A Jedi's Journey

by Postwarmonkey50

First published

This story is set between “Star Wars Episode 6 and 7”, whilst also set between season 8 and 9 of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic”.

Do you remember the Jedi texts that Rey found in Episode 8? Many wonder and create where Luke had found the sacred texts, as well as what he did after he found the compass. Here is my version of it, hope you will enjoy it, as the ponies and their counterparts will learn the ways of the Force, as Luke will learn the meaning of Friendship

Special shoutout to CortezDude for the cover page.

Chapter 1: The Force will guide me

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From below the stars, of a jungle planet, known as Endor, home of the Ewoks, small native critters who in hand, helped a large number of people from different worlds, known as the Rebellion, defeated the tyranny of the Empire, and freed the galaxy of their endless torment. With the Emperor gone, the Empire is left in shambles as many worlds now stood up to the Empire, whilst the remnants of their fleets were scattered and were trying to keep certain footholds of the galaxy. The worlds from every world; Coruscant, Tatooine, Cloud City, Naboo. Kashyyk, Lothal, Ryloth, Kamino and many others, celebrated and rejoiced over the defeat of the Emperor.

The Rebels celebrated with the Ewoks, as many rejoiced in laughter, dancing and music, especially the Rebels thanking each other as they embraced them in their arms. The heroes of the Rebellion; Han Solo, Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and finally, Luke Skywalker, were praised as the heroes of the Rebellion, and soon, the New Republic.

However, the next morning, the Rebels packed up their things and left for their homes to start rebuilding the Republic back to its former glory. But whilst things were underway, Luke decided to teach Leia the ways of the Force, and also trained her as a Jedi, knowing that she will have to face certain trails in the future. Luke on the other hand, stood near one of the balconies, watching the sunrise, as if he was back home on Tatooine.

‘Master Luke?’ said a robotic, but familiar voice. Luke partially turned around, and saw it was 3PO. ‘Are you alright?’

He noticed that 3PO wasn’t alone, for Han, Leia and the others were there with him, wondering what Luke was thinking.

‘You okay there kid?’ said Han Solo, mostly Luke’s rival, but also best friend, taking a step forward, also wondering if he was okay ‘You barely said anything since you came back from the Death Star.’

‘A lot had been on my mind recently.’ said Luke as he looked back at the horizon ‘I’ve decided to leave.’

‘Excuse me kid?’ said Lando when he was surprised by what Luke had said ‘Why?’

Luke turned around as he faced them, telling them what was on his mind. ‘With both the Emperor and my father gone, and the Empire are left in shambles, every world is now free from their grasp. But the galaxy will look to all of you to rebuild the Republic to its former glory.’

Chewbacca asked Luke in his native tongue what he was going to do, with Luke answering ‘To rebuild the Jedi Order.’

The others had a hard time grasping what he had in mind, but Leia only smiled when she knew the path her brother was going to walk on ‘Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the force. Which is why I have to leave, to find a way to rebuild what had been lost since the fall of the Jedi Order.’

‘But where will you go from here?’ asked Han ‘There’s not much knowledge to find on the Jedi Order. And you can forget about going back to the temple on Coruscant. Even though the Emperor’s gone, the Imperials still remain in control there, even the Emperor used that temple as his own personal office.’

‘The only thing I can do, Han,’ said Luke as he had some kind of idea ‘Is to trust enough in the Force to guide me to where I need to go.’

Luke looked at Artoo, gaining the droid’s attention as he said ‘Artoo, ready my ship, we’ll be leaving soon.’

Artoo beeped, responding to Luke’s command.

1 hour later

Sure enough, Luke’s friends, even Wedge Antilles and Admiral Ackbar, came to see him off. One by one, each of them embraced Luke as he bid them farewell.

‘Do look after him Artoo.’ said 3PO when he greeted Artoo ‘I’ll miss you terribly.’
Artoo beeped, knowing that the feeling was mutual.

Han was the first to hug Luke, then broke it as he said ‘Don’t forget about us kid. And if you’re ever in trouble, just know that Chewie and I aren’t far behind.’

Chewbacca made a happy grunt as he hugged Luke, with Luke managing a slight giggle. ‘I will, and thank you.’

Luke hugged Lando next, with Lando telling him ‘Even though we’ve only met for such a short time kid, just know that you’ll always have a home to come back to. If you ever miss it, that is.’

‘Don’t worry, I understand.’ said Luke with a smile.

Wedge walked over and shook Luke’s hand. ‘Just so you know sir, I wouldn’t be here if it weren't for you. Just so you’ll know, if you also need help, we’ll be there.’

‘Thanks Wedge.’ said the smiling Luke.

Admiral Ackbar was next up to step forward, and personally shook Luke’s hand. ‘It’s been an honor fighting alongside you, Master Skywalker.’

Luke agreed as he said ‘The feeling’s mutual Admiral Ackbar.’

Luke greeted Leia last. She looked worried, afraid that she’ll never see her brother again. But Luke only smiled as he said ‘This is never goodbye Leia.’

‘I know.’ said Leia as she smiled. ‘I just wished I could go with you.’

‘You already learned what you need to know about the ways of the Force.’ said Luke as he reassured her ‘That is why I trust you that you will be a great leader for the Republic. The galaxy couldn’t be in better hands.’

The two of them embraced their sibling hug. After half a minute, Luke broke the hug as he looked at his sister and friends one last time. Luke turned around and made for his X-Wing, whilst Artoo was climbing on board as well. After Luke boarded, he activated his ship, priming the engines.

‘Luke.’ said Leia, gaining her brother’s attention. Leia only smiled as she said ‘May the Force be with you.’

‘Thank you Leia,’ said Luke as he replied ‘May the Force be with all of you. And I will return, I promise.’

Luke took control of his ship, allowing his X-Wing to be raised in the air, and fly right towards the sky. Sure enough, he began to leave the atmosphere and the planet behind, whilst the Rebel ships held their position as they prepare their forces to make their way towards other systems.

After they were cleared, Artoo beeped, asking Luke where they were going.

‘That I am not sure Artoo,’ said Luke, whilst he piloted his ship ‘We just have to trust in the Force and know where to go from here.’

Luke slowly closed his eyes and concentrated. His thoughts continued to echo throughout the Force, trying to determine where to go next. Before he realized it, he felt a tremor in the Force, allowing him to slowly open his eyes, knowing where to go.

‘Artoo,’ said Luke as he gained his friend’s attention. ‘Is there any Imperial presence on Pillio?’

Artoo beeped, as it told Luke that there weren't any and the planet’s un colonized.

‘Alright then, set a course for Pillio.’ said Luke as he worked on the controls ‘We found a way.’

As the X-Wing continued to fly, the engines primed as they went into overdrive, allowing the ship to jump to Hyperspace, disappearing without a trace.

Sure enough, he arrived near the planet Pillio. Luke continued to pilot his X-Wing towards the planet. He looked at his scanners, and noticed that it was all clear, but noticed that there were indigenous life on the planet. After Luke passed the planet’s atmosphere, he looked upon the planet’s surface and noticed that there was a clearing below him. He flew down towards the clearing and was able to make a safe landing. Whilst he turned the engines of his ship off, Artoo climbed off of the ship and moved towards the edge in order to take in the scenery.

Luke only smiled and nodded his head as he watched Artoo enjoying himself. As he climbed off the ship, he suddenly stopped. Through the Force, he felt something coming. ‘I sense…that we’re not alone.’

Luke heard the sound of engines from a shuttle. He walked towards Artoo as he spotted what was coming; a pair of Imperial Shuttle, slowly descending as it was about to make a landing. Luke stood next to Artoo and watched as the shuttle was slowly landing from afar.

‘If the Empire’s here,’ said Luke as he watched the sky, with Artoo by his side ‘Then what I sensed is true. There must be something special about this place.’

Artoo beeped, wondering what they were going to do next. Luke turned around to face his robot friend.
‘You stay here Artoo,’ said Luke as he instructed his friend ‘Their scanners probably spotted us.’

As Luke moved forward, and Artoo staying behind, the Astro droid worries for Luke’s safety as it asked him to be careful.
‘I’ll be find Artoo’ responded Luke as he moved forward ‘You stay here, alright?

Luke left Artoo with the ship as he went on ahead. He followed a path leading straight towards the Imperial Shuttle. Following the ridge path, he slowly stood near a ledge and watched from above as a handful of Storm Troopers were all over the place. But thankfully, he spotted two more Storm Troopers regrouping with the others as he heard them talk.

‘So remind me what we’re doing here?’ said the first Storm Trooper to the second.

‘We’ve had orders to come here and secure this sight, that’s it.’ said the second, which was clearly a female.

‘I don’t get why we have to follow some agent to this place.’

‘You’ll do well to keep quiet, do you know who that is?’


‘That happens to be an agent of Inferno Squad.’

‘Versio’s group?’ said the first Storm Trooper.

‘Precisely,’ said the second ‘And if the Admiral ordered him to come here, then we are not to question his orders.’

Luke cupped his chin whilst he was deep in thought. ‘Hmm, Looks like the Empire is searching for something too.’

However, one of the Storm Troopers spotted Luke and shouted “Intruder!!’

The Storm Troopers looked above and saw Luke. ‘Sith Spit.’ he said to himself.

‘Fire!!’ shouted the Storm Trooper Lieutenant.

Luke immediately jumped off the ledge whilst trying his best to avoid enemy fire. By jumping off the ledge, Luke immediately pulls out and activates his green Lightsaber, surprising the Storm Troopers.
‘It’s a Jedi!!’ shouted one of the Troopers.

As Luke landed, he sliced one Trooper to the left, one Trooper to the right, and Force Pushed the one in the middle, sending the Trooper flying against a shuttle the moment he crashed against it. Seeing what was going on, the rest of the Storm Troopers advanced. They attacked all around, but Luke blocked their fire with his Lightsaber, killing two Strom Troopers, whilst he spun around to continue blocking their attacks whilst he sliced one, then the other. He jumped up in the air and used a Force Pulse on the ground, causing the Storm Troopers to be knocked sideways. Luke darted his way towards the Storm Troopers guarding the entrance.

A sniper tried to shoot, but Luke deflected it, killing the sniper trying to kill him. A handful of jetpack troopers tried to kill him from above, but Luke used the Force to pull them and throw them towards the Storm Troopers on the ground. He continued to dart towards them, slicing one to the left, then one to the right, then one up front. He Force Pushed a handful of them again as they crashed against the mountain wall.

Luke made his way towards the tunnel entrance, until an Imperial Officer tried to stop him. ‘Hold it right there!!’ he shouted, causing him to shoot, but Luke deflected it, killing the Officer as the blaster round struck his chest.

Luke sighed, knowing that he didn’t enjoy this kind of fight. ‘This isn’t what I wanted.’

