> Snowed In > by NickyD > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Snowed In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night sky hung over the city of Canterlot. Streetlamps glowed every several feet throughout the entire city, the sidewalks and streets covered with a thin layer of snow. Flash Sentry, was walking through the city suburbs in the snow, bundled up, but still a tad cold. He was meeting up with a classmate, specifically Pinkie Pie, at their house and he had to walk there. He would have used his car, but it was in a shop due to an engine problem Flash could not figure out. The car needed more than a day to be looked at. Admittedly, his car not working made him a little annoyed and the cool air wasn’t helping. At least he was visiting someone he knew. Flash had to meet with Pinkie Pie to get started on an English project. The project being: construct a cake that displayed a scene from any of the novels they read throughout the year. He never understood why this was a project for the senior class, but it’s not the worst kind of project. Besides. Flash knew Pinkie Pie well, and the two were members of the CHS baking club. “We got this project in the bag,” Flash muttered, some of his annoyedness turning into confidence. After about twenty minutes of walking through the cold, he made it to his destination. He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. He took a step back and waited for the door to open. He looked around for a second; everything was quiet, yet peaceful—typical for cold winter’s night. The door unlatched and opened, revealing Pinkie on the other end with a wide grin on her face, happy as can be. “Flashy!” she said in a very bubbly tone. “Hey Pinkie,” Flash greeted with a small grin on his face. “How are ya?” “Oh, just great! How about yourself, Flashy-boy?” “Can’t really complain...except for my car,” Flash mumbled. “Here, come in, let’s get you out of the cold.” Pinkie stepped to the side and let the young man in. “You can just leave your jacket on my couch.” Flash nodded to that. He zipped off his coat, then the sweatshirt he wore under that, leaving him in just a white t-shirt that had a shield and lightning bolt on it. Lazily, he tossed his coat and sweatshirt on the sofa. “It seems kind of quiet here,” Flash pointed out, looking around the living room. “Where is everyone?” “Maud’s back on campus, Marble and Limestone are visiting her there for the next few days, and Mom and Dad are in Vegas until next week for their twenty-fifth anniversary. So, we got the house to ourselves, that way, there are no interruptions for our creative flow. Here, follow me!” Pinkie grabbed his wrist and led him to the kitchen. In there, on the kitchen island, there was a large plate of chocolate chip cookies, a notepad, and a sketchbook. “Already got us some stuff to work with.” “What was that about your parents not being here?” Flash asked, somewhat concerned with what she said. “Don’t worry your pretty little noggin, Flashy.” Pinkie giggled, obviously picking up on the implication. “I texted them earlier today, telling them you will be here to work on the project with me. They’re up to speed.” “Well…I guess if your parents are okay with it…” Flash was never the kind of guy to be over a girl’s house without someone else present, but Pinkie Pie isn’t the kind of person to deceive others. He trusted her. “So, how are we doing this?” “Well,” Pinkie started off, taking a seat on a stool. “We start brainstorming and writing out some amazing ideas. Chit-chat about some scenes and important symbols from what we read in class. Then I can get some super-amazing concept art done on the better ideas we have. Then, the fun part: get an idea on how we’re gonna make the cake.” “Alright, let's do it.” Flash sat on the stool next to Pinkie. He picked up a pen with one hand and a cookie with the other. He took a bite into his small treat. “Mmmm, so good.” For more than two hours, the two classmates wrote, discussed and drew their ideas. Book after book, scene after scene, all the ideas to possibly use were written on the notepad. As Flash was spitballing ideas on how the cake would look in coordination with the ideas they listed, Pinkie was sketching them out. She was able to draw a little more than twenty concept pieces, all these cakes depicting detailed scenes from many novels. “Pinkie, maybe we should take a break,” Flash suggested, as he put two drawings down. “Is your wrist okay?” Pinkie put her pencil down for a moment and rubbed her wrist, feeling if it was tense or hurting. “Not really. Remember Flashy, I’m a drummer. I think my wrists can take it.” Flash opened his mouth to retort but closed it seeing some rationale to her statement. “But we’ve been