicked.

“Okay Greta, no one saw this, you just found him like this. The tree disintegrated him with no help from you…Yeah, that’s it. No one will ever know!” she giggles madly, sweating profusesly.

“I’m not dead you dumb bird!” Garble’s voice says followed by a cough.

“You’re alive?!” she yelps in surprise, turning her head back around only to pause as she sees the state of the dragon pulling himself out of the ashen rubble. “What the…?”

“Seriously, how weak do you think dragons are?” Garble says as he dusts himself off and looks down on the griffon…only he can’t because her head is now much higher than his. “What the Tartarus?! How’d you get so big?!”

Greta just stares down at the red dragon in front of her before a snort escapes, followed by a giggle, and then full on laughter as she falls to the floor.

“What are you laughing at?!” Garble exclaims before looking down at his body and paling. “No…”

“AHAHAHAHAHAAAA-Oh My-OhMy-AH HAHAHA!!!” Greta continues to laugh her butt off as Garble finally realizes what’s happened to him.

“WHY AM I A LITTLE KID AGAIN?!” he shouts, his figure now around Spike’s size.

“Eh heh-Maybe-Heh heh-Maybe the tree made you look the age you acted-Bwahahahahahahahaaa!!!” Greta cackles as the little red dragon gets even redder from embarrassment.

“This is Bullspit!” he shouts as he looks at his tiny wings. “I already had to go through puberty! Why?! WHY?! WWWWWWHHHHHYYYY???!!!”

In The Castle Library

“…Did you hear that Twilight?” Spike asks as he looks around the dark interior.

“Probably just the wind Spike,” Twilight answers.

“I don’t remember the wind yelling “Why?” before Twilight,” he snarks but she shushes him.

“Keep it down Spike, this journal is really fascinating. Nothing really on Nightmare Moon, but I’m learning a lot about Celestia and Luna from when they were little.”

“Oh right…Nightmare Moon research…” Spike says nervously as he scratches the back of his neck.

Back With You

“Wow…this place is amazing,” you say wide eyed as you look at the frayed tapestries, the chunks of broken pillars, and the layers of dust all over the floor.

“Indeed, it is quite well preserved for something it’s age,” Ahuizotl nods expertly.

“I don’t know, seems like a dump to me,” Ember says matter of factly.

“Oh come on Princess, where’s your sense of adventure?” you prod. “This place is sure to have all kinds of neat stuff in it, besides my mommy’s old armor.”

“Are you sure it hasn’t been ransacked already? I smell pony in the air,” she says as she looks around.

“Well it is a castle built by ponies…” Ahuizotl shrugs.

“Maybe you’re smelling ghosts?” you suggest.

“No, I swear it’s pony,” Ember insists.

“It could be pony ghosts or ponies pretending to be ghosts,” you suggest.

“That’s not out of the realm of possibility, right Fix?” Ahuizotl chuckles, but the old bug does not respond.

“Grandbuggy?” you ask and turn around, only to see that he has stopped in place with a thousand yard stare.

“What’s up with him?” asks Ember.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Dang…meddling kids…and their dog…” he grunts, his mind still stuck in the past.

“Oh boy,” you say worriedly and Ahuizotl facepalms.

“Great, just what we need,” he sighs as he looks at the fading light through a glass mirror depicting Luna.

“Well, why don’t we just leave him in his little mind zone while we split up and look for clues?”

A blood vessel pops in Grandbuggy’s eye at that sentence.

“Split up…?” he all but whispers.

“Yeah, I guess someone really should wait for Greta and Garble…” you rationalize.

“Look for clues?” Grandbuggy seethes.

“That would be wise, though be wary of traps. This place reeks of them,” Ahuizotl warns.

“That stupid trap should never have worked! It was just gumballs on the ground and a rope snare! AAAAAHHHH!!!” Grandbuggy wails. “What good is being the miner forty-niner if you get taken down by gumballs! No! We are not splitting up and looking for clues! We are going to stick together! If we run into those kids and their diamond dog again, we are beating them down for all the times they thwarted me and-“

Grandbuggy feels a tap at his leg and he looks down to see Mangle.

“What do you want MACHINE?!” Mangle opens her jaws, and your recorded voice comes out of her.

“Hey Grandbuggy, you were spaced out for like five minutes straight, so we left you where Greta and Garble could find you with Mangle as a guard. We split up to look for clues. Be careful.”

“WHAT?!” he shouts finally looking at his surroundings and seeing none of you. Turns out he’d been stuck inside his own head a lot longer than he’d thought.

“OH GORAMN MOTHERBUCKING PIECE OF MONKEY SPITROAST ON A TUESDAY AFTERNOON!!!” he shouts, his voice reverberating throughout the castle.

Deeper in, Fluttershy and Rarity yelp.

“Oh my goodness…” Fluttershy shivers.

“Calm down dear, it…it’s probably just the wind heh heh…” the fashionista chuckles nervously.

You meanwhile, hear his shouts and smirk.

“Guess he finally woke up,” you say as you pass down a hallway full of armor. “Don’t worry Grandbuggy, Mangle will look after you.”

“I don’t see how that little mongrel can possibly be any help to him,” Ember shrugs.

“Well, it was better than nothing, besides, we need to stick in groups of two.”

“Then why did Ahuizotl get to go off on his own?” she inquires.

“Because he’s heavy enough to count as two creatures?” you joke which actually causes her to giggle.

Grandbuggy, meanwhile stops his ranting and sighs.

“I swear, half my plans would have worked if it weren’t for those punks,” he shakes his head and looks to the robot. “Alright you little abomination of science, I guess let’s you and I regroup with the bird cat and the dumbass.”

The Fox nods and hops on Grandbuggy’s back, who just shivers.

“Cold, lifeless metal…” he whimpers before he turns and starts walking toward the front door…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment


Grandbuggy looks down at the stone his hoof has indented and he balks.

“Oh Son of a-AAAAGGGHHH!!!” he yells as the floor opens up and he falls into darkness with Mangle screeching as well.


A terrific crash resounds throughout the Castle as Grandbuggy lands on top of something that might once have been a soft mattress, but is now just rotted wood.

“Oooohhhhh…” he groans as he looks up above to the ceiling that closes. “Of course, bucking traps.”

“Skreonk,” Mangle agrees as she hops off his back.

“Gugh, I can’t believe I fell for that one. That’s the same one I pushed the Doc into when-YAGH!” Grandbuggy slips on some ball bearings and falls through an old shelf, which was blocking a staircase…with boxes stacked every other step.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash walk along a corridor with Pony hoof candelabras, when they hear a massive commotion and hug onto each other in fear.





“Son of a-“








"Wha…what was that?” asks Applejack shivering.

“I…I don’t know but…” Rainbow Dash coughs and puts on a false face of bravado. “But I wasn’t scared at all. Nope, no siree, I wasn’t.”


One last distant crash reverberates and she shakes a bit.

“S-sure you ain’t…” Applejack whimpers and pushes herself off of the speedster. “But seriously Dash, we don’t have to keep pushing this if you do-“

“Of course I want to! I have to! When I’m competing I’m not thinking of things!” she shouts desperately and pants a little as the farm pony raises a brow.

“You kept saying that this whole competition, what’s eating at you filly?”

“Nothing! My heart wasn’t ripped out of it’s chest and stomped on! Yours was!”

“Huh?” the apple pony sputters in disbelief.

Gorgeous Freeman’s Comment

Down below, Grandbuggy lies conked out in a pile of scrapped guard armor as Mangle hops down the steps and starts shaking him.

“Skreonk! Skreonk!” the plushbot barks and he raises his head in a daze.

"We need to leave or the gnomes will get us!" he quickly says before passing out again, causing the fox to sigh as star spiders start crawling on him.

Not too far away, Ahuizotl having heard the commotion wanders in that direction.

“I’m guessing Fix triggered a trap like the idiota he is,” he shakes his head as he passes a mirror and pauses as he sees his actual form. “Ah. Must have to stick by Nightshade in order for her disguise magic to work. Good to know.”

He then starts walking more towards the source of the noise. “Well luckily Daring Do isn’t here in this crumbling castle.”

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Further into the castle, Pinkie Pie cracks her hooves.

“Alrighty then, prepare to be amazed by my awesome organ skills,” she brags.

“Why did you drag me to this again?” asks the bewildered tomb raider next to her.

“Mostly for comedic timing, but also because I thought you might like coming to an ancient castle. You do it all the time in your books,” Pinkie answers.

“That’s true…but I’m still a bit confused about the whole cloak thing you got going on,” she points out to Pinkie’s spooky clothing.

“Well, it is kind of chilly in here,” she shrugs. “Now, I know you’ve been feeling down in the dumps lately since your book was delayed, house was destroyed, and you may or may not have strange and complicated feelings for one of your rivals.”


“But don’t you worry your little head, because some good old atmospheric music will cheer you up,” Pinkie cheers before she proceeds to start playing the ancient organ, sending haunting atmospheric music throughout the castle.

“No seriously, what was that last thing you said?” Daring asks the Pink mare, but is ignored.

The key combinations cause a series of hidden traps to spring in the castle.

Outside of the Castle, a pouting kid sized Garble sits on top of a gargoyle pouting.

“Come on, just come down from there already and let’s meet up with the others,” Greta complains from below him.

“No! I can’t let my rival see me like this!” he whines and crosses his arms.

“They’re all going to see it anyway, and yes they’re going to laugh, so it’s best just to get it over with kid,” Greta chuckles.

“I’m not a kid! You and I are almost the same age!”

“Not anymore you’re not, heh heh.”

“Oh whatever!” he grumbles till his ear fins pick up something.

“Say, do you hear mus-AHK!” he shouts as the gargoyle spins and tosses him inside, much to Greta’s shock.

“Did…did the castle just eat him?”

Garble is launched head first into a wall.


“Agh! What was that?” Spike asks as he turns to look at the stone behind him. Just as he stands, the wall spins, “AGH!” switching him and the dazed Garble.

“Ooooohhhhhh…” the tiny red dragon groans dazedly and falls face first into Angel’s bowl of carrots.

“Spike, keep it down a little please?” Twilight responds absentmindedly, not looking up from her book. Angel meanwhile, looks at the seemingly color swapped and winged Spike, then to his half eaten carrot and then back before setting it down and backing away slowly.

You and Ember perk up at the music and look around.

“Did that old bug find an instrument or something?” asks Ember.

“You got me-Whoa!” you shout as a hole opens up underneath you and you fall into darkness. At the same time, a hole above Ember opens up and a yellow pegasus falls on top of her.

“OOF!” they both groan.

“Giddoff!” Ember shoves the pony off of her.

“Heh heh, Rarity? Is that you?” Fluttershy asks nervously as looks to the creature she landed on in the darkness. But thanks to the lighting, all she sees is a figure bigger than her with sharp teeth and draconic eyes.

“AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! DRAGON!!!” she shrieks and flies off down the hallway, not realizing it was Ember. “Angel! ANGEL!!!”

Ember just cocks her brow at that display.

“Well buck you too,” she huffs.

Rarity meanwhile, finds herself climbing out of a hole, just as Greta makes her way inside. In the dark, Rarity’s horn stabs into Greta’s flank causing her to shriek like a cat and lift into the air, causing Rarity to lose her balance and fall back into the hole.

“AAAHHH! My butt!” the griffon yelps and flies off.

“Curse This Ungrateful Castle!” Rarity shrieks before she hits the floor again.

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Applejack and Rainbow Dash shriek when they hear the music and look around themselves nervously.

“Alright, Iron Pony or not, let’s just call this one a draw huh?” AJ suggests but Rainbow looks at her defiantly.

“No! You can go on! But I’m staying!” she growls.

“Rainbow Dash, now’s not the time for pride!” the farmer chides.

“This is the perfect time for pride! I have to prove myself worthy so that maybe he’ll consider using me as a mistress!” she shouts.

“…What the buck are you talking about?” Applejack sputters.

“Oh don’t act like you don’t know, that’s why you’re trying to prove who’s the best as well!” she accuses

“I honestly don’t know-“

“I mean, he went and got married, even though I was his first kiss!” she says sadly looking to the ground.

“Huh?” Applejack gasps.

“Tennant…he got married,” Rainbow whimpers and her ears wilt.

What in the hay is she talking about? Applejack wonders as her friend grits her teeth.

"I heard it from Bulk Biceps, and everyone’s heard it from Aloe. Nightshade’s in town with her grandpa or something because Baker got married and is on his honeymoon…”

Huh…well that’s one way to give a cover story. Poor Rainbow, she still don’t know that-

“And apparently I wasn’t awesome enough to be his wife, but I could be his side filly!” she says with an unhinged chuckle.

“Rainbow Dash…What the Buck?” AJ says with disgust.

“What?! You’re doing the same thing! I know you want him all to yourself!” Rainbow accuses and Applejack’s eyes shrink.

“Wha-No, he’s mah…Blg,” she covers her hoof with her mouth as horror and disgust make’s her lunch act up. Before she had known who he really was, there had always just been something attractive about BST that she couldn’t explain. The biggest draw for her was his devotion to his daughter. Family meant everything to AJ, and that aspect of him just seemed…multiplied about him. It was so enticing, it took learning the truth to finally throw her off that path. Even still, all those past feelings for a family member were still very squicky, so after hearing those words, the she ran off to go throw up around the corner

“I won’t let you win Applejack!” Rainbow calls defiantly after her. “I’ll show whoever this hussy that stole him from me that I’m the better mare!” I’ll…I’ll…” she starts before her face morphs into one of shock and disgust. “Oh Celestia, what am I even saying? That goes completely against my freaking Element!”

Dash wilts as she looks to the ground in immense shame, while Applejack finishes being sick and leans against a statue.

“Oh Celestia. Get it out now girl before he comes back,” she coaches herself. “That’s still going to be all kinds of awk-WAGH!” she falls as the statue and wall spin, depositing her on the other side just as Ahuizotl rounds the corner.

Odd that this music just started playing, he muses. Fix must be messing around and…is that crying I hear?

Putting his head around the corner, he sees Rainbow Dash whimpering in the middle of the hallway.

What the…why’s an Element of Harmony here? He ponders. He thinks for a moment about just slipping back the way he came to continue his search for Nightmare Moon’s Armor, but her whimpering gets to him.

“I’m such a bad pony…” she sniffles and Ahuizotl sighs as he walks up behind her.

“Hola Ms. What seems to be the problem?” he asks, but the mare does not turn around.

“Me! I’m the problem,” she blubbers into her hooves. “I’m a terrible pony!”

“Hey, hey, I don’t think that’s true at all,” he comforts.

“Yes it is!” she responds defiantly. “Here I am, plotting and scheming to become a homewrecker, and my freaking Element of Harmony is Loyalty! That’s the exact opposite!”

“Oh…I uh…” he stammers. “Uh…at least you can recognize that before it’s too late?”

“I don’t know…” she says sadly. “I mean, I’ve never been like this before. What kind of mare gets jealous over someone else’s happiness?”

“…Lots of people actually,” he says truthfully. “Jealousy is a big hurdle for any creature to handle.”

Rainbow nods at this and sniffles. “I guess…but I still feel terrible. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever had my heartbroken like this before. Sure there was that time the Equestria Games didn’t come to Cloudsdale, but this is so much worse.”

“Ah…heartbreak will be like that,” he nods.

“Yeah…It’s just, I’ve met some awesome ponies in my life, but there was just something about him. He just had this kind of…glow or something and everything he did, being awesome and helping me out when I was weak and needed someone, it all just stood out to me,” she says with a sigh. “But I guess I was just seeing things or grasping at straws…”

“I know the feeling,” Ahuizotl admits as he looks inwardly. “For the longest time, there was this mare that I thought I knew well. I thought that in our own little world of crossing paths and outsmarting and competing with one another that we had something…special.” He then shake his head at this. “But then I learned something about her that changed everything and…it hurt. It really hurt.” Dash sniffles at that.

“Did you at least tell her how you felt?” she questions and he pauses.

“No…no I didn’t,” he sighs. “And at this point I feel it might be too late.”

“No, it might be too late for me, but not for you,” she says to the ground. “I guess I didn’t clearly say my feelings to him…even though it was obvious, I mean, I kissed the guy twice and chased after him like all the other competition like Applejack…but I guess it wasn’t enough. I guess some folks are just oblivious.”

“Heh, don’t I know it. I know this little filly who is head over hooves for a dragon and keeps denying it.…but I guess you might be right,” he agrees. “I hope you can come to some sort of peace as well.”

“Thanks…I’ve really got to work out all these jealous feelings. The last thing I want is to make Baker miserable if he’s found happiness.”

“…Did you say Baker?” Ahuizotl asks as he realizes that Rainbow is one of the Thot Brigade that Fix mentioned who hounded his Grandson.

“Yeah…he got married I guess,” she says sadly. “Why? Do you kno-“

A new louder note from the organ sounds throughout the castle as a rope ensnares Ahuizotl and pulls him up into the ceiling. Turning around, Rainbow sees that she is alone in the hallway.

“…Who the buck was I talking to?” she says turning her head left and right. “Was…was that my conscious…or a ghost?”

Once again another off kilter key is hit on the organ which sends a shiver up her spine!

“AGH! Applejack! Where’d You Go?!” she shrieks as she runs off.

Down below, Pinkie facehooves. “No, no, that was two wrong keys in a row Daring!”

“I’m sorry! I’m better with stringed instruments!” the adventurer huffs as the Pink Pony takes over the keys again.

At the same time, a lost and confused Rarity cries out in fear as a tied up Ahuizotl lands in front of her.


“Oh, hola Ms. Can you please unt-“

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Rarity shrieks as she runs off.

“…Well buck you too!”

Applejack, after falling through her trap, has accidentally bumped Greta into a pile of armor, and when she rises out of it, all Applejack sees is a living suit of armor with large talons.

“YAAAAAHHHH!!!” she yelps and runs off.

“What?! What is that?! What hit me?!” Greta stammers, blind with the helmet on.

Spike, meanwhile, is stuck in a dark room and hyperventilates.

“Twilight! Twilight!” he shouts to no avail as he runs in a random direction…right into a blue scaly mass.

“Hey! Watch it!” Ember grunts as she looks down to the smaller dragon and her eyes widen, as does his.

“You’re…a dragon,” Spike gasps.

“Oh hey, look at that,” she snarks as she looks over her claw. “Listen little guy, is this your Dad’s home or something? Because there’s weird music and skittish ponies running all around it.”

“Huh?” Spike questions.

Elsewhere, Grandbuggy finally comes out of his stupor by the repeated slaps of tiny metallic paws.

“We all going to the supermarket ya’ll!” he cheers as he sits up before getting his bearings. “Huh?”

“Skreonk,” Mangle barks, her eyes glowing in the dark.

“Yagh! Don’t do that ya dang mechanical nightmare!” he grunts as he looks at his surroundings, seeing many smashed debris. “…I can’t believe I fell for that trap AGAIN! It’s been like a thousand years!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

As he tries to stand up though, he winces as there is a pain in his back.

“Oh…I’m gonna feel that one in the morning,” he grunts as he takes off his hat and reaches inside. “Gonna need a masseuse to get that knot out.” He then pulls out a nice looking cane and leans on it and sighs.

“Alright ya mangy mutt, you find any books or pieces of armor?” Mangle just shakes her head and shrugs. “Figured as much,” he grunts and starts walking again.

“And now I’m the one with the dog. Good one Lady Luck, you jealous hussy, very funny. I bet those stupid kids are laughing right now and not even knowing why,” he grumbles as he taps his way down the corridor. “And hey machine, is it just me, or do you hear music?”

Back With You

You blink your eyes and shake your head as you look at your surroundings, the organ music haunting the atmosphere.

“…Okay, I’m starting to suspect that my place of birth is haunted,” you grunt as you sit up. You find yourself in what can only be described as a throne room. There are old tapestries upon the walls, and two crumbled thrones at the top of some stairs in front of a large stain glass window.

For some reason though, you find yourself drawn to a dais, that has been cracked in half. A memory of a memory in a half remembered dream seems to wash over you as a strange feeling of déjà vu hits. You’ve never been here…but something in your gut tells you this place is significant.

“Is…is this where the stork dropped me off?” you wonder aloud, even though a part of you knows that’s not the case. As you reach the dais, you put your hoof out to touch it but pause as an echo of a voice resounds in your head.

Did you really think I would stand idly by as they all basked in your precious light? There can be only one princess in Equestria and that princess...will be ME!!!!!!” You gasp as you reach your hoof back and look around you.

The voice at first sounded like Luna’s but then towards the end, it started to sound like…

“Mommy?” you say aloud to the room just as the organ music stops playing. The world feels, ominous and empty as noling answers you. You back away from the dais, your shards glowing as your fear starts to get the better of you.

“Em-Ember?!” you call out for your friend, but she does not answer either. “Grandbuggy was right, splitting up was stupid!” you declare as you make you start to pant.

Ugh! Get a grip filly! You’ve been in scarier situations! You mentally berate yourself.

“Yeah! But at least I was with someling! I don’t even have Mangle on me!” you panic and look around.

The Night will last forever!!!” the voice echoes in your mind, and you are suddenly hit with an image of Princess Celestia’s fearful face as your POV lifts up and the moon eclipses the sun. You gasp as the princess disappears and you are hit with an image of your friends and family beaten and broken at your hooves, as you stand above them, fully grown, with the Alicorn Amulet reforged around your neck.

“I don’t want to be alone right now!” you shriek as you shut your eyes and hold the sides of your head.

As you say that, your shards glow a bit more and a figure bubbles it’s way out of the darkness. Turning towards it, you see the Imp with the commando helmet on as his eyes glow in the shadows.

“You rang mistress?” he warbles as he gives a toothy grin.

“I…I didn’t mean too,” you admit as you start to get your breathing under control and that horrible image out of your head.

“Very well then, I shall leave you be,” he bows and starts to melt back into the floor.

“WAIT!” you call out and he pauses. “Don’t…don’t go…please?”

“As you wish mistress,” he salutes and solidifies once more.

“Thank you,” you nod as you look his garish form over. “By the way, I know I probably should have asked this earlier, but what’s your name?”

“I have no name mistress,” he answers.


“I have no name, just as the other shades do not,” he says simply.

“But why not? Didn’t your parents give you one?” you inquire.

“We have no parents, for we were never born,” he says in his weird accent.

“What does that mean?” you ask in confusion.

“We the shades are not alive, we are the absence of light. We are only given sentience when the Mistress deems it so. Until you call, we are just the shadows of this world,” he says as he scratches under his helmet.

“Wha…but…If you’re not real then why do you look the way you do?” you ask and he smirks.

“We are the way you wish us to look Mistress. In this case, we look like video game, anime and comic characters for you, because that is what your subconscious deemed us so.”

“Wait…so you’re basically pieces of my mind then?”

“Something like that,” he nods and you start to get a headache.

“Oh this is so confusing…Okay so, the shadows are kind of like the bag for you right?”

“Not really, but if you want to make parallels like that you can,” he nods.
“Alright, I think? But yeah, so I let you out of the bag, and you can experience the outside world?”

“Only however you command it Mistress,” he smirks and you rub your temple.

“Nevermind, I’ll have Ahuizotl or Grandbuggy help me figure this one out. “Look, can you just stick by my side while I look for my Mommy’s armor? Something about this place feels like it has bad memories.”

“As you command Mistress,” he bows and hops to your side with weird jerky motions.

“Also, these other shades of mine, you command them right?”

“Only because you gave me that role,” he answers.

“Right…so can, you like send them out to look for pieces of my mom’s old armor? You know what it looks like right?”

“Indeed I do. You dressed in it two Nightmare Night’s ago. The helmet really worked with your mane” he reminds and you purse your lips.

“Oh right, the musical number. It wasn’t my idea, but Mayor Mare talked me into it because of my fur coloring,” you explain and he nods, despite already knowing this. “But yeah, go ahead and have the shades look for pieces…”

An idea then comes to you and you smirk evily.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“And you know what? If they come across my friends up there, tell them to spook them a bit as a good prank. This place could use some fun.”

“Done and done mistress!” he salutes giving his own wicked grin and you giggle, causing your shards to dim.

“Thanks…Imp,” you say patting him on the helmet and he gives a closed eyed pleased smile.

You know, I should really give you a name. Even if you are just a shadow that my subconscious gives life every now and again. You think as you walk out the door with him and the organ music starts again.

At least someone’s with me in this creepy place. I may have been born here, but it also holds bad memories for mom…

And as you continue your search, you unleash your prankster minions into the castle full of unsuspecting friends and family and everyone else in between.


Episode 63: Thrill Me!

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Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Alright, how about Bob?” you ask the Imp as you climb a set of stairs.

“Bob?” he asks as he keeps in step with you.

“Yeah, short for the mythological Belz of Bub…I think that’s how you spell that name anyway.”

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he shrugs.

“Oh, oh, or you could be like that main character from that video game I based you on. Jackie I think that stallion’s name was.”

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he repeats.

“Hmmm, Bob and Jackie might be too common sounding though…Maybe we could do a theme since you’re a part of me like…Night Shadows,” you throw out.

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he repeats.

“Although Night Shadows sounds like one of my aliases,” you realize before you start to philosophize. “Let’s see, you come from the darkness, and the darkness is an absence of light, and you said you are nothing until you are called forth, so how about Void?”

“Whatever you wish mistress,” he responds.

“…Really? Not going to compliment me on sounding smart and having a deep brain blast using words and concepts that Sweetie Belle would be proud of?” you snark.

“You are always smart to me mistress,” he shrugs.

“Heh, yeah I guess I am,” you smirk before you tap your chin. “But maybe that was too much smartness. Maybe we need to dumb it down like…Uhh…Dark Imp?” To that he raises an eyebrow and you chuckle and rub the back of your neck.

“Okay, maybe that was a little too simple.”

“Whatever you-“

“Ugh, stop saying that you sound like a broken record,” you complain as you reach the top of the stairs, and you once more hear that organ music that fills the castle halls.

“Seriously, who’s playing that?” you ask aloud. The imp’s eyes glaze over for a second before he reports back to you,

“It appears to be an adventurer and a fool mistress.”

“An adventurer and a fool?” you ask and he nods before you jump to the obvious conclusion.

Ah, Ahuizotl and Garble. Grandbuggy must have sent the scale head to him after he woke up as a joke.

You smirk at the image of those two playing some ancient piano thing.

“Alright, those two are tough so tell the others to go all out on pranking them,” you instruct and he salutes.

“Yes ma’am!”

Kichi’s Comment

On another floor of the castle, Spike still looks at Ember in surprise and intrigue.

“Wait a second, you have blue scales…are you Princess Ember?” he asks in awe.

“Oh sure, don’t answer my question,” she rolls her eyes and puts her claws on her hips. “Yeah I’m Ember.”

“Oh wow! Nightshade told me all about you!” he says giddily as he holds his claw out for a shake. “My name is Spike, nice to meet you.” Ember looks at his outstretched claw and his big goofy smile.

“Uh….right,” she says hesitantly as she lightly bops his claw. “I’ve heard about you too.”

“Really? Like what? You haven’t heard bad things have you?” he stammers and she takes a step back.

“Whoa, easy there kid. I’ve heard about how great you are and how the sun basically shines off of you all the time and other cutesy stuff,” she all but gags while his eyes sparkle at the news.

“Really?” he gasps.

“Yeah…look no offense or anything, but I’m kind of busy right now so…” she points behind her and starts walking away.

"Wait!" he calls out and she turns back to him as he wrings his claws nervously. "I... Could you tell me about you?"

"About me? Why?" she asks in surprise.

"Well, the thing is, I don't know much about other dragons... aside from Garble and his friends," he says with a frown.

“Oh yeah, dude, not the best example those idiots,” she claw waves getting a chuckle out of the younger drake.

“I know right?” he laughs and she smirks. “But yeah, Nightshade told me how you were nicer than them and all…”

“I’m not nice!” she says defensively and Spike holds his claws up in a placating gesture.

“Um…I meant, you were more agreeable than them…so yeah, I wanted to learn more about someone like you.”

“I don’t know, can’t we do this later? I’m kind of looking for something and mamby pamby ponies are screaming at me in the dark and-“

“There’s ponies screaming at you…here?” he asks in confusion.

“Yeah, that Butterfly or whatever her name is,” she nods.

“Fluttershy?” Spike asks incredulously. “What the hay is she doing here?”

“Ya got me,” she shrugs.

“Huh…well, what if I help you find whatever it is you’re looking for. Nightshade told me everything,” he suggests.

“…Sure, why not?” she shrugs and starts walking. “But don’t blame me if you fall through a wall or the floor, this place is nuts.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” she shivers and looks around as he follows her. “Sooooo, about dragons….?”

She sighs and faceclaws, “Oh boy, this is going to be stressful.”

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Further in the castle, Daring rolls her eyes as Pinkie plays yet another tune.

“Listen Pinkie Pie, I appreciate the gesture and everything, but I’d rather be exploring ancient ruins for treasure than making music.”

“Okie dokie, I understand,” Pinkie nods, not looking up from the keys. “Hey, maybe you’ll run into Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I know they were doing a competition because of their insecurities and broken heartedness, maybe you could pretend to be a ghost and give them a good scare?”

“…Yeah, the last thing I want is to be pranking that Rainbow Dash, then she’d think we were chummy or something,” Daring shudders. “I mean, my house and all my unfinished work was blown up, and yet she still kept asking me for writing updates, ugh!”

“Well she is your number one fan,” Pinkie points out.

“Yeah I guess,” she sighs. “Still better than the fans that just complain all the time about my newer stuff, but still…” She trails off as her eyes widen as her eyes fall on the lengthening shadows behind the Pink mare.

“P-P-P-P,” she starts stuttering as the shadows seemingly solidify and yellow eyes and pure white teeth manifest.

“Oooh, that’s a good beat there Daring. P-P-P-PARTY! WOO!” Pinkie cheers obliviously as she changes up her tune to match the stutter.

“Apaghaflagnagahaba!” Daring gasps in terror and starts patting at Pinkie’s shoulder, trying to get her to look at the countless monstrous beings.

“Heh heh heh, quit it, that tickles, and you’re making me play out of synch,” she giggles as the creatures close in.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” Daring screams as she gives up on Pinkie and flies down a hallway.

“No, no, It’s OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, if you’re pretending to be a ghost!” she calls back, still not seeing the shadows around her. A few of the minions look at each other flabbergasted at the mare’s seeming lack of peripheral vision as she continues to play.

Meanwhile, Ahuizotl finally is able to mostly untangle himself from his binds.

“There we go,” he muses and holds the rope up in front of his face. “Ah, quality hemp if it’s still sturdy after a mileni-“


“WAGH!” Ahuizotl cries out as a screaming brown and grey form slams into him, sending both tumbling backwards like a tumbleweed, before coming to rest, tangled together in the rope.

“Oh Dios Mio! Really? I just got the last knot out!” Ahuizotl complains as he shakes his head from the dizziness and looks to the smaller figure on his chest and his eyes widen.

“Uuuugh, sorry. I was fleeing from these shadowy…” Daring starts to say as her own eyes clear and her jaw drops.

“Daring Do?” he sputters.

“Ahuizotl?” she gasps.

“What are you doing here?” they both ask at the same time, before both their eyes narrow and they say, “I asked you first! No I did! Stop copying me! Get off of me!”

The then both try to sit up, only to fall back down. Looking at their situation a little more clearly, they find that they are entangled, chest to chest and face to face. They both blush in embarrassment at that momentarily and look away.

“What is with you and tying me up?!” she accuses.

“I didn’t plan this! I didn’t even know you were here!” he balks and his eyes narrow.

“A likely story! Your little changeling friend blew up my house, and now I find you coincidentally in a ruin not too far away from where I’ve been crashing?! Are you stalking me?!”

“Do not degrade my character like that! Oh wait, you already have A.K. Yearling!” he growls.

“Oh will you put a sock in it already?! You’ve tied me up and thrown me into countless death traps over the years!” she grunts.

“Yes, because that was our thing! It was our fun little dance, and you made me out as a sadist and monster because of it!”

“Th-They weren’t fun!” she stutters as she looks away.

“Oh? Then why did you keep falling into them? You know they weren’t really REAL death traps. I gave you all those hints and clues to get out!”

“Well that doesn’t make for a compelling narrative!” she shouts.

“I still want my money then!” he growls as he butts his head against hers.

“Yeah, well you’ll just have to keep waiting because a lot of it’s going into getting a new home!” she butts back.

“Oh like you don’t have millions and millions of bits!”

“I give most of my earnings to charity and museums!” she counters.

“You hurt my feelings Daring!” he shouts.

“Yeah, well you…wait, what?” she falters as she looks at the hurt on his face.

“You hurt me when I found out you were A.K. Yearling…” he admits, remembering his talk with the Rainbow haired mare earlier. Seeing the change in tone, Daring is thrown for a loop.

“…Ahuizotl, I-“

“It hurt knowing that it was actually you that wrote those things about me. You who I…” he trails off.

“I…look Ahuizotl, I didn’t mean to…” she falters as he actually does make her feel guilty. “I just…”

“You just what Da-“ he stops as he notices her wide fearful eyes looking back the way she came.

“Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck! They’re still coming!” she whimpers and Ahuizotl looks up seeing some nearly imperceptible figures in the dark and he pales.

“Wh-What are those?” he asks, not clearly seeing the figures he saw from Rainbow Falls.

“Spirits or demons or poltergeists or whatever!” Daring pants and starts rocking back and forth. “They already ate that Pink mare, so we have to get out of here!”

“R-Right!” he nods as they both work together and keep rolling down the hallway away from the very amused minions.

“Keep rolling, rolling, rolling!” she commands.

“What?” he asks as he rolls on top of her followed by her getting on top of him.

“I said keep ro-Wha!”

“AGH!” they shout as a trap door opens underneath them.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Further up in the Castle, Twilight flips a page in the journal and giggles.

“Heh, it seems that Starswirl the Bearded once accidentally made himself young, and had to grow old once more. I always wondered how he could have lived for so long,” she says to herself before she feels a tug on her hoof.

“Huh? What is it Angel?” she asks the rabbit who is frantically pulling at her and pointing under one of the library tables. She looks under and thinks she sees Spike snoring on his belly underneath, his face in a bowl of carrots.

“What? Does he have a stomachache?” she guesses and the bunny grabs at his ears in frustration before grabbing her book and throwing it at “Spike.”

“Hey! There’s no need for that Angel!” she scolds the rabbit as she starts walking towards the book. “Just you wait, I’ll tell Fluttershy about how you’ve…” she trails off as she sees how Spike has seemingly grown wings and turned red and gold.

“Hyah! Spike! What happened to you? Why are you red?! When did you get wings?!” she gasps in wonder.

“Gah? Wha?” Garble responds drunkenly and looks up at Twilight who gasps again.

“And your eye color has changed too?!” she responds in bafflement before shooting a desperate look to Fluttershy’s pet.

“Angel! What happened to Spike?” The bewildered bunny just shrugs and shakes his head before his eyes widen and he looks fearfully behind Twilight.

“What? What is…” her question dies on her lips as she sees the shadowy figures melting out of the books.

“AAGGH! Nightmare Moon’s minions from Rainbow Falls!” she yelps as she takes a defensive stance. Hearing that, Angel books it out of there, leaving the Alicorn and Dragon behind. “What did you do to my baby dragon?!” she shouts.

The shadows in response start dumping all of the books onto the ground trollishly and Twilight snarls in anger.

“Oh you monsters! Stop that!” she orders, but they don’t listen. As they continue to annoy her, she picks up Garble with her magic and plants him on her back.

“Don’t worry Spike, I’ll protect you. Whatever they did to make your scales change, I will fix!” she says soothingly to the dragon who looks at her in a daze.

“Huh? Mom?” he asks and Twilight’s heart skips a beat.

“I mean, more like sister right? Heh heh…” she chuckles happily before snarling back at the shadows. “Now you listen hear you cretins! If your dark mistress is here then she’s a fool! The Tree of Harmony will destroy her and save the Hooded Offender! And she will change Spike back!”

She then starts blasting at the shadows while Garble holds onto her in a daze.

I have no idea what’s going on…but this blanket is so soft and comfy… he thinks with a goofy grin as he snuggles into Twilight’s back and sleeps once more.

“Nightmare Moon! If you’re here come out and face me you coward!” Twilight roars as she blasts one of the minions back into lifeless shadow.

Kichi’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Commnet

Back with you, you swear you feel rumblings in the stone as your imp chuckles.

“We gots a feisty one, heh heh,” he says to you with a toothy grin.

Probably Grandbuggy not taking a joke, you roll your eyes as you feel another rumble and some dust lands on your mane. Brushing it off, you are about to ask to the imp to lay off the old bug, when that strange feeling of Déjà vu washes over you again.

“I think there’s something in the room ahead,” you say to the imp who perks up. He gets that distant look in his eye and he smiles again.

“There is something there,” he confirms. Nodding, you trepidly walk ahead because just like in the throne room, this weird dream of a memory has a fearful feeling to it.

Pushing open the door, you enter into a large room, with a damaged roof that lets in the moonlight.

“Dang, I guess we’ve been in here longer than we thought,” you muse as you look to an ornate pedestal, and your shards pulse at the sight. Even though they haven’t rested there in well over four years, you can still feel the residual Harmony magic pulsing from the pedestal.

“This…this is where it happened,” you say as you look to a far corner of the room where a hole has been blasted. “This is where the Deadly 6 separated Mommy and Luna…and almost killed her.”

You woefully and begrudgingly follow the massive scorch mark that lines the ground, and a cold sweat breaks out on your brow. The imp places a comforting claw on your back, and with that you are able to grit your teeth and gulp as you go forth to the blasted out crater.

“Nooooooooo!!!” you hear your mother’s phantom cries and the impression of intense burning crawls over your body as you look inside. Nothing but rubble and ash greets your eyes.

“Do not cry mistress, the past is what it is,” the imp pats your shoulder. You didn’t even know you were crying, but sure enough, your hoof gets wet when you bring it up to your cheeks.

“I…I know, but still, this is such a sad place,” you sniffle as you look down at the crater, the real deal, not the replica you wore during that musical number on Nightmare Night. “Sure she wanted to rule and make the night last forever…but everyone seems to forget that Mom only came about because of Luna.”

The Imp says nothing so you continue.

“She didn’t feel loved or appreciated, and then my Mommy came around. They may have been misguided, but they were there for each other, even after getting sent to the moon…And then the Deadly 6 formed, blasted them, and Mom was left abandoned…left to die.”

No one has ever explained this to you in this way, but standing at ground zero, you instinctively know this as the truth.

“If Daddy hadn’t shown up then…” you start, but don’t finish. You dread to think about that kind of world. A world without you and your family.

“But your sire did show up mistress, he did,” the imp consoles and you give small sad smile.

“Yeah…he did…” you say as you hear another phantom memory.

“This is my meat shield! There are many like it, but this one is mine!”

“I will create a book fort with all these ancient tomes!”

“Hmmm, should I grab that armor? I think…Yes!”

You smirk as a sense of hope and comfort washes over the sadness, and how strange it is that buffoonery could lead to a second chance. You sigh and look over to the Imp.

“There’s nothing here. I didn’t realize it until just now, but Daddy took Mommy’s armor from this crater and put it in the inventory…this is just where they found each other,” you say softly.

Your first real non hazy memory was popping out of the Inventory and greeting your Dad. You were so happy and excited to finally meet him, and he passed out from the shock. You wrote him a letter to let him know you’d be sleeping in the bag. Until just now, you’d never really thought of what you looked like when you greeted him. Now that you have, you recall there being a set of small armor on you that was a replica of your mommy’s. But that armor disappeared as your lives progressed. It probably was just a cosmetic piece made with your changeling magic. But as for your Mom’s actual armor, you never saw it, almost as though it had been dissolved.

“You’re wrong mistress, there is still something there,” the imp disagrees, knocking you out of your reflection as he hops into the crater and starts digging. “Aha!”

“What? What is it?” you ask as he hands you a fragmented piece of light blue metal no bigger than a bit and you gasp. “This…this is a piece of her cutie mark crest from her breastplate.”

It seems your dad didn’t pick up all of the armor, just the important parts with your mom inside. You smile, close your eyes and hold the piece to your heart, which actually gets the glowing shards to die down.

“Heh, it’s all because Daddy’s not very thorough that I found this…and it’s also why Mommy will get a body.”

You smile again and look at the shiny piece of metal with happiness before putting it into your inventory.


Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

“We have completed our mission mistress. Do you wish us to return to the darkness?” the imp asks causing you to smirk at him.

“Nah, not yet. Make sure everyone’s been spooked enough, and then I’ll call you all back,” you say patting his head.

“As you command,” he bows. You are about to head out and search for Grandbuggy…


When suddenly, a large crashing sound is heard from a room down the hallway you came from.

“EEP! What was that?” you ask and begin walking towards the commotion.

Moments Ago

“What do you mean you don’t like rocks? Nightshade said they were your favorites?”

“Well I don’t know what she’s been smoking, but rocks are bland! Of course I love gems!”

Spike continues to pester the older dragon for any and all information.

“Huh…wonder why she would tell me that then?” he ponders to himself.

“I got no clue,” Ember shrugs. “But yeah, if you’ve got a stash of gems, I’ll partake when we get back to town.

“Yeah, maybe I should just bring some by the farm. Twilight’s been reluctant to allow another dragon in the house after Crackle.”

“Oh right, I heard she was here. Garble wouldn’t shut up about it,” she rolls her eyes. “I guess I missed her. She was always one of the ones who treated me like a dragon and not a princess.”

“…I wish I could say the same, but I honestly don’t miss her now that she’s moved out,” Spike admits bluntly and Ember smirks.

“Heh, knew there had to be some actual dragonisms in ya,” she says with pride and Spike blushes in embarrassment.

“She ate a lot of my snacks without permission…Ahem, but anyway, how does one grow up faster without being greedy?”

“Wait, you had a greed growth?” she asks in surprise.


“How bad?”

“I…kind of wrecked a few houses and a water tower,” he admits.

“Dang little guy,” she whistles. “Hasn’t been one that bad since when my Dad was little. Didn’t your parents help out with that?”

“I…don’t have parents,” he admits and Ember raises a brow.

“Wait for real? I thought you were raised by ponies?”

“Well, yeah I was,” he nods.

“And a pony hatched you?”

“Yeah, Twilight…but she was a little filly when that happened and we kind of grew up together…it’s complicated,” he sighs.

“Sounds like it,” she nods. “I mean, you were raised by a little kid?”

“Uh, no, there was also Twilight’s parents Night Light and Velvet, but I was never adopted or anything. Princess Celestia also helped watch over me, but that doesn’t really count.”

“This is giving me a headache,” she rubs her temple.

“I told you it was complicated,” he points out.

“Yeah, but…you don’t see this Twibright as your mom even though she hatched you?”

“Not really,” he admits. “I mean, she’s never really acted like a real mom.”

“…And what exactly constitutes a real mom to you?” she inquires.

“Huh?” he asks before he thinks for a moment. “Well a mom is someone who takes care of you, who loves you tucks you in at night and-

“Bfaaaahahahahaha,” Ember starts to laugh which startles Spike. “Oh man, ha, y-you think hahahaha!”

“Hey! Quit laughing at me just because I don’t have a real dragon mom like you!” he shoots back in aggravation.

“Heh heh, you actually think that dragons are touchy feely about emotions like that? That they’re gonna pamper you like a pony would?”


“Ever heard of a thing called tough love? That’s what dragons get. Even my smothering parents didn’t go light on me,” she tells him plainly.

“Well I-“

“And don’t get me started on how dumb they can get. My dad actually sold me off for a bet! Sure my mom kicked his butt, but here I still am, technically owned by that stupid old bug.”


“And beds oh the beds! Have you seen the size dragons get when they're older!? It actually takes a conscious effort just to avoid squishing their kids and you think-

“ALL RIGHT I GET IT!” Spike shouts, cutting her off. “Dragon parents are just as terrible as Garble and his friends, I get it.”

Ember pauses at that as she sees the hurt and disappointed look on his face.

“I mean…not all are-“

“Thanks for letting me know. Hearing it from you just confirms my suspicions,” he sighs.

“…You, uh, you don’t look very thankful,” she says trepidly as he looks down.

“I guess I’m disappointed. I just thought, you know, knowing about older dragons would help me find I don't know... Who I am? Does that make sense?”

Ember feels a twinge of guilt in her gut as she sighs and places her claw on his shoulder.

“Listen Spike, I was just messing around with ya. I am a dragon after all.”

“But you just said-“

“I know what I said, and I may have been being a bit jerky there…but like you said, I’m nicer than other dragons. As bad as my folks could get, they still raised me, and it wasn’t all terrible.”

He looks incredulously at her before she sighs.

“Look, we’re not our parents, even if they do shape our lives. My folks got flaws, but they’re still great, and I guarantee you, you’re as you are now because of your pony parents.”

“But I don’t…” he trails off.

“Yeah you do. Look kid, a parent doesn’t always have to be the one who hatched you, but so long as you’ve got a strong connection with someone, you’ve got a parent,” she says with conviction.

“I…Huh…” he says as he reflects on this.

“And hey, Dragons may not be big on friends, but we’ve got connections and weak namby pamby parts too. Look at Garble for instance, I heard from Nightshade that he plays the Bongos even though he does the whole tough guy act.”

“He Does?!” Spike asks in shock. “Garble? Red and Yellow jerky Garble?”

“That’s the one,” she smirks.

“I…wow…” he says in awe. “How the heck did that even happen?”

“I got no clue,” she shrugs. “Shade said something about a hippie preserve or something, but I wasn’t really listening. The point is kid, don’t put too much stock into some unknowable past, and move forward with what you’ve already got. You’re a nice squirt, and judging how you view what a parent is, I’m sure you’ve already got someone like that in your life.”

“…I think I do,” he nods and smiles up at her. “Thanks Ember.”

“Anytime kid,” she pats his head.

“You know for a dragon that isn't 'touchy feely' you're really good at this stuff,” he says with a smirk.

“…Yeah, don’t go spreading that around,” she insists going back to her indifferent facade.

“Right…” he nods and scratches the back of his neck. “But anyway, what sorts of hobbies do you ha-“

Suddenly the floor beneath them gives out and they both fall onto a slide.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” they shout as the trapdoor reseals itself.

Down Below, Pinkie Pie screams as well.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” she shrieks with her back against all the keys, setting off a cacophony of traps in the castle. “What are you things?!”

The shadowy minions don’t answer her as the mare pants fearfully…until she abruptly stops and sits up from the keys.

“Oh wait a second, you’re those little shadow servants that Nightshade can summon right?” she asks, no longer afraid. The shadows look at each other, not expecting this turn and Pinkie giggles. “Well good job on the little prank there, you got me.”

She then starts laughing to herself for a few more seconds as the spirits shrug and start to move on.

“Wait! Don’t go yet!” They stop and look to her. “We’ve got a great opportunity here if you’re up for it?”

The shadows look to her blankly, but they gesture with their tendrils for her to continue with her pitch and she smiles conspiratorially.

“Awesome! So…how good is your hoofwork?”

Back to Now

You walk towards the room that you heard the crash from, and you hear groaning and bickering.

"How the heck was that slide that big?! How could we have possibly fell for that long?!” grunts a voice that could only be Ember.

“Magic most likely,” another voice speaks up and your eyes sparkle. “I mean, Nightshade’s got a saddle bag that’s bigger on the inside than the outside, so anything’s possible.

“Okay, better question, why do ponies have all of this junk in their castles?!”

“I don’t know. There aren’t any at Canterlot Castle, but Twilight did say something earlier about the Princesses designing this when they were young so…”

“Bwah! This is so dumb. At least we landed on something soft…speaking of which, you mind getting off me?” you hear her ask, sounding embarrassed and you raise a brow.

“Uh…yeah, sorry,” he apologizes sounding just as embarrassed. Wondering what that’s all about you start to open the door.

What in the heck is going on in-WHAT THE BUCK?! Your eyes widen as you see a most horrific sight. Spike, lying belly to belly with Ember on a bed as he crawls off of her.

“Thanks, and if you say anything about this, I will skin your hide and use it as a towel for Garble, capiche?”

“Yeah, no problem, I-“

“YOU!” you shout, your shards glowing red, startling both of them.

“Nightshade?” Spike asks but you seethe as you look at the blue dragon.

“Hey Shade, uh, what’s with the l-“

“SILENCE HUSSY!!!” you shout as you send a magic missile into the Princess who hits the wall behind her.

“AGH! What the Tartarus?!” she growls.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“I Said Silence Tramp!” you shout back and she winces.

“Nightshade what are you-“ Spike starts to ask in shock before you silence him by grabbing him around the neck and bringing him against you.

“I told you to back off from what’s mine!” you snarl at the two faced she dragon who holds her claws up defensively.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! I wasn’t trying nothing! We just fell that way and-“

“A likely story!” you dismiss her. “I know all your tricks, just like Tacky McStabFlank! Well if you thought you could snatch him away for yourself, you’re dead wr-“

“Mistress?” you imp asks.

“WHAT?!” you snarl, but he doesn’t recoil.

“The purple dragon is turning blue,” he points out. You look to Spike in your protective bear hug and you see that you’ve been keeping him from breathing and your eyes widen.

“Oh No! Spike!” you shout in fear and let go of him.

“Bwaaaaggghhh!!!” he gasps as his lungs fill with air and he starts panting. Your concern over him causes your shards to unglow once more.

“Oh my gosh, I am sooooo sorry!” you apologize profusely.

“No *pant* problem,” he says as his scales return to their regular color.

“Yeesh, you accuse me of stuff and here you are hurting him,” Ember harrumphs and you look at her guiltily.

“Ember…I’m sorry I just…” you start to apologize, feeling like a bully again.

“Yeah yeah, I know, your amulet and all that,” she claw waves. “But yeah, nothing happened!”

“Yeah, we just fell, she wasn’t trying to kidnap me or anything,” Spike says.

“Right…kidnapping….totally what I thought she was doing to you,” you say with shifty eyes and Ember faceclaws.

“Yeah amazing. Can we just find the stupid thing and get out of this place? It’s really starting to get on my nerves,” she grunts.

“Oh, I already found that thanks to my buddy here,” you point to the imp.

“Yo,” he waves and Spike backs up a bit.


“Oh don’t worry, he’s the leader of my minions. I’ve been trying to think up a good name for him.”

“I see…” he says as he looks at the monster in fascination. Ember, who has seen the little devil before just rolls her eyes.

“Alright then, let’s find the old bug and get out of here,” she says.

“Good idea,” you nod before a thought comes to you. “Wait a second, Spike, why are you even here?”

“Oh, right,” he bonks his forehead. “Twilight and I came here because she wanted to look at the old library for more info on…well, your mom.”

“Of course,” you let out a sigh. “And did she find it?”

“Not really, but we did find a hidden reading room with an old journal, and then Angel Bunny showed up, and then the organ music started and I fell through the wall…”

“Which has happened to me far too many times this night,” Ember complains.

“Right, well if Ms. Twilight’s here then let’s slip out before she notices us and…” your eyes widen. “Oh Crap!”

“What?” Spike asks but you turn to the imp.

“Did you send the others to prank her as well?!”

“Yes mistress. Per your orders, they are spooking everyone in the castle.”

“Buck! That’s what that rumbling from before was!” you pull at your mane.

“Okay, new plan, we pull back the minions and…” you pause as the organ music is replaced by something a little hipper.

“Nightshade?” Spike asks nervously and you look back to him.

“Uh…I know this sounds weird but, do you guys have the sudden urge to dance?”

“Now that you mention it…” Spike says as his foot starts tapping.

“Wh-What is this?” Ember asks fearfully as her feet start moving of their own accord.

“Uh Oh, someone’s started a musical number!” you say as you feel compelled to dance throughout the castle.

“Hmm, it seems as though the others are entranced as well,” the Imp adds as he starts waving his arms around.

“So…we gotta dance with each other?” Ember asks confused.

“Well actually,” Spike starts but you cut him off.

“I’m dancing with Spike, you just follow and keep up!” you order and she gulps and nods as the three of you move out of the hallway.

Down Below, Pinkie Pie has ditched the cloak for a red sparkly jacket, and a boom box plays the tune as she dances amazingly to the delight of the minions.

“Keep up with me if you can ghosties,” she giggles before she starts to launch into song.

It's close to midnight
Something evil's lurking from the dark.”

She sings as the minions fall into step with her movements.

“Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart.”

Applejack accidentally runs into Greta in the dark and only sees her avian eyes.

“You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it”

Rainbow Dash is spooked by Angel’s hopping shadow and shudders in fear.

“You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between your eyes
You're paralyzed”

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Applejack and Rainbow shriek as they run in opposite directions and Greta falls down some stairs as Pinkie choreograph dances with the minions.

“'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight, yeah,”

She and the minions then exit the pipe organ room and dance down the hall

I'm gonna bring it tonight.”

Grandbuggy hears the commotion with Mangle on his back, before a Fluttershy bursts through a door, striking him in the face as she runs out.

You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run.”

Rarity, in the dark bumps into the still tangled up Daring Do and Ahuizotl and shrieks.

“You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun.”

Twilight stares down the now dancing minions as she exits into a hallway and prepares a larger spell.

“You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination,”

Rarity pushes the tied up duo away from her and they fall into a hallway behind Fluttershy who stops and stares behind her.

“Girl, but all the while
You hear a creature creeping up behind
You're out of time,”

She sees the silhouette of their tied up forms and the blood drains from her face as she runs.

“'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike.”

Rainbow and Applejack crash into each other as they enter the main entrance hall, but starting running again after Angel jumps onto Rainbow’s back.

“You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight,”

Fluttershy and Rarity end up in the same hall as they all start running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

“Night creatures calling the dead start to walk in their masquerade,”
There’s no escaping the jaws of the alien this time,
They’re open wide, this is the end of your life,”

You, Ember and Spike come to a balcony and see the madness, even as you tap your hooves and feet.

What the buck? You mouth to your two confused companions as the shadows cut off the four panicking mares

“They’re out to get you
There’s demons closing in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial,”

Pinkie sings as she puts her arms around all four of her friend’s shoulders.

“Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together.”

They look at her in abject fear and confusion as she stands them all up in a row.

“All through the night,
I’ll save you from the terror on the screen
I’ll make you see,”

And with a smile to the other mares, and almost as if it were practiced, they all start dancing with the minions.

“That this is thriller
Thriller night
And no one's gonna save you
From the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller
Thriller night
You're fighting for your life
Inside a killer thriller tonight, yeah,”

You stare with your jaw dropped as Fluttershy, Rainbow, AJ, and McStabFlank all dance in synch where moments before they were shuddering, screaming messes. Spike and Ember fare no better in trying to comprehend this scene. You are joined on your view by a frazzled Grandbuggy, Mangle, Greta, and Ahuizotl with Daring Do tied to his chest as you all look flabbergasted at the scene

“'Cause this is thriller
Thriller night
Girl I can thrill you more
Than any ghost would ever dare try,
Thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a,
Killer, Thriller

And suddenly the music cuts out and they all freeze frame as the minions all laugh in a deep unsettling tone in unison.



Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Suddenly, the hall is filled with a very bright explosive which dissipates your minions and momentarily blinds the ponies below.

“Everypony Stop! Now’s Not The Time To Dance!” Twilight shouts from the top of the stairs.

“Ah, come on Twilight, that was such an awesome end to a Michael Moonwalker classic,” Pinkie complains.

“We can sing and dance later! Nightmare Moon has launched an attack on us with her minions! Look what they did to Spike!” she yelps holding up the shrunken Garble.

“Spikey Wikey No!” Rarity shrieks as all the other Elements gasp in alarm.

“What the-Who’s that?” Spike sputters.

“Oh right, the idiot got himself shrunk from the tree,” Greta says and your eyes widen.

“It can do that?” you ask.

“Apparently,” Grandbuggy grunts.

“Well sure, but why does she think he’s me?” Spike sputters.

Before anyone can answer in your group though, Twilight continues.

“Yes! Now hurry! I damaged a lot of the infrastructure fighting these beasts! Either Nightmare Moon is far away or she’s playing with us!” Twilight declares.

You notice Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy exchange a look at that.

“Uh, sure sugar cube but-“ Applejack starts, only yelp as a chunk of ceiling falls next to her.

“OH NO! IT’S STARTING!” Twilight shrieks before she lights up her horn, enveloping all her friends and they disappear in a flash of light.

Another chunk of debris falls…but then all is silent. Your group just watch the now empty hall as headaches start to form and the Imp just casually melts into your shadow.

“…Did I just get replaced?” Spike asks in bewilderment.

“Nah, it’s more like a downgrade with that idiot,” Ember pats his shoulder while he thousand yard stares. You give her a quick glare and she immediately takes her claw off him, and you replace that comfort with your hoof.

“There there Spike, we’ll clear the whole Garble thing up with her soon,” you say.

“How?” he questions.

“Well…uh…” you look to the others and they shrug.

“We’ll figure it out in the morning, my head is killing me,” Grandbuggy rubs his temples.

“Yeah, good call,” Greta nods.

“Yeah alright, I’m sure Applejack will let you stay the night,” you say patting his shoulder again.

“Well, I guess that wouldn’t be too bad,” he shrugs.

“Yes…not to bad at all, and you’ll be staying in mine and Applebloom’s room FAR away from anyone else…” you say with a warning glare to Ember who just flinches.

“Yeah, let’s try to find this armor piece another day,” Grandbuggy exhales some cigar smoke as Mangle starts massaging his shoulders.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I found the armor piece,” you tell him and he sputters.

“Well hot dog filly, that’s all you had to say,” he says with a smile.

“Also Spike knows where the library is…which we can look at later I guess,” you say looking at how distressed everyone is.

“I concur, I am physically and emotionally drained,” Ahuizotl agrees with a slump of his shoulders.

“…I’m still tied up to you you know?” Daring Do speaks up and everyone looks at her tiredly. “I just…hi?”

“Seriously Ahz, what’s with you and rope?” Grandbuggy admonishes and the guardian beast facepalms.



You awaken with a splitting headache, much worse than the one you got after Flak Seed gave you those weird dried mushrooms and you ran around screaming you were a banana.

Groaning, you open your eyes and see that you are in some sort of wooden interior. Not only that, but you are lying on the softest thing you think you’ve ever slept on. As the bleariness clears from your vision, you see you are lying in some sort of basket like bed, with a very fluffy pillow under your neck.

“Where in the heck?” you mumble as you look around. You see a larger bed next to a window, and outside you see bright sunshine.

Okay, what happened? You ponder. I went into the woods with the others, I bit that shiny tree and then…Your eyes widen as you remember Greta’s laughter and look down at your body.

“AH COME ON!!!” you shout, realizing that that wasn’t a horrible nightmare, and that your body indeed has regressed back into a child.

“Spike! You’re awake!” a female voice says in relief and worry.

“Huh?” you sputter, and moments later, a purple pony with a horn and wings fills your view. Startled and confused, you sink yourself deeper into the bed and pull up the blanket on reflex.

“Oh Spike, it’s alright, you’re far from that castle now,” the pony says soothingly as she puts a hoof to your cheek.

“Spike?” you ask in confusion, knowing it’s the name of that pipsqueak that led to your banishment.

“Yes…don’t you remember your own name?” she gasps and her eyes widen.


“Oh no, this is bad,” she holds her face. “The scale color change and wing sprouting was bad enough, but this? Oh no, oh no. oh no.” She then starts panicking as she paces back and forth.

“Uh….” You trail off beyond confused. “Nightshade?!” you call out, hoping beyond hope that your rival has played a massive trick on you. This gets the purple pony’s attention and she snaps back to you.

“Yes! You don’t have amnesia! You remember Nightshade!” she says with a sigh of relief.

“Of course I do,” you grumble, thinking of the many times she has defeated you.

“Don’t worry Spike, I know she’s back in town…even if I haven’t seen her myself after that monster incident at Applejacks...” she says sounding a bit guilty. “But yeah, we’ll look into seeing her when you’re back to normal.”

“Back to normal?” you ask.

“When your scales change back. I’ve been researching through the night about this, and haven’t really found anything, but I’ll keep searching,” she says in determination.

“Uh, Twibright listen…” you start, but she interrupts you.

“And don’t worry, you can take today to relax. Look, here’s your favorite comic books, and here, have some ice cream, and some extra pillows” she says as she places said things into the basket with you. Your jaw drops as you look at all the comforts this mare is showering upon you, just because she thinks you’re the little chump that Nightshade’s obsessed with.

“Is there anything else I can get you Spike?” she asks earnestly and you stare at her curiously.

“Uh…can I get some gems?” you venture.

“Of course! You can have as many as you want,” she says happily before rubbing your head and rushing down the stairs to get them. She then teleports back in with a handful of them and drops them into the ice cream.

“There you go, just holler if you need any more okay?” she asks and you nod dumbly. She then takes a moment where she bites her lip and looks you over, before she goes in for a gentle hug which takes you by surprise.

“I’m going to fix this Spike. I’m sorry I took you to that castle when you were so scared, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” she says sounding on the verge of tears.

“Ummm…No problem Twi?” you say as you give her a pat on the back. She smiles and breaks the hug, looking at you with renewed hope.

“Everything’s going to be alright…Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta get back to my research,” she says before trotting back down stairs, leaving you alone once more.

“…You know, I have no idea what’s going on, but this ain’t so bad. No wonder that chump loved ponies so much,” you say as you snuggle into the comfy bed even more and take a bite of delicious gem filled ice cream. “Oh yeah, definitely need to bring this goodness back home.”

You briefly wonder where Nightshade, Greta, Princess Ember and the rest are…but for right now, you are on cloud 9 and decide to take advantage of the situation.

“When in Roam, right?” you shrug as you pick up one of the many comic books that got dumped on you. “Power Ponies huh? Sounds lame, but whatever,” you say as you begin to read. Unbeknownst to you, one of the issues in that stack is a little more special than the others.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

You shudder as you feel something stupid is about to happen.

“What is it?” asks Spike.

“I don’t know…Probably something whacky I’m sure,” you say as you continue to walk towards the library.

“Maybe it’s your subconscious realizing this is a dumb idea?” asks Ember who is still a bit miffed at you. “Garble and I look nothing alike, much less siblings.”

“Yeah, well Twilight doesn’t know that,” you roll your eyes. “It’s easier explaining that there was a switcheroo with another Princess’s little brother who were sleeping in that castle than tell her the truth, which we can’t.”

“Yeah, the last thing we need is Twilight learning that Garble tried to eat the Tree of Harmony,” Spike agrees.

“Okay, but why is the old guy here?” Ember asks pointing at Grandbuggy.

“Because I ain’t just about to let ya dang kids go waltzing inside the house of our most dangerous enemy and blowing our cover,” he rolls his eyes.

“Okay, but why is Greta coming along too?” she asks.

“Because the last thing I want is to be around that weird unresolved sexual tension going on between Ahuizotl and that adventurer mare,” the griffon shudders. You’d all left the two behind at the farm while Applejack and Zecora helped explain things to the tomb raider.

“I don’t know what that means, but yeah, it’s pretty awkward around them,” you agree.

“But how does a griffon fit into our story of me picking up my little brother?” Ember asks.

“I don’t know, a bodyguard? We’ll figure it out,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“Skreonk,” Mangle adds with a nod from atop his back.

“Exactly,” he smirks and pats her.

As you keep walking though, you can’t help but remember that strange feeling.

I feel like Garble’s about to do something real stupid…more so than usual.


Episode 64: Pros and Cons

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Shaking off the strange feeling that the idiotic red drake has already done something idiotic, you look to the rest.

“Alright, in case Garble’s already bucked everything up, maybe we should have a Plan B. Anlying got any ideas?”

“AnyLING?” scoffs Ember. “I’m a dragon thank you very much you little speciest.”

“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “AnyBEING have an idea then?”

"I could write a letter to Princess Celestia and have her distract Twilight?” Spike suggests.

“Rejected,” you say immediately.


“Nope! Rejected. No Princess Sunbutt getting added to this mix!” you say with finality.

“Why do we need a Plan B?” Greta asks. “Even if the moron’s messed up, why wouldn’t the switceroo still work?”

“Because Lady Luck is a cruel sick bucker and not having back up plans is a death sentence,” you roll your eyes at her obliviousness.

“Ain’t that the truth,” Grandbuggy agrees with your sentiment.

“I could fly back, grab that Apple pony and throw her at the purple one,” Ember suggests.

“Why would you do that?” asks Spike.

“Cause she kicked me last night and I want some payback,” Ember harrumphs.

“You walked into the bathroom while she was showering, you kind of deserved that,” you point out.

“I just wanted to try out that teeth brushing thing Spike was talking about, I didn’t know ponies got so peeved with water splashing on them!”

“It’s a privacy thing Ember. She was naked in the shower,” you explain.

“Ponies are like, naked all the time! All of us are!” she says in exasperation.

“Excuse you, I have a hat,” Grandbuggy says smugly with a tip of his bowler.

“Whatever! This weird pony ideology is confusing!”

“It’s not just ponies, I wouldn’t like it if someone barged in on me in a bath,” Greta argues.

“Dragons take communal lava baths all the time! What are all you other creatures so snippy about?!” she shouts pulling at her horns, which causes some passerby’s to give a wide berth.

“Truth be told, I don’t quite get it either,” Grandbuggy shrugs.

“Thank you!” Ember shouts.

“I mean, no mare ever complained about me hopping in the bath with them, but I suppose the younger generation is just more uptight,” he concludes and you all stare at him incredulously. “Hey that could work. We wait till Sparkle-Butt’s in the shower, I disguise myself as some city politician and walk in on her and-“

“Dude!” Spike cries out in disgust. “We’re not doing that to Twilight!”

“I ain’t doin nothing, just give her a good scare what like Ember did to-“

“NO! We are not doing that to Twilight!” Spike says firmly.

“Why not?” asks Ember.

“Because that’d be like this old perv walking in on our own mother! Gross!” Greta gags.

“She’s not his mother, I’ve told you this,” Spike faceclaws.

“Or sister, whatever, it’d still be gross,” Greta counters.

“She’s not that either, it’s complicated,” you remind her and Spike just sighs at this familiar subject.

“Well if she was his mom, wouldn’t that make you two related?” Ember says pointing between you and Spike.

“Huh?” both of you ask at once.

“Uh, in case you ain’t noticed, one’s got scales and the other doesn’t,” Grandbuggy snarks.

“Yeah but if his mom is that purple princess-”

“She’s not!” Spike denies, but she continues.

“And her brother is married to the Love Princess or whatever, who is also your cousin because she is half adopted by the royalty, which your mom is half of one and-“

“Please…please stop, this hurts my head,” Greta pleads as you stare off into space, wondering about the logistics at that.

So if he does consider Twilight his mom, then Shining Armor is his Uncle and Cousin Cadence is married to him, so my cousin would be his aunt in law, but if Twilight’s like his sister than she’d also be his sister-in-law, then does that even make US anything? How the heck do the Apples fit into this terminology and-

‘AGH!” you yelp as you feel something wet on the inside of your ear.

“There we go,” Greta smirks as she pulls her talon out of your ear.

“What the buck was that?!” you demand as you rub at your slimy feeling ear canal.

“An ancient griffon technique called the Toilet Tornado Twist,” she says as she takes another talon, puts it in her mouth, then sticks that talon in Spike’s ear.

“AGH! Wha-What was that?!”

“EW! Why would you do that?!” you gag.

“You both were staring off into space and not moving, so I decided to snap you out of it,” she shrugs.

“Well you could have done a less icky way!” Spike grumbles.

“You are so getting Mustarded later!” you threaten and she raises a brow.


“You’ll see…” you say giving her evil eyes as your shards pulse momentarily.

“Calm down there Shade, pranks come later,” Grandbuggy claps your back.

“Skronk,” Mangle points out.

“That too,” Grandbuggy nods as if he understood the robot.

Heh, he complains and moans about machines being evil all the time, but after a night in a castle, he’s hogging her to himself, you think jealously as Mangle gets another pat from Grandbuggy.

Dklet’s Comment

“Well whatever, I think I have a right to stare off in deep thought. Ember’s point is really good and concerning.”

“It’s more confusing than anything,” Spike says as he rubs his temple. “I mean seriously, even if we drew it out, your family tree would still hurt to look at.”

“Yeah on paper it would probably look like a weird spitshow,” Grandbuggy nods. “And that’s not even going into the fact that Cadenza is the reincarnation of Princess Amore from one of the shards of her body that Sombra hid around the world after blasting her to kingdom come.”

You all look to him at that with your jaws dropped.

“How the buck does that work?” asks Ember.

“Magic,” Grandbuggy answers plainly and you rub at the base of your horn.

“So the guy who’s like my honorary uncle, killed the crystal princess, hid her body parts like some sort of sick scavenger hunt, and somehow one of those pieces became cousin Cadence?” you ask tiredly.

“Pretty much,” he nods. “But don’t go feeling too down about that. Amore did create the Alicorn Amulet after all. Besides, you’re only kind of related to Cadence through a dubious adoption by Celestia. Seriously, you can’t just adopt someling as a niece. Sunbutt just wanted another alicorn into the royalty and didn’t want to give up being called a princess because gods forbid you become a queen.”

You start to stare off into space again, but you immediately snap out of it and slap Greta’s spit covered talon away.

“I’m alright, I’m alright!” you huff and shake your head.

“I don’t know if I am,” Spike groans. “I feel like I’ve got brainfreeze times twenty.”

“You can’t multiply numbers by food Spike,” you say.

“Oh really? This coming from the filly who thought the square root of 16 was boysenberry pie?” he snarks.

“That was like two years ago!” you grumble, remembering how dumb you used to be thanks to Daddy’s homeschooling. “Don’t forget two years ago, you thought I was two different ponies.”

“Because you and your dad had that alien perception filter over you,” he points out. “Don’t forget you kicked me in the nards just for saying hi back then too.”

“That was back before I really started questioning Daddy’s orders! I only kind of had a personality back then because of all my time in the bag!”

“Oh great, they’re doing this again,” Greta rolls her eyes as you and Spike argue.

“Ugh, seriously. Didn’t they get this out of their system last night?” Ember rolls her eyes.

“Apparently not,” Grandbuggy says plainly.

“Seriously, how does your family get anything done?” Ember inquires.

“With a lot of kicking and screaming Bluey. A lot of kicking and screaming…”

The Night Before in the Apple Barn

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“Alright, just hear me out,” you hold up your hooves. “What if buck Garble?”

“Nightshade,” Spike sighs.

“I’m serious, you’re so much more useful than him, and smarter too. Plus we could screen the Princess’s mail if you join us.”

“Yeah, but on the downside, that jerk is committing identity theft!” he counters.

“Oh please, if Ms. Twilight’s too dumb to realize the difference then it’s not worth it,” you hoofwave.

“Not worth it?! I’ve lived with her for years!”

“Yeah, and what good has that gotten you?”

“Oh let’s see, I have a roof over my head, free food, and a stable job?” he snarks.

“You’re always doing paperwork and getting left behind when she and the others run off to go do something fun,” you argue.

The other Outcasts watch as you and Spike argue the pros and cons for replacing Garble with him. You had thought it’d be a lot easier than this, but he is stubborn just like you.

“Come on Spike, don’t you want to go on an adventure with me?” you plead.

“Of course I do,” he says truthfully. “And whenever it pops up let me know, but at that same time I don’t want Garble taking over my life while Twilight thinks I’ve been cursed or something.”

“It’ll be fine! Heck, she might teach him a thing or two about being organized or something.”

“Oh, so you do admit she’s got her good traits?” he accuses and you pale. “Look at you, you’re presenting evidence and counterparts in this discussion like she would.”

“Hey, that just means she’s good at arguing. She did teach me after all. But come on Spike, there’s more to life than just being her gopher. Remember that time she had you reorganize the library three times when she was teaching me?”

“Because you kept knocking the books off the shelf with your magic,” he counters.

“She told me too!”

“You were being taught to paint a picture using your magic,” he reminds and you flush in embarrassment.

“Okay, I know I’m not very delicate with stuff like that, but think about it like this. The library is like your bag Spike. She keeps you there for ‘your protection’ only because it’s convenient. She doesn’t take you on a lot of adventures because she thinks you can’t handle it. That’s why she immediately thought you’d been cursed instead of realizing she had a completely separate dragon.”

“…Nightshade, not everypony’s as bad at parenting as your Dad is,” Spike says and your eyes widen.


“Seriously, not everything you went through is applicable. Some people just weren’t ‘put in the bag’ like you were,” he says analytically.

“I was being simiphorical or whatever that word is! And buck off with saying my Dad’s bad at parenting!” you growl.

“It’s metaphorically, and you’re the one who was angry at his methods,” he frowns. “And Twilight’s got her faults yeah, but she’s not the most wanted creature in Equestria.”

“Yeah, but only I can say that!” you grunt. “And news flash, it’s my mom who’s number one now! Dad got demoted to number 2 because ponies are stupid.”

“Whatever! And if you’re the only one allowed to badmouth your Dad, then by that logic I’m the only one who can point out Twilight’s faults!”

“Ah! Curse you logic! Stop being used against me!” you shout and stomp your hooves before you devolve into childish arguing. “My group of friends are better than her friends!”

“But I like all her friends. They’re my friends too,” Spike argues.

“Oh sure, being treated like a baby sure is fun huh?” you say sarcastically. “Honestly, I’ve only ever seen you hang out with Ms. Anorexia McStabFlank as forces you to dress up and treats you like a pincushion!”

“Rarity doesn’t force me to do anything!”

And while you devolve into school yard petty arguments, the others look on and shake their heads.

“Honestly, they’re carrying on like an old married couple,” Granny observes.

“Eyup,” Big Mac nods.

“Heh, as if we were ever that bad,” Grandbuggy chuckles and Granny looks at him pointedly.

“We weren’t married remember?” she says with a roll of her eyes and that hits Grandbuggy like a cart. “But still, we did have our spats. Remember Orion 24?”

“I remember Jack stealing a kiss from you and you trying to play it off as no big deal,” he says as he bristles at the memory.

“Jack kissed everyone Fix, even you if you recall,” she smirks.

“That was ONE time! And he tricked me!”

“They’re kind of driving the point home there huh?” Applejack whispers to Ahuizotl who just shrugs.

“I’d honestly like to stay out of it. Not my place to interfere,” he shrugs.

“You brought a tied up mare back with you and threw her onto a bed,” Greta deadpans.

“She said she was tired!” he defends. “And we said we’d explain things to her tomorrow!”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Greta rolls her eyes and he growls.

“Okay, what if, say, the adventure was staying with us and not going back to Twilight for like a long time?!” you try to compromise and Spike faceclaws.


“What?! It could happen!”

“You know, me and the girls have kind of known they liked each other, and I hate to see them spatting, but it is kind of cute to see,” Applebloom giggles.

“Cute or not, it’s getting late and they’re loud,” Applejack says with a small smile. Watching as you and Spike argue, as well as Granny and Grandbuggy, she can’t help but compare it to family bickering during some of the family reunions.

“She’s even standing her ground like a true Apple gal, even when the argument is ridiculous,” she says wistfully.

“Isn’t that just called being stubborn?” asks Applebloom.

“Eyup,” Big Mac nods and Applejack rolls her eyes good naturedly.

“Whatever you call it, we’ve all done it…and so has Bugze now that I think about it,” she says remembering the many times your Dad has stood his ground for stupidity, like his stolen Naco.

“Well, if we didn’t believe them before, this just proves they’re family,” Applebloom giggles.

“Yeah…” she says still feeling guilt and embarrassment from how she’d treated him.

“I am not some rope fetishist!” Ahuizotl yells.

“Then why are you still wearing some right now?!” Greta counters.

“Because you idiotas haven’t taken it off me yet!”

“Oh come on! Nothing ever happened between me and Mage Meadowbrook!” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“No, but your constant teasing kept Rockhoof from ever saying anything to her,” Granny says.

“He had a thing for her?” Grandbuggy sputters and Granny rolls her eyes.

“You’ve never brushed your teeth before?” Applebloom says in surprise.

“I guess? I mean we regrow our teeth if they break, but Spike kept talking it up,” Ember says to the filly.

“Well you’ll have to try it tonight then,” Applebloom says with authority.

“...You ever feel like the rest of them are part of the family too?” asks Big Mac.

“Heh, I don’t know about that,” AJ says with a smile. “But knowing his luck, I’m sure somehow or another they’ll end up being his assorted brothers/sisters/uncle by the time he gets back.”

Back in the human world, during one of the many loops, Bugze sneezes.

Why do I feel like I need a bigger house when I get back to the real world? He wonders.

Because your other half is currently trying to forcefully adopt the bacon haired girl, Sombra says with a sigh.

Oh…right, you say impassively as Selena uses his arms to carry Sunset above your head.

“You will be my daughter and you will love it!”

“But I’m older than Bugze by like 15 years! I just got de-aged on this side!” she protests.

“That doesn’t matter! I’m still old enough to be your mother!” Selena argues as she rushes out of the carnival.

Back to the Trip to the Library

After much arguing the pros and cons, you both ended up exhausted, ate a bunch of snacks and went to bed, and right now, you don’t want to keep arguing with Spike.

Ugh, quit being stubborn Nightshade. He might start to hate you if you keep being petty, you scold yourself. I mean, he already agreed to stay with you if you go on another trip…kind of sort of against his will, but it still counts!

“Alright…let’s just…let’s just get you switcherooed and maybe we can get ice cream afterwards?” you suggest. He sees you relenting and smiles genuinely.

“That sounds like a plan,” he nods.

“Great, now that you’ve gotten done with your spat, let’s talk about what’s really important,” Grandbuggy suggests.

“Like what?” you ask.

“Like what’s the over or under that red scales has done something monumentally stupid?”

“I bet ten bits he has by the time we get there,” you say without hesitation.

“I’ll take that action,” Greta adds.

“…What’s up with you and betting when it comes to dragons?” Ember scoffs.

At the Library

Ello Calebero’s Comment

It’s been some time since you woke up to the majestic pony pampering, and in that time you’ve gotten quite into that purple twerp’s Power Ponies collection.

“Never thought ponies had it in them to make something so cool,” he says aloud as he ends yet another issue and eats a ruby. “But really, there could be worse ways to spend my time till I grow back up.”

He then sits up, stretches, and stands up from the little basket bed for the first time.

“Although I could definitely use a bigger bed,” he says as he rocks the basket for emphasis. As he does so, he sees a loose floorboard underneath. Prying it up, he discovers Spike’s hidden collectible figurines of the comic characters he was just reading about.

“Oh sweet! Saddle Rager,” he says as he examines the craftsmanship of the figurines. “Defininitely taking you back with me.” Putting the figurine under his armpit, he reaches for the next issue of the Power Ponies…

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

Only to discover that it is a special issue.

“Huh? The Hooded Offender?” he questions as he sees an illustration of the cloaked changeling who had beat the crap out of him two years ago, squaring off against both the Power Ponies and The Maneiac. The title of the comic is.

Power Ponies V. Hooded Offender: Who’s Fighting Who?

“Heh, if what I learned about that guy is true, then everyone,” he mutters as he opens the book. The first page has some sort of warning or another that he ignores, thinking it’s probably some useless add about theft, as he gets to the action.

Back Outside

You all reach Twilight’s Treehouse and you gulp a bit. Now that you’re here, it does seem a bit daunting.

“Alright Ember, we go in, distract her and-“

“AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” you hear a male voice screaming as a bright light emanates from the upstairs window.

“Spike!” you hear Twilight’s equally horrified shout followed by rapid hoof beats.

Grandbuggy curses a bit and looks to you and Greta.

“Guess I owe you 10 bits.”

“And more, but we’ll worry about that later,” you say as you open the door and walk in.

“What, we’re just going through the front door?” asks Spike.

“Sure. Whatever chaos he’s causing, we’ll just cause more and switch you out,” you reason as you head towards the stairs.

“Spike! Hold on!” Twilight yells strenuously followed by Garble’s shrill frightened scream.

“What the buck are they doing?” asks Greta.

“Weird pony stuff probably,” Ember theorizes as you all enter into Twilight’s bedroom…and see something pretty strange, even by your standards. Garble is halfway sucked into a glowing portal of some sort of book with only his tail still visible, while Twilight holds him with her magic, but she too is slowly getting sucked in.

“Ah Tartarus, that’s some demonic shenanigans if I ever saw any!” Grandbuggy says in alarm.

“Twilight!” Spike shouts in worry as he runs towards the purple princess and grabs her leg.

“Spike?” she questions in confusion, before her head gets sucked into the portal, followed by the rest of her, which picks Spike off the ground.

“Spike!” you cry out as you rush forth and grab him around the waste, but even with your strength, you start to get dragged in as well.

“Whoa Nelly!” Grandbuggy yelps as he grabs onto your legs, halting you momentarily as you and Spike peer into the swirling vortex, where Twilight and Garble still dangle.

“What the Buck is Going On?!” you shout and Twilight’s ear flickers.

“Nightshade?” she questions, but can’t turn around.

“Ugh! Ember help!” you hear Greta call out behind you.

“No way! If I grab onto you I’ll get sucked in to-AH! Let go of me you little creep!” Ember shrieks.

“Skronk!” Mangle hisses holding onto her as he holds onto Greta’s tail.

“It’s no use!” Grandbuggy calls out with a strained voice before you feel gravity leave all of you and you are sucked into the colors.

“Everyling! Don’t Let Go!” you shout as you grip onto Spike for dear life.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” you all shriek as the colors envelop you all in a bright flash of light.

Some Time Later

“Uuuuugggghhhh,” you groan as you blink the blurriness of your eyes. “What the buck did I do last night?” Shaking your head, you see that you are lying on top of some sort of paved road. Looking above you, you see massive skyscrapers with a unique color scheme that you know for a fact is nowhere near Ponyville.

What the buck…you mouth as your brain misfires in confusion.

“Oooohhhh,” you hear a familiar groaning from behind a cart on this strange city street.

“Spike?” you ask aloud as you round the corner pause in confusion. “What the?”

Spike is now wearing a skin tight white and pink leotard that covers the top of his head.


“What the buck?!” you hear a very confused and upset shout. “What kind of new age hippie bullspit am I wearing?!”

Coming out from one of the buildings is Grandbuggy…wearing a fabulous dark purple leotard encrusted with gems and a pointed eye mask of some sort. If it weren’t for his voice though, you would never have recognized him. His pony guise has become very bishonen, and you can’t tell whether he looks like a mare or stallion.

“Seriously, what is this?! I am not some stallion hugging musician!” he grumbles as he tries to transform…but has no luck. “What?!”

“Uh, Grandbuggy?” you question and he looks to you before raising a very delicate eyebrow behind his mask.

“Shade? Is that you?” he questions.

“Of course it’s me, who would-“

“AHHH!!! Ahuizotl! You pervert! Was this your idea?!” you both hear a squawk and falling out of an alleyway is Greta…in a red black and green costume and a lasso wrapped around her.

“Wait a second, that looks familiar…” you realize just as Ember flies down from some rooftop.

“Anyone want to explain why I’m wearing a black jumpsuit and feel incredibly staticy?” she demands as a spark of electricity goes from one horn to the other.

“Uh…I think maybe we ended up at the Manehattan Comic Con?” you suggest.

“Huh? What’s that mean?” Ember asks but Greta’s eyes widen.

“Oh is that’s what’s going on? I mean, I like cosplay, but I’m more into games than whatever this is.”

“Skreonk!” Mangle pipes up, coming from underneath a cart, wearing a green onesy and a purple mask.

“Why do I look like a pretty boy?!” Grandbuggy shouts as he looks at himself in a window.

“Because Radiance is supposed to be a mare?” you suggest and he looks back at you.


“It’s comic stuff, we all look like-“

“The Power Ponies?” Spike interrupts as he finally sits up and looks around.

“Yeah, exactly,” you nod.

“…Why are we dressed like this?” he asks before looking down at himself. “And why am I Fili-Second?”

“Spike? Spike is that you?” you all hear Twilight’s voice as she comes around a corner, dressed up in maroon and light blue with large goggles.

“Twilight? You’re the Masked Matter-Horn?” he asks but she doesn’t answer as she rushes forth and hugs him.

“Oh thank goodness, your scales are back to normal!” she says happily as she picks the young dragon up.

“Uh, thanks Twilight,” he says as he hugs her back.

“Why am I Humdrum?!” an outraged voice calls out. Falling out of a garbage can is Garble, still de-aged, and wearing a dark mask, a red cape, and dark gloves and boots. “He’s so freaking lame!”

“Ah! There you are you dumbass!” Ember growls as she lands next to him and picks him up by the ear fin.

“What the buck did you do?!”

“I don’t know! I was reading a comic book and this happened!” he yelps in pain as she boxes his ears.

“What the…Red Scaled Spike?” Twilight says in confusion as she looks up from her hug. “Why have you been split in two Spike?”

Spike faceclaws and shakes his head as you take in all the info and form a hypothesis.

Okay, so we all got pulled into that portal and are now all dressed as the Power Ponies for some reason…Wait a second, Grandbuggy is Radiance, Twilight’s the Masked Matter-Horn, Greta is Mistress Mare-Velous, Ember’s Zapp, Spike’s Fili-Second, Garble’s Humdrum and Mangle’s Saddle Rager…what does that make me?

You look down at yourself and see that you too are wearing a costume. A very dark long coat…and over your head is a Hood.

“Oh you’ve got to be bucking kidding!” you shriek and catch Twilight’s attention.

“Nightshade?” she questions and you sigh.

“Yes, high Ms. Twilight,” you wave.

“…Why are you dressed like The Hooded Offender?” she asks.

“Good bucking question,” you answer as you glare at the small Garble being strangled by Ember and Greta.


Episode 65: Holy Toledo Batmane!

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Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Twilight, dressed as the Masked Matterhorn blinks owlishly at you before shaking her head.

“This…this isn’t making any sense! Is this Nightmare Moon’s doing? Is she trapping us in a horrifying dreamscape?! Are you a member of The Horde?! What’s going on?!” she starts to hyperventilate.

“Twilight, Twilight, calm down!” Spike advises and she looks between him and Garble.

“And what’s going on with red and purple Spike being here at the same time?! What sorcery is this?! Nightmare Moon! Show Yourself!” she shrieks as she whips her head back and forth.

“Oh boy, the mare’s lost it,” Grandbuggy deadpans.

“Ms. Twilight! Quit pulling a Twilight! This isn’t Mo-Er-Nightmare Moon’s doing! And-“

“Aha! I figured it out! Nightshade is now the host to Nightmare Moon and became the new Hooded Offender! You Devious Monster!” she says glaring at you and you scoff.

“Oh for buck’s sake, really?!”

“Twilight, that makes no sense,” Spike points out trying to calm her down.

“Neither does being in a strangely colored city wearing embarrassing skintight spandex with a bunch of random creatures and my baby dragon split in half!” she shrieks as she starts advancing on you with a crazy look in her eye.

“Uh, Ms. Twilight?” you ask hesitantly as she advances.

“Shade, I don’t like that look in her eyes,” Greta warns.

“Yeah, hey Purple Pony, maybe you should calm down?” Garble calls out.

“Silence Red Spike! Now’s the time for action! Now’s the time to stop Nightmare Moon after she did whatever she did to make you two dragons and dress me up without my consent!”

“I think that pony really needs some sleep or something,” Ember says to Grandbuggy.

“No Spit,” he snarks as Twilight gets in your shrouded face.

“Now! You Fix Spike and release us from this…whatever it is before-“

“Oh put a sock in it!” you growl as your shards glow and suddenly…

“YEAGH!” Twilight yelps as she is slapped away from you and onto Garble.

“Oomph!” Garble grunts as she lands on him.

“What the…?” you say as you look to the side and your eyes shrink to pinpricks. “How the Buck?!”

“Nightshade?” Spike gasps in astonishment and your blood runs cold as your breathing gets heavier. Whipping around you menacingly are your Mom and Dad’s Nightmare Tails.

“Wha…I…Huh?” you gape as the tendrils twist around you.

“Oh cool, since when could she do that?” asks Ember.

“She can’t, that’s…” Grandbuggy trails off.

“Oh, I’m sorry Red Spike,” Twilight says as she gets off of him and glares back at you. “But I knew it! How dare you possess a sweet little filly like Nightshade?!”

“Twilight! She’s not possessed! And I’m the real Spike!” the real Spike growls in frustration.

“Maybe you are, but look at the proof Purple Spike! She’s got the tails! With Tennant gone, Nightmare Moon must have gotten to her. Maybe because her coloring is similar to that alicorn filly she was chosen? But we have to stop her!” she says as she starts to build magic up in her horn.

“Twilight Stop!” Spike yells as he jumps on her back.

“Yeah! That’s my rival!” Garble agrees as she grabs her leg.

“SKREONK!” Mangle barks as she grabs onto her tail.

“Hey! Let me go-“

“Lady, you need to take a fiver and just think for a moment!” Greta commands as she gets her in a chokehold.

“Get off! I have to stop Nightmare Moon before-“

“Calm Down! Get A Hold Of Yourself!” Ember shrieks before slapping Twilight hard in the face which makes her eyes roll. Everyone in the dog pile look at her in shock and she backs up sheepishly. “What? I had to stop her from screaming didn’t I?”
Once she’s able to focus her eyes somewhat, Twilight begins to struggle again, and they dogpile her even more in earnest.

You meanwhile, are only faintly paying attention to this as you stare at the tails in shock.

But…I…I never wanted the tails…you think in devastation as you will them to move and they do. The tails carry with them some pretty bad memories for you, and they’ve never really been your cup of tea. Sure that last time in Appleloosa when he reached his awakened form after you convinced Sombra to help was a turning point for you, but the bad memories still remain.

Like the beatdown after the Ursa Major, the Grand Gallopoing Gala, that time when Aqua almost got drowned, and of course, the Crystal Empire rampage, and those were only the ones you were present for. The stories about Fillydelphia and the Otherworld still make you shiver in dread, and the tails are a symbol of how truly bucked your life has been. Any time they’ve come out, any stability you’ve had goes right out the window.

And now you have them too.

“Get! Off!” Twilight commands as she sends a sphere of magic outward that catches everyling in it’s web, causing them to hover.

“Oh, I don’t like this! This feels weird!” Ember whines as she floats uncontrollably in the magic grasp.

“I’ll deal with you all later after I…I….” Twilight trails off as she looks at you and becomes very confused.

“Buck! Mother Buck! Spit! Flankhole! Bucking Gorramned Bitch Nugget Supreme! WHAT THE BUCK?!” you curse to the heavens, with your shards glowing underneath your cloak and your tails whipping about.

“Whoa kid, language,” Greta scolds but you ignore her as you continue running around like a chicken with your head cut off.

“Seriously! Buck You Lady Luck! Buck You To Tartarus!” you curse as you slam your hooves into the ground, creating a small crater. “GRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!”

After screaming for almost a straight minute with a very intrigued audience, you slump in the crater you created and pant.

Why can’t I just have a normal life? You think in melancholy as a pair of hooves stop at the edge of your crater.

“You done?” Grandbuggy asks, almost sounding bored. You give a tired sigh and nod silently.

“Good,” he says as he reaches a hoof out to you and you take it. “We all need a good yell once in awhile kiddo. Better out than in,” he says sagely as he pats your back.

“Thanks Grandbuggy…I just…I don’t want to have these tails,” you admit and he nods.

“Figured as much. Who would?” he shrugs. “But don’t get too worked up. Whatever the buck is going on here, I don’t think it’s permanent…at least I hope it isn’t.”

You look at him with his sparkly eyes and androgynous looking pony features wearing a sparkly leotard and you can’t help but feel his wisdom is diminished somewhat.

“Thanks Grandbuggy…but can you please change into something less anime looking?”

“I would if I could Shade,” he says as he closes his eyes trying to transform and fails. “Whatever’s going on here, I guess calls for me being a pretty boy.”

“It’s unsettling,” you grimace as you look to the others…who are calmly, and collectively talking to Twilight.

“Soooo, this isn’t Spike?” she asks gesturing to Garble and the real Spike faceclaws.

“That’s right,” Greta nods. “It’s Princess Ember’s little brother.”

“Say what now?” Garble guffaws in confusion and Ember smacks him on the back of the head.

“Not by choice,” she grumbles.

“Oh…so you’re all friends of Nightshade and we accidentally had a switcheroo in the castle…why were you there again?” she asks.

“…Honestly, I have no idea,” Greta shrugs.

“Oh…okay then. So whatever this is isn’t Nightmare Moon’s doing,” she says calmly.

“Yes! That’s what I’ve been trying to say from the beginning Twilight!” Spike harrumphs and she looks at him apologetically.

“I’m sorry Spike…” she says as she hugs him and looks to you and Grandbuggy. “And I’m sorry for earlier Nightshade I…Things have been hectic on my side as of late and I guess I just jumped to conclusions. Please forgive me.”

You look at Grandbuggy and back to her and sigh.

“It’s okay, it happens to the best of us,” you placate which actually gets her to smile. The smile fades somewhat though as she turns back Garble.

“Alright Mister, you may be dragon royalty, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that you took advantage of my hospitality!”

“Hey, hey! I didn’t know what was going on!” he defends with raised claws. “And seriously, I woke up, you were pampering me and giving me gems and comic books, how could I say no to that?”

“You gave him my Gems?!” Spike shouts in outrage and Twilight chuckles sheepishly.

“Look, we can all beat on him like a piñata later, but for right now, let’s figure out what’s going on,” Greta interrupts before Spike can throttle the red dragon.

“Good idea catbird,” Grandbuggy says as he walks up to the group and Twilight looks at him curiously.


“Quick Fix,” he introduces. “I met you a few days ago. I’m dating Granny Smith, and Nightshade’s my Great Grand Daughter?”

“Uh…Yeah I think I heard something about that, but you look…” she trails off and he sighs.

“I know, and I don’t get it either,” he shrugs.

“Yeah, so why are we dressed like superheroes, why is Grandbuggy a Neighponese Pop Star, and why am I Da-Er-The Offender?” you ask aloud.

“I don’t…I don’t know,” Twilight shrugs. “I ran upstairs when Spike…or rather Garble started screaming and…Wait, are you related to that teen dragon who The Hooded Offender fought?”

“…Nope,” he lies with darting eyes.

“Huh…” she accepts this and shakes her head. “But anyway, I went upstairs and he was being sucked into some sort of portal, and I tried to help.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that after waking up as a masochist’s dream gal,” Greta says looking over her outfit.

“Oh, so this is HIS fault?!” you grumble and give a pointed look at Garble who sweats nervously.

“Well hey now-“

“What did you do?” you demand as everyone glares at him.

“Okay, look I’m going to be perfectly honest-“

“What…Did You Do?” you ask again with barely restrained rage and he gulps.

“Now…I was minding my own business-“


“I Was!” he whines and Ember gets at eye level with him.

“So what happened while you were ‘Minding Your Own Business’ huh?”

“Okay, okay, look…I was sitting in that basket bed, eating a few sapphires,” he starts.

“I was saving those!” Spike shouts.

“And I picked up a comic book like I’d done with the rest…and then that portal to Tartarus opened.”

Everyone looks incredulously at him after he finishes the explanation.

“And that’s it,” he reaffirms.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me, are you saying we got sucked into a danged comic book?” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“…Yes, I think so,” he nods.

“Wait, we got Isekaied? Then how come only Grandbuggy looks Neighsan?” you ask.

“Spike! Is this why you read so many comics? Does this normally happen?” she asks and Spike gives her a deadpanned look.

“No Twilight, this doesn’t happen normally.”

“Oh, then what could it mean then?”

“Magic bullspit probably,” Greta shrugs.

“Probably some nerd’s sick twisted fantasy pocket dimension more like,” Grandbuggy grumbles.
And while everyone ponders this mystery, you start to get a horrible feeling, but you can’t place your hoof on why. Like for starters, since when did Daddy get a tie in with the Power Ponies?

I know I would have bought that comic if it came out. I mean, the only times The Offender was in a comic was from whoever drew them in Arkhay, you ponder before a horrible idea comes to you. What if this is a propaganda comic?

WARGAMES’s Comment

You’ve seen plenty of articles in magazines and newspapers deriding your Daddy and now your Mommy, and on top of being mostly inaccurate, they are always full of hate and assumptions.

This is probably a comic where Dad shows up, commanded by Mommy or some other such nonsense, to attack a city and the Power Ponies show up to stop him. I mean, in real life Daddy would probably wipe the floor with them in awakened state, but if this is propaganda, he’d be weak and bloodthirsty with horrible writing!

You look around at all the other characters that have been filled, and how they all came out from inside of buildings and out of alleys and trashcans and such.

We might have just been flung right into a fight scene!

You then look at your image in a window and see that the art style is crisp and clean, so whoever drew this wasn’t going too hammy.

Now the question is, is this before or after the world found out about Mommy? Because I swear if a ghost form of her shows up telling me to kill everyone like a Death Notebook ripoff, I’m going to kick the writer’s nads into his throat!

You then glare back at Garble and realize, he’s the only one who would know for sure.

Kichi’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“My money’s on that stupid Draconequs being behind this,” Grandbuggy grumbles as you focus back on the conversation.

“Discord?” Twilight before she rubs her chin. “You know, I wouldn’t put it past him. Spike, did you ever get any comics from him?”

“No,” Spike says resolutely. “I’m not Fluttershy so he doesn’t hang out with me, and I don’t see us being bros any time soon.

A feeling of irony washes over you at that, and you don’t know why, but whether Discord caused this or not is irrelevant, and you have a more pressing question.

“Spike,” you whisper and he turns to you.

“I need you to help distract Twilight for a second while I get rough with Garble.”

“Huh? Why?” he asks.

“Because things are still pretty awkward between us and I kind of want to make a better impression you know?”

“Really? I thought you hated her,” he says in surprise and you give him a hurt look.

“I don’t hate her…I’m just cautious around her. She’s close minded, extremely OCD, and wants to kill my Mommy sure, but she was also my teacher for a bit, and I know you love her so she’s not all bad.”

“Right…right…” he says as he rubs the back of his neck. “And I guess good impressions might help for whenever the truth does come out when your dad comes back.”

“Exactly! And I can’t do that if I start strangling a guy in front of her.”

He looks at you in surprise before he smiles evily at that idea.

“Could you slap him around a bit for my stolen gems?”

“Anything for you,” you smirk. “Alright, so here’s the plan. I point behind her and say there’s a three headed monkey, and when she turns, you say you saw it and try to lead her towards it.”

He stares at you in silence for a moment, looking left and right incredulously.



“…You think she’ll fall for that? Even after all the times your Dad’s pulled the look a distraction ga-“

“Ms. Twilight! Look! A Three Headed Monkey!” you shout pointing behind her.

“What?! Where?!” she whips her head around.

“A what now?!” Greta turns as well.

“The buck’s a monkey?” Ember turns too, as does Garble, Grandbuggy and even Mangle.

“…I stand corrected,” he murmurs to you before shouting. “Oh yup! It crawled into that building!”

“Three headed monkey eh? Definitely Discord then,” Grandbuggy says with vindication. And while they’re all distracted, you turn to Garble, wrap one of your Nightmare Tails around his neck and drag him off into an alley way before the others see.

“Gack! What are you-“ he struggles to say as you pin him to the wall.

"What comic are we in?" you ask in restrained anger as your eye twitches.

Back with the group, Twilight and the others keep looking for the imaginary creature.

“Where? I don’t see it,” Twilight asks as she lifts a cart with her magic.

*POW* The word literally appears in the alleyway surrounded by a cartoony explosive background.

“It, uh, it might have disappeared,” Spike lies.

*BAM* This word also appears but no one but the purple dragon sees.

“That’s weird, I only know a bit about Power Ponies, but I don’t remember an enemy like this,” Greta ponders.


“I’m telling you, that kooky mish-mashed lizard’s having a laugh at our expense,” Grandbuggy insists.


“Again, what is a monkey?” Ember asks but no one answers.


“Aaaahh-Oomph!” Garble grunts as he lands back in front of the others.

“And that’s for eating Spike’s gems causing this whole mess,” you say authoritatively as you land in front of him while he groans.

“Huh? Did you say something Nightshade?” asks Twilight as she turns back around and Spike sighs in relief.

“Yup! I figured out what comic we’re in thanks to Garble,” you announce as you use your magic to pick him up to his feet, while he groans and rubs his stomach.

“Really? Well that’s good to here,” she says as she gives one last glance around. “Hopefully it explains whatever that three headed monkey was.”

“Uh…sure,” you say giving a great big innocent smile to her…which doesn’t seem to work as well as in the past. Grandbuggy leans down and whispers to you.

“If you’re smiling, she can’t see it. Face clouded in shadows remember?”

“Oh, right,” you nod as you try to take your hood down…only for it to not budge.

Of course, you sigh knowing that Lady Luck is laughing at your misery.

“Sooo…what comic are we in?” asks Spike and you turn back to the group.

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alright, from what I gathered, we’re in a crossover issue where the Power Ponies fight The Hooded Offender, and it’s called, ‘Who’s Fighting Who?’

“Oh goodness, those comics are still coming out? I thought we stopped that Horde Propaganda,” Twilight sighs and Spike looks to her.

“Yeah, well, I got it at a special comic store run by this weird pony in a cloak and a purple scarf like months ago, I didn’t know it could do this.”

You and the rest of the Outcasts share a knowing look at that.

Yeesh, what CAN’T The Merchant sell? You wonder as Twilight continues.

“Well either way, what are we supposed to do in order to get out?” asks Twilight.

“Hmmm, we could try to follow the story?” Garble suggests as he rubs a bump on his head courtesy of you.

“Huh?” questions Ember.

“You know, follow the story, and do what the characters are supposed to do.”

“How are we supposed to figure that out? Did you read it all the way?” asks Greta.

“No, I kind of got to this scene right here where the Offender encountered the Power Ponies and Nightmare Moon told him to brainwash them into helping.”

“OH COME ON!” you shout in frustration.

“I know right? Mistress Mare-Volous is supposed to be immune to that,” he shakes his head.

“Who?” asks Twilight.

“Mistress Mare-Volous. Who Greta is dressed as,” he points at the griffon.

“You mean this dominatrix suit?”

“She’s not a…whatever that is. Her magic lasso’s help her to ensnare villains,” you chime in.

“What, can they make you tell the truth as well?” Grandbuggy scoffs.

“No, that’s Wonder Mare, different universe entirely,” Spike answers.

“Oh whatever nerdy thing it is, who the buck am I?” he grunts.

“You’re dressed as Radiance, the most beautiful mare on the team,” Spike answers chuckling nervously.

“Ah great, nah, yeah that’s great,” Grandbuggy grumbles sarcastically.

“Believe me, it’s as horrifying for us,” Garble says and gets a stink eye in response.

“As for the rest, Twilight’s the Masked Matterhorn, Ember’s Zapp, I’m Filli-Second, Mangle’s Saddle-Rager for some reason, and Garble’s Hum Drum,” Spike lists off, giving a smirk at the last entry.

“Which totally sucks! He doesn’t have any powers and just gets in the way!” he complains.

“But doesn’t he eventually get his own Teen Superhero team?” you ask and Spike rolls his eyes.

“Not anymore, that line got cancelled and then got made into several shows, some overly serious, and some that were way too goofy.”

“Oh,” your ears wilt at that.

“It was better when he was like a cyborg in the Ultimate Universe,” Garble complains and Spike shoots him a stink eye.

“We don’t talk about the Ultimate Universe! The only good thing to come out of that was the revamped Spider-Mane, but otherwise it sucked!”

“Hey, it had some good storylines,” Garble argues.

“The creator of it turned Saddle-Rager into an unrepentant murderous cannibal! He’s gone on record stating that he’s always hated that she wasn’t always considered a villain and hates her being portrayed as a hero! Buck him and buck the Ultimate Universe!”

“Spike! Language!” Twilight scolds.

“Sorry, sorry,” he apologizes and starts to step back under gaze. “I got carried away did I get here?”

In the blink of an eye, Spike is now thirty feet back from you all, still in that apologetic stance.

“Did you just teleport?” asks Grandbuggy.

“When did you learn that?” you ask in intrigue.

“No no, he ran real fast. He’s Filli-Second after all,” Garble informs. To prove that point, Spike rushes over to your group, leaving an after image as he’s suddenly back in front of you.

“…Huh,” he says as he looks down at his claws.

“That was amazing Spike,” Twilight praises. “You’re still in trouble, but that was amazing!”

“Okay…” Ember interrupts. “I’m still not one hundred percent certain what’s going on here, but like, do we all have super powers now?”

“Oh! That’s why I have the Nightmare Tails!” you say in understanding.

“Cool! What powers do I get?” Ember asks excitedly.

“Uh, Zapp uses her charm to call down lightning and thunder,” Garble informs as she looks at the lightning bolt around her neck.

“Oh Sweet,” she says as it crackles with Static.

“Huh, what can I do?” asks Grandbuggy.

“I think you can do like Green Lantern type stuff right?” you double check and Spike nods.

“Yeah, she can make constructs only limited to her imagination.”

“Ah, so that’s why I got put in this role,” Grandbuggy realizes as he conjures up an image of a mare in a bikini posing.

“Is…is my power just rope?” asks Greta.

“Yeah, but you can control it with your mind,” you say and she still deadpans.

“Oh gee, how exciting…”

“Be grateful you even got a power,” Garble pouts. “The freaking robot can turn into a giant berserker.”

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks.

“She does have some experience with that,” you nod and look back to Twilight who raises her hoof.

“Oh, so what can I do?” she asks.

“Uh, you can make any kind of beam come out of your horn, like ice, fire, and stuff like that,” Spike answers.

“…But I could already do those things,” she points out.

“Yeah, well now you can do them while wearing a costume,” you say unhelpfully.

“Great…” she trails off before looking to Garble.

“So, Prince Garble,” she addresses and you snicker, “With these roles and powers…what are we supposed to do to follow the story?”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Uh…fight The Hooded Offender?” he suggests and everyone turns to you.

“Yeah, how about no?” you scoff. “I really don’t feel like fighting right now.”

“But he does have a point, if you’re supposed to be the enemy of the Power Ponies.”

“Yeah, well buck the plot, we can make a better one!” you growl and look to Twilight.

“Hello Masked Matterhorn, I would actually like to be your friend and not fight, if that’s okay with you?”

“Uh…sure?” Twilight guesses. Silence falls over the group as nothing happens.

“Well that didn’t work,” Greta states the obvious.

“Course it didn’t. Comics, at least back in my day, always had awesome fighting,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Soooo, thunderbolt the filly?” Ember asks holding her pendant towards you.

“NO! There’s gotta be a better way!” you yell, not liking the direction everything’s going.

“Hey wait, I just remembered something. The Maneiac was on the cover of this comic as well!” Spike says as he bonks his head and accidentally runs 19 ft in millisecond.

“Okay, okay, that’s getting somewhere, let’s go find and fight her instead of me, huh? Huh?” you suggest and they all look amongst themselves.

“Sounds like as good as a plan as any I guess,” Greta concludes and you sigh in relief.

“I agree, I don’t particularly want to fight a little filly,” Twilight says and chuckles nervously when you give her a pointed look.

“Alright then…so what’s a Maneiac?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Oh, well, she’s a supervillain that has complete control over her hair and can use it to ensnare ponies,” Spike explains. Grandbuggy looks at your friend for a few heartbeats before he shrugs.

“You know, I’d always heard comic villains got more dark and “mature” as the years went by, but that sounds goofy and fun just like the old days,” he says with a smirk.

“You clearly haven’t read The Killing Yoke then,” you shudder. “But anyway…how do we find her?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Maybe we could follow that symbol in the sky?” Ember suggests pointing up. You all look and silhouetted against the night sky is a spotlight beam, with a shadowy symbol in the center. The initials H.O. surrounded by a crescent moon.

“…Well yeah, obviously we’re gonna follow that,” you say as if it’s obvious.

You all then proceed to follow the bright glowing macguffin through the streets with bright neon colors contrasting against dark shadows.

“You know, cartoon imagery sure doesn’t translate well when it looks realistic,” Spike observes as he looks around.

“I know what you mean,” Twilight nods. “But honestly, I think Pinkie Pie would love it here.”

And while they chat, Garble comes up to you and asks,

“So why is Princess Ember calling me her little brother?”

“Because we had to come up with an excuse and you being fun sized now means it’s more believable,” you grunt and roll your eyes.

“I guess,” he says with slumped shoulders. “But aside from the pampering I got when that pony thought I was Spike, I don’t want to be like this forever.”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have tried to eat the crystal tree that created the Elements of Harmony then,” Greta scolds and bops him in the back of the head with her rope.

“…Was that supposed to hurt?” he asks sincerely and she bristles.

“I’m still working out this stupid rope power!”

“Hey, look alive everyone, I think we’re almost to that light thing,” Ember warns as you round a corner…

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!!” an insane feminine laugh pierces the air and you all freeze in shock.

“Oh My Gosh, it’s actually her,” you, Spike and Garble all gasp in both awe and fear. For standing upon a deli rooftop next to a giant search light, with her hair whipping around like your tails, is the villainous herself, Maneiac.

“So Hooded Offender, I see you made good on your boast in ensnaring the minds of the puny Power Ponies…” she cackles.

“Oh Come On! That’s the plot of this story?!” you complain as Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Honestly, how often are ponies gonna fall back on that one. The boy was never got that changeling ability,” he grumbles.

Ignoring you both Maneiac smiles insanely at you and raises herself higher with her hair.

“But be that as it may, I told you already, this city is mine to control and I won’t just hand it over to the likes of you!”

“But we’re not brainwashed! We’re not even from this world!” Twilight tries to interject but Maneiac just brushes her off.

“Nice try making your Puny Puppets try to lure me into a false sense of security Hooded Offender, but it won’t work. It’s time for you and those pests to finally be destroyed!”

“Oh yeah?” you challenge as your shards glow somewhat. “Well I don’t see how seeing as how you’re a C Class villain and supposedly I have this powerful group under my control.”

You point to your companions who are just looking at the whole situation curiously.

“Guys! Look tough and imposing!” you whisper yell.

“Oh right! We’ll beat you in the blink of an eye!” Spike growls as he gets into a running stance.

“And I’ll shock your ass till next Tuesday!” Ember pipes up holding her pendant.

“I’ll…Dazzle you I guess?” Grandbuggy throws out.

“I don’t want to fight, but if you attack I will defend myself!” Twilight says.

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks.

“…I got rope?” Greta says lamely.

“And I’ll-“ Garble starts but is cut off by the Maneiac’s laughter.

“Oh this is rich, you’ve still let them retain their do-gooder attitude even under your control. Even small, pathetic, useless, stupid Hum Drum, Muhahahahaha!!!”

“…Hey,” Garble moans sounding hurt.

“Yeah, sure I did all that in this stupid smear campaign,” you roll your eyes. “So you’re kind of screwed because I got numbers on my side and-“

“Ohohohoho, you think I came here alone?” she says with a toothy grin.

“Uhhh…” you stammer.

“I mean, if you can get some puny heroes under control, then why can’t I?”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Suddenly there are multiple loud thuds from behind your group.

Turning around your jaw drops as you see several figures, all of them with glowing green eyes, but one stands out to you the most.

“What the Buck?!” you yelp as a figure clad in a red hat and coat with a toothy gas mask walks into the light.

“Crimson Vengeance?” Greta squawks out in surprise just as a text box shows up in front of him labeling him as just that.

“Criminal Scum…” comes a deep, brainwashed voice that is clearly NOT your father’s. And why would it be? This is a comic book, and whoever drew this has CV clearly being portrayed as a dark colored stallion.

“Yes my precious bounty hunter, all of them enemies to the state,” Maneiac says gleefully and the bounty hunter scowls at you.

“Hooded…Offender…” he growls and you gulp as you were definitely not prepared for this strange psychological nightmare happening right now.

“Oh for-This is giving me a headache,” Grandbuggy voices your feelings just as the other figures enter into frame, with text boxes flashing in front of each one.

There is a blue unicorn mare clad in blue robes, with water circling her, who is labeled as Aqua, despite her not having the same face. There is a big hulking robot labeled as Sentry 1 which looks like a stylized version of that robot back in Vanhoover, which also gives Grandbuggy the shudders. Then there’s a griffon female in a skin tight blue outfit with the name Zero and Greta’s jaw drops.

“What the-IS THAT ME?!” she squawks as the other griffon narrows her glowing eyes at her.

Then there is someone labeled as The Surgeon, wearing doctor scrubs, a mask, and holding a giant mallet.

If that’s supposed to be Quack Salver, they clearly don’t know how crazy that guy iiiiiii…

Your thoughts trail off as a shorter figure steps out. She is a unicorn with dark purple hair, a dark blue coat, and she wears an officer’s uniform. She is labeled as The Filly.

If your brain was hurting before, it’s exploded by now as the representation of you from when you led the troops at Arkhay glares at you.

“Hey, she kind of looks like you Ni-“ Spike starts to say.

“I noticed!”

“Muhahahahaha! Isn’t it only fitting that the Hooded Offender should be defeated by heroes isn’t it? But I know how dangerous you are…” she then whistles and some stereotypical goons show up behind the brainwashed heroes, laughing and grinning at your group.

As Maneiac cackles on the roof and your group looks between the enemy and themselves, you grit your teeth in annoyance as your shards blip.

Whoever wrote this is a hack and I’ll sick that angry comic nerd guy in the pretty hat after them!

“Um, Spike? What are we supposed to do here?” asks Twilight nervously.

“I think we have to fight Twi. It’s a comic book after all,” he says with a gulp.

Master of Shadows’s Comment

“Good plan!” you say before rushing towards the other group, right at the twisted representation of your Dad’s bounty hunter persona. A moment later, the others follow suit, yelling and running at your enemy. A part of you is elated that you get to fight like a super hero, and you feel like you have to say something cool.


Everyone, including the enemy, look at you funny as you continue your rush and you mentally facehoof.

DOH! That was so lame!


Episode 66: Who Wrote This Junk?

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Roker12’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Rushing forth, you strike forth at your dad’s copyright infringement.

“Get the Buck Out of Here!” you shout as your hoof collides with his mask. Just like when interrogating Garble earlier, a large text box with a sound effect appears.


“Agh! That’s bright!” you shake your head as the after image dizzies you, giving the Crimson Vengeance the chance to strike you on the back with a lightning bolt punch.


“BZZZZZZZZZTTTT!!!” you yelp out as the electricity surges through your body. “Oi, you bucker!” you snarl as you strike forth with one of your tails, but he cross blocks it.


“Gyagh! These things are annoying!” you complain as CV roundhouse kicks you backward.


“You’re going down agent of Nightmare Moon!” he declares.

“Oh Shut Up! You’re Not My Dad!” you counter and sweep his legs out from under him with a tail strike.




A bunch more of those texts flare, and out of the corner of your eye you see the others facing off.

“That suit is so last season!” Greta shouts at her comic book counterpart.

“Oh, but Hunting Season never ends!” Zero declares as they fly straight towards each other, colliding in midair.

“Gah! Let go!” Ember shouts as Sentry 1 grabs her out of the air.

“Please put down your weapon, you have 15 seconds to comply,” a robotic voice threatens.

“Scale Rot! I must amputate immediately!” The surgeon yells maniacally as he starts chasing Spike with his saw cleaver.

“Get away from me!” Spike yelps as he super runs away from the nutjob.

“KYAH!” The Filly shrieks as she kicks Grandbuggy in the nads.

“Oooohhh…I…Wait,” he gasps in confusion as he unhunches. “I hardly even felt that. What the buck?! Where are my balls?!” he exclaims as unicorn you tilts her head in confusion.

“GYAGH! Get it off! Get it off!” Aqua shouts as Mangle holds onto her hair as she sends bouts of water everywhere.

“Um, who do I shoot?” Twilight asks looking at all the chaos.

“You’re the leader of the team, shoot the main villain!” Garble scolds, pointing to the still laughing Maneiac.

“Oh, right!” Twilight nods as she sends a blast of magic at the villainess.


“OW! Hey!” she exclaims as she uses her hair to crawl down the side of the building towards Twilight.

“Now what?!” she asks, but Garble is already running from that creepy image.


“Ouch!” Twilight grunts as one of Maneiac’s hair strands strikes her in the side.

“I do enjoy our dances Matter-Horn!” she cackles.

“Wow things are getting int-“


“AH!” you yell as the Crimson Vengeance hits you in the nose. You hold pressure on it and you glare at the bucker who has the gall to dress like your dad.

“Keep your head in the game outlaw!” he taunts as his hoof encases in fire.

“You son of a-DADDY NEVER HIT ME!!!” you shout as your eyes glow, and unknownst to you, they glow orange in this form. Your tails strike out an upper cut him into the air.


“GRRRR!!!” you growl at the annoying flashing sound effect box, as your tails ensnare it before it fades…somehow, and you start walking the Crimson Vengeance over the head with it…which causes the world around you to static a bit.

“Nightshade? How did you do that?” asks Spike as he zips next to you. “You broke the fourth wall.”

“Well there’s three more still standing!” you grunt back as you throw the pop up at Sentry 1.

“You have not complied. Deadly force is now in effect,” the robot says as it starts to squeeze Ember.

“EEEEE!!!” she gasps just as the pop up staggers the robot, giving her wiggle room.

“Use the lightning Princess!” Garble shouts from atop a light pole with The Surgeon sawing through it at the base.

“Oh right, super powers,” she smacks her forehead before holding up the pendant. “Uh…do the thing!”


A lightning bolt strikes the robot, and a metallic screech rings out…along with hers because she’s still in it’s grasp.

“BZZZZTTTTT!!!” she shakes violently as both of them ride the lightning and you wince.

“That’s gonna leave a mark,” you think just as Grandbuggy lands at your hooves, groaning.

“She keeps kicking me in the dick…but why? Why isn’t the pain greater?!” he laments just as your Unicorn counterpart lands on his back and smirks at you two.

“We’ve got this in the bag,” she boasts and you grit your teeth as you turn your glowing orange eyes to her.

“The bag sucks! You should get out of it more often!” you argue with yourself.

“Why? The bag is safe, the bag is life,” she grins.

“Wipe that stupid look off my face!” you shout as you tackle the other you off of Grandbuggy and into Mangle and Aqua’s struggling forms.

“…That was really weird to see,” Spike says as Grandbuggy lifts his head.

“You Don’t Say?!” he mocks just as CV kicks him in the gut and he curls again.

“Your temptations won’t work on me harlot!”

“OHHHH, now that’s just…Ohhhh, gross,” Grandbuggy shudders as Spike helps him out by punching CV in his nads.

“URK!” he grunts and falls over next to Grandbuggy.

“AAAHHH!!!” Garble shouts as Maneiac wraps a stand around him and tosses him at Twilight, who dives to catch him, only to crash into The Surgeon.

“The Masked Matter-Horn has wing like growths now! They must be amputated immediately!” he cackles as he starts biting on them.

“AGH! Stop That!” she yells and blasts him, just as another strand grabs and throws her.

“All this violence is caused by the youth playing too many video games!” Zero proclaims as she chokes Greta.

“WHAT?!” she squawks, as she uses her rope to wrap around one of Zero’s talons and whip her into a wall over and over again. “You take that back you ignorant slut!!!”

“…Did you just call yourself,” a smoking Ember starts to ask, but Greta whips her head towards her with a glare.

“I KNOW WHAT I SAID!” she shouts before she cocks a brow. “Hey, weren’t you fighting that robot?”

“I was, but now the other one’s got it,” she says pointing towards Sentry 1.

“Please stand down! You have only 5 seconds to-“


“SSKKRREEOONNKK!!!” Mangle barks to the sky. Using the power of Saddle-Rager, she is now in her Mangleoid form once more, with the multiple heads and limbs and everything.

“WooHoo! Go Mangle!” you cheer as Aqua has you ensnared in a water whip and other you kicks Spike in the nards.

“Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh-Buh…” Greta stammers, her eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she looks at the robotic monstrosity and has PTSD flashbacks.
This gives Zero suit Greta to grab the other end of the rope and whip Greta away from her and towards the Maneiac.

“Ah! Mare-Volous! Come to test your rope against my hair once again?!” she says as her hair comes towards her.

“Oh Gods! I’ve Read This Neighponese Smut!” she shrieks as she flies upward.

“The Agents of Nightmare Moon Must Be Purged! Glory to Equestria!” CV says robotically as he strikes again and again on Grandbuggy who has a radiant shield up.

“Boy, you best be quitting with that Stalliongrad Commie Bullspit!” he shouts as he encases CV in a bubble of energy, and walks over to a nearby gushing fire hydrant, and allows it to start filling the prison up.

“Whoa Old Bug, isn’t that a bit extreme?” Ember asks with worry.

“Not at all. Now Shock Em!” he orders as CV starts to make cracks appear in the waterlogged bubble. Apprehensively, Ember obeys and holds the pendant to the bubble.


The pop up shouts in an intense voice as lightning strikes the waterlogged CV causing him to spasm and to float to the top of the bubble.

“Did…Did we just kill him?” she asks fearfully.

“He’ll be fine, it’s a comic book,” Grandbuggy dismisses as he lets go of the construct and drops the body onto the ground. “Even if he did die, he’d be back in like 5 issues or whatever.”

“Pretty cold of you to be able to do that to your own grandson,” she says with disgust.

“That ain’t my boy, princess. Just some ink on a piece of paper,” he dismisses.

“Crimson Vengeance! NOOO!!!” Aqua shouts as she throws you into a dumpster and water jets over to the slumped vigilante.

You cough and spit up some water as you stick your head out of the garbage can.

“Not Cool Aqua! Not Cool!” you yell at the facsimile of your friend.

“Agh! Agh! Agh!” The Filly cries out as Spike straddles her and punches her again and again with punches you can’t even see.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he whimpers as he strikes her and looks at you with teary eyes. “Nightshade, I’m sorry!”

“Don’t be! Keep Bucking Her Up!” you encourage with a smirk that he can’t see.

“Oh, uh, alright h-“


Spike is interrupted as Mangleoid lands on top of him and The Filly.

“Spike!” you shout in worry.

“I’m Okay!” he groans, his claw waving haphazardly from under your giant pet.

You then look to Sentry 1 who is stomping towards your prone pet.

“Oh I don’t think so!” you say reaching into your Inventory…and immediately your hoof hits the bottom. “Huh?” you feel around and while you can feel some things inside, the bag isn’t bottomless. “Really? That’s the one thing they didn’t transfer over?!”

You pull out the heaviest thing you did feel though, and see that it is a rifle of some kind.

“…Okay,” you shrug as you point it at Sentry 1, pull the trigger…and a flag pops out with the word ‘Bang’ written on it. “…But why though?” you sputter as Sentry 1 raises his metallic fists.

“Please put down your weapon. You have-“

“Nightshade!” Twilight shouts as she blasts at the robot who staggers a bit.

“Thanks for the assist Twilight,” you shout as she lands next to you and glares at the suit.

“No problem! I doubt that there’s even a version of Flash inside, and you can’t trust sentient machines.”

“Skree?” Mangle somehow whimpers with her three heads and Twilight winces.

“Uh, present company excluded,” she chuckles nervously.

“No Flash inside huh?” Grandbuggy interjects as he peppers Aqua with countless glowing cigars. “Only one way to find out.”

“Hey, what are you-?”

With his super power, Grandbuggy makes an exact duplicate of Twilight, albeit shiny, and she is wearing skimpy socks, and a very risqué saddle. Sentry 1 actually stops mid stomp and freezes in place as it sees the hologram who gives a sultry wink to it.


“Does not compute! Agents of Nightmare Moon aren’t supposed to be sexy!” the mass of metal declares as it starts to spark and you facehoof.

“Of course that idiocy worked,” you shake your head as Twilight blushes profusely.

“I DON’T HAVE THOSE KINDS OF CLOTHES!!!” she shouts as her horn goes atomic and she blasts the perverted image…along with Sentry 1…and the building behind him.

“YAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!” Garble yells in the distance as he is used as a flail at the end of Greta’s rope against The Surgeon.

“Less Screaming and more fire breathing!” she commands as she hits the crazy doctor in the head with his body.

“YAAAGGGHHH!!!” Spike yells as Mangle throws him at Maneiac, who also takes a dragon to the face.


“Ooohhhh…” The Filly says as she rubs her head, and you throw your useless prop gun at her.


The sound of a coconut rings out as the weapon strikes her in the head…and then flies back to you like a boomerang.

“…Seriously, why?” you sputter just as green strands wrap around you and lift you up. “WHA!”

“Alright Offender, I believe it’s time for the main course to this little meal, wouldn’t you say?” she says with crazy eyes.

“I’m Not Hungry!” you declare as you use your countless tails to break out of her grip. When she sends forth her hair to ensnare you again, you catch each strand in one of your tails and the two of you end up in a tug of war match.

Not gonna lie, this feels really, REALLY weird, you think as your wriggly limbs and her wriggly limbs interlock and yank at each other.

Kichi’s Comment

“Oh no, she’s countering Nightshade’s Offender tails!” Twilight exclaims. “Spike! Do you have any green rocks or something to take away her power?

“You’re thinking of Kyrptonite Twilight, and that’s for Supermane!” Spike corrects as he zipps over a jet of water from Aqua.

“Yeah! Get it right!” Garble calls out as Greta slams him against the Crimson Vengeance who was shakily getting to his hooves.

“Quiet You!” Spike scolds as he limbos under a thunderbolt Ember sends towards Sentry 1. “But yeah, the only thing she’s really weak to is shampoo, but I don’t have any!”

“Shampoo? Really?” Greta complains as The Surgeon gasses her.

“I’ve seen weirder,” Grandbuggy dismisses as he makes Aqua look like she’s wearing frilly underwear.

“YOU PERVERT!” she lashes back with her bending, striking him in the chest.

“Dang these guys don’t go down easy,” he grumbles.

“Yeah, because I think we’re actually supposed to lose,” Spike points out.

“SKREONK?!” Mangle barks in confusion as The Filly starts wrenching one of her heads off.

“Not necessarily,” Garble says loopily and Spike shrugs.

“I don’t know. Usually in crossovers, the heroes get defeated because they can’t co-operate, and the villains leave them half-dead. After licking their wounds, they get on more friendly terms, then fight as a team.”

“Yeah, I vote we skip that!” Ember scoffs as she shocks Maneiac.

“AGH! That’s cheating!” she yells and you grit your teeth as the electricity goes into you as well.

Note to self, wear rubber boots from now on, you think in annoyance as you start to push her back.

“I’d like other options than losing thank you very much!” you add your two cents.

“Well, if we don’t follow that formula exactly, it could turn out to be a case of one of the villains betraying another because they want more power…which is kind of already in play since The Offender and Maneiac are against one another,” he says as he punches Sentry 1 and hurts his claw.

"Are we that predictable?" Maneiac asks as she joins the discussion.

“Pretty much,” Grandbuggy nods as he tosses Zero at Greta who hits her with Garble midair.


“Since it’s villain vs. villain with the heroes caught in the middle, maybe another party will come into play?” Twilight suggests as Sentry 1 picks her up and Spike ponders that.

“Hmmm, could be. I doubt it would be more heroes since we’re already in a crowded crossover. It could be that something extreme happens and then everyone has to work together to fight something even more dangerous.

“Like What?!” you ask with a strained voice…and you notice it’s gotten deeper.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“What the…?” you say in baritone as you notice the light of your glowing orange eyes increasing over the Maneiac’s hair…and then your body starts to feel weird.

Oh no! Mom said there would be changes in my body when I got older! Is this it?! You think worriedly…only to feel something pop over your bottom lip. Your first reaction of course is to lick it.

“A tooth?” you ask aloud in confusion as you look down and pale as you now have tusks, just like Daddy.

Oh no...


You feel devil horns on your head, and a second pair of wings sprout on your back. You manage to look back and see the most tails you've ever seen, fifteen. Bucking Fifteen Tails.

Stupid writers! Daddy said the max he can go up to was nine in the otherworld. Hey guys- Wait, why can't I talk?!

It’s much more than that, you can’t move, or rather, you can’t control your own movements.

Then you hear it, the same noise your father made back in the Crystal Empire.


You roar, despite not meaning or wanting to. You aren't in control of your body anymore.

Just…Just like when he ate Sombra... you think in horror.

Your body rushes forward as your tails bring the surprised Maneiac towards you as your jaw lowers.


But your body doesn't. Instead, it rams those two tusks into her shoulder as you bite down hard.


The pop up declares as Maneiac screams in fear and agony.

"What the buck?!" Greta shrieks.

"Holy spit!" Ember yells, and everyone on the battlefield look to you in horror.

“Holy…Nightshade…” Spike gasps and Grandbuggy gives him a side glance.

“Well, I think we found the common enemy for this story,” he gripes as Twilight sputters.

“N-No…Not again,” she says fearfully, remembering all too well that horrible day.

“Wh-What is that thing?” Crimson Vengeance says warily, as all of your team realizes that he and the others no longer have glowing eyes.

“It’s the Hooded Offender!” Aqua says while striking a pose.

“Power Ponies! What’s Going On?!” The Filly asks as she shudders.

“You all were mind controlled by The Maneiac and we were controlled by The Offender, and we all fought, but now we’re all free,” Garble summarizes.

“Huh? But we wer-“ Ember starts but he shushes her.

“We were in the comic,” he whispers harshly.

“Analysis…mind restored. Bigger threat detected,” Sentry 1 sounds off.

“You’re going down monster!” Zero says resolutely.

“In my medical opinion, we need to put this thing down!” The Surgeon quips.

Stop Trying To Sound Cool And Stop Me From Eating Her!!! You mentally scream as your body bites down again, causing her to gurgle in agony.

“We will team up with you Power Ponies, to stop the forces of-“

“Oh shut up and attack already!” Grandbuggy growls as he sends forth a barrage of sparkly missiles. “Shade! I’m Sorry Honey, but Grandbug’s gotta stop ya!”

“Me Too! I’m sorry Nightshade!” Spike apologizes as he rushes forth and starts attacking.

It’s alright! Now hurry and kick my flank before-

“GGGRRRROOOOAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” your body shouts as it whips the Maneiac by her tails and bowls over Grandbuggy, Spike, CV, and Aqua.

Ah Buck…you think with dread as both Sentry 1 and Mangleoid rush forth and tackle you, only for your tails to encircle them, lift them up in the air and smash them together like action figures.

“Catostrophic Damage!”


Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! You stutter as Twilight and Greta fly towards you.

“Nightshade! You Have To Snap Out of It!” Twilight states the obvious as she blasts you with magic, but it’s not really working out well for you.

“Don’t Swing Me At Her!” Garble shrieks as Greta flings him at you, but your tail catches him, pulls taut, and begins swinging her around and into Twilight.

“Oomph!” they grunt as they hit each other.

“Lightning!” Ember calls from above you, and for the third time today, your system is jolted by electricity. Taking offense to that, your tails swing Greta into her, before letting the rope go entirely and sending them all crashing to the ground. You then throw both robots at the group for good measure, and your body starts to chuckle evily.

“He’s gone insane!” the Maneiac screams hypocritically as The Surgeon heals her.

“That may be so witch, but if we don’t stop him now, we’ll all be destroyed!” Crimson Vengeance says striking a pose.

“…Fine! I will work with you puny heroes…for now,” she declares as she gets into a defensive stance alongside all of them.

“Ohh, just like that issue where-“ Garble starts but Spike slaps him upside the head.

“Not Now!” he growls. “We’ve gotta make sure Nightshade doesn’t stay like that!”

“Damn Right!” Grandbuggy nods.

“Obviously,” Greta and Ember say together.

“We’ll save you Nightshade! I won’t let you fall down this destiny!” Twilight declares as they all rush you at once.

…You know, if I were a part of this, it would be really bucking cool, you think in melancholy as your body roars and charges.


Well that didn’t bucking work out at all!

After an intense and desperate struggle on their part, the Nightmare Cloak with it’s increased number of tails wiped the floor with everyling. They all groan or are passed out as you stand victorious over them all, your tails whipping wildly. Everyone is down and barely conscious, except for the Filly, who is held by the scruff of her neck in front of your jaws as tears stream down her face.

“Please…I’m sorry…” she cries and your gut turns in twisted, confusing befuddlement and guilt.

Lady Luck, for the love of buck! Don’t make me eat myself! And as Daddy to boot! I can’t! I just…AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! You scream mentally as your mind can’t comprehend the scenario logically.

The crying filly gets closer and closer to your face…

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“I’ll do anything! Please!” she begs and your tails stop bringing her closer.

“Anything?” your Nightmare body asks with a deep, scary voice.

“Yes,” she nods. “Just let everyone else go…”

What’s this now? You wonder as your body looks over the beaten heroes. Your mouth then smiles as a dark chuckle comes forth.

“Then give me your all. Give in willingly, accept my mistress, and they shall be spared,” your voice reverberates.


“I…I accept…” the Filly says as she closes her eyes and spreads her legs out.

“Good Girl…” you say as suddenly the dark energy from your tails encompasses The Filly as you begin to shrink.

What is going on?! You panic as the unicorn version of you is surrounded by the cloak magic like a cocoon…and suddenly your vision pulls back from your body.

“What the buck?” you say as you now see the scene occurring from a third person perspective.

“Uh, what just happened?” you hear Ember’s voice and looking beside you, you see Grandbuggy and your friends, without the costumes on, watching the scene as well.
“Guys! Oh My Gosh! I Am So Sorry!” you apologize and try to move towards them…but you are all stuck in place.

“Nightshade? Wait did we succeed? I thought we got our butts kicked and failed,” he says as he reaches towards you.

“We did fail. Got our flanks handed to us on a platter,” Grandbuggy grunts and your ears wilt.

“I didn’t meant to, I swear! I-“

“I figured as much kiddo. The way this story was written, it was always gonna be that way,” Grandbuggy reassures and the others look at you sympathetically.

“Still, I just want you to know I didn’t have any control whatsoever!”

“…Just like the real Hooded Offender,” Twilight says sadly as she looks back at the unfolding scene.

The Power Ponies, now all looking like themselves, lie next to the downed Manieac and guest characters as the dark magic starts to glow and the Hooded Offender takes off his hood, revealing a stereotypical changeling without hair and with an evil expression on his face.

“Dude…this is just like a cutscene,” Greta says. The changeling then lifts the swirling mass with his magic and flies into the air above the defeated heroes and villain as citizen ponies look on in horror.

“Attention Maretropolis!” the changeling says in a booming voice as he unsheathes a sword out of nowhere.

Oh…so that’s how they translated the Inventory, you conclude as he holds the blade to the side.

“Come one, come all to this most historic of days! Your Power Ponies have been defeated, The Crimson Bounty Hunters are scattered, and not even the Maneiac can stand up to me!”

…Daddy does speeches like that sometimes, but he’s usually hammy. This…this is creepy, you shudder as you watch the changeling bring the sword above his head.

“This city will now be under new management!” He says with a confident, charismatic tone which actually draws in the background NPC’s.

“So without further ado, Ladies and Gentlecolts! I give you…NIGHTMARE MOON!” And with that, he swipes into the mass of dark magic. Lightning crackles, the wind howls and an ominous laugh resounds through the air, growing louder and louder. The neck on the back of your neck stands on end and you scowl and grit your teeth at the audacity of whoever wrote this schlock.

“Those motherbuckers…”
Emerging from the cloud, with a flap of her wings, is a very stylized version of your mother. She is as tall as she once was, and is decked out in her full gleaming armor, though it seems to meld into her flesh, and she is more beautiful, animated and just…more. You hear Twilight gasp in fright, but you don’t look towards her.

“After 1,000 Years I’m Free!” she announces as her voice echoes across the city. “I am your god now! Worship Me and Despair!” she says with a voice that is clearly not your mom’s loving and caring one.

The Changeling then takes her hoof into his as a cheeky grin spreads across his face.

“Mistress…” he says longingly and she strokes his cheek.

“You have done well to serve me my changeling…” she says with a sultry tone.

“Uuuhhh…” you trail off as to the surprise of everyone, they embrace into a passionate and non-kid friendly kiss.

“Whoa nelly,” Greta says flustered as you shut your eyes.

“AAAAAHHHH!!! Stop It! Gross!” you gag as the representations of your parents furiously make out above the city.

“Spike! Cover your eyes!” Twilight orders.

“Duhhhh….” He blathers as Grandbuggy chuckles and Ember shakes her head in sympathy.

“I’ve seen my folks doing worse, believe me.”

And as you gag and wish for death, and the beaten heroes look up to the sky in melancholy, an ol’ timey radio voice rings out.

“The Manipulative Malefactor of Miscontent Nightmare Moon has returned, heralded by her favorite toy. What Machiavellian Machinations will they wrought? What happened to courageous Filly? And what will our intrepid Power Ponies and their Vigilante Allies do? Will they stand a chance? Will the Maneiac still ally herself with them? Will humdrum finally do something useful? Find out in the next issue of Power Ponies: Eternal Night!”

And with that declaration, that same swirling vortex appears above your group and you are all sucked through it once more.

After a few moments of dizziness, you come to in a dog pile with everyone else, back in Twilight’s room.

Everyone groans as they all sit up and untangle themselves from each other.

“Did…did that actually just happen?” Twilight asks as she looks around at your group.

“…Yeah…I think it did Twi,” Spike says as he hugs onto her leg.

“…Spike, I don’t think I want you reading anymore comics for awhile,” she says as she wraps a leg around him.

“Agreed,” the rest of your group says in unison.

WARGAMES’s Comment

You look down at the comic book that caused all of this, and see the final panels displaying exactly what you just witnessed and you frown.

“That story sucked!” you declare as you slam the comic closed and stick it in your inventory.


Magical Power Ponies Comic.

“Yeah! Who makes an adventure like that if all you’re going to do is lose?!” Greta huffs.

“Or makes you a weak and useless character?!” Garble grumbles.

“Or takes away your stallionhood?!” Grandbuggy agrees, before his eyes widen, he reaches behind himself…and then lets out a contented sigh of relief.

“…I kind of liked being able to use lightning actually,” Ember admits but everyone ignores her.

“Not to mention it was wholly inaccurate!” Twilight hisses. “That poor changeling who became the Hooded Offender is a victim of Nightmare Moon! That depiction of him being a willing accomplice and…lover is just offensive!”

You just stare at Twilight with an emotionless face and sigh as Spike gives you a nervous apologetic look.

“Ms. Twilight?” you speak up and she looks back to you.

“Uh…yes Nightshade?”

“This is my Grandpa, that’s Princess Ember, that’s Greta, and that’s Garble.”

“Skreonk,” Mangle barks.

“And you remember Mangle,” you point out.

“Oh, uh…yes I guess things got a bit hectic there, nice to meet all of-“
“I want to meet with you later and do more magic training since my Dad is away,” you say and her eyes brighten.

“You Do?!” she asks enthusiastically and you nod.

“Yes…but not right now. I think we’ve all had enough today,” you say as you rub your head.

“Oh…I think maybe you might be right,” she says as she looks at everyone’s exhausted forms and yawns herself.

“Twilight, why don’t you take a nap? You could really use it?” Spike suggests and she nods.

“Alright…but what about this whole misunderstanding that kicked off everything?” she asks pointing to Garble who pales.

“Don’t worry, I’ll punish him for his insolence. Right little bro?” Ember sneers over the smaller dragon who gulps.

“Oh…very well then. Thank you for watching Spike for me then,” she thanks and Spike rolls his eyes.

“No problem. I’ll see you later,” you say to him with a wave and he gives one in return.

“See you then…”

“Oh, and Nightshade?” Twilight calls after you as you reach the stairs.

“Uh huh?”

“…It’s great to see you again,” she says with a smile and you return it.

“You too teach.”

A little while later, you all gaze at the mundane real world and sigh before saying to the others,

“When we see The Merchant again, we force him to tell us who wrote that stupid comic, and we beat them black and blue, agreed?”

“Agreed,” they all nod.

“Great,” you nod before looking to Grandbuggy. “Grandbuggy, bits please!”

“For what?” he asks, already reaching into his bowler hat.

“I need to unwind and relax after all that craziness. You guys can go do whatever, but I’m going to the spa,” you declare, remembering the one time you went with Daddy and had the most soothing experience ever.

The girls are in school right now, but that’s alright. I need some me time. I’ll even take Aloe’s shenanigans if it means I can melt into some mud.


Episode 67: I Want A Refund!

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You trot down the main street of Ponyville, eager for the stress relieving goodness of a spa treatment. If it wasn’t for the constant shenanigans, you’d have welcomed Ember and Greta along, but after roleplaying as your dad, fighting your dad, and yourself and then witnessing yourself being turned into your mom who then kissed your dad…yeah, your brain hurts.

I just need some me time right now. No friends or family, just me, you think as the stress of the last few weeks scratches at the back of your mind. Whatever Grandbuggy and the Outcasts do for the next few hours is not your concern you conclude, as you finally reach your destination.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Finally! Time for pampering!” you chirp as you trot into the spa to see it only slightly crowded. You walk up to the front desk to Lotus manning it.

“Oh, Nightshade! It’s good to see you! How have you been?” she asks with a smile.

“I’m tired but good overall. Can I have a mud bath, deep tissue massage, steam room, and whatever else I got last time please?” You say placing bits on the counter.

“Oh had a rough day?” Lotus she inquires as she takes the bits.

“You have no idea,” you groan at the memory of the magic comic book. “Um, how’s Aloe?”

“She’s….coping,” she says with a bite of her lip. From down the hall, you hear a cry of pain as a mare limps towards the exit.

“Thank you for stopping by! Come visit again! NEXT!” Aloe says with a strained voice as you see her poking her head out from a door. Her hair is messy in places, and her eyes are red from tears, and the twitching eyelids don’t help.

“Yikes, guess she took the news worse than I thought,” you cringe as the injured pony limps out the door.

“She’s been like this for days, I’m worried about her,” Lotus sighs and shakes her head as a very nervous whimpering mare enters her room and the door slams.

“…Should she be working?” you ask apprehensively and Lotus sighs again.

“Probably not, but we only have so many employees,” she admits and looks at you with concern. “But you know, despite everything, it’s no surprise as she really did like your father…obsessively at times. But still, at this rate we’ll need to hire extra help.”

“No, no NO! AGH! It’s not supposed to bend like that!” the customer screams from inside.

“Who is the expert here?!” Aloe growls back, followed by a crack and another whimper.

“…So, about that treatment?” you chuckle nervously and she smiles all business like.

“Here sweetie take this card. When your number’s called head down to room three.”

“I’m not Sweetie, I’m Nightshade, but thank you,” you say as you take the card and find yourself a chair in the waiting room.

“My mistake,” she says good naturedly, before going into the room of the whimpering mare, and an argument in some other language breaks out.

Some of the older mares and stallions hear the commotion and arguing, and many of them find they have other plans they just forgot about and exit the building.

“Well, guess that just means quicker service for me,” you shrug as you sit and twiddle your hooves on the chair. Your fellow customers who were brave enough to stay, are all either reading magazines, or watching the tiny wall TV which has some Mexicoltan Soap Opera playing.

“Hmmm,” you briefly consider plugging in one of the many consoles in your Inventory and passing the time with a good game…but you don’t want to risk your precious hardware falling and breaking.

You then hear a subdued sob from inside the massage room, which didn’t come from the customer and you wince.

Dang, I actually feel bad for her, you think with maybe a tad bit of guilt. I mean I knew she liked Daddy, but I didn’t know she liked him that much. Still, the news would have come out sooner or later. With a ‘what can you do?’ you grab a newspaper off of the side table and flip through some articles.

New Sapphire Shores tour, boring. Trender Hoof coming to town, who is that and who cares? Hey? What’s this?

“Strange weather phenomenon decimates Misty Lake Forest, hundreds of animals forced to relocate,” you read aloud the article that caught your eye. A picture of a forest accompanies the headline with burnt trees and a sad looking bunny.

Why does my chest feel itchy looking at this? You wonder briefly as the hairs on the back of your neck also stand on end. Shivering you continue to read.

“A large chunk of Misty Lake Forest was set ablaze in what experts claim is not natural.

‘Place looks like a battlefield more than anything,’ Forest Ranger Pine Nut claimed. ‘I mean, it was obviously arson, no doubt about it, but just as quickly as it came, it just snuffed out. And then there’s the reports from the first responder pegasi fire brigade, that reported that near the lake itself, the temperature had dropped unnaturally to below zero, and that there were ice chunks floating in the water.’

Oh no, I made the news again, you think with dread and guilt as you look at the pictures of burned trees.

‘Now normally you’d think the ice put out the flames, but that isn’t the case,’ claims unicorn scientist Neighkola Tesla. ‘It’s as if the two incidents are coincidental, because the residue amongst the trees where the flames were snuffed, shows signs of Dark Magic, not ice magic. And we all know who’s been slinging that for the last four years.

Oh for Buck’s sake! You think, gritting your teeth.

‘That’s right, Nightmare Moon herself is the lead suspect in this strange act. It’s no surprise as countless acts of arson have been committed by the Boogey Mare in the last four years, but this one is especially strange as no one knows the motive. A few witnesses have come forth, but their testimonies only provide more questions than answers.

‘There I was taking a hike in the woods when I heard the sound of roaring thunder overhead. The storm came out of nowhere, lightning striking the ground left and right. Never seen anything like it.’ ~ Hiker.

‘I was flying nearby trying to cut across over the forest when swear I thought I saw this big black and white wolf pack running just beneath me spreading the forest fire! ~ Nearby Pegasi.

‘I was out camping when I heard a scream and the sound of terrifying laughter. I ran faster than I ever did that day. My hooves felt like they were gonna fall out from underneath me.’ ~ Scared Camper.

‘I was just roasting some marshmallows when this stallion leapt out and put out my campfire! Then a bunch of these weird creatures trampled all over me for no good reason! I was very upset.’ ~ Sweet Little Filly.

‘Whatever Nightmare Moon’s game is, many animals have lost their habitat and volunteers have come in droves to find them shelter before winter hits.’

‘Like, this isn’t cool man. You can’t just disrupt the ecosystem like that. Countless critters now are out of stored food. For all we know, this could affect the Breezie migration as well.’ ~Tree Hugger, Activist.

‘Once more Nightmare Moon’s machinations hurt only the innocent in her quest for power. This coming off the heels of the incident at Rainbow Falls, leaves us dreading what she has planned next.’

You heart aches as you finish reading the article, and your hooves start to crumple the paper subconsciously.

I destroyed those poor animals’ homes, I didn’t even think about them! I could’ve hurt someling! You think in guilt before a scream of pain and a terrified expression flash through your mind as your shards glow beneath your scarf. No… I did hurt somebody. Very badly.

The memory of hurting the stallion who had turned into a wendigo-pony colt, stabs at your insides and you shut your eyes to keep the tears back.

The worst part was that I was laughing, you think with a shudder. I’d enjoyed what I was doing…and that’s the scariest part. You then open your eyes and stare back at the article hollowly. This article author, DWC, whoever they are I can’t blame them for thinking like that. I acted more like the Nightmare Moon legends than Mommy ever has…

“Hey kid you okay?” a deep voice calls out as you are shaken from your stupor. You look up to see overly large stallion with muscles for days sitting across from you.

“Bulk Biceps?” you ask in surprise. While you never really got to get to know the stallion you’d never forget the only one who survived your signature nard shot.

“Yeah! That’s me! Hey, aren’t you Nightshade?” he asks as he notices your features. You nod dumbly and he smiles. “I heard you were back in town but I didn’t believe it because they said your dad wasn’t here.”

“Uh…he’s not,” you say plainly as you get your emotions back under control.

“Huh, so I guess the gossip about him tying the knot are true then,” he ponders aloud before shrugging. “Well, good for him. So how you been? Last time I really talked to ya, you gave me a heck of a farewell.” And with that he starts to laugh, and it’s very contagious as you chuckle too, albeit more softly.

“Yeah, I did, sorry about that…and sorry for not apologizing sooner,” you say sheepishly.

“Eh, no hard feelings, didn’t even hurt he brags and your pride gets hurt a bit. “So at the spa all by yourself?” he asks as he readjusts himself, his huge body causing the chair to creak and groan under his muscle weight.

“Yeah all my friends are at school, and I needed to unwind,” you explain with a sigh.

“I feel that. My food cart business hasn’t been doing well lately, figured a trip to the spa would help,” He chuckles.

“You run a food cart?”

“Yeah, just a little thing nothing too major. I just sell mostly travel nuts and stuff. Although maybe I haven’t been hitting the quota because I’ve been training so much for the Equestria Games,” he says with realization.

“Wait, you’re going to the games?” you ask in astonishment.

“YEAH!” he cheers enthusiastically, pumping his muscles. “It’s gonna be awesome! Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I have been giving it our all, and we know we’re gonna do good because the Cloudsdale team tried to poach Dash, even though they’re made up of Wonderbolts!”

You realize you’re probably missing a lot of context for that story, but one thing stands out to you more than the rest.

“Fluttershy’s on the team too?” you ask incredulously.

“YEAH! We have matching uniforms and everything!” he cheers once more and you quirk an eyebrow.

Okay…between this guy’s wings and Fluttershy’s gentle flying, the Filly Fooler’s got her work cut out for her to make up time on…whatever the event they’re a part of, you theorize before a ding knocks you out of your thoughts. Both you and Bulk look up to the serving number card as it changes, and lo and behold, it’s your card number.

“Well, good luck with the stand and competing in international sporting events,” you say as you walk towards the back.

“And good luck with…being you,” he says goofily, though you feel somewhat of a twinge at that.

Easier said than done these days, you think in melancholy as Lotus opens the door for you.

“Ahh, Nightshade! Your mud bath is ready,” she smiles at you.

“Thanks Lotus,” you say as you start to follow her back. As you do, Aloe passes by both of you without noticing and calls out.


“YEAH! That’s me!” Bulk cries from the lobby and you hear an intake of breath.

Looking behind you you see Aloe’s eyes bulging a little and her tongue hanging out a bit.

“Oooohhh, six pack…that could help ease my pain…” she whispers in a sensual voice that Bulk doesn’t hear.

“...Ms. Lotus, I’m worried about Bulk,” you say to the other sister as you round the corner.

“Don’t worry dear, I will take care of it,” she reassures you, though you can see her eye twitching in annoyance.

“Okay good, because she was staring at him like I stare at a triple decker ice cream sundae…she’s not going to eat him is she?” you ask in worry and Lotus actually snorts.

“Not if I can help it,” she giggles before opening a door revealing a tub of mud. “Now, here is your bath little madam.”

“Oh sweet,” you think as you set your inventory in one of the cubbies…and then you realize something kind of important.

BUCK! I forgot about the shards! You think in panic as your hoof grasps your scarf. If they see them, they’ll run and tell Twilight!

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

"Now... Let's take that scarf off shall we?" the spa pony says as she reaches towards you.

CRAP! You mentally shout as you jump back with a empowering stance and your scarf starts to whirl around, except there's no wind to make that possible so Lotus stands there in confusion.

"Uh..." you start, "I gotta use the bathroom, be right back!" And with that, you run towards the little filly’s room.

“Oh, uh…okay?” Lotus mutters in bewilderment.

Upon entering the bathroom, you shut and lock the door in front of you and look at your reflection in the mirror. Reluctantly, you lift the scarf and your shards are on full display.

“Grrr, stupid bucking things! Why must you continue to mess with me?!” you growl as the shards thrum with soft light. Gritting your teeth, you begin to ponder your situation.

“Okay, so I can’t disguise these away, and wearing a scarf into a bath is suspicious. I just need something to cover it up that doesn’t look out of the ordinary…wait a second!”

A light bulb goes off in your head and you look to the shadows under the sink.

“Hey! Hey Jackie! Er…Bob! Bee Zul Bub!”

“Are you calling for me mistress?” your imp asks as he melts out of the shadows.

“Yup! I couldn’t really decide between the two names, so I figured I’ll call you either or,” you explain and he raises a brow.

“Very well then. What do you seek?”

“Okay, so as you know, these pieces of jewelry in my skin don’t exactly go away, but I kind of want to get pampered without clothes on…so can you help?” you plead.

“Hmm, I believe I can mistress. Brace yourself, this might feel funny,” he warns.

“Huh?” you ask, but he is already in motion as he latches onto your neck, and begins to melt into you. “BWAH!” you stumble back as a combination itch and tickling sensation washes over you as you seemingly absorb his arms, legs, head and chest. Just as quickly as it happens though, he stops with his back partially sticking out of your chest.

There you go mistress. Amulet pieces thoroughly blocked from view, he says within your mind as his head is inside your body. You shudder at the strange sensation, and wonder how Daddy got so used to it with Mommy.

“Alrighty then…thanks Jackie,” you say as you pat the clump of darkness that is his spine and look into the mirror. It looks a bit strange, like maybe you had a scar that healed funny, but the shards are no longer visible. “…Good enough.” And with that, you exit the bathroom and go back to Lotus.

“Hello again Nightshade, are you now ready for-“

“Yup! Here you go,” you say tossing your scarf to her before canonballing into the mud, splashing quite a bit here and there. Lotus wipes some mud from her cheek and just rolls her eyes good naturedly as she begins to walk off.

“Enjoy your bath, and ring the bell when you’re ready for your next treatment.”

“Will do,” you call back as you ease yourself into the wet earth and let out a content sigh. “Aaahhhh, that hits the spot.”

After awhile in the warm, sloppy mud, your muscles begin to relax, and you feel the stress melting off of you.

I may have made some mistakes, and sure things haven’t been going well for me lately, but there are still a lot of good things that have happened, you think optimistically as you sink further into the mud. My family is bigger now, I got lots of new friends who haven’t abandoned me, and I’ve come so far in bringing out the truth with Mommy and Daddy. All in all, I’ve made huge steps, and I’ll atone for the bad stuff. I’m sure I’ll see that Wendigo-Colt again and give him back his locket…though I probably should fix it first.

Unbeknownst to you, under Bob, the shards become still as you are able to get your emotions under control.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

After a bit more time relaxing, you open your eyes…and see a colt with red eyes standing in the corner, staring at you unblinkingly.

“AH! What the buck?!” you declare as you leap out of the mud angrily. As you get your bearings and wipe some stray mud from your face, you see he isn’t in the corner anymore. “…Okay you little pervert, where are you?” you growl looking around…and see him in the opposite corner, still staring.

“Get out of here or I’ll kick your nads into your throat!” you order, but the creepy colt doesn’t budge. “You asked for it! Falcon Kick!”

Your hoof kicks out, right where the sun don’t shine, and the whole time he doesn’t move or flinch. When you make contact…


He disappears into a cloud of confetti and the sound of a party popper.

“…What?!” you bark as your brain suddenly hurts, and you are now covered in glitter and confetti which sticks to the mud. “I guess…I guess I spent too much time in the mud?” you guess as you ring the bell for Lotus.

After the very perplexed spa pony sees you covered in party favors, you are hosed down with a much stronger jet of water to ensure everything comes off…and it’s not very pleasant. And just like that, the relaxing mood you built up vanishes.

“Stupid Gorramned Confetti Ghost!”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

After essentially being sprayed down by a cold fire hose, Lotus takes you to another room and puts that weird green goop on your face.

I still don’t get how this stuff is supposed to help my face, you think as you eat the cucumbers that are supposed to go over your eyes. After eating a few more, she stops putting them on and leaves you to sit.

“Oh my gosh! Nightshade!” A bubbly and excited voice squees. Turning to the source, you see a familiar pegasus mare with crooked eyes, wearing a matching grey robe as yours.

"Derpy!" you shout happily and you would stand up to hug her, but they told you to stay still so the stuff on your face wouldn't be ruined. "How have you been?"

"Everything's been great!" she says, before looking around and whispering, "Your dad still isn't back from his adventure to the other dimension I see."

"Ah, so Jack told you huh?" you half ask while nodding your head. "But yeah no, he still isn't back."

"They'll be back, it's your dad and mom we're talking about here. They've always pulled through no matter how much lady luck tries to throw them off," she encourages as she walks to the chair next to you.

"Yeah I know…but still," you shrug and she nods. She then takes the empty long chair next to you and rests.

"Ahhh…" she sighs as she puts her hooves up. “I love having a me day once in awhile. Working at the post office, raising Dinky, and now being married to the Doc can be quite a hoofful sometime.”

“Oh…is that bad?” you ask hesitantly and she smirks at you.

“Not at all, I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she giggles. “Being a part of a family is tiring work, but it’s well rewarding.”

“I bet,” you think as you look at her smile.

Will I be that happy when Mom has a body and we can stop running and just live? You wonder enviously.

“So, Nightshade, I heard you’re the Old Bug is causing mischief and mayhem as he usually does?” she asks and you roll your eyes.

“Tell me about it,” you huff and she giggles. “What have you heard?”

“Oh just some odds and ends about how BST’s Grandfather is in town, already courting the head of the Apple Family and has a posse of varied creatures at his beck and call,” she lists.

“Yeah, well, it’s not exactly lies,” you shrug. “Although I wouldn’t say the others are at his beck and call, more like…they just kind of started hanging out with us and aren’t leaving. Except for Ember that is, I guess we do technically own her and stuff…but it’s complicated.”

“Oh Shade, I traveled with your Grandbuggy for awhile, I know exactly how complicated things could get,” she laughs, which infects you and you join in. “Still, after all these years, I can’t believe he and Granny Smith found each other again.”

“That’s been one of the best things,” you admit. “I mean, one of my best friends is now my best cousin, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are willing to give Mom and Dad a chance, and it’s just…it’s great. I just hope Dad gets back soon so he can enjoy it too.”

“He will honey, he will,” she encourages and pats your foreleg. “And who knows, maybe when Jack finishes his weird science with them, we could be neighbors.”

“…I’d like that,” you nod. “I mean, Daddy really loves Appleloosa, and I do too…but I’ve got more here that I’m attached to.”

“Well, you are his precious little filly, I’m sure you’d be able to persuade him to change his mind,” she smirks conspiratorially and you grin.

“Heh heh, yeah I guess I could. Though I wonder, would we be the whacky neighbors, or would that be you? I mean, he still is The Doctor isn’t he?”

"Well…yes and no. He’s not a Timelord anymore, and he goes by Time Turner now, but he still does respond to Doctor. He thinks that’s my little nickname for him." She adds with a giggle.

“Oh…so he’s not as goofy?” you ask.

"Oh no, in the end he's still the same as always," she corrects. “It’s just that now he’s here to stay. His big blue box will be waiting for him when…our times come, but that won’t be for many decades.”

“Ah, so there goes my next question,” you say thinking about the TARDIS.

“Yeah, he’s not touching that thing till he wears another face,” she says with determination. “Besides, the only two people on this whole planet that could get it running beside him are your Grandbuggy and Jack, and they’d have to convince me pretty darn hard to borrow it.”

“I don’t doubt it,” you nod as you see the steely resolve on her face. “But still, if The Doctor isn’t a traveler anymore, but he’s still kind of the same…can he still fix things?”

“Heh heh,” she giggles. “Funny you should say that, he’s become somewhat of a Tinkerer and Scientist now that he’s a regular pony. He’s advancing our tech little by little without even realizing it.”

“So…do you think he might be able to fix something like this?” you ask as you lift the broken locket from out of your inventory in the corner and hand it to Derpy.

“Oh wow, this thing had a number done on it,” she says as she inspects it. “Who’s the mare in the picture?”

“I don’t know…I kind of broke it and it belonged to someone that didn’t deserve it,” you say as you flash back to the lake. “So I’d like to at least mend it as an apology.”

“Hmm, I’ll see what I can do,” she nods as she puts Frost’s broken locket into her robes.


Frost’s Locket (Broken)

“Thanks Derpy, I really appreciate it,” you say in relief and she gives you another sweet smile.

“Don’t worry about it. How about as payment, you and the Old Bug drop on by sometime for a visit? I’ve heard the news reports like everypony else in the country, and I’d like to know the real story.”

Your eyes subconsciously dart to where Bee Zul Bub is covering the Alicorn Amulet pieces and a bit of sweat trickles past the green stuff.

“…Yeah, we’ll get on that when we have time,” you promise.

“I can’t wait,” she chirps before lying back next to you. “So, what’s a gal got to do to get a moisture mask?”

“I think you have to ring the bell,” you say pointing to the instrument resting on the coffee table between you.

“Oh, duh!” she bops her forehead before giving the bell a ring. “There we go.”

“So Derpy? I’ve been meaning to ask. What exactly does this face cream stuff do?” Before she can answer though, there is a flash of light in front of you two and a familiar grating voice speaks up.

“I believe it’s so that older mares who are desperate to avoid wrinkles like the plague, but luckily for you, you won’t have to worry about that for centuries, if Tia and Lulu are any measure.”

“Discord!” you growl, but are taken aback by his appearance.

"Now now, I know what you're thinking, 'Buck him up! He screwed you and your daddy and even though he claims to be your friend he won't even lift a talon to fix your mess!' Am I right?”

“Well…yeah,” you nod sincerely. “But also, why are you covered in yellow feathers and honey?”

He looks down at himself and frowns.

“Oh drat, I knew there was something I intentionally forgot to fix. Hold that thought,” he says as he snaps his fingers and a large barrel labeled “Vanilla Cream” appears, to which he cannonballs into. He then immediately rises up, wearing a shower cap and scrubbing his back with a brush and Derpy sighs.

“And here I thought I would have some relaxation time.”

“You can say that again,” you grumble as the God of Chaos looks over at you, now de-feathered and covered in goop.

“Oh come now, there could be worst company to spend your time with,” he points out, before suddenly in a flash, the barrel and all the cream filling is gone and he looks shiny and radiant. “Ah there we go, so refreshing.”

“Again, why were you covered in all of that Discord?” Derpy repeats.

“Oh, just some fallout from dealing with cracks in dimensional reality,” he handwaves and Derpy’s eyes widen.


“Oh yes, I’ve had to patch up a few cracks here and there, but lately they’ve been increasing and I have no idea why,” he shrugs. “But they’re a fun distraction.”

“Whatever, what do you want Discord!” you demand, while crossing your hooves.

“Hmmph, why does it have to be something that I want? Maybe I just dropped in to say hello, did you ever consider that?”

“No,” you say plainly and he smirks.

“Good answer. But anyway, I didn’t come to fight or anything, so please no nard shattering, or they’ll be more confetti,” he warns.

“You son of a-You’re the one who made that creepy thing?”

“Of course! I couldn’t resist playing a little joke on you beforehand,” he chuckles.

“I had to get hosed down and it ruffled my fur you jerk!” you pout and look away from him.

“Exactly! Everyone had fun,” he laughs and you roll your eyes. “Now look, I don’t want to fight, and I know you don’t want to go on a tantrum and explode this lovely establishment, so why don’t we just have a civilized discussion?”

"About what?" You spit with a glare.

"I just thought that since I'm free we could have a friendly chat! Or just say hello! Your father disappeared without a trace and I've been so bored lately. Sure I've been watching you and your group of misfits, but that's absolutely nothing compared to what your dear old dad is capable of. By any chance, do you know where he is?"

"Buck off..." You say, your glare not faltering.

"Oh dear, sorry for striking the wrong chord. Anyways, I thought since you were close by to home I could come over and visit you. Although until now you've always been with Twilight, a different Element of Harmony, your friends, or lover!"

"You live near here- Wait. Lover?" you gasp with a blush.

"But now you're in a quiet setting with Derpy here. So how has life been my cute little Nightmare Moon?"

"That’s not my name and I don't want to talk to you right now!" You say, closing your eyes once more.

"Oh, but you will! And soon at that! You see, a certain cousin will be coming over to play in the next few days, and I'm sure you would love to join in."

Cousin? Who’s he talking about? What cousins would be visiting? Babs? Braeburn? Nah, Discord wouldn’t care about them…

I think he’s talking about someone even bigger Mistress, Bob responds and your eyes widen in understanding.

"Cadence?" You ask, opening your eyes and staring at him once more.

"Correct!" He says, holding up a sign with a star. “Although you only get half the points because that little monster clinging to you helped.”

"Why is she coming here? And what do you mean play? What are you planning Discord?" you demand and he just shrugs and gives you a spit eating grin.

"You'll just have to come to our playdate and find out for yourself," he says cryptically.

"Why do you even want me there? Can't you just leave me alone?" you huff.

"Well, let's just say that three alicorns are better than two. And are you really going to pass up this chance to see a long-time friend just because of me?"

"Maybe!" you pout pettily.

"Well don't. Anyway, just be sure to come to Twilight's house around..." He checks three watches on his tail before shrugging. "Eh, your lady luck will bring you there. You’ll know the time is right when dear sweet Flutteshy goes out of town.” You frown at that.

“What are you planning that you don’t want her to see?” you insinuate and his face awashes with false hurt.

“Oh, Nightshade, you wound me! I’m not doing anything nefarious that would tarnish Fluttershy’s opinion of me!”

“Oh Bullspit!” you disregard. “If you really cared about her, you would actually help me out instead of being a troll. I swear, she may be a pain in some ways, but if you hurt her I’ll-”

His mock hurt turns to genuine anger as he leans over you

“For your information, little miss potty mouth, it’s because of her that I restored all of the correct memories from that day we first met,” he growls.

“Wait, you did?” you ask taken aback.

“Yes! After your little Illuminati meetings, she asked me politely and I didn’t even hesitate,” he harrumphs and with his hands on his hips.

“What?! Then how come no one’s shouting that on the streets or anything?”

“Because like I told your dad last year, it didn’t matter. Most ponies are stubborn and won’t change their mind, even while drug kicking and screaming through the trurth. So yes, they know your Dad helped against me way back when, but the skittish equines all push it that Nightmare Moon had a vendetta against me.”

“But…but that’s…”

“Stupid yes,” he nods with a frown. “And you wonder why I usually only hang out with Fluttershy. She’s one of the only ones willing to give a chance…”

You pick up some notes of resentment and even hurt in that statement, and you are thrown off a bit, but just as quickly, his mood shifts again.

“So come along and play when the time comes, it could be fun,” he says while mini-fireworks go off around his head. You open your mouth to say something but he raises a claw to stop you. “And before you ask, no, I can’t help with your new bling. I’ve already tried.”

“You did? When?” you cough in surprise.

“You were out in that delightful Merchant’s trailer for awhile, so I had a chance to sneak in and try to help. I mean, I created the Plunderseeds centuries ago, but the last thing I wanted was something like this.”

“But…you’re a god. Why can’t you-“

“Umbrum magic and Chaos Magic go together like oil and water kiddo. I know you won’t believe it, but sorry,” he then leans down again and whispers. “But a certain cousin who runs an Empire made of crystal might have some clues.” He then leans back winks and snaps his claws. “Tata for now.”

And with a flash of light, he is gone.

“Well…that was unexpected,” you say before you feel something tickling your nose. Bringing a hoof to your cheek, you feel more confetti and glitter sticking to you. "Oh for-GRRR! You say you're my friend but you still buck with me!"

"He'll come around," Derpy says a bit absently. "The Elements are gone so he has no reason to comply with the princesses other than his friendship with them. So far he's been doing great…”

“Yeah, but he’s still a troll,” you complain as you start smearing the stuff off of your face.

“True…but anyway, I have to cut this short,” she says as she stands up.

“What? Really? Why?” you ask a bit crestfallen.

“Discord mentioned something about dimensional cracks…I’ve got to get in contact with Jack, because in my experience, those aren’t a good sign,” she says with a shudder.

“Really? Cause it looked like it just covered Discord in gunk,” you point out and she shakes her head.

“That’s the least of our worries…” she says under her breath. “Take care for now Nightshade, I’ll see you later!” And with that she rushes out the door, leaving you alone.

“Huh, guess all that traveling made her paranoid,” you shrug as Lotus walks in.

“Wha-? How in the world did you get more confetti and glitter on you?!” she demands.

“Because Discord!” you harrumph, before you yet again have to be hosed down.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Some Time Later

“Uuugggghhhh,” you groan as you sit in the steam room, not even remotely relaxed after another decontamination shower. “I paid good money for this, and so far it’s been a disaster!”

"Hey there madam! I'm here with my family on a trip and I just have to say you look absolutely divine!” a snooty rich accented voice breaks your melancholy and you see a blonde unicorn colt walk into the room. “How would you like to grab a treat after your visit here?"

Now any other filly in your position would perhaps blush and politely decline his offer. But your dad raised you.

"Buck off pervert! I'm busy!"

The colt looks shocked for a second before glaring and walking away with his nose up like Prince Blueblood.

“Hmmph, see if I ever try to be a gentleman in a small town again!”

“Uggghhh,” you groan as you rub your temples. “This sweat box isn’t helping!”

“I know what you mean, you should try the jelly baths…” a creepy voice says from next to you. Entirely done with the day, you are not at all surprised to see that weirdo that likes dunking himself in large vats of jelly sitting next you.

“They don’t have those here,” you deadpan.

“I know…you have to bring your own,” he says as he gets out a jar of jelly and starts pouring it on himself.

“Falcon Kick!” you cry as you kick him in the nards, and his greased up carcass slides out of the room.

“What the-I thought I told you to stop bringing food in here!” you hear Aloe chide him as you stomp out the door.

“Creeps and Perverts Are Everywhere! Just give me a dang massage!” you demand to her as your shards begin glowing again.

Roker12’s Comment

Down with Chrysalis’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Even More Time Later

Of course it would end up like this! Buck You Lady Luck! You mentally shout as Aloe gives you a back massage.

Since you stormed out of the steam room, and Lotus had other customers, the only one who could service you was one of your Dad’s stalker crowd.

Now all things considered, it isn’t too bad. She is working out the kinks in your shoulders, especially the joints where your wings come out when they’re not hidden…but the air is clearly awkward…also it is kind of smells in here.

“Hey Aloe?” you venture.

“Yes Ma’am?” she asks distantly.

“You think you could light some candles or something? It’s kind of smells stinky in here.”

“Oh yes, my apologies…” she says as she does just that. “That would be thanks to Mr. Biceps. His “massage” uh, got kind of intense,” she says with an awkward cough.

“…Okay,” you say, a bit creeped out at the way she phrased it. “Um…listen Aloe, can I just say something to you?”

She stiffens at that and stops moving her hooves.

“Oh? Uh, what is it you-“

“It’s about my Dad,” you cut to it and she goes stock still. “Listen, I know you liked him a lot, a lot of mares did, but that doesn’t mean you have to be so down in the dumps and everything.”

“I…I just…” she stammers out, but you continue.

“I know I’m just a kid and stuff, but a lot of grownups hang onto the silliest things. Just because my Dad is happy with my Mom, doesn’t mean he’d want you to be sad.”

“Oh…you’re already calling her mom…” she says hollowly and you facehoof in frustration.

“Look, Aloe, a pretty mare like you could get any guy she wanted. I know you might be jealous because of how much my Mom and Dad love and care for each other. Anypony would want how honest and open they are with each other in their relationship. So don’t stop trying, because there’s bound to be a guy who-“

“Open relationship you say?!” she gasps, suddenly bending down to look in you the eye with a horrifying expression.

“EEP!” you shudder back as she leans in.

“Did I hear that right? Open Relationship?!” she demands and you start to sweat.

“Uh…yeah? They tell each other every-“

“Oh Splendid! So Splendid! They’re one of those couples! Ha ha ha hahahahahahahaa!!!” she laughs maniacally and suddenly all that hard work loosening your muscles has been for naught as you tense up.

What the buck…? You mouth as she suddenly starts pacing back and forth.

“This is good, this is good. Though I can’t make myself look so desperate. I’d have to adhere to their tastes after all! Perhaps it’d be more mature to go the swinging route! Bulk can help with that! In fact we should start the trend so that it’s common place when they get here. Are Lyra and Bon Bon a couple? Eh, semantics, semantics.” She then leaves the room, leaving you alone and very, very confused.

“…What just happened here?” you gape. After a minute, you realize she isn’t coming back, so sighing, you trod out and head towards the Hot Tub without any assistance. “I feel like I just pulled a Daddy back there.” And as you flop into the warm bubbly water, you swear you hear Bulk somewhere in the distance scream an enthusiastic,


You sit with only your nose above the water, absentmindedly blowing bubbles as you try and fail to relax.

I’m starting to feel like this whole thing was a waste of time and money, you think in melancholy.

Kichi’s Comment

“Ah, some pampering sounds amazing right now, you have no idea the morning I’ve had darling,” an annoying voice sounds from the hallway and you nearly inhale water with your gasp.

Oh for crying out loud! Really?!

“No problem Ms. Rarity, we’re always happy to have you. Thank you for waiting so patiently, it seems my sister has left work early for some reason” a very tired Lotus answers in the hallway and you just groan.

Of course McStabFlank would show up! Why the buck not! Thanks Lady Luck, for the dingleberry topper on this crap sundae!

Unbeknownst to you, the water temperature actually increases as you stew in anger and frustration and the glowing shards even start to discomfort Jackie, but he still serves dutifully.

“That’s a shame, though I’m not in the market for a massage today, so I think I’ll go soak in the hot tub first,” Rarity says which brings you even more anguish.

Gorramnit! Was the comic book and confetti not enough?! Now I gotta share a tub with that anorexic whorse! AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!! You mentally roar as you start to thrash about in the water.

“Oh dear, is somepony in there?” Rarity asks and you cast your glare towards her, barely visible above the water and she gasps.

“Oh Ms. Nightshade, so that’s where you’ve gotten off too,” Lotus says in relief as she recognizes you.

“Oh, Nightshade! How lovely to run into you darling,” Rarity says enthusiastically as she slides into the tub with you.

“Meh!” you blow a bubble and try not to look at her directly.

“Um, Ms. Nightshade, sorry to ask, but did Aloe finish her session with you before leaving?” Lotus asks nervously.

“No! She got all creepy and started talking about swinging with Bulk Biceps and Lyra and Bon Bon, so go check a playground or something,” you bark, fed up with the hornedous service you’ve endured.

Both Rarity and Lotus’s eyes widen for some reason though at your words and they look at each other.

“Oh my…” Rarity says with a blush as Lotus’s eye twitches even more rapidly.

“…Excuse me for a moment ladies,” she apologizes, before she steps into the hall, closes the door, and you hear her shout, “ALOE!!!”

And as her hooves echo down the hallway, you are left with McStabFlank.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Ohoho, I can’t wait to tell Applejack about this one,” she giggles and you just roll your eyes.

“Whatever,” you grumble and she looks at you with a smile.

“So Nightshade darling, you absolutely, positively must tell me what is new with you!”

“…Nothing’s new,” you grunt, but she doesn’t take the hint.

“Nonsense darling, I mean, your father has gotten married and you’ve come to visit with your Grandfather, who I heard was an old fling of Granny Smith!” she pushes.

“Yeah, well…that’s the gist of it,” you say stiltedly, hoping to end the conversation.

“EEE, I knew it! Applejack was so tight lipped, but I think she was just embarrassed that her Grandmother is dating again and she’s still single,” she giggles and you look at her blankly. “I mean, even Twilight is moving further along in her companionship with Flash Sentry than Applejack’s stilted love life. Perhaps she’s still miffed too about your father’s new situation.”

You flash back to her drunken state and Grandbuggy’s description of her face when the truth came out.

“…Something like that.”

“Well I’m sure some stallion will fall for her sooner or later, but I doubt that’s happening anytime soon. But anyway, Nightshade, I know we haven’t seen you in some time, but I would love to work on an ensemble for you. Sweetie Belle said that she was going to try and get you in on the Flag Bearing ceremony for the games, and you definitely need to look your best.”

“Oh, uh, I don’t really have any money…”

“Oh that’s of no concern, you’re a friend after all, not only to Sweetie Belle and Spikey Wikey, but to all of us,” she says flashing a very earnest smile and you are taken aback by the generosity.

Wha…Friend? You? I’ve only ever disliked you lady. Why is my love rival treating me so nicely? You think in confusion.

Love rival? Jackie questions and your eyes widen.

“I DIDN’T SAY THAT! I DIDN’T EVEN THINK THAT!” you yell out loud, startling Rarity.

“Say what darling?” she inquires.

“Nothing! I didn’t say anything about Spike!” you deny as your eyes dart around and she smirks.

“Ohhh, thinking about Spikey Wikey are we?” she insinuates and your face flushes.


“Really now?” she says in a non-believing tone.

“Yup! Not thinking of him whatsoever!” She pauses for a moment before smirking trollishly.

“Oh I suppose you’re right. I mean, I guess there’s not much to him to even remember…”

“…What?” You growl.

“Oh sure, I suppose a dragon amongst ponies is a novelty at first, but after awhile you realize there’s nothing great that he contributes and-“

“YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!” you shout in her face. “Spike has more to offer this world than you and your gallons of runny make up and-WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!”

“Ahahahaha, oh, forgive me darling, I was merely teasing you,” she laughs and wipes at her eye. “Of course I would never demean my Spikey Wikey like that. He is a perfect gentleman after all. I just wanted to see if he truly wasn’t on your mind.” And with that she smiles at you playfully and your face flushes.

AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! You clever bimbo! Stop making me feel embarrassed! You mentally cry as you lower your face into the water, so that you have an excuse for being red in the face.

“I suppose you’re right though, I have started cutting back on the amount of eyeliner I implement,” she says conversationally with a chuckle and you raise your head, refusing to look at her.

“Yeah, that’s great, so great…So, uh…what’s new with you? I heard you won a contest or something!”

She takes the bait to change the conversation and goes all in, hook line and sinker.

“That is absolutely correct Nightshade. My theme was chosen above the rest, and Trenderhoof himself is coming soon,” she says with a swoon.

“Trenderhoof?” you repeat, remembering seeing that name in the paper earlier. “Who dat?”

“Why, only the most handsome and brilliant stallion with an eye for what’s hot and what’s not,” she says dreamily and you raise an eyebrow.

“Do…do you like this guy?”

“Like this guy? Darling I ADORE Him!” she insists. “His perfectly flowing mane, to his stylish glasses, and that perfectly hewn face…Ooooohhhhh.”

“Uh, Rarity? If this guy’s a celebrity or something, maybe you shouldn’t put so much stock into him, it could be disappointing,” you point out, remembering the bad experience Daddy had with Sapphire Shores.

“Oh, psh!” Rarity dismisses. “I know that he’ll know true beauty when he sees it. And once I’ve caught his eye, this sky’s the limit.”

Wait…if she’s going after this Trenderhoof guy, then she won’t string along Spike anymore! You think in realization and you smile cruelly.

“You know what Rarity? I think you’re right. This Trenderhoof sounds like a great guy.”

“He’s more than great, but thank you darling,” she smiles.

“In fact, if there’s anything I can do to help out, let me know, I will make sure everything runs smoothly!” you say enthusiastically and her eyes light up.

“You will?!”

“Of course!”

“So does that mean you will let me take your measurements, create you an ensemble, and have you model some fashionable children’s clothing I’ve created?”

“Yup!” you say immediately and your eyes widen. “No wait, I mean-“

“Ohhhhh, terrific! Thank you Nightshade, you don’t know how much this means to me!” she says as she hugs you and you pale.

…What did I just get myself into? And Why?!

Because you want the dragon to yourself?

Shut up!

In The Human World

Bugze whips his head around and frowns.

“For some reason I feel the need to start practicing dragon hunting…” he says ominously.

“Yeah?! No Crap!” B2 snaps as a dragonfied Fluttershy picks Humbra up and flies him above the carnival.

“Oh right,” he nods as the Dragonfied humies bear down on him and Midnight Sparkle. “But seriously how’d you even manage this?!”

“I don’t know! I was trying to summon hell hounds or something with Spike’s fur! I didn’t think THIS would happen!”

Back To You

You now find yourself grumbling as you walk back towards the Apple Farm. Somehow, you’ve gone and volunteered to be one of Rarity’s fashion dummy’s, and will try to get her with some fashion dweeb in the near future.

I just wanted to relax…just once! You whimper as the rest of your time in the hot tub was spent listening to gossip and Rarity’s plans for you. You did get a refund thankfully, but even now, as the sun begins to set, you feel like you’ve had enough for one day.

How does dad live with the madness day in and day out? You wonder as you pass through the market.

Lots of practice I would assume, Bob says in your head and your frown.

Hey! I got the scarf on again, get out of my chest cavity and go home to the darkness! You order.

Yes Mistress! He says and if he could salute, he would have. There is that tickling itching sensation once more, and his presence leaves you. Looking under the scarf, you see the dormant shards once more.

That’s better, you nod as you pass by Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Seriously, what’s that mare’s problem?” asks Bon Bon. “Who just asks something like that so casually?”

“Ah, don’t be too hard on Aloe, she’s going through some hard times what with Tennant and everything,” Lyra placates.

“Yeah I know, but I think I preferred her moping to this,” Bon Bon says with a shudder.

“Well I don’t know…I mean, aren’t you at least a bit cur-“

“Do not finish that thought Lyra or I will lose all respect for you,” Bon Bon grunts and the unicorn mare stops midsentence.

Rolling your eyes at whatever drama they’re dealing with, you keep walking past all the food stalls…

Kersey475’s Comment

“Hey there little filly. Care for any pears or pear accessories?” asks an older stallion. Looking up at him, you see a very elderly stallion with an amber coat and brown mane, giving you a kindly smile.

“Sorry mister, not in the mood right now,” you tell him plainly.

“Oh, well alright then,” he says in understanding.

“Besides, I think that I’m no legally obligated to not eat any now that I’ve found out who’s part of my family,” you say as you keep walking.

“Huh?” he questions, but you don’t stop walking.

When you arrive at the farmhouse, you see Grandbuggy sitting on a rocking chair with Mangle in his lap, next to Granny Smith who are both smiling.

“And so the prodigal Great Granddaughter returns. How was your spa?” he questions.

“Sucked,” you grunt.

“Mhmm,” he nods. “Get a refund?”

“Of course,” you roll your eyes and give him his bits back.

“Good girl,” he nods and rubs your mane and you sigh.

“Go on dearie, we saved you some supper,” Granny tells you with a smile.

“And it’s dang good too,” Grandbuggy encourages. “I mean, even the prissy lizard felt happier and jovial after eating some.”

Your eye twitches at that, as everyone else got into a better mood while you prolonged the suffering.

“Sounds good…” you spout as you walk through the front door and see Ahuizotl talking to Big Mac.

“And then this strange mare with this overly muscled pegasus stopped me and Daring and proposed that we-Oh Hi Nightshade,” Ahzi waves at you.

“Hey,” you nod. “How’d things go with Daring?”

“She’s…understanding a bit,” he says rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, we did discuss payment for past and future novels involving me so…it’s a start?”

“Well good luck with that,” you wish as you enter the kitchen and Garble arguing with Ember and Greta.

“Can’t we just go back to that tree and see if it’ll change me back?”

“I’m not going back there,” Ember dismisses.

“And that’s a dumb plan anyway. Who knows if the tree will make you even younger for laughs,” Greta points out and he holds his head in misery.

“You just gotta eat good and grow up again,” Ember snarks.

“Buck That!”

“Language!” Applebloom yells from the other room.

…Yeah, definitely should have just stuck with the group, you think in regret as you grab your saved plate of dinner.

The Next Day

After venting your frustrations to Applebloom late into the night, you finally did get some rest…but you are awoken early in the morning by a very frustrated Applejack who’s yell echoes across the whole farm.

“What in tarnation was that?” Applebloom asks as she blinks her eyes blearily.

“Ugh, probably something dumb,” you moan as you go to the window and look out to see Applejack stamping on her hat in the distance.

“Gorramned, Motherbucking BATS!!!”

“Bats?” you question as you look from her to the rest of the farm, and see countless Apples that are shriveled and rotten looking. “Huh? Wonder what that’s all about?”


Episode 68: Bats#*t Insane!

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Kichi’s Comment

“Ugh! It’s too early in the morning for this,” you groan as you rub at your sleepy eyes.

“Well bats are a big problem for the crop Shade,” Applebloom yawns.

“Bah, how bad can they be? They’re adorable and their bodies look like fruit and they listen to my every whim,” you counter and she shakes her head.

“Nah, those were Fruit Bats at the reunion, these here are the run of the mill Vampire Bats. They look more like mice with wings.”

“…That still sounds adorable,” you shrug as Applejack continues to stomp around yelling.

“Goramned, bucking flying rodents!” she shouts to the sky and you sigh.

“Early morning shouting should be illegal,” you grumble as you shut the window, head back to your bed and put the pillow over your head.

“Hey Shade, the sun’s already up, don’t you think you’ve had enough sleep?”

“Applebloom, I slept practically every day for the first two years of my life, so I know exactly when I’ve had enough sleep!” you explain through the pillow.

“…I still don’t get that. Weren’t you a baby at all?” Applebloom asks in confusion.

“I don’t know, and if I was, I don’t remember,” you hoofwave.

“Well alright then. I’m gonna get ready for the day, see ya later,” she calls out and exits the room.

“Yup, see ya later,” you say halfheartedly as you try to will yourself back to sleep.

“Sassafrassin Bats!” AJ’s voice echoes.

Just ignore it…

“The whole southern field is ruined!”


“To Tartarus with all of you rabid evil pests!”


“Why I aught to-“

“ALRIGHT I’M UP! YEESH!” you shout, blasting your blanket off of you as your shards blip. “UGH!”

And with that, you angrily stomp down the stairs, to see all the other Apples and Grandbuggy awake and around the kitchen table at this ungodly hour.

“Good morning honey,” Grandbuggy greets and you huff.

“There’s nothing good about it! Too much screaming about bats!” you grumble as you take a seat next to Big Mac.

“You can say that again chica,” Ahuizotl says, equally sleep deprived as he enters the room. “Too many screams before the rooster even crows.”

“Eh don’t whine so much you two, it builds character,” Grandbuggy smirks and sips some coffee.

“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “Where are Greta, Ember and Garble?”

“Somehow, still sleeping,” Ahuizotl sighs. “I guess dragons are used to sleeping through loud roars and the like.”

“Makes sense,” you nod. “And Greta’s snores probably drown out AJ’s shrieks.”

“I don’t snore!” said catbird grumbles as she walks into the kitchen bleary eyed.

“Like Tartarus you don’t. Seriously, you’re worse than a Sontaran with sleep apnea,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Oh like you’re any better Fixie,” Granny elbows him. “For someone who can change their entire body structure, you can’t fix that chainsaw of a gob?”

Everyone snickers at that but he pouts and crosses his arms.

“Ain’t got nothing to do with biology Orchard, it’s years and years of cigar chompin.”

“You should really give those up Mr. Fix,” Applebloom pipes up. “Cheerilee says they’re bad for your health.”

“Yeah? Well you can tell this Cheerilee that she can go sit on a cactus and to mind her own business,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Hey now, that’s my ex wife you’re talking about!” Big Mac defends and Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Fine, she can go sit on a nice plush pillow, whatever!”

“BBBAAAAATTTTSSSS!!!” Applejack screeches, rattling the kitchen window and everyone stops for a moment.

“Oh there she goes again,” Greta sighs as she grabs a cup of coffee.

“Honestly, why’s she yelling about them in the middle of the day? Aren’t they asleep?” you ask and Granny shakes her head.

“A lot of them varmints actually roost in our trees after sucking dry the apples. They are a pest to be sure, but she’s just letting off steam.”


“Of for-Will she just deal with those things already instead of yelling?!” you complain and hold your temples.

“It ain’t that easy cuz,” Applebloom says.

“Nope,” Big Mac agrees.

Kersey475’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“They’re right,” Grandbuggy nods. “Bats of any kind are a pain and a half to get rid of. Your Dad knows that for a fact. Poor boy got traumatized by ‘em during one of my schemes that those meddling kids and their dog broke up.”

“Oh right, I do remember him screaming like a little filly during the reunion,” Applebloom says in rememberance.

“Which is something I solved remember? All we need is me leading an orchestra to lead them away.”

“Those were different bats little Shade. This here breed is Vampire Bats, and they don’t especially like music,” Granny explains.

"Exactly, but there's one surefire way to deal with vampire bats. Care to take a guess?" Grandbuggy says.

"Clowns, cats, another reboot?" you respond drawing on your knowledge of Batmare.

"FIRE!" Grandbuggy exclaims to Granny Smith's annoyance who facehooves.

"Fire does sound promising..." you admit as you get a far away look in your eye.

You imagine the sea of Apple trees set ablaze, with apple flavored smoke filling the air as the red, yellow, and orange flames dance like brightly colored flowers, fluttering in the wind.

"Seriously Shade?” Applebloom remarks in disbelief, and breaking you out of your little daydream.

“What?” you defend. “I’m just saying that it is a useful tool!”

“Which can nearly burn down forests when used improperly,” Ahuizotl counters and you wince remembering when you went nuts with power.

“Hey! That was…I’m not like Daddy with it! I don’t imagine setting things on fire all the time…much.”

“Didn’t you tell us you burnt down Whinny Land?” Greta counters.

“That was an accident!”

“Fire is the great equalizer, it separates the equines from the beasts!” Grandbuggy declares and everyone at the table rolls their eyes.

“Wow. You, your pappy, and your great-grandpappy are all arsonists,” Applebloom sums up.

“I am not an arsonist!”

"And her grandma too,” Grandbuggy adds. “My baby girl had a thing for flames too. Hay, a favorite tactic of hers was to set her own hooves on fire before punching enemies."

“Oh, so she learned that trick did she?” Granny Smith says sounding more impressed than upset.

“Yup,” he nods. “Just like I used to do, she’d put firesticks in her hoof holes and punch away.”

"So basically thrift store Falcon Punch?" Greta snarks.

"What is it with your family and fire?!" Apple Bloom exclaims.

“I have no idea!”

"You can blame that on yer great great great great great great-" Granny Smith starts before Grandbuggy interjects.

"My ancestor Bruchus Ignis, the first changeling to utilize fire on the battlefield. Unfortunately he also thought the flames spoke to him telling him to feed them and wouldn't stop burning things to get them to speak up. Got so bad the changeling Queen at the time kept him quarantined in a fireproof dungeon, mainly unleashing him on towns they'd already looted dry."

"Quick? Weren’t you the one that spoke to him from behind the fire place in the first place?” Granny inquires and he scratches the back of his neck.

“Yeah, but to be fair we needed him to feed the fire so the steam engine could open the door before the clockwork robots got us.”

"Wait wait wait,” you interrupt. “So if you were the one that made him think flames were talking to him causing him to become a pyromaniac…”

"I'm gonna stop you right there before you go cross-eyed; Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, closed time loop. Don't overthink it honey," Grandbuggy dismisses, "That being said, I'm pretty sure your Daddy is the most pyromanical member of our line due to a combination of that fancy glove of his allowing him to burn things at will and his own repressed libido."

"What's a libido?" you ask.

Before he can answer, Granny Smith slaps him upside the head.

“Uh, grownup stuff!” he stammers.

“Oh come on!” you cry out.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Just then, the door is kicked open and the frazzled Applejack storms in and slams her hoof on the table.

“BBBAAATTTSSS!!!” she yells at the top of her lungs.

“Yes, we’ve heard! For hours!” Ahuizotl grumbles.

“If you’ve heard for hours then why ain’t none of you come out to help?!” she demands and you all look at each other.

“Sugar Cube, you’d gotten yourself all worked up. It was better to let you run out of steam first,” Granny explains.

“Eyup,” Mac nods.

“Well that’s just peachy! Ugh! Curse You Bats! You Are The Bane Of My Life!” she shouts to the roof while everyone plugs their ears.

“Sis, for goodness’ sake,” Applebloom sighs as the older sibling’s eye starts to twitch.

“I have a right to be upset! What if they get our entry into the Appleloosa State Fair Produce Competition?!” she yells in worry.

“You mean that giant Apple you yelled at me for even looking at the other day?” Greta questions.

“Yes! I saw you eying it with them hungry eyes!” she accuses.

“I have avian eyes! They always look hungry,” Greta huffs.

“Yeah, well so much TLC went into that apple to get it bigger than me, and I ain’t gonna have them Vampire Bats munching on it!”

“Why not use a scarecrow?” you question and she scoffs.

“I did! Them bats decimated him! Grrr, before this gets any worse, we need bat repellant and bat cages and bat credit cards!”

“Wait, what was that last one?” Greta questions.

“Bat Exterminators!” she says even though you’re positive that she said something else.

“Ain’t none of those things in Ponyville Applejack,” Granny points out and she slams her hoof on the table again.

“Fine! That I’ll start my own! All my friends can be a part of it! It will great and we’ll all have a good time!” she exclaims, her breathing ragged and her eyes unfocused. And as everyone looks at the mare having a meltdown, a single thought comes to you which you voice aloud.

“Wow Applejack, you are a lot more like my Daddy than I thought.”

The table goes silent at that as her head whips to you.

“…What?!” she yelps. “That’s absurd!”

“Is it?” you counter. “Because the whole screaming at the sky thing, coming up with ridiculous schemes and generally being crazy sure sounds like him.”

“That’s not true! That’s just…Well…I mean…” she starts to stammer as your explanation seems to take root in her brain and her eyes start to widen.

“Heh, that means they both get it from you Smithy,” Grandbuggy teases and Granny looks at him crossly. “What? It’s true. There ain’t a drop of my blood in her.”

And as he chuckles Applejack just starts shaking her head.

“Oh come on now! I ain’t like that! I’m just plain ol Applejack! Most dependable of ponies!” she says more to herself than anyone at the table.

“You both do punch things a lot,” Big Mac speaks up.

“Mac!” she gasps.

“And you both can be really, really stubborn to boot,” Applebloom admits and her sister’s face pales.

“Huh, by those descriptions he does sound similar to you chica,” Ahuizotl concludes. “I believe that makes you a bit narcissistic.”

“A narci-What?” she sputters.

“Means you love yourself too much,” Greta adds. “Why else would you make out with your cousin who’s so similar?”

“I didn’t know he was my cousin at that time! And quit bringing that up! AGH!” she breaks down and slams her face onto the table while everyone giggles at her misery.

“And there’s the whole laughing at you while you’re down thing. Just like folks do to Daddy,” you laugh and she groans even more, her face turning red.

“Oh, it’s so nice for our family to get along Fixie,” Granny says with a small smile and Grandbuggy grips her shoulder.

“Heh, you can say that again,” he smirks. “But I think she needs to be thrown a bone at this point.” He then looks to Applejack and says…

PrinceDuskRiser’s Comment

“Alrighty Jackie Girl, no need to mope. I can help you with your bat problem.”

She lifts her head off the table at that and stares at him with hope.

“You can?”

“Of course. All those things you listed off earlier, the cages and repellant? You can make your own. All you need is a few innocuous supplies from that Rich fella’s little store and the complete knowledge of the anarchists cookbook.”

“Huh?” she asks.

“It’s simple. We knock out and capture a few of the little buggers and using them as hostages, we corral the rest into your least favorite area of your property. Then with a bit of magic and homemade napalm, your varmint problem will be taken care of,” he explains in a scholarly tone.

Applejack just gapes at his explanation for a few heartbeats before she suddenly exclaims,

"No! Absolutely Not! We ain't settin' ANYTHING on fire!"

“Darn, there’s one thing where you’re different from Daddy,” you whine in disappointment but choke back a bit as she sends you a glare.

“Yeah Fix, we’ve been over this,” Granny agrees.

“I’m just saying. If fire were utilized more often-“

"NO! End of discussion!” Applejack says with finality. “Sure I’m hootin mad because of them flying rats, but I’m not just going to burn down my own property to stop them! And it ain’t right either, burning creatures alive. If I did that, Fluttershy would never talk to me again!”

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea. Why don't you just get Fluttershy to deal with the bats since she’s all about animals and all," you speak up. Applejack gives you a grin and nods before giving your Grandbuggy a smug look.

"See, much better idea."

“Yeah, yeah,” he rolls his eyes.

“Well if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna gather my friends, and with Fluttershy on our team, we’ll be able to exterminate them no problem,” she says before running out the door again.

“Uh, she does know what the word Exterminate means right?” Greta asks sounding disturbed. Granny and Grandbuggy don’t answer her though, because as soon as she says Exterminate, they both jolt and get a faraway look in their eyes.

“…Nope?” Big Mac guesses.

A Few Hours Later

Kichi’s Comment

Applebloom, Granny Smith and Big Mac, with packed bags, informed you all that they had to look into the produce competition at Appleloosa in preparation for the giant apple, and left for the train station. A part of you wanted to go with them, if nothing else, to see Braeburn and Little Strongheart, but you decided against it, wanting to take a break from traveling. It’s now almost lunch time, and you find yourself hanging around the kitchen, filling in your two dragon companions about the earlier shenanigans.

“So…why can’t you use fire to get rid of them?” asks Ember.

“Yeah, that sounds like the most logical plan right there,” Garble agrees and you shrug.

“Apparently it’s too much of a risk and she doesn’t want to kill the bats, even though she was talking about exterminating them,” you shrug as you down yet another slice of Apple cake. “Besides, we do that then there might not be any more apple deserts like this.”

“That would be a shame, this food is amazing,” Ember admits as she eats another slice with one bite.

“I told ya, ponies aren’t good for much, but they make some awesome dishes,” Garble says as he chows down.

“Hey, maybe you should slow down there?” you suggest.

“Never! If that purple pony can’t fix this and I’ve got to grow up and go through puberty again, I’d rather get a head start on the mass!” he says with a mouthful of cake.

“You’re only going to get fat,” Ember rolls her eyes.

“Who’s getting fat?” a familiar voice asks as the kitchen door opens. “Oh hey Apple Cake, you got any left?”

“Spike? What are you doing here?” you ask in surprise.

“Oh, uh, Twilight and the rest of the girls are here because of the bats or something, and they started arguing so I decided to see what you are all up to.”

“Not much,” you shrug. “Grandbuggy and Ahuizotl are building a bunker by the barn, and Greta went into town for groceries, so we’re just hanging out.”

“And there’s no more cake left!” Garble lies as she shovels more slices into his gob.

“Oh…okay,” Spike says in disappointment.

“And hold on a second, you said they were arguing? About what?” you inquire.

“Well…” Spike trails of, sounding disturbed.

Outside With The Mane 6

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Roker12’s Comment

“I’m just saying, think about it Applejack!” Rainbow Dash insists.

“And for the last time no! That ain’t right!” Applejack stomps her hoof while the others look on awkwardly.

“Come on! We made out during the Lovepocalypse and it got him going, so it won’t seem suspicious!” Rainbow continues and Applejack blushes.

“We were drugged Rainbow Dash! And besides, I ain’t gonna go along with this just so you can do weird intimate games based on a rumor by that deranged Spa pony!” Applejack guffaws.

“Hey, Bulk Biceps is all for it. Besides, what could it hurt? We’d both at least get a shot at him in the sack,” Rainbow persists and Applejack’s face goes from red to green.

“Oh good-Blagh!” she throws up behind a bush and Rainbow grimaces.

“Oh jeeze, are you sick or something?”

“Girls? Perhaps we can focus on the matter of hoof instead of devolving into scandalous talk?” Rarity suggests.

“Yeah, this is just…weird,” Twilight agrees. “And we came to talk about Bats, right Fluttershy?”

“Maybe Discord and I could…” she mumbles under her breath.

“What was that?” Twilight asks.

“Uh! I mean-Exactly, we came to talk about Bats. All they need is a bit of food. Maybe a section of your orchard to-“

“Absolutely not!”Applejack yelps, wiping spittle from her mouth.

Back With You

“I’d rather not talk about it,” Spike admits with a flush on his cheeks.

“…Fair enough,” you shrug though you can’t help but feel a tickle on the back of your neck like you’ve inadvertently caused some sort of chaos.

“So if they’re arguing, that means they’re not busy right?” Garble inquires. “And the purple pony has time to help me out?”

“Actually she-“ Spike starts, but Garble doesn’t even stay to listen as he bolts through the door. You all stare after him and sigh.

“Let’s go get him,” you grumble.

“Yeah, alright,” Ember shrugs as she follows you and Spike out the door.

It doesn’t take you long to find him, because he has stopped stock still in the middle of the road as he watches the Deadly 6 singing.

“What in the buck?” Ember mutters as she sees them sing arguing.

“Haven’t seen this in awhile,” Garble explains. “Ponies randomly break into song now and again.”

“At least three times a day depending on where you are,” Spike adds.

“Yeah, I’m no stranger to that, but are they chanting Stomp the Bats?” you ask in worry as you see them circling around Fluttershy while singing. All of the, except for Pinkie, are scowling as they sing it.

“…Okay, her hypocrisy is also the same as Daddy’s,” you conclude.

“Huh?” Spike asks.

“Nothing, it’s just…she’s not okay with burning the bats, but stomping them into paste is alright?” you say at a loss.

“I think they were actually singing st-“ Garble starts but you ignore him.

“Well fine, I’ll be the bigger mare here,” you pronounce before you look into the trees and spy one of the fuzzy creatures. “Oi! You there, your mistress of the night commands you all gather to me so you don’t get squashed by those crazy ponies!”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The bats, upon hearing your voice however, squeak in fear and fly away from you to another tree.

“Hey! Where are you going?! Don’t you realize your lives are in danger?”

Again, the bats squeak and flee from you.

“What the-Get Back Here!” you demand as you chase the bats further into the orchard, leaving behind the Mane 6 while your dragon friends follow.

After awhile of running and flying around though, you can’t get the bats to stay still and it frustrates you to no end, causing your shards to fade in and out.

“AGH! Why won’t they just gather around me like the Fruit Bats?!” you exclaim in frustration.

“I think because they are afraid of you Nightshade,” Spike observes and you whirl on him with crazy eyes.

“What?! Why? Who would be afraid of me?!” you growl and they all flinch backwards. “…Okay, good point.”

“It’s probably not you specifically,” he placates. “Fluttershy said that a lot of the bats migrated here after that forest fire a few weeks back.”

Your eyes widen at that and you look back up at the bats who ARE specifically eyeing you with fear.

“…Oh crapbaskets,” you groan.

“Hey, didn’t you start a fire in the woo-“

“Yes dummy, I think she knows that,” Ember interrupts Garble’s stating of the obvious as you sigh and look down in guilt.

“Great, just great! This is all my fault. I burnt up these bats’ homes and they remember it. Now they’re driving Applejack up the wall eating all her crops and now she and the rest of the deadly 6 are going to stomp them…”

“Um, Nightshade, I think they were actually singing Sto-“ Spike tries to explain, but you talk over him.

“Well you know what?! Even if they’re afraid of me, I’m not going to let them get stomped! Bob!”

“Yes Mistress?” your imp says as he materializes in the shade of a tree.

“AGH! What the Buck Is That?!” Spike exclaims before hiding behind Ember.

“Wait, haven’t you met him yet?” You ask in surprise.

“No! What is it?!” he shudders.

“It’s like her slave minion or something,” Ember says nonchalantly.

“I thought that was you?” Garble snickers and gets bonked on the head.

“It’s okay Spike, he’s my loyal minion. I call him Bob, or Jackie, or whatever,” you shrug.

“The mistress was split on my name,” Jackie nods.

“I…Okay…I guess,” Spike sputters, still afraid of your minion.

“You get used to him,” you hoof wave before turning to him. “Now, Bob Jack!”

“Yes?!” he salutes.

“I need you and the boys to set up traps to protect the bats from the Deadly 6. Nothing that will injure too bad, but that will keep them from stomping them!”

Mangle pops out of your Inventory and replays their little song, especially the chant.

“Yes Mangle, I heard it the first time,” you dismiss and your pet faceclaws. “So yeah. Protect the Bats!”

“Yes Mistress!” he salutes before melting into the shadows.

“There, that takes care of that,” you say proudly, but your dragon friends and robot pet just look at you incredulously.


“This is going to backfire somehow,” Ember says in defeat.


“See?! It didn’t backfire too badly!” you defend as you point to all the corralled docile bats and the beaten and battered Deadly 6.

“Okay, maybe I was wrong,” Ember rolls her eyes.

“Oooohh…” they groan, many of them covered in tree sap and slight bruises from your minions leaving their Home Alone-esque pratfalls.

“I told ya them bats was evil! They even learned magic!” Applejack complains as she attempts to untie herself from Rainbow Dash.

“Really? You’re going to blame magic for yours and Rainbow’s little “Predicaments” you just so happened to keep getting into?” Rarity accuses and they flush.

For some reason, your minions kept grouping those two up for hidden pits, net traps, and other shenanigans that had them jumbled together fairly intimately.

“…To be fair, I was practicing a bit for when we join the swing clu-“

“We Ain’t Doing That!” Applejack throws her hoof down in finality.

“Your complicated shipping hijinks aside, I thought a lot of the traps were clever and fun,” Pinkie says with a smile. “Those bats sure know how to rumble.”

“I don’t think it was the bats Pinkie, I think it was something else,” Fluttershy says as she attempts to dislodge the mud and sticks from her mane and tail.

“Whatever the reason, we’re ending this now!” Twilight exclaims, her mane frizzy and a bit charred from electricity.

“Now Fluttershy, it’s time for you to do your Stare,” Applejack says in approval.

“Oh…okay, if you all think it’s best,” she says tiredly and they all nod. She then flies up towards the corralled bats, apologizes to them, then gives that horrifying look that even makes you shudder.

With all of the bats paying close attention to her, Twilight emits magic from her horn that encompasses all of the bats.

“Oh crud! Is she still going to stomp th-“

Stop! They Sang Stop!” Spike exclaims.

WARGAMES’s Comment

As the one two combo occurs, and Twilight finishes her spell, you hear a slight yelp of pain within your mind.

Bwah! What was that?! you think as you rub your temple.

So sorry mistress, but it appears one of your troops was dissolved from that magic. They didn’t even get to activate their trap, Jackie responds.

Okay…that’s a bit unsettling, you mutter, before you witness Rainbow Dash offering one of the bats and apple…and it refuses it.

They all start cheering and Applejack thanks all of her friends while your group watches…but you feel there’s something off. You can’t put your hoof on it, but Flutteshy’s eyes don’t look quite right…

Later That Night

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You have the whole room to yourself since Applebloom is still in Appleloosa and you sprawl out on her more comfy bed rather than your guest one. You sigh in content because you know you are going to get a good sleep after all the shenanigans this day.

“I still think it’s bullspit that Twilight solved the problem with blatant Mind Control! Seriously! How come it’s okay for them to use it, but vilify Daddy even though he can’t even do it?” you mumble to Mangle.

“Skreonk,” she barks and shrugs. Sighing, you just add that to the list of stories you’ll tell Mommy, Daddy and Sombra when they return.

“At least the bats didn’t get stomped,” you say as you hug your pet. “And tomorrow Applejack won’t be yelling at the crack of dawn and…”

You trail off as you notice a shape outside your window, blocking out the moonlight.

“The buck?” you say as you squint and try to make out any details. Illuminating your horn you get out of bed and walk towards the window, spying yellow fur and a pink mane.

“Fluttershy?” you call out in confusion just as Mangle barks in alarm. A split second later, you realize why as your light illuminates leathery wings, pointed ears, blood red eyes and a grin with two pronounced fangs. The upside down distorted Fluttershy suddenly presses her face against the glass with a hiss.

“Hey Shade! You Wanna See A Dead Body?!”

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” you shriek in terror as you run out of Applebloom’s room with Mangle on your back. “GRANDBUGGY!!!”


Episode 69: A Real Bucking Vampire

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Kichi’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

You rush towards Granny Smith’s bedroom door where Grandbuggy has been sleeping in, just as you hear the window in Applebloom’s room shatter.

“Crap!” you shriek as Mangle barks in alarm. Reaching the door, you find it locked. “Grandbuggy! Open Up! Fluttershy’s gone nuts and is trying to eat me!”

Pounding on the door, you hear a chilling giggle come from said mare as she slowly walks out of the other room.

“Buck! Grandbuggy! Open up the door you old idiot!” you shout as you pound again and again, as the vampiric Fluttershy smiles, showing off her large fangs.

Why isn’t he opening up?! You think in panic as your shards blip. Sure you’ve witnessed a lot of scary stuff in your life, but someone like Fluttershy becoming a monster and asking to show you a dead body is not on the list of things you are okay with. Turning back around you see her taking her time coming to you, as if stalking prey.

“Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your weary head...Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to go to bed,” she sings in a haunting melody that gives you goosebumps.

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks and stands in front of you defensively.

Okay, this is definitely bucked! You think nervously before your eyes widen. What if Grandbuggy’s not answering because she already killed and drank his blood?!

Furrowing your brow at this horrible thought, you quickly whip out your Dark Canon and point it at her.

“Hold it right there blood sucker! I don’t care if you were once Fluttershy, I won’t hesitate to put a hole through you!” you command and the creature stops, with wonder in her eyes.

“That’s right, be afraid!” you growl. “Now, what did you do to Grandbu-“

“Oh Mistress, how thoughtful of you!” she says graciously which throws you off.


This is such an honor, how did you know?" she asks with dangerous glee.

"Uh, know what..." you say backing up nervously.

"Bitches love cannons," she says giving you another of those creepy smiles.

“Alright, now I definitely know you’re not Fluttershy! She doesn’t casually curse like that! So you best start talking because you are not getting any of my blood!”

“Oh, that’s too bad. It would be an absolute reward to get a sip of your wondrous blood and that beautiful cannon mistress…” she pouts and you blink owlishly.

“Okay, and what’s with the Mistress thing? You’re not Bob!...Are you?”

“Oh no Mistress, I am as you see. And I call you Mistress because you are the true ruler of the night who reigns over the creatures of shadow and darkness such as I,” she takes a bow.

“I’m the what now?” you quirk a brow.

“The true ruler of the night,” she repeats with a purr that causes you to shiver. “Every creature of the night can feel it in their blood to fear and love you…”

“Oookkkaaaayyy…” you say unsurely as you look at your equally perplexed pet. “So, what was that thing earlier about showing me a dead body?”

“Well, you see, I am very hungry, and I thought that before I drain somepony of their blood that you’d like to see and-“

“No No NO! None of that! No drinking anyone to death!” you scold and wave the Cannon at her for emphasis. Her ears wilt at that.

“Awww, but why not?” she whimpers.

“Because I said no! I’m your mistress or whatever right?” you command before a thought comes to you. “And…you didn’t drink Grandbuggy already did you?”

“I have not,” she says with a giggle. “Though I really, really would since he’s got the same blood as your father…”

“Alright, this is getting nuts, what happened to you Flutteshy? Who bit you and turned you into a vampire? Was it Vinyl Scratch? She’s got red eyes and always seems sick in the day time,” you say, remembering all the times the mare swayed and walked around tiredly in the day time, never taking off her sunglasses.

“I’m actually not sure Mistress Nightshade, I kind of just woke up some time ago like this,” she admits, pointing to her wings, ears and fangs. “But honestly, I don’t care how I turned out like this…”

“Say what now?”

“I don’t care because I’ve never felt more free!” she declares. “Free of all the worries, free of all the stress, and free of that little voice that warns me about danger, and I FEEL GREAT!”

With that declaration she raises on her hind legs, extending her wings and begins to chuckle evilly.

“…Yeah, that doesn’t really help ease my mind at all Shy,” you deadpan and she stops posing.

“Oh but it should, because I can do so many things now! Like eat Apples and Drink Blood!”

“Yeah but…wait, Apples?”

“Yup,” she nods. “I sucked quite a bushel full of them dry on my way over here. They were so juicy and delicious…but then I saw a succulent red baby dragon in the barn that made me want something more…” she says with a lick of her lips.

“Hey, hey, hey! Stop that!” you scold and she winces back. “Garble would probably give you heartburn anyway…but thank goodness you asked me first before biting him.”

You know he’s a big stupid idiot and a waste of space…but he’s one of your friends and a fellow Outcast. You wouldn’t feel right having him sucked dry by a vampire.

“Oh yes, I still have some control…even if I wish it would just leave me be…” she says under her breath and you gulp nervously at that tone.

"Well here’s a rule, no drinking anyone to death, got it?”

“…Understood,” she says after a pause and you sigh.

“Alright, good enough…” you relent before looking back to Granny Smith’s door and shrieking. “But seriously Grandbuggy, how have you not heard any of this?!”


“Alright, good night hun,” Granbuggy says as he heads to bed.

“One can only hope,” you sigh tiredly and he smirks.

“Well I know I will. After all that hooting and hollering earlier, I’m doubling down and ensuring I don’t get woken up again.”

“How? Drugging Applejack?” you ask.

“Nope. A good ‘ol silencer spell,” he explains. “You see, back in my Hive days, it was almost impossible to get any privacy and silence. At three a.m., you could very well have some yahoo climbing on the ceiling. But a little silencer spell on your door and window works wonders.”

“Oh cool, can you put that up for my room as well?”

“Sorry Shade, but it only affects a limited area. You’ll have to learn it yourself,” he smirks.

“Oh Come On!” you shouted in annoyance.

Back to Now

“…Oh, right,” you say as you bonk yourself on the head and glare at the door. “Well at least I know he wasn’t just blowing smoke. That’d be a heck of a thing to learn.”

Taking your view off of the door, you look back to the twisted version of Fluttershy and bite your lip.

PrinceDuskRiser’s Comment

“Okay, just to be clear, outside of the lack of inhibition you’re…okay?” you question and she gives a shrug.

“Seems like it. Still getting used to the new wings, but honestly it’s amazing, I’ve never felt closer to my animal friends till this moment…and I can kind of understand the predators a bit more now…” You nod at this.

“Mhmm, mhmm, good, good. At least I used the word inhibition right.” Yet another word picked up from Sweetie Belle. “But still, this whole vampire thing is crazy and we should probably go see Twilight about fixing it.”

“Fixing it?” she questions with a frown.

“Yes! It’s not normal to be like this. I don’t even think Thestrals act like this…not that I’ve really met any, but you know what I mean!”

“But I like being like this…” she whines and you pinch the bridge of your nose.

“Fluttershy, you can’t just stay a vampire. And besides staking you through the heart or cutting off your head, I don’t have any other cures so I’m kind of hoping Twilight’s got some ideas.”

Her eyes widen and her wings flare after you say that.

“You would destroy me Mistress?”

“I mean…I don’t want to…” you admit sheepishly. “And cut it out with the mistress thing! It feels weird coming out of anyone besides Jackie.”

“Very well Shade…but I do not wish to perish under you…” she says with narrowed eyes and your hoof grips the cannon a little tighter.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Speaking of, he is one of the only ones that calls me that, you piece together before a thought comes to you. Wait a second…one of my minions got vaporized today. Could that have something to do with this?

Reaching out, for lack of a better word, you do feel a faint trace of familiar shadow magic within Fluttershy and your ears droop.

“Oh for crying out loud,” you groan as you realize that yet again, something stupid is your fault.

“What is it Shade?” she asks inquisitively. “What has you upset?”

“The fact that I think I turned you into a vampire somehow,” you grumble. “That’s all I need, having mom and dad come back. ‘Hey Nightshade, what’d you do while we were gone? Oh not much, just hurt a bunch of ponies and animals and turned Fluttershy into a freaking blood sucker!’ Ugh! Mom and Dad are going to kill me.”

After berating yourself, you notice Fluttershy’s eye twitching.

“Your…mom?” she asks with a dangerous edge and your face droops with annoyance.

“Yes Fluttershy, my mom,” you say stoically and she lets out a little hiss.

“If she tries to harm you, I will definitely eliminate he-“

“Oh for, will you give it a rest already?” you growl in annoyance which shocks her. “It’s getting old! I’ve told you this over and over again, quit trying to make my Mommy out to be a monster! I mean, look at you now, you can’t think that without being a hypocrite.”

Both her eyes twitch as her breathing becomes a bit ragged.

“I’m not a…I…” she argues and you sigh.

“Look Vampire-Shy, if you were serious about serving the true ruler of the night, that’s my mom, not me. She’s a better pony than me too,” you admit and she gasps.

“That’s….that’s not-“

“She’s just like Princess Luna, they’re…sisters I guess, and just like there’s a dark and light side of the moon, the same is for them. But the Dark isn’t all that bad, so stop rejecting her like Luna did.”

“No!” she snarls then blinks and a softer voice argues. “But there’s such care in her voice.”

“What the?”

“We’ll drink that whorse dry!” the nastier side growls.

“But doing that would be monstrous,” the softer side responds.

“Agh! Quit holding back stupid conscious! Just give in!” the feral side hisses and you take a step back.

Alright, this is getting too crazy. Maybe if I tug the darkness out she’ll go back to normal?

You light up your horn and attempt to pull the shadow back into yourself, but it doesn’t seem to budge. The only thing that happens is that Fluttershy stiffens and stops arguing with herself.

“Uh…Fluttershy?” you question as her gleaming red eyes stare off into nothingness and Mangle begins to growl.

“What in tarnation is going on out here?” a very annoyed voice cuts through the night and causes you to jump. Looking down the hall you see as a bleary eyed Applejack opens her door and marches out. “I gotta get up early to make up time for apple bucking and…What the?”

She stammers flabbergasted as she sees you facing down the vampiric pony.

“Uh, hey Applejack,” you wave sheepishly. “Look, don’t freak out, she may look scary but she’s under contro-“

“Big…Juicy…Apples…” Flutterbat drools looking at Applejack, cutting you off.

“Uhhhhh…” Applejack drones nervously and you look at the batified mare worriedly.


“WWWRRRRYYYY!!!” she suddenly shouts and divebombs the country mare back into her room.

“AAAAAHHHH!!!” Applejack screams as she gets tackled to the ground.

“No! Bad Flutterbat! No sucking ponies dry!”

“Oh, but I won’t kill her Shade…those were your orders!” the drooling mare says insanely as she shuts the door with her tail.

“Wait! No! Fluttershy NOOOOO!!!” Applejack shrieks as the muted sounds of tumbling furniture can be heard.

“…Oh buck,” you curse before you proceed to kick down Granny Smith’s door. “GRANDBUGGY!”

“Wagh!” the old bug screams as he falls out of the bed and onto the floor. “What’s the idea kid?! I told you I was going sil-“

“Shut up and help! We have an emergency on our hooves!” you shout as Mangle continues to bark at Applejack’s closed door.

Immediately the old bug perks up in alertness as he grabs his derby and plops it on his head.

“An emergency you say? What’s the deal?” he asks and you just point at the closed door.

“Fluttershy, No!”

“Fluttershy Yes!”

Grandbuggy’s eyes then shrink as he hears the commotion and his cheeks get red.

“My kink senses are tingling!” he shouts as she runs past you and kicks open the door, with you following close behind.

“Oh no!” you shriek as you witness a very creepy scene. Fluttershy sighs out steam as she lifts her blood soaked fangs from Applejack’s neck. Your cousin though has a look of euphoria on her face and is panting rather softly compared to the yelling earlier and is looking up at her attacker in wonder. Flutterbat giggles and licks her fangs clean as she strokes Applejack on the cheek.

Roker12’s Comment

“Crap! She’s already drunk her! Grandbuggy we have to-“

Ah...the return of the ‘Why?’ Boner…With a Vengeance!” he declares with bulging eyes.

“What the buck are you talking about?!” you shout and he shakes his head clear.

“Huh? What’s that? OH! Hi Nightshade! Look, you really shouldn’t be seeing this!” he yelps as he shuts the door.

“Hey! Applejack is still in there!”

“Yes she is…look honey, this is grown up stuff. Now sometimes they, uh, play these games that aren’t for kids and-“

“It’s not grown up stuff, whatever the buck that is! Fluttershy’s a Vampire Now!” you shout and he looks at you incredulously.

“Wait, that wasn’t just a sexy glamour spell?” he questions.

“No! Somehow I helped turn her into a Vampire and now she’s eating Applejack!” you yell and stomp your hoof onto the ground.

“Huh…” he says at a loss as he reopens the door and you see…nothing.

“What? Where’d they go?” you say looking around.

“I would assume the window,” he points to the shattered opening with glass lying all about.

“Oh great! Because of you Applejack is dead! And it’s all my fault!” you shout as your eyes begin to glow along with your shards.

“Um…I don’t think she’s quite dead hun,” he says with amazement as he points out the window. Following his line of sight, you now see two figures with leathery wings laughing and flying towards the barn, and one of them is orange.

“Oh…” you say as your eyes unglow. “Well, this is still my fault!”

“We’ll figure out who’s at fault later kid! Right now we gotta warn the others!”

As he says that, you hear a girlish scream come from the barn.

“Buck!” you yelp as you fly out the window, followed by Grandbuggy who puts Mangle on his back.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

When you land in front of the barn entrance, your mane stands on end as you see Fluttershy and a now Vampiric Applejack simultaneously biting on Garble who flails around in their grip.

“Help! Help!” he shrieks as Ember, Ahuizotl and Greta look on in shock.

“What is going on here?” asks Ahuizotl.

“I thought ponies didn’t eat meat,” Ember stammers.

“They don’t! I think they’re trying to give him a hickey,” Greta gags.

“They’re vampires you idiots! Get out of there!” you shout as you fly in and point your Dark Cannon at both of them. “Fluttershy! Applejack!” you shout, but they ignore you and keep gnawing on Garble.

“His dang scales are tough to get through!” Applejack hisses.

“They’ll break soon!” Fluttershy encourages.

“Agh! My blood!” Garble shrieks.

“Hey! You serve me remember?! Stop it!” you order.

“Can’t…Blood, so…juicy!” Fluttershy stutters.

“And it’s sweeter than cider…” Applebat agrees.

“…Okay, what the buck is a Vampire?” Ember asks as she and the other two rush behind you and Grandbuggy.

“Undead blood suckers,” Grandbuggy explains.

“Why is no one helping me?!” Garble wails.

“I’m Trying!” you shout as the Dark Cannon shakes in your grip. You really, really don’t want to put them down.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Hey look, there’s an animal in danger!” you shout trying to catch her attention. You see her face twitch, but she keeps biting.

“Uh, hey! The blood banks here!” you try feebly, but they keep drinking Garble.

Agh! Still not working!

“Look! A blood bank crewed by animals with syphilis and your stupid pet rabbit is on fire!” Grandbuggy tries…but even that doesn’t work.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, you charge the gun.

“Oh well, we tried,” you say in defeat as you charge up a shot.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Fluttershy! Applejack! I’m so sorry!” you apologize as you let loose your shot…only for both of them to flap their wings and fly up with Garble avoiding the blast.

“Hey! That’s cheating!” you shout up at them, just as they finish drinking from Garble who has a dazed look now.

“Mmm, dragon blood sure is spicy,” Flutterbat says with that same seductive tone.

“Darn tootin,” Applejack sighs in ecstacy.

“Glad…glad you enjoyed it,” Garble says as his eyes take on a hungry look. “I’m kind of hungry now.”

“Mierde! The idiota is now one of them!” Ahuizotl yelps as Garble’s ear fins become fluffier and his fangs somehow become even sharper.

“Buck! I’m sorry Garble!” you apologize as you blast at them again, but now all three dodge your blasts.

“Hey! Quit dodging!” you yell as you send out blast after blast after the blood suckers. And while Garble and Applejack move further away from you, Fluttershy seems to be toying with you.

“You missed!” she taunts before running up the side of the barn, “Whoop, Whoop, Whoop, Whoop, Whoop!”

“I am so confused!” Ember yells holding her head.

“You’re not the only one! How do we fix this?” Greta asks Grandbuggy.

“Beats the Tartarus out of me,” he shrugs.

“We go to Twilight obviously!” you say as you send another blast at the monsters, yet again missing and hitting that giant apple from the day before.

Instead of being angry however, Applebat swoops in with Batble and Flutterbat and they begin to lap up the destroyed fruit with gusto.

“Oh, so sweet, the golden nectar of the gods! Goes good with the red stuff!” Applejack says with a victorious screech.

“Apple sauce good, but I want red stuff too! Maybe I can get some from Nightshade?”

“No, the mistress wouldn’t let us get that so easily. Per her orders we just drink others, but not to death,” Fluttershy declares.

“I DIDN’T SAY THAT!” you say as you fire the canon again, but they are too quick for it. “Agh! This thing is useless!” you cry out and throw the canon down in frustration.

“Whoop! Mine Now!” Flutterbat cries out in triumph as she scoops your gun up and flies off.

“Hey! That’s Mine!” you shout angrily as your shards glow more. “AGH! What use is being feared and loved by the children of the night when they act like stupid dumb idiots?!”

“Every parent has thought that at one point or another kid,” Grandbuggy pats you on the back, but you shrug it off.

“Oh whatever! We have to get to Twilight to figure this out!” you growl.

“Oooh, that sounds like a good idea. I bet she tastes Sparkly,” Fluttershy giggles flies off towards town.

“I’m thinking some Rainbow blood would be particularly succulent,” Applejack laughs and follows.

“Or some rare gem pony juice!” Garble guffaws cruelly as the trio disappear into the darkness.

You and the rest all stare mortified at this turn of events.

“Sooo, should we follow the-“

“Of course we should Princess!” you cut off Ember as you take off into the sky.

Awhile Later

You and the rest of the Outcasts arrive onto the street lamp lit streets of Ponyville, headed towards Twilight’s library. About halfway there though, you are all stopped suddenly as a Rainbow blur lands in front of you.

“Hey buddies…” the vampiric Rainbow Dash giggles cruelly with even more vibrant red eyes.

“Gorrammit! Applejack got to her already!” You curse and kick the ground.

“Yeah, I thought it was a bit weird when I woke up with Applejack sucking on my neck, but I wasn’t complaining,” she shrugs with a giggle. “But now I’m just so thirsty and I feel like I can do anything! Can I have some of your blood Nightshade? I feel like it’d be more powerful.”

“No!” You respond as you reach out like you did with Fluttershy…but she doesn’t have as much of the shadow in her like she did.

Crap, I’ve got less control over her, you think in worry.

“Oh well. But how about Ahuizotl?” she says hungrily and he flinches. “Dude, you should totally become a vampire with me and then you and Daring Do could join me and AJ in swinging! I mean, I want to wait till Tennant’s back around, but if I could have fun with my OTP, that’d be awesome!”

“Uhhhh…” Ahuizotl stammers in fear.

“Again with the swings! Those are for school kids you dumb adults!” you reprimand. And before anyone can do anything else, Aloe suddenly leaps in front of your group.

“Quick! We Have To Kill That Mare!” she shouts holding up a mallet and stake.

“How’d you know she was a vampire?” you ask in shock which causes her to seize up.

“She’s a vampire?!” she shouts in surprise, dropping her weapons and running off. “AAAAHHHH!!!”

“Muhahahaha! Come back Aloe! I want to talk about your little club!” Rainbow Bat hollers as she chases after the fleeing mare.

You and the rest just stare at this dumbfounded before you all just shrug, and continue on your way, with you picking up the stake and mallet just in case.



Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“…Is it just me, or have only the mares that stalk your Dad been turned into vamps?” asks Greta.

“It’s not just you, this has the stink of Lady Luck bucking us all over it,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Well hey now, Aloe might still get away,” you point out.

“So wait, you’re saying I’ll also get those fluffy ears and sexy wings?” the spa pony’s voice echoes across the town. “Sign Me Up! Take Me!”

“…Or that could happen,” you sigh in frustration.

“Why are ponies so weird?” Ember grunts.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Yeah, and where’s your dad when we need him?” Greta barks. “If he were here maybe these mares would stop trying to drink everyone!”

“Or at least use him as bait,” Grandbuggy adds.

“You’d use your own nieto as bait?” Ahuizotl gasps.

“It’s not the first time,” he says seriously. “And to be fair, he probably wouldn’t mind. If I was younger, batified ex-models, spa gals and athletic chicks would get me going just as they would him. Repeatedly in my case with that whole Mistress of the Night talk.”

"Grandbuggy just…” you sigh. “Daddy's scared of bats, remember?" you point out.

"True... Now I don't know whether he'd be terrified or aroused. I mean, I was kind of both after walking in on those two back at the house" Grandbuggy ponders.

“You’re disgusting,” Greta gags.

“Yeah Fix, you’re back with the love of your life remember?” Ahuizotl chides.

“Hey, that don’t mean I can’t look alright?! Yeesh. But yeah, terrified arousal is what I’d call it. I wonder if he’s ever felt that before?” he wonders. “Eh, knowing him he’d probably just set fire to everything in his confusion.”

In the Human Realm

"Wait, why do I suddenly feel a combination of terror and arousal?!" Bugze yelps in the middle of chasing after Applejack and a minionized Rainbow Dash who are currently engaged in a lightsaber duel (with painted rods).

Maybe you're beginning to "go native" for the Humans.

"Buck no! That's not true! That's impossible!"

Search your feelings, you know it to be true... Sombra taunts.

"No, no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he screams as he snaps and goes on his first (of MANY) fiery rampages.

Sombra, you idiot... Selena facepalms while Humbra looks on in confusion.

“…Huh, could of sworn I slipped the real version of him the drink laced with blue pills,” he says as he sees Luna putting B2 in a headlock. “Eh, whatever.”


Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“I’m sorry, WHAT?!” Twilight exclaims as you all stand before her in the middle of the library.

“I said Fluttershy has kind of turned into a vampire because of whatever you guys did earlier and she’s biting and turning all the rest of the De-er-Elements!” you repeat as Ahuizotl and Ember barricade the door.

“Yeah, I heard that, but that doesn’t make any sense! How could my spell turn her into a vampire?”

“You’ve got me!” you partially lie. “Maybe residual dark magic from those fruit bats setting traps for you. But anyway, you have to fix this!”

“I just…I…” she stammers before she groans and starts looking for books. “This is insane!”

“You’re telling me! Hoo Wee was it scary when Rarity tried to bite my neck instead of the lemon bars I offered,” Pinkie says shaking in the middle of your group.

“…” you all stare at her in silence.


“How long have you been there?” you ask.

“Oh for awhile, you just didn’t notice,” she explains without explaining.

“But, then, how did…?” Ember babbles as her brain hurts.

“But yeah Twilight, Flutterbat has gotten all our friends and all our friends are drinking blood and eating apples. It’s like that one Cider Season where Rainbow Dash bit Berry Punch’s hoof and caused that riot!”

“Okay Pinkie, I believe you!” Twilight calls out as she starts flipping through books. “I’ll try to find a solution, but this isn’t my expertise. Does anypony else know how to deal with Vampires?”

“Well, traditionally you have to stake them in the heart, or expose them to sunlight and dust them. But as the Whinnychester Brothers have taught us, the heart thing might not be as reliable, and you can’t always wait till sunrise if they’re after you. So even though they are stronger and faster, you have to cut off their heads,” you explain. After that Twilight stops flipping through the books and looks at you with her mouth agape.

“…But that’s about it,” you admit a bit sheepishly.

“I…that…that was a very thorough and thought out set of rules. It was also very informative and concise…” she says, feeling proud of you as your teacher.

“Oh, it was nothing,” you hoofwave.

“But on the other hoof I am deeply disturbed about how much you know about killing my friends…and so willingly,” she finishes with a shudder.

“Hey! It’s not like I WANT to! That’s why we came to figure this out and keep you from being turned,” you defend and cross your legs.

“Wait, they were going to come and turn me?” she asks with a bit of fear.

“Eyup,” Grandbuggy nods. “So if you want your star patterned keister free from fang marks, get to reading girlie.”

“Hmmph,” she huffs and continues reading.

“Hey, uh, what’s going on down here?” Spike asks curiously as he walks down, holding a blanket with a night cap on his head.

“Oh, hey Spike,” you wave. “You better stick near us and stay away from windows for now.”

“Huh? Why?” he asks. Just as he asks that, there is a thump on a window above a shelf and Flutterbat’s grinning face is pressed up against it.

“Ttttwwwwiiiilllliiiigggghhhhttt. Come out to plaaayyyayyy…” she chants which sends shivers up everyone’s spines.

“…That! That’s why,” you say to the bewildered Spike.

“Call me skeptical, but I don’t think she actually wants to play,” Pinkie theorizes.


Episode 70: This Episode Sucks (Literally)

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As Flutterbat continues to giggle maniacally on the other side of the glass, a knock comes from the barricaded door.

“Oh Twiliiight. Spikey-Wikeeeeyyy. Can you spare a moment of your time and about 8 ounces of something to drink?”

“Oh No! They got Rarity!” Spike shrieks and clutches his face.

“Oh no, they got Rarity,” you mutter sarcastically.

Kichi’s Comment

Twilight looks nervously to Flutterbat licking the window and the soft hooffalls of Raribat on her door and bites her lip.

“Okay, all but me and Pinkie have been turned, so at least we’ve avoided that problem,” she says. Almost immediately, Pinkie Pie bops her on the head with a paper fan. “Ouch! What was that for Pinkie?!”

“You should know not to say that!” she scolds.


“Because you’re throwing up red flags! How do you read so much and not understand that?!” Pinkie shrieks, shaking her shoulders.

“Yeah, you’re just tempting Lady Luck big time like that, and she already hates us,” you interject.

“You’re gorramn right,” Grandbuggy nods and Twilight looks at all of you bewildered.

“Oh come on, you don’t seriously believe that right? That tempting fate actually leads to ironic consequences?”

“Lady, you run with these guys long enough, you just kind of accept that as fact,” Ember adds.

“But there’s no basis in scientific fact for such a-“

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Vampires, YAY!” shout four young voices from outside, followed by a mare screaming.

“…” you all silently stare at Twilight whose face droops at that declaration.

“…Okay, that IS significantly worse,” she admits.

“No spit,” you roll your eyes and facehoof.

“Oh boy, is Applebloom gonna regret missing out on this!” you hear Sweetie Bat shout.

“We’ll just turn her when she comes back from Appleloosa,” Diamond Batara says.

“Oooh, but Appleloosa’s got lots of Apples too right? We could just go there!” Silver Bat giggles.

“Hey! Hey Rainbow Dash! I just turned Berry Punch and I feel funny!” Scootabat warbles.

“Good job squirt,” Rainbow Bat congratulates and you sigh.

“My own friends better not start calling me Mistress,” you mutter under your breath.

“Well whether the situation is worse or not, we need to figure this out!” Greta growls as she places a crate of boxes in front of Fluttershy’s window.

“Yes Princess. Vaminos!” Ahuizotl commands.

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” she huffs as she flips through another book. “But we could use some help as well. Spike! Send a message to Princess Celestia!” she commands.

“On it!” he says as he brings out a pen and paper, but you put your hoof on his claw.

“Don’t,” you command quietly.

“What? Why not?” he asks startled.

“Because right now we’re dealing with Vampires! Vampires! So what exactly do you think will happen if the Princess of the SUN gets involved?” you insinuate and his pupils shrink.

“Oh…” he trails off.

“Yeah, exactly, “you nod. “And the last thing I need is Mommy and Daddy coming home to find that everyone in Ponyville got turned to dust because of me!”

“Right...” he nods as he stows the paper.

“Spike! Did you send that letter?” Twilight asks as she flips through pages.

“Uh…It looks like we’re out of parchment Twilight!” he lies and she groans.

“UGH! Of course we did!”

“Hey Twilight! I could give you some extra parchment for the cheap price of your neck if you let us in,” Applebat says from another window.

“I’ll give you an even greater price! I’ve got all these wonderful ideas for outfits to accentuate our sensual new forms,” Raribat offers.

“No! Go Away!” Twilight yells at the door.

“…You know, I kind of am curious,” Grandbuggy starts but Ember slaps him on the back of the head.

“Okay, besides Celestia, who’s a safer option to call for vampire outbreaks?” you ask.

“Hmm, let me check,” Pinkie says as she pulls a notebook out of her hair and starts flipping through the pages. “Let’s see, Richard Belmont?”

“That’s a video game character!” Greta shouts as she nails a board across the window blocking off Applebat.

“Oh, right. How about Dante, Nero, or Soma Cruz?” she suggests.

“Also Videogames!” Greta squawks as an orange hoof punches through the glass and reaches for her.

“Hmmm, Hunter D?”

“That’s an anime character,” Flutterbat says from behind her blocked window. “Though I wouldn’t mind giving him a nibble…”

“Gross,” Pinkie gags before looking through another one. “Well, I would suggest the WhinnyChester brothers, but Flash had a hard enough time getting in contact with them, so why even bother?”

“And chances are one of them’s died and the other’s had to do something stupid to resurrect them…Again,” Grandbuggy says in agreement.

“Too true, too true,” Pinkie nods before tossing the notebook into the fireplace. “Sorry, looks like that’s a bust.”

“Great…” Twilight groans, just as a pair of blue hooves snatch the notepad and carry it up the chimney.

“Mine Now!” Rainbow Bat laughs.

“AGH!” Ember shrieks before instinctively lighting up the hearth with fire.

“YOWCH! Dick Move!” the vampiric filly fooler shouts before the sound so scrambling up the chimney is heard.

“This is getting way out of hand,” Spike says nervously.

“That’s one way of putting it,” you nod as you look at the mountain of books lining the shelves. “Is there seriously no books to help with monsters?”

“There are, but there’s kind of a lot!” Twilight grumbles as she tosses another one to the side.

“Fair enough,” you nod as you pick a random book off of the shelf. “Let’s see, You Can Never Be Too Paranoid: Protective Charms For Your Shoelaces and More!...What the buck is a shoelace?”

“They’re those strings that Rarity has on her fancy boots to keep them in place,” Spike explains.

“Oh Spikey, are you talking fashion in there? That just makes my mouth water even more~” Raribat singsongs.

“In your dreams ho!” you yell at the door before looking at a heavy book called The Scientific Book of Science. “Science can’t help us here, this is the supernatural! This is no use at all.”

“We could use it to bash their skulls in,” Greta points out.

“Yeah, let’s not,” Twilight interjects as she goes through another book.

Nodding in agreement, you pick up another book and do a double take.

“Hey Twilight, did you write a book about yourself?” you ask curiously.

“Not yet I haven’t, but I plan to in the future,” she responds.

“Okay, then what’s this book about? Why are there hands holding an apple? Is this a My Little Human book?”

“Whoops! That’s not something for the faint of heart!” Pinkie declares as she suddenly takes the book and throws it in the fireplace.

“Hey, what the-“

“Believe me, I just saved you some brain bleach,” she says seriously and pats you on the shoulder.

“Pinkie!” Twilight chides after seeing one of her books reduced to ash.

“Sorry Twilight, I’ll make it up to you after we don’t get turned into monsters. How’s that coming by the way?”

“Not good! I’m an expert on magic not this!”

“You’re telling me! Is there no one else in this town that knows more about the occult?” you ask and Grandbuggy puts a hoof to his chin.

“Hmmm, I know you dabble in strange magics Ahz, but I think you’d have said something by now.”

“Yeah, I haven’t exactly meddled with something like THIS before Fix,” Ahuizotl deadpans as you hear a chorus of foals chanting in the street.

“Twilight Time! Twilight Time!”

“…That sounds nightmarish,” Ember shudders.

“Wait! What about Daring Do? She goes into ancient places and stuff too!” you say as a light bulb goes off in your head.

“Hey, good idea kiddo,” Grandbuggy congratulates before looking back to his buddy. “So how bout it Ahz? Your marefriend run across vamps?”

“She’s not my marefriend!” he denies with a blush.

“LIAR!!!” Rainbow yelps down the chimney. “My Ship Will Never Sink!”

“…But anyway, I have no idea if she has or not,” he continues after an awkward moment of silence.

“Having read every one of her books, I can accurately say she hasn’t,” Twilight says frantically as she looks through another old tome. “Aside from Ahuizotl and Caballeron’s minions, she’s dealt with mummies, wereponies, living skeletons, genies, cultists, and demons, but never vampires.”

“Well buck me running!” you kick at the ground.

“Oh Nightshade, such language. It’s beautiful. May I have a sip from your silver tongue?” Flutterbat coos from in front of another window.

“No! Buck Off! Go Suck Someone Else’s Tongue!” you shout.

“Yeah Shy.” Rainbow interjects. “Look, remember that club Aloe started? Just get a partner, join up, and when Shade’s dad returns we can play with him and his new wife.”

“I tried, but Discord didn’t show up when I called for him,” she says sounding pouty. “And I really wanted to see what he tasted like.”

“Oh, there’s an idea! Discord could solve this problem!” Twilight says suddenly with hope.

“Oh yeah, that turd is most likely watching,” you agree.

"Do you actually trust him?" Spike asks.

“Eh,” you shrug. “But his powers are better than dusting everyone. But how exactly do you call for him?”

“Uhh…” Twilight trails off unsure.

“Oi Discord! Get your lazy chimera arse her and unbuck this situation!” Grandbuggy shouts to the surrounding air.

“*GASP* Is Discord coming?!” you hear Flutterbat squeak excitedly but you all ignore her. After a few heartbeats of no answer you look to Grandbuggy.

“I don’t think it worked,” you say.

“Which one is Discord again? Is that the overly muscled pegasus?” Ember asks, but is ignored.

“Come on Discord! We need your help!” Twilight pleads. Suddenly, Pinkie’s eyes turn white and her jaw drops and a deep voice comes from her throat.

"The god that you are calling is busy or outside your range... Please try again later." Then there is a clicking noise and Pinkie returns to normal.

“Whoa, that was weird,” she says as she rotates her jaw.

“Oh Come On!” you throw your hooves up in frustration.

“So are you not going to open the door darlings?” Raribat huffs.

“No!” everyone shouts in unison.

After that declaration, there is suddenly an unnerving silence.

“…Did they give up?” asks Ember.

“I don’t think so,” Greta says with suspicion.

“Keep your ears open, they’re planning something,” Grandbuggy advises.

“Well, maybe they went off to get easier prey?” Ahuizotl suggests.

“If that’s the case, then we just wait till dawn when they sleep right?” Spike asks, but suddenly the foals from before being to sing.

“One, Two, Flutter’s coming for you…”

What the…?

“Three, Four, she’ll blow up your door.” Your eyes suddenly widen at that.

“Everyling get down!” you shout as you hit the deck. Everyone else follows suit, just as a blast of energy punches a hole through the door and bookshelf, and on the other side is a smiling Flutterbat with your Dark Cannon.

“AH! Stop shooting up my home!” Twilight yells as she sends her own blast of magic out the hole, which the vampires dodge.

“Sorry Twilight, but you’re taking forever and we’re thirsty,” Flutterbat complains.

“Darn tootin!” Applebat proclaims as you hear another window shattering.

“Twilight Time! Twilight Time!” the children chant as the tree becomes completely surrounded.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kersey475’s Comment

"Great, now we got bat ponies galore all over us!" Greta groans as she slaps an outreaching hoof from a window.

“You are all paying for my windows!” Twilight shouts as she puts up a barrier on her front door when Fluttershy tries to shoot again.

"Is there any other way out of here?" you say looking to a terrified Spike.

"No! It’s a library! The only way out is the front door or the kitchen,” he shakes before his eyes widen. “THE KITCHEN!”

And like that he rushes off into the other room.

“Ugh! Why are there so many windows?!” Greta complains as she follows him.

“I’m really starting to think maybe you should have let the drake send that message Shade,” Grandbuggy says to you as you hear yelps and the sounds of breaking glass in the kitchen.

“…But I don’t want to dust everyone. Even some of my friends and Garble got vamped,” you say as you bite your lip.

“You little traitor! Get out of here!” Greta squawks.

“Come on! I just want to chew a ya a little!” the vampiric red dragon says from the kitchen window.

“Uh…Twilight?! Any info on how to fix this?!”

“NO! I don’t exactly have too much on supernatural entities!” she grunts as she puts up another bubble in front of the stairs, after the sound of breaking glass is heard upstairs.

"Hey, what about that rhyming striped pony?" Ember asks suddenly. "Didn’t you say she was a shaman or something?”

“Ember, you’re a genius!” you exclaim, and mentally berate yourself for not thinking of her sooner.

Zebra sensei could solve all of this with her potions or something!

“Yeah, and how are we gonna get to her through all of these blood suckers?” Greta calls from the kitchen.

“Maybe if I open my mouth, maybe her voice would come from me like Discord’s?” Pinkie suggests.

“I’ve got a better idea,” you say before turning to Grandbuggy. “Make sure Twilight doesn’t see me please.” He looks at you with a smirk and nods.

"Here, book horse let me help ya out,” he says as he takes what looks like an avocado out of his hat and throws it out the hole in the wall. After a moment, there is the sound of coughing and screeching.

“…Do I even want to know why you have a tear gas grenade?” she questions.

“Nope,” he responds simply.

With her distracted, you enter the downstairs bathroom and summon forth your little minion.

"Yes, mistress? You summoned me?" he asks with a bow.

"Bob, I need you and a few other shadow minions to go and get Zecora for me. Tell her there's a Vampire Apocalypse going on and we need her help. Keep her safe and don't let anypony bite her!" You say with worry.

"Of course mistress, anyone else you may think could help?" he asks snapping his fingers and sending a few shadow minions away. You pause and think for a moment.

“Um…anypony else who hasn’t been turned, keep the vamps out. They won’t be able to drink you guys because you got no blood.”

“Of course mistress,” he bows again.

“Hey Shade! Who’s your friend?!” Sweetie Bat presses her face against the bathroom window.

“Yeah, he looks tasty! Can you and Spike come out to play with your hooves up?” Scootabat asks, sounding inebriated.

“Ugh, will you two just stop! At this rate someone’s going to stake you on accident!”

“Oooh, I’ve heard of Steak. Apparently Griffons eat cows and grill them,” Sweetie exposits.

“Far out, I could go for some of that,” Scoots grins, exposing her fangs even more.

“Shoo! Shoo!” you gesture and close the blinds, just as Bob melts into the shadows. Exiting the bathroom, you see Flutterbat pressing her face against the barrier.

"Come on Twilight I just want to share a drink with you~" she singsongs.

"Oh enough of this," Ember starts preparing to light the bat pony ablaze, only for a paw to clamp her jaw shut.

"Are you loco chica?! Fire won't solve our problems, especially in a WOODEN BUILDING!!" Ahuizotl hisses and she slaps his paw away.

"And what am I supposed to do? Sit here and let them break-in? I ain't going out without a fight!" she growls.

"Oh quit your bickering! Fighting with each other won't help us! Besides I'd very much like to wake up tomorrow in a not destroyed house thank you very much!" Twilight groans. For some reason, you can’t help but feel a sudden sense of dread after she says that, but you don’t know why.

“Alright, I think I got an idea,” Grandbuggy says. “All of us except for Ahz can fly, so now, hear me out, we leave you behind as bait while-“

“No Fix! Not again! Not after that incident with the Wild Orthos’s!” he exclaims.

“Yeah, and the skies aren’t so safe either,” Greta calls from the kitchen as another crash is heard.

“Hey! Let go of that frying pan!” Spike exclaims.

“Never!” Garble yells in defiance.

“You okay in here?” you ask from the doorway.

“Not really!” Greta barks as she tries to board up the kitchen exit with the table and Spike tries to wrestle a frying pan out of Garble’s grip.

“Ugh! Let go right now or I will bury you you jerk!” Spike growls angrily.

“Ha! I’d like to see you try!” Garble taunts as his arms try to yank the pan through the hole in the door. Suddenly, another light bulb goes off in your head.

“Great idea Spike!” you shout running back to the others in the living room.

“What? Burying him?” he calls after you but you announce to the others,

"Everyone! I know how to get out of here!" They focus on you curiously and you continue. "If we can't walk or fly our way out..." You stomp your hoof and make a hole in the floor and grin. "We can dig our way out!"

"My floor!" Twilight groans.

"Good idea shade! Vampires aren't known for digging. At least I hope so," Greta cheers.

"But we need a way to defend ourselves! One bite and we become one of those vampiros!" Ahuizotal points out.

“Well don’t get bit then!” you answer simply. You are cut off though when both Greta and Spike shriek. Running back to the kitchen, you now see Rainbat Dash with her jaws wrapped around Greta’s throat, pulling her out the door.

“GRETA!” you shout, but before you can do anything, the griffon is yanked into the night, leaving a hole in the door.

“Oh sweet, an entrance!” Garble laughs and starts to climb through.

“No! Buck off! Get Back!” Spike yells as he starts tossing various foods at him and hiding behind the overturned refrigerator.

“Ha! Not so tough now without your frying pa-AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” Garble suddenly shrieks in pain as his scales sizzle and he jumps back through the hole. Shocked, both you and Spike look at what hit him and see a clove of garlic.

"Oh, duh! Vampires hate garlic! Quick Spike! Get all he Neightalian food you can grab, and some apples too!" You command as you earth bend a column in front of the door and start tearing apart the cabinets and pantry.

"MY KITCHEN!!" Twi shouts from the other room.

"Okay, garlic I understand but why apples?" he says gathering the food in a basket.

"When I accidentally sliced Applejacks big apple with my dark cannon, (Which I swear I'll get that back even if I have to knock Flutter’s lights out a bit.), they dove and feasted on the apple juice that bled from it! We can use them as distractions to lure them away!" After gathering all the available food, you and Spike run back to the group.

“Okay, so good news and bad news. Good news is, we got some deterrents,” you say holding up pasta and apples.

“And the bad news?” asks Ember.

“Greta got vamped,” you admit sadly and everyone winces.

“Hey guys, I think I was being hard on this earlier. This feels really cool!” Greta calls from outside.

“Great, now catbird’s against us. This just ain’t our night,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

“Are apples really vampire repellants?” asks Twilight skeptically.

“No, but they really want to eat them just as much as our blood,” you say as you throw an apple through Twilight’s barrier and Raribat and Applebat suddenly fight over it.

“…So they do have some tendencies like the bats,” she says academically. “That means…that means that if I can get them all in one place, I could potentially use the same spell I used on the bats and make them not want to eat us or apples!”

“I mean…maybe?” you shrug.

“Doubling down on mind control huh? Sure, why not?” Grandbuggy says sardonically.

“But we’re not going to get them all in one go here,” Ahuizotl says.

“Maybe all you have to do is cure the head vampire and it will cause a chain reaction with all the others?” Spike suggests and you all look to him. “What? It worked for Batmane in Batmane vs Drakeula.”

“Well, he kind of killed him in order for that to happen…” you remind. “And the head vampire would be Fluttershy…”

“YEAH!!!” Suddenly rattles the library and a barreling into Twilight’s barrier and actually denting it is a vampiric Bulk Biceps with tiny bat wings.

“Oh cripes! They got him too?!” Ember shrieks.

“Yes Bulky! Break down the barrier so mama can suck them dry!” Aloe commands seductively.

“Okay, I’m taking that as my cue to leave,” Pinkie deadpans before she suddenly drills through the floor with her hair, into the basement and into the ground after that. You all look at this spectacle in awe.

“…Okay then, ready or not, here we go!” you shout and use your earth bending to increase the holes she and you made, causing everyone to fall into the basement. And just as you do so, Bulk breaks through Twilight’s barrier.

“Oh Yeah!” he shouts and they all start swarming in.

“Knock Knock! Here’s Fluttershy!” the pegasus shrieks as she dives over the meat head. Gulping, you stomp your hooves and seal the hole above you.

“Oh, that is going to take days to fix!” Twilight groans as she lights up her horn. You give her an apologetic look before punching a nearby wall and making a path.

She just looks at your sheepish face and sighs.

“…Why wasn’t she helping us build the bunker this morning?” Ahuizotl asks Grandbuggy.

“…Because I honestly didn’t think about it,” he admits and the taller creature facepalms.

“Alright everyone, make like a Diamond Dog and Dig!” you say as you punch another hole and see Pinkie Pie.

“AGH!” you yelp reflexively.

“Hi! I’m way ahead of you there Shadey,” she smiles, seemingly imbedded in the dirt which hurts all of your heads. “So, where we going again?”

“Somewhere where we can pop out and get to Zecora,” you say.

“Okie Dokie Lokie,” she salutes and starts drilling with her hair again.

You all watch her drill and drill out of your light range and all of your eyes begin to twitch.

“…Fix, she and Nightshade could’ve finished the groundwork today,” Ahuizotl complains.

“I know, I know,” Grandbuggy grumbles.

Eventually, through Pinkie’s Pinkieness and your earthbending, you all emerge into an already pre made tunnel system.

Huh, must have been from that time Daddy told me he ruled over the Diamond Dogs, you theorize. Not lifting a gift in the mouth, you all take the tunnels which lead to an exit in the Everfree Forest.

“Oh hey, I think the Mirror Pool is around here,” Pinkie exposits as she hops out of the cave.

“It’s weird to think the Everfree at night is more comforting than Ponyville,” Twilight says as she shakes some dirt off of her.

“You get used to it girlie,” Grandbuggy comforts before looking around. “So where’s this sultry shaman at from here?”

“That’s a very good question…I don’t know,” you admit since all the trees look the same to you.

“If Pinkie’s right and the mirror pool’s nearby, then she shouldn’t be too far,” Twilight informs.

“Good, let’s get going before more of those bat pony things show up,” Ember says hecticly.

“Technically they aren’t bat ponies,” Ahuizotl corrects. “Bat ponies, or thestrals are a subrace of equine that-“

“I don’t care! Before those THINGS show up!” she huffs.

“Too Late!” a shrill voice pierces the night, followed by a white and purple blur, and suddenly Spike is no longer next to you.

“What the-?”

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“AAAAGGGGHHH!!!” Spike cries out from above and when you look up, your face pales and your blood begins boil.

Calm down Spikey Wikey, you’ll only feel a little pinch,” Raribat says as she holds the dragon in her hooves.

“What? No! No! How Did You Get Here So Fast?!” you cry out in frustration.

“I mean, you guys were talking pretty loudly back at the library about coming out here,” Rainbat Dash says nonchalantly as she holds a squirming Pinkie in her grasp.

“Dashie! Let Go! I don’t want to be a vampire!” Pinkie cries out.

“Sorry Pinks, but I’m in the mood for something sweet,” she says plainly before sinking her fangs into Pinkie’s throat…only for her eyes to widen and she immediately lets go and starts rolling on the ground. “Oh Celestia! It’s too sweet! TOO SWEET!” she exclaims holding her throat and retching.

Everyone stops and stares as the chromatic bloodsucker shovels dirt in her mouth and starts crying.

“…Pinkie dear, I know we’ve said it before, but perhaps you should lay off the sweets?” Raribat says in concern, still holding Spike.

“I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM!” she exclaims.

“Pinkie, I’m pretty sure you just gave Rainbow diabetes,” Twilight points to the crying vampire.

“Dia-What?” Ember asks.

“It means you can’t eat peanut butter,” you simplify and she nods in understanding.

“Oh it’s much more than that,” Grandbuggy remarks.

“Hmmph, I don’t have to take this! I’m gonna run for my life in a less judgmental atmosphere,” Pinkie pouts before drilling into the ground again and disappearing.

“…Right. Anyway, I don’t think you’ll be overly sweet Spikey-Wikey,” Raribat says turning back to Spike and caressing his chin with her tongue. “I’m sure you’ll be just right…”

“Aduh…” Spike trails off dumbly at the intimate caress. He still stares ahead blindly as she brings her mouth towards his neck…but in an instant, you are right behind her in the air stopping her with your hoof on her shoulder.

“Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru…” you say with glowing white eyes.

“Nani?!” she exclaims just as you simultaneously uppercut her further into the air with a flaming hoof, and tear Spike from her grasp. And as she screams into the distance and disappears with a star twinkle, you hold the dragon closer to your glowing chest protectively.

“Um…thanks Nightshade, but you’re kind of squishing m-“

“Mine…” you growl as you stare into his eyes which widen.

“Wha…Huh…?” he gasps in surprise and confusion, which triggers your brain to fire correctly again.

AGH! Did I Just Say That Out Loud?! You mentally scream as your eyes unglow and you blush in embarrassment.

“I-Uh-Fine! I Said Fine! Everything’s Fine!” you stammer as you land back on the ground.

“Uh-Yeah, sure,” he agrees hecticly, blushing as well.

“Hey! Now’s not the time for that icky stuff!” Ember interrupts to which you’re grateful for. “What do we do with this one?”

“Oh Celestia above, I’ll never drink blood, cider or apples again if you just take this pain away!” Rainbow bellows pitifully in the dirt.

“I don’t know…I feel bad about leaving her behind in this state,” Twilight says hesitantly as she reaches out to her friend to which Ahuizotl stops her with his tail hand.

“Allow me,” he says before pulling out a length of rope from somewhere and hogtying the vampire up.

“…Where did that rope even come from?” Ember questions and he frowns.

“Oh don’t you start that again!” he warns.

“Hey! I think Rarity got launched from over here,” Applebat’s voice echoes through the trees.

“That sounds like Nightshade alright,” Flutterbat coos.

“Yeah!” Bulk Batceps roars.

“…Time to go.” You exposit.


Ello Calebero’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You all now stand in Zecora’s Hut, with the still crying and tied up Rainbow Bat lying on her floor.

“Ahuizotl! What’s the big idea tying her up?!” Daring Do accuses.

“She is literally a monster idiota! Would you have just had me let her roam free?” he grunts.

“You could have used something other than rope! I know those knots well! You use them on me all the time!” she huffs and crosses her forelegs.

“Because they are sturdy and not easily broken!” he argues back.

“Um, aren’t you going to stop them Zebra sensei?” you ask as the two continue to bicker, but she shakes her head.

“Those two have unresolved tension it’s true, but getting myself in the middle of that is not something I’m going to do,” she shudders.

“Their issues aside, we need your help Zecora,” Twilight interjects. “Apparently something we did earlier when dealing with Applejack’s bat problem turned Fluttershy into a vampire and she started infecting most of the town. Rainbow Dash here is only a small part of them.”

“I am relatively informed of the situation Twilight, for I had a shadowy messenger come this very night.”

“Huh?” Twilight asks but Zecora doesn’t answer and just gives you a wink.

Guess Bob did his job then. Hopefully the other minions are keeping others safe.

“So magical striped pony, can you solve this thing or not?” asks Ember as she glances out of a window.

“I have a few ideas that could be the answer…but first I must ask, what happened to her?” she asks pointing to the sick looking vampire.

“She bit the pink one and got overloaded on sugar,” Grandbuggy answers and Zecora just looks at him questioningly.

“It’s true sensei,” you add. “Maybe Pinkie is the key to all of this?”

“Hmmm, perhaps high levels of glucose could be the answer somehow, but where is Pinkie Pie now?”

“She kind of tunneled away when we told her she had to cut back on sweets,” Twilight says sheepishly and Zecora looks at her stonefaced.

“Either way, we have Rainbow Dash to work on for the time being,” she says before her eyes widen. “Wait, tell me you weren’t followed here as you were fleeing?”

“Hey! I found that Zebra’s house you stupid ponies!” Greta’s voice calls out from above the hut.

“What do you mean you found it?! I did!” Garble growls.

“Oh calm your scales, there’ll still be plenty to drink,” she snarks back.

Zecora just looks down from her ceiling and back to you all in exasperation.

“…We might have loudly been talking about it back at Twilight’s,” you chuckle nervously.

Zecora just facehooves and pushes past the still arguing rivals as she starts gathering ingredients and potions.

“Twilight Sparkle, I need you to tell me, to the best of your ability, how you handled those bats magically.”

“Uh, right. Well it’s all based on the concept of changing one’s desires for certain…” and she keeps rattling off science stuff.

“Uh guys?! More figures approaching!” Ember warns from the window.

“Yeesh, these parasites are relentless,” Grandbuggy grumbles as he grabs and apple and a clove of garlic.

“I know right?! We just got out of a siege!” you agree.

“Hey! Glad you guys showed up,” Garble says to the approaching figures. “The purple pony and the striped one are inside for sure and-“


“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” both he and Greta shriek in pain, and even Rainbow Bat squirms and hisses as a weird distorted sound fills the air.

“What the buck was that?!” you exclaim.

“It was those other ponies!” Ember says in shock. “They have some sort of…Wait…Crackle?!”

“Crackle?” you question before looking out the window. Sure enough, the six legged dragoness stands with four other ponies, as she stands over the writhing form of Garble.

“C-Crackle? Is that you?” Garble asks in surprise before her eyes narrow and she frowns.

“Honk Honk!” she exclaims before back kicking the smaller dragon into the woods.

“Aaaaaahhhh!!!” he cries fade as he is launched further away.

“Oi! Stop with the loud noises you-“ Greta starts but is interrupted by another blast of loud noise.

“AAAIIIIEEEE!!!” she shrieks before using her featherless batwings to fly away.

“AGH! Now my ears hurt too! What did I do to deserve this?!” Rainbow cries still wriggling on the floor.

Ignoring the pained vampire, you all stare out at the figures who play yet another loud noise with the objects in their hooves.

“What is going on out there?” Twilight asks.

“I think we got reinforcements,” Grandbuggy guesses.

“And quite unexpected ones at that,” you say dumbfounded. For outside beside Crackle the dragon are Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia and Vinyl.

“Heh, I’m glad the mail mare’s husband gave me all those upgrades I asked for,” Vinyl says as she cranks the volume up on her boom box.

“You know, I hated what you had done to my Cello until this exact moment,” Octavia nods.

“I appreciated it from the beginning, getting to blast ponies back with my harp,” Lyra giggles.

“Yeah, well they’re only deterrents anyway,” Bon Bon says as she holds a super soaker and has a clove of garlic around her throat.

“Are you still salty because we wouldn’t let you stake Roseluck?” Vinyl rolls her eyes.

“Yes!” she huffs.

“Bon Bon, these vampires are still our neighbors and friends, so we can’t just murder them. You’ll feel terrible after all this gets resolved,” Octavia chides.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she relents.

“Just be thankful those shadow monsters showed up so we didn’t have to resort to that,” Lyra sighs, wiping her brow.

“Yeah, but those are a question for later,” Bon Bon hoofwaves before shooting a stream of water out at a tree. The hidden Caramel shrieks and flies off, smoke coming off of his body.

“Thank goodness for Mr. Waddle’s holy water,” she smirks before looking towards the hut. “Oh Ms. Zecora! Would you kindly let us in?”

“Honk Honk!” Crackle adds.


Episode 71: I Reject My Equinity!!!

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You look back at the rest and raise a questioning eyebrow.

“So is this an everyling for their selves kind of situation, or are we still trusting other survivors?”

“It’s day one of the outbreak, so brutal rival factions won’t crop up just yet” Grandbuggy points out.

“True, but you heard what they said. Bon Bon wanted to stake the vampires.”

“Didn’t you say you would as well?” Ember asks.

“As a last resort! Last Resort!” you correct, before the banging on the door gets louder.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

subhuman135’s Comment

“ROYAL GUARDS OPEN UP!” Bon Bon shouts enthusiastically, before diving in through the window and landing with a roll.

“Whoa!” you yelp as she quickly stands up and dusts glass off of herself.

“Now what did you go and do that for?! I have a perfectly functioning door!” Zecora growls towards the earth pony.

“Sorry, but everyone was taking too long, and there’s still vamps outside,” she answers. “Hi again Nightshade.”

“Hi Bon Bon,” you wave, before she looks at you expectantly.

“Sooooo, are you going to let my friends in or…?”

“Bon Bon! Open up! Mayor Mare got turned and she’s complaining even more about my wubs!” Vinyl shouts.

“Honk Honk!” Crackle adds.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it,” you roll your eyes and unlock the door, only to immediately get thrown into the wall as the others burst in.

“Thank you!” Octavia says quickly.

“Hi Zecora! We can hold up here right?!” Lyra asks, even as she starts to bar the door and window and Zecora sighs.

“Yeah she’s good. It’d be mighty handy to have them instruments on our side,” Grandbuggy says as he picks you up off the floor and dusts you off.

“Anyling get the number of that carriage?” you say dizzily and shake your head.

“What carriage? I didn’t see one,” Ember looks around.

“It’s a turn of phrase princess,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes. “When your noggin gets knocked a good one, and you’re dizzy, your brain’s loopy and humorous neurons fire, and you make morbid jokes, usually about being hit by a carriage.”

“Is…is that a pony thing too?”

“Nah, it’s pretty universal. Just wait till you get knocked a good one.”

“Hmmph, as if someone’s gonna be able to hit me that ha-ARGH!”

“Honk Honk Blarg!” Crackle tackles into Ember, knocking her off her feet.

“Ugh…who caused that avalanche?” Ember groans dizzily.

“Avalanche?” you ask as you come out of your stupor.

“I’m not explaining this again!” Grandbuggy shouts to your confusion.

“Oh hey, it’s the old dude that’s shacking up with Granny Smith,” Vinyl says in surprise.

“You got that right missy,” he smirks.

“Crackle! Crackle! Get off of her, she’s a princess!” Spike scolds the misshapen dragon who just pants happily.

“She knows,” Ember groans from underneath. “She used to do this all the time when we were younger.”

“Well there’s more mares out in the living room now, why don’t you just tie them up too?!” Daring shouts from the other room.

“Because they’re not a threat! And even if I wanted to, so what?! It’s not like you’re special and are the only one who I can ensnare!” Ahuizotl argues back.

“Hmmph! That’s plain to see with that stalker fan of mine!” she pouts and he groans.

“What’s, uh, what’s going on in there?” Lyra asks hesitantly.

“Couple’s argument,” Grandbuggy says plainly.

“Oh…” she nods.

“Yah! There’s one of them inside!” Octavia shrieks.

“WHAT?!” Bon Bon shouts and turns around.

“No, no! It’s okay! Rainbow’s tied up and not a threat right now!” Twilight suddenly jumps in front of her friend protectively.

“Can someone just give me some saltines, or some really plain bread?!” Rainbat cries out on the ground, but is ignored.

“See?! So there’s no reason to stake her through the heart,” Twilight pleads with Bon Bon who flinches at that.

“What the-I wasn’t going to do that!” Bon Bon says taken aback, and collectively, you all look at her with deadpanned expressions. “…What?”

“We kind of heard you guys yelling outside,” you monotone.

“Yeah, and staking your neighbors isn’t cool lady,” Grandbuggy scolds. “I mean, unless they really deserve it, like playing their music till three in the morning…”

“Wait, what?” Vinyl double takes.

“But yeah, kind of a dick move,” he finishes.

“Hey! I didn’t actually go through with it, ergo the holy water squirt gun!” she argues back. “And can you really blame me? This isn’t the first time I’ve tangled with bloodsuckers, so it’s just instinct.”

“Wait, what?! You’ve dealt with vampires before?” you ask with intrigue.

“Yup,” she says without elaboration.


“Classified,” she says, ending that line of questioning and you scowl.

“W-Well anyway, thank you for allowing us in. We figured that if anypony could solve this mess, it’d be Zecora,” Octavia butts in.

“Yeah! So…you got like a potion or something?” Vinyl asks.

“I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete. Though with a live specimen, I might be able to accomplish this feat,” she says.

“Oh that’s good. Do you need any assistance?” Lyra asks. “I know a thing or two about magical potions.”

“You do?” asks Twilight surprised and Lyra suddenly looks lost.

“Uh, yeah? We went to the same school together Twilight. We were in the same group with Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Moon Dancer…don’t you remember?”

“…Right,” Twilight says nervously, before her ears droop. “Oh my gosh, I hadn’t thought about that in years. I just forged on with my new friends and didn’t even stop to thi-“

“Ms. Twilight! Make amends later! Vampires still out there!” you interrupt her introspection and her eyes widen.

“R-Right! Of course you can help Lyra!”

“Yay!” the green unicorn cheers before she groups around Rainbow with Twilight and Zecora.

“...So, how did you all bring Rainbow down?” asks Vinyl curiously.

“She tried to drink the pink pony and then started convulsing,” Ember says as she finally pushed Crackle off of her.

“Really?” asks Bon Bon, genuinely curious.

“Yup, guess her blood is too sweet for vampires to handle,” Spike nods and she puts a hoof to her chin.

“Huh, never knew sugar comas would work on the vampiric,” Bon Bon mutters.

“And where is Pinkie Pie now?” asks Octavia.

“She tunneled away because she thought we were being mean,” you answer.

“Ah shoot, there goes that idea I just had,” Vinyl grumbles.

“We wouldn’t have been able to let EVERY vampire bite her! She wouldn’t have had enough blood!” you say in disgust.

“Blood?! Who said blood?!” you hear Scootaloo’s voice from outside.

“I think they have blood at Ms. Zecoras!” Sweetie’s voice answered.

“Yay! Blood!” Diamond and Silver’s voice echo out, followed by more chants of blood throughout the woods.

“Ah spit, here we go again,” Bon Bon grits her teeth as she peers through one of the wooden planks over the window she destroyed.

“Hmmph, perhaps we’ll get more assistance from those shadowy creatures,” Octavia says as she prepares her cello.

“I doubt it,” Vinyl says with a sigh.

Yeah, speaking of which, how are things going Bob? You ask telepathically.

It is going well mistress, though around 40% of the town has been turned, we have kept them from finding the others who are hiding. It also helps that most of them are heading towards the woods.

…They’re heading into the forest?! You ask with wide eyes.

Yes mistress.

With a sinking feeling in your gut, you start to sweat.

“Oh boy…” you mutter.

“What is it Nightshade?” Spike asks.

“They’re heading this way,” you answer and look to Twilight and Zecora. “You might want to hurry up.”

“We’re trying my student!” Twilight says as Lyra dumps a bottle of something on Rainbow’s head.

“Agh! I can smell the sugar in that! Get it away!” Rainbow whimpers.

“Well this one was a dud,” Lyra shrugs, tossing the empty bottle away.

“That was my stash of exotic honey…you all are going to owe me lots of money,” Zecora shakes her head as she pours some powder on the vampire.

“Achoo!” Rainbow sneezes, but otherwise, her features do not change.

“Honk Blarg!” Crackle says worriedly from one of the boarded up windows.

“Yes, yes, we see them too Crack,” Vinyl affirms as more and more glowing eyes light up the darkness outside.

“Honk, Honk, HONK!” Crackle emphasizes and Ember raises a brow.

“What do you mean by different eyes?”

Suddenly, several howls fill the air shaking the cabin.

“Hey, that sounds like timber wolves,” you conclude as you walk to a slat and peer out. “Although, I doubt these are the kind that can talk.”

“Timberwolves can’t talk, they’re just plant creatures,” Octavia argues.

“You’d be surprised,” you disagree. Sure enough, through your slot, you see a pack of the wooden abominations rush out towards the gathering vampires.

“EEEEE!!!” several shriek and fly into the trees to avoid their gnashing jaws.

“Huh, well that’s a nice little time saver,” Grandbuggy chuckles as one of the wolves dangles from the shrieking Caramel vamp’s tail and won’t let go.

“It makes sense really. Vampire’s main rivals are wolves after all. Those these aren’t lycanthropes…but still.”

“And that’s the problem, they’re not lycanthropes,” Bon Bon scowls. “Which means those dogs don’t stand a chance.”

As if on cue, yelps are heard within the trees, and the shattering of wood.

“Blegh! This blood tastes like sap!” Bulk yells.

“Because it is sap Bulky,” Aloe points out.

“And it’s not even Apple flavored sap! Gross!” Applejack shouts.

“…Well, at least they’re occupied right?” Octavia says optimistically.


“Tee hee! You’re not real animals, so I have nothing to feel guilty about!” Flutterbat cackles as she uses your Dark Cannon again and again.

“…If we solve this, she’s probably gonna go catatonic for a week,” Spike says with worry.

“Well that’s just Future Shy’s problem isn’t it?!” you spit, angry that someone else is playing with one of your toys.

“Speaking of which, maybe we could use some other kind of Everfree beasts to help us,” Vinyl suggests.

“Like what?” Grandbuggy asks.

“I don’t know, something,” she shrugs. “I mean, isn’t there a Ursa Major and Minor still out he-“

“NOP! Nope, nope, Nope! We’re not using the giant bears!” you stamp your hoof down as unpleasant memories come back to you.

“She’s right. Besides, those would just be overkill. A major once attacked my Dad and gave him that scar across his eye,” Ember shudders.

“Honk?” Crackle speaks up and Bon Bon looks at her incredulously.

“…Are you serious?”


“Crackle, those are just movies. Zombies, unlike vampires, aren’t real.”

“Zombies?!” both Ahuizotl and Daring Do echo from the other room before they both burst forth looking frightened.

“Who’s talking about zombies?!” Ahuizotl shouts.

“Because if they’ve showed up, we’re even more screwed than we were before!” Daring Do shrieks.

“There aren’t any zombies! Calm down,” Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Oh thank goodness,” Daring says, clutching her heart and leaning against Ahuizotl.

“You gave us a scare their compadres,” Ahuizotl also sighs.

“Oh yeah, you’re perfectly safe, except, you know, the monsters outside trying to turn us!” Bon Bon facehooves.

“Yeah, and besides, zombies wouldn’t be able to win against vampires anyway,” you add.

“Don’t be so sure kiddo. A zombie virus would be able to infect a vampire who drinks blood,” Vinyl argues.

“But they’re both undead, wouldn’t that cancel it out?” Spike interjects.

“Depends on what kind of zombie you are talking about,” Ahuizotl speaks up.

“I mean, with swarm tactics, they’d probably rip the vamps limb from limb…but the blood suckers do have enhanced strength,” Daring Do ponders.

“Ugh! Can we stop arguing about this!” Octavia shouts. “We’re still in the middle of this!”

“Oh, right,” you say as you turn your attention back to the Timberwolf and Vampire fight.

“Hmm, at least the wolves aren’t giving up,” Ember says.

“ROAD ROLLER!!!” Batamel suddenly yells out, as suddenly a whole pack of the timberwolves are crushed by a road roller, and he laughs triumphantly atop of it.

“What in the buck?” you say slowly as he proceeds to start punching the piece of machinery while yelling,

“Muda Muda Muda!”

“Oh la la, Caramel,” you hear Aloe titter.

“Hey! I can do that too! YEAH!!!” Bulk then jumps up and starts punching the construction equipment as well.

You all stare at this scene in exasperation, until Vinyl breaks the silence.

“You know Shade, without your old man around, the insanity must be spreading just to keep the balance.”

“…It does seem that way doesn’t it?” you agree after a moment of thought.

The timberwolves now realize that they’ve bitten off more than they can chew and retreat, leaving all the creatures of the night to focus their attention on Zecora’s hut.

“Alright, before we go in there, just be aware there’s ponies in there with sound weapons,” Greta instructs the others.

“And also three dragons,” Garble adds.

“You freaking sell outs!” you shout out the window.

“Oh, and also our savior and mistress, don’t forget.” Flutterbat says. “By her command, we don’t eat anypony, just drink and turn them.”

“I NEVER SAID TH-“ you start, but are interrupted as they all cheer and descend on the hut.

“Buck!” you growl and get away from the window as the Horde members start sending out sonic waves.

“How we doing brainy crowd? Any good news?” Grandbuggy asks nervously.

“I believe so!” Twilight says with a smile. “My earlier theory about this being related to our hypnotizing of the vampire bats holds some water now. There’s trace amounts of my initial charm here on Rainbow Dash.”

“Wait, so you’re the one who started this Twilight?” Lyra asks in surprise.

“I…I guess so?” she shrugs. “I mean, I have no idea how this would have even happened. No dark magic is used at all in this spell.”

“So this isn’t a traditional Vampiric curse then,” Bon Bon exposits before fire a shot of holy water into Bulk’s face.

“NAAAAAHHHHH!!!” he cries out.

“Apparently not, so the cure might be, that Twilight must simply remove the charm effect…possibly.”

“Well hurry up and do it then!” Daring Do orders.

“I am, I am!” Twilight huffs as she concentrates and points her horn at Rainbow. After a moment, that same hue she used earlier on the bats envolops the speedster…but nothing happens.

“Oh, that was tingly,” Rainbow giggles. “Actually, you know what, maybe if I had a nibble of one of your hooves, the salt in the blood could wash out the sweetness in my m-“

“AGH! It didn’t work!” Twilight stomps her hooves in frustration.

“Oh Great! How are we supposed to defeat these Twilight Vampires now?” you complain.

“I mean, even these Twilight Vampires are weak to garlic and stuff, can’t we just wait till morning?” Vinyl ask just as Berry Punch punches her head through the wall and tries to bite at her.

“That doesn’t seem feasible,” Lyra gulps as she plays her harp, causing the mare to shriek and retreat. “These Twilight Vampires aren’t giving up.”

“Agh! More Twilight Vampires coming in from the south!” Spike says from one of the upper windows.

“Will you please stop calling them that? It’s making me feel uncomfortable,” Twilight pleads with sad eyes, but is ignored.

“There’s gotta be another way to undo this. I mean, your magic caused this after all!” Ember points out and the unicorn starts hyperventilating.

“Yes, but there’s only trace amounts on Rainbow Dash. If we could find one that had the highest amount, then perhaps I could work on something, but…”

“So what you’re saying is, that if we start with patient Zero, there might be a chance?” Bon Bon asks.

“Maybe?” Twilight guesses.

“Okay, who was the first vampire?” asks Daring.

“Fluttershy was,” you say with certainty, just as she blasts a hole through one of Zecora’s walls. “But the bats were too weren’t they?”

Suddenly Twilight’s eyes widen in understanding.

“That’s it!” she shouts. “The spell didn’t work on Rainbow because the Vampire Bats weren’t around!” She then looks at all of you with hope. “If we can get everypony back into the Apple fields and near the bats, I could undo all of this!”

“That’s kind of going to be hard,” you point out, just as Cheerilee’s hooves grab hold of Grandbuggy and yank him out.

“YAGH!” he screams.

“Grandbuggy!” you shout and are about to dive after him, but Ahuizotl holds you back.

“No, wait. The idiota’s got this,” he says.

“Are you crazy?! They’re going to turn my Great Grandbuggy into-“

“Ouch!” Cheerilee yelps, followed by Grandbuggy’s laugh.

“What, you don’t know how to bite someone properly? Didn’t Big Mac teach ya nothing darling?”

“What are you doing?” Lilly asks.

“His skin’s a lot harder than it looks,” Cheerilee answers.

“Let me try. Yowch! My fang!” Lily yelps.

“Well if my skin’s too hard, I got something else for you to suck,” he insinuates.


“Oh you old-EEE!” Daisy shrieks. “He just bit ME!”

“What, you’re the only ones that get to have fun?” Grandbuggy laughs.

“Oh forget this!” Cheerilee shouts, before suddenly Grandbuggy comes flying through the hole and crashes into a table.

“Heh, next time don’t try to out kink a guy with years of experience girlies!” he threatens with a smirk.

“…And this is the stallion who raised Baker?” Octavia says worriedly.

“Eyup,” you facehoof.

“Yeesh, no wonder the guy’s so reserved. He had to compensate for Casanova here,” Lyra cringes.

“Hey, who’s not a vampire right at this moment? Hmm?” Grandbuggy says smugly and noling answers. “That’s what I thought.”

But in that hubris, you all are damned as multiple vamps breach several areas, causing the musicians to work overtime.

“Not like this!” Spike yelps, as he suddenly grabs Twilight by the head and points her horn at Blossomforth.

“Spike! What are you-“

He then starts yanking on Twilight’s tail, which causes her to start shooting out bolts of magic.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Spike yells as he shoots Twilight missiles at the Twilight Vampires.

“Hey, that’s pretty cool. Where’d you learn that?” you ask as you send a magic missile at Mayor Mare.

“Pinkie Pie,” he says plainly, before he keeps yelling again.

“I hate how everypony can seemingly do this to me!” Twilight complains as she is used like a gun.

“Alright, if you can solve this, then we’ll buy you some time!” Bon Bon says to your group.

“We will?” Vinyl gapes, only to be hit upside the head by Octavia.

“Yes!” she says.

“Honk Honk!” Crackle nods, before back kicking a vamp out of the way.

“Go into my basement, and a path you will find. Stop this madness, before we run out of time!” Zecora implores as she starts chucking potions.

“Whelp, good enough for me!” Ember says as she darts downstairs.

“Seconded!” Daring shouts and follows suit, followed by the others.

“What are you waiting for, go!” Lyra implores.

“Don’t worry, we’ll solve this!” you promise as you follow Twilight and Spike into the basement.

“Alright! Time to drop the bass!” Vinyl shouts as she cranks her speakers up to 11. And as your group travels through Zecora’s secret tunnel, the earth starts to rumble as Wubs permeate through the earth, and distant Vampire screeches are heard.

“Does anyone else feel kind of bad that we just sort of left them there?” asks Spike.

“Yeah,” you nod with a frown.

“They did tell us to go though,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Although they did have the best weapons against these things,” Ember nods.

“I agree, they should have given me some hot salty blood to cure me of this horrible sweetness!” Rainbow complains, bound up backpack style on Ahuizotl’s back.

“Rainbow, you don’t get a say in this!” Twilight growls as yet another wub wave shakes the tunnel and the vampire winces. “Ohh, I hope we can solve this soon. I can’t bear the thought that I caused all of this.”

“You’ll get used to it Sparkle, just keep your head in the game,” Daring Do encourages. “I’ve used this tunnel before, and it’s a straight shot back towards the Apple farm.”

“Anything dangerous live in them?” asks Ahuizotl.

“Nothing too horrible,” she reassures, just as another wub hits and a section of muddied wall collapses…and several large, rocky reptiles spill out.

“AGH!” Spike yells out as one snaps at him.

“Oh for pete’s sake, Cragodiles again?!” you huff and send a missile into it’s maw.

“Quick Nightshade, do the thing like last time!” Ember encourages as she kicks one in the face.

“No! I’m not losing control gorramnit!” you curse as you Earth bend one into a wall.

“Oh, nothing too dangerous huh?” Ahuizotl complains, hands on his hips.

“I didn’t know about these!” Daring hisses. “And you’re one to talk, you use these lizards all the time!”

“Not lately! You know how unruly it is to train an apex predator? That’s why I stick with my cats now.”

“Oh, you’re cats that always try to eat me!”

“They just like to cuddle with you, you’re the one who keeps hurting them!”

“Oh, excuse me for my-YAGH!” she cries out as a cragodile snaps onto her tail and starts dragging her away.

“DARING!” Ahuizotl shouts, before diving onto the offending reptile. A scuffle then ensues, before he pops back out, with scratches on his body, holding the pegasus in his arms.

“Are you alright?” he huffs.

“Uh…yeah,” she says breathlessly, shaking.

“Thank goodness,” he sighs.

“Hey…Ahuizotl,” she questions hesitantly.

“Y-Yes?” he gasps.

“Why am I tied up?” she asks, gesturing towards her strung up form.

“Oh…Uh…force of habit,” he says with a blush.

“…Clearly,” she says with her own blush.

“Enough with your bondage fetish Ahuizotl, just tell her how you feel,” Grandbuggy admonishes.

“Can we talk about this later?! Like when Cragodiles aren’t trying to eat us?!” you implore.

“Of course! I, uh…Let’s go,” he says as he dashes past some more reptiles and Rainbow squees on his back.

“Oh my gosh, this is the best day ever! Seriously, now you two can join Aloe’s club and-“

“Shut Up Rainbow!” you shout and throw and apple at her head, which she snatches and consumes.


After escaping the cragodiles and traversing the woods, you finally reach the Apple Fields again, though you do have a close call you come across a group of black clad individuals who you assume are vampires, smoking and leaning against a fence.

“Spike, give me the garlic bread,” you whisper and he does so. With an expert throw, you strike one of them in the head with the bread…but it does nothing.

“What?!” you say in alarm, as the smoking young stallion just looks at the offending bread and frown.

“Ugh, corporate commissioned bread products. What a bucking pain.”

“I know right?” says a young mare with dark makeup on. “Schilling even in the middle of the night.”

“Life is pain, but they’re more of a pain, trying to make the unwashed masses happy with their “tasty” treats,” another black clad stallion monotones, letting out a puff of smoke.

“…I think those might be a different breed of vampire,” Spike says.

“No, they’re just whiny teenagers,” Grandbuggy corrects.

“But it’s like, 4 in the morning, what are they doing out here smoking?” you ask in puzzlement.

“I just said, they’re teenagers,” Grandbuggy repeats before waving you all past the cringy individuals.

A few rows in however, you hear the screams of those teens, and realize the vamps have gotten them.

“Hmmph, serves them right for hating on garlic bread,” you say coldly.

“Alright, all we have to do is find the bat swarm, and then wait for the infected to find us and-“ Twilight starts but is interrupted as Flutterbat superhero lands in front of your group.

“Oho, you’re looking for my bat friends are you? I’m afraid I can’t let you do that Twilight,” she says with a fanged smile.

“Fluttershy! Please! This isn’t right!” Twilight begs and she scowl.

“Neither was brainwashing those poor hungry bats…but that’s okay. It helped me to become a much better version of myself,” she says as more of the blood suckers land in the trees, some of them eating the fruit. “Much better versions of ourselves…”

“You do know that’s bullspit right?” you interject. “I mean, you won’t ever be able to go out in the sunlight again.”

“Not to mention a diet of nothing but Apples and Blood is going to be Tartarus on all your plumbing bills,” Grandbuggy adds and everyone looks at him strangely. “You’ll see.”

“Right…Anyway Twilight, it’s time for you to join the family,” she says as she starts to menacingly walk towards the alicorn.

“Yeah, we’re not going to let that happen,” you threaten as you stand in front of her.

“Nightshade?” Twilight gasps but you continue.

“She’s the only one who can cure you guys, so if you want her, you’re going to have to go through me,” you say as you take out your Power Pole.

“And me, ya dang she devil,” Grandbuggy nods as he steps forward too.

“And I as well Vampiro,” Ahuizotl says, still holding the tied up Daring and Dash.

“I, uh…I’d like to live actually,” Ember says shakily.

“Hey Fluttershy, I’m still team blood, but I’m kind of weak. Friendly warning, DON’T BITE PINKIE PIE!” Rainbat screeches.

“Hmmm, so you want to test my will Nightshade? Oh…if I win can I have a taste of your bl-“

“NO!” you declare, your eyes glowing a tad.

“Everypony…I’m sorry that I created this whole mess,” Twilight apologizes and you feel a pang of guilt.

“Don’t worry Ms. Twilight, this battle is going to be epic and hard on us, but we won’t let them-“
“Hey Twilight! I found all the bats!” Pinkie’s voice suddenly cuts through the air. Walking down the middle of you and the enemy vamps, the pink psycho is leading a procession of the flying rats like a parade and she is dressed like a cop.

“Pinkie? How…What?”

“I have my ways,” she winks. “Also, still nothing wrong with my diet!”

“…And just like that the mood is kind of spoiled,” Grandbuggy says disappointed.

“Yeah…it feels like all the epicness and seriousness just got sucked out,” you frown.

“I know what you mean. Kind of a killjoy on the whole fighting for glorious blood high I had,” Flutterbat sighs.

“I guess we could do it still…but it wouldn’t be the same,” Applebat grumbles, and you notice a beat up looking Raribat on her back.

“Well either way, got your bats you needed in true Deus Ex Machina fashion,” Pinkie smiles before waving at the tied up Rainbow. “Hi again Dashie.”

“Oh Celestia! Keep her away!” she cries and starts to struggle uselessly.

Kichi’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Alright, this is getting too stupid, even for me. Twilight, do the thing,” you order and she nods.

“Right, but I need to make sure they are still and not going to dive bomb me. Give me a moment to prepare,” she says as she starts mutter equations under her breath.

“Oh come on now Twilight, just join us,” Fluttershy pleads.

“Join us…Join us…” the chorus of all the other vampires chime in.

“Dude, that’s creepy,” Spike shudders.

“No! I have a solution to all of this!” Twilight exclaims. “I’ll now be able to heal you all.”

"But Darling, we don't want to be healed,” Rairibat answers unironically despite being bruised up. “I mean sure, feasting on our fellow ponies takes some getting used to, and Princess Celestia would surely burn us to ash, but it’s magnificent.”

“Wh-What? Celestia would never do that!” Twilight defends.

“The buck she wouldn’t,” you play devil’s advocate and she looks taken aback. “Sunlight powers, remember?”

“Oh…well still she wouldn’t intentionally do it!” she corrects.

“Sure she would Twilight. We’re creatures of the night now,” Flutterbat smiles. “She would treat us like Nightmare Moon, even though we’re much better than her.”

“Hey now, let’s not go throwing out accusations like that,” you defend your mothers honor.

“But it’s true,” Aloe argues. “Each one of us would make for a better mistress of the night, especially for your father if he is willing to take concubines.”

“Concu-What?” you ask confused.

“Ooh, there’s an idea,” Fluttershy nods. “Though I like the idea of multiple couples being involved and-“

“Fluttershy!” Twilight exclaims with a blush.

“No seriously, what’s that coconut thing they’re talking about?” you asks.

“A concubine is a sanctioned secondary wife by a married couple. Although the process has died out in most countries, it’s still practiced in some areas of Saddle Arabia, where one stallion can have many different partners,” Sweetiebat says while hanging upside down from a tree.

“Oh…thanks Sweetie,” you say, perturbed that despite being a monster now, she still has her strange encyclopedic knowledge of random words. “But anyway, forget that weirdness already you hussies!”

“Oooh, such sharp language,” Rairibat says while fainting dramatically.

“Okay, leaving aside all of your base urges, why are you rejecting my help? Aren’t we friends?” Twilight asks sadly.

“Of course we’re friends, that’s why we’re doing this so that we can all be together,” Flutterbat smiles.

“That and we kind of have to build our numbers to defend against the princesses and any annoying hunters,” Applejack interjects.

“…Yes, that too,” Fluttershy nods. “But come now Twilight, let us at least share this gift with you, and with your help we can figure out how to share it with Pinkie Pie as well. You’re our friends, and friendship is magic remember?”

“I…” Twilight stammers as her own philosophy is thrown back in her face.

“Now wait one bucking minute here, that’s the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever heard!” you shout and Flutterbat who looks taken aback.


“True, friendship is all about sharing and caring and what not, but you can’t just blackmail your friends into something they don’t want to do! I mean for crying out loud, you’ve all been hunting us all night, transforming everyone into vamponies, vampdragons and whatever else, and you didn’t even ask permission! Stop trying to justify forcing your views on someone!”

“Oh gee, it’s not like I don’t know exactly how that feels from earlier,” she deadpans sarcastically, but you continue.

“Exactly! And if there’s something I’ve learned from Ms. Twilight, it’s that friendship shouldn’t be forced. It’s something that should be given and accepted mutually. The 'Honest' thing to do is to accept that maybe someone doesn’t want to become an undead fiend. 'Generosity' is not about forcing a gift that someone doesn’t want, the 'Kind' thing to do is not to drink your friends when they say no, being 'Loyal' doesn’t mean making everypony the same with the same goal, and all that cruel 'Laughing' you do as others scream and cry is just counter intuitive! Friendship IS Magic, but this bullspit sure as buck ain’t!” you growl, and surprisingly your little monologue has captured all of their attentions.

“Oh dear…” Fluttershy says with wilted ears. “Maybe we have been-“

“NOW!” you shout to Twilgiht who releases the spell she’s been building up to, and her magic pulses out, ensnaring every single vampire.

“WWWWRRRRYYYY!!!” they all screech in unison, causing you all to hold your hooves to your ears, but Twilight has them. She’s sweating profusely and her eyes are clenched shut, but she has them.

“There! I just need to…. Concentrate!” she says through gritted teeth while many of the vamps struggle.

“That’s it, keep it up girlie!” Grandbuggy encourages while the others crowd around her protectively, just in case.

“Hey! I think it’s working! They’re starting to smoke,” Ember says enthusiastically pointing towards some of the ponies in the trees.

“Uhhh, I don’t think that’s it,” Spike gulps as he taps you on the shoulder and points at the sky. The second you look up, you pale. You didn’t notice it before thanks to Twilight’s redish hue of magic, but the sky is redish and orange for a different reason.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“BUCK! The Sun’s coming up!” you shriek as you notice more and more sizzling vampires in Twilight’s hold, including Greta and Garble.

“Hurry Senorita! Hurry!” Ahuizotl orders Twilight.

“Yes! Before this becomes a ghost town!” Daring joins in.

“I’m-Grr-I’m trying as fast as I can!” she struggles as her horn lights up like a Hearth’s Warming tree.

“Grr, stupid ponies and their regulating the astral bodies with magic! Why can’t they be like all the other planets in the Universe?!” Grandbuggy spits in frustration and you begin to sweat.

“Nightshade!” Spike says suddenly. “You can stop this right?!”


“You messed with the moon before, but what about the sun?!” he urges and you just stare at him dumbly for a second before you curse yourself for not thinking of that.

“Well, I’ll certainly try!” you declare as you fly off into the air and stare down the rising ball of gas with disdain as your eyes and shards begin to glow. Reaching out with your power, you grasp the sun, and find it heavier than you were expecting. Gritting your teeth, you shout,
“Would You Kindly Hit The Snooze Button?!”

In Canterlot

Princess Celstia stands on her balcony, humming a happy little tune as she begins to raise the sun and start another beautiful day…when suddenly it feels like someone tugs on a rope she didn’t know she had around herself, and the Sun dips back down.

“What in the-?” she blathers before lighting up her horn even more intensely. The sun starts to peak again above the horizon, but once more that force wrestles control from her and tugs it back down.

“LUNA! What in Equestria are you doing! This isn’t funny!” she yells to her sister on her own tower balcony who just looks confused.

“What do you mean, what am I doing?!” she shouts back.

“Quit messing with the sun and let me raise it!”

“I’m doing no such thing! My horn isn’t even lit up!” she shouts back.

“Wait, if you’re not doing this then…” Suddenly the princess’s eyes narrow in anger. “Nightmare Moon!” she spits.

Back With You

Celestia sure is a pain and keeps fighting your control of the giant fiery ball, and while you feel a connection and kinship to the moon, holding onto this orb is tiresome.

“Hurry the buck up!” you shout down to the oblivious Twilight who is too preoccupied with her own spell.

The peaks up once more, singeing off some of Thunderlane’s mane, but with a push of effort, you slam it back down.

“YEAGGGHHH!!!” Twilight yells, and suddenly her magic surrounding the vampires shines bight white and ripples outward, knocking you out of your concentration.

“WAGH!” you yelp as you tumble, head over hooves into a tree and the Sun springs up much further than the horizon now that your hold has faltered.

Panicking slightly, you lift your head from the bushes to the vampires…and see that no one is bursting into flame. Rather, all of their batwings, bat ears and fangs have receded, and many are groaning a lot.

“Ohhh, what happened?” many of them ask as they get their bearings.

“Why does my mouth taste coppery?” others say as they shake their heads.

Twilight herself is panting and half awake on the ground with a smile.

“Yay, I did it,” she half cheers before closing her eyes and passing out.

“Uhhh, what happened?” asks the now normalized Greta and Garble (who’s still short).

“We’ll explain later,” Grandbuggy says before smirking. “But for now, it looks like our work here is done.”

“But you didn’t do anything,” Daring Do points out. Still smirking, Grandbuggy just walks away heroically.

Mistress, the morning has come. Our job is complete. We will now return to the darkness till you need us, Bob’s voice says in your head and you sigh in relief.

And as you sit in your tree, watching all of this, Spike walks up to your plant and looks up.

“Hey, good job Nightshade, that was really awesome!” he congratulates and you smirk.

“Thanks…I think I’m just gonna take a nap now.” And with that, you close your eyes and let dreamland come to you, and who could blame you? Ever since getting woken up early by Applejack yelling, you haven’t slept a wink.

Back in the (Relative) Present

“I still can’t believe I missed out on all the vampire shenanigans,” Applebloom pouts as you all sit on the train to the Crystal Empire.

“Trust me, you didn’t miss much,” Sweetie Belle says with a shudder.

“I still don’t remember anything, but after I woke up I had a huge headache and Berry Punch gave me a drink to help ease the pain,” Scootaloo says with a frown.

“It was terrifying to say the least, but like always, Nightshade saved the day,” Spike praises and claps your shoulder, causing you to blush.

“H-Hey now, I don’t ALWAYS save the day. Besides, I was kind of partially responsible for the whole mess,” you say with wilted ears.

“Yeah, but Twilight still doesn’t have to know that,” he smiles conspiratorially.

After the vampirism was cured, there was a lot of pandemonium, and a lot of sick ponies who still had undigested blood in their stomachs, but after the initial panic and blame game of Nightmare Moon, Twilight and her friends took the blame. They apologized profusely to the very confused Fluttershy, who like many of the turned had no recollection of their undead period. To make up for the mess, Applejack cordoned off a special area of her fields for the vampire bats who had also been returned to normal. And after finally getting your rest, Granny Smith, Big Mac and Applebloom returned from Appleloosa, understandable confused by the story presented and devastated by the loss of their giant prize winning apple, and quite a few drained fields.

But after that, life went on, like it always did in Ponyville, and you still have so many memories of your three months there.

“I still don’t understand why Discord didn’t just solve everything. Doesn’t he care about Fluttershy?” asks Applebloom and you frown, remembering the shenanigans he pulled when Cadence arrived.

“According to him, he ‘didn’t want to fall into temptation from a lady and an apple because that was too cliché and done before’…whatever that means,” you sigh as you look out the window.

“Are you still sore about that giant worm thing?” Spike asks.

“Of course I’m still sore about the giant worm thing!” you grunt.

“Wait, what giant worm thing?” asks Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon return with snacks.

“The Tatzlworm I decked in the mouths?” you remind, but they just stare at you blankly.

“When was this?” Silver asks like she hasn’t heard the tale…and maybe she hasn’t.

“Oh well it’s when Cadence came around,” you explain. “It was a little while before that creepy hipster douche was stalking Applejack.”

“Wait, was that before or after that weird ol’ party pony came to town?”

“After,” Applebloom says. “I know because it was after that road trip we took with Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh right, and then Rarity lost her mind and started turning the town all shiny,” Scootaloo adds and Spike chuckles nervously.

