> Brutality > by Zedfire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue, Bearings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Location; unknown. Target's location; unknown. Options; unknown.' T-00 was not happy at all as he was in an area he did not recognize. The last thing he recalled was being blown up with a rocket launcher and then darkness. Now he was here and back to how he was when he entered the Raccoon City Police Department, in his trench coat limiter and without any of his evolved form's claws. He felt irritation spread through his mind as he had no way to contact his superiors or recognize any nearby landmarks. This wasn't the Sahara, though it did match the temperature and the sand grain, although it didn't have the tall dunes the Sahara had, not to mention they were too far spread apart to be the Sahara. He looked around the area as he walked up a sand dune and soon came across the sight of a town in the distance. It was very run down, something like the visual of shacks he had stored in his mind in the event he had to go to a poor part of the world. Just from the sight alone, he knew this was a town with a low income, so he figured he could at least get some direction somehow if he could find the right person. Maybe a radio or computer to contact his Umbrella handler. He began his trek towards the town, his large boots being quite loud even on the sands. "This definitely isn't New York." Alex Mercer said to himself as he was alone. The evolved man had just come back from getting a nuclear device out of New York and had been blown up as he had tried to get away. Thankfully, he managed to get some kind of creature to regenerate with. And from its memories, it was a vulture of some kind. He didn't care as he had absorbed animals before, but he just didn't really bother as he tried to figure out where he was. He reached the top of a sand dune as he saw nothing but desert for miles, but did notice a shanty town of sorts. He figured it would be a good place as any to try to find some semblance of society. He went towards the town as he hoped he wasn't wandering into a trap or something. "God knows I've been stumbling into them way too much." "Do any of you blasted droids read me!?" General Grievous demanded as he yelled into his Holo communicator, which wasn't able to pick up any holo signals at all. Grievous sighed as he put the device away, shaking his head. "If this is a Jedi trick, I will crush them all for this!" He promised as he took in his sandy surroundings. If this was anyone's guess, it had to have been Tatooine. The former Kaleesh warlord could have cared less for the planet. He figured it was a huge waste of time to even bother with a backwater world. He turned his attention to the run down town he saw in the distance. Likely a bunch of moisture farmers if he assumed correctly. However, he never trusted assumptions as he put the thought aside and headed for the town. "This will be interesting at the very least." He muttered to himself with a growl. 'This ain't Earth at all. Either that, or I ended up in the desert.' The Doom Slayer thought to himself as he was outright confused, for the first time since he had become the Doom Slayer actually. He thought the portal that had opened when he completed his mission, to kill the Khan Makyr and kill the Icon of Sin, would take him back to his Fortress of Doom above Earth. However, he ended up in a place he didn't recognize at all. His still rage filled eyes looked over the area with a precision worthy of a Night Sentinel, looking over the fine details. He figured he could loosen up only slightly, due to the fact that Hell was defeated, but he still felt that anything could be dangerous. He saw a town in the distance and he just shook his head. 'Probably the only way I'll likely find any semblance of settlement. Maybe a way back home.' He thought as he began to walk towards the town. He somehow knew this was going to go so very wrong. It always did. T-00 walked through the street filled with vendors of various wares, mostly of various beings in chains. 'Location; unrecognizable. Options; limited.' He thought to himself as he felt his frustration growing. Not to mention how different these beings looked. They would look out of place even in an Umbrella laboratory! They had animalistic features such as snakes, cats or other animals. Considering he didn't recognize the area or the inhabitants, he felt that he might not be on Earth anymore, especially since nowhere in the world did beings like this exist. He was brought out of his thoughts by something bumping into him from the front. He looked down at what had basically bounced off of him. It was a fish-esque being which he didn't recognize. Tuna? Swordfish? He didn't care anymore. "Hey watch it buddy!" The being said as he got back up on his feet. "You can't just knock over whoever you want!" He yelled at T-00, who's face remained unchanged as he instead began to walk around the fish man, who put out an arm in front of him, making him stop. "Hold on there! You got anything to say there pal!?" He demanded as T-00 looked down at him without his face changing still. He remained placid as he let the fish being try to push him, but he only made his feet slide backwards from trying to push him. "Oh come on! You ain't so tough! Are you!?" T-00 was really starting to get annoyed as he saw a punch headed his way, which he caught with one hand easily. The fish being reeled back as he wasn't prepared for the action of his hand getting grabbed. T-00 then squeezed hard as he easily crushed the hand with his cast iron grip, making the entire hand shatter as blood, flesh and bone spurted everywhere and the fish being screamed in agony. T-00 then let the hand go as he watched the fish being writhe on the ground, cradling his arm and not letting anything touch it. Satisfied that he had subdued this annoyance, he continued on his way, not knowing that a certain Evolved being had seen him. Alex Mercer was not an easy