He continued to make his way through the tunnel, following the path that he hope would lead him to where he should go. But as he continued his path, he felt a disturbance in the force. ‘There’s something down here. Something…unnatural. Is that what called to me? Perhaps it was something more.’

Luke continued to make his way towards an opening ahead. But as he was able to get a better view, he saw the Storm Troopers, fighting off what appeared to be large bugs. Luke guessed that the bugs didn’t like intruders and they would kill anyone on sight.

‘Looks like I’m not the only one who wishes the Empire wasn’t here.’ said Luke to himself, seeing how the fighting got worse.

When all of a sudden, he heard shouting, coming from one of the tunnels. Was the agent also down here? He had to be sure.

The agent on the other hand, was not having a good day. He was trapped in whatever fungus he was in, whilst the Storm Troopers who accompanied him, were all dead. He struggled to get loose, whilst he tried to call for help.

‘Hello?!’ shouted the agent, trying to call for help ‘Can anyone hear me!!’

He struggled to get lose still, until he saw someone up ahead, coming from the light of the tunnel. ‘Who are you?’ said the agent, wanting to know who was coming.

‘I heard you call out.’ said Luke as he revealed himself ‘Sounded like you needed help.’

‘Yeah I do.’ responded the agent as he looked at Luke ‘You think you can get me out of this?’

Luke took a quick glimpse behind him, wanting to make sure no one would ambush them. He then made his way towards the agent, whilst at the same time, he pulled out his Lightsaber. ‘Hold still.’ he replied, whilst he activated his Lightsaber.
With his Lightsaber, Luke used it to carefully carve the hardened fungus, allowing the agent to use all his strength to pull himself free. Sure enough, the fungus shattered, freeing the agent. However, he was instantly cautious, for he knew all too well who the person was standing before him.

‘I know who you are,’ replied the agent, keeping an eye on him ‘Why’d you help me?

‘Because you asked.’ said Luke with a straight face.

However, before they could continue with their conversation, the large bugs that the Storm Troopers have fought before, burst through the cave walls, gaining both the agent and Luke’s attention. Luke armed himself with his Lightsaber, preparing for combat.

‘No, no, no, no,’ said the agent as he gained Luke’s attention. ‘That won’t do it. This will.’

The agent instantly tossed a Thermal Detonator towards the bugs. ‘No wait!!’ shouted Luke, but it was too late as the grenade went towards the bugs, causing it to explode.

The detonator may have destroyed the bugs, but in doing so, it ended up cracking and splitting the ground they were standing on in two, causing them to fall in. The two of them continue to fall from a large height. The agent fall against part of the cave wall, and onto a puddle, making him groan on impact, whilst Luke used the Force to stop himself before he made impact.

The agent looked up, and gasped when he saw the rocks were about to fall on him, until they suddenly stopped. The agent looked at Luke, whom was using the Force to save the agent’s life. Luke pulled the rocks away from the agent and landed it next to him.

As Luke placed his Lightsaber away, the agent groaned whilst he slowly tried to get up. That was, until Luke walked over and offered him a hand of assistance. Though he was still cautious, the agent was grateful that Luke saved his life, thus allowing his assistance. Luke helped the agent stand on his two feet. They looked at each other for a brief moment, until Luke walked over to pick up what appeared to be the agent’s blaster.

‘I’ve heard a hundred stories about the Jedi,’ said the agent as he watched Luke. ‘They terrified me as a boy on Coruscant, but you…’

Luke picked up the agent’s blaster and looked at it, then to the agent. Luke managed a smile and walked over to the agent and presented him his blaster.’ Come on. We need to work together if we’re going to get out of here.’

The agent accepted his blaster back, which allowed the two of them to focus on the path ahead, hoping not to run into the bugs. They continued their path forward as Luke was the first to respond.

‘You’re looking for something.’ said Luke as he walked ahead. ‘So am I. It seems the Force has brought us together.’

‘Heh,’ said the agent when he chuckled a bit ‘What a stroke of luck.’

‘There’s always more to it than luck.’ said Luke whilst he was focused on the path ahead.

‘Right, the Force.’ said the agent as he had a hard time believing him. ‘Is that what got you past my men, or was it the Lightsaber in your hand?’

‘I’m sorry.’ said Luke as he was apologizing ‘It’s not what I wanted.’

‘Then why am I still alive?’

‘They didn’t give me a choice. You did.’

The two of them continued down the path of the cave, until Luke spoke.

‘I didn’t quite catch your name.’ said Luke as he partially looked at him.

‘Del,’ said the agent as he gave him his name ‘Del Meeko.’

‘Good to meet you Del.’ said Luke, continuing on the path ahead.

Sure enough, half an hour later, they arrived at the Emperor’s observatory. After fighting some bugs and deactivating most of the defenses, they were able to make it to the door. However, the bugs suddenly flew away, not wanting to be near the place.

Del looked at the door as he said ‘Whatever’s inside these doors. Those bugs don’t like it.’

However, when Del stood in front of the doors, he noticed that there was no access panel or anything else that would allow him to open the door. ‘There’s nothing on this thing. How am I supposed to open it?’

‘With a key.’ Luke responded. He reached out his left hand and closed his eyes. He used the Force to open the door, taking Del by surprise as he looked at it.

After the door was opened, Del looked at the door as he asked ‘Why would the Emperor have a vault that can only be opened using the Force?’

‘Why do you think?’ said Luke as he approached the entrance.

Del looked at him surprised as he asked ‘You’re telling me the man who destroyed the Jedi Order is secretly one of them?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he stopped and looked at Del ‘I’m telling you that as a boy on Coruscant, you were frightened of the wrong thing.’

Sure enough, as they got inside, they saw many caskets, as well as a few leftover droids. From what one would call the “Spoils of war”, which was uncharacteristic, even for the Emperor. As Luke used the Force to look for something, Del looked around and was unimpressed.

‘There’s nothing dangerous in here,’ said Del as he looked around ‘The Emperor is protecting, junk.’

Luke continued to observe one of the crates. Until he stopped and felt something, allowing him to approach the crate and was about to open it. ‘This is all worthless.’ said Del when he felt like his mission was for nothing.

The moment Luke opened the crate, he saw something that caught his attention. ‘Not all of it.’ he responded whilst picking up what appeared to be a large circular object.

Del noticed what Luke was holding and was curious as he said ‘What is that?’

Luke looked at Del and asked ‘I’d like to keep this Compass. If you don’t mind.’

Del walked over to Luke and said ‘My mission is to destroy this place. Why would I let you do that?’

‘Because I asked.’ said Luke. Del gave it some thought, and because he saved his life, Del nodded yes, with Luke being thankful as he said ‘Thank you.’

Luke walked towards the door, with Del watching him. But Luke stopped as he said ‘I won’t stop you from destroying this vault. But wouldn’t you say that the Empire has done enough damage to innocent worlds?’

Luke walked away, whilst Del held onto the explosive he was holding, having second thoughts.

Fifteen minutes later…

Both Luke and Del walked out of the caves as they were finally above the surface. As they walked together, Luke said to him ‘I’m glad we were brought together Del.’

‘So what happens now?’ said Del whilst he was unsure ‘We both walk off in separate directions and pretend like this never happened?’

Luke chuckled a bit as he responded ‘I don’t think you can. There’s still conflict in you.’

‘Of course there is.’ said Del as he and Luke stopped, looking at one another. ‘I’m not blind, I know what the Empire is capable of. But what else is there?’

Luke turned to him as he smiled. ‘A choice.’

‘The Rebellion?’ said Del when he thought Luke was stating the obvious.

‘No,’ said Luke ‘A choice to be better. May the Force be with you.’

Del could only watch as Luke walked away, giving him some thought about what he said. But as Luke walked, he looked at the Compass he was carrying. But as he looked at it, he saw a secret compartment. Inside were a parchment of coordinates to what he guess would be from different planets, with a small note, saying that they were Jedi Temples.

‘If there are Jedi Temples on those worlds.’ said Luke to himself whilst he looked ahead ‘Then maybe I’ll be able to find what I’ve been looking for.’

Few months later…

Meanwhile, on the planet Takodana, Luke landed on the planet to take a break. He felt exhausted after traveling for so long. He sat underneath a large oak tree on a large hill, overlooking the lake, whilst he was eating a few sandwiches and drank some juice. Luke couldn’t help but admire the view of the place as he smiled.

‘I can see why Maz chose this place.’ said Luke to himself.


Luke to his left and saw Artoo coming. ‘What is it Artoo?’


‘Leia is contacting me?’ said Luke as he wondered what his sister wants. ‘Put her through.’

R2 displayed a hologram of Leia near him, whilst communications were now open between them.

‘Leia.’ said Luke as he placed his glass down ‘It’s good to see you again. I hope rebuilding the Republic hadn’t dampen your spirits yet.’

‘Thankfully not.’ said Leia as she chuckled ‘We may have a long way to go, but so far rebuilding the Republic Senate was not that hard of a task. Maintaining order however, is another.’

‘And the Empire?’ said Luke when he wondered what they were up to.

‘So far they hadn’t made our jobs any easier.’ said Leia with a sigh ‘We have recent reports that they were on a few Empire controlled worlds, but so far nothing.’

‘At least you’re on the right path.’ said Luke, whilst he also started to look onto the horizon, wanting to know what to do next.

‘Is something wrong?’ said Leia, knowing that Luke was troubled.

Luke decided to put her up to speed and wanted to know what he was busy doing. ‘After I left, I went straight for the planet Pillio. The Emperor has an observatory there, but I was also able to find what appeared to be a compass.’

Luke showed her the compass, as well as a list of what appeared to be coordinates of certain planets. ‘The compass had a secret compartment inside, revealing locations of a handful of Jedi Temples built by the first Jedi.’

‘What were you hoping to find?’ said Leia, knowing full well how important the mission is.

‘Finding what I need to rebuild the Jedi Order.’ said Luke as he placed the compass away.


‘So far I’ve got nothing.’ said Luke as he told her ‘Ahch-To had a temple, but it didn’t contain any knowledge there, Ryndellia’s temple was destroyed by a powerful storm, Tython has been destroyed during the last Sith War, the Temple on Toydaria had been raided by pirates during the last two decades. I had hoped the Temple of Takodana would still be here, but Maz told me that it was destroyed when an earthquake struck this world.’

‘Oh.’ said Leia when she realized that Luke had hit a stalemate. ‘So what will you do now?’

‘I don’t know.’ said Luke whilst he looked to the sky ‘For the first time in my life since after the Death Star’s destruction. I don’t know.’