“I think we might be jumbling a few things,” Sweetie Belle points out and you shrug.

“Well, we’ve still got a ways to go before the Empire,” you say before launching into another narrative. “So, after I woke up and everyone got their stomachs pumped and stuff, Sweetie’s sister and the others went to Manehattan…”

And you proceed to give a run down, which we will get back to in due time.

In The Human World


You sit on the couch in Humbra’s living room, with the Dazzlings, B2, Luna, and Humbra spread around the place.

“Why are you always holding these meetings at my place! This mobile home isn’t meant for large crowds!” the bald human complains.

“Because you have the best snacks,” Sonata giggles as she stuffs her face with some cheese puffs.

“Also we kind of live in an abandoned library so…” B2 trails and Humbra sighs.

“I still don’t see why we couldn’t have had this at my house,” Luna speaks up. “My sister is currently at school, along with all the other students you’ve roped into this mess.”

“Hey…that’s fair, and I wish I’d thought of that,” you say truthfully.

“Also, why aren’t these three in school?” she gestures towards the Dazzlings.

“Because we’re too cool for school,” Adagio smirks and Aria rolls her eyes.

“Also, we’re not exactly human, so we don’t want to learn human things,” Aria adds.

“Nor should you, they’ll rot your brain,” you agree.

Hey! Sombra says in offense.

You used to be a dangerous, ever present threat and now you yip around like a rabid fanboy, Selena points out and he pauses.

…I’m still an everpresent threat, he pouts and you roll your eyes.

Sure you are buddy, sure you are, you demean and he grumbles more.

“But anyway, while everling’s busy learning and stuff, we have time to figure out the next phase in our plan to defeat Midnight,” you say aloud.

“Right,” B2 nods. “And what is that?”

“…I honestly have no bucking clue,” you admit. “Now that she’s got that magic prototype dohicky, there’s no telling what she’ll do with it. So…I’m open to suggestions.”


Episode 72: Midnight Discussions

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They all stare back at you, and at each other then back again.

“So…you want our opinion on how to capture an out of control super powered teenager?” asks Luna.

“Yep,” you say frankly and she just looks even more lost.

“Aren’t you like the expert on that?” asks Aria.

“If I was an expert, you think I would have been stuck for three months in a magical time loop?” you snark.

“…Good point,” she nods.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Yeah, speaking of which, are we just going to keep glossing over that?” asks Luna and everyone stares at her.

“What you mean Nim?” asks B2 and she looks at him incredulously.

“We were stuck in Groundhog Day and it nearly destroyed the universe apparently! I’m still trying to rationalize that in my head.”

“Eh, it’s in the past, no sense worrying about it now,” you reassure and she looks at you quizzically.

“This…this kind of stuff…is this normal for you?”

"Screaming and running in terror?" Adagio asks.

"Fires and destruction everywhere?" Humbra adds.

"Crazy out of control magic?" Aria points out.

"Random insanity, obscure and blatant references to TV shows, movies, comics, novels, and anime?" B2 interjects.

"YES." You, Selena and Sombra said at the same time.

"Don't forget he's holding three people in his body instead of one!" Sonata pipes up casually drinking a smoothie.

“Hey! I was saving that smoothie for later!” Humbra complains.

“Didn’t see your name on it,” Sonata taunts, sticking her tongue out at him and causing him to grumble.

“I just…” Luna shakes her head and presses a hand to her temple. “I don’t even know how to comprehend that on top of everything. A horse Sombra and my stage persona in your head? How do you handle that?”

"By trying to keep these two from causing more problems. Emphasis on trying," Selena says taking control for a moment.

OI! You and Sombra complain, but she just smirks.

“…You know, that’s incredibly freaky hearing my voice coming from your mouth,” Luna shudders.

“It’s not your voice, it’s MINE!” Selena emphasizes with a bit of heat and once more Luna flinches.

“Okay, Okay just…” she holds her palms up and sighs. “My head really hurts.”

“It’s okay Nim,” B2 says putting an arm around her shoulder, which she accepts. “Believe me, it gets easier with time.”

“Like hell it does,” Humbra grumbles.

“Thanks @#$%&,” she says as she holds his hand. “But I think what really helps is having you along to temper the madness.”

And with that, she rests her head against his shoulder.

“Hmmph!” Selena grunts before relinquishing control back to you.

Give a warning next time Selly. Whatever happened to Assuming Direct Control? You complain, but she doesn’t answer you back and you get the feeling she’s watching B2 and Luna pointedly.

It’s not the first time this has happened. After your perfect speed run of that last carnival loop, the two humies have been inseparable like some lovesick couple from those terrible soap operas McStabFlank wouldn’t stop yapping about. And though you shudder, remembering how she adamantly talked about the Mexicoltan character’s relationship the same way Lyra talked about her My Little Human Fan Fiction, a part of you can’t help but feel a bit grateful that another version of you has finally gotten some much deserved happiness.

After all the crap B2’s been handed in this life, you think he does deserve this break…even though it’s a bit gross since they’re filthy disgusting humans and all, but still. But other than that, you can’t quite place why Selena feels so perturbed by them, aside from another version of her estranged “sister” being happy, but you don’t think she’s that petty.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” you say with your own voice and both look to you. “She and pony you don’t exactly get along.”

That is a complete understatement! She grumbles and Sombra chuckles at her misery.

“Well…if she’s anything about how I used to act on stage, I can kind of understand,” Luna says.

“You can?” Humbra says in bewilderment before glaring at Adagio. “And who said you could eat those chips?!”

“What? I was hungry DAD,” she says smugly as she eats one and his eye twitches.

“I am not your Dad Thot!”

Ignoring that idiocy, Luna continues,

“When we were all performing, there was a lot of good times sure, but maintaining this dark mystical character was taxing,” she says in remembrance. “I mean, I had a lot of anxiety and insecurities when I was Nightmare Moon. Really, it’s like she was a completely different person than me.”

“Nah babe, it was always you. You just can’t deny the more darker aspects of yourself,” B2 encourages sweetly. You feel Selena bristle at that a bit and you start to get worried at this line of talk.

“Oh just eat my entire pantry why don’t you?!” Humbra hollers.

“It’s just one lollipop dude, it’s not a big deal,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“Yeah Sombra, they’re just snacks,” B2 adds.

“That I paid for! Gyagh!” he tantrums like a toddler and everyone rolls their eyes.

“Alright, maybe we should get back on track instead of yelling about snacks or thinking too deeply on what constitutes another person,” you say with a clap of your hands. “Twilight is still out there, and I’m not hearing any ideas fro-“

“Hey Bugze, I came up with a few ideas!” Sunset interrupts as she barrels through the front door, startling everyone, including her. “Oh…I didn’t know there was a big meeting going on…”

“Sunset Shimmer, what are you doing here when you should be at school?” Luna asks accusatorially.

“Uhhhh…I could ask you the same question Vice Principal?” she counters unsurely and Luna’s eyes widen.

“…Touché,” she nods.

“If it helps, all the rest of the girls are at school,” she chuckles.

“At this point, does school even matter?” you point out. “She’s part of the Superior Equestrian Crew after all.”

“Which is the best kind of crew,” Sonata says with a giggle.

“Obviously,” you nod in agreement.

“Right…well I called in sick as well, so it’s fine,” Sunset handwaves before closing the door behind her. “By the way Mr. Sombra, do you have anything drink?”

Sighing, Humbra gets up and walks into his kitchen.

“At least she had the courtesy to ask,” he complains.

“So anyway, what you got for us Bacon Hair?” B2 asks enthusiastically.

“Well, it’s not so much something physical, but something practical that Midnight will need. Of course you probably already figured that out Bugze,” she explains and you deadpan at her.


“Wait, seriously?” she says taken aback.

“Yeah, he’d already given up and was begging us for ideas,” Aria snarks.

“You all should know at this point that thinking isn’t always my strong suit. I get bursts of out of nowhere genius from time to time, but for the most part I just kind of react to the situation as it happens.”

“…Well, at least there’s that thing in common,” Luna prods at B2 who just slumps a bit.

“The worst part is I can’t even argue with that,” B2 pouts.

“Please, you can’t be any worse than when Sonata “invested” our money a few months ago,” Adagio says with a glare at her sister.

“How was I supposed to know that that Nigerian Prince wouldn’t come through with the goods?!” she huffs. “And I said I was sorry!”

“…Anyway,” Sunset says getting back on track, “Like I said, I’m pretty sure I know what Midnight’s next move is.”

“And that is?” you inquire.

“Surprisingly, what those two are arguing about, money.”

“You think she got internet scammed too?” Arai asks curiously.

“No. I think that Midnight is going to try and acquire her own. A lot more actually,” she says just as Humbra walks in and gives her a soda. “Thank you Mr. Sombra.”

“Sure, no prob,” he says crankily before sitting back down in his recliner.

“Why do you think she needs lots of money? Did you find an Equestrian Object that’s expensive?” you ask and she shakes her head.

“No, it’s more simpler than that. Right now she’s avoiding going home or to her brother’s place after she caught on to us,” she extrapolates.

“Don’t her parents wonder where she went? Or her teachers and classmates?” Luna asks.

“From what our fellow evil robot survivors at Crystal Prep have told me, she’s one of the few students that can actually just take her classes online if she chooses. Guess having your Sister in Law be the Vice-Dean has it’s perks,” Sunset answers.

“Okay, but speaking of Cadence, what about the rest of her family? Haven’t they seen her?” Luna asks flabbergasted but Sunset shakes her head.

“So as far as her parents are concerned, she’s diligently at work for school and staying at her brothers.”

“But she’s clearly not, Cadence would have said something,” Luna argues.

“Yeah, that’s kind of on us,” Adagio says. “We kind of sang and made them selectively oblivious.”

“They still think she’s coming home, just late at night. Also they don’t even notice that Spike can talk and is keeping his precious doggy eyes open for her,” Sonata chimes in.

“That’s…deeply disturbing,” Luna says aghast.

“Yeah, what she said,” B2 nods. “I mean, that’s really messed up messing with their brains like that.”

“Hey, better this than having Humie Law Enforcement get involved and making our job harder,” you counter and Sunset nods.

“Agreed. But yes, she knows we’re watching both these locations, so we know she’s been staying elsewhere. That camp counselor boy said he hadn’t seen her in days, so if she’s anywhere else, she’s paying for it.”

“Hmmph, if she’s smart she’ll be somewhere cheap,” Humbra says.

“No, if she’s smart, she’ll use her magic to make some dough. That’s how we lived comfortably this last year,” Aria counters.

“Precisely,” Sunset nods. “But that pales in comparison to why she’ll really need lots of money.” You all stare at her silently until she finishes that thought, “She’s going to be looking for a new lab.”

“But she’s already got a puppy. A talking one, and she hasn’t come back for him,” Sonata says and several of you facepalm.

“No, a science lab dummy,” Adagio rolls her eyes.

“Ooohhh…yeah that makes more sense.”

“It does…It makes way too much sense,” you say as you suddenly know what Sunset’s getting at. “Since she can’t go home, she needs a place where she can perfect the magic prototype thing.”

“Yup,” Sunset smiles. “And as a high school student, she doesn’t have the funds necessary for the equipment that she had at the school and her brother’s garage.”

“So you’re thinking she’s going to try and buy her own?” Luna asks with a raised brow.

“Nah,” Humbra disagrees. “Some things sure, like some beakers or burners and such, but it’s all about the location. She’ll want someplace secure and out of the way where she can take all her suspicious lab stuffs. Anything more complicated she’d steal with them fancy powers.”

You all look at the bald human in shock before he frowns.

“What? Ain’t you ever seen Breaking Bad?”

“You know, that does actually link up with what I was thinking,” Sunset says impressed.

Ha! See?! My Hu-Sona does bring things to this table! Real Sombra says brightly and you roll your eyes.

“So she needs money for some equipment and a secure location where we would have trouble finding her, and then she’s going to just steal whatever else she needs, is that the gist of it?”

“Pretty much,” Sunset nods. “So keep your eyes open for news about stolen equipment and funds that seem downright impossible.”

“Hey now, I know she may be a little power hungry, but Twilight’s still Twilight right?” B2 interjects sounding unsure. “I mean she was a by the book kind of girl.”

“Buddy, just like the real Twilight, she’s one thing above anything else. A scientist,” you point out. “As I can personally attest, she will go to any means necessary to figure out a problem.”

“I…I suppose that’s fair,” Luna nods. “I mean, if she’s able to crack the code on this otherworldly magic, she would be set for life in the scientific community.”

“So kind of an ends justify the means kind of thing. Just like every mad scientist ever,” you sigh before B2 looks at the Dazzlings.

“Well, if we do hear something, I guess we could sic you guys after her since you can kind of track magic signatures right?”

“It’s not that precise, but yeah,” Aria nods.

“At the very least we’d be able to narrow down her location from the residual mana signatures,” Adagio agrees.

“But that could take forever!” you throw your hands up. “Just waiting for her to strike then hoping we find a pattern. What if she’s not even in the same country right now?”

“She won’t until she’s gotten enough money,” Sunset explains. “And right now, Canterlot is the only place in this world that Equestrian Magic is located thanks to the portal. If she wants to study it, she won’t stray that far.”

“So before those thefts can occur, she’s gonna need a location and dough,” Humbra muses before putting a finger to his chin in thought. “Now if you had magic and wanted to get rich quick, what would you do?”

“Run wild at the casino and use your magic to cheat?” B2 suggests.

“She’s not old enough to gamble hun,” Luna says.

“She’s not old enough to be a supervillain either, but guess what?” he counters.

“Take over Fort Knox?” Aria suggests.

“That would literally bring too much attention onto herself…but not a bad idea kid,” B2 smirks.

“What’s this fort knocking thing?” you ask confused.

“It’s like the royal treasury in Canterlot back home,” Sunset explains and your eyes widen.

“Oh…okay yeah, I think she would be smarter than that,” you say with a shake of your head. “And since Humans value gold and gems more than us, that’s even more dangerous.”

“I know right? Kind of makes me wish we’d had more of those when Beardo banished us,” Adagio complains.

“Ha, amateur way of thinking,” Humbra scoffs. “Even if you had a bag of gold, it’d be really hard to sell unless you managed to smelt it or find someone on the black market, or have some very loose bank yuppies.”

“Learn that from your depressing show as well?” snarks B2.

“No, that I got from the History Channel,” he says smugly.

“Oh, what if she attacked other bad guys and stole their money like that fox guy with the bow and arrow?” Sonata suggests.

“This isn’t a cartoon dummy,” Aria rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, vigilante shenanigans never work out, I know from experience,” you say with surety.

Did we not spend the better part of a year doing exactly that AND getting paid for it? Selena points out.

…Yeah, well, I had a license to do that and I’m sure she’s too young to be collecting bounties, you excuse.

“I’m just throwing this out there, but why couldn’t she just sell some of her magic inventions? She’d get millions in no time,” B2 says.

“Because she’d want to research it more,” Sunset shoots down. “And she’s not going to sell the secrets to something that’s so limited in this world.”

“But what about your world?” Luna asks and everyone stares at her. “From what I understand, magic’s like air over there right? Wouldn’t she have much more research that way?”

“…Holy Buck,” you say as you and Sunset lock eyes.

“You don’t think?” she starts.

“It would make sense right? After all those loops, she knows there’s another world full of magic, and she glimpsed it through those cracks in reality,” you continue.

“But I thought we couldn’t get through till the portal opens or Sunny here gets reformed,” Adagio interjects.

“But she doesn’t know where the gate is…but if she finishes her prototype thing, then she’ll find it and…I don’t know, science a solution to open it up early?” you guess.

“Is that even possible?” asks B2 and you shrug.

“It’s Twilight, so anything’s possible.”

“Well hey, if that’s the case, then why look for her at all?” Aria says. “If she gets her money and all of her lab stuff and opens her own portal, isn’t that good for us?”

“I…well…” you start to argue but then really think about it.

Bugze? Selena inquires.

“We would be able to go home quicker, that’s for sure. We only came over here to find the Siren Stones after all,” you say.

“Right,” Aria nods. “So instead of waiting three years or for whenever some vagueness for Sunset is met, why not let her do it?”

“Because…Uh…” Sunset tries to argue before putting a hand to her chin.

“Uh, isn’t her getting to your world a bad thing?” B2 asks as all of the not really humans thin, about this development.

“I don’t see why it should,” Adagio answers. “If she opens a portal, that’s our ticket back home, and if she tries to do any super villain stuff, then her pony version will knock her down a peg.”

“They do have the Elements of Harmony, along with the Princesses,” Sunset nods.

“Yeah, so she goes through and kablamy! She hasn’t really hurt anyone, so they should just make her normal again right?” Sonata asks you.

“…Maybe?” you say with a shudder. “But I’d rather not find out. The portal idea is nice, but the Rainbow Death Laser is something I wouldn’t wish on anyling.”

You feel Selena nod approvingly at that as Humbra speaks up.

“Also, who’s to say she would even get blasted? Your dumb ass has been running around for 4 years with dark magic and they haven’t been able to stop you.”

“…Huh, didn’t think of it like that,” you say taken aback.

And the last thing we need is someone smart and competent with that level of magic running around, Sombra concurs.

Ye-Hey! You shout.

“Well even if she doesn’t know all the risks of entering Equestria, I think that that will still be her main goal,” Sunset continues. “She’s a lot like me in that regard.”

“So you think she plans to make an army of mind controlled teens to wage war on horses?” Luna asks seriously and Sunset flinches.

“No, no, I don’t think she’s as bad as that. It’s just…I wanted to get here so bad. When I was Princess Celestia’s student, I became so obsessed with the portal mirror, I shirked all of my other studies and duties that I felt it was my destiny to cross over and become a princess,” she admits guiltily.

“Oh…” Luna says sympathetically.

“So I did everything in my power to get here, feeling like the whole world was against me…but after I got here, I felt like I’d been betrayed. I’m not saying Twilight might go through the same thing if she gets to Equestria, but I’d rather not have her go down the same hole I did. She’d be alone, hated, and desperately seeking forgiveness and acceptance and not getting it…” she starts to choke up and get teary eyed.

“Hey, hey, you’re not alone,” B2 says soothingly.

“Yeah, you got the Human Deadly 5 as friends remember?” you add.

“Do I?” she sighs. “If it weren’t for Princess Twilight, would they have even given me a chance after all I did to them?”

“Kid, there’s no sense in thinking like that, it’ll only make you sadder,” Humbra comforts as well.

“I know but…Twilight left and hoped that things would turn out better…but with all of this going on and no way to consult her-“

“Sunset,” you say soothingly as you put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re not alone. You’ve got everyone in this room and the Human Five at school. Everyone in this room has done bad things in the past, some worse than others, but we learn from our mistakes and carry on in a better way.”

She looks at you hopefully at that and you give her a smile.

“He’s right Shim,” Adagio says with comfort. “I mean Tartarus, we were going down the revenge route too until Bugze came along. Even Aria, Sonata and I had each other, we thought the whole world was against us and that we were alone…but we weren’t.”

“Sure we lost sight of that a few times,” Aria says looking apologetically at Sonata. “But we came around.”

“Exactly, and that means there’s still hope to get that Sparkle girl out of her emo dark purple phase and turn a new leaf too.”

“…You guys,” Sunset smiles and wipes her eyes, just as Luna hugs her from behind.

“I had no idea you were going through so much…I’m sorry for being so stern with you,” she apologizes and B2 puts a hand on her shoulder as well.

“You’re a testament to how we’re going to save Twilight kiddo,” he says. “Even if she does go the same route as you did, that just means she’s gonna get redeemed the same way.”

“…Thank you,” she says as she leans on to Luna’s shoulder in a touching scene.


AH! What the buck Selena?! You yell in your mind, wincing from the ethereal reverberations.

I laid claim to her first! She’s supposed to be OUR daughter! Not theirs! She shouts in frustration.

Oh for-Selena! We’ve been over this! We can’t just adopt a mare who’s fifteen years older than me!

Timey Wimey Stuff has happened! You’re older now and the perfect father for her! Just like the others. She insists and you sigh.

The sirens already have parents which we’re going to reunite them with the TARDIS remember?

Hmmph. I still want more children with you, she grumbles.

You…you do? You ask bashfully as your cheeks flush and her eyes widen.

Uh…I mean…she stutters.

Ugh, can you two possibly be even more obvious Yeesh! Sombra groans in frustration, but before that awkwardness can settle, Sunset breaks the silence.

“Sorry for bringing the mood down with my stupid human teenager hormones,” Sunset apologizes.

“Heh, preach it sister, we know the feeling all too well,” Aria says with a smirk.

“Yeah, puberty round two is a bitch,” Adagio grins.

“Seriously, what is that word? I still don’t get it,” Sonata asks, but nobody answers her.

“Well, I can say this much. It’s a lot easier when you don’t have access to magic and constantly want to set fire to judgmental nobles, or the Princess’s nephew when he won’t stop hitting on you!”

“…So my idiot nephew has a pony counterpart as well?” Luna asks suddenly apologetic.

“Oh yeah, big time,” you nod. “And you have my sympathies for having to deal with young No-Balls.”

“No-Balls?” Sunset asks.

“It’s a long story.”

“Did you punch him in the nads?” B2 asks.

“…Okay, it’s not that long, but still.”

“…Okay,” she shrugs. “But sorry for the detour. If Twilight’s aiming for Equestria, we have a basis on how to stop her.”

“And if worse comes to worse, we hope that the Deadly 6 on my side Rainbow Blast her…but I’d rather that be the last resort,” you nod.

“Yeah…it’d be better if she came back to her senses before the nuclear option,” Sunset says shuddering at the memory of her own taste.

“Wait, I’m confused. Wouldn’t they just take her Midnight side and make her her own person?” Humbra speaks up.

“Huh?” you ask.

“Like with you right? The blasted bad half of pony Luna is in your head, so wouldn’t Midnight and Shimmy here have their own dark brooding half thanks to the Rainbows?...God I wish I was high when saying that.”


“I don’t think so,” Sunset shakes her head. “According to Bugze, Luna and Nightmare Moon were together for over a thousand years on the moon before they were hit. I only had a maybe 10 minutes powered up, and Twilight hasn’t deviated to that extreme.”

…Well that’s a weight off my mind I guess, Selena says with a sigh.

“Wait…you keep saying how she’ll be looking for a way to get into Equestria, and the only entrance is under the Wondercolt statue right?” Luna pipes up.

“Mmhmm,” you nod.

“Then…we know exactly where to draw her into,” she says. “If she doesn’t know about it, we draw her there with some bait.”

All at once, all of you look to the Dazzlings.

“Wait, us?” Aria guffaws.

“Who else? You’re the only ones using magic aside from Bugze,” B2 shrugs.

“And I’m not even using a portion of what I once had. You three though do kind of light up when using yours,” you agree.

“Heh, being bait huh? Just like that creepy old man sad,” Sonata giggles.

“That’s not what he was talking about dork,” Adagio shakes her head.
“But yes, we have you three draw her near the statue, and when she’s busy with that we-“

“We what? Defeat her? How do you propose we do that?” Adagio interrupts.


“Because after three months of looping, and not even at her full power, apparently none of us could contain her,” she pushes.

“She’s…she’s got a point,” you nod. “If this were Equestria I’d be able to restrain her no problem but here…”

“She’s also not dumb, she isn’t just going to stick around and fight when it doesn’t reward her,” Aria says with a frown.

“So unless we could defeat her quickly and without too much of a struggle, she’d slip right through our fingers,” Adagio finishes.

“…Dang, I thought we had something there for a minute,” you purse your lips.

“Sorry, but I agree. I don’t think we’re strong enough,” Sonata apologizes.

“Strong enough…” you whisper before your eyes widen. “Wait a minute!” Your shout startles everyone.

“What?” Sonata asks.

“You guys get your power from making arguments and stuff right?”

“Yeah, but what we get from humans is pitiful compared to-“

“Equestrian Magic,” you nod. “And guess what, thanks to Sunset, two different sets of magic were used on a large number of high school kids.”

Adagio’s, Aria’s, and Sonata’s jaws drop as your thought connects with them and Sunset gasps.

“That’s right! I mind controlled the whole school, and then Princess Twilight’s Rainbow Magic swept over them all! That means…”

“That means that all of the humans in Canterlot High have been exposed to and infused with magic. Meaning that they’d be stronger in it than regular humies right?”

“It…it could work,” Adagio says rather excitedly.

“Even if it’s only a bit of magic still in them, it’d probably be about the same as the ponies in those coastal towns!” Aria exclaims.
“So if we drained them, they’d make us stronger!” Sonata squees.

“Exactly! See, I told you I had random out of nowhere bursts of genius,” you smirk.

“Wait wait wait, hold on, are you suggesting that we cause my students to riot and become hostile to each other to give you a power boost?” Luna says in bewilderment.

“Well...yes,” you nod.

“But that’s just downright irresponsible! What if someone gets hurt?!” she argues.

“It’d be the only way to capture Twilight in your plan hun,” B2 takes your side and she still looks lost.

“But…I just…”

“I do feel a bit iffy as well Bugze,” Sunset admits. “Making everyone hostile…”

“It doesn’t have to be just hostile, more like…competitive,” Adagio clarifies.


“Yep,” Aria nods. “The inner negative emotions build and become stronger when working towards a prize that only one can win.”

“Back home, we had it so that some of the ponies would get some gold or something and we cheered them on with singing before sucking those emotions up,” Sonata giggles.

“Ah, like cheerleaders,” you say. “Is there any sporting events coming up that all the students would be in?” you ask Luna.

“Well, there’s the Intramural Friendship Games coming up with Crystal Prep, but that would be even more dangerous. Some of those competitions include bows and arrows,” Luna pales.

“Well, we’re more into singing if you couldn’t tell so…” Adagio gestures towards her necklace.

“But no, this is a good idea,” you continue. “If we can just find a fairly safer way to make sure the Canterlot Students are prepped and competitive, then these three can get a power boost and we can stop Midnight once and for all.”

“If there’s a way to incorporate the Friendship Games, that would make the competiveness be even higher. Our schools are rivals after all,” Sunset agrees.

“Yes, but still, what could you possibly rile them up with that wouldn’t result in physical violence?” Luna all but pleads.

“Music,” B2 pipes up.

“Huh?” Luna asks but he just looks up at all of you.

“Music. That’s what the Dazzlings are good at, and there’s a way to get pumped and competitive with it” he explains before looking at Luna and Humbra. “Remember the throwdown at Rockapalooza?”

The other two human’s eyes widen at that.

“The Battle of the Bands?” Humbra says, nearly choking.

“Bingo,” B2 smirks.

“But #$%@&, that was far from non-violent! That mosh pit got out of hand fast,” Luna shudders.

“Because we’re metal heads,” he hand waves.” And besides, from what these gals have sang, I doubt there’s going to be that much of a thrashing for their upbeat pop.”

“A battle of the bands…” Adagio trails off as the three sisters consider it.

“It would make everyone pumped up,” Sonata nods.

“And if we were a part of it, then we could ensure that we won at the end and got all of the loser’s and spectator’s emotions from it…” Aria theorizes.

“I…it’s not brainwashing is it?” Luna asks in desperation.

“Not really. The worst thing that will happen is that they’ll be sluggish and out of it for like a day afterwards,” Adagio reassures.

“So kind of what you all did to Shining and Cadence?” you inquire and she nods.

“Yeah…but this could work. We challenge Canterlot High to a Battle of the Bands, we win it, and then we’ll have enough power to defeat Midnight.”

“And there’d be no way she wouldn’t hear about it. That Wallflower girl has a publicist cousin remember? We could get the word out and make this even bigger!” B2 says excitedly.

“Those two singer humies from the carnival do owe us big time as well,” Humbra throws in.

“Oh, if they got involved, we’d double our audience even more. Even if it’s weaker juice, the amount should go along nicely with the magic irradiated humies,” Aria says with a far away look.

“This is…I like this idea,” you say in agreement.

It is rather reckless and a gamble…but I agree as well, Selena admits.

Far be it from me to turn down more human customs, Sombra chuckles.

“Oh! I’m so excited!” Sonata claps.

“That…that would definitely draw her out,” you concur. “But we wouldn’t want her there too early because what’s to stop her from stopping us?”

“Simple,” Adagio smirks. “We wouldn’t lay claim to our hard earned worked up emotions till the final song. Even if she’s there, she won’t be able to draw out the nonmagical emotions that we gather, and then we spring our trap.”

“I see,” you stroke your chin. “It’s definitely a gamble, but with a lot more witnesses she’d be hesitant to show her Midnight form. The only reason she stopped giving a buck in the loop is because our consequences kept getting erased.”

“You guys are getting way too hyped for this,” Humbra grumbles but is ignored.

“So while we keep an eye for her money getting ways and form a grid pattern for her location, we build up the Dazzling’s powers. If she shows up for the final note, we attack, but if she stays away, then at least we’ll have a fighting chance against her for when she does strike at the portal.”

Luna sees all of you forming this dangerous, insane plan and just sighs.

“That’s all well and good, but you’re all forgetting one thing,” she interrupts and you all glance at her. “With something this large, how are we going to convince my sister to let this happen on the school grounds? Especially since we’re already spending so much on the Friendship Games and building the courses as we speak.”

You all glance at each other nervously for this glaring oversight.

“Oh…right. Forgot about her,” B2 gulps.

“Maybe we could all talk to her?” you suggest and he, Humbra and Luna pale.

“Uh bud, she kind of hates my guts,” B2 chuckles nervously.

“And she won’t exactly be thrilled to know that we’ve gotten back together,” Luna admits.

You then look to Humbra who looks just as perturbed, but isn’t saying anything.

“And why would she hate you?”

“No particular reason, I never did anything to her,” he admits.

“Then why are you-“

“Because she’s scary alright?! I still haven’t forgotten that time when we accidentally broke her pool,” he shivers.

“And I’m not exactly in her good graces after the Fall Formal…” Sunset admits sheepishly.

“And we have no idea who she is, so…” Adagio shrugs.

“…Okay, I know this looks bad and all, but hear me out,” you say holding your hands up. “What if we asked her really, really nicely?”


“LUNA! What the Hell is He Doing Here?! And Why Are There Two Of Him?!” Celestia shouts, pointing at you and B2 while the rest of your group, including the Humane 5 and Flash crowd around her kitchen. “And why is everyone eating my snacks?!”

“Yup, knew this was a bad idea,” Humbra sighs as she stares daggers at you and your doppelganger.

What other me said.


Episode 73: Celestial Arguments

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WARGAMES’s Comment

Despite her intimidating glare, you all do the smart thing and calmly and precisely detail exactly what is going on…Just kidding, you and B2 panic as usual.

“Uh, there’s two of us because a mad scientist cloned me!” B2 yelps.

“What?!” Celestia exclaims.

“It’s true! Twilight Sparkle has gone mad with science!” you add onto the fire while all your friends look at you like you’re morons, which you are.

“What are you two-“ Luna starts but Celestia just balks in confusion.

“Twilight Sparkle? Cadence’s Sister in Law?” she grills.

“Exactly! Also she’s made her and husband laid back and cool with stuff!” Sonata lies as she shovels yogurt into her mouth.

“What are you doing?!” Aria growls in befuddlement.

“Helping?” Sonata guesses and her sister facepalms.

“I-Who-Wha-What?!” Celstia stammers as her face gets red and she glares daggers at B2 and you. “If this is some kind of prank, it’s not funny! I warned you to stay away from Luna ten years ago you piece of trash!”

“Told you this was a bad idea,” Humbra mumbles.

“And YOU!” she rounds on him and he gasps in surprise.

“What?! What did I do?!”

“You never paid me back for that swimming pool you broke you dope fiend!”

“…Oh right,” he says after a pause. “Dang, I’d actually forgotten all about that.”

“Alright, everybody calm down, this is getting ridiculous!” Sunset orders.

“Yes, what in the world are you going on about !@#$%?” Luna scolds B2.

“I don’t know, I panicked! She’s still very scary,” he whimpers.

And what’s your excuse Bugze?! Selena scolds.

…Same answer, you admit.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but this is hilarious,” Adagio smirks as she watches the madness unfold.

“It ain’t funny, the principal’s gonna blow a fuse,” Applejack says with worry.

“Eh, I’ve seen angrier,” Rainbow Dash shrugs.

“I’ve been angrier,” Flash points out.

“Still, this situation is becoming dire,” Rarity yelps as Fluttershy hides behind her.

“Luna…” Celestia turns a dangerous eye to her sister. “You have about three seconds to-“

“Well Ms. Celstia I’ll explain exactly what’s going on!” Pinkie interrupts causing all eyes to turn to her. She then takes a deep breath and continues. “SoMr.BugzeHere…”

She then shotgun blasts the story of your misadventures here in this terrible world at such a speed that the Mirco-Machine Mare would be jealous of.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“…AndNowWeNeedToDoABattleOfTheBandsToStopTwilight!” the Pink human finishes with a squee and Human Celestia just looks at her with her mouth agape. She isn’t the only one.

“How…how did she…” Luna sputters but no one answers. After a few more moments of gaping like a fish, Celestia closes her jaw and

“Okay let me get this straight. You are a horse version of this a-hole?” she begins.

“Oi!” B2 huffs but is ignored.

“Uh, not a horse. Changeling…well, I guess I am part horse, or rather pony, but that’s a whole other conversation.”

“Okay…so you are a wanted criminal in Sunset Shimmer’s magical happy world where somehow I am the Queen, and you are my biggest enemy?”

“You’re actually a Princess there,” Sunset corrects. “She never wanted to be called Queen…for some reason.”

“Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me,” Humbra adds and you all shiver for some reason.

“But uh…more or less, but I’m not her biggest enemy, heh heh,” you chuckle nervously.

“No, it’s my sister’s old stage persona…which is in your head and gives you powers?” She asks and you nod. “I…and Sombra’s in there too?”

“I don’t understand it much either sister, but it’s true,” Luna insists.

“And in the last few months, this crazy talk of The Wanted coming back together has all been because you showed up hunting those three who are giant sea horses?” she points to the Dazzlings.

“Well, to be fair I didn’t think they were actually alive. I thought it would be more like Tomb Raiding,” you admit and her eye twitches.

“And we’re Sirens thank you very much,” Adagio huffs.

“And if I heard correctly from Ms. Pie, you’re claiming that the sister of my niece’s husband is now a supervillain like how Sunset Shimmer here became at the fall formal?”

“Yeah, she went crazy after the killer robots,” Rainbow adds unhelpfully and she clenches her teeth again.

“And throughout all of this, you roped in my students, endangering their lives and countless occasions, and dragged my sister back into this loser’s life?” she hisses and you gulp.


“And to top it all off, you want me to authorize a music festival despite all the money and resources we’ve already spent organizing the Friendship Games just so you can brainwash my entire student body in order to combat this girl, who only became superpowered because of your incompetence?”

“Well…I mean, when you put it like that it sounds bucking stupid, but it’s the best plan we have,” you say and her face becomes stony.

“You want me to endanger my students more, and worst of all, deal with the nagging from Principal Cinch that will surely occur?”

“Umm…yes?” Sunset says unsurely.

“And everybody in this room is not on drugs right?” she insinuates looking at Humbra.

“Lady, I wish,” he grumbles.

There is an intense moment of silence as Human Celestia just stares dumbfounded at your entire group before you swear you hear the sound of shattering glass.

“I see…” she nods before taking a deep breath and walking out of the kitchen and into her bedroom.

“Tia!” Luna calls out, but the taller woman simply slams the door behind her.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy whispers as the sound of furniture being moved and objects getting tossed comes through the door.

“Did I not explain good enough?” Pinkie Pie asks worriedly.

“No, you did perfectly kid,” B2 encourages. “It’s just that she’s always been an angry she demon from the lowest circles of Hell.”

“Hey! She’s still my sister!” Luna scolds your doppelganger.

“Yeah? And he’s not exactly wrong,” Humbra argues.

“Should we…should we leave?” asks Rarity nervously as the sound of tossing items stops.

“Nah, I’m sure she’s just overwhelmed,” you dismiss. “We just have to wait till she’s done with her tantrum and-“

The door slams back open and the long legged human stalks out holding a very large, very scary looking bat with the words Do You Like Bananas? Written on it in red.

“OH GOD, IT’S DAYBREAKER!!! I’LL GET YOU YOUR MONEY I SWEAR!” Sombra exclaims in fear as he dives behind Adagio and uses her as a shield.

“Hey! What are yo-“

“Protect Me Sea Skank!” he pleads as everyone looks apprehensively at the armed human, who’s hair seems to turn into flames for a moment.

“Luna, would you mind taking the children out for a sec? I need to release some pent up stress!” she says in a rather sing song voice.

“Meep!” you and B2 gulp at once as she starts walking towards you.

“Celstia Wait!” Luna pleads as the teens all back away in terror, but the older woman doesn’t listen.

Subhumandegenerate’s Comment

“Take him first! He’s the native!” you shout and hide behind B2.

“Screw that!” he shouts and runs behind you. “He’s the one you want, Not Me!”

“You coward!” you yelp hypocritically as you once more get behind him and push him forward. “He’s the one who broke your sister’s heart!”

“Low Blow Man!” he shouts and reverses your positions. “He’s the one destroying the universe with his alien magic!”

“That’s a lie and you know it!” you shout as you try to reverse again, but he grabs a hold of you and you both start gripping and swatting at each other.

“Enough!” Celestia orders raising the bat at both of you, causing you to hug one another in fear. “Whatever the case, you two are causing me the mother of all migraines and need to pay!”

“Principal Celestia! This isn’t the time for more violence!” Fluttershy pleads.

“Luna! The children please,” she insists and her sister backs up in alarm.

“Oh boy, I think she broke!” she yelps.

“Should we sing to her Bugze?” Sonata asks in alarm.

“Nah, don’t worry about it, I think I got something for this,” you say as you reach into your Inventory. “Alright Hu-Lestia, maybe you should just sit down and take a few breaths?”

She merely snarls and raises the bat…until you pull Second Law out of the Inventory and aim it at her.

“I Said Sit Down!”

Almost immediately she drops the bat, raises her hands and sits down at the dinner table as her eyes widen in fear and everyone else gasps in alarm.

“Now all you know I don’t like to use the sit down gun, but we don’t have all night to be mucking about,” you say with determination as everyone looks at you fearfully.

Heh, knew that would work. Humies sure fear firearms more than Equestrians.

Because they kind of exist more here than in our world outside of video games and mad scientists, Sombra points out.

True, true, you nod at his point.

Even still, nice job taking charge like that Bugze, Selena says with approval and you smirk.

“Kind of escalating the situation here bud,” Humbra says worriedly, still behind Adagio.

“Yeah, you could go to jail for doing this,” B2 agrees.

“Oh I’d like to see them try. I’m from another dimension!” you dismiss before looking back at relatively more agreeable Celestia. “Now, let’s all just take this back from the top without anyling trying to hurt anyone.”

“Says the guy with a gun,” Pinkie Pie shudders.

“Yes, where did you even pull that from?” Celestia asks.

“My Inventory,” you say patting the satchel. “It’s probably my longest lasting tool I’ve had. For the longest time it was my little girl’s room, until she started getting rebellious and snippy and not wanting to stay in there for some reason.”

“You kept your daughter in a bag?” Luna asks sounding horrified.

“It’s bigger on the inside!” you excuse. “It’s like the TARDIS, and I’ve got plenty of stuff in here,” you say as you open it up and start showing them the varied items you’ve collected in both worlds.

WARGAMES’s Comment



Boomstick (Black Staff with Red Crystal. Causes shockwaves when slammed) NEEDS MAGIC

Jet Stream Sam Sword (Reversed High Frequency Blade)

Knock Out Luna Plushie NEEDS MAGIC

Ninja Stars (15)

Power Glove (Plasmid/Vigor Channel with Grappling Hook Attachment) GLOVE STILL FOR AN ENQUINE. USING PLASMIDS HURTS IN THIS WEAK HUMAN FORM.

Second Law: (Air Shotgun)


Hover Board: (Catches Fire For Like, No Reason)

Disguises (Human)

Awesome JoJo Outfit: Currently Wearing (Jotora’s Outfit from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)

Smokey Joe Outfit: (Rain Slicker, Smelly Do Rag with Weed symbols)

Disguises (Equine)

Baker Sylvester Tennant (Brown overcoat, Yell and black striped pants, White panama hat, face mask, 4th doctor scarf)

Crimson Vengeance: (Alucard Hat, Immortan Joe Mask, Deadpool shirt, Vash the Stampede Coat, red pants)

El Hunko (Fancy Clothes with purple top hat

Hooded Offender Cloak

Stetson Hat with Orange Bandana


Blueprints: CHS, Crystal Prep

Bounty Hunter License

Brown Money Pouch: (45 Bits, a Few Hundred Human Dollars)

Cell Phone

Free Filly Scout Cookies For Life Card

Gameboy (Human Equivalent of Joy Boy)

Grandbuggy and Granny Smith Photo

Grandbuggy with Your Mother Photo

Instant Mail Transfer Container: (Cadence Direct Line) DOESN’T WORK ON THIS SIDE

Mangle Head (Still Alive From This Side)


Patching Supplies (Vice-Grips, Duct Tape, WD-40)

Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace

Powers and Spells List (Not So Useful as a Humie)

Sapphire Shores Signed Photo (Probably Worth a Lot Back Home)

Solar Powered Charger

Trixie’s Black and White Bear Plushie: (Never Forget

Potion Stash


Molotov Cocktail (4)

Stink Bomb (3)

Transformation/Disguise Potion (4) HAVEN’T TRIED YET ON THIS SIDE

After going through all of your stuff, everyone seems to be fascinated. This is the first time they’ve seen the extent on what you can pull out of this thing.

“That is…very fascinating,” Celestia says, still sitting with her hands up, though now with less fear thanks to the display.

“I know, right?” you smile. “But anyway, since you humies are all skittish around a simple air gun-“

“Wait, Air?” she guffaws.

“I’ll just hold onto this for safety reasons,” you say as you take out your tazer and stow away Second Law.

“I’m not going to do anything, I swear,” she pleads and you just purse your lips.

“Yeah, coming from the lady who wanted to beat in an alien’s skull just because he looks like someone she doesn’t like, I’m gonna keep zappy here,” you say giving the electrical weapon a few warning buzzes.

“Okay…” Sunset interjects, stepping between you and the sitting human, “Now that that craziness is out of the way, you have to believe us Principal Celestia, this is the only shot we have.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Heh, it’s not a question of believing Ms. Shimmer, I saw enough proof at the Fall Formal after all, not to mention our formal Principal Starswirl always talked about magical dopplegangers.” Celestia explains.

“Wait, he did?” Luna asks.

“Did you just say Starswirl?” Aria interjects.

“Yes, and I always thought he was nuts…but ever since The Fall Formal, I’ve been more accepting of the insane.”

“Huh? Then why did-“

“Because all of this is getting dropped on my plate all at once and I really, REALLY am on the cusp of melting down. I felt a bit of bruising for the idiot and his horse clone would really help,” she says with a tired sigh.

“Changeling!” you correct but she just rolls her eyes.

“So, you do believe sister?” asks Luna.

“Yes I believe,” she reassures. “And in all honesty, if a concert is what will solve all of this, then sure, I’ll see what I can put together.”

Everyone looks baffled at that.

“Just like that?” asks Humbra.

“Just like that,” she nods before scowling Luna. “But I will say this sister, this had better not tempt you into that rambunctious life style you worked so hard to crawl away from.”

“Celestia…” Luna sighs.

“And you!” she points at B2 with a glare. “…If I’m going to help with this, then I want you as far away from me as possible.”

“No arguments there,” he concedes.

“Okay…” she says seeming a bit placated. “A music festival…Cinch is definitely going to give me Hell for this, but she never backs down from a challenge.”

“If it helps, we could just get things rolling to take your mind off things,” Rainbow Dash offers and she shakes her head.

“I’d at least like some planning involved before those three start brainwashing everyone,” she says pointing at the Dazzlings. “…Speaking of which, can someone just sit down and go into some specifics that aren’t rapid fire? I think Pinkie Pie might have glossed over some in depth details.”

“Yeah, probably,” Pinkie Pie nods. “I mean, it is the best for using a transition for relaying information everyone else already knows.”

“What are you-“

“Don’t ask,” you interrupt. “And if you want more in depth then the Sirens can explain more. It’s their magic after all.”

And so they do…though on top of everything she’s heard and seen today, the in depth explanation of how the Siren’s magic works only compounds her headache.

“So you’re going to cause everyone to have competitive, aggressive behavior before siphoning it away?” she says while rubbing her temple.

“Yup, glad someone gets it on their first try,” Adagio smirks.

“And this won’t cause a riot?”

“We can only hope so,” Sonata mutters.

“What was that?”

“She said that that’d be the best case scenario, but don’t worry. They wouldn’t attack us while under our thrall,” Aria explains. Celestia then double facepalms and sighs.

“Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?”

“Interdimensional Funsies would be one label,” you say as you go to pat her on the shoulder in reassurance...only to do so with the tazer hand.

“BBBBZZZZTTTT!!!” she grimaces and seizes up before falling backward out of her chair and onto the ground. “Ooooohhhhh…”

Your group looks in shock from the smoking woman to you.

“Uh…Whoops?” you chuckle nervously.

“Not gonna lie, that was cathartic,” B2 smirks before being slapped upside the head by Luna who helps her sister up.

Your Human half does have a point though. Even if she’s not the real Celestia, that was satisfying, Selena giggles.

You can say that again. Stupid sun horse, Sombra laughs maliciously as well.

…Yeah, I guess it was pretty enjoyable, you relent, not feeling all that guilty at all.

And after giving the shocked human some air to recover, you al buckle down and start hammering out the details.

The Dazzlings will put on a musical number to the student body and get them pumped up, then when all the students start forming their own musical groups, the competition will commence.

“Ah Yeah! I’ve always wanted to get the Rainbooms up and running, this is the best!” Rainbow cheers.

“I can’t wait to hear what you guys got,” Sonata claps. “I mean, we’re going to win in the end because we have to, but still…”

“And in the meantime, we keep an ear out for anything suspicious being stolen or bought for Midnight’s lab, just in case she somehow doesn’t learn about the competition,” Sunset adds.

“And somehow, I’ve gotta convince that old buzzard from Crystal Prep that a singing competition will fit neatly into the Games,” Celestia sighs.

“And meanwhile, Sombra, Luna and I will get that nice PR girl from the carnival to get the word out,” B2 says with a smirk. “If we just tease their expectations of The Wanted coming back and endorsing this, then we’ll have even more people for the final band battles.”

Celestia frowns at the mention of The Wanted, and Luna bites her lip a bit apprehensively, but Humbra just shrugs.

“Sure, why the Hell not. Not like our lives are going to quiet down anytime soon with all the crazy magic folk running around.”

“Well that settles it then,” you nod. “Let’s have a Battle of the Bands.”

All of your collected group cheer and yelp with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but then Rarity says something that makes you shiver.

“Girls, we rendezvous tomorrow at my place for stage costumes!”

‘I have a rendezvous with death.’

Bugze? Selena asks with concern and you just shake your head.

Sorry, it’s just…Selly, do you ever feel like you’re heading towards something that you can’t avoid?

Sometimes…she admits. But the future is ever changing my bug.

Even with her comforting words though, the feeling still nags at you as that human poem once more worms it’s way into your mind.

Shaking your head, you try to focus on the upcoming plan to use the power of rock and roll to defeat Midnight Sparkle.


POV CHANGE: Nightshade

As the snack trolley comes and goes, and you and your friends eat and watch the scenery go by on the train, you can’t help but feel like listening to music for some reason.

“So you all didn’t really do anything while we were in Manehatten?” Spike asks, continuing your conversation.

“Not really,” Applebloom shrugs. “We just kept practicing for the Flag Routine.”

“Which is going to be killer now that Shade’s backing it up with her Earth Bending,” Scootaloo says excitedly.

“You know girls, I’ve been wondering about that,” Sweetie says and you all look to her. “I know we were already chosen for our routine, but do you think Ms. Harshwinny will get mad when we do a more stylized version tomorrow?”

Once again a distant thunderclap and the sound of braying is heard after the mare’s name is spoken, but you’ve gotten used to it.

“I thought you said she was cool with it?” you ask looking to Diamond Tiarra.

“Well that’s what she said in the return letter after I had my dad send that inquiry,” she responds.

“I’m with Sweetie on this,” Silver Spoon says. “We only asked if it was okay if we had another teammate on board, not that our routine was more dazzling.”

“Really? You two are going to worry about this now? We’re already on our way to the Empire, I think it’s a little late to be getting cold hooves,” you argue.

“I know, I know Nightshade it’s just…” Sweetie pauses. “I guess I’m a bit nervous since there’s gonna be so many ponies watching us.

“Well that should just pump you up even more,” Scootaloo dismisses.

“Exactly, and besides, they’ll be more interested in the athletes in the long run,” Applebloom encourages.

“Heh, glad I don’t have to do anything in front of that large a crowd,” Spike says with a smirk, before suddenly sneezing.

“Well there’s no need to worry about it, because we’re going to knock it out of the park girls,” you say with confidence.

“Like you did with that Tazlwurm?” Scootaloo snarks and you roll your eyes.

“I’m pretty sure there will be far less slime and tentacles at the Equestria Games. I don’t even think Discord is allowed to go,” you say remembering what Twilight said all those weeks ago.

Two Months Ago

“You really don’t have to keep avoiding me Fluttershy,” you say to the pegasus as she loads her bag onto the train.

“I-I’m not avoiding you,” she says shakily and you deadpan at her.

“You haven’t been around any of our illuminati meetings since the Vampire Plauge though. You keep hiding in your cottage, then you went to Manehattan, and now you’re taking off to a Hippie Festival.”

“It’s not a Festival, the Preservation Society is allowing me to observe the Breezies,” she excuses, not quite looking you in the eye.

“…Fluttershy? Are you still upset that I turned you back to normal?” you ask, sounding a bit hurt.

“O-Of course not!” she exclaims in surprise. “I’m much happier being a normal pony.”

“Then why haven’t you talked to me one on one till just now?” you ask before looking back to the gathered Deadly 6 on the train platform. “The others are right over there so I guess we’re not really alone, but still…”

“I, well…” she stutters before sighing and blushing. “I’m still too embarrassed over my actions.”


“Mmhmm,” she hums and looks down. “I said and did so many naughty things as a vampire and unlike everypony else, I remember practically all of it. There’s not enough sorry’s that I can say to make things right.”

“Fluttershy,” you sigh and give her a smile. “I forgive you alright?”

“You do?” she asks in shock.

“Of course. You think this is the first time I’ve had a friend go nuts with a power they can’t fully comprehend? Heck, I’m literally in that position right now,” you say gesturing to your scarf.

“Oh…” she says with a worried look.

“But yeah, don’t worry about it. What happened when you were a vampire, stayed with vampire you,” you reassure. That actually gets her to smile a bit.

“Thanks Nightshade…” she says gratefully. Giving her a quick hug, you wish her on her way to see the fabled Breezies, while all the other Deadly 6 wish her goodbye.

Besides practicing for the Equestria Games, nothing really big has happened for Ponyville since the Vampire Plague, and most of the citizens are more than happy to put that incident behind them and never talk about it again. But aside from Fluttershy leaving today, another guest is coming.

Princess Cadence, your complicated family tree first cousin on your mother’s side. It’s been so long since you’ve seen her, with Mia not really counting since she’s a completely different pony.

Daddy used to talk about her all the time in the early days, you think in nostalgia. She gave him his name, and always tried to help out…even if she didn’t succeed much.

For someone so important to your family, and unknowingly being a part of it, it’s borderline criminal that you haven’t spoken to her in so long. Speaking about this with Grandbuggy, you asked if you could try to bring her into the fold.

“Hmm, the Princess of Love eh? Well maybe it would be good to have at least one Princess in the know,” he said before looking at you pointedly. “But maybe I’ll sit this one out. Unlike your pops, I’m full blooded changeling and she’d probably sniff me out.”

Agreeing with that sentiment, you decided to spearhead this endeavor alone, while the others earn their keep at Sweet Apple Acres or do research with Zecora, or just nap and be lazy like Garble.

And as you all wave to Fluttershy’s departing train, and Pinkie Pie chases after it like a loon, you listen to Ms. Twilight yapping on about how excited she is to see her Sister In Law and how the Starswirl the Bearded exhibit is going to rock and other rambling nonsense.

I’ll just make myself adorable and innocent looking as usual so I can tag along, and once she and I are alone away from Twilight, I’ll tell her the truth, you think assuredly.

But even as you think that, and see the jagged crystalline train that looks like it would better be suited for a villain rather than a Princess coming down the tracks, a sudden sense of dread fills you.

Huh, why does it feel like I’m going to be annoyed by a cosmic troll today?


Episode 74: Blues Fools

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"Cadence and I haven't really had a chance to just enjoy being friends again. Which is why it is so important that this visit be about the two of us having some real quality time together, Tartarus, I'm even going to introduce her to my best and only student!" Twilight chirps in excitement while you beam at your importance.

Heh, and she thinks I haven’t met her before. Well, BST never came in contact with Cadence so I guess it’s understandable.

“The timing couldn't be more perfect. For one day only, right here in Ponyville, the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum! Cadence and I can spend the whole day looking at Star Swirl the Bearded artifacts!" Twilight exclaims like any nerd who’s found their niche.

"Yeesh," You roll your eyes at the boring plans since it’s essentially just a travelling museum.

I bet Cadence would rather get some ice cream or something instead of looking at some old dude’s coffee mugs or whatever, but she’ll probably go through with it just to appease Twilight, you ponder before a thought comes to you. Then again, maybe I could nick one of the artifacts if it looks important enough to give Mommy a body.

As you have these thieving thoughts, the crystalline train pulls in and the doors open. The first ponies to step out before Cadence are a crystal guard and…

Flash Sentry? You do a double take as you see your Dad’s best frenemy stand at attention with a cast on his wing and foreleg. I thought Grandbuggy said his robot exploded him, what’s he doing up and about?

You aren’t the only one who seems surprised as you notice Twilight give a slight gasp and he gives a small smile. Before anyone can say anything though, Cadence herself walks out and Twilight’s attention goes right to her Sister-in-law.

“Twilight!” Cadence smiles.

“Cadence!” she calls out and runs to greet her as they start doing a weird dance and chat about ladybugs or something.

…How come me and my friends don’t have our own kind of greeting? You think somewhat jealously. As the two mares giggle after their dance, Cadence briefly looks at you and smiles.

She…she doesn’t know who I am right? I never met her in unicorn form, you think in surprise as she continues speaking with Twilight.

"Knowing you, you've made some plans,” she says to Twilight.

"Boy, have I. Hang on just one second," she pauses and turns to the rest of the Deadly Six. "You guys-" But she's cut off as they tell her not to worry about anything, but you don't pay attention to that, instead, you creep over to Cadence who notices you again and greets herself.

"Hello there? What's your name cutie?"

Can’t tell if she’s being coy or not, you think in frustration, before beaming your best innocent smile you can.

"Hi! I'm Twilight's student, Ni-"

“Nightshade!” you are interrupted as suddenly you are picked up and twirled around by Flash.

“WAGH!” you shriek in surprise as he holds you up in the air and laughs like a loon.

“Uh, Flash, shouldn’t you be taking it eas-“ Cadence starts to warn but he just continues laughing and holding you up.

“Oh wow are you a sight for sore eyes,” he says with stars in his eyes. “I’d heard some of Baker’s family had been in town, but I was too busy recovering in the hospital and everything.”

“Uh, it’s good to see you to Mr. Sentry. Can you please put me down?” you plead in embarrassment as you hear Cadence and the Deadly 6 giggling at the display.

“Oh! Right!” he says as he gently sets you down and smiles brightly at you…right until Cadence slaps him upside the head with her wing.

“Flash! Do you want to go and reinjure yourself again? You know Shining will be upset if your recovery gets delayed,” she scolds, though she still can’t keep the smile off her face.

“I-I’m sorry Princess Cadence,” he says embarrassed. “It’s just that, this is the daughter of my best bro, and I haven’t seen either of them in long while.”

“Even still Flash, maybe dial it back a notch?” she snarks and he chuckles nervously.

“Right, right, sorry Nightshade,” he apologizes and you give him a hoofwave.

“It’s alright, a lot of ponies actually have that reaction when they miss me,” you joke back which puts him at ease.

“So, is your Dad here or…?”

“No, sadly,” you say with a sigh. With that, his ears wilt and suddenly it’s like his whole body deflates and he looks like a puppy who just got denied a delicious treat they’d been wanting all day.

“Oh…” he all but whimpers.

“B-But don’t worry,” you say trying to cheer him back up. “He’ll be back as soon as he’s done with his business.”

“Oh? And how long will that be?” he questions and you freeze.

“Uh…” you trail off.

“Wait, business? I thought he was on his honeymoon,” Twilight questions, startling you as she enters the conversation.

“WHAT?! Tennant got married?!” Flash exclaims in surprise.

“Yes, according to Nightshade,” Twilight nods and Flash’s jaw nearly hits the floor.

“Uh…that’s kind of business,” you say with a nervous chuckle as Flash loses all color from his face.

“Oh my, that’s interesting,” Cadence says sounding both curious and shocked as she looks at you.

“I…Wha…When did this happen?! How come I wasn’t invited?!” Flash shouts. “I could’ve been the best stallion, and thrown the bachelor party!”

To this outburst, Twilight and Cadence just giggle as the other crystal guard just rolls his eyes at the antics.

“Who was it?!” he yelps as he looks to the group. “Was it the Masseuse? Fluttershy?! Rainbow Dash?! Applejack?! The Musicians? Who?!”

“Calm down Flash, it was none of them!” you bellow, trying to get him to stop spazzing as you hear Applejack hiccup and gag behind you. “My Mommy is…uh, you’ve never met her.”

Which is technically true since you’ve only seen her powers through Daddy.

“But we will for sure,” Rainbow Dash suddenly enters the fray. “And now that you’re here, you and Twilight could make plans with all of us to welcome them when the-GYAGH!”

Rainbow is suddenly shoved back towards the others and her lips shut by Twilight’s magic who sweats and chuckles nervously.

“Oh Rainbow, now’s not the time for your silly jokes,” she says with pink cheeks.

“…I am sensing a lot of pent up energy from that one,” Cadence says with a quirked brow.

“I wouldn’t worry about that!” Twilight yelps, and you decide to change the subject before things get even more awkward.

“But yeah, don’t worry Flash, no one was really invited. When Daddy gets back, we could have like a party or something and you could meet my Mommy.”

“…Yeah okay,” he says with a sigh before perking up again and looking slyly at Twilight. “Hopefully by that time, my wing and leg will be healed and I could actually dance with a mare.”

“Uh…I’m sure you could,” she says shyly and looks away from him. “Uh, speaking of which why aren’t you still recovering?”

“Well, I kind of begged your brother to let me back early, so he let me guard Cadence for a bit. Why? Worried about me?”

“I-uh-bu-I mean…” Twilight blushes as Flash’s teasing smugness suddenly wilts in surprise and he starts blushing too.

“Oh, uh…” he rubs the back of his neck.

“Well this is painful to look at,” you hear Pinkie quip.

“No kidding,” you agree as the two start making a bit of small talk. As they do, Cadence gives a subdued squee and lightly prances in place.

“Oh my gosh, so cute…” she whispers elatedly.

“It’s really more awkward,” you counter and she smirks at you. “What, it is! Why don’t they just date already?”

“Because they’re both a little spazzy,” she giggles. “And at this point, any push from me would devolve into too much blood to their heads.”

“Is that what blushing is?” you ask in surprise. “Well, I guess that makes sense. Though I think something’s wrong with how my daddy does it since it bursts out of his nose.” She giggles again before leaning close to your ear.

“That’s something a bit different. But anyway, how is Bugze?”

You try and fail to keep the shock from your face as you gape at her trollish grin.

“You already knew?” you whisper yell.

“Of course,” she smiles. “I think I’m one of the few that knew he was BST.”

“Right…” you nod in understanding before giving your own smirk. “But you’re not the only one now. Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Spike all know.”

And like a mirror of your earlier startlement, her head snaps towards you in shock and her eyes widen.

"Wait, are you telling me-"

"Not now, I'll explain later,” you dismiss. “Twilight still doesn't know, it's our biggest secret. Who knows what will happen if and when she finds out."

"Good point,” she says with a sigh. "I am so looking forward to that conversation, especially about this new wife of his…But it is really nice to see you Nightshade. It's been a whi-"

"Oh, you two seems so familiar with each other, have you already met?”

"AHHH!" Both of you scream as Twilight sticks her head between you both.

"U-uh." You scramble for a lie but Cadence has you covered.

"Y-Yes! We met back at the wedding, I met..." Cadence slurs off nervously.

"My Dad!" you help.

"Yes, her father at..."

"The Grand Galloping Gala."

"Yes, there. And we had a great talk about..."

"Uh..." You look over to the train. "TRAINS!"

"Right! The new crystalline trains being manufactured!"

"That was really cool!" You say expanding your hooves to empathize your point. Twilight stares at the two of you in bafflement for a second before shaking her head.

"So you're telling me…” she starts and you gulp.

Crapbaskets! We overdid it!

“That my surprise was ruined?! Why didn't you tell me sooner Nightshade?" she pouts.

“Wait really? I-I mean, I’m sorry Twilight!” you seize the opportunity. “I just, uh, thought you were too excited and didn’t want to put anything else on your plate.”

“Oh…well still you could have at least told me you’d met her before,” she pouts.

“Ah don’t take it personally Twilight. Nightshade has a knack for causing chaos,” Flash comforts with a laugh and suddenly your eyes widen.


Your earlier worries from earlier become more focused and you remember a conversation you had in the spa not too long ago.

Crapbaskets! Discord and his weird ominous talks about a playdate! You think worriedly as you look around for any sign of the god. He’s the one who told me Cadence was coming in the first place and how he wanted to have fun with us and…Oh buck, he’s gonna ruin everything!

And as you all bid Flash and the rest of the Deadly 6 goodbye, you can’t help but feel looming dread since you know the nutjob will show up, and Fluttershy isn’t around to reign him in.

A Little While Later

You are now at the Starswirl thingie, and you are sorely disappointed to find out it’s as boring as you thought it would be. Even the nervous anticipation of Discord rearing his ugly head isn’t enough to make this exciting, although Twilght and surprisingly Cadence are geeking about his stuff everywhere they turn. Twilight is even in her Nightmare Night costume of Starswirl himself.

There’s not even any cool artifacts here. At this point I’m just going to steal one of his hat bells in vengeance! You think sourly as you constantly look at your surroundings for anything suspicious that could prelude the coming of that chaotic pain in the flank. Ugh! Where are you already Discord?! I know you could be anywhere and anything so just get here already!

Your shards glow a bit in response to your frustration, but before you can devolve too much into paranoia, Cadence walks next to you.

just_another_guy’s Comment

“Not having fun?” she questions and you roll your eyes.

“That obvious?”

“Mmhmm,” she nods as she looks over at an entranced Twilight who is peering deeply at the hat bell.

“Guess this isn’t for everypony,” she nods before whispering, “But now that we have a chance, how is Bugze doing? Really?”

“Uh, what do you mean really?” you whisper back with a glance at Twilight.

“I mean the last thing I heard about him, Flash said he’d aged decades and that Nightmare Moon had a body again.”

You facehoof rather hard at that and groan into your hoof.

“Obviously he mistook you for the boogeymare obviously, but the age thing really worried and confu-“

“That wasn’t Daddy Cadence,” you explain with a shake of your head.

“It wasn’t?” she asks.

“No, that was just my Grandbuggy. Flash got confused and kidnapped them from our camp and…well, that’s kind of why we’re all here now.”

“Your Grandbuggy?” she asks in surprise. “As in Grandfather?”

“Well, Great-Grandfather if you want to get technical,” you nod. “But yeah, Dad didn’t age rapidly like in that Daring Do movie, and I’m not the Boogey Mare!”

“…Wow, Okay, that’s just…” she stutters clearly taken aback. “I just remembered Bugze telling me his Grandfather had passed on.”

“See, that’s where things get complicated,” you sigh. “He thought Grandbuggy died because he launched himself to the moon in a homemade rocket, but then it turns out he’d actually been picked up in the Doctor’s Tardis and came back to the present day, and now he’s dating Granny Smith again because it turns out she’s actually my Great Grandma and-“

“What?!” she all but exclaims but you shush her and she blushes. “Sorry, but what?!”

“It’s a complicated story. I want to tell you everything, but first we have to be alone. It’s kind of hard answering these risky questions in public you know?”

“I know, but give me some slack here. Bugze hasn’t contacted me in months and all the info I get is from the news, the guard, my aunts and my husband, and you know exactly how they feel,” she excuses and you sigh again.


“Not to mention the whole being controlled by Nightmare Moon thing. It’s very hard to find a justification for you guys if I’m left in the blue! At least everypony else is all on board now for saving him from Nightmare Moon though, which is something I’d really like to know more about and-“

“That’s not her name anymore!” you growl in frustration as your shards blip and Cadence takes a step back.

“Whoa, Nightshade I-“

“Sorry, sorry,” you apologize. “It’s just that I keep hearing that so often. My Mommy isn’t evil gorrammit!“

Here eyes widen at that. “Your…Your mo-“

"Hey you two! Look at this!” Twilight interrupts obliviously as she points at a candle holder.

Oh spit, was she lecturing about this thing?!

Cadence actually seems intrigued by the artifact. “Oh wow, I can’t believe they got a hold of it.” She then gives you a look that says you two are far from talking (though not in a bad way at least).

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Right…So cool~," You say sarcastically as you look at the light fixture.

Oh boy, way to go there Shade. Just talk drop that little factoid when you can’t even talk alone properly, you berate yourself. Suddenly, the candle starts shaking, and without hesitation you spring into action, lighting your horn and jumping in front of the two Princesses. The candle flashes and the two alicorns shriek when it turns into Discord himself…who sneezes, and turns into what looks like goo.

I bucking knew it! You think triumphantly as he un-gooes himself from the bottom up, picking his head from the ground and setting it on his shoulders.

"Discord!" you accuse.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight demands as Cadence looks rather perplexed.

Kichi’s Comment

He then starts to wallow and complain about how he has the Blue Flu and is very sick. Now that you aren’t blinded by his annoyance, you do see that his pigment is completely blue.

“So you’re sick?” you asks skeptically and he nods before sneezing. “Yagh!” you shriek and hold your hooves up, only for the spray to hit a pink barrier in front of you.

“Discord! Cover your mouth when you sneeze!” Twilight scolds the god while you give a nod to Cadence.

“Thanks cuz,” you say and she raises a brow.

“Thanks ‘because?’” she asks confused and your eyes widen.

“Thanks cause…you’re awesome?” you guess.

“That…that’s not really a sentence,” she says.

“Don’t worry Nightshade, I understood what you meant,” Discord interrupts in his ‘pity me’ sick voice and you shoot him a glare.

“Wait, how do you know Nightshade?” Twilight questions and you begin to sweat.

“Twilight my dear, I know everypony. I’m a god remember?” he says with a roll of his eyes, one of which that keeps spinning uncontrollably until it falls inside his skull.

“Ah, yeesh!” you gag.

“I agree, yet another symptom of the Blue Flu,” he pouts overdramatically. “All I can be thankful for is that I haven’t started bleeding out of every orifice.”

“Gross,” Twilight shudders.

“Agreed, I’ve had enough of bloody shenanigans after the Vampire Plague,” you nod.

To this he looks at you with what you can only describe as envy.

“Hmmph, I can’t believe you got to have so much fun during all that.”

“Fun?! That wasn’t fun! Flutterbat and the others kept trying to suck my blood!” you growl back. “And where were you during all that?! We called you for help but Pinkie got sent to voicemail…whatever that means!”

“Wait, hold on, what happened?” Cadence asks completely lost and Twilight giggles nervously.

“Uh, there was an incident a week or so ago…” she begins.

“Basically Ms. Twilight tried to brainwash a bunch of bats to hate fruit, but Fluttershy got hit with the ray, became a vampire, and caused a plague that nearly got the whole town,” you abridge and her jaw drops. “Of course, I saved the day.”

“WE saved the day Nightshade, no one likes a braggart,” she scolds.

“Says the pony who hangs out with Rainbow Dash,” Discord quips to you.

“I know right?” you giggle back at him before you realize what you’ve done and shake your head. “I’m still mad at you! So where were you?”

“Well I do remember someone calling out for me that wasn’t Fluttershy, but if I had known this kind of chicanery was occurring I would have come in a heartbeat,” he admits as he puts a claw to his chin. “But I think that night I was still cementing over some of those cracks in reality that keep popping up. Whatever world the led to stunk of boringness, so that’s probably where I got the blue flu.”

“Wait, hold on, what do you mean by cracks in reality?” Twilight asks in curiosity.

“Oh never you mind that, they’re taken care of…for the most part,” he mutters.

“But that sounds incredibly dang-“

“ACHOO!” he sneezes again, and you are protected by the bubble. “Oh, woe is me…”

“For real ya jerk, cover your mouth!” you growl as he pulls a blanket out of nowhere and drapes it around himself as if he’s extremely cold. Despite it being an overly dramatic act, you can’t help but note how weak and vulnerable he is presenting himself.

Hmm, now that he’s weak I bet I could give him a few good kicks in the nads and get away with it, you think maliciously as your shards start to glow.

That seems like an excellent idea mistress, a tiny version of Bob says on your shoulder. Make him pay for all that he has done to you and your family.

That’s an excellent idea tiny Bob, you nod as you clack one hoof into the other, but before you strike forth, a miniature version of Mangle in a white robe appears on your other shoulder.

Nightshade! What are you thinking kicking someling while they’re weakened? I thought you weren’t going to be a bully anymore, she scolds.

I’m not! You counter before quirking an eyebrow. And wait a minute, since when could you talk Mangle?

I can’t. The real Mangle is still in your inventory. I’m just a projection of your self conscious because deep down you know this is wrong, she explains, and you realize it’s actually your own voice.

…Huh, you think feeling impressed. And what about Bob?

Just another aspect of your inner turmoil and anger, though I’m sure the real Bob would be flattered you think so highly of him, the image says with a smirk.

Wow, my subconscious is pretty cool, you admit before shaking your head. But anyway, why shouldn’t I hurt him? Sure he’s weak, but he has it coming!

Does he? Angel Mangle counters.

Of course he does! Shoulder Bob says. He took you hostage that one time, he made everyone forget Daddy helped the Deadly 6 against him, and when he got out, he just decided to watch you all instead of helping.

Yeah! You nod in agreement.

But don’t forget, he apologized for the hostage thing because it was an act of desperation. Don’t act like you didn’t squash your Dad to keep him from attacking Luna during Nightmare Night for the same reason, Mangle argues. Also he restored the true memories, but like he said when he got freed, it didn’t even matter. The ponies are just too stubborn.

Well…I guess that’s true, you admit reluctantly.

And as for the whole watching thing, he’s a turd yes, but with all that power he hasn’t seriously tried to hurt you all. He even tried to take the Amulet out of your chest without being told to do so, Mangle lectures.

Yeah…there is that, you nod, actually considering her points.

Hey, don’t forget we still have validation for hating him. Even if he’s “Reformed” he’s still an example of just how hypocritical the ponies are! Bob growls. Why would they give him a second chance but not your Mom?!

You grit your teeth at that.

Yeah! It’s not fair! You hiss and looking to the currently blue creature as he winds up for another sneeze.

But- Mangle starts but you shake your head.

You both got your points, but I’m still upset! Maybe I won’t attack him outright, but I still don’t like him, you harrumph just as he sneezes. This time at least he sneezes away from your group…but he hits an unlucky stallion behind one of the booths.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Suddenly, the stallion stands up on his hind legs and ditches most of his Starswirl cosplay except for the shorts, and he begins to sing and dance.

You all watch this random spectacle and your eye twitches.

…Okay, maybe I could just maim him a little for that, you think in abject horror as the stallion skips away.

Yeah, I need a drink after that, Shoulder Bob says as he poofs away.

I think I’ll join him, Shoulder Mangle agrees as she poofs too.

Wait, my subconscious drinks? How does that work? And what are you drinking?

“What in the world was that?!” Cadence yelps as you have an existential crisis.

“Something too good for pony eyes,” Discord sniffles before turning back to Twilight.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“So as you can see Princesses, I really need some help. I mean, what would happen if Twilight got sick as well? How would she nurse me back to health?” he bemoans.

"She wouldn’t!" you growl angrily the ear worm of a song still echoing in your mind, "Go take care of it yourself you mother buc-" You're cut off when he shoves a talon against your lips.

"You will be letting me stay at your place until I'm all better, won't you?" he continues pleadingly to Twilight.

"Stay? With me?!" Twilight looks shocked. "Uh, now is not really the best time, though I'm sure you already knew that!" she says under her breath.

"You heard the bitch!" you say triumphantly as you bat his talon away

"Hey!" she says in offence.

"Figure of speech!" You apologize, before continuing to glare at the god.

“Oh I did indeed hear her little Shade,” he says smugly. “But taking in the sick and the desperate, isn't that what Fluttershy would do? Isn't 'helping' something that friends do for friends?" He then contemplates for a bit. "Unless, of course, you're really saying that you're not my friend." He turns and pouts, looking in the opposite direction.

"We aren't!" You say bluntly before looking at Twilight for confirmation…but your sureness drops as you see her gritting her teeth and wilting her ears.

"No, that is not what I'm saying,” she says, sounding somewhat regretful, and you roll your eyes.

"Oh come on! How are you getting baited by his tricks?"

Discord puts a bright smile on his face, and as Cadence giggles at you, he floats up and rests on the bubble protecting you from his 'sickness'.

"Oh, how elated I am to hear that. Shall the three of us head back to your place? I don't want to get anypony else sick,” he says as you all hear a distant scream followed by the shorts stallion still singing.

"Guess we don't have a choice,” Twilight says with a sigh.

"Yes we do! He’s clearly not sick, he’s a freaking God! A God of Chaos!” you argue in bafflement.

“Hmmph, it’s thinking like that that ensures gods don’t get paid sick leave,” he pouts.

“What does that even mean?!”

"No," Twilight says seriously and looks up. "Discord is right. He's my friend and this is what friends do for each other. Let's head back to the library."

"Ugh, Fine! If he betrays you, don't blame me!" you groan in frustration as the three of you head to Twilight's home, carrying the shield with you and dropping Discord on the ground like a sack of potatoes..

"Carry me?" he begs pathetically.

"It isn't far," Cadence says, looking back at him with a smirk with Twilight doing the same, "I think you can-"

"Buck off!" You finish for your cousin.

"No...I was going to say-Heh heh," Cadence says, trying to keep a straight face but she can't and she bursts out laughing at your antics.

Pouting even more, he summons a wagon full of dead versions of himself which starts following your group.

“Nightshade, I know he may be a bit of a pain, but perhaps you should tone it down?” Twilight suggests.

“Why? When has he ever toned it down?” you argue like the little filly you are and Twilight just lets out a sigh of exhaustion.


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“So let me get this straight, the Dragon Princess is now your slave?” Cadence asks in amazement as you near the Tree Library.

“It’s more complicated than that,” you correct. “It’s more like her parents used the card game as an excuse to make her see the world and stuff, you know, gain a better understanding of other species.”

She shares a worried look with Twilight who just shrugs.

“I’ve spoken with her a few more times to counteract the crazy of Tennant’s family, but it’s mostly Spike that’s been the biggest help.”

“Well yeah, because Spike’s awesome, duh,” you say as if it’s obvious and enter the library. “Speaking of, where is he?”

“Hmm? Oh since I was going to spend time with Cadence until somepony interrupted us,” she starts, giving Discord the stink eye, who feigns innocence by sneezing into a handkerchief, making it fly away like a bat. “I gave him the day off, I think he’s spending the day over at Sugarcube Corner.”

You deflate a little at that bit of news as you were hoping he could help deal with Mr. Chaos over there.

“Oh, that’s too bad. I wanted to see Spike again,” Cadence says in disappointment. “He’s quite popular in the Crystal Empire now and hoping to prep him for how much the citizens there love him.” That last bit causes your head to snap over to Cadence audibly.

“Love him how?!” You ask pointedly as you feel the shards blip, but before she can respond Discord butts in.

“Not that I don’t love hearing you be possessive over your dragon friend, but I still need attention here!” he complains, shoving his blue face between you and your cousin. “I mean this is my chapter after all.” He then looks off to the side and gives a wink to nobody similar to how Pinkie would do.

Before you can berate him for getting so close while being “sick” he begins to sneeze again. Ducking quickly his snot hits the little wooden horse head on the table, and with a flash of light it sprouts tiny legs and arms before tap dancing away.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Sighing, Twilight all but carries Discord with her magic up into her bedroom. As you are about to follow, Cadence extends a wing to block your way.

"Nightshade, I know there's a perfectly acceptable reason to hate Discord, for both you and your father, but come on, doesn't everycreature deserve a second chance?" she lectures like an older sibling.

"Ya," You roll your eyes and grumble. "Like anyone ever gave my daddy a second chance."

"Fair point,” she says with a sigh. “But I guess you could say destiny itself gave him a second chance. Since he's not rotting away in prison... Or worse."

"I guess so... But now they are all hating on mommy. If what you say is true, doesn't she deserve a second chance too?" you ask Cadence feeling extremely frustrated.

"Of course,” she says with a smile. “I mean, surely there’s more to the situation than what I thought if Nightmare-“ she stops when she sees you wince and corrects herself. “If your mother is the one who is giving Bugze his powers…which I can’t wait to hear all about.”

You narrow your eyes at her. "Do you think Celestia, or even better, Luna would agree with you? About giving Mommy a second chance?"

Cadence visibly flinches. "I can see your point there. But still, they gave Discord a second chance, and I know you still have your own... complicated opinions on them. So can't you try? Even a little?" she begs and you groan.

"Fine. I'll...Try. But I still don't trust him one bit,” you grumble.

"That's okay. Between me and you, I don't either,” she says giving you a smirk. “I’m with you, since when can gods get sick?”

Skiny_Boy’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Exactly! Which is why this is so horrible,” Discord says suddenly right next to you, causing both you and Cadence to shout in alarm.

“Discord! Don’t just melt through the floorboards! That’s going to be a pain to clean!” Twilight calls from upstairs and you notice that the draconeques is hanging partially out of the ceiling.

“Don’t do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack,” Cadence scolds.

“The Princess of Love having a heart attack, now wouldn’t that be ironic?” he quips.

“Heh, that’d be like Celestia getting sunburned,” you laugh in agreement before becoming stern again. “But still, cut it out. I know you’re not sick.”

“Oh really? You think I’m faking?” he says, sounding hurt.

“Yes! And even if you weren’t, you don’t need all three of us. Why don’t you just bug Twilight while Cadence and I go off to talk?” you suggest and he smirks.

“Well that would be awfully rude don’t you think?” he says before snapping his claws and your scarf is in his paw. “Wanting to show her your new bling already?”

“Hey! Give that back!” you yelp as you reach out for it with your magic and start trying to tug it out of his grip.

*GASP* “Nightshade! What in the world happened to you?!” Cadence yells in shock as she sees the amulet shards.

“It’s a long story!” you say as you struggle with the scarf and the pieces start to glow. “Give me back my scarf you stupid-“

“Cadence, Nightshade, what’s going on down there?” Twilight shouts down the stairwell.

“Nothing!” you, Cadence and Discord all call back at once.

“Yup! Certainly not comparing jewelry or anything,” Discord trolls and you growl, just as he lets go of your scarf and you tumble down.

“Quit trying to give out spoilers you jerk!” you hiss as you wrap yourself up.

“Then help take care of me my dear friends,” he says pitifully as his body slurps back up into the ceiling, followed by Twilight yelping.

“Ugh, how much a chance do I have to give hi-Huh?” you stop ranting as you are gathered in a smothering hug.

“Oh my gosh Nightshade, how could something so horrible have happened to you?” she says in worry as her eyes leak a bit.

“Uh, I’ll tell you I swear, I just-“

“Was this because of Flash’s robot? If it is I swear I’ll burry him in the deepest mine shaft, never to see the light of day aga-“

“Cadence! It’s fine!” you say breaking out of the hug. “Quit spazzing out like Daddy.”

She looks a bit sheepish at that and looks down in embarrassment.

“Oh, sorry…I don’t know what came over me there,” she chuckles nervously before becoming serious again. “But seriously, this wound-“

“It’s actually the biggest thing I wanted to talk to you about, but not here,” you say as you glance up the stairs.

“Nightshade, Cadence, where are you two?” Twilight calls out in worry.

“Coming!” you say up the stairs before looking at Cadence. “This chest wound does suck, but I’m not in immediate danger, but I will need your help with it.”

She stares at you, still seeming as worried as ever but she nods her head.

“This conversation is definitely going to be a long one.”

And with that, the two of you head up the stairs. Once you enter the bedchamber, you see Discord wallowing on Twilight’s bed dramatically.

“Alright Discord, since you’re sooo sick,” you mock, “What do we need to make you better and leave us alone?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Well, I’m glad you asked,” he says with a smirk before suddenly you hear background music and your face pales.

Oh Buck No! A Musical Number!

“A little glass of water please,
A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze.
Some tea with honey from the bees
Whenever you can brew it.”

“I'll get your tea,” Cadence says as she realizes where this is going as well and tries to leave.

Cadence You Traitor! Don’t Leave Me Alone With This! You mentally shout and immediately grab cotton from Twilight’s pillow and stuff them in your ears. Noticing this, he smiles smugly and snaps his talons, causing the cotton to begin screaming in your ears.

“AAAGGHHH!!!” you shriek as you toss the offending ear plugs out and he continues singing.

“And while I get a little rest,
A teeny tiny small request.
Some codfish oil for my chest,
Poured from a crystal cruet.”

“A crystal cruet?” Twilight asks and you just facehoof.

“Quit feeding into the song!”

And from there…things start to get nuts as his singing gets quicker and more and more things keep popping in and out of existence.

A pot of pumpkin soup gets dumped, turning into flowers, a lake of milk appears and disappears, you get covered in noodles, and then somehow you are all in a diner and Twilight is dressed as a waitress as a stack of cheese reaches the ceiling.

“Where the buck are we?!” you yelp in horror, but are ignored as Twilight asks sarcastically,

“Anything else?”

Suddenly, everything goes dark and a spotlight comes on you and Discord…as he starts twirling you around.

“I'll be grateful for your charity
Until the bitter end.”

“AGH! Why the buck are you dancing with me?!” you shriek as he dips you down, before suddenly flashing and you are holding him above you. “What is going on?!”

“Because I've heard that tenderness
Is what you lend an ailing friend
Tenderness, isn't that right, friend?” He asks, getting uncomfortably close to you.

“Get the buck away from me!” you order as you try to strike him, but suddenly the environment changes once more and you’re back in Twilight’s bedroom.

“So, who’s ready for my big reprise?” he asks towards the ceiling.

“Please, just stop!” you beg, but reality keeps changing.

At one point you are dressed like you’re in Harry Trotter,

“Why am I in Slytherin?! I’m not evil!”

Then you’re in the mountains as someone plays on a tuba or something, then he switches Twilight’s and Cadence’s manes around.

“Ah! Cursed Image!” you shriek as you hold your own mane down lest he switch it.

He keeps singing for more and more things as things get chaotic.

“Stop, Stop, Stop!” you shout as you start firing magic missiles at him, but keep missing as the environment keeps changing. You swear you accidentally hit a goat skiing down a mountain by accident.

In the end, he pulls a chord and a whirlpool of water sweeps all of you up and sends you all spinning inside Twilight’s room like you’re a toilet bowl. He then finishes singing and lies back on Twilight’s bed where he starts coughing.

With you all now soaking wet, Cadence passive aggressively gives him his cup of water he just sang about, and he “accidentally” drops it.

“Oops, sorry” he says before sneezing and turning into bubbles.

“Alright, this is ridiculous,” Twilight says.

“No Spit!” you shout in frustration.

“How did you even get this disease Discord?” Cadence asks.

“Who cares!” you shout as you grab another cup, wring your mane of water into it and toss it at him.

“Hey now,” he says as it hits the window.
“Drink your water if you want it so much! DRINK IT!” you shout unhinged as you lunge at him, but Cadence and Twilight hold you back.

“Let me at him! I’ll make him choke on his precious bucking water!”

“My, my, my, when will you ever fix that potty mouth of yours?” Discord titters and you growl like a Timberwolf with your shards burning hot.

After they all but drag you into the next room, Twilight and Cadence go over how they can cure Discord, and he says that on the edge of Equestria is a flower that can cure him.

“Then just bamf it here!” you complain, but then he gives some BS excuse about being too weak to do that or travel there himself.

“So we need to make some travel arrangements,” he says conspiratorially to Cadence and Twilight.

“…Why the buck are we going to fly him there? Is everyone here just taking crazy pills?!” you huff as he summons a golden throne and two harnesses and reigns.

“Oh, why Nightshade, you’ll have to sit next to me since you’re only a unicorn,” he says conspiratorially and puts another chair next to him.

“I don’t have to do nothing!” you argue back.

“Oh, but you’re already getting sick yourself, don’t you want the cure too?” he says.

“What are you-GYAGH!” you shriek as you see that your legs have turned the same shade of blue as him.

“Oh no, it’s spreading,” Twilight says with worry.

“Discord!” Cadence scolds and he just shrugs.

“AAAAAHHHH!!! I’m Blue, Daba Dee Daba Die!” you shriek to the heavens before glaring back at him. “Why didn’t you wash your claws before dancing with me?!”


Episode 75: I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Everyone knows you’re supposed to wash your hooves, claws, whatever when you’re sick!” you growl as you try to rub the blueness off of your legs, but to no avail.

Cadence and Twilight then start checking themselves to make sure they haven’t started turning blue as well, but they are still purple and pink.

“To be fair, I did just kind of bathe with the whole whirlpool thing at the end of my song,” he says smugly and you grit your teeth.

“If this spreads past my legs I am going to-“

“It’s on your flanks too,” Cadence interrupts and you gasp and look at your backside. Sure enough, the blue has crept along where you hope to one day have a cutie mark.

“What in the blue buck is this?!” you shriek.

“Language!” Discord scolds but you growl back at him.

“Oh piss off! I’m going to beat you black and blue for this!”

“But I’m already blue,” he chuckles and you facehoof.

“Yeah, I know that! I wasn’t trying to make a blue pun!”

“You weren’t?” Twilight asks in surprise. “But you did so earlier when you cursed.”

“I what? What in the blue blazes are you talking about?”

“There, you did it again,” Cadence points at you and you raise a brow in confusion.

“Okay, this just totally came out of the blue and I don’t-“ your eyes widen as you realize you just did another blue pun. “What?!”

“Oh dear, seems you’ve caught the symptoms already,” Discord says in false concern. “I guess that’s why they call it the blues.”

“Ugh! That was terrible! I’ll cut you for that!” you snarl and Cadence and Twilight gasp.

“Oh? And what are you going to cut me with?”

“This crystal thing I got from a dragon who’s blu-AGH!” freaking out you start to pull out the Shard of the Bloodstone Scepter.

“Nightshade, calm down,” Twilight orders as she grabs your hoof with magic.

“But he’s got to pay his dues if he wants to sing the blues, and you know that don’t come easy!” you whine as you start thrashing about.

“Come on Nightshade, there’s no point in this,” Cadence says dotingly as she wraps her arms around your barrel and picks you up.

“Put me down Cadence! You might catch the blues too!” you shriek as you squirm out of her grip. For a brief moment though, Cadence’s leg brushes up under your scar and she hisses and shakes her hoof.

“Yowch! I think you might be getting a fever real fast too,” she says in worry.

It’s only then that you realize your shards are glowing.

Huh, didn’t realize they got hot like that, you wonder before glaring at Discord. But he’s not helping at all! If only I could rip these stupid things out and shove them down his throat!

“Oh, and now it’s gone to her ears!” Twilight groans.

“No! Not my ears!” you groan as your more and more of your dark coat starts becoming a pale blue. “Dark black is my aesthetic! I don’t want to look like Princess Luna!”

Kichi’s Comment

"You did this! This is your fault!" you accuse the draconequss. “Why couldn’t you just follow proper hygiene?!”

“And why couldn’t you have learned not to step on my blue suede shoes while we were dancing?” he counters.

“I didn’t even want to dance with you in the first place!” you grunt and stomp on the floor.

“Oh please, dancing with me is a privilege,” he trolls. “And why are you still complaining? You’ve gotten over your blue spell.”

You look back at your body and see that it is now mostly blue.

“No I haven’t!”

“I meant the involuntary blue puns and song lyrics,” he shrugs before coughing into his fist.

“Well take it off me already!”

“In my condition? I might just make it worse,” he says as if he actually felt guilty. “Besides, it’s not even reaching your chest.”

“Huh, he’s right,” Twilight says curiously and you look down for yourself.

There is about a three inch barrier from where your scarf covers and the encroaching blueness which seems to have stopped.

Right, right, he did say something about Umbrum magic and Chaos magic not working well with each other, you think as you remember your talk at the spa.

“I wonder why it isn’t spreading there so uniformly?” Twilight wonders and your pupils shrink. You look back at Discord and see he is giving you a knowing smirk.

Oh you little…Grrr!

“It, uh, it must be my scarf!” you lie. “Daddy always did say that scarfs helped ward off germs, heh heh.”

“…I guess that explains the giant scarf he always wore…on top of the witness protection thingy,” she shrugs and you internally sigh in relief.

“Oh, if that’s the case, perhaps you should take the scarf off and share it with me? Might help my condition?” Discord insinuates.

“No! You’ve spread enough germs! I’ll end this plague right here and now!” you say as you start to bring out your Dark Cannon, but Twilight once again stops you.

“Nightshade! I know you’re upset, but calm down and take a few deep breaths okay?”

“How’s breathing going to help?! I’ll just breathe in more of his germs, if they exist at all!” you argue back and she frowns.

“I said calm down or else I won’t let you play with Spike for a month,” she says with crossed legs and you gasp, suddenly losing all anger in Discord.

“You can’t do that!” you cry out and she looks at you sternly.

“Do you really want to take that risk? I’d make sure he was too busy for you,” she says authoritatively.

“But that is blackmail!” you groan and look at Cadence. “Come on Cadence, she can’t do that right? That’s abuse of authority and child labor bordering on slavery!”

Everyone, including Discord looks at you curiously.

“What?! She said she’s make him too busy!” you point out.

“I was just insinuating I’d send him on vacation to Canterlot or something but that…” Twilight seems taken aback.

“Where did that abuse of authority and child labor sentence come from?” Cadence asks.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to become lawyers at one point, but the books were boring, so we just watched Law and Order.”

*Dun Dun*

You all take a moment to look around for where that sound effect even came from, but the answer is clear when you see Discord snickering.

“But yeah we gave up on that because there’s a million seasons of that show and nopony got time for that.”

“It seems like some things stuck around though,” Cadence says impressed.

“Eh, not my fault. It was Sweetie Belle’s idea anyway, and it was also her idea to drop it in the end.”

“It’s hard to get a read on that filly,” Twilight nods.

“Oh? Coming from the filly who memorized those same law books to try and convince her parents to stay up past her bed time just so she could read more books?” Cadence teases and Twilight flusters.

"Cadence, please! Don't tell her that!” she moans and you smirk.

“Why not? It’s funny,” she counters and Twilight bristles.

“Because it’s embarrassing and she’s my student!”

“Yeah, well it got her to calm down better than you trying to be a strict mom,” Cadence laughs.

“I was just trying to sound stern like when I upset Princess Celestia! And fine, if we’re talking embarrassing secrets, why don’t I tell her about the “accident” with my brother and the cotton candy machine?”

At that Cadence’s cheeks turn red and she starts to chuckle nervously.

“Heh heh, there’s no need to bring that up Twilight…”

"Hello? Poor sick Draconequus here, can't you help little ol’ me?" he says, now sitting atop the giant throne thing.

“Can it! That sounds like some juicy gossip!” you hush as you stare expectantly at Cadence.

“Well! No need to keep Discord waiting! The sooner we get that flower, the sooner we can cure both him and Nightshade!” Cadence says over enthusiastically as she rushes over to the harness and puts it on.

“But I wanted to hear about the cotton candy!” you whine and look back at Twilight who smirks.

“Maybe later…but yes, try to keep calm and be…tolerable to Discord okay?”

You look back at him and see him patting a pile of cushions next to him invitingly.

“Oh, but it’s going to be hard…And don’t think that blackmailing me with Spike’s fate will make it any eas-“

“And if you do, I’ll even give him a whole week off to spend with you.”

In the blink of an eye, you are sitting on the cushions next to Discord.

“Daylights burning, let’s go teach!” you holler.

You see her smile and shake her head good naturedly as she starts to get into her own harness.

“…You know, you are far too easy to comply when it comes that dragon,” Discord observes.

“No I’m not!” you shoot back and look away from him, causing him to chuckle.

“Well my dear sick buddy, how about some entertainment? I heard about your comic book adventure, so how about some out of print cult favorites?” he says as he snaps his fingers and a box of the ‘Dark Offender’ comic that was written by that mental patient in Arkhay Asylum.

“No thanks, already lived through them,” you say pushing it aside. “Besides, they’re highly inaccurate.”

“Most adaptations are,” he shrugs as she relaxes on his chair. It’s only now that you look from this giant throne to Cadence and Twilight who are finishing cinching their harnesses.

“Okay, I know we have to get this stupid flower because you don’t wash your hands,” you say looking at your own blue hooves. “But why are we traveling like this?”

“What? It’s not as if YOU could fly right?” he insinuates and you bristle.

“Stop trying to spill my secrets!” you hiss back at him and he smirks.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it,” he says sounding offended and you just roll your eyes. “Besides that’s something YOU should admit to…And to answer your question, it’s easier to point out the flower than to hope that they could find it, so we HAVE to come along.”

“But this could take forever, I mean, they’re the two smallest princesses. Why not get Celestia to fly you with her giant wings? Or heck, just get Rainbow Dash to fly out and get it, she’d be much quicker.”

“Would you honestly trust those two with finding your life saving medicine?” he asks seriously. You are about to answer, but then close your mouth and think about it some more.

“…Good point,” you nod. “But seriously, now that you and I are alone kind of, is this all for real? Are you really sick or just messing with us?”

“Why not both?” he smirks before looking crestfallen. “What, do you not think I’m really sick?”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Of course I do,” you nod and your eyes widen.


“Oh, that’s good to hear, thank you Nighthsade, and I’m so sorry I got you sick as well.”

Oh like buck you’re sorry, you think, but when you speak…

“I know you’re sorry, don’t worry about it.”

What is going on?! That’s not what I wanted to say!

“Everything okay back there you two?” Cadence asks looking at you and Discord.

“Of course, couldn’t be better, except for the flu that is,” he handwaves.

No! Nothing’s alright! I’m speaking in opposites!

“Yes, Everything’s fine, I’m saying what I mean.”


You turn and smile at Discord, even though you try to give him a death glare.

“Well thank goodness she calmed down,” Twilight sighs in relief. “Now, let’s get going.”

And with that the two of them lift into the air, along with the chariot, though you see there is some effort put into it.

“Splendid, we’ll be healed in no time,” he claps before sneezing into a hanky. “Oh and I know you’re on to the “Opposites” side effect, but don’t worry, it shall pass soon.”

You motherbucker! I’ll kill you!

“You wonderful creature, I like you,” you actually say and give him a hug when you really wanted to strangle him.

“Dawww, looks like they’ve made up,” you hear Cadence say from up ahead and you want to grimace, but you end up smiling more.

“I guess it’s a good time for affection as any since you’re already sick,” Discord jokes and you scream in your head. “Though I must say, you are far stronger than I-URK!”

Kill Softer, Kill Softer, Kill Softer, Kill Softer!

“Hug Harder, Hug Harder, Hug Harder, Hug Harder!” you say as you ensnare him in such a tight grip that his eyes start to bulge out of his head like a cartoon.

“Okay! Maybe I can help with this symptom!” he struggles to say as he snaps his fingers.

“I bucking hate you!” you say, matching your thoughts and you smile genuinely. “There, that’s better. “ And with that, you let him go and he inhales loudly and coughs more.

“What was that?” asks Twilight.

“He swallowed a bug,” you lie and he gives you the stink eye.

“Close your mouth Discord!” Cadence warns. “We don’t need you choking before we get there.”

“Yeah Discord, close your mouth,” you say smugly.

“Maybe I should,” he pouts. “Although you probably won’t in a minute because you’ll enter the song portion of the side effects.”

Skiny Pony’s Comment

“What song po-I’m blue, daba dee daba die! Daba dee daba die.”

“And there it goes,” he smirks and you look at him aghast.”

“Why are you like this? Daba dee daba die?!”

“Chaos,” he says with a chuckle before coughing.

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

You try to tell him off for that lame excuse, but once again those lyrics escape you like they did when you first found out you were blue.

Ugh! Why won’t Twilight let me make you bleed?! You think in frustration as you close your mouth, refusing to sing. Well if I can’t cut you, then I’ll hurt you another way. Daddy’s always bleeding from his nose when mares say weird grown up stuff. Maybe I can get Discord to see Fluttershy in her socks since he likes her and then he’ll lose some blood and I’ll win! Yes!

You then wonder how in the heck you are going to convince Fluttershy of all ponies to agree to that now that she’s no longer a vampire, and also out of town seeing the Breezies.

And what’s the deal with mares wearing socks? Why does that excite stallions so much? You wonder briefly.

“A lot on your mind there honey bunny?” Discord asks in a sickeningly sweet tone.

“Yes because I’m blu-AGH!” you clamp your mouth shut and he giggles.

Kichi’s Comment

You know what? Fine! His stupid “sickness” is making me sing? I’ll sing! I’ll use that psycho-something torture on him like that guy in that wargame Button played. Discord will be begging me to know what the numbers mean!

And with that, as you all soar through the sky, you embrace the song and continually spout out it’s annoyingly catchy lyrics…but Discord doesn’t seem to be phased by it, not even hours later. The same cannot be said though for Cadence and Twilight.

“AGH! Discord! Can’t you do something?”Twilight cries.

“I can’t get the song out of my head! Please stop Nightshade!” Cadence begs and you feel a pang of guilt.

“I’ll try, but there might be other side effects later,” he warns.

Wait, what?

“Do it!” Twilight orders. He shrugs and grins as he snaps his fingers and you stop singing.

“Oh thank Celestia,” Cadence sighs as she takes her hooves from her ears.

“Shame, I love a good tune on a road trip,” Discord mumbles while you pant and sit back next to him.

“What side effects are going to happen?” you ask and he shrugs.

“Who knows? It could be nothing, or it could be something from the deepest recesses of the Candy Stallion,” he chuckles and you look at him in horror.

“What the buck?! I thought you didn’t kill?!”

“Say what now?” he asks in confusion.

“The Candy Stallion guts you with a hook if you say his name five times in a mirror and he has bees in his chest! That movie was disturbing!”

“What movies are you watching at such a young age?” he says in shock. “I was talking about a lovely family film about a chocolate factory.”

“…Oh,” you say calming down a bit before your pupils shrink again. “So I’m going to drown in chocolate and get thrown into a furnace by giant geese?”

“…Let’s uh, let’s not think too hard on that,” he says clearly disturbed by your questions. “I was legitimately trying to cheer you up there by what I thought was a nice whimsical reference.”

“Well, it failed,” you sigh before looking back at him. “And really, why are you doing all this? You know what’s going on with me, so why are you messing with me when I’m so dangerous?”

“Are you now?” he asks seriously. “Because the way I see it, your mind and annoyance is being well controlled, even as I irk you. From what I saw before, you used to lose control at the drop of a hat and go all out.”

“I’ve…I’ve gotten better about that,” you say shyly and look at the ground.

“Indeed. So the question is, am I being a troll for troll’s sake? Yes. But am I also helping you reign in your crystal monster? Maybe?” he shrugs. “That’s up for you to decide.”

You stare incredulously at the God of Chaos and just shake your head.

“I really don’t get you Discord.”

“That’s the point,” he nods.

“If you want to help someone, just help them, it’s as easy as that,” you point out.

“But the easy way and the fun way aren’t always the same,” he smirks and you sigh.

“Even though you said you tried to get these shards out when I first got them?” you accuse and he stiffens up and avoids eye contact.

“I never said I enjoyed suffering,” he mumbles. “A bit of frustration and a tad of misery, but never suffering.”

“…And what about my Dad and my Mom? Haven’t they suffered enough?” He goes quiet at that, even as you continue to stare at him. “We all are suffering because the whole world hates us, but you could solve that with your powers.”

“How do you figure that?” he asks.

“Well…I don’t know, you could show the truth.” He huffs at that and shakes his head.

“I already told you, ponies are stubborn. I gave them back their true memories of that day we first met, and yet it changed nothing.”

“But maybe we could show everyone that my Mommy’s not evil, you have the power to-“

“To mind control them and make them see reason?” he accuses and you falter.

“Well, uh-“

“Because at this point, that’s the only way Celestia, Luna, or even Twilight over there would ever accept it. And I promised Fluttershy I wouldn’t do such a thing again…Forcing it on her in that maze still felt wrong, even to me.”

“Well, couldn’t you at least be able to give my Mom and Sombra bodies of their own?” you ask and he raises a brow at you.

“Oh, is that why you’ve been going around collecting trinkets?”

“Uh…” you trail off realizing your slip and he grins.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell. I’m assuming that’s why your pops has disappeared from this reality then…but no matter. To answer your question, no, no I can’t.”

“But why not? You’re a god so…Please?” you say breaking out the weapons grade puppy dog eyes.

“Shade, I drink tea with cuteness personified, that isn’t going to work on me,” he dismisses your look coldly and you balk at him. “And for starters, both your mom and that crystal obsessed dictator utilize Shadow and Umbrum magic, which as we’ve established, doesn’t work well with my own.”

“Oh…” you say, having not even thought of that angle.

“And besides, your whole family is just as chaotic as me. Trying to solve chaos with more chaos would be akin to cutting your hoof with your own magic.”

“…So is it impossible then?”

“I only said I couldn’t,” he corrects. “Whatever egg hunt you’ve been on though, someone obviously knows what they’re doing.”

You let out a sigh at that.

“I guess…Well if you can’t help with that, could you at least just be nice and make our Luck better?” At that he shudders.

“Nightshade, there are things even I don’t dare dabble in. Lady Luck being one of them.”

“Wait, so she’s real?” you ask.

“Of course she is. Who did you think you were constantly cursing at the air at with your father?”

“I kind of just thought we were yelling for the sake of yelling really,” you say as you rub the back of your neck.

“Yeah, well she is real,” he nods. “And your family has the stench of one of her curses.”

“But why? What did we ever do to her?” you ask in desperation.

“I have no clue, but I’d ask your Great Grandfather when you get the chance. Curses like this go back through the bloodline,” he instructs.

You stare at him silently in shock as that information takes root in your brain.

So all our bad luck…it’s actually has a source?

Discord even gives you a comforting pat on the shoulder.

“Don’t take it too hard kiddo. Most folks go their lives with both good and bad. Because of your family though, you’re just on that dark end of the spectrum, while some ponies get ALL the luck,” he all but spits while looking at Twilight.

“…Lady Luck helps Twilight?” you ask.

“What, you think it was a coincidence that she was there the night your momma came to bring eternal night?” he questions.

“Well, I kind of thought that was because Celestia set it all up,” you say remembering your mom’s explanations on that fateful night.

“Okay yes there was that, but there was no way she set up all of the Element Bearers living in the same town. Twilight strolled into town and in one night met her five best friends in the whole world and went through the Everfree without a scratch and received the overpowered rainbow death laser gems.”

“…Huh,” you say completely at a loss for words.

“And if you get any ideas of punching her in the gob, take my advice and don’t. A potty mouthed little brat you may be, but I do have a fondness for you.”

You let his comment slide as you think through the little bit you’ve learned.

I’ve gotta have a conversation with Grandbuggy when I get back.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Up in the Front

Cadence and Twilight, having heard none of your conversation, continue to fly towards the badlands as the scenery starts to get more and more sandy.

Cadence keeps looking back occasionally in worry and Twilight raises an eyebrow at her.

“You okay Cadence?” she asks.

“Y-Yeah I’m okay,” she says in a tone that betrays her words. Seeing Twilight see through that lame excuse she sighs and says, “Okay, truthfully I’m just worried about Nightshade.”

“I understand, I’m worried about her too,” Twilight nods as she looks back at you and Discord seemingly having a calm conversation. “She’s a tough little filly, but this blue flu is troubling, especially if it’s infected Discord.”

“R-Right, the flu thing!” Cadence stutters as if she had forgotten about that. “Well even with that added I feel like I just want to have her stay in bed and drink some tea.”

“I think she’ll be fine…though you said you met her before and BST?”

“Y-Yes I did,” Cadence smiles nervously.

“Well you know she’s stronger than the average filly then,” Twilight points out.

“I know…but I can’t help worrying,” Cadence admits. Strangely, Twilight feels a bit jealous that Cadence is doting on you so much. As your teacher, she feels like it should be HER job to worry.

“…Are you and Shiny trying to have kids?” Twilight asks suddenly.

“Wh-What?! Where did that come from?!” Cadence stutters in embarrassment.

“Well you keep doting on Nightshade like an overprotective relative, and I thought maybe you were just wanting to be a mother already,” Twilight explains plainly.

“Well yes we want to have kids eventually, but we’re waiting till the right moment,” Cadence admits and Twilight smirks.

“Hopefully it’s soon, I think I’d make a great aunt. Also Mom and Dad are already aching for Grandkids.”

“Well if you’re not careful, you might beat us to it,” Cadence smirks.

“What?! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Twilight flushes.

“I’ve seen how you look at Flash,” she insinuates and Twilight starts to become a dribbling mess.

Back With You

The carriage suddenly drops about ten feet causing turbulence on the throne.

“Ouch! What’s going on up there?!”

“Nothing!” Twilight shouts back, red as a tomato for some reason.

“Everything’s fine, just a hiccup in flying,” Cadence excuses. “How are you feeling Nightshade? Need a warmth spell or a napping spell?”

“I’m fine,” you call back before looking to Discord. “That’s like the fifth time she’s asked.”

“Relatives like to spoil the little ones,” he laughs.

“Yeah, but it’s kind of weird. She doesn’t even know we’re related yet and she’s acting more aggressive on it than even Granny Smith or Applejack did when they found out.”

“Hold on a second, she doesn’t know?” Discord says in surprise. “I thought she was one of the ones in the know.”

“Yeah, well, Daddy never got around to telling her,” you say rubbing the back of your neck. “I was going to tell her today until you showed up and wrecked my plans!”

“Well excuse me for being sick,” he harrumphs before putting a finger to his chin. “But I see now why she’s acting so fruit loopy. I have an idea…”

Awhile Later

After entering the Badlands proper, Discord has Cadence and Twilight land because he thinks that the flower is nearby.

While unhitching and looking around, Discord enacts the plan he told you about.

“ACHOO!” you sneeze loudly, courtesy of some pepper from Discord. And with that cue, “You” suddenly blow up like a certain filly in a certain horrifying “Family” movie in a chocolate factory.

“Oh my gosh! Nightshade!” Twilight and Cadence yelp as the inflated you yells out,


And then suddenly some strange orange ponies with green manes pop out of the ground, start singing and dancing about gum and start pushing you towards a suddenly existing chocolate lake.

“Get back here!” Twilight calls out to the short orange stallions, and Cadence is about to follow suit, but the real you grabs her by the hoof.

“Easy Cadence, that’s not really me,” you say pointing to the blueberry who is now bobbing in the lake as Twilight tries to blast at the orange ponies.

“What? But what’s…what?!” she stammers looking between you and Discord who sniffles.

“You and the brat are due a conversation, so even in my defenseless, sickened state, I decided to generously and kindly help,” he says dramatically as he lies across his pillows.

“Yeah, he’s kind of in the know, so I thought now would be as good a time as any without Twilight around,” you say.

“Nightshade! Stop trying to drink the lake!” Twilight yells out to illusion in the distance.

“And Discord knows too?” Cadence says in alarm looking at the god. “Why do I feel like I’m the last to know?”

“Because you kind of are,” you chuckle nervously. “And since we don’t have much time, let’s start with this…”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

And with that, you pull back your scarf so that she has a better look at the amulet inside your skin.

"Oh my!" Cadence says with a hoof to her mouth.

“Yeah, it’s not pretty,” you admit as she leans in and looks at the shards, which are glowing even now.

“This…this is…The Alicorn Amulet,” she gasps as she looks to you in terror.

"Yeah, and it’s not very fun,” you say plainly. “So, uh... Have any idea how to get rid of this without telling the other Princesses?"

“I, well…perhaps,” she says as she looks it over. “It was made in the Crystal Empire, but it utilized Umbrum Magic. There might some leads, perhaps even King Sombra left some notes about it, but I don’t know for sure.”

You sigh and nod at that.

“That’s what Daring Do and Zecora were leaning towards,” you admit.

“How long has this been here? And how are you not corrupted like what happened with that Lulamoon mare?” she asks in worry.

“It’s been there since that incident at Rainbow Falls, which I’ll explain when we have time,” you tell her. “But I don’t know about the corruption thing. Mostly I just lose control of my emotions quicker, like Daddy.”

“Oh my…do you draw on it’s power like this?”

“Sometimes. When I do I get like, a lot more powerful than usual, but again I kind of lose control and go a little nuts,” you say with a wince of guilt remembering the forest.

Cadence looks from you to the lazing god.

“Discord, can’t you-“

“Already tried Princess,” he cuts her off. “Believe me, I’ve tried.”

Biting her lip at that response, she looks back to you in determination.

"We'll get this fixed, I promise," she says as she puts a hoof on your shoulder.

“I figured as much,” you tell her with a smile. “I really am getting sick of being jealous and angry all the time.”

“Who’s to say that that’s the amulet’s doing?” Discord speaks up.


“You say your emotions are out of control? Every filly and colt goes through that,” he snickers.

“They do?” you ask incredulously.

"Of course. You see Nightshade, when fillies like yourself grow up, at a certain point they start to think certain colts or dragons are more than just cute because their hormones begin to-“

“Discord!” Cadence yelps, silencing him. “She’s far too young to be going through that!”

“How can we tell with her? She’s technically only really four years old right?”

“What?!” Cadence says looking at you.

“It’s complicated…and I really don’t get it either,” you admit.

“…Well even still, Discord, if there is even a shred of decency inside of you that considers this filly a friend, then I’m begging you, please don’t make her think puberty and dark magic are synonymous!” she pleads intensely.

“Alright, alright, calm down, it was just a little joke. I knew you would stop me, that’s the punch line!” he defends as sweat beads on his forehead.

“Good. I had to go through that once already with Twilight when she was younger and I’m not going to deal with misinformation again!”

“What misinformation? What’s Purbetory or whatever you said?” you butt in.


“And don’t you dare say-“

“We’ll explain when you’re older.”


“What the-Where did Nightshade and the lake go?!” Twilight shouts in the distance. Looking over, you see her surrounded by sand and rock and nothing else.

“Shoot, she finished off that illusion fast,” Discord harrumphs.

“Great, now I’ve gotta leave Cadence in suspense again,” you grumble, and Cadence groans as well.

“To heck with that,” Discord says before he poofs up a milkshake with two straws in front of you.

“Uh, what’s this supposed to-“ Cadence starts but Discord interrupts her.

“It’s an abridgement shake. Drink up already so we can stop prolonging this endeavor,” he orders and looks to you. “Think about your story and drink up fast.”

With nothing better to do, you drink from the straw, as does Cadence. It’s actually pretty tasty, with hints of chocolate and peanut butter. When you finish, you don’t feel like anything’s occurred, but Cadence is holding her head and rolling on the ground moaning.

“What the heck is going on? Nightshade?” Twilight suddenly says in confusion, coming across the scene.

“Oh hey Twilight, glad to see you’ve come out of your hallucination, but Cadence is…”

“Having brain freeze,” Discord finishes for you.

“I was hallucinating? But it felt so real? Am I getting sick too?” Twilight ponders aloud before shaking her head. “And what do you mean brainfreeze?”

“We were having milkshakes,” Discord says. “Thought they might help with the flu.”

“Obviously not,” you say as you’re still blue. And while Twilight helps the still panting and wincing Cadence to sit up, Discord leans down and whispers in your ear.

“That much information pushed directly in her brain isn’t a pleasant experience, but it gets the job done.”

After awhile though, Cadence stops groaning and opens her eyes…which are full of tears.

“Cadence, are you alright?” Twilight asks her sister in law.

“Y-yes…Yes I’m fine now,” she says with a tired voice as she looks you right in the eye with a sad smile. “Nightshade…”

The tenderness, sadness, guilt, and acceptance is prevalent in her tone as she seemingly stares directly into your soul.

Did…did it actually work? You wonder with hope.

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“Ahem!” Discord interrupts this beautiful moment with a cough. “Now that your brain’s thawed Princess, can we get back to me? Still sick, and so is Nightshade, and look, the flower is right over there.”

Following his pointed talon, you do indeed see a flower growing out of the desert by it’s lonesome.

“…Well that’s convenient,” Twilight says. “Let’s grab it before you and I start turning blue Cadence. I’m already suffering from hallucinations apparently and your random freakout is worrying.”

“R-Right,” Cadence nods, but not before giving you a long, meaningful look. The two of them then fly over to the flower, leaving you alone with Discord again.

“And there you go kiddo, now she’s all up to speed and you don’t have to waste another chapter of your life catching her up,” he says plainly.

You bite your lip at that, and shuffle your hooves a bit. You then wince, and let out a sigh before giving his leg a hug which surprises him.

“Uh…what are you-“

“That was a very nice thing you did, and I’m very, very thankful, so just shut up and take the hug!” you order as you keep embracing him.

“Oh, well…N-No problem,” he says sounding touched and surprised as he pats your back. “I, uh, well I thought maybe I could help in some small way,” he chuckles nervously.

“And you did,” you nod before letting go of him. “So keep acting like that more and I just might come around to liking you.”
He looks at you in stunned silence at this and taps his paws and talons together.

“Well, I um…I’ll see what I can do,” he says before suddenly the ground begins to rumble and his eyes widen.

“What the buck is that? An earthquake?” you ask as you try to steady yourself.

“Oh right…” Discord says as he looks back to Twilight and Cadence who both fly into the air as a giant purple worm emerges and roars, displaying a mouthful of tentacles.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Cadence and Twilight scream.

“WHAT THE BUCK IS THAT?!” you shriek as the worm starts attempting to snatch the alicorns out of the sky.

“That’s a tatzulwurm…and the flower grows on it’s head,” Discord says sheepishly and you look at him in disbelief.

“Discord, what the buck?! I just hugged you and said you were alright!” you accuse and he shrinks back.

“Yes, yes I know you did, but this was kind of supposed to be a surprise and I didn’t expect you to show gratitude and-“

“Oh my gods!” you groan as you look away from him and at Cadence and Twilight who begin battling the thing in earnest.

“L-Look, yes it’s a dangerous creature, but I know Twilight and Cadence can handle it. Even if they can’t, I’m still here to ensure nothing gets out of hand,” he excuses.

“With you being sick? That’s irresponsible as buck!” you say with a scowl.

“W-well I’m actually no-“

“AGH!” Cadence shouts and you see her grappled by a tentacle. Your mind immediately flashes to Rainbow Falls and the plant monster and you grit your teeth. Your shards begin to glow brighter but you thump your chest.

“NO! I am not losing control here! I can beat that thing the old fashioned way!” you say in determination as you pull out your Junk Jet and force Discord into it with your magic.

“H-Hey! What is this?” he complains.

“My junk jet. It fires projectiles of junk, which is what you are after all,” you scold and his ears wilt.

“Would it help if I said sorry?” he says meekly.

“If you’re really sorry, you’ll help me beat the gummy worm down!” you say as your eyes faintly glow white. “In other words, make sure I don’t lose control in front of Twilight.”

“…I can do that,” he nods. “Now if you’ll just take me out of the-YAAAGGGHHH!!!” You launch him towards the creature, and he strikes him right in the eye, which causes the thing to let go of Cadence.

“Discord? How did you-“ Twilight starts before you interrupt her with a whistle. Everyone, including the Tatzulwurm look to you as you load up a rock and pull out your power pole.

“Yo Earthworm Jim…Do you want to have a bad time?” you say with a malicious smile.


Episode 76: The Sleeper Has Awakened!

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Master of Shadows’s Comment

As you stare up to the giant worm, with battle music playing at the back of your mind and pumping you up, it roars and dives toward you, seemingly goaded by your taunt. Thinking quickly you extend your power pole pushing yourself up into the air. The worm looks up in surprise as you pull out your mallet and slam it into its head. However, to your surprise you see the worm shrug off the attack like nothing.

“How in the-Are you a cartoon character? That should have hurt you a buck ton more,” You ask as it continues to dive and burrows back into the ground.

“Nightshade! Stay back! That thing could eat you!” Twilight shouts a warning and you roll your eyes and extend your power pole to the ground where it breaks through the earth and makes a steady post. With grace, you land on top of the pole much to everyone’s surprise.

“Did you forget who I am, Miss Twiliiii-!” Your sentence is interrupted as the worm resurfaces with its mouth ensnared around the base of the power pole. “Hey! Let go you jerk!” You shout as you fire a magic missile to the beast's face. It grunts in surprise as the blast hits, releasing the pole.

“That’s bet-Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!” you shriek as the now unsteady base of the pole starts to teeter.

“No I didn’t forget who you are, but that’s still very dangerous! Look how high up you are for goodness’s sake!” Twilight chides.

“I’m well aware!” you shriek just as you grip onto the pole and it retracts, leaving you with no base at all. “Uh-Oh!”

And with that you are once again at the mercy of gravity as you start to fall towards the ground.

Crap! I’m gonna have to use my wings! How the buck am I gonna explain that to Twi-



You now stand on a yellow cloud which breaks your fall.

“Good catch Discord!” Cadence thanks and you give a curious look to the draconequus who just smiles sheepishly and points to his wings as they disappear.

“Uh, yeah, thanks Discord,” you say as you wipe some sweat from your brow.

That was a close one. At least he’s still helping out even after the whole using him as a missile thing, you think impressed.

“We should get out of here quickly!” Twilight shouts as she and Cadence fly towards you.

“Probably, but how come you two are having such a hard time with it?” you ask. “I mean, you’re both Alicorns.”

“Because that thing is a Tatzelwurm!” Twilight yelps nervously looking around the dirt for any sign of it. “Its skin is nearly as strong as dragon scales! Making it mostly magic resistant!”

“Greatttt.” You moan. “So I’m guessing it’s fire resistant and the whole shebang as well?”

“Possibly,” Cadence nods before gagging. “Plus it’s slimy tentacles are just…Ugh!”

“Exactly,” Twilight agrees. “But as long as we stay in the air we’ll be fine.”

“But what about Discord then?” you ask pointing to the god on the ground and both Princesses’s eyes widen.

“Oh shoot!” Twilight gulps before looking towards him. “Discord!”

“Don’t worry about me,” he handwaves. “I’ll be just fi-“

Suddenly Discord is lifted off the ground as the worm bursts from underneath him.

“EEEEE!!!” he shrieks as he summons a jetpack and launches himself upward…only for one of the tentacles to grab him and hurl him toward a nearby rock pillar. The two princesses wince as he crashes into the rock making a draconequus shaped hole.

“Oooohhhhh…” some groaning comes from the indent.

“Are you okay?” Cadence asks. In response, a talon with a white handheld sign pops out with the words ‘Ouch!’ printed on them.

“I think he’s fine,” Twilight observes just as the worm’s head turns towards you three and lunges up at you.

“Ahh move!” You shout as you prepare to hitch a ride on one of the alicorns when suddenly the cloud beneath you jolts right. “Whoa!” You gasp and fall onto your back as the worm dives back down into the earth.

“Yeesh, how big is this thing?!” Cadence says through gritted teeth.

“It’s hard to tell,” Twilight says and looks to you. “So do you have a hang of that cloud?”

“I don’t know, do I?” you ask curiously as you get back to your hooves, just as Discord appears next to you in an orange robe with a red dot on his forehead and his horns and mane shaved down.

“A little bit,” he answers. “But once you do master it then we’ll have completed your Sun Wukong outfit. I mean you already have the outrageous powers, power pole, and the emotion shard in your chest after all.”
“Son of Kong?” you ask curiously and he chuckles.

“What, you thought I was going to compare you to that muscle headed Kakarot buffoon? Please, I’m not that cliché. Besides, your Dad was ripping off that annoying orange haired “Ninja” early on, so why steal more from Jump when we don’t have to?”

“Huh? What in the world are you-“

“EEEEKKK!!!” You are cut off as your cousin shrieks as the worm bursts forth again and tries to swallow her.

“Cadence!” Twilight shouts as she teleports a boulder between the two, filling the worm's mouth full of rock.

“Thanks for the save,” Cadence says as they regroup near you. The worm’s jaw snaps crushing the rock to pieces and chewing them before it roars in your direction. “Talk about a loudmouth.” Cadence quips.

“Wait a dang second! If that thing can eat rocks, then why the buck is it trying to eat us?!” you growl. “It’s got plenty of food!”

“I don’t think he’s eating it,” Discord says summoning a giant pie pan as a shield, and not a moment too soon. The worm mouth puffs up before it fires off rocks toward you like a cannon.

“Nimbus dodge!” Discord shouts as the projectiles near you. At his words the cloud moves on its own and begins to dodge the rocks with great speed.

“Gahh!” You shout as you cling to the fluffiness with all you have. Twilight and Cadence summon a barrier of magic that blocks the rapid-fire.

“Nightshade! Just say or think what you want the Nimbus to do! It’ll do the rest!” Discord shouts poking his head out from the pan and a stray rock hits him in the face making his muzzle spin around his head.

“How am I supposed to do that when it's going too fast?!” you shout…and suddenly the cloud begins to slow down, allowing you to stand up. “Oh neat. Um, Nimbus fly me in closer?” you ask more than command.

In response, the yellow gas ball changes directions and heads right towards the monster.

“NO! Don’t get close to it! It’s still shooting!” Cadence calls out in alarm.

“I know!” you shout back as you take the power pole and twirl it like a mad filly deflecting shot after shot. The worm roars as you approach, having depleted it’s missiles and reaches it’s tentacles out for you. “Uh, Nimbus! Corkskrew!” The gas ball does your bidding and you zip around the worm and repeatedly hit it with the staff much to the worm's annoyance.

“What does she think she’s doing? Her attacks aren’t leaving a dent!” Cadence asks, biting her hooves in worry, as Discord’s eyes extend like spyglasses.

“Oh, I understand what she’s doing! A clever filly that one!” He says with a toothy grin.

“What? What is she doing?” Twilight asks. Discord snaps his fingers and a pair of yellow and silver-colored robots appear before them.

“Huh?” the robots squawk.

“Take these volunteer references for example,” he says as he summons two buckets onto their heads before pulling two mallets from nowhere and proceeding to smack them over the heads over and over again until they become dizzy and fall over. “As you can see, a series of rapid strikes on the worm's thick skin will cause an intense vibration, which will mess up the worm from the inside.”

“What the hay are those creatures?” Twilight asks.

“Just mindless automatons, pay them no mind,” he handwaves despite their moaning before he snaps them away.

“Wow, she’s sure thinking tactically then,” Cadence says impressed. Unknownst to them, you are not as clever as they think.

Why! Won’t! You! Fall?! You mentally shriek as the tried and true method of hitting it over and over again isn’t working. All it’s doing is turning the thing green for some reason!

The Tatzlewurm is indeed feeling a bit sickly, but you don’t notice that as it opens it’s mouth and spews forth some sort of foul smelling mud like liquid, which knocks Nimbus out from under you.

“Gah!” You yell as you land on top of the worm. “Ew, what the buck dude?” you gag as the thing finishes up retching on the ground.

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” Twilight shrieks and covers her nose as does Cadence, while Discord summons a clothes pin around his snout.

After emptying it’s stomach, the Tatzlewurm roars as it tries to fling you off, and you grip onto it’s head for dear life.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you yell as it whips you back and forth.

“Nightshade!” Cadence shrieks before her face becomes quizzical. “Nightshade why aren’t you holding on with both hooves?”

“Because that’s what Braeburn taught me!” you shout as you whip past them, your left hoof waving in the hair bereft of a customary cowboy hat and instead substituting your power pole.

“Braeburn? Applejack’s cousin Braeburn?” Twilight asks as you come by for another sweep.

“Eyup! And he’s a rodeo champion so I think he knows be-Hey! Simmer Down Now!” you yell at the wriggling worm, but of course it doesn’t listen. “Alright, you asked for it!” you yell as you take your pole and jam it into a loose scale underneath you.

The creature roars in pain and it’s shout of anguish even manages to stagger the flying patterns of Twilight, Cadence and Discord.

“Ha! How’d you like the taste of-EEEP!” you shriek as the thing dives headfirst towards the ground.

“NIGHTSHADE!” all three adults cry out in unison. And just as Discord is about to snap his fingers, you grit your teeth and thrust out your hoof, earthbending the compacted soil that would have hit you in the face. So instead of landing on the surface, you are now dragged below the ground with the monster.

“Did…did she just create a tunnel for herself?” Cadence asks in stunned disbelief.

“Oh right, forgot she could earth bend,” Twilight says, remembering how you tunneled everyone out during the Vampire incident.

“…Anyone else equal parts concerned and confident in her abilities?” Discord asks, but they don’t answer.

Beneath the ground, you all but pancake yourself against the thing’s scales as you passively earth bend any stray soil that comes near you.

It’s like someling’s trying to bury me alive over and over again, you think morbidly as you dare to open your eyes and use your changeling magic to have owl eyes so you can look at your surroundings in the darkness.

You see the worm drilling through the ground using its teeth and tentacles, seemingly making up the contents you made it lose earlier. As two of the tentacles pass near you, with great strength and speed, you grab the appendages and yank them back. The monster roars in surprise and pain, but you show it no mercy.

“Alright, you oversized Marelasken Bull worm! Time to hit the skies!” You shout as you take another lesson you learned from Braeburn and yank the tentacles even harder causing the worm to dig upward.

Above your companions search for you through each and every hole the worm has made, but you save them the trouble as with a loud rumble, they turn and see you burst from the earth steering the worm topside with one hoof, and brandishing your power pole in the other.

“She is the Kwisatz Haderach!” Discord shouts in awe at your majesty.

“Yeeeeehhhhaaaaawww!” You shout to the heavens as the sand, rock and dirt sprinkle around you.

Hundreds of miles away in Appleloosa, Braeburn suddenly stops mid buck of an apple tree as a large swelling of pride hits him.

Back with you however, your glorious moment is cut short as you forgot to change your eyes back to normal and the sunlight is blinding.

“ACK!” you grunt and clench your eyes shut, pulling on the tentacle reigns in the process and inadvertently steering the monster right towards your three companions.

“AGH!” Cadence yelps as she is grabbed by the beast and you are flung off it’s head.

“BUCK YOU LADY LUUUUUUUCCCCKKK-OOF!” your shout is cut short as you are caught by something big and furry. Once your eyes are back to normal and you blink back the sunspots, you see that you have been caught by Discord.

“You really are remarkable, you know that?” he grins and you puff your cheeks out.

“You’re Gorram Right I Am!” you boast just as Twilight lets out a terrified,


Kichi’s Comment

Looking over, you both see that Twilight and Cadence have again been caught by the creature’s tentacle tongues.

“Seriously?! Again?!” you complain.

“Ew, Ew, Ew!” Cadence gags as the appendage raps around her lower half.

“It’s so slimy and constricting!” Twilight bellows out as the thing wraps around her mouth.

Discord raises an eyebrow at this and blushes.

“I hope this isn’t going where I think it’s going. That beaded back room of that Manga shop Fluttershy took me too was traumatizing enough,” he says with a shudder.

“Huh?” you ask just as Cadence produces a pink fire that runs down her restraint, causing it to slacken and Twilight teleports out of the grip.

“Whew! That was a close one,” Discord says wiping his forehead. “That could have potentially changed some ratings.”

“What are you talking about? What does Manga have to do with this?” you demand and he looks at you nervously.

“Pray you don’t find out child,” he warns as Cadence blasts the creature again and it scuttles back, just as Twilight hits it with a beam. You narrow your eyes and go slack in Discord’s grip.

“This thing is annoying. If I could go full power I’d be able to fry it in an instant,” you pout as your shards blip.

“Well, giant worms tend to be that sort of enemy,” Discord points out. “Annoying and frustrating and sometimes very op.”

“Well how do you beat a giant worm then? A giant bird? A giant fishing hook? A giant shovel?” you suggest and he puts his lion paw to his chin.

“Hmm, if only my good buddy Beetlejuice was here, he’d make great bait for the thing.”

“Beetlejuice?” you ask and he nods. “Who’s Beetlejuice?”

Suddenly the sound of thunder crashes near you and a stallion with yellow eyes wearing an almost zebra striped suit and extreme bedhead appears.

"It's show time!" the stallion laughs evily.

“That’s Beetlejuice,” Discord says pointing to the floating stallion.

“What the buck?! How did he just appear like that?” you gasp in shock.

“That’s how he works,” Discord shrugs. “You say Beetlejuice three times and he shows up.”

“He shows up if you say Beetlejuice three times?”

Once again the thunder cracks and the stallion is gone.

“Huh? Where did Beetlejuice go now?” you ask.

“You desummoned him because you said Beetlejuice a third time,” Discord explains.

“What? I thought you said that makes him show up?”

“Well yeah, but if you say Beetlejuice *THUNDER* a third time while he’s here then it’ll make him go away. Watch, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!”

“Oh what the-“


“Ack, wait, I missed it, Twilight did a solar flare move,” you say rubbing your eyes. “Let me get him back. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!”


“Will you cut that out already?!” the stallion shouts angrily as he appears again.

“Alright, keep your eyes open this time Nightshade. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,” Discord smirks and the stallion goes away again.

“Neato! Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!” you say and he reappears.

“That’s it! I’m not coming back if you do that again! This is why we stopped hanging out Discord!” the stallion growls.

“Eh, you were just a reference gag anyway,” he shrugs. “But anyway, care to help with a worm problem?”

Upon seeing the Tatzelwurm fighting Cadence and Twilight the stallion’s face drains an even further white.

“Buck you Discord! Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!” the stallion shouts and pops out once again leaving you two to stare at nothing.

“Well I doubt he’ll ever show up again,” Discord says nonchalantly.

“…Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice?” you test, but sure enough, nothing happens. “I guess you’re right….what was the point of that again?”

“A comedic tension cutter since the mood is semi serious,” he says pointing to Cadence and Twilight who have trapped the thing’s head in a bubble, but it keeps striking at them with it.

“Whelp, guess we’ll just have to do it ourselves,” you said with conviction as you study the creature.

“Right…and any ideas besides hit it really hard?” he inquires.

“I’m thinking maybe we should apply video game logic. Like climbing it’s back and stabbing it in it’s weak point like Shadow of the Colossus, or letting it eat us and fighting it from the inside like Alicorn of War.”

“Oh, oh, since you’re blue right now, why not just be really fast like that wonderful little hedgehog with tennis shoes?” he suggests.

“Unfortunately I am not that fast,” you bemoan since that was actually an idea you liked. “Although if we’re going old school and blue, there’s also Bombermare.”

“Do you have any explosives?” he asks.

“I don’t think so,” you say looking into the Inventory. “I’ve got my Dark Canon, some games, this Ocarina that might or might not control the weather…Oh hey, what’s this?”

9807’s Comment

You pull out a jar with a label on it that says laughter.

“Oh right, forgot I had these,” you say and Discord raises an eyebrow.

“What’s it do?” he asks and you shrug.

“No clue, let’s try it out,” you suggest just as the monster bursts from Cadence and Twilight’s bubble and roars.

With immaculate grace and dexterity not seen by most mortal ponies, you elegantly and precisely throw the glass jar into the creature’s gaping maw and down it’s throat.

Removed From the Inventory

1 Jar of Laughter

At first, it seems like nothing happens, but then the Tatzelwurm stops abruptly and remains still.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asks.

“What did you hit it with Nightshade?” Cadence asks as the thing remains eerily still.

“A jar of laughter?” you ask more than tell as the monster suddenly hiccups. It exhales a strained growl, then another, and then another until it’s writhing mass is contorts in an approximation of hysterical laughter and you all cover your ears.

“Oh wow, that is unpleasant,” Discord quips as he summons two tied pillows around his ears.

“No kidding,” Twilight grunts. The Tatzelwurm then falls on it’s back and continues it’s ungodly guffawing as it’s tentacles wriggle to and fro.

“ACK! Make it end already!” you complain as the princesses and Discord land on the ground in front of the laughing creatures.

“Where did you even get that jar?” Cadence asks.

“A Pinkie clone,” you admit and Twilight’s eyes widen.

“Wait, really?!” she gasps and your face pales.

Oh shoot! I forgot she’s the one that killed most of them that one time! You gulp, remembering when she massacred the innocent clones in the town hall that couldn’t watch paint dry.

“I mean, Pink Clydesadome! Owner of the Clydesdale Clydesadome!” you belt out which throws her off.

“Wait, what?” she asks confused.

“You wouldn’t know him,” you dismiss and look to the side nervously.

“Oookkkaaaayyy?” Twilight says unsurely and looks back to the laughing worm.

“Nice save kid,” Discord jabs.

“Oh shut up!” you bark before glaring at the hooting and hollering monster. “And you shut up too!”

The creature adamantly refuses that request, so in annoyance, you rush up to it, take two of it’s tentacles in your hooves and tie them around it’s jaws in knot. It still laughs, with air escaping through it’s teeth, but at least you’ve quieted it down.

“There! Now let’s just get this stupid flower and go!” you grunt as you pluck the thing you came for from it’s head, which it winces at and stomp over to the rest of the group who are stunned by you.

“Oh don’t give me that look, you should all know I’m kick flank by now,” you brag as you hold the flower out to Discord.

“Here! Now can we please go back to the library and unblue ourselves?”

“Oh right, that is what we came out here for,” Twilight says in remembrance. “I’d completely forgotten after that thing popped out of the ground.

“Yeah that’s right, Discord was…”sick”” Cadence says suspiciously eyeing up Discord who begins to sweat.

“That’s right,” Twilight nods before she suddenly looks at him inquisitively. “But you were handling your magic just fine during that battle.”

“…Huh, I didn’t even realize that till you said so,” you say remembering the Nimbus, the cartoon physics and that stallion who shall not be named.

“Oh well, I guess I was just feeling that motivated to help Nigh…” he starts stumbling before he looks at all of your unbelieving faces. “You’re not buying this are you?”

“Discord?” you and Twilight both growl dangerously at the same time.

“Okay look, let’s just…what even is the definition of illness anyway? I’m sure a shrink could categorize a nut or two rolling around in my head right?” he says backing up.

“Am I even sick?!” you grill pointing at your blue fur and he gulps.

“Well…” he snaps his fingers and you are both back to your original coat colors.

“Are you kidding me?!” the both of you shout and he tugs at a collar that isn’t there.

“Okay, okay, it was just a prank to make things fun,” he chuckles nervously. “And nopony got hurt right?”

“My time got hurt! I wanted to hang out with Cadence!” you harrumph.

“Me too!” Twilight huffs.


You both look at Cadence who just smiles nonchalantly.

“Actually, I kind of enjoyed this over the Starswirl museum…no offense Twilight.”

“What?!” Twilight exclaims and you look at Cadence curiously.

Huh, didn’t know she was an adrenaline junkie.

“See? Someone appreciates it,” Discord says pointing at the pink alicorn, until she frowns at him.

“That said, I still don’t appreciate how you dragged Nightshade into this. You know who her father is and what he’s capable of!” she chides and he flinches back.

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry. I just wanted a bit of fun since I’ve never seen you in action Cadenza,” he grunts.

“Well, hope you liked the show,” she smirks.

“Well I didn’t,” Twilight grumbles. “The next time you want to play a prank, do so without giant monsters!”

“Okay…” he says sullenly before looking to you. “Sooo, do you forgive me Nightshade?”

You just continue to frown at him for being such a pain. Ultimately, nothing came about because of this, and he even helped you out with getting Cadence on your side of things…but at the same time…

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Summon a glass of water,” you command and he looks at you in surprise.

“I’m sorry?”

“You heard me, summon a glass of water,” you repeat.

“Okay…” he trails off, but does so with a snap.

“And some lozenges,” you order. Raising a brow, he does that as well.

“And cheese slices to the ceiling and some honey and all that other junk you sang about earlier,” you grunt.

“Alright, alright, I get it, I could have summoned them at any time,” he pouts as he snaps it all into existence. “Are you happy now?”

“I will be in a second,” you say as you take out your Junk Jet and start loading the miscellaneous items into it. His eyes widen at that.

“Hey, come on now, I thought we were friends Nightshade?” he gulps.

“We will be after this,” you say with surety and a wicked grin. “Because nopony pranks me and doesn’t get pranked back.”

“…That’s fair,” he says in resignation as you pull the trigger, launching all the junk, hitting his face, nads, legs, and everything else and throwing him back into the worm.

He lets out a comedic and prolonged yell before he hits the writhing creature, and for no particular reason, he decides to blow up just like a mini-nuke.

“There, I forgive you now,” you say maliciously as you put the Junk Jet away and turn to face the Princesses. Twilight is trying and failing to hide a giggle, but Cadence is just letting loose with the laughter

“Heh heh, Nightshade that was…we don’t do that to our fri-Hee hee,” Twilight can’t bring herself to scold you and Cadence just places a wing around your shoulders and ruffles your mane.

“Aw, quit it,” you say with good natured embarrassment as your cousin pulls you into a side hug.

“No can do,” she says as Twilight breaks down and laughs. “I gotta say, growing up with only Blueblood as my cousin, I always wished I had someone like you as family…”

Her knowing warm smile fills you with warmth and for the first time in awhile, you don’t even feel your shards.

“Well, I’m glad I haven’t disappointed you,” you say gratefully and she hugs you closer.

“Oh wow,” Twilight coughs back her laughter, not having heard your exchange. “I told you she was great didn’t I?”

“That you did Twilight, that you did,” Cadence says with pride and your heart sores.

EEEEE!!! I’ve got more family that loves me! Daddy and Mommy are going to be so proud of what I’ve accomplished when they come home! You think ecstatically.

*Cough* *Cough*

You all look back to the dramatic coughing…and see that Discord is blue once again even as smoke billows off of him.

“Really? You’re gonna try to pull that one again?” you deadpan.

“I really mean it this time,” he bellows and points behind him. “The Tazelwurm sneezed on me right before we blew up.”

“…Was that a pun? Blue up?” you narrow your eyes and he scoffs.

“Not intentionally!”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Speaking of the Tatzelwurm, what happened to it?” Twilight ask in alarm as you all notice the smoky black husk of the creature behind the god of chaos.

“He did just explode on it Twilight,” Cadence points out.

“Right, but something is off about it,” she muses.

“Well, after it sneezed on me, it rolled up into a ball and this carapace just kind of covered it,” Discord explains as he limps over, looking genuinely sluggish.

Something about that strikes a chord with something deep inside you and you look at the smoking creature. Some part of your Changeling heritage recognizes what you’re looking at and your eyes widen.

“That’s a cocoon!” you shriek and the others look at you in alarm.

“It is?” Cadence asks as she becomes a paler pink. And because the universe loves comedic timing, a large cracking sound is heard as the shell surrounding the giant bug cracks up and two large wings billow out of it. They both have a thin membrane that filters the light of the setting sun into a beautiful array of color.

“Mothra, is that you?” you ask filled with hope that one of your favorite kaijus might appear.

“I don’t think so, no tiny island breezies,” Discord points out with a sniffle.

“And if it was bad enough as a worm, I don’t want to see it’s metamorphosis,” Twilight says as she starts to back up. Just as she says that, the wings harden into a texture that looks more like metal or glass as the rest of the body emerges. It’s smaller than when it was a worm, but it is still plenty big and you all gasp in awe.

It then turns to look at you…and you see it’s horrendous, nightmarish face in high definition resolution.

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” you all shriek.

"RRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!" you shout as Cadence picks you up, and Twilight picks up Discord and you fly away from the creature.


After a very, very hectic flight, in which many spells were cast and Star Fox-esque moves were used, your group was finally able to escape what you dubbed, the Tazlefly. In the end, you defeated it just as you did it’s worm form, with another Jar of Laughter.

Removed From the Inventory

1 Jar of Laughter

You couldn’t believe that it worked a second time, but then again, why fix what ain’t broke? So after felling the creature and bravely fleeing, you all arrived back in Ponyville during early evening.

The biggest surprise you found, was that Discord was actually for realsies sick this time. And since Fluttershy won’t be back for some days, Twilight reluctantly decided to lay him up in her guest bed.

Unfortunately for you, Spike was already dead asleep by the time you all arrived, but because Twilight had to deal with Discord’s actual well being, Cadence took the opportunity to finally be alone with you by saying she would take you home to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight of course didn’t think anything of this and just bid you both goodnight.

“I suggest we all get some rest,” she advised. “Tomorrow, hopefully we can hang out as we prepare for Rainbow Dash’s birthday.”

“It’s her birthday tomorrow?” you asked in surprise and your teacher nodded.

“Nah, just the set up for it. And it’s her Birth-iversary as she pust it since it’s also the day she came to Ponyville. Pinkie Pie’s gonna need all the help she can get for the preparations.”

“That sounds like fun,” Cadence said with enthusiasm. “Perhaps even our patient will be better in time for the festivities.”

“I think I’m partied out,” he groaned before coughing again, being held aloft by Twilight’s magic.

“Well get better already. If there’s party games I want to school you in them,” you challenged the god, who despite his sickness gave a little grin.

After that, you and Cadence flew back to the Acres since no one in the know was around to snitch, and this is where we find you now, sitting at the Apple Family kitchen table in the middle of the night with Princess Cadence and your Grandbuggy.

“And then it turns out he was actually sick, so Twilight’s looking over him now,” you say to the astonished old changeling. He’s been pretty much gobsmacked ever since you walked in with Cadence to see him having a midnight snack of pie. Even more so when you told him it was okay to show his true Changeling self.

“…So, that weirdo gave you a milkshake and now you know the truth?” he asks Cadence.

“Apparently,” she says with a grin.

“Really Grandbuggy? You latch onto that immediately? What about my epic fight?” you pout and he chuckles.

“Honey, I know danged well that you kicked some flank as you always do. But if you want some praise, Good job.”

You just pout some more and look away from him.

“It’s not as great when I have to ask for it…” you grumble and he rolls his eyes.

“Don’t go getting a big head now kiddo,” he warns before looking at Cadence. “So, Princess Cadenza-“

“Please Quick Fix, call me Cadence,” she corrects. “After all, we’re kind of family right?”

“…I guess?” he says with a shrug. “My family line is all kinds of twisted right now, but alright Cadence.

“Thank you,” she smiles.

“So let me just start off with the obvious, why did you go and rename the fool boy Bugze? He had a good name already but he latched onto what you gave and won’t let go!”

“Grandbuggy!” you scold but he continues.

“I mean, shoot, did you just look at him, see he was a big bug and just go with that?”

“Heh heh, kind of?” she admits with a nervous chuckle and he facehooves.

“Hey now, to be fair Daddy said he didn’t remember his real name before he met Cadence again,” you argue and he sighs.

“Fair point,” he cedes. “Guess I can’t fault the boy for losing that after brain damage from being dead.”

“Wait, what now?” Cadence says in shock. “Bugze died?”

“Uh, yeah, Chrysalis did him in after he fed ya before bringing him back…don’t you know this?” he asks.
“No!” she says aghast.

“I didn’t go that far back with the milkshake Grandbuggy,” you scold him for freaking your cousin out.

“Oh cheese and rice,” he mumbles and sighs again. “How much do you know then?”

“Well, I know about Nightma-Er, I mean Selena thanks to Nightshade and the truth about what happened in Appleloosa, and how we’re cousins in a way.”

“Always good points to know,” he nods.

“Also about your quest and the shards of the amulet inside her,” she says with more worry.

“Yeah, so all the recent stuff really. I figured we’d be able to tell her more with your help now that we’re all alone,” you say and Grandbuggy nods at that.

“Ah, I see, fill in some gaps here and there right Cady?” he asks.

“Y-Yes, something like that,” she says taken aback by her nickname being used so casually. “I mean, I am still in the dark about a number of things.”

“Well don’t worry, we’ll tell you all that we know cuz,” you say with enthusiasm. She smiles at this, but then her lips press together in a thin line and a cautious look comes to her eyes.

“What’s with the look Princess, something troubling, aside from your’s truly?” he asks gesturing towards his changeling appearance.

“It’s just…” she hesitates before looking you square in the eye. “I want to talk to you about Sombra.”

There is a tense silence after she says that, not helped by the fact that she said it with some heat and a faint frown sits on her brow.

“Uh, what about him?” you ask hesitantly and she frowns even harder.

“Thanks to that milkshake, I know he’s inside Bugze…and I want to know what we’re going to do about him.”

“Well, I thought we’d give him a body too?” you say, blinking owlishly at her sudden mood change.

“…Nightshade, he stabbed my husband through the stomach! You were there remember?” she all but scolds and the blood runs from your face.

“Oh right, he did do that…” you say remembering the moment your dad lost control, back when your Mommy was still in a coma. Sharing a look with Grandbuggy he just rubs the back of his neck and exhales.

“Ooohhh Boy…”


Episode 77: The Sombra Problem

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“Well?” Cadence asks as she stares at you and Grandbuggy.

For a brief moment, you are somewhat intimidated by her demand.

Okay, let’s try to calm this situation down. I don’t think it will go that far, but even if it does I will NOT use the Dark Canon on Cadence! You give yourself a mental pep talk before answering her.

“I mean...daddy and mommy have reined him in kinda?” you say trying to dissuade your cousin.

“Reined him in?” she asks inquisitively.

“Yeah,” you nod. “I mean, we’ve practically beat the evil out of him by this point.”

“…So, you think he’s reformed because you think you “beat the evil” out of him?” she asks skeptically, and a bit unnerved.

“No! Not just because of that! At first we did kind of beat him into submission, but then Daddy decided I could reform him, and I did, even after what he did during the Trixie Incident…but I got through to him at Appleloosa,” you explain. Even after that roaring recommendation, she does not seem swayed.

“While I have no doubt that Bugze, your mother and you probably had some form of effect on him, he’s still KING SOMBRA!” she huffs. “He took over the Crystal Empire over a thousand years ago and he nearly did it again when it returned!”

“Until the boy stopped him that is,” Grandbuggy beams.

“By EATING him,” Cadence deadpans while raising an eyebrow. “Do you think he’s forgiven him for that?” You look to Grandbuggy for an answer but he shrugs helplessly. For all this time gathering artifacts, you never really thought about who you were releasing back into the world.

“I mean he’s been nice to me?” You say trying to come up with something.

“Nice? Last I saw he was trying to destroy you and from what I saw in your memories he hasn’t exactly been keen on letting go of his evil ways.” Cadence points out.

“But that was then, this is now! Sure we all hurt each other in some way and form, and for awhile I think he was trying to turn me to the Dark side and kept referring to me as an Overlord like how Bob and my other minions worship me…” you look up and see that this isn’t helping your case in her eyes, so you shake your head and get to the point. “But besides all that when it came down to it, he helped save Daddy and Mommy in Appleloosa because of me! Surely you saw that in the Milk Shake right?”

“I did…” she admits but her eyes become resolute. “But that could just be a case of saving his own skin…or rather soul.”

“Well that doesn’t make much sense there,” Grandbuggy argues. “If the boy had fallen, then ol’ smoky would have been freed.”

“Yeah that’s right,” you nod. “Plus, I had to convince and beg him to get out of his zoned out sadness which he was in ever since Daddy zoned out. He felt guilty because he had hurt me most of all with what he did, but I forgave him.”

“He was the turning point in that battle Princess,” Grandbuggy agrees and her lips purse.

“…Even if you feel that way, that just means he has a fondness for you Nightshade,” she argues. “That doesn’t make him good, or reformed, that just makes him have an affinity for you.”

“What, you don’t think someone caring about me is reform enough?” you say snarkily and she frowns.

“Those shadow creatures are far from good Nightshade, and yet they “love” you dearly,” she points out.

“Hey, Jackie and the others aren’t that bad…” you argue weakly, remembering how demented and vicious they could get when you ordered them to.

“Even still, just because Sombra cares about you, doesn’t mean he cares about others. The fact that your parents have been stuck with him in another dimension without you actually worries me,” she says sincerely.

“Well I’m sure the boy and Selena have tempered him in this other world,” Grandbuggy interjects. “Shade did make him promise to keep them safe after all.”

Human World

“GAAAHHHHH!!! I HATE EVERYTHING!” Bugze roars as he burns down another section of the fair for the 30th time. “I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS!!!”

I agree my bug, but burning down the fair won’t solve anything! Selena scolds tiredly, before whispering under her breath, Despite it being very cathartic.

I still have no idea what’s going on here, but you two sound more deranged than usual, Sombra says nonchalantly as a popcorn stand explodes with heat. Perhaps I should take over for a bit in light of this madness?

Absolutely no- Selena begins only to be cut off.


WHAT?! No Wai-

Bugze’s body goes limp for a moment among the destruction as Midnight flies by and sees him.

“Bugze! Stop setting fire to everything! Just calm down and give me the-” she stops as she starts to feel a dark presence radiate from him, before his eyes open as his pupils turn to slits and his iris’s turn red.

YES AT LONG LAST I CAN FINALLY RAMPAGE!!! Sombra’s voice booms from Bugze’s mouth as he pulls out the magic draining device from the inventory. NOW I CAN RULE AND FINALLY LIVE OUT MY DREAM OF MAKING MY OWN MY LITTLE HUMANS SHOW! AHAHAHAHAH!!!

The tyrant then uses Bugze’s body to chase after the fleeing carnival goers amidst the blazing inferno.

“RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! I’M GOING TO SNUGGLE ALL OF YOU ADORABLE CREATURES!!!” he cackles a group of teenagers run for their lives in terror.

“…I think I’m gonna sit this one out,” Midnight says slowly backing away from the insanity much to Selena’s anger and Bugze’s sudden regret.

Back With You

“Huh…does anyone else feel a sense of comedic irony?” Grandbuggy asks scratching under his hat.

“A little bit yeah,” you nod with a shiver.

“I don’t feel anything,” Cadence admits before scowling at Grandbuggy again. “But to what you said, if he didn’t like them before, why would he now? Without Nightshade around, he might as well just be a rabid dog they have on a very, very tight leash.”

“Oh come on, that’s not fair,” you pout. “He’s still a grouch, but when we were living in Appleloosa for those few months after Twilight became a princess, he mellowed out. The worst he did was be snarky, and we all do that.”

“Because he doesn’t have much choice I would think,” she counters stubbornly. “If he were to be freed, then I doubt he’d just be giving lip.”

“Well what are we supposed to do then?! Leave him in the boy’s body?!” Grandbuggy grumbles in frustration.

“No! I’m not saying that but we can’t just let him out to run a rampage again,” Cadence rebuttals.

“But all of their souls are connected by this point, and we might not be able to separate Selena from my boy without releasing him too,” he says defiantly. “Don’t you want Nightshade to be able to have a mother out here in the real world?”

“Don’t pull that over on me!” she snaps at the old bug. “I want Shade to be happy more than anypony, but there has to be another way besides releasing someone more evil than Queen Chrysalis, Tirek and Grogar combined!”

Your ears wilt in awkwardness as the argument seems to be getting a little heated, so you decide to head it off with something you are generally curious about.

"Who's T-Rex and Grongo?" you pipe up, cutting through Grandbuggy’s and Cadence’s glares as they look to you. “I mean, I know how crazy the Changeling Queen is, but I’ve never heard of those two.”

"It’s Tirek and Grogar," Grandbuggy corrects, “And Cady here’s being a little liberal in her evilness math.”

“I beg to differ,” she disagrees.

“And I beg to differ your differ,” he continues. “Land’s sake, that’s like saying the jagoff Con Artist’s I kicked out of town today are worse than the Somnambulan Sphinx.”

“Wait, what now? Con Artists?” you ask.

“Remember them snake oil salesmen back at Rainbow Falls? Flim and Flam? Well they were around today trying to dupe us old folks, including your Great Granny, so I roughed them up a bit.”

“Oh, good job Grandbuggy,” you congratulate and he smirks.

“Dang right it was. Applejack helped as well, though she took pity on their plant in the audience, some shaky guy with glasses, but hey, not everyone deserves a flank kicking I suppose.”

“I…I see,” Cadence says a bit worriedly before turning back to you. “But yes, to answer your question, Tirek and Grogar are both villains from the past from when Auntie Celestia was young.”

“Mmhmm,” Grandbuggy nods. “One was a bastard of an old goat who claimed he was the Father of All Monsters, and the other was a parasitic centaur with Daddy issues.”

You and Cadence look at Grandbuggy curiously at that, but he just shrugs.

“What? I calls it like I sees it.”

“Implying you actually met them?” Cadence says with a raised brow.

“I’ve done my fair bit of time traveling sweetheart,” he hoofwaves before turning back to you. “But yeah kiddo, Sombra ain’t nowhere as bad compared to all of them.” Before Cadence can argue that point, you follow up on that.

“Why? What did they do?”

“Well, as he said, Grogar was the Father of all Monsters-“

“A very, very big overstatement in the annals of history,” Grandbuggy interrupts.

“…And Tirek devoured the magic from other living creatures.”

“Ew,” you shudder, images of how that would happen dancing in your head.

“Exactly,” Cadence nods. “And while Tirek was sentenced to Tartarus, and Grogar disappeared entirely, I still feel Sombra is the bigger threat.”

“Really?” you ask skeptically. “Even at his strongest, me and Spike would have beaten him if Dad’s little rampage hadn’t gotten in the way. Besides, that goat guy you said disappeared so with the track record of other ancient threats popping up, maybe you should be worrying about him more.”

“Ah no need for that Shade,” Grandbuggy says with a confident smirk. “Last I saw of that bleating idiot, the Doc threw him into the epicenter of a black hole after Gusty drained him with that bell.”

“Wait, what?” Cadence asks.

“It’s what he got for trying to steal the power of a Time Lord,” he says plainly. “It also goes to show why you never earn the fury of The Doctor.”

“…I think I’ll just table the talk of this Doctor for now,” Cadence says putting a hoof to her head. “Bugze wrote about him as well and it’s still rather confusing.”

“I wouldn’t watch the show then, he says a lot of things are exaggerated,” you say helpfully. “Also, the Doctor knew about Sombra too and he didn’t throw him into a black hole.”

“Would have been a lot more helpful if he had,” she sighs. “My point is though, that Tirek sought strength, Grogar wanted to create, and even Chrysalis wanted her people to thrive.”

“Really? You’re going to defend Prissy Chryssy?” Grandbuggy demeans and Cadence bristles.

“Don’t get me wrong, I hate that harlot from the bottom of my heart for what she did to Shiny and Me. Her actions are horrible and evil, but at least she had some sort of driving motive. But Sombra…he’s just a tryant. He wants slaves and control for his own selfish gain, for the betterment of no one but himself. Just like those other ancient evils, but even more cruel.”

“I don’t think it’s just that simple,” you argue, remembering the glimpses past his grumpiness to the sad, yearning pony who only wanted a friend. “And sure, yeah, he was clearly evil, noling’s going to dispute that, but for crying out loud, Discord was also evil and did mind control, and look at him now. Fluttershy reformed him by herself, just like I did for Sombra!”

“I don’t know if that’s an apt comparison,” she counters. “Discord was never one for violence, and don’t get me wrong, I like the guy, but his reformation seems very loosey goosey in my opinion.”

“Oh come on!” you grunt at her stubbornness.

“I actually gotta side with her on that point,” Grandbuggy admits and you look at him with a look of betrayal. “What? The guy’s a loon. Plus the whole reforming him thing was Celestia’s idea.”

“Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?” Cadence asks confused and Grandbuggy just looks at her deadpanned.

“Because she’s a dang hypocrite, which seems to have rubbed off on you a little,” he says pointing at your cousin.

“What do you mean by that?” she demands.

“Well, the long and short of it is, the only ones allowed to be “redeemed” are the ones she signs off on, like her sister and Discord,” he lectures. “But anyling else that don’t fit her perfect “infallible” rules can just buck right off. And it seems you’ve got some of those tendencies too Cady.”

Her face goes a bit red at that as she hisses through her teeth.

“He. Stabbed. My. Husband! And I’m not just going to let him do that to Nightshade. Metaphorically and definitely not literally."

“Cadence…” you start to argue but she shakes her head.

“I don’t care if it makes me a hypocrite or not, but I don’t think I can ever trust him, even if he does somehow come around. I don’t want him setting hoof back in the Crystal Empire.”

“…I understand,” you say after a moment of reflection. “I get why you won’t forgive him or want him back at the Empire, but I don’t think he should be denied a chance to make up for it.”

“Nightshade...” she sighs, but you wave your hooves to cut her off.

"I'm not telling you to forgive him for what he's done to you and what he's done in the past, all I'm saying is give him a tiny chance, even if it's for a moment. I'm giving Discord a chance, and he's gotten somewhat better so far, so could you do the same?" You plead, and she sighs again.

"I... I can't. But... if- when I encounter your father again, I'll ask to speak with him, and maybe, just maybe, depending on what he says, even if I don't trust it, maybe I'll make an attempt...but that’s a big maybe."

"Thanks, Cadence." you say a little more relieved. “I know it’s a lot to ask, and I don’t trust him entirely myself, but for better or for worse, he is my friend.”

She sighs once more and holds her forehead.

“I don’t know how you managed that, seeing as his only motivation is slavery and tyranny.”

“He’s a lot more complex than you think,” you defend. “You’d be surprised but a lot of what he does is because of his old friend, and also how much of a jerk Princess Amore used to be.”

“Huh? But Princess Amore was a well loved defender of her people and-“

“Not gonna lie Princess, but she painted a target on her back,” Grandbuggy interjects. “Also, she ain’t as clean as history wants you to think. She made the dang amulet after all.”

“Yeah…” you say with a frown at your slightly glowing scar. “Thanks a lot Amore.”

“I…I didn’t know that,” Cadence says taken aback. “And he’s revealed some of his past to you?”

“Mmhmm,” you nod and look down. “It’s really sad actually. His only friend was named Hope, who in the end betrayed him to the Princesses and he never saw her again.”

“And…and how can you know he tells the truth?” she inquires and you frown.

“Because you can’t fake sadness like that,” you say pointedly. “I bet if you look it up, you’ll find something on her.”

“Many texts on Sombra’s past were destroyed, either by himself or by the Crystal Ponies after they were freed. Perhaps Celestia or Luna would know, but they might get curious if I start making such inquiries,” she informs.

“He did say he kept a journal that he hid somewhere in the Crystal Palace, so maybe that could be proof enough” you say and both of them look at you strangely. “What?”

“Why did he tell you about a journal? How did that even come up?” Grandbuggy asks and you begin tapping your hooves together nervously.

“He, uh, he suggested that I get a Diary.”

“He did?” Cadence asks in surprise.

“Yeah. He said it’d be healthy for me to express my feelings…but I decided not to because I didn’t want Daddy sneaking a look and then trying to hurt Spike…Or anyone for that matter!” you add hastily with shifty eyes.

This actually gets a small smirk out of Cadence, and a roll of the eyes from Grandbuggy.

“There are such things as diaries with locks on them,” she says good naturedly which embarrasses you. She then puts a hoof to her chin in thought. “Though if there is a hidden journal somewhere in my home, it could be tough to find.”

“Maybe Twilight could help?” You suggest and she raises a brow. “I mean, if anyling could find a book like a bloodhound it’d be her right?”

“Heh heh, it’s funny because it’s true,” Grandbuggy chuckles and even Cadence gives a giggle.

“I suppose it would help learn more about him without alerting Luna or Celestia. I could cover it up as wanting to bond with Twily and I do want to know more about the ponies I rule over.” Cadence mulls. “But I still don’t think bringing Sombra back is a good idea.”

“It’ll be easier to discuss when the boy gets back. We can sort it out then,” Grandbuggy says tiredly before you all start debating again.

“…Fair enough,” she concedes and sits back in her chair. “I’m just glad we were able to talk it over at all.”

“Yeah…it’s definitely a tricky subject,” you nod and relax a little as well.

“But speaking of tricky subjects, I’ll also have Twilight and my own subjects looking into the Alicorn Amulet. Perhaps even Sombra’s journal might shed light on how to dispose of it.”

“Hopefully,” you nod warily. “It’s really brought nothing but trouble.

Cadence looks at you sympathetically at that, before biting her lip nervously.

“Yes, about that…Nightshade, you mind if I ask you about something concerning that trouble?”

“Uh, sure?”

“It's about that...colt you met at Misty Lake Forest,” she says gingerly. Grandbuggy flinches at that before looking over at you in concern. A cold breeze blows through a nearby window as the memories of that night flash in your head.

“Oh….that,” you say as the shards on your chest glow slightly more.

“I’m not trying to guilt-trip you if that's what you think!” Cadence says quickly seeing your downcast look. “I’m just wondering about what that colt was doing chasing you?”

“Right…” you say guiltily as you remember his panicked words on the ice pad. “I thought he was the one who kidnapped Grandbuggy because he had a cult motif and said he was from the Black Suns, the same jerks that bought the Dragon Egg out from under us and left a mocking calling card.”

“The Black Suns?” Cadence asks curiously and you nod.

“We didn’t really look into them after all this craziness happened, and I didn’t really listen to what that kid said, but he kept calling me Nightmare Moon and kept talking about an offer.”

Cadence’s ears wilt at that.

“Oh dear. An offer for what they presumed to be Nightmare Moon can’t be anything good,” she mentions and you nod.

“Yeah, I know. Especially if they’re making kids look like adults for their members.”

“I still have that calling card,” Grandbuggy says as he digs it out of his hat and hands it to Cadence who looks it over and her eyes widen upon seeing the symbol of the bleeding black sun with an arrow through it.

“This…this looks similar to the Crimson Knights logo,” Cadence whispers fearfully.

“Yeah, but more gothy,” Grandbuggy nods. “But trust us, it ain’t them.”

“How can you be so sure?” Cadence asks. “I mean, I know the majority of their organization was a front by Chrysalis, but some of those Generals were dangerous.”

“They were more idiotic than anything,” you disagree. “And Grandbuggy’s right, Captain Jack sent them on a mission in space.”

“…Who did what now?”

“An immortal stallion who will mount anything that moves and access to alien and futuristic technology,” Grandbuggy explains. “The Knights work for him now and last we heard, they were about a galaxy away fighting aliens or something.”

“I…” she gapes as she sees how serious you two are and her eye twitches. “I am still so lost on this. I thought some of those memories in the Shake were TV shows.”

“To be fair, some of them kind of are,” you shrug.

“Either way, this symbol looks to similar, and even if it’s not them, we may be looking at copy cats here,” she says tapping the card.

“Who would want to copy those dorks?” you ask skeptically.

“Any number of loonies out there on any given day,” Grandbuggy says pessimistically before raising a brow at Cadence. “Have you heard anything about them?”

“Nothing aside from this note and that announcement you made on the radio Nightshade,” she admits before tapping her chin. “But I do remember Shining discussing some curious threats that were suggested to be from “Nightmare Moon” sympathizers.

You shudder at that thought and sigh.

“I swear, if we have to go town to town bounty hunting again, I’m gonna-“

“Don’t worry honey, I don’t think that will be the case,” Grandbuggy cuts you off. “Because something doesn’t seem right about this.”

“What do you mean?” asks Cadence.

“I mean, if we are worst case scenario looking at yet another splinter faction here, why send this card? Why taunt us, and then try to recruit Shade? That don’t make a lick of sense.”

“That’s…” she trails off. “I don’t know.”

“Exactly,” he nods. “So maybe we just got a conspiracy going on here and there’s something we’re just not seeing.”

“Or they could just be idiots too,” you point out.


“I just don’t understand it! We’re supposed to be slipping under the radar! Who keeps leaving these taunting notes?!” the cyborg stallion grunts and tosses a bunch of calling cards onto a desk.

“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s just some bravado amongst the troops, there’s no conspiracy behind it,” DWC lies with a trollish grin.

“Ugh! I swear if this screws up our plans for the Games…”

“Don’t worry your chrome plated head, everything’s going to be fine,” he dismisses.

For me anyway. Seriously, how stupid are you not to even ask if I did it? He thinks maliciously. The key to subterfuge is choosing all the sides, and yet none at all. Speaking of, I wonder how Sombra’s Ex is doing?

Somewhere Else

“So let us get this straight,” Flim starts.

“You want us to build machinery for you,” Flam adds.

“And you’re willing to pay us?” they both say.

“That’s right,” Radiant Hope says with a smile. “My friend recommends you, and that’s good enough for me.”

The two brothers share a glance between one another, then look at the Crystal Mare and back to one another.

“Give us a sec would you?” Flim says before he goes into a huddle with his brother. “What do you think Flam?”

“I say it’s very convenient her arrival after our little venture in Ponyville failed today,” Flam says skeptically.

“My thoughts exactly,” Flim nods before frowning. “Stupid old stallion and his stupid hat!”

“He must be related to the Apples if he can hit that hard,” Flam says rubbing a bruise on his jaw.

“Well he was defending Applejack’s Grandmother, so there is that,” Flim nods. “If only he’d drank the stupid potion before he kicked our flanks, we could have marketed that!”

“Well it’s no use now,” Flam sighs. “Though at this point, suspiciously convenient or not, this mare’s got coin brother.”

“You’re right. Coin she’s willing to just throw away…” Flim agrees.

“Um, if it helps make up your mind, my friend also wanted me to let you know that helping me would get back at Applejack,” Hope pipes up helpfully.

“We’re In!” the brothers respond immediately, startling the Crystal Pony.

“That’s great news!” she says excitedly. “Just follow me, and I’ll lead you to workshop of sorts.”

“Whatever you say boss lady,” the brothers say in unison.

“Perfect,” she chirps as they begin walking through the night. “Sooo, listen, I’ve heard your good with machinery, but how well are you at building something that can break magical locks?”

“Hmmm, never been asked for that service before,” Flam ponders.

“But I’m sure we can get it done,” Flim says. “How strong of a magical lock we talking?”

“Oh, you know, Alicorn level strength,” Hope says with a chuckle and the brothers suddenly become wary.

“We’re not breaking into Canterlot Castle are we?” Flam asks nervously.

“Oh no, nothing that dangerous,” Hope reassures.

“Oh thank goodness,” Flim exhales in relief.

“It’s actually this ancient castle out in the middle of a forest where some more allies can be found,” she explains and they raise their brows.

“More allies?” they ask.

“Mmhmm,” she nods. “On the request of my friend, I’ve been talking with their Queen. She’s agreed to help us if we help them out.”

The brothers again look nervous, but keep following the mare who gains a determined look.

And once we get them all better with some of their food, then we can draw out Nightmare Moon when my friend gives the go ahead, she thinks stoically before smiling. I’ll rescue you from the belly of her changeling host Sombra, just hold on a bit longer…

Back With You

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Well whatever the case, I’ll have Shiny look into these Suns a bit more, maybe we’ll uncover something,” Cadence says as she hands the card back to Grandbuggy.

“Good idea,” he nods. “It’s better to know who’s bucking with ya instead of remaining in the dark.”

Plus if we ever figure out where they are, I could find that Frost kid again and give him back his necklace. I hope the Doctor can fix it, you think sadly.

“My thoughts exactly,” Cadence nods to Grandbuggy. “The last thing we need is someone stabbing us when we least suspect it.”

“Yeah,” you nod. “Daddy had to go through that and I wouldn’t wish that on anyling else.”

Cadence winces at that as she puts a hoof to her head.

“That reminds me, now that I know Bugze is also El Hunko…how did he get that wound from that day in the Empire?”

“Oh, well it’s like I was just saying, he know’s what it’s like to go through with being stabbed,” you say, remembering the wound that he got in the Otherworld that put your Mom in a coma and didn’t quite heal right.

Cadence frowns at this.

“Was that Chrysalis’s doing as well?” she growls with some heat in her eyes.

“Umm, no it wasn’t her,” you say warily.

“Then who was it?!” she demands which startles you.

“Um…” you trail off.

I can’t just say it was you from an Alternate Universe, that would hurt your already hurt brain.

“Well? Who stabbed my friend and left him in that state? I remember that day clearly?!” she all but orders, which actually intimidates you somewhat.

“Listen Princess, it ain’t her tale to tell,” Grandbuggy interrupts. “If he wants to tell ya, he will.”

She glares at Grandbuggy for a moment before she seems to get ahold of herself.

“You’re right, I’m sorry…” she says to you both. “It’s just when I think about all these times he was suffering and in pain and I didn’t know any better…”

“It’s okay Cadence. What happened to him that time couldn’t have been stopped by you,” you reassure her and put a hoof on hers. She smiles at that before her face becomes stoic again.

“Even still, if he ever tells me and I found out who the whorse was that did that to him, I will do all in my power to punish them severely for what they did to Bugze,” she seethes. You share an awkward glance with Grandbuggy at that and you can read in his eyes the same faint amusement that you share at the situation.

She’s talking about herself in a way. Though the last thing we want is Mia being caught up in her wrath.

“If it helps any, that wound is more manageable now that Zecora tended to it,” you placate.

“That does help a bit,” she nods before sighing again. “I’m sorry again if I’ve made this little reunion awkward with so serious of topics.”

“Don’t worry about it cuz. It’s been over a year after all,” you reassure and the atmosphere drops back down.

“Besides, there’s so many other things we could talk about,” Cadence says as she puts a leg around your shoulder. “Like how I’ll soon have yet another Aunt who will officially make me your cousin.”

“I know, right?” you say happily now that you’re onto much better topics.

“Which means Bugze will become my Uncle In Law?” she says scratching her head.

“Something like that,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “There ain’t exactly common rules for this kind of situation with semi-immortals and what not.”

“Yeah, also I wouldn’t call him Uncle Bugze because that would just make things really awkward I think,” you point out and she nods.

“It’s awkward just thinking about it,” she admits. “Plus the whole thing with you also being related to The Apples, which makes them In Laws as well I think?”

“Would that make Applebloom kind of like your niece then? Or like…a second cousin?” you ask scratching your ear.

“I don’t really know,” she admits and Grandbuggy just shakes his head.

“Again, normal rules ain’t gonna help in this,” he says before a thought comes to him. “But if that’s true, does this mean the Apple Family is now royalty?”

"In a way, yes!" Cadence chuckles and Grandbuggy’s jaw slacks.

“Just like the gypsy lady said,” he mutters under his breath.

"You say something?" you ask.

"Uh er nope!" he denies quickly. “Definitely don’t owe anyone else 20 bits!”

You give him a sharp look, remembering his stubbornness with Slendermane, but you just wave it off for now.

“Oh, I know!” Cadence suddenly perks up. “Let’s make a scrap book family tree tomorrow!”

“A family tree?” you question and she nods excitedly.

“Of course! I’ll be staying with Twilight tonight so I could look up more on the Apple Family line, and of course I know my Auntie’s side, so this could be a lot of fun!”

“Hey yeah, and then we can present it to everyone when Daddy’s back and we’ll all know what to call each other!” you say getting into the spirit of things.”

“Oh gods,” Grandbuggy facehooves as you and your cousin start enthusiastically making plans for the next day.

“You seem pretty accepting of the fact that the former Nightmare Moon’s gonna be your new aunt,” he mumbles as he grabs some juice from the fridge.

“Grandbuggy!” you chide for his callousness, but Cadence just giggles good naturedly.

“Well, at first I was kind of taken aback by the whole thing. I mean she’s another half of Luna, almost like a twin at this point, so by that logic she already is my family. And unlike Sombra, I can tell from Nightshade’s side of things that she’s someone I can trust.”

“Heh, I knew showing you the good times in the dreamscape with her would be a good idea,” you say triumphantly.

“Well yes, there is that, but it’s also because I glimpsed something else in your memories. Something a lot more telling,” she says slyly.

“Huh? What’s that?”

“Tell me something Nightshade, you remember that Pink Lover’s Jewell Necklace that Bugze kept in his Inventory?”

“Oh, you mean my old night light?” you ask remembering the softly glowing pink gem. “Yeah I remember it. Though I kind of stopped using it because it got too bright to fall asleep too at a point.”

“Oh it got brighter did it?” she asks excitedly.

“Yeah, it was kind of a pain. That’s kind of why I stopped sleeping in the Inventory when we were in Appleloosa…among other reasons.” She smiles at that as if that’s exactly what she wanted to hear.

“And that’s exactly why I know I can trust her.”

“Huh? Why? What does that Gem even do in the first place?” you ask in confusion at her logic and she giggles.

“Hold on a sec, did you say the Lover’s Jewell Necklace?” Grandbuggy pipes up startled.

“Yes I did,” she says with a grin and Grandbuggy has a look of realization on his face.

“Well Gorramn, that explains a buck ton of things with all them loopy mares,” Grandbuggy says as he slumps in his chair. “And shoot, here I thought he got the lady killer genes from me.”

“That’s not how genetics work Quick Fix,” Cadence giggles.

“What are you two going on about?” you say completely lost and Cadence looks to you with a smirk.

“The Lover’s Jewell Necklace is an…enhancer of sorts,” she explains.


“Basically, the wielder of it will have certain parts of their character become…more desirable to a potential mate who’ve they caught the eye of,” she says simply.

“…I’m still lost, what does this have to do with Mommy and the other mares?” At this, Grandbuggy takes over.

“All the mares that have been chasing after your pops have found something about him that they were attracted to. And because of the jewel, it made it even more potent,” he explains.

“Exactly,” Cadence nods. “Such as Applejack when she would talk about BST. The most attractive thing about him was his dedication to his family, something she likes a lot.”

“Which is kind of disturbing now that the truth’s come out,” Grandbuggy winces.

“I know what you mean,” Cadence says with a look of disgust as well.

“So wait, is this Jewell like the Lovepocalypse juice?” you say fearfully.

“No, no, nothing like that,” she hoof waves. “It’s more like a light that shines on something they subconsciously like.”

“Although many of these mares are pretty shallow about it,” Grandbuggy says. “What with the Rainbow one liking his “awesomess” the masseuse for his body, and them musician gals for idolatry purposes I would assume.”

“Perhaps it wasn’t shallowness, but rather just ignorance,” Cadence shrugs. “I mean, if they are all claiming their love for someone who they don’t even know fully, then it could also be desperation.”

“So wait, all these mares like Daddy for only a few things about him?” you ask and she nods.

“Or what they perceived with his personas,” Cadence nods. “At this point, it seems to have bled into an obsession on many of their parts.”

“Like the shy animal gal,” Grandbuggy nods. “I always got the taste from her that she has a thing for the bad boy types.”

“Really now?” Cadence asks in surprise before her eyes widen. “So that’s what those readings I was getting off of Discord meant…”

“Alright, alright, hold on,” you say. “If my old night light just makes parts of Dad cuter or whatever to all these mares, then why does it glow? And what’s it got to do with you trusting Mommy?”

“Well, in the presence of an interested mate, the Jewell with glow. In the old days, it was worn when a mare or stallion were looking for a special somepony, and the glowing would be an indicator of that.”

“But it was always glowing, even when we were away from all the thots,” you point out and Cadence nods.

“Exactly. Because there was always somepony nearby your father who had feelings for him,” she says in a teacher like tone and you see what she’s driving at.

“Ohhh, because Mommy was always around, I get it,” you nod before frowning. “So wait, you know you can trust her because she loves my Dad?”

“Of course,” she smiles.

“But…wouldn’t that have already been a given? They’re my parents, so of course they love each other.”

“Er, well…” Cadence stutters. “That isn’t always the case with some couples.”

“It’s not?” you ask innocently.

“All you need to do is look in a gossip magazine about celebrities to know that ain’t always the case kiddo,” Grandbuggy nods.

“Oh…” you say wondering why anyling would marry someone they didn’t love.

“And just like with the other mares that obsess over him, the jewel didn’t glow any brighter until recently right?”

“I guess so,” you say with a shrug. “I mean, I noticed it getting brighter after that camping trip where Scootaloo fell into the river, but it got even more bright after the Appleloosa Invasion.”

“Well obviously something started changing that night when you were camping, because that Jewell glows even brighter in the presence of genuine love and affection for the wielder,” Cadence says with a smirk. “And anypony who loves Bugze that much is okay in my book.”

“Wow, really?” you ask in surprise. “Umm…is there any like, Sun and Moon jewels that my Mommy could make glow too to make Celestia and Luna alright with her?”

Cadence giggles at that, but ultimately shakes her head.

“Sorry Nightshade, but as for my aunts, it’ll probably be a little trickier to convince them,” she says and you sigh.

“I figured as much.”

“But I do know someone else that will be convinced about your Mom, or at least be willing to hear things out,” she says and you perk up.

“And who’s that?”

“My husband of course,” she says.

“You really think Armor will go for that after going after the boy all these years?” Grandbuggy questions and she nods.

“He knows a thing or two about the power of love. And in that field, he trusts my judgment,” she says confidently.

“Well if he doesn’t then maybe we can have Discord make up another brain blast milkshake once he gets better,” you suggest and everyone at the table chuckles.

After a few more plans made, Cadence realizes that it’s getting late and needs to head back to the Library before Twilight starts getting suspicious. Tomorrow morning, you’ll meet up at Sugar Cube Corner to start making your family tree.

“I’ll see you tomorrow little cuz,” she says giving you a hug.

“Not too bright and early big cuz,” you smirk back with a squeeze. And with that, she wishes you goodnight and flies off, leaving you with Grandbuggy.

“Well, all things considered, that went pretty smoothly,” he observes.

“Yeah, except the whole Sombra thing,” you point out and he pats your shoulder.

“Not everyone can be so easily forgiven kiddo,” he says and you nod. “Well, you better get some rest. You got a “fun” filled day tomo-“

“Grandbuggy?” you interrupt. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure kiddo, what is it?”

“…Today when I was alone with Discord, he told me something. Something about our family.”

He frowns at that and his jaw tightens.

“And what does that overgrown cat-snake think he knows?” he asks, sounding offended.

“He said that he smelt a curse on us, and that Lady Luck herself placed it,” you explain and he stiffens. “He said I should ask you about it.”

Grandbuggy just stares at you in silence for a few moments before he slumps his shoulders and sighs.

“Stupid two-bit god rattling his gorramned jaws,” he curses.

“So you do know something?” you press and he nods.

“Yeah, yeah I do Nightshade,” he says solemnly. “I know all too much about the curse. I was there when it got planted on me.” Your eyes widen at that.

“What happened?” you ask and he sighs again.

“I never told anyone other than The Doctor. Not your dad, and not even my daughter…” he starts sadly, so you put a hoof on his leg to steady him and he continues. “To give you the highlights, I slighted Lady Luck herself because I chose your Great Grandma over her.”

“Wait, what?” you say in surprise and he nods.

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly. You turn down a celestial and they think you’ve burned their house down,” he huffs. “I mean, I did that too, but that was an accident.”

“So…Lady Luck was jealous?” you ask.

“That’s one word for it,” he spits. “Dang strumpet couldn’t stand being second best so she cursed me. Every generation in my direct line would have worst luck than the rest. When I got myself banished from the hive, I tried to launch myself to the moon because I figured if I was the source then it would die with me. I thought I’d give the boy a better chance in life without me around, but a fat lot of good that did.”

“…You know, I don’t feel bad now about cursing at her,” you determine and he smiles.

“Nor should you,” he smirks and pats you on the head. “Jealous bitch has brought enough misery to our lives, and the only way we can get back at her is to live and be happy.”

“Well, I think we’re doing a pretty good job on that one,” you smile and give him a hug.

The Next Morning

You find yourself waiting for Cadence at Sugar Cube, accompanied by Greta and Ember.

“Why are we here again?” Ember asks in puzzlement.

“Because we all need girl time. Plus, Cadence is a Princess and so are you, so this will help with diplomacy and stuff,” Greta answers for you.

“Then why are you here?” she counters.

“Because free food and girl time?” Greta says as if it’s obvious.

“She’s got you there,” you say smugly and the dragon princess just face claws.

“Could we at least do something less namby pamby? Like what about this Paintball thing I’ve heard about?”

“That sounds amazing, and I’m down for it, but this comes first,” you admit. “She’s my family after all, and I want her to get to know you guys as well.”

“Ugh, fine,” she crosses her arms. “But where are all the serving ponies? Can’t I at least get a milkshake?”

“They’re helping Pinkie Pie set up for Rainbow Dash’s birthday, moving anniversary thing for tomorrow,” you point out remembering the big banner with the filly fooler’s face on it.

“Ugh, so it’s either work on this, or set up work, great,” Ember complains.

“What, you’d rather stay at the barn with that hipster looking dude loitering around?” Greta asks and Ember gags.

“Oh Tartarus No! That guy seems like a creep.”

“Oh you mean that guy that McStabFlank was leading around?” you inquire, remembering the skinny, bespectacled stallion from this morning.

“Yeah, and from one gal to another, I don’t think he was at all interested in the white one,” Greta gossips.

“I mean who would be? She’s the worst,” you shrug.

“I guess, but the dude’s tongue was hanging out of his head and he was drooling everywhere when Applejack was around,” Ember shudders and you raise an eyebrow.

“He was?” you ask feeling disturbed.

“Yup,” Greta answers. “Even had some blood leaking out his nose.”

“Huh…Wouldn’t figure a rich stuck up guy to like a country girl,” you say in surprise.

“What’s that? Are we talking about love?” Cadence suddenly asks as she bursts into the nearly empty Sugarcube corner.

“Maybe? Apparently that guy Rarity likes, likes Applejack instead,” you say and she grins widely.

“Oooh, Love Triangles huh? Sounds like fun,” she says as she sits down at your table.

“…Should we be concerned?” Ember asks to Greta who just shrugs.

Introductions are then made between your cousin and your friends, before she slaps down a large scrapbook, some papers, glue, and more than a few scrolls and tomes.

“Alright, I laid out the preliminary work last night, but saved the arts and crafts for today,” she says giddily.

“How did you shake Twilight?” you ask.

“Well, between caring for Discord and helping Pinkie Pie, she’s a bit drowsy,” she smirks. “And speaking of Pinkie Pie, you’ll never guess what I found in the Apple Family Tree records!”

She traces the diagrams and names on the pages until they converge with another family tree. The Pies.

“…Are you saying I’m related to her too?” you ask, your mouth agape.

“It would appear so,” Cadence says giddily. You share a look of bewilderment with the griffon and dragon who don’t seem to understand the implications of that statement. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell her.”

“I-Wha-Shou-Bu…” you sputter as the implication that Pinkie Pie is also in your bloodline hits home.

Who the buck am I NOT related to at this point?!

“Oh hey, there she is now,” Greta says pointing out the window. Looking out, you see most of the Deadly 6 and a crowd of other ponies who have stopped putting up the decorations. Instead, they seem to be focusing on Pinkie Pie who is talking to a stallion in a poncho and hat with a rubber chicken on his back.

“Oh, what’s this? Who’s the cowboy?” Cadence says aloud.

“I don’t know. Probably just some weirdo coming to yank all their chains,” you dismiss.


Episode 78: Cadence the Shipmaster

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Booooo!” Greta suddenly catcalls.

“Why are you booing me?” you ask the griffon.

“That was a terrible pun! It was bad and you should feel bad,” she chides.

“What pun? I wasn’t making a pun,” you say flabbergasted.

“Yeah, I don’t get it either, and believe me, I know puns thanks to my dad,” Ember adds.

“Well, it was about…the weird…yanking...uh…hmm, why was I mad again?” Greta asks as she puts a talon to her forehead.

“I think you’re not fully awake yet or something,” you say as you look at her lost expression.

“Yeah, maybe…” she nods. “You got any coffee?”

“I got a jar of laughter,” you say offering one.

“I’ll take it,” she says as she unscrews the lid, takes a deep breath…and then begins giggling like a school filly.


1 Jar Of Laughter.

“…This girls day out trip is already falling apart,” Ember sighs and looks around the empty shop. “Now where’s the pony that’s supposed to bring the sweet snacks?”

“Well our waitress is currently outside in the middle of a musical number,” Cadence says pointing outside.

Through the window, you see the cowboy pony from before, throw away his garb and start singing with Pinkie levels of energy as she and everyone else gets caught up in it.

“Oh great, another one,” Ember sighs as Greta leans against her giggling.

“There’s at least five a day if you’re really unlucky,” you nod before looking at Cadence. “How come we’re not getting pulled into the song?”

“Well, it seems the focus is on that stallion, with Pinkie giving accompaniment,” she says as the stallion starts playing an accordion. “So we might be outside it’s radius.”

“What, is this thing like an infection? How far do they spread?” Ember asks as she pushes the laughing drunk griffon off her shoulder.

“It depends on the main singer I suppose,” Cadence says. “Apparently during my wedding, Chrysalis and I were singing a duet while Twilight and I were escaping from the caves.”

“…How do you even know that if you weren’t there?” you ask.

“It’s one of the few things she’s spoken about in her prison. I guess she wanted to brag?” Cadence shrugs. You all then look back out the window just as the stallion, which from the lyrics of the song you hear to be Cheese Sandwich, continues going on about being the ‘Super Duper Party Pony.’

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Changer T. Emerald’s Comment

“Heh heh, he’s like the guy version of the pink one,” Greta laughs as the sight gags during the musical number start.

“There’s not like clones of him too are there?” Ember asks.

“Not that I know of, but Greta’s right, he is like a guy Pinkie,” you say.

“That’s…that’s Perfect!” Cadence suddenly shrieks causing you all to startle.

“What’s perfect?” you ask.

“Him, her, them! Pinkie and Cheese! It’s literally the most perfect thing ever!” she says giddily, her eyes sparkling with hearts.

“Slow down there girl, what are you going on about?” Ember tries to placate.

“Yeah, what’s so perfect about them?”

“They have matching purposes in life, the same energy and laughter, and the color scheme just works together! I think I found my new OTP!” she squees.

“Heh heh, my OTP is Link and Zelda,” Greta laughs.

“I’m talking REAL shipping Greta! It’s much more exhilarating than those fictional character fantasies!” she declares.

“Heh heh heh, if I wasn’t so giddy I’d be taking offense to that,” the griffon chuckles.

“Okay, hold on a second, what’s shipping?” Ember asks.

“I think she means she thinks they’d be good together as special someponies,” you say, somewhat disappointed in your cousin.

“She’s right,” Cadence nods. “Look at the two of them out there. A mysterious, roguish stranger comes to town to help the innocent and carefree maiden in her goals, and immediately he shows that they have a lot in common! EEEEE!!!”

“Cadence, they literally just met each other,” you say disturbed by her enthusiasm.

“Love has to start somewhere Nightshade! But I know it in my heart, bones and soul that they’ve got the potential for the best chemistry outside of Shiny and I!” she stands firm, before mumbling to herself. “Now what would their ship name be? Pinkwhich? Chinkie? CheesePie?”

“Heh heh, she’s a fanatic,” Greta giggles dumbly as you notice her eyes turning red.

…What the heck are those jars of laughter made out of? You wonder worriedly. She’s acting like those hippies and their horrible food.

“Um, Shade?” Ember whispers to you.


“I think today might be a bust,” she says pointing at the stoned griffon and the rambling princess.

“Nah, it’ll be fine,” you reassure as you turn back to Cadence and tug at her mane. “Hey! Cady!”

“And their first child should be named Cheesey, or Lil Cheese or-“

“Yo! Cady!” you interrupt her tirade, waving your hoof in her face.

“Huh? Yes? What do you need Nightshade?”

“Maybe you should stop fanfillying over them?” you suggest and she frowns.

“There’s nothing wrong with wishing good fortune on potential future lovers,” she argues.

“Yeah, well, it feels like you might be taking it a bit far, so maybe take a step back?” you suggest.

“Nightshade, you have no idea how hard it was to create a shipping chart for Twilight and all her friends. Until now, Pinkie Pie has always been the White Whale in my quest to find her a mate, but that changes today!”

“…Stop it, Get some help,” you tell her plainly and she purses her lips.

“…Okay, I admit, maybe that last bit was a bit creepy,” she admits.

“A bit?!” Ember balks as Greta giggles.

“But I’m sorry, I can’t help who I am as a Princess and as a Pony. I mean, I do this a lot when I find perfect pairs. When I learned about you and Spike I filled a white board with how your future would go and-“

“YOU WHAT?!!” you exclaim in embarrassment and she smiles nervously.

“Well, I mean, only up until your early twenties anyway…but by that time he should have already popped the question and-“

“Oh My Gods!” you moan, holding your ears and slamming your face onto the table.

“There’s no need to feel embarrassed Nightshade. Your chart is so much better than the Sparity one I created. A lot of it relied on her waiting a few years till he was older, but with you it starts much sooner and is much sweeter in my opinion.”

“Please stop…” you moan as your entire head burns red and your shards glow harshly.

“Heh heh, I ship it,” Greta laughs absentmindedly and you muffle your screams into the table.

Finally deciding to get off this topic, Cadence chuckles nervously again and pats your back.

“Okay, let’s just put a pin in that for now. We’ve got a scrapbook to make, and we can talk about ships later,” she says.

“Can we not?” you plead, lifting your eyes from the table.

“Eh, guess we don’t have to. The yellow pony made the pink one depressed,” Ember points out.

“WHAT?!” Cadence exclaims as she shoots out of her chair and presses her face against the window. You look over yourself, and sure enough, Pinkie Pie looks sad and despondent as a group of ponies carry Cheese Sandwich off happily, leaving her behind.

“Oh Gorramit! Why is it that Pinkie Pie getting sad is almost always ten times sadder than anyling else?” you grumble as you see her hang her head in sorrow.

“Heh heh, she’s being replaced and your ship is dead,” Greta laughs.

“NOOOOO!!! It can’t end like this! It never really started! I must fix this!” Cadence exclaims as she throws open the door and flies out.

“Wait! Cadence!” you call out, but she continues flying off.

“I’ll die for my ship!” you hear her shout as her voice gets more and more distant.

“But what about the scrapbook?! ARGH!” you slam your face into the table once more.

There are a few moments of silence while you just grumble about fanatical shippers while Greta continues to laugh at nothing.

“Sooooo, can we call this a bust now?” Ember asks.

“No!" You say lifting your head off the table. “We are going to go find my fanatical cousin and drag her back here and we are going to figure out this Family Tree once and for all Dang It!”

And with that, you grab Greta by the claw and start dragging her towards the door.

“…I just wanted some snacks,” Ember bemoans with a sigh. This actually causes you to pause and look around.

“Wait a second…everyling is outside, and the shop is empty…” you say as a light bulb goes off and you look Ember in the eye. “RAID THE SODA FOUNTAIN BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!”

A Few Moments Later

After getting quite a few unpaid free refills, the three of you now walk down the street, soda cups in hand, looking for the runaway princess.

“Okay, all of those drinks do kind of make up for your crazy family shenanigans,” Ember says, taking a sip.

“Not for me! Tee hee hee,” Greta titters while sucking down another soda.

“Okay, you’re still acting weird! No more jars of laughter for you!” you chide as you drink Soda number eight.

“Not gonna lie, I kind of want to try some to get that blissful,” Ember admits.

“Oh don’t you start, you’re still clean and pure Emby,” you argue.

“Please don’t call me that! My Dad called me that when I was little!”

“Haaaaa, Emby,” Greta laughs.

“Oh Gorammit!” she curses. “Where is your cousin anyway?”

“Which one? Because apparently I have a million of them,” you snark as you look in the air for Cadence.

“Yeah you do, there’s one now, heh heh,” Greta points over at a bridge where Pinkie Pie is looking down in the water sadly.

“Huh, figured Cadence would have gotten to her already,” you say in surprise.
“She probably went to the guy first then to…I don’t know, do whatever weird pony voodoo she does to make them fall in love,” Ember exposits.

“I don’t think that’s how it works…at least I don’t think it is. I’d like to believe the Princess of Love isn’t doing what me and my friends did to my dad during the Lovepocalypse,” you say with a shudder. “But anyway, guess we could go talk to her since she still looks down. Cadence might show up too.”

Agreeing to your plan since you’re kind of their leader, you three walk over to Pinkie who is frowning.

Kichi’s Comment

“Hi Pinkie,” you begin, but she doesn’t respond.

“I could still make this work. I just need streamerss and balloons…”

“Uh, Pinkie Pie?” you try again.

“Sure he’s enticed everypony else, but I…I could make gift bags or something. Maybe everyone would like a doll of Rainbow Dash?”

“Helloooo?” you say a bit louder, but her shoulders only slump more.

“No, I can’t do that again. I can’t be sued for copyright infringement a second time. Oh…maybe I don’t deserve to run this par-“

“OI! Pink Pony!” Ember shouts and flicks her ear.

“YAGH! What?! Who? Where?” Pinkie Pie startles and looks around.

“Ember!” you chide.

“What? She was taking forever,” she shrugs.

“Oh, it’s you Nightshade,” Pinkie Pie says rather flatly. “How goes things? I still haven’t blabbed the big secret if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“No, that’s not what I’m,” you start before you compose yourself. “Are you alright Pinkie?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be fine?” she asks defensively.

“Because that cowboy guy showed you up, heh heh,” Greta laughs.

“Oh my gosh you guys are tactless! And that’s coming from me!” you facehoof.

“I…I wasn’t shown up. I’m still the best party pony!” she declares. “I mean sure, maybe I’ve made mistakes in the past, but I’m not worried about being replaced!”

…And Cadence wants her and that Sandwich guy to hook up? You think in bewilderment before shaking those thoughts off.

“Well, obviously noling’s gonna replace you Pinkie, and if that guy is so much like you, I doubt he’s aiming for your job.”

“No…that’s just what they want you to think,” she says as her eyes dart around. “To lull you into a false sense of security.”

“Who’s they?” you ask.

“Exactly,” she nods before she hangs her head again. “They probably saw how bad I was for not having Maude in my flashbacks when I told the CMC my cutie mark story.”

“…The buck you rambling on about?”

“Retcons my sweet summer child, retcons…” she says mysteriously.

…Sweet Celestia I’m related to this lady, you think apprehensively.

“Well whatever, have you see the pink princess flying around?” Ember interrupts and Pinkie looks around.

“Princess Cadence? I thought she was hanging out with you?”

“Nah she flew off to get you and that one guy to-HMPH!” you quickly cover Ember’s mouth with magic.

“To, uh, to let you know something great!” you say hastily and the dragoness looks at you crossly.

“Great news? I sure could use some of that right now,” Pinkie says, going back to being mopey.

Stop looking sad dang it!

“Yeah, well, the thing is, Cadence was going over a family tree and-“


Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Did she find out that through all your complicated familial relations with the Apples that someone else might be related to you?!” she shotguns and you are thrown for a loop.

“Uh…yeah actually. How did you-“

“Pinkie Sense,” she hoofwaves before her eyes widen once more. “Oh My Gosh! If Cadence wanted to talk to me about it then…”

“Um…yeah?” you chuckle nervously.

“EEEEE!!!” she shrieks as she rushes forth and gives you the mother of all hugs. She squeezes you so hard, your eyes start to bulge out a bit.

“WE’RE RELATED!!!” she shrieks in excitement, her sadness washed away by the revelations.

“Ha ha, Shade’s gonna pop like a balloon,” Greta laughs as all the air is squeezed out of you.

“Oh My Gosh! I can’t believe we’re cousins!” Pinkie says, rubbing her face against your mane.

“Neither-Can-I!” you strain to say in her grip, when all of a sudden she lets you go and you gasp in much needed oxygen.

“Oh my gosh! That means…I’m also related to the Apples!” she says while jumping with joy. “That is great news!”

“…I still find it amazing how ponies can go from sad to happy at the drop of a hat,” Ember mutters before drinking more of her soda.

“You’re right! I should have a piñata stuffed with hats Princess Ember!” Pinkie nods before looking you in the eye with a deep smile. “I’m so glad to know this…thank you so much Nightshade.”

Despite her antics, you can’t help but smile at that.

“No problem…cuz,” you say and she giggles.

“Oh wow, I feel so much better! With so much more family there’s so many more possibilities! Applejack and I have family on top of being friends, your Dad will be able to forgive me a bit easier, you and Applebloom will be like the little sisters I never had, and Big Mac…” she pauses at that as her eyes widen. “Oh…”

“What’s up?” you ask at her tone shift.

“Now that he and Cheerilee aren’t married anymore I was thinking of hooking him up with my sister Marble, but now…Yikes,” she says while biting her tongue.

“Oh…yeah, yikes,” you agree. “But hey, at least you found out now. That way there won’t be any weird situations like Applejack kissing my Dad.”

“Yeah…” she says disturbed before shaking her head. “But aside from that, thanks for cheering me up little cousin! You have given me the motivation I need to reclaim my crown as Super Duper Party Pony! Cheese Sandwich isn’t going to take this Birthiversary planning from me!”

And with that, she rushes off, going who knows where, leaving you three on the bridge.

“Heh heh, she’s fast,” Greta guffaws.

“Yeah, too fast,” Ember nods. “I don’t think we’ll be catching up with her.”

“Probably not,” you agree and drink some more soda. “But hey, that was just a detour, we’re still looking for Cadence.”

“Would have been a lot easier if we were near the Pink one,” Ember points out.

“True, true,” you concede. “But it’s not like we got many options to look for her. My dad took the instant message receiver thing with him to the other world.”

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

“You sure you don’t got anything else in that magic bag of yours?” Ember suggests.

“Not anything useful I don’t think. Mangle?” you say turning to your bag. On command, your fox pops out and sits on your back, holding the Ocarina you got so long ago.

“Umm, not really what I was asking for, but good effort girl,” you say patting her head.

“Hey! Heh heh, didn’t you steal that from my old gang?” Greta says as she looks at the instrument.

“Maybe? Finding all this videogame junk is a blur in my mind,” you shrug.

“Well hang on, heh heh, we’ll just use this to call her to us,” Greta says as she takes the flute from Mangle’s paws and starts playing a familiar tune.

“There, now Epona should show up,” she says excitedly, looking all around.

“We’re not looking for Epona! We’re looking for Cadence!” you shout as you snatch the Ocarina back and put it in the Inventory.

“Oh…right, heh heh heh.”

“…Seriously, I wanna try some of that laughter,” Ember says.

“Ugh, come on you two!” you order as you lead them away from the bridge. A few seconds after you leave, a young blonde stallion with a long green hat and a heart shaped cutie mark walks onto the bridge and looks around in confusion.

“Hyah?” he questions, but no one is around to answer.

Another Few Moments Later

Kichi’s Comment

“I’ve gotta pee!” Greta complains as you continue walking the steadily more decorated streets looking for Cadence.

“Why didn’t you go when we were at Sugar Cube Corner?” you huff.

“Didn’t have to go then,” she says plainly. “So can we stop somewhere?”


“Actually, I’ve gotta go too,” Ember chimes in.

“Oh for, why now? It’s not like you both drank a bunch of soda or…Oh…” you say in realization as that is exactly what’s just happened. And as soon as you realize this, your own body gets to protesting. “Alright fine,” you say as you take a detour to some public restrooms

“Me first!” Greta shouts as she rushes in, leaving you and Ember to wait outside.

“And why can’t I go into the other one?” Ember asks.

“Because that’s the Colt’s room, and we’re fillies,” you say as if it’s obvious.

“I’m a dragoness, so the rules don’t apply!” she says as she walks past you into the Stallion’s Room and closes the door.

“Ember!” you shout in disappointment.

“Huh, this bathroom has like some weird drinking fountains in it,” you hear her voice through the door.

“Huh? Why would they have-“

“Excuse me little filly?” asks a full of themselves haughty voice.

“Huh? What?” you say turning around…and seeing that same skinny stallion with glasses from earlier that was ogling Applejack. “Oh hey, you’re that hipster who shot down McStabFlank.”

He seems confused at that, raising an eyebrow, but he continues.

“I don’t know who this McStabFlank is, but I’m not a hipster. I am a purveyor of-“

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. What do you want?” you say tersely, still having to use the can.

“I was wondering if you saw Ms. Applejack around? I’ve seem to have lost sight of her,” he asks.

“Sorry pal, haven’t seen her since the musical number,” you tell him and turn away.

“Really? Are you sure?” he asks and you huff.

“Yes I’m sure! Now leave me alone. In fact, maybe you should leave her alone, I can tell you straight up you aren’t her type.”

He is taken aback by that and looks hurt.

“Why would you say such a thing? How would you know what that living goddess would like?”

“Because she’s my cousin, and I know a thing or two about her,” you grit your teeth and look at the closed door where you can still hear Greta laughing off and on.

“Really now? Her cousin huh?”

“That’s what I said!”

“Then tell me please, what sort of stallion does she like?”

“Like, buff, hardworking outdoorsy types! Everything that you’re not buddy. Now will you leave me alone?” you moan.

“Hard working outdoorsy types! Of course!” he says happily before leaning close to you. “You have no idea how much that helps little filly.”

“Uh, personal space?” you hint but he doesn’t back off.

“I mean, all I have to do is show off my inner country yokel and then she’ll notice me! And I’ve already gotten close with her family, that can’t hurt either,” he says ruffling your mane.


“But I am an-EEEEEE!!!” he cries out as you kick him in the nards and he goes flying across the street.

“Buck off pervert!”

“Heh heh, what’s going on here?” Greta asks opening the door.

“Nothing, just solving a problem. Now Move!” you say as you rush past into the restroom.

After taking care of business, you three once more walk along as you see more and more rainbow colored decorations for Dash’s birthday, moving day thing.

“I’m telling you, the guys are hiding things from you mares in their bathrooms. They had these water fountains with like these blue mint smelling things at the bottom of them,” Ember says trying to paint a picture.

“But there was a water fountain outside, why would they have another?”

“Beats me, but they got the usual toilet and then that weird vertical fountain thing.”

“Huh, maybe that’s why guys never wait that long, they’re just running in for a drink?” you ponder.

“Pfft, You should definitely ask Spike about it, ahahahaha,” Greta guffaws, a bit more forcefully this time like she actually finds something humorous.

“Good idea,” you nod and she laughs even more. “But that mystery comes later, we just have to find Cadence and-“

“Oh, there she is,” Ember points to your cousin who is looking in through a window of a clothing shop and pulling at her mane.

“Huh, good eye,” you thank Ember as you make your way towards the alicorn, who you can hear cursing under her breath.

“You stupid bimbo! You did my mane before, how can you be so tone deaf!”

“Cadence!” you shout when right next to her.

“AGH!” she shrieks and bonks her head on the window. “What the-Nightshade?”

“Yeah me! What’s the idea of ditching us back there?” you demand, putting your hooves on your hips.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“I’m sorry Nightshade, but I had to make sure my ship didn’t sink,” she excuses, but you just shake your head in disappointment.

“It’s at times like these that you have to admit to yourself that you have a problem,” you admonish and she droops her ears.

“Yes, I know I do…”

“And besides, you ditched us for Pinkie and that other guy, but you’re nowhere near them. We ran into Pinkie and cheered her up back that way,” you tell her.

“Well…about that,” she says sheepishly. “I was going to talk to Pinkie…but then…well, just look!” she motions towards the shop window.

Looking inside, your jaw drops as you see McStabFlank, wearing overalls and a straw hat, and her mane is just messy.

“…What in the buck is that?” you ask as you rub your eyes.

“A travesty, that’s what!” Cadence huffs.

“Well I mean, she normally is, but at least she usually looks tidied up.”

“Exactly! That’s what diverted my attention from Operation Cheese-Pie. She’s acting out of jealousy and shallow emotions!”

“…Again, that’s how she usually is,” you say plainly. “What’s up with the get up?”

She then turns her head behind your group and frowns in disgust.

“That!” she points. Turning around, you see Applejack helping some other ponies set up decorations for the party, but she looks kind of disturbed. The reason being, the hipster guy you kicked earlier following her around, now sporting some freshly bought overalls.

“Yeesh, he recovered quickly,” you say, very disturbed by his resilience.

“Hey, that’s the guy that was leaking blood for Applejack, heh heh,” Greta chuckles.

“Yes that…that thing! He’s…he…” she stammers with a disgusted face, looking like she might vomit. In fact she does.

“AHHHHH!!! WWWHHHYYY???!!!” Ember screams as Cadence loses her lunch at her feet.

“Heh heh, gross.”

“Uh, are you sick?” you ask your cousin as Ember starts wiping her feet on the grass.

“Yes, yes I am Nightshade. Because of that situation!”

“I don’t understand. I know the guy’s a creep and he doesn’t respect personal space, but why’s that got you blowing chunks?” you ask as you watch him following Applejack like a puppy.

“Because that right there is the worst kind of love, and it disgusts me to my core!” she exclaims. “It’s all just unrequited surface level infatuation. It spawns from somepony “loving” another purely based on looks and nothing else. It’s a Mockery!”

…You know, maybe everyone in my family IS insane, you think solemnly.

“Heh heh, hahahahahaa,” Greta just bursts out laughing while Ember soaks her feet in a fountain.

“And not only that, but his very presence has caused that putrid, vile imitation love to double! Rarity right now is throwing all caution to the wind and spreading that same puss of equinity!”

“Okay, I can see that your upset cuz, but maybe we should just go back and make that scrapbook?” you suggest.

“Oh, you can bet your bits we will make that scrapbook…but first, I must fix this!” she says as she starts to make a beeline towards Trenderhoof and Applejack, only to be tackled to the side by Rarity.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Princess Cadence! It’s a gol darn good thing I finded ya’ll,” she says in a very bad southern accent. “I needs ya to help me wit some love magics!”

“Never! I Would Rather Die!” she exclaims as she starts to try and wrestle the messy fashionista off of her. Greta, still high on laughter, just rolls on the ground at this display, while Ember full on heats up the fountain water to clean herself better.

“…Maybe Ember was right, and this day is a bust,” you mutter as even more madness takes place.

“But ahm rustic and charming, just like he wants it!” Rarity argues as she holds Cadence in a headlock.

"Guuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl!!!! You know that mane-style doesn't go with that outfit! In fact, it doesn't go with anything at all!" your cousin sasses as she flies them into a wall.

“If Discord wasn’t still sick, I’d think he was behind this,” you say as Rarity and Cadence get tangled in some streamers. “But seriously, can this day get any weirder?”

And even as you say that…

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“I hear the call of the weird!” an exuberant male voice says from behind you. Looking back, you spy that Cheese Sandwich guy from earlier, sprouting his poncho and hat again.

“Oh, hey it’s you,” you say tiredly and look back at the fight.

“That’s right, it’s me, Cheese Sandwich…what’s your name little filly?” he asks.

“Nightshade,” you answer with a sigh.

“Awww, what’s with that frown? Are those wrestling mares bringing you down?” he asks sympathetically.

“A little bit,” you admit. “I mean, don’t get me wrong a part of me thinks it’s hilarious that McStabFlank is getting suplexed-“

“YAGH!” she grunts out on cue.

“But I had a tiring day yesterday and it’s not helping.”

Cheese Sandwich looks from you, to the wrestling mares and back as he frowns.

“Well, far be it from me to leave you with a frown that big on such a fun day,” he says as he reaches under his cloak and pulls out…

“Is…is that a Junk Jet?” you ask in surprise at the familiar looking contraption.

“Junk Jet? Nah, this is my party nuke launcher,” he says gleefully.

“What’s a pa-“

“WHO WANTS A PARTY NUKE?!!!” he shouts at the top of his lungs and launches a grapefruit sized capsule at Cadence and Rarity as a mysterious guitar rift is heard. The two mares both have a moment of panic right before the orb hits them, and a rainbow mushroom cloud appears all around them.

“Ha ha! This is Mandatory Fun time ponies!” he says triumphantly while your jaw is still dropped.

“W-What did you just…?” you stammer as the dust clears, and suddenly you see Cadence and Rarity now surrounded by pool noodles, and blow up punching gloves line all of their hooves.

“I nerfed their little squabble, and now it’s kid friendly. After all, it’s Nerf or Nuthin!” he says giving you a bright smile. Sure enough, Rarity continues to try to get Cadence to use her magic on Trenderhoof, but now there’s no chance of them actually getting hurt.

“That’s…pretty funny actually,” you admit as you start to giggle and you hear Greta howling.

“Then I guess that little side job is complete,” he says with a tip of his hat. “The plans for Rainbow Dash’s Birthiversary are going swimmingly, so there’s time for a little break. You wanna know what’s better than a nerf battle?”

“What?” he asks.

“A GROUP NERF BATTLE!” he shouts as he launches more party nukes. “With guest musical track!”

And with that, he pulls out his accordion and begins playing as several kids and a few adults start having a foam sword battle. He then begins singing about having a polka face and how he has no idea what he's even singing about.

As more and more ponies start to have fun, you even see Greta and Ember pulled into it. Applejack takes the distraction to get away from Trenderhoof who is caught up in the sea of soft foam weapons.

You look at Cheese Sandwich as he plays his instrument and sings with almost limitless energy.

Wow, this guy…he’s like if someling took all of Daddy’s craziness and stuffed it into one pony, you think in awe. Yet somehow he’s tamer than both him and Pinkie combined. Also, he did this just because he thought I was feeling down…

And with that thought, you can’t help but feel that maybe Cadence has a point about the guy being good husbando material for Pinkie Pie.

Speaking of your newest revealed relative…

“CHEESE SANDWICH!!!” her voice echoes over the music, cutting it off and causing the nerf war to halt. You look to see her perched on a rooftop dramatically as she looks down upon him.

“Pinkie Pie?” he asks taken aback.

“First you take away the party planning from me, but now you seek to turn my own kin against me?!” she accuses as her mane blows in the wind.

“Uhhh, what?” Cheese asks.

“I Challenge you to a Goof Off!!!” she roars.

And suddenly, like that, everyone around you gasps in horror and surprise as the cowboy just narrows his eyes at her.

“Very well then…”

“Uhhh, what’s a Goof Off?” you ask raising your hoof.

An Hour and One Explanation Later

You are now standing with a miffed Cadence, along with Ember and the still giggling Greta with many other ponies in the center of town. Apparently Pinkie and Cheese will compete with a bunch of singing and prop gags to take home the prize of Super Duper Party Pony, and be in charge of the party planning for Rainbow Dash.

“Hmmph, if this competition gets ugly, then the relationship might sour before it even begins,” Cadence grumbles, looking between Pinkie and Cheese.

“I’m starting to think Discord messed with you before you met us this morning,” you roll your eyes as you walk over to Pinkie Pie who is setting up all her props.

Kersey475’s Comment

“Hey Pinkie?”

“Yes my newest and top five favoritist cousin?” she says turning to you.

“Uh, look, I really don’t think you have to go through with this. Cheese wasn’t trying to turn me on you, he was just trying to cheer me up.”

“That’s what they want you to think,” she says with shifty eyes again as she pats your mane and you sigh.

“Alright, if you’re so sure,” you shrug. “But do you need any help?”

“Just your cheers from the sideline,” she smiles brightly.

“Are you sure?” you push. “I mean, we are family, and no matter how much I like the guy, I could sabotage some of his stuff.”

“Nah, there’s no need. I’ll win this fair and square,” she says as she cracks her neck.

“…Alright, but like, maybe you should really reconsider?” you ask nervously. “Because, I…kind of sorta already messed with one of his party devices.”

And because the world runs on comedic timing…



You see the stage prop you’d tinkered explode, sending Cheese’s rubber chicken rocketing at Trenderhoof, hitting him in the head and knocking him out.

You see Applejack let out a sigh of relief at that as Cheese just looks at the event perplexed.

“Huh, guess the guy said something to tick Boneless off,” he shrugs.

You then see Rarity, sneak through the crowd and reach out to the unconscious stallion and begin to drag him off.

“OH NO YOU DON’T!” Cadence shouts from behind you. You hear a flash of magic, and suddenly you see her teleport behind Rarity and slap her hooves off of him.

“Oh Come On!” Rarity shrieks.

“Hee hee, oh that Rarity,” Pinkie chuckles as she puts a hoof on your back. “But seriously kiddo, no more sabotage okay?”

“Yeah, alright,” you pout as you walk back to Emerald and Greta.

“I’ll ask one more time, can I PLEASE have a jar of laughter?” Ember begs.

“NO!” you scold as the clock ticks closer and closer to noon.

“She’s right you know? Huffing laughter can lead to a ruined life,” a croaky voice says from beside you. Turning you are surprised to see a still blue Discord in a wheelchair, with a medical mask over his mouth and a blanket covering his legs.

“Discord, what are you doing out of bed?” you ask.

“Twilight said she had to officiate a goof off, and I sure wasn’t going to miss that for anything,” he says with a sniffle.

“I really wish you would, you’re really heavy” comes Spike’s voice as he walks from behind his wheelchair, “Hey Nightshade, Ember and Greta.”

“Hi Spike!” you say enthusiastically.

“Yo Spike,” Ember answers as well as Greta laughs in greeting. “Say, since you’re here can you tell us what the deal is with Guy’s special water fountains?”

“Huh?” he says taken aback.

“Shhh, it’s starting,” Discord shushes with a cough, pointing towards the center. As the clock strikes noon, Pinkie and Cheese slowly walk towards one another with purpose.

“Well, let’s see what fresh set of insanity is in store now,” you say under your breath.


Episode 79: Goof Offs Are Deadly Serious

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Kichi’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

As Pinkie and Cheese slowly walk towards each other, you swear you see some sort of aura radiating around the both of them.

“Oh? You’re approaching me?” Cheese says challengingly, his face contorted with high end graphics which seems wrong to you.

“Can’t beat you in the goof off if I don’t get closer,” Pinkie says with a gruff voice, her voice also more highly detailed and serious.

“How the buck are they doing that?” you ask aloud as you rotate your jaw, attempting to replicate those faces.

With the menacing aura’s sweeping around them, Twilight gets caught up in the tense atmosphere and starts to nervously shiver.

“…Is it just me or do they look like they’re about to tear each other’s throats out?” you say, feeling nervous yourself.

“Wait, that’s not what’s happening?” Ember asks.

“No, didn’t you hear the rules when Twilight was going over them?” Spike interjects.

“Not really, Greta’s stupid laughing keeps drowning everything out,” she huffs.

“Heh heh…you deserve it,” the red eyed griffon teases before her eyes widen. “Whoa, heh heh, that laughter stuff is finally kicking in for real! I can see words!”

“Nah, everyone’s seeing that,” you say pointing to the word “menacing” radiating through the air, written in Neighponese. “But the breaking of reality aside, it still looks like they’re going to fight,” you say worriedly.

“Why doesn’t someone just start a musical number to knock them out of it?” Ember says.

“One’s coming along little dragon princess, don’t worry,” Discord says feebly with a sniffle.

“Is that before or after they fight?” you grill. “Maybe we should stop this.”

“Skronk?” Mangle asks as she holds up your ocarina.

“Nah, I don’t think causing a rainstorm would keep them from fighting. Might make it even more epic in fact,” you dismiss before looking over to Twilight who is biting her hooves. “I mean, can’t she do anything before this messes up friendships or whatever?”

“I asked that earlier,” Spike chimes in. “She said a Goof Off wasn’t all that serious and asked “what’s the worst that could happen?””

“Did she actually bucking say that?!” you say in shock, giving a glare at the purple alicorn.

“Yeah…” Spike nods solemnly.

“Of all the-Why would she tempt fate like that when it involves Pinkie Pie, a guy just as whacky as her, and the gorramned Lord of Chaos is in town?!” you rant.

“…You know, she’s got a point,” Discord nods before blowing his nose. “Especially when my powers are on the fritz.

“Exactly! Does she want Ponyville to explode?!”

“Is that maybe why Cadence wants them to hook up so bad so that the world doesn’t end?” Ember asks and you all look to her.

“...Huh, didn’t think about it like that,” you say truthfully.

“I’m sorry, Cadence is trying to do what?” Spike asks Ember, who sighs.

“Oh where do I even begin…?”

And while she fills Spike in on this morning, you look back to the inevitable battle…

“Get Over Here!” Pinkie shouts as she throws out some sort of chain towards Cheese, and everyone gasps…only for her to pull a giant Teddy Bear back out of nowhere and hugs it tight. Cheese then reaches into his bag where you know he keeps his Junk Jet thing…but pulls out a saxophone and starts playing a relaxing tune.

“What the…?”

Suddenly their art style changes from ultra realistic to kawaii, and a concentrated blast of laughter radiates from the both of them. Ponies nearest to them are washed over in the power, and soon start giggling idiotically like Greta.

“Oh Come On!” Ember roars seeing this development as Pinkie Pie starts dancing like a robot and Cheese starts Ice Skating somehow out of nowhere.

“Yay! Friendship!” you hear Twilight say in relief and happiness.

And with that, they start playing even more instruments as the musical number finally starts and the tense atmosphere seemingly disappears.

“…Wait, that’s it? They’re NOT going to fight?” you say slack jawed.

“There’s more than one way to fight Shade, not all of them entail violence or foul language,” Discord says sagely.

“I guess that’s true,” you nod remembering your dance battle with Blueblood. “But still, they way they looked earlier, I swore there was gonna be a bloodbath. Like, Pinkie would go nuts like that time on her birthday that Spike told me about and then go on a rampage, killing everyone with a smile and then getting into an epic duel with Fluttershy, who would also fall tragically…”

Discord looks at you with a horrified expression while everyone else is caught up in the goof off.

“What…what movies do you watch that images like that are the first things to come to your mind?” he asks, almost sounding sad and offended.

“I’ve seen a few horror movies,” you admit. “The neighponese ones are always the most bucked up.”

“…Maybe you should try watching something mellow, like My Little Human?” he suggests, giving you a look of pity.

My Little Human? Around my Dad? Please,” you roll your eyes. “Besides, I’m a Transformares girl myself.”

“Right…” he says as he struggles to snap his fingers. Once he does, a T-Shirt and Hat appear on you along with a bucket of Popcorn poofing in your arms. The shirt says ‘Pinkie #1’, and the hat says 'We ♡ Pinkie.'

“Uh, thanks?” you say as you look at your new accessories.

“No problem. Maybe just sit back, relax, and watch the show so we can drive those horrifying thoughts from your mind?” he insists, almost pleadingly.

“Well now that Pinkie’s not going to end up in a psych ward, I guess I could,” you shrug.

“Right,” he says before smirking. “Perhaps your little boyfriend and you could count it as a date?”

“What?! I don’t have a…” you stammer with a blush as he trollishly grins and snaps his finger again with some effort. Suddenly next to you is a life sized plush doll of Spike. “Maybe you just need some practice?”

“EEEK!” you shriek as you quickly grab the doll and shove it in your inventory before Spike, Greta, Ember, or heavens forbid, Cadence can see.

“You say something Nightshade?” Spike says, taking his eyes off the Goof Off and looking to you.

“Nope! No, nothing’s wrong! Everything’s fine,” you giggle nervously, taking off the hat and shirt and shoving them in the bag for good measure. Mangle looks at the life sized doll and just gives you a look of disappointment.

“Oh, alright then,” he says turning back to the spectacle and you let out a sigh of relief before glaring at the sick god. He just chuckles at your look before coughing again into his fist.

“Even when you’re legitimately sick, you’re a pain,” you grumble.

“She says as she keeps the doll anyway,” he smirks.

“It was a gift! And since you’re not a stranger it’s fine if I keep it!” you argue as he and Mangle shake their head in disappointment. “It’s perfectly normal to keep a plush doll of my best friend! I’m not a weirdo!”

Added To The Inventory

Pinkie Fan Hat and Shirt
Spike Doll (Life Sized)

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“B-Besides! When Daddy gets back, that doll can be used as a good decoy in case he tries to make Spike into a dragon scaled wallet!”

“What was that?” Spike asks, turning around again.

“Nothing!” you dismiss. When he gives you a raised brow, you shove the tub of popcorn at him. “Look! Popcorn!”

“Ah, thanks Shade,” he smiles and starts eating and you sigh in relief again.

“As much as this running gag amuses me, you’re not paying much attention to the show Nightshade,” Discord says pointing his lion claw at Pinkie and Cheese.

“Ah, right, distractions. How I welcome them,” you say enthusiastically as you watch another kind of madness unfold.

There are sight gags, intricate dance moves, and of course a very jaunty duet between the two, although at one point Cheese’s rubber chicken and Gummy become ULTRA REALISTIC for a few seconds and your eyes hurt from the sight.

“Oh gods, I’m freaking out!” Greta says with her talons on her face as the wrongness of the two things persists.

“Hmm, weird, I opened a portal to a dimension once that looked just as horrifying,” Discord muses as your eyes feel like they’re melting.

“Kill it! Kill It With Fire!” Ember shrieks as “Gummy” finishes his dance. Once his segment is over though, no one else around you mentions it or thinks it was strange.

“I never want to see those kind of graphics again,” Spike shudders.

“You said it,” you tremble as well, just as Cadence makes it to your group, dropping an unconscious Trenderhoof at your hooves.

“Hey guys, what I miss?” she asks, not even explaining the passed out body, though nobody asks.

“They’ve seen a glimpse into a dimension that should not be, and madness is the price for knowledge,” Discord says kind of spookily.


“Someone turned the graphics setting up…only in real life,” you explain rubbing your eyes.

“…Okay then,” she says with a shrug before looking over to the battle…

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

Where the two of them have switched up the tempo of the song, and start having a rap battle.

“Wait a second, the first song’s tempo was all fast and jaunty, how can they seamlessly switch to an entirely different genre?” Ember asks and you stare at her in amazement. “What? I like music.”

“Uh, well…” you try to explain.

“It’s Pinkie Pie,” Spike comes to your rescue.

“Yes, that,” you nod as Ember rolls her eyes and watches them rap…which actually isn’t that cringey surprisingly.

“Pfft, what is this hip hop rubbish? Go back to the show tunes,” Discord grumbles.

“Oh hush you, I’m not much for rap either, but it’s fine,” you chide.

“Really? What do you like Nightshade?” asks Cadence.

You then have flashbacks to the many times your dad sang while in battle. All the madness that unfolded as he sang many varieties of songs.

“…I wanna say, Rock ‘N’ Roll?” you guess if you had to put a label on it.

“Free Bird!” Greta calls out at that, and both Cheese and Pinkie shout back.


“Awwww,” she says sullenly.

“Yeah sorry Greta, I don’t think rock is going to save the day this time,” you console.

“Implying that rock can or will save the day at some point?” Spike asks with a smirk.

“It could happen!” you declare.

In the Human World

While a Carnival catches fire for the eighty-seventh and a half time, Bugze, Midnight, The Dazzlings, and the Human 6 all sneeze.

“Okay, that was really weird,” Midnight says rubbing her nose.

“I know right? For some reason I wanna get lost in some Rock ‘N’ Roll and drift away…” Bugze ponders just as the flaming ferris wheel falls over.

Back With You

“But probably not right now,” Cadence plays devil’s advocate and you frown.

“Yeah, probably not right now,” you agree as the rap battle ends, and the jaunty music returns.

“Although I really think it’s getting out of hoof,” Cadence says a bit disturbed as Cheese pulls out a squirt gun, to which Pinkie pulls out a bigger one. Cheese then pulls out a super soaker, and Pinkie pulls out a garden hose, he then pulls out his Junk Jet, and she pulls out her party cannon, to which he pulls out a party howitzer. They keep pulling out more and more weapons that they shouldn’t physically be able to hold, but they somehow still do.

“You kidding, I’m eating this up,” Discord says as he eats some popcorn.

“Well I’d rather not risk my OTP from being crushed under…whatever new party weapons they keep bringing out,” Cadence says as her horn lights up.

“Hey! Pinkie told me no sabotage!”

“This isn’t sabotage, this is just making rivals into lovers!” she says with an evil glint in her eye as she fires her spell at Pinkie Pie…just as she pulls out what looks like an orbital party cannon. The spell deflects off of the massive weapon and goes flying west.

“Oh shoot!” Cadence spits as the spell disappears from sight.

“Um, should we be worried about that?” Ember asks.

“Nah, the chances of it hitting someone else is highly unlikely,” Cadence reassures.

“I meant that!” she shrieks as both Pinkie and Cheese ride two party nukes to the ground.

“…Maybe?” you guess, just as the world goes white and the air is filled with cake batter.

At Sweet Apple Acres

Grandbuggy is taking a break after finishing up the plumbing for his new bunker, while Ahuizotl and Daring Do negotiate.

“Okay, from now on I’ll cut back on writing you as a bumbling idiot, but in return, you have to stop leaving me tied up in sand pits!” she barks.

“But those make things more fun! And I don’t just want my image to be bettered, I want royalties for all past and future uses of my likeness,” he fires back.

“And I told you, that’s going to be a tricky thing to explain to my publishers!” she groans.

And while they start to argue again, Grandbuggy rolls his eyes and sips his chilled apple juice, when all of a sudden, two mushroom clouds rise up from the middle of town and he spits out his drink.

“What in bucking tarnation?” he shrieks as the clouds turn yellow and pink. Ahuizotl and Daring also stop arguing and stare at the rising clouds in shock.

“The buck is going on in town?” Grandbuggy mumbles. His eyes then widen as he sense a massive streak of concentrated love magic heading right for him. Thanks to years of experience, his muscle memory allows him to dodge out of the way of the attack. “Who’s shooting love magic?!”

Looking around for the culprit, he finds no one.

“Hey, did ya’ll see…any…” he trails off as Ahuizotl and Daring Do are now looking at each other intently.

“Uh…guys?” Grandbuggy questions nervously. No sooner does he finish his question, the two of them rush at each other…and start groping and kissing intensely.

“Whoa Nelly!” Grandbuggy says as the radial love energy spikes around them.

“I’ve always wanted to do this!” Ahuizotl says between kisses.

“Me Too You Sexy Cat Thing You!” Daring says breathlessly as they tumble backward into the barn and into a pile of hay.

Grandbuggy looks at the intense passion play before him for a few seconds, before he gulps, and slowly closes the barn door on them.

“I’m just gonna...” he trails off as he closes the door and wipes sweat from his brow.

“It’s usually my job, but I got a tomb you can raid!” Daring shouts.

“Then I shall steal the treasure inside!” Ahuizotl answers and Grandbuggy just backs away from the door.

“Well, I guess it’s about dang time, but that was still shocking,” he mumbles to himself before looking back to the fading clouds. “Somehow I feel Heart Hips is to blame.”

Back With You

“Somehow I feel like you’re the one to blame Cadence,” you say as you look upon the massive confectionary creation in front of you.

“I didn’t do this!” she defends. “If anything it’s Discord’s fault.”

“I’m still sick Princess,” he grumbles before looking pleased at the sight. “Though, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed.

After the party nukes dropped, the cake batter spread everywhere across town, but the large majority of it created a tower that looked like a layered wedding cake where Pinkie and Cheese stood at the very top like bride and groom figurines.

“Seriously, how can that be a coincidence when the two of you are right next to each other?” you accuse the princess and the god but they just shrug.

Right on cue, the large cake loses it’s structural integrity as Pinkie and Cheese both ride it to the ground, all while still singing.

“How is this still going?” you grunt as the rest of the town folk are covered in cake and looking miserable.

“I know right? Heh heh, the Rainbow one is looking sad,” Greta points out.

“Huh?” you grunt and look. Sure enough, Rainbow Dash, covered in cake, is looking miserable as Pinkie and Cheese continue to do the goof off. “Oh, right, wasn’t this thing supposed to be about her?”

“Exactly, and now it’s been hijacked,” Discord nods.

“…Well that’s crummy,” you say turning a stern glare at the two party ponies. “Well let’s end this now so that-“

“And that should fix things,” Cadence says as she blasts Pinkie with a beam.

“Cadence!” you scold.

“What?” she asks innocently as the music changes again, and the mood lighting somehow despite being outdoors. Pinkie suddenly gets a sultry look in her eyes as she starts singing and dancing within the cake batter…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Cheese Sandwich, for his part, is completely thrown for a loop for this change in tactics and is blushing like mad and stumbling.

“Well, uh, heh heh,” he stammers and looks around. Quite a few mares are covering their children’s or their stallion’s eyes as Pinkie dances and sings in a risqué way.

“Oh…my…” you hear a familiar voice mutter. Looking down, you see Trenderhoof with hearts in his eyes and his jaw to the floor watching Pinkie dance. “Who is that mare?”

“No, No, NO! I don’t care how distantly related she is, you are not mixing into my bloodline!” you shout as you dump excess cake over the guy, burying.

“…Did you just say that you’re related to Pinkie Pie?” Spike asks as everyone else looks at the thrashing stallion drowning in baked goods.

“Yes, yes I did,” you declare before looking back to Pinkie as she starts caressing Cheese’s cheek and he looks completely flabbergasted and red.

“Uhhh, look Pinkie Pie, I never meant to make you feel like I was taking your spot or anything,” Cheese stammers.

“Oh really?” Pinkie says with lidded eyes.

“Y-yeah. I just wanted to work with you, I mean…” Cheese Sandwhich then bursts into a gentle song about how when he was young he found meaning in life after being at one of Pinkie’s Parties.

“Wait, you were inspired because of me?” she asks sounding touched.

“Of course, I’m the pony I am today because of you,” he says with a nervous chuckle.

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Cadence shrieks in utmost satisfaction as she watches the two.

And somehow, even through that salacious look of hers, she beams her natural Pinkie happiness and the atmosphere is no longer hostile.

“Oh my gosh! That’s fantastic! We shouldn’t be competing, we should be working together!” she beams before suddenly her eyes land on Rainbow Dash who looks a bit put off covered in cake. Suddenly, her eyes her eyes flash with every color of the rainbow for a moment.

“Hey, did anyone else see that?” you question.

“See what?” asks Ember.

“The…you know what, never mind, it’s probably just a trick of the light,” you reason, though for some reason when Pinkie’s eyes flashed, the shards in your chest grew uncomfortably hot.

“Rainbow Dash, I’m so sorry that we got carried away. Tomorrow’s supposed to be your special day and we fell behind on the planning because of selfishness,” she says a bit sadly.

“I’m sorry too Rainbow Dash,” Cheese Sandwich apologizes. “I guess I just got caught up in trying to prove myself to Pinkie and lost sight of everything.”

Rainbow Dash looks between the two of them, then all of the cake batter around town and sighs.

“You know what? Apology accepted. I’ve gotten carried away plenty of times,” she admits. “Though for tomorrow with both of ya’ll on the same page, my Birthiversary is gonna rock!”

At that declaration, everyone in town cheers as everyone starts to pick up the cake batter.

“…Wait, that’s it? Everything’s resolved just like that?” Ember says bewildered looking around.

“Eyup,” you nod as you do your part and eat some cake pieces.

“But…but they, wha…”

“You shouldn’t question it too much Princess,” Discord instructs. “Ponies are very religious with their friendship.”

“Heh heh, more like a cult,” Greta giggles.

“Don’t let Twilight hear that,” Spike advises.

“Agreed,” you nod licking your lips of frosting. “Though there is something we’re still forgetting about.”

“You’re right Nightshade,” Cadence says giving you a smile.

“Right, so let’s go back to our scrapbook and-“

“Pinkie Pie! Cheese Sandwich!” Cadence shouts and flies off towards the two.

“Oh for-Really?!” you complain as she lands in front of the two party ponies.

“Yes? What’s up Cadence?” Pinkie asks.

“Since you two are going to be planning tomorrow together, I’ve got the perfect spot!” she says as she shoves a big bag of bits into Cheese’s hooves.

“Uh, what’s this for your maje-“

“You two, go to that fancy restaurant over there, order the candlelit dinner and you plan!” she pushes, or rather demands. “The wine is worth it, oh and wouldn’t you know it, if you don’t want to go home, I upgraded Cheese’s room at the hotel to the VIP sweet earlier.”

“Ummm, thank you?” he guesses and looks to Pinkie who shrugs. Cadence then leans down and whispers in her ear, and suddenly Pinkie’s face turns red.

“Have fun you two!” she waves and flies back to your group. “There, mission accomplished.”

“What did you whisper to her?” you demand and she scrunches her face and looks to the sky.

“Just this and that,” she lies badly and you sigh in frustration.

“Alright fine, can we just make the stupid family tree now?” you grunt and she giggles.

“Oh yeah, forgot all about that. Sure, let’s get to it, and who knows, maybe Pinkie’s branch might grow tonight if they’re not careful,” she titters and starts walking towards Sugar Cube Corner, dragging Ember and Greta with her.

“What’s that mean?!” you shout but she doesn’t answer you and you groan.

“I’m going to just say, grown up stuff and leave it at that,” Discord says shaking his head in disappointment at Cadence.

“I’m starting to think that maybe Daddy conveniently didn’t write to her with his Instant Message thing because of this,” you deadpan.

“Eh, you get used to it,” Spike shrugs as he starts pushing Discord away. “Believe me, I’d have to listen to ship talk every time she read me and Twilight a bedtime story.”

“…I’m so sorry,” you console the dragon who just nods.

“Anyway, see ya tomorrow Shade,” he waves.

“Bye Spike,” you wave forlornly as he wheels Discord off.

“If the wait is too much, you still have your new toy,” Discord calls out before giving a wheezing chuckle.

“Die in a fire Discord,” you say, though not in an angry tone, rather a pleasant chit chat tone.

“Hmmm, nah,” he answers.

And with that, you head back into the sweet shop to finally, FINALLY finish your tree, but before you get inside a thought comes to you.

“Hey, where’d that hipster douche go?”

At Sweet Apple Acres

“What do ya mean I can’t go into my own barn?” asks a fancily dressed Applejack, which at any other time would get the old bug’s blood pumping, but today is not that day.

“I’m telling ya Jackie, you go in there now, and you’ll be scarred for life,” Grandbuggy warns.

“But how else am I gonna teach Rarity a lesson?” she says with crossed arms.

“I don’t know? Give her a smack upside the back of her head?” he suggests just as said mare bursts through the door.

“Well hey dere AJ, whatchu doin being all fancy like?” she says with a bad southern accent and wearing overalls.

“Why my dear Rarity, whatever do you mean?” Applejack says with a fancy accent back.

“…Yeah, I’d say go for the smack,” Grandbuggy sighs looking between the mares.

“Ain’t no one be smacking me, Yargggh,” Rarity complains.

“And that’s a dang pirate accent ya nitwit!” he chides.

“He’s right darling. You don’t have to change like this for Trenderhoof’s sake.”

“I’m not doing that…really,” she lies badly. “Have you seen him up around here?”

“No, not since the dreadful cake bomb,” Applejack says haughtily.

“Is that what that was?” Grandbuggy asks before his eyes widen as he sees something out the window. “Uh, girls?”

“I like rolling around in mud! So cake batter is no exception!”


“I on the other hoof do not, that cake nearly got my mane dirty and-“

“I found the twink ya’ll are talking about,” Grandbuggy says pointing out the window. Turning, they both see him staring wide eyed through the barn door that he’s opened, a look of shock and horror on his red face.

“Oh, Trenderhoof!” Rarity calls out as the three of them exit the house.

Hearing his name, the stallion closes the door and turns to face them.

“Ms. Applejack, I realize that I’ve taken things a bit too far and I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable,” he says taking off his overalls.

“Uh…thank you?” she guesses as he turns to Rarity.

“Ms. Rarity…you can do so much better,” he says encouragingly.

“Oh, uh…” she stammers.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go home, rethink everything I thought about my life, profession and what love even is, and I don’t think I’ll ever return. Good day.”

And with that, the bespectacled stallion runs off, leaving a ploom of dust in his wake. The three of them look at this before Rarity speaks up.

“Wait, he knew I was in to him and yet he still acted like this around AJ while I made a fool of myself?” she growls before throwing the straw hat onto the ground. “What a jerk!”

“I think that’s mostly your fault for picking the guy Rarity,” Applejack says before looking back at the barn. “But seriously, what the hay is going on in there that spooked him?”

“Things not meant for the eyes of proper ladies,” Grandbuggy says as he puts a lock on the door. “Now, the both of you go on inside, Orchard’s made pie.”

Hours later, you came home with Greta and Ember to see Grandbuggy counseling Rarity and Applejack over pie while refusing to let anyone into the barn for some reason.


Before the party starts, you and the CMC have gathered Fluttershy at the train station on her return trip to fill her in on things.

“And then this morning Grandbuggy opened the barn and Ahuizotl and Daring came out, looking all exhausted,” you finish relaying the last few day’s events.

“Oh…My,” Fluttershy says turning beet red.

“I think they might have been fighting all night, I kept hearing crashes when we were trying to sleep,” Applebloom adds and Fluttershy looks even more embarrassed.

“That’s weird, I thought you said they were starting to get along after the Vampire incident,” Scootaloo asks.

“Eeep,” Fluttershy shifts uncomfortably.

“I think I’ve heard about stuff like this. If two ponies aren’t getting along, they lock them in a room for hours until they settle their differences,” Sweetie Belle says.

“Well, maybe it worked because they were all smiling and close to one another today,” you shrug. "Though if they were fighting all night, why don't their heads hurt like Greta's did this morning?"

“Um, can we talk about something else?” Fluttershy pleads. “I mean, you said Discord’s still sick?”

“Yeah, he really wanted to come with us, but Twilight and Cadence wouldn’t let him,” you say and she looks worried.

“Oh, the poor dear,” she says with pity. “So his powers aren’t reliable right now?”

“Not unless you want…” you briefly flash to last night when you slept holding the Spike plush. “Uh, Nothing! Absolutely nothing to happen! Heh heh.”

“Ohhhh, that’s not good,” she says as she looks around at all the new decorations put up by the party pony duo, who you notice are acting awfully similar to how Ahuizotl and Daring did this morning.

“Why? What’s wrong Fluttershy?” you ask.

“Well, I came back as fast as I could because while studying the Breezies I realized that their migration pattern would pass through Ponyville today. I’d completely forgotten that it was Rainbow Dash’s birthday!” she says while biting at her hooves.

“I don’t think she’d mind if more guests came to the party,” Applebloom points out but she shakes her head.

“No, you don’t understand! The Breezies are fragile, too fragile for a party atmosphere. And with Discord out of commission, I don’t know what I’m going to do!” she says as she starts hyperventilating.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down! Take it from the top again, what’s the deal with this Breezies?” you ask the spazzing pegasus.


Episode 80: How Are These Things Still Alive?!

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After Fluttershy finishes explaining Breezie biology, and how weak their constitution is, you are flabbergasted.

“So let me get this straight, these tiny fairy things actually need pegasi to control the wind so that it’s only a breeze, otherwise they’ll crash?”

“Yes that’s right,” Fluttershy nods.

“…How in the buck have these things not gone extinct yet?!” you exclaim.

“Oh, language,” she gasps but you ignore her.

“Seriously, there’s like a million and a half things in this world that can gobble up a pony, but at least a gust of wind won’t kill us!”

“Well the thing is they actually live in their own little dimension, and they only leave once every so many years to get pollen and-“

“I mean for goodness sake, how does the Tooth Breezie even get kid’s teeth without dying to someone snoring?” you ask in exasperation.

“Oh, well, the Tooth Breezie is actually not-“

“Equestria’s got hydras, dragons, my dad, smoke monsters, timberwolves, bugbears, daddy, a literal gate to Tartarus, Cragodiles, Changelings, stupid ponies, and of course my dad, so how can things that weak and delicate survive?” you list.

“Well they don’t tend to go through such territories…also did you list your father multiple-“

“You know, I gotta agree with Shade on this Fluttershy,” Scootaloo speaks up.

“Really?” asks Applebloom.

“Yeah,” she nods. “My parents are wildlife experts, so the fact that something that is so fragile and doesn’t contribute that much can survive in the wild is nuts.”

“Thank you,” you say with vindication.

“Now hold on now, Fluttershy was saying that they collect pollen, so maybe they’re like bees,” Applebloom argues. “Going flower to flower, they help pollinate many different plants, so they might be useful that way.”

“But bees don’t go splat when someone blows out a birthday candle,” Scootaloo retorts. “Also, from what Fluttershy said, they don’t have built in defense stingers like Bees do.”

“That’s right,” the pegasus nods. “They are soft and delicate and-“

“THEY CAN’T EVEN DEFEND THEMSELVES?!” you shout. “How the buck…?”

“Maybe predators don’t attack them because they’re so cute?” Sweetie Belle suggests and you, Scootaloo and Applebloom look at her incredulously. “What? It could happen.”

“If that were the case then bunnies wouldn’t be gobbled up by practically everything,” you point out.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy winces.

“Oh, right,” Sweetie Belle pouts.

“Well girls, the Breezies are for the most part in their own pocket dimension, only coming to Equestria whenever they need pollen.”

“Wait, so they’re stealing pollen for their own dimension, and ponies have to help facilitate this?” Applebloom asks.

“It’s not really stealing, they do require it to survive though,” Fluttershy says, starting to sound antsy.

“But that just brings up another question on how their society and culture developed this way,” Scootaloo ponders with a hoof to her chin. “Where in history did this symbiotic relation with pegasi take place, and why? Pegasi don’t get anything out of this deal.”

“Because it’s a kind gesture?” Fluttershy suggests.

“I heard pegasi in the old days were all militarized and stuff, so that is a good question,” you nod, remembering some tales from Grandbuggy.

“Maybe they were overcome by their adorableness like I said?” Sweetie Belle interjects.

“Hmmm, that might be the case,” you say, knowing the many times you’ve freaked out over adorable creatures.

I’m still mad I didn’t get to keep that Wombat from the Crystal Heart Festival petting zoo, you think bitterly, remembering how Sombra was overwhelmed by it’s fuzziness.

“But then how did they survive the warring tribes times when the wendigos were around and there weren’t no pollen?” Applebloom asks.

“Oh right, didn’t even think of that one,” Scootaloo nods, and you remember that colt’s ice power.

“Yeah they definitely wouldn’t survive that, so how would they-“

“GIRLS!” Fluttershy suddenly interrupts with a rare raised voice causing all four of you to pay attention to her. “I’m sure all these questions are intriguing for Biologists and Historians to ponder over, but right now they don’t matter. The Breezies are coming and they can’t handle a party atmosphere!”

“Well why is it a problem now if it hasn’t been in the past?” you ask and she sighs.

“Because in the past their migratory patterns didn’t even go through Ponyville, but they’ve been diverted thanks to that Forest Fire,” she says plainly and suddenly, your pupils shrink.

“Oh…” you mutter, suddenly feeling guilty over being responsible for this problem in the first place. “Oh okay fine, but this discussion is far from over,” you say nodding to the CMC.

“Noted, but moving on, we have to figure out how to divert them without messing up their migration,” she insists.

“Hmmm, if they’re like little bug ponies, we could spray insecticide around the town so that they don’t enter?” Sweetie Belle suggests and you all look at her again.

“That…that would kill them!” Fluttershy shrieks.

“Big surprise there,” you roll your eyes.

“Why? Doesn’t insecticide keep bugs away from things?” she asks innocently looking to Applebloom.

“Yeah, by killing them,” she says as if it’s obvious.

“Oh…well then let’s not do that,” she backtracks.

“Yeah, let’s not,” you agree. “My Dad always freaked out about bug spray in the past, so I don’t wanna chance it myself, or with Grandbuggy around.”

“Wait a second, that’s it!” Scootaloo chirps.

“Huh? What’s it?”

“You, since you’re part changeling that means you’re part bug and part horse, just like the Breezies, so you could control them.” she explains.

“Hey! That’s…it’s…” you try to argue in offense but you come up dry with that logic. “Okay, maybe we are part bug horse, but that doesn’t mean I can control them!”

“Really? What about your Grandbuggy with that Hive Mind thing?” Applebloom asks.

“That’s only for Changelings and Daddy kind of broke that back in Appleloosa,” you point out. “And he was only able to do that with the Insect Swarm plasmid which I do not have.”

“Oh…” Scootaloo’s ears droop. “Well there goes my idea.”

“Maybe not,” Fluttershy speaks up and you raise a brow. “Perhaps there could be something we could use with your shared heritage.”

“Shared heritage? Are you saying that Changelings and Breezies are ACTUALLY related?” you balk and she rubs the back of her neck.

“Well, not officially,” she admits. “But some scientists believe that most sentient bug like species today stemmed from the ancient Flutterponies and-“

“Changelings aren’t FLUTTERPONIES!” Grandbuggy shouts, superhero landing beside you five out of nowhere and startling you all.

“Grandbuggy, what are you-“

“I felt the call of blasphemy in the air!” he says adamantly eying Fluttershy who eeps and hides behind her mane. “Get this straight all ya’ll, Changelings did not come from those wimpy Flutterponies! They died off because they couldn’t handle cold weather! Every true blooded Changeling knows that!”

In The Human World

While B2 and Hu-Luna fight a corrupted Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie atop a crashing blimp, Midnight Sparkle is attempting to cook in one of the deserted bakery food stalls.

"Changelings are not Flutterponies!" Bugze suddenly shouts as he throws a brick through the oven she’s using.

"My soufflé!" Midnight cries in anguish.

“There will be no heresy on my watch!” he shouts in determination as he starts setting fire to the other stalls.

In Equestria, In a Castle Prison

“Changelings are not Flutterponies!” Chrysalis suddenly shouts, startling the mare on the other side of the door.

“I never said they were,” says Radiant Hope.

“Excuse me, that was involuntary. Someone must have spoken blasphemy…” the malnourished queen mutters.

“Oh…Okay then,” Hope shrugs. “But yes, if you agree to help me save Sombra from Nightmare Moon, I will get you out of here and you also will be able to get even with The Elements of Harmony.”

Chrysalis smirks at that.

“Such a tempting offer is hard to refuse, but I have a condition little crystal pony,” she sneers.

“And what’s that?” Hope questions suspiciously.

“I get to eradicate Nightmare Moon and keep her host body to myself,” she says with venom.

Hope raises a brow at that but then shakes her head.

“Of course, after all the destruction I’ve heard she’s caused, it would only be practical,” she admits. “And you can have her host AFTER I free Sombra from him.”

“…Very well, we have an Accord,” Chrysalis smiles with intense satisfaction as the rest of her Changelings buzz about.

“Great! Just give me a bit of time and Flim and Flam will cook something up to get you all free,” Hope assures.

“We look forward to it…” Chrysalis smiles evilly.

Back With You

“Okay, I understand, Flutterponies and Changelings aren’t related,” Fluttershy placates.

“Good girl,” he nods. “So, what we talking about that they got brought up?” he asks to the group.

“The Breezies,” you answer.

“Oh don’t even get me started on those little twerps!” he starts complaining. “I swear this world is in the wrong timeline where they survived and the Sirens didn’t!”

“Yeah, we already went on a little tirade already about that,” Applebloom speaks up before you all start debating again.

“Oh…so what about them then?” he questions.

“They’re coming through town and we gotta figure out a way to divert them so Rainbow’s Birthiversary doesn’t splatter them,” you tell him plainly while Fluttershy shudders.

“What, you can’t just get a couple pegasi to change the wind patterns?” he asks Fluttershy with a raised brow.

“Everypony seems so busy right now though,” she says as she sees ponies already partying.

“Well Sparkle ain’t too busy, and she’s got wings,” Grandbuggy points out. “She’s currently letting that freeloader Discord recover on her guest bed, but I think she can spare some time.”

“Oh goodness, so he really is sick?” she mutters.

“I wasn’t fibbing!” you say in offense.

“Oh dear…well I best go check on him as well when I see Twilight. Maybe a friendly face will help him recover,” she says hectically as she speeds off. “I’ll meet you at the North end of town!”

“Wait! Why am I now involved?!” you call back, but she is already gone from sight.

“Ugh, I hate getting volunteered for things! True I would have said yes, but I like getting asked first!” you grumble and kick the dirt.

“…Does anyone else feel like Fluttershy was in a hurry to get back to Discord?” Sweetie Belle asks.

“Sweetie, no!” you shriek holding your hoof over her mouth and looking to the sky apprehensively. “Cadence is still around and we don’t want to give her any ideas!”

“Wasn’t she staying at Twilight’s though?” Scootaloo points out and your pupils shrink.

“Oh…well that problem is over there and over there can take care of itself,” you say washing your hooves of the whole mess.

“He’s still a god so I don’t think her magic would even affect him kiddo,” Grandbuggy says.

“He is sick though, so who knows?” you shrug.

“Oh, maybe he’ll stop being a god if Cadence gets to him,” Sweetie Belle says, taking your hoof off her mouth.

“Say what now?” Applebloom asks.

“Like, maybe he’ll become mortal through the power of love and then a new god of Chaos will be born?” she says wistfully and you facehoof.

“If that’s the case, my bet’s on Pinkie Pie getting all that chaos," Scootaloo chuckles while the rest of you shiver at that image.

“If that happens, I’m leaving this reality,” you say as you look up at the sky seeing some partial cloud cover. “Hey Scoots, is it scheduled to rain today?”

“I don’t think so, why?” she answers.

“Just had a thought about the Breezies and the weather. Maybe it’ll be easier to not kill them if the skies are clear.”

“Well, I can’t exactly help with that,” she says self deprecatingly.

“Nah, but I might,” you say as you bring out the Ocarina and start playing some notes.

“Why are you playing the Song of Storms?” asks Sweetie Belle and your eyes widen, causing you to stop.

“Ah shoot, I mixed that up with the Song of Sun!” you say and start looking around worriedly…but nothing changes in the weather.

“Huh, guess maybe that is just a regular ocarina then huh?” asks Applebloom.

“I suppose,” you shrug a bit disappointed. “But oh well, a storm right now wouldn’t have helped anyone.

Unbeknownst to you, a couple hundred miles away in Cloudsdale, the weather ponies are suddenly hit with rainstorms inside their factory, causing untold amounts of stress and overtime for the workers.

Awhile Later

While the party has begun and countless ponies are dancing in the streets and enjoying food and party games, you are now at the North End of town with the currently available Outcasts and Deadly 6. There’s you, Grandbuggy, Garble, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy, and the CMC. Spike wasn’t available apparently because he was showing Ember around the party, though you totally didn’t almost crack a tooth in rage upon hearing that, nope!

“Okay, I’m glad you’ve all gathered here on such short notice,” Fluttershy says.

“Why am I even here? I heard something about weak squishy bug ponies?” Garble interrupts.

“Yes, the Breezies,” you nod. “And you’re here because you have wings, which apparently we need.”

“Wait, but don’t you also-URK!” you elbow him in the gut before Twilight hears that.

“From what you’ve said Fluttershy, I don’t know if a dragon’s wings can affect the wind like you want,” Twilight says.

“Yes darling, are you sure we shouldn’t just ask Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asks.

“I don’t want to ruin her party,” Fluttershy says meekly. “And to get the breeze we need, we only need two pegasi at most, so I think I could help take up the slack even if Garble’s wings don’t work right.”

“Hey! What about me?! I’ve got wings!” Scootaloo says in offense and everyone bites their lips and avoids eye contact with her. “Hey! Don’t ignore me!”

“I think you need to be able to get off the ground though,” Garble explains, though not in a condescending way. Even still, Scootaloo growls and tackles him to the ground.

“AGH! Why?!” he complains as she starts hitting him.

“Because reasons!” she snarls, before Sweetie and Applebloom pull her back.

“Stupid ponies,” Garble complains. “I try to be nice because you have the same colors of my sister and this is what happens.”

The adults watch this petty squabble unfold before turning back to one another.

“Anyway, I hope it’s enough with you me and Garlbe,” Twilight says looking at the lively town. “I would have asked Cadence but she’d already flown off saying she had important work to do.”

“Is she bugging Pinkie Pie again?” you scoff and roll your eyes.

“Nah, she said something about Daring Do and dashed off,” Twilight says and Grandbuggy just coughs into his hoof.

“So she’s clearly busy,” he says changing the subject. “But this is a bit of a gamble having to divert around the whole town with only a pegasus, an alicorn and a runty dragon.”

“I’m only runty because of that stupid tree!” Garble whines and stomps his foot and glares at Twilight. “When are you going to be able to fix that again?”

Twilight winces and rubs the back of her neck.

“Sorry Garble, but I’ve been busy with Discord,” she excuses.

“Who is doing much better in spirit when I saw him earlier,” Fluttershy says with a happy grin. “He actually took more of his medicine without complaining.”

“Wait, is he just by himself if everyone’s outside of the library?” you ask, feeling a bit concerned yourself.

“Oh no, Owlicious is watching over him while he’s sleeping,” Twilight says. “If he needs anything, he’ll come find me.”

“Well I hope he gets better soon! I tried to talk with Crackle yesterday but she just kept laughing at me because I’m tiny!” he harumphs.

“There there Gar-Gar, this look is rather quite cute on you,” Sweetie tries to soothe, but Garble rounds on you.

“Why would you tell them that nickname?!”

“Because they’re my friends and it’s funny?” you shrug.

“Anyway! Breezies migration!” Fluttershy gets everyone back on track. “While Twilight, Garble and I flap our wings, we need the rest of you to ensure that nothing and nopony comes close to where we’re herding them.”

“Ugh, that sounds like a lot of work!” Garble moans. “Why don’t we just take Ponyville and push it somewhere else so it’s not in the way?”

There is stunned silence from everyone after that declaration as Twilight winces at it’s stupidity.

“Garble, that idea is-“ she starts

“Actually getting somewhere,” Grandbuggy interrupts.

“What?” she gawps.

“Think about it, if the whole town ain’t in the way, then they can’t rightly fly through it,” he points out. “I did something similar in the old west, though we had more helping hooves and a toll booth to slow down the bandits.”

“Well…” Twilight speaks up hesitantly, trying to process that image. “Like you said, you had more hooves to-“

“I don’t doubt that Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich could accomplish that,” Rarity says much to your shock. “She’d probably have everypony in town thinking it was some sort of game.”

“Rarity! The logistics of uprooting houses and foundations, not to mention plumbing and water would-“ Twilight starts, only to be cut off again.

“We could set up a lemonade stand for the Breezies so that everypony else would have more time to move the town,” Scootaloo pipes up.

“Lemonade? If anything we’re selling Apple Fritters,” Applebloom insists.

“Why not both? A snack and a drink would give everypony even more time,” Sweetie Belle suggests.

“Wha-buh-Huh?” Twilight flounders looking at everyone.

“Umm, I suppose if Discord were better it would be possible,” Fluttershy says quietly and Twilight’s mane becomes even more messy.

“This is-You…Nightshade?” she looks at you pleadingly.

“I mean…” you admit reluctantly and you see the hope fade from her eyes.

“Not you too,” she whimpers.

“Look, I’m just saying, it could work if you don’t care too much about property damage,” you say before nodding at Garble. “Good idea Gar-Gar.”

“Wow, thank y-Hey!”

At that Twilight double facehooves, along with both her wings as she gives a muffled scream.

After going on a tirade about the logistically fallacies of moving the entire town, you all agree to shelf that idea for later so that she doesn’t burst a blood vessel. And so, you all stick to the original plan.

And while you and the CMC keep a perimeter, with Scootaloo grumbling the whole time, you wait in impatience since you can smell all the wonderful party foods and hear the many games going on.

“If these stupid fairies don’t show up within the next five minutes, I’M going to be the reason they go exit-“

“Oh look! There they are!” Sweetie Belle points along the road.

“Finally!” you grunt. Following her line of sight, you see what you think at first are a swarm of butterflies, but as they get closer to Twilight, Fluttershy and Garble, you can make out more details. “Oh wow, they actually are pretty cute.”

They look like miniature, skinny ponies with insect like wings and long antennae on their heads.

“Oh my gosh, Fluttershy’s description don’t do them justice,” Applebloom says in amazement.

“Yeah…they’re neat looking,” Scootaloo admits, losing her grumpy scowl.

“They are gorgeous!” Rarity says with starry eyes. “I think I’ve got an idea for a new line!”

“Easy there sis,” Sweetie Belle says while you watch them, mesmerized by their movements on the slight breeze.

“Eh,” Grandbuggy dismisses and you all scoff at him. “What? Try actually talking to one and you’ll lose those praising looks.”

Despite his grumpiness, you lot continue to shepherd the Breezies around the town, and towards the forest where Fluttershy claims there is a portal leading to their dimension.

“You know Sweetie, maybe you’re explanation of them being too adorable to die has some merit,” you admit and she beams brightly.

“Told ya so,” she says with an air of smugness which she’s earned.

As you get down to last few Breezies that need to enter the forest though, something goes wrong, because of course it does.

“Just ask the Cello Player out already!” you hear Cadence’s voice cry out.

“I’m not ready yet!” Bulk Biceps shouts in anguish as he speeds off between Fluttershy, Twilight and Garble, followed shortly by your cousin.

“Oh for buck’s sake!” you curse as the airflow is interrupted and a group of the Breezies at the back get cut off from the rest and start to spiral out of control towards the ground.

“NOOOO!!!” Fluttershy shrieks and your blood runs cold. You may have wondered how these weak creatures still thrived in a harsh world, but you don’t actually want them squished in front of you. So, before anything catastrophic happens, you call upon your minions to soften the shadows where they are about to hit. Sure enough, when the tiny fairy things touch a darkened spot, they are unfazed. Before Twilight has a chance to wonder what just happened, you switch your hold to that of your horn magic.

“Good catch Nightshade,” Scootaloo congratulates as you all rush over to see the gathered Breezies.

“Give them some room, they just went through a traumatic ordeal,” Fluttershy begs as you set them gently on the ground. Up close, they are even more cute and you force yourself not to just pick them all up in your arms.

“Are all of you okay?” Fluttershy asks the tiny creatures and all of them start speaking in a squeaky voice.

“What did they just say?” asks Garble.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“They just asked who saved them?” you say and everyone looks to you. “What, you guys didn’t hear that?”

“No, that just sounded like gibberish,” Scootaloo says.

“Nightshade, you can speak Breezie?” asks Twilight curiously.

“Uhh…” you look at Grandbuggy who gives you a subtle look of reproach.

Oh right, the bug horse connection thing.

“I guess?” you shrug.

The Breezies then speak up again, but only you and Grandbuggy seem to understand them.

“Who saved us?”

“I’m the one who saved all of you, you’re not hurt right?” you ask and they all turn their adorable round eyes towards you in reverence.

“You are the Messiah?” they all ask in unison.

“…Grandbuggy, what does Messiah mean?”

“Basically a long awaited god,” he says with a disturbed look.

“Oh,” you say before you look back down on the Breezies. “No, I’m not the Messiah.”

“She Is The Messiah!” they all shout before all of them fly into your mane.

“Hey, what are you-Heh heh, that tickles!” you giggle as they all write around you.

“The Messiah’s mane is so soft and smells good!” they say with squeaky voices.

“Well, I do use both shampoo and conditioner,” you tell them as everyone watches the spectacle unfold.

“Ummm, Nightshade, what’s going on?” Fluttershy asks.

“I guess I’m their god now or something?” you say, just as lost as her.

Of course you are mistress, all will serve you in the end, you hear Bob speak up in your head.

That’s not reassuring at all Bob! You mentally shout while the Breezies get settled in your mane and on your back. All of them except one that is a blue one with a pink mane who starts berating the others.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“She is not the Messiah you dolts, she’s just a little filly,” he says in Breezie before speaking to the rest of you in Ponish. “I am sorry about them, they are drama queens.”

Now, as surprising as it was to hear a Breezie speak in basic ponish, it’s nothing compared to how thick his Shetland accent is. Quite frankly, it’s downright adorable.

“…Okay Sweetie, you were right, they are TOO adorable to go extinct,” you say as you grab the lone Breezie and bring him to your chest.

“Hey now!” he complains, but you ignore him.

“Shhh, it’s alright. You all went through a terrible ordeal but Mama Nightshade will make everything better,” you say snuggling him as the rest cheer.

“Okay, and we thank you little filly, but we do have to go home,” he says trying to pry himself out of your grip, but you don’t relent.

“Sure, sure, you can go home, but first you should hang out with me for a bit,” you say snuggling him into your scarf.

“Be gentle Nightshade!” Fluttershy warns. “They’re very fragile.”

“I know, I know, I’m not going to hurt Chester,” you argue.

“Who is Chester?” asks Applebloom.

“Him,” you say pointing at the grumpy Breezie.

“My name is Seabreeze!” he barks.

“Right, Chester Seabreezington,” you say patting his head and he starts to grumble.

“Heh, Seabreeze? A little on the nose there huh?” Grandbuggy laughs and the Breezie glares at him.

“Don’t go insulting me name you muckle damned poofy hat wearing piece of leather!” he growls and Grandbuggy suddenly frowns.

“Oh I know you did not just insult my hat you pansy pixie pest!” he says with murder in his eyes, advancing on you. The rest of the Breezies gasp and hide in your mane, tickling you more as Seabreeze pushes further into your scarf.

“You hat is a boiled haven for lice and broken dreams!” he says and Grandbuggy turns red.

“Quick Fix, please no!” Fluttershy intervenes as you turn away protectively.

“Lady, did you hear what the bucker said about my hat?! My honor has been stricken!” he complains.

“Mr. Fix, it’s just a hat,” Twilight defends but Rarity scoffs.

“Twilight dear, Tartarus hath no fury like somepony’s fashion being scorned,” she says dramatically. “And that bowler is exquisite.”

Grandbuggy smirks and gives an appraising look to Rarity.

“You know Diamond Buns, you’re shallow, desperate and manipulative, but you sure do know fashion well.”

“…Rude,” she says after a bit.

“Well whether he insulted your hat or not, these Breezies can’t handle anymore trauma. They need to rest and relax until they’re well enough to go home,” Fluttershy demands, putting her hoof down before turning to you with a smile. “Nightshade, since they like you can you help me lead them to my cottage?”

“Sure no problem,” you nod. “Just so long as I get to hang onto Chester for a bit.”

“Seabreeze!” he complains but is ignored.

“What about the party Nightshade?” asks Scootaloo.

“I’ll be back, I can’t exactly bring these guys around with me can I?” you point out.

“Fine, just take us somewhere and let us be then! This scarf isn’t comfortable at all with these jagged pieces of crystal in them!” Seabreeze whines and your eyes widen.

“What was that?” Twilight asks curiously.

“Nothing! It’s just course cat hair!” you yep as you gently prod Seabreeze away from your hidden shard pieces. She raises a brow at that, but you quickly start to push Fluttershy towards her house. “I’ll meet you all at the party.”

“Oh alright, don’t be too late kiddo, and learn that thing some manners for insulting my headwear!” Grandbuggy shouts after you.

“Will do,” you wave back before looking at your new captive. “You hear that Chester? Respect headwear!”

“Respect Headwear! So sayeth the Messiah!” the rest of the Breezies chant and Seabreeze sighs.

Eventually, you reach Fluttershy’s Cottage and walk inside.

“You know, I’m really coming around to these little guys,” you tell her plainly. “Now I know why you were so upset that they’d be coming through town.”

“Exactly! Aren’t they so cute?” she coos looking at your mane, where many of them dart and hide.

“Hey! Fluttershy’s cool, you can hang out in her mane and stuff,” you chide.

“Yellow Pony is Friend of the Messiah!” they shout and many dart over to Fluttershy who giggles and smiles.

“Let me get some cushions and pillows for you cuties,” she chirps and walks off.

“The Messiah has bounty within her bags!” you hear a few of them shout as they look into your Inventory. “She has slayed a dragon!”

“What? No I didn’t! That’s just my life sized doll of Spike!” you say before your eyes dart around. “I mean, what doll? I don’t have anything creepy in there!”

“Shall we take it off your hooves Messiah?!” they ask.

“NO! No touchy!” you shout and they shrink back in fear.

“Uh, I mean, no thanks,” you say more gently. “And please, enough with that word, just call me Nightshade.”

They all then start complaining that they couldn’t possibly do that.

“They want to worship you because they are stupid,” Seabreeze complains in your scarf.

“I wouldn’t say stupid,” you counter as you know from their point of view you are in fact a god. “Okay, how about Mistress instead? I’m already used to that one.”

“The Mistress has spoken!” all of your Breezies chant.

“…You know, for some reason when Jackie and the other shadows say stuff like that it’s not as creepy. Maybe it’s because you guys are much cuter than them,” you ponder aloud.

Ahhhh, Bob whines within your mind and you frown.

You literally have jagged fangs and glowing evil eyes, I’m just stating a fact! You reprimand your imp. And while you do that suddenly you hear all of the Breezies gasp.

“An enemy of The Mistress! Attack!” they shout and start swarming around your neck.

“Huh?” you sputter as they sweep past your neck and land on a table. You then see a good chunk of them curb stomping a mosquito to death. “…Huh, didn’t think there was anything that wouldn’t kill you.”

“There’s not many things, but bloodsuckers are one of the few things we can defeat,” Seabreeze comments.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy gasps as she walks in with the other half of the Breezies and some cushions. “What’s going on here?”

“I guess I have more minions for tiny threats,” you say with a shrug as they move on to other mosquitoes flying around.


Episode 81: Starting a Cult for Dummies

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As the Breezies continue to curb stomp the mosquito into paste, Fluttershy looks extremely worried.

“Oh my, normally they don’t respond violently to insects like this,” she says.

“Well, I mean, if it had to happen to any animal, they sure picked the right one,” you advocate. “You know how many times I got bit while traveling through Ahuizotl’s jungle? Too many times! If I could burn every single mosquito to ashes I would.”

“The Mistress Has Spoken!” the Breezies squeak in unison. “Death To All Mosquitoes!”

And with that they start floating around Fluttershy’s cottage, killing any mosquito that crosses their path, along with a few flies, gnats and spiders that get caught in their wake.

“Oh dear, maybe I should look into getting a screen door,” Fluttershy says worriedly as the insecticide commences.

“Or just some bug spray,” you gag as a wingless fly falls to his death beside you.

“Agh! Those idiots are using up precious energy trying to look cool for you!” Seabreeze bemoans.

“Well they’re succeeding then Chester,” you say before whistling and getting all their attention. “Okay guys, I appreciate the gesture, but killing all the mosquitoes in the world is a bit of a tall order with your speed and everything, so let’s call an end to the war for now.”

Quite a few of them groan and complain about that, but they do as you ask, and quite a few insects that were spared make a beeline for the nearest open window.

“What shall we do now then Mistress?” asks what you assume to be a female Breezie and you pause.

Okay, gotta be careful here. They already took an offhand comment seriously so I gotta be direct and simple. No trying to give them impossible tasks that they’ll somehow accomplish like when Daddy led the Diamond Dogs, you think in determination. …And on that note, I wonder why he never tried to go back and lead those guys again? They got the skill to beat up Mr. Sentry and his guard friends and they even tunneled into the Gala, so they’d be useful as allies. Maybe I should drop in on them and get them under my hoof so I could-

“Nightshade?” Fluttershy asks worriedly and you snap out of it.

“Huh? What’s up?”

“Are you going to answer them?” she asks gesturing to your enraptured audience.

“Yeah, yeah, I was just weighing the pros and cons about becoming the Queen of the Diamond Dogs,” you dismiss and she does a double take.

“Say what now?”

“Nothing!” you say quickly before turning your attention to the Breezies. “Okay guys, I really don’t want to miss the party, and I can’t bring you along, so just kind of hang out here with Fluttershy where it’s safe alright?”

They all start whining at that again, but you hold your hoof up.

“I have spoken! Also, I’ll be perfectly honest, if I took you to the party there’s a good chance you’d all be drowned in cake batter.”

They all shudder at that, before one of them shouts.

“The Mistress Has Spoken! Take Advantage of the Yellow Horse’s Hospitality!”

“YAY!!!” the rest cheer before fluttering around Fluttershy, landing on her cushions and back causing her to giggle.

“…Did they mean that in a good way or a lollygagger way?” you ask Seabreeze who just rolls his eyes.

“In the idiotic way,” he grumbles and you pat his head.

“Don’t be like that Chester. Now, I need you to be translator for Fluttershy there, and I’ll come by later to check on you.”

“My name still isn’t Chester!” he pouts and you close your eyes and smile.

“Sure it is!” you exclaim before looking back to Fluttershy. “You think you got this handled?”

“Oh yes, everything is just dandy,” she says giddily. “I’m sure that by tomorrow they’ll all be fine and ready to go.”

“Awesome, I’ll stop by tomorrow to check on things. Want me to let Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie to bring you some party food?” you offer.

“If you could please. I’d really like to share with these little cuties,” she nods.

“Alrighty then. Have a good night,” you say as you open the front door.

“The Mistress Blesses Us With Her Good Night! Hail! Hail!” they chant even as you close the door and shiver.

“That’s both endearing and creepy,” you say before perking up. “Now, it’s party time!”

And with that, you run back into town, catching up with all your friends and family and celebrate long into the night for Rainbow’s Birthiversary.


It is now late morning as you and Grandbuggy groggily make your way towards Fluttershy’s home. The party was epic as epic could get with plenty of food which filled your black hole of a stomach, and lots of dancing and games to make you forget all the bad things in your life.

Some highlights included you, Spike, Garble and Ember winning a dance off against Lyra, Bon Bon, Crackle and Vinyl Scratch, Grandbuggy and Granny Smith owning Thunderlane and his girlfriend at Badminton, and of course when Cadence got handcuffed to Twilight to keep her from shipping any more ponies. It was a celebration like no other, and despite her being stopped, you couldn’t help but notice that Pinkie and Cheese were rather close the whole night, just as Ahuizotl and Daring were.

All in all, it was a good night, with the only exception being that Discord’s sickness had seemingly gotten worse. Late during the festivities last night, Twilight’s owl had come flying to her hooting up a storm, which got her and Cadence running towards the library, with Spike following suit. Being the curious sort, you followed along just in time to see Doctor Quaksalver diving out her window and fleeing into the bustling night.

“What Did You Do To Him?!” Twilight had called out in anger.

“I saved him from the Hooved Red Ape Insect!” he shouted back unhinged with a scalpel in his mouth. “I must know how many hearts it has with two rib cages!”

“Get Back Here!” Twilight had ordered and chased after him, but to no avail.

When you had gone inside to see Discord, you found him, still blue and sleeping, but now his body had been shriveled like a raisin, and for some reason, your shards began to glow defensively.

Which leads you to now. You still needed to check in on the Breezies, which Grandbuggy wanted to tag along for, but now you have the duty of letting Fluttershy know about Discord’s worsened condition.

“Grandbuggy, do you think me and my friends can predict the future?” you ask and he raises an eyebrow.

“Why do you ask that?” he questions and you shrug.

“Well just yesterday we were talking about Discord losing his powers and stuff and now this morning he doesn’t have any magic at all,” you point out. The sight of his shriveled form snapping his fingers with nothing happening was actually pretty depressing.

His cigar flips upwards as he purses his lips.

“Kiddo, that’s what we call an extreme coincidence and poor timing. Not everything is controlled by fate,” he reassures and you nod your head.

“I hope so, because if Pinkie Pie has to be the one to take up his mantle…” you shudder in dread.

“Heh, if anyone’s gonna be the new god of chaos it’d be your pa,” he chuckles and pats your head. “But don’t be worrying about that, the big chinchilla just needs some more TLC before they figure out what that nutjob doctor did to him.”

“I know…but still, isn’t that bucking frightening? I mean, I’ve known Quacksalver was nuts since Daddy told me about his exploratory surgery, but to think that he could just make a god, NOT a god?” you shake your head at that kind of power.

“And to think that whacko was right there with us in Appleloosa during the invasion,” Grandbuggy says with a faraway look before shaking his head with a smirk. “But still, at least it only happened to a guy who needed several doses of the real world and a good kick in the butt. I daresay this whole experience will be humbling to that turd.”

“True, I just hope the Princesses don’t decide to blame this one on Nightmare Moon too,” you huff as your shards blip.

“Oh they’d like that one wouldn’t they?” he grumbles. “Having that nut as a follower or some other malarkey like that?”

“I’d take the Breezies any day over that guy,” you admit. “But for now, Twilight can just keep him occupied so that she doesn’t try to look under my scarf again.”

“Huh? When did she do that?” Grandbuggy sputters and you roll your eyes.

“At the party. She had a bit too much cider and wanted to see if I was developing the same “Skin Condition” as Daddy,” you explain and shake your head. “Thankfully Rainbow and Pinkie were able to distract her.”

Grandbuggy just chomps his cigar a bit more before sighing.

“The fact that she still buys that explanation, even after the Doc’s Geass has been broken is simply staggering,” he mutters.

“You can be really smart and still be stupid,” you shrug just as you reach Fluttershy’s door and knock.

“Come in, but be careful with the door, we don’t want any more bugs inside,” Fluttershy’s voice says.

With that invitation, you open the door.

“Morning Fluttershy. Listen, we’ve got something to tell y-“ you are cut off as you spy a very disturbing/interesting sight.

Kichi’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

In the middle of Fluttershy’s living room a miniature statue of you sits, carved out of wood. The Breezies are all bowing before it chanting over and over again.

“We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”

“Oh Great Mistress, we don’t deserve you, for we are but weak and stupid,” a red Breezie chants at the front.

“We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”

“Hey! Don’t put yourselves down like that,” you encourage and they all turn to you with sparkles in their eyes.

“Behold! The glory of our goddess!” a blue Breezie shouts.

“Hail! Hail! Hail!”

“...How in the blue blazes did you start a cult overnight?” Grandbuggy gawks.

“I didn’t mean to!” you whine as the tiny fairy ponies continue to praise you, except for Seabreeze who is off on his own and looking grumpy as usual. “But even still, they really like me, is there any chance of me keeping them?”

“But you’ve already got a pet who’s much more capable than them,” Grandbuggy points out and Mangle barks from your inventory in agreement.

“Yeah I know, but they’d be good for, uh…infiltration?” you suggest and he just looks at you skeptically. “Okay maybe not, but come on, it feels really nice having large groups adore me.”

“And that’s precisely why you shouldn’t have followers like that,” he says with a sigh.

“Please Grandbuggy?” you say breaking out the puppy dog eyes which causes his breath to hitch.

“Ack!” he says clutching his heart. “Oh no you don’t! I raised two generations of you kids, the third isn’t going to be the one to break me!”

“Please?” you beg again.

“Please?” the Breezies add as they float around you, adding their own starry eyes.

“I…ain’t…budge…” he strains with sweat on his brow, but then Fluttershy walks in and breaks the stare down.

“Alright everybreezie, I’ve gotten your drinks,” she says with a smile, holding a tray of thimbles full of juice.

“The yellow horse brings drinks!” the red zealot shouts.

“Yay!” the rest cheer and fly off towards her, obstructing your field of view and allowing Grandbuggy to catch his breath.

“No cult members for you young lady and that’s final!” he says turning his back on you.

“Agh!” you spit in disappointment. “I almost had you old bug!”

“That’s what they always say,” he grins victoriously as Fluttershy walks over.

“I see you’ve noticed their group project? They’re so sweet making a little statue of you in thanks for saving them,” she says obliviously.

“They’re doing it for a lot more reasons than that Flutterbuns, none of them good,” Grandbuggy says and she blushes at the nickname.

“Oh, well…” she coughs into her hoof. “Would you two like some juice as well?”

“I’ll take a bourbon if you got it,” Grandbuggy says.

“But it’s 10:30 in the morning,” she says taken aback.

“And?” he says with a raised eyebrow.

“Um…I don’t really drink,” she mutters and he shrugs.

“Eh, figured as much.”

“I’ll take a juice,” you say and look at the Breezie swarmed tray. “I mean, if you have any regular sized cups.”

“Oh I do,” she smiles and walks back into the kitchen.

“Why do you have so many thimbles in the first place?” you call out to her as she gets your cup and you watch the Breezies downing their drinks. “You collect them or something?”

“Oh no, those are usually for the winter months for making scarfs and other warm clothes,” she says bringing you your drink.

“But aren’t these like, thimbles meant for creatures with claws or hands?” you say, noting how they would be way too tiny to put on a hoof.

“That’s right. These are used by otters, beavers, raccoons and other clawed animals. They really like making their own winter gear if given the chance,” she explains as the Breezies lounge around, drinking more and more juice. “If there’s any excess, I sell them to ponies for their pets.”

An image then pops into your head of a bunch of furry animals working in a sweat shop while a grizzled Fluttershy with a cigar watches over them and laughs. You quickly shake your head at that.

Where did that thought even come from? You wonder.

“Huh,” Grandbuggy says actually sounding impressed. “Well hopefully you washed them out first. Some raccoons got rabies ya know?”

“Oh there’s no need to worry, I give the local raccoons checkups every few weeks or so,” she says proudly.

“Yeah, speaking of checkups, that’s the other reason why we came over today,” you break the ice and she raises an eyebrow.

“You need a checkup?” she asks curiously.

“No, not me,” you wave your hoof before sucking in a huge breath. “It’s actually about Discord.” Her eyes widen at your tone and suddenly she’s in your face.

“What?! What happened?! Did he fall out of bed?! Did he try to push himself and get even bluer?! Did he get amnesia and forget who I am?!” she rapid fires and you actually flinch back.

“Nah, it ain’t none of those things,” Grandbuggy says placing a hoof between you and her.

“Oh thank goodness,” she sighs in relief.

“Yeah, he’s just lost all of his powers because some crazy doctor did something to him and now he’s really weak and fragile,” you finish and the color drains from her face.

“WHAT?!” she shouts, which actually rattles the windows and causes the Breezies to complain.

“Yeah, Twilight’s looking over him now, but he’s been mumbling about wanting to see you,” you say with a nervous chuckle and she seems even more worried.

“Oh my, oh my, oh my, OH MY!” she says as she dashes into her kitchen and you hear the sounds of glass wear being thrown into a sack. “Where’s my chamomile?! Where’s the golden seal and ginger root?!”

“Huh, she took that better than I thought,” Grandbuggy observes as the Breezies watch the spectacle in awe.

“I know, right? It’s always interesting to see her be loud and stuff,” you nod as she continues grabbing things.

After awhile she rushes back out, sweating from her brow and shoves a sack into Grandbuggy’s hooves.

“Oof! What is thi-“

“I need you to help me carry these medicines and herbs! I don’t know if he’s able to be transported here to my living room yet, so I have to make sure I have everything available at Twilights!” she orders and starts pushing him towards the door.

“Now wait a dang sec-Hey!” Grandbuggy is powerless as the pegasus shoves him outside. She does give pause though to look back at you.

“Nightshade, can you be a dear and watch over the Breezies and Angel while I’m out?” she asks hectically.

“Uh, sure no problem,” you shrug.

“Great! Thank you!” she shouts before slamming her door. You hear her hoofsteps and Grandbuggy’s complaining getting quieter and quieter as you are left alone inside her house.

“…I have a feeling Cadence is gonna have a field day with that,” you mutter with a shiver before looking down at the wide eyed Breezies.

“Where did the hospitable yellow horse go?” asks the blue zealot.

“She went to go help out Discord because he’s sick and lost his powers,” you answer bluntly and they all look wide eyed.

“The chaotic one has lost his divinity?” asks the red zealot.

“Yeah, it’s nuts,” you nod. “Last night I found him all shriveled up and-“

“Praise She Who Can Overpower The Gods Themselves!” both the red and blue breezie exclaim.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Whoa, whoa wait! I’m not the one who-“

“She is the chosen one!” the blue zealot proclaims.

“No, she is our new goddess! Witness Her!” the red zealot argues.

“She may be a goddess made flesh, but she will be the one to lead us into the future! No more shall we be weak and fragile we will finally become strong and powerful!” the Blue Zealot argues back and the red one frowns.

“There will be no need to become stronger for she will protect us all with her might! A loving and powerful all knowing goddess is all we need!” he growls in the blue breezie’s face.

“Um, guys? I’m not either of those things I-“

“Goddess!” one faction shouts.

“Chosen One!” the other half chants.

“Um, guys?” you say nervously as they all start arguing with each other.

Ah, maybe this is what Grandbuggy meant, you think as they all gnash their teeth at each other over the proper way to serve you. When suddenly, another Breezie voice comes from above you.

“Stop fighting! Everybreezie stop fighting! Look unto me! I rest upon the savior’s horn!”

Looking straight up, you partially see a breezie who has perched himself upon your horn, he’s so light you didn’t even notice.

“Hey! Careful there, it’s sharp!” you warn but he ignores you as he raises his arms up.

“I have crested to the highest point of the savior, and now I shall too be worshipped as a god!”

Frowning at this, you slowly reach up, pluck him off your horn and set him back on the ground where all the others look at him.

“…I regret nothing! I lived as few dare to dream!” he proclaims. As if that was their cue the others start arguing again and you rub the side of your temple.

“Okay, I don’t know what was in that juice Fluttershy gave you, but you all just need to chill out and give it a rest,” you say tiredly, but they don’t hear you and argue.

Kichi’s Comment

“No, what they have to do is stop being idiots and be prepared to finish the migration before the portal closes!” Seabreeze huffs next to your ear.

“Awww, you want to leave me so soon Chester?” you complain before reaching up and bringing him into a reluctant cuddle.

“Yes I do! And that’s not my name!” he shouts as he uselessly struggles.

“Look, I get it, your friends are being a bit weird…”

“Thou art a noob!”

“You bucking camper!” the zealots insult each other while throwing carpet lint each other, with the others joining suit.

“…But I’m sure they can be shown that I’m no god. But if you just wanna hang out some more I can still protect you guys.”

“But we don’t have much time!” he grumbles.

“The Mistress is in fact a god!” a few Breezies call out and suddenly you feel your wings being pattered by several tiny hoofs and wings.

“Ahahahaaaa! Hee hee hee!” you giggle at the tickling sensation as they walk over your invisible wings.

“She has wings which are there and not there! Look upon how we float!”

“Show us your wings! Show us your wings!” they chant and your eyes nervously glance about.

“Um, about that, I really shouldn’t in case certain ponies wander in,” you say and they all groan in disappointment. “Also, don’t go spreading that around since you’re the only one who can translate.”

“Why would I do that? I don’t want to speak to other ponies, I just want to go home!” Seabreeze complains.

“If we cannot speak of the wings, then we shall live closer to them!” the Red Zealot proclaims.

“Yeah!” the rest cheer and fly all around you.

“Hey! Stop that! I’m ticklish!” you giggle as all of them land upon you like they did the day before.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“The mane and scarf are the ideal locations upon our mistress!” the Blue Zealot says as they start setting up shop in your hair and on your scarf.

“The tail is also good, but it is harder to hear the mistress!” a purple breezie says from the back.

“Well yeah, I don’t exactly talk to my butt all that much!” you ridicule and they wilt their ears in embarrassment.

“I’ve found a cave!” one of them “shouts” in your ear and you start shaking your head.

“Yagh! Stay away from the ears!” you command as you start itching at them.

“There is a welcoming feast within the sacred scarf!” The Red Zealot proclaims, holding aloft a cookie crumb.

“That’s not a feast! I’m just a messy eater!” you exclaim as they start to munch on your leftovers.

“Alright, if you’re gonna live ON me, you gotta learn where NOT to go,” you grumble as many of them start to make hammocks in your hair.

“Don’t encourage them to actually live in your hair little filly!” Seabreeze pleads. “We can’t just get comfortable and lazy, we need to go home!”

“Ugh, Chester will you give it a rest already? Of course you’ll all be going home eventually, but that doesn’t mean you can’t just sit back and relax and hang with me,” you all but scold. “It’s not like there’s a time limit.”

“But there is!” he yelps.

“Say what now?” you do a double take.

“If the portal closes, that’s it! And I won’t see my wife and child for many years!”

“Whoa, What?! Wife and child?!” you gasp as you pull Seabreeze back from you and stare him down.

“Yes! They’re waiting for me to return with the pollen!” he spits and suddenly, you feel really guilty.

Ah jeeze, this guy wants to get back to his family and here I am treating him like a pet. That’d be the same if some giant captured Daddy and wouldn’t let him come home to me…

“Okay, Che-Er, Seabreeze, I think I may have taken things a little too far,” you start.

“Ya think?” he jabs, but you continue.

“But I can still fix this. I’m sorry for treating you like a pet,” you say as you let go of him.

“…Thank you,” he nods before his scowl comes to his face. “But I’m not the one who needs convincing,” he says pointing to the squabbling group all over your body.

Okay, this shouldn’t be too hard, you think with a bit of doubt. They think I’m their Messiah right? So I’ll just have to order them to go home.

Clearing your throat, you announce.

“Attention Breezies! I have decided as your god/chosen one/whatever that it’s important for you all to go home.”

“AAAAHHHH,” they complain. “But it’s too scary outside and we’re very weak.”

“You guys literally massacred a bunch of bugs yesterday, don’t give me that!” you scold.

“Those were little bugs though, what if there are bees Mistress? If we leave you, we’ll surely be attacked for our pollen,” the Blue Zealot argues.

“I thought if you just left bees alone, they’d leave you alone?” you ask and they all start shouting.

“Yeah, whoever said that is a filthy disgusting liar. You look at a bee funny and they’ll try to gut you,” Seabreeze says and you just facehoof.

“Okay, okay! Look, if it’s a matter of toughness, then I can help with that,” you say and the Blue Zealot perks up.

“Really? I was right?”

“Kind of. I’m not gonna evolve you like a Pokémon or anything, but I could at least teach you to fight better.” They all start mumbling at that curiously and you smirk. “So, those that want to be able to defeat bees, get out of my mane and scarf right now and I’ll teach ya.”

With that, a good majority of them, though not every single one, fly in front of you and look at you expectantly.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Alrighty then,” you nod. “Now, I’m not the best at teaching group tactics, since I’m kind of a solo fighter even when I fight alongside friends, so to get you guys toughened up, I’ll be calling in a pro.”

They all look around curiously at that before you say aloud.


“Yes Mistress?!” Immediately crawling out of your shadow, your loyal imp salutes and stands at attention while the Breezies all scream.

“Oi! Quiet down! This here is Jackie Bob, my loyal servant, and he’s a lot more useful than you lot.”

Wounding their pride seems to do the trick as the ones in front of you settle down and look at the bigger monster.

“Alright good,” you nod before looking at your shadow imp. “Now Bob, these Breezies need to know how to fight Bees and other creatures larger than them within…How many days Seabreeze?”

“The portal will close in two days,” he says.

“Wow, really?” you say in surprise before shaking your head. “So I guess by tonight, that way we’re not cutting it close.”

“Will do Mistress,” he salutes.

“Also, Mangle!” you call out and your pet pops out of your bags. “You help out Jackie, and be careful not to squish any of these guys alright?”

“Skreonk!” Mangle nods and stands next to the imp.

“Now, I’m gonna go feed the animals and stuff, so you guys listen to them like you would me okay?” you command and the Breezies all salute.

“We obey Mistress!” the Blue Zealot shouts

“We will serve the loyal servants of the Mistress!” the Red one proclaims.

“Very well then,” you say before looking to the ones still in your mane and scarf. “You lot are going to help me give the animals lunch until Fluttershy gets back.

They all squeak in agreement as you walk out of the room, with Seabreeze following along.

“Do you think it’s wise to do this?” he asks. “They are all pretty wimpy outside of Mosquito killing.”

“Alright you maggots! Get down and give me 150 pushups or the dog will eat you!” Bob shouts, followed by Mangle’s mechanical growl.

“They’ll be fine. Besides, even if it doesn’t toughen them up, they’ll want to get out of this place quicker so they don’t have to exercise and stuff.”

“…Very clever little Filly,” he says as understanding dawns on him.

“I have my moments,” you grin as you go to the pantry for the many, many things of pet food.

Some Time Later

After feeding some fish to Harry, the otters, and a family of beavers, you gave various bits of kibble to some ferrets, raccoons and other woodland creatures, who were a bit surprised to see you instead of the usual yellow pegasus.

But after feeding all the animals that you actually could see, you walked back into the cottage with your non-combatant breezies still clinging to you, to find a pretty amazing sight.

“Whoa,” you say clearly impressed. Bob and Mangle are running the Breezies through a homemade, miniature obstacle course, and they seem to be taking it seriously. Some are running laps, karate chopping pencils, and yet others are doing what you know to be wing strengthening exercises that you’d seen Scootaloo attempting multiple times.

“Huh…I guess maybe they are taking this seriously,” Seabreeze says, mouth agape.

“That they are,” Bob materializes next to you and looks proud. “I am using some shadow magic to help strengthen them and keep them from being hurt, but they are pushing themselves to get better.”

“Well that’s good to hear,” you say with pride as you look at Mangle barking at a Breezie who is lagging behind the others. But then you notice a certain vocal few missing. “Say, where are the blue and red guys at?”

“On special mission Mistress,” Bob answers. “Some rabbit wouldn’t leave Mangle alone, so she had them tie him up and take him to the pond.”

Your eyes widen at that.


“Look, there they are now,” he says pointing out the window. Looking through, you see a group of Breezies with the zealots amongst them, struggling to carry a tied up Angel towards the fish pond.

“Ah, no wonder I couldn’t find him for lunch,” you mutter before turning to Mangle who has a sheepish look on her face. “Mangle, you go out there and bring him back this instant.”

Metallically sighing, the robot fox slumps her shoulders and exits out of one of the many doggie doors to go stop the water execution.

“In the future Jackie, consult me first before deciding things like that,” you order and he salutes.

Eventually, after freeing the traumatized bunny, you sit around watching as your Breezies progress with their training, when all of a sudden the front door opens. Bob immediately melts into your shadow as in walks Fluttershy, Grandbuggy and Twilight, carrying the sickly and drained Discord on a stretcher.

“Easy, easy, almost there,” Fluttershy orders as they completely ignore you and the Breezies to set Discord down on the couch.

“There we go, safe at last,” Fluttershy coos and pats the depowered god on the forehead, while he groans and doesn’t even open his eyes.

“I still think it would’ve been better if he stayed at my house Fluttershy,” Twilight bemoans. “I still haven’t figured out what that kook did to him.”

“He doesn’t need experiments done on him Twilight, what he needs right now is TLC,” Fluttershy says resolutely.

“What he needs is a good stiff drink of whiskey, it’s the be all, end all cure,” Grandbuggy says and the two mares roll their eyes.

“Yeesh, he looks even worse than last night,” you say as you notice his flesh clinging to his bones as if he’s been starved.

“Oh right, Nightshade, I’d forgotten you were here,” Twilight says finally noticing you…and then she notices all the Breezies still training and living in your mane and scarf.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy mutters as she catches sight and Grandbuggy even raises an eyebrow in surprise.

“So, uh, what’s going on here Nightshade?” Twilight asks.

“I’m training the Breezies to be tougher so that they can get going home soon,” you say plainly.

“Go home soon? But they’re weak and delicate and need to rest more,” Fluttershy says worriedly as she watches some of them spar. Angel Bunny tries to get her attention and keeps pointing accusingly at the Breezies, but Fluttershy brushes him off. “Not now Angel.”

“I mean, sure they can rest some, but they’ve gotta go eventually,” you point out. “Seabreeze has to get back to his family.”

“Oh, but…” Fluttershy bites her lip and looks at a few who are exhausted and lying on the ground in their own sweat. A few even fly out of your scarf and mane and start fussing around her. “Oh, yes I’ll get you some more juice.”

You traitors! You think bitterly as the pegasus goes off to get them more drinks and baby them. I’m starting to get the feeling that I might have to force Fluttershy to let them go.

“Behold! The former useless god that our Mistress has vanquished!” the Red Zealot says sitting atop Discord’s head. The rest of the training Breezies all cheer at that and begin dancing on his chest, causing him to moan in his sleep.

“What’s that they’re squeaking about?” Twilight asks, still unable to comprehend the language.

“Nothing important,” you say with a sigh as Grandbuggy chuckles.


Episode 82: Red vs Blue

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Twilight raises an eyebrow at your answer before looking back at the dancing and cheering Breezies.

“Are you sure? Looks pretty important to me,” she says and you roll your eyes.

“Look, it’s pretty simple,” Grandbuggy comes to your rescue. “Most everyone in the world still thinks Discord is a turd and want to celebrate his suffering.”

“That’s a harsh way to put it,” Twilight says looking aghast.

“Oh come off it now, as if you wouldn’t skip around in a circle after killing Nightmare Moon,” Grandbuggy points out and her eyes widen as do yours.

“Wh-I-I wouldn’t dance around!” Twilight scoffs.

“Really?” you pipe up.

“Of course not!” she says stoically. “Purging her from The Offender’s body is necessary, but I won’t take any sick joy in it.” Your face falls at that.

Wow, I’m sure Mom and Dad will be just thrilled to hear that, you think sarcastically.

Noticing the judging eyes on her, Twilight nervously coughs into her hoof.

“B-But enough about that, that’s neither here nor there,” she says. “Discord is suffering and no one should take joy in that.”

“Eh, maybe just a little,” Grandbuggy shrugs and she scowls.

“Don’t let Fluttershy hear that,” you warn as you hear her getting more juice in the kitchen.

“Agreed,” Twilight and Grandbuggy say at once, which catches them both off guard.

“A-Anyway, Nightshade, do you think you could call them off? We don’t know if what Quacksalver did is contagious or not.”

“Yeah sure,” you nod and turn to them, but pause when you see her suddenly brighten with a thought.

“Hey that reminds me, did you happen to come in contact with him? Perhaps that’s why you’ve started developing your father’s skin condition? I have some salves that could help in these early stages and-“

“I don’t have skin problems! I just like wearing scarfs now okay!” you cut her off in annoyance. She seems taken aback by this.

“Oh, well…” she starts but Grandbuggy puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“It’s probably acne or something, you know how young fillies get,” he lies and Twilight’s eyes widen in understanding.


Acne? I don’t have acne. My skin is flawless…aside from the broken necklace, but still! You think dismissively as you turn to your fanatical followers…

WARGAMES’s Comment

And see a few of them holding nails above their heads with wicked smiles.

“For she has lain him low, we will finish him off in honor of her!” the Blue Zealot commands and your pupils shrink.

“Begone foul beast! To the depths of Tartarus with you!” the Red Zealot shouts and they raise the nails even higher.

“No, no, no! None of that!” you scold as you light up your magic and pull the nails from their grips. “Shame on you!”

“Huh? What did they do?” Twilight asks trying to peer over your shoulder.

“Nothing!” you lie and quickly toss the nails aside, which nearly hits Angel who dodges Matrix style. “They were just…getting out of hand with their dances.”

“Oh I see, wouldn’t want them getting hurt doing so right?” she says.

“…Sure, let’s go with that,” you lie nervously before looking to Grandbuggy for help.

“Ahem, say Stargirl, why don’t you go and help the Butterfly with the drinks? It can’t be that easy to fill dozens of thimbles with only hooves,” he says and she cocks her head.

“She uses thimbles?”

“Yeah, it’s the damndest thing,” he says in mock surprise.

“Huh, well in that case magic does come in handy,” she nods and turns to you. “But be sure to get them off Discord, don’t need the Breezies coming down with Blue Flu.”

“Yup, on it!” you say as sweat beads on your brow and she walks into the next room. Letting out a sigh, and nodding a thanks to Grandbuggy, you turn back to the little pests.

“What the buck dudes?! Why would you do something like that?”

“The great Bob said that your enemies should be broken before you,” the Red one says.

“Yes, especially since you went through the trouble of taking his divinity, we thought it was our place to dispose of him,” the blue one adds.

“I already told you! It wasn’t me that did this to him!” you seethe through your teeth.

“What?” they say taken aback.

“And he’s not my enemy! I mean…not anymore he’s not. He’s still annoying and stuff but he is trying to be better and I don’t want him snuffed out,” you say sincerely.

The Breezies all look at you dumbfounded for a few silent moments before the Blue Zealot suddenly scowls.

Kichi’s Comment

“We have been deceived!” he shouts, pointing at you.

“Huh?” you flinch backward.

“What god would say that the Chaotic One is not her enemy? She is a false goddess and has tricked us with her lies!”

A few of the Breezies mutter at that and the Red one grits his teeth.

“How could you say such blasphemy?!” he demands while squaring up with the Blue one.

“She lied to us! She said she defeated the Chaotic One, but now she claims to be his friend? What else has she lied to us about?!”

“I never said I defeated him! In fact I explicitly said I didn’t! You guys just don’t listen!” you growl as your shards glow.

“Perhaps it is but a test?!” the Red one argues.

“I say it’s not!” the Blue one growls and they butt heads and others in the crowd start facing off with one another.

“See! You’re not listening to me even now!” you huff in frustration at their pigheadedness.

“They have a tendency to do that,” Seabreeze says matter of factly and Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Grandbuggy! This isn’t funny!” you grunt and he looks at you incredulously.

“Of course it is honey. You’ve gone and jumped to the end of what happens to every cult,” he grins.

“What do you mean?”

“In practically every cult, there’s always someone that gets fed up and tries to take the power for themselves by making the leader look weak,” he explains and then gets a faraway look. “Come to think of it, that’s how politics work too.”

“But I don’t want to be a politician! I’m a good filly gorammit!” you curse while the Breezies start to argue.

“Do not be swayed by this heretic! The Mistress is still our savior and hope! She trains us to better ourselves!” Red bellows and his side cheer.