man to impress, though this was more towards shock than being impressed. He had just witnessed a 7'5 or more tall man easily crush another being's hand like it was paper and just walk off. Something about that man just wasn't right. Not only was it an extreme rarity to see a man grow to that height and muscle mass without having any problems, not to mention being so pale like that, he felt something was up. He decided to follow the huge man through the street as he made sure he wouldn't be seen. Considering this guy didn't bother killing that fish dolt, he figured he would have other intentions rather than killing everyone. He did however, know that this guy could easily do so if he so chose. He could have sworn he saw a group of multicolored people with pony attributes nearby, as he soon took notice and went back to see them a bit closer. They were the only relatively civilized looking people he had seen all day as he noticed all their details that they shared. They all had hooves in place of human feet, legs bent backwards and everything, tails sprouting just above their rumps, human traits up to their necks, though three of them had what looked like bird's wings, but he could see they had stronger bones than that. After that, they had pony like heads, with shortened muzzles, ears on top of their heads, large eyes that conveyed more emotions than a normal human's could and two of them had horns on their forehead above their eyebrows. They also had a young boy along with them, whom had reptilian features, such as scales, short claws in place of fingernails, spines on the top and side of his head and a tail just above his posterior. Each one of this group varied in color in one way or another, one had purple skin, deep blue-ish purple hair with a pink and purple stripe running through the hair and the tail. She wore a blouse with purple trim on it, having a dark blue skirt with it, she had both wings and a horn and seemed like the leader. The next had snow white skin, with deep purple hair and tail in curls, wearing a white blouse with a purple skirt, this one had only a horn. The next was a bright cyan with her hair and tail in every color of the rainbow at once with a white workout shirt with sweatpants and she had wings, which were beating constantly as she kept herself in the air. The next one was a butter yellow with bright pink hair and tail with wings, she wore a white t shirt with a green spring jacket and a grass green skirt. The two after that looked the most normal, one was orange with blonde hair and a blonde tail, wearing a stetson and a plaid shirt with blue jeans. The last girl had pink skin and a darker pink hair and tail while wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a pink sweater with pink sweatpants as she was bouncing up and down constantly. The last person in this group was the young boy, who had purple scales, green spines, his tail that stuck out from a crafted hole in his pants green eyes and wore a green zip up sweater, a red shirt underneath and a pair of blue jeans. They looked horrendously out of place here as they were constantly looking over their shoulders and very nervous. Likely it was their first time there, so perhaps they were travelers? No, they didn't have any luggage to speak of. He decided to follow them, maybe see if they knew where they were going. He overheard them talking about how they had to find the queen of the Hippos. Sure why not? He had already seen some very strange sights in this world so far, so how far off could a Hippo queen be? He didn't really want that answered, and it went out of his thought process when the lead 'pony', as one would call it, was talking back to her friends behind her when she walked into someone who looked really out of place, even in this world. She went stumbling back as she looked up at the tall mechanical being she had just bumped into. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." She said quickly as Mercer got a better look at what he was looking at. This being was tall, lanky and looked a lot like some kind of advanced combat robot. But the eyes... they were organic, as was some of the flesh around them. This had to have been a cyborg, though Mercer had no idea what the capabilities of this cyborg were. The cyborg barely stumbled from the hit as it glared at the lead pony. "Get out of my way!" He ordered in a raspy voice as he literally shoved the lead pony to the side, sending her flat on her rump. "Hey!" The cyan one exclaimed. "What makes you think you can push my friend around?!" She demanded as she got up in the cyborg's face as the cyborg himself growled. "I do not require a reason, I am merely trying to know my location, and you are in my way!" He said as the cyan one scoffed. "Listen here buster! Me and my friends are trying to look for a map or something, so would you kindly move aside?!" She demanded as Mercer thought the cyborg would kill her on the spot, but the cyborg was oddly quiet. Mercer had no idea what was going through the cyborg's head as he leaned forwards, the cyan one leaning back as her face tried to remain stoic, but she had beads of sweat going down her forehead. "No one truly has ever spoken to me in such a manner... ever..." He said lowly and with narrowed eyes as the cyan one's friends all looked very frightened as the cyborg eventually leaned back to a more relaxed position. "You are a bold one, so I will let you pass. Now go before I change my mind." The ponies needed no further prodding as they all went by the cyborg, making sure he wouldn't follow them. The cyborg just rolled his eyes as he continued walking down the street the same way he was going earlier. Mercer figured he ought to stay with the pony group, they seemed more like the type of people to be willing to talk. That cyborg looked as though it you even so much as looked at him wrong, you would die. So it would most likely be a better idea to remain low until the right time. Grievous didn't have a definitive answer as to why he