at this for a while.” Pinkie pulled out her phone real quick and checked the time. “Wow...time flies. We’ve been banging this stuff out for quite a while.” Flash then pulled his phone out to check the time, but as he did, he started to get a call from his mother. Without hesitation, he answered. “Hey ma, what’s up?” “Flash,” Mrs. Sentry said on the other end, “have you seen what it looks like outside?” “Uh, no. Why?” “You’re going to want to look.” Flash removed himself from the kitchen for a moment and looked out the living room window. Outside looked much different than it did a couple of hours ago. The roads and sidewalks were up to maybe two feet of snow. The same can be said about the porch too. And the snow was still falling, accompanied by hard gusts of wind. “When did this happen!?” Flash could not believe that so much snow has gathered up in a small time frame. “Getting home is going to be impossible.” “That's what I wanted to call you about. Flash, like what you just said, it’s going to be impossible to get home. Plus, any ice that formed will make it even more difficult...” “Uh, Flashy,” Pinkie Pie said coming into the living room with her phone in her hand. “My dad wants to talk to ya.” “Uh, can you hold on, ma?” He pulled his phone away from his ear and grabbed Pinkie’s. “Want to talk to my mom?” He offered her his phone. With no reluctance, she grabbed Flash’s cellphone and put it up to her ear. “Mrs. S! What’s poppin’ homegirl?” She asked into the phone as if Mrs. Sentry and Pinkie were longtime friends. Flash couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene in front of him. “Never change, Pinkie,” he mumbled. He then put Pinkie’s phone to his ear. “Hello?” “Flash, it’s Mr. Pie,” the voice of Pinkie’s father said on the other end of the call. ”How are you, son?” “Doing okay. Just noticed that more snow came down. The weather guy said it was supposed to be a light coating, not a second ice age. Last time I listen to the channel five weather person.” “You and me both, but anyway, you and Pinkie are pretty much snowed in?” “That’s what it looks like, sir. Streets and sidewalks are covered by maybe two feet of snow.” “Alright... Flash, it’s too dangerous to drive or walk out there. Plus, it’s probably below freezing, you should not be outside in the cold. Why don’t you stay at our home until it’s safe for you?” “Mr. Pie-” “I know what you’re feeling and thinking, but I insist. I’d hate for you to go out there in that freezing weather and possibly get frostbite or slip on ice and hurt yourself. I’m just looking out for your safety, Flash.” Flash was quite flattered that Mr. Pie is looking out for him. He still felt a little odd that Mr. Pie is okay to leave Pinkie alone with him. “Are you absolutely certain, sir?” “Sure I am. I know you’re a well-behaved person...but if you-” “You have my word, sir,” Flash quickly said. Though he isn’t certain, Flash thinks Mr. Pie owns a shotgun and does not want to know if that theory is true. “Good boy. May I speak to my daughter, now?” “Pinkie, your dad,” Flash said to the bubbly pink girl, who was sitting upside down on the sofa. They exchanged phones and Flash resumed talking to his mother. “Ma, I was just talking to Mr. Pie, he said he wanted me to stay over until the streets and sidewalks are safe.” “Yeah, I was just talking to Pinkie Pie about that,” Mrs. Sentry said. “She was telling me that Mr. Pie told her that it would be best for you to stay over, and that was why I originally called you: if you could try and stay over. Guess that’s the general consensus of everyone involved.” “Seems like it. You okay with this?” “I just want you safe, sweetie. It’s too cold out there and no one can drive or walk through that much snow and ice.” “Alright, ma, I’ll stay safe. Love you.” “Love you too sweetie. Keep me posted, okay?” “Okay.” And with that, Flash concluded his call, and at the same time, Pinkie finished her call with her father, still upside down. “So, your pops wants me to stay here until it's safer to go outside.” “Hmmm,” Pinkie Pie grinned and brought a finger to her chin. “You know what this means?” “Oh lord,” Flash thought. “She better-” “SLUMBER PARTY!” she cheered, popping off the sofa and onto her feet. “Thank the maker!” “It’ll be fun. We can play video games, dance, do some baking, karaoke, watch a TON of movies!” “Heh, your enthusiasm never ceases to amaze, Pinkie.” “Tell you what, Flashy.” She walked over to an end table where a TV remote lay and handed it to Flash. “I’ll whip us up some dinner. While I do that, you find something good to watch.” “Yes ma’am,” Flash said with a casual salute. He then turned on the TV and started his search to find something to watch. As he searched for something to