‘Luke.’ said Leia whilst she gained his attention as he looked at her ‘You’ll find a way, you always have. When you left to face Vader, none of us thought that you’d make it. But in the end you came through. Because of you, the galaxy is in a much better place. You gave them hope when you destroyed the first Death Star, you inspired the entire galaxy that the Empire wasn’t invincible. So believe me when I say; I know you can figure this out. You can do this.’

Luke managed a smile as he looked at his sister. ‘Thanks Leia. I appreciate the pep talk.’

‘You’re welcome. And you know that if you need help, we’ll always be there.’

‘Thanks Leia.’

Leia managed a smile as she said ‘I’ll talk to you soon.’

After the transmission were cut, Luke took out the parchment of lists, each of them that he marked of the places where he had already been. ‘But where to go next.’ he wondered to himself.

As he held onto the parchment, he noticed something. The paper appeared to have been folded for some reason. As he was able to open it, he saw a new set of coordinates. He was surprised, for it appeared to be another set of coordinates to hopefully another Jedi Temple.

‘Artoo?’ said Luke, gaining the droid’s attention as he moved over to him. ‘Can you help pinpoint this set of coordinates?’

Sure enough, R2 was able to display a hologram of the entire galaxy. It added the coordinates that Luke had held onto. But to his surprise, it was beyond the galaxy’s border, way past the place called the “Unknown Regions”. ‘It’s that far away?’ said Luke as he looked at the map. ‘Why would the first Jedi have traveled to such a place very far from here?’

‘Found something, have you?’ said a voice, gaining Luke’s attention whilst R2 deactivated the galaxy map. When Luke turned around, he saw that Maz was there, walking over towards him.

‘Yes. I believe it’s a location to another Jedi Temple, but this one is different.’

‘Oh?’ said Maz as she was very curious.

‘The last temple is located beyond the galaxy map,’ said Luke whilst explaining to her ‘Beyond the “Unknown Regions”. I was wondering why the first Jedi would built a temple this far away.’

‘If you ask me, it’s a very smart thing.’ said Maz when she heard Luke correctly about the Jedi Temple’s location. ‘When the Empire took over, they used the Jedi Archives to track down and either harvest or destroy the Jedi Temples, so that there would be no Jedi to rise up against the galaxy. The Temple that was built there, would most likely be stored in a place where it would be away from the eyes of evil.’

‘I suppose you’re right.’ said Luke when he realized that Maz has a point.

‘And when are you planning on leaving.’

‘Right now.’ responded Luke as he looked at his Red Five X-Wing, his pride and joy. ‘I just need to fuel up and I’ll be ready to…’

He heard Maz chuckling, gaining his attention. ‘With only that?’

‘What?’ said Luke when he wondered what she meant by it.

‘No offense Skywalker,’ said Maz ‘But if you will be gone for that long, at least take enough food, medicine and parts to go with you on your journey.’

‘But…’ said Luke when he realized that there wasn’t enough room.

‘I have just the thing.’ said Maz as Luke realized that she seemed excited with something ‘Follow me.’

She led Luke straight towards one of her hangers. When they arrived, he was extremely surprised to see what was right in front of him. It was a ship the same size as the Millennium Falcon, but very different.

‘Is that…?’ said Luke whilst he was surprised to see what kind of ship it is.

‘Indeed.’ said Maz as she explained ‘That there happens to be the Ebon Hawk, which was piloted by none other than both Revan and the Exile. It was lost through the ages, but one day my friends found this on a remote planet, partially in shambles, so they brought it back to me as a gift.’

‘And you were able to fix it?’ said Luke whilst R2 also arrived.

‘That I did.’ said Maz as she explained ‘The engines are equipped with a new engine called the Class 5.2 sub light engines, a newly advance TTQP9 Hyper drive. Equipped with Quad laser cannons, concussion missile tubes, as well as a blaster cannon. It even has two quad laser cannons from top to bottom. The steering handles like a dream, its computers and systems highly advance with its own office. It also has two port and starboard crew quarters, a galaxy map at the center, storage compartments for your Lightsaber and robot hand, as well as parts for Artoo. It even has a medical bay, engineering, as well as two compartments, containing twice as many supplies as food and medicine and parts that you will need.’

‘Maz…’ said Luke when he was amazed by the design ‘This is amazing.’

‘It really is.’ said Maz as she looked at it ‘It’s more advance and powerful than both the Ghost and the Millennium Falcon combined.

She then whispered to Luke. ‘But don’t tell Han or Hera, the two of them would be jealous beyond recognition.’

Luke chuckled as he agreed with her. ‘Oh, I’ll take your word for it.’

Maz then placed her hand on Luke’s hand. ‘It’s my gift to you. You can use it on your travels.’

Luke smiled as he stood on his one knee. ‘Thank you Maz. I’ll never forget this kindness.’

‘Because you brought hope back to the galaxy.’ said Maz as she placed her hands on his shoulders. ‘It’s the least I can do.’

However, unknown to them, one of the crewmembers snuck its way towards the ship and placed what appeared to be a tracker on top of one of its landing gear. The crewmember quickly walked away before he was discovered.

‘Come on Artoo,’ said Luke as he walked towards the ship ‘We’ve got a mission.’

Artoo beeped, knowing that it was going to be quite an adventure. Both Luke and Artoo were at the pilot seat and activated the ship. Sure enough, the ship slowly rose itself, hovering high above the hanger, turned to a different direction, and flew straight towards the sky. The ship was able to leave Takodana, making its way towards space and beyond.

‘Wow,’ said Luke as he was amazed ‘Maz was right, this thing really does handle like a dream.’

Luke continued to pilot to ship, and thanks to R2, it was really easy to control.

‘Artoo.’ said Luke as he looked at R2 ‘Is the coordinates to the sixth temple in place?’


‘Alright, good.’ said Luke as he looked ahead. ‘Then let’s get going.’

Luke activated the ship’s hyper drive. And within mere seconds, the ship jumped into Hyperspace.

As the ship traveled, Luke decided to meditate in order to pass the time. He kept his eyes closed, using the Force to try to see the future, but it was proven difficult than he realized. Artoo suddenly came in, gaining Luke’s attention.

‘What is it Artoo?’ said Luke after he stood up.


‘We’re almost there?’ said Luke as he walked ahead. ‘Good, let’s get ready.’

Sure enough, the ship jumped out of Hyperspace, arriving at its destination. Luke looked above the planet’s surface, and realized that it was much different than any world he’s ever been to.

‘This world is…not like I’ve ever seen before.’


‘No, we don’t want to frighten the locals.’ said Luke whilst he looked at the planet. He looked at the ship’s scanners and found something.

‘There happens to be a landing. I’ll try to make it there.

Without a word, Luke piloted the ship and flew towards the planet. For as soon as he would land, he would find the temple, and hoped that the Jedi Temple would still be there.

Chapter 2: A world of Equines

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Sure enough, Luke was able to fly through the planet’s atmosphere. It was daytime when he entered, but he kept a normal course, wanting to make sure no one would spot them. R2 came over and beeped a few times to Luke.

‘No advance civilization?’ said Luke when he heard R2 right. He then thought out loud ‘Maybe this world is still in its primitive state. Possibly far from ever of performing space travel.’

Luke was able to see a clearing up ahead. ‘Artoo, let’s land over there by that clearing.’

Sure enough, the Ebon Hawk flew straight towards a clearing, which happened to be near a forest. Slowly it landed whilst critters and creatures were scattering, afraid of the metal giant landing. Sure enough, after some steam were hissing, the docking ramp lowered itself, allowing Luke to walk down, with R2 following him. Luke looked around and never realized how beautiful the place was.

‘Amazing.’ he said whilst he looked at the surroundings. ‘This place is so beautiful, and lush. I think the world would be better off if it would discover space travel and technology of its own.’

‘<Beep><beep><beep>, <beep><beep><beep>, <beep>’. said R2 whilst he was near Luke.

‘A village on the other side of the forest?’ said Luke. ‘Then there must be a population that can help me.’

‘<Beep><beep><beep>, <beep><beep>.’

‘No, stay with the ship Artoo. We don’t want any unwanted attention. However, if something happens that you picked up from the scanner, you can use the ship to get to my location.’

R2 responded and headed back inside the ship in order to close the ramp, whilst Luke decided to continue with his journey, whilst his Lightsaber continued to hang from his belt, making his way into the forest. Sure enough, R2 was able to close the ramp and Luke made his way into the forest.

Luke continued on his quest, looking around, trying to find a way to the village that R2 picked up earlier. He scanned the forest and could sense everything going on.

‘The Force is unbelievably strong here.’ said Luke whilst he continued to look around ‘Could the Jedi from before really have made their way towards this world?’

He suddenly heard screaming, coming from a few feet away from where he was standing. He instantly ran towards the noise, wanting to help those in danger. But as he got closer, he decided to hide behind a tree, trying not to run into danger. When he took a peek, he saw something he didn’t expect.

He saw strange beings with four legs. A white one with a horn on its forehead and purple hair and tail. One who was yellow with wings and had pink hair and tail, whimpering. One was aqua blue with wings and rainbow hair and tail. One was orange with yellow hair and tail, along with what appeared to be a hat. One was pink with a dark pink mane and tail, and one was purple with a dark purple mane and hair with two different stripes on both of them. He saw that they have strange marks on their flanks.

But they weren't the only ones there. There was also a four legged creature, with dark green mane and tail, with light green fur. There was also a large creature with horns, one with wings and a scale, ones that nearly resembled to a bird like group, but very different, and the last one was a strange looking creature that he had never seen before.

‘Is this the world’s population?’ said Luke to himself as he watched. ‘If they live in a world far from space travel, then I need to approach this carefully.’

At the same time, from their perspective, they were the ponies and creatures of a magical land of Equestria. The six ponies were the Mane 6. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity. Whilst the other creatures were their students. A pony named Sandbar, a Yak named Yona, a Griffon named Gallus, a Hippogriff named Silverstream, a Changeling named Ocellus and a Dragon named Smolder.

Apparently, the Mane 6 decided to take the students to the Everfree forest for a tour, to find out what kind of magic it contained. But…they ended up running into a bit of a snag, for a large plant kind of creature, grabbed them and had the roots wrapped around them, making them struggle as they tried to get loose.

‘ “Sure,” ’ said Applejack as she gave an annoyed look at Rainbow Dash as she quoted what she had said earlier ‘ “Let’s go over and investigate that there plant, looks safe enough.” ’.

‘How the heck was I supposed to know that it was a carnivorous plant?!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash as she glared back at Applejack.

‘Isn’t everything in the Everfree Forest?!!!’ shouted Rarity back as she agreed with Applejack.

‘Uh, not to be rude or anything?’ said Smolder as she gained their attention ‘But can you talk about this, after we’re freed?!!!’

‘I’m trying.’ said Twilight as she struggled to use her magic ‘But the plants are making it difficult for me to use my magic, I don’t want those things to rip my horn off.’