let that group go. He could think of several reasons though. They weren't truly impeding his progress for one. They didn't have lightsabers, so they weren't Jedi. And he was more focused on finding out where he was, just like the group it seemed. He just shoved those thoughts aside as he soon came across a stall in some kind of marketplace which was full of maps, a cartographer of sorts. Grievous went over to the stall as the person behind it, another aquatic being he didn't care to understand, looked terrified of him. "I require a map of the world itself, as well as its name." Grievous said simply as the cartographer brought up a rolled up map and handed it to Grievous quickly. "H-here it is! The world is called Equiss J-j-just, don't hurt me!" The cartographer begged as Grievous snatched it right out of his hands and unrolled it and looked at the map itself, studying the landmasses to see what he could make sense of. "Point out where we are." He ordered as the cartographer pointed at an area on the map with a desert, so that was a start. "Tell me, which continent is the most advanced on this world?" He asked with a growl as the cartographer again pointed to a green continent with the capitalized name of 'EQUESTRIA' on it. "There! Equestria! It's home to the ponies, they're the most advanced civilization I know of!" He said in a panic as Grievous nodded to himself. "Then perhaps, do you know as to what they look like?" Grievous asked as the cartographer shook his head. "I've never seen one, but I have heard of what they looked like! Smaller than most, having hooves for feet, having wings, horns or neither, they come in a lot of colors and they have somewhat pronounced muzzles, that's all I heard I swear!" The cartographer explained as Grievous hummed to himself. "I wish to thank you, your cooperation is most appreciative." Grievous said half sarcastically. He was glad the questions went so smoothly and he now knew what those people back there were... His eyes narrowed as he went back the way he came, intent on finding that group again so they could take him to their leaders and find a way to send him back home. "Perhaps they will be as cooperative." He said, though he highly doubted they would be. He didn't notice, but as soon as he left the cartographer's sight, the cartographer fainted. The Doom Slayer had no idea what world he had ended up on as he didn't recognize any of the species he was seeing as he walked by them. He wasn't sure if he could call them by the animal parts on them, or if they had another name for themselves. His frustration grew as he kept walking, the entire crowd parting so to not get in his way. Good. He saw a group of people off in the distance, his enhanced eyesight catching multicolored people fused with ponies talking to an anthropomorphic cat of sorts as he could feel some kind of energy coming from the lead 'pony'. It was... somewhat like the Wraiths he had protected so long ago, but also... different at the same time. He continued to walk towards them, intent on finding out who they were. > Chapter 1, Unity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight hadn't understood why her friends felt the need to make a friend out of the cat they had met shortly after the being in the strange armor. Capper was the name of the cat, having green eyes, dark blue hair, wearing a red trench coat over an orange shirt and blue jeans. He had told them that he could provide shelter and make sure that they could be on their way. Twilight didn't trust him at all. In such an unfamiliar land, one couldn't be too careful. They had made it to a particular building which Capper said was his own home. "So, this is your home huh? Doesn't look like much." Rainbow Dash stated flatly. "Don't be like that. It's the best place I could find when I first came here. Took a lot of cash to get it, but it was worth it." Capper replied as he had his hands on his hips, a proud smile on his face. "Well, if this is the best place in this dirty town, it will serve then." Rarity said with resignation as she would have preferred a much cleaner place to stay, but for the sake of rest, she would make due as necessary. "Maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe he has something that could help us." Fluttershy suggested quietly as she was trying to be optimistic. "So don't worry Twilight, even if he tries to hurt my pals, he wouldn't get the chance." Rainbow stated confidently as she smirked. Twilight just shook her head in amusement. She figured Dash would say something like that, her steadfast loyalty made her protective of her friends, as any loyal being would be. Regardless, they still had a mission to complete. Capper was about to lead them inside when they heard the sound of boots walking towards them. They turned and all saw someone walking towards them, someone who had an extremely unusual aura. No distinguishing features of the face were easily seen due to the being having a helmet on that obscured the head in its entirety. The blue glass also didn't help in identifying the being in question. The helmet had some kind of red insignia on the left side of the forehead section which even Twilight had never seen before. His chest, shoulders, lower arms and the entirety of the legs and feet were all covered by green and brown armor that looked unbelievably advanced, but also somewhat marred and damaged from previous battles and old age. It left his biceps exposed, but the group felt the person inside didn't need any protection there. Especially since how ripped the person was. All they could see was his biceps, but each one looked as thick as one of Applejack's legs, and that was usually a sign that he was very very strong in other areas of the body. The being was also very tall, at least 6'8 and was, simply, very intimidating. The being walked towards the group, deliberately walking towards Twilight and the towering height of such a person meant that Twilight had to look up at them and they had to look back down at