watch, Pinkie then went into the kitchen to prepare some food. It took a while, but Flash found a movie to watch. He went for a comedy, something up Pinkie’s ally. “Find something to watch, Flashy?” Pinkie asked from the kitchen. “Yeah, I got something. You need any help in there?” Flash asked back. “Nah, I’m good. Everything's almost done anyway.” “What’cha making?” “It’s a surprise Flashy, my boy.” In a matter of seconds, she skipped into the living room, apron snug to her figure, and holding two bowls with forks in them. “And the surprise is spaghetti and meatballs.” She handed Flash a bowl. “Made from scratch.” “Wow, this looks am-” As Flash reached for the bowl Pinkie was handing him, he stopped himself. What did she just say? “F-from scratch?” “Yepperoni, macaroni!” Pinkie responded as it was nothing. All Flash did was just sit there, slack-jawed. “You made an entirely homemade meal from scratch?” “Well, not exactly scratch, some of the stuff was pre-prepared. The sauce was made over the summer, the meatballs were made a couple of weeks ago and have been in the freezer since, but the spaghetti was made today.” If Flash’s jaw could fall farther to the floor, it would. Pinkie was really going the extra mile here. “Pinkie...wow…” was all Flash could say. “I-” “Bup-bup,” Pinkie cut him off as she forced Flash’s bowl into his hands. “Nothing is too much for friends.” Pinkie Pie plopped herself next to Flash and started twirling her spaghetti with her fork. “So, what are we watching?” “Uhh…oh, sorry. I got ‘Airplane!’ loaded on here.” “Yes! One of my favorites. You know me well, Flashy boy.” Flash couldn’t help but chuckle at her remarks. It was kind of cute. Flash pressed the play button and the movie started. He started to twirl the pasta on his fork and once there was enough on his utensil, he brought it to his mouth. He chewed on it and his mouth was in nirvana, but there was a little something interesting about what he just ate. “Did you add pepper flakes to mine?” Flash asked. “Indeed, I did. I know you like your food a bit on the spicy side.” Flash smirked a little, feeling impressed and flattered. “You know me too well Pinkie.” He stated, somewhat mirroring a similar statement Pinkie said a moment ago. “It’s what I do.” “Man, that movie never gets old,” Pinkie said with a smile as the movie credits were rolling across the screen. “No argument here,” Flash responded, smiling as wide as Pinkie Pie. “Hey what time is it?” Pinkie pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. “Ten after nine. It’s not super late. One more movie, then call it a night?” Flash wasn’t feeling tired at all. “Why not?” he answered, shrugging shoulders. “Great! But first,” Pinkie stood up and grabbed the empty bowls they put on the floor during the movie. “I’m gonna put these away, then get changed into my jammies. Wanna be cozy, you know?” “I feel ya. Do what you have to do.” Pinkie was about to step away but stopped herself. “Oh, Flashy, my dad told me on the phone that you can use some of his sweats while you’re here. You guys look like you’re roughly the same size, so they should fit alright. I put them on his bed for you to change into.” “Oh, thanks Pinkie.” “No problem, buddy. His room is just down the hall, second on the right.” Pinkie then went into the kitchen to clean the bowls. Flash wasted no time, got up and made his way to the room. Flash stepped in the master bedroom and looked around quickly. It wasn’t anything too special, but it did have a slight turn of the century feel to it. Pinkie Pie’s family were somewhat old fashioned, except for Pinkie herself; and not old fashioned as in conservative, old fashioned in terms of dress and aesthetics. Flash never really minded it though, he thought it was kind of interesting that they went for the old-timey-rustic feel. Flash walked over to the foot of the bed and saw two pieces of folded clothes. On the left was some basic, black, nylon sweatpants, and on the right was a t-shirt that had the logo of a community college on it. Not wasting a second, he took off his own clothes and put on the other ones. Admittedly, they felt really warm and did fit alright. “Decent,” Flash mumbled to himself. He folded up his other clothes and left the room. He was just going to leave his clothes by the sofa and just crash there when it was time to call it a night. He wouldn’t feel comfortable sleeping in Mr. and Mrs. Pie’s bed or any of the other beds in the house. He stepped out and went back into the living room. No one was there yet. “She must still be getting changed,” he muttered. He sat back down and picked up the remote, scrolling around to find another movie to watch. Just a minute later, he heard a door close down the hall. Probably Pinkie