“She has indoctrinated us so that we could join her forces! We thought she was the light, but she is the darkness!” Blue shouts and his side yells. All the while, Discord just grumbles in his sleep.

“How can this be normal?” you demand of Grandbuggy. “Like, every single cult turns out like this? With no one listening to reason and yelling?”

“Pretty much,” he nods. “In the end, Cult Leaders and Politicians all end up here, yelling and having idiots follow them. That’s why leaders don’t try to show weakness, no matter how powerful they are.”

Meanwhile in Canterlot

“Achoo!” Celestia sneezes whilst holding audience with Blueblood who is trying to get out of being grounded. He gasps as he sees her wiping her nose.

“Deare Auntie, are you sick?” he says horrified.

“No, no, I just had a tickle in my no-“

“The Princess Is Ill! Code Red! Code Red! Emergency!” he suddenly shouts while running down the hallway, causing Celestia to facehoof and sigh.

“This isn’t how you convince me to allow you to go to the Equestria Games Blueblood!” she grumbles.

Back With You

“But you can’t be tough all the time, it’s just not possible,” you point out and he points at you with a smirk.

“Exactly, now you’re getting it. And that’s why the leaders of these groups try more extreme tactics to avoid the inevitable. Take the Changeling Queen lineage. They ruled with an iron hoof to keep dissenters in line.”

Meanwhile in a Prison

“Achoo!” Chrysalis sneezes, before she starts to look around shiftily. None of her subjects say anything though in both fear, reverence, and the fact that they have to save every bit of energy they can to escape.

Good, they still know their places, she thinks to herself proudly as she goes back to watching the castle wall intently. Now hurry up Whorse of Sombra! I’m dying to be free of these walls!

With You

“Of course, those tactics tend to have the leaders getting executed if they’re not careful,” Grandbuggy adds.

“Yeesh, why can’t they just rule with everyone liking them?”

“You can’t get everyone to like you honey, that’s just a fact of life,” he shrugs. “I mean, there is always brainwashing, but that tactic will for sure get you overthrown before too long.”

Our Town

“Ah, Ah…” Starlight Glimmer seizes up, but is able to suppress a sneeze.

“Are you alright?” asks Sugar Belle with a tray of horrendous looking baked goods.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Probably just some dust or something,” she dismisses before looking over the goods. “But back to business, there’s not unnecessary sugar in them is there?”

“Of course not,” Sugar Belle says with creepy smile. “Not everyone likes sweet things, so it’s important to make everyone happy.”

“Right you are,” Starlight smiles and pats her on the back. “And also because sugar might draw in little brats that kick you down a comically sized cliff side!”

“Huh?” the earth pony questions.

“Nothing!” the unicorn says with shifty eyes.


“Yeah, no. I kicked the last lady that did that over a comically oversized cliff side,” you say remembering that creepy town with the false artifact.

“Oh yeah…good times,” Grandbuggy says with a chomp of his stogie as the Breezies start to get louder in their arguments.

“Well obviously I’ve already failed and the revolution is at hand, so how do I get them back in line?”

“Military might mostly,” he says.

“But I can’t bring Jackie out again! Twilight’s just in the other room!” you complain.

“Hmm, well you could always put in a puppet leader that does your bidding while calming the masses.”

You look over at Seabreeze after Grandbuggy suggests that and he frowns.

“Don’t look at me! They never listen to me! They are acting like children! And that yellow pony babying them doesn’t help matters either!” he grunts.

“Okay, okay I get it,” you concede. “I showed weakness and now they’re going nuts. I just gotta take back control before they try to overthrow m-Yeoch!” you jolt as something pricks you in the butt.

Turning around you see a yellow Breezie wearing a strip of blue cloth jabbing your flank with a toothpick.

"Death to the false goddess!” she shouts and pokes you again.

“Ugh! Quit it!” you command as you pick the jerk up in your magic.

"You can kill me, but you will never stop the truth! My ancestors are smiling upon me this day! Can you say the same?!"

“Yes I can! He’s right there and he won’t stop laughing!” you complain as Grandbuggy continues to snort at the situation.

“Look at one you heathens have done!” Red shouts angrily, his side now sporting red strips of cloth in various places.

“She is braver than most!” Blue shouts back, his followers now decked in blue cloth.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

“She is a kind and benevolent god!” Red snarls.

“The Yellow Horse is the true Kindly one! Down with oppressors!” Blue decrees.

As they say this, amongst their groups, two flags attached to pencils are raised. The Red Faction details you standing over a dead Discord and Mosquito, and the Blue Faction details Fluttershy standing over the same dead caricatures, only with you added amongst the dead.

“…When did they even have time to make those?!” you gawk and Bob speaks up in your mind.

We had an arts and crafts class to build unity…didn’t really look over what they actually created though, he admits and you groan again.

“Of course you did…”

And, as if that were the straw that broke the camel’s back, both sides shout,


And the Red and Blue factions all charge one another across Discord’s body and start to utilize Bob and Mangle’s fighting styles against one another, which makes your jaw drop.

“Dear Heavens above, this is far too brutal for these idiots,” Seabreeze says sounding sickened and horrified. And perhaps from his point of view this is violent, but even with their new moves, their small forms and high pitched screams kind of dilute it.

“I…I just...” you sputter at a loss for words as the civil war rages.

“War…war never changes,” Grandbuggy mutters solemnly before shaking his head. “Actually that ain’t entirely accurate. Laser rifles ain’t been invented yet, so it’s for sure going to change in the future.”

“I think you lost your analogy there,” Seabreeze interjects.

“Oh you know what I mean,” Grandbuggy huffs, blowing some smoke towards the only rational Breezie who coughs.

As they banter, you look upon what you’ve wrought, and can’t help but feel that training them was a mistake.

You see two red breezies whacking at each other with blue pens around the rim of a bowl of soup. One of them stands up on the end of the spoon, giving him height advantage and he defeats the other one, sending him into the soup.

“You traitor! You were supposed to stop the anti-mistress faction, not join them!” he shouts tearfully.

“I hate you!” the other shouts, while clinging to the rim’s edge.

You then see a blue one using a thimble to toss water at a red one who has a piece of red lettuce over their left eye for some reason. The red one strikes a match and starts chasing after the blue one screaming,

“Honor!” over and over again.

You see another group facing off against each other with what looks like tamed bugs while wearing black clock gears as armor.

You see another faction having a dance battle with one of the red ones busting out some sick moves, you see a buffer looking one trying to make a crying green coated one eat it’s mane while another throws fire crackers at them, but can’t light them as the Honor one has run off with it.

Again, it may be brutal by Breezie standards, but it’s just plain dumb looking to you. It doesn’t help that the majority of them are fighting atop the passed out Discord.

“…So is this like, the world starting to fall to ruin since he’s out of commission and can’t keep the flow of chaos in balance?” you ask Grandbuggy.

“What? No, of course not, these idiots are just making a ruckus,” he answers plainly.

“Really? Discord not being a god anymore doesn’t have anything to do with it?” you push and he shakes his head.

“That ain’t how gods work kiddo. Just because he loses his chaos powers don’t mean the concept itself starts to run wild.”

“Oh,” you say as if you understand, though you are still a bit confused on the subject. “So the universe is still in balance?”

“Eyup,” he nods. “Just look at that scene over there to know things are going as usual.”

You look over to see Angel “Heroically” trying to fend off some Breezies who are going after Mangle, but she just rolls her eyes at the display.

“Okay that’s in line yeah,” you nod before frowning. “I guess even if these guys ARE out of control, at least they don’t have chaos magic boosting them.”


The Pony Spartan’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

A red, muscular centaur admires his reacquired musculature in the reflection of a creek bed.

“Oh what a golden opportunity that was. I would have had to scrounge for months or years to get the mana that insane god had,” he says while kissing his bicep. “Oh bless Lady Luck that I caught him weakened and sick.”

He then flexes even more to accentuate his pecs.

“At this rate I could get multiple ponies in one go…though it’d be foolhardy to attack brazenly. I just have to wait for an opportunity like I did with Discord because I am still not strong enough to face the Princesses…or that THING,” he mutters to himself.

Because the universe runs on comedic timing, The Thing bursts forth and throws a bone saw at the centaur’s head, which misses by inches and lodges into a tree.

“AGH! Not you again!” Tirek yelps as he gets to his hooves.

“Yes Me Again!” Quacksalver laughs madly brandishing a hammer and scalpel.

“Why do you still torment me, it’s been months? And how are you still this energetic?! I sucked out your magic last night!” the centaur questions tiredly.

“You can’t suck out my soul baboon-ipede! My ex-wife has it, and they took her in the divorce!”

“That doesn’t make any…Wait, they took HER in the divorce?” Tirek asks with a cocked brow.

“Yup, but thankfully I don’t have to pay alimony because I am allergic to taxes,” he says conversationally.


“But that’s not important right now! I need to perform a biopsy on you! If my guess is right, you have two hearts with your two ribcages, so I must know what happens when I replace your lung with a baboon heart I got from the zoo!” he shouts holding a case full of silly putty.

“Get The Buck Away From Me!” Tirek shouts as he sends a blast of magic at the pony and runs further into the woods.

“The patient is resisting aid!” the singed nutjob shouts as he continues his hunt.

Back With You

Thankful that there’s no magic at play, for better or for worse, you still decide that thing’s have gone far enough.

Kichi’s Comment

"ENOUGH!" you shout using the RCV which rocks the house, causing the battle to come to a complete standstill.


“Oh My!” you hear Twilight and Fluttershy yelp, followed by the sound of crashing kitchenware.

"This has been going on long enough! It's time to stop!" You shout in irritation as you ensnare all of the Breezies in your magic. They start to shout but you fix them all with a death glare as your eyes faintly glow white.

"Can't you see what is happening? Look at all of you! Brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors, until now, all of you lived with each other in peace! But because I saved you, look at what you’ve become!”

Your shaming words seem to have the desired effect on some of them as they look upon their miniature chaos. Fluttershy exits the kitchen at that.

“Twilight’s got the teapot stuck on her head, what in the world is going on here?” she exclaims but then her eyes shrink as she sees you holding all the pests. “Oh My! The Breezies!”

You ignore her as you continue your tirade.

“You all kept wanting to serve me, and I admit, I liked the attention at first, but this is crazy you guys!” you say pointing to your statue they made. “The only sane one out of you was Seabreeze, because he wants to go home and see his family. Don’t you all have friends and family waiting too, people that would feel awfully terrible if you didn’t make it back to the portal?” Your question catches even more of them off guard as they look towards the ground in guilt.

“Well even if you don’t, I think that the rest of your kind wouldn’t want you all hurting each other and making a big deal over a little filly who just did what was right and saved you. You don’t have to go worshiping me, but I’m not your enemy either, and you also shouldn’t be taking advantage of Fluttershy’s kindness just because she doesn’t know how to say no,” you encourage.

“They were taking advantage of my kindness?” Fluttershy asks in shock, but again you ignore her as you scowl down the tiny creatures.

“And if that reason still isn’t enough to get through your little skulls, then I swear I will drag all of you there and throw you through the portal my mommy damned self!” you threaten and the majority of them gulp and blanch in fear and shame.

"Ummm... Nightshade, don't you think you are being a little too forceful?” Fluttershy asks meekly.

“Nope,” you acknowledge. “Bratty children need to be taught a lesson.”

“Exactly,” Grandbuggy nods. “You spare the rod and you spoil the monkey after all.”

“Monkey?” she asks.

“What? It’s an apt comparison. The little buggers run around hollering and climbing over everything like every little kid I’ve known,” he shrugs.

“Oh…” she says cautiously before looking back to you. “Well still, perhaps you should loosen your grip so they don’t get hurt?”

“I will, I will,” you roll your eyes as you set them all down on Discord who just mumbles in his sleep. “There, all better now right?”

The Breezies all nod silently, too fearful to say anything else.

“That’s a relief,” Fluttershy sighs before looking back to you. “Also, earlier, what was that thing about your…Mother?”

You roll your eyes in frustration on her hesitation and how she said it.

Still with this? Let it go lady!

“Fluttershy, if I didn’t like you as a friend, I would be a lot more crass with you right now, but since we are I won’t,” you start.

“Oh,” she says taken aback.

“But to answer your question, I figured if I’m gonna curse using a god’s name, I’d rather use my Mom than Sunbutt.”

“Hmm, makes sense to me,” Grandbuggy chuckles and Fluttershy meekly nods in understanding.

Smirking, you look back upon the rabble and say sternly,

“If the portal is closing in two days, then we’re leaving tomorrow, no ifs ands or butts.” Some of them seem reluctant at that, but they don’t voice their objections. “Any questions?

Unsurprisingly, the Red and Blue Zealots raise their legs.

“Yes?” you call on them.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“If we’re not to worship you, then who do we listen to?” asks the Red one.
“Yourselves, duh!” you say matter of factly.

“Ah, so they should listen to me then?” asks the Blue one.

“No! Not you! You’re the reason I got stabbed in the butt!” you chastise.

“But we will need a leader won’t we?” asks the Red Zealot hopefully.

“Not you either bud,” you put down before you get an idea. “In fact, Seabreeze is your leader.”

“I am?” he says in surprise.

“He is?” they gasp.

“Yeah. He’s the only smart one among you, so why not?” you shrug as the crowd begins to murmur.

“Heh, well in that case I humbly accept,” he says not humbly at all.

“Now wait a minute!” Blue exclaims. “We have as much a right to that title now since we don’t worship you!”

“You don’t worship me, but that doesn’t mean you won’t listen to me,” you threaten and he gulps.

“But he does have a point mi-er-little filly,” the Red one says reluctantly. “Can we not at least battle him honorably for the title?”

“Battle? Haven’t you lot had en-“ you start before Seabreeze actually cuts you off.

“I think that’s a grand idea,” he says and you look at him quizzically. “In fact, I will take both of you on at once.”

Fluttershy gasps, Grandbuggy makes a guttural sound of approval, but you just look at him unsure.

“Are you sure about that Seabreeze?” you ask, remembering that he didn’t take part in the civil war. In a surprising move, he gives you a wink.

“Trust me Nightshade, I got this.”

The confidence he radiates is more than enough to convince you of that and you smile.

“Right. Alright, Red and Blue, I approve of this battle, but after that, no more fighting unless it’s for survival, got it?!”

The Zealots nod at this as they look at Seabreeze and start to crack their hooves, while he just floats calmly.

“Oh, but Nightshade I don’t think that they should,” Fluttershy says walking next to Seabreeze, having completely missed the earlier skirmish. “They are very delicate and-“

“Miss Fluttershy,” Seabreeze interrupts, which gets all your attentions. “Please, your kindness has been great, but sometimes, the best kindness to show is tough love.”

Her eyes brighten at that as she takes his words in…and then just like Rainbow Dash two days ago, Fluttershy’s eyes shine briefly with prismatic light.

Whoa, what the heck? Again? You think as you look for the source of light but see no culprits. Is this some sort of eye disease? Do they need glasses now? I should ask Silver Spoon if she’s got rainbows in her eyes later.

Filing away that inquiry for later, you watch as Fluttershy nods silently, but knowingly to the Breezie as she gets out of his way.

“Don’t be too harsh on each other,” she cautions the three combatants and he smirks.

“You don’t have to worry about me,” Seabreeze says confidently, even as the Zealots look ready for a rumble.

“Alright!” You call out. “Three, Two, One, Start!”

And with that, the Zealots “dash” towards him with their hooves outstretched…and he calmly dodges them. Realizing they’ve missed, they wind up and attack again, but each blow misses the only Breezie that speaks Ponish. The thing is though, he doesn’t even lash out at them, even when they stumble and he has clear shots. He just keeps dodging.

“Stay still!” the blue one growls.

“Fight back!” the red one shouts.

“Nope,” Seabreeze responds simply and keeps dodging in an almost lazy manner.

Eventually, the two of them start to tire out, with sweat pouring down their brows and can no longer take any more swings. At that point, Seabreeze just simply grabs the two of them around their waists and gently floats them down to the others atop Discord. The rest of the Breezies all give respectful bows to Seabreeze who just looks at all of them haughtily.

“Well alright then,” Grandbuggy nods in approval while ruffling your mane. “Putting in a puppet leader, good job kiddo.”

“Don’t put it like that!” you grumble and he laughs.

“I really don’t know why it came to this, but I’m glad everything worked out without anybreezie getting hurt,” Fluttershy says happily. You give a wary glance to the two who had fought in the soup, and how they are still wet, but say nothing.

“Fluttershy! Are you ever coming back?” a tinny voice calls from the kitchen.

“Oh right! Twilight’s still got the pot on her head!” she gasps and starts to rush to the kitchen, before pausing suddenly. “Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind, can you all get off of Discord? He really needs his rest.”

The Breezies look to Seabreeze who just nods and they all float off of the depowered god, who begins to breathe a little steadier in his sleep.

“Thank you,” she says sweetly before going back to help Twilight.

“Well, now that that’s taken care of, let’s start getting you all prepped for tomorrow,” you say brightly.

“Prepped?” Seabreeze asks. “I thought you didn’t want them fighting anymore?”

“Yeah, but there’s still evil bees out there, so we gotta take precautions,” you point out with a grin.

The Next Day

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

In lieu of more training from Bob and Mangle, you decided to motivate the Breezies with a movie night before their journey home. You showed them classic movies about being strong in an unforgiving world, how to use your wits, and just some good ol fashioned action cheese. They really gravitated towards the movies that had in your face environmental messages for some reason, but hey, at least they weren’t worshipping you.

We now find you, Fluttershy, Grandbuggy and your friends transporting the Breezies via Tupperware containers with holes punched into the top, because at the end of the day, they are still stupidly fragile and susceptible to death at every corner.

Fluttershy had flipped and flopped on whether to stay with Discord or help you all with the Breezies, but after Twilight volunteered to look after him at her house, she came along with you.

You all finally reach the portal to the Breezie dimension, and you can’t help but gawk at it.

“Hey Seabreeze, if that thing is just open like that, how do you not get bees, bats, birds and other stuff just accidentally flying through?”

“Mostly the outer edges of the portal act like a bug zapper to non breezies,” he explains, just as Garble gets an electric shock when pushing his group through.

“Ah, gotcha,” you nod before you look down sheepishly. “Hey Seabreeze?”

“Yes?” he asks.

“Again, I’m super sorry about how I treated you before,” you apologize. “My Daddy and Mommy are in another dimension right now and I don’t even know what I’d do if they were never able to come back to me.”

He smiles at that and boops you on the nose, which really tickles.

“I’ve already forgiven you Nightshade. I’m sorry I was such a grump before. And don’t worry, no matter what it takes, a parent will fight like Tartarus to get back to their child,” he says wisely. Feeling a little better, you gently pat him on the head.

“Hey, I know I’m not really a leader of you guys or anything but…you think I’ll be able to see you guys again in ten years?” you ask hopefully.

“I guarantee it,” he smirks before nodding towards the Red and Blue Zealot who are being carried by Ember. “Those two brought along that statue they made of you.”

“…Can you at least make sure noling makes things too weird in all that time?”

“I will try,” he nods. “Goodbye Nightshade.”

“Goodbye Seabreeze,” you say with a wave. Before your little friend enters the portal however, he briefly stops over at Fluttershy and gives her something that looks like a flower, and for a brief moment, you see that sheen like what was in her eye yesterday.

“…Maybe that just means I need glasses,” you dismiss.

“So honey, what have you learned these last few days?” Grandbuggy asks as the last of the Breezies go through the gate.

“I learned that if I’m ever going to be a leader, whether as a cult leader or, Mommy forbid, a politician, I’ve got to make sure I don’t look weak and to crush adversity at it’s roots,” you say confidently.

“…Or you could, you know, not be in charge in the first place?” he offers with a curious look.

“Huh…ya that would make things a bit simpler,” you concede before shaking your head. “But come on Grandbuggy, surely when I’m older and we’re no longer on the run, ponies are gonna worship me anyway for being an alicorn right?”

“Oh? And you’re so sure you’re going to be able to freely show your wings one day?” he says coyly and you purse your lips.

“Well duh. After Daddy and Mommy get back and when she has her own body we’ll be able to finally show all the other princesses we’re not evil and can finally be a normal family,” you say as if it’s obvious. He looks at you silently for a few moments with an expression you can’t quite read before he smirks and pats your head.

“Keep a hold of that optimism while you still can kiddo. One day the real world will gnaw it down till it’s as old and weathered as I am.”

You know he can be a bit of a neighsayer, but you take his words at face value. You know for a fact that despite everything, progress can be made. You have so many friends and family now that can help the process along. When Dad, Mom and Sombra get back, there will be a greater chance for peace than any of the four long years of running and hiding.

“It’s gonna be fine Grandbuggy,” you smile as the Breezie portal starts to get smaller and smaller, till it disappears completely.

Eventually you all go back to the day to day shenanigans in Ponyville.

For two months, your life is pleasant. You spend practically every day with your friends and family, both old and new, and life just seems to go on. Sure there were some downer bits, like Discord not recovering his magic, but he’s been doing alright living with Fluttershy, and then of course there was the report that the Changelings had broken out of their prison which gave Twilight an anxiety attack, but there had been no reports of attacks.

No, all the good things happening kind of drowned out the bad bits. Ahuizotl and Daring apparently started dating, you went on a family road trip with Pinkie and the Apples and Grandbuggy, Greta and Ember learned more about Pony culture, and Garble still remained small because the magic of the Tree of Harmony is vindictive.

So, safe in Ponyville, you enjoyed a steady and carefree life while awaiting for the Equestria Games.

The Present

“We’re finally here!” the CMC, Diamond and Silver all say at once as the train pulls up to the Crystal Empire Station.

Remarkably, there is no visible damage that you can see from your last trip here when your Dad went beserk.

It really is beautiful isn’t it? You think with a profound joy. Tomorrow, you and the girls will walk out onto the field during the opening ceremonies for the Equstria Games. But before that, you and Grandbuggy will be meeting with Jack and Cadence to finally assemble the device that will get Mommy out of Daddy’s head, and to look into getting the shards out of your chest.

Good thing Cadence found Sombra’s Journal. I hope there will be something in there to get this crap out of me and stop causing me mood swings!

“Nightshade, are you alright?” Spike asks, noticing your intense thinking. You give him a smile and a hoof wave.

“Yeah I’m good, just thinking about stuff…Hey Spike? Do you wanna come with me and the Outcasts when we go to talk to Jack?” you offer nervously and he brightens.

“Yeah, sure! I wouldn’t mind! After hearing so much about the guy he sounds interesting!” he says excitedly which makes you chuckle.

“He’s something alright, but thanks Spike. I’d have asked the girls, but I don’t want to them to have too much on their plate since they’re focusing so much for the routine tomorrow.”

“Good call,” he nods. “Though I’d be worried too if it meant having to be around Ms. Harshwinny constantly.

A random thunderclap punctuates that sentence and you hear someone neighing in fear just like every time someone says that name.

“I’m starting to think that isn’t a coincidence,” you mutter to yourself. As the train comes to a stop, everyling starts gathering up their stuff to get off the train. Grandbuggy and the Outcasts are in another car, as are the Deadly 6, with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Bulk Biceps having their own private car for athletes.

Still nuts to think that Fluttershy’s still competing, you think honestly. Hopefully she doesn’t keep worrying over Discord back in Ponyville to mess up her game.

Putting that aside for now, you and your friends exit the train and set foot onto your cousin’s empire, which is more of a city if you want to get technical, but whatever. And as you all breathe in the cool crisp arctic air…

“Hey! Put Me Down!” Spike yells out in alarm as suddenly two crystal guard stallions scoop him up and take off with him.

You and the girls all stare wide eyed and slack jawed at this turn of events far too shocked to form any coherent response.

“Hey kiddo, whatcha all looking at?” Grandbuggy asks as he gets off the train next to you. At his words, you snap out of your funk and anger swells within you as your shards glow.

“BUCKING DRAGON NAPPERS!!!” you cry out as you rush after them. “Give Me Back My Spike!”

And as you haul ass into the Crystal Empire, not caring who you knock over in the way, Grandbuggy just sighs and shakes his head.

“Not even 15 seconds in this place and things are already going screwy.”

In the Human World

POV Change: Bugze

“…What’s wrong Bugze? Stomachache?” Sonata asks as you stare into the middle distance angrily.

“No…it’s something else,” you mutter as you shake your head.

Are you having second thoughts about this plan? Selena guesses.

Nah, I’m all for messing around with human minds, but for some reason I feel like Nightshade is chasing after boys.

Bugze, for goodness sake, she sighs and facepalms.

What? She’s far too young for that! you argue.

Would you rather the boys be chasing after her? Sombra asks bluntly.

Of course! That way it’s easier for me to kick them into the sun! When she gets running it’s hard to keep up with her!

“Is he having an argument with his head people again?” Adagio asks while you do just that.

“He does have the same glassy eyed look,” Aria points out.

“That’s because human eyes are weird and glassy! And I’m just having another conversation, I’m not deaf!” you respond indignantly.

“Okay good, we wouldn’t want you to miss our song,” Sonata chirps bubbly as you stand outside the cafeteria of Canterlot High.

Things have progressed since the Carnival and meeting with Human Celestia. It’s taken some planning and some strings getting pulled, but Hulestia was able to add a singing competition to the Friendship Games in two days. There’s been no word or sign of Midnight, but you and your solver squad are all confident that with the Dazzlings influencing the humans, there will be no way she can resist the magical pull on the day of the battle of the bands.

Which leads you to now. You, B2, the Dazzlings, Human Luna, Human Celestia, and Human Sombra are standing outside of the lunchroom, waiting for the Sirens to make their entrance and start working their charm to get more people in the singing mood. Inside, the Human 6 and Flash will help the hype train along.

“I still can’t believe we’re just going to allow our own students to be mind controlled,” Hulestia says in frustration as she puts a hand to her forehead, something she has been doing a lot of in the last few days.

“It’s not really mind control, we’re nowhere near powerful enough for that right now,” Adagio explains.

“Right now?” Celestia guffaws, but is ignored.

“Yeah, this is just some emotional influencing,” Aria handwaves, and the principal sighs again.

“Sighing ain’t gonna make it make any more sense Cel,” Humbra says plainly.

“And why are you and the jackass and his alternate universe clone here? I thought those three had it covered?” she demands pointing at you, B2 and the stoner.

“Moral support mostly,” B2 answers. “Sonata really wanted us to watch.”

“Yeah, plus we need good ol dad around to cheer us on,” Adagio trolls and Humbra grumbles.

“Mostly sister, it’s to add any extra incentive to the competition should their song itself not be enough,” Luna says and Celestia’s eye twitches.

“This is just a cover story, remember that, you aren’t reforming that bloody band again for real,” she all but seethes.

So far as she’s convinced, you think as you see B2 and Humbra scratch at the back of their necks and not look at the tall woman.

Indeed, though our new daughters should be sufficient enough on their own to convince everyone, Selena says eagerly.

Again, they’ve already got parents Selly, you think in exasperation. Sure they’re extinct and a thousand years in the past, but we’re friends with time travelers.

Fine, she harrumphs. Though if my self-righteous sister can claim family through “adopted nieces” then I can do the same.

…You know, I’d much rather prefer Adagio, Aria and Sonata calling me uncle than Cadence and Shining any day, you say thinking about how weird your family tree is. I think we need a flowchart to explain this to Nightshade when we get home, or else she’ll totally be confused.

My young overlord is much higher in intellect than you two, so she may be the one explaining it to you buffoons, Sombra mocks with a chuckle. You would insult him back, but both you and Selena suddenly feel a shiver of irony at his words.

Before you can think too much more on his words though, a pink hand slips through the door and starts waving franctically.

“Positions set, go, go, go!” Pinkie urges before zipping back into the lunchroom.

The Siren sisters all look to one another, grip their matching necklaces and take a deep breath.

“Alright girls, it’s showtime,” Adagio says with a grin. Nodding in agreement, they all start harmonizing their voices, and suddenly from nowhere you hear the familiar ethereal sound of the universe starting a musical number.

You know, it’s so common place back home, but having it happen here sure is noticeable, you ponder as the Universal background music begins and the Dazzlings stride into the cafeteria.


Episode 83: How to Make an Entrance

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This otherworldy chanting rings out as Adagio, Aria and Sonata slam open the cafeteria doors and start posing dramatically with their red crystals on display. This of course gets all of the students attentions in more ways than one.

“Why are they posing like that?” Celestia asks as you all peer through the window.

“B2 said they had to show dominance and that first impressions were everything,” you shrug as the music starts to amp up and become more intense.

“Presentation is key,” he nods with a smug smile and you start to see a haze start to come off of the girls, followed by weird menacing looking symbols that seem to float around them.

“Those words again? What do they mean?” you say aloud.

“What words?” asks Luna.

“The menacing words bobbing around their heads?” you point out but everyone looks at you questioningly. “Seriously? I’m the only one?”

Perhaps only other magic users can see it? Selena suggests just as the words blend into a green smoke and the sirens stop posing and begin dancing and singing.

“Ah, there we go. Operation Mindjack Filthy Human Teens is ago,” you say proudly as the gaseous magic starts to spread throughout the cafeteria.

“We really should have come up with a better title than that,” B2 says as he begins tapping his foot to the music.

“Says the guy who wrote a song called, Nightmare Cloak of Shadow and Darkness,” Humbra mocks and he puffs his cheeks.

“We don’t speak of that song!”

“Hush up you two, I’m trying to listen to these girls,” Luna orders as she watches the Sirens intently. “For a pop song, it’s not bad at all.”

It’s true. The rhythm and beat in conjunction with their harmonized voices is really hypnotic, even without the hypnotizing magic gas, some of which is flowing under the door and around you all. Speaking of which…

Kichi’s Comment

Hey, I know it might be a little late but, are we gonna be okay surrounded by this voodoo mind control stuff? You mentally ask as the green gas rises to your knees.

Typical that you only think of something like that at the last moment, Sombra grumbles sounding disappointed.

Well excuse me Smokey! I didn’t hear you voicing concerns earlier either! You harrumph and he rolls his eyes.

Because it is an unnecessary worry. Do you think that in a land without magic that I or your temperamental shadow mare wouldn’t be able to handle it? He mocks, treating you like a small child.

Who are you calling temperamental?! Selena hisses before addressing you. But yes, the fool is correct. Our limited magic will be enough to counteract any negative effects.

Okay good, thanks Selly. See Zoomba? Why can’t you just answer plainly like her without all the insulting lectures?

Because I don’t desire your affection like that pitiful soul, so why be courteous? He says smirking.

The sound of him getting whacked upside the head then rings out through your head and you smirk as he grunts in pain.

One day you’ll learn manners you odious slug, Selena chastises.

Though I doubt it’s today, you grin as he grumbles incoherently. As he does so, you look back down at the magic mist and an idea forms. Hey, do you think this stuff could add some juice to any of my magic gear?

Hmm, considering that they work well in a magic rich environment…Selena trails off before she shrugs. Couldn’t hurt to try I suppose.

In actuality it COULD hurt, but go ahead anyway, Sombra snarks and you roll your eyes.

Nothing ventured nothing gained, you think as you pull out your Boomstick and lower it into the gas, and for good measure, you pull out the Luna plushie and do the same.

“The hell you doing?” asks Humbra curiously.

“Trying to recharge my weapons,” you say absently. You’re not sure, but you think the crystal on the Boomstick might be blipping.

“That stuffed animal’s a weapon?” he asks pointing to the plushie and you nod.

“One of my best. Helps knock out enemies so I can run away,” you say proudly before looking over at him and the others. Like you, they have that grin mist up to their knees, though they don’t seem to be effected.

Hmm, guess Pinkie was right, you think as you look at all the ear plugs they sport, the same being worn by the Human 6 and other allies. You still don’t know how she found something that lets you listen to their singing and not get influenced. You declined a pair since you feared pushing them into your brain with your spindly human fingers, but the others graciously accepted them.

“Quit mumbling!” Luna shushes again and you scowl at her.

“We work with these girls, I’m sure they’ll sing it again if you ask them to,” you say as you look in through the window and see them standing in a row and waving their hands like a Somnabulan.

“I bet that looked more impressive from the front,” B2 theorizes as they continue singing about having a battle of the bands. Looking at the Human 6, you see them watching the spectacle cautiously, while other students seem to be getting a bit heated and pumped up.

Remembering the incident at the mall, you cautiously look at Flash to see if he starts Saddle Raging, but he too is fine.

“Some of the students seem a bit violent,” Celestia says worriedly as you see two girls almost butting heads.

“Yeah, they said that’s what was going to happen,” B2 answers, nonplussed by the whole situation. “The kids get pumped up and competitive and that’s how we get a good magic harvest.”

“I know, I know, but I still fear things may get violent. Look at Ms. Lulamoon over there! She looks on the verge of smashing her food tray over Mr. Bicep’s head!” Celestia says biting her lip.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“Huh? Lulamoon?” you gasp in surprise and look towards where she’s pointing. Sure enough, you see human Trixie growling at a beefed up human that could only be Bulk Biceps in humie form. “Ah geeze…”

Seeing a Trixie, any Trixie with that angry violent face takes you back to the day when you screwed up the most, making you feel really guilty.

“Hey man, it will be alright. Sonata said that things won’t go too far,” B2 says patting your shoulder.

“That ditz also said that she thought chocolate milk came from brown cows,” Humbra says unhelpfully and suddenly you feel less confident.

“Maybe I could just sneak in there and grab her away? I’m sure she doesn’t need any trauma right now,” you suggest but B2 frowns at you.

“Dude, it’s gonna be fine.”

“But she looks so angry and rabid right now,” you plead.

“Believe me, that’s nothing,” he says earnestly. “I know a thing or two about crazy rabid fans, and what those kids in there are doing is nowhere near that level.”

“Oh lord, those self proclaimed leaders of our fanbase?” Luna says disgusted and Humbra gains a thousand yard stare.

“Those unbathed nutjobs really tried to make us have beef with Sapphire Shores…God that army of lawyers was traumatizing.”

“Exactly,” B2 nods and looks back at you. “So yeah, everything will be alright. We are not screwing up this plan Bugze. All we have to do is stand here and do nothing and we’ll be in the clear.”

“But I could just-“

“Dude, I swear I will activate your plasmids myself and make you burn your butt if you screw this up!” he threatens.

“Okay, Okay! Calm down! I don’t even think that’s possible, but don’t even try. I’m not going to do anything,” you say defensively.

“Are you sure?” Luna asks cautiously.

“For the plasmids thing? Positive, unless he’s had any genetic experiments run on him.”

“He has not,” she shakes her head.

“Probably would be smarter if he did,” Celestia mutters and B2 gives her the stink eye.

“And as for the Trixie thing… Okay, yeah, I understand that it’s necessary, even if I don’t like it, so I’ll stand here and do nothing, I promise,” you say holding your hands up in a placating manner…the hands still holding the Luna Plushie and Boomstick.

Inside the cafeteria, just as the Dazzlings are singing the chorus and really drilling in the point of having a Battle of the Bands, a large explosion booms from outside the cafeteria doors.

“AGH!” Adagio stumbles and the song is interrupted as the sisters and many others look at the door in worry.

“What was that?!” screams a random student.

“Was that a bomb?!”

“What’s going on?!” the students start to panic, not helped at all by the amped up emotions brought about by the Dazzlings.

“Are You Three In On This?!” accuses Trixie and the Siren sisters start to sweat nervously.

“Ah, no, we were just singing…” Sonata chuckles nervously as everyone eyes them.

“What in the hay happened?” Applejack asks her friends as the cafeteria starts to get restless.

“Did Midnight attack early?” Fluttershy asks with a shiver.

“I don’t know, but my money’s on Mr. Bugze doing something,” Pinkie says confidently. “BRB.” And with that she dashes out the door faster than the human eye can see, and she comes across the mess you made.

You are currently at the bottom of a human dogpile as the passed out forms of Humbra, B2, Celestia and Luna crush you under their weight.

“Pinkie! Save Me! My weak human lungs suck!” you plead to the Pink girl.

“Yar Yar Daze,” she mumbles under her breath and shakes her head before reaching into the pile, grabbing your hand, and pulling you up.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” you stutter as you hug the human girl. “I thought I was going to drown.”

“I think you’re overreacting a bit,” she says pushing you away. “But what the heck happened?”

“Uh…” you say looking to your passed out comrades and back. “N-Nothing that was my fault! At all!”

She just cocks an eyebrow at that.

“I mean it! I was just standing here, doing nothing and then, uh, Human Luna totally knocked everyone out with karate chops and-“

“Mr. Bugze…” Pinkie says in a disappointed tone and you sigh in defeat.

“Okay, yes it’s my fault!” you admit. “I accidentally knocked everyone out and dropped my Boomstick. There! Are you happy?!”

“Yup!” she says cheerfully, throwing you for a loop, before pointing a thumb behind her. “Although I don’t think anyone else is.”

Looking over her shoulder, you see that the students are getting rather aggressive and panicked. You see the Dazzlings trying to restart the song, but it doesn’t seem like anyone is listening.

“Ah geeze, how do I keep screwing up this badly?” you whine and pull at your hair.

Because you are a universal tool! All you had to do was NOTHING and you still screwed that up! Sombra belittles, sounding exasperated.

At this point, it’s quite miraculous how you could pull that off Bugze, Selena says sounding both disappointed and impressed. Though on the bright side, at least we know Equestrian items can be recharged from our girls’ magic.

Daedrik’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Skiny_Boy’s Comment

A lightbulb dings above your head as she says that.

“Hey, you’re right!” you proclaim.

“I am?” Pinkie asks.

“Not you, Selena! Siren magic gave my equipment a charge, so I can still save this!” you say confidently as you reach into your Inventory. “Let’s see, Molotovs, Ninja Stars, Glowing Pink Love Necklace thingy, doesn’t that ever shut off? Aha! There you are!”

“What are you-“ Pinkie starts before you pull out the Mangle animatronic head which causes her to flinch backward. “EEP!”

Ignoring her, you stick the head into the mist for a few seconds, before quickly opening the door, tossing it inside and closing the door once more.

“SKREEONK!” the head bellows out, causing even more students to scream in fear.

“What the hell is that?!”

“Is this like some weird cult stuff?!”


Pinkie just looks at that spectacle before turning to you flabbergasted.

“And why did you do that?”

“To cause mass confusion obviously,” you say plainly as you search through your inventory.

“But why though?” she asks.

“Because I don’t think threatening them all with a burning blaze of glory would work all that well right now,” you huff. “Besides, the humies are now focused on that terrifying machine and not the Dazzlings, so that buys me time to make an entrance.”

“Make an entrance?” she asks as you finally pull out the Nobody Cloak.

“Yup. The Hooded Offender in this world is a rock star right? They might calm down for him!” you say unruffling the cloak, only to wince as you see it’s still only designed for your true equine form. “Ugh! This stupid body is the wrong shape! Maybe I could just stick my head through, but it wouldn’t look ri-“

“Here you go!” Pinkie exclaims, suddenly thrusting a large hooded cloak into your hands.

“Wha-What?” you sputter in surprise as you hold aloft the cloak and see it’s a stylized version of yours, only designed for the unnatural humanoid form.

“Pinkie, where did you get this?” you ask in amazement.

“Out of my locker,” she says with a smile. “But if you want to be more technical, I bought it on Ebay a few days ago. I was gonna surprise B2 with it at the Friendship Games, but this seems like an emergency.”

“That it does,” you nod as you quickly start to put the human cloak on over your outfit. “Now quickly Pinkie, I don’t know how well they’ll work as a smoke screen, but I’ve got some stink bombs in the bag to-“

“No worries, I’ve got the smoke covered,” you hear her say.

“Huh?” you ask as your head pops out of the fabric. Looking towards her, you see her with a square box puffing thick vapor smoke into the slightly open cafeteria doors.

“Why use stinky smoke when you have a fog machine?” she says giving you the thumbs up.

“AAAHHH!!! Now the school’s on fire!” someone inside shouts.

“…You know, if the real you had been my ally from day one, I think I might have had an easier time of things,” you say in all sincerity before shaking your head. “But anyway, thanks for that, now duck!”

Heeding your warning, she hits the floor as you stride forth and shove the Boomstick at the cafeteria doors, blowing them open with a large bang.

The students scream once more and look to your silhouette in fear. Thanks to the Dazzling’s earlier musical number, the lighting is dim, and there is still a fair bit of green mist added with the fog from Pinkie, so your form looks menacing.

“Wh-Who is that?” you hear some girl whimper as the atmosphere seems to get even more intense, even the Dazzlings are looking at you nervously.

Selena, Smokey, Would You Kindly give some juice to make my eyes glow? You ask quickly.

Of course my bug, Selena says as you feel a surging of internal magic.

I don’t know why I should, but sure, why the buck not? Sombra grumbles and you feel his power as well.

“EEEEKKK!!!” several girls shriek as your eyes glow their usual orange and red with purple smoke. Slowly and methodically you walk forward and out of the mist. As you do, the Mangle head with impeccable timing lets out a metal guitar stinger, heralding your entrance as you strike a dramatic pose similar to how the Sirens did earlier.

Gasps erupt from the confused and frightened children as they look upon your visage. The Dazzlings and Human 7 look at you in complete befuddlement, but you don’t say anything as you let the suspense build.

I’ve been a hammy villain/anti-hero long enough, I know how to set a mood, you think confidently, even though sweat beads on your brow. Sure enough, whispers start to go around the room.

“Is that that old rocker dude from the 90’s?”

“The Wanted Defender?”

“Nah, the band is called The Wanted, he’s the Defender.”

“It’s Offender. The Hooded Offender.”

“But what’s he doing he-“

Taking your cue you slam the Boomstick onto the ground and it lets out another percussive blast which echoes throughout the lunch room and causes them to shriek and fall quiet.

“Canterlot High…I am disappointed…” you say evenly. Taken off guard by that, many of them begin to look at one another for answers. “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!” you shout at the top of your lungs. As planned, they all are taken aback, so you ask again. “Are You Not Entertained?!”

You then point the Boomstick threateningly towards the teens and they wince backward.

“I heard that this place was ripe with musicians! Full of young people with honest to gods Teen Spirit! And yet, what do I find?! A bunch of belligerent blubbering babies!” you chastise. Some of them look defiant and angry at that, while others seem ashamed and others still seem lost.

You then motion towards the Dazzlings with your free hand.

“Have My Nieces Not Stoked Your Wills To Persevere, Rise Up and Triumph?!” you shout.

“Nieces?” you hear Aria mutter to the others but you continue.

“Well?! Answer Me Children! Why Are You Not Hyped?!”

Still more than bewildered by the whole situation, Rainbow Dash steps up to help you out.

“Uh, I mean, what exactly is going on…and who are you?” she says in a stilted manner, revealing that in both worlds, she is not a good actress. You wince at her rehearsed sounding dialogue, but thankfully none of the other students seem to notice.

“I am The Hooded Offender, lead singer of The Wanted, the greatest metal band in the whole world, and don’t you forget it!” you declare. “And surely you’ve heard about me? Haven’t you heard the rumors and buzz that we were returning?!”

The kids all start muttering to each other about that and you smile knowing that Wallflower’s cousin did her job. Speaking of Wallflower, you see her in the far corner of the room, looking just as lost as everyone else.

“Well you little devils, let me be the first to say this. We ARE coming back, and my mates and I decided that we’d have some fun with some new blood first…” You then twirl the Boomstick around and hold it above your head. “As my nieces here were trying to advertise, there’s going to be a Battle of the Bands between your school and Crystal Prep…Sorry about the explosion going off prematurely girls.”

Sonata and Aria don’t seem to catch onto what you’re saying, but you see a glint in Adagio’s eyes as she nods.

“Pfft, you better make up for it Uncle, you interrupted our finishing act,” she pouts and puts her fists on her hips.

“Well, sometimes pyrotechnics go a little…crazy,” you say as you turn your glowing eyes back to the students who shudder. “Now, back to the matter at hand, who is going to join the battle of the bands?”

The students all start muttering amongst each other again. There is definitely an air of curiosity and determination, but not everyone is ensnared yet. You then reach into your bag and pull out the bag of 45 Bits that you still have left and open it for all to see.

“I should also mention that the winning band will not only be compensated with a sack of 45 gold coins, but will also…” you pause as you know this is going to get you yelled at, but you plunge forth. “Open for The Wanted on our comeback performance!”

And that, is where you finally get them.

“I’ll join the battle!” Human Trixie declares.

“So will I!” Octavia shouts.

“We will as well!” Rainbow Dash shouts, sounding a lot more genuine.

“YYYYEEEAAAHHHH!!!” Bulk Biceps roars. Many more start to join the hype train and you notice that the magical mist seems to become more vibrant. You smile and look over to the Dazzlings.

“Very well then. Girls, I think we should close them out…”

Smirking conspiratorially, the three girls nod, before turning to the rest and begin harmonizing.

“Alright Canterlot High, prove me wrong and show me who’s worthy of opening for me! Can you beat my very talented girls The Dazzlings? Or will you be left in the dirt?” you taunt and they all begin shouting in earnest. “Speak with your Principal and Vice Principal about the contest, and I shall see you on the battlefield. And with that, we leave you with this…”

You reach down and pick up the Mangle Head and hold it aloft as the Siren’s magic infuse it and accompanying music plays from it.

By the end of the song, the whole cafeteria is a riot, but in a good way. Students are cheering and banging their heads and generally pumped up and excited.

“Time to go,” you tell the Sirens as you grab Sonata and Adagio and back away into the fog cloud.

“Okay Bugze, what in the buck was all th-AAAAHHH!” Adagio yelps as she trips over Humbra’s leg and falls onto the floor.

“That! That is what’s up!” you say pointing to the rest of the passed out humans.

“Great song Bugze,” Pinkie says off to the side.

“Thanks Pinkie,” you nod before helping Adagio up and turning to the others. “Alright, those kids are about to stream out there, so help me move these bodies!”

The sisters are understandably more than a little perturbed at this request, especially when you hoist B2 over your shoulder, but they do as they are told. Adagio picks up Humbra, Sonata gets Luna, but Aria seems to struggle with Celestia.

“Ugh! You guys got the easy ones! This one’s like super heavy!” she gasps, shaking under the principal’s weight.

“Good thing she’s asleep or that might have gotten you detention,” Pinkie says as she helps her.

“I don’t even go to this school!”

“Yeah, we’re too cool for it right?” Sonata asks bubbly.

“Buck yeah sea horse,” you smirk as you shift your counterpart’s weight and run like heck.

“Where are we running too?” asks Adagio, who doesn’t seem to struggle with Humbra’s form.

“Luna’s office! They’ll wake up eventually and I told all those kids to speak to them so it’s only logical.”

Silently agreeing, you all rush through the halls before the students can see where you went and you rush into Humie Luna’s darkened office thanks to the directions of Pinkie Pie.

The five of you then unceremoniously dump their unconscious bodies onto the floor, desk, and chairs as you all catch your breath.

“Whew, if B2 leaves that much of a pain in my neck then maybe I should start shedding some weight myself,” you say as you rotate your shoulder.

“Believe me, you got it easy,” Aria spits, red in the face with sweat drenching her brow.

“There’s a reason the real her is called Sun Butt after all,” you chuckle as you take the cloak off of you.

“Awww, you’re taking it off already?” Pinkie Pie says disappointed.

“Heck yeah I do, I only wear the real cloak when there’s no other alternative and when I’ve absolutely, positively gotta be the Offender,” you explain as you toss the cloak onto B2’s sleeping form.

Which, when you think about it, has a pretty good chunk of time since we’ve been together, Selena mentions casually causing you to pause.

Well last year was better, I only wore it like at the beginning and end of the year, you brag.

Because you were wearing the CV costume instead, she points out playfully and you puff your cheeks.

Okay yeah, I guess all I’ve been doing is playing dress up for four years, but in my defense, I’m pretty sure that it’s my Earth Pony blood that’s kept me from being able to transform well, you excuse.

I’m pretty sure dear Nightshade has transformative abilities better than you and her blood’s even more watered down, Sombra laughs and you scowl.

Her mom’s a freaking alicorn! Of course she’s gonna be better than me! You mentally bellow.

“And he’s talking to his imaginary friends again,” Aria sighs and shakes her head.

“They’re not imaginary. They’re in my head and you just can’t see them,” you defend, snapping back to reality.

“It’s okay, we all have voices in our head that tell us to do things,” Sonata says trollishly and you frown at her.

“What’s important is that you don’t listen to the bad ones,” Pinkie says as if she’s an expert.

“I tend not to, but once in awhile ol Crystal Nut’s got a good idea,” you admit.

If by once in awhile, you mean ALL THE TIME! He grunts.

He does not, Selena mocks and you smirk.

“Well regardless, except for ruining our song, I think that turned out well,” Adagio chimes in as she shows off her stone which is now a brighter shade of red.

“Again, sorry about that,” you apologize, rubbing the back of your neck.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. Your entrance was sooo cool and epic!” Sonata reassures with stars in her eyes.

“Yeah, plus you gave them more incentive to join, which was just the cherry on top,” Aria congratulates.

“You really play the whole hammy villain role perfectly,” Adagio adds.

“I do have four years of personal experience…plus several more from viewing my Grandbuggy when he kept trying to con people,” you admit.

“Your Grandpa Bug was a bad guy?” Pinkie asks with a raised brow.

“Not really,” you correct. “He just kept trying to convince people that places were haunted to find treasure, or oil or other things, but these meddling kids and their diamond dog kept showing up and…look, there’s a reason why I am like I am.”

“Sounds like your life was kind of cartoony,” Pinkie says with a grin.

All of you shiver at that for some reason as a brief feeling of existential dread sweeps over you.

“Right…Well anyway, step one is complete, now we just gotta wait for the competition to show up, have the music fest, lure Midnight in and then BAM! Turn her back to normal Twilight.”

“Sounds easy enough,” Sonata says confidently.

“It usually does, but it won’t be,” you correct. “Because her going back to normal all hinges on whether or not Sunset is reformed enough or whatever so that she has the power to save the day and then be able to open the portal and get us all home.”

“Well, even if she’s not, we could still probably beat up Midnight and detain her until Shimmer is pure or whatever,” Aria offers.

“Exactly,” you smile and look at all three of them with pride. “But no matter what, we’re all doing this as a team.”

“Of course we are, uncle,” Adagio teases and you look away in embarrassment.

“Yeah, I was gonna ask, where did that come from all of a sudden?” Aria asks with the same trolling grin.

“I don’t know, I thought it sounded good at the time,” you blush, not meeting their eyes.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind you being our uncle for realsies,” Sonata says sweetly, clapping her hands. “Though I think you should probably talk to Mommy and Daddy when we go back in time to make sure they’re cool with it.”

They better be, or I’ll just claim them for myself, Selena says with determination, and you cough nervously.

“Ahem, well let’s just stick with the cover story for now. You’re the nieces of the Offender, and gonna be the main competition.”

“I bet B2, Sombra and Luna are gonna be surprised when they hear that,” Pinkie says as she pokes at the unconscious Humbra’s bald head.

“Yeah…probably not all for the better,” you say nervously glancing at the sleeping Celestia. “I might have kind of just forced them to get their band back together without their permission…but I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”

“Well if they didn’t, then I would have wasted a lot of money buying all their old costumes online,” Pinkie says as she brings out two more outfits from literally nowhere. Both appear to mimic the armor that Selena wore as Nightmare Moon and what Sombra wore before you ate him.

“How much money do you have Pinkie?” Sonata asks in amazement.

“More than you think, but less than you’d hope,” she answers cryptically just as Adagio smiles deviously.

“We should totally dress them up in their costumes while we got the chance. They’ll definitely freak out when they wake up,” she says with a sinister giggle.

“You know that sounds…like a hilarious idea!” you agree with your own chuckle, looking down at B2.

“Really?” Adagio asks in surprise.

“Yeah! It’s just a harmless prank, and it’s not like it’s gonna hurt them. We could even take pictures with our space phones,” you point out.

“Cell Phones,” Aria corrects.

“Yeah, that,” you nod before turning to Pinkie. “By the way, you should probably let Sunset and the others know what’s up.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” she salutes as she starts tapping on her phone.

“Right, you girls dress up Luna, I’ll take care of B2 and Humbra,” you say as you sit on the floor and lean B2 up against your chest.

“What, right here?” Sonata asks surprised.

“Sure. When else will we get a better chance?” you say as you remove his shirt. “Besides, no one else should be bugging us for awh-“

A knock suddenly comes from the door as it is pushed open.

“Excuse me, Aunt Luna? Are you in? I just stopped by because I wanted to go over a few…things…”

Human Cadence pauses in shock like a deer in the headlights as she takes in everything. Her eyes flicker over you, the Dazzlings, Pinkie, and then the passed out humans and her mouth drops.

“What in the…What in the…?!” she sputters as she looks between the snoring shirtless B2 leaning against your chest and you repeatedly.

“Oh, uh, Hi Cadence,” you wave nervously to the absolutely dumbfounded woman. “I’m sure you have plenty of questions right about now. All I can say is, maybe you should take a seat?”


Episode 84: This Could Have Been Handled Better

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Human Cadence just continues to stare bafflingly at you all and you can see that her eyes don’t quite seem to be focused.

“Uhhh, Cadence?” you try again but she just seems to look through you.

“I think her mind broke,” Sonata says as the woman continues to stand stock still.

“Yeah, it’s like she can’t even see us,” Aria points out.

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

“Ah of course! She literally can’t see us, I should have known,” you say coming to an epiphany.

“Huh?” asks Adagio.

“Don’t move. Her vision is based on movement,” you order as the sirens look at you incredulously.

“Excuse me?” Adagio says skeptically.

“It all makes perfect sense. Humies can’t see you if you don’t move.”

“But…don’t we have human eyes too? She’s not moving and we can see her,” Sonata offers, poking holes in your thesis.

“Yeah, I can see you all perfectly well too,” Pinkie adds.

Master of Shadows’ Comment

“…Oh yeah,” you nod, relenting to the blatant truth as the sisters all facepalm while two others in your head facehoof. “Well what the heck was I thinking of?”

That dinosaur film Bugze, Selena sighs sounding embarrassed.

Right, right. Jurhaysic Park, you think remembering one of your most beloved films as a larvae.

From what I’ve seen of your memories, that so called piece of entertainment is entirely inaccurate. Even in my day we knew that those ancient creatures had feathers, Sombra lectures and suddenly rage flows through your entire system.


“You Shut Your Whorse Mouth!!! Those Lies Were Invented By Fun Hating Scientists To Ruin Everything Cool About Dinosaurs!!!” you bellow as aloud which startles everyone in the room.

“What?” Cadence gasps coming out of her shock.

“Feathered Dinosaurs Are Stupid! It’s Heresy I Tells Ya! HERESY!!!” you shout at the befuddled woman before your brain registers that she is looking right at you. “I mean…No, I stick by what I said. Scaled dino’s for life!”

To that, she can’t help but gawk at you, completely lost.

“I think that might be a sore subject for him,” Sonata “whispers” to her sisters.

“Gee, you think?” Aria quips as Adagio just shakes her head in disbelief.

“I…Wha…?” Cadence stammers at your blind conviction.

…Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have led with that, you think nervously and you only hear sighs from both your skullmates.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

But at least it’s gotten her out of her stupor, so I can still smooth things over, you think with conviction.

And so, in your never ending cleverness, you quickly and efficiently belt out an ingenious explanation to Cadence that not only resolves all misunderstandings, but also immediately pulls her on board with your plan to reform B2’s band, stop Midnight, and return you and the Sirens home…

“I mean, do you realize how difficult it would be to maintain thermostasis for animals that large? They’ve gotta be cold blooded! Sure maybe some of the flying ones might have had feathers, but the mighty T-Rex shouldn’t looped in with those ancient chickens!”

…Just kidding, you ramble on about dinosaurs some more. In the back of your mind, you know you shouldn’t, which is agreed upon by the other two souls in there as well, but it’s like you can’t help yourself. Sure in one world the scientists have tried their damnedest to make dinos lame, but in this world, there might just be a chance to head it off.

Throughout all your stubborn lecturing, the woman in front of you starts to lose her baffled expression as it slowly but surely morphs into one of annoyance and frustration. The Dazzlings also appear to be questioning their decisions to make you their uncle as you wholeheartedly stick to your guns.

“And so, you need not look further than the Alligator or Crocodile who haven’t changed for millions of years to know what REAL dinosaurs looked like,” you finish with your head held high. “So, any questions?”

The humafied version of your first friend glares at you silently for a few heartbeats before shouting,

“What The Hell Are You Going On About?!”


“Obivously! But Why?! What Do Dinosaurs Have To Do With Anything?!” she shouts, slamming the door behind her.

“I mean…uh…” you stammer at a loss for words as you begin to sweat nervously.

“Here! Now! What’s Going On In This Office?!” she demands, pointing at your face.

Despite being in this filthy ape body and having far less magic than usual, your changeling senses are clearly picking up on her intense emotional state. The overwhelming confusion and boiling rage flowing off her is so strong, you almost choke on its presence. The last time a Cadence from another world was feeling like this, you got skewered.

“I, uh, well you see,” you sputter as a bit of your past trauma peaks its head and you lose some coherency, dinosaur related or otherwise.

“Why are my aunts passed out? Why are these three girls and Sombra’s daughter here? And why the hell are there two of you?!” she shrieks as her hair starts to go frizzy.

“Uh…do you want to take a seat?” you offer lamely.

“No! The last time I took a seat near you, somehow me and my husband ended up stoned! We haven’t done stuff like that since college!” she growls before turning her glare to Adagio who freezes up. “You were there! You started singing, then I can’t remember what happened after that except that there was a hole in Shining’s garage!”

“Those two things are totally not connected,” Adagio tries to placate.

“They’re not?” Pinkie asks sincerely and she glares at her.

“The hell they aren’t!” Cadence bellows before advancing on you to the point where you back up into Luna’s desk. “Tell me right now what’s going on Hoody or I swear to God I’ll never forgive you!”

The anger in her voice, a voice that shouldn’t have that tone in it, saddens you. Cadence in any world should be your friend, but thanks to your actions, this one is going postal.

I am seriously going to have to have a talk with B2 and Adagio about the whole ‘making them think they were on drugs thing,’ but right now I’ve gotta be calm and rational and NOT talk about dinosaurs, you think.

Whatever you tell her, be decisive and confident Bugze, Selena advises.

And don’t start blubbering, it’d be far too pitiful for even me to enjoy, Sombra adds without his usual snark.

Right. Well, here it goes, you think as you take a deep breath.

“Okay Cadence, here’s the deal,” you start and she fixes you with expectation. “What’s happening is-“



But you are interrupted as she falls to the ground unconscious with a shaken looking Sonata standing behind her with a now broken vase in her hands.

For the first few moments there is only shocked silence as you all stare at the downed Cadence and the unmoving Sonata, whose arms are still outstretched from where she connected the vase to the other woman’s head. No one says any words or even moves an inch as the seconds go by and the ridiculousness of what happened settles among you all.

A bunch of complex emotions are swimming around in your head. Confusion, surprise and frustration top the list, though there is a strange form of familial pride over how clean an attack it was.

Eventually the silence is broken by someone you don’t expect...

Perhaps that Siren is more of a blood relative than you thought, considering her actions mirror your own idiocy. Did one of your cockroach ancestors lay with a sea horse?

Despite no one being able to hear Sombra his words seem to be the spark to snap everyone out of their daze, and finally the chaos begins to set it.

"SONATA! WHAT THE TARTARUS DID YOU JUST DO!?" Aria shouts, which knocks Sonata out of her funk as she clamps her arms together nervously.

"I-I uh hit Midnight’s sister-in-law over the head with a vase?" she asks more than says. Her sister’s eye starts to twitch at that response, as she stomps over to the blue girl and starts to shake her back and forth rapidly.


"We-well she was getting all angry an-and shouting and I got scared and Bugze just kept talking about dinosaurs and I just had to help!"

"BY KNOCKING HER OUT?!" Aria demands.

"Uh...Y-yes?" she answers with a blush and shy smile.


"I PANICKED OKAY!? WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO!?" Sonata screeches back.


"So...I should have used that bat I found behind the desk instead?"

"NO! WE CAN LITERALLY SING AT PEOPLE AND MAKE THEM DO WHAT WE WANT! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Aria devolves into unintelligible screaming as she puts Sonata in a headlock.

While Aria manhandles her sister roughly, Adagio sits down on Luna’s desk with her face in her hands.

"I swear to the gods if it wasn't for the fact that they’re my sisters..." she grumbles in such a frustrated and exhausted sounding voice. Pinkie, sensing that things have really gotten out of hand slowly inches herself out of the door.

“I’m just gonna go meet up with everybody else. The costumes are behind the desk if you…Nevermind,” she trails off before slamming the door and running away.

Meanwhile you just stare at the chaos in front of you with the same vacant expression that Cadence was wearing when she first opened the door.

Ooooohhhh. Okay, now I get the glassy eyed thousand yard stare she had going there, you think in understanding.

When faced with vast amounts of stupidity, the brain can’t help but shut down. Though you’ve done this your whole life so you should be used to it, Sombra insults.

Well yeah, because usually I’m the one causing the stupid! It’s weird seeing it from another perspective, you argue.

To be fair, it is pretty shocking to see my soon to be nieces acting in such buffoonery, Selena mutters.

Because they are being influenced by not one, but two versions of this same idiot, Sombra points out.

Hey! I’m not a bad influence! You counter.

Exactly! Selena agrees. If anything, Bugze’s negative influences would only amount to excessive cursing and yelling about pop culture references.

I-Hey! Since when have I ever encouraged someling to do that? You think feeling insulted.

Our Daughter? Selena says in exasperation, as if it were obvious.

…Right, yeah, I can’t argue that, you relent knowing she’s right.

I still say it amounts to more since there are two of him, Sombra continues. Even dear Nightshade has bursts of foolish behavior because of him.

And I say it’s not! They’re sisters! I didn’t have any siblings, but like isn’t that what sisters are supposed to do? Tear each other’s hair out and scream and stuff?

My only experience with siblings is trying to murder them both…Selena says in a hollow voice of realization.

See? So it is normal! You conclude, but Sombra still doesn’t seem convinced.

One example does not prove your hypothesis. It’s more likely they were driven mad by your inane dinosaur ramblings, he says stubbornly.

My very first action as a living being was trying to kill Celestia…

Well maybe YOU shouldn’t have pulled that particular trigger Zamboni!

And maybe YOU shouldn’t keep denying facts! he fires back.


By the gods, how ARE sisters supposed to act? Selena mutters to herself in that same horrified voice while you argue with Sombra.

Thankfully before you could lose what remaining brains cells you have left in this argument, Aria and Sonata draw you back into the real world.




You can feel a sweat drop forming at the back of your head as you can’t help but wonder just what the heck these girls have been doing during their time in the humie world, but you push that aside as you know it’s time to intervene.

“Okay, okay, let’s everyone just calm down and-“

"Hey, what's with all...the...shouting..?" says an older looking human man with a toupee on.

Is that that Cranky Donkey guy from Ponyville? You think as the human looks at the scene in shock. He looks at the passed out people on the floor, to the arguing sisters and to you, becoming more and more horrified at what he sees.

Watching the human observing them, Sonata and Aria have stopped shouting, and you notice the blue girl slowly reaching across Luna’s desk. Her sister also notices this.



Loganic’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Adagio just sighs as the madness continues and just looks at you defeated.

“Can’t you stop them with that pony doll?” she pleads.

“No unfortunately, it’s got a cool down period,” you say reluctantly as the other two sisters crash to the ground catfighting.

“Oh…well what are we supposed to do about that guy then?” she asks pointing at the human.

“Ummm…” you start just as the humie’s eyes roll upward and he passes out in the doorway. Sonata and Aria don’t notice as they continue to claw at each other.

“Huh…” Adagio exposits at this unexpected development.

“Guess this problem just solved itself,” you guess. Even as you say that, a skinny, nerdy looking boy appears.

“Excuse me, is this where we sign up for the Ba-YAGH! *CRASH*

And he promptly trips over the Human donkey and hits his face on the floor, knocking him out.

Staring at the two passed out forms with Aria’s and Sonata’s struggling in the background, Adagio hops off the desk.

“I’m just gonna lock that door now,” she says tiredly.

“Good idea,” you nod.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

A Few Moments Later

After forcing Aria and Sonata apart, and chucking Human Cranky and the random student into a Janitor’s closet, you are now more or less back to how you all were before Cadence opened the door and threw everything into madness. Speaking of Cadence, she is currently tied to Luna’s chair via duct tape.

“Why did we have to restrain her again?” you ask for like the fiftieth time.

“Because she’s scary when she’s mad, and I don’t want her tearing my scales off,” Sonata implores.

“We don’t have any scales right now dummy,” a still miffed Aria points out.

“I know, but somehow I’m sure she’d find a way,” she says cryptically.

“If anyone’s getting something ripped off, it’s gonna be Bugze,” Adagio says with a roll of her eyes.

“Yeah, good point,” you agree as take a few steps away from her. “Okay, she’s taken care of…so now what do we do?”

“Aren’t we still gonna dress them up?” Sonata asks and you all stare at her. “What? That was the plan before we got interrupted. B2’s pants are still halfway off.

“…I should probably fix that,” you say as you head over to your doppelganger, but then you pause as you see the clothes that Pinkie left behind. “But then again, we are right here.”

Really? After all of that? Sombra says in bafflement.

“Yes!” you answer aloud. “Because it’s the best prank ever!”

“I’m in!” Sonata volunteers enthusiastically.

“I just…” Aria starts before closing her eyes and sighing in frustration.

“Might as well go with it,” Adagio says while patting her on the shoulder and looking towards you. “But no peaking when we dress up Luna.”

“Peaking? On what, her gross disgusting furless skin?” you scoff with a roll of your eyes as you begin undressing B2 and Humbra. “But fine, I’ll advert my eyes so that Sombra doesn’t get excited.”

Quit insinuating things that aren’t true! he barks, causing you to smirk.

Truth is subjective…as is sibling dynamics, Selena mutters, still sounding deep in thought.

Uh, you okay there Selly?

…Mhmm, she responds half heartedly causing you to raise a brow. You know there’s probably more there, but if she isn’t up to talking about it, you won’t force her. You just add it to something to talk about later while you play dress up with the Humies.

The Offender Cloak of course fits perfectly over B2 and as a bonus, you don’t have to look at that raggedy unkempt beard of his. For Humbra, Pinkie’s costume package also included a wig. The problem is though, that his shiny bald head is too smooth to have it stay on while he’s lying on the floor.

Remedying this, you dig through Luna’s desk and pull out a tube of something called gorilla glue. Giving a liberal spreading of the adhesive to his chrome dome, you place his wig on and it sticks.

“There, perfect. Now we know what to use in the future when you lose your mane Sombra,” you say cheerfully.

That is a future that is NEVER going to happen, he snaps defensively.

“And we’re done too,” Adagio says. Looking over, you see that Hu-Luna is now decked out in humafied armor of Selena’s old get up. She too is wearing a wig to make her hair darker.

“Not bad, not bad,” you say as you all stack the three humies up against the desk, while leaving Hu-lestia crumpled in front of Cadence.

“They really do look better this way,” Aria reluctantly admits as she gets out her phone and takes a picture.

“Oooh, I can’t wait to win that contest and open for them,” Sonata claps her hands excitedly and you all stare at her. “What?”

“We’re not actually trying to win the contest and go on tour dummy, we’re trying to lure Midnight into a trap,” Adagio reminds.

“And even if we did win, we wouldn’t have time to anyway. We’ll be going home remember?” Aria adds.

“Oh…yeah, kind of forgot about that after the rally and all the panicking and head smashing,” Sonata chuckles nervously and looks away with a blush of embarrassment.

“It’s okay kiddo, we all lose ourselves in the heat of madness,” you consolidate as you look over your handiwork.

“I guess so,” she shrugs before looking at you for guidance. “So what do we do now?”

“Well, we should probably wait till they wake up and we can redo the whole Cadence thing,” you say before holding up a finger. “But this time, no forced knock outs.”

“Oh, fine,” Sonata pouts and crosses her arms.

“Don’t say that like you’re disappointed!” Aria scolds, and the blue girl sticks her tongue out at her.

Suddenly, you are all interrupted by a knock at the door, causing you to freeze.

“Um, Mr. Bugze? It’s me Pinkie Pie. Is everything not crazy anymore?” the voice says from the other side and you let out a sigh of relief.

Ah good, just Humie Pink Psycho. All’s well, you think good naturedly as you unlock the door and step outside with the sisters, seeing not only Pinkie Pie, but Sunset as well.

“Oh hey guys, why aren’t you in class?” you ask.

“Because Mr. Doodle’s disappeared, and because Pinkie said she left you guys after some altercations,” Sunset says worriedly. “I mean, is everything going alright? After the near fiasco at lunch I thought-“

“Everything’s under control Sunny. Me and the Dazzlings took care of things,” you reassure but she frowns.

“Pinkie said you hit Twiligt’s sister in law over the head with a vase though.”

“That wasn’t me! It was Sonata! Let the record show that it was Sonata!” you belt out.

“You snitch!” she pouts at your betrayal, but you ignore her and cough into your fist. “Ahem, but yeah, she’s taken care of and we’re going to fix this.”

“Are you sure? You don’t need any help?” Sunset asks.

“Yeah, we could get the rest of the girls here too,” Pinkie offers.

“No it’s fine, we’ve got this. We’ll all meet up later to discuss songs and stuff. But right now, if you guys want to do school stuff, your teacher is passed out in that closet with some nerdy kid,” you say pointing to the door behind them.

“Say what now?” Sunset does a double take.

“Your missing teaching, he passed out when he came across our shenanigans. Don’t worry, didn’t look like he had a heart attack, probably just low on sugar or something,” you say confidently.

“Ooookaaayyy,” Sunset says warily as she starts making her way to the janitor closet. As she does, you look over at Pinkie and smirk.

“Also, we totally just got done dressing B2, Humbra and Luna into their costumes,” you say conspiratorially and she beams.

“I hope you got pictures,” she says.

“Way ahead of you,” Aria says as she taps buttons on her device and suddenly Pinkie’s phone chimes.

“Awesome Sauce!” she cheers. “Well, you guys just stay safe and don’t assault any more people and I’ll meet up with you later.” And with that she runs to the closet with Sunset to help drag Cranky Doodle to his class.

“…You know, these human’s high school experience is certainly a lot stranger than my own,” you say truthfully before you hear groaning inside.

“Sounds like the sleeping beauties are up,” Adagio says, just as you all hear three simultaneous gasps of shock.

“Oh boy, prank time,” Sonata giggles quietly as you all crack the door and peer inside.

“My hair! My glorious locks are back!” Humbra squeals in joy, looking on the verge of tears.

“My cloak…it still fits,” B2 says in awe. “Whoa, and Nimmy…you look…”

“Why am I in this costume again?!” Luna shrieks apprehensively as she gets up and walks over to a mirror on the wall. “Oh God, I swore I wasn’t this kind of woman anymore!”

“I mean, it’s not so bad, you still look amazing,” B2 encourages but she rounds on him.

“You’re just saying that! My thighs have gotten too big for these pants!”

“I beg to differ,” B2 says transfixed before looking over to the bawling Humbra. “I don’t know what’s happened, or why we’re dressed up again, but the only logical explanation is that we’ve traveled back in time.”

“If we traveled back in time, why are we in my office at Canterlot High?” Luna says with her hands on her hips as she takes the helmet off.

“Maybe the sea horses did something, they brought my hair back after all, even if it feels a little itchy,” Humbra says.

“Ugh, what happened?” Celestia groans as she sits up and everyone looks at her. When she sees everyone in costume her eyes widen in shock and confusion.

“…Okay, maybe we didn’t travel through time, Celestia still looks old,” B2 changes his mind.

“EXCUSE ME?!” Celestia shouts as she gets on her feet with her fists clenched.

“Nothing! I said nothing!” B2 lies. This whole time, you and the Dazzlings are just snickering like immature children at their reactions.

“What is going on here?! Luna! I said no rejoining this stupid band! And why is-Cadence?!” her anger quickly turns to worry as she sees her passed out niece tied up. “What’s happened to Cady?!”

“I’ve got no clue,” B2 says in worry as he comes over to investigate the woman.

“Did we blackout in the middle of some sort of hostage situation?” Humbra guesses.

“I highly doubt that. But I have no idea what’s going on any more than you do Tia,” Luna says as they all crowd around Cadence and start prodding her.

Kichi’s Comment

After a few shakes and light slaps, Cadence starts to groan as she comes out of her stupor.

“Ooooohhhh, my head,” she groans.

“There there Cady, are you okay?” Celestia asks.

“Aunt Celestia?” she says as she looks at her with bleary eyes.

“Yes it’s me, are you alright? What happened?”

“I…I don’t know. I opened the door…I remember something about dinosaurs, and I was mad at Hoody and-“ her eyes suddenly widen as she notices B2. “YOU!” she snaps and tries to lunge forward, only for her to be stopped by the duct tape.

“Whoa now, easy there kiddo,” B2 warns.

“What’s happening?! Why am I tied up?! Why are you all dressed in your band costumes?!”

“That’s what we’d like to know,” Luna starts as Cadence struggles with her bonds.

“Wait a minute, there were four girls here too! I remember now! Aunt Celestia, is this a weird sex thing?! It’s a weird sex thing isn’t it? Please tell me it’s not a weird sex thing!”

“Most certainly not!” Celestia says taken aback as she tries and fails to get the duct tape off her niece.

“Are you sure? I’ve heard of weird groups like this, and I know all of you used to be free spirits!”

“It’s not like that Cadence, yeesh,” Luna reprimands.

“And how can I know that for sure? You’re dressed up as Nightmare Moon again standing next to him! I mean, I know I tried to get you two to meet and talk again, but I didn’t know things would escalate this quickly!”

“Nothing’s escalated girlie, just calm down,” Humbra orders as he dramatically tosses his hair.

“Sombra?! Wait, one of your daughters was here earlier, what are you trying to pull?”

Giggling and laughing, you open the office door and lead the sirens inside.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough hilarity for right now,” you chuckle before closing the door. “So let me explain a few things.”

Cadence’s expression looking between you and B2 is comical.

“Wha-What? That’s right! There were two of you! One had his pants off!”

“Huh?” B2 says taken aback.

“Never mind that, Cadence, you, uh, passed out in your anger earlier, so we tied you up,” you lie, not wanting to throw Sonata under the bus.

“I passed out? What are you going on about?! Am I having a stroke?! What is happe-MMPH!” she is silenced as you place duct tape over her mouth.

“There, that should help things,” you say to the others.

“That doesn’t help anything at all,” Celestia says heatedly as she glares at you. “What happened to get us to this point?”

“I accidentally knocked you all out during the performance, but don’t worry, things went smoothly.”

“Not really,” Adagio quips, but you ignore her.

“And this whole dress up thing was definitely, uh, definitely Rarity’s idea. She loves clothes,” you lie again while all the humans continue to look at you incredulously. “But uh, anyway, Cadence, if you want to help Twilight please just calm down so that you don’t “pass out” again.”

Her eyes widen at that, and she stops writhing.

“I just…” Celestia starts before sighing and putting a hand to her forehead.

“Believe me, I know,” Aria says with sympathy.

“Now, I’d like to explain everything to you, so let’s just be civil, okay?” you urge the duct taped woman who nods.

“By the way, how’d my hair return?” asks Humbra to Adagio.

“Uh, magic? Yeah, let’s go with that,” she says maliciously.

“I knew it!” he cheers, but you ignore him and take the tape off of Cadence’s mouth.

“What do you mean help Twilight? What’s happened to her?” she asks immediately.

“Okay, you know how she hasn’t been at school lately right?” you start off and her eye twitches.

“She hasn’t? Wait…yeah that’s right she hasn’t. She’s been…studying online?” she says unsure and you raise a brow.

Hmm, so I guess Adagio’s mind trick is still keeping her from knowing anything was wrong with her, you think impressed.

“Yeah, that’s kind of true and not at the same time,” you say bluntly.

“But she is still turning in her assignments…” Cadence mutters in confusion.

“And I don’t doubt she is,” you nod. “And I’m sure that’s good enough for buck face Cinch and any of her bullies, but surely that can’t be enough for you right?”

“Yeah…she’s not…she’s not at her parents is she?”

“Nope. We kind of sang to them too,” Sonata chirps up from the back, getting a smack upside the head from Aria.

“Sang to them? What?” Cadence sputters and you sigh.

“Alright, I know what I’m about to say is going to sound insane and impossible, but just keep an open mind. Right now, Twilight has kind of turned into a magic stealing super villain.”

“…Excuse me?” she says in disbelief.

“It’s true, she soaked up a lot of Equestrian magic, which is magic from Equestria, and…You know, maybe I should start at the beginning huh?”

“Oh gods, I’ve heard this tale like 3 times already!” Adagio grumbles.

“I’ve heard it once, and I don’t want to again,” Celestia grumbles.

“Yeah, can we just go for this Bugze?” B2 asks.

“Sure, fine, you all should probably change anyway. Also, Celestia, the students are going to come to you about joining the Battle of the Bands, so you might want to get on that.”

Sighing Celestia looks at Luna, The Dazzlings, B2 and Humbra.

“Let’s go to my office then,” she says tiredly as she leads them out the door.

“Auntie?” Cadence says with worry but she just shakes her head.

“Don’t worry Cady, he’ll explain everything. But for goodness’ sake, cut her out of that tape already?!” she orders. “And Luna, let’s get you out of that get up.”

“Spoil sport,” B2 grumbles as they all exit.

Once you are alone with her, you smirk nervously as you start to undo her binds.

“So yeah, this is going to be a long story,” you tell her.

“I’ve got time,” she says matter of factly. “But try to hurry up, I need to know what you meant about Twilight going supervillain!”

“You’re already on board for believing that?” you say in surprise as you free one of her legs.

“I used to babysit her, so it’s not too surprising with her love of science,” she admits before shaking her head. “But get on with it, why is she a supervillain now?”

“Okay then. So, like I said, Equestrian Magic comes from Equestria, which is this nation on the planet Equus full of pony versions of literally everyone on this stupid planet,” you start.

"Pony versions?" she says skeptically.

“Yes, which is the only true versions of you all. But anyway, that’s just the backdrop. Everything that’s happening now started with me, and my journey began during when my people invaded Canterlot during the real Cadence and Shining’s wedding.”

“Wait, what now?” she says taken aback.

“Oh right, you’re a Princess in that world, or I guess an Empress now since you run an Empire, but yeah. The Changelings invaded, I’m a changeling by the way…well, mostly. You see Changelings are like a cross between a pony and an insect that can shapeshift…

And you continue to give her the (relatively) abridged account of your misadventures.

“So that’s when I met Selena, but didn’t know it at the time…I ended up becoming a father overnight, and Nightshade is just the absolute best…And that cloak that was supposed to make me inconspicuous kind of turned into my villainous alter ego…Blueblood got turned into No Balls…Then the God of Chaos escaped his stone prison. I’m still conflicted on that guy…And then I had a cult, to which I kind of killed the leader and developed a lot of mental issues…I went to another world where I kind of had some issues with another you, but I won’t go into them…And then I ate the real Sombra, but that totally wasn’t my fault! Shut Up!...Then I was a bounty hunter, and that was fun…So basically I was tricked into coming to this ape filled world so that I could help Selena and Sombra get bodies…I found out the Sirens were still alive…Twilight turned evil…Got stuck in a Carnival from Tartarus for 3 months…and now that’s why we need a Battle of the Bands.”

After finishing the tale which you’ve told countless times since coming to this world, you feel even more unburdened.

You know, once we get home and get settled, I could probably turn this into a book, you think optimistically, while Cadence just stares at you quietly having taken quite a lot of information in.

Who would want to read such an idiotic plot? Sombra insults.

Bored people, that’s who! You think with conviction.

After a few more moments of silence, Cadence stands up…and slaps you.

“Ow! What the bu-“

“That’s for not coming clean sooner,” she reprimands before fixing her hair. “But now that that’s out of the way, let’s stop dawdling and get this Music Competition going already.”

“Huh? Really? Just like that?” you say in surprise.

“Honestly, everything you said is just too dumb and random to have been made up…also, I don’t doubt that if Twilight did discover magic, she would go nuts like this.”

“…You know, your acceptance is really refreshing,” you say in gratitude.

“Don’t go getting too used to it,” she mutters before shaking her head. “But anyway, I’m now more than invigorated to do what I came here to do. I was going to ask my aunts a bit more on the set up for the games and Battle of the Bands, so let’s get to it.”

“Yeah, let’s do that,” you nod in enthusiasm. “But uh, just to be clear, you’re not gonna like, still chew out B2 are you?”

“Oh of course I am,” she says non chalantly. “He’s the one who jumped out the window when I was trying to get him to talk to Aunt Luna again, and he ruined our dinner party.”

“Yeah, he is me so go easy on him will ya? He and Luna seem to be doing alright after the Carnival from Tartarus,” you implore as the two of you walk towards the club room where you were supposed to meet up with Team Human.

A Few Moments Later

After entering the room, you now have your assembled Human Team, along with Sunset and the Dazzlings. Even Wallflower is there since she’s still your connection to that cousin of hers that gets the word out.

“Okay humies, the easy part is out of the way,” you tell them.

“That was the easy part?” Rarity says in surprise.

“Yep,” you nod. “Because getting the students on board is step one. Step two, is making sure this Battle is epic enough to accumulate as much magic as possible to lure Midnight here. And then comes step 3, where we actually have to de-villify her.”

You then point to the whiteboard with a yardstick.

“So, let’s go over the playlists and spectacles for The Dazzlings and…whatever you guys are naming your band.”

“We were thinking Rainbooms,” Rainbow says without hesitation and you just look at her incredulously.

“Let me guess, you came up with that one?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?” she asks.

“Lucky guess,” you roll your eyes. “But anyway, The Dazzlings and The ego stroking Rainbow band are gonna be the ones accumulating the most magic and firing up everyone else. We need to plan out the songs, the visuals, costumes, etc. Though I call dibs on Pyrotechnics!”

“Hey! Why do you get dibs on that?” Celestia asks.

“Because Fire’s my thing. End of discussion!” you say with finality before coughing into your hand. “But Yeah, we come up with our show, know who our competition is gonna be from both schools, and finally, we figure out exactly how we’re going to take Midnight down.”

You take the cap off of a dry erase marker and hold it at the ready.

“So…shoot,” you offer to the assembled apes and apified equestrians.


Episode 85: Prep Work is Important

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Your assembled team all ponder for a moment before Pinkie raises her hand.

“Yes? What you got?” you ask pointing at her with the marker.

Loganic’s Comment

“Well, if we want this to be a successful show, we’re obviously going to need a lot of snacks and drinks,” she responds and you nod.

“Good thinking,” you say as you write snacks on the board. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to a concert and all that was available was overpriced bottle water.”

“Speaking of which, my cousin’s got connections to many vendors. A few from the carnival might be able to help,” Wallflower says from the back.

You briefly flashback to the day that lasted three months and you shiver.

“Not gonna lie, after three months of eating nothing but carnie food, I think I’ll avoid partaking,” you admit.

So much popcorn…Selena shudders in horror.

“But yes, good thinking Wallflower,” you compliment as you write Vendors next to snacks. “But we should also have free food there. Nothing gets people into an event than if it’s free.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about people coming. Your appearance in the lunch room is already trending,” Fluttershy says turning her phone around and showing a video of your spectacle early on some website with a blue bird symbol.

“Huh, neat,” you say genuinely.

“At this point I guess our comeback is all but official,” B2 smirks smugly at Celestia who snarls.

“Entirely without our complete consent, yes,” Luna says with a roll of her eyes. “But whatever, what’s done is done.”

“Exactly,” you nod. “But regardless of how much of a crowd is coming, free food never hurts.”

“Oh, like free Hot Dogs and stuff?” Rainbow asks.

“Not everyone eats hot dogs though,” Fluttershy points out.

“What about free desserts? You make good pies right Applejack?” Rarity suggests.

“With the amount of time and effort to make one pie, it’d be a loss to give it out for free,” Applejack argues.

“How about free candy? You can buy that in bulk,” Sunset suggests.

“Giving out free candy to high school kids is a good way to get the cops on your butt,” Humbra says with a far off gaze. “I mean, you remember the show in Clydesdale right?”

“Oh, you mean the group that was giving away the Acid Pops? Yeah, I remember,” B2 answers with a wince.

“That mosh pit got very violent that day…” Luna says with her own thousand yard stare.

“Alright, so candy is definitely off the menu,” Celestia says sternly and you agree, noting it on the board.

“Oh, what about beaded necklaces?” Sonata says.

“Necklaces?” Aria asks with a raised brow.

“Yeah, don’t you remember when there was that festival with all those parade floats and all the guys threw them at Adagio when she took her shirt o-“

“That Didn’t Happen! We All Agreed Remember?!” Adagio shouts eyeing her sister dangerously.

“…Um, I mean, what necklaces?” Sonata finishes with a nervous chuckle.

You don’t quite understand the implications, but the rest of the humans seem intrigued/disturbed by this.

“You guys went to Mardi Gras” Flash asks.

“NOPE! It Never Happened! And there’s no pictures so don’t ask!” Adagio denies a little too strongly with a blush.

“If I didn’t know you three were actually sea creatures from another dimension, I’d be a little more disturbed by that,” Cadence says thoughtfully.

“Okay, I don’t understand a single thing you guys are talking about, but I’ll just add “No Beads” to the board,” you say, writing just that.

“Good call,” Luna agrees.

“Um, how about cookies? Those aren’t easy to drug right?” Pinkie suggests.

“You’ve got that right. Brownies is the way to go,” Humbra smirks and Celestia gives him a glare.

“That’d have to be a lot of cookies though,” you say before a lightbulb dings. “Oh wait a second, I might have something for that.”

Digging into your inventory, you pull out your Free Filly Scouts Cookie for Life Card that you got when spending all of the Knight’s money.

“Anyone know any Filly Scouts in this dimension?”

“Filly Scouts?” Rainbow asks confused.

“Yeah, Filly Scouts,” you repeat. “Little fillies in their adorable green uniforms selling overpriced but well worth it cookies?”

“Um, we got Girl Scouts here. In fact, my sister and her friends are in it,” Applejack says.

“Oh good, with the Human Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’ll get our snacks in no time,” you say confidently.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Rarity questions.

“Yep. I’m pretty sure they have that copyrighted too the amount of times they shout it. My daughter’s part of their group too,” you brag before tossing the card to Applejack. “Here, use this.”

The cowgirl catches the card before proceeding to look it over front and back.

“Um…this might not work Bugze. It clearly says Filly Scouts and not Girl Scouts.”

“Eh, close enough. Just fast talk the troop leaders and they’ll never know the difference,” you wave off.

After spending untold thousands on those boxed goods, this promise better be honored.

“But they-“

“So now we have the free snacks as well as the overpriced junk,” you say making a note on the board. “For costumes, we’ve got Humie McStabFlank obviously.”

“We have who?” asks Flash.

“Rarity,” you say pointing at the purple haired human.

“What? What’s up with that nickname?” she pouts in offense.

“The unicorn you stabbed me in the butt way back when, it’s a force of habit,” you explain. “But costumes are your thing. Make sure you get Dash’s ego trip for your Rainbooms, but also, make something classy for the Dazzlings. Accentuate their sireness and stuff.”

“Or maybe just have no tops for the lead singer going by their history?” Sunset jokes and Adagio whips her head around.

“What was that?!”

“Nothing,” Sunset giggles.

“Worry not darling, I’ve already got some rough sketches,” Rarity says, ignoring the childish banter.

“Good,” you nod. “And Flash…Uh…What you got to bring to the table?”

“Um, not much really,” he admits. “I mean, you’re all planning for these two bands, but I’m already kind of in one.”

“You are?” you ask.

“Yeah. I play guitar, I told you this,” he says sounding put out.

“Nah kid, you told ME that,” B2 corrects.

“Oh, right…well still, me and the guys will be playing our own set so…I guess I’ll make it a good show?”

“Eh, I’m sure you’ll get into the top three, but the key is to get the magic flowing with all the girls at the end,” you explain, while jotting down a note about Flash’s band on the board.

“Yeah…alright,” he says dejected.

“That’s the spirit! Now, onto songs…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Oh, I’ve got a few ideas!” Rainbow shouts. “We were actually practicing a few of them before you showed up with that Crystal Prep lady.”

“Oh really? That’s good to hear,” you say in relief.

“It’s okay I guess,” Humbra shrugs and the Rainbooms glare at him. “What? I’m a hard rocker. All your stuff is Alternative at best and Pop at Worst.”

“And what’s wrong with Pop?” Aria grills.

“Yeah, we invented that style back where we’re from,” Sonata brags.

“And? You got banished by an old wizard horse because of it. I rest my case,” he says while melodramatically flourishing his “hair.”

“No, that’s because we took over the minds of a bunch of ponies living on the coastline,” Adagio argues.

“Whatever the case, you’ve all go songs ready right? We can move on?” you interrupt before a music debate starts.

“I think we might have enough for each individual band,” Sunset speaks up. “But seeing as how we’re making this a spectacle now, is there any songs we want to collaborate on?”

“…Huh, hadn’t thought of that,” Rainbow muses.

“Neither did I for that matter,” Adagio says sounding disappointed in herself.

“Why not just cover some of our stuff with us on stage?” B2 offers.

“Oh, that would be cool,” Sonata says excitedly.

“And it would be a good kicker for the night’s events,” Cadence adds.

“Okay, yeah, collaboration…” you say writing the word on the board.

“You’ve gotten a lot better about writing with your hands you know?” Pinkie points out.

“It’s hard to mess up using a marker, it’s pens and pencils that you gotta worry about,” you say, still wishing you could use your mouth to write deep inside. “But anyway, we end with some Wanted songs…maybe something new?”

B2, Luna and Humbra all seem taken aback by that.

“You want us to write something new within two days?” Luna scoffs.


“That’s a hell of a tall order,” Humbra grumbles.

“But not impossible, I’ve still got some old unfinished ideas floating around in my head,” B2 says with starry eyes.

“There’s a reason many of those were unfinished Hoody,” Luna admonishes but he shrugs.

“Eh, beggars can’t be choosers Nims.”

“As long as it doesn’t bore the audience to death, I’m sure it will be fine,” you placate before putting the marker to your chin. “But let’s not forget, the final song has to be a real zinger to draw Midnight in.”

“All our songs are Zingers though,” he says but you shake your head.

“No, what I mean is, when we draw her in with the last, or one of the last songs, it should be obvious that we’re calling her out. Something to hurts her pride and makes it completely clear that we’re bad mouthing her so that she can’t help but come rushing in, even if she knows it’s a trap.”

“That’s oddly specific,” Luna says with a raised brow.

“Yeah, calling out a magically amped up teenage girl…is there even a song for that?” Humbra muses.

“Hmmm, I just googled that exact phrase and this came up,” Pinkie Pie says as she holds up her phone…”

Kichi’s Comment

And this song starts playing.

Your jaw drops as everyone looks uncomfortable about the gibberish being played over the speaker.

"No! Absolutely Not!" Luna shouts, almost reaching RCV levels of volume.

“I-I Agree! Turn that off right now Ms. Pie!” Celestia shouts as well.

“Right, right, sorry,” she apologizes and turns off the song, blushing in embarrassment.

“Wh-What is wrong with the world today?” Cadence says gobsmacked.

"Eh, it wasn’t that bad," Humbra shrugs.

“You’re right, it was worse…what is wrong with you humies?” you say in disgust.

“Hey now, don’t lump us all in together with THAT!” B2 exclaims.

“Precisely! I may be wearing this old costume again…but I am not going to sing that like some common slut!”

“Luna! Language!” Celestia scolds, but the blue woman just rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with those “lyrics,”” Fluttershy says meekly.

“I know, right? Not even at our lowest would we sing something like that,” Adagio decrees.

“Not that we’d admit publicly anyway, Sonata’s had some terrible ones in the past,” Aria mentions.

“Hey! The Octopus’s Garden isn’t trashy like that song was!” she pouts.

“…She does have a point there,” Adagio admits before shaking her head. “But yeah, let’s just leave that one behind.”

“I think we can all agree on that one,” B2 says in disgust. “Seriously, who even wrote that?”

“Probably some “edgy” manager trying to make a shock song for their fledgling band,” Humbra says sagely. “But yeah, even if it’s not the worst I’ve ever heard, the last thing we need is playing that in front of a bunch of brainwashed teenagers and turning them into sex crazed zombies.”

Everyone just stares at him after that statement and he just deadpans.

“What? You were all thinking it, I was just the guy to say it aloud.”

“I don’t think anyone was thinking that at all ya dang weirdo,” Applejack says with a shudder.

“Well now I’m thinking about it,” Rainbow huffs in frustration before looking at Aria. “That wouldn’t happen right?”

“…Not that we know of?” she says unsurely.

“You don’t know?” Flash asks wearily.

“It’s not like that’s something we’ve tried to do,” Adagio says pinching the bridge of her nose. “Nor would we want to.”

“Alright, good, let’s not find out,” you say as you shudder at the disgusting thought of amorous humies. “Next! Anyone got any other ideas?”

“How about this one?” Sonata says holding up some old worn looking scrap of paper. “I found it Celestia’s closet.”

“You what?!” Celestia shouts in surprise and shock.

“Yeah, it was after you tried to hit Bugze with your bat but after he pulled the gun on you,” she says nonchalantly. Everyone else seems rightfully disturbed by this admission of theft, but Pinkie has a calculating look about her.

“Ah, so I might have some competition after all…” she mutters to herself.

“Here, let me see that,” Luna says as she takes the paper from Sonata.

“Wait, Luna you don’t have to…” Celestia trails off as Luna speed reads the paper. After a moment, she looks up with an impressed look on her face.

“This…this is really good Tia,” she says in shock and the elder sister blushes. “When did you write this? And more importantly, why?”

Celestia looks down at her twiddling thumbs as B2 an Humbra look over the written out song with their own impressed looks.

“It was back when you were still touring,” she admits sheepishly. “My psychiatrist Dr. Disco suggested that I try to view things from your stage persona so that I could get over some…inferiority issues as he put it. So I wrote a song pretending I was my own version of Nightmare Moon.”

“Daybreaker huh? So that’s where you got the name for the bat,” Humbra says in understanding.

“Hell, this is some good stuff. I could see this working as like an upbeat mambo piece. You should have showed us this back in the day,” B2 adds and Celestia looks away in embarrassment as Cadence reads it.

“It really is good auntie,” Cadence says before smirking. “And here I always thought you had no taste in music.”

“That’s a mean thing to admit,” she spouts before burying her face in her hands, turning away from her students who begin to look it over.

“…Principal Celestia? Do you mind if we practice this?” Rainbow asks and she flushes harder.

“Do whatever you want,” she squeaks, still not looking at anyone.

“Awesome! I know just the tempo for this!” Rainbow cheers.

You continue to watch the whole spectacle before you are shown the lyrics yourself and even you feel impressed.

Huh, with how strict she is, she’s got a way with words, you think.

She always did, even if what she said was meaningless, Selena sighs still sounding melancholic.

You wince at her saddened tone as you hand the paper off to Sonata who then whispers,

“Also, I found this in her closet as well. Though this one seems a bit too depressing for a concert.” She then hands you another slip of paper. Raising your eyebrow, you take it and glance back at the others who are still asking Celestia questions.

We should really talk to her about not snooping in other people’s things. But anyway, let’s see what we’ve got here, you think opening up the paper. So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory. That long was the shadow she cast
You then continue to read the words which are more of a lullaby than a song and appears to be about Celestia’s abandonment issues in regards to her sister being gone as Nightmare Moon. After finishing it, you can’t help but agree with Sonata’s assessment, it’s too sad. Especially in regards to the real Celestia and Luna back home.

That was…

Depressing, Sombra finishes for you.

Yeah, amongst other adjectives.

Do you think our Celestia wrote something similar to this? Selena asks, still in that saddened tone.

I…you try to answer her, but you stumble over what you could possible say.

What does it matter if that whorse did or not? Sombra says in indifference. Whether she felt sorry or not it doesn’t change the fact that she or the other one would kill you if given the chance.

I know that you swine! But it still doesn’t change the fact that I WAS the other one in a sense. Her memories are mine and vice versa, she spits defensively.

Selena…I’m not sure if she actually wrote it or not, but I’m sure she really did feel this way, you tread carefully, trying to comfort her.

…I suppose she did as much as she claimed to have missed…her, she says still sounding distant. You know that her mood is still down in the dumps and you try to reach out some more.

Selly I-

“Hey, check out this awesome song calling her out. It’s practically a declaration of war,” Aria announces to the other humans, interrupting you.

With all eyes on them they begin to sing a very, very confrontational song…to put it mildly.

"Isn’t that a little gory?" you ask apprehensively, noticing the disturbed looks on many of the other humans.

“Hmm, you’re right,” Sonata agrees. “We could add more descriptive lyrics about blood and guts and-“

“That’s not what I meant!” you interrupt.

“Oh calm down, it’ll be fine,” Aria reassures. “Human teens are all about dark and bloody stuff, we’ve seen their movies.”

“Okay, that may be true, but how’d you guys come up with that so quickly?”

“Me and Aria based it on an incident where Sonata got us kicked out the zoo for trying to ride the rhinos,” Adagio says before shuddering.

“Those zookeepers are still on the list!” Sonata shouts angrily before flashing a smile that disturbingly reminds you of Pinkamena’s from the Otherworld.

“I don’t doubt it…but that song is pretty confrontational, so it does fit the criteria for calling out to her and her monkey minions,” Sunset says playing devils advocate.

“Right, forgot about the monkeys,” you say while jotting it down. “So we have to make sure we have something to call out to them as well…so something about bananas?”

“I think if we call out their mistress, they’ll follow suit no matter what the song,” Rarity says.

“…I still find it disturbing that Twilight’s got an army of flying monkeys. Maybe I shouldn’t have let her watch the Wizard of Oz so much as a child,” Cadence says somewhat guiltily.

“I don’t understand that reference,” Sonata says seriously and the tricolor haired woman looks astonished.

“It was after your time Sonata, but I guess Humies have that movie too. Strange that it doesn’t have any weird Human related adjectives in the title,” you ponder before shaking your head. “But anyway, the songs are a good start, and I’m sure we’ll come up with more in the next few days, but just like the Wicked Witch, we now gotta discuss how to deal with Midnight.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“We’re not going to melt her are we?” Pinkie asks with a horrified look.

“What? No…I mean, unless that’s what happens when Sunset reforms her…?” you question looking at said girl.

“I have no clue,” she says in exasperation. “I mean, I didn’t melt when they blasted me so…no?”

“Good enough for me,” you nod before you get serious again. “Now, I’m sure you’ll all have things to add, but I’ve already come up with the perfect plan to catch her.”

Seeing how serious you’ve gotten, the humans all sit up a little straighter and pay rapt attention.

“Okay, so as we know, her whole neurotic obsession right now is to get magic. When you lot are singing with the Dazzling’s influence, that’s going to create a lot and draw her in, but I say we go a step further.” You then pull out the magical stone you got from Camp Everfree. “This and the Red Stone Necklaces should be front and center and not coyly hidden like those singers at the carnival.”

“You want us to make them obvious?” Adagio asks with a tad bit of apprehension and you nod.

“Eyup. Think about it, with all the hype we’ve got going for this, we’re gonna be on TV and the Internets right? Midnight’s all about tech and magic so there’s no way she won’t see us flaunting the sources of the magical emotional outbreak. No matter where she’s at, she’ll definitely feel the surge, but if she also sees the objects she desires displayed out in the open, the temptation will be too much and she’ll come rushing in.”

“So that’s why you wanted to make the call out song obvious?” Fluttershy puts two and two together and you smirk.

“Exactly. We taunt her with our magic rocks and aggressive lyrics and her supervillain brain will go wild. If we don’t publicly call her out, then she might try to play it smart since she’s a genius and all, but if we goad her, then she won’t even care if there’s a large crowd of people.”

“Wow that’s…” Luna starts as everyone else looks extremely impressed.

“That’s very devious,” Sunset finishes looking at you with praise.

“Well, if anyone knows what a supervillain would be thinking it’d be me,” you boast with your hands on your hips.

“Okay, I’m pretty sure calling her out and getting here will work, but what’s step two?” Aria inquires.

“Hey yeah, what do we do when she actually gets here?” Rainbow asks as well.

“Well, we need to subdue her obviously so that you can all do your kumbuya friendship circle and Sunset can reform her,” you say drawing the diagram on the board.

“And we subdue her how?” Sonata asks.

“With that magic we used on Sunset?” Applejack guesses.

“Yes that, and maybe even the Siren magic, but that’s if my ultimate trap fails, which it shouldn’t,” you proclaim.

“Stop beating around the bush man, what’s the trap?” B2 asks impatiently. To this, you smirk and begin drawing an outline.

“Okay, so, first find a nice secluded spot behind our stage and mark it with a big red X, then we rig up a giant net above it, lastly we set a tripwire to that net with a jar of peanut butter that will be inconspicuously placed on the X,” you explain confidently.

“…Huh?” Flash utters in confusion and you sigh.

“It’s simple Flash, when Midnight comes full of obsessed anger, she’s obviously going to be burning a lot of energy since she’ll be flying extra fast to get here with her monkeys, and thus be hungry. Everyone knows you can’t run or fight on an empty stomach, so lo and behold she’ll see a free jar of peanut butter which has plenty of protein and sugar to get you through a magical battle. She’ll grab for it, trip the wire and the net falls on top of her and BOOM! We have her subdued.”

All the humans go from looks of praise to looks of disappointment after that explanation.

“Really?” Celestia deadpans.

“What? It’s fool proof. I’ll have you know that when I was little I saw this exact trap capture a hippie and a diamond dog when my Grandbuggy was trying to scare people off from an island so he could find buried treasure,” you say defensively.

“Be that as it may, how would she even know the peanut butter is there?” Cadence asks perplexed.

“We have a spot light and a sign obviously,” you huff in frustration.

“But why would she go for peanut butter if we’re giving out free cookies to the crowd?” Pinkie Pie counters.

“Well…” you start to object until you see the logic in her words. “Actually that’s a good point…Then instead of a jar of peanut butter, we use peanut butter filly scout cookies. There, problem solved.”

All the humans still seem a bit unsure of your confidence, but your determination will not be swayed.

It’s just so out there and crazy it just might work...

A Few Days Later

Of course the stupid apes overruled your ingenious plan, the trap part anyway, and decided that they’d just fight magic with magic.

“Stupid humies, what do you know about catching meddling kids and their dogs,” you pout as unknown to them, you’ve decided to set your trap up anyway.

You now stand above the scaffolding of the stage, rigging your net on the day of the big Battle of the Bands. Today, Canterlot High and Crystal Prep will clash with all of their musical might, strengthening the Dazzlings and providing a target for Midnight. It’s going to be a long day, but everyone on your team is prepped and ready for the coming events.

The Wanted, Rainbooms and Dazzlings all have their playlists picked out, including some collaborative ones, the food stalls and ticket booths are all set up, and now with your finishing touches with your TOTALLY NECESSARY NET TRAP everything will run smoothly.

Really, it’s one of the only things you’ve been able to contribute since laying out the plan a few days ago.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

You did try to help come up with some new songs with your superior Equestrian brain, which resulted in three songs all dealing about the struggle between light and darkness…

But you were informed by B2 that those already existed…by Him.

“Stupid great minds thinking alike,” you grumble as you secure the net and look out over the empty field where the audience will stand.

“Well, however it goes down, we’re one step closer to getting home again.”

Good, it’s felt like years, Selena mumbles and you wince. You still haven’t quite been able to get her out of the funk she’s been in since the Dazzling’s debut.

It’s only been a few months, and far too short for my taste if you ask me, Sombra says haughtily.

Noling did Smokey, you think with a roll of your eyes. But yeah, I’m ready to go home to Nightshade too, and once we get there, all we have to do is find those objects from Jack’s list and then we can get you your own body Selly.

…When we do though, are we ever going to be able to stop running from the mistakes we’ve…I’VE made? She says downtrodden and you frown.

It’s OUR mistakes Sel, and I don’t know. We’ve been running so long, I don’t even know if we can stop…but wherever we end up, we’ll all be together and that’s what matters, you say comfortingly.

You feel a slight shift in her demeanor, one more towards the positive side, but you still feel she is down.
Appleloosa is always an option, but who knows. I heard there’s nation of cat people across the sea. They probably wouldn’t even know who any of us were, including Sombra, you think as you climb down from the rafters.

The Abysthinians? Selena asks curiously.

If that’s their name then yeah…none of us are allergic to them right? You think worriedly.

I’m not, but I’m not partial to cat people, Sombra grumbles.

Really? You’re a fan filly for furry little creatures and humies but not this?

Hey, kitty cats are fine, but having them wear clothes and act like how Humans would is…bleh,

For a supposed emperor, you can be a real drama queen sometimes, Selena mocks, sounding a bit more cheerful.

I will not dignify that with a response, he grumbles and you chuckle.

Well it doesn’t have to be with the cat people. There’s all kinds of places we could go. Without the Doctor or anyone else forcing us into shenanigans, we can just live away from it all, you encourage.

That does sound nice…Selena says wistfully. Though I do still wonder if that’s all we can do.

It’s all I can see for us having a peaceful life, you admit. I mean why waste energy on stubborn ponies who will never see things from our point of view?

Ah, so even you can see when something is pointless, Sombra mocks in agreement.

Sure I can. We may have been gone for a few months, but their attitudes will all be the same. It’s not like someone’s done the impossible and gotten a bunch of key figures on our side while we’ve been missing.

You then trip over literally nothing and fall to the floor as an immense feeling of irony hits out of nowhere.

“Gorammit!” You curse before standing back up and dusting yourself off. You can’t help but smirk afterwards though because you hear Selena giggling in your head.

Good to hear that again, you think gratefully before she cuts herself off in embarrassment. But anyway, let’s not worry about Home for right now. We’ve got a show to put on and a supervillain to catch.

Right you are my bug, she says sounding like her usual self. And…thank you.

Anytime Sel.

Ugh, enough with the mushiness, Sombra complains trying to ruin the moment.

Oh don’t go worrying your premature balding head Zombie, you quip.

That is not going to happen to me!

Are you sure? It might have already happened and someone stuck a wig on you, Selena teases.

I still can’t believe Human you hasn’t figured that out yet, you chuckle.

Har dee har har, he grumbles with a roll of his eyes, but you are relieved to get back to all your old banter.

“Whelp, better start getting the fireworks and other pyrotechnics ready,” you say clapping your hands together and walking further backstage. “And maybe I should practice with that thing Pinkie gave me.”

Master of Shadows’ Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

The day after the meeting, Pinkie Pie had given you a fancy looking scroll with a note that said, “Heard you were a fan of Avatar. Have fun.”

You are indeed a fan of one of said show, even if the pictures on this scroll are full of filthy hairless apes.

“It just seems wrong thinking of the Gaang with hands and squished in faces,” you think for the thousandth time. Regardless, near your stash of fire based show stoppers, you pull up said scroll and look it over.

Do you think you’ll be able to accomplish any of these? Selena asks and you shrug.

“I did Air Bending back home, and it technically wasn’t magic,” you point out.

You then start maneuvering your disgusting limbs practicing the techniques shown on the page, even though it’s clearly piece of merchandise for a children’s show. The Trademark is even next to the title up top. Even still, you try it out because you’ve got nothing better to do.

“And then I punch to the left and yelp!” you chant as you thrust out your fist…but nothing appears to happen. “Well that’s disappointing. Now I’m all hot and sweaty for nothing.”

Bugze, you’re not sweating, Selena says worriedly.

“Huh?” you say just as you look down and realize that your pants are on fire. “Oh cool! I actually did it!”

You look at your blazing leggings with pride that you’ve finally been able to do bending beside air, even if it’s in a different body. Your pride manages to overwhelm you for a good few seconds in fact before you finally react appropriately.

“OH GODS I’M ON FIRE AGAIN!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” and with that you start rolling on the floor, flopping like a fish on dry land and screaming every obscenity under the sun. Not too far away, Sunset Shimmer watches you flailing and screaming and gives out a tired sigh.

“Today’s gonna be a clusterbuck isn’t it?”

“More than likely! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

And while she helps beat out the flames on you, and all the humans and Equestrians turned humans prepare for the epic battle, small cracks and tears form in the sky without anyone noticing…

Back in Equestria

POV Change: Nightshade

“Nightshade…do you mind telling me why you knocked out my guards?” Cadence says in her best disappointed mom voice which hits you harder than if she yelled.

After Spike got scooped up and taken away, you chased after them in mad fervor and to no surprise ended up back in the Crystal Palace. Some guards tried to ask you questions or stop you…but you kind of went Jackhay Chan on them.

After throwing one through the door where you saw Spike get taken, you dashed in, eyes and shards blazing…only to see him perfectly fine with Cadence…bowing to him?

When both of them turned to you, you felt like a deer in the headlights and all the rage just vanished. Which leads us to now with you nervously standing next to the knocked out guard you tossed through the door, scratching your neck sheepishly.

“Okay, to be fair…I thought they were dragon nappers.”


Episode 86: Cruel and Unusual Punishments

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Kichi’s Comment

"Dragon-nappers? Seriously?" Cadence asks as she looks at you with a look of curiosity, anger and disappointment developed after years of foalsitting.

"What? They scooped him up the minute we got off the train, what else was I supposed to think?” you say matter of factly ignoring her look. "Also, you should really invest in better guards if a little filly can defeat them.”

“You’re not your average little filly though Nightshade,” Cadence says pursing her lips.

“True…but still, I’ve dealt with other guards in the past and they gave up more of a fight. Are Crystal Ponies just weaker or something?”

“They shouldn’t be, they were trained by Shining Armor,” Spike says giving his two bits.

“Didn’t seem like it,” you shrug. “I mean, I was expecting Mr. Sentry levels of resistance, but nope. Not even close.”

“So either the Crystal Guards are weaker or Shining’s lost his touch?” Spike ponders with a claw to his chin.

“Hey, give Shiny a break!” Cadence pouts. “He had to introduce a thousand years of warfare advancement that they missed when they were trapped in limbo.”

“I guess that’s true,” you admit. “Though that’s not saying much. The modern guards are definitely tougher, but that’s not saying much in relation to me and Daddy.”

“Again, that’s not a fair comparison,” Cadence interjects, but you keep yapping.

“I mean can you imagine if the guards actually WERE strong? Daddy wouldn’t have been able to get away with half the things he did these last four years,” you say with a chuckle. Cadence gets a faraway look at that scenario before sighing and rubbing her forehead.

“Also, if they were that strong then there wouldn’t have been any need for most of your Dad’s adventures…or Twilight and the girl’s either now that I think about it,” Spike adds.

“Pfft, if only if only eh?” you hoof wave. “By that logic that’d mean that the Princesses (present company excluded) would be competent and I’d be living a calm life with my Dad and Mom!”

You meant for that to sound nonchalant, but your voice started to sour by the end and both Cadence and Spike notice how touchy a subject it is with you.

“Right…” Cadence treads carefully. “But competency aside, I still don’t think you should have knocked these two out for doing a job I sent them to do.”

“It was more than two actually, but hang on, you sent them to grab Spike? Why?”

“Because I wanted to talk to him about his new position and to offer him a role in the Games opening ceremony,” she answers you plainly.

“Wait really?” Spike says excitedly.

“Of course, it’s only fair for the savior of the Crystal Empire,” she says with a smile before her face drops. “But before we go into that, Nightshade, did you say these two guards weren’t the only ones?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Oh yeah, there were like a bunch in the street and throughout the palace,” you say with pride and her face falls more.

“How many exactly?” she asks trepidly.

“Uh…I don’t know, I kind of lost count,” you say sincerely and she rubs her temple.

“Can you walk me through your path from the Train station to here and we can get an estimate?”

“Let’s see,” you start putting a hoof to your chin. “After Spike got scooped up…”


“Get back here you mother buckers!” you shout as you see the guards rush off into the Empire. You ignore the shouts from your friends as your vision goes red and you blitz your way through the crowds, however, you start to slow down as you get closer to the center as it gets more and more crowded. You look all over and see various creatures walking about, griffons in booths selling trinkets, crystal ponies mingling with visiting equestrians, you even think you spot a minotaur in the background handing off pamphlets of some kind.

“Huh, it got busy here fast,” you mutter, sidestepping an elderly griffon, when out of the corner of your eye you see a guard turning the corner. “There!”

Juking and jiving you get through the crowd unscathed and jump in front of him.

“Hmm? Are you lost little one?” The guard asks obliviously to your twitching eyes.

“Falcon Kick!” you cry out as your hoof strikes his chin, taking him by surprise and knocking him to the ground.

“Oof! What are you-“ he starts but you grab him by his collar and shove your forehead against his.

“Where did you take him?!” You in his face.

“Um, what? Who?” The guard says in fearful confusion.

WHERE IS MY SPIKEY?!” You say in a deeper voice than usual as your anger rises and the shards under your scarf vibrate.

*Record Scratch*

Your Spikey?” Cadence teases with a knowing look and immediately your face flushes.

“I didn’t say that! You misheard!” you deny and shake your head, but she doesn’t buy it.

“Mmmhmm,” she snarks and you look away from her at the floor, which is why you don’t see Spike with his own flushed cheeks.

“A-Anyway! I asked where Spike was NORMALLY! And he just kept gawping like a fish and…”


“Spikey?” he sputters and you shake him.

“Yes! Where is Spike?! Who do you work for?! Why did you take him?! Where Is He?!” You grill as your eyes start to glow.

“Sp-sp-sp-Spike?” he sputters in abject fear. “Y-You mean the statue? I didn’t take it, it’s over there!”

“Statue?” you say curiously as you follow his pointed hoof and your eyes widen. You spy a giant crystalline statue of your favorite Dragon holding the Crystal Heart above his head victoriously. “I...wha?”

Right Now

“My thoughts exactly!” he exclaims before looking to Cadence. “I have a statue?”

“Oh, well there goes the surprise…but yes, the crystal ponies were very grateful for your actions when Sombra and Bugze attacked,” Cadence explains. “After all it was you, the Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious who returned the heart to the pedestal when all seemed lost.”

“Is that the title you were talking about? It’s quite the mouthful,” he responds.

“It’s what the crystal ponies came up with,” she says with a smirk. “I mean, you’re quite the celebrity around here.”

“I am?”

“He is?” you say at the same time.

“Of course,” she says as if it’s obvious. “Everyone here loves you.”

“Well, then why didn’t Spike get invited all those months ago when we were pet sitting?” you bring up, remembering how he had seemed a bit miffed at that.

“It was the statue,” Cadence says with a sigh. “Didn’t want to spoil the surprise…but too late now.”

“Heh heh heh…sorry about that,” you laugh nervously, feeling a bit guilty.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’m still stoked that I even got recognized for something. Was it cool looking? It didn’t make me look too fat did it?”

“You looked like yourself, only giant,” you say truthfully. “And yeah, it was pretty cool…but I was there too! Why didn’t I get a statue?”

“Well mostly because more Crystal Ponies saw Spike placing the Heart back on the pedestal. Nopony really saw you battle Sombra or…help subdue your father,” she admits and you frown.

“I just HAD to whip up that sandstorm didn’t I?” you pout, knowing that your past actions led you to not getting an awesome statue along Spike’s symbolizing your unending and eternal lo- “ANYWAY! The statue surprised me and-“


You step off the terrified guard as you stare at the statue.

“Well, that's...something,” you think as your brain takes in how flawlessly the sculptor chiseled Spike’s likeness.

“It’s the least we could do for Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious,” the guard says still shaking in your grip.

“What was that?” you say turning back to him.”

“I said it’s all we could do for the Dragon we all love the most,” he says and your eye twitches.

“Is that’s what’s going on here? You all kidnapped Spike because you’re all sick disgusting stalkers?!” you accuse.

“…Huh?” the guard gasps in terror.

“You bucking weirdos! I’ll have all your jobs you perverts!” you shout before falcon kicking him under the chin sending him into an empty barrel and knocking him out. “That’s what you get! Don’t worry Spike! I won’t let them make a suit out of your precious scales!”

And with that you run along looking for the weirdos that took him.

This Very Moment

Cadence and Spike just stare at you incredulously.

“Okay, so maybe some things my Dad has said have influenced me more than I thought, but cut me a slack! This stupid amulet jumbles my stupid emotions!” you grunt.

“…Um, just for the record, I’m grateful that you’d come chasing after me if I had been in that type of scenario,” Spike says quietly.

“You’re welcome,” you say with a grin as Cadence sighs.

“Okay, so that was the first guard you knocked out?” she asks.

“Yup,” you nod. “Today at least.”

“And besides these two in here with us, not the last ones?” she asks, already knowing the answer.

WARGAMES’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

“No…but to be fair, like half of them were downed by various random accidents that I didn’t directly influence.”

You Know the Drill

“Hey little filly, watch where you’re-“

“Buck off pervert!” you shout throwing the scone of bludgeoning at the guard in your path. A comical coconut like sound effect plays as it strikes his noggin and he falls limply to the floor.

“Whoa, are you alright bud? Oh hey a Scone!” his partner exclaims as he reaches down, picks up the scone and tries to take a bite out of it, leading to the sound of cracking glass.

“AAAAHHHH!!! My teeth!” the guard bellows out in pain as he tosses the scone in frustration. “The Pain! It’s Too Much!”

And like that he passes out from the intense tooth ache. The Scone flies through the air and hits a precariously placed painter’s ladder which begins to wobble.

“Hey! What’s going on here?” another guard shouts as he sees his comrade’s forms. “You, little filly did you see-*BONK*”

And the ladder falls over and hits him on the head knocking him out.

“I’d find that more impressive if I wasn’t filled with such UNYIELDING RAGE!” you shout as you scoop up the scone and continue your chase after seeing signs of another guard.

You barrel through a few more who get in your way, until you come to a small bridge and leap off of it as a shortcut, right into a conveniently placed cart of cabbages…only…

“GYAGH!” you shout as your body gets scratched up as if you’d just dove head first into a pool of Hearth’s Warming Eve Tree Ornaments. “What the buck?!”

“Ha Ha!” the cabbage vendor proclaims triumphantly. “Finally! After so many random destructive mishaps, I finally have the solution. Indestructible Crystal Cabbages!”

“How in the buck are ponies supposed to eat those?” you growl, pulling yourself out of the imposter vegetables.

“Crystal Ponies of course! And now I don’t have to worry about them randomly exploding!”

You just glare at the happy vendor for a few heartbeats before your eyes and shards glow and suddenly, his cart explodes.

“My Cabbages!” he laments, falling to the ground in anguish.

“Hey, what was that explo-AGH!”

And like that, several guards in a 10 block radius (and only the guards surprisingly) get struck by falling crystal cabbages and get knocked out.

“Indestructible my butt,” you grunt before resuming your chase of the dragon nappers. Eventually you see the original two from the station entering the Crystal Palace.

“Of course! They’re going to take him to the dungeons those sickos!”

And with that, you invade the palace, crushing all resistance in your wake.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

And unknownst to you, mysterious figures descend upon the incapacitated guards and drag them away…

Time Is An Illusion!

“So I’m estimating at least 15 guards,” Cadence sighs. “Shining’s not gonna like that.”

“Oh they’ll be fine, I only knocked them out a little bit,” you reassure, but it fails.

“Right…anyway, where is your Great Grandfather and the others?” she asks.

“Uh…probably still making their way here?” you guess having completely forgotten about them.

“I’m sure Twilight and everyone else will come soon, not everypony rushes off in a blood craze after all,” Spike chuckles and you pout playfully.

“Yeah I guess that’s true,” you giggle before turning to Cadence. “When all the guards wake up, tell them I said sorry okay? There’s no need to tell my Dad when he comes back and get grounded right?”

Cadence just looks at you incredulously for a few moments, shifting her eyes between you and the unconscious guard by your hooves…but then suddenly she looks at you with a conspiratorial smirk.

Uh oh, I don’t like the looks of that face, you think wearily. It’s a face that screams danger and disaster. A face you haven’t seen since Rainbow Dash’s Birthaversary

“Sure thing, an apology is all that’s needed, I’ll get right on that,” she smirks before turning to Spike. “As for you Spike, I want you to light the Torch for the start of the Games tomorrow.”

“R-Really? Me?” he says humbly and she nods.

“The Crystal Ponies would absolutely love it. In fact, they’ve personally put together a sweet for you just down the hall with your own personal caretakers, chefs, and even masseuse’s.”

“…Wow,” he says taken aback as he envisions that kind of treatment.

“In fact, why don’t you get a head start on that? I’ll point Twilight and the others in your direction when they come,” she says as her horn lights up.

“Okay I gu-*POOF*” he suddenly disappears in a puff of magic courtesy of your cousin who then looks back to you with THAT look, which causes you to gulp.

“Soooo, Nightshade…” she sing songs, putting a foreleg around your neck. “Your Spikey huh?”

“Lies! I didn’t say that!” you yelp in denial but she has none of it and brings you closer.

“Come on, I thought you were a big tough filly, you can’t handle expressing a little thing like a crush?” she teases and you flush even more.

“I-It’s not a crush! I don’t have a crush on Spike! Who has a crush on Spike?! Certainly not me!” you shout and try to squirm out of her grip, but her hold suddenly becomes iron clad.

“Rrrreeeaaally?” she draws the word out. “Because most filly’s wouldn’t beat up several adults in pursuit of a handsome dragon that they totally don’t have a crush on…”

“Y-yeah! Because he’s like my greatest friend and he’s a good guy! No other reason! Definitely not because I think he’s cute or want him to brush my mane with those wonderful claws of his or watch fireworks with him by a lakeside at night till we finally ki-GYAGH! Stop that!” you shout as swipe away a bit of the magic she was flowing onto your horn.

“Whhhaaat? I wasn’t doing anything,” she denies badly on purpose, and you hide your tomato red face behind your hooves.

“Okay, I get it! I’m sorry about the guards! Just ground me or throw me in prison instead of this!” you plead but she smiles trollishly.

“That would be too easy, your punishment must be more severe. Now, let’s just go over the top ten things you like most about my little Dragon brother in law…”

“AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! Why’s it gotta be like this?! Why do you need to ship?!” you cry trying to cover your ears as well.

“I’m the Princess of Love little cousin. If I don’t ship, I don’t breathe…” she says menacingly.

And so you carry out your sentence, a fate worse than death in some regards. You’re just thankful that none of the CMC were around to hear. Especially Diamond and Silver, being the gossips they are. In truth though, you feel as though you’ve lost 10 pounds due to sheer embarrassment in having to admit ten things you’d rather have kept from the Princess of Love.

Now We Get a Forward Time Skip, Yay!

“Uuuuuggggghhhh,” you groan in mental exhaustion on the bed inside the suite for you and the CMC.

“What in the hay did Princess Cadence do to ya Shade?” Applebloom asks worriedly.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” you grumble.

“Well, maybe now you’ll think before running off and injuring innocent guards,” Sweetie scolds lightly.

“Yes, yes, I’ll definitely think now, I swear,” you grumble and put your face in to the pillow, which causes Scootaloo to laugh.

“And to think, it was all for nothing. We saw Spike’s private suite, the guy’s got all the luxuries, and you thought he was being abducted,” she jaunts and you scream a little into your pillow.

“I’m kind of jealous of that actually,” Diamond adds. “Not even my parent’s suite at their hotel compares to what he’s got.”

“Guess it pays to be a national hero,” Silver speculates.

“Hey, maybe we could be national heroes, just like our sisters and their friends,” Applebloom perks up.

“And how would we do that?” Sweetie asks plainly.

“…Okay if you’re gonna put me on the spot like that…” your cousin grumbles.

And while your friends continue to chat about inane things, you just bury your face in the pillow more to try and drown them out.

I swear, I’m going to get you back so hard Cadence! I’ll put hair dye in your shampoo or something and turn you jet black and then make a rumor that you’re actually Sombra’s daughter! You think maliciously as your shards blip...but then you shake your head. No no, that’s going to far, let’s just stick with the hair dye and leave it at that.

“Come on Shade, we know you’re feeling out of it, but we’ve still gotta go over our routine one more time so that we don’t mess up tomorrow,” Scootaloo says with a chuckle.

“We’ve been doing the same routine for weeks Scoots, I think I’ve got it already!” you huff into the pillow.

“Well ya, but-“ she starts but Silver Spoon interrupts.

“She’s right, I think we’re as perfect as we’re going to be.”

“Besides, I think Ms. Harshwhinny is going to have a lot more on her plate than worrying about us missing a step,” Diamond adds.

Once again you hear a thunderclap and the sound of distant neighing after the event organizer’s name who you’ve yet to meet is said.

Seriously, who keeps doing that? you wonder as your friends don’t seem to notice.

“They’re right Scootaloo, we should be out taking in the sites,” Sweetie Belle says wistfully. Scootaloo looks like she’s about to argue the point for a moment, before she sighs before smiling.

“You know what? What the hay, let’s go for it.”

“It is our first time in the Empire after all,” Applebloom says enthusiastically before turning to you. “How about it cuz?”

Even though it’s your second time here, taking in the sites while not acting crazy does sound fun. But before you can answer, there’s a knock at your door.

“Come in,” Sweetie Belle answers, and the door opens revealing Grandbuggy in his pony disguise.

“Howdy girls,” he says pleasantly.

“Hi Applebloom’s New Grandpa,” Scootaloo responds, and everyone giggles except your cousin.

“Hey now, that ain’t official or nothing. He’s just dating my Granny,” she says with a blush.

“Give it time kiddo, give it time,” he says with a smirk getting everyone giggling again, but Applebloom just looks away in embarrassment. “Now, sorry to intrude on you all, but can I borrow Nightshade for a moment?”

“Do they even have a choice?” you snark and he grins.

“Not really, but I thought I’d ask,” he chuckles.

“Well of course you can talk to her, but please don’t take too long, we want to go exploring,” Sweetie begs and he pats her on the head.

“Don’t worry your pretty little heads, I’m only gonna talk with her for a bit,” he reassures.

“Oh, and maybe you shouldn’t scold her too much, she already got punished by Cadence somehow,” Diamond advises and you groan again.

“Heh, ain’t come here to scold, if anything I’ve come to praise how effective she was,” he laughs, and that lightens your mood a bit.

“Well alright then,” Scootaloo says before looking at you. “We’ll be waiting outside Shade.”

“Alright, see you in a bit,” you promise as they all walk out the door, leaving you alone with Grandbuggy.

“So…you wanted to praise me?” you start.

“Eyup,” he says rubbing your mane. “I followed your trail of destruction, not too shabby all things considered.”

“Thanks…but let’s not go too much into it. I misread the situation, and there’s no need to go into my thought process at the time,” you all but plead and he smirks conspiratorially.

“Clearly. I mean, you did save your Prince after all right?” he teases.

“AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!” you scream into your pillow and he laughs.

“Don’t get your feathers in a bunch honey, I’m just teasing ya,” he says patting you on the back.

“I know, that’s why I’m screaming!” you spit and look away from him in embarrassment. Chuckling once more he ruffles your mane till it’s messy and sits back.

“Well then, how about we change the subject?”

“Please do,” you beg and he grins.

“I’m going to meet with Jack here in a bit and hand off the artifacts,” he says plainly and your ears perk up. “So, you mind giving them to me?”

“Oh right, I forgot we were gonna meet him too,” you say. Rage and embarrassment are good mind wipers you’ve found.

“Well at first I thought we’d all meet him, but you and all our tagalongs are busy so I figured I’d do it and get it over with,” he says as you dig through your inventory.

“Are you sure? I could postpone hanging out with the girls if-“

“Nah, kids need time to hang with other kids as much as possible. You can go enjoy yourself honey while I deal with the immortal creepazoid,” he practically orders.

“Oh, alright then. Thanks Grandbuggy,” you smile as you hand him the artifacts.

Artifacts Removed From Inventory

Bloodstone Scepter Shard

Golden Idol of Boreas

Magical Power Ponies Comic

Petrified Dragon Egg

Piece of Nightmare Moon Armor

Ring of Scorchero

“But what about…you know?” you say gesturing to your chest.

“He’s been in contact with Cadence since our last meeting, and it seems Ol’ Sombra did in fact have a diary,” he explains. “From what I’ve heard he’s got some ideas, but we can go over those after you’ve had your Opening Ceremony routine. No need to put any pressure on ya the night before something so big.”

“Okay…” you say a bit hesitantly, as you close back up your scarf. “If you think that’s best.”

“I do,” he nods. “Besides, you’ve had those for months now, one more day ain’t gonna hurt nothing.”

“I guess that’s true,” you say agreeing to procrastination wisdom. “Well tell him I said hi when you do see him and…wait, you said you’re going alone?”

“Eyup,” he nods.

“Where’s everyling else?”

“Like I said, they’re busy,” he shrugs. “After you ran off, we followed at a leisurely pace, but one by one, everyone decided they had something else to do.”

“What? They just didn’t feel like finding me?” you huff in indignation.

“They’d knew you’d be fine Shade,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Although I honestly don’t know if Daring and Ahzi even noticed you were gone. They just kind of wandered off into the city together right after the train.”

“…I can believe that. They’ve been nothing but lovey dovey since that cake nuke,” you say with a gag.

“That’s what happens after years of pent up…feelings,” he corrects, and you don’t quite know what word he was originally going to use.

“Well alright, ya they’re probably eating spaghetti like those two dogs in that cartoon right now, but what about everyone else? Why would Greta stop looking for me?”

“She actually caught sight of some of the athletes from Griffonstone and recognized them,” he explains. “Turns out they were drinking buddies way back when so she went to go catch up.”

“Oh. Well I guess I can’t fault her for that,” you say in understanding. “But what about Ember and Garble? Isn’t it kind of dangerous for them to be on their own since everything’s made out of crystal?”

“Funny story that, the little red twerp got arrested,” he says laughing loudly and you facehoof.

“Of course he did,” you grumble. “Who did he bite?”

“No one thankfully, but he did try to take a chomp out of that statue they got of Spike,” he chuckles.

“He didn’t?!” you say in shock.

“Oh yes he did,” he affirms. “Guess the whelp was a little jealous of your “best friend.””

You can’t help but think his last two words were said sardonically, but you let it slide as you imagine how the ponies must have reacted after hearing how famous Spike was.

“I’m surprised that he’s even alive from what I’ve heard about the Spike fandom here,” you say honestly and he nods.

“Tell me about it. It’s not often a swarm of angry ponies overtake a dragon. But thankfully some guards you hadn’t knocked out dragged him away instead.”

“Well that’s a relief I guess,” you nod. “So is that where Ember is? Bailing him out?”

“Eh, kind of,” he says with a wavey hoof.


“Well, after she was done laughing her keister off at the whole situation, she went to talk to the guards. One miscommunication led to another thanks to Sparkle, and now they think she’s a diplomat from the dragon lands.”

“…I mean, she kind of is even though she’s sort of your indentured servant right?”

“In a way,” he shrugs.

“So she’s using that clout to bust out Garble?”

“Eventually,” he smirks. “Right now I think she’s still chasing around crystal ponies for the buck of it.”

“She’s doing what now?” you say taken aback.

“Once she found out she had diplomatic immunity, she started messing with the locals, pretending she was hungry and going on about how delicious gems and crystals were while in the middle of crowds. Heh, you should’ve seen them squirm.”

“…Wow,” you say impressed. You gotta give her props, it’s a prank on yours and your Dad’s level. But on the other hoof, you do feel like it might be a bit overboard considering that the entire nation’s only been returned for a year after being in limbo for a thousand. Not to mention the fact that after what Daddy did, the threat of being eaten might be taken a little more seriously.

“I’m sure she’ll get the little punk once she’s done having her fun,” he hoof waves. “But for now, don’t worry about it hun. Everyone will be in the stands tomorrow to watch your routine.”

“They better if they know what’s good for them,” you snark and you both chuckle.

“But anyway, I’ve kept you from your friends for long enough. Have fun and don’t beat up any more guards…unless they deserve it,” he says with a wink.

“Gotcha,” you grin. He then stuffs the artifacts into his hat and opens up the door.

“She’s all yours again girls,” he says to the waiting fillies.

“Ugh, about time!” Diamond complains while Silver elbows her. Grandbuggy looks back at you and gives you a wave, to which you return, before he heads on.

“Okay then, let’s get to it girls,” you say enthusiastically as you jump off the bed and exit your room. “We are picking Spike up first right?”

“Duh,” Scootaloo says as if it’s obvious and you all giggle.

Eventually you all reach his luxury suite, and the girls weren’t exaggerating, there are Crystal Pony castle servants fawning over him as if he’s a king. You frown and your shards blip a bit seeing how close some of the mares are feeding him, but your attention is quickly captured by one of the maids polishing his claws.

“Pinkie Pie?” you say aloud.

“Huh? Where?” Applebloom asks looking around the room.

“The mare right there with the nail file,” you say pointing at the Pink pony.

“What are you talking about Shade? That’s a crystal pony,” Scootaloo points out. As you get closer to the room, you see that she’s right and that the mare in question is shining like the rest of the residents of this Empire, but even still, you remember everyling glowing even as you were launched into the sky on Daddy’s back last year.

I swear that’s Pinkie, or one of her clones, you think resolutely as you enter the door. Maybe the others can’t see it? Am I just really good at spotting hidden things because of all of Daddy’s disguises?

“Oh girls, what brings you here?” Spike says sitting up, causing the servants to move back, and you clearly see the mare’s face.

“Oh Come On! That’s obviously a Pinkie Clone!” you say gesturing towards her.

“Huh?” Spike says confused while said mare looks surprised.

“Whaat? That’s crazy, heh heh. My name is Krystal, with a K. I’m totally not a clone who came here and who’s body acclimated to the crystal environment,” she lies badly.

“See Shade, her name’s Krystal,” Applebloom points out.

“How can you not recognize a clone of our cousin?” you roar in bafflement.

Yup, definitely because I’m so used to disguises, you determine as the mare nervously leaves the room.

“Oookkkaaaayyy,” Spike says at the awkward atmosphere. “So again, what’s up girls?”

“We’re going to explore the city, wanna come?” Diamond gets to the point and his eyes brighten.

“Oh yeah, that sounds great,” he says happily. “I still wanna see my statue after all.”

His enthusiasm makes you smile with how infectious it is, but you quickly drop it when you see Sweetie Belle smirking at you.

“Shut up!” you whisper yell at her and she just giggles.
“So you’re allowed to go too Nightshade?” he asks getting in front of you and making you nervous. “Cadence didn’t punish you for knocking out the guards?”

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!” you yell, with your voice echoing throughout the entire palace.

The Next Day

You yawn as you stand in formation with your friends and many, many other fillies and colts from other towns, cities and villages across Equestria. Exploring last night was a lot more exhausting than any of you could have predicted…though that might have just been because Crystal Ponies kept stopping your group every five minutes to praise Spike. But even still, despite the many setbacks, you all took in the sights of the ancient civilization in modern times, and it was nice.

You even saw a few of the guards you knocked out back at their posts and acting as if nothing happened. Even when you apologized to them, some of them didn’t even seem to recall who you were. You just chalked that up to them being in denial over being beaten up by a little filly in the first place, and you let them keep some dignity in that denial. But despite that, you and your friends enjoyed Empired foods, attractions, and even a bit of shopping, Spike even got you all some discounts.

I just hope the fame doesn’t go to his head, you think apprehensively. Speaking of Spike you see him standing off to the side with an older blonde mare in a purple business suit with an expression of resting bitch face.

“Who’s that?” you ask Applebloom.

“That’s Ms. Harshwinny,” she whispers, followed by the usual thunder and pained neighing. This time however, after the sound effects, her head snaps to the side and she looks in your direction.

“Holy Buck!” you grimace and start to shudder. Her eyes are cold and judging and you feel as though the temperature has dropped thirty degrees. It lasts only for a moment, but then her gaze turns back to Spike who she continues speaking to.

“What’s wrong Nightshade?” Sweetie asks, but you struggle to answer for a moment.

“I feel…I feel as though I just looked into the face of death itself,” you sputter as the adrenaline courses through your blood. “Scootaloo, I’m sorry I doubted your resolve.”

“Huh?” she asks, but you don’t have time to answer as the band begins to play and the cheering of the stadium increases.

“Okay girls, time to focus up,” Diamond orders.

“Deep breaths everypony. Deep breaths, that way there’s no chance of getting stage fright,” Silver Spoon instructs as one by one, alphabetically, each of the flag bearers make their way out of the tunnel and into the stadium.

“And for the love of the gods, don’t screw up in front of…she who will not be named,” you say nervously, chancing a glance back at her still talking to Spike.

Oh Spike, you’re far braver with more nerves of steel than I thought. How are you not melting under that gaze? You think forlornly as you leave the dragon behind with the Grim Reaper.

“We’ll be fine Nightshade, just focus on the earth bending,” Applebloom encourages.

“Like we practiced, create the steps after my scooter for the steps you guys ascend before making the ramp at the end for me,” Scootaloo says.

“And don’t forget to make the ground flat afterwards so that the other teams don’t run into them,” Sweetie adds.

“Oh believe me, I won’t forget!” you yelp as your fight or flight instinct is still running.

Mistress, your heart is elevated, is everything alright? Bob says within your mind.

Not really Jackie. I’ve just seen the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life! And that’s saying something! You whimper in your mind.

But despite your fear, you perform your duty as Team Ponyville exits the tunnel. Fluttershy, Dash and Bulk Biceps are your top team members, and you’ll be damned if you embarrass them over your nerves. The large crowd with their many eyes upon you is a bit overwhelming, but it’s nothing compared to that cold gaze.

Still, the rushing adrenaline does serve to make your bending a bit larger than in practice, but the girls all take it in stride, running up your steps, waving their flags, right until the bitter end when your larger than normal ramp awaits Scootaloo. But since the pegasus is a daredevil, she takes the challenge head on and even does a backflip in the air, before landing flawlessly. Thunderous cheers erupt from the thousands of ponies, nearly deafening you, but you ignore them and bend the structures back down. You can’t make a single mistake. You can’t let HER see you fail!

But you don’t fail, you succeed with flying colors, and you take your place in the line up next to your five friends who all wave at the cheering crowd.

I did it…I did it…you think in relief as the poor teams after you come out with nowhere near the spectacle you preformed.

“Great job everypony,” Scootaloo says as she still stares ahead, not breaking the formation.

“Ya, that was awesome!” Diamond cheers.

“Oh my gosh I was so nervous,” Sweetie exhales.

“Me too,” Applebloom agrees.

“Me three,” Diamond says. “But nice job with the extra oomph Nightshade.”

“S-Sure! No problem!” you say, wiping some sweat from your brow.

As the opening ceremonies continue, you look through the sea of ponies, and in some rather good seats, you spy Grandbuggy and the rest of your crew all cheering for you. Greta’s got some sort of horn, Daring is sitting on Ahuizotl’s shoulders, Ember is being served drinks from that crystal Pinkie Pie clone, Garble is stuffing his face with popcorn, and Grandbuggy just has a sweater on with your face printed on it, and a big foam #1 finger.

This sight sure goes a long way to helping get your heartbeat back under control as you smile at the heartwarming scene.

I just wish Mommy, Daddy and Sombra were here to see me…you think a bit in melancholy. But now we just have to wait for them to come back now that Jack has the other artifacts. Hopefully Grandbuggy’s taking pictures.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Eventually, the rest of the flag bearers and the town teams enter the field, and stand at attention, before the royalty comes out on their raised podium and acknowledges everyone. There above you stands Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and even Shining Armor, the strongest ponies in the land, long standing enemies of your father, and strangely enough, all of them family in a way.

I’ve heard that many families have arguments and issues during holidays, but I can only imagine that dinner table once mom has a body, you think hypothetically.

And as they take their seats, the last act of the ceremonies begins as Spike comes out and rushes up the stairs to light the torch.

He’d expressed some nervousness the night before when you were all exploring the Empire, but this morning he’d seem so calm and collected, even when talking with the scary business mare. But now though…

Is…is he okay? You think in worry as you can visibly see the color drain from his scales as he looks at the awaiting audience with wide eyes.

“Is he gonna light it anytime soon?” Applebloom asks as Spike starts to open and close his mouth multiple times, with no flame to show for it.

“Sure he is, he’s just warming up is all,” Sweetie says optimistically.

I’m not so sure about that, you think pessimistically as you see him sweating and hitting his chest, trying to force his fire out. I think he’s got stage fright!

You start to see other ponies in the crowd starting to get confused, and you even spy Twilight looking anxious and apprehensive as the dragon fails to breathe flame. Your eyes then land on Ms. Harshwinny and your blood drains from your face.

She is looking at Spike with a deep scowl and gritting her teeth.

Ah Buck! If Spike doesn’t light that fire she’s going to steal his soul! You think in fear before your eyes dart back to your struggling friend. Well not on my watch! Bob!

Yes mistress?

Light that torch up now! you order.

As you wish, he says obediently.

After a moment, and unknown to everyone but you, you see a flicker of shadow under the torch as Spike looks like he’s trying to unhinge his jaw, and suddenly black flames erupt from the torch.

Spike seems very surprised by this turn of events, as does Twilight you notice, but the audience goes wild and thunderous applause fills the stadium.

While still confused, Spike just rolls with it and bows to the audience. You look back to Harshwhinny who seems placated and you let out a sigh of relief.

Oh thank goodness, you think and wipe more sweat from your brow. Now that that problem is taken care of, we can all just enjoy the games…

Awhile Later

“You Did What?!” Spike roars causing you to flinch back.

After the ceremonies had finished, and the first day’s games had come to an end, you’d gone to see Spike to make sure Harshwhinny hadn’t decided to still drag him to Tartarus, and you’d found him straining his face in front of a candle. Thanks to your actions, he’d gotten it in his head that he could set things aflame with black fire using his mind. You’d then told him that it had been you who had lit the torch, and that led to this outburst now.

He now looks at you with gritted teeth, a deep scowl and his claws are clenched and you are beyond confused.

Wh-Why is he so upset? You think apprehensively.


Episode 87: Pride and Prejudice and Pre-teens

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The Pony Spartan’s Comment

You look from his gritted teeth, to his furrowed brows and his clenched fists and take a step back.

"Uh, it’s what I just said. I got Bob to light the torch for you," you say with a confused smile.

"Why?!" he demands and your smile diminishes.

"Because you were struggling...?" you guess more than answer.

"I didn't need your help Nightshade!" he yells angrily, throwing his arms up in the air.

"You did too! I know you were nervous up there!” you say more forcefully as your confusion slowly bleeds into annoyance.

"I was about to light it! I just needed some practice!” he argues stubbornly not wavering at all. "Nopony asked for your help!"

You roll your eyes and frown, "Well, you're welcome anyways! At least I thought to help unlike anyone else."

"Ugh!" He sucks air in between his teeth and begins to stomp away angrily.

"What's up with you?! Why are you even angry? Everything turned out fine!" You shout while trotting after him.

"What's up with you? Why do you feel the need to hold my claw all the time? I'm not a baby Nightshade!" he growls while still walking away from you.

"You needed help and I gave it! What's so hard to understand?!" You yell back, still on his heels. "Isn't that what friends do?"

He gives a growl befitting a dragon and turns sharply, pointing a finger right at your face, which stops you in your tracks.

"Maybe I don't want one of my “friends” up my bucking ass every minute of the day!"

You stand there shocked for a second with an expression of disbelief, surprised to hear him swear and talk like that. Seconds later though, anger surges through you causing your shards to glow.

"Well buck you too then!" you cry out in frustration.

He just scowls even deeper before he turns and stomps away again.

What? No! Why are we fighting?! Why did I say that?! you think guiltily. You reach your hoof out towards him and begin to follow again,

“Spike! Wait I-“

"Just leave me alone, Nightshade!" he grunts without turning around. Once again you freeze in shock with your hoof still outstretched as a lump swells in your throat and you feel as though someone’s punched you in the heart.

He…He hates me? You think in melancholy as your shards glow even brighter. Anger surges through you to cover the hurt you feel and you clench your teeth hard.

"Fine! I'll never talk to you ever again!" You shout to the heavens, your voice echoing throughout the palace, as you stomp your hooves onto the floor, cracking a large portion of the crystal. And with that, you turn tail and run off in the opposite direction huffing and puffing the whole way.

You angrily pace your way out of the Crystal Palace, with guards and servants alike giving you a wide berth as they can sense the menacing aura about you.

Stupid Spike! Why do you have to be such a bucking jerk?! You think maliciously. I was only trying to help you you bucking buck!

“AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” you growl outloud as you exit the palace and now pedestrians know to give you space.

Why do you gotta be mad when I did something good?! It’s just like with Daddy and Mommy! Everyling’s out to get us! BUT I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT SPIKE!!! I thought…I thought…

Kichi’s Comment

Your pace begins to falter as you walk under the wide arches of the palace and the feelings of rage start to dissipate.

I thought…I thought you liked me… You think forlornly as only sadness and hurt remains. You sit down right then and there as you stare off into nothingness. You remember all the good times you spent with him, and it only adds to the grief as those days are surely over now. Someway, somehow, you’ve driven him away. But that’s just my life isn’t it?

Your lip begins to quiver and tears begin to flow down your cheeks as you begin to sob in the middle of the street and the amulet pieces shine even brighter.

Everyling will go away in the end. It’s only because of me that things have gotten so bad! If I was never born, Daddy would never have gotten into all those fights, the whole world wouldn’t hate us and Spike wouldn’t…
The tears continue to stream out as you clench your glowing eyes closed.

It’s because I’m just a monster isn’t it? Maybe everyling was right. Maybe I really am Nightmare Mo-

“AGH!” you cry out in pain as the shards in your chest begin to burn white hot. “Agh, what the buck, what the buck?!” you whimper as the pain begins to spread throughout your entire body.

Looking for the source of this agony, you spy the familiar shape of the Crystal Heart, rotating on it’s pedestal as a wave of blue energy pulses from it. Every time one of the pulses washes over you, the pain flares up again.

“Agh! Stupid-Magic-Macguffin!” you grunt as you drag yourself away from the artifact. As you get further and further away, the Heart’s rotation lessens less and less and the waves start to diminish as well. It’s not until you’re about a block from the palace does the pain and burning start to go away.

Panting and sweating, you lean against a building and try to get your breathing back under control.

“Stupid-*pant*-bucking-*pant*-Heart!” you grunt out and eye the palace with a glare.

If this is what Sombra had to go through in his childhood then Princess Amore can go buck herself! She’s the one who made this stupid necklace too! You think angrily.

“Nightshade?” an older voice interrupts your thoughts. Looking over you see Grandbuggy giving you a concerned look.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“You alright honey?” he says as he walks over to you.

“I’m…I’m fine Grandbuggy, just a little tired,” you say dodging the question as you pick yourself up and wipe your brow. You weren’t technically lying, as you’ve had a full day up until this point. He of course doesn’t entirely buy it as he raises and eyebrow.

“You sure you’re fine? You look like you just ran a marathon through the badlands,” he observes before placing a hoof on your shoulder. “Is it the amulet?”

You pause and look down to your chest. They don’t burn anymore, but the flesh is still tender and the scarf rubbing against it is a tad irritating. You sigh and nod, knowing that lying to him wouldn’t help anything.

He frowns at that before he glances off in the direction of the heart and bites his lip.

“Come on honey, let’s take a walk,” he says gently as he leads you further away from the palace. It’s hard at first since you still feel exhausted, but you both take it slow and trek through the busy streets as evening sets in.

“I had a hankering that the Crystal Heart would react to the amulet. It’s made from Umbrum after all, and those two things go together as well as Gasoline and a lit match,” he says, sounding as if he’s berating himself.

“But it didn’t do anything yesterday when my friends and I took pictures in front of it,” you point out remembering the fun you had last night. You then remember how you and Spike snapped a picture in front of it and that sinking feeling in your gut returns.

“Well you probably weren’t glowing like a Hearth’s Warming Light at the time,” he points out before frowning again. “But what’s got you upset today Shade? I can still see it on your face.”

“I was just…I…I…” you begin as you fail to collect your thoughts. With all the burning pain earlier, you’d forgotten all about your grief, but now that you’re safe again… “Spike and I had a fight.”

Grandbuggy raises both eyebrows at that, and even his cigar curls upward in his mouth.

“Really? You and him?” he asks in surprise and you nod sadly. “Well what brought this on? It must have been something terrible if it was enough for the Heart to react.”

“I don’t know, he got mad at me for lighting the torch for him,” you pout. “You saw how he was choking earlier in front of all those ponies! I was just trying to help so that noling would laugh at him!” Grandbuggy processes your answer before he sighs and tilts his hat down.

“Figured that might of been you. Black flame ain’t exactly in that guy’s wheelhouse just yet,” he says in understanding.

“Yeah, but noling else would know that! Fire’s fire and he’s a dragon. No one laughed at him so I don’t get why he…hates me now,” you say quietly looking at the ground.

“Baby, he doesn’t hate you,” Grandbuggy tries to comfort.

“Yes he does,” you say adamantly as your voice starts to warble. “He told me to leave him alone and that he didn’t want my help!”

“Nightshade, that’s just a spat, it doesn’t mean he hates you,” Grandbuggy says resolutely. “He was just upset. Both of you were.”

“But why? Why was he upset in the first place? I just don’t understand,” you say as your voice hitches and tears threaten to shed again. Patting you on the back Grandbuggy begins to explain.

“Calm down honey. I’ll tell you exactly what happened.” You look up at him expectantly and he continues, “Shade, when it comes to boys, they tend to have problems with pride, especially when they're young.”

“Pride?” you question. “What does pride have to do with anything?”

“Nightshade, I know you tried to help, but to Spike, it looked like you stole his moment,” he says plainly and your eyes widen.

“Stole his moment?”

“Think about it hun, how rarely does that boy get the chance to actually shine when compared to all them gals he hangs with?”

“Well he…um…He…” you try to argue but you begin to falter as you truly think about it. With all of the crazy feats that the Deadly 6 have performed, what has Spike done?

The Deadly 6 have performed many crazy feats over the last four years. They stopped your mommy while she was still merged with Luna, stopped Discord, helped save the Empire, captured Chrysalis and have fought back your Daddy multiple times

But what about Spike?

“Oh! He and I fought Sombra together and he’s the one who returned the Heart and saved the day,” you finally answer and Grandbuggy nods.

“Exactly. In the eyes of the world at large, that’s the one thing he’s contributed,” he says plainly and your eyes widen.

“He’s always being overshadowed by the others,” you say in understanding.

“Precisely. And for the first time, he’s actually getting recognition like he should be. He’s got a statue, plenty of fans, and he’s getting pampered like a king. That’d boost anyling’s ego with pride,” he points out and your face slacks.

“So…even if he was struggling…?” you trail off and he nods.

“Even though he was failing, it was still an honor and a grand moment that he was offered. Maybe he wouldn’t have gotten his flame breath to work and who knows what would have happened then…but in his eyes, when you lit it up for him, he felt that his chance had been taken away from him.”

Your mouth gapes as you look at it from that angle and suddenly, you feel as though you could understand.

“…When I met up with him, he thought that he’d gained the ability to make black flames with his mind. He seemed so excited by it…and I laughed before telling him the truth,” you say suddenly feeling shameful. Grandbuggy sighs and takes off his hat.

“That probably didn’t help matters, but know this. You didn’t do anything wrong baby, you were trying to help a friend,” he comforts. “And if he’s anything like the dragon you believe he is, he’ll come to his senses soon and realize that.”

You feel a bit hopeful at that before pessimism takes the wheel again.

“But even if he does realize that…I told him I never wanted to speak to him again,” you say guiltily. “He might think that I hate him…” To that, Grandbuggy actually smirks which throws you off.

“Nightshade, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the things we say in anger fade faster than acts of love.”

You mind momentarily freezes at that last word but he continues.

“Trust me. When we were young, your Great Grandma hit me in the head with a shovel and said she’d never trust a lying, thieving varmint like myself,” he says with a chuckle.

“She hit you with a shovel? Why?”

“…Okay, to be fair I did steal her diary because I wanted to see if she’d written anything about me and lied about it when she found out,” he admits while scratching the back of his neck and you look at him judgingly. “B-But the point is we got over it, just like you two silly kids will.”

You take in his words and you think them over. You know that you don’t want things to end with Spike like this, but at the same time you do still feel upset, and you’re sure he is too.

“Just give it time baby. Nothing good ever happens overnight,” he advises and you nod.

“Thanks Grandbuggy,” you say, genuinely grateful for his wisdom. “I guess I’ll talk with him when I’m not all grouchy.”

“Good thinking kid,” he says with a smirk before becoming serious again. “But there’s one more thing I want to advise you on that concerns me.”

“What is it?” you ask curiously.

“What you did today, even if the intent was altruistic, was still dangerous,” he scolds and you tilt your head taken aback. “Sure ya didn’t get caught this time, but that was Dark Magic ya used honey. Had they been a tad more perceptive, Celestia, Luna and Sparkle might have been able to trace it back to you.”

“Oh…” you say as your eyes widen and you shudder, never having thought of that possibility. Grandbuggy lowers himself and looks at you in the eye.

“Nightshade, you’re the strongest filly I’ve ever met. Even before this amulet got stuck in you, you’d overtaken your parents in power level.” You blush in embarrassment at that but he continues. “But that power isn’t the answer to everything. Might doesn't always make right, that’s what led to that cursed thing getting stuck in your chest. You don’t have to utilize that power for everything, especially now with so many folks present.”

“Okay, I won’t use it anymore with so many ponies around,” you say and he shakes his head.

“Not what I was driving at kiddo. If there’s an emergency, don’t hesitate to light it up, but if you just feel the urge to flex your power or just to make something easy, then think things through,” he corrects. “We know how unstable you can get thanks to the dang shards, and now that we know the Crystal Heart doesn’t particularly like that. Ya just gotta play it smart baby. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all.”

“Nothing at all?” you say perplexed.

“That’s right. Depending on the situation, it may not be the easiest or the most desirable choice, but it might just be the right one,” he explains.

“You’re not telling me not to save people are you? Like that stupid Mane of Steel movie?” you ask, remembering the absolute butchering of Supermane’s Dad’s character.

“Oh buck no, give me a little credit here Shade,” he says with a chuckle. “All I’m saying is use your head a bit more. You’re more than your magic, so much more. You’re a sweet, kind, and loving filly who just want the best for everyone. Trust your heart, trust your mind, and trust those who care for you and you’ll never go wrong.”

You stare at your Great Grandfather in awe at this profound wisdom before you take a deep breath and sigh.

“Okay. I’ll try to have more control over it and not let it control me,” you say, taking his words to heart before you give him a hug. “Thanks Grandbuggy, I love you.”

“I know dear, I love you too,” he says with a smile before patting you on the back. “Now, you up to seeing an old friend?”

You pull back from the hug and look at him confused.

“Huh? Old friend?” you ask and he chuckles.

“Where’d you think I was walking us this whole time?” he smirks. Looking around you spot a cafe and in one of the outdoor tables you spot a familiar stallion smiling at you.

“Jack?!” you yelp in surprise.

“Hey there Nightshade, been awhile huh?” he says raising up his cup of coffee towards you.

You look incredulously between him and back to Grandbuggy.

“I thought you met with him yesterday?”

“I did, but the poof said he wanted to update me on the progress. Apparently he works fast,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “That’s where I was headed when I found ya panting.”

“Oh…well I guess I could use some good news,” you admit as you follow the old bug towards the leader of Torchwood.

“Sorry if I was interrupting a tender moment back there, looked serious,” Jack says cooly as you both take a seat.

“Nah, nothing too important,” Grandbuggy lies for you.

“Really now?” he asks clearly not fooled.

“Yeah, it’s nothing. Just…stuff,” you add not wanting to get all mopey again. You can tell he clearly knows there’s more, but he just shrugs and lets it go.

“I won’t pry,” he chuckles.

“Good,” Grandbuggy says sternly. Not wanting the atmosphere to still be gloomy, you speak up.

“It’s nice to see you again Captain. How are Mia and Aqua doing?”

“They’re good…I presume,” he says putting his hoof to his chin.

“You presume?”

“Haven’t exactly heard from them since the Games started,” he ponders before shrugging. “Though that’s not out of the norm for them when keeping an ear to the ground. Lots of people gathered here and all.”

“Oh…” you say feeling a bit disappointed at not seeing them again.

“Don’t fret so much Nightshade, they’re the best I’ve got in Torchwood,” he boasts.

“That’s not saying much compared to all those loons ya picked up in Appleloosa,” Grandbuggy chuckles and Jack frowns.

“I’ll have you know those ragtag band of misfits have almost single handily stopped two alien invasions this year alone,” he lectures. “Just goes to show how effective it is throwing dangerous idiots into space.”

“…Is that why the Doctor made you and Grandbuggy companions?” you snark and both of them look at you in surprise. This causes you to giggle and loosen a bit of the stress you’ve felt.

“I suppose I walked right into that one,” Jack chuckles.

“Good one honey,” Grandbuggy congratulates before he turns back to the immortal. “Now, what’s it you want to follow up on?”

“Right to the point eh? Not even gonna order anything?” he smirks.

“They have anything besides coffee?” you ask. “I don’t like coffee.”

“Good girl. Stay away from it as long as possible before you become dependent on it like most adults,” he says, not actually answering your question.

“We’ll order later Jack, so spill it. What’d you come up with in only a day?” Grandbuggy orders.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Two things actually. One on the machine and the other on…” he trails off and looks at you unsurely. “Well, the other problem. Are you sure she should-“

“She can handle it. Quite frankly after today we could do with an update on that,” Grandbuggy answers and your eyes widen.

“You’ve got a lead on getting the shards out?!” you say excitedly and both of them shush you causing you to blush. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just that after the whole thing with the Heart a bit ago, I’m not exactly happy with them.”

“Ah, so the Crystal Heart does affect them, just as we suspected,” Jack says reading between the lines.

“That’s one way to put it,” you grunt. “So ya, can you remove them?”

“After receiving Sombra’s Journal from Princess Cadence, we do believe we have a lead,” he says confidently before frowning. “Though it’d be best to pursue it after the Games have come to an end.”

“Well that’s not too long,” you say. “So what’s the lead?”

“Well recently we’ve uncovered the entrance to the Umbrum prison out in the arctic wastes,” he explains. “Since the amulet runs off of their power, we believe that they could be the ones to take it back.”

Grandbuggy’s eyes widen at that.

“That’s a dangerous gamble there Jack. The last thing we want to do is release those monsters. They make the Hive look like chums,” he warns.

“Yes, as I said, it’s a lead. We still have to figure out if it’s possible to remove that power and still keep them imprisoned. But the fact of the matter is, that amulet must be drained of all magic first, otherwise we’ll never be able to remove the pieces.”

“And there’s no other way to drain it?” you ask, already knowing the answer.

“Nope. Unless of course you want to take a trip into Tartarus and taunt Lord Tirek himself,” Jack jokes before laughing.

“I’m gonna say buck no to that,” Grandbuggy says with a shudder. “That’s like trying to defuse a bomb with an even bigger bomb.”

“That’s that magic sucker guy you talked about before right?” you ask Grandbuggy and he nods.

“Eyup, and the last thing we need is him running around high off the Alicorn Amulet,” he says.

“Oh, okay,” you nod before an idea comes to you. “You think there’s a way to take the Blue Flu that Discord’s got and, like, make it work only on the amulet?”

“From what I’ve heard from Ditzy, I wouldn’t want to risk experimentation on such a disease, considering what it’s already done to a god,” Jack explains.

“And ain’t no way I’m letting you get all of your magic sucked dry and becoming a weak little mummy Nightshade,” Grandbuggy adds.

“Yeah alright. Probably only works on living things anyway,” you say rubbing at your shards. “So after the Games, we go see the Umbrum?”

“Well, we’ll research them more for sure, but as for meeting with them, I think perhaps we should wait for Sombra himself to return with your parents,” he says.

“Oh so like he could talk to them first and let them know I’m cool and everything?” you ask.

“Something like that,” he says unsurely. “Truthfully, we have no idea what will happen when we attempt to give him a body. For your mother it’s a fairly simple procedure, but for him…we have no idea if he’ll come out as a pony or as his true race.”

“Oh…” you say, having momentarily forgotten that Sombra was sort of a combo of the two. But then, something else about that sentence peaks your interest. “Wait, Mommy getting her body is going to be simple?”

“Well, as simple as transmutation can be I suppose,” he says with a smirk before he reaches into his bag and pulls out what looks like a Sci-fi raygun made up of all the artifacts you and the Outcasts gathered.

“Land’s sake, you’ve already built the dang thing?” Grandbuggy says in surprise as you look at the alien looking weapon that wouldn’t look out of place in a Fallout game.

“For the most part,” Jack smirks. “We already had the blue prints drawn up after all. With Aqua and Mia out doing whatever they’re doing, no one was around to keep my bed warm last night, so I decided to crank it out.”

“They warm your bed for you?” you question obliviously as Grandbuggy shoots him a glare. “I know you don’t have magic, but why don’t you just turn up the heater?”

“Uh, well…power bills cost too much and all that,” he excuses, not making eye contact with you.

“Oookaaaayyy,” you say realizing it’s more weird adult stuff that will never be explained.

“And good gravy, BOTH?” Grandbuggy whispers to Jack, but you still hear it.

“What? Not my first ménage et trois,” he whispers back with lidded eyes. “You would know, you were there for first.”

Grandbuggy’s eyes widen and he scoots away from Jack with a blush.

“I was drunk that night and only remember the parts with Clopopatra! You have been completely erased from that memory!”

“Oh but I haven’t forgotten Fixxy,” he smirks before Grandbuggy grabs his coffee and dumps it on his head.

“It Never Happened!” he yelps.

“What?” you ask confused while Jack laughs.

“Nothing! I never touched him! It was just the Somnambulan Queen I swear!” he says with shifty eyes and sweat beading on his brow.

“Keep telling yourself that handy man,” Jack laughs and Grandbuggy nearly chips a tooth from clenching his teeth.

“Um…I don’t get what’s going on, but can we please get back on track?” you offer.

“Gladly!” Grandbuggy yelps and Jack rolls his eyes.

“Of course Nightshade,” Jack responds as he shifts the gun in his hooves and shows you the top. “For the most part, it’s complete, but as you can tell by this slot on the top, we still need the Siren Stone to make it all complete.”

“Which Daddy should be bringing back soon right?” you ask hopefully and he bites his lip.

“We can only hope,” he says. “Time is different on that side, so he might still be in the early days of his search, or he’s already found it. All I know is that he hasn’t used the Shifter, so only time will tell.”

You sigh at that, hating the vagueness of the time table.

“I just wish they’d come home already,” you pout and he nods.

“So do I Nightshade,” he comforts. “But on the bright side, when they do come, we’ll be ready immediately to separate them all into their own bodies.”

“So it’s as easy as zapping them?” Grandbuggy questions, looking over the convoluted looking weapon.

“For the one operating it? Yes,” he nods. “Once the Siren Stone is added, the device will be primed, but after it’s fired is where things get tricky.”

“Oh?” you question.

“Sadly with this much concentrated magic, no matter where we are, it’s going to be noticed. The alicorns for sure will feel this surge and will have a pretty good idea where it was fired.”

“Well that just means we gotta put some distance between us and them before we fire,” Grandbuggy theorizes.

“Precisely, that will buy some time, but after the three of them have been separated, we’ll need an evacuation plan,” he explains.

“Even if they’re hundreds of miles away?” you ask in concern and he nods.

“Yes, because your parents and Sombra are going to need time to recuperate after they’ve been separated, so we’ll need a way to safely transport them before the Princesses come knocking.”

“Whoa hold on now, this thing is going to hurt them?” you say in surprise.

“What we’re doing is essentially rebirthing them into this world,” he lectures. “You were a newborn once, even if your body was aged, and you still required a lot of sleep and care yes?”

“I…I guess so,” you admit, remembering how sleepy and hungry you used to be. It’s then that your eyes widen at that. “Oh gods, please don’t tell me I’m gonna have to keep them in MY inventory and run around the world being chased?”

“I don’t think it will go that far,” Jack says with a raised brow. “But utilizing your inventory to transport them after the initial separation sounds promising.

“Okay…but I swear, if I somehow take over Daddy’s roll and start freaking out over their safety and hurting ponies, I’m gonna be so bucking pissed!”

“Oh, such language!” comes a bubbly female voice. Whipping your head around, you see Ditzy “Derpy” Do herself standing next to your table with a cup of coffee and a muffin in her hooves.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Derpy?” you yelp out in surprise.

“Hi Nightshade,” she smiles. “I didn’t think you were coming to this meeting, but it’s still good to see you, potty mouth and all! I loved your friend’s performance! You were all great!”

“Oh, thanks! We did work hard on it,” you chuckle at the praise. “But what are you doing here? I thought you were staying in Ponyville with the Doctor?”

“Oh right, well there was this thing with the tryouts for the games, and Rainbow got injured, so I was set up to be her back up. But I guess she was faking it, however, I was already recognized as a backup player in case anyone got sick or hurt, so I got to come along to see the games!” She says excitedly. “And since I knew Jack was up here I decided to stop in and hang out.”

“Which I’m always thankful for Ms. Do,” Jack says smugly and she looks at him.

“Ahem, that’s Mrs. Do-Turner now, thank you very much,” she brags proudly.

“That one don’t roll off the tongue so well though,” Grandbuggy chuckles and she looks at him crossly.

“Well too bad Quick Fix. It’s my name now, and that’s never going to change,” she declares, though still with a smile.

“And you more than earned it,” you add and she nods in your direction. “Speaking of, where is the Do-Er, I mean Time Turner? Didn’t him or Dinky come with you?”

“Nah, they’re having some quality Father and Daughter bonding time,” she says happily. “Also large sporting events make him nervous for some reason, so there’s that as well, but they said they’d be cheering the team on over the projector screens.”

“Projector Screens?” you ask.

“Mhmm. The games are being broadcast since it’s a national event. Mostly at bars and grills and places like that, but lots of ponies who didn’t get to come still get to watch,” she explains.

“Oh…” you say having not realized this.

So even more people were watching Spike than I thought. No wonder he was so nervous.

“But anyway, what’s gotten Nightshade so upset and swearing?” she scolds the two stallions.

“She’s just worried that she’ll take her father’s place once we separate them,” Jack answers holding up the gun.

“Jack! What are you doing waving that around in public for?” she scolds and he flinches back.

“Relax, no one in this time period will think it’s real anyway,” he tries to placate.

“Uh huh, try telling that to the security that frisks everyone down and won’t even let you bring in a bottle of water,” she harrumphs.

“They’re just extra cautious since Chryssy and her gang broke out a month ago,” Grandbuggy explains. “Their set up isn’t so bad. Probably would catch the average drone if they tried to sneak in. But I ain’t no average drone.”

“Well still, my point remains, put that thing away before someone tries to confiscate it and frisk us down,” she orders Jack who just sighs and does what he’s told.

Dang, you go girl, you think impressed. She then sits down next to you as Grandbuggy and Jack begin to talk about possible locations to set up for the Separation.

“Ah, and back to business as usual, even on vacation,” she says with a shake of her head.

“Well you never know, it might not be a vacation for you if Bulk Biceps or Fluttershy pull a wing muscle and you gotta fill in,” you say.

“Oh? You don’t think it’d be Rainbow Dash getting hurt?” she questions coyly and you look at her deadpanned.

“Dash won’t hurt herself. She’d kick her own flank if she did,” you say with surety and she giggles.

“I suppose that’s true,” she admits before her eyes widen. “Oh! Right, before I forget, I’ve got something for you.”

“You do?” you ask curiously as she rummages in her bag and pulls out a familiar looking locket. Your shards momentarily blip in guilt as she holds it out to you.

“My hubby was able to fix it up like you asked. Even without being a Time Lord, he knows his way around tools,” she says dreamily. “And since I figured you or your Grandbuggy would be meeting with Jack also, I decided to bring it along to hand off.”

You take the locket from her and sure enough, it looks a lot better. There’s still scratches upon it’s surface, but it’s not jacked up anymore. Even still, the memories of that night in the forest playback in your mind and your mood is brought down again. Shaking your head you look back to Derpy.

“Thank you, this means a lot,” you respond, and she takes notice of your change in tone.

“Don’t worry Nightshade,” she says with a reassuring smile and a pat on the head. “I know you’ll make things right with that colt. Fixing broken things is a good step towards that.”

“I guess so,” you say as you pocket the piece of jewelry.

Added To The Inventory

Frost’s Locket (Fixed)

“I mean sure it’s not completely fixed,” she admits and you look at her with a raised brow. “I mean, whatever enchantment was in that gem you shattered, The Doc wasn’t able to repair it.”

“Oh…well that’s a shame,” you say actually meaning it. “I think it made the kid look like an adult for some reason.”

“That’s what Jack said when I had him look it over last night,” she nods. “He also said something about it being a Mana dampener with a unique spell matrix and other big fancy words that I can’t quite remember.”

“Huh,” you grunt, recalling the blast of ice after you broke the thing. “And the picture of the mare inside?”

“No clue,” she says with a shrug. “It’s a very old painting though, not even a picture. But since he’s a colt, I’m gonna make a guess and say that it’s his mama.”

“How’d you come to that conclusion?” you ask and she looks at you incredulously.

“Let’s just call it Mother’s Instinct,” she says. “Also, if you had a locket, wouldn’t you want to have your parent’s pictures in it?”

“…Good point,” you say with a nod. “Well if that is mom, I’m curious how she and a Windigo got married.”

“I’d start with an apology first before asking something like that,” Derpy advises.

“Obviously,” you say with a roll of your eyes.

“Hey now, no need to get smarmy,” she lightly scolds before smiling again. “But anyway when you see your friends again, tell them I thought your flag routine was the greatest!”

“Oh, heh, it wasn’t anything special,” you say humbly and she giggles.

“Like heck it wasn’t. Because of you fillies, everypony’s psyched for the Ponyville team. Even the Griffonstone team was intimidated. And then it was capped off with Spike lighting the torch with Black Flames, oooh that was a good opening ceremony!”

Her bubbly words start to fade though as you hear about “Spike’s Flames” and you look at the table solemnly.

“I didn’t even know he could do that, is that something you taught him?” she asks innocently. And just like that, your mood becomes lowered again.

“No…that was me,” you admit and her eyes widen.

“Oh…” she says nervously while rubbing the back of her neck. “Um…does he know?” You nod without looking at her and she bites her lip, reading between the lines. “Hoo boy.”

“Don’t worry about it muffin gal, I already talked with her about it,” Grandbuggy reassures.

“At least most ponies think it was him, so I guess that’s something. People thinking he and I have something in common…” you say a bit moodily and the adults look around nervously.

Even some unseen figures cringe at the awkwardness at your table before moving on.

“Well look on the bright side Nightshade,” Jack speaks up. “What’s done is done, and things can only get better between you two.”

The Next Day

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

You had to go and open your bucking mouth didn’t you Jack?! you think intently staring into your Icy Gem Slushie.

You are seated in a cozy little restaurant with the rest of the CMC after the most important competition of the day. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps took the silver for Ponyville, and that should have been the highlight of the day. But...

“I still can’t believe he did that,” Scootaloo says in shock as she digs into her sundae.

“I know, I haven’t cringed that hard since Mom asked for the manager at that clothing store in Manehattan,” Diamond says with a shudder.

“I know right? Why didn’t Shining Armor stop him?” Sweetie Belle asks.

“And why didn’t he just stop singing?” Silver Spoon ponders.

“He was sweating up a storm and he just kept digging himself deeper,” Applebloom says sympathetically.

Even as your friends ask over and over again “Why?” you don’t say a word because you know the answer is You.

During the medal ceremony, the Wonderbolt Team stood with their gold medals and Spike had run onto the field to sing the Cloudsdale Anthem. Even not knowing it yourself though, you could tell he had no clue what the words were and it was the most awkward thing ever.

And I didn’t do a bucking thing to help him because I was trying out Grandbuggy’s method! But Guess What?! It Didn’t Bucking Work Either! You mentally shout and your shards blip. But would he have hated me even more if I had helped?

After the disastrous anthem, Spike had run off, and you and the girls had decided not to watch the rest of the Day’s Game and decided to look for the wayward dragon. But after a few hours, you had no success, so you all stopped in for a snack, which leads to all of you now just lamenting the day with your various desserts. The thing is, you haven’t even touched yours, you don’t even remember ordering it consciously. It’s a slushie with crushed blue gems in it, and you haven’t attempted eating crystals since that disastrous incident back in Ponyville.

So why did you order it?

Perhaps it’s because your mind is still focused on one specific dragon who you knew loved gems.



Why do I keep thinking of that word? You mentally groan as that same feeling of helplessness, loss and…something else washes over you. It’s a weird feeling that you’ve felt since the fight yesterday, and it’s only been compounded after this day’s events.

I should have talked to him and said I’m sorry last night, you think in melancholy. If I had he wouldn’t have tried to sing and he wouldn’t be embarrassed because of me…

You continue to berate yourself going over what you should have done, but even still last night you were still too nervous and conflicted. You wanted to talk, but didn’t at the same time.

Why am I like this? You pout as your friends continue chattering around you. It isn’t until Scootaloo shakes you that you realize they’ve been calling your name.

“Huh? What’s that?” you blather as you focus on the waking world.

“I said isn’t that the Crystal Pinkie Clone from the palace?” she repeats and points to the front counter. Looking that direction you do indeed spy the crystal mare speaking with the lime green cashier.

“You want 15 of the Icy Gem Slushie?” the employee asks in surprise.

“That’s right. The Savior of the Crystal Empire is…” the clone trails off and bites her lip as the cashier looks down in sympathy as well. “Well, let’s just say he needs a pick me up.”

“Of course. He may be going through a rough patch but he did still save all of us,” the green stallion nods before he turns around and starts whipping up the order.

“Oh, well there’s our answer of where Spike went,” Applebloom facehooves.

“Why didn’t we check his room first?” Silver asks in frustration.

“It was so obvious we didn’t even consider it!” Sweetie Belle shrugs.

“Well let’s finish up here and head over,” Diamond orders and the others start to down their treats, but you go back to staring at yours.

“Nighthsade? What’s wrong? Brainfreeze?” Scootaloo asks.

“No,” you shake your head. “I was just thinking that maybe you all should just go check on him and I’d just hang back.”

They all pause in their feasting at that and stare at you in shock.

“You don’t want to go see him?” Sweetie Belle asks wide eyed.

“I…Well…” you falter and scratch the back of your neck. “He’s probably really put out and he might not want to see me.”

“That’s a bunch of horse apples cuz. Of course Spike would want to see ya,” Applebloom points out but you bite your lip and look at the table.

“Maybe…but I don’t know if I can see him myself right now,” you admit and they all look at each other.

“Are you…scared?” Silver Spoon asks.

“N-No! I’m not scared! I’m just…nervous I guess,” you admit shyly while rubbing your hooves together. “So you all should check on him and I’ll just-“

You are cut off as someone grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to look into their very agitated face.

“What in the world is wrong with you?!” Diamond all but spits at you and you are taken aback.

“Diamond what are you-“ Applebloom starts but she ignores her and continues.

"Are you seriously going to let something like nervousness get in the way of your amazing friendship?!" she growls as if personally insulted and you jaw drops as you fail to comprehend the situation.

“W-Well I-I-“ you stutter but she brings her face in closer.

"If you hesitate now, you might never get the chance to make up ever again, and your friendship will be damaged forever!"

“FOREVER!!!” the Pinkie clone shouts from the counter and you all look to her. She sheepishly chuckles when she notices your stares. “Sorry, force of habit.”

Everyone then goes back to staring at you and Diamond who looks like she could choke you out at any moment.

“Is that what you want Nightshade?! To lose him?!”

“Di, I don’t think the situation’s that dire,” Scootaloo tries to placate but she shakes her head.

“Of course it is! If she doesn’t face this now, it will only get harder! It's better now than tomorrow, weeks from now, or even months! Tartarus! When her parents come back she might leave Equestria forever!"

The CMC's ears droop at that and the color drains from your face.

N-No! We won’t leave forever…Will we? You think unsurely as a sense of sadness and regret hits you. We are always on the run…

And while everyone feels regret at the uncertain future, Silver spoon places her hoof on Diamond’s foreleg with sympathy.

"This is about him, isn't it,” she asks simply and Diamond’s anger falls from her face and she smile sadly.


"Who are you talking about? Spike?" Sweetie Belle ask, but Silver Spoon shakes her head.

"No. Diamond and I had a friend a few years back. We used to be a trio like you guys…but then…” she trails off and Diamond slackens her hold on you.

“We had a fight one day…only I was doing all the yelling,” she sighs and shakes her head. “We didn’t talk or see each other after that, and then he moved to Baltimare so I never even got to say goodbye.” Her words are laced with regret and hollowness and you know that your own voice must’ve sounded like that these last two days.

"What were you fighting about?" you ask the pink filly and she looks at you with that same sad smile.

“I don’t even remember, and really, it doesn’t even matter. It was just a dumb fight between two dumb foals and I still regret never making up with him,” she says regretfully before looking into your eyes with determination. “Don’t make the same mistake Nightshade, otherwise there will always be a pit in your stomach, even when you try to remember the good times.”

Everyone at the table goes silent at these profound words, and just absorb this wisdom in both shock and awe. After a few moments, you give a small smile and put your hoof on her shoulder.

“Diamond, it’s times like these it still baffles me why we were ever enemies,” you say sincerely and she chuckles.

“Nah, I used to be a nasty little brat,” she admits and you both laugh.

“But you’re right, I can’t just ignore this situation. I’m going to see Spike!” you declare before pointing at the Pinkie Maid. “You! Miss Totally Not a Clone! Give me those slushies, I’ll deliver them personally!”

“You will?!” she declares as she whips around with a big smile on her face.

“That’s right!” you say as you leap over the table, pick all of the slushies up in your magic, put them into your Inventory and run out the door. “I’m coming Spike!”

And as you exit the shop, your friends sit stunned at the table.

“Soooo, should we go after her?” Applebloom asks.

“Nah, I think she’s got this one,” Diamond Tiara hoof waves and sits back with her drink. “Besides, they probably need some alone time.”

“Alone time?” Sweetie gasps before blushing. “Do you think they’re gonna like start kissing and stuff?”

“Huh? Wha- I have no idea,” Diamond stutters taken aback.

“Well if they are, I ain’t walking in on that. Gross!” Scootaloo gags before sitting back.

“It’s not gross, it’s romantic,” Silver Spoon chides and she rolls her eyes.

“All your minds are jumping to conclusions awfully fast,” Applebloom says in disappointment. “But on the other hoof, why tempt fate.”

And with that, your friends sit back while the Pinkie Clone pays for the slushies.

“And now my break comes early! Yay!”

A Few Moments Later

After running through the city streets like a lunatic again, albeit with less collateral damage, you arrive outside of Spike’s Luxury Suite just as Twilight is exiting.

“Oh! Hi Nightshade,” she says in surprise seeing you.

“Uh, Hi Ms. Twilight,” you respond, not having expected to run into her.

“I’m guessing you’re here to see Spike as well?” she says and you look to the side and nod in embarrassment. This actually gets her to give a small smile.

“I’m glad you are. He hasn’t exactly been…the same since yesterday,” she says with a wince of sympathy.

“I noticed,” you nod, cringing once more at the butchering of the anthem.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

She sighs as she no doubt flashes back to that moment too.

“Yeah, I figured you would,” she admits before shaking her head. “I just can’t wrap my head around how this has all gone down though.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s just…I don’t know if you saw, but during the Torch Lighting Ceremony yesterday, he was kind of struggling with it,” she says.

“Yeah, I noticed that one too,” you say.

“As expected of my student,” she smirks before her face becomes worried again. “But yes, when Spike was struggling with lighting the torch, I started an incantation to light it for him, but before I’d finished, that black flame appeared.”

“R-Really?” you stutter and start to sweat nervously, but she doesn’t notice.

“Of course, I was confused and concerned, especially when I scanned the fire later and found out it had traces of dark magic,” she explains. “But when I scanned him last night, I found no trace of it.”

“Oh…so, uh, what do you think happened?”

“I have no clue! Because unless Nightmare Moon lit that torch herself, the only logical explanation is that Spike did it somehow by drawing on negative energies. I just don’t know how he did it, and when I spoke to him about it, he got really upset with me,” she says with a sigh.

“He got upset with you?” you ask curiously and she nods.

“He got all huffy saying he wasn’t a weakling and told me to stop trying to look into Dark Magic that wasn’t even there! Even though I explained to him my findings, he still told me to stop,” she shrugs and your jaw drops slightly.

Spike…were you still trying to cover for me? Even after the fight? You think, just a tad bit touched by the gesture.

“Again, I’ve found no trace of Dark Magic on him, so I don’t know why he decided to sing an anthem he doesn’t know the lyrics to today,” she says pinching her nose. “Maybe it’s something I did? Not trusting him and now he thinks he has to prove himself?”

“I, uh, I don’t think that’s it Ms. Twilight,” you say patting her leg. “But whatever it is, I’ll try to help out.” She smiles at that and pats you on the head.

“Thanks Nightshade,” she says before her face becomes solemn again. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go find your Great Grandfather. Your friend Garble chewed a hole in a fountain, and that Greta lady got in a drunken brawl when her team came in third.”

You facehoof at that.

“Really guys?” you sigh. “What about Ember?”

“Oh she’s actually doing well. She’s having lunch with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as we speak.”


Loganic’s Comment

“You know, you pony royals sure know how to treat a dragoness,” Ember says as she messily devours an entire platter of cakes, pies, and other treats while reclined on Celestia’s personal couch. Said piece of furniture is getting many food stains on it from the mannerless dragon.

“That, uh, that was supposed to be for all us…” Luna says apprehensively.

“No spit? Wow, I figured you all were just waiting for your portions. You’re both big enough for them,” she says before belching.

Luna winces and then looks at her older sister who’s eye is twitching in annoyance.

“Sister, calm down. We don’t need to start another international incident,” Luna warns in a whisper as Celestia clenches her teeth watching Ember wipe her mouth clean on the couch.

“That cake took 15 hours to prep, and was started yesterday! I didn’t even get a slice! And that’s my favorite couch!” she growls, doing all in her power to keep it at a whisper.

Chuckling nervously, Luna stands up and announces,

“Well that was a lovely meal, but perhaps we should get back to the stadium? The ice archery competition will be starting soon.”

“Ice Archery? That sounds awesome,” Ember says as she sits up and heads out the door. “You get a better view from the royal seats right? I call the seat next to you Lugia.”

“…It’s Luna,” the moon princess snorts as Celestia glares at her.

“She’s sitting with us too?” she whines.

“She’s royalty as well sister,” she rolls her eyes. “Come along, there’ll be other baked goods, it’s not the end of the world.”

“Sure feels like it to me,” she pouts. “I swear, nothing else better upset me today or I swear…”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Huh, well I guess she finally started learning how to be a diplomat then,” you say with misplaced pride.

“Indeed,” Twilight says optimistically. “But anyway, I have to get going. Please cheer Spike up for me?”

“I’ll do my best,” you say sincerely. Nodding, she heads downstairs and leaves you to it.

Left all alone in front of his door, you take a deep breath as her hoofsteps get quieter and quieter. Once they die down completely, you muster the rest of your courage and crack open the door.

"Spike? You in here?" you call out as you enter, and as you do you see that his room is a mess littered with bowls, cups and other food stuffs. “Yeesh. Spike?”

The dragon in question peeks out of a pile of clothes bundled in the corner, which you find weird since nearly no one wears any clothes.

Where did he even get those? You wonder

He looks at you stonefaced, not showing any discernable emotions.

"Oh, it's you, Nightshade. I thought Twilight came back in," he says, looking away from you as he excavates himself from the pile.

“Nah, I ran into her in the hall, she’s long gone by now,” you tell him. It’s then that things get really, really quiet and awkward as the two of you have a hard time looking each other straight on.

"I… I thought you weren't talking to me ever again," Spike says sadly as he scratches his neck.

"I didn't mean it!" you yelp as you look him in the eye. "I-I'm…"

"I'm sorry!" The both of you yell at the same time. After that declaration, both your eyes widen.

"Wait? You're sorry!?" you ask in shock.

"Why are you sorry!?" he asks in surprise.

"I yelled at you and told you to never talk to me again! I should have never said that!" you declare.

"But I told you to leave me alone! It's my fault, Nightshade, all you wanted to do was help me!" he confesses.

"Yeah, but I should have known when to leave you be!” you shout.

"You were just trying to be helpful because you're a nice pony Nightshade, I shouldn't have gotten mad at that!” he yells.

“I used Dark Magic in front of everyone and you had to help cover it up! I know I’m a bit of a bother to you, but I just wanted to make up in case I move away fore-“

“Nightshade!” Spike interrupts as he rushes towards you and puts his claws on your shoulders. "You could never bother me! You're my best friend!"

He says it so forcefully and with such conviction that you choke on your words. His feelings strike right through you as you see tears in his eyes, which bring your own waterworks forth. Letting the tears fall, you pull him into a hug.

"I'm sorry for saying I never wanted to speak with you again!" you sob, causing him to hug you back tighter and say,

"I'm sorry for pushing you away yesterday and today! I was being a flankhole!"

“Me Too Spike, Me Too!” you blubber as you both hold onto each other. Time passes as you two hug it out, but eventually you both gain the ability to speak again.

“Spike?” you ask wiping away a tear.

“Yeah?” he responds.

“I’m also sorry for not trying to help you today during the medal ceremony,” you apologize. “I didn’t know if it would make you angry again and-“

“There was nothing you could have done about that Nightshade,” he reassures. “I brought that on myself for being a tryhard. If anypony could have helped me in that moment I would have accepted, but it was all my fault.”

“And, uh, and Ms. Harshwinny didn’t hurt you at all?” you ask as the thunder crash and neighing goes off outside.

“Huh?” he asks taken aback. “Uh, I mean she was upset today, but why would she have hurt me?”

“Because she’s absolutely terrifying!” you proclaim. “That’s why I did what I did yesterday because I thought she was going to steal your soul or something if you failed!” He blinks owlishly at that a few times.

“Um…I don’t think she would do that,” he says warily. “So that’s why you did that?”

“Yeah…” you admit as you scratch the back of your neck. “So, uh…I kind of get that I stole your moment for you, but I did just want to protect you from the Grim Reaper.”

“I see,” he says while scratching his ear. “Well even still, I was in the wrong for getting upset with you. It’s just that…”

“Go on,” you encourage when he trails off and he sighs.

"You're always helping me, Shade,” he says weakly and you raise a brow. "I know that’s a weak excuse, but I just feel like you, Twilight and the rest of the girls are always having to go out of their ways to help me, and it makes me feel like I’m holding you all back.”

“But Spike you’re not-“

“You’re all so much more powerful than I am and I finally felt like I could catch up to you all and be your equal. But after yesterday and today, I’m still just a little dragon without wings that can’t even light a simple torch or sing the right song,” he says morosely. “I guess maybe I do need to depend on others for everything.”

"That's not true, though!" you say, holding his shoulders and shaking him a bit, just like Diamond did to you. "You're amazing too, Spike! You have the best writing I've ever seen! You know words that I've never even seen before.”

“Well that’s just because Twilight raised m-“

“Sure, but you still run with it, you’re the only thing that keeps her functioning and not falling into craziness! And sure, yeah you sucked today big time, I’m not going to sugar coat that and lie, but guess what? I don’t know the lyrics to the Cloudesdale Anthem either!” you lecture and he looks down at that.”

“Yeah, but that was me trying to show off and make up for my own inferiority and-“

“Spike! You have freaking magical fire! You have a direct line to Sunbutt! You’re also the only person in this castle that defeated both Sombra and my Dad at full power in the same day! You aren’t holding anyling back!”

Spike smiles and blushes at your remarks which causes you to smile.

“I, uh, I guess I did do that,” he says with a nervous chuckle.

"And to top it all off, you're an amazing friend," you say gently, pull him close and hug him once more, which he gladly gives back. “I’m more than positive that you’re the only reason I’m not a bigger brat than I already am.”

“You’re not a brat Nightshade. You’re…perfect,” he says nuzzling your cheek and you blush.

“Heh, far from it. I’ve got a necklace in my chest after all,” you say as you nuzzle back. “Noling’s perfect Spike, that’s what friends are for. We can all be imperfect messes together.”

He laughs at that and nods.

“That doesn’t sound bad at all…”

After a minute of silence, you two break the hug.

"Thanks Nightshade," He smiles warmly at you. "I’m glad you’re in my life as well."

"Always will be!" You proudly say before patting him on the shoulder. "Now come on, let's go watch the ice archery event! The rest of the girls are probably back in their seats right now.”

He stares at you for moment, awkwardly even, before looking away nervously, with a light blush.

"D-do you... um..." He mumbles.

"What was that?" you ask tilting your head so that your ear is closer.

"Do you, uh... Nevermind. I'm going in with a disguise," he says as he picks up a coat and sunglasses in his arms.

“Why do you need that?” you ask.

“…I’m still embarrassed over what I did earlier,” he admits. “I don’t want anyone pointing at me and laughing.”

“Hey, if they do that I’ll beat them up!” you proclaim before you catch yourself and look at him sheepishly. “I mean, if you’re okay with that?”

“You know what? I think I’d like to see that,” he says with a conspiratorial smirk, causing you to grin.

“Alrighty, well get your disguise on and then we’ll get going,” you gesture to him to change.

“Already on it,” he says as he dons the hat and glasses. “And maybe we can find that maid I sent out for Gem Slushies earlier. I’d hate for all of those to go to waste.”

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Oh right! Forgot about that!” you say bonking yourself on the forehead. “I ran into her earlier and told her I’d take them to you.”

“You did?” he asks excitedly as you rummage around in your inventory.

“Yup! Here they…are?” you finish in dread as you realize that open containers within the inventory don’t exactly stay upright.

“Something wrong?” he asks as you see all the blue slush mess in your bag.

“Uh, nope! It’s all good, you see I…I…” your eyes dart left and right. “I decided to cover a gift I got you with the slushie so you could lick it clean!”

“Um…okay,” he shrugs. “I mean, you didn’t have to give me a gift or anything but-“

“Nah it’s fine,” you say as you turn your bag upside down causing the slushie glob to fall to the floor along with three items covered with the sauce. The Scone of Bludgeoning, the Life Size Spike Doll, and a random videogame about Crystal aliens or something.


Scone of Bludgeoning

Spike Doll (Life Sized)

Spike looks from the crystal slushie mess, and the items inside it before looking at you gobsmacked.

“Uh…surprise! It’s three gifts!” you lie lamely.

“Alright then,” he says as he picks up the scone and goes to bite it.

“Wait! That thing is harder than steel-“


“Mmm, that goes well with the gem slush,” he says as he effortlessly chews the scone.

…Goodbye my bludgeoning projectile, you think a bit sadly as the dragon eats it up.

He then extends his tongue six feet out of his mouth and laps up all the rest of the slush in one fell swoop and your jaw drops.

“…I honestly didn’t know you could do that. That’s bucking impressive,” you say in awe as he chews and swallows the dessert.

“Heh, Twilight just thinks it’s gross,” he chuckles as he looks over the life sized doll of himself. “And, uh, where’d you get this made?”

“Well it certainly wasn’t a race of fairy ponies that worshiped my very being,” you lie.

“That’s oddly specific,” he says with a shrug. “So is it just a doll, or does it do anything else?”

“Well you can hug it close to your chest and it helps you get a good night’s sleep,” you say before your eyes widen and you blush. “Or so I’m told.”

“Yeah, I think I’ll just prop it up in my room,” he says while taking a look over the game. Eventually he smiles back at you. “All these gifts over something that was my fault, and I don’t have anything to give you.”

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

“Hey now, you don’t have to get me anything,” you hoofwave.

He ponders that for a moment before he looks at you with a predatory smirk.

“Actually, I just figured out something I could give you,” he says conspiratorially and walks towards you.

“Like I said you don’t have to-“


You are cut off as he suddenly pecks you on the cheek and you freeze stock still. Suddenly, your fur color goes from dark purplish blue to bright red and your mind does mental gymnastics.

Blushing himself, Spike puts on his coat and pulls down his hat.

“Thanks again Nightshade. So, uh, I guess let’s go,” he stammers as he walks past you. Your own flesh shines brighter than your shards as your mind goes stupid and giddy and you just giggle like a fool.

I-I-I guess he’s just getting me back for the peck I gave him during our guerilla tactics against Trixie, heh heh, you rationalize as your heart hammers in your chest. You turn to look at him walking down the hallway, swaying a bit as he does and you smile like a shark.

"I'm never washing this cheek again..." you mumble to yourself before shaking your head and slapping yourself to reboot your brain.

Get a hold of yourself filly! If Cadence sees you like this you’ll never hear the end of it!

With that chilling thought, you sober a bit and you go from bright red to pinkish blue as you rush off after the dragon. You two glance at each other momentarily, before quickly avoiding eye contact as you walk together towards the stadium. And while your father in another world suddenly feels an immense killing intent for a certain girl’s puppy, you continue on oblivious and light as a feather.

You are overwhelmingly happy that you two have made up and that you avoided Diamond’s fate. You are happy, and a whole lot of other emotions you can’t quite identify. But the two of you walk side by side, not too far, and yet not too close to go see the Ice Archery Competition.

All the while, unseen eyes observe you.


Episode 88: Falling Skies

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Kichi’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You and Spike eventually get to the front of the stadium, and thankfully your heartbeat has gone back down to a more manageable rhythm.

“So, uh, do you want to come sit with the girls and my Grandbuggy?” you ask. He looks at the front entrance where everypony is entering and exiting and he shakes his head.

“Actually no. I’d rather be somewhere where I’m not recognized,” he admits and points towards a ramp leading downwards. “I still have private access to the underside of the stadium so we could go there.”

“Oh, you mean where we were all stationed during the flag ceremony?” you ask and he nods.

“Yeah, it’s right on the field and you don’t have to worry about security and stuff. Shining Armor and Ms. Harshwinny (*Neighing* *Thundercrash*) are usually there, but they shouldn’t bother us.”

“Yeah alright then,” you nod as you start to walk before you hold your hoof out. “Wait a second, when you say there’s no security, does that mean at all or…?”

“Just at the foot of it,” he says. “But they all know me so it should be fine.”

“Yeah, but is there any of those magical disabling things like the main entrances? Those kind of gave me a problem earlier…”


As you, the girls, Grandbuggy and a few of the Outcasts walk through the front entrance, you spy what looks like metal detectors that everyone has to pass through.

“What the heck are those?” you question.

“Those are magic disablers,” Grandbuggy explains. “It’s to keep dishonest unicorns and the like from interfering with competitions.”

“Really? There’s cheaters at this level?”

“Indeed there is,” Ahuizotl nods. “Lots of money riding on these games and some folks want to win by whatever means necessary.”

“Okay, I get that, but why the heck do the Earth Ponies and Pegasi have to go through them too?” you point out as a pegasus mare goes through.

“Helps zap their flying and wind manipulation capacity,” Daring explains. “There once was a game where pegasi in the crowd were manipulating the airflows and slowing down competition.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that one. The Griffonstone competitors were pissed,” Greta nods.

“Okay, but why are the regular horses going through, they ain’t got magic right?” Garble asks.

“You’d be surprised lizard,” Grandbuggy says. “You get enough earth ponies stomping their hooves and you’ll have mini earthquakes that will throw off an archer’s aim by just enough.”

“Yeesh, is everyone just a cheater?” Ember inquires.

“Pretty much,” he nods. “You’re old man would probably take the opportunity if he ever got invited.”

“I don’t think there’d be seats big enough for him,” she says with a shudder.

“Well how come we didn’t have to go through this yesterday?” asks Sweetie Belle.

“Because yesterday was just the opening ceremonies and you’re all just kids,” Grandbuggy answers. “After the first competitions started though, everyling got a debuff, even the princesses.”

“Wait, the Princesses have to go through this too?” asks Applebloom.

“Why wouldn’t they?” Scootaloo questions.

“I don’t know, it just seems kind of reckless right? Willingly depowering yourself in such a large crowd?” Applebloom points out.

“Meh, at least it keeps them honest. I know how underhanded Princesses can be,” you grumble before a thought comes to you. “Say Grandbuggy, aren’t you worried about going through there?”

“Relax kiddo,” he says with a smile. “A specialist like me ain’t gonna lose his appearance over some lousy machine…though on the other hoof I won’t be lifting anything with magic anytime soon.”

Shrugging at his confidence, you all go through the magic dampeners, but when you go through yours…

“Uh, hey little miss, can you back through again?” asks one of the guards looking perturbed.

“Um, sure,” you shrug and walk back through. You feel a wave of mana over your body, and it tingles, but it also feels like it repels from you.

“Okay, something’s not right here,” the guard says as he smacks the machine which you see has some smoke coming off it. “Can you go through again?”

“Really?” you pout and give him the stink eye while ponies behind you in line start to get impatient.

“Yes please, just one more time. I think the machine is shorting out. Rolling your eyes, you go back and forth one more time, and this time you feel your shards burn as smoke billows out the top of the machine in large bouts which causes the guard’s jaw to drop.

“…Is that supposed to happen?” you ask and he just shakes his head. “Okay…can I go through?”

“Uh…” he stutters before he pulls some caution tape in front of the machine which causes the line behind you to all groan in outrage. “Your magic is off yeah?”

“Yup! Sure is,” you lie knowing full well that you could lift him up by his tail and swing him by a lasso if you wanted. “But even if it wasn’t, I’m a little filly! What harm could little ol’ me do?”

“You’d be surprised little miss,” the guard says as he shoves the crowd towards another magic dampener. “I heard just yesterday there was one who was causing disorder like a rabid timberwolf.”

“Rabid Timberwolf?!” you cry out in indignation. “That’s a bit much! I bet that filly had a very good reason for what she did! And her breath didn’t stink at all!”

And with that, you turn tail and walk away in a huff as the poor guard is berated by angry ticket holders. Since you were held back a bit, you trot to catch up with your group, and encounter a haggard looking Garble who comes out of a side room.

“What happened to you?” you inquire.

“They pulled me aside for a random inspection,” he spits. “Random inspection my butt! They’re still just mad that I tried to bite that stupid statue yesterday!”

“Well, maybe don’t do things like that!” you chide.

“Oh yeah, as if you wouldn’t try to take a bite out of a statue made of that ice cream stuff or whatever,” he groans and crosses his arms.

“That sounds both amazing and structurally unsound,” you point out.

“Whatever! Why’d you get held back?”

“Magic machine broke,” you say plainly as you keep walking.

“Oh yeah, because that makes sense. Pull the dragon into the guard room to shove cotton swabs in his mouth, but do nothing to the temperamental brat!” he kicks the ground in disgust.

“I am not temperamental or a brat!” you growl before looking away and taking a breath. “I’m just…feeling out of it today.”

“Well if it’s about that purple twerp, just stop thinking about him and you’ll feel better,” he suggests as you catch up with the others.

“It’s not that simple,” you sigh. And sure enough, it wasn’t as a few hours later, Spike butchered the anthem.

Back to Now

“Garble tried to eat my statue?” he asks after you tell him what happened.

“I guess,” you shrug. “Also according to Twilight he took a chomp out of some fountain a little while ago too.”

“Does that guy just have no self control?” Spike sighs and puts a claw to his forehead.

“I beat the guy up an accident once last year and he decided to follow me to the ends of the world so that he could become stronger like some anime character,” you say pointedly. “Make of that what you will.”

“Right…Well, I’m sure I can get you through the VIP passage with me. I can keep you from getting scanned so you don’t break anything else.”

“Yeah, let’s do that,” you nod as you follow him down the ramp. Sure enough, even in disguise, the guards recognize Spike and he’s able to talk them into letting you through.

Glad to see that that horrible singing didn’t diminish their respect, you think proudly as the two of you walk through the underbelly of the stadium, hearing the muffled cheers of the audience above.

Eventually, through twisting and turning hallways, you eventually come to an opening that leads right onto the enormous field.

“Wow, talk about front row seats,” you whistle as you spy the line of archers prepping on the firing line with their targets set up before them.

“Yeah, it’s pretty great,” Spike says, albeit with a hint of tiredness. You look over at him and see him sigh dramatically. “The song still bugging you?”

“Of course,” he says in embarrassment. “Even those guards that let us through looked at me with pity.”

“Well…I mean…” you trail off not knowing what to say.

“Yeah I know,” he nods. “I just wish there was something I could do to erase that stupid moment.”

You bite your lip knowing that is impossible, seeing as how the whole thing was also broadcast all across Equestria, but then you remember what your Grandbuggy said last night.

“Hey Spike?” you say as you put a hoof on his shoulder.


“Maybe the best thing to do is nothing at all?”


“Well, it’s something my Grandbuggy said yesterday about not relying on something so much and sometimes you just gotta let things play out as they are,” you explain and he raises an eyebrow at that.

“What, like what Supermane’s dad said in that horrible Mane of Steel movie?” he questions.

“That’s what I said!” you point towards him. “But apparently that’s not what he was going for. Something about learning to do nothing, except for when it’s an extreme emergency.”

“…I mean, national embarrassment seems like an emergency to me,” he says while scratching his ear.

“…That’s a fair point,” you nod, realizing the definition of emergency is vague and situational. “But really, I don’t know what you could do.”

“Neither do I,” he sighs as you look out to the competitors. It’s there that you spot Ms. Harshwinny on the sideline speaking with Shining Armor, who just looks exhausted.

“Aha! What if you defeated that she-demon out there and exposed her as the soul sucking monster she really is?!” you say excitedly.

“Say what now?” Spike does a double take.

“Think about it! Noling else thinks she’s evil, but I know better! You unmask her like those kids did to Grandbuggy so many times in the past, and everyone will cheer for you again!”

“Why are you so convinced Ms. Harshwinny is evil?” he deadpans.



“That! That’s the reason!” you declare incredulously. “Honestly, am I the only one that hears that when her name is said?!”

“Hear what?”

“The crying and the thunder!” you shout but he looks at you in confusion. “…Really? I’m the only one?”

“Uh, I know there’s a few clouds in the sky, but I don’t think there’s any thunderstorms schedu-“

“Nevermind,” you wave him off, while slightly wondering if maybe you are losing a marble or two. “The point is, I know this will work. You go over and unmask her and the princesses will see and…Is that Ember in the stands with them?”

“Huh?” Spike says as he follows your line of sight.

Up in the Royalty/VIP seating, right next to frowning and distressed Celestia is the teenaged blue dragoness with her feet kicked up and eating a plate of nachos.

“What in the buck is she doing up there?” you say in shock.

“She is still a princess right?” Spike points out.

“Well yeah, but she’s not a “Princess” princess,” you explain. “What if she says something dumb and reveals mine and Grandbuggy’s secrets?!”

“Why would she do that?”

“Because we sort of own her in a way and she might be vindictive?” you say as you bite your hooves and look through the crowd for Grandbuggy and the other Outcasts.

“I don’t think so, it looks like she’s having a great time up there talking with Celestia and Luna,” Spike disagrees.

“But Sunbutt looks so pissed right now!” you say worriedly. “Ember’s obviously doing something to make her simmer.”

In the VIP Seats

Princess Celestia is currently trying to will away a migraine through sheer willpower as the mannerless dragon princess continues to splatter her with nacho cheese.

“So yeah, like I was saying, we don’t have awesome stuff like this back home,” she says gesturing with a chip which flicks an onion into the sun princess’s mane. “I mean, we don’t have cheese stuff at all, or milk for that matter, but we definitely should!”

“That’s…interesting Princess Ember,” Celestia says “calmly.” “But like I said before, now’s not really the time for poli-“

“Where does milk even come from though? Can you mine it? Because it would make a killing in the Dragon Lands,” Ember interrupts. “That and pillows. I never knew sitting down could feel so good until I came here! I mean, my butt would be big too if I had these luxuries.”

Celestia smiles to hid her clenched teeth as she shuts her eyes.

“Oh? Is that so? Well perhaps we should just watch the arch-“

“Hey Celestia!” she calls out to Princess Luna on the opposite side. “We should definitely set up a trade deal of Milk and Pillows. Not even my dad could say no to the benefits.”

“I’m not Celestia, I’m Luna,” the blue alicorn says indignantly.

“Right, right, sorry, bad with pony names,” Ember chuckles and more cheese hits Celestia’s mane causing her to internally scream.

“I still don’t see how you could confuse the two of us, even if you are bad with names. Aside from being alicorns, we look nothing alike,” Luna responds.

“It is what it is,” Ember shrugs. “And really I haven’t met too many alicorns, so it is a bit tricky for me. I’m surprised I didn’t call you Nightshade.”

“Nightshade?” Luna questions and both Ember and Cadence’s eyes widen. “Sir Tennant’s daughter and Twilight Sparkle’s student?”

“Um…yes?” Ember chuckles nervously.

“How could you confuse the two of us? She is but a child and a unicorn,” Luna questions.

“Uh, y-yeah! Totally! But like, with her color scheme and everything you could be her mom right?” Ember says suspiciously and Luna is taken aback by the insinuations.

“What Princess Ember means is that her colors are similar to yours auntie! She wasn’t insinuating anything!” Cadence juts in hoping to soothe the situation.

“Yup! That thing!” Ember nods and points a cheesy claw at Cadence.

“Oh…” Luna sighs. “That’s a relief. But yes, though that filly is magically gifted and is tutored by another princess does not mean she is related to us Princess Ember.”

*Snort* Right, yup! Totally!” Ember laughs under her breath and Cadence shoots her a stink eye.

“I-Uh-I think there’s some merit in trade negotiations with the Dragon Lands!” the love princess speaks up in distraction. “Pillows are an easy commodity to make, but milk and cheese…well, that’s a tricky venture.”

“I’m all ears,” Ember says as she looks at Celestia. “Milk is something that goes into those awesome cake things right Luna?”

“MMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!” Celestia’s muffle scream is dampened through her shut lips.

“Eh heh heh, what did I miss here?” a nervously sweating Twilight asks as she walks onto the scene.

With the Outcasts

“Uh, should we be worried about that?” Garble asks, pointing a claw towards the VIP seats.

“You’re one to talk Mr. Bitey,” Greta reprimands. “How many times are you planning on getting detained?”

“It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose!” he shouts back. “And at least I’m not drinking like a sore loser because your chicken buddies got 3rd place!”

“Why you little!” Greta growls with a hiccup and attempts to strangle the little dragon.

“His delinquency aside, should we be worried about that? The Princess De Sol looks likes she’s going to pop,” Ahuizotl observes, ignoring their squabbling.

“And it’s like Ember doesn’t even notice,” Daring says in dread.

“Pfft, I’d like to see Sunbutt try something,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves. “If she hurts Ember, Torch will burn this whole Empire to the ground.”

The others all look perturbed by that and Grandbuggy suddenly realizes the implications.

“You know, on second thought, maybe we should go grab her?” he suggests and they all nod. The whole group then starts making it’s way towards the messy princess and run into the CMC.

“Hi Mr. Fix,” Applebloom says. “Where ya’ll headed?”

“Hey girls. We’re just trying to pick up a wayward lamb,” he says.

“There’s sheep here?” Sweetie asks looking around, but she gets elbowed by Silver who shakes her head.

“I think he means they’re looking for Nightshade,” Scootaloo says.

“Actually no, we’re going towards Ember,” he corrects before he notices your absence. “Speaking of which, where is she?”

“More than likely with Spike,” Diamond answers. “We kind of gave her a pep talk and everything.”

“I doubt that twerp would want to be seen after the anthem,” Garble speaks up.

“Yeah, well, we kind of thought maybe they’d be here with you,” Applebloom says.

“No luck on that end,” Grandbuggy shakes his head. “But we’ll look for her after we drag my buddy’s daughter out of the lion’s den.”

“What lions?” Sweetie asks again, only to get another elbow. And with that, both groups now head towards the VIP seats.

Back With You

“Oh gods, she’s gonna get herself executed,” you say as you see Celestia getting red as a tomato.

“…You know, normally I’d say she wouldn’t risk an international incident…but that doesn’t look too good,” Spike reluctantly agrees.

“What doesn’t look too good?” asks Shining Armor, startling you both as he suddenly appears next to you two.

“Ah geeze, give a girl the heads up Mr. Armor!” you chide and he looks sheepish.

“Uh, sorry about that,” he apologizes. “But seriously, what’s got you two worried?”

“My friend Princess Ember is probably going to get vaporized by Celestia!” you say pointing towards the vip seats.

“I don’t think she’s going to do that,” Shining says.

“Are you kidding? Look at that face! She’s definitely planning to-“

“No he means she physically can’t. She went through the magic debuffers like everyone else,” Spike reminds you.

“Oh…well still, she might be planning something afterwards!” you say resolutely and Shining chuckles.

“It’s gonna be alright Nightshade. Cady’s up there smoothing things over,” he says confidently. “And besides, Princess Celestia knows better than to start an international incident.”

“You all keep saying that,” you roll your eyes.

“Because it’s true,” he smiles. “Why do you think she left Blueblood behind in Canterlot? He’s still grounded and she won’t let him complain to any other foreign visitors.”

“Wow, still?” Spike asks and he nods.

“Yup. That’s why Flash isn’t here. He’s keeping an eye on him.”

“Are you sure you didn’t do that just to keep him away from Twilight?” Spike asks with a cocked eyebrow and Shining’s eyes go wide.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says while looking away from you both.

“Mmhmm, sure,” you say with a knowing grin and the stallion just purses his lips.

“Ahem, but that’s neither here nor there. Celestia and Luna aren’t going to harm the Dragon Princess. We have enough problems worrying about Nightmare Moon and Changelings to add dragons to the mix.”

You frown as he says that, but it goes unnoticed by him.

When Cadence and the rest of us finally get you in a small room to finally see some bucking reason, you are sure going to feel embarrassed! You think vindictively as he turns to watch the archery competition.

“By the way Spike, I hope you’re not planning on singing any more anthems are you?” he asks and Spike buries his face in his claws and groans.

“I’ll take that as a no,” he says before coughing and looking back at the event.

You’ve gotta be honest, even though you’re worried for Ember’s safety, the Ice Archery competition is pretty cool (pun intended). The way the arrows fly and latch onto the targets which then hold in place with magically laced ice is a great spectacle.

“…You know, isn’t that kind of dangerous?” you ask Shining Armor.

“Of course it is, but these competitors are the best of the best, so they know how to safely handle their weapons.”

“I meant more along the lines that they’re using magic weapons and everyone else in the stadium is depowered. What if an arrow gets misfired?” you hypothesize.

“That shouldn’t be an issue. The ice is only activated via water doused on the targets themselves, and any bystander is outside the range of the projectiles being able to cause damage,” he explains.

“Oh, okay. So as long as they don’t hit any water sources they’re harmless?”

“Pretty much,” he nods.

“Ah, alright then.”

Not Even Ten Seconds Later

“Why do I even open my bucking mouth?!” you shout in frustration. A stray arrow from one of the competitors misfired into the sky and hit the one freaking cloud over the stadium providing shade. Said cloud has now morphed into a jagged, spikey glacial mass and gravity has decided to give it a big hug.

Shining Armor of course ran onto the field and started barking orders as underpowered pegasi took to the air to try and slow the chunk of ice’s descent. But of course, because they are underpowered, the iceberg continues to fall and because no unicorn has access to their magic and they can’t cut the spell in time. There’s no way to stop it.

“We were literally just talking about this!” Spike exclaims. “How did-“

“Lady Luck Spike! Lady Bucking Luck!” you growl as you see everyling scrambling about. You even spy Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash amongst the group of pegasi trying and failing to stop the impromptu comet.

Celestia and Luna gasp in shock, their annoyance at Ember forgotten, but they don’t do anything else. Ember herself just stares slack jawed along with them and contributes nothing.

“Seriously! I don’t care how many cheaters there are, someling’s still gotta have their magic active to avoid bullspit like this!” you curse angrily at idiocy of these ponies before both you and Spike come to a realization.

“Wait a minute! Nightshade! Your power wasn’t disabled!” Spike says.

“And neither was your fire!” you add.

The both of you absorb this info before you both smirk confidently at each other.

“I’ll halt it’s progress,” you say.

“And I’ll burn it down!” he nods confidently, shedding his disguise as the both of you rush onto the field.

“Dash! Move!” Spike yells.

“Fluttershy, get the buck out of the way!” you shout.

Both pegasi look at you in confusion before you light up your horn and your magic encases the iceberg.

“You heard the filly, get out of the way!” Dash orders as the weakened pegasi let go.

“You got it Shade?” Spike asks as he starts parkouring back to back of the spread out pegasi.

“Yup! I’ve moved the moon before so this is noth-IIIIEEEE!” you shriek as you feel a familiar wave pass over your body and the shards under your scarf start to burn.

Oh come on you stupid bucking heart! I’m trying to save people! You think in rage as yet another pulse activates from the distant artifact macguffin and you feel your control waver.

“Buck!” you shout as sweat begins to bead on your brow and your eyes start to glow even as you begin to struggle to hold the ice steady.

Come on Spike! You think strenuously. And with perfect timing, he answers your prayers. With all the pegasi away from the iceberg, Spike leaps from Rainbow’s back, takes a deep breath, and unleashes a large blast of green fire that envelops the whole thing.

You, and everyone else in the stadium are at a loss for words as Spike’s jet of flame decimates the iceburg within seconds and turns it into steam. Before you know it, you grip nothing in you telekinetic grip and you let out a sigh of relief as your eyes and shards stop glowing and the Crystal Heart stops sending out waves.

Water begins to rain down onto the field as Spike superhero lands, pulls an umbrella out of nowhere and holds it above you both.

That was smooth as buck, you think a bit as you swoon over how cool he looks right now. There is a moment of silence, before cheers reign out throughout the stadium, nearly deafening you. Up in the stands, The Outcasts, CMC, Deadly 6, and even the Princesses all applaud your actions and heroics.

“So that’s why they call him their savior? Huh, well done little guy,” Ember says aloud, deeply impressed by the flames he produced.

“Yup, they make a great team don’t they? My number one assistant and my number… one…student?” Twilight’s words trail and her eyes widen in shock. Right around that time more eyes and gasps begin to permeate through the applause.

And while you’ve been blushing at both the applause and standing triumphantly by Spike’s side, you’ve begun to notice the tonal shift in the crowd.

You see confused, shocked, and even downright frightened faces appear throughout the crowd.

“What are they scared of?” you say aloud as the applause starts to die and the murmurings become more prevalent. You look around for any other signs of danger, but see none, even as a surprised Shining Armor appears to be calling for aid. You spy Grandbuggy, The Outcasts, the CMC and the Deadly 6 on your side looking pale as a sheet and goosebumps break out on the back of your neck. You look over to the Princesses’s…and you see a shocked Twilight, a horrified Cadence, and a very, VERY pissed off Celestia and Luna.

“What’s going on?” you whimper and back into Spike who has also been confused by the change. But in backing into him, he gleams the answer.

“Nightshade! Your Wings!” he exclaims.

“What?!” you gasp in shock and look at your back. Sure enough, your beautiful dark wings are on display for the whole world to see. “Wha-Why? They?!” you sputter before you realize what happened.

That Stupid Bucking Crystal Heart!

Maybe this is what Grandbuggy was talking about when he said don’t do anything. BUT THAT WAS A BUCKING EMERGENCY IF I EVER SAW ONE! You think angrily as you’ve gone and done it.

You’ve pulled a Daddy.

“Nightmare Moon! How dare you show your face here?!” Celestia calls out from her seat, which quiets everyone else down.

“Oh of bucking course!” you facehoof and growl. “Cheering one moment then getting angry the next, how typical!”

“By order of the crown, surrender now or we will utilize force!” Luna calls out, though she appears to be more fearful then angry at you. As she says that though, Shining Armor and a mix of crystal and equestrian pony guards start to group up.

“Seriously?! I just saved everyone and this is the thanks I get?!” you call out to them indignantly, your voice echoing throughout the stadium.

“From a problem you likely caused!” Celestia snarls through bared teeth. “Now submit yourself to the dungeons or we attack!”

“Aunties, come on, let’s think this through,” Cadence tries to talk down but is ignored as Twilight just looks slackjawed at you.

“But Princess Celestia!” Spike calls out. “She isn’t Ni-“

“Spike! Get away from her quick!” Luna cautions. “She will warp your wants and desires and use you like a tool!”

“Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! I just helped save all of you! Can’t you see I’m no threat?!” You shout, stomping your hooves as your shards glow beneath your scarf.

“I will not let your wrath continue Nightmare Moon!” Luna proclaims as those in the stadium look on in anticipation.

“Oh for the love of- I’M NOT NIGHTMARE MOON! I’m NOT MY MOM!” you shout using the RCV which stuns everyone.

“Mom?” Twilight mouths, still frozen in shock.

Ember begins to sweat as the confrontation occurs.

“I’m just gonna…” she starts before ducking out of the royalty section.

Smart move Em, you think while you still face the princesses glare for glare. You also catch sight of a gobsmacked Grandbuggy who is desperately waving for you to retreat while the rest of the Outcasts and CMC look around nervously. Pinkie and AJ are slowly making their way towards the field with a completely shocked Rarity being dragged behind them. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, unlike the other pegasi start to move towards you, but they are suddenly blocked by guards.

“Nightshade?” Spike whispers nervously as more gather but you stand resolutely.

“No, it needs to be said Spike!” you tell him as four years worth of frustrations bubble up to the surface. You’ve always been on the run, never having a stable home. Your parents and you are hated unjustly, and you just want some freaking peace and happiness with those you love. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, you’re not running before giving your opinion. So, you glare right back at Sunbutt and release all your malice.

“Quit Calling Me Nightmare Moon! Not Even My Mom Is Called That Anymore! My Name Is Nightshade, And My Mom Is Princess Selena!” Many ponies begin to whisper at this declaration but the Sun and Moon Princesses frown.

“There is no such Princess! Your lies cannot save you now demon! Release that poor filly and dragon at once! Using her as a host is bad enough, but to trick her into thinking you’re her mother?! Have you no shame?!” Celestia roars with surprising anger, catching you and everyone else off guard. Her anger seems to knock Twilight out of her stupor somewhat as she blinks rapidly, looking between her mentor and you, and Cadence more hurriedly is trying to talk her aunt down, but to no avail.

“Don’t you dare call my Mom a demon!” you roar as the shards begin to shine brighter and hotter causing a dim glow to seep through your scarf. “She’s done nothing but be the best mommy she could be for me and my daddy! She’s changed! Why can’t you see that?!” Your anger only doubles as a wave of tingling nausea hits you from the Crystal Heart, and you curse the long dead Amore.

“More of your lies! I won’t let you continue to cause pain and misery to my ponies or anyone else! You’ve done enough damage dragging that poor changeling into your schemes! Causing him and this filly hardship, I won’t stand for it!” Celestia shouts back, her voice cracking, and tears welling in her eyes. All across the land, ponies watch on through magically projected screens as no one cuts the feed.

“Oh please! It’s been you bucking morons who’ve been causing us trouble!” you curse, spit flying from your maw as another wave washes over you. And as several parents cover their children’s ears from your profanity, you continue. “All we have ever wanted was to live a happy life with each other! But because you ponies are so bucking stubborn, we’re always on the run! My daddy tried so hard to be a hero for you all, but you wouldn’t have him!”

You hear countless mutters of who your father is and you grit your teeth.

“The Hooded Offender You Bucking Idiots! He’s not some pawn, he’s Mommy’s Special Someling, and the best Gorramned Dad in the world!”

“Wait,” Luna starts as her eyes alight in understanding. “If you inhabit Sir Tennant’s daughter then…”

“Baker is The Hooded Offender?!” Twilight exclaims in shock as the geas is finally broken for her.

“Say what now?” you hear McStabFlank bellow, but you ignore her.

“Yes, he is. And sure he’s got a temper, both of them do, but look at you right now! Slobbering like an angry timberwolf!” you insult Celestia and several gasps erupt. “They had bad days, but they’ve always tried their best to make things right, but you kept screwing things up!”

“We have only ever tried to fix the misery you’ve put this nation through!” Celestia roars and your eyes start to glow. Even the dull pain of the Crystal Heart waves seem distant as you clench your teeth.

“Oh, and what about the misery YOU put us through?!” you stomp your hooves, causing the ground to crack. “Always forcing us to move from town to town, never getting to stay with the ones who actually love and embrace us, never having something more than a fleeting moment of peace to ourselves?! You’ve caused that! You jump to conclusions because in your mind there’s no possible way you could ever be wrong!”

The guards start to surround you, but they keep their distance and more than a few look weary, even Shining Armor.

“Even now, you’re trying to fight and I’ve done nothing but help out!” you shout, pointing to the guards. “Didn’t you all see me and Spike stop that stupid iceberg?! Well didn’t you?!”

More murmurs abound at that as you see your group link up with Ember as the rest of the Deadly 6 head towards the field.

“But no, you’re just going to ignore that because you don’t like it like you always do. Like You’ve Always Done!” you bark as the glow in your eyes becomes more intense and the red glow illuminates your scarf. “We’ve tried to stay away, tried to just be happy, but you won’t let us! If we try to help someone, we get yelled at for that too! You just don’t stop hunting us!”

“Because we cannot allow you to bathe this world in darkness!” Luna interjects with steely resolve. “You honey your words with sympathy, but you were the one to whisper those things in my ear for so lon-“

“WE DON’T WANT TO BRING ETERNAL NIGHT!!!” you shout, rocking the stadium. “WE JUST WANT TO LIVE!” The tears begin to drip down your cheeks at that and the murmurings stop. “But we can’t do that…we’ll never be able to do that because you won’t leave us alone.”

“Nightshade…” Spike says as he puts a comforting claw on your shoulder and you look to him with saddened glowing eyes.

“Spike!” Twilight calls out on impulse but he shoots a glare at her.

“Hasn’t she been a good student Twilight?” he challenges and she takes a step back. “Well hasn’t she?! Hasn’t she been the best little filly you’ve ever known? That Ponyville has ever known? Isn’t she the best friend anypony could ask for?!”

“Spike the Dragon, that’s not your friend, you have to-“ Celestia starts but he cuts her off.

“Like Tartarus she isn’t! She will always be my friend and nothing you say will change that!” you growls.

“Spike,” you say touched but Celestia fires back.

“And she very well may be, but that thing inside of her is not!” she growls as she and Luna both take flight, followed soon after by Twilight and Cadence. “Do not be charmed by the lies it makes her spew!”

“And that’s why any of this is still happening!” you shout to the hovering princesses. “You make up stupid, convenient excuses to fit your story!”

“Excuses huh? You say that so surely and yet we can see the pain the Crystal Heart is causing you now at this very moment,” Luna says with venom. “Only those of shadow and darkness are hurt by it!”

“Th-That is true,” Twilight says as she gives you a conflicted stare.

“Of course it’s true! Do not be lulled by her practiced pleas,” Celestia announces, to the stadium just as much as to Twilight.

“Luna! Celestia! Stand down already! This situation is-“ Cadence again tries argue, but you shout over her.

“That’s not reacting to me ya stupid bucks! It’s reacting to this!” you bellow as you rip your scarf off, revealing the Alicorn Amulet shards which almost blind you with their red hue. “This stupid thing is why you’re stupid heart is hurting me you stupid flankholes!”

The reaction is just what you were hoping for, as even more ponies gasp, and even a few faint as the Princesses aside from Cadence flinch back. Spike even gulps and clutches closer to you.

“Yeah that’s right! This is the Alicorn Amulet and it’s a pain in the flank!” you cry out to the stadium and the magical recorders. “I got this injury while saving the folks over at Rainbow Falls so you’re bucking welcome!”

Luna looks horrified by your scar, Celestia looks angry, and Twilight actually looks worried as Cadence gestures for Shining Armor and the other guards to keep their distance.

“Nightshade…” Twilight starts in a voice filled with pity. “Where did you find this? How? Why?”

“Some mysterious jerk that likes writing letters sent it to me,” you tell her. “And I just want it off already.”

Twilight’s ears perk up at this before she looks over at Celestia and Luna, just as the rest of her friends draw closer.

“Princess Celestia!” she calls out. “She might be telling the truth! I saw what the Alicorn Amulet did to Trixie! We have to help her or-“

“Why is it never enough?” Celestia says in a quiet voice which sets off warning bells in your head.

“Princess?” Twilight questions.

“Sister?” Luna asks in concern.

“Was it not enough?” Celestia asks aloud as tears drip down her cheeks. “Why does everything you touch lead to suffering?”

“Maybe you should ask yourself the same question,” you growl back as you hold tighter onto Spike. She clenches her teeth at that and glares at you.

“Either way, whatever you say here during this spectacle, the fact remains, you are connected to Nightmare Moon in some way, and you’ve even admitted it,” she says as she lands in front of you. “Our anger aside, you must submit. Give up now and let’s put an end to this.”

You look at her defiantly as she stands above you and you scowl.

“How about no?” you say plainly and her eye twitches.

“Nightshade, we can all work this out,” Twilight tries to mediate. “We’ll figure things out, but let’s all just-“

“Do you have any idea how stupid that is Ms. Twilight?” you interrupt which shocks her. You then look between the stern faces of the Sun and the Moon. “With my luck, my parents will return and hear about me being taken in by you all and things will just go wrong again. They’ll overreact, there will be a big fight, and then we’ll all just be back to square one.”

“But if you are in fact vindicated, then you should have no worries,” Luna says, seemingly willing to give you a shot but you just shake your head.

“There’s always going to be misunderstandings, and mishaps because Lady Luck hates my family. So the only way to avoid all that is to not play at all,” you say as your eyes and shards dim down.

Not a peep is heard throughout the whole stadium and all you can hear is the breathing of the four princesses in front of you.

“…You don’t really have much of a choice,” Celestia says hollowly as she looks like she’s barely restraining herself from leaping at you. “You are surrounded.”

“Yeah…about that,” you say as suddenly you activate a pulse of magic through your horn which pushes them, and the guards away from you. “You still don’t have your magic activated yet ya dumbbucks!”

Celestia looks dumbstruck at that and looks over to Shining Armor.

“Shining Armor! What’s the meaning of this?!”

“I don’t know! I sent the order to deactivate the dampeners minutes ago!” he says, but you notice him giving a quick glance to Cadence, who smiles briefly.

“Guards! Surround her and make sure she doesn’t escape! And someone get the field down and-“

“Belay that order!” Cadence speaks up and the guards stop moving.

“What?!” Celestia sputters.

“Auntie, you keep forgetting that this is Mine and Shining’s Empire, not yours,” she says sternly. “You are our ally, so I beg of you, stand down.”

“Cadence! We-We have to-She!” Celestia sputters, but no guard makes a move, not even Shining.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t go against my wife,” he says in determination and Cadence just absolutely beams at that. She then composes herself before looking over at you with a questioningly look, as if she’s asking what you’re next move is.

I should probably take this opportunity and run away with Spike, you think as you are given a golden opportunity. I’ll link up with the Outcasts, we’ll lay low and…and…

And then what?

You talked an awfully good game about not continuing the cycle, but if you leave now, nothing will have changed. With the eyes of the whole world upon you, you let loose your pent up frustrations…but now you can speak with a clearer head.

Taking a page out of Daddy’s book since you’ve already committed, youlook to the audience around you.

“So, does anyone else feel like trying to take me in?!” you challenge and several ponies shiver in dread. “Are you sure? I’m one of the most searched for beings in Equestria and just a little filly right? Oh, that’s right, you saw what I could do!”

After that exclamation you look directly at Celestia and Luna.

“I still have my magic and yet look at me! I’m not going to do anything with that power!” everyone looks at you in anticipation, so you continue. “I’m not going to hurt anypony, I’m not going to cause any property damage, and I’m certainly not going to go to jail. I’ve got no plan, no weapons, and most importantly, nothing to lose.”

You look directly into the magi-cams as if you were looking at the wider audience’s eyes and continue.

“For too long have I been running, and too long have I cried over that fact. Well no more! I’m not giving up, but I’m not going to run away this time!” you exclaim. “We can clear everything up right here and now, and it’s all thanks to this dragon right here!”

“Say what now?” Spike stutters.

“I want you all to remember that! That the only thing I did today was help save some ponies, even if Spike could have done it all himself. I wanted to help because that’s what friends do for each other. And he is my best friend in the whole wide world and beyond!”

He blushes in embarrassment at that, but he nods and holds your hoof.

“She’s right. With all her power, she is not evil, and neither is her family,” he exclaims.

“And if you can’t trust the word of Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious, then who can you trust?” you challenge and the vast majority of Crystal Ponies start whispering at that.

“Do not listen!” Celestia orders everyone. “She has clearly manipulated his mind like she did to my sister so long a-“

“Your majesty! This is all just a big misunderstanding!” Applejack interupts as she reaches the princesses.

“It is?” Rarity says in disbelief.

“Yes Rarity, it is!” Pinkie admonishes. “She’s not possessed by Nightmare Moon!”

“That’s right! She’s definitely her daughter, but she’s not her!” Rainbow Dash defends.

“A-And…and that’s not even who she is anymore!” Fluttershy exclaims, with only a hint of reluctance.

“Girls?” Twilight says looking to her friends. “What are you saying?”

“We’ve all known Twilight,” Spike says from beside you.

“We’ve known for awhile now,” Cadence reaffirms and the other three princesses look absolutely confused and betrayed.

“Well I didn’t!” Rarity bellows, but is ignored.

“Why didn’t anypony tell me?” Twilight says sounding hurt.

“Because we were trying to fix things somewhat so that this could go easier,” Applejack admits.

“Yeah, we weren’t exactly planning on telling anypony like this,” Pinkie says as she looks around at all the stupefied faces and into the magical recorders.

“Well why wasn’t I informed?” Rarity grumbles and Fluttershy whispers in her ear. “I am not that bad a gossip!”

“Is…is this some sort of conspiracy?” Luna says while whipping her head back and forth.

“No Aunt Luna, this is the truth,” Cadence says as she rest a hoof on her shoulder. “And this has gone on long enough. Nightshade and her parents aren’t the enemy…they’re family.”

Even more gasps fill the stadium and Celestia snaps her head towards her.

“Excuse me?!”

“She’s my cousin Aunt Celestia, which makes you her aunt as well,” Cadence says resolutely.

“Wait, she is?” Shining says stupefied.

“Yes honey, she is,” she nods. Luna seems rather overwhelmed by this information, as does Twilight who is trying to process it all, but Celestia just becomes more frustrated.

“However this situation truly is, you imply that Nightmare Moon is my kin?!” she shouts and Cadence takes a step back. “That the monster that forced me to banish my only sister for a thousand years, that caused all this misery and mayhem upon my people, is family?!”

“Auntie, I-“

“I CAN NEVER ACCEPT THAT!” Celestia shouts as her mane frizzes and she points a hoof back at you. “I don’t know whether this is truth or if you’ve just manipulated their minds, but you still must submit!”

“I don’t HAVE to do a bucking thing!” you respond in irritation. “I haven’t done a single thing wrong, and I’m not going to be arrested for your stubbornness Aunt Celestia!” When you say aunt, she flinches back as if you’ve hit her, but you continue. “And since you and all your little friends don’t have their magic, I’d like to see you force it!”

“You…You…” she blathers as her eyes twitch over everypony around her.

“Princess Celstia…I think that’s enough,” Twilight says calmly as she places a hoof on her mentor’s shoulder.

“Twilight?” she asks, suddenly sounding lost.

“This whole situation is overwhelming, but we shouldn’t add fuel to a fire. Let’s all just talk about this together,” Twilight soothes while looking over at you with a wide range of emotions.

Everypony is on the edge of their seats as they await her response. You see the Outcasts watching you intently, and even Grandbuggy looking at you with a hopeful expression.

I may not have heeded the advice in the moment, but if I do nothing here then maybe, just maybe, things can work out…

“I…I don’t know what to think anymore Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia admits in a low voice before glancing at Luna. “I just don’t know.”

Luna looks between her sister and you and bites her lip.

“Celestia, this all started in one shape or form because of me. Nightmare Moon only came about because of me, and these past four years were the result of me being careless and letting my emotions rule me,” she says regretfully before looking at you. “When I suggested executing an innocent filly…”

You remember that night, all so long ago, but you also remember the Nightmare Night where you cheered her up and saw how complicated emotions could really get.

“So let us not make decisions in haste my dear sister,” Luna consoles. “Let’s try to see things the way The Elements and our niece has.”

“I…” Celestia trails off as she is surrounded by the others with inviting faces. And then, it’s subtle, but you see her nod as she closes her eyes.

“Holy crapbaskets, did that actually work?!” you say in a bit of shock as Spike chuckles and wraps his arm around you.

“I think it did,” he agrees as all throughout the audience, excited murmurings abound. You even hear a bit of cheering, and looking over you see the CMC whooping and hollering happily. Grandbuggy, Ahuizotl, Daring, Greta, Ember, and even Garble are all smiling proudly at you.

I…I got through to them Daddy, you think still perplexed as you lean into Spike and your suppressed nerves get the better of you. And thank the gods too, there was no way things were gonna be good if I had to fight Celestia and Luna and all those guards when their magic came back!

Speaking of, Celestia look across at you as she slumps to her knees and gives you a lost and broken look.

“I…you…” she tries to say but can’t seem to find the words.

“How about this,” you offer. “Spike and I go on ahead to the palace, and you all collect yourselves, sound good?”

Before she can even answer though, you hold onto Spike’s claw tightly and start walking back towards the tunnel where you exited from. As you get nearer though, you spy Ms. Harshwinny looking at you both with a look of approval and suddenly all your confidence and happiness is gone.

“Oh Buck! She’s come for us!” you shriek to Spike as you activate a teleport spell.

“Wha-?” is all Spike is able to get out before you appear further into the tunnel.

“Whew, almost avoided certain death there,” you sigh in relief and he looks at you perplexed.

“You just faced down some of the most powerful creatures in the world, but you’re still scared of her?”

“Yeah, because while they’re powerful, they’re not scary,” you point out and he just shakes his head in bemusement.

“I don’t really understand you sometimes,” he says with a chuckle and you smirk back.

“Oh? Well that wasn’t the tune you were singing when you were helping defend me,” you point out and he blushes and scratches the back of his neck.

“Well, you know, I had to say something didn’t I? It was the right thing to do.”

“And I’m grateful for it Spike, you kept me from going overboard” you say happily as you take his other claw in your hoof and look him in the eye. “But what would have happened if a fight did break out?”

“Well, I figured you would have been able to subdue them, or we could have run away,” he says laughing.

He trusts me that much huh? you think dopily as you squeeze his hold his claws harder.

“Spike…would you have run away with me?” you ask, and he starts to choke. “If things had gone worse, would you have come with me and Grandbuggy and the others?”

“Nightshade, I…I…” he stutters, before trailing off as the both of you notice his breath become visible. “Did it just get cold in here?”

Just as he says that, the door in front of you freezes over with thick ice and you both take a step back.

“What the?”

“That was pretty impressive back there dragon, but can you take on ice that isn’t standing still?” a hollow young voice echoes down the corridor and the back of your neck prickles.

Turning around, you spy the Windigo Colt you brutalized all those months ago walk out of the tunnel shadows with a sinister smile upon his scarred face.

“You?” you gasp in surprise and he grins without joy.

“Me,” he says matter of factly.

“What are you doing here?” you say as both you and Spike stand defensively and he nods to a broadcast monitor on the wall which shows the Princesses, Elements and Shining all grouping together and walking back towards an exit.

“Making sure you don’t miss the show you started,” he says simply. “It got plenty emotional, but I think a lot of folks were itching for a fight.”

“What are you-“


When out from the center of the field a large black vine bursts from the ground stopping Celestia and the others in their tracks. A very familiar looking vine you might ad as you see even more of the giant thorned plants burst out all over the coliseum. Ponies panic and attempt to scramble, but the vines cut off all access points, and even cover the entire open roof, blotting out the sun.

“Plunder Vines? But how? Discord’s lost all of his magic!” Twilight yelps as multiple vines wrap around all of the Deadly 6, The Princesses and Shining Armor.

“Have we been duped?! Was this in fact part of her plan?!” Celestia shrieks, still without her magic as all of them are restrained by the wriggling mass.

“No, that’s impossible!” Cadence yelps. “This is-Mmph!” And just like that all of their mouths and limps are restrained.

With the Outcasts, they deftly dodge some vines that try to ensnare them.

“Everyone get down!” Grandbuggy orders the Outcasts and CMC as they all vault over a snack bar and take cover.

“What’s going on Mr. Fix?” Applebloom asks scared.

“Nothing good!” he answers as he peers over the counter.

“I can’t believe we have to deal with these stupid things again!” Greta groans.

“Yeah, and I’m smaller this time so it’s extra crappy!” Garble hisses.

“What are these things?” Ember asks, having not been there.

“Plunder Vines!” Daring answers as she stays close to Ahuizotl.

“It’s worse than that chica,” he warns.

Atop the main vine tendril sits what looks like a large flower bud at first, but even through the screen your eyes widen as you realize the truth.

It’s a hand.

“What?! No! That’s Bullspit! I killed that thing!” you shout at the screen.

“Not all of it,” Frost says with a cold harsh smile.

“And the so-called ‘goddess’ reveals her true self,” a smooth voice echoes across the stadium as Celestia, Luna, and the rest are lifted up into the air as the vines converge and form the plant monster from Rainbow Falls. It gives off an otherworldly groan from it’s misshapen black and green mouth as it’s red eyes glare at it’s hostages.

“Citizens of Equestria, Crystal Empire, and Griffon colonies, behold the princess of the Sun for what she truly is!” The voice booms as the monster lifts them even further up. “An angry and unbalanced mare, who breaks down in the face of a child.”

“Who is that?! Who’s speaking?!” Spike exclaims to the ice colt.

“You’ll see,” he says plainly.

“For too long this incompetent mare has stood as the ultimate authority in the land. Passing judgment on any who would oppose her will. Her thousand-year reign has stagnated and tempered Equestria’s growth, and her arrogance has allowed for dangers to rise all over our homeland. Dangerous and deadly foes from times long past that have returned and threatened our way of life, deranged tyrants who use us as a source of food to fuel their ambitions, and terrorists threatening and endangering our homes, friends, and family!” the voice proclaims maliciously over the speakers and across the projector screens.

“To this I say nay! No more shall we suffer under Celestia’s failure of a rule! There shall be a new order! One run by those willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the security and prosperity of our society!”

Around 30 figures dressed in dark cloaks start making their way through the horrified audience with strange and advanced looking weaponry, keeping them in line as the plundervines trap them in sections.

“We are the true sons and daughters of this great land! We are the liberators who will free everyone from the shackles of the Sun! We are the revolution! We are the cure!” The voice says before the petal hand of the plant monster opens, revealing a hulking metallic mech painted red and black with a black sun symbol on it’s front.

Shining Armor’s eyes go wide and your jaw drops.

“Is that one of those mechs that Mr. Sentry and that Strong Head flankhole had?!”

“It is their suits…well, pieces of it anyway,” Frost says plainly.

“Where once we were the original Crimson Knights, we have been reborn from the ashes, as I myself was,” the pilot says as the hat opens up and a stallion’s face is revealed…or rather most of it. Half of it is smooth and chrome colored with a red glowing mechanical eye offset by his fleshy blue one which glares right through Celestia.

“I am Flag Burner, and we are the Black Suns!” he booms as the cloaked figures all cheer and the monster roars in approval.

“I-It can’t be…” you say as you look upon the visage of the stallion Daddy killed two years ago.

“Oh but it is Nightmare Moon,” Frost says hollowly as black vines slither behind him. “And our vengeance starts now.”

And as he says that, a haunting chant comes from him and the other cloaked enemies on the screen.

There are survivors
They’re coming home
They float in darkness
They’re not alone
Now here they come
Now here they come
Now they will be received
No one could outrun the crash
It was all reduced to rubble
And then again to ash
To the blinding burning light
It’s no use to fight
There’s no one out there

The Black Sun’s take more and more hostages as the vines form more and more cocoon like prisons around them.

There was no signal from where you were
All failed contact, no life disturbed
Hovering above, hovering above, gravity’s lure

The members on the field start securing the crews, athletes, and guards who had attempted to flee into the tunnels. Shining recognizes some shed their guard costumes and pull on cloaks, and now the question to why the magic inhibitor is still up is answered.

We have the force to fight
We have the blinding light
We have the will to win
Forever we’ll defend

Some followers reach the VIP area and take the visiting dignitaries, nobles and elites as hostages.

Knocking out the sun
With a runaway transmission
A force that can’t be heard
Coming in louder than words
Knocking out the sun
With a runaway transmission
A force that can’t be heard
Coming in louder than words

The Outcasts and the CMC fortify themselves within the kitchen staff service-ways, avoiding the vines and terrorists, while vines fill the tunnel system surrounding you and Spike, leaving only the short gap between you and Frost.

We have the force to fight
We have the blinding light
A war is more than heard
Coming in louder than words
We have the force to fight
We have the blinding light
A war is more than heard
Coming in louder than words

Flag Burner grins as his eyes sweep the area watching his plan unfold. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and the rest are completely encased up to their necks with bindings, their muzzles clamp to keep them from speaking as they look on in terror.

Louder! (Louder, Louder)
Louder! (Louder, Louder!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder! (Louder than words!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder! (Louder!)
Louder than words!

As the dark musical number comes to an end, the cyborg pilot of the mech lifts his arms in the air.

“Citizens of Equestria and beyond! We have returned to finish what we started!” he proclaims. “Two years ago I led the charge for change in Fillydelphia…before The Offender murdered me.”

The audience members are ensnared (literally and figuratively) as he gives his speech.

“But not even death could hold me down! For two long years, I languished in pain. But I would not fall, the depths I went to stay alive, fueled by my ambition, my drive, and the need for revenge!” He roars, causing his captives to shudder in fear.

“And now I have returned, stronger than ever before! I will rebuild this nation, this world into a better one! One that will not falter at the first sign of opposition, one that will be able to protect its people and lands from any that would threaten it, and one that will not blindly trust in the words of monsters like Discord and Nightmare Moon.”

“What?!” you exclaim at that retort.

“And it will start with you Hooded Offender!” he challenges, his rage nauseating. “I know you’re here Offender! You would never stray so far from your mistress. Show yourself! Face me you bloody changeling! Or are you too much of a coward to face me now that your source of power has left you!?” Flag Burner cries out.

“Oh for Buck’s Sake! Does Nopony Ever Bucking Listen?!” you curse as he starts spouting the same nonsense you literally just got over explaining.

“Let us finish what you started two years ago! Let us see who is the true savior of Equestria!” he shouts as all goes silent as he waits for his answer.

In two different tunnel systems, both you and Grandbuggy have the exact same thought.

Oh Crapbaskets.

“COME OUT NOW, OFFENDER! THERE’S NO POINT IN HIDING! I KNOW YOU CARE FOR THESE FOOLS!” He roars pointing to his hostages as the plant beast gives them a squeeze causing them to groan in muffled pain. “COME OUT OR THEY WILL SUFFER!”

There is no response of course, because Daddy isn’t there. Gritting his metal and original teeth he tries again.

“Fight me you worthless changeling! I will even leave this suit to fight you hoof to hoof! We will settle our score!”

Again, nothing happens.

“Oh? Did he up and die?” Frost asks cruelly and you glare at him. “Wouldn’t that be ironic?”

“He’s not dead!” you shout as your shards blip and you snarl. “He’s just not here!”

“Hmm, well, the boss isn’t going to like that,” Frost says nonchalantly before he frowns at you. “But I guess that means things are about to get interesting.”

As he says that, the cyborg on screen goes from being filled with rage, to cackling like a maniac.

“Very well then. Perhaps these pitiful fools aren’t enough incentive,” he says as he looks to the tear filled eyes of the Elements and Princesses. “You lot may have been easily fooled, and that’s why you’re weak. I once thought she was a battery to him, but it was the other way around.”

He then looks to the plant monster and one of the recorders.

“Bring Me Nightmare Moon,” he orders. “Her powers are weakened so feel free to rough her up a bit. If that doesn’t get The Offender to come running, nothing will.”

“Oh you motherbucking son of a-“ you start to curse, just as you are pulled to the side by Spike and a blast of ice hits right where your head was a moment earlier.

“You cheapshotting flankhole!” Spike growls as green fire flickers in his eyes.

“Boss’s orders,” Frost shrugs before eying you menacingly. “But I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t personal.”

And as ice starts to billow off of him, and the plunder vines start to encroach upon you, Spike preps for a fight while Flag Burner continues to cackle madly atop his pet monster in his stolen scrap suit with his hostages, and The Outcasts and CMC stealthily move and begin planning. After everything though, all you can do is sigh in exhaustion and disappointment.

“And everything was going so well,” you bemoan.

“I can see now why you and your Dad always curse Lady Luck so much,” Spike growls, a flicker of flame escaping his nostrils.

“Exactly. Buck You Lady Luck!” you call out as you get into a defensive stance.

“Curse her all you want,” Frost taunts as the air gets colder. “You’re still going to suffer Nightmare Moon, even after your pet changeling comes forth and rendezvous with Flag Burner. His death is imminent.”

In the Human World


“I have a rendezvous with death.”

Your head whips around and you stare at Sunset Shimmer.

“What was that?” you ask and she raises an eyebrow at you.

“I didn’t say anything,” she responds.

“Oh…really?” you push, positive that you heard something that sent shivers down your spine.

“I’m positive,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “You probably just heard some feedback from one of the speakers.”

“Y-Yeah…that’s probably it,” you nod, although you are far from certain.

I feel just as perturbed as you do my bug. Something…something isn’t right, Selena says cautiously.

I feel it too, Sombra adds. A feeling of uneasiness and trepidation that I can’t put my hoof on.

You start to sweat a bit nervously also feel an unknown sense of urgency.

“It’s…it’s probably just nerves,” you try to rationalize. “I mean, we’re about to begin.”

“Don’t I know it,” Sunset sighs, thinking you were talking to her.

You sit next to her backstage, not too far from your peanut butter trap. The evening approaches, and the grounds in front of Canterlot High are full of people competing in athletics competition, or browsing the stalls and vendors. But more importantly, the competitors for the Battle of the Bands are all cued up and ready to go.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather help the Rainbooms sing?” you ask her as she looks down and shakes her head.

“I’d just get in the way…and not everyone at school has forgiven me, so I might just screw things up,” she says in melancholy. “Besides, I’ve got to focus on reforming Midnight back into Twilight somehow after you’ve all beaten her so that you can all go home.”

You can see that even though she’s trying to play it off, she is a bundle of nerves and doubts, so you place a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, don’t think this is all just going to rest on your shoulders alone. We’re going to help you through it Sunset,” you encourage and she smiles.

“Yeah, well, still a bit of a tall order either way,” she shrugs.

“Well, we’ll order those tall drinks when the time is right,” you chuckle.

“Who’s ordering drinks?” B2 asks as he walks up with Humbra and Luna. “Because I think I’ll just have a soda.”

“He doesn’t speak for all of us, I’ll take whiskey,” Humbra declares.

“No one’s having alcohol! This is still school grounds,” Luna admonishes. “And Ms. Shimmer, I know that technically you’re old enough as a unicorn to drink, but the fact remains that your human body is still under age and-“

“No one’s ordering drinks! Ugh!” she groans and facepalms.

“Yeah guys, I was just using a metaphor, cut her some slack,” you order. “Also, even if there was booze around, we gotta keep a clear head. We’ve got battle ahead of us.”

As you finish saying that, a microphone tone rings out and Human Celestia announces that the Battle of the Bands will be commencing. There are countless cheers from the audience goers and the many bands that will be participating. You look out and see that the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings are pumped up and ready to go.

It’s finally time, you think as you stand up and stretch your noodly limbs.

Tonight’s the night your group concentrates more magic than the humies have ever seen before. Tonight’s the night you solve your mistakes through the power of rock n roll. Tonight’s the night you save Twilight and get your ticket home. One way or another, it all ends tonight.

Let’s get this over with. I feel the increased need to return home, you think in determination.

Together, we will not fail Bugze, Selena nods in agreement.

We can’t afford to fail, Sombra adds in solidarity.

The lights on stage light up, and Flash Sentry and his band take the stage. You look from him, to your clever trap, and to the humies around you with a smirk.

“It’s Showtime!”

The Battle of the Bands has begun.


Episode 89: A Trap Sprung (Battle of the Bands 1)

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

As the first group takes the stage, you turn your double and his band.

“Alright, so Midnight is definitely gonna notice if we’re out and about, so stick close to the trap. If she comes for you B2, then the peanut butter will catch her unawares and then we’ll have her.”

“I still don’t understand the logic of this. This girl isn’t a wild dog,” Luna says still mystified by your plan.

“Hey, you’d be surprised how often this has worked for me,” you say as you start to don the hobo clothes.

“It has? Multiple times?” B2 asks with a raised brow.

“Well, it was twice, and it was the same stallion…and Caramel isn’t exactly the standard for ponies anyway now that I think about it,” you say with a finger on your chin remembering two of your successful hunts.

“Who?” asks Humbra.

“Some Earth Pony guy back in the real world who me and my daughter tormented multiple times for reasons I can’t really recall right now,” you explain before donning the bandana. “But that’s not important right now. You guys stay here with Sunset and everyone else, and I’ll scope the grounds.”

“Dude, if you’re dressed like that security might throw you out for looking like a dope fiend,” B2 advises but you wave him off.

“Better I look like some filthy hippie than the guy who pissed off the unstable magical girl for three months in a time loop.”

“…Fair point,” he concedes before putting a hand on your shoulder. “Just be careful out there man.”

“One can only hope,” you snark as you pat him on his shoulder. And with that, you slip off backstage and make your way into the hustle and bustle of the Sports/Music Festival.

You know, it’s still pretty amazing that we were able to combine these two events. It’s like a mini Equestria Games mixed with a reality tv talent show, you think as you see some girls from Crystal Prep shooting arrows at targets.

It’s rather contrasting when you think about it, Selena muses.

Which no doubt upsets the crone of that preparatory school to no bounds, Sombra adds as you all catch sight of your former employer Principal Cinch. And despite the festive atmosphere, she still looks like she’s permanently disgusted with everything around her, even as her group wins a contest. When she happens to glance in your direction, you duck down fast into the crowd and move about like a hobo assassin.

Let’s just avoid her general area like the plague. If Midnight just so happens to target her then…well, things happen, you rationalize as you move with the crowd.

Sounds rather callous, Selena points out.

Hey! That wrinkled prune fired me for no good reason! I’m deserved a small bit of payback for that! you mentally grunt as the group skirts the outer edge of the stage.

And as you do, you see one of the groups from Canterlot take stage and you pause for a moment.

Hey, aren’t those the humie versions of those fat and skinny colts that worshipped Trixie?

I do believe they are…and if I remember correctly, Sunset mentioned something about them working for her, Selena remarks as the two pick up their microphones wearing what you assume are hip hop clothes. Your hypothesis proves true when they start doing a rap battle against one another.

Huh…I mean, this is bad, but it’s entertaining, you critique as the two lackey’s sing off.

I find it somewhat humorous actually, Sombra says as you watch the two making hand signals at each other.

You two must be tone deaf then because this is atrocious, Selena says in disgust. Also, this is supposed to be a competition between the other bands, so why are they battling each other?

Shush Selly! I wanna see who wins this one, you respond and she gasps.

Don’t you shush me! She pouts, but then even Sombra adds in a shush and she groans in frustration.

And as the two finish up their epic rap battle…they get booed off the stage.

“Hey now, come on humies, they’re just stupid kids, give them a break,” you try to speak up, but they’re not having any of it. Human Snips and Snails run off backstage while the announcer calls up the next band. All the while though, you notice as the hostility towards the rap battle has been siphoned and congealed behind the stage where the Dazzlings are stationed.

Well, at least that gave us more magic, you shrug.

Wait, who lost then? Sombra asks.

We all did you imbeciles, Selena sighs. We all did…

“You know, it’s on days like this that I’m glad Shimmer stole those two lackey’s from me,” you hear a very familiar voice mumble next to you and suddenly the hairs on your neck stand up on end.

And as Bulk Biceps takes the stage with a violin and begins playing a classy tune, you look to your side and see Human Trixie eating a bag of popcorn and watching the stage.

Adrenaline spikes through you as a sense of dread and guilt come over you. Sure she may not be the real Trixie, but you were caught off guard with having her so close and you flinch backward. This of course is seen by the human girl who looks at you strangely before her eyes widen.

“Wait a second, aren’t you…?” she starts and sweat starts to bead on your forehead.

The guy who pushed your doppelganger into depression and despair? The one who still hasn’t seen her awake in over a year and only visited her dreams the one time? Yes! I’m all those things! I’m scum! I’m-

“You’re the Hooded Offender!” she gasps, but not in accusation, rather in gleeful surprise.


“Oh My Gosh! So it really was you and not a double back at the cafeteria!” she squees with stars in her eyes, and suddenly you feel nervous for a different reason.

Oh no, she’s a fanfilly, you think in dread.

FanGIRL actually , Sombra corrects smugly and you mentally groan.

“Oh, wait, you’re not in costume, you’re just trying to enjoy the festivities right now aren’t you?” she says suddenly holding her hands over her mouth and looking around. Thankfully it seems, no one has taken notice of your conversation. “I’m so sorry about that, I just got really excited.”

“I-it’s alright, heh heh,” you try to placate as you too look around, hoping Midnight wasn’t around to hear. “But yeah I’m just hanging out until the competition’s over.”

“I understand completely,” Trixie nods before suddenly getting bashful and looking down. “Actually, I’m in the competition as well.”

“Oh really?” you say with intrigue and she nods.

“Yup. My other two band mates and I are just waiting for our timeslot…but I hope you like what we have planned.”

“Oh, I’m sure I will,” you say with a gentle smile and she gets giddy again.

“M-my name is Trixie by the way, and while I plan on winning this competition, if for some reason I don’t, can I just say that I’m really a big fan of yours?” she stutters and you smirk as the atmosphere feels a lot more comfortable now.

“Really? I couldn’t tell,” you jest and she chuckles in embarrassment.

“Heh heh, well, yeah. My mother had many of your records, so I grew up listening to you guys. No Hope Without Despair actually got me out of a dark place in my life a few years ago,” she admits seriously and you are taken aback. Noticing the mood swing she waves her hands. “B-But yeah, I really love your music, and the costumes and pyrotechnic shows you put on actually inspired me to take up stage magic.”

“Oh, well, I hope it brings you joy putting on a show,” you say giving her a warm smile you wish to give to your Trixie and she beams.

“I do, I do! I’ve incorporated a few tricks for the song I’m going to sing and-Oh, well I won’t spoil any more. I hope you enjoy it!”

“I’m sure I will,” you nod and she holds in a squee.

“Right, right…and Mr. Offender, I don’t know if it’s too much to ask, but may I trouble you for an autograph?” she asks humbly.

“Sure, no problem,” you nod. “But let’s wait to meet with King Sombra and Nightmare Moon backstage, that way we can all give ya one at the same time.

She fails to suppress another squee at that at the prospect of getting multiple autographs.

“Alright! See you then Mr. Offender,” she chirps before waving and skipping away.

You watch her disappear into the crowd of stalls and people as Bulk finishes up his tune and everyone applauds, and you feel a strange sense of peace.

I…I wonder if the real Trixie will ever be like that again? Skipping for joy and smiling, being optimistic about her magic…

She must first be given the chance Bugze, and as we’ve seen, our doubles in this world do have more than a few similarities, Selena encourages and you nod.

And she will be given that chance once we get back home, you think in determination. Though I think maybe we could do without the whole fanfilly worship like this humie one’s got. Reminds me too much of how I used to idolize Sapphire Shores.

Indeed…Selena trails off and you hear a bit of a growl towards the end to which you chuckle nervously.

You then see Human Octavia get on stage with her Cello.

Alright, the mana gathering is going well, so let’s mosey on into the rest of the activities shall we?

Loganic’s Comment

And so you do. This time though, no one else recognizes you as you make use of the face covering for the hobo outfit. You skirt around a few security guards here and there, but for the most part, you pass through the activities unseen.

You spy on some of Crystal Prep girls that you rescued from Fazbear’s. For the most part, they seem alright, if a bit miffed since they lost a dirt bike relay earlier in the day, but you like knowing their location in case Midnight targets them.

You also see plenty of camera crews, and reporters taking in the sights and sounds, and of course, plenty of food. The food booths though, you are more than certain that more than a few of them have been taken directly from the Carnival you spent so much time trapped in.

You theorize that it only makes sense since Wallflower’s cousin helped organize both events, but still you hope beyond hope that no other time shenanigans happen.

But there are other shenanigans to pass the time.

“Hello Mr. Would you like some Ice Cream?” Pinkie Pie says with her hair in a pony tail from behind a food counter.

“Huh? Pinkie, what are you doing behind the counter? Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” you ask perplexed and suddenly the girl starts to sweat.

“Whaaaat? I’m not Pinkie Pie, my name is Myla Telhumon, heh heh…” the pink girl says with shifty eyes.

“Are you serious?” you deadpan and she starts to scratch the back of her neck.

“Yup yup! Totally serious! I’m totally not a clone that fell into a glowing crack in reality which changed my species,” she denies and you roll your eyes.

“Uh huh, nice prank Pinkie. Give me a scoop of Rocky Road, but then quit fooling around,” you order and she nods profusely.

“Right! Whatever you say Mr!” she salutes, before giving you your cone. After giving her the correct coinage, you walk on.

“I know it’s in her nature to be silly, but she’s really pushing it with how narrow a time our plan can work,” you shake your head before you get a text. Looking at your phone, you see it’s a selfie of Pinkie and the others in full costume right as they’re about to go on stage.

“…Wait a second,” you say as you turn back to the ice cream stall, only to see no one behind the counter.

Bugze? Selena questions.

Uh, it’s nothing, I think, you excuse as you shake your head at the ridiculous notion that it might have been one of the wayward clones. Just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Yeah…

And as you walk away further, the ice cream girl pops back up from behind the counter with a fresh tub and wipes her brow.

“Boy is it hard to get used to these finger thingies…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Awhile Later

After sleuthing around for a few hours, you have seen no sign of Midnight’s presence. The competitions themselves have all ended by this point, with Canterlot and Crystal Prep being tied, so now all eyes are on the Battle of the Bands. And thanks to your group’s machinations, The Rainbooms and Dazzlings have made it to the final rounds, but so too has Trixie’s and Flash’s band.

The Wanted are on their toes in anticipation, especially B2 as you see him itching to play a guitar after giving Trixie an autograph, but everyone else is laser focused on their duty. Everyone that is except for Sunset.

You had hoped that she’d have calmed down and gotten more self confidence enough to join the Rainbooms on stage, but it seems that time has only led to the opposite.

“Sunset come on, there’s only a few more songs left, why don’t you go out there with your friends?” you encourage but she bites her lip and looks down.

“With everyone out there getting their emotions riled up and manipulated, I think the last thing anyone wants is to see me. Most of the school still hates me…as they should,” she says in melancholy and three sets of hearts break. Yours, Selena’s and Sombra’s.

Oh come on now! Sombra bellows.

My sweet little girl! Bugze! Comfort Her! Selena orders.

Of course I will! You respond sadly as that poor pitiful kicked puppy look reminds you way too much of your own high school/army experience. Placing your hands on her shoulders, you take her aside and make her look you in the eye, which surprises her.

“Sunset! Don’t go saying bullspit like that! You don’t deserve to be hated! No one does!”

“I beg to differ,” she says degradingly. “All of this is my fault.”

“No it’s not, it’s mine after all I-“

“I started all this the minute I stepped through that portal and decided to build an army to spite Princess Celestia!” she interrupts with conviction.

“But that’s in the past Shimmer, you aren’t-“

“I’m not like you Bugze,” she says downtrodden. “Your adventures and mishaps, being labeled as a villain, it was all things outside your control and lots of miscommunication. Me? I was a true villain. I turned friends against one another, I schemed and manipulated myself to power, and the only reason I didn’t succeed was because I was defeated.”

She then looks out as the Rainbooms continue their performance.

“They offered me a chance to turn a new leaf and I accepted, because what other choice did I have? But it’s only been a month and I haven’t earned such forgiveness. Even if we save Human Twilight, what if I can’t open that portal for you? You won’t get to see your daughter for three years and-“

“I believe in you,” you interrupt and she stops midsentence. There’s no exaggeration, no over the top conviction, or silliness behind your words. These four simple words are direct and to the point, and most importantly are the truth. They are four simple words that you wished someling had said to you when you were alone in The Hive.

A range of emotions flash across Sunset’s face as you say nothing more. Surprise, fear, shame, guilt, happiness, and finally determination shifts through her expression and demeanor and this causes you to smile. You step back as Sunset collects herself with a few deep breaths before giving you a confident look.

“Thanks for that,” she says gratefully. “I’m, uh, I’m sorry for being such a mess.”

“Don’t worry about it, we’re all a bunch of messes after all,” you say with a smirk. “The important thing is, we’re willing to clean ourselves up.”

She smiles at that and nods.

“You really think I can pull this off?” she asks and you nod.

“Of course I do.”

She nods again to herself before taking one last breath and looking up.

“Thanks Bugze. I may not feel as confident as you are, but I’ll believe in the you that believes in me,” she says before pulling you into a surprisingly warm hug. “Thank you…”

“Any time Shim Sham,” you say as you pat her head and she giggles.

Awwwww, Bugzeeeeee, Selena coos as if she’s just seen the most adorable thing ever.

Yeah, yeah, I know the situation is cute and heartwarming, you snark through the warm feeling you have.

WE HAVE TO ADOPT HER NOW! Selena shouts ecstatically and your eyes widen.

“What?!” you exclaim and Sunset flinches and looks to you in confusion.

“Huh?” she questions as you awkwardly get out of the hug.

“Sorry, I gotta take this call,” you chuckle nervously before turning around and staring off into space.

“Oh right, I’ll leave you to it then,” Sunset waves off good naturedly as she wanders closer towards the stage to watch her friends.

Selena, what the buck?! We’ve talked about this!

Yes because it bears repeating! She will make the perfect big sister to Nightshade!

She’d make a perfect big sister to me! I was still a kid when she crossed over! You counter.

But thanks to the time manipulation, she is the perfect age and unlike Adagio, Aria and Sonata, she doesn’t have parents to return to! She argues stubbornly.

Maybe the “perfect age” in THIS world, but if she crosses over with us, we’re gonna be like the same age! And I don’t think adults can legally adopt other adults! You whine.

If I can weigh in, I really don’t see the problem, Sombra interrupts. Your wife is a thousand years old, so why draw the line at an older daughter?

B-Because that’s clearly two separate things Smokey! You argue back in bafflement before blushing. A-and we’re not married!

Correct, not yet at least, Selena agrees.

Yeah, we-Wait, what? You double take but she keeps talking to Sombra.

And though I agree with your assessment, I’m technically not that old seeing as how I was in a limbo state on the moon, and Luna hadn’t passed her first century before being sent there.

Ah semantics, Sombra rolls his eyes. Who knows, maybe her age will regress upon crossing over and this matter will become trivialized.

If only we were so lucky, Selena says wistfully and you groan.

For the last time! I’m not adopting Sunset!

But Bugzeeeee, Selena whines and you facehoof.

Alright, look, we can discuss how this family you’re proposing will work later! you beg as you look out towards the stage as the Rainbooms walk off and the Dazzlings step up again.

Hmmph, fine, but I swear to make Sunset someone I can dote on with you, Selena relents and you sigh in relief.

And as the Sirens begin another haunting melody, and more wisps of green mana bleed off the crowd, you notice something peculiar. Some members in the audience aren’t contributing to the magic pool.

Huh? What’s up with those guys? Do they not have emotions? You wonder as you look over the interspaced blanks in the crowd. There are a good many of them, and aside from the lack of magic bleed, they also just look…off. They stare straight ahead, almost as still as statues.

Wait a moment, I think I see a pattern, Sombra speaks up.

You do? Well what is it? You ask as you can’t make heads or tails of the situation.

The ones not being siphoned appear to have a twin that IS being drained, he says directing your vision towards a green girl with orange hair who is standing still, and then across the mob to a near identical girl who has green mist coming off her.

Do…do humans have a lot of twins? You think perplexed as you see more twins within the crowd.

No more than any creature I believe, Sombra trails off and Selena gasps.

Bugze, those aren’t twins. Those are doubles! she says in alarm and your eyes widen. Sure enough, every set of “Twin” has on the exact same outfit, and their faces are mirror copies, except for a glint in their eyes.

What? But...Changelings? you guess at first before shaking your head. No, not Changelings, the eyes aren’t right. They’re more feral and brownish like…

It then hits you where you recognize those eyes from.

“Monkeys!” you gasp in horror. Your own eyes then dart back and forth across the crowd…until you see her.

No demonic body or seeping dark magic, Twilight stands at the center of audience in her lab coat and holding a clipboard…and she is looking directly at you. A mountain of dread hits you as she notices you staring and gives you a small, tiny smirk, before disappearing.

It’s then that you and your two skull mates realize something big. This was no longer a trap for midnight, but a trap for you!

You don’t bother to think about how long she knew about the plan as you try to rush on stage, but it’s too late.

A hand lands on your shoulder from behind.

“Nice try Bugze,” Midnight whispers and suddenly everything goes dark and quiet.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

“Oof!” You cry out as you ram into a set of bookshelves, toppling it and everything it held as you crashed into the carpet.

“Aaargh… W-what the...?” You grunt as you quickly push yourself up. Rubbing your head, you look around. “The buck? The school library?”


Your eyes widen and you dive to the side, barely dodging the beam of magic that sails right where you were. Back on your feet, you twist toward the perpetrator, a hand inside your inventory until…!

“Too slow!”

You hear it before you feel it: the crackling of magic and chains. They hit you like a sledgehammer, bending you over your stomach and lifting you off your feet! Somehow, your rear perfectly strikes the cushion of a nearby seat that had been perfectly aligned to catch you, which takes in the final lengths of the chain as it tightly wraps and wraps around both your torso and the backrest. Two more chains follow before you can kick around, binding your remaining limbs to the chair’s legs. Now, you can no longer move, your position so awkward and restricting that it reminds you of your time in the Arkhay Asylum.

You try to wrestle free, maybe break the chair itself, but with the faint glow of magic seeped into the wood, you know it isn’t so simple.

She was ready for me from the start!

The girl herself steps out of the darkness. With a book in hand, glasses on her face, and a lab coat over her arms, she looks as amicable and normal as she used to be, but the intense purple sparkling on her open palm poised your way tells a different story.

“Midnight...” you growl as she stares you down.

“Bugze,” she says simply as her fingers tighten, as does the chains.

“Grrk!” you grunt as you practically hear your muscles and bones creak, pinning your arms awkwardly in place like a straight jacket and keeping your hand stuck inside the Inventory.

Gah! I can’t pull anything out like this! you think as you uselessly struggle and Midnight tuts at you.

“I’ve learned my lesson from the Carnival. 3 Months worth of lessons!” she emphasizes with a scowl. “Out of all your group, you’re the most troublesome and I can’t have you messing up my plans again.”

“Ugh…” You bang the back of your head against the chair to no avail. “What gave the plan away?”

“It’s simple, really. I know that Spike had been altered by this magic and that he helped you fish around in my lab back at Shining’s place,” she says bitterly. “And after that, I activated the audio module I had installed on his collar.”

“What?! That dog was bugged?” you say in surprise.

“Yes. It was actually one of your ideas originally. Getting my bullies recorded saying horrible things about me. Everyone would look for a phone, but not at a puppy’s collar,” she says smugly before frowning at you. “And guess what, it worked.”

“B-But he hasn’t been around us that much since Fazbears! We left him with…with…” your eyes widen as you realize the blunder.

“With Cadence and Shining,” she finishes for you. “This whole Battle of the Bands tripe couldn’t have been possible without someone from the inside convincing Principal Cinch, someone like my dear Sister in Law. And I was right. I heard her telling my brother everything.”

“Oh Gorramnit!” you curse and she just glares at you more and shakes her head.

“First my dog, and now my sister-in-law. You’re driving the people I know to conspire against me….Not to mention you,” she sneers. “You, who told me to stand up for myself. You, who had shown and gave me all this power, only to then try to take it away. I thought you understood, but I guess I was wrong.” She huffs, caressing the bumps and creases of the pages neatly assembled in her tome. “At least books haven’t betrayed me yet.”

You have nothing to say to that. She had her books while you had your video games. Your choices and preferences may differ, but your circumstances are still similar. Had this been in the real world, had the events been different, you wonder…

Was this how the Twilight of your world felt back then?

“But I digress,” Midnight waves off dismissively. “Did you really think I could be caught in such an obvious trap? Lure me with all this magical energy and fight me head on while you power up? I had already figured it out, you know. Those sirens invoke their powers through their voices, not just through those magical stones. I’m not about to take on all three of them out in the open when I had already struggled with just one before.”

She lifts her arms and gestures around, at the books, at the tables, at the shelves. “But here? Here it's quiet. It’s the number one rule of all libraries, after all. There’s no way that their power will reach me. This will be settled on MY terms.”

“Then, those clones…the monkeys” you mutter.

“I had a lot of practice in all those months in the Carnival. Lots and lots of practice. Not just in imparting magic into others...but taking it back from them as well. I just needed a secure and discreet way to harvest all the power you’ve been hoarding.”

Walking batteries then, Sombra theorizes.

Or even walking bombs, Selena adds worriedly. Midnight smiles, seeing your disturbed expression.

“Don’t worry. I’ll use the monkey clones to cause a commotion to orchestrate my escape, at the most. As for if things go my way? I’ll just be sitting in here, waiting while the show goes on without the appearance of their special guest. No derailing, no shenanigans. And once the event is all over, I’ll just have the clones of pure magic quietly leave with the rest of the audience and then pick them up later. Free for the taking, hahaha!”

Her giggles echoes around the room, taunting your ears with the sheer abundance of confidence.

But you can’t help but ask...

“You haven’t had anyone to talk with for a long while now, haven’t you?” you ask in a tone filled with pity

And just like with all libraries, things go silent. Her laughs are swallowed by the books around you. She looks to you taken aback at your look of pity and she snarls.

“...Shut up.”

“I get how lonely it can be when there’s no one else around,” you continue and her face twists.

“Shut Up!” she growls again.

“The paranoia and anxiety, you feel like the whole world is against you, you even convince yourself of that. But that’s not the case!”

“Shut up shut up shut up shut up!” she shouts as a vortex of raw power swirls around her, howling through the bookshelves and smacking your face with the violence of the wind. “What do you know?! Revenge! Power! They’re everything I ever wanted, all I ever cared for, and now I have it all! No more Principal Cinch, no more of those bullies at Crystal Prep! For once I am in control of my own damn life! I’m not someone you can just, just push around anymore! I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone!”

“That’s a lie and you know it! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be taking the time to tell me your plan like some super villain as if you can’t bear being alone in your own head!” You look her in the eye, unflinching to the brewing storm. “But it doesn’t have to be this way. You still have a home to return to!”

“You can’t confuse me! I know what I want!” Midnight lashes out, striking the wind against your defenseless body. “Once I get the power I need, once I complete my prototype, there will be nothing left to stop me! I’ll have ALL the magic!”

You could only grunt, trying to endure as your head blasts back from her power.

She won’t be having a change of heart anytime soon, Sombra grumbles. Not when she is so certain of victory.

Then we’ll simply have to steal it from her. Isn’t that right my bug? Selena says confidently and you merely nod.

Back at the Stage

“Hey guys?” B2 calls, walking over to the rest of his backstage companions. “Have any of you seen Bugze? He’s supposed to be around for whenever Twilight arrives.”

“Hell if I know,” Humbra shrugs. “That guy always does whatever.”

“I’m...sure it’s for a good reason,” Sunset Shimmer says anxiously and B2’s leg rapidly bounces in place.

“Dang it, but why now? The performance is about to end, and I don’t know about you, but the air is starting to get a little...stiff from all that magic they’ve built up. Surely, Twilight has taken the bait by now?”

“Judging by what I’ve heard,” Luna says, “she would find all this magic to be too good to pass up. We just have to wait.”

“Maybe she saw the obvious trap for what is and pissed off?” Humbra brings a girl scout cookie to his face and eats it, chewing thoroughly even while he speaks. “I know I would. I mean, free stuff is sometimes just too good to be true. Like these cookies. So bland and cheap-tasting. Who knows what they put in it to make people keep buying or eating this crap,” he says as he picks up and eats another, and another, and another, and another…

“Dude, you’re not helping your case you know?” B2 points out.

“You guys cleaned out my fridge, okay?! So excuse me if I’m trying to stuff myself for what may as well be my last decent meal for the next month!”

Sunset Shimmer pauses at that. She peers at the clipboard in her hand, which details the order in which the bands must play, and then at the Rainbooms, the supposed to be second place winners who are with them. She bites her lip and B2 notices.

“You look like you got an idea.”

“I do, but… I-I not sure if I should…”

I believe in you.


“Sunset?” B2 asks.

“A tie,” she says as she lifts her head. “We’ll make it a tie. People are going to get riled up, and we’ll force an encore to decide the winner. The event will be extended this way.”

“But that just leaves out pretty boy’s band,” Humbra says pointing at Flash.

“They did beat Ms. Lulamoon’s band, how does he factor into it,” Luna asks and Sunset bites her lip again.

“...I’ve got a dumb idea, but if it all goes right, the audience will be even more bloodthirsty for a finale.”

She then walks over to Flash and begins talking to him out of ear shot from The Wanted.

“You want me to What?!” he exclaims.

Master of Shadow’s Comment

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

A few moments later, and in front of the entire crowd Principal Celestia stands up on stage.

“Alright everyone, I have just been informed that The Stealers have forfeited the final battle despite coming this far,” she says sounding somewhat perplexed, as does the audience. “Which means that The Dazzlings and The Rainbooms are tied.”

Cheers are met at that and the chanting for more which makes the miasma in the air thicker.

“But before that, The Stealers wish to play one more song before signing off,” she announces and the audience groans, wanting the finale to begin already.

And with that, Celestia exits and Flash’s band takes the stage, looking very, very nervous. Flash looks over apprehensively to Sunset who smiles guiltily and he sighs solemnly before looking to his bandmates like a man on death row.

“I’m sorry guys. I’m so so sorry,” he apologizes, but they accept their fate.

“I can’t believe you convinced him to walk into Tartarus like this, “ Adagio says to Sunset, knowing what evil is about to transpire. Sunset looks down guiltily and says,

“I’ll make it up to him.”

“Girl, you better be buying him a Playstation for what he’s about to do,” Pinkie says in dread.

“Or better yet, marry him!” Rarity shudders.

“…I’ll make it up to him,” Sunset says biting her lip as all goes quiet.

With one final sigh, Flash nods at his bandmates…

And begins singing the most cursed song in existence.

Everyone backstage cringes as Flash sings the annoying upbeat tune, but the crowd goes feral.

Boos ring out, as well as grunts of annoyance and rage. Snacks and drinks are thrown towards the band, and even some of the clones/monkeys begin to cry out in anger, but Flash keeps trucking through to the end.

“I feel really dirty witnessing this,” Sonata says sympathetically as Flash continues to Rick Roll and the audience bays for blood.

“Yeah I know what you mean,” Aria nods. “Sure the magic has increased tenfold, but at what cost?”

“A poor boy’s dignity…” B2 says sympathetically as he raises a tearful salute to the sacrifice being made, followed shortly by everyone else.

When the song finally, blessedly comes to an end, Flash starts thanking the angry audience as if he’d just pleased them…and then just to add insult to injury, one of the stage lights falls from above and strikes him to the ground.

And while your group gasp and run to his side to help him up, the crowd goes wild with cheers at the harm to the poor teen.

“Flash, are you okay?” Sunset asks after he is dragged backstage.

“Hey Sunny, your hair looks like bacon,” he says with a loopy grin as his eyes still spin.

“Well, seems he’s unharmed,” Humbra dismisses and Sunset gives him a glare.

“Right…well I don’t really understand why any of this just happened so I’ll just…” Celestia excuses herself and stands once more in front of the riled up crowd.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

With You

Even through the howling winds, your ears pick up the shouts and cries of the audience, and you can feel the increased buildup of magic. Also, the dampened music prickled at you for some reason, but after it’s all over, the cheers of the crowd once more turn to barely contained hype. Midnight’s face flashes with uncertainty at this.

“The output has increased?” she asks puzzled and you sigh.

So it really has to come to this, huh?

Well, what did you expect? It’s just how it usually goes,

True, and that’s why we have the advantage, Selena agrees and you nod.

“I’ll admit, Midnight. You almost got me. Almost.” Instantly, Midnight’s power dies down, her expression folding into disbelief.


“You see, you’ve made one teensy, tiny miscalculation…”

When the music resumes, emotions run wild as the crowd cheers and jeers with competitive spirit, the magic wafting from their very beings. Wisps of power flow in all directions, fading alongside the pyrotechnic smoke.

After that build up of hatred there is so much. There’s so much magic that not even the Siren Trio can keep up with the intake as they sing and sing against the Rainbooms. Not even the monkey doppelgangers can house it all.

The fog floods all over, covering every inch of the school grounds...and leaking into the building itself.

Through the entrance.

Through the halls.

Through the rooms.

Until finally...

“If you really did see through my plan, you wouldn’t have played the game at all. You saw the obvious trap, but still you couldn’t resist taking a lick of the peanut butter,” you say, shaking your head in mock pity. “And now, you’re here. That’s all we need while we set up the stage.” Midnight’s eyes narrow.

“Set up the stage? You’re bluffing. What could you possibly—?”

That’s when she notices it, the smoke pervading the library; spilling in through the cracks of the locked doors, tainting the very air. Her eyes glint dangerously, brimming with magic, as they flicker left and right. “No… No, it couldn't… You expected everything to escalate?”

"This is me we're talking about. Things go from 0 to 100 real bucking fast," you say with a smirk as all around you the fog of mana swamps the room, seeping through the gaps in the books and the bookshelves and hovering along the cold, cold floor, and finally your bound figure. Midnight growls, backing away as her demonic form shifts over.

“The magic wasn’t just the bait, it’s also the trap itself!”

“That’s right,” you say as your eyes begin to glow orange and red with purple mist ebbing out. “And it’s time to spring it!”

“MUDA!” Selena shouts as her spectral hoof strikes Midnight, throwing her backwards.

“Gyah!” she cries as she hits a bookshelf, and loses concentration in the chains which slack. With this opportunity, you are able to grab the Boom Stick out of the inventory and it’s gem glows as you strike at the chair beneath you.


An explosion rings out as the chair splinters and the chains fall slack around you.

“And now noling is in the way…” you say with a twirl of your weapon.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Twilight extracts herself from the bookcase and looks to your fog shrouded form as an aura of menace bleeds off of you.

“Twilight, I know you’re still in there, so please forgive me for what I’m about to do,” you apologize as Midnight growls and holds up a palm of magic, but again Selena’s hoof hits from the side and you rush forth with the Boomstick and strike her back into a wall.

“Forgive you?!” she screeches as she throws a burst of magic your way which knocks you up onto the ceiling. “After everything you’ve done, you want me to forgive you?!” She then flies up and holds you against the cracked ceiling.

“No! Not You Midnight! I Want Twilight To Forgive Me!” you exclaim, shoving the Boomstick to the ceiling and propelling you both to the floor with you body slamming her.

“Gah!” she coughs out as the wind is knocked out of her, but she can’t even get a breath as Selena’s hooves rain down upon her. Grunting in pain, Twilight slams her palms to the ground and dark energy swirls out and strikes both you and Selena back into a wall.

“I AM TWILIGHT!!!” she yells as her eyes blaze with fury and she pants. “I am the Twilight that THEY made. The one that YOU encouraged me to be! And It’s Great!”

Several bookcases are lifted up in her magic and tossed at you, but you break them apart with both the Boomstick and Second Law. Book and wooden debris fill the air as you glare at her with your burning eyes.

“Are you sure about that?! The real Twilight would never allow a library to be destroyed like this!”

“Books can be replaced! This magic, this power…It must be pursued!” she howls before more magical chains burst from the ground and try to entangle you, but Selena is able to deflect them and you get an opportunity to throw them back at Midnight.

“AGH!” she cries as her own chains hit her. You rush forth and aim Second Law right at her face, but she uses her magic to push it upward, and the blast hits the ceiling where you’d collided before. This causes the already weakened material to crumble and both of you are struck by the debris.

“Ah! Stupid Ceiling!” you cough as you push the plaster and wood off of you.

“GRAGH!” Twilight roars as the debris is blasted off of her in a sphere of magic and she holds her clenched fists outstretched. “I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS!”

The whirling winds then start again, and you lose sight of her in the fog. Then from the swirling mass, fists made of debris strike striking out at you fast, hitting you from your face down to your toes, and without your precious chitin, it hurts!

“Ah, Oh, Ek, Ug, STOP IT!” you shout as you cover your face.

“MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!” Selena cries out as she strikes out at as many fists as she can, but you are still getting pummeled.

“I’m not stopping what you started Bugze!” Midnight’s voice calls out from the fog.

“Fine! I’ll do it myself!” you yell as you pull out a stink bomb, take a deep breath, and smash it within the swirling winds. At first, nothing happens as the magic fists still pummel you, but then you start to hear a gagging and coughing.

“Oh what the hell?! Blagh!” Midnight retches as the winds stop swirling, and you see her instead trying to push the stink clouds away from her.

Removed From The Inventory
1 Stink Bomb

Taking your chance, you slam the Boomstick onto the ground kicking up a large pile of debris in front of you, and before gravity takes it back to the ground, you aim Second Law at the pile and pull the trigger. The debris flies forth, crashing into the coughing teen who crashes through the library doors, taking them off their hinges. You then rush into the hallway after her.

Groaning, she lifts herself off but you pin her to the wall with your elbow at her throat.

“Stand Down Midnight! Give Back Twilight!” you order.

“You said that so many times in the loop and it never worked!” she grunts and grips your arm to keep from choking.

“Well maybe you should have! You nearly tore the world apart!”

“ME?!” she exclaims and her eyes flash again blast forms between you and you are sent flying back into the opposite wall. “All you had to do was let me get the damned artifact and none of that would have happened!”

“Oh yeah? And look what you’re doing right now!” you accuse. “What are you possible gonna use all this mana for?!”

“Advance the field of science! This energy source will change everything and I will be the head of it all!”

“All it’s gonna do is further your ego. You’re not gonna share it for the betterment of all humies!”

“Well it’s better off in my hands than a backstabbing liar like you!” she shouts as she flaps her wings, grabs you and starts dragging you across the hallway, striking every locker along the way. Selena attempts to strike back, but inky tendrils flare from Midnight’s wings and block the punches.

“I didn’t lie to you to hurt you!” you growl as the back of your jacket starts to fray.

“Well that backfired then didn’t it!” she yells and slams you through one of the lockers. A heavy textbook and a half eaten sandwich in a bag fall in your lap, so you pick them up strike her in the face with them, causing her to back up.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to help you!” you say as you grab the broken locker door off it’s hinges and strike her across the head with it.

“Help me?! Help me how? Getting me in trouble at school? Burning down a pizzeria? Turning my family and puppy against me?! That motherf***ing CARNIVAL?!” she roars and summons several balls of magic above her head and starts chucking them at you, but you run down the hallway as they strike the lockers after you. “If you wanted to help me you should have just told me who you were from the start!”

“You would have thought I was nuts!” you call over your shoulder, which allows one of the magic balls to strike you from the side and throw you through the cafeteria doors.

“I thought that anyway,” she says as she walks menacingly through the door. “But now you’re just a nuts alien betrayer of trust…”

And with that she summons more lances of energy and start chucking them at you as she begins to sing.

“You’re buzzing round and round and round my plans
Stopping all my attempts to understand.
This is it I gotta know
One of us has got to go!”

She sings as she blasts all around you as you dodge through the sea of lunch tables.

“Show me the truth
Is it gonna be me or you?
Is it gonna be me or you?
Is it gonna be me or you?”

After one of the lances strikes a table in front of you, it flies up in front of you, and using both yours and Selena’s strength, you lift it up, spin around and toss it towards Twilight. You then start launching more at her with the Boomstick as a counter attack as you start to sing as well.

“I know that yo’ real mad
The feelings that you thought you had
Was for the magic guy
Well I’m that tragic guy
I was just a sad bug, camouflaged before your eyes
But you knew my antics were the key to see the other side
I should have told you but I never had the courage
And I thought you really wouldn’t understand (No!)
And now I’m out here just to let my feelings surface
Apologizing for disguising who I am”

Before you can send up another table, she surges forth, tackles you off the ground and slams you into a wall. A window nearby shows the lights and sounds coming from the Battle of the Bands and she points out it angrily.

“Tell me are you who I thought you were
Or who I wanted you to be?
Did you do it all for them!
Or were you only playing me?!

You bash her arms away and get behind her, trying to choke her out with the Boomstick.

“I did it for you
But I couldn’t see it through
Twilight I'm sorry.”

Growling she floats up and begins to spin really fast, causing your legs to flail. You eventually lose your grip and are sent flying into the kitchen itself, crashing into the stove.

“You just keep on playing me round and round and round like some game!
Do you not have any shame?!
You wanted to protect me, HOW?!
This is all my power now!
Tell me the truth
Did you ever care about me and you?
With all of your lies and your secrets too!
Is that what friends should do?!”

She roars as she animates all the appliances in the kitchen. The refrigerator starts shooting leftovers at you, the sink sprays hot water, and the dish washer pelts you with trays, all the while she strikes you against the stove, denting it over and over again.

“You’re all they never saw in me
A kid stuck in the shadow in the background
But I’m out now
People were all this and that
Saying I’m a monster and they were scared
Everything that happened, I wasn’t prepared,”

You then use Bucking Bronco Plasmid which lifts her and the appliances in place and breaks two of your fingers.

“So I hid my magic and chose words instead
Trying to avoid everything I caused and dread
Then you went ahead and took off my mask
Please give me a chance, that’s all I ask,”

“What were you expecting me to do?
First, you were my friend and now you’re you!”

She shouts, flailing in the air.

“Now it’s just me
And you got me begging, please!
Twilight, I'm sorry!”

You apologize as the musical number comes to an end and you lean against the broken, hissing stove and pant.

“I did want to help… to make sure you didn’t end up like me,” you tell her truthfully.

“What?” Midnight says in a deadpan tone

“Back in my world, I was just sorry bug trying to move on with his life. I was all alone in a world that had it out for me. I was alone and scared and I panicked. I ended up doing a lot of bad things, and by the time I realized what I was doing… It was already too late to turn back. The world wouldn’t let me, and every time I tried I just made things worse. I saw you and I remembered how my world’s Twilight acted. I didn’t know what to do. Then I looked a little more and saw a lot of myself. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t end up like me…” You confess before looking around at all the destruction around you and wincing.

“A lot of good that did,” she says bitterly and you sigh again. You then look her dead in the eye.

“I'm sorry…”

Her expression is still grim and malicious, but for just a moment you see a dimming of her eyes and a softening of the posture, but it is quickly swept away. She holds a hand up with another bolt of magic.

“You should be,” she says coldly.

“And I’m sorry for this too,” you say as you pull out the Hoverboard and toss it behind you. Midnight looks to the hunk of plastic that strikes the stove, and it’s then that she hears the hissing of gas. Her eyes widen as the hunk of junk catches flame.

“Oh Son of A-“


The gas ignites and everything burns as the two of you are violently thrown from the kitchen through the wall where you land on the open grounds of the Battle of the Bands and you hear several gasps of alarm, even as music still fills the night.

Your clothes are burnt, your skin is crisped, and for the first time in a long time, you remember why you have a love-hate relationship with the magnanimous fire.

Bugze! What in the Tartarus were you thinking?! Selena scolds in worry.

I wasn’t…clearly, you groan as you lift your head and look to the singed, yet still in better shape than you Midnight who looks extremely dazed with her smoking hair and wings.

Well we’ve survived for now, but it seems her magic was more protective, Sombra observes.

Kichi’s Comment

You hear a crowd starting to murmur and clamber their way towards you two and you see Midnight’s eyes gaining clarity again as she groans.

Well this trap was almost successfully sprung, you think somewhat sadly as you see her starting to lift her head. But she’s gonna escape at this point.

Not yet she’s not! Selena says in determination. Bugze, with all this magic in the air, we need not fight her in the waking world.

It takes a few moments for your misfiring brain to figure out what she’s getting at, but once you do you smile.

The three most beautiful words in the Equestrian language? You snark and she smirks in acknowledgement. Well alright then.

Groaning, you crawl your aching human body closer to Midnight and place your broken hand upon her head.

“Wha-What’s going on? I-“ her pupils shrink as she sees you leaning over her. “YOU! What are you-“

Her words die in her throat though as your eyes flash green and your legion voice says,


And suddenly, both yours and her vision go white.

In The Dreamscape

When your vision clears, you find yourself in Twilight’s mind palace. It is an unsettling landscape of a labyrinth made up of bookshelves and science equipment. Overhead storm clouds swirl and thunder crashes and everything is tainted by a dark purple hue. But aside from the landscape, the biggest thing you notice is your body.

“My Hooves!” you exclaim in absolute glee as you are once more in your true, beautiful changeling bod. You then begin to laugh giddily as you feel yourself up and down. “Ha, ha, ahahahahaaa!!!”

You trot in place, you kiss your forelegs and fingerless gloves and appreciate your smooth, protective chitin that you’ve so dearly missed.

“Oh this is wonderful! How did this happen?” you ask with tears in your eyes.

“Because this is your true self, and how your subconscious sees you,” Selena’s voice says from the side and you look over to see her standing there.

“Selly! You came with me inside Twilight’s mind?” you ask both in confusion and happiness.

“It would appear so,” she says looking at her own hooves and testing the ground of the library like maze. “Though I am baffled as to why, this didn’t happen the last time we took down the Hive Mind.”

“You’re telling me,” Sombra says from behind you which startles you.

“What?! You too?!” you exclaim in surprise.

“I guess,” he shrugs as he looks around mystified. “And I’m all for a change in scenery from your mentally defunct mind, but this…this is not pleasant.”

“Yeah…it’s almost like Twilight’s mind is being corrupted,” you observe as the Midnight purple tendrils wrap around several shelves, warping them at odd impossible angles.

“Perhaps that is the reason we are also here,” Selena says as she walks to your side. “With the scarcity of magic in this world, she is still like a beacon in the midst of the Siren’s fog.

“Well whatever the case three heads are better than one,” you say before cracking your neck. “So, now that we got six eyes, keep a look out for Twilight. It may be hard within this maze but we-”

“There she is,” Sombra interrupts pointing down a twisted corridor. Sure enough you see human Twilight, without the wings, without the dark color scheme in her usual attire and glasses…and she’s struggling against Midnight herself.

“Ugh! Why won’t you stay down?!” Midnight curses at Twilight as the two struggle in a test of strength.

“Because I don’t want to be a bully like this!” Twilight shouts back, even as Midnight overtakes her.

“It’s better this way! No one will laugh at us now!”

“But at what cost?! You’re hurting so many people!”

“No I’m not! Monkeys are used in lab experiments all the time, and Bugze is an interdimensional invader!” Midnight barks back.

“He’s still a person! What’s next, are you going to dissect him?” Twilight accuses.

“I mean, it would be prudent to figure out why cross dimensional travel would cause such extreme body manipulation like his so…”

“Oh for-NO! You can’t do that!” Twilight shouts back, but she is still being overtaken by the winged girl.

“Don’t let your emotions get in the way of science!” Midnight orders.

“You’re the one letting her emotions control her!” Twilight counters and Midnight sneers.

“Maybe I am, but I’m using those feelings of betrayal proactively!”

“But this has nothing to do with him! This is between you and I!” Twilight exclaims.

"Au contraire, it's all thanks to him that we are even like this! Without his lies and idiocy we never would have discovered magic in the first place!”

“B-But he…”

“Even now he’s butting in!” Midnight says pointing towards you, Selena and Sombra and suddenly you are all directly in front of the two.

“Uh…” you trail off not having expected to see such a struggle of the mind. “I guess I was right, the real Twilight’s still in here.”

“We’re both the real Twilight. Two sides of the same coin,” Midnight growls at you before raising an eyebrow. “And is this seriously what you really look like? I mean, I don’t know what I expected when you described a cross between a bug and a horse but…yeesh.”

“Don’t you yeesh me! I’m more attractive then you filthy humies!” you bark back in offense.

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” Sombra mutters.

“Quiet you!” Selena scolds.

“Bugze?” Twilight says in surprise at seeing you.

“Hi Twilight, we’ve come to set you free and all that,” you say giving her a wave.

“Y-You shouldn’t be here,” she says looking between you and Midnight nervously.

“I’ve been saying that ever since I got to this stupid planet, but here I am!” you smirk at her before glaring back at Midnight. “Now let her go!”

“Funny you should say that, we’ve just been having a little “debate” on who should take the reins,” Midnight says cruelly. “Though the arguments for forgiveness aren’t doing so well.”

“That is your opinion!” Twilight growls back before looking to you. “But she’s right Bugze, it’s not so simple as getting rid of her. She IS me. She just so happens to be the one running things right now.”

“Hold then, are you saying you are not a separate entity?” Selena asks in surprise.

“Yes, unlike you dear sweet Selena, I am not some parasite upon another goddess’s brain,” Midnight insults, and while she frowns, you gasp.

“Wait, how do you know…?”

“Don’t go wracking your pitiful brain Bugze, it’s my job to find answers after all,” she says in faux cheer. “I represent all the curiosity, the want of power and betterment, and the pursuit of knowledge. I’ve always been at the forefront of our mind. All the magic did was give us more purpose.”

“And I’m what you could call the conscience,” Twilight speaks up. “The one who still acknowledges the guilt of these immoral actions we’ve been taking. The one who wants acceptance and acknowledgement.”

“Yeah, all the weak unnecessary things,” Midnight chides and Twilight purses her lips. “You stayed quiet and in the background long before I took over, and you were glad to stay asleep as we pursued this research.”

“And that was a mistake! You can’t just keep me silent! To deny me is to deny your humanity!” Twilight argues.

“You know, not to play advocate or anything, but I understand Midnight’s POV completely,” Sombra says and she smirks.

“Thank you Sombra Pony…you’re a lot edgier looking than I imagined,” Midnight says and he just shakes his head.

“But on the same point, Twilight is right. You can’t rid yourself of that little voice that tells you things are wrong, no matter how much you try to smother it. Believe me, I tried. All it did was gather strength till a special little filly broke it free again…and it’s painful,” he says looking right at Midnight. “When that little voice becomes a roar, you will lose whatever path you set yourself upon and you will be lost. The guilt that never before came will consume you...and it will never leave.”

Midnight is taken aback by this, but so too are you and Selena. Both of your jaws are dropped at the eloquent words of wisdom that have spewed from the former dictator’s mouth.

“Dang…Sombra, you okay?” you asks cautiously and he grunts and looks away from you.

“I haven’t been okay since the day I killed Princess Amore…and it’s Nightshade that made me realize that,” he says hollowly. You and Selena look at one another with worried expressions and you are about to reach a comforting hoof to the Umbrum, but Midnight interrupts.

“I am not like you! My goal is not to kill but to control! In a world that neglected my genius, they’ll finally see and realize my worth!”

“Then you are more like me then,” Selena says stepping forth. “You may call me a parasite, but when I came to Luna I was born out of the want of love and acceptance. We went about it in the wrong way though, just as you are doing. They will not love nor respect you if you try to take it by force! I denied this truth for so long and it twisted me.” Selena then looks at you. “And it took the love of a goofy bug and our wonderful child to pull me out of that darkness.”

You smile back at that before facing the unsettled Midnight. “The guilt will always remain, but it can be managed with the help of others.” Sombra looks towards you at that declaration and you continue. “It’s not too late. Become the true Twilight again Midnight, be smart but temper this hurt with those that will care for you.”

Midnight looks at all three of you with a weary look and you can feel strength flowing into the Twilight side.

“They’re right. Please, let’s just end this already,” Twilight pleads to her darker half.

Midnight looks between her lighter side and your group and you can see the doubt flooding her mind. She begins to pant a bit before she looks back to you and pauses…

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“I can’t…” she says softly before snapping her fingers. The dark shadowy corruption within the place suddenly ensnares and suspends Twilight up in the, covering her mouth to keep her from speaking.

"Twilight!" You call out in concern to the trapped teenager before turning to her darker half…and you see tears in her eyes.

“I am still the logical half and logic dictates all,” she says despite the tears as she floats up next to her other half. “There is only a 0.000000001 percent chance of failure due to your interventions. I cannot let that factor increase by accepting your emotions. I can’t! I’ve come too far!”

And with that, the darkness surrounds you, Selena and Sombra like a storm.

“Twilight Please!” you beg. “It doesn’t have to be like this!”

“But it does if I am to succeed,” she says a little more maniacally as she turns from her conscience. “You wanna know how I knew the names and history of those in your head? I saw many, many things within that time tornado with you Bugze. I saw so many wondrous, terrible and intriguing things about your world, but most importantly, I understood you. I know how far you will go and what you’re capable of!”