‘Well you’d better think of something,’ said Gallus as he was getting scared ‘I don’t think we can handle this much longer.’

‘Excuse me.’ said Luke when he decided to reveal himself. As the Mane 6 and Young Six looked over, they were shocked to see a creature they’ve never seen before. ‘Do you need some help?’

‘Uhh…’ said some of them, not sure what to say about this.

Luke chuckled, seeing that they were surprised. ‘I’ll take that as a yes.’

Luke stepped off the large rock and walked towards them, however, from out of nowhere, a Chimera appeared, gaining Luke’s attention, but shocked the ponies and their students.

‘Ooh, what do we have here?’ said the tiger head.

‘Fresh meat we haven’t seen before.’ said the goat head.

‘Gonna love every bite.’ said the snake head.

Luke however, only flexed an eyebrow as he looked at it. Suddenly, he began to wave his hand.

‘You don’t want to eat the creature before you.’ said Luke to it.

Suddenly, the creature was in trance. ‘We don’t want to eat the creature before us.’ the Chimera responded.

The ponies and the students were stunned by what was going on.

‘You’re not interested in eating the creatures you see around you.’

‘We’re not interested in eating the creatures I see around me.’

‘You want to go back where you came from and rethink your life.’

‘We want to go back where we came from and rethink my life.’

The Chimera suddenly turned around and walked away. The ponies and the students on the other hand were both shocked and stunned by what was going on as they looked at the Chimera leaving, and then to Luke, who somehow convinced the creature to leave.

‘How did you do that?’ said Silverstream as she was the first to respond.

‘I used a mind trick on the creature,’ said Luke whilst he answered Silverstream’s question ‘It only works on the weak minded. Thankfully, the creature was very weak minded.’

‘Huh,’ responded Sandbar as he was impressed ‘Good to know.’

‘Um, excuse me new creature,’ said Yona as she responded with a nervous smile ‘But could new creature free Yona, teachers and friends. We trap in bad plant.’

‘Of course.’ said Luke as he walked over to them. He pulled out his Lightsaber hilt, which made them curious of what he has in store. He stood in front of them as he said ‘Hold still.’

Luke activated his Lightsaber, revealing a plasma sword that generated from the hilt, surprising the ponies and creatures in the process. He used his Lightsaber to cut the vines that were holding them. One by one, all of them were freed from their vine prison.

‘Wow, thank you so much,’ said Ocellus as she was happy to be freed ‘We thought we were goners for sure.’

‘It is no problem,’ responded Luke as he looked at the young one. Clearly, she and her friends have a lot of potential. He turned to the Mane 6, whom he could feel have powerful auras, as if…the Force was strong within each and every one of them. Luke ignored it and asked ‘But what were you lot doing out here in the woods?’

‘Well, see…’ began the pink hair and yellow Pegasus, whose name was Fluttershy ‘We wanted to take our students our here for a fieldtrip. To help them learn of just how dangerous the Everfree forest can be.’

‘Everfree forest?’ asked Luke with a flexed eyebrow.

‘Oh, you see darling,’ said the purple hair and white fur unicorn known as Rarity ‘The forest contains its own magic. Everything grows unnatural in its own way. Us ponies on the other hand are in charge of growing and maintaining balance of this world ourselves.’

‘I see,’ said Luke, but asked again ‘But how did all of you get caught?’

‘Well Rainbow Dash here,’ said the orange fur pony with the Stetson hat known as Applejack ‘Wanted the students to investigate one of them plants there, ended up abusing it, and the darn thing attacked us without warning.’

Rainbow Dash groaned, for she really didn’t like the way Applejack brought it up.

‘And may I ask who all of you are?’ said Luke as he wondered about who they were.

One by one, each of them introduced themselves.

‘Oh, my name is Ocellus. I’m a Changeling from the Changeling Hive.’

‘Sandbar. Obviously a pony of Equestria.’

‘Gallus. Griffon of Griffonstone.’

‘Silverstream. Hippogriff of Mount Aris.’

‘The name’s Smolder. Dragon from the Dragon Lands.’

‘My name is Yona. Yona Yak from Yakyakistan.’

‘I’m Fluttershy. Caretaker of the animals of Sweet Feather Sanctuary.’

‘Rarity’s the name darling, Fashionista and costume designer of Equestria.’

‘Rainbow Dash. Proud member of the Wonderbolts and fastest flyer in all of Equestria.’

‘Name’s Applejack Sugarcube, proud owner of Sweet Apple Acres.’

‘And I’m Pinkie Pie, party planner, organizer and arranger in all of Equestria.’

‘And I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.’

‘A Princess?’ said Luke with a flexed eyebrow whilst he crouched to be at their eye level ‘Should I bow?’

Twilight giggled at his gesture ‘Oh, there’s no need. I’m comfortable with ponies greeting me normally. And you are?’

Luke stood up straight and told them his name. ‘My name is Luke Skywalker,’ said Luke as he introduced himself ‘I’m a visitor from the stars.’

Many were surprised by what he had said, but none were more surprised than Twilight.

‘You’re…from the stars?’ said Twilight.

She suddenly flew in the air, all excited and was close to Luke’s face whilst holding her cheeks and a smile on her face. ‘This. Is. So. Amazing!!! A real life traveler from the stars!! And a creature we’ve never seen before in recorded Equestrian history!!’

Luke was a little surprised at first, seeing Twilight go on like this. Thanks to Rarity, she used her aura to pull Twilight away.

‘Sorry about that,’ said Applejack as he apologized to Luke for Twilight ‘She tends to get excited over something she’s never heard of. You know, like new creatures, new artifacts, new books, especially more books.’

‘I see,’ said Luke ‘So she’s somewhat of a knowledge seeker?’

‘More like an egghead.’ said Rainbow Dash as she crossed her hooves.

‘It is a wise move, being curious of gaining more knowledge.’ said Luke as he looked at Twilight ‘But there is something that is called being “too curious” when it comes to learning.’

‘That’s what we tell her.’ said Fluttershy as she agreed with him.

Luke then looked to the Young Six, then to the Mane 6. ‘Are these six your students?’

‘Yep, they sure are.’ said Pinkie as she appeared next to Twilight, then she suddenly bounced around as she said ‘We were busy learning about friendship and relations through the years, until we decided to open a school and teach others the same thing, that’s when we brought them in, although they got off to a rocky start, they instantly became super duper best of friends, even though they’re different.’

As Pinkie stopped bouncing, Luke chuckled over her bubbly good nature. Luke smiled as he looked at Twilight ‘It’s good to teach others that. You passed on what you’ve learned.’

‘Not everything,’ said Gallus as he spoke ‘We still have a lot to learn. No one said that learning friendship would be easy.’

‘Hmm, I can relate.’ said Luke as he agreed.

‘So, if Yona might ask,’ said Yona whilst she was curious about something ‘Why friend from stars here?’

‘It’s a long story,’ said Luke as he looked around, then back to them. ‘Perhaps we can talk where there is no danger?’

‘Oh, of course,’ said Fluttershy as she flew up ‘We can go back to our school, you can talk from there.’

‘I’ll get us back there, hang on.’ said Twilight as he horn glowed. And within an instant, she teleported all of them out of the Everfree forest.

At the school of friendship’s courtyard, Starlight and Spike walked on the pathway as many of the pony students were going back and forth, learning what they could with whatever book they could find from their library. Starlight looked worried whilst she looked at the school’s clock.

‘What’s taking them so long?’ said Starlight as she got more worried.

‘Relax Starlight,’ said Spike as he calmed her down ‘Remember, the Everfree forest is a big place. I’m sure Twilight will teleport them back any…’

Spike was cut off the moment Twilight and the others appeared, taking Starlight by surprise, with Spike saying ‘See, I told you.’

Starlight ran over to Twilight and stopped in front of her. ‘I’m so glad all of you are safe. What happened out there, I thought your trip through the forest would’ve been over by now.’

‘Well we would’ve come back sooner.’ said Smolder.

‘But miss Rainbow Dash ticked off a creature eating plant that nearly ate us.’ said Gallus as he finished for her.

‘Of course she did.’ said Starlight as she rolled her eyes.

‘So she’s done this before?’ asked Luke whilst he whispered to Rainbow Dash’s friends.

‘Yup,’ said Applejack as she started ‘There was a time when all she cared about was winning competitions.’ said Applejack when she remembered the times that she got super competitive during the Iron Pony competition and that she nearly endangered her friends.

‘And when she always rudely flew into somepony.’ said Fluttershy of the times Rainbow tried to make her do things she wasn’t comfortable with.

‘And has no patience when it comes to doing what their friends like.’ said Rarity when she still remembered the time when she and Rainbow Dash wanted to stop being friends because they didn’t want to give each other’s hobbies a chance.

‘And when she rudely threw away all the baked goods I baked for her and she didn’t even tell me the truth.’ said Pinkie Pie when she remembered that Rainbow Dash kept throwing her pies away and not telling her the truth.

‘And when she kept charging into danger and never think things through.’ said Twilight as she remembered when Rainbow Dash always wanted the praised as a hero by saving ponies and not because it was a right thing to do, which is why she and her friends were resorted into using the “Mysterious Mare Do Well” persona.

However, Rainbow Dash overheard her and then told them one by one of her friends’ failures and blunders.

Rainbow hovered in front of Twilight ‘At least I didn’t go overboard of delivering a friendship report and got turned into a statue by a possessed chicken and caused the Para sprites to eat half of Ponyville.’

Rainbow hovered in front of Pinkie Pie ‘At least I’m not the one who’s always constantly into other ponies’ faces and tried to force friendships with us and Starlight with your sister whilst also trying to force pie down my throat even after I said no, especially with the whole Pinkie Pie clone fiasco.’

Rainbow hovered in front of Rarity ‘At least I’m not the one who thought that spending time with her sister was uncool and wanted to spend more time with snooty royals instead of actually going on their friends’ birthday and stupidly asked Applejack, a pony with no fashion sense, to be one of the judges.’

Rainbow hovered in front of Fluttershy ‘At least I didn’t take the assertive thing too far and ended up hurting other ponies’ feelings and ended up making Rarity jealous that you were getting more attention and were too scared to sing when she really wanted to.’

Rainbow hovered in front of Applejack ‘And at least I wasn’t the one who lied so much when I was a filly that sent my entire family to the hospital and never bothered to tell her sister the truth about her friends trying to get their Cutie Marks when they actually could’ve told them what they could’ve done.’

The five friends remembered all too well what she meant, causing them to groan loudly whilst feeling embarrassed about it. However, they noticed Luke was chuckling, making them wonder what it was about.

‘The way you six argue,’ said Luke as he spoke to them ‘You remind me of myself and my friends whenever we’re in the middle of an argument.’