Pie. “So Flashy,” her voice called out, “find anything yet?” “I think so,” he responded. He turned his head to face her direction. “Maybe you should…” Flash suddenly couldn’t talk. He saw Pinkie Pie, but she was dressed differently. Instead of her usual nightgown, she had on a black spaghetti strap shirt, exposing some midriff, and pajama bottoms that had pink prints of cotton candy and lollipops. It was a different look for Pinkie. A good and kind of cute different. “Flashy, you okay?” she asked. He was just staring at her, surprised for a couple of moments. Once her voice hit his ears, he shook his head, snapping back to reality. “Y-yeah, I’m good. Those PJ’s on ya Pinkie…” “Oh, you like? Picked them up the other day. They were so cute.” “Yeah, you’re real cute,” Flash said. Half a second later, he realized what he had just said. That was a Freudian slip if he’s heard one. “I mean-” “Ooohhh?” Pinkie shifted her weight to one leg and placed her hands on her hips. “You think I’m cute?” She was obviously teasing Flash but seeing him flustered was quite amusing. “I meant to say your PJ’s are cute.” “So, I’m not cute?” she continued to tease. “No... wait, I mean…” Pinkie Pie started to giggle and took a seat next to Flash. “I’m only toying with you Flashy boy. I know you meant my PJ’s we’re cute, or maybe my PJ’s made me look cute. Either way, I kinda know what you meant.” “Yeah...hehe,” he nervously laughed. “So, what does ‘Control Master Flash’ have in store this time around?” “Uhh, I just got some show on here, I’ve never seen it, but looks interesting.” Pinkie looked at the show that Flash picked. She skimmed through what the description of the show said and gave a nod. “Looks good to me. Play it, Flashy.” He does as he told and clicked play. The two leaned back to relax and enjoy. However, Flash would take an occasional but quick glance at Pinkie Pie. She may have been teasing earlier, but she was right, he did think she was cute. It was the middle of the fifth episode of their series. The two were very invested, still were, but they were feeling very sleepy. Pinkie Pie appeared to be more tired than Flash. She would have just clocked out right then and there, but she’s to invested in the show to fall asleep. Slowly but surely, she was falling asleep. Her head kept slumping in Flash Sentry’s direction. Flash didn’t notice Pinkie’s head moving in his direction. Sure, he was tired, but he was very much invested in the program. Eventually, Pinkie Pie reached a limit. Her eyes finally closed, and she was away in dreamland, but the weight of her head dragged her body towards Flash. Ultimately, her head landed on his lap, surprising him. “What the-?” he nearly half yelled, only to see a sleepy Pinkie Pie had fallen on him. “Of course,…” he mumbled. He reached out a hand to shake her awake but stopped himself. She looked pretty comfy sleeping there. She even had a small smile on her face, it was kind of cute. Adorable even. He would hate to disturb such a precious scene in front of him. So, he opted to leave her alone. Maybe she’ll wake up and move...right? It’s been three hours and Pinkie didn’t move. She was sound asleep, out like a light. Flash was still up, tired as ever. He wasn’t asleep, but his legs sure were. All he could do is sigh. He would move, but again, he did not want to disturb her. The best he could do is try to sleep in the position he was currently in. He slumped himself just slightly, trying to be as comfortable as possible without disturbing Pinkie. He kept his hands to his sides and just slowly closed his eyes, welcoming sleep with open arms. By the time Flash was off in dreamland, Pinkie’s eyes opened, and a small yawn escaped from her mouth. She lifted her head off Flash’s lap by just a little and assessed her surroundings. She was confused as to why she was not in her room. “Wait,” she whispered to herself, “did I fall asleep here?” She looked down and saw a person's lap, and then looked up and saw the underside of Flash’s head. “Did I fall asleep on him?” Upon such realization, she blushed slightly. She didn’t intend to wind up on Flash’s lap, but she’d be doubting herself if that wasn’t the most pleasant nap she has ever had. Pinkie let out another yawn and started to feel sleepy again. She would go to her room, but Flash’s lap was very comfy. Plus, she was too tired to even get up. With her mindset on staying on the couch, she placed her head back on Flash’s lap. She got a little cozier before her eyes got heavier and closed completely, sending her to sleep. The rays of the morning sun stretched throughout Canterlot and into the windows of homes. The sunlight made its way through the living room window of the Pie house. The sunlight crawled across the