her. Rainbow Dash wanted to barge in this person's way, but something in the back of her mind screamed at her not to do so. She and the others just watched in silence as the person walked right up to Twilight and looked down at her. Twilight was sweating buckets as she was utterly terrified of the being in front of her. Whoever it was didn't say anything. They just stared down at her with what seemed to be recognition and familiarity. Twilight eventually managed to scrounge up some courage to speak to the silent being. "Who... are you?" She asked, being the only question she could think of asking this mysterious stranger. The being just continued staring down at her as whoever it was made literally no sound whatsoever. That was at least, until they heard a voice coming from the stranger, rough, hoarse, as though it had never been used before. Or at least, not used for a long time. "The Slayer..." It was all he said, and apparently all he wanted to say. Twilight had never heard of anyone with such a title before, not in the Equestrian libraries and archives she had visited over the years. She kept staring at the being in front of her, never taking her eyes off of him as he kept his attention on Twilight. Capper awkwardly broke the silence as he spoke up. "So uh, you know this guy?" He asked, not sure of what else to say due to this being nothing like he had expected. The Slayer turned to him as he felt the eyes behind the polarized glass bore into him like none other. The Slayer then turned back to Twilight as she shook her head in negative. "No, I've never seen or heard of anyone matching anywhere close to him." Twilight stated as she felt less scared oddly as she then stood up a bit straighter. "What are you doing here?" She then asked as the Slayer kept his eyes on her, then raised an arm to point directly at her. "You... were looking for me?" She asked as the Slayer nodded silently. "Then, why? Were you sent to stop me?" The question made the Slayer shake his head in negative. "Darling, I don't think he wants to answer anything detailed." Rarity said as she had finally worked up the courage to speak. "Yeah, he's a quiet guy, maybe he could help us though." Rainbow suggested. "Rainbow, we can't take anyone with us, it's too dangerous." Twilight replied to Rainbow as she turned to her. The Slayer had overheard and tapped Twilight on her chest, right on the collarbone as Twilight turned back to him. She somehow knew the question the silent being had. "You want to know what we're doing?" She asked as the Slayer nodded. Twilight sighed. "Our home it... it's overtaken by invaders, they call themselves the Storm Empire, they serve the Storm King and they have captured the ruling princesses, I'm hoping to find a way to defeat them, Celestia mentioned a possible person who could help, a Queen, but she didn't get all of it out before she was captured." Twilight explained everything as the Slayer listened silently. As she got to the part of enslavement of the populace, it made the Slayer's hands clench. He didn't make any other signs of anger or other emotions that they could see. The Slayer then tapped on Twilight's shoulder, then pointed at himself. "You want to come with us?" Twilight asked as the Slayer nodded, leaving Twilight somewhat speechless. "I can't ask that of you, the Storm King is likely extremely dangerous. I don't want you to put yourself at risk because of us." Twilight said as the Slayer shook his head, putting a fist up to the left side of his breastplate and gave it a couple taps, a sign which likely meant he would die for what was right if it was to be. "You're certain you want to help us?" Twilight asked the Slayer, who nodded immediately afterwards. Rainbow Dash smiled a bit at the sight. "A guy of action? I kinda like that." She stated as the Slayer turned to her with a nod. "Yeah, this is all well and good and all, but, I'm just wondering if you're actually gonna come inside." Capper piped up as this made the ponies blink. "Oh dear, sorry Capper, we got extremely distracted." Rarity apologized. "No, no, no need to worry, I get it." Capper assured the group as they went inside Capper's home. It was messy to say the least. There were many nick nacks lying around on shelves, a set of dishes lying in the sink and more. Capper just sighed as he shrugged. "Apologies for the state of my litter box. I wasn't expecting guests." He stated in apology. "Oh, um... don't worry about that, we can help tidy it up if you'd like." Fluttershy said as Capper smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm good." He replied as everyone got settled in and Capper brought up the question he had on his mind for a while now. "So, what exactly are you all looking for?" He asked as he sat down on a chair next to the dining room table. The ponies all looked at each other as Twilight then turned to Capper. "Well, remember when I told the Slayer that Celestia didn't get all she wanted out? Well, she said, 'The Queen of the Hippo-' and she was cut off. I think it might be Hippos, but that doesn't seem right. I was hoping you might have some books for me to study. I think she might have meant to say something else." Twilight explained to him as Capper nodded. "I do have a library, but I dunno if I have anything that might help you." Capper told Twilight, who just nodded. "Thank you very much Capper." Twilight thanked as she went over to the books while the others socialized with Capper and the Slayer just leaned in a corner, wondering what exactly his new companions were hoping to find. As of now, he had no idea as to what to do, no directions, no familiar methods, nothing. He just hoped the answers would become clear to him once he had enough information. Grievous was starting to become frustrated. He had searched for a while and hadn't come up with anything useful as to the whereabouts of the 'ponies' he would question for information on how to get home. He had found a trail that lead to a home, but he was not certain to the details