‘Oh? said Starlight as she just noticed Luke. ‘Who are you?’

‘My name is Luke Skywalker,’ said Luke as he introduced himself,’ I’m…’

However, he was interrupted when they heard a loud thud. When they looked up, they saw that a bunch of mover ponies, accidentally bumped into Derpy, whilst delivering mail. And before they knew it, a handful of large heavy objects, fell from the sky, hurtling towards a student, an Earth Pony, who was walking out of the building.

‘Whoa, watch it!!’ shouted Spike, gaining the young filly’s attention.

She shockingly looked up and saw the objects falling, causing her to yelp loudly as she closed her eyes. But instead of feeling the impact, she slowly looked up, and to her surprise, saw that the objects were floating above her.

Spike wiped his forehead, relieved that the crisis had been averted. ‘Whew, that was close. Nice one Starlight.’

‘Uh, Spike,’ responded Starlight as she watched ‘That wasn’t me.’

‘Um, guys.’ said Ocellus, gaining everyone’s attention.

She pointed towards what they wanted to see. And to their surprise, the one who saved them, was none other than Luke. He had his hand reached out, closing his eyes as he concentrated. Many of the ponies were also surprised when they saw what they were looking at. Luke moved his right arm to the left, lifting the heavy objects to a clearing. He slowly placed them on the ground, as if nothing had happened. He looked at the young filly and walked over to her. He stood in front of her, stood on his right knee whilst looking at her face to face.

‘You should be more careful little one,’ said Luke as he spoke to her ‘For even though in times of peace, danger can lurk anywhere. And even though we prepare for the worst, life can be unpredictable that not even the older and more experienced ones could predict. But if you chose to believe in yourself, and to those around you, you can overcome anything that might drive fear into one’s heart.’

Luke picked up her book and handed it to her. ‘Trust within yourself, and let your own heart be your guide.’

The little one smiled, for somehow the way he said it, made her see life more differently. She then accepted her book back and placed it back in her bag. ‘Thank you mister.’

‘You’re welcome.’ said Luke as he smiled back at her. ‘Now off you go now, your friends are waiting.’

The young filly ran towards her friends who were waiting for her. When she reunited with them, they continued walking together, with Twilight and the others watched Luke as they were amazed by what he did. Luke stood up and looked at the building, smiled as it reminded him of something.

‘Uh, Spike…’ responded Twilight as she leaned close to him, but kept her eyes focused on Luke.

‘Already on it.’ said Spike as he quickly took out a parchment and wrote to the princess.

Chapter 3: The tale and fall of the Jedi and the Republic

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Far from Ponyville, on the top of a mountain, stood a large city, the symbol and capitol of all of Equestria; the City of Canterlot. From within the royal throne room, both Celestia and Luna were present in Canterlot when they received a letter from Twilight. Sure enough, the Mane 7, Spike, Sunburst and the Young Six, were in the throne room, who wanted to know who Luke Skywalker was and why he was here. They listened whilst standing next to both the Princesses of the day and night, listening to what the new visitor has to say.

Luke bowed to the two princesses. ‘Greeting royal sisters of Equestria. My name is Luke Skywalker. Thank you for taking time into summoning me for this meeting.’

‘You are welcome Luke Skywalker,’ said Celestia as she and her sisters bowed their heads and focused their attention onto the new visitor ‘It is not every day that we receive visitors from the stars.’

‘Indeed,’ responded Luna as she agreed ‘But we are curious of why you have arrived on our world though.
Luke knew it would be hard to explain to them where he comes from, but he realized they needed to be brought up to date of what happened to the galaxy he came from. ‘Your highness,’ said Luke as he made up his mind ‘To talk about why I’m here is to also talk about what I am, who we served, and why a new alliance took form.’

‘Indeed.’ said Celestia. ‘You may start about what you are.’

But before Luke could get started, seven other faces entered the throne room. ‘Pardon us for being late your highness,’ said the one with the long beard ‘We had just received your message and…’

The six ponies were surprised to see Luke. ‘Who are you?’ said one with the Cajun accent.

‘Oh, thank you for coming Starswirl.’ said Luna as she smiled to see familiar faces arriving.

‘Luke Skywalker,’ said Celestia, gaining his attention as she introduced him to the ponies that entered the hall. ‘These are the Pillars of Equestria. They protected our kingdom from darkness long ago. Luke Skywalker, meet Starswirl the Bearded, Rockhoof of the Mighty Helm, Flash Magnus of the Royal Legion, Mage Meadowbrook of Hayseed Swamp, Somnambula of Southern Equestria, Mistmane of the High Mountains, and Stygian, the pony who united them.’

‘It’s an honor.’ said Luke as he bowed in respect.

‘Everypony,’ said Celestia as she introduced Luke to the Pillars ‘This is Luke Skywalker. He is a visitor from the stars.’

The Pillars were surprised to hear this. ‘A visitor from the stars?’ said Rockhoof surprised.

‘From a galaxy far, far away.’ said Luke whilst he kept his arms crossed.

‘But what are you doing here?’ said Stygian, wondering what Luke would want.

‘He was just about to tell us.’ said Starlight.

Pinkie then popped up behind the Pillars and pushed them ‘So come on, sit down and hear his story.’

After Pinkie brought them to their seats, she sat down, with both her hooves on both sides of her face. Luke only nodded with a smile, admiring her positive attitude. ‘Now then, where should I begin?’ he asked.

‘Well,’ said Spike as he wanted to know something ‘You can start by telling us how you did that back at the school.’

‘Ah yes.’ said Luke, as he pulled out his Lightsaber and used the Force to lift it up, slowly twirling about as he demonstrated. Some were surprised to see what he can do. ‘What you saw earlier, I used the Force to lift the object.
‘The what now?’ said Applejack as she shifted her left eyebrow.

‘The Force is part of a Jedi’s power,’ said Luke as he began, placing his Lightsaber away. ‘It creates an energy field surrounding all living things, it surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together.’

‘Whoa,’ said Twilight as she realized something ‘It almost sounds like the magic of our world. We each feel the magic inside of us.’

‘Indeed.’ responded Luke.

‘If you don’t mind me asking darling,’ said Rarity as she was curious about something ‘Would you mind telling us what a “Jedi” is, and where they all come from?’

‘I would gladly. But I will also explain as best as I can of the galaxy I came from.’

Luke explained as best he could so that they could understand.

‘In our galaxy, every world was separated from one another, not communicating, nor were friends. When each world had reached for the stars, they were afraid of one another, and soon waged war at one another. Then one day, each leader reached out to another, and soon, they became the first leaders of the inner core of the galaxy, and became known as the Republic, a galactic community who strive to make it a better place. Soon, they chose a leader to guide the galaxy, the first Chancellor. Among his fellow Senate members were senators that represents their homeworlds. If each have a problem, they come to the Chancellor for guidance.’

Spike whispered to Twilight as he said ‘Wow, kind of reminds me of how the Pony tribes were formed.’

‘You know, I kind of see the resemblance.’ said Twilight as she whispered back. But at the same time, she continued to take notes of his galaxy.

‘But along the way,’ said Luke as he continued ‘As the galaxy continued to grow into a much more larger community, the Jedi came to be, who owed their allegiance to the Republic, vowing to bring peace to the people and race of every world. Overtime as the years went by, many races soon became force sensitive, which meant they were chosen to become the next Jedi to lead the next generation. In time, many Jedi had constructed temples on a few planets, so that they could keep a closer watch on the galaxy.’

‘Whoa.’ said most of the ponies as they were amazed by the stories.

‘The Jedi also took an oath into protecting the galaxy.’ said Luke, then he cleared his throat as he recite the oath of the Jedi to them.

'There is no emotion, there is peace
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge
There is no passion, there is serenity
There is no chaos, there is harmony
There is no death, there is the Force'

Some were surprised by the oath, for it definitely has some meaning. ‘Interesting.’ said Starswirl as he listened to it ‘And what of that strange device on your hilt?’

Luke took out his Lightsaber and activated it, revealing a plasma blade, surprising them, especially the humming sound it was making. ‘The Jedi would often say that this weapon is our lives. For in a way, they are powered by Kyber Crystals, the very gem that would allow a Lightsaber to be activated. I was able to make one of my own after I lost my old one.’

Luke placed his Lightsaber away as he continued with his story. ‘For thousands of years, the Jedi continued to fight for peace and justice throughout the galaxy,’ said Luke ‘But it wasn’t meant to last.’

‘What do you mean?’ said Luna as she too found it curious.

‘For the light side of the Force, there is also the Dark Side. And they in turn, become the Sith.’

‘The Sith?’ said Sandbar whilst he wondered what it meant.

‘They follow a different code.’ said Luke as he recite their oath as well.

'Peace is a lie, there is only compassion
Through passion, I gain strength
Through strength, I gain power
Through power, I gain victory
Through victory, my chains are broken
The Force shall free me'

Some could tell the difference, and they could tell the Sith oath sounded scary.

‘And because of both sides, the Sith chose to wage war against the galaxy, forming their own Empire. For many years we were caught in an endless cycle. They exterminate us, we rise up, we exterminate them, they rise up. Many lives were lost and many planets of innocents suffered. That was, until the last Sith Lord, Darth Bane, ended up doing something diabolical that no one had ever seen this coming.’

‘What did he do?’ said Spike as he was slightly peeking behind Twilight’s leg.

‘He created the Rule of Two.’

Many were puzzled by what that was, with Mistmane saying ‘The Rule of Two?’

‘You see,’ said Luke as he told them the curse of being a Sith ‘The Sith have a tendency to slaughter each other in droves as they were victims of their own arrogance and greed, until only one survived.’

‘Darth Bane.’ said Stygian, when he figured who he was talking about.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘And with him being the only survivor, he chose to pass the knowledge of the Sith down to his apprentice. But in doing so, after the Apprentice had learned all that he knew, he trained his own student, before he killed Darth Bane. And in doing so, the cycle had gone on and on, until all knowledge of the Sith had been forgotten, and the Jedi continued to watch over the galaxy.’

Many were shocked by what happened to the Sith. ‘So they became a slave to their own darkness.’ said Somnambula, as she had the same expression as the others.

‘Yes, but the peace wasn’t meant to last.’ said Luke as he lowered his head.

‘What do you mean, darling?’ said Rarity, as she heard a tone in Luke’s voice that she knew all too well.

Luke looked up and told them the rest. ‘About thirty three years ago, in my galaxy, many of the criminal kingpins and warlords nearly rose to power, which left the last Supreme Chancellor named Vallorum, paranoid. So he secretly asked a fellow Jedi Master named Sifo-Dias, without the knowledge of both the Jedi Order and the Republic Senate, to help find a way to build an army for the Republic. So he came up with a solution; a Clone Army.’