floor and up the sofa where Pinkie and Flash slept. Moments after the light hit their faces, the two grimaced. It was time to wake up, but the two didn’t want to. Once out of slumber, Flash brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes. “Oi…” he moaned. “Mmm, no sunlight,” Pinkie moaned herself. “Why so rude?” She rolled around a little and was facing up. “Hey Flashy.” “Hey Pinkie,” Flash responded, looking down. “Looks like you slept comfortably.” “Hehe, who needs pillows when you have such comfy thighs.” “Uhh...Thanks?” Flash didn’t know what to do with a compliment like that...well, a compliment is a compliment one way or another. Wait a second… “Comfy? Are you implying I have squishy thighs?” “Kinda,” Pinkie said as she started to sit up. Flash started to rub his thigh with his hand, suddenly feeling insecure about the physicality of his legs. “Note to self,” he mumbled. “Don’t miss leg day.” “But, I’m willing to bet you liked having a cute girl resting their head on your lap.” “Que?” Flash asked in Spanish. “You would’ve moved if you felt uncomfortable or carried me to my room. But you allowed your lap to be my pillow for the night…” Pinkie Pie’s antics were getting to Flash, his cheeks were flushing red. “N-no, that’s not it.” Flash put his hands up defensively. “I didn’t want to wake you up. I don’t know much of a heavy or light sleeper you are.” “Okay, you can argue that.” Pinkie wrapped an arm around Flash’s shoulders and booped his nose. “But I’m still willing to bet you liked having a cute girl all sound asleep in your lap.” Pinkie’s antics were truly getting the better of Flash. He was redder than a tomato, and he needed to twist this around somehow. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. “Maybe I did enjoy it,” Flash said, shooting Pinkie a smirk. “Maybe it’s because you looked too cute and precious and I couldn’t bring myself to disrupt you.” Now Pinkie’s cheeks were a slight red. Now it’s time to kick it up a notch. Gently, Flash touched Pinkie’s arm and using his thumb, he caressed her bicep. Despite her blushing, Pinkie knew Flash wasn’t falling for her antics. He was playing her game. It was time for her to up the ante. “Well, I guess you wouldn’t mind if I did, this!” Swifter than a ninja, Pinkie got Flash’s shoulders pinned against the couch and straddled his waist. She looked down at the boy, him surprised, her smirking. “I know you like this.” It was Flash’s turn to return fire. Admittedly, the upward view of Pinkie was kind of appealing, especially with her dressed in the cute sleepwear she’s in. “Well,” he started off as he held her waist, “you aren’t wrong, but I can retaliate.” “Huh?” With her guard down, he was able to bring Pinkie to her back and pin her by her shoulders. Him straddling her this time. “Pinned,” he said. To Pinkie’s little game, this was checkmate. “Wasn’t expecting that...” Pinkie said, pleasantly surprised. “Well, what were you expecting, Pinkie? The Spanish Inquisition?” Reflexively, the two looked at the door, expecting three guys in red robes and crosses to jump out at them. After a few brief moments of nothing, the two looked back at each other and exchanged a laugh. “Heheh, we both looked, expecting the Spanish Inquisition to burst in. HA!” “Heh, ridiculous.” The two laughed for a solid minute and once their laughter subsided, a realization fell upon them. Flash was still on top of Pinkie. The two looked down their bodies and then back up to make eye contact. Once they did, they both blushed red and looked away from each other, both embarrassed. “Ummm…” “Uhhh…This is uhh…” “Yeah…” Flash awkwardly said. He scratched the back of his neck and looked back at Pinkie, she looked back at Flash, eyes locked onto each other and their noses were just one inch away from touching. In the back of his head, something was telling Flash to lean in and shoot his shot. He was contemplating that for a quick moment but decided to give in. Slowly, he started to lean forward. Pinkie Pie saw what he was doing. She wasn’t sure what to do. Part of her wasn’t sure if she should give into temptation but another part of her wasn’t sure if she should be kissing her best friend's ex. But he was only a couple of centimeters from contact by now. There’s no way to- ‘PARTY TIME! PARTY TIME! PARTY TIME!’ was the sound coming from Pinkie’s phone. “Oh, hang on Flashy,” Pinkie said putting a finger on Flash’s lips, having him stop his action. Using her other arm, she reached over her head and felt around the end table for her phone. Once secured in her hand, she looked at the caller ID, it reading her mother. She tapped the answer option on the screen and put the phone to her ear. “Hey, mom.” “Good morning, Pinkie. How’d you sleep?” her