“And that’s why I know that all three of you have lied and manipulated so many in the past. You may honey your words, but logic dictates I can’t trust you. I know what you three are capable of!” she sobs and wipes at her leaking eyes.

“You only saw a glimpse though! We’ve changed Twilight!”

“It’s true! I am no longer the monster I once was!” Selena calls out.

“I…I still am a monster, but I seek my lost equinity,” Sombra admits to her.

“Lies! People don’t change! And neither do I! This is who I’ve always been…who I was always meant to be!” she says in a deranged tone before snapping her fingers and the swirling inky darkness begins to have forms within it. “And I know how to stop you!”

In the Waking World

A large crowd has gathered over yours and Midnight’s unconscious bodies. Those at the head are The Rainbooms, The Dazzlings and The Wanted.

“Bugze! Get up man! Don’t go dying on us!” B2 orders as he shakes your body.

“They’re not going to die right?” asks a worried Sonata but her sisters put hands on her shoulders.

“No, they’re both tougher than that,” Adagio reassures.

“They’re just unconscious,” Aria adds.

“Well what do we do now?” asks Rainbow as she looks at the concerned crowd who still have the miasma wafting off of them.

“Yeah, Midnight can’t exactly listen to any music if she’s down for the count,” Applejack points out.

“Perhaps we should take them to the hospital?” Rarity suggests but Fluttershy shakes her head.

“It’d be too dangerous if they awaken,” she advises.

“It’s dangerous right now! The school’s on fire!” Celestia shouts pointing towards the flames in the kitchen.

“It’s only a little on fire, calm down Tia,” Luna waves off.

"Is everyone on drugs?! What's happening?!" Trixie exclaims as she looks at all the dazed people.

"Yeah, it's a long story..." Flash says covered in tomato juice.

“Well, the plan may have deviated but it’s all up to Sunny right?” Pinkie says and suddenly all eyes are on her.

“Me?” she says taken aback.

“Yup, you’re the one who has to save Twilight right?”

“R-Right,” she says with a nod, remembering your words of encouragement. “It’s just…I think she should be awake for th-“

Suddenly monkey howls fill the air as the stationary doubles drop their form. All the humans look to see the simians all howling to the sky as if in response to some command, and suddenly, a lot of the swirling miasma is pulled into their general vicinity.

“What in the hell?” Humbra exclaims as the swirling ball of emotional magic congregates in the middle of the monkeys.

“Hey! That’s ours!” Adagio yells, but the monkeys do not respond. Instead, after howling nonstop, each one of them warbles down as they all fall to the ground and begin to sleep. The ball of energy then shoots into the air above everyone and tendrils of energy snake their way into the unconscious Midnight…who’s body begins to rise.

Everyone not affected by the Siren’s magic back up from this display as her body begins to glow and forms sort of a star at the center of all the rest of the Siren’s miasma.

“She took a chunk for herself!” Aria says in shock.

“But how?! She’s still unconscious,” Sunset says in panic.

And as Midnight’s unconscious form reaches the center of the ball, an astral purple dragon begins to encircle it. Through the rest of the Siren’s miasma, a scene starts to unfold.

“Bugze?” Sunset says in surprise as projected through the miasma is the view of a changeling with spikey orange hair, within the center of tornado, standing back to back with a gray unicorn with black hair, and a pitch black alicorn with a night sky waving mane. The girl who is now protected by the literal dragon ball is also present within this projection at the eye of the storm.

"This is my mind Mr. Bugze, not yours. I know everything about you. All your fears, all your hopes and dreams, everything you've experienced so have I! And you know what? You Nightmares Are No Longer Just Yours!"

All the humans watch as the tornado pulsates as the three at the center take defensive stances. Sunset then looks up at the purple serpent growing larger around the ball of energy before looking to the others.

“We have to keep singing!” she says.

“What?!” everyone else guffaws.

“That dragon thing up there is made from the same material as the Dazzling’s magic, which means only magic can hurt it. During the last battle, the energy was radiating off of all of you, Rainbooms and Dazzlings alike,” she explains before taking off her jacket dramatically. “If we even want a shot at stopping this and helping Bugze, we’ve gotta sing now!”

The whole group looks to one another before B2 breaks the silence.

“Ah what the hell,” he says as he lifts Bugze’s body in his arms. “Couldn’t ask for a better comeback stage then the end of the freaking world!”

And with that, the humans all rush back to the stage past the mesmerized audience. As all three bands set up with their equipment, Sunset looks to the projections on the mist towards you.

“You said you believed in me, well let’s see if I’ve earned that trust…”

"Alright you little bastards, none of that poppy feel good stuff," Humbra orders.

"Yeah, If we're fighting a soul dragon, we're going Metal all the way!" B2 says dumping your body at his feet.

"Okay, fine, what do you have in mind?" Sunset asks. B2 pauses, looks to Luna in her get up...and they both smile at each other.

It starts out slow, but soon picks up in tempo as B2 and the Dazzlings step up to the microphone. And as they begin to play, energy radiates off the stage, the serpent takes notice, the mist's atmosphere becomes dire, and cracks begin to appear sporadically across the sky.

Back In The Dreamscape

As you, Selena and Sombra stand back to back, facing whatever threat Midnight has promised in her unhinged state, you notice a shape begin to appear in the mist. Something round.

“Amore?! What are you doing here?! I killed you!” Sombra exclaims. Looking over you see a tall unicorn figure emerging from the mist.

“Luna?! How…?” Selena gasps, and looking to her line of sight, you see the outline of the Lunar Princess starting to emerge.

“Your Nightmare’s Are No Longer Just Yours,” Midnight’s words echo in your head and your blood goes cold.

“Sombra…your reckoning is at hand,” says the shadowy “Princess Amore” and he starts to breathe heavily. Even with your limited historical knowledge though, you can tell something is off. Her color is dark and she seems to be made of inky darkness. Just as you realize that another figure emerges next to her, a smaller unicorn with a medical symbol as a cutie mark, still sporting the same color scheme.

“Hope?” Sombra pants.

“I died old, cold and alone Sombra…old, cold and alone…”

“Thou shalt finally be eradicated parasite!” Shadow Luna says to Selena just as another figure steps beside.

“Together, we will put the past behind us sister,” a dark colored Celestia says.

“I don’t want to fight you anymore!” Selena bellows but the “sisters” do not waver.

Looking between these aberrations you look back into the sky at Midnight. Her face is filled with grim determination, but the tears still flow and her back is to her bound conscience.

"EX..." the shape in front of you says and your pupils shrink as you tear your gaze from the corrupted teen.

“Oh buck no…” you whimper, but it doesn’t change the truth. Coming out of the tornado in front of you is something you wished never to see again.

"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" three Daleks cry out as they head towards you.

“Mother Bucker!” you scream as you pull your Boomstick out...but they aren’t the only the only things to emerge for you.

"Get the Offender! He's right there!"

"For the Crimson Knights! Down with Celestia, DOWN WITH EQUESTRIA!"

"We're being paid to cause destruction boys! Let's do our best and make it all look like an accident!"


Changelings, Stained Shields, Crimson Knights, Royal Knights, all manner of factions you've fought in the past suddenly appear from the dark clumps. Their eyes glowing an eerie yellow while dark magic wisps off them. They all stare at you with cruel smiles full of malice.

“For Equestria! You Must Fall!” two voices declare as Princess Luna and Celestia join the crowd.

“This isn't...this can't be...” Your breathing begins to quicken as panic starts to take over, the sight of all these former enemies overwhelming you completely.

“Oh but it is varmit,” Applejack says as she steps forth.

“You know it would always come to this,” Rainbow continues.

“After all the cruelty you enacted upon us,” Rarity adds.

“How else did you think this was going to end?” Pinkie Pie finishes.

Then from between them step Fluttershy and Princess Twilight.

“You can’t save Twilight, you’re useless,” Fluttershy scolds.

“You can’t save anyone you monster,” Twilight adds and the tears start to flow down your face.

“You will never be a hero,” Trixie says as blood gushes out her chest and your heart sinks.

“You will always be just a murderer,” Flag Burner says, is face bashed in and bleeding.

“A murderer that must be brought to justice,” the Crimson Knight Generals say in unison as Pyramid Head steps out.

“This is…This is…” you choke on your words as panic wells inside and you try to back up…only Selena and Sombra are no longer there.

“Selena! Sombra! Where Are You?!” you call out to the darkness. There is no sign of them or the shadows that appeared in front of them.

“They are engulfed within their own Nightmares,” Midnight says from above you. Still with that solemn face, she closes her eyes and looks away from you. “And now so to will you.”


And just like that any attempts to keep a calm mind leave you. In fact any kind of will you had just vanishes as you crumple to your knees, fear and panic washing over you completely.

The mob parts in the middle as another figure begins to emerge. It’s size is smaller than you remember, and purple magic bleeds off it instead of the original midnight blue, but you recognize it none the less with it’s glowing orange eyes. With it’s sharp tusks and horns on display, it is a figure that you will never forget in this life or the next.

It is your greatest fear, your greatest failure, and above all, your worst enemy.

It is You, or rather, the You you could have become.

The Nightmare emerges amidst the crowd of enemies and smiles at you.

“You’ve come to the wrong neighborhood motherbucker,” he says before laughing insanely.

“B…Bu…” you try to say the words, but fear fills your every pore.

“Buck You Lady Luck!!!” All of them say together unnervingly before laughing at your misery.

And then, with one last roar from the Nightmare, they all begin stalking towards you in unison.


Episode 90: Mind Over Matter (Battle of the Bands 2)

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The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

The sudden appearance of so many of your past enemies and The Nightmare sent your body rigid, but even as they charge at you, you find it hard to move your legs.

Move! Move! You cry out mentally, but your traitorous hooves refuse to run. Perhaps it’s because there’s so many other emotions flooding your brain that the command to move is bogged down. You feel pure terror and guilt the likes of which you haven’t felt since the incident with Trixie. Every sin you have committed is right in front of you, ready for both physical and verbal abuse towards you. Perhaps the only reason you haven’t gone catatonic is because you are already just a mind projection already, but whatever the case you stand stock still just as the Nightmare reaches you and uppercuts you right in the chin.

“Shoryuken!” he laughs as you are lifted off your feet and thrown backward into one of the ink stained bookshelves. That certainly gets your motor functions running again, though it’s far little too late as the Deadly 6 surround and start pummeling you.

“Agh! Ah! Stop!” you cry out helplessly as the shadowed mares continue their assault. Before too long the alicorn Twilight lifts you with her magic and tosses you hard against a Dalek’s shell which hurts your back.

“Exterminate!” the creature cries as it aims it’s laser right at you and fires.

“GYAGH!” you shout in agony as white hot fire pierces your every nerve and you are sent flying into the midst of the Crimson Knights who take turns punching you in the face.

All the while as you are beaten, you can hear a deranged chuckle coming from Midnight. It sounds really off, and with her accompanying tears, it’s as if she’s sobbing and laughing at the same time.

“I’ll never forgive you!” Trixie as a torrent of fireworks strike you all over your body.

“Murderer’s can never truly be forgiven!” Flag Burner says as he strikes you across the eye again, right where he left his first scar. Once more, the damaged tissue burns.

“ENOUGH!” you shout as you block an attack from a diamond dog and headbutt him out of the way. You then push your Boomstick right into Flag Burner’s chest and send him hurtling through a group of stained shields, Trixie and the Deadly 6. Panting you look up at Midnight with her not laughter, and to the still struggling Twilight half who looks upon you with sad eyes. Growling, you look back at Midnight in fury.

“You wanna share my nightmares huh?! Well guess what?! I beat them once and I’ll do it again!” you proclaim before you look to the swarm of Changelings headed by Chrysalis herself coming your way.

Master of Shadow’s Comment

“Hello Lover!” she says madly and sends a blast of magic towards you, to which you block with the Boomstick.

“In your dreams Chrysalis!” you say as you put the Power Glove on and point towards the mass of changelings. “Would You Kindly be my puppets?!”

You feel the energy pulse through your hoof and towards the group. Since you’re a changeling again, you know you should be able to take them over with Insect Swarm like when you broke the Hive Mind…But…


“OW!” you yelp as a changeling who looks like Sin blasts you in the chest and the rest descend upon you.

“Traitor to the Hive!” they shout as they grapple and beat you.

“Why didn’t it work?!” you shout helplessly as they start to suffocate you.

“It’s because they’re not really real changelings buddy boy!” the Nightmare proclaims as one of his tails scoops you up out of the pile and brings you close to his maw.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“So why’s a biological affect gonna change your dreams?” he says with a grin.

Growling you bring your hoof up to give him a falcon punch, but he slams you into the ground face first.

“Oooooohhhh…” you groan as he puts his face to your ear and laughs.

“You know it’s funny, I just realized, I’m finally an actual Nightmare! HAHA! How crazy is that?!” he laughs insanely. “A dark conjuration of a magic human’s dream world? This is literally your worst nighmare! Hahahahaha!”

With him laughing you back kick him right in the nads and he groans.

“Dream or not, that’s still gonna hurt!” you spit as you squirm out of his grip.

"As will this!" he says before backhanding you with a bandit bull, which sends you flying.

Kichi’s Comment

You come to a halt as your back strikes something stone.

“Ooooohhhh,” you groan as the mist circles around you and suddenly, Midnight’s voice echoes around you.

“Your biggest fear is losing control, but that’s only part of the truth isn’t it Bugze?” she asks and you grimace as you sit up.

"What are you talking about?!” you demand as you take a defensive stance.

“Your mind is an open book, and I don’t appear to be the first to have read your fears…”

The cloud dissipates and you find yourself in a familiar scene. Back in the Crystal Empire, when you got caught up looking through Sombra’s Nightmare door, you had a horrific vision. You as the Nightmare sitting upon a mountain of skulls with the Deadly 6 and Princesses chained up around your hooves as Nightshade pleaded for you to stop.

But unlike last time where you were looking for a mirror, you are now within that scene. You can smell the blood and death around you and hear the moans and whimpers of the chained up slaves, and you can feel the killing intent coming off of the other you on the throne. But most of all, you can hear the panting of the Nightshade that tried to talk him down.

“NO! This isn’t real! This is just the same thing as Sombra’s door! It’s Bullspit!” you cry out, just as the Nightmare grabs you and pushes you down into the mountain of skulls.

“It is the same because you still fear it,” Midnight’s voice echoes in your head as the tails start to strike you, turning the skulls around you into bone dust. “You not only fear losing control, but also that you might enjoy it.”

“NO!” you cry out as you block a tail and start striking back. “I could never! I won’t!”

“I’ve read a number of psychology books Bugze, and even if you are an alien, the diagnosis still applies,” she says as the Nightmare throws you onto the throne cracking it. “In the midst of battle, no matter what battle, there’s a part of you that enjoys it. Even as you proclaim morality and justice, you enjoy the thrill of the fight.”

You growl and start shooting Second Law at the Nightmare, but he dodges, takes the gun and cracks it over your skull.

“You lose yourself to the fighting and the adrenaline, and there’s always a part of you that wonders if happiness would be found in that bliss,” she continues in that emotionless voice. “Even now, in a world that isn’t your own, you continue to fight and fight…”

Gritting your teeth, you tackle the Nightmare even as he laughs, and roll over the poor enslaved Deadly 6. His tails turn into snakes and bite into them, draining their life force and you roar in anger.

“A thin wall keeps you from giving in though, and that’s because it may lead to what is truly your greatest fear,” she says as the orichalcum sword appears next to your hoof. Without thinking, you grab it and ram it through the Nightmare’s chest, who suddenly becomes quiet, before disappearing.

Suddenly, your perspective flips and you are the one with the sword in his chest, the old scar burning again. And as you are seized in agony, you see that Nightshade from the vision, lying limp at the bottom of the throne.

“NOOO!!!” you gurgle out as blood seeps up your throat.

“To lose your daughter by your own hand…or rather hoof,” Midnight says, still in that detached monotone. “You know that if that happens, the bliss of battle will be the only thing left for you, and that you will become lost in it.”

Roker12’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

“Ah…ah…” you gasp as you see the limp for of your little filly who you have utterly failed. “Ah…aha…ha ha…AHA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!!” you begin to laugh as the shadows begin to coalesce around you. Your teeth elongate into tusks, demonic wings emerge from your back, and horns protrude from your head.

“AHA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” you roar to the heavens. The landscape shifts again, and suddenly you are surrounded by the army of enemies once more, with an equally insane laughing Nightmare to lead them. You take the sword from your chest as your tails manifest and aim it at them.

“And this is why I can’t bring myself to trust you,” Midnight says in that regretful, monotone. “I know what you can become, what lurks just below the surface. How could I possibly be “saved” by something like you?”

Only a part of you listens to her as you strike at the other Nightmare in blind fury. You sever him in half…but two more take his place.

“Aha hahahahahahahahahahhahaahaha!!!” you laugh as the thrill of the battle overtakes you.

“You talk about freeing me from Darkness, but why? Darkness is natural, it is within us all,” she says from above, but you keep hacking at your enemies. You strike down Chrysalis, you strike down the Princesses, you strike down Trixie and Flag Burner again, you strike down Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy…You strike them all down, but they all just keep multiplying.”

"Light only burns bright so long, but Darkness is forever. In darkness, there is only one truth... Death,” Midnight says hollowly, even as the ensnared Twilight still struggles. “And you have a rendezvous with death…”

And as you become lost in the Nightmare, lashing out at anything and everything, a small part of you shivers in dread at those ominous words.

Outside the Mindscape

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Sunset Shimmer and the rest of your companions watch in dread as you are beaten by the changelings after your plasmid trick fails. Adagio, Aria and Sonata give worried looks to her and at your unconscious body, but they still continue to sing in harmony with B2 as the Rainbooms keep the rhythm.

“Come on, come on…” Sunset mutters to herself as she still watches your misfortunes upon the fog, even as it increases. As you begin to lose yourself, the spectral dragon around Midnight begins to grow even as images of the Siren’s real bodies begin to form around them.

“Sunset, at this point why aren’t we calling the national guard?!” Celestia asks in worry as she stands next to her with Flash and Trixie.

“Trust me, they aren’t gonna be able to handle this,” Sunset says with surety.

“Yeah, cops couldn’t even stop my rampage at the mall, I doubt armed forces are gonna stop that thing,” Flash chimes in.

“Honestly, I know Shimmer went all demonic stuff back at the dance, but this is a whole other level!” Trixie says still bewildered.

“It’ll be alright Ms. Lulamoon…I think,” she says as she watches the ethereal Sirens start to grow.

“Also, since when has Vice Principal Luna been Nightmare Moon?” she asks and Celestia sighs.

“Since far too long ago child,” she answers.

“NO!” Sunset shrieks as she sees you now on the throne of skulls.

“Dude, that’s sick, but still pretty metal,” Humbra says while keeping up with the drums.

“We’ll talk album covers later, just keep playing!” B2 says while Luna shreds guitar. “We gotta keep focused before that dragon gets any bigger so no more distractions.”

And even as he says that…

“Celestia!” a shrill voice shouts over the music.

“Oh God No,” Celestia groans as she turns to see Principal Cinch marching through the crowd, a group of scared Shadowbolts following in her wake.

“Huh, why aren’t they being affected?” Wallflower says from right next to Trixie who recoils.

“Jeeze! How long have you been there?!” she yelps.

“I’ve been here the entire time you just didn’t notice me,” she harrumphs with her hands on her hips.

“But yeah, why aren’t they affected by the songs?” asks Flash.

“Cuz Bugze said to leave out the girls that Twilight might target,” Aria quickly says before she continues harmonizing with her sisters.

“What in the name of all that is scholarly is going on here?!” Cinch demands as she walks on the stage.

“Maybe you should have broken that rule,” Celestia says under her breath before looking the other principal in the eye. “Miss Cinch, please I know you are confused but I need you to stay back and-”

“No Celestia, I’m done with your little games! First, you want to incorporate the Friendship Games into some kind of punk rock concert, then all this green mist appeared and your student body are acting like zombies, and then one of my top students who has been missing for weeks is sent hurling out of your now BURNING school WITH WINGS and is now floating in the sky with a dragon?! I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS AT ONCE AND THE IMMEDIATE EVACUATION OF THE STUDENTS FROM THIS INSANITY OR I WILL HAVE YOU FIRED AND ARRESTED FOR ENDANGERING THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE!!!” Cinch roars as her cold calculated demeanor is stripped away from the insanity of the situation. Before anyone could say a word, Humbra groans while still keeping a beat.

“Take it easy there Karen!” he barks and Cinch’s head whips to him. “Look, I get you’re stressed with all the weird magical BS going on, but throwing a tantrum and asking for the manager ain’t gonna solve anything, so maybe shut yer damn mouth and quit distracting us?!”

Cinch gasps and puts a hand to her chest.

“How dare you?!” she shouts and rolls his eyes and looks at B2. “Now I see I was right to fire you if this is the company you keep.”

“Technically you fired the other me here,” B2 says nudging your body. “But even still piss off!”

Once more Cinch gasps, and is about to tirade again.

“Ms. Cinch, I know you’re upset, but right now we don’t have the time for pleasantries, so perhaps you should listen to them?” Luna says while shredding.

“…Vice Principal Luna?” she says in surprise.

“Yes genius,” she says sarcastically. “Now perhaps you should find my niece and she’ll explain things?”

“Mrs. Cadenza is currently putting the flames out in YOUR cafeteria! Now what is-“

“Cinch!” Celestia interrupts. “Perhaps you should help my niece then ya? Because right now you’re not helping anything!”

“You…You…” she growls with her facing getting red.

“How about you get your unaffected students to a safe distance and call the fire department if you’re so inclined? Otherwise, either start singing or shut up!” Celestia finishes and Cinch looks on the verge of fainting.

“I…You…” she struggles to make a comeback, but before anything else can be said, a pathetic whining scream breaks out from the back of the crowd.

Looking over everyone sees as a girl with a pink ponytail and wearing an apron is running for her life, babbling incoherently as several of the passed out monkeys from before are chasing her as if she’s a giant bannana.

“AAAAAAHHHH!!! Why Me?! WHY MEEEEEE?!!!” the girl shrieks as the monkeys pursue her.

“…Say Pinkie Pie, you got any sisters?” Applejack asks.

“Three actually, but I didn’t sell enough lemonade to make the budget for their cameos,” she says disappointedly.

“Uh Huh, and any of them identical twins to ya?”

“Nope, they’re all different shades of grey.”

“Then who the heck is that then?” Rainbow asks pointing at the shrieking girl.

“Yeah, she looks just like you,” Fluttershy says while playing her tambourine.

“Well, unless my Daddy has some serious explaining to do, I have no idea,” she shrugs.

“WWWAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! Go faster you stupid not hoof things!” the clone shrieks as the monkeys continue to pursue.

The Dazzlings can tell that the girl radiates a different kind of magic from them, but they are too busy singing to let the others know.

“Should we…help her?” Rarity asks, but it is redundant as the clone changes directions and starts heading towards the stage.

“This is the second time the machinations of a Twilight have tried to kill me!” she cries.

"H-Hey! Don't lead them here!" several of the Shadowbolts shout as they take off running past The Wanted, Rainbooms and Dazzlings, inadvertently joining the clone in being chased.

In doing so, one of the monkeys lands on Humbra’s head and launches off, taking his wig in the process.

GAH DAMNIT!! GOD I JUST GOT MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR BACK!” He cries as he raises his hand to his head pulling back to find a few strands of hair left with glue. “Wait glue?! SO IT WASN’T EVEN REAL TO BEGIN WITH?! WHYYY?!!”

“Shut up and keep playing!” B2 orders the drummer who continues to sob while doing a solo.

And as they continue to play and the Pinkie Clone and the Shadowbolts run through the crowd and mists with magic crazed monkeys on their heels, Celestia just sighs and shakes her head.

“I should’ve allowed alcohol to be served, I cannot deal with this sober right now,” she groans before walking back stage.

“Celestia! CELESTIA GET BACK HERE! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!” Cinch shouts as the group runs past her again. A few moments later and the principal does return…holding a baseball bat which causes B2 and Humbra to shudder.

“Cinch do me a favor, If you want to help, grab a stick and join me. If not, shut up,” she says menacingly, her hair seemingly made of flame. Cinch shivers in dread as Celestia hops off the stage and heads towards the group.

“Principal Celestia, are you going to be alright?” Trixie asks worriedly.

“Oh I will be Ms. Lulamoon, I just got to work out some stress,” Celestia says before looking to her sister with a loving smile and a wink. She then turns to the nearest monkey and slams it with her bat. “GET AWAY FROM MY SCHOOL YOU DAMN DIRTY FLYING APES!”

And while B2 thanks his lucky starts that he isn’t on the receiving end of Daybreaker, Sunset continues to watch your struggles broadcast upon the fog.

She sees as you break and give into the madness, she sees the countless enemies that multiply no matter how many you slay, and she sees Midnight and the captive Twilight watching it all. Because she is not precocuppied with singing or being chased by monkeys or any other insane occurrence, she sees that there is a connecting strand from your unconscious body to the glowing orb in the sky that the dragon encircles.

“Sunset? Are you alright?” Fluttershy asks timidly as she continues to play her tambourine. She is right to feel afraid for the snarling visage of the red headed girl, for it reminds her of the days when she was bullied by it.

“He said he believed in me,” Sunset growls, clenching her fist till the knuckles go white.

“Huh?” Fluttershy asks.

“He told me that he believed in me before the concert started. Princess Twilight offered me a chance to be better, and all of you have helped me along that path. But him…” she grumbles before her eyes dart to B2 and you beneath his feet. “It’s been some time since someone older has believed in me. Not since I betrayed Princess Celestia who was like my mother.”

Her eyes then dart back to the fog where she sees not only your torment, but Selena’s and Sombra’s as well.

“All of us, Human and Equestrian alike are one big screwed up family…”

You roar as the nightmares dogpile you and a light flares up in Sunset’s eyes.

“And family is worth fighting for,” she says stoically to the awed pink haired girl. Sunset then runs up next to B2, grabs a microphone and shouts at the top of her lungs to the images,


And like that, she begins singing along with the Dazzlings and the Wanted as a fiery energy begins to radiate off of her, just like with the Rainbooms.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

And as she starts to lend her power to the growing pool, her initial roar reaches deep into the subconscious of Twilight and towards 3 certain individuals.

POV Change: Sombra

You have struggled futilely with your demons as the cockroach has done so with his. An army of dead-eyed Princess Amores surround you and chains wrap around your entire body, squeezing the breath from your lungs.

“AGH!” you grunt out and try to struggle, but it is useless.

"Your suffering will be legendary, even in Tartarus," the Amores say in unison as you are lifted painfully by the chains and shackled underneath the Crystal Palace.

“I already suffered! You made me suffer for years with your Crystal Heart!” you roar to the Princesses, but no pity forms in their eyes. “Why didn’t you just tell me the truth?!”

“What good would the truth have been, it would have just ended the same,” Amore says coldly as the chains tighten. “You still killed me.”

“And you still enslaved us,” countless Crystal Ponies appear, looking at you with death in their eyes.

“And you still abandoned me…” Hope says from behind and suddenly the guilt strikes through you tenfold.

“Hope…I…” you struggle to say.

“You promised you would take me to the Crystal Fair, but you never did…If you had just cursed me as well, I would still be alive today,” she says in sorrow which cuts you more than any of the Crystal Pony’s hatred. “I lived out the rest of my life old, cold and alone.” She then walks in front of your chained form and tears roll down your face, for she is decayed and skeletal.


“Old, Cold and Alone!!!” she shrieks as her hooves wrap around your throat.

“Agk!” you choke as her dead empty eyes look into your sorrowful ones.

“Old, Cold and Alone…”

And as your vision starts to blacken, the rest of the Amores and crystal ponies move in and begin to drag you further and further into a sea of darkness, your cries of sorrow and regret unheard.

After an eternity, yet after no time at all, you gasp within the darkness, finding yourself inside a cage.

“Old, Cold and Alone…Old, Cold and Alone…” Hope’s voice comes from a staticy television set in front of you. “Old, Cold, and Alone…”

“Wha-What? Where…?” you sputter trying to move, but you are still chained.

“Old, Cold and Alone,” the static warbles, before a very distorted musical cue chimes in. “mY LitTLe HuMAn, My lITtlE hUmaN AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~”

What should be a nice calming melody for a wonderful show is instead a warbled, demonic sounding mess that sets your nerves on edge.

“No, NOOOOO!!!” you cry out. “Don’t put me back in the cage! I don’t want to go back!”

“What are you screaming on about?” Bugze’s voice says from the darkness.

“You never left the cage,” Selena’s voice adds.

“Monsters don’t deserve freedom.”

“Monsters don’t deserve forgiveness.”

The two of them then step out of the darkness and up to your cage as you begin to pant.

“Did you really think we’d let you out?” Bugze taunts.

“After everything you’ve done? Why would we ever release you?” Selena says cruelly.

“But…I…” you try to gasp, but the chains bite too deep into your chest.

“Gallivanting around in a land full of humans? How childish and naïve to believe it was real,” the alicorn says with a shake of her head.

“It’s all just a fantasy that you created…or rather, a certain someone’s fantasy that you projected,” the changeling says with a smirk.

“Old, Cold and Alone…” Hope’s voice says from the box.

“No…It did happen. We-“

“She loved mythical creatures like humans, she would have loved to go to a world full of them,” the princess exposits before smiling menacingly and turning the TV off. “But she’s dead, and it’s all your fault.”


“Pretending you’re in a world full of hairless apes won’t change what you did to her. What you did to all of us,” Bugze barks. “You will never have a body again, and you will never leave this cage.”

“But I did leave…Didn’t I? I helped-“

“Helping us save Appleloosa?” the changeling asks before both him and the alicorn begin to laugh uproariously.

“Even more flights of fancy. I believe he’s been given too much leeway with his programs,” Selena says before she turns back on the TV...and suddenly a horrifying tune begins to play.

“No, NO, NOOOOO!!!” you scream and start tugging at your bonds to no avail.

"Oh Hai, How is Your Sex Life?” the weird misshapen stallion with long hair in a suit asks in his strange, unidentifiable accent.

“Please! No! Not The Room! Anything but The Room!” you beg but your captors do not acquiesce.

“Well, perhaps we could have more ambience,” Selena says and suddenly Hope’s voice whispers in your ear and mind on repeat.

“Old, Cold, and Alone…”

“Ha ha ha. Wudda story Mark,” the torturous movie continues even as the whispers of the dead continue to assault you and you feel all emotion start to fade away.

“See you in a month,” Bugze says before both of them meld into the darkness.

“Why…Why?” you whimper again and again as the psychological torment continues.

“You Are Tearing Me Apart Lisaaaa!!!”

“Old, Cold and Alone…”

“Ha ha ha.”


“I did not hit her!”


“It’s not true, it’s bullspit!”


“I did not hit her. I did nahhhttt!”

“Old, Cold and Alone.”

And before too long, you begin to laugh as the madness starts to set in.

This is my penance...My punishment, you determine as your body twists in hysterics. It’s all I deserve. They’re right. No one could ever forgive m-


You melancholic thoughts are cut off as Sunset’s words echo all around.

Dad? Who said that? Who’s even a father around here? Wait, didn’t the cockroach have a child? you start before your eyes widen.

“Nightshade!” you blurt out and suddenly the darkness around you flickers.

That’s right, Nightshade freed me. She asked for my help. She said that she forgave me!

“Because that’s what friends do! They forgive each other!” Nightshade’s voice overpowers the whispers and the horrible movie. Turning your eyes towards the screen you see that fateful day when she freed you from this very cage.

But unlike the memory, this Nightshade on the TV points right at the camera towards the you in the here and now.

“So are you just going to call it a fluke and not believe anypony else can?!”


“We’ve all had a bad rap. We’ve all done bad things, but don’t let that count against the good you’ve done, or the progress you’ve made!” she orders.

“Progress…Have I really made progress?” you ask and she shrugs.

“I don’t know, this is your own subconscious speaking after all. But let me ask you this, why are you letting fear beat you? Isn’t using fear your thing?”

“I…You’re right!” you say suddenly as the chains start to slacken.

“Buck yeah I’m right! You’re King Bucking Sombra After All!” TV Nightshade encourages.

“I control fear! Fear does not control me!” you say resolutely as the chains shred around you and the cage dissipates into mist.

“Sing it buddy!”

“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you roar to the surrounding darkness, which causes Midnight to flinch.

“That a boy! Not quit wallowing in self pity and face the music,” Nightshade says before disappearing from the TV screen. You nod at these last instructions, then turn around to face your demons who now stare at you blankly.

“Amore, perhaps I shouldn’t have killed you…but I’ll still always hate you. Citizens of the Empire, you were caught up in my wrath, and there’s nothing I can do to make it right, but I am sorry…” you admit before looking at the image of Radiant Hope.

“Old, Co-“

“Hope, I will always love you.”

This stops the phantom mid speech and she gasps. They are words you never had the chance to tell her. They are a thousand years too late, but they are true none the less. With her stunned, you walk towards her.

“And I promise, that I will come back for you. If the changeling is serious about saving the Siren race in the past, then I can do the same for you,” you say in determination before brushing her cheek gently. “And I swear to you, I will take you to the Crystal Fair, even if it kills me.”

The shadowy Hope changes expressions, where before she was hollow and full of sorrow, she now smiles and leans into your hoof. A tear rolls down your cheek before you embrace the only mare you ever loved and whisper in her ear,

“I’m going to save you.”

And just like that, light starts to permeate the darkness surrounding you.

“Thank you Nightshade…again,” you say with a smirk as the mare in your arms dissolves into light.

“Now, about that magical human girl…” you smirk as green and purple mist start to wisp around your eyes.

POV Change: Selena

You run. You run and run through the darkness as if the Hounds of Tartarus were on your tail, because in a way they are. Sweat pours from your brow and your limbs feel heavy as the weight of your old armor takes a toll on your newer, smaller form.

A blast of magic hits a tree next to you and it explodes into splinters, which scratch at your muzzle.

Please! Please Not Like This! Not Like This! you mentally plead as the wing beats get closer and closer. You would fly away if you could, but your wings have been turned to stone, and you can feel the petrifaction slowly creeping outward.

Amongst the shadowy trees, you see pictures frozen in time of your many sins and failure, and no matter how many corners you turn, they get closer and closer, corralling you.

You see the moment you came forth within Luna, whispering vengeance for the lack of love, you feel the limbo state from being within the moon, you feel the pain of the Elements nearly killing you, and the dark ambitions you held when Bugze found you. The pleasure and satisfaction you felt when he used your powers to hurt your enemies is on display, as too are the many instances of pain and suffering he went through.

Because of me…

“AGH!” you cry out as a blast of rainbow light strikes one of your hind legs and you tumble to the ground. Gritting your teeth you look to the limb and see that it has joined your wings in the encroaching stony prison.

Groaning in misery, you try to hobble forward, but the stone is too heavy and you flop back to the floor. All around you, the images congeal and you hear the cries of those that have been hurt because of your existence.

You see the chaos from the Grand Galloping Gala, Fillydelphia, Appleloosa, and the Otherworld. The misery and pain felt by those caught in the crossfire…all because you empowered Bugze and tempted him to unleash his anger.

Tears run down your cheeks as these scenes assault your vision, but then the sound of hooves hitting the dirt draws your attention.

"Found you!" Luna’s voice growls as another blast hits your other hind leg.

“AGH!” you cry out and roll onto your back, and there they are, Luna and Celestia, the ones you’ve most wronged in this world, your sisters. They hold nothing but malice and contempt as they stand over you.

"Finally, it is over," Celestia says in relief.

"Careful, the wretch may still have a trick up her sleeve," Luna warns as you are picked up by the throat by her magic.

“Wait, stop! Please!” you beg but the blue alicorn just snarls.

“Stop?! You Want Me To Stop After Everything You’ve Done?!” she growls before her eyes roll over white. “I SAY THEE NAY!”

And with that, you are thrown back hard against a large, crystalline structure.

The Tree of Harmony? But How?! You mentally shriek in fear as the magical plant starts to glow.

“There will be no more running Nightmare Moon, this is the end,” Celestia says coldly as she walks up next to Luna and her horn alights.

“But I’m not Nightmare Moon anymore! I’m Selena! My name is Selena!” you shout as the petrifaction moves up your legs and down your back.

“It matters not what you call yourself, you must perish!” Luna roars and suddenly the roots of the tree begin to wrap around you.

“But I’ve changed! I’m not the mare I once was!” you sob but the alicorns do not budge.

“You never were a mare to begin with. You were just a shadow, nothing more,” Celestia says through gritted teeth. “And shadows cease to exist in the light.”

“I’m Sorry…Please,” you beg as your hips and belly begin to solidify.

“No amount of apologizing will save you Nightmare Moon,” Twilight Sparkle declares as she and the rest of the Elements appear beside the princesses. It’s now the third time you are staring down the barrel of these mares and their weapons.

Your breathing starts to become erratic as fear courses through you.

“Bugze! Bugze Please! Help Me!” you shout to the sky in desperation. No matter how tough things have been, your changeling has always come through for you. When you were at your lowest, he was there, when no one else could have forgiven you, he did. He’s saved your life so many times, in more ways than one, so surely he’ll be able to stop this…right?

“And why would I do that?” his voice says coldly and your breath hitches in your chest. Slowly, you look down from the voided sky…and there he stands, amongst your enemies with a smirk on his face.

“Bugze!” you cry out. “Please! I-“

“Why would I ever help you after ruining my life?” he asks without emotion and your blood freezes.


“These last four years have been the worst in my entire life, and it’s all your fault,” he says matter of factly and suddenly you feel as though your heart has been pierced.

“Bugze…” you all but gasp as your chest begins to turn to stone.

“They’ve saved me,” he says pointing to the group. “They freed me from your corruption, so why do you think I will help you?”

“But, you and I…we…” you blubber as the stone reaches your throat. “I L-L-Lo…Love-“

And the petrifaction takes your jaw, silencing you. And Bugze…he just smiles at you cruelly.

“Did you actually think you had a chance?” he says with a cold, uncaring smile, and the tears flow freely down your face, even as they become petrified. “I’ve got plenty of mares to choose from…Plenty…”

He then walks back towards the group before he puts his arms around Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash who smile at him with lidded eyes. More mares then appear out of the darkness and begin caressing him. There’s Octavia, Vinyl, Sapphire Shores, Spitfire, Chrysalis, and many, many more.

They shower him with kisses, and he does the same to them in a scene of debauchery, lust and want, all the while he stares right into your tear soaked eyes.

“Besides, who could ever love a monster like you?”

And despite now being made of stone, your heart shatters.

He’s…he’s right…why did I ever think…? You think in sorrow as your horn and head are overtaken, leaving only your eyes that witnesses the cruel, uncaring world before you.

The Elements of Harmony then light up from them and that rainbow of death swirls about.

“Petrifaction is not nearly enough,” Luna says.

“Indeed sister,” Celestia nods. “So let this be the end of Nightmare Moon.”

You watch as the rainbow coalesces and grows bigger with their magic, with even Bugze contributing to it’s growth. You close your eyes as your end draws near.

Perhaps the world will be better off without-


The shout of the teenage girl echoes throughout the mindscape and itches at something in your subconcious.

Wait, who was that? Sunset Shimmer? You think in exasperation. Ah yes, the unicorn turned human girl. She was exceptional. I wanted her to be my…daughter…

And with that your eyes snap open.


Throughout this whole ordeal, your mind didn’t focus on the other person you love most in this world. It was as if it’d been suppressed to enhance the fear and loathing you felt, but Shimmer’s words have broken through that barrier.

Nightshade! My precious little filly! How dare I not think of you! You think in anger and disappointment in yourself. But even as you berate yourself, the past four years flash through your mind, and though there were bad moments, there’s always a silver lining.

You grew past the hatred and malice to love the little filly you had brought into this world. In your whole life of mistakes and sins, she was the single best thing you’d ever made. For her you changed.

And as you have that realization, the rainbow light washes over you, but there is no pain, rather it feels warm and comforting. When the light diminishes, you are freed from your stone prison and the tree no longer ensnares you.

"Why didn't it work!" Luna seethes.

"Because, dumb-bucks! The Elements only work on the corrupted!" a familiar voice says above you. Looking up, you see a smiling Nightshade sitting on a branch, dangling her hooves. “And my mommy ain’t evil!”

Your heart swells with joy and happiness as you look at her smiling, and even more mental locks are broken.

You’ve been in the human world for some time, you’re whole goal in coming here was because Bugze promised to give you a body again. This whole time, it’s been for your sake, so that you could hold your precious daughter in your own arms…and him as well.

“This is all just a manifestation of Midnight’s isn’t it?” you ask the form of your daughter who just shrugs.

“I mean, if that’s the conclusion you’ve come to, I am just your subconscious after all,” she says with a smirk.

“And you’re exactly what I had to see,” you say as you hold your hooves up and she happily jumps down into them. You hug the image of your daughter close and place your head upon hers. “We’ll be back soon my precious, and when we do, we can finally be a real family…”

“We’ve always been a real family Mommy. I think the word you’re thinking of is “Normal” though with us that’s going to be a stretch,” she jokes and you laugh.

“Indeed…” you say as you stroke her hair. “I love you Nightshade.”

“And I love you too Mommy,” she says happily before she dissolves into bright warm light. After this, you look up and towards the images of your fears.

“I will not let this horrifying scenario come to pass. When I am once more flesh and blood, I will never bother any of you either again!” you say with authority as the clunky armor falls away from you and crumbles. “Nightmare Moon is dead. I am Selena, a mare who just wants to live with her family…And I am sorry.”

You then look to the image of Bugze, who is no longer smiling cruelly.

“The real Bugze would never let me go like this, not after everything we’ve been through. And I promise this, when I get my body, no other hussy is going to touch him ever again!” And with that magic pulses out from you and throws away all the others, leaving only Bugze in their midst, which makes you smile.

“When that day comes, our family is going to grow, and I don’t just mean from adopting Sunset,” you insinuate and blood spurts out his nose.

Smiling in satisfaction you look around at the environment which is a little less dark than it was before.

“Now then, I don’t rightly appreciate being tormented by my own inner demons…” your eyes then glow white. “So how about I teach you a lesson Human Sparkle?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

POV Change: Bugze

You continue to laugh as the nightmarish apparitions of friends and foes alike beat you down. Despite your size, they weigh you down with overwhelming numbers.

“Monster!” A shadowy Mia cries out swinging at you with a large blade.

“Murderer!” Shadow Shining Armor yells firing magical blasts.

“Traitor!” A pissed off Shadow Chrysalis roars.

“Liar!” A raging Shadow Twilight Sparkle shouts.

“Weakling!” Your alternate self mocks slamming you with a shadowy tail.

But even with all this verbal and mental abuse, you hardly register it as the bliss of giving in has dulled all else.

“HAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAA!!!” your insane laughter rings out as you cut through them with your tails, spear them on your horns, bat them with your wings and crunch them with your tusks, but it is never enough. They never end.

No matter how much I fight, they will always keep coming. They will never stop. I will keep fighting until the day I die, a part of you determines pessimistically. There will never be peace for me. I will always be on the run. Thus is the life of a wanted changeling…

And while this part of you attempts to further descend into the bliss and your nightmarish form lashes out at everything around you…



That word gives you pause. It’s a simple word yet it’s meaning is anything but. It’s an unspoken contract to be the best parent you can be to your child and to ensure their happiness. It’s a contract you’ve had for four years…

Nightshade? You think in clarity as you step a hoof out of the bliss. Sure the words weren’t spoken in her voice, but that word is powerful. That’s right, I gotta get back to Nightshade. I came to this world full of hairless apes so that I could get Selena a body so that we could all be together in the waking world!

With that realization, you start to swim through the fog, but unfortunately your demons have taken their chance with your lapse to bury you under their weight.

“Ugh!” you groan as the weight becomes immense.

“What’s wrong buggy boy? This blatant representation of the whole world resting on your shoulders not blatant enough?” the Nightmare cackles as your mind doesn’t fully come to the surface and your body continues to thrash and laugh.

How did I let it get this bad? You think in exasperation at the countless enemies atop you. Maybe I’ve bitten off more than I can chew here.

“Has that ever stopped you before?” a familiar voice says and you pause. As your demonic form thrashes and kicks and bites at the surrounding masses, time seems to slow down and you catch a glimpse of a hooded figure, and unlike the others, it seems welcoming.

“The odds have never been in your favor, yet you’ve still pulled through. How’s this any different?” it says before removing the hood.

Shadow?! You mentally gasp at the near identical changeling with glowing yellow eyes.

“Technically no. The one you knew was a reflection of your alternate world’s self remember?” he says while giving a glare to the Nightmare.

So…are you My shadow? You ask as you drift even closer to the surface.

“That or your mental psyche conjured me up to help cope with literally facing the dark reflection of your past,” he says with a shrug. “If it’s the latter I’m surprised it took this long for that to happen, what with all the crap we’ve had to deal with. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if I’m real or not, you got work to do.”

I’m trying! But no matter how much I fight them, they keep multiplying and I keep losing control, you think in exasperation, even as you bite another Celestia in half.

“Because you can’t fight fire with fire, and no I don’t mean actual fire, you pyromaniac,” he scolds. “That’s what created Midnight. She’s Twilight’s cold and unforgiving logic, but she contradicts herself by pursuing revenge and showing remorse. You have to focus on that.”

I tried already! She forced herself not to give into those emotions though.

“Because she doesn’t dare to hope. She’s seen your history, but she’s only focused on the bad things. You have to back up your words and show her all the good,” he says as if it’s obvious and your eyes widen.

The good?

“Like the love of the family you’ve gone and created, the friends you’ve made and defended, and the hope you have to make a better future for yourself,” he says with a wistful smile. “You yourself went and forgot about them for a moment there, but now that you’re back, use it to take back control and to reach her.”

But…how do I use that to stop all of them? You ask as a tail whips a Rainbow Dash in half.

“Like how you break out of any nightmare of course…excluding frontal lobe lobotomies,” he says with a chuckle. “And you know exactly how to do that.”

You think on his words for a moment, and you realize you do have the answer, for he is you after all. Nightmare’s only succeed when one lets the fear consume them. You take a moment to look through the slowed down actions of your body at the shadowy hoard. They are all enemies that you have persevered against, even yourself. The only reason they are winning now is because you’re letting them. Because you’re letting yourself give into the fear and anger.

Because I am forgetting all the good things…

The second you think that Shadow nods with a smirk.

“Now you got it. And don’t fret about Selena and Sombra, if you can figure this out, I’m certain they’ve done the same. Now pump yourself up and save that girl already!”

You don’t need his words of encouragement in that moment, but you still take them as your eyes focus and you regain control of your form.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

All of the suppressed feelings from the bliss come rushing back, and the biggest one you feel is tired.

As you are swarmed by the manifestation of every manner of injustice you’ve felt and dealt, you can only recognize that you are tired, because things like physical pain doesn’t exist. Not in this world. Not in this… Nightmare.

You’ve seen it all before, over and over again. Every time you look in the mirror, you see the monster that once ravaged another universe to the point of cosmic collapse. Every time you reach deep into your inventory, you would brush against the beaten and worn form of a certain monochromatic stuffed teddy bear. And every time you move, you’d feel the agonizing itch of the hideously grotesque scar that forever remains etched in your chest, where with it came the phantasmal sensation of the countless injuries you’ve accrued throughout the many years.

So many enemies, so many fears, all suffocating you on all sides, like despair the deep, deep see. From Appleoosa, to the Grand Galloping Gala, to Fillydelphia, and to the Nightmare Universe. Just like now.

In a twisted way, the familiar feeling is comforting. Because you know how it will always go down. That no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, things just don’t change. You don’t have to change. Run and fight and survive. Abandon your name, abandon everything—just like you’ve always done.

Hooded Offender.

Baker Sylvester Tenant.

El Hunko.

Crimson Vengeance.


Each embodies a phase in your life, but in the end, they’re all you: personas marked by all the resentment and fear and anger toward all the unfairness in the world; and you can feel it, the latent power aching inside your chest. That power could be yours. All you have to do is let it break free. But...

“ against fire, huh?” you say as you can’t help but chuckle self-deprecating. “Honestly… Just how many times are we going to go through this?”

You stare up at your nightmare self, one of the many shadows pinning you down and crushing your being. Forced to see the same lessons over and over again, but still you’re as weak to these fears as ever. And such familiar eyes… For a changeling, you aren’t too different from this face, now are you?

You’ve always wondered: Good or evil, at your best or your worst, which you is stronger? When you were against your other self, it was only just barely to a standstill. Never was there a decisive blow, and you only won because your other self was already dying from the very start. As for your own victories, you yourself never truly prevailed. And so, somewhere down the line, you drew conclusions without really knowing. You’ve just equated strength to corruption, murder, evil.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely…

But maybe… Just maybe it doesn’t have to be.

You, Selena, and Sombra… Together trapped like sinners sharing the same cell, and together, you have all done a lot of good, haven’t you? You’re not alone this time. Not anymore. They’ve taken the steps to accept themselves. So it’s perhaps time to start accepting yourself.

After all... You've been afraid all your life. This much should be nothing. You give one more glance to Shadow, who now has an image of Nightshade on his back, and the two of them smile proudly at you.

I art thou. Thou art I. And this too… Shall pass.

“You’re Gorramn Right,” he smirks.

"Buck'em Up Daddy," Nightshade encourages as the both of them dissipate into bright light.

And thus, your hoof pierces through the darkness.

“Would You Kindly Buck Off?!”

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

The plasmid shouldn’t work since this is the mindscape, and the Insect Swarm fell on deaf ears.

But it does work.

Bucking Bronco lifts all of your enemies off of you and keeps them in state of immobile floating. They all yell and curse and thrash at you, but with the breathing room you are afforded, your thoughts are clearer.

That was definitely Sunset that shouted that earlier…So that’s something I’m gonna have to deal with later, but it’s just what I needed.

With her cry, your subconscious was reminded of why you put up with everything in the first place. It’s what allowed Shadow to come and hype you up, it’s what’s given you back your hope.

Every hit you’ve taken, every enemy, every life-ruining trauma was all for this.

You look to your hovering alternate self, the image of the you that killed a world and you just grin at it.

“Oi! Midnight! Are You Quite Finished?!” you call out to the darkness.

“Grr, you too?” you hear her groan of frustration. “Why did the three of you react so strongly to that Shimmer girl’s words?”

“Because they reminded us what truly matters,” you say resolutely and turn to look at the sky where once more you see her and the bound conscience.

"She already did though," you say as the Nightmare Cloak starts to dissipate off of you, as well as your tusks, horns and wings.


“She’s already helped us far more than if she was here in front of us,” you tell her plainly.

“Why? Because she reminds her mixed up emotional state in calling you Dad made you think of your daughter? The one you’re afraid of killing?” she says with a facsimile of venom as once more your fears of being responsible for Nightshade’s death blip on the fog.

“Yes, exactly that,” you nod.

“Huh?” Midnight says sounding taken aback.

“I honestly don’t know what to make of Sunset calling me Dad since she’s technically older and stuff, but she did make me remember Nightshade,” you explain and look to the many horrific scenes. They tug at your heart for sure, but all they are is nightmares. “And you’re right, this is my greatest fear, but you can’t let your fears consume you and make you forget about all the good things in life Twilight.”

“What do you mean the good things?” she says in that same disbelieving tone.

“The good things in life that you’re choosing to ignore with your “logic.” It’s easy to not trust and be pessimistic when all you focus on is the wrong in your life, but you can’t live like that Twilight,” you tell the winged girl who still looks lost.

“When you weigh the bad against the good though, one side is clearly overwhelming,” she says hollowly.

“If you choose to look at it like that. The good things have more substance than the bad though, and if you let them, they can counteract the bad.”

“That is so childish and simplistic though! And if you need support from something illogical like that you are just pathetic!” she says turning away from you.

"Yeah..." She flinches at that and looks back at you in disbelief.

"You’re. I'm a lousy good-for-nothing bug that only makes everything worse for everyone…but that’s why I still move forward!” you say in determination as suddenly an image amongst the fog changes to a happy giggling Nightshade.

"Hi Daddy!"

"What?” Midnight says taken aback at the change of image.

“Even though I’m a buck up, I don’t let it pull me down. Because I don’t just bring misery to this world!”

Another image appears from when you came back to Ponyville because of the Doctor's letter

"Daddy... are we in delicious heaven?"

"These are my projections, how are you…?” Midnight mutters as yet another Nightshade memory appears.

“Twilight said that any unicorn in Ponyville that doesn’t know how to fire offensive magic is just asking for trouble.”

"What is going on?!" Midnight flinches back, not expecting her name to be dropped like that.

“I’m showing you that not everything is doom and gloom Twilight! That even in my screwed up little existence, there is still hope and happiness to be found!” you declare as even more images flash across the fog.

"Yeah Get Some!"

"Thanks, Daddy!"


“Stop it!” she shrieks as her colors start to fade and the trapped conscience starts to brighten.

“No! Not until you accept that there are still good things about others and that forgiveness is not outside of the possible!”

“B-But the statistics! The psycholog-“

“Quit thinking with your brain and listen to your dang heart for once Twilight! You’ve projected all of this onto me because I’m an easy target. YOU can be forgiven! It’s not too late!” you shout and she starts to hyperventilate as even more images of Nightshade appear.

“I love you Daddy,” Nightshade says from countless memories.

"I know you do honey," you say to the projection who just smiles at you.

"Well I like saying it anyway," she says with a giggle and Midnight holds her head in her hands in pain.

“Agh! How…how are you doing this?!” Midnight bemoans as the Nightshade projections begin giggling without a care in the world.

“Because I’m not alone, because I’ve got friends who I trust to do their part. The same friends that are going to help me save you,” you say and look between her and Twilight. “Both of you.”

Grey Rebl’s Comment

In The Waking World

The magic of the song beholds strange and mysterious powers. The Sirens can amplify and turn negative emotion into greens mists of mana, projecting their inner selves with simply their voice. The Rainbooms can turn harmony into an all-encompassing light that purifies all that it touches. Together, the magic in the air has become so potent and pure that the world seems to have more colors than it originally should.

And just like the night of the Fall Formal, the Rainbooms’ forms have changed. Each of the 5 girls have glowing equine ears and tails, with Fluttershy and Rainbow having wings, and Rarity having a horn. Not only that, but the Sirens themselves have acquired features from their true aquatic forms along their ears, eyes and arms. Sunset Shimmer glows a bright golden light, but no transformation has occurred yet, physically at least. To the tormented Flash Sentry who stands the side with the flabbergasted Trixie and her band, Sunset reminds him of the girl he originally thought she was. The strong, confident and beautiful girl he’d first fallen for.

Sitting off to the side, Celestia pants sitting upon a pile of knocked out simians, a panting pink girl crying and thanking her profusely along with several others from a rival school. Their own principal has gone nearly catatonic with all the splendor and madness in the air, while her second in command finishes putting out the cafeteria fire.

With this Equestrian magic, their auras project spiritual versions of the sirens, and the beginnings of an alicorn for the Rainbooms. It is a beautiful and dazzling display that emphasizes the wonder of another world.

But The Wanted? B2, Principal Luna, and Humbra? Their music stokes a different fire that lies pent up in each and every one of the people in the audience. All their frustrations and grievances of daily life, all the things that people hold back, they break away and let forth what once lay behind to the forefront.

One by one, the hypnosis state begins to break down and the humans snap out of it and see the mystical dragon floating up in the air. They gasp, whisper, and point at the holographic-looking images upon the mystical fog. They watch as a red horned unicorn stallion escapes his cell in determination, they watch as beautiful dark coated horse with wings and a horn breaks free from her stony prison, and they watch as a vaguely familiar, bug-horse claws his way out of a mountain of shadows.

They know not what these images mean, but they are filled with hope none the less. And when they see the trio on stage and recognize who they are, energy boils throughout the atmosphere in almost an instant.

Their voices can’t pierce through at first, deafened by the music, but as more break through the spell they cheer, scream, and cry for the return of the once legendary band of those years ago, shouting words of love and hope toward their caricatures in the floating screen above. Toward you.

But unlike the Sirens and Rainbows, The Wanted don’t absorb, amplify or purify emotions. No, this is something far more mundane, something that any inspiring band could do. Stripping away the inhibitions of society, they allowed their audience to be free, to be real, to be…!

“This is how to be, this how to be…
This is how to be… a human~!”

Back With You

All of these emotions, all of this power in the real world, you can feel them, and as a changeling, those are the sweetest emotions you’ve ever had.

A blazing tower erupts from all around you throwing the floating demons away from you and bringing light to the darkness.

Midnight gasps and brings up her arms, braced against the immense pressure of the flames that sweeps across the mindscape in an instant! But it doesn’t burn. It doesn’t burn anything. Instead, it envelopes the book shelves, the floor, and the ceiling like an aurora borealis, warm yet unrelentingly alive.

As the bodies of the nightmares crash against the walls and shelves, Midnight peeks past her wrists…

Just in time to catch a giant fireball torrenting her way.

“Ooof!” she groans as your shoulder hits her in the stomach. With the hit confirmed, you wrap your forehooves around her torso and crank up the flames to eleven, powering your back hooves as they thrust you both across the dream like a jet for what feels like miles!

“What are you doing?!” she shrieks as you rocket past every book category under the sun.

“Showing you the light!” you respond.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Let! Me! Go!” she shrieks and strikes at you.

“As you wish,” you say before swinging her around like a hammer and throwing her ahead of you.

With a flap of her wings, she rights herself and disobeys the laws of inertia to stop her progress. She scowls at you and balls her fists.

“See?! This is why I can’t trust you! You talk of forgiveness and still attack me!”

“I wasn’t attacking you. Just showing you some tough love kid,” you say as you extinguish the flames and your hooves. “Besides, I said I would show you the light.”

Looking around her now, you are no longer in the fog of her creation, but surrounded by the flames of yours. The bright, beautiful flames that soothe and bring comfort, albeit without the usual burning and scalding heat.

“Or rather you’ve dragged me into a more advantageous area to strike me,” she spits as she clenches her teeth and more tears flow.

“No, I’m not going to fight, because I don’t have to,” you say as you sit down.

“Huh?” she exclaims in confusion.

“You said before, my nightmares are no longer my own, so if that’s the case then you’re sharing them as well,” you say calmly. “And so I’m going to show you how not to fear them anymore and bring back the real Twilight.”

“I Am Twi-“

“No, you’re a part of her!” you interrupt. “A part that needs the other half so that you’ll be complete.”

Her eyes then widen and she looks back to where Conscience Twilight is still bound…but her bindings are starting to burn away.

“NO! You can’t!” she starts, but then a burst of flame blocks her path.

“I can and I will, because YOU are going to allow it,” you say with authority.

“I won’t! It’s too illogical!” she bemoans as she presses her hands to the ground and more shadows start to bubble. “Please! Just stop and let me win for once!”

And with that, the shadows of your enemies start to appear again, but still you don’t stand up.

“Twilight, you’re a wise human girl, you know this is futile,” you say with a sigh.

“It is not! Even with all that magical energy in the waking world, I can use it as well!” she spouts. “And I have more control over it than you do! You’re all alone!”

“Well, I guess it does look like that, I am just a normal changeling…well, as normal as someone like me could be," You say, thinking about your abilities as the Nightmare starts to reform. "My mind is frail, I’m stupid, and prone to overreacting, not going to lie to myself about that. But I’m not alone…”

And as you say that, the flames shift around you and Midnight looks to the images that are now displayed.

"You're also facing Selena, formerly known as Princess Nightmare Moon, who could control the mind and dreamscape, able to conjure nightmares within anyone with her power. And King Sombra, a fearful Umbra who wields Dark Magic and is able to force anyone to tap into their fears with a shake of his horn."

The images of their past deeds play out amongst the flames and she begins to sweat.

"In other words, this is their domain…but even they have more than their dark history. Just like with you and me, there is a lot of good they’ve done as well."

“So you’re just going to have them fight me is that it?!” Midnight accuses while pointing a finger at you.

“No, we won’t have to,” a dark feminine voice says from behind you and your smile beams. Turning, you see Selena walking through the flames in a badass and sexy manner as she walks beside you. She gives you a quick smile before turning back to Midnight. “For there is no reason for us too.”

“In a land of Nightmares, it is folly to struggle against them yourself,” Sombra says adds as he walks through the flames like the Terminator and stands on your other side. You both give each other a nod of acknowledgement before he finishes, “To face your fears, is to overcome them with hope.”

“How…how can you all believe that?” the winged girl asks in a broken voice full of confusion. “How can anyone overcome the past by themselves?”

“Well that’s the thing Twi, you don’t do it by yourself,” you say in a comforting tone. “The pony you figured that out a long time ago. You get by with a little help from your friends.”

And with that, the flames begin to show bright wonderful memories.

You, working together with the Deadly Six to stop Discord, and them actually giving you a chance

Fighting alongside the Crimson Knights with the pinkie clones against The Hive.

Freeing the changelings.

Cadence hugging you when you reunited.

Zecora treating your injuries.

Having tea with Fluttershy.

Reading with Rainbow.

Doing farm work with Applejack and Big Mac.

Pinkie comforting you at the Empire.

Laughing with Twilight as she teaches Nightshade

Taking Rarity hostage (it’s still a classic).

Teaming up with Aqua

Seeing Grandbuggy alive.

Taking Mangle in.

Comforting Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and the CMC after Nightshade was a bully.

Shooting the breeze with Braeburn after the work day is done.

Hugging Trixie in her dreamscape.

(The real) Flash just being your bro despite all the goofy things he’s done.

Rescuing Humie Flash from his own strength.

Giving the Sirens hope.

Encouraging Sunset to believe in herself.

Trusting and helping the many humans you’ve made friends with and making their lives better, especially B2.

Sombra offering his hoof in the eleventh hour when you needed him most.

Embracing Selena under the full moon after finally revealing the truth, and promising to make things better.

And of course, Nightshade. Any circumstance and any memory of Nightshade is broadcast, because without her, none of this would have been possible.

The memories, the dreams, the hopes, they fill you Selena and Sombra with encouragement, and for Midnight she sputters and starts to lose her already fragile composure.

“If you’re so logical, then focus on the good that can come from someone and stop denying the proof in front of you,” you offer to panting girl.

“I…” she starts, staring at your outstretched hoof, but before she can react, the Nightmare roars and rushes past her towards you.

You just give the other you a deadpan look as it charges with it’s tusks aimed for your chest.

“I told you to kindly buck off while I was talking with the girl!” you grunt as he moves closer and closer. And as you say this, the rev of a chainsaw slashes through the flames and parries his tusks aside.

Pink fur, straight hair, and scarred body; Pinkemena Diane Pie snarls as she locks the Nightmare to a grinding halt, reenacting the battle that occurred one parallel universe ago.

“You…you…?” Midnight sputters as she watches the pink pony pushing back the monster.

"I told you already, we don’t have to fight Twilight,” you say still not standing up. “We may be living in a nightmare..."

"BUT OUR DREAM MOVES US FORWARD!" a legion of voices say from the flames.

And just like with Pinkamena, more figures exit the flames.

Aqua, Greta, Braeburn, Zecora, Flash Sentry, the Doctor, The Horde, Cadence, the reformed Crimson Knights, all the human friends you’ve made in these past few months, and of course many versions of your daughter. All of the people you’ve met who’ve brought you to this point, the one’s you’ve been able to do right after all your blood, sweat, and tears… Your allies: they’re all here.

The bad I’ve done versus the good I’ve done. Now let’s see which is heavier.

With Selena and Sombra at your sides, you remain stationary as your allies attack the shadows…but they leave Midnight alone.

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"What's happening?" Midnight asks fearfully as the bright memories overwhelm the shadows. “I don’t have control over them or anything despite this being my mind! This is impossible!”

"Lady have you met me?” you say with a chuckle and she looks back to you three.

“It is kind of par for the course when it comes to him,” Selena says while putting a hoof on your shoulder.

"Even I have to agree with that," Sombra snorts.

“I…” Midnight struggles to say anything as the flames overcome the darkness.

"Face it Twilight it's over," you say plainly and she looks back to you with those hurt, puppy dog eyes.

“He’s right,” her own voice says from behind her. Whirling around, she sees Conscience Twilight freed from her bonds with her hands on her hips. “You’ve got to stop denying the truth so stubbornly.”

“But…this isn’t how our world works!” Midnight cries out to her other self. “Maybe magic and friendship can work in his world, but here things are different! It HAS to be just an emotionless source of energy or else…or else…”

“Or else you’ll have to admit that you were wrong,” Twilight says gently while holding a hand out. “But that’s okay, they’ll forgive us because it’s not too late.”

“But I’ll be left with nothing,” she says. “With all the things I’ve done, I’ve missed so much school, I’ve lost Spike’s loyalty, and my family? They’ll be disappointed in what I’ve become.”

She looks back at you three standing resolutely amongst the battle and balls her fists.

“At least if I can gather more magic from his world, then it would all be worth it. All the hatred would be counteracted by at least something helpful…right?” she asks desperately and her other half gives her a look of pity.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Taking magic from my world into yours isn’t going to help anything Twilight,” you say plainly.

“You’re not even from this world! Why do you care so much about what happens to it!?” she snaps, not looking at you directly.

“I’m not from here sure, but I’ve spent long enough here to like it enough to not see it ruined by a force it has no chance of controlling,” you say sternly.

“B-But we could control it. It would take some time but-“

“You’re having trouble as it is right now. Not to mention all the people on my world need that magic to survive,” you explain and she bites her lip.

“To take that magic would incite war human, I know this for a fact,” Sombra says sternly.

“And believe me child, that is something that not even your “logic,” could ever ease the guilt of,” Selena adds and her eyes dart around.

“Please listen to them, historically speaking you know this could happen,” the Conscience urges.

“…I’m…I’m damned no matter what I do though,” she cries. “I don’t offer anything to humanity, I’ll be treated as a pariah, I take the magic, I make other enemies. What choice can I make?”

“The right one,” a new voice speaks up.

All of you look above and out of the flames an orange alicorn mare with a familiar red and yellow mane.

“You have to make the right choice, and you already know what that is,” Sunset Shimmer says and all of your jaws drop.

“Sunset?” you say in surprise and she shoots you a quick smirk.

“Yup, hi Bugze," she says with a wave.

“You’re an Alicorn?!” Selena says excitedly and the mare chuckles and rubs the back of her neck.

“I guess? I’m not really sure, we’ve been singing so much outside that I started glowing and transforming like the rest of the girls, and my human form kind of looks like Twilight’s here with a horn and wings and mask, only sunlight themed.”

“Wh-Wh-How did you get in here?” both Midnight and Conscience Twilight ask at the same time and the mare turns back to her.

“Well, I kind of flew up to your body while the Siren’s projections were fighting the dragon because things are getting nuts outside and you were still being reluctant,” she says truthfully.

“Dragon? What on earth are you talking about?” Midnight asks in surprise.

“There’s a spectral dragon that’s floating around you, and you’re lit up like a star, and there’s these cracks in the sky that keep forming and…it’s a big mess,” Sunset sighs and the purple girls look flabbergasted. “And so I’ve come to help. I know you’re on the verge of giving in, but you just need that one last push.”

“Wait, you knew what was happening in here?” Sombra asks and she nods.

“Everyone’s been watching the events unfold on the mists outside. It’s being projected,” she explains and Midnight again looks taken aback.

“It is?”

“Wait, you didn’t know?” you ask.

“I have no idea what’s happening in the real world aside from the gathering mana,” Midnight says truthfully.

“Well it sounds like all kinds of chaos is happening out there,” you theorize before looking to Sunset. “By the way, did you call me Dad a little while a-“

“Anyway!” Sunset interrupts and turns back to Midnight, ignoring you. “Like I said, I’m here to give you that last push Twilight.”

“And you think you’re going to be that push?” Midnight asks skeptically. “I may have been around you in a time loop for three months, but I barely even know you. How could you possibly-“

“I’ve been exactly where you’ve been before Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset interrupts and the winged girls eyes widen. “I’ve been in this exact, hopeless scenario, filled to the brim with immense power, and standing on the precipice of making the biggest mistake of my life.”

She then flaps a little closer towards the two halves of Twilight and you can hear Selena barely suppressing a squee at the display.

“So from someone else who was on that ledge with the whole world against them, let me help you.”

“All of you keep saying you want to help me but…”

“You’re scared that it’ll be in vain right?” Sunset says and Twilight flinches. “Again, I know exactly how you feel. But come on now, look at the alternative. Let’s say you take all the magic from Equestria and bring it here, what do you think it’s going to be like? Do you know? Have you thought about it? Have you given it any consideration?”


“What's it going to be like? Paint me a picture. Are you going to live in some great big castle? Do you want people to slave away making statues of your image and rule? Will there be holidays?” Sunset keeps it up and Midnight backs up a few sets.

“I…I don’t want to rule…”

“You may say that now, but this power…it’s addictive. You’ll think that you’ll be the only one competent and smart enough to handle it, and you’ll keep making “logical” excuses to justify your methods. Because how else are you going to be able to deal with the people like you?”

“The people like me?” she gasps and Sunset nods.

“The smart, logical ones. The ones who will act just like you and deny that redemption is possible. If it’s anything like this, then you’ll know what will happen,” Sunset says in melancholy. “Because I am a person like you.”

Midnight backs up from this statement, as she starts to lose color to the conscience.

“You may feel as though you’re in too deep, and that quitting now would make it all meaningless. You feel that you’ll have nothing to offer to the world and will be useless…but you’re wrong,” Sunset says as she gets even closer to Midnight. “There’s still one thing that you can offer and that we will gladly accept.”

“And…and what is that?” she asks hesitantly. Sunset then glances back at you, Selena and Sombra and gives a grin.


“F-Friendship? With me?” Midnight says in disbelief.

“Yes, and it is far more powerful a resource than any Equestrian magic. After all, Friendship is Magic itself,” the alicorn says, laying her heart out.

Midnight starts to lose even more color at that and looks at the hovering pony in awe.

“Can it really be that simple?”

“Yes it can…you’re the one who told me that after all,” Sunset says with a smile and Midnight’s eyes widen.

“I did?”

“The pony version of you, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset explains.

“Oh, her. I’ve seen her in his memories,” she says looking over at you and you chuckle and rub the back of your neck.

“Probably not the most flattering, but you’ve gotta admit, she is a version of you, the only difference is, she found and believed in the friendship’s she created. Now all you have to do is do the same,” she says offering a hoof. “And if you won’t listen to my words, think of it as listening to your own.”

Midnight looks to the offered hoof in hesitation before looking back to your group.

“Like we said Twilight, forgiveness isn’t off the table,” you tell her.

“No matter what you’ve done, there are those that will still accept you,” Selena adds.

“Even if you yourself don’t think you deserve it,” Sombra finishes.

The tears flow even more from her as she looks back to the pony in front of her.

“But what if I mess up again?”

“We all stumble now and again, but that’s why you have friends to keep you steady,” Sunset smiles.

Midnight holds out her hand and pauses still unsure, until the Conscience walks beside her and takes her other hand. Midnight looks to her other half, and Twilight gives her a small smile of encouragement. Gulping and nodding, Midnight looks back at Sunset Shimmer, flanked by you three and finally, she takes her hoof.

And with that, Sunset smiles and the flames all around you burn even brighter as the army of your nightmares finally melt away into nothingness. The Library Labyrinth begins to brighten as the twisting corruption is expunged and the shelves and tomes become neater and cleaner looking.

And in the midst of that, Midnight Sparkle and Conscience Twilight meld together, becoming one once again. She now looks like the regular Twilight you’ve come to know, but she still has wings and a horn. Midnight was always a part of her psyche, but now she is in harmony with the rest of her emotions.

“Thank you Twilight,” Sunset says before she gives her a sheepish look. “Now this next part might hurt a bit.”

“Huh?” Twilight asks in surprise.

“Yeah, you’re still kind of asleep, so we need to all wake up right now. And in my experience, waking up from a nightmare you’ve created is best done with a punch of harmony.”

She then looks to you, Selena and Sombra.

“So, can you guys bring us back?”

You share a smirk between Selena and Sombra and then at all of the flaming allies around you.

“Yeah, I think we can do that,” you nod.

“It would be my honor my totally future daughter,” Selena chirps and sunset laughs nervously and looks away.

“Sorry if you feel a pinch,” Sombra says with a wicked grin.

Twilight flinches nervously, before gripping Sunset’s hoof harder.

“Just do it. I…I trust you.”

“Very well then,” you say as you stand up. “You ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Sombra shrugs.

“For you my bug? Always,” Selena says in a flirty tone, bumping her hip against yours.

“Ah, um,” you stutter with a blush before coughing into your hoof and look to your conjured army. “Right. Help us out everyling!”

And as one, you all raise your hooves/hands into the air as the beautiful, ever burning flame coalesces around you, filling you with power. And as one voice of a legion, you cry out,


All your fists collide with the ground of the library and a bright light overtakes you all.

subhumandegenerate’s Comment

In the Waking World

You gasp awake in your human body to the sounds of loud music, enthusiastic cheers and skin tingling magic.

“Oh good, you’re finally awake,” your double says standing over you with your Boomstick raised above his head.

“Whbrer? Haah?!” you try to speak, only to realize that there is something jammed between your teeth. You quickly remove the object and realize it’s one of your healing potions.

“What the buck is this all about?” you ask to B2 as you sit up.

“Well when you said in the projections for everyone to help out, I thought you meant us too,” he says as he lowers the weapon.

“Oookay, but why did it look like you were about to cave my head in with the Boomstick?”

“Oh, I wasn’t going to cave your head in, I was just gonna shatter that healing potion in your mouth to wake you up quicker,” he explains before offering a hand to you.

“…You know what, I’m not even gonna comment on that one,” you say with a sigh as you take his hand and he pulls you to your feet.

“Thank you very much,” he says as the audience roars with cheers and whistling. You take a look around at said audience and all you see is chaos. There is a mosh pit, thrown drinks and food, Celestia is sitting on a pile of knocked out monkeys with Crystal Prep students and some girl that looks like Pinkie Pie huddling next to her, and the Rainbooms and Dazzlings don’t look exactly human anymore with their ears, tails and what not. Not to mention there is magic just blanketing everything in sight, there is a spiderweb of glowing white cracks across the sky.

Just off to the side, you see Twilight, no longer with wings and horn bawling her eyes out surrounded by the Rainbooms, Sunset, Cadence, and even puppy Spike.

“I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry…” she bawls as they all comfort her.

“You know, I’m glad that kid didn’t give up hope. She’s a good egg,” B2 says sounding relieved.

“Yeah she is,” you say with a nod as Twilight is embraced by her sister in law and puppy.

“Bugze!” Sonata cries and nearly bowls you over with a tackle.

“Oof!” you grunt as you feel the scales of her arms even through your jacket.

“Are you okay? That was so sad!” she asks with tears in her red eyes.

“Y-Yeah we’re fine,” you say trying to push her off of you.

“Hey! Way to go!” Adagio congratulates and pats you on the shoulder.

“You three have gone through a freaking lot, I’m glad you made it through okay,” Aria says patting your other shoulder.

“Ah, yeah thanks,” you say solemnly, just a tad freaked out at their appearance.

Wait a moment, they saw ALL of our trials in there? Selena says with worry.

Surely not, it was just the cockroach ri-

“And Selena and Sombra! It’s going to be okay! You’ll get the love you deserve!” Sonata starts bawling.

Ugh, what’s she going on about? You ask.

NOTHING! They both say at once which echoes in your skull.

“Ow, geeze, okay!” you say hitting your head.

“Not gonna lie dude, watching you duke it out and then come back to the light has been one of the best damn shows we’ve ever put on,” B2 says with pride.

“And it’s been really inspiring,” Luna says with a hand to her chest.

“…I should probably try to contact Hope after seeing all that,” Humbra mumbles to himself.

You look around at all of your allies and smile.

“Well, good job rocking it out here guys,” you say proudly. “Mission Accomplished.”

“Umm…maybe not quite?”

Looking over, hiding behind a drumset is Trixie who is still looking at the sky.

“Oh, well yeah there’s all the magic and stuff, but I’m sure the Dazzlings could just suck it up and-“

“That’s not what she’s talking about man!” Flash says popping his head up from right beside her and pointing up. “What do we do about that?!”

Following his line of sight, at first you think he’s talking about the many cracks in the sky…but then you see it.


And the collective gasp from The Wanted and Dazzlings let you know they’ve seen it too.

Without a moment’s hesitation, you rush over to the hug huddle.

“I swear, I’ll make this up to you. To all of you,” Twilight says, still sniffling.

“And we’ll be right here to help you along sugarcube,” Applejack comforts.

“Just like how another Twilight helped us, so too will we help you,” Rarity says.

“We’ll stick by you through thick and thin,” Rainbow affirms.

“Even through the scary bits,” Fluttershy nods.

“And there’s gonna be so much fun with us, you won’t even have time to feel sad,” Pinkie cheers.

“Yes, lots of fun. Please never leave me again,” Spike yaps as he licks at her face.

“Oh Spike…” she coos and hugs the dog. “I’ll never leave you behind again.”

“You better keep that promise, I’m not too fond of dog hair on my dresses,” Cadence jokes and Twilight winces back.

“I…” Twilight stutters before Cadence chuckles and ruffles her hair.

“I’m just messing with you. But seriously, I’ve only known them a short time, but this is a great group of girls Twily.”

Twilight blushes at the nickname before looking to Sunset who just smiles.

“I can see that…”

“Told ya so,” Sunset smirks, just as you burst through the little gathering.

“Girls! We’ve got a situa-“

“Mr. Bugze!” Twilight cries out and wraps her arms around you.

“Oof! Uh, hey Twilight! Glad you’re back but-“

“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you sooner. No matter how long it takes I’ll make things right,” she sniffles against your chest and you pat her head.

“I’m glad to hear it bookworm, but can we do the heart to hearts later?!” you say urgently looking at all the girls. Sunset seems to pick up on your nervousness

“What’s wrong Bugze?”

“That! That’s what’s wrong!” you say pointing up at the sky. They all look and then collectively, their jaws drop.

“WWWWOOOOO!!! Dragon’s Back!” the crowd cheers as the giant purple serpent swims through the mist and continues to grow larger.

“But how?! I thought the Dazzling’s ghost things drove them off?!” Pinkie asks and looks to Twilight.

“Um, don’t look at me, I let go of all that magic,” she says holding her hands up defensively.

“It must just be an echo then,” Sunset theorizes and looks to you. “With all that power she’d accumulated, we released it all at once. But with whatever those cracks in reality are and with the amount of miasma, it’s probably just become it’s own entity.”

“Yeah, and since all of you stopped singing, it’s flying around unopposed!” you say urgently as B2 runs up and slings a guitar over his shoulder.

“So what he’s trying to say is, hurry up and get to making the music already! We’re nowhere near done!” he says in a tone that is both urgent, yet excited.

And with that, the girls all nod and run off back to their respective instruments, with even Trixie and Flash joining in. The Dazzlings surround you, Twilight and Sunset as the dragon roars.

“Encore! Encore!” the crowd roars.

“Here, might as well join in this time. Singing in unison with myself is gonna kick so much ass!” B2 chuckles madly, drunk with the excitement and adrenaline. You take the microphone in your uninjured hand as the Dazzlings and Sunset pick up there’s.

You then look to the lost looking Twilight and you offer her another microphone.

“You…you want me to help?”

“Heck yeah I do,” you say. “Just think of it as karaoke with friends.”

“Only with a man eating soul dragon thrown into the mix,” Adagio jokes and Twilight chuckles nervously.

“I’ll try…” she says as she takes the mic.

“Alright, awesome sauce! Ready when you are Sunset’s Dad,” Sonata giggles and said girl goes stiff.

“Or would that be Dad’s since there’s two of him?” Aria laughs as Shimmer’s face starts to turn red.

Both you and B2 look at each other and chuckle nervously at that.

“Let’s uh, let’s shelve that for now too,” you offer.

“Yeah, I mean I know I’m old enough to be her Dad and all but-“

“Yes! Let’s shelve that for now!” she squeeks before composing herself. “Now, what are we singing?”

“Well, when you’re playing in the most metal show in the history of metal, you can’t go wrong with Iron Maiden,” B2 says nonchalantly before he nods at Humbra and Luna who then start rapidly playing a song that could get anyone pumped up for battle.

Once the others hear the melody, they join right in, and the crowd goes wild. Around the Dazzlings, you see the spectral forms of their Siren forms arise, and above the Rainbooms and Sunset, an equine form starts to appear.

Twilight looks at this and then back at you and you give her a confident smile, which seems to relax her. She then gives a nod of determination and looks to the soul dragon along with the rest of you.

Hey Selly? Sombra?

Yes my bug?

What is it cockroach?

Despite everything that’s happened tonight, I do think this is actually going to be fun, you say feeling the same excitement as your human counterpart.

Indeed, for we will be engaging in psychological warfare physically, Sombra says sounding anxious to fight.

I find myself rather giddy, Selena giggles. So why don’t we add our own astral projection to this?

Just what I was thinking, you think as your eyes glow orange and red.

And as the spectral alicorn and sirens form above their respective groups, you stand in the midst of The Wanted with Twilight and Sunset beside you as the spectral form of your Awakened form joins the party.

Roaring, the dragon dive-bombs the other ghostly apparitions, just as the song reaches it’s first lyrics and you strike a pose.

“You’ll take my life, but I’ll take yours too! You fire you’re musket, but I’ll run you through!!!” you sing at the top of your lungs as the power of Rock helps you against the enemy Stands.

And thus, an epic battle of spirits commences, becoming the most metal thing ever.

Ello Calebero’s Comment


POV Change: Nightshade

You grit your teeth in anger at Frost’s insinuation that your Daddy’s death is imminent.

“You know how many bucks have said that over the years? A lot and each one of them has failed,” you growl and the icy colt just glares at you.

“He’s weakened now that you’ve abandoned him, so I think things are a bit more fair,” he points out.

“Do none of you villains ever listen?! She’s not Nightmare Moon!” Spike snarls at him.

“She’s close enough dragon,” he spits back.

“Well guess what genius, your boss is spit out of luck because he’s not even here!” you say in exasperation. And just as you say that…

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!” a monstrous insane laugh filled with static interrupts the conversation.

“What the…?” you say turning back to the projector screen. The image of Flag Burner warbles and flickers as a scene keeps appearing via static. An image the demonic Nightmare Cloak, surrounded on all sides by shadowy enemies as it laughs and strikes against them.

“…Daddy?” you say in utter shock as both Spike and Frost are momentarily transfixed by the image. Again the distorted image laughs as several shadow versions of creatures you've faced in the past swarm the giant form, while what looks like a dark purple hairless ape with wings hovers above and cries. "The buck is this?"

“Ah! So you are here!” the image of Flag Burner shouts with excited bloodlust. “I knew you wouldn’t stray far from your goddess! What do you think you will accomplish with this little video show?! Scare me? Hahahahahaaaaa! As if!”

As he says that, the image of the laughing maddened monster keeps intersplicing, and even this far underground, you can hear the horrified cries of Crystal Ponies who didn’t exactly have the best memory of that form.

In the service tunnels, Grandbuggy and the Outcasts view the same sensation and are all rightly confused.

“What in the Sam Hill?” Grandbuggy sputters.

"Is that a human with wings? Humans don't have those," Sweetie Belle says.

"Forget the human, what the heck is the Hooded Offender doing on the screens?!" Daring Do exclaims.

Within their vine pods, even the Elements and Princesses see this sensation.

“He’s back?” Fluttershy says with both hope and a bit of apprehension at the few glimpses they see.

“So…he still has power?” Celestia mutters to herself, now even more willing to believe that Nightshade and Nightmare Moon aren’t the same.

And just as quickly as the strange images appeared, the nightmarish battle disappears.

“He is here! FIND HIM! Bring him and Nightmare Moon before me!” Flag Burner orders his henchman who all nod and spread out, not noticing the cracks forming in the sky.

“Hmmph, not here huh?” Frost huffs before fixing you again with his icy gaze. “You’re a terrible liar.”

“I-bu-wh…” you stammer as you look from the now normal screen, to Spike, to Frost and then back. “What the buck was that all about?!”

"Your dad was fighting shadow demons?" Spike guesses.

"But that makes no sense, where did that broadcast even-*BLAST* Oi! Stop That!" you yell at Frost who sent a blast of ice towards you.

"Why don't you make me Nightmare Moon?" he taunts before he himself dodges out of the way of a blast of fire.

"Why don't you just shut up?!" Spike growls with balled fists.

"Ugh! Too Many Things Are Happening All At Once!" you shout and pull at your mane as a plunder vine attempts to ensnare Spike from the back but you blast it.


Episode 91: Ice Breakers

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Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Seriously what was that? Is that a cut of that movie those Knights back in Applewood made? Who’s idea was it to add humans? Dad hates those,” you say in utter bafflement, though you can’t think too long on this as a plunder vine reached out and tries to grab you.

“Buck off you overgrown houseplant!” you shout blasting away the vine.

“Shade get down!” Spike shouts as he pushes you out of an ice blast from Frost. You and Spike look to colt walking towards you with rage in his eyes. “Would you lay off jerk?!”

“Stand aside dragon,” Frost says his eyes glowing blue with contempt. “My battle is with Nightmare Moon. I have no quarrel with you, surrender quietly and I can ensure no harm comes to you.”

“Like I’m gonna stand by and let you hurt her!” Spike roars as he got on all fours his claws extending in anger.

“So be it,” Frost says as two plunder vines zoom past him toward you and spike. Your horn glows as you blast away the vines as Spike roars and charges at the colt. The colt stomps a hoof as the dragon gets close and wave of slick ice spreads over the ground. Losing his traction, Spike slips and his momentum causes him to fall and slide to which the colt jumps over.

“Dang it!” Spike shouts as he crashes into the wall behind.

“Stay down for your own good,” Frost says as he summons a small barrier of ice around the dragon.

“Let him go!” you order as your eyes flash white for a moment and you fire a magic missile at the colt. Frost grunts as he extends his orichalcum blades from his foreleg gauntlets and slices through the blast, dissipating it.

“That is not how physics work! Twilight said so!” you growl in annoyance as the colt rushes you with the blades.

“Too Bad!”

Reaching into your inventory, you pull out the Power Pole and parry his attack with a flourish.

“Seriously, cut it out you dumb buck or someling’s gonna get hurt!” you growl.

“That’s the point!” he grunts as he starts wildly swiping, to which you parry expertly thanks to zebra sensei. Suddenly, a chunk of ice hits him in the back of the head.

“Agh!” he winces in pain and falters, which allows you to sweep his legs out from under him. Once he hits the ground, you then use the pole and hockey puck him along the slippery ground into a heap of vines which tangles him up.

“Oh for- You Stupid Plant!” he yells at the vines.

“Nice shot Spike,” you say to the dripping wet dragon who has another chunk of ice in his claws.

“Thanks,” he nods. Frost looks at him in confusion for a moment before his eyes wander to the barrier erected, only to see a puddle of water.

“Right…fire breath,” he grumbles.

“Yeah, no spit. Didn’t you see what he did on the field earlier?” you taunt and stand next to Spike. “Now you just hang there and stop being so crazy while we figure things out!”

“There’s nothing to figure out! I have my orders!” The colt then grits his teeth before his eyes glow and the vines around him start to freeze. And while the other vines recoil and head towards you and Spike, the frozen ones start to crack and shatter.

“Ugh! It is way too crowded in here for this!” you complain as you smack the vines away with the pole.

“You’re telling me?” Spike says as he turns another vine to ash.

“Time to make an exit then,” you say as you stomp the wall behind using your earth bending to open a hole. You then grab his claw and you both hop through your makeshift door into another hallway. Frost yells as he breaks out of his frozen bonds and jumps toward you, but you put your hooves together and seal up the wall again.


“Ow!” you hear a muffled exclamation on the other side.

“And here I thought bending crystal would be harder than that,” you quip, remembering how much of a big deal Sombra made it out to be.

“What now?” Spike asks as you two run down the hall.

“We find Grandbuggy and the others, hopefully, the plant monster didn’t nab them like the Deadly 6 and the princesses.”

“Right…that did happen,” Spike says with a sad look in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, we’ll save them. Some stupid cyborg pony isn’t going to stop us,” you reassure and a bit more hope enters his face.


You both look over your shoulder as several vines burst through the wall where you made your door, ice shards all around them as a mist starts to seep out. Frost then follows quickly afterwards.

“Stop running!” he cries out before his horn glows and an orb of blue energy appears in front of his mouth. Frost opened his mouth in a roar as three curving beams fired off from the orb toward the two of you. You stomp your back hooves and a wall of crystal pops up behind you, taking the force of the damage, but then more plundervines burst through that.

“Ice and vines working together huh? This is just like the fight my dad had in Applewood with the wyvern and the timberwolf,” you say as you strike another wall, forming another obstacle which slows the vines down.

“Like father like daughter I guess,” Spike shrugs before ducking an icy blast. “So why are we running now that we have more room and can beat the snot out of that guy?”

“Cause I really don’t want to hurt him, hurt him you know? Last time I went a little overboard on him thanks to the stupid amulet, and I kind of want to make up for that,” you explain before you scowl. “Plus the last thing I need is a stupid scenario where I just announced how I’m not evil to the world and then I go too far and it’s all for nothing! Seriously, that happened way too often with Dad and it’s not going to happen with me Gorrammit!”

Another blast of magic whizzes past your head and you turn back to see the hallway floor behind you freeze as Frost skates over the ice with ease and the plunder vines trailing not far behind.

“Well, he doesn’t seem too bothered to hurt us!” Spike says as he turns back and unleashes a blast of fire. One of the vines swoops in front of the young Black Sun member and takes the hit, allowing him to leap over the burnt vine and continue his charge.

“Yeah but he’s not the biggest threat here at the moment, those stupid plants are!” you say, letting off a magic missile at another vine.

“I’m not weak!” Frost yells and sends another blast at you to which you duck.

“I think he heard you.” Spike deadpans.

“You won’t get the best of me this time Nightmare!” Frost roars as he leaps onto a nearby vine. The vine quickly grabs hold of him and twirls him around before tossing him straight toward you, his blades extended out.

“I told you to stop with the knives already!” you shout, stomping your hoof which causes a pillar to rise, striking him in the gut.

“Oof!” he gasps as the wind is knocked out of him. With his momentum, he goes flying over the two of you, flailing like a ragdoll into a stack of crates and a forklift.

“Gah! Buck-! Son of A-!” The colt curses as he crashes through the objects, before his head on the forklift. You and Spike hiss at his pain.

“Ooh, that’s gonna leave a mark,” he comments as you both turn down another corridor leaving him behind.

“Sorry about that, but seriously, stop trying to stab me!” you call over your shoulder.

“Oww,” Frost grumbles from his entangled position, as a nearby plundervine flytrap stops by and chuckles at his pain. “Oh quit laughing and get them!” The colt orders as he picks himself up, rubbing a bump on his head.

After a bit more time running through several corridors, erecting walls behind you in the process, the sounds of the plundervines becomes fainter and fainter.

But then, as you come towards another door, you hear voices.

“Someone’s coming!” a familiar voice shouts just as you and Spike burst through into an employee break room.

“Wait, is that-“ you start to say before a red and yellow blur attempts to drop on you from above.

“Die cultist!” the figure shouts in the midst of a surprise attack…however.

“Shoryuken!” Spike cries out on instinct, and uppercuts the attacker, getting him right under his chin…and with spinning eyes, Garble goes flying into the ground with a thud.

Once the both of you realize that, your eyes widen as you take in the area. The Outcasts are all in this room, along with the CMC. Everyone just stares in surprise for a good few seconds.

“Umm…whoops?” you break the silence.

“Heh, nice uppercut there boyo, but maybe save it for the enemy?” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Sorry, we’ve just been running from those vines again and we’re kind of amped up,” he apologizes, before shutting the door behind you. “Is he gonna be alright?”

“He’ll be fine,” Ember says as she shakes Garble.

“Pudding is the lifeblood of the universe,” he says dopily as he is pulled to his feet.

“Sure it is little guy, sure it is,” she says dusting him off.

“Grandbuggy! Everyling! I’m so glad you weren’t caught!” you say to the room before flying over and nearly tackling your older relative with a hug.

“Oof! It’s good to see you too honey. But we gotta save the hugging for later, this place is swarming with goons.” He says while patting your back. “I knew you’d be safe, but this just saves time from having to look for you.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” you nod as you let him go. “But yeah seriously, what’s up with all this? I know I made a scene, but I finally got through to everyone to hear us out, and then some jerk comes back from the dead and ruins the moment!”

“Lady Luck honey, Lady Luck,” Grandbuggy sighs with a shake of her head.

“Lady Bucking Luck,” you spit. “I mean it’s nice to know that Daddy didn’t actually kill that guy, so that’s something, but the timing just sucks!”

“Eyup,” he says patting your head in comfort.

“And speaking of Daddy, did you see that movie or whatever that played on the screens?” you ask.

“Yeah I did and…I honestly have no idea what that was all about,” he shrugs. “And coming from me that’s saying a lot.”

“Well whatever it was, now that robot guy thinks he’s here,” you pout.

“Exactly, which is what’s going to give us our advantage,” he says sounding confident. You raise a brow at that, but then your eyes wander to Spike who is apologizing to Garble.

“Alright look, I think that after what happened during the migration, we can just call things even right?”

“Bullspit! I got my butt kicked by Nightshade’s Dad because of you!” he complains.

“Well, maybe you and your friends shouldn’t have been psychos and tried to smash Phoenix eggs,” he says with crossed arms.

“Oh buck you. If Nightshade wasn’t already my rival, I’d be coming at you like a hurricane you shrimp!” he growls.

“You don’t have any right calling me shrimp now tiny!” Spike says getting in his face as they both growl.

“You know if weren’t for the fact I saw your original size, I would say the two of you could be twins,” Ember chuckles.

“WE ARE NOT TWINS!” The two smaller dragons shout in outrage.

“Quiet you idiotas!” Ahuizotl said as he covers their mouths with his large tail paw. “We don’t want to attract the plant beast or those cloaked matones!”

“Ahui’s right, who knows how close those guys are,” Daring says as she keeps watch by the door.

“It would be much easier to deal with them if we had actual weapons!” Greta groans and for the first time you see that everyling is holding kitchen utensils, most likely pilfered from this very room. “Did you see the heat they were packing?! I doubt a frying pan is gonna stop a real-life laser gun!”

“Never underestimate the usefulness of a frying pan my feathered friend.” Grandbuggy advises. “A silver skillet once saved my life from a lycanthrope in Victorian Trottingham.”

“…Yeah, okay, but still. Rather have something better,” she says matter of factly.

“At least you have a frying pan, we only got forks,” Scootaloo grumbles as you notice the other fillies holding the silverware.

“Most of you all got forks,” Silver Spoon complains, being the only one holding a spoon.

“And I know, we ain’t slackers,” Scootaloo continues. “But I mean, yeah this definitely is more dangerous than a vampire uprising or the lovepocolapse.”

“One of those we became part of the problem more than anything.” Applebloom deadpans. “And the other we caused.”

“I mean living in Ponyville is one thing but this is crazy!” Sweetie shivers nervously.

“Not to mention those plants nearly tore up the town last time, and that was without being controlled by a giant magic plant monster!” Diamond adds.

“None of us are warriors, we’re just kids. What are we going to do?!” Silver Spoon asks shaking in fear.

“Girls!” You bark as you walk towards them, the volume getting a dirty look from Ahuizotl. “We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’ve all faced big challenges before! I know Twilight and the others have always helped deal with these kinds of problems before, but they need our help now! If we work together we can do this!” You say giving them an encouraging look.

“Don’t worry girls we’ll watch your backs. Just make sure you watch ours okay?” Greta said giving them a grin.

“I’ve only seen you lot for a little bit, but I can tell each of you can be as ferocious as a dragon when things get tough,” Ember adds.

“You guys would definitely get along with my sister, and she’s no pushover,” Garble helps as well before pointing at Scootaloo. “Also, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were her turned pony through magic or something.”

“Come on girls, we may be kids, but we can still save our friends and our families!” Spike said reaching out a claw.

“Together,” You add putting your hoof on his. The girls look to each other and nod before putting their hooves together with yours. You are about to shout, when Ahuizotl looms over you lot and scowls.

“…Cutiemark Crusaders Saviors of Equestria Yay…” You whisper shout, which appeases him and he smirks, with the others smiling at your enthusiasm.

“Okay, I’m glad you little fillies are pumped up and everything, but don’t get overconfident okay?” Daring advises.

“She’s right ninas. Cutlery can only take you so far,” Ahuizotl nods.

“Don’t worry, I got that handled,” you say as you pull open your Inventory. “Mangle, bring out the armory.”

“Skreonk!” she responds, and in a few seconds the robot fox has dumped all of your weapons on the ground in a pile to which everyone looks at with dropped jaws.

“Well…that’s certainly better than a frying pan,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“Ooh! Dibs on the Dark Cannon!” Greta squees as she grabs the weapon.

“Junk jet please!” Scoots says pulling out the weapon, with the CMC gathering up the kitchenware more earnestly for ammo.

“It’s no spear but it will do,” Ahuizotl says as he grabs the mallet and stake.

“These jars may help us get away from those Black Sun lackies,” Diamond says.

“Gah! Keep those away from me please,” Greta says stepping back.

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks as she herself pops out of the inventory, with the pith hat on and gives a salute.

“Hey, that’s mine!” Daring all but exclaims and both you and Mangle freeze. “How long have you had that?”

“…I believe that’s a loaded question, so how about we just give it back and never bring it up again?” you suggest. She gives you a stink eye, but after a pat on the shoulder from Ahuizotl’s tail paw, she eventually just rolls her eyes and takes her stolen headwear from the fox and places it on her head.

“Deal…gosh it’s been so long,” she says rather happily patting the headwear.

Removed From The Inventory

5 Jars of Laughter
Dark Cannon
Junk Jet
Mallet and stake
Daring Do's Pith Helmet
Mangle, Plush Robot Fox Pet

“I expect to get most of those back,” you say giving a knowing look to Greta who hugs the Dark Cannon.

“Yeah yeah, sure,” she says as you doesn’t even look at you.

You shake your head before looking back to your inventory for any other possible weapons, and as you do your eyes catch something shiny, Frost’s Locket.

“Shade? You alright?” Grandbuggy asks noticing you sigh.

“He’s here Grandbuggy, the colt I hurt really badly back at the lake.” You say as you feel a pang of guilt wash over you. “He’s the one that was chasing me and Spike…”

He bites his lip at that and shakes his head before patting you on the back.

“Still going to try and make things right?” he asks and you nod. “Well just remember, just because you’re trying to set things right don’t mean he will. Sometimes you gotta smack someling upside the head before they listen to reason.”

“Yeah I know, doesn’t mean I have to like it though,” you grumble. “Besides, he’s just in the way. That plant monster is the biggest threat.”

“Don’t I know it,” he nods. “But before we tackle that big guy, we gotta get rid of the adds.”

“Alright everyling, here’s the plan.” Grandbuggy begins. “Right now we’re outnumbered and outclassed, but that’ll change if we get the magic dampeners down. Greta, Ahui, Daring, you three are the sneakiest so find them, they’re probably using some kind of large focusing crystal for the spell.”

“Right, find a specific crystal in the Crystal Empire that’ll be easy.” Greta snarks while Ahuizotl and Daring nod.

“Ember, Garble, I want you to get the girls out of this stadium,” he says to the two dragons. “They blocked off most of the exits with the plundervines, but you’ve both got fire on your side, and who knows, maybe you can grab help out there.”

“Hey! I wanna fight some baddies not rescue a bunch of ponies.” Garble complains.

“Grow up shorty, you can go ham after we do our job,” Ember chides while slapping him in the back of the head.

“You want us to get out?” asks Applebloom.

“That’s right. Your sisters and especially your Grandma would kill me if I didn’t get ya out. But that don’t mean I’m looking down on you all. Once the dragons get you to safety, gather whoever you can amongst those outside the stadium. We’ll need their help getting the hostages to safety.”

The collective CMC all nod at that as they go to stand next to the dragons.

“What about us Grandbuggy? What should we do?” You say as Spike walks up next to you.

“Since you two still have access to your full powers, I need you to look into freeing the Princesses and the Elements. Once we get that dampener down, their help will sure come in handy,” he says before looking at you intensely. “And whatever you do, don’t engage with Flag Burner unless it’s absolutely necessary. That crazy nut out there is after your pops more than you after all.”

“But Daddy isn’t here,” you point out and he nods.

“Exactly, and if he figures that out, a lot more damage is gonna ensue. Which is where I come in,” he says in a conspiratorial tone.

“What do you-“

He suddenly bursts into green flames, and standing before you is not your Grandbuggy, but The Hooded Offender.

Everyone’s eyes widen at this and your jaw drops as you know exactly what he’s planning.


“Someone’s gotta keep that nut preoccupied honey,” he says, still in his own voice.

“All by yourself?! Are you crazy!” Spike exclaims. “If his suit is anything like the ones Shining’s been going on about then you’ll need help!”

“I’ll be fine, I wasn’t one of the hive’s elite warriors for nothing.” Grandbuggy says in a tone of confidence as he takes the bowler hat from off the top of the hood and tucks it into the cloak.

“But Grandbuggy-” you try to argue.

“Nu-uh. Shade, I love you, but I don’t trust those shards in your chest,” he says putting his hooves on your shoulders. “They may give you a power boost but they’ll drive you nuts, and we don’t need to deal with two powerful crazy ponies. If you lose control, your little speech back there will be all for naught and we can’t let that happen.”

His words strike home. You’d just said the same thing not even five minutes ago to Spike. But just because he’s right doesn’t mean you have to like it.

“Spike I’m relying on you to reign her in if worse comes to worst. You’re the only one who can” he says looking to Spike in determination.

“I…” Spike falters for a moment before his eyes become steely. “I won’t let you down sir.”

“Good boy,” he nods before looking back at you. You want to argue, but you know he’s right.

“Honey, you focus on helping the Princesses, and you let me handle Burner alright?”

“…I don’t want you to get hurt Grandbuggy,” you say, your voice hitching because you know how big of a power difference there is between them. He flashes the hood off at that so you can see his face again, and he gives you a sad smile.

“I ain’t just gonna walk up and deck him in the snout like some brawler, your Grandbug’s a lot more wily than that,” he says before he kisses you on the forehead. “I believe in you sweetheart, you’re the strongest out of all of us. You’ve got your papa’s heart and your mama’s cunning, but just be sure to use that big brain of yours. That’s what makes you the best.”

You tear up at that and hug him hard. He grunts for a moment, but he hugs you back and ruffles your mane.

“You use your brain too Grandbuggy and be careful,” you command and he chuckles.

“I will honey, I will,” he reassures. You then break the hug and wipe your eyes with a sniffle before looking to your pet.

“Mangle! You go with him,” you order. Mangle barks and clambers up onto Grandbuggy’s shoulder who winces slightly. “You keep him safe alright?” Mangle nods and pats Grandbuggy’s head.

“Ah great, teaming with a machine again,” he grumbles under his breath before a tail paw rests on his shoulder.

“Fix…don’t try to be a hero,” Ahuizotl warns in worry and Grandbuggy smirks.

“Right back at ya bud,” he says before smiling back at you. The flames then return and his face is hidden by his version of the Nobody Cloak.

“Alright, Outcasts, Crusaders, let's do this. Stick to the plan and dinner’s on me tonight!”

“YEAH!” The group cheers.


NIGHTMARE!!!!” Frost’s voice shouts from down the corridor. You turn to see a fog of mist roll into the cafeteria from where you entered. A pair of glowing blue eyes pierce out from the fog as several plunder vines pour out from the corridor. “Our show isn’t over yet! It’s only just begun!”

“I told you all, no yelling!” Ahuizotl complains.

“Too late now!” Ember says as she starts ushering the fillies behind her.

Grandbuggy looks to the colt, but you step in front of him.

“All of you scatter! Me and Spike will handle him,” you order.

“That’s right, get going!” Spike adds in support.

Everyling nods to this as they each exit through different doors, with Grandbuggy being the last to leave.

“Love you kiddo,” he says.

“Love you too old bug,” you respond.

And with that, he takes off to handle his part of the mission.

The vines begin to split the floor, and the temperature plummets as the angry blue colt comes out of the fog.

“You’re gonna pay for what you did to me!” Frost shouts firing a blast of ice in your direction, to which Spike breathes a ball of fire canceling out his blast. “GRAH!! YOU WON’T ESCAPE MY WRATH!”

“I have no intention of escaping it,” you say stoically as you grip the Power Pole and Spike clenches his fists.

“What?!” he exclaims, taken aback.

“I said I’m not going to escape it. In fact I’m gonna calm that wrath,” you tell him and his eyes widen before hardening. “I’ve got something to take care of first though.”

And before he can respond, you stomp your hooves and encase him in a sphere of crystal.

“Hey! You-“ he shouts before becoming muffled.

“That’s gonna tick him off,” Spike quips before frying a vine.

“Eyup,” you say right before the two of you trot off out another exit. “But right now we gotta figure out how to free the princesses, otherwise the other’s missions won’t amount to anything!”

“Kind of risky with that guy following us though, that kid just doesn’t quit. He’s like a cold you just can’t get rid of,” he says in annoyance and you raise a brow at that. “What? Puns help me cope with crazy situations.”

“Yeah I know, but I would have gone with ‘he ain’t the common cold’,” you snark back and he smirks as you two continue down the corridors.

“Bad puns aside if we want him really preoccupied, why not use your shadow guys?” Spike suggests.

“Well, the last time I did that, I set a forest on fire, broke his leg and made fun of him while he cried as I beat him,” you say as guilt shoots through you and Spike winces.

“Understandable,” he says a bit awkwardly.

“Yeah, I just wanna take care of the more dangerous threats first and when everything’s calmed down, maybe I can talk some sense into him.”

You find yourself in a foyer in one of the main lobbies with two sets of stairs leading down to the lower floor. There is a lobby desk, a vendor full of stuffed toys, and various open hallways to other parts of the stadium, and at the very end of the lobby, you see a doorway leading out to the main field.

“Well, there’s the main field,” Spike points out. “Not exactly the sneakiest path, but that’s where the Princesses will be.”

“At least that means we know our beari-AGH!” you yell out as your left wing is struck by magic and immediately ices up. Seeing as how you were hovering, you immediately fall and begin bouncing down the stairs.

“Off! Ow! Sonofa-Agh!” you grunt all the way down before coming to rest in front of the decorative fountain in front of the lobby desk.

“NIGHTSHADE!” Spike screams while you groan and try to keep your eyes from rolling around.

“A’m Otay!” you respond before shaking your head and looking at your iced up appendage. “Seriously?!”

“There’s more where that came from!” Frost yells. Looking up you see as his glowing blue eyes glowing as he enters into the room. “It’s time to face the consequences for your si-“

“SHUT THE BUCK UP!” Spike says as his fist strikes into the side of the colt’s head.

“Gagh!” Frost cries as the sucker punch throws him off balance. “Why you-Agh!”

Spike interrupts the colt with another strike to his nose, drawing blood which immediately ices over.

“Whoa, uh...Spike?” you say taken aback by his ferocity.

“You Don’t Hurt Her!” Spike roars as he slams the colt into the wall and headbutts him.

“Agh!” Frost yelps as his eyes swim, but he grits his teeth. “She hurt me first!”

The colt then tries to slash at Spike with the blades on his right gauntlet, but Spike catches him around the wrist.

“I don’t care!” the dragon declares before opening his jaws and biting down onto the gauntlet. Frost yelps as he feels pressure in his right foreleg, but the biggest damage is to the glove itself, which was his intention. The metal which holds the orichalcum blades in place shreds off of the colt and the gauntlet falls to the floor.

“NO!” Frost yells.

“YES!” Spike roars back as he spits the metal debris back in the colt’s face.

“GRAGH!” the colt growls as he pushes off the wall, tackling the dragon and himself down the other stairs that you didn’t fall down…but they both lead to the same place.

And as Spike and Frost yelp and curse as the bounce down the stairs you take the time to channel shadowy magic through your wing until the ice melts off of it.

Ooh, that’s tingly and numb, you think as you rub the now freed appendage, feeling pins and needles in it as if it’d been asleep.

“OOF!” both the combatants grunt as they hit the floor in front of you, still tangled together.

Looking up you see as the plundervines are about to come through the door you all entered, so you block up the hallway with your bending and look back to the two.

“Alright you two break it u-”

“GRAAAHHH!!!” you are interrupted as the colt under Spike roars and a blast of fog shoots from him, plummeting the room into below freezing. You yourself get knocked back into the fountain, just as it freezes over, encasing you in ice.

“Oh Come On!” you shout at the chilly inconvenience.

“AGH!” Spike yelps as he is thrown off of him and disappears into the fog.

“Stay out of this lizard! I won’t warn you again!”

“Screw you psycho!” Spike responds from the mist causing the colt to grit his teeth.

“Fine! You want my attention?! You’ve got my attention! That gauntlet wasn’t cheap you know?!”

“Put it on my tab, I’ll pay it back NEVER!” Spike calls out before a burst of fire shoots out towards Frost, but he ducks before it even gets close.

“Nice try dragon, but I can feel your body heat. You can’t hide from me in my Mist of Cold!” and with that statement he fires off a blast of his own magic into the fog and you hear Spike grunt in pain.

“Spike!” you yelp within your icy cage, your shards flashing.

No no, not going all out. Just need a little bit…you mentally command, not wanting to give into the amulet’s influence. And with that they glow less intensely as you start channeling more magic around yourself to melt the ice. And while you do that, Spike sends another blast of fire from the fog, but the colt dodges again.

“Your fiery passion for your alicorn mistress is no match for my cold determined rage!” he declares and fires back, causing Spike to dive behind the vendor, which just so happens to be selling a lot of plushies that look just like him.

“That was so lame sounding! Ice puns didn’t work for Batmane and Robin, and it won’t work for you!” the dragon quips.

“I don’t even know what that is!” the colt declares.

“Consider yourself lucky!” Spike says as he grabs several of the stuffed versions of him, sets them aflame, and throws the randomly throughout the fog. Frost pauses at this turn of events and looks back and forth in all directions.

“What did you-“

“If you sense heat, trying narrowing me out of all the other sources!” Spike taunts which causes you to click your tongue.

Pretty clever there Spikey, you think as the ice cracks and falls all around you. You see Frost’s glowing eyes in the fog turn in your direction, but thanks to the many dolls on fire, he can’t separate you from the other heat signatures.

“ Fire can only burn so long in the grasp of cold justice and vengeance!” the unnerved colt shouts, this time barely dodging a blast of fire, with his coat getting singed.

“What justice!?” Spike retorts. “You are working for a literal mad pony! He’s attacking innocent ponies and threatening an entire nation with his insane philosophy! Equestria needs the princesses!”

“Those ‘princesses’ are nothing more than symbols of the ancient past!” the young cultist rants. “Ponykind has lived in prosperity for thousands of years at the expense of the other races, forcing out native inhabitants to make way for their own goals!”

“You mean peace and friendship?!” Spike counters.

“Are you serious? They only offer that to their own kind, and even in the beginning that was split in three categories! They sure as Tartarus wouldn’t accept the scarier looking races!” the colt growls as he fires and strikes one of the decoys. “Tell me something dragon, why was your egg in the hooves of ponies? How’d they get it? Don’t you wonder where you came from? If you have a real family out there?”

“I…” Spike starts apprehensively before shaking his head. “I’ve already got a real family! Twilight, Shining Armor, Nightshade and all my friends!”

“Bah! You’re a blind idiot! Pony kind has and always will fear that which they don’t understand. And what they fear, they hate and what they hate, they destroy!” he shouts before whipping his head around and firing right at Spike.

“AGH!” Spike yelps as his feet get frozen to the floor and he suddenly ices up just like how you were earlier.

“Little lesson for you, fire burns away fog and lets you see clearer!” Frost sneer as he aims to fire another shot at the trapped dragon.

“And so does monolouging!” you quip as you extend the Power Pole straight into his face, sending him flying into the reception desk. His blast goes wide and instead of freezing Spike, he freezes the doorway to the field.

“Oh Come On!” you complain again.

“There you are Nightmare! Couldn’t let your pet do all your dirty work?!” the colt says rubbing his jaw and extricating himself from the desk.

“Oh for the love of-I AM NOT MY MOM!” you shout, the shards in your chest amplifying your voice. Frost grunts as the force of your voice pushes him back, and he jabs his remaining blades on his left gauntlet into the desk for leverage. With him off balance you rush up, flap your wings and come down on him with your fiery back hooves. “FALCON KICK!”

You strike him right in the chest, sending him through the desk and into the wall behind counter, cracking it.

“And Spike’s not my pet either!” you finish with an edge to your voice. “He’s my friend. You okay by the way Spike?”

“I’m good, just give a second or two,” he says muffled within the ice as you see him struggling to produce flame inside an enclosed area.

Oof, maybe I should give him a hoof to-

“Friend huh?” Frost asks, drawing your attention before he begins coughing and holding his chest. You then see him spit out some blood which bounces along the floor due to the extreme temperatures. “Funny word for pawn, you’re just like all the rest, another bully with a superiority complex.”

He then holds his hoof up and another blast of that fog flies towards you, but you lift up the debris from the desk to intercept the blast, causing a small explosion.

“Please stop this! You can’t beat me!” You plead earnestly. Frost growls and prepares another ice beam, but instead of firing at you, he fires at the door to the field, strengthening the ice even further and denying passage to the plundervines that had come to investigate.


“Flag Burner can have you when I’m through with you. I’m sure he won’t mind if you’re missing a limb or two, just as long as you’re breathing,” Frost taunts throwing your own words back at you from your first meeting. He extends his remaining orichalcum blades on his left foreleg as he stands up on two hooves getting in a battle stance.

You sigh at this and shake your head, getting into your own defensive stance.

Guys, I sure hope you’re doing better on your parts, because I’ve got a slight detour.

Loganic’s Comment

With Greta

“Who’s bright idea was it to leave the magic macguffin to me? I’m a griffon not a flippin unicorn!” She grumbles as she sneaks about. “Sure yeah, let’s split up, so shocking that the cat guy thing and his new marefriend form one group and I get pointed in the other direction. And how in the buck am I supposed to know where this stupid heart is at? This stadium is huge! Do they expect me to just stumble into-“

“What was that noise?” someone says from around the corner.

EEP! She mentally yelps before dropping to the floor and donning her camouflage.

As to cloaked figures come around the corner, they pause and look around, not seeing her.

“Huh, could have sworn I heard somepony griping,” one of the figures says.

“It sounded more like complaining to me,” the other figure shrugs.

“Oh whatever,” the first one shakes his head. “But still, can Nightmare Moon turn invisible?”

“I don’t think so, the Offender never did that did he?”

“Not that I’ve heard…” the first figure says as he looks around again. “Well in any case if it was her we’d probably been attacked by now.”

“Exactly,” the other one nods. “You’re probably just being jumpy.”

“I’d call it cautious. This is Nightmare Moon we’re talking about after all. Even if she’s a kid now, she shouldn’t be taken lightly, even with these fancy weapons we got,” he says pointing at the rifle looking thing at his side.

“True, but we’re fine for now. Ain’t nothing down here except this suspiciously placed cardboard box in the middle of the walkway,” the second stallion says pointing right at Greta who begins to sweat.

Crap! I knew this wouldn’t work! Why do I gotta be such a gaming nerd?! She mentally panics as she prepares for a fight.

“Yeah I know right? That’s a tripping hazard, as well as a fire hazard,” the first stallion shakes his head in disgust. “Guess the Crystal Ponies still haven’t gotten a hang of modern safety practices.”

Wait, what? Greta pauses.

“I’m surprised they even have plumbing,” the second stallion chuckles.

“I know right?” the other one laughs. “But seriously, once Flag Burner’s in charge he should make sure safety guidelines are properly met at public facilities.”

“Definitely need more guardrails, that’s for sure,” the other one nods.

…The buck are they going on about? Why are they having water cooler conversations in the middle of a hostage situation?

“But anyway, let’s leave looking for Nightmare Moon to someone else, I really don’t’ feel like getting beat up this close to victory,” the first one suggests.

“I hear that. Let’s go check up on the guys watching the magic nullifier, say we’re back up, and just wait for this whole thing to blow over,” the second cultist says.

“Lead the way,” the first one says with a nod, and with that they start walking down the corridor.

…Well, that was incredibly useful and lucky, Greta shrugs as she starts stalking them from under her box.

“You know, for a second there, you and me with the box seemed straight of a Metal Gear game,” the first cultist chuckles.

“Oh please, that’s not Nightmare Moon’s style. And who’d honestly be dumb enough to hide under a box? It’s too ridiculous,” the second one guffaws as they keep walking. Greta gives a deadpan scowl at them through the hand hold hole.

Alright, you two have lost your consciousness privileges once we get to the magic thingy.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

With Ahuizotl and Daring

As the two nemesis’ turned lovers stalk down the hallways, they hear the rumbling of the plant monster extending it’s tendrils throughout the stadium.

“You know, with as many tombs as we’ve raided in the past, this seems par the norm for us,” Daring points out. “Going through tight corridors, seeking an object of power, mysterious monsters and henchmen about? Classic adventure.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Ahuizotl says with a smirk. “Though I guess this is a first for us to be doing it together.”

“Yeah,” Daring says with a blush before coughing into her hoof. “But just like always, the stakes are high. Though there are far less traps to worry about.”

Suddenly Ahuizotl’s eyes alight with inspiration.

“Dios Mio! Why didn’t I think of that before?” he says as he starts stripping wires from the lights.

“What are you doing Ahz?” Daring says in surprise.

“Getting trap making material! I stick out with my size, so it’ll be good to leave a surprise for these cultists when they inevitably spot me,” he explains and Daring’s eyes widen before she smirks.

“Have I said how much I appreciate your foresight?” she says as she breaks a wooden crate and starts gathering up the fragments of wood.

“Many times if your books are any indication,” he says as he starts making nooses. “But even if they aren’t chasing us, when Fix starts causing chaos, the least we can do is entangle some of them.”

“Trap making while still searching for treasure? Wow, we really are cut out for this line of work aren’t we?” Daring snarks as they keep searching, stopping every now and again to booby trap the hallways.

With Ember, Garble and The CMC

“You know, when I started this day, I really didn’t think I was gonna be stuck on babysitting duty,” Ember complains.

“I know right? Why do we gotta be stuck with the kids?” Garble grumbles.

“I was talking about you,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

“We’re the same age!” Garble whines, thrashing his little feet wildly.

“Eh, debatable,” she shrugs and he grits his teeth.

“Come on Scoots, let me have a turn holding it,” Sweetie Belle whines as the pegasus holds the Junk Jet even closer to herself.

“No! I called dibs! I get to shoot it!” she argues.

“Come on, just a little?” Silver Spoon pleads.

“Yeah, it sure looks heavy for you alone,” Diamond Tiara coaxes.

“It is NOT too heavy! Shade handed it to me, so it’s mine! You all just gotta help me reload it!” Scootaloo barks.

“Well how about when we run into enemies, we take turns on who gets to fire it?” suggests Applebloom.

“Okay fine, but I get to at least hit five enemies with it first!”

“Ugh, will you five cut it out?” Garble snarls. “You’re not supposed to be looking for a fight, we’re trying to get you out to get help remember?!”

“Hey, if living in Ponyville when Nightshade and her Dad are around is any indication, a fight’s gonna come whether we try to avoid it or not,” Sweetie says seriously.

“That may be true, but the twerp does have a point, you are being loud,” Ember says over her shoulder. And just as she says that, they come around a bend and see an exit sign above some doors…that are wriggling with plundervines.

“Booyah! And enemy!” Scootaloo cheers as she aims the Junk Jet.

“Oi! Not yet!” Ember says pushing it down.

“Awww, why not?” she whines.

“We’ve fought those things before, you damage them, they’re gonna start focusing on you and more will show up,” Garble warns as he eyes the blockade.

“We might be able to burn it then make a run for it, but something tells me the exits are gonna be even more fortified for this very scenario,” Ember says before Garble can start shooting fireballs.

“Well if we can’t attack it, what are we gonna do?” asks Applebloom.

“Yeah? Because if this exit is blocked, all the others will be,” Diamond adds.

“You sure you can’t just burn it up?” Silver asks.

“Maybe if we didn’t have to worry about you five we could burn it and walk through the flames, but ponies aren’t exactly fireproof,” Garble points out.

“Oh! Oh! I saw this in a movie once!” Scootaloo hops up and down excitedly.

“What?” Ember asks.

“Well in the movie the bad guy had a reinforced door, but the walls around it weren’t so the hero just smashed through those instead!” she says pointing to the wall beside the exits. “Maybe I could blast a hole through that?”

“Those walls would be too thick for the Jet to get through,” Ember says before a lightbulb appears above her head. “But they are made of crystal! Garble, did you eat yet?”

“Uh, I had some pony food called nachos,” he says.

“Yeah, and I had a bunch of cakes and cheese with the Princesses earlier, but there’s always room for gems,” she says with a smirk.

Garble looks between her, the wall next to the blocked exit and back before gulping.

“You fillies watch our back while we pig out alright?” Ember says as she drags the intimidated Garble to the wall.

“Will Do!” Scooatloo salutes as she turns to face the hallway with the Junk Jet at the ready.

“I’ve never been intimidated by food before,” Garble whines and she bonks him on the head.

“Oh don’t be such a drama queen. You took a bite of that fountain earlier,” she reprimands.

“That was out of spite…mostly,” he says looking away.

“Well time to be more spiteful,” she says as she opens her jaws and takes a meaty bite out of the wall. “Mmm, got hints of amethyst and pyrite.”

“Amethyst you say?” Garble perks up before he starts biting into the wall himself.

And as the two dragons start their impromptu buffet and Scootaloo stands guard, the others watch in fascination before Silver Spoon starts picking up the shards of crystal that don’t go down the dragon’s gullets.

“Well, I guess we’ll have more ammo for if anyone does come,” she says to the others. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara all look at each other before shrugging and joining in on ammo collection.

With Grandbuggy

The old bug runs through the hallways with cultists not to far behind him.

“The Offender is on the third level! I repeat, the Ofender is on the third level!” one of them shouts. Passing a screen, Grandbuggy sees as Flag Burner looks estactic.

“I knew it! Route him hear immediately!”

“Too easy,” Grandbuggy smirks as he turns a corner and shapeshifts into a Black Sun member and falls to the floor. “Aggghhh…”

When the others round the corner, they look to him groaning on the ground.

“Which way did he go?” asks one of them and Grandbuggy points a random direction.

“That way I think, said something about popcorn,” he lies.

“Popcorn?” one of them asks.

“Of course! If he sets the popcorn vendor on fire, then the plundervines will be slowed on the third floor!”

“That devious changeling!” another one says as they run in the direction Grandbuggy pointed.

Once they are out of sight he just shakes his head and stands up.

“Idjits,” he curses as he heads back the way he came and down the stairwell.

Once on the second level, he finds another search party and pulls the same trick.

“The Offender is now on the second level!”

“What? How’d he get down there so quick?!” Flag Burner on the monitors bellows. But this time, since there are only two of the, when they round the corner he throws Mangle onto one of their faces.

“Skreonk!” the mecha fox screeches as it latches onto the stallion and starts tearing at his mane.

“Ah! Agh! Get it off! Get it off!” he screams and starts thrashing, right before Grandbuggy Falcon Kicks him in the nards. “EEEEEE!!!”

The other stunned Sun looks at that and back at Grandbuggy as he rushes forth and tackles them.

“Oof!” the figure grunts in a feminine voice.

“Wait a sec,” Grandbuggy says before pulling their hood back, revealing an orange colored pegasus mare. “What’s a pretty mare like you doing joining a terrorist group?”

“We’re not terrorists! We’re liberators and-“

“AAAAHHHH-*BONK*” the stallion Sun runs head first into a wall, knocking himself out as mangle gives him one last kick on the snout before jumping back onto your back.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever label you may put it, you’re still scum,” Grandbuggy admonishes. “Which is a real shame because you’ve got a face that could make a priest break his vows.”

“Oh, uh,” she stammers before smiling coyly. “Th-That means you won’t hit me right? Since I’m a pretty mare?” To this though, Grandbuggy gives her a deadpan look.

“I yearn for true gender equality. That means equal rights…” he then punches her right between the eyes, knocking her out. “And lefts.”

Mangle snickers at that as the old bug gets up and grabs the communication device the stallion was using.

“Report! Second level! Where’s the Offender!”

“He’s scaling the fifth level! Climbing up the wall like a spider!” he responds into it using the mare’s voice.

“Wait, he can do that?!” the Sun on the other end asks in surprise.

“Apparently!” Grandbuggy says.

“All Units! Fifth Floor! Fight Floor!” the Sun orders.

“Negative! He’s gotta be on the first! We just hits some traps!” another voice speaks up.

“Traps?” Grandbuggy says while looking at Mangle.

“Snare Traps, Dart Traps, You Name It!” the other voice yells.

“The Plundervines are going nuts in the basement level and there’s ice everywhere! Did the Hybrid fight him?!”

“I don’t know! Lost contact with him!”

Grandbuggy holds the ear piece away from him and grins at the robot fox.

“Well, looks like spreading chaos is working well for once,” he says.

“Skreonk,” Mangle nods.

“Alright you little abomination, let’s keep at it then,” he says as he transforms back into the Offender and runs off.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back To You

Frost shouts as he charges you, his blades slicing through the air, but you doge him and use the Power Pole to push him on the back and cause his momentum to make him stumble away from you.

Okay Nightshade let’s just weigh our options here, you think as you glance around you, at the various frozen exits. I could break out of here no problem, one good falcon kick or magic missile and I can break down the ice walls. This close to the field, Flag Burner and the plant monster will definitely hear that though and make it harder to free everyling.

The colt then fires several icicle like shards towards you, but you block them all with the pole. Glancing over at Spike you see that despite a bit of struggle, he is still making progress in freeing himself, slowly but surely.

He’s got that handled, and really he’s safer in there for now. Can’t have him getting shanked by this dude, and I doubt he’d fall for the biting trick a second time, you determine as the colt makes the ground under you slippery, but you float up with your wings, negating the effect.

I thought that I could put this off until after the big picture was taken care of, but if I don’t settle this now, he’s gonna buck up everything, you think begrudgingly. Whether he listens to me, or I gotta beat him unconscious, one way or another, I have to end this quickly.

Horn glowing he levitates more shards of ice and tosses them toward you. You nimbly dodge most of them in the air, though some hit their mark and graze your hide leaving cuts. In retaliation, you extend the Power Pole right into nose again, and he grunts in pain.

“Will you just stop already?” you ask as you take a page out of the Tatzelwurm fight and start circling him with rapid fire attacks from the Power Pole.

“I’ll never stop! Not until ponies like you are broken and on the ground where you belong!” he says erecting ice walls around himself.

“Oh yeah? And what about Flag Burner? You really think that guy cares about what you want? Why are you even working for him!?” you grill and suddenly his eyes glow bright blue.

“ENOUGH!” he roars unleashing the walls around him, which strike and disorientate you. With this distraction he blasts you in the stomach causing you to fly backward and land on one of the sets of stairs.

“OOF!” you grunt as the ice starts to melt where they’ve come in contact with the shards.

“You think you can lecture me? You who tortured me? You who chased me with an army of monsters who nearly killed me? You know nothing of my life!” he growls as spittle flies from his mouth.

“Look, I’m sorry alright?! I’m sorry I hurt you I didn’t know you were-” You begin before he sends another blast at you to which you dodge by going over the stair railing.

“That I was a kid?!” he finishes your thought in a voice filled with rage. “It’s not like anyone ever thinks about who the Monster really is, especially when they’re trying to Kill them!”

“I didn’t want to kill you! I wasn’t thinking straight! I was-“

“Bullspit!” he cries out, sending more icicle missiles at you with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Your head was clearly in the game enough to send your horrifying wolves after me! And what was it you said? You were gonna BITE my hooves off? Or how about when you wanted to ignite the Spark to barbecue this grilled moron?” The wind current around him begins to grow faster as he gets to within melee range and starts slashing with his gauntlet and punching with his free hoof at you.

“Please, I’m sorry! The stupid amulet magnified my rage. I-” You begin but are interrupted as his blades rake across a few pieces of your shards, and a wave of red magic pushes the two of you away from each other.

“Gragh!” he growls as he skids across the floor.

“Ack!’ you grunt as you hit the wall. The shards are hot in your chest, and you can see the damage done on them by the blades, but it’s not nearly enough.

“Oh ‘the amulet made you lose control’ huh?” he spits in disbelief. “What a crock, you’re not losing control right now, and you didn’t outside when yelling at those stupid alicorns! So it’s just me that’s the exception huh?”

“Hey! I can’t control the stupid things! You’re the one who cut them and-“

“And let’s not forget that you’re the one who put this thing on willingly to stop Mr. Veggie outside!” he interrupts and you grit your teeth in frustration. “And don’t tell me you didn’t know the risks after what it did to that showmare the changeling almost killed!

“I didn’t have a choice!” you say through gritted teeth as the shards grow brighter.

“Oh, so someone made you put it on?” he mocks as he starts releasing more fog. “Typical pony logic, quick to blame everything else instead of admitting your own faults. You always curse Lady Luck for giving you misfortune and bad luck. Well guess what? I never had luck to begin with!”

“Oh I fully admit this thing was my fault,” you say in annoyance as you start flapping you wings hard to negate it’s effect. “And I still regret it, but what I don’t regret is saving all those innocents and my friends from the plant monster!”

“Innocent? Friends?! Ha! That’s one of the biggest loads of bullspit I’ve ever heard!” he taunts within the fog. “Among the ponies, there are no innocents. And friends? Another lie they use in order to keep everyone in line. But when it comes down to it, all their speeches about love and tolerance, kindness and loyalty, mean nothing when they’re faced with something that challenges their ideas and rules. Then their true colors shine, and they’re cruel, vicious, deceitful, manipulative and backstabbing hypocrites!!!”

While ranting he attempts to strike at you with his blade from the fog, but you parry with the pole, grab his hoof, put it behind his back and slam him up against the wall.

“Ack!” he grunts while you keep pressure on him, which sends chills down your spine.

“Yeah?! Then what makes the people you're working with any better?! They don’t care about you! They’re just using you to meet their own goals! And what makes you so high and mighty to call us out for being mean when you do no better?!” you interrogate into his ear. He stops struggling at that and the wind stops emanating off of him.

Wait really? Did that get through to-

Your thoughts are cut off as he starts to shake and let out insane laughter.

“Heh ...heh...hehe…haha ha ha AHHAHAHA!” he bellows as his body starts to become unbearably cold and you wince. “You (heh) don’t think (ha) I don’t know what they’re doing? You don’t think I recognize what they’re doing with me? I know they’re just using me for my power, so they can put their own regime over princesses' government. But I don’t give a buck about what they want or what their goals are.”

“Then why are you-EEK!” you wince as he kicks his back leg backward into your groin. Now, you may not have nards, but still, an icy shot in that area still isn’t pleasant, and you let go of him and stumble backward.

“Hey! That’s my gimmick!” you complain before he whips around and you see that not only are his pupils gone, but his mane is whipping about like how Sombra’s did, and his entire body starts to become translucent.

“You want proof?” he says with a broken voice as he waves his hoof across himself as if presenting a prize. As he does, his cultist cloak shatters around him and falls to the ground as he roars, “I’M THE LIVING PROOF OF THE CRUELTY OF PONY KIND!

Tears flow freely from his glowing eyes, forming icicles on his cheeks, and as his body glows ethereally the many scars he has shine with a white glow. They are old, but wicked, as if he’d fallen into a blender that was on fire. Unlike your dad’s scars, they are healed, but they still tell a frightening story. Burns and cuts in all shapes and sizes, with one wrapping around his throat. You gasp at the horrific sight, especially when you look at your contributions from the lake.

“This what you ponies are truly capable of,” he all but whimpers with his shaky voice, recoiling at the sight of his own scars. “Violence and hatred because of what I am, a monster in their eyes, and I will pay it back TENFOLD!”

The wind starts to whip around him again and snow starts to pile up at his hooves.

“…All this because you’re half Windigo?” you ask with sympathy in your voice.

“Oh, figured that out did you?” he sneers. “Well, it’s not like I had a say in the matter, but that still didn’t stop them from tormenting me for being an abomination, even when all I wanted was a normal life.”

“I…” you try to say something, but you are taken aback.

“I didn’t fight back for the longest time, I didn’t want them to have a real reason to fear me, but that was naive. Because all it takes is lashing out once to make it all stop to give them their excuse.” He then starts slowly walking towards you, snow billowing all around him. “The excuse they were hoping for.”

“…Frost, listen. Not all ponies are-“

“DON’T!” he shouts in distress, his skin becoming even more translucent, showing his shining skeleton somewhat and causing the wind to whip harder. “Don’t you dare say that after what they did to me! It’s all just waiting under the surface, the desire to make a spectacle of the things they fear! Why else would they have had that enchanted noose ready? Why else would they have giddily dragged me through the town while it seared my icy flesh and they pelted me with rocks?!”

“I…” you say taking a step back.

“That stake they tied me to didn’t just happen, they were prepared for it! They wanted it so badly!” he says as his voice becomes more unhinged. “And you wanna know the crazy thing Nightmare? A part of me had seen it coming. Even as they set that pyre aflame, I knew it had been an inevitability…but I didn’t see them setting the house on fire too…”

The icy tears intensify as he roars,

“They killed my MOM!!!!!!!

The wind pushes you back and you cover your face with a wing.

“I was one thing, but they took her away from me first! All because of what my father was!” he rants lost in the horrid memory. “Even as the flames licked my skin, and the rope deprived me of air, I remember her cries coming from the burning house…I still hear them…”

He all but whimpers that last part and it hits you right in the feels. You’d helped a filly that had gone through such an injustice in the past…but Ruby had already been dead. Even still, you want nothing more than to console the poor colt, but before you can he looks to you with that mad gaze.

“And that’s when I finally snapped,” he says with that mad cackle. “They wanted a monster, so I gave them one. I froze them. I froze their whole bloody town.”

“You froze the whole town?” you ask sounding disturbed.

“Oh yes,” he nods with that mad glint. “It’s not that hard when they’re all surrounding you as you burn to death. I froze them all and myself…all of us frozen statues for over a thousand years.”

“A thousand years?” you gasp in befuddlement.

“That’s what the Suns said when they thawed me out, even though the pain is still fresh in my mind” he says now grinning manically. “And I’m inclined to believe them with all this modern tech I’ve seen in the last two years.”

“That…that actually makes a lot more sense,” you say aloud. You’d been wondering how ponies today could be so bloodthirsty, and now you have your answer. It wasn’t ponies today, but ponies from the past. And from what Sombra and your Mom have told you, the past wasn’t a kind place.

“Really? Because it doesn’t to me!” he spits. “How can a thousand years pass and nothing has changed?”

“But things have changed! Ponies in the old days were-“

“The same as they are today, but with less tech,” he argues. “But under the surface, they’re the same at heart, even the Suns. When I first awoke, I feared them, but they gave me a purpose and a place to belong, even training me to fight and giving me a gem to make me look like an adult. I knew they were using me, but it felt great to be part of something, and when Flag Burner finally awoke, I found someone who was honest with his intentions, not like that shady DWC guy.”

“DWC?” you ask never having heard that name before, but he shakes his head.

“It doesn’t matter, the point is Flag Burner was also someone who’s not exactly a pony, and he’s always been straightforward. Unlike you, he actually listened to what I had to say,” he spits.

“For the last time, I wasn’t thinking straight because of the amulet!” you excuse and he shakes his head.

“Excuses, excuses. That’s all you have. You know, when I first heard about you I sympathized?” he says throwing you for a loop. “Burner may want him dead, but when you were controlling the Offender, I understand completely. I mean, you were rejected by society and hated, forced to spend a thousand years on the moon, and when you came back, you were forced from your body. If that’d happened to me, I’d have controlled a giant buck to get revenge too.”

“I am not Nightmare Moon Gorrammit!” you curse as the wendicolt eyes become even more unhinged, but he doesn’t listen to you.

“But of course when I went to you, that sympathy went out the window. You’re just a hypocrite like the rest. A pony who attacks first and asks questions never! And when I came back beaten, Flag Burner looked at me in disappointment!” he laughs as his back hooves start to get whispy and gaseous. “And that means I’m not as useful to them, and they’ll no doubt throw me out after this is all over. I’ll be hunted and hated forever and never have a normal life!”

“Yes, because they’re the bad guys! But no one else will hunt you like that, I can help you!” you try to plead, but he keeps shaking his head in stubborn madness.

“Help me? You can’t even help yourself. And they’ve hunted you these last four years, an ancient evil now in child form. How would I be any different?!” he hisses.

“Because we’re not evil! For buck’s sake, take a moment and breathe and stop being a hypocrite yourself, this isn’t the way to ease your pain!”

“I’ve heard enough of you and everyone else's lies!” he refutes as he opens his mouth and fires another beam to which you block with a magic barrier.

“Come on! We can stop fighting! I don’t want to hurt you anymore!” you say as you open the inventory and reach for the Locket. “Look, I even have your-Wagh!” you yelp as you dodge another of his beams. “Gorrammit!”

“I’m tired of hearing your bullspit, I won’t be tricked again! Not by you! Not by anypony!” he declares in a broken hollow tone as he starts half walking, half floating towards you.

“Please don’t,” you warn him, but he ignores your advice and you sigh as you twirl the Power Pole. “Fine, come at me then.” Music then starts playing from nowhere as a music number is activated and he begins to sing.

It's time I finally accepted this lesson.
It's time that I finally understand.

He begins as more fog emanates from him.

I could never be given kindness from anyone
in this or any other land.

He fires off another blast, which you counter with your own magic missile, still not moving.

I once hoped for friendship.
To find a home among my kind.
But those were the childish wishes.
Of someone who was always blind.

He charges at you with his blades, one of orichalcum and one of ice. You parry both.

It’s time I opened up my eyes
To finally see the world from where I stand.
Alone, tortured and forgotten.
Robbed of the life I could never have.

“Yes you were robbed, but a better life can still be obtained!” you chide as you push the pole into his stomach and extend it, throwing him backward.

I’ve finally opened up my Eyes!
Given up my bittersweet and hopeful dreams
It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now, you stupid foal, open up your eyes!

“No! Don’t you give up! I know it’s hard to see all the good with all the crap that’s been thrown at you, but it’s still there!” you counter as he raises his hoof and sends more of the chilled icy air full of icicles, to which you duck.

I started out just the same.
With simple naïve love.
Shielded from the many ways.
That the world’s cruel and unjust

He continues, disappearing into the fog, causing you to take a defensive stance.

But then there came the moment
The truth that I had to face
If you have faith in others
You'll only end up in an early grave.

He then charges forth with his blade again and you parry, but this time he encases the grip of the Pole in ice, attaching it to his hoof.

“Hey!” you say indignantly as you two start to tug of war with it.

And as I took that first step,
Upon a path that I was forced to roam.
I saw it all so clearly.
The only way to survive on my own!

The ice on the pole then starts trying to crawl it’s way up your hooves, so you quickly let go of it and push him back with a telekinetic blast. As he skids to a halt, he un ices the pole and throws it off into the mist before pointing his remaining blade at you.

I’ve opened up my Eyes!
I now see the world for where it stands!
Cruel, unfair, and filled with pain!
A world where I would never be accepted.

The sloshy tears roll off his face, as he stalks towards you.

“Then let me show you otherwise,” you demand. Steeling your gaze in determination, you don’t move from your spot. Rather, you open your forelegs as if offering a hug.

I’ve Opened up my Eyes!!
And beheld the nonexistent light!
I’ve finally grown up and gotten wise.
Yes now, little one, I’ve opened up my eyes.

Not even caring that you’re standing still he dashes forth and leaps through the air, his whole body like a spear as he holds his blade out to skewer you.


He finishes as his blade inches towards your shrapnel filled chest.

“Then how can you still be so blind?” you say calmly as the crystal floor underneath shoots out like a claw and ensnares him.

“Urk!” he gasps as his momentum is instantly stopped.

“If your eyes were really open, then you’d see I haven’t even been going all out,” you say tiredly as you bend more of the earth to encase his legs. Growling, he starts to light up his horn, but you encase that in crystal too, blocking off his access.

“Grrrr,” he growls defiantly as he tries to thrash within his earthen snares. “You will fall to me!” He then opens his mouth to let off a beam, but you simply close his jaw shut and glare into his soul.

“And do you know why? Because unlike with your little song, I actually DID open my eyes! I’ve always been powerful, and this amulet gives it a boost, but letting it control me hurts folks that don’t deserve it,” you lecture as he is forced to listen to you. “And you know that better than anyone in this room.”

Your eyes then glow white and he trembles under your hoof.

“Even back at the lake, that wasn’t my full potential…and I’m not going to start now, because you don’t deserve that. You’ve been hurt enough, flailing around as blind as you are, so instead of opening up your eyes, maybe unclog your ears,” you order as the shadows billow around the stones and around the parts of him that are still ethereal. The moment they touch, he starts to solidify and he starts gasping under your hoof, a look of fear in his eyes.

“It’s over,” you say with finality.

“No…” Frost whimpers, from under your hoof. “No! It can’t end like this!”

“Yes it will, because it’s the only way you’ll see the truth,” you say before glancing off to the side. “Spike, can you come over here for a second?”

“Sure thing,” the purple dragon says as he walks up and hands you back your power pole, water dripping off him.

“So how come you didn’t jump in during the last bit there?” you ask him, having seen him standing on the sideline watching as the colt sang.

“I figured you had it handled, and I was right,” he says gesturing to the sobbing entombed colt.

“Well thanks for the confidence,” you smirk before pointing at the still extended orichalcum blade. “Think you can take care of that?”

“No problem,” he proclaims as he takes the extended and trapped left gauntlet and chews it away like he did with the right one.

“NOOOOO!!!” Frost’s muffled shout echoes from your hoof, but the deed is done as the deadly magic canceling blade clanks to the ground. Spike then picks up the blade, along with the other one from earlier.

“What do you want me to do with them?”

“Give them the T-1000 treatment,” you tell him. Locked out of time, the colt doesn’t understand what that means, until he sees Spike place them on the ground before breathing fire on them, focusing the flame until it gets hotter and hotter.

“AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” the colt roars and spasms under your hoof, but Spike keeps going until the metal turns red hot before melting away into useless slag.

He then begins whimpering at that as you turn your gaze back to his.

“I’m not going to hurt you anymore, but I can’t have you trying to hurt me or others at the same token,” you say as you finally take your hoof off his mouth.

“It’s not fair….it’s not fair!” He cries miserably within the shadowy and crystalline restraints.

“I know it’s not fair Frost. Life isn’t fair, but just because we got dealt a bad hand doesn’t mean you make it miserable for others,” you say in sympathy. He’s not a monster after all, he’s just a sad, lost, broken kid.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Zapper Frost’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

“I’ve lost everything though…aren’t I owed something?” he whimpers and you frown.

“Sure you are. You’re owed a second chance, a real second chance, not what those guys taking ponies hostage offered,” you tell him truthfully. “And most of all, you’re owed an apology.”

“What apology? What would that change when there’s so much misery and-“

"Listen!” you order sternly before he can start ranting again. “Don’t be a dumb buck like everypony else over these last four years and just listen. “I’m sorry okay?”

He doesn’t say anything to that, but he still stares at you with this mistrustful eyes and you sigh.

“I’ve said it before that I wasn’t thinking straight because of the amulet, and that’s true…but you were right, it’s not an acceptable excuse.” He seems taken aback by that admittance, but you continue. “Sure it twists your desires and emotions, but those have to be there in the first place and they were. I’ve just been so angry for the last four years. Angry at all the stupid ponies that kept chasing us and the countless villains that popped up along the way. Like you, I was angry that I didn’t get to have a normal life…and that night at the lake, I let my frustrations out on you.”

You then reach into your inventory and pull out the locket and his expression softens from the shock and surprise.

“I’m sorry I hurt you and made you think the worst about the ponies of today. They can stumble and buck up a lot, and there’s bad eggs amongst them, but there are a lot of good ones overall.”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

The trapped colt is transfixed by the locket hovering in front of him as you give your lecture.

“This can’t be real….this has to be some sick-” He starts until you open the hatch revealing the portrait of the smiling unicorn mare. “....Mom,” he whispers gently as he tries to reach his hoof out towards it. Noticing this, you make the snares more malleable, allowing him to grasp his possession.

“I thought I’d lost this forever…” he gasps as he stares at the portrait.

“It was a bit dinged up, and I couldn’t reattach whatever magic was on it, but I fixed it up for you,” you tell him truthfully. “I’ve been wanting to give it back for awhile, though I was hoping it wouldn’t have been under such pressure.” He just continues to stare at the jewelry in his hoof for a few silent moments before looking to you with confused eyes.

“Why? After all I did, why would you do this Nightmare Moon?”

“Because I’m not Nightmare Moon,” you say with a sigh as you start to bend away all the crystal around him. “I never was nor ever will be Nightmare Moon. My name is Nightshade, and I’m so sorry for what I did to you.”

You then put a gentle hoof on his shoulder.

“And I’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through in the past.”

He starts to sniffle at that as he looks back down at the portrait in his hooves.

“I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I’d feel any different from you if someone took my Mom and Dad away from me, but believe me, I’ve seen it first hoof. You gotta let that anger go or it will fester and bubble forth and hurt those that don’t deserve it.”

“I…they…” he stammers not taking his eyes off the picture.

“Last year, I met a filly named Ruby. She was a ghost who had been executed centuries ago because she got her cutie mark,” you tell him and he looks up at that. “It was unjust and cruel and horrible, but her town had feared cutie marks because of a plague…but that didn’t justify it. And in her anger, her soul lashed out and cursed the town, to get vengeance on them.”

He nods, clearly knowing exactly how that poor filly felt, but you continue.

“But her anger lashed out to even those that didn’t deserve, even those that she’d cared for. Night after night the inhabitants suffered from a demon, but there were no doubt others who had stumbled into that town,” you say with a shudder. “But me and my cousin, we laid her to rest like she wanted, because after so long, she realized that holding onto that rage was torment for her as well.”

Spike then puts a claw on his other shoulder, and the colt doesn’t resist.

“You don’t forget the past, but you can’t keep living in it either,” he adds. “There are good creatures out there. All of them can be stubborn or pigheaded, but not everyone is out to hurt you.”

“But…my race. I’m not even a true pony,” he says weakly.

“Neither am I,” you say with a smirk. “I’m part changeling on my Dad’s side. And you know what? None of my friends care. They accepted me for who I was. That’s the difference between now and the tribal ponies of the past. It may take some getting used to, but there are places here that quite frankly don’t care what you are, as long as you’re a good person.”

“You can believe her buddy, the good outweigh the bad,” Spike says. “And um, let me apologize for punching ya in the nose earlier. Kind of got heated.”

“We all did, but that’s okay, we can move on, and you don’t have to do it alone. There’s plenty of good folks that can help you along, and give you a place to belong,” you encourage.

“I…” he says as he looks down at the locket before he starts crying again, only they aren’t sorrowful tears. He holds the locket to his chest and closes his eyes as he weeps, and you and Spike both give him a comforting hug. He’s still chilly to the touch, but nowhere near freezer burn. “I’m sorry too…thank you.”

His voice is still weak, but you can sense the lighter emotion in his tone thanks to your changeling heritage, hope returning back to his frozen heart.

“It’s no problem at all,” you say as you pat him on the shoulder and lean back with Spike. “And I wish I could sit here and keep reassuring you, but we don’t have the time.”

He looks up at that slightly confused.

“Why not?”

“Because we’ve got to rescue the Princesses and Elements,” Spike says looking back towards the frosted over door.

“Oh…right,” Frost says as he remembers what’s going on in the rest of the stadium.

“I was going to try and take care of that first before we had this moment, but you’re a pretty relentless guy,” you say in a joking tone to which he laughs at.

“Yeah, that’s one word for it…” he says quietly.

“I promise, we can talk and help you more, but we’ve got our mission, and we’re running behind schedule,” you say plainly. “I won’t ask you to help us fight the Suns, but can I at least ask you one thing?”

“I…sure?” he guesses more than anything.

“Can you clear a path to a stadium exit for us? The hostages are gonna need an escape route once we free them.”

“I…I guess I could do that,” he nods as he places the locket back over his head. “But uh, can you give me a moment to rest? I kind of used up a lot of power trying to hurt you guys…”

“Take your time,” you nod as you look to Spike. “Come on, let’s do this.”

And as you both trot away down a corridor that Spike opens up with his fire breath, Frost sits down and lets out a fogy sigh as he holds the locket to his forehead.


Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Zapper frost’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

After leaving Frost behind in the main foyer, you and Spike go through a few rooms overlooking the field, but you both pause as you reach one with a bunch of magical recording equipment.

“Oh hey, this must be the broadcast booth,” Spike says looking around.

“So this is where all the signals are being sent to Equestria?” you ask and he nods.

“Yup, though I’m no expert in it.”

You look at all the many different TV screens displaying the chaos unfolding from many different angles.

“Wait a second,” you say as your eyes catch on an angle showing the captured Princesses and Elements. “Look at this Spike.”

Walking over he looks at the screen and winces when he sees all of his friends captured and in distress.

“That freaking sicko, making them all watch,” he growls.

“No, not that, look where the plant’s coming out from,” you say pointing. Looking closely, he sees what you noticed. The vine holding them is coming from an actual hatch in the stadium floor.

“What the-Why’s there a hatch there?” he asks.

“I remember Sweetie Belle talking about something like this in sports stadiums. Whenever there’s a hoofball game or something and there’s a half time show, they’ll have singers come up out of the ground by a cargo elevator.”

“So the plant that’s holding them has a blind underside?” he says finally putting two and two together.

“Exactly!” you nod and point at him. “We get to that hatch, we burn it out, and then everyling will just fall to us and we’ll catch them.”

“But how are we gonna find that path? It’s back in the basement level right?” he asks.

“We follow the cables,” you say pointing to the wires that lead from the monitors towards the various cameras around the stadium.

“Alright,” he nods as you both look to the monitor displaying the captives and begin to follow the wire…


When suddenly all the equipment in the room starts going haywire.

“What the buck?” you say as the images start distorting again and suddenly you see…”Mommy?”

Just like before, the weird movie is playing again, only this time it shows your mother being tortured and turned to stone by the Elements of Harmony.

“NOOO!!!” you scream in terror as the flashing images show your mother pleading, but she receives no mercy. “What the buck?! What the buck is this?!” you say as you start to hyperventilate.

“Ah, what’s this? Nightmare Moon trying to garner sympathy?” Flag Burner taunts as he watches the frightening images. “Well it’s too late to beg for mercy false godess!”

“Wh-What is this?” Celestia says in shock as she sees herself taunting the scared mare, even from her vine restraints.

“I…I do not know sister,” Luna says in shock as well. “And I don’t understand, why does Nightmare Moon look even more like me? We were never that size when we were joined.”

“I…Twilight?” Rarity asks in confusion, but the other mare just looks on in confusion.

“This…this didn’t happen…” she says in utter bafflement.

“Is this the future?” asks Pinkie Pie.

Then the images of a changeling with orange hair taunting the frozen alicorn show up, along with him kissing several mares, including three of them.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy says with a blush.

“What the what?” Rainbow sputters with her own.

“Okay, that definitely ain’t the future, not after all I’ve learned!” Applejack closes her eyes and shakes her head.

“R-Right,” Fluttershy nods before her ears flop. “Also, why are we being so cruel?”

“Oho my, getting a little saucy aren’t we?” Flag Burner cackles.

Back In Ponyville

“Octavia, why are we making out with The Offender on the screen?” Vinyl asks her friend as they and the rest of the Horde watch the screen in bafflement.

“I have no idea, but this is just defamation!” she snarls with pink cheeks.

Also watching is Aloe who is staring slack jawed as her doppelganger joins in on the screen.

“Are you okay sister?” Lotus asks.

“…I honestly have no idea. I’m still trying to wrap my head around Tennant being the Offender still,” she says, remembering the confrontation between you and Celestia before Flag Burner crashed the party.

“I don’t know if any of us saw that coming,” Octavia says feeling conflicted.

“Eh, either way, I’d still do him,” Vinyl shrugs and points at the screen. “And fake me up there agrees.”

“Whatever’s going on, I hope Jack’s alright,” Bon Bon whispers to herself.

“What was that Bonnie?” asks Lyra.

“Nothing, just…very confused,” she responds. And that confusion only deepens as the screen flickers and shows King Sombra being swarmed and tormented by ponies.

Back In The Crystal Empire

Gasps and screams ring out throughout the stadium from the crystal ponies as they see their former usurper appear on the projection screens.

“Sombra...” Shining Armor grits his teeth, remembering getting skewered by him.

“Why is he being shown?” Celestia gasps and Cadence starts to look on apprehensively, knowing what Nightshade had told her.

“Is that Princess Amore?” Luna asks in befuddlement, not having seen the dead mare in over a millennium.

Everyone watches as the tyrant is plagued by angry crystal ponies, the undead amore…and another crystal unicorn mare.

“Old, cold and alone…” she chants ominously, though heavily distorted, which sends a shiver up everyone’s spines.

“Uh…” Flag Burner pauses at the display. “What’s the point in showing this guy being tormented?”

“That mare, she looks familiar,” Luna says with a squint.

“As she should, she was the one who warned us of Sombra’s usurpation of the throne. She was also once a candidate for ascension,” Celestia says in remembrance.

“Radiant Hope…” Cadence says with understanding as she watches the dead mare torment the former king. And as he falls into an abyss of darkness, a part of her can’t help but feel a tug of sympathy for him.


“Sombra…” Radiant Hope herself says in worry as she sees her friend being overwhelmed by the crystal ponies, Amore, and a horrifying version of herself. “Wh-what is going on?”

“It seems like someone is trying to showcase his suffering by hijacking the signal,” Flim says with a whistle.

“Though what kind of technology that would take, I couldn’t tell ya,” Flam finishes.

She then watches as the images of him in a cage being taunted by the Hooded Offender and Nightmare Moon are shown, and she grits her teeth.

“Those monsters! They’re torturing him!” she snarls.

“Hmm, I wouldn’t expect less from my @#$%&,” the Queen of the changelings says as she looks with a crazed, longing look at the image of the changeling in the orange hair. “Though why he’s showing this, I couldn’t even fathom. But I’m not too keen on him with all those other mares earlier.”

“Well I don’t appreciate what he’s doing to Sombra!” Hope shouts at the queen. “Are we almost ready?”

“Just about little anxious pony,” Chrysalis smiles cruelly. “Just about…”
Her taunting is cut off as the screen flickers again, and everyone gasps as the Phase 4 Cloak is shown fighting an army of enemies.


DWC sits with a bucket of popcorn, his eyes nearly touching his screen as he sees Bugze rampaging, yet still losing to the army of the cloned enemies.

“Now this is getting good,” he says giddily. “Cracks in reality showing off their suffering?! Mmph! So good! Thank you cracks in reality! You make for a better show than ol’ scraphead.”

Back At The Stadium

You stare slack jawed at their suffering. First your mother, then Sombra, and finally, your father. He is in his Phase 4, and he fights a losing battle against the countless foes you’ve made over the years. There is no end in sight for them, as that winged human looking thing watches over him.

“Wait a minute, is that Twilight’s Human form?” Spike gasps.

“Wh-What?” you say tearing your gaze away from the image.

“That purple creature with wings! It looks similar to how Twilight looked when we went to the human world! Only…much darker looking.”

“Well what sense does that make? Twilight’s inside the mouth of a giant fly trap right now,” you point out.

“I don’t know, but I swear that thing looks similar,” Spike shrugs.

“You think this display will frighten me Offender?!” Flag Burner challenges. “With my tech I will crush you despite whatever gift your mistress has bestowed upon you!”

“This guy is like a broken record!” you huff as you start looking around the studio. “But seriously where is all this video coming from? Why’s Daddy in the Phase 4? Why are the Elements attacking Mommy? Why are zombies swarming Sombra?! Why…Why do I hear Rock Music?”

You didn’t notice it before with all the chaos erupting, but now the distant sound of Heavy Metal music catches your ear.

“Maybe it’s an audio cue for the broadcasters?” Spike theorizes but you shake your head.

“Nah, nah, this sounds warbled and weird,” you say as you start moving many wires and monitors out of the way towards the back of the room. Once you move an unused booth camera, you find the source of the noise.

“What the buck?” you mutter with a raised brow. In front of you is a shimmering…crack in the middle of the wall. The distant Rock music is coming from it, and being in it’s proximity makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end.

“This…feels familiar,” Spike says furrowing his brow.

“Well it sure doesn’t to me. It’s giving me an uneasy feeling more than anything,” you say as you study it more. The more you look at it, the more you begin to see tiny waves of energy radiating off of it in intervals. Whenever it does so, the broadcasting equipment starts to warble and those images of your family are shown.

“Wait, is this the other reality Dad-“ you start to say before being interrupted by a powerful voice.

“Get The Tartarus Away From My Dad!” the distant yell of a female voice rings out, startling both you and Spike.

“Ah Jeeze! I’m Sorry! I didn’t know this crack was your dad!” you apologize and back up before your face droops and you facehoof. “I just apologized to a crack in the wall.”

“Now I know I’ve heard that voice before!” Spike says in realization.

“You have?” you say in surprise and he nods.

“Yeah, I think that’s Sunset Shimmer,” he says, still sounding surprised. The name sounds familiar to you too as Spike had told you about his adventures in Human Land.

“Wait, that mare that stole Twilight’s crown and went through that mirror portal?”

“Yeah! I swear that’s her voice,” Spike says with surety.

“Okay…well who’s bugging her Dad this much that she’s so angry?” you ask, and for some reason a bit of jealousy hits you.

“I have no-“ Spike starts, but is cut off as the crack widens and more energy starts to waft from it, causing the videos from before to appear…but things have started to change.

“Is that me?” you gasp, going bug eyed as an image of you seemingly pep talking Sombra appears. He breaks free of his cage and the crystal ponies in the audience gasp. Though his words are distorted, everyone can see his regretful demeanor towards the hordes of crystal ponies in the darkness. There is then a tender moment between him and the image of Radiant Hope. Elsewhere, the real Hope touches her chest tenderly at the display while her allies roll their eyes.

“Um, I guess that other me did something?” you ask to Spike who just shrugs.

Then the image changes and shows you showing up to save your mother. The voices are distorted, but it does sound like you encouraging her to break out of her prison, which she does. She then blasts away all the mares around the image of your Dad before she tenderly speaks with him and makes him shoot blood out of his nose.

You avert your eyes at this, and look away with a blush.

“Ah jeeze Mommy,” you say in embarrassment and Spike chuckles nervously at the display.
Back in Ponyville, several of the mares represented in the broadcast feel a shiver go down their spine over Selena blasting them away.

“Is this supposed to tug at our heartstrings?! What is this sappy imagery Offender?!” Flag Burner calls out, losing patience.

The Elements and Princesses though are having their heartstrings plucked to the contrary of Burner’s words.

“This Nightshade filly…she’s guiding them?” Celestia says in shock.

“Sombra looked repentant…Nightmare Moon cast off her armor,” Luna says in disbelief.

“That’s the power of love Aunties,” Cadence says, sounding smug despite their situation. “Love for your family, Love for your special someone, and Love for your friend. Whatever the category, Love goes a long way.”

“Even Sombra?” Shining asks after seeing him holding the Hope mare. To that, Cadence bites her lip.

“I mean…I guess even monsters have loved ones…” she admits reluctantly.

“So…she really does love him doesn’t she?” Fluttershy asks hesitantly watching as Selena embraces Bugze.

“With those steamy eyes, I’d have to give a hard yes on that,” Pinkie Pie quips.

“Oh…My…” Fluttershy says, the guilt of her past jealous hatred eating away at her.

“Then…that filly was telling the truth,” Celestia says breathlessly.

“If these images are to be believed anyway,” Rarity points out.

“Where are they even coming from?” asks Applejack.

“I…I still can’t wrap my head around this,” Twilight stutters.

“Join the club Twi, neither can we,” Rainbow snarks.

“No, not about the transmissions,” she corrects. “I mean, true I’m baffled at the moment, but I was talking about that winged human.”

Even as she says that the image changes back to Bugze in the midst of Phase 4 battling everyone, and above is that figure, with a similar non winged figure just behind it.

“What about that figure Twilight?” asks Luna.

“Aside from the wings, that looks like me when I went to the human world,” she explains. The others all blink in confusion at that as they study the images more closely.

You and the literal captive audience all see as the Human Twilight thing is crying and not looking towards the battle, but then as he’s dogpiled by the endless swarm images of another him with yellow eyes appears and starts to pep talk him. His form begins to change back to normal as images of the past flash.

Images of happy moments, with Bugze in his many personas helping to save the day and making friends and bettering the lives of all those around him. Flag Burner snarls at the flashing images as the Bugze on screen starts to swell with confidence, while everyone else watches in rapt attention.

When the images of his bounty hunting days flash by, Celestia, Luna and quite a number of the population of Equestria drop their jaws.

In Canterlot

Flash Sentry, in the midst of mobilizing defenses for the city pauses as he sees the newest development.

"No way man..." he moans to himself. First Tennant my bro is outed as the Offender and now also the Crimson Vengeance?"

"Is something the matter sir?" Strong Head asks with a scrub bucket.

"Nothing! Get back in the latrine!" Flash orders a bit upset as his former CO whimpers and goes back to cleaning.

Looking back to the broadcast stream he feels very, very guilty.

"I can't believe I hunted my bro so many times and didn't even know it. Ya could have at least told me dude," he sighs before shaking his head and getting back to work. With the princesses captured, Canterlot needs to be on alert after all.

Back In The Empire

“He…he’s also the Crimson Vengeance?” Celstia says in disbelief.

“The hero who we awarded the highest award in the land?” Luna says, even more of her worldview shattering.

“He Is?!” Twilight, Shining and Rarity all exclaim as the Doctor’s Geas is finally completely destroyed.

“But…that means…” Luna starts as her brain starts to reboot.

“That he was using his powers to do good…” Celestia trails off before looking at her sister. “That Nightmare Moon…”

“Nightmare Moon…wasn’t forcing him into this…” Luna finishes, still sounding breathless.

“She was giving her power to him freely, to do with what he wished,” Cadence nods, still with a hint of gloating, but then her face falls as she sees a scarred version of herself stabbing Bugze. “What the what?!”

In a broken landscape, her doppelganger stabs the changeling, but the shadows of the Alicorn Mare in his head swirl around and break the blade, saving him, but bringing great harm to herself.

“I never did that! What is this?” Cadence says in disbelief.

“I don’t know…but she is saving him,” Fluttershy says, finally understanding just how far the mare on the moon has gone for Bugze.

More images flash showing happiness blossoming out of the depths of mayhem and heartache. Flashes of all the good each and every one of them has done. Then, there are images of humans, very familiar looking humans and his ineractions with them.

“I knew it! Those are my human friends!” Twilight calls out. “There’s Sunset and Flash and all your counterparts and…Me?”

Several images of Human Twilight wearing glasses are shown, as well as countless other humans.

“That’s Sunset Shimmer?” Celestia says with a gasp. “I…I haven’t seen her in so long.”

“Okay, this is stupid! What’s with the My Little Human bullspit?!” Flag Burner spits in disgust.

And then as the Bugze on screen is done reflecting on these good times, Nightshade appears on top of that yellow eyed doppelganger and smiles.

From there, he turns the tides against the shadowy enemies and challenges the winged humanoid as the world around him burns.

Everyone sees this who has access to a screen. EVERYONE. All across Equestria, creatures finally see the truth of the ones they call The Hooded Offender and Nightmare Moon. Even the Outcasts, spread apart as they are, see the display on the monitors, and they become filled with determination.

Above the stadium, blocked from view by the vines of the monster, more tears in reality begin to form.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” Flag Burner yells as he shoots a laser on the wrist of his mech at the jumbo screen, which damages it. “Enough of this Turgid Passion Play!”

He then lumbers the mech over towards the Elements and he holds his laser wrist cannon towards them which causes them to wince and cry out as the vines squeeze them tighter.

“Offender! Nightmare Moon! Whoever! I’ve had enough of your tabloid journalism! If you don’t come come out on this field in Ten Seconds, then I start making examples!” he threatens. “One!”

“Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck,” you start to panic as he starts to count down.


“Crap, what do we do here? We can’t rescue them if they’re dead!” Spike panics as well.


“Well then you’re gonna have to head towards the hatch Spike!” you say as the shards start to glow.


“But Nightshade-“

“I gotta stall him Spike!”


“If I don’t then-“

“Alright, enough of your counting!” a familiar voice rings out.

“Huh?” you and Spike sputter.

Looking up, standing on the edge of the stands on the second story, stands The Hooded Offender.

“Hoody?” Fluttershy says in surprise.

“He’s returned?” Celestia and Luna gasp in unison.

“I’m here ya rusty bucket of bolts!”

…or at least that’s what most folks see. For you, Spike, and the Outcasts and CMC watching on the monitors, the robot fox on his back gives away his true identity.

“Oh no…” you say in worry.

“There you are Offender!” Flag Burner roars in excited glee as he lowers his mechs gauntlet and points at Grandbuggy. “Got tired of playing games with your mistress?”

“Something like that,” Grandbuggy says dramatically. With all eyes on him now, most of the Suns that were searching exit the hallways, and the ones still holding the audience members hostage have their sights set on him. “Now, how about you stop tormenting these nice folks huh? Your issue is with me!”

“You’re right, my issue is with you! After you killed me I-GYAGH!” before he even has a chance to monologue, Grandbuggy immediately pulls out his Bowler hat and that gattling laser from Appleloosa begins to fire out of it. Flag Burner takes a few shots before he raises a metal arm and the metal cockpit covers him.

Clearly not expecting this, the other Suns hesitate before trying to fire at him, which is all Grandbuggy needs to leap out from the railing.

“Start Slinging Abomination!” he calls out and Mangle barks in acknowledgement. You now see that she is wrapped around his back like a harness and you flash back to her capabilities back in Vanhoover as omni-directional gear. Sure enough, Mangle’s hooves launch out attached to cables and Grandbuggy starts zipping though the air, all the while continuing his assault on the robot suit.

“You bloody coward!” Flag Burner’s voice comes across the mech’s speakers.

“Says the guy holding hostages!” Grandbuggy declares.

“Alright Spike, let’s move!” you order the dragon as he’s got them distracted. “We need to get to the hatch before-“

“GYACK!” Grandbuggy cries out as a tendril from the vine monster strikes him midair and he falls towards the terrorist leader.

“Still as foolish as ever!” Flag Burner says as he punches his fist towards him and a blade shoots forth, stopping the changeling’s momentum on it.

“GRANDBUGGY!!!” you shout in abject horror and fear as the old bug dangles from the tip of the sword.

Gasps and cries ring out all across the stadium and the world.

“NO! NOOOO!!!” you rage as your eyes and shards blaze. You are about to jump out the window and unleash everything…when Spike grabs you by the wings.

“Wait, hold on Shade, look!” he urges you. Through your terror you look right at Grandbuggy again...and see that the sword is caught up in one of Mangle’s harness points at his shoulder.

The old bug is left dangling by the wire at the end of the sword.

“Bloody Hell! You Trying To Kill Me You Hunk of Junk?!” Grandbuggy exclaims and Flag Burner sneers.

“Something like that!” he says just as the vines wrap around Grandbuggy and tug him off of the sword.

“Ah Tartarus, I went and goofed this one up,” he grumbles as the vines wrap around him.

“Skreonk,” Mangle barks in agreement.

“Buck!” you say as you smash a monitor in front of you. “He’s still in danger Spike!”

“I know, but-“

“Spike, head on down to the hatch, I’ll take care of this,” you tell him urgently.


“Spike! Please! I’ve Got This,” youplead. He pauses for a moment with his mouth open, before he closes it and nods. He then gives you a quick hug before heading for the door.

“After I rescue everypony, I’ll come back for you,” he says stoically and your heart skips a beat. “I’ll be there for you if you start to lose control. Be careful Nightshade.”

“You too Spike,” you say, longing to go with him. He nods determinately and runs off, leaving you alone in the broadcasting room with the weird glowing crack that’s gotten even wider.

“Why aren’t you using the cloak Offender?” Flag grills Grandbuggy who struggles uselessly.

“Ah didn’t feel like it,” he excuses and the mecha-stallion growls.

“No, more like you can’t…these readings…” the cockpit opens again and the stallion glares right at Grandbuggy. “You are not the Offender!” Suddenly from the mech, a wave of energy washes over Grandbuggy, causing the illusion to waver and disappear.

The audience all gasps again as the old wrinkled bug with the bowler hat is revealed.

“Huh…well, ya got me,” he says trying to sound nonchalant.

“You’re just an old washed up changeling! Not the changeling I’m after!” he growls and Grandbuggy scowls.

“Buddy, I may be old, but I ain’t washed up. Best respect yer elders ya bucking idjit,” he scolds.

“Wait a minute that voice…” Twilight says from the side. “Mr. Quick Fix?”

“Ayup. Howdy bookworm,” Grandbuggy says to the bewildered Alicorn.

“B-But you’re a changeling.”

“Oh gee, I didn’t notice,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Lands sake girl, I thought you were the smart one.”

“Oh, right, cuz Baker is a…” she trails off sheepishly, though Burner catches wind of it.

“Oh so you’re related then?” he asks the old bug.

“What? Can’t see the resemblance? Need a tune up in your brain ya Cyberpony wannabe!” Grandbuggy insults.

The robo-pony in response puts his metallic claw over his throat, shutting him up.

“I have no time for an insignificant withered cockroach,” Flag growls threateningly. “Now, where is the Offender?”

“Did-Hrk-Did ya trying looking up your chrome plated colon?” Grandbuggy quips as he grips at the metal around his neck. Flag Burner sneers and he starts to increase the pressure on the gauntlet. “Hrk!”


“LET HIM GO YOU BUCKER!” you cry out as you blow out the window of the Broadcast Room.

Kichi’s Comment

Flag Burner, the Suns, and the hostages all look towards you where you stand dramatically in the broken window.

“Ah, there you are Nightmare Moon,” Flag says with a smirk as the Plundervine monster hisses at your visage.

“I said let him go!” you order as the shards flash. Flag Burner chuckles, but he lets go of Grandbuggy’s neck who starts to cough.

“Ack! Shade! You gotta-Hmmph!” and suddenly the plundervine ensares him up to his neck in a fly trap like it did to the Elements and Princesses.

“There, I let him go,” he says cheekily and you snarl. “Now Nightmare Moon, why don’t you bring out your REAL pet changeling for me to play with?”

“How many bucking times do I gotta say this to you buckers before you get it through your thick bucking heads! I’M NOT NIGHTMARE MOON!” you screech as now you are on the broadcast screens as well.

“Denial is an ugly thing. And you may have these false goddesses fooled, but not me,” he accuses.

“Oh for-Fine! Be a stubborn robot flankhole!” you grunt. “But whether you believe me or not, I can’t call my Dad here!” He scowls at that and points his gauntlet at Grandbuggy.

“Then perhaps I need to give you incentive to-“

“He’s not here you jackass!” you interrupt, trying to buy as much time as possible for Spike. “He’s not even in this universe right now!”

“…What?” he says in disbelief.

“I mean have you seen these weird images on the screen?” you say pointing to the flickering image of your Dad, Mom and Sombra confronting the winged human surrounded by an army of fire allies. “I don’t quite know what’s going on, but there’s clearly no humans in our world!”

“Well of course! Because they’re fairy tale creatures,” Flag argues back. “And I have no idea what tactic you’re trying to pull with these videos but-“

“Buddy, do I look like I can make something like this?!” you say gesturing angrily.

“With your powers Nightmare Moon, I have no doubt,” he says sounding like he’s loosing patience.

“AGH! Look!” you say pointing to an image of your mom. “My mom used to be Nightmare Moon and you can see what she looks like on the screen! If I were Nightmare Moon why would I look like a filly instead of that!”

“Simple, this is how you were reborn back into the world,” Flag says confidently. “With The Offender’s help, you now have this form, and whatever that illusion on the screens is, is a bit of subterfuge.”

“I…No! You can’t have it both ways dude!” you grunt in exasperation.


“Look! If I Was My Mom “Reborn” then that means my Dad wouldn’t have his powers right?! Well he clearly does still, you saw him fighting all those monsters!”

“I…” Flag trails off, clearly not having thought of that.

“You see! Your stupid logic makes no sense! I’m not who you keep saying I am because he’s still got Mommy’s Powers in him!”

To that, you see him look baffled, but also the Princesses and Twilight seem to processing that statement.

“…There is logic in what she says,” Twilight says to the alicorn sisters.

“Yes…yes there is,” Celestia admits to herself.

“Well seeing as these are subterfuge then you are hiding that’s powerless now!” Flag growls as his red optic eye shines in anger and stubbornness. “And powerless or not I will have my vengeance on him before I conquer Equestria!”

“Oh for buck’s sake, why do all you villains try to conquer Equestria? Why not mix it up and give Griffonstone a try for once?! They don’t got much going for them.” You then look to the captured griffon athletes who look offended by that. “Oh come on, you know I’m right. Your library literally had a hole in it before that cyclops monster showed up.”

“I have no need of the Griffon Lands for now. Equestria must be liberated first because-“

“Because you’re stupid,” you interrupt his rant.

“Yes because we’re stu-Wait, No! Not that!” he says having been tripped up.

“Oh I beg to differ,” you argue. “Do you have any idea the number of ways this will go bad for you if you keep going this path? I’m not even that smart on how politics work, but I can give you at least 5 reasons why this will end badly for you.”

“Giving back power to the mortals is stupid? Getting rid of the stagnant corrupt nobility is stupid?!” he spits actually sounding on the brink of unyielding rage.

“Well, I don’t really mind if a few nobles lost their money, but if you start killing the Princesses and Elements, then it’s all over for you?!”

“How?!” he growls as he completely ignores the captured VIPs and Grandbuggy, his attention only on you.

“First and foremost, who the buck is gonna raise and lower the sun and moon?!” you ask.

“Unicorns did that job in the past, and no doubt there are trinkets within Canterlot that have serve the same function,” he says stubbornly.

“Yeah, good luck finding that. Point 2, you’ll have a war with the Dragons to deal with.”

“How do you figure that Nightmare Moon?” he sneers and you roll your eyes at the name.

“Princess Ember, daughter of Dragon Lord Torch is here. She was making friends with the Princesses for diplomat stuff, so if you hurt her or them, the Dragons will be pissed!”

“I see no Dragon Princess anywhere,” he says looking about before smirking back at you. “I think you’re bluffing.”

Back in the tunnels, said Princess spits out a mouthful of crystal wall and glares at the screen on the wall.

“That dude’s a moron,” she mutters to herself as Garble whines in stomach pain as he takes another bite out of their exit.

Back with you, you scoff at his stubbornness. You look to Grandbuggy who still seems somewhat baffled by what you’re doing, but you give him a slight wink to reassure him. He raises an eyebrow at that, but seems to trust your plan.
“Alright then smart guy, here’s a big one for ya,” you say as you point to the Elements. “You gonna hurt Fluttershy too?”

“Eep!” she says as all attention is now on her.

“One of the crown’s greatest weapons? Of course!” he says with surety.

“Well guess what dummy, you hurt her then you might as well have just killed the whole world!”

“The whole world? Really?” he says in disbelief.

“I don’t know if you heard braniac, but Discord turned over a new leaf.”

“Discord?! Bah! He’s one of the reasons why the Princesses must go! Such madness is not controllable!”

“Sure he’s still rough around the edges, but he’s getting there,” you argue. “And the only reason he’s even doing so is because of her!”

Flag then looks at Fluttershy who squirms a bit.

“I mean…he is a really great guy once you get to know him better,” she says while looking to the side with a blush.

“So yeah, you hurt her or her friends, then he won’t only be uncontained, he’ll be really bucking angry too!”

“Heh, now that would be a credible point, I have to give you that,” he says with mock respect. “Except I have it on good authority from “A Friend,” that that monstrosity has lost his powers.”

You pale a bit at that, as do the Elements and Princesses.

How the buck does he know that?! It was kept a secret! You think in frustration. Agh! Stupid Blue Flu!

“So I don’t think the world is in any real danger,” he says smugly before you grit your teeth.

“Alright then, the last point then. If you don’t stop all of this right now, if you keep pushing it, and you hurt anyone else, you’ll have to deal with me,” you threaten and he smirks at the challenge.

“I figured as much, though I’ve got more firepower on my side now,” he taunts.

“Oh no, you’ll definitely lose, because even if you somehow, million to one shot win, when my Mom, Dad, and Sombra get back, they’ll put you back in the ground again,” you say as your eyes shine white and killing intent washes off of you. “Do you really want to take those odds Flag Burner?”

“I do in fact Nightmare Moon, and you’re in no position to make demands,” he dismisses your challenge. “I hold all the cards here, and what I want is that orange haired changeling of yours! If you give them to me, then I’ll even exchange one of the prisoners to you, excluding the Princesses.”

“That’s a stupid bucking deal and you know it!” you grit your teeth and he smiles.

“It’s also the only option you have. I have the Plundervines, my men, and my fancy “Red Dawn” suit here. Fighting us is only going to cause the casualties you don’t wish for,” he monologues. “Now, give me what I want. Give me the Hooded Offender!”

“I’ve already told you before you idiot! I can’t do that! He’s not here!” you shout angrily.


“What the-?!” you gasp in shock and surprise, as does the rest of the stadium as a large explosion is heard.

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Several cracks like the one in the broadcast room appear throughout the stadium, and the sound of Heavy Metal fills the air. One crack widens to fill up most of the stadium ceiling.

“What in the hay is going on-“ Flag Burner starts in utter bafflement, before a large, purple and black spectral dragon comes blasting out of the giant hole.

“REEEE!!!” the dragon shrieks as it is propelled by a beam of Rainbow Light, and crashes into the Plunder Vine Monster.

“GGGGRRAAAGHHHH!!!” the plant monster roars as it gets knocked over and falls backwards into an empty section of the seating area.

There is a moment of shocked silence as the distant roar of Rock plays through the shining cracks, before the Spectral Dragon pushes itself off of the plant monster and begins clawing at it.
“RRRAAAAA!!!” the plant monster bellows as several of it’s roots are torn from it’s chest and it whips a vine into the dragon’s face which makes it scuttle backwards across the field.

The two titans then begin duking it out in the middle of the field.

“…WHAT THE BUCK?!” you, Grandbuggy, Flag Burner and most of the crowd cry out at the same time, having absolutely no clue what is going on.

“I…what?” you sputter as the kaiju fight continues.

“What is happening?! What is this?! What is going on?!” Flag Burner bellows as he scrambles around the monster fight, trying not to be squished.

While the main monster body is fighting the dragon, the rest of it’s vines still hold the hostages in place and block off the entire stadium, but with it’s distraction, a plume of green flame strikes at the base of the vine holding the Princesses and Elements and Grandbuggy.

“GYAGH!” they all cry out as the vine shrivels and releases them, causing them, Shining and Grandbuggy to all fall down into the hatch beneath the field. Shortly after they do, the hatch suddenly freezes over with ice.

“What?! You-I-“ he sputters as he looks between the monster fight, the disappeared VIP’s and you. “You did this! Didn’t you Nightmare Moon?!” he accuses as the largest hole in the sky begins to close, as do the rest of them.

“Uhhhh…” you drone before he sends a laser your way, which strikes the wall beside you. “Whoa!”

“Gyagh!” Flag grunts as the tail of the dragon knocks him over. “Open fire on her!” The rest of his thugs do just that and a torrent of lasers head your way.

“Welp! Time To Go!” you say as you duck back through the window and crystal bend the hole shut, which takes the brunt of the damage.

And as you hear the kaiju battle continue along with a mass amount of cursing, you just pause and try to process what just happened in front of the widened crack which is slowly but surely beginning to shrink.

Okay, not sure what’s up with the ghost dragon, but at least my favorite dragon got everyone off the field…and I guess Frost teamed up with him? You theorize before shaking your head. Well whatever the case, we should probably get them out of here since it looks like the magic nullifier is still down and-

“Woohoo! Hell Yeah! That’s What You Get When You Face The Might of Heavy Metal!!!” a very familiar voice shouts and you look to the widened crack on the wall. Warbled and distorted as it is, you would recognize that voice anywhere.

“Daddy?” you call out hopefully.

In The Human World

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

Through the almighty power of Heavy Metal, The Wanted, Rainbooms, Dazzlings and anyone else who joined in have completely and utterly defeated Midnight’s Dragon.

The ghostly images of your stands in the sky all teamed together for one mega, all out attack in the form of a giant rainbow blast of energy which struck the dragon dead center and pushed it high up into the air. The burst of magic was so grand, that glowing cracks in reality appeared all around you all, including one right up on stage. And into the largest of these cracks, the Dragon was pushed through, disappearing into a bright white light.

With the dragon pushed through, the energy all around the campus begins to dissipate, as you and the rest of the musicians finish up the last of the musical solos with a flourish, and a hush falls upon the crowd.

You all stare in silence upon the crack where the dragon disappeared to…and it begins to close in on itself.

“We…we did it! We Bucking Did It!” you shout out in triumph. And as if that was their cue, the audience roars with thunderous applause.

B2 runs up behind you and picks you up in a hug, displaying you to the adoring crowd, who only shout louder.

“Was that a hell of a show or what?!” he shouts to the audience while holding your fist in to the air. The crowd keep shouting their enthusiasm and praise upon you all as the rest of your allies bow and celebrate along with the crowd.

“Not gonna lie man, I would have paid to see this show if I wasn’t in it,” you say to your counterpart who just grins ear to ear at you.

“You said it brother. We kicked the sh!t out of that dragon!” he cheers before pointing at the disappearing hole in the sky. “Woohoo! Hell Yeah! That’s What You Get When You Face The Might of Heavy Metal!!!”

The cheers and applause continue as the magic slowly dissipates from the air. Luna and Humbra then join the two of you in your victory pose, followed shortly thereafter by The Rainbooms, Dazzlings, Flash, Trixie and a nervous Twilight who is dragged along by several of the girls.

“That was the greatest acid trip I’ve ever had while being stone cold sober,” Humbra quips.

“I never could have imagined a better comeback than this,” Luna says as she takes B2’s hand.

“You said it guys, that was AWESOME!!!” Dash shouts with her fist in the air.

“Darn tootin it was!” Applejack yeehaws.

“With plenty of stylistic flourish!” Rarity blows a kiss to the crowd.

“The After Party is going to be lit!” Pinkie Pie giggles while bouncing up and down.

“I agree, but maybe we could hold off on that till we get those poor monkeys to a shelter?” Fluttershy suggests.

“Yes, perhaps we should,” Trixie agrees. “Though when the party does happen, don’t forget to invite Trixie alright?!”

“Yeah, I think maybe we hold off as well. It took a lot of effort, but saving the girl and the world takes a lot out of you,” Flash says as he pulls a stray piece of tomato off of his shoulder.

“That it does,” Sunset says before looking to Twilight. “But whenever the party is, we’ll all have plenty of time to help smooth things over and make new friends.”

Twilight looks down at that, holding puppy Spike to her chest.

“I…I’m still so sorry for what I put you all through. The power…it was…”

“Addicting, believe me, I know,” Sunset says patting her on the shoulder.

“When you think you can bring the world to it’s knees, the call to do so is always tempting,” Adagio says placing another hand on her shoulder.

“But going through with it just makes you enemies, and so you continue to lash out and feel justified,” Aria adds.

“But in the end, you gotta let that go before you lose everything,” Sonata says with a smile. “And when you do, you’ll see what’s truly important and you’ll gain so much more.”

Twilight looks around to the group around her and more tears come to her eyes as a group hug ensues, which gets the crowd going again.

“Thank you, thank you all so very much…”

As you look at this sweet and adorable scene, you can’t help but feel a little envious.

After all she’s done, they can forgive her, you think impressed. I wonder…

You’re not suggesting we stay here are you Bugze? Selena asks a bit apprehensively.

What? Buck no! you correct. I was just thinking that once we get things settled in the real world, maybe I could get some testimony from these humies to help your image along. I mean, real Twilight trusts this group.

Right, right. Woo! You had me concerned there for a bit, Selena sighs in relief overdramatically and you know she’s teasing you.

Har har har, you “laugh” good naturedly.

Not that I would never mind such company as these humans…but when it’s all said and done, I don’t think I would be able to thrive without magic, Sombra admits.

Exactly, you nod as you stare at the glowing cracks in the sky that are slowly diminishing. And as we’ve just seen, magic in this world isn’t exactly good for it.

“I-duh-wha-they…” a familiar voice sputters. You look to off stage where Principal Cinch gapes from the sidelines with the Crystal Prep Students, all of whom are still quite overwhelmed by what just happened.

“Word of advice there Cinch, find a bottle of something strong but not sweet,” Celestia says as she takes a drag of a cigarette sitting atop the knocked out monkeys. “You’ll be able to handle all the craziness and the hangover won’t nearly be as bad.”

“…Principal Celestia, I do think I will be taking that advice,” Cinch says defeated.

“Yeah I think maybe we should follow suit,” says Lemon Zest.

“No no no, no underage drinking!” Cadence scolds as she walks over to the group, covered in soot and ash.

“Aaaaahhhh!!!” the Preppies complain as she catches B2 and your eyes as she smiles, causing you both to smile back. And as the crowd continues to hoot and holler, you feel a tug at your shirt sleeve. Looking behind you, you see Wallflower.

“Oh hey Wallflower, didn’t see you there,” you tell her truthfully.

“Yeah, that’s normal,” she nods before pointing at the cracks. “But anyway, not to be a Negative Nancy or anything, but are those things dangerous?”

“Um…maybe?” you guess with a shrug. “I mean any glowing thing has a fifty-fifty shot of either being dangerous or shiny goodness and-“

“Daddy? Is that you?”

You stop dead set in the middle of your rambling as the voice of your precious little filly sounds off.

“Nightshade?” you, Selena and Sombra all say at the same time with your legion voice in surprise.

“Daddy? Mommy? Hello?” her voice says again. It’s soft, and the speech is warbled, and under normal circumstances, noling would be able to hear it over the roar of the crowd, but parental instincts trump all in many circumstances.

I don’t think that’s a manifestation of our psyche, I think that’s really her, Selena says sounding jubilant and surprised.

I agree, but where and how? Sombra says sounding just as perplexed.

Good question, you think anxiously.

You drop out of the line of your bowing group as your head whips left and right, trying to find the source of her voice. Noticing you wandering off, Sunset looks to your anxious face, before she addressed the crowd.

“And that has been the Battle of the Bands! We hope you enjoyed and autographs will be given after a short break!” she announces and the crowd whistles and hollers and chants exuberantly. “In the meantime, uh…Trixie, why don’t you show them a magic trick or two?”

“…You know, I think I’ll do just that,” she says as she starts pulling out props from the cases near her bandmates. And while they’re distracted, Sunset motions for everyone else to follow you and they do so.

Once everyone joins you backstage, the curtain is dropped, and they all see you standing over the peanut butter trap you’d set for Midnight…only there is one of those glowing cracks in the middle of the floor.

“Bugze?” Sunset calls out softly as everyone stares at you.

You turn towards her, with your jaw hanging open and you point at the glowing crack.

“I…I heard Nightshade’s voice coming from this thing,” you say to the crowd.

“Huh?” Sunset asks with a raised brow.

“My daughter…” you say as if you can’t believe it. “I…how is that possible? What is this thing?”

“It’s a dimensional rift in time and space,” Twilight says as she wipes her eyes dry.

“Say what now?” you gasp doing a double take.

“The origin of all the magic that’s been utilized today was your home realm Bugze. After the Timenado, I started noticing these cracks appearing,” she explains with a slight sniffle. “And today, with such a huge concentration, even more appeared. And since all the magic came from your dimension, that’s where it was all sent to again.”

“So wait a minute, are you saying that home is on the other side of those cracks?” Adagio asks in surprise.

“Yes,” Twilight nods. “But now that the magic concentration we built up has released, they appear to be closing off.”

“H-hey now, hold on, we could go home right now and not have to wait for Sunny here to open the gate?” Aria asks, her eyes filled with hope.

“I mean, I’m not positive on how stable travel through a dimensional rift is, but theoretically it could work,” she nods and your jaw drops even more.

“Home? We can go home?!” Sonata squees excitedly as everyone else processes this information.

“For as long as the rifts are open, perhaps, but they are closing even as we speak,” Twilight says pointing out how much smaller the opening already is.

“I…we…” you sputter as you look back down at the shining dimensional light. “We can go right now…”

Equestria…it’s just beyond this crack, Sombra says wistfully.

And Nightshade is already waiting for us. She’s calling for us even now, Selena says longingly. Even as she says that, you hear the distant warbled calling of your little filly.


“She…she is there!” you shout gleefully and start laughing happily and look to the Sirens. “She’s right on the other side of this thing! We can go home right now!”

The elated looks on their faces double as the sisters all look to each other filled with hope.

“…Yes, you can go right now,” Twilight says with melancholy.

“Well what are we waiting for?!” Adagio says as she starts dragging her sisters towards the rift, but you hold a hand up in front of them.

“Wait, hold up a second,” you tell them.

“Hold up? For what? We got a limited window here,” Aria says looking to the diminishing rift.

“I know, but…we’re really leaving right now so…” you say as you look to the group of humans watching you four, with somber looks.

“Oh…OH! Right, we should probably say our goodbyes,” Sonata says facepalming.

“Do we really have time?” Aria complains, but she is dragged and made to face the humans along with Adagio and you.

“Yeah…goodbyes,” you say apprehensively as you look to the strange group of friends you’ve made in this whacky world, each one a reflection of what could be in your reality.

“You, uh, you don’t have much time,” Twilight warns as she steps forward. “So, uh…” she then shakes her head and rushes forth and hugs you hard.

“Oof!” you grunt as she sniffles onto your coat.

“Thank you. Thank you for saving me from myself Mr. Bugze. I’m sorry for how much I hurt you,” she sobs and shakes. Smiling sadly, you pat her on the head and hug her back.

“No worries Twilight. All’s forgiven,” you comfort her and she shakes a little less. “And I want to thank you too.” She pulls back and looks at you at that.

“For what?”

“For showing me that even after everything, there is still a chance for forgiveness. You’re the living proof of that,” you say tenderly and she smiles.

You then look over at the Rainbooms as the Dazzlings bid their farewells to them and The Wanted.

“Still, I think I’ve got a long way to go to earn that forgiveness,” Twilight sniffles and wipes her nose.

“It’s a journey you won’t make alone,” Sunset says as she comes up.

“Exactly, you’ve got five girls right there that will help you know what friendship means, just like in my world,” you nod.

“Make that six,” Sunset says stoically and your head whips to her.

“Huh?!” you gape and she smirks.

“I’ll be helping her along with friendship, just like Princess Twilight helped me,” she explains and you’re taken aback.

“But…but the crack in reality is closing. You-“ you ramble and she just shakes her head and puts a hand on your shoulder.

“I’m not going back just yet Bugze,” she says and you feel like you’ve been dunked in ice water. Selena even makes a strangled gasp of surprise and shock, and even Twilight seems surprised.

“Wh-why not?” you ask, clearly not having seen that coming and she smirks at you.

“Princess Twilight left me in their care to learn more about real friendship. Thanks to them and you, I’ve gotten quite a good idea…but I still have more to learn,” she says as she looks back to the Rainbooms and Flash and then at Twilight. “And besides, it’s easier when you have a friend who’s shared the same hardship.”

Twilight looks grateful for the announced support, but you still feel like you’ve been slapped.

“But the rifts, and the gate. Three years…” you sputter and she shuts you up with a hug.

“I don’t think the time limit will come to that,” she says with confidence. “After all, if I truly get redeemed like that message on the portal, then I’ll be able to open it whenever I want.”

“Th-That’s true I guess,” you admit.

But Bugze! What about the adoption process! Selena whines tearfully and your eyes widen.

“Hey yeah!” you exclaim.

“Huh?” Sunset asks.

“Look, I get wanting to stick around in human land and being with your friends, but during the last battle….” You pause before you shake your head and look her in the eye. “What was up with calling me Dad?”

She immediately blushes bright red at that and pushes away from the hug and looks to the side.

“Heh heh, that was, uh, that was kind of spur of the moment and emotions talking,” she chuckles nervously.

“Those moments are usually when a person reveals their truest desires,” Twilight says scientifically and Sunset only blushes harder.

“Okay look, I never had a strong male parental figure in my life,” she admits in embarrassment. “Back in Equestria all I had was Princess Celestia, and here I didn’t have anything till you arrived! Going through puberty again really makes the brain weird!”

The others all look at her at that admittance, but she just looks at them and sputters.

“Sh-Shut up!”

You chuckle at this and pat her on the head.

“It’s okay Sunset, I understand,” you say and she look down at her feet. “And…well, Selena was really happy to hear you say that.”

Of Course I Was! I Still Am! She blubbers within your head, but you continue.

“But…even if we don’t look like it right now, you are older than me,” you say with a nervous chuckle and she nods solemnly at that. “But if you still want that from me, there is another way.”

She looks up at you quizzically as you point to B2 who is nearly passing out from the hug Sonata is giving him.

“Since you’re staying in this world for a bit longer, maybe you could look to him?” you suggest. “He is me after all, with much of the same wisdom and stupidity.”

“That is a very accurate statement,” Twilight adds. “There’s a reason for the longest time I couldn’t tell them apart.”

Sunset giggles at that and looks to B2 as Luna is the next one for the vice grip hug, and the others bid the Tsunderish Humbra goodbye.

“If you need someone to help you with that missing figure in your life, all three of them could help you with that…and you could really help them as well,” you say and Sunset looks back to you with curious eyes.

“Help them?” she asks and you nod.

“They’re doing better I think since I showed up, but they really are missing one critical thing,” you say as you look her in the eye. “They don’t have a Nightshade.”

Her eyes widen at that and you continue.

“Selena, Sombra and I all came through our own nightmares because of that little filly, and when we were all at our lowest, you helped remind us of that,” you explain, and Twilight twitches a little in guilt. “So if you’re going to stick around, can you keep watch over those three? Give them what they’re sorely lacking?”

“I…” she hesitates for a moment before she smiles with happy tears in her eyes, “Yeah, I think I could do that.” She then hugs you tightly again, and you return the gesture.

Ohohoohoooo, Selena bawls in your head at the touching seen.

You’re carrying on just a tad bit, Sombra grumbles.

Because I can’t argue with this whole assessment! She whines. Damn You Bugze for being so thoughtful and considerate for our other selves you sweet loveable bastard!

“And um, whenever you do feel like opening up that portal, we’d all love a visit, heh heh,” you add to appease your blubbering better half.

“You can count on it Bugze,” Sunset says as she breaks the hug. “I’m sure all of us would want to see you again.”

“I know I will,” your own voice says as B2 walks up to the three of you. There are tears in his eyes, but he’s trying not to let them fall.

“Hey, what’s with the sad face? It’s not goodbye forever,” you say wincing at the look.

“Yeah, well, it still feels that way,” he says sadly before he wipes his eyes. “Look Bugze, you…you were the closest thing I’ve ever had to having a brother.”

“I…” you trail off feeling extremely touched, but he continues.

“You came into my life when I was at my lowest. Another me from another dimension, and you changed my life for the better,” he says as he starts to get more emotional. “Thanks to you, I’ve got my band back, new friends, and I’m back with the woman I love. I…Thank you man.”

And with that he holds out a hand to shake. You own eyes well up, matching his face as you reach out, grab his hand and pull him into a manly hug.

The both of you stay like that for a moment as silence reigns backstage.

“You’re the one who got all those rewards buddy, all I did was give you a little push,” you tell him.

“Heh, don’t try that humble bullcrap on me. I am you remember?” he laughs and you smile and pat his back.

“Fine, you’re welcome. And thank you for showing me the ropes of this scary, crazy planet.”

“Anytime Bugze,” he says as you break the embrace. “You get along and have a good life ya hear?”

“You too B…no, you too #@%^&,” you say using both of your real names.

“Heh, sounds weird hearing that in my own voice,” he says while scratching the back of his head. “And actually, I was thinking…you think I could try out Bugze while you’re gone.”

You smile back at him as you look between Twilight and Sunset who both give you expectant looks.

“You know what, sure, if that’s really what you want,” you say. “Take pride in it Bugze, it’s a name that marked the beginning of my new life, and now it will do the same for you.”

He smiles and nods at that, but the both of you say nothing more as the Dazzlings return to your side and quickly hug Sunset goodbye.

“Daddy?” Nightshade’s distorted voice asks again, this time even further away as the hole gets smaller and smaller.

You look back at the crack, and then to the Dazzlings as you bite your lip.

“Girls, it’s time to go,” you tell them.

The three sisters nod with tears in their eyes as they stand back at your side and you all look to the group of humans.

“You all…you weren’t the worst,” Aria says in her usual tone.

“After a year of struggling, you made things fun for us,” Adagio tells them.

“I’m going to miss you all!!!” Sonata bawls and sniffles. And while her sisters pat her on the back, the humans look to you expectantly.

“I…” you start before you cough and look them all over. “Thank you, all of you for helping me on my mission, I can honestly say I didn’t see any of the stuff we did coming.”

You then look down at that, take a deep breath and start addressing them individually as fast as you can.

“Flash, keep that temper in check and look into law enforcement,” you advise. “The other you is one of the best guards there is.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he says and nods to you.

“Sombra, reach out to that Hope girl,” you say and both his and the Sombra in your mind are taken aback. “It’s never too late to start again.”

“I…” he starts before he closes his mouth and nods. “Yeah alright, but not because you said to.”

“Obviously,” you smile before looking to Luna. “Luna…please keep your sister from caving in your Bugze’s head please?” She smiles at that.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him safe,” she says as she puts an arm around the other you who smiles.

Nodding, you then look to the Rainbooms, the Deadly 6 of this world who were your greatest allies.

“Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash…please just keep being your best selves. Keep teaching Sunset and Twilight the Magic of Friendship, and keep an open mind, cause I’m sure they’ll be able to teach you as well.”

“You got it bro,” Dash salutes.

“Yup yup yup!” Pinkie Pie nods.

“Of course darling,” Rarity agrees.

“You bet your britches,” Applejack tips her hat.

“We will Mr. Bugze, don’t worry about us,” Fluttershy smiles.

You nod as you wipe away a tear from your eye and you cough into your hand.

“This has…you all…you’ve all been great, and I’m glad to have gotten to know you. I hope that one day, the other you’s and I can… can have this kind of friendship,” you admit as emotion overwhelms you.

Not an eye is dry as you say that, but all of the humans still sport smiles.

“From myself, Selena, and Sombra. Thank you all…and, I can’t believe I’m saying this but…I guess I can finally admit that you humans aren’t so bad after all,” you strain to say and they all laugh.

“Preaching to the choir here Bugze,” Sunset says.

“We all know you love us,” other Bugze smirks.

“We’ll miss you, but we will see you again,” Twilight says confidently.

“Of course we will,” Sunset nods. “Now go before you miss your window.”

You nod at that as you turn to face the crack once more. It’s closing even faster now, but there’s still room.

Sonata takes one of your hands into her own, while Adagio takes the other while she holds onto Aria. The three sisters all look to you and nod.

Taking one last glance to your human friends, you all wave farewell.

“Goodbye,” you say.

“Goodbye,” Selena says with your mouth.

“Goodbye, my little humans,” Sombra finishes with your tongue.

And with that, holding hands for the last time, the four of you jump into the crack in reality.

Stars shoot past you at impossible speed and comprehension. A void of white filled with a rainbow spectrum of light circles around the four of you. You spin and spin and spin as your body reforms, and the sensation of having hands disappears.


Soon, you are jettisoned at a weird angle as gravity takes control over you once more.

“What the buck?!” someone shouts in surprise as you go streaking through the air.

“Wahaaaa-OOMPH!” you cry out as you and three other figures crash into a bunch of monitoring equipment and get tangled up in wires.

“Ooooohhhh…” you hear Aria groan.

“Anyone get the number of that bus?” Adagio says dizzily.

“That was fun!” Sonata says with a giggle.

“Clearly we have to sort out the definition of fun,” you groan as you put a hoof to your head and rub your temple.


Your vision comes back to you as you look at your appendage. The fingers are all gone, and in their place the superior chitinous black hoof you’ve had since the day you pupated.

“Yes! We Did It! We’re Back!” you cheer as you hug yourself with your forelimbs and feel your precious horn and wings. You also notice that you are still wearing the awesome jacket and get up from the other side, though it is now tailored for your real body.

“Ah yes! Sweet Glorious Hooves! How I’ve Missed You!” Aria cheers.

“My tail looks as gorgeous as ever,” Adagio says vainly.

“And our scales! They’re so polished!” Sonata squees.

“Oh right, you guys have your own forms back and…uh…” you trail off as you look to your companions and you raise an eyebrow. There before you, tangled up in the same equipment as you are the Siren sisters in their true forms. They are the very definition of what you expected a seahorse to look like with each of their color pallets matching their human forms.

They have an elongated fish tail, but their upper halves have hooves and are clearly equine in nature, despite the fins on the back of their necks and tendrils atop their heads and each one of them has their red stones wrapped around their throats. But there is something that takes you by surprise.

This…I was not expecting this, Sombra says.

Neither was I. I remember the Sirens being…, Selena says in confusion.

“Why are you guys so small?” you ask them dumbfounded. In body length, they are only slightly longer than you.

“Hey! I take offense to that!” Aria grunts as she flops around.

“No, I mean…with all the depictions and stuff in the books, I thought you guys were bigger?” you clarify.

“Oh, right,” Adagio says as she looks to her sisters and herself. “When we were going on our conquest, we made ourselves look bigger to seem more threatening.”

“Well, it wasn’t just us. All sirens made themselves look bigger when talking to outsiders,” Sonata points out as she…just sort of floats a bit off the ground with her tail.

“Yeah, well it clearly didn’t intimidate that stupid bearded idiot and his buddies,” Aria huff as she untangles herself and starts floating too.

“…How are you doing that floating thing?” you ask curiously.

“Magic,” Adagio hoofwaves.

“Really?” you monotone.

“What? How else do you expect us to swim on land?” Sonata points out.

“Good point,” you nod as they start inspecting you.

“And you know, we only briefly saw you during the Battle of the Bands, but I gotta say, you really pull off the spikey hair with the bug body,” Sonata compliments.

“Uh…thank you? And, I guess despite being my size, you three look plenty intimidating,” you compliment back.

“Awww, thanks Bugze,” Adagio says as all three smile.

“Right, well, now that we’re back home, first order of business is to figure out exactly where we are, then get one of those stones of yours back to Captain Jack so I can get Selena and Sombra their bodies. But first and foremost, we find my daughter. If her voice was coming out of that crack in reality then she can’t be too far,” you explain.

“Is she a small alicorn with black fur and a purplish blue mane?” asks Sonata.

“Yeah, actually,” you nod.

“Then I found her already,” Sonata says while pointing to the side.

“What?” you gape as you and her sisters look to where she’s pointing…and your heart immediately swells. There, standing in front of a wall where the crack in reality disappears, is your precious daughter staring slack jawed and with eyes of disbelief.

“D-Daddy?” she asks, uncertain whether what she’s seeing is real or not.

“NIGHTSHADE!!!” you, Selena and Sombra all shout at once as you rush forth and wrap your hooves around her.

She hesitates for a moment within your grip, before she immediately hugs back, hurting your ribs.

“DADDY! MOMMY! SOMBRA! It’s You! It’s Really, Really You!” she cries out in a mix of happiness and relief.

“Yes honey, it’s us,” you say as you start peppering the top of her head with kisses.

“We missed you so much my precious baby,” Selena blubbers.

“We have returned little overlord, oh how we’ve missed you,” Sombra says trying and failing to sound stoic.

“I…I’ve missed you so muuuccchhh,” Nightshade cries as she shakes within your grasp. “So much crazy stuff has happened while you were gone and…and…”

“Shhh now, it’s going to be alright now Shade. We’re back now,” you console her as she looks into your eyes. “We’re back and we’re not leaving any time soon.”

“You better not!” she says before digging her face back into your chest. “You better not…I love you. I love you all so very much.”

“We love you too Nightshade,” you tell her truthfully then start nuzzling the top of your little filly’s head as once more, your family is reunited. With the time distortion, you don’t know how long it’s actually been, but it feels like it’s been years.

All the hardship, all the pain, the sorrow and the many, many shenanigans, all have been worth it for this very moment.

Hmm, she feels heavier. I hope she hasn’t grown too much without us.

She seems to be around the same age as we left…but there is a presence about her now, Selena observes.

Something’s…something’s off. There’s an aura, something dark and familiar about her now, Sombra says puzzled.

Huh? you question, but are distracted.

“Awwwww, this is so sweet,” Sonata chirps from behind you.

“Ugh, I can’t handle it. We just had all those sappy goodbyes and now this?” Aria grunts in tsundere fasion.

“It’s enough to make a grown woman-er, mare cry,” Adagio says with both her hooves in front of her mouth.

Nightshade opens her eyes at that and looks over your shoulder at the three sirens.

“Um…who are they Daddy?”

“Oh, those are the sirens Nightshade. Adagio, Aria and Sonata,” you introduce. “Girls, this is Nightshade.”

“Hello,” Sonata waves excitedly and the others just nod.

“Wait, Sirens? They’re still alive?” she asks in surprise.

“I know, right?” you chuckle. “But yeah, there’s wibbly wobbly time stuff with the portal and…it’s a long story, but short version is, we got a Siren Stone Nightshade.”

“That’s great Daddy!” she says earnestly before looking apprehensively around her. “But um, maybe we could talk about that later?”

“Huh? What’s wrong kiddo?” you ask at her mood shift. “Also, where are we that you’re not hiding your wings? And what’s with the scarf? And where’s Grandbuggy?”

“Well…” she starts while rubbing the back of her neck.

“Oh hey, they got movies in Equestria now,” Sonata says pointing to a screen. “Huh, guess it really is the future here.”

“Wait, ain’t that that dragon we just blasted away?” Aria says with a frown. “And it’s fighting a plant monster?”

“Wait, what now?” you say turning to look at what they’re seeing.

“And is that a robot? The buck?” Adagio questions as you get a good glimpse of the screen. Sure enough, you see the spectral dragon you just defeated with Rock and Roll fighting some twisted tentacle like monster straight out of Neighpon, and what looks like a mech scrambling on the field.

“What the buck?” you say as you look at more monitors and see ponies in black cloaks holding futuristic rifles and holding a mix of crystal ponies and regular ponies hostage.

“DAMN YOU NIGHTMARE MOON! DAMN YOU!!!” the robot suit shouts in anger as it is knocked away by the dragon across what looks like a soccer field.

Crystal Ponies? Are We Back in the Crystal Empire? Sombra says in surprise.

And that voice…it sounds familiar, Selena ponders.

“I…wha…” you trail off as you look to your daughter who sheepishly chuckles.

“Okay, remember what I said about crazy stuff earlier? Yeah…that’s part of it.”



Episode 92: Back in Black

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The Pony Spartan’s Comment

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Korthar’s Comment

As you watch the absolute chaos unfolding before you, your eye begins to twitch.

“Seriously, I just left a bunch of craziness,” you sigh and look to Nightshade. “Did Discord relapse?”

“What? No, no, this isn’t because of him,” she says with a shake of her head.

“Are you sure? Because I still don’t buy that bullspit of him being reformed and-“

“Trust me Daddy, this isn’t him, he kind of doesn’t have any powers at the moment,” she interrupts you.

“What?!” you ask in surprise.

“Yeah he kind of caught Blue Flu from this giant Tatzlwurm that I helped defeat and he’s lost all his powers so we’ve all been looking after him since he’s so frail now, and really he’s not so bad once you get to know him,” she explains and you blink out of synch.

That’s, uh, that’s a lot to unpack, you think as you try to comprehend a powerless Discord.

If the Usurper is powerless then you can get some much needed retribution more easily, Sombra points out.

And I’m sorry, but did she say she fought a Tatzlwurm? Selena asks in concern. Those things are extremely dangerous.

Yeah, let’s put those thoughts on the backburner for now, you think with a shake of your head.

"Okay, Nightshade,” you say looking down at your filly. "If this isn’t from Discord then I need you to tell me everything that happened while I was gone."

“Heh heh, everything?” she nervously laughs, and you know you’re in for a doozy.

"Do we have time for that? It looks pretty serious out there," Adagio questions pointing at the screen.

"Probably not a lot of it." You admit. "But I'm not walking out there without knowing what's going on. Trust me, going in blind has really bucked me throughout my life."

"You curse in front of your kid?" Aria inquires and you sigh, but before you can chastise her for being a prude, she continues, "Nice."

“...Okay, right off the bat I already like you,” Nightshade says pointing to Aria who smirks even more.

“What about me?” Sonata asks excitedly and Nightshade squints.

“Jury’s still out on you and the orange one, but I’ll get back to you on that after we hang out a little more,” she says.

“Understandable,” Sonata nods.

“Girls, focus here!” you say trying to snap your fingers, but only end up shaking your hoof about. “Ugh, that’s gonna be a lengthy habit to break. But anyway, give me the sit-rep Nightshade.”

"Well, you see..." she says apprehensively and scratches her ear, "I'll tell you the full story later I promise, but please try and wrap your head around these cliff-notes."

She then takes a deep breath and you are immediately reminded of one of Pinkie’s rapid fire habits.

"Long story short we got all the artifacts we needed to give mommy and Sombra a body. While we did we found other creatures who tagged along on our journey because of Grandbuggy and eventually we ended up staying at Ponyville until the Equestria Games started here at the Crystal Empire. I got three of the Deadly Six and all of my close friends to see our side of the story so now Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Fluttershy, Pinkie, the Crusaders including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon plus Spike and Cadence know that The Hooded Offender was actually Mr. Tennant and El Hunko, and I think Rainbow Dash figured that out during the Vampire Apocalypse we had. I figured out that the Apples are our cousins, which is gross by the way Daddy, you shouldn’t kiss Applejack like that anymore, also I saw Trixie and made up with her, Discord and I are cool now, and also I reunited Grandbuggy with Granny Smith. And actually, today I had to yell at the Princesses because they're all here at the games and somehow managed to convince them that mommy isn't evil because me and Spikey had to save the Crystal Ponies because everyone's magic is disabled for the games which is dumb as buck if you ask me! But then these flankholes called the Black Suns who are on offshoot of the Crimson Knights showed up and ruined everything! Oh, and to top all of this off, I’m kind of OP and unstable now because your “Friend” gave me the Alicorn Amulet to fight that plant monster outside awhile back, but it’s kind of stuck in me until we can get Sombra’s Umbrum people to get it out of me!"

To punctuate that long rushed explanation, she lowers the scarf and you see imbedded in her chest, pieces of a very familiar amulet that brought you misery.

She stares at you and is understandably worried, as you just sit there slack-jawed at all that info.

"What The Buck?!" the three of you yelp in unison as your minds are overwhelmed.

Why the buck was she going on dangerous adventures without me?! You mentally bellow.

She’s got the Amulet stuck in her chest! Sombra growls.

I am going to flay this “friend” of yours that gave her that with a rusty spoon! Selena shrieks.

“Yeah, I know it’s a lot to process without going into too much detail,” she says scratching at her ear. “But right now we gotta get to Grandbuggy and the Princesses and-“

“Your Gorramned Right We Gotta Get To Grandbuggy!” you growl taking her aback. “I need to force feed him one of his stupid smelly cigars for even thinking it was a good idea to take you on a-“

“Hey! This isn’t Grandbuggy’s fault Daddy!” she says defiantly towards you and you do a double take. “In fact, things were going fine and I was having lots of fun! I made a ton of new friends and I’m also back with all my old friends, and it was all fine until that plant monster showed up.”

“Even still-“ you try to argue but she cuts you off again with a grit of her teeth.

“NO! There is no “even still,” I’M the one who put that stupid amulet on! Me! Even though I’ve never liked your mysterious friend, I put it on when that package arrived!” she declares and you actually take a step back as you see the shards blip a shade of red.

She looks down at the glowing pieces and sighs and they dim.

“So don’t go punishing Grandbuggy, this is my fault, not his.”

“I…okay honey,” you say still offput by her forcefulness as you walk up and put a hoof on her scars. They are warm to the touch, but she doesn’t flinch, rather she just looks down and to the side. Broken as they are, you can’t help but be reminded of the last time you were this close to this artifact.

Which apparently she says she’s made up with Trixie? Selena points out. Meaning she’s finally awake.

“Yeah…” you nod, filing away that bit of good news, but still, your worry for your daughter is still front and center. “How long has it been like this?”

“A few months, and they’ve really they’ve caused me a lot of problems,” she says with a sigh before looking you in the eye. “And Daddy?”

“Yeah?” you say as you take your hoof off of the shards.

“I’m sorry for getting mad at you so much in the past for losing control,” she apologizes then looks down guiltily. “I now know first hoof how easy it is.”

You hear Selena gasp and Sombra grumble at that apology.

“What happened?” you ask in concern.

"This stupid amulet..." she looks down at the shards and grits her teeth, "T-they make me act crazy sometimes! And now when I get mad I-I can't control it!"

You think back to Trixie and the pain in her eyes after she’d taken the bloody thing off of her. The regret and guilt that permeated her, and now your own daughter is showing the same signs.

“Hey now Honey, whatever happened it wasn’t your faul-“

“Yes It Is Daddy!” she cuts you off with a shout. “I hurt someone real bad because of this thing. And truthfully, if I hadn’t snapped out of it, I don’t know if I would have killed him or not!”

Aria puts a hoof to her mouth in shock, Sonata shuts her eyes closed and Adagio looks on in sympathy. Your eyes widen as you can see the regret on her face, and you, Selena and Sombra can’t help but feel like you’ve been stabbed in the heart.

“What…” you try to start, but she keeps going.

“There was this Black Sun guy, they’d been taking a few of the artifacts before us, and one night I thought he’d kidnapped Grandbuggy, but it turns out that had been Flash Sentry, but I didn’t know that so I chased the guy down with my shadow minions and burnt up a lot of the forest,” she explains rapid firedly. “And when I caught him, I tortured him.”

Her shards are glowing once more and you see her shaking a bit as she admits her sins to you. You bite your lip and step forward, bringing your filly close to your chest in a warm hug.

“I was actually laughing while I did it too…” she says guiltily. “And the only reason I stopped is because I found out he was a kid like me…”

The sirens wince at that and look away from this admission, giving you some semi-privacy

"Shh... It's okay Nightshade..." you try to soothe.

“No it’s not! I screwed up, and I’m not going to pretend like what I did was cool Daddy,” she grunts before resting her head on your chest. “I actually met that colt again today, and I’ve started to make amends…after fighting again that is, but even still, I know full well what I did was wrong. I just wanted you to know that I get it now. What it feels like to not be in control. To almost kill someone.”

"But you aren't a murderer,” you say with a wince. You know full well what that feels like, and you’re thankful she doesn’t have to feel it too. “You haven’t gone that far, and it's alright now sweetie, and you wanna know why?"

She looks up at you, and you see that her eyes are watery but no tears are falling. Her breathing hitches but she seems to be in control.

"Because we're back. And me, your mother, and Sombra are never going to let you go through something like that ever again. Isn't that right guys?"

"No question!" Selena says emotionally.

"Of course." Sombra says in a quiet but genuine tone.

She smiles at that, and your daughter hugs you tighter, knowing that she wasn't only hugging her father, but her mother and friend as well.

"Sweetie Belle isn't here right now," she says quietly, with a chuckle as her shards stop glowing.

You chuckle a bit at that, glad your precious girl is still capable of joking around.

"I know,” you say as you rub her mane and she lets out a sniffle. When she pulls back from you, she seems a bit more composed.

“Sorry, again this stupid thing makes my emotions weird,” she apologizes.

“It’s alright honey, I’m just glad you’re still you after wearing it so long,” you say remembering Trixie’s madness.

“For the most part,” she nods. “Jack and Cadence actually figured out a solution for getting these out of me.”

“They have?” you ask with a bit of hope.

“Yeah, turns out since they’re made from Umbrum, all we have to do is find the seal that holds them in place and do…something with them to remove these,” she explains.

They seek to free my kind? Sombra asks in surprise.

I guess? Is that bad?

I…I do not know, Sombra says unsure. While it’s true Amore used them to create that amulet…I do not know what it is they would do for Nightshade.

Are they dangerous? asks Selena.

They are my species, so of course they are, Sombra says matter of factly.

“Um…okay, I guess if Jack and Cadence think it can work,” you say nervously.

“It’s all we got really,” she shrugs looking down at her scars. “Though I guess in a way this stupid necklace is also the reason why I’ve even made headway with the Princesses and Deadly 6.”

“Yeah, you did mention that before…” you trail off. “You went to face them?”

“Not intentionally,” she explains. “A giant iceburg was falling on the stadium and me and Spike saved everyone, and then they saw I was an alicorn and that I had the shards in my chest, and I kind of had a shouting match with Celestia and Luna because for awhile now everyone’s been thinking that I was Mommy reborn into a different body for some stupid reason.”

You feel Selena flinch at that and you give a gulp knowing full well how close to the truth that had almost been all those years ago.

“Yeah, ponies are dumb…but shouting at them got them on our side?” you ask in disbelief.

“Well, I got a hoof in the door at least,” she shrugs.

“And they didn’t just immediately try to blast you with the Elements of Harmony?”

“How could they-Oh right, you missed that,” Nightshade says bopping herself on the forehead.

“Missed what?”

“The Deadly 6 don’t have the Elements anymore,” she says happily.

“WHAT?!” you, Selena and Sombra all collectively say in shock.

“Yeah, that plant monster was made from these vines that reached all over Equestria, and the Deadly 6 had to give up the Elements to stop it,” she explains and suddenly you feel a weight lift off of your shoulders.

Well, that is a bit of good news I suppose, Selena sighs. I for one did not want to face them a third time.

Or at all in my case, Sombra adds.

“That’s one less thing we have to worry about then. No wonder you faced them straight on,” you praise Nightshade.

“Eh, probably would have done it anyway. It wasn’t a civil conversation, but after Cadence and most of the Deadly 6 spoke up for me, Shining Armor held back his guards and Celestia started crying and not sure what to believe anymore.”

“Wow…that’s just…”

Wow, Selena agrees.

“So what you’re saying is that they no longer wish to hunt you or your parents?” Sombra asks with your mouth.

“I’m pretty sure that’s what I did,” she shrugs. “Though they still wanted to talk, which is what we were going to do back at the palace before the Black Suns showed up with the stupid plant monster I’d destroyed months ago!”

As she says that on one of the monitors you see as the astral dragon dive-bombs said monster onto a medal ceremony stage.

“Right, I guess we should probably focus on those guys,” you say as you bite your lip.

“Yeah, they seem kind of antsy out there,” Aria says pointing to the cloaked figures who watch the scuffle in nervousness.

“Seriously, how many times am I going to have to deal with terrorists?!” you grunt. “You’d think that after the last Crimson Knights got infiltrated by The Hive and the whacky “Leaders” joined Torchwood that there wouldn’t be any one else willingly following Flag Burner’s message!”

“Who?” Sonata asks and you wince.

“He was this radical stallion that wanted to take down the government…I ended up killing him a few years back,” you say with regret.

“Oh…” Sonata mutters and Nightshade gasps.

“Yeah…doing that was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made,” you admit before looking to Nightshade. “And I Pinkie Promise you Nightshade, you’ll never go that far. Not like I have.”

“Um…actually you haven’t gone that far Daddy,” she says which causes you to raise a brow.

“Huh? What do you-“

"D-daddy! He's back!" She says, sounding both happy and nervous oddly.

"Who's back?”

She stares at you for a moment in silence and points to the screen as the mech suit starts blasting lasers at the spectral dragon.

"...Flag Burner's alive."

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Despite all the ruckus outside and on the monitors, all seems to go quiet for you, as if you’ve been deafened by a thunderclap.

“What did you just say?” you ask in absolute disbelief…and hope.

“Flag Burner isn’t dead Daddy, that’s him in the robot suit,” she says slowly, noticing your thousand yard stare.

Her words still don’t seem real, and your brain struggles to process them. You flashback to that terrible night when you let your anger get the better of you.

The smell of ash and soot, his maddened cackling, the feel of his skull caving in under your hoof, the unrelenting guilt…and now…

"Flag Burner's alive...?" you breathe out in shock.

T-that's...Selena stammers, she too overwhelmed by the sheer weight of those words.

Sombra stares on in silent contemplation, knowing full well the power of the guilt you’d felt from that day. He’d used it on you during the Trixie incident after all.

“Call off your dragon Nightmare Moon! Give me the Hooded Offender!!!” the mechanical monstrosity roars and fires a volley of missiles that fly past a magical recorder. You feel and hear the impact of them as they strike the crystalline barrier Nightshade had constructed in front of the window of this room, and you can see the nervous glances of the Sirens as the crystal starts to splinter…but most of all you see the expectant face of your daughter who hasn’t looked away from you.

“That…that’s his voice…” you say breathlessly to Nightshade who just nods.

I knew it sounded familiar, Selena muses flabbergasted.

“Then…he’s not dead.”

Apparently so, Sombra says matter of factly.

Once more, time seems to slow down for you, even as another volley of shots, lazer and missile alike strike at the barrier. That night flashes over you again, and strong emotions wash over you…but you do not weep.

Strong emotions flood you, but you do not sneer, nor shout nor growl…

“Bugze? You alright?” Adagio asks in concern.

Strong emotions overwhelm you, and you give your answer as you start laughing. The girls all are taken aback for a moment, but you just laugh and laugh and laugh.

It isn’t a laugh laden with madness, happiness, disbelief, regret, nor nervousness.

No, it is a laugh of relief. Pure, unadulterated relief as three years worth of guilt, shame, and self loathing fades. It does not disappear, but it feels as though you’ve healed an old wound. A new scar to add to your tapestry as a reminder of what could happen…but it is healing none the less.

You feel as though you’ve finally come out of a haze that you’d been trapped in for over two years and can finally breathe clearly once again.

You feel the relief of not being a murderer.

“I…I can’t believe it,” you say as you get over your little fit and Nightshade beams at you.

“It’s true Daddy,” she says in comfort.

“I just…” you trail off and smile. “I guess ‘How?’ would be my biggest question.”

“I’m guessing some mad scientists stuff,” she says and looks at the monitors. “The suit isn’t the only thing that’s robotic about him.”

“What do you mean honey?”

“Okay, you know that Kano guy in Mortal Kombat?” she asks and you nod. “Kind of like that, only with half of his face instead of just the eye…oh and he’s also got a metal foreleg.”

“A cyborg?” you ask in shock and she nods.

“Oh, like that teen superhero guy in that cartoon back in the human world?” Sonata asks and Nightshade raises an eyebrow.

“I guess?” she answers before looking to you. “And did she say human world?”

“Yeah, that’s where I’ve been for this whole time. Everything was humanized over there, including me and the Dazzlings,” you explain and her jaw drops.

“…You? You were a human this whole time?” she sputters and you nod with a wince.

“Yeah, fingers were weird to get used to,” you say and her face looks sympathetic.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that daddy, I know how much you hate My Little Human.”

“Eh…I got used to it,” you hoofwave. “But I’ll tell you all about that later. If Flag Burner’s alive, that means things are about to get dicey, especially if he’s part machine now. Speaking of which, where the buck did he even get a mech suit like that?”

You remember battling Strong Head’s prototype back in Vanhoover but this thing looks much more refined.

“Yeah, you remember that jerk we fought in Vanhoover? Well I think he’s got pieces of that one, plus parts from the one that Flash Sentry had.”

“Flash had one of those?” you sputter. “Is he here?”

“No, he’s still back in Canterlot. But yeah, that’s what he used to kidnap Grandbuggy when everyone thought that he was you, and then apparently it got blown up by Doctor Caballeron at Daring Do’s house.”

“Say what now?”

“Oh yeah, apparently she’s real and been writing about her actual adventures, Ahuizotl is much nicer in person though.”

“Okay…” you say trying to wrap your head around fictional characters being real. “But why would Flash think I was Grandbuggy? I look nothing like him!”

“Ugh, there was this whole thing going around that I was Mommy and that popping out of “Your” head made you all old and stuff, so everyling thought you’d been drained like a raisin or something, it was really dumb!” she says spitting on the ground. “And that’s what that stupid robo-flankhole outside still believes.”

A chunk of the crystal she built cracks off as more laser fire hits it.

Mayhaps we should focus on the here and now? Selena warns and you snap out of your reverie.

“Okay, we’ll curse about the stupidity of ponies later, right now we need a plan of action.”

“We kind of already had one,” Nightshade says as the crystal gets blasted again. “In fact, we should probably get moving. Walk and talk everyling!”

And with that, she ushers the four of you out of the room, and you find yourself inside of cement corridors.

“So, is this that new stadium I heard they were building for the Equestria Games?”

“Yup! Me and the CMC were part of the Flag Ceremony for Ponyville and it was sick, but that was yesterday,” she explains as you all run/hover after her. “But anyway, until you showed up, we were following Grandbuggy’s plan. All my friends were looking to shut down the magic cancellers the stadium has installed with and Spike and Me were supposed to save the Princesses, but then we ran into that colt I told you about, he’s half Windigo by the way.”

“Half Windigo?” Aria asks in disbelief.

“Yeah, apparently he’s also from like a thousand years in the past…weird how everything lately comes from that time period,” she says with as shrug and the purple siren looks to her orange sister.

“How the heck does someone bang a ghost spirit thing?” Aria asks and Adagio just shrugs.

“I don’t even want to think about it,” you say with a shudder. “And wait, he put you in charge of freeing the Princesses?”

“Yeah, he didn’t want me confronting Flag Burner and losing control of my powers because apparently the stupid Crystal Heart’s got a problem with that, so he went off to distract Flag Burner and his goons while Spike and I saved the VIP’s,” she then bites her lip as she takes a left. “But then Grandbuggy got captured and I showed myself to distract him and sent Spike on up ahead, and then that dragon thing showed up and Spike was able to save the Princesses and Grandbuggy just like I knew he would. And that’s when you showed up. What is that spectral dragon anyway?”

“It’s the manifestation of the corruptive influences of the Human Twilight Sparkle’s soul which lashed out when she became empowered by Equestrian Magic,” Sonata says eloquently, causing you and her sisters to do a double take.

“Huh?” Nightshade grunts.

“Uh, Twilight’s human double got drunk on magic thanks to me, turned into a supervillain and we had to stop her with the power of Rock and Roll, and that dragon got created in the process.”

“…Okay, I’m just going to pretend I understand that and just move on,” Nightshade says shaking her head as she opens a door to a stairwell.

“Where are we heading Nightshade?” you ask as she starts descending.

“Somewhere on the basement level, that’s where Grandbuggy, Spike and the Princesses and Deadly 6 should be,” she explains as you follow her.

“Wait, hold up!” you order and she stops, as do the Dazzlings who nearly crash into you.

“Why are we holding up Daddy?” Nightshade asks.

“Think about it honey, that nutjob is frothing at the mouth, wanting me to come forth. He wants me above anything right?”

“Y-yeah?” she nods.

“Then me going to the Princesses and Six would be bad news for everyone,” you say as you look to the stairwell signs, seeing one that says field entrance.

What are you thinking my bug? Selena asks as you hear the distant thudding of the monsters fighting.

“I’m thinking that I give him exactly what he wants,” you answer aloud and the others gasp.

“Are…are you sure?” Nightshade asks and you nod.

“Right now, without his leverage he’ll be rabid, but if I show up, he won’t even be thinking about the others,” you explain. “If Grandbuggy was able to get his attention before he was captured, then I’ll be the best distraction they’ve got. Besides, Shining Armor built those suits to specifically fight me.”

“Are you even up for that man?” asks Aria.

“Yeah, we did just get done with a different battle not 20 minutes ago,” Adagio points out.

“Aren’t you tired?” asks Sonata in worry.

“You girls forget, I’m no longer in that squishy human body, I’m back in glorious chitin, and am much stronger,” you boast. “And also I can use the Awakened Cloak.”

There could be an issue with that, Sombra speaks up and you pause.

How so? Selena inquires.

If we are in the Crystal Empire, depending on how close we are to the Palace, the Crystal Heart might interfere with our power, he explains. Your eyes widen at that and you look back to your filly.

“Nightshade, you said the Crystal Heart was messing with you right?”

“Yeah…didn’t feel too nice,” she grunts rubbing at her shards.

“Is it affecting you now?”

“I don’t know?” she says with an unsure hoofwave. “I mean we are far away from it, but earlier when I was fighting Frost, I didn’t exactly use my powers so…”

“Hmmm…” you ponder.

I suppose we will just have to deal with it as it comes, Selena considers.

I’m sure we could handle it, I just don’t know what it’d do to Adagio, Aria and Sonata, you point out.

Oh…Selena trails off.

I honestly don’t know how it would react, Sombra pipes up. It was made to deter shadow and dark magic. Their magic is not something I think the Amore ever encountered.

You then feel the rumble again from the clashing titans and a light bulb goes off.

“Nightshade, do you have any idea if these cultists have taken over the rest of the city?” you ask and she shrugs.

“No clue. The plant monster kind of encased the entire stadium and then Flag Burner and his goons came out singing and taking everyone hostage,” she says.

“Well if the spectral dragon and plant monster aren’t getting blasted away by the Heart, then maybe the Suns captured it too,” you theorize.

“…You know, that would make sense with them using the monster,” Nightshade says with a hoof to her chin.

“If this heart thing you’re talking about hurts dark magic, then yeah, that thing looked plenty evil,” Adagio adds her two cents.

“Oh it’s definitely evil. It’s made from seeds Discord planted a long time ago, and infused with potions and tonics that Grandbuggy says are evil,” Nightshade informs.

“…So this is all Discord’s fault after all?” you accuse and she rolls her eyes.

“The vines? Yes, retroactively and from the past, but as for that monster? Kind of my fault.”

“…Well whatever, the point is, if they aren’t getting blasted then the Heart has been deactivated and the Empire is going to be exposed to the arctic fast. We’re gonna use our powers and we’ve gotta get this over with quickly.”

“Okay then…so what’s the plan Daddy?”

You take a deep breath.

All you my bug, Selena encourages.

And exhale.

"Alright. Dazzlings!" They look at you with resolve in their eyes, ready and willing to help you, as you've helped them. "I want you three to try and get the Black Suns to argue with each other. Once you do, try to stop the fight between that plant monster and Midnight's dragon."

"Got it,” Adagio nods.

“No problem,” Aria agrees.

“Two shows in one day? EEEE!!! We’re getting popular again!” Sonata squees and her sisters roll their eyes good naturedly.

“And whatever you do, stay out of the crossfire when I start fighting Burner. If you’re able to get others to safety, do so. And be on the lookout for an old changeling in a bowler hat and, uh…” you trail off as you look to Nightshade. “Who are these other friends?”

“Oh, right, The Outcasts,” she says bonking herself on the head.

“Outcasts?” you inquire.

“Yeah, it’s our team name. You can join it too if you want,” she offers you and the Sirens.

“Heh, I can dig it,” Aria says with a smirk.

“Thanks, but yeah there’s Greta, a lady griffon with green feathers under her eyes, Ahuizotl, who’s a big cat monster thing with a hand at the end of his tail, and Daring Do who’s a brownish gold pegasus mare with a helmet on. They’re the ones searching for the magic dampeners right now.”

“Daring Do and Ahuizotl? Aren’t they those adventure movie characters back in the human world?” asks Adagio.

“They’re movie and book characters here as well, and I’m starting to get the impression they’re actually real,” you say looking to Nightshade who pouts.

“Of course they’re real, I told you so earlier, didn’t you believe me?”

“I’m sorry honey, I’m being overloaded with a lot of info all at once you know?” you excuse and she rolls her eyes.

“But yes, they’re real. Daring Do is actually A.K. Yearling who’s been writing the books this whole time. She and Ahuizotl are kind of dating now and-“

“THEY ARE?!!!” you shriek as you never saw that pair coming.

“Yeah, it’s kind of adorable actually,” she smirks. “But yeah, they and Greta are trying to repower everyling as we speak.

“Greta? Why does that name sound familiar?” you think as something itches at the back of your mind.

“Oh, she was Samus from the Extra Lives Gang, remember?” Nightshade explains and your eyes widen.

“I thought she retired?” you say thinking of how you let her go after the Fazbear’s incident.

“Oh she did, but we kind of accidentally kidnapped her after fighting off an undead Arimaspi, and she was bored so she decided to tag along since she was there,” Nightshade summarizes. “But moving on the other members are two dragons named Princess Ember who’s tall and blue and Garble who’s short and red. They’re getting my friends the Cutie Mark Crusaders out to safety, which are five fillies that are all around my height.”

“Huh, I thought you said only the purple dragon version of that puppy back in the human world was the only one hanging with ponies,” Sonata points out.

“I thought he was,” you shrug before turning back to your daughter. “And did you say Garble?”


“Smaug’s kid who you beat up in Applewood?”


“I don’t remember him being short.”

“Yeah he tried to eat the Tree of Harmony below the Everfree Castle and it shrank him,” Nightshade giggles and you hear Selena gasp.

What is the Tree of Harmony? Sombra inquires before you have a chance to ask the same.

It’s where Celestia and Luna received the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord, Selena explains. They grew upon it like fruit.

Really? That’s the first time I’ve heard about this, you think in befuddlement. A tree that grows super weapons was under my hooves that whole time when I found your armor?

It never really came up before, Selena shrugs.

“And then there’s Spike, the cute green and purple dragon Daddy told you about…hopefully good things,” she says giving you a side sneer and you chuckle nervously. “Right now he’s with the Princesses, Deadly 6 and Grandbuggy, and probably a blue colt that’s always breathing steam since I saw ice cover the opening earlier.”

“The six and Princesses look like pony version of Sunset’s friends and Twilight, Canterlot High’s Principals, and Dean Cadence,” you say quickly to the Dazzlings.

“Oooohhhhh,” they all say and nod in unison.

“Alrighty then, we won’t try to hypnotize any of them then,” Sonata says.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t for pony Twilight? Especially if she’s an alicorn?” Aria questions and you pause.

“…Okay, if she seems neurotic and has got the crazy eyes, maybe you can lull her down a bit,” you instruct. “Better safe than sorry.”

"Got it. We'll see what we can do,” Adagio says.

“Oh, and don’t forget my pet robot fox Mangle, she’s white and pink,” Nightshade adds.

“A smaller version of this thing,” you say as you pull out the Human World Mangle’s head out of the bag which barks mechanically.

“WHAT THE BUCK?!!!” Nightshade shrieks as she jumps back and her shards blip.

“Oh right, the creepy robot things you told us about,” Aria says not even disturbed.

“You kept one as a pet?” Adagio asks Nightshade.

“Yeah, because she’s adorable. The Buck is that thing Dad?!”

“We burnt down another Fazbear’s in the human world,” you shrug. “Kind of felt sorry for their Mangle and brought her along.”

“Skreonk,” Head Mangle barks in agreement.

“…Plush Mangle’s gonna cry if she sees that you know?” Nightshade points out and you roll your eyes.

“She’s a machine honey, they have no tear ducts!” you say as you put Head Mangle away.

“They still have feelings Dad!” she spits before composing herself. “But yeah, please don’t dismember my pet. Also there will also be a mix of crystal pony and regular pony civilians in the mix, both audience and athletes alike, and some Griffons as well. But the enemy’s not hard to see, they’re all wearing dark cloaks.”

“Oh that doesn’t sound too difficult, I hope they like Pop Music,” Sonata says excitedly clopping her hooves together before frowning. “You know, I kind of prefer the sound of clapping now.”

“You’ll get over it,” you say before addressing everyone in the room. “This maniac has a dangerous arsenal on him, and so do his friends. We are going to face them and waste their time to give The Outcasts and the Princesses time to regroup. If everyone gets repowered, then these clowns don’t stand a chance. But until then…”

You reach into the inventory and take hold of some familiar clothing. You smile at the Dazzlings and Nightshade as you whip them out.

“Let’s give them a show.”

The Dazzlings smirk at that and Nightshade beams as she sees the variety you’ve pulled out.

“I figured there’s no need to walk back the progress you made for us, so why hide who I am?” you say as you ruffle her mane.

“You mean it Daddy? No more running too?” she asks with hope and you smile.

“I’ve been in marathon for most of my life, it’s time to stop running honey,” you say confidently.

“YES!” she says as she leaps up and hugs your chest. “I knew laying everything out in the open would be the best solution! The Apple in our blood demands it!”

“…Yeah, let’s go with that,” you chuckle as you break the embrace…and she’s still on eye level with you.

Your jaw drops as Selena and Sombra go speechless seeing your daughter hovering in front of you effortlessly with her wings.

“Uh, what’s wrong Daddy?” she asks waving a hoof in front of your face.

“YOU CAN FLY?!!!” you three exclaim which startles the Dazzlings.

“Oh yeah, Grandbuggy taught me a few months ago. It’s super awesome,” she says as she starts doing barrel rolls in the air. “What do you think?”

“I…I…I kind of wish I’d been around to see your first flight,” you say with slight melancholy.

Me too…Selena mutters.

Me three… Sombra laments.

“Oh…sorry,” she says sheepishly. “If it helps, I’ll fly you around later. I’ve gotten really good at holding stuff in my magic too.”

“…I’ll hold you to it,” you say as you shake your head from such thoughts. “But anyway, if you can fly, then that makes things easier on what we’re about to do.”

You then start to don your clothing.

“Alright everyling, let’s go make ourselves known,” you say as you all head down the stairs.

POV CHANGE: Grandbugy

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You grunt and pant as you usher the Princesses, Elements of Harmony and Shining Armor through the basement level with the mechanical abomination on your back, Nightshade’s dragon boyfriend and some blue colt covered in scars that you’re fairly certain is the half windigo kid.

After failing spectacularly at putting a dent in that clanker’s armor, you thought for sure that your ticket was finally getting called…but then Nightshade bless her heart exposed herself and tried to save you.

If that random ghost dragon hadn’t shown up, I don’t know what would have happened, you think curiously and that bit of fortuitousness.

And then with the mother of all good timing, Spike freed you and the rest and the blue colt froze the hatch over. And while everyling else gushed over the young drake for his heroism, you being used to hitting the ground and running immediately gathered all of the depowered folks and told them to follow you. Many of those that hadn’t been privy to your existence till today were a bit cautious, but hey, you did just try to save them like an idiot earlier.

Now all I gotta do is get them out and find my little filly! That dang kid is gonna be the death of me, you think as you look down a hallway and see that the coast is clear.

“Alright we’re good, come on now,” you wave to the Princesses.

“While I appreciate the help random changeling, who exactly are you?” Luna asks in a whisper as you feel a tremor from the battling titans above.

“Quick Fix yer majesties, nice to meetcha and all that,” you whisper over your shoulder as you move along.

“Okay…that doesn’t exactly answer my sister’s question,” Celestia inquires and you roll your eyes.

“He’s Nightshade’s Great Grandfather,” Spike speaks up and Celestia, Twilight, Luna, Shining and Rarity gasp.

“Then that would make you…” Twilight trails off.

“The boy’s Grand dad, yep,” you nod as you front roll and check around another corner. “And let’s just say I’ve really got some choice words for the lot of ya’ll once we’re through all this, assuming ya still wanna talk to Nightshade civilly.”

“I…” Celestia gasps, taken aback by your accusation but Cadence steps in.

“Of course we’re still going to talk Mr. Fix, but you’re right we’ll deal with the main problems right now.”

“Thanks Cady,” you smile before frowning at Shining Armor. “She’s got a good pretty head on her shoulder’s this one, so you better shape up and start listening to her.”

“Hey now, I do listen to my wife,” he says indignantly.

“Heh, not enough to not build a gorramned death machine to fight my boy and his special lady in his head,” you spit and he bites his lip. “Oh and let’s not forget who’s hooves it’s in now.”

“Alright, alright, let’s not squabble right now, we all do have so much to talk about, but we have to live first,” Cadence implores.

“Skreonk!” Mangle agrees and you just sigh.

“You’re right Cady, I’ll save my many, MANY gripes for later,” you say and look forward.

“Cadenza, why is he speaking so formally to you?” Luna asks her niece who chuckles nervously.

“Well, I’ve kind of been in the know with the others about who he really is for awhile now,” she says and both her aunts and Twilight look shocked.

“Yeah, that was like my reaction when I found out too,” Rainbow Dash nods and everyone looks at her quizzically.

“Now wait just an apple picking minute, how in the hay did you find out?” Applejack asks.

“Yeah, it was supposed to be a secret,” Pinkie Pie inquires and Rainbow points to Fluttershy.

“Eep!” she says when all eyes are on her.

“Fluttershy?” Applejack asks and she rubs her neck nervously.

“Um…well…you remember when I was turning everypony into vampires?” she says sheepishly and everyone in the room shudders.

“Yes, I recall,” Applejack nods.

“Well, I guess Flutterbat said some things to Rainbow Bat and…I guess Rainbow Dash remembered?”

Everyone looks to the other pegasus and she shrugs.

“Yeah, it was all kinds of hazy and I thought I might have imagined it, but after my Birthiversary I asked Shy straight up and her reactions told me all I needed to know,” Rainbow explains.

“Then why didn’t you say anything to me or Rarity?” Twilight asks and Rainbow rubs the back of her neck.

“Well, I mean, it was dicey water there Twi. I’d apparently stumbled onto a Pinkie Promise territory and I wasn’t going to break that,” she says as everyone notices Pinkie eyeing a nervous Fluttershy inquisitively.

“Hmmm, I say that the spirit of the promise wasn’t broken since you were a different person at the time, but you’re on thin ice missy,” she scolds Fluttershy who nods nervously.

“But even still, I only knew that Baker was the Offender, I didn’t know a lot of the other stuff, like you being related to him Applejack!” Rainbow gags and the orange mare blushes and looks away.

“So the Apples are related to the Off…Bugze?” Celestia inquires and the cowpony hides behind her hat.

“Take pity on the gal, yeah there’s related by half blood. I knocked her Grandma up back in the day, so ya got two different family trees from one mare,” you say crassly and they all look at you offended. “What? That’s what happened!”

“I am still so confused by all these revelations,” Luna says holding a hoof to her forehead.

“Well you keep on being confused till we can sort it out later. Right now we gotta find a medium sized blue dragon and a small red dragon.”

“We gotta what now?” Rainbow asks.

“Ember and Garble took the Cutie Mark Crusaders to make an exit for them,” you explain.

“Ah yes…that messy…princess…” Celestia stutters with a thousand yard stare remembering her company not even an hour ago.

“Our sisters are safe?” Rarity asks, ignoring her traumatized monarch and sounding relieved.

“Eh, safe-ish I suppose. This whole place is still surrounded by plundervines,” you say pessimistically.

“Which is something I still don’t get. How are those still around? Didn’t the Tree of Harmony destroy them all?” Fluttershy inquires.

“And even if they didn’t, how are they being controlled by Flag Burner?” Celestia ponders.

“Yeah, that is a good question,” Spike says looking to the blue colt who just winces and bites his lip.

This whole time that you’ve been moving and chatting, you’ve noticed that he hasn’t been speaking up, or really looking anyone in the eye. Even as he and Spike saved everyone, he has tried to remain in the background. You’ve also seen him giving really nervous looks to the Alicorns in the group.

“Do you know anything Frost?” Spike asks him and he looks down.

“Y-Yeah, I know a bit,” he admits.

“You do?” asks Celestia and the colt flinches from her gaze. “Who are you little one?”

“And How dost though know child? And…” Luna pauses as she sees the scars on his body and her expression changes to horrified pity. “What happened to you?”

“I…I uh…” he stammers as his nervous breath comes out in steam and you put a hoof up between them.

“Hey now give the kid some room, right now it don’t matter how he knows,” you defend getting their attention back on you. The blue colt looks up at you quizzically and apprehensively and you give him a small smile. You know the look of someone who’s been through trauma, and from Shade told you, this guy sure went through some.

Shade and Spike must have done a number on you to get you to this state, you think remembering the roars of rage from earlier when he burst into the cafeteria. But if you’re helping Spike out, that means they got through to ya in some way. Though heavens know noling gets over all their emotional baggage in less than an hour.

You give the kid an encouraging smile and he still winces his face, before looking to Spike.

“After Rainbow Falls, some of the Suns got a tendril of the monster into protective crate before the Harmony wave got the rest,” he explains, trying to focus his explanation directly to Spike, even though he’s telling everyone else as well. “It’s not really all that smart, but Flag Burner’s got this…tiny chip or something like that, modern day tech stuff in his machine parts that allows him to order the thing around.”

“A micro chip?” Twilight asks and Frost nods to her before stiffening up and turning back to Spike.

“Yeah, that was the word. I won’t even pretend to understand how it works, but DWC gave it to him and it listens to Burner now…or at least it did till that dragon thing showed up.”

“Okay, so like a mind control thing from a comic, got it,” Spike nods. “Speaking of comic book stuff, what even was that dragon?”

“I have no idea Spike, but it’s mana felt dark and corrupted,” Celestia muses.

“I thought you were depowered?” you quip and she looks at you incredulously.

“Though I don’t have access to my magic at the moment doesn’t mean I can’t still sense things.”

“Fair enough,” you shrug as you round another corner and nearly jump right out of your skin as you nearly collide with a giant blue and black mass of fur.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” both you and Ahuizotl screech like little girls as you stop yourselves from headbutting. When everyone looks at the two of you incredulously, you cough into your hoof and make your voice a bit deeper than normal to compensate.

“Ahzi, good to see you.”

“Si, you as well Fix,” he says mimicking the deep voice trick.

“Is this a friend or foe?” Celestia asks hectically since it’s not too often someone towers over her and Rainbow Dash gasps excitedly.

“He’s a frie-OW!” you are interrupted as you are hit upside the head by your buddy’s tail paw.

“What did I tell you about not being a hero idiota?!” he scolds with his paws on hip.

“Hey, I was in a jam, that robo-buck needed to be stalled,” you argue.

“Well even still you-“

“Oh My Gosh! It’s Ahuizotl!” Rainbow and Twilight fangirl out interrupting everyone.

“Oh, uh…hola?” he says nervously as he sees the Princesses and Rainbow staring at him.

“I mean, I knew if Daring Do and Dr. Cabeleron were real that you would be too, but this is…” she then gains a suspicious look. “Wait a minute, you’re a villain so do you have something to do-“

“Ahz! Why are you stopping?! There’s still a few-“ Daring Do says as she flies around the corner and sees your whole group. “Oh…”

“Daring Do! I didn’t know you came to the games as well!” Rainbow squees.

“Yeah, that was intentional…” Daring mutters.

“So, are we like teaming up with Ahuizotl or…?” Twilight questions.

“Oh for, they’ve been teamed up for awhile now Dash,” Applejack sighs.

“They have?!” Rainbow asks earnestly. “Is DaringZotl Real?!”

“Uh…” the giant cat thing says dumbly.

“Hey, don’t go spreading that around, we haven’t made it public yet!” Daring says with a blush.

“That’s not what I-Ugh,” Applejack facehooves as Rainbow…gains a really weird sly grin.

“Easy girl, calm down now,” Cadence says pushing her head down like a dog.

“Alright ya dang kids, yes Ahzi’s a friend, even if he is a pain, and has been for awhile now,” Grandbuggy summarizes.

“Yeah, he’s been walking around town the past few months in some sort of disguise magic that Nightshade used,” Pinkie explains to Twilight, Rarity and Dash.

“For reals?! GAH! If only I asked more questions after the Vampire Apocalypse!” Dash bemoans and Ahuizotl shakes his head.

“Alright, that’s enough sputtering about, we have to get moving. There’s some cultists and some loose tendrils coming this way right now,” he warns.

“AGH! My hoof!” a mare’s voice cries out from down the hallway, followed by the sound of crashing pots and pans.

“I can hear that,” you nod before taking off down the opposite tunnel, with everyling else soon following suit. “Any luck with the magic dampener?”

“No,” Daring shakes her head regretfully. “We’ve been laying out traps like crazy.”

“What about catbird?” you ask.

“We haven’t seen Greta since we split paths,” he says and you grit your teeth.

“Gorramnit…well the building ain’t on fire yet so I’m guessing the dragons and kids are fine,” you theorize.

I hope so for Nightshade’s sake,” Daring says as she flies above you. “Also, nice job almost killing yourself ya dummy!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you roll your eyes. “Ya can rib me on that later, right now we gotta get them out, turn off the dampener and meet back up with Nightshade.”

“Wait, I know where the power core for the dampener is!” Shining exclaims. “It’s in the subbasement area near all the breakers on the North side of the stadium.”

“How many basements does this place need?!” you huff over the needless architecture.
“Well Fix, if he knows the way, then perhaps we don’t have to get them out,” Ahzi says.


“If we know exactly where it is, we shut it off then the Princesses will be fully powered and can help us against our foes, especially now that that dragon showed up.”

You look back at the group your leading and realize they are the biggest firepower you can possibly get.

And if Catbird ain’t found it yet…

“Alright, new plan. We get you lot in fighting shape!” you say to them.

“Heck Yeah!” Rainbow says shadowboxing the air.

“At full strength, we should make easy work of those two giant monsters and that madstallion,” Luna agrees.

“Exactly Moony,” you smirk before looking back to your cat thing friend. “By the way, any clue on what that ghost dragon is?”

“Not a clue amigo,” Ahuizotl shakes his head, as does Daring.

“Eh, worth a shot,” you sigh as you all exit out into a loading area full of carts and ramps…and 10 Black Suns.

“Oh! There they are!” a stallion says excitedly as they all raise their rifles and fire.

“Ah Tartarus!” you say as you and the rest dodge behind some carts as laser fire lets rip, and on instinct you see the Frost kid throw up a wall of ice.

“Wait now guys, I think they may be already subdued!” a mare calls out.

“What?” another one asks.

“Yeah, the Windi-colt’s there. He must have captured them all,” they say with surety. The assorted rescued group all look at the blue colt and his ice magic curiously and he flinches.

“Isn’t that right kid? You got them all?”

“Um…” Frost says unsure under all their hooded gazes.

“Wait a second, what happened to your awesome gauntlets?” asks another one.


“And your cloak?”

“Uh…” the colt starts to sweat icy slush.

“Deploying Fox!” you shout as you toss Mangle towards the distracted goons.

“Deploying wha-AAAAHHHH!!!” the stallion screeches as Mangle starts clawing and biting at his face under the hood.

“Fox Deployed!” you quip as you slide under a cart and toss your bowler right at the shins of another goon. Your beloved hat hits them, bowling them over (pun intended) and it returns to you because screw physics.

Not to be outdone, Daring flies above two more, and back kicks them in the back of their heads knocking them out.

Ahuizotl, being the big that he is, literally picks up a cart and rushes at a group of five, using it as both a shield and a battering ram. They start shooting at him, but the cart takes the brunt of the damage before he uses it to smash ontop of them.

“What the buck?!” a cloaked stallion says before he dodges a blast of flame from Spike. “Why you little-“ and he sends a blast at the purple dragon…which immediately gets stopped by a column of ice which sizzles.

“Thanks Frost,” Spike says as he sends another blast at that Sun which knocks him back into the wall.

“Uh…no problem,” Frost says nervously.

“Why…you little Traitor!” the remaining guard says furiously as he drops his rifle, takes out a cattle prod and spins it around.

“H-Hey now, I wouldn’t got that far,” the colt tries and fails to defuse the situation, but the stallion doesn’t listen and just charges forth with the electric weapon. Frost just sighs and makes the ground under the stallion slippery, causing him to stumble comically and fall onto his own weapon, knocking him out.

“Heh, good work team,” you congratulate. “These chumps ain’t so tough when they’re facing folks at their prime.”

You look back to see the Princesses and Elements and even Shining looking at how effectively you all just did and you grin.

“You lot are falling behind in your score, let’s go make sure you got a fighting chance eh?” you say with a wink. And as Ahuizotl and Daring tie up the beaten goons, you hear Luna whisper to Celestia,

“Sister, do you ever get the feeling we know much, much less than we thought?”

“With how many revelations that have already been revealed today, I’m going to go with a hard yes Luna,” Celestia says with a sigh.

“I know it jus breaks one of the first rules I ever taught you about using fire on living creatures…but nice job Spike,” Twilight says proudly as she pats him on the head.

“Oh you know, just doing what I gotta,” he says humbly.

“And that ice magic was pretty sick kid, where’d you learn that?” Rainbow Dash asks Frost who just looks down and to the side nervously.

“Alright, gather up you lot, we gotta get to that dampener,” you order everyone who immediately group up again. You then go up a ramp and into a pathway leading towards the north, and as you do you come across an abandoned security guard desk which has a monitor on it.

You take a moment to glance at it and see the situation top side. You see the unexplained dragon thing fighting with the plant monster, and Flag Burner attempting to get control of said monster, you see the captive audience still within the stands…and then you see something that nearly shocks you into a heart attack.

“Fix? Why are we stopping?” Ahuizotl says trying to hurry you along.

“Yes Mr. Quick Fix, we must hurry if we want to…” Celestia starts before she too notices what you’ve seen and her jaw drops. This causes everyone to pause and look at the monitor, and soon their expressions of shock and surprise mirror one another.

“I’ll be Gorramned…” you say as a sense of disbelief and relief wash over you.

“H-Hoody?” Fluttershy gasps.

“No, it’s Bugze,” Cadence corrects with a smirk. “And it looks like he brought back up.”

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

The Pony Spartan’s Comment

Korthar’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Light from the stadium lights starts to enter your determined eyes as you walk forward through the player tunnel.

You never played Hoofball, or Baseball or Soccer, but you can almost hear the cheers of thousands of ponies at the stands. Cheers for the players that would be on the very ground you were walking on. There should be cheers of encouragement to win, and even boos for loss. Nonetheless, they were all the same.

Cheers of hope.

But today is no ordinary day. There aren't any cheers, despite the number of creatures in the stands.

Let’s rectify that, you think in steely resolve as you walk onto the field. It’s still damp from the Iceburg Nightshade said Spike burnt up, and there are scorch marks dotted here and there, but still, the grass under your hooves let’s you know it’s game day.

You spot your quarry, a 9 ft metallic suit of armor barking orders and trying to contain two gigantic monsters, but in the midst of that chaos, why would they possibly notice you?

As you walk across the field towards the center of the stadium, you look down towards the right where your daughter trudges beside you with the same determination on her face as you. You look to your left, and the Dazzlings are right by your side, just as determined as they float along. This audience is much, much bigger than the humies you all just preformed for.

You have no idea that many of the magical recorders are now upon you and you are being broadcast nationally.

They should all know who’s coming to save them,you think as you light up your horn.

Bugze, what are you- Selena starts, but you cut her off.

I told you Selly, no more running. It’s time to show them all our true colors.

It’s not the same as when she was able to manifest back in the human world, being more of a hologram here, but after a wisp of purple mist leaves your horn, standing beside Nightshade now is Selena in all her radiant beauty.

Nightshade smiles up at the image of her mother, knowing that after this bullspit is taken care of, it won’t be long till she’ll be standing there for real.

Well, if you so insist, she says cheekily, her image being projected straight from your mind.

Unbeknownst to you, the Princesses and Deadly 6 gasp as her form manifests, and your Grandbuggy feels a sense of pride and happiness for you.

Oh I do indeed, you think to her with a smirk. You too smoky, let’s let the Crystal Ponies know who the back up is.

Uh, actually I’m good, I think that- he starts to argue, but you ignore him and as green smoke leaves your horn, he is projected between you and the Sirens. Said sisters are shocked to see the luscious flowing locks of his when compared to his human counterpart, but they don’t say anything as they keep their eyes towards the crowd.

And unbeknownst to you, many Crystal Ponies are left speechless even within their harrowing situation as they look upon their former dictator.

…Well, I guess we’re doing this then, he grumbles.

"No more running," you repeat to yourself.

Those viewing the broadcast across the nation and within the stadium are intrigued by the company you keep, but more than any of them, their attention is upon you.

You have on your head, partially covering your orange mane the Stetson, symbolizing Bugze, the former Drone 9001, who became the handybug of Appleloosa.

Unbeknownst to you, Braeburn and many of your friends in that wonderful town go slack-jawed.

Around your neck is the overly long scarf of the 4th Doctor, symbolizing Baker Sylvester Tennant, a stallion with a young filly who made many friends in Ponyville. You wore it at a time where the former Mare in the Moon and you became friends, and so much more. You wear no mask though, revealing your scarred chitinous face.

Unbeknownst to you, many mares gazed on.

You wear the fancy white dress pants with purple trim from the El Hunko persona, a person who many saw in wacky circumstances ill befitting of his posh clothing. You wore those clothes when you met and fought a Dark King who has made much progress.

Unbeknownst to you, many in the fashion world could not put words together at your appearance.

You wear the red Deadpool logo shirt from your Crimson Vengeance outfit, a persona that is a hero in most ponies’ eyes. It symbolizes a time where you, your Shadow Princess, and the Fallen King started out, trying to finally make a difference and succeeding.

Unbeknownst to you, Guards across the nation, including your best frenemy Flash look on in awe.

And last but not least, is the Nobody Cloak, the cloak that symbolizes all of your greatest triumphs, and your worst mistakes, the persona that most in this world know you as, for better or for worse, The Hooded Offender. The cloak however is opened down the middle revealing the rest of your accessories…and the hood is not pulled up.

You have nothing to hide anymore.

The 7 of you stop near the center of the field, where the madstallion you thought you killed all those years ago stiffens and slowly turns around, ignoring the battling monsters. The cockpit of the mech opens up, and you see him clearly. Despite the metal parts making up half his face, and the burn scars peppering his body, you would recognize that glare anywhere. If you had any doubts before, they are permanently silenced.

It is most definitely him.

You all stare at Flag Burner, determination in each of your eyes as his red robotic eye stares into your soul.

"It's been a long two years, Burner," you say, projecting your voice for all to hear.

Unbeknownst to you, you just shook the world.

The battle of the titans still rages behind him, a spectacle that normally no one would be able to tear their eyes from, but thousands, if not millions have as they witness you facing down your old enemy.

He sizes you up as you do the same, witnessing the battle scars you’ve each gained in the last few years. After what seems like an eternity of bated breath, the fleshy side of his face grins.

"For me, it feels like it was just yesterday," Flag Burner says as his red eye shines brighter. "But I guess being comatose helped with that."

“Yeah…I guess it would,” you nod as if the both of you are just having a pleasant conversation over tea. Up in the stands and on the field, the other Black Sun members guard their quarries, not quite sure what to do. “But don’t get me wrong, even after two years, I’ve never forgotten you.”

“That makes two of us,” he chuckles, and you can hear the tinny echo from his mechanic parts.

"I'm glad I finally get to see you again, because..." you trail off as you begin to shake. Flag Burner tenses within his suit, thinking that you are preparing for an attack…but then he and everyone watching is taken aback as you sniffle and tears run down your smiling face.

"I can finally look at myself and not feel ashamed,” you say with such relief that the audience can almost feel it. “I’m not a murderer…I’m not like you after all.”

A perplexed Burner raises his one remaining eyebrow as the Plundervine monster gets dropkicked by the dragon in the background. After a few moments of contemplation, he throws his head back and starts to bellow his tinny laughter, which reverberates throughout the crowd.

"And here I thought you came to finish the job. How pathetic!" he spits. “You’re still the weak willed changeling who refuses to do what’s necessary.”

“And it’s going to remain that way. I don’t have to kill you to stop you,” you say with stoic resolve.

“I beg to differ, you failed to kill me two years ago, and here we are again,” he says gesturing to all the chaos around him. “But yes, we are most definitely going to battle again. It took you long enough, but I’ve finally coaxed you out of hiding.”

“I wasn’t hiding, and you didn’t coax me, I literally just got back into town,” you respond.

“Oh bull, you got tired of me harassing little Ms. Nightmare Moon there and finally came running, despite being weakened,” he shoots back.

“I…Are you serious?!” Nightshade bellows and points at Selena and herself as if in comparison. “Tell me you’re not that stupid?!”

“What? I’m supposed to be intimidated by illusions of a darker toned Luna and King Sombra? Ha! You’re silly projections earlier were more intimidating.”

“Oh My Bucking Gods!” Nightshade facehooves as both Selena and Sombra gape at that stupidity.

"They’re not illusions ya nimrod! And what are you talking about? What earlier projections?" you ask in confusion.

“The ones where you tried and failed to make the populace feel sympathy for you and your dark mistress…and King Sombra too for some reason,” Flag explains, sounding a bit befuddled by that last part.


“But really, what Saturday morning cartoon special did you rip that off from? It’d have been more effective without the flying humans and shadow clones,” he taunts.

“Wait, What?! You Saw All That?!” you yelp in surprise.

“Oh right, I forgot,” Nightshade says causing you all to look to her. “Before you guys came back, all the broadcast screens were showing you three getting tormented by Nightmare type stuff from your past and then you started fighting back and there was this purple human with wings…it was weird.”

“…Are you saying that all that stuff we went through in Human Twilight’s mindscape was seen on these stadium screens too?” you say aghast.

“Not just on these screens Offender, but all over the nations,” Flag Burner says dramatically as he points out all the magical cameras floating around.

“But how? That was projected in the human world!” Selena gasps as her cheeks flush over having her inner turmoil be projected.

“It…it must have been because of the dimensional rifts and…” Sombra trails as he looks to all the crystal ponies in the stands sheepishly.

“Yeah…if it helps, a lot of it was warbled and glitchy,” Nightshade says trying to add some optimism.

“…So honey, when you said you kind of outed me to the Princesses then…?”

“Yeah, everyone in Equestria saw that,” she says rubbing the back of her neck.

You just gape at your daughter then up at the many cameras and back to Flag Burner who is just grinning at your torment.

“You know, me wearing all these clothes was supposed to be a grander revelation for the local audience,” you say looking at your assorted clothing. “I didn’t know it had already been built up.”

“I’ve gotta say though, besides the coat you look utterly ridiculous,” Flag taunts and you sneer.

“Oh you’re one to talk Mr. Copy and Paste!”

“Excuse me?” he responds.

“This is just a rehash of your own plan! You have no originality!” you yell at your old foe.

“Says the guy wearing the same cloak after all these years,” he shoots back.

“Well…Shut Up!”

“Bugze, you’re losing your composure live on camera,” Adagio whisper yells at you from the side of her mouth.


“We’re live dude! Quit looking like a dork, this is our debut too!” Aria chides.

“Yeah, quit killing the awesome vibe we had going with that entrance,” Sonata adds and you facehoof.

“Alright, alright fine,” you grumble before taking a deep breath and facing Burner with a serious face once more.

“Alright Burner look, I’m sure she’s said it a hundred times already, but Nightshade is NOT Nightmare Moon. The mare that used to be her is right next to me,” you point to Selena who glares at the cyborg. “Her name is Selena and she’s real, just like Sombra there. They’re both real, and so were those projections you saw earlier.”

“Oh please, you expect me to believe that you encountered a mythical human?” he scoffs with a roll of his eyes.

“Yes! A whole planet full of them! It was terrible, but I got used to it!” you exclaim.

“Uh huh, yeah not buying it, just more of your foolish games like usual,” he shakes his head. “I mean seriously? You march onto the field with projections and…what? Sea ponies?”

“We’re Sirens, thank you very much,” Adagio says in offense.

“Yeah, is that supposed to mean anything to me?” Flag says uninterested as the Plundervine Monster puts the dragon in a headlock.

“Bitch, we are the Pop sensations The Dazzlings that nearly took over the Western Sea Coast a thousand years ago!” Aria growls.

“And most importantly, we’re Bugze’s friends which is unfortunate for you,” Sonata boasts.

“I’m shaking,” Flag says sarcastically and looks to you. “Was this your idea or your master’s you pathetic vessel?”

“Mine, and I’m noling’s “Vessel!” you bark. “And I don’t care whether you believe it or not, because it doesn’t matter if you believe. The ones standing beside me are my allies and friends, and we oppose the evil that you do.”

“Evil? You say as you have The Boogeymare and Crystal King next to you?” he taunts.

“They’ve changed! I’ve gotten to know them over the years, and they’re not evil anymore, not by a long shot!” you proclaim.

“Bah! You’re just perpetuating the false godesses’ dogma that “anyone can be reformed” with trying to make Nightmare Moon and King Sombra sympathetic.”

“Hey, I may not agree with Celestia and Luna on a lot of things, but there are exceptions!” you shoot back. “And like I said, it doesn’t matter if you believe or not, I just felt it was common courtesy to the others that they know who’s going to save them.”

“I don’t know who you’re fooling Offender, you’re not saving anypony today. It’s we that are going to save this country,” he declares. “Once I’m through with you, the Princesses will get their’s…”

You scowl at that and shake your head.

“You’re just as delusional as you were back in Fillydelphia,” you sigh.

“This suit design was made by the royals you’re defending, specifically made to kill you,” he says with a grin. “And since you’re separated from Nightmare Moon, I doubt you’re any stronger.”

“Yeah, you go on believing that,” you grunt, “I AM going to stop you, and noling’s dying today.”

“You say that now, but we’ll see,” he chuckles ominously.

“Let me guess, more bombs around the stadium if you don’t get your way?”

“No, unfortunately there was no time for the explosives, but my plant friend behind me more than makes up for it,” he says just as the monster body slams the dragon, causing a small crater.

Glancing up you see that many of those same vines wrap in and out of the infrastructure, as well as blocking the opening up top.

Hmm, bet his idea is to have that monster tear the whole place down if he didn’t succeed, you theorize.

It would fit his M.O. Selena agrees.

But said monster is preoccupied right now, Sombra smirks as the dragon throws the plant monster off.

Well, let’s distract it even more then, you think before saying aloud,

“Alright Burner, let’s stop beating around the bush. We’re going to fight one on one, and we’re gonna have some background music to emphasize it,” you declare pointing to the sirens.

“Really? You brought your own musicians to a fight? How vain of you,” he smirks.

“That makes two of us,” you respond and he chuckles.

“Very well, I will allow this, though whatever tune they sing will soon turn to despair,” he shoots back and the sisters roll their eyes at his underestimation of them.

“Yeah, well there can be no true despair without hope,” you counter, echoing Trixie’s words from last year.

“Clearly, now are you through wasting my time? Shall we get on to the main event?” he inquires grandiosely.

“Very well then,” you say as you then look to your daughter, “Nightshade, run along now and go find Grandbuggy.”

"What?!” she exclaims flabbergasted, stumbling a little. “No, I'm fighting too!"

"Nightshade-“ you start but she cuts you off.

"I'm not going to get hurt!" She exclaims and her shards blip. “I mean, for buck’s sake, why bring me along if you’re just gonna put me back in the bag?!”

Everyone watching in Ponyville can’t help themselves but feel nostalgiac by this exchange, erasing any doubts that you weren’t Mr. Tennant and your daughter.

"You're not the one I'm worried about," you argue back. "I mean, yeah, of course, I'm worried. You're my little filly. But with that amulet, you could go out of control. And... I don't want to be forced to fight you…”

She looks at the frown on your face and winces.

"We know you're strong Nightshade,” Selena pipes up in a soothing tone. “You’ve done wonderfully while we were gone and we know you’re far stronger than us, the Princesses, and everyone else in Equestria. But now that we're back, please let us handle this.”

The image of the former Nightmare Moon speaking in such a loving, caring, gentle tone throws many off, leading credence to your earlier words that she has changed for the better.

"Mommy..." Nightshade objects, though half heartedly.

"This isn't your fight Nightshade, or Sombra's for that matter,” you tell her plainly. “It’s something your mother and I started.”

"If I hadn't powered and influenced your father's body all those years ago, that stallion may have never come to exist with this much power as he does now," Selena says sneering at said stallion.

"But I’m already here…"

"Listen to your parents, Nightshade, that amulet is dangerous and unruly” Sombra orders in his own gentle tone, which perturbs many.

“I know that but-“

“Don't make the same mistakes I did,” he pleads, cutting her off. “I am a monster to the world and rightfully so, but you need not be.”

“Sombra…” Nightshade trails off.

“I may never truly be forgiven by anypony, but at least I can take the steps to become the pony Hope believed I could be…and that means protecting my friend,” he says placing his projected hoof on her shoulder.

Watching from a monitor, Cadence puts a hoof to her mouth. She’d taken what Nightshade had said about Sombra with a grain of salt, but now it seems even more plausible. Even Shining Armor, having been run through by the former king feels some confliction.

"I..." she looks down and grits her teeth. “I understand all that, but you’re wrong about one thing Daddy. This IS my fight as well. She looks to Flag Burner and at the plant monster and everyone in the stands. “Lady Luck hates all of us as a family, and no matter who started it, this is all of our business. So the least I can do is face whatever she throws at us standing with you, not hiding in the bag!”

You stare at her stunned. Your parental instincts are telling you to keep her safe, but the sincerity in her voice gives you pause. For the past year she’s been dealing with all of this without you. She’s not the curious tiny sleepy filly you met in the Everfree all those years ago.

Your little girl is growing up, and that makes you smile.

“I wasn’t going to put you back in the bag honey,” you say reassuringly and she perks up at that. “And I’m not going to keep you out of this, Grandbuggy needs help after all.”

Her eyes widen as she realizes what you’re getting at.

“Let us deal with Flag Burner honey, because you’re the only one who can keep the Princesses safe right now.”

“Oh…” she says taken aback. “I, uh, I guess I assumed a little bit there.”

“It’s understandable love,” Selena says with a smirk. “But yes, you need to go to them now.”

“Yeah, alright,” she nods before eyeing all three of you with scrutiny. “But if things go south for you, I’m jumping in, the amulet be damned!”

"You think that wasn't my backup plan?" you smile and raise your hoof. "Deal."

"Deal." The two of you hoofbump. Then for good measure, you reach into the inventory, pull out the Boomstick and toss it to her.

“For good measure,” you say with a wink and she grins.

“Oh I got plans for this,” she squees.

Removed From The Inventory


“…Anyone else feel intrusive hearing all that?” Aria asks her sisters and they both wince in agreement.

“Ugh, are you quite finished?!” Flag Burner growls rolling his eyes. “This sappy bullspit is troublesome! Aren’t you the one who said to stop beating around the bush Offender?!”

Nightshade grits her teeth at that.

“Alright you stubborn hunk of junk, Daddy, Mommy and Sombra are gonna kick your ass, but before they do…”

A shadow coalesces near his head inside of the suit and a tiny impish fist strikes from the darkness right into his remaining fleshy eye.

“AGH!” Flag shrieks as your shadow imp chuckles and disappears back into the darkness.

“That’s for ruining mine and Spike’s epic moment!” she shouts in triumph.

“Nightshade, what was that?” you ask in concern.

“That was my minion Jackie Bob, I’ll tell you about him later,” she hoofwaves.

“Okay, but I guess that means first strike to us,” you say looking to the three siren sisters and give them a smirk.

“Showtime Girls.”

"Right." Adagio nods.

"Kick his ass, Bugze," Aria says.

"And win!" Sonata finishes.

The three of them then start floating straight up…

And then they start singing.

“What are they doing?” Flag Burner says as their melody echoes across the stadium.

“They’re giving some background music to beat your face in,” Nightshade threatens “Like this!”

Once more Bob’s fist strikes out and hits his eye.

“AGH! Why you little!”

“Good luck everyone!” she giggles as she runs back towards the tunnel entrance.

“GAH! Fire on that little bastard!” Flag Burner orders the other Suns…but nothing happens. “Are you deaf? What are you doing?”

Looking around he sees that most of his men are staring slack jawed at the sirens as they sing and not even comprehending his words.

“What is going on?!” he exclaims as the Dragon uppercuts the Plant Monster and at the same time, a grey shadowy tail strikes his still exposed face.

“MUDA!” Selena cries out and he is jostled backwards. Shaking his head he looks back to you with a sneer, to see that shadows are beginning to form around your body.

“I told you Burner, we’re stopping you,” you say plainly as your eyes start to glow orange and red. “And that shot was for trying to hurt my little filly.”

“Ah, so your mistress hasn’t left you completely drained, excellent. Well then, if you’re finally ready…” Flag starts before the chassis closes around him and the mech suit starts to whir. “Come at me then!”

The tails extend around you, as the crystalline wings pop out of your back along with your tusks, claws and horns.

Sombra, you're not the only one who has to take their first step towards redemption, you think to the fallen king before turning to Selena. But whether they acknowledge those steps or not, we’re doing the right thing.

Both your head-mates nod in determination at your assessment, before you all look back the cyborg.

“Right now, everyone across the World! It isn't The Hooded Offender fighting, nor Tennant, nor El Hunko, and even Crimson Vengeance,” you declare as your voice gets deeper. "Flag Burner! You face Bugze the Changeling, Princess Selena and Sombra the Umbrum! We're bringing you down, and this time..."

The projections of Selena and Sombra enter back into your horn and your form finishes growing.

"No creature dies…” you finish as your Awakened form returns.

PonyGamer12’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

With immense power you haven’t truly felt in a long time, you rush towards the armored mech as it beelines to you. With a flap of your crystalline wings, you boost yourself into Supermane punch stance, and Flag uses rocket thrusters on his suit to go into a tackling motion.

You both meet in the middle…but it appears his jets gave him the edge as you are grappled around your chest and jettisoned backwards.

“OOF!” you cry out as the wind is knocked out of you, not having expected this thing to hit as hard as it did. With the momentum still propelling you both, Burner slams you onto the ground where you skid through the dirt and grass for a few yards, before he picks you up and throws you into the side of a bleacher wall, leaving a sizeable dent.

“Oooohhhhh,” you groan as your head spins, but he doesn’t give you the chance to get your bearings as he thrusts the arm of the mech into your throat, pushing you further into the wall and begins rapidly punching you with the other fist which seems to be on a piston.

“Oh how I’ve longed for this day! Caving your skull in over and over again!” Flag says gleefully as you feel blood dripping from your nose, before your left tusk breaks in half.

“GRRAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” you roar, reminiscent of how you sounded in the berserk Phase 4. A roar that causes several Crystal Ponies in the audience to shiver in dread.

“Yes! Yes! Feel The Delightful Pain! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” the metallic voice shouts triumphantly, but as he gloats, you are given a split second chance to move your tails to intercept his attack. They struggle a bit, but they are able to stop it.

“Sharing is Caring! It’s Your Turn Now!” you grunt as you uppercut him in the general area of where he his head should be, your crystalline claws leaving some jagged grooves on the metal.

Now with some space, you spin and use your wings as a club which lifts him into the air and away from you.

“Gyah!” he grunts as he superhero lands a good distance from you.

You take a moment to catch your breath and spit out some of your midnight colored blood.

Dang, that thing hits like what I assume a bus would feel like, you say as you get back into your battle ready stance.

I know what you mean, that initial strike had me feeling it, Selena says wearily.

And the tails struggle against him…there must be orichalcum weaved into that suit, Sombra theorizes and you frown.

Oh great! Just what we need! Thanks a lot Shining! You mentally curse, and in the tunnels, said stallion sneezes.

Burner then holds up his gauntlet and suddenly three missiles streak towards you.

“Oh no you don’t!” you declare as you flap your wings and acrobatically spin through the volley, deflecting them with your tails. Two careen to the side and explode onto the field, but one you are able to catch and redirect it’s momentum right back to it’s sender. The missile strikes the mech square center and the stallion inside grunts as he is thrown backwards.

“Sick Move Bugze!” Sonata says from above you.

“Thanks! But focus on the sing-“

ON YOUR LEFT! Selena warns and you instinctively front roll, just as the Plundervine Monster lands on it’s butt after being blasted by a dark blue mist like fire from the dragon.

No sooner do you do that though that Flag blasts you with fire from his gauntlet.

“AGH!” you say as the beautiful flames betray you. “You Son of a-GAK!”
You cry out as the vines of the beast whip about wildly while it stands up, catching you off guard and tossing you into the stands.

You grunt as you crush several seats, and your tails start to beat out the flames.

There is way too much stuff going on in this stadium at once! Sombra grumbles.

Yeah, I noticed! You huff and look to the field to see that Flag Burner is also scrambling from the kaiju battle in your direction.

“Hey Dazzlings?! Maybe focus on those monsters?!” you call out to your allies who are still singing.

“Still working on the goons Bug Brain!” Aria shouts back.

Raising a brow you look to all the sections where the audience had been gathered, and see that all the Suns watching over them are too transfixed on the Sirens to guard properly. Quite a few audience members who are quicker on the uptake have started to cautiously and orderly make their ways out of their seats and towards the exits…though there are still those that are either too scared or too unsure.

“You’ve got the Suns’ attention, start lighting a fire under the sports fans to get them out of here!” you order as you launch yourself out of the stands and towards Burner.

“Yeah, yeah, we hear ya!” Adagio says through gritted teeth of concentration as the sisters begin another song

“Grr! You fools better wake the buck up before I-“ Flag tries to order but you thrust out your hoof and cry out.

“Would You Kindly SHOCK OFF?!” activating your electric plasmid. The added energy from your Awakened forms an actual lightning bolt, and several mounds of the rock and dirt beneath him launch into the air…but he does not.

“Whoa!” Sonata yelps as she and her sisters fly out of the way of the ground projectiles.

“You think I wouldn’t be prepared for Electricity?” he taunts through the dirt. “The Suns have studied your every move thanks to DWC and we know your every weak-“

“Slingshot Falcon Kick!” you shout as you use your tails to fling yourself into him, interrupting his monologue and giving him a get kick to the chest which sends him flying into the opposite stands and causing a hole to be formed.

If the audience members weren’t convinced before by the Dazzling’s song, they are more than convinced now as they start making their ways out in large numbers, no longer constrained by the vines or Suns.

Good, now hopefully Shade’s and Grandbuggy’s group can get them all to safety, you think as you spin and send crystalline spear shards from your wings into the hole where you hear the satisfying clanging and rendering of metal.

“Ha! Direct Hit!” you cheer…but then the dragon flies up in your air space. It’s wings strike you, causing you to launch into the hole you just sent Burner.

I’m starting to hate that bucking dragon! Selena curses as you sit up amongst the dust and debris.

Yeah, but at least that plant monster can’t beat it yet. Needs the power of Rock to stop it right?

Which those sea horses better get to if they don’t want me to tan their hides! Sombra grunts.

Hey now, they’ll get to i-


Your introspection is cut off as a chunk of crystal concrete strikes you in the face, shattering it, followed by gut punch which strikes you along your glowing scar line.

With him so close now, you can see some battle damage on his suit, but nothing major yet as he stomps onto one of your hooves, pinning it to the ground, takes hold of your horns and head butts you. There is a large metallic clang as the metal hits your hard skull, causing you to see stars.

“GGGRRRR!!!” you growl as your tails wrap around him, attempting to crush him, but like Sombra said, the magic canceling metal seems to be incorporated as it feels like you’re trying to hold a bar of soap that’s been covered in oil.

“Let’s go for a stroll!” he laughs maniacally as he activates his thrusters pushing you back first into several layers of concrete and crystal, each layer hurting more than the last. Eventually you break out of the infrastructure and back onto the field and flies you up into the rafters air and slams his fist into your gut and launches a missile at point blank range which blows him backward, but also sends you flying up into the rafters where you strike the vine covered ceiling.

“GYAK!” you hack as blood spills from your mouth and you momentarily stay embedded in the ceiling.

Gods, not even Strong Head’s mech or Mongo hit this hard! You mentally bemoan.

It seems Armor’s improved since then. And if this thing is only made from the leftovers of the other two…Selena trails off.

His own personal one might be as tough or tougher, Sombra finishes her thought as you see Burner slow his descent and land below you. The gauntlet he fired the missile from is even more damaged thanks to the point blank shot, and it gives off a trail of smoke.

Well, let’s be thankful Nightshade’s given us a chance to talk things over after this, you say as you unlodge yourself from the ceiling, flap your wings and divebomb the giant robot.

The Sirens start up on another song as you fly towards your enemy.

“Well you’re even dumber than I remembered!” he says as he unsheathes a long blade from his other gauntlet, holds it in a spearing motion, intending to skewer you.

“You would think that! WOULD YOU KINDLY BUCK OFF?!” you shout, activating Bucking Bronco.

“Whagh!” Burner cries as he and a good chunk of the earth beneath him are jettisoned up at an intense speed, causing him to lose his stance.

“Falcon Punch!” you shout as it’s all the opening you need as you strike him with your hoof and all 9 of your tails, diving you both into the ground like a meteor strike.

The entire stadium rumbles at that, as there is a sizeable crater, and you swear you even see the basement level of the stadium through some of the rubble.

“Ooooohhhh…” you hear Flag groan within his suit, which does bring you some bit of respite, since that one hurt you as well.

“And that…is something a squishy human body could never do,” you grunt as you sit up. You wrap your tails all around the suit, trying and failing to get a grip on it, so you resort to your claws.

“Alright you cooked lobster! Time to come out of your shell!” you grunt and tug at the metal.

“It’s not gonna be that easy weakling!” Flag growls as he attempts to punch you, but you dodge it.

“Oh yeah, I’m sure weak after a freaking Supermane move. Totally!” you taunt as your claws dig into the metal, chipping as they do so…but then an immense weight slams into the both of you.

“AGH!” both you and Burner grunt as the weight of the spectral dragon pushes crashes on top of you, pushing you both face to face within the debris.

“Curse you for bringing this magic dragon thing Offender!” Flag grunts as the two of you are smooshed together.

“Okay, on one hoof you’re right, I did bring the stupid thing, but on the other buck you!” you groan.

And while you two get squished into the ground by kaiju…

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Kichi’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

After sucker punching and running away from Flag Burner, you’ve made your way back into the labyrinth of tunnels, looking for your Grandbuggy. There is still a part of you that is a bit miffed at not being able to fight at your parent’s sides after so long not seeing them, but on the other hoof, you’re glad they didn’t tell you to get back in the bad.

I would have really lost my cool there, you think pessimistically. But in the end, you know that they’re right, they’ve gotta settle a score with the cyborg, and so you’ve run back into the underground, looking for Grandbuggy, Spike and all the folks that got rescued.

But before you find them, you bump into two other individuals who are dry heaving in a corner.

“Ember?! Garble?!” you exclaim.

“Oh, hey Shade,” Ember says looking a little green in the scales as Garble spews into a bucket.

“What are you two doing?” you ask a bit squicked out. “Did you get the Crusaders out?”

“Yeah, yeah we did,” Ember says as she burps and groans holding her disjointed stomach.

“Uhhh…” you trail off fearing something horrible but she rolls her eyes.

“The punk and I had to chew through about 10 feet of crystal wall in order to make them an exit,” she explains as he hurls.

“Oh…OH!” you say relieved and start chuckling nervously. “I kind of thought you-“

“I know what you thought, and I told you before, I don’t eat ponies Shade,” she harumphs before holding her stomach.

“So Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are out of the stadium?”you ask and she nods.

“Yup, though the sky looked a little more stormy than I recall, but they all ran off to go get some help,” she explains and you smile.

“Well at least something’s gone right out of all of this,” you say.

“Yeah, speaking of which, I thought for sure the old bug was gonna get squashed there,” Ember says matter of factly.

“Me too,” you nod with a frown. “Thank goodness that dragon thing showed up.”

“I’ll tell you this for free, that ain’t a dragon,” she says authoritatively. “That’s…I don’t know what it is.”

“It’s like the manifestation of Princess Twilight’s human counterpart’s anguish or something, daddy tried explaining it but I still don’t get it…oh yeah, speaking of which, my Dad, Mom and Sombra are back!”

“Yeah, we noticed,” Garble groans wiping his mouth of spittle. “How the buck did your dad manage that?”

“He literally fell out of a hole in reality with three sea ponies who sound like valley girl teens, but that’s not important right now,” you say just as there is a rumble under your hooves as you see your Dad get slammed by the mech into the side of the stadium.

“Seems pretty important to me,” Ember points out.

“And those sea ponies got some get singing voices…they’re pretty too,” Garble says as he becomes mesmerized by the screen.

“Down boy! But yeah they’ve got it handled,” you hoofwave. “Right now, we gotta link back up with Grandbuggy and Spike and get the Princesses and Deadly 6 through the hole you sent the CMC.”

“Yeah alright, just…let’s go at a steady pace?” Garble says still looking sick.

“I told you to start spitting out the chunks after you hit your fill,” Ember chides as she picks him up.

“That goes against every instinct I’ve ever had with crystals and gems!” he whines as they start to follow you.

With the two dragons in tow, you make your way towards the passage where the hatch was, only to find several knocked out Black Suns caught in hastily put together traps.

“Ahuizotl and Daring have been through here,” you theorize noticing how much rope has been used.

“Those two have got a serious problem,” Garble muses.

Eventually though, as the fight in the field rages on, causing more tremors, you open a door and see a large group of familiar ponies, along with an old changeling, giant cat thing and your robot fox. They all seem transfixed by Pinkie Pie who is talking a million miles a minute.

“And so, since on the screen he claimed that he was in a human world, my theory is that he went where Twilight went since we saw Sunset Shimmer on those staticy images, which is weird that you didn’t run into him by the way Twilight if he was hanging out with your human buddies, but anyway from what we saw just now it’s only safe to assume that he somehow infected your counterpart with magic, and then used Sunset and all our dopplegangers to stop her using an epic rock concert that those seahorse girls were also a part of and they must have blasted that dragon thing through the dimensional rift. Bugze then said goodbye to everyhuman and jumped through with the seaponies.”

Everyone just stares at her rapid fire explanation and you feel a pressure behind your sinuses like you have to sneeze real bad.

“Pinkie…what are you basing this off of?” Twilight asks confused.

“That’s a curious word everyhuman, you think they use that or everyman?” she responds with a hoof to her chin.

“Pinkie, what the buck are you talking about?!” Grandbuggy demands with a twitching brow.

“Just some callback humor…” she says with a giggle before gaining a serious expression and turning to us the audience. “Just…callback…humor…”

…Just Pinkie being Pinkie, you think with a mind numbing sigh.

Of course nobody else in the group can see what she’s looking at, so they all turn and see you and the dragons instead.

“Grandbuggy!” you call out and the old bug grins ear to ear.

“Oh honey, there you are!” he says rushing up and giving you a hug.

“Grandbuggy, Grandbuggy! Daddy and Mommy and Sombra are back!” you cheer happily.

“I know kiddo, we all saw on the monitors,” he says just as enthusiastically.

“It was nuts! They fell through a crack in reality with the Sirens and…” you stop your little rant as you see Princess Celestia with bags under her eyes and her world view crumbling.

“Oh, uh…hi princesses,” you say timidly, having only publicly called them out less than an hour ago.

“Hello…little Nightshade,” Luna says still apprehensive over the whole ordeal.

“Yeah…hi Nightshade,” Ms. Twilight says, still biting her lip. You then look to Celestia, who turns her gaze from you, a look of shame on her face.

“Yeah…this is awkward isn’t it?” you say aloud.

“Oh yeah, definitely,” Spike says, while nodding his head towards Frost, who really looks like he feels out of place amongst the group.

“And it’s going to be that way till we all get to sit down and talk, but we ain’t got that luxury right now,” Grandbuggy points out.

The stadium rumbles again from the battle and Cadence steps forth.

“Remember everypony, we get through this first, then we chat. Right now we need info only pertaining to these events,” she says.

“That’s right, did our sisters get out okay?” Rarity asks the red and blue dragons.

“Yeah, they’re fine. We got a nice little exit secured,” Ember reassures.

“Thank goodness there,” Applejack sighs.

“Yeah, it was starting to snow, but they went off into town to find help,” Garble says and Cadence and Shining’s eyes widen.

“What?” Ember says noticing their expression.

“If it’s snowing, then the Crystal Heart must have been taken off it’s pedestal!” Cadence says with worry.

“It’s the only thing keeping the Arctic conditions out of the city.”

“Oh…yeah, that’s bad,” Garble says dumbly.

“Which is why we gotta stop this soon,” you say with authority. “Now that we’ve found you we can get you all out of the stadium, and once we’re done fighting the plundervine monster and Flag Burner we’ll find the Heart and-“

“The plan has changed chica,” Ahuizotl says.


“We’re getting the magic dampener off line so that the Princesses, Elements and Shiny boy there get their juice back,” Grandbuggy explains. “Especially if the Crystal Heart’s been removed, the lovebirds need to put up their giant bubble.”

“He’s right, Nightshade, we have to get our powers back ASAP!” Cadence says with urgency.

You look to her, and to the other Princesses and the Elements, and even Shining Armor. They look okay physically, but none of them have magic or their full flight capabilities or strength. The only ones that do are your fellow Outcasts, Spike and Frost.

“What, like an escort mission? Those are ALWAYS the worst part about any videogame!” you complain.

And before anyone else can agree or disagree with that assessment, Fluttershy speaks up.

“Um, I think someponies would appreciate being shown the exit,” she says pointing to the screen.

On it, you all see as the audience members make their way out of their seats while the Sirens sing and the remaining Black Sun’s in the stands do absolutely nothing about it.

“Gorramn, when Beardo talked about fighting singing seaponies in the past, I thought he was taking the piss about how dangerous they were,” Grandbuggy mutters and you whistle impressed.

“Beardo?” Twilight asks.

“Starswirl the Bearded Sparkles,” he says offhoof and she, Celestia and Luna go wideeyed.

“You Knew Starswirl?!”

“Yeah, yeah, he was a bit of a grumpy bucker if I’m honest,” he rolls his eyes.

“But that’s impo-“ Twilight starts and you cut her off.

“Grandbuggy was a time traveler for a long time,” you say simply.

“What?!” she exclaims.

“Eyup,” he agrees and looks to the princesses. “I was even in the crowd at your coronations.”

“You were?” Celestia asks in shock.

“Yeah, would have had first row seats, but the Doc was hiding from Princess Platinum after he accidentally got engaged to her and-“

He is interrupted as a door opens not too far from you all. You all tense and prep for a fight, but then you see as a group of civilians, being led by depowered guards.

“Guards!” Shining barks out strongly and the armored protectors light up with relief.

“Sir!” one of them salutes and wanders over as you hear many of the civilians muttering about the Princesses and you.

“Sitrep soldier!” Shining orders.

“Sir, those singing sea horses have mind controlled the terrorists, and they’ve encouraged everyone to vacate so we don’t get caught up in the Offender’s crossfire.” Just to emphasize that point, the stadium rumbles again. “Or those giant beasts sir!”

“Alright then, I want you and the other guards to start organizing the civilians, there’s a small exit that’s been created, but it’s gonna have to be single file in order to get everypony out,” he orders. “The dragons there will give you the directions.”

“Sir!” the stallion salutes and rushes over to speak to Ember and Garble who start giving directions to the hole they chewed, while also warning of the vines covering the outside. After getting the info, some more guards run off to find the other groups, and Ahuizotl and Daring warn them to watch for traps and any stray Suns.

With a large crowd of audience members entering and exiting your area, your group has huddled off to the side. And though the situation is still tense, you see many of the ponies, civilian, athlete, and guard alike giving looks of praise to you.

“Huh, weird to be getting so many looks like that after so long,” you say aloud.

“Tell me about it…this is weird,” Frost says uncomfortably, huddled next to you and Spike.

“Hey now buddy, try to relax a little or you’ll pass out,” you try to encourage but he just looks at you incredulously.

“How can I? At any moment the Princesses could turn on me if they figure out what I am,” he whisper yells.

“There’s not a chance of that happening pal, we’ve got bigger fish to fry, and you did help save them. Twice!” Spike points out and the colt looks down with his ears flopping.

“I mean…well…”

“It’ll be alright Frost,” you say patting his shoulder and her looks up. “Heck, half my group are former criminals, and you can bet I’m gonna be asking for Get out of Jail Free cards after this is all over. They owe us.”

“Oh…okay,” he says looking to the Princesses as they bark orders with Shining. He still looks unsure, but he’s sweating a lot less.

“Alrighty, with all the civvies, maybe we’ll have to split the group if we wanna shut off the dampener now,” Grandbuggy muses aloud.

“Perhaps we could have the Dragons here with the Princesses and Us in case of stray Black Suns, and the rest can go with Shiny into the sub basement?” Twilight suggests.

“Doesn’t sound too bad, but I really hate splitting the party,” Grandbuggy grumbles and Shining shivers.

“Trust me, as a veteran Ogres and Oubliettes player, I know the feeling,” Shining says with understanding.

“Huh, Gygax actually went and made his little nerd game for real?” Grandbuggy says in surprise. “Shoot, that’s another guy I owe 20 bits.”

“Well whatever we do, we gotta get a move on,” you say impatiently before you notice something. “Wait a second, where’s Greta at?”

“Probably lost and being useless,” Garble snarks and you frown at him.

“No seriously, where is she?”

“Haven’t seen her in a hot minute,” Grandbuggy shrugs. “But seeing as how the magic dampeners are still online she-“

Suddenly there is a wave of energy that washes over you all. It’s like the sensation of being full of static electricity and your ears popping after a climb in elevation. And while you don’t feel all that different, suddenly everyone else feels as though a switch has been flipped and are full of a lot more energy.

“Wait, did everyling just…?” you question and immediately Twilight lights up her horn.

“It’s back everypony! The magic’s back!” she exclaims excitedly. This sets of a train reaction as Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining and Rarity all light up their horns, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash start hovering more effectively, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie get more energetic.

“And while everyone stares at this new development in surprise, and Frost winces because of fully powered princesses, Ember looks to Garble with a cocky grin.

“You were saying?” she says to his stupid dumbfounded face.

In the Dampener Room

Greta the Griffon lets out a sigh of relief and triumph, her talon still on the deactivation switch. All around her are the knocked out forms of a large group of heavily armed Black Sun’s members. Some appear to have been choked out, others have had their faces slammed into hard surfaces, and yet many more have been blasted by the Dark Canon, or taken out by martial arts strikes.

The Griffon herself has a few singe marks here and there on her feathers and leonine tail, and a bruise or two, but other than that, she is pristine as is her cardboard box. She takes a cigar out that she pilfered from Grandbuggy, lights it up with the still heated barrel of the Dark Cannon, and takes a long drag. She holds it for a moment, before letting the smoke out slowly as she stares at the ceiling in bliss, striking a mesmerizing pose that any species would drool at.

“Heh heh, thank you Kojima-san…thank you for the victory this day,” she says as she takes another puff. “I promise you this, if we get out of this today I will dedicate my life to bankrupting Konami into the ground for their sins…”

Taking a few more choice puffs, she looks over at a security monitor in the room, watching as the Spectral Dragon and Plant Monster fight, as the Hooded Offender and Flag Burner do the same.

“I suppose I should help with that,” she says as she puts out the cigar, holsters the Dark Canon and picks up one of the many laser rifles littering the room. “I mean, if the Offender is back, then I gotta show him I haven’t squandered his gift.”

She then points the gun at the Dampener panel and pulls the trigger, frying the circuits in a shower of sparks.

“Just in case,” she smirks as she rushes off to get to the field, grabbing the cardboard box along the way, just for good measure.

Back in the Corridor

“Well it looks like Greta did something useful after all,” Grandbuggy smirks as he looks over the lot of you.

“Damn straight she did,” you say with a manic grin. “Now we don’t have to split up.”

“Right,” Cadence nods in agreement before looking to the crowd. “Continue to follow the guards to the exit in an organized manner.”

“Yes Princess,” her citizens respond and she smirks before looking to everyone.

“Well, we’ve still got a job to right?”

Everyone looks pumped and ready to go, from the Outcasts, to the Elements, to Frost and Spike.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna look to one another, a silent conversation in one look before they both nod.

“Thou ist correct my niece! Tis Time For Battle!” Luna shouts in the RCV.

“Yes my little ponies and other assorted creatures…” Celestia says before taking a deep breath and steeling herself. “I never thought I would say this, but let’s go back up the Offender and his allies!”

“Buck Yeah!” you shout in triumph as everyone else cheers.

“Heh, it’s about Gorramned Time,” Grandbuggy smirks.

WARGAMES’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

You then pull out your Power Pole and the Boomstick Daddy gave you and connect them with some earth bending.

“Last one to the field is a rotten egg!” you shout as you fly off down the corridor, leading the pack.

And so, the Outcasts, Royals, and Elements run with you, not after you, towards the field to help your family.

Grandbuggy’s right, it’s about Gorramned Time.

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

With the majority of the audience members now vacated, the Sirens have finally moved onto singing at the two giant monsters…which forces them to dodge and weave as both will occasionally take swipes at them.

“Ugh! This would be so much easier with an accompanying band!” Adagio curses as she swims under a Plundervine that whips at her.

“There’s marching band drums on the sidelines,” Sonata points out and dives over a blast of spectral dragon’s breath.