‘Clones?’ said the Mane 6 at the same time, gaining Luke’s attention as he flexed an eyebrow by hearing the tone of their voices.

‘I assume you had one of those?’ said Luke out of curiosity.

‘It…didn’t work out so well.’ said Twilight as she nearly cringed because of all the Pinkie Pie clones.

‘I see.’ said Luke. Without further interruption, he cleared his voice and continued with the story.

‘In order for that to be possible, he left for the planet Kamino, which was famous for their cloning technology. From what I heard, they asked a famous Bounty Hunter named Jango Fett, to come to Kamino to take samples of his blood, in order for them to create their perfect clones.’

Luke changed his facial expression as he remembered from what Kenobi and Rex had told him since he last saw them. ‘However, Senator Palpatine, who was secretly the Sith Lord, Darth Sideous, caught wind of what Sifo-Dias was up to, so he secretly corrupted a fellow Jedi named Dooku, and send him to follow Dias and killed him, whilst he took over his project and installed control chips inside the Clones’ minds.’

‘Control…chips?’ said Silverstream as she had a hard time grasping what Luke meant.

‘Picture them like mind control stones,’ said Luke ‘But were controlling over millions of clones.’

Many gasped, as did Pinkie Pie whilst she was also surprised ‘Wow, that’s almost as much as a plate of cupcakes, but through an entire city.’

Luke continued his story, despite trying to pretend he didn’t hear Pinkie Pie, even though her enthusiasm was most welcomed. ‘They installed those chips inside their minds, so that in case they would go rogue or would start a rebellion, they would automatically activate and seize control of their minds. One of those command codes was Order 66.’

‘Order 66?’ said Gallus with a flexed eyebrow.

Luke took a breather, as he knew all too well what it meant. He looked at them as he said ‘To exterminate all Jedi on sight.’
Many were shocked to hear what the Sith had done to the clones. ‘That’s…horrible.’ said Fluttershy as she had a hard time grasping that reality.

‘Eleven years later,’ said Luke, continuing the story ‘By the time when my father was eighteen, and he had become My old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s apprentice, more and more worlds broke ties to the Republic and had formed their own empire, known as the Separatists. When my father, Anakin Skywalker, my mother, Senator Padme Amidala, and Master Kenobi were captured, the Jedi launched an assault trying to save them, but the new army, known as Droids, lifeless machines that carry out orders without question, were too much for them. But they were saved by their teacher, Master Yoda, who led an entire Clone Battalion and saved their lives, whilst also starting its first battle. But Dooku was able to escape, and the Clone Wars had begun.'

Many continued to be fascinated by the tale as he continued. ‘For the past three years, the Clone Wars were fought on every planet between the Republic and Separatist lines, until one day, during the Battle of Coruscant, the capitol of the Republic, my father Anakin Skywalker, now a Knight, fought Count Dooku head on and struck him down, severing the leadership of the Droid Army. However, after the battle, our mother was pregnant with myself and Leia. But…there came a problem.’

‘What kind of a problem.’ said Sandbar, now that he was into the story.

‘Jedi also have the ability to sense the future, but because of the power of the Dark Side, it clouded their vision. But my father had a vision about my mother…dying of childbirth.’

Many were shocked to hear that part. ‘But…what did Kenobi do?’ asked Ocellus.

‘He didn’t know,’ said Luke ‘My father didn’t tell anyone.’

‘Wait, what? Why?’ said Silverstream.

‘Because forming attachments, even falling in love is forbidden by the Jedi Code.’ said Luke, with many others surprised.

‘Forbidden to fall in love?’ said Flash Magnus as he was surprised to hear this ‘Why?’

‘Because forming attachments can lead to jealousy, and fear. The fear of losing a loved one, as well as being too close to others, can lead straight to the dark side.’

Many were surprised to hear that part. ‘Sounds like the Jedi were a nomad race.’ said Rockhoof.

‘Nomads?’ said Smolder as she was confused by that name.

‘Nomads are like monks.’ said Luna as she explained ‘They tend to cut ties with the outside world and seclude themselves in their temples, so that they would not be led astray by darkness.’

‘That’s right,’ said Luke as he continued his story. ‘But over the past week, my father’s paranoia and fear took hold of him, and with Darth Sideous’ help, after killing four high ranking Jedi Masters, he lured my father into the Dark Side. From that day on, he pledged his allegiance to the Sith Lord, and became Darth Vader.’

Some were surprised that Luke’s father turned evil, all because of fear that took hold of him.

‘With my father under his control, Darth Sideous contacted every Clone throughout the entire galaxy and excecuted Order 66, causing the chips inside their minds to be activated, and compelled them to kill all the Jedi on sight. Whilst my father…’ they noticed Luke cringed a bit as he tightened his eyes, making the others concern for him. ‘My father led his entire Clone Army, the 501st, straight into the Jedi Temple, and killed everyone inside, including younglings, children from ages four through twelve.’

Many were horrified by what his father and his clones had done.

‘Through the bloodshed,’ said Luke as he slowly opened his eyes ‘Only Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Grand Master Yoda, were the only survivors.’

‘Yoda?’ said Yona with a flexed eyebrow ‘Who is this, Yoda?’

‘Master Yoda is the Grand Master and head of the Jedi Council,’ said Luke, describing the best as he could about him. ‘He is the most powerful Jedi to ever exist, wise beyond anyone else, and he had trained the Jedi for over eight hundred years.’

‘He’s that old?!!’ shouted Twilight as she was shocked. Many looked at her with flexed eyebrows. She sheepishly smiled and sat down nervously. ‘Sorry, please continue.’

Luke cleared his throat, attempting to continue with his tale of recent events from the past. ‘Fearing that the surviving Jedi were in danger, both Yoda and Kenobi returned back to the temple, and killed the clones that were stationed there. When they were inside, they used the Jedi Archives, the sacred vault housing all of Jedi History, to send a coded message for all the surviving Jedi to stay away from the temple.’

Luke pulled out what appeared to be a cube and hovered it to the center, as all of them were focused on it. Luke concentrated, allowing the corners of the cube to turn and slowly fly in four different directions. And within a split second, a hologram of a bearded man, wearing a Jedi Robe, appeared in front of them, which surprised them as they saw the hologram.

‘This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,’ said the hologram of Kenobi as he delivered the message. ‘I regret to report that the Jedi Order and the Republic, have fallen, with the dark shadows of the Empire, rising to take their place. This message is sent as a warning and a reminder to any of the surviving Jedi. Trust, in the Force. Do not return to the Temple, that time has passed, and our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trusts, our faith, and our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope, will emerge. May the Force be with you. Always.’

Luke ended the ending as he held the cube back in his hand, however, Twilight flew close and observed it. ‘Ooooooo, what is that?’ she asked with sparkles in her eyes as she was now eagerly eager to study it.

‘It’s called a Holocron.’ said Luke as he explained ‘They contain crystals that were recorded by the Jedi who came before them, even the most dangerous secrets that no Jedi, nor even Sith would dare to use, no matter how dire the situation is.’

Starlight used her magic to bring Twilight back to their group. ‘Let him finish.’ said Starlight, making Twilight giggle sheepishly, for she was now being distracted whilst Luke placed his Holocron away. ‘Sorry about that, please continue.’
‘After the message was sent,’ said Luke, continuing with his tale after he placed the Holocron away ‘Master Kenobi was shocked to learn who was responsible for the attack. So Master Yoda told him that they need to destroy the Sith, with him going after Sideous, now proclaiming himself Emperor and turned the Republic into the Empire, with Kenobi having no choice but to go after my father.’

‘But…where was your father after the Jedi had fallen?’ said Meadowbrook as she was afraid to find out.

‘He went to where the Separatists were hiding. Since they had outlived their usefulness, the Emperor decided to get rid of them, and ordered my father to kill them. With the Leaders gone, the Separatist Alliance was no more.’

‘And…I take it yer mother wasn’t too happy about this?’ asked Applejack, having a wrenched feeling in her gut that Luke’s mother was going to be heartbroken.

‘No,’ said Luke ‘My mother went to confront him, and she was horrified to hear what he had done, from his own words. She tried to get him back, but she didn’t know that Master Kenobi had snuck onboard her ship.’

‘And…what did he do?’ said Fluttershy, as she was frightened.

‘I…I do not know.’ said Luke ‘Obi-Wan and Yoda never told me much about what happened. I wish I could though.’

That was, until Twilight had an idea. ‘Oh, I know something that can help.’

‘You can?’ said Luke, as he was curious of what she had in mind.

‘I learned a spell that can help take us to the moment that you told us about.’ said Twilight, before she looked at Celestia. ‘If that is alright with you?’

‘Of course.’ said Celestia.

‘Come to think of it,’ said Luke as his thoughts were pondering of what Twilight had offered ‘I would like to know what happened between my mother, Kenobi and my father.’

‘Very well then, this won’t take long.’ said Twilight. She concentrated all her magic through her horn, allowing it to glow brightly as she engulfed the entire room in pure light.

When they opened their eyes, they saw that they were on some platform, with Padme, wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and a pendant around her neck, with a skirt and white pants underneath as she was also wearing boots.

She was trying to talk to Anakin, as he was wearing a brown Jedi robe, with black boots, crimson pants, dark leather jacket with red sleeves and black gloves. They saw Padme trying to talk to Anakin, but horrified by what she had learnt, as they noticed that she was still carrying their children, whilst also noticing that Anakin’s expression was that of anger. Many wondered where this was going to go, with some already afraid to find out.

‘Obi-Wan was right,’ said Padme ‘You have changed.’

‘I don’t want to hear another word about Obi-Wan.’ said Anakin, noticing that his anger and the darkness inside his heart was growing ‘The Jedi turned against me, don’t you turn against me as well.’

Slowly, Padme was in tears, horrified and heartbroken by what Anakin had become, with some couldn’t help but feel the same. Luke on the other hand, his expression changed to shock and horror, not realizing what his mother went through because of the fact that his father had turned to Darkness. ‘I don’t know you anymore,’ she responded. ‘Anakin…you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path that I can’t follow.’

‘Because of Obi-Wan?’ said Anakin.

‘Because of what you’ve done.’ she responded back ‘What you planned to do.’

However, Anakin’s focus was shifted to the ship, with the others not noticing what he was looking at, with Padme trying to convince him otherwise. ‘Stop. Stop now, come back. I love you.’

Suddenly, Anakin’s expression changed as he raised his voice ‘Liar.’

She turned her attention to the ship. And from the ship, she saw a Jedi Master, wearing brown boots, teal pants, white Jedi Robe with sleeves, as well as the brown cloak of a Jedi. It was Obi-Wan, walking down the ship’s ramp, and making his way towards Anakin.