mom asked on her end. “Like a baby.” Pinkie looked back at Flash and she gave him a wink, causing him to smirk. “I’m just calling to check on you. I doubt the plows came through this early, so I’m assuming Flash is still there?” “Yepperoni!” “Tell him that if the snow doesn’t clear up by tonight, he’s more than welcome to stay there until the snow is gone or at least safe to go home. I hope you don’t mind.” “Oh, not at all. He’s been great company!” “Is he behaving?” “Mom, it’s Flashy we’re talking about.” “Heh, of course. Have you been behaving yourself?” “Of course. I may be a party animal, but not that kind of party animal.” “That’s my girl. Well, I’ll let you go. You take care, Pinkie.” “Love you, mom.” There was a click sound on Mrs. Pie’s end and Pinkie clicked the red hang-up button. She put her phone back and looked up at Flash again, who still had her finger on his lips. She gave him a soft smile. “Aren’t you a patient one.” “What? And start making out with you mid phone call?” Flash rhetorically asked. “That’s just rude.” “Oh, aren’t you Mr. Gentleman.” “Well, that is my middle name.” “I thought you’re middle name was Vincent?” “Well-” before Flash could finish his thought, he stopped himself and a look of surprise was clear across his face. “How’d you know what my middle name was?” “Flashy, it’s me we’re talking about.” He opened his mouth to speak, but then promptly closed it. She was right. It’s Pinkie, she has a way to know. “Anyway, I think we were in the middle of something.” “Were we? Refresh my memory.” Pinkie elicited a giggle and she started to lean towards Flash. Flash was leaning towards Pinkie and their lips were just about to tou- RINGRINGRING! RINGRINGRING! “Ain't this a load of-” Flash mumbled. He pulled his cellphone out his pocket and checked the caller ID. It was his mom. He pressed the answer button and brought the device to his ear. “Hey, ma.” “Hey, sweetie. How was your night?” “It was good.” He looked over at Pinkie who had a small, but cute, pouty face on and gave her a wink, which made her giggle a little. “I’m just calling to check on you. Mr. Pie called me just a minute ago saying if you have to stay an extra night you can, and I’m not sure if you have seen what it looks like outside, but it snowed a little more over the night. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plows can’t get through a quarter of the town by sun fall.” He moved the phone away from his ear by an inch. “You see what it’s like outside?” Flash lipped to Pinkie. For a response, Pinkie shook her head. “I haven’t seen what it's like out there, but I’ll take your word for it. You holding up okay?” “Yes, I’m fine. No need to worry about me, Flash.” “As long as you’re okay, I’m okay, Ma.” “Awww,” Pinkie said. “Was that Pinkie?” Flash’s mom asked. “Yep. She’s u-right next to me!” He almost had another Freudian slip. If he said she was under him, hell would be raised. “Tell her that I’m thankful she and her family opened their house to you.” “Will do.” “Okay Flash stay safe. Love you.” “Love you too, Ma.” Flash pressed the red hang-up button on his phone and put it back in his pocket. He looked back to Pinkie, who had a small yet endearing smile. “Awww, you’re such a good son.,” Pinkie said, booping Flash’s nose again. “Looking after family like that.” “What can I say, I try to be good at everything I can be.” “Prove it.” Pinkie gestured to her lips. Flash let out a snicker and started to lean forward once again. Inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter, the two's lips were getting closer, their breath bouncing off each other’s faces. Their lips were just about to touch, but then Flash’s stomach violently grumbled. He froze for a moment, looked down at his stomach and back at Pinkie, who was giggling. “Hungry?” “Guess so...” Flash said with a slightly awkward laugh, then scratching the back of his neck. “Maybe we can put a pause button on this and get some brekky. You like Pancakes?” Flash was about to open his mouth to answer but his stomach let out another growl. “I think that’s a yes.” “Appears to be. Here, let me get up.” Flash got himself off Pinkie and stood up next to the couch. He held a handout for Pinkie and she accepted it and she was brought to her feet with Flash’s help. “Like anything with your pancakes, Flashy?” “I like chocolate chips…” “Okay, how about some chocolate chip pancakes and some strawberries on top?” “Strawberries you say?” Flash asked with some humorous flare. “Of course! Let’s get some food in that belly of yours.” With Flash’s hand in hers, Pinkie lead Flash to the kitchen. She pulled up a stool from the isle and patted it. “Here, you sit here and look cute and I’ll get cooking.” “You sure you-” “Bup, bup,” she interrupted. “No