of who lived in it. He was going to go into the home to find out if his suspicions were correct, but that was before he noticed someone else with seemingly the same intent. This was a human, wearing a black jacket over a grey hooded shirt, both with their zippers open, revealing a white dress shirt underneath, blue jeans and black sneakers, his black hair covered by the hood being pulled up, his eyes a cold icy blue. Grievous could tell that this wasn't an ordinary man. Something about the way he carried himself, like someone who was ready to strike out at any second if the need arose. It reminded him of a highly predatory animal... or an extremely trained warrior. The man also noticed him as they both faced each other, standing at a few meters apart, the door to the home in between them. The man spoke up as he had an eerie calmness to himself. "You're after the same thing I am?" The man asked as Grievous narrowed his eyes at him. "That would depend on what that is." Grievous stated. "You are not of this world as far as I am aware, and you clearly are no ordinary human." He said as the man chuckled. "You have no idea." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Right now, all I want is to find my way back home. A certain group looked like the best bet." Grievous didn't say anything for several seconds before he eventually broke the silence. "Then we share similar goals." Grievous said as he considered his options for a few moments, he had no contact with any of the droids under his command, no troops with him at all, no idea as to where the planet he was on was at all, and he had little options. "Perhaps, we may be able to cooperate to a degree, find a way to return to our worlds." He said as it sounded like the best option that he and this stranger could take. The human smirked, seemingly in amusement. "You don't look like the type that would work with anybody." Grievous glared at the human, the comment was true to a degree, but the way he thought of it as some kind of ironic joke, it made Grievous angry that this human might be mocking him. "Do not mistake my meaning fool! I do not want to do so, but I am forced to rely on less desired methods to return to my world due to not having anything to work with other than what I have." Grievous told the human angrily. "I suggested it merely because I have no other options, and I assumed you also have the same problem." The human's smile faded as he sighed and placed his hands on his hips. "Then we're in agreement?" The human asked. Grievous rolled his eyes in annoyance as he walked up to the door of the home. "Of course we are. Now, if what I gather is correct, the best way to return to our worlds is to cooperate with a race I only know as... 'ponies'. I was told they are the most technologically advanced nation on this pitiful world. If we are to have any chance to return, we will require their... assistance..." Grievous said, finding it almost... humiliating to have to say that. As much as the concept disgusted him, the circumstances have let Grievous lower his standards due to this dire situation. Grievous pounded on the wooden door, letting the occupants know that he was there and he wanted to come in immediately. Alex Mercer wasn't all that enthusiastic about having to work with this metal being who he hadn't learned the name of. Introductions were to be done at a later time, since he didn't want to push his luck. If what he had read about Cyborgs was correct, this being would be dangerous if provoked and Mercer most likely would have to retreat and abandon his efforts temporarily. Alex would work with this cyborg for now, but when the time came, if he would hinder the way home, he would be taken out. The door the cyborg knocked on opened to reveal the anthro cat that Mercer had seen with the ponies earlier and he looked unnerved at the two in his doorway. "Uh, can I help you two?" He asked nervously as the cyborg rolled his eyes in annoyance. "We are looking for the ponies here in this town, we require their assistance in a certain manner." The cyborg said straightforwardly. "Are they here or not?" He asked as the cat seemed to want to speak, but a voice inside seemed to interrupt him. "Is that the metal guy from earlier?" A brash and laid back voice asked as the cyborg seemed to recognize it, narrowing his eyes with the recognition. "So, they are here then. Allow us to speak to them, now." The cyborg asked as the cat nodded slowly and moved out of the way so that both Alex and the cyborg could enter. The room was disorganized to the nth degree, but there were a few people who were fixing the place up. Most notably, the ponies from earlier and there was also someone in armor in the corner, staring at Alex and the cyborg as though he would attack them at any second or any wrong move. "Who is that?" The cyborg asked as he stared back at the armored man. The two stared at each other for a while, not letting the other tear their eyes off of them. Alex soon stepped in between the two as he had his hands raised. "Look, instead of a fight, why don't we explain some things to each other." Alex suggested as the cyborg reluctantly nodded, as did the armored man. The two newcomers explained themselves and their predicaments as the lead purple one, Twilight she introduced herself as, listened and then sighed. "I'm sorry, but right now, we're in the middle of a crisis, the Storm King has invaded our home, and right now, I'm looking for something that could help us out, but, if you want, you can help us. I can't ask of you this, but if you can, I will do everything in my power as a princess of Equestria to return you home when this is all over." Twilight promised Alex and the cyborg, Grievous his name was, as the two considered this for a while. "You know, I think I will. Besides, I do hate tyrants who abuse their power." Alex stated as he shrugged. If he could get into the good graces of the princesses, this could make the process of going home that much faster without any doubts. Grievous however, remained skeptical. "You're certain you will have the capacity to return me to my world once I assist you in this?" Grievous asked as he was not exactly believing of promises when he first heard them. Twilight nodded. "I swear, upon my title of princess, I will help you in any way I can." Twilight swore as Grievous nodded and leaned in close. "Very well, but I want you to remember one thing. If you are unable to make due on such a promise... your regrets will be many, of that I promise." Grievous stated with narrowed eyes. Twilight's eyes widened as she nodded silently. Spike leaned over to Rarity as he held up his hand to direct the sound of his voice mostly to her. "Eesh, little violent don't you think?" He asked as Rarity nodded silently. After a while, things went back to mostly small talk between the group and Rainbow bragging about her Sonic Rainboom. "Stop playin' me! A Sonic Rainboom? That's not a real thing! Is that a real thing?" Capper asked in his disbelief of what the ponies had described to him. Alex, the Slayer and Grievous also did not believe them when they had described the Sonic Rainboom one bit. "Oh yeah it is, I'll even show you." Rainbow said as she was ready to fly out the window, but Capper stopped her. "Nonono, I don't need you Sonic "Rainbooming" up in my place, thank you very much." Capper said with air quotes as Rainow just pouted and sat back down. Alex just chuckled in amusement. "Next time." Alex assured Rainbow with a smirk. Then, out of nowhere, Capper got pulled by Rarity and her magic, which caught the anthro cat completely off guard. "Whoa, hey, hold up now. Whoa!" Capper yelped as he was not prepared for the sudden pull by Rarity, much less her stitching the hole next to the cuff of his left sleeve and placed a pair of buttons onto the shoulder areas near the collar. "Here you go. I do apologize. If we were back home, I could've done something truly fabulous." Rarity said as Capper was surprised by the gift he had received, though a bit skeptical. "Okay... What's the catch?" He asked with suspicion, Rarity just waved Capper off. "Nothing. After all that you've done for us, consider it a 'thank you' from us." Rarity told him as Capper looked a bit guiltily at the improvements to his coat, almost like he didn't deserve them. "Oh. Uh, don't thank me. Really." Capper insisted as Twilight gasped all of a sudden. "Guys! We've been looking for the wrong queen! We don't need the Queen of the Hippos! We need the Queen of the Hippogriffs! Part pony, part eagle!" Twilight said excitedly as the other ponies looked up at Twilight excitedly. Capper however, laughed nervously. "Oh! Oh, the Hippogriffs! Now, the trouble with that is... no one knows... where they are..." He said as Twilight shook her head, staring at a few lines in the book she was reading. "It says here they're on the top of Mount Aris!" She said as Pinkie took a look out the window, then drew everyone's attention to it. "You mean the mountain right outside the window?" She asked as Twilight compared the illustration of the mountain to the one out the window and it was a perfect match. "Objects in windows may be less mountainous than they appear. Heh heh heh..." Capper said nervously as Alex face palmed. "Okay, you're either the worst liar I've ever met, or the most idiotic, and I can't tell which one you are. That honestly concerns me." Alex said. "Let's go, everypony. You guys come along." Twilight said as she and the others were headed for the door. Grievous, the Slayer and Alex followed. Capper suddenly looked desperate. "Wait!" He said as he then yowled like an actual cat. "You can't—you can't make it by yourselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride." He said, getting his composure back. "We do not require your help to gain transportation fool!" Grievous spat at Capper as they turned back to the door, just in time to see it open and reveal a literal mole in front of them all. The mole wore a pair of golden glasses, a full on tuxedo and a top hat to top it all off. "Here's Verko!" He yelled extravagantly as Twilight gasped in shock. "These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt! Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!" He said as this made the ponies quite angry. "You were... You were going to sell us?!" Rarity demanded in anger and disbelief. "I knew it!" Twilight said with the same anger as Capper held up his hands, begging to have a chance to explain himself, but no one gave him that quarter. "No one is being sold to anyone!" Alex exclaimed. "Oh yeah? You really wanna mess with me?! Verko!?" The mole demanded. "I'm the one who calls the shots here and you aren't-!" Verko was cut off by a large hand grabbing him by the throat from behind and tossing him out the door into the wall on the opposite side of the street, cracking it upon impact. It also cut open Verko's back as blood spattered a bit when he hit the wall before he then fell to the ground. This tall, very muscular being, wearing a black trenchcoat and fedora with black gloves and huge black boots, stomped over to the heavily injured Verko and then grabbed him by the neck again and lifted him up to eye level. Verko weakly struggled, whimpering as the tall man reared back with a fist ready to throw and then proceeded to punch through the center Verko's torso, blood and organs splattered messily on the wall behind Verko as he screamed in agony, the tall man then ripped his arm out of Verko and dropped him unceremoniously to the ground where Verko lay in a pool of his own blood and organs before he then turned back to the group indoors where a very shocked group stood silently. Grievous was somewhat impressed at the ruthless efficiency that was displayed before him, but also disturbed. He saw no emotion on this being's face, nothing at all. There was no remorse, no pity, no pleasure, nothing to be found. It was almost like a droid programmed to do its duties. Alex had never seen such things before, at least not until the later stages of the Blacklight infection in New York. The muscles were clearly strong enough to tear through flesh like it was nothing and the bones were also strengthened to an insane degree. Other than that, there wasn't of anything to note for the Blacklight Evolved, just someone who could probably punch through concrete without breaking a sweat. The Slayer was highly impressed. He had no qualms with being brutal, he himself took pleasure in it to a degree. Normally he wouldn't condone doing something like that to a mortal being, but considering Verko was in the slavery trade, it was likely the Slayer would do worse if he had the chance. The ponies got the shock of what just happened the worst. Twilight's jaw had dropped to its lowest. This was pure unbridled violence, something she had never seen. She was slightly catatonic from the mere sight of the event that just transpired in front of her, her stomach churned as she looked at the remains of what was once a feeling, thinking being like herself and how he had been torn apart with nothing more than a punch. The others were the same way, all sickened, shocked and unbelieving at the sight of the now dead mole behind the extremely tall man. "I... that... that wasn't necessary..." Twilight said in shock as the tall man then walked towards the group, ducking through the door due to his extreme height and stood up at his full height. This made everyone uncomfortable as he didn't speak, prompting them to instead be the ones to speak to him. "W-what do you want?" Twilight stuttered in pure terror as the being slowly raised its hand, pinching its index finger and its thumb together and began to make a motion which was initially confusing to look at. But then Twilight realized exactly what this man wanted. "You... want something to write with?" She asked as the man nodded. Twilight then turned to Capper, who also looked a bit catatonic from the shock. "Get a pen and paper, and don't try anything!" She said as harshly as she could. Capper immediately ran off to get both a pen and a piece of paper as ordered. He soon returned as Twilight carefully handed the items to the tall man and he took them before he began to write on the paper. After a few seconds, the tall man showed it to the group as they read what was on it. Unit Designation; T-103 model Tyrant Mission; classified Main objective; return to original world and re establish communication with superior officers. "You're stuck in another world like us?" Alex asked the T-103, who nodded silently. He then wrote some more as he then showed it to the group once more. World not recognizable Original mission unable to be completed Require assistance to return to original world Twilight nodded in understanding as Grievous surprisingly spoke up next. "The ponies believe they have the means to return us to our respective worlds, but only if we help them liberate their country from an invading force." Grievous explained bluntly. The T-103 nodded silently again as he wrote some more before showing it to the group. New objective recognized; Liberation of the country This unit agrees This made Twilight sigh with relief as she smiled up at the T-103, relieved that she wouldn't be on the receiving end of the tall being's wrath. That was, until she heard a familiar voice speak up from outside. "What kind of ponies are we chasing?" This made Twilight gasp as she looked behind T-103 and saw Tempest with her assistant Grubber inspecting the remains of Verko with some degree of shock and awe. "Dunno, maybe they're more dangerouth than we thought." Grubber replied to Tempest as he chomped on some spongecake. The two then saw the door wide open and the group that was inside it. "There they are!" Grubber exclaimed as he pointed to the door itself, Tempest followed it to see the ponies all inside, at least when she looked past T-103. "There they are." Tempest said maliciously as she stepped inside. "Alright princess, you're gonna come with us, or... it might get... messy per say." Tempest threatened as the storm guards with her walked past her and raised their weapons at the group. The ponies and Capper all backed up, wanting to avoid fighting head on, but the Slayer, Alex and T-103 all went to step forward to attack, that was at least, until Grievous held up a hand. "You will all stand down." He said as the three turned to him, questioning what he was doing. "I will deal with this slime... myself." He said, putting emphasis on himself, letting the others know he would handle this on his own. Grievous then stepped forward, ready for the tense of battle, something he sorely needed right now considering much of the world itself thus far, and the earlier conversations between the ponies, Capper and Alex had annoyed him greatly. He needed to relieve himself of the pent up aggression and annoyance that he had built up in that time. Tempest however, just laughed. "You by yourself? Don't be an idiot, there's more of us than there are of you." Tempest mocked as Grievous was silent at first, then laughed. "Do not underestimate me, I am not a feared warrior for nothing." Grievous said as he grabbed two lightsabers off of his waist and then ignited both of them, the blue and green blades appearing in less than half a second, shimmering even in the bright desert sun. Grievous put himself into a readied position as he narrowed his eyes at his opposition; 8 Storm guards... how pathetic... The first guard charged in to skewer Grievous, who twisted his body to the left and he brought his left lightsaber into an upward swing, cutting the spear in half as Grievous then brought down the other lightsaber, cutting through the entire body of the Storm guard, killing him instantly. The second one tried to throw the spear as Grievous simply tilted his head and let the spear fly by as Grievous used his left clawed foot to grab the Storm guard by the chest and fling him into the wall headfirst, crushing his skull upon impact regardless if he was wearing the helmet or