‘No…’ she said, for she was surprised to see Obi-Wan, realizing that he had snuck onboard without her realizing it.

‘You're with him,’ said Anakin, not believing her as she took a few steps back. ‘You brought him here to kill me.’
And within that split second, he extended his hand, whilst his hand had made a grip form, causing Padme to be lifted partially from the ground, as she held onto her throat with both her hands, shocking everypony and creature when they saw what was going on, even Luke when he suddenly took a step forward, wanting to stop this.

‘Let her go Anakin.’ said Obi-Wan, trying to get through to him, but his focus was on Padme, as if feeling betrayed by his own wife was the last straw.

‘Anakin.’ begged Padme, wanting him to stop.

‘Let. Her. Go.’ said Obi-Wan, now more serious.

Within a moment, Anakin released his grip, dropping Padme onto the ground, unconscious, with Obi-Wan shocked what had transpired, especially the ponies and creatures who were witnessing it.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan in anger, knowing that his wife’s betrayal will not stand. ‘You turned her against me.’

Obi-Wan, on the other hand, looked at Anakin in disgust. ‘You have done that yourself.’ he responded.

Anakin walked back and forth, whilst taking his cloak off, now focused on Obi-Wan. ‘You will not take her from me!!’ he shouted.

‘Your anger and your lust for power had already done that.’ said Obi-Wan as he took off his cloak. He and Anakin walked in a circle, slowly. ‘You have allowed this, dark lord to twist your mind until now…until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.’

‘Don’t lecture me Obi-Wan.’ said Anakin as he was no on the other side, with Obi-Wan, walking towards Padme, wanting to make sure that she was okay. ‘I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do.’

As Anakin turned around, Obi-Wan crouched and placed his hand onto Pad me’s neck, making sure that she was still alive. Anakin on the other hand had his back turned, as he continued to rant ‘I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.’

‘Your new Empire?’ responded Obi-Wan, whilst sounding confused.

‘Don’t make me kill you.’ said Anakin, who’s anger had now greatly consumed him.

‘Anakin,’ said Obi-Wan, trying one more time to get through to Anakin ‘My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!!’

‘If you are not with me,’ said Anakin, not making eye contact. ‘Then you’re my enemy.’

Obi-Wan sighed, for he knew that it wasn’t going to end well. ‘Only a Sith, deals in absolutes.’ he responded. Sure enough, he pulled out his Lightsaber, and prepared himself for battle. ‘I will do what I must.’

Anakin only responded ‘You will try.’

Obi-Wan activated his blue Lightsaber, and within a split second, Anakin activated his blue Lightsaber too whilst he jumped backwards and in front of Obi-Wan. To many, even Luke’s shock, they saw master against apprentice as their sabers clashed. As they clashed, they kept moving backwards, they made their way towards the bridge and headed straight inside the building, with Luke watching as both Obi-Wan and Anakin continued to fight one another. They continued clashing their sabers as they went down the halls, slashing and slicing the walls until they were in another room, where they continued to clash their blades and deflected onto what appears to be a control panel. They jumped onto a table where they continued fighting, with Obi-Wan knocked Anakin’s Lightsaber out of his hand, until Anakin grabbed Obi-Wan’s throat and forced him to bend over backwards and nearly made him slice his throat with his own saber.

Thankfully, Obi-Wan kicked Anakin’s back, causing him to roll over and stood up quickly. Obi-Wan had just got up and regained his balance, until Anakin jumped up and kicked him over with both his legs. Obi-Wan stood up in time as they continued to clash and kicked him over. He summoned his Lightsaber and was about to strike Anakin, but Anakin summoned his Lightsaber in time and was able to block it. They both stood up and continued to clash blades into the next room.

Anakin and Obi-Wan continued to fight and clash with their sabers, the began to twirl them around to strengthen their blows, until they ended up clashing again once more, each of them staring at one another, with many surprised to see just how powerful they were. Obi-Wan and Anakin used their Force push to push one another, but it clashed, which caused the two of them to focus all their strengths. And with one final push, they pushed one another as they crashed into separate consoles. Anakin quickly got up and leapt towards him, for their fight wasn’t over.

They later were outside, where they were amazed that the fight was still going on, for despite the heat, despite the falling lava and the failing bridges, they still kept at it, fighting one another. They eventually made it to a floating platform, with Anakin standing on top of a robot. They hovered closely, with Anakin looking at Obi-Wan in anger.

‘I have failed you Anakin.’ said Obi-Wan as he was somewhat smiling, feeling a sense of pride because of a sense of pride in him because of his skills. ‘I have failed you.’

‘I should’ve known the Jedi were plotting to take over.’ said Anakin, now that all of them noticed that the color of his eyes were now yellow, the mark of evil.

‘Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil.’ said Obi-Wan, trying to talk some sense into him.

‘From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.’

‘Well then you are lost!!’ he shouted.

‘This is the end for you, my master.’

Anakin jumped on the platform and the two of them continued to duel, trying to outmaneuver one another. They continued to fight, until they were near solid rock, allowing Obi-Wan to jump up and stood firmly on the ground, with Anakin watching him.

‘It’s over Anakin!’ shouted Obi-Wan ‘I have the high ground.’

‘You underestimate my power.’

‘Don’t try it.’ said Obi-Wan, begging Anakin not to do this.

Anakin jumped up in the air within a split second, allowing Obi-Wan to do the unthinkable; he sliced Anakin’s left arm and both his legs off, causing Anakin to roll over near the lava lake, grasping onto the side. Many were shocked to see what was going on, even Luke.

They saw Obi-Wan, turning his Lightsaber off, with Anakin grasping and groaning in anger, staring at Obi-Wan. They saw Obi-Wan, now distraught and in tears.

‘You were the chosen one!!’ he shouted, shedding tears. And in that moment, Celestia somehow founded herself shedding tears, as she could see something that she could relate to between herself and Sunset Shimmer ‘It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!! Bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!!’

Obi-Wan walked a few paces away whilst he picked up Anakin’s Lightsaber, then watched him, then he shouted at Obi-Wan ‘I hate you!!!’

However, instead of hatred, Obi-Wan responded ‘You were my brother Anakin. I loved you.’

Luke had a hard time grasping of what he had witnessed, even the others. That was, the unexpected happened. Because of the lava, Anakin was set ablaze, causing him to scream of pain as Obi-Wan looked away. Anakin’s whole body was on fire, burning, shocking many others. They then saw Anakin’s face, burning and screaming, horrifying the Mane 7, as well as Luke, when he saw what his father had been through. But instead, rather than killing him, Obi-Wan walked away, now heartbroken over the loss of not only his apprentice, but a brother that he loved.

The image was somehow shifted however, as they were suddenly in another room. There, they saw a man in black and cloak, accompanied by his prime minister. And from the doors, a small green creature appeared. The two guards attempted to stop him, but Yoda used Force Push with his mind, knocking them out as they clashed against the wall and fell flat on the ground. Palpatine on the other hand, used his chair to turn around and look directly at Master Yoda.
‘I hear, a new apprentice you have, Emperor.’ said Yoda as he looked at him, before he glared at him with sternness in his eyes. ‘Or, should I call you, Darth Sideous.’

‘Master Yoda,’ said the Emperor, not amused by Yoda’s survival. ‘You survived.’

‘Surprised?’ said Yoda, keeping himself in check.

Some of them were surprised to see what Yoda looked like. ‘Wait, that’s Yoda?’ said Twilight as she was surprised to see what he looked like.

‘Weird,’ said Gallus ‘I always thought that he was taller or something.’

‘Never underestimate small packages.’ said Spike as he grinned, with the girls rolling their eyes as they continued to watch, with Luke focusing on what Yoda tried to do just to try and stop him.

The Emperor looked at Yoda blankly, but many were shockened to see the Emperor, an old man with yellow eyes, emitting evil by just looking at him. ‘Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda. Now you will experience the full power, of the dark side.’

The Emperor slowly raised his hands, and within a split second, to everypony and every creature’s shock, the Emperor shot lightning out of his fingers, striking down Yoda as he was flung against the wall and fell on the ground, with him groaning in pain.

Slowly, the Emperor walked towards Yoda, whilst the Prime Minister left to let them settle their own matters, as the Emperor chuckled at Yoda’s dilemma. ‘I have waited a long time for this moment. My little green friend.’

The Emperor chuckled a bit once more, whilst Yoda slowly stood up at the same time, staring at the Emperor, for now he was mad, not only for deceiving the Republic, but destroying the Jedi Order, an Order he worked hard to maintain for so long for the sake of the galaxy.

‘At last, the Jedi are no more.’ said the Emperor, overconfident as ever.

‘Not if anything to say about it. I have!!’ said Yoda as he used Force Push, launching the Emperor in the air and against his chair as he fell over.

‘At an end, your rule is.’ said Yoda whilst the Emperor stood up, staring at him, showing a slight fear in his eyes. ‘And not short enough it was.’

The Emperor tried to get away, but Yoda jumped in the way, standing in his way of escaping. ‘If so powerful you are,’ said Yoda as he pulled out his green Lightsaber, whilst he activated the moment after he said ‘Why leave?’

‘You will not stop me,’ said the Emperor as he too was prepared for combat. ‘Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.’ said the Emperor as he activated his red Lightsaber too.

‘Faith in your new apprentice, misplaced may be.’ said Yoda, holding his Lightsaber as he prepared for battle, staring at the Emperor as he said ‘As is your faith in the Dark Side of the Force.’

Sideous raised his Lightsaber in the air, preparing for combat, until Yoda jumped up and deflected his attack, then jumped back in front of him, their Lightsabers still aimed at one another. Yoda deflected left, and he deflected right, with the Emperor cackling as if it was nothing, scaring some as they see how scary he is.

Their fight soon took them on some kind of platform, causing the ceiling to be raised as it was still going up, with Yoda jumping around, trying his best to strike, but the Emperor kept blocking it, as did the latter doing the opposite. When all of a sudden, they were in a massive room, with many platforms all around them, surprising many as they saw what happened. The two of them stood firmly onto the ground as they clashed sabers at one another, then they continued again and stopped in their position.

When all of a sudden, they saw that Yoda was on a different circular platform, jumping from one spot to another, whilst the Emperor floated on his own circular platform and used the Force to throw many more onto Yoda, but kept dodging them. Having enough, Yoda stopped as he placed his Lightsaber away. The Emperor threw another circular platform at Yoda, but instead, Yoda used the Force to stop it in its tracks. Yoda used the force to spin the platform like a saw, then thrusted it towards him.