need to help me, Flashy, I insist. No sit that cute butt of yours down and let me work my magic.” “...cute butt?” Pinkie was well known in school for baking, but she’s also great at cooking in general. The spaghetti she made last night was great and by just looking at the food being made on the griddle; one can tell these would be a breakfast masterpiece. Lightly sweetened chocolate chips mixed with and poured with the pancake batter. As each individual blob of cake batter was being turned into a pancake, she was cutting up some strawberries and placing the pieces into a small cereal bowl. “Smells amazing, Pinkie,” Flash said, taking a whiff of the aroma of the kitchen. “Thank’s Flashy!” Pinkie responded. She finished chopping her last strawberry, put the knife down, picked up the spatula and flipped the pancakes to their other side. “Should be done in about a minute or so. How about I get you something to drink? Juice? Milk? Kickstart?” “Kickstart?” “You’ll be surprised who has a Kickstart in the morning. Dashie and Sunset sometimes drink it. I’ve even seen Twilight have it from time to time.” For some reason, those three having a kind of energy drink, and not coffee in the morning, made some sense to Flash. “I guess I can see them having that in the morning.” As Flash said that, Pinkie was getting some plates from a nearby cupboard. The pancakes were done. “Well anyway, the pancakes are finished being made. How about some milk to go with it? That alright?” “Uh, yeah. Thanks, Pinkie.” “No problem Flashy.” From the same cupboard, Pinkie Pie grabbed two drinking glasses and placed them in front of her. She then reached the fridge and grabbed a gallon of milk and proceed to pour the contents into the drinking glasses. Right after, she picked up her spatula once more and placed the now finished pancakes on the plates. She grabbed one plate and one glass of milk and brought them over to Flash. “Wow, these look great!” “Let me get you the syrup and strawberries.” Pinkie Pie went over to the counter where the griddle stood and crouched in front of the cabinets under it. She opened them up and grabbed the syrup, stood up and then grabbed the strawberry bowl and placed those on the isle in front of Flash. “Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in!” “I’m waiting for you to get your pancakes. It’s rude to start eating until everyone’s been served.” “Mr. Gentleman strikes again.” Pinkie then turned around back to the griddle and put the remaining pancakes on her own plate. She sat down next to Flash and started to cut her pancakes, and Flash did the same. “So, what do you think we should do to pass the time since we’re gonna be snowed in?” Pinkie asked as she reached for some syrup and started to pour it over her cut-up pancakes. “We made a solid enough dent in our schoolwork last night, so we can hold off on any more progress on it.” She put the syrup bottle down then Flash picked it up to pour the syrup on his cut-up pancakes. “Well we could always find another movie to watch,” Flash suggested. “Or we could make out.” “Maybe both?” Pinkie said with a somewhat sultry tone, with lidded eyes and a wink. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” Flash poked his cut-up pancakes with his fork and brought some to his mouth. He chewed and took in the fluffy and syrupy sensation that assaulted his taste buds. “Mmm, so good,” he whispered. A couple of hours after breakfast, Flash and Pinkie returned to the living room. They checked on what it was like outside, but there was no indication that the plows were out. Turns out, according to the news they were watching at the time, the snow was to densely packed and heavy to even move around. It was decided that the sun should do some of the work today to melt the snow, and tomorrow, the city would try to get the snow moved. Now, Pinkie and Flash were sitting back on the sofa, but this time, a soft and large comforter lay across their laps, and Pinkie Pie was snuggled up against flash, her head resting on his chest and Flash arm wrapped around her side, the two watching whatever was on the channel they were on. “You know, Pinkie,” Flash started, “being snowed in isn’t always the worst thing in the world.” “Nope!” Pinkie said. “It can give people the chance to grow closer together.” “For sure.” To solidify his point, he kissed the crown of Pinkie’s head, her hair tickling his cheeks as he did so. “Aww, aren’t you a sweetie.” “I’m your sweetie.” That made Pinkie giggle a little and she kissed Flash’s cheek in return, before nuzzling Flash’s chest. Them forming this kind of relationship, no one would have guessed, but sometimes, circumstances that no one can control can bring two people closer together than ever before.