not. Grievous then sent both blades through the third Storm guard, leaving him to die in pieces in a heap. The fourth one, Grievous grabbed with his right clawed foot by the head and slammed it into the ground, killing it with the force snapping its neck upon impact. Grievous avoided the strike of the fifth one as he turned off his right lightsaber and grabbed the Storm guard by the neck, forcing it into the wall where he then cut through its chest completely with the left lightsaber before turning the right lightsaber back on. The sixth and seventh ones fell at the same time as Grievous brought down both with simultaneous strikes with his lightsabers. The last one was killed by Grievous stabbing it with both his lightsabers at once, and Grievous let him crumple to the floor. Grievous growled as he turned to Tempest, who was in shock at how easily her guards were bested, though she snapped out of it as she glared at Grievous. "Alright you armored tinman, you're going to beg for mercy when I'm through with you." Tempest stated as Grievous chuckled in amusement. "Then try, but you must realize, you are... DOOMED..." Grievous said mockingly as Tempest narrowed her eyes and flicked her wrists, a pair of shining metal blades, ones that were razor sharp and could easily kill any normal being, extended from the wrists. But Grievous, was no normal being. Grubber hid away from the ensuing battle and just watched as Tempest got into a ready stance and Grievous did the same. The two charged at each other as Tempest went in to slice at Grievous' lower abdomen, only to find a lightsaber blade blocking her path. The metal actually bounced off of the lightsaber blade as Tempest yelped from the pain the searing heat caused to her skin on her hands when the blade made contact with the lightsaber. Tempest jumped back as she hissed and tried to shake the pain off. Grievous looked a bit surprised as he hadn't met a metal that had resisted his lightsabers before. Though from the look of the metal, which was glowing red hot, it likely was only a resistance, not a full immunity like the rumored Cortosis he had heard stories of. "Your blades may have held up against my lightsabers, but for how long, we shall see." Grievous said as he spun one of his lightsabers before he charged at her again. Tempest waited until Grievous had swung where she leaped over him and swung, but her blade once again hit the blade of Grievous' lightsaber. She tried to brute force it out of the way, but it didn't budge. Grievous swung with his other lightsaber, but it was blocked by Tempest, who kicked at Grievous' leg, making a loud clunk as Grievous was knocked off balance for a second, but searing hot pain shot up Tempest's leg, as, in a moment of adrenaline, she had forgotten that her opponent was mostly made of metals and wires, not flesh and blood like herself. She yelled out in pain as Grievous turned off one of his lightsabers and grabbed Tempest by the throat, squeezing hard enough to deny her airflow. "Now, you're mine!" Grievous said as he raised his lightsaber to finish Tempest off, but the unicorn had one last ace up her hole. She gathered up her magical energies and released it all at once in the form of a lightning spell, her favorite one to use, and the energy coursed through both herself and Grievous. It was a last resort as Tempest had no choice but to use it to immediately in order to save her own life. Grievous convulsed as his cybernetics were temporarily overloaded, which gave Tempest the opportunity to get away. Grievous coughed as his systems stabilized, his organic components, his lungs and cranial parts, felt like they were on fire for a short time after. He turned and saw Tempest crouched on the ground a few feet away, ready to spring to attack or retreat, depending on how Grievous would act in the next few seconds. "That was a trick I did not see, you have my respect for catching me off guard. But you will not like what I have in store for you now." Grievous said as he grabbed his dropped lightsabers and ignited them both, charging at Tempest, who charged right back at him and their blades got locked. Grievous pushed down on Tempest as he essentially pinned her down. Tempest's blades heated up severely as they went from red hot to white as they began to bend under the force of Grievous' lightsabers. The metal became unbearably hot as Tempest needed another way to get out. She decided to take a gamble as she threw her weight forwards while she let her feet slide forward. She slid under Grievous' legs as he went off balance, unprepared for the sudden loss of his target. Tempest was forced to abandon her blades entirely as they began to make her sleeves on her uniform smoke. They clattered to the ground as she then noticed that the home that they had exited was no longer occupied. She looked around and saw in the distance a group headed towards the airship dockyard. "You bought some time for your friends to get away?" Tempest asked as she panted, exhausted from the fight already, not used to prolonged fights like this. Grievous just narrowed his eyes as Tempest. "You misunderstand, I was not buying time, I was trying to kill you." He said as his lightsabers then turned off. "But my objective is currently on the run, so you will live for now, but if we cross paths again, you will meet the same fate as your guards." Grievous promised as he turned and ran off for the dockyards, leaving Tempest in shock that he had let her go. She had thought that he would make due on his will to kill her, only for him to let her go. She stared at Grievous' shrinking form as her shock turned to anger, rage welled up in her body as she gritted her teeth and stood up. He had utterly humiliated her, bested her in combat and had provided a distraction to let her target escape! Next time, Tempest would be ready, and next time, Grievous would pay for this. She had told Grubber nothing would stop her from getting her horn back, and she would make certain of this, no matter the cost.