The Emperor jumped out of the way as he was able to evade it, whilst standing on another circular platform. Looking around, he saw no sign of Yoda, until he appeared right near him, activating his Lightsaber. The Emperor used Force Lightning, knocking Yoda’s saber out of his hand, but he used both his hands to block the lightning, surprising the creatures when they saw how Yoda was fighting, struggling to keep it at bay. The Emperor kept cackling, for he was enjoying this, until Yoda moved closer, causing the lightning to cancel itself out, but sending a shockwave that caused both of them to fall. Though the Emperor was able to grab on and stopped falling, Yoda fell onto the ground. He looked at the cackling emperor, realizing that there was no other way, he escaped.

He climbed through the shafts, trying to find an exit. He suddenly took out a small device and said ‘Hurry, careful timing we will need.’

It responded as it said ‘Activate your homing beacon when you are ready.’

Yoda eventually found an exit, allowing himself to open it, with what appears to be a small ship with a human driving it. Yoda jumped in, allowing the man to escape, a friend of the Jedi named Bail Organa, a senator from Alderaan. Yoda was then in despair, as he said ‘Into exile, I must go. Failed, I have.’

Luke was surprised to see Yoda left. ‘He just…ran away?’ said Luke to himself softly, for he couldn’t believe that Yoda, the most powerful Jedi, to run away like that.

Shortly after, it took them to another scene, but instead of an entire room, it was split in half, one that was red, and one that was blue. When they watched the blue side, they saw Padme, lying on what appeared to be a type of hospital table, with Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the Senator, Bail Organa, watching as they were worried, with both R2-D2 and C-3PO by their side.

The medical droid, after it was done observing her, hovered over to the group as he said ‘Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can’t explain, we are losing her.’

‘She is dying?’ asked Obi-Wan as he was surprised by the discovery, as were those who watched, even Luke.

‘We don’t know why.’ said the droid as he continued ‘She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies.’

‘Babies?’ said Senator Organa as he watched

‘She’s carrying twins.’ said the robot before he left, whilst Obi-Wan watched, as Padme was resting, for now.

All of a sudden, the red side, gaining everyone’s attention, showed Anakin, burned and scarred, with a sound of his heartbeat, echoing the room, with droids appearing all around him, trying to fix him up by giving him new legs and an arm. And there Anakin was, screaming in agony as the droids did their work, whilst he was flailing and the screaming got a lot worst, shocking every creature and pony, even Luke when they saw what Anakin was going through.

However, their attention was brought back to Padme, as she too was screaming, with Obi-Wan by her side, trying to comfort her in her time of need. The was now giving birth to the twins, with the droid helping her. The droid helped carry the first baby as it brought it over to Padme.

‘Luke.’ she said, suprising Luke, as she just named him on the spot. ‘Oh Luke.’ she said as she placed her hand over to the baby.

The droid however, was not done, with Padme continuing with the screaming, delivering the second baby. The droid was able to save the second, and brought it over to her.

‘It’s a girl.’ said Obi-Wan as he wanted to help her see.

‘Leia.’ said Padme, naming her daughter.

They then saw Anakin again, who was now covered in strange new armour, all in black, with a cloak connected to it, as well as a breathing apparatus in order for him to survive. Suddenly, a strange metallic arm held what appeared to be part of a helmet. Slowly it ascended and soon, covered his face with it, as another helmet were placed above the crown of his head. The moment it was connected, the apparatus activated, causing it to breathe, emitting the sound of a Decor scuba reg., the very chilling breathing apparatus that would serve as a warning, that the Dark Lord has come, with Luke watching, realizing how his father was now cursed into wearing that.

They watched back at the blue side again, as Padme struggled to breathe. ‘Obi-Wan.’ said Padme, gaining his attention whilst he was holding Luke. ‘There’s good in him.’ she said, trying to stay awake ‘I know. I know there’s…still-‘ was all that she could say, and with that last breath, she died on the table, much to Luke’s shock. Even the Young Six couldn’t handle it, with Silverstream crying over Gallus’ shoulder. Obi-Wan showed signs of distraught, as well as Yoda.

Back at Anakin, now Darth Vader. He was slowly raised whilst the table had been shifted, allowing him to stand up straight. He slowly tilted his head, looking straight ahead, whilst at the same time, the Emperor stood near Vader, trying to gain his attention as he said ‘Lord Vader? Can you hear me?’

The breathing apparatus allowed him to breathe, whilst he said ‘Yes master.’

Slowly, he looked at the Emperor, wanting answers as he asked ‘Where is Padme? Is she safe? Is she alright?’

The Emperor laid down his final card, the one that would led Anakin to the Dark side, forever. ‘It seems, in your anger, you…killed her.’

‘I…I couldn’t have.’ he responded as he looked forward. ‘She was alive, I felt it.’

What appeared to be a struggle, Vader tried to get lose, whilst at the same time, the room shook, and every metallic object, robot and chemical that was in the room, began to cringe and crush, with everything being torn apart on the walls. Many were surprised when they saw the power of the dark side, until Vader got lose and took a few steps forward in anger, with the Emperor smiled, knowing that his manipulation had now been sown.

‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!’ yelled Vader in despair, whilst it was too much for Luke, but he continued to watch as a tear was shed from his left eye.

When all of a sudden, both the red and blue sides of the room disappeared, taking them to what appeared to be a ship’s conference room, where Bail Organa, Obi-Wan and Yoda were now discussing what they should do now.

‘Hidden, safe the children must be kept.’ said Yoda as he talked to both Bail and Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan, with his head lowered over the loss of one he called brother, lifted his head as he said ‘We must take them somewhere where the Sith will not sense their presence.’

Yoda sighed, for he knew what they had to do. ‘Split up, they should be.’ he said, much to the ponies’ shock, that the siblings had to be split up in order for them to be safe.

‘My wife and I will take the girl.’ said Bail Organa as he was the first to volunteer. ‘We’ve always talked of adopting a baby girl. She will be loved with us.’

‘And, what of the boy?’ said Obi-Wan as he looked at Yoda.

‘To Tatooine,’ he said as he looked at Obi-Wan ‘To his family send him.’

Obi-Wan looked down, then looked to Yoda as he said ‘I will take the child and watch over him.’

Both Bail and Obi-Wan stood up, bowing to Yoda one last time as he said ‘Until the time is right. Disappear, we will.’
They saw a different environment, a planet of mountains and snow, which they believe would be Alderaan. And from atop what appeared to be a balcony, Bail’s wife was sitting there, watching the horizon. She then saw Bail walking in with baby Leia, with the both of them admiring and caring for her.

Then on another, was a desert planet, with what appeared to be a type of farm, with Obi-Wan approaching the woman, Luke’s aunt Beru, handing over the sleeping baby Luke to her, with her smiling as she happily accepted the baby. She then walked over to Luke’s uncle, Owen, staring at the two suns as they were setting. Obi-Wan watched as the child was now taken care of, with him walking away, knowing that the future now rests in the twins’ hands, once they were older.

As the vision ended, many were surprised to see what had transpired, as they didn’t know what to say. But the Mane 6, noticed that Luke kept staring, with both his eyes shedding tears as he was dumbstruck by what he had just witnessed.

Luke stammered a bit, until he said ‘I need some air.’, causing him to leave the room in a quickened pace, with the others concerned over what they had just seen.

A short while, the Mane Six were worried about Luke, over what he had just witnessed. ‘Luke? Are you out here?’ asked Twilight as she and her friends entered the balcony.

Rainbow Dash poked at Twilight’s shoulder, showing her where he is. They saw him, leaning against the wall, whilst he was looking up as the tears were still flowing down. They walked over to make sure he was okay.

‘Hey uh…’ responded Applejack as she took down her hat. ‘Y’all okay there partner?

‘I…I can’t believe it…’ said Luke as he finally spoke. Though a Jedi would not be consumed with emotions, but when a man witnessed what both his parents went through and what his father had done and became Darth Vader, it was too much for him to bear. ‘My own father…attempted to kill my mother…what he had become…I…I just…’

Luke sat down, still leaning against the wall, sobbing silently, with Fluttershy’s comforting instincts kicked in, as she couldn’t help but hug him in order to comfort him, with the others gathering around him, trying to be there for him.

Applejack responded as she tried to speak ‘It’s alright there partner. If it helps, ah know what it’s like to lose mah parents. And Apple Bloom was only a little filly when they passed away, and she never knew them well either.’

Applejack then lifted his chin, allowing him to look at her as she smiled. ‘But y’all still have yer sister, and from what ah can guess, y’all have some good friends that helped you along the way. It’s better to have something, then to have nothing.’

Luke was able to smile, and wiped his tears away. ‘Thank you Applejack.’. Luke looked at Twilight as he said ‘And I have you to thank as well.’

‘Me?’ responded Twilight as she was surprised.

‘Yes.’ Luke responded, now calmed as he stood up. ‘I heard tales from the Clone Wars from those who fought there before, even from Obi-Wan and Master Yoda of what happened to the Jedi, but they didn’t tell me the full story. But now, witnessing the battle. I can see why Obi-Wan never talked about it, because it was just as painful for him back in the day.’

‘You finally have a sense of closure, right?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘Yes.’ responded Luke. Look gave a sigh, and looked at the others. ‘I think it’s best that I continue with the story.’

‘You sure about this Darling?’ asked Rarity, as she was worried that he might be upset again.

‘Yes.’ said Luke as he looked at Rarity. ‘I need to finish what I told, and I need to tell you why I am here. So shall we continue?’

‘Sure thing Luke-a-Rooney.’ said Pinkie Pie as she darted over to the door at great speed and opened it. ‘Come on.’ she said as she skipped and giggled at the same time.

‘I take it she’s always been like this.’ said Luke when he saw how happy Pinkie Pie is.

‘Yeah,’ said Rainbow Dash as she crossed her front hooves ‘And that’s why we love her.’

They then walked back inside, where Luke would continue with his story. For he still needs to tell them two things; the Rebellion, and why he came here.

Chapter 4: The birth, the war and the victory of the Rebellion

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After things were cleared up, many were eager to hear Luke’s story.

‘So, what happened,’ said Celestia as she was curious ‘After you and your sister were placed into hiding?’

‘Whilst my sister and I were in hiding,’ said Luke as he continued ‘The Empire’s grip throughout the Inner and outer rim territories began to spread. Each year got worse by the minute. After the clones were decommissioned, they were replaced by those who willingly joined the empire out of greed and action, and they soon became the first Storm Troopers.’

‘And if they refused?’ asked Luna.

‘They were to be captured, and brainwashed into joining the Empire’s regime. Those who would refuse were killed on sight, sending a message to spread fear across the galaxy.’

Many were shocked and disturbed by Luke’s revelation of the empire.

‘Whilst my father, Vader,’ continued Luke ‘Continued to fight across the galaxy to keep them in line, the emperor took over the Jedi Temple and used it as his own personal office, having full access to the archives and uses them to find and destroy any Jