Ponies can be cruel

by Applejackisbest

First published

These damn ponies finally pushed you off the deep end

Everything is awful. You are constantly ridiculed for being human. But when a pony thug finally pushes you too far you are blamed. It is only after you leave does everyone discover dashes true feelings.


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Two and a half years. That's how long you've had to deal with this. With the pain and heartache, you go through every single day. Every day ponies ridicule you for being human. They call you things like 'Freak'and'Abomination'. You are mercilessly hurt by a certain cyan Pegues and her friends. Day after day she teases you about your looks. But the one you hate the most is Twilight sparkle.

Every day she never fails to torment you. She says you're better off in the woods like the animal you are. She mocks your hat which is just like Applejacks. She's the only one you get along with excluding Fluttershy. Twilight calls you a disgrace. She always said that if there wasn't a way back to earth then you should just leave. You never give them the time of day because you know they would just love that.

Instead, you never leave your house. You can barely even call it a house it's so small. You built it on your own because you knew even if you did save up enough bit's nopony would sell to you. The only one who will sell you food is Applejack. She and Twilight always fight because of that.

Twilight says that you should go back into the woods where they found you. But AJ always says your alive and should be treated like it.

You don't care right now.

You groan as you get up. The hard 'Floor' hurts to sleep on. But you have to or else you would die. You once tried to sleep outside but you were caught and they claimed you were 'Too dangerous to sleep outside'. How is that even logical?


You get up and put your hat on. You only had the same clothes you woke up in and you washed them in the lake. You once tried to get Rarity to make you some but she said she couldn't be around you long enough to get your measurements. You look at your hat. The leather slightly damaged and fading. It was all you had left of your own world. It was a gift from your brother on his deathbed.

He had been in a car accident and had critical injuries. But regardless he managed to take the hat off his head and put it on yours. He died three minutes after. The hat was so much more than that. It had memories and feelings. It was your only friend. You wipe away the tears that were starting to drift down your face.

You had to work today and you couldn't afford to be distracted. Literally. You barely passed through the day with the money you got. You had grown to be a lot skinnier than when you first arrived. The only things you ate were apples. As you begin to walk away you hear the voice of the one mare you don't want to hear.

"Hey, ape." Twilight say's with a smirk.

You look over at her "Fuck off purple horse. I'm not in the mood." You say as you walk past her.

You look up just in time to see a bucket of water being poured over your head. You try to get out of the way before it hits you but you can't. The water hits you and completely soaks you. You look up to see Rainbow laughing her ass off.

"What the fuck is you guys problem!"You shout at them. Twilight walks up to you and looks you straight in the eyes.

"You hairless monkey. Why don't you do us all a favor and go back to the jungle," She says. Then she begins imitating a monkey jumping from tree to tree causing Rainow to laugh harder. You just turn back towards the road and continue walking to sweet apple acres.

Work was awful today. The water started to make you smell bad and you had to work alone. You washed your clothes in the lake and then began walking home. As you do you are aware of Rainbow pretty much stalking you. You sigh and turn towards the bush she's hiding in.

"You can come out dash. I know you're there." You say as you walk up to the bush. You know you could easily overpower any of the pony's but you know that would be uncalled for. You also have something in your body that repels magic so it doesn't work on you. You also were a master belt in Jujitsu but you wouldn't use it on any of the small horses.

As your about to grab the pony, you hear a small moan of pain as you see her being dragged out of the bush by a much bigger pony. He has a long, bushy, black mane. He also has a cutie mark with a broken skull. You look at Dashe's body and see it littered with multiple Cutts and bruises. It's been about six hours since you had seen her Twilight and her. You deliver a back roundhouse kick to the side of his head instantly knocking him out.

You grab the cyan-colored pony and shake her. "Dash! Wake up Dash!" She looks up at you before passing out. You had never liked the small horse, but no one deserved this so you ran as fast as you could to the hospital.

"Somepony, HELP!" You scream at the top of your lungs as they come through the door and question you about what happened. You told them you just found her like this. They didn't believe you, Obviously. So there you are, saving a pony's life and getting accused of hurting the small fragile pony.

"Listen here, you fekin horse, I brought her here. If I wanted to hurt her she would be in a much more critical state. You can deny me health care but you will NOT refuse this to her." You say challenging the small mare with the coldest eyes you can muster. She instantly backed off and told the other's of your words.

As you sit there you remember when you had first come to Equestria. You were debt-ridden and were drinking away your troubles. Your brother, who was the last of your family, had just died leaving only his hat with you. You were walking home when a young woman around your age was being assaulted. You were a kind guy and couldn't leave her so you used a back-fist to the face to take them down.

You were about to help her up when you saw someone behind her with a gun. You grabbed her and shielded her with your body. You managed to take the guy out with the last of your strength. You felt everything go blurry as your life-essence flowed out of your body. You couldn't do anything but smile as you drifted away leaving the girl in tear's

You are brought back to Equestria with a slap to the face. You look up and see a teary-eyed Rainbow dash. She has been treated and all of her wounds were cleaned and stitched. There were tears streaming down her eyes as you look into the magenta orbs you feel strangely relieved. You stand up and start to walk out of the hospital leaving the teary eyes mare behind.

Chapter 1

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As you walk down the worn old dirt road that leads to the small shack you call home you hear a footstep or hoof step you guess. As you look back you smile as you see a small pegasus with a pink mane and tail. The timid pony walks up next to you and smiles up at you. As you smile back at her you remember when you had first met.

As the blood drained from your body you could hear the loud beeps of the heart monitor as you were rushed into the hospital room. You can see that there’s a doctor screaming orders at the rest of the staff. You can’t feel anything except the radiating heat coming from your chest. What you see would have made you hurl if you had not been so tired.

In the middle of your chest, a bullet hole had pierced you. It is at this moment you realize what had happened. When you had saved that woman who was being assaulted you had seen the chamber of the gun as the small bullet slid out of the chamber. It was a 44 magnum. Your brother had one when you were growing up.

But against all odds, the bullet had missed your heart. But this didn’t mean you had escaped unscathed from the encounter. The bullet had punctured one of your lungs, leaving you in a critical state. The women had then called the ambulance and performed CPR. You felt two of your ribs break as the women pumped your chest.

Then your memory was fuzzy as if someone had tampered with your mind. But the next thing you remember is waking up on the forest floor. The smell of pine and leaves stung your nose as you pulled yourself from the ground. That’s when you felt a tremendous pain in your shoulder. As you look down you find a giant hole in your shoulder, the white shirt your wearing now beginning to turn the same color as your shoulder.

You cursed aloud as you stood up and looked around. Your brother had been a celebrated survivalist and had taught you about how to survive. As you look around you find a small bushel of ginseng. As you push through the radiating pain in your shoulder you manage to pluck a couple of the life-saving leaves from the stems.

As you apply the medicine you had crafted from ginseng and a couple other medical herbs you found in the forest area around you. You then heard a small cry coming from the south. Being the kind caring soul you are you charged towards the sound of fear. Bushing past the plants and brush you run, only the sound of crying and fear to guide you. As you emerge from the forest you see a small pony.

You look at the small pony and hear the sound of fear being emitted from her small muzzle. Not thinking you swipe her up into your arms and pull her into a hug. You stroke her soft mane as she yelps. Your only response is shushing the small one and continuing to pet her. It takes a minute but she returns the hug and stops crying. You look down at the small pony and realize something

You stand there startled by the small creature in your arms as she lays there you start to make your strokes downward towards her wings. As you reach them you stroke one of them. As you do you hear a small eep from the pony in your arms.

“Oh my gosh. Did I hurt you, little thing?” You say looking at the small pony. She just looks at you blushing (I didn’t even know a pony could do that) and shakes her head. “N-no”

You sit there a minute before shrieking in a very Manley voice and fainting. As you wake up on the soft bed that is to small for you you think one thing…’’Where the fuck am I” As you look around ‘your’ room you notice the animals. You had always loved small adorable animals that are fluffy.

As you look around you see the bird horse? She appears to have been crying. As you look at her you see that she was sleeping in a small chair that looked very uncomfortable. You quickly get up and look at your shoulder. It seems to have been mended and patched up. As you get out of the bed you pick up the small yellow pony you lay her on her bed and pull the covers over the small creature.

Then a knock came at the front door. You didn’t know the layout of the house so you just followed the sound of knocking. As you walk down the small set stairs that creak as they struggle to support your weight as a human. You look at the door seeing the vibrations of knocking. As you open it you jump back and scream and so does the lavender horse on the other end of the door.

“Holy fekin shit!” You scream seeing the lavender pony with (Upon closer inspection) a horn and wings. You stop screaming and look at the small unicorn bird thing. Her horn lights up and shoots something at you. Expecting the worst you brace only to hear a gasp as the ball of light just passes through you.

You are pulled from the memory as the cute little ball of fluff rubs her head on your hand. You look down and smile as you pick her up off the dirt path.

“That’s no place for somepony cute as you.” You say earning a small giggle from the small pony. She just nuzzles into your chest. If there is one thing you know about the small timid pegasus is that she was very affectionate. As you cradle her in your arms you can’t but feel as though it’s almost worth the abuse and ridicule to see her cute little face.

“You coming to visit today?” You said patting her head. She just nodded not bothering to answer as she nods for you to continue petting her mane. You chuckle and resume your onslaught of pats and pets. She laughs a pulls you into a hug which you return. It’s been a while since you’ve seen her what with purple bitch and blue whorce. But that’s when you feel another set of wings grasping you. As you look down you come face to face with skittles.