“That ain’t gonna work with our rhythm dummy,” Aria scoffs as she free falls to get out of the way of both titans as they crash into each other.

“Try something more upbeat!” Adagio orders as she starts singing as the other two catch on.

And while their spectral forms form around them and they begin swimming towards both monsters, you and Flag Burner still slug it out. Being inspired by the catchy song, you hold your hoof out and yell,

“Would You Kindly Light Em Up?!” as a torrent of fire washes over the mech…but it doesn’t stick as he rushes through it.

Motherbucker! You think angrily as you block his attack and claw at the side of one of the legs.

“You think that fire is going to do a damned thing Offender?!” Flag cackles and blasts at you with a laser.

“It will if it sticks!” you growl as you dodge another volley of missiles.

Bugze, try a Molotov! Selena instructs.

Wait, really? You question and she nods.

Perhaps with a fuel source present, the flames will stick to his armor, she explains.

Or better yet, enter any openings and smoke the morsel out, Sombra adds.

Eh, worth a shot, you shrug as you pull out one of the molotovs, light the rag with the hover board, and toss it at the robot.

Removed From the Inventory

1 Molotov (3 Remain)

The glass shatters and fire finally sticks to the robot.

“Yeah!” you cheer…but a little too soon. “Gyah!” you grunt as he launches a harpoon tied to a cable into one of your wings. The cable then forcefully retracts and you are pulled towards his fiery form.

Buck! You think as you pull out Second Law, and with a little boost of Air Bending, you fire snuffing out the flames and causing the robot to stagger. Instead of catching you in a bear hug, you both strike chest to chest and tumble to the ground.

“I Am Not A Gorramned Fish!” you roar as you bite the wire in half. You then have your tails remove the harpoon from your crystalline wing, which immediately heals over with more crystal.

“No, you’re the bait on the hook to get the fish cockroach!” Burner grunts as he stands up and aims the shoulder mounted laser weapon at you, but your tails throw the harpoon right into the opening, which causes it to spark and explode. “Ack!” he cries out as his weapon becomes inoperable.

“Looks like the fish took your whole line!” you quip as he growls. Noticing that the damaged weapon now has exposed circuitry, an insane idea comes to you.

Removed From the Inventory

Mangle’s Head (Human World Version)

The mechanical fox barks as rush towards the mech, slam your tails into the ground and flap your wings at the same time, and front flip over your foe as he tries and fails to strike at you. While still in midair, you clamp Mangle’s exposed neck stump onto the sparking opening of the shoulder mount.

“Pierce the Heavens!” you cry out to the fox who gives you a wink as you finish your flip and land on the other side.

“Pierce the wh-Huh?” Flag Burner yelps as a groaning, mechanical whir comes from his suit. “What the buck is this?”

“Cursed Technology!” you proclaim as you spin around and give a flaming falcon bunch to his exposed back.

“AHHH!!!” Flag cries as the suit spits 180 degrees and falls onto it’s back, none of it’s limbs working. “Why won’t you work?!”

“Skreonk!” the Mangle head says as it’s wires start to connect with the suit’s even more.

That was extremely clever my bug, how did you come up with that one? Selena asks impressed as the mech twitches.

Eh, I just remembered how our Mangle cannibalized and took over the bodies of all the other animatronics last year, so I figured I might as well try, you explain.

…Whoever was the architect of these automatons is truly a horrifying mind, Sombra mutters.

All machines are evil remember? Now, let’s crack open this oyster, you think with a grin.

You reach out with your claws and attempt to pry the lid off of his cockpit area, but it does not budge.

“You’re not getting in here Offender! Only the pilot or someone with clearance can open this shell!” he spouts, and you can hear him hammering buttons on the inside. Gritting your teeth, you spot a slim crack near the damaged missile launcher and you get another good idea.

“Well, then why don’t you open it up for us? Would You Kindly Swarm?” you say holding your glove to the opening, and you feel the bees form around the holes in your foreleg appear and enter the opening.

You hear more whirring sounds, then a cry out surprise, and then panic followed by the sound of buzzing bees inside the cockpit.

“Not the bees! Not The Bees! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Flag Burner wails inside as the swarm stings him relentlessly.

All across Equestria, those watching can’t help but wince at this method, rubbing phantom stings on their own limbs.

“Open up if you don’t want to swell up like a balloon Burner!” you order, and after a few more moments of wails a hiss is heard and gas escapes the cockpit from a seam. Smirking, you reach down to pull it open more…

“Surprise Motherbucker!” Flag Burner shouts as the lid jettisons off of the mech at high speed.

“OOF!” you grunt as the hunk of metal crashes into you and throws you back a hundred feet. Growling, you use your tails to throw the lid to the side and stand back up. Looking back towards him, you see as the cloud of bees leaves the opening, as a laser beam fries many of them.

“What in the…?” you start before the mech suddenly lifts up to a sitting position, and you see heat coming off of Burner’s robotic eye as he glares daggers at you.

The mech hands then reach up, grab the bewildered Mangle who barks in fear, and tear the offending head off of it, followed by a shower of electric sparks.

“How tough is this bucking suit?!” you growl as he stands back up, now with his upper torso exposed, which has many bee sting welts.

“You don’t crawl out of the grave and expect to be put back so easily!” he says menacingly as he tosses Mangle over his shoulder.

“SKREOOOONNNKKK!!!” the machine cries as it goes sailing across the field.

Well at least there’s an opening in his armor no- Selena starts before a shimmering field encases his exposed parts. OH COME ON!

“You think I would face you again without being prepared?” he says with a smirk. “My dear friend has given me all I need to defeat you.”

“Well Buck You And Buck Your Friend Too?!” you growl as your tails whip about and he smiles.

“Uhhh, Bugze?” you hear Sonata call out, but you ignore her.

“I think you would have a very hard time facing someone as clever as DWC,” Burner taunts.

“Bugze?!” Aria calls out.

“I don’t even know who this DWC is but his name is stupid and he sounds like a chump!” you insult.

“Hey, Bugze!” Adagio yells but you ignore her too.

This bucking suit is going to be a pain ripping all the limbs off. Thoughts?

We are still holding our own and some of his weapons are damaged, perhaps we should just go for a war of attrition, Sombra theorizes.

If we can get the field down, perhaps we could invade his mindscape, Selena suggests. Though if he’s part machine, I don’t know how effective that will be.

Well it looks like we’re just gonna have to keep banging our head against this rock till something breaks and-

“BUGZE!!!” all three Sirens shout.

“WHAT?!!” you shout impatiently up at the hovering seaponies. They simply respond by pointing across the field…and your jaw drops. “What The Buck…?”

Where before there were two battling creatures, there is now one. That doesn’t mean one triumphed over the other one however.

“KKKKKKKRRRRRRAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!!!!” a deafening roar rings out throughout the stadium as an unholy amalgamation of the Plundervine Monster and Midnight Dragon hovers above the field.

Midnight mist wafts off the creature, as it’s skeletal structure is now made up entirely of plundervines, the face itself is a combination of the previous two creatures, and it is the thing of nightmares, as many watching can attest to.

“…Is this the work of your dark master Offender? Trying to take away my pawns?” Flag growls at you.

“Uhhhh…” you trail off and look to the Sirens expectantly. “Who did that?”

“We didn’t do it on purpose!” Sonata excuses.

“Yeah man, all we did was hit a crescendo and blast the dragon into the plant thing,” Aria adds.

“It’s not like we were trying to fuse them together!” Adagio harrumphs.

“Well I don’t care if it wasn’t your intention, you need to fix that!” you exclaim.

“No duh,” Adagio rolls her eyes. “You mind lending a hand?”

“I don’t have those anymore, and right now I’m dealing with him!” you say pointing to Burner, just in time to catch him as he nearly skewers you with that same harpoon from earlier. “GAH! You Cheapshotting Flankhole!”

“You covered me in bees!” he shouts as he kicks out a leg which makes you stumble and gives him the opportunity to fling you backward, even farther from the plant-dragon hybrid.

“I’ll help you as soon as I’m finished with him!” you shout to the sirens who look at each other nervously. They don’t have the luxury of sitting around for long though as the dragon flies towards them, trying to ensnare them in it’s vines.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” they shout as they swim through the air.

“Oh for-Would You Kindly Freeze?!” you shout as you send a blast of ice towards the dragon while blocking a strike from Burner. It doesn’t do much, but the blast does knock the dragon’s aim off enough to help Aria avoid it’s mouth.

“Thanks dude!” she calls out.

“No Pro-GYAK!” you choke as Flag slams the blunt end of the harpoon into your throat, and you retaliate with a punch to his midsection, which glances off of the magic field.

Up above in the mad dash, the Dazzlings regroup.

“Dagi, what do we sing now?!” Sonata begs her older sibling.

“I’m thinking, I’m thinking!” she says through gritted teeth as the plant-dragon swoops around and flies back towards them.

“Any time now!” Aria says hectically. “It’s not like we’re getting any more help!”

And just as she says that 6 beams of magical light, one golden, one blue, one pink, one purple, one light blue, and one midnight blue strike the dragon midflight, causing it to roar and crash into the stands.

“…Well buck whatever I say then,” Aria says as she and the other shocked sisters look down. Even you and Flag take a second to look at the commotion…and see 5 alicorns and one unicorn stallion with smoke wafting off their horns.

“Oh hey, Bugze’s kid brought help,” Sonata says while waving and down below the alicorn filly waves back.

“The Cavalry has arrived!” Nightshade says triumphantly holding the Power-Boomstick above her head and standing in unison with the other princesses and Shining Armor. And as she says that, the Deadly 6, Outcasts, Spike and Frost run onto the field behind them. You even see Plush Mangle, carrying the head of Human World Mangle, and starting to assimilate with it, growing larger.

“Well would you look at that,” you say gleefully.

She actually went and rallied them, Selena says proudly.

And they’ve got their magic back, Sombar notes as does Flag who snarls.

“Cool, thanks for that, but that thing’s still kicking!” Adagio says pointing to the group, recognizing some of them that Shade had described before.

“I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t!” Dash says as she and Daring fly off towards the plant dragon as it starts to sit back up.

“Be careful girls, this thing is a fusion of dark and chaotic magic!” Twilight warns.

“Which means it’s gonna be a hay of a rodeo taking it down!”

“Not to mention it looks like a dragon!” Fluttershy says timidly.

“With terrible symmetry and color pallete I might add!” Rarity says in disgust.

“And I’m contributing to the conversation too!” Pinkie finishes.

“Wow, they really are pony versions of Sunset’s friends,” Aria mutters as she observes the Elements.

“And the Principals,” Sonata adds, pointing to the other princesses.

“Well, let’s back them up then,” Adagio says as she starts singing, with the other sisters following suit.

After the first volley, the dragon is now back on it’s feet and it charges at the group.

“Here it comes,” Shining announces and Celestia looks in your direction.

“Offen…No, BUGZE!” Celestia calls out and you are shocked to hear her name come from her.

“Yeah?!” you call back.

“We will deal with this monstrosity, and keep it out of your hair!”

“Can you handle Burner yourself?!” Luna adds.

“Uh, yeah?” you say still feeling weird about the situation even as Cadence, Fluttershy and the others smile in your direction.

“Of course you can boy! You three took back Appleloosa, a giant tin can ain’t gonna best ya!” Grandbuggy encourages and you feel yourself swell with happiness hearing his voice.

“Uh, yeah I can handle him,” you say even as the stallion brims with rage. “How about you guys?!”

To answer your question, the minute the monster gets within range, three blasts of fire from Spike, Ember and Garble erupt, halting it’s progress before Nightshade extends the Power Pole up into the monster’s face, striking it with the Boomstick.

“We got this Dad! Now Buck That Fool Up!” she calls out as the other start blasting at the dragon. You can tell it won’t be a one-sided fight, from either side.

And with everyling else there, then Nightshade need not lose control, Selena muses.

I sure hope so, you think as you turn back to face Burner.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“It doesn’t matter if you’ve given back their power,” he seethes and you glare him down. “Before that thing even had sentience, the useless royals were captured by the vines. Those fools will not be able to bring it down.”

“Yeah, and earlier you were so sure you could control it, but look how that turned out,” you insult.

“I will take control of it again, after I’ve finally brought you down…” he threatens as his eye flares red. “When you lie broken at my hooves, they too will fall.”

“And like I’ve been saying Flag, that ain’t gonna happen,” you respond back and he smiles maniacally.

“Come now, let’s finish what we started in Fillydelphia, I know our audience would love to see it,” he taunts as he flexes the fist of the right gauntlet and a blade weaved with orichalcum extends, causing both you and Selena to wince. “Time to die Offender.”

“Didn’t you hear me before?” you grunt as you reach into the inventory. “No one dies today. Rurouni!”

And with that pass code, you unsheathe the Jet Stream Sam Sword and point the reversed high frequency blade at him causing his one fleshy eye to widen.

“You want your revenge so badly?” you taunt.

“Then come and take it madstallion,” Selena orders.

“If you think you can,” Sombra finishes.

“Oh I can! I know I can!” he says as he sprints towards you and thrusts the gauntlet blade at you, to which you parry.

“Typical mad dog. All bark, and no bite!”


“BURNER!!!” you yell into each other’s faces as the others face off against the Plundervine Spectral Dragon.


Special Theme:

Episode 93: Rules of Nature (Equestria Games Finale)

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Reunited Opening:

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Haryou Changer’s Comment

You and Flag Burner rush up to one another, and almost as if you’d planned it, the two of you both go for a headbutt and strike each other dead center in the forehead. Your skull meets the metal with a clang, and the both of you stumble backwards from that one, you with a bumping head and him with a loud ringing in his ears.

After shaking that off, you both rush forward again, with him trying to skewer you with the arm blade, and you deflecting it with the High Frequency Sword.

Sparks ignite as the two metals meet, and the two of you continue to try and strike one another.

The magic broadcast cameras are still rolling after all this time, even though a few of them have been destroyed or damaged by the dual battles.

Currently, a few at different angles are centered on you and Burner, but the devices struggle to keep up with your movements. Every other second, the swift movement of air can be heard, followed by your blurred forms and the resulting dust clouds that followed them as you and Flag lay into each other with surprising speed and ferocity.

In Canterlot Flash Sentry watches as a bead of sweat trails down the side of his head. He winces as the clashing of your blades rings out.

Many ponies in Ponyville watch anxiously, and Aloe even holds her hooves together and prays to the gods, rooting for you all the way despite things.

The camera nearly misses you two dashing across it's view, sparks flying as your blades cross over and over again.

"Bugze..." Trixie breaths out nervously within the hospital room as Burner cuts through one of your tails, causing it to dissipate painfully.

“Grrrr,” you growl as it starts to reform painfully, and the camera manages to catch you dodging Burner’s follow up punch as you jump back deftly.

Young colts and fillies look on with awe, as if they are reading their favorite comic book, or show come to life.

Burner ignites the thrusters in his suit and flies straight at you, but you dodge underneath and strike at one of his gauntlets, which throws his trajectory off. He skids to a halt before righting himself and flying back at you again.

Zecora watches in anticipation with a steady look, hoping for your wellbeing, while also being impressed by some of your moves. Especially when you flip over him, which the cameras only barely catch.

While you are still in the air, he spins and strikes at you, to which you block, and the momentum sends you back to the ground hard on your hooves. Still using his momentum, he flips and dive bombs you, but this time, you dodge his right hook and wrap a tail around your hoof.

"Falcon Shoryuken!" You yell as you get him under his metal chin with a large clang.

“Ack!” he grunts as his momentum whiplashes him to momentarily float in the air. Taking your chance, you spin and yell,

"Falcon Kick!" Kicking him towards the stands, breaking some of the seating with his abrupt landing.

Cheers erupt from the captive audience from the safety of their homes as that was a solid hit…or so they think.

The mecha stands back up from the destroyed seats, not fazed in the slightest.

"Not bad,” his speakers warble, and you just know he’s smirking.

"Could say the same to you." You say glaring at him with a flash of your eyes. "Unfortunately, you're not putting much work, the suit's doing all the work for you."

"Like the so called spirits in your head aren’t assisting you as well?" He laughs. "In war, there are no rules." He says, taking a battle stance again.

“Yeah yeah, ‘War Never Changes,’ and all that you Brotherhood of Steel fanboy,” you insult and hold the sword in front of your face defensively. “I’m pretty sure the ponies of the past didn’t have laser guns.”

“Maybe they should have,” he laughs as once more you two charge one another and your blades meet over and over again. Sometimes the cameras catch your movements, and sometimes, all that is heard is the sound of metal on metal.

For those spectating, it’s a sight to behold either way.

At one point you are able to parry and then use your wings to launch into the air for a downward sword breaking strike, but once again both blades meet in the middle, neither side gaining an advantage. The force behind each strike would be enough to shatter normal blades, but Orichalcum and the Jet Stream Sam sword are anything but normal.

And while your blades are connected in a power struggle, a panel on one of the mech’s knees opens up and dart like projectiles fire out, piercing you in the gut.

“GACK!” you cough as sharp pieces of metal stick out of your belly. They aren’t deep wounds, but they sure as buck hurt a lot. You then watch as Flag’s empty hand pulls back to punch the darts further into you, but you flap your wings and bound backwards from the punch, landing a safe distance away.

“Motherbucking cheapshot!” you growl as six of your tails pull the spikes out, the tips covered in your dark blue blood.

“You’re one to talk!” Flag says as more darts fly forth from the compartment, and you start to strafe, duck and weave around him, trying to close the distance. “Quit dodging and come and meet your death!” Flag taunts as more darts fly towards you from his joint compartments.

I have a rendevouz with death, the poem echoes in your mind and you grit your teeth.

“Not bucking today I don’t!” you say as you power slide under one of the projectiles and swing upward for what would normally be a devastating nad shot, but since he’s in a metal suit all you do is end up punching him off the ground a bit.

“Oh, and that isn’t a cheap shot?!” Flag taunts as he comes back down with an overhead powerstrike of his own, but you deflect with the frequency sword and roll to the side Dark Souls style, but he back kicks you mid roll causing you to tumble down the field.

“AAAHHHH!!! MMMMAAAACCCHHHHIIIINNNNEEESSS!!!” you curse to the heavens in rage as you stand back up.

“Preach It Boyo!” you hear Grandbuggy encourage in the distance, but you ignore him as you face the oncoming mech.

Gods, even Discord wasn’t this hard to fight! And he’s a literal god! You think bitterly as you parry another of his strikes, and slam him away from you with five of your tails.

To be fair, he wasn’t trying to murder you like this madstallion is, Selena points out as you flip over a spearing thrust.

Yeah, he even admitted that much, you sigh as you give a spinning falcon kick to the mech’s back thrusting it forward and off balance. I mean, if that guy ever really got serious so many problems could be solved easily. But of course, just like whenever any crisis happens that could decide the fate of Equestria, he’s not here!

Burner then spins his arm around to strike you, but you duck under it and strike across his middle with the sword, which leaves a scorch mark.

Did Nightshade not say that he had lost his power and was sickly? Sombra counters as you jump back from another blade strike.

Oh that’s just an excuse! You grunt as Flag ignites his boosters and knees you in the chest. You then block another strike in another battle of strength.

“Just give in Offender. Let me put you and Nightmare Moon out of your misery,” his speakers warble.

“Buck Off!” you growl as your tails sweep at his leg. It isn’t enough to knock him over, but it throws him off enough for you to uncross your blades and get to a better distance.

“It is inevitable, just stop struggling!” Burner demands as he shoots more darts at you.

He sounds like a broken record, Sombra say in annoyance.

And just as you two are about to cross blades again, the both of you are thrown apart as the Plunder Dragon flies, skimming the ground between you as it heads for the others.

“Agh! Stupid Monster!” Flag yells at the thing, still pissed that he no longer has control thanks to the mutation.

…You know, fighting a mech and a giant monster at the same time just made me flashback to Vanhoover for a second, you say as a bit of nostalgia hits you.

Or Fazbears, which was a mech AND giant monster, Sombra nods in agreement.

Boy do we run into the same tropes often, you realize as pick yourself up off the ground.

Indeed we do, which is why I advise keeping him away from that monster when we defeat him, Selena advises as you spin the sword around in your grip.

I’m assuming it’s for some other reason than because of the obvious distraction? You guess as you rush forth and swipe at the mech, but this time he dodges.

Indeed, she responds. With our luck in the past it would not surprise me if at our moment of victory, he would somehow try to fuse with the creature and become an even bigger monstrosity.

Oh come on! Why would you even suggest something like that and tempt the cosmos?! Sombra complains and facehooves.

Because I’d rather be prepared rather than surprised by such an event since they happen too often! She counters and you scowl.

Well, if Lady Luck is thinking of pulling that card, she is going to be sorely disappointed! you think as you dig your tails into the ground, jump back and then slingshot yourself towards the mech, blade first.

“Your struggling is in vain you-“ he starts, but you are able to parry his blade above him and give him a drop kick which sends him flying.

"If you can't say anything original, just shut up!" you demand as you rush after the tumbling mech.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

While your parents and Sombra are having an epic sword battle with the cyborg, your collective group is now facing a kaiju.

“HERE IT COMES!” Rainbow shouts as the monstrosity charges toward you. You let loose a volley of magic missiles as the other alicorns, Rarity and Shining all fire their own respective blasts. The monster roars in as its body splits apart letting the blasts pass through harmlessly.

“OH, THAT’S BULLSPIT!” You, Aria, and Spike shout in annoyance.

“Spike!” Twilight scolds before teleporting out of the way of the creature.

“Scolding later! Fight and Survive now!” Shining shouts as he barrel rolls out of its way. The monster bashes against the stadium bleachers breaking through several layers of crystal.
“We have to keep it in here! If it gets out the entire city will be at risk!” He ignites his horn and summons a bubble shield around the beast as it tries to stand up. You and the other princesses add your magic to the mix keeping in its cage. The beast’s head reshapes itself to face you.

"SHA DO RU!" It roars as its eyes glow before firing off a pair of red lasers and pushing against the shield cracking it.

“Hold it back!” Luna cries, only for it to open its maw and unleash a torrent of midnight hellfire from its maw. The combined blast cracks the shield further before it expands its wings breaking the bubble.

“SHA DO RU!!” it cries as it fires off a hail of flaming plant seeds.

“Look out!” Rarity shouts before summoning a diamond-shaped shield. The rest raise their own shields while the flyers dodged the fire.

Suddenly a burst of flaming tendrils and flytraps launch out of the ground all around you.

“¡Ah, eso está caliente!” Ahuizotl shouts as one of the tendrils slash at him. The others are confronted by more as they pop out of the ground.

“Oh great, these buckers again!” you growl angrily as you flashback to Rainbow Falls.

The Dazzlings fly up behind the beast, all take a deep breath, and release a banshee scream that echoes all across the stadium. The sound waves push the monster back to keeping it at bay momentarily.

“Dang, they sure know how to hit soprano,” Pinkie quips as she jumps on top of the head of one of the tinier vine creatures.

“These dang weeds sure are nasty!” Applejack says as she follows Pinkie’s leads and starts stomping another one back into the ground.

“They’re not just nasty, they’re hack frauds! Frauds I say!” you huff as you slam the Power-Boomstick into the ground. The shock wave cracks the ground around you uprooting some of the flaming vines, to which Applejack gets to stomping on. But while she’s doing so, you see as a flytrap sprouts behind AJ. Before you could do anything a black arrow beam slices it in too

“TAKE THAT YOU FLAMING FRENZY PLANT!” Greta shouts as she flies out from one of the stadium entrances.

“Greta!” You shout happily. She winks at you before firing off some more blasts on the plants.

“Way to go girl!” Grandbuggy shouts as he slices a plant with his bowler hat.

“Burn Baby Burn! Ahahahahaaaa!!!” Garble laughs as he starts turning several of the flytraps to ash with a heavy torrent of fire.

“Control yourself Garb, we’ve got a lot more to burn,” Ember advises as she catches one in her claws, before spraying blue fire down it’s throat.

“She’s right, don’t go all out on the adds, save it for the big boss!” Spike advises as he claws one’s head off before burning said head with a quick breath of flame.

“Let me have my fun gorrammit!” Garble curses just as one slaps him in the back of the head.

“Hey now, those sirens are getting to close to-” Daring shouts, but is cut off as the monster slaps away the sirens with its wing. “Yup, called it,” she sighs before twisting another flytrap’s head off.

“AAAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!” the sirens cry out, but you ignite your horn and catch them before they crash.

“Did anyone get the number of that bus?” Sonata says dizzily.

“The buck’s a bus? You ask before shaking your head. “Never mind, you guys okay?”

“Yeah, still doesn’t hit as hard as that stallion with the shovel did,” Aria grunts and holds her head.

“Yeah, that guy-Kid look out!” Adagio cries out in alram as you turn to see a flaming fly trap lurching towards you. Just as you bring begin to bring up the Power-Boomstick to deflect the shot, an ice spike shoots from out of the ground and skewers it, causing it to freeze over. You turn to see Frost, who gives you a reluctant nod.

“Nice shot!” you call to him as you shatter the frozen vine with a twirl of the pole.

“Yeah, well-“ he starts before the ground around him cracks and several vines wrap around him. “Gah!”

“Oh come on!” you complain.

“SHA DO RU!!” the monster cries once more as it flaps its wings and leaps into the air and hovers over all of you. It then extends its wings as several flytraps appear on its body. They lurch back before vomiting balls of midnight blue fire towards the ground.

“Incoming fire! Literally!” Pinkie screams before dodging a blast.

“Darn piranha plant rip-offs!” Greta yells flying out of the way of the fire.

“Shields now!” Celestia orders as she raises her own above her and your allies. While Garble and Ember and Spike meet fire with fire.

“Frost! Put up your shield!” you order to the struggling colt. His eyes widen with fear a moment before the fireballs booms around him and you gasp.

“Buck!” you curse as he is enveloped…but then you see a form above him.

“Ugh! Are you alright little guy?!” Cadence asks as she hovers over him with a shield, along with Fluttershy as she stomps down on the partially frozen vines.

“Uhhhhh…” Frost drones as his mind does a reboot.

“Bad Plants! Naughty! Bad!” Fluttershy shouts, stomping the tendril into pieces causing the Windicolt to stare between the two in bewilderment and fear.

“Whew, thank goodness for that,” you sigh in relief before glaring at the plunder dragon. “I went through the trouble of keeping that guy alive you bucker!”

Cadence then lands next to the colt.

“Try to stay in a groups, it’s safer that way,” she orders him.

“Yes, and are you alright?” Fluttershy asks changing to a calming tone as she stomps.

“…Yes?” he guesses to both of them and they nod.

"SHA DO RU!!!” the beast roars once more, before firing off its blue hellfire.

“Run!” Applejack shouts as the fire hits the ground, a wave of flame blanketing the field.

“Oh no you bucking don’t!” you shout as you quickly earth bend a wall of rock around the fire preventing it from reaching the others.

“KKKKKKRRRRRAAAAAWWWW!!!!” it roars as it dives toward you.

“This freak doesn’t know when to quit!” you shout in annoyance.

“Hit the deck!” Daring yells as it collides with the ground. You brace yourself as the beast sends out a shadowy shockwave knocking you all back.

“SHA DO RU!” it screeches as it picks itself up.

“Why does it keep shouting that?!” Grandbuggy grumbles as he dusts off his hat.

“Maybe it’s saying its name like a pokemon? Shadoru?" Greta suggests causing you and those close to her gave her a deadpan look causing her to become defensive. "What?! Plant Dragon types exist And it’d be nice to call it something instead of plant monster dragon thing!”

“I don’t know, Plunder Dragon’s got a nice ring to it,” Ahuizotl points out.

“Well if it is a pokemon, we ain’t got a pokeball big enough for it,” you grit your teeth as the thing starts to flap it’s wings again.

“Tarry not friends! This battle is far from over!” Luna commands as once more everyone starts attacking it.

“Alright, girls, give it a more aggressive tune!” Adagio orders.

“We talking headbanging aggressive or mosh pit aggressive?” Sonata asks.

“Yes!” her sister clarifies.

“Ugh, I hate screaming tunes, they make me lose my voice” Aria groans as the sirens start up another song.

And as they’re rocking tune pumps everyone up and their astral projections form again you can’t help but sigh. Honestly, it feels as though you’re only taking potshots at the thing and dodging instead of doing any real damage.

“You get the feeling that we’re not hurting it as much as we could?” you ask aloud as Grandbuggy starts firing at it with his bowler gattling lasers.

“Eyup, and quite frankly I’m blanking on how much some of us can help,” Applejack says as she dodges out of the way of flying piece of debris as the thing takes flight again.

“Really? All those times you fought Daddy and other threats and now you’re drawing a blank?”

"Well, darling, sorry is just that we usually don't have to fight giant monsters,” Rarity says as she uses her limited magic missile strikes against the thing.

“Yeah that’s more your dad’s department, and it’s not like I’ve got enough room to do a sonic rainboom…if that would even do anything” Rainbow says as she gets buffeted back by the thing’s wing flaps. “Unless of course Fluttershy can talk it down?”

“I most certainly cannot!” Fluttershy says with surety. “It’s not a natural creature! Even that red dragon was still sentient.”

“Yeah, but like, aren’t the vines originally made from Discord’s magic? Can’t you like calm them down now or something since you’re dating him?” Rainbow counters and Fluttershy’s face flushes red.

“What?! I-I-I’m not d-dating Discord…who told you that?!” she sputters in embarrassment.

“You did when you were a vampire,” Rainbow says before she gets struck by a passing vine into the stands.

“I can’t be held accountable for what Flutterbat said!” the yellow pegasus shrieks before she is pushed out of harm’s way of a vine by Daring Do.

“Get your head in the game lady! Once we’re through this I’ll give you some advice for interspecies relationships with a larger creature. I hope you like stretches!” Daring says as they fly out of another vine swipe.

“MMMMM!!!” Fluttershy screams in embarrassment with a closed mouth.

“SHA DO RU!” once more, seedling projectiles fly out, and more of the ads are spawned.

“Oh for, can’t you just use a deadly sun laser already and finish the thing off in one go?” you ask Celestia. Celestia then looks to you with an aghast look as she severs a talon off of the creature, causing it to roar.

“Using a solar beam of the size could have catastrophic consequences,” she explains. “On top of possibly setting most of the city on fire-“

“I like the sound of that!” your Dad says in the distance, but she continues.

“I could also potentially melt a large chunk of the snow leading to lowland flooding in Equestria.”

“Oh…” you say not having thought of that before looking to Luna. “And I’m guessing summoning a meteor or something would just end up causing a disaster movie huh?”

“More than likely!” Luna says as she grasps one of the creature’s claws in her magic, keeping it from swiping at Shining and Twilight who have put their horns together to cause a large beam of magic to strike out.

Like before, the thing causes a hole to form in it’s body, but the secondary explosion from their attack catches it off guard and cause it to screech and stumble forward.

It’s then that the now two headed Mangle launches forward with cables like she’s in Attack on Titan and attaches herself to the Plunder Dragon’s face and starts hacking, biting and clawing at it.

“KKKKKKRRRRRAAAAAAWWWW!!!” it shrieks as bits of vine fall to the ground.

“Good girl Mangle!” you call out to the robot as you dig into your mostly empty inventory, coming up with the Ocarina.

“Well, let’s see how this goes,” you shrug as you place the instrument to your lips and play out a little tune.

“Nostalgia incoming!” Greta cries out in joy, and sure enough a thunder cloud appears within the stadium, above the monster.

“Well buck me running, I guess it does work,” you say looking back down at the ocarina. The black clouds then start pouring and lightning bolts start coming out at random, causing everyone to scurry.

“My bad!” you call out as Ahuizotl is almost struck.

“Mierde! Pegasi! Get to controlling that thing!” the large cat thing yelps.

“Ah yeah! Thanks Nightshade!” Dash calls out as she, Fluttershy, and Daring Do all fly up to the storm and start stomping on the clouds, directing lightning bolts towards the Plunder Dragon.

“SHA DO-” it starts, but then Mangle hangs onto it’s lower jaw, while the Siren’s projections wrap their tails around it.

With it temporarily immobilized, the lightning strikes true and the creature roars in pain.

“Now we’re talking,” you smirk as you twirl the Power-Boomstick and rush forth towards one if it’s knees.

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

“KKKKKKKKKRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!” the plant monster roars as thunder rumbles within the stadium. You would take more notice of it, if you weren’t currently getting your bell rung over and over again.

“ACK!” you yelp as Flag flails you into the ground by a few of your tails. He then raises you up and swings you to the opposite side, giving you the same face to ground treatment. “BLAH! Let Go Of Me!”

“Not a chance!” he laughs as he gathers up your other tails in his arms and starts to spin around and around like a Hammer Throw.

“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!” you cry out as you start to get extremely dizzy.

Oh gods, my stomach, you hear Selena gag and hold her mouth shut.

We don’t have those! How are we feeling sick?! Sombra complains as he too starts to turn a bit green.

After an unknown amount of swings though, you feel as though Flag Burner is about to let you go, launching you with the momentum…

“WAHA?!” he calls out as he slips and falls onto his back and you are tossed at a weird angle, only going into the air with a spin, to which you are able to correct out and land safely with the crystal wings.

“Ha, getting a 0 out of 10 on that score card!” you taunt as he sits up and growls. The both of you then see the reason for his tumble.

“Ice?” you both say at the same time as you see the slick patch cracked underneath him.

The both of you then follow the trail of random patches of snow and ice towards the battle with the Plunder Dragon, as a blue colt puts up an ice shield as a vine strikes through it and throws him into the outstretched arms of Greta who flies him back out of reach.

“What in the-What the Tartarus Frost!” Flag yells in that direction and you see as the colt in the griffon’s arms looks over and his eyes widen and his ears wilt.

“Uh…” he stammers.

“Are you really helping the Princesses you little traitorous bastard?!”

“I, uh, it…” the colt stammers.

“Ah buck it, I’ll deal with you later you little ingrate,” he dismisses and turns back to you. In the distance you hear the colt whimper slightly, before he and the griffon are blasted out of the air by a gust of wind from the dragon’s wings. “Honestly, the depths of those false godesses’ indoctrination knows no bounds.”

“Says the zealot preaching his own radical ideology,” you counter and he sneers.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“It may be radical, but it’s what will save this nation!” he declares shooting another harpoon cable towards you. This time though, you parry the projectile into the air with the sword, grab the hunk of metal in your tails, and reaching into your inventory, you pull out the tazer in your gloved hoof.

“Would You Kindly Ride the Lightning?!” you shout as the electrical current flows down the cable and into the inside of the suit where you see some sparks fly and the joints of the robot tense up.

“Bbbzzzzztttt!!!” Flag cries as he gets shocked, but then he detaches the cable to stop the current. And to avoid giving him another weapon to play with, you toss the harpoon up into the air, turn your sword backward to the sharp side and slice the offending projectile into useless scraps of metal.

Growling and smoking, the suit rights itself and points it’s blade arm at you. With the chunks of harpoon metal raining around you, you flourish the Jet Stream Sam blade and hold it above your head in both hooves.

The both of you stare down one another not moving, as excess rain from the storm cloud that mysteriously formed pelts the both of you.

You steel your glowing orange and red eyes as you hear whirring inside of the robotic suit, before seemingly without warning, the two of you move simultaneously.

Haryou Changer’s Comment

You go to meet blades once more, but this time Burner feints a strike and a new hatch opens up on his chest, where a deep blue glow emits causing your eyes to widen.

“Oh Bu-“ you start to curse and bring your blade up defensively, but the magical beam canon catches you fully.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” you, Selena and Sombra scream as the magic permeates you and sends you flying into the side of the field and impacting through the wall which sends dust everywhere.

For those at home, the camera broadcasts at an angle behind Flag Burner who stands still watching the cloud of dust which hides his view of you.

"Come out Offender we both know that's not enough to stop you,” he says in a booming voice, but there's no hint of movement in the smoke.

"Bugze?" Trixie says in worry from the hospital.

"C’mon, cuz..." Big Mac says gritting his teeth as Granny Smith watches with bated breath at Sweet Apple Acres.

Still, there is no movement within the smoke and the cyborg grows impatient.

"If you don't come out I'm going to take out the false goddesses and all their bootlickers while they’re distracted,” he threatens to the cloud, but still you don’t respond as the raindrops plink off his armor.

"Enough games, Off-“

"Lives aren't to be played with, Flag Burner,” you say from behind him as he hears the sound of several elastic like bands being pulled. He whips around and sees you with four of the competition ice bows aimed at him with your tails. "And this isn't a game."

Before he has a chance to react, fire all four arrows which strike at his blade arm and leg joints. The arrow itself doesn't do damage, but the enchantment on it certainly helps as it flash freezes faster than even your ice plasmid can.

“Ggggraaaahhhh!!!” Flag growls as the joints on his weapon arm lock in place.

That isn't going to be enough, Bugze," Selena says as you already see the ice cracking.

I know, you think as you sprint forward, lighting your horn. But now he can't dodge until he breaks out of it!

The ice begins to crack more as you close the distance, the high frequency blade humming as it cuts the air.

"Help me with this one!"

Coming out of your horn, projections of Selena and Sombra appear, sprinting at the same speed to your right and left.

“Will this work like in the Human World?” you ask Selena and she steels her eyes.

“Only one way to find out!” she answers as she flies forward ahead of you two.

“Nightmare Moon!” Flag has a moment to gasp as he struggles and she grits her teeth.

“IT’S SELENA!!!” she roars as she cocks her hoof back, right at the exact moment Burner manages to break the ice. He attempts to swing at her…but she strikes him first. And then she strikes him again, and again, and again, then another one after that.


“GGGYYYAAA!!!” Burner cries out inside the suit as the last blow knocks him up in the air as you see cracks starting to form on the suit as Selena dissipates back into your head.

“My Turn!” Sombra declares as he encases his hooves in dark magic sharpened by crystals and begins his own rapid fire assault.


“WWYYAGGHH!!!” Flag Burner yells as Sombra too dissipates, his last punch sending the smoking mech speeding towards the ground, right where you stand.

Sheathing the sword momentarily, you wrap your tails all around your hooves as your eyes glow even brighter.




Your barrage juggles him in the air, with bits of metal cracking and flying off. Right before the last strike, you reach to the gun sheathe, and pull the trigger, sending the frequency blade shooting out, to which your tail encased hooves catch and swing diagonally across the mech’s chest.

"ATOU!" you cry out as the final strike sends the machine rocketing across the entire field to the far side of the stadium, past even the Plunder Dragon which claws and swipes at your allies. Flag eventually comes to rest as he strikes the far wall and just like with you earlier, a large cloud of dust erupts.

For many watching, their jaws refuse to close at what they just witnessed. Even your allies on the field take a moment to glance in awe at what you’ve done. Though in many of their cases, it was more the fact that they witnessed Selena and Sombra’s flurry of blows that’s left them bewildered, especially the Princesses. They quickly though turn back to facing the Plunder Dragon you sprint past them towards the dust cloud.

“Nice job Dad, Mom and Sombra!” Nightshade congratulates as you rush past.

“Thanks honey!” you say as you continue to run, until their battle is once more at the back of your mind. Within the dust cloud, you hold your sword at the ready, even as it dissipates with the wind and rain from the battle behind you. Through the dirt, you see Flag Burner’s mech, and it is not looking so hot. The machine is so busted that you would bet your entire life earnings that the stallion wouldn't be able to use it anymore. Then, you see the shadow of Flag Burner eject from the seat through the dust. He’s vulnerable now! you observe.

Be cautious my bug, you never know what else he might have up his sleeve, Selena warns and you nod.

“Flag Burner! You’re suit’s scrap! Give up now or else I’ll-“

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa…” Flag starts to laugh, and with his tinny voice, it is downright creepy. “Scrap you say?” he questions just as steam dramatically gushes from the wreckage and pieces of it go flying everywhere, causing you to shield yourself from the pieces with your tails.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

"You utter FOOL! If you think I simply stole this mecha then you have another thing coming. Much like myself my benefactor upgraded this glorious machine past its previous limits. It is no longer a shoddy attempt to fight back against your dark magic! Instead..."

Dodge!!! Selena shrieks and you do soon instinct, just in time to avoid having your skull skewered by the orichalcum blade.

“Holy crap!” you gasp as the blade comes down at you in a slicing motion, but you parry with your sword.

Fast! Sombra yelps, echoing all three of your thoughts in one concise word. Now that the dust and steam are cleared, you see now what you’re facing.

The once bulky robot mech is now far slimmer and sleek, almost looking like some sort of suit of armor, complete with a helmet covering Flag Burner’s head, all sporting the same dark red coloring of the previous armor. Said armor pieces rest in the crater of the wall where you launched it, albeit missing a lot of pieces.

The suit then starts bending and moving about in ways far more flexible and speedier then its previous form, and even the orichalcum blade has become sleeker. A menacing aura bleeds off of the suit as Flag Burner opens up the face plate and laughs.

"Tremble in fright at the speed and ferocity of Red Dawn Mk. 2!” he boasts.

“Oh for-How many layers do I have to crack on this stupid thing?!” you growl as you hold your sword defensively.

“More than you can handle Offender,” he smirks before the faceplate closes. “Now, kneel broken before my hooves!”

And with that, the robotic suit thrusts its sword at speeds vastly superior to its original form, and it’s only due to having three sets of eyes that you are able to keep up with the fast past.

This is ridiculously fast! Selena grunts through gritted teeth.

I know right? Why didn’t he use this in the beginning? You growl as the blade keeps giving you shallow cuts along your arms, chest, and the rest of your body despite your parrying.

The original model is more powerful, this appears to be an emergency measure in case of critical damage to the original, Sombra theorizes as you can hear the whirring of the gears going hundreds of miles an hour within the suit.

Well it’s doing a very effective job if it’s just a back up! You snarl as the blade strikes through one of your wings, leaving crystal to fall to the ground.

I think I understand, Selena says. They’d expect you to exert a lot of energy fighting the original form and be exhausted and then swoop in with blinding speed when you thought you’d won.

Well we fell for that plan hook line and si-

“GRAGH!!!” you shout as the blade slices through one of your tusks. “You Motherbucker! I don’t have dental insurance!”

The point is, he can’t keep this speed up forever, the suit is far too small for such an energy source. You can literally hear it burning up right now Sombra explains.

Yeah, well I hope it runs out soon because I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up! You yelp as you struggle.

And it’s true. You don’t know how long he’s been attack with that rapid speed, but you have not so much as been able to go on the offensive since he started. And as all the little cuts and nicks start to pile up, he continues to taunt you.

“Yes, give into the delightful pain and let me end this for you!”

“Not! On! Your! Li-“ you struggle to say, before his blade slices along the top of your hoof. “BUCK!” you shout as the Jet Stream Sam Sword falls from your grip. With another flourish, he sweeps the sword away from you both where it lands in the field, blade down.

“OH BUCK!!!” the three of you say in unison as you are forced to parry his attacks with your tails, which is very painful.

Even as Sombra’s magic encases their ends with crystals, they don’t last long as they whip about blocking his blade, and one by one they fizzle out as they succumb to the Orichalcum.

When you are down to one singular tail, with the rest reforming painfully slowly, he doesn’t even attempt to slice at it, instead aiming to pierce right for your heart.

“Game Over!” he says smugly as the blade thrusts out. Time seems to slow down as you see the hunk of metal coming straight towards your chest. It’s not the first time you’ve been skewered, but all three of you know that this time, there will be no surviving it.

And just as the point reaches your chest…

“SSSSKKKKRRREEEEOOOONNNNKKK!!!” a red hulky form suddenly blindsides Flag Burner, tackling him away and only causing the blade tip to graze across your chitin shallowly.

“H-H-H-Holy Crap!” you stutter as your heart beats a mile a minute and you take a knee clutching your chest.

That was far too close, Selena pants as adrenaline shoots through her as well.

Yeah know Selly, I know, you nod.

Well give thanks to Divine Intervention then, Sombra says getting his own breathing under control as the tails reform around you. You then take a look at your savior and what you shocks and amuses you.

I think the term you’re looking for is Deus Ex Machina, you quip.

For there punching Burner into the ground with their massive fist is Mangle, or rather both Mangles in a form that is eerily reminiscent of their Mangleoid form.

“Ah! Don’t! Stop! Gah! You! Blah!” Flag cries out as the two headed fox monstrosity slams it’s fist into his chest, slowly causing a crater to be formed. And as he continues to be pummeled, you take note that the bulky, wire exposed body the Mangles are using is made up of Red Dawn MK1. Looking back over to the crater in the wall, you see that the scrapped suit is indeed gone, having been taken over and absorbed by the terrifying animatronics.

“You know, usually I would rant and rave about machines and their inherent evilness right about now,” you say as you get back to your hooves and walk over and pick up your sword. “But right now, I’m just glad I let Nightshade keep this mechanical monster.”

Mangleoid 2.0 then picks Burner up by the back legs and slams him over and over again into the ground before tossing him into a pile of crystal rubble.

“Ack!” he cries out, and you see sparks coming from the suit.

“SKREONK!” the mechanical amalgamation roars, causing the stallion to growl and to start thrusting his blade out at Mangle, who simply either tanks the hits, or bats them away. And as he does so, you three notice something.

“He’s not as fast as before,” you say for all three of you as animatronic batters him senseless.

Ha! I was right! Limited Power Source! Sombra cheers.

Well then, I suppose it’s time for some payback my dear Bugze, Selena says with a sinister smirk.

Right you are my fair Selly, you grin maliciously before saying aloud,

“Oi Mangle!”

“Skronk?!” the two heads bark in unison.

“Fast Ball Special!” you order holding the high frequency blade like a baseball bat, causing the two heads to give their own toothy grins.

“Aha! Got You!” Flag shouts in triumph as he skewers one of Mangle’s hands, but the machine only responds by grasping it’s fingers over his hoof. “Hey, Hey, Hey!” Flag tries to wriggle free, but Mangleoid lifts him above their head and spears them right towards you.

“WWWAAAAGGGHHH!!!” Burner shrieks as he flails towards you.

“Batter Up!” you laugh and before he can orientate himself, you strike with the blunt blade, causing a wonderful crack to form down his chest and you hear the delightful sound of the wind being knocked out of him. Your strike serves to pitch him into the air, so you follow up with several punches from your tails, juggling him slightly, before grabbing him by the shoulders and slamming him helmet first into the ground, burying him up to his shoulders.

Flag Burner back legs slump to the ground and you see as he takes a moment to unbury his head from the dirt while sparks randomly come from the suit. And while he’s still stick, the Mangles walk over to your side as you smirk.

“Skreonk?” she barks questiongly.

“Good girls Mangles,” you say give both heads a pat with a separate tail. The two heads smile blissfully at this with their eyes closed. “If it weren’t for you, our bacon would have been cooked. When this is all over, I’ll look into getting you a better upgrade.”

“Skreonk,” she barks in agreement.

“SHA DO RU!” you hear in the distance.

“Stop Shouting That!!!” Nightshade shouts as the plunder dragon continues to battle.

You share a look with both Mangle heads, and without having to speak it aloud, you both give a knowing nod. Without hesitation she uses the incorporated mech legs to bound across the field in a single leap and pounces upon the beast’s mouth. The unprepared dragon falters back as Mangle keeps it’s jaws closed and starts clawing at it’s glowing eyes.

And to think, I actually defeated that robot last year, you think in bewilderment before shaking your head and looking to the heavily damaged Flag Burner who finally pulls his head out of the ground.

“Oooohhhhh,” he groans and holds his chipped helmet. “What in the…what was that?”

“Animatronic Karma,” you say simply as you start slowly making your way towards him. “Now how about we try this again without your wannabe Speed Force bullspit?”

“…Gladly,” he growls as he suddenly dashes forward with his blade extended.

“Too slow!” you say as you dodge and strike him with five tails right in the chest.

“Bah!” he grunts as he is thrown back and you start in on your own rapid attacks, putting him in on the defensive.

“Not so fun is it?!” you shout as you parry one of his attacks and sweep back around with the sword, damaging a section of the leg armor.

And while you finally have him on the ropes…

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“Holy crapbaskets! Mangle you look so awesome!” you squee as your precious pet goes Saddle Rager on the Plunder Dragon after having momentarily disappeared from the fight.

“SKREONK!” she bellows back as the dragon attempts to shake her off.

“Yeah, I don’t know if awesome is the right word,” Greta says shakily with fear in her eyes as she flashes back to the night of Fazbears.

“Oh come on Greta, from what I heard she was much scarier looking then, right now she’s awesome!” you say, but the griffon still doesn’t quite buy into that.

“If you say so,” she shudders before taking a pot shot at the Plunder Dragon’s eye.

“Besides, she’s a separate creature entirely than Mangleoid since the other Mangle head came from the Human World, so I don’t even know how to classify her. She’s in a class of strength all on her own though if she’s able to stagger the dragon by herself, but then again the sirens did that with their voices and-“

You start rambling excitedly, gushing over your upgraded buddy and the others just look at you incredulously.

“Well, she is her father’s daughter, going off on tangents in the middle of battle,” Twilight shrugs before firing a magic missile at the thing’s chest, to which it again makes a hole, causing it to pass through.

“Yeah she is adorable isn’t she?” Spike mutters taking a moment to daydream, watching you act like a dork.

“What was that?” Twilight asks and his eyes go wide.

“Uh, nothing? What are you talking about? I didn’t say-“ his embarrassment is cut off as Mangle is flung off the face, landing between him and Twilight.

“SKREONK!” Mangle screeches angrily and sits back up.

The Plunder Dragon then starts flapping it’s wings rapidly, causing wind and dust to pick up, making many of your allies lose their footing, and for the thunderheads above it to disipate.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

"For Bucks sake does this thing not take a hint?!” Rainbow groans as the beast roars again.


“Oh Sho duh BUCK YOU!” You shout as angrily after seeing Mangle get hurt. You stomp your hooves to the ground, and with a flash of your eyes a large dome of earth and crystal shifts around the beast sealing it inside. You hear the beast roar as it bashes against the makeshift cage and the Princesses look at you in amazement.

“Incredible…” Celestia gasps.

“Such strength for someone so young,” Luna says in equal awe.

“Yeah yeah, I know I’m awesome, but that ain’t gonna hold him for long. Are we even putting a dent in this thing?!” you grunt as you concentrate on the bending.

“Hitting it with blunt force isn’t working, it just keeps growing back,” Granbuggy summarizes helping AJ up to her hooves.

“Fire works on the grunts alright, but it doesn’t hurt the big guy as much,” Garble huffs, wiping soot off his cheeks.

“Yeah it’s like that ghost dragon thing made the plant resistant to it. I mean heck, it’s even breathing fire too,” Ember adds as she helps Shining Armor to stand up straight.

“Can’t we just separate them?” Sonata groans, rubbing her bruised head.

“Yeah, the dragon was much easier to deal with by itself,” Aria agrees.

“We did kick it’s ass with the power of rock not too long ago,” Adagio finishes.

“Then we’d be back to dealing with two monsters instead of one,” Cadence says using some healing magic on the others.

“I doubt we can separate them now. They’ve become one in the same,” Celestia sighs readying her magic as the earth dome starts to crack.

“The only other option I can think of is the Crystal Heart,” Rarity interjects. “Though I fear using that may hurt Nightshade and her father.”

“Well that’s one of only two problems with that,” Shining Armor responds as his wife heals him. “Because right now the Heart online, otherwise it would have already activated when these Plundervines first showed up. As of this moment, we have no idea where it is.”

“Yeah, we already know that! Ember already told us it’s starting to snow!” you grunt in annoyance over the repeat in already known info. “Which is why we gotta take this thing out fast!”

And as you say that, a blast of midnight fire bursts through the top of the dome as the head of the beast pokes through.

“SHA DO RU!” it roars and fires off its eye lasers, one going for the ground crew and the other for the fliers.

“Omega beams incoming!” Greta yelps ducking out of the way of one of the beams.

“Can’t hit me you dumb monster!” Rainbow boasts barrel rolling over a beam…until it makes a 90 degree turn and heads for her again. She yelps in shock and dives down as the beam trails her. “Now that’s just cheati-AHH!” Rainbow yells as the beam clips one of her wings causing her to fall.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouts in worry as she catches her friend with her magic, to bring her down safely. This causes the other beam to arch towards her, but she quickly raises a magical barrier around the two. Instead of hitting the barrier harmlessly, the laser curves around it and heads towards Luna.

“Foolish Mistake Creature!” she snarls as she fires a beam of magic which collides with it. A struggle of dominance then ensues as the Princess grits her teeth, keeping the beam from hitting her, but also from going towards anyone else. It is a deadlock for a few moments until Celestia adds her own magical beam into the mix.

“My sister’s right, you are a fool!” the Princess of the Sun sneers as the two push the attack back towards the monster, until it strikes it in one of it’s eyes, obliterating it.

“KKKKKKRRRRAAAAWWWW!!!” it shrieks and thrashes in pain, causing your earthy prison to crumble all around it.

You and the others dodge the falling debris with the only ones not having to being The Dazzlings who use their astral forms to fly at the pained monster and give it each a tail whip in the gob. The monster stumbles backwards into the stands, before it turns to the singers, it’s missing eye covering over with vines as it spreads it’s wings and more tendrils shoot forth from it and the ground.

“Enough with the angry noodles already!” Pinkie yells blasting away one with her party cannon as the siren sister scramble in the air away from said angry noodles.

“Si! This is getting ridiculous!” Ahuizotl huffs as he grabs one with his hand tail, two more in his regular paws, and ties all three together.

“Gah! I can’t think straight with all this!” you growl as your anger starts to rise and your shards start to shine.

“Nightshade!” Spike says running to you with Frost in tow. “You okay?”

“Ugh yeah, just give me a second,” you say trying to clear your head as Mangle leaps onto one of the Plunder Dragon’s wings, causing it to tilt and fall to the side.

“Nightshade, I think I know how to beat that thing,” Frost speaks up as the thing crashes down and Cadence and Shining start blasting it.

“You do?!” you say looking up to the colt incredulously.

“Yeah, when the princesses blasted it’s eyes out there was a glow in it’s chest, I think it might be it’s core,” he explains.

“It’s core?” Spike questions.

“Yeah, when we-er the Black Suns retrieved the vine at Rainbow Falls, there was oval thing inside it. That’s where Flag Burner inserted that chip thing or whatever it’s called before it came back to life.”

“Well that would have been useful to know at the start of the fight dude!” you grunt in exasperation as the creature buffets back Rainbow, Fluttershy and Daring Do.

“Hey, I thought it was destroyed when that ghost dragon thing merged with it so I didn’t think it was anything special till now seeing as how Burner can’t control it anymore,” he defends before gritting his teeth. “And seriously, buck that guy! He calls me a bastard and says he’ll ‘deal with me?’ He didn’t even give me a chance to say anything!”

You three briefly glance over to said stallion’s fight with your Dad, and it looks like Daddy is kicking his ass.

“Well, the guy is an evil jackass, I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” Spike says patting the colt’s shoulder sympathetically.

“Yeah seriously,” you nod in agreement as you put a hoof to your chin. “But if this glowing thing in it’s chest is what brought it back…”

You briefly flashback to your fight with the Plundervines at Rainbow Falls. Within the chaos and ordering your minions around, you briefly recollect a glowing source at the monster’s center. Your eyes widen in understanding as you figure out what it is.

“It’s a seed!”

“SHA DO RU!” the plunder dragon bellows and another burst of Dark Flame washes over everyone as you and the rest of the magic uses erect your barriers as the fire burns around you.

“Oh, I guess that makes more sense than what I was thinking. I thought it was it’s heart,” Frost admits.

“There’s probably little difference at this point,” you say as the flame breath ends.

“So if we take out it’s seed heart, then we’ll be able to destroy it,” Spike says catching onto the plan.

“The only problem is getting to it. Even when it was making holes in itself to let attacks pass through, I didn’t see it exposed,” Frost points out.

“Well it’s better than nothing!” you respond “And we got no other options so what do we have to lose?”

“The Empire? Our lives?” Spike snarks and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah but those things are always on the line,” you snark back.

“SHA DO RU!” it roars yet again, and unleashes yet another torrent of midnight flames.

“Shields now!” Celestia yells, dragging everyone over with her magic before creating a yellow bubble shield.

“Way ahead of you Princess!” you call back as once more the flames pass over you. Even through your barrier, you can feel as the heat licks your flesh, but thankfully you have a half windigo inside your bubble to help regulate the temperature. Once the fire ends once more, you call out to the others.

“Alright gang, we have a plan!” you shout and everyone looks to you. “There’s a glowing seed somewhere in that thing’s chest that we need to destroy! We need to hold it steady so that we can open him up and find it!”

“Ah, a glowing weak spot, classic,” Greta nods.

“But how are we going to get to it?” asks Fluttershy as the Sirens unleash another sonic scream at the thing.

“Easy,” you say as your eyes roll over white with power and your shards glow. “I’m gonna stop holding back.”

Everyone looks taken aback by this but you begin to walk forward despite their gawks.

“You sure about this Shade?!” Applejack says looking to you in worry.

“Positive. It’s the only thing we got,” you say in determination before glancing back at Grandbuggy. “Let’s do this quick so I don’t lose control okay?” He stares at you apprehensively before he sighs.

“Desperate times I suppose,” he says with a reluctant nod.

“But Nightshade-“ Spike starts but you hold a hoof up stopping him before you look to the Princesses specifically.

“I’m about to start slinging some crazy magic here and I might start laughing and enjoying it so…keep me in check alright?”

The Princesses seem hesitant at your request, not sure what you’re about to do, but then Cadence speaks up.

“Very well, but stay strong Nightshade,” she encourages and you nod before you turn back to the Plunder Monster and extend your wings. Shadow magic, erupts from your body, not just your horn and covers several spotlights around the stadium, bathing the Plundervine in darkness.

“Hey! We still need to see that thing!” Aria calls out in outrage before flinching back as she and her sisters sees the power radiating off of you.

“Sorry girls, but I needed to call in some friends,” you say as a malicious smirk forms on your face.

“Friends?” Twilight questions, while the Outcasts all widen their eyes in understanding.

“Oh gods, those th-things?” Frost stutters as he can’t help but feel a twinge of fear.

“Yeah. Those things,” you grin.

“KKKKKKRRRRRAAAAWWWW!!!” the plunder dragon roars in pain, as the sound of a swarm of demonic cackling and snarling fills the air.

“No more Mr. Nice Filly,” you quip as you lessen the darkness on the lights, just in time to see as the plunder dragon stumbles forth with a horde of your shadow minions covering it.

For those not in the know and at home, the image of the demonic creatures swarming the kaiju is something out of a horror movie.

“Mistress! We have taken the hill!” Jackie cheers at you from inside the monster’s throat. Not just on it, he is literally sticking his head out between the vines, as are many of your grunts.

“Good Job Bob! Now make it regret having pain receptors!” you order and the imp salutes. The dragon then begins to thrash about as your minions swarm him.

For the Elements, Shining and Daring seeing these creatures in their great numbers is horrifying.

“So…cool…” well, except for Dash who’s into it, but otherwise everyone’s reactions are just what you expect with Rarity and Fluttershy supporting each other so as not to faint, Twilight’s eye twitching at the spectacle, and Pinkie adding a dot on a bingo sheet for some reason. Then there’s Cadence and Shining who watch with their jaws dropped, the Dazzlings shiver in disgust and dread, and Celestia and Luna blink incredulously.

“The Shadow Imps…I thought only I could call upon their services,” Luna gasps as your minions crawl over the Plunder Dragon like ants.

“Yeah, well you’re not the only one who can use Moon and Shadow magic,” you quip before your horn alights and the shadows created from the dimmed lights coalesce and surround the dragon and it’s many vines.

It tries to flap it’s wings to blow the shadows away, but you stomp both sets of hooves into the ground causing a conical shape of rock to emerge from the ground, followed shortly by a burst of magma which singes through one of the wings.

“KKKKKKKKRRRRRREEEEEEEE!!!” the dragon bellows as vines try to reform and plug the hole, but Bob and the others hold the wriggling tentacles in place.

“Since when could you make lava?!” Grandbuggy bellows impressed.

“I don’t know, since now I guess. It’s still earth technically,” you shrug not even questioning things as you start to feel the slow effects of a power high coming.

Seeming to feed from this euphoria, your demons up the ante on their assault and thrash about like wild hyenas. No matter how many of them get crushed or squeezed into dust, they quickly reemerge from the darkness inside the Plunder Dragon itself and continue doing as you’ve ordered.

We have found the core mistress, but it’s glow is too much to handle, Jackie says inside your mind.

“Then start making a path for us then, we’ll burn the thing out ourselves!” you order, you voice filled with power as you flap your wings and lift into the air.

“…Truly you are powerful,” Celestia says breathlessly looking to you in admiration and fear.

“Yeah, no spit! Now would you all kindly stop slacking off and help me hold this thing in place?!” you order as the shards start to get brighter. “I’d rather do this quickly!!!”

“You heard the little lady! Hold that bucker and help tear it apart!” Grandbuggy yells, rallying everyone out of their stupor as they all charge.

All of the Princesses, with Grandbuggy and Rarity and Shining all combine their magical auras into one super attack, the Fliers swoop in at all angles, the ground force and Frost start ensnaring it’s bottom limbs with magic and ropes, and Mangle just Saddle Rages once more as the Sirens belt out another epic tune, having their astral forms do the heavy lifting.

And as they do, you hold out a hoof to Spike, Garble and Ember, stopping them.

“You three, I’m gonna need you to wait for the right moment…”

The three dragons listen to your plan as Royals, Elements and Outcasts alike swarm the creature, adding to the Horde of your demonic minions. And as the plunder dragon screeches and falters, finally on the defensive…

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

You hear the commotion in the distance as the plant monster roars in pain and the stadium light dims, but you are more focused on the cyborg in front of you. Mainly, kicking his ass.

After all the bullspit he’s put you through today, he is now the one against the ropes, struggling to dodge and parry as you do not relent with your sword strikes. Despite being dull, the blade damages, breaks and even at times slices bits and pieces off of his Mark 2 armor, which isn’t all that helpful to him now that the speed boost is gone.

“I! Won’t! Let! You! Win!” he struggles to say through gritted teeth.

“That’s Too Gorramned Bad!” you insult as you sweep upward with the sword in a golf like motion which sends him tumbling head over hooves into a goal post, bending it. “Now get out of that armor already! It’s already useless.”

“As if, I’m dumb enough for that,” he pants as he stands back up and holds his blade ready.

“Fine, then I’m gonna smoke you out,” you say with finality as you hold up your power glove to the frequency blade.

“Have you learned nothing? This armor is fireproof!” he challenges.

“Maybe for you, but metal can still melt,” you threaten before shouting, “Would You Kindly Light It Up?!”
The spark ignites from your glove, coating your sword in glorious, wonderful flame, but you don’t stop there. No, you ignite the shadows surrounding you, causing you light up like the glorious golden acolyte of fire that you are. And the best part is, you don’t feel the heat as your own shadows keep it from harming your body.

Flag falters a bit at this scene as you glow as hot as the sun. Your orange and red eyes stand out among the flames as you flap your wings, causing smoke and shadow to billow around you.

“What are you-“ Flag sputters.

“I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE! AND I BRING YOU! FIRE!” you declare maniacally before you slingshot your way towards Flag Burner.

Wincing back, he raises a gauntlet and from his wrist small darts shoot out, but you are in the zone. You spin and dodge and weave and parry with your sword as you create a vortex of flame in your wake. And right as you get within his personal space and he raises his sword to parry, you strike with your full force, causing his own blade and yours to slash across the main body of the armor, causing a large chunk of it to fly off.

“Aaaaaahhhhh!!!” Burner yelps in pain as his sword goes flying into the stands, far from his reach. Not letting this opportunity go to waste, you wrap your arms and tails around him, spin around to where your chest is against his back, and you perform a Germane Suplex which shatters the ground and causes a bonfire to ignite with you two at it’s center.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Changer T Emerald’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

You continue to hold onto to your foe as the flames burn away at his suit. You hear him grunting and panting insides, but you do not relent, keeping him from moving. Eventually, you are rewarded as pieces of slag start to drip from the metal and sparks erupt in a lot of areas, causing the suit to shudder.

“Damn It!” Flag curses, and suddenly, a burst of steam blasts from all of the joints and the seams of the suit, putting out your flames as the stallion inside is ejected at high speeds. You watch as Burner tumbles and rolls about thirty yards away, the only metal pieces on him now being the ones incorporated into his body. The rest is exposed fur and flesh.

“Finally!” you declare triumphantly as you squeeze with all of your tails, and the heated metal causes the suit to cave in and jumble into a ball of junk.

Bugze, while I’m sure that was epic and inspiring looking, please refrain from setting yourself on fire in the future, Selena chides.

I agree, you’d never tried that before and it was reckless, Sombra instructs.

Ah calm down, it worked didn’t it? You hoofwave as you stand up, with smoke still coming off of your shadows.

The cameras pick up as Flag looks to you, panting as his red mechanical eye glows fiercely and the national audience waits in baited breath.

“Do you…have any ungodly idea of how much that thing cost?” Flag Burner growls, his organic teeth clenching against his metal ones.

“No, not really, because I sure as buck ain’t gonna pay for it,” you say as you sheathe your blade and start stomping towards him.

“It was perfect…absolutely perfect,” he mutters as he gets to his knees and glares at you. “You would have been dead if it weren’t for that meddling robot.”

“The funny thing is Flag, that is not the first time I’ve heard that exact sentence,” you tell him truthfully. “And if I’m honest, probably not going to be the last time either. Now are you going to come along quietly, or do I still gotta smack you up?”

“I’m not done yet!” he declares as he attempts to punch you with his metal arm, but you ensnare it with four of your tails.

“Enough already!” you order him but he growls as his mechanical eye lights up.


“I said stop it!” you shout as your other tails wrap around the mechanical half of his skull and the laser is smothered in the darkness.

“Not on your life you fraud! Not on your-“ he starts, but you shut him up by slapping him in the face, over and over again. It’s not with your claws, or tails, but your regular hoof as you slap both his metallic and organic bits of his face.

"This is for trying to kill my daughter" *SLAP* "This is for almost ruining her progress!" *SLAP* "This is for being so stubborn and not listening to bucking reason!" *SLAP* "This is for trying to conquer Equestria again!" *SLAP* "This is for ruining the Equestria Games!" *SLAP* "This is for capturing the Princessses and Deadly 6" *SLAP* "This is for making my return as chaotic as possible!" *SLAP* "And" *SLAP* "this" *SLAP* "is" *SLAP* "for" *SLAP* "making" *SLAP* "me" *SLAP* "think" *SLAP* "you" *SLAP* "Died!!!"

That last slap sends him sprawling back into the dirt, with blood dripping down his nose and a noticeable dent in his mechanical jaw.

“Now stay down and give yourself up Burner, it’s over! You’ve lost!” you demand of the beaten cyborg.

"Lost...lost?...LOST!?" he roars in a loud metallic shriek. Despite being in clear pain Flag forces his body to stand up, glaring in pure hatred at you.

"This! This isn't a loss! You have no idea what a loss is! You can't even begin to comprehend what it means to truly lose, to be beaten into the ground with no hope of ever getting back up! Of what I’ve lost!" he rants, pointing at you with his organic foreleg. Around his wrist, you spy the smiley face key chain that gave you the scar above your eye and a twinge of sympathy hits you as you remember the daughter he lost which led him down this path of vengeance and destruction.

You can sympathize, and even understand, but that’s the end of what you share with him. You try to interupt the madstallion, but he continues.

"I have crawled my way out from the very depths of Tartarus itself! I have beaten, deceived, manipulated, and killed to reach where I am today! To the cusp of my victory, ready to finally achieve what I have longed so much for! To bestow my vengeance upon everypony who has ever wronged me! AND YOU!" he jabs his hoof out again and you see the swirls of madness within his true eye.

"You robbed me of my victory! You stole from me what was rightfully mine! I was so close to getting my revenge and you had to get! In! My! WAY!"

The raw hate in his tone actually causes you to step back subconsciously, and even has Sombra and Selena shivering at the sight. Unwelcome images of their own power madness from the past reminding them of their past sins.

"Well no more! Today is the day I finally have my revenge! You can't stop me, nopony can ever stop me again!” he declares before a compartment on his metal leg opens up and a syringe with some sort of strange square needle pops out.

“I don’t know if you heard, but poison doesn’t work on me Flag,” you tell him plainly, though you still get into a defensive stance.

"Oh I know fully well that it doesn’t, but it will work on me,” he declares and you are thrown for a loop.


“DWC gave this to me, a last resort to finally reach my calling at the cost of, well, me." His nonchalant tone at that causes you to stare at him in horror, which is seemingly what he wanted as he laughs mockingly, "At this point, I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to claim my vengeance. Besides...."

Flag gives you a cruel smug look as he says,

"Even if I fail, I'll die knowing you will forever blame yourself for it. After all, you killed me once before so what’s another death to ya? Just remember Offender, its your fault!"

And with that declaration he stabs the syringe into his neck before you have a chance to react, and the effect is almost instantaneous. Flag's red coat becomes much lighter and steam escapes his every haggard breath. His muscle mass increases on his organic parts, but even more bizarrely, his metal parts do as well. His face whips towards you, foam dripping from his snout as he wails and charges you, his pupil gone, leaving only white nothingness emitting nothing but rage.

You expect him to strike with his metal appendage like before, but it’s his bulging organic arm that punches out. You go to block with your tails, but the force behind the blow pushes them into you and flings you backward, tumbling head over hooves along the ground.

“What the buck is this?!” you demand to know and through gritted frothing teeth, the stallion growls,

"Nano-machines son!" before roaring like a wild beast and punching at you yet again.

You swing out four of your tails to strike him, but he deflects them with his organic arm, and the minute they make contact, his arm turns black and craggy as if it’s made of metal itself.

“What in the-“ you start to say before you quickly block the punch from his metal arm. You forearm throbs with pain as the appendage strikes you and sends you skidding across the ground again.

“GGGGRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!” the frothing stallion roars as he does not relent, throwing blow after blow at you with reckless abandon. The strikes are hard and they hurt, and none of your attacks seem to hurt him.

This one last trick up his sleeve, his one last all or nothing gamble is seemingly working as you take blow after blow. What was once a stallion lost to the grief of his daughter is now nothing but a hollow mess of rage and spite. All that remains is Rage.

“Son of a-Ack!” you grunt as he gut punches you off your hooves, causing you to land on your back. He then jumps atop of you and starts raining down blows like a gorilla.

There is no rhyme or reason to his movements! Selena tells you.

Whatever these nano-machines are, they harden his flesh when we attempt to strike it, Sombra also instructs.

There’s gotta be something that’ll hurt him! You think with a grunt as he continues to wail on you.

“Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco?!” you yell pointing the glove below you and jettisoning you both up into the air. The maddened cyborg flails around violently while you outstretch your tails to the ground and pull yourself out of the gravitational field.

I believe it might be hurting him more than anything if his words were to be believed, Selena points out as you see steam rising off of his reddened flesh.

If it’s burning his internal adrenaline at such a rate, then soon his entire body will fail, Sombra theorizes and you scowl.

I’m NOT going to let that happen! You declare as you stare at the twitching stallion. I said noling’s dying today and by the gods I meant it!

You then unsheathe your sword once again as the high frequency blade hums with energy.

Whoever this DWC guy is, this whole situation, down to the mech, the long monologues and now nano-machines, this just screams of a psycho who’s obsessed with video games!

What do you mean Bugze? Selena inquires.

I mean this whole situation, even down to me fighting with the Jet Stream Sam sword, this is set up like the last boss fight in Revengeance! It’s not even funny how blatantly similar they are! You explain.

Are you saying you believe somepony set this whole thing up just for a reference? Selena says baffled and you nod.

That’s exactly what I’m saying, which is scary thinking someone has this much time on their hooves to pull such a thing off, you admit just as the Bucking Bronco cuts out and the ball of rage strikes the ground hard before glaring back up at you, his mechanical eye piercing red.

“RRRRRAAAAAAA!!!” he roars as he pounces towards you once more, his veins in his neck and chest and organic legs pulsing. Instead of trying to dodge though, you hold your sword at the ready.

What are you doing? Sombra inquires nervously.

Testing a theory! You say plainly as he closes the distance. You two, watch closely to where I strike him!

Heeding your words, the three of you focus your vision as the cyborg attacks. Using your tail and hooves, you quickly and precisely strike him at three points with the frequency blade, one on his regular arm, one at the chest, and the other on the metallic limb.

As usual, the flesh hardens as you strike each area, even on his metallic limb which is baffling, but then with speed only possible with your tails, you strike the same three areas multiple times. And as you gather information from this test, he strikes you right in the face, causing you to skid backward.

“Gah!” you growl as blood leaks out your nose and your vision swims, but your hypothesis has been tested.

Bugze! You were right there was something! Selena says hurriedly.

I figured as much, you think as you focus your vision on the lumbering behemoth coming towards you.

The areas you struck hardened yes, but when concentrated from one to another, there is a brief moment where his true flesh and even metal were being struck, Sombra instructs and you shake your head.

Just like in the freaking game, you think disturbed by the psychopathy of whoever DWC is. Well if that’s the case, I know exactly what to do…

Once more, Flag Burner is upon you, his flesh steaming hot and his remaining eye bulging as his breathing becomes erratic. His only animalistic goal is kill or be killed, but you aren’t going to let either of those happen.

As he throws out another bone cracking punch, you strike once more at his regular foreleg which bounces off with a spark like the previous attempts, but quick as you can, you sheathe the frequency blade as the rage filled stallion reaches his metallic arm towards your throat. You do not flinch or take your eyes off of where the fluctuation in the armor flickers, and when you see your moment you take advantage of the weak link. You invert the sheathe in your grip and pull the trigger causing the sword to rocket outward. With speed and dexterity not seen outside most creatures, you grip the hilt with one of your tails and angle it right into the weak spot.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” Flag screams to the heavens as the sharp part of the blade slices through the metallic limb like butter, flinging it into the air. The nano-machines ripple across his body, both organic and metallic as the stump sparks with electricity. Without missing a beat, you reach out with the Power Glove and shove it right into the sparking mess of his stump.

“Would You Kindly Electro Bolt?!”

Your biological lightning connects with his machinery’s current, and the cyborg lights up like a Hearth’s Warming Tree. His metallic parts smoke and spark while the organic ones seize and spasm, as do your muscles as you are also electrified.

“GGGRAAAAAAHHHH!!!” you shout through the pain as the competing currents go through both of you. But after an eternity or perhaps a few seconds, the electricity stops pumping in either direction.

Smoke whiffs off the both of you as you stare each other down, neither side moving…but eventually you both gasp as you fall to your knees and Flag falls flat on his face, his bulging muscles decreasing down to their normal size.

“Ooooohhhh…” you both groan as you feel the burning pain, but you know he’s had it worse. The stump of his metallic arm is not reforming, and the light of his mechanical eye has cracked and gone offline. His organic eye spins for a bit, but it looks up at you, wearied yet still full of malice. You pant for a good few seconds before you get back to your hooves and look down upon him.

“Heh…looks like I shocked some sense back into you,” you taunt and his scowl deepens. “Have your DWC friend send me the bill for that serum since it was clearly wasted.”

Groaning, the cyborg attempts to move, but none of his robotic parts respond.

“You’re beaten Flag,” you say simply as his eye darts around in confusion. “Just like I said you would be. And guess what? It wasn’t my fault, but yours.”

Wincing, he looks back at you and sneers to the best of his ability.

“…Kill me then…do what you failed to do in Fillydelphia…” he croaks and you frown as the Awakened Cloak fizzles out.

“No…no I don’t think I will,” you say with a sigh and look down on him in pity.

“You better, because I will never stop hunting you, I will come for those you love again and again and again. I will never stop I-“ you stop his rant by putting your hoof over his mouth, shutting him up.

“Flag…we’re not doing this again. Last time, despite having won, I gave into my anger and did this to you…” you say looking at the grafted robotic parts before looking him back in the eye. “But I’m not the same changeling I was back then…I’m sorry.”

His eye glares at you inquisitively, but you continue.

“Even if you are a monster, I’m sorry for what I did to you. I know that’ s not going to change anything between us…but it’s the truth,” you apologize. “So I’m not going to kill you Flag Burner, because that would make me a liar and let you win.”

Grunting from under your hoof, he weakly reaches out with his organic hoof and grips your ankle. You feel the sizzling burn from the Orichalcum charm around his wrist, but you don’t pull away as he pries your hoof from his mouth.

“You’ll never succeed with that attitude. Nothing will ever truly change with that weakness,” he hisses and you sigh.

“And that’s why you’ll never succeed,” you say as you reach into the inventory. “Because you honestly believe that…”

You then pull out the Knock Out Luna Plushie and hold it up in front of his undamaged eye. There is a sharp intake of breath as the toy’s magic takes a hold of him, and his eye glares into your soul the entire time before it’s eyelid droops, and finally closes. After that, all that follows is the rhythmic breathing of someone deep in slumber.

Roker12’s Comment

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The Pony Spartan’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Heh…heh,” you chuckle to yourself as he breathes steadily at your hooves. “I did it…I Did It! I actually went and Gorramned Did It!”

You just start chuckling out loud as the adrenaline wears off and you feel the soreness and pain setting in, but they are only a distant feeling compared to your jubilation.

“I BUCKING DID IT!!!” you shout out loud holding both hooves up in the air in victory.

The cameras pointed at you capture your euphoria and all across Equestria, every ally and even just causal passerby cheer for you. Whether they be in Canterlot like Trixie and Flash, Ponyville with the Horde and your Apple relatives, or even down in Appleloosa, where everypony has been supporting you since last year, they all cry out in the same triumph as you do. Some more emotionally than others.

But you don’t even think of all these possible witnesses, you are too caught up in the moment as you look upon your defeated foe. The stallion who was your single greatest mistake has now become one of your greatest victories.

“I did it…” you say with a loopy grin.

Was there ever any doubt my Bug? Selena says supportively with a playful smile.

Heh, maybe a bit back there when he injected Saddle Rager juice, that poem did flash through my mind again but…you trail off as you smile like a dope. I made it right…I did what I should have done two years ago…

After many a night, wondering what you could have done differently, you finally went and did it.

A second chance…you think as a tear comes to your eye.

And hopefully, not the last to come, Selena says with a proud smile.

No…definitely not the last one, you say tenderly to her, before looking over your foe and realize that everything you said to him was the truth. Noling died today. Not him, not any innocent bystanders…

I have a rendevouz with death…

And certainly not you.

“Rendezvous my flank,” you say under your breath as you look towards the magical broadcast cameras. “If death wants a meeting, then he can take a ticket and wait his bucking turn.”

Unbeknownst to you, many across the world hoot and holler even more, cheering and chanting your name.

Well done on your redemptive rematch, but it’s not over yet, Sombra points out and you look to the others who have the Plunder Dragon on the ropes.

“Right, should probably help with that,” you say as you duct tape Flag Burner up on the off chance of him waking up early.

Though at this point, what can we even contribute? Selena points out as the monster begins to whither under the assault.

Sure enough you see as all four Princesses have restrained the monster’s wings to keep it out of the air, one of it’s legs is frozen over and stuck to the ground from some blue colt, The Elements, Shining and most of the Outcasts have the other limbs all tied up in a variety of ways, The Dazzling’s giant projections and Mangle have the neck and jaws locked down and Nightshade using her magic, has mostly ALL of it seized up as shadows cover the monster and you see impish creatures biting and tearing at it from that darkness, opening up a hole into it’s chest where a large orb shines midnight blue.

Even from this distance, you can see as your daughter’s eyes burn bright white, and her mane and tail whip about like Celestia and Luna’s, but also as the shards on her chest glow fiercely.

“Oh son of a-“ you yelp as you stuff Flag Burner into the Inventory and rush towards the plant monster. “We’ve gotta stop that thing before-“

“Spike, Ember, Garble! NOW!!!” you are cut off as your little filly calls out in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

On cue, three forms shoot up into the air in front of monster, one blue, one red, and one purple. The two with wings carry the wingless drake into the air before tossing him straight up to the point where he is straight above the glowing center orb.

All three dragons then take deep breaths before letting out three different torrents of flame directly into the monster’s chest from different angles.

Spike’s green flame, intersects with Garble’s orange and Ember’s blue creating an epicly beautiful fireball which encases the Plunder Dragon in a glorious display.

“KKKKKKKKKKRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!” the beast roars as the flames begin turning it’s body into ashes.

“Oooooooohhhhhh…” you trail off in mesmerized glee as the monster lights up but it unable to move thanks to your Daughter and everyling else.

“Just…A Bit…More!” Nightshade says with gritted teeth as everyone but her and the Princesses let go of the monster’s limbs.

As if fulfilling her wishes, you watch as Spike’s flame becomes even stronger, overtaking the other two dragons’s flames and causing the conflagration to become bright white as it not only encapsulates the thing’s chest, but it’s entire body.

The surrounding grass on the field blackens just from the proximity to the heat, and the Elements, Princesses, Sirens and Nightshade and her friends all scramble out of the heat radius as the Vine Monster roars it’s last gurgling roar and the impish demons all cheer out insanely as they are overtaken.

“KKKKKKrrrrrrrrr…” the monster’s bellow fades as it’s body is consumed, and a blast of magic from it’s core detonates, knocking everyone off their hooves, including you.

“Oof!” you grunt as you fall on your butt, but you do not take your eyes off of the display. The glorious white flame wisps out of existence, leaving only a gust of wind full of ash and dust.

“…Holy…Crap…” you say with gaping jaw as the Plunder Dragon is no more.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!!!” Spike cries out as his spiraling form comes jettisoning towards you, and without even thinking, you cushion his fall with a burst of Air Bending. “Aaaahh…Huh?” he sputters as he realizes he hasn’t careened into the ground.

That…that was…Selena says mesmerized.

Incredible… Sombra finishes, just as amazed.

I didn’t know the little guy had it in him, you think in bewilderment as you stand up and pick the drake from where he safely landed and hold him in front of you.

“Oh, uh, hi Mr. Tennant,” Spike says as he realizes just who’s picked him up and gets a bit nervous. “Uh, I mean Hooded-No, er- I mean Mr. Bugze…or whatever you want to be called?”

He begins to sweat a bit as you don’t say anything, your eyes darting between him and the fiery debris of the former monster. You see that everyone else is getting back to their hooves, and though they are all covered in soot and ash, noling is looking hurt. Nightshade’s eyes and shards have even stopped glowing as they all sigh in relief, before they start cheering in victory.

You then set the small dragon down beside you as you take in the cheers and hollers of the many different groups on the field.

“Um, uh…” Spike stutters nervously wringing his claws. “Is there something I can help you wi-“

“Spike, you have permission to marry my daughter,” you say breathlessly looking at all the fiery debris.

“Wait, What?!” he asks taken aback.

“N-Nothing! I didn’t say anything!” you say with shifty eyes as your conscious mind realizes what you just said.

“R-really?” he asks in disbelief and with a blush. “Because I thought I heard you say-“

“You didn’t hear anything!” you deny. “Just because I think your fire is amazing and worthy of my daughter’s hoof, you still have to wait until you’re like way older before you even BEGIN to consider the thing I didn’t say!”

“…Okay?” he guesses and you let out a sigh of relief and pat him on the head.

“Good boy,” you say awkwardly as you cough into your hoof.

“Daddy, are you already bugging Spike again?” Nightshade asks with a roll of her eyes as she walks towards the two of you, dusting some ash off of herself.

“NOPE! Not at all! Ain’t that right Spike? Heh heh…”

“Uh…sure?” he says unsurely.

“See? Peachy Keen,” you smile and she raises an eyebrow.

…Bugze, you’re not fooling anypony, you know that right? Selena deadpans.

I just need to fool myself, you bemoan and Sombra chuckles.

Too late for that cockroach, he guffaws at your misery.

“Well alright then,” she shrugs before she starts trotting in place excitedly. “Oh My Gods! Dad! Mom! Sombra! Did you see us take down that monster?!”

“Yeah honey, we all saw that, it was kind of hard to miss,” you chuckle as you pat her mane.

“I know right?! That thing wanted a rematch with me and boy did it bite off more than it could chew! We were all hacking and slashing, and punching and roping and roasting! It was Epic!”

“Yeah it was…but didn’t we tell you not to go all out?” you scold lightly and she scoffs and rolls her eyes.

“That wasn’t me going all out Daddy, believe me. And besides, I had plenty of friends around to keep me in check just in case I did freak out,” she hoof waves and you raise an eyebrow before sighing.

“You know, I guess it’s hard to argue with your results,” you say with a shrug.

“I know right? But really if it weren’t for having awesome dragons on our side, we wouldn’t have been able to take it down so easily. Ain’t that right Spike?!”

“Um, uh, yeah, I guess so,” he stutters a bit before puffing out his chest. “Fire Type is always gonna trump Plant Type after all.”

“Heck ya it will!” she says as she breaks from you and starts hugging the drake. “And that’s twice in one day Equestria’s seen how tough you are Spikey! You’re so freaking cool!”

“Heh, heh…well…you know…” he stutters with a blush as he looks at you apprehensively.

And it’s weird. You still have that twitch of anger of fatherly instinct flare up within you seeing your daughter hugging a boy…but it seems lessened somehow, and that makes you feel anxious. On top of that, the display also gives you a sensation of adorableness and sweetness, which you weren’t expecting.

Daaaawwww, Selena coos.

So…cute… Sombra grunts, his voice hitching.

It’s…adorable…MUST STOP IT! You grunt as your heart hitches.

“Ahem, yes, that was pretty awesome on all of your parts,” you say stiltedly as you gently separate the two. “I’m…I’m proud of you…both of you.”

They both beam at that, and the sweetness threatens to overwhelm you, especially when Nightshade says,

“We’re proud of you too Daddy.” She places a hoof on yours and looks you in the eye. “You, Mom and Sombra, you saved the day once again. I couldn’t have asked for a better reunion.”

“…Dang it Nightshade,” you sigh, giving into your emotions as you scoop her up and hug her tightly with tears leaking out of your eyes. “Why do you have to be so gorramned perfect?” Those watching, international and in person feel a tug at their heartstrings at this display.

“Because that’s the way you all made me,” she says back simply and pats your back. “It’s gonna be okay Daddy, you don’t have to cry.”

“I know, I know, just…let me calm down like this for a moment?” you ask and she smiles.

“Yeah, alright then,” she nods as she snuggles into your chest.

And for a good long while, the two of you, or rather the four of you stay like that, reunited after so long, a few moments of peace where the weight of the world isn’t pressing down on your shoulders. It feels far too short, but you compose yourself and wipe the tears from your eyes…and you see her do the same.

“Better now?” she asks.

“Yup,” you, Selena and Sombra say at the same time, which surprises you all and causes everyone to chuckle.

“That legion voice is kind of cool and creepy at the same time,” Spike says from the side and Nightshade smirks at him.

“Yeah, but we’ll fix that soon enough,” she says before her ears flop down. “Or rather I hope we will.”

You follow her eyesight towards where the Princesses and Deadly 6 are regrouping with some of Shining Armor’s guards as they start manacling the still mesmerized Black Suns.

“Yeah…” you sigh as you realize that despite the victory, you’re not out of the woods yet.

“How are we going to handle this?” Nightshade asks you. You take stare at the ones who have hunted you and yours for so long…before you smirk.

“You tell us Shade, you’re the one who set everything up right?” She seems taken aback by that at first, but then she smiles widely.

“Well, I was thinking we could walk up to them, berate them a bit more for all the past bullspit…and then we could all go to the palace and talk things out,” she says confidently. “And worst case scenario and some stupid bullspit happens, we could just play it by ear.”

“…I like that plan,” you say with a smile.

“As do I,” Selena says.

“Probably won’t be that simple, but I’m down,” Sombra finishes.

“Awesome!” she cheers, pumping her hoof.

“Yeah it is kiddo, but maybe before chatting with the Princesses, how about we have the team say hello first?” a grizzled old voice interrupts causing you both to look to the side…

PonyGamer12’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Skiny_Boy’s Comment

And there you see, with his trademark bowler hat and unlit cigar, is your Grandbuggy. He’s covered in ash and has a few bruises and scrapes here and there, but he is still the same old fart as you remember. Behind him, equally as battle worn, are the assorted group of creatures that Nightshade has called The Outcasts.

You take a moment to stare in shock at them all as Grandbuggy smirks at you with pride in his eyes.

“…You know old bug, at some point in the future I’m gonna give you a good punch in the nose for taking Nightshade on dangerous missions and getting her hurt,” you say simply and he grins even wider.

“Ayup, I figured as much,” he nods before he spreads his forelegs apart expectantly, and like the good Grandson you are, you hug him.

“It’s so good to see you again Grandbuggy,” you say with relief as you embrace the old changeling.

“It’s good to see you too boyo…and to all three of ya, welcome home,” he says warmly as he thumps your back heartily. You thump his back just as much before you both break apart and look each other over.

“…So, you and Granny Smith are back together?” you ask and he chuckles.

“There’s a lot we’ve got to talk about there boy…but yeah, we’re back. And let me tell ya, she really wants to have a sit down with ya.”

“I’ll have that sit down if I can,” you say glancing towards the Royals and Elements.

“We’ll make it happen one way or another,” he grunts. “And I’m pretty sure kicking that evil machine’s arse will go a long way in helping with that.”

“SKREONK!” the double headed Mangle barks unhappily, towering over everyone.

“You know what I meant ya dang abomination!” Grandbuggy curses at the monstrosity.

“Yeah Mangle, why don’t you go back to normal now that we’re done fighting?” Nightshade suggests.

The two headed beast nods, before you hear a very familiar sound effect from one of your favorite cartoons, and suddenly the little fox looks like the plush your remember.

“Oof, you’re heavier now,” Nightshade says as she picks her up. “Guess that extra head made you gain weight.”

“Skronk,” Mangle huffs and crosses her arms in offense.

“Great to see you again Mangle…Mangles, whatever,” you shrug and give the fox a pat on the head to which she purrs at.

“That still creeps me out,” Grandbuggy shudders before gesturing to the others behind him. “But anyway, say hello to this merry band of weirdoes that your daughter collected while ya’ll were gone.”

“Hey! You helped collect them too!” she harrumphs and he chuckles.

“Yeah, just a tad. But if you’re gonna slug me one boy, they’ll all need one too,” he points out.

“I do not consent to that you old cockroach!” the blue female dragon growls. “If you remember I was forced to come along, so I don’t share any blame! By the way Hi, I’m Princess Ember, nice to meet you Nightshade’s dad.”

“Uh, Bugze,” you nod. “And what do you mean by ‘forced to come along’?”

“Yeah, my stupid dad Dragonlord Torch lost me in a bet so I’ve been traveling along with them,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

The dragons have royalty now? Sombra ponders.

I vaguely remember a massive Dragon named Torch from a thousand years ago, Selena says.

“Wait, hold on a second, you won her in a card game?!” you exclaim to Grandbuggy.

“To be fair, me and the old fart were pretty hammered,” Grandbuggy laughs and your face falls.

“Yeah, so she’s kind of a slave, but not really. She’s more just hanging around learning about pony culture and stuff with us,” Nightshade explains.

“Yeah, which for the most part is pretty chaotic, but they’ve got good things like sweets and pillows and stuff,” Ember says.

“Still a bit hung up on that whole slavery thing,” you say a bit conflicted.

“Ah don’t worry about it, she certainly isn’t,” the small red dragon says beside her. You stare at the tiny dragon, remembering what Nightshade said earlier.

“Are you really Garble?”

“Yeah, that’s me Offender,” he says a bit arrogantly.

“The same Garble I beat the crap out of in the dragon lands and then got whooped by Nightshade in Applewood?”

“Yes, that’s me! Geeze!” he growls and crosses his arms tersely. You can tell he’s trying to look tough…but in this new body…

“Bwahahahahahhahahaaaa!!!” you start laughing and he scowls even harder.

“Yeah, yeah, get it all out, not like I haven’t heard it before after that stupid tree!” he grunts and looks away with a pout.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that-hahahaha-It’s just that your little chubby face when you’re angry is-Bwahahahahahahaaaaa!!!” you laugh uncontrollably and the other Outcasts start snorting and giggling at the display.

“Come on, I just helped burn up that plant monster thing, don’t I get any credit for that?!” he whines as everyone laughs at his misery.

“Heh heh, yeah you get credit Garb,” Nightshade says and pats him on the shoulder. “That was pretty cool what you and Ember did with Spike.”

“Thank You!” he says in exasperation, which only gets everyone giggling again.

“Ooohhh, oh that’s too good,” you say getting your laughter under control. “But yeah, thanks for helping out my daughter little guy, I’m sure you’ll get your true height back.”

“I sure bucking hope so,” he grumbles to himself.

“There will be kid, every magical macguffin has an off switch,” the tanned pegasus with a pith helmet comforts before looking to you. “Hi, I’m-“

“Daring Do! Of course I know who you are, I’m a big fan of your movies!” you say excitedly as you are really seeing her in the flesh.

“Oh gods another one,” she sighs. “Look, I have barely anything to do with the films, the books are a bit more accurate to-“

“Accurate is a bit misleading chica,” Ahuizotl says teasingly as he wraps his tail paw over her shoulders lovingly.

“EEEE Ahuizotl! You’re even bigger in person!” you fanboy out over them both as one of your ships is finally confirmed and Nightshade giggles.

“I get that a lot,” he says. “But pleased to make your acquaintance Senor Bugze. Your daughter has been a delight to be around.”

“For the most part, I only just recently got my hat back from her,” Daring pouts.

“I am definitely wanting an autograph later!” you say excitedly.

“Alright yeah, no problem. I still owe you one after all,” Daring sighs.

“You do?” you ask perplexed.

“Yeah, now that all your disguises are out of the bag, I’m pretty sure you’re the guy who gave me the Heimlich maneuver on the train about four years ago,” she says and your eyes widen.

“Wow, holy…I vaguely remember helping a mare out back then,” you admit as the incident comes back to you of your early adventures. “That was you? You looked completely different with the glasses and hat and-”

“SHHHSHHHHHSHSH!!!” she shushes you frantically eyes darting to all the cameras.

“Yeah, dad keep that on the down low, she’s got an alter ego just like you do,” Nightshade explains and your eyes widen.

“Ohhhhh, gotcha,” you nod. “Well I look forward to that autograph, and I’m just stoked Nightshade got to be around characters I didn’t think were real!”

“Believe me boy, a few weeks with Ahzi and you’ll wish he was fictional,” Grandbuggy says with a smirk.

“Oi! Callate you wrinkled prune!” Ahuizotl chides Grandbuggy.

“Wrinkled my arse, I’ve got chitin remember?”

“Your eyes still are baggy idiota,” he spits and you are confused.

“They’re old buddies,” Nightshade explains and your jaw goes slack.

First the Doctor and Now Ahuizotl, how many supposedly fictional characters does Grandbuggy know?!

A line of inquiry for another day I suppose, Selena shrugs.

“And last but not least, we got catbird here,” Grandbuggy says and the griffon rolls her eyes.

“That nickname is getting older than you gnat,” she insults before turning to you and looking a bit nervous. “Uh, hi Offender, or Bugze or whatever, I don’t know if you remember me but-“

“Yeah I remember you Samus, how’s it been?” you interrupt and her eyes widen.

“Um, good! Really good. Samus was the code name though, it’s actually Greta,” she corrects and you smirk.

“Yeah I know, but I knew you as that name longer,” you point out and she chuckles. “But yeah, good to see you’re doing better in life outside of gangland activity.”

“I mean, if you think about it, we’re kind of a gang,” Nightshade interrupts.

“I have yet to make a profit hanging out with you lot, so I’d have to disagree,” Greta corrects before smiling back at you. “But yeah, I’ve kept my promise ever since you let me go, been doing a bit of good with these guys.”

Well at least that’s one decision we didn’t make in vain, Selena says with smile.

“Nice job Greta. We’re proud that you turned your life around,” you congratulate and her eyes sparkle.

“R-Really?” she asks elated before she coughs into her talon and changes to a more composed cool sounding tone. “I mean, yeah, it’s whatever.”

“Greta, take the compliment, getting praise from my Dad is one of the best things in life,” Nightshade chides and the griffon’s head feathers ruffle.

“I’m taking it, I’m taking it,” she argues with your child before looking back to you. “Th-thanks…to you and everyone else in your head.”

“No problem,” you grin as you look over to the blue colt with an icy wisp about him that still doesn’t look like he feels he belongs anywhere.

Ah, that must be the half windigo kid Nightshade was talking about, you think with sympathy as you see several scars across his body. I sure hope that wasn’t Nightshade’s doing.

Most likely not, from the looks of it those scars are a year or two old, Sombra says knowledgeably.

Or rather a millinia old since she said he was from the past as well, Selena says sympathetically knowing a thing or two about that. Poor frightened child.

Nightshade, noticing you staring at the kid says,

“Oh, that’s Frost, he’s uh…he’s the kid I told you about,” she says sounding a bit guilty. Hearing this, the colt’s ears flatten nervously.

“You already told him about me?”

“Um, just a little bit,” she admits.

“Yeah, I don’t know the whole story kid, and I’m sure there’s still a lot you’re dealing with but…I saw you out there helping everyling else fight that plant monster. Nice job out there and thanks for helping my family,” you tell him with praise and his eyes suddenly take on a hint of enlightenment.

“I, uh…yeah no problem,” he says looking to the side, not being able to meet your compliment head on.

“And don’t worry about Burner, he ain’t hurting anyone ever again,” you say with confidence, which also serves to raise the colt’s spirit.

There we go, that’s a better look to be had on a kid’s face, you think as you see a small smile.

Still he looks like an abused dog, Selena exposits. If he is in fact someone out of time, perhaps Captain Jack can help his situation.

Or better yet, the even older bug since we’ll be traveling though time anyway to help the sirens, Sombra counter offers.

Eh, whatever the case we’ll worry about it later, you shrug. Just so long as he doesn’t turn out like the original Sub Zero, I’m sure he’ll be fine.

You then take one last glance at the gathered creatures and nod in satisfaction.

“Nightshade, you made a pretty good team here.”

“I know right? And that’s not even counting Slendermane and the Merchant, though they were kind of only around for a little bit,” she hoofwaves and you get goosebumps.


“Eyup. He’s actually pretty mellow as long as you pay your debts,” she says giving a cross look to Grandbuggy.

“Bucker took my nacho recipe,” he mumbles under his breath and everyone else there rolls their eyes.

“Who’s talking about nachos? I heard nachos!” a cheery voice says from above you. Looking up, you see Sonata looking excitedly around for the mexicoltan cuisine, as her two haggard looking sisters rein her in.

“We’ll get nachos later, we got princesses that owe us now,” Adagio points out.

“Buck yeah they do,” Aria nods in agreement.

“Hey Dazzlings, great work back there,” you congratulate and they smirk.

“Of course we did great, we never put on a bad show,” Adagio brags and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah yeah, well I guess proper introductions are in order. This is my Grandbuggy and all his friend, Grandbuggy and company, this is Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk,” you introduce.

“Hi everyone!” Sonata waves happily as Aria and Adagio wave properly.

“Nice to meetcha,” Grandbuggy tips his hat. “I must say, if you gals are the ones Starswirl threw through that portal way back when, you’ve aged like fine wine.”

The three sisters all arch their eyebrows at that.

“We are in fact those three,” Adagio starts.

“Yeah, are you hitting on us?” Aria asks disgusted.

“Gross,” Sonata says simply and Grandbuggy’s cigar droops.

“Well excuse me for adding some flattery with my politeness ya dang ancient crones,” Grandbuggy growls.

“Hey! Who you calling ancient?!” Adagio counters.

“Yeah, you look in a mirror lately buddy?” Aria laughs.

“Gross,” Sonata says again and he purses his lips.

“Not sure I like these living fossils boy,” Grandbuggy grumbles to you and you roll his eyes and thump him on the shoulder.

“They’ll grow on you,” you say before you turn to notice as the Royals and Elements start making their way towards your group.

You suck in a gasp of air, a feeling of stage fright worming it’s way up your spine, but two hooves get placed on you, one on your shoulder and one on your hoof.

“It’s okay Daddy, you’re not alone here,” Nightshade comforts.

“We’ve got your back, no matter what,” Grandbuggy encourages. Behind them both, you see The Outcasts and Dazzlings nodding steadfastly in agreement.

Whatever happens Bugze, we do this together, Selena bolsters.

And if all goes to Tartarus, we’ll just do whatever you always do, Sombra says trying to sound indifferent.

In other words, you’ll wing it, as you’ve always done. You feel emboldened by the support of so many, and your chest swells with pride as you turn and face Equestria’s most powerful elite and stand a little taller.

“Alright then, let’s try this talking thing one more time…”

When the procession gets within ten feet of you, they all stop, forming a line which mirrors your own team’s horizontal line. It’s as if both sides are opposing teams in a hoofball match, with you as the center of your group and Celestia in the center of hers. The short distance between you all seems like a canyon as you all observe one another, noling saying a word. The wide array of emotions they display though are worth a thousand words themselves.

Celestia and Luna look reserved, apprehensive, and just plain lost as they study you and your group. In all their long lived lives, you have the feeling they can’t find the right words.

Celestia looks like she did when she first met your Hooded Offender ego all those years ago, aka blank faced as if her entire reality just collapsed and now she has to reevaluate everything she’s ever been taught.

Luna has a strange mixture of shock, awe, shame, relief, and interest you’ve never seen. You can kind of understand most of those reactions, but that last one fills you with uncertainty and causes to Selena to feel a tad apprehensive herself.

You see as Fluttershy and Cadence are giving the same small smile. It’s a smile full of vindication for their faith, and one that is just plain happy to see you, yet both hold a bit of reservation for different reasons, mainly the two souls sharing your mindscape.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash seem lost in how to convey themselves, for on one hoof they are also happy to see you, but on the other hoof…it is a tad awkward seeing you face to face again knowing your past.

Rarity seems curious more than anything, none of your alter egos having really interacted with her much aside from using her as a shield, and Pinkie Pie of course is just smiling goofily as she always does and is waving profusely at you all.

Shining Armor gives you the same look he’s always given you, one of inherent reservation…but weaved into that now is something akin to respect, similar to how Flash always looked to you. You see as he subconsciously rubs at the scar on his belly, and you know his greatest apprehension is the fallen king in your head.

And then there’s Twilight Sparkle, the newest princess in the land. A mare who throughout the last four years, has been equal parts your arch-nemesis, and a good friend. She is stone faced, betraying no emotion as her analytical mind processes you.

Neither there side, nor yours makes a sound, noling daring to break the terse silence. In a way, you feel as if you’re in a western stand off just waiting for someone to draw.

The suspense is killing me, you think as you bite the inside of your cheek.

Nopony is brave enough to break this stalemate it seems, Sombra muses.

Indeed, but this game of chicken must end Bugze, Selena encourages, though you know she doesn’t take her vision off of Luna.

Yeah I know, you think with an internal sigh.

“Ummm…” you say in discomfort before you dig into the Inventory and take Flag Burner out and toss him into the center of your two groups. “Here you go, still alive and well for you all. Might want to look into de-machining him.”

They all stare at the cyborg as his chest rises and falls in slumber, but still no one says or does anything.

Ugh, what more do you want from me? A speech?! Just- Your inner monologue stops dead in it’s tracks as someone on the other side finally makes a move.

Prince Shining Armor steps forward, his eyes trained onto yours. Once he reaches the unconscious stallion, he places a hoof on him and briefly glances down as if to confirm your claims. After a moment of contemplation, he nods and looks back up at you.

Throughout all these years, you two have perhaps had the rockiest of relationships when compared to the others…but in this moment he looks at you with something you never expected.


His hard scowling eyes soften somewhat, and though his grim face still shows no sign of breaking, he gives you a single nod of acknowledgement, before his horn lights up and magical runes and enchantments start to form around Flag’s form.

Well…that’s a first, you think in awe at the unspoken words that passed between the two of you. You don’t get to reflect for too long though, as someling else from their group stirs.

Still stone faced, Twilight Sparkle begins walking at a steady pace through no man’s land right towards you. All the other royals and Elements freeze in anticipation at this, as does your allies as she passes her brother and Burner and stops right in front of you.

The both of you look into each other’s eyes, still silent as the world watches on. You aren’t sure what to think, because with Twilight Sparkle, things could go in any number of directions. Not even an hour ago, you hugged a mournful version of her goodbye, and those emotions still stick with you even for this one.

One heartbeat, two heartbeats, three…the two of you don’t break eye contact as the silence settles once again. Realizing that you can’t stand the suspense anymore, you make a move to say something, anything…


But are interrupted by her purple hoof as it introduces itself to the side of your face. Those around you on both sides gasp in shock and you see that Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy all get varying degrees of pissed at this…but you hold up a calming hoof and chuckle awkwardly.

“Heh...guess I deserve that one huh?”

“That was for all the chaos you caused, regardless of what clothes you wore,” she says, still blank faced before striking you across the other cheek.


That was for lying to me and your friends for years.”

“Okay, yeah I had that one coming to-“


“That was for all the times you made us mourn for you unnecessarily.”

“Okay yeah, I’m sorry about th-


“That was for breaking my friends’ hearts and leading them on for so long.”

“Well to be fair they all came onto m-“


“That was for being the most insane, infuriating, illogical, idiotic Changeling on this entire planet.”

“Hey! Now that’s just a low blow!”


“That’s for all the mental stress you’ve caused me and everypony I love.”

“Alright! Enough with the slapping alrea-“

This time you are interrupted not by a slap, but by a hug, which causes you to freeze. She embraces you as if you were a long lost family member that she hadn’t seen in years, with her head resting on your shoulder. Not too long ago, you were in this exact position with another her…only in that instance, you were saying goodbye.

“And this is for all the times you saved us,” she whispers and you feel as she starts to shudder and her voice shakes with emotion. “This is for all the times you were scared, hurt and alone because of us, for all the times you needed a hug and understanding and didn’t receive it…and for being a friend despite all of that.”

She then grips you even harder and her voice fills with the same remorse you heard from her human double.

“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry…”

Her words flip the switch of everyone who before had been defensive. Grandbuggy and Nightshade smile at the display, and you feel as Selena is moved to tears, and even Sombra feels touched by this, for it’s as if she’s said it to all of you. She embraces you like a true friend, exactly how a princess of friendship would, and so you return the gesture.

“It’s alright Twilight, we forgive you,” you tell her plainly.

"I don’t know how you can so easily,” she sniffles.

“Well, I mean, I already did it like an hour ago, so it’s not so hard since the situation is nearly the same,” you chuckle. “There was even a defeated magic dragon in that scenario too.”

“Huh?” she questions and pulls back from the hug.

“Long story, which I’m sure you’d like to hear,” you wave off. “By the way, Sunset Shimmer says hi.”

Her eyes widen a bit at that, before she smirks and looks you over.

“I really would like to hear about that then…” she trails off as she looks at your scarf, to your hat, the cloak and every other piece of clothing you have.

“After all these years, how could I have not seen you were also Tennant, Hunko and Crimson Vengeance? All the signs were there," Twilight groans.

"Yeah heh heh." you chuckle nervously. “I guess being a changeling does pay off after all in disguises.”

You think she’d buy that it was a Time Lord’s doing? Sombra snarks.

At this juncture perhaps, but best not to have her hounding Ms. Do’s family anytime soon, Selena says sagely.

Yeah, even if I forgive her, I don’t like the image of her running off with the TARDIS, you think with a shudder.

“Well, whatever the case may be, I think that-“

“Move over Sis!” Cadence interrupts Twilight as she shoves her out of the way and glomps you.

“OOF!” you grunt as the mare who gave you your new name squeezes the life out of you.

“EEEE Bugze, it’s so good to see you again, I missed you!” she squeals as you feel your ribcage straining.

“Cadence!” Twilight and Shining both say in alarm at the same time, but she keeps going.

“Finally, everypony knows you’re not evil, we can get everything fixed and organized, especially with Selena! Nightshade told me all about how the Lover’s Jewell is always glowing in your bag, so that will be proof enough and-“


Her Pinkie-esque rambling is cut off as an unexpected sound escapes from your mouth, which takes her aback, causing her to loosen her grip and let you gasp in some much needed oxygen.

“GWWWAAA!!!” you inhale and cough a bit.

“Take it easy Cuz, I’m sure he’s happy to see you too but he did just fight a robot,” Nightshade berates.

“Heh heh, sorry about that,” Cadence says with a look of embarrassment as she rubs the back of her neck and all the others on both sides of the field look at her incredulously. “Got a little overwhelmed in the moment seeing Twilight hugging him.”

“Understandable,” Nightshade says to your oldest friend good naturedly. “By the way Dad, what was up with that chew toy sound that came out of your mouth?”

“I have no idea,” you say finally catching your breath. “Was that one of you two?”

Not me, Selena says.

Sure as Tartarus wasn’t me, Sombra agrees.

“Yeah, so I have no clue,” you shrug before looking back to your first friend with a grin. “It’s good to see you too Cadence, from all of us.”

She beams at that, before you see a slight look of apprehension pass over her features and she takes a step back next to Twilight.

“Right, right, ALL of you including…Sombra…” she hesitates at the name.

“Yeah…” you say awkwardly.

I did skewer her husband, so this could be tricky… the crystal king himself ponders.

That’s the understatement of the century, Selena grunts.

A strange look of guilt appears on Cadence’s face briefly at your tone, before Twilight coughs into her hoof.

“Well, rest assured that’s something we will be discussing.”

“Right, on top of a million other things,” Cadence nods and looks at you strangely.

“Have a little faith Heart Hips,” Grandbuggy advises to the Princess of Love.

“Oh, I have faith Mr. Fix, it’s just…” she trails off and looks at you questioningly. “Why was there an image of me stabbing you earlier?”

“Uh, heh heh, that’s um…” you stutter awkwardly, realizing she’s talking about Mia in the other world. “We’ll get to that…”

“Yeah…” Nightshade trails off with you.

“Yeah…” Grandbuggy trails off as well.

“I’ll hold you to that I suppose,” she says, giving a small grin.

“I gotta say, these versions of Cadence and Twilight are a lot easier to deal with. Way less yelling and scolding,” Sonata quips causing the two alicorns to look at her and her sisters.

“…Yeah, I’m gonna need a lot of parchment for notes,” Twilight mumbles to herself, and you see as Spike pulls them from…somewhere and presents it to her.

“Got you covered Twilight,” he says giddily.

“Thanks Spike,” she says and takes the paper, giving you vibes from when she experimented on you a few times.

“Right, well…” Cadence says as she motions Twilight to look back at the rest of their squad. No one else has really moved since the two ran up and hugged you, but you can see most of them on the verge of doing the same. The only thing keeping them back it seems, is their glances to Celestia and Luna, who still look at you and Nightshade as if you’re a riddle that’s impossible to solve.

“Princesses?” Twilight ventures.

“Aunties?” Cadence asks as well.

Their words seem to reach through to them, as you see that vacant, thousand yard stares of theirs lessen. Almost in synch, the Sun and Moon Princesses step forth, stopping at the halfway mark as Shining did.

It’s here that everyone, including you, hold your breaths as the two towering princesses look down upon you. Their wings extend, making them look even larger…but then the two of them bend their front legs and bow their heads to you.

“Buuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh…” you drone as the almost impossible display continues, with the rest of the Elements joining suit.

“Bugze the Changeling and Nightshade the alicorn, you have our gratitude for your actions this day,” they say in unison which is a bit creepy, but then they both look up at you with their still bowed heads. “We seek now your forgiveness for the sins we have committed against you. We apologize for our actions and ignorance.”

The declaration is magnanimous and majestic and you are so bewildered by it. You never, ever truly thought this moment would come with the two rulers of Equestria prostrating themselves in front of not only you, but the entire nation. Twilight was one thing, but them? It almost doesn’t seem real. But now that it’s here before you, you find your emotions mixed to say the least.

There is relief and hopefulness and even the forgiveness which they have just asked for…but there is still discomfort and a small amount of anger for the last four years.

You look to your daughter who looks back up at you and she smiles in encouragement. You look back to the Princesses as Cadence and Twilight wait with bated breath beside you.

“…I’ll forgive you,” you start and they open their eyes. “But only if that apology and gratitude goes towards Selena and Sombra as well.”

They freeze at that, and you even hear some in both your groups gulp and gasp.

“They helped this day just as much as I did, and I know your history with the both of them is rocky to say the least…but they deserve that apology as well.”

Bugze…Selena coos affectionately.

I appreciate the sentiment changeling, but that might be a bit of a tall order, Sombra says apprehensively, but you know he was touched as well.

Both sisters lift their heads at that, looking at you apprehensively, but you do not budge in your conviction. They share a glance between each other before looking back to you.

“We are…open to that suggestion,” Luna starts and you raise an eyebrow.

“But in order for that to happen, we will need to speak with them…with all of you,” Celestia states and you nod.

“I figured as much. So let’s just call it ‘Forgiveness Pending’ for now…but as for the gratitude, it was no problem,” you finish with a smirk.

The two sisters nod at this, business like once again.

“Very well then,” Celestia says in agreement.

And just like that, a lot of pressure eases off of your shoulders. You see as Cadence, Twilight and the rest of the Elements are just beaming now in relief.

All across the nation, those watching breathe more easily as well. They know as well as you do that the situation is still tense, but that for once, there is a beacon of light at the end of the dark tunnel.

“So, uh, should we chat right here in all the rubble or-“ you start but are interrupted as Fluttershy zips over and gives you a hug on Cadence’s level.

“I’m so glad to see you again Hoody,” Fluttershy says as you are once again deprived of oxygen. “I’m so so happy that this day has finally come!”

Ah yes, this one…Selena with a bit of growl at the edge of her voice.

“Uh, hi Fluttershy, it’s good to see you too,” you gasp as your ribs feel like they’re going to crack.

“Oh we all missed you so much,” she says and pulls back. “And now everyone knows like I’ve always known that you’re not evil and…and…” her ears flatten a little and she looks away from your face. Her tone then changes to her usual quietness, and you feel as though she strains to say the next bit “And, uh, sorry for wanting to destroy Nightmare Moon a little bit for so long…”

“That’s not my name anymore,” Selena says plainly with your mouth which causes the pegasus to shudder a bit. “And we’ll work on that apology later when you can actually look me in the eye.”

“Alright, alright, take it easy everyling,” Nightshade plays mediator as you see Cadence giggling at the interaction.

“Yeah, we’re all friends here,” you add before looking back to one of your oldest friends and grin. “But yeah, thanks for holding out the faith there Fluttershy, because I sure as buck never thought this day would come.”

“Well, there were many ways I thought it could have happened but…” she trails off before wincing and looking away again awkwardly, “Yeah this is good enough.”

“You kidding? It’s Daddy. If he didn’t come back in the middle of a bunch of B.S. shenanigans the universe would implode,” Nightshade snarks and the group around you chuckles.

“…I suppose that’s fair,” Fluttershy says with a giggle.

“It’s not fair, it’s just Lady Luck as usual,” you shrug. “Which is why I never thought this could happen because this all seems too good to be tru-“

“GROUP HUG!!!” Pinkie shouts, cutting you off.

“Wha-No wait-AGH!” you screech like a little filly as the Pink Psycho sheppards the other mares glomping you.

“It’s been too long dude…uh, sorry if things feel awkward between us,” Rainbow apologizes rubbing the back of her neck even as she has another one wrapped around your neck.

“Yeah, same…but welcome home cousin,” Applejack stutters and you burn a little red from shame and embarrassment.

“Hmmph, who’s the shield now?” Rarity says a bit vindictively with a smirk on her face as you feel she is more strangling you than hugging.

“Hee hee hee, finally some proper story advancement!!!” Pinkie cheers as all the mares smother you.

So is this how I die? After everything we’ve been through, it’s getting hugged to death? You mentally whimper.

Oh don’t be such a drama queen, Selena laughs before becoming stern. Though this is far too many mares hanging off of you. You think perhaps we could use a little bit of the cloak to-

Calm your jelly teats, they’ll break off him soon enough, Sombra chides her and she flushes red for a number of reasons.

“So, uh…What happens now?” Nightshade asks as you start to lose consciousness under the pile.

“Well first of all, I think we should all get outside and pause the impending blizzard, right Princesses?” Grandbuggy suggests and all four of their eyes widen.

“Right, yes that,” Celestia coughs nervously into her hoof and alights her horn.

Awhile Later

You now sit with Nightshade and Grandbuggy on one side of a conference table inside of a meeting room in the Crystal Palace. On the opposite side, facing you are Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Spike. The Outcasts and Dazzlings are in another room, resting after the day’s events, while Shining Armor is on patrol with some of his guards combing the town for any stray Black Suns.

After escaping the glomp and learning how to breathe again, both of your groups exited the damaged stadium. Sure enough, there was an impending arctic storm filling the sky, but with the power of all four Princesses, and that Frost kid playing on Nightshade's Ocarina a barrier was erected around the city.

Strangely enough, the crystal ponies and other citizens of the empire weren’t panicked and causing mayhem like you all expected with the Heart not being on the pedestal. In fact, many of the population appeared to be holed up inside their homes, and those that were evacuated from the stadium had quickly dispersed to houses, inns and hotels fairly quickly from what was witnessed. Almost uniformly even…

After reaching the palace, you were all surprised to see the Crystal Heart simply sitting by the pedestal, though not on it or activated which baffled everyone. For the time being, they decided not to put it back upon the pedestal lest it do something to you, Nightshade, Selena and Sombra before you even had your talk, so now it is in Cadance's possession until they can safely put it back on the pedestal.

Flag and his cronies were locked in the dungeons below, and everyone was also greeted by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, though they seemed out of it according to Nightshade. You and their sisters couldn’t exactly blame them per se after the day’s events, but still…

But despite the mental and physical exhaustion all across the board, it’s now time to finally do something that quite honestly should have happened years ago.

Finally Having a Rational Bucking Conversation with the Ponies that hunted you and your loved ones for so long.

“Alright, I suppose we should begin then?” Luna starts but Grandbuggy raises a hoof.

“Hey now, shouldn’t we wait for Jack?” he suggests and Celestia sighs.

“Shining Armor and his guards are looking for him as well, so I expect we’ll see him whenever he decides he wants to show up,” she explains before putting a hoof to her chin. “Though in situations like these he’s usually in the thick of things and not hard to find…”

“Eh, he’s probably doing secret spy stuff,” Nightshade hoofwaves. “He did say that Aqua and…uh…” she hesitates as she glances at Cadence. “And Mia were doing secret stuff as well.”

“Wait, so the three members of Torchwood who aren’t currently fighting aliens in space are all here in the Empire?” you question and Grandbuggy nods.

“Eyup, though a fat lot of help they were,” he spits and something itches at the back of your mind.

Why didn’t those three show up to the battle with Flag Burner? Sombra ponders exactly what you’re thinking.

Trying to piece together the motivations of an immortal with an endless libido is folly if you ask me, Selena points out.

“Yeah, well we’ll chew him out the next time we see him,” you say aloud and look at the Royals and Elements right in the eyes. “But you’re right, it’s time we got this out of the way.”

“Yes, it’s been much too long,” Fluttershy encourages.

“You can say that again,” Cadence agrees.

“There are several topics that we’ll need to cover, and probably a lot more we won’t be able to get to today,” Twilight says holding up a list. “Top of my list is talking about the Alicorn Amulet inside of Nightshade, but really this all boils down to talking to all of you. And I mean, ALL.”

You nod at that, and your horn lights up, projecting Selena to your side with Nightshade, and Sombra to your side with Grandbuggy.

The others all stiffen at their appearance, especially to Selena’s new form looking so similar to Luna’s, albeit a bit smaller. Cadence still looks uneasy looking at Sombra, as do the rest, but noling shrieks or attacks, which you take as a very good sign.

Taking the initiative, Selena looks squarely at the other Princesses as she moves closer to Nightshade.

“Alright. Shoot.”


Reunited Ending:

Episode 94: In Media Res

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Reunited Opening:

Dark cold stone presses against your cheek and the sound of dripping water falling from the ceiling registers with your mind as you groggily come to consciousness.

“Oooohhhh…” you moan as the mother of all headaches beats in your skull. You try to lift your head, but it is a monumental chore. You feel completely and utterly drained of all energy.

“What…happened?” you manage to croak out as you force your eyelids open…and see darkened, crystalline walls.

“Where…?” you sigh as you try to get your hooves under you,

*Clink* *Clink*

But a frightening sound comes about from the movement. You slowly look down at your hooves. It takes a moment with your brain still misfiring, but eventually your mind registers the cold dark manacles chained to your legs.

“Wha…What? What is-*Cough* *Cough*” a coughing fit takes you, your throat feeling drier than the desert. You force your weakened form to struggle fruitlessly at the chains encasing all four of your limbs, but your strength just isn’t there. The fear and confusion over this predicament causes your eyes to flicker to your surroundings, and that is when you see them.

“Bars?” you gasp as your breath hitches in your throat. For indeed, in front of you, closing off the bare crystalline room are a row of bars with a locked gate right at it’s center. Your pupils shrink as you realize exactly where you are.

A dungeon cell.

“Why…? Why am I in…?” you sputter as you look all around you, trying to find answers from the uncaring stones. You don’t know how you got here, but the feelings of betrayal, loss and misery pierce your very soul. “They…but…Nightshade was…Nightshade!”

Your head whips around in panic, but there is no sign of your precious daughter.

“Nightshade! NIGHTSHA-“ you are cut off as you once more start to cough, your pitiful yell echoing down the corridor outside your cell. You gape, your mouth opening and closing like a fish as you try to process this impossible scenario.

Why? Why?! We’d won! We were setting everything right! We went to the meeting didn’t we?! We… you quit mid ramble as you realize you only vaguely recall the meeting. To get from that point to now, you have no idea what went wrong.

Selena! What happened?! How did we get like this?! you mentally shout as you weakly lift yourself to your hooves…but there is no answer. Selena I need you right now! What happened?

Once again, there is no answer.
“…Selena?” you say aloud in worry.

Even speaking aloud, there is no answer and fear runs down your spine.

Selena! You mentally shout as you sit back down and close your eyes, trying to project yourself into the mindscape like you’ve done so many times before…but it doesn’t work.

“What the buck?” you sputter as you shut your eyes tighter and try to enter it once again.

But nothing happens.

What’s going on?! Selena!!! You start to panic. Selena! Sombra! Sombra are you there?! I can’t enter the mindscape!

Just like with your mare in the moon, the fallen king does not answer.

Come on Sombra! Answer me! What’s going on?! Where are you two?! What is this?! you sputter as you squint your eyes so hard you start to see stars…but it’s like that doorway to your mindscape no longer exists.

Oh I get it, this is a nightmare right? I’m just dreaming of the worst case scenario, you begin to bargain as your breathing becomes more erratic. Well I’d sure like to wake up now! Selly please I want to wake up now! Please…? Selena…?

No amount of bargaining changes your predicament. Selena and Sombra do not answer you, and you still remain chained on the floor of the dungeon. You reach out and attempt to throw that switch to activate your cloak and tails…but that well of power, that mana source that’s been there for four years is gone.

You look at the chains surrounding you, thinking perhaps they are magic canceling or orichalcum or something spectacular…but they are just plain boring iron.

It’s at this moment that you accept a fact that is terrifying and gut wrenching.

They’re not there.

You are completely and utterly alone, both physically and mentally.

Tears start to fall as you lay your head back against the floor and weep as the shock of it all overwhelms you. It’s been four year since you’ve truly been alone…and it is suffocating.

“Selena, Nightshade, Sombra…where are you?” you croak in misery as you look up to your cold dark prison ceiling. You hold your hooves in front of your face, observing the chains. Plain metal chains though they may be, but that’s enough to stop a regular changeling.
You are powerless, and on top of that, your inventory is gone.

You. Have. Nothing.

“…Buck you Lady Luck,” you whimper as you bring your hooves to your eyes and weep.

‘-why do you curse Lady Luck?’ Twilight’s voice echoes within your mind and your eyes snap open.

“Twilight?” you ask aloud, but there’s no one there. Of course no one’s there, she’s not communicating with you now, this was earlier.

Earlier…you think with realization as that fateful meeting begins to playback in your mind. We all sat around and began to talk. We were talking, I remember! So…so how did it end up like this?

With that thought, the details start coming through to your hazy mind of the meeting that was long overdue.


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

After conjuring Selena and Sombra to the table, everyling takes a moment to compose themselves to their presence. To Selena’s demand to start shooting off questions, Twilight of course is the first to respond.

"Alright first and foremost, why is that bad luck follows you everywhere you go and why do you curse Lady Luck?" she asks with full sincerity. You, Selena, Nightshade, Grandbuggy and Sombra all share a quick glance at that.

Really? That’s the first question she goes with? You think in bewilderment as she continues.

"You guys bring with you the largest amount of bad luck I have ever seen! Even Discord commented on how you all bring so much chaos with you. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!" She finishes her hair coming out of place in some parts. Everyone looks at her with wide eyes at her outburst before she takes a deep breath and puts her mane back in place. "Sorry it's just, I've been trying to figure that out for the past four years and I want answers."

Everyone seemingly agrees with that assessment, your side especially.

“I don’t really know Twilight,” you say truthfully and you notice in your peripheral Grandbuggy and Nightshade sharing a glance. “It’s just been something I picked up from Grandbuggy. Anytime anything would go wrong, we just curse Lady Luck. I don’t know why we’re so unlucky.”

“Are you sure? There has to be a reason!” she emphasizes. “Everypony has off days sure, but you’ve had so, so many.”

“Believe me, you’re preaching to the choir Princess,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “But really I don’t-“

“I’ll take it from here boyo,” Grandbuggy interrupts.

“Grandbuggy?” you question but he holds a hoof up to you and sighs.

“The reason why we’re all so unlucky is on me,” he admits and your eyes widen.

“What?” you say and he looks at you a bit guiltily before turning back to Twilight.

“How is your fault Mr. Fix?” Twilight asks curiously.

“Yeah, how?” you add just as fascinated, with Sombra and Selena paying rapt attention, but not Nightshade for some reason.

“I already told Nightshade about this, but the boy never heard it before. I kept it a secret for a long time,” he says with another sigh. You glance at Nightshade who rubs the back of her neck and doesn’t make eye contact with you.

“Oooohhhh, family secrets,” Pinkie Pie says excitedly as she pulls a bag of popcorn from literally nowhere.

“We’ve all been pretty vague about it, but in my youth, I was a time traveler, as well as a space traveler,” he says and Twilight’s eyes light up.

“Time and Space?” she asks as if she can’t comprehend the concept.

“Yeah that’s right,” he nods completely serious.

“Impossible! I mean, I’ve traveled through time briefly, but space travel is…that’s not…” she sputters just as the door opens and in walks Shining Armor.

“What’s impossible?” the unicorn asks as he shuts the door behind him.

“Space travel apparently,” Rainbow Dash informs and he raises an eyebrow.

“It ain’t impossible, ya’ll just don’t got the technology yet,” Grandbuggy huffs with a roll of the eyes.

“…I do recall Jack speaking about such subjects,” Luna ponders aloud and looks to her sister. “But I thought he was just telling wild stories.”

“You never can tell with that stallion,” Celestia sighs and shakes her head before looking at Shining Armor. “Speaking of, how fared the search?”

“My guards are still looking,” Shining says as he takes a seat next to Cadence. He takes a moment to glare at Sombra, before continuing his briefing. “But so far there’s been no sign of this Captain Jack stallion, or any other Black Suns for that matter.”

“Well there has to have been someone that took the heart off the pedestal,” Cadence points out, still holding onto said artifact.

“I know that Cady, but it’s just…quiet out there,” he says before shaking his head and looking to you. “Sorry for the interruption.”

“Nah it’s fine,” you hoofwave.

“It does sound rather odd…” Selena muses to herself. While she does, you turn back to Grandbuggy and demand,

“So what did you do when you were traveling in Time and Space to make us have bad luck?”

“Right, well, I won’t go into specifics about my long career galavanting about, but at one point I ran afoul of Lady Luck herself,” he says and everyone looks at him incredulously.

“…You ran afoul of Lady Luck? As in, like an actual person?” Twilight asks skeptically.

“Of course she’s real ya brainy nitwit,” he chides causing her to flinch. “She’s real and fuzzy and overly affectionate and I done pissed her off.”

“Wait, Mr. Fix,” Celestia cuts off, her eyes wide. “Are you saying you’ve been to the primordial realm of the gods?”

“Damn skippy,” he nods. “Let me tell you, there’s far too many colorful clouds there.”

Celestia and Luna share a look of shock as Twilight and Cadence become introspective.

“Wait a second, isn’t that the place I went to when I ascended?” Twilight questions.

“I was just about to say the same thing,” Cadence adds. “I remember a bunch of clouds in an endless void before Auntie Celestia showed up.”

“That is in fact the very same realm,” Celestia nods. “Luna and I are only semi-immortal though and can only walk that realm sparingly.”

“Well you can apparently, I never attempted it,” Luna says with a shudder. You look to Selena and she nods.

“Yes, we never did, despite wishing to speak with Father Time himself.”

Luna’s eyes widen at that as she glances at Selena, but before she can ask more on that, Grandbuggy coughs into his hoof.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s a real place! I got in there because mother nature was being more of bitch than usual, turns out it was a plot by the Master to drive her insane and have death take her which would end all of Equus and…” he trails off as he sees everyone looking at him in either confusion, or utter bewilderment. “…The point is, my friends and I stopped it, but during that whole process…I kind of got on Lady Luck’s bad side.”

“But how, old bug?! How?!” you demand and he winces.

“Okay, like, the other gods couldn’t really interact directly due to B.S. universal rules or whatever, but I kind of manipulated Lady Luck into giving us her favor so that we could get away with some of the stuff we pulled in that realm,” he says while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. At this point, even Nightshade is paying close attention, and you guess that even she didn’t hear this much before.

“What did you do Grandbuggy?” she demands and he sighs.

“I…told her that I would stay devoted and love only her with every fiber of my being and never leave,” he says sheepishly.

Silence reigns in the room at that declaration, and Celestia, Luna and even Selena look mystified by that. Surprisingly, it’s Rarity that puts it all into perspective.

“Oh dear, you lied and broke a lady’s heart didn’t you?” she says sounding aghast and Grandbuggy nods, looking ashamed.

“Are you kidding me you old bug?!” you exclaim and he shakes his head.

“Look, I was a lady killer boyo, I couldn’t help my nature, but I had no interest in the gal and I never touched her, I just needed a tool to help the Doctor win is all,” he excuses.

“Doctor?” Twilight pipes up. “Doctor wh-“

“But yeah, when she tried to collect on my ‘promise’ she sort of got pissed that I lied. She got even more pissed when I revealed that I already had a fiancé that I loved, and the final nail in the coffin was leaving,” he explains.

“That’s why she cursed you?!” Nightshade exclaims. “You were vague before and made it sound like she did it for no reason Grandbuggy!”

“Look, can’t ya’ll see that it was disproportionate retribution cursing my entire family line over a little broken heart?” he defends and you all look at him sternly.

“A broken heart can lead to the downfall of entire nations Quick Fix!” Cadence the love expert chimes in.

“You stupid old bug, you slighted a primordial god. You’re lucky she didn’t smite you!” Selena scolds and he frowns.

“Oh she did little boogeymare, she most certainly did,” he growls suddenly serious.

“What do you mean?” asks Fluttershy and he sighs again.

“Because I went and had bad luck put upon me, the first thing that happened was that Orchard found out she was pregnant in a situation where the former queen, Chrysalis’s mother found out,” he spits and suddenly you realize where he’s going.

“Oh…” you say in understanding as you see Applejack’s jaw drop in shock.

“What’s that mean?” Twilight asks hesitantly and Grandbuggy grimaces.

“In the old days of the hive, having children with a pony or other creature was considered a serious security risk,” he says with regret. “So if a special operative like myself was discovered, we were forced to take care of it ourselves.”

“And that entailed?” Twilight asks and he frowns.

“Ya bring the child into the hive and you…handle the other parent discreetly. And let me tell you, some of the old crowd’s version of discreet was just plain…” He shakes his head in disgust and you pat his shoulder. “I chose the alternative, which was to put a geas on Orchard and erase all of our memories together after our daughter was born. I then walked out of her life and back to the Hive to keep her safe.”

Everyone goes from shock to sympathetic at his regretful tone.

“And so I raised our girl as best I could, she found love eventually and had the boy here…but the bad luck persisted down my line…”

“So…you’ve been cursing at the one who cursed you like a family motto then?” Sombra summarizes and he nods. “Ironic in a way.”

“More just spiteful,” he sighs and shakes his head. “But yeah, that’s why we’re so unlucky Princess, because of me. At one point I thought I could launch myself to the moon and die to end the curse…but that didn’t work out so well.”

They seem confused by that part, but you and your family know exactly what he means.

Grandbuggy was trying to end the curse…but the Doctor saved him and brought him to the future, you think before frowning and patting your Grandbugg on the back again. Buck you Lady Luck. Even if he did hurt you, just buck you.

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“I am sorry for your predicament Mr. Fix, though I don’t think there’s anything anyone on Equus can do to help you,” Celestia says and he nods.

“Yeah, I figured that out a long time ago Tia,” he says in defeat. “I’ve come to terms with it, but it don’t mean I have to like it.”

“But it does help to explain the frequency of our interactions,” she muses.

“Yeah…by a lot,” you nod as many events in your past have a new light upon them, as Luna speaks up,

“Also, with your tale, are we to assume that Bugze is part pony?” Luna questions.

“Yeah that’s correct,” you nod as you run your hoof through your spiky orange mane. “Part earth pony to be precise. It’s why I can’t feed on love like the other changelings…or fly.”

“Right, earlier while we were running through the tunnels you mentioned the of-Bugze was related to the Apples,” Celestia muses and everyone looks over to Applejack who blushes and looks down at her hooves, with you awkwardly doing the same.

“So is this Orchard the name of-“

“Yes, that’s my Granny!” she shrieks in embarrassment. Now that the threat of death isn’t over their heads, everyone on the other side of the table really start to comprehend what that means.

“So you literally kissed your cousin Applejack?” Rarity brings up the sore subject again, and you and her groan.

“We didn’t know at the time!” you both exclaim, avoiding everyone’s eye contact as Rainbow Dash laughs.

“Is…is that an issue?” Luna asks confused and you all stare at her. “What? A thousand years ago many royal families-“

“The times have changed Luna, it’s…frowned upon these days,” Celestia cuts her off as you and Applejack feel even more embarrassed.

“Yeah…” Applejack gulps before looking you in the eye. “Look Bugze…can we just never speak of that even ever again and just move on as normal kin?”

“Yes, please, I’m more than willing to forget the thing,” you nod enthusiastically. “And…having family doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Glad to hear that,” Pinkie giggles. “Because you’re also related to me!”

“…What?” you ask incredulously.

“Yup, yup, yup! I found out my family (probably) is related to the Apples, so that means you’re my cousin too (maybe).”

You and Selena gape at this before you turn to Nightshade who just shrugs.

“Yeah, that was something we found out when Cadence was going ship crazy a few months ago.”

“Hey! I wasn’t going crazy with it!” the alicorn defends but Nightshade continues.

“But yeah Dad, we’ve got a very, very complicated family tree. I know because we made one with art supplies, right cuz?” she boasts and Cadence nods.

“That we did little cousin,” she smirks and Celestia and Luna seem taken aback by this.

“Cousin?” Luna asks.

“That’s right,” Cadence says proudly.

“…On the field, you did call me Auntie,” Celestia realizes. “I thought you were being derogatory.”

“No, I was being serious,” she says with conviction. “Cadence is my cousin because she’s your niece, which also means she’s my mom’s niece.”

“Just wait a moment there, I know Celestia adopted her as a niece and in turn that makes her mine, but Night…your mother is not…” Luna sputters, looking back and forth between Nightshade and Selena.

“You and I can liberally be called siblings Luna,” Selena says with hardened eyes and the night princess winces. “We were one once, and we still share many memories even after we were separated… but we are our own beings.”

“But…I created you. My jealousy and-“

“Want of love led to my personality?” Selena finishes. “You’re only partially correct. Within you was the catalyst for me, but the dark forces that you tampered with are just as much a part of me. I remember your life, for it was also mine, but even then we were always two separate entities.”

“Separate, but still the same…” Luna sighs, remembering long unpleasant memories and Selena nods.

“It took me some time, but I’ve come to regard you and Celestia as my sisters because of these shared memories…even though we despise each other.”

Luna and Celestia flinch at that, and Selena looks away from them a bit more somber.

“So yes, that would make Cadenza my niece as well in a way. My daughter is correct.”

“That’s still so baffling to comprehend,” Twilight says scratching at her head. “I mean, what does that make me?”

“Pardon?” Selena asks.

“Shining married Cadence so does that mean he’s your nephew-in-law?” she asks as Shining’s eyes widen. “So since I’m his sister am I a niece-in-law

“Are…are those even a thing?” asks Rarity.

“I have no idea, it sounds complicated,” you say rubbing your temple.

“I guess you could say related by marriage possibly?” Cadence shrugs, not quite sure herself. “Which makes Bugze your Brother-in-Law aunties.” The two alicorn sisters pale at that and you just chuckle awkwardly.

“But, are you two even married?” Rainbow asks you and Selena and you both blush.


“Not yet,” she speaks up and you nearly sputter as she stares down the blue and yellow pegasi in the room who squirm. “Not by any legal ceremony at least, but that point is rather moot I should say.”

“Well hang on a second, that doesn’t make me related to Spike does it?!” Nightshade exclaims in worry which breaks the tension.

“Huh?” said dragon says.

“If Twilight’s mommy’s niece-in-law or whatever, that makes her my cousin-in-law, which makes you…something?” she tries to unravel and her head starts hurting too.

“Uh, well, I’m…not technically related to Twilight,” Spike says scratching at his ear fin.

“Yeah, you’ve always said it was complicated,” you point out and he nods.

“Yeah, what exactly are you two anyway?” Fluttershy broaches and Twilight and Spike look at each other awkwardly.

“Well, I don’t see her as my mom, even though she did hatch me,” he starts.

“Yes, I was just a little filly when that happened,” Twilight points out.

“I helped watch over him when he was younger, but I allowed Twilight’s parents to help look after him as well as he grew up,” Celestia points out.

“Yeah, so Celestia and Velvet feel kind of like my moms,” Spike nods. “And…I always wanted to be apart of Shining and Twilight’s little sibling competitions, but they never included me…”

Both Shining and Twilight wince at that.

“Hey now buddy, you were too young for those competitions,” Shining reassures. “I mean, I always thought of you as a little brother.”

“Yes Spike, we never meant to exclude you,” Twilight adds as she puts her hoof around the dragon.

“So…kind of siblings even though I was never adopted?” Spike guesses.

“…I guess if you wanted to label it sure,” Twilight nods and hugs the dragon.

“So if you’re honorary brother and sister, does that mean we’re also cousin-in-laws Spike?” Nightshade gasps worriedly and the dragon himself looks worried suddenly.

“It’s a bond through marriage that isn’t even a part of the main tree Nightshade,” Cadence clarifies in a calming tone before smirking. “So don’t worry, it won’t affect any future plans you have."

Nightshade sighs in relief, before going red in the face.

“What plans? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lies and looks away. You then scowl at Cadence who gives you a goofy grin and giggles.

I hope to the gods she didn’t hear my slip to Spike on the field, you think paranoid as you make eye contact with the drake…and both of you immediately look away, finding the ceiling to be much more interesting.

“Okay, with all this weird pseudo-relationship talk we got going, could you say that the girls and I could be Nightshade’s Grandmas?” Pinkie hypothesizes.

“Say what now?” Selena asks as you all look at the pink psycho.

“We did separate you and Luna with the Elements, making you sisters, so that means we birthed you into the world right?” Pinkie points out before her eyes widen in shock. “Oh gods! I’m too young to be a mother!”

There is a moment of silence as everyone tries to comprehend that before Selena just says,



“That’s not how that works, that’s not how any of this works,” Sombra facehooves, getting a headache himself.

“Accepting this strange twisted web of relations is tricky enough already Pinkie Pie, let’s not muddy it any further,” Luna commands and Pinkie Pie huff and crosses her arms.

“Fine! Excuse me for trying to make everyone else family,” she grumbles.

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Dklett’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

“Speaking of which, we are sooooo going to have a long overdue ‘Welcome to Ponyville and Thanks For Being a Hero Party when we get back home!” she scolds looking you directly in the eye. “You can’t weasel your way out of this one!”

“Oh I’m sorry, we probably could have gotten to it sooner if you girls hadn’t been trying to maul me to shreds Day One!” you counter back gruffly…and of course the mood shifts due to your crassness. All of the Elements look down guiltily at that.

“Sorry, it’s just…that’s what happened,” you shrug and look at all of them. “I guess I had a curse sustaining all the misunderstandings, but you all did hunt me for four years and tried to use the Elements on me, Selena and now Sombra.”

“Yes, we did…we were misguided sure but…I’m sorry,” Twilight starts and the rest apologize as well.

“Thank you,” you nod and look at Selena and Sombra. “But yeah, I’m just glad those death lasers are finally gone. We’ve come too far to die now.”

“D-Die?” Twilight gasps.

“Yes, die,” you say firmly.

“The Elements wouldn’t have killed you,” Celestia starts. “They purify darkness and-“

“Selena and Sombra are darkness. You nearly killed her the first time when she and Luna were separated,” you interrupt and the girls all look at each other nervously, Fluttershy looking especially guilty.

“Indeed,” Selena agrees. “The pain was the most excruciating I’ve ever felt in my life.”

“But wait, doesn’t that just defeat the meaning and purpose of Harmony itself?” Applejack points out. “I mean, why would they kill?”

“I don’t know, seems hypocritical to me,” you shrug and Twilight purses her lips.

“If you want to get technical, the Elements themselves didn’t actually kill Ni…ghtmare Moon,” she trails off before finishing.

“No, but I was left vulnerable and defenseless and left to die all the same,” Selena huffs, still upset at the memory.

“What do you mean by that?” Luna asks taken aback and Selena looks her right in the eye.

“I still existed, clinging to our broken armor. And while you were hugged and left all merrily with these mares, I was left beaten and broken, barely existing within that castle,” she growls and there is a flicker of guilt that washes over Luna. “If it hadn’t been for Bugze…I would not be here now.”

“Yeah, bet you feel stupid now huh?” Nightshade adds and leans closer to her mother’s projection. At your filly’s words, all the Elements and Princesses do share a look of guilt, but they soon look back.

“We’re sorry again, but considering our history…” Twilight begins and Selena nods.

“I know…”

Seeing as how the mood has gone down, you cough and take center stage again.

“But it’s precisely because of that history that things have got to change for the better,” you announce. “I told you all on the field to forgive Selena and Sombra, and I still stand by that. Because even though we do have this rocky history with you, they’ve changed for the better.”

“You say that, and we’re willing to hear you out Bugze,” Celestia says calmly. “But as you said, our history is rocky.”

“Then I’ll just be straight up honest with you all, since apparently that runs through my blood,” you smirk. “I’m getting both of them out of my head and into bodies of their own.”

“What?!” Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow and Shining exclaim, though the rest seem to be in the know, especially Cadence.

“That’s right, they’ve been living in my head far too long and it’s time they were set free,” you declare and both your skullmates smile at that.

“Wait, wait, hold on!” Twilight holds her hoof out. “What you’re suggesting is high level transmutation that hasn’t even been attempted yet! How in the world are you going to pull this off?”

“Simple Ms. Twilight,” Nightshade speaks up. “We’ll use the artifacts we gathered.”


“What, you thought the boy was gone for all this time because he was on vacation? Nah, he was looking for them Siren stones in the human world,” Grandbuggy explains. “And meanwhile, me and the kiddo were gathering the rest.”

“Hold on a second, what artifacts? Also you went to the human world where Twilight went?” Celestia questions.

“Yeah…it was terrible. But I found the Dazzlings that Starswirl Banished, turns out time is weird over there, and I brought them home where they helped save you,” you explain. “But yeah, Jack is going to build us some device using them to get them out of my head.”

“Precisely,” Sombra nods. “And once we’re free, the shadow and the roach can do whatever they want with each other while I figure out how to get the Amulet out of Nightshade.”

“I’d forgotten about the Amulet,” Shining says looking at Nightshade sympathetically, but then he shakes his head. “And look, if you’re serious about getting them bodies, doing so in the Empire doesn’t sound like a good idea. That bastard stabbed me remember?”

“Yes, yes I did,” Sombra nods, not even pretending to deny it. “And there’s nothing I can say that will make that right.”

“You got that right,” Shining glares back at the king.

“But no matter where I am released, I will still help Nightshade.”

“How’d that amulet get inside her in the first place?” Luna asks.

“Better yet, how did either of these two end up in your head?” Celestia questions.

“Wait, they don’t know the full story?” you ask Nightshade.

“I only told the CMC, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy what I knew,” she shrugs and you sigh.

“Oh, so you guys are missing a lot of info then,” you say in realization.

“Yeah, I guess we were getting side tracked by plans of the future that we forgot to address the past, well, the more immediate past,” she corrects looking to Grandbuggy.

“That tends to happen around my lot,” he shrugs.

“But he’s right everypony, we should hear everything sequentially. I’m dying to speak more about the Amulet and the Black Suns and their inevitable trial and high level transmutation…but we’ve got to get a clearer picture first,” she explains and everyone at the table nods at that.

Haryou Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

“Um, alright,” you say scratching the back of your neck. “How do you want me to paint that picture? Bullet points?”

"Let's go through everything that has happened since four years ago when you first appeared at Ponyville after the Changeling Invasion at Canterlot. We'll do this chronologically, in simpler terms, following everything that happened one after another in time." She says, explaining the last bit when you, Nightshade, and Rainbow Dash all started tilting your heads in confusion from the big word she just used. "Actually, let's start with the before. We know who King Sombra and Ni- I mean Selena is, and we know a bit about your family from Quick Fix, but who are you exactly Bugze?"

“Wait, so you want my entire life’s story?” you ask and she nods.

“Just the important parts, but yes.”

“There’s a lot of them though…and putting it into words will take a bit. I mean, I know I had practice with the human versions of you, but still, it’s a long tale. And…wanting to know who I am?” you flounder as your tongue feels tied and your mouth dry. You don’t want to leave out anything so that they can understand your quest to save Selena and Sombra.

“I…” you start but trail off as you see Twilight hold up a quill and paper. “You asked who I was? Well, the answer’s not simple. Sometimes I wonder who I really am, because the me I was before the Wedding wouldn’t recognize the me today.”

You watch as she writes all of that down and you chuckle.

“I hope you have a lot of paper because this story is long and at times meandering. It’s a tale about me and those I’ve encountered along the way. It’s…” you trail off again and Nightshade puts her hoof on yours.

“When I told my friends, I called it The Life Of A Wanted Changeling,” she says.

“Ooohhh, good title,” Twilight says as she writes that down. You look at your precious daughter and she smiles expectantly at you.

“…You know what, that’s a pretty good name for this period in my life,” you say truthfully before ruffling her mane. “A wanted changeling huh? Ironic since for the longest time, noling wanted me.”

The mares, Shining and Spike all look at you sympathetically at that, but you continue.

“Grandbuggy could probably give you a more accurate tale of my early childhood since I’ve forgotten a bit of it, but for the most part I was a regular drone in the changeling hive…or as normal as one who’s dancing from the strings of Lady Luck can be…”

You then begin to tell them all of your earliest memories. The few years you knew your parents, growing up under Grandbuggy…and Chrysalis. They all sympathize with your betrayal from your first love, Shining and Cadence especially wanting to beat the bitch, especially after you tell them about the prom.

Selena seethes quietly hearing this tale again, and under her breath vows vengeance upon the mare that broke your heart.

Everyone else soon finds out that that isn’t hyperbole either. She quite literally broke your heart during the events of the Canterlot Wedding which kick started this whole tale…

The Present

It started out in a dungeon cell, and now it ends in one? You think in melancholy. Your tears still falling, you drag your miserable form to a puddle of water formed from the dripping roof. It’s old and dusty tasting, but it brings moisture back to your parched throat.

You take a moment and look at your reflection in the puddle. Despite everything, it’s still you; same orange spiky hair, same lost and broken expression, same sad, sorrowful eyes. You are even still wearing the mismatch outfit you put together when walking onto the field, the one made up of all your different personas. All of them different, yet all of them still fundamentally you.

Is this how Cadence felt before I fed her? You wonder as you stare into the reflective surface. Scared, confused and alone?

You sigh as you put your hooves into the puddle, disrupting your image.

Well to Tartarus with that! There’s no way Cadence would let them put me in here right? She wouldn’t do that! There’s gotta be something I’m missing! You think resolutely as you attempt to stand up. Once more, you are hit with just how weak you feel, as if you’d been a great big hot air balloon that suddenly loss all it’s mass.

They…they couldn’t have hit me with the Elements right? Nightshade said they were in some tree. It’s not possible…right? You ponder, and pray that it isn’t so, because if it is then Selena and Sombra are…

You shake your head from these thoughts as you grit your teeth and force yourself to stand up, leaning against your prison bars.

I’ve gotta get my bearings. I’ve gotta find Nightshade. I’ve got to figure out what happened! I’ve-

“WAAHH-Oomph!” you grunt as the cell door you were leaning on swings outward causing you to fall face first onto the floor outside your cell.

Groaning, you look up from your prone position back into your cell room through the open door, confirming that that indeed just happened.

“Wait, so they chained me up but didn’t even lock the door?” you ponder aloud and look both ways down the empty corridor. You can’t see too far into the darkness, but there are other cells aside from yours stretching down both ways.

“Either someone bucked up royally…or someone’s trying to help me,” you theorize as you force yourself back to your hooves. “Well if it’s the latter, they could have at least given me the keys!”

Looking left and right, you ultimately decide to head right at random, shuffling along the wall with what limited movement your chained hooves can give you.

It is just like at the Canterlot dungeons when I helped Cadence…maybe she did this? you wonder as you think more about the meeting where you told your life’s story.


“Wait a second, hold up, what do you mean she killed you?!” Cadence exclaims slamming her hooves onto the table and you sigh.

“It’s just as I said Cadence. After I fed you, Chrysalis got really angry and blasted me. My heart got damaged and I died. It’s why a lot of my life was fuzzy for so long, because of the brain damage,” you respond simply as Grandbuggy, Nightshade and Selena all grit their teeth having to hear this detail again.

The others of course are all very shocked to hear of your demise.

“But…you’re still here?” Shining broaches the obvious and you nod.

“Yeah, again that’s because of Chrysalis,” you sigh. “I guess some part of her felt guilty over the friendship we once had, so she brought me back to life by fusing an artifact onto my heart to get it pumping again.”

They all take that info again before Celestia asks,

“And which artifact was that?” To that, Selena looks right at Luna.

“The Nightmare Jewell,” she answers plainly and both sisters gasp.

“I…I thought it’d been destroyed,” Luna asks of her sister who winces.

“No Luna, I hadn’t destroyed it. I’d kept it in the vault because it had been something you created…I couldn’t destroy it,” she admits with a sigh. “But after the invasion, I thought it’d been lost to Chrysalis’s machinations…and I was right I suppose.”

“So wait, there’s some sort of ancient jewelry thingie that’s powering his heart now?” Twilight asks and Selena nods.

“Yes, though it was meant more as a weapon,” she admits and Luna reluctantly nods.

“We made it when we were one after all…”

“Right, well that’s why I’m still alive and everything,” you interrupt before more bad tension arises between the two. “But yeah, Chrysalis brought me back with it, and because of that, that’s how Selena was able to get in my head.”

They all await further explanation, but you don’t say anything immediately, but then Twilight figures it out as she gasps,

“Ohhhh, when we chased you into the Castle of the Two Sisters! If she was still there then she sensed her own power and…”

“Correct,” Selena nods at her assessment. “So it’s the one thing I will give that hussy credit for. It allowed for me to ultimately meet my Bug, and change my life for the better.”

“Awww,” Rarity coos at that display of affection, but then Selena’s eyes fill with righteous fury.

“But for all the other things she’s done to him, if given the chance I will crush her into paste!” she says vengefully.

“Buck Yeah!” Shining Armor cheers in response to that. When you all look to him, he just puts his hooves on his hips.

“What? That slut deserves it,” he says.

“Damn right she does,” Cadence nods.

“Yeah, well she’s stuck in her prison so we don’t really have to do that,” you point out before they all suck in their breath awkwardly. “…What was that response?”

“Oh yeah, Chrysalis and the changelings escaped while you were gone Daddy,” Nightshade points out.

“WHAT?!!!” you exclaim.

“It’s true, it happened a few months ago,” Twilight sighs. “Some sort of mechanism smashed a hole in the wall and helped her escape.”

“Oh that’s just great!” you throw your hooves up in indignation. “And let me guess, no heads or tails of them?”

“Nope,” Grandbuggy shakes his head. “My guess is they’re out in the badlands, probably rebuilding the Hive.”

“Well that’s just perfect!” you grumble and start to seethe.

“It is…because if she comes for you again, I can enact my promise upon her,” Selena says sounding somewhat giddy.

“I’ll help you with that,” Cadence offers.

“Me too,” Shining nods.

“Me three!” Nightshade says jubilantly.

“…I’ve never met this witch, but I suppose I’d help as well,” Sombra shrugs and you roll your eyes.

“Well, let’s hope it won’t come to that any time soon. We all need a break after the Battle of the Bands and fighting Flag Burner,” you point out.

“Future vengeance aside, I believe we’re glossing over something important,” Celestia says.

“We are?” you ask and she nods.

“Yes, you say from your own lips that you are the one who saved Cadence during the invasion?”

“Uh, yeah,” you say simply.

"Yes, I told you this a million times aunties!" Cadence huffs. "You never listened!"

"We did listen dear Cadence... But I suppose we never truly gave it the recognition it deserved,” she admits in shame.

“Yes, with all the four years of conflict, we willingly ignored that factor as a fluke…and that was a mistake,” Luna admits.

“But you did in fact save my family, and for that we are even more in your debt," Celestia says as once more she and her sister bow their heads to you.

"Please, don't bow, I bu…I hate that," you try to dissuade without swearing, trying to be polite. "I mean it does feel really good, but..."

“It is quite literally the least we can do for right now Bugze,” Celestia admits.

“In the future, we will compensate appropriately, but for now, this is what we can give you,” Luna adds and you sigh.

"And I get that, really I do, but it still makes me feel off. There isn't anyone lower than another being and no one should bow to another. Whether you're strong or weak, if you're a Princess, King, Lord of Chaos, Queen, a Nightmare, or any kind of immortal, we're all able to bleed and die the same." They all look back at you after that profound statement in surprise.

You close your eyes.

"Me and Selena realized that long ago when we watched it happen with our very eyes."

"What do you mean? Who's death did you witness?" Luna asks at the trepidation in your voice and you give her a solemn look.

"Everyone," you answer without going into more detail. Celestia gives Twilight a look, then turns back at you.

"Please elaborate."

"I will, just after everything else has been properly explained. It's a very long tale within this long tale that you may never want to hear. Let's wait until the end,” you urge and they all hear the sincerity in your tone.

"In that case," Cadence continues, "Let’s go back to when you first met Selena."

“Well, met isn’t so much the word for it,” Selena admits. “I just sort of used what magic I had left to make him see my scrapped armor as pristine, he touched it and I jumped into his body.”

“Yeah, I actually didn’t really meet her properly till like a year later,” you explain. “I actually met Nightshade first.”

“Huh?” Fluttershy questions.

“I spoke to him off and on while I was still weakened, but yes we weren’t fully acquainted till the following year’s Nightmare Night.”

“…How do you go for so long without properly talking with someone in your head?!” Applejack asks befuddled.

“Hey, during my first year I was floundering and running around. I called her the Dark Female Voice and left it at that,” you excuse.

“I don’t really blame him, for that’s all I was to him for the longest time,” she adds a little solemnly.

“…I guess I could have asked a few more questions instead of not at all,” you say sheepishly. “But on the other hoof, I had my hooves full with Nightshade.”

“Was I really that hard to look after?” you filly asks innocently. “All I did in the early days was sleep and eat for the most part.”

“Yes, but your portions were enough for like a whole guard squad!” you exclaim and she puffs her cheeks in embarrassment and looks away.

“Not like I was getting fat or anything,” she pouts.

You then go on to describe the various misadventures you had during that first year, such as the Diamond Dogs, first running into Luna, and of course the first Trixie incident. You apologize for the harm you did, and in turn they do as well. After all, it’s not the last time you all would battle.

“By the way, how are you able to use the Royal Canterlot Voice when you shout at us?” Twilight questions before looking to Selena. “Is that something you gave him?”

“I didn’t give him that, he quite literally found that one on his own,” she explains.


“I found a book in the castle that was like a self help guide on how to use it,” you say having long forgotten about that item.

“Ah, so that’s where that went,” Celestia muses and frowns. “You know, many of my missing possessions somehow seem to end up in your Inventory your mysterious friend sent.”

“Oh don’t get me started on that guy…whoever he is,” you scowl. “He keeps giving me stuff and pointing me in directions that always seem to turn out bad and on top of that he’s the one who gave Nightshade the amulet in the first place.”

They all take that info in and you sigh,

“I have no clue who they are, but I’m thinking I’m about done with them. But we’ll get to them later. Now, where was I?”

"The Grand Galloping Gala..." Twilight says anxiously and you nod.

"Right, so I just went there just because I wanted to see Cadence and I thought I could get away with it because it was a big party and everything."

"I remember that day well," Cadence says in nostalgia. "It was so amazing seeing you again."

"Same here," You say with a happy nod. "And that was also the first time I used the name 'El Hunko', when I met Spike for the first time."

"Oh, right! That was you!" Spike says in remembrance.

"He was feeling down, and he offered to get some doughnuts at Joe's, a really good place by the way, still gotta take you up on that offer.”

“When next in Canterlot,” he agrees.

“But yeah, I met with Cadence again, but then Shining entered the room we were in, I was forced to retreat, and I had to pick up my daughter who I thought was in the middle of a meal. But... when I saw Nightshade, Prince Blueballs was threatening her."

Celestia sheepishly sucks in her teeth.

"You all know how overprotective of her I am by now, so you know how our fight started and how it ended."

“He really wasn’t gonna be able to do much to me Daddy. The most he did was blow our cover,” Nightshade points out and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah, I know that with hindsight honey, but at the time I was still floundering around trying to figure out how to raise you and everything,” you argue and she in turn rolls her eyes.

“Well he got taken out pretty easily when ya kicked him in the nards. That’s when I decided to make it one of my signature moves,” she boasts and a few at the table snicker.

“Oh my yes, you did in fact destroy his gonads if rumors are to be believed,” Rarity giggles. “I for one compliment you on that Bugze.”

“Yeah…parental instinct is a dangerous thing in many animals, so it’s no surprise you went off on him,” Fluttershy agrees.

“I wish I could defend him, but his attitude is always been that way,” Celestia sighs. “And this last year his grounding has seemed to improve him slightly. He’s taken up dancing as a hobby and focusing on little else.”

“Ha!” Grandbuggy and Nightshade laugh at the same time and you all look to them.

“He’s still mad because we totally schooled him in our dance off at that restaurant,” Nightshade brags.

“Dance off?” you question but Grandbuggy waves you off.

“Well get to that boyo, but let’s just say that stuck up twink got served.”

“Ooookaaay…” you say feeling slightly disturbed before turning to the others. “But yeah, I decked him in the balls, and then we…well…”

"You started to go crazy and wrecking the place," Rainbow finishes and you nod.


"I’ve got to ask, why did you do that? I always thought it was…her," Fluttershy asks pointing to Selena. "But with everything else that’s happened was there some other reason?"

"Actually that one was really my doing," Selena admits and some gasps are heard.

“Oh…” Fluttershy says feeling blindsided.

“But that’s not to say that every time I’ve rampaged was her fault,” you reassure with a nervous chuckle.

“Yes, not every time, but that being said,” Selena continues and looks directly at Luna. "At that time, during the Gala, I was still the same being you thought I was. All I desired was revenge, and to rule over the lands. I urged Bugze to destroy you, and used my powers to push him to near madness before assuming direct control.”

Luna scowls a bit at that.

“So you admit it?” she asks sternly.

“Yes Luna, I admit it,” she says with no hyperbole. “I wanted vengeance for being left broken and dying, I wanted vengeance against Celestia for the same reasons we did a thousand years ago, and I wanted vengeance on you most of all for abandoning me…”

She takes a deep breath as Nightshade tries to put a hoof on hers, causing it to faze through the projection.

“So yes, I admit it. Lying at this point is all but folly,” she says before shaking her head. “I hurt you all, and it’s only because Bugze’s will was far superior than I had imagined that he was able to take back control.”

“Oh, so…I actually did help snap him out of it?” Fluttershy asks with a bit of pride.

“Yes…” Selena admits reluctantly. “It’s one of the few times you were right about me. And without you I might have succeeded…you have my thanks for that yellow pegasus.”

Fluttershy looks shocked and surprised to hear Selena thanking her and looks between you and her. You give her a comforting smile of encouragement and she gulps before turning back to the dark alicorn.

“Y-You’re welcome. And, uh, my name is Fluttershy by the way…”

“I know,” Selena says simply.

“Oh, uh…okay…” Fluttershy trails off as the mares look away from each other again.

"But that's all in the past now, Selena has now long since changed,” you defend to everyone before things get awkward again. “After I took back control, the fight ended and we went our separate ways.”

"I should say so, we didn’t see you for like a long time after that,” Pinkie Pie says.

"That's because..." You smile and look over to Applejack. "I was living in Applelossa."

"Wait? Really?" Applejack asks and you nod.

"Braeburn is one good friend, I'll tell you that much…and I guess now I know he’s also good family."

“I still can’t wait to see his face when we tell him that,” Nightshade giggles and you smirk.

You then go into a little detail about some of the townspeople, and how you worked as a fixer with duct tape and WD-40, erasing any doubt in her mind that you were actually there.

"And they managed to keep me hidden from the public. Well, until..." You trail off, thinking about the otherworld before shaking it off.

Save it for the end Bugze, you think to yourself.

"Until Discord returned, correct?" Celestia asks and you nod.

You then explain how you got involved and how you even helped them but how Discord rewrote all of their memories, leaving only Zecora and Fluttershy

“Last year, he undid that spell on my request,” Fluttershy interjects.

“Yeah, that was weird remembering something after you’d remembered it another way,” Rainbow Dash says.

“It was certainly strange getting our memories back,” Twilight admits with a frown. “It also led to some confliction on your actions…”

“By that point we’d already deemed your other crimes as more pertinent than your fight with Discord,” Celestia admits and you frown.

“And then when she was revealed last year…the blame was shifted again,” Luna says pointing at Selena.

“Still would have been nice to have some recognition for fighting that turd, he plays dirty,” you harrumph.

“That’s how the powers of chaos work boy, always frustrating, especially in the claws of a nutjob.”

“Hey now, he’s not so bad…” Fluttershy defends before coughing into her hoof. “He has gotten much better.”

“Yeah, he is capable of being nice and not being as big a jerk as he could be,” Nightshade admits and you look at her incredulously.

“Et Tu Shade?”

“Hey, he tried to take the amulet out of me without anyling asking him too. It didn’t work because Chaos and Umbrum magic don’t go well together, but he still tried!”

“That does track,” Sombra agrees. “Chaos cannot find purchase on magic created from the realm between worlds.”

“Right…” Cadence says disturbed before looking to you. “But he has gotten better Bugze, he even helped me understand your history within seconds with a mind milkshake. He’s still a pain for sure, but he’s doing better.”

“Yeah, exactly. Plus he’s still sick and needs lots of care and attention,” Fluttershy says protectively and you sigh.

“Alright, if you all say so, but I still hold a grudge,” you tell them frankly.

“I will give him one thing though, it’s because of his reckless actions that I started to change,” Selena admits. “If not for him, I wouldn’t have realized how much I truly cared for Nightshade as well.”

“It was a whole bunch right?” Nightshade asks expectantly and Selena smiles.

“Yes my precious, it was a whole bunch indeed.”

“Ha ha! I knew it!” she boasts over the motherly affection which causes Cadence to coo.

"So after Discord, what made you start living in Ponyville instead of going back to Appleloosa?" Twilight asks, bringing things back on track. "I'm really glad you did, we all became great friends, and I think if you never got to know us as Mr. Tennant we wouldn't have gotten to this point any time soon, but it seems counter intuitive to have stayed in town."

"Well, you see. There's someone called The Doctor,” you start.

“You’ve mentioned that before. Doctor Who?” Twilight asks and you point at her.



“Alright, so you know that Trottingham show about the Time Traveling alien fighting other aliens and stuff in a big blue box?”

“Wait, wait, are you talking about Doctor Whooves?” Shining says in shock.

“Yup, the one and the same.”

“I love that show! It’s been on for like fifty years, and he’s got different regenerations and…” he trails off while everyone stares at him questioningly. “Nevermind, it’s a good show. But are you trying to claim that he’s real?”

“Yup, and he’s the reason I was staying in Ponyville. To “Work off a Debt” Nightshade supposedly garnered after eating a lot, but turns out that was just an excuse of his.”

“A TV show character made you stay in town?” Twilight questions skeptically.

“Oh come on girly, you’ve met Ahuizotl and Daring Do, you gonna question the Doc?” Grandbuggy scolds and her ears wilt.

“Oh, I guess you got a point there,” she says.

“Yeah, and since we’re talking about the Doc, he’s the reason I was a Time and Space traveler. I could give you more details later, but let’s just say he’s most certainly real and flying around.”

“Jack always did talk about a Doctor…” Celestia says putting a hoof to her chin.

“Well there you go,” you point out. “But yeah, through the Doctor’s machinations, I was staying in Ponyville undercover, and he put a Geas on me to make you all not suspect it.”

You then start to go into your time living with them, and how awkward it got when so many mares started paying attention to you. Cadence even goes into detail of how the Lover’s Jewell Necklace works and how it amplified all of the traits the mares found inherently attractive.

“So that’s how that thing works?” you sputter looking to her and she nods.

“Oh gods, no wonder you got all awkward when I tried to hand it off to you,” you realize and she chuckles at that memory.

“He tried to do what now?” Shining says suddenly alert.

“He didn’t know Shiny, calm down,” the pink alicorn reassures her husband with a laugh. “But yes, it amplifies your best qualities in their eyes, but in the presence of true love it will always glow.” She says that last part while looking directly at Selena who blushes and looks away, but you’re too focused on all the other times the many mares had swarmed you to notice.

“I always thought it was weird that things were going like a harem anime,” you say with understanding. Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash then blush and think about all the times they were...aggressively pursuing you.

"I always thought the devotion to family was Tennant's best feature," Applejack admits.

"And how over the top and kick flank he was..." Rainbow Dash mutters.

"For Hoody I..." Fluttershy trails off and avoids eye contact with everyone, which causes Cadence to lean over to her.

"Got a thing for powerful bad boys?" she asks with a smirk and Fluttershy flushes even more. "Thought so. And I'm sure many of those other mares like those musicians and masseuse were attracted to a single aspect of you."

"Ha, Aloe is just thirsty in general," Rarity gossips.

"Heh hehe, well at least I know there's a reason for the chase," you chuckle nervously, giving a side glance to Selena before your eyes lighten up. “Hey Twilight, is that why you pinned me down on the ground that one time with that creepy as Tartarus violating look on your face?”

“Wh-What?!” she exclaims as all eyes suddenly turn towards her. “What are you talking about?”

“It was that day the sun was acting funny like a clock and you were all nuts and wandering towards the CMC weirdly, and then everyone went nuts for that doll?”

“Oh, OH! No, no, no that was just me…being me,” she explains with a nervous chuckle. “Don’t take this the wrong way Bugze, but I’ve never been attracted to you.”

“Oh thank goodness,” you sigh in relief.

“…You know your relief at that still feels hurtful,” Twilight grumbles.

“Well at least that’s a misunderstanding cleared up,” Selena says. “Because if anyone tries to violate my bug, I can’t promise what limbs will be torn off and which ones will remain.”

Twilight gulps at that, while Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy all laugh awkwardly for obvious reasons, causing the alicorn to give them another glare.

You all then get back on track as you go over more of your days in town, right up until Fillydelphia.

"I remember clearly the day you left for Fillydelphia." Rarity says. "We all thought you were going to end your own life, and we followed you on the train."

Everyone looks at her.

"What?" She says. "No need to sugarcoat things!"

"I remember that day too," Applejack nods. "You told us that you're real name wasn't B.S.T and you were under some sort of witness protection. Turns out you didn't lie about that after all."

"But I did lie about going to see 'extended family,’” you point out. "Instead, you all saw what happened in the newspaper."

"Turns out the newspaper lied as well. It said ya killed somepony,” Applejack responds, a smile still on her face. "Now that's a lie I can stand behind."

You give a smile back in gratitude.

“Yeah, well we’ve only just realized it’s a lie. For the last two years, it’s sure felt real…”

You then go into detail of your battle in Fillydelphia against Flag Burner.

“I remember I was helping with the Hearth’s Warming Eve play,” Nightshade nods. “But I kind of wish I’d gone with you. That guy wouldn’t have been able to threaten me and get you mad in the first place.”

"So that's what he said to make you so angry," Shining says in realization and you nod.

“Still didn’t make what I did right, but he said he sent stallions to Ponyville to get to her and then blew up all those buildings and I lost it. Selena had nothing to do with it, that was all on me.”

You then move on from that subject, that despite your redemption is still a sore subject.

“Selena and I came to a better understanding after those events,” you start and she continues.

“Things had been rocky between us since before Nightmare Night…we’d made some progress with myself choosing a new name based off of Batmane’s thieving love interest, but after Fillydelphia, things started to get…friendlier,” she says choosing the word after a moment.

“She named herself after Catmare?” Shining whispers to his wife, but you ignore him and continue.

“Yeah, we stopped working against one another and starting actually opening up and confiding little by little since we both knew we loved Nightshade. I think it was for the best,” you say smiling at her and she gives you a lid eyed smirk back.

“Definitely for the better,” she all but purrs and your heart skips a beat and the mares across the table twiddle their hooves awkwardly.

“Bugze,” Luna interrupts and you twitch towards her.

“Y-yes?” you stutter.

"You said she and you had started to bond over the care for her daughter," she inquires. "I would be lying if I said I once thought she never did, but that brings the question; Where did your filly come from?"

Yours and Selena’s eyes sink at that question and you nervously glance at each other.


"Wait. Yeah!" Nightshade says standing up. "Mommy doesn't have a body so you can't kiss and make foals. So how was I born!? Actually, can someling finally explain how foals are born in general because I know I'm an exception."

Everyone stares at you and Selena blushing madly, and Celestia can’t help but give a little chuckle.

“Um…well you see Nightshade,” Twilight tries to start but can’t bring herself to do it, so she turns to Cadence.

“I didn’t think it was my place to do so, but her parents are here now, so…” she gestures for you two but you bite your lips.

“Oh for-this is bogging things down,” Sombra grumbles in annoyance. “Your birth wasn’t typical Nightshade, but for everyone else when a Stallion and a Mare-“

"NOPE!" You yell. "We are NOT having that conversation now or anytime in the near future!"

"But daddy!"

"No buts! I will tell you when you are older!"

Nightshade proceeds to slam her forehead on the table and groan really loudly which breaks the tension somewhat. Rarity and Fluttershy struggle to stifle their giggles, but Rainbow and Pinkie don’t even try to.

"Ohoooo- Mr. Tennant! I mean Bugze! I forgot how lively it could be with you and your daughter around." Rarity says, wiping a tear.

“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up you know it all smug adults!” Shade grumbles, her face still on the table.

Selena clears her throat, and gets the attention back on her.

“Nightshade’s existence…is a private matter to discuss,” she emphasizes. “All you need to know for now is that she is in fact mine and Bugze’s daughter. Both our blood flows through her.”

“But if that’s the case and she didn’t exist until you two met, then she can be no more than 3 or 4 years old then,” Celestia points out confused and you both sweat harder. “Is time travel also a factor in this?”

“I don’t think so…I am actually only 4 though,” Nightshade admits sheepishly lifting her head off the table.

“WHAT?!” nearly everyone on the other side of the table exclaims.

“Yeah yeah, I know that’s not normal,” she says giving a nervous look to Spike who seems flabbergasted.

“Y…Y…You’re 4?” Spike struggles to ask as his scales pale and Nightshade wilts her ears.

“Yeah…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but it’s really awkward and even I don’t get it,” she apologizes.

“But you look to be the same age as Applebloom!” Applejack says perplexed.

“Because physically and mentally she is the same age as Bloom,” Grandbuggy explains and Nightshade looks to him. “And in a way that not even her mother understands, time travel elements were factors.”

“I beg your pardon?” Selena asks and you look to Grandbuggy as well. He then leans in to your ear, allowing both of you and Sombra to hear.

“I’ve got a gist of what spell ya used moony, you’d be surprised how many villains in the past have tried it,” he explains while the group on the other side of the table and Nightshade try and fail to eavesdrop. “The kind of transmutation you used incorporates Chronomancy, or Time Magic. From the caster’s point of view Shade’s only 4, but she quite literally is the same age as Bloom.”

Yours and Selena’s jaws drop and Sombra puts a hoof to his chin in thought.

“What?! What are you whispering?!” Nightshade demands. You simply look from Selena to her and admit,

“Honey, it seems we owe you a lot of missed birthday parties.”

“Huh?” she gapes.

“I had no idea…but you’re not actually 4 my precious,” Selena says beaming at her daughter.

“Wait really?” she says looking lost. “But…what did I miss? What is…huh?”

“It’s wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff kiddo, but don’t worry, you look your actual age,” Grandbuggy smirks.

“I am?! Well that would have been nice to know this last year Grandbuggy!” she huffs and throws her legs up in frustration.

“So wait, she actually is the same age as the CMC?” Spike all but pleads for an answer.

“Yeah kid, don’t worry your scaly little head none,” Grandbuggy chuckles and Spike lets out a huge sigh of relief and clutches his claw over his heart.

“Oh thank the gods…”

“Um, do you care to elaborate any?” Twilight urges.

“Yeah, do you?!” Nightshade pushes.

“…As we said, that’s a private conversation,” Selena repeats.

“And for when you’re older,” you add to your daughter.

“But I’m apparently already older than I thought!” she grunts.

“Even older than that!” you shoot back.

“Gyagh!” she bellows and once more plants her face onto the table.

“…Alright then, we expect that conversation at some point,” Celestia decrees, showing that it’s not a matter of if but when.

"Um, anyway, after the Fillydehlpia incident, we caught you as The Hooded Offender in a horde meeting. Can you explain what happened there?" Twilight asks awkwardly getting back on track.

"Well, first off, I didn't know ponies were still organizing horde groups, and I certainly didn't want one to pop up in the town I was currently living in, so I went there only to put a stop to it. If I went there as anyling other than The Hooded Offender I wouldn't have had a chance at stopping it. Actually, I think it's still a thing in Ponyville, but definitely not at the same level."

Fluttershy and Spike look away awkwardly at that.

“I couldn’t exactly stop Octavia and the rest once they put their mind on it,” she excuses.

“They did help us during the Vampire Apocalypse,” Nightshade points out.

“The What?!” you, Selena and Sombra gasp.

“Later,” she waves off, filling you with anticipation.

You then go over other events, like getting hospitalized and the Mysterious Mare Do Well incident, and then Fluttershy brings up a traumatic event for all of them.

"Then there was the forest fire and we thought you died…I thought you died,” she explains in melancholy. “Not BST Not The Hooded Offender. I thought you died Hoody and you never told me what happened that day."

"Sorry about that, that wasn’t my intention,” you apologize before sighing for like the millionth time. “There were these five changelings from my past that showed up. They drugged Nightshade and took her into the Everfree forest to draw me out because they wanted to talk.”

“They drugged and kidnapped Nightshade because they just wanted to talk?” Spike says sounding aggravated.

“I know right? Those were my feelings as well,” you agree with the dragon.

“I’ve gotten better with my drug resistance since then,” Nightshade pouts, embarrassed over one of the few times she actually was helpless.

“Tell that to the hippies,” you snark and your daughter blushes again. “But yeah, they wanted my help to break Chrysalis out of her prison, but I didn't really care about that because they’d pissed me off. All of them but one didn't or couldn’t understand how much Nightshade meant to me. They thought I was keeping her with me as a constant love source.”

“Something I concluded as well when we battled,” Sombra points out.

“Yeah, I don’t really remember that, but I’m sure I got just as angry. I ended up fighting all of them and obviously, a Changeling pumped to the max with an alicorn's magic would win, but I nearly killed them all…I basically did anyway when I left them for dead when a bunch of dragons showed up, but I didn't care. I took my daughter with me and left them behind.”

Your voice hitches as you remember Sin and the others screaming, and you remember their scars from when you met with them again.

“In the midst of all that, the forest got set on fire, and I didn’t know you guys thought I burnt up, which again, sorry about that.”

“But why didn’t you return after that?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“I didn't return to Ponyville because that's when I saw Spike heading to the Dragonlands."

"So that's how Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and I met you at the Dragonlands!" Twilight says in realization.

"I thought he was going alone, so I followed him, you say, getting a thumbs up from the dragon. “Plus I figured Nightshade would get all upset if I let him get hurt too.”

“Dad~!” Nightshade whines while several of the adults laugh.

"Well, I mean…” he stammers, no doubt imagining things you didn’t say on the field. “Whatever the reason, thanks for always having my back dude."

"Any time!" You try to thumbs up back, but you remember, "Oh yeah, not in the human world anymore."

"I can't wait for you to tell me your journeys over there,” Twilight says with a giggle.

"We'll get there,” you reassure. "Anyway, continuing on. You four know what went down at the Dragonlands."

"I went to save a Phoenix egg Garble and some other guys were going to smash and you ended up saving us,” Spike reiterates.

“And said dragon is now smaller and hanging around in your clique?” Rarity inquires and Nightshade shrugs.

“He’s gotten better. His dad basically kicked him out of the dragon lands until he could be more empathetic, but then he started following me around because I’m his self proclaimed rival,” she explains. “I mean sure, he can still be a butt, but he’s not going around smashing eggs or other really mean things.”

“Cause he’s had a dose of the real world, that’ll shape anyling up,” Grandbuggy tells her before chuckling. “Plus being shrunk sure helped.”

“Yeah,” she nods. “But I think he’s earned his height back. You figure anything out yet Ms. Twilight?”

“He tried to eat the Tree of Harmony…solving that riddle is going to still take some time Nightshade,” Twilight says sounding exhausted of looking into it.

“Eh, worst case scenario he just has to grow up again,” you shrug indifferently. “Another dragon around ain’t gonna hurt.”

“You say that, but you left us with Crackle for two years,” Twilight grumbles and your eyes lighten.

“Oh right Crackle! That girl was a big help! How’s she doing by the way?”

“She’s fine…ever since she moved out of my library and started living with Octavia and Vinyl.”

“Huh, now that’s an image,” you say trying to imagine how chaotic that living condition must be.

“One day you need to take her back,” Twilight informs.

"Hey, it's her choice to stay if she wants. Convince her yourself." You wave her off, to which she groans and slouches.

"Other dragon friends aside, your whereabouts for the next few months is unknown,” Celestia interjects. “Did you return to Appleloosa?"

"Well..." you trail off as you remember the Doctor showing up and how things led to the otherworld.

"After the Dragonlands, I went somewhere else first…the place where I saw everyone die, as I said earlier,” you say apprehensively and they all hear the trepidation in your voice. Pinkie Pie especially wilts her ears and mane and looks at you in sympathy.

Oh right, I did tell her that day in the Empire, you remember.

“I see,” Celestia says excusing herself. “And you still wish to keep that for last?”

“Yeah…it’s a story I don’t like telling,” you admit and Selena attempts to put her hoof on your shoulder, but it fazes through you. You give a small smile to her sentiment before coughing into your hoof and continuing. “But after that adventure, which we’ll dub The Nightmare for now, I did go back to Appleloosa... for a few minutes. Then I realized I needed to take care of the Crimson Knights first."

“Wait, how did you know about the Crimson Knights that soon?” Shining inquires. “We hadn’t even heard wind of their group at that time.”

“It, uh, it relates to the story I’m saving for last,” you explain vaguely.

“Okay…well carry on then,” he encourages.

"Yes, please do. Is this where the Crimson Vengeance was established?" Luna asks.

"Not exactly, what happened first was... the Crystal Empire incident you say looking to Cadence and Shining and Sombra.

The crystal king’s eye twitches at this but he nods for you to continue.

“Nightshade and I had been moving around, camping from area to area. I wanted to stay off the grid because of…injuries that happened in that last adventure.”

Selena frown in remembrance as she stares at your chest towards the wound hidden under your layers of clothes.

“And you were camping…in the arctic?” Cadence asks confused and you shake your head.

“No, no, I ain’t that dumb. We were as far from the arctic as you could get, and Nightshade was practicing her teleportation spell Twilight had taught her.”

“Which you’ve become quite excellent at,” Twilight praises your daughter. “Earlier after the iceberg when you teleported yourself and Spike away, a part of me was so proud.”

“Aw, thanks Twilight,” she beams before scratching at her ear. “But I haven’t exactly mastered it yet…and I sure wasn’t a master of it back then either.”

“That’s putting it simply,” you chuckle before looking back to the bookworm. “She was thinking about showing off to you Twilight, so her teleportation spell brought us near you all. And you guys were just outside the Crystal Empire."

"Then you put on your El Hunko disguise, and acted worse than the Crystal Ponies before we turned on the Crystal Heart,” she muses curiously. "When we saw you in the library, was that acting, you being Bugze, or actual stress you were having?"

"Actual stress, but it ties to what happened with The Nightmare," you gloss over and she nods in understanding. “I wandered around, saw Cadence and Shining and tried to help out, but that didn’t go too well.”

“And then you told me exactly why you were sad,” Pinkie interupts and they all look to her. “Oh right, I’ve known he was El Hunko since that day.”

“You did? Why didn’t you ever say anything Pinkie?” Applejack asks incredulously.

“I Pinkie Promised him I wouldn’t tell,” she explains and that’s all they need to understand.

“Oh, alright then,” Applejack and the others nod.

“And wait, he told you what happened?” Luna asks and she nods.

“Yeah, some of it, but since he’s waiting till the end, I won’t say a peep,” she says giving you that small sad smile again.

“Thanks Pinkie,” you say in genuine gratitude. “So yeah, I had a heart to heart with Pinkie, and then the barrier started coming down and Sombra showed up.”

“I’m sure they remember that all too well,” Sombra says matter of factly looking over each and every one of them, causing them to shudder.

“Kind of a hard thing to forget,” you say. “But you guys know the spiel, I fought Sombra as El Hunko, changed my outfit mid-fight, and managed to lose control again."

“You losing control that time was far more horrific than the others,” Fluttershy admits and you wince.

“Yeah, I know, believe me I know.”

"Was he threatening your daughter like Flag Burner, or was erm... Selena the one who made you lose control like at the Gala?" Celestia inquires giving a side glance to your better half.

"Neither, I just lost control after what happened to Shining,” you say looking to the scar on the stallion’s abdomen. He looks at you at that as Cadence takes his hoof for comfort.

“All because of me?” he asks.

“Of course,” you nod. “Try as I might, I never really could hate you. You’re Cadence’s husband, and you make her happy. So when you got skewered…I saw red.”

He and Cadence look at with you in understanding and he gives you a head tilt of acknowledgement, before they both look to Sombra, but he doesn’t look at them.

“And so we fought, and I lost control, and Nightshade entered the fray and was more than a match for him. I guess my baser instincts said she was in trouble, but in hindsight he was no match for her,” you say smirking to the fallen king. Said king snorts and crosses his arms, still not looking up from the table.

"Come on Sombra, it wasn't that bad, I had help from Spike remember?" Nightshade tries to reassure.

"Ah yes, beaten by two children a fraction of my age, what a mighty king I am,” he grumbles.

"As for Selena…she wasn’t there to keep me from going berserk,” you explain and everypony raises a questioning brow at that.

“She…wasn’t there?” asks Luna.

“Well, I mean she was still in my head but she…” you trail off and she sighs.

“For lack of a better word, I was comatose,” she admits.

“Comatose?” Celestia inquires.

“Yes, during The Nightmare she risked her life to save mine and nearly died,” you say as you reach for her hoof, only for it to pass through.

For those that hadn’t heard that tidbit before it’s shaking, most of all for Celestia and Luna who look at the darker alicorn as if they can’t believe it. But at her down turned eyes and melancholic expression, they start to accept it.

“You saved his life?” Luna asks still bewildered and she nods without looking up.

“Yes. My bug will go into more detail towards the end, but suffice to say if given the chance, I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

“If I had the chance, I wouldn’t have you go through that again,” you tell her soothingly and she smiles.

“…So what I’m getting from this is that because she wasn’t conscious, the power flowed through you uncontrollably?” Twilight deduces.

“That’s exactly what happened,” you tell her truthfully. “I don’t even remember that fight because I was a literal beast.”

"And then you ate me," Sombra says grimly.

"And then I ate you, yeah,” you agree. "But take it this way, the Crystal Heart would have killed you if I hadn’t. You might be still alive because of me."

“A fact that some would say was a mistake,” he says with a head tilt towards the rulers of the Crystal Empire.

Throughout the recount of the incident, they haven’t let their eyes wander from him.

“…You tried to kill my husband,” Cadence says to him sternly as the atmosphere in the room gets tense.

The dark stallion hasn’t really looked at them directly since the topic of the Empire’s come up, but at that he looks up at her.

“Yes…yes I did,” he admits and she and Shining scowl harder.

“You gutted me, and I would have died if Cadence hadn’t been there,” Shining takes up the reins.

“More than likely,” he answers.

“That’s the one thing I can’t look over,” she continues. “Despite everything Bugze and Selena have done, you are the one who came the closest to robbing us of a loved one.”

“Yes, I won’t deny that at all,” he says stoically looking at the old wound on the white stallion.

“H-hey now, he did start to get better later in the y-“ Nightshade begins to defend but he holds a hoof up, cutting her off.

“Even when they hear that, it won’t erase the pain Nightshade,” he instructs before facing the one’s he’d wronged. “Nothing I say will ever make up for what I did.”

From the expressions on the royal couple, you see they entirely agree.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“It had not been my attention to kill the stallion, I’d wanted to kill you,” he says to Cadence truthfully and everyone at the table flinches. “I know it changes nothing, but I took you to be Princess Amore…” he trails off, his lip upturning into a snarl.

With the atmosphere tense, Cadence looks to the others on her side of the table and back at you.

“If you don’t mind a side tangent in the middle of your tale, can I ask something of Sombra?”

“Uh, sure. I was at the end of what happened in the Crystal Empire in the first place,” you shrug. Cadence looks to Twilight, who brings out a fresh set of paper and nods. Your oldest friend then turns back to the former king with that same firm and cold expression.

“Sombra, why did you take over the Crystal Empire?” she asks, her icy tone causing a chill to run down your spine, which for a moment makes you think the barrier has fallen and the blizzard’s made its way inside. Your gaze slowly turns to Sombra who stares back at Cadence with a neutral gaze. His eyes narrow before he lets out a sigh.

“Telling you my origin will not make you hate me less Princess, nor will it justify what I’ve done,” he says dismissively.

“No, but it will at least allow me to understand why Nightshade and Bugze have been so adamant about forgiving you,” she says in that same stone cold tone.

“The short answer is that they are optimistic to a fault,” he says and you frown in offense. “But if you wish to know, I will tell you, though I doubt it will change your mind.”

“And why is that?” she challenges. “You know now I am not Princess Amore.”

“No…but you have her eyes,” he nearly growls and the green of his eyes overtaking the white, which causes everyone to tense. “The eyes of a mare that made me suffer…”

Everyone dares not speak as the former king pants a little, forcing his eyes to return to normal. Cadence and Shining for their part, do not break eye contact with him.

“As I said, I am not Amore,” Cadence says stoically.

“…I suppose you are more straightforward than she ever was,” he relents before sighing. “But I know for sure that you are a piece of her.”

“What do you mean by that?” she inquires and he shakes his head.

“If you wish to hear my tale, then perhaps you will draw the same conclusions,” he answers vaguely before glancing to Nightshade for comfort. “I’m assuming you’ve stumbled upon some of my old things here in the castle, including my journal?”

“Yes, I have with some help from Twilight, although I haven’t read it yet because it was nearly impossible to open so Captain Jack wished to inspect it first,” she explains.

“Hmm, perhaps he has viewed my tale, but the journal was only accessible to two ponies originally. Myself and….Radiant Hope.” Sombra sighs as if he had just been hit. Celestia and Luna’s eyes widen at the name but they stay silent. “You wanna know why I hated Amore and seized power? It all centers around Hope.”

Sombra then begins his tale, and you are given a moment of respite from reciting yours. You and Selena have heard bits and pieces of this tale, especially in regards to Hope, but you know Nightshade has already heard most of the story as she scoots closer to the king to comfort him as best she can.

“As you can tell I am not like other Crystal Ponies, as in I’m not one. I was just a child when some guards found me out in the arctic tundra outside the empire…Alone,“ he begins, having everyone’s full attention. “I had no memory of anything prior, and I was taken to a local orphanage. The only thing I could say was Sombra, which then became my name. I was taught to read and right, but because of my appearance and odd speech I was bullied throughout my childhood.” You feel a pang of pity for the stallion having gone through similar troubles in your past.

“I only had one friend, a crystal unicorn named Radiant Hope. She too was teased for her overactive imagination, she told me she saw and talked with fairies and humans and other imaginary creatures. We played games, made up a language only we knew. We were happy growing up.” Sombra says with a small smile before frowning as his tone turns dark. “Then came the day when I saw the Crystal Heart for the first time…”

He tells of how Hope went to the Heart before the festival. How she saw a vision of herself as a Princess, and how he saw himself as a monster. He tells of how Princess Amore arrived and how he’d lied to her about his vision.

“She had paused at my statement but lowered herself to my level and gazed into my eyes. She told me that I had the power to shape my destiny and change what I saw. But it was all lies,” he snarls. “The day of the fair came, however I had found myself suddenly ill and I couldn’t move. As the day progressed I grew worse and worse, pain filling my body. The doctors could not find what was wrong with me, but Hope never left my side, even as the fair came to its end with the heart shining its brightest. She stayed with me until we both fell asleep. By the next day, I was perfectly fine, as if I was never sick in the first place. Together Hope and I planned for the next Crystal fair, but when it came time I fell ill once more.”

Wait a dang second, it’s obviously the heart that was hurting you so…you realize as your eyes widen. Oh…oh gorramn…

Hearing your thoughts Sombra just looks to you and squints his eyes a bit before turning back to Cadence.

“For fourteen years this continued, my pain only getting worse and worse, denying the chance for Hope and I to go to the festival. Until finally one year, my body couldn’t take it anymore. I suddenly began to be ripped apart. I screamed in pain begging for help and in a moment of great magical feat, Hope saved me,” he says with a faraway look. “In that instant, she gained her cutie mark, a symbol of healing, for she could heal nearly any injury with a wave of her horn…something that didn’t go unnoticed for long,” he says pointedly looking towards Celestia and Luna.

“I…I only vaguely recall the mare in question,” Luna admits. “Celestia handled those kinds of things more than I.”

“I do remember that mare and her ability,” Celestia says looking to Sombra. “I invited her to my school. I felt she had the potential for Princesshood, or even ascension.

“Which would separate me from the only friend I ever had, and my only chance of survival,” Sombra continues with hardened eyes. “With Hope gone I wouldn’t be able to survive whatever was destroying my body for the past fourteen years. In my panic and fear I ran. I ran and didn’t look back, but in my attempts to flee my destiny I ran straight to it.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight questioned.

“I found my birth mother,” Sombra says simply, and everyone’s eyes widen, even Nightshade.

“I don’t remember that part,” she says and he nods.

“For I refrained from telling you. I had fled into the cold frozen north from where I was found and happened upon a large red crystal. It...spoke to me.”

“…The crystal talked to you?” you ask befuddled and he sighs.

“Not literally cockroach,” he chides as his voice gets darker again. “Rather through it my mother spoke to me. She asked if I came to free her along with the others. My race, the Umbrum.”

“Okay, now we’re getting back into familiar territory. Can’t believe you never mentioned your mother before,” Nightshade grumbles and he rolls his eyes.

“She was just the instigator for the grander scheme,” he says shaking his head. “She and the rest of my kind were born of dark magical powers and used to rule over the Crystal Ponies, until they were defeated and sealed away for all eternity. Only through the combined efforts of my people’s greatest mages was I turned into a pony and freed. But being so young I had forgotten my task.

“Task? What task?” Rarity inquires.

“To set them free,” he says simply and everyone feels nervous about that. “My mother had also explained to me the reason behind my suffering for the past fourteen years. The heart still saw me as an Umbrum, and every Crystal Fair it had tried to destroy me. The very thing I had wanted to see my whole life was the thing behind my pain and suffering!”

He roars and slams his hooves onto the table which causes everyone to flinch. As he’d done with Flag Burner earlier, his hooves have left a mark despite him not actually being there.

“Is that why you were so happy when you corrupted it and used it as a weapon against us in the fight?” Nightshade asks him and he stops panting and looks to her.

“…Yes, I suppose I’ll always be a bit vindictive. Without the love of the citizens, it is just a channeling stone after all, which is how I used it against your father and you.”

“But back then, you couldn’t have possible done so,” Selena points out and he nods.

“No I couldn’t have. I was just still young and not nearly as powerful…But when my mother unlocked my sealed powers, that changed soon enough,” he says quietly, his voice growing cold again. “Things suddenly made sense and I knew how to utilize my true potential, but first I had to get rid of the Crystal Heart.”

“And that’s when you…?” Nightshade trails off and he nods, not looking at her. You’ve heard this part too in pieces, and you know who got killed after that.

“When you what?” Cadence inquires with squinted eyes.

“When I finally became who you see,” he says hollowly. “I hesitated at first when I approached the heart, my thoughts going to Hope…but it still harmed me then and there, so I stole it. And that’s when Amore appeared before me once again…”

If the room was tense before it’s now suffocating as Sombra starts to tremble.

“And she told me I didn’t have to be one of those monsters…” he seethes and Cadence’s eyes widen.

“She knew?” the love princess gasps and Sombra grits his teeth.

“Oh she knew alright. She knew the whole time what I was, and what I was going through. She let me suffer in ignorance for all those years! FOURTEEN YEARS OF PAIN AND SHE DID NOTHING!!!” he roars and your own eyes briefly wisp with purple and green as his power spreads through you. Gritting his teeth, Nightshade attempts to put her hoof on his and he closes his eyes and goes back to his emotionless tone. “And so I repaid her in kind and petrified her.”

Celestia and Luna scowl at that, having known the past Crystal Princess.

“You petrified her?” Celestia drills.

“Yes…but you won’t find her within this Empire,” he says, still looking at Cadence. “For so long I had been afraid…but it was through my fear I had taken down my torturer, my people’s oppressor. I discovered the strongest power of all. Stronger than love itself. Fear, fear was my strength, my ally, and I would take the fear they put in me and repay each of them with it. I would enact my revenge, the revenge of my people upon every last crystal pony.”

Cadence, though her eyes seem moist, still stares the fallen king right in the eye as he speaks.

“And so you did…”

“Yes, and so I did…but not before Hope tried to stop for me,” he says, lowering his gaze. “I offered for her to be my queen, to get back at those that had wronged her as well…but she refused. She pleaded for me to stop and set things right and to restore Amore, but I couldn’t let that happen. So I shattered her petrified body.”

Mostly everyone on the other side of the table gasp at this declaration, but no one says anything as he continues.

“I scattered her shards across the globe, and Hope fled from me, and in that moment I lost my one true friend, and the only mare I ever loved,” he says still looking down, tears running down his face. “And so I enslaved the Crystal Ponies, I stamped out any resistance around the Arctic, and I got to work trying to free my people…” he then looks up at Celestia and Luna. “But then you came from the south and I ran out of time.”

“Radiant Hope had told us how you enslaved the North and assassinated Amore,” Celestia says with a frown. “And that is when we engaged you in battle.”

“And a hard fought battle it was,” he says with a sniffle and stares directly at Luna. “You had me dead to rights when you unleashed your own shadows.”

Luna flinches at that and glances briefly at Selena.

“That was one of the first times I felt the call of the void,” she says and Selena nods.

“I remember…” she mutters and Sombra shakes his head.

“I had lost, but I would not give you victory, so I enacted my curse which stripped me of my material pony form to send the Empire into limbo. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed. And on the day of my return, is what kick-started my whole involvement with this narrative,” he says sounding somber and tired. “And look where that’s gotten me, no home, no people, no body, no friends, nothing.”

At his sudden melancholic tone, you reach out mentally and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Hey, that’s not true buddy, you have us now,” you comfort and he tenses.

“Dad’s right Sombra, we’re still here,” Nightshade comforts as well.

“I hadn’t realized how much hardship you’d gone through Sombra…you have my sympathies as well,” Selena adds. He looks between the three of you and sighs before wiping at his eyes.

“No matter what you three think, it’s not you who will decide my fate,” he says somberly.

“Maybe not, but I think you’ve made a pretty good case for yourself,” you say pointing across the table. When he looks up, he sees what you’ve been seeing for the last few minutes. The Elements and Spike and even Cadence and Shining have misty eyes, some more than others.

You yourself had to dab at your eyes, and you even saw Grandbuggy at one point turn his head to do so discreetly.

You’ve moved them more than you think Sombra, you think privately and he sucks in his lip.

“Be that as it may, it is but pity, for my tale is a pitiful one. It still doesn’t absolve me of my sins,” he says while looking at Cadence and Shining.

“Maybe not…but I do understand now Sombra,” Cadence says with a slight nod of acknowledgement. “And with this information, I think I might know even more about my origin…”

“Cadence?” you ask surprised and she glances at Celestia.

“I was found as a pegasus near a village in the middle of nowhere with no memories. A family took me in and raised me, and one day I defeated a witch by melting her icy heart with the power of love. That is when I ascended and Auntie Celestia adopted me into the royalty,” she narrates before her eyes settle back on Sombra. “You said you scattered Amore across the world…I’m a piece of her aren’t I?”

Mostly everyone, especially Shining Armor look at Cadence in shock at that, and their jaws drop further when Sombra answers,

“I believe you are. As I said, you are not her, but a piece…and I can still feel that piece.”

Cadence frowns and looks to the sun princess.

“Did you know auntie?” she asks and Celestia sighs.

“I believed you to be her reincarnation, but I never could find out for sure,” she admits. “But with this knowledge of her body being scattered…”

“You also got the Doc to thank for that,” Grandbuggy pipes after staying silent for so long, which even takes Sombra aback.

“What do you mean old changeling?” he inquires and Grandbuggy grins.

“The Doc found a crystal heart one day. Not THE Crystal Heart, but a smaller one, perfectly pony sized,” he explains and Sombra’s jaw drops. “Well suffice to say it was bleeding love magic as hearts are wont to do, and attracting some ancient changelings. When he brought it on board the TARDIS some shenanigans happened and a pegasus filly came into being.”

“Wait, wait, hold up! Are you telling me Cadence was born on the TARDIS?!” you exclaim as Shining Armor looks at his wife with even more affection.

“Something like that,” he shrugs. “I wasn’t around for that little adventure as it happened in his current form, but he’d told me about it. He then placed that filly near that village to restore a fixed point in time and…well, here ya go.”

Cadence still looks flabbergasted about her origins and his just opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

“I…I…” she sputters and Twilight is furiously scratching out notes.

…I can’t believe how similar she is to Nightshade, Selena thinks to you privately and you nod your head in disbelief.

Our family tree really is complicated…

After this realization, Sombra stands up a bit and leans towards Cadence. Looking her deep in the eye, he says,

“Amore, if there’s any trace of your soul still left in there…I will never forget the suffering you caused me. I will forgive you for the fact that I truly am a monster…but I will never forget.” He then leans back and says, “And neither should any of you forget what I’ve done. I regret my sins past and present…and I apologize for trying to end your lives.”

Cadence and Shining look absolutely floored, and Celestia looks impressed by this resolve.

“I…” Cadence trails, still at a loss for words.

“You’ve heard my tale now Princess, and you claim to understand me now. Are you satisfied?” he asks and her eyes start darting all around.

“I…” she says again, but Shining puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“Yes, that should be enough for now,” he says still with a frown directed at the Crystal King.

“Very well then,” he says. “And before you ask, I’m not sure how to think about my imprisoned brethren. All I know now is that they are the only lead in helping Nightshade.”

“That sounds like a delicate matter,” Luna concludes and looks back at her niece. “Something we should prep for when things get settled.”

“Agreed,” he nods before turning towards Celestia. “But before the cockroach picks back up, I have one inquiry left.”

“What information do you seek?” Celestia asks with a raised brow.

“…Did Hope live a happy life?” he asks, his tone full of regret, and that just hits everyone else in the table right in the feels. Celestia takes a moment to compose herself before she answers.

“Truthfully, I do not know,” she answers and he frowns. “After the Empire disappeared, she stayed for awhile with us in Canterlot, but she declined to join my school. She bid Luna and I farewell one day and left…and we never saw her again.”

Sombra internalizes this answer and looks at the table where he made the dent.

“So she never did become a Princess. All because of me…” he nearly whispers, causing Nightshade to comfort him again.

Haryou Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

"I’m sure she’d be proud of you Sombra,” she encourages and the stallion looks to her with disbelief. “After all, you're beginning to become the pony she always thought you were."

He says nothing to that, only staring at Nightshade with a look that many have given her over the years. The shock of such wisdom coming from someone so small.

“…Continue with your tale pest,” he orders you, not even looking in your direction, but you can see as some of the tension in his shoulders has loosened.

Smirking you cough into your hoof.

“So yeah, thanks for sharing that with us Sombra. It just goes to show that you don’t really know a guy until you learn his story, right?” you say looking to all the girls who chuckle nervously.

You then look to the conflicted looking Shining and Cadence who are still processing all the new info.

Even if they never trust him again, I think perhaps they’ll forgive him. A sad back story goes a long way, you think optimistically.

The Present

Or maybe not, you think pessimistically as you use the wall for balance. The crystal is cold and slick, but it’s all that’s available to you. Sombra, if it turns out they decided not to let you go and lumped me and Selly into this I’ll…I’ll…

You don’t know what you’ll do, because you don’t feel like you can do anything at all.

Gorrammit! What went wrong?! Was this all just a trap? Did Fluttershy or Cadence even try to stop them?! Why did they do this to us?!

In your mental anguish, you trip over the manacles and slide down the wall, hitting your chest onto the ground.

“Oof!” you grunt as you meet the floor with your face once again.

I’m missing something, I just know it! You think assuredly. Suddenly, you hear the sound of a metallic screeching gate in the darkness before you and you lift your head.

“Heh heh heh, that’s what you get you cybernetic freak show. That’s what you get for being so edgy,” a male voice echoes down the corridor. You don’t recognize the voice, but for some reason it puts you on edge.

“It won’t be long now till dear ol Bugze makes his way here, and boy is he gonna flip,” the voice laughs gleefully and your eyes widen.

Who the buck is that? you wonder as you get back to your hooves again. And who are they talking to about me escaping?

Without any other leads, you slide against the wall once more and start making your way towards the giggling male voice.

Whoever they are, they talk like they know me…maybe it’s a friend rather than a foe? You wonder, and for some reason a chill runs up your spine. As it does, the chains clink together around your hooves and you freeze in place.

With that clinking of the chain, the mumbling of the male voice stops, and you immediately hold your breath.

“…Well, well, well, guess my gloating took up more time than I thought,” the voice says nonchalantly. “Don’t be afraid, come along Bugze, I’ve got a present for you…”

Sweat immediately forms at the back of your neck and you feel like a moth caught in the light of a campfire.

“Aww, come on Bugze, you really gonna treat a friend like that?” the voice says sounding off put and the tone makes you gulp.

If they were the ones to imprison me then they wouldn’t even have attempted to talk, you reckon as you steel your nerves and walk forward again.

“There we go,” the voice says after you take a few steps, before suddenly a torch lights up, and you see that this hallway is at a dead end. Standing silhouetted by the firelight is a brown earth pony stallion with a dirty blonde mane, dressed in a black suit, red tie and grey fedora. A frowning mask and a laughing mask make up his cutie mark, and he smiles at you, standing in front of the last cell in this hallway. “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. You don’t call or write for a whole year, it’s enough to make a guy worried.”

“Who the buck are you?” you ask the unfamiliar stallion, which only causes him to smile in an even more deranged manner.

“Oh you know, just a friend…”


“After crash landing, Nightshade watched over me in an abandoned cabin in the Everfree. Only we didn’t know it was the Everfree at the time,” you continue.

“Yeah…and that’s when I found Sunny Town,” she says with a shudder.

"Wait a second, Sunny Town? Does this have something to do with zombies in the Everfree?” Applejack asks suddenly and you and Nightshade stiffen.

“How did you know that?” Nightshade asks. “She and I were supposed to keep it a secret.”

“So it does have something to do with ya’ll,” Applejack frowns before sighing. “But don’t fret, Bloom never told me, I just overheard her talking in her sleep a few times when she was having a Nightmare. She kept mumbling about Sunny Town, Rose, and zombies.”

“Ah…her recurring nightmares…” Luna says with recognition.

“Yeah it was a crazy evil place…” you trail off before looking at Luna. “You know anything about Sunny Town?”

“I only know what I have witnessed in young Applebloom’s nightmares. Reoccurring dreams take time to stamp out, but from what I witnessed I did not think they could possibly be real,” she admits.

“Well it was real alright,” Nightshade shivers. “When the sun was shining, it was a nice, and happy place, but then it got dark after we found a filly’s skeleton and then everything went to Tartarus.”

“Yeah, there were zombies and exploding bugs, and bucking Pyramid Head himself!” you exclaim.

“Who?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Another fictional character that’s apparently real, only this one was from a horror video game,” you say putting a hoof to your head in remembrance.

You and Nightshade then go into more details about the town.

“I don’t ever recall a settlement like this existing,” Celestia ponders. “A millennia ago, I do recall an outbreak of the Cutie Pox, but it had been contained. To think that there were those that huddled in fear in the Everfree without my knowledge…”

“Or that a poor filly’s soul could curse an entire town for a thousand years,” Fluttershy says sadly.

“Wrath is a powerful motivator when it comes to curses. I should know,” Sombra says and she winces at that.

“So this Pyramid Head thing, does it still roam the Everfree?” Luna inquires and you shrug.

“I have no clue, the ghost filly told him everything was cool and he just wandered off.”

“The Everfree does tend to have eldritch abominations in it that just wander off, just like that faceless stallion in the suit,” she shudders, as does Fluttershy.

“Oh yeah, Slendy’s still out there too,” Nightshade nods.

“Seriously, what fictional characters aren’t real at this point? Remember that time Spidermane showed up out of nowhere?” you say exasperated, recalling the time the superhero saved Diamond Tiara from falling off the roof.

“It’s best not to think too much on that boy, your mind won’t be able to take it,” Grandbuggy reassures and pats your shoulder.

“If you say so,” you relent with a sigh. “But after getting out of that Tartarus, we dropped Applebloom off with Zecora then headed on. We found one of Grandbuggy’s old bunkers, and that’s where the idea to become a bounty hunter was born.”

“Why there specifically?” asks Cadence.

“Because Grandbuggy had a bunch of cool stuff in there, and we needed money. Plus, that’s when Selena came back in an epic way,” you say smirking to the mare.

“Oh, it wasn’t anything special,” she hoof waves, trying to sound nonchalant.

“The buck it wasn’t,” you say playfully. “One night when I was sleeping, Sombra showed up in my mindscape. At first I was happy he wasn’t dead, but then we started having a mental battle.”

“As to be expected since I was trapped there. And I would have won if she hadn’t woken up,” he grumbles sorely, side eying Selena.

“Against one such as I, you never stood a chance,” she snarks back and the king grumbles more. “But yes, I awoke and turned the tide of the battle, looking as you see me now.”

“I had been wondering why your form has been presented as such,” Luna says. “With no armor and being slightly smaller than I…I couldn’t figure out why you would look like this.”

“It wasn’t always this way,” Selena sighs. “For the first two years, I looked as you remembered. But after The Nightmare, my magic prowess and life force was significantly decreased saving Bugze’s life.”

“Believe it or not, she actually looked a lot smaller initially, but as she recovered, she grew back to this form,” you explain.

“Indeed, but this form…this is who I am now. A form I am much more comfortable with. My own…”

“I really like it better too. So much easier to hug in the mindscape,” Nightshade adds her two cents and the adults smirk.

Luna takes a moment studying her unorthodox “twin” before she finally nods.

"You say your power was diminished, but the battle with Sombra proves that you still have much left," she points out.

“Not nearly as much as what we had together,” she says to Luna who sucks in her lip.

"Obviously,” you snark before continuing. “So Selena had Sombra magically caged in my mind, and with her back I put on the Bounty Hunter Crimson Vengeance persona. I took a few regular bounties before I started going after the Crimson Knights, and you all know how that went."

"But we never would have realized how personal it was," Cadence admits. "I sure wouldn't want a dangerous cult worshiping me running around."

"Eh, some of them weren't even that bad. Really the majority of the Crimson Knight leaders were just a bunch of weirdoes that got put in positions of power by the real masterminds.”

“Ah, you are referring to the Changelings,” Celestia says and you nod.

“Yeah, they were using the Knights to work their operations right under your noses. Not even the Generals that were changelings themselves knew…”

You and Nightshade and Selena then go on about the many misadventures taking down the Crimson Knights and meeting Aqua again and Greta helping out in a puzzle filled sanctum of evil robots. Hearing that, they all give Mangle more weary glances, but you continue on.

How much of a bonehead Silver Strange was, how Kichi shouldn’t be left around kids, how Solarkness and Rutherford were obsessed with law and wanting to make films, how fat and grotesque Kersey was, how vengeful and misguide Spartan was, how drunk and stupid Brown Dog and Snap Drake were, and lastly how dangerous and deranged Grey Rebl and Erised were.

Nightshade also adds how she got on stage with Sapphire Shores, a name which cause both you and Selena to wince at, and how she grabbed the moon at the Hippie Camp.

“So it’s been YOU who’s been messing with my moon?” Luna gasps.

“I’ve only done it like…three times,” she excuses.

“We’d written it off as…well, your mother doing it, but it’s been you the whole time?”

“Yeah, I just said I did,” she points out and Luna looks at her sister slack jawed.

“I was in my adolescence before I could move it on my own…”

“She’s more powerful than we imagined,” Celestia says in awe and respect.

“Plus that first time, she didn’t even know it since she’d gotten a contact high from all the filthy hippies,” you point out and they drop their jaws even more.

“I really don’t remember it clearly,” she says with a giggle. “Apparently Garble was there and I let go of the moon to go kick the crap out of him, so I guess in a way he saved the day?”

Still in shock over your daughter’s immense power, you continue the tale to right when Celestia showed up at Arkhay and your splitting with Aqua.

“We then decided to give up on being a bounty hunter and wandered along. We didn’t plan on coming back to Ponyville, even though Nightshade wanted too, but then Discord showed up.”

“Discord made you go to Ponyville?” Fluttershy asks.

“Well…not really. He just showed up and started taunting me basically that he’d been reformed by you and that I was still public enemy number one…so I kind of maybe sort of thought that he was lying and that Ponyville was taken over by him.”

“So you didn’t believe that I’d actually reformed him?” Fluttershy asks, sounding hurt and offended.

“No, dad didn’t think you had it in you,” Nightshade answers bluntly.

“Nightshade!” you scold but she shrugs.

“What? It’s true! Even Discord sounded offended,” she argues and you look back to Fluttershy who is frowning.

“Okay, to be fair, Discord is a smug snake and manipulative liar and I didn’t trust him!” you defend before sighing. “So yeah, he said all that and that he wasn’t going to turn me in because he still appreciated someone chaotic out there, even if he himself couldn’t be chaotic. After he disappeared I ran to Ponyville.”

“That little…” Luna grits her teeth before groaning and looking to her sister who is also frowning.

“So he’d been lying to us when he said he couldn’t figure out where you were last year,” Celestia says sounding upset.

“Apparently,” you shrug and Luna grimaces.

“I told you he would not be tamed so easily!” she scolds her older sister.

“You and I both agreed he was our best chance of finding the Offender!” Celestia argues back.

“Well I suppose he was, and he decided to keep that to himself!” Luna huffs and crosses her arms.

“…I think I’ll have a talk with him about not opening up to you two when we get back home,” Fluttershy says stoically.

“Please do, because if you don’t, I will,” Luna snorts and everyone looks at her apprehensively.

“The guy does need tough love, but go easy on him. He’s still powerless after all,” Nightshade defends.

“Yeah, I’ll handle it, I promise,” Fluttershy agrees, wanting to protect the draconequus.

“Well that aside, when I got to town, I felt for sure he was lying because the Pinkie Clones were everywhere.”

“Right, where Ms. Twilight became a mass murderer,” Nightshade adds.

“It wasn’t like that!” she bellows before coughing and composing herself.

Skiny_Boy’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

“Look, in the moment, when you all started accusing me of killing them, I got wrapped up, but I didn’t necessarily kill them,” she defends with shifty eyes.

“Sure seemed like you did to me,” you argue and she sighs.

“The clones I…dispelled were sent back into the Mirror Pool from the magic they were created from. Whether their consciousness remained or not, I don’t know, but there was no soul transference or life lost.”

“Well, it seems more like you didn’t give them the chance to become their own pony if you want to put a label on it, which is still pretty terrible,” Selena observes and Twilight flinches.

“Yes…I know that. Though I haven’t seen any of the ones you rescued since that day, but I’ve heard reports.”

“We’ve met a few over the last year,” Nightshade pipes up. “Heck, there were quite a few living in Appleloosa when we had our big fight.”

“And…are they…sentient?”

“Well, the ones in Appleloosa still are Pinkie-ish in a way, but Braeburn and the locals taught them how to live, and some struck out to be their own ponies. They’ve all avoided Ponyville though for obvious reasons,” you say and she nods.

“Some have their own personalities and different names now too, it’s pretty interesting seeing different sides of Pinkie,” Nightshade says and the party pony smiles.

“Oh my gosh, if they are their own ponies, then that means they are kind of like my sisters right?!” she exclaims, but continues talking before anyone can answer. “So if I can find them and make things right between them and Twiilight then I can take them home to see Mom and Dad and Limestone and Marble and Maude and we can be an even bigger family!”

“…Does that mean I’m kind of sort of related to them too?” Nightshade asks.

“With your family history? I think it would count,” Sombra answers.

“Whatever the case, we saved the Pinkies, and we ended up sticking around Ponyville again…”

Haryou Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Since many of them were present for a lot of it, you all do a quick recap of your second stay in Ponyville, highlighting things like the Reunion, hanging with Flash, Nightshade reforming from being a bully, and the night where Selena finally told you the truth. You don’t go into details obviously, but you tell them all how you truly and completely forgave her. Grandbuggy also adds in how he was around in the background through a lot of these events, including dragging you out of the river that same night.

Then you get to another of your sins.

"So, that mare, Trixie Lulamoon," Celestia begins and you sigh. "At this point in your tale Selena is reformed I take it. So why then did things turn out the way they did?”

Sombra turns his gaze downward as Selena nods for you to begin.

“Trixie…was a lot of wrong things culminating together all at once,” you begin. “Nightshade and I were actually going to leave town that day and we’d secretly said our goodbyes to you when Flash left. The thing is though, when that barrier got put up, me and Nightshade got separated. I thought maybe there was an external threat so I told her to go to the library while I went to Zecora’s…but then I ran into Twilight on the way there.”

“I remember that, you said you’d sent your daughter to get snacks and you weren’t in any of your costumes,” Twilight recalls.

“Yeah, because I’d thought we were already gone and was trying to comfort Nightshade…but you caught me and that’s all I could come up with,” you explain. “Sorry for lying and being so harsh back then. Even though only hours before that we were all having a great time together."

"Don't apologize, you had no choice. I also remember your attitude changing immediately when I said Trixie was responsible."

“Yeah…” you say with regret. “I’d hated Trixie for so long after the Ursa Major incident. Unlike all of you, she had been a friend first before she betrayed me and…and I held a grudge.”

“I can understand that feeling, of holding onto anger for so long," Celestia says turning to look at Selena. "Betrayal can hurt a lot more than the actual blow they say."

“And that invisible wound will still remain long after any other scar or bruise has healed,” Selena says looking to Luna. All three alicorns silently acknowledge their past feelings.

“But like any wound, it will fester if you don’t treat it properly. And I sure didn’t…” you admit in shame as all the other mares look at you sympathetically. “When Twilight and I got back inside, I told everyone to clear off, and I hurt her again and again until she was finally beaten, like everyling else that’s gone against me.”

No one says anything as they wait for you to gather yourself, which you are thankful for. Taking a deep breath, you push on through.

“I wanted to hurt her but I could never bring myself to kill her. Not then and certainly not now. The fight itself isn't important. After I defeated her, she begged for my forgiveness. But I didn't want to give it to her. She kept begging... and even took off the amulet to prove that she wasn't lying. She wanted to do anything to befriend me once again, to atone for her mistakes… but I never gave her a chance. I told her it was too late, that I couldn't forgive her after all she had done..." you sigh in misery, everyone paying rapt attention. “After telling her that, she…she began to think that... maybe the world didn't want her around...that it’d be better without her in it…" You look Celestia in the eyes. "And she tried to kill herself."

Her face winces as if she’d just been struck…but she doesn’t seem all that surprised. Mostly, she just looks at you with sympathy and pity, as does everyone else.

“…When she awoke, the Doctor’s found that she still had that mentality, that she didn’t deserve to live,” Celestia says closing her eyes and sighing herself. “They’ve made great progress with her since then, but for awhile there, she had to be observed regularly and sedated.”

“Yeah…I figured it was something like that…” you say looking down in shame.

"She's still alive, though right? That means there's still a chance to make things right, and that also means we have a chance to make her smile again," Pinkie Pie says to you optimistically and you can’t help but have the corner of your mouth twitch momentarily.

“Still, she only was driven into that corner because of me, because I couldn’t let the past go and move on with someone who was genuinely trying to change. Because I had rejected the idea that it could ever happen for me, so why should I offer it to others?” you say hollowly before Nightshade grips your arm and Selena attempts to. “…I’m glad she’s doing better, and you’re right Pinkie, there is another chance…but I didn’t know that in the past.”

You then look back to Celestia.

"You arrived just in time and teleported her so she could survive, and I’m thankful for that…but at that moment all I’d known was that I killed her. Noling was influencing me, it wasn’t an accident, and it wasn’t even in the midst of rage. I told her to her tear soaked face that she ruined my life and that I would always hate her. I took away her hope and pushed her into despair…And when I held her bleeding in my arms, and tried to take it back, she didn’t believe me…right up until she stopped breathing.”

A few tears fall from your eyes as reliving the memory has worked you up. You sniffle and wipe your nose and cheeks as your family begins to comfort you. There’s more than a few wet eyes on the other side of the table as well.

“I saw her again at the end of last year, inside of her dreams. I was able to apologize and I told her to live on…but the guilt still remains, and I wanna see her in person again,” you admit.

“Grandbuggy took me to see her,” Nightshade says and you look at her with wide eyes.

“You…saw Trixie?”

“Mmhmm,” she nods. “She’s really doing a lot better and I got to apologize to her myself for how mad I’d been at her. She wants to see you again too Daddy.”

You stay silent for a moment as you process that before looking to the Princesses.

“I hope I get the chance.”

"Back then... I shouted at you,” Celestia says regretfully and full of remorse. "I blamed you, yelled in your face. Even when I knew you were broken just by looking at your eyes…I apologize for my actions and words that day. Even while knowing how it affected you, I couldn't help myself but be angry."

“I don’t blame you Celestia,” you tell her plainly which shocks her. “We’d been at each other’s throats for so long, I don’t blame you for jumping to the obvious conclusion. It’s not like I could have said anything in that moment to clear it up anyway…”

“And he would not have been as broken were it not for my meddling,” Sombra pipes up.

“What do you mean?” asks Luna.

“Over that year, whilst they kept me sedated, I figured out I could manipulate some of his emotions, just as the shadow mare used to,” he explains and Selena winces. “I suppressed his guilt for the longest time…and during that moment I released it all and overwhelmed his psyche.”

“Wh…why would you do that?” Fluttershy asks with tears in her eyes as everyone starts to glare at the king.

“Because I was still who you all remember and I wished for freedom, and the only way to go about that was killing him…I had no idea what the Elements of Harmony were truly though,” he explains up front.

“And because of that, Bugze was mentally broken for some time,” Selena says looking at you with a sorrowful expression. “Breaking through his inner turmoil and taking control to stop you from firing the Elements was the only thing I could’ve done to save him.”

“And then we all blamed you for everything…” Fluttershy says frowning. “I’ll admit, I led the charge on that one.”

“What other conclusion could you jump to?” Selena dismisses with a sigh. “But after I fled from you all, I confronted Sombra, locking him away again, and I controlled Bugze’s body while we recovered in the bunker.”

"Now that I know what truly happened, I'm glad I didn't do any worse to you…” Celestia admits looking at you apologetically.

“She and Nightshade were eventually able to bring me out of my stupor…but then I truly came back when we got a knock on the door.”

You then go on to explain how Sin arrived and explained how she and the others survived the dragons and had found other scattered Changelings. You tell them how they’d influenced the Knights, and how their ultimate goal was to free the rest of the Hive. You speak of you “reunion” with Chrysalis and the revelations you’d had. You speak about how you were all for helping them, until they talked about how Appleloosa would be drained to help facilitate the breakout.

“We’d heard that Appleloosa had been invaded, but we didn’t know you were involved,” Applejack says, sounding very relieved.

“Because the townsfolk and the guards didn’t rat us out,” you point out and Shining’s lip twitches at that. “But yeah, that plan had already been put in motion. When I turned on her, she locked my powers with a piece of the changeling throne and knocked me out. When I came too, I was on the TARDIS.”

“And that’s when I finally made my presence known after so long,” Grandbuggy chimes in. “I’d kicked the Doc out after learning of all the boy had gone through, and was catching up, though admittedly that did put a dampener on his relationship with his lady friend, but they’re doing better now.”

“Lady friend? Who is-“ Twilight starts, but Grandbuggy interrupts her with,


“Yeah, don’t pry into that one Ms. Twilight,” Nightshade warns. “But yeah, we all met with Jack and Aqua and, uh…Mia, and we went to go save the day.”

You see Twilight about to ask who Mia is, so you cut her off.

“Thankfully the Generals I’d captured had broken out of their bonds and had teamed up with the remaining guards and townsfolk who hadn’t been captured. When we got there, I rallied them all and we fought back till it was only me and the augmented 5 left.”

“And that was when Sombra truly started to change for the better,” Nightshade says with a smile at the former king who just scratches at his ear.

“Right,” you nod. “You all saw my awakened form on the field earlier, which isn’t something Selena and I could accomplish on our own.”

“Phase 4 is indeed too powerful even for me to properly regulate…but before we lost control completely, he intervened.”

“I only did so because Nightshade asked me too,” he excuses while crossing his arms. “I did not want to disappoint her again…”

“And you didn’t,” she says cheerfully and looks to the Princesses. “Sombra saved my Mom and Dad that day and helped turn the tide and let us win.”

They all look to the King with awed looks at this, but he doesn’t meet their eyes and just huffs.

“Whether he admits it or not, it’s the truth,” you agree. “We stopped Sin and the others, and then I went into the Hive-Mind itself…”

You tell the princesses how you broke the Hive-Mind, how you gave the Hive a chance for redemption, and how almost half took it.

“They left Chrysalis and her loyalists and are going down another path in another place and another time according to the Doctor,” you explain.

“You…reformed half the hive?” Twilight gasps in awe. “I’m the Princess of Friendship and not even I was able to do something so grand…”

“Well, it was their choice to make,” you point out. “Anyone who’s left with her after they escaped is loyal to her, so keep that in mind.”

“Oh we will,” Shining says with determination.

You then go on to say how nearly all the Crimson Knight Generals now work for Torchwood and according to Grandbuggy are in space fighting aliens. Many find this cool, many find this sneaky of Jack to pull one over on them, and some like Twilight have an aneurism trying to imagine a group of nutjobs traveling through space.

“And then we found out you became a Princess and we decided to lay low because you were even more powerful now,” you tell Twilight who laughs sheepishly. “But after awhile Jack eventually got ahold of us saying he figured out a way to get Selena and Sombra’s bodies. We met up with him and he said that many artifacts were needed, but that the most important one would be a Siren Stone which had been banished to another world over a thousand years ago. I agreed to partake in this dimension hopping after leaving Nightshade with Grandbuggy.”

“And the minute Daddy was gone, Grandbuggy and I decided to go get the other artifacts so that wouldn’t waste time waiting for him to come back,” Nightshade adds.

“And I was right, we got all the necessary ingredients now,” Grandbuggy says to you smugly and you grimace.

“Yeah yeah, well you may have gotten multiple things, but I had to deal with a world full of humans after turning into one,” you grumble. “Seriously, I still owe Jack a sock in the face for not giving me a heads up.”

“I can understand that feeling all too well Bugze,” Twilight says with a shudder.

“Oh please, at least you guys got to be humans, I got turned into a stupid dog!” Spike grumbles.

“…Yeah, I suppose it could have been worse,” you nod.

“Did you get pictures like I asked Dad?” Nightshade inquires.

“Yup! And they’re all right here on this fancy cellular phone thingie,” you say pulling out the cell phone from your inventory.

“Oh wow, you really were there,” Twilight says as her eyes alighten. “All the girls had those.”

“They are pretty neat, and they have a lot of funny cat videos on this thing called the Internets,” you say holding aloft the phone causing all the ponies to go,


You then attempt to tap the screen and turn it on…but your hooves really don’t work with it as well as your fingers did.

“…Hey Spike.”


“Do me a favor and press this button, then the slide your claw across the screen then press an image of a flower would ya?” you say as you slide the phone over to him. It takes him a moment, but the drake eventually gets it and starts scrolling through the pictures you’d taken.

“That’s what you looked like as a human Dad?!” Nightshade exclaims in shock. “I…I don’t…I don’t know how to feel about that.”

“I think disgust is the word you’re looking for honey, because I was hideous,” you admit.

“Hey now, I think we still look pretty good for humies,” Pinkie Pie points out to some of the pictures of them.

“If you say so,” you shrug. “But yeah, I was in the human world, and it was nuts…”

You then start telling about your trials and tribulations in Human Land, from meeting your doppelganger, to befriending Human Twilight, encountering random magical stones, meeting the Dazzlings and of course Sunset and the Rainbooms. You leave nothing out.

“…So my human doppelganger turned into a supervillain?” Twilight asks in shock.

“Yeah, but we were able to stop her…literally a few hours ago,” you nod.

"I would never have suspected my counterpart had things that bad... I mean, I was a little reclusive before coming to Ponyville, but it was not that drastic" she comments.

“It also sounds like Human Twilight did not have the best instructors,” Celestia adds. “If I’m not mistaken, there was an Abacus Cinch that taught at my school, but she’s long since retired. She wasn’t exactly popular, but in light of the human version’s attitude, maybe I should ask some former students about her…”

“It might not yield anything though, some humies were wildly different. Take Human Filthy Rich, a huge D-Bag compared to the real one, and on the flip side Human Spoiled Rich is the superior version and nice,” you explain and the alicorn puts a hoof to her chin.


“I’m mostly disturbed that Human Twilight would use poor little monkeys to do her bidding,” Fluttershy says and you get a thousand yard stare.

“They weren’t poor or little Fluttershy…I still hear their howls when I sleep…”

“Well even still, it just shows how a tormented soul when given power can become corrupted and lose their way,” Luna says before looking to Selena. “I can relate.”

Selena lowers her gaze at that and grits her teeth, but she does not deny the comparison.

“I guess so,” Twilight shrugs. “But all of that madness with Freddy’s, I’d hate to think of machines like that still running around.”

“I kind of took care of that inadvertently last year,” you say and she nods.

“And that time loop, that would explain why the cracks in reality formed in the first place…I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Twilight apologizes.

“Eh, it is what it is. I might have gone a little nuts there, but I was able to speed run that happy ending eventually,” you shrug.

“Yes, happy ending…including my human counterpart being in a relationship with yours?” Luna asks feeling uneasy.

“It was more like she started acting more like me and went back to him,” Selena says with a hint of pride.

“I still can’t believe all your alternate selves were rock stars, that’s so cool!” Rainbow gushes.

“Not to mention you used the power of Rock n Roll to save the day,” Fluttershy congratulates.

“Yup, and I couldn’t have done it without the help of all my humie friends, Sunset and the Dazzlings.”

“Now that I’ve got an idea of who they are, I actually kind of like them,” Nightshade admits.

“Good, because they are really bucking powerful and can in fact mind control folks, so best to be friends with them,” you encourage and pat her head.

“Also, they came dangerously close to being your new sisters,” Selena says to Nightshade and everyone’s eyes widen.

“WHAT?!” a lot of ponies screech including Nightshade.

“I said close!” Selena defends. “Bugze of course shot that down because he wants to use the TARDIS and save their race and family from the past, but I could have been a good mother to them.”

“The ancient sea horses…that are over a thousand years old?” Grandbuggy deadpans and she glares at him.

“Oh hush up. You of all creatures should know about time displacement,” she grunts before coughing and composing herself. “But yes, instead we decided to go with them being unofficial nieces to you.”

“Oh…okay, that’s a little less con-“

“It’s Sunset Shimmer that I truly wanted as your sister though!” Selena continues, causing Celestia and Twilight to nearly choke.

“Wait just a second here N-Selena!” Celestia objects. “You wanted to adopt my former student?”

“Yes because she is precious and trying her hardest!” she argues and Twilight looks at you quizzically.

“But…she’s older than us…she’s older than you too Bugze,” Twilight says and you roll your eyes.

“I know, I know, we’ve gone over that. That’s why that got shot down as well…even if she did call me Dad in the midst of that battle, but that’s B2’s problem now,” you excuse and everyling looks at a loss for words.

“Sorry we couldn’t get you a new sister immediately Nightshade,” Selena apologizes as said filly rubs her temple.

“It’s fine, I think adding more to our family tree like this would be really complicated,” she responds. “I mean, I’m not against having a new brother or sister, but I get to be the older sibling because I came first! So how about you and Dad just make babies the regular way okay?”

Both you and Selena blush at that as several others on the other side of the table choke…except Cadence who’s eyes lighten with literal sparkling hearts.

“Eeeeee…” she squees under her breath, making Shining nervous.

“Oh…my…” Fluttershy mutters, the yellow of her body completely red.

“Uh, honey that’s…” you trail off in embarrassment.

“Already taken into consideration,” Selena finishes for you and your eyes widen even more.

“Okay good,” Nightshade nods obliviously as Selena sends you a sly lid eyed smirk which causes you to flush even harder. She then notices the expressions on all the other mares and quickly composes herself.

“But um, yes, Sunset Shimmer chose to stay behind with her friends, but we would like to visit her again one day,” she moves on.

“I, uh…” Twilight says shaking her head from her own blush. “I’ve got some ideas on how to get around the 30 Moon waiting period….”

And while the bookworm goes on about sciency nerd stuff, Grandbuggy elbows you lightly in the ribs and whispers in your ear,

“I’ll watch the kid when it comes time for the honeymoon.”

“W-we’re not even married Grandbuggy,” you stutter feeling incredibly embarrassed.

“I’ll fix that when the time comes,” he promises. “I’m a licensed pastor on 17 states and 4 different time periods.”

“So! Anymore questions on the humans before we move on?!” you shout as Grandbuggy chuckles.

Looking at the flabbergasted ponies, including a very lost looking Celestia and Luna, you see as your shout seems to bring them back to your senses. Except Cadence of course, who is still beaming with her eyes twinkling. Surprisingly though, the first hoof in the air is white and it’s not Celestia’s or Shining’s.

“Yes, I have a question,” Rarity says.

“Go ahead,” you encourage.

“Awhile back I felt a strange sensation of jealousy wash over me. Did you use somepony or rather somebody in the human world as a meat shield?”

After the embarrassment earlier, everyone is dazed and confused by the dress pony’s inquiry.

“Wait, seriously?” you deadpan and she pouts.

“Completely serious darling. I know it sounds strange, but being your meat shield was one of our only significant interactions,” she points out.

“…Huh, guess you and I really never hung out much huh?”

“I sure never hung around her,” Nightshade grumbles under her breath giving the mare a scowl. “Abusing my dragon…”

Luckily either your mind didn’t process that last bit, or it chose to forget it as you focus on the fashionista’s question.

“Well, I did in fact use another human as a meat shield,” you admit. “But if it helps, it was the human version of you.”

“That does in fact make me feel better, thank you darling,” she says pridefully before lowering her hoof.

“Oookkkkaaayyy,” Twilight says with a raised eyebrow. “I’ve got a few questions myself and-“

“Anyone else beside Twilight?” you interrupt and she frowns. “Because there’s a lot about the Human world I could go on about, like the evils of buses and carnivorous metal birds called planes, but Nightshade hasn’t given her side yet.”

They all look at each other and shrug.

“I know I’ve got a question or two, but I suppose that can wait,” Applejack relents and looks to Nightshade. “Go ahead sugarcube.”

“Alrighty then, where to even start?” Nightshade ponders as the spotlight switches to her and Grandbuggy. They then meticulously go over what they’ve done this season.

You learn about her first flight, meeting Ahuizotl, how stupid Cabelleron is, how crummy Griffonstone hospitality is with their price gouges and undead cyclops monsters. She talks about visiting some strange Equality Cult in the middle of nowhere that you accidentally funded.

“That sounds like something that needs to be looked into,” Twilight mentions and jots a note down.

You learn about Grandbuggy’s refusal to pay Slendermane, serving Blueballs in a foreign restaurant, reuniting with Trixie, fighting the plant monster in Rainbow Falls and receiving the amulet in the first place, being cared for by the merchant, going to the dragon lands, burning down a chunk of forest chasing after that wendicolt before she got her sense back, going back to Ponyville and making progress with your Apple family, accidentally creating vampires…

“So it wasn’t completely my fault!” Twilight exclaims.

Becoming friendly with Discord and filling Cadence in, and of course the moments leading right up to the Equestria Games before you arrived.

“Wow…when you put it like that’s it’s almost like I didn’t do anything over in the humie world,” you say as you take in all of your daughter’s accomplishments.

“Yeah, you might have actually made negative progress thanks to that time loop you were in,” Pinkie adds.

“But even still, this amulet in you kind of overshadows everything else,” Selena responds and Nightshade sighs.

“I know, and it really sucks too because we were doing so well.”

“But now that we know the location of the Umbrum, getting clues to removing it safely should be forthcoming,” Luna says.

“Still, that poor windigo colt…” Fluttershy says sympathetically and Nightshade winces.

“Don’t worry your heads none, I’ve got a few ideas on how to get that kid a happy ending,” Grandbuggy reassures and Nightshade looks at him curiously.

“Does it involve time travel?”

“Of course it involves time travel kiddo,” he smirks and ruffles her mane.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Just Outside

“Achoo!” Frost sneezes, interrupting his off and on playing of the Ocarina that Nightshade lent to him.

“Saluth,” Ahuizotl says from a plush sofa not too far away

“Huh?” the colt asks.

“It means bless you in whatever language he speaks,” Garble informs, feasting on snacks that were provided.

“Oh, thanks,” Frost nods as he wipes his nose.

“I don’t think you need to keep playing the Ocarina so often,” Daring points out, sitting next to Sonata. “The princesses have the storm kept at bay.”

“Yeah I know, I just wanna keep showing that I’m useful though so that they don’t change their minds and throw me in the dungeons with all the other Suns,” he responds with a shiver.

“I doubt they’d do that at this point,” Greta interjects with a cup to her ear pressed against the wall. “Heck, Nightshade’s Dad has done a lot more than any of us have and they’re willing to talk it out with him. And it sounds like it’s going well.”

“Yeah, well ‘sounds like’ and ‘actually are’ are two different things,” Adagio says as she swim hovers around in a circle biting at her hoof.

“Trust me on this lady, they’re making some good progress,” Greta reassures.

“Yeah, relax Dagi, everyone else is,” Sonata says before turning back to Daring. “So as I was saying, Mr. Bitey was the coral stray Tuna Shark, and everyone hated him but me.”

“Because he kept biting everyone!” Adagio growls.

“Not me! Because I gave him fresh squid on Mondays and Tuesdays, that’s when they’d come up from the deep you see and-“

“I’d really just like more specifics on your culture if that’s alright?” Daring interrupts, having been taking notes.

“Oh, not much to tell there. It was really boring, we just swam around, once in awhile the elders would have to ward of Liopleurodons and Plesiosaurs, scam artists the whole lot of them, but then Adagio got an idea after Aria got mad at our dad to take over the surface and…”

The blue siren keeps speaking fast in run on sentences as the archaeologist tries to keep up and her orange sister sighs in frustration.

“Wow, seems like you’ve got a lot to handle with annoying family huh?” Ember says to Aria.

“That I do, that I do,” the purple siren nods.

“Trust me, I know the pain. My Dad can be a real dumbass some time.”

“So was ours…though I guess we weren’t always the best daughters,” Aria says, her tone getting sad, which Ember picks up on.

“Oh, sorry,” she apologizes awkwardly. “Is he…?”

“Apparently so since it’s been over a thousand years and our entire race is extinct,” Aria sighs looking down and Ember scratches her ear fin nervously.

“Wait, you’re from a thousand years ago too?” Frost inquires curiously.

“Yeah, we got banished through time and space and stuff, so it didn’t feel that long.”

“…I can relate. On a few things actually,” Frost mumbles.

“But yeah, one of the biggest reasons we joined Bugze was because he said he could fix all of that,” Aria continues. “He knows a guy with a time machine or something, so we can still save our family and people…somehow.”

Frost’s eyes widen a bit, though there is some skepticism.

“Oh yeah, the old bug was always talking about traveling through time. Some healer friend of his or something,” Ember nods.

“Doctor actually,” Ahuizotl corrects. “And I’m inclined to believe him seeing as I’ve seen ancient runes on temples that depict such a stallion.”

“A time traveler…” Frost trails off in thought.

“I think they were just talking about something like that,” Greta says as she adjusts the glass on the door.

“Interesting…” he says deep in thought as he puts the ocarina to his lips and starts playing a different little song as he ponders.

And subconsciously, all the sirens in the room start humming along with it, as they’ve done the last few times. Sonata takes that a step further as she continues to regale Daring Do with her history, while keeping it in tune with the song.

“And then that stupid skinny pony got that big bearded old jerk, some big guy with a shovel, a really wrinkly lady, a witch doctor, this fast as heck pegasus guy with a shield and some lady from Mummy Land and-“

“Well, well, well, isn’t that a nice tune to walk in on…” a stallion’s voice interrupts, causing the whole room to turn, and immediately all the females in the room raise an appraising eyebrow.

“Oh la la,” Daring mutters as standing in the doorway is the most handsome earth pony stallion any of them have ever seen.

“Whoa, that’s confusing,” Ember stutters with a blush, looking away from the stallion.

“Yeah…” Aria agrees.

“Who’s the hot guy?” Greta says from the wall.

“Captain Jack is presume?” Ahuizotl asks and the stallion looks towards him with a grin.

“If that’s what you want to call me, sure,” the stallion says with a shrug.

“Oh, it’s that dude Nightshade was talking about that can’t be killed,” Garble points out, one of the only ones in the room not affected by the striking handsomeness.

“Right…that is certainly a problem,” the stallion says with a scowl in a stilted manner.

“He can’t die?” Frost asks Garble who just shrugs.


“Oh, so you’re that guy that hits on everything Bugze was talking about. I knew a dolphin like that back home,” Adagio nods in understanding, and the stallion’s face…twitches.

“Ah yes, Bugze. I can’t wait to see him again,” he says with a voice of longing, and to even those charmed it sounds creepy.

“Oookkkaaayy,” Ahuizotl says with a raised brow. “Well if you’re here for the meeting they’re in the midst of it, though I heard they were looking for you.”

“Oh I heard that too, but I don’t want to interrupt them just yet,” he says dismissively. “I’ll let them catch up. Really I’m more interested in you lot.”

More ponies then start entering the room, all dressed as the royal guard, their expressions though seem…off.

“Oh, I guess they did find you after all?” Greta asks, feeling uneasy for some reason.

“Something like that,” the stallion says with a smirk, which makes others in the room feel uneasy as well. Then Nightshade’s friends, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk into the room as well, their expressions just as strange.

Jack’s eyes then land on the Sirens.

“Say, those are some fine looking necklaces you have there…”

Haryou Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back In The Meeting Room

“So earlier in the battle, while we were battling that plant dragon abomination thing, I still noticed that at both Selena and Sombra struck Flag Burner,” Twilight inquires.

“Yeah I saw that too, that was so freaking cool dudes!” Rainbow fangirls.

“Uber cool! When did you guys learn how to do that?” Nightshade gushes.

“Well, truthfully it felt like instinct for me,” Sombra admits. “Though I figured it was possible since your mother had done it in the human world.”

“Limitedly I could do it in the human world,” she corrects. “But training that technique in a realm without magic and then coming back here, it felt only natural.”

“Like a Stand battle…” Fluttershy whispers to herself.

“What was that Fluttershy?” Pinkie asks.

“Nothing, I said nothing!” the closet otaku denies and clamps her lips shut.

With that question out of the way though, you realize that all of you have told your tales to the fullest. All but one. So you cough into your hoof to get everyone’s attention.

“Now that we’ve gotten right up till a few hours ago, I think it’s time we finally talk about…The Nightmare,” you say reluctantly and the mood becomes somber again.

"I will warn you, this is a horrific tale," Selena warns. "Only Bugze, myself, the Doctor and his companion witnessed this first hoof since Nightshade was thankfully asleep due to the drugs those changelings used on her.”

“So right after the dragon lands encounter?” Twilight inquires and she nods.

"Last warning. I'm not going to go light on the details here..." You warn, and no one moves an inch. Rarity gives Fluttershy a look, and the yellow pegasus breathes in deeply. Twilight puts a hoof on Spike's shoulder, and he nods to tell her he's fine.

"So Nightshade, Quick Fix and Sombra haven't heard of this either I'm guessing?" Cadence asks as she holds her husband’s hoof.

“Daddy told me on the TARDIS before the Appleloosa invasion…we had all the time in the world after all,” Nightshade confesses with a sigh, remembering how horrible it had been for you to recount it.

“And I learned about it first hoof from the Doctor,” Grandbuggy chimes in. “It was one of the reasons I kicked his sorry arse out of the TARDIS for a year.”

“And I have seen it myself many times within your subconscious,” Sombra says surprising you and Selena. “We share a mindscape after all, and it was one of the many things I witnessed within your guilt. I don’t know every single detail, but the things I have seen are worse than any fear I could conjure.”

At that admittance, even Celestia and Luna look apprehensive of the tale to come.

“So no one on this side of the table knows then?” Luna asks.

“I know some of it,” Pinkie Pie admits in a strangely calm tone and her friends look at her. “At least some of the sad moments anyway.”

You look at her sympathetically, remembering how she’d helped you last year just by lending and ear and comforting you when you had no one else to talk to. Steeling yourself, you take a deep breath, and let it out.

"Well, if everyling's ready. It's time to go over The Nightmare."

The Present

They took everything else well! Nightshade and Grandbuggy’s adventure was interesting and Selena was saying all that provocative stuff in front of everyling! The atmosphere was great! Did talking about The Otherworld lead to this? you wonder with a hoof to your temple as the stallion in front of you smirks.

“Ah, you’re brain still rebooting? Wouldn’t be surprised, you took quite a nasty hit from that mean ol’ witch,” he chuckles which causes the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up on end.

“What are you talking about? What witch?! Where’s Nightshade! Where’s Selena! Where’s Sombra!” you demand.

“Where’s the beef?! Where is Harvey Dent?! Where in the world is Carmen San Diego!” he demands back which throws you for a loop.


“Oh, sorry, I thought we were playing a game,” he chuckles before bopping himself on the head. “How utterly foolish, I’m sorry I’m such an ignorant buckhead!”

He then starts guffawing as if that was the funniest joke ever and you wince at his callous attitude and take a step back.

Whoever this guy is he’s a few fries short of a happy meal, you think apprehensively as the stallion finishes up his giggling fit.

“Sorry, sorry, I know you’re brains still scrambled eggs, but it’s just so hard not to laugh when seeing your face in person you know?”

“I don’t even know who you are or what you’re talking about! What’s going on?! Why am I imprisoned?!” you demand and he smiles…wrongly at you.

“Oh I’m pretty sure you know the answer to that,” he says cryptically. “The answer is the friends we made along the way!”


“Alright you caught me, that’s a load of B.S.,” he chuckles and you frown in annoyance.

“Seriously, wh-“

“But in all actuality, I could tell you where your daughter and ghost wife are, but I’d rather talk about how your sweet, cuddly imaginary friend Sombra is doing.”

Your eyes widen at that, but before you can ask more he continues.

“Spoiler alert, he’s resting in the arms of his misguided and easily manipulated childhood sweetheart,” he says in false whimsy, holding his hooves together. “It’s enough to give you diabetes.”

“Listen here you lunatic, I don’t know who you are but you better start making sense right now or-“

“Or you’ll what? Rage out and pummel me with the power of gods and anime? Newsflash for you buggy boy, but you’ve been nerfed,” he taunts and your eyes narrow. “Your waifu isn’t in your skull anymore, so the days of using your edge lord cloak are far gone buddy.”

Fear spikes through you as your worst fears are confirmed. You are powerless.

“I mean, you had a good run there, four years of actually being able to fight back against the whims of Luck, it’s no small feat,” he backhand compliments you. “But on the other more fun side, that power sure made you the perfect target.”

You grit your teeth and growl at the earth pony.

“Where. Are. They?” you demand again and he frowns.

“Wow, touchy touchy,” he says holding his hooves up. “I’m sure your wife and kid are alright, they were with Sombra’s squeeze…at least they were a few days ago.”

“Days?” you gasp and he smirks.

“How long did you think you were out for dum dum?” he mocks and you put a hoof to your head again.

“I…I don’t know what’s going on,” you sputter.

“Does anyone?” he shrugs. “But yeah, you’ve been taking a snooze buddy. You, Nightmare Moon and Sombra needed to rest up after how that meeting went.”

“What happened? How did everything go south? What-“

“Ah ah ah,” he waggles his hoof. “I wouldn’t want to rob you of that realization. Besides, I told you I had a present for you. It might just hold the answers you seek.” He then gestures to the dungeon cell he is standing in front of.

“…What’s inside?” you ask hesitantly and he smirks.

“I don’t want to spoil the surprise,” he says with a malicious grin, which is emphasized by the shadows of the flickering torch. “So why don’t you take a look?”

Every instinct in your body is telling you not to listen, to make a run for it and be anywhere else. But you have no choice. He’s the only one at this current time that supposedly knows where your family is. So with hooves feeling like they’re encased in cement, you start shuffling forward.

“Good boy,” he smiles maniacally. “I’m sure you’ll have things handled from here.”

“What do you-“ you start to ask, when suddenly the torch behind him flickers out for barely a second. But once the fire becomes steady again, the sharp dressed stallion is gone.

“Hey! Wait a minute!” you call out as your eyes dart around the hallway. But unfortunately, and almost impossibly for a dead end, he is gone. You are beyond confused and your head still pounds as the memories flood back. You can’t comprehend how an earth pony could have possibly disappeared like that.

“Was he even real? Who was that guy? What does he want me to see?” you wonder aloud in frustration as you look towards the dungeon cell up ahead. Your eyes then widen though as you spot something right where the stallion had been standing.

A letter on some very familiar stationary.


"I managed to damage the TARDIS when I got angry at the Doctor, and the machine brought us to an alternate universe."

"Fascinating, another reality outside of the human world? That means multi-universal theory might be more-“

"Trust me, you won't be so excited when I tell you what we saw, you interrupt and continue. ”So we landed in an alternate Equestria…an Equestria that was completely destroyed with no sign of life anywhere."

They all pale at that bit of information.

"Was it in the future? Since you were in a time machine?” Shining Armor asks and you shake your head.

"It was a future, just not our future,” Selena answers. "The timeline coalesced to this world’s, but at the same time you lot were leaving the Dragon lands, in the other reality the end of the world had begun.”

“End of the world?” Twilight gasps before looking puzzled. “But how…what could have…?”

“Not only was everything destroyed and desolate,” you continue over her mumbling. “But it was a place we recognized…Appleloosa.”

Everyone gasps at that, Applejack even more so.

“Holy apples! Appleloosa was destroyed?” she says in worry.

"There was no life anywhere near,” you regretfully inform. “The town and everyone in it had already died. All that was left were the ruins, and a pillar honoring the dead.”

The girls begin to scrunch towards one another subconsciously at that.

"This was a universe where The Doctor died before meeting me, and since he was never there to tell me to stay in Ponyville as Tennant, I never left Appleloosa after the Gala.”

"So..." Applejack says trying to put the pieces together.

"So all of you tracked me down, and we fought as always. But this time…” you look to Nightshade and pull her close to you. “I lost everything…”

"Nightshade," Twilight breathes out and you nod.

“Her name was scratched into that pillar by that other me…right below all of your names,” you tell them and they all look apprehensive.

“So…you killed us?” Rainbow chokes out.

“Yes…I saw through his past like it was my own. Nightshade died in his arms, and when Fluttershy tried to apologize I…he truly lost his mind in the most broken way possible,” you say with a shiver. “In that universe, Nightmare Moon and him never reconciled, she never became Selena…and when that Bugze broke, their minds merged into something twisted. They became The Nightmare, and he killed all of you…” Your eyes then land on the serious faced Pinkie Pie and you wince.

“Well, almost all of you.”

The mares momentarily break from their horrified shock and follow your line of sight to Pinkie who still looks at you sadly.

“Pinkie survived?” Twilight asks. You don’t take your eyes off the Pink mare as she continues to look through you and remember your confession during the Crystal Fair.

“Physically, yes despite missing two forelegs,” you say as you remember what she did in the aftermath to the hive. “But honestly, I would still say Pinkie Pie died, because Pinkamena The Pink Death... isn't you at all, not in the slightest."

“The Pink Death?” Rarity inquires sounding horrified by the implications.

“Yes, I met her later, but she will always be one of the biggest factors that still sticks with me from that otherworld. Covered in scars, flat mane, metallic arm, armed to the teeth with blades…and never truly smiling.”

“That image is giving me some serious flashbacks to when you went nuts before your surprise birthday party,” Rainbow says looking to the Pink mare beside her.

“I did go pretty nuts then…but what he’s saying sounds like the other me fell even worse,” she points out.

“She did, heck she even said to my face that she was no longer Pinkie Pie because that mare would never have done what she’d done,” you agree.

“So this other Pinkie, she survived this terrible ordeal…why was she given the name the Pink Death?” Celestia asks hectically.

“Because she killed all of the changelings,” you answer and everyone gasps.

“Excuse me…she did what?” Luna asks in shock.

“She killed Chrysalis and the entire hive by herself. They’d mocked her when she came seeking allies on the other Celestia’s behalf, so she showed no mercy,” you say with a thousand yard stare.

The Elements all look at Pinkie, failing to grasp the concept of the bubbly mare doing something so horrific.

“But at that point, who could really blame her? The other me had already nearly killed most of the world,” you defend, and once more the shock and blood drained faces turn to you.

“The whole world?” Cadence trembles, hoping she misheard, but you dash her hopes.

“Yes…after I found out that that otherworld was the future of an alternate universe and not our future, we looked at every city and nation in Equestria, and they were all eradicated,” you say truthfully and they pale even more.

"T-that's... that's terrible!" Rarity shouts.

“Yes it was. The Everfree was burning, Ponyville was nothing but a crater, and every major city was just gone. All that was left was Canterlot.”

"And you did this all alone? Or more precisely, the other you?" Celestia asks with a disturbed look.

"More like ninety percent of it. The horde, or rather that universe’s Crimson Knights were still following that version of me and helping him destroy everything. That's one of the reasons I was so Tartarusbent on removing them from existence when I got back.”

“I…I just…” Luna sputters before shaking her head. “How had my sister and I not succeeded in stopping you. This other you?”

“Because you had no Element Bearers left,” Selena chimes in. “Only Pinkamena remained, and she was no longer worthy of her Element.”

"But... surely we could have-"

Selena cuts Luna off by slamming her hooves on the table, just as Sombra had done.

"You don't understand at all, Luna. Those three alicorns attempted to defeat them in battle many times, and it only resulted in more death, including that world’s Shining Armor,” she emphasizes and Cadence looks to the disturbed looking stallion. “By the time Bugze and I arrived in that universe, there were less than a thousand beings remaining. The only reason why Canterlot still stood was because your three counterparts essentially sold your souls for protection."

“Sold our souls?” Celestia asks and Selena frowns.

“In a matter of speaking, because you sought the help of Sombra, Discord and Lord Bucking Tirek,” she curses, and the princesses look like they’ve been struck in the face.

"That's impossible!" Celestia screams.

“But why Princess? Discord is working with us now and Sombra seems to be making-“ Twilight begins, but the sun Princess cuts her off.

"That may be true but there's no situation where I would allow Tirek of all beings to be freed from Tartarus!"

"But you had no choice," Selena continues. "There was no hint of The Nightmare slowing down any time soon, and Canterlot was all that remained.”

"Was Tirek that huge red monkey horse guy with the jacked up arms?" you ask.

"Yes," Selena says certainty. "He is one of the most dangerous creatures alive. Able to drain someone's magic like a snack and grow more powerful from it. It's extremely dangerous just to be near him. Just be thankful that's one opponent you never have to face my bug since he is in the depths of Tartarus."

“Wait…something about that’s itching at me,” Nightshade mumbles to herself lost in thought, but she is ignored.

"Ah yes, I remember when he first came to Equestria," Grandbuggy says in nostalgia. "You princesses sure are lucky his brother snitched on him to Starswirl before it was too late."


“Achoo!” the now fairly tall centaur sneezes mid magic drain of some random pony.

“Uh, bless you?” the pony guesses as the centaur rubs his nose.

"Ugh that was strange, felt like someone was talking about me."

"Maybe you're coming down with a cold? Probably from draining too much magic?" the pony says desperately trying to slip away.

"Hmm...Nah. But good try," Tirek says before sucking the rest of the poor pony's magic.

“Ah, that hits the spot. I need all the juice I can get if I wanna get to whatever’s going on in the north.”

“Insect-Ape!!!” Dr. Quacksalver roars as a scalpel misses the centaur’s head and embeds itself into a brick wall.

“Oh for buck’s sake!” the magic sucker curses as he gallops away from the relentless fruitloop.

Back at the Meeting

After telling them about infiltrating the city, the misunderstandings with the royals and Pinkie and gathering pieces for the magic collar and the part to fix the TARDIS, you get to the parts where The Nightmare invaded.

“And when we finally saw him, he was worse than you can imagine,” you say with a shudder. “He was a gibbering psychopath that craved for slaughter and he kept talking to this Luna plushie as if it were Nightshade.”

“Despite all this extra help from these gods and monster, the resistance failed miserably,” Selena narrates.

“Even though that Sombra had trained every unicorn in dark magic, down to the children, it didn’t help any of the other forces either,” you say with a frown.

“He trained children? On our orders?” Celestia says disturbed.

“Yes, in fact that one’s sister was one of his top,” Selena says pointing to Rarity who gapes in shock.

“Sweetie Belle learned dark magic?” she utters in horror and you nod. She then looks to Sombra and narrows her eyes. “Whatever we decide on you, I don’t believe I want my baby sister near you.”

“Heh, implying that I had the notion to do so,” he laughs and dismisses her.

"Um... What happened to Discord?" asks Fluttershy somewhat fearing the answer

"Are you sure you want to know? Is not going to be pretty" you ask and she nods.

“Discord was utterly erased,” Selena answers for you. “And none of the others faired better. Sombra's fears were turned against him, Tirek was stabbed through the chest and split open like a pea, and not even Celestia or Luna could bring him down.

“Yeah, you two even banished him to the moon and then tried to hurl the moon into the Sun, but he got out before that and tore the satellite into chunks before he started battling you. He eventually won against you two as well, even after he’d been severely weakened by Pinkamena.”

“The other me weakened him?” Pinkie asks.

“Yeah, with that collar thing the Doctor made. Pinkamena gave her life to put it on him…and at the end of it all, she was the only reason I survived,” you say truthfully.

They all don’t say a thing, but you can see as some of them can’t take too much more of the tale. Fluttershy and Rarity are shivering, Pinkie is looking depressed, and Rainbow and Applejack look like they don’t even want to ask anything more. Twilight of course is still willing to write, but Spike is preoccupying himself looking at the pictures on your phone so that he has something else to focus on.

The Princesses and Shining though still look willing to hear more.

“I, uh, I won’t describe how the other versions of you died, but what Selena said earlier is true. You were no match. The Nightmare was like nothing you can even begin to imagine…but thankfully it’s something you never have to witness first hoof. All because the Doctor decided to stick me in Ponyville against my will. Funny how things turn out huh?”

They all shiver at the thought of how such horrible things could have become reality with just the wrong decisions.

You then decided to try and wrap the story up as quickly as you can to ease their discomfort. You go over how the Dalek’s invaded, how your Shadow turned out to actually be The Nightmare’s and he helped you battle him, the epic fight that took you into outer space itself, and finally the one last punch you threw that ended it all.

“As he took his last breaths, he finally showed some remorse, so I put him to sleep with the Luna plushie to end his suffering…but it didn’t even matter in the end. Everything was still destroyed thanks to him and the Daleks, and there was only one survivor left.”

You look to Cadence at that and her eyes widen.

“Me?” she asks incredulously.

“Yes…you were quite literally the only living soul left from that planet,” Selena answers before she looks at you remorsefully. You both know what came next.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Cadence holds her hooves up as realization crosses her eyes. “Earlier on the field, those images on the screens, me stabbing you…Was that…?”

You let out a sigh and open up your shirt showing off the scar you’ve carried for two years.

“She stabbed me through the chest with Orichaclum,” you monotone and her features droop.

“That’s the wound that was bleeding when the Empire came back,” Shining says in remembrance as his wife is overwhelmed by the information.

“It took a long time to heal,” Nightshade answers the prince.

“I…she…Why? Why would she…?” Cadence sputters as many emotions grace her face. Fury, sadness, disbelief, misplaced guilt, and indignation all come and go at a rapid speed.

“She’d lost everything, her entire world in fact,” you defend Mia. “And I looked just like the monster who had done that to her.”

"And you survived that!?" Twilight asks in shock, looking very heartbroken that an alternate version of her sister in law could do that to you.

“Barely, and it’s because Selena sacrificed so much,” you say with gratitude towards said mare.

“We said before that my new form came about because I’d lost much of my power and life force saving Bugze,” she explains. “That’s because I poured every ounce of my being into keeping him alive, while at the same time defending him from any more blade strikes.”

“She shattered the orichalcum sword,” you say to put it into terms they can quantify and the magically inclined in the room look at her in awe.

“The amount of power output needed for such a feat is monumental,” Luna says with wide eyes.

“It’s suicidal is what it was,” Selena corrects and looks back to you warmly. “But I did not care for my own life at that moment, all I wanted was for him to live long enough for the Doctor to save him. So I gave him my everything.”

You grin back sadly at the mare who almost gave her life up for you and a comfortable warmth settles over you despite the depressing mood of the room.

"I’ll always owe you for that one," Grandbuggy says to your mare. "Thanks for keeping my boy alive."

“As I said, I have no regrets, and I would do I again in a heartbeat,” she informs. Now that the extent of what she did to save you settles you, you see as many make up their minds about the mare in your mind for the better.

“Did…” Cadence interrupts unsurely. “Did the other me perish from that sacrifice?”

You scratch the back of your neck at that and bite your lip. On the one hoof, Mia is alive and well, but on the other hoof she is her own pony now with no memory of the otherworld. Having that perspective breached could be catastrophic for both Cadences.

“She sort of did,” you admit vaguely and she raises a brow. “The otherworld Cadence still lives, but she has no memory of that world. All I can tell you is that the Doctor made her safe and happy after we all left.”

“But why did you leave?” Shining asks. “You had a time machine, so why didn’t you stop any of that from happening?”

“Because by the time the Doctor got to me, the crack in reality was closing and there ironically just wasn’t enough time to do anything,” you say with a sigh. “That’s why I’ll always carry the Nightmare with me in my heart, because ultimately, I couldn’t save that world, and it almost cost me someone very important.”

You take a moment to be thankful for your fortune even in the face of Grandbuggy’s curse to have come out on top. Celestia and Luna look at one another as you compose yourself before the Sun Princess lifts a wing and lights up her horn, revealing a red scar just underneath it.

“We know full well the price that’s paid when it comes to orichalcum,” Celestia tells you. Both sides of the table gasp at this display. It’s not nearly as gruesome as yours, but you can tell it must have been just as painful.

“Who did that to you Princess?” Twilight asks in worry.

“An assassin, one of many throughout the ages, though this one struck when I was younger and more naïve,” she admits before turning to her sister. “If it weren’t for Luna, I might not have been here today.”

At that Luna looks squarely at Selena and asks,

“Do you remember that day?”

“…Yes, I do,” Selena answers.

“Then you remember how I poured my everything into keeping her alive till Starswirl arrived. That too cost me some power and life force, which is why my sister dwarves me in size,” she explains. “And to think that you would do so again…”

“We protect the ones we love, do we not Luna?” Selena asks her sister, and surprisingly a small smirk forms on Luna’s muzzle.

“Indeed we do, Selena,” she answers. Just using her name in a conversational tone echoes louder than if she had used the Royal Canterlot Voice, and everyone at the table knows it.

Nightshade looks around the table hopefully and you see as the Elements all glance at each other, all having the same silent conversations. All of them are making up their minds about you and your family.

“And that’s our story,” you say, bringing everything to a close. “I’m sure there’s a million other little details we could talk about in time, but that’s been the major hits. We’ve had our ups and downs, and none of us are without sin, but can you really call us monsters after everything?”

There is silence after a moment as all of the Princesses look to one another and the Elements.

“Your tale has filled in many gaps in our knowledge, and it truly has helped us understand all of you,” Celestia starts, before smirking. “And after the events of today, I would be hard pressed to call you monsters.”

“Well…that’s a big step up,” you snark back and she giggles.

“I for one believe that in light of all this new information, that you should be given the chance of peace,” Luna announces and your side of the table beams.

Your heart lightens as you hear the Night Princess say that as Twilight chimes in.

“My friends and I especially feel that full forgiveness should be given for any past crimes against us…and to finally have them stop running,” she says looking to you with a happy grin. You feel weightless at that as you look to all the other Elements.

Applejack grins widely, Dash looks at you proudly, Pinkie Pie is smiling once more, and even Rarity looks rather pleased with your group.

“And if this Captain fellow has the means, I think it would be wonderful to have Nightshade be able to hug her mother in real life,” Fluttershy says with conviction. You and her lock eyes at that and she gives you a small, meek smile. After everything that’s happened between the two of you, she still has your back and wishes for your happiness.

And that’s why she’s Kindness, you think as you tilt your head in acknowledgement to your longest friend outside of Cadence.

“I’ve always felt that way for Bugze, to be at peace and for all of this to finally be over” Cadence adds. “And I came to feel the same for his family. As for Sombra…” she trails off and glares down the former tyrant who holds his breath.

“…There is still much for you to atone for,” she says authoritatively. “I think I speak for everypony when I say we recognize the good you’ve done, but I feel there is still more to come.”

“I second that notion,” Twilight nods and looks to Sombra. “I don’t think he is beyond redemption, but he must earn it more.”

All the others around the table voice their same opinion at that and you, Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy look to the dark stallion who looks rather confused at this sentiment.

“So what are you saying then? Am I to be confined to the dungeons?” he inquires.

“I think what everyone’s getting at is that we put you on probation, in a manner of speaking,” Shining explains.

“Preferable outside the Crystal Empire since many of the citizens still are traumatized by you,” Cadence says. “But yes, I feel like Equestria as a whole could make use of your talents instead of putting you in a cell.”

She then takes a deep breath and sighs.

“After all Sombra, you did save my friend and his family, which in turn means you are also responsible for saving not only Appleoosa, but The Crystal Empire and Equestria as well thanks to today. And for that, you have my gratitude.”

You briefly miss having fingers, because you would have snatched your phone from Spike to take a picture of the dumbfounded expression on Sombra’s face.

“I…I don’t know what to say,” he stammers.

“Then don’t say anything until after we’ve worked together to get the Alicorn Amulet out of Nightshade,” she responds back and he closes his mouth.

“Very well then,” he nods, still in disbelief. Cadence then looks to her aunts and gestures from them to Selena and Sombra.

“I believe that Bugze requested something earlier on the field?”

They both nod at that before they bow their heads to Selena and Sombra which causes their mouth to fall even more.

“Bugze was correct, we owe you two an apology as well,” Celestia admits.

“Even though our history is full of scars, the aid you’ve given shows that you aren’t above saving,” Luna says before they both say,

“We apologize on behalf of the country of Equestria.”

Your two companions don’t say anything to this, still wide eyed that this day has actually come. After the Princesses raise their heads, Luna looks back at Selena.

“I may not be comfortable now or ever in claiming you as my sister,” she says to your mare before frowning. “And we can end our involvement with you forever if you wish…but you did strike a chord in your recollections.”

“Oh?” Selena asks with a raised brow.

“I did abandon you the first chance I got,” Luna continues. “It may not have been healthy for either of us, but we were there for each other when we were laid low. The things we did were horrible, but I understand your feelings of betrayal…If you so wish it, we could start over?”

Selena intakes a quick gasp of air at that questioning look on Luna’s face, before she steels herself.

“…Perhaps we may in the future, though we don’t have to do so immediately. I too still have reservations about you both…but I won’t say no,” she says and both Celestia and Luna nod at this. Twilight then takes center stage.

“I hope that in time, we can all build a friendship together. I know it won’t be easy after these past four years, but I feel like we can make it if we try,” she says with optimistic hope and you smile.

“You have no idea how long I’ve hoped to hear that,” you say truthfully as you let out a laugh of relief before hugging Nightshade and Grandbuggy to you.

“And I’ve already been friends with you guys already,” Nightshade points out with a smirk. “But if you can help Sombra get this stupid Amulet out of my skin then I’ll love you all forever.”

“Right, that should be our main priority,” Twilight nods. “Though perhaps we should take a break first after all this talking?”

“We shouldn’t take too long though,” Cadence urges. “We can’t expend energy forever keeping the barrier up, the Crystal Heart needs to be put back on it’s pedestal. And if we’re to do that, we have to make arrangements for Bugze and everyone else to vacate the city just in case.”

“I can guarantee that the heart is still going to hurt me regardless of what new leaf we’ve turned over,” Sombra says.

“Yeah, the stupid thing hurt me when I got to close with the shards in me,” Nigthsade nods and the Princesses purse their lips.

“Perhaps we should arrange for transportation to Canterlot as soon as possible,” Celestia suggests. “Cadence and Shining can put the Heart back once they’re outside the radius?”

“But who else is going to go with them?” Luna asks. “Even though the day has been saved, this is still an international incident thanks to the different countries’ teams.”

“And we’ve still got to address the nation because that whole thing was a live broadcast,” Twilight mutters. “Not to mention we still have Flag Burner and his lackeys to interrogate and…”

And like that, everyone on the other side of the table start prepping for the damage control they’ll have to do before things are neatly wrapped up.

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Meanwhile, you just sit, still holding onto Nightshade and Grandbuggy, with Selena and Sombra at your sides.

“This is more than I could have ever hoped for,” you admit, getting a bit choked up and Grandbuggy chuckles.

“It’s exactly what you deserve boy. After all the crap you’ve been through, you’ve earned this.”

“You can say that again,” Nightshade says wistfully as she looks at the other group talking semantics. “So…what’s the plan now?”

“Well first and foremost, we’re gonna get that amulet out of you-“ Sombra starts, but she interrupts him.

“I meant after that,” she corrects.

“Well, if they’re allowing it, which it sounds like they are, I will finally have a body my precious,” Selena says and she nods.

“Okay, and after that too,” she corrects again. “It’s a given that we’re gonna be together again…but what does that mean now that we’re not on the run?”

“What do you mean honey?” you ask curiously.

“I mean, after we save the sirens and help Frost and all that timey wimey stuff, where are we going to be a family together?” she asks. You open your mouth to speak, but you stop.

Where are we going to go? You think to yourself. If we’re no longer wanted, that means we can go anywhere and we won’t have to hide anymore. We can live…anywhere.

The answer seems obvious to you, but before you can say it, your daughter speaks up again.

“And before you say Appleloosa…I mean, I love that place just as much as you guys do…” she admits sheepishly. “But…I really like Ponyville too.”

You are taken aback by that, but you can understand why. Her friends all live there. In fact, a lot of yours do as well. You glance back at the Elements of Harmony. It’s been a strange four years, some of them being on better terms than others, but they are now definitively your friends. Moreso, some of them are family.

“I’ve got to agree with Shade,” Grandbuggy says. “I don’t know where you lot will end up, but I’m going to be spending the rest of my days with the mare I love."

Your eyes linger on Applejack and you think about Applebloom, Big Mac and Granny Smith. An entire loving household that would welcome you all.

“I…I personally don’t care the physical location,” Selena admits. “As long as I am with Nightshade and you my bug, I will be at home.”

“As for me, it seems I won’t be outside of the crown’s eye for some time,” Sombra points out. “So do not let my situation affect your decision.”

You take in all of their points of view, and you bite onto your hoof. The decision on where to live is not one you’ve ever had to think about because it’s a long term decision. Only now do you have the option of such a choice.

“…I think we should just table that for now,” you cop out. “Before we figure out where we live for the rest of our lives…let’s just enjoy the gifts we’re going to be given and just relax with one another for as long as we can?”

They all think over that proposition before they all grin.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right Daddy,” Nightshade agrees. “We’ve still got a lot of stuff to get through first…but really, I still vote Ponyville when the time comes.”

You chuckle at that and bring her closer to you.

“Well whatever happens, we won’t be making that decision alone,” you say as you watch the other group already planning to help with your future.

We won’t be alone, even if the past tries to catch up with us, we have friends now…you think optimistically.

And then the door opens to the room.

The Present

No way… you think incredulously as you stare at the folded piece of paper. Throughout the last four years, you’d received a few of these notes, some with advice, some with gifts, and other times just with news. You hadn’t received one in the human world, but Nightshade did while you were gone.

My friend…could that have actually been him? You think wearily. The stallion you’d just talked with was unhinged and creepy and passive aggressive, so could that really be the same person who gave you the Inventory, your scarf, that chainsaw, and Nightshade the Amulet?

But why? Why would he be here? And why would he just leave? You wonder as you shuffle forward, your eyes fixed solely on the piece of paper, not even daring to look into the cell he gestured to.

Once you reach the stationary, you slowly reach out, pick it up, and then open it up.

Dear Bugze,

Welcome Home good buddy. Did you really think it was going to be that simple? Buck No! Showing off your heroics and making nice with everyone? When has it ever gone smoothly for you? Nice job beating up Flag Burner though, that guy was an uptight blowhard. But you’ve forgotten one simple thing Bugze, he’s not the only enemy from your past.

Right now the Legion of Doom is buzzing all around the Empire, and Sombra’s adorable squeeze thinks she can make things right. But she can’t, and the reason why is because you’re involved.

Your best chance of survival is to abandon everyone and just flee because you have no real power anymore. You’re just a weak, flightless, magically incompetent changeling once more, and bugs like that don’t save the day. So give up on Nightshade, give up on Selena, give up on Grandbuggy, and give up on Sombra if you want to survive.

But even if you do, which I highly doubt because you’re dumb like that, I can assure you that we will meet again. You’re coming down to the End of Your Luck after all.

Inevitably, Unrelentingly, and Uncompromisingly,

You Have A Rendezvous With Death.

Do Not Fail That Rendezvous,

A Friend.

Your hooves begin to shake as you read the ending again. The haunting poem you’d heard in the human world, once more arriving to mock you.

How?! How Could He Know About That?! you think as your mind becomes a frenzy of fear and anxiety. And what’s he talking about abandoning everyone?! I can’t do that! And what Legion of Doom?! What enemies from the pa…

You trail off as your memory finally returns fully and you recall what happened at the end of the meeting.

“No…” you whisper denial. Your head then slowly rotates to the cell your “Friend” wanted you to look into, and the blood drains from your face and you begin to whimper at the horrifying proof before you. “No, please no…”


Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

BrownDog77’s Comment

As the door opens, a familiar looking stallion walks in.

“Oh hey, it’s Jack!” you say in surprise and excitement. Everyone else at the table turns to face the newcomer.

“Ah, Captain, there you are,” Celestia sighs in relief.

“You went and missed the whole meeting,” Luna chides. But strangely, the stallion says nothing as he keeps walking foreword. His eyes are squarely on you and only you, and a small strange grin is on his face.

“Uh…Jack?” you question as he gets closer.

Something is wrong here, Selena says inside your mind, making warning bells go off, but you’re not sure why.

“Wait! That ain’t Jack! That’s-“ Grandbuggy tries to warn, but he is too late as the stallion holds up a weird mish mash looking rifle, with three very familiar looking Red Gems embedded into it, at you and pulls the trigger. A wave of orange energy streaks out from the muzzle and washes through you and you feel as your psyche is ripped in three separate directions.

“AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!” you, Selena and Sombra all cry out in unison as your body twists and contorts and you feel the presences of your companions ripped from your mind.




Several voices cry out at once, but they’re exclamations do nothing to stop the pain. A large blast discharges from around you, shattering the tables and chairs, and knocking back everyone around you. In the midst of the explosion, you feel as your head hits the cold, crystalline ground.

Your ears ring, and your vision is spotty and you feel as though you haven’t slept in three years. Lying upon the cold hard ground, you struggle to open your eyes, but when you do, you see the figure of the mare who’s been in your head for over 4 years lying on the ground next to you surrounded by the debris.

“S…Selena?” you struggle to say. At your voice, she grimaces as though in pain, and her eyes faintly twitch, but remain closed.

“Bugze?” she asks, sounding lost and confused.

“What…what just…” you struggle to say as your eyes blink droopily.

“Yes! Yes! He’s breathing! He’s back! Thank the gods!” you hear a mare’s voice cry out in triumph. Looking to the side, you see Sombra, looking just as rough as you feel, but he is being cradled by a crystal pony mare with a surgeon’s symbol cutie mark.

“Sombra, it’s me,” she says in a soothing tone and you seem him grimace with his eyes closed.

“Hope?” he whispers and the mare beams.

“Yes Sombra, it’s Hope,” she says as she begins brushing his mane with her hoof. “I’m back and I’m never going to leave you again…”

Hope? What? Are we all passed out? What’s going on? You think deliriously as your eyes dart about. You see Nightshade and Grandbuggy and all of your allies lying groggily on the floor or embedded within the walls with smoke coming off of them. What is going o…

Your eyes land on Captain Jack, the strange weapon smoking at his hooves and he is giving you a cruel, victorious grin as a part of the roof collapses, as do a few of the walls. But it’s not Jack you realize as the eyes shift color, and it’s even more cemented when he opens his mouth and a familiar voice comes out.

“Hello Lover…”

Her voice sends ice water through your veins, but you are far too weak to do anything about it. As the smell of charred ozone wafts from the device that shot you, the room begins to get darker, and not just because your eyes start to droop. Several black forms with buzzing blue insect wings swarm into the room and land upon the knocked out forms of those who were caught up in the magical backdraft.

“You…” you gasp as your vision begins to fade. Jack’s form flashes in a burst of green fire, becoming taller and more slender and more hauntingly beautiful.

“Me,” Chrysalis says with longing, maddened eyes as she reaches out a hoof and caresses your face.

“For…buck’s…sake…” you groan as the blackness overtakes you and you lose consciousness.

The Present

“No…No…” you mouth as your memory finally catches back up. The sight within the cell helps boot it up nicely. From ceiling to floor are several individuals wrapped up in green cocoons. Of the ones you can see, you spy the familiar visages of Captain Jack, Mia, Aqua, and the CMC.

With your heart hammering in your chest, you drop the piece of paper and begin back up.

“No way. There’s just no way,” you plead miserably as your head twitches all around. Now that you’re actively looking into the darkened cells, you see other figures in the ones you’ve passed.

You see Ahuizotl, Daring Do, Ember, Greta, Garble, Frost, Adagio, Aria and Sonata all gooped, unconscious and dreaming within their tiny prison. You can also spy in another cell the recently beaten Flag Burner (sans his metallic limbs) and his Black Suns you captured.

And yet in many more, you see countless crystal guards and castle staff, and then to top things off, you find Celestia, Luna and Grandbuggy in a room, swaddled in the thickest cocoons yet.

She’s back! She’s back and she’s ruining everything! You panic as sweat starts to drip from your brow. You reach out for the cell door and attempt to open it, but it is locked solid.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!” you chant as you uselessly tug on the door…but you are nowhere near strong as you once were.

“This can’t be happening! This can’t be-Hmmph!” your mouth is suddenly covered by a hoof as someone puts you in a chokehold from behind.

“I knew my alarm picked up something,” a feminine voice says in your ear.

“Mmpphhmmggh!” you grunt as you try to break out of her grip, but you are still shackled and weak.

“Be silent! If you don’t want Chrysalis to realize you’re awake then just relax and be quiet!” she whispers harshly in your ear.

“Hmm?” you question as you attempt to tilt your head back and look at her, but all you see is a hint of bluish purple in the darkness.

“I can take you to your daughter and wife, just hold still,” she orders and you immediately halt your movements.

Who is this? you wonder just as you see a faint glow illuminate the hallway, and suddenly you are teleported. Your eyes are immediately hit by the sudden increase of light and you start to blink rapidly. And as your eyes get used to the lights, you realize you are in an opulent bedroom, and laying in the giant bed is a dark stallion with a red horn.

“Hmm?!” your eyes widen as Sombra breathes slowly, dreaming.

“Your mare is in the next room hidden behind the bookcase with your daughter watching over her,” the mare says pointing your head towards a fancy looking bookcase. “Chrysalis has been searching for them, but I’ve kept them safe since neither she nor Sombra have awoken yet. Now, with that in mind, if I lower my hoof and let you go will you promise to stay quiet?”

“Mmhmm, Mmhmm!” you nod vigorously and she sighs.

“Alright good, we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves,” she says as she lets go of your mouth and neck.

“Blah!” you sputter as you intake some air. You then turn to her…and see a purple crystal unicorn mare with a light blue mane and blue eyes with a surgeon symbol as a cutie mark.

Your eyes widen as you recall this mare holding Sombra as you blacked out.

“Hold up, you’re…” you point in disbelief.

“Radiant Hope,” she nods. “And you’re Bugze the Changeling, AKA the Hooded Offender and many other aliases.”

“I…wha…?” you sputter as you are still in utter shock and disbelief. "I still don’t understand anything. What exactly is going on?”

“The Empire is under the command of myself and my allies, that is until Sombra wakes up,” she says conversationally. “But Chrysalis has been undermining my authority for her own selfish quest of vengeance looking for your daughter and partner.”

You just look at her, lost and confused before your gaze goes to Sombra, and then to the bookshelf she claims hides the room where Selena and Nightshade are.

“Look, I understand why you might not want to help me, but the longer we take, the longer Chrysalis keeps delaying my plans,” she says with a frown. “She’s dead set on finding the Mare in the Moon, but since this operation was my idea, I decided I didn’t want her to.”

You put a hoof to your still pounding skull and shake your head.


“Because I came here to free the only friend I ever had, not to kill anypony,” she says with grim eyes. “Flim, Flam, Iron Will and Lightning Dust feel the same, so that’s why we haven’t let her touch the Elements, Cadenza or Armor either.”

You look at the crystal mare as she gazes longingly at the slumbering stallion, and now that you’ve had a chance to grasp it, he really is flesh and blood again.

“…Why are you helping me?” you ask and she frowns.

“Because I saw that broadcast when Sombra helped you fight. I still have many questions, but I’m willing to help get the Alicorn Amulet out of your daughter,” she says resolutely and your eyes widen. “But in order to do that, Sombra needs to wake up and we need to free the Umbrum without Chrysalis or anypony else getting in the way.”

Before you can say anything to this declaration, you hear the scraping of wood as the bookshelf slides forward slightly.

“I knew I heard your voice! Daddy!” Nightshade exclaims as she comes bounding towards you.

“Nightshade!” you say in joy as your little girl wraps her hooves around your chest, and you hug her as best you can with your hooves still chained.

“You’re finally awake! It’s only been a few days but it’s felt like forever!” she exclaims.

“I know honey, I’m just so glad to see you. I feel like I’m still in some sort of nightmare,” you say as a few tears leak out and you hug her tighter.

“Please keep your voices down,” Hope urges and Nightshade clams up.

“Oh, right, sorry Hope,” she apologizes and looks to you. “Things are crazy out there Dad. Everyone’s captured, there’s changelings everywhere, and it’s getting cold outside.”

You briefly glance out a window, which you now see is somewhere high up in the Crystal Palace and see snowflakes falling gently outside.

“But on the plus side, Sombra and Mommy got their bodies now,” she says trying to give some good news. Glancing at the opening behind the bookcase, you see the form of Selena as she’s looked for the last two years, wrapped in blankets and sleeping soundly. A real body in the real world.

“Yeah, I can see that,” you say, with a part of you feeling happy, but it is overwhelmed by the unyielding pressure of things going to Tartarus the minute you were pardoned.

You then look to the mare who apparently started all of this, as she sits at Sombra’s bedside.

“Alright, now that I know you’re not full of it, start talking,” you demand.


Reunited Ending:

Episode 95: Hope's Only Hope

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Reunited Opening:

The crystal mare in front of you bites her lip, as if she’s unsure about something.

“Well? I’m waiting,” you grunt impatiently and she winces.

“Hey Daddy, take it easy alright? Things have kind of been hectic for us these last few days,” Nightshade says.

“Oh I’m sorry honey, it’s just that I’m more than a little miffed that everything we worked for got overturned and she apparently had something to do with it!” you grumble.

“Look, I can understand your frustrations, believe me I can,” Hope says as she slides off the side of Sombra’s bed. “Over the last few days my perspective of things has shifted, but for the last year I’d thought of you and Nightmare Moon as enemies that were keeping Sombra prisoner and-“

“Lady, I’m not keeping your boyfriend hostage! If you’d just talked to me and not created the Legion of Doom, you’d know that!” you chide the Crystal Pony.

“I know that now Mr. Bugze!” she shoots back with a frown. “But look at it from my point of view! I came back to the material plane after a thousand years looking for Sombra, and all I’d gathered was that he was eaten by you. If it weren’t for my friend reassuring me that he was still in your head, I would have…I don’t know what I would have done!”

“…Yeah, okay I can kind of see where you’re coming from…but still, you couldn’t have waited till after we got to enjoy being pardoned for more than 5 minutes?!” you grunt and Nightshade puts a hoof on yours.

“Dad, believe me, I’ve already chewed her out enough in the beginning,” she says sternly and Hope winces. “But she did help me keep Mommy safe after we all got blasted from the magic feedback, so give her some slack okay?”

You take a deep breath before sighing at that.

“Alright, fine, but I’ve still got a lot more chewing out for you in the future missy, you can bet on that,” you warn Hope and she frowns again.

“Fine, I accept that,” she monotones. She then glances back at Sombra’s rhythmic breathing before turning back to you.

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

“To answer some of the more immediate questions you surely have, it’s been about a week since Chrysalis used that stallion’s artifact hodgepodge to separate you three.”

“A week?” you ask in surprise. “No wonder I was so thirsty.”

“Yes, Chrysalis almost immediately sent you to the dungeons after you passed out to, in her words, ‘Keep you safe and fresh,’” she says with a shiver.

“Fresh?” you repeat as you suddenly feel weirded out.

“Yeah, she was being really creepy and was rubbing your face and hair and at one point it looked like she was going to try and kiss you while you were asleep until I hit in her in the face with a magic missile,” Nightshade explains with a scowl and you raise an eyebrow.

“Wait, you were still conscious after the magical explosion?”

“Yeah…but I had like a really big headache, my ears were ringing, and I was super dizzy,” she explains. “I saw Celestia and Luna trying to sit up as well but then they got swarmed by changelings and everyone else was completely passed out. Then I saw that you, Mom and Sombra were separated and that gross lady was fawning over you and I got mad.”

“Nightshade is really quite powerful and durable as I’ve come to find out,” Hope chimes in. “Chrysalis getting blasted by her was even able to draw me away from my reverie in holding Sombra again.”

“So wait, hold on a second, you fought Chrysalis honey?” you ask in awe.

“No, not really,” she pouts. “I was able to get the one sucker punch on her and I felt really tired after that. Hope said it was that gun thing that separated you or something.”

“The device when fired not only separated you, Selena and Sombra, it sucked a lot of mana out of the air and from all inside, and once the process was finished, it released it all in one fell swoop,” Hope explains. “Even Chrysalis had been drained somewhat, despite being at the epicenter of the device, but not nearly as much as everyone else in that room.”

“Which is a shame because I really wanted to kick her flank right then and there,” Nightshade grumbles and crosses her legs. “But at least I was able to get the one hit in.”

“What happened after you blasted her honey?” you ask and she stiffens and scowls.

“She hissed at me and told all the changelings to get me and Mommy. Said we had to be made an example of when her “beloved” woke up,” she growls.

“Made an example of? That stupid little,” you grit your teeth before shaking your head. “And Beloved? What the buck is she smoking?”

“I don’t know if she’s been smoking anything per se, but that’s how she’s been referring to you since I met her,” Hope speaks up.

“Well it isn’t true! She lost that chance years ago…” you say with a bit of heat at the painful memories. “But she’s truly lost her marbles if she thinks that hurting Nightshade or Selena would ever make me join her!”

“Yes, I thought as much as well,” Hope nods. “None of my plans entailed killing anypony, and that was the first instance she started straying from the plan. I tried to interject and have her call that order off, but she spoke over me to her subordinates.”

“Yeah, the minute she said that, my shards burned bright, and even though I was tired, I dove onto Mommy before the changelings got her and teleported us away,” Nightshade relays before her ears droop. “I tried to get to you too Daddy, but Chrysalis pulled you away before I could reach you…”

“It’s alright honey, I don’t blame you,” you say giving her a little squeeze, which at least gets her ears to undroop. “So you teleported away?”

“Yeah, to this room actually,” she nods. “It was a random teleport and I didn’t have much energy after doing it. I kind of passed out next to Mommy on the floor here.”

“You passed out here?” you ask before looking to Hope. “Then how did you…?”

“Though time flowed differently for me, I’ve been with the Umbrum for over a thousand years, which is how I’m still alive,” Hope speaks up. “I’ve developed a connection with them so I was able to sense the Alicorn Amulet after things started getting…hectic.”


“After Nightshade disappeared with Selena, she went berserk and ordered all of her Changelings to spread out and find them,” Hope explains with a disturbed look. “I tried to get her to calm down since she had you again, which was all she’d wanted out of this partnership, but she dismissed me and said to stay out of her personal business and to tend to my part of the bargain.” At that last part she looks at Sombra.

“So…what happened after that?”

“After that, they gooped up everyone in the room except for you and took them down to the dungeons where they’d been keeping that handsome stallion she was impersonating and his allies,” she continues. “And while she was doing that, I decided to get Sombra somewhere safe, and that’s when I felt the presence of your filly and found her and her mother.”

“And, what, you decided to hide them? Just like that?” you ask perplexed and she nods.

“As I said, I didn’t want to actually hurt anyone. And after that broadcast when that terrorist attacked, I realized that Sombra must have cared for them as well.”

“She hid me and mom in that room then pulled the bookshelf in front of it,” Nightshade picks up. “I woke up a few days ago next to Mom, which itself was pretty amazing, but then I came out here, nearly bit Hope’s head off, and then realized she was trying to help us.”

“She’s not exaggerating either, she tried to bite my ears,” Hope winces and you look at your daughter who smirks.

“I might have been a bit angry,” she admits. “But yeah, Hope explained what was going on, and who she was and I realized that she was the mare Sombra’s always talked about loving, so I decided not to hurt her. I didn’t run down to free you either because I needed to protect Mommy and everyone else is still captured,”

The crystal mare blushes as Nightshade continues to talk, before she interrupts.

“Did…did he actually say that he loved me?” she asks sheepishly.

“On more than one occasion,” Nightshade smiles, which causes the mare to grin and look to the dark stallion with sparkling eyes.

“Alright, alright, enough with the goo goo eyes, what’s happened since then?” you interrupt and she startles.

“Oh, right, ahem,” she clears her throat. “After that, Chrysalis went a little wild trying to find these two, it’s all she’s been obsessing about. I want to move on and help free the Umbrum, but I still need Sombra to wake up.”

“Yeah, about that, why isn’t he already awake? Why did I wake up before him and Selena?” you question and she shrugs.

“I don’t know. I only vaguely know of how the device worked in the first place, but I believe it’s because you already had a body to begin with, while their’s had to be created.”

“Captain Jack when he explained it to me and Grandbuggy said that you three would probably need weeks to recover,” Nightshade explains before eying Hope. “Apparently, some changelings overheard our little discussion at the café.”

“Yes, some drones reported back to Chrysalis about this Jack’s device, which we thought would put less strain on my magical reserves, so they captured him,” Hope nods. “I’ve been using my healing magic to speed along their recovery, and I was even able to give some to you the few times I’ve snuck down to the dungeons. But even still, you waking up now means it won’t be long for them…at least I hope so.”

The smiling image of your “Friend” briefly flashes across your mind and you frown at that.

“There might be other factors,” you say without going into more detail.

“Well, whatever the case, my plans are on hold till Sombra wakes up, but with how erratic Chrysalis has been and how she’s let the weather conditions worsen, I’m not sure how much longer we can wait. Especially now that you’ve awoken.”

You nod at that, knowing full well that with how unhinged she’s gotten, Chrysalis would definitely come for you now that you’re awake.

“I’ve talked with Flim, Flam, Iron Will and Lightning Dust, and we’ve all agreed that things have gone too far, and that we need a plan of action,” she continues and you raise a brow.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“Alright, I know exactly who those Evil Machine™ builders are,” you say with a shudder, remembering that horrifying Cider Season where Skynet almost became real. “But who are Iron Will and Lightning Dust?”

“Oh, well, when I put together my team, I needed individuals who had grievances with the Elements of Harmony since we figured we’d have to battle them as well. Iron Will is a minotaur that used to be a spokesperson, but he hasn’t gotten much work after Fluttershy got a refund from him.”

“I vaguely recall her talking about a minotaur built like a wrestler,” you ponder aloud. “But really? One bad review and he loses his business and swears revenge?”

“He’s really in it only for the money since he’s having some marital troubles,” Hope points out. “And Lightning Dust is a pegasus mare that got kicked out of the Wonderbolts Academy thanks to Rainbow Dash.”

“Wait, seriously?” you question and she nods. “What sort of Mean Fillies kind of situation is that? Rainbow got her kicked out of school so she decided to help overthrow an entire nation?!”

“She really only joined because she wanted to fight Rainbow Dash, but things didn’t go according to plan,” Hope admits.

“I heard some stories when I was Ponyville,” Nightshade speaks up. “Apparently she was a reckless flier that caused a stunt that nearly got Twilight and the others killed, but Dash saved them and Spitfire kicked her out.”

“…Oh, well if Spitfire decided that, then clearly she’s a villain,” you nod after a moment of thought and Nightshade looks at you deadpanned.

“Seriously Daddy?”

“Look, just because the world has gone crazy doesn’t mean I’m not still a fan of hers,” you point out before looking to Hope. “So okay, we got a Wonderbolts Washout and a Struggling Motivational Speaker. Why did the Swindler Twins join?”

“Just like Iron Will, money. Plus they wanted to get back at the Apple Family and your Grandbuggy in the process.”

“What? What did Grandbuggy do?” you question.

“He ran them out of town when they were trying to peddle youth tonics to the old folks in Ponyville,” Nightshade says.

“Oh…well, they had that coming then,” you say and Nightshade agrees.

“Apparently, they’re also the reason why the changelings got freed as well,” she says and your eyes widen.

“What?!” you exclaim and Hope raises her hooves trying to shush you.

“Yes, yes, they built us a machine to bore through the wall of their prison. I needed Chrysalis’s force in order to ensure no unnecessary fighting or insurgency occurred,” she says and your eye twitches.

“So it’s thanks to Machines in all their evil evilness that Chrysalis is running free? Great, just great,” you huff and glare her down. “And nice job getting them involved, seems it’s working fantastically!”

“I had no idea she would become like this,” Hope says apologetically. “She said all she wanted was you, and I was inclined to give you to her after what you’d done to Sombra, but taking over and stalemating everything, how could I have known?”

“Not be so bucking naive?” you suggest with a growl to which she winces at. “Newsflash lady, Chrysalis overtook Canterlot all while boasting and singing about it disguised as Princess Cadence, and acting nothing like her. She nearly wiped out her elites and the three hundred at Appleloosa because she thought all was lost! She’s never been bucking stable while she’s been on the throne!”

“Okay, yes, there were some concerns I had about her…especially as of late with some of her actions,” she says with a disturbed wince.

“What, like enslaving an entire city and letting it freeze?”

“Well, that and that time a few days ago where she blasted one of her own drones with magic through a wall while me and the others were having a meeting with her,” she says rubbing the back of her neck.

“She blasted a drone?” you question disturbed.

“Yes, the poor thing needed medical attention from me. When we questioned her why, she said it was because he was badmouthing her “beloved” in front of her,” she says with a shake of her head. “Of course the soldier hadn’t said a word, and when we pointed that out she said she heard it through the Hive Mind.”

“The Hive Mi-But that no longer exists! I broke that!” you bark and she nods.

“I know, she’d even told me that herself after we freed her,” Hope says with a sigh. “But even so, I thought that once Sombra was revived, he would be more than a match for-“

You cut her off as you dash forward and grab her by the horn.

“Eep!” she shrieks as you invade her personal space. “Wait, I thought that you said you believed m-“ you silence her as you cover her mouth with your other hoof and glare and into her eyes.

“Dad! What the buck are you-“ Nightshade calls out, but you ignore her as you glare the mare in front of you down.

"Oh I do believe you, but I just wanted to make one thing clear with you," you growl threateningly as her eyes go wide. “I understand being lost after being gone for a thousand years, but from everything you’ve told me so far, you are the sole reason that crazy nutcase is free with her army, and why my family's happy ending was robbed from us at the very last moment, again! Once this is all over, we are going to have a very serious talk about how one can be dumber then the dirt they walk on. Then you can have a chat with Selena when she wakes up, then the Princesses, then the Elements, and then you’re going to give a public apology to the entire Crystal Empire for invading their home with a mentally unstable changeling queen and her army, and only then am I going to help you get a happy ending with ol' Sombra, got it?!"

You hear Nightshade gasp at your declaration, and Hope herself nods vigorously with widened, guilt filled eyes.

“Good, I just wanted that to be made clear before we move on,” you say as you release her and she gasps and backs away from you.

“I had already planned on offering apologies, you didn’t have to threaten me like that,” she pants eying you wearily.

“Yeah, but it’s good to hear it said aloud,” you scowl back, your heart hammering in anger.

“I see that even now being as weak as you are, you aren’t to be taken lightly,” she says rubbing her horn.

Daddy’s not weak,” Nightshade defends but you sigh.

“I don’t have my powers anymore Nightshade. Your mother and Sombra were the ones with the power, and now that they’re not in my head, I don’t really have much to offer,” you say and her jaw falls.

“Seriously?” she gapes.

“Seriously,” you nod solemnly and she suddenly looks nervous.

“Oh…oh boy,” she says rubbing the back of her neck.

“But you’re still a changeling aren’t you? Can’t you shapeshift into a large beast or something?” Hope asks and you frown.

“Only the strongest of the elite drones could do something like that. My old drill sergeant could actually turn into a bugbear and have the strength to match, but for most drones it doesn’t work like that. And I’ve never been able to transform because I’m a hybrid.”

“Oh…shoot, I’d hoped that we’d be able to disguise you for when Chrysalis inevitably finds out you’ve escaped your cell,” she admits.

“Well, I did still have a transformation potion in my Inventory, but I seem to have lost it. You know where it’s at?” you ask and she shakes her head.

“I’m sorry, I have no idea where your personal belongings are after you were taken to the dungeons,” she says.

“I’m surprised they let you keep your clothes on,” Nightshade admits.

“Might be that whole, keeping me “Fresh” thing that Chrysalis ordered,” you theorize. “But if that’s the case, then I’ve got jack all.”

Loganic’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

“I’ve still got the Boomstick attached to my Power Pole,” Nightshade points out, just as Mangle pokes her head out of her Inventory, holding said weapon. “And Mangle as well.”

“Didn’t that thing have two heads back in the stadium?” you ask.

“She did, but she’s assmiliated herself well with the other Mangle Head, and now she’s just one headed and bigger.”

“Creepy,” you shudder. “But okay, that’s one weapon and a robot at my disposal, I can’t do much else, I never was good at magic.”

“Dad, you still have your sick Kung Fu moves right? Remember the No Shadow Kick and Falcon Punch?” she encourages.

“They aren’t going to pack as much a punch anymore…though I guess it’s something for the lower level enemies,” you think optimistically.

“Exactly, and you got the RCV Fus Ro Dah which you haven’t used in awhile,” she points out.

“Oh right, I did learn that in a self help book,” you say realizing you’re not completely useless.

“See? We can still get through this Dad…whatever it is we plan to do,” she encourages and you smile.

“Thanks honey,” you say with a nod before looking back to Hope. “So, what exactly is the plan?”

Kichi’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Puzzlng Frost’s Comment

“That’s what we’ve got to figure out,” Hope says. “There are a lot of lives at stake, so we need to avoid things needlessly catastrophic.”

“Well that won’t be an issue with me anymore…” you trail off as you look to your daughter who pouts.

“What? I’m doing fine Dad, I didn’t go kicking the throne room doors in and curb stomping that ugly whorse these last few days have I?” she brags.

“No you haven’t, which I’m proud of you for the restraint, but we should avoid getting into a fight at all,” you say.

“I agree. She has the Elements of Harmony close to her and it would be a risk to their lives,” Hope nods and Nightshade looks weary.

“And Spike too, he’s with their group…”

“We’re not going to let anything happen to them,” you reassure her and look back to Hope.

“Gorramn right we’re not,” she nods and sighs again. “Which means I don’t get to cut loose unless it’s an emergency right?”

“Exactly,” you nod. “So what we really need to do is play it stealthy and get as many folks to safety before Chrysalis realizes I’m awake.”

“Yes, I’m thinking along those lines as well,” Hope nods. “Or at the very least, we get whoever we can out of the city and I can lead us to the Umbrum. They can take shelter there until Sombra is ready to free them, and then we’ll have more allies against the changelings.”

“Hmmm, kind of got the impression they might be peeved since it was the Crystal Ponies that imprisoned them. Are you sure they’d save the Empire?” you ask.

“Of course! They took me in after Sombra cursed the Empire and disappeared. I know that they’ll help any allies of myself or him,” she says with surety.

“Yeah I get that, but if they’re anything like how Sombra used to be…” you say with some hesitation.

“You don’t know them as I do, they’re sweet and kind and completely misunderstood, I’ve spent the better part of the last thousand years with them and they’ve never once shown any sign of evil they’re so wrongfully accused of.” Hope says with a smile.

“Why are so many people from a thousand years ago popping back up in recent years?” Nightshade wonders aloud. “I mean Mommy, Auntie Luna, Discord, Sombra…”

“Not to mention the Dazzling Sisters,” you point out before your expression falls, realizing you got them into this mess. “But yeah, we’ll discuss the strange appearances of ancient beings from a long time ago later, let’s just survive the current crisis now…though you do have a good point Nightshade.” She smiles at the compliment before turning to Hope.

“Well I guess I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt since they’re the ones that are going to get the amulet out of my chest right?” she inquires.

“Yes, exactly. Though it might be a delicate process seeing how splintered it is in you,” Hope gestures to Nightshade’s chest.

“Alright, so if we can sneak out of the city, with some allies, you’ll be able to meet us out in the snow and lead us to the prison right?” you ask and she nods.

“Just like with how I was able to sense Nightshade, I’ll be able to sense the Umbrum again.”

“Okay, but sneaking out is going to be tough enough already. I mean, if I had my Inventory, I’d be able to go full on ninja. I’ve got dark clothing with the nobody cloak, the Jetstream Sam sword, shurikens, and my power glove’s got a grappling hook,” you list off, realizing that you really did have a ninja option for many years.

“We should definitely find your Inventory if we can…and not just because of the Ninja-ness,” Nightshade says in determination.

“Which again, I have no idea where it would be,” Hope repeats.

“Well the changeling guards that threw me in the cell might have a stash. There’s always a room or hole in the ground where they keep captured creature’s weapons or personal belongings, it’s just standard practice,” you instruct, remembering your time as part of the Hive Army.

"But barring my lack of dark clothes, a cardboard box would suffice,” you say as you look around the room, but unfortunately, you see no stray mobile cover.

"A cardboard box?" Hope questions incredulously.

“Yup, you get under it and move around, and when enemies are near, you stop and they won’t notice you,” you explain before sighing. “But that option is out too since it looks like no one’s moved from here recently.”

“I’m just confused why you would think such an action would work though?”

“You’d be surprised,” Nightshade interjects. “Heck, Greta was talking about how she did just that right before we had the big meeting…I hope she’s alright.”

“So do creatures in the future have bad eyesight or something?” Hope asks trying to make sense of that logic.

“More like they’re passively lazy. Believe me, in my time in the army, you don’t make unnecessary work for yourself like checking random boxes,” you point out.

“Ooookkkkaaaayyy,” she trails off. “I still don’t get it, but okay.”

“Well if there are other lazy changelings like you Dad, can you think of any that might be friendly enough to ally with us and let us know where it’s at?” Nightshade asks, though mostly sarcastically.

“I doubt it. Anyone who had doubts about her left on the TARDIS last year. These are all the ones I gave the choice to, and they chose her and her madness,” you say with a scowl.

“Yeah, I figured that, but just thought I’d ask,” Nightshade shrugs. “Really what we could use is Mr. Sentry and whatever other Canterlot forces showing up, but they’re a continent away.”

“Which again, would lead to a lot of violence and bloodshed,” Hope says sounding like she’s already had this conversation. “Besides, Chrysalis has already impersonated Celestia and turned away any aid from the south before it could even arrive.”

“Heh, despite being cuckoo, she’s still got some competent scheming,” you sigh.

“Ugh, if only Discord wasn’t powerless, he could’ve solved all of this!” Nightshade grunts and kicks at the ground.

“Even if he was fine and showed up, adding him might be explosive,” you theorize. “But since he is weak, he’s much safer back in Ponyville.”

A Few Days Ago in Ponyville

Discord sits withered in his bed at Fluttershy’s Cottage, horrified and looking out the window as countless ponies of all races scream as something big and red runs through the town, leaving ponies strewn about just as drained of magic and weak as him, only in their cases, they are missing their cutie marks.

Besides the animals that hide within the cottage, a few others have taken refuge from the mysterious beast that feeds, even as it runs from some nutjob in a white doctor’s coat.

The Ponyville Horde members, or what’s left of them hunker down with the drained god of chaos and each and every one them has the same thought.

“Where’s The Offender when you need him?”

Back With You (Present)

As with many times in your life, a sense of irony tickles at your nose, but you just scratch at it with your hoof. You’ve got bigger fish to fry than worry about Discord.

“But yeah, we’re gonna be short on allies, aside from the petty slighted team Hope put together,” you jab and she frowns.

“Can’t we just take others from the cocoons?” Nightshade asks and you shake your head.

“None of them are going to be combat ready once we open those. Heck, many of them are going to have trouble walking after being drained of love for so long,” you point out. “But we could probably free a few and get them out, the lighter the better.”

“You think even Pinkie would be drained?” asks Nightshade and you pause.

“Hmm, good point,” you say with a hoof to your chin. “Maybe we could summon her?”

"Summon the Element of Laughter?” Hope inquires. “I already told you, she’s in Chrysalis’s personal-“

"We could try to break a Pinkie Promise,” Nightshade interrupts.

“Hey yeah!” you say excitedly before your face droops. “But I don’t think we have any other promises kept with her. We kind of admitted everything at the meeting.”

“Maybe it could be just between us?” she says before a light bulb goes off above her head. “Because breaking a Pinkie Promise is the best way to lose the trust of a friend…”

Both you and Nightshade then look about the room expectantly while Hope raises an eyebrow feeling lost.

“What are you all waiting for?” she asks and both you and your daughter frown.

“Dang it! Thought for sure that would work!” she grunts.

“It was worth a shot honey,” you say with a sigh.

“Ugh! This must be that Shoo Out the Clowns Trope she was talking about for when things get serious,” she grumbles.

“What are you two talking about?”

“Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” you explain without explaining and her eye twitches. “You’ll understand if we can free her.”

“Again, she’s with Chrysalis directly along with the others, and as for your other captured friends I unfortunately don’t have any keys to the prison cells,” Hope says and your ears droop.

“Of course you don’t,” you sigh.

“Speaking of, how did you get out?” she inquires.

“My cell was just kind of unlocked,” you shrug and look down at the manacles you’re still wearing. “Also, any chance of getting these off me?”

“I don’t have any keys or anything, but it shouldn’t be too hard since these are just simple iron,” she says lighting up her horn, the glow encasing the chains. “But that is really strange that your cell was just open. It was one of the more secure ones down there.”

“Maybe we do have an ally that’s not captured?” Nightshade suggests.

Once more, the smile filled with wrongness of your “Friend” flashes in your mind’s eye and you shudder.

“That’s the optimistic thought…” you grumble and she looks at you curiously, but her attention is caught by several clicks.

“There we go, done and done,” Hope says with a grin as you feel the manacles slip off of all four of your hooves.

“Ahhhh, thank you,” you say with a sigh of satisfaction as your rub at the chaffed chitin.

“No problem,” she says holding the manacles in her magical grip like a trophy. Suddenly though, there is a strange tingling sensation that washes across all of you, and suddenly her magical aura pops out of existence and the manacles hit the floor.

“Huh, that was weird,” Hope says rubbing at her horn. “Must still be sore from when you grabbed my horn.”

“Sorry, but I had to make a point,” you shrug.

“Did anyone else feel that weird tingling?” Nightshade asks and you both look to her.

“Wait, that wasn’t just me?” you ask and she shakes her head.

“No. This feels…familiar…” she trails off.

“Maybe it’s the cold permeating the building, it was only a matter of time,” Hope sighs as she looks out a window.

“No, that was something else. That felt like at the stadium when-“ Nightshade starts, but your eyes widen and you put a hoof over her mouth as you hear approaching hoofsteps.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Roker12’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Haryou Changer’s Comment

“Someone’s coming,” you whisper to the both of them and Hope becomes nervous.

“All I’m saying is that I’m getting sick of the cold,” a male voice complains. “Why can’t the queen just hook that heart thing back up so those glass ponies can start producing love waves for us?”

“Oh what, and have us get blasted out like at the wedding? No thank you,” another male voice grumbles.

“All I’m saying is that it’s taking forever for that traitor to wake up, and I don’t want to patrol in the snow anymore,” the first voice grunts.

“Oh don’t even talk about that flankhole. He’s the sole reason the Queen is being irrational,” the second voice grunts back. “Would be better off if he just croaked so we could take all these love sacs and go somewhere warmer!”

“You kidding? She’d go even more berserk if that idiot died. Things will get better once she finds Nightmare Moon and the hybrid brat.”

Despite the increasing volume of their voices, you are taken aback by the banter. The speakers are obviously changelings, and so are the loyal faction, but it seems even they aren’t above griping and even criticizing their queen.

I guess breaking the Hive Mind influenced them even more than I thought, you ponder before scowling. But screw you guys! I’m not better off dead! And you’re not touching my girls!

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll complain later. Let’s get to the Hope lady and be done with it.”

“Quickly! Get in the next room and be quiet!” Hope urges through whisper as you all realize that they in fact are coming into this room.

Taking no chances, you pick up Nightshade and enter into Selena’s hideaway room. You then hear Hope say in confusion.

“What the hay?! Why won’t it-?”

You then hear the door in the other room open, as Hope gasps and shuffles around awkwardly.

There is a moment of silence where you and Nightshade dare not move a muscle behind your closed door. Your eyes dart between her, and Selena sleeping soundly in her bed as the silence seems to deafen everything.

“What are you doing?” asks changeling 1.

“N-Nothing! Just, uh, just looking for a book,” Hope lies sheepishly and you and Nightshade begin to sweat.

“…Was that door always there?” asks Changeling 2.

“…Yes,” Hope answers stiltedly and you have to restrain yourself from facehooving.

“Huh,” the first changeling says disinterestedly.

“This dumb palace has too many doors if you ask me, and stairs,” the second changeling mutters.

“So, um, what can I help you two with? Does Chrysalis need my assistance?” Hope says changing the subject.

“In a way I suppose,” guard 1 says as you hear clanking metal. “Now go ahead and put these on would ya?”

“Wh-What?! Why?!” Hope screeches. At that, you put your eye up to the key hole and peer through. Two changeling drones in full armor stand before the crystal mare, and one of them is holding a set of manacles just like the ones you were wearing.

Uh oh, you think nervously as the second guard coughs in to his hoof and says,

“By order of Queen Chrysalis, Supreme Ruler and future Empress of the Entire World, you are charged with Treason and will be marched before her benevolence,” he says as if reading off a cue card.

“Wha-Treason?! That’s ridiculous!” Hope declares.

“Ridiculous or not, it is her orders, please don’t fight,” guard 2 orders.

“We are partners in this endeavor and Sombra is the true king of this land! I helped you all escape!”

“Yeah, yeah, save it for the trial,” guard 1 snarks with a roll of his eyes. Hope then begins to panic and shuffle back into your door.

“You’re magic isn’t going to help you lady, those dampeners from the stadium have been refitted, so unless you’re a changeling, you ain’t escaping,” the guard says mater of factly as he advances on her.

“That’s what that was!” Nightshade whisper exclaims and you grit your teeth.

“Wait, come on now, let’s talk about this! Sombra isn’t going to like this when he wakes up!” she exclaims as she shuffles out of your sight towards the bed, with the first changeling following her at an easy pace.

“Don’t matter what he think, now-“

“Hey, she’s already got a pair of manacles here,” the second guard says pointing towards the bed. The first guard stops and they look at the chains that had previously held you.

Oops, you think with worry.

“What are you doing with a set of shackles like that?” Guard 1 asks Hope.

“Um…well you see…” she stammers and the second guard raises a brow.

“Either she’s into some kinky stuff, or she’s hiding something…or someone,” he says as he eyes your door.

Buck! You mentally panic.

“No, No Wait! Eep!” you hear Hope cry out as the first guard grabs a hold of her, and the second guard makes his way towards the door.

You glance at Nightshade, and then back at Selena lying on her bed and in a split decision, you push Nightshade back and exit the door before closing it behind you.

The two changeling guards both immediately halt in their actions as they stare at you with wide eyes and dropped jaws. Hope even pauses in shock still within the first guard’s grasp, wondering what it is you’re doing.

“Hey fellas, how about you let the mare go before things get ugly?” you bluff, trying to make it seem as if you’re still powerful.

This seems to knock both of them out of their stupor as the second one scowls and shouts,


“How did you get out of your cell?!” the first guard demands, while holding Hope tighter. “You let him out didn’t you? So that’s why the Queen-“

“I got out myself ya ding bats,” you declare as you stare them down. “Your precious Queen is just being loopy and ridiculous on her own.”

“It’s only because of you that she’s like this!” the second guard growls.

“Hey, don’t go laying that blame on me! I want nothing to do with her!” you say as your blood boils in anger.

“It’s because of you that some of the weaklings in our brood have started calling her the ‘Queen of Twisted Love!’ he barks back, actual anger in his eyes and you are taken aback.

“Wait, hold on, are you saying she’s feeding on tainted love?” you say in surprise and both guards snarl at you, which is all the answer you need. Though you may not have been the sharpest bug during your time in the Hive, you do still know some of the old taboos, one of which was how you should never feed on the Tainted Love of obsession, hunger and scorn. Unlike feasting on Love or Lust, Tainted Love is borderline poisonous and consuming it does no favors for the mentality of the eater.

From what little you’ve gathered, she’s certainly hitting all the checkpoints of the symptoms with her erraticness, but even more disturbing is the other implication.

She’s feeding from her own emotions…you realize in disgust as the two guards hiss at you. Now, drinking straight up poison is bad enough, but dipping into your own emotional supplies and feeding from them is essentially self cannibalism. Sweet Celestia, she’s eaten herself into madness…even more so than usual.

And while you realize just how far gone the queen has fallen, Guard 2 starts advancing on you

“Now that you’re finally awake, we can fix this mess you’ve made,” he growls and you scowl as the rage returns.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” you say holding your right hoof up threateningly. He actually pauses for a moment, before he smirks.

“Oh please, you have no power any more. The Queen said so after she removed Nightmare Moon and Sombra from your head.”

“That may be so, I am nowhere near as powerful as I once was,” you admit before smirking. “But the thing is, earlier I was listing off things I still have now that they’re both gone, and I only just now remembered a big one. I feel like you will find it quit shocking at just how 'powerless' I really am.”

“He’s bluffing, just grab him and we’ll get a promotion!” Guard 1 orders and Guard 2 starts moving again.

You glance to Hope who has wide worried eyes.

“I’m sorry in advance for this Hope,” you apologize before you thrust your hoof out and shout, “Would You Kindly Eat Lightning?!”

With that said a cascade of blue lighting flies from your outstretched limb and zapps the surprised guards and Hope. The all contort and spasm as it hits them, and you yourself shout in pain and cut the current off as your whole hoof fills with pins and needles.

Agh, it’s just like using them as a human without the glove, you think as you wave your hoof with a bit of smoke coming off of it, But at least chitin is more durable than fingers!

With both guards and the crystal mare dazed, you dash forth, ramming your shoulder into the guard holding her, knocking her out of his grasp.

“Oof!” she grunts as she hits the floor, but you now stand over her protectively. The two guards, still jittery after the shock try to round on you and attack at once, but you hold your hoof up again.

“Would You Kindly Ride The Lightning?!” you shout and once more, the pain in your hoof is immeasurable as the current flies forth and strikes your foes. You grit your teeth against the pain, even as it travels up your foreleg, as you continue pumping electricity into the two. After a few moments of them contorting and spasming in pain, you stop your attack and grip your foreleg with the other as it feels numb.

The two of them remain standing for a moment before they both breathe out a cloud of smoke and fall to the ground unconscious simultaneously.

You pant for a few silent moments as you grip your foreleg, shaking it back and forth, with even more smoke wafting from it.

“Hah…hah…Sweet Celestia that bucking hurts,” you pant. “I really need to get my glove back.”

“Wha…wha…?” Hope blathers behind you, causing you to look to her. She is wide eyed and confused, and her mane is a bit on end thanks to your earlier shock. “I thought you didn’t have any magical powers left?”

"Genetic mutation beats magic any day, look it up!” you say smugly, but then wince as feeling does start to trickle back through your limb, and it’s not pleasant. “But yeah, sorry about the friendly fire, it was the only option.”

“I…I suppose you’re right,” she says as she starts patting her hair down.

“Not usually, but in this instance-” you trail off as your breath catches in your throat momentarily and your heart gives a weird unsettling feeling thump. “Whoa, what the...?”

“Is something wrong?” Hope asks.

You put a hoof to your chest, but even before your hoof touches it, everything is back to normal. But even so, you can’t shake the feeling that you saw a brief flash of something orange through your cloak.

“Uh…nothing, just catching my breath,” you excuse.

“Are you okay Dad?” Nightshade asks as she opens the door as you help Hope up to her hooves.

“I’ll live,” you say before looking to the downed guards. “And they will too, but they’re not going to like it.”

“Okay…still not cool shoving me back while you got to go out and fight,” she pouts and you roll your eyes.

“You heard what they said Nightshade, the magic dampeners are down and-“ you are interrupted as green flame lights over her horn and she picks up the dropped manacles with it.

“I’m still part Changeling, remember?” she says as her eyes suddenly shift to pure blue. “I’m not all that powerless Daddy.”

“Oh right,” you say feeling dumb for forgetting such an oversight. “So do you have access to all of your power?”

“I feel like I’ve been drained kind of, like I can’t reach all of it? But I still got enough I think,” she says before looking down at the shards. “On the plus side, I feel a little less unbalanced after that fuzzy wave dampener thing. You really don’t know how paranoid you are till it goes away.”

“Well, small blessings then,” you say with a smirk.

“I still can’t believe Chrysalis has gone and done this,” Hope says feeling blindsided and you look at her incredulously.

“Really? Is it that surprising?” you snark and she lowers her ears.

“I guess not, but I didn’t think it would come so soon,” she says as she goes to Sombra’s bedside and takes his hoof. “If she’s accusing me of treason, then myself, my remaining allies and Sombra aren’t safe from this madness either.”

“No spit,” you say coldly. “Which means ALL of us gotta get moving now before it’s too late.”

She nods at this and puts a hoof on Sombra’s chest.

“He and Selena are still unconscious though, we can’t leave them behind.”

“No we can’t, so start making preparations. We wanna get ourselves and as many others as we can to the Umbrum place before the alarms are raised, because right now, none of us are gonna be able to beat Chrysalis.” you affirm and she nods.

“The Umbrum should be able to help us in that endeavor. Queen Rabia would be more than a match for her, even with these magic dampeners on,” she says.

“A Queen huh? So I’m guessing that’s Sombra’s mom he talked about?” you ask.

“Precisely,” she responds.

“Two Queens going at it huh? Sounds epic,” Nightshade says and you look at her with a grin.

“Well we’re gonna have to free the other one then so we can get this smackdown huh?” you ask before giving a pleasant smile. “But before that honey, would you like to help Daddy hide some changelings?”

“Buck yeah I would!” she says exuberantly before a thoughtful expression comes across her face. “So, are we gonna like, cocoon them? Because I don’t really know how to do that.”

“Neither do I actually,” you admit. “I really don’t think I can because of my pony genes, which is fine by me because I always thought it was gross.”

You then point down at the two sets of manacles lying on the ground.

“We’ll chain them up and gag them with something. Unfortunately I don’t have my handy duct tape, so we’ll just use bed sheets,” you say.

“Alright, I’ll get to tearing!” she salutes as she bounds over to Sombra’s bedside and starts tearing the expensive looking sheets into strips. And on one hoof, her enthusiasm over chaining the guards up is worrying, but on the other hoof it’s very practical.

After the two fried guards are chained up, gagged, blindfolded and stuck inside a wardrobe, you are almost ready to go.

“Oof, he is heavy,” Hope grunts as she struggles to lift Sombra from the bed without her magic.

“That’s why you gotta work out your regular muscles, a lot of unicorns rely too much on their magic,” Nightshade points out.

“Exactly,” you nod. “But go ahead and help her out honey, and I’ll grab your mother.”

“Okie dokie,” she nods and walks towards the struggling mare.

“No, no, lift with your knees, not your back!” she warns too little too late as she slips and Sombra falls on top of her.

“Heh,” you chuckle slightly as you make your way back into the hidden room. Upon reaching her bedside, without the urgent danger taking up your mind, it really truly strikes you that she is free.

Her dark blue and purple tinged mane isn’t moving at the moment, but it still flows across the pillows majestically. Her coal black fur is even darker than your own chitin, but even in shadows you would be hard pressed not to see her. Her draconic eyes may be hidden by her lids, but she is still as radiant and beautiful as she was in your mindscape…even more so if you have to admit it.

“Selena…” you breathe out as you take in her splendor, captivated. The situation may yet still be urgent, but you deserve a few moments with her after everything. “You, uh, you look great, heh heh.” Just as you did in the mindscape all those years ago when she was in her coma, you brush her mane out of her face and kneel by her bedside.

“I, uh…I really want you to wake up soon,” you tell her truthfully as she breathes in and out steadily. “Things are nuts like usual, but I’d feel a lot more comfortable if you were here by my side through it all.”

You then take her hoof in yours, and the weight of it makes it more significant in your mind. Plenty of times before in the mindscape did you two “touch” but it was all simulations of your brain. This…this is real. She is real. Of course she’s always been real, but she’s much more now. She’s really there with you in the waking world.

“…It might not have been on my terms, but I kept my promise,” you say with a grin as you squeeze her hoof. “And I’m gonna make sure we all live long enough to enjoy the benefits of being a real family. Any other rendezvous’ be damned.”

You then put her foreleg over your shoulder and begin to hoist her up to put on your back, and in the process, her chest touches yours and her head leans against yours. You pause for a moment as your heart skips a beat (not painfully this time) and you feel your face flush.

…Oh what the hay, you shrug as you take a moment to wrap your forelegs around her and give her a hug. She is warm, soft, and you can feel her heartbeat beating in her chest. That is the one thing that really separates this moment from the embraces you shared in the mindscape. She has a heart.

“Um…do you need a moment alone?” Nightshade’s voice interrupts the tender moment and your eyes widen. Pulling your head back, you look to your daughter standing next to Hope who has Sombra on her back, and both have grins on their faces.

“N-no, I’m good,” you stutter as you start moving to put her on your back again.

“Are you sure Dad?” Nightshade asks with a smirk. “Why don’t you try to wake Mommy up by giving her a kiss like in Sleeping Beauty?”

“Wha-I-I’m not gonna do that to her while she’s unconscious,” you stammer with a blush as you put her chest on to your back and wrap her forelegs with some cloth and put your head through them. “Besides, that’s just a fairy tale.”

“Trust me, I already tried, it didn’t work,” Hope says with a sigh and both you and Nightshade pause and look at her. “…What?”

“You kissed my mom to try and wake her up?” Nightshade asks feeling disturbed.

“What?! No! I meant I tried on Sombra!” she corrects with a flushed face.

“Oh…Yeah I guess that makes more sense,” Nightshade nods.

“Even still, the dude’s unconscious, seems kind of messed up,” you tell her plainly and she winces.

“It was just on the head! I want our real first kiss to be when we’re both awake!” she squeaks in embarrassment before frowning at you.

“Whatever you say lady,” you smirk as you adjust Selena on your back.

A Few Moments Later

After a few more teasing jabs at Sombra’s marefriend, you three have started to sneak around, avoiding Changeling patrols as you head towards the dungeons. Hope’s reasoning being that if guards were sent to bring her in, Flim, Flam, Will and Lightning might also have been brought in and might be there. You’ve had to hide in some empty rooms or in the shadows now and again, but so far it’s been good progress.

Thankfully, no drones are really on alert, and the patrols you have encountered are pretty standard fare. You even hear a bit more gossip and complaints. Mostly the usual drabble of how boring patrols are, what a huge piece of crap You are, how they’re worried about Chrysalis etc. One tidbit does catch your attention though.

“Why is it that we get stuck on patrol while everyone else gets to go to the party?” a female guard grumbles.

“Party?” you, Nightshade, and Hope all mouth to each other curiously from inside an empty room.

“Because you had to go and run your mouth in front of the Sergeant,” the male guard grunts. “Thanks for dragging me into that by the way!”

“Oh come on, you were complaining too! You went on and on about the stupid ponies out there,” she points out.

“Because the cold is forcing us to corral them more and more, at least I didn’t insult the Queen while Sarge was in earshot!” he shoots back.

“Oh please, he’s just taking his own frustrations out on us. You know how he gets.”

“Yeah, well if so he keeps it to himself and that’s why he’s at the party and we’re on boring duty!”

And the two of them keep arguing until their voices get quieter and quieter and you look to your daughter and Hope.

“So, there’s a party going on?” Nightshade asks confused.

“I guess?” you shrug and look to Hope who looks no more knowledgeable.

“First I’ve heard of it. I can’t begin to fathom why with how things have been going,” she says.

“Well, they say party, but it might be one of those mandatory recreation events,” you say with a frown. “Those things were such bullspit, they told us there would be food and drinks, and didn’t tell us that you actually had to pay for it! A freaking carrot dog was like 8 bits!”

“They were serving pony food to the Hive Army?” Nightshade questions.

“Not even full blooded changelings can survive off of love alone Shade,” you point out before shaking your head. “But that’s not important right now. If there is a big gathering, that means there will be lighter patrols which is a good thing for us. Means less to run away from for when the alarm inevitably gets thrown.”

“That’s actually a relief to hear,” Hope sighs as she again adjusts Sombra’s position on her back with a grunt.

“Also, did they say something about corralling ponies?” Nightshade asks. “What’s that about?”

“Well, the entire Empire wasn’t cocooned after all, Chrysalis didn’t have nearly as many resources or changeling power to do that,” Hope says and you raise a brow.

“Wait, she didn’t? Then where was everyone after we left the stadium?”

“Well, the guards were the ones that drones went for, and while the fight was going on, Chrysalis captured those not watching the games and then all those fleeing from your fight were corralled into certain buildings.”

“Why in the world would she do that?” you say not comprehending why Chrysalis would risk a factor like that, even through her madness.

“Because that had been at my behest,” Hope admits. “We still have the Crystal Heart, and in order for that to be useful, Crystal Ponies still need to be around. That’s why the weather hasn’t completely consumed us yet, we were using it sparingly, until Chrysalis decided she didn’t want to anymore.”

Being curious, Nightshade goes to a window in the room and looks out at the falling snow.

“So this is only from a few days?” she asks.

“Yes, and we don’t exactly have too many more of those left before we’re all covered in snow,” she nods.

“And still you were surprised when the crazy lady who’s letting the storm in betrayed you?” you deadpan and she droops her ears.

“…Really, I was betting everything on Sombra,” she sighs.

“Oh hey, I can actually see some of that corralling going on,” Nightshade says pointing out the window.

Walking over and glancing out, you see crowds of crystal ponies and the other three normal variety shuffling through the snow into buildings closer to the palace while changelings buzz around them. Looking out, you can clearly see the need for such measures since the surrounding outskirts, including the stadium are covered in ice and snow.

Hope sighs as she sees this and you frown. Changelings can survive in pretty harsh conditions, like the deserts and tundra, but those ponies aren’t going to last when everything eventually gets covered in ice.

“WINTER IS COMING! THE NIGHT WATCH HAS FAILED US! FEAR THE UMBRUM WALKERS! WINTER IS COMING!” a brown toned crystal pony with a long black mane and dressed in black furs shouts hysterically, even as the changeling drones drag him to keep him in line with the others.

“I don’t know if that guy’s noticed, but winter’s kind of already here,” Nightshade says.

“Hey, you can’t blame the guy for going a little stir crazy, his home has been invaded and is getting covered in ice for the second time,” you defend. “But now we know where to avoid sending the Umbrum since according to Sombra, they have a rocky history with the ponies.”

“They’ll help save them on my behalf if nothing else,” Hope says with surety.

“I’d rather not risk it,” you disagree. “I say when the Umbrum are kicking the changelings out, we get all the ponies on the train and get them out until things have cooled down a bit.”

“Things are already cool enough I think,” Nightshade snarks and you roll your eyes.

“You know what I meant!”

After that, you once more made your way down the corridors in this mandatory stealth section, at one point ending up in a hallway that was just all kinds of wrong.

Similarly to the stained glass halls in Canterlot Castle, it seems that Chrysalis has decided to have a mural hallway of her own. Only…

“What. The. Buck?” Nightshade grunts simply as she looks at all the tapestries hanging in disgust. She isn’t the only one as you physically recoil from some of them.

“I, uh…wha…?” you blather as you look around.

“…I honestly didn’t know about this,” Hope says in an apologetic tone as her own skin begins to crawl.

What surrounds you all is a very abridged, fictional, and straight up biased tapestry of your history with Chrysalis from your childhood to now. Fictional and biased because there are just straight up lies being depicted, like you and her kissing at Prom, you seemingly accepting the Nightmare Jewell willingly, you breaking down the prison walls and carrying her bridal style, and you and her on thrones resting upon the Elements, Princesses, and other creatures. Also a few more…explicit depictions of you and her which you immediately rip down before Nightshade can see.

Needless to say 'Avoiding Chrysalis’ is still your highest priority, but now for a few other reasons as well.

“Okay, let’s get out of here, find your friends, and we’ll come back and burn the rest of these tapestries after everything gets fixed,” you suggest.

“While I agree about moving on, I wouldn’t call Flim, Flam, Iron Will or Lightning Dust my friends exactly, we’re more just associates,” Hope corrects and you roll your eyes.

"Oh please, take it from personal experience but it is impossible to spend so much time with a single group of creatures without at least becoming frenemies with them. I should know, I've done it at least four times by now."

“I’ve never heard that term before, but I’m assuming it means friendly enemy?” she asks as you all leave that creepy hallway.

“Something like that. Practically all our frenemies are our friends now though,” Nightshade adds.

“…Yeah, still don’t get that one,” she shakes her head. “Look, we are all partners that joined together in furthering our own goals, but now the plan has changed and I owe that to them. Think about it like your relationship with Sombra.”

“Huh? But that’s just being friends, we’ve already been over this,” you explain and she looks at you incredulously.

“You would call Sombra your friend?” she asks skeptically.

“Yeah, I mean sure the guy’s a turd, but he’s alright since he’s mellowed out,” you nod.

“…You ate him and from what I understand kept him drugged within your mind for over a year.”

“True, we didn’t all start out on the right hoof, but things have gotten better. Even if he’s Tsundere about it, I know he’s got my back,” you say, slapping at the unconscious stallion’s cheek for emphasis.

“Hey! Quit that!” Hope chides and backs away from you.

“He’ll be fine, plus the guy has saved my hide more than once, and I’ve done the same for him, so we’re all even and squared over the times we tried to kill each other.”

“Okay, I understand that you’ve worked together, but I still don’t understand how you would call that friendship. From the transmissions of the stadium battle I know he considered you all allies but-“

“Trust us Hope, he is our friend,” Nightshade takes up the reins, hovering near Sombra as she also slaps at his cheek. “And while I’m sure he bonded with Daddy and Mommy in human land, I’m still his favorite.”

Hope looks to Nightshade with a soft expression over how truthful and sincere her tone was.

“And…you would say you’re truly his friend?” she asks, still unsure but sounding a tad hopeful.

“Oh buck yeah, I’m the one who turned him good in the first place,” Nightshade brags. “At this point, he’s kind of like an uncle to me.”

“Huh?!” Hope gasps.

“Well I mean, he’s way older, so I wouldn’t call him my brother, but not old enough to be a grandpa, so yeah, uncle fits,” Nightshade explains. Hope looks dumbfounded from your daughter to you and you just shrug.

“Hey, there’s no arguing with the little lady once she’s made up her mind about things,” you admit before putting a hoof to your chin. “So would that make him kind of like my brother? I’ve never had one of those before. Siblings tend to argue and fight so…huh.”

“Wait a minute, the friend thing I was still on the ropes about, but now you’re pushing for brother?!” Hope blathers.

“I mean…I don’t know, my family is already kinds of weird, so…?” you shrug, strangely being okay with the idea.

"You heard the bug, Sombra's my uncle and there's nothing you or the legal system or the laws of nature can say otherwise,” Nightshade boasts with a smirk which causes Hope to gape like a fish. “ Actually...*gasp* that means you’re my aunt! Three aunts in only one year, that has got to be a new record!"

Hope blushes at the implications at that and starts to stutter adorably, at a loss for words.

"Now that I think about it, after all this is over, you think we should bring him to the next Apple Family reunion?” you mumble aloud.

“Why not?” Nightshade asks. “We’re already gonna be showing Mommy off to all our relatives, and it’ll be awesome if Cadence, Shining, Celestia and Luna showed up, I bet Babs’s face will be surprised.”

“Hold on a second, what are you talking about? You’re related to the Princesses?” Hope sputters.

“Of course! Mom and Dad made me, and Mom is we determined a kind of twin to Princess Luna, and since Cadence is their niece, it makes her my cousin,” she explains before her face contorts in realization. “Which in a way would make Sombra also Cadence’s uncle?”

“Let’s not go down that line of thinking,” you wave off noticing the flabbergasted crystal mare’s face. “I don’t think Cadence would want to think of that just now either.”

“Yeah I guess you’re right,” she nods. “But either way, even when Sombra starts doing his probation, we should still be close enough to him so he doesn’t get too lonely.”

“Oh I’m sure he’ll be catching up with Hope here since she’ll no doubt be doing probation as well for her part in this act of treason,” you point out.

“Wait a moment! Treason?! I was just trying to-“

“Oh right, she doesn’t have any day saving saved up yet,” Nightshade ignores her. “But I’m sure that after she helps us free the Umbrum, get the amulet out of me and kick Chrysalis’s butt she’ll have gained some brownie points.”

“What are brownie points?” Hope asks, but continues to get ignored.

“Good point sweetie,” you nod. “But I guess it couldn’t hurt for us to be around while they work off their debt. Being without you for so long was torturous enough for all of us.”

Hope lets out a sigh and looks to the stallion on her back.

“How did you manage to stay sane for two years with conversations like this?” she asks him.

“Hey, I resent that,” you huff.

“We are literally sneaking through enemy territory and you’re all planning family get togethers as if we’ve already won!” she exclaims.

“Hey, it pays to be somewhat optimistic, too much negativity is bad for you,” Nightshade argues.

“Yeah exactly. If you’re always a Debby Downer then-Oof!” you are cut off as you round a corner and run right smack dab into something.


Or rather, someone.

Curse my lack of attentiveness!!! You mentally curse as you immediately jump back and aim your hoof at the creature in front of you threateningly while getting in front of Hope and Nightshade...only to be taken aback at what you see.

There before you is a small group of changelings....but all of them are covered with bruises or scratches of some kind all over their bodies. Some of them even have eye patches or wing casts. Leading them is a rather small changeling all things considered, looking no older then a teenager at best and wearing poorly fitted armor, and is the one you bumped into.

“Oh, uh pardon us, we’re just on…patrol! That’s right, patrol!” he stutters nervously. “We were just….wait a moment…”

The younger changeling’s mouth drops as he finally takes in the rest of your group, before his eyes focus squarely on your hair.

“Um, you didn’t see anything,” you say hoping your warbled tone might hypnotize him. “Just go about your patrol and-“

“It’s you isn’t it? The Hooded Offender?” he gasps, not in shock, but in awe. His eyes sparkle and a look of joy crosses his features which blindsides you once again.


“Daddy?” Nightshade asks nervously, standing in a defensive position, and the changeling’s excited gaze turns to her.

“His alicorn daughter, and he’s carrying Nightmare Moon, it is him!” he says giddily before turning back to the others. “It’s your Enlightener!”

“Enlightener?” you ask confused at the strange title, but noling immediately answers you as the others in the group suddenly look as awed and excited as he was. He then quickly whips around and you brace yourself, not looking forward to having to punch a kid…but then he lowers his head in a bow.

“Yes! This is such great timing, I am so so so so so so so so glad to finally meet you properly Mr. Hooded Offender sir!"

You blink owlishly at a loss for words at that as the other injured changelings lower their heads as well.

You share a confused look with Hope and Nightshade before you turn back to the group in utter bafflement.


A Few More Moments Later

After finally realizing that this strange group wasn’t going to fight you or raise the alarm, you ended locating a vacant room and getting one of the less injured changelings to stand guard outside the door. The smaller changeling then started explaining what had just happened.

Apparently there was a sect of Changelings who, after being freed from the Hive Mind by the 'Enlightener,' wanted to take your offer to leave but stayed behind because they had some family who were still loyal to Chrysalis and they were worried about leaving them behind. They all wanted to change and be free like the others, but didn't want to risk their family disowning them or being hurt for 'betraying' the Hive So they stayed back and resisted the urge to change their ways in order to keep an eye on things.

“And apparently, things have only gotten worse for them since they’ve been freed…no offense,” he says to Hope who winces. “Her obsession with you has increased tenfold, and anyone who questions her gets reprogrammed.”

“That’s what happened to Meteor,” a changeling with a lighter green carapace says bitterly.

“Reprogrammed? I thought that kind of stuff ended after the last Queen died,” you say in disgust and the smaller changeling’s ear fins droop.

“It was supposed to…” he says sadly. “But now things have gotten out of hoof. The enlightened individuals tried to persuade their family members to leave with them ever since the snow stopped being warded off, and they were beaten and locked up awaiting reprogramming for their efforts.”

You frown at that, reprogramming was something that happened when the Hive Mind was still intact. You don’t even want to imagine what it’s like now.

“Thankfully, Thorax here snuck us out,” the changeling with the eye patch says.

“Thorax?” you ask the smaller changeling, something familiar itching at the back of your mind.

“Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Thorax,” he says sheepishly. “We, uh, we actually went to school together, though I doubt you remember me.”

It’s true, you don’t remember him at all, but at the same time there is something familiar about him.

“I was an underclassman when you, uh, when you had that incident at the prom,” he says and your eyes widen.

“Okay, hold on a second, that means you’re a lot older than you look,” you say looking him up and down and he chuckles nervously.

“I’ve never exactly been on the stronger side,” he admits.

“I know Chrysalis’s and Sin’s group used to pick on the weaker underclassmen when they decided to give me a break, maybe I saw you in the hallways or something because there is something familiar about you.”

“You might be thinking of my brother, we do look similar, even though he’s stronger,” he says sounding sad before shaking his head. “But that’s not important right now. We all knew you’d been captured, but we had no idea you were up and about. If you come with us, I can lead you all to safe passage with the others before they realize.”

“You know a way out of here?” you ask enthusiastically and he nods.

“Yes, I’ve actually been in the Crystal Empire for over a year, so I know some ins and outs,” he boasts and you raise a brow.

“Over a year? But we only freed you all a few months ago,” Hope says and Thorax turns to her with a grin.

“I was never in that prison,” he says and you look at him in surprise.

“Wait, you weren’t?” you ask and he shakes his head.

“I’ve actually been separated from the Hive since the Wedding Invasion,” he admits and you are stunned.

“What, like my Dad?” Nightshade asks.

“Well, not exactly. I’ve just kind of been hiding, taking love every now and again to survive until last year I heard about how this Empire had an artifact that radiated love for everyone, so I made my way here,” he says. “A week ago when the Equestria Games were going on, I relinked with the Hive after I saw them infiltrating the city.”

“So you joined back up only a week ago?” you ask and he nods looking disappointed. “I thought it’d be nice after being alone for so long, and it really was good seeing my brother again. But the Hive now is just…”

You see as his gaze lands the few injured changelings and you nod in understanding.

“After I saw how these lot were getting treated, I decided I’d help them escape, and I can do the same for you as well.”

“Okay, first of all, yes, that’s something we’re looking for,” you nod. “But instead of leading just them out into the wastes, we’ve got a plan.”

“Oh? What is it Mr. Offender?” he asks excitedly and you feel just as weirded out as that time when you first met the Horde fans.

“You see, she has some possible allies out in the snow,” you say pointing to Hope. “And when we help them, they’re going to help kick Chrysalis and her loyalists out of the Empire.”

“Ohhhh…” the changelings say in awe before Thorax raises an eyebrow.

“Wait, aren’t you allied with the Queen?”

“Not anymore since she’s accused me of treason,” Hope grunts and adjusts Sombra. “But that aside, we were hoping to find my acquaintances, do you know if anything’s happened to the other four that were allied with her?”

“Oh, you mean the ponies and the Minotaur?” asks the dual colored eyed looking changeling as they stick their head in through the door.

“Yes, precisely,” Hope nods.

“I heard some patrols gossiping while we were sneaking about how even lesser creatures got invited to the party,” they say and Hope looks inquisitive.

“That’s the second time we’ve heard about a party,” she points out.

“Yes, that was something cooked up by some of the commanders as a way to boost morale after…well…” he says gesturing to the injured. “Even my brother agreed with that decision.”

“So it’s a morale booster? Seriously?” you question and another of the changelings answers.

“It’s also kind of a way to celebrate taking over the Empire so easily since it’s the first win we’ve had in years,” they explain.

“And Chrysalis knows about this?” you ask skeptically.

“If she does, she doesn’t particularly care,” Thorax answers. “But the majority of changelings are there. There are still others holding out hope in secret that their families will change their mind, but for the most part it’s all loyalists.”

“…And do you think these other dissenters might still want to leave if say, a certain orange haired changeling was around?” you question and he beams.

“Oh, most assuredly,” Thorax nods.

“Oooh, maybe we could cause a revolt with them, I’m good at those,” Nightshade says rubbing her hooves together.

“We don’t have the numbers little one, not against the rest of the horde,” the eye patch wearing changeling points out.

“No, but if we get in contact with them and convince them to slip away, we could start getting things prepped for when the Umbrum are freed,” you ponder. “I mean, that train has got to be ready for all the evacuees once the battle starts.”

“Also it would be good to have allies on the inside releasing the prisoners and prepping them for transport,” Hope nods.

The group of changelings all look at each other before smirking.

“I wouldn’t mind throwing a wrench in the Queen’s plans as we exit stage left,” the green tinted female says.

“Exactly, and we’re gonna have to time it right so that we can get those dampeners down because the prisoners in those goop sacks are gonna be severely drained of energy as it is,” you affirm.

“Wait, they are?” Nightshade questions and you nod.

“I don’t get how it works, but it’s all about keeping the prisoner asleep and draining them. It takes about a day to recover your strength after being released, at least that’s what the instructors told us.”

“I can confirm that,” Thorax nods. “A released occupant will be in a similar state to inebriation. It’s a failsafe to ensure any escapees from getting far.”

“Wait a minute, then why were we heading down to the dungeons if anyone we release is gonna be drunk and unable to walk?” Nightshade inquires.

“Because those that are freshly gooped won’t be as bad, which is what Hope’s friends would be if they were captured,” you explain. “Also, around the dungeons is more than likely where my Inventory is.”

“Do any of you have the cell keys by chance?” Hope asks but all of them shake their heads.

“I’m sure someling knows someling who has them though,” Thorax ponders. “I did see a group moving the Princesses’ pods to the throne room not too long ago.”

“Wait, what?” you say in shock. “But I saw them in one of those cells along with my Grandbuggy when I woke up!”

“Well, I don’t know what to tell you, but that’s what I saw,” he shrugs and you look at Hope.

“We’ve been sneaking around for not even an hour, so something’s up if they’re moving them. What’s in the throne room?”

“That’s where Chrysalis has set up her base as it were,” Hope explains. “She’s defiled the thrones in there to fit her aesthetic, and has all of the Elements of Harmony in their own cocoons decorating the place. Seems she’s adding the Princesses to that list now.”

“Oh, and I don’t know if it helps, there was a cocooned purple dragon with them too,” Thorax adds and Nightshade’s eyes go wide and color drains from her face.

“She’s got Spikey in her personal collection?” she asks with worry, and Thorax nods with a wince. Her expression then becomes maniacal as she looks to you. “Daddy, there’s a word Sweetie mentioned once starting with an ‘R’ that means assassinating royalty, you think that we can-“

“No honey, we’re not committing Regicide,” you sigh and she huffs and crosses her forelegs. “But on that note, if they dragged the Princesses away, there’s a chance no one knows I’m free yet since my cell was further down.”

“Oh definitely, the whole palace would be on alert if the Queen knew,” Thorax agrees. “But I get what you’re saying. We can help you check the dungeons, and anyone we find we can meet up at a designation where I can slip them out quietly.”

You look at a few of the more injured changelings and look back to him quizzically.

“I think these guys should get out first, they’re injured enough already,” you say.

“Hey now, some of us still got some spunk left,” a female changeling with one eye of green and the other of blue says.

“Yeah, if you need help, I’m still good to go,” eye patch says.

“We could go with him while you lead them out Thorax,” the green tinted one advises. “That way you can spread the word to the others and then meet back up with us.”

He bites his lip at that before sighs.

“I’m still on the trusted list, so I suppose that makes sense,” he nods. “Alright, I’ll have the injured gathered at the Train, and I’ll meet you after your dungeon search near the Flugelhorn storage room.”

“Flugelhorn storage?” Nightshade questions.

“Oh I know where that is, got lost in there last year,” you say, distantly remembering your dazed wandering around the castle with your chest wound still bleeding.

Hope’s mouth gapes before she turns her head to look at the unconscious stallion.

“You went and made that room for me? Even after I ran away?” she asks sounding mystified and awed again.

Ignoring that sickening sweetness, you look back to Thorax.

“Alright buddy, be careful getting these guys out and we’ll see you in Club Flugelhorn,” you order and he beams.

“Sir Yes Sir!” he salutes enthusiastically and gathers all the changelings that won’t be assisting you. “Oh wow, it’s like I’m on an actual mission.”

As he leaves the room, you look questioningly to the channeling with the eyepatch.

“I get the feeling he wasn’t exactly trusted with high end missions in the past,” he says with a shrug.

“Yeah, seems a little green if you ask me,” you nod before shaking your head. “But either way, he’s our best shot of getting out of this.”

“So, how do you wanna go about this?” asks the green tinted female.

“I know a bit of a roundabout way to the dungeons,” the dual colored eyed female says.

“Okay, then you’ll take point,” you order. “Also, I know you all must have real names and drone designations, but since time is off the essence and names are hard to remember, we’re gonna go by codenames.”

“Codenames?” asks the eye patched male.

“Yes. So let’s see, you’ll be Patches for obvious reasons,” you say to him and he frowns.

“Gee, way to remind me,” he grumbles.

“Just don’t trick us into falling down any holes for fake treasure and that name will be fine,” Nightshade says.

“What does that mean?” Hope asks not understanding the video game reference, but you ignore her and continue as you point to the dual eye colored one.

“And you’ll be Double Vision because of the sick eye thing you got going.”

“I’ve got heterochromia for your information, but fine,” she acquiesces.

“And finally…” you look over the green tinted female.

“Ooh! Let me name her Dad, please?” Nightshade begs and you sigh.

“Alright honey, what’s her designation?”

“Hmmm…” Nightshade says as she looks the changeling female up and down. “Well, she’s got some green on her. Recently there was this green dragon lady that squashed Grandbuggy back in the dragon lands, so I’ll go with her name, Emerald.”

“Grandbuggy did what now?”

“I don’t know, I think he might have stolen from her or used to date her or something,” she shrugs and you roll your eyes.

“Freaking old bug and his hormones,” you grumble.

“…I actually like Emerald, sounds kind of nice,” she says smiling at Nightshade.

“You’re welcome,” she grins.

“Alright, so Patches, Double Vision and Emerald, let’s do this,” you command.

“Wait, don’t you all get code names?” asks Double Vision.

“Nah, everyone knows who we all are at this point,” you hoofwave. “And I’m pretty sure you know Hope here since she freed you all.”

The three recruits all look at each other before shrugging and silently agreeing that you have a point.

“Alright then,” Double Vision says before she sticks her head out the door for a moment. “It’s clear, let’s move.”

Sneaking, Sneaking, Sneaking

After wandering the halls, this time in a more effective manner thanks to your new companions knowing the layout, you reach a set of stairs and begin descending.

“So, since any allies would be in a drunken state, are we not gonna free anyone besides Hope’s friends if they’re there?” Nightshade asks.

“Granbuggy should be fine,” you say. “Changelings sometimes nap in pods from what I remember, and he should be able to bounce back relatively quickly.”

“Just so long as he’s got some love to consume,” Patches says with a nod.

“Oh he will, his family’s coming to his rescue,” you say with a smirk, but it quickly goes away as Double Vision opens a door at the bottom of the stairs, and you see the cells again. Once again, the image of that insane stallion calling himself your friend flashes through your mind, and you shiver, gripping Selena’s foreleg around your neck in comfort.

“Clear,” DV says and waves you in. The rest of you then enter and see some occupants of a few cells, though thankfully no one you recognize.

“Alright, which cell had your Grandbuggy and the Princesses?” asks Emerald.

“Umm, it was somewhere going right from my cell” you say pointing off in the direction. “I remember passing a stair well coming from the left, so it’s gotta be this way. I eventually hit a dead end and that’s where Jack, the CMC and Torchwood were.”

“You saw my friends?” Nightshade asks and you nod.

“We won’t be able to carry them now though,” Hope says and she frowns.

“And why not? They’re not so big, we could carry them!”

“We’re already hauling enough, erm, dead weight as it is,” Hope says gesturing to Sombra and Selena and Nightshade frowns.

“But what about the newbs? Surely they could carry 5 little fillies?” she argues and you put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Honey, she’s right. Even if he’s not as groggy, Grandbuggy is going to be enough for us to carry along while we’re still sneaking,” you say and she puffs her cheeks out.

“Fine!” she grunts and kicks at the floor before stomping down the corridor behind Double Vision.

With the atmosphere feeling awkward after that, you all make your way down the right tunnel, passing several cells filled with gooped creatures.

I don’t like the idea either honey, but we’ve gotta be practical here, you think sadly as you pass by more and more cells.

“It’s strange,” Double Vision says.

“What is?” you ask as you all pause.

“All these prisoners, and I’m not hearing, smelling or seeing any guards. Even with that little party going on, there should be someone down here,” she says sounding confused.

“Maybe they’re out looking for me?” You ask nervously and look around.

“Which in that case we need to be on higher alert,” Hope says panting under Sombra’s weight.

“Agreed,” you nod. “Emerald!”

“Uh, yes sir?” she asks taken off guard.

“I need you to carry Selena for me, at least until we know things are clear down here.”

“Oh, I can do that,” she says as if it’s no big deal and walks over to your side. As she starts to light up her horn though, you put a hoof on her shoulder and make her look you in the eye.

“Listen, this mare here is very, VERY important to me,” you say in a serious gruff voice which causes her pupils to shrink in nervousness. “So you best be careful and not drop her, do you understand me?”

“Uh, y-y-yes!” she stutters as you unintentionally send killing intent her way.

“Good,” you say as you gently hoof the unconscious mare off of you back and onto hers.

“Oof!” the greenish changeling grunts as she fully takes Selena’s weight and tries to keep her balance. “She’s heavier than she looks.”

You raise an eyebrow at that as she didn’t feel that heavy to you.

Guess my earth pony DNA and nearly four years of crazy work has made my body stronger, you theorize.

“Hey don’t call mommy fat!” Nightshade chides the changeling who flinches.

“I didn’t say she was fat, I said she was heavy!”

“Oh, I know form Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon about double meanings and backhooved compliments,” she grunts and the greenish changeling sighs.

Now with you guarding the rear, your hoof poised to let loose plasmids at any threat from behind, you continue your trek. Eventually you all come across the cell containing the demechanized Flag Burner and his Black Suns. All in all, their numbers were so few, they all fit in one cell.

“Hard to believe this guy gave us so much trouble,” you spit before looking to Hope. “By the way, did you lot have anything to do with this?”

“No, not exactly,” Hope admits. “We knew some sort of disruption was going to be taking place so that we could infiltrate and take over, but we had no idea it would be these terrorists.”

“They sure made assimilation easy for us though, just saying,” Patches points out.

“Yeah, well pass the word along, when we start releasing folks for evacuation, these guys can stay right here where they belong,” you grunt and continue walking past.

Eventually, you come to stand in front of the dungeon cell you know contained the Princesses and Grandbuggy from earlier. Only…

“He’s not here!” you shout as you look at the barren cell. He, along with the Princesses are gone. “It can’t have been more than an hour and they’ve been moved!”

“We didn’t see Specialist 117 in the group being delivered to the throne,” Emerald mentions.

“Wait, you didn’t?”

“Nope,” she says. “Someone as infamous as him would be hard to miss.”

“Well where in the buck is he then?” Nightshade grunts.

“Could he have broken out?” Hope suggests. “You said changelings can nap in these cocoons, so maybe when they took the princesses then-“

“No, the cocoon would still be here if that was the case,” you point out and frown. “That means someone took him.”

“But who? And for what purpose?” Hope questions.

“Well…not to sound mean, but there were some in the Hive that still resented 117,” Patches speaks up and you frown.

Resented is one word for it,” you grumble, remembering your days in military training how some of the commanders took out their frustrations on you because of what Grandbuggy had done in the past.

“Maybe someone else broke out and took him with them?” Nightshade suggests, a little further ahead of your group.

“I don’t believe there are any other changelings aside from him that were captured down here though little one,” Double Vision points out.

“Yeah, and I get that, but I’m staring at some empty sacks in these cells over here,” she says sardonically and your head whips towards her.

“Wait, what?!”

And with that you all shuffle over to the next two cells, which contain a lot of Shade’s friends, including the Dazzlings, and Torchwood…or mostly all of them.

There are three sacks hanging that are currently empty.

“Huh, well I’ll be, three escapees,” Emerald whistles impressed.

“Daddy, who were in these pods?” Nightshade asks, giving a saddened look to her CMC friends resting behind the green membranes.

“A lot of our allies,” you say before pointing to the empty cocoon in the adjacent cell nestled between Aqua and Mia. “But this one I know for sure was Jack’s.”

“Well, they can’t have gone far,” Patches says. “Even if they were somehow able to break out they’ll still be drained and groggy.”

“Yeah, I know that, but Jack’s got this whole immortality thing so he might be able to bounce back faster,” you throw out.

“Did you just say immortal?” Hope asks in shock.

“Oh don’t be surprised, you’re over a thousand years old yourself,” you roll your eyes.

“That’s different! Time ran differently for me and-“

“Whatever! The point is if we can’t have Grandbuggy, we can at least have Jack. Heck, he might even know something if he broke out.”

“If he’s only been out for an hour, I can find him,” Double Vision says with confidence as she ignites her horn and her eyes glow.

“What’s she doing?” Hope asks and you shrug.

“She’s a tracker drone, she can detect heat signatures that other creatures leave behind,” Emerald explains, before sighing in relief as you take Selena back.

“Really?” you snark at the smaller changeling and she frowns

“Hey! I’m not built for heavy lifting like you! I’m better at stealth,” she defends in embarrassment.

“I think I have a better idea,” Nightshade says. The group sans Double look to her as her horn glows and suddenly Selena lifts off of you and floats towards your daughter.

“That might be effective in the short term Nightshade, but you still need access to your magic and-“ you start to point out, but she interrupts you.

“Mangle, open the bag,” she orders.

Suddenly, her inventory flap opens and a white mechanical paw gives a thumbs up just as Nightshade gently and carefully places her mother into the bag.

Added to the Inventory (Nightshade)

Selena (Sleeping/Recovering)

The others all stare aghast at this seeming witchcraft but you…you facehoof really hard, enough to leave a mark and groan in frustration.

“Why didn’t we think of that earlier?” you grumble, remembering how you’ve stored others in the past.

“To be fair, I only just remembered after seeing Greta,” Nightshade says pointing to the cocooned griffon. “That’s kind of how she ended up in our group after I forgot I put her unconscious body in there.”

“Well…good thinking Nightshade,” you compliment.

“Buck yeah it is,” she snarks and starts to lift Sombra off of Hope with her magic, but the crystal mare suddenly clings to him.

“Wait, no! I am not letting him out of my sight!” Hope all but growls like a dog protecting their pup.

“He’ll be fine, the bag is really big, and it’ll be much safer and easier to move around with him in there.” Nightshade argues. “I should know, I practically spent two years in Dad’s.”

Hope gives you a look that just says, ‘I question your parenting skills’ which causes you to roll your eyes.

“Look lady you can go in with him for all I care but even you have to admit carrying him around on your back is just slowing you down,” you challenge.

Hope opens her mouth to respond but sighs in defeat.

“Fine but I’m going in as well, I need to be there for him when he wakes up.”

“Great!” Nightshade chirps before quickly flying above both ponies with her bag opened above her head. Hope barely has a chance to react before both she and Sombra have the sack come down over their heads, followed by the rest of them. Your daughter finishes up the impromptu kidnapping by tilting the bag back upright and looking inside.

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks from within.

“Sorry Mangle, just keep watch over them for awhile okay? Especially Mommy.” She orders the robot fox before closing the saddlebag and putting it back on her back.

Added to the Inventory (Nightshade)

Radiant Hope

Sombra (Sleeping/Recovering)

Patches and Emerald still stare slack jawed at this strange occurrence, but no other explanation is offered to them, especially when Double Vision pipes up.

“If you guys are finished, I’ve got his trail, follow me!” she says motioning for you all to follow. The going is much faster since you’re no longer carrying unconscious ponies, but also because you don’t go very far as it is. After a quick sprint, you all wind up in front of an almost nondescript door that blends into the crystalline walls.

“Huh, guess he didn’t get that far after all,” you say matter of factly. “So what is this, a janitor’s closet?”

“I was only down here once, but I think this might be where they keep any items of value from the captured,” Patches says.

“Ha! I knew there’d be a Stash Hole!” you pump your hoof in validation. “Which means my Inventory is on the other side too.”

“How do we proceed? This Jack might make noise if he sees us changelings,” DV asks hesitantly.

“Then let me go in first, he’ll recognize a friendly face,” you say as you push her aside.

“Wait a second, there’s three other heat signatures behind that-“ she tries to advise, but you are already opening the door.

“Yo Jack we’re here to rescue- Whoa-Wha-Yow-*SLAM*OWW!” you shout in pain and surprise as your right foreleg is grabbed and swung over someone’s shoulder, causing you to go flank over tea kettle and slam onto your back onto the cold hard ground.

It happened so fast that no one really has time to register what just happened before suddenly there a pair of crossed yellow eyes enter your vision.

“Oh My Gosh! Bugze?! Oh no, are you okay?” Derpy says looking over to you in worry.

“...Still ow,” you groan.

“What’s going on?!” Patches demands.

“Ack! More Changelings!” a small male voice says from out of your vision.

“Well get to freezing and I’ll burn them!” another small male voice says.

“Calm down everyone, this is all just a misunderstanding,” a suave male voice says.

“I am so, so sorry Bugze, I just acted on instinct and…I’m sorry,” Derpy trails off before picking you up and dusting your clothes off.

“It’s okay Derpy, it’s okay,” you say as your shake your head to keep your eyes from spinning. As you do, your vision comes back into focus, and you see that in this supply room full of various trinkets and belongings, are three other individuals besides the wall eyed pegasus mare. There’s the ever flirtatious Captain Jack, the short red and grumpy Garble, and the cold and miserable looking Frost, all of them covered in green goo and looking like they haven’t slept in a week.

“Heh, talk about some rescue,” Jack snarks with a grin as the rest of your group enters the room.

“Wait, is it really the Offender? My eyes are still all blurry,” Frost says rubbing at his eyes with a groan, an icicle hanging out of his nostril.

“I don’t know if that’s him, but I can smell Nightshade,” Garble stays rubbing at his own eyes.

“Garble is that you? What do you mean you can smell me?!” Nightshade asks as she flies in, with a disturbed look. “Oh hi Jack! And hey, Frost and Derpy too?! You guys are alright!”

She then rushes forth and gives all three of them a hug.

“Ah watch the wings! That changeling goop stuck them to my sides and now they’re very sensitive!” Garble winces trying to pull away.

“Oh put up with it, this is penance for saying I smell!” she chides.

“I said I know your scent! I know everyone’s scent!” he complains.

“Yeah, go easy, we’re all still a little sore,” Frost coughs, with steam coming out of his mouth as he receives his hug.

“They really could use some bedrest, but hugs never hurt anypony,” Derpy smiles and patting your daughter’s head.

“I’m assuming these guys are with you?” Jack says looking at the three other changelings. He gives a wink to the females who blush in embarrassment and playful purr to Patches who looks away with a minor blush.

“Ugh, yes and a few other changelings are also with us,” you groan and rub at your wrist where Derpy grabbed and threw you.

“Sorry again,” Derpy apologizes.

“No worries,” you reassure before turning back to the immortal stallion. “But yeah, there’s this guy named Thorax that knows a few drones that wanna get out of this mess and are willing to help when the time is right.”

“Well, I don’t know what you consider to be the right time, but I’m guessing that means you have a plan?” he asks and you nod.

“Yeah we do,” you nod.

“Well I’d certainly like to hear it if you got the time,” he says, rubbing at his eyes momentarily.

“Right,” you nod before looking to DV. “Shut the door and keep an eye out.”

“Got it,” she salutes as she follows your orders.

Over the next few minutes, you fill Jack and the others in on what’s transpired and where you hope to go from there.

He just sits there in stunned silence for a good few seconds before coughing into his hoof.

“Well, I must say, I have missed A LOT since my meeting with Nightshade and Quick Fix,” he says looking to your daughter.

“Yeah, that’s pretty accurate,” she nods.

“I filled him in on as much as I knew, but I didn’t know everything,” Derpy explains. “On the plus side at least Selena’s got her body back.”

“Wait, what do you mean you explained?” you say looking to Derpy. “Also, how are you still so spry and awake and able to toss me like a ragdoll?”

“Yeah, when did you escape Ms. Derpy?” asks Nightshade.

“Oh I was never captured in the first place,” she says with a smug look.

“Huh?!” The three rouge changelings gasp and Jack rolls his eyes in amusement.

“Hey, you don’t spend years with a time traveler who constantly gets into dangerous universe-ending situations and not learn how to hold your own,” she brags, flexing a foreleg for emphasis. “When the stadium got taken over, I ran to help, but then I saw how the Changelings were taking over, so I went underground and gathered info.”

“Do you think she is that grey terror that demolished some of the troops during the Canterlot invasion?” Emerald whispers to Vision and Patches. That actually causes a tickle of remembrance at the back of your mind. Groggy and newly resurrected, you remembered some changelings shrieking about an opponent who escaped their clutches and beat them up before the Love Wave kicked in.

“So wait, Derpy, were you the one who freed Jack?” you ask and she nods.

“You betcha. I’ve been sneaking around this palace for some days now, looking for you, Quick Fix and Nightshade. The changelings are having a party or something today, so I took my chance to come on down and there’s like, no guards at all down here,” she explains and you shiver, remembering the earth pony stallion. “But then I saw you were gone and so were the Princesses and Quick Fix and I feared the worst, so I bet it all on Jack.”

“So you didn’t see Grandbuggy at all?” you all but plead and she regretfully shakes her head.

“Sorry Bugze, I’ve only just gotten Jack out, as well as these two,” she gestures to Garble and Frost who are huddled close to each other.

“Uh, no offense to the kids, but why did you free them and not Mia or Aqua?” you inquire and she looks to Jack expectantly. The stallion sighs before looking to you.

“For practicality,” he explains. “Ms. Do-Turner here freed me, and my powers will help me recover quicker, but with the picture she painted for me, I figured some creatures with some inherent species magic could be beneficial.”

“He said it’s because they could carry us,” Garble complains. “Which you normally wouldn’t if it weren’t for that stupid tree!”

“Yes, well since the magic inhibitors are on, having access to even a limited amount of fire and ice seemed practical,” Jack continues as if Garble hadn’t interrupted.

“I mean, I can still feel my powers and can still make things cold, but it’s like most of it’s been locked down and I can’t reach it,” Frost says, sneezing out an icy slush for emphasis.

“Bless you,” Nightshade says and he nods before wiping his nose.

“Okay, I can understand that, even in your weakened state you can still haul around a kid,” you nod in understanding. “Still, the first time I see Mia and Aqua in over a year and they’re all gooped up. How long have they been here?”

“They came with me when we traveled for the games,” Jack says. “We were keeping an eye on things, but I lost contact with them some days ago. Now we know why.”

“Aqua I can understand, but Mia?” you ask incredulously remembering how she was back in the other Equestria. . “Isn’t that a bit dangerous being so close to Shining or Cadence?”

“That’s what I said,” Derpy agrees.

“She’s made a lot of progress since you last saw her at the Appleloosa Invasion,” Jack explains, giving a side glance to the three changelings who rub the back of their necks awkwardly. “And I too had concerns, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She’s actually been near Shining and Cadence and had no reaction. She really is her own pony now.”

“Well at least that’s good to hear,” you sigh in relief. “I kind of told everyone about her before Chrysalis spoiled everything, but not exactly where she was at.”

“…Well, good thing nothing happened between them before you spilled those beans,” Jack says scratching at his chin.

“Who’s Mia? I’m losing track of all these pony names,” Garble asks.

“She’s that alternate universe Cadence I told you about that we brought back,” Nightshade answers. “She got a mind wipe and stuff?”

“Uh…” Garble trails off.

“I told you about the other world Garble!” she huffs and he just rolls his eyes.

“Nightshade, my head is still all fuzzy and my stomach hurts, give me a break would ya?” he groans.

“Oh fine,” she relents and turns back to Derpy. “So did you have a plan also Ms. Derpy?”

“Kind of? Really I was just going to get them out to recover outside the palace then wing it from there,” Derpy admits. “However I don’t have anything in the long run, it’s becoming more difficult for Chrysalis to keep the citizens occupied. That blizzard out there is making them lose ground every day.”

“I noticed. The ice and snow is getting worse by the minute, which is why we gotta kick the changelings out and get the Crystal Heart back from Chrysalis,” you say with a nod.

“My thoughts exactly,” Jack nods. “Especially since most of us aren’t changelings and can’t handle such weather.”

“I’m…I’m sorry,” the small blue colt interrupts with a sniffle at that.

“Huh?” you say taken aback as you turn to the kid and pause as his blurry eyes start to produce slush tears.

“Frost? What’s wrong?” Nightshade asks worriedly.

“Does your tummy hurt too?” Derpy asks putting a wing around him.

“I’m sorry,” he whimpers again. “I was supposed to keep the storm out with the Ocarina, but then the changelings swarmed us, and I couldn’t stop them and now everyone else is going to freeze to death!”

“Hey kid, it’s not your fault,” you try to comfort the poor colt.

“Yes, it is!” he shouts holding his head in his hooves, “If I hadn’t helped Flag Burner disrupt the games, everyone would’ve been better defended from Chrysalis and the storm wouldn’t be consuming the empire! It’s my village all over again!”

“Son, it doesn’t matter whether Flag Burner took over the stadium or not, the Changelings had already infiltrated before he made his move,” Derpy tries to explain.

“Yeah kid, and take it from someone who’s had many battles over thousands of years, anyone can get the drop on you,” Jack says sounding shameful.

“Yeah Frost, even I got knocked out, don’t beat yourself up over it,” Nightshade placates.

“I still should have done something though! Now I can’t because I lost the Ocarina and-“

“Hey, I heard yelling what’s going on out here?” Hope asks popping her head out from the bag on Nightshade’s back. Frost freezes as he stares at the mare wide eyed.

“Oh, I see we’ve found the handsome stallion,” she says looking to Jack and then Derpy, Garble and Frost. “And more allies as well?”

“Uh, yeah…” you nod to Hope as the colt continues to stare at her, rubbing at his eyes as if to get a better view. “Hope, this is Captain Jack, Ditzy “Derpy” Do-Turner, Garble and Frost. I’ve already explained the situation to them.”

“Oh, hello,” she waves. “Sorry about any inconvenience, but I’ll be helping to rectify that. Did any of you see a minotaur, a green pegasus with orange mane and two earth pony stallions with red and white manes?”

“Oh yeah, I saw them in the halls while I was sneaking around,” Derpy says and she turns to her.

“You did?! Where?!”

“They were heading towards that party last I saw since that’s where everyone is it seems,” Derpy answers.

“Oh no…” Hope says biting at her hoof. “Then they’re definitely gonna be captured for treason too and-“

“Wha?! Are you?!” Frost sputters as he takes a step back from the mare sticking out of the bag. Hope looks towards the colt wrapped by Derpy’s wing and raises an eyebrow at the frozen tears on his cheeks.

“Are you alright little one? I heard coming out of those cocoons could be disorientating, but does it cause pain?” she asks looking to you for confirmation but you just rub the back of your neck.


“N-No, it’s uh, I…” the windi-colt stutters with shaky breaths before pausing and composing himself. “I’m fine. I’m sorry I...I thought you were someone else. Excuse me for a moment.” He then stumbles out from Derpy’s wing and rests on a sack over in a corner.

“Oh…okay,” Hope says looking to the rest of you.

“Well that seemed heavy, what was that about?” Double Vision asks.

“Don’t know, but that kid’s radiating negative emotions,” Patches gags.

“Did I do something wrong?” Hope asks unsure of herself.

“Aside from taking over the Empire? No, not this time,” you say with a sigh.

“Yeah, he’s had it rough the past few days…or week I should say,” Nightshade sighs before lifting Hope out of the bag.

“Hey! I need to be near Som-“ she starts to complain.

“He’s safe with me lady, calm down,” Nightshade shushes. “I just need you to give the kid some space, you uh…you remind him of someone.”

Your daughter then goes over to the colt who is currently looking at an open locket.

“Ohhhh…” Derpy nods in understanding.

“Well with his vision blurred and her coloration, oof,” Jack says scratching at the back of his neck.

“What’s going on?” you ask Derpy.

“Yeah, I’m totally lost,” Garble says and Derpy covers his mouth and says in a hushed tone.

“That locket has a painting of his mother in it, she’s got the same coloration as Hope here,” she explains.

“And according to Nightshade that was 1,000 years ago and…oh…” you say awkwardly.

“Well things have gotten significantly awkward,” Emerald concludes as Nightshade pats the chilly colt on the shoulder.

You look empathetically at the kid, for you know exactly what it’s like to lose a mom.

“He’s still in that phase where he blames himself for everything, I know that feeling all too well,” you conclude with a sigh before shaking your head. “But dampened spirits aside, it’s time we got moving. We gotta get you lot with Thorax so we can start heading towards the Umbrum before Chrysalis notices.”

“What about Quick Fix?” Jack asks and you clench your eyes shut and sigh.

“We have no idea where he’s at, so all I can hope is that we find him after all this is over,” you say with a heavy heart. “But before we go, let’s find my Inventory so I can zap enemies without crippling myself.”

You then start to go through the shelves and sacks in the room, tossing out jewels and bits and other bits and bobbles.

“Um, Bugze?” Derpy speaks up.

“It’s not hard to find, it looks like Nightshade’s saddle bag and-“

“Bugze, you’re not going to find it in here,” she says and you pause.

“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” you say as your optimism drops.

“I’ve seen your Inventory, and it’s not in here,” she says nervously, biting her lip.

“And, uh, where did you see it?” you ask dreading the answer.

“…Chrysalis has it in the throne room.”

There are a few seconds of silence after she declares that. Nothing snaps in your mind, but the rage still comes regardless.


One Rant Later

After cursing up a storm and throwing a few priceless items around, you eventually get a hold of yourself. True throwing a tantrum isn’t all that helpful, but on the plus side at least it’s out of your system…for now. Also, since everyone is now focused on your childish behavior, the atmosphere has gotten lighter. Even Frost is distracted from his melancholy due to your yells.

“Feel better now?” Jack snarks and you nod.

“Yeah, yeah I’m good,” you lie. “All my gear, weapons and sentimental things are with my crazy ex-larvaehood friend, but yeah, I’m good.”

“Um, I’m sure we’ll get it back,” Hope tries to comfort but you give her a side glare.

“When we get to the Umbrum, we make it clear to them that my bag is off limits!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll make a note of that,” she relents, scratching at her mane.

“…Your dad is kind of…” Frost trails off and Nightshade sighs.

“Yeah, I know,” she nods.

“I found it hilarious to be honest,” Garble chuckles while the other three look at each other, wondering if they’ve perhaps made a mistake in following you.

“With all that yelling, even if I didn’t see any guards, we should probably go now,” Derpy suggests.

“Yeah yeah, just…just let me grab something helpful,” you say looking around. Eventually you see a crate with the Royal Guard logo on it. Opening it up, you find a mismatch of different pieces of armor, a few spears, and a bandolier with 10 smoke grenades on it.

“Hello there,” you say as you extract the crowd control device. “These could come in handy.”

Nightslayer’s Comment

“Well, they wouldn’t stop someone like me who can see heat signatures,” DV points out.

“No, but they can cause distractions, to help us blend into the shadows like Batmane,” you say before a thought comes to you. Looking over at the windi-colt next to your daughter a ridiculous idea comes to mind.

“Um, do you need something?” he asks nervously as you stare him down.

“Maybe,” you nod. “You said a lot of your magic is locked away, but you can still make things cold right?”

“Yeah, a little bit, why?” he asks.

“Okay, have you ever played any of the Batmane games by Rockstar?” you ask and he raises a brow.

“Uhhhh…” he trails off lost.

“Highly recommend them,” you say before dangling the grenades in front of him. “But in those games there’s an upgrade you get called a cryo-grenade that lets you freeze enemies. Think you can help a guy out?”

“Um, maybe?” he guesses and you raise a brow.

“Well if you can, it’ll go a long way towards getting back at the changelings that knocked you out,” you encourage and he steels his blurred eyes.

“Yeah! I can do it!” he says as he reaches for the grenades.

“Only do five, I still might have need for the smoke,” you say as you hand them to him. The colt then closes his hooves around one and closes his eyes in concentration, as steam comes from them.

“This might take a second, pushing the ice out is hard right now,” he says.

“That would be the dampeners,” Nightshade nods and looks to the rogue changelings. “Which your friends will turn off when the time is right, correct?”

“As long as Thorax spreads the word,” Emerald nods.

After a few moments of waiting, the colt hands you back the bandolier, and five of the ten have steam coming off them steadily. He can’t promise the intended result, but you won’t know until you try. You give him thanks, pat him on the back, and then you and your group exit the room, with the Changelings supporting Jack, Garble and Frost. There was actually an argument between DV and Emerald over who got to support Jack, which Emerald eventually won, but while they did argue, you turned to Derpy for one last thing.

“Hey Derpy?”

“Yes Bugze?”

“When you were sneaking around this last week, did you happen to see a brown earth pony stallion with a blonde mane and a fancy hat and suit? Got a cutie mark with laughing and frowning porcelain masks?” you ask, describing your “friend.”

“Hmm, nope, doesn’t ring any bells,” she admits. “Why? Who is he?”

“I don’t know,” you say. “He says he’s a friend, but…”

She looks at you quizzically as you trail off, but by then the argument is over.

“Let’s make haste everyone,” Hope encourages as she gets back into Nightshade’s inventory. “Call me if you need me.”

“Will do,” you say, and once more with DV in the lead, you make your way to the Flugelhorn Room, leaving behind the rest of your gooped allies and friends reluctantly.

At The Flugelhorn Room

You all arrive at your destination without encountering too many patrols, and upon opening the door, at first you think the instrument room is empty. After you all enter and close the door, one of the flugelhorns bursts into green flame and suddenly Thorax is before you all.

“Ah, glad you all made it,” he says happily as your jaw drops.

“What?” he asks at your shocked expression.

“You’re powerful enough to change into inanimate objects?” you ask in awe.

“Oh, well I wouldn’t call it powerful, it’s more of a knack of mine,” he says humbly.

“Bullspit dude! Most changelings can’t pull off that type of transformation!” you argue back. “You’ve definitely got some elite blood in you.”

“Yeah, well…” he shrugs, feeling awkward. He then coughs into his hoof. “Well, I see you’ve got some freed prisoners. The tunnel to the outside is actually behind that cabinet with the multicolored flugelhorns.”

“There’s always a secret tunnel,” Derpy says like it’s an old joke with Jack and Thorax freezes up.

“…The Grey Terror?” he asks hectically.

“Huh?” Derpy asks, but he just shakes his head after looking at the faces of the rogues.

“Oh, uh, nothing,” he chuckles nervously. “But like I was saying, this tunnel leads to the market district.”

“Oh fantastic, Thorax was it?” Jack asks.

“Yes, that’s me,” he says.

“Well, aren’t you a brave little drink of water,” he says laying on the charm and Thorax takes a step back.

“Oh, uh, thank you?” he guesses, not quite sure about the emotions radiating off of the stallion.

“Yes, yes, he’s great and all that,” you roll your eyes. “So have the others gotten out? And have you told the ones not ousted?”

“Well, the injured have made it out safely. With all the ponies being relocated, there’s lots of empty safe houses to use since the cold isn’t really a factor for us, which is where we’ll be heading to when we get out,” he explains. “And yes, I spoke with the others at the party, they don’t know the exact details, but they know that when the time is right to free the prisoners and start moving them towards the train.”

“Okay awesome,” Nightshade smiles. “I want my friends the CMC and Spike the Brave and Glorious Dragon to be at the front of that line when it all goes down!”

“Um, I’ll see what I can do,” he says nervously.

“Okay, so once we get to this safehouse, I’ll be able to lead us to our next stop,” Hope says with surety.

“Which according to Sombra was a big crystal in the middle of the snow,” Nightshade says before looking to Garble. “You think you can eat it Garb?”

“I don’t know, I think I learned my lesson chewing on crystalline structures,” he says warbly as he sits on Patches back.

“There won’t be any need for that, Queen Rabia will allow me in once I bring her long lost son,” Hope says with a smile sticking her head out of the Inventory. “And I’ll allow passage for those that join me as well.”

“Alright, sounds like a plan,” you say as you look to the cabinet hiding the tunnel. “And sorry we weren’t able to get to your friends in time.”

“They weren’t my…” she trails off before sighing sadly. “It’s fine, as long as we can free them afterwards it’ll all be worth it.”

“Actually, I saw your friends,” Thorax speaks up and her ears raise.

“You did?”

“Yes, I saw them heading to the party as I was leaving,” he says before looking at you anxiously.

“What?” you ask.

“I also saw your Grandbuggy.”


Kichi’s Comment

Haryou Changer’s Comment

After having led the other injured Enlightened changelings through the tunnel, Thorax made his way to the Grand Ballroom where the party was being held. He still couldn’t believe that such a festivity could take place, but it was by order of his brother and the other commanders.

For the millionth time, he sighs as he thinks about how stubbornly devoted his brother is to the Queen. Even if he notes the irregularities of her recent behavior, he still steadfastly serves the crown.

“Which is why I won’t be able to leave with the others,” Thorax bemoans. And as he nears the Grand Ballroom, and the sound of music starts to echo down the halls, he pauses as he hears a group of voices just ahead of him around the corner.

"You know Flim, I know Queen Chrysalis is losing her marbles, but are we any better for going to this celebration?” an accented male voice says.

“Well for one Flam, it isn’t being thrown by her, and some of these drones are alright company,” a similar male voice responds.

“The buck they are! Creepy weirdoes keep challenging me to race their best out in the cold and making fun of me when I refuse!” an angry female voice growls.

“At least a blizzard is the least of our worries,” a deep male voice says. “Iron Will is just thankful the sun is still rising and setting after what we helped them do.”

Being curious, Thorax stealthily looks around the corner, and sees the creatures that allied with The Queen to take over the Crystal Empire.

“Yes, things have gotten quite out of hoof haven’t they?” Flim agrees. “But we just gotta be patient till our boss awakens her boyfriend and solves everything.”

“I don’t know brother, I think we might be pushing our luck on that front, I’ve seen what the bug queen has been doing to the throne room,” Flam disagrees. “Unless we can somehow make her a machine to take love from ponies without side-effects she isn’t going to be releasing any prisoners, gooped or otherwise.”

“I still say we just convince her to only keep a few prisoners and let the others go before we all freeze to death,” Lightning Dust says hovering above the rest. “I mean, do we really need that stupid Rainbow Dash and her stupid cocksure attitude that ruins everything?!”

“Even if they caused you strife, you don’t take another’s life!” Iron Will declares, causing them all to pause and look at him. “Sorry, force of habit. But yes, Iron Will says that no one deserves to die just for minor inconveniences. We all took this too far as it is.”

“Ugh, fine, but I’m not helping Rainbow Dash when the time comes,” Lightning Dust huffs.

“Fine, but Iron Will will help whoever he can. I know I needed the money, but Iron Will can’t look his family in the eye if he let’s someone perish,” he says guiltily.

“Hey now, keep your voice down big guy,” Flim advises.

“A lot of these bugs are tattle tales, so watch your mouth,” Flam agrees.

“If we wanna avoid the bugs, then why are we going to the party?” Lightning Dust grunts.

“Well for one, I’m hungry,” Flim starts.

“And secondly, it’s a good place to see who any detractors might be in their midst,” Flam finishes.

“If Radiant Hope’s special somepony doesn’t wake soon, we might need their help before the blizzard covers the palace,” Iron Will nods.

“Ugh, I hate espionage stuff,” Lightning Dust grumbles. “Hope ain’t even here to help! She’s too busy drooling over that Sombra guy!”

“Hey now, if it’s True Love you find, you never leave their bedside!” Iron Will monologues.

“…That didn’t even really rhyme,” she deadpans.

And as the four continue their talking and walking, Thorax follows behind stealthily. Once they enter the Grand Ballroom, he gives it a few moments before he himself enters. The music is loud, and the emotions are mostly high as changelings dance and drink and eat pony food.

And while navigating the party, whispering in the ears of hidden Enlightened members, he spots his brother entering from another door, dragging a green cocoon with him.

“Soldiers, we have ourselves a piñata!” he declares, and everyling cheers and scowls at the traitor trapped inside. An old bug who is just as infamous for his accomplishments, as well as his fall from grace.

“Oh no,” Thorax says worriedly as they hang Specialist 117’s cocoon from the rafters.

Back to the Present

“The Buck You Say?!” you growl angrily as he finishes describing what he saw. “They’re stringing Grandbuggy up as a bucking piñata?!”

“What’s a piñata?” Frost asks Garble.

“It’s this little horse thing made from paper that they have children murder and eat it’s candy insides,” the dragon explains.

“…Holy crap,” he mutters.

“Why is your brother being such a flankhole?!” Nightshade chides Thorax who’s ear fins wilt.

“Hey, he may be a bit of a zealot, but he’s still my brother!” he weakly defends and you feel like a blood vessel is going to break in your head.

“Yeah, well he’s going to get my Grandbuggy killed!” you shoot back before turning to Derpy. “Change of plans, I’m going after him.”

“What?! But Bugze you-“

“Everyone else is being strung up as ornaments, but Grandbuggy is in some real danger!” you argue back. “And I’m not going to let the old bug die on me again, not like this!”

“He’s right Derpy,” Jack says surprising both you and her.

“Jack?” she asks and he sighs.

“Quick Fix is in a jam right now. He’s surrounded by countless devotees of Chrysalis, many of which have no sympathies for banished changelings like him,” he explains before looking to you. “You’re right Bugze, you’ve got to go save him.”

“Gorramn right I do!” you growl and turn to Thorax. “You! Take me to the party!”

“B-but the tunnel, and the safe hou-“

“Give Double Vision the directions, she’s good at tracking!” you order.

“Who?” he asks.

“Me,” she says raising her hoof. “He decided to give out code names.”

“Oh, but still…” he argues back, feeling conflicted.

“You heard my Dad, give them the directions,” Nightshade chimes in. “And once you do you are going to lead us to that stupid party!”

“Nightshade! You can’t go too,” Hope says aghast.

“The Tartarus I can’t!” she grunts and looks you right in the eye, challenging you to disagree. And your old honed fatherly instincts do want to challenge that, you want to keep her safe. But you know that after this last year, and especially this last week, she is far more capable than you ever imagined.

“The last thing I’m doing is letting her out of my sight again, besides, I need my back up,” you say giving her a grin, to which she returns in gusto. Jack smirks at that before turning to Thorax.

“You heard the little lady, get to directing sweet cheeks.”

“Um…okay,” Thorax says nervously as he walks over to Double Vision.

“Wait, we can’t split up! You have Sombra, and, and-“ Hope tries to argue, and all Nightshade does is simply lift the stallion from her bag and plop him back onto her.

“Oof!” she grunts, her knees almost buckling.

“If you really love him, then nothing bad will happen to him with you,” Nightshade quips and closes the bag flap.

Removed from the Inventory (Nightshade)

Radiant Hope

“Emerald, Patches, you lot help her carry him, and get Jack and the others to safety, Derpy will guard you if there’s any trouble,” you order.

“Uh, okay,” Emerald says adjusting her grip on Jack.

“Can do,” Patches nods.

“This is insane! What if you get caught?! Chrysalis wants all of you most of all!” Hope sputters.

“Yeah, I know,” you say with resolve. “Which is why if we don’t come out within the hour, you’re gonna have to lead the others towards the Umbrum.”

“I…but…” she stammers.

“You said it yourself, Sombra’s the only one gonna be able to free them, so if we fail, you know what you have to do,” you tell her. After a few moments of staring at you in shock, she closes her mouth and gives a curt nod.

“Alright, but don’t you dare get caught,” she advises and you give a grin of false bravado.

“I don’t plan on it. And just to put your mind at ease, I’ll help get your friends out of there too.”

This time, she doesn’t even deny her friendship to her group of allies, instead she just puts a hoof on your shoulder.

“Please be careful, for if you do consider Sombra your brother, then I can’t have him lose any of you.”

“And we don’t want to lose him either,” Nightshade says looking at Sombra. “Keep him safe, and also the rest of my friends.”

“I’ll try,” she says as she adjusts her grip.

Nightshade then nods and looks to Garble and Frost.

“Guys, we’re splitting the party again. I know you’re still out of it, but if you get into trouble, just listen to Derpy or Jack and spew out some fire or ice in whatever direction they tell you.”

“Gah, I feel so useless,” Garble laments. “But alright.”

“Hey, if you help them, we’re one step closer to saving Ember, Greta and all the rest,” you reassure and he actually grins at that.

“Alright, alright, I’m doing it. Not like I have a choice,” he grumbles, though she can tell he’s putting on airs. She then looks to the windicolt.

“And Frost, don’t push yourself too hard. We’re all going to solve this, together alright? You’re not in this alone.”

“…Okay,” he says after a few moments of staring at her blearily. “And I can handle the cold, it never really bothered me anyway.”

“…Did you just make a reference?” she asks and he raises a brow.

“Huh? To what?”

“To that Whinny movie about the Ice and…never mind,” Nightshade shakes her head. “Just keep your chin up and know you got backup.”

“Okay, I believe you,” he says looking to the assembled group.

“Alright, I’m ready,” Thorax says after he’s done relaying the info to DV.

“Then there’s no time to waste,” Jack says before looking to you. “Bugze, play it safe and smart, you can’t just smash everything anymore.”

“Yeah, I already know that,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “I know I was never good at it, but infiltration is the word of the day.”

“What do you mean?” asks Derpy. You then look to Thorax and say,

“Hey, lend me your armor.”

“Huh?” he says in surprise.

“If I’m going into a party, I can’t show up as I am can I?” you say rubbing a hoof through your mane.

“Oh, right,” he nods before he starts taking off his helmet and chest pieces and other armor bits.

"Ooh, tantalizing,” Jack quips before Derpy smacks him upside the head.

“Down boy,” she chastises before looking to you.

“Bugze, Nightshade…good luck,” she says with sincerity.

“Heh, since when have I ever had that?” you quip as you take off your outfit and store it in Nightshade’s Inventory.

Added to the Inventory (Nightshade)

4th Doctor’s Scarf
Deadpool Logo Shirt
El Hunko White and Purple Dress Pants
Nobody Cloak

“We’ll make due,” Nightshade says as suddenly green flame surrounds her, and for the first time, you see your little filly in a pure changeling form, though like with most females of your species, her mane still remains.

“Never had a chance to utilize this till now,” she admits showing off her pronounced canines and tapping on her chitonous flesh. “Still, think I prefer having skin and fur.”

“You get used to it,” you say as you start donning Thorax’s armor. “But either way, no matter what form you take, you’re still so freaking adorable!”

“Aww, thanks Daddy,” she says smiling from the compliment.

Once you don the changeling helmet, hiding your orange spiky mane, you look to the others as they make their way through the hidden tunnel. The last to go through is Hope as she turns around briefly, giving you both a forlorn look. She then enters and drags the shelf in place behind her.

“Alright, no turning back now,” you say in determination looking to your daughter.

“No turning back now,” she agrees and pats the bag. “And even if things go sour, I ain’t letting noling touch Mommy.”

“That’s my girl,” you say with pride before turning to the even more skinny looking armorless Thorax.

“Alright, lead on,” you order.

“R-right,” he nods and scampers over to the door.

To The Party!!!

Now with you and Nightshade in disguise, you three were able to make it to the Grand Ballroom quickly, with no patrols even giving you a second glance.

It’s been so long since you’ve worn the armor, and you really don’t miss it you realize as you keep having to readjust the helmet and shoes.

Nightshade for her part looks completely natural, looking like she’s in the peak of larvaehood, and Thorax assured you two that there were other hatchlings amongst the Hive, even at the party.

With all that info and with the haste of your trek, you now find yourself looking in through doors of the Ballroom, and you see just how epic and popping the celebration is.

It’s been a long time since you’ve seen Changelings in this number having any sort of party, the last one coming to your mind being Prom.

You suppress a shudder of rage at that memory, but it does little good as you grit your teeth at a certain site. Still hanging from the rafters, trapped in his cocoon, is the old bug who raised you, darkly dreaming without a care in the world.

“Oh good, they haven’t done anything yet,” Thorax sighs in relief.

“And they’re not going to,” you spit before trying to calm yourself.

“Getting him out of there without anyling seeing is going to be a chore daddy,” Nightshade assesses and you nod.

“We might have to cause some distractions and subterfuge,” you relay as your eyes wander the party, spotting a few kids. “Maybe you could stir up the other hatchlings, kids love causing chaos after all.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Nightshade nods and starts making her way towards the younglings.

“Alright,” you say confident that she’ll be alright and you look to Thorax, who’s trying to make himself blend into the wall.

“Now, where are Hope’s friends?” you ask and he points to a corner. Looking over at what seems to be a food table are the Evil Machine™ twins, a buff as all Tartarus minotaur, and some pegasus mare who looks even more arrogant than Rainbow Dash, which you didn’t think was possible.

“It looks like they’re being watched as well,” Thorax says, pointing out some changelings who are not so subtly standing near them, as if to keep them from running off.

“Probably waiting for orders to bring them in as well,” you ponder before turning to him “It’ll be important for you to distance yourself from us so that you don’t get in trouble, but before we split, you got any advice?”

“Yeah, avoid him,” Thorax says pointing to the dance floor. Your eyes follow his line of sight and you freeze suddenly as you see a changeling with purple eyes dancing. The fact that he can cut a rug though is secondary to why you are so surprised and shocked.

"That's my brother, Pharynx,” Thorax explains and you mouth gapes. "He's a Sergeant who's still loyal and very, very dangerous to his enemies."

“That’s not just your brother,” you say in genuine fear. “That’s my old drill instructor!”

And as the party music keeps thumping, you can’t help but relive some traumatizing moments from your military career.


Reunited Ending:

Episode 96: Cha Cha Real Smooth

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“Oh, so you were in his unit huh?” Thorax asks with a hint of understanding, but you don’t answer him.

Your breathing becomes erratic as the red finned Elite Commander who made your life a living Tartarus in the army dances to the techno beat, his cold and calculating expression belaying his sick moves.

“Um, are you okay?” Thorax asks in concern, but it’s like his voice is a million miles away.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment

“Pushups,” you gasp out.


“So many gorramned pushups!” you say with a shaky voice, the borrowed armor feeling heavier thanks to the memories.

“Oh, uh, well…” Thorax stammers.

“And the running, don’t get me started on that!” you complain, remembering the times you were forced to run, even during the flying exercises since you weren’t physically able too.

“I’ve heard he was tough on his troops…”

“Tough is one word! One time he said we were all doing well and gave us spaghetti for lunch! Then when we were all stuffed, he barged into the mess hall and told us we were mountain running! Three Miles Up! Three Miles Down!” you say as your eyes lose focus of the party and you are transported back to that horrible time. “So much vomit…”

“Oh, uh…”

“And not to mention just how vicious he could be, the things he said, the de-changelingization…” you trail off. Pharynx was a master of making you feel worse than useless, and though many in your unit went on to become an effective fighting force, some like you were dragged along reluctantly. Especially you.

“Okay, I realize now you have a history with my brother,” Thorax starts. “So definitely try to avoid him and-“

“Gorram right I’m avoiding him!” you snap back. “That jerk was mean to everyling sure, but he singled me out especially it seems!”

“What makes you say that?”

“He made me do PT for every little mishap no matter how small!” you growl. “’9001, your armor has a spot on it! 9001 your cot sheets aren’t well made enough! 9001, why do you have contraband in your footlocker?!’ It was just a doughnut!”

Thorax nervously looks around, but thankfully the music has drowned out your rant.

“Uh…to be fair, those are all infractions anyling would get in trouble for,” he points out and you grit your teeth.

“Okay fine! Maybe I wasn’t the best soldier, but on the flip side, I never wanted to be one!” you grumble. “He also didn’t stop the other recruits from tormenting me relentlessly! I got broken bones, bloody lips and swirlies, and he knew it was happening but he didn’t do a gorramned thing!”

You glare at the offending officer as he spins in place and moves his hooves around expertly and your blood boils even more.

“And look at him now! Now he’s able to cut loose, but when I tried to rap battle him, I got in trouble!”

“Wait, what?” Thorax asks taken aback and you sigh.

“I watched this awesome pony movie about the rapper M&M’s, and I thought I could try to diss him…” you trail off as you remember refusing to jog during flight practice and started beatboxing

“I actually remember hearing about that. He said that some dumbass tried to start a pony-esque musical number and he thought that they were suffering from brain damage,” Thorax admits and looks at you wearily and you purse your lips at that.

“Alright, I’ll admit I’m not the best rapper, but come on! I spent my youth playing video games and helping my Grandbuggy with his get rich quick schemes,” you defend, which only slightly lessens Thorax’s wary look.

“Uh huh…” he says, probably reconsidering throwing his hat in with you and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. After that, I was forced to stand outside in the rain and keep mopping the ground because it was ‘still wet,’” you sigh and shake your head. “That stupid cloud kept dumping water all bucking night!”

Before he can say anything and before you can rant and rave more about your military history…

Kichi’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

A high pitched shout suddenly comes from all the stereos as the music lulls.

"Come on, Everyling, ARE YOU READY TO PARTY?!" a familiar looking Pink Pony asks the crowd.

"YEAH!!" answer back many changelings.

“What the buck?” you stammer in confusion.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" the mare chants.

"YEAH!!!!" the crowd responds.

“Then Turn It Up!!!” she hollers before pressing a button on the DJ booth and suddenly the speakers start to play dub-step.

“Woohoo!” the changelings cheer as they all start to dance to the catchy beat.

“Huh, don’t see that every day,” Thorax says truthfully and you look at him with your jaw agape.

“Yeah, no spit! What’s Pinkie Pie doing up there? I thought she was in Chrysalis’s personal trophy room or something?!” you blather. “I mean, I know we all say it’s Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, but this just seems too much even for her!”

“Oh, Okay, I see where you might be lost,” Thorax nods in understanding. “That’s actually not the Element of Laughter up there.”

“It isn’t?!” you gasp and look back up at the Pink mare who giggles and bounces around convincingly. “You sure about that?”

“Oh yes, I’m positive,” he nods.

“So what, is that one of her clones I helped escape?” you ponder aloud. “I know from Shade that many of them have started new lives outside of Appleloosa, but how did one end up in the Hive? Was it a case of mistaken identity? Did she infiltrate them to save the original and got sidetracked? Did-“

“No, no nothing like that,” he interrupts and you look to him. “From what I’ve gathered that drone fought hoof to hoof with the Element of Laughter during the Canterlot Invasion. She critiqued his impersonation of her before blasting him with the Element of Magic, and he hasn’t been right in the head since.”

You look back at the figure who continues to operate the DJ booth with a big goofy grin, but now that you look closer, you can see the hint of changeling blue behind Pinkie’s baby blue eyes.

“Oh…well that’s kind of messed up then,” you say sympathetically.

“I agree, but hey, if there’s going to be a party at least they got the right changeling to spice it up,” Thorax shrugs. “I mean, his sister has told me that he doesn’t transform into the pink mare ALL the time, but it has become a habit.”

“Right…” you say before shaking your head and looking back to Pharynx who dances with the others, but is still stone faced. “But that strangeness aside, at least it’s dragged me out of the past.”

“That’s good at least,” Thorax nods. “Staying so focused on Pharynx would get us nowhere.”

“I mean, he’ll always be in the back of my mind while I’m planning, especially since he’s YOUR brother and all,” you hoofwave before shaking your head. “I thought you looked familiar…but still, trauma aside, let’s do what we came here to do.”

Ponygamer12’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With your mind no longer stuck on your past trauma, you start to analyze and survey the Grand Ballroom, making notes on any and everything that could be useful to you. You take notes on the exits, the party activities, really anything and everything that you could possibly use to make a distraction and save Grandbuggy. It’s when your eyes land on the food tables that an idea forms and you smirk.

“What are you thinking sir?” Thorax asks.

The buffet table has multiple punch bowls, and many changelings are drinking from them quite liberally.

“That punch on the table, alcoholic or non?” you question him.

“Well, considering this is a party where many of us are technically still on duty, it’s just regular punch,” he says. “They got it out of the pony kitchens after all.”

“Excellent,” you say with a malicious smirk and he gulps.

“It is?”

“Yep, because right now noling’s expecting it to be anything but fruit juice, but we can change that,” you chuckle before looking to Thorax. “I said earlier we should keep our distance for when everything goes down, and we still should, but first I need your help with something.”

“Alright sir, what is it?” he offers.

“The royal kitchens I know don’t just have punch, the harder stuff is definitely in there. What we’re gonna do is discreetly grab the booze, and then dump it all into the punch bowls…” you tell him with a smirk and his eyes alight.

“Oh, I see, and while we’re at it, we put salt on the foods so that everyling will want more to drink, making them inebriated and allowing you and the others to escape easier,” he finishes, looking at you with praise. “Very clever.”

“Uh, y-yeah…precisely what I had in mind, heh heh,” you chuckle nervously, lying through your teeth and he raises an eyebrow.

“Was…was that not the plan?” he questions and you rub the back of your neck.

“…Okay, maybe I was thinking that we could get the alcohol content so high that I could light the punch bowls on fire and cast it out onto the dance floor like oil but…” you stop talking as you see Thorax looking more and more horrified. “But yeah, the drunkenness thing is better.”

“…Alright then,” he says once more with that unsure tone and you frown.

“Look, I’m not an arsonist! Wipe that look off your face!” you order and he winces.

“I never said that,” he defends.

“No, but you were thinking it, they’re always thinking it,” you say with shifty eyes looking at all the prudes who can’t appreciate the beautiful golden flames of life.

“What about the kids though?”

“Pardon?” you say coming out of your problematic musings.

“I said, what about the kids? They’re drinking the punch too,” he says pointing to a group of younglings partaking in the drinks. “And I don’t know if I’m comfortable with them getting drunk.”

You briefly flash back to the Hippie Commune where Nightshade got high and you shiver.

“Yeah, good point,” you nod. “Alright, what we’ll do is gather the ingredients and then we link up with Nightshade and have her distract the kids from drinking it long enough, sound good?”

“I guess,” he shrugs. “The last thing I want is my little cousin getting impaired.”

“Your little cousin?” you ask.

“Yeah, she’s over there in that group your daughter went towards,” he says pointing. Following his hoof you see your daughter chatting away with quite a few of the younger changelings, being the center of attention like always. Amongst them though you do see a slightly older youngling, possibly already a teenager with that same nervous energy you’ve come to associate with Thorax.

“The quiet looking one with the red tinged mane?” you ask and he nods.

“Yeah, her name’s Ocellus, she’s a good egg and I’d rather her not be caught up in anything bad,” he implores.

“Huh, well I’m sure she’ll be fine once Nightshade gets all the kids on her side,” you reckon as you start heading to the kitchen. “Heck, it looks like she’s already got them eating out of her hoof.”

And with that, you both enter the kitchens as nonchalantly as possible. Surprisingly, there are only a handful of drones utilizing the space, each one wearing a “borrowed” chef’s hat and apron. A few are baking baked goods, others are preparing hors d’oeuvres, and a few are actually trying their hoof at cooking meals.

“Huh, these guys seem very professional,” you mention to Thorax who nods.

“Most of them had infiltrated a culinary school in the past, and after being stuck in that castle prison for so long, they jumped at the chance to cook again,” he explains.

“Huh,” you say impressed as you see one filleting a fish of some kind and adding all kinds of seasonings to it. “Well, best not disturb them.”

“Indeed,” he agrees as you two slink your way towards the pantries and ice boxes to look for booze, and boy do you find the motherload.

“Holy…crap…” you breathe out mesmerized. There is a single room devoted entirely to alcohol, ranging from simple beer, all the way to high end wines, whiskeys, and other assorted spirits.

“Wow, I guess it pays to be royalty huh?” Thorax quips and you nod.

“I’m just wondering if this is Cadence and Shining’s personal collection, or if this is for fancy parties or something,” you hypothesize.

“Either way, it’s what we came for,” he points out and you nod.

“Right, let’s take all of it,” you say as you grab a bottle of rum.

“Wait, ALL of it?” he asks taken aback and you grin at him with deranged eyes.

“Yyyyeeeesss…” you say creepily and he winces backward. “The spice must flow after all…”

“Um, I don’t think it’s feasible to incorporate ALL of the alcohol,” he tries to dissuade.

“Nonsense,” you hoofwave. “Booze for the masses is just like Filly Scout Cookies, you can never have enough.”

“I’m pretty sure there’s a limit to both of those things, but alright,” he shrugs as he starts gathering some bottles.

“Actually, if I ever get my inventory back, I’ve got a Free Filly Scouts Cookies for life card, so that’s not entirely true,” you correct.

“You do?”

“Yeah, got it for buying so much I sent an entire troupe to Whinny Land before my daughter burned it down,” you say and he does a double take at that.


“But they’re gazillionaires, so I’m sure it’s been rebuilt by now,” you shrug. “And that card even worked in the human world to help provide snacks for a concert.”

“Did you just say human?” he asks curiously.

“Yeah, it’s this whole thing I had going for awhile,” you say vaguely. “Once this is all over I can fill you in on the rest, but just know that somewhere in this castle is a horseshoe shaped mirror that leads to a horrifying land where apes rule the world.”

“That’s…that sounds terrifying,” he admits and you nod.

“Oh yeah, big time,” you agree before putting a hoof to your chin. “But hairless ape friends I made aside, maybe I could utilize the Filly Scout Card somehow.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if I can convince some drunken changelings that my inventory has a card to gather cookies that are technically made with love, then maybe they could go and try to pinch it, and if they do I can just knock them out and get all my stuff back!”

“I, uh, I don’t know if anyling would go for that, even in a drunken stupor,” he says apprehensively as he floats a bottle of schnapps to himself. “Queen Chrysalis is still scary.”

“True, which is why after the fact, we would definitely have to give them cookies for their sacrifice, otherwise it would be a war crime,” you say seriously as you pull out some amaretto.

Kichi’s Comment

“No, I mean, Filly Scout cookies themselves would be a hard sell after the last incident,” he says with a shiver.

“Huh? What incident?” you say taken off guard by his tone.

“Well…” he trails off.

Some Time Before The Canterlot Invasion

*Knock Knock*

The sound of someone knocking on her chamber doors causes Queen Chrysalis to falter in her vocal practices for emulating Princess Cadence.

“Ugh! Again?! I Told You I Was Not To Be Disturbed!” she growls, but the knocking continues. Sighing, she walks over to the door.

“Buck it, I’ve got the voice down, I’ll practice her mannerisms after we capture and imprison her,” she grumbles to herself before opening the door dramatically.

“Now, who disturbs my serenity and-“

“Hello Ma’am, would you be willing to purchase some cookies?” asks a young earth pony filly in a green uniform, flanked by two other fillies in the same garb.


“I said would you like to buy some Filly Scout Cookies ma’am?” she asks again and the Queen seems dumbfounded.

“…You’re ponies,” she states.

“That’s right,” the filly nods.

“You’re ponies in the middle of my hive?”

“Yup, the walls sure got a lot of holes in them,” she nods.

“…Okay, this is just…what?” Chrysalis sputters putting a hoof to her forehead. “What are a bunch of pony children doing here?”

“Trying to sell cookies of course,” another of the fillies responds simply.

“No I mean, why here? How did you even get this far in without the guards stopping you?!”

“Oh, well, for as to why we’re here, we are really behind on our quota, and we don’t want to be the only troupe not going to Hurricane Harbor Splash Zone this year,” the last pony responds.

“Right, so we decided to branch out,” the little leader adds. “And as to how we got this far, we just kept selling to all the guards the further we travelled in and they pointed us to more customers.”

“…You can’t be serious,” Chrysalis deadpans.

“100% Ma’am!” the answers.

“My drones, allowed three pony children into the midst of our home, on the cusp of one our biggest military incursions we’ve ever attempted, simply because you sold them cookies?”

“Yes that sounds right,” one of the fillies nods.

“Their profit margins have really helped us,” another says.

“And if they like them so much, surely their queen would too right?”

“You know, on some level I admire your moxie, but on the other hoof I can’t help but be annoyed by the sheer stupidity on both sides that led to this,” Chrysalis grunts and rubs her temple. “I mean, we’re in the middle of the badlands, how did you even find this location?”

"Ma’am, we are the filly scouts, and neither snow, rain, tsunami or an army of enemy creatures can stop us from reaching our goals!” the first filly declares steadfastly before smiling again. “So, how many boxes can I put you down for? We’re currently running low on thin mints, but we’ve still got plenty of peanut butter, coconut clusters and fudge swirls left.”

The Present

“After that, the Hive had a surplus of cookies, and those fillies somehow left without a fight,” Thorax finishes.

“…Are you kidding me?” you sputter.

“No, not at all,” he reassures. “After that, she declared that no more Filly Scouts would be permitted in any of our bases.”

“So while me and the other scouts were hiding in those stuffy crystal caverns below Canterlot, you guys got to eat ALL of the cookies?”

“More like forced to for every meal right up until she infiltrated Canterlot herself and captured Princess Cadence,” he explains.

“Huh…I kind of thought her mood was a bit sour when she arrived,” you ponder before a thought comes to you.

Wait, are the Filly Scouts indirectly responsible for my first death?

It sounds stupid, but stupider things have happened to you, and you wouldn’t put it past Lady Luck to have it be that way.

“Something on your mind Offender?” Thorax asks as you stare off into space.

“Nah, not much. Just wondering how much the Butterfly Effect really operates,” you state before shaking your head. “But that aside, I guess we’ll scrap the Filly Scout Cookie idea.”

“Probably for the best,” the younger changeling agrees.

“We’ll just stick to spiking everyone’s drinks and whatever chaos Nightshade can come up with the children,” you say as you start to walk with your first load of booze. “She’s probably already steps ahead in that process even as we speak.”

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Okay, not sure how the buck I pulled this off, but it’s working I guess, you think nervously as several of the younglings surround you, their attention squarely on you. After walking away from your Dad and that skinny Thorax guy, you just casually integrated yourself into a group of the kids, just like you did back at school in Ponyville.

And just like back in Ponyville, just chatting, joking around and shooting the spit got you in their good graces. Though you do note that though there are some female changelings, including a very skittish looking one who is slightly taller than you, the majority of them are guys.

I suddenly feel an immense sensation of déjà vu, you ponder remembering how many Hearts and Hooves Day Cards you got before Daddy burned them all. With that thought, you nervously glance over in his direction, only to see him and Thorax walking into the kitchens.

Oh sure, go off for a snack and leave me behind why don’t you?! You think bitterly.

“-ow Falls?” a coltling asks drawing you out of your bitterness.

“What was that?” you ask.

“I asked if you were really there when the plant monster showed up at Rainbow Falls?” he asks again.

“Oh yeah, for sure, that was nuts,” you say with a hoofwave.

“I heard that’s when the miniature Nightmare Moon showed up, did you see her?” asks another one and your eye twitches.

“Y-Yeah I saw her,” you say. “And I think her name is Nightshade by the way.”

“I heard she’s very powerful and that that’s why the Queen wants her executed,” says one of the colts and you frown.

“Probably, I mean, she is pretty freaking powerful from what I saw,” you say with a strained tone.

“And from what my brother’s heard from some of the captured ponies, she stopped a flying glacier too,” says a fillyling.

“Yeesh, imagine when she grows up how dangerous she could be,” another one shivers and you frown.

“Hey now, I wouldn’t say ‘dangerous’ but-“

“Are you kidding? If even the Queen considers her a threat, you’re lucky you didn’t encounter her face to face,” another guy says.

“Um, I’m sure I would have been fine,” you grunt and try to change the topic. “But yeah, any of you guys seen the new movie with-“

“The fact that she’s still out there is why we’re all still waiting around though, least that’s what my sister said,” says one of the girls.

“Huh?” you ask.

“Yeah, that’s why the Queen’s letting the blizzard rage, so that she doesn’t have anywhere else to hide and no pony reinforcements can arrive,” nods a guy.

I think they’re giving that whackjob a little more credit than she deserves, you think sourly.

“Well, if that incredibly powerful and awesome filly shows up, just avoid her, that’s the best option,” you warn but one of the guys puffs his chest out.

“I bet I could take her on,” he says and you look at him deadpan.

“How you figure that?”

“She’d hesitate because I’m a kid, and when that happens, I’d kick her in the stomach and knock the wind out of her,” he says with surety and you raise a brow.

“Wow, really? That easy huh?” you monotone, reluctantly realizing that hurting another kid would in fact cause you to think twice.

“Oh you’re so full of it, she’d turn you into paste,” one of the other guys hits him on the shoulder with a laugh and everyone else starts laughing as well.

“Ha ha ha…yeah…” you unenthusiastically join in.

“Okay, maybe it wouldn’t be easy,” he admits. “But anyway, you wanna come with us and throw goo balls at the crystal ponies?”

“Huh?” you ask.

“Yeah, the ponies are all corralled in the surrounding buildings and we can throw goo balls at them for fun,” another kid says.

“Hey now, we really shouldn’t be doing things like that,” a slightly older changeling female says who has a red tint to her mane.

“Oh come on Ocellus, it’s harmless,” one of the fillies interjects.

“Exactly, so you wanna join? Um…What was your name again?” asks one of the guys.

“Um…” you stammer trying to come up with a good code name.

“Oh no you don’t!” another female changeling with a tinge of pink to her mane says suddenly invading your little entourage.

“Oh goodness,” Ocellus says as she lowers her head.

“Say what now?” you blather as the fillyling looks at you with open hostility, flanked by two bigger males that look like they got more muscles than brains.

"You! I don't know who are you, but you should get lost,” she says in a tone reminiscent of how Diamond and Silver used to speak. This causes you to scowl.

“The buck you say?”

“You heard me, who do you think you are, the queen?” she insinuates. “Strolling in here and acting aloof and hogging all the guys?"

Her tone grates on you and you scowl even harder.

“I fail to see how that’s my problem,” you challenge and she scoffs.

“Oh your types don’t, do they?” she grumbles.

“The Tartarus do you mean my type?” you say, not backing down.

“The types I don’t like,” she snarls. “I’ve never seen you in any of the classes or field training drills, and yet you think you can show up for this party and start hogging all the guys to yourself? Well think again!”

“Bitch please,” you say with a roll of your eyes and everyling around you gasps.

“What did you just call me?!” she asks in outrage.

“You heard me,” you say with a tiny smirk, echoing her earlier haughty statement. Before she has a chance to retort though, you continue. “You say you don’t like me, but I sure as Tartarus don’t like stuck up hoes like you. Just because I’m new you think you can order me around? Well, it don’t work like that sweetheart. Why don’t you run off back to your daddy you spoiled little brat!”

The whole group of kids around you are shocked and invested in your little spat. One of the guys even holds his hoof to his mouth and goes,


“I-You-!” the other filly starts to blubber in embarrassment, gritting her teeth before looking to the two coltlings. “Don’t just stand there, get her!”

The muscle brains look from her to you and start to move forward, but they pause after you give them a malicious smile.

“Oh I wouldn’t do that if I were you boys,” you threaten and your tone actually gets them to stop and reconsider.

“Hugo! Brutus! What are you doing?!” she demands and they look at her reluctantly.

“She’s scary,” says one of them and the fillyling facehooves.

“Come on everyling, this is supposed to be a fun party, no need to be fighting,” Ocellus tries to interject again.

“Oh there won’t be a fight, no matter which decision they make,” you say with confidence which causes the two brutes to take steps back.

“I-You-Wha-Just!” the filly stammers.

“Minnie, please let’s all just calm down here?” Ocellus tries again.

“Yeah Minnie…calm down,” you say as you send out a menacing air slightly with what little access you have to your dark magic. It’s enough though as the filly seizes up in fear and falls backward onto the ground.

“EEP!” she shrieks as she falls on her butt and the two meatheads scamper back to her side. All the kids from before that crowded around you because of your newness are now even more intrigued and enthralled by your display of power.

“Wow,” even timid Ocellus whistles impressed.

“There we go, now how about we all just stop this Mean Fillies bullspit huh?” you order and the pink tinged mane fillyling gulps. “Good.”

The to the shock of everyling, you pace forward and offer a hoof up to her.

She looks at your limb rather confused for a bit, but with everyone watching she purses her lips and accepts. Pulling her to her hooves, you smirk and say,

“And another thing, I was just hanging out and having fun, I’m not ‘Hogging All the Guys’ as you said. What do you take me for? The Element of Generosity?” you say with a chuckle. Unfortunately, that joke goes over hers and most of the groups’ as they begin raising their eyebrows at that and you roll your eyes. “She’s a romance obsessed guy chaser.”

“Ahhh,” many of them nod in understanding.

“S-So you weren’t setting out to make a Harem for yourself?” Minnie asks, seeming embarrassed now.

“Oh buck no, I’ve read enough Manga to know that’s a bad idea,” you shudder. “Also, I’m not looking for a date or anything like that.”

“You’re not?” one of the guys asks, his ears drooping slightly.

“No! I’m just trying to hang out. Besides, I’ve…already got a special…someling…” you say as your cheeks flush and you avoid eye contact as the image of a certain purple drake flashes in your mind.

It’s not technically a lie, he is very special to me, you think as your mind gets all jumbled and stupid again.

“Oooohhh, this drama is real good,” another fillyling in the crowd gossips.

“Oh, I…I was mistaken,” she says as her power and influence has waned with your show of domination. “S-Sorry…”

And with that she kind of just shuffles away from the group into the party. Hugo and Brutus both look at each other before they shrug and follow after her.

“Wow, you actually got Minnie to back off, that’s impressive,” one of the gals says.

“Really? It didn’t seem like that big a deal,” you hoofwave even as you boast.

“No it really is, she’s been like that ever since the Appleloosa invasion,” one of the guys explains.

“Guess she felt she had to become a miniature version of her sister Vicky after the Offender made her disappear,” another girl says with a sigh.

“Say what now?” you say feeling blindsided. “Her sister was Vicky, as in THAT Vicky?”

“Yeah. Guess it’s not easy when your older sibling just disappears like that,” she nods. “And after such a big fight.”

“Or when a big part of the Hive just abandons everything!” one of the guys spits and suddenly the mood becomes downer.

“Hey, I’m sure they’re all fine,” Ocellus says optimistically.

“I still say The Traitor Offender sacrificed them all to Nightmare Moon for more power,” one of the guys says and you gasp in genuine shock.

“Oh not this again,” one of the girls rolls her eyes.

“Think about it, first the Hive Mind breaks, then the Appleloosa Invasion Fleet is beaten and disappears, then that other thousand leave the prison in that small blue box. It’s all demonic stuff I’m telling you!”

“That’s a little extreme,” you pout, feeling insulted for your parents.

“Oh really?” he counters. “Well why else would they all leave with that weakling who set our freedom back a year?”

“Yeah, that embarrassment really screwed us over,” a girl nods and you grit your teeth.

“And it’s only thanks to the Queen depowering him that he’s even captured,” another guy says.

“My dad says it’d be better if he were squashed because of what he’s done to the Queen.”

“What’s that traitor done to the Queen?”

“You didn’t hear? Well-“

And they all keep talking about your father as if he is a blight on the world, well, all of them except of that Ocellus girl, she just stays quiet, but the rest start to grate on your nerves.

You little punks, if you even had the slightest idea of what we’ve had to go through you-

“What’s this about traitors and weaklings?” a stern older voice suddenly says from behind you, and the conversation goes dead quiet.

“Um, nothing Sir Commander Sir!” one of the coltlings says nervously as all the other kids stand at attention. Slowly you turn your head and see above you a very, very intimidating changeling with red tinged fins.

“I see,” he says before looking to Ocellus and raising an eyebrow.

“…It wasn’t as bad as you think cousi-I mean Sergeant Pharynx,” she stammers. He just takes a moment to look over all of the younglings, his face betraying no emotions.

“When it comes to talks of traitors, there are only two that should be the topic of discussion,” he starts and points to Grandbuggy. “One is up there, and the other is being held in max security conditions.”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

You frown at that as from what you saw, no one even had a guard down below, least of all your Dad who just seemingly walked out of his cell. Before you can even think more on that though, one of the kids speaks up.

“Uh, yes sir, we were discussing the one locked up.”

“I see,” he nods before looking at you all sternly. “I believe I heard the terms embarrassment, weakling, and traitor, yet out of all three of those, only the last need apply.”

“Sir?” the kid says taken aback and you raise your own eyebrow.

“Drone 9001 is a traitor to the cause it’s true, but he is not weak nor is he an embarrassment,” he says with authority and everyling in the kid group looks bewildered.

“B-But sir, after all he’s done-“ a fillyling starts but he cuts her off.

“Precisely, look at all he’s done. In four years, he went from being an un-motivational low class private to one of the most powerful creatures in the land,” he instructs. “Though he abandoned The Hive, his accomplishments are nothing to deny. All that power, all those enemies defeated, it perfectly shows what we as a species can accomplish.”

Is…is he praising Daddy? You wonder in shock, not having expected that from someone so mean looking. All of the other kids seem just as flabbergasted as you, and he takes note of that.

“9001 is a traitor for his crimes against us, but his power level is something to aspire to young ones,” he says before scowling. “And the Queen agrees, which is why leniency has been shown to him.”

You can tell on that last bit that he most certainly doesn’t agree with that decision.

So even though you praise him, you still don’t like him eh? You theorize. Gods, adults are so freaking weird.

“Which is why, despite everything, we do not interfere,” he instructs.

“But then…what about that one?” Ocellus asks nervously pointing at Grandbuggy’s cocoon and he frowns.

“Specialist 117 is also a changeling to aspire to his accomplishments,” he responds. “Many decisive victories in the past for the former regime were all thanks to him. Still, he is a traitor for his involvement in the death of the former Queen.”

You genuinely gasp at that as all the other kids nod.

Grandbuggy got Chrysalis’s mom killed? You wonder in shock, looking to the old bug’s cocoon.

“And though he was once banished, the Queen has decreed that he be taken care of in a festive manner, hence why he will be used as a piñata,” he explains. “And no matter the grumbling or setbacks, we follow the orders of the crown. Understood?”

“Sir yes sir!” the kids all say in unison and salute, though not all of them are uniform in doing so.

“Very well, continue with your festivities,” he orders before he turns to you and you freeze momentarily.

Kichi’s Comment

"You,” he says in a strong tone, and you can’t help but stand at attention.

"Sir!" you salute just like you’ve seen in countless movies and games.

"At ease,” he orders before looking you up and down. “I came over here originally because I witnessed your spat with the other child.”

“Oh, well, that was no big deal sir,” you excuse while most of the other kids stealthily back away from the two of you.

“I should say not, for someone of your skills. Able to weaponize killing intent at such a young age is impressive,” he praises and you are momentarily speechless.

“Oh, uh, thank you sir.”

“That being said, I’m curious as to how you obtained those skills, especially as I don’t recognize you, and believe me, I have a good memory for the gifted,” he says with a scrutinizing look and you suppress a gulp.

“Well, uh, if you really want to know sir, I sort of just learned it on my own,” you admit and he raises a brow.

“Really? Then how come you haven’t stood out in any of the Junior Training programs?”

“B-because sir, I haven’t been in any of the classes in the last four years sir,” you say rattling off excuses on the fly.

“You’ve been playing hooky?” he deduces and you shake your head.

“No sir, I’ve actually been separated from the Hive since the Wedding,” you lie and he seems taken aback.

“You were at the Wedding? I don’t recall younglings being brought along,” he says skeptically.

“Well, I wasn’t at the Wedding, I was actually stationed in Ponyville a few days before the wedding to spy on the Elements of Harmony,” you fib and he raises a brow.

“You were sent on an espionage mission? A child?” he inquires and you nod convincingly.

“Yes sir, I infiltrated the pony school house, and the superiors thought it would be a good idea since a kid acting like a kid would be the most convincing.” The lies come so naturally to you, you wonder briefly if you have a future in fiction writing, but even still Pharynx seems confused.

“Who was the superior who dreamed that one up? I haven’t heard of such a mission.”

“I mean, I was little when I was handed the orders by uh, Kichi I think his name was” you lie, picturing the Crimson Knight General and he seems even more befuddled.

“That pony culture obsessed Kichi sent you on this mission?” he asks with a wince.


“A child, all on her own?”

“Yes,” you nod.

“And you were separated for four years on your own after the Canterlot Invasion failed?”

“Yes sir,” you lie and he puts a hoof to his forehead.

“Oh of all the-I trained that moron and he went and did something so asinine as that?” he grumbles to himself before sighing.

“It, uh, it wasn’t so bad sir. I did infiltrate the town and integrated myself as a friend of the Element’s sisters,” you say and he sighs again.

“A mission you shouldn’t have been ordered to do in the first place,” he says. “Sending someling so young. And the reason you didn’t rejoin when we took over Ponyville a few years ago?”

“I, uh, I was actually shadowing The Ho-er-Drone 9001 when that happened,” you say, making yourself rub the back of your neck in false embarrassment.

“You were?” he asks with an appraising look.

“Yeah, he was the first changeling I ran into in a long time and I thought I could link up with him, but he kept causing ruckuses in public and I thought it was too dangerous,” you narrate.

“Hmmph, sounds like something he would do,” he grunts and you raise a brow before continuing.

“By the time I got back to Ponyville, I’d missed the rest of the Hive and you were all imprisoned.”

He rubs at his temple and sighs again.

“And so you had to thrive in a Pony environment for four years by yourself huh? Relying on your own wits and intuition?”

“Yes sir,” you nod, sounding proud.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that youngling, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t impressed,” he says with a smirk and you mentally sigh in relief over faking it till you make it. “My younger brother was also separated for four years, though he at least had had training.”

“Yeah, but I think I managed well,” you admit. “I mean, those Elements of Harmony were something else. I don’t know if they’re blessed by Lady Luck, or the probabilities of chance or whatever, but they could sure be crazy.”

“You’re telling me,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “Seriously, 6 Mares that barely knew each other being chosen by mythical artifacts to stop a mythic alicorn. Seems too cut and clean.”

“And then they go on to be a thorn in the Hive’s plans and even fought the god of chaos, and the Purple one ascended,” you point out, trying to make your tone conversational.”

“Indeed,” he says with a shake of his head. “But however blessed or lucky they were, the Queen has them now. Still, we must remain vigilant even during these times of victory, because who knows what chaos may erupt.”

“I know right? Which is why I was surprised a party got thrown.”

“A necessary measure for morale, not even the best of the best can function without some sort of rewarding stimuli,” he nods before shaking his head and becoming serious once again. “But anyway seeing as how your mission is now over, I look forward to seeing you in the Junior Training Courses.”

“It would be an honor sir,” you fib and he nods. He is about to walk away, but he pauses.

“By the way, what is your name? I’ll pass it along to the other commanders to keep an eye on you, though personally I wouldn’t mind taking you as my personal apprentice,” he says and sweat beads on your brow.

“Oh, right, my name, heh heh,” you chuckle nervously. “It’s, uh…”

Think, think! What’s a changeling name? you mentally panic. Chrysalis, Thorax, Ocellus and Pharynx are all bug related things, thank you Ms. Cheerliee’s science class, but then there’s those that go by their pony code names like Sin and Vicky!

“Something wrong?” he inquires and you suppress yourself from jumping.

“N-not really, just been awhile that I’ve been able to say my name instead of a pony one, feels weird you know? Heh heh…” you stutter, but surprisingly he nods in understanding.

“It happens to the best of us who infiltrate for long periods of time.”

“Well that’s a relief. Then, uh, my name is…Antennae…” you say with a wince at how horribly generic it is, but it was the only bug part you could come up with.

“Ah, a traditional Hive name,” he nods in approval. “Unlike many clutch mothers naming their children to sound more Equestrian.”

“Thank you sir,” you say and he nods.

“Well anyway Junior Private Antennae, I look forward to your progress, enjoy the festivities, you’ve earned them.” He is about to walk away, before against your better judgment, you let curiosity take control.

“Before you go sir, can I ask you a question?”

“You may,” he nods and you bite your lip.

“It’s just…earlier you sounded like you had respect for the Offender, even though you also hate him? How do you do that?”

He pauses for a moment before answering.

“You can respect even an enemy if they have the potential,” he says with a scowl. “When I trained him, he was mostly wasted potential, but I tried like Tartarus to drag it out of him. I didn’t care about the consistency of his blood or what his Grandbug had done, all I cared about was the effort.”

“The effort?”

“Yes, for he never tried to improve or fight back against his tormentors whilst under my command…but it seems my lessons finally took place once he was on his own,” he says with small grunt. “And despite using that training to betray us, it was still very effective. I hope your training will go much more swimmingly though.”

And with that, he walks off into the hustle and bustle of the party, and you feel as though a great weight has lifted from your shoulders.

Phew! Holy Crapbaskets that was stressful, you sigh in relief just as the other kids start to gather around you again. They all then start praising and congratulating you on your talk with Pharynx and how lucky you are and etc.

“Whoa, that was impressive,” Ocellus congratulates. “Not many changelings catch his eye like that.”

“Y-yeah, that’s great and everything,” you nod dismissively. “I think I’m gonna get some punch, but I’ll be back.”

And with that, you unceremoniously leave the group of kids to wet your whistle after such a stressful moment.

Only when you get there, you find your dad discretely pouring countless bottles of booze into each and every punch bowl while Thorax keeps a look out.

“What are you doing Daddy?” you whisper and he nearly jumps from shock.

“What?! I’m not doing any-Oh it’s you honey,” he sighs in relief. “You do well on making friends who want to cause chaos?”

“Um, sure?” you guess. “I mean, I was pretty popular before because I guess even as a changeling I’m pretty.”

“Of course you’re pretty honey, but still that’s interesting, gotta add some grubs to ‘The List,’” he grumbles and you roll your eyes.

“Whatever dad, I’m not interested in them anyway,” you admit and he sighs.

“Okay good, you keep being pure of heart like that honey,” he says as he dumps in a bottle of Vodka.

“Um, you didn’t answer my question, why are you putting alcohol in the punch?”

“Well isn’t it obvious?” he says with a shrug, opening up a bottle of tequila.

“…You wanna try to set the punch on fi-“

“NO! That’s not the plan! I never even thought about that!” he denies with shifty eyes, which causes you to smirk. “No, we’re just gonna get everyling drunk so it’s easier to get Grandbuggy out.

“Oh…okay,” you say somewhat sadly as you didn’t get to try any of the punch before it got spiked.

Haoryu’s Changer’s Comment

“Well, almost everyling, we don’t want the kids getting drunk,” Thorax points out and your dad pauses.

“Right, right,” he nods and looks to you. “Nightshade, I’m gonna need you to keep the little ones from partaking. I’m sure once all the adults start acting loopy, you can convince them to start pranking and getting in the way and stuff.”

“I mean, I’ll try, but maybe you should leave one bowl un-boozed just in case?” you suggest.

“No time honey, there’s just no time!” he says as he throws a now empty bottle behind him out a window. You sigh and roll your eyes at his antics.

“Alright, fine, whatever, maybe I can convince them it’s cursed and to look for bottles of root beer or cider or something,” you shrug.

“That’s the spirit honey,” he smiles and uncorks a bottle of wine.

“I think that might be enough,” Thorax advises.

“I’ll tell you when it’s enough!” Daddy argues back before looking back to you. “So yeah, go ahead and round up all the kids again baby, think you can do that?”

“Not a problem,” you boast. “I was popular before, but after that Pharynx guy praised me, they’ll definitely want to clamor around again.”

He pauses at that and looks at you worriedly.

“Pharynx spoke to you?” he says with a tone filled with dread.

“Yeah, why? You know him?”

“Know him? Honey, that bug is the definition of evil incarnate with no redeeming qualities whatsoever,” he explains and Thorax frowns.

“That’s not true at all, he may be tough, but he’s still a good brother to me.”

“That’s bias in the system!” your dad sneers and you roll your eyes.

“Well whatever the case, he seemed alright with me, seems like a bigwig, and he also thinks your accomplishments are pretty cool,” you relay and your dad pauses in pouring in a big bottle of Tequila. He slowly turns to you and raises an eyebrow.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard that right, did you say Sergeant Pharynx, demonic Tartarus Spawn made flesh thought my accomplishments were cool?”

“Well, he didn’t say cool, but he scolded the other kids about calling you weak and an embarrassment,” you explain. “He said you were an example to strive for in terms of power.”

“…” your dad stares slack jawed at you and you think you’ve broken his brain.


“He said that?”


“Sergeant Pharynx?”

“Yes Dad, I was right there,” you say with a roll of the eyes.

“I’m just…I’m just having a hard time processing that,” he admits.

“Pharynx respects power Mr. Offender, like a lot of the commanders,” Thorax explains.

“Yeah, and even though he still thinks you and Grandbuggy are traitors, he still respects your victories,” you add. “Also I got the impression he was hard on you because he wanted you to meet your true potential.”

“Huh…” your Dad says simply as he absentmindedly finishes pouring a jug of moonshine into the punch. “Well if that’s true he could have been a lot more straight forward than be a mysterious prick!”

“Speaking of, he said that it’s on Chrysalis’s orders that Grandbuggy be used as a piñata because he broke his banishment or something,” you inform

“Of course she would,” he sighs and grunts.

“Yeah…Pharynx said it’s cause Grandbuggy had something to do with the last Queen dying?” you ask apprehensively and he sighs again.

“Chrysalis’s mom died under mysterious circumstances, and everyling felt like Grandbuggy had something to do with it, but Chrysalis just decided to banish him instead of executing him,” he explains, wincing at the painful memories.

“Why did they think he had something to do with it?” you ask and he looks downcast at his reflection in the punch.

“Because it wasn’t too long after…your grandma and grandpa passed,” he says reluctantly and you stiffen.


“They were deliberately sent on a suicide mission by the last queen, and after the funeral, Grandbuggy said he was gonna take a walk…” he says with his distant eyes. “And the next day the Queen was dead.”

Thorax sensing how awkward this moment is, does his best to look like he isn’t paying attention. It’s obvious to you both, but you don’t call him out on it. Seeing as how your dad is looking down, you walk over and place a hoof on his.

“S-sorry about bringing it up,” you apologize and he just shakes his head and rubs your mane.

“Nothing to be sorry about honey, it’s in the past,” he reassures. “Whether he actually did it or not, I never asked, but that doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that we get him out of here.”

“Right, right,” you nod and scratch at your mane. “Right, well if you’re gonna get the adults drunk I got an idea on how to use the kids.”

Kichi’s Comment

“Oh? You got a plan that quickly huh?” he says with a smirk, thankful to be changing the subject.

“Eh what can I say? I got a lot of smarts from Mommy,” you boast.

“Dang right you d-Hey wait a second, just from your mom? What about me?” he asks sounding a little offended. You just give him a deadpan look and say,

“ ‘Here is my meat shield, there are many like it but this one is mine,’ “ you quote and he purses his lips and looks away in embarrassment.

“Okay, point taken, at least you got my sense of humor,” he grunts and you giggle.

“Buck yeah I did," you nod before getting serious again. “But anyway, my idea is this. Once the adults get sufficiently sauced, I’ll release Mangle to hack the DJ booth and get everyone on the dance floor.”

“Wait, how are you gonna get EVERYONE on the dance floor?” he asks curiously.

“Daddy, no one can resist The Cha Cha Slide,” you say with confidence and you see his eyes alight in understanding.

“Ooohhh…you devious little filly,” he says with a malicious grin and you giggle evilly.

“Exactly, and when you got a bunch of drunken adults, swaying and trying to do the moves, they’ll be stumbling everywhere and falling down, and I’ll get the other kids to start tripping and pushing them around. I predict more than a few will have to go to the bathroom and upchuck and many more might have to sit the rest of the party out.”

“That would leave a lot less changelings looking up at Grandbuggy if they’re all sick,” he nods.

“Eyup, and in all the craziness we can get him out of here,” you finish and he beams at you.

“Okay, yes you definitely got your mother’s smarts, I never would have thought of that,” he admits and pats you on the head.

"Umm... I think I’ll let all the other dissenters know to avoid the punch as well,” Thorax says just as the latest dance song comes to an end and several changelings start heading towards the snack table. “But I like the plan, good luck you two.”

And as he wanders off into the crowd and others start to eat and drink.

“Oooh, the punch tastes much better now,” one lady says.

“I know right?” a guy says as he slurps down a cup.

You look up at your father questioningly at that and he leans down and whispers,

“When it comes to many tastes outside of emotions, many changelings only really register extremes,” he explains.

“But wouldn’t they notice the alcohol then?” you whisper back.

“On some level, but it’s masked by all that sugar I dumped in before,” he smirks.

“...You know, I take it back, I probably did get some smarts from you too daddy,” you say plainly and he looks touched.

“Ah, thanks honey,” he praises. “But run along now and go get your minions situated.”

“Alright, and what are you gonna do?” you ask and you see him looking towards the only other non changelings in this ballroom.

“I gotta go let Hope’s friends know what’s about to go down,” he says with a reluctant sigh.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

POV CHANGE: Bugze (You)

After informing her of that, you and Nightshade split the party once again. She going off to her youngling friends, and you making your way over to the rest of Hope’s Legion of Doom.

You are still somewhat rattled from Nightshade asking about the past, but you are determined to move on. All introspection and serious discussions can happen when everyling is safe. A cursory glance at all the different punch bowls you spiked proves that your brew is getting pretty popular, but now you gotta make sure everyone else is on the same page.

As you near the group at their lone separate table full of snacks and unspiked drinks, you can’t help but frown at the twin stallions.

You blasphemous heralds of the Machines! How dare you use technology to release Chrysalis and the rest? I bet if you were given enough time, you would create the mechanical monstrosities of mankind known as Buses and Airplanes! You mentally rant. Well I can tell you this for free, if I get you out of this I’m going to ensure you never create another-

“I say brother of mine, why is that changeling glaring at us?” Flim asks his brother breaking you out of your inner ramblings.

“I say brother of mine, I surely don’t know,” Flam answers and now the minotaur and pegasus are looking at you.

“Um, hi,” you wave awkwardly. “Listen, try to act natural, I’m here to-“

“Wait a second, I recognize that voice!” Flam says with widened eyes.

“Yes, and that scowl is the same one on that jerk that broke our Cider creation two years ago!” Flim says in understanding as the minotaur and pegasus look at curiously and your face pales.

“Okay, okay, calm down! I-“

“You’re the Hood-Mmph!” both brothers attempt to speak, but both are thankfully silenced as the minotaur wraps his hands around their snouts.

“Know the time and the place if you don’t want egg on your face!” he shushes them and looks around nervously, as do you. Thankfully with the music bumping again, and the increased amount of giggles from the punch drinkers, noling heard that outburst.

“Thanks big guy, but act more discreet,” you inform as you stand off to the side of them, not looking at them directly. The minotaur nods and releases the two brothers who look a bit sheepish.

“Sorry, but it’s just, you never forget a voice like that,” Flam says.

“Screaming about the evils of machines and the like while sabotaging our creations,” Flim grunts.

“I understand that, but remain calm and collected,” the minotaur orders.

“Wait, hold on, is this really the guy?” the pegasus mare asks in a loud whisper her eyes darting to you and him repeatedly.

“Yes, I’m the guy,” you say out of the side of your mouth. “I’m working with Hope and if you all want to remain free, you’ll shut up and listen to what I have to say.”

They all stiffen at that and you continue.

“Right now you’ve got eyes on you from a few guards,” you say to them.

“Wait, those dudes that have not so subtly been checking me out this whole time?” the pegasus asks.

“They’re not ‘checking you out’ they’re keeping an eye on you and awaiting orders from Chrysalis,” you scoff.

“Orders for what?” Flim asks.

“To arrest you, just like they tried to do to Hope.”

“WHAT?!” the mare exclaims, which does get some of the watchers to glance at her.

“Uh, I said that potato salad absolutely can be incorporated into a healthy diet if you’re looking for gains,” the minotaur says a bit loudly, suddenly flexing and glaring down the mare. “Darn music is so loud.”

The look outs seem to accept this little display as Lightning Dust chuckles nervously and they don’t focus too intently.

“S-sorry, but what do you mean they tried to arrest Hope?”

“It’s like I just said, Chrysalis has accused her of treason and she’ll do the same to you before long,” you explain.

“But why would she do that?” asks Flam.

“Because she’s insane, and you lot threw your stupid hats in with her,” you growl and they both wince at that. “But seriously, she’s been falling off the wagon with letting the storms in, and Hope decided enough was enough.”

“Well that’s to be expected, we knew something bad was gonna happen sooner or later, what with that miniature ice age going on outside,” Iron Will sighs.

“Yes, but this soon? I feel totally unprepared,” Flim says worriedly.

“And treason? What the buck?!” Dust grunts and glances at the lookouts. “We gonna have to fight our way out of here?”

“Don’t be so hasty now Dust, the Offender wouldn’t have come here if that’s the case,” Iron Will informs, before addressing you. “So I guessing that you have a plan sir?”

“Uh, yeah I do…” you say taken off guard. “But yeah, what’s happening is…”

And with that, you give them a quick rundown on what’s happened since Hope nearly got arrested till now.

“So in conclusion, avoid the punch, get ready for the signal in song change, and when the chaos starts happening slip out and head to the Flugelhorn room and we’ll all get out of the palace together.”

You give a quick side glance to the group and see that their reactions seem somewhat understanding and accepting of the whole situation.

“So…you in?”

“Well, I suppose we don’t really have a choice,” Flam shrugs.

“We do brother, but the other choice is being arrested by a dictator, so I like the idea of this Umbrum prison,” Flim adds.

“Yo, as long as I live another day to get to show up that stupid Rainbow Dash, I’m game,” Lightning Dust nods.

“We’ll follow this plan Mr. Offender,” Iron Will says. “And even if the others don’t say it, thanks for thinking of including us.”

“Well, you all were here and I had to get my Grandbuggy anyway,” you shrug. “But uh, yeah, you guys are a lot more reasonable than I thought for folks that joined up with the Legion of Doom.”

“Yeah, I get that,” Iron Will nods with a sigh. “Unlike the others, I had no score to settle, just needed money for family. Not a good excuse I know, but it is what it is.”

“Hey, we wanted the money too,” Flim and Flam say.

“Yeah, but ya’ll wanted to get back at the farmer pony too,” the minotaur argues back and they wince.

“Really?” you ask confused. “Cause Hope said you also joined because you resented Fluttershy for ruining your business?”

“I hold no ill will towards her, the customer is always right after all,” he grunts. “It’s something that she tried to entice me with, but my business failings are all my own.”

“Oh, uh…huh,” you say pleasantly surprised.

For a big intimidating looking dude, he’s really agreeable, you think.

“Not to mention your speeches during that got broadcast during the games were prime material and very inspirational! The motivational speaker in me would be remised if I didn’t follow your lead.”

“I…okay then,” you say going with it.

“We’ll go along because it’s our best shot, but you still owe us for the Cider Squeezy,” Flam threatens and you roll your eyes.

“Yeah, we’re still in the red for that little stunt, also not helped because the one in the cocoon up there didn’t let us sell our youth tonic,” Flim grumbles.

“Oh put a sock in it you technomancers,” you sigh.

“Personally, I got nothing for or against ya, but I appreciate how in the past you beat up Rainbow Dash,” Lightning Dust smirks.

“You really gotta let that anger go,” Iron Will instructs.

“The whorse ruined my chances of being a Wonderbolt, so buck no!” she growls back.

“And again, you did that to yourself with that wreckless stunt,” Iron Will sighs.

“Yeah Lightning, even though we’re not the biggest fans of them, you did almost accidentally kill 4 out of the 6 Elements of Harmony,” Flim points out.

“Killing national heroes would have done a lot worse for your reputation,” Flam finishes and she gapes at all of them.

“We literally helped imprison those same mares in a bucking coup, and you wanna lecture me on that?!”

“To be fair, they had a higher chance of death from your stunt than this one,” Iron Will instructs and she covers her face in her wings and groans.

“Alright, alright, you lot just keep arguing like that, that way the look outs won’t think anything’s up,” you instruct. “When the Cha Cha Slide comes on, that’s when it’ll all go down.”

“Ooh, I love that song and dance,” Iron Will says happily.

“Resist it’s temptation!” you order sternly and they all nod. “Alright, I’m gonna slink off now so-“

“Hey, one more thing before you go,” Lightning Dust interrupts and your eye twitches.


“When we all joined up, we got intel briefings on you and it said a lot of mares wanted to jump your bones including Rainbow Dash right?” she asks and you cough and sputter taken off guard.

“I, uh, well I mean there were a lot of aggressive mares in that regard yes,” you say in embarrassment.

She then looks at you with very scrutinizing eyes for a few moments.

Oh gods, please don’t let her join in on that train! I’ve had quite enough of mares chasing me because of that stupid Lover’s Jewell and-

“Nah,” she says suddenly with a shake of her head.

“Nah?” you echo back

“Yeah, nah, I can’t see the appeal.”


“I was thinking maybe of doing something in that regard to piss Dash off later, but…” she trails off and gags a bit. “Yeah, no, you ain’t doing anything for me.”

Surprisingly that comment feels a little hurtful, mostly to your pride.

Ah who needs ya, I already got the prettiest mare in the world at the top of my list anyway, you mentally grumble as you say aloud,

“Oh, uh alright then. But yeah, wait for the dance and be ready.”

And as you walk away, leaving the four to argue amongst themselves, you reflect on some things.

You know, in the long run, it’s probably best she has the same mentality as Twilight. If she had found me attractive I always risk having another Aloe in the mix, and noling wants that.

Back in Ponyville

The masseuse sneezes weakly as she and countless others lie in cots in the town hall. Many like her have been drained of their magic and as a result their cutie marks have disappeared. It’s been a few days, but the monster responsible swept through town, with only some members of the Horde having escaped it’s wrath. Those few are now the ones caring for the majority.

From what little she’s heard, Canterlot was next in line for the big red beast, and they fared no better. Whatever that red ape horse thing was, it continued to head north.

And she, like many of the weakened, think it has something to do with the Hooded Offender showing up during the Equestria Games Broadcast.

Back With You

After awhile of ensuring that quite a few changelings have had the chance to consume more punch, including putting more salt on all of the snack foods, you eventually see the fruits of your labor.

More than half of the party goers are swaying, have flushed cheeks, are laughing way too loudly and just generally acting as if they were at a college frat party. After tripping over a drone who’s had way too much, and giving privacy to a guy and gal making out behind a curtain, you know for sure that the time has finally come.

Okay, now all I have to do is relink with Nightshade, have her scary fox robot do her thing and then we can get Grandbuggy out of he-

Skiny_Boy’s Comment

“Alright everyling, it’s time to break the piñata!” your old drill sergeant’s voice echoes throughout the ballroom, followed by several drunken cheers.

Buck! You think anxiously as you see the cocoon holding your Grandbug get lowered and changelings start making their way towards it.

Buck, buck, buck! You think anxiously as your eyes dart around the room. You’ve run out of time and you need to enact the plan fast. You eventually make eye contact with your disguised daughter and you see the same look of anxiety and panic on her face.

You quickly motion for her to enact the plan, as well as mouthing the words “Do it” over and over again and she quickly nods.

She reaches into her inventory, and pulls out the mecha-pet and sets her down on the ground amidst all the moving bodies.

“Deploying friend. Friend deployed,” you swear you hear her say, but you don’t dwell on it. You have to make sure noling beats on Grandbuggy before the music starts.

“Alright, gather around, single file, SINGLE FILE! What’s the matter with you all? You’re acting like you’re inebriated!” Pharynx growls as he tries to get the swaying masses to shape up, with little success. Using this to your advantage, you get to the front of the line and salute.

“Sir! I would love the first strike sir!” you say somewhat nervously, panting a bit and he actually smirks.

“Nice to see some enthusiasm private, though you’re still in uniform,” he points out and you grit your teeth.

“Um, my patrol just got done sir, and I wouldn’t miss this for anything,” you lie, finding it kind of strange to be lying to your old sergeant once again. He stares at you scrutinizing for a moment and you gulp before he just nods his head.

“Very well, it’d be better to have someone with their head on straight to show the rest of these morons how it’s done,” he says gesturing to the rowdy crowd behind you. “I swear, if I find out someling smuggled alcohol in here they’re going to be on latrine duty for months!”

“Mmmm,” you whine, biting your tongue, but he doesn’t notice.

“Alright you lot, as many of you know, this here is former Specialist 117, a great soldier in the previous regime, though turned traitor in his later years.”

“Boooooo!” the crowd chants and you have to bite your tongue to keep from scowling.

“For his crimes, he was banished, but with his recent actions, and on order of Queen Chrysalis herself, he is to be made an example of!”

“Yeeeaaaahhhh!!!!” the crowd cheers, some actually bowling over onto the ground, which causes Pharynx to scowl slightly.

“Now, everyling will get exactly one whack a piece,” he instructs. “We will damage him through the cocoon first and we will continue even when it breaks and he falls out. And if he dies, he dies.”

You nearly crack your teeth at how hard you are clenching them, but you sweat and strain to not let it show on your face.

Hurry up Mangle, hurry up! You think hectically as Pharynx turns to you and holds out a baseball bat.

“Go ahead private, do your thing,” he orders and ushers you forward. Reluctantly, you take the bat and step up to the green semi transparent cocoon.

The old bug who raised you floats inside, his trusty bowler still affixed to his skull. His eyes are shut, and you can see the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest as he slumbers, unaware of the crowd willing and waiting to turn him into mush.

You feel sick to your stomach as you stand before him. Sure you’ve decked him once or twice since he came back into your life, but this situation is nothing like those love taps. Even if you’re buying time, you can’t comprehend intentionally starting the conga line that would lead to his death.

“Well? What are you waiting for private?” Pharynx urges and you begin to sweat bullets.

“Just, uh, just looking for the optimal area of impact sir,” you excuse and he frowns.

“Okay, but hurry up, we have plenty more to get through!” he snaps and you shudder.

Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, you think wearily as you raise the bat, your eyes darting all over the cocoon for a weak spot. Really, the only logical place would be towards the bottom, right below his head. If I can cut that part open, I can make him fall out and get him out of here! But without the music, everyling will join in on beating him and-

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Suddenly the speakers on the DJ booth fill with static and feedback which causes everyling to clutch at their ears. You see as the Pinkie disguised changeling looks confused at their set up, but you can see a white and pink paw from underneath it and you smirk.

“-nd and this t…We’re going to get funky, Funky,” the lyrics of the catchy song stabilize and suddenly everyling, drunk or not perk up as the beat gets going.

“Oh Buck Yeah!” a drunken changeling in line cheers as he starts bobbing his head.

“I love this song!” a female changeling shrieks.

“Woohoo!” the crowd cheers as they all line up, ignoring the piñata execution.

“Hey! Wait just a second!” Pharynx calls out. “We’re just about to-“

“Come on old bugs! Let’s dance!” you hear Nightshade’s voice declare followed by the cacophony of youngling cheers.

“Everypony clop your hooves!” the song demands and everyling does just that to the rhythm, ignoring everything else. Even you momentarily get caught up in it, but thankfully holding a baseball bat keeps you from joining in.

“Hey! Fall in you-“ Pharynx starts, but it’s too late.

“Slide to the left,
Take it back now ya’ll.
One hop this time!”

The vast majority of the partygoers stumble and laugh as they start to do the movements the song demands.

Heh, I wonder what would happen if Aria, Adagio and Sonata sang this with their mind control powers, you wonder briefly before focusing on the matter at hoof. You look back to where Hope’s friends are sitting and see as they are looking towards you and gesturing to all the dancing changelings. You nod your head in the affirmative and the minotaur’s eyes thankfully gets it.

You then see as he gathers the other three and they start dancing as well, only they are making their way towards the exit as they do the motions.

One less thing to worry about, you sigh in relief before turning back to Grandbuggy. Alright, with everyling dancing, I can put some ice on this bat and cut the sack much easi-

“Hold up a second private, we’ll wait till these fools are done before we start in on the whacking,” Pharynx orders you, holding up a hoof and you stare at him incredulously.

Seriously? How can you resist this temptress of a song? Even I feel wrong for not dancing! You mentally screech as yet another roadblock gets in your way.

“Um, er…” you blather, but you can’t come up with anything valid to change his mind. Now panicking, you look back to the crowd as you see Nightshade’s group of kids making the adults trip, or pushing them into others, causing them to fall. Thanks to the booze, the adults keep laughing, and some even get back up and keep dancing.

“Left hoof let’s stomp.
Right hoof let’s stomp.”

Sweating now, you look over to where Nightshade is. She looks at you questioningly, holding her forelegs out, silently asking what’s taking you so long.

You just gesture your head towards your former drill sergeant and you see her frown, even as she trips a drunk. You then see her head dart towards one of the snack tables before her eyes widen and she looks back at you with a trollish grin.

Oh crapbaskets, I know that look, you think with some dread, but you really don’t have time to look a gift horse in the mouth at this point, so you give her a nod. Whatever you’re gonna do honey, do it!

And with that, you see her dash towards the DJ booth. You lose her trajectory for a moment, but then you catch a glimpse of her diving under the snack table, along with something white and pink.

“Look at them all, infatuated by mediocre pony music,” Pharynx shakes his head in disgust. “This was supposed to be a dry celebration, but clearly someone has disobeyed orders.”

“M-maybe someone spiked the punch and the others didn’t know?” you suggest and he shakes his head.

“I doubt that, even with our dulled taste to pony food, you’d have to know what you were drinking. No, those insubordinates out there knew full well what they were imbibing.”

This causes you to pause in thought for a moment as you look to all the drunken rabble as they laugh and carry on.

…Huh, I guess after all the hardships they’ve been through, they really all did just want a drink, you guess. You then see a flicker of light towards the snack table and you see Nightshade looking at you intently while holding a box of matches.

Your eyes widen briefly in understanding as she uses her magic to strike several of the matches at the same time and throw them towards the punch bowls.

And just as the chorus to the song gets to,


The lights suddenly go out and the music stops. For a brief moment there is confusion, but then the matches all strike your various spiked punch bowls and they all alight like beacons in the darkness.

“Ooooohhhh,” the crowd says in awe as the fire illuminates the tables.

“What in the Tartarus?!” Pharynx exclaims as his eyes catch something else. Suddenly, from behind the tables, a large two headed figure unfurls, made up of twisting wires and steel, yet covered here and there with pink and white fur. Standing well over 9 feet tall, Mangleloid holds her paws up to the air as the drunken changelings gasp and even a few scuttle back in fear. Even Hope’s friends, now in the exit doorway can’t help but pause and look at this mechanical monstrosity.

The two headed fox robot then opens up it’s jaws, and suddenly the techno lights begin strobing again as the music returns.

“Everypony clop your hooves!”

Mangle then starts clapping her paws together and all of the partygoers then all start laughing, hooting and hollering as they join back in on the dance.

Dang, Nightshade’s got a flair for the dramatic…definitely got that one from me, you realize as you see now that Pharynx is most assuredly distracted.

“That’s…that’s the machine of the Nightmare Moon child,” he gasps as he takes a few steps away from Grandbuggy, watching as Mangle starts to go low with everyling else. “She’s gotta be here, this must be a ploy or something.”

And while he starts to freak out a bit, you go up to the cocoon.

Well, I can’t risk using a Frost Grenade since I don’t know if it will freeze all the way through or not, you reckon before sighing. Genetic Modification it is then.

And with that you put your bare hoof up to the bottom edge of it and prep yourself for pain.

“Would You Kindly Cool It?” you whisper. Sure enough, the Ice Plasmid activates, and your hoof hurts like a mother bucker. You feel as some of your chitin cracks and your midnight blue blood flows out, only to immediately be flash frozen. Groaning in pain, you hold on long enough for the bottom part of the cocoon to become nice and icy before shutting the flow off.

Buck! You mentally shout as your numb and bloodied hoof back and forth. Really gonna need that stupid glove back sooner rather than later.

Taking up the bat one hoofed now, you swing with all of your might just as everyling hops twice, including Mangle. The ice shattering is covered up by the cacophony of stomps, and Grandbuggy immediately flops out of the sack and onto the ground. He is a little thinner looking, but he is still breathing and most importantly alive.

“Everyling! Stop dancing with that thing!” Pharynx shouts, but he is drowned out by the reverie. With him still distracted, you start to pull Grandbuggy away from the cocoon, and as you do.

Mangle then starts grooving and dancing through the crowd many laughing and diving out of the way as the behemoth makes it’s way towards the exit, where Hope’s crew gets the memo and bugs out.

“What in the world is going on today?!” Pharynx shouts pulling at his ears, which lets you get further away. Then, suddenly as if out of thin air, Nightshade is by your side.

“I’ll take Grandbuggy,” she says as she quickly stuffs the old bug into her inventory.

Added to the Inventory (Nightshade)

Grandbuggy (Passed Out)

“Good thinking honey, but what do we do about your robot now?” you say pointing to the current center of attention.

“Don’t worry, she’s about to make a run for it,” she explains. “I told her to get outside the palace and make a ruckus before eventually meeting us at the train station.”

“Oh, well I guess the cold won’t affect her I guess,” you shrug and Nightshade nods.

“Get ready dad, I saw Hope’s friends book it, so I’m gonna slip ahead and lead them to the Flugelhorn room.”

“Alright honey, be careful,” you say as you pat her on the back.

“One can only hope Daddy,” she smirks and pats your arm before she runs off and slips out the door, just as the song finally comes to an end and the crowd cheers. With that cue, Mangle suddenly throws her arms out wide before both heads spin and a strangely off kilter tune comes from the mouths. The crowd silences and watches in awe before the giant robot barrels through them all and dives out the door.

“Don’t just stand there! After it!” Pharynx orders. Though the majority of drones are in no state to follow orders, some still have their wits about them and they run out after your daughter’s unconventional pet.

He then turns to you.

“That means you too private! Get out there and-Where’s 117?!” he says looking to the empty sack with ice shards all around it.

“I-I don’t know sir! I lost the bat in the commotion and then the giant monster showed up and-“

“Oh That’s Just Great!” he hollers and his eyes blaze in an intensity you remember all to well. “The Nightmare Moon brat is behind this! I know she is! We have to…to…”

He trails off as he suddenly looks at you with a quizzical look.

“Uh, sir? I know you’re stressed, but perhaps if we follow the robot then-“

“Blue blood…” he breathes out and suddenly the back of your neck prickles with goosebumps. You follow his line of sight to your cracked hoof, and the blood is no longer frozen.

Oh buckballs, you think in dread as your former sergeant looks back up at your face looking stern and serious.

“Oh, n-no this isn’t blood. This is, uh, blueberry juice! There was some pie at one of the tables and-“

“I never caught your name private, what was it again?” he asks suddenly, stone-faced belaying no emotions.

“Oh, uh, well it’s-it’s uh…Thor…Rynx…Lis…“

“…You’ve gotten better at lying, but you never did do well under pressure 9001,” he interrupts as his eyes narrow. As he does so, the lighting changes once more and the Pinkieling starts playing more techno stuff. The crowd all around you continues to party, not knowing the intense staredown between you and your former superior.

“…Alright, you know what? There’s something I always wanted to say to you,” you growl, dropping the act.

“Let me guess, ‘Buck Me’?”

“Buck y-Hey! Don’t steal my thunder!” you yelp and he just shakes his head in disappointment.

“You’re not the first to get too big for his britches, I’ve heard it all before,” he monotones.

“Yeah, well, I bet you weren’t prepared for THIS!” you shout as you pull out a smoke grenade and throw it at your feet…but there is not explosion or sudden smokescreen. “Huh?”

Looking down, you see as the grenade you pulled is encased in Pharynx’s magic, keeping the weapon from detonating.

“Really?” he exposits and you sweat.

“Uh, how about Ice then you-OW!” you shout as he decks you right in the nose and you fall to the ground.

“If you’re gonna fight, fight, don’t talk,” he reprimands before kicking you in the stomach.

“OOF!” you grunt in pain before gritting your teeth and lashing out at his leg, but he retracts it.

“Oh that’s what you want huh? Well buddy you’re in a bad spot with me down here!” you declare as you suddenly start giving some rad break dancing moves. “I’ll kick your flank with my sick dance fighting skills. So square up you miserable-“

“Enough!” he barks sternly as he quickly transforms into a bug bear and immediately pins you to the ground.

“GAK!” you grunt out in pain as the crowd cheers and continues dancing. “What? But that’s cheating that’s-Hrk”

He puts more pressure on you as he leans the ursine face close to yours.

“We all know you’ve become weakened,” the bear mouth growls. “And though I may admire the power and skill you displayed these last 4 years, when it comes down to it, you still haven’t had the stupid beaten out of ya.”

“Would you kindl-Urk…” you are cut off as he places a thumb like appendage to your throat, cutting off your oxygen flow.

“Yeah, no, we know about the plasmids too. The Elite 5 were outfitted with them last year for Appleloosa before you ruined everything,” he says sternly as you start to see spots in front of your eyes. “Now, I don’t care where the old bug or the Nightmare child went, but right now you are going to see the Queen.”

Your blood drains even more at that and you try to struggle, but he only squeezes tighter.

Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck oh buck oh bu-

“Sleep now 9001, you’ll awaken shortly,” he orders and puts the pressure on. With your vision going black, your eyes dart around the room, and through the dancing crowd of drunks, you swear you catch the image of a cutie mark with two porcelain masks.

“Honestly, why would you think that would work?! You have no real power anymore ya idiot! Still, the delightful pain continues, heh heh heh…” your “Friend’s” words somehow, impossibly echo within your mind. And before all goes black, you know you see the maniacal grin of that mysterious brown earth pony.

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“Buck, Buck Buck!” you curse as you watch a freaking Bug Bear carrying your unconcious dad down the hallway.

Why the buck didn’t you get out Dad?! Mangle made the huge distraction and everything! You think with gritted teeth.

After slipping out of the party, you had caught up with Hope’s friends. They had been a bit weary of you at first until you showed them you pony form, and they recognized you as The Offender’s daughter. The Flim Flam brothers especially remembered you from the fight at Rainbow Falls, so they quickly fell in line and listened to you. You gave them the directions to get to the Flugelhorn room and you all started to make your way there, but you started going slower and slower, hanging back to wait for Daddy. But he didn’t show.

You eventually told the group to go on as you doubled back, and that is when you saw the monster emerging with him. At first you were a tad confused by it’s presence, but then you saw it speak to some changeling guards who had not been at the party.

“9001 has been captured, keep an eye out for his associates. I will be taking him to the Queen,” he ordered in a voice that sounded like a much deeper version of that Pharynx guy.

“Bucking Buckballs!” you curse kick at the ground as the transformed changeling takes your father away.

What the buck am I supposed to do now?! You panic. I still got some of my powers left, but taking on Chrysalis and all those guards right now is just gonna get me, Mommy and Grandbuggy captured again! I-I just need to-I need to…GYAGH!!!

Clenching your teeth and holding in all the screams you want to let out, you shake your head and run back towards Hope’s group.

If I get captured now, this would have been all for nothing! You think angrily. I’ll just get those dorks out of the palace and have them take Grandbuggy and Mommy with them. That way, it will just be me taking the risk to save Daddy!

With that plan in mind, you fly down the hallways just as fast as your little wings can take you.
Eventually, you do get within sight of the Legion of Doom again, but there’s a problem. They are entering the wrong door.

“Hey wait! That’s not the flugel-“ you start to say, but the door closes and you facehoof. “Bucking, GRRR.” Cursing their poor coordination, you fly to the other door, passing the flugelhorn room as you do so. Looking left and right for patrols and seeing none, you immediately open the door and step inside.

“I told you, it was the third door from the corner not the…fourth…door…” you trail off as you see the three ponies and one minotaur staring in awe at a giant horseshoe shaped mirror.

“See, I told you there weren’t no instruments in here!” Lightning Dust reprimands the others before she goes back to staring at the mirror.

“We heard you the first time,” Flam says absentmindedly.

“And most assuredly the second time,” Flim adds, his eyes still trained on the mirror.

“Right, yes, this clearly isn’t the way out…” Iron Will nods, though he can’t help but stare as well.

“This is…this is the mirror Twilight used to get to the human world,” you say remembering Spike’s description of it.

“Humans huh? So it’s a fantasy land?” Lightning Dust snarks.

“Oh it’s real alright, my Daddy could have exited this way if he’d waited or if this one lady got redeemed and-Oh right! Daddy!” you shriek as you tear your eyes away from the interplanetary portal.

“Huh? What about your father little filly?” Iron Will asks at your worried tone, breaking his eyes away from the glass.

“He got captured and is being taken to Chrysalis!” you yelp, and that is enough for the rest to break out of their reverie.

“The Offender got captured?” Flam asks.

“And he’s being taken to Chrysalis right now?” Flim asks.

“Oh buck, he’s so screwed,” Lightning Dust says with a shiver before Will slaps her upside the head. “Ow!”

“Don’t be so callous, that’s this little girl’s father!”

“I wasn’t doing it on purpose, but come on Will, you know just like the rest of us how obsessive she talked about that guy!” she shoots back and Iron Will winces.

“Th-That’s true…”

“Precisely!” you interrupt. “Which is why I need you to take Grandbuggy and My Mommy, get into the Flugelhorn room and use the secret passage so that I can go back and save him!”

“You can’t be serious!” Flim and Flam say at once.

“Dead Bucking Serious!” you shout back.

“Little fi-“

“It’s Nightshade!” you bark.

“N-Nightshade,” Will corrects, “Queen Chrysalis has been sucking all of the juice out of the Crystal Heart for days and personally wants to have you executed.”

“So the buck what?! I’m the only one who can do anything because of those magical dampeners! My Mom and Grandbuggy are sleeping, and Sombra’s currently being dragged through the snow, and it’s all ultimately Hope’s and your guys’ fault for helping that stupid evil wench in the first place!”

They all wince at that, as they should.

“Listen kid, it’s not going to do you any good if you run in their by yourself without any real power!” Lightning tries to reason.

“I KNOW THAT!!!” you shout with tears starting to stream down your eyes. “But what other choice do I have?!

All the adults look at one another, at a loss for words.

“That’s what I thought!” you growl. “So, unless you know where I can find a bunch of hidden magical things, then I’ve got to…to…”

They look at you confused as you trail off.

“Um, Nightshade?” Will asks in a gentle tone, but you ignore him as you remember three days ago when you all had that big pow wow with the Princesses, and the tales your dad told.

There ARE a bunch of full powered magical sources, you realize as your eyes land back on the horseshoe mirror. Magic that the dampeners haven’t gotten to.

“The kid’s shocked and overwhelmed,” Iron Will says sounding guilty.

“We should just drag her with us and we can plan later,” Lightning Dust suggests.

“I don’t know if that’s possible,” Flam says.

“This filly is more powerful than either of us, even with her power dampened,” Flim advises.

Daddy said the human versions of the Elements had magic within them, and that there were also magic stones that gave power too, you remember his tales. But how am I supposed to get to them? Twilight said it took like 30 Moons to open, and I can’t count on luck for that Sunset lady to conveniently open it up right now so how?

“Then build a machine or something to hold her, isn’t that what you two are good at?” Lightning Dust complains and your eyes widen. You look about the room and see all kinds of observational and mechanical doo-dads that were no doubt set up by Twilight Sparkle herself. You remember Spike talking about how she was thinking of getting around the 30 Moon waiting time through technology, she even said so during the meeting.

MACHINES!!! You dad voices echoes from your memories.

“That’s it!” you declare suddenly and they all get startled.

“What? What’s it?” Will asks but you turn to the two ponies in their fancy hats.

“You two! Swindler Twins!”

“We’re not swindlers!” Flam huffs.

“Yes, we are legitimate busi-“ Flim starts, but you cut him off.

“Whatever! Look, you two are good with creating machines of all kinds yes?”

They all swell with pride at that and pose.

“We should say we are,” they say in unison.

“Good, because right now I think you two are gonna get a head start in the interdimensional travel business,” you say as you point to all the tools and mechanical pieces around the room.

“Huh? What are you getting at kid?” Dust asks confused.

“It’s simple, we all help the showpony’s get this portal to the Human World open!” you declare as you alight your horn and start pushing the three ponies towards it.

“Wait, hold on, we’re gonna what?” Flim asks.

“That sounds like a tall order to fill,” Flam gaps.

“Just finish what Princess Twilight’s already started, she’s sure to have notes around here,” you order. “Now hurry up, time works differently over there, but I still want this working before Chrysalis gets her filthy hooves on my Daddy!”

“Why exactly are we doing Nightshade?” Will asks in concern.

“Because my Dad’s got friends on the other side,” you respond seriously.

Back During The Events of the Party


Cold. That is the first sensation that you take note of. It is a familiar presence, the frozen bite of the tundra wind and snow. It’s one you’ve felt from your earliest childhood all the way to your conquest as king, and even during your lowliest moments trapped within the mindscape of a simplistic changeling.

But there is something different about this cold, and you can’t quite put your hoof on it. Really it’s hard to put your hoof on anything since your thoughts are still a jumbled mess, but the sensations around your body are slowly bringing you to clarity.

Wait…body? You wonder.

Sure enough, the moment you think this, you can take note of your hooves, your legs, your tail, even your luxurious flowing mane. This isn’t a sensation brought about by the illusions of the mindscape, this is real.

How do I have a body? Did I escape? Did the roach die and release me? No, we were at a meeting weren’t we? We met with the rulers of Equestria then there was a bright light and…

“Please understand Queen Rabia, he needs time to recover and these other creatures could use sanctuary.”

…Hope? You think as your mind leaves the mist a little bit more. You would know that voice anywhere. But that’s not possible, she’s been gone for a thousand years. She couldn’t possibly be…unless…

After the bright light and the intense pain of being reformed, you do recall hearing her voice then as well, and feeling her hooves supporting your neck.

Unless I’ve made it to the afterlife, you theorize before your body shivers. But why would Tartarus be so cold? And why would a good soul like hers be here?

“We cannot risk him becoming trapped in here with us,” a distorted feminine voice says as if over some great distance and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as you recognize it. “The key to our freedom still lies within him and within the Empire.”

It’s the voice that changed everything for you and set you down the path of vengeance, anger and torment that led you to this very moment.

Wait…could it be I’m not dead? You wonder as you start to feel more and more of your body as the nerve endings begin to come online, one after the other.

“I…I see, then what about the others?” Hope’s voice implores. “These creatures are but the first of many that we hope to free from the Changeling Queen’s hold.”

“Hmmm, refugees is it?”

“Why not consider it potential friends, benefits pending,” a suave male voice says.

“I…don’t quite understand your tone pony…” the dark voice says sounding confused.

“Well I’d be willing to teach you all about it Ma’am, put a pretty face to that pretty voice,” he says in a sly tone.


“Jack, for goodness sake,” another feminine voice sighs.

“This is the Queen Mr.! Don’t be trying…That!” Hope’s voice squeaks and your eye brows knit together as the stupidity of the situation starts to clarify in your mind.

“Yo Frosty, am I missing some pony cues or was that dude hitting on that rock?” a young voice asks.

“It’s not Frosty! There’s no Y at the end,” another young male voice grumbles.

“Oh whatever, answer the question!”

“I…I’m pretty sure it’s what you’re thinking dragon, unless ponies in this day and age can marry crystals or something.”

“I wouldn’t put it past them, I saw some weirdoes out in Applewood,” the other voice shudders.

Okay, something idiotic is going on, and I don’t hear the cockroach’s voice, something’s amiss!

With all of your willpower, you slowly open your eyes. At first, you see many blurred shapes of different colors all around you surrounded by white, but as your vision focuses, you understand the scene.

You are in what looks like a large improvised igloo made primarily out of ice. Touching said ice is what looks like a blue colt, though parts of his body seem to be translucent and wispy. At the center is that small red dragon Nightshade always beat on, keeping a fire lit. Surrounding the small fire are more than a dozen injured changelings, who huddle together for warmth. At the far end of the enclosure are three ponies standing in front of a familiar looking red crystalline spire.

One is a very handsome stallion with a cocky grin on his face, the other is a light blue pegasus mare with bubbles for a cutie mark, and last but not least…

“Hope?” you gasp out, your breath steaming in front of you, and suddenly all eyes are on you.

“Ah, he awakens…” the voice from the crystal says sounding pleased.

“Huh, it seems being close to his own kind has helped speed up his recovery,” the handsome stallion theorizes, but you only barely hear him as your eyes do not leave the crystal mare who’s eyes begin to well up with tears.

“Sombra…” she breathes out, giving you the saddest, most heartbreaking smile you’ve ever seen.

“How…how…?” you gasp, as you try to discern if this is an illusion or a dream, but you don’t have long to ponder as the mare leaps across the igloo and wraps her hooves around your neck.

“Sombraaaa~” she bawls as she grips you tight and buries her face into your neck. Any thoughts you had of this being an illusion are now fully gone as you realize, with one hundred percent sincerity, that this is in fact the real Radiant Hope.

“I…I…” you sputter, at a loss for words as your own tears well up, and the only thing you can do is grip the mare back just as enthusiastically with your new body.

“Oooh, that’s a good flavor coming off them,” a changeling with an eyepatch says as suddenly, the changelings around you all opening their mouths and licking at the air.

“Ew, what the buck?” the small dragon gags, but you drown them out. You don’t know how or why, but she’s back. She’s back and that’s all that matters in this moment.

“I missed you,” she sniffles in your ear.

“I…missed you too.”

POV Change: Nightshade

Surprisingly, attaching mechanical components to an ancient magical mirror to create a passage to another dimension was really freaking fast and easy. You don’t know whether this is more of a testament to Flim and Flam’s ingenuity, or whether Twilight leaves that good of notes, but either way, it worked.

The mirror, while beautiful and mesmerizing before is now full on enchanting with it’s surface shimmering like water.

“Flam?” Flim asks.

“Yes Flim?” Flam answers.

“I do believe we’ve just expanded our business potential.”

“Iron Will…doesn’t know what to say…” the minotaur sputters in awe.

“This thing’s pretty baller, not gonna lie,” Lightning Dust says “eloquently.”

“Yeah it is,” you say with wide eyes.

“And we’re really gonna go through that? To another dimension?” Iron Will asks.

“Eyup, unless of course you wanna wait here and risk getting arrested for treason,” you shrug.

“I vote not that,” Flim says.

“Yeah, me as well,” Flam adds.

“Smart decision,” you nod. And with that, you go to the entrance door and lock it with your magic, before pulling several crates and mechanical scrap in front of it.

“Ah, pretty smart there covering our rear,” Iron Will praises as he helps you.

“If we were smarter, we would have done this while those dudes were building the dang thing,” you mutter. After you’re finished, you stand back in front of the glistening surface, and despite your earlier words, you can’t help but feel awed. “A-anyway, from what my dad told me, this shouldn’t hurt, but it will feel weird.”

“What will?” asks Lightning Dust.

“Getting turned into a human,” you say.

“Wait, wha-YAH!” Lightning shrieks as you push her in.

“Wait, wait, wait!” Iron Will bellows as you do the same to him.

“Can’t we get a countdown fi-AH!” Flim and Flam shriek as they all disappear.

Left all alone, you take a deep breath before you look back over your shoulder.

“I’ll be back Daddy, just hold out until I bring the cavalry,” you say aloud. You then turn back to the mirror and with all of your resolve, you slowly walk towards it. First you stick your hooves through, and though it reflects like water, it isn’t wet. Taking one last deep breath, you place your face through the portal...


Episode 97: Stargate: SG-Dumb

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Kichi’s Comment

After having your molecules broken apart and reassembled while going faster than the speed of light, you emerge on the other side of the portal with a blinding flash of white.

“Whoa…that was trippy,” you say as you blink your eyes and try to get your vision back, seeing the warbling of this side’s portal next to you.

“Anyone get the number on that carriage?” you hear Iron Will ask.

“I’ve had my share of barrel rolls, but that was a whole new level,” Lightning Dust grumbles.

“We’ll probably have to make adjustments in the future,” Flim mutters.

“Or at least offer vomit bags to cross dimensional travelers,” Flam adds.

“Good call,” you say as you get your hooves under you. “But the important thing is that it worked and…wait a minute, hooves?”

As your vision clears you see that you are indeed still standing on your own four hooves. Looking about you see that your new companions are still ponies and a minotaur respectfully and your jaw drops.

“Hey, I thought we were supposed to turn into humans or something?” Lightning Dust asks.

“I thought we were,” you say in all sincerity.

“Maybe it’s because of our adjustments to the machine?” Flim suggests looking over his hat.

“That would be an added bonus if travelers could remain their original species,” Flam nods.

“I don’t think that’s the case,” Iron Will says, his gaze on your surroundings. Following his line of sight you realize that he is right.

“What the buck?” you asks taken aback.

You appear to be in a city square in Canterlot from the looks of the things, but there are some things that just don’t add up. Like the giant statues of your dad in his nobody cloak, the propaganda posters depicting him rooting out and enslaving ponies, and of course the many street lamps and wilted trees as it seems to be eternal night.

You look back at the portal you just came through and see that it is at the base of the pedestal of one of these giant statues with the words All Hail King Offender carved into it.

“…Well this is Orwellian,” Lightning Dust says after you’ve all had a chance to gawk. With that, you turn and scowl at the unicorn twins.

"You Dumb bucks! You got the wrong dimension!" you shout.

“Huh, I could have sworn we followed the instructions to the letter,” Flim says as he pulls out Twilight’s blue prints.

“We did indeed brother, we didn’t have time to add any of our distinguished branding to it,” Flam scratches his ear as he looks it over.

“Well clearly something went wrong, cause I don’t see any humans anywhere,” you harrumph.

“Yeah, this is too dark and depressing for a human land. Those tend to be all colorful and sickeningly happy,” Lightning Dust says and you all turn to her.

“How would you know?” asks Iron Will and her ears wilt and she looks to the side embarrassed.

“Look, I was a little filly, and My Little Human was always on after school, don’t judge me,” she mutters.

“Ah, OG MLH,” Will nods. “My wife used to watch that too. I still don’t get the fan base for the newest iteration of the show.”

“I know right? What’s with all those sweaty full grown stallions watching-“

“Oh will you put a cork in it?!” you growl “We gotta figure this out before Tyrant Daddy shows up and puts us in a gulag!”

All four of them flinch at that reprimand, but then they raise an eyebrow at you.

“What? You don’t think he’d have a gulag?”

“It’s not that little filly,” Flim says.

“It’s just that that shrapnel in your chest just glowed,” Flam finishes.

“Huh?” you say looking down at the Alicorn Amulet pieces, and sure enough, you see a faint glow to them before they go cold again. “Huh…guess crossing dimensions brought it back on line…which explains while I’m all moody.”

“Well whatever the case, she is right. This is certainly not our destination,” Will advises.

“Right, right,” you nod before looking at the twins and taking a deep breath to calm down. “Can you fix it?”

“We can try,” they both say as Flim pulls some sort of remote out from under his hat and presses a few buttons. The portal seems to shine brighter at that as symbols appear.

“Alright, let’s try this again,” you say to the rest.

“Okay, but don’t push me in again this time,” Lightning Dust snaps before she dives right in, followed soon after by the others. You take a second to look back at the gothic surroundings before you shudder and step through.

Once more, starlight fills your vision as you feel your body twisting and turning as you hurtle at immense speeds before exiting on the other side. This time your vision is only blinded a little bit, but you still fall as you feel unfamiliar limbs under you.

“Ack! Our bodies are different!” Flim and Flam shout.

“That’s a good thing! That means we made it to human land,” you say as you lift unfamiliar digits to your head…only they aren’t as unfamiliar as you would have thought. “Wait, are hands and fingers supposed to be scaly and sharp?”

“Not particularly,” Will says sounding disturbed.

“Yo, no way! We’re freaking Dragons!” Lightning Dust cheers out sounding like she just won the lottery. Looking at your new limbs more carefully, you see that they are covered in pitch black scales.

“Oh Come On!” you roar, a purplish blue flame escaping your jaws as you look at yourself and your companions.

You are short and squat, just like spike, but you can still feel wings behind you. Will is still taller than the rest of you with rippling muscle under his scales, and he has two pronounced horns similar to his originals back home. Lightning Dust is sleek like a teen dragon and is currently attempting to fly using featherless wings, and the Flim Flam bros are still identical, with Flam having a mustache like appendage that reminds you of a catfish whisker.

You have emerged from a statue of what you assume to be a dragon Celestia with the sun above her. You are once more in the middle of a public area, but this time it looks pretty familiar. You see names for shops that are right out of Ponyville, only the construction is more stone oriented and fireproof. And draconified versions of Ponyville citizens are everywhere. As if to hammer that point home, there is a sign that says Welcome To Dragonville not too far away.

“Dudes, is there anyway I could keep this form? This is pretty awesome!” Dust says as she finally starts to get the hang of hovering.

“...” Flim doesn’t answer as you he looks at his claws in disbelief.

“I’m not sure on that one Dust,” Flam says as he takes the remote out of Flim’s claws and starts frowning at it.

“Ah man…” she pouts and your eye starts twitching.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say there are no humans here,” Will snarks.

“Gee you think?” you say pointing to 6 familiar colored dragons who are currently singing something about being True True Friends. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna face down the Dragon Deadly 6.”

Lightning Dust narrows her eyes towards the rainbow scaled dragon down the street, before Will grabs her by the scruff of the neck.

“Don’t even think about it,” he chides.

“I wasn’t, I wasn’t” she lies and pouts.

“Alright, let’s give this another shot,” Flam says as he punches in some more buttons and symbols show up around this new portal.

“But seriously, can’t we stay just a bit longer? I wanna see how fast I can get with these wings,” Lightning Dust begs.

You don’t immediately answer as you spy a purple and green colt amongst the singing dragons

“N-No! We don’t have time!” you force yourself to grunt as you tear your eyes off the ponified Spike and push everyone into the portal with power from your amulet pieces. You briefly feel a moment of hunger looking at the crystalline pieces, before you shake your head and jump through. You are not eating debris out of yourself.

After traveling through this next wormhole, your eyes aren’t blinded at all, but you can tell you are not in human land. For one thing, you are all back in your old bodies (for the most part). For another, the landscape is all purple and techno-ey. There appears to even be a techno beat consistently playing in the background somewhere as you see ponies wearing Tron-esque clothing and visors.

“Oh for-Wrong again!” you growl, throwing you visor off of your face.

“I don’t know, I kind of dig the aesthetic,” Dust says, admiring her robot arm.

“Iron Will is not a fan!” Will says, his metallic arms whirring in anger as his laser eyes glow red.

“We seem to have made another mistake brother,” Flim’s robotic voice says.

“Confound this Magi-Tech!” Flam curses, his tank tracks digging a hole underneath him.

“Why aren’t you taking us to the right spot?!” you growl as your Alicorn Amulet pieces light up, accompanied by synthesizer sound effects.

“Well it’s not that easy since we have no point of reference,” Flim says.


“Twilight Sparkle crossed when the portals were naturally connected, right now it’s a bit difficult to find it without any point of reference,” Flam answers.

“Oh for Buck’s sake!” you curse as the portal lights back up again, being on the side of a huge synthesizer. “Back into the portal then!”

Another World

You then emerge out of another portal, this time with the statue being of Mangle.

“What the-“ you start before you hear countless screams. Your group, in their normal bodies sees as many copies of Mangle swarm like locusts across Vanhoover, attacking ponies.

“That’s a big nope from me,” Lightning Dust says as she immediately goes back through.

“Yeah, nope,” you nod and jump through.

Another World

You then arrive in another Ponyville, only the Deadly 6 in strange colored suits calling in giant robots to fight a kaiju that is stomping around.

“Wrong!” you say as the bros punch in a few more numbers and you make a retreat.

Another World

You all then emerge in a nearly decrepit Canterlot, where Zombies like the ones from Sunnyville fill the street. The undead all turn to your group and immediately start moaning and shuffling their way over.

“New Place, New Place, New Place!” you shriek as you blast a group away and you all tumble backward through the portal.

Another World

And as you all tumble on the other side, you see a scene similar to the first wrong world you visited, only now it’s YOU on the propaganda posters and with the statues.

“Oh Come On! Why Am I The Villain?!” you shout and kick at the ground.

“There could be any number of reasons with multi-universal theory,” Flim says.

“One small decision that differs from how our world’s timeline went, and suddenly there are radical changes,” Flam nods.

“Some of these seem a bit extreme though,” Will says with a frown as a horde of changelings buzz overhead led by a Chrysalis with butterfly wings.

“Onward my soldiers! For all of Equestria!” she commands as they fly towards the castle and your jaw just drops.

“Wel…that’s a thing,” Lightning Dust shrugs.

“It’s Bullspit is what it is! I hate this universe! Can’t we just go to the human one already?!” you demand. “I mean, how many are even left?!”

"Billions" says Flim.

"Trillions," says Flam.

"Of infinite zero" they say together causing you to groan.

“That…doesn’t sound very promising,” Iron Will mutters.

“Yeah, I don’t think we have the time to see all of them,” Dust agrees.

“We most certainly don’t! Seriously, is there any way to narrow it down?!” you growl as your shards blip.

“We’re already narrowing it down each trip,” Flim says.

“But that’s still a lot of data to work with and-“ Flam starts but is interrupted.

“There she is!” several changelings shout as they begin to dive bomb you.

“Ugh, this sucks!” you grumble as the brothers punch in more coordinates and you all hop through, leaving the Heroic Changelings behind.

Nighstlayer’s Comment

Another World

With another cross dimensional jump which you’re starting to get used to, you all now find yourself in a different kind of setting. You emerge from some sort of Obelisk on a balcony overlooking a sandy desert.

“What in the-Nightshade, what are you doing up this late? And who are these folks with you?” your Dad’s voice asks.

“Wha-Dad? I’m…” you trail off as you turn around to see your Dad dressed in Saddle Arabian clothing, sitting on a chair made of polished sandstone, and around him are many mares in see through silk clothing. They include many of your Dad’s stalker gang, like Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Octavia, Vinyl, Aloe, and many more. “…The buck?”

“Oh my…” Iron Will shields his eyes while Flim and Flam blush and Lightning Dust just looks disturbed.

“I told you honey, night time is my time, so go back to your room immediately,” he orders as he takes a smoke from a hookah pipe. “The pegasus may stay, but the other ones shall be thrown to the lions.”

“We were just leaving actually,” Flam says nervously as he presses the buttons hurriedly and jumps through.

“Besides we’re too stringy to eat,” Flim adds as he follows.

“Iron Will has a family!” the minotaur shrieks as he jumps through.

“Sorry, changelings still ain’t attractive! Also, go to Tartarus Rainbow Dash!” Lightning shouts as she retreats.

“What did I do?” the scantily clad mare asks.

The alternate version of your dad raises an eyebrow at this before you chuckle nervously and back up.

“Sorry Aladdin Dad, this is all a dream~” you say spookily before you too disappear.

Before you are sucked in completely, you see him look at his hookah pipe suspiciously, but in the next instant, you are once again one among the stars.

Another World

After that, you find yourself in a field, the portal behind you glowing out of the side of a barn…and everything is hyper realistic. The grass, the barn, the sky, even the sun, all the colors are muted and just…wrong looking (realistic). There are even ponies out in the field…and they are nightmare inducing with long faces and creepy black eyes. You then find to your shock, the rest of you are just the same.

“Oh gods, what the buck?!” you screech as you see your companions in Ultra 4K HD.

“I don’t like this…I don’t like this!” Lightning Dust mutters, her face even more elongated (like a real horse) with wings that are far larger than her pair back home.

“I don’t appreciate my eyes being on the side of my head like this,” Flam says, his hat barely resting on his head.

“Also, I’m pretty sure my moustache is just a piece of a feed bag!” Flam mutters.

“Calm down ponies,” Iron Will orders, his bull nose moist and breathing audibly. “At least we’re not in danger.”

“My sanity is in danger! I’ll take anything over this!” you shout as you light up your horn and start pressing buttons on the remote, and you see that even your horn has become elongated, and seems more like a rhino horn. “AAAHHHH!!” you shriek as you hurry through.

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

The Other World

After arriving in the next world though, you realize your words were said in haste.

“Holy Crap…” you say as you and the rest look horrified by the desolate dead world around you. There are remnants of burnt buildings, and bodies everywhere, including husks of Daleks and space ships. Up in the sky, the Sun sits stationary on the horizon with a broken moon splayed out across the cosmos.

“…I take it back, this is much worse,” you say as you realize exactly which world this is.

“What in the hay happened here?” Flim sputters, his face white as sheet.

“The freaking world ended apparently,” Lightning Dust says with a disturbed look as she sees the skeleton of a giant centaur.

“But what could have cause such destruction?” Iron Will says as you all view the remnants of Canterlot.

“A Nightmare,” you say without elaboration as you spy a crater off in the distance. From what you gathered from Daddy, the changeling who killed the world is lying over there. The one who’s Inventory you now carry.

Shaking your head you turn to Flam.

“Go ahead and punch another sequence in, I don’t want to stay in this place,” you say.

“Uh…y-yeah, of course,” he nods, still horrified as he follows your orders.

You look back at the destruction as the portal is activated and you shake your head.

To think, I slept through all of this madness…

And with that you all step into the next world, thankful to leave the past in the past, even if it means randomly hopping between dimensions.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Back at the Empire

POV Change: Sombra

“Oh, I’ve missed you so much! I was so worried!” Hope bawls as she buries her muzzle into your shoulder.

“How…how is this possible?” You ask with tears building up in your eyes. “I didn’t curse you, so how are you here?”

“I stayed with your mother in the prison waiting for the day you would return!” Hope cries pulling back, “time it moves slower in there, kind of like hibernation and…well, I’m here now.”

It seems too good to be true, but you can’t deny the evidence right before you. Her voice, her fur, her scent, it’s just as you remember.

“You…you waited for me…” you stutter, still overwhelmed by too many emotions at once. She smiles at that and sniffles.

“Of course I did, I had to. I just had to,” she says with pure conviction. “I abandoned you when you truly needed me the most, and I swore I wasn’t going to let that happen again.”

A bit of hurt strikes through your heart at that.

“Hope, you didn’t-“

“If I had stayed then perhaps things would have been different. I didn’t know what I know now and I left you all alone and-“ she rambles and you shush her by giving her another hug.

“I don’t blame you Hope.”


“I don’t blame you for running. I let the power and hatred overwhelm me and I didn’t try to explain and…” you can’t say anymore as you remember what you did afterwards, fueled by your heartbreak. “I was going to come back for you. Through time and space I was going to return…but it doesn’t matter now. You’re here. You’re actually here.”

“Yes Sombra, I’m here, and I’m never going to leave again,” she coos into your ear.

It’s been a long time since you could say you’ve been truly happy. Sure the euphoria of seeing all the humans was breath of fresh air, but this…this makes your heart sing.

Behind you, you can hear the Changelings watching intently, and you can hear them licking at the air, which you find annoying, but you ignore them for now.

“I’m…I’m…I’m glad you were able to find a way to find me again,” you say as the tears fully drop now. She chuckles at that and sniffles again.

“Oh it wasn’t easy. When the Empire returned I wanted to find you right away, but then we felt the Crystal Heart activate which set me back a year,” she explains before her tone starts to get hysterical. “And when I got out I learned what had happened, about how you’d been eaten by the Offender and I was so worried! I thought you’d been killed and-“

“I’m fine Hope, I’m right here, alive and well,” you reassure her as you pull back and look her in the eye with a smile, to which she returns. It’s then that you realize exactly what you just said means. “Hold on a moment, I am alive and well!”

“Huh?” she asks confused.

“I have a body again!” you say as you start feeling yourself up and down. “I kind of forgot that in the moment seeing you. How did this happen? The cockroach said we would take care of this once the meeting was over and…wait…the meeting!”

Your brainwaves start to become smoother and you remember the bright flash as that Jack fellow showed up. Hope gives a nervous chuckle at that and rubs the back of her neck.

“Oh yeah, about that…” she says sheepishly and you raise an eyebrow.

“Hope? What happened?” you ask wearily.

“Yes for the gods’ sake, tell him already! We’re freezing to death here!” Garble interrupts and everyone in the igloo turns to give him deadpan looks. “Oh shove off! You were all thinking it! I didn’t cause this mess by teaming up with Queen Death Bug to take over the Empire!”

“Take over the Empire? Queen Death Bug?” you repeat confused before you turn back to Hope who looks even more sheepish, with closed eyes and pursed lips. “Hope? What does the whelp mean by that?”

“Umm, you see,” Hope says letting you go. “I may have sort of….let Chrysalis take over the Empire in order to save you from your imprisonment inside of Bugze?” she blurts out with a guilty-looking face.

“…WHAT?!” you exclaim, causing your voice to echo inside the small enclosed area and Hope scrunches her face and avoids eye contact.

“Ahem, if I could kindly interject?” You turn to see a rather suave and handsome stallion stand up.

“You?! You’re that Time Traveler’s ally! The one who sent us to the Human world in the first place!” you accuse before narrowing your eyes. “You showed up at the end of the palaver with the royalty and-“

“That’s all correct, except for that last part I’m afraid Mr. tall dark and handsome,” he interrupts and you sneer at that. “Some upstart took my face for that last one, but yes, good job on accomplishing your mission by the way.”

You continue to glare at the stallion who is far more handsomer than you and you grit your teeth.

“Not like I had any choice in the matter,” you spit.

“You say as though you didn’t enjoy yourself over there,” Jack rolls his eyes. “But anyway, back to explanations. The short of it is, your marefriend here went nuts when she discovered what happened to you, concocted a convoluted plot to ‘save’ you and free the Umbrum from their imprisonment with a ragtag group of people who all had grudges with the Elements of Harmony.”

“Huh?” you gasp as Hope starts to whistle.

“Oh yes, she freed Chrysalis and her Hive from imprisonment, and then during the chaos of the Equestria Games, they took over the Empire. I myself was taken prisoner by them and my device stolen, which is what Chrysalis used on Bugze which gave you and Selena their own bodies.”

“So…that was the Changeling Queen that shot that bright light then?” you ask as you start to piece some things together.

“That’s correct. The last thing I would do is blast that thing off in such an enclosed area. But yes, after that everyone was taken prisoner, aside from Ms. Ditzy Do here,” he says pointing to the pegasus mare with crooked eyes. Said mare coughs into her hoof and gives him a knowing glare to which he winces and corrects himself. “Sorry, Ms. Ditzy Do-Turner here.”

“That’s better,” the mare says satisfied and the stallion rolls his eyes.

“But anyway, after it’s all said and done, Hope’s allies were in control of everything until a little while ago when Chrysalis betrayed them all. That insane lady is now letting the Empire freeze over in an attempt to flush out Nightshade and Selena who had avoided her clutches.”

“Which was my doing by the way,” Hope interjects, looking embarrassed. “I mean, I did do one thing right. I also helped hide Bugze when he woke up and somehow got out of his cell.”

“I still don’t know how he managed to do that, when I was sneaking around the place he’d had so many guards stationed in front of cell,” the wall eyed pegasus adds.

“Well however he did it, he’s trying to save my other associates and his Grandfather even as we speak,” Hope continues.

“Okay, but what of Nightshade and the shadow that calls herself her mother?” you ask looking to the returned mare. “You said you hid them from the Changeling Queen? What’s happened to them?”

“Oh, yeah, well when Chrysalis blasted Bugze with the device and gave you power, everyone in the room was weakened, including them,” she explains. “It’s how we were able to take over so easily, but with how she was speaking about them, I felt it necessary to hide them away till they were better. Nightshade recovered first, but Selena is still on the mend.”

“So…Nightshade is fine then?” you ask.

“Last I saw her she was, though she was helping Bugze get to his Grandfather,” Hope nods. “She is a very…unique little filly, I’ll give her that.”

You breathe out a sigh of relief at that. Though you’ve come to some sort of…kinship with the bug and the shadow, you would still rate them lower than Nightshade in your list of worries.

“She is indeed very unique, and strong, far stronger than anything else on this planet,” you say with confidence. But even if that’s the case, you still can’t help but feel a tinge of anger that the Changeling Queen is after her. Speaking of which, all of this information of what’s transpired finally starts to process.

“By the gods, how long was I out?” you ask in bewilderment as you put a hoof to the base of your new horn.

“Three days,” a tall changeling with an eye patch speaks up.

“Three Days?!” you shout again in alarm, and the changeling takes a step back, and he’s not the only one. Now that you have a chance to take stock of the creatures sharing this space, you can truly grasp just how injured some of the bugs are. Many of them even look at you warily, like prey eyeing a predator.

“Three days?” you ask in a calmer tone trying not to spook the bugs.

Huh, how ironic, the ‘master of fear’ trying to not be scary, you think briefly before focusing yourself.

“That’s correct Sombra,” Hope nods.

“And by my calculations, you all should have taken longer to recuperate, but I suppose the current location has helped speed that along, for you at least.” Jack explains. “The influx of magic is certainly boosting your recovery.”

“Not to mention my own magic I’ve been using on you,” Hope nods.

“I see…And if you say that the Changeling Queen is letting the Empire freeze then we really don’t have all that much time then,” you say with a sigh and try to stand up. You feel your knees buckle as you struggle to stand, and the sensation of ground beneath your hooves is nostalgic and almost alien in a way.

It’s been so long since I’ve had a true body…this will be a problem, you realize. Luckily though, there is someone there to help keep you steady.

“Easy there, don’t try to do too much at once,” Hope says as she allows you to lean on her, which you do so with gusto.

“Time is of the essence, so I have to…but thank you for the support,” you say to her with a grin, to which she returns. You then turn your gaze back to the Captain, “So I take it there’s some kind of plan?”

Well, that depends on you, son. A ghostly voice speaks out, and for the second time you feel your heart stop and body jolt. You turn and stare at the towering red crystal within the igloo. It pulses and glows ominously red, yet somehow it seemingly makes the area around it darker despite the light of the fire. Your ears perk up as you hear a dull hum of whispers just barely audible coming from the crystal, all of which become silence when your mother speaks once more. It’s so good to see you, my child, despite the current circumstances.

“Rabia, mother, it’s been so long,” you say staring directly toward the crystal as you take some wobbly steps toward it. Hope assists you so that you do not trip over your new legs, but other than her and you, no one else inside the igloo dares make a sound or move. All is quiet save for the flickering of the fire and raging wind of the blizzard outside.

Indeed, over a thousand years. I never imagined it would’ve taken so long for our next meeting. Rabia speaks, her distorted voice echoing through the igloo. You notice as some of the others get on edge when she speaks, especially the changelings, but you can’t blame them. They are hearing the power radiating voice of the Queen of the Umbrum after all. Honestly child, were you trying to make your mother wait? she speaks in a playful tone, though you catch and underling hint of annoyance as well.

“Things have been difficult, I never planned to be trapped in the body of a changeling with questionable sanity after returning with the Empire,” you remark truthfully with your own hint of annoyance, “But I am here now and I still intend to free you mother, and all of the Umbrum.”

I know my child, however, I am worried that the cards are stacked against you. The queen sighs. From what Radiant Hope has told us, this Queen Chrysalis has taken over the Empire, and bested the mighty alicorns. She has purposely allowed the frozen north to nearly swallow up the city, and she wields the very weapon that can harm us.

“The Crystal Heart,” You say with some venom, the memories of the pain it brought you flashing through your mind, as well as how powerful it was when you used it against Bugze.

Indeed, and what’s more they’ve acquired some kind of magic dampener, and while I doubt it could completely lock away our powers, I would not risk trading one prison for another,” she informs. “It seems pertinent to retreat and gather strength would it not”

“Your majesty, we simply don’t have time for that,” Ditzy says stepping forward. “The longer we wait the longer the crystal ponies will suffer! They will be buried along with the Empire and Chrysalis wouldn’t care. All she is obsessed with is Bugze!”

My dear pony, I must do what the best is for my people. I will not endanger them in order to save those who put us in this very prison, to begin with! Rabia retorts, her calm demeanor replaced with anger for a moment. I am being generous enough in humoring the possibility for you and these refugees into the safety of the prison. But my patience can only go so far!

“Your majesty I can personally guarantee that if you help us the princesses and ponies will surely come to some sort of arrangement for freeing your people, we face a common enemy here,” Jack says, playing at diplomacy. “Would you not do the same if it were your people threatened instead?”

And if this daring operation were to fail? I will not subject my people or my children to any possible danger! I’ve spent so long without my son only to have him return to me now and you ask to send him back into hostile territory that could threaten all of us? the queen inquires with authority, shaking the igloo with the sound of her voice.

“Queen Rabia please!” Hope implores, stepping forward with you as all eyes turn to her. “Chrysalis is a clear and present threat to everyone, if she were to be ignored it would be a terrible mistake! Her madness and obsession over the changeling called Bugze makes her unpredictable and dangerous to everyone, even her own people.”

At that she points her hoof at the injured and dejected changelings to emphasize her point.

“If she is willing to do this to those who question her, what do you think will happen to those who pose a threat to her? And she has made it clear that I am one such threat, as well as anyone associated with me!” she declares, and you are in awe of her speech.

You used to not be able to hold a conversation with anyone aside from me…you’ve certainly grown Hope, you think with pride, before you scowl and look to the red crystal.

“Hope is right mother, and if it’s one thing I know for certain, it’s the unpredictability of changelings with cracked minds,” you assure. “With her in command of the heart, it would be devastating if she were turn her attention to our people. Please, for all our sakes, help us.”

Silence fills the small ice chamber as all eyes turn to the crystal and not even the ever present whispers make a sound as the suspenseful quiet continues. Eventually though, the crystal flashes red and a small portal opens up at it’s base.

Very well,” Rabia proclaims. “Hope has been a true ally and friend to the Umbrum for many centuries and I trust my son’s judgment. If this is what you two believe is best, then I shall give assistance. I grant sanctuary to all those who would ally with you.

You let out a sigh with relief as the mood changes to a more hopeful atmosphere.

“Thank you mother,” you say in gratitude.

“Yes, thank you Queen Rabia, you won’t regret this,” Hope says with beaming smile before turning to the injured changelings. “Alright everyone go forward one at a time, nice and slowly.”

And as she instructs the giant bugs on the proper etiquette and what have you for entering, you take a glance inside the glowing doorway. The portal leads to a strange underground fog-filled swamp, and a set of stairs leads further down into the cavern. From this angle, you can’t see too much more, but you do catch movement as a figure comes from out of the fog and toward the portal. It resembles a pony in shape, only much smaller, and it’s body appears to be made up of that same shadow and fog that permeates the swamp. Upon it’s back are white smoke-like butterfly wings, and it’s eyes bleed out a white mist similar to how your eyes produce purple smoke when using your magic.

Welcome to the Prison of Shadows,” Rabia’s voice speaks from the creature, though still powerful enough to echo across the barrier.

“Mother…” you gasp in awe as your eyes start to blur with tears. You had only ever heard her voice, but this…this is what she looks like. What the Umbrum look like. What you would look like had you not been turned into a pony. The shock of it all is overwhelming, and you make a move towards her, but she quickly holds a hoof up in warning.

I know my son, but not yet. The barrier still holds and I would not have you trapped in here as well,” she warns with sadness in her voice, before giving you a small smile. “But soon my child.” Before you can say or do anything else in response to that, another slightly smaller Umbrum excitedly flies next to her.

Is this him? Is that Sombra!” The younger Umbrum asks with glee. “Are those his friends? Oh is that miss Hope mother? Is it time at last?!

Wait did she just say- you begin to think before you are cut off as the smaller Umbrum flies toward the portal with great speed.

Ira wait no!” Rabia shouts in alarm, but it’s too late as the young Umbrum collides with the barrier only to be shocked with magic and thrown back violently.

GYAH!” the now named Ira cries out as she lands with a thud and forms into a cloud of smoke.

You and many of the others inside the igloo gasp as your mother runs over to the injured umbrum, who quickly reforms with bits of magical static flowing over her.

Oww,” she groans in pain and the Queen frowns at her.

Ira, have you not learned a thing? The barrier is still up girl, you could’ve seriously hurt yourself!” she chides while helping her to her hooves. Ira merely shakes her head to shrug off the residual magic and smiles sheepishly at the older umbrum.

Sorry mother, I was just so excited to see Sombra and I…” she trails off as Rabia shakes her head.

“Is she alright?” Derpy asks in concern.

“Yes, this isn’t the first time she’s done this,” Hope sighs, “don’t worry she bounces back very quickly.”

“I...have a sister?” You finally say drawing attention back on you.

Heh, seems I’ve ruined the surprise huh mother?” Ira says with a sheepish grin and your mother rolls her eyes. Rabia then motions the younger umbrum towards you and, carefully this time, she approaches the portal and stares right into your eyes.

Hi, big brother.

Kichi’s Comment

Another World

POV Change: Nightshade

“Achoo!” you sneeze which echoes down the hallway.

“Bless you,” Iron Will says.

“Thanks,” you nod and rub your nose on your hoof.

“You’re not getting sick from dimension hopping are you? Is it contagious?!” Lightning Dust asks with worry for herself.

“Nah, just had a tickle,” you hoofwave. “Almost as if something was trying to be added to my already complicated family tree…but whatever! This still isn’t the right place!”

Once more you’ve arrived in another world that isn’t the human one and your annoyance has only grown. You’ve been starting to lose track of how many worlds you’ve been through at this point, and the only silver lining that you can take out of the whole mess is that Time Works differently so you haven’t lost all that much time in the real world.

“Are we even close to making a dent?” you grumble as you look about at the hall of mirrors you find yourself in.

“A miniscule one, but yes,” Flim nods.

“Are we even gonna be able to find our way back home at this rate?” Lightning whines as she checks her many reflections.

“We do have ourselves as the subjects for our home dimension coordinates, so we’ll be fine in that regard,” Flam points out.

“At this point, Iron Will is just ready to go back home and just try again,” the minotaur grumbles.

“No, nuh-uh, not a chance if that means us having to start at the beginning again,” you shake your head. “Punch in the next coordinates and let’s get go-“

“Sorry Nightshade, but Spike is in another castle,” a bubbly voice interrupts causing you to flinch in surprise. Turning to the source, you spy a familiar white unicorn filly.

“Sweetie Belle?” you question as you see your friend standing in a doorway that leads to a room full of toys and a bed.

“Yup, that’s me, been awhile,” she smiles. “Now that you found me I said the line and I can go home again.”

“Huh?” you ask with raised brow. “What are you talking about?”

Your friend then frowns in confusion.

“Umm… You rescued me? Now I can go home while you continue to look for Spike and defeat all of the Offenders?” she explains as if it’s obvious.

“Offenders?” you say taken aback. “What the heck happened in this universe? And what happened to Spike?”

“Don’t you remember?” she asks confused. “The Hooded Offender used the mirror pool making an army and all the clones kidnapped everyone in Ponyville and put them each in a different castle. You’ve been defeating the clones and rescuing us and for some reason Spike is the one being held in the most secure area.”

You just stare, your mouth agape at that explanation before shaking your head and groaning.

“Sounds like your Dad’s ripping off Mareio Bros there,” Lightning Dust observes.

“I figured that!” you grunt before turning back to the alternate Sweetie. “Look Sweetie, I’m not the Nightshade you’re waiting for so…you’re gonna have to wait a little longer.”

“What?!” she exclaims. “But I want to go home already! Sure the Offender clone feeds me plenty and gives me toys and stuff, but I wanna go see my parents and Rarity again!”

“Yeah, well you’re gonna have to wait for YOUR Nightshade to do that, I got other fish to fry,” you shrug.

“There’s 108 castles! I have no idea which one I’m in!” she stomps her hoof. “I wanna go home!”

“Oh, in that case-LOOK! A DISTRACTION!” you shout pointing behind her.

“What?! Where?!” she asks as she turns around and you take the chance to push yourself and your colleagues into the portal. When Sweetie turns around, you are all gone.

“Oh you miserable hussy! I thought we were friends?! I swear to Celestia I will sabotage your love life you piece of-“

“Hey Sweetie, why are you shouting?” another version of you with a messier mane cut and a few scars asks as she drops in from the ceiling.

“What the…how’d you get up there?” Sweetie asks, her anger replaced by confusion.

“I just defeated another version of my Dad,” she explains with a sigh. “This one kept breakdancing and tripping me.”

“Oh…weren’t you with a minotaur and three adult ponies?” she asks and the other you raises a brow.

“Um…not that I recall?”

“…Huh,” Sweetie shrugs.

“But anyway, let’s get you home already, it’s been awhile,” the other you suggests.

“Right, right,” Sweetie nods before perking up. “Oh and the Offender clone said that when you rescued me to say “Sorry Nightshade, but Spike is in another castle.””

The other you sighs and facehooves.

“Of course he bucking is…”

Nightslayer’s Comment

Another World

“And now I’m a bucking dog!” you bark as you stomp your puppy Labrador paws onto the ground adorably.

“This is getting out of hand,” the St. Bernard Iron Will huffs.

“At least you guys are good breeds, why am I a Chihuahua?!” Lightning Dust yips angrily.

“Because you’re short tempered and irritable?” Beagle Flim says.

“Perhaps because it’s a reflection of your own insecurities and self worth?” Beagle Flam suggests.

“Oh screw you guys!” she yaps and begins spinning around in circles.

“Next!” you order.

Another World

“Nani the buck?!” you exclaim as a loud explosion erupts from a building and your Dad (who is seriously roided out and wearing some sort of yellow cloak) comes flying out while fighting a giant mech that looks like Celestia. Also, the world around you is in Anime Style, even you and your group with your eyes being even bigger, and the hairstyles being even more ridiculous.

“Muda muda muda!!!” your Dad cries out as he throws the mech against a building and then gives a dramatic pose. “Your efforts are utterly useless Deadly 6!”

“You’re wrong!” Twilight’s voice comes over the mech’s speakers. “With the power of Friendship, we will never lose!”

“That’s where you’re wrong meanies!” your own voice calls out…but it is sickenly sweet and annoying. Looking up you see as you, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara all come flying in wearing magical filly uniforms.

“Oh come the buck on!” you whimper as you see how your mane is done up in twin tails and you are wearing sickening shades of pink. The Magical Filly Group lands beside your jacked up Dad and blast the mech with hearts from wimpy looking wands with a cry of,

“Love Canon!!!”

The mech bursts dramatically with sparks before it explodes, and the Elements come jumping out of it…only each one has it’s own weird style.

Twilight has on a lab coat and a pair of glasses that reflect way too brightly, Rarity is done up in very sleazy clothing and her eyes sparkle WAY too much, Fluttershy has a horrifying smile on her face and is holding a blood soaked kitchen knife, Rainbow Dash has an eyepatch and a katana, Applejack has on some sort of ninja headband, and Pinkie Pie is dressed like an idol.

“Your evil ends now Offender! You corruption of the Crusaders was the final straw!”

“Well bring it then if you dare, for I have far more allies than them!” your dad says dramatically. As if on cue, Grandbuggy drops in behind him, only he has a beard, sunglasses, a tropical shirt and is wearing some sort of turtle shell on his back. Sombra drops down on his other side, with crystals sticking out of him and one of his eyes is horrifying and looks infected. Your mother then appears as a ghostly apparition above your Dad, and she too is jacked beyond realism.

The Elements, gritting their teeth then start walking towards the enemy group.

“Oh? You’re Approaching Me?” your Dad says smugly.

“Let’s leave this place,” you sigh as you push Flim toward the portal.

“Ah, I wanted to see how this ended,” Lightning Dust complains.

“Listen, I like anime just as much as the next filly, but this world is far too Weabish for my blood,” you snark. And as the portal gets activated, an epic fight that is only minutes long yet takes 50 episodes to complete commences.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

And Another World

In a black and white world with jazz music playing in the background, your Dad stands overlooking a balcony, wearing a fedora and trench coat and smoking a cigarette.

This city is a festering wound, longing for some TLC, but unfortunately, I don’t have medical training. The best I can do is bandage it up as best I can and try to ignore the rotten puss that leaks out…He says dramatically…without opening his mouth at all.

“Was that supposed to be an internal monologue?” Iron Will asks you.

“I have no freaking clue,” you huff and roll your eyes.

The chief’s gone and decided to give me another partner despite my wishes. I don’t need another partner, not after what happened to the old bug, he internally monologues for all to hear. She’s supposed to be a promising up and comer, but I’ve seen her picture, a mare that pretty is only asking to be chewed up by this city. She’d be better off modeling for swimsuit magazines.

“Wow, misogynist much?” Lightning Dust rolls her eyes.

Just then you see as your mother, full flesh and blood flies in from another rooftop towards him, and she is wearing a police uniform.

“Detective 9001?” she asks.

Speak of the devil, and she will appear…

“Maybe I am, who’s asking?” he says gruffly.

“Officer Moon sir, I was told to meet you here?” she says with a salute.

“Heh, cut that out, there’s no need to salute out here. That’s rule number one rookie, saluting just advertises you’re a cop, even more so than your uniform,” he chastises and she looks taken aback.

“Oh, s-sorry sir,” she apologizes and he rolls his eyes.

“And rule number 2, don’t apologize,” he says. “Now, if you even want to pretend to work with me Rook, we’re gonna need to get you some new digs. Out here, the less you look like a cop, the better.”

“Y-Yes Sir! I look forward to working with you!” she says nearly saluting.

“We’ll change that attitude soon enough,” he says with a smirk.

They all change their attitude in the end. All it takes is one day to-

“Oh for buck’s sake! Quit being so dramatic!” you shout, interrupting his monologue. They both turn to your group in confusion.

“Huh?” he asks.

“I said quit being dramatic! Have some fun for the gods’ sake! Jeeze!” you growl, your shards glowing as you pull everyone back into the portal.

Once you’re gone, the versions of your parents look to one another lost.

“Please tell me you saw that too right?” your Dad asks, his gruff tone now sounding like OG Bugze’s.

“I’m pretty sure I did…” your mom says hesitantly. “Though what that meant, I have no clue.”

“Okay…looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking,” he nods as he pulls out a flask.

Here’s Another World

You all exit from a portal embedded into what looks like a version of the horseshoe mirror…only it’s made of prop material. There are spotlights pointed in your direction and you realize that you are on a stage, the background of which looks like the Crystal Empire.

“See now Chrysalis! My daughter herself brings reinforcements!” you hear your dad’s voice say dramatically followed by a musical stinger. Looking over you see another version of your father, who appears to be tied up on a bed, with Queen Chrysalis hovering over him.

“Is that so?!” Chrysalis asks just as dramatically. “Well then, time to rid you of unnecessary attachments aside from myself!” She leaps gracefully between you and the bed and points at you. “Do you really think a pathetic filly like yourself can beat me alone?”

Everything is dead quiet, as you look about with shifty eyes, your companions doing the same.

“Umm…” you guess and you see Chrysalis’s face wince.

“D-Do you think a pathetic filly like yourself can beat me alone?” she implores looking at you with pleading eyes.


You then see her mouthing something that you can’t quite make out aside from the word Alone.

“I, uh, sure I can! No problem?!” you guess more than say.

“CUT!” you hear a frustrated voice call out. Your Dad and Chrysalis groan in frustration as the lights behind the spot lights turn on and you see several creatures sitting in theatre seats. One such creature, a dog wearing sunglasses and holding a megaphone looks pissed.

“For all that is holy Nyx, the line is ‘Who the buck said I’m alone?!’ and then Selena drops in and we get the long overdue catfight! Gods! We might as well just cut this interaction while we’re at it!” he barks and throws a script down. Before you can ask who Nyx is, he begins pointing angrily at Iron Will, Lightning Dust and Flim and Flam. “And you four! You’re not supposed to enter with her! It robs the scene of it’s tension!”

“S-Sorry…” Iron Will apologizes.

“Yeah, uh, sorry,” you apologize as well, though you don’t know why.

“It’s alright, she was probably just thrown off because the others threw her off,” Chrysalis says to the dog in a placating manner.

“Yeah bro, don’t blow a gasket,” your Dad says as she gets off of the bed, and in a flash of green fire his hair is gone.

“Oh whatever! We’re almost done with this project and it’s gotta be perfect! And that means not missing cues!” he growls before looking up above you all. “Go ahead and come down Luna, we’re gonna take a break and then take it again from the top!”

Almost immediately, fluttering down from the rafters is your mother…only as she lands there is a flash of magic and she looks like Luna.

“I still don’t know why I have to keep the visual enchantment up even during rehearsals,” she harrumphs.

“Because it has to be locked in all of your brains so that no one screws up! Even the most miniscule difference can throw someone off, look what happened to Nyx!” the Brown Dog grunts and puts a paw to his forehead. He then sighs before looking at you, pulling his shades down, revealing baggy red eyes. “Look Nyx, I don’t mean to yell at ya. It’s just so antsy being this close to the end you know? I’m sorry for raising my voice.”

“I, uh…” you stutter at a loss for words.

“Wait, we’re taking a break?! I didn’t miss my cue did I?!” you hear…your own voice say. Turning around you see…yourself holding a coffee cup as she comes through the curtain. “Sorry I’m late the line at Starbux was…” She trails off as the two of you lock eyes and suddenly all the cast and crew for this strange meta play all go quiet.

She then rolls her eyes, “Oh hah hah $%#@,” she snarks using your Dad’s real name. “It’s even funnier the fiftieth time! Stop using my likeness or you’re totes gonna get sued you-“

“Um, I’m over here!” the alternate dad says waving and suddenly everyone else is confused again.

“…You all hired another changeling?” this other you asks sounding angry. “Are you trying to replace me?!”

“Who’s getting replaced?” another Iron Will asks as he walks onto stage before stopping and gawking at his doppelganger.

“No, no we didn’t…” the Brown Dog says curiously as he looks to you and the rest. “Who the buck are you people?”

“We’re just, uh, passing through,” you say nervously as you usher the twins to start punching in the codes, but they are way ahead of you.

“Well whatever the case you are using my likeness without my permission Missy!” the other you says haughtily. “So you better drop that disguise right now or.”

“Oh shut the buck up you drama queen!” you say to yourself…which kind of hurts your brain.

“GUUUUGGGGHHHH?!!!” she gasps in shock, dropping her coffee. “How dare you you-“

“Portal’s open,” Flim says hurriedly.

“Good! Go!” you order and the five of you disappear through dimensions again.

The stage performers are left speechless by this turn of events, before the exhausted director canine puts a paw to his lips.

“Not gonna lie, those special effects were pretty dope.”

Oh Look Another World

“So correct me if I’m wrong, but did that last universe imply that our reality was just a stage play?” Flim asks.

“Infinite universes with infinite possibilities brother,” Flam shrugs.

“I…I just can’t…that hurts my brain too much,” Lightning Dust groans and rubs her temple.

“Yeah it was weird, but I’m just mad I’m being played by some snobby primadonna! Who the heck does that Nyx think she is?” you growl remembering her brashness.

“Well, obviously someone that would give a dog director an aneurism,” Iron Will points out.

“Oh don’t get me started on THAT guy! Making me feel dumb when it wasn’t even my fault! Stupid Dog!” you say kicking at the ground.

“…So, are you like, gonna join in on the reinforcements or not?” you hear your Dad ask. He is currently wearing Captain Equestria’s costume, though the shield is broken and facing down a big ugly old goat and his army. All around you are other portals that have opened and several of your allies and enemies you’ve met emerge from them dressed in comic book character costumes. Next to your other dad is another you, dressed as the Falcon.

“Yeah other me, are ya?” she asks.

“No…no I don’t think we will,” you tell them plainly as you all turn around and leave them to their battle.

Kichi’s Comment

It’s Another World Alright

This time, instead of coming out on flat ground, the five of you fall out of a pillar 15 feet in the air.

“AHHHH-OOF!” you all grunt as you all strike the floor, with you crashing right down onto a stone table of some kind piled high with gems and bits.

“What the hay?” a familiar voice says.

“Sp-Spike?” you ask as you shake the dizziness off, and sure enough your favorite dragon is right in front of you…only he’s holding a clawful of cards and wearing sunglasses.

“That strange, creatures show up out of nowhere,” a diamond dog says to his left, also holding playing cards.

“They with you?” asks another diamond dog from behind you.

“Uh…sure, I guess,” the dragon shrugs. “Though I have no idea who they are.”

“What? Spike how could you say that?! Aren’t we friends in this universe?” you plead and he just raises an eyebrow.

“Friends with a pony? Unlikely!” he says with a cold demeanor and you gasp in shock.

“What?! Why not?!” you demand, but you are ignored as another Diamond Dog asks,

“So is the small pony added to the pot?”

“Huh?” you ask but are ignored again.

“I mean, she is on the pile,” another dog points out. Looking back at Spike you see as he considers it a moment before looking right back at you with a smirk and saying,

"Sure, why not?"

"Spike! How you dare!" you shout angrily and stand up, and it’s at this moment you notice that Spike has wings and is much larger than your Spike.

“Read it and weep Rover! A pair of Princesses and a pair of two’s!” he declares laying down his cards which show the images of Celestia and Luna, and 2 moons. “Come here pony, I could use a maid.”

But just as he starts to reach for you and the rest of the pile, the other dog coughs and smirks.

“So sorry dragon, but I’ve got a pair of Princesses and a Pair of Discords,” he says smugly as he lays down his cards, showing the images of Twilight, Cadence and Discord.

“Oh Gorramnit!” Spike curses and slams the table while all the other dogs laugh.

“Win some, lose some,” Rover taunts before looking to you. “So, ready to work in mines for the rest of your life pony?”

“Piss off!” you growl as your shards glow and you send forth a burst of energy which throws all those at the table out of their chairs and against the walls. You then lift Spike in your magic by the scruff of his neck and he gulps. “Listen, I know you’re not MY Spike, but that was still very hurtful you jerk!” And with that you unceremoniously toss him out a window where he comedically cries out before striking the ground outside. You then use your magic to pick up your still dazed allies as you fly back up to the portal. Once Flim and Flam are done with their calibrations, you fly yourselves through.

Yet Another World

You all emerge out of some futuristic console, wearing red uniforms of some kind. The room you enter is shiny, chrome and you can see stars hurtling buy from a nearby window.

"Stellar Diary #10881122: Captain Bugze here of the Enterquestriaprize,” your dad’s voice says and you all see him sitting in the center chair of this room and he appears to be balding. Sombra sits to his left with a glorious goatee and your mom sits to his right in a purple and grey uniform, and the Deadly 6 man the rest of the stations. “Yesterday Lt’s Selena, Fluttershy and Dr. Hope attempted to murder our guest Mary Sue again after she tried flirting with me, Sombra and Discord.”

“Gorram right we did,” Selena mutters.

“Not that it mattered,” Fluttershy grumbles while tapping on some buttons.

“Strangely enough, even after her head was removed and 90% of her body burned beyond recognition, she was perfectly fine an hour later and was found playing patty cake with Lt. Pinkie Pie.”

“Be sure to clarify that it was the children’s game, otherwise folks might get the wrong idea,” Pinkie Pie advises.

“Oh gods, we’re in that nerd show aren’t we?” Lightning Dust asks wearing a mechanical visor.

“I actually enjoy that show thank you very much,” Iron Will defends, his forehead now pushed out in what looks like a perma frown.

“It did inspire us as colts,” the twins say, both now having android skin with yellow eyes.

“Yeah well we’re wearing red shirts, so we better get out of here pronto,” you advise just as Captain Bugze looks over to you and continues speaking into his recorder.

“I now suspect that perhaps Mary Sue was never real and that either Discord is pulling a prank on us or Lt. Dash has spiked the coffee machine with hallucinogens again,” he says.

“That was TWO times, you guys need to let it go,” Rainbow Dash complains but he continues.

“Further evidence for the drugged theory is the presence of what appears to be a younger version of my daughter flanked by a Klingotaur, two androids and Ensign Lightning Dust who died three months ago to Captain Chrysalis’s Space Pirates.”

“Wait, I’m dead?!” she shrieks which causes everyone else to look at your group.

“Ah man, why did you have to come back to life?” Rainbow Dash complains and Lightning Dust grinds her teeth.

“Captain, I see them too, and you know not even Dash’s drugs can affect my system,” Sombra says and Bugze nods.

“Excellent point Number 1. Perhaps they are Romulings after all. Detain them immediately!”

“Time to go!” you order as you all jump back into the console.

You Guessed It, It’s Another World

From one sci-fi world to another, you now find yourselves in a chamber above a bride with a deep chasm of machinery beneath it. There is a teenage version of yourself, wearing grey clothing and swinging a blue lightsaber against a dark robotic figure who wields a red one.

“Seriously?” you sputter, knowing exactly what movie this is. Anyling with a brain stem could see what this world was.

Sure enough, your doppelganger gets her hoof cut off and she screams in pain and limps back from the figure.

"You are beaten! It is useless to resist Nightwalker, don't let yourself be destroyed as Twilight Sparkle did, you do not yet realize your importance,” the asthmatic robotic equine figure scolds. “You have only begun to understand your power, join me, and I will complete your training! Join the Dark Side Nightwalker, we have cookies."

“Never! The cookies are tempting, but you just cut off my bucking hoof Darth Offender! Oh, and also there’s the whole thing about KILLING MY FATHER!!!”

"No, I AM YOUR FATHER!" Darth Offender shouts.

“...Awhaaaaaa?!” Nightwalker’s eyes go wide in disbelief.

“This parody has been done to death,” Iron Will rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, they really need to do more with this franchise,” Lightning Dust mumbles.

“Well I heard that the Walt Whinny Corporation was looking to purchase the rights,” Flim says.

“They’d be the only ones who could afford it after all,” Flam nods.

“Eh, if they do make movies they can’t possibly be worse than the Prequels,” you say before your eyes focus on nothing and a sense of immense loss overtakes you.

“What’s wrong?” asks Will.

“I felt a great disturbance in the universe, as if millions of childhoods suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced…” you whimper.

Why Yes Indeed, Tis Another World

"Nightshades! Today the Princesses will dine in Tartarus!" a version of you wearing a miniature set of your mom’s armor shouts to thousands of Nightshade clones.

“YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!” all your clones shout in unison as you all watch from a window of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

“And I’m leading another revolution, great,” you huff as the brothers start to punch in more coordinates.

“You all may have come from the Mirror Pool, but your hatred should be no less potent! You all feel that same loss that I have! That betrayal!” the other you shouts and you raise a brow at that. “They would not listen to us at the stadium! And even after Dad, Mom and Sombra came back and saved the day, they still turned them into stone!”

You wince at that, realizing that you yourself had been on a knife’s edge only three days ago. It seems you weren’t able to get through to them in this one.

“All those ponies understand is violence, so we will give it to them!” the leader you roars, her alicorn amulet shards glowing brightly as the clones cheer. “We will rise up this very night and tear down their kingdom of lies! We will save Daddy, Mommy and Sombra and give them the world they deserve!”

“Portal’s ready,” Flam says as the others start going through.

“Uh, yeah okay,” you nod absentmindedly as you look at the army with pity.

“They are rage, brutal, without mercy! But you…You will be worse! Rip and Tear until it is done!!!” she orders and all the clones pump their hooves in the air and shout,


“I’ve really got some deep seated anger issues,” you realize before leaving.

There’s So Many of Them!

You are now all black silhouettes as similarly shaded ducks dance all about while some hairy stallion has the mightiest trip of his life.

“You know, I’m really starting to get annoyed here,” you complain.

“You’re not the only one,” Flim says as she shakes the remote.

“If only we had something from their universe to base the frequency upon…” Flam mutters.

“Well I had a robot from that side, but she’s running amok as we speak in the real world,” you huff, cursing yourself for sending her on now that it’s inconvenient.

“Can’t you just type in Human to help narrow it down?” Lightning Dust suggests.

“It doesn’t work like that Dust, these are all mathematical equations and star patterns that Twilight Sparkle-“ Flam rambles but Iron Will holds his hand out to stop him.

“Alright, a simple no would have sufficed.”

Sighing you look up as the old stallion starts flying through the air, which is a feat unto itself since he’s an earth pony and you rub at your horn.

Nightslayer’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Screw You, Have Another!

“It’s zombies again,” you sigh as you all come out on a dilapidated building. Down below are thousands of hungry undead, but in the midst of them you see an older Zebra stallion and a brown earth pony stallion with long hair, a baseball cap, and a big moustache.

“I’m telling you Lee, we just gotta get a boat and we’ll be home free,” the earth pony says as he hits a zombie in the head with a hammer.

“We gotta find Clementine first Kenny!” the zebra barks back as he slices a zombie’s head off with a cleaver.

“How many zombie worlds is that now?” Iron Will asks sounding bored.

“One too many, the markets being oversaturated with zombies!” Lightning Dust complains.

“At least they’re not the running ones,” Flim shudders.

“I still find it implausible that shambling zombies can end the world,” Flam mutters.

“Max Brooks would beg to differ,” an older female voice responds. Looking over in surprise, you see yourself…as a very, VERY old mare wearing a white lab coat. Behind her is a green portal and standing next to her is a young changeling with orange hair wearing a yellow shirt. “Slow zombies are *Burp* totally a threat.”

“What the buck?” you say but are ignored.

“Exactly Shade, so I don’t think we should be here,” the younger version of your dad says in a wimpy voice.

“Nah, don’t th-*burp* think like that Bugze. These worlds are always the best for getting necromantic fluid.”

“Hello? What the buck is this all about?” you try to demand, but they still don’t speak directly to you.

“And why do we need that again?” young Bugze asks.

“It’s part of the components to get Slendermane off my ass! That tentacle-backed bastard ain’t getting my 20 bits!”

“Oh not this again,” you facehoof.

“Oh, okay, but what’s with the younger you?” young Bugze asks.

“Just other bucking dimension hoppers, don’t interact with them or their brains will turn to *Burp* Smoothies.”

“Oh buck you other me! I hope you get bitten!” you huff and turn around to enter your own portal with your companions.”

“Sure, whatever, oh check this out, betcha anything the zebra dies first,” older rude you says as they look over the edge of the building.

“That’s speciest Shade!” young Bugze scolds, as you leave them to their bickering.

Second Verse, Same As The First!

You and the others observe as you are once more in a dead desolate world, and some orange unicorn mare with a red and yellow mane cries while on her knees overlooking all the destroyed buildings and destruction.

“I was gone too long! TOO LONG!!!” she shouts before laughing insanely.

“I have seen too many destroyed Tartarus-scapes today, I think I’m becoming desensitized to them,” Lightning Dust monotones and you continue to rub at the base of your horn where a huge headache is forming.

Kichi’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Take a Wild Friggin Guess Where You Are!

You are currently banging your head against a wall as you are yet again, not in the human world. Instead you are outside the door of what appears to be a conference room where several creatures, including that dog with sunglasses again, are taking notes. There is a whiteboard with many sketches and ideas drawn on it and above it is a banner reading “Life of a Wanted Changeling: The Animation”

A strange, fluffy creature wearing shades and an orange hoodie points at a few scribbled notes under a tab that says “Running Gags.”

“Alright, so we got ‘Look, A Distraction’ on lockdown and ‘Curse You Lady Luck,’ any other suggestions?”

“I say we change it to ‘Buck You Lady Luck’ since we got a higher rating,” the Brown Dog suggests.

“Ooh, good point, I like it,” the furry creature nods and changes it.

“Then what’s the point of bleeding out the nose joke?” a tatzulwurm in a bowler hat asks. “We put that in there to get around the censors in the first place.”

“Well yeah, because it’s funny,” the Brown Dog rolls his eyes. “And I’d rather we be able to curse a bit more than make it more raunchy, this ain’t a teen party story.”

“Excellent point,” the fluffy creature nods. “We still wanna stay goofy after all. Let’s keep Nightshade’s groin attacks as well. Also let’s amp up the adorableness of her crush on Spike.”

And while they all laugh, you cover your face with your hooves and wings and groan in embarrassment while your companions give you questioning looks.

“I’m pretty sure all the classic story gags will still be able to transfer to animation,” a changeling pipes up. He is wearing a shirt with you standing in front of an exploding Canterlot with the words Just Like Daddy above it. “But we gotta move onto marketability here. This is a cash cow franchise just waiting to happen.”

“We’ve already got the shirts for promotional material, but we can worry about toys and the like later, we haven’t even started on the storyboards yet,” the fluffy thing says.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t make some new scenes to promote merchandising,” the changeling points out. “Let’s say we add a scene where Bugze gets a rubber chicken that just suddenly explodes, we could mass produce those cheap pieces of rubber and make a fortune.”

“One step at a time bud,” the dog says. “Gotta worry about adapting the existing scenes first, and above all else the character interactions.”

“Speaking of character interactions, have you seen my notes on my OC I wanna add?” asks a purple earth pony with green hair wearing a blue bandana and glasses. He holds up a sketch of a colt you immediately can identify as Frost.

“This character really should have been added during the Crimson Knights arc,” the tatzulworm sighs.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, but I’ve got a bunch of really good ideas for him that didn’t really get explored in the story in depth. Like, I think the viewers would appreciate a medically accurate examination of PTSD and depression and how constant trauma and failure can lead somepony with power to the darkest pits of despair and-“

“Dude, this is a freaking kid character for crying out loud,” the Brown Dog interrupts. “Look, I know what you’re going for, but you gotta ease up a little, we don’t want our audience to be crying in the dark while listening to Marilyn Manson.”

“Yeah, lighten up for cripes sake! That kid’s been through enough already!” you add in agreement.

“…Yeah, alright, I guess I can see that,” the purple pony nods and makes a note on the picture saying ‘Give Happy Ending.’ “Who said that by the way?” he asks looking up.

“I think it was whoever delivered that life sized doll of Nightshade in the doorway,” the changeling points right at you before looking back to the Brown Dog. “I’m assuming you approved this, and it’s fine craftsmanship. Was it expensive? I thought you said we were on a tight budget?”

“I didn’t approve any toys yet,” the dog says and suddenly all the creatures, including many that haven’t spoken up look to you and you freeze up.

“Oh, maybe it’s a fan made gift, I haven’t received any of those in a long time,” the fluffy creature says happily.

“I’m not a toy ya dingbats,” you huff and all their eyes go wide.

“And it can talk too? You sure you didn’t approve this Brown Dog?” asks the purple pony.

“You kidding? We’re still lucky Hasbro hasn’t locked us all down after all the crap we’ve pulled,” he shoots back.

“I’m real dang it! And stop laughing at my life and trying to add more running gags! It’s annoying!” you shout at them. They all are taken aback for a moment, before the strange furry creature jumps onto the table excitedly and points it’s paw right at you.

“Guys! This is really Nightshade! Do you know what this means?!” he shouts.

“That someone’s really into cosplay?” asks the tatzulworm.

“No, it means the multiverse is real! Our inane writings have come to life! We’re Gods! AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!”

The others collectively look at one another in concern.

“You all need help is what you need,” you huff and walk out the door, jumping back through the portal.

And as all the writers watch this and the fluffy thing continues to laugh maniacally, they all collectively wonder if the coffee machine was spiked…again.

“Soooo…should I take this as a sign to mellow out on Frost’s trauma?” the purple pony asks and the Brown Dog pats him on the shoulder.

“Sure bud, if that’s the way you wanna see it,” he says while looking worriedly at the hysterical pokemon thing.

“I just wanted to make him an interesting character ya know?”

“He already is man, but you always gotta remember, it’s ultimately not his story,” the Brown Dog advises and he nods. “Which doesn’t mean side characters don’t get their moments. “I mean, why do you think we had some calm scenes with him and Garble?”

“Yeah alright,” he nods.

“That’s the spirit. Now, someone switch the pokemon’s coffee to decaf and let’s start making a lot of these references legally distinct before we get sued out the butt!”

In The Empire


While your brain continues to try and reboot over this unexpected news of not only being reunited with Hope and your mother but also being a big brother, some of your companions have given you space to talk things out.

“So...that was a thing,” Garble says as he stands over on the far side of the igloo next to Frost who nods. “I can’t even imagine what’s going through that guy's head right now. I mean it was a shock to me when I found out I was gonna be a big brother, but at least I was able to grow up with my sister.”

“Yeah, talk about heavy stuff,” Frost says watching the king speak with his family. “And to boot I think his sister is an adult.”

“Wait, how can you tell?” Garble asks with a raised brow. “I mean they look so tiny, you’d think she’d be Nightshade’s age.”

“I mean they said time moves differently in their prison? And that...” Frost pauses for a moment before shaking his head, “Unicorn mare stayed with them for over a thousand years and doesn’t look a day older than twenty-three.”

“Why are so many creatures popping up from a thousand years ago?!” Garble groans, putting his face in his claws as he tries to process that. “All this time displacement crap is making my head hurt…Eh, no offense.”

“None taken.” Frost sighs at the apologetic tone. “I really don’t understand it either, and I’m the one who somehow preserved myself in ice for a thousand years.”

“So we got all different kinds of time shenanigans it seems,” Garble sighs before shaking his head and trying to change the subject. “But anyway, time stuff aside, can I ask you a question that’s been bugging me for like the last hour?”

“Uh, sure?” Frost says unsure.

“Why are you see-through?” he asks pointing to his body which is mostly transparent, his mane and tail flowing like in the wind.

“Oh, right, forgot that would seem weird to others,” Frost says with a chuckle.

“Are you like, turning into a ghost or something?”

“No no, this is because of the blizzard outside. Whenever I’m somewhere really cold and windy my windigo aspects come out more,” he says trying to come up with the right words. “I’m basically in my element out here honestly.”

“Wish I could say the same, give me a volcano any day of the week,” the dragon grumbles.

“Eh, I guess it’s not for everyone,” the colt shrugs. “Really though it’s helping me feel better. I mean I’m still tired and stuff, but at least I’m able to shape ice a little better than when we were in the center of the city.”

“…So what you’re saying is that when it’s all snowy out, you can do ice stuff better?”

“Yeah, that sounds about right,” he nods.

“Good for you….” Garble says with a strained voice, “Can you excuse me for a moment?” The small drake then walks toward another section of the wall and proceeded to bang his head against the ice.

“WHY *smack* DOES *smack* EVERY *smack* PONY *smack* I *smack* MEET *smack* HAVE *smack* SUPER *smack* POWERS?!” Garble growls, making a few cracks in the ice wall. With one last groan, he then walks back towards the colt passed some confused changelings.

“Are you okay?” Frost asks worriedly.

“Yeah, I just needed to get that out of my system,” Garble nods, rubbing his temple. “So were you born with those powers or?”

“More like cursed with them, I inherited them from my dad,” Frost answers.

“Ah right, dads. I inherited my looks and strength from my old man,” Garble said leaning back against the wall. “My sister Smolder on the other claw looks more like our mom, she also inherited her smarts too,” he responds with a smirk.

“I wish I knew my dad, never told me much about him. Only that he passed away before I was born, and that he loved us both,” the Windicolt says with a sigh and Garble gulps awkwardly.

“Right, Um...where did you learn to fight? You did pretty well in the stadium against that plant thing,” Garble says trying to cheer him up.

“Flag Burner and his lackeys trained me,” he answers, somewhat bitterly. "About the only good thing to come out of that experience."

"Well I wouldn't mind sparring with you if we get the chance, especially once I get back into my real body" Garble says with a smirk.

“Your real body?”

“Yeah, I may look like a kid, but I’m actually in my late teens. I got shrunk down by some stupid magical tree,” he explains and the windicolt looks confused yet intrigued.

“That’s, uh, that’s rough buddy,” he placates and Garble rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, tell me about it. I mean it’s hard enough being Nightshade’s rival when I was at full height, and this set back just made it even more lopsided.”

“Nightshade’s rival?” the colt asks.

“Yeah, I kind of swore a blood oath after she beat me up in Applewood that I would one day be strong enough to defeat her…it hasn’t worked out too well,” he sighs and the colt is again flabbergasted, but he does grin.

“I’ll say, she’s a bit outside of your league isn’t she? Heck, she’s outside of all of our leagues, even the princesses,” he says with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I figured that after I saw her nearly pull the moon down on us after the hippies got us high,” he grumbles.

“Wait, what?” the colt asks in surprise.

“Nothing…” Garble lies and looks away.

“Okay…well, I mean if you want a new rival, I could maybe help with that when this is all over?” Frost suggests, a bit nervous and hesitant.

“That’s not how blood oaths and rivalries work though…but I’ll consider it,” Garble says with a smirk.

“Ah, classic childhood summer friends vibe right there,” Double Vision says as she slurps at the air over the two. “Reminds me of my larvaehood.”

“…Please stop eating our emotions,” Garble sighs and Frost shudders.

“Hey, I needed something to balance out the sickening sweetness over there,” she says pointing back to Sombra as he talks to his sister.

Back in Another Another World. Having Fun Yet?

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“Go my loyal brainwashed slaves! Defeat the Princess’s puny forces! Soon all of Equestria will be mine!” Sombra roars atop the crystal palace, followed by an evil maniacal laugh and you sigh.

This is like the third or fourth time you’ve found yourself in a world where Sombra has completely taken over the Crystal Empire, and quite frankly you’re bored of it. The only difference this world has is that he has a big moustache.

“Bucking reruns,” you curse as you use your magic to knock a lit candle off the wall and onto his tail while he addresses his creepy brainwashed armored minions.

“Soon their lands will burn, and…*sniff* *sniff* speaking of burning what’s that sme-Oh My Gods! AAAAHHH!!!” the dictator then starts spinning in circles, which only serves to catch his cloak on fire, and he does the only sensible thing by jumping off the spire and into the snow. The flames extinguish…but then he realizes he’s right in front of the Equestrian forces and Celestia herself.

"Ah Crap" he groans as you spit and start punching at some crystals.

“I’m sick and tired of this guys!” you complain as you shatter a crystal table. “It’s just failure after failure after failure!”

“Hey Nightshade, calm down a little,” Iron Will tries to soothe but you don’t listen.

“No Will! I’m tired of doing this and not being able to help my Daddy!” you shout and break a chandelier.

“To be fair, we are getting close. That world of anthropomorphic ponies proved that,” Flim tries to placate and you bellow.

“Oh don’t remind me of that bucking creepy place! Ponies are not supposed to be bipedal and have hands!”

“It was pretty creepy, not gonna lie. Like a bunch of minotaurs cross bred with all of Equestria,” Lightning Dust shudders.

“Yes, but they were somewhat human in shape,” Flam encourages. “The world before this one led us even closer.”

“How? They were just less fur covered anthro folk from the looks of it,” you complain and smash another chair.

“Well they were certainly animalistic with their ears and tails, but that hairy one might have been a human?” Iron Will points out and you shudder.

“More like a stinky ape or something,” you say remembering how the hobo looking hairy thing took an axe out and attacked the creepy masked animal people, setting one of them on fire as he screamed incoherently.

“That world seemed over rated anyway,” Lightning Dust nods.

“Still though, there is progress being made,” the brothers argue.

“You say that, but we still went into that world where I was the grown up and taking care of a kid Daddy and I was the most wanted creature in the world,” you throw your hooves up in despair. That world really hurt your brain to think about. “I mean seriously, how would that even work?!”

“I got the feeling it was a world where ponies weren’t exactly the good guys,” Iron Will says and you just roll your eyes and rub at your temple.

“This world hopping is really starting to piss me off,” you whine just as the brothers activate another portal.

“Alright, wormhole connected,” Flim says.

“Great, let’s see if trip number whatever is the charm,” you spit as you cross the dimensional barrier, which you are quite frankly getting sick of.

Surprise, surprise, it isn’t.

You are in some sort of large chamber with statues depicting a dark alicorn and you groan while grinding your teeth.

“Great, another bucking world where Mom is evil and took over!” you snarl.

“Who dares enter the room of Princess Nightshade?!” a gruff voice snarls, and looking past the statues you see candles and lit incense near a large bed where two large figures are silhouetted in darkness.

“Okay, I was wrong, it’s another world where I’m the bad guy and took over! Great!” you pout and kick the ground.

“Wait, hold on a second,” a second more feminine voice says as suddenly a lamp gets turned on revealing the two figures, a slender alicorn mare and a beefy purple dragon. You’ve seen this figure in countless worlds already, so you know you’ll look good when you grow up, but it’s still a weird thing to see. “…Well Well, Well, What do we have here?"

“Nothing to worry about, this is just a dream, big me,” you say with no real enthusiasm. “We’ll be going now and-“

“You’re trying to find the human world aren’t you?” the adult you asks and you suddenly freeze before whipping your head around.

“What?! How the buck did you know that?!” you demand.

"Crap, I owe you 20 bits" the dragon sighs dejectedly while the other you smirks at him.

“I told you things seemed familiar this morning Spikey,” she teases and looks back to you. “I knew the minute Twilight let us stay in this room that today would be the day the younger me would arrive.”

“The day I…Are we in the future?” you ask in surprise.

“Ehh, it’s…a little more complicated than that,” the other you says.

“Why? If you said you remembered me then this already happened yes?” you point out and she shakes her head.

“I remember meeting my adult self and Spike after all those pointless boring worlds, but like the Doctor always says, Time is like a big ball of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff,” she explains. “For me this was the ideal happy future and I got it, but that doesn’t mean the same thing is guaranteed for you.”

“Oh that’s bullspit!” you grunt. “And wait, happy ending? You’re not an evil ruler in this world?”

“Oh heck no, that statue was a gift from Auntie Luna,” she hoofwaves.

“So, Spike isn’t like your Dark Knight enforcer to enslave the populace?”

“Oh gods, I remember that world,” she shudders before smiling. “But no, he’s the Captain of My Guard.”

“And a darn good one at that,” the older dragon smirks and flexes causing your older self to kiss him on the cheek and giggle and you are transfixed for a moment.

“…Woof,” you say under your breath before blushing profusely.

Ohmygosh! Ohmygohs! Ohmygosh! Are they?! Are We?! Me and Spike Are-EEEEEE!!! Your mind does gymnastics as the older pair chuckle.

“I think you might have broken yourself there Shade,” Spike says to the other you.

“She’ll be fine, right Shade?” she asks you with a smirk.

“I-I’m fine! I’m,” you cough into your hoof and steel yourself. “I’m fine…So, uh, I see you don’t have the amulet in your chest? How’d you get it-“

“Yeah, I can’t exactly explain that,” she says regretfully. “Just know that it’s going to be very painful if it happens the same way.”

“Really? You can’t give me a hint?” you huff.

“Well my older self gave me the only hint I really need,” she says playfully. “You’re all bouncing around world to world all willy nilly because you don’t have a focus right?”

“That’s right,” the twins nod.

“Well be prepared to feel frustrated because you actually do have one,” she smirks.

“What?!” all five of you exclaim.

“Oh for, what is it?!” you demand and she grins.

“Mom got her body using the combined magic of a bunch of different artifacts remember?”

“Yeah, it’s all we’ve been focusing on all year,” you nod.

“Well, the Siren stones which were at the center of it, they held the emotions and even some magic from hundreds of different beings from another dimension,” she insinuates. It takes a moment but understanding finally comes over you as your eyes widen.

“OH MY GODS!” you exclaim as you reach into your inventory and gently pull your mother out.


Selena (Sleeping/Recovering)

“What is she-you-her talking about?!” Lightning Dust demands.

“My Mommy is the source we need! There was human emotion and magic powering those Siren Stones so that means there’s some of it inside of her!” you exclaim and suddenly the Flim Flam Bros light up.

“Yes of course, the frequency of the living creatures we desire to get to!” Flim exclaims.

“We can definitely focus in on that with Twilight Sparkle’s little remote,” Flam nods as he wave the device over your mom. It suddenly beeps and flashes some images and both brothers smile.


“So all those other worlds were for nothing in the end?” Iron Will says with a frown.

“Pretty much yup,” the older you says. “Things would have been easier if I hadn’t sent Mangle out, but you’re on the right track now.”

“I am purposefully going to be super angry and smash stuff later, but now’s not the time for that. Thanks possible future me and future Spike,” you say gratefully as you lift your Mom up, not even bothering to put her in the bag and make your way to the portal.

“No problem possible past me,” the older you waves. “Have fun fighting Chrysalis.”

“We will,” you wave before you all jump through the portal once more. After you are gone, the older you sighs and Spike looks at her conflicted.

“You think we should have warned her about what’s going to happen to your Dad?” he asks nervously and she shakes her head.

“No…even if I did, it’s not going to change what happened,” she says with a heavy sigh. “That heartache is still coming for her…for everyone.”

Hopefully the Last One?

After once more going into the breach, you find yourself on the other side…and sure enough, this time you have hands and feet that aren’t covered in fur like that anthro dimension.

You feel at your face, noticing how squishy and flat it feels compared to normal and you beam with a smile using an unfamiliar jaw structure. Looking to your side, you see your mother, still sleeping has also been transformed. Now, you’ve seen the cartoony Humans before on TV…but in real life they don’t look nearly as bad as how your Dad described them. Sure she looks wrong, but your Mommy is just as beautiful as ever, and she also looks awesome with her punk rock attire (where did that even come from?)

And just to make sure you haven’t been duped, you look back at the portal entrance and see it is at the base of a giant horse statue that stands in front of what is clearly a school.

“Guys, we did it! We actually did it this ti-Whoa!” you tumble as you try to stand with strange jointed limbs.

Looking at the others, only the Minotaur seems in his element standing on two legs (unsurprisingly) or rather the transformed minotaur you should say.

Iron Will is still just as jacked as ever, but his horns are gone, as are his bottom hooves and no fur lines his hands. He is wearing track pants, but is still shirtless showing off a toned body covered in blueish skin.

Lightning Dust looks a little younger for a human, probably a teenager if you had to guess, and is wearing some sort of school uniform. Flim and Flam on the other hand look about the same age as they did in Equestria, though if possible they seem even more skinny.

“Okay, this is unsettling, I feel the wind on my bare skin! Where’s all my fur?!” Lightning Dust shrieks.

“Huh, this body is actually not all that different, though my knees are reversed,” Will says flexing.

“Perhaps we could build some sort of automotive chair for when visitors come to this side the first time,” Flim spitballs from the ground.

“Brilliant idea brother, they rent the chairs while they adjust to the new forms, increasing the revenue by at least 20%!” Flam nods.

“Worry about scamming people later,” you say as you force yourself to balance on your new feet. Looking over your body you are child sized, and you are wearing a pretty black and purple sun dress. “Huh, seems like something McStabFlank would make. But anyway, now that we’re here be on the lookout for a girl human with yellow and red hair and-”

“Hey are you alright?” a voice asks as you feel hands touch your shoulder, and it’s a weird sensation.

“ACK! Stranger Danger!” you cry out in shock and flail out with your unfamiliar new limb. Though it appears that even with different body parts, you still remember your signature move.

“EEEEEE!!!” someone cries out as your fist strikes their nards and they bowl over onto their back.

“Don’t freaking touch me you monkey alien-“

“Bugze are you alright?” another voice asks in concern and you freeze up. Now that you aren’t lashing out sporadically you see that your group is most assuredly not alone.

There are a group of 8 Humans standing near a parked tour bus which has the stylish words “The Wanted” written on it. 1 of the humans appears to be an adult with a big bald head and a stylized goatee and glasses, though he looks vaguely familiar, 7 of the humans are teenagers if you had to guess, and 6 of them are very familiarly colored from their skin to their hair. The other is indeed a girl with red and yellow hair.

The two closest to your group, including the one you just knocked in the pills, are also very, very familiar. The adult female human is dressed up in dark punk like clothing, and aside from a few shades of blue looks almost identical to your mother’s human form. And the guy on the ground, well if the orange spiked hair didn’t clue you in, his whining and groaning would have tipped you off.

“Oh sweet sugary Mrs. Buttersworth, I’m dying Nimmy. I’m dying…” the human version of your Dad moans.

“You’ve been hit harder than that before,” the dark blue woman grunts as she helps lift him up, eyeing you warily. “And who are you young lady to go hitting people like that?”

“I…uh…” you say at a loss for words as you look back and forth between them.

They look so weird up close! I mean they’re not ugly, but my parents are HUMANS! This is totally nuts! You think in exasperation. And I just kicked this world’s Daddy in the nards! Great introduction Shade!

“I thought it was Bugze, I mean original Bugze coming back after we saw that flash, but this is…” the girl with red and yellow hair says as she starts to walk over, followed by the rest of the Human Deadly 6, and the older dark skinned human. The girl pauses at the sight of your mother on the ground and opens her mouth in shock.

“Hey now, ain’t that Flim and Flam?” Applejack asks with a raised eyebrow as she looks to the twins.

“Who?” asks Pinkie.

“Couple of swindlers I briefly had a summer job with,” she spits.

“We’re not swindlers!” they both say.

“And isn’t that that motivational speaker that came around last semester?” Rarity asks pointing at Will and Fluttershy winces.

“Y-yeah that’s him.”

“Um, I think there’s a case of mistake-“ he starts but is interrupted.

Loganic’s Comment

“Wait a second, Lightning Dust? What the heck are you doing on this side of town?” Human Rainbow Dash demands and you companion clenches her new teeth.

“Oh screw you Dash!” she shouts and flounders towards the girl, swinging her new limb wildly. “You’re just as annoying in any dimen-*WHACK* Ow!”

Unlike you with your tried and true patented technique, Lightning Dust still hasn’t gotten used to her new limbs and has decked herself in the face, falling at the Rainbow Haired girl’s feet.

“Heh heh, stupid kids,” the bald human says in Sombra’s voice which really, really throws you off.

The buck did his hair go?

“Oookkkaaay, what’s going on here?” Human Twilight Sparkle asks, wearing glasses for some reason.

“They’re from Equestria…” the orange girl says and everyone looks to her.

“How can you tell?” asks Fluttershy and she points at your mother. It’s here that everyone, including the two adults nearest to you, really study your mother, and many side glances are thrown between her and the woman holding Human Dad up.

“She…she looks just like me…” Luna says in shock.

“Well, not EXACTLY, there’s still some slight differences,” Human Dad says looking her over. “But yeah she’s really dang close.”

“Yeah, there’s a reason for that,” you pipe up and the all turn back to you, but you look squarely at the orange girl. “Are you Sunset Shimmer?”

Her eyes widen in surprise at that, but she nods.

“Yes I am, who-“

“Listen, time is of the essence so I’ll get right down to it. My name is Nightshade. Help me Sunset Shimmer, you’re my only hope,” you plead and everyone looks wide eyed at that.

“Hold up, Nightshade?” Human Dad says nearly choking as he studies you harder.

“Isn’t that the name Bu-er, Equestrian Bugze kept-“ Luna starts and you interrupt her.

“Yes, I’m his daughter,” you interrupt before smirking at them. “In a way I guess you could say I’m YOUR daughter from another dimension.”

All these familiarly colored mystical humans go quiet after that, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Human Daddy and Mommy go a bit pale in the face as they register that information.

…Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have led with that little bombshell, you think worriedly. I know I’m in a hurry but that’s got to have fried their min-

“Oh My God! She’s So Cute!” human dad squees at the top of his lungs, before his eyes roll into the back of his head and he passes out.

“%$#@!” Luna grunts out his real name as she catches him, though even as she does, she still stares at you in complete awe, like you are a piece of art.

“Heh, talk about a hell of a start to our reunion tour,” Humbra chuckles and shakes his head. “Freaking magic aliens again.”

“Heh heh…sorry about that,” you say sheepishly. Behind you, Human Twilight whispers to Sunset.

“It’s only been a week, could Bugze really need our help already?” she asks.

“Time works differently and sporadically between the dimensions,” Sunset answers as she walks up to you. The unicorn turned girl has a look of determination on her face, and after giving a quick glance to your sleeping mom, she asks you, “What’s the situation?”

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Back In The Empire


After a small bit of time speaking to the younger sibling you never knew you had, you feel…giddy. Your penchant for all things small and adorable doesn’t help matters, but even if that wasn’t the case, she is just so adorable! Your wobbly knees have disappeared in your newfound excitement and just like with Nightshade before her, you feel the penchant to protect this child at all costs. She is energetic, and excitable and just so interested in everything that makes you…you. If it weren’t for the hurried state you find yourself all in, you would gladly chat with Ira for hours and hours.

Didn’t think I’d be adding more to my family this soon…but it is what it is, you think with a dopey grin on your face. Hope for her part has just been smiling at your own elation, giggling at your enthusiasm and acceptance of your sister. But alas, all good things must come to an end.

With the situation being what it is, you both promised to speak more once everyone had been freed. And in a bid to be useful, Ira has taken it upon herself to guide the injured Changelings once they reach the other side.

Unlike with the electrical charge that reacted to Ira trying to come through, the Changelings simply walk through the glowing portal as if they are just crossing into another room. One, a female with two different colored eyes even steps back and forth between it with no problems whatsoever, a fact that brings comfort to the ones crossing over. And as your little sister leads the changelings down the stairs, you turn to your mother’s visage.

“Mother, there is one more thing I must mention,” you say in all seriousness.

“Yes Sombra?” Rabia she asks, turning her attention from Ira aiding the shapeshifters. “What is it? Are there more refugees coming?”

“Well yes, I assume, but I meant something else, something more urgent and personal,” you inform. At the seriousness of your tone, she raises an eyebrow and gives you her full attention.

“What could be more urgent than an enemy army occupying the Empire?” she inquires.

“There is an ally of mine, a friend really, that requires aid,” you say plainly. Her eyes become really inquisitive at that, but she urges you to continue. “There is a young hybrid filly, part changeling and part alicorn, the daughter of the one I’d been trapped in. Her name is Nightshade.”

“I recall this name, you were speaking urgently about her with Hope moments ago,” she nods. “This filly is…important to you?”

“To more than just myself…but yes,” you nod with a sigh. “She is powerful, even though she is still a child, but she has been injured. The shattered remains of the Alicorn Amulet are embedded inside her chest.”

The moment you mention the Alicorn Amulet, Rabia’s face twists in anger and you see as her eyes flash red for a moment.

“The Alicorn Amulet?!” she hisses, which causes the igloo to rumble slightly. “That damnable abomination that Amore created from the bodies of our own kin?!”

You can’t help but scowl yourself at that, having learned that info not long after you’d already destroyed that lying hypocrite princess.

“Yes the very same,” you nod sternly.

“Wait…you said shattered remains,” she says as her eyes revert to white. “It’s been destroyed?”

“Not entirely,” you shake your head. “Nightshade used it’s power to battle a powerful foe where it broke, but it’s power is still potent even as it remains in her flesh. I believe that since it’s origin came from us, that we might be able to remove it from her. Is it possible?”

Rabia pauses for a moment lost in thought, before she starts muttering under her breath with an intense look of concentration.

“Mother? Can you help her?” you ask again and this brings her out of her pondering.

“Yes,” she says with surety. “Though I would loathe touching such a twisted weapon, I should be able to remove it from her.”

You sigh in relief at that and smile genuinely at her.

“Thank you mother, I owe Nightshade much,” You say thankfully, and she gives a nod.

“I will see to it child.”

“I’m not sure that’s safe little one,” your ears perk at the sound of Derpy’s voice. You turn to see the grey mare flanked by Jack and Hope speaking with Frost and Garble.

“I agree it’s better if you come in with us. Splitting the party even more is dangerous,” Jack says with concern.

“But I can be of more help out here than inside the prison,” the blue colt says defiantly. “I don’t get cold, and anypony else escaping is gonna need help getting through the snow to this place.”

“But there’s still Yetis and Polar Bears out there,” Derpy argues weakly.

“What’s the argument here?” you ask approaching the group.

“This colt wants to stay outside rather than come into the prison with the others,” Hope says, “I think he’s still a bit out of it from those cocoons.”

“My name is Frost, and I can take care of myself!” he huffs stomping his hoof.

“Ah, so you’re the one Nightshade told us about. The halfbreed windigo who gave her some trouble.” You say staring down the colt, noticing how wispy and transparent parts of him are.

“Yeah, well…I wasn’t exactly thinking with a clear mind at the time,” he admits with a pout.

“If anything he only inconvenienced her,” Garble snarks and the colt pouts again.

You remember the tales of old, of the Windigos that nearly froze the southern pony tribes due to their animosity.

How one of those bred with a pony is anyone’s guess, you think, feeling disturbed. But still, even with that lineage…

“Mastery over ice in the arctic is indeed a useful knack, but Hope and I don’t need any more tagalongs. She got you out to avoid this very scenario,” you point out.

“I’m not talking about coming back with you guys, I’m just saying I’m in my element out here in the snow!” he barks back. “I am still a bit fuzzy because of the cocoon, but being out here on the ice gives me the advantage to help with less effort. It’s what let me make the igloo after all.”

“That may be true, but it’d be smarter to recuperate more in shelt-“ the wall eyed mare tries to argue and he interupts.

NO! I can help! I can do this! I need to do this!” he barks as his limbs become a little more translucent and the snow at his hooves hardens a bit. “I know what’s at stake here, I’m not like the other foals! If the Changeling Queen wins, then ponies will die and it will be my fault!”

“Your fault?” you question the child who starts hyperventilating a bit.

“Yes! I was a part of Flag Burner’s revolution, I even helped recover the plant monster a few months ago! The Changelings wouldn’t have taken over if I hadn’t helped and…and…” he trails off, holding back tears as Ditzy frowns and attempts to put her hoof out, but you stop her. The Colt clutches at a locket around his neck and tries to get his breathing under control.

“Kid, none of that was any of your fault,” Jack explains gently. “Flag Burner was going to carry out his plans with our without you.”

He sighs and nods at that, but doesn’t look up.

“That’s true…but I did still help, and that guilt won’t go away. I mean, I became the monster my village thought I was, but then Nightshade and Spike treated me with kindness despite everything, but everything’s freezing now and it will turn out just like my village did,” he says dejectedly before looking up with tears in his eyes. “And I don’t want that to happen to their friends and family, not while I can atone for it in some way.”

That look and sentiment, weren’t you yourself just spouting off such things not even three days ago? You think as you sympathize with his plight. Nightshade had given you a brief rundown on this child, but until you’ve spoken with him, you didn’t know he would be a kindred spirit.

Derpy winces and looks to Jack, you, and Hope, but you ignore her.

“What is it that you wish to do?” you ask him straightforward.

Surprised at first, he gathers himself and says,

“I just wanna do whatever I can to help, even if it’s something small,” he says with determination. “I may not be at my best, but when I am I could help block out the storm in a small area. Kind of make like a tunnel or something to help get others out to the train or here to the prison when you return.”

You nod at this and ask, “And you would not recover in the safety of the prison?”

“That would take too long, the ice is helping a lot,” he argues. “Plus I wouldn’t be able to see anypony coming from in there. So please, let me help in this way, if not for myself then for Nightshade, Spike and every other scared kid trapped in the Empire.”

Well, it’s hard to say no to that conviction, you reckon. And like the bugs, the cold won’t harm him.

Before the worrying motherly side of the cross eyed mare can flare again, the small red dragon steps up and claps the colt on the shoulder, which steams from the two vastly different heat signatures.

“You know he’s just gonna do it whether you agree or not right?” Garble snarks. “Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on him.”

“Wait, you’re staying outside too?” Jack asks in surprise as even the colt looks at him questioningly.

“Yeah, the kid’s got spunk and won’t back down so neither will I,” he boasts.

“You’ve been complaining this whole time about the cold, what changed your mind?” Hope inquires.

“Oh, you know…conviction and morals and all that jazz,” he excuses with shifty eyes, which none of you buy.

“So be it then,” you say before any more arguments can be had. “But do not try to bite off more than you can chew you two, understand?”

The colt’s eyes light up before he nods and the red whelp gives a claw wave as if he’s relaxed, but you can tell he is anything but.

“Good, keep the shelter up, and keep an eye on the borders of the city,” you order before looking to Jack and Derpy. “Stay near the entrance if you’re worried about them, but get yourself to safety with my people.”

Jack takes a look at the colt and dragon before smirking and nodding.

“Yeah alright, sounds good to me, come on Ditzy,” he says tugging at the mare.

“But they-“

“They’ll be alright, we’re not gonna be far,” he reassures and the mare reluctantly relents.

As they walk away, you hear the colt whisper to the dragon,

“So what’s the real reason you’re not going into the prison?”

“Honestly? The last swamp I was in traumatized me, and I’d rather freeze my horns off than get all sweaty in there,” he admits in a whisper back and you smirk.

“You sure it’s a good idea Sombra? They’re still just kids,” Hope asks you.

“Better here than where we’re headed back to,” you shrug. “Besides, that colt wants to seek redemption, and I won’t deny him that. As another creature seeing the light at the other end of the tunnel, I sympathize.”

She looks at you for a moment in awe before she smiles that sweet grin again which melts your heart.

“Very well then,” she nods and walks back over to the portal just as Derpy and Jack enter. “Queen Rabia, Sombra and I will be heading back now. If we encounter our other allies we will send them here, but if not, we will push forth in freeing you…however we do that.”

“There is a door,” you speak up and she looks back at you.

“A door?” Rabia asks.

“Yes,” you nod. “I believe it to be the true entrance to your prison.”

Your mother’s eyes light up at that in excitement.

“Well I suppose that makes the search easier,” Hope shrugs, clearly not having expected that before a thought comes to her. “Wait, when did you find it?”

“In my secret study in the palace, I’d uncovered it thanks to Amore’s notes. I had begun research on it when the Princesses came for battle,” you explain and she suddenly looks sheepish again.

“Oh…oh okay,” she says awkwardly and you scratch the back of your own neck.

“It’s, uh, it’s fine,” you admit, not wanting bad memories to tarnish what you’ve gained back. “All I have to do is get to my study where I left Amore’s notes, and then I’ll be able to open it.”

“Freedom, blessed freedom,” Rabia says wantonly and Hope droops her ears again.

“I’m sorry that when we release you you’ll immediately have to be thrust into battle,” she apologizes but your mother just waves her hoof.

“Worry not about it Radiant Hope. Just ensure that those dampeners are down before you release us, just in case.”

“My magic has all but come back, so as long as the dampeners are not activated again, I will be able to perform the ritual,” you reassure.

“Well done my son, well done…” Rabia congratulates and you surge with pride.

“Yes, but still, be sure to stick to the shadows,” Jack warns. “You may have your power back, but the changelings outnumber you.”

You smirk at the immortal stallion and say,

“I am not the cockroach Captain, I am the king of fear and darkness. Getting into my own palace will be of no issue…”

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

In Human Land

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

After the initial shock and awe had worn off, you wasted no time in explaining exactly what has transpired the last time they saw your Dad. You have not sugarcoated it all and all of them look extremely uneasy. And from what little you’ve gathered from their snippets of conversation, it’s been one week for them since the Rock Concert your Dad talked about. In that time they’ve all gone to camp, gained magical rocks, and were seeing off Human Dad, Luna and Sombra as they started their reunion tour as a band.

“And so, that’s why I decided to come here because you guys have magic that hasn’t been dampened, so will you please help me rescue my Dad and the pony versions of you from Chrysalis?” you finish. The girls all look to one another and start murmuring.

“Not all of us will have magic, my doppelganger was a regular pony right?” Applejack asks.

“And mine is a unicorn, but would I know how to use it?” Rarity asks.

“Would we be able to adapt efficiently in new bodies?” Fluttershy points out.

“I wouldn’t mind being able to fly,” Dash boasts.

“I might be tough, but we’ve definitely gotta help out, and also save Adagio, Aria and Sonata!” Pinkie Pie implores.

“And what do you mean you kids can’t do magic? Last week’s performance blows that theory out of the water,” Humbra chides.

“I don’t think these changeling things will allow them to just start singing Sombra,” Luna reprimands.

“Would the magic of the stones we got at Camp Everfree work on the other side?” Twilight muses.

“They should if they’re Equestrian in Origin, plus I’ll have my horn again,” Sunset answers. “And Princess Twilight and her friends need help as well…”

“So, is that a yes or a no?” you ask hurriedly. “Dad’s only got so much time and everything.”

“Well of course we’re going to help,” human Dad says with determination and everyone looks to his surety. “The freaking tour can wait, I mean come on, that crazy guy did everything for us, so why the hell wouldn’t we help him?”

You smile at that, as do the other humans.

“There’s no debating that,” Sunset nods. “But we gotta play it smart if we’re diving into an occupied territory.”

“Yeah, well I’m not one for smarts,” he argues and scowls. “And besides, another version of Chrysalis is trying to ruin Bugze’s life? Well I ain’t letting that happen twice!”

Luna frowns at that as well and balls her fists up.

“Right, that whore may still be in that god awful reality talent show, but this other version…”

“Hey, hey you two, calm down. This isn’t something we can be hasty about,” Sunset placates. “We’re all going to help, but we need time to-“

“I don’t know if we got time for that Sunny,” he says resting a hand on her shoulder. “That little girl needs her Daddy after all. You understand right?”

Sunset tenses up for a moment, before she lowers her head and sighs while patting at his hand gently…and you suddenly feel a twinge of jealousy. Because the way he said that and did that gesture was just how your Dad does to you.

Mom talked about wanting to adopt her…but that can’t happen! If I get more siblings then I’M the older one! You think irrationally as your shards blip under your dress which gets all of their attention.

“Whoa, what was that?” Twilight asks intrigued.

“A pain in the butt magical doo dad that I’ll be getting rid of soon, but that’s not important right now,” you hoof, er, handwave off. “Listen, you’re all partially right, there’s no time for anything in depth, we gotta move quick. You all don’t have to come with me if you don’t want, all I need is some magic to rescue my dad before the rest of our allies proceed with the plan.”

“Well we’re all coming along, that’s a given,” Rainbow Dash boasts.

“We are?” Humbra asks.

“Yeah, we’ll follow you to help your Dad,” Fluttershy nods. “And also I wouldn’t mind saving the Dazzlings and the other versions of us, I’m sure they could come in real handy.”

“Yeah, perhaps we could split into teams?” Rarity suggests. “Have one side go for our Siren friends and the others go for Bugze and then meet back up.”

“So we’ve all just decided this huh?” Humbra grumbles, but is again ignored.

“We’ve got walkie talkie functions on our phones!” Pinkie says enthusiastically, hold a piece of plastic up similar to the one your Dad showed those pictures on.

“Um, I’m going to assume that’s something useful from those weird futurey things,” you guess and several of the girls giggle.

“That proves she’s Bugze’s kid alright,” Human Twilight chuckles. “But yes, the Sirens would be a big help if we could get them in the fight.”

“They’d be groggy for awhile after coming out of the pod sacks though,” you explain. “Heck, my Grandbuggy is still asleep after being in one and he’s a full blood changeling.”

“Well, couldn’t we wake them up by giving them a magic boost or something?” Rainbow Dash asks grasping at straws and you pause.

“Hmm, perhaps there is some merit to that,” Human Twilight says while biting at her nails. “When I was…Midnight, I did have practice with ebb and flow of magic between myself and the monkeys.”

“So it is possible perhaps? Like giving someone an adrenaline shot?” Sunset suggests.

“In theory, yes, good idea Rainbow,” Twilight says.

“Wait really?” the girl sputters before coughing and trying to play it cool. “I mean, totally, no problem.”

And while Applejack and the others roll their eyes, you process that information as you look at your mother’s transformed body. Suddenly enlightenment comes over you.

“Whoa what’s with the expression Nightshade?” B2 asks noticing your demeanor.

“I’ve got an idea!” you exclaim as you look to Sunset. “You guys still got those magic rocks?”

“Um, yes?” she says. “They won’t be able to help the Dazzlings from this side though so we’ll have to be in person to-“

“Forget about the seahorses for now! I’ve got two other subjects for you!” you exclaim, and with that you reach into your Inventory turned purse and flop Grandbuggy onto the ground next to your mom.



Just like you and the rest, he has been humanized, with dark colored skin, a shiny bald head, and his wrinkles are even more pronounced. As always though, he is wearing his bowler hat, along with clothes that you would normally find on a gambler in the Old West.

“Wha-Where-That is a statistical impossibility!” Twilight sputters as from her view you just pulled a grown man out of a tiny bag.

“It’s bigger on the inside,” you explain simply and the human girl puts a hand to her forehead.

“I never even attempted such experiments when I had the power, but this is…this…”

“Ah, there she goes again,” Applejack snarks and the others laugh. Everyone that is except for your dad’s double.

“What’s wrong man?” Humbra asks B2 as he stares in absolute shock at Grandbuggy on the ground.

“No way…Gr-Granddaddy?” B2 sputters in shock at the sight of the old man.

You look up at him at that, confused by his expression and tone. It’s not till you see human Luna put a hand on his shoulder and give him a sad shake of the head that you put the pieces together.

“Oh…um,” you say awkwardly as you didn’t even account for Grandbuggy’s counterpart not being alive in this world.

“…No, it’s uh, nevermind,” B2 says shaking his head and holding out a reassuring hand. “This is YOUR Granddad, or rather Great Grand Dad…not mine.”

“I’m…I’m sorry,” you say sheepishly but he handwaves the statement.

“It’s nothing, it’s been quite a few years. I was just surprised is all,” he tries to play it off, but you can hear that underlying sadness.

Ah geeze, now I feel inconsiderate and guilty, you think forlornly.

“Umm…why exactly did you bring this old man out again?” Sunset asks interrupting the depressing atmosphere.

“Oh, right!” you snap out of it and turn to her. “You’re all talking about magicing the Sirens back into fighting shape, but right here and now my Mommy and Grandbuggy could use a wake up call.”

Sunset quirks a brow at that, but then her eyes widen in understanding, followed shortly thereafter by Twilight.

“Do we have time though?” she asks and you steel your gaze.

“No we don’t, but let’s do it anyway,” you order. “Because Queen Chrysalis has my Daddy, and I know for a fact Mommy isn’t going to stand for that…”

Back in the Empire


Your thoughts swirl in the inky blackness of the dreamscape. Memories mix with recent stimuli and form a non-cohesive narrative.

You stand in a trench, somewhere in Canterlot with many other changelings. How there is a trench dug into compacted stone, you have no clue, but it’s there. Your chest hurts immensely and your heartbeat feels funny as pony magic showers down around you.

“9001! I told you to move those podded ponies into the basement, not the Donut Shop!” Sergeant Pharynx, all 12 feet of him, yells at you as an explosion detonates, erasing several of your fellow changelings from existence.

“I’m sorry sir, I just got out of the infirmary,” you excuse but it falls on his giant deaf ears.

“Well you should have remained dead you worthless maggot! Because now the ponies have regrouped! It’s Game Over and it’s all your fault!” he scolds as laser beams strike at him, popping him like a balloon.

“No! It’s not my fault! It can’t be!” you exclaim as all the other changelings get shot, leaving only you. Surrounding you are the forms of many ponies in silhouette, not one of them can be clearly seen. “I was stationed in the caves! This isn’t my…fault?” you guess. It’s then that the strange inconsistencies of this situation come to you.

“Yeah, wait a minute, I was in the caves on the recon team!” you say to the surrounding shadowed ponies. “Chrysalis killed me after I gave Cadence food and water, and after she brought me back I was holed up in the caves until the invasion went sideways, and then the magic wave hit and...”

You shake your head and facehoof.

“I’m bucking dreaming aren’t I?” you say aloud, and as if that’s the magic words, the dream begins to crack all around you. “That’s right, I got choked out by Pharynx at the party and…I’m still asleep from that!”

“Wow, you’re so smart they should give you a diploma for figuring out the blatantly obvious!” a cruel, twisted voice says and your eyes widen. As the dream breaks all around you, you see in the sea of shadowed pony figures one who is now colored in. Your “Friend.”

“You?!” you accuse and he smiles, showing way too much teeth to be genuine.

“Guess you better wake up now before you forget how,” he taunts.

And as the dream collapses, you hear another distant voice ask,

"'It's been a while hasn't it?'" The voice then sighs and immediately says, "No..."

At first, you think you are dreaming again, and that that jerk calling himself your friend is back…but the soreness on your throat from being choked out is pretty definitive in convincing you otherwise.

"We meet again, my one and only worthy partner!" the feminine voice says again further pulling you from the hazy dreamscape. The voice is familiar, and disturbing…but you can’t quite figure out why. You hear them dismiss themselves again and say,

"'Ah! My one true lover! We have been brought together once more!' Yes! That's it!"

One true lover? What is going…on? Your thoughts trail off as you blink the haziness away and see exactly where you are, and then you remember exactly who owns that voice. Oh Buck!

You are currently bound by manacles on every limb and sitting on an ornate couch next to a large and lavish bed, and to make matters even more scary, your borrowed armor is no longer on, and there are round, metallic glove like things covering your hooves.

If that weren’t bad enough, fancy set up is currently dead center in the middle of Cadence and Shining’s throne room, or at least what’s left of it.

The thrones have been disgraced and graffitied, and hanging from the ceiling above the chairs are 11 pods. The Elements, Princesses, Shining, and Spike are all cocooned and set up like trophies, and strangely some of them have their heads free.

Oh buck, oh buck, oh buck, oh buck! You mentally scream as come to realize that you are smack dab in the middle of Chrysalis’s new throne. The last time you met her in a castle, you had been in control, you had had the power while she’d been weakened. Oh how the tables have turned.

“Hmm, perhaps I could come in with some refreshments? Social etiquette would force him to take one…” you hear your former larvaehood friend muttering just out of sight and a cold sweat breaks out over your chitin.

Stupid bucking Pharynx! Buck you Thorax! Your brother is still the same evil pain in flanks he always was! You think angrily, before trying to focus your thoughts. But I’ll yell at you later. Where the heck are Nightshade and Hope’s group? Did they get captured too?

Through the ground you hear a muffled crash and you hear the Changeling Queen sigh in frustration.

“Seriously, how hard is it to subdue one lousy machine?” she grumbles. “Perhaps the cold will damage it’s gears and that brat and slut will finally show up for it…”

Alright, so she seems distracted, you realize as you try to come up with a plan. I’m chained up again, and now my hooves are encased in metal…for some reason. I can either play dead or try to sneak out and-

“Psst! Bugze!” a whisper cuts through your thoughts.

What the-? You think as you look for the source.

“Up here!” the voice whispers again. Looking up, you see Cadence, one of the few with her head free from the cocoon, and she is looking at you urgently.

“Cadence?” you whisper back.

“Bugze! Use black magic on the throne and stairs will appear!” she urges you.

“Stairs?” You mouth at her before last year’s events come back to you. Oh right, that big hole in the ground that I followed Spike into that had the scary door.

You have to admit, as emergency escape routes go, you could do worse…but unfortunately.

“I can’t Cadence,” you say reluctantly and her eyes widen. “Selena and Sombra aren’t in my head anymore. I can’t use that kind of magic anymore.”

She looks at you for brief few seconds in surprise before her face falls,

“Buck!” she curses, and you feel for her. With Chrysalis’s mental facilities as they are the only reason she would have some of the captive’s heads free is to taunt them. Unable to move or use magic, it would be maddening after three days. “What about Nightshade?”

“I don’t know where she’s at!” you whisper back. “I got captured rescuing Grandbuggy, but hopefully they’ve gone for help and-“

“What about your Saddle Bag?” Twilight’s voice suddenly whispers. Looking over you see her too looking out of sorts, but her head is also free. “Don’t you have any black magic devices in there?”

“I don’t have that either!” you whisper shout in frustration. “And even if I did there’s nothing in there that…does…that…?”

You trail off as you see both alicorns looking mortified as they look just over your shoulder. Gulping, you slowly and reluctantly turn around on the couch…and your vision is filled by green eyes. Eyes drowning in madness, obsession, and twisted love that strikes fear into your very core as a sickeningly sweat voice echoes throughout the throne room,

"Why hello my Love Bug~!"

Faced with that, there is really only one logical reaction you could take.

“AAAHHHH!!! Would You Kindly Buzz Off?!” you shriek like a filly as you thrust your hoof out at Chrysalis’s unnerving smile and attempt to pump Electro Bolt into her.

“BBBBZZZZZTTTTGGHHHAGAGAGAEEEE!!!” you rattle off as not only does your hoof heat in immense pain, but the casings around your hooves reflect the lightning back into yourself, lighting up every nerve in your body.

After a few seconds, which seem to be an eternity of pain, the discharge stops and you fall back onto the couch, with some smock wafting off of your hair.

Chrysalis smirks at that as she waves away some of the smoke with her wings, and as she does you see the crystal heart fitted around her abdomen.

“Now now @#$%&, there’s no need for that foolishness right now,” she coos and runs a hoof down your cheek. “I mean if you wish to continue, you’ll only hurt yourself more, but that just means I can nurse you back to health even longer…”

The insinuation makes a chill run down your spine, and you realize that at this moment, you don’t even have your plasmids to fall back on.

“Buck…” you breathe out…but you realize that is exactly the wrong word you could have used as her eyes sparkle.

“Oh don’t worry, we will my lover. We most certainly will…” she says with lidded eyes and you squirm and sink back into the chair more.

“But you’ll have to be patient, there’s still some loose threads after all. How about we catch up and get into the mood a bit before we get onto the main event?” she insinuates and rubs her hoof through your mane.

Whimpering, you look up at Twilight and Cadence who both look grossed out and full of pity for you.

“I Need an Adult!” you screech.

“I Am an Adult,” she says back calmly with a snake like flicker of her tongue.


Episode 98: Tainted Love

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Ponygamer12’s Comment

Grey Rebl’s Comment

After she says that very creepy thing, you only have one logical response.


Out in the Snow


“Huh, the wind sure is picking up,” Garble says.

“I don’t think that was the wind,” Frost responds.

“No, no it most certainly was not,” Sombra says with a frown.

Out in Ponyville


“Whoa, did you hear that? Sounds like someone screaming for help,” Discord says weakly as he tries to sit up in his bed.

“Honk Honk,” Crackle agrees tiredly.

“Probably Canterlot, though things got quiet with them like two days ago,” Vinyl says pushing Discord back on the bed.

“I would be screaming too, that red ape thing is running rampant,” Octavia sighs and rubs at her temple. “May the gods have mercy to whoever is in it’s path.

Out in the Human World


“Urg,” B2 grunts putting a hand to his temple.

“What’s wrong?” asks Luna as Nightshade starts ordering the human girls around.

“I don’t know, just feel like someone walked over my grave,” he answers with a shiver.

Out in Deep Space


“I didn’t touch her Mr. President I swear!” the Brown Dog grunts, waking up in a stupor.

“Brown Dog!”

“Huh? Wha? What’s happenin’, where am I? Why’s it so dark?”

“It’s me, Kersey, here to rescue you,” the formerly fat pony says looking through a crack in the Dalek chasis. “Solarkness and Rutherford just blew up the generators a few levels below, and we’re in the Anger Management Hanger.”

“Anger Management?” His brows furrowed under his sunglasses. “I don’t remember being angry…”

“Exactly. What were you thinking getting high with the Daleks of all aliens?! You’re lucky they just brought your sorry flank here for ‘rehab’ instead of shooting you on sight, since they never found out who smuggled it in. Now half of the damn fleet is in here for suspected substance abuse, ready to go through some creepy BDSM ritual to prove their undying hatred. You’re welcome by the way.”

“It worked, didn’t it? Got them distracted and everything,” he chuckles before pausing. “...You guys DID get the self-destruct codes, right?”

“Yeah, Grey’s bringing it up there to the brig disguised as their exalted captain or whatever, playing up all that fire and brimstone OCD janitor talk they know and love, and Kichi’s trying to sell them on marketing techniques,” Kersey responds.

“He’s got a flair for the theatric,” the Diamond Dog chuckles.

“Ugh, do you have any idea how hard it was to find you? Usually I’d follow the scent of booze and drugs, but it’s everywhere. All these look-alike Dalek shells just makes it so hard to figure out who’s who among us.”

“Heheh… annoyingly outdated memes.”

“You should really think more about your health and how your actions affect others,” he chides.

“You know, somedays I miss fat evil Kersey over fit social justice warrior Kersey,” the dog grumbles

Clack, clack—clang~!

"Arrrgh! Stupid space wrench!" the pony grunts.

“Oh yeah, by the way, did you hear someone screaming unnaturally loudly? Sounded like a frightened woman,” the dog asks.

“Can’t say that I have, all I’ve been hearing is the sound of stoned alien robots and my stupid transponder that won’t stop beeping!”

“Transponder?” the dog asks and holds up his own wrist in the darkness, seeing the light flickering. “Doesn’t that mean Torchwood on Equus has got a situation?”

“They’ve always got a situation, but we got our own problems right now,” he says as more bolts are loosened.

“Eh, guess you’re right, not like there’s some silly creature poking holes in reality across hundreds of alternate dimensions or anything, right? We’ve got aaall the tiiiime in the woooorld~!”

Click, click. Clack!

“Woohoo! Free at last!” he says emerging from the robot shell and smirking at the pony. “Never knew how stuffy it’d be inside Dalek, though maybe I should go back. The sights are horrifying.”

“Oh whatever, I never want to be in one of these giant peppershakers again. Now come on fearless leader, we still gotta find Snap Drake and Rutherford before Solar gets sus’d out and stop Rebl before he pushes the ‘cleanse the world’ button for fun!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” the diamond dog says, forgetting about the distress beacon on his wrist.

Out of Your Mind

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


You finish screaming after what seems like an impossibly long time.
Cadence and Twilight look at you in amazement for not only the sheer pitch of it, but for the duration as well. Chrysalis on the other hand just looks at you as if she were patiently waiting.

“Better now?” she asks.

“…A little yes,” you reluctantly admit.

“Good, because though I do so love the sound of your voice @#$&, I’d rather we save the screaming for later…” she insinuates and you whimper slightly.

“Leave him alone!” Twilight shouts.

“Yes stop this Chrysalis, even you should be able to see he’s producing no love for you!” Cadence calls out and the queen scowls.

“Then your senses are dulled you twits, I can scarcely breathe with what he’s producing,” she says in delusion. “He wants me just as much as I want him.”

“B-b-but we can’t d-do that! I-“ you try to excuse, but she starts talking over you, her eyes focused, yet unfocused at the same time.

“Oh how long I’ve desired you @#$%&,” she coos. “When we were young I’d fantasized about you, but I had other distractions in the past. That long, long year in the prison though, you never left my mind.”

Dear Luna, this is beyond obsession, you think fearfully as she starts caressing your hind leg.

“After you told me to be Happy, I truly did, because my love for you became my sole focus,” she continues ranting, licking her lips. “It became my glorious purpose to escape and it’s what kept me powered and alive all this time. Where others fell or became weak, I persevered because I would not let the flame of our love die.”

That actually gets you to scowl back at her.

“You didn’t persevere because of that, you fed on the others!” you accuse, but she just smiles.

“Their purpose was to get me back to you $%@#&, so it was a necessary step,” she says nonchalantly and you bristle.

“Wait, she fed on her own subjects?” Twilight asks from above, which actually gets Chrysalis to give her a side glare.

“Yes she did! It’s perverse and evil!” you explain and continue glaring at the mad mare. “Love is what a Changeling thrives on! Their life force! They stayed by your side, and that’s how you rewarded them?!”

“They knew what they gave, and they did so willingly…” she says unperturbed.

“How could you do that?” Cadence says horrified, realizing how cannibalistic it all is. “To your own species?”

Chrysalis snarls up at the pink alicorn.

“Because that is their purpose! To serve the crown and love me unconditionally. And because my love thrives for him, they helped me to get to this very day in any way they could!” she rants before she turns back to you and her face becomes softer. “But in the end, after getting out of that prison, I no longer needed their love. I had an abundance gifted to me by you. It was all the power I needed.”

“That’s not power Chrysalis! You’re eating yourself!” you growl, but your words have no affect on her as she just giggles.

“Is it so wrong to give in to such a strong emotion?” she asks sweetly.

“Yes!” you shout in frustration.

“What do you mean she’s eating herself?” asks Twilight.

“She’s feeding off of her own supply of love! That’s poisonous to a changeling and it twists the mind into madness!” you explain, though you direct that response to the Queen herself.

“Oh that explains a few things,” Cadence deadpans.

“Quiet slut! If I want your feedback I’d ask for it!” Chrysalis barks.

“Bitch, you’ve ranted and raved and gloated to me and Twilight for three days! If you didn’t want us to talk back you’d have covered our heads!” Cadence snarls back.

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of #$%&@’s love for me,” Chrysalis sing songs, covering her ears.

“That’s not my name anymore! It’s Bugze! And you need help Chrysalis!” you implore.

“Of course I do,” she says with a grin. “The kind of help only you can provide…”

And with that her hoof slips a little further down south and your face flushes.

“I’m saving it for marriage!” you shout and scoot back from her to the edge of the couch.

Kichi’s Comment

“Oh, must you be so prudish?” she pouts before suddenly getting up off the couch and walking towards the thrones. “I mean, of course we’re going to get married, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun before.”

“Wha?! I’m not gonna marry yo-“ you try to complain, but she ignores you as she levitates something from behind the throne and holds it in front of herself.

“Hey! That’s mine!” Cadence shouts from above and Chrysalis snickers holding the wedding gown from the Canterlot Invasion.

“Oh come now, it’s not like you’re going to use it again, and besides, I wore it for longer than you did,” the queen insults and Cadence sneers.

“But what do you think my love? Isn’t it thematically perfect?! The day we were both reborn was another’s wedding, but now it shall be ours!” she cackles.

“…What are you even smoking?!” you exclaim. “You killed me that day because I helped the mare who owns that dress!”

“Yes, but I brought you back did I not?” she points out. “That was a turning point, for I remembered my love for you and gave back. And now it’s time for me to receive my reward.”

“That doesn’t make any Gorramn Sense! What in the blue buck are you tal-“

"This day is going to be perfect..."

Chrysalis interrupts as she begins to sing and twirl around.

“The kind of day of which I dreamed sinc-“

"Hey, that's my song!" Cadence interrupts.

"What? No! It's mine!" Chrysalis shouts back, stopping her musical number.

"No, I sang that in the caves, right Twilight?!” she asks her sister in law.

“Of course, This Day Aria, I remember. Especially when I had to push that mine cart and you did nothing to help!” she chides and the pink alicorn blushes in embarrassment.

“What are you going on about? I sang this while disguised as you in your room after I’d sent Twilight Sparkle to play with you!”

“I do recall someone talking about her singing,” you admit playing advocate.

“Wait, did we both sing it at the same time?” Cadence and Chrysalis ask at the same time.

“There have been recorded cases where the musical number that entails a duet will reach both recipients despite both of them not hearing the other,” Twilight mentions. “I mean, it happened for me and all my friends when our Cutie Marks were switched.”

“I bucking hate the intricacies of the musical numbers bending our reality,” you grunt.

“Oh…well it matters not! I don’t need a duet this time, I’m claiming it for myself and for my love!” she declares. And before Cadence can argue further, Chrysalis lights up her horn and some of the goop from hers and Twilight’s cocoons comes from below their necks and over their mouths.

“Mmf!” Cadence and Twilight yell muffled.

"There we go. Now, as I was saying, ahem,” she coughs into her hoof before starting again, this time accompanied by sourceless music.

“This day is going to be perfect...
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small ♬"

“You say that but you’re the one who rejected me when we were young remember?!” you catcall. She flinches at that, but continues singing.

"Everypony will gather 'round
Say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all"

“Who’s they? Who do you think you’re fooling?!” you demand. “And what ponies are gonna gather around unless you force them to?”

"I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
For I oh so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh %$#@&
we'll be there very soon"

She says longingly looking at you as if you’re a piece of food.

"Where is ‘there’?” you ask frustrated. “And you obviously care about all that other stuff or you wouldn’t even be dancing with that dress!”

"He will be mine, all mine... And neither Nightmare Moon nor that little brat will stand in my way!” she sings and begins cackling. Once more though, you are pissed more than you are scared.

“I don’t think even you believe that deep down. Selena and Nightshade aren’t just going to abandon me to you, you nutjob!” you insult and her eye twitches briefly, before she turns to you with another creepy smile.

“They won’t have a choice my love. You will be mine, oh yes, you will be mine…” she says, and through the sickeningly sweet tone, you can catch the maliciousness.

WARGAMES’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment

"Yeah? Well good luck trying to marry me thot! It’s kind of hard to romance a vegetable!" you declare as you raise your hoof. “Would You Kindly Shock, Shock, Shock?!”

And with that the electrical pain returns as it rebounds inside of your specialized gloves back into your body. And though your body twitches and spasms and the pain is immense, you keep letting it flow for as long as possible, your goal being unconsciousness.

“Bugze!” Twilight calls out in concern, spitting the slime off of her mouth, but Chrysalis…Chrysalis just watches as you hurt yourself with that same loopy grin, as if you’re doing nothing more than just relaxing at a tea party.

Eventually though, you can’t continue and you stop riding the lightning. Unfortunately you don’t pass out and all you’ve done is barbecue yourself a bit. The pain in your chest returns and your breathing becomes labored as you hunch over the side of the couch and your vision swims.

Oh come on! I was passed out for three days and got choked out by Pharynx, but now I can’t lose consciousness?! Buck you Lady Luck! You think angrily as Chrysalis starts coming towards you. Gods, what I wouldn’t do for a timely rescue right now!

Suddenly a beam of magic strikes Chrysalis, throwing her to the ground.

“What?” you say in surprise as you look to the door and see a humnoid figure dressed in blue and purple garbs and with a skull face.

“Nyeh heh heh!” the figure laughs, holding a staff with a ram’s head at the end up in the air.

“A human version of Skeletor?” you think, briefly disappointed because it reminds you of the obsessed MLH artists that would Humanize any and every fictional character with no rhyme or reason. But then again, beggars can’t be choosers, and if he’s good enough for that human motel manager back in the Human World you briefly met, it’s good enough for you.

“Oh Skeletor, even if you’re humanized, is it really you and not some bullspit horribly written bait and switch woke garbage by some lying sellout old bastard?”

“Nyeh!” he responds.

“Oh thank the gods,” you cheer in happiness.

“Oh, you think your skeleton will stop me?!” Chrysalis declares, briefly overlapping with a younger version of herself in the sandbox, holding a buff stallion figurine. “I have He-Mane on my side!”

Then landing in front of her is the classic He-Mane in all his equestrian glory, wearing his revealing clothing. He then sings at the top of his lungs,


“Nyeh heh heh heh!” Skeletor declares and the two of them charge at one another ensuing in an epic battle.

“Yes, yes! This is all I’ve ever wanted!” you cheer and start chanting, “Skeletor! Skeletor! Skele-“

“$%&#@, there’s no time for daydreaming,” Chrysalis’s voice pierces through your head.

“Huh?” you ask before suddenly there is a slap on your cheek and your eyes swirl back to focus. There are no mythical versions of your childhood, humanized or other, fighting for your life, there is only you, still chained and powerless at the mercy of the Changeling Queen.

“You shouldn’t play around with lightning so much, it makes your thoughts jumbled,” she coos and sits right next to you.

“But…It…it was epic…” you whimper as the tightness in your chest returns and she leans her face closer to yours.

“Don’t you feel silly? Don’t you feel, stupid? Don’t you feel, a little ashamed?” she asks in a strangely playful yet sinister manner as she taps on the encasings around your hooves, which you notice have some red glowing crystalline properties.

“…Not a day goes by that I don’t,” you grunt as the pressure in your chest ceases.

“Think my lover, think,” she says tapping the sides of her temples with both hooves. “There is no need to fight anymore. It’s been four years of all this nonsense in you trying to be a hero. You’re not a hero #$%@&, so just let it go and become my king like you were always meant to be…”

Kichi’s Comment

Grey Rebl’s Comment

"Ah, well, you see, uh,” you stammer before a light bulb goes off in your brain. “Wait, we can't be married!"

"Not again Darling, you can’t be getting cold hooves this close to-“ she starts but you interrupt.

“No, I mean, legally we can’t be married since you’re still married to Shining Armor!” you say rapidly as if you were a lawyer.

“Huh?” she asks, taken aback for the first time since you woke up.

“Hmm?!” Cadence asks, still muffled.

“What?” Twilight says confused.

“You legally married him before we were all banished out, so by law I can’t be your king since he already is. In fact, that makes Cadence’s marriage to him invalid, so before we do anything, you’ve gotta get an annulment presided over by an Equestrian Bureaucrat.”

“Really? But I’m a supreme ruler now so-“ she starts, but you talk over her.

“Hey, I don’t make the rules. The only other option is to wake Shining up, because he could just as easily declare you and Cadence as his wives without all the paperwork.”

“He can?” Chrysalis asks while Twilight and Cadence share a confused look.

“Of course he can, and so as his wife you’d need permission to marry me anyway since then it becomes a weird polyamorous relationship. Like King Tutankabee, remember?”

“Wait, hold on-“ she holds up your hoof, but you continue.

“King Tutankabee had several wives in ancient Anugypt, but any time he got a new one, the other wives had to accept her. So in that regard, you’d need Cadence’s permission too.”

“Uh…” Chrysalis drones dumbly as you overload her with info.

“So really you should take them all out of the pods so we can sort this out,” you bargain. “Also, if we’re gonna get married, shouldn’t you ask my Grandbuggy for permission? You know, since both our folks are gone, but still it’d be proper wouldn’t it?”

“Why-I-What?” she stammers.

“I mean, I know I have bad luck already, but why tempt fate like Queen Hatshepbettle did in Mesopomaria? The gods didn’t like her breaking tradition,” you point out.

"I-Yes... Of course I remember the story of Hatshepbettle,” she says unconvincingly. “But her story doesn’t-wait a second, how do you know so much about ancient history and pony politics? I thought you failed those classes in high school?”

“I have an assorted yet random collection of many topics with no rhyme or reason,” you shrug. “Which is why I will shout for hours about Dinosaurs NOT having feathers!”

“Wait, what?!” Twilight gasps. “But recent discoveries have shown that-“

“NO FEATHERS!!!” you snap at her before coughing into your encased hoof and looking back at the crazed queen. “But yes, thanks to all those factors, we should take it slow, right?”

There is a long pause after that, from everyone conscious in the room, before Chrysalis simple says,

“I never married Shining Armor.”

“What?!” you exclaim.

“It’s true, me and Cadence stopped her just in time,” Twilight admits reluctantly and Cadence nods, still trying to get the goop off.

“Oh…well I have been under a false impression for the last four years,” you say feeling dumb.

“That you have been,” Chrysalis nods before smiling too wide. “But I suppose that’s just your charm. Any more revelations you’d like to throw out? The Hive tax consultant is actually a robot from the future? Dentists are the real world superpowers? Not even foals can see why they love Cinnamon Toast Crunch perhaps?”

You frown at the mocking and just say,

“Yeah, the rest of the drones should have put you on decaf months ago.”

She just smirks at that and wraps her hoof around one of your chains.

“I stopped drinking coffee years ago. But even if I hadn’t, they wouldn’t dare do so unless I told them to,” she says with surety.

“Yeah, right, because I left only the most loyal and idiotic with you,” you shake your head in disgust. “But loyalty can only go so far Chrysalis. You think they’ll stick with you as you destroy the world?”

“Destroy the world?” she asks with a raised brow.

“Yes! Without Celestia and Luna moving the sun and moon then one half of the world is gonna burn while the other is going to freeze to death!” you exclaim.

“Oh really now?” she says with a playful smirk and your eye twitches.

“It’s basic common sense! There’s not gonna be enough unicorns to do the job forever, and once everything is cooked and frozen everything will die out!” you reprimand. “Sure maybe dragons could hold on for awhile, but once everything else is dead they’re gonna run out of food eventually too. You can’t live on gems forever!”

“Oh, that sounds so fascinating, especially about the part where ponies are useless and can’t survive harsh conditions,” she giggles and you go bug eyed.

“How can you be this crazy? I mean seriously, I already went through this conversation with Flag Burner three days ago and I know you were watching on the screens while we had that spiel, so how can you seriously ignore that you’re gonna destroy the world?!”

"Oh there you go again, destroy, destroy, destroy, it’s hilarious," she smiles while that ever-present mad glint in her eyes shines another color, one sicklier than the last. She then starts giggling again. She giggles and giggles and giggles, covering her mouth that does nothing to stifle the poisonous sound as it bleeds through the holes in her hoof.

“Why are you laughing?!” you demand at a loss for how she could be this far gone.

"Oh my lover, I’m laughing because you are thinking such silly things,” she says catching her breath. “I’m not like that ignorant metal pony you defeated. Why would I kill Celestia and Luna when they make such good batteries?”

“…Huh?” you say surprised.

“My dear, I have drained the powers of all the ponies in this room, so moving the celestial bodies above shall be a trivial matter,” she hoof waves before smirking. “And I assure you that I much prefer your taste over them.”

“Oh…uh…” you say dumbfounded that she’d actually taken that into consideration. “Well, I mean usually with the track record of some of the villains I’ve fought I just thought…”

“And that’s why I found it funny, you really underestimate what I would do for you,” she giggles again into her hoof. “Why would I destroy the world when I intend to rule it? And don’t you know? The one who controls the sun and moon controls the world.”

“…Huh, I actually can’t find fault in that logic,” you admit reluctantly, a bit angry that that part of her plan is fool proof. “I mean, you’re letting the Empire freeze so I figured that you might not care about the bigger picture and all.”

“Oh letting it snow outside is just a tactical decision, for we changelings don’t have issue with the cold,” she says with another giggle. “And you need not worry about the rest of the world my little love bug.”

The way she says that sets off alarms in your head as you hesitantly ask,

“Uh, wh-why is that?” she giggles once more before her hoof falls away from her face and you flinch back as razor sharp teeth fill her face-splitting grin.

“Because my lover, I am going to give it all you to you.”

“Wh-What?!” you ask in disturbed fear.

"I am going to give you EVERYTHING,” she says leaning over you now. “And because I will rule the world, I will give the whole world my future king…”

“B-b-but why would I want that?” you ask and she raises her brow again.

“Why wouldn’t you?” she asks sweetly.

“Because there would be so many problems and headaches to deal with,” you say truthfully. “I went over this with Human Twilight Sparkle, but conquering so many nations you would have to deal with so many conflicting ideologies and there’d be rebellions and resistances and every other unhappy group formed.”

“You don’t think they’d fall in line with all the might we now possess?” she asks as if you’re a simpleton, which most of the time you are, but right now you are laser focused.

“Look how many times villains have beaten the princesses in the last 4 years. You took their power so you know they’re not invincible,” you point out. “Plus, out in the world are other magical powers and doodads that could be used against you.”

“But the Elements of Harmony are no longer an issue,” she argues.

“W-Well that’s true, but there could be others. Just look at all the artifacts used that separated me from Selena and Sombra! There’s bound to be more,” you urge. This time she actually stops and seems to be considering that. Noticing her moment of confliction, Twilight speaks up.

“H-he’s right Chrysalis! There are many different artifacts out in the world that have immense power,” she says and the queen grimaces.

“More powerful than this Crystal Heart?” she demands tapping at the crystal power source hanging around her neck.

“Absolutely!” Twilight nods. “There’s the…the uh…” she struggles to lie so you jump in.

“The Ban Hammer!” you say.

“Ban Hammer?” she and Twilight both question.

“Yes! The Ban Hammer! It’s a tool used by out of touch corporate executives to smash the hopes and dreams of their fans!” you say thinking about a certain Neighponese Game Company and a Games Workshop that makes figurines for an expensive Table Top RPG.

“How would smashing hopes and dreams affect our rule?” she questions.

“Demoralization leads to anger and unruliness and you’d have a lot of riots to deal with,” you say confidently.

“Hmm, sounds more like an annoyance,” she says before looking at you quizzically. “Though it sounds like you know where this object is?”

“Not really, though I heard that on his death bed, Neighomoto hid it in Las Pegasus somewhere but left clues sprinkled around the world, like a key in the Everfree Castle which opens a box in the dragon lands that has a map somewhere in the Grffon lands,” you keep bullspitting. “But the next clue is protected by an army of Nintendoids.”

“By what?”

“Nintendoids,” you repeat. "They’re small rectangular robot things that will throw cartridge ammo at you,” you lie.

“Uh huh…” she says though her face starts to become less weary. Above you, Cadence and Twilight are silently trying to tell you to shut up, but you don’t notice as you keep lying.

“Also, I’ve heard tale of the Ring of Power in New Zebrand in the village of 'Taumatawhakatangihangakoauaotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu.’”

“Traumawhateverkangaroo..." Chrysalis attempts to say.

"Taumatawhakatangihangakoauaotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu" you say again without stuttering once. “It’s a ring that will turn you invisible and also control the other rings and their wearers.”

“Right…I’ll get the drones right to looking for that one my bug,” she giggles again and shakes her head playfully.

…Somehow, I don’t think she believes me. Dang it! You mentally shout as Twilight and Cadence look at you in disappointment. As love crazy as she is, I thought she’d be a little more unstable and believe more lies! This is what happens when I have to think alone!

And it’s true, you are alone. Alone in mind, alone in body, alone in soul, trapped with a mentally unstable dictator.

My head is a little too empty without Selena and Sombra, you think in melancholy. I used to be able to bounce ideas and get feedback. Sure I’d ignore it sometimes, but it was always nice to have options. Right now all I can think about is chewing off my hooves to get away like in that nature documentary that traumatized me as a kid.

“You are being awfully quiet darling, what’s on your mind?” Chrysalis asks as she rests her head on your shoulder and you begin to sweat. “Hopefully not more silly lies or wrong assessments?”

Ugh, I can’t afford to be lonely right now, you mentally berate with a sigh. For now it’s probably best to let her think I’m on board with being with her and then wait for an opportunity to escape.,

With that, you pull yourself together somewhat and say aloud,

"Of course not, I was just, um, thinking about how good your plans actually are.”

“Oh, I’m glad that you’re finally seeing reason love,” she says absolutely beaming. “And once you’re my king, everything will be at your hoof tips.”

“Right, yeah, that’s what I was considering,” you lie before holding said hooves up. “Speaking of which, would you kindly take the casings off? I kind of want to touch you.”

You say it pretty convincingly as you see her cheeks flush in excitement, but on the inside you want to hurl. You were in love with her once, but she’s not the same mare from all those years ago.

“Oh, you don’t need your hooves to touch me darling,” she says placing one of her back legs over yours, causing you to tense. “And besides, those are for your protection until I can purge your body of those nasty plasmids.”

“Oh, but uh, they’re kind of hardwired into my DNA now,” you say as you try and fail to shift away from her. She only gets further into your lap and though and says,

“We’ll find a way #$%@,” she says sensually and starts leaning her face towards you. “We have all the time in the world…”

And as time seems to slow down and her face gets closer and closer to yours, suddenly there is a knock at the chamber doors. She pauses and her face fills with anger and frustration.

“Ugh! Who is it?!” she shouts tersely turning away from you and you let out a gasp of relief. “I said I was not to be disturbed! If it’s about that Metal Fox thing then handle it your-“

"Filly Scouts of Equestria!" a high pitched voice says from the other side of the door and she pauses.

“…What now?” she asks.

“It’s the Filly Scouts ma’am. Would you like to buy some cookies?” the voice asks again. Chrysalis looks dumbfounded at that and looks between you, Twilight, Cadence and the door. Unfortunately for her, none of you have any answers for her.

“Is this some kind of joke?” she asks through the door.

“Not at all ma’am. We Filly Scouts are all about serious business. Now, we have a special where royalty gets a 10% discount on all orders, as long as they buy the custom mini fridges.”

“Mini fridges? We’re in the Arctic!” she shouts as she gets up off the couch and starts walking to the door.

“Yes, but keeping food in the snow is just asking for a yeti to come along,” the voice says.

“Oh for, how did you even get past my guards?! Your organization is supposed to be banned from the Hive?!” she growls.

“Well, a lot of the guards are drunk so…”

You remember the story Thorax told you, and as crazy as it sounds, you kind of believe that a troupe of little fillies might be behind that door.

“Help! Run Little Fillies! Get the Equestrian Guard! The Princesses are captured!” you shout just as she opens the door…and on the other side are not Filly Scouts, but some younglings who start laughing as Chrysalis seems shocked.

“Gotcha!” they shout in unison before running off laughing down the hallways.

You and Chrysalis sit there stunned for a moment before she shouts after them.

“You little brats are on indefinite latrine duty! Mark My Words!” she calls out just as Pharynx rounds the corner. “Sergeant! Why were you not at your post?!”

“Sorry ma’am, you did not want to be disturbed and I was checking the progress on that mechanical fox. We lost track of it out in a glacial trench and-“

“After those children immediately!” she shouts and he shuts up. “I want them disciplined, kept from sweets, and their parents reprimanded!”

“A-as you wish my queen!” he salutes and runs off. She then grunts and slams her hoof against the door frame, cracking it slightly.

“Uh…e-easy there Chrysalis, they’re just kids,” you try to placate, but she turns to you with an angry expression.

“Oh don’t think I forgot what you said earlier! Trying to get help from those infernal Filly Scouts!” she spits in rage as her mane gets a bit frazzled. You whimper a bit and try to make yourself seem small as she huffs and puffs, but after a few moments, she perks up and starts laughing.

“You know what? I guess it’s not all that bad. I’m now in the mood for some cookies, how about you?” she asks in a Pinkie-esque manner.


“Great! I’ll be back in a moment, I’m going to bake you a batch worthy of our love,” she says with her eye twitching. “Don’t get any funny ideas my darling!”

And with that, she exits and closes the door, leaving you alone with the hanging Elements, Princesses, Shining and Spike.

Nightslayer’s Comment

TartarusFire’s Comment

You just sit there in stunned silence for a few quiet moments as you hear her hoofsteps getting quieter and quieter. Eventually, it’s Cadence who breaks the silence, having finally gotten her mouth free.

“That girl is all kinds of bucked in the head,” she sighs.

“Yeah, no kidding,” you grumble in depression.

“I know we’ve had to hear her mad ramblings for three days now, but with you around it’s so much worse,” Twilight shudders. “We have to get out of this Bugze.”

“I know that Princess!” you huff back in annoyance. “Unfortunately, I’ve only got my own brain cells left and a power that hurts me more than it hurts others! Not to mention I’m still chained!” You rattle the chains and casings for emphasis and they wince.

“Calm down Bugze, we’re just as stressed as you are,” Cadence tries to soothe.

“Hey, at least you’re not the ones getting groped! Every time she talks and touches me I feel violated!” you say in disgust. “So yes, I know my two options are either escape, or become the Changeling King, which isn’t a thing by the way, and I can tell you this for free, I am not marrying Chrysalis!”

“Of course you’re not,” Twilight encourages.

“I just need to get rid of these bucking chains!” you curse and start rattling the hunks of metal. “Seriously, how do these things even work? There’s no keyholes or anything.”

“I’m not sure, they’re either of Changeling or Crystal Pony make and I’m not familiar with the design,” she admits.

“Wait a second, if this is crystal pony make…” you murmur remembering a conversation you’d had with Sombra in the human world.


The day before the Battle of the Bands, you had been discussing the best methods for capturing Midnight, and you were still very much adamant about your peanut butter trap. Sombra however, was not.

Chains, you dumb cockroach! Chains is what we need!

“Chains don’t work well in a net trap smokey,” you argue, rolling your eyes as you gathered four jars of peanut butter. “She’d hear them clanking anyway and would ruin the surprise.”

Oh for the love of, he groans and you smirk victorious.

I know you have a track record in chaining up your enemies, but I don’t think Midnight will be brought to heel so easily, Selena adds, siding with you.

Yes, yes, I know that, he grumbles before sighing. And I know they wouldn’t be as good as the one’s I developed in the Empire, but still…

“What’s so special about your old slave chains?” you ask.

They suppressed magic, and would harm the wearer if they tried to remove them, he explains, though you detect a note of shame in that. I actually came up with the concept before I took power. They could also only be removed by a password of my choosing.

“Right…well those aren’t here right now, so let’s stick with the peanut butter,” you say definitively.

Present Day

“…I really should have humored him more and asked about the passwords,” you berate yourself.

“Huh?” asks Cadence, but you ignore her as you hold up the chains in front of you face.

“Okay, uh, King Sombra is amazing?” you guess, but nothing happens.

“Bugze?” asks Cadence.

“Uh, King Crystal?” you guess again but nothing happens.

“Bugze what are you doing?” asks Twilight.

“I like stairs? Crystals are awesome? Princess Amore is a whorse?” you throw out.

“Bugze, what the hay are you talking about?!” Cadence demands.

“I’m trying to figure out the password for Sombra’s stupid chains here!” you grunt in frustration. “I love Radiant Hope?”

“…Bugze, those aren’t Sombra’s chains,” Cadence responds.

“Say what now?” you ask looking up.

“Shining and I got rid of most of his old technology, it was too traumatic for the Crystal Ponies to keep around,” she explains.

“And keeping items of slavery wouldn’t have looked too well for their rule,” Twilight adds.

“Oh…” you say feeling even more like an idiot. “Then are these just keyless chains then?”

“Yeah, now that I get a better look they appear to be changeling in origin than crystal pony like Twilight hypothesized. You can tell by the uniform black coloration,” Cadence instructs.

“Ah, I suppose that should have been my first clue,” Twilight notes.

“Well that’s just peachy!” you growl and toss the hunks of metal out of your forelegs. “There goes my one idea.

“Don’t fret so much, it’s not like I don’t have any ideas left,” Twilight encourages.

“Okay shoot then, tell me what you got Purple Smart,” you order grumpily and she frowns.

“I’ll overlook that for now,” she rolls her eyes before going into lecture mode. “Look, you still have access to your Plasmid abilities correct?”

“Yes, but as you saw shocking myself isn’t really helpful.”

“But that’s just it, don’t you have other non-damaging plasmids?”

“I mean, I’ve got insect swarm, but that’s not helpful anymore after I broke the Hive Mind last year,” you say. “And I’ve got Telekinesis and Bucking Bronco, but these covering things would just rebound those too.”

“The Bucking Bronco one is where your target gets launched into the air right?” Cadence asks.

“Yeah that’s right,” you nod. Cadence and Twilight then share a look at this and nod before Twilight speaks up again.

“If the Bronco or Telekinesis rebounds on you, that means it would propel you as well right?”

“Yeah? But how’s that going to help m-“

“Bugze, the chains holding you are attached to the couch,” Cadence points out. “It may be heavy, but with enough force, you may be able to propel yourself to the thrones. That’s where your Saddlebag is.”

Looking over you do indeed spy your trusty Inventory, almost taunting you in how close and far it is at the same time.

“Surely you have something in there to help right?” Twilight asks.

“I’ve got quite a few things actually. But I think I understand what you’re getting at,” you say as a light bulb lights above your head.

“Excellent,” Twilight grins. “Now, angle your hooves behind you and-“ she starts to instruct, but unfortunately you are two steps ahead of her.

“Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco!” you shout, as you leap from the couch awkwardly.

“No wait! Don’t-“ she tries to call out, but it’s too late.

“Wwwaaaggghhh!!!” you cry out. Because of your awkward angle, you are flipped end over end as your bones rattle up your hooves painfully. The chains holding you go taught, and your momentum turns into a swinging motion with your face heading right towards a pillar.

“Oh Son A-*WHACK*

“Oooohhhh,” Twilight and Cadence wince as stars fill your vision.

“Iz albrite! Am kk!” you slur as a bit of blood leaks down your forehead. “Just gon…”

And with that you lay your head on the stone as your vision swims.

Really missing my healing factor right now, you think dazedly. But don’t pass out body, I know I tried to earlier with the shocking, but not right now!

And as you give a herculean effort to not lose consciousness with Twilight and Cadence giving words of encouragement…

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment


“So, how many more times do you think we’ll have to move the ponies around?” a changeling guard asks.

“As many times as we need to till Nightmare Moon and the child are flushed out,” the other guard grunts.

“Are we even sure they’re still in the Empire? Maybe they got out?” asks the first guard.

“Noling escaped, and even if they did, we would have found their corpses in the wastes by now.”

“Yeah alright, I’m just getting bored of babysitting all the time. Those guys that got to chase after that fox robot thing probably had some fun.” the first guard sighs. “It’s such a pain to keep corralling an entire city’s worth of ponies each day. Things would go so much more smoothly if we just cocooned them all.”

“That would take up too much time and energy. Besides, the cold keeps them in line,” the second guard assures. “But once those two have been captured then our Queen will push back the blizzard and we can…we can…”

The second guard trails off.

“We can what? What can we do?” the first guard asks looking to his compatriot before pausing in confusion. “What the…?”

The second guard’s eyes are glazed over and he is looking off into space unfocused.

“Um, are you oka-“

“AGH! Get them out! Get them out! I can feel them buzzing around inside my skull!” the second guard suddenly shrieks, startling the first.

“What?! What is it?!”

“Oh no not the bees! NOT THE BEES! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” the second guard shrieks as she starts swinging wildly, striking his fellow guard.

“Ow! Hey, get a hold of yourself! Stop it! Guys I need some backup!” the changeling calls out as he tries to subdue his screaming comrade. And while a few more guards come over to help with the commotion, you extinguish your horn.

“There, that ought to do it,” you say with a pleased smirk. You’re grateful that your mother and sister were able to give you a bit of a boost in your magical recovery since you’ll need a lot to open the door, but this doesn’t take too much at all. “Who’d have thought that a giant bug’s biggest fear would have been smaller insects?”

“At least it makes more sense than that one who was afraid of clowns,” Hope says as she leads a small group of ponies from a house. “Seriously, what’s so scary about those?”

You freeze up as you remember those times when you were ‘put in time out’ within the cockroach’s mind. Surrounded by his nightmares did take a toll, especially with the clowns with sharp teeth.

“Y-You’d be surprised what modern creatures find frightening,” you deflect, hiding your disturbed face.

“I suppose that’s true,” Hope nods before she starts instructing the ponies on where to go.

The both of you, after hearing that strangely universal scream, had left the prison entrance leaving the Windicolt and Dragon behind. And as you entered the freezing city, you still found traces here and there of ponies, mostly visitors from the games, being transported further in. Taking the opportunity, you’ve shown these random scattering of changelings why you are the King of Fear.

It hasn’t been much, maybe 20 or 30 ponies, but it’s made Hope happy…and you suppose it’s the right thing to do.

“Just follow the trail we left in the snow and you’ll come across a blue colt and a small red dragon. They’ll take it from there,” she instructs.

“O-Okay,” they say giving weary glances to you. Even if they themselves aren’t crystal ponies, your reputation precedes you.

They then depart while you watch from the side as the changelings subdue their comrade.

“And one more for good measure,” you say lighting up your horn. Suddenly one of the guards starts screaming about commitment and how he’s not ready to settle down!”

“Wh-what?” says one of the female guards sounding hurt. “B-but we’ve been together for five years!”

“I know and it’s a good thing we’ve got going! Why do we have to go through with all that wedding stuff?! Nothing good ever happens at weddings!” he shouts fearfully.

“You already bought me a ring!” the female guard shouts, allowing the bee fearer to get loose and start running around.

“Because I got pressured into it! All those bits and we could have put into savings, but we didn’t!” he exclaims and the female changeling starts crying.

“…Okay, now I feel bad for them,” Hope says regretfully as they continue to argue.

“Hmmph, better they fight now than regret it later,” you shrug nonplussed because it isn’t your problem. “Now come along, we’re almost near the entrance.”

“Oh, alright,” she says looking back at the squabbling changelings. “Kind of makes you wonder what everyone’s deepest fears might be since they’re all varied.”

“Yes they are. And they are always constantly shifting based on life experience.”

“I guess that makes sense,” she nods. “Although why that other changeling feared hair loss is beyond me. He didn’t even have hair.”

At that you stiffen again, remembering your human counterparts chrome dome.

“…Many stallions have that one ingrained,” you lie with shifty eyes and she raises an eyebrow.

“Oh really?” she asks skeptically.

“Yup! Though I have no such fear. My glorious mane isn’t going anywhere,” you say running your hoof through it.

“The long cut definitely suits you,” she nods mesmerized watching as your mane flows in the wind. She then smirks and says, “But you kind of lost a strand there. I’m currently wearing it like a moustache.”

“WHAT?!” you exclaim and whirl around so fast you hurt your neck a bit. “Please don’t tell me it’s also started in this wor-“

“Gotcha!” she says before laughing aloud. Her face has none of your hair on it, and none of your locks are missing.

“Oh…” you say in shocked embarrassment before blushing and looking away.

“Yeah, you’ve definitely got that fear too Sombra,” she teases and you huff.

“It was merely just a glance,” you excuse. “For all I knew, you’d taken scissors to my mane.”

“Heh heh heh, I wouldn’t do that Sombra,” she giggles before swiping her own hoof through your mane. “Besides, even if you did start losing your hair, I’d be able to fix it.”

That actually gets a chuckle out of you as you shake your head good naturedly and keep trudging through the storm. You and her navigate the snowy streets relatively easily. Sure some modernizations have been added here and there, such as the street lamps, but for the most part these are still the same streets she and you grew up on.

“Hard to believe it’s been a thousand years,” she says looking all about. “It only feels like yesterday.”

“It’s seemed a lot longer than that for me…” you say regretfully to which she picks up on.

“Oh…well when I was with the Umbrum, time kind of was wonky for me. It sure didn’t seem like a thousand years while I was in there,” she explains. “Though I don’t know much about how your banishing spell worked.”

“It was almost instantaneous if you can believe it,” you respond. “The return left me incorporeal, but it was as if I’d just fallen asleep.”

“Ah,” she nods. “I just figured when you said it seemed longer and all…”

“I meant it felt like it when you weren’t around,” you clarify and she pauses in her tracks for a moment before giggling and catching up to you.

“Hey now, don’t go catching a mare off guard like that,” she giggles and you smirk.

“Sorry, can’t help it. I’m just full of surprises,” you joke, and she giggles more, which sounds absolutely divine to you.

It’s almost as if nothing has happened between us, you think, feeling a little lighter. Like we never hurt one another, or anypony else…

You pause at that thought as you look at the ice covered structures and sigh.

No, that’s not true at all, you think in melancholy. If I had succeeded that day, I would have just gone back to the torment and suffering. I would have allowed the cold in, and I would have broken all their minds once more.

There’s no second guessing yourself, you know for a fact that it’s what you would have done. It’s what you had planned. Had Bugze, Nightshade and those mares not been around, you would have continued your march of conquest and fear.

“Sombra? Are you alright? You’re spacing out?” Hope asks looking at you worriedly. You meet her eyes and the thoughts recede somewhat.

“Y-yes, just lost in thought. I’ve…far too many unpleasant memories. Many of them by my own design,” you admit.

She still looks worried for you, but she gives you that bright smile of hers.

“It’ll be alright. Once this is all over, we could just leave. There’s no need to stay in the Empire once everyone’s been freed and made happy.”

Even after all these years, her optimism is still as strong as ever.

Of course it is, how else could she ever have still had hope for me after all I’ve done? You think with an inward chuckle.

You smile back at her to assuage her worries.

“That sounds like a fine plan Hope. I can’t wait.”

She beams at that, and the cold feelings inside are pushed away just a bit more.

To think, if I hadn’t run into that insect, that shadow and Nightshade, I wouldn’t be here right now seeing that smile again, you think humorously. Such a strange relationship I’ve developed with my former enemies. With my…friends…

You bring your pondering to an end however as you finally are in sight of your destination.

“We’re here,” you proclaim nodding towards the structure ahead. Hope gasps upon seeing it and looks to you curiously.

“I thought the streets were rather familiar. But I never thought you’d lead us back here,” she says truthfully.

“This is where it all started,” you tell her plainly. “And when I took over, I figured this would be the perfect place should it all end.”

And with that, you lead her into the place that housed you as children. Back to the Orphanage.

The insides haven’t changed all that much either, and that was by design. When you took over, you evicted the orphans and forcefully placed them in other family’s homes. Maybe it was some sort of small kindness, but in the end, they were all your slaves afterward, whether they had families or not. And after all these years, it seems that nopony has tried to move in or restart the organization. Which suits your needs now just fine.

“It looks untouched,” Hope says as she goes over to a wall with a few crayon drawings of pixies and will-o’-wisps, ones she drew.

You both remain silent for a few moments as you relive your childhood memories. The times you built forts, told stories of fantastical beasts like pixies and humans, and how you two were just there for one another. Not even the blowing wind outside can take you from these happier times, and it is ultimately yourself who forces your way back to the present.

“Yes, it is untouched, for the most part,” you say as you open the door to the basement. “But there have been some modifications.”

“Oooh, mysterious,” Hope says with curious eyes. “Is this something perhaps we could lead other ponies to?”

“Nah, not this one. They’d be lost in the dark without a guide. Besides, the ones we sent off to the kids should suffice for now,” you say with surety.

Back at the Prison Entrance

“It’s the Umbrum Walkers! Winter Has Come! Winter Has Come!” a very nervous long maned stallion in a big winter coat shouts upon seeing Frost’s ghostly visage.

“Hey now, I’m not an Umbrum, I’m part Windigo!” the colt says in offense.

“As I said, WINTER HAS COME!!!” he emphasizes throwing his hooves up in the air wildly, which causes him to lose his balance and slip on the ice. “WHAGH! Oof!”

The other ponies in the group look this poor sack as he groans in the snow and shake their heads.

“Forgive him, he knows nothing,” a red maned mare apologizes.

“Yeah it’s alright,” he hoof waves. “Least I’m not getting the attention Garble is.”

“For the last bucking time you stupid ponies! No I’m not Spike the whatever stupid titles you’ve given him covered in ketchup! No I’m not his long lost twin, and no I don’t have any Sunny D! I don’t even know where that last one came from!” Garble shouts in frustration as several ponies surround him.

“Oh, well he’s sort of become the mascot for it here at the games. He’s on quite a few billboards,” a crystal mare says.

“And it is some really good juice,” a stallion nods.

“Well too bad! I don’t have any!” Garble complains. “Now follow me and the ghost if you wanna get out of the snow!”

“Yes, and don’t use magic when you get inside, the residents were very adamant about that,” Frost adds ushering the ponies into the igloo and towards the red crystal.

Back With You

GreyRebl’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

“This secret tunnel…is it your doing, too, Sombra?” Hope asks with wide eyes.

“Surprisingly, yes,” you say proudly.

The passage is long, dark, and lonesome yet spacious enough to fit at least three ponies wide. The clippity-cloppity of your hoofs echo in the dim, cold air, and the only illumination coming from the magic light cast by your horns.

“So this wasn’t always under the orphanage?”

“Heh, no. But I made sure to place it there,” you explain. “Even as the Crystal Ponies lived in fear of outside threats, thanks to the Crystal Heart, the idea of escaping to the cold, harsh world beyond their sphere of comfort had not once crossed their mind.”

You close your eyes. It is still fresh in your memory, the time when you ruled as the Crystal Empire’s one and only tyrant, where instead of running away the Crystal Ponies just hid in their homes as you took your time turning them into your brainless slaves one by one. You sigh.

“Ironic, really. Their place of safety turned out to be a prison of their own making. This passage was built so such a mistake would never repeat on my watch. So I swore to build some practical structures.”

“Mmhm, so you say everything’s practical huh? What about the Flugelhorn Storage room?” she inquires in a bubbly voice.

You swear, you can feel her eyes flinging stars and glitter at your head, with a smile bright enough to out glow her horn. Awkwardly, you pretend to clear your throat and find a sudden interest in the opposite wall.

“That’s, uh… It’s practical, alright? Keeping the same instrument in one room is convenient.”

Giggling, Hope starts to trot a little bit closer, a certain spring in her hoofsteps.

“And here I thought your only architectural love had been stairs.”

“What’s wrong with stairs?!” you balk at her and she only laughs more.

Eventually, the passage opens up to a wide, spacious chamber. Old boxes and supplies lie seemingly abandoned from corner to corner, with cobwebs and dust lining the edges. The air becomes easier to breathe, indicating the smart, if you may add, presence of ventilation.

“Ooh, what’s this place?” Hope asks looking up to the carved earth and crystal.

“An underground safe house,” you explain. “I had the citizens carve it out in case of hostile occupation.”

“Oh…so your curse wasn’t your go to plan?” she asks in genuine curiosity.

“Of course not,” you shake your head. “That was quite literally my weapon of last resort. And it became my last resort when Luna nearly killed me.”

You wince at that memory of her coming at you with the scythe, gaining a second wind and power that you now know was due to Selena’s influence.

“Ah, I see,” she says rubbing at the back of her neck awkwardly and you sigh.

“I have many sins, but vanity isn’t usually among them. Arrogance though? I had that in spades and still do,” you shake your head. “But I’d had plans. Plans to wage a war from the shadows with those I controlled, with or without my Umbrum brethren. I’d envisioned a vast network throughout the whole Empire, but we simply ran out of time.”

“So are there more of these tunnels?” she asks.

“No, just this one, and it was never used. Until now that is,” you say matter of factly. “To think, it’s finally going to serve it’s purpose after a thousand years.”

“For a shadow war?” she asks sounding nervous.

“Perhaps,” you shrug. “This tunnel leads back to the bowels of the palace, and to the door that holds my people. Should it be necessary, they could be funneled underground. We won’t know for certain since that Changeling Queen has the Heart.”

“Oh, that’s what you meant,” she sighs with relief and you raise a brow.

“What you’d think I meant?” you inquire and she looks away guiltily.

“I…might have worried that you would keep some Umbrum under here to get back at the crystal ponies later,” she admits and you are taken aback.

“What?” you ask in shock.

“After all the time I’ve spent with them, I know they very much resent the Crystal Ponies. Even if it was their ancestors that imprisoned them, that kind of hatred can fester,” she explains, sounding guilty. “I was just worried that you would utilize that hatred.”

The accusation hurts…but it’s not unfounded. After all, you gave into your own hatred in the past.

“Hope…I honestly don’t want to fight anymore,” you admit with a heavy sigh.

“Y-You don’t?” she asks quietly and you nod.

“These last two years, I’ve experienced and learned so much, and I’ve reached the conclusion that I don’t want to keep going down this path. I don’t even want to rule anymore,” you confess and she puts a hoof to her mouth in shock. “My mother, once she’s freed, can rule the Umbrum however she sees fit. As for me…I just want to be where you’ll be.”

“Sombra…” she says breathlessly looking at you with awe.

“Being in that moron’s head made me realize what I truly want, and for the longest time I never dared believe that there could be a future with you in it…but…” you admit as you lean gently against her side causing her to stiffen “I…I just don’t want to waste this second chance Hope. I never want to lose you again.”

“Oh, uh, ha ha, I…” she stammers as her cheeks turn red, yet she leans into you as well and gulps. “I’ve wished for this second chance as well, for so long…”

You can’t help but blush yourself. These are words you wanted to say to her so long ago, perhaps something you should have said when she realized her destiny. There’s three other words you wish to say to her right now, three BIG words.

“Hope?” you ask nervously looking her in the eye.

“Y-yes?” she stammers holding your gaze.

“I…” you start to say, but you trail off because something’s not right. “Wait...”

“Huh?” she asks dumbfounded as you start darting your eyes left and right through the chamber.

“Something’s off here,” you tell her plainly as you hold a foreleg to her chest to keep her from moving. The minute you say that, she instantly raises her guard, eyes and magic scanning the darkness.

At first, you’re not quite sure what’s given you this feeling of dread, but you know better than anyone to listen to something your subconscious picks up before you do.

And then, as you strain your sense, you finally hear it: a dull, ominous noise, artificial and out of place in an underground cavern. Static.

“I...Don’t suppose that’s by design?” Hope asks with a gulp.

“No,” you whisper, a low growl in your throat as you prepare for a fight. “No, it is not.”

Going back to back, your lights swim from corner to corner. Nothing here, nothing there… No matter how much you look, you can hear it but never see it anywhere. Unless...

You freeze. A memory comes up; not of the Empire, but of your time spent in a certain bug’s head. Twice had he heard this sound, once in this world, and once in the human world. Gulping, you swivel your ears and realize it is right above you.

You face Hope, who looks back quizzically at first, but when you flicker your eyes up once then twice, the horror dawns on her as well. Slowly, raising your horns, you both look up.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” you both shout holding onto one another as a white and pink maw full of sharp metal teeth screeches in your face.

You both unleash a magical blast wildly, as the hulking form swings out of the way and lands before you. You both turn towards it…

Only to see as Mangleoid starts barking in mechanical laughter and slapping at her knees.

“Oh you dirty little maggot!” you curse as your heart beats a million miles a minute thanks to the adrenaline, but she continues to laugh.

“W-w-wait! Isn’t that Nightshade’s fox monster?” Hope asks, the color still drained from her face.

“Yes it is,” you spit before glancing up at it. “What was that for?”

“Couldn’t resist mate,” a sound clip from some sort of Pirate Movie you recall Bugze viewing plays.

“Well pick your battles! There’s a time and a place Mangle!” you shout before you realize, this is actually the first time you’ve ever directly interacted with the machine. “Hold a moment, how do you even know who I am?”

“I briefly traveled in Nightshade’s inventory with you earlier,” Hope explains. “Nightshade kind of gave this thing the run down while we were in there. Of course, she was a lot smaller then.”

The two head creature looks down at itself before holding a finger up. The mechanical pieces of it then start twisting and turning as she becomes more dense, yet smaller. Eventually she goes back to the form you are most familiar with.

“Easy peasy, neighponesey,” she plays another movie audio clip. Something about a jail if you recall.

“That is very unsettling,” Hope shudders, and you nod in agreement.

“Alright robot, how did you get into this tunnel?” you inquire.

“Skreonk,” she barks and points towards one of the ventilation tunnels high up on the ceiling.

“Okay, not sure how you did that seeing as how those go clear out into the wastes, but whatever,” you shake your head. “If you’re here, then where’s Nightshade?”

“Skreonk,” she barks, sounding sad as she shrugs.

“You don’t know?” you ask in surprise.

“Aren’t you always with her? I got that impression,” Hope asks.

Mangle nods, before opening her mouth and a recording from earlier is played. It’s Nightshade’s voice instructing Mangle to cause a distraction at the dance so that she and her father could get Grandbuggy out.

“Oh, so you’re the reason we ran into some patrols as we entered the city,” you realize and the robot shrugs.

“Well do you know if she was successful?” you ask, worried over the tiny alicorn. Once more, the robot shrugs and you groan.

“I’d assume we’d have heard some sort of announcement if Nightshade had been captured,” Hope points out. “Chrysalis was very determined to have her and Night-er-Selena.”

“That is true…” you say while biting at your lip before shaking your head. “But whatever the case, there’s nothing we can do about that now. We still have to get to the door.”

“Oh, but of course,” Hope nods before looking hesitantly at the robot. “But, um, what about…?”

“She can come along,” you say offering a hoof to the robot who looks at you a bit hesitantly. “Nightshade would be very upset if her precious pet was lost underground.”

“Skreonk,” Mangle agrees with a nod as she clambers onto you…and it is a very strange sensation.

“Ick, now I see why that idiot is weary of machinery,” you shudder and the fox lightly bops you on the horn. “Gyah!”

To this, Hope giggles at the absurdity and shakes her head.

“Well okay then, let’s continue forth and see about getting you back to your owners okay?” she asks.

“Skreonk!” Mangle barks excitedly and pulls on your mane, trying to direct you.

“Oh you little-don’t make take back my charity machine!” you growl, but you do comply.

You ruined a very tender moment there dumb robot, you mentally grumble even as Hope continues to snicker.

And while the three of you continue forth, down the tunnels, you eventually reach the hidden underground of the palace. You open the entrance to your secret study, and there before you is The Door. The seal keeping your people imprisoned.

The Human World

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

Kichi’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

After ordering the human girls to use their magic to wake up Grandbuggy and your Mom, they decided that doing so out in the open wouldn’t be a good idea. Plus human Twilight said she might have something to help, but needed an area with a lot of electrical outlets. And so, that is why you are currently walking down the hallways of Canterlot High with the Human versions of Dad, Luna and Sombra carrying your Mom and Grandbuggy with Iron Will’s help.

It would surely be a sight to see if this were a normal school day, but thankfully it’s Friday after hours so there’s no one stopping your progress as you head to the Theatre Club Room, which Twilight assures are many electrical sockets.

“Ugh, are we there yet?” you complain as you still wobble here and there on your bipedal legs.

“It’s just a bit further,” Human Rarity assures.

“Yeah, be patient kid,” Rainbow Dash says.

“Oh I’m sorry, it’s not like my Dad is currently in the clutches of a crazy supervillain or anything and I’ve wasted enough time jumping around the multiverse!” you complain which shuts her up.

“Hey now, if we’re gonna do this, we gotta do it right,” Sunset encourages. “And that means no more public displays of magic. We keep having to do clean up after each one.”

“Principal Celestia really has been strict on that,” Applejack agrees.

“She is going through a lot to be fair,” Fluttershy points out, looking to her Vice Principal helping carry another version of herself.

“I got it, I got it, let’s just hurry this along please?” you beg.

“Of course, but until we get there, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” Human Twilight asks, pushing her glasses up on her nose.

“I guess if you have to,” you shrug as Lightning Dust trips once more over her feet and falls on the ground.

“Okay, so from what Bugze told us, and from what I glimpsed inside his…mind,” she hesitates before coughing into her fist. “You are that little pony with both wings and a horn right?”

“Yup, I’m an alicorn, just like the real version of you and my mom,” you say pointing a thumb towards her. You really like doing that gesture.

“Right, right, but you are also part Bugze’s race right? A changeling?” she asks, scribbling in a notepad.

“Yeah, I got some gifts from it,” you nod. “Though they don’t really show unless I want them to.”

“Fascinating, fascinating,” she nods. “And from what I glimpsed, these Alicorns move the Sun and Moon?”

“Uh, yeah?” you say as if it’s obvious. “Why? What moves the sun and moon in this world?”

“That’s the thing, nothing does,” she lectures.

“Say what now?” you ask doing a double take.

“The earth actually rotates around the sun due to it’s immense gravity, and our moon rotates around us because of our own gravitational pull.”

“That…that doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know much about planets to dispute you,” you admit and Sunset shakes her head.

“Believe me, I had a hard time coming to grips with this myself,” she says. “But it’s true, the planet here moves and the Sun doesn’t.”

“That’s…that’s just…” you say while putting a hand to your head which starts to throb.

“I mean, it’s basic science,” Twilight continues. “The fact that beings in your world can move a star and satellite on their own seems preposterous! It’s more than likely that these alicorn princesses move the planet itself,” she says writing down more notes.

“But wait a gorram minute! I moved the moon in my world! I know it because I felt it’s weight when I was moving it around!” you declare and she looks at you incredulously.

“I keep telling you Twilight, the planet and sciences are different in Equestria,” Sunset sighs, as if she’s said this multiple times.

“Nonsense, even if there is magic, it’s still something that can be quantifiably calculated,” she argues and all the others sigh too.

“There she goes again,” Pinkie snarks, rolling her eyes.

“Making sense of alternate realities isn’t boring Pinkie,” Twilight chides.

“Wow, you really are just like the real Twilight,” you say and she chuckles.

“Your dad said that a lot,” she says.

“You are wrong about one thing though, gravity is boring. Ask about the dragons and stuff!” Humbra says with a grunt, shifting Grandbuggy’s weight.

Twilight looks from him and back to you and puts her pen to her chin in thought.

“Mmm, yes, you’re right. The native species would probably be easier on someone her age,” she nods.

“How old do I look? That’s a complicated thing back home but I don’t know how to gage humans,” you ask.

“Eh, about middle school I would guess,” she says. “But anyway, Bugze once said my puppy Spike’s counterpart is a dragon?”

“Yes, he’s my best friend,” you nod before frowning. “And what’s up with that? Why is he just a dog in this world?”

“Probably because it was a marketing technique to sell little girls dolls with little plastic accessories and they didn’t want to make a little boy doll,” Pinkie says under her breath.

“What was that Pinkie?” asks Sunset.

“Nothing,” the pink girl chirps back.

“Right…well yeah we got loads of dragons back home, like Ember, Torch, Smolder, Smaug, Garble,” you list off.

“Amazing names, what other species exist? Are there Fairies? Manticores?”

“Honest Politicians?” Applejack snorts under her breath.

“Yeah we got manticores, and if by fairies you mean the Breezies, yeah we got those too. The only politician I ever met was Mayor Mare, but I don’t know her too well to know if she’s honest. The CMC once did a story on her about dying her hair though.”

“She’s probably got other secrets, Honest Politician is an oxymoron,” B2 scoffs.

“Good point,” Twilight nods. “Now, besides your impossible space bag, do you have any other magical items?”

“Well I did, but I never got around to picking those back up after the fight in the stadium,” you say regretfully, thinking of the Dark Canon and Junk Jet. “Also I had an Ocarina that I only recently found out does control the weather, but that got lost too.”

“Wait, a magical Ocarina?” Luna perks up. “Like in The Legend of-“

“Yeah, just like in the video game,” you interrupt. “My dad took down a Video Game Mafia where my friend Greta used to work, and we took some souvenirs with us.”

“So do you not have anything else left?” Twilight asks.

“Right now all I got is my Power Pole with Daddy’s Boomstick attached to it,” you say. “Ones a stick that can stretch pretty far, and the other one goes Boom when you hit things with it.”

“Oh…I remember that last one,” Twilight says subconsciously rubbing at her belly.

“You’d think with a groovy name like Boomstick, that it’d be more impressive,” B2 says.

“Right?” Humbra nods. “Speaking of which, if you’re all dead set in jumping into a magic portal to fight aliens, I could run home and grab my 12 Gauge.”

“Hey yeah, that could make things easier if we’re going to a fantasy world,” Rainbow agrees. “You guys don’t have guns right?”

“I mean, they’re kind of movie things, but I did have a laser pistol thing…that’s also missing,” you admit.

“So not common huh? Well if Sombra brings his shotgun, then we’ll be able to blow this evil queen’s head off no problem and be back in time for dinner,” Rainbow points out.

“Exactly,” Humbra nods with a grin.

“I don’t know about that, I’m all for helping Bugze out of a jam, but killing a leader in a world that ain’t our own?” Applejack says apprehensively.

“What? She’s evil right?” Rainbow shrugs.

“Yeah, but we kind of have this whole “Not Killing” policy,” you point out. “If anything you guys will help me turn her to stone or send her to the moon or something.”

All the humans look disturbed at those alternatives.

“Yeah, I think I’d rather have my head blown up than suffer through that,” Humbra quips.

“No one’s pulling a Cobain anytime soon,” Luna grunts.

“And besides, when we get to Equestria, we won’t exactly have fingers in order to pull a trigger,” Sunset points out and Humbra looks down at his hand, before making a fist.

“Good point.”

“I mean, I would, I naturally have hands and-“ Iron Will starts but you interrupt him.

“Anyway, whatever human gun things you have we won’t have time to get any. We really don’t even have the time to be waking up Mommy and Grandbuggy, so time’s of the essence!”

“Right, right,” Twilight mumbles making more notes. “But while we are still traveling…”

“How big is this bucking school?!” you curse but she continues,

“Do you have any questions for us?”

“Uh…”’ you trail off, not having expected that turn. “I mean, probably a lot for when we got time to sit down and stuff.”

“Come on, just off the top of your head? I’m curious,” Twilight begs.

“Uh…do you guys have your own Discord?” you ask randomly.

“Ain’t that that chaos god yer dad was always going on about?” Applejack asks.

“Yeah, he’s really a nice guy once you get to know him,” you say. “But yeah, do you have your own? Mine is kind of sick and powerless but having another one would be helpful.”

“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Luna says offhandedly.

“Why?” you ask.

“Because he lives in another state now,” she explains with a roll of her eyes. “He was a science teacher here but he disregarded safety all the time, and it literally blew up in his face. Plus, he used to date Celestia and things didn’t end so well with that.”

“Wait, your sister actually dated someone?” B2 asks in shock and surprise.

“Huh, Discord and Celestia?” you ask, trying and failing to picture the real ones dating. “Yeah, I don’t know if that’s something that happened in my world. Right now he’s dating real Fluttershy I think.”

“Wait, what?” Fluttershy asks but you ignore her.

“But anyway, if there’s no Sombra to bring along, I guess the only question I can ask is, where do babies come from?”

Everyone immediately stops dead still as you ask that, with Lightning Dust once more tripping over her feet.

“…What?” asks Sunset incredulously.

“I wanna know where babies come from! Everyone back in Equestria keeps avoiding the question and saying they’ll tell me when I’m older and I’m sick of it!”

Everyone in the room all glance at each other, before they turn reluctantly back to you.

“Well, the thing is…” Twilight starts.


“…You’re gonna have to wait till you’re older,” Sunset says sternly.

“Gorramnit!” you curse and kick at the ground, which almost sends you teetering into a trash can.

“That’s up to your Dad and Mom to discuss kid,” B2 points out.

“But you’re kind of my Dad right?” you plead but he just nervously avoids your eye contact.

“Alright fine! Keep your secrets!” you huff just as you reach a door that has a plaque that reads Theatre Room.

“That we will, but thankfully we’re here now,” Sunset says as she pushes open the door.

And as you all walk into the theatre room, you can’t help but compare it to that world where that Dog was directing a play about your life and that snooty brat Nyx who played you. This place isn’t as big as that world’s stage, but still, it left a sour taste in your mouth. So much so that it takes you a few seconds to realize that there are already some figures up on the stage speaking.

“We shouldn’t do this, for the pony world could be too dangerous,” a small pale skinned human girl says reading from a script.

“But nothing is too dangerous as long as I’m with you,” a small orange skinned girl says, reading stiltedly from a script as she hugs the other girl. And judging from the voices you immediately know that these two are humie versions of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

The buck?

“But this love is forbidden, I’m not even from this world of humans!” Sweetie says dramatically with a hand to her forehead.

“But I don’t care about that I…” Scootaloo pauses as she flips a page. “I will go anywhere you go Sunset for my- Oh come on that’s cheesy-For my heart is yours and yours alone.”

“Uhhh, what?” Sunset says taken aback as every other human looks on in shock as well.

“Yeah, my thoughts too, what?” you add.

"Okay, CUT! CUT!" shouts the voice of Apple Bloom from one of the audience seats. Looking over you see as a yellow skinned human with red hair and a familiar bow stops recording on one of those cell phoney things. “Scootaloo, your delivery is terrible!”

“Because the writing is too freaking mushy! Sentry’s a jock! He’d never say stuff like this!” Scootaloo excuses.

“Hey! It’s not too mushy! A lot of Rarity’s books have dialogue very similar to that, so it’s gotta be romantic!” Sweetie Belle huffs.

You quickly give a side glance to human McStabflank who turns beet red and avoids eye contact with the others.

“Well sure, but it’s supposed to be all sappy and stuff!” Applebloom points out before turning to your group. “And as for who interrupted that was very rude! This is supposed to be a closed set an-Oh…” she pauses as she sees exactly who is in your group, including your big sister.

“What? Who is it? The lights are kind of blinding me?” Sweetie Belle asks, holding a hand above her eyes to cut out the glare.

“It’s our sisters and their friends and Ms. Luna’s band mates,” Applebloom says looking embarrassed and suddenly the girls on stage turn beet red too.

“Oh…” both of them say as you all walk into the light.

“So…what you girls doing?” asks Applejack.

“Oh, we’re just practicing for a short skit is all,” Applebloom says nervously.

“And what skit is that?” asks Rainbow teasingly and Scootaloo looks away.

“That’s uh…it’s not my first idea,” Scootaloo mumbles.

“Why was my name in the skit?” asks Sunset.

“Yeah, it’s uh…It’s a secret,” Sweetie says nervously as her sister looks at her with narrowed eyes.

“Sweetie?” Rarity demands.

“Alright fine! We’re working on short film for the Canterlot Film Festival,” Sweetie Belle relents.

“The theme is star crossed love, so we decided to make a sad scene for when Sunset Shimmer eventually goes home and leaves Flash all broken hearted,” Applebloom admits.

“Wh-What?!” Sunset stammers with a blush as the other girls look to her.

“Yeah, so we were just practicing the lines and stuff before we start casting, but it’s like, really sappy,” Scootaloo nods.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity all look to one another before rolling their eyes, probably used to their sister’s antics just as much as the real versions are.

You though look up at Sunset.

“Wait a second, you’re dating human Flash Sentry?” you ask and she goes red.

“N-No!” she stammers before coughing into her fist. “We used to date when I first came to this world, but that was just so I could gain popularity.”

“Really? Then what was the deal with you and him sharing a milkshake at Sugar Cube Corner the other night?” Pinkie asks.

“Pinkie!” Sunset chides.

“What? The guys a good kid, when he’s not turning into the Hulk and trying to kill me,” B2 defends and the red and gold haired girl blushes harder.

“But really? Flash Sentry?” you say baffled before looking at Human Twilight. “Shouldn’t he be dating you?”

“What?! Why would that be the case?” Twilight asks in surprise. “I already have a boyfriend thank you very much.”

“I’m surprised Timber’s still with you after beating up his sister and everything,” Fluttershy says and Twilight starts getting shifty eyed.

“We’ve worked past that! It’s all fine! Everything’s fine!” she says deranged.

“Right…” you say incredulously before looking back to Sunset. “So I guess you’re like one of THOSE MLH fans huh?” you ask with a quirked brow and she frowns. “Hey hey, I’m not judging…much, but if you’re gonna date someling who’s not a pony, there’s cuter species out there. Like dragons for example.”

“Ooh, that’s a good one,” Sweetie says and makes a note on her script. “Maybe we could make Sunset a dragon and boys will be tricked into seeing this film.”

“Heck, I’d date a dragon if given the chance, dragon’s are awesome!” Scootaloo nods.

“Right?! This girl knows what’s up,” you praise and Sunset sighs and facepalms.

“Look, let’s overlook this blatant invasion of my privacy for a moment, we’re in a hurry remember?” she urges and your eyes widen.

“Oh right, sorry! Got caught up in all the gossip!” you say, lightly smacking your forehead to focus. “Sorry humie versions of my friends, but we need the stage to wake up my mom and Grandbuggy.”

“I was wondering why ya’ll were carrying an old guy and another version of Ms. Luna,” Applebloom says nonchalantly as the two of them are laid on the floor.

“Rest assured girls, it’s another magic situation,” Luna grunts as she stands over your mom.

“Oh, so that means it’s more of that other Hooded Offender guy?” Scootaloo asks excitedly looking to your counterpart.

“Kind of, but he’s not here right now. Just his daughter, wife and Grandpa,” he answers.

“Oh cool,” Sweetie says looking to you. “So you’re from Horse World?”

“Yeah, but there’s more than just horses there,” you nod before getting serious. “But there’s no time to explain, I’ve gotta wake them up and get out of here.”

“Oh, okay then,” Applebloom shrugs. “Well whatever you’re doing make it fast so that we can get back to rehearsals.”

“Yeah, we need to stick to our schedule or our producers will get antsy,” Sweetie Belle nods.

“Producers? You’re taking money for this?” Applejack asks.

“Well if we want a good camera we kind of need it,” Applebloom points out.

“Yeah, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon also really like the concept and wanted to star in it as well,” Sweetie says and you quirk a brow at that.

“So wait, are you guys on good terms in this world, or is it like how it was before I got involved where they were bullying you?” you ask.

“Eh, they’re not so bad,” Scootaloo shrugs. “I mean sure they can be snooty, but it’s not like they’re huge jerks or anything.”

“Good to know,” you shrug as you look back to Twilight. “So, you’ve got all your electrical outlets, you guys good to use the magic?”

“I believe so,” Twilight says as she starts dragging extension cords and lights towards her. “Though there most likely will be some electronic damage to the outlets.”

“Whatever, we were going to have to renovate those anyway,” Luna shrugs. “That eccentric Theatre Instructor will probably welcome it.”

“Well, just let him know it was you guys who broke the outlets and not us. We told him we wouldn’t break anything,” Sweetie Belle pleads and the Vice Principal in rocker gear nods.

“Okay, so get to magicing I guess. Is there anything we can do?” you ask. “I mean, maybe Flim and Flam could help with the machine stuff?”

“Can we please not? I’d rather not have to do this a thousand more times,” Lightning Dust complains as she leans on a chair to keep her balance.

“Iron Will agrees…besides they’re not here,” the humanized minotaur says.

“What?!” you say and look for the twins, but they aren’t in the group. “Where the buck they go?!”

“I don’t know, I was focusing on not falling. Gods I hate these feet things!” Lightning Dust complains.

“You mean the Ronald McDonald twins?” Humbra asks.

“Yes them!”

“Oh, some emo looking guy in a hoodie dragged them off as we were walking past the cafeteria,” he says simply.

“What?!” you ask incredulously. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“Yeah, that didn’t look like a me problem, and I was carrying this old dude,” he says offhandedly.

“They’ve got our dimensional whatamacallit thing!” you chide and pull at your hair. “Ugh! Go ahead and start doing magic, I’ll handle this…”

With the Flim and Flam

Both unicorns turned humans are currently sitting tied to chairs in the back room of an office with no windows with the only light being a dim florescent one hanging over the brothers, leaving lots of shadows to fall over the room.

Both brothers have duct tape over their mouths and their muffled groans fill the silent room.

"Hush now you’re going to ruin my fun,” a gruff voice says. Sitting just out of the light next to a school wheel in TV is a purple eyed dark skinned, dark haired human male in a grey hoodie jacket and wearing a black bandana. The human is currently in the process of setting up a camera on a tripod pointed right at the brothers. “At least wait till we’re recording.”

“Hmm?” the brothers ask through the duct tape.

“Well we gotta keep this for prosperity’s sake,” the figure says before walking over to Flam slowly, anger filling the human’s eyes. “We meet again Flam, it’s been too long.”

“Hmm?” the helpless universal traveler grunts.

“But you didn’t to see me again huh? Well I never thought I’d see you walking past my hallways,” he says in an intimidating manner as he rips the duct tape off of Flam’s mouth, which takes some of his moustache hair.

“Ow! What are you talking about?! Who are you?!” he demands.

"Your worst nightmare,” the human says getting into his face. “Now tell me, where’s my God Damn Money?!”

“Money? What money?” Flam asks confused.

“Don’t play dumb with me! You and your brother scammed me out of a thousand bucks! That camera was not what I paid for and your shop was gone the next day when I tried to return it!” he growls.

“Listen, human, you’re obviously mistaking me for someone else,” Flam pleads.

“Really? I’m mistaking two Ronald McDonald knock offs who took my hard earned money?” the figure deadpans.

“Okay, probably not, but listen sir, we aren’t from this world! You’ve obviously run into your world’s versions of my brother and I and-“

The human slams his fist on the table making a loud bang.

“Quit trying to bullshit me! Who in their right mind would buy that?!” he snarls and Flam whimpers, scrunching into himself while Flim worriedly spasms in his bonds.

“But it’s the truth!” Flam begs.

“Right, and I’m the lead guitarist of the Crimson Knights,” he says rolling his eyes. “Look, there’s a film festival coming up and I need a new camera! There’s even some little girls in my theatre right now practicing for it, and I’m NOT gonna let Nightslayer Productions miss a festival you got me?!”

“I get you, I get you, but we’re not the ones who have your money!”

The human then pulls something small and rectangular out of his coat pocket.

“Tell me where my money is, or else I’ll make you suffer,” he threatens and Flam’s face pales.

“What are you going to do?” he asks eyeing the rectangle.

“Whatever I have to to get my money,” he says as he clicks a button on the rectangle, and the TV behind him turns on, revealing a weirdly drawn cartoon of some kind.

“Um…” Flam trails off, sharing a confused glance with his still gagged brother.

"You're going to tell me or else I will ruin your childhood,” the human threatens.

“Ruin my childhood? Human, I wasn’t even born here so how can you…you…” Flam stops as the cartoon begins to depict uncomfortable, horrific things.

“Oh gods, what the buck is this?!”

“It is your reckoning! Now where’s my God Damn Money Flam?!”

“I don’t have it!”

“Where’s my money?!”

“I don’t know! Please change the channel!”

“Where. Is. My. Mo-“

“Oh there you to are, what are you doing playing around for?!” you say as you walk into the room and flick on the lights. After hearing Flam’s cries, it was obvious where to look.

“Nightshade! Help us! This human has-“

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can see that,” you say looking at the human man before doing a double take of the cartoon on the TV. “What in the buck?”

“Listen little girl, walk out and close the door. I’m in the middle of something not for your eyes…” he says in a tone that just makes you feel annoyed.

“Yeah, how about no Emo Jones? I got places to be and these nimrods need to be with me as we go to them.”

“Oh you can have them, but not before I get my money! These bastards cheated me out of-“

“Yeah, I don’t give a buck,” you say offhandedly as you send out a wave of magic from the Alicorn Shards which strikes the human, sending him flying through the TV, destroying it and crumpling him against the desk where he starts groaning in pain.

“Oh thank you Nightshade! Thank you!” Flam says with tears in his eyes. “That cartoon was horrifying!”

“Yeah, yeah, no problem it’s whatever,” you say in a fed up tone as you release the brothers. “Friggen humies, always trying to go off on their tangents, we ain’t got time for any more side plots.”

With Flim finally getting his duct tape off his mouth, he rubs at where his wrists where tied and says,
“Couldn’t agree more. Though I certainly hope our human counterparts pay off whatever debts that human thinks they incurred.”

“Whatever,” you say, rolling your eyes as you all exit the room…and run right into Celestia’s human counterpart.

“I heard a crash, who are you three?” she asks confused and you facepalm.

“We’re with your sister, there’s magic stuff going on again which apparently you don’t like, so let’s just leave it at that okay?” you groan and she raises an eyebrow.

“More magic stuff?” she asks, taking a peak in at the passed out human in the room. “And since there’s violence involved, I’m guessing it’s from that Bugze fellow’s side of things?”

“Yep, and I’ll bring a lot more as his daughter if you keep asking any more questions!” you threaten, your shards glowing, along with your eyes.

The tall human woman tenses up at that before sighing.

“Very well then. I suppose I’ll just call an ambulance for our Theatre Director then,” she says as she steps out of your way.

“Good call, and have them send the bill to Flim and Flam,” you huff.

“What?! But why would-“ the brothers start before you groan again.

“The OTHER Flim and Flam. Come on guys!” you shake your head in disappointment. And as the three of you walk back towards the Theatre Room, Celestia sighs and pulls a flask out of her pocket and takes a swig.

“You know, I’m starting to miss the days when Discord was the only chaotic thing to worry about in school,” she complains with a sigh just as the school lights start flickering off and on.

Back in the Theatre Room

After walking through the flickering hallways with the twins, you reached the Theatre Room just in time to see a cacophony of rainbow colors dissipating.

“Wow, that was epic! I never get tired of seeing you girls in action!” B2 cheers.

“It’s always so trippy and magical,” Humbra agrees with a grin.

“And exhilarating,” Luna nods breathlessly.

“Yeah it was cool,” Lightning Dust admits reluctantly.

“Iron Will thinks it was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen!”

“It was…amazing…” Applebloom says, as she and the bright eyed Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hold their phones out in front of them.

“Oh gorramnit! You guys made me miss the magic!” you chide the twins who flinch.

“Hey now, it wasn’t our fault!” Flim complains.

“Yeah, that human kidnapped us!” Flam argues.

“Well you should have screamed stranger danger! Everyling knows that!” you huff as you walk back towards the stage where your mom and Grandbuggy now glow slightly.

“Oh you’re back,” Sunset says. “How did-“

“I took care of it, I’m assuming you did the same?” you ask and she nods.

“Focusing our thoughts on healing I think might have helped. Look, the old guy is already stirring,” she observes, pointing to Grandbuggy, who starts groaning, and trying to shut his eyes tighter.

Tartarus Fire’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

“Awesome!” you cheer and go to his side. “Get up Grandbuggy!”

“Mmmm,” he groans.

“Come on, get up!” you order as you shake his side.

“Mneh!” he groans again and waves his arm about.

“Come on, chop chop!” you say a little more sternly.

“Nmm! 5 more minutes!” he grunts and rolls over on this stomach, hiding his head under his arms and your eye twitches.

“Oh for the love of-Grandbuggy! Slendermane’s back and he wants 20 more bits!” you shout, and almost immediately he sits bolt upright.

“The buck he is! There’s no accrued interest you filthy faceless fruitcake!” he yells before holding the sides of his head and groaning. “Oh gods I hate hangovers.”

“Take it easy old bug, you just got a boost to wake up,” you tell him as you rest you steady him.

“Oh, no wonder I taste Tuesday,” he says as he blinks his eyes.

“Easy there mister, your vision will clear up soon,” Sunset says as his eyes start twitching.

“Well that’s good to know mysterious lady voice, I’d hate to have to get spectacles this late in life,” he says as he starts rubbing at his eyes before pausing. “…Why do my hooves feel spidery?”

“Well, about that…” you start awkwardly.

“He…he sounds just like him,” B2 says in awe as he watches the old man wake up.

“Huh? Boy is that you?” he says looking around with bleary eyes. “You sound funny. You hurt?”

“…No, it’s uh, nevermind,” B2 says shaking his head. “You’re his Granddad, not exactly mine.”

“Huh?” Grandbuggy says completely lost.

“It’s a long story Grandbuggy, one we don’t really have the time for right now,” you say and he raises a brow.

“I’m not completely in the dark hun, I don’t know how long them little brats had me cocooned, but I drifted in and out of consciousness, and I sure as buck remember Chryssy ruining everything,” he says with a growl.

“Yeah she did,” you nod. “The Crystal Empire is controlled by her, but it’s freezing over, she’s powered by the Crystal Heart, and we rescued you, but Daddy got caught and is being brought to her, so that’s why I came here for help.”

“Oh son of a-“ he sighs and shakes his head. “Of course it’d end up like this, Buck You Lady Luck…and where’s here exactly?” He then proceeds to rub his eyes and blink a few times and freezes as he sees all the human’s faces.

“Um…hello?” Sunset says awkwardly with a wave. Grandbuggy, unlike you or Dad, takes this development in stride.

“Ah, human alternate universe, been awhile,” he says simply.

“You’ve been here before?” asks Twilight in surprise.

“Briefly, had to help Clover bury something or another while the Doctor was indisposed, and I was kind of drunk at the time,” he shrugs before looking to the unsure looking B2. “…I’m guessing my counterpart kicked the bucket in this universe?”

“Yeah…decades ago,” he nods solemnly.

“Sorry to hear that,” he sighs. “If things are as similar as they are back home though, you still got a grandma.”

B2 and Applejack share an awkward glance at that.

“Yeah, Bugze said something along those lines, but we ain’t tried to look into it yet,” the farm girl says.

“Right, right,” Grandbuggy nods before shaking his head and bolting up to his feet, which he has no trouble with. “But never mind that, why are we hanging around in Human Land? My boy’s in Chrysalis’s clutches!”

“We were just getting to that old bug,” you say as you stand up and steady yourself against his leg. “Since there’s dampeners in place, we’ll use their magic to snatch up Daddy and haul ass out of there until Hope and Sombra show up with reinforcements.”

“Right, right,” he nods before looking at Sunset. “I’m guessing your Celestia’s rogue pupil?”

She blushes in embarrassment at that and nods.

“Well good, always nice to have a heavy hitter on the team,” he says and looks around at everyone else. “And ya’ll are obviously them kooky mares’ counterparts, so I bet ya’ll can take a good scrap. But let me tell ya, fighting with hooves is much different than fists.”

“Hey, punching is punching right?” Dash says, shadow boxing for emphasis.

“That’s the spirit! Now which one of ya’ll was the one who commanded monkeys?”
Twilight blushes and looks down at that in shame.

“I, uh, I can’t do that anymore,” she says. “Plus I shouldn’t, it really wasn’t humane in the first place.”

“No it was not,” Fluttershy agrees resolutely.

“Alright, fine fine, but you’re another version of the egghead so that’s something. Plus we got another boy, Luna and Sombra by the looks of things…where’s your hair?”

“That’s what I’ve been asking for the last ten years!” he huffs.

“Look into bowlers boyo,” he responds and looks to Hope’s group.

“Alright so a big dude, some lanky human and…oh great, humie versions of you Machine Toting Swindlers!” he growls.

“No, those four are actually Equestrians too,” you point out. “They were working with Radiant Hope, Sombra’s girlfriend, and now they’re all working with us against Chrysalis.”

“Wait, for real?” he asks and you nod. “In that case, buck you two red heads! You’re still not welcome in Ponyville after trying to push that youth tonic bullspit on my Smithy!”

“You still owe us for damages you crazy old fool!” Flim counters.

“And for physical assault!”

“Those were just love taps ya pansies!” Grandbuggy huffs, but you get between them.

“Alright, alright, we’ll fight later,” you break up the argument. "We’ve gotta get going as soon as Mommy wakes-“


You immediately freeze up as you hear the groan behind you. Whipping around quickly, you spy as your humanized mother scrunches her face and begins to stir.

“Mommy!” you call out happily.

“Ah, well I’ll be,” Grandbuggy says impressed. “Guess I wasn’t seeing things before I passed out at that meeting.”

“Huh? What’s that? Nightshade?” you mom asks sleepily as she starts to sit up.

“Yes it’s me!” you say as you throw your arms around her neck and start hugging. “I’m so glad that you’re awake!”

“Awake?” she asks as she starts blinking her eyes, before they suddenly widen. “Wait, this feels different. Am I…”

“You’ve got a body Mommy!” you cry out cheerfully and she stiffens.

“I…I do?” she asks sounding overwhelmed and unsure.

“Yes, you’ve been asleep for a few days, but now that you’ve had a magical infusion, you’re all better!” you explain as you snuggle deeper. Still with blurry eyes, your mother looks down at you and her breathing quickens, before she suddenly wraps her arms around you and starts returning your hug with a vengeance.

“This…this is…” she struggles to say as tears begin falling down her cheeks. She eventually just gives up on trying to speak and only focuses on hugging you.

Now, you’ve embraced your mother quite a few times in the Mindscape, but doing so physically, even as a human, blows all of that out of the water. It’s just more real, more personal, and it feels as though the love flows just that much easier.

“I love you, I love you so very much my precious daughter,” she bellows.

“I love you too mommy,” you admit and even more tears come to your eyes.

“Daaaawwww,” nearly everyone else coos as they witness this mother and child reunion.

“I’m so glad you’re finally in the real world,” you say as she begins running her hand through your hair.

“N-Neither can I my precious, I’ve dreamt of this moment for so long that I…” she blubbers before taking a moment to breathe. “This is better than I could have hoped. Being able to pick you up, brush your mane with my hooves and…wait a second.”

It’s then that the sensations of her body really catch up to her overloaded mind. She pulls back from the hug a bit and holds her hand in front of her face, squinting at it.

“…Why do I have hands?” she asks perturbed.

“Oh, right, funny thing about that actually,” you giggle as you gesture to the group surrounding you. Looking around, she squints her eyes again, before rubbing them and looking once more, where they widen.

“Hi there!” Pinkie Pie says jubilantly.

“We’re back in the human world again?” she asks confused.

“Yeah, it was kind of an emergency,” you admit and she raises a brow.

“Is this Sombra’s doing?” she asks looking at Humbra before her eyes widen upon seeing B2 and Luna in her punk garb.

“I’m afraid not ma’am,” Sunset says and your mom’s eyes immediately light up.

“Sunset Shimmer! So good to see you again!” she says enthusiastically, attempting to sit up.

“Oh, it’s uh, good to see you too, outside of the mindscape and all,” she responds, scratching at her neck.

“I know right?! Truly I wished I was waking up in my own equine body, but this is such a pleasant surprise all around!” she says happily.

The beaming smile on your Mommy’s face being directed at Sunset kind of irks you as your shards light up briefly.

Oh what the buck is that all about?! You’ve got your own cute little daughter right here, you don’t need to look at her like that! I don’t need a big sister I need a little one! You think in jealousy. This temper is quickly quelled though after she starts petting at your hair again, and the shards lose their luster and you give a victorious grin at Sunset. Yeah, that’s right. My Mommy!

The orange girl is understandably confused about the look you give her but she lets it go, just as Grandbuggy speaks up.

“It ain’t actually as pleasant as ya think girly,” he says and her head turns to him.

“Grandbuggy?” she asks confused.

“The one and only,” he nods. “But yeah, there’s really no time to reminisce. Stuff’s going down as it usually does for us.”

Your mom seems perplexed at first before she starts looking around at all the faces, and notices that someone is missing.

“Hold a moment, where is Bugze?” she asks sounding concerned and Grandbuggy bites at his cigar.

“Like I just said, stuff’s going down,” he sighs. “Do you remember what happened when you got your body three days ago?”

“Three days?” she says putting a hand to her head, trying to remember. “We defeated that robotic terrorist, and we palavered with the Princesses and Elements and they were showing forgiveness…”

“Yeah, and then it got ruined,” you say grumpily and suddenly her eyes widen as the memory comes back to her.

“And then SHE was there!” she snarls with absolute venom, and many of the humans back up.

“Wow, is that what I look like when I’m angry?” Luna asks B2 and he nods reluctantly.

“I remember that glare during the mind battle,” Twilight shudders as the other girls huddle together. Iron Will, Lightning Dust and the twins huddle to each other, muttering about the boogey mare. Even you, still in her embrace are a bit weary of how angry she looks.

“She was standing over him as my consciousness faded! She…she…” your mother pauses. She then gently unwraps her arms from you and stands up, barely even wobbling on her unfamiliar human legs. A look of extreme determination is within her eyes. She looks from Grandbuggy, to the surrounding humans, pausing a bit longer on B2, before she looks back at you.

Despite knowing that she holds no ill will towards you and never would, you can’t help but gulp, because right now you can tell she is barely containing her rage. She then asks, in a tone of forced calmness,

“Nightshade, where is your father?”


Nightslayer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

After some time keeping your mental faculties running, you eventually sit back up and put a hoof to your head. The blood has dried, but the cut is still there and it’s tender. Not only that, but your right hoof throbs from where you activated the Bucking Bronco.

Bucking A, I got so used to a quicker healing factor I forgot how much lingering pain hurts, you think, groaning aloud

“Bugze, are you alright now?” asks Cadence worried.

“Not really, but I can stand,” you groan back as you get on unsteady hooves still incased in metal.

“That’s a relief,” Twilight says. “Now, let’s try this again, only this time listen to my instructions first.”

“Yeah, yeah,” you nod.

She then goes on a tangent about angling your at an angle whilst holding onto the couch with your other limbs, which should allow you to slide it with you towards the throne.

You follow her instructions, and with a gulp, you hold your hoof at an angle and brace for the coming bone rattling.

“Would You Kindly Bucking Bronco?!” you call out. Despite being braced, your hoof still smarts with immense pressure, and you swear you hear something crack, but sure enough the momentum carries you, and the couch towards the throne, stopping right at the edge of it.

“Yes! It worked!” Cadence cheers.

“I told you it would,” Twilight says pridefully.

“Yay~” you snarkily cheer, taking a moment to rest on the couch and cradle your damaged hoof.

“Alright, you should be able to reach your bags now if you just reach,” Twilight explains. Nodding, you get up, favoring your good hooves and see your Inventory hanging at the top of the ornate throne.

Looking at your chains and back up at it, you realize that it’s gonna be a bit of a stretch to reach it. Getting up on your hind legs you reach for and stretch as much as you can for the bag of wonders, and you’re only inches away.

“Come on…just a bit more…” you grunt, straining your limbs against the chains.

“Oh shoot, it’s just out of reach,” Twilight sighs.

“Maybe he could break a piece of furniture and then-“


“Sweet Mother of Buck!” you shout in agony as your shoulder dislocates. Twilight and Cadence wince at the sound it makes, but it works. Thanks to the freed joint, you are able to grab your inventory with your other hoof. You fall back onto the couch, your inventory in your lap as you whimper and hold your loose foreleg.

“Oh by the gods this sucks,” you moan before digging into the inventory and pulling out one of your healing potions.

“Wait Bugze, what is that?!” Twilight asks suddenly.

“It’s a healing potion, and I really bucking need it!” you say peeved off.

“Don’t take it yet! You need to put your shoulder back into place first!” she implores just as you were about to take a swig.

“Oh for crying out loud!” you snarl as you scramble up onto the couch towards the throne again.

“Just hold it steady and then slam it against the armrest,” Cadence instructs.

“Already on it!” you retort. And after psyching yourself up a bit, you slam your foreleg and shoulder against the throne while pushing it back into place.


“Buck Me!” you cry out again as even fixing it hurts like a motherbucker.

“Is it back in pla-“

“Yes!” you cry out, and immediately down the health potion, which tastes like cherry kool aid surprisingly enough.


1 Health Potion

Almost immediately, the dull throbbing pain from your head, neck, hoof and shoulder becomes nothing more than pins and needles as if they’ve fallen asleep. After awhile, even that sensation goes away, but what surprises you more is that your chest feels tight again for a bit before your breathing becomes easier.

“Whoa, okay…okay, I think I’m…I think I’m good,” you pant as you toss the empty bottle away.

“Alright good, now quickly, what do you have to get out of the chains?” Cadence urges.

“Hang on, let me check,” you say as you immediately open your bag and start digging around.

Good thing only me and anyone else I allow can get in here, you think, glad that none of your stuff has been stolen. You find exactly what you’re looking for pretty quickly.

“Ah, there you are,” you say triumphantly as you pull out the Jet Stream Sam Sword. It’s a bit difficult to hang onto since your hooves are still incased.

“Careful with that sword Bugze, trying to cut off hoof casings might end up hurting you more,” Twilight instruct.

“I’m just gonna worry about the chains for now,” you agree as you place the blade over one of the chains and whisper the pass phrase to unsheathe it. The high frequency blade hums as you gingerly slide it out and place it against the chain, but despite your gentleness, it cuts right through it and into the couch itself.

“Yes!” Cadence cheers and you actually smile for the small win. You then quickly, yet carefully cut through the rest of the chains, but you hesitate in cutting off the hoof casings. You still can’t wield the thing effectively, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that one wrong move will leave you missing a hoof.

“I’m gonna hold off on these until someone else can get them off,” you tell the princesses above you. “Preferably one of you.”

“What are you talking about? You have to get out of here immediately!” Cadence orders causing your eyes to widen in shock.

“What?!” you exclaim. “I’m not gonna leave here without you guys.

“You have to Bugze, Twilight and I still can’t use our magic, and we kind of stick out,” she says sadly.

“Not to mention we can’t just leave the others while saving ourselves,” Twilight explains. “They’re still weakened and even if we woke them up they’d be in no condition to move.”

“Bu-Wha-I…” you stutter at a loss for words. “But that’s what I would be doing. Leaving you to save myself. That’s…wrong.”

“Bugze, you’re the only one who knows where the rest of your group is. Reunite with them and then you can try to pull some heroics,” Cadence says, still with sad eyes. “It’s the only chance we have.”

“I…I could cut you all down and stuff you in the inventory or-“

“You can’t reach us, not without magic or being able to fly,” Twilight says with a sigh. “And we still don’t know when Chrysalis is coming back. Please listen to us Bugze, you have to go.”

You know what they say is logically sound, but you still feel like a dirt bag for not finding fault with it.

“Ugh, Okay! But I will come back for you all! I promise!” you say desperately, and they both give solemn nods.

Gor-bucking-rammit! You mentally curse as you stow away the sword. You then look all around you and realize that the only ways out are the chamber doors and the ice covered balcony. Okay I’m not particularly suicidal, so front door it is. But what if Pharynx or others are out there?

You hesitate for a moment, before reaching into the Inventory and pull out one of the transformation potions. You hadn’t used them earlier when sneaking about because the times before when you utilized the, you had looked like a pony.

Maybe I can look like another changeling? You think before shrugging. Only one way to find out.

You then down the potion, thinking the whole time that you want to look like a different changeling.


1 Transformation Potion

Since it is more of an illusion rather than your own body transforming, you don’t exactly feel any different after drinking the potion, but from Cadence’s and Twilight’s shocked gasps, you realize it’s worked.

“What in the-I thought you couldn’t transform?” Twilight accuses.

“I can’t, this is all alchemical,” you tell her.

“Well, it fits, though you should probably take a higher pitch when talking,” Cadence suggests.

“Huh? Why? What do I look like?” you ask as you go over to a nearby wall mirror, and pause by what you see. There is a female changeling with a red mane staring back at you. “Okay…didn’t expect that…is it weird that I think I look hot?”

Twilight and Cadence give you weird looks at that, but you can’t help it, the changeling in the mirror is a solid 11/10, even if she does still have your normal voice.

I just hope Grandbuggy doesn’t try to flirt with me before I can tell everyone who I am, you think with a shudder. You then quickly cover your encased hooves with the Smokey Joe bandana and the orange bandana from your western wear.

“Alright,” you say practicing a higher pitched voice. “I’m just a food drone that burnt her hooves on a stove…yeah.”

You then make your way towards the door, turning one last time to look at Twilight and Cadence. They nod at you, and silently gesture for you to leave before it’s too late.

“I’ll be back,” you promise. And with that you open the door and slip outside.

Fortunately, no guards are outside the door so you breathe a sigh of relief.

Okay, so if Pharynx chased after the kids to the left, then the right path is the safest bet, you theorize and immediately start heading down that pathway. I just gotta keep my head down, not talk to anyling and make my way to the Flugelhorn room and-

“Ah!” you yelp as you turn the corner and nearly run into Chrysalis carrying a tray of cookies.

“Ack!” she shrieks in surprise at your surprise.

Oh come the buck on! You mentally shout as you try to compose yourself.

“Watch where you are walking drone!” she snarls and you stiffen.

“S-“ you start to say before coughing and adopting the higher pitched tone. “Sorry my Queen, I was…looking for disobedient younglings.”

“Hmmph, very well then,” she huffs. “Still you should keep better focus. If you had spilt any of these cookies I made for my beloved, I would have peeled the chitin from your hooves!”

Gulping you nod.

“Yes my queen, it won’t happen again,” you say, the fear in your tone completely genuine.

“Good,” she nods before she starts looking over you inquisitively. “I don’t recall your designation drone.”

“Oh, um I’m…Carissa, I usually work the kitchens, which is where I got these burns,” you say holding up your bandana covered hooves.

“Ah, I see, I see,” she nods sounding understanding. “Well in that case, I only have one other question for you Carissa.”

“Yes my queen?” you ask nervously and she leans her face down towards you.

“Did you really think that was going to work $%#&@?” she asks with an unhinged grin. Your eyes widen and you attempt to reach into your Inventory, but she encases you fully in her magic, lifting you off the ground.

“Ah, ah, ah, none of that my dear,” she tuts and takes the Inventory off of you.

“Son of a Buck!” you curse, not even trying to hide your true voice. “How did you know?!”

“Oh my dear, sweet love bug, you might have fooled me had you not gotten so close, but I know your scenet better than anyling…” she insinuates and the color drains from your face.

What. The. Buck? Ew! you think in horror as she giggles.

“Now, as pretty as you are as a female, I prefer the real you,” she says as her horn glows brighter and a tickling sensation spreads over your body. You don’t even have to look to know that your disguise is gone.

Why can’t anything go right for me today?! You think in frustration.

“There we go, now let’s get back inside our throne room shall we?” she asks “sweetly.”

“Umm, before we do, you think I can go to the bathroom first?” you all but plead, hoping to get out of this.

“Yeah, no,” she answers simply as she starts walking with you in her magical grip.

“Pretty please?” you beg.


“Pretty please with a cherry on top?”

“Silly, we don’t need cherries, we have delicious cookies after all, I baked them myself,” she laughs and you slump in her grip.

“…I hate everything right now,” you moan as you are brought back into the throne room. Your grand escape only lasting a minute.

If only I hadn’t spent so long checking out my female disguise! You think regretfully.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Cadence and Twilight sure are surprised to see you back so soon, and the minute they see you in her grip, a bit of their hopes and dreams dies.

Chrysalis views the broken chains and the couch wedged against the throne and she clicks her tongue.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. You sure are being naughty love, and not in a good way,” she lightly chides.

“Can you really blame me?” you sigh in depression.

“Yes I could, but I’ll overlook it for now,” she says before holding up the Inventory. “I wish I could get in here for whatever goodies you used to escape, but we’ll just keep this out of reach for now.”

And with that she throws the Inventory up onto the ceiling into an unoccupied section of goop where it dangles once more, out of reach.

“Now then, since you’re too good for chains, let’s use something a little more pleasant,” she coos and walks you over to the throne where she sets you down. Before you have a chance to move…she starts gooping your back legs to the throne.

“Oh what the-Ew, Ew, EW! Stop it!” you shout in disgust. You’d seen many of your compatriots do this many a time, but you’d never been on the receiving end of it. It is very, VERY unpleasant.

“Hush now dear, what better way to keep you to myself than by using my own fluids?” she shushes as she finishes.

“Oh gods, don’t say it like that!” you bellow and try to squirm, but it is useless.

The goop almost immediately solidifies, and you feel as though you are restrained by drying concrete.

“There now, isn’t that better?” she asks as she sits down beside you in the large chair, putting her foreleg around your shoulder.

“No…” you whimper and look away from her, but she continues press closer to you.

“Oh don’t say that, this is how we’ll station ourselves once everything is ours,” she says wistfully. “Just you, me, and every insignificant creature brought before us to grovel.”

“I don’t want that. Noling sane would want that,” you say in defiance. “Please Chrysalis, please just stop this.”

She frowns a bit at that, before smirking again.

“You’re just being grumpy because you’re hungry,” she chuckles and levitates the tray of cookies before you. “Why don’t we fix that?”

“I’m not hungry,” you grunt and try to turn your head, but she twists it back to face her.

“I insist,” she says with that mad grin of hers. She then opens up your jaw with her magic, despite your resistance, and she shoves one of the cookies in.

“Mmf!” you protest, but she shuts your jaw, preventing you from spitting it out.

“I’m so glad you get to try my home cooking. Bon Appetite,” she says staring at you expectantly.

Despite your defiance, the cookie starts to get mushy in your mouth, so you give in and start chewing it. Much to your surprise, it doesn’t taste bad at all.

“Well? Delicious isn’t it?” she asks excitedly.

“Actually yeah, it’s pretty good,” you nod truthfully as you continue chewing. The chocolate chips, the not too firm yet not too soft texture of the cookie, and some other taste that you can’t quite identify. You swallow the food and she starts breathing heavily.

“See?! I told you you’d enjoy it!” she pants and holds the tray up. “Have another!”

“Okay, okay, just don’t force feed me,” you placate as you take a cookie from the tray and pop it into your mouth. “You know, despite how horrible everything is, these got a good flavor. What’d you put in them?”

“Only just my secret ingredient. I made them with Love!” she smiles wildly.

“Um, every baker says that. What’s really in it?” you ask as you try and fail to identify that unique spice.

“I just told you, Love!” she says as she starts to pant rather heavily. “Each and every cookie has been infused with my LOVE NECTAR!”

“Love Nectar?” you ask confused. Having grown up in the hive, you know you would have heard of something like that. “What is that, some sort of honey?”

“Oh, you could say that,” she spews, her voice heavy and on the verge of mania.

“Oh Sweet Celestia! You Bucking Sicko!” Cadence shouts from above and you both look to her. “That is absolutely disgusting! Bugze spit that out!”

“Quiet Wench!” Chrysalis snarls, but you do stop chewing confused.

“Why Cadence? What is this nectar she’s talking about?” asks Twilight just as oblivious as you are. The Princess of love squirms and scrunches her face up in embarrassment.

“It’s, um…it’s slang,” she says.

“For what?” you ask and your friend looks even more uncomfortable.

“…Okay, when a mare gets…aroused,” she starts looking very disturbed. “She, um…there’s certain areas on her that…moist.

She says that last word looking like she’d die from embarrassment. After a few moments, Twilight gasps and looks at Chrysalis disgusted. It takes only a few more turns of the hamster wheel in your brain to reach those same conclusions moments later. And when you do, you really wish you hadn’t.

“Oh My-Blagh!” you shout as you spit the wad of chewed up food out and start retching.

Why?! For Buck’s Sake, Why?! I Need A Toothbrush!

Chrysalis of course, does not take kindly to that.

“There is nothing wrong, love is quite nutritional for us changelings. Eat some more!”

“NO! I’m never eating again!” you gag. She starts to shake a bit at that, even though the smile doesn’t leave her face. She then looks back at Cadence with murderous eyes.

“Quit ruining the mood slut!” she shouts and throws the plate of cookies at Cadence. Since she can’t dodge, they all hit her.

“Ew, ew!” she squirms before looking back at the changeling queen. “You have no right calling me that!”

“Oh please, I’ve only ever been devoted to my one true love,” she retorts as she grips you closer, even as you use the bandanas to scrub at your tongue.

“Chrysalis I’m not your one true love! True Loves don’t put…THAT in each other’s cookies!” you shout.

“True, but I at least wanted you to have a preview of what you can taste later from the source,” she says with heavily lidded eyes as she starts caressing your inner thighs again.

“Stop that!” you cry out, not appreciating the harassment, but she does not listen and you try and fail to squirm out of the goop. "I said get your filthy hooves off me ya mad nutjob!"

“Oh, you and your funny way with words,” she chuckles in a twisted manner, ignoring your shouts. “I do adore the way you talk dirty.”

The tainted love coming off of her is nauseating and poisonous, even to you who can only sense emotions and not eat them. That combined with what she just made you ate causes you to puke over the side of the throne.

“Quit trying to spread your sickness to him!” Cadence shouts as you continue to pant.

"Quiet you insolent tart! Our love is truer than yours is with your pathetic husband, you should be honored to bear witness to it!" Cadence shouts in defiance.

"Your 'love' is appalling and goes against everything I stand for! Its tainted and just...wrong!" Cadence growls, gagging a bit herself since she’s able to sense the poisoned love. Her tone then becomes more pleading as she looks the queen in the eye in desperation. "Chrysalis, please, end this madness before it’s too late. You-you need help!"

In response to her words Chrysalis growls almost like a rabid animal as she leaves your side and flies up to the captured princess and slaps her across the face.

“Hey!” you shout angrily.

“Cadence!” Twilight shouts in worry as the changeling queen gets in the Princess of Love’s face.

"Watch your mouth you whorse! My love is pure, and not some sort of disgusting mess as you claim it to be! If I didn't need you for the ceremony I would have starved you like I did all those years ago, remember your place!"

Cadence glares defiantly at the psycho, working her jaw back and forth while you seethe over your friend getting struck. Amidst these high emotions, Twilight whispers out,

"What ceremony?"

At her words Chrysalis’s face quickly shifts to one of sickening glee as she flies back to your side and once again starts groping you, despite your objections.

"Why I'm glad you asked Twilight Sparkle! I do so enjoy explaining to lesser beings the glory that is changeling culture!" she says haughtily. “For you see, for a Queen to take on a royal consort, or in this situation a king, we must be wed before an official of love and knowledge.”

“I’m not going to marry y-“

“Sadly however, my advisor of knowledge lost his usefulness during our imprisonment and had to be let go, and as for my advisor of love…” her tone gains a dangerous edge and she grips you tight enough to hurt. “That traitorous tramp left with the other deserters when my darling broke the Hive Mind…but who needs her?! I’ve gained a truer appreciation for love with her gone and know it’s many depths.”

“Tainted Love is not a depth! It’s a taboo!” you try to complain, but she keeps going.

“I know my heart sang for you the day of the dance,” she says with a faraway look in her eyes.

“What?! You dumped paint on me and made me a laughing stock you-“

“I’d been led astray by those I thought were my friends, and they coerced me into their plan,” she says dramatically.

“Oh come on, that’s not how it went down, and you know it!” you argue.

“I was helpless to stop them and I tried to warn you-“

“No you didn’t!”

“But it was too late. I wish I had stopped them, then we wouldn’t have had to wait so long to be together.”

“Yeah, I wish you hadn’t dropped that paint on me either, but you did! It’s too late to try and salvage anything from that Chrysalis!” you say truthfully.

“But after all these years, I now know the depths of true love, and I can now properly explore these feelings with you my love bug!" she announces before grabbing the sides of your face and forcibly connecting your muzzle with hers.

“MMMM!!!” you shout becomes muffled as her tongue snakes it’s way into your mouth, and Cadence and Twilight gasp in shock.

Now, you’ve been pulled into quite a hoofful of surprise kisses over the years, and despite how strange and unique the situations were, they weren’t altogether unpleasant. This however, you take no enjoyment from. Her poisoned love is worse than acid, her tongue is like a snake and all you want to do is breathe fresh air again. Eventually, after what feels like an eternity but was really only a few seconds, the queen releases your lips from hers.

“Ah, finally, after so long,” she says breathlessly as she licks her lips. “It was all worth it.”

You hear Cadence and Twilight choking back disgust by what she’s just done, but you…a rage fills your heart as your breath quickens.

“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” she purrs.

You, in response, spit in her face which causes her face to freeze and for Cadence and Twilight to gasp again.

"I've tasted mud that was better than that you psycho!" you growl, letting your rage and disgust flow through you so that there’s no doubt she won’t sense your feelings.

She does not move after that for what a long couple of moments with no emotion betraying her thoughts. Her eyes don’t even appear to truly see you despite being the only thing she could possibly see.

Did…did I break her? You wonder, and just as you do, she begins to twitch.

“Heh…heh heh…heh heh heh heh Ha Ha Ha HA HA HAAA HAAA HAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA!!! She begins to lightly chuckle, before full on laughing in an unhinged manner right to your face. You share an uncomfortable glance with the trapped princess above you as Chrysalis's laughter comes to an end just as abruptly as it started.

“Oh my dear, dear #$%&@,” she says gently, stroking your cheek once more, the snapped look in her eye now tenfold. "Spitting on your queen is a rather unsightly thing to do in front of an audience after all, not to mention mocking my kiss. Tsk tsk, now that just won't do my precious."

“Well tough luck, because that’s all you’ll ever get out of me. I. Don’t. Love. You!” you say harshly, but she doesn’t appear to hear your words. Her hoof falls from your face and trails downward, stopping at your scar from the Other World, the exact spot Mira's sword pierced your flesh all those years ago.

"Oh my…I do believe that with such unneeded conduct," her hoof pulls back from your chest, "Requires the proper punishment."

And suddenly she thrusts her hoof back at your scar, with some sort of unnatural strength allowing her to dig into your flesh where the sword had once done so.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Your blood curdling scream echoes throughout the chamber, drowning out the cries of concern and shock from the captured princesses above you. Chrysalis meanwhile just stares at you blankly, seemingly waiting for you to finish screaming like it was some trivial action.

Eventually no more air can escape your lungs and all falls silent, aside from your shocked whimpers and the squishing sounds of your blood seeping around her still embedded hoof.

"Now my sweet, apologize to your queen and all that pain will go away," she orders.

“Gah, gah, gah, ack, hrk, y-you-you-you!” you gasp in shock as you try and fail to pull her hoof out of you.

In response she sighs before twisting her hoof digging into your wound further.

“GGGYYAAAAGGGHHH!!!” you cry out in misery as more blue blood flows.

“STOP IT!” Cadence and Twilight shriek, but she ignores them.

"Now don't make me do this love, you think I like hurting you like this?" The mad queen somberly says, tears seeping from her eyes as she speaks. "I hate hurting you like this, but you’re making me do this. Please, please just apologize so I don't have to hurt you anymore. Your pain is nothing compared to the pain I feel when I do this to you!"

“I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I!!!” you stammer out, shock and panic overwhelming you. This only causes more tears to flow from her. She lights up her horn, and the glow surrounds all of the cocoons aside from Cadence, Twilight, Celestia and Luna.

“Please apologize. I’d hate to lose such valuable trophies, but I’ll have to dispose of them one after another to punish you,” she all but pleads. The look in her eye seems desperate, but you know she is one hundred percent serious.

“I-I-I’m-I’m-I’m-“ you try to find your words, but the hammering tightness of your heartbeat coupled with the adrenaline and panic aren’t helping. She purses her lip at this.

“If you don’t, you’ll have to choose who goes. Should I start with the quiet animal freak, the annoying speedster, or the simple hillbilly?”

“None! None of them!” you gasp out through your own tears, still gripping at her hoof. “I’m sorry alright?! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”

"Now, was that so hard my love bug?" Chrysalis gently says, with a smile that would have appeared angelic if it wasn't on her face. She then removes her hoof from your wound, and the blood starts leaking out uncorked.

“Hagh,” you gasp and your breathing quickens, but she makes a roll of bandages appear in her magic, and she starts haphazardly wrapping them around you.

“My love is tough but fair my darling, but now we can move on from that unpleasantness,” she says protectively, holding your head against her chest.

“You are too far gone Chrysalis,” Twilight says with pity. “You are nothing but a monster now.”

Chrysalis shuts her eyes at that and sighs before looking up at the purple princess.

“A monster would not help tend and care for the male she loves,” she argues back.

“You are the one who injured him!” Cadence growls.

“These wounds are nothing, he will heal,” she hoofwaves, but even as she says that you can’t help but feel weak as the bloodstained bandages staunch the flow. Your breath is shallow and the dull ache in your chest returns, not to mention your reopened scar. “And in the end, all he needs is my love to heal.”

“No, what he needs is proper medical care!” Twilight argues.

“Oh, you doubt my claims? Fine, bear witness! In fact, let everyling bear witness!” she exclaims as her horn lights up again. At first you think she is going to start blasting like she threatened earlier, but instead, she removes the goo from around the heads of every other cocooned individual in the room. They all start to groan, and a few of them begin to blink their eyes blearily.

“All of you, all of my esteemed trophies, you will see now that love will solve everything! My dear sweet %$#@& will be healed with our love making!” she says to the barely awake ponies who still seem to be in a drunken stupor.

“You’re going to what?!” Cadence asks horrified and Chrysalis smirks at her.

“You heard me,” she says confidently as she props you against the throne and leans over you. “You all heard me.”

“S-Selena…” you breathe out sadly. “Nightshade…”

“Now I thought we weren’t going to talk about them anymore?” she says with a pout as her hoof nears your chest again and you whimper. “Put them out of thought and mind they will both become irrelevant once the cold finally drives them to me. And when they are both gone, there won’t be any more distractions for your love…”

“B-b-bu-bu-but…” you whimper and she shushes you again.

“Don’t think about that whorse or that thing you call your daughter, all you need is me, and the child we’re about to create.”

“Wha…?” you sputter, too drained of resistance for anything more.

“You will provide me the Hive’s Heir, a strong and pure child that will lead the Hive into a new age of triumph,” she says as she brings her face closer to yours again. Once more her lips press firmly against yours, and there’s nothing you can do. Your eyes look pleadingly up to the others. Even in their dazedness, each of them look on in horror, disgust, anger, and fear, but most of all, they look at you with pity, for there is nothing that they can do either.

Chrysalis breaks the kiss briefly and straddles you as you lie helplessly.

“Please, don’t…” you beg but she only smiles more at that.

“Just let it happen. Just give in and let everything else go but me. We will be together forever…” she says breathlessly as she holds you in place “And together, we will all live happily ever after…”

And with that she captures your mouth with hers again, as she begins to caress you in other places…and you’re not powerful enough to stop it.

Please, someling…save me… you think in anguish as you close your eyes shut.


A deafening explosion rings out as the chamber doors come flying off their hinges, shattering into splinters as they strike the walls and floor.

“What in the Tartarus?!” Chrysalis exclaims, freeing your mouth and allowing you to breathe. Both you and her focus your attention on a cloud of dust where the doors used to be, and as it fades a dark figure makes it’s way out of it.

Her hoof falls are heavy and meaningful, her eyes are filled with fury, her mane and tail whip about in an unseen storm, and her horn shines alight with brilliant purplish blue magic.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU BITCH!!!” Selena roars, every ounce of her hatred and malice being directed at the Changeling Queen.

“Selena!” you cry out in glee as all those on the ceiling look on with dropped jaws.

“Impossible!” Chrysalis yelps in startled confusion. “Your magic should not be accessible or-GRAGH!“

The insane queen is interrupted as a powerful beam of magic flies forth from Selena and strikes her right in the chest, blasting her off of you and into a wall.

“Do I Look Like I Give A Buck About What’s Impossible Or Not?!” Selena snarls before looking to you with worry. “Bugze!”

The dark alicorn mare leaps over to you with a flap of her wings, with a flash of her horn, you are freed from the goop attaching you to the throne.

“Oh my gods, Bugze,” she says fretfully as she bends down and cradles your head, looking at your blood stained bandages. “What did she do to you?”

You don’t immediately answer her as you are still in shock, but when you do speak, the only thing you can gasp out is,

“Selena you’re awake!”

That actually gets her to smirk amidst her worry and she chuckles.

“Yes, yes I am,” she says happily as she lights up her horn, and the casings around your hooves shatter into pieces harmlessly around you.

"You…you came back for me…” you say touched as you wipe away some tears.

“Of course I did my bug. How could I not?” she says tenderly as she grips your hoof with hers. “Can you stand?”

“Y-yeah, I think so,” you nod and she helps you to your hoofs, pulling you up with hers. Once you are both standing again you are able to truly look into her dazzling draconic eyes, but you don’t know what to say. That sense of realness from when you hugged her sleeping form earlier is increased tenfold, especially since neither of you have let go of each other’s hooves.

She herself seems a little lost for words, but you can tell what she’s thinking. Her eyes look at you with relief and joy. Where just moments earlier your heart was hammering in fear, now it’s pumping fast for a different reason.

“Thank you Selly…I…I…” you stammer, not being able to express just how grateful you are to her in this moment, especially when she gives you that small, genuine smile and squeezes your hoof a little tighter.

“Anytime my bug, anytime,” she says truthfully. “I will always-“

“Oh you little whorse!” Chrysalis growls as she extracts herself from the wall, breaking the moment. “I Will End You!”

A look of annoyance crosses over Selena’s face, before the righteous fury returns. She lets go of your hoof and pushes you behind her as she gets into a defensive stance, protecting you.

“You can try you miserable slut,” Selena challenges. “But that’s not how it’s going to go down. You Will Not Touch My Male Ever Again!!!”

Somehow, Chrysalis’s eyes fill with even more hatred and she clenches her teeth so hard you swear you hear them crack.

YOUR MALE?!!!” she accuses as green magical energy begins to flow around her.

“Yes…” Selena answers simply, giving you a quick side glance and a wink. “MINE!

And while your jaw drops and your heart skips a beat, the Mare in the Moon sends a blast of magic at Chrysalis, who blocks it with her own. But before the changeling queen can retaliate, Selena flies forward spear tackling the loon over the balcony and into the swirling snow beyond.

“Selena!” you cry out in alarm as you hear their shouts and blasts of magic continue.

“Focus up Daddy, Mommy can handle herself,” your daughter’s voice says from behind you.

“Nightshade?!” you whip around in surprise. “How did you…?”

You trail off as you see your daughter flanked by…The Elements of Harmony.

“Wha-Huh?” you stammer as you look between them and the ones on the ceiling before your mind jumps to the obvious conclusion. “Nightshade! There are changelings behind you! You-“

“They’re not changelings Bugze,” a familiar voice reassures. Stepping out of the midst of the 6 mares, is an orange furred, red and yellow maned alicorn mare.

“Sunset?!” you and Twilight all exclaim at once.

“Apparently,” Nightshade says somewhat dismissively with a roll of her eyes. “But we’ll catch up later. Get your pony counterparts down ladies and let’s get moving! And careful, they’re kind of drunk.”

“Hang on, I’m still trying to get used to wings,” the other rainbow complains.

“Which I thought I was getting, but I’m just a unicorn…and how come my counterpart doesn’t need glasses?” Human Twilight complains.

And while the humans turned ponies struggle to move in their new bodies, you look to your daughter questioningly.

“Nightshade, how did you-“

“A very long and annoying trip,” she answers as she lights up her horn and brings your Inventory to you. “I’ll explain later, we gotta meet up with Grandbuggy the other you, Luna and Sombra and Hope’s friends. They went to get the Sirens and the rest of our friends.”

“They came too?” you say in surprise.

“Yup!” she nods as she takes a healing potion out of your bag. “And because we traveled from another dimension-or a million-the magic dampener isn't affecting us.”

“Wait, how did that happen? Did Sunset really get it open in only three days and-Ulp!” your daughter interupts you as she pops the healing potion in your mouth.


1 Health Potion

Just like earlier, the aches and pains turn to dull tingling, before melting away, and you breathe a little easier.

“Oh yeah, that hit the spot,” you say in relief.

“Good, and to answer your question, I got Flim and Flam to open it with Twilight’s machine thingy because I didn’t want to wait around,” she say proudly.

“Wow, uh, good job honey,” you say a bit confused before you hear the sound of a magic blast outside and an explosion. “Alright, never mind that, your mother is-“

“Daddy,” Nightshade says putting a calming hoof on yours. “As much as I’d like to help punch Queen Chrysalis in the nose, Mommy is very, VERY pissed right now. The only time she paused when coming back to this reality was to give me a quick hug in our real bodies before she went rampaging through the palace. I think we should just leave her to it for now.”

You then hear another explosion, followed by a cry of pain from Chrysalis and a triumphant laugh from Selena.

“…Good point,” you relent.

“Right, so quick hug,” she says before giving you just that, “Now I’m gonna go let Spike down, but be ready to run. I’m sure the changelings are gonna notice this.”

“Yeah, something tells me they might,” you agree. And as she flies up to the dazed and confused purple dragon, you immediately go to help the humans turned ponies in getting down the mostly groggy pony versions. Even as you do though, you still can’t help but feel worried for YOUR mare…and a little excited.

“Buck her up Selly.”


You laugh merrily as Chrysalis wipes a bit of green blood from her lip. It’s been so long since you’ve truly flown, since you’ve truly felt the wind under your wings, and since you’ve been able to use magic.

You have many wants and desires now that you’ve got a new body, but unfortunately you can’t engage in any of them until you break this ugly bitch’s face something fierce.

“Stop laughing you whorse!” she roars out as she sends a blast of magic your way, and you only barely dodge it as it slams into the palace. You do stop laughing though, but your eyes glare right into her soul.

She is the reason Bugze was so miserable in the past, she is the one who killed him for showing mercy, and she has the gall to try and take him back! But most of all, she is the reason why you are currently playing pest exterminator instead of holding Bugze like you’ve wished to do for the last two years.

“I warned you last year Chrysalis! I warned you to stay away from Bugze,” you growl as you block a blast of magic with your own. “I told you that if you ever hurt him again, I would pay you back a hundredfold!”

“Maybe you did, but I didn’t listen!” Chrysalis yells in defiance as she flies forward and attempts to bite you, but you catch her jaws with your hooves before kicking her in the gut. “OOF!”

With the wind knocked out of her, you put her in a headlock and put your mouth next to her ear.

“You should have. Let’s start counting shall we?” And with that, you flap your wings pushing you both through the blizzard toward the ground.

She growls and flails, but you do not let go till the last moment as you kick her downward and pull yourself out of the dive. Chrysalis goes through the roof of an empty dwelling before impacting the ground in a nice little crater.

“That’s 1!” you quip as you flutter and hover for a moment before you quit flapping your wings and fall through the hole and onto the splayed changeling’s stomach, knocking even more wind out of her.

“Gack!” she coughs.

“That’s 2!” you say vindictively before picking her up in your magic and slamming her against the ground a few times before punching her in the face with your bare hooves. “That’s 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!”

“GRAGH!” she roars as she blocks one of your punches and headbutts you right in the nose. You stumble back a bit holding your struck sensory appendage. She looks back at you with crazed eyes filled with nothing but hatred before she sends out a magic wave which knocks you through the front door and out on to the street. Shaking your head, you stand back up in the snow and look to the crazed changeling as she pants like a beast.

A few changeling drones see the commotion and look unsure between their queen and you.

“Noling interfere! Your Queen Will Handle This Parasite Personally!” she decrees to her subjects who back off.

“Good, I didn’t want this to be too easy,” you insult as you ready yourself and challenge her. “Come count with me!”

Screeching like a banshee Chrysalis flies through the open doorway towards you.

This fight has been coming for a long time.


Episode 99: The Catfight of the Century

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WARGAMES’s Comment

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Her leap is feral and animalistic, and she bears down upon you like a homing missile. The fury and madness in her eyes shines along with the magic building up along her horn. Surely if any other being were in your place, they would falter before being set upon by the maddened changeling monarch.


But you are not just any being, you have the power of the moon and true love on your side, not to mention the power of being a very, VERY pissed off alicorn.


A fact that Chrysalis fails to take into account as your hoof upper cuts her right under the jaw and sends her skyward.

The crack of that impact is loud and sickening and Chrysalis’s loyal drones all wince at the strike, but you smile. The gesture would be cruel if not for the awfulness of your opponent.

Some of the drones hesitantly try to shuffle towards you despite their Queen’s orders, but you just flash them a quick glare and they reconsider very quickly.

They may fear and love their precious queen, but the eyes of an Angry Mother are not to mess with.

“Good bugs,” you say threateningly before you flap your wings and fly up to the dazed Chrysalis. Before gravity can take her, you grab a hold of her neck before spinning around and tossing her back to the earth.

“MUDA!” you cry out as you did in your spectral form before, just because it feels right.

Unfortunately this time she is able to slow her fall somewhat, but she still crashes into the ground with a meaty thud. You attempt to stomp on her, but she rolls out of the way at the last second, causing you to break the crystalline cobblestone beneath you. In that time, she launches a piece of rubble at you which does strike you in the side. Even though the rubble shatters, it still does bring you pain, but you grit your teeth and blast the next chunk of rubble to smithereens before it even gets to you.

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Off to the side, the varied drones can only stare, frozen in shock as you two fly towards one another again, causing another loud thunderclap as you hit. It’s understandable, because they aren’t just staring at any normal beings having a hoof fight, but absolute titans going to war.

Up close and personal, it’s hard to strike her with your magic, but the same holds true for her. But you’re no stranger to slugging it out in person thanks to Bugze.

You strike right at her nose and feel satisfied when you hear a small crack.

“Gyak!” Chrysalis cries in pain as green blood drips from her nostrils. Your satisfaction is short lived however as she opens her jaws and bites down on your hoof, drawing blood.

“Agh! You bitch” you grunt as her fangs sink deeper into your flesh. You quickly bring your hind leg up and hit her right in the gut, which causes her to gasp and release your hoof. Not wasting any time, you flap your wings and spin mid air, giving your hind leg enough momentum.

“No Shadow Kick!”

Your attack strikes true and the gnat is sent flying down the road, skidding into a snow bank. You land not far away from the impact site and flick your own blood off into the snow lest the hoof become slippery and a hindrance.

Chrysalis growls and shakes the snow from her head as she glares you down and your return it in full force. In her insane delusions, her hatred for you is immense, but yours is just as great and more justified.

She. Hurt. Bugze!

She fires a beam of magic towards your face, but you duck your head to the side and dash towards her with your hoof raised. She fires another beam, and you’re not able to completely dodge this one as it takes you in the shoulder. You wince as the smell of your own cooked hair and flesh fill the air, but your momentum isn’t stopped. You reach her and deck her right in the nose again, knocking her head back.

"Wrah! Quit going for the bucking nose!” she yells before trying to get you in a stranglehold.

“No! I Don’t Think I Will!” you snarl as you parry her grapple and headbutt her nose causing her to shriek more. You then follow that up with a blast of magic to her chest, which sends her crashing into a dumpster.

“Hmmph, right where you belong,” you mock before she blasts out of the receptacle, scattering garbage everywhere.

“And you belong in the ground!” she shouts as she sends a beam towards you, but instead of dodging, this time you respond with your own.

The two beams crash into one another, and the both of you attempt to overtake the other, but the magic does not yield to either side. Rather, it continues to build and build where the two beams meet, until the inevitable happens.

A detonation occurs where the two beams met and both of you are thrown back violently. Chrysalis once more finds her home in the trash (or rather through it) while your back crashes through the wall of what you assume is a bakery thanks to all the ovens and bread that goes flying.

Owwwww…that one hurt, you mentally grumble as you shakily stand back up and look out the hole you made. You see as some of Chrysalis’s drones near the destroyed dumpster to check on her, but they quickly back up as she comes flopping out of it.

"I said stand back!” she snarls at them, as her eyes dart around looking for you. “I must defeat this whorse myself! I'm not worthy to be #$%@'s queen if this shadow bitch isn't dead beneath my hooves!”

The drones wisely listen to their rabid queen and back away once more and you sigh.

I can’t afford to be cocky, you reprimand yourself. She is maddened and unpredictable so I have to fight smarter. She’ll suffer either way for what she’s done to my Bugze.

And with that, you steel yourself and march out of the hole in the wall.

“You’ll never be worthy then insect,” you goad and her eyes lock on you. “Because neither of those two things will be happening.”

“Don’t be too sure, I already removed you from his body, all I have to do is finish the job so that we can finally be together!” she rants, spittle flying from her mouth.

“It seems you’ve truly lost it if you think Bugze will ever love you again,” you respond, still furious but more cautious. “But that’s alright, because if you’re so far gone you don’t realize it then I can put you down with no remorse!”

“I’m not the one going down today!” she roars as magic starts to swirl around her and she flies towards you. “This day is my day! MY DAY!”

“I don’t think so!” you shout as you launch a broken cobblestone underneath her, causing her flight to falter and her body to go tumbling. You then simply fly out of her way as she tumbles into the hole in the bakery, and not a moment too soon. Her magic discharges and all of the gas lines you damaged on your collision go up in flames.


The bakery explodes, blowing out the windows to many surrounding buildings, and the back draft even catches under your wings and lifts you even higher into the air. You are eventually able to steady yourself amidst the swirling snow as you look down upon the burning building. Of course, you didn’t believe it would end that easily, and your pessimism is right on the money as Chrysalis’s blackened form comes shooting out of the pyre and straight towards you. Her mane is singed, and there are burn marks on her chitin, but she is still raring to go.

“I’LL KILL YOU!!!” she shrieks.

“In your dreams!” you bellow back as you erect a barrier just before she strikes.

Jayo Jack’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment

Another explosion, just as loud as the bakery conflagration, sounds out as the snow and wind are momentarily disrupted by a shockwave.

“But I’ll tell you this you worm! Those dreams will become your worst Nightmares!” you roar as you rain down a flurry of blows upon her. “MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA! MUDA!”

For her part though, Chrysalis is blocking as best she can and even strikes back at you.

“WWWWWRRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!” she shrieks as the two of you battle across the sky, each of your blows sending out shockwaves through the snow that the changelings below watch on in awe.

After a successful block you give a 360 spin kick to her gut along with another upper cut to the jaw.

“GGGRAAAHHHH!!!” Snarling, she blocks your next jab and strikes you right below your left eye and kicks you in the side.

“ACK!” you cough as she grabs your hoof and spin throws you against the side of a building.

“Just give up you home wrecker! I will not have months of planning ruined because of you! You’ll not stand in the way of my love! You can’t fathom how much he means to me!!!” she shrieks and attempts to dive bomb you but your eyes alight with fury.

You quickly teleport behind her as she slams into the building side and you pin her against it.

“It’s you who can’t fathom it you psycho! You don’t love Bugze! You’re obsessed with the image you’ve created of him!” you roar and slam her face into the crystal over and over again. She then let’s out a shockwave blast, which throws you off of her, and also causes the wall to cave in.

“I’m No Psycho! I’M NOT MY MOTHER!!!” she roars and sends a shot at you, to which you put up a shield for.

“Sure you aren’t,” you condescend as send forth your own blast, causing plenty more property damage.

POV Change: Bugze

You hear the booms echoing throughout the snow covered city and you gulp. On one hoof, you’re very, VERY thankful that Selena returned when she did to save your body and soul, but on the other hoof, her vengeance is destructive and a bit scary.

“You know, for once I’m glad I’m not in the middle of some epic fight,” you say aloud as you drag Princess Celestia out of her cocoon.

“I would have to agree with you there Bugze, my head is killing me,” the Princess says as she starts rubbing at her eyes.

“Yeah, that’s gonna last for a bit from what I recall,” you nod as you start pulling out Luna. “But I’ve never really experienced it myself thankfully.”

“Good for you then,” Luna groans as she shakily gets to her hooves. She then tries to activate her magic, and fails. “What is this?”

“The magic dampeners are still up, so we kind of can’t use it for now,” you explain.

“Oh my gosh, no wonder my Midnight form came with a forehead horn! The magic is intrinsically linked to the mind after all!” Sci-Twi says as she levitates Princess Twilight down.

“Exactly! Any unicorn willing to study and learn can cast high level spells, but there is more to it than just studying I’ve found,” Princess Twilight nods.

“Oh yeah, I know. Friendship is needed and all that, I’m very familiar,” Sci-Twi nods as she blasts away at the cocoon.

“Wow, even though you’re from another dimension your grasp on the subject is amazing! As expected from another me,” Twilight says giddily.

“Yeah, well, I’m kind of jealous of your wings and better eye sight,” Sci Twi jokes as she starts bringing Cadence down.

“Am…am I seeing things?” Shining Armor asks, still from his pod. “Two Twilights?”

“Oh my gosh, is that pony Shining Armor?” Sci Twi squees.

“Yup, that’s my BBBFF alright,” Twilight nods.

“Oh, you call him that too?”

“Uh…” Shining sputters, while Cadence just stares on with a smile at the whole affair.

“My my darling, your mane is absolutely divine! What do you have in your world that gives it that extra shine?” Rarity asks to human Rarity.

“Mine? What about yours? Those all natural curls look much more fabulous than my own,” Human Rarity says as she uses her magic to free her counterpart.

Celestia and Luna look over at you curiously and you just shrug.

“What? I don’t really see a difference, I’m a guy,” you admit.

“Not about that, how are they able to use their magic?” Luna demands.

“I don’t know, maybe they’re using their inherent human magic or something?” you say as you look at all the others.

“Did you say humans?” asks Celestia.

“Yeah that’s right, though they don’t look it right now,” you say as you point to the dopplegangers helping their counterparts out of the pods.

“You know, for being such a small horse, I feel somehow stronger than back home,” Humie Applejack says.

“Heh, that’s good farm work for ya,” Applejack nods.

“Oh don’t I know it,” Hu-Jack nods. “Though I don’t know how ya’ll pick apples without hands.”

Pick apples?” Po-Jack asks with a cocked eyebrow.

“Yeah, you know, you reach up and grab them out of the tree?” the human copy says.

“What, ya’ll don’t just kick em?”


Pony Applejack then begins describing how Earth Pony farming works. To their right, one rainbow is helping another mid air.

“Ugh, careful now, I feel drunk and am in no shape to fly,” Pony Dash grumbles.

“Easy, easy, whoa!” Hu-Dash cries out as she and Pony Dash fall to the ground.

“Ow…” Po-Dash groans.

“Sorry, sorry, I’m just not used to wings. I mean, it’s awesome and all, but having actually new limbs in my back is weird to get used to. The other ones I had were magic and stuff,” Hu-Dash explains apologetically.

“Wait, you haven’t been flying your whole life?!” Po-Dash exclaims in shock.

“No, I was a runner mostly,” Hu-Dash says.

And while Hu-Dash explains about being a Soccer and Track Star, two yellow pegasi feel awkward as one helps the other out.

“Oh uh…thank you,” Fluttershy says sheepishly to her human counterpart.

“N-No problem!” Hu-Shy squeaks just as nervously. The two of them keep shooting glances at one another, before feeling intimidated and looking away.

“I, uh…I like animals,” Hu-Shy says stiltedly.

“Oh, um…so do I,” Po-Shy nods.



“…Oh what the heck, sorry if this is weird, but You-I-We look so adorable as horsies!” Hu-Shy says excitedly after a spell.

“Huh? What are you-EEP!” Po-Shy yelps as Hu-Shy starts petting her head and brushing at her mane.

“Soooo Soft…” Hu-Shy coos as Po-Shy blushes in embarrassment, slightly enjoying the head pats.

“OMG, So Adorable!” Hu-Pinkie squeaks.

“And it looks like fun!” Po-Pinkie nods ecstatically, despite being dizzy. “We should get in on that!”

“Good idea horsie me! I’ll pet your head if you pet mine!” Hu-Pinkie chirps.


And with that they both start rubbing each other’s heads.

“Oh, I bet this would feel a thousand times better if I had hands,” Hu-Pinkie giggles.

“You think so? I’ve never had fingers but I’ve heard it’s awesome!” Po-Pinkie giggles.

Both then suddenly gasp.

“We should totally swap roles when we’re not in life threatening situations!” they say simultaneously before laughing like loons.

“Hee hee hee, this is so much less horrifying than the last time I had a clone,” Po-Pinkie laughs.

“You had clones?!” Hu-Pinkie asks excitedly and Po-Pinkie suddenly deflates a little.

“Yeah, uh…let’s forget I said that kay?” she says nervously.

“Um, Nightshade?” Spike asks as he looks at all the counterparts interacting with a dazed expression.

“Yes Spikey?” Nightshade practically singsongs as she continues to bear hug him.

“Answer me truthfully, is this some sort of fever dream? Because it feels like a fever dream with all the girls talking to themselves and you hugging me and all,” he says skeptically.

“Well, if it was a dream, then it’s a good dream right?” Nightshade demands with a scowl, and the bleary eyed dragon shudders for a second.

“Uh…yeah?” he guesses before putting his arm around her and hugging back. “I mean, I guess this part is nice.”

“Right answer,” Nightshade smirks and nuzzles his cheek.

The dragon’s spirit seems to lift at this, though it is somewhat tempered as he looks in your direction. Even as he squints, he can see your watchful gaze and he gulps.

…It’s okay, they’re just happy to see each other. He’s a good boy and is strong to boot. It’s fine…it’s all fine… you chant in your mind as your eye twitches as both him and you remember your words on the field days ago. But there should still be a time limit for hugs!

And just as you’re about to trot over in that direction, Princess Luna speaks up.

“This is all very surreal.”

“Yeah I know, but I still gotta be a Dad right?!” you shout back and Luna looks bewildered.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Um, preventing a Poneo and Juliet ending in the modern day? And yes, I know that sounds extreme, but kids move way too fast these days right?” you ask and she looks at you questioningly. “Which I’m just now realizing you weren’t talking about were you?”

“The doubles all talking to each other as if they’re old friends is what I was referring to,” Luna says, rolling her eyes at your antics. “It’s like a scene out of the dreamscape.”

“Oh yeah, I guess that’s weird too,” you nod reluctantly as Nightshade and Spike thankfully stop embracing. “I mean, I used to see this kind of scene back in the Hive all the time, but I can see where you’re coming from.”

“Really, aside from this Human Twilight Sparkle and her eyewear, they are all indistinguishable…That certainly is not going to be confusing in the slightest,” Celestia sighs sarcastically.

She’s right, because right now the only difference between the hummies and ponies is that the pony versions are a little paler and dizzy from the cocoons.

“Perhaps we should draw numbers on them or something?” you suggest. “Though believe me, if they were their natural ugly ape selves, this wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Indeed,” Luna nods before looking to you sympathetically. “Are you well by the way? Dizzy as we were, we still heard what Chrysalis was trying to do to you towards the end.”

You freeze at that for a moment before shaking your head from those thoughts.

“You know, a few minutes ago I’d have probably broke down in tears answering that,” you admit as another explosion sounds off in the distance and you smile. “But now that Selena’s back, everything’s going to work out fine.”

Luna stares at you for a moment, as if she’s processing that info more carefully.

“It seems at least we don’t have to worry about her getting a body now,” Celestia nods before looking around. “But that aside, if all of these are humans then is…”

She trails off as she finds exactly who she’s looking for. Sheepishly, the orange alicorn waves at the taller alabaster one.

“H-Hi Princess Celestia…it’s been awhile,” Sunset says nervously as Celestia goes still.

“Sunset…” she gasps, knowing that voice and face even after all these years.

All the other chattering in the room goes silent as everyone watches the two of them looking at one another. After a few moments sunset coughs into her hoof and chuckles awkwardly.

“Um…I guess I’m an alicorn now, heh heh…” she says showing her wings and her former teacher nods, face still full of disbelief.

“I can see that…” Celestia says breathlessly.

Again, they both go quiet, and both Twilights look extremely antsy about this.

Finally Sunset sighs and bows her head.

“Princess Celestia, the last time we met, I was snide, disrespectful and a failure as your student,” she says and you wince.

Ah geeze, I wouldn’t have said it like that, you think apprehensively.

“And I know for you it’s been a bit longer thanks to time dilution between the dimensions, but for me it wasn’t so long ago,” she continues humbly. “I’m…I’m still trying to be a better pony, like you wanted me to be all those years ago. I know right now I’m probably the last pony you want to see, but I-“

She is stopped midsentence as Celestia lifts her chin up with her hoof. Celestia's stoic expression melts to one of warmth and she gives a small smile.

“I’ve missed you Sunset Shimmer…” she says simply, a tear forming in the corner of her eye. And just like that, Sunset’s own dam breaks and the tears start flowing from hers, even as she smiles.

Sniffling, she hugs her old teacher.

“I’m sorry…I’m so so sorry,” she cries and the older alicorn puts a wing over her.

“I’m sorry too Sunset. I should have followed after you…but I didn’t,” the taller alicorn apologizes. “Forgive me…”

The two of them continue to bawl in the embrace, and you and the others can’t help but feel moved by the scene. Both Twilights let out a squee, and quite a few of the gals, both human and pony alike are getting teary eyed.

“You know, I know they’re not actually related, but this is just like when I saw Mommy in my dreams again after her coma last year,” Nightshade says from beside you, smirking like a dope.

“Yeah…” you nod as you put your hoof on her shoulder. “Speaking of your mother, hopefully this scene will dissuade her further from adoption. She can’t be Sunset’s mom if she’s kind of already got one.”

“My thoughts exactly daddy,” Nightshade agrees. “I mean, I’ve only just met her and I like her, but if I’m going to get a sibling, I’m going to be the big sister. I think I’ve earned it.”

“Um…I’ll, uh…I’ll look into that,” you say feeling embarrassed as you try to avoid the topic.

“Thanks dad,” she says as she hugs you back. It feels good just to sit here and have a little bonding moment with her. It’s been far too long with all the shenanigans that have occurred in the last three days. “Also, thanks for not freaking out when I was hugging Spike.”

“N-no problem honey…though in the future try to limit those to a maximum of 5 seconds okay?” you order and she laughs and rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m not going to be keeping count,” she says defiantly and you purse your lips.

“Alright fine, I’ll keep count for you then,” you snark and she rolls her eyes again.

“Sure Daddy, whatever you say,” she giggles. “But now’s not the time for that. We should get moving, especially while all the Elements, Princesses, Cadence and Shining are weak.”

“Right, right,” you nod as you strap back on your Inventory that Nightshade handed over to you. “Maybe the healing potions could help, but I don’t have nearly enough for everyone.”

“Maybe you could put a drop on these cookies I found and hand them out to everyone? Give them a sugar rush?” Nightshade suggests.

“Hmm, I don’t know if the levels would be sufficient or…wait, what did you say?” you say as something dangerous registers in your brain.

“I said we should hand out these cookies with some healing potion drops on them,” she says levitating up a very familiar plate of baked goods. The color drains from your face as she goes to reach for one with her own hoof. “Heck, they smell fresh so the sugar itself could probably-“

"Put that cookie down!" you suddenly shout, striking the plate of cookies out of her magical grip.

“Agh! Daddy what the buck?!” Nightshade exclaims as everypony in the room is pulled out of the sweet tender moment between Celestia and Sunset and staring at you in alarm.

“Those cookies are evil I tells ya! Evil! EEEEVVVVIIIILLL!!!” you rant as you take the Hoverboard out of your Inventory and slam it onto the scattered abominations against sweets kind. The wheeled human invention blazes up once more and the offending baked bads are burnt to a crisp, as they should be.

“Um, Bugze? Is everything okay?” Sunset asks with concern, breaking her hug with Celestia.

“They are now Sunny! Fire purges all of the sins from the world!” you say with a cackle as you consider sticking your tongue into the flames just for good measure.

Human and Pony alike look at one another in concern before Cadence puts a hoof up.

“It’s okay everypony, believe me, those cookies had it coming,” she explains without going into detail.

“Oh yeah, definitely,” Twilight nods, shuddering in remembrance of a few minutes ago.

Kichi’s Comment

With no further explanation given, everyone is understandably confused, but they are broken out of this as Chrysalis’s body goes flying through the upper portion of the room, out one wall, and through another.

You all take a moment to stare at the two new holes in the wall before Shining Armor sighs.

“This is going to cost a lot to repair. Patching crystal isn’t easy,” he says in a defeated tone. And even as he finishes saying that, Selena comes flying through the same holes, making them wider and sending more debris raining.

“Oh come on!” Shining shouts as everyone starts to dodge the falling rubble. Everyone that is, except you as you are still staring into the lovely, delicious flame of justice.

“Oh dear, dear fire, what problems can’t you solve?” you praise the conflagration.

“Daddy! Dodge!” Nightshade shouts.

“Huh? Dodge wha-“


You immediately start to sway and stumble as a heavy weight hits you on your head, and your vision goes loopy.

“Ohhhh…” you groan as birds and stars circle your noggin and your words come out wrong. “Tightening the Worchester Sundae.”

“Daddy?” Nightshade’s voice echoes far away.

“Doubling Turnips Ahead!” you respond back as you look out the balcony window…and suddenly, Chrysalis’s face is there, only gigantic!

“Duck Flambé!” you shriek.

“She shall not defeat me! I have grown with my love!” she proclaims.

“Wrong!” Selena shouts as she fires two grappling hooks into the side of the building from some weird canisters at her hips. She holds aloft one of her swords towards the giant, her brown coat with wings emblazoned on the back and shouts, “We will defeat you with a power far more powerful than friendship!”

“That’s right!” Nightshade proclaims, wearing ancient pegasus armor. “We will defeat you with the power of Family!”

“Bah! You honestly think that will conquer me?!” Giantlis proclaims.

“You may be strong, but not as strong as family,” Grandbuggy says, sitting behind the wheel of an expensive human car, his bald head somehow more shinier and his voice even deeper.

“They’re right!” you say with confidence, now wearing futuristic green combat armor. “It’s time to finish the fight! With family!”

And with that you, Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy all jump into your own giant robots that are color coded and are a different prehistoric creature.

“Family!” you all shout as the mechs start to combine together.

“Impossible!” giant Chrysalis roars as you unsheathe your magical sword and raise it to the sky.

What happens next is surely the most epic fight in the history of ever…

Meanwhile in the Real World

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

“By the Power of Greyskull, all your base are belong to us!” Daddy says loopily on the floor.

“Ugh!” you groan as you facehoof. After your mom punted Chrysalis through the ceiling, your dad didn’t dodge out of the way and a heavy piece of crystal hit him on the head. Since then, he’s been dazedly saying weird and insane things. “Wake up already Dad!”

“We must believe in the heart of the cards! For Frodo!” he says, rolling over onto his side facing away from you.

"Is he okay?" asks Sunset Shimmer as everyone gathers around him.

“Yeah he should be. I mean, this isn’t the first time it’s happened,” you say with a sigh. “Come on Daddy! We’ve gotta get moving!”

“Dreamwork makes the team work!” he shouts and you groan again.

“He must have taken a pretty bad hit if he’s this loopy,” Po-Jack observes.

“You can say that again, this hunk of crystal is heavy,” Hu-Dash says as she lifts up the chunk of crystal that fell onto your dad’s head.

All of the original ponies, yourself and Spike gasp as you see exactly what she’s holding.

“What? What’d I do?” Hu-Dash asks in concern.

“That’s the Crystal Heart!” Spike exclaims.

“ that important?” Hu-Dash asks obliviously.

“I mean, it was the name of the scholarly award given at Crystal Prep,” Hu-Twilight points out.

“It’s more of a big deal here,” you say as you magically lift it out of the Dash’s hooves and hover it to Cadence. “It holds all of the love from the Crystal Ponies and keeps the snow from getting in.”

“I thought Chrysalis had this on her and was using it’s power?” Shining asks in surprise.

“She did, and she has…” Cadence says with a frown before looking at all of you. “Selena must have knocked it off of her with that last hit…but it’s been completely drained.”

All of you pale at that info, well except for your dad who giggles at something in his stupor.

“So Chrysalis has all of the power of the empire infused within her?” Luna asks with worry.

“It seems so sister,” Celestia shudders. “It’s no wonder she’s able to fight equally against…Selena. It’s the same as when she defeated me back at the wedding.”

You all hear another explosion in the distance and you break out of your little funk.

“Well, either Mommy’s more powerful than you, or the Crystal Ponies don’t have as much love as Shining, because Chrysalis is the one getting spanked, not her,” you proclaim, and that seems to lighten the mood some.

“Also, if what I grasped from Bugze earlier, feasting on her own love pool has probably negated much of whatever boon the Heart gave,” Twilight points out methodically.

“Well whatever the case, Mommy’s handling herself just fine. WE on the other hoof have got to skedaddle before more changelings show up,” you say urgently.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

“She’s right,” Princess Celestia agrees. “And since we’re still weakened, our progress will be slow going.”

“Well we did see a bunch of those Bug Horse things when we were chasing after Nightshade’s mom, but they were swaying harder than that time Dashie got into the cider at Applejack’s 14th Birthday,” Hu-Pinkie chimes up. And while the Hummie Dash frowns at the Pinkie, you nod.

“Yeah that’s right, Daddy got a lot of them drunk earlier. They shouldn’t be an issue, and neither should the younglings if we come across them,” you explain.

“But there are still no doubt plenty of guys like that red finned elite guard that brought Bugze in,” Cadence adds. “We’ve eventually got to get the Crystal Heart back to it’s pedestal so that the barrier returns, but since only half of us are battle ready, we really should regroup with Grandbuggy and the others.”

“Even if we get those dampeners offline, many of us will still be weakened,” Luna points out before looking to the Hummie Squad. “So in this time of need, please look after us Human visitors.”

They all look a bit put on the spot at this, but Sunset steps forward and says,

“Don’t worry everypony, my friends and I will keep you safe,” she says gesturing to the gems they’re all wearing around their necks.

“Yeah, me and Dad will help out as well, IF HE EVER GETS UP!” you shout passive aggressively as you roll him back and forth on the ground.

“Hot Tamales!” he responds, still lost in la la land.

“Oh for goodness’s sake Bugze, wake up already!” Cadence orders, but he just mumbles other random stupid things.

“Hang on, I had to do this a few times back in the Time Loop,” Hu-light says as she walks up to your dad’s side, puts her mouth next to his ear and shouts, “Bugze Look Out For That Bus!”

Almost immediately your dad shoots up to his hooves and starts flailing wildly.

“AAAAGGGGHHHH!!! Get Away From Me You Steel Death Trap From Tartarus!” he shouts throwing a burst of Air Bending wildly, which knocks Spike off his feet and onto Hu-Shy’s side.

“Daddy!” you shout angrily and give him a good slap in the face.

“Wha-Whoa…Nightshade?” he asks as his eyes start to focus.

“Yes Dad, stop being a spaz!” you order.

“But the bus-“

“There is no bus Bugze, they’re all back in the Human World,” Sunset placates and his shoulders relax.

“Oh thank Luna,” he says with a sigh before seeing said Princess looking at him quizzically. “Thank you.”

“Um, you’re welcome?” she guesses.

“Right, right, are you done?” you ask with a scowl and he winces.

“I guess? What’s with the face honey?”

“You hurt Spike!” you growl and his eyes widen.

“I’m actually alright, just lost my footing and-“ your friend starts, but gets ignored.

“Ah geeze, which one? Puppy or Dragon? The distinction is important,” he asks.

“Um, Dragon one of course. He’s the only one here,” you inform.

“Wait for real?” he says looking over to the embarrassed dragon, before looking to Hu-light.

“What? You thought I’d bring my precious puppy into a hostile alien world?” she scoffs.

“Oh I don’t want to hear that from you hummie, he’d probably be safer on this side away from those horrific buses and cars and metal death birds,” he retorts.

“Bugze, again those are just airplanes and they don’t eat people,” Sunset interjects while all the ponies look at each other, lost without context.

“Sure they don’t,” he says in disbelief before shaking his head. “Well still sorry Spike, now what are we all standing around for? Changelings are sure to come now!”

“That’s what we’ve been-Grr, Never mind! Yes let’s do that!” you huff in frustration.

“Good to hear honey,” he says patting your mane, which does lessen your anger, somewhat.

“Yeah yeah,” you roll your eyes. “Now, every human, grab your pony double and help them along. Princesses and Shining, me Daddy and Sunset will help you along and-“

“Halt! Stay right where you are prisoners!”

“Oh for buck’s sake!” you growl as your eyes flash white. Turning around, you see a group of armed changelings standing in the destroyed doorway. Many of them are looking out the window to where the distant battle is raging, but most have their eyes on your group.

“Get down on the ground! We do not wish to harm the Queen’s trophies, but if you resist then-“

“Buck that noise!” your Dad says as he sends forth a burst of air bending, which shoves the lead guard back. The others then get serious and focus their attention as your Dad pulls out Second Law.

“Wait Dad! I can-“ you start but get cut off.

“Get behind us everypony!” Sunset orders the og pony copies as she and the hummies stand defensively and start to charge up their magic gems.

“Wait, everypony I just-“ you try again, but once more get interrupted.

“Very well, if that’s the way you want it!” the lead changeling growls.

“Just try us punk, I’ve got lots more Air Bending where that came from!” your Dad proclaims.


“Can’t you shoot out electricity?” asks Cadence.

“I’m still very miffed about my plasmids hurting earlier. Plus I keep getting this weird pain in my chest so I’m just gonna-“

“Charge!!!” the changelings shout. And just before both sides unleash anything.

“EVERYLING JUST SHUT UP!!!” you roar as your eyes and chest pieces glow bright.

From the ground, shadowy claws reach up, grabbing the changelings by the hooves, and tripping them.


“Get it off me! Get it off me!”

“Not Like This!”

They all begin to yell as your minions swarm over them, beating and choking them all till the point of unconsciousness. In seconds, the small group is defeated, and Bob pops up right beside you.

“Subjugation complete mistress! Awaiting further orders!” he says with a salute to his army helmet.

“Good job Jackie,” you nod before turning around with a frown to the others, who all look surprised and quite a bit disturbed.

“As I was saying, before I was RUDELY interrupted!” you spit giving everyone the stink eye. “Since the Crystal Heart is out of juice, we can have my guys clear a path for us. Sound good?”

“Yup, sounds good,” Dad nods immediately.

“I, uh, yeah okay,” Sunset says still looking at your minions nervously.

“Is Bugze’s daughter a freaking Necromancer?” asks Hu-Dash.

“No, no, Bob and the others aren’t dead, they’re just shadow creatures,” you roll your eyes.

“Indeed, they served me once upon a time,” Luna nods and frowns. “To call them living or dead would not entirely be correct.”

“Well whatever the case, I’m using them for now,” you huff as your eyes unglow, but your shards don’t. Looking over to your underlings, you say, “Alright boys, we’re regrouping with Grandbuggy. If any changelings try to stop us, kick their ass, unless of course they’re kids.”

“Roger roger mistress!” Bob salutes as the rest move out in front of you, taking point. Out in the hallway, you hear the sounds of changelings screaming, and battles breaking out, followed by silence.

The others, still in awe, stare slack jawed at this before your Dad comes out of it first.

“Well, you heard the little lady, let’s get going hummies. If anyling gets through their line, we can handle them.”

They all eventually agree to this, some silently, others out loud, with both Fluttershy’s mumbling about having nightmares about this in the days to come.

“Alrighty then, let’s go find Grandbuggy and the others. There’s still a lot of prisoners that need our help,” you declare as you lead the charge, supporting Spike the whole way, as your minions take out any oppression in their wake.

Down Below in the Dungeons

Grey Rebl’s Comment

Loganic’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

A deafening tremor rocks the Crystal Palace causing Thorax and three other rogue changelings to freeze up. Sure they are out of the eyes of the loyalists, but even the dead could feel that impact. Fortunately there are no dead at the moment, but there are many, many disoriented, dazed, and dizzy captives.

After having witnessed Queen Chrysalis getting thrown into the streets by the previously unconscious dark alicorn mare, Thorax figured that timetables had been moved up. He and three others had left the loyalists, drunken and sober alike, to start freeing the captives and moving them to the trains like how the Offender and Hope had suggested. The ones locked up here are mostly the guards and palace workers, with the Offender’s friends and allies tacked on. Of course there are the captured and cocooned Black Suns, but Thorax sure as buck isn’t releasing those nutjobs.

They’ve gotten quite a few released, but since it’s dark and gloomy and they are all out of it, being freed by creatures that had originally captured them isn’t exactly the best wake up call. And with that tremor, no doubt caused by the battle outside, things aren’t going so smoothly.

“Holy Buck! What was that? What the buck was that?!” a panicked voice yelps.

“Is the Hooded Offender fighting again?!” a female voice asks.

“My bet’s on Nightshade.” Greta’s voice says.

“W-what’s going on…? Why’s it so dark?” asks another rando.

“Hey, has anypony seen my Dad?!” Diamond Tiara’s voice asks.

“Yo Garble, where you at?” Ember’s voice calls out.

“ARIA! ARIA!” Sonata calls out worriedly.

“I’m right here dummy!” Sonata grunts.

“Ah Changeling! G-get away from me!” Sweetie Belle shrieks.

“Whoa, kid! We’re tryin’ to help you all out here!” one of the rogues tries to placate.

This, and much, much more slurred and drunken shrieks sound out, causing a bit of pandemonium…

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Until everyone in the room cringes to the sound of metal grinding against metal. They all look, and they see Thorax, who holds a changeling soldier helmet next to a set of prison bars. Dropping it from his teeth, he nurses his jaw.

Once the chatter in the prison has gone down, especially the chatter in his teeth, he takes a deep, deep breath.

“Everyling! And, er, everypony…and griffon, dragon and…other I guess?” He says noticing Ember, Greta, Ahuizotl and the Siren sisters. He then shakes his head and clears his throat. “I know you are all scared, and I know that changelings aren’t exactly who you want to see at the moment, but none of us here want to fight.”

“What do you mean by that? What’s going on?” a dizzy guard inquires.

“Look, we changelings right now don’t want to fight or anything, we just want to get you all out of here,” Thorax explains just as another rumble from the fight rocks the ground and everyone else looks around. “And right now with the Queen fighting, it’s kind of the only chance we got to free you.”

“So who’s fighting your Queen changeling? The Offender or his hija Nightshade?” Ahuizotl asks and many of the guards seem caught off by this, not having witnessed the Games.

“Neither actually, it’s Nightm-er-Princess Selena,” Thorax informs and the Outcasts all seem surprised by this.

“Wait, so Nightmare Moon is out there? And the Hooded Offender?!” asks a guard.

“Yes, yes, but you don’t have to worry about them, they’re the good guys,” Thorax says.

“Wha-? But…” the guards sputter in disbelief.

“He’s right you know, they’re the goodest guys of all,” Sonata says with a smirk.

“Yeah, do you not watch TV?” Adagio asks in disbelief.

“You know, with how they fought those monsters and terrorists at those pony games?” Aria points out.

“The games have already passed?!” A guard gasps before putting a hoof to his head. “How long were we captured?”

“Long enough,” Thorax interrupts impatiently. “Look, you can get filled in on the details later, but now is not the time! The magic dampeners are still up, so the only guarantee that I can give you is that we have a way out of here, so if you’ll just stay calm and trust us, we can get you to safety!”

Silence follows that statement, causing the skinny changeling to gulp.

The sisters of the Elements and their two friends, along with the dragon, griffon, giant cat thing, Sirens and Daring Do appear to be on board, but the rest still seem skeptical.

If they had witnessed the Equestria Games, they’d probably be more understanding, but then again it’s hard to trust a changeling telling them that public enemy number one and the boogeymare are the good guys.

“Listen, I know it sounds crazy, but just trust us for a little bit so that we can get you out of here? Please?” Thorax pleads, and again silence is all that he receives. Until…

“I say we trust him,” a serene, dignified and somewhat familiar voice cuts through. The guards and other palace captives turn their heads to see a tall pink unicorn mare who sighs as she flicks green goop out of her mane. “Because I don’t know about any of you, but I’d rather not wait and find out if the castle will collapse on top of us from whatever’s going on up there.”

The guards and palace workers that look upon her can’t help but feel comforted by the sight of her, though they don’t know why. Something deep in their subconscious feels safer with the stunning mare around.

To Thorax, he also feels a nagging familiarity at the mare. She’s built like the supermodel Fleur De Lis, her coat is dark pink, and her mane is platinum blonde. She is almost picturesque in her beauty, and not even the faded burn scars along half her body can take that away.

“Hey, my vision is still blurry, is that that Can’t Dance princess?” Ember asks crassly and the Griffon elbows her. The pink mare flinches at that, but there definitely is a resemblance. Sure she’s no alicorn, but the two of them could be sisters Thorax reckons.

“It must be, I trust the princess,” a crystal guard says suddenly.

“Um, I’m not-” Mia tries to explain.

“If Princess Cadence orders it, we will listen to you changeling,” another guard says as they start tearing into other changeling pods, freeing their colleagues.

“Wait, hold up, I’m not-“

“If Princess Cadence is down here, then we must get her to safety!” another guard says with gusto, even as he sways on his hooves.

“Oh My Gosh, are you guys fricken blind?! She’s not Princess Cadence!” a blue unicorn mare grumbles out, leaning against the taller mare, but she too is ignored as the zealous guards start freeing others.

“To be fair, most of them are a bit blind. Though that should go away within a few hours,” Thorax explains and the blue mare rolls her own eyes. The rescue operation is now going much smoother thanks to the Not-Cadenza mare speaking up, even if she and the other mare look a bit baffled.

“I’ve been blinded by much worse, so I’m okay, how about you Mia?” she asks the Pink Mare who still looks very confused.

“I-I’m fine, it’s just…that felt kind of nice with them listening to me,” she answers almost nostalgically.

“Heh, don’t get too used to that, I’m still higher ranked than you,” the blue mare chuckles.

“Right…still though, we’ve gotta find Jack and get caught up because from what that changeling said, The Offender and Nightshade are already outside…and Selena too I guess?”

“Best just to roll with it, we’ll figure out the bigger picture later,” the blue mare pats her back.

“Wait a minute, Aqua is that you?!” Greta suddenly squawks and the blue unicorn turns towards her.

“Uh, yeah? Who’s asking?” she asks with a raised brow.

“Huh? It’s me, Greta!” the griffon says like it’s obvious, but the waterbender still looks confused. “We fought a giant robot and burned down a pizzeria together with the Offender?”

“Oh…OH! Right, you were that chick dressed up like Samus that he let go,” Aqua says finally figuring it out. “How you been?”

“Well, I’ve been better, not gonna lie,” Greta responds truthfully.

“You can say that again,” Applebloom mumbles rubbing at her eyes.

“Word,” Silver Spoon agrees.

“Alright, alright, we’ve got a changeling problem and nice changelings are helping us, what comes next Ms. Mia?” asks Scootaloo as she shakes her head.

“I don’t know, what is the plan?” the pink mare asks Thorax.

“Oh, well, we know a hidden path that can lead out of the palace and get you all to the train station,” he explains, captivated by the casual conversations.

“There’s always a hidden passageway,” Daring Do sighs. “How many traps we talking?”

“Um…none that I know of?” Thorax answers truthfully.

“Whoa, holy crap, is that Daring Do?!” Aqua suddenly squeaks in excitement and the pegasus sighs.

“Yes, yes, I’ll give an autograph later,” she hoofwaves.

“R-Right! She’s right, we don’t have much time!” Thorax nods and announces and everyone looks back to him.

“Heh, nice job taking charge there changeling,” Ember congratulates and Thorax is taken aback a bit.

“Oh, uh, thank you,” he says before shaking his head. “But yes, now that you’ve gotten more of your group free we have to be careful. It will take time for many of you to fully recover, so we’ll have to help one another as we lead you out.”

They all nod or grunt to this assessment, as the three changelings and the guards work together to free the rest of the prisoners. Thorax looks on in awe at this cooperation and can’t help but let a smile bloom across his fangs.

Maybe a peaceful future could come about, he thinks before shaking his head from such daydreams.

“Okay, good job everyling. Now, we need to have those with better vision at the moment leading the others, and those that have better stamina to act as support,” he starts to explain to those gathered. “We don’t have a lot of time, so let’s make the best of our time and then skedaddle before Pharynx-”

“Before I what?”

A cold splash of reality douses Thorax’s hopes as he hears those words, laced with disappointment. The wind whistles, and Thorax ducks just in time before something bodies against the prison bars and the poor, groaning changeling who had been assigned to keep watch slumps down, leaving a horrible dent behind.

With the blood draining from his face, Thorax turns around and sees a wall of changeling soldiers in their armor blocking the exit, and leading front and center is a figure whose dark oppressive appearance causes the rogues to gasp and cower. His crimson red fins bristle with anger, and his purple eyes seemingly stab at Thorax’s baby blues.

“Uh…” Thorax’s pupils flicker left and right as his companions back away in fear leaving him to face down the most decorated soldier in the Hive by himself.

“Brother.” Pharynx’s eyes narrow as his brother gulps. “So this is your choice.”

“Ooohhhhh…” Sonata says under her breath, holding a hoof to her mouth over the juicy gossip.

“Pharynx, I...”

“Stop,” a guttural growl threatens to bleed out of his throat, as if he’s about to transform into a beast right then and there. “I don’t want to hear it.”

Thorax looks down, cowed.

“Who the buck is this guy?” asks a frowning Aria.

“He’s the one who captured us…” Mia says staring daggers at the elite. Said elite though doesn’t even acknowledge them, his gaze is filled only with his little brother.

“I’ll admit, I’m a little impressed,” he admits. “Staging a desertion operation when our security is most compromised is clever…but you should have done it more quietly.”

The pony guards who had been the noisiest earlier all wilt their ears and look down in shame.

“And also, I was rather curious how our most high-priority prisoner was found waltzing about without any notice from the guards I assigned him…guess I know the answer now,” he scolds, glaring intently at Thorax.

“Ph-Pharynx, I didn’t free the Offender, h-he…” he starts to stammer, but stops as the red finned changeling stalks forward, his squad a few hoof steps behind.

“It doesn’t help to lie at this point brother,” Pharynx says icily, and it’s through sheer mental fortitude that the younger changeling doesn’t back up in the face of the overwhelming odds. His legs are shaking for sure, but he stands firm as his brother gets within spitting distance.

“I-I’m not lying,” he says shakily.

“Sure, but even if you weren’t, your actions right now are pretty damning brother,” Pharynx says in that disappointed tone. “Right now our Queen is battling Nightmare Moon, and we’ve been given orders not to interfere, but that doesn’t mean we slack off in our other duties in regards to prisoners…and traitors.”

It’s getting hard to breathe for the younger sibling as he breaks into a sweat with the swarm looming over him.

“Pharynx, it’s not me who’s betrayed the hive! She’s hurting everyling with-“

“Give up,” Pharynx says, shutting him down. “This is the end of line for y-Huh?!”

Suddenly, the elite’s insectoid fin twitches and he leaps backward just as something slashes a groove into the spot her was just standing. His and many others’ gazes are locked onto the unidentified spinning object, which rebounds and zigzags off the walls, leaving metallic sparks and markings in it’s wake. Gravity seems to have no hold on it as it goes upward and upward...until it is easily caught in a chitin-covered hoof.

“Hooves off the civvies, soldier!” Grandbuggy orders, his fierce blue eyes gazing from the shadows as he places his bowler back on his head whilst he stands on the ceiling upside down.

“...Specialist 117,” Pharynx says, tensing his jaw. He quickly glances at his weaker brother, wondering if this was all set up, but quickly dismisses that notion when he sees Thorax balking at the old changeling.

Noling, and nopony had any idea that he was there.

“Please, you may as well call me Quick Fix, boyo, I ain’t a part of the Hive no more. I’m a certified traitor, ain’t I?”

“Even so, it’s the one name that’s tied to every exploit you’ve done for the hive, Specialist 117. I used to look up to you,” Pharynx says before a frown deepens along his muzzle. “We all did.”

“Didn’t stop you guys from almost turning me into a piñata did it?” Grandbuggy snarks shaking his head. “Look at yourselves, changeling against changeling, brother against brother. Although it’s a sight familiar to you youngins back in our homeland in the name of so-called training, you should know more than anyling that it’s no longer just a matter of loyalty anymore.”

“I know my place. The Queen says, and I shall do,” Pharynx answers defiantly.

“But do you? With the way things are going, Chrysalis will run the changeling race into the ground. The Hive's long history will be lost without a single one to miss it,” Grandbuggy relays, his face so unnervingly blank, it even makes Pharynx pause. “But what about you, soldier? I think it’s high time for you to quit running away and face yourself. Who are you, Pharynx? And what do YOU want?”

And there they stare off, the old looking down on the foolish creatures in their path to self-destruction, and the young looking up to the living legend. The irony isn’t lost on either of them, especially in the literal sense.

Until finally...

“...I am Pharynx of the Queen’s finest. And what I’ll do is what’s best for the hive.” The red-eyed changeling declares, spreading his insectoid wings, ready for a fight. A grim determination emanates from his stalwart figure, and the soldiers behind him ready themselves in turn, willing to follow his orders.

At this Grandbuggy sighs and shakes his head.

“Whelp, it was worth a shot. Guess some things can’t be moved up in the timeline after all,” he says with a shrug. “But you lot will be going fruity colored in like two years anyway.”

With no context for his strange words, Pharynx and the others look back at him quizzically, still not letting their guard down. Even so, they aren’t prepared for his next trick.

Tipping his bowler hat, three small balls fall out, almost imperceptible in the darkness. But once they strike the ground, and let out a metallic plink, Pharynx is on alert.

“Everyling! Shield your ey-“ he tries to warn, but is cut off as the flash bang and smoke bombs go off.


“Ahhh!!!” many of the loyalist guards cry out as their vision goes spotty…unfortunately, many of the captives and rogue changelings got blinded too.

“You idiota Fix!” Ahuizotl yells out, rubbing at his eyes.

“Give a warning next time!” Ember growls, punching at a wall in frustration.

“My EYES!!!” Thorax cries out, as he stumbles back into Mia and Aqua.

“…My bad,” Grandbuggy apologizes with a sheepish grin, but even if there was some collateral damage from the flash bomb, it and the smokers have achieved their goal in causing the loyalists to break ranks.

“Reform! Reform!” Pharynx orders trying not to breathe in the smoke.

But with all the confusion and chaos, Grandbuggy lets of go the wall, diving in the fray as green flames envelop his figure.

“GERONIMOOOO!” he calls out, landing right in the midst of them.

“He’s down here with us! Get hi-gaaah!”

“Right here, right here! Ack! What are you doing?! I’m on your side!”

“Everyling, crouch! Wait!”

“No, that’s-Ack!”

“Ahaha! I’ve got ‘em! Got ‘em!”

“It’s me, you dimwit!”

Pharynx suddenly realizes what’s happening. Blinded by the smoke, he’s made himself look as indistinguishable as the others and is causing havoc.

“Steel yourself! Don’t attack unless-Gyah!” Pharynx cries out as a random limb strikes him in the nose.

“Don’t listen, that’s him trying to confuse us!” Pharynx own voice comes from the smoke.

“Oh you miserable-Bah!” Pharynx yelps as his hooves are taken out from under him and he falls to the floor.

All the while, Grandbuggy continues to laugh his flanks off, Thorax finally blinks his vision back and slowly drags the unconscious drone towards himself and the others.

“Um, you got things covered Quick Fix?” Mia asks to the chaotic dust ball.

“Need any help?” asks Aqua.

“Nah I got this, ya’ll should start moving!” he calls back.

“You sure? You are pretty old dude!” Greta calls.

“You lot still are weak and ain’t got no magic, so get going!” he calls out, and the sound of hoof against chitin is heard.

“R-Right, we’ve freed everyone from the cells aside from the Black Suns, so we should get going,” Thorax nods as he starts gathering up the others.

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Pharynx’s voice calls out, as suddenly there is a flash of green, a big whoosh, and suddenly the smoke is blown away. There is a tangled mess of loyalists on the ground, and Grandbuggy (distinguishable by his bowler) is choking out one of the guards, and at the center is a large bird.

Everything goes silent and still as they all look up to the changed Pharynx in awe.

“…Dang you kids got some potential,” he says impressed as suddenly all the other changelings focus on him.

“You stay right where you are 117!” the bird calls out before turning an avian eye to Thorax and the captives. “And you brother! You lie down on the floor and-*BZZT*-OW!”

The large bird is suddenly struck in the eye by a green burst of magic.

“Holy crap, I actually just used magic! Did you see that?!” and ecstatic voice cheers.

“But how? I’ve been trying for like 10 minutes?” an exasperated female voice says.

“You just gotta think sideways babe, and the magic will flow,” a very familiar voice says.

“…The hell does that mean?”

Turning their attention, Captives and Changelings alike see three individuals behind the horde. There is a bald headed Sombra wearing glasses and gemstone armor, which causes the crystal ponies in the captive group to be fearful, Princess Luna who is missing her wings and wearing a lot of punk leathers, and who appears to be Bugze wearing the Nobody Cloak, only it’s more stylized, and he has a beard.”

“No no, he’s right for once,” Humbra nods. “If you focus too much on the magic it won’t come.”

“I still don’t get what thinking sideways means though!”

“It’s not something you can really explain Nimmy, like watch,” Bugze says as all of a sudden he turns into a wolf. “See?! Ain’t that sick?”

“Impossible, the magic dampeners are still up, and how did you change 9001?!” the Pharynx bird inquires. “You’ve never been able to before!”

“9001? What is that? A reference?” the wolf says looking confused at the red finned changeling.

“Bugze?” both Mia and Aqua ask at the same time.

“Huh? Yes?” the wolf says looking around. “I mean, kind of, not the one you’re probably looking for. Who’s asking?”

“Huh?” Mia asks.

“It’s us, Mia and Aqua!” Aqua explains.

“Aqua? Wasn’t that the pyrotechnics lady we had on payroll back in the day?” the wolf asks Luna.

“I thought that was that Autumn woman,” Luna muses.

“It was, that Autumn Blaze chick set up the fires, and the Aqua chick kept them from getting out of hand after you caught fire that one time,” Humbra nods.

“Oh right, right,” wolf Bugze nods in remembrance.

Everyone is speechless and confused at this random conversation, aside from Grandbuggy that is.

“Gorrammit Humies! I said only jump in if things were dire!” he growls.

“A giant ass bird isn’t dire?” Humbra snarks.

“Well…not dire, but you lot are still untrained and-“


“SKRREEE!” Pharynx bird shrieks as a blue blast of magic strikes him in the other eye.

“Oh hey, I figured it out!” Luna says excitedly. “This is much easier than walking on four legs!”

“See? I told ya so,” Wolfze nods and suddenly Pharynx growls and turns into a giant bear.

“GET THEM!” he orders as the distraction is now over and the loyalists come to their senses.

“Ah shit! Blast Em!” Humbra yelps as he backs up and panic shoots magic.

“Already on it!” Luna shrieks as she starts to do the same.

“He-hey now, you wouldn’t hurt a doggy would ya-Yip!” B2 yelps as a changeling attempts to slash at him. “Well screw you then!”

And with that the wolf bites the loyalist on the hoof, while Grandbuggy knocks back a few more using Batmane like moves.

“I don’t know what trick you’re trying to pull 9001!” the bear growls. “But it won’t wo-“


The bear’s head is knocked sideways by a big blue fist.

“When your opponent’s back is turned, you make them feel the burn!” Iron Will roars as he punches the Bearynx in the stomach and sends is stumbling backward.

“That barely even rhymes! Hiya!” Lightning Dust shouts as she dropkicks a changeling from above.

“It’s close enough-Whoa!” Iron Will yelps as the bear nearly claws his chest.

“It’s the other traitors! Subdue them!” Bearynx roars.

“You keep using that word,” Flim says as he douses a few changelings with a fire extinguisher.

“We don’t think it means what you think it means,” Flam finishes as he uses a tazer from the human world on one. “Oh neato, this thing will definitely sell well.”

And as the brawl becomes more intense, Grandbuggy catches the elite changeling’s eye and winks.

“What? Thought I was stupid enough to take ya’ll on myself? I ain’t still alive because of luck boyo,” he mocks before sending out some ball bearings from under his hat, which trips up a few loyalists.

“RRRRRRAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!” Bearynx roars in utter frustration as he doubles his efforts.

All of the captives, Thorax and his three rogues just watch the spectacle dumbfounded.

“…So I’m guessing those are the human counterparts Jack talked about?” Aqua asks wearily.

“Probably, I mean Fix did call them Humies,” Mia nods, her mind still blown.

“Well that makes sense, even as a unicorn there’s no way we wouldn’t recognize dear old Dad,” Adagio calls out with a smirk.

“I Did Not Sire You, You Fishy Hoe Bag!” Humbra shouts out, getting a hoof in the jaw for his efforts, which makes the siren chuckle.

“Yup definitely humans,” Sonata nods before looking to the minotaur, pegasus, and unicorn twins. “But then again, who’re the others?”

“I recognize Flim and Flam, though I’m very confused on why they’re here,” Applebloom admits.

“And isn’t that that minotaur guy that made Fluttershy mean for awhile?” asks Scootaloo.

“I think the bigger question is why Princess Luna is just a unicorn?!” asks Sweetie Belle.

“She’s a human vice principal from another dimension,” Sonata says simply, which only confuses the children more.

“Yeah, this is hurting my brain, can we get going little guy?” Aria sighs to Thorax, rubbing her temples.

“Huh? Oh yes,” Thorax says snapping out of his stupor before becoming nervous. “It’s just…we kind of need to go past that ruckus to get to the flugelhorn room upstairs.”

“I’ve had bugs crawling on my skin before, but never sober!” Humbra shouts.

“Now’s not the time for acid flashback!” Luna shouts as she back kicks a changeling.

“How come we don’t get halberds?!” Lightning Dust complains.

“How come I can turn into a monkey but not a human again?!” B2 shouts, looking like a chimp as he dodges a swipe from Bearynx.

Thorax then looks to the Torchwood Agents and Outcasts nervously.

“Well shoot, ain’t there like any other secret tunnels or something?” Applebloom suggests.

“Hey yeah, there’s always something like that in Daring Do, right?” Scootaloo asks said pegasus who shrugs.

“I don’t have a map of this palace, so I have no clue,” Daring says in frustration.

“Maybe Ember could eat a hole in the wall for us?” Sweetie Belle suggests.

“Hey yeah! Get to chewing Princess!” Greta orders and the blue dragoness puts her claws on her hips.

“First of all, don’t order me around, and secondly, it took Garble and I like 15 minutes just to chew a hole big enough for the kids back at the stadium,” she grunts in frustration. “So yeah, I don’t think I’m getting a hole in this wall anytime soon.

Suddenly, the sound of rock scraping against rock interrupts her and the captives and rogues whip their heads around to the other end of the prison. The dead end wall at the end of the tunnel pushes backward before opening inward like a door leaving a pretty sizeable hole in the wall.

“…Okay, I stand corrected,” Ember says rubbing at her still blurred eyes. While the battle rages behind them, the captives hear hoofsteps and a deep voice coming from the opening.

“Now, if I remember correctly this opens up into the dungeons, so all we have to do is make our way up and then towards the library.”

“That’s a lot of ground to cover,” says a female voice. “Even if many changelings are still drunk it’s…”

“It should be fine,” the dark voice says again as a curved horn pierces the darkness. “Besides, from what you said Bugze told you, this place should be aband-“

“Give him the Ol’ Dick Twist Bull Man!” Humbra shouts aloud.

“…What the buck?”

“Was that…your voice?”

“Yeah! Twist that Dick!” B2 (Now a Baboon) shouts.

“Say what now?!” Iron Will sputters in shock, causing Giant Ape Pharynx to sucker punch him.

“See, if you had listened to me, that wouldn’t have happened!” Humbra shouts as he blasts another changeling.

Standing in the newly revealed doorway, Sombra and Hope take in the madness unfolding before their eyes.

“King Sombra!” one of the crystal maids shrieks, causing his eyes to dart to the group of captives.

“What, another one?” a guard groans.

“And hey, it’s that mare that was helping Chrysalis,” Greta points out.

“Whoa, this one’s actually got hair?” asks Sonata.

Sombra can only stare wide eyed in disbelief, as the strange scenario unfolds before him.

“Um…” Hope trails off as she sees Iron Will, Lightning Dust and Flim and Flam fighting amidst the changeling loyalists.

“Yeah…Uh…” the crystal king stutters with many eyes on him. Thorax and the Captives don’t really know how to react at this moment.


But Mangle does as the robot transforms into it’s Mangleoid form and immediately runs towards the melee, tackling into the giant ape.

“The machine is back! I repeat the machine has returned!” Ape Pharynx shouts as Mangle tackles him to the floor.

“About dang time ya got back here Mangle!” Grandbuggy cackles before looking over to Sombra and Hope. “Good timing Sombra, now get your keister in this mosh pit!”

“I already am you old alien dude!” Humbra shouts as throws a changeling off his back.

“Not you, the pony version of ya!” Grandbuggy explains as he bonks a loyalist out with the bowler.

Confused, both Sombras suddenly look at one another, and once their eyes meet, they freeze up.

“What the f/buck?” they say simultaneously.

“You know, it’s starting to feel like I’m still dreaming here,” Silver Spoon says while pinching herself, echoing many of the same sentiments amongst the others.

“Yeah…” Thorax agrees, wondering, not for the last time, if he’s completely out of his depth.


Kichi’s Comment

A large number of changelings, and their pony captives watch as the Changeling Queen and the Dark Alicorn fly THROUGH the Crystal Palace, leaving debris in their wake.

“Okay, that for sure isn’t Princess Luna,” says an awed crystal pony.

“Yeah, that looks like that shadow mare that used to be Nightmare Moon,” observes another.

“But wasn’t she stuck in the Hooded Offender’s head?” asks another.

“Well whatever the case, she’s kicking the crap out of that ugly bug monster,” a griffon athlete points out.

“Oi! Our Queen is not ugly! Hold your tongue prisoners!” an upset drone growls.

“She does seem to be struggling a bit though,” another drone says somewhat hesitantly, causing more drones to scowl at them. “What, she is!”

As if to emphasize that point, Chrysalis barely dodges a blast of midnight blue magic and nearly loses her balance on a rooftop.

"Cupcakes! Get Yer Cupcakes Here!" a bubbly voice calls out amidst the varying tensions while the fight goes on.

“Huh?” Changelings and Ponies alike stammer as they turn and see a pink pony running what looks like a snack stand.

“We also got cider and carrot dogs,” the pink mare calls out to the confused audience.

“Isn’t that he Element of Laughter?” asks a drone and another one sighs.

“No no, that’s that one drone that’s been having mental issues since the Canterlot Invasion.”

“Oh…right,” the other drone says in sympathy. “But weren’t they doing the music for the little party?”

“I was, but everyone got really rowdy and drunk, so I decided to go where my services would be appreciated,” the fake Pinkie calls out, having heard their conversation.

“There was booze at that party? Oh what a jip,” a younger drone guard grunts while the others look confused.

“Anyway, who wants some snacks? Scared and cold captives, I’m looking at you,” the fake Pinkie says to the even more flabbergasted prisoners. Thankfully a tree getting blasted to smithereens pulls them out of this funk as they turn back to the fight.

“I don’t just got snacks, I’m also a part time bookie!” “Pinkie” yelps out. “It’s 9:1 odds that the Queen will trounce Black Moony, any takers?”

“Um, I’ll take those odds. Give me ten bits your Queen losing,” Soarin calls out.

“I’ll put down 15!” calls out Spitfire.

“YEAH!!!” Bulk Biceps calls out holding up a hoofful of bits.

“Oh great, the captured athletes are trying to play the odds,” a drone grunts. “Well they won’t get away with that! 30 on our glorious Queen winning!”

“40 for me!” another drone shouts.

“I’ll take a bag of popcorn!”

“You have any licorice?!”

“Take my money!”

And just like that, captor and prisoner alike are betting money on the epic duel taking place while the identity confused changeling jots down the bets as their business booms.

Far and away the overlapping chatter of ponies and changelings alike isn’t really registered as two mares settle some beef.


Grey Rebl’s Comment

Out in the coldness above, where the snow drifts like the dust scraped off of infinity, two lights streak the grayish skies: one a sickly green and the other a midnight blue. Twisting, swerving, and clashing as the onlookers gaze upon them, the shooting stars above dance the dance of death.

Snowflakes sting your face. What normally should’ve been gentle decor becomes a hazard as the air rushes under your wings, flapping, flapping, flapping—eyes squinted and honed for high-speed combat even while the world itself pelts your coat. You don’t care.

Neither does she.

Green light flashes from your left. Steering your wings ninety degrees, you dodge the crooked laser before you tuck them in and retaliate with a dropkick to the gut.

Chrysalis growls, fangs bared as she flies backwards to absorb the blow. Chitin hooves snake around your leg, her crooked horn aglow and tinting her gaze full of hate and vitriol. You swing your head back, leveraging her hold on you to tear her aim away, barely missing you by an inch as a laser as thick as your hoof splits the clouds asunder. Moonlight peers through the newly opened slit in the sky.

You attempt to drag her down with you, but then the bug queen lets go and uses your prone descent to open fire again.


You teleport behind her, hooves outreached to pull her into a chokehold, but she’s learning quickly. Chrysalis zips more than flies out of reach at a near impossible acceleration. Quickly, you right yourself, spanning your wings to regain enough lift to level yourself. You glare through the falling snow.

Chrysalis is fast, but that’s not all, for you can hardly keep your eyes on her as she zig-zags like a dragonfly. Where you’d think she’s continuing forward, she’d almost randomly turn up, left, and even backwards. Had the bug queen been an ordinary pegasus, such maneuvers would’ve torn her wings off, but as a changeling, she’s rapidly switching directions on the fly, buzzing between the clouds to shake you off by breaking line of sight.

In that case…

You catch the snow around you in a sphere of telekinesis and they all freeze as if stuck in time. And with but a thought, they converge. Dozens of blades take shape, and nostalgia flickers in your heart at the sight of the archaic, familiar designs. You’re still rusty for they’re not good enough to hurt, let alone cut, but that can be amended.

Wisps of power coat your new armaments and grooves carve into the ice as runes; and with a quick finalization of your enchantments, you send them flying and bury them into the sea of clouds.

“AGH!” It doesn’t take long before you hear a startled cry as Chrysalis crashes into one of your ice swords. You home into the sound in an instant and shoot a charge of magic!

The beam pierces the dark, curving slightly as it locks onto the ice sword’s enchanted signature, and strikes the bug queen dead in the chest!

“WRRYY!!!” Chrysalis snarls as she’s driven out of hiding, but instead of trying to keep flight, she tilts her frame backwards...and plummets.

Scowling, you give chase. A spell circle forms in front of you, and when you pass through it, your body pierces the snow like a knife! Your coat slips off the frozen flakes, glowing from the temporary enhancement and every speed circle you summon, the distance between you and your prey goes from mil to nil in under a second.

Her eyes widen as the distance between you becomes trivial, and you reshape the ice as you both descend in a dance of whirl winding blades.

The fall feels like an eternity. Chrysalis cuts and weaves desperately to avoid the numerous blades you fling her way and after every volley, she retaliates with crackling lasers of changeling fire, only for them to glance off the sides of your shields. This rhythm repeats over and over again as your swords grow sharper, faster, and slimmer—and as you draw nearer, closer, it’s only a matter of time until one of them hits!

Your eyes lock onto one another as you are now both neck to neck!

You evade two lasers as she hisses, but you refuse to slow down as you grasp a frozen enchanted blade in your hooves. You create one last speed boost and once you pass through it, your blade is inches away from her wings. Chrysalis whips her horn your way and barely summons a barrier-


The mad queen gasps as your sword bites inches into the green boundary.

Damn it! You mentally growl in frustration as you flap your wings like a madmare, bracing both hooves against the sword while pouring enough mana into the enchantment that its glow vibrates like a chainsaw. Your muzzles are so close, your cold breaths intertwine, but just when you’re about to slice all the way through, you suddenly notice what’s ahead.

As does she.

And with wide eyes, you both split apart just before the very tip of the Crystal Palace could turn you into skewers! The sudden loss of an under draft almost forces you to collide with Crystal Palace itself, and you are only saved by your ancestral instincts screaming to pull up!

Too close! Too Close! You mentally shriek as you soar dangerously close and fast alongside the shiny building that your chest fur singes at the tips. The wind roars into your ears as you gnash your teeth and tear your wings into a better angle, dangerously riding down the slanted wall.

Then, you and Chrysalis lock gazes as your trajectories lead you once more to one another.

Both horns glow, and barrier rams against barrier. Again and again and again, blue and green spray a rainbow of sparks as the ground fast approaches. Even when every clash causes one of you to slow down, or one of you to speed up, you both refuse to let the other get away.

Chrysalis wobbles toward the edge of the Crystal Palace; snarling, her barrier grows thicker, hardier, and she swings herself onto you once more. Just before either of you could collide


You teleport to the other side and use her momentum to dropkick her right off!

“HREeee!” Chrysalis wheezes as her stomach caves under your leg. The sound relieves your frustration slightly, but you are nowhere near finished.

“No Shadow Kick!” you shout once more as you continue your assault, pummeling her like there’s no tomorrow. Every kick feels so light, so natural, yet you know for absolute certain she feels every single one; all 49 mighty blows.


With a three-sixty degree axe kick, you speedily deliver Chrysalis back down into the residential district, back down into the dirt where she belongs.


The roof spiderwebs and gives way as she embeds herself into the ground below of some poor pony’s house. That it’s ONLY just on the brink of collapse is a miracle in itself.

“Oooooohhhhh~” she moans, struggling to pry herself from the roof tiles surrounding her, but unfortunately for her she is only able to remove a single shingle from her face before her vision is filled with the vengeful bottom of your hoof.


Everything inside the house explodes from the foundation up. Rubble, splinters, and rags billow into the sky like popcorn, glancing off of your protective barrier harmlessly. Unceremoniously, the sturdy, crystalline walls tilt and then collapse, leaving your panting form standing amidst the rubble.

You look left and right for signs of the hussy that traumatized your Bugze, for as powerful as you are, not even you could vaporize someone with a single blow.

“Where Are You?!” you shout as you use your magic to sweep away the rubble at your hooves.

“Here!” Chrysalis’s uncovered face hisses after you remove the debris from her last minute barrier.

So taken by surprise are you that you don’t entirely get your own barrier up as the ground under you blasts upward, carrying you painfully into the air, debris and all.

“ACK!” you shriek as crystalline glass cuts at your belly. You are able to catch yourself in the air as you hover and look down upon your foe. She didn’t get out of it unscathed either as you see the cuts along her back and face, but you can tell she hasn’t had nearly enough…

And neither have you.

“Why Won’t You Die?!” she snarls at you.

“Because Buck You That’s Why!” you shout as you launch the still skyward debris down towards her like meteorites. She dodges them predictably, able to take the angles in the air that you never would be able to accomplish.

But as she’s gotten some distance from you, you chase after your prey with fervor. It became a firefight through the streets, a narrower battlefield ripe with obstacles and debris.

You cast, shoot, and throw every spell you can remember and the overgrown insect does the same. Innocent houses and porches are caught in the crossfire; streetlight poles thrust into windows, crystal bricks smash through from under the roofs, and laser beams bounce off the mirror-like walls.

And then there’s the odd changeling drone or two who get bodied just for being in the way.

You duck and weave, she zigs and zags, yet no matter how much either of you try to overwhelm the other with projectiles, as long as it’s not a direct hit, the attacks simply glance off of both of your barriers.

Well if raw speed and numbers won’t work, you think resolutely.

Charging your laser, you track the Changeling Queen as you pelt and distract her with random bullspit.

She zips left, she zips right, then backwards and suddenly she is behind you.

Thinking fast, you spread your wings wide and catch the air resistance so suddenly your blistering speed turns into a stomach-lurching stop.


“Blagh!” she coughs out as the back of your skull knocks her chin! And though your eyes spin a bit and you fear a goose egg may form even through your mane, you reach behind your wing, lock her head around your hooves and throw hard toward the ground!


A spider web-like crater folds under Chrysalis’s body and with the magic still in your horn, you fire a laser as wide as a dinner plate, pulverizing the road! You swerve your head aside, and the laser swings with, crushing the bug queen’s shields and then herself into the pavement, carrying her along like a fly stuck to a fly swatter until squishing her flat into a hard, crystal wall.

“Oohhhh…” Chrysalis groans, woozily pushes herself off from the wall, but what she sees in the crystalline reflection injects enough motivation in her veins to twist away—right before you stomp where her spine just was!

“Gorrammit!” you curse as your hoof gets stuck. With this inconvenience, Chrysalis flows with magic and uses the momentum from her twist to rip the house wall off it’s foundation and slams it down on you with you still on it.

“Grrr,” you surround yourself in a thick aura just in the nick of time, but the pressure around you is still intense. You’re not what anyone would ever call a weak mare, but still trying to bench press several tons of crystal from a prone position while also maintaining a shield to not immediately get crushed would give anypony trouble.

“More! More! MORE!!!” Chrysalis rants as she piles pile after pile of debris onto your little mountainous tomb.

“Uuurrrggghhh!!!” you strain as your aura inches closer and closer to your body, threatening to give out.

“HEYAHHH!!!” you hear her muffled shout as she flings something heavier than the rest on top and your protective shield gives in till it’s barely an inch. Blood leaks out of your nose as veins pop in your head as you hold the crushing mass at bay. It wouldn’t have been as hard if that damnable wretch wasn’t also putting pressure on the rubble with her magic.

“Yes, Yes, YES!!! Be buried and forgotten you monster!!!” Chrysalis cackles madly. Gritting your teeth you close your eyes and concentrate on her laughter. There’s only a few offensive maneuvers you can make while in this position, and if this doesn’t work, then you may very well be crushed to death.

You push those pessimistic thoughts back into the garbage where they belong.

I’m not going to die here! You think resolutely as you expend some mana, which weakens the shield even more. I’ve got many years with Bugze and Nightshade ahead of me!

“Ha Ha Ha Ha-ACK!” Chrysalis’s laughter is halted as your gamble pays off, your blindly thrown ice blade finding purchase. With her distracted, the pressure on the rubble ceases.

“Bingo!” you hiss triumphantly as you reach deep within your mana pool.

Outside of the rubble, Chrysalis yanks your ice blade out of her back left hoof, her green blood staining the snow.

“Oh you miserable-“ she starts to curse, but her eyes go wide as she sees the pile rumbling as if there’s an earthquake. Eyes wide, the Changeling Queen’s dragonfly-like maneuverability saves her more harm as the tons of debris explodes outward.

On looking drones scatter as your attempted prison peppers the landscape, and then they gulp in fear as at the center of the blast, you stand proud and tall in a menacing aura.

Your mane and tail swim in a storm of moon runes, your eyes shine as bright as the snow, and a flurry of ice swords form around you, making it look like you have a second pair of wings.

You seem bigger, imposing, larger than life itself. The Pale Mare incarnate. Or even, dare you admit it, the prime of Nightmare Moon.

Even Chrysalis through her insanity is fazed by your intimidating form.

“Tartarus’s Gates…” she gasps out, but you don’t let her gawk for long. The pointy ends of your blades aim towards her, and you thrust your wings.

An invisible ripple tears through the air and rapid pops sound all throughout as the veritable homing missiles breach sonic speeds and whizz around the Changeling Queen like hornets. They’re so fast that she’s forced to allocate her attention into intercepting them in order to have the mere possibility of surviving the onslaught, but for whatever few she shoots down, you recapture and then regenerate in your telekinesis before sending them right back!

Seconds in, Chrysalis starts slipping. At first, her carapace starts to get nicked, then when she tries to fly to the open skies, incoming blades stop her in her tracks and then more force her back down, low toward the streets, denying her the breathing room she needs. Pinned between the sky and earth, she can only hover with a snarl along the ever-so narrowing boundary until the only viable option left is to fly in a straight line.

Predictable, you think methodically, which is why it feels so unnervingly easy as you brew power into your horn. A dangerous hum resonates and floating orbs of mana crackle with electricity. Arcs of energy flow through your hooves, from the ground all the way to your forehead. And suddenly, the world itself goes dim.

Bugze would call this a Spartan Laser, you reminisce with a smile just before the point of release. I on the other hoof would call it-

“BUG ZAPPER!!!” you cry out mightily as you bow your head and release. The atmosphere cracks like thunder as you lockdown your hooves in magic and ice and glare past the blinding light.

It’s when Chrysalis notices the air go dark and heavy that she flies faster, harder. Spinning around, she desperately pulls up a magic barrier at the last second…but it is futile as it shatters instantly.

“AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!” The pure energy of the impact is so immense, it almost makes her blackout, and so loud, it almost turns her ears deaf.

And then just like’s over.

“Hah…hah…” you gasp and pant as your body tenses as if you’ve run straight up a mountain. Even through this sudden fatigue, you look towards your target.

Chrysalis is no longer bathed in the radiance of your magic, in it’s place is the soothing embrace of the passing snow along the scorch mark that is her body. The Changeling Queen blinks dumbly, feeling listless, weightless. The world seemingly flashes before her eyes in an endless reel, flipping right side up and left side down like a seizure.


She slams back-first onto the immovable belly of the Crystal Spike Statue causing spittle to fly out of her maw, and now the statue has a new scar to add to its flattering features.

I’m sure that can be buffed out, you think, hoping that Nightshade won’t hold it against you for damaging the likeness of the dragon she fancies.

“My queen!” some of the spectator changelings call out and move to her, even while the rest hesitate as they recall her prior orders. As they do, you catch your breath and melt the ice that had encased your hooves.

The drones reach out, trying to help her to her hooves, but she suddenly whips her head up and hisses at them in a deranged bestial manner. Those brave/stupid drones flinch and recoil at this, for they are buffeted by the plethora of ugly emotions that waft off of her like a muddy, thick miasma.

“I TOLD YOU ALL TO STAY BACK!!!” she shouts, spittle flying in all directions, and the effort of just doing that causes her to begin coughing. “She’s-*cough* *cough*-She’s mine and mine alone to defeat!”

A single drone dares approach her as she squirms, trying to stand.

“Indeed she is my Queen, but let us at least help you stand,” he says, face stoic against the waft of her madness.

Chrysalis growls at this and lets out a few ragged coughs as she struggles to stand, but with the drone’s insistent help, she’s able to steady herself.

How can they still be so loyal after everything? You wonder in bafflement as she braces a hoof on her subject’s shoulder. A question that becomes even more pertinent as she suddenly slams the drone against the statue by the throat.

The others gasp at this display, though he himself makes no sound as she puts more pressure on his jugular. Chrysalis’s eyes do not seem to look at the drone at all; rather it’s more as if she’s staring into thin air.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Do you truly wish to help your Queen drone?” she asks with those empty, unfocused eyes as she loosens the pressure slightly.

“Of…course…” the drone chokes out.

“Would you give your life to defend me?” she asks again in that same empty tone.

“Yes…my Queen…” he agrees and suddenly her eyes focus and for all appearances, gives a kindly smile.

“Thank you for your loyalty…”

And before you can even comprehend what’s happening, she unhinges her jaw not unlike a snake, and suddenly green flaming energy is pulled out of the drone out of his horn. The process only takes a few seconds, but in those few moments you see as the changeling’s exoskeleton loses it’s color till it’s light gray, and his eyes roll over white. She on the other hand starts to heal some of the wounds you had given her.

The other drones gasp and look horrified as she finishes and drops the drone to the ground, where he groans faintly. You never saw it for yourself, but you did hear about how Erised the Ink Moth did this exact maneuver back in Appleloosa.

It’s even more disgusting watching it in person.

“Ahhhh,” Chrysalis sighs in satisfaction before looking back to your disgusted expression. “That, is what true loyalty is Nightmare Moon.”

“That’s cannibalism you sick buck!” you shout back as you look at the drained Changeling in sympathy.

“And so it may be, but my drones would do anything for my success,” she cackles before looking to the rest.

Sickeningly true to her words, even though the surrounding changelings look terrified and reluctant, they don’t try to run away as she opens her maw, and suddenly several of them begin to be drained as well.

“NO!!!” you shout as you shoot a beam at her. They may be idiotic zealots, but noling deserves that! Your blast however is deflected by her new barrier as her mana pools are replenished by 5 drones who all drop to the snow, pale and weakened.

“You Monster!” you growl, rage flooding your heart even more.

Grey Rebl’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

“I’m not a monster!” she snaps back as her horn lights up. “A monster would have no goal or purpose. They gave me their love so that I may kill you!”

Gritting your teeth you ready your ice blades, and zoom towards her, ready for a blast of magic. It’s not until you are nearly half way there though that you realize she’s not prepping a blast. The Spike statue behind her is glowing now the same energy.

A dull, hum resonates as she tears the crystal frame off of the ground by its crystal feet and it floats threateningly above her. She snarls, stomps her hooves, and a concussive blast of wind rockets the crystalline dragon towards you while also blowing the drained drones away from her.

As you watch several tons of crystal careen your way, an eerie calm takes over you.

Avoid it? No. You’re already going too fast for it to matter. Instead, you fly faster, and whisper an apology to Nightshade and Spike.

In a move that would be difficult to perceive with the naked eye, you command your frozen blades to coast along your wings, and with a slight tilt, you slice off a portion of a lamp post unfortunate enough to be in your way, catching it in your magical grip.

You then snap your wings shut, but the instant your hooves touch the ground, spell circles sever the concept of friction as you skate across like an unstoppable bullet! The world turns into an incomprehensible blur, yet to you it feels so sure, so clear. You take the sectioned lamp post, jam in one of your blades, weld the insertion, and with a single swing—


—split the Spike statue perfectly into two.

Wind flutters your mane and visible breath eases out of your exhale. You stare out with eyes cooler and sharper than icicles as you hold your new shining scythe aloft and bring it towards the surprised psycho before the two halves of the statue hit the ground.

Thanks to her draining her own subjects, she’s gained a second wind and dodges backward, the blade missing her by inches.

You follow this up by launching one of the ice blades at her, which sticks into her flank, causing her to yelp. Knowing that being in close proximity to you is certain death with your makeshift scythe, she does the smart thing and flies away from you.

You take a moment, just a tiny moment before you chase off after her to look to the gathered drones.

“Attend to your wounded!” you point to the 6 drained individuals. “And take a moment to really ask yourselves, ‘Is that coward worth dying over?!’”
And with those harsh words, you leave the changelings to their own devices as you seek to reap their “beloved” leader.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

In The Dungeons


Today has been a roller coaster of surprises for you. You woke up with a body, Hope was still alive, you reunited with your mother, found out you had a sister, and learned that your city had been taken over by changelings.

If you hadn’t of been stuck inside that idiotic cockroach's head for the last two years, you probably wouldn’t have been able to comprehend so many curveballs in such a short time frame.

But because you have been through thick and thin with that moron and his sadistic wife, you’ve been able to take things in relative strive. Though even you couldn’t have foreseen the melee in the dungeons that you stumbled upon, or Mangle’s willingness to dive head first into it.

But the biggest surprise that catches you off guard is seeing another you in the midst of that kerfuffle, missing his mane, wearing glasses, and having a normal unicorn horn.

“By the gods, I’ve grown old…” you mutter in shock as you two maintain eye contact.

“Well I’ll be damned, horse me looks metal as Hell!” Humbra says impressed before his eyes suddenly widen as he looks to your side. “…Hope?”

With him calling her name, she looks over to your bald doppelganger and freezes.

“What in the-?” she stammers.

“Whoa, that’s…we’re horses and together, that’s hurting my-Agh!” and he gets decked in the nose for his distraction. “Oh you asshole! Suck My Laser!”

And with that, the changeling is blown back into the wall where Flim and Flam subdue him even further with tazers.

“…Sombra?” Hope breathes out.

“Yeah?” you say back, your mind still jumbled.

“Is that by chance a changeling using a poor excuse of a disguise of you?” she asks, even though you can hear that she doesn’t believe that herself.

“No…no it isn’t,” you say as you light up your own horn.

“Then what is-“ she starts, but is interrupted as you blast three changelings that had dogpilled on top of the other you.

“Thanks…me? Wow this is trippy,” Humbra says adjusting his glasses.

“Focus up Sombra! These monsters are tough!” Luna demands.

“Though they would make a sick album cover!” B2 (now an ostrich) proclaims.

Still just as lost, Hope looks to you for some semblance of an answer as Mangle uppercuts Pharynx.

“I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that that’s my human counterpart, as well as Bugze’s and Luna’s,” you explain. “Though how they got here, I have no clue.”

“Oh gee, could it possibly be the mirror portal that connects our two worlds together?” Adagio snarks and you shoot the seahorse a glare.

“Excuse me for being overwhelmed by all this!” you bark at the petulant siren.

“…I think I like the human version better, this one looks and acts meaner,” Sonata surmises.

“Well, plus we know that one better,” Aria nods in agreement.

“I spent as much time with you three as he did! I was just stuck in that moron’s head so you couldn’t see me!” you shoot back.

“Wow, now he sounds all stalkerish,” Adagio jokes.

“Oh will ya quit yammering with the fishies Sombra! Get over here already! You too girly!” Grandbuggy orders and you turn your attention back to him.

“Oh hey, it’s Hope,” Lightning Dust says suddenly.

“Do you mean we have hope in this battle or that you see Radiant Hope?” Iron Will demands, bonking a changeling unconscious.

“The second one! Where have you been lady?! Things have gotten crazy sin-Agh!” The pegasus is cut off as two changelings grab a hold of her wings and start to pull.

“Get off of her!” Hope shouts and blasts one of them with her magic, allowing the pegasus to sucker punch the other one.

“Thanks!” she calls back.

“No…problem,” Hope says, surprised by the thankfulness.

“Wait, she’s helping them?” asks Sweetie Belle.

“Isn’t she the one who kidnapped us with Chrysalis?” asks Applebloom, causing Hope’s ears to wilt.

“She’s helping us now, all of us, and so is King Sombra so there’s no need to worry,” a skinny changeling says amongst the prisoners. And despite his size and demeanor, his words reach the others and they lessen their gazes.

“…Thank you Thorax,” she says before her face becomes resolute and she looks to you in determination. “Well, you heard them, we’re helping everyone!”

And with that, you are surprised once again as the only mare that’s held your heart, a gentle soul with a knack for healing, rushes forth into the melee.

You pause for a moment as your mind does a soft reboot, but you are broken out of it once the old bug says,

“Heh, at least one of ya’ll’s got balls!”

Gritting your teeth, you light up your horn.

“I’ll show you balls!” you shout angrily at the insufferable old fool.

“Please don’t, there are children present!” Aria smirks, making a show of putting her tail across the CMC.

“Oh for the-Buck Off!” you shout as your specialty green fear magic seeps forth and into a group of 5 loyalists. Your targets freeze suddenly amidst the brawl before they start screaming. Two of them start beating on each other, screaming about skinwalkers, while the other three collapse to the ground, crying and thrashing, screaming about skeletons, spiders, and copious amounts of cheese.

“Get up you fools!” Apeynx shouts. “Do not let them-Agh!”

He is suddenly put into a headlock by Mangleoid as Iron Will starts punching at his gut like a punching bag.

“If you do not tighten your core, you will be shown what’s for!” the minotaur proclaims as the elite gets a number of gut punches, before transforming into his true form and out of the robot’s grip. With this sudden loss of mass, Will accidentally knocks Mangle back, and the robot screeches.

“Sorry, sorry!” Iron Will apologizes, as four drones latch onto his back. “ACK!”

Before the red finned changeling can do anything else though, you zap a drone next to him with fear magic, and he immediately turns on his commander.

“Stop! Stop it!” he demands, but the fearful drone keeps striking at him.

“Buck You Santa you dirty slut! How dare you kiss my mother!” the drone wails.

“What?!” Pharynx shouts in confusion and you actually chuckle as you walk casually into the brawl yourself.

“Hey Dazzlings! Could really use a song to put these jerks to sleep right about now!” B2 shouts amidst the ruckus.

“We don’t have our stones anymore B2!” Sonata calls out.

“Yeah, some bug bitch stole them!” Adagio huffs.

“Oh yes, those were used in that weapon thing that got Sombra and Nightmare Moon out of the Offender’s head,” Thorax comments.

“If that’s the case, they’ve been used up,” Ahuizotl theorizes and Aria sighs.

“Yeah of course they would be, why should we have expected otherwise?” she grumbles.

“Well that sucks,” the giant bird says before getting uppercutted by a drone.

“I mean, I suppose you could sing just for the Tartarus of it, to give the fight some rhythm,” Ember suggests.

“Oh, good idea dragon lady,” Sonata says with a smile.

“I mean it’s not going to do much, but what the buck I guess,” Aria shrugs.

“Not like we can do anything else,” Adagio gives in as the three sisters all cough into their hooves. They then begin singing.

“Oh buck yeah! That’s some good stuff right there!” Grandbuggy cackles as he uses his bowler like a shield before tripping his enemy with a leg sweep.

“Yeah! Rock On!” Humbra cries out, and he is almost hit by a drone hoof, but you stop it mid air with your magic. “Whoa!”

“Keep your eyes open other me!” you order as you fling the changeling by the arm into two of his compatriots.

“Heh, with my glasses we got six sets of eyes to keep open,” Humbra laughs as the two of you go back to back defending…yourselves really.

You then see as Hope goes to the aid of Flim and Flam who were being overwhelmed by sheer numbers. She blasts two out of the way, then trips another with her hoof, allowing the twins to reactivate their tazers.

And as several changelings start twitching from the miniature lightning devices, the brothers smile and look to Hope triumphantly.

“Thank you for the assistance there Hope,” Flim starts.

“Yes thank you, now we know the drawbacks of these alien weapons,” Flam adds.

“Improvements will be made in the future!” they both declare as they start shocking more drones.

“You’re welcome guys, and I’m sorry I let things get out of hoof here,” Hope apologizes as she back kicks a drone.

“Don’t worry about it!” the brothers reassure.

A little ways away, Hu-Luna gets taken to the ground.

“Ah!” she cries out as the drones start to spit goo onto her hooves.

“Get off of my woman bugs!” Ostrich B2 shouts and kicks them all brutally off of her. He then pecks the goo off of her, and begins retching. “Oh God, it smells and tastes like Gack.”

“Thanks babe,” Luna says as she gets up and frowns. “I just called you babe while you’re hacking and spitting as on ostrich and I’m a unicorn…what even is our life right now?”

“A very kick ass one!” B2 says as he transforms into an anteater and blocks an attack with his claws.

And so, with inane banter between you all, you slowly but surely turn the tide on the group of changelings, knocking them out one by one till only Pharynx is left.

“This can’t be happening!” he says with gritted teeth as he stands amongst his defeated soldiers with you, Hope, Mangle, Grandbuggy, Hope’s allies and The Wanted, cornering him.

“But it is happening brother, just give up,” Thorax implores his very bruised and battered older brother. The red finned changeling snarls at this.

“I am of the Queen’s finest! We do not surrender! We go down in battle or we-*BONK*

He suddenly collapses to the floor as Grandbuggy’s hat flies back to his hoof.

“Have it your way then ya little punk,” he spits. And while the skinny Thorax looks a bit sad at the state of his big brother, the rest of the captives all sigh in relief while all the combatants, including Hope start to cheer.

“Well, I suppose we won that one!” she says with a giggle.

“No kidding, that was awesome!” Lightning Dust cheers.

“I’ll say, and to think we were worried about a long bus trip today,” B2, now back in his changeling form, chuckles.

“It was a bit daunting until King Sombra showed up…the real one I mean,” Iron Will says gesturing to you.

“Yeah, not gonna lie, that psychological shit you pulled on them was scary as hell,” Humbra says sounding disturbed and impressed at the same time.

“There’s a reason I was called the King of Fear,” you boast before looking back to the old bug. “But this small victory aside, I’m still to assume the Empire is still overrun?”

“Oh yeah, definitely,” Grandbuggy nods. “Ain’t no way we’re fighting the whole Hive and winning.”

“That would be suicide,” Thorax says matter of factly.

“Agreed,” you nod. “So what are you going to do now old bug?”

“Well Smokey, what I’m gonna do is help Mr. Future Ruler here get all the dungeon captives to the trains and regroup with my boy and Nightshade,” he says gesturing to Thorax.

“Right, and to do that we…wait? What did you call me?” Thorax asks with a raised brow.

“Don’t worry about it,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves and turns back to you. “So yeah, escort mission for us. How about you?”

“Hope and I must get to my hidden library, it is imperative if we are to rid this city of Changelings,” you say truthfully and the old bug nods.

“Heh, sort of figured ya had some macguffin hidden somewhere,” he says with a smirk. “Well go ahead boy, you and your gal get to it. We’ll handle the captives and regroup with the rest.”

“Very well then,” you say as he leads Thorax and Mangle back to the captives.

“Alright, let’s get them organized and ready to move. Also you know where the magic dampeners are kid?” he asks Thorax.

“I do, and I’d planned to hit them after I got everyone out, but my brother…”

“Skreonk,” Mangle barks comfortingly as she pats his head, nearly squashing him.

“Eh, it’ll be fine kid. Family has a way of working bullspit like this out in the end,” Grandbuggy says.

“I mean, not always. We know that for a fact right?” Humbra mumbles from right next to you.

“We do?” you ask.

“Well yeah, if you’re me then you had just as shitty a relationship with your mom as I did right?” he says and you are taken aback.

“Ummm…I was raised in an orphanage,” you admit and he looks surprised.

“For real?” he gasps and you nod. “…Well, lucky you then.”

“Were…were you raised by Rabia?” you ask curiously.

“Heh, raised ain’t the right word. I learned how to live in spite of that manipulative bitch!” he grumbles, and you are taken off guard again by the venom in his words.

“Manipulative?” you venture as you suddenly get an uneasy feeling in your chest.

“Well, that’s one word for it. Two faced is another, since she always put up a façade of being kind and loving, but she was really just a sadistic, cruel and controlling bitch!” he growls as his eyes look off in the middle distance. “Even turned my little sister into a mini version of her, and they never liked Hope because she made me happy. People always said family can overcome anything, but they obviously never met mom.”

You take all of that in, and you begin to feel uneasy.

Surely there are many differences between the worlds, you ponder. Truly, I don’t know my mother well, or my sister…but…

“Oh hey, sorry, didn’t mean to unload on ya,” Humbra says patting you on the back and knocking you out of your thoughts. “Let’s just say, you dodged a bullet…well, relatively speaking. Didn’t Bugze say that you once ruled this whole place?”

You look over at the dazed crystal pony palace staff and guards, who still give weary looks in your direction before nodding.

“Yes…once upon a time.”

“Well, I was never in charge of any nation, so you got that up on me,” he laughs before looking you over with awe again. “And I’ll say it again, you look metal as hell man. What’s the secret to getting your hair to stay? Is it magic? I bet it’s magic. Can you help me out with that bro?”

“I’m…not sure I’m the one to consult on that,” you admit as you start to feel odd having such a casual conversation with an aloof you.

“Well if it’s possible, I’ll pay anything!” he shouts before his eyes latch onto something which gives him pause. You follow his line of sight and see that he’s looking at Hope who has regrouped with Lightning Dust, Iron Will and the twins.

“I’m so very sorry I dragged you all into this. I never once thought it would turn out this bad,” she apologizes.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself Hope, we all continued forth on this venture, even when we knew Queen Chrysalis was involved,” Iron Will comforts.

“Yeah, we did sort of sign up for the legion of doom, so this wasn’t all that surprising,” Flim nods.

“Though perhaps the scope of the crime wasn’t exactly what we’d agreed to, we were still willing to help overthrow a government,” Flam shrugs.

“Really, all I wanted to do was beat up Rainbow Dash, and I didn’t even get to do that!” Lightning Dust complains and the others give her a glare. “…But I accept your apology. I’ll have other opportunities to show her up.”

Wow, nice priorities, you think sarcastically as Hope smiles at them all.

“…That’s gotta be the biggest thing you have over me in this world,” Humbra says in melancholy.

“It’s not even been a half day since I’ve had her back. I didn’t think it was even possible…but we really have come back together, despite the hurt we each gave,” you say in thankfulness as you watch her give a hug to her conspirators.

“…Is it really that easy?” Humbra asks in disbelief. “Can I really just call and meet her after all these years and just have it work out?”

“I won’t say it’s been easy for us, or that it will be easy for you…but you’ve at least got to try,” you instruct your human self. He continues to stare at Hope for a few moments in silence before he nods.

“Though…I kind of do want my hair back before I try that,” he admits and you roll your eyes.

“Hah! See Nimmy! I told you it wasn’t working on Time Cop rules, Sombra’s touching himself and nothing bad is happening,” B2 says, sounding triumphant.

“Sombra’s doing what now?” asks Adagio with a hint of mischief in her voice.

“We’re leaving!” you say as you quickly run up and snatch Hope’s hoof.

“Wait, already?!” she asks in surprise.

“Yes, the longer we wait, the more likely the Changelings will subdue us, let’s go!” you say urgently as you usher her from her friends and down the prison cooridors.

“Oh, alright, take care everyone. We’ll regroup with you at the train!” Hope calls out as you drag her away, and you hear the Sirens laughing.

“Good luck Sombra,” Grandbuggy says as you disappear around the corner.

“Yeah, good luck other me!” Humbra calls out, but you don’t answer them.

“Don’t we need to go up the stairs?” Hope asks as you lead her to another section of wall.

“Not if we take another secret tunnel down here,” you say as you press a certain brick in, and the wall shifts.

“…How many of these did you have built in?” she asks in surprise.

“More than you think, but less than you’d hope,” you admit. “Now, let’s get to that door. We need to free my moth…the umbrum.”

You can see that she catches your little moment of hesitation, but she does not comment on it as you two once more venture forth into the bowels of the castle.

Back with the prisoners, B2 looks to Luna and says,

“Huh, wonder what got him all hurried?”

“Possibly the fact that there is still an army of these bug things throughout this horse city,” Luna snarks, rolling her eyes.

“Nah, he probably didn’t want to deal with the sea horses,” Humbra grumbles.

“Well if he’d stopped touching himself, maybe he wouldn’t be so embarrassed?” Adagio trolls as she slaps Humbra lightly with her tail.

“You are on thin ice young lady!” Humbra snarls while B2 and Luna laugh.

“Alright, alright, let’s not yell anymore please?” Mia says trying to shush everyone and Thorax nods and steps up.

“She’s right,” he proclaims. “After that ruckus and with the fight upstairs, we still have to be careful to-“

“AH! Demons!” a rogue changeling shouts.

“What the buck?!” Lightning Dust shrieks.

“Ah! Holy Shit!” B2 shrieks as he, Luna, Humbra and the rest of Hope’s group back away from the stairway exit as a horde of shadowy entities swarm into the prison.

“Uh-Uh-Uh…” Thorax stammers as many in the room panic.

The CMC and Outcasts however have a different reaction.

“Nightshade!” they all say in unison.

“That’s right!” the filly’s voice declares as she suddenly leaps into view amidst the monsters. “Don’t worry everyling I’ve come to…save…you?”

She trails off as she sees all of the changelings beat up, and everyone else just standing around in surprise and fear of her minions.

“Nightshade! Don’t just go announcing yourself like that!” Bugze’s voice says from up the stairs.

“It’s alright Dad, I guess the situation’s already taken care of,” she calls back up.

“What?!” Bugze declares as he next enters the room.


You thought she was boasting, but as you walk in and take in the scene, you see that her words were pretty accurate.

“…Well I’ll be gorramned,” you whistle, feeling impressed. The trip from the throne room to here was anything but uneventful. Sure there were a bunch of drunken changelings that were easily dispatched by Nightshade’s minions, but there were still plenty of sober and alert ones that you ran into thanks to Selena’s battle outside. Thankfully, the humans with their magic crystals working in conjunction with you, Sunset and Shade and her shadows were able to cleave a path through them in the confusion.

You thought there was going to be a long period where you all had to painstakingly awake everyone from their cocoons and defend your position from Pharynx who you had not run into. Walking in on this scene however is a pleasant surprise.

A whole squad of upper tier drones, including Pharynx himself are knocked out and on the floor, and you know it’s not from Shade’s minions. The ones who look like they’ve been through a scuffle are Hope’s friends, The Wanted, Grandbuggy, and of course Mangle. On top of that, all of the prisoners aside from The Black Suns have been freed.

Then, in one fell swoop, everyone speaks at once.

“Hooded Offender?!” Thorax and Hope’s friends all say in surprise.

“Hooded Offender?!” the guards and maids shriek.

“Nightshade!” the CMC and Outcasts shout.

“Bugze!” Mia, Aqua, The Wanted and The Dazzlings shout.

“Nightmare Moon?!” other guards and maids say looking at Shade.

“Boyo, Kiddo,” Grandbuggy says with a smirk.

“Donkey!” both Pinkies shout with a giggle from back up the stairs for some reason.

The ringing of so many voices makes you flinch for a moment, but you shake your head.

“Ah gods, yes, yes it’s us!” you shout covering your ears.

“It sure is, though I’m not Nightmare Moon ya idiots,” Nightshade giggles before looking to her minions. “Alright, you lot go bring in the others and quit scaring the prisoners.”

The minions all salute before melting with the many shadows and many of the hostages shudder.

“That’s still incredibly freaky,” Diamond Tiara mutters.

“Wait, those things are under her control?” asks a guard.

“Yes, there’s no need to worry,” Thorax nods.

“Oh there’s plenty of reasons to worry, but that can wait for a moment. Mangle!” Nightshade shrieks as she rushes up and hugs the giant two headed abomination against nature.

“Skreonk,” the robot fox barks as she hugs her master.

“Good girl Mangle, good girl. Way to stomp these losers out,” she congratulates as she snuggles it.

“Hey, we did most of the work kiddo,” Grandbuggy grunts.

“Yeah, that thing didn’t show up till towards the end of the fight,” Lightning Dust agrees.

“She’s still a good girl Dust!” Nightshade counters, causing the mare to flinch.

“Of course she runs right to the robot,” Ember rolls her eyes. “It’s like we’re not even-“

“Oh calm your nips Princess, I haven’t forgotten about you,” Nightshade laughs as she suddenly flies over and starts hugging Ember who freezes.

“…Who said I wanted this?” she says in true tsundere fashion.

“Anyone with a brain stem,” Greta laughs as she joins in on hugging your daughter. “Good to see ya again Shade.”

“Si, it sure is,” Ahuizotl joins in, patting her on the head with his tail hand and looking over to Grandbuggy. “Good to see your wrinkly butt too Fix.”

“Same to you ugly,” Grandbuggy chuckles as the CMC all join in on hugging Nightshade.

And while many daaawww at that moment, you are swarmed by your own little group.

“Oh Bugze, it was super scary!” Sonata says as she wraps her tail around you.

“Ack!” you sputter for air as the other two Sirens surround you.

“Yeah, some giant bug knocked us all out and then we woke up in these sacks,” Aria says.

“Which is such a pain on my hair!” Adagio complains.

“Yeah, well we’re trying to fix that,” you say as you struggle to breathe.

“Ease up dummy, you’re choking him out again,” Aria scolds Sonata.

“Whoops! Sorry Bugze,” the blue siren apologizes with a sheepish giggle as she loosens her grip.

“Thanks,” you say taking a breath. “I’m glad to see you all are alright.”

“Eh, we’re okay if anything,” Adagio corrects. “Our vision’s are all blurry and I feel like that time we unknowingly drank human booze.”

“Oh gods, don’t remind me of that,” Aria says, squinting her eyes tight and holding her gut.

“I still say that was a fun night,” Sonata says cheerfully.

“Yeah because you have insane alcohol tolerance for whatever reason,” Adagio grunts before sighing and looking back to you. “But yeah, we’re fine. We’d be a lot better with our Stones though, but that cat snake thing with the Mexicoltan accent says they might have been drained?”

“Uh, I don’t know really I-“ you start to explain, before you are swarmed once more, this time by two mares.

“You dang blockhead! Aren’t you a site for sore eyes!” Aqua giggles as she starts bear hugging you. “Literally, my eyes feel heavy!”

“Yes, it’s been far too long Bugze. I hope your trip to the other dimension wasn’t too much of a hassle,” Mia says squeezing you as well.

“Oh, it was,” you say truthfully as you wriggle out of the two mare’s grip. “But yeah, it’s good to see you guys too. Been busy with Torchwood stuff?”

“Oh you could say that,” Aqua chuckles.

“Did she just say Torchwood? Like from Doctor Who?” Humbra pipes up as he, Hu-Luna and B2 walk up.

“I have no idea, is that some sort of nerd stuff?” Luna insults and the bald unicorn frowns.

“It’s about a time traveling alien, which is apparently a real thing in this world,” B2 chuckles before looking to you. “Hey Bugze, long time no see.”

“Uh…yeah, I guess,” you say in shock as you look your double up and down. He is you almost to a T, except for the missing scars…oh and he’s currently hovering using his wings.

“…How are you doing that?!” you demand angrily.

“What? Flying? I don’t know, I’m kind of still trying to get the hang of it,” he says as he transforms into an owl. “See, this feels more natural for some reason.”

Your jaw gapes like a fish as the human you effortless transforms back into his form and lands.

“That…that…that is SO not fair!” you yell.

“What’s not fair?” asks Princess Celestia as she is led in by Sunset Shimmer, and followed by the rest.

“That! That isn’t fair! I’ve never been able to fly or transform, but a bucking human me can?! What sense does that make?!” you ramble on…until you realize your audience isn’t really listening to you. Looking back at the Princesses and the rest, you see that just like you were earlier, they are awed by the site before them, though each of them has it for different reasons.

Celestia and Luna are staring slack jawed at Hu-Luna, Cadence and Shining are looking at Mia as if they’ve forgotten something as she does the same back, and the rest are looking between you and B2. Well, aside from Pinkie and Dash (Ponies), who interrupt the moment of shock by laughing their flanks off and pointing at Humbra.

“Oh my gosh! He’s so bald! Bwahahahaha!!!” Po-Dash guffaws.

“His dome is shinier than Cranky’s! Ahahahahahahahaa!” Pinkie laughs, which gets the Human Pinkie to follow suit. Humbra for is his part, takes it pretty well.

“Oh screw you ya sprinkle colored horse bitches!”

Yup, relatively well.

But as the cranky old man grumbles, Hu-Luna looks right at Celestia and Po-Luna.

“Hmmph, even in this world Celestia’s taller than me,” she notes before shrugging. “But ah well, I like the other me’s color scheme better. How are you making your hair do that by the way?”

The alicorn sisters are at a loss for words for a moment, and you can understand why. Hu-Luna’s mane isn’t moving, and she has no wings, but otherwise, she is an exact match.

“Why don’t you have wings?” asks Po-Luna abrasively.

“Luna!” Celestia chides.

“What?! You were thinking it too!”

“Yes, but that’s very rude!” the older sister scolds.

“Oh whatever! Where’s your wings, and where is other Celestia? Is she just a unicorn too?”

“…Wow, it’s weird hearing us argue from a different perspective,” Hu-Luna says before coughing. “And I don’t know, I came through like this. As for my sister she chose to stay behind because getting involved with anything relating to &$#%@ is a headache for her.”

“Wait, isn’t that-“

“I told you babe, call me Bugze from now on…or at least when original Bugze isn’t around,” B2 says as he wraps a hoof around Hu-Luna’s neck. “Hi, you can call me B2 for now. And wow, this Luna looks a lot more like you than the version that was in Bugze’s head.”

“I know right? That one had my costume colors, but this one matches my skin tone a lot better.”

And while the Princesses look on disturbed as they see just how close B2 and Hu-Luna are, Mia and Shining and Cadence converse.

“I’m sorry, but have we met before?” asks Cadence curiously.

“I was just about to ask the same thing,” Shining says as he looks the dark pink mare up and down.

“I don’t believe we’ve met in person Princess Cadence…but I get the feeling, you do seem rather familiar to me,” Mia says quizzically before Aqua steps in.

“Hi you two, this here is Mia, she works with me and Jack at Torchwood.”

“Oh, OH! That must be why you seem familiar. Jack has spoken about you before,” Cadence laughs.

“Huh, Yeah, that must be it,” Shining nods and chuckles.

“Oh, I hope he didn’t tell you too much,” Mia says looking away in embarrassment. As she does, none of the three notice as Aqua sighs in relief.

I guess the memory rewrite and the Doctor’s geass are still going strong, you realize as the two different versions of Cadence don’t dig any deeper. Good thing Nightshade didn’t bring Humie Cadence, or this could have gotten out of hoof.

And while all sides mingle, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo dizzily make their way towards the group.

Each one of them calls out to their respective sisters, but then pause as two pairs of each respond to them.

“Uhhh…” they all stammer.

“Oh my gosh! Sweetie Belle, you look so adorable as a little pony,” Hu-Rarity squees.

“Heh, rocking that bow even in this world, you go girl,” Hu-Jack chuckles.

“Heh, you still look tough even as a horse squirt,” Hu-Dash compliments.

And while Shade’s three friends stare like deer caught in headlights, their actual pony sisters scoop them up and hug and fawn over them.

“What’s going on?” Applebloom asks the million dollar question.

“They’re humans,” you explain bluntly.

“Huh?” asks Scootaloo.

“My dad made friends with a bunch of human versions of us in the other dimension. I went through to help us save everyone,” Nightshade interjects.

“Well it’s not like you really needed us, what with all your shadow dudes,” Hu-Dash says and Nightshade rolls her eyes.

“You guys still punched a lot of changelings. Besides, I didn’t know I was able to let the boys out because the last time I did, the Crystal Heart tried to fry me.”

“Yeah, well I bet if I wasn’t all sick, me and human me would have kicked way more butt against the changelings,” Po-Dash brags.

“Oh for sure. Double the Rainbow power baby!” Hu-Dash brags.

“Great, now there’s two of them,” Lightning Dust grumbles, which gets the attention of Po-Dash. She looks shocked at first before quickly glaring at her former team mate.

“Lightning Dust?! What are YOU doing here?” she accuses.

“I came here to kick your flank for getting me kicked out of the Wonderbolts, but that’s been put on hold because everything’s gone crazy!” Lightning spits.

“Huh?” Po-Dash sputters before you start to explain.

“Yeah, apparently she, that minotaur and those EVIL Machine™ worshipers were teamed up with Sombra’s girlfriend to help subdue you guys, but then Chrysalis jumped the gun and took us out easily.”

The Deadly 6 and Princesses all seem scandalized by that as they give glares to Hope’s group.

“But-BUT they are helping us now! Don’t leave that part out Daddy!” Nightshade scolds.

“I was getting to that,” you defend, but even with that info out, there’s still some resentment.

Applejack is trying to glare a hole through Flim and Flam who sweat nervously and tug at their collars, and of course Rainbow Dash still has some mutual animosity with Lightning Dust, but Iron Will on the other hand steps forward.

“Ms. Fluttershy?” he says speaking in a gentler tone.

“Yes?” she says back like a teacher to a student who’s been disobedient.

“I apologize for holding ill will towards you,” he says which dumbfounds the pegasus. “My motivational seminars hadn’t been bringing in any money after my trip to Ponyville, which has led to some familial problems on my end, and I erroneously blamed you. I’m sorry for taking part in all this.”

“Oh, okay then,” Fluttershy nods. “I forgive you, just so long as you don’t do it again and help all these ponies and other creatures.”

“Already on it Ms. Shy,” Iron Will salutes.

“…Really? That easily Fluttershy?” you ask her and she giggles.

“Of course Hoody. I’ve learned a lot these last few months that holding onto anger can make you a very bitter person,” she says giving you a sincere smile.

“You? Bitter?” you ask in disbelief and she nods.

“Yes. I resented Selena for so long because I was…jealous,” she says while looking away in embarrassment. “And I came to realize that I had a nasty temperament because of that. I was no better than those that chose not to see your goodness for so long.”

“Fluttershy…” you try to comfort and she shakes her head.

“It’s okay, now that I’ve recognized that, it’ll be easier for me to change for the better. I mean, look how controlled and confident Human me is,” she says pointing to Hu-Shy who hasn’t said a word this entire time. “That’s something I should work towards.”

You quirk a brow at that as you follow her line of sight and see that she is looking directly at Ember. You recall from four years ago how Fluttershy was deathly afraid of dragons, and you realize Hu-Shy is frozen in fear.

“Yeah…well good luck with that Fluttershy, and know that I’m very proud of you,” you say, which causes her to squeak and tuck herself under her hair in embarrassment.

“Th-thank you…” she stutters, which causes you to smirk.

“Having a big ol reunion huh?” Grandbuggy says clapping you on the back. “I don’t blame ya, we kind of had one right before ya’ll got here.”

“Yeah, well it’s better with me right?” you chuckle as you hug Grandbuggy. “It’s good to see ya awake and alright ya old fart.”

“All thanks to you boyo. Thanks for not letting me get beaten till the candy fell out,” he says gently, rubbing at your mane.

“Any time Grandbuggy, anytime,” you say truthfully. “But yeah, reunion aside we’re all grouped up again right?”

“Well, not everyone’s here. Have you seen our parents?” asks a disheartened Diamond Tiara with an equally upset looking Silver Spoon.

“I’m pretty sure they’re in the group outside the palace,” Nightshade informs as she pats her friends on the back.

“There are others out there?” asks a random guard.

“Well duh, you think they crammed a whole city in one dungeon?” Greta says rolling her eyes.

“Well, then what are we to do?” asks the same guard.

“We should still stick to Senor Thorax’s plan,” Ahuizotl chimes in. “Many of us are still weak and we need to evacuate.”

“Which we’ve been trying to do for like a million times!” Aria huffs impatiently.

“Yeah, which should be easier now that back up’s arrived,” Daring Do says with a nod.

“Well, we aren’t so much back up as we were transporting our own weakened,” you admit. “Even with the dampeners down, the Princesses need to rest and gather their strength.”

“Wait, even with the dampeners down? You mean they’ve been turned off?!” asks Thorax in surprise.

“Well yeah, what did you think I had my boys doing as we came down here?” Nightshade says matter of factly.

To test this, many of the unicorn guards alight their horns, though they groan at the effort.

“Easy my little ponies, don’t strain yourselves,” Celestia orders. “You must conserve your strength if we are to evacuate.”

“Yes, we without strength need to focus on movement. Those that can fight will escort us,” Luna says.

“But what about the other captives not down here?” asks a maid.

“We aren’t going to abandon them,” Cadence says with authority. “Right now we need to get who we can to the train, including the other captives.”

“The Crystal Ponies that haven’t been drained though will help us to power the Crystal Heart once we place it back on it’s pedestal,” Shining adds.

“Which hopefully I’ll be far away from because that thing hurts,” Shade says patting at her shards. “Good thing Sombra’s outside the city, cause that thing would destroy him.”

“Wait, what?” asks B2 in surprise.

“Yeah, the Crystal Heart is like his Kryptonite when it’s fully powered,” you explain.

“Well hell, is that gonna hurt me?” asks Humbra suddenly feeling nervous.

“I don’t believe so Human Sombra. Your horn is that of a normal unicorn’s after all,” says Po-Luna.

“Well either way, some Sombra is gonna get hurt. He ain’t in the wastes right now,” Grandbuggy interrupts.

“He’s not?” Nightshade asks in surprise.

“Nah, he was just here with his gal not 5 minutes ago. They came in with Mangle out of some secret tunnel and left after the fight was over through another secret entrance somewhere around the corner,” he explains. “Sounded like he had a plan to help get the Hive out of the city.”

“Well crap, we can’t activate the Crystal Heart if he’s still here, he’ll die!” you shout in frustration. “Someling needs to warn him.”

“But we can’t exactly spare anypony,” Twilight says, sounding a bit guilty. “We’ve got too many weakened ponies to look over.”

“Ahem! I’ve got plenty of helpers, remember?” Nightshade reminds as she whistles and suddenly that imp in the army helmet reappears.

“Yes Mistress?”

“Bob, I need you to go and find Sombra!” she orders.

“There he is,” the imp says pointing to Humbra with a smirk.

“Oh don’t be a smart flank, I’m talking about the real Sombra, the one with the red horn,” she scolds and the imp laughs.

“Very well Mistress. And what shall I do once I find him?” he inquires.

“Let him know that we’re gonna eventually activate the Crystal Heart, so tell him to hurry up with whatever plan he’s got and get out fast!” she orders.

“Roger roger!” the imp salutes as he melts into the shadows.

“There, at least he won’t be in the dark now,” you sigh in relief before looking back to Cadence. “We’ll wait till we hear back from Nightshade’s tartarus-spawn before we go activating that love laser okay?”

“Very well then,” Cadence nods.

“I call dibs on putting it in place again,” Spike volunteers raising his claw and all of the crystal ponies in the group all start murmuring their support for that idea.

“Yeah, alright Spike, but only when we say it’s alright,” Shining stipulates.

“Sweet!” Spike says excitedly.

“Now all we have to do is…slog our way through an army of changelings while on an escort mission,” you sigh, not looking forward to that battle now that you’ve been weakened.

“Hmm, I don’t think it would help much if we carried everyone in our Inventories would it?” asks Nightshade.

“I’m pretty sure dozens and dozens of ponies would be pushing what these things can hold honey,” you point out. “As big as the inside is, there’s still limited space.”

“Yeah…unless they were all in one convenient location!” Nightshade says suddenly as a lightbulb goes off above her head.

“What, like with everyone sitting on each other’s laps or something?” Ember asks, confused by her train of thought.

“Nope! Even better!” your daughter says as she takes her inventory off, turns it upside down…and suddenly a crystalline horseshoe mirror comes falling out of it and onto the ground.

It’s become repetition at this point, but everyone in this room goes silent as they view something unexpected once more.

“…You shoved the mirror inside your saddlebags?” Sunset says after gaping like a fish.

“Yup, right after Mom ran off to beat up Chrysalis after we came through,” Nightshade nods.

“THAT IS A STATISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY!!!” Human Twilight shriek as she holds her head.

“Why though? I clearly did it,” she says gesturing to the mystical portal.

“The opening of your saddlebags…how…?” Hu-Twi sputters before Hu-Jack puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“It’s magic Twi,” she placates.

“But even magic can be quantified and-“ she starts to rant before Po-Twilight interrupts.

“If it helps, even I don’t quite understand it. It’s special magic the likes that isn’t seen that often.”


“Hold your butts for later, because I’ve got this here portal, and thanks to Flim and Flam we can use it to transport all these weakened ponies,” she announces. Once again, there is a moment of silence as everyone considers that.

“Oh…OH! That’s clever Nightshade!” Aqua says rubbing at the filly’s mane.

“I know, right?” she brags before looking back to everyone else. “We send everyone who can’t fight into the human world, and then all we have to do is transport the mirror and release everyone once it’s safe again.”

“That’s an awesome plan Nightshade!” you exclaim.

“Heh, just like when we evacuated everyone into the TARDIS, pretty clever little lady,” Grandbuggy agrees.

“That would negate much of the risk of the evacuation,” Luna nods.

“And it would allow them to recover faster with the time dilation…” Celestia nods.

“I’m sure Principal Celestia is gonna have some words with a lot of refugees suddenly appearing in front of the school, but it could work,” Sunset concludes and everyone seems to be on board with the plan.

“Of course it will work,” Nightshade smirks before looking to the Flim Flam brothers. “Alright swindlers, do your thing, and for the love of the gods, make sure it’s dialed in right this time.”

“It is, it is, we have the coordinates down this time,” the brothers say in unison, rolling their eyes as they take out a remote looking do-hickey and press a button, making the mirror ripple like water.

“Honey, I love your ingenuity,” you praise before looking to the prisoners. “Alright everypony, single file line, get into the magical interdimensional wormhole in a calm collected manner!”

The captives are understandably a bit hesitant, but once the Princesses all acknowledge that order, they begin to line up.

“I could make sure that things run a bit smoothly on the other side since I’ve gone through it before,” Po-Twilight suggests.

“Shouldn’t we be the ones to show them around since it’s our world?” asks Hu-Rarity.

“No, we still need you guys on this side. We’re gonna still need help freeing others and getting them into the mirror and on the train after all,” you point out.

“So I’m guessing that means we’re still in on this?” asks Humbra.

“Of course man! How often do you get the chance to do magic?!” B2 says excitedly, turning into a mountain lion. And while your eye twitches at that, Hu-Luna agrees.

“We’re still at the top of our games, so we need to help out,” she orders.

“Alright, alright, no need to bite my head off, I was just asking,” Humbra defends.

“My sister and I are not at full, but we are recovering steadily now that the dampeners are down,” Celestia says, and you can see that she’s already looking better.

“I’m feeling better too, and the crystal ponies will need me to tell them when to give the Heart love,” Cadence says.

“So who’s all going and who’s all staying?” asks Ember and everyone looks to you, Nightshade and Grandbuggy for orders.

…Okay, that’s a weird feeling, you shudder over being depended on. But after that thought, you look between your daughter and Grandbug before announcing your decision.

“All the humans and Sunset are staying. Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight are with us since it will make the other captive’s evacuation go more smoothly,” you declare.

“Wait, you want me here?” Princess Twilight asks in surprise.

“Yes, you’re an alicorn and are recovering just as fast as the others. Plus, we’ll no doubt need your brains soon enough,” you answer. “Besides, if you’re worried about others acclimating, the Dazzlings got that covered.”

“I…okay, that is logical,” she says after thinking it over. You nod your head in affirmative before looking to the the rest of the Deadly 6, Shining Armor, The Dazzlings, The Outcasts, Hope’s Friends, and Torchwood.

“You lot take some time to gather your strength as hummies. Flim and Flam, you’ll have to be on that side to make sure the portal stays stable, and as for Iron Will and Lightning Dust, I’ll give you the choice whether to stay or go. It might very well be a day or two for you guys over there by the time we get things going, but stay on standbye when you’re all rested,” you order as if you’ve done this a thousand times.

“Iron Will will be at your beck and call Offender, I’ve still gotta help clean up this mess I helped make.”

“And I’ll stick around, to show how much more useful I am than Rainbow Dash,” Lightning Dust boasts, and several creatures roll their eyes. Po-Dash actually leans into Twilight’s ear and whispers,

“Beat up ten times more changelings than her would ya?”

“I’ll try,” she says with a sad smile. “I just wish you girls could be with me as I did so.”

“Darling, we need to gather our strength, so we’d be useless as we are now,” Rarity reassures her.

“Mhmm,” Fluttershy agrees. “But at least you’ll have the human versions of us helping.”

“Yes I know that, but that’s a problem in and of it’s own,” Twilight sighs before looking guiltily over at her human friends. “I’m so sorry that you girls had to get caught up in my world’s problems again.”

“Don’t sweat it none sugarcube, we knew what we were signing up for,” Hu-Jack reassures.

“Yeah, we aren’t going to just leave friends hanging like that,” Hu-Dash agrees.

“Yes, of course we’d help,” Hu-Shy nods.

“It’s only the right thing to do,” Hu-Rarity shrugs.

“You ponies will have a great time over there, just don’t assimilate too much to the point where you’ll never want to return and completely take over our lives and fight us over who gets to be the true versions of ourselves…” Hu-Pinkie says, sounding rather ominous.

“Right, and you don’t do the same,” Po-Pinkie agrees patting her on the back. This actually gets Princess Twilight to smile, before she looks to her human counterpart.

“Hey, if it’s a problem that needs to be solved, two Twilights are better than one right?” Sci-Twi shrugs and they both laugh.

“Don’t fret Twilight, these girls are my friends too and now that I’m somehow ascended, I’m not going to let them get hurt if I can help it,” Sunset says resolutely.

“Do you even know how to use those wings?” asks Nightshade.

“…Nope,” Sunset answers simply. And while Nightshade says how she’ll show her the ropes, others are saying their goodbyes.

“Are you sure you won’t need me Cady?” asks Shining reluctantly.

“I’ll always need you, but I need you to get your strength back Shiney,” she says tenderly to her husband as they share a quick kiss, which everyone averts their gaze from.

“I don’t know if I want to go back or not, we literally just got home,” Adagio complains.

“Yeah, but I’d rather wait it out as a human and enter when things aren’t crazy,” Aria argues.

“Also when I’m not feeling super tired,” Sonata nods.

“That too,” Aria agrees.

“It’ll just be for a bit girls,” you tell them calmly. “I still have my promise to keep to you after all. But right now, you three are the only ones with experience being humans, and are going to have to look over the others.”

“Oh great, a babysitting job,” Adagio scoffs playfully.

“And some of them are kind of baby age,” Sonata points out towards the CMC. Giving one more sigh, Aria shrugs and says,

“Alright, we’ll keep an eye on everyone. But you better come back for us soon ya hear?”

You smile and pat her on the head.

“I plan to,” you say truthfully.

“You come back in one piece too dad,” Adagio says over towards The Wanted.

“I’m Not Your Father!!!” Humbra roars in anguish as the siren smiles trollishly.

Over with The Outcasts, Grandbuggy and Nightshade are being given well wishes too.

“We’ll be at the ready if you need us Fix,” Ahuizotl says stoically.

“Heh, ya better be,” Grandbuggy chuckles as they shake their forelimbs. “I still gotta officiate yours and Daring’s ceremony when ya finally decide to get hitched.”

“Bwah?! I-we-I haven’t” the giant cat creature stammers, looking left and right with a blush as the old bug cackles, but they are ignored by the others thankfully.

“So Garble is with that little ice pony out in the tundra?” asks Ember.

“Yeah, last I saw him that’s where they were headed. I don’t think he would have been dumb enough to follow Sombra,” Nightshade admits.

“He is that dumb, but I’m sure if he felt like we do he’d be staying put,” Greta theorizes.

“Good point,” Ember nods. “But still, make sure he gets out safely too would ya?”

“Already planned on it princess,” Nightshade says with a toothy grin.

“Just be careful Nightshade,” Greta says with worry. “I know you’re tough enough, but that is a lot of enemies out there.”

“Yeah, don’t go overboard with those shadow guys and go nuts again,” Ember smirks.

“I won’t girls, I’ll have Spike with me after all to calm me down,” Nightshade says confidently.

“Uh, I didn’t hear his name in the list of creatures staying,” Daring Do points out.

“Right, so don’t be a snitch,” Nightshade shushes. “I’m going to have him be in my inventory and look over the mirror, and if things go too crazy with the amulet, he’ll pull me out of it.”

After a few more conversations between the various ponies/creatures, The Elements sans Twilight finally head the front of the line in front of the mirror, before looking back to you all.

“Good luck to you everyone,” Fluttershy says before looking you right in the eye. “Keep them safe Bugze.”

“I was just about to say the same to you Fluttershy,” you smirk and wave. “Watch out for buses.”

She smiles at that, before she and the others are forcefully pushed through the portal by the three sirens.

“Hurry it up already, we don’t have all day!” Adagio says impatiently as she and her sisters follow suit into the portal. They are soon followed by Shining Armor, Mia, Aqua, The Outcasts, CMC, and the rest of the captives, though for some reason you don’t see Spike enter, but you chalk that up to him probably being caught up in the crowd.

Once the last ponies have gone through, Flim and Flam give their own good lucks to you all before stepping in. Nightshade then immediately flies up, puts the opening of her inventory over the top of the mirror, and drags the bag down, enveloping the whole thing.

Human Twilight just sighs at this, rubbing her temple once more as B2 and Humbra chuckle about how awesome that was.

“Yeah, my sister’s gonna flip for sure,” Hu-Luna chuckles before looking to her alicorn counterpart. “I mean, wouldn’t yours if an entire group of drugged folks landed on her doorstep?”

“Heh heh, I believe she would,” Luna snickers and Celestia rolls her eyes.

“Not to mention they’re gonna be stumbling all over the place trying to figure out feet,” you say, remembering your terrible first moments in the human realm.

“The Dazzlings will be able to get them all situated,” Nightshade says confidently.

“Yeah, they’ve got good heads on their shoulders when they’re not arguing,” you say with a chuckle.

“That they do,” Sunset nods before looking back to you. “So, shall we get moving?”

As soon as she says that, there is a rumble in the ground and a bit of dust falls on your head.

“Yeah, I think that would be a good idea just in case Selly collapses the whole palace onto Chrysalis,” you say nervously.

“She would too,” Nightshade nods and looks to Thorax. “Thanks again for waking everyling up, that made things go a lot quicker.”

“Well, I did what I could,” he shrugs before gesturing to himself and the other three rogues. “But since there isn’t anyone to transport anymore, we’ll part ways with you now.”

“What? You don’t want to tag along?” Princess Twilight inquires and he shrinks.

“I mean, you all know where the flugelhorn room is, and the magic dampeners are down now,” he reminds. “I’m no fighter, and me and the others have got work to do.”

He then walks over and picks his brother up, before putting him over his back.

“Really twig? Even after everything?” asks Grandbuggy.

“Yes…he’s still my brother after all,” Thorax nods. “And like Nightshade said, her mom could bring this whole place down on them.”

You look to the other rogue changelings who are helping move the beaten loyalists and your heart goes out to them. You’re no stranger in trying to help those that had hurt you after all.

“Alright, if that’s your decision,” you relent, before smiling at him. “But again, thanks for everything.”

“Yes, we won’t forget this kindness,” Cadence says to the skinny changeling, who blushes in embarrassment.

“Oh, it wasn’t anything…not at all,” he says humbly.

“A little bit of kindness makes the biggest difference in the world,” Hu-Shy says sagely.

“I…you’re welcome. Thank you for everything as well Hooded Offender,” he gives in and smiles. “Now hurry up, go before any others show up.”

Nodding in agreement, you look to the Human Deadly 6, the Princesses, Iron Will, Lightning Dust, Grandbuggy, Nightshade, and finally Sunset Shimmer.

“Let’s go save some more prisoners,” you order.

And while your group heads forward into your next objective…

In the Human World

Principal Celestia stands gobsmacked in the entrance of Canterlot High as countless people who look and sound drunk stumble around in her courtyard. Many are looking at their hands in fascination, others are trying and failing to get to their feet, while others are trying to walk on all fours.

She looks back down to the only people standing up with no problem, the three singer girls who she allowed to hypnotize the entire student body a few weeks back.

“…Magic stuff?” she asks.

“Magic stuff,” Adagio answers simply.

“And my sister and the others are…?”

“Fighting giant bugs to save hostages,” Aria responds. “And there’s probably going to be more on the way.”

The older woman sighs, pulls out her flask and takes three big swigs from it.

“Ahhh,” she exhales before pocketing the flask. “Right, let’s get them all to the cafeteria I suppose, there should still be enough tots left over to warm up.”

“Woohoo! Tater Tots!” Sonata cheers.

Not too far away, Ahuizotl starts standing on two feet like a champ.

“You know, this wasn’t as hard as they made it out to be,” he says causally, standing well over a head taller than everyone else, including principal Celestia.

“You had an advantage Ahuizotl!” Daring Do grunts as she leans against him for support.

“True, though I do miss my tail. I feel naked without it,” he whines.

“You’re always usually naked though, we all are,” Greta says wobbling in place. “I wanna know where these clothes came from.”

“And I wanna know why the Buck I’m a Bucking Dog!” a blue Dalmatian barks angrily.

“Hmm, fascinating,” Flim says as he and his brother jot down notes while the rest laugh at the miffed Ember.

“So far, dragons are the outlier for interdimensional travel,” Flam notes.

“Ha ha, I always wanted a dog,” Greta mocks.

“QUIT PETTING ME!!!” Ember howls.

“I kind of want to get in on that,” Fluttershy says, crawling on her hands and knees.

“I think we should worry about being another species first Shy!” Dash says rolling around. “Not having wings is freaking weird!”

“I do miss my horn, but this skin of mine is very soft and supple,” Rarity praises poking at her new body.

“I think I prefer good ol hard hooves over these things,” Applejack exposits, opening and closing her fists.

“Eh, I think I could used to these,” Pinkie Pie giggles as she starts making shadow figures using her new hands.

“I NEED AN ADULT!” Ember bellows as now Fluttershy starts petting her.

Back in Equus

Outside the Palace

The trip through the palace to the secret passage wasn’t all that eventful. There were a few more changelings guards which were quickly overwhelmed by your superior fire power, but once you went through the Flugelhorn room all went smoothly as you made it out into the snowy streets of the city. And you do mean snowy.

It’s so cold outside that you needed to put on the Nobody Cloak. Full blooded changelings don’t feel the cold so much, but you do, as do most of the members in your party outside the alicorns. To the humans turned ponies and Nightshade, you’ve divvied up some of your digs to keep them warm.

Rainbow Dash is wearing your Vash coat.
Pinkie Pie is wearing the deadpool T-shirt.
Rarity is wearing the El Hunko suit.
Sci-Twi is wearing the brown overcoat from your BST outfit.
Applejack is managing well with your human Jojo jacket despite it not being made for ponies.
Fluttershy is wearing the Smokey Joe rain slicker and bandana,
And Nightshade has got the 4th Doctor scarf wrapped around herself.


4th Doctor Scarf (BST)
Brown Overcoat (BST)
Deadpool Shirt (CV)
El Hunko Outfit
JoJo Jacket (Human)
Smokey Joe Outfit (Human)
Vash the Stampede coat (CV)

With everyone sufficiently protected from the cold, you moved on. Here and there, you’ve seen impact craters, damaged structures and completely obliterated buildings that could only have come from Selena and Chrysalis’s fight, which you all can still hear amidst the billowing winds and snowfall.

“Damn son, your old lady sure has a score to settle if this is the fallout from her cat fight,” B2 whistles impressed.

“Yeah, well, she’s held a grudge against Chrysalis for like two years, so…” you shrug sheepishly.

“Oh I can understand that perfectly,” Hu-Luna growls softly.

“You have hatred for your world’s Chrysalis?” asks Po-Luna and the unicorn version’s eye twitches.

“You could say that, now that I know the truth of what she did to my man and drove a wedge through our lives for well over a decade,” she seethes. “If I get the chance, I will march right on that singing reality show she helps “judge” and put her face through a wall on national television!”

“…I don’t know what reality show or national television is, but I can see your tenacity,” Po-Luna shudders, taking a few steps back.

“And the best part is she’s not kidding,” B2 chimes in nuzzling Hu-Luna’s neck. “I would pay good money to see it too babe.”

“Heh heh, that tickles,” Hu-Luna giggles and Po-Luna takes another step back.

“…I truly am not going to be able to fathom this pairing,” she says wearily.

“Join the club sister,” Celestia shivers, wishing for a drink.

The reason everyone is so candid in speaking is that you have not seen a patrol at all since exiting the palace. It’s not hard to imagine where all the drone’s attention are at with the sound of destruction going on and everything.

Even if we hadn’t shoved everyling into the Human World, we could have marched like a parade down these streets and not been caught, you think hypothetically.

Eventually though, you do come across some dark figures amidst the snow and you all halt and begin creeping up on them.

There are about 8 changelings, and they are standing around something on the ground.

“Hmmm, can’t quite see what they’re fussing with,” you whisper to the others. “Anyling got any binoculars?”

“Nope,” Hu-jack shakes her head as everyone else does too.

“Dang it, why not?” you ask.

“Bugze, most of us have been cocooned for several days,” Princess Twilight reminds you.

“And the rest of us literally came right out of school,” Hu-Rarity adds before looking to Pinkie Pie. “Unless…?”

“Nah, sorry. All my emergency caches are back home and I have no idea where Pony Pinkie’s are,” the pink girl apologizes.

“Shoot…Oh wait a second,” you say as you suddenly reach into Nightshade’s inventory.

“Hey! What are you-“ she starts but you interrupt her.

“I think your Junk Jet had a scope on it,” you say as you grab something and pull it out. But what you pull out is scaley and purple. Everyone pauses as you and the confused purple dragon stare at each other eye to eye while your daughter squirms nervously.

“…You’re not a Junk Jet,” you say finally.

“Um…I never said I was?” Spike laughs nervously.

“Spike! What are you still doing here?” asks a shocked Po-Twilight.

“Uh, guarding the portal like Nightshade told me to do?” he guesses and you all frown as he laughs sheepishly.

“Yeah, I did tell him to do that,” Nightshade chimes in looking left and right.

“…Whatever,” you roll your eyes and set the dragon on Twilight’s back, before glaring at Nightshade.

“What?” she says defiantly and you keep staring. “Look, I don’t have the Junk Jet or a lot of my weapons any more. I gave them to my friends at the stadium and they got lost after they all got jumped by changelings.”

When you continue to say nothing and just stare at her, she begins to sweat a little.

“Um, can’t you enhance your vision dad?” she says trying to change the subject. “Or did that get taken away too?”

“Huh? What are you…Oh, Right!” you grunt, bopping yourself on the forehead. “Sight Beyond Sight! I haven’t used that in a dog’s age. Thanks honey.”

And with that you turn and activate your telescopic vision towards the changelings, and you faintly hear Nightshade chuckle in triumph.

“Heh heh, too easy.”

As your vision tunnels, the changelings suddenly look like they are right in front of you…and you see what’s on the ground.

“Oh mother bucker!” you growl.

“What? What is it?” Nightshade asks.

“Those drones are tending to 6 changelings that have been drained of their love!” you hiss, disgusted by the act.

“Oh you gotta be kidding me!” Grandbuggy seethes gritting his teeth.

“What? What does that mean?” asks Hu-Twilight.

“Love is the life force of a changeling, and that was drained from them,” Cadence explains with a worried frown.

“Whoa, isn’t that like, cannibalism?” B2 asks, sounding squicked out.

“It is cannibalism!” you gag and shake your head from the image. “And considering all the destruction around, the culprit isn’t too hard to figure out.”

“Nooooo!!!” Spike suddenly screams in anguish.

“This is absolutely unforgiveable!” Nightshade growls.

“I know kids, I know,” you sigh with sympathy. “It was bad enough she was feeding from herself, but this kind of emotional feeding is taboo and restricted because it’s disgu-“

“M-Maybe we can glue it back together?” Spike all but pleads.

“I don’t know if glue can fix this Spikey. It might be cheaper just to build another one,” Nightshade says in a comforting tone.

“Huh?” you say in bafflement as you turn around…and see them looking over at the split remains of his statue.

“I’ll commission a new one Spike, don’t worry,” Cadence also comforts, patting the drake on the head.

“Oh for the-Really?” you sputter incredulously.

“To be fair boyo, it was a pretty sick statue,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Yeah, sure it was awesome, but there is a literal war crime right in front of us…and now they’re looking at us, great,” you sigh as the 8 that were tending to the wounded look over at your group cautiously.

Both groups then get into defensive positions…but then you all pause as Cadence alights her horn, and the drained changelings glow pink. The standing changelings look between the fallen and your group as Cadence cuts the connection and pants slightly.

“There, that should help,” she gasps, leaning against Iron Will for support.

Sure enough, the drained drones have a bit more color returned to their carapaces, and they begin to groan and attempt to sit up. The standing drones once more look between you and their comrades, before settling on their wounded, who are now slightly less drained husks. One of them even looks over at your group, and holds a hoof up in thanks.

“Did you just use the power of love as an iv drip line?” asks Sci-Twi.

“Something like that,” Cadence chuckles.

“You know, when you say it like that, it sounds…” Hu-Dash trails off.

“Lame?” Lightning Dust suggests.

“Yeah, lame,” Dash nods and you roll your eyes.

“Don’t knock it hummie, the power of love has thrown me into the sky and away from a city. Twice!” you inform, thinking about Canterlot and this very Empire.

They take your scolding in strive, while Spike still anguishes over the loss of his awesome statue, and you come up with an idea.

“I think we can get some info out of those drones that are helping the others. They kind of owe us one after all,” you point out, and the others seem to agree with your assessment.

Suddenly from overhead you hear the sound of a blade slicing through something crystalline. Looking up you see as Selena zooms through the air, trying to slice and dice Chrysalis with a scythe she got from who knows where.

“Holy crap,” Hu-Luna whistles in amazement.

“Those…those are my techniques,” Po-Luna says in amazement.

“More like both of yours,” you quip as the mother of your child cuts off a lock of Chrysalis’s mane.

“Hoo boy is she pissed,” Nightshade observes while still patting the despondent dragon on the back.

Kichi’s Comment

“In the name of the Dark Side of the Moon, you will be punished for your sins parasite!” Selena declares and swings at the changeling queen, who dodges and zips away.

“It is not a sin! They gave me their love willingly! As will @#$%&!” Chrysalis shouts back tossing a crystalline debris boulder.

“That will never happen! Love is something freely given, not stolen! Something you can’t possibly comprehend!” Selena shouts, slicing the projectile in two.

“Exactly!” Cadence calls out in jubilation.

“That’s what you think shadow!” Chrysalis yelps back, either ignoring and not having heard the princess of love. “It is my right, nay, my destiny to achieve his love! You’re the one trying to steal it, and I won’t allow it!”

“That’s where you’re wrong cretin!” Selena growls and teleports to Chrysalis’s side, swinging the scythe upward. The queen barely gets a shield up in time, but not before the blade nicks a line in her carapace.

“AGH!” she screeches and flies out of reach again.

“I seek to earn it from him whilst I gladly give him my own!” Selena finishes as she chases after her prey.

You watched stunned as their battle commences and Sunset leans over to you.

“I thought you were exaggerating about how mares fought over you,” she quips and you blush.

“Believe me, this has nothing on the Lovepocalypse,” you snark back before smiling and putting your hooves up to your mouth. “You can do it! Buck Her Up!”

“Ah! His voice on the air cheers for me! You’ve already lost!” you hear Chrysalis’s voice shout.

“What?! No I was-“ you try to correct but are drowned out by the dark alicorn.

“Keep deluding yourself psycho!” Selena roars as their battle commences further in the city. “His praise is only for me!”

“…Well at least the right mare knows I was cheering for her,” you sigh before looking to the group of changelings. “Now, let’s find out where the rest of the prisoners are.”


Grey Rebl’s Comment

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Skiny_boy’s Comment

You swore you heard Bugze’s voice through the cacophony of chaos, cheering you on, and the fact that this insect tried to claim that praise for herself has doubled your resolve.

If he is out there right now, I can’t let her get to him! You think in determination, even as you smile. Though I am thankful for his words of encouragement.

Chrysalis now awaits under the Crystal Palace, right in front of the altar where the Crystal Heart would be placed. She’s been keeping her distance from you and your reaper’s ice blade, hurtling projectiles again and again, but you’ve sliced through them like butter each and every time. Unfortunately, every time you’re able to get a slice in on her chitin, she always somehow got out of range to avoid a follow up, leaving only shallow cuts upon her body.

Now it seems she’s struggling to stay on her hooves and panting, the energy boost from eating her subject’s love source running low. The glow in her eyes seethes all the same however.

But now she is finally standing still.

With a flicker of your wingspan, the enchanted ice swords scatter like a shotgun blast, but not at Chrysalis, instead they fly in unison into position and encircle the monument. A blade for every hour pointed toward the center, ensuring no escape.

They whizz all at once, whistling in the air as they close in on her, forcing Chrysalis to move your way as you prepare to show her the bitter backend of your scythe!

But then she smirks at you and your composure falters as your momentum carries you forward. Your eyes dart quickly knowing that something is up, but it’s too late.

Chrysalis spins upward and stomps the Crystal Palace’s underbelly, sticking her hooves there with her head still oriented upright like a demented spider. And that’s when you notice: a multi-layered ring of spider web like green goo along the ceiling. It jiggles from her impact…and falls.

You spread your wings wide, but you can’t save your blades as the goo catches them in the intricate net and Chrysalis slams them down flat with a telekinetic blast. Somehow, the gunk pins the blades to the floor as if it's super glue and the changeling looks at you with a taunting grin.

Still, you press forward. A roar bellows out of your throat as you wield your scythe utilizing yours and Luna’s shared skills. The twirls, spins and twists of your blade confuse your opponent and give you the opportunity to safely sail through the second net she was about to drop onto you by slicing clean through it. With a flourish, you then bring the scythe swinging towards her.

Chrysalis drops down to the floor with a snarl, just before a thick groove gouges into the crystal. You kick off the ceiling, and get ready to slam the blunt end of your polearm into her spine, but then she jumps and flips back onto the ceiling once more. Again, you kick off to chase and again, she drops down. You both alternate between the floor and ceiling, seemingly in harmony, going harder and faster and stronger as every swing and switch leaves deep cracks in your wake. And every time you think you get closer, her barriers deflect your scythe.

You’re at a disadvantage. It’s too low to properly fly at full speed, and you’re forced to keep watch on the web trap, because if you touch it, you’ll lose your momentum and Chrysalis will strike in the moment’s weakness.

But before you can come up with a new strategy, you instinctively pull up a bubble shield, as a mound of snow covers your vision courtesy of the insect redirecting the blizzard. Your vision is reduced to only white, but you hold the barrier-


And it’s a good thing too as a large chunk of crystal smashes into your shield.

More and more chunks of the crystal palace that you carved out are tossed at you while the witch simultaneously uses the snow to blind you.

You growl in frustration at this.

We are NOT going through that battle of attrition again! You think with surety as you make your decision.

You cancel the barrier.

Instantly, your scythe spins like a hurricane, the enchanted blade slashes the snow away, and you bring up the other end to deflect a sharp crystal shard. For a split second, the fog of war disperses and in that moment, you’re able to spot the tip of Chrysalis’s tail...before taking the gamble and swinging once more.

A wall of rubble suddenly rises in your way, before you quickly slice it in two. You now no longer see her, instead all you see are four boulders of snow.

In a single motion, you duck to the first sailing above and twirl the scythe once, then twice to slash the second into powder and then smash the third into a pancake, before you batter the last away along with the ball of rubble hidden inside.

And then you hear it. Your ears swivel to the warped, fiery crackle of changeling transformation magic. Probably no doubt something large and full of teeth you reckon as you’re already swinging before Chrysalis can finish transforming out of the first snow boulder you ignored.


“Ah!” you yelp as the scythe’s edge stops a hair before her neck.

It’s not her, it’s not her! Your logical mind screams as you face down the cold, saddened eyes of your precious daughter. Even so, you just can’t go through with it. Not against Nightshade.

“Fatal mistake,” the filly’s voice chuckles.

“Agh!” you gasp out as Chrysalis digs into your chest horn-first, transforming in the midst of it so that the wound becomes deeper and more jagged. “GRAGHHHH!!!”

Screaming in agony, you twist your torso around to avoid getting completely stabbed in the heart, but she does not relent. She swiftly turns the thrust into a full body tackle, causing air to gush out of your lungs. She then rams you into, no, through the ceiling! Then the second ceiling, then the third! Then with a throwing spin, Chrysalis lets go of you, ripping her horn from your chest in the process.

As your blood flows and your head spins, you briefly register that you’ve both returned to the throne room where the fight originated. You also realize that no one else is around before crashing flat into the cold, hard floor.

Chrysalis is then on you before you can even gasp for breath or clutch at your wound. She opens her maw wide with a shrill hiss and goo splats onto your horn.

“Gughh!” you gasp as your entire nervous system feels shocked and tingly at this, and you feel as though your mana stores are further out of reach. Chrysalis doesn’t relent tough, she then spits changeling goop on your forelegs, hind legs, and waist which solidifies unnaturally fast. You try to move your limbs, but you're pinned utterly. You then try to summon a teleportation spell, but that gunk on your horn makes it fizzle out and die.

“You’re going nowhere…” Chrysalis cackles as she grabs your face and slams the back of your head against the floor.

Stars burst in your vision and it becomes even harder to focus on anything aside from her maddening laughter.

“Hah…Hahaha…Ahahahahah!” she gloats as she slams and bashes your head again and again causing blood to cake your wavy mane. "Ahahahahaha! Finally, at long last I can get rid of you once and for all!"

You try to twist your neck to get out of her grip, but she squeezes your skull even tighter.

"And once I take care of the others, nothing will stand between me and @#$%&! We'll rule this world together! Hoof in hoof! He'll get everything he has ever wanted! He'll finally be truly happy once more!" she rants as she slams your head once more before putting her hoof on your throat.

“Gack!” you choke as she smiles and her eyes unfocus, looking not at you, but through you as she did to that drone earlier.

“My love is nigh infinite! We could fight from dusk to dawn, but while you tire I will always be at my strongest! Your struggle amounts to nothing! Nothing! Ahahahahahahaha!” Chrysalis shouts into your face, spittle striking your cheeks to add insult to injury.

“And when you’re gone, I’ll help him forget that you ever even existed,” she says, nearly salivating at the prospect.

What?! You think because it is hard to speak at the moment.

“All I have to do is re-link the hive mind you broke, and once we’re connected again, he’ll eventually forget all about you and that little brat. He’ll finally be mine and mine alone!” she says, almost giddily.

"You would wipe his memory just to make him love you again?!" you spit out with venom and she presses her hoof even harder against your jugular.

"Of course, I'm only helping him you know?” she gloats over your prone figure, relishing in your impotence as she squeezes your throat, bleeding the life out of you. It’s getting dark. The sounds...are ever so distant. Stars swim in your eyes, dizzying and hypnotizing. All you can hear now is the most damnable laugh in the world.

Chrysalis laughs and laughs and laughs in tune with her buzzing wings, a rapid, repetitive noise that incites the bounds of insanity. Her madness, her twisted disease called ‘love’ coats every vowel like poison.

As the light in your eyes begins to fade, the glint of madness shines brighter in the Changeling Queen’s. She forces you to look into her gaze, to see deep into the abyss of her unsettling nature.

“Once you and that little monster you call a child are dead and forgotten I WIN!”


“Should have…quit while…you were ahead…” you whisper hoarsely.

“...What?” she asks confused.

Suddenly, your rage over her threatening your Daughter and Bugze’s memories springs forth, blasting the goop off of your horn. In that same instance, before she has a chance to look away from your direct eye contact, you say the three magic words.

“Assuming Direct Control.”

From Chrysalis’s point of view, you burst into a cloud of night and she cries out as the darkness suddenly drowns her figure.

“What is this?! Where are you?!” she shouts as she swings her hooves and blasts her magic, attempting to blow it all away. Yet the more she struggles, the faster the darkness spreads, and before too long, everything has turned pitch black.

“Hah hah hah…” she pants as she whips her head left and right.

“Did you really think I would die that easily Chrysalis?” your voice taunts from the darkness, nowhere, and everywhere at the same time. “There is a reason they called me Nightmare Moon…”

“Your mind tricks won’t work on me! You can’t hide from your fate! You’ll-“ her ranting is cut short though as she hears them.

The whispers.

“No…no…” she squeaks out, her demeanor suddenly changing from rabid rage, to panicked fear.

Hundreds of whispers accost her, a thousand, millions…only one.

“No, no, no, NO!” Chrysalis shakes her head, staring wide-eyed into the darkness.

You could’ve tormented her, you could’ve given her pain without end, engulf the dreamscape with every nightmare imaginable. You could’ve subjected her to the suffering and horrors you and your family have been put through these last 4 years and beyond. You could’ve done so much to make this worthless whorse pay for her crimes against you and your loved ones.

“Stop it! STOP IT!!!” Chrysalis shouts as thrashes about.

But you’ve done none of that. Instead, what you’ve done is quite simple.

“Shut up. S-shut up!” She holds her head, trembling.

For the Queen of Liars, the madmare lost in her own delusions...

“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!”

All you’ve done…

“What do you know about me?! None of it means anything!” show her the truth.

“Stop it!!!”

She has not just become her mother…

“It’s Not True!!!” Chrysalis shouts to the darkness. “I’M NOT LIKE HER!!!”

She’s become so, so much worse.

“I SAID SHUT UP!!!” Chrysalis roars as she stomps and pulverizes the floor! The dream collapses, and a sound reminiscent of shattering glass accompanies the breaking of the illusion.

She huffs and puffs, tears spilling down her cheeks, her composure and confidence shaken to the core. And under her hooves, there’s a pile of green goo...but you’re not there anymore.

“Not so pleasant on the receiving end, is it?” you ask from behind her, your wound staunched by a bit of her own green goop.

And as she turns to look, you give that shocked bitch no time to react as your hoof is already swinging.


“Gah!” Your hoof collides with her jaw and sends her spinning. But it doesn’t end there, you strike her again in the eye-


In the nose-


And right in the teeth.


“Blagh!” she spits as one of her fangs flies out of her mouth.

Green blood stains your hooves, but you’ve not nearly had enough. With all of the powers afforded to you, beating her with your own hooves is just much more satisfying. It’s just one of many little things you’ve learned from your beloved bug.

Her head and vision swimming, the Changeling Queen attempts to strike out at you with a blast of magic, but you take a cue from her and punch right at the base of her horn.

“ARGH!!!” she screams as magic cancels out and causes a feedback loop in her mind. In a dazed panic, she opens up her wings to fly away from you.

“Not this time!” you shout in defiance as you catch hold of her right wing, put pressure on the connective joint…and twist.


“GGAAAHHH!!!” she shrieks in agony as her wing now flops to her side, both dislocated and broken. Screeching and wobbly she attempts to strike out at you with her own hoof, but you sway to the side in an almost mocking manner and she strikes nothing but air. This causes her to stumble forward, but before she falls, however, you catch her by the mane and turn her head towards you so you can glare directly into her eyes.

"It seems your weakness is that you can't help but show off to yourself,” you say with cold rage. “You truly are a self-centered buck."

Breathing heavily, her face covered in her own blood and tears, you can tell that she’s running out of energy.

"I'll ruin you!" she snarls out defiantly as she tries to turn and bite you, but you backhoof her right in the mouth.

“You should not have run your mouth back there,” you threaten, the anger building up for what she planned to do to Bugze…but then you chuckle darkly. "But even if you had killed me, you wouldn’t have achieved the victory you sought.”

“Wha-?” she questions, but you cut her off as you lean in and whisper in her ear.

“Because Bugze would never have forgotten me…and there would have been no way you could have defeated Nightshade. She’s far stronger than either of us,” you say truthfully and her eyes go wide. “Just remember that after what comes next.”

Before she can react, the atmosphere rips as you cross all three rings of spell speed you’ve summoned at once, dragging her with you. You bash her through the hall, through the wall, through the door—one, two, three, four! And when there’s no obstacles left, when the blizzard of the outside chews into your coat…

“Remember it!” you shout as you strike her in the chest. A bit of her exoskeleton cracks, as do a few of her ribs as she is sent flying THROUGH several of the larger buildings of the Crystal Empire one after another.

But you refuse to let it end there. Earlier, she ran you through several walls, and as far as you are concerned, you will be true to your word: payback one hundred fold.


So you teleport in front of her, catching her as she tries and fails to fly with her broken wing-


Then you teleport again, still using her momentum to charge her through some more vacant buildings.


To the streets, where you crush every remaining street pole.


To the houses, where furniture, rooms, and walls turns to dust.


To the Crystal Palace, yet again, where the crystal chandeliers and pillars are devastated in your wake.


And you repeat.


Over and over and over and over.


Again and again and again and again.


Until every pillar, every door, every wall, every room, every street, every window…


...every pole, every fence, every beam, and every Sombra-damned stair gets a new queen-sized hole and another for good measure!


Until finally, you catapult Chrysalis into a wide open field. She skips and skids like a skipping stone; so hard and so fast, her every bounce causes ripples in the snow. White geysers trail her path, and with a resounding crash, the changeling queen eventually tumbles into a sorry heap.

Adrenaline and shock is all that powers her bruised, battered and bloodied body as she rolls to her back, jerking her sights around to find even a hint of midnight-blue, gasping, shaking, trembling.

“You…you…” she croaks out as swollen cheeks and unkempt bangs get in the way of her vision. Her lone unobstructed eye struggles to adjust as it twitches to figure out which way’s up, which way’s down. But all she sees are the oh-so familiar stands of the Crystal Stadium, all broken and full of holes, all blanketed in frost and destruction. All alone in a warzone.


...For some reason, a warm water droplet lands on her nose; the dew sparkles before her eyes, like the stars of spring after dusk. Pupils dilate, and she looks up.

High in the sky you are like the angel of judgment. A thick sphere of roaring magic surrounds you as your bubble barrier crackles. When the snow falls too close, it melts into rain, and on contact with the barrier, it evaporates into steam.

The wind, the clouds, the moon; the flow of power in the world resonates to your will as you concentrate. To anyone who could peer past the chaos, you are the eye of the storm. Serenity encompasses your features, with your wings and hooves tucked in as if cradling yourself asleep.

And when you open your eyes, you utter words not uttered by your own mouth in a long, long time.

“Lunar Impact.”

And with that, you fall.

A mach cone forms.

The sound barrier shatters.

Your eyes never leave the changeling queen’s insignificant figure. Not once do you blink as you home onto her with the full might of a meteor. And deep in the zone, you can see it too, the reflection of a shooting star in her wide, astonished eyes.


The white landscape ripples and convulses. The stadium rattles at it’s foundations as ice and windows shatter in a mile radius. Everyone hears the impact, from your family and friends to your allies, enemies and everyling in between.

And out in the arctic tundra, some distance away, a hulking red figure spies your handiwork as a plume of ice and rain gushes into the heavens.

Also In Said Tundra

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Holy crap, did you see that?” Garble gasps looking at the snow white mushroom cloud in the distance.

“I felt that,” Frost nods in awe as the igloo cracks and falls apart around them.

“Well that was either something good or something bad,” Garble nods.

“Either way, somepony got hurt,” Frost points out.

“I mean yeah,” Garble agrees and points up. “Heck the explosion’s even pushing the storm in the other direction.”

Looking up, the two indeed do see that the winds, snow and clouds have shifted directions. But to the windicolt, something feels off.

“…That’s not right.”

“Huh?” the dragon asks.

“I said that’s not right,” he repeats. “The wind displacement from that impact shouldn’t be enough to consistently push the storm away. It’s like something’s pulling it that direction…”

The two of them trace the flow of the storm, even as it funnels in all directions towards a single point in the distance. With the lessening of the clouds, moonlight filters in and they see as the storm leads to something black and red and massive.

“What in the…?” they both start to say in unison.


But are both startled and interrupted as a hulking, gleaming figure lands between them and the Umbrum Crystal, shattering the rest of the igloo.

“Damn, so this is dark energy readings I picked up! This is what he’s coming for!” a hectic male voice says, sounding like it’s coming out of a loudspeaker. The metallic hulk then turns from the Umbrum Crystal and looks towards where the snow and clouds are funneling into. “Well at least it’ll slow him down a bit. With the clouds clear I can navigate to the Empire more easily, find the princesses and-”

“Is that that fricken terrorist dude?” Garble sputters, rubbing at his eyes.

“No, it can’t be, that suit got destroyed,” Frost says feeling a bit scared and nervous.

It’s then that the figure notices the dragon and colt staring at him in shock and awe, and a light suddenly appears from it’s shoulder. With the flashlight illuminating the area, they see now that it’s not Flag Burner’s robotic suit, but at this point it’s nearly as scrapped as that one is with exposed wire, metal and burn marks.

“…What are you kids doing out here?” the male voice as the canopy hisses and pops open.

Somewhere Underneath The Crystal Palace


It’s been a hot minute since you left the aftermath of that strange and surreal brawl, but you now find yourself and Hope exactly where you need to be. Your secret study/library that you built around the prison door Princess Amore had hidden so long ago. The door itself still sits as you remember it, simple, sturdy and unmoving.

“Huh,” Hope says simply and you raise a brow.

“That’s it? Just ‘huh’?”

“I mean when you talked about a secret study I was imagining something more grand, and less messy,” she says truthfully. And she’s right, it is a bit of a mess. There are scattered notes and drawings on the floor, chairs, and desk.

“I became hurried towards the end when the princesses were bearing down on my doorstep,” you tell her as you pick up several of your notes off the floor that would have normally been dust had you not cursed the empire out of time. “I was seeking the solution right up until they arrived, and I was so close too.”

Her ears wilt at that but you put up a reassuring hoof.

“Do not apologize, it is what it is,” you tell her before you both go back into a feedback loop of apologizing again. “Right now I just have to pick up where I left off.”

“Okay,” she nods. “I don’t know how much help I’ll truly be, but let me know if you need a hoof.”

“Hmm, perhaps you could help me organize these notes?” you suggest. “I need to brush through the formulae again. Who knows, maybe you’ll catch something I missed.”

She smiles at that, and you return it with a grin, before the two of you start picking up your notes and books and drawings and set them down neatly in front of the door which keeps your entire species prisoner.

“I sure hope we have enough time, what with that brawl in the dungeon and that fight outside that’s been rocking the palace,” she says a bit worriedly.

“I will say that it has pushed the deadline up a tad,” you admit in annoyance. “But whether they get the captives to the train or get detained again, there still needs to be a force to drive the changelings out of the Empire.”

She frowns at that before sighing.

“Well, let’s just hope that they’ll be on that train then. I’d rather not think about any of them being captured and punished by that mad-mare.”

“Agreed,” you nod. “But so long as Nightshade is around, those cockroaches will not have an easy time capturing them.”

“Right you are mister!” a raspy shrill voice says suddenly behind you.

“Kiya!” Hope shrieks in surprise as you whirl around…and see the ugliest creature you’ve ever seen.

It is small, just a bit bigger than a child, with thin wiry limbs that end in claws, glowing eyes, and a mouth full of sharp teeth. The strangest thing about it is that it’s wearing a green helmet.
Since you were already surprised and readying a spell, you send forth a blast of magic at the thing…only for it to quickly melt into the shadows of the floor and disappear.

“Wh-What was that?” Hope asks as she clutches at her chest.

“I don’t know,” you admit until something at the back of your mind dings. “Unless…”

“Oi, Monkey! What’s the idea of shooting the messenger?” the creature says from atop one of your bookshelves smiling like a loon. “The mistress wouldn’t approve of this.”

“Mistress? Do you mean Nightshade?” you ask cautiously.

“Our kind is not worthy to say her true name monkey, but she seems to be friendly to you lot,” he answers and you sigh and calm down.

“What are you-?” Hope starts to ask, so you answer.

“He’s a darkling, a creature of shadow. They serve under Nightshade for the moment. She said so during our conversation with the Princesses,” you tell her, remembering how she described using them over the past year.

“That’s right monkey, I am designated Jackie, Bob, or any combination of the two,” he says nonchalantly with an eerie chuckle.

“She has creatures of darkness…serving under her?” Hope asks incredulously and you smirk.

“I knew she had the makings of an overlord,” you say with pride before you focus up. “Alright Bob, why are you here and not by her side?”

“Because the Mistress ordered that I deliver a message to you monkey,” the imp says as it flips through the pages of one of your books without even reading it. “And I follow my orders till the end.”

“Okay then, out with it, what is the message?”

He then smirks, closes the book and looks you in the eye.

“The mistress wants you to know that the pink princess is going to activate the Crystal Heart,” he says with a smile.

“WHAT?!” both you and Hope shout at once.

“The Crystal Heart is going to be activated, do you have gunk in your ears monkeys?” he insults and you look back at Hope in panic, and she does the same.

“If they activate that then you’ll…” she trails off, not wanting to say what you both know will happen.

“Yes I will, and then the Umbrum will be trapped forever!” you say striking your hoof on the ground. “Gorrammit!”

“Fear not monkey, this is precisely why I was sent. They aren’t just going to activate it all willy nilly. The mistress would be caused pain as well and we her servants would perish too,” Bob says now hanging upside down from one of the unlit candelabras.

Hope looks from you, to the prison door and back as sweat starts to form on her brow.

“Sombra, we should go then. We can get to the outskirts before the Heart is activated then-“

“NO! If the Crystal Heart starts producing the barrier again then I won’t be able to enter the city and my kind won’t be able to even exit!” you shout angrily.

“But Sombra-“

“No! We’ve come too far! And there’s no guarantee they won’t be captured anyway so it will only be a waste of time!” you snarl as you spread out your notes and start looking through them again. “I’m getting this door open, I’m freeing the Umbrum! And once they’re all out, then they can activate that damnable Heart!”

She looks conflicted at that, biting her lip and looking towards the exit, but ultimately she gives in and starts looking over your notes as well. You hate making her feel like this, but time is of the essence, and you are once more under the bow.

“Darkling, go and tell Nightshade that we’re too close to releasing the Umbrum to leave. Tell her to delay the Heart’s activation for as long as possible!” you order and the imp smirks.

“I will act the messenger monkey, but know that whatever order the Mistress gives is final,” he says resolutely before melting into the shadows and disappearing.

You then look to Hope who starts to pant a bit, but you put a hoof on her shoulder and give her a confident look.

“We must focus Hope, Nightshade won’t allow them to harm me if she can help it,” you tell her truthfully.

“I worry more that she’ll send more of those things and drag us back whether we want to go or not,” she admits and you frown.

“I hadn’t thought of that...” you say feeling disturbed before shaking your head. “But that only means we have to work that much faster.”

And with that, the two of you look over the notes diligently. Eventually though a massive tremor rattles your study.

“What the buck was that?” you say as you keep your bookshelf from falling over.

“It felt like something massive impacted the ground above us,” Hope theorizes as you both look up at the ceiling.

Above Ground


After getting directions from that group of changelings, you all found the main hub where they’d been keeping the rest of the Empire and all it’s visitors hostage. Turns out it’s an indoor mall built specifically for the tourists in response to the Equestria Games.

Surprisingly, thanks to the fight, there weren’t as many guards watching over the prisoners, and you all were able to take them down with relative ease.

And while Cadence gathered up all of her Crystal Ponies so that they could head towards the Crystal Heart Pedestal, Celestia, Luna and Twilight helped order the rest of the captives into the magic mirror. One by one, ponies from all over the country, and even a few griffons leave this world behind and become filthy disgusting hummies on the other side.

It’s a process that has taken some time since there are well over a thousand individuals, but it’s well worth the wait since it’s easier to move one mirror over an entire stadium worth of ponies. Plus, that means less train cars that need to move once the steam engine gets running.

“Amazing, the glyphs and runes on this artifact are extraordinary,” some bearded messy maned orange unicorn stallion with glasses in a goofy cape says looking the mirror up and down. “Is this a Crystal Empire artifact, or does it predate it?”

“I don’t know, just go through hippie! You’re holding up the line!” Grandbuggy orders.

“Oh, right sorry. It’s just that magic wards like this are kind of my special-tyyy!!!” the nerd shrieks as he is shoved through the portal by the old bug.

“Quit lollygagging!” he shouts to the others as Sunset walks to your side.

“Canterlot High’s gotta be awfully crowded by now,” she quips and you smirk.

“And full of screams no doubt from the recently transformed,” you chuckle and she rolls her eyes.

“Not everypony is gonna have the same reaction you did when you came over Bugze,” she points out.

“I did,” Princess Twilight informs as she walks in on the conversation. “Having your body transformed like that is terrifying after all.”

“At least these guys got a forewarning, I was thrown in to the deep end of the pool by Jack,” you grumble, still feeling aggravated from the whole thing.

“I suppose that’s true,” Sunset nods as she looks over to the knocked out changelings who are being gathered by the Wonderbolts and other athletes and set in front of the drones who had helped the drained ones. “At least they’re seeing reason.”

“One kind of does once you save their lives,” you shrug and look to Cadence speaking to the Crystal Ponies.

“If it didn’t take so long, I’d have suggested putting them in too and taking them out once we got to the pedestal,” Po-Twilight says with a sigh.

“A stadium of ponies is easier to move than a whole city,” Sunset says looking over to the still long line. “Well, relatively speaking.”

“It’s going to be a pain either way,” you sigh again. “I just hope we hear back from Sombra before they activate the heart.”

Just then, the sound of crashing and crumbling structures is heard throughout the city, as everyone looks around in panic. It culminates when you all see a bright descending figure going straight towards the earth like a meteor, followed by an extremely loud impact which rocks the very ground you stand on and pierces everyone’s ears.

Steadying yourself, you look out towards the plume of ice and dust from the impact, as do many of the prisoners.

“Selena…” you breathe out in worry.

“What in the buck was that?!” asks Filthy Rich.

“Something you don’t want to be a part of, now get on through, your daughter is waiting!” Nightshade ushers, shoving him through the mirror portal.

“That came from the stadium,” Celestia muses.

“Friggen asteroids impacting the city, it’s like every disaster movie is happening right now,” B2 exposits as Nightshade comes flying over to you.

“That was mommy right?” she asks, looking between you and the mushroom cloud in the distance.

“Sure as heck looked like her,” you say as you sweat a little. You haven’t seen a move that strong since you and the Nightmare collided in the air.

“To create a cloud like that, she must have hit with the force of several tons of T.N.T.” Hu-Twilight gasps in awe.

“The crater must be massive,” Princess Twilight says, also gasping at the prospect.

“I have used that move in the past against dragons…” Princess Luna says impressed before shaking her head. “It’s powerful yes, but it does harm the user I can tell you that from experience.”

“I have to go check on her!” you shout after hearing that bit of info.

“But Bugze, the changelings-“ Sunset tries to dissuade, but you cut her off.

“They’ll be curious about that and not me!” you say impatiently before looking to your daughter, Sunset and the two Twilights. “Once everyling gets through the mirror, get them on the train and get it going.”

“What about you daddy?” she asks nervously.

“I’ll be fine,” you say, trying to feel as confident as you sound. “I’ve just got to check up on your mother and we’ll catch up.”

And before anyone has a chance to argue or make you change your mind, you sprint off towards the impact crater.

“Oi, where the hell’s he going?!” B2 yelps.

“To go check on his waifu of course,” Grandbuggy chuckles before he barks to the captives. “Alright ya’ll, double time it!”

“Ooohhh,” Nightshade groans before flying above the others. “You heard him! Double Time!”

And with that she activates her magic and starts shoving ponies in groups at a time. And while your family and allies continue forth with the escape plan, you hectically run through the snow and dust, thinking in worry,

Please be alright, please be alright!


Sore. Your whole body is sore with a thousand aches and pains, the biggest of which is the stab wound in your chest. You’ve only had this newly acquired body for three days, most of which you were unconscious for, and now you feel like you’ve made quite an effort to break it.

Still though, pain is good, because it means you are still alive.

“Ooohhh…” you groan faintly as you force your limbs to start moving. Getting your hooves under you is a challenge, especially since you are on something soft and uneven, and the best you can do is get into a sitting position. Blinking open your eyes, you see that they are obscured by snow and dust that blows faintly upward in a conical direction. But ultimately you know exactly where you’re at, at the bottom of a crater you caused.

When Luna did this, that dragon was sunk into the ground up to his chest, you remember with memories that aren’t exactly your own.

You force your wings open and begin to flap them a bit to ward off the obscuring mist, and it helps slightly. Really, the only thing you need to see is the pathetic wretch underneath you, and boy has she seen better days.

Chrysalis is imbedded in the earth and stone, green blood leaking out of several wounds and out of the corner of her mouth. Her chitin is cracked and in some places shattered all over, exposing the squishy flesh underneath, and she even has a few more holes in her legs, one of which is broken at an odd angle.

Despite it all though, despite your merciless onslaught, you can still feel her inhaling and exhaling underneath you.

“One…Hundred…” you whisper, as you regain your breathing. This in turn causes the monster to groan herself.

Good. Death would be a mercy to you after everything you’ve done, you think without sympathy before sighing. Also, despite it all, Bugze wouldn’t like it if you were to perish. He’s far too kind.

“Why…?” Chrysalis’s voice comes out in barely a whisper as she tries to move, but grits her teeth in pain and stops. “Why…?”

“You know why,” you say with no emotion, and her eyes slightly open, showing one to be bloodshot green.

“Why…can’t…I…kill…you?” she groans, the hatred barely masked by her pain.

“Because unlike yourself, I have something greater to live for,” you respond coldly. She fixes you with a look of overwhelming hatred, and you do not break eye contact…which is why you see the exact moment when tears begin to flow down her cheeks.

Broken, beaten, and pitiful, the Queen of the Changelings sobs at your hooves.

“He told me…to be happy,” she sniffles as the tears cake into grime from the dust. “Last year, before he left…he told me to be happy…”

“And are you happy?” you ask, all but accusing in your tone. She closes her eyes at that, but the tears still flow.

“No…I haven’t been happy in years,” she admits, her lowly voice somehow more pleasant than the insane dribble from earlier. “I have been miserable for a long time because I had to be the perfect queen. Because of mother…but with @#$%& when we were younglings…”

“Then you should not have let him go,” you scold with a light growl. This causes her to open her eyes once more, and while the hatred is still there, it has been tempered by misery.

“I made a mistake, and I was trying to correct it!” she hisses. “But you…you…”

“But nothing Chrysalis. This is a Tartarus of your own making. My involvement is but incidental,” you say firmly.

“But…I…” she tries to argue weakly and you sigh.

“You and I weren’t so different once upon a time,” you say tiredly and it catches her off guard. “I too was pushed to the darkness for want of love. It is how I came to being within my… sister.”

The word still feels alien upon your tongue, but you are getting used to it. For in the grand scheme of things, that is what Luna is to you.

“Even when I first met Bugze, I was as bad as you are now, or possibly even worse as I used him as a tool,” you continue and the broken queen hangs on your every word. “But over time, I grew to care for him as you once did…but that is where you and I diverge.”

Your eyes harden at that as you look her dead in the eye again.

“You have allowed yourself to be driven into darkness over him…while I have been dragged into the light. You still hold onto this idealized childhood dream image that doesn’t exist, but I’ve embraced him for who he truly is,” you exposit. “He is brave, selfless, determined, and will keep his promises no matter what…”

“I know that. That is why my love for him is-“ she starts, but you interrupt her.

“But he is also the biggest idiot I’ve ever met in my entire life,” you say truthfully.

“…Eh?” Chrysalis asks, taken aback by that statement.

“Bugze is an idiot,” you repeat casually. “He is childish, makes rash decisions without thinking them through, he’s highly obsessed with pop culture, gets distracted far too easily and he is just a well of totally useless information. Most days, I don’t know how he functioned on his own for so long.”

“That’s a lie! @#$&% is absolutely perfect! He can learn from his missteps and-“ she starts to growl out, but you put pressure on her chest and she winces, shutting up.

“But he is not perfect Chrysalis, nowhere even close,” you speak the truth, before you close your eyes, smile and convey the biggest truth.

“And that is why I love him.”

Her eyes scowl as you say that, but you continue.

“I love how far he’ll go to help someone in need, how he’ll make you laugh when times are dark, and how he refuses to yield to the weight of the entire world,” you say with admiration before chuckling. “And at the same time, I love how obsessive he can be over fictional characters, how goofy and detached from the world he gets when going off on one of his side tangents, or that passionate look he gets when fire is involved in anything. I love all of that about him, even if it sometimes brings me a headache.”

“Wha…?” Chrysalis tries and fails to speak, confusion floating in her teary eyes.

“The difference between you and me is you chose to fall further and further, while I chose to be someone better. You chose power and let him go because he was not perfect, while I learned to love him because of his faults,” you lecture adamantly. “I Love Him, every facet of him, and that’s something that you could never do.”

“I…I could…” she stutters as her eyes dart around.

“No. No you could not,” you say with absolute certainty as you glare at her stoically once more. “Everything you have done since Appleloosa has been a hurtful, flimsy façade of reparation. You have driven yourself to madness so that it’s easier to convince your conscience that what you’re doing is correct. But deep down inside, you know that it’s far too late to truly be with him again. You’ve known that for years.”

“No…it’s not…it can’t…” she starts to blubber again.

“It is and you know it,” you say firmly with a scowl. “Why else would you attempt to wipe his memories? You know it’s because he wouldn’t accept you otherwise. You know the truth even as you attempt to deny it.”

“Stop…” she whines. “Just stop it…”

You just look down upon this sorry excuse of a queen and changeling as she bawls her eyes out, still trying to hide from the unchangeable truth. She continues to blubber, even as the dust clears, revealing the audience that’s gathered around the rim of the crater.

Countless changeling drones stare wide eyed down at the two of you, with looks ranging from shock and disbelief. You know they have heard every word of your conversation with their helpless ruler, but it does not bother you. As zealous as they are, these drones have finally gotten to hear the truth…as has a certain someling with spiky orange hair.

Bugze stands at the rim, ignored by the others due to the circumstances, and he is looking at you with worry, relief…and bashfulness if the blush at his cheeks is anything to judge by. This causes you to smile, because it just highlights exactly what you’ve just said. Running into an area surrounded by enemies just to check up on you is a moronic move that annoys you greatly…but it does make your heart flutter as well.

You dumb bug…you think happily as your spirits feel lifted.

Chrysalis however, does not see any of them, she doesn’t even really see you, as lost in her misery as she is.

WARGAMES’s Comment

“Stop it…just stop it…” she sobs pathetically even as her drones look at her in pity. You continue to look at your beloved bug for a few more moments before you sigh and look back down at your foe.

She’s right, it is time to end this.

“I do have love. I’m not an empty shell mother. Stop saying these things. Stop it,” Chrysalis blathers in madness, but you stop her as you take her head into your hooves. This causes the changeling drones all around you to tense up and be on alert, but you know they won’t be fast enough to stop what you’re about to do.

“I will stop it Chrysalis,” you tell her in all sincerity. “I will put a stop to it all and free you from this Nightmare you’ve created for yourself. Because that’s what my bug would do...”

Having lifted her head, her eyes focus a bit, and for a brief moment she notices the crowd of her subjects all around her. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish as she fails to come up with any words or orders for the literal army at her beck and call. But one word does come out when her eyes focus on Bugze.

“%$#@&,” she breathes out, tiredly and breathlessly, as if she’s trying to reach out to him with a Hive Mind that no longer exists. But that is the last glimpse she will ever get as you turn her face to look directly into yours.

“His name is Bugze!” you say with finality, before you channel your magic through your horn and eyes. “Assuming Direct Control.”


The atmosphere is tense and primed to explode. All of the changelings gathered on the destroyed stadium field are poised to leap onto Selena at a moment’s notice. None of them pay you any mind, but it is not yourself you are worried for.

Selena, you think nervously as sweat beads on your forehead.

Right now she is staring intently into Chrysalis’s glazed over eyes, her own eyes flaring pure white just like Nightshade’s. Neither of them move, and that is why you think none of the other drones have taken action. Still, if they try, you’re ready.

You slip on the Power Glove, ready to unleash any and all plasmids if they even attempt to harm her, because right now, she has plenty of injuries.

There are scrapes, cuts and bruises all over her body. Part of her mane is caked in dried blood at the back of her head, and on her chest is a bit of green goop covering an injury surrounded by more dried blood. You hate that she is in this state, but there is some solace. Chrysalis looks much, much worse after all.

Selena looks like she got in a fight with a tiger, where as the changeling queen looks as though she’s gone through a wood chipper.

You ready a healing potion, because no matter how her mental battle right now ends, the mother of your child needs some TLC.

I’ve gotta heal up that stab wound on her before she gets a scar like me, you think resolutely. I mean she’d still look beautiful, but I’d hate for there to be a mark on that perfect body of hers that I want to hold and nuzzle and-No! Bad Bug!

You shake yourself from those thoughts as now literally isn’t the time for that…but maybe it will be soon. Having heard her speech to Chrysalis really made you feel like a teen again, so it’s no wonder your thoughts are a bit jumbled amidst your worry.

You two have been dancing around this subject for some time now, but you know that if you all get out of this, you will have to bug up and finally lay it all out with her.

When we all get out of this, you mentally correct as you focus on survival over matters of the heart. You keep each and every drone in your peripheral, waiting for a hint of movement, as you focus on Selena and Chrysalis.

You have no idea how much time passes. It could be minutes, or only seconds as neither you nor the drones move a muscle. The snow and wind are muffled by the damaged stadium walls, but other than that the only sound comes from the slight hum of Selena’s magic. It’s because you’re so focused that it takes a moment to recognize that you hear a certain sound off in the distance.

You can’t exactly pinpoint what it is, but it sounds like something being slurped up with a straw combined with a vacuum. In the corners of your vision, you see as a few other changeling’s ears twitch as they hear the strange sound as well, but before they can do anything, Selena and Chrysalis move.

“Hah…” Selena sighs out, dropping Chrysalis’s head back to the ground and leans over her panting.

Once more, the zealous drones prepare to move, awaiting their Queen’s order, but said queen only groans as the alicorn pants over her.

“There…you’ve been freed you wretch,” Selena says with a sneer before she pushes herself up, scoots back from Chrysalis and sits down.

Still, even after that the drones do not attempt anything, though you notice many of them looking between themselves in uncertainty. You on the other hoof get your keister moving as you quickly slide down the sides of the crater. All of the changelings’ eyes focus on you now, with more than a few widening as they see your orange hair and battle worn Nobody Cloak, but for the moment they do not attempt to stop you.

“Selena!” you call out as you reach her side, healing potion in hoof. She looks towards you, sweat still dripping down her forehead from earlier and she smiles tiredly.

“Bugze,” she says sweetly as she reaches towards you. You quickly catch her hoof and steady her as she sways, and you immediately hand over the bottle.

“Drink this, quickly!” you urge and she giggles softly.

“Always the hero, no matter the situation…” she says before she tilts the bottle up and downs the red liquid.


1 Healing Potion.

Almost immediately you see the potion taking affect. Selena winces and grits her teeth as the cuts and bruises fade, and you hold her hoof firmly as the stab wound and cut on her scalp close up. You know it’s painful for her, but she does not cry out, leaning on you for support.

Many of the drones above start to hiss and growl at this as they start to crawl down the crater…but they all stop in their tracks as you hold up hold up another Healing potion.

“I will leave this to you to give to your queen, but only if you allow us to go!” you shout to them as Selena leans against you panting. Once more, they all look to one another as they see the effectiveness of the liquid.

“Bugze?” Selena questions, but you just squeeze her hoof, signaling for her to trust you, which she does.

“What’s to stop us from just taking it from you traitor?!” one of the female drones inquires.

“Because this is my last one!” you lie knowing that you have one more in the Inventory. “And if you try to swarm us I will set fire to it!”

They pause at that, weighing their options and you steel your gaze.

“Your queen is in bad shape. This won’t fix everything, but it will help! You want to save her don’t you?!” you bait, and with perfect timing, Chrysalis groans again, adding emphasis to your words. That’s all it takes for the majority to stand down and give into your words.

“…Alright,” one of them says for the rest. “We will let you go.”

“Of course you will,” you say cheekily. “We are going to walk out of the crater and walk some distance from you. I will set the potion down and we will make our leave. If you try to chase us after that, my mare here will hurt you all just as badly as she did Chrysalis.”

They all shudder at that, especially so when Selena chuckles and gives them all a dark grin.

“Very well,” a male drone relents, causing the drones to back up and make a path for you two, which causes you to inwardly let out a sigh of relief.

“Good,” you nod before looking back to Selena. “Are you good to walk?”

She smirks at that.

“I’ve still got plenty of strength left my bug…though I don’t mind leaning on you one bit,” she says as she puts her foreleg across your back, putting her face right next to your neck.

“I-Uh-You…okay,” you stammer with a blush as you take more of her weight onto yourself.

Before the two of you can start moving however…

“Princess…Luna?” Chrysalis’s voice croaks out.

Looking back at your former larvaehood friend, you see as her tired and pained eyes are filled with confusion.

Luna? Where? You think as you look around yourself, but see no sign of the blue mare, hummie or original. It’s then that you realize she is looking at Selena. Maybe she does need the healing potion if she’s mixing up her alicorns.

“Sure, let us go with that,” Selena says towards the fallen ruler.

Chrysalis, pained as she is, seems to become even more confused before she looks over at you. You stiffen, because even if a lot of the crazy has been knocked out of her, the things she did to you are still fresh in your mind.

Here it comes. One last plea, you mentally sigh. She’s gonna call me by my former name and beg me to love and save her and-

“Drone, why are you holding up the enemy?” she asks, trying to sound angry, but wincing in pain in the midst of it.

“…Huh?” you sputter, sure you misheard her.

“What are you doing holding up the enemy? I need assistance! I believe that infernal Twilight Sparkle has done something to me!” she hisses, before coughing. “Curse her!”

“…Huh?” you repeat as you can’t wrap your head around what she’s saying. And judging by the looks on the other changelings’ faces, neither can they.

“First she breaks the Hive Mind, then she imprisons us, and now she attempts to kill me with the other princesses! Where is she Luna?!” she yelps, actually sitting up from her indent, holding her broken leg.

“I-Wha…Chrysalis?” you ask out and her eyes scowl as she looks to you.

“That’s Queen Chrysalis subject!” she growls in offence. “Who are you to be so formal?! What is your designation?!”

You can only look at her in bafflement as she looks at you as if you were less important than any other drone.

“Don’t you know?” you guess and she growls again.

“Why should I? You are not of the elite! Now whatever your number is subdue that pony!” she orders before looking to the rest of the drones. “That goes for all of you! What are you standing around for?!”

The other changelings are beyond flabbergasted, but they do not move lest you go through on your promise of burning the Healing Potion. Though right now, you don’t even know if you have the mental faculties to do so.

“What is-“ you start, and that’s when Selena whispers in your ear, tickling it with her lips.

“She does not remember you Bugze,” she informs you.

“What do you mean she doesn’t remember me?” you question before your eyes go wide. “Wait…you assumed direct control of her…”

“That’s right,” she confirms. “And once I was inside, I did to her what she had threatened to do to you my precious bug.”

“You…” your trail off as understanding finally dawns on you.

“Yes. I erased you from her memory,” she admits and your jaw drops.

“What are you all just standing around for?! Capture her!” she screeches at the others before wincing.

“You erased her memory?” you repeat in awe as you look upon the injured queen.

“Just the moments with you, me and Nightshade. I toured her subconscious and I cut them all out like a surgeon,” Selena says firmly which gives you chills.

“That’s…that’s…” you trail.

“Monstrous, I know,” she sighs before pulling you closer to her. “I know we don’t have a pleasant history with mind wiping thanks to Discord and the Doctor…but it was the only way.”

Was it? You wonder contrarily as you look at the jumbled mess of a queen. Sure she went off the deep end, but you did have a history together. To have it all forgotten is…

“Just like Mia…” you realize.

“Yes,” Selena nods. “A drastic measure in drastic times.”

“Where are you Twilight Sparkle?! Celestia?! Cadenza?! I will destroy you all!” she shouts to the air and your ears droop.

I can’t tell if she’s better or worse like this…you think with pity. You’ve lamented your childhood memories of her quite a bit in recent times, but to have them completely removed feels like someone that you used to know has passed on. At least she’s no longer feasting on her own love supply…

You turn your head to look in Selena’s eyes. It’s true what she said, being accused of brainwashing is a sore subject for the both of you. But you also realize how hard this mare fought, not just today, but many other times over the last four years for the sake of you and Nightshade. Short of killing Chrysalis, this was the only way to ensure she never interferes with your lives again.

“…Thank you,” you whisper and you see as any doubts or fears she may have held are washed away. And you are thankful, because at the end of it all, Chrysalis will still live, and no matter what she’s done to you past and present, you don’t want her dead. You then turn from your savior to the female that no longer knows you, or will ever know you.

“Why do you ignore my orders?! Is this treason?!” she accuses you and you sigh.

The fillyling you used to love died a long time ago, you’ve known that since last year. But now thanks to Selena, she has finally been laid to rest. All that’s left is the spiteful, pitiful, ugly casket that had dared to draw upon her memories. You now hold onto those innocent memories as a memorial, and you suppose you always will.

“Goodbye Chryssie,” you tell her solemnly, using the old nickname you used when you were little. This only causes her to become more enraged.

“Drones! To Me! This one must be bewitched!” Chrysalis snarls to the rest, before coughing violently.

Selena holds onto you tighter at that as the drones look between you and their injured leader. You hold up the healing potion again as a threat, but then…

“I think that’s enough chit chat for now.”

Suddenly the shadows beneath you and Selena elongate and thicken. Before either of you two have a chance to yelp or move, you both suddenly sink into the pitch black darkness. It feels cold, slimy and oily, but just as quickly as the sensation comes, it leaves you and Selena and you both are now standing out in the snow by a steam engine.

“What the buck?” you say in confusion as you look all around.

“That was-“ Selena starts to answer, but she is interrupted.

“A cool trick the boys can do,” your daughter says hovering above the both you.

“Nightshade?!” you both exclaim in shock and she smirks.

“Well duh! You think I’m just gonna leave the two of you alone after that asteroid strike?” she scoffs before chuckling and hugging you both. “No way José. Also, I think you guys were done talking to that beyatch.”

“Heh heh, that we were honey, that we were,” Selena laughs as she snuggles her back while still holding onto you.

“But…the potion,” you say looking to your empty hoof.

“I left it behind for her like you planned, the boys were able to let me listen in on that conversation,” she hoof waves. “But yeah, those changelings were getting shifty.”

“Heh, well thanks for the extraction baby,” you laugh and squeeze her back.


1 Healing Potion

“No problem,” she says as she hugs you both tighter. “And oh my gods was that awesome Mommy! You kicked so much flank!”

“Thank you my precious,” Selena says nuzzling the top of her head. “But I only did what was necessary for my family.”

“And I can never thank you enough for that Selly,” you tell her truthfully as you hold them both tightly.

“Oh I don’t know, I think there’s some ways you could,” Selena insinuates with a playful smirk and your heart skips a beat.

“Oh…” And it’s at this moment that you realize this is the first time all three of you have been able to hold onto one another in the real world.

A mother and father holding their child.

“Finally, after so long…” Nightshade says blissfully, burying her face between the two of your necks, no doubt realizing that as well. You look between her and Selena as you all embrace, and the alicorn mare gives you a soft, kindly smile.

Ah beans, do I do this now? you think bashfully.

“Uh…Selena?” you start nervously.

“Yes Bugze?” she asks, sounding anxious herself.

“Um…back in the stadium, I heard…” you stammer.

“Yes?” she asks expectantly.

“Well-I-We…” you blush as you trip over your own words. “I…”

“’You’?” she repeats playfully as she starts to lean towards you.

“I…” you trail off as you start to lean towards her as well and you get hot under the collar. Everything you want to say seems trivial as your faces near one another…

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I wish I had my phone right now!” a high pitched bubbly voice interrupts. Both you and Selena stop stock still, before your eyes turn in unison…

“Hey now, don’t stop now,” Human Pinkie says grinning ear to ear…flanked by Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Sunset, the rest of the humans and Grandbuggy. Both you and Selena go red in the face as everyling watches your little reunion with rapt attention.

“Huh? Don’t stop what?” Nightshade asks as she pulls her face from between you two.

“NOTHING!!!” you both yelp and let go of the hug, causing Shade to drop into the snow.

“Oof!” she grunts, and you hear Spike chuckle at that.

“Aww, now that’s just adorable,” Hu-Shy coos.

“Indeed,” Sunset says with a smug smirk.

“Oh shove off ya dang voyeurs!” Selena shouts at them with a blush as she picks up Nightshade and starts brushing snow off of her.

“Yeah, we ain’t a dang movie, look somewhere else!” you admonish, trying to get your heartbeat back under control.

“Hey now, after everything it’s a relief to see something so wholesome,” Grandbuggy chuckles

“Heh, wholesome is Not where that was headed, I’ve seen that look before,” B2 chuckles before Hu-Luna briefly bonks him upside the head. “Ow! What?”

And while some express disappointment and others giggle, you and Selena share a quick glance. You both look and feel like embarrassed teens…and both of you feel a bit irked over the interruption as well.

Stupid hummies and ponies, you mentally huff as you realize that “conversation” has been delayed once more.

“As entertaining as this has been, are we to assume that you accomplished your task?” Princess Luna interrupts, looking right at Selena. The two “twins” for lack of a better word, have a brief staredown, before the darker mare nods.

“Yes, I defeated Chrysalis,” Selena answers, puffing up her chest.

“Then, is she…?” Celestia probes and Selena rolls her eyes.

“No, she’s not dead. Just wishing she was,” she answers.

“Yeah, mommy bucked with her memory, and dad left a healing potion because she had chitin missing and stuff,” Nightshade adds and you all look at her.

“What? That’s what I saw through the eyes of my minions,” she shrugs.

“Speaking of minions, aren’t there still a lot of changelings out there?” asks Sunset nervously.

“Yes, if Chrysalis is still able to give orders, the attack might come at any minute,” Princess Twilight nods. “And we really don’t want them to have their sights set on Cadence and the Crystal Ponies.”

“Exactly, so I’m assuming all of the refugees are through the mirror?” you ask and the orange alicorn nods. “Good, then let’s hop on the train and get out so Cadence can do her thing.”

“Roger that! I love steam engines!” Hu-light says giddily as she boards the conductor’s seat and starts fiddling with controls.

“Wait! We can’t just leave yet Dad, I haven’t heard back from Sombra yet,” Nightshade argues.

“Huh? What’d you need?” Humbra asks obliviously, and Grandbuggy slaps him upside his head.

“Not you ya idjit, the real one!” he scolds.

“I’m real too you wrinkly old bastard!” Humbra growls, before getting bonked by Grandbuggy’s hat. “Stop it!”

“She is right Bugze,” Princess Twilight agrees. “If Cadence activates the Heart and Sombra’s still in here, he will be destroyed. He won’t have the protective shell like last time.”

“Protective shell?” you ask and her ears flop.

“Umm…your stomach?” she answers hesitantly.

“OH! Right, right,” you nod before frowning. “Well he better hurry his butt up then because I am not doing that a second time.”

“I could stick with Cadence and then fly him out to catch up with the train,” Nightshade suggests and you shake your head.

“No honey, once that heart is full, it’s going to start hurting you too, I don’t want to risk it.”

“But I-“ she starts to argue back, but is interrupted.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Halt!” a raspy voice calls out and you tense up before sighing.

“Oh son of a-“

“You will not be escaping Twilight Sparkle!” Chrysalis’s haggard voice says from above. She is supported by five changelings as she is still far too injured to fly. The potion seems to have closed up some of the nastier wounds a bit, but she is far from alright.

“Huh? What did I do?” Twilight sputters as you all see more changelings flying in from the stadium.

“Oh for goodness sake!” Selena seethes as she looks at the changeling queen.

“I thought you said she was defeated!” Princess Luna growls.

“She is! She’s just too dumb to know when to quit!” you growl.

“Human Twilight! Get the train going!” Celestia orders as she gets into a defensive position with her horn glowing. Soon after, Luna, Princess Twilight, The Wanted, Selena and Nightshade do the same as you ready your glove and Spike prepares his flames. “Other humans, you assist her!”

“You will not be escaping that easily Princesses!” Chrysalis declares, before coughing wetly. “We shall-“

“Oi Mistress!” Bob’s voice suddenly interrupts.

“Gah! What is that thing?!” Chrysalis shrieks as all of your eyes turn to the imp on Nightshade’s back.

“Someone cooler than you tramp!” Nightshade barks at the Queen before looking at the monster. “What’s up Jackie?”

“The Crystal King monkey says to hold off on activating the Crystal Heart, he’s nearly freed the Umbrum and needs just a bit more time.”

“Really? He’s doing this now?!” she scoffs in annoyance. “Well go back and tell him I don’t care, we’ve already got a situation on our hooves and-“

“Did...did that thing say that the Umbrum are being released?” Chrysalis interjects, and you all immediately note the sound of fear in her voice.

“Uh, yeah, that’s what his overall goal is,” Nightshade shrugs. “Though doing it right now is a bucking pain but-“

“RETREAT!!! EVERYLING FLEE THE EMPIRE IMMEDIATELY!” Chrysalis roars out, before coughing violently at the effort, causing all of the changelings to look gobsmacked and confused.

“Huh?” your collected party all say.

“Flee immediately! That is an order drones!” she says through her coughing fit. The army of changelings still seem discombobulated, but they follow the orders given, with the main bulk of them flying south along the railroad tracks.

You look around at all your group, and they are just as lost as the exiting changelings. Even Grandbuggy doesn’t know what’s going on as he looks all around mouthing,

“The Buck?”

In the midst of the exodus, you see quite a few drones swaying, still drunk from the party, and more than a few carrying passed out or injured comrades. You even see Thorax amidst them, carrying his brother. The scrawny changeling gives a quick wave in your direction, before he too is out of sight amidst the dark sky and snow.

“Know this Twilight Sparkle, and all the rest of you pathetic ponies! You have not won this day! Should you survive, I will come back for you!” Chrysalis curses as her aids begin to fly her away.

“What? I…what?!” Twilight sputters, echoing all your emotional states. “What’s going on? Why are you leaving?!”

The Queen turns her head back towards your group.

“If you are to free those creatures, the ones my mother passed on stories of, then you will bring about your own doom!” she says ominously before trying to laugh menacingly. She gets out a few guffaws before she is wracked by another coughing fit. And so, Chrysalis and every single other Changeling exit into the night, leaving all of you standing in the snow next to a primed steam engine.

The situation is so bizarre and unexpected that all of you, even the humans with no context just stare at one another in silence in the snow with the moon shining down from the clear night sky.

“What the hell was that?!” B2 exclaims.

“Like, did we just win?” Sunset questions unsurely.

“Even after I’d beaten her she still didn’t give up, so why now?” Selena asks aloud, but noling’s got any answers.

“Is…is she afraid of the Umbrum?” Nightshade guesses.

“She did freak out after what your imp said,” you observe before looking to Grandbuggy. “Why would she be afraid of them?”

“You got me boy,” he shrugs. “Truth be told, I don’t really know much about them, aside from the fact that Sombra was one. Their past was one I never really observed with the Doc.”

“Aunties! Twilight! What’s going on?” Cadence says as she gallops out of the warehouse, with some of the crystal ponies. “Why are the Changelings retreating?”

“We’re not sure Cadence,” Celestia says wearily. “But it has something to do with the Umbrum.

“The Umbrum?” she questions.

“Chrysalis seemed to know something about them and feared their release,” Luna chimes in.

“And apparently Sombra decided to do that now of all times,” you add throwing your hooves up in frustration.

“That’s what he was doing?!” Cadence sputters in surprise.

“Yeah, but he doesn’t need to rush now. Mommy kicked Chrysalis’s flank and everyling else is gone so we don’t need reinforcements,” Nightshade says.

“I think Nightshade, that it’s those ‘reinforcements’ that has everyone on edge,” Selena points out. “If they were enough to scare her away then-“

Your mare is interrupted as suddenly the ground begins to shake, and a red beam of light emerges from the top of the Crystal Palace and into the air.

“What the buck is that?!” you yelp.

“I don’t know, but it looks friggen amazing!” B2 says in awe.

“Ugh, is that more magic stuff we gotta fight?” Hu-Jack grumbles in annoyance, and even as she does, the night sky becomes a hue of red.

“Magic, most definitely,” Hu-Dash says. “Fight? Maybe?”

“I don’t know if Iron Will can punch magic,” the minotaur admits.

“Soo, should I still be getting the train started or…?” Sci-Twi trails off.

“Keep it primed Twilight, something tells me things are going to get a lot more complicated,” Sunset orders.

“Wait, when did the skies get clear? Where’d all the clouds go?” Lightning Dust asks, but gets ignored as you all watch as the continual beam with trepidation.

“Hey, Mom? Dad?” Nightshade says and you both turn to her. “The shards are vibrating right now. It feels…funny.”

Sure enough, the Alicorn Amulet pieces in your daughter are blipping with light, but they do appear to be vibrating as well.

You share a worried glance with Selena.

“I hate to sound cliché, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” you say looking back to the emerging magic.

Not soon afterward, dark shadowy figures start appearing amongst the light. They look like bats made of shadow from a distance, but soon more and more of them appear and start to fly towards your group.

“Are these the Umbrum?” Princess Twilight asks aloud as they start swirling around the warehouse where the Crystal Ponies are.

“I thought Hope said they looked like pixies?” Nightshade observes as the shadowy creatures fly about, making the crystal ponies look nervous.

“If that’s what she thinks a pixie is then I’d hate to imagine what she thinks a demon looks like,” Selena shudders.

“Can, uh, can I go home now?” Hu-Shy asks shaking as one of the creatures laughs as it passes her.

You begin to wonder the same thing if you’re honest as you pull Nightshade, Selena, and Grandbuggy closer to you.

“What do we do sister?” asks Luna defensively.

“They haven’t attacked us yet, so stand down, but be prepared Luna,” Celestia orders, narrowing her eyes.

“Everypony, do not panic, remain calm,” Cadence orders her subjects, even as her eyes dart left and right at the ghostly creatures.

“…Why the hell didn’t we bring a camera?” Humbra asks, sounding regretful. “This right here would make an awesome album cover!”

“Do you think you could operate it with hooves?!” Hu-Luna hisses before shushing him.

“I mean I could if I turned into a monkey,” B2 points out, and she shushes him as well.

You do kind of agree with Humbra that the scene before you would make some fantastic album cover art, if that’s only what it was. Every time one of the shadowy things passes you, you feel…not the absence of love and emotion, but the negation of it.

Grandbuggy is starting to sweat as you know he feels that negation much more than you do being a full blooded changeling.

Is this why Chrysalis was afraid? You wonder as about one hundred of the creatures swirl about and you place a hoof on the old bug’s shoulders to steady him.

Eventually though, from the spire comes four more figures, two of which you can tell are corporeal.

“Whoa, is it just me or is that Sombra flying?” Nightshade asks, squinting her eyes.

“My vision’s still kind of blurry, but it looks like he’s being carried actually,” Spike corrects her as Twilight puts a protective hoof around him.

Sure enough as they fly in closer, you see as your old skullmate and Radiant Hope are being transported by two of these Umbrum, one being much larger than the rest. All the other floating specters come to attention as the former king and Hope are set down in front of you all.

Sombra looks extremely proud of himself as he looks over you all, but Hope…she seems a bit perturbed as she looks about at all the Umbrum.

“I take it you got my message?” Sombra says to Nightshade with a smirk.

“Yeah, about 5 minutes ago,” she huffs. “That was pretty dang reckless dude!”

“But it was worth it was it not?” he says gesturing to all the Umbrum. “My kind are free now.”

“Yes we are my son,” the bigger ghost thing says sounding triumphant.

“Son?!” you and quite a few others exclaim in surprise.

“Yes, this is my mother, Queen Rabia,” Sombra gestures to her, and on the ghostly visage of what could pass as a face, you see the thing grin.

“Pleasure,” the thing says, before it’s eyes look over to Cadence and the Crystal Ponies and narrow.

“Cripes, she’s a fricken Queen here?” Humbra mutters, clearly disturbed. The Queen looks over at him at that, and those glowing eyes of hers widen.

“What in the…?” she says taken aback.

“Another Sombra?! I thought I only had one brother?!” the Umbrum behind Hope asks in an excited childlike voice, and Humbra’s face falls a little bit more.

“Oh God, a version of her too?” he says, this time sounding regretful.

“He is another version of me from another universe,” Sombra explains to the two Umbrum. “A human actually, so pay him no mind.”

“Kind of hard to do that,” the younger sounding Umbrum mutters, but Sombra continues.

“And yes, this is my sister Ira,” he gestures to the other figure who waves at you all, leaving wisps of smoke. “And both she and my mother and all of the Umbrum have agreed to help ward off the Changelings.”

“Kind of late on that front buddy,” Grandbuggy points out. “They’ve already left.”

“What?” Sombra asks in surprise.

“But there’s three right there,” Ira says pointing at you, B2, and Grandbuggy.

“Those three are allies, and one of them is also a human,” he explains before asking again. “What do you mean they’re gone?”

“It’s as it sounds cretin, they have fled the Empire,” Selena says plainly and he stares at her for a moment.

“…Huh, strange to be talking to you in the physical world,” he mutters aloud before shaking his head. “But how did you accomplish that? Did you vanquish their Queen and send them running?”

“It’s, uh, it’s not so simple as that,” Princess Twilight says as she looks at all the spirits wearily. You don’t blame her as that feeling of wrongness still hangs in the air, and Sombra’s mom doesn’t look very friendly.

“Yeah they kind of just ran away after learning that you were releasing these guys,” Nightshade says and his eyes widen.

“They ran away?” he repeats confused looking to his mother, who only smirks again.

“I still don’t get it, why do you all look like this now?” Hope asks in bafflement to Sombra’s sister. “What’s happened to your wings and soft hues?”

“This is, um…this is our battle forms?” Ira guesses more than answers, looking to her mother who shoots her a frown. “Yep! Battleforms! Heh heh.”

Sombra’s sister sounds young and a bit peppy like Pinkie, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out she’s lying.

“But how come you never showed me or even told me about these forms during all those years I stayed with you?” Hope inquires, trying to grasp the situation.

“Oh, uh…” the younger Umbrum sputters.

“Because they are quite frightening dear Hope,” Rabia says as she tries to cover up her daughter’s nervous laugh. “I mean, even these changelings ran away, probably knowing these forms. But really, no mere insects could hold up to the might of the entire Umbrum force. But since the pests are gone from the city, perhaps I should take care of the filly you said had the Alicorn Amulet fused to her?”

“Huh? Uh, yeah, that’s right,” Sombra nods, though he squints noticing as well that things seem off. Rabia then turns her eyes to Nightshade, and your filly shudders and involuntarily holds onto you and Selena tighter.

You really, really don’t like the look she is giving Nightshade, or rather the pieces of necklace embedded in her chest. Really, you don’t like this whole situation, and not just for the obvious reasons. There’s something else that’s really off that you can’t quite put your hoof on.

“Um, maybe we should get on the train and then do this?” suggests Nightshade. “That way the crystal ponies can activate their heart without us being in the blast radius?”

“Oh I’m certain those ponies can wait just a bit longer my dear,” she says in a “soothing” tone not befit for her appearance. “It won’t take long to extract the amulet, and besides it would take far much more time to move every single Umbrum just for this when there’s so much more they could do to help.”

“But…they can fly?” you throw out there, and you see as the Queen narrows her eyes at you.

Okay, this ain’t right. She’s really pushing for this, you think cautiously as you ready yourself for something unexpected.

“And you’ve only got like a hundred dudes. You could easily move them,” B2 chimes in and that’s when your eyes widen in realization.

“Only a hundred? We are far more numerous than that insect,” she says mockingly.

“You’re really not,” you say pointing around you all. “Unless you think these guys were enough to push back a whole army.”

“What are you talking about? There is far…more?” she trails off as she looks around. Her head shifts left and right before she looks back up to the Spire where that red beam still emanates, but there are no more shadowy creatures.

“Hey yeah, where is everyone?” asks Ira as she too notices.

“Yes, there should be much much more,” Hope adds looking about.

“I thought there would be more right behind us?” Sombra exposits.

Rabia takes in this new info, before looking to the Umbrum already gathered.

“Where are the rest of our brethren?!” she snaps at them in an authoritative tone. The other Umbrum look to one another, and give what you suppose is a shrug with their wispiness. “Bah! Useless!”

“Oh there’s the tone I remember,” Humbra quips but is ignored.

“Bugze, what’s going on?” Sunset whispers.

“I have no idea, but on the plus side, neither do they,” you answer.

“Something’s not right,” Rabia states the obvious, just as the red light shrinks back into the palace and the sky returns to it’s moonlit darkness. “What’s happening?!”

“Something unexpected I should reckon,” a smooth male voice says from behind her. Everyone’s attention turns to the new voice.

“Jack?!” Celestia, Luna, and Grandbuggy all say at once. It is indeed the handsome immortal stallion, looking a bit ragged but somehow pulling the look off. Behind him is Ditzy Do herself, and the group of injured changelings that had gone with Hope.

“Hey everyone. Digging the doubles we got going here,” he waves looking to B2, Hu-Luna and Humbra. “Humans I’m guessing?”

“What are you doing out here? How did you escape?!” Rabia demands.

“Escape?” Hope inquires but gets ignored.

“We walked out the front door obviously, you slithery snake!” Derpy answers back snippily.

“ But the guards-“ Rabia starts, but gets interrupted by Jack.

“Your guards and a lot of your subjects were dealing with something catastrophic, your majesty,” he says snidely.

“That’s one way to put it,” Double Vision laughs. “It’s more like those jerks you had jump us were getting raptured.”

“What?!” the Umbrum Queen shouts sounding outraged.

“Like the Doctor always used to say, something reversed the polarity of the neutron flow, and your people were being sucked back into the barrier of the crystal out in the wastes,” Derpy says with venom in her voice and many of the Umbrum’s eyes widen in shock.

“They were sucked into the barrier?!” Sombra asks sounding horrified.

“Yup, it sounded like a fricken massacre,” Patches gives his two cents.

“B-but if they were pulled through the barrier, then wouldn’t that mean they…?” Ira trails off, before holding a limb to her mouth with a gasp. Queen Rabia then growls as her eyes glow more and Nightshade winces as the shards blip inside of her.

“Yeah, I saw some of them, looked like they were being torn apart. It was a bloodbath,” Emerald the changeling says with a shudder.

I have a rendezvous with death, the poem echoes in your mind, chilling you to the bone.

“Something has killed my subjects?! Impossible!” she roars and Sombra looks lost.

“Could I have done something wrong with the opening?” he asks himself.

“No! It’s not true! This filthy pony is lying!” she says before zapping Jack, killing him.

“Oh My God!” Hu-Jack, Hu-Dash and Hu-Rarity all exclaim at once.

“No one move!” Rabia demands. “Not until I know the truth!”

“Dude, she just killed that guy!” Sunset says horrified looking at Jack’s blackened corpse next to a frustrated Derpy.

“It’s fine, he’s had worse,” Grandbuggy says calmly.

“What?” she gasps and realizes that aside from the humans, no one else is freaking out about the murder and focusing more on Rabia herself. “But he’s dead? Who was he and-“

“GWAAAHHH!!!” Jack gasps as he resurrects.

“What?!” Rabia exclaims as her eyes bug out again.

“Yeah, neat trick of his, he can’t die you bitch!” Derpy curses, and that actually gets more of a response than the murder as you and several others gasp.

“Whoa, she’s pissed off,” Cadence says nervously.

“Yes, best to keep our distance from her,” Nightshade observes.

“Indeed,” Selena agrees.

“Alright, alright, what the buck is even happening?!” Sombra shouts, trying to get a handle on everything.

“Your mother isn’t who she presents herself to be Sombra. She has no altruistic intentions,” Jack says brushing off some ash.

“Told ya so!” Humbra calls out and the Queen growls.

“Yeah, I’m starting to see that, but what is happening to the rest of the Umbrum?!” he demands.

“Trickery and deceit! Just as ponies have always done!” Rabia roars before looking to her subjects. “Subdue them all!”

“But mother-“ Sombra starts but she whirls and snarls at him.

“But nothing! They must be responsible for whatever is happening! They must pay with their-“


Suddenly Queen Rabia disappears beneath the boot of a very tall mechanical suit. Everyone, including the Umbrum yelp in shock at the hulking newcomer.

“Crap! Flag Burner?!” you guess as you hold up the Power Glove preemptively. Your guess isn’t without warrant, because it is just as tall as the terrorist’s suit, and as equally as damaged by the state it’s in. But then again, it’s not red.

“No, this is not his suit,” Princess Celestia says with understanding.

“Of course it’s not him!” the small blue windicolt on it’s shoulders calls out.

“Yeah, you color blind?” the small red dragon on the other shoulder adds.

“Frost? Garble?!” Nightshade says in surprise. They wave at her, but before anyone else can say anything, or the Umbrum can attack.

“Everyone Stand Down!” a firm, commanding voice emanates from the suit's loudspeakers, as the arms point at the Umbrum, crackling with electricity. “Now’s not the time to be fighting amongst ourselves!”

You recognize the voice immediately, and from the looks of Princess Twilight, Sunset, and Cadence, so do they.

“Flash?!” you exclaim and the cockpit turns slightly towards you.

“Hey Baker, good to see ya bud,” he says, sounding happy. “Or Bugze I guess.”

Queen Rabia groans from underneath the robot as the Umbrum look tense and ready to strike.

“Um, uh…” Ira sputters indecisively.

“Stand down, the lot of you!” Sombra orders, his red horn shining with authority.

“Do not think that your numbers mean anything to us!” Selena adds, her own horn alighting.

“You heard them! Stand down buckers!” Nightshade challenges, as her minions appear between the Umbrum and the rest of you.

The Umbrum back off at that, clearly not having expected any of this.

“Good,” Flash nods before he opens up the cockpit, and you all see the scrapes and bruises on his body and the bags under his eyes. “Princesses, I have grave news. Equestria has fallen.”

Everyone, not just the princesses gasp at that.

“Fallen?” Twilight repeats.

“Yes, everypony has been sapped of their magic,” he says grimly and all of the Princesses look to one another in worry. Even Selena and Grandbuggy’s face drain of color as they take that in.

“…Well, honestly didn’t see this coming,” Jack says to Derpy.

“No spit!” Nightshade says before looking to the dragon and colt on the mech’s shoulders.

“What the buck is happening guys?!”

“I honestly don’t know, and I was there to see it,” Frost says, sounding disturbed.

“Yeah, this big red monkey thing put his mouth around that crystal out there and just started sucking on it like a straw,” Garble explains as best he can, and that gets Grandbuggy’s eyes to widen.

“Big red monkey thing?!” he repeats.

“Yes, it’s the creature that’s steamrolled through Equestria, taking it’s magic,” Flash confirms. And just like that, Celestia, Luna, Selena, Sombra and Grandbuggy all start to look horrified.

“What nonsense do you speak metal pony?!” Rabia says, still smooshed by his foot.

“The rest of the Umbrum aren’t just dead mother…they’ve been eaten,” Sombra says morbidly.

“Eaten?” Hope gasps.

“Yes, by a creature that feasts on magic itself,” Luna adds as she begins to hyperventilate.

“Wait a second…” you say as that sounds really, really familiar. You flash back to a broken desperate world full of death and destruction. Where gods and monsters fell to the Nightmare. There was a big red monkey thing there too.

“By the gods, why now of all times?” Selena muses.

“Wait, Grandbuggy isn’t that that guy you were telling me about on the train?” Nightshade inquires.

“Yeah kiddo, I think it is,” the old bug nods with a sigh. He then looks at you and speaks in a voice so that everyone can hear.

“Tirek is coming.”


Episode 100: The Countdown Begins

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Down With Chrysalis’s Comment


*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

The sound of chewing popcorn sounds off in room that is neither here nor there. In all actuality, it could scarcely be called a room, but that description works best for now.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

All that matters is the couch, the brown earth pony upon the couch, the popcorn bag in his hooves, and the screen or window like display in front of him.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

Upon that screen, the stallion watches with a sly grin as Bugze, Selena, Nightshade, Grandbuggy and all the rest have a tense moment between the recently freed Umbrum.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

And just on the cusp of some sort of boiling point, Flash crashes down on Rabia with his robotic suit.

“Heh heh heh,” DWC chuckles before swallowing his popcorn. “That’s what you get for thinking you’re gonna be a main antagonist lady, heh heh heh.”

And as Flash Sentry achieves compliance through force, the brown pony kicks his back legs up and relaxes onto the couch more.

“And now the waifu stealer is gonna drop some grand revelations on them,” he says aloud, almost giddily. “Then there’s gonna be desperation from the supposed ‘heroes,’ madness is gonna take hold, the jolly red giant is gonna keep on marching, and Bugze is gonna do something stupid. Oh this is gonna be great!”

He relishes in the beauty of it all, looking forward to the chaos to come.

“Though I kind of wish the catfight could have ended with a fatality, but dear ol Nightmare Moon went and got affected by the bug’s Shounen Jump values BS. Power of Love my ass!” he grunts before chuckling again. “Then again it’s all pointless silly emotions by these toys who don’t even realize the fakeness of it all. Even this next Grand Battle is just going to be another insignificant squabble between children in the grand scheme of things.”

The stallion then takes a sip of soda before wiping his lips and continuing to rant.

“No matter what they do though, it’s pointless on their wants and desires because the outcome has already been decided. No matter how much they struggle, they’re still gonna be pawns for everyone’s entertainment,” he declares before looking away from the screen. “Either way, it is gonna be entertaining, because of course that was always the case. Of course, you all would know that wouldn’t you?”

He looks off at some point in the room that could scarcely be called a room, no doubt speaking to his alleged Mistress who-

“Oh quit waxing poetical, you sound pretentious!” he interrupts as his eyes fill with malicious mirth. “And no I’m not talking to my dear Lady Luck. I love the gal, but she doesn’t factor into this. No, I’m talking to you, the much larger audience…”

His stare slowly becomes sterner, more unnerving even.

"After've all been here since the start, haven't you?” he accuses before smiling cruelly.

“BBBBUUUUCCCKKKK!!!” Princess Celestia’s voice screeches from his screen, catching his attention once more.

“Oh, and there’s the madness beginning,” he giggles as he watches the alicorn princess holding the sides of her head and screaming towards the heavens. He digs into his popcorn once more as he watches our heroes looking at the despondent ruler wearily.

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch*

“Well I hope you get in enough laughs while you still have a chance, because there’s no happy ending in sight. Bugze doesn’t have that much time left before he meets his rendezvous...”

With that said the stallion laughs hysterically, madness oozing off him like a sickness. A sinister laughter that seemingly reaches out far and wide, as if it was right beside everyone...

In the Empire


Loganic’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

“Tirek is coming…”

I have a rendezvous with death.

The poem once more echoes in your mind at Grandbuggy’s words, causing a shiver which has nothing to do with the cold. You can’t explain it, but the sensation feels…stronger than it’s been in the past. A fear you can’t exactly place.

No one seems to notice though as everyone takes in the information, some in the know with shocked looks, and others who have no clue.

“Who?” Sunset asks aloud, belonging to the same camp as you. But before anyone can answer her-

“BBBBUUUUCCCKKKK!!!” Princess Celesita shrieks to the sky, holding the sides of her head in hysteria, causing everyone to jump. It even shakes you momentarily out of your subconscious bout of fear.

“Buck, Mother Buck, Buck, BUCK, BUUUUUCCCCKKK!!!”

“Sister, sister! Calm down!” Luna tries to order, but the older alicorn continues to curse like a sailor.

“Princess Celestia?”

“Auntie?” Cadence and Twilight try to placate as well, but their concern falls upon deaf ears as the Sun Princess continues to screech like a banshee.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard her curse like that,” you observe truthfully as the normally regal princess stomps and yells and even makes the remaining Umbrum flinch back.

“She used to be more…vocal as a child before Starswirl made us...them take manners classes,” Selena explains looking uneasy.

“Well I’d say she has just cause for flipping out, considering who’s out there,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Okay, seeing the Princess like this is scaring me, who’s this Tirek?” asks Sunset as the equally confused humies look lost.

“Noling good I’m sure,” Nightshade pipes up. “Grandbuggy said the guy steals magic.”

“Oh, like what Twilight did?” Human Pinkie asks and the unicorn Twilight flops her ears.

“I don’t know, maybe?” Grandbuggy guesses and Selena shakes her head.

“No, it’s different than that,” she explains. “I don’t know much since I, or rather Luna was young, but Starswirl did tell stories.”

“And I highly doubt that mosquito could have done…that to my people,” Sombra says through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, if anything I’d say it’s similar to what Chrysalis did to some of those drones earlier,” Grandbuggy says and your eyes widen.

“Wait, really? Oh gods, that’s horrifying!” you gulp.

“You think that’s bad, when we saw it in the distance, the thing’s got to be bigger than the Plundervine Dragon!” Frost yelps.

“Oh no, it’s bigger than that! It’s gotta be the size of Dragon Lord Torch!” Garble exclaims and Nightshade and Grandbuggy’s eyes widen.

“Uh, is that big?” Sunset asks.

“Yeah, that’s pretty freaking big alright!” Nightshade nods before looking to Grandbuggy. “How the buck did they ever get him into Tartarus?”

“I don’t know, he wasn’t that much taller than Scorpan from what I remember,” Grandbuggy answers tensely.

“Alright, alright, so something big is coming and it ate the Umbrum, but what does it look li-“

“BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!” Princess Celestia shouts again, as she has been doing for this whole conversation. Growling, you look over to see Twilight, Luna and Cadence trying to calm her down, but to no avail.

“Oh for the love of-Cut it out already!” you shout at the hysterical princess, but you too also fail.

“Maybe I should kick her or something?” Nightshade suggests.

“Nah kiddo, that’s just asking for trouble,” B2 warns.

“If she’s anything like our Celestia, it’ll only make things worse,” Humbra nods.

“Well if they are similar, then I know how to shut her up,” Hu-Luna says. “Unfortunately I’m not used to this magic stuff yet so…Babe?”

“Huh?” B2 says before he notices her gesturing towards the snow. “Ah, got it!”

B2 then transforms into a chimpanzee, which still irks you somewhat, before he makes a snowball with his monkey hands, takes aim, and throws.

“BBBBBUUUUUU-ALK!” Celestia’s shriek is cut off as the snowball goes right into her mouth and she starts choking and hacking.

“Huh, nice throw,” Nightshade praises and the chimp shrugs.

“Truthfully I was just aiming for her face in general,” he admits.

“Well it worked regardless,” Selena says with a slight smirk as the other princesses pat Celestia on the back to help her breathe.

“Sister, have you come back to your senses?” Luna demands.

“Not really Luna!” Celestia barks before shaking her head and hyperventilating a bit. “If Tirek is here then we are, as they say nowadays, boned!”

“Wow, is this what it’s like when I freak out?” you ask the others, and almost immediately they all answer.

“Yeah,” Nightshade nods.

“Most definitely,” Selena agrees.

“Always been,” Grandbuggy points out.

“Somehow you’re worse,” Sombra grunts.

“From what I’ve seen, yes,” Sunset chimes in.

“Yes indeed,” Hu-Light says with surety.

“Alright, alright! I get it!” you huff, feeling a bit self conscious. “But if that’s so, then I know how to reach her. We all need to be calm to talk about this new threat.”

And with that, you march over to the Princess while the Umbrum and everyone else look on in confusion.

“Princess Celestia, please calm down, what even is this Tirek thing?” Twilight implores.

“He’s a threat Twilight! Something we can’t face in our current situation and-“ she begins to rant while hyperventilating.


But that comes to a quick end as you backhoof slap her across the face.

Everyone’s eyes bulge and their jaws drop in shock at what you do as all goes quiet, especially the Crystal Ponies and Twilight.

“Huh, didn’t think he had it in him,” Jack chuckles.

“Hey, that was kind of my idea!” Nightshade huffs.

Celestia just stares off into space, gobsmacked at being struck and Cadence looks at you.

“Bugze! What are you-?”

“Ah, ah, ah!” you shush your friend before reaching out and turning Celestia’s face to look at you. A wide range of emotions try to display at once, so you quickly ask her…

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“Does he have feathers, or no feathers?”

“…Huh?” she and several others ask at once.

“This thing you’re freaking out about, does it have feathers or not?”

“Um…no?” she answers unsurely.

“Are you telling me or asking me?” you accuse and her eyes become a bit steely.


“Ha! I knew it!” you to a hoof pump. “In your face fun ruining scientists! I told you all dinosaurs weren’t giant birds!”

Celestia for her part looks less crazed and just more flabbergasted.

“What are you talking about?” she asks.

“Yes, what are you on about?” Luna demands.

“Scientists have been claiming in recent years that many species of dinosaur had plumages of feathers and that classic movies like Jurhaysic Park were totally inaccurate, but you’ve just proved them wrong!”

“Oh gods,” Selena grunts with facehoof.

“Now of all times?” Human Twilight sighs.

“Wait, folks say dinosaurs had feathers? That’s totally lame,” Nightshade pipes up.

“Exactly, but now we can lay that stupid “fact” to rest,” you proclaim for your captive audience.

“…What nonsense is that insect spouting?” Rabia grunts, still under Flash’s mech.

“Um…” Flash trails off, unable to answer.

“Something stupid,” Sombra sighs as well.

“It’s not stupid! It’s about coolness! Giant lizards are cooler than giant birds!”

“…He’s kind of got a point,” Humie Rainbow Dash plays advocate.

“I…I don’t understand…Wha-?” Celestia sputters.

“Bugze! It’s Tirek! Not T-Rex!” Sunset corrects as she walks up to the group.

“…Wait, for real?” you ask and everyone nods. “So…this thing isn’t a giant kaiju dinosaur that nature uses to point out the folly of ponies?”

“No! Why would your mind immediately jump to that?!” Celestia grunts in exasperation.

“Well excuse me for not hearing the name properly with all your screeching! I have no idea what this thing looks like, only that it’s big and eats magic!” you huff back.

“He is a centaur!” Celestia answers back tersely.

“Oh…okay, a centaur, got it,” you nod and repeat the words as if you understand and her eyes narrow in annoyance.

“You have no idea what that is do you?”

“Nope,” you answer truthfully and Celestia groans and puts her hoof to her forehead. You then feel a wing smack you upside the head.

“Bugze, stop wasting time!” Selena chides having walked beside you and looking awkwardly at Celestia. “You’ve got her to stop screaming so enough foolishness.”

“Well excuse me for trying to lighten the mood a bit,” you huff and cross your arms as Celestia sighs and glances at Selena unsurely.

“Th-thank you…” she stutters.

“Y…you’re welcome,” Selena trails off, not quite able to look at the taller alicorn in the eye.

“...Awkward,” you say blatantly and they both frown at you. “What? It is! Also, I still have no idea what this centaur thing is!”

“Yes you do, Bugze you’ve seen it before,” Selena says in exasperation.

“I have?” you question blankly and she sighs again.

“It’s a creature with two torsos,” Flash declares causing you to look towards him. He wrenches himself free of his robot chassis and hops to the snow. “Tirek has the lower half of a stallion and the upper half is that of a red and black horned ape of some kind.”

“…I’m sorry, I kind of blanked, did you say that thing has two torsos?” you say as your mind reels.

“Yes I did,” he nods with a smirk.

“That’s…that’s weird. Does that mean it’s got two rib cages? And two hearts?!” you ask disturbed and briefly gag. “Oh, that sounds gross!”

“Hey! My husband’s got two hearts!” Derpy grunts in offense.

“Well I sure as buck hope this thing ain’t a timelord,” you say truthfully. “You didn’t see it bending time and space right?”

“Not that I could see,” Flash answers as he starts to walk towards you. “But since there’s not much time, I got something to give you.”

“Oi! Get this off me!” Rabia orders, still underneath the mech, but she is ignored.

“No he can’t effect time, but he-“ Celestia starts, but you hold a hoof up.

“Yeah hold that thought a sec Tia,” you say rudely and her face becomes even more bewildered. You don’t have time for her aggravation though because you know a reunion when you see one.

Flash is making his way towards you with authority, that same tight grin plastered on his face. Ever since he got out of his mech, you’ve practically held eye contact with each other as a spark more intense than a thousand burning suns passes. And you know, in your heart of hearts, even after everything, even after all the madness and uneasiness in the air, that that grin can mean only one thing.

Something has returned after a year, something far stronger than the passion of romance, or the flames of hatred, or even the heat death of the universe. Something so pure and unattainable for many unlucky fools across the multiverse, the holy grail sought by all.

The ever-burning ember of the Bromance!

You immediately hold out your arms for a hug as he gets closer.

“Baker,” he says no doubt excitedly and for some reason Selena looks worried and is about to put a hoof out.

“Flash buddy! It’s been so-“


But it comes too late as you suddenly find yourself on your back in the snow, with your cheek feeling red and bumpy.

“...Ow?” you say in shock as the pegasus stallion looks down upon you.

“That was for striking Princess Celestia earlier!” he says sternfully. It’s now that you realize you’ve mistaken the signs of bromance for the signs of aggravated retribution, an easy mistake to be fair.

“Um, sorry?” you guess.

“Yes Lt. Sentry, now is no-“

But yours and the Princess’s words fall on deaf ears as he plants himself on your gut.

“And these rest are for me!” he shouts before he starts raining blows down upon you.

“Ow! Ouch! Cut it out! Ah!” you blurt out as you cover your face.

Much like with Twilight back at the stadium, he proceeds to punch you for your many wrong doings.

I wonder who taught who that? you wonder as you protect your precious face.

"First you become my bro, and then make me think you were dead for an entire year!"

"I-I know that was pretty jerkish of me but I had to save my daughter an-"


"Then your brother gives me hope that you’re actually alive, with said brother being you in the first place!"

"Oh come on, you have to admit that was a perfectly good disgui-"


"And this whole bucking time you never once told me you were the Offender, Crimson Vengeance or El Hunko!"

“Not many knew that for a good rea-“


And like that he keeps pummeling you. Selena just rolls her eyes and sits down next to you, watching the whole thing unfold.

“Just don’t bruise up his face too much Sentry,” she says non chalantly.

“No promises!” he exclaims.


“Okay, just what in Tartarus is even happening anymore?” Celestia sighs, feeling a tiredness that has nothing to do with the cocoon from earlier.

“My dad’s getting beat up because he hurt a friend’s feelings,” Nightshade shrugs.

“Sounds about right,” Luna nods. “But wasn’t he the one saying no infighting earlier?”

“Oh that’s just boys being boys, let em work it out,” Grandbuggy hoofwaves.


“Applewood would have gone so much smoother if I knew it was you!”

“Would it? Would it have really?” you counter.


“Huh, this Flash seems a lot angrier than the one back home,” Sunset observes.

“He’s…been going through a lot,” Princess Twilight chuckles nervously.

“You could have trusted me! I would have been totally cool with it!” he shouts.

“How was I supposed to know that? Your marefriend and her cronies were hunting me for years!” you excuse.


“…Marefriend?” Sunset asks Twilight who blushes.

“I mean…kind of sorta?” she stammers in embarrassment as Cadence smirks.

“Oh, so that’s why you and our Flash got along so well,” Human Pinkie giggles.

“Huh, guess that explains why he always looked at me funny when I was with Timber back during the time loops,” Sci-Twi muses.

“You were on speciest drugs for the longest time, and you did everything Twilight asked so-


“Dude! Bros come before Hoes! That is the sacred vow!” Flash shouts.

“Excuse me?!” Twilight exclaims in a tone that prickles the back of the neck of every male in the vicinity. This finally does the trick and gets Flash to stop striking you…but now he is a deer caught in the headlights as he is glared down by the upset purple alicorn.

“What exactly do you mean by that Mr. Sentry?!” she demands and the blood drains from his face.

“Uh, I mean-Twilight, heh heh,” he stammers. “It’s just a turn of phrase. I didn’t mean to imply that you were a…”

He trails off as the young alicorn just continues to glare.

“I’m a thousand years out of touch, and even I know he’s a dead stallion,” Hope says with a shiver next to Sombra.

Everyone, even some of the male Umbrum look at him with pity, knowing he’s gonna be in trouble for some time.

“Hmmph,” Twilight huffs in a Rarity-esque manner and looks away from him.

“Oh come on, Twilight~ you know I didn’t mean it,” he says pathetically.

“I’m sure she does, but that was still a callous thing to say,” Sci-Twi speaks up, putting her hoof on real Twilight’s shoulder.

“Huh? Wait…Two Twilights?” Flash sputters as his eyes dart between the two, but you take advantage of his confusion as you flip him onto his back and put him in a chokehold.

“Alright, that’s enough sticking your hoof in your mouth for today,” you order as you continue to choke him.

“Something tells me that’s not the last time he’s gonna screw up,” Hu-Rainbow chuckles.

And as your nose drips out blue blood and Flash starts to go blue from lack of oxygen, everyone else just stares, the panic from before still prevalent, but now taking a back seat.

“Um, Daddy? Maybe you should-“ Nightshade starts to say before Spike puts a claw on her shoulder.

“It’s okay Nightshade, they’re almost done,” he advises.

“Huh?” your daughter asks in bafflement. Sure enough though, the little dragon’s predictions come true as Flash double taps on your arm, and by the laws of wrestling, you release him. He immediately gasps in huge lungfuls of air as he rolls off of you onto his back beside you.

The two of you then catch your breath lying in the snow, before you both look at one another. You stare down each other in silence for what seems to be a long time…before simultaneously you both start laughing. You both laugh and laugh, even as you wipe the blood from your face, and you both help the other back to their hooves. And when you are both standing again, you go in for the bro hug.

“What in the…?” Nightshade gapes.

“See, told ya so,” Spike says with a smirk.

“But they were just…huh?” Human Twilight sputters.

“It’s a bro thing, you wouldn’t understand kiddo,” B2 assures.

“Yes. It’s a sacred vow of men to always have each other’s backs, even if ya gotta beat the hell out of ‘em,” Humbra says sagely.

“…Your philosophy is dumb,” Sunset sighs in frustration before looking to her former teacher.

“Indeed…” Celestia muses. Surprisingly, the little display of you getting your teeth knocked in, and the subsequent making up has knocked more sense into Princess Celestia than your physical slap did.

“Colts will be colts after all,” Selena and Luna say at the same time. The minute they realize this, they both glance at one another, before looking away awkwardly.

“True, and as much as I like seeing two guys embracing one another, maybe we should break them up now?” Jack says and Grandbuggy rolls his eyes.

“Why ya gotta make everything weird?” he grumbles.

“You owe me so many hang outs bro,” Flash laughs.

“Yeah I know it. And hey, if once you’re out of the dog house with Twilight, maybe we could all go to Las Pegasus?” you suggest. “I always wanted to see the Blue Mare Group.”

“Sounds like fun…assuming Las Pegasus, or any of Equestria will still be around,” he says somberly as he breaks the bro hug.

“Oh right, the Not-Dinosaur threat you were talking about,” you nod as you let the absurd euphoria go and snap back to reality. “This thing really took down Equestria?”

“As far as I know yes. Everypony’s been drained of their magic from Manehattan to Appleloosa and everywhere in between.” Your ears flop at that as you worry for your pony and buffalo friends, but he continues. “Canterlot was the last to fall, and I held out against him as long as I could to allow others to escape, but eventually I knew the battle was lost.”

You take a look over at the mech suit and the struggling Umbrum Queen beneath it and you note just how beat up it looks. You imagine it was much more elegant than Strong Head’s cobbled together mess at one point, but no longer.

“Hey wait a second, how do you even got a mech? Didn’t Cabelleron blow that up in the woods?” Nightshade inquires and Flash chuckles sheepishly.

I believe that’s Shining Armor’s mech, right?” Cadence asks looking it up and down.

“Well, yes, but I don’t think the Captain would have minded given the circumstances,” Flash says scratching at his neck. “Mine was still scrapped and Strong Head’s never got built thanks to the lost prototype.”

“Right, right,” you nod remembering the battle in Vanhoover. “So this thing that was built to kill me only barely survived this thing huh?”

“Correct,” he nods with a sigh. “I believe I was able to injure him a few times, but ultimately I was no match for his strength.”

To this, Princess Celestia walks up, looking a lot more in control of her mental faculties and she looks at Flash sympathetically.

“You were lucky enough to do what you did. Thank you for your bravery Lt. Sentry,” she congratulates which actually makes him feel better.

“Still, lucky or not, that monster is still coming this way. I’d hoped that with four alicorns that-“

“Seven actually,” Nightshade interrupts.

“Yes, seven alicorns, that we’d have the power to…” he trails off as he suddenly looks to Nightshade, Selena and Sunset before shrugging. “…Okay, even better, I know not to ask too many questions.”

“Even with seven of us, if he has devoured everypony’s magic in the entire Kingdom…” Luna insinuates unsurely.

“It would be risky, since he can make our power his own,” Selena finishes her thought.

“Not to mention practically all of them are tired after all the bullspit with the changelings,” Nightshade adds. “Mommy went all out kicking Chrysalis’s ass.”

You look over at your better half and even after the healing potion, Nightshade is right. Selena’s wounds are closed up, but she looks like she could really use some bed rest.

“Even if we were at full strength, fighting him directly would still be folly,” Celstia says with a frown.

“And it also apparently ate my people…” Sombra mutters hollowly and you feel a pang of sympathy for him.

“Exactly, so maybe we should just leave before this red monkey thing arrives?” Nightshade suggests.

Centaur, he’s a centaur,” Celestia corrects.

“Oh whatever you call it,” she huffs.

“Well where we’re from a Centaur is part horse and part man,” Hu-shy speaks up.

“Half horse and half man?” you repeat feeling sick to your stomach. “But…that’s…EW! You filthy apes have kids with ponies?!”

“Wh-What? No, they’re make believe and-“ Fluttershy stammers but you are already shaking your head in disgust.

“That’s like a crime against nature! What does that even look like?! NO! I don’t want to know!” you shout as the horrible implications come to you.

“I don’t think that’s how they work, I mean, they got a human torso that goes right to the front of a horse so…” Hu-Luna explains, making the image in your head even worse.

“Cheese and Rice how horrifying!” you say as you try and fail to comprehend such a thing.

“Bugze, over here it’s not part human, it’s,” Selena tries to explain, but Nightshade speaks over her.

“Hey wait a second, how could a half human anything be here in Equestria? The portals change your species!”

“You know, I’ve kind of been wondering the same thing ever since we came over with Beef Stick over here,” Humbra says pointing at Iron Will.

“Say what now?” Will says taken aback.

“I mean he’s clearly part human and part bull right?” Humbra explains.

“I am a minotaur!” he huffs.

“Yeah we know,” B2 nods in intrigue. “So what, was there a Zeus here in this world?”

“Ain’t that that guy you kill in those videogames with the angry stallion that has swords attached to chains?” Spike says.

“Well whoever he is, I don’t like the implications!” you shout.

“It ain’t what you’re imagining boyo,” Grandbuggy sighs. “Minotaurs are just minotaurs, just as gargoyles are gargoyles. Some species on this planet just have hands.”

“…Oh thank goodness,” you sigh in relief.” I would have lost all faith in Equinity if humans and ponies were getting freaky and creating these Tirek things.”

“What does that even mean?” Nightshade asks.

“Nothing! You’re not old enough to know!”

“Oh for buck’s sake!” she grunts and crosses her legs. “Fine! Don’t tell me how this giant red and black horse monkey thing came to be…which even as I say that, something feels familiar about it…”

“Now that you mention it, it does for me too,” you nod before looking at Selena. “Selly, you said I’ve seen this thing before.

She sighs at that before opening her eyes and nodding.

“Yes…remember the Other World?” she says simply.

“Yeah, how could I forget?” you say sadly as the events of that day flash in your mind. Including a battle between the Nightmare, Sombra and… “Hey wait a minute! That guy was-“


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

You all are startled and look to Queen Rabia as she manages to extract herself from the Mech’s foot, causing the machine to fall to the side.

“Hey! Careful! That thing is damaged!” Flash objects, but the shadowy figure is huffing and puffing with wild eyes.

“Who gives a damn about it’s state?! I can’t believe how utterly idiotic you ponies have gotten in a thousand years! A monster approaches and you all chit chat and argue and yell about NOTHING of importance!” she shouts at all of you.

“Um, Rabia, they’re probably just scared and-“ Hope starts, but her mother continues.

“You all get hung up on the stupidest of details! Who cares what this thing is or how it came to be?! This beast must perish for what he’s done! He’s brought my people to the brink of extinction!” she snarls, her wispy appendages whipping about. You all wilt your ears at that, as you realize you have been wasting precious time.

“Sh-she’s right,” Twilight nods reluctantly. “We should focus on the bigger issues and-“

“I don’t need your help purple alicorn!” Rabia snaps causing Twilight to flinch. The Umbrum Queen continues to huff and puff and all of her subjects tense up and begin to glare again…but then she pauses for a moment. Her eyes fall upon Cadence, and she grits her teeth, no doubt seeing the resemblance to her past enemy. Out of the corner of your eye, you see as Humbra tense up instinctually and takes a step back.

“Sombra, Hope, Ira, we are leaving!” Rabia suddenly orders turning away from the group at large.

“What?!” You and various others say in shock.

“Mother what is the meaning of this?” Sombra demands.

“It’s clear that I was right in my earlier assessment, by involving ourselves with the ponies problems have only made things worse for our people!” Rabia growls in an annoyed tone.

“But Queen Rabia, I know you’re upset but-“ Hope tries to counter, but the enraged Queen speaks over her.

“Had we not revealed ourselves that beast would have never noticed our magic! I never should have opened the portal for those ‘allies’ of yours, revealing our magic to the world once more!” she scolds, causing Hope to flinch back.

“Now hold on a sec-” Jack begins but is also cut off by the queen.

“No! You’ve wasted our time enough already! The Empire has fallen and my people are dead because of you!”

“Lady, you’re not exactly the paragon of righteousness yourself! You took us prisoner the minute we got into your realm!” Derpy accuses and the shadow creature flinches.

“Yeah, not to mention you went from looking like cutesy fairies to whatever bullspit these forms are!” Double Vision adds gesturing to the Umbrum’s monstrous features.

“You did sort of look like villains coming in our moment of weakness after you were freed,” Nightshade nods.

“Oh whatever! Yes I took some prisoners, I needed some insurance that our demands would be met!” Rabia responds. “I don’t trust ponies, and after what this creature has done because of you lot, I have even more reasons not to trust you!”

“Uh huh, and not at all because you no longer have a numbers advantage huh?” Humbra says sardonically and Rabia gives him a look that is both curious and frustrated.

“It matters not! This is a lost cause! If you were smart you’d be fleeing as well!” she growls.

“But we can’t leave! If we do the Empire will be claimed by the Arctic,” Cadence points out.

“Then let it be! What use is this place now?!” the Umbrum Queen hisses, her eyes darting left and right.

“Mother, now is not the time to turning on each other,” Sombra speaks up, noticing that the rest of the Ubrum start to get defensive again.

“Yes, please your majesty, we can still help since none of you have been weakened,” Hope implores.

“…They do look desperate,” Ira adds reluctantly and the larger Umbrum grits her teeth hard again.

“Fine! If they want our assistance, then they will agree to ALL of our demands!” she declares before staring daggers at Cadence. “The Crystal Empire, or whatever is left of it after all this will be given to me! Second, that Amulet made up of the corpses of my people shall be returned from that filly!” she says pointing at Nightshade.

“Bitch, you can have it if you can get it out of me!” Nightshade huffs, but the Queen continues.

“Third! The exile of your crystal ponies and that accursed heart! And lastly, that monster making it’s way towards us will die for it’s genocide!” she finishes breathing heavily.

You can tell from her tone that she is leaving no room for negotiation, but what she wants is just plain greedy.

“Mother, that is far too much to ask at this time,” Sombra tries to negotiate but she’s having none of it.

“Is it?! They are between a rock and a hard place, so they will take whatever line they are given!”

And while Sombra continues trying to get a word in edgewise on his mom and everyone else is still trying to get a grasp on the situation, you pause as you ears perk up to something.

“Um does anyone else hear that?” you ask causing several eyes to turn to you.

“Huh hear what?” Jack asks.

“Wait I think I hear it too?” Hu-Rainbow says as her ears flick around. This cause everyone to look around as the faint sound grows louder.

“It sounds like…shouting?” observes Garble.

“It’s not this centaur thing is it?” asks Lightning Dust.

“No, his voice is much deeper,” Flash exposits.

“It sounds…vaguely familiar,” Princess Twilight says scratching at her chin.

“It does now that you mention it,” Selena says before her eyes widen in horror. “Oh gods, it can’t be!”

Seeing the terrified look on her face, the shout suddenly dredges up terrible memories.

“It is!” you shout fearfully as your head whips upward.

“Rabia, if we don’t cooperate, then that thing might get the rest of us!” Hope implores.

“It will get us for sure if we help these fools and-“


“Oh for Grogar’s sake, what is it n-“ Rabia cut off as a pony crashes right on top of her, kicking up snow.

“Mother!” Ira cries out in alarm.

“Ooh…Again? Seriously?” Rabia groans in misery, face first in the snow again.

“Ah, thank you for the soft landing ghosty thingy my butt appreciates it,” a goofy unidentifiable accent says.

“Oh hey, it’s that whackado,” Nightshade says simply as the snow settles and your worst fears are confirmed.

"DR. QUACKSALVER?!” you and Selena shout in alarm.

"Hi everypony!" The crazy doctor responds in turn as he hops off of the Umbrum. "Nice seeing you here, ooh and hello there changeling that has many names, how are your organs doing? Do they need another massage?"

"GAH NO THANKS!" Both you and Selena say at the same time.

“Well I wasn’t offering to you darker Princess Luna, though you seem to be suffering from Dragon Eye-itosis. There’s a toothpaste specifically for that,” he offers and she takes a few steps back.

“I was loopy off of your drugs for like a week! Stay away from me!” she hisses, remembering the last time he 'operated' on you.

"Eh that's fine, I'm currently booked anyway. Mr. Giant red monkey horse insect keeps getting away before I can perform surgery on him. He's clearly suffering from elephantiasis and hungry hungry hippo syndrome, a quick frontal lobe lobotomy is the only cure. Speaking of has anyone seen my lumberjack scalpel?" He says looking about, not even noticing the odd stares he’s getting.

"What in the nine rings of Tarturaus hit m-ACK!" Rabia cries out as a chainsaw’s handle bonks her on the head, causing the tool to spin and embed itself into the crystal road blade first.

"Ahh there it is!" Quacksalver beams as he pulls it up with ease, along with a piece of the crystal road still stuck to it. “Ah, perfect passable working condition, the best kind.”

“…I’m sorry, I lost the narrative. Who is this guy?” Sunset asks putting a hoof to her head.

“Yeah, cause he really sounds like that crazy guy back home that kept offering free dentistry before the cops got him,” Human Applejack adds.

“He’s a nutjob who should have never been given a medical license!” you say brashly.

“Hah! Those can’t be given silly bug horse, you have to take them in ritual combat. At least that’s how I got my chiropractor’s license,” he hoofwaves.

And as many, mainly the Twilight’s have a small aneurism trying to parse together that sentence, and Ira tends to her loopy mother, Flash speaks up.

“Hey wait a second, you’re that guy that kept trying to climb on Tirek while I was fighting him!”

“Huh? That was you?” Qaucksilver asks looking between Flash and the mech suit lying on it’s side. “Ah, I see, you are suffering from Robo-Envy, a very common affliction. But yes, climbing kaiju is not as easy as my ex wife made it sound.”

“Okay, not going to even ask, but seriously, how are you still alive? Tirek threw a bakery on top of you!” Flash exclaims.

“Luckily I was encased in delicious life saving jello, and then after the dust settled a pretty silver haired blue mare pulled me out.”

Blue mare with silver hair…Trixie? you wonder in worry, realizing she would have been in Canterlot at the time.

“I offered her some free horn shavings, but she refused, and said she and others were heading south to the Everfree, but I had to catch up to the monkey insect horse for surgery and-“

“Hold on, are you saying this guy, THIS guy, who I had to get a restraining order from my library was fighting Tirek?!” Princess Twilight exclaims to Flash.

“Fighting is such a strong word, I was merely trying to prep him for surgery, it’s been quite a few months without success,” he explains as he tries to start the chainsaw, but to no avail.

“You’ve been chasing him for months?!” Twilight exclaims.

"Yes, I told you about this before no? When I was asking for assistance in capturing him, and again after he sucked up Mr. Chaos god’s magicy juices?"

“Wait, it was Tirek who got to Discord, not you?!” Twilight exclaims with a twitching eye and suddenly all the princesses and Grandbuggy’s eyes widen.

“Wait, you all thought it was me? Why? I can’t suck out magic, I can only remove unnecessary organs like appendixes, kidneys and lungs,” he explains. “I mean he tried to drain me months ago, but my ex-wife didn’t leave much for him to take, may she rest in Tartarus.”

“I don’t…I’m pretty sure you need lungs…but oh my gosh, how did we not see this before? Discord was drained of magic!” Twilight says worriedly.

“Then we truly will have our work cut out for us…” Celestia says breathlessly. Instinctually you prep your hoof to slap her again in case she freaks out, but she gives you a quick side glare which makes you lower your hoof.

“Well good news everypony, he’s coming here no doubt, I got a good look after he chucked me just now,” he says pointing out towards the arctic. In the moonlight, the figure is dimly lit and distant, but using Sight Beyond Sight, you can take in a few more details. The red and black monster does in fact have two rib cages, and is ugly as sin.

The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as he slowly trudges across the frozen wastes, an oncoming demon that destroys everything in its path and cares not for whatever petty squabbles you all may have. He's coming and he's here to feed.

“Yup, that’s the guy I saw in the Other World alright…only much bigger,” you say aloud as you deactivate your sight.

“I told you, it’s the elephantiasis, I predict there are at least 18 elephants in his stomach right now. So if you’ll excuse me…” he trails off, before suddenly making the chainsaw roar to life, which splinters the piece of crystal at the end. “I must see to my patient.”

Then with a maddened screech, the nutjob runs back out into the wastes towards the monster.

“…Is he seriously going back out there?” Frost asks in bafflement.

“Looks like it. I guess losing his soul or whatever’s made him harder to knock out. The changelings in Appleloosa were able to keep him down,” Nightshade says before she closes her eyes. A few moments later she opens them and a wisp of smoke leaves.

“I was just looking through some of my minions, and boy is that Tirek thing ugly. Also I’m pretty sure that’s that thing I saw when I went with Twilight to the Gates of Tartarus.”

“What?! You saw him before?!” Twilight exclaims.

“Yeah, while we were putting Cerberus away, I saw him run off, but then that creepy statue showed up so I had to kick it in the nards and I forgot,” Nightshade explains, and the purple alicorn facehooves hard.

“So that’s how he escaped!” Luna states the obvious.

“If that’s the case, then we must come up with a plan, and we must do it fast!” Sombra says with authority.

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

He then looks to the remaining Umbrum and back at his mother who still seems dizzy after Quacksalver’s arrival.

“Umbrum! Stay put and guard this train! We are most likely going to need it!” he orders, and just like last time when he ordered them, they listen. He then looks to Cadence. “You should lead your crystal ponies further in for now till we know what to do.”

She nods at that and begins to order the remaining Crystal Ponies down the road.

“Wow, look at other you being all smooth and stuff,” B2 heckles Humbra, but Humbra is strangely not riled up. He still watches Rabia intensely.

Real Sombra then looks to Hope then back at all of you.

“The rest of us, need to get inside a structure. If we can see him in the distance, soon enough he’ll be able to see us!”

“I could make some snow blow around the area to break his line of sight,” Frost offers but Sombra shakes his head.

“No, not after he ate the entire blizzard, it will be noticeable. Plus, he’ll be attracted to the magic you’ll utilize,” Sombra explains.

“Oh…okay,” the windicolt says with a shiver of dread.

“Yeah, alright, you heard the dictator, let’s hide before that monkey horse insect sees us,” you say repeating Quacksalver’s description.

“Insect?” Sci-Twi asks you curiously and you nod.

“Yup, it had six limbs after all,” you say as you hold up Selena and start moving towards a nearbye building.

“That’s…it…” the human stammers before shaking her head. “Nevermind.”

And with that, they all follow your lead and trudge towards the nearest café next to the train station, leaving the Umbrum behind, save for Rabia and Ira who are helped along by the Crystal King.

Once your assorted group is out of the elements and out of sight, you look to the frantic faces of the Princesses, the absolutely lost Humans turned ponies, and everyone in between. Now that the initial panic and madness has run it’s course, it’s time to get serious.

So, as the least informed you start the proceedings.

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

"Sooooo...this guy drank Discord and the rest of Equestria huh? Sounds pretty strong,” you say redundantly.

“That’s an understatement my bug,” Selena responds. “From what Starswirl told us, his power increases with every ounce of magic he ingests.”

“Which sounds absolutely terrifying,” B2 adds.

“But he can be beaten right? He was in Tartarus after all,” Nightshade chimes in.

“And the Nightmare, uh, dis-alived him so his power set isn’t outside our limits right?” you remind.

“That Tirek was nowhere as big as this one,” Selena instructs. “From what we listened in on the other Princesses, they’d only just released him from Tartarus and gave him a certain magical supply from the populace to fight…but at that time, most of the world was burnt…”

You shudder at the memory, and nod.

“The fact that he has consumed Discord’s magic on top of all our citizens is what gives me the greatest worry,” Celestia adds. “Because right now he is a force we’ve never faced before…but if he is to also absorb our Alicorn magic, then no one will be able to stop him.”

That statement leaves a heavy impact within the room. Nightshade looks down at her chest then back up at the group before saying,

“Hey, what if we got the Amulet removed from me and we fed him it? He’d lose control and not be able to focus because of the corruption right? Even I have trouble controlling myself all the time.”

“When he absorbs magic, he converts the energy into his own,” Sombra explains simply. “Otherwise, Discord’s magic would be uncontrollable for him, and he wouldn’t be able to take it. The same would be for the Umbrum he consumed.”

Ira shivers and Rabia grits her teeth at that, but Nightshade just sighs.

“Well buck,” she curses.

“Don’t you all have some sort of Rainbow Death Laser?” Hu-Rarity speaks up. “Bugze ranted about it constantly in our world.”

“Yeah, your Element thingies, like the one Sunset stole and made everyone all cuckoo for coco puffs,” Hu-Pinkie says and Sunset winces slightly.

“That’s not untrue, but yes, what about the Elements Twilight?” Sunset asks of the Princess.

“We don’t have access to them anymore,” Twilight sighs. “We had to place them back into the Tree of Harmony to stop the Plundervines. There was a mysterious box with six locks that appeared, but I have no idea what it is still.”

“Well there’s your solution, use that stupid tree!” Garble huffs. “I mean, it turned me back into a little kid, so imagine what it could do to that monkey thing.”

“…You’re not a little kid?” Frost asks in surprise.

“No dude, I’m almost an adult! That stupid tree screwed me over!”

“You tried to eat it Garble,” Nightshade reprimands.

“Exactly! So if that Tirek dude tries the same, he’ll get turned into a kid and we can kick him around,” Garble suggests with a mischievous grin.

“…Would that work?” you ask, actually liking that idea.

“You don’t have nearly as much magic in you young Dragon, I don’t think the Tree would be able to stop Tirek on it’s own,” Luna shoots down the idea.

“It was a nice idea though,” Hope says, giving credit where it’s due.

“Okay so the tree is out, but he was defeated without the Elements of Harmony long ago right? How’d Starswirl beat him?” you ask.

“We’re not quite sure,” Celestia says with a sigh. “We were young at the time and Starswirl went off on his own to deal with him.”

“When I asked him, he gave me some fantastical tale about Commander Firefly utilizing a Rainbow Bridge or something,” Luna says with a roll of her eyes.

“Which we eventually figured out was just him sprucing up things as to not scare us,” Selena says with a similar roll of her eyes.

“Starswirl sure liked to make things convoluted alright,” Grandbuggy relays. “But nah, the truth is he got all chummy with Tirek’s brother Scorpan, nice guy actually, and convinced him to turn on Tirek before he got too powerful.”

“…Really? As simple as that?” Nightshade sputters and Grandbuggy shrugs.

“Well would you expect a sucker punch coming from your little brother?” Grandbuggy responds.

“I don’t know, I don’t have one! I’m hoping that changes in the future,” she says impatiently looking at you and Selena, to which you both blush. “But until then, I’m gonna go with no.”

“Exactly, and let me tell you, Scorpan was ripped. That gargoyle could bench press the TARDIS,” Grandbuggy chuckles.

“His brother was a gargoyle?” you ask confused before shaking your head. “Never mind. So can we just send a message to this scorpion guy?”

“Boy, he’s dead. Been dead over a thousand years,” Grandbuggy hoof waves.

“Is that even a given anymore? Look at how many creatures that have shown up that were supposedly dead over a thousand years ago. You’ve got Luna and Selly, Discord, Sombra, the Sirens, this Frost kid, and now Tirek!” you rant in exasperation. “Tartarus, I’m half expecting Starswirl himself to show up at some point with some weird magicy explanation.”

At that moment, Twilight, Celestia and Luna get goosebumps as a sense of irony washes over them.

“Well unfortunately for us, he is dead. Went to his funeral and everything,” Grandbuggy says with finality.

“Perhaps if we were able to get to Ponyville, we’d be able to utilize the TARDIS somehow?” Jack suggests.

“The last thing we need is that thing sucking up the Time Stream,” Derpy says. “Besides, getting to Ponyville is going to be a little tricky right at the moment. As much as I want to get back to Dinky and the Doctor…”

Jack puts a hoof on her shoulder noticing her melancholy.

“Whatever we do, it sounds like a direct encounter with Tirek should not be anywhere near the top,” Sunset ponders aloud.

"And seeing as how all of our most powerful fighters are magic users…” Twilight trails off.

Nightslayer’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

WARGAMES’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

“So what you're saying is that we're all boned, got it," you groan in defeat causing everyone to wince.

“Hey, hey, no need to be a debby downer, we still got options bro,” B2 says causing all eyes to fall on him.

“…So were you actually telling the truth about having a brother or-“ Flash starts to ask you, but you shush him.

“No, alternate universe me!” you quickly explain before turning to B2. “And what options are those?”

“I assume high tailing it through the mirror back home?” Humbra guesses.

“Exactly!” B2 says proudly and most everyone facehooves.

“B2, we can’t just leave this world to perish just to save ourselves,” Sunset implores.

“To be fair, it isn’t His world,” Sci-Twi plays devil’s advocate before everyone else glares at her. “I’m not saying I agree, just that I understand.”

“I think he’s got more to say actually,” Hu-Luna interrupts and B2 smirks.

“That I do babe, thanks,” he nods before looking to the rest of you.

“Look, this Tirek guy drains magic right? Well this pony Flash guy was able to put up a decent fight with a robot suit, so that means tech is superior right?” he insinuates. “We got a nice little portal with non magicy human innovation on the other side… you see where I’m going with this?”

“You don’t mean…Buses?” you say with wide terrified eyes and all the Humans look at you incredulously.

“What? No,” he says giving you a disappointed look.

“Oh thank the gods,” you sigh

“We wouldn’t be able to even fit one through the mirror,” he says. “No, I say we gather up all the gold pieces you guys use as pennies and go and arm ourselves to the teeth. AK’s for everyone!” he cheers.

“AK’s?” Luna questions, but Humbra talks over her.

“Really? AK’s? Those things are overhyped.”

“Well they don’t HAVE to be AK’s, but you know what I mean!” B2 argues.

“What’s an AK?” asks Cadence.

“You need something heavier though, that monster’s like the size of Godzilla. I say we get bazookas and flame throwers,” Hu-Rainbow says.

“And where in tarnation are we gonna get those on such short notice?” Hu-Jack asks.

“Twilight’s brother’s training to be a cop, maybe he’s got some on impound?” Pinkie suggests.

“My brother is not going to just hand over weapons to be used in a cross dimensional altercation!” Sci-Twi says in exasperation.

“Seriously! What is an AK?!” Selena demands.

“A weapon that wouldn’t be able to be used on this side,” Sunset explains before looking to B2. “We don’t have fingers to pull triggers here.”

“Oh…right,” he says looking down at his own hooves, briefly changing them to monkey hands and back. “I can see how that’d be a problem for everyone else.”

“Well what about the minotaur man here? Can’t he use one?” Hu-Rarity asks pointing at Iron Will.

“I do have fingers,” he says wiggling them.

“Oh gee, who could’ve guessed?” Lightning Dust snarks and he glares at her.

“Though I’ve never used an alien weapon before.”

“It’s fairly simple really,” Humbra lectures. “You just point a metal tube at bad dudes, pull a little lever and, BOOM! Problems solved. The two dragons could use them too.”

“We could?” Spike asks intrigued.

“I like the idea of using new and mysterious weapons,” Garble says before Sci-Twi shakes her head.

“Even if we were to bring guns here, three people still wouldn’t be enough to take down that giant monster,” she explains.

“Well if we can’t get these AK’s, why don’t you just buy a bunch of hoverboards and we could throw them at him? They light on fire for like no reason,” you suggest.

“Ooh, I like that idea,” Nightshade coos as she reaches into her inventory and pulls the Mirror Portal out and sets it on the ground. The mechanical parts attached whir, and the surface sparkles slightly. “Now all we need is some bits right? How much do you think we’ll need?”

Before anyone can answer your daughter though, Celestia shakes her head.

“We shouldn’t be utilizing the mirror at all, in fact our biggest priority now is to keep it out of Tirek’s hands,” she announces with surety, before looking at said mirror. “Which is why we must deactivate it.”

Her horn lights up and suddenly the machinery sputters out and the mirror stops shining.

“Princess Celestia?!” Twilight gasps.

“Hey, hey wait!” Hu-Dash exclaims.

“What are you doing?!” Hu-Luna shouts.

“Something necessary,” Celestia answers, though avoids eye contact.

“But that’s like our only way home!” Humbra complains.

“Not to mention all the refugees we sent over,” Nightshade adds.

“What are you thinking?” you accuse and she looks back at all of you with hardened eyes.

“If Tirek were to gain access to this mirror, what do you think will happen?!” she growls. “It’s a portal that links to an untold amount of worlds!”

“You can say that again,” Lightning Dust groans, but the princess continues.

“He’s already this powerful after taking over just one country, can you imagine what he’ll become if he has access to the Multiverse?” she exposits. It’s then that all of you truly think about what that could mean.

“He’d get even more Huge?” Hu-Pinkie says simply.

“That’s one way of looking at it,” Sombra says emotionlessly. “With that much power, he would achieve True God-Hood.”

“…Okay, that’s both the most metal think I’ve ever heard, and the most terrifying,” B2 says with a shudder.

“That’s just Galactus on steroids,” Humbra says, adjusting his glasses.

“Galactus?” Princess Luna inquires.

“A fictional world eater in our world’s comic book media,” Sci-Twi answers.

“Hey, we have that one too,” you throw out.

“Regardless, we should have at least allowed my human friends to return home before we shut it off Princess Celestia,” Sunset points out.

“I’m sorry Sunset Shimmer, but we couldn’t take that risk,” she explains. “With no more magic to distract him aside from ourselves, sending them through would have caught his eye. And we cannot allow him to have any glimpse of this mirror.”

“So like, is that it then? We’re trapped as little ponies forever while the other versions take over our lives?” Hu-Dash complains. “And by forever I mean until that monster eats us?!”

“Not necessarily Rainbow Dash, there’s still the possibility that we can defeat Tirek and get you all home,” Princess Twilight reassures.

“How?! Because from all you’ve said, we ain’t got a snowball’s chance in Hell!” Humbra interjects.

“There’s always a chance, we just have to think of a plan,” Twilight reiterates.

“Well let’s get to thinking quick cause he’s making his way here slowly but surely,” Flash reminds.

“Someone was talking about the train earlier, why don’t we just hop it? There’s no way the centaur is as fast right?” Hu-Jack suggests.

“Abandoning the Empire in this state will make it unrecoverable though,” Cadence points out.

“It’ll be that way if that thing eats everyone too,” Hu-Luna argues.

“Sombra, you fortified this place once against the Princesses, don’t you have any old secret weapons? Maybe deadly stairs?” Nightshade asks the increasingly overwhelmed looking stallion.

“What weapons I had were destroyed, and more than likely dismantled by the crystal ponies over these last two years,” he grumbles. “And my stairs won’t do a thing to something that massive.

“What if we utilized psychological torture?” Selena suggests looking at Sombra. “Your kind knows how to manipulate one’s fear yes?” Before Sombra can answer, Queen Rabia speaks up.

“We do have that ability yes, but that entails getting close to the creature, but considering the fact that it consumed nearly all of us, I would NOT recommend such action!” she says with deadly finality.

Both Hope and Sombra shift uneasily at that sentence, but it only serves to make Selena scowl.

“Alright, but if we can’t use their magic and stuff, why don’t we just play like a super annoying song on a boom box?” Hu-Pinkie suggests. “Make him not want to come here?”

“What, you want us to Rick Roll him into leaving?” B2 laughs.

“Hey, if it’s good enough for the government, it’s good enough for us right?” Pinkie responds.

“Maybe he’s super religious and we could just play one of our metal songs and offend him to death?” Humbra suggests sardonically.

“Yeah, because I’m pretty sure the horned devil horse-monkey is gonna be afraid of metal,” Hu-Luna rolls her eyes.

Kichi’s Comment

“Well what if we think along the lines of what we just did to the mirror?” Sunset pipes up. “Deactivate our magic somehow so he won’t have a reason to steal it?”

“Is that possible?” Princess Twilight asks Celestia who puts a hoof to her chin.

“Deactivation…I’m not so sure about that,” she ponders.

“As someone who researched the properties of magic for months back in my world, I can say that that won’t work,” Sci-Twi sighs. “Magic is just another form of energy, which can’t be created or destroyed. Turning it off just simply isn’t possible.”

“Really? I had mine turned off when I had some chunk of the changeling throne stuck on me,” you counter and Grandbuggy shakes his head.

“That was merely a suppressant boy, just like those dohickeys in the stadium. The magic was still there, just unreachable.”

“Well there you go, what about those annoying suppressors on the big guy? Even the changelings used them,” B2 suggests and Nightshade looks away sheepishly.

“We kind of broke those during the jail break earlier,” she admits.

“…Well that’s splendid,” Selena sighs before looking to you. “But it’s doubtful they, or even the throne pieces would’ve worked on him anyway. Even if we’d used them on ourselves, we’d still be drained.”

“Exactly, and that’s the correct word, drained,” Sci-Twi lectures. “The magic from this centaur’s past victims was transferred, it was not destroyed.”

“So wait, everyone in Equestria might be able to regain their magic and vitality if we defeat him?” Flash asks hopefully.

“It certainly may be possible,” Princess Twilight ponders, going off the same wavelength of her double. “In theory, it should also be possible to relocate our own mana into some other vessel in a manner similar to what Tirek’s done.”

“Didn’t you have a gizmo that took power like that Twilight?” asks Hu-Fluttershy and Hu-Twilight blushes.

“Not anymore, it got destroyed,” she explains sheepishly before coughing into her hoof and adjusting her glasses. “And I don’t believe I have enough time to build another one before the centaur arrives.”

“No, but that might be an option worth exploring, transferring the power to just one individual…” Princess Twilight ponders aloud.

“…Indeed it does,” Celestia says as a look of intrigue comes over her. You see as she shares a look with Cadence and Luna who seem to have some sort of epiphany.

“I hate to rain on that idea, but transferring everyling’s power to one creature is just gonna leave everyone else in the state ol Tirek would have left them in. How’s that gonna benefit anyone?” Grandbuggy counters.

“Exactly, and trust me, as someone who’s had two people’s overwhelming power at my disposal, it can be a lot to handle,” you speak up.

“Heck, I can barely control the stupid Alicorn Amulet, and you think one creature can hold 7 Alicorns worth as well as everyling else’s?” Nightshade asks in disbelief.

“It does indeed sound like too much for one being to handle,” Selena nods in agreement.

“I’m not sure of the science behind this, but yeah, overloading one individual with that much power might cause them to…pop,” Sunset says reluctantly.

“…Maybe you’re right,” Twilight sighs, though the other Princesses still have a look of understanding on their faces.

“If you are so worried about causalities, then what about that so called Immortal Stallion,” Queen Rabia interrupts pointing at Jack.

“I’ll have you know that despite being immortal, I’m still just an earth pony, and I feel pain,” he snarls at the umbrum.

“And the last thing we need is an empowered Jack being used as a self refilling battery for Tirek,” Derpy surmises.

“That we do not,” he nods.

“What about the Crimson Knights? Can’t you recall them?” you ask and he shakes his head.

“I ain’t got my communicator on me thanks to the Changelings. And even if I did, they’re several galaxies away and last I heard, fighting Daleks and Sontarians,” he explains.

“Wait, the Daleks are back? I thought they were-“

“Yes yes, everyone always thinks they’re gone, but they just keep coming back for no explainable reason and it’s bucking annoying!” Derpy growls in frustration.

“Almost like the writers couldn’t come up with better ideas,” Hu-Pinkie mutters under her breath, but Jack continues.

“But yes, those motley misfits are too far away to be of any use, even if I were to contact them right now,” he sighs.

“Ugh! This is so frustrating! Why the buck did Discord have to go and get himself drained first?!” Nightshade grunts kicking at a table. “He would have really been useful right now!”

“Would he have?” you ask skeptically and she scowls at you.

“Yes! He was being less of a turd and was actually nice to hang around!” she huffs. “Stupid Blue Flu making him vulnerable and crap!”

“To be fair, it was his own dang fault he got sick,” Cadence says before coughing into her hoof. “But either way, he isn’t available so it’s best not to think of what ifs.”

“If the mirror were active, maybe we could have gotten humie Discord to help…you have a Discord right?” you double check with the humans.

All the younger girls look amongst themselves and shrug, but Hu-Luna sighs.

“There is a Discord, he’s in charge of the school board,” she explains. “And he is the most annoying bastard you’ll ever meet.”

“Really? More annoying than me?” B2 asks and she rolls her eyes.

“Infinitely so. At least you didn’t date my sister,” she huffs and a short stunned silence falls over everyone.

“…Wait, your world’s me and him…What?!” Celestia sputters in shock.

“Believe me horse Celestia, I know the feeling,” Hu-Luna shudders as Princess Twilight looks aghast.

“Huh? Human Discord isn’t kind of sort of dating Fluttershy like ours?” Grandbuggy asks.

“Wait, what?” Hu-Shy asks in surprise.

“If he knows what’s good for him he isn’t! Or else I’m calling the police the minute I get back!” Hu-Luna shouts while glaring at Fluttershy who squeaks and curls in on herself.

“I don’t even know who he is!” she defends meekly.

“We’re getting off topic again!” Princess Luna interrupts.

“Right, approaching doomsday,” you emphasize. “Any other thoughts?”

“…Okay, now hear me out now,” Frost says holding his hooves up. “What if Spike and Garble get swallowed by the monster and burn him from the inside out?”

Another silence falls after that suggestion.

“Buck that!” Garble breaks the silence.

“Yeah, no thanks! I’m not going to be someone’s dinner anytime soon!” Spike gags.

“Come on, you guys don’t really use magic, so it’d be perfect,” the windicolt complains.

“Why don’t YOU get eaten by a giant and tell us how perfect it is!” Spike shoots back.

“Ugh, fine! Whatever! I still think it’s a good idea,” the colt huffs crossing his forelegs. “Attacking weak points is the key to victory.”

“There’s gotta be better ways of attacking his weak points than by getting devoured,” Garble argues. “He’s still got eyes right? Or heck, he’s a guy, so just kick him in the nads.”

“That plan has worked well for me in the past,” Nightshade agrees. “But yeah, let’s keep that as Plan B or C, because for all I know, he could have indestructible balls of steel like Bulk Biceps.”

“There’s an image I didn’t want to think about again,” you say with a quick shake of your head. “But so let’s assume we can nutshot him or burn him alive from the inside, is there anyway to build a giant trap and fill it with peanut butter before he gets here?”

“Peanut butter?” Hope questions, while Sunset sighs.

“Not this again,” she rolls her eyes.

“It would have worked Sunset!” you defend.

“I don’t know about Peanut Butter, but maybe we could lure him to that stadium with a decoy and blow it up Bane style?” Humbra suggests.

“Hmm, there is a big hole there now after what Selly did to it,” you say looking to the tired mare who saved your life who smirks.

“Yes there is, but the question is, is it big enough to hold Tirek?” she points out. “And truthfully I don’t believe it is.”

“You kidding? That debris from the impact has no doubt reached the lower atmosphere,” Cadence counters.

“Maybe we could make the hole even bigger? Who’s got dynamite?” B2 throws out, and from there a tangent about making the crater bigger occurs.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

And while everyone discusses their position on the hole, you notice that Sombra isn’t participating and has in fact shuffled off to the side, looking at the group with a small frown. And though he has Hope near him, they don’t seem to have noticed his change of mood.

“If we had access to that many explosives, they’d be better served against that beast,” Luna argues.

Ignoring the conversation, you walk up to your unofficial uncle and lean up towards his ear.

“Psst! Hey!” you whisper which causes him to refocus his eyes and turn to you.

“What?” he whispers back.

“You okay? You look like you’re zoning out?” you inquire and he rolls his eyes.

“I’m not zoning out, I’m just…thinking,” he says sounding dodgy.

“Gasoline! I’m telling you, it’s the nectar of the gods and can solve that ape-dinosaur problem if we fill in that crater,” your dad says and several folks groan at his addiction.

“Thinking of a better plan right?” you say, knowing damn well that even if there was that much gas around, none of you’d have time to fill up the stadium crater your mom made.

“Hmm, I’ve already thought of a plan. A plan with many steps as a matter of fact,” he admits. “I just don’t know if I’ll get everyone to agree to it or not.”

Hearing this, Hope turns towards your conversation.

“What’s wrong Sombra?” she asks, now noticing his troubled mood.

“Nothing, aside from the obvious impending doom,” he dismisses and you frown.

“Nah-uh, don’t go doing that to her like some jerk,” you reprimand and he winces. “You normally just throw out your ideas without caring what others think, so what’s on your mind Sombra?”


“Please tell us,” Hope urges, giving him a better convincing look than you could muster.

“If he’s got a horse body, all we gotta do is cut one of the tendons in his legs and he won’t be able to walk properly,” Hu-Luna suggests.

“And then he’d have to get sent to a glue factory,” Hu-Pinkie laughs, causing Hu-Fluttershy to grimace.

“…What does that mean?” Princess Twilight inquires.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Sunset says sounding horrified. Sighing at the banter, Sombra shakes his head and looks at both you and Hope.

“Right now, there are so many shifting parts, and revelations that make things harder to plan for,” he starts. “The Umbrum are mostly magic, meaning that Tirek will just be able to suck them up like he did for the prison. The near destruction of my species will become a mass extinction if I’m not careful.”

Hope puts a hoof on his shoulder in sympathy and you nod.

“Well I think that’s why we need a plan that’s going to help everyling,” you say.

“My idea does just that…” he trails off before looking tersely at Queen Rabia, who sits upon a café chair, scowling at the proceedings. “But difficulties may arise.”

Sombra’s voice takes on a sharper edge, at that, and you give your own glare towards the Queen.

“Oh I get ya. You’re mom was acting like a turd earlier and you think she’ll raise a stink?”

“That’s one way of putting it,” he grumbles. “The regal and caring façade she’d put on before seems to have been stripped away since I opened that door.”

“Which is something I just don’t understand,” Hope says sounding sad. “Her, your sister, all the other Umbrum, they’re different now. When I was with them, their forms were softer and comforting. But now…”

“They’ve shown their true colors,” Sombra finishes with a scowl. “Colors that explain why an entire people would be locked in a prison.”

“…Surely it can’t have all been a lie though?” Hope proposes. “Maybe they hid their nastier side, but that can’t have been all there is to them. They had families, Ira was my friend…”

“I don’t know. Cold calculated revenge can drive you to act in any way that will make you succeed. I know from experience,” Sombra monotones, gritting his teeth. And suddenly, you realize exactly what’s eating away at the big guy.

“In Shin Godzilla, they crashed all of their trains into him and then pumped him full of liquid nitrogen. We could science something like that up on this side right Twi?” Hu-Dash throws out.

“We’d still need a large supply of liquid nitrogen Rainbow Dash, and I don’t think that’s just lying around the arctic,” Sci-Twi shoots down.

“Sombra, you’re not like that anymore,” you say in a comforting tone and he stiffens, proving your thought pattern correct. “We all love and care for you and know you’re turning out for the better.

“…But not so long ago, my nature was aligned with hers. In wanting the Empire, to rule and control and to-“

“But you’ve changed. Remember back when we had that big pow wow with the Princesses?” you remind him. “You wanted to make amends, and you just wanted to free your people in a more diplomatic way.”

“I…” he stammers.

“I wouldn’t say it’s that he’s changed, it’s more like he’s going back to the way he used to be,” Hope says before smiling at him. “To how we were when we were younger.”

Her smile makes him look away, though you can see a bit of a flush on his cheeks.

“Whatever the case, you’re not a bad guy Sombra,” you reassure him before looking to Hope. “And I’m sure not every Umbrum is either. The changelings got some good bugs, so maybe Ira really is still your friend. You don’t have to expect the worst from everyone just because Queen Rabies is a bitch.”

That actually gets both of them to snort a bit, before they try to compose themselves.

“That’s a pretty good way of putting it kid,” another voice interrupts the conversation and all three of you are startled to see that Humbra has crashed the conversation. “But it is best to get others out of her manipulative ways before it’s too late.”

“You speak from experience Human?” Sombra asks his double and he nods.

“Oh yes. I had plans for my life that never matched up with my mother’s, and she took that as insubordination,” he relays, a pained grimace on his face. “And when she couldn’t get her way, she turned everyone against me.”

You look over at the Umbrum Queen and scowl, knowing full well that she would do the same here.

“I figured as much,” Sombra admits. “Which is why if I propose this plan-“

“She’ll probably screech and holler, but right now, you got more power bro,” Humbra informs. “You’ve got way more support and friends than I did. And seeing how she’s acting now, I don’t think your sister’s as far gone as mine turned out.”

Sombra doesn’t say anything at first to his double’s advice, but you do see as his eyes shift towards his sibling, who unlike their mother, has a look of anxiousness and fear on her ghostly features.

“I didn’t even know she existed until a few hours ago, but I do feel the sense to protect her,” the crystal king says quietly.

“Well there you go dummy,” you encourage. “If you’ve gotta say something, just say it and don’t even listen to your mom. I’ve chewed out Mommy and Daddy plenty of times when they acted like buttheads, so go for it.”

And because the universe runs on convenient timing, that is when Queen Rabia adds her two bits to the planning committee.

“If you truly want to bait this monster into a trap, then place the crystal ponies in one area,” she declares causing everyone to look at her.

“I think they’ve been through enough already with the changelings and all,” your dad responds but she continues.

“Think about it you fool, if he were busy devouring their magic, then he will be open for attack!”

“We can’t just sacrifice my citizens for a sucker punch!” Cadence responds with a growl, to which Rabia returns.

“Do not speak to me of sacrifice ancestor of Amore! My people are dead because of him and your family’s actions! And it’s not like the crystal ponies will die immediately, but even if they do you can afford to lose some for the greater good!” she shoots back nastily.

Her haughty attitude is starting to piss you off as your shards blip, but before you can say anything, Sombra steps forward.

“No!” he says sternly and loudly without shouting, causing all eyes to turn to him.

“What do you mean no son? You know as well as I that-“

“Leave the room mother,” he interrupts and her eyes widen.

“What?” she gasps.

“I said leave the room,” he says coldly. “We will plan and you will hear our decisions afterward.”

“What nonsense do you speak?!” she accuses. “I am Queen! I will-“

“And I am a King!” he says with authority advancing on her. “I who once had dominion over the crystal ponies have more say in their fate, and I will not sacrifice them! Umbrum and Pony together are going to be saved!”

She actually backs up from his advance, and even on her smoky face, you see surprise and hesitation.

“So right now mother,” he spits. “I would suggest you heed my orders. Leave the room and await our decision…”

Everyone else in the room looks awed at this encounter, most eating it up for the family drama that it is. Humbra has a proud look on his face, Hope of course is invested in the power of those words, and Ira looks very uncomfortable.

The stare down between mother and son lasts for a solid few seconds, but it is Rabia who looks away first.

“Fine! If you think my council is null than do as you will!” she grunts and starts floating to the other room. “Come Ira!”

The younger Umbrum flinches at that, and is about to follow, until Sombra stops her with a hoof.

“No, she stays,” he says sternly. Rabia stops for a moment and whips her head around in surprise, and Ira looks just as shocked looking up at her older brother. Another few moments of silence follow, but even you know that Sombra’s tone wasn’t asking, he was telling.

Frowning, but not saying another word, the older umbrum leaves the main café room, heading into the kitchen.

When he is sure that she is not listening in, Sombra lets out a sigh and looks to his stunned sister, before patting her back.

“Do not fret Ira, you’ve done nothing wrong,” he reassures. She gapes at him like a fish for a few seconds, before closing her mouth and nodding.

“O-Okay…” she says meekly, reminding you a bit of Fluttershy.

“Now this is some juicy family drama,” Grandbuggy whispers to Jack who chuckles.

Sombra actually grins at that before looking to the others, but mostly Cadence.

“I meant what I said, I will not intentionally sacrifice the Crystal Empire citizens,” he tells her truthfully.

“…And I appreciate those words, I truly do,” she answers back.

“Not only that, but I will not allow anyone to tear apart the only family I have left, be it Tirek or my own mother,” he says with authority. You smile at that, thinking he’s just acting as a good big brother, but then your eye catches something. He does look at Ira yes, but when he speaks of family, he also looks to Hope, your parents, and you.

A warm fuzzy feeling washes over you, and you beam even brighter. You’d been calling him your Uncle just out of habit, but now you see he truly does consider you a niece. A fact that a few others notice as well, including Celestia and Cadence who grin, their feature’s softening towards the former tyrant.

“Alright, cool beans, nothing’s stronger than family and all that,” your dad of course ruins the moment with his callousness. “But that still doesn’t solve our monster problem. Unless it can?”

“I don’t see how you can harness “family” power,” Sombra says with a roll of his eyes. “But I do have an idea to Save the Empire and rid ourselves of Tirek for a spell.”

“You do?” your mom asks surprised.

“Of course I do, I am a tactician after all,” he says proudly.

“Well what is it then?” you say, encouraging him to go forth.

“Yes, what do you have Sombra?” Hope adds with a sweet voice.

He looks back at you two before looking to Humbra who grins and nods. And with that, he looks back to the gathered audience.

“It’s simple, you lot are going to activate the Crystal Heart.”

POV Change: Bugze

Everyone falls silent at that as they take in Sombra’s words. You really didn’t expect someone else to throw out an even crazier plan than your stadium bomb, but here it is.

Maybe his family squabbling knocked something loose, you reckon as Nightshade speaks up.

“Wouldn’t he just eat the magic from the heart?” she asks the question everyone else is thinking.

“He wouldn’t get the chance. It doesn’t appear as though he can drink everything in one instance. He had to physically drink the magic from the Umbrum prison which took some time,” he explains methodically. “Which means if a great source were to envelope him all at once, he wouldn’t be able to absorb it before it blasted him away.”

“Oh…oh!” Cadence says as her eyes alight in understanding.

“What? What’d you figure out?” you ask your friend who looks back at you with elation.

“Bugze, don’t you remember Canterlot?”

“Uh…” you trail off thinking of the countless times you’ve been there.

“The invasion,” she clarifies for your dumb brain..

“Oh, yes of course,” you nod. “But what’s that-“

“Even though Changelings can feast on love, me and Shining were able to utilize it to blast you all away,” she says and suddenly you see what Sombra’s getting at.

“That’s…that’s actually a really good idea!” you shout as others begin to realize the intricacies.

“So we’re just going to use overwhelming force?” Sci-Twi asks.

“It’s worked before,” Spike answers. “When Bugze was raging and ate Sombra, the Heart blasted him and Nightshade up into the stratosphere.”

“Which I’m thankful I can’t remember,” you say truthfully.

“Don’t worry Daddy, I remember enough for the both of us,” your daughter says sardonically.

“So you hope to blast Tirek away from the Empire whilst also ensuring that the arctic ice will be thawed?” Luna asks and Sombra nods.

“It will kill two birds with one stone,” he says with surety.

“But wait, even if he’s blasted away, won’t he just come back once he lands?” B2 asks.

“He very well may, but getting him further away will ensure that we have more time to strategize, which is very limited right now,” he says with a hint of urgency. “Once the Empire is restored, if need be I could curse it out of time and space again to keep it out of his clutches.”

Twilight and the rest of the Princesses shudder at that, before Hope speaks up.

“Let us hope it won’t come to that,” she reassures and Sombra’s shoulders ease up a bit.

“Yes…let’s,” he says hollowly before his eyes steel again. “But yes, we lure Tirek towards the palace with the power of the Alicorns, we keep the Crystal Ponies underground where he can’t reach them, and once he’s close we activate the Crystal Heart which will launch him away, hopefully out of the Arctic.”

“But what about the Umbra?” Ira asks fearfully. “Are we to flee?”

“Fleeing would be too risky, as he would devour you as he did the others,” he says plainly, before his voice takes on a bit of softness. “So to protect you and the rest of our kind, they must re-enter the prison.”

“The prison?!” she exclaims frightfully. “But we’ve already spent so long in there, and that thing already sucked everyone into the barrier and-“

“Ira…” Sombra says gently, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “I understand your concerns, but right now, this is the only way to protect you and the rest of the Umbrum.”

“H…How?” she asks, sounding absolutely mystified.

“Because the prison will no longer be on the centaur’s mind. He has already drunken every bit of magic from it, so he would not expect more to fill in that void,” he explains earnestly. “And also, it is the only place for miles that is going to be safe when the Crystal Heart activates.”

The shadowy creature gapes at their sibling for a moment, trying and failing to say anything, but the tumultuous churning of her form starts to stabilize a little.

“With the charms in place, the Crystal Heart’s energy will not harm us,” the younger sibling surmises and Sombra smiles.

“Precisely. Glad to see intelligence hasn’t evaded all of our ancestry,” he chuckles and the umbrum smiles back.

“But how would we get out again?” she follow ups and Sombra looks to Hope.

“Hope helped open the door not all that long ago, she will be able to open it again when things are safe,” he praises. And though you see the unicorn mare smile lightly at this praise, you do note that there is a bit of hesitation and what looks like dread in her features.

“Alright, this seems pretty straightforward,” Nightshade says. “But what about me? If the Heart goes off, the Amulet’s gonna hurt like a motherbucker.”

“Which is why we’re going to remove it,” Sombra tells her with a grin.

“We are?” she says in surprise and hope.

“With whatever methods my mother has to offer and Hope’s healing magic, we should be able to get that accursed thing out of you before the Heart goes off,” he says confidently. “Not only that, it will also serve as another piece of bait for Tirek.”

“And if your unhinged “delightful” mother can’t get it out on time?” you throw out protectively, not trusting her in the slightest.

“Then we will have Nightshade teleport to the train,” Sombra says, apparently already having thought of that possibility.

“The train that’s stuck sitting at the station?” Humbra points out.

“It won’t be there when the Crystal Heart activates,” the crystal king says confidently.

“Are we going to send some of our numbers away then?” Celestia asks, drawing conclusions.

“Indeed. I’ve faced an invasion of the Empire before, and I know after facing you not to put all my eggs in one basket. There must be back up contingencies,” he explains to the Alicorn. “Which is why we are going to send the mirror away on the train before we activate the heart.”

“We are?” you ask, not having thought of that possibility.

“Me must,” he nods. “Like the princess said, it would not be wise to risk it falling into his hands. And while he’s distracted by our trap, he will not even think about a train heading to the south.

“That’s a bit of a gamble though, even with it deactivated, to send it off alone would be-“ Flash interjects, but gets cut off.

“We won’t be sending it alone,” Sombra says before looking at the Human Deadly 6 and The Wanted. “You lot still have your power and life force, but you’re still relatively weak to implementation in this world.”

“I’d beg to differ on Twily,” B2 says pointing at Sci-Twi.

“Thank you Mr. Bugze, er, B2, but you’d really just send us away other Sombra?”

“Yeah man, don’t you like, need help with shoring up defenses against King Kong horse?” Human Pinkie chimes in.

“We did help ya’ll earlier if ya recall,” Applejack huffs.

“Be that as it may, you humans still aren’t experienced as we natives are, but you do still have enough power to be able to escort the mirror to the Everfree Forest,” Sombra explains.

“The Everfree Forest?” Nightshade questions. “Why there?”

“Because it is far from here, densely packed and near the rail line,” he responds. “And I’d be willing to bet that any survivors from Ponyville have taken refuge there with that Zebra Shaman.”

“Hmm…yeah I guess if anyling were to have escaped a giant magic sucker, it would be Zecora,” Nightshade nods.

“It would be harder to find the stupid thing within that scary forest,” Grandbuggy also agrees.

“I see the merit of that idea, but my human friends have never been to Ponyville, much less the Everfree Forest before,” Princess Twilight argues.

“Dust and I have been to Ponyville,” Iron Will speaks up raising his hand. “We could guide the humans, and I could also move the Mirror better than they could.”

“What, you’re just volunteering me now?” Dust huffs and he looks at her crossly.

“We’re no magic users, so wouldn’t it make more sense for us to help out in whatever way we can?”


“Wouldn’t you rather not be bait?” he adds and she purses her lips.

“Yeah, yeah, okay I get your point,” she relents before looking to Sombra. “Okay, so like Will said, we could guide the humans there.”

“I mean, I actually live there, so I’d like to volunteer as well,” Derpy says raising her hoof. “Plus, I really, REALLY want to check in on my daughter and husband.”

“They’d definitely benefit with Ms. Do on their side Sombra,” Jack says in support. “The little lady packs quite the kick.”

“Yes, yes, whoever wishes to go, should go, unless of course you’re an alicorn,” Sombra stipulates. “They will be necessary in luring Tirek towards the palace.”

“I know how to get to Zecora’s house,” Spike speaks up and everyone looks to him. “I can take them there if all of Ponyville has been…you know?”

“Oh, but what if I lose control of the amulet and you’re not around Spike?” Nightshade asks sounding anxious and he suddenly looks disturbed.

“Um…” he trails off, being put on the spot.

“And besides, you called dibs on putting the Heart back on the pedestal,” she points out as if she’s a negotiator. “If the humies and the rest need a guide to Zecora’s, Garble’s been there before.”

“I was just about to say that, I’d like a trip on that train if it’s still on the table,” Garble says shamelessly. “No use in me getting eaten when I can be useful elsewhere right?”

“Right you are kiddo,” Grandbuggy nods in agreement. “Just don’t go trying to eat any magical trees while you’re at it.”

“I WON’T! That was one time!” he shouts in annoyance.

“We always say it’s just one time, but the law of guys states we’ll poke a bear again if given the chance,” he chuckles before turning to the few changelings that had gone into the Umbrum prison. “Since you lot are separated from the Hive for now, I’d say you should go with the rest to the Everfree.”

“Just don’t appear hostile to the Zebra, she tends to smack changelings around with a stick,” Selena warns. Double Vision, Patches, and Emerald all shudder at that, with the rest of the injured changelings following their lead.

“Yeah, so don’t do that. In fact,” Grandbuggy says before leaning into Patches ear and whispering something. The changelings seems surprised at first before he salutes to Grandbuggy who smirks. “Just bring some snacks, I heard water damage got most of them.”

“Did you give him directions to the bunker?” you ask your Grandbug who nods.

“Couldn’t hurt seeing as how it’s the end of the world and all. Depending on who they find in the Everfree, it could be a good fall back spot for the mirror as well,” he says sagely.

“I hadn’t thought of that. Good thinking old bug,” Sombra congratulates.

“Eh, it’s what I do,” he shrugs “humbly.”

“What about me?” asks Frost. “I’m still weakened from the changeling cocoon, but I can still manipulate some snow or-“

“It’s best you get on the train as well young one,” Sombra interrupts and he flattens his ears.

“Oh come on! Can’t I do something here? Ever since getting released I’ve only made some blunders, like helping put folks in with the Umbrum, which I guess was a mistake and-“

“Frost, your powers are still drained,” Nightshade placates. “So right now what you need is to rest and get them back. And once they do come back, you’ll be able to look after Garble.”

“Oi! I don’t need someone to look after me!” the red dragon huffs and crosses his arms. “Though I wouldn’t say no to some company, everyone else on the train seems like they’ll be a drag.”

“Tsundere much Garb?” Nightshade trolls and he frowns.

“Oh whatever. But yeah, hop the train with me Icy, you’re part ghost so the last thing we need is you being half eaten,” he implores.

The windicolt bites at his lip, mulling things over before he sighs.

“Okay, I’ll get on the train too. But I swear I’ll help out once we all group up again,” he declares to Nightshade and Spike.

“Good to hear bro,” Spike says giving him a nod.

“Very well then,” Sombra nods. “So unless there are others wishing to board the train?” He looks at Grandbuggy when he asks this, and the old bug shakes his head.

“Nah, so long as my boy, his gal and Nightshade are still here, I ain’t going nowhere,” he says with pride.

“Awww, thanks Grandbuggy,” Nightshade smirks.

“And you immortal?” Sombra asks Jack.

“Well I figure I might as well take a look at Shining Armor’s stolen mech suit here, maybe I can get it up to snuff again,” the leader of Torchwood says.

“It’s not stolen,” Flash grumbles before coughing into his hoof. “And I’ll stay as well. If the suit is needed, I can run interference while you all set up.”

“Don’t know if it’s in the shape to do that boy, after crushing Sombra’s mom and all,” Grandbuggy says looking out the window at the sparking suit.

“Well it’ll have to be if it’s needed,” he says sternly.

Look at him, willing to buy time, even when he really can’t, you think in amazement before your heart sinks. But maybe he’s right. Maybe someling does have to cause a distraction…

And as Sombra starts giving out orders for everyling to start doing their part of the plan, you just study their faces and contemplate.

You look at The Princesses, Selena, Nightshade, Sunset, Sombra, and Hope and know that they have to stay in the palace to lure Tirek in with their immense magic. You look at the humans and the others boarding the train, knowing they will have to get the Mirror to safety. You look to Jack, Grandbuggy and Flash and know that even as crafty as they are, they’re still weakened from the past days events.

It’s going to take some time to get all the crystal ponies to the palace and get the Umbrum back in jail, you realize as you do the math. Even if they wrap up quickly, they’re still gonna need time to prep, and if the train catches his interest…

You don’t even want to think about that possibility, but it exists. And while Sombra’s plan is good, it’s not air tight. Under the circumstances, no plan will be.

But maybe I can change that…

“So if everyone understands their role, let’s get to it!” Sombra finishes pulling you from your thoughts.

“Alright! Quickly, temporary goodbye wishes!” Human Pinkie says before she goes and hugs Sunset and Princess Twilight at the same time. “Be safe from the mean old monkey thing!”

“Yeah, you too Pinkie,” Sunset says with a troubled grin.

“You guys better make this plan work, I don’t want to be stuck as a horse for the rest of my life,” Hu-Luna says to her counterpart.

“We will try our hardest other me,” Princess Luna declares.

“Hey, have some faith now babe, Bugze’s involved, and he tends to pull off the impossible,” your double praises.

“Well, I guess from a certain point a view you could say that,” you say, trying to inject a lax tone.

“See? He’s confident,” B2 says before patting your back. “We’ll see you at the end of the line then.”

“Hopefully,” you say, though with no real hope.

“One can only hope,” he laughs and walks over to the Human Deadly 6 who are all saying their quick goodbyes.

“Good job Sombra,” Humbra congratulates his double. “You told that old biddy what’s for.”

“I only did what was necessary,” he shrugs and the bald human rolls his eyes.

“Sure, sure. But still, don’t forget to keep an eye on her,” he warns. “My version would pop off and screw me over even at the worst of times.”

“…I’ll be careful,” Sombra says cautiously.

And in the midst of these quick goodbyes, and knowing what you must do, you decide to join in.

Wrapping your forelegs around the backs of Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy, you speak up to everyone in the room.

“I just wanna say, Good Luck to you all, we’ll all be counting on you.” You garner everyone’s attention at that and you quickly cough and give your family a quick squeeze. “And, well…thanks to all of you for giving my family and I a second chance and…and for being our friends.”

A few of the group awww at that, or look touched, but it’s Twilight who speaks up.

“You’re Welcome Bugze. Thank you for being ours, despite everything,” she says looking at you four. “And don’t worry, we’re all going to continue being friends after all this is over.”

You smile, but you don’t respond with your true thoughts. The pessimism that’s eating away at you as you know your next task. You look to Selena, Nightshade, and Grandbuggy who look at you curiously.

“You three, stay safe through all this okay?” you implore.

“Heh, as safe as we can be boyo,” Grandbuggy chuckles and slips your leg off his back.

“No problem Daddy, with Sombra’s plan, we’ve got this in the bag,” Nightshade beams confidently before slipping your grip and going over to Sombra. “Alright, let’s get your dumb mom to get this stupid thing out of me!”

“We need to get to the palace first Nightshade, that way I’ll be able to prep you safely in case you’re injured,” Hope explains to your child.

“I sure hope they’ll be able to get that stupid thing out of her,” you say worriedly as you squeeze Selena close to you.

“They will my bug, they will,” Selena says as she squeezes you back. “If not then that crotchety smoke crone will have to deal with us as well as Sombra. And I suppose a very upset dragon.”

“Heh,” you briefly laugh as you see Spike taking his place by Shade’s side, and in this moment, it doesn’t even bother you. You then give Selena one last squeeze and say, “Well I trust you’ll oversee that then. Be safe Selly.”

To that she turns and looks at you with a curious expression, but before she can ask anything, everyone begins to disperse at the behest of Sombra.

“I’ll get the Crystal Ponies to the underground,” Cadence says galloping out the door.

“All aboard the Crazy Train!” B2 whoops as he leads his troupe towards the train.

“I suppose I’ll follow your lead Twilight,” Sunset defers to the Princess who shakes her head.

“My lead? I’m following what Sombra says,” she chuckles.

“I’ll gather the rest of the Umbra,” Ira says to her brother before looking to the other room nervously.

“I’ll handle mother, go on,” he tells her. She reluctantly nods at that, before heading towards the group of shadowy creatures outside. Sombra steals himself, and with Hope accompanying him, they go off into the next room to speak to the Umbrum Queen.

“Alright Flash, get in your Gundam and get us to the palace if ya can,” Grandbuggy orders, dragging Jack along.

“Wait, how do you know what a Gundam is?” he asks in surprise.

“Boy, that Neighponese cartoon came out before you were even born,” he lectures. “And my son-in-law never shut up about it.”

Hearing that does bring a sense of calm to your heart, knowing that your father was just a geek at heart as you were. So with that sense of familiarity, you move into the mass exodus and make your move.

With everyone focused on their destinations, you slink off into an alleyway and start heading off in the direction of the approaching centaur. Through gaps in the buildings, you see as the Humies load up the mirror onto the train with Nightshade’s help, before she trots towards the palace with Spike.

A pang of guilt runs through you since you’ve technically tricked her, but you can’t have her following you. The last thing you need is her getting drained by the coming monster.

This is something that only I can do right now, you think, steeling yourself. So much time was wasted already calming down Celestia and fighting with Flash and-

“I knew you were up to something,” Selena’s voice causes you to freeze in place. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Turning around, you see the exhausted mare in the moon staring at you in worry.

“…I’m going to buy you all some time,” you answer her simply, knowing that lying would be futile. Her eyes widen before furrowing at your words before she shouts,

“Bugze, that is insane and ridiculous!”

“So it’s right up my alley then,” you point out with a forced chuckle.

“Bugze, Sombra’s plan is feasible, there’s no need for you to foolishly attack Tirek,” she implores as she advances on you.

“I know it’s a good plan, but it relies too much on perfect timing Selena,” you respond. “And as I’ve learned over the years, having just a bit of extra time can make all the difference in the world.”

“But why does it have to be you? You’ve already done so much and come so far! We’re finally all together with Nightshade,” Selena pleads, not even trying to hide the worry in her voice. “Please, not after everything I just did to save you, don’t do this.”

“I’ll be fine Selly, he only eats magic after all, and there’s nothing magical about me left,” you tell her, putting on a false sense of confidence. “Even if he sucks out what little I ever had, I can still move about and run my mouth. Quacksalver’s proof of that.”

“But surely someone else can-“

“Everyone else is way more useful than I am right now,” you interrupt, speaking the gods’ honest truth. “All I can do is do what I do best and cause a distraction, and that takes no magic at all. Just pure, dumb idiocy.”

“He is massive and may not even give you the time of day,” she argues back, sounding more hysterical.

“Then I’ll make him notice me,” you say firmly. “Whatever it takes to slow him down and keep his eyes on me, I’ll do it. Not only that, but I’ve gotta make sure he doesn’t even look at the train.”

Bringing up the train causes her to look back in the direction of that locomotive, and you know you’ve convinced her slightly. She knows as well as you do that the mirror must not fall into Tirek’s hands. When she looks back at you, her eyes look even more desperate as she tries to dissuade you from this course.

“I’ve got a few tricks I can pull on him. Heck, maybe this Tirek guy will appreciate someone talking and not trying to attack him? I’ve had lengthy conversations with enemies before,” you suggest with a small smile.

“But you-“ she tries to argue again, but you speak up.

“You were the only reason I was ever a powerhouse Selena, and now that you’re out of my head, that makes you a target,” you say placing a hoof on her shoulder which makes her stop fidgeting. “And I…Well…I know you’re worried about me, but that street goes both ways you know?”

“Bugze?” she questions and you start to feel a little nervous.

“I don’t want you to get hurt either Selly. Beating Chrysalis did a number on you, so I want you to be safe. I couldn’t bear it if that thing drained you now after everything you’ve done,” you tell her sincerely, which causes her eyes to soften. “So please let me be able to save you just as you’ve done all these years?”

“You already have saved me Bugze,” she says longingly as she wraps her hoof around the one you’ve placed on her shoulder and brings it to her cheek. “You already have…”

“…Then let me keep doing so,” you say as your heart hammers and you brush her cheek. “I swear, I’ll come back to you and Nightshade. I’ve got to. Because I…I…”

“You…?” she asks, almost hopefully.

Once more, the two of your faces are dangerously close to one another, both of you breathing cautiously as blood flows to your faces. A chasm that’s slowly but surely come together these last few years, yet with either side still reluctant to jump acro-

Ah screw it!

Summoning up all your courage, you pull Selena’s face to yours and lock lips with her. Her eyes widen in shock at first, before they soften and lid as she willingly melts into your embrace.

You’ve finally, FINALLY kissed the Mare of your Dreams. You’ve been kissed by a number of mares in the past, but this is the first kiss you’ve initiated, and boy what a kiss it is. Unlike the others, it is full of want and need from two broken individuals who’ve fixed one another, but most of all, it is full of true, genuine love. Even you who’s never had the capability of feeding on that wonderful emotion, you feel electrified as the two of you fully give in to your long overdue feelings.

Eventually though, you both unfortunately have to break from that passion as you still require air to live.

Gasping and panting, you hold onto one another, looking into each other’s eyes, your faces fully flushed as your heads swim with desire. A trickle of red blood leaks from her nose, and a streak of blue falls from yours.

“I…Um…I love you,” you gasp out breathlessly, finally finishing what you’d been trying to say earlier. “And I’m pretty sure I have for awhile.”

“Obviously,” she giggles, beaming brightly at your confession, before she looks at you forlornly. “And you know I love you too. I…I want more Bugze…”

“So do I Selly,” you say truthfully, before you close your eyes and sigh. “But we’ve gotta wait.”

“I know…I know and I hate that I understand that,” she pouts as she brushes her hoof through your mane. “I don’t want you to go.”

“I know, but I gotta,” you admit as you reach into your inventory. “But I am coming back, so…hold onto this for me in the mean time okay?”

“Hold onto wha-?” she starts to ask, but gasps as you pull out a very vibrantly glowing piece of jewelry and hold it out to her.


Lover’s Jewell Necklace


“It’s like, one of the biggest magic things I’ve got, so I sure don’t want that not-dinosaur thing to get it,” you say as you place the jewelry into her hooves. “And you’re much more responsible than me too.”

“Bugze. Y-you…You do understand what giving this to me symbolizes right?” Selena stammers, almost in disbelief, her face flushed deep crimson.

“Y-yeah, I know what it means, Cadence explained it,” you stutter, losing your composure a little as you rub the back of your neck and your face turns even more red. “I-I mean, i-it’s only right that you have it right? After all, I’ve had yours for four years and-”

She throws her hooves back around you and once more, your lips are locked together like a couple on prom night. Neither of you want to pull back, but in the midst of your bliss, you hear the train starting up again, and you know duty calls so you are the first to break the kiss.

“Yeah…So…” you breathe out dopily. “Consider that a promise that I’m coming back.”

“I consider it a promise for so much more my love…” she says with a seductive smirk.

“Right, heh heh,” you chuckle anxiously as more blood leaks from your nostril. “But until then, be safe with Nightshade okay?”

“Very well then…” she says, smiling a bit sadly as she places the Lover’s Jewell Necklace around her neck. “I’ll be waiting.”

Giving her a smile and a nod, you wipe the blood from your nose and gather up your will.

“Then I’ll get going. Noling else can play the fool better than I can right?” you boast and she giggles.

“Your words, not mine my love…please be careful.”

With my luck, all I can do is try, you think pessimistically, but for Selena you smile confidently and say,

“I will.”

And with that, before you can change your mind, you march off into the snow, towards the approaching beast. Fear sweeps across your mind, but the elation of what you’ve just done kind of helps balance that.

Holy Tartarus, I finally did it! Gorramn did that feel good! She tasted a little like blueberries I think, but oh my gosh! Why did I wait till the middle of a freaking warzone to do that?! you think almost absentmindedly as your heart hammers more in panic. Holy buck, I really did just propose with that necklace didn’t I?! If this were a movie or comic that would definitely be a death flag!

I have a rendezvous with death, the poem’s words echo but you grit your teeth.

Oh buck off! I ain’t dying yet! I made a promise! You think resolutely, before steeling your eyes and marching out of the Empire. Not only to her, but to myself long ago. I said I’d wait till marriage, and by the gods I am almost there! With Selly I’ll finally be able to give Nightshade the family life she deserves!

You then quickly smack yourself to focus.

Don’t think of that now dummy! Focus on the now so that you can make that future happen, you think vigilantly. Right now, it’s time to paint a target on my back for the betterment of all pony and man-kind.

And as you walk past the dim lights of the Empire into the arctic snow, the moon and starlight illuminate the massive red form in the distance. Still a ways a way, but far too close for comfort.

Double time it bug! You order yourself, before you start trotting through the snow towards your foe.

Back in the City

Selena watches you, caressing the jewel around her neck the whole time, feeling both joyful and melancholic. Once you are out of sight, she sighs and reluctantly turns to head back to the palace…and freezes in her tracks as she sees Luna watching her from across the street. Said alicorn has a smirk on her face.

She is shocked at first, but that quickly gives way to embarrassment and anger as she marches towards her twin.

“How long have you been standing there?” she demands.

“From the moment you were trying to convince him to not go,” Luna admits with a grin. “And verily was that a mighty display of passion.”

“Aaaaggghhhh!!!” Selena growls and put her face in her hooves.

“Fear not, my words are not just in jest,” Luna reassures. “In fact I am happy to have witnessed it.”

“What are you a voyeur?” Selena hisses accusatorially, which only causes Luna to chuckle.

“Some have called me such, but no. For now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you completely turned over a new leaf,” she admits.

“What, you still doubted me?” Selena accuses.

“Of course, as I’m sure you still doubt me…but seeing you and Bugze…it gives me hope that one day, perhaps even I can gain what you’ve gained.”

“Hmmph, well don’t think about setting your eyes on my changeling, he’s taken,” Selena boasts, showing off the Necklace.

“Oh of course, I wouldn’t dream of it,” Luna laughs before becoming serious. “But just know, that whatever may come, I see you now in the light. And maybe…just maybe, I could call you friend once more. If not family.”

Selena is taken aback by this admission as she stares at the mare who she’d been bonded to for a millennia. After a moment, she composes herself and looks at the other alicorn in the eye.

“I don’t know myself if I’m ready to go down that route again Luna,” she says truthfully. “But I suppose if we somehow survive this, maybe we can open that door.”

“I understand,” Luna nods knowingly before smirking. “And I would not rush you into it. I know you’ll be focused on your family for some time.”

Selena catches onto the insinuation, and returns an almost identical smirk.

“You’re gorrammned right.”

Both mares chuckle at that, before they head together towards the Palace and the others to ready the trap. Selena for her part, occasionally looks behind towards where you disappeared to.

Haoryu Changer’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Back With You

After awhile of trotting through the snow and ice, you finally come face to face with Tirek…Or rather, face to hoof. You knew he was gigantic, from a distance, but with no frame of reference, you didn’t realize just HOW big he truly was until you were within one hundred yards.

HOLY BUCKING BUCK!!! What the Buck are They Feeding This Buck?! Oh right magic, but still, BUCK!!! Your mind screams as all the bravado and feelings of duty you spouted to Selena earlier decide to take an early vacation.

From your brief, yet everlasting memories from the Otherworld, you knew that the Other Tirek was a horned monkey looking horse thing, but he was nowhere near this Huge. Even if Smaug and Ghidora-Hydra were to fight him, they’d only come up to his belly button, if he even had one of those. And holy buck is he jacked! The dude looks like he could actually bench press a mountain.

And his movements! From your perspective, he seems to be walking slowly, but you know he’s covering large distance with every hoof step. And in the midst of all of that, you know he doesn’t even see you as his eyes are trained on the city in the distance.

Okay, calm down, calm down! It’s just a kaiju on steroids, it’s fine! It’s all fine! You try to psych yourself up. I don’t exactly have to fight him. The more time of his I waste, the less time he has to try and absorb everyling’s magic, which wouldn’t be too hard since everyone’s still weakened and This Is The Absolute WORST TIME FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!!! BUCK YOU CHRYSALIS!!!

Suffice to say, your psyching fails as the giant continues his march and you freeze in place, which has nothing to do with the snow.

“You require a blood-letting!” Quacksalver’s voice suddenly rings out in the wastes and you see as the centaur pauses and sighs as a look of annoyance and frustration comes to his face.

“Oh for the love of-“ he grumbles in a deep baritone, just as the crazy Doctor suddenly appears on his head with the chainsaw revving.

“Unfortunately I don’t have any spare leeches in this cold, so we have to use less barbaric measures!” Quacksalver shouts, bringing the chainsaw to one of Tirek’s horns, which causes sparks to fly.

“Why won’t you just die already?!” Tirek growls out, beyond frustrated, as if he’s done this countless times.

“The hippo-mantis oath says to do no harm, and me dying would be very harmful to my career Mr. Horse-Bug-Ape!” the moron cackles. Suddenly, magic emits from between the centaur’s horns, crackling like electricity.

“Ai yai yai yai yai yai yai!!!” the moron shouts as he starts to spasm from the current.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Tirek roars, causing the ground to rumble and nearly make you lose your footing. And with an arch of lightning that reaches into the sky, Quacksalver is blasted off.

“Anime Was A Mistaaaaakkkkeeee!!!” he shouts, for some reason, as disappears into the horizon.

“I swear to the old gods, how much bucking power do I need to steal before that bastard stays dead?!” Tirek huffs as he breaths in and out while rubbing his temples.

…Okay, I changed my mind! Buck this! I’m running back, stuffing Selena, Nightshade and Grandbuggy in the sack and catching up to that bucking train and-


The ice under you suddenly cracks loudly as you take a step back, no doubt shaken loose from Tirek’s roar earlier. You freeze in place and your eyes widen, but it’s too late.

“Huh?” Tirek grunts as he looks in your direction and spots you.

Buck! You mentally screech as the giant notices you and raises an eyebrow.

“A changeling? What’s a changeling doing in the arctic?” he asks aloud curiously and your whole body goes cold.

I’m so dead! Your mind rings out. But I won’t go out like no punk!

With no other choice, you begin your amazing distraction plan.

“Tirek! Your Horror Stops Here! Return everyone’s magic and return to Tartarus or I’ll be forced to hurt you!” you declare defiantly, looking directly into his eyes.

“Bwah ha ha! You hurt me? Don’t make me laugh!” he taunts and holds his arms out challengingly. “For I have the high ground!”

“You Underestimate My Power!” you declare as you pull a can of spinach out of the snow and squeeze the contents into your maw. You quickly chew and swallow causing your muscles to bulk up. You then punch a conveniently placed question mark box above you, causing a feather to fall out and form a cape around your neck.

“Where did those even come from?” Tirek asks.

“Wouldn’t you like to know monkey boy?” you taunt. “Now have at you!”

“Okay,” he shrugs before beams of magic streak from his horns towards you, which you effortlessly duck, dodge and weave under.

“Is that all you got? Come on! Step it Up!” you challenge as you start breakdancing on the ice.

“Well try this one on for size!” he says as a ball of energy forms in his fist and he rushes forward to strike you.

“Toro! Toro!” you shout, using your cape like a matador. Blindsided by such a genius maneuver, he punches through the cape, and trips, skidding on the ice.

“Oh Bollocks! Me Knees!” he shouts in a trottingham accent suddenly.

“You lost the moment you stepped into this tundra!” you shout as you grab his enormous horse tail and start swimming him around and around.

“Hey, you’re spinning, that’s a neat trick,” he admits as you finally get him to a good momentum.

“So Long Gay Tirek!” you say in a Neightallian accent as you throw him into space, causing him to land on the moon.

“Being thrown to the moon! My One Weakness!” he cries from the rocky satellite.

“And now you know, and Knowing is Half the Battle!” you cry out pumping your fist in the air as everyone in the Empire starts cheering for you.

“Bugze Ruuuuullllleeessss!!!” they all chant as Selena and Nightshade land by your side and hug you.

Meanwhile, In the Real World

You still stand frozen in place from when Tirek first noticed you and are currently foaming at the mouth.

“Gllllrrrrrggghhhh,” your mouth spasms, your eyes unfocused and staring in two different directions.

“Huh, this one seems to be rabid. I could’ve sworn these bugs could talk,” Tirek muses, putting a fist to his chin in thought. “And there’s not really any magic coming from this one.”

“Omega 6 fatty acids are good for your heart!” you drool out, still dazed.

“Hmm, perhaps generations of inbreeding has degraded the entire species. Might be merciful to put it out of it’s misery,” he theorizes before shrugging and opening his mouth.

“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a too-Huh?!” you gasp as you are pulled out of your fear induced delusions by the sensation of wind vacuuming past you. You see as the giant centaur has his jaw lowered and is inhaling tremendously. You feel wind whipping past your mane and you feel the sensation of something being pulled out of you through your horn. A few whispy strands of green magic exit from you and enter his mouth…and then no more.

You feel slightly more tired, but that’s all as your magic has been eaten.

That’s it?! Jeeze does my mana pool suck! You think, feeling offended. Tirek himself seems taken aback by this and tries to suck more out from you, but nothing comes out of your horn. No wonder I was never able to transform or teleport in the past! This is just pathetic! I-

“URK!” you cry out and clutch your chest as your heartbeat does that irregular pattern again. This time though, you feel a painful tightness in your chest and it becomes hard to breathe.

The buck?! Is This?! you think as you double over onto the snow. The more Tirek breathes in, the more the pain increases. But then…

“Is that really all there is?” the giant demands as the sucking sensation finally stops. As it does, the tightness starts to fade, and you are able to gasp in air more steadily. “I thought your kind could change shape, and that’s all the magic you could provide?”

“Bwah, hah, hah…” you breathe in as a bit of blue blood leaks outside of your mouth. “The buck was that?”

“I thought I sensed a bit more in you, but seems like I was mistaken,” he sighs in disappointment.

“You bucker,” you gasp out as your heart still feels heavy.


“You absolute bucker!” you shout as you stand back up and scowl at him. “I thought you only ate magic, but you give creatures heart attacks too?!”

“Oh so you can speak?” he says sounding surprised before frowning in confusion. “And you can stand? I thought I just drained you?”

“You did more than that you creepy bucking mammalian insect!” you growl as you stop clutching your chest, which doesn’t hurt anymore. “What’s your bucking problem?!”

Tirek just continues to stare at you perplexed as you glare him down.

“Well?!” you demand.

“I’m sorry, this is a new one for me,” he says sounding perplexed. “The only other creature that hasn’t gone down like a sack of potatoes after getting their magic taken was that insane physician, but he routinely injects himself with chemicals.”

“…You know, that would explain a lot about how he’s still running around,” you agree, thinking about just how much more hyper the crazy surgeon was. “But that’s beside the point! Who just sucks someone’s magic without even talking to them first? Rude much?”

Tirek again pauses as he looks you over as if you’re some baffling puzzle, before…

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” he begins to laugh. Great booming guffaws echo across the landscape.

“And what’s so funny?” you inquire in irritation.

“Oh, sorry, it’s just that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while,” he says patting at his belly. “Most creatures just scream or run are ramble insanely at me, but here you are all offended.”

“Well I am offended!” you huff. “I’m far too young to be having heart attacks!”

“I don’t see why you had one, I just drain magic after all,” he points out. “Perhaps you just need to eat healthier…though from what I recall, your kind eats Love, so I don’t know what’s healthier than that.”

“Oh whatever!” you growl, throwing your hooves up in frustration. “Don’t take responsibility for your actions, see what I care.”

“Was already planning on it, heh heh,” the centaur chuckles. “But fine little changeling, you expected me to talk, so I assume you have something to relay?”

…Oh! Right! You think bopping your forehead. You were so preoccupied on your heart palpitations, you’d momentarily forgotten why you were near such a monster. Straightening yourself up, you puff out your no longer clenched chest, and declare,

“Dormam-Er, I mean Tirek! I’ve Come to Bargain!”

“…What’s with that line? You trying to be a hero or something?” he asks inquisitively.

“Um…Kind of? It’s from a movie and I thought it was cool and…” you trail off as he looks at you skeptically, and you gulp so hard you nearly swallow your tongue. “But, uh, yeah, I’ve come to talk things out.”

“Okay…?” he says unsurely, looking at you expectantly. “About what exactly?”

“…To be honest, I hadn’t really thought that far ahead,” you tell him nervously and he chuckles again.

“I’m going to assume this has something to do with the that tangy dark energy spire that shot up in the air earlier?” he guesses about when the Umbrum were freed.

“That is one part of the reasons I’m here yes,” you fumble and he frowns.

“I’m not quite sure the source, but there was a whole well of that energy some miles behind me,” he says pointing a thumb back. “That crystal was a great appetizer before my upcoming meal of princess magic.”

Hearing that you perk up and scowl at him.

“And that’s the other reason I’ve come here!” you declare, trying to sound menacing. “I’ve come to bargain for their fate.”

He lifts a brow at that, before putting a finger to his chin.

“Hmm, I think I see what’s going on here,” he contemplates.

“You do?” you ask, because you yourself only are running on bare bones of a plan right now.

“Yes. I know that changelings aren’t solitary creatures, so you must be a messenger sent from your Hive Queen,” he theorizes before looking towards the Empire. “That city looks cold and barren, though I recall the Princesses came here for some tournament games. So I can only assume you changelings have captured the Alicorns as well as every other pony to drain of their love.”

“…I mean, you’re not wrong on that one,” you admit, impressed at how nearly accurate his deductive skills are. “And…yes, I am definitely a messenger from the Queen. Yup!”

“Heh, that makes sense. They would have nothing to lose sending out one so magically weak to send their message,” he thinks smugly, causing you to pout. “So let me guess, your precious Queen still wants the Princesses all to herself, and thinks she has the option of negotiation?”

“Er…I mean, yeah she wouldn’t want to lose such valuable energy sources,” you say going with the flow. “Alicorns are crazy strong after all.”

“Don’t I know it,” he nods. “They’ve always been my ultimate goal, even a thousand years ago before my traitorous brother turned on me!”

“Oof, that sounds rough, you wanna talk about it?” you suggest, hoping to get him on a tangent.

“Not especially,” he shakes his head before frowning. “But back to the matter at hand, I think your Queen is underestimating the situation. I am going to take the alicorns powers, and every other pony’s in that city.”

“Hey come on pal, have a heart would ya? Changelings need to eat too,” you plead. “We’ve heard what you did to the rest of Equestria, and we can’t exactly get love from drained husks now can we?”

“That sounds like a you problem,” he says arrogantly, crossing his arms. “Their magic rightfully belongs to me, the strongest living organism on the planet. Your kind will be no different.”

“Would we even really be worth it though? You saw how much magic I had, and I’m actually not the weakest in the hive, I’m actually pretty dang strong,” you counter and he looks befuddled.

“Seriously? You were one of the strongest?” he asks incredulously.

“Heck yeah! Even the Queen sought my affection because of it,” you tell him truthfully, suppressing a shudder over what Chrysalis had tried to do to you.

“…How has your kind succeeded in capturing ponies all these years if you’re all that weak?” he ponders aloud.

“We rely on more than just magic. We’re pretty sneaky too.”

“Sneaky huh? Now that I have a taste, I detect a large number of your kind’s signature’s heading southward,” he says looking behind him.

Dang, and the Hive left awhile ago too, you think impressed at his senses.

“Oh yeah, those were, uh, traitors to the Queen. You could go and eat them if you want,” you suggest.

“Bah, they’re already a ways away, and I’ve got a juicier prize that’s much closer,” he dismisses and looks back to the city.

“Are you positive?” you try to manipulate but he is steadfast.

“Ponies are much more rich in mana than your kind, though I suppose your Queen would at least wet my appetite,” he criticizes. “But if you think that sneakiness is going to work against me, you’re wrong. None of you can hold a candle to my strength.”

“Maybe not in a direct fight Lord Tirek, but we have our methods,” you pretend to threaten. “The Queen is willing to offer at least two of the four Princesses and some of the crystal ponies. We really need the rest to live.”

Four Princesses? I thought there was only three,” he says, caught off guard.


“Yes, the Sun and Moon were around even a thousand years ago, and I’d overheard talk of a third one of Love when I escaped Tartarus, but you’re telling me there’s another?” he asks curiously.

“Yeah, Twilight Sparkle,” you say incredulously. “How do you not know this? She ascended last year!”

“I’ve been busy,” he grunts. “Sticking to the shadows and draining from stragglers while also running from that drugged up weirdo didn’t exactly allow me time to catch up on current events.”

“Okay, I can understand that, but I heard you drained Discord’s magic while he was inside Twilight’s house,” you throw back in bafflement.

“You changelings know about that?” he asks before his eyes widen. “And wait, an alicorn lived in that rinky dinky hollowed out tree?!”

“Yes! You seriously had no idea?!” you ask perplexed.

“Of course not! Obviously! Princesses live in grand palaces and have guards all about!” he groans in frustration while bopping his forehead. “I could have had the god of chaos and an alicorn’s power at the same time!”

“Wow, seems like a large oversight for you huh?” you casually insult and he grits his teeth.

“I was distracted!” he shoots back. “That maniac chased me to some backwoods town and I happened upon Discord weakened and vulnerable by chance! I only just had enough time to drain him before he was on my hooves again!”

…Gorrammit Quacksalver! You mentally berate, knowing this whole situation is partially his fault.

“But to think, there was a Princess living there too! Gah!” he roars and kicks the ground, causing a mini earthquake which makes you slip on the ice.

“Oof!” you grunt as you land on your belly.

“Four princesses worth of magic…” Tirek mumbles as he composes himself. Lifting yourself up to your hooves, you launch right back into the conversation.

“That’s right! But she and the Princess of Love are still like, really weak compared to Celestia and Luna. My Queen is willing to part with the Sun and Moon so long as we can keep the other two.”

He looks back at you, looking dumbfounded.

“You’re still going on about that? I already told you, I’m taking them no matter what your Queen says,” he threatens. “And if your hive tries to stop me, I’ll just drain them too, even if the effort would be more than the reward of their magic.”

“Bro, as one magic sucker to another, can’t you show a little sympathy?” you offer.

“Sympathy has no place when you’re trying to become the Perfect Life Form!” he boasts.

“And now you just sound like an anime villain with that line,” you roll your eyes.

“Anime?” he asks.

“Yeah, it’s this animation style from Neighpon. They made a lot of serials for theatres, but now that home projectors are becoming more commonplace, they’ve switched tactics,” you explain. “Then you have manga, which is their word for comics, and most anime are based on them and-“

“Ah, so that’s what they’re called,” he interrupts, looking like he had an ephiphany.

“…Wait, you’ve seen anime?” you confusedly ask.

“If that’s what it’s called then yes, I’ve watched quite a few of these animated videos. There was one I liked where one creature yelled really loudly and his hair turned yellow and he fought aliens,” he says with a faraway look. “I actually sympathized with this bug alien villain who absorbed them and became more powerful.”

“…Seriously?” you ask skeptically. “That show was around a thousand years ago? I mean, I knew it was old school, but I didn’t think it was Ancient!”

“Oh no, I witnessed these animations in Tartarus, and fairly recently in the grand scheme of things,” he explains. “There were quite a few of those episodes actually, but when you have all the time in the world, they become welcomed. The comic forms of these tales were mountainous as well.”

“How…when…Why was there anime and manga in Tartarus?” you ask, trying to wrap your head around that idea.

“Many things float down the River Styx from the material plane. From what I once asked the Ferrystallion, some creatures dump their garbage deliberately into it.”

…Who the buck is flushing away anime to Tartarus? you wonder.

“I must ask though, do these tales of the warriors searching for Dragon Balls continue still?”

“Umm…yeah actually. Though the quality of the storyline is up for debate, I personally haven’t been keeping up with it,” you admit. “I think they fought in a multi-universal tournament or something?”

“Fascinating,” he says, and actually sounds it as well. It’s then that a lightbulb goes off.

I wanted to buy some time, and what better way than nerd talk?!

“But yeah, that show has been around forever, there’s a lot more shows that have come out,” you inform.

“Really? Like the ones about those Gundam machine things?” he inquires.

“I mean, ya there’s always some series about them going on, but there’s shows about ninjas, pirates with powers, super hero schools, guys who fight using ghosts with different abilities…”

At the Palace

POV Change: Nightshade

While Cadence finishes up securing the Crystal Ponies with Flash’s help, everyone else is gathered in the throne room. Jack, Grandbuggy, Sunset and Twilight are tinkering with Flash’s suit, Sombra is having a hurried discussion with the remaining Umbrum and Celestia, Luna is keeping watch and you sit on a cleaned table with your mom, Spike and Hope by your side.

“Gah, that’s cold!” you complain as Hope sterilizes the area of the Amulet shards with rubbing alcohol.

“It’s a small price to pay for insuring no germs,” Hope jokes, causing you to look at your mom worriedly.

“This isn’t going to hurt too much, is it mommy?” you ask.

“I do not know my precious, for I don’t know what methods that Umbrum will use,” she admits, putting a hoof on your leg. “But I believe that you will be able to weather it.”

“And I’ll ensure the process goes smoothly as well Nightshade,” Hope reassures.

“You’ll be fine Shade, you’ve toughened out worse remember?” Spike says, giving you a smile.

“I guess, but I didn’t exactly like it when this thing shrapnelled into me in the first place, so I’m just worried about it coming out,” you admit as you look over at Sombra’s grumpy old mom. “And why the buck isn’t Daddy here again?!”

“I told you honey, he went out to stall Tirek,” your mom says, and you can hear the hint of worry in her tone. After arriving in the palace, you’d immediately noticed your dad’s absence and became afraid for his safety. Before you could run out to him though, your mom and Luna arrived and stopped you. You hadn’t expected them to team up like that, but you realized that perhaps you should watch over your mother, as tired as she is. Just walking in the snow made her whole face red and stuff and she was giggling like Rainbow Dash after a six pack of cider.

But even though you relegated yourself to this, and in turn getting emergency surgery, you’re still pissed that your father ran off without telling you.

“That’s so stupid of him to do! Gah!” you growl as your shards blip. “What if he gets eaten like the Umbrum?! He doesn’t have the cloak anymore!”

“He would’ve been in more danger if he did have the cloak Nightshade,” Spike says in a calming tone.

“I know that! I’m still mad though!” you grunt.

“I agree Nightshade,” Sombra calls over his shoulder. “Variables in the plan can bring the whole house of cards tumbling down, especially if it’s him!”

“Oh calm down, he’s just causing a distraction,” Grandbuggy calls out, hitting the side of the mech with a wrench.

“Please stop that,” Sunset implores as she uses more precise methods of repairs with Jack and Twilight.

“I just wish he hadn’t gone off on his own!” you huff. “Why didn’t you drag him back Mommy?!”

“He, uh…” your mom’s face turns red again, and you wonder if she is coming down with a fever. “He convinced me otherwise, heh heh.”

Hope raises an eyebrow at your mom’s dodgy behavior, but you just write it off, you’re more worried about Dad and the shards getting yanked out of you.

“Fear not young Nightshade,” Luna says from the balcony, a telescope to her eye. “I can see your father now, and he does indeed seem to confronting Tirek effectively.”

“Effectively?” both you and your mom say at once.

“Yes, that is the closest word I think I can use,” she says sounding befuddled. “He seems to be having some sort of impassioned conversation with Tirek, and…Tirek is sitting down to listen?”

“Seriously? He’s actually halted his march?” Sombra asks.

“For the moment, though it looks as though Bugze has been drained of his magic, he is still moving around just fine,” Luna responds.

“Huh, he did say he was never good at magic,” Twilight points out.

“Maybe his mana pool isn’t intrinsically linked to his life force?” Sunset theorizes.

“Well whatever the reason, it appears he’s holding up just fine,” Celestia exposits, giving a glance your way.

“…Alright fine! Maybe he’s doing good, but I’m still worried okay?!” you grumble.

“I am too sweetheart,” your mom says, nuzzling your hair. “But we must have a little faith.”

You sigh deeply before nodding.

“Fine, fine,” you relent, before scowling over at Rabia. “Oi! We doing this or not?!”

The older Umbrum frowns, before looking at Sombra impatiently.

“You seriously want me to do this now?” she spits.

“Yes Mother, I do expect you to help my allies,” he responds with authority. The other Umbrum seem impressed by that display as the Queen falters.

“Very well then, if that is your wish my son,” she says, sounding like she’s trying to swallow glass. And while she floats over towards you, Spike puts a claw on your shoulder.

“It’s going to be okay Shade,” he reassures. You don’t know if he’s talking about the extraction, your Dad, or the whole bucked up situation you’re in, but you believe him. You nod and fold a wing over his claw, causing him to blush a little.

Wait, that’s kind of what Mom’s face looked like, you think, comparing her behavior to Spike’s and even your own during some…embarrassing moments. It’s then that your eyes widen and you look back at your mother. In all the hubub, you and everyling else overlooked something hanging from her neck. Your old night light as a matter of fact. Did she and Daddy finally…?

“The Crystal Ponies are all secured,” Cadence announces as she enters the room.

“It kind of feels wrong keeping them in the dungeon, but they’re safe now,” Flash nods before he looks around and pauses.

“Where’s Bugze?”

“He went out to stall Tirek to give us more time to prepare,” Grandbuggy answers him and his eyes widen.

“He did what?!”

“Join the club pal,” you grumble.

“The train has left the station!” Luna calls out and everyone goes silent.

“This is the most crucial moment then,” Sombra declares before looking to Celestia, Twilight, Cadence and Sunset. “All capable alicorns, activate your magic now!”

Heeding his commands, the princesses and Sunset light up their horns, causing the throne room to become a dazzling light show. Even Luna does so, continuing to look through the telescope.

“Is it working Luna?” asks Jack.

“I’m not sure yet,” she answers. “Tirek is still listening intently to Bugze.”

“He’s not paying attention to our magic?” Twilight asks in surprise.

“It seems that way,” Luna shrugs. “Tirek seems mesmorized by whatever discussion is taking place and…Why is Bugze posing like that?”

“Well whatever the case, now’s the time mother,” Sombra announces as he looks over at you. “Brace yourself Nightshade.”

Nodding, and gritting your teeth, you hold your Mom’s hoof and Spike’s claw as the shadowy grouch glares at your chest.

“…This is not going to be pleasant,” she says coldly as her eyes glow green. You feel the amulet pieces inside you start to vibrate, and slowly but surely begin to heat.

Oh, this is gonna bucking suck!!!

Out in the Snow

POV Change: Bugze

“And sometimes they pose dramatically like this while their Stands duke it out,” you say, bending your back into an unnatural angle while holding your hoof in front of your face.

“Is it necessary for these powers to activate?” Tirek inquires and you drop the pose.

“I don’t think so, but they do bring a bit of charm I think,” you admit and he nods. “But the main important thing to take from this is that vampire’s are always bad news.”

“You know, this is the first time in two years since I escaped Tartarus that I’ve had such a lively conversation,” he says sounding relaxed and thankful.

“And it’s been awhile since I was able to geek out to someone who’d listen,” you tell the truth. True you’re doing this for other reasons, but it does feel good to share hobbies after all.

“What is your name messenger Changeling?” he inquires.

“Oh right, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Bugze,” you answer.

“Bugze?” he asks with a raised brow. “Isn’t that…like, a bit on the nose? With you being a-“

“Yes, yes, because I’m already a bug, I’ve heard that one a million times,” you roll your eyes. “It’s actually not my original name, but it was given by a friend so I keep it.”

“Very well then, who am I to judge,” he shrugs. “But anyway, you’ve given me quite a bit to think about. When I eventually visit the land of Neighpon, I will seek out these authors and animators and ensure that they continue to provide me with entertainment.”

“...While we’re on that subject, you think you can have them finish the tale of the Black Swords-stallion?” you suggest. “The author passed away not too long ago, and his protégés know the major plot points and the ending so…”

“And what’s that show about?” he asks.

“A one armed, one eyed guy who’s too pissed off to die with a giant sword that cuts up demons,” you tell him.

“Hmm, sounds intriguing,” he nods. “Perhaps I shall have you accompany me when I eventually drain everything.”

“Do you really gotta drain EVERYTHING?”

“Of course, it’s my destiny,” he informs. “I must grow stronger!”

“…By the gods you are a weeb,” you laugh and he tilts his head.


“Forget it, it’d take too long to explain,” you dismiss.

It’s at that time that you hear in the distance, the sound of a train click clacking down the track. You and Tirek were so focused in your discussions, you hadn’t even noticed till this point.

“A train is leaving the city,” he says looking towards the locomotive and you begin to sweat.

“Uh, that’s just our sick and wounded. The Princesses put up a good fight after all, and the Queen wanted to get them out,” you lie.

Tirek squints and studies the train in the distance, and you start to panic, thinking he may sense the mirror…

“Hmmph, I sense a few life forms, stronger than you in mana, but nowhere near the bounty that awaits,” he dismisses and he turns from the train.

…YES!!! You silently screech in victory, doing a hoofbump while Tirek’s not looking. And as the train gets further and further out of sight, you know your human friends have successfully escaped with the Mirror Portal, thus negating tragedy for a little while longer. You are brought out of your reverie though as you hear Tirek grotesquely licking his lips.

“Um, what’s wrong? Need chapstick?” you ask.

“No, I need to eat,” he says as he stands back up, dusting snow off himself. “The Princesses’ magic, every minute I can sense them growing, and soon they will be at their peak. By the time I get my hands on them, they will be the feast of a lifetime.”

You shiver at that and look back to where the train disappeared. You’ve already succeeded in stalling him for the human’s sake, but a little bit more time never hurt anypony.

“Hey, you know what’s tastier than magic? Snow cones! We’ve got plenty material to make them so why don’t we-“

“No Bugze the changeling, I think not,” he interrupts and cracks his neck. “I’ve wasted enough time as it is. I’m gonna drain that city, including your fellow changelings, but because your company has been interesting, I think I’ll allow you to accompany me on my trek back south.”

“Uh, bu-“

“Until then, farewell,” he says as he starts to march again.

“W-Wait a moment!” you flounder as you trot after him.

“Why should I?”

“I mean, they’re not going anywhere, so-“

“Exactly, and I’d rather keep it that way,” he says in determination.

“Oh alright, you march in there and eat their magic, and then what?” you inquire. “You go home with a full belly, and take a nap?”

“Oh no, I’m going to raise Equestria to the ground,” he says simply.

“…Say what now?”

“Once I have all the ponies’ magic, I will ensure their land is no longer habitable as payment for a thousand years of imprisonment,” he says causally as if talking about the weather.

“That’s, uh, that’s a little extreme don’t you think?’ you stutter nervously.

“Not really, look at what you changelings already did to this city. I can see you are no friend of theirs,” he compares before smiling cruelly. “But instead of ice, I will burn down every house, every rock and every tree that they hold so dear. Especially the trees!”

“Why the trees in particular?” you ask, noting the emphasis of his hatred for them.

“Bad childhood memories,” he answers without further explanation.

“Well that sounds like a story if I ever heard one, why don’t you explain it to me in exquisite detail?” you suggest.

“No, it’s far too traumatizing,” he grunts as he closes his eyes and shivers. Thinking quickly, you try to steer the conversation back to anime.

“Well you know what’s also traumatizing? Hunter X Hunter still being on hiatus and-AGH!”

“Huh?” Tirek pauses and turns around at the sound of your voice abruptly cutting off. What he sees however, is just miles and miles of snow.

“…Changeling?” he calls out looking left and right and up. “Where did you go?”

You don’t answer of course, because you aren’t there anymore.

“…Was there ever really a changeling at all?” Tirek asks himself as he puts a hand to his forehead. “Or is the madness setting in from months of fleeing?”

With no one to answer that existential question, he just shakes his head, steels his eyes and continues marching on.

“Get a grip Tirek, you’ve got Four Princesses to drain.”

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

With You…Somewhere

The thing is, you see and hear Tirek say that and notice your absence, but you are not there. You are in a room, at least, you think it’s a room. Something about the stark white walls and the fluorescent lighting gives the impression of a room, but something else tells you it’s off. In front of you, a giant wavering screen of some sort fills your vision as you watch the centaur marching to the Empire.

“Where the buck am I?” you ask aloud. As if in response to your words, the screen disappears. “What the-“ you start to say, just as another screen off to your left materializes.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” you hear Nightshade screaming and suddenly your hair stands up on end.

“Nighsthade!!!” you screech and run to the monitor. Looking upon it, you see a strange scene. Multiple angles of what you can clearly see is Cadence’s throne room, and all of your allies inside.

It’s still trashed and broken from several holes left from Selena’s and Chrysalis’s fight, but your attention is squarely on the windows showing your screaming child. Nightshade is holding onto Selena and Spike, clenching her eyes and teeth shut and screaming in absolute pain, as Queen Rabia’s and Radiant’s Hope magic swirl around the Amulet shards.

“GGGRRRAAAAHHHH!!!” your little girl screeches in agony and you go into a panic.

“Gorrammit!” you curse as you try to press at the screen but your hoof goes right through it. “Buck, Buck, Buck! Nightshade!”

“Will you hurry this along Mother?! She is suffering!” Sombra shouts at the older Umbrum.

“You can either have this done quickly or correctly, you can’t have both!” she spits back as her magic increases and the shards glow brighter.

“Oh gods bucking gorrammit! Just yank these buckers out of me!!!” Nightshade cries out, as Selena and Spike do the best they can to comfort her.

“For buck’s sake, just knock her out already!” Grandbuggy shouts, stomping over to Hope.

“She has to be conscious and willing to have the amulet removed!” Hope answers back tersely.

“It’s okay my baby, it’s okay,” Selena shushes as she pets at her hair.

“I hope you all are able to complete this soon, Tirek has resumed his march!”

“Huh? What happened to Bugze?!” Twilight demands.

“I do not know Twilight Sparkle, he vanished!” Luna calls back.

“He what?!” Selena shouts while still holding your daughter.

“He just disappeared,” she says again. “One second he was trotting after Tirek, and the next moment he just wasn’t there anymore.”

“Could he have teleported?” Cadence asks.

“No, he’d already been drained of magic,” Sunset answers looking troubled.

“Then what shall we do?” Celestia asks.

“We follow the plan!” Sombra shouts. “The bug bought us more time, but we still have many steps to accomplish!”

You watch as they all stop and silently, if reluctantly agree to that sentiment, even as your child cries out.

“Gorramit Daddy! Why did you leave again?! You Just Got Back!!!” she screeches as the shards shift in her skin.

“I’m here baby! I’M HERE!!!” you shout at the iridescent image. “I didn’t leave! I…”

“Umbrum!” Sombra barks and the shadowy citizens come to attention. “The time draws near, ready yourself to re-enter the prison. If you do not, either the Crystal Heart will kill you, or the centaur will!”

And while the shadow creatures steel themselves for re-entering their torment, you daughter’s finally hits it’s peak.

“Ah, AH, AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” she bellows as her eyes go stark white, as do the shards. The Throne room starts to rumble and shake as everyling tries to keep their footing. Selena and Spike and Grandbuggy hold onto Nightshade for dear life as her back arches and you watch with bated breath, praying.

On another screen you see as Tirek’s head perks up excitedly and his pace quickens.

Agonizingly slowly, the alicorn amulet shards finally give way and slip out of your daughter’s flesh and into the magical grip of Queen Rabia. And just like a power chord getting yanked out, Nightshade stops spasming, her eyes go back to normal, and the room stops shaking.

“Hah, hah, hah, hah,” she pants, sweat drenching her whole body, and a bit of blood spills out of her wounds.

“It’s over, it’s all over Nightshade,” Selena says in relief, holding onto her as Radiant Hope uses her healing magic to close up the wounds left behind, leaving only a faint scar pattern.

“Oh thank the gods,” you gasp in relief as she is finally through that ordeal.

“You’re free Nightshade, you did it,” Spike encourages. “Now, can you please let go of my claw? I’ve lost feeling in it?”

She doesn’t let go, but she does loosen her grip as she pants and sits up slowly.

“Oh…my…gods…That bucking sucked!” she gasps out before laughing faintly and hugging those closest to her.

“Thank goodness she’s alright,” Twilight sighs.

“Yes indeed, but that surge surely got Tirek’s attention as well,” Sunset notes.

“It has,” Luna answers gravely. “His pace has increased and he’s only a few miles from the city limits.”

“Then we’ve no time to lose,” Sombra says, and you note how relieved he looks at Nightshade’s success. Looking to his sister, he says, “Ira, start leading them down the stairs and-“

“Belay that order daughter,” Rabia interrupts, causing Sombra to grit his teeth in annoyance.

“What are you-?” he begins to ask, but is cut off as a beam of red magic blasts into him. You and everyone else watch as Sombra crashes into Flash’s suit, causing a dent to appear on it.

“Sombra!” nearly everyone shouts, with Hope being the loudest. Everyone’s eyes then train on the source.

Queen Rabia’s magic still grips the amulet shards, which are smoking and a look of defiance graces her features.

“Rabia what are you do-“ Hope begins to ask, before suddenly a pulse of magic spreads out from the shards and nearly everyone in the room is ensnared.

“Hey, hey! What is this?!” Nightshade growls out angrily as her tired form is enveloped by red glowing ropes.

“You traitorous bitch!” Selena yells as she too is captured and her eyes grow heavy. Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Cadence are suddenly put to sleep by the magic, with Sunset and Selena looking drowsy.

“Oh What the Buck?!” you yell in anger as the shards come together in her magic, and reform into the Alicorn Amulet you remember, albeit with a cracked surface.

“We are through taking orders from ponies,” she declares as the amulet slips over her head…and her form shifts into something far more corporeal, looking like a unicorn mare herself. “My kind will not die to that monster while there’s plenty of sacrifices here and below!”

“Mother! You-“ Ira tries to reprimand, but the older umbrum’s new face glares her into silence.

“Be silent Ira! Your brother has manipulated you enough already!” she snarls before looking to the other Umbrum. “You all have fallen victim to his machinations. But prove your loyalty!”

She then points at Cadence.

“Secure the Crystal Heart and gather the Crystal Ponies outside! We will sacrifice them to that monster to-“

And suddenly the screen pauses, cutting off the stupid umbrum’s words midsentence.

“Oh come on, Come On! Now is not the time for this bullspit!” you shout at the frozen images. You don’t know where or why you’re here, but anger courses through you as you’re not there. You did your duty, you stalled Tirek, but now that extra time is going to be used up because of some stupid, brain dead, petty evil!

“You stupid old crone! You stay away from my friends and family!” you shout at the frozen images, your eyes focused on Nightshade, Selena and Grandbuggy in particular. “Come on! Play! Play! What happens next?! And why the buck do ancient creatures gotta pick the worst bucking times to be bucking evil?!”

“It’s a classic trope, gotta add some high stakes and villainy even if it’s detrimental to everyone,” a voice laughs from behind you. “Especially when it derails some actual progress that you made.”

Turning around, you see that brown earth pony stallion from the dungeons sitting on a couch and eating popcorn, holding a remote in his hoof. You know damn well that he wasn’t there earlier.

“But you know what’s even more aggravating? Cliffhangers!” he hollers before chuckling and eating some popcorn.

“You…” you growl staring at the stallion who admitted to being your “Friend.”

“Me! Your best friend in the world, hello again Bugze ol buddy ol pal,” he responds back with an eerie grin. “Did I introduce myself? No of course I didn’t, it wasn’t fun enough back in the cages. DWC at your service.”

“I don’t care what your name is, what am I doing here?! If you know the way out spill it! I’ve got to-“

“To get back to your pweshus famiwee,” he mocks with baby talk. “Yes I know, I know, you’re a deranged family stallion, and we’ll get to that. There’s still so much to watch first though.”

“Listen here you-“

“Nightshade suffering just now was top notch, even I almost shed a tear,” he continues rambling. “Also, that was a pretty steamy scene with Nightmare Moon there. If this tale was more adult oriented, whoa would things have gotten hotter.”

You flush in embarrassment and anger at his words. You don’t know how or why, but this weirdo has been spying on you.

“You crazy son of a-“

“Ah, ah, ah, insults come later,” he shushes you, before patting the seat cushion next to him. “So for now, come sit beside me, we’ve got front row seats to the destruction of all you love and care for.”

Blindsided and beyond confused at that statement, the brown stallion clicks the remote and the screens begin to play behind you. Whirling around, you see the scene play out.

“MOTHER!!!” Sombra’s voice roars as his magic blasts towards the Queen, who deflects the shock, but her hold on the others lessens.

You look back and see as Sombra glares down his mother, while everyone else is seemingly held hostage, and Tirek inches closer and closer to the city.

“What the buck is this?!” you shout at the stallion on the couch.

“Oh, just the beginning of the end,” he says giddily, smiling cruelly.

Crystal Throne Room

POV Change: Sombra

You glare down your mother, her new figure looking similar to yours.

“We can’t do this now! All of our lives are at stake!” you shout in anger.

“No, the ponies’ lives are in danger! I am not going to have you imprison us again, only for them to die and to never open the door again!” she shouts back, the power of the amulet flowing through her.

“We Had A Gorramned Plan!” Sombra roars.

“I’m changing that plan son of mine,” she says icily. “And you can either change with the times, are join your so called allies to their fate.

Looking around you see as Nightshade and Selena are woozy, not hard to imagine why after their whole ordeal. The Princesses, who still weren’t at 100% have been knocked out, with only Sunset Shimmer still on her hooves. Grandbuggy, Jack and Flash are still up, though incredibly pissed at the sudden betrayal. Spike…is ever inching towards Cadence as stealthily as he can be and you know he’s trying to secure the Crystal Heart.

That’s our only hope! You think wearily and look to the other Umbrum and Ira. Ira is…not even looking at you. She looks at the ground forlornly, cowed by your empowered mother. The other Umbrum look conflicted themselves, glancing between you and Rabia, not knowing which Royal holds more authority at the moment.

Lastly, your eyes fall on Hope, the first creature to ever truly give a damn about you. She looks hurt, betrayed, and sorrowful…but she still stays next to Nightshade’s side. Ever the healer, she tends to the little filly after her operation. The Little Filly that made you remember what it meant to feel again. Your old dreams and your new dreams gathered together.

“They’re not my allies mother,” you answer tersely. Rabia’s ears actually stand up at that as she thinks she’s gotten through to you. Nightshade, Hope, and Selena look at you mystified, but you give them a grin. “They’re my family.”

Relief comes to those you truly care for, and your so called parent scowls.

“So you choose them then?”

“I choose the more intelligent path you dusty has been,” you insult and her scowl deepens. You don’t have much time, but you can’t afford to have anyone else as your enemy besides her.

“Queen Rabia!” you shout pointing at her. “I challenge you to for the Rule of the Umbrum!”

Many shadowy eyes widen at that, and even Ira lifts her head at the declaration. The Umbrum Queen bares her teeth at that.

“You, challenge me?!” she infers.

“I do, for you are no longer fit to lead,” you growl and her new corporal face takes on a more dangerous edge.

You’ve made her look weak in front of the Umbrum, and they began to listen to you. She can do the same now that she’s claimed the Amulet. So in order to save your people and everyone else, you must defeat Rabia, permanently if you have to. Tirek is almost here and wherever Bugze is, you will not let the time he bought for you to go to waste.

The challenge still hangs in the air as everyone waits with bated breath…

“Kick Her Ass Uncle Sombra,” Nightshade says with fervor, despite her exhaustion. You smirk at that, which acts as the trigger. Nearly simultaneously, both you and Rabia channel your magic and fire at one another.

She’s got the advantage with the alicorn amulet, but you’re fighting for so much more, and you don’t have time to spare.


Episode 101: Revelations, Sacrifices, and Loss

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Down With Chrysalis’s Narrative

BrownDog77’s Narrative

You stare, mouth agape as Sombra faces down his backstabbing mother on ultra high definition screens of some kind. It sort of reminds you of the televisions back in the human world, but even more crisp. You would appreciate them a bit more if what they were showing wasn’t so dire.

“So what are you betting on? Matricide or infanticide?” the voice of “your friend” asks behind you, causing you to face him. The brown earth pony stallion with the fancy hat with the smiling/frowning mask cutie mark sits on that couch which hadn’t been there a moment ago, chowing down on his popcorn. “Or maybe a double whammy and they take themselves out? That’d be pretty dope too.”

“That is not “dope!” the buck is wrong with you?” you growl at the nonchalant earth pony. Once more, just like in the dungeon, you feel an overwhelming strangeness from him. It isn’t just the unsettling grin he sports, there’s just something plain off about him. As if he was there…and yet not at the same time.

“What’s wrong with me?” he repeats hollowly. “Guess it depends on who you ask, and at what time of day. Right now? I’d say I’m a bit hungry.”

“Hungry?” you repeat flabbergasted before shaking your head. “Alright, quit messing with me! A second ago you were talking about how all I love and care for is going to be destroyed like some whack job comic villain!”

“Well yeah, because the end is near and that’s how your story is going to end,” he says plainly with a shrug.

“What?!” you shout and he rolls his eyes.

“Honestly, the trait of you not listening and asking for info to be repeated has not been one of my favorites. Let me break it down for you. You’re life is coming to an end soon, but before that, a lot of anguish and suffering awaits.”

Again, the stallion’s blasé tone over such horrifying words takes you aback. And once more, that annoyingly haunting poem’s opening rings in your head.

I have a rendezvous with death.

“Shut up!” you say to both the poem and the nutjob in front of you.

“Hey, you were the one asking the questions, and I’m answering like a good friend aren’t I?” he smirks.

“You are not my bucking friend!” you growl as you start walking towards him.

“Oof, ow, how stinging to hear,” he says in mock pain.

“Quit joking around and give me some damn answers!” you demand as you reach the couch and loom over him, blocking his view of the screens. “Who are you?! What is going on?! Why are you doing this?! Where the buck are we?! And how do I get back to the Empire?!”

“Really? You wanna have a chat right now? A fight to the death is about to start, and you wanna just talk over it?” he sighs in boredom, trying to peer around you, but you block his sight by leaning your angry face further into his space.

“Answers! Now!” you growl. The stallion just sighs again, sets his popcorn aside and leans back from you into the couch, seeming more relaxed somehow.

“Fine, since you wanna go and be a sourpuss,” he says arrogantly as he clicks a button on his remote, which pauses the screens showing Sombra and Rabia. “But first, how about you take a step back? I don’t feel like getting Lyme Disease if you accidentally bite me.”

Feeling beyond frustrated at his attitude, you cock your hoof back and swing right for his stupid, smug face. Despite your sudden rage however, the stallion does not attempt to dodge the punch at all, instead his smug grin only seems to grow. Warning bells go off in an instant in your head, but they are too late as your hoof reaches its target…only to phase right through him along with the rest of your body.

“Wha-Oof!” you grunt as you find yourself falling face first into the couch, which he is no longer sitting on. Confused and disoriented, you look up to see him staring down at you from behind the couch.

“Now now Bugze,” he mocks from above, his smile even more unnerving. “Is that how you treat someone who’s helped you so much in the past? I wasn’t lying when I said I didn’t want Lyme Disease.”

“What help have you EVER given me?!” you shout as you try to stand up from the couch and reach for him, but the material seems almost too soft and malleable, and you end up falling again.

“Really? All the nice letters I sent with hints of what’s to come? What about the chainsaw, wasn’t that helpful? And let’s not forget the Inventory, you’ve had that one for awhile now,” he points out matter of factly.

You gave Nightshade the Alicorn Amulet!” you accuse as the couch warps as if made of liquid, and you find yourself upside down somehow.

“Yes, yes I did do that,” he says while looking at his hoof, sounding bored. “Admittedly I wanted you to have it originally. I mean, can you imagine the disasters you would’ve caused while wielding such dark power?”

His face suddenly shifts to that of unsurpassed sadistic glee, the intensity of which actually causes you to flinch.

“It would’ve been sick! Your awakened form would’ve been jacked up on steroids! You might have even reached Kaiju height levels! There actually would’ve been an epic smackdown between you and Tirek and everything! Not to mention the thematic irony of you sharing Trixie’s tragic fate!” And then quite suddenly, his glee is replaced with melancholy. “Or what should have been her fate. Stupid mare had too much of a stockpile of unused good luck and she ended up surviving and all. Bullcrap cop out if you ask me.”

“Huh? What are you going on about? How’s Trixie factor-“ you start, but you end up sliding in the gooey chair thing, till you are in a sitting position, facing the paused screens. The stallion, continues on though, ignoring you.

“So maybe it was for the best that you were off galivanting in another dimension since those parallels got cancelled out,” he sighs before frowning. “You know that really got my goat not getting to see your shenanigans for a year? You being in a human world sounds hilarious, even if I wouldn’t have had any influence!”

Influence? You wonder as he seems to be disappointed, but he continues while the couch seemingly pulls you in further.

“But I guess I do have to admit that Nightshade’s antics were pretty fun. The amulet getting stuck inside her was like a surprise bonus,” he says, leaning towards your ear from behind, which causes it to twitch.

You want to struggle through the jello like surface of the couch and pounce on this jerk who made your baby suffer, but suddenly you see his hoof tap the couch, and it solidifies, with it partially around you.

“Wha- how did you do that!?” you ask taken aback as the snugness closes in.

“And there you go questioning magic, as if something like this hasn’t happened to you constantly in the last four years,” he rolls his eyes. “Low IQ’s really are surprised by everything aren’t they?”

“But…aren’t you an earth pony?” you inquire, this discrepancy overwhelming your anger for the moment.

“Yeah, and?” he responds smugly. “Pretty speciest of you to think I wouldn’t be able to do that.”

“Oh don’t even try to play that card! You insinuated I’d give you a disease that only ticks can give since I’m a bug!” you growl back as you try to escape the couch, but are unable to budge.

“No, not because you’re a bug, because you’re you Bugze,” he corrects. “I bet given enough time you’d be able to give a sea pony rabies.”

“I’m not some diseased ridden dog! But answer the question, how are you doing magic? Who are you? What are you?”

“I’m still only an Earth Pony you closet speciest,” he says playfully, bopping you on the head. “As for my name, I already told you Buggy Boy, I’m DWC.”

“Oh for-What does that even mean?! What does DWC stand for?”

“Oh wouldn’t you like to know fly boy?” he chuckles before putting his hooves on your shoulders from behind. “Maybe it stands for Delightful Witty Character, which I am, or maybe it’s a purpose like Dying With Class. Maybe it’s a rebel rallying cry of Down With Chrysalis! I know you’d join that cause. Maybe it’s from an old shopping list to get Donuts Without Cream, or an old police ticket for getting Drunk With Children. Perhaps it’s so mundane as Dirty Wash Cloth, or as grand as Divine Water Chapel. Or maybe, just maybe it could be short for my mood, Done With Changelings.”

“None of those sound true at all,” you argue with him and he smirks.

“Yeah, you’re right. And honestly I’ve had so many names throughout the years they all jumble together after awhile. Ultimately though names are pointless in the end, meaningless titles with no true purpose,” he says nonchalantly. “You can call me DWC because it’s simple, and maybe it once stood for something, but maybe even I don’t remember what it was…or maybe I just don’t care.”

“Okay fine, you’re nuts I get it! But that still doesn’t answer a damn thing!” you growl back.

Seriously, this guy keeps shifting moods on the dime. Is he bipolar or something? You wonder.

“Which was the point, but I get where you’re coming from,” he says patting your shoulder before walking to the side of the couch. “But come on, I gotta make you a bit aggravated after making me pause the family drama.”

You are about to tell him to get on with it, but he holds his hoof up, and suddenly his popcorn bucket appears in it.

“The magic right? It’s always about the magic and never where I got this fancy hat,” he sighs. “Well, let’s just call it a benefit of my employer. You ever play Ogres and Oubliettes? Think the Warlock class, only less railroady.”

“Employer?” you question and he rolls his eyes.

“Employer? Employerrrr, eeeemmmmppppllllloooyyyyeeeerrrr,” he mocks, as he leans over you. “See, I can repeat words like a moron too.”

“You piece of sh-“

“But yes, the power comes from the one I serve, and that’s how I’ve been able to make your life so interesting the last four years.”

“You what?!” you exclaim, but he puts a hoof to his chin in contemplation.

“Although, truth be told, getting direct with you was never my first choice. I prefer handling things in the background, but after a year of your absence I guess I got a bit impatient to make sure you got your fitting end. Opportunity knocked with you running out to Tirek and all and-“

“Hold up, hold up! Go back a bit there,” you interrupt. “What do you mean you’ve been making my life interesting?”

“Well that’s a bit of misnomer,” he hoof waves. “You’ve made your life pretty interesting with your choices and actions, all I did was give a few tweaks here and there. Little things that you spiraled out into grander things, stuff like that.”

“You’ve been influencing me? How?” you ask and he just gives you a side glance with a raised brow.

“Really? Isn’t it obvious?” he asks, his voice drippy with some twisted mix of glee and uncaringness. He points at the screens where Sombra remains frozen, and under the center screen is some sort of control panel with blinking lights and levers. “You think these monitors are just for show? How do you think I always got my letters to you?”

“So…you’ve been watching me all this time?” you ask in disgust.

“Well, except for when you universe hopped this last year. At least in the Nightmare-verse I knew exactly where you’d gone, but trying to figure out a human world without any other info is almost impossible,” he admits, sounding frustrated. “But still, four years of manipulation and observation can only keep things interesting for so long after all. So when I saw a chance to spice things up I just had to take it!”

“And what chance was that?” you inquire.

“You going out alone and weakened to confront Tirek of course,” he answers. “You chatting him up was actually pretty funny, but the timing was all wrong. You still had hope left in your heart and were high on love. When you next face that centaur, you need to be broken not just physically, but mentally is well. So that’s why I plucked you out of there, because the big red guy still needs to eat his fill.”

He says all of this, sounding excited…but even that emotion doesn’t feel genuine to you.

“That giant is not going to eat anymore!” you shout. “The others will activate the Crystal Heart and-“

“Not so sure about that one, seeing as how old Mommy Dearest turned on Sombra and all,” he points out, before he walks in front of you with a sadistic grin, your positions from earlier reversed. “Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to just continue my rouse behind the curtain. But seeing as how our little tale is coming to a close, I thought I’d move things along during this whole chaotic mess. It is the grand finale after all, so logically I should make an appearance right?”

“…What is your problem!?” you growl out, sickened by his maliciousness, which only causes the stallion to gain a blank look.

“My…problem?” He asks with a tilt of his head, as if the word was completely foreign to him.

“Yes your problem!” you snarl. “You’re talking about making my life interesting and laughing over my family’s suffering and saying I’m going to die like it’s no big deal! So why the buck have you been ‘helping’ me all these years and then pull something like this?!”

The stallion continues to give you a blank look before his eyes widen in realization.

“Oh! I understand now, you want to know my motivation is that it?”

At your glare he just chuckles, which somehow manages to sound both joyless yet genuine at the same time. He gains a faux look of thought as he starts to pace back and forth before your trapped self.

“I could claim to be some power-mad stallion bent on world domination, controlling all from the shadows of some convoluted secret organization…”

The stallion’s gaze lingers off to the side, as if contemplating what he just said before scoffing in disinterest.

“Though to be frank that would be rather dull wouldn’t it?” he questions you, as if you somehow knew the answer to his bizarre inquiry. You just give him an indignant stare, which he just nods at. “You’re right, this tale has had its fair share of secret organizations by now. Three is enough, and manipulating Robo Flag Burner and his Suns was pretty mind numbing.”

“So you did have something to do with them?!” you accuse and he just waves his hoof dismissively.

“Yes, yes, I’m the stallion behind the stallion and all that, but who gives a buck by now?” he says impatiently as he continues to pace back and forth. “What matters is the motivation right?”

This guy’s mood swings are starting to grate on me, you think angrily as the insane stallion continues, plastering on another obviously fake gleeful smile.

“I know! I’m a pony from your family’s past, who is out for revenge against you and your kin for the sins of your forefathers!” he shouts, but almost as soon as he finishes, his face squeezes up, as if he just tasted a particularly sour lemon.

“On second thought, no. That is awfully boring, and I do so despise the idea of ever fitting into something so cliched,” he growls out, spitting out the last word as if it personally offended him and his first born by simply existing.

Finally having enough of the mad stallion’s prattling you growl out,

“Okay, enough! Make up your mind already about whatever your lame backstory is or tell the truth! Either way I’ll kick your flank in the end!” you threaten, even though it is lessened somewhat by the restraining couch. DWC stares blankly at your outburst before a dangerously sly grin forms across his face.

“Now there’s an idea!” He stares intently into the surrounding emptiness, seemingly speaking to some invisible force as he continues, “I should have gone with that from the start, how silly of me to take this long to realize it.”

“And that would be what exactly?”

“Why the truth obviously! Never really went with that option before so this is bound to be interesting. But the whole truth they say can’t be handled immediately, so let’s go with some of the truth first,” he says, making up his mind before facing you directly. “I suppose the steps in how we got here will make it easier to understand, even for you. In a way, you could say my actions were because my aforementioned employer ordered me to cause as much trouble in your life as possible.”

“So you have a boss who has it out for me? Who?!” you demand, thinking through the myriad of enemies you’ve made. To this question though, he stares at you blankly.

“You already know her name, you shout it in the air at least three times a day after all,” he explains condescendingly. Your confusion at his statement only lasts for a few moments before your family motto rings in your head, causing your eyes to widen in realization.

“Lady Luck…” you whisper out in shock.

“Ding! Ding! Ding! What do we have for him Johnny?” he shouts with that maniacal grin, looking off to the side. But just as quickly, his face returns to being dull and melancholic. “Yes, My Lady Luck.”

“There’s just…there’s no way…” you say speechlessly.

“Yes way there is,” he responds grinning once again.

Even after hearing about Grandbuggy’s past in ticking her off, some part of you still didn’t quite internalize her as a physical entity, but now here is someone with strange powers claiming to be her employee.

“You…you serve Lady Luck?” you ask hesitantly and his face droops again.

“Again with the repeating questions that have already been answered,” he monotones before grinning again. “But then again your skepticism is good. Because that’s a complicated answer.”

You raise a brow and he continues.

“In one regard, yes, I am an Agent of Luck. Cosmic entities like my Lady aren’t wholly omniscient, and they don’t devote their time 24/7 to carrying out their duties, so Agents like myself are employed,” he explains, sounding now like a teacher. “Heck, I’m not even the only Agent of Luck out there, but I am the one stationed to you dear Bugze, or rather, your bloodline.”

“Me? Why me?” you ask before the revelation from a few days ago comes back to you. “Is this because of the Curse?”

“There’s using your noodle,” he nods and rubs your mane. “Yes it’s because of the curse my Lady placed on your Grandbuggy.”

You grit your teeth at that, but are taken aback before he chuckles without humor and shakes his head.

“But honestly, that old bug has blown out of proportion what exactly that curse entailed.”


“Bugze, my Lady got rejected, so she placed a petty curse on Quick Fix. Something along the lines of bumping his hoof on the dresser in the middle of the night every so often, losing out on money opportunities randomly, or getting into shenanigans that would get him bonked upside the head,” he says boredly. “Annoying little things like that, which I would ensure would befall him. And because he kept cursing her for every little thing, the backlog of pettiness just kept growing.”

“But he had to leave Granny Smith, and then my parents…” you stammer as you remember the big tragedies of your family life. At that though, he shakes his head.

“That’s just real life Bugze. Bad things happen, and it wasn’t by my Lady’s will for all of your loss,” he shrugs. “Really, your Grandbuggy was enacting a self-fulfilling prophecy, because he knew he was cursed, so obviously every bad thing in his life and your family’s life had to be because of Lady Luck right?”

Your head spins as you take in this info. All your life, you’ve been cursing Lady Luck just as you’d been taught. But if what this guy says is true, then Grandbuggy has blown out of proportion on what’s been happening.

No, wait a dang second!

“How can I believe that? If that were the case, then what about the last four years with me?!” you accuse. “You said you were spicing things up and were laughing about my suffering as if you caused that! Sure seems like a bucking curse to me!”

He gives an unnaturally toothy smile at that.

“Oh, I just love when you have a brain blast,” he chuckles and squeezes your cheeks. “Shows that not all the neurons died. Remember when I said this was a complicated answer?”

“Uh-“ you start, but he continues.

“Because the truth is, these last four years, I haven’t exactly been carrying out Lady Luck’s will.”

“…Say what now?” you ask, feeling even more confused.

“I’ve been going to the beat of my own drum with you, ever since Chrysalis killed you,” he says plainly before letting go of your face. “I mean, I have made you have your little misfortunes as well, but that’s just surface compliance. I mean, I love my Lady, don’t get me wrong, but she really has no ambition.”

“Ambition? What the buck are you talking about?” you demand and he sighs.

“Bugze, I’ll be honest, pulling what were essentially minor pranks on you, your Grandbuggy and even your mother was a dull, boring ordeal for me,” he admits, sounding tired. “Most of my life is boring and dull, but the tedium was what got to me. But as it was a bloodline curse, my job would have ended with your death…but you didn’t stay dead.”

He smiles wistfully and looks up into the distance which makes you shiver. “No one could have predicted Chrysalis shoving a magical weapon into your chest and restarting your heart by force, but the minute that she did…that’s when things became interesting for me. I wasn’t the only one to take notice, and when I realized you had burgeoning eyes upon you, well, I just couldn’t help myself.”

“What do you mean you couldn’t help yourself?” you demand, briefly wondering what he means by eyes.

“Bugze, you had the essence of Nightmare Moon inside your heart, and with just nudge of bad luck, you ended up near where she had been defeated,” he explains. “And from there, well, I’d see how far I could go in pushing your shenanigans. And boy did they go places I didn’t expect, like with Nightshade, the Doctor, and don’t even get me started on the Crimson Knights and the Otherworld.”

“So…you just pretended to be my friend so you could manipulate things?” you ask and he puts on a false show of hurt.

“Oh Bugze, you still don’t consider me a friend?” he sing songs. “I guess you have your reasons. But honestly, if I hadn’t called myself your friend and given you gifts, you were probably less likely to trust my letters. And just like your Grandbuggy giving into a self-fulfilling prophecy, you took my warnings and made them happen anyway. That is why your new life has just been so, so interesting.”

“Inter-“ you start to repeat, but he covers your mouth with his hoof.

“And therein lies the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to the question of ‘why did I do any of this?’” he states as he leans closer to your face. When he’s close enough that you can feel his breath, he whispers out a simple phrase. A simple phrase that shakes you to your very core.

“Because I could.”

These words fill you with dread for reasons you can’t truly grasp. But through the madness in his eyes, you know they hold far more weight than they have any right to.

Wh…what? You think in shock as your mouth is still covered. Sensing the question in your pale face, his grin turns malicious as he removes his hoof and backs up raising his forehooves in some grandiose gesture.

“Why my dear bug, it’s rather simple, I was presented with two choices. Option one, continue to spread minor misfortune along some insignificant Changeling’s lifetime,” he monotones, in sheer boredom, before suddenly he is full of joy as he dramatically flourishes his right hoof “Or option 2! I take matters into my own hooves and make your life the most interesting tragedy this pathetic mud ball has ever known!”

He then lifts both his hooves up and down as if he’s weighing something while saying,

“Hmmm, dull and boring existence or the never-ending change of a black comedy tragedy?” he drones before chuckling and shooting his right hoof into the air. “The choice was rather obvious, wasn’t it?”

“So…so you just decided to torment me because you were bored?” you gasp out.

“Exactly! By inserting myself more blatantly into your story, giving off clues and gifts, and tweaking your luck here and there, your life has become so so fun to watch, and not just for me…” he says looking off into the nothingness. “There’s other watchers out there, thinking they’re in control, but just like you Bugze, they never really had a choice. The Game Was Rigged From The Start!”

He stands on his back hooves, shouting the last part for all the world to hear as hysterical laughter soon fills the air.

“…You’re out of your bucking mind,” you state as goosebumps roll over you, disturbed beyond belief at the insanity before you.

And what the buck does he mean by watchers?

Almost instantaneously, his laughter subsides as he coughs into his hoof and he plasters a fake sheepish grin on his face.

“Sorry about that, got a bit carried away there.”

You stare at the nutjob before you in dread, but after a few moments you find yourself capable of speech once more as you stutter out,

“S-seriously, what the buck is wrong with you?”

“We already answered that question Bugze,” he dismisses, before he suddenly hops onto the seat next to you. “And repeating things over and over again is boring.”

“Oh to buck with your ‘boring,’ this is my life we’re talking about!” you shout as you try and fail to wiggle out of the couch. “And speaking of which, if I was just entertainment for you, why are you ending things now? Why are you trying to kill me?”

To this, he puts a hoof around your shoulder and faces the screen.

“Bugze, all good tales must come to an end, and your tale was always going to end in tragedy, even if the buildup was fun.”

“And you won’t suffer going back to boredom once I’m gone?” you accuse, trying to pick apart his logic.

“Only one way to find out,” he shrugs carefreely. “But don’t fret too much Bugze, your end has been put in place by your own hooves. I mean if you think about it, the ending is just going to be returning you back to your proper place. These last four years with the Nightmare Jewell cranking your heart have been borrowed time.”

You take in his insane words as the poem echoes in your mind again.

“Alright fine, if I’m going to die, then so be it. But why are you torturing my friends and family?”

“Because of the suffering it brings,” he responds plainly as he picks up the remote. “The hero being dragged down, losing everything he’s gained, it’s…cathartic.”

“You’re a sadist!” you hiss and he shrugs.

“Maybe so, but I’m not cliched. Because ultimately your suffering will be miniscule compared to what THEY feel,” he says looking off again into the nothingness.

“Who is THEY?” you growl, which causes him to smile, but not at you.

“Nobody of importance,” he says, looking towards something only he sees. “They can’t stop what’s coming anyway.”

He then clicks the remote and the screens once more begin to play.

“So sit back and relax everyone, because it all starts tumbling down now.”

And with that, you and this insane stallion begin to watch as Sombra and his mother begin their duel. All the while, you can’t help but think.

I’ve got to get the buck out of here!

The Crystal Empire


Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Kichi’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

As the thunderous crashes of Tirek’s hoofsteps grow closer and closer, you stare down your mother with contempt. She scowls towards you, before you both clash with blasts of dark magic. The blasts strike one another and explode, causing the chambers around you to echo and shake.

“You would dare to challenge me?” Rabia growls in rage. “I who brought you into this world and gave you purpose?!”

“Mother, stand down now!” you order and throw up a shield in preparation for another blast.

“Why should I listen to you disobedient child?!” she seethes, the eyes of her new physical body glowing brightly.

“Because I’m trying to save you, you small minded elder!” you snarl back, deflecting a shot at that.

“You Dare?!”

“Yes I dare! Because for so long I wanted to be by your side!” you shout out and this actually causes her to pause. “All I’ve ever wanted was to be with you, to feel the bond only a mother could give her child. It’s why I’ve worked so diligently to save our people!”

To that, your mother huffs and begins to give a sadistic smirk. “Then stop this foolish-“

“However,” you cut her off, “I will not let you throw everything we’ve planned to the winds just for your ego!” You punctuate as your eyes glow and crystal shards begin forming all around her like a cage.

“My ego? MY EGO?!” Rabia snaps her roar shattering the crystals. “I am trying to save what is left of our people! This plan is nothing more than a fool's errand! That demon will kill us all if we remain here just like he did with the others!” Her cape of shadows extends out into the shape of various beasts which strike out towards you, each one wishing to take a bite out of your hide.

“And you, the proud Queen of the Umbrum would throw away our only chance at getting revenge?! To stop him?” You snap back, summoning crystals to pierce the shadows. “You would run and let him take the world?”

“I would have our people flee and survive! It would take time, but I know of a way to take out that demon!” she shouts causing the Umbrum to perk up, while the others still awake look on in doubt. “Even if he were to take these alicorns' power we could best him, especially if we were to acquire it. But only if we retreat now!”

For a split moment you find yourself curious about what thing she is so confident would end the approaching monster. But only for a moment.

“Bull-ACK-Spit!” Nightshade coughs from the table drawing the queen’s focus. “She’s lying!”

“I do not lie you brat! The power of Shadow will be more than enough to-“

“I already control the shadows, and even they are no match for that bucker!” she snaps back as she shakily stands up, using Selena as a brace. Your mother’s newly formed features scowl at the filly who pulled you out of the depths of despair and that only serves to piss you off more.

Even if she isn’t lying like Nightshade says she is, Rabia’s betrayal is still detrimental to everyone here.

“This power does nothing to help us now mother!” you call out. “If it did then we could have all taken it together!”

“There’s no time!” she snarls at you as the crystal fragments she shattered earlier go flying towards you, to which you dodge. “And I would not share that power with ponies!”

"Seriously? You’re doing this now of all times for a power play?!" Nightshade snarls.

“My thoughts exactly!” you concur as your crystal column launches underneath Rabia, grazing her and knocking her backward.

“Oh you insolent whelps! Don’t you understand?!” Rabia shrieks as the alicorn amulet glows fiercely and the column explodes.

“No we don’t you hag!” Nightshade rants as you shield yourself from the debris. “We literally have a giant magic eating kaiju right outside, and you think it’s the best time to start a bucking magic fight! I mean, the dude just ate your people for their magic not even an hour ago and you think that’s a good time to betray everyling?!“

Despite being haggard and weakened from her surgery, Nightshade is full of rage and vigor, which you can respect since her feelings are matching yours point for point.

“Betrayal?!” Rabia shouts in offense. “I will not take criticism from a pampered alicorn pony who’s done nothing but lived a life of luxury while my people have suffered for a millennium!”

And with that, your mother sends a blast towards Nightshade.

“NO!” you shout as you form a barrier of crystals, to which the spell shatters. This does however leave you open to one of her shadow summons to ensnare your legs and clamp it’s jaws around your leg. “AGH!”

“If I were in any fighting shape, you’d be dead for that bitch!” Selena growls over the attack on her daughter.

"Seriously? Are you bucking serious?!" the filly snarls, as a vein starts to pulse on her head and you dislodge the beast from your leg. “You think I’ve lived the good life?!

“Oh boy,” Grandbuggy mutters to himself as she starts to rant.

“Ever since I’ve been born me and my family have been hunted, whether by fearful misinformed idiots that wanted to rainbow death laser us or skanks that wanted to replace my mom!” she shouts and Rabia looks rather confused at that. “Not to mention I had to lie for so long, pretending I wasn’t an alicorn, always getting shoved in the bag because Dad found it convenient, and don’t forget the BUCKING ALICORN AMULET you just yanked out of me dumb buck! So yeah, what part of that is luxurious to you?!”

“Even a life of hardship is greater than a life of imprisonment!” the queen shouts angrily and again tries to send a blast at Nightshade, but you are able to cause an updraft of magic from below her and send her into a wall. “Agh!”

“Your fight is with me Queen Rabia! Or can you not see who is the bigger threat even in this instance?!” you accuse as you stalk towards her.

“Yeah idiot! Did you?!” Nightshade cat calls, and both Selena and Grandbuggy pull her back.

“Alright child, best let Sombra handle this,” Selena shushes while throwing a glare at Rabia.

“I’ve never lost sight on who the true enemy is Sombra, unlike you!” she spits as the green magic absorbs into her amulet and she hurls it back. “Ponies like her are but collateral now, it matters not how they die!”

“IT MATTERS TO ME!!!” he roars and pushes more dark magic her direction, but she turns to shadow and floats out of the way. “For the love of the gods, what about Hope?!”

“What about her?” she responds cruelly and that really ticks you off.

“You kept her safe for over a thousand years! She is the most important creature in my entire life! A pony that you claim to not care for!” you shout, and you notice said mare off to the side looking touched, even through her fear.

“Just a tool to be used and abandoned! Never forget that my Umbrum!” Rabia declares, directing that statement to your sister and the rest of your kind.

“If we abandon the ponies we would be sealing our fate!” You counter just as she coalesces into a physical form again. You glance behind her as Spike moves closer to Cadence, but thankfully she hasn’t seen him yet. “You don’t think he wouldn’t immediately turn his eyes on us as we fled like cowards?!”

“You speak of our people as if you give a damn!” Rabia growls. “I should have known letting you hide among the ponies would make you weak! You see yourself as one of them more than one of us!” Rabia roars, her eyes shifting to Nightshade especially after all her outbursts. “It’s all her fault! She poisoned your mind, made you sympathize with the enemy! You would pick a disgusting hybrid foal and her insane family over your flesh and blood?!"

“She showed me what a family truly is! One that loves and supports each other, and doesn't take advantage of those who wish to help us!” You growl horn pulsing with even more magic.

“Those ponies imprisoned us for centuries! Taking our homeland and burying us beneath the ice!” she lectures, glancing over toward the Umbrum and Ira, “Denying us our right to live as we see fit! Free to use our magic with impunity, they would sooner have us bow down and in chains than let us run free!”

“Denying us our rights? Or deny you?” You counter, conjuring your crystal scythe as you know this discussion is going nowhere. “You are of unsound mind and unfit to rule the umbrum. You refuse to look past your grudges and see reason!” Rabia roars as she pulls out two blades of shadows, you both charge and clash. The crystal floor cracks beneath from the impact, your horn clashing against hers alongside the blades. “You would rule over a graveyard of a world!”

“If it’s a graveyard of ponies then so be it!” Rabia decrees, “If that beast is the end of ponykind then let them burn! I shall claim his head after!”

“And with that sentiment you’ve just proven why they, our enemies, are better royalty than you. Because they were willing to save us despite everything that’s happened,” you condemn, before your eyes go harsh and you go in for the proverbial kill. “You are proving that Princess Amore was right about us all along.”

You know your words have hit her where it hurts as her features twist into something ferocious, and you even hear your sister and several other Umbra gasp.

“GRRAAAGGGHHH!!!” she shouts as the amulet glows fiercely and the ground gives way under the two of you, causing you to fall to the next floor, your blades still striking one another.

And as you fall, you see as the hold on the others loosens, and the purple dragon grabs the Crystal Heart.

Down With Chrysalis’s Narrative

Brown Dog’s Narrative



“Sombra!” you can’t help but shout in worry.

“Ooohhh, level transitions, classic fighting game mechanic,” DWC quips, before shoving popcorn in his mouth.

And then there’s this flankhole, you growl mentally as you turn to glare at your current jailor.

DWC continues munching away on popcorn, so slowly and methodically that it annoys you. But even through your aggravation, you also feel creeped out, because though he makes quips and even cheers here and there, his eyes are empty. Any outward emotions he has watching Sombra’s fight aren’t genuine, and that makes you shiver. You’d expect that someling who is so clearly insane would be having an absolute ball watching your family get hurt while you’re helpless to stop it, but his words were hollow, aside from the mocking.

“You see, they should’ve started the fighting much sooner, the whole anime trope of having these long drawn-out conversations that are only supposed to be a few seconds, doesn’t translate well into real life,” he complains, sounding bored and annoyed.

Somehow that attitude only pisses me off more, you think in aggravation. Sombra is literally putting his life on the line, and you have the gall to sound bored!

“Oh where are my manners,” DWC interjects once he notices your glare as he slightly tips the bucket of popcorn towards you. “Do you want some old friend? While this fight is rather mundane I have no doubt you could use some comfort food to settle the nerves.”

“I don’t want any gorramned popcorn! I wa-Glug!” you are cut off as he shoves the bucket into your face, and you involuntarily gulp down a few kernels. The majority of it though, spills all over you and the couch.

“Wow, so slovenly, even at the end of all things,” DWC says with a slight giggle before pulling the bucket back. “Had your fill?”

“Ptoo!” you spit mulched corn onto the ground and blink your eyes rapidly. “Oh gods, I got butter in my eyes!”

“Well that’s to be expected when you just dive right in,” he tauntingly shrugs, before flinging the bucket into the air, spilling even more popcorn. “But then again your comfort doesn’t really matter to me does it?”

“Grrrr,” you growl in anger as your eyes sting from the melted, salty dairy. To this, DWC chuckles halfheartedly.

“Yes yes, growl all you want. Really after all these years can’t you come up with some better way to express your anger?” he asks with a dull tone and face.

“Oh screw you!” you shout as you finally blink away the butter. “How else are you gonna respond when some flankhole-Ugh, what the buck?!“

You are cut off as suddenly a screen appears in front of your face and a bright light suddenly assaults your eyes.

“Like this! Losing control and just rampaging,” DWC says with a frown of contempt, and you realize what the screen is showing. A montage of the various times you used the cloak plays before you, almost like a highlight reel of the pain and damage you’ve caused while using it. “That Bugze was fun, and somehow far less emo than what you are now.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but that Bugze died a long time ago,” you declare as you look away from the screen, feelings of guilt and shame not quite subsiding.

“Did he? Did he really?” DWC mocks as the screen disappears.

“Yes! I’m not that kind of bu-”

“Grah!” Sombra’s pained voice erupts from one of the main screens and your eyes dart to it. You see as your friend has been cut along his rib cage, and blood starts to drip, as he evades another of his mother’s attacks.

“NO!” you shout in anger, your body flexing against the immovable couch.

“Heh, right, sure looks dead to me,” DWC mocks, which only serves to make you angrier. “But I guess without the cloak, that is true in a way. Nightmare Moon’s power made you entertaining, but now you’re just whiney.”

“Whiney?! My friend’s life is on the line and you think I’m whining?!” you snarl. You are about to shout a bit more, but are cut off as DWC starts to break down in a giggling fit. “The buck are you laughing at!?”

“At you, if that weren’t obvious,” he chuckles before abruptly stopping and going back to monotone. “Well no, that’s a lie actually.”


“I’m laughing at this,” he gestures to the entire area as he continues, “this silly little suspense act going on here. It’s simply…hilarious to me is all.”

“Sombra and the rest of my friends and family being in danger is hilarious to you?!” you snarl and he nods.

“Eh, that’s only a part of it. I mean I have this whole setup to make you quake in rage, wondering if your ‘family’ will live or die, and it’s working…” he pauses before looking back at you with that hollow expression. “And the fact that it’s working is amusing given how truly, and utterly pointless it all is.”

Silence falls between the two of you as DWC’s words seem to echo in your skull, the strangeness of them and casualness behind them blindsiding you completely as you stare at the mad pony in shock.

“...Pointless? The buck do you mean pointless!?” you demand after a moment and he raises an eyebrow.

“Exactly what it sounds like,” he drones as if the answer is simple. “There’s no hidden deeper meaning behind my word. When I say this whole debacle between you, me, and all your little friends and family is pointless, I mean it truly as such.”

DWC leans towards you, his bored look slowly growing into something more diabolical as he says,

“Its all pointless, meaningless, unimportant, and utterly insignificant! Nothing truly matters Bugze!” The volume of his voice startles you as that sadistic glee returns as if from nowhere. “You could fight night and day, the princesses could battle using the very celestial bodies they control, Tirek could wipe out all life on the planet, and it would all mean nothing! Even my own actions are pointless, because the ending is already set in stone, and that’s why it’s hilarious. No one, not you, not me, not those watching, can change a gorramned thing, because nothing else matters.”

The amount of madness oozing off the stallion leaves you momentarily silent in shock, but you quickly shake it off.

“Well I don’t know what crazy pills you swallowed to make you think that, but this all matters to me!” You say in determination, a fire lighting in your eyes as you continue to speak, “All those innocent lives down there, my friends, my family, they all matter to me! And like Tartarus am I gonna let you say otherwise!”

The unhinged joy on his face disappears at that, and he lets out a sigh, just as Sombra on the screens knocks Rabia off her hooves with a magic attack, and sends her skidding across the ground.

“The irony is, it was pointless to try to explain that to you. But I guess you’ve gotta see for yourself,” he sighs before clopping his hoof on to the ground, and suddenly a doorway appears off to your right. “Go on through that door Bugze, the bathroom is down the hall and to the left. But “Don’t” enter any other rooms okay? Even if some may lead to the way out.” The insinuation in his tone is evident, as he’s goading you to do the opposite of what he says.

“What are you-?” you ask before suddenly the couch spits you out, and you land hard on the ground in front of the doorway.

“If it’s not all pointless, then prove me wrong,” he calls out as he turns to face the screens. “But you won’t because you can’t.”

You pick yourself up, and feel like running and dropkicking the bastard…but you realize he’s expecting exactly that.

“Gah!” Sombra shouts on screen as a magical projectile cuts across his cheek. This causes you to steel your nerves.

If there’s a chance of getting out of here, I’ve gotta take it! I’m not good to my family trapped in that couch, you think in determination and with that, you look down the blank hallway full of doors.

“You know what?! Buck you and your Lady Luck you freaking psychopath!” you yell at your “friend.”

“Haven’t heard that one before,” he waves boredly, not even turning around to see you leave, as he continues to watch Sombra’s fight.

“Well you’re gonna hear it more in the future when I kick your flank to Tartarus and back!” you threaten before turning and galloping into the possible escape route.

There has to be a way out, there’s got to be! You think in desperation.

Puzzling Frost’s Comment

Nightslayer’s Comment

As you walk down the endless hallway, your mind wanders to the many bombshells that psycho has dropped on you.

“So, this dude has been watching me my whole life, probably since I was a larvae, and he did so because Grandbuggy didn’t go out with Lady Luck way back when. Not only that, but DWC’s gone rogue and amped everything up because he was bored, and now he’s trying to lead me to die and for all my family to suffer…” you say aloud, and the ridiculousness of it all finally hits you. “This is all so stupid! I may not have always been a good bug, but I don’t deserve this bullspit!”

You punch at a door in frustration, causing it to thump loudly.

“By the gods I wish I still had my powers just so I could knock his rotten teeth in!” you growl vindictively. “Give you a few good broken bones and then toss you down in front of Lady Luck’s feet and snitch about all you’ve done! I mean true I have no idea where she actually is, or even if she would listen to me after years of cursing her name, but still!”

You thump the door again, before sighing in exhaustion, as all the wounds you’ve received since the Battle of the Bands make you feel old and busted.

“Honestly, just buck everything! I did not go through Tartarus and High Water to be together with Selena and Nightshade for it to end like this!” you declare with ragged breath before shouting down the hallway. “You told me not to open any other doors, but screw what you have to say you bucking psychopath!”

With that said, you immediately open the door you’ve been striking.

The threshold isn’t so much an entrance as it is a screen-like look into somewhere else. Really looking into it, your eyes hurt and a buzzing sound echoes in the back of your mind. You see an empty maze with yellow walls, a somewhat wet carpet, and bad lighting.

“What in the buck?” you mutter as the fluorescent lighting hums ominously. You place a hoof up and try to reach in, but it meets a glassy surface, which causes the view in front of you to flicker with static for a moment.

“Okay good,” you sigh. “Because even if that was an exit, something tells me I’d get lost in…wherever the buck this is. Or eaten.”

The second you say that, your words are proven true as you hear some kind of creature groaning.

“Nope, nope, nope!” you shriek and slam the door. Even if it’s just a screen, you’re not taking any chances. You’ve seen that Neighponese horror movie with the ghost filly crawling out of the TV.

“Okay, next!” you say as you peek inside another door. This time, you see a very blocky-looking world, with square clouds and a square sun. “Hey, ain’t this that one game that Nightshade was prattling on about?”

As if to answer your question, you see as a strange green creature hisses and chases after a blocky bipedal figure, before suddenly blowing up.

“Is DWC playing this right now or…?” you trail off with your question before you shake your head and close the door. “Okay so we had horror movie setting, and video game, so next door will obviously be…”

“Wheel! Of! Fish!” an audience cries out as you open the next door. Inside you see three humans behind podiums on a gameshow stage. The host human has them spin a wheel that has dead fish pinned to it and your head starts to hurt from the randomness.

“…Okay, not this door obviously,” you monotone as you close the door.

“Stupid! You’re so stupid!!!” the gameshow host yells at one of the contestants, before the door drowns him out. You then slap the sides of your cheeks and steel your gaze.

“Alright, these are obviously all just movies or something, and are used as decoys to hide the exit…yeah,” you theorize, even though a part of you thinks otherwise. Really, the glimpses into those first three doors reminded you of the reality images you saw in the Time Storm back in the Human World.

Choosing to ignore that though, you rush down the hallway on tired hooves as you start rapid fire opening and closing doors. As you do, you glimpse quite a few strange sights.

You see a blue tabby cat chase a brown mouse with a mallet in its paws, a pirate ship with a captain singing about a jar of dirt, a giant kaiju lizard fighting an equally sized giant ape with a glowing battle ax, an unholy terrifying looking foal version of Scootaloo at a tea party, an earth pony in pharmacist clothes fighting a fedora-wearing teal green platypus, a familiar looking decayed yellow robot rabbit fighting a black animatronic bear with a missing eye in a burning building, a samurai warrior battling a shape changing shadow creature with a green face, a pair of bipedal creatures in red and orange futuristic space armor wondering about why they were in the middle of a canyon, a tap dancing/singing frog with a hat and cane, and a sponge and starfish in a sandwich car. You take a moment to pause process everything you just saw.

“This place is pure insanity! A multiverse of madness!” you shout as everything hits you all at once. “Or maybe just a very inconvenient movie theater!”

You open yet another door at random, and see a red headed human dancing on a stage as music starts up.

“Oh Gorrammit! I hate that meme!” you curse and slam the door, having had enough of the song after getting trolled so many times when trying to watch cat videos in the Human World. The next door only serves to make you angrier as you see a stick bug just dancing back and forth, and the one after that is a blue gnome making stupid noises, and the next is a heavier human male with headphones on, lip-synching to some foreign song and dancing in his chair. “Is this just the intnernets, is that what this is?!”

No one answers your desperate cry as you open yet another door to see just a normal bathroom that you can actually enter.

“…Okay, gonna assume that’s a no?” you guess before sighing and closing the door. “I guess this is where DWC told me to go, but honestly, what is even the point of this place?”

You then frown as you remember him telling you that everything was pointless, and you kick at the ground.

“Buck his nihilistic bullspit! There’s definitely a way out here!” you shout, and open yet another door at random.

In the rain, in another set of futuristic armor, a bunch of humans are getting paint or something put on their heads as someone chants about hamburgers, cheeseburgers, big macs and whoppers.

You do a double take after hearing the chant, looking around for any sign of your big red friend/cousin.

“…Note to self, Mac might be worshipped by future humans…or something,” you shrug as you gently shut the door. “Next!”

The next door opens onto the Friendship Express as it pulls into Ponyville station, the town itself looking barren and empty.

“Whoa, wait a minute, what?!” you gasp as you watch the Humane 6 in their pony forms get off the train with Ditzy, the Outcasts, the Windio kid, and a few others. You then watch as they start to take the mirror out and haul it towards the woods where Grandbuggy’s bunker lies.

“Wha-How in the heck did they get their already?” you wonder, knowing it hasn’t been that long since they left. “Or…is this in the future?”

No answers come to you, and the screen only shows the empty train station, so you shut the door.

“Well at least there’s some good news, and they’ll get away, but still,” you lament as you open another door.

This time, you see a strange sight as a group of creatures sit around a poker table that appears to be in space. One is a giant floating eyeball with tentacles, a human child with a face that’s half orange and half purple wearing starry pajamas, a bipedal white rabbit with a toothy grin, and a blue ram with large horns, red eyes, and an ornate bell collar.

“You all ever miss the 80’s?” the ram sighs wistfully.

“Focus on the game you old goat,” The floating eyeball chastise.

“I am a ram and you know it you freakish librarian!” he snaps back.

“This game is boring. Can we play something else Grogar?” The child groans.

“Sure, how about double Russian Roulette?” the white rabbit suggests happily pulling out two revolvers. “That’s where you fire two guns at once, and the chambers got double the ammo!”

“No Max, we’re not cleaning up that mess again,” the eyeball lectures.

“Spoilsport,” the child blows a raspberry at the eyeball while the rabbit shrugs, puts the guns away, and then lays his cards down, causing the other two to fold.

“Oh come on!” Grogar groans.

“Thats the 12th time in a row!” The kid bellows.

“It’s called skill, git gud scrubs,” the rabbit chuckles.

“If Slendermane were here, you wouldn’t be winning so much,” the tentacle eyeball complains.

“Right…” you trail off as you close the door on the strange scene. “Note to self, drugs are bad.”

Shaking your head, you look down the continuing hall of random doorways and grumble.

“Then again they’d probably improve my mental state with all this random nonsense.”

You then try a few more doors at random, not really paying attention to the erratic images on the screens they hold. After moving on from a door that had alien blue monkey-cat things fighting humans that visually looked impressive but you felt was really overrated and dull, you find your first real room since the bathroom.

“Okay, now we’re getting somewhere,” you say a bit enthusiastically as you look around the room…and then your face falls. “Or maybe not.”

It’s a bedroom with a queen-sized bed, what looks like a computer from the human world on a desk, and a chair in front of a television with game consoles you’ve never seen before. So pretty much a plain and simple bedroom…or rather not plain due to the sheer amount of nerd memorabilia lining the walls and bookshelves.

You see figurines of comic book, video game, and anime characters, you see posters of sci fi and fantasy movies, and there are plenty of those same genres filling the bookshelves. Heck, you even spot an entire case filled with nothing but movies in both disc and tape form.

“Seriously? This guy acts all evil and mysterious and crazy, but he’s really just a huge nerd?” you say in disappointment before shrugging. “Well I suppose nerds can be evil monsters too, Tirek seemed to be a huge weab like me. But still, I think this guy may be obsessed.”

In particular, there is one wall in this bedroom that is devoted to nothing but Pokémon. Or rather one Pokémon and all it’s evolutions.

“Why are there so many Evee-lutions?” you say feeling a bit creeped out as you see the countless plushies and figurines. “I mean, Evees are adorable but there are much cooler Pokémon out there. I bet DWC’s one of those sickos who’s attracted to them.”

“Well that’s a bit of a slanderish assumption,” his voice suddenly says from right behind you.

“EEP!” you shriek and whip around, and you see as the stallion is sitting in the gaming chair as if he’d been there the whole time.

“I’ll have you know I only appreciate Evee’s adorableness and their versatility. You could make a whole team of nothing but their evolutions,” he defends with a hint of offense.

“Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that sicko!” you insult, even as you back up into the Pokémon shelf.

“I see having access to human internet has already corrupted your sense of innocence,” he monotones before grinning sinisterly. “Also, didn’t I tell you not to open any other doors? Didn’t your mother ever teach you to not go looking through other people's things?”

“Don’t talk about my mother! And don’t you dare act as if you didn’t say that so I intentionally would open doors!” you defend, and he puts a hoof to his chin in fake contemplation.

“You’re right, I did do that. Why did I do that again?” he asks rhetorically before bopping his head. “Oh right, to prove to you that everything was pointless.”

“Well I don’t know if this stupid hallway was pointless, but it sure was a waste of time!” you spit, fed up with his attitude.

“Eh, two sides of the same coin really,” he shrugs before looking at you with no emotion. “But yes, you’re little adventure, peering into the scenes of other realities was entirely pointless, because it did nothing to further your goals.”

“Well, uh…um…” you try and fail to argue, and he continues.

“There is no exit from here Bugze, unless I open one. All of these scenes meant nothing and they can’t help you change your fate. For them it may have been a welcome distraction from the drama, but in the end, this whole tangent was pointless!”

“Yeah, but…I found your room!” you argue back and he just raises a brow.

“And that helps you how?”

“It lets me know you’re a big dork, and gave me access to otherworldly weapons!” you shout as you reach behind you and pull a pokeball off his shelf.

“…Really?” DWC asks in disappointment.

“Yes! Now open the exit before I go Team Rocket on ya!” you threaten, pointing the ball toward him.

“That is literally just a toy, why would I have real pokeballs?” he asks, actually sounding incredulous.

“Don’t give me that! You gave me the Inventory remember? So you definitely have stuff from alternate universes!” you say triumphantly. “Now, let’s battle!”

You then throw the hefty metal ball on the ground in front of him and…it bounces, rolls around, and opens revealing a Vaporean toy inside.

A silence falls in the room, while DWC just stares at you disappointed, and your ears feel hot in embarrassment.

I thought for sure that was going to work, you mentally whimper.

“Yet another pointless action, but somehow worse, because that cost me money,” DWC says with a roll of his eyes. “Now, why don’t we get back to the show? Sombra’s gotten a few more injuries since you left.”

“Gyah!” suddenly your whole body is shoved out of the room by some invisible force and you tumble across the floor. You groan in pain as DWC trots out the door pulling out a small device and with a click, the door slams shut with a hiss before vanishing into thin air. Looking up, you see that you are in the room with the monitors once more, even though you know you traveled down that door hallway for a good while.

“How?” you groan, feeling exhausted as you witness Sombra and Rabia blasting magic at one another.

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

“All roads lead back to the beginning,” he says matter of factly. “These roads anyway. This is my realm Bugze, and no one, not even Lady Luck can peer into here without my say so. They can see because I allow them! Any actions you take here don’t matter.”

“The only reason everything is oh so “Pointless” is because you’re manipulating things!” you challenge as you shakily stand up. “Without you being a bucking jerk, none of this would be happening!”

“Parts of that are true, so I suppose I do have some blame in your tragic fate,” he says with that false tone of realization, before he smirks. “But come on Bugze, your actions aren’t only pointless inside this realm, but everywhere. “Hasn’t it ever occurred to you that for every step you move forward in your goals, it’s so closely followed by a massive leap back?

You pause at that, and he continues, his wrong smile returning.

“I mean, if things do hold meaning then why can everything you do be so easily undone? Doesn’t that seem even the tiniest bit strange to you?”

“You’re saying it’s not all just you? What are you trying to imply?” you demand.

“Me? Imply something insidious or vindictive? Perish the thought,” he says with mock shock before continuing in what sounds like a feral growl. “I’m not implying anything, I am stating the fact you’ve tried so hard to ignore. Everything, and everyone, holds no meaning in this pitiful world. You’re just the biggest example of it.”

“You keep saying that!” you growl as you try to shrug off his words, even though the finality in which he says them strikes you deep in your core. “If none of this matters, then why are you even putting in any effort?”

“Like I said before. Because I can,” he answers with a smirk.

“Yeah, well buck that answer!” you say defiantly, which only causes him to smile more.

“All these glimpses into other realities, and yet you still can’t realize how futile it all is?”

“What the buck do those other worlds even have to do with me?!” you snarl and he clicks his tongue.

“To show you that in the grand scheme of things, with infinite other worlds out there, that you and even this reality are insignificant,” he monotones, even as Sombra grunts in pain on the screens. “There’s even countless Equestrias where you don’t even exist, and everyone still lives their lives and solves their own problems. Heck, in some ways, they’re better off and more effective without you around.”

“Well I don’t give a gorram about other realities, I care about this one!” you say defiantly, and he rolls his eyes.

“You’re right of course this is our reality, and even your part in it will soon be at an end. I mean, you do have a rendezvous to keep don’t you?” he implies evily and your eyes widen.

“Do you have something to do with that stupid human poem that won’t leave my head?!”

“It’s not just a human poem, but sort of,” he shrugs. “You were supposed to hear it this year and have it be an annoying tic that always filled you with dread, which I guess it still did, but I didn’t get to see it.”

He seems to pout about that fact, but you advance on him.

“Why? Why did you make me hear that over and over again?” you demand angrily as you reach into your Inventory for something.

“Because I could, and because it’s the truth,” he says coldly. “Now enough of pointless chit chat, get in the damn chair Bugze.”

Suddenly something hits the back of your legs hard.

“Grah!” you grunt, as you fall into a thick wooden chair, and your hoof is yanked out of your inventory, brushing up against several of your items along the way.

“What are yo-agh!” you grunt as your legs suddenly become shackled, and just like with the weird shapeshifting couch earlier, you are unable to move.

“There we go, right where we should be,” he mocks as he fiddles with something behind you, and suddenly metal clamps pull on your eyelids, keeping you from blinking.

“Agh-Gah! STOP!” you shout, but he does not listen to your pleas. You are now trussed up like that psycho in that Clockwork Orange movie, and he faces you towards the screens.

Once more you are forced to watch your family and friends struggling as Sombra continues to fight his bitch of a mom. And in the time when you weren’t watching, Sombra has gotten pretty messed up. There are cuts all along his body, and you can see him panting heavily, but he is still going all out and parrying Rabia’s attacks with his scythe through the already damaged palace.

“Sombra,” you say in worry for your friend, just as DWC sits down on the couch beside you, which wasn’t there a split second ago.

“You missed a few interesting blows while you were snooping, but again, just like your life, this too is meaningless,” he says gesturing to the screen.

“Then why even bother showing me?” you grunt as your eyes start to sting.

“Well, just because it’s pointless, doesn’t mean it won’t be fun to watch,” he shrugs, now having another popcorn bucket in his hooves. “Not to mention watching you losing all hope and your fighting spirit.”

Again, his words hit you in your soul, and you do find a bit of your resolve washing away. After all, you are trapped in another dimension with a powerful psychopath with no discernable way out. And while you fight against these feelings of helplessness, Sombra battles on.

Despite his struggle of the onslaught of attacks, you watch as he parries one of Rabia’s blades, before getting in close and shouting,

“Falcon Punch!”

His free hoof then strikes his mother right in the gut, taking her by surprise and expelling the air from her newly formed lungs.

“Oof!” Rabia gasps out, just as Sombra follows up with another surprising attack.

“Shoryuken!” he calls out, his hoof covered in crystals as he uppercuts the Queen into the air. He then leaps up into the air with her and slams forth the Scythe in an overhead attack, which she blocks, but it causes her to crash to the floor.

“Is he using my attacks?” you ask aloud in bafflement, and a bit of pride, which breaks through your melancholy somewhat.

“What fighting style is this?” Rabia grunts out as she back summersaults out of the way of Sombra’s landing fist strike.

“One that served a certain idiot just well for over four years,” Sombra quips back with a smirk. “And if you can’t beat ‘em, Join ‘em! Psycho Crusher!”

With that, Sombra propels himself forward with a spinning tackle, courtesy of the summoned crystal platform he used as a launch pad. Rabia of course isn’t used to such a strategy and gets speared into the next room, with both of them skidding across the crystalline floor.

“Ha! Yeah, get some Sombra! I taught you well!” you cheer as you watch your sick moves from a third person perspective for once.

“Ah, so that’s how he’s been able to hold out so well, using weaponized idiocy,” DWC quips from behind you. “A bold strategy from him, even I wouldn’t have expected it. But it won’t hold out much longer.”

“Why the buck not?” you spit as you feel your eyeballs getting red from dryness. “Like he said, it’s worked for me, so why not for him?”

“Because Mombra there’s got the alicorn amulet on,” he points out. “Nightshade used it in fun and exciting ways, and even Trixie kept you on your tippy hooves. Guess that means she hasn’t gone all out yet. Probably still getting used to having legs and all.”

If the contraption wasn’t keeping your eyelids open, they would have widened even more at that statement. His stupid prediction is obviously proven by Sombra’s many injuries. Sombra is holding his own with a few tricks, but he is definitely outclassed right now, especially since he’s only just received his new body.

Whether it’s due to the Queen's pure rage over the betrayal of her son, the loss of most of her people, or the close proximity to ponies without being able to mortally harm them, she is empowered in this fight.

It also doesn’t help that he is fighting his own mother, you think analytically knowing first hand that family drama never makes a fight for control easy.

And just as you have that traitorous realization.

“Enough of this ungrateful child!” Rabia shouts as the amulet bursts with light, and suddenly a clump of shadows underneath Sombra shoot upwards, sending the former king through the ceiling head first.

The Umbra Queen then shoots up through the hole in a torrent of smoke, and the scene refocuses to show that they’ve ended back up in the throne room.

“Huh, guess they’re keeping this one relatively contained,” DWC snarks and starts elbowing you in the side a little too hard. “Guess all the other fights used up the set piece budget, eh? EH?!”

You grimace at the ribbing, as your ever drying eyes take in every detail. Nightshade, Selena, Grandbuggy, Sunset and all the rest are still relatively where they were when the fight began. The Princesses though have groggily woken up and are attended to by Jack and Flash. The Umbra are still surrounding everyling, and Ira is nearer to Hope with a saddened look on her misty face. Also…

“Heh, and nothing of value happened with the rest of the gang,” DWC snickers as he turns his eyes back to Rabia just as she lifts Sombra up by his neck with magic, only for him to break the hold with a pillar of crystal. “Not surprising really.”

DWC is wrong on one thing though, and you don’t know how long it will take him to figure it out. Something has changed, and it is both minor and major. Spike the dragon is nowhere to be seen, and neither is the Crystal Heart…

The Crystal Empire


Queen Rabia chortles and gloats as the fight moves in her favor. You are now back in the throne room, where all of your allies still remain captured, though it seems your mother’s hold may have weakened somewhat since the Princesses are stirring.

Even though you discern that, you also know that her well of power is nowhere near depleted. You’ve done well in holding your own, but now as you huff and puff in exhaustion, nursing the various wounds Rabia has inflicted, you realize that stopping her will require a feat of wit rather than strength. But you may just be at your wit’s end.

If Bugze were here, he’d probably quip about needing family therapy or something stupid like that, your tired mind thinks and you shake your head to clear the cobwebs. True or not, you can’t let idle thoughts wander.

That becomes clearly obvious as Rabia takes a page from your book and summons spikes of crystal under you, to which you barely hop away from. That hop though does leave you open to a pillar that bursts from the wall and smacks you towards the outer balcony.

“Agh!” you cry out as you feel your ribs pulsing in agony. You clench your teeth at the pain, and shakily stand back up, facing your mother as she slowly advances.

“Do you see now you petulant child? You cannot win this fight. Cede now, and I may still bring you with us as we leave these pests to their fate!” she demands, the amulet shining brightly to punctuate her words.

You scowl at that order, glaring her down as you spit a wad of blood onto the ground. At that, a pillar bursts from the wall behind you, throwing you forward and onto your face in front of her.

“Do as your told Sombra, or you shall suffer immensely,” she warns and you pinch your eyes shut in pain.

You know that ultimately she’s right. Not once in your life have you ever defeated the power of the alicorns, and here she is using a bastardized version of it. The end of the world is at the gates, and yet here you are struggling uselessly for nothing.

No…not for nothing, you think resolutely. Your eyes wander around the makeshift fighting arena and see the countless faces around you. Watching your defiance are looks of worry, fear, surprise, and anger spread across the faces of not only the ponies, but all the other assorted creatures as well, including your fellow Umbrum. Your newly discovered sister seems to convey all of these emotions, as well as confliction, but she acts neither one way or the other. What ultimately holds your gaze though, is the three ultimately in your corner; Nightshade, Hope, and even Selena surprisingly. Their faces do not express fear, worry, not even anger. No, they hold the namesake of the mare you love above all else.


These ponies, your true family, have no fear of your failures or worry of your imminent defeat because they have complete and utter faith in you. They who have seen you at your utter worst, convey without words that they still think you can triumph and end this madness before it’s too late. They, your family, believe in you, and even through the pain and misery, it fills you with an emotion you haven’t truly felt in a long, long time.

Love. And who are you to let it go to waste?

Gritting your teeth, you stand back up before your mother, her glare intensifying as you continue your defiance.

“So you still resist?” she mocks.

“Of course I do, because I need you to understand something before this is all over,” you mutter as you begin the incantations within your mind.

"And what, pray tell, does a failure of an heir wish me to know?" Rabia growls out, seemingly so certain of her victory that she ignores the growing magic forming within you.

"All my life, I was scorned by forces I could never understand. Forces I refused to understand," Your tone begins low, but rises with every word you speak. "I ran away from my problems, ran as far and as hard as I could from the one pony who was there for me in my search for answers I didn't even know existed."

The dark magic thickens around you, creating an aura as smoke leaks from your eyes.

“Here we go,” you hear Nightshade whisper with anticipation as you continue to rant.

"And when I stumbled across you, I never questioned your knowledge or information, I just accepted it without ever wondering why. ‘Why were ponies and umbrum enemies,’ ‘why did they lock us up,’ or more specifically, ‘why did they lock you up?’”

Her eyes narrow at this, but you continue.

"I gave into the darkness and anger I felt was deserved, used pain I couldn't ignore to fuel my revenge. With it, I went far in my endeavors and caused many to suffer for my hubris. But now…” you trail off as smoking, sparking dark magic twists around your body, now impossible to ignore.

“’But now?’ Now what? What inane point are you trying to prove?!” she growls as she builds up her own magic in anticipation.

"…But now I realize that I was limited by the pettiness of rage and pain, that there is something that could further drive me far past the limits I once had,” you tell her pointedly.

"Of for- you must be joking?!" Rabia chortles out, seemingly amused and disappointed at your words. "Did spending time with these pathetic ponies honestly make you believe that 'Power of Friendship' nonsense?” To this, you smirk at her smugly as the power radiates further.

"No dear mother, I’m talking about something far more useful than friendship. What truly drives me, what makes me know I will defeat you…" you glance to Hope and the others before saying in a firm tone, "is family!"

“…Such ignorance and ungratefulness,” she sighs in disappointment as the amulet glows brightly. “I am your queen! Ruler of the Umbra and darkness, your mother! Your family is me, not them! And if you think that your next attack is going to be strengthened by these delusions, you’re sorely mistaken.”

"It’s you who is mistaken mother. FOR I AM SOMBRA, KING OF FEAR! USUPER OF THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE! PROTECTOR OF MY FAMILY, NIGHTMARE TO YOU!" you declare with determination and resolve, causing her to brace for your inevitable attack. You then mutter under your breath, “And my family has taught me a thing or two…”

You then throw your hoof up and yell…

Adood’s Comment

Skiny_Boy’s Comment


“What?!” Rabia shouts in confusion at your words as she subconsciously turns her head around following where your hoof is pointing.

“Surprise Mother Bucker!” Nightshade shouts as she throws Bugze’s Boomstick right into Rabia’s face.


“Gyagh!” Rabia is blindsided by the sneak attack and her defensive magic wavers as she flies towards you.

…It really is so dumb how that keeps working, you think for a moment before unleashing the spell you’d been building up.

Down With Chrysalis’s Comment

Ello Calebero’s Comment

Ponygamer12’s Comment

Your spell blasts Rabia with a tidal wave of dark magic, which encompasses her, but even with Nightshade’s sneak attack, the power of the alicorn amulet allows her to reflect some of it, causing you to be surrounded as well. The truth is, you were prepared for that inevitability, so you continue to pump power into the spell, but what you weren’t prepared for was the feedback.

The swirling darkness around you, in addition to your mother’s attempted warding, and even a smidgen of the magic from the Boomstick, causes an explosion which rockets you and Rabia out of the damaged palace and hurtling to the streets below.

The darkness cushions your fall, but the impact still rattles you both as you bounce across the broken, icy streets, not knowing your directions, until you come to a rest. Still, despite the impacts, you continue to feed power into your spell as it’s effects start to prey on you both.

And what spell is it? An old specialty of yours.

“Wh-what is this?” you hear Rabia’s panicked voice. “This can’t be! You’re dead! You’re dead! Get away from me Amore!”


Such a simple spell really, especially for an Umbrum, which is precisely why it’s working so effectively. You never expect to be hit with your own talent after all.

“This was our kingdom! Ours!” Rabia shouts within the darkness at a princess you killed so long ago, though it’s hard to feel motivated by this slight victory because…

“Sombra…why?” a filly’s voice asks full of anguish and sorrow. You take a deep breath before looking towards the voice, and you see Hope as she looked when you were children. Tears stream down her face, and she looks at you like the monster you are. “Why did you betray us?”

You knew that you might be caught up within this spell as well, but even with that preparedness, it still hurts to look upon your bare subconscious.

As the filly Hope continues to cry and berate you, your other fears begin to trickle in. A younger you sits by a window, looking into the snow, the overwhelming sadness of growing up alone filling him. The Crystal Heart appears and shows you the truth of what you are as Amore looks on at you with uncaring eyes. The adult Hope appears next to her younger self, and looks at you with malice.

“It’s all been a mistake Sombra, after everything that’s happened, I can’t ever truly love you again. Just let go and free me of your presence…”

These words jab into your heart, causing you to wince, but you do not say anything back. You can’t break concentration on the spell now.

“You would dare usurp me Ira?! You’re just like your father! I knew this day would come!” Rabia shouts within her own nightmares, even as more of yours show up.

You see the Alicorns deciding to blast you into another incorporeal form, the crystal ponies taking you to the guillotine, and then comes Bugze, Selena and Nightshade looking at you with malice.

“You should just give up, you know it’s inevitable right?” Nightshade says cruelly. You do not answer back, but she smirks and holds up a pair of scissors. “I mean, it’s already falling out, so we might as well get rid of the rest right?”

At that, you see as your hair falls out in large clumps, and your heart quickens a bit.

“Gotta get used to wearing pork pie hats and growing a beard smokey,” Bugze laughs and holds up Human Sombra’s hat.

“And you’ll need spectacles soon too you old has been,” Selena chuckles cruelly, holding up some familiar looking glasses.

Really? This has been added to my list of fears? You think in exasperation as you pull your focus back to the spell.

“We should probably get him some whacky clothes too, since he’s becoming just like you Bugze,” Selena says holding up an assortment of mismatched, ugly clothes and your eyes widen.

“Yup, just as crazy as daddy, and just as ugly to boot,” Nightshade nods.

Oh come on! You mentally groan, your concentration slipping a bit.

“It gets easier old buddy ol pal,” Bugze says getting closer with the hat.

“You’re already crazy, so just give in already,” Nightshade implores, advancing with the scissors.

“Or would you rather you go back to your Room?” Selena challenges. Those words cause you to shudder, and then freeze as you hear another set of hooves walk up behind you. With goosebumps crawling up your neck, you turn around and see…

“Oh Hai! How is your sex life? Ha ha ha.”

The only reason you don’t scream aloud is that you bite down on your own tongue to the point that blood is drawn. Even still your heart beats a million miles a minute as adrenaline floods your system at the sight of the long haired, greasy stallion with the unplaceable accent.

“Ha ha, you just a little chicken. Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep~” he taunts and you grit your teeth.

Okay, they may be family now, but I guess they did leave me a bit traumatized from that stupid prison. Still gotta pay them back for that in the future, you think vindictively before you get your breathing under control. The old fears, you’ve had years to reflect on, but these new ones are so stupid and unexpected that they threw you off a bit. Still, you will not allow your mother victory over something so dumb.

You allowed yourself to be consumed by this spell because you have mastered your fears, and these ones, no matter how stupid, will be no different.

With that resolve in mind, you dig deep within your mana pool and unleash everything you have left to shift the swirling mists towards your mother more, and away from you.

And as the wave washes over her, and your fears evaporate into the night time snow, you watch as the darkness swirls into your mother’s eyes, causing them to glow brightly green.

“…Ira? Sombra?” she calls out, her eyes not seeing you, or any of her surroundings. “Where is everyone?! Come forth to your Queen!”

She is shouting orders, but not to anyone in reality. You let out a gasp of air, and sit down in the snow, feeling weaker than you ever have in your entire life.

“Come forth! Someone! Anyone! Please…don’t leave me alone like this!” Rabia’s panicked voice becomes more solemn and fearful as her eyes only see her greatest fear. The power of the alicorn amulet is useless when your enemy is your own subconscious.

“Please…please…” she starts to cry as collapses to the ground. Foam starts to come from her mouth as she pleads with no one, as she is trapped within her never-ending nightmare.

“So your greatest fear was being alone,” you observe as you wipe sweat from your brow. “No matter how much you proclaimed your greatness, you’re just as simple as the ponies you so hated…”

“Gone…it’s all gone…” she whimpers, not hearing your words, probably not able to hear any other words after your spell.

“I’m sorry Mother…but you brought this fear upon yourself,” you apologize to the rambling mess before you. It may have been necessary to win, but it does still feel rotten. But alas, you have achieved victory. As the last of the smoke begins to dissipate, you look behind you and see that you have traveled several blocks from the palace. Up on the throne room balcony, you see the forms of your allies, standing side by side with the Umbrum, witnessing your “triumph.”

Taking a deep breath, you call out to them.

“I have defeated Queen Rabia! By rights of combat and lineage, I am now the new King of the Umbra!”

You watch as your shadowy kind look around at each other in confusion, but then your sister speaks up.

“He is right. All hail King Sombra!” she shouts, and with her words, the others all begin chanting as well.

“Hail to the King! Hail to the King! Hail to the King!”

Since they are no longer restrained or being threatened, you see as Hope, Nightshade, Selena, Grandbuggy, Jack and even Flash join in on that chant, while the rest of the alicorns look a bit lost and groggy over the whole situation.

They aren’t the only ones. When you enslaved the crystal ponies in the past, they’d been forced to chant your greatness. But this…these creatures are genuinely praising you, especially your sister. It’s a weird feeling, but not altogether unpleasant.

You then hold up your hoof to silence them.

“Yes, I am your king now. And for my first decree, I order all of my subjects to follow the plan from before!” you order, finally getting things back on track from Rabia’s derailment. “Do not tarry, it may be unpleasant, but this will ensure your survival. We have lost many today, but as long as I am king, we will not lose anyone else!”

"Aw, what a lovely sentiment,” a deep, guttural voice echoes suddenly, rattling the very ground you stand upon. Fear suddenly twists the faces of all those in the palace, even as it flows through you.

“Sombra! Behind you!” Nightshade calls out, even though a part of you knows it’s too late. Gulping, you slowly turn and look up as the last of your shadow magic swirling in the area funnels into the large, red centaur standing over you. Your own spell that had ensured your victory, has now brought you to death’s doorstep. A large monster would not have been able to sneak up on you, or even go unnoticed by the others if not for your spell’s obscuring mists.

“Unfortunately though, I’m still hungry, and that power spike just now smells like what I sucked out of that crystal a little while ago so…” and without waiting for any acknowledgement from you, the giant reaches down, picks up your comatose mother and brings her towards his maw.

“No, wait! Stop!” you call out uselessly, because it’s too late. The centaur begins to breathe in all of the magic contained within the Umbrum Queen. You watch stunned and horrified as her newly made corporeal form dissipates back into smoke as the alicorn amulet is drained as well, all the while she mumbles in her nightmares. It’s all over in the blink of an eye, as Queen Rabia is fully consumed by Tirek, leaving not even a body behind. Shrieks and cries ring out back at the palace, but to your shocked mind, they are but a murmur.

The Alicorn Amulet, now nothing more than a regular hunk of junk, falls to the street, shattering into a million pieces.

“Oh wow, that was unexpected,” Tirek says rubbing his belly. “Never seen a pony full on disappear like that, or maybe she was a ghost or something. Whatever the case, she had a unique taste with whatever that necklace thing was.”

“You…you…” you stammer as immense guilt strikes your heart. You essentially served your mother up to him on a silver platter.

“That being said, I’ve still got a hankering for Alicorn,” he says aloud. “So if there are any changelings in the area just know I’m coming for the princesses and the regular ponies, but you and whatever ghost things are around are fair game too.”

“I…” you still struggle to comprehend everything, but the neurons start firing after what he says next.

“So yeah, you’re next little unicorn.” And with that, he opens his mouth, prepared to drain you as well.

“Buck!” you shout as you summon a crystal shard cluster under his hoof.

“Yeowch!” the giant shrieks and does a little hop, lifting his injured hoof up. “Okay, I guess we’re doing this the hard way!”

“Umbrum! Ponies! Everyone! MOVE NOW!!!” you order to those in the palace. There isn’t a second to spare thanks to the late Queen’s treachery. Everything has gone downhill and with how drained you feel, you don’t know how long you can even resist against this monster. But you’ve got to do something, no matter how insignificant if it means giving your family and friends a chance…



BrownDog77’s Narrative

Down With Chrysalis’s Narrative

“How in the buck was he able to even get that close?! Kaiju aren’t known for their stealth!” you vocalize your displeasure as everything comes spiraling down.

“Oh, just a twinge of bad luck is all,” DWC says nonchalantly as he shoves a hoofful of popcorn into your mouth, to which you promptly spit out. “Still, I doubt their little “battle” is going to last that long since Sombra’s late mommy took a lot out of him.”

“You absolute bucker,” you growl over his callous enjoyment. “You got someone killed!”

“I didn’t do anything,” he responds. “Monkey boy was already on his way, and she was gonna get eaten anyway, just like the rest.”

“Whatever! That was still his mom!”

As someone who lost their mother in the past, you know Sombra’s gotta be feeling some of that hurt. Even though they’d just fought tooth and hoof, you saw as his face fell when she was consumed.

I’m sorry buddy, you think solemnly as he creates more crystal shards under Tirek’s hooves.

“Believe me, she’s gonna be the last thing Sombra’s gonna worry about. Once he and the rest of them are drained, there will be no room for mourning,” DWC says as if the outcome is inevitable.

“They’re not going to get drained!” you spit in defiance. “Look, they’re still following the plan!”

Sure enough, you watch as the Umbrum, led by Ira and Hope make their way back into their prison as quickly as they can.

“Oh big whoop, Tirek will just suck them up through the straw again once he takes care of everyone else,” he shrugs just as the screens show Flash’s mech rocketing out of the palace.

“Aha! Flash is back in action!” you shout in encouragement. Sure enough, as Tirek hops in place from another stabbed hoof, the mech suit slams right into his face, knocking him off balance and causing him to crash down onto a building.

“Ugh, this thing again?! I thought I finally got rid of you once I entered the arctic!” Tirek groans in frustration.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily!” Flash taunts as he unleashes a volley of missiles, probably his last bit of ammo. Tirek just shields his face with his hand as the explosives hit him, and Sombra is able to launch crystal javelins, but they don’t bite deep enough into the creature.

“Annoying little pests, give me chatty changelings any day over this!” Tirek huffs as he stands back up, and back hands Flash into another building, before launching out a laser towards Sombra, who barely dodges.

“Oh wow, reinforcements sure are helpful,” DWC taunts sarcastically and you grit your teeth at the quickly escalating situation.

“This is such bullspit!” your daughter’s voice catches your attention. Turning to the screen focused on her, you see as she and Grandbuggy and Selena are huddled together, watching the battle below.

“Agreed, how in the buck did that large turd sneak up on us?” Grandbuggy grimaces.

“We were all distracted by the inopportune timed duel!” Selena hisses in annoyance.

“Stupid bucking Rabia. You know what, I’ll say it, she got what she deserved for pulling such an idiotic scheme right now!” you daughter angrily shouts and kicks at the ground.

“Just desserts or not, we got more things to worry about right now,” Jack says as he helps Sunset stand up properly.

“Yes, what do we do now?” Twilight asks to the rest of the alicorns.

Well surely the Princesses could do some long range attacks or something right? You think desperately as you look over to their screen.

“Aunties! I can’t find the Crystal Heart!” Cadence shouts in desperation.

“Even if we had it, there’d be no time to gather the Crystal Ponies,” Luna realizes, as she hangs her head in sorrow.

“Then all is lost,” Celestia says with a defeated sigh.

“Wait what?” Nightshade says overhearing their conversation.

“The time for desperate measures has come,” Celestia proclaims to Cadence and Luna. The love and lunar princess both look at her in resignation before they nod silently.

“Oh right, they were passed out,” Nightshade says to herself. “Hey princesses, Spike has the-“

“Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia shouts, not even hearing your daughter.

“Y-Yes?” Twilight asks taken aback as the three surround her.

“The last of our hopes and dreams lie with you,” Celestia says with authority.

“No seriously, guys, Spike right now is on his way to-“

“Keep our power out of Tirek’s hands, and live to fight another day,” Celestia orders, with a sad tone.

“…Wait, wha-“

And before she can even finish her sentence, Celestia, Luna and Cadence light up their horns, aim them at Twilight and blast her with immense power.

“What the buck?!” you, Selena, Nightshade, Grandbuggy, and even Sunset all say in unison as the glow around Twilight becomes as intense as the sun.

“There! There it is! Alicorn Magic!!!” Tirek says almost ecstatically, just as Flash slashes at his flanks with a long blade and Sombra tries to encase his hooves in crystal. The large beast barely even pays this any mind as he pushes his way towards the palace.

He comes to a halt however at the same moment that the Princesses collapse to the ground, and the glowing ball of magic disappears, along with any trace of Twilight.

“What?! Where did it go?!” Tirek shouts in confusion, whipping his head left and right. He isn’t the only one confused.

“The buck just happened?” you ask in desperation.

“Looked like a barely thought-out, last-ditch effort by the princesses there,” DWC shrugs. “Though pretty much pointless in the end.”

“Wha-But-Where’s Twilight?!” you shout.

“What the buck happened to Twilight?!” Nightshade asks at the same time, as the three princesses lay on the floor, the color drained from them.

“She is safe Nightshade, do not worry,” Cadence tries to reassure.

“Do not worry my butt, what in Tartarus did you do to her?!” Grandbuggy gripes.

“We entrusted our magic to young Sparkle and sent her far away from Tirek’s clutches, at the cost of our power,” Luna answers the old bug.

“…And why the buck did you do that?!” Nightshade asks with a twitching eyelid.

“We couldn’t risk Tirek getting alicorn magic on top of what he’s stolen,” Celestia says weakly. “Thanks to Rabia’s betrayal, we had no other choice to ensure that he did not become unstoppable.

“Then what about me, Sunset and Mom?!” Nightshade points out the other three alicorns in the room and you see as realization suddenly comes across all their faces.

“…Oh,” Celestia mumbles in shock.

“That’s it? Oh?!” Selena barks. “Did you three seriously forget that there were other alicorns besides you four?!”

“…This contingency was thought out long before we were all allies and…” Luna tries to excuse, but trails off when she realizes how big of a blunder they’ve made.

“Well to be fair, I still keep forgetting I’m one since it only just happened today,” Sunset points out.

“That’s not the point Sunset!” Nightshade huffs and throws her hooves in the air. “Now that monkey horse thing is gonna want to eat us three, and if he does it won’t matter if Twilight’s juiced up on their magic!”

“And right now, both the kid and her mom are weakened from surgery and battle, so you’re the only shining beacon left in this tower Shimmer,” Grandbuggy lays out, and the red and yellow maned pony looks out the window nervously just as Flash gets knocked to the ground, shattering Sombra’s pillars.

“It’s gone! Where did it go?! I still smell some of it, but that big spike of energy is gone!” Tirek roars in anger as he blasts a wall of crystal with his magic effortlessly.

“Oh dear…” Sunset gulps.

“You can do this Sunset,” Selena encourages. “You have to.”

The orange alicorn nods curtly before unsteadily flapping her wings and flying out the window. Just as Tirek is about to kick at Sombra, Sunset puts up a barrier.

“Yowch!” Tirek yelps as he rubs his injured hoof. “Okay, that definitely smells alicorny, but nowhere near as strong as I’d hoped.”

“…I’m still getting the hang of this,” Sunset mutters as Flash blasts some missiles at Tirek’s flanks.

“Not to be a neighsayer, but we are so screwed! And on top of all that, you didn’t have to do that!” Nightshade growls at the princesses. “I was trying to tell you, Spike’s got the heart and went to get the Crystal Ponies! We could’ve helped with that if you didn’t just drain yourselves!”

“Heh, your brat still thinks that lizard even has a chance? Hilarious,” DWC chortles with no real amusement.

“Well he would’ve had a better chance if they hadn’t beamed Twilight away! Seriously, the buck?!” both you and Nightshade bellow simultaneously across dimensions.

“You know, for cobbled together abomination against nature, she really is just a miniature you,” DWC laughs hollowly.

“Don’t you call her that you bucker!” growl, hurting your eyelids as you involuntarily scowl.

DWC doesn’t even acknowledge your insult as he turns up the volume on the screen as your poor daughter begins ranting and foaming at the mouth.

Kichi’s Comment

“Why does today suck so freaking much?! Why does everyone here suck so much?! Is everything just a big test for Twilight to overcome?! I thought the whole point of her making friends and stuff was that you can’t handle problems on your own! Didn’t you lot learn that?!” she shouts, pulling at her mane as the princesses look at her meekly. “And now, with the end of the world outside, you gotta make things harder than us because you all think Ms. Twilight is the main character in some anime, but we all exist too!”

“Alright kiddo, no need to shout, I think they got the message,” Grandbuggy tries to calm her down.

“Oh I haven’t even begun to shout! If I still had the amulet in me, there’d be a bucking crater where we stand!” she snarls. “Seriously, was all this mayhem, hatred and eventual forgiveness over the last four years leading to this? THIS? That’s bullspit! Now we’re all gonna get eaten because our heaviest hitters are down and Spike will end up failing now! Let my dragon have his wins already!”

“Oh great, she’s all wound up now. Not that I disagree, but still,” Selena sighs as you daughter continues to berate the weakened princesses.

“I’m sorry Nightshade, for all your frustrations,” Luna says meekly.

“It’s just that…in a way, Twilight’s destiny has been front and center the last few years. Even the Tree of Harmony has her cutie mark on it, so I’ve always known she would be Equestria’s biggest beacon of hope…but I just…lost sight of everything else I suppose,” Celestia admits ashamed.

“It’s literally Tartarus on Equus out there, and you want to have this talk now?!” you yell at the weakened Princesses, but of course they don’t hear you across the screens.

“It’s literally Tartarus on Equus out there, and you want to have this talk now?!” Nightshade yells, repeating you word for word, and even in the same inflection.

Wow, I really have imparted a lot of my personality onto her, you think a bit impressed, despite everything.

“She’s not exactly wrong,” Jack sighs and points out at the battlefield. “Our defenses are all but stripped away.”

Just as he says that, a loud explosion rocks the palace, as Flash’s mech is blown apart from the waist down by a laser beam coming out of Tirek’s mouth.

“FLASH!!!” you and several others shout in alarm as the upper half of the mech crashes into the ground.

“Oh?” DWC leans forward with anticipation. “Did we seriously whack the waifu thief?”

After that declaration, the hatch, what little remained of it, pops off and inside is a singed, but still alive Flash Sentry panting.

“Ah, just missed him,” DWC sits back. “Why’s there never any unique kills these days?”

You growl as you are forced to watch as your best bro struggles to get out of the sparking torso, which begins to catch fire. Sombra notices as well and gallops towards the Pegasus to assist, while Sunset continues to pepper the giant with beam attacks.

“They ain’t gonna last much longer!” Grandbuggy growls as he stands in the balcony hole, takes off his hat and transforms it into it’s gatling gun form and starts to take pot shots of his own. Jack then picks up a laser emitter which had fallen off of Flash’s mech while they fixed it earlier and adds to the fray.

“He’s right, the rest of you should flee while you still can,” Celestia speaks up sadly. “Our state may confuse him enough to draw his attention.”

“And though he may take his frustrations out on us, the rest of you can slip away,” Luna adds.

“There may still be outposts along the rail road tracks that you can-“ Cadence starts but is interrupted.

“Oh shut up! We’re not just going to leave you three behind!” Nightshade growls taking them all aback.

“Indeed, though you did this to yourselves, we aren’t abandoning you. Even if there were someplace to escape, you three are sticking with us,” Selena adds authoritatively, which causes the downtrodden princesses to look both touched, and saddened.

“Yeah, misery loves company and all that,” Nightshade nods. “Plus we’re all in the same boat now.”

And as the rest of the alicorns seemingly accept their fate, and Sunset, Grandbuggy and Jack uselessly try to stop Tirek’s advance on Sombra and Flash, you struggle, not being able to take it anymore.

I’ve gotta get back there! I’ve got to help! I’ve gotta do something!

Your eyes sting, and your legs are still bound to the stupid torture chair, but it’s not like you haven’t been in this situation before. Even when Chrysalis had you tied up, you were able to get out…but it was painful. You’re not wearing your glove, and you can’t exactly aim at anything precisely, but there’s one you can still use to damage this chair…and yourself.

Your eyes look to your right hoof and you twist it slightly to point at the armrest itself and you bite your lip.

I broke my hand when I was a human, and I dislocated my shoulder earlier when Chrysalis had me tied up…you debate with yourself. That debate ends though when you hear a scream.

“NOOO!!!” Sunset shouts and your eyes dart back to the screen.

Sombra was able to get Flash out of the mech before it completely caught fire, but in doing so he was left open. Tirek has grabbed both stallions, one in each hand and has brought them up to his face, even as the others shout and attack.

“He is a monument to all their sins…get it? I know you all like references,” DWC quips to you and to the nothingness, and in that instant, you don’t even hesitate.

“Would you kindly Bucking Bronco?!”

You feel the chitin on your hoof crack down the middle as the force escapes your body, directly into the chair, causing the whole thing to launch upward. You spin violently in the air for a few moments, before crashing back to the ground, the chair shattering around you. The eye clamps also fly from you, but the left one didn’t come off so smoothly and now blood drips into your eye painfully.

“Owwwww…” you groan as you coil in on yourself. Through the chair is shattered, you still have pieces shackled to you and you are reminded that it has been a full day of you getting your butt whooped as your everything hurts.

“…Well that was dumb,” DWC says after a brief pause of observation. He then gets off his own couch and walks towards your crumpled form. “But that’s just how you roll after all.”

He then takes a bandage out of seemingly nowhere and puts it on your damaged eye lid.

“There we go, we can’t have you missing the finale,” he says with false enthusiasm as he forces your eye open and turns your head towards the screen. “This part is gonna be sick!”

And it is sick, but not in the way that he meant it.

“So you were the prize on the inside?’ Tirek mocks to Flash who struggles uselessly. “Disappointing seeing as you gave me just as much of a headache as that soulless doctor.”
He then winces in pain as Sombra summons crystals around him, piercing his palm.

“Agh! Alright, I’ve had enough of you too little dark pony! Prepare to join momma!”

And with that, he opens his mouth and the magic from both Sombra and Flash pour out of their bodies and into the maw of the giant.

“Stop! Leave them alone! Take me! I’m much tastier!” Sunset Shimmer tries and fails to goad, but Tirek continues to drain the two until there is nothing left. Flash’s color has become muted, but Sombra is much worse. His body is semi transparent now, and his red horn is gone.

“You motherbucker!” Nightshade’s scream echoes across the city and your mouth hangs agape in shock.

“You should really watch your language whoever’s shouting,” Tirek chides before he lifts his arms up, and throws both stallions towards the palace.

“Oh No!” Sunset swoops to intercept them, but with different trajectories, she is only able to catch Flash. But before Sombra can flatten himself into the castle wall, he is enveloped by a dark purple aura.

“GGGYYYAAA!!!” Nightshade screams out as the effort strains her already taxed body. “Oh gods, I think I pulled something!”

“Nightshade! Get down from there!” Selena calls out in worry.

“I can’t just drop Som-Eek!” she shrieks as she loses her footing and falls out the hole in the wall.

“NIGHTSHADE!!!” you, Selena, and practically everyone else call out.

“It’s okay! I’ve got wings! I-Oof! Sombra why are you so heavy all of a sudden?!” she yelps out, sweat beading on her forehead as she haphazardly slows her descent, her connection to Sombra going up and down like a yo-yo and throwing her off balance.

“Wait, another one?” Tirek says in surprise as he sees Nightshade. “Seriously, how many alicorns are there? Or are you just the moon princess? I don’t recall you being that small.”

The monster’s confusion is ignored for the moment as Nightshade is able to finally get her hooves on Sombra on one of the rebounds. Still, she is taxing herself as she beats her wings furiously to give him a soft landing on the snow.

“There you go Sombra, you’re okay, you’re going to be okay!” she stammers frantically as the drained king groans and lies weakly on the ground.

“Ni..sha…” he sighs out as he struggles to keep his eyes open.

“I know I’m not misremembering the sun princess being white, but this orange one’s literally got a sun motif too. I suppose it has been a thousand years and they could’ve had children, but still, how come that inbred changeling didn’t say anything?” Tirek ponders aloud as Sunset lands next to Nightshade and Sombra with the drained Flash in her magic. “Speaking of changelings, where the heck did they all go? They just left all this bountiful feast for me and fled?”

“Heh, heh, heh, I didn’t think Tirek would have riffing tendencies,” DWC chuckles, which sets your nerves on end. “Now I wish he’d broken out sooner if he was going to have such fun banter.”

You ignore his lighthearted tone in such dire straits, even as your own heart shatters over the state your loved ones are in. Even still, your now freed hoof sneakily reaches into your saddlebags.

“Nightshade, we’ve gotta get back to the palace!” Sunset urges.

“Can you carry all three of us and fly?” your daughter snaps and Sunset bites her lip as she looks between the drained stallions and her. You can tell by both their expressions, that the hopelessness of the situation is closing in on them.

“Nightshade…” Sombra gasps out and their attention turns back to him.

“Easy Sombra, don’t strain yourself,” she shushes. “We’ll get you to Hope and she can give you life caffeine or something and-“

“Activate…the Crystal Heart,” he interrupts her, his eyes sharpening as he gives that order. Nightshade looks surprised by that order before she shakes her head.

“We can’t do that right now, you’ll die!”

“Already dying…” he grunts before he weakly puts a hoof on her shoulder. “Do it and save yourselves.”

“B-but…” Nightshade stutters, as her lip begins to quiver.

“Eh, lack of changelings and mysterious new alicorns aside, I still gotta eat,” Tirek shrugs as he finishes his rant and stomps over to your daughter, Sunset, Flash and Sombra.

“Nightshade?” Sunset asks nervously as she readies herself.

“There’s nothing I can do. Spike’s got the heart, it’s all on him,” Nightshade sighs in defeat as she cradles the older stallion’s head in her arms and closes her eyes.

And as the monster closes in, and Selena, Grandbuggy and the rest cry out over the inevitable, Nightshade whispers.

“We just gotta hope that Spike and Daddy are able to solve this…”

Roker12’s Comment

“I will baby, I will,” you almost whisper, causing DWC to give you the side eye.

“Really? You really still think you can do anything right now?” he asks incredulously. “Bugze, this is the culmination of a lifetime of bad luck. It’s spilled over so that those around you suffer, causing you to suffer before your pitiful life finally ends.”

“Then all they need is a little bit of good luck to turn the tide then right?” you shoot back.

“Pfft, sure, as if that’s gonna help,” he dismisses. “It’s not like I’m going to tweak it in their favor anyway.”

“I didn’t expect you to,” you tell him as you finally grip what you’ve been searching for. “By the way, can I get your opinion on something?”

“My opinion?” he asks curiously, looking to you and raising an eyebrow.

“Does this look like an accurate portrayal of Luna?” you say as you whip out the Knock Out Luna Plushie and hold it in front of him.

“Oh son of a-*Thud*” DWC’s eyes roll up and he falls to the floor unconscious.

“I’ll take that as a yes, you psychotic buck,” you spit as you place the plushie on his snout and then quickly go about getting yourself freed from the broken chair.

Time is of the essence as Tirek is now leaning over Sunset and Nightshade, the former of which has erected a barricade. Grandbuggy’s pot shots aren’t bothering him in the slightest, and Jack is holding Selena back from jumping out the window. Grunting, you shamble your way towards the monitor board and look about the many buttons and levers.

“Come on, come on, where’s the magical fix all button?” you say as your eyes dart over everything, but there is nothing so simple as the easy button. Eventually though, your gamer vision spots a glowing bar with two symbols at either end. The left end has a picture of devil horns, and the right side has a picture of a shining halo. Right now, the majority of the bar glows red, with barely any blue left for the right side, and there is a dial underneath it.

“Well this isn’t entirely accurate, I’m not shooting out red lightning or killing random civilians,” you complain to the pseudo karma meter as you turn the dial. Once you do, there is barely a change in the bar’s lights. A sliver of blue overtakes a red portion, almost enough to be imperceptible.

You grit your teeth at that and look to the screen anxiously as Tirek begins to suck up the barrier Sunset erected.

“Come on, I’m not asking for a miracle here,” you plead aloud. “All I’m asking for is a bit of good luck for my family and friends…please…”

You think your efforts and prayer have fallen on deaf ears as the barrier disappears and Tirek reaches for Nightshade and Sunset. But it seems that a bit of luck has gone towards them after all.

Tirek’s hands are blasted away by an immense wave of shadow. So taken off guard is he the he stumbles backward, and the wave of darkness crashes into his gut and begins swarming around him. At first you think it might be Sombra, somehow returning to the fray, or even Nightshade expelling her internal reserves but you see on the screens they are just as flabbergasted as everyone else.

“What is this?!” Tirek calls out in panic before he starts wincing in pain. “Ow! Agh! It hurts! It hurts!”

Within the moonlight, the images become clearer, and you see that the “wave” of darkness isn’t just smoke or magic. It’s thousands of creatures of grotesque visages swarming over the centaur like ants.

And standing in front of Nightshade, Sombra, and all the rest, is a short, shadowy imp with an army helmet on.

“YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!” the tiny creature roars in a voice much too big for it’s small frame.

“Bob?” Nightshade gasps out.

You wanted to give them a bit of luck, and you have delivered.

BrownDog77’s Narrative

Down With Chrysalis’s Narrative

The Crystal Empire

POV CHANGE: Nightshade

To say that you are surprised is an understatement. It’s been a long, tiring day after a long tiring week of a long tiring life, and you had already in your heart decided to give up.

Without the alicorn amulet, you aren’t as strong as you’ve been over the last few months, and the traitorous whorse who did steal it already got eaten by the red monkey thing. With Sombra drained, your mother exhausted, and your Dad M.I.A. you felt there was nothing left to do but just give in and hope some one else took care of things for a change.
Jackie Bob and your shadowy minions returning to save you in the 11th hour was not something you were expecting, that’s for sure. Especially after the Alicorn Amulet was removed.

“Bob?” you gasp out as the general of your army stands protectively in front of you.

“Medic Pony! Pull the Mistress and her allies towards the Crystal Heart’s pedestal! We shall halt his advance!” he says pointing towards the underside of the palace.

“On it!” says Radiant Hope who is suddenly in the midst of you and Sunset. Her magic alights and both Flash and Sombra are bathed in her healing glow. “Oh Sombra…”

“Hope…” Sombra breathes out, relief in his fading voice.

“When did you get here?” asks Sunset.

“Just now, the shadow minions helped speed up the evacuation process. The Umbrum are all within the prison and Spike has gathered the Crystal Ponies,” she explains as she places Sombra on her back, and Tirek roars in pain as shadowy wolves tear into his flesh.

Looking over to the underside of the Palace, you see surrounding the pedestal are the rather frightened crystal pony citizens, with a familiar purple dragon standing above them with the heart. And then in the midst of them, a curtain of inky blackness appears, and your Mom, Grandbuggy, Jack, Celestia, Luna and Cadence are all deposited from it.

“What in Sam Hill?” Grandbuggy exposits in confusion.

“Nightshade!” your mother calls out to you, but you just feel flabbergasted.

“What the-What happened to you all? And where’s Twilight?” Spike asks the newly teleported group.

“What is going on now?” you ask, feeling dizzy.

“There, now everyone’s in the same place,” Jackie announces before snapping his fingers and the ink dissipates. “The epicenter will be the safest place for you all, now go!”

“Whatever you say scary monkey thing,” the dazed Flash salutes and tries to stand, but fails.

“Don’t strain yourself,” Sunset warns as she picks him up with her magic and starts moving towards the group.

“Come Nightshade, we have to go before it’s too late!” Hope urges as she effortlessly carries the hollow Sombra.

“But wait, I-“ you stammer before turning back to your imp. “Bob! This isn’t a good idea! Tirek is gonna start eating you guys soon since you’re all magical,” you warn, but to your surprise he nods.

“Yes, he will,” he says plainly.


“We are subduing him now, but he will consume us, which is the point,” he says sternly. “The more concentrated the dark magic, the stronger the reaction from the Crystal Heart will be. We will ensure that the Crystal Heart expels this creature from our mistress’s site.”

Your jaw drops at his explanation, and you hope to the gods that you’ve misheard, even though you know you didn’t.

“Get off of me you pests!” Tirek roars out and opens his mouth. Near his face, several of the minions are absorbed.

“What? NO!” you cry out as your loyal servants begin being consumed. “Bob, this is stupid, call them back and get out of the Empire before the heart goes off!”

“This is our purpose mistress, we will die so that you may live and fulfill our duty,” he says resolutely holding a hand up to stop you from going forward.

“But I’m not your mistress anymore, right?! The Alicorn Amulet is gone, so you don’t have to protect me anymore!” you argue as even more are consumed.

“It matters not whether you have the Amulet or not, we were called to you and we chose to serve you. We still choose to do so,” he says with unwavering conviction.

“But you don’t have to die! Just-“

“It has been an honor serving you Mistress Nightshade, true heir of the darkness,” he says in a gentler voice, putting his hand on your shoulder. “Now go and live!”

“Bob! Don’t-“ you try to scream out, but you are enveloped by the inky shadows, and suddenly your perspective shifts. You are now beside your mother who latches onto you, and Bob is further away.

“Nightshade!” your mom cries out in relief as she hugs you tight as Hope and Sunset arrive and place Sombra and Flash down amidst the group.

“Mom! Let go! We have to stop-“

“The mistress is secure! Hold him back until the end! WITNESS!!!” Jackie Bob commands to the others as the shadowy minions double their efforts and swarm over every inch of Tirek.

“Ugh, gack!” the centaur cries out and gags, for every dozen he consumes, twice that amount take their place, some even forcing their way down his throat. He still grows larger, but there is in fact more dark magic within him, which is exactly what the Crystal Heart is the antithesis of.

“Eat your fill you overgrown monkey!” Bob shouts from Tirek’s horns and stomping on his head.

“Stop! Stop it! You don’t have to do this!” you cry as they continue to throw themselves at the centaur.

“Nightshade…” your mom says as soothingly as she can, and holds you tighter. “They’ve made their choice. They’ve chosen to protect you.”

“But they…they…” you whimper out as they continue to feed themselves to the monster.

“They sacrifice themselves, that you might live,” Grandbuggy says solemnly. “It ain’t pretty…but they ain’t wrong.”

“They’ve…they’ve given me the time I need to activate the Heart,” Spike adds in, looking at you with a pained expression. You look to his face, to the faces of all the crystal ponies, and of all of your beleaguered and battered allies.

We do have a bit more of a chance than a few minutes ago…but still, they… your heart hurts, and you wish that such a choice hadn’t have been necessary, but it’s too late now.

“Spike’s right, we do have the time,” Cadence nods. “Now, citizens of the Crystal Empire, pour your love and will into the Crystal Heart and-“

“Wait! Not just yet!” Radiant Hope shouts out above the Love Princess. “I need to get Sombra out of the city, or into the prison or-“

“There’s no time! Spike! Activate the Heart!” Sombra shouts out, mustering up whatever strength he has left.

“No! Sombra we can’t!” Hope argues. “Look at yourself! You’re see-through!”

“I’m well aware Hope, but we can’t delay any longer,” he tells her plainly. “If we don’t activate it now, we all lose.”

“But you’ll lose the most! I will lose the most!” she cries. “I just got you back!”

Sombra gently places a hoof to her face and just looks into her eyes.

“He is not the stallion he once was,” Princess Celestia speaks up. “Even the Heart must recognize that.”

“If Friendship truly is magic, then there surely must be a chance for him,” Luna agrees.

“…He has love in his heart…that surely counts for something,” Cadence says tiredly.

“Then I will try my best to stay with you,” Sombra says to Hope after hearing these platitudes, though you can hear the doubt in his voice. “We just have to take that risk. We all do.”
At that he looks to you and you know what he’s implying.

Why do I have to make that decision? You think in melancholy. Hope’s right, it’s bad enough Bob and the others are sacrificing their lives, but why do you have to do this too?!

“…I won’t let go of you, no matter what comes,” Hope declares as she holds onto Sombra even harder and looks to Spike.

Spike looks to you, a look of confliction on his face. Even at this juncture, he still cares for the feelings within your heart.

Dang it Spike, you inwardly sigh before looking to Sombra.

“Don’t you die on me Sombra,” you order and he just gives a small smirk. You then look to the shadow minions throwing their lives away, with Bob still stomping from above. You close your eyes and sigh once more as a tear rolls down your cheek, before opening them as you order,

“Spike…do it.”

You don’t look behind you, but you hear as he places the Crystal Heart in it’s pedestal. You hear as Cadence gives orders to the crystal ponies to start filling the artifact with their love, and you can feel the build up of energy thrumming behind you. It doesn’t hurt anymore, but you know it will hurt your servants.

You don’t take your eyes off of them, off of their sacrifice. Your mother and Grandbuggy each place a hoof on your shoulder, and you place your own on Sombra, but still you do not look away.

Tirek’s choking, the thrum of magic, and even the chatter of everyone around you, they all fade into white noise as you look to your most loyal. Jackie Bob, across the distance and chaos, looks to your silent vigil, sensing your intent gaze.

He gives a smile filled with too many teeth, stands at attention, and gives you one last salute.

“Witness Me…” he whispers softly, yet you hear it plain as day. With your free hoof, you gently return the salute…and then the Crystal Heart expends it’s payload.

The force of the wave consumes all of your minions, many of which disintegrate and explode almost immediately inside and outside of Tirek who roars out in agony. Just like when you and your Dad were hit last year, Tirek is lifted into the sky, only thanks to your minions, he is launched at a much higher speed.

You hear their cries as they are snuffed out…and strangely, they are cries of victory. Long before Tirek disappears past the horizon and your vision goes white, the presence of your shadows disappears, leaving you alone for the first time since they became your servants.

“…Gods Speed you magnificent bastards,” you whisper within the blinding light.



“Jeeze, that was giving good luck? That was morbid as buck!” you say in shock. Sure your family and friends were saved, but hot damn was that messed up.

“I mean, did Nightshade really have to lose all her demonic shadow spawn from the pits of Tartarus to…” you trail off as you put a hoof to your chin. “Okay, maybe in the long run it’s good that they’re not around her anymore, but they didn’t have to die like that. They did go out like heroes in the end, but still!”

The screens showing the Empire are whited out at the moment, but you watch as Tirek flies across a few monitors through the sky, losing a quite a bit of mass that he’d accumulated from the Umbrum and Shadow Minions.

“HHHHHEEEEAAAARRRRTTTTBBBBBUUUUURRRRNNNN!!!” he shouts, clutching his stomach and throat as he continues to blast away.

“Well at least he’s flying far away, guess it would’ve been too lucky to have him turn to stone or vaporized as well,” you sigh tiredly. “Now all everyling has to do is regroup and-AGH!”

You are interrupted as your face is slammed into a monitor of Tirek, causing your horn to go through it which causes sparks to fly.

“You bucking spoil sport!” DWC growls out as he grips your mane hard and pulls your face from the monitor, leaving a few more cuts on your face. “You just had to prolong this endeavor, didn’t you?!”

“Oh, you mad?” you sneer, and despite the fresh cuts, you feel victorious, because this is the first instance where you’ve seen genuine frustration and rage on this psycho’s face.

“Yes I mad!” he snarls before slamming your face into the karma meter thing, causing it to shatter and spark. “I can’t believe you got me with such a stupid trick!”

“Many have fallen pray to the knock out plushie,” you quip and spit out pieces of plastic and glass and he narrows his eyes.

“Yes, well not anymore they won’t,” he says pointing to the ground. Your eyes dart over and you see the Luna Plush burning to ashes in a tiny bonfire.

Knock Out Luna Plush Removed from the Inventory Forever

“Oh you son of a- I’ve had that thing for years!”

“I know, and it was amusing when you’d actually use it, but now I know I should’ve had you lose it a long time ago!” he growls out in a pissy manner.

“Oh, so it’s all fun and games unless it inconveniences you?” you accuse as your hoof slips into your inventory again, this time activating a different tool of yours.

“Yes! I’m the architect of this misery, I don’t need to share in it!” he spits, his eyes going wild.

“Hey DWC ol’ buddy, ol’ pal, don’t worry about it, it’s all pointless right?” you say smugly with blood on your teeth and he slams your face through another monitor.

“Do not use my words against me! It is all pointless, but that doesn’t mean your actions can’t be annoying as well!” he snarls before pulling your face from the shattered screen. He then shouts off to the side. “This was not of your doing either! You can’t stop what’s coming you simpletons!”

“Heh, seems like your precious Lady Luck can affect your fate as well,” you mouth off and he intensifies his grip on your head.

“She does not control me! Her whims are childish and simplistic! Your actions are just your usual troublesome bumps in the road, and it makes them feel like they have sway in this matter!” he says with ragged breath, and you take smug satisfaction after finally breaking that stoic aloofness.

“Well too bad, I’ve given you some misery and saved my family from a heaping helping,” you say victoriously.

His maddened eyes glare at the screens as Tirek skims the upper atmosphere, and you take pride in your small victory…but then you see him grin.

“Oh, you think you’ve saved them misery? That you’ve saved yourself from it?” he asks as he grips your hair tighter and forces you to look at a screen that is no longer pure white. “Everything has a cost Bugze! Sure you uselessly gave them more time on the clock, but the silver lining is, you still get to watch a friend die!”

His voice is vindictive and full of anticipation, and you can see why. Now that the Empire screens are fading back into focus, you see many things. The snow and ice have disappeared and every building and creature in the Empire is sparkling from the effects of the Crystal Heart, which spins triumphantly. Every creature that is, except…


“Oh no…” you gasp as you watch the stallion begin to fade away in Radiant Hope’s arms as she bellows in horror. He had become see through before, but now he is barely even visible, more ghost than physical being.

“Oh yes…as I’ve been trying to tell you. POINTLESS!!!”

The Crystal Empire


A lot has happened in such a short amount of time. The Princesses have become depowered and sent Twilight away, Nightshade’s army sacrificed themselves, Tirek is now nowhere to be seen, and you and everyone else around you is lit up in the moonlight by a crystalline sheen.
You want to sit down and relax and nurse the wounds you received fighting Chrysalis, you want to comfort Nightshade over the loss of her minions, you want to hold Bugze and let him tell you that the worst is over. You want all these things, but just like the last few days, you’ve been given no time to breathe.

“Sombraaa!!!” Hope bellows out, holding the barely tangible stallion who had resided in Bugze’s head with you for 2 years. Whatever amalgamation of magic and science that Torchwood had created to give the two of you bodies, it still couldn’t change the fact that he had been an Umbrum. No matter the amends he had made and the good he strived for, his very being could not be denied. It’s a miracle in and of itself that he hasn’t already faded away like the shadow forces in the wake of the Crystal Heart.

This ghost of himself must be the result of the good he’d accomplished these last two years. A sliver of resistance against the Heart…enough to say goodbye, you think sadly as Hope sobs uncontrollably, pouring every ounce of her healing power into him, just to keep him stable.

“Don’t go! Please! Don’t leave me alone again!” Hope pleads, as every crystal pony looks on in sympathy.

“Hope…it’s alright,” Sombra says, his voice faded and distant. “I knew this was a one-way ticket from the start.”

“No! I refuse to let that be the truth! I’ll buy you a new ticket so please just stay with me!” Her magic intensifies, putting a strain on her, but his form does not become more corporeal.

“Hope…I’m sorry that I have to leave again…” he says softly. “But I’m glad I was able to see you one last time.”

“I don’t want it to be the last time,” Hope whimpers as she places her face into his hoof.

“Neither do I…” he admits as his eyes look around.

A circle has formed around her, between the countless crystal ponies. Celestia, Luna and Cadence, shining brightly yet still without power bow their heads. Sunset Shimmer, the mare you wish would become your daughter looks on, feeling just as powerless despite retaining her magic. Grandbuggy has placed his bowler over his heart, Jack stands at attention, his head bowed in respect, Spike and Flash look on in sympathy, and Nightshade…

“Sombra…” you hear her sniffle as she watches the stallion she claimed as an uncle, die before her very eyes. “Not fair…so not fair…”

And you agree, it is not fair at all. Against all odds, you’ve actually developed a fondness for him as well. He was someone that you absolutely despised, especially after what he did to Bugze during the Trixie incident. A loathsome creature that you would have easily dispatched just like Chrysalis…and yet, unlike that tart, he came through for you and your bug in the darkest hours.
For you who was once a monster and sought redemption, you know he was a kindred spirit. More than that, he was a friend. Family.

You redeemed yourself in not only our eyes, but the eyes of the world…it’s not fair that you are denied the rewards, you think solemnly. It’s not fair.

“My friends…” Sombra calls out, as his eyes find Nightshade. “My family…keep watch over Hope for me. She was the most precious thing in my life.”

Tears begin to flow freely now, on practically everyone’s face, many of which come from the Crystal Ponies themselves. Even your own eyes are not immune.

“I wanted us to grow old together…I love you Sombra,” Hope says, leaning in close to his face, her magic still not dissipating.

“…And I love you Radiant Hope…I always have,” he responds with a smile. And with that, the mare leans down and kisses whatever physical lips he has left. When she raises her face back, Sombra continues to smile, but fades even more and his eyes close, becoming almost invisible in the moonlight.

“Sombraaaa,” Hope strains out as he continues to fade, looking to all of you in desperation. “Please, there has to be something we can do! He’s a good stallion! He deserves to live!”

Expectedly though, there is nothing anyone can do. This level of magic is beyond them, even if the Princesses still had their powers.

“…Mommy?” Nightshade looks up at you with pleading, tear filled eyes.

What does she expect? Some last-minute form of salvation? A hidden secret technique that you’ve never shown before? There’s nothing you can do, no matter how much you wish you could to ease that look on her face, on the look on everyone’s faces.

There’s nothing I can do. Unless…

Your eyes snap open as an epiphany comes to you. There is a spell you know to recreate a body, a spell you swore not to use again, and there are still three alicorns within this city who do have their power.

Some adjustments and tweaks may need to be implemented but…your thoughts trail off as you realize that if this is going to even have a chance of succeeding, you need to act now.

“Radiant Hope, pour everything you have into keeping him stable!” you order loudly. Everyone looks at you in shock, but the desperate mare follows your orders without hesitation. “Sunset Shimmer, fly to the throne room and collect a sample of Sombra’s blood, he shed much in his fight with his mother!”

“I-Okay!” she answers and swoops up into the air.

“What are you-“ Celestia begins to question, but you cut her off.

“There may be a spell I can utilize to save him, but we have to act now! All of us!” you shout. Everyone’s eyes widen at that, but they latch onto the faint glimmer of hope you’ve presented.

“Okay, what do you need us to do?” Nightshade asks quickly.

“When Sunset gets back, you and her will help me weave the incantation, and it is going to take every ounce of what we have left!” you warn her, but your daughter is resolute and nods. “His blood will be diluted, so we will need another sample to help increase it’s effectiveness!”

“By the gods, you’re talking about transmutation aren’t you?” Luna says, looking slightly horrified.

“Yes I am,” you tell her plainly and you see Grandbuggy look troubled, but he bites his tongue.

“But that’s not possible, even Starswirl-“ Luna starts, but you cut her off.

“I’ve done it before!” you tell her truthfully. “We can discuss the morality of it later, but right now I am going to correct this wrong!”

You see in Luna and Celestia’s eyes as they come to understand what you mean. They look between Nightshade and you, but you don’t have time for that conversation right now.

“His soul still remains, so it will form around him! But for that, I need powerful blood, and I need it now! You three have been weakened, so I need another’s,” you urge to those around you.

“Take mine! I was a princess candidate, so it should work!” Hope offers through gritted teeth as she continues to pour power into Sombra, but you shake your head.

“I can’t use yours, if he’s to be your lover, you shouldn’t be sharing the same blood!” you answer curtly.

“Huh?” Nightshade asks taken aback.

“Ah tartarus, take mine then, I’ve brought plenty of bastards into this world over the years, what’s one more?” Captain Jack offers as he stands over Sombra. “A regenerative ability might just be the edge you need.”

“Very good! Spike!”

“Y-yes ma’am?” Spike says with a curt salute.

“Bite Jack’s hoof now!”

“Oh, but I’m not supposed to bite po-“

“Spike, bite that weirdo right now and save Sombra!” Nightshade shrieks.

“Okay, okay!” he hold his claws up as he rushes to Jack’s side and looks at him apologetically.

“Sorry in advance for this.”

“Trust me kid, I’ve had far, far worse,” Jack replies non-chalantly.

And with that, Spike chomps into Jack’s foreleg, causing blood to flow onto and through the unstable form of Sombra.

“Blech! Oh gods it’s salty!” Spike grimaces and spits, as he tries to brush the blood off of his tongue.

“I’m back, with the-Why is he bleeding?” Sunset asks in shock looking at Jack, in her hooves she holds a crystalline spike stained red.

“It’s all part of the plan, now mix the blood together,” you order.

“Okay, okay,” she says feeling rushed as she places the stained crystal amidst the stream pouring from Jack, which starts to lessen as his wound starts to close.


“Yes?” asks the bewildered princess.

“Stand next to Grandbuggy!”

Still weakened, she hobbles over, but the bug in question assists her.

“What you need her to be by me for?” he asks, still looking disturbed.

“You are going to transfer the love you’ve accumulated from the Crystal Heart’s blast into her, and she in turn is going to weave it into my spell.”

“I’m going to what now?” he asks taken aback.

“He’s going to what now?” Cadence asks just as bewildered.

“She is the Princess of Love, so she knows how to work with it the best, you know how to feast on it, and what we’ve seen from the last few days, it can be transferred,” you tell him plainly as you start forming the spell in your head.

“Well ya but-“ he tries to argue, but you cut him off.

“No arguing, she’s powerless, but she can still guide it from you. The Love magic is the most important aspect to add to this, I’m sure of it.”

It was the unknown variable that let Nightshade be Nightshade after all, you think to yourself. And as you do, a sliver of doubt comes to you. Just like with Nightshade there’s a chance this could create someone new, someone who isn’t Sombra. But you shake your head from these thoughts. That is why I’m tweaking the spell. I will not form a vessel for the soul, but build a body around the soul!

“…Alright then, guess that makes some sense,” Grandbuggy relents, before he pulls Cadence close and places his horn against hers. “Sorry in advance darling, but this is probably going to feel unpleasant.”

“After what Chrysalis has done to me, trust me, I feel like this will be a walk in the park,” She quips back.

“Verily, wait for my signal, or this will all be for naught! Now, if all the preparations are complete, then huddle around, we’re only going to have one shot at this,” you say as you grab Nightshade’s and Sunset’s hooves.

“Am I really going to be able to help with this Mommy?” Nightshade asks unsure, but willing to try.

“Yes precious, all you need do is pour whatever you can forward into my spell, it shall become visible soon enough,” you explain.

“Okay, then bring it on! I lost Bob and the others, I’m not losing Sombra!” she says in determination.

“So, are we just enhancing your spell?” asks the orange alicorn.

“In a sense, though you will bear the most brunt Sunset,” you warn. “Nightshade and I are exhausted from these trials and tribulations, and consciousness may fade. You have to keep the spell going!”

Sunset takes a deep breath at that and nods.

“I’ll do my best.”

“It’s all we can hope for,” you say with a sigh before looking to Radiant Hope. “No matter what happens, keep his form in tact!”

“You don’t have to tell me twice! Now do it!” she shouts.

“Very well,” you say as you take a deep breath before your eyes sharpen.

You begin the incantations in a long dead language, that only Celestia and Luna would vaguely understand. You pour your mana and will into the words, and they manifest into a web of interconnecting shapes and figures that all blanket around Sombra’s form. You squeeze Nightshade’s and Sunset’s hooves, and they begin to send their power through the labyrinthian pattern you’ve created.

You ache and throb all over your body and your mind begs for sleep, but you will not relent, not until you’ve seen this through to the end. Out of the corners of your eyes, you see as Nightshade and Sunset strain as well. It’s no wonder, this spell will put them out of commission for days at least, maybe even longer thanks to the taxing events you’ve all been through. But still, you as the instigator cannot give up.

The spell interweaves in and around Sombra, even taking in Hope’s healing magic which is a welcome bonus, but even still his form is only faintly there. When the mixture of Sombra’s and Jack’s blood begins to vibrate and bubble though, that is when you give the signal.

You flap your wings to get Grandbuggy and Cadence’s attention, and then add the tweak to your spell. It resembles a heart shaped box, just waiting to be filled, and there is no way that the changeling and alicorn could mistake it for anything else.

“Here we go!” Grandbuggy calls out in a tone reminiscent of that red plumber pony from Bugze’s games as his horn expels the sparkling green love energy into the grooves of Cadence’s horn. The pink alicorn winces from the pressure, but she pushes through it and directs the magic from her own horn, turning it into the more lightly colored pink that she’s used to.

And just like you wanted, the magic pours into the heart box symbol, causing it to glow and permeate along the webs of the rest of the spell.

Now for the hard part.

“Alright, everyone, pour everything you’ve got and do not let up!” you order as you grit your teeth and start infusing large amounts of mana into the spell on the level that you used to beat Chrysalis.

Sunset and Nightshade follow suit, along with Grandbuggy and Cadence. And the second you do, the blood begins to boil and expand. It begins to form the pathways of a circulatory system throughout, filling out the inside of Sombra’s hollow form. It expands into the creation of bone, muscle, sinew. The sight is horrifying and majestic at the same time for those that can witness it through the intensity of the spell. You yourself can not see it with your eyes as they are clenched tight due to the pounding in your skull, but you can sense the creation of the body, bit by bit.

“It’s working. It’s working!” Hope cries out in joy as her love’s form more and more solid.

“It’s incredible,” Celestia whispers, her eyes wide.

“Amazing…I’d read Starswirl’s notes, but to actually see it…” Luna whispers in amazement. Long ago, you two had shared both this knowledge, yet you were the only one to actually put it into practice four years ago. And just like back then, you know why the bearded old stallion never implemented this spell. It is the single most taxing spell in possibly all the realms.

“One…Last…PUSH!” you shriek out, as you reach the bottom of your reserves of mana, with Sunset and Nightshade doing the same.

“HHHRRRRGGGHHHH!!!” Sunset grunts, gritting her teeth.

“LET’S GOOOOO!!!” Nightshade cheers in determination as her eyes glow white.

“Um, everyone? The Heart is doing something,” Spike tries to warn, but his voice is drowned out by the last burst of magic from you all, lighting up the night with blinding white light, just as the Heart had done earlier.

Now completely and utterly drained, you flop to the ground on your belly, barely being able to keep your eyes open. You aren’t the only one, your little filly, and the young mare you’d like to take in fall right beside you, panting hard, covered in sweat. Grandbuggy and Cadence lean down as well, both just as winded, and as the light begins to dwindle, you all wait anxiously

“Did…it work?” Nightshade pants, barely able to keep her head off the ground.

You don’t answer your daughter as the energy to do so has been spent, but you just stare forward.

“Please…after all that…please…” Sunset mutters and you agree with her sentiment.

Yes…please have worked…you silently pray.

And as the light dims, and the moon light takes over once more, you all hear as Radiant Hope cries. The sound fills you with dread at first, but once everyone’s eyes have adjusted, you see as she sobs while holding the physical body of Sombra…who is breathing.

“He’s alive…he’s alive,” Hope bawls, cradling the king’s head, of which his former red horn has been replaced by a regular grey unicorn horn. And though his eyes still remain closed, his steady breathing show that he’s merely asleep.

The king is not dead, so now long live the king.

You, Sunset and Nightshade all sigh in relief, as the Crystal Ponies all begin to cheer over this dark miracle you’ve accomplished.

“Thank you! Thank you all!” Hope says through tears of gratefulness, and you let yourself relax even more.

“Good job mommy!” Nightshade says with tired enthusiasm as she scooches over and places her wing over yours.

“Yeah, great job Selena,” Sunset also congratulates, flapping her wing tiredly onto yours.

You did just as much to help, you think but are too exhausted to vocalize.

“She did it, she actually did it,” Celestia says awestruck as she looks over at you with both admiration, and perhaps a little bit of fear.

“A dark magic, being used for good…” Luna mutters, just as impressed.

“And another son, or rather half son is born. Though this time, not from my loins,” Jack quips, getting a smack on the back of the head from the weakened Flash.

“This headache is worth it,” Grandbuggy chuckles, rubbing his forehead, keeping Cadence from falling over. Cadence for her part just looks to the reborn stallion with whom she’s had a rocky relationship with, and just nods, before smiling over at you.

“We all may be drained of mana now, but thank goodness it was on our terms…” she says happily.

“Oh, we won’t be drained forever though,” Nightshade smirks. “Just need some orange juice and a nap and we’ll be good again.” The yawn that follows makes everyone around chuckle, and for the first time in a while, you feel safe and content.

And as Hope continues to sob in happiness, and the crystal ponies cheer in joy, you swear you hear Spike trying to say something over the crowd, but you feel too elated and exhausted to make it out.

For once, we’ve had just a bit of good luck…you think wearily as your eyes start to droop. I just wish that Bugze were here to see it…



The scene before you is so moving it could bring a tear to your eyes, but they’re still slightly dry and red from the torture chair earlier, so you just smile. Especially at the dumbfounded face on DWC.

“That’s…that’s…not how that was supposed to go,” he says sounding lost and confused. He just continues to look between the broken gages he put your head through and at the screen as if something will change.

“Well it did happen you putz,” you insult smugly. “So I guess my actions weren’t pointless after all since Sombra’s still alive.”

He grits his teeth at that and shakes his head.

“You, the brat and the old fart had their luck tweaked to negative! Your family shouldn’t have been able to pull off this hail mary pass!” he growls, his eyes darting around all the mismatch of levers and monitors.

“Maybe not, but Selena could. I knew she was bound to have plenty of unused good luck,” you challenge and he eyes you dangerously, to which you grin. “You said it yourself earlier moron, this is a family curse, and Selly and I aren’t married yet!”

When his eyes go wide at that declaration, you just laugh.

“…I can’t believe I overlooked that,” he mutters to himself with a tired sigh. “She was caught up before in your bad luck because she was in your head but now…”

Again he sighs and your chuckles start to dwindle. His mood swings are in full effect again, as he goes back to his stoic, bored demeanor.

“Pedantic rules like that are why my employment with Lady Luck grew so tedious,” he tells you plainly. “But still, I suppose I could look at it as a welcome surprise that spices things up. But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.”

“Really? After what they just accomplished, literally creating Sombra a new body for the second time in 3 days?” you challenge and he just shrugs as he grips your hair tighter.

“I was really hoping for the finality of death to really put your mind in the dumps before the finale. It would have made them upset and fuming as well,” he monotones before grinning. “But having a taste of hope before the hammer comes crashing down works too.”

“What hammer?” you say, suddenly feeling nervous again.

“The hammer of loss,” he explains. “Sombra and the rest may not be dead, but you’ll still never see them again.”

“What are you-“

“EVERYONE!” Spike’s voice breaks through the cheering on the screens. “Something’s happening to the city!”

Your eyes dart back to the monitors and you see as the buildings underneath the dome of the Crystal Empire start to fluctuate as the Crystal Heart spins in a rapid blur.

“What is happening?!” Celestia shouts as everything around them blinks in and out of existence.

“The Crystal Empire is disappearing!” Luna shrieks.

“Not just the Empire,” Jack says holding up his hoof, and it’s there that everyone realizes they are blinking in and out as well.

“It’s just like before!” a crystal pony yelps.

“We’re being cursed again!!!” another one bellows in fear.

“What’s happening?!” you yell in bafflement as everything starts to blink out like the TARDIS.

“Your Loss Bugze,” DWC whispers creepily in your ear and your jaw drops.

“But why now? Why is this happening?” Hope whimpers, holding the unconscious Sombra closer.

“This must be a safety protocol,” Cadence theorizes, her wings and ears drooping. “Tirek is still out there, so the Heart must be taking measures to ensure he’ll never get it.”

“But the last time the Empire disappeared, it took a thousand years to come back!” Nightshade cries out and tries to stumble to her hooves. “We’ve gotta get out of here!”

“It’s too late Nightshade,” the drained Sunset says as she looks through her own disappearing hooves.

“We’re already…caught in the spell…” Selena whispers, still far too weakened to even move.

“But-but…” Nightshade tries to argue, but Grandbuggy simply puts a hoof on her shoulder. He says nothing, but the tired and hopeless look he gives her, causes her to deflate. The old bug then takes the filly into his arms, who in turn wraps her hooves around her mother.

“No no no no no no no!!!” you stutter out as you see everyone begin to dematerialize out of time and space.

“Boy…” Grandbuggy mutters sadly while looking off in the distance.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait!!!” you whimper desperately.

“Bugze…” Selena whispers wistfully as she closes her eyes.

“WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!!!” you shout helplessly as DWC grips you tighter.

“Daddy…” Nightshade says in a heartbroken tone as she just looks up at the sky, the angle of which makes it look like she’s looking right at you through the monitor.

“NO! PLEASE NO! NOT LIKE THIS!!!” you shout and struggle, foam coming from your mouth, but your pleas do nothing. The Crystal Empire, and everyling inside of it fades out of existence, leaving nothing on the screens but the barren, arctic landscape.

“…” you can say nothing as you stare, mouth agape at the nothingness. Your body even forgets how to breath and you begin to choke. Your mind fails to comprehend the impossible.

Nightshade, Selena, Grandbuggy…everyling…

Your Family and Friends are Gone.


“And that concludes the broadcast of what I’d like to call the Siege of the Crystal Empire Arc,” DWC sounding chipper as he lets go of you and you flop bonelessly onto the control panel. “It had it’s ups and downs, surprises and cliches, and a lot of struggling and fighting, but in the end, it’s lead you right to where you belong.”

His words wash over you, but your whole body feels heavier than the moon.

“The despair and hopelessness aren’t as extreme, but loss is loss. Really you could have just sat down, had some popcorn and been comfy on the couch since it was gonna lead this way anyway, but you just had to be you,” he accuses before chuckling. “I told you it was pointless in the end…but your predictable struggling wasn’t boring, so I’ll give you that. Knocking me out earlier was a fun shake up after all.”

Slowly, you lift your head off the panel and turn back to look at the psychopath who has taken everything from you. He is just pacing back and forth and talking to the surrounding nothingness, more than addressing you.

“Bugze’s all alone now, and the end is nigh, how do you all like them apples?!” he mocks before devolving into unhinged laughter.

“…Bring them back.”

His laughter cuts off immediately and he looks at you quizzically.

“Say again?”

“Bring them back…please,” you bargain, all energy having left your body. DWC only raises a curious brow at that.

“Really?” he mocks. “You’re begging now?”

“I’ll do anything,” you say defeated, looking to the ground. “I’ll admit my whole life is pointless, I’ll watch whatever you want me to watch, I’ll even be a good colt and die, just like you want me to…just bring them all back…”

“Wow, that sure was a vulnerable thing to say Bugze,” he monotones before shaking his head. “But you’re going to be doing all those things anyway so why should I give you peace of mind before your tale ends?”

“…” you don’t answer him as he cruelly talks down to you.

“Besides, I can’t do anything so grand as to bring an entire city back from Time and Space,” he admits smugly. “Way outside my wheelhouse. I’m sure the Empire and everyone in it will show up again one day, probably another thousand years or so when Tirek’s probably eaten himself out of boredom…but yeah, you won’t be around to see that happen.”

Your head slumps even more at that and you sit on the ground, and he chuckles softly before pacing once more.

“It’s like I’ve been trying to tell you Bugze, this was all pointless because this was how it was always going to end,” he says in false sympathy. “From the Gala, to Fillydelphia, to Chrysalis and the Hive, and of course, the Otherworld, your life has been a tragedy of failures with delusions of hope sprinkled in between. Every good deed you preformed, was balanced out with something horrible. Every ounce of happiness you scrummed up, was made moot by the misery you wrought.”

The metaphorical knife twists in your gut as he breaks down your entire life. He then lifts your head with some unseen power to look you in the eye.

“It’s been genuinely fun to see you and all those insipid watchers think you can escape fate and earn a happy ending, but that’s not how the story goes,” he says with hollow, empty eyes.

“…Then how does it go?” you ask weakly and he smirks.

“It goes down the road that all tales in this genre go down, with heartbreak. The choices you’ve made and they’ve influenced have all just been a deliciously entertaining distraction from the truth.”

“What truth?” you beg for the answer.

“That this has always been a Tragedy,” he says sinisterly. “And tragedies don’t have happy endings.”

He then wildly gestures to the nothingness, to whatever audience he thinks is out there.

“You all tried so hard to divert these waters, but all rivers lead to the ocean eventually. This was the life of a wanted changeling, an outlaw with the whole world against him, someone so sympathetic and downtrodden, you couldn’t help but root for him, because he was the underdog,” he rants with eyes full of insanity. “But true underdog stories end realistically. The old boxer doesn’t win the title, the poor teens don’t make it out of their crummy town to become actors, and the bug with the weight of the world on his shoulders gets crushed.”

He then faces you again with that cruel grin.

“That’s how the story goes Bugze, with someone who thought they could fight fate, realizing it was all pointless in the end. A story that at least was entertaining, just like those countless glimpses of other realities you saw in the doorways. Interesting, but altogether pointless in the end.”

Silence meets his proclamation. Your mind is weary, and your heart is heavy with many negative emotions. But mostly, you are just tired. So very, very tired.

“So…is this the part where you kill me?” you ask wearily, and he chuckles as he places his hoof on your shoulder.

“Bugze, Bugze, Bugze,” he demeans. “I was never going to kill you, I am your Overseer of Luck after all. Even if I wanted to, killing you personally would go against the rules.”

“Then, what is all this talk of death?” you ask, at the end of your rope and he pats your shoulder.

“Because that’s where your fate lies,” he states with authority. “You’re only “alive” at this moment because of the Nightmare Jewell acting as a battery for your heart. But once Tirek drains that, it’s all over.”

You look to the mad stallion, confusion and sadness all over your face.

“What?” you whisper.

“Of course you’ve been dismissing all the signs ever since the other two got yanked from your mind,” he shakes his head in disappointment. “Haven’t you realized all those chest pains you’ve been having lately when using your plasmids? Or earlier when Tirek nearly gave you a heart attack?”

You touch your chest where Chrysalis shoved Selena’s weapon into you shiver.

“There’s…still magic in me? Or rather, in my heart?”

“A lot of unspent magic befit of a weapon which only worked correctly because of the mare in your mind. And if it gets used up, or eaten then…” he claps his hooves together and smiles. “No more heartbeat, and ergo, no more Bugze.”

You don’t say anything as you continue to feel your heartbeat. You had noted it earlier, but had pushed it to the side, but now you can clearly tell, the beating is irregular.

“And that’s how it’s going to end Bugze, you’re gonna go the way of Queen Rabia and the other Umbrum, an unexpected casualty of magic draining,” he states boredly. “Of course you’ll probably think you’ll stay away from Tirek, but I guarantee you’ll run right to him.”

“Is that why you took everything from me? So I would be suicidal and let him eat me?” you accuse and he shrugs.

“That’s one possibility, but I feel like you’ll go more along the “Heroic Sacrifice” option, either way, it all ends with Tirek,” he explains as if he’s certain. “Right now, the big guy is landing somewhere hard, and feeling quite hungry after having all the umbra and shadow magic rupture inside him. And without fail, he’s going to be heading towards Ponyville.”

Your eyes widen slightly at that, a bit of emotion splitting through your malaise.

“Why would he end up there?” you ask, afraid of the answer.

“Because that’s where Twilight’s gonna end up,” he responds going back to his bored tone. “And just like you, she can’t leave well enough alone when it comes to saving her friends.”

“But everyling there has already been drained haven’t they?” you point out and he fake grins before clicking the device in his hoof and more monitors appear behind him.

“Sure, except for all the survivors of the drain taking refuge in the Everfree with Zecora,” he says and your jaw drops. You see what looks like a field hospital surrounded by the enormous Everfree trees, and countless drained ponies are lying on cots. Among the victims, you see Caramel, Thunderlane, Aloe, Lotus, Golden Harvest, Bulk Biceps, and even Discord.

They are attended to by ponies who still retain their magic and cutie marks, a few of which you spot are members of The Horde, like Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl, Octavia, and heck even Crackle is there. All of them are being overseen by Zecora you would guess, considering all the cauldrons full of medicine brewing everywhere.

“Even some Canterlot refugees made it there,” DWC points out, and you see a few familiar faces, like Fancy Pants and Fleur, but one individual completely takes you by surprise when you see her blue coat and silver mane.

“Trixie?” you gasp and DWC rolls his eyes.

“Yeah, she made it out of Canterlot. Helped out Sentry too if you recall him saying that during all the chaos earlier. But of course, you were distracted and all”

You eye the blue mare as she gives Discord something to drink. The scar on her belly has faded, but you can still see it, but other than that, she seems to be doing better. At least she still has her magic. If you weren’t suffering so much heartache at the moment, you’d probably appreciate that fact more.

“And of course, there’s all the new refugees showing up,” he smiles cruelly and suddenly, the monitor shows something you weren’t expecting.

“…How?” you gasp in disbelief which only makes DWC chuckle again.

You see as the Human 6, along with The Wanted and the Outcasts and the others on the train are speaking with Zecora in her home, and the Dimensional Mirror is on.

“But that’s impossible!” you shout, as you get on your hooves in worry. “They only just left!”

“Of course you didn’t figure out the clue earlier in the hallway,” DWC rolls his eyes. “You saw them getting off the train right?”

“Y-yes but…wasn’t that another world?”

“Once again, just me giving pointless clues,” he smirks. “There’s a few liberties when it comes to time here. You can’t go too far into the future like The Doctor, but a few days is nothing. It’s how I always prepared for the gifts and hints you needed.”

“Then…then how were you surprised earlier with Sombra?” you ask and he rolls his eyes yet again.

“Because I was watching in real time, duh,” he mocks. “Plus, getting personally involved always muddles things, but this here right now, this is where you’re going.”

And as he says that, you watch as the real Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie come through the mirror, along with the Dazzlings and the rest of the Outcasts.

“But why would they come back? They were supposed to keep it safe,” you stammer and DWC shrugs.

“Oh they probably still plan to keep it safe, but those human girls all got bleeding hearts after all. After seeing so many drained ponies, why wouldn’t they try to get them to a safer world?” he insinuates. “Not to mention for all those Equestrians, it’s probably been weeks thanks to the time dilation, so they’re eager to get home, so of course the Elements of Harmony have to check things out now that they’re in tip top shape.”

Your ears droop as you realize what’s going to happen.

“They’re gonna try to evacuate the injured, and Tirek’s gonna feel it,” you realize in horror.

“There’s using the damaged brain,” he insults before picking up his remote thing again. “They still think he’s in the Arctic after all, but he’s much closer than they realize,” he says as he clicks the remote. The new screen now shows Tirek, near some mountain range near the forest, and you see as he starts to sniff.

Oh crapbaskets, you mentally worry.

“And the scent is in the air. He’s going to recoup his appetite, and after that, comes the fight with Twilight,” he says sounding bored. Another screen pops up at that, and you see as a wild haired Twilight is crackling with alicorn energy, seemingly teleporting randomly all over Equestria. “I’ve seen that fight before in world’s where you don’t exist, and it’s pretty epic. Of course you’ll already be gone by that point and won’t get to enjoy it.”

“…Why are you telling me this?” you inquire as you watch the red ape start marching into the woods.

“Just to hammer in how meaningless it all is,” he says boredly. “Now that you’ve seen the situation, you and I both know you’re going to try and uselessly save them. And that’s when you end up on the menu too. Your grand and epic tale reduced to nothing as you become a casualty in a plot that never needed you in the first place.”

You can’t really argue with that statement, because a part of you knows he’s right. With Nightshade, Selena, Grandbuggy, Sombra, Flash, Sunset and the rest trapped outside of time and space, you know in your irregular heart that you can’t let any of your other friends be hurt.

Even if I abandoned and avoided them like some heartless monster, this nutjob would somehow make me still get squashed by Tirek, you think pessimistically.

“And there’s that look of despair I’ve been looking for,” DWC gleams brightly. “You’ve finally accepted the truth.”

You just give him an emotionless stare in response and he nods his head.

“Very well then, let’s get this farce finished then shall we?” he announces before tapping his hoof on the ground, and suddenly the both of you are now outside of whatever pocket dimension he called home.


The darkness of the trees around you make it nearly impossible to know if it’s night or day, and the smell of wet decay assaults your nose. It’s been some time since you’ve set hoof in this gods forsaken place, but there’s no mistaking it for anything but the Everfree.

“And here we are, right at the beginning of your second life, and right where they started to first notice you” DWC announces dramatically sweeping his hooves. “It’s like poetry, it rhymes.”

I have a rendevousz with death, the haunting poem echoes in your mind and you lower your head. For once, you fear that the haunting melody is actually prophetical.

“Now, it’s been a few days since Tirek got blasted, so all the humies are activating the mirror as we speak, so you’ll go and pointlessly do what you do best, and…well, I’ll be watching as always,” DWC smiles before going back to being stonefaced as you don’t respond. “…Don’t you have any last thing to say to me?”

You look up at him silently and he raises a brow.

“Really? Nothing? Not even a curse or a quip or a threat?” he goads, but still you say nothing. “I mean, this is the end Bugze. I’ll probably have to watch over Nightshade and tweak her luck in the future whenever the Empire returns.”

A twinge of anger spikes through you at his bait, but you just still stare at him, which causes him to frown.

“…You’re really going to be boring during this last leg huh? Just to spite me?” he grumbles, but still you don’t say anything. “Fine, act all childish, it doesn’t matter in the end. I just thought you’d like to give your old friend at least something personal before we go our separate ways.”

He then looks you up and down, before sighing.

“Very well. Goodbye Bugze, and thank you for the entertainment these last four years in this meaningless world,” he says as he raises his hoof to do whatever magic he possesses.

“Tell me something before you go DWC,” you interrupt and he pauses and looks at you expectantly. “…About Lady Luck.”

His expectant expression turns sour and he sighs in frustration at that.

“Of all the things to end on,” he mutters in disappointment. “Yes? What about her?”

“You think she’d be pissed if she found out about what you’ve done?” you ask quietly and he just raises his brow again.

“Heh, who cares?” he dismisses and raises his hoof again. “She never will, and who’s gonna tell her that she’ll believe? Now, so long Bug-“

“Yes! I’m the architect of this misery, I don’t need to share in it!” his own voice interrupts and he freezes.

“Hey DWC ol’ buddy, ol’ pal, don’t worry about it, it’s all pointless right?” your earlier words respond, sounding metallic and echoey.

“Do not use my words against me! It is all pointless, but that doesn’t mean your actions can’t be annoying as well!” DWC’s angry voice responds. And as his voice continues to rant, the DWC in front of you looks around in panic.

“What is this?! Where’s that recording coming from?!” he says, with a look of genuine fear on his face.

Now giving a vindictive smile, you pull your hoof out of the inventory, revealing the device you turned on back in his pocket dimension.

“The humies called it a cell phone, and it has this nifty voice recording app on it,” you say in faux innocence holding up the magic square that let you watch cat videos. “I guess this whole time you were kicking me while I was down, my hoof just so happened to brush over the button for it.”

“Heh, seems like your precious Lady Luck can affect your fate as well.” Past you mouths off.

“She does not control me! Her whims are childish and simplistic-“ past DWC declares, and present DWC goes white as a sheet.

“Oops,” you say with a toothy vindictive smile

“No, No Wait! You-“

A bolt of lightning suddenly comes from out of nowhere, striking the stallion, causing him to shriek in agony.


You take a step back and shield your eyes from the brightness, relishing in the sounds of his pain. After a few seconds, the impossible lightning ceases, and you now see as kneels on the ground, his coat is blackened and smoking, and his hat burnt to a crisp.

“Hah…hah…” he pants heavily, trying not to fall to the ground.

“Did that hurt you sick bastard?” you taunt as he looks up at you, looking utterly lost and confused.

“Q-Quiet You!” he growls and thrusts his hoof in your direction…but nothing happens.

“No, no no no, NO!” he stammers as he thrusts his hooves uselessly at you several more times. But there is no invisible force striking you, no change of scenery, and most of all, no magic.

“Yes actually,” you tell him plainly as the phone chimes in your hoof. “I had a feeling Lady Luck wouldn’t appreciate all this bullspit you’ve wrought. Also, with how petty she is, I knew she wouldn’t like being badmouthed by her subordinate.”

“M-Mistress Luck!” DWC suddenly shouts to the sky. “This is all just a huge misunderstanding! It’s not true! It’s-“


Your hoof socks him right in the jaw with a pleasant crack, and the madstallion stumbles back into a tree.

“Oof!” he grunts and slumps against the trunk. When he opens his eyes, you see as his confusion has tripled. He puts a hoof to where you punched him and mutters, “What…what is this?”

“It’s payback is what it is you monster!” you declare, as you let your rage start to build up. “A whole lifetime’s worth!”

“But I-“ he starts to say, before you rush towards him, placing your foreleg across his neck and pushing him into the bark.

“And the best part is, it’s sanctioned by your former boss,” you say with a cruel laugh as you hold your cellphone up for him to see.

Choking and gasping, you force the insane moron to read the words that magically appeared in your text app.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Sorry for the oversight, I had no idea.

Kick his ass Bugze!

Love, L.L.

DWC’s eyes widen in shock and surprise, even as they start to bulge out from the lack of oxygen.

“And though a part of me cringes at the thought of following her orders, this is something I can get behind,” you snarl before releasing your leg from his throat and punching him in the gut.

“Ooohhh,” he groans as he painfully tries to breathe in air, despite the punch.

“Because right now DWC, you have pissed me off more than any other being, living or dead has! And though I don’t have my powers anymore, neither do you!” you declare as you reach into your Inventory and pull out a glass vial. “Even on my worst day, I could beat the Tartarus out of you, but since I had one left, why not go all out?”

You then chug your last Health Potion.

Health Potion Removed from the Inventory.
0 Health Potions Remaining

The exhaustion from this last day (which is technically like three days ago now) lessens somewhat, and the cuts and bruises you received since Chrysalis numb and wither. You then toss the empty vial at DWC which shatters on his head and cuts his cheek.

“Ack!” he grunts as blood starts to drip from the wound, causing him to shuffle off of the tree and away from you. “Y-Y-You-“

“Yes, it’s me! Just how I was in the beginning!” you grunt haughtily and pat your clothing for emphasis. “Just a regular changeling in a nobody cloak stumbling around the woods. You wanted the old raging Bugze? Well here he is!”

“This-this is-this is…” DWC stammers as he backs away from you.

“This is what you sadist?”

“This is all stupid and pointless!” he declares angrily. “Even if I’ve lost my powers, it still doesn’t change a thing! You’re still going to die by the end of this day, so why fight me if it solves nothing?!”

To this, you give him the most vindictive answer, which also just so happens to be the truth.

“Because I can…” you echo his own motivation, which actually causes him to flinch.

“Maybe it is all pointless DWC, and the more I think about it, maybe I do have a rendezvous with death,” you admit as all your worries and frustrations flow through you. “But if I can’t escape that fate, then the least I can do is make you suffer for the sins you’ve committed!”

With that, you pull the hood over your head, just like in the old days and prepare to face down a foe who actually shudders.

“You really shouldn’t have taken my family from me,” you threaten with all of your hatred. Your eyes do not glow, but the malice in them still shines.

You two are just a changeling and an earth pony in the middle of the woods. Two depowered individuals with a score to settle. A price that must be paid using your hooves.

And as the smug snake readies himself defensively, his eyes dart about and he grits his teeth.

You don’t know why, but you feel as though the they he’s been talking about are rooting for you.
Even if they are, it doesn’t matter. You’re going to beat this son of a bitch into the ground, and then and only then are you are going to make your way to the others where your destiny lies.

You have a rendezvous to keep, but vengeance comes first.

For everyone in the Crystal Empire.

For everyone in the Everfree.

For Grandbuggy.

For Selena.

For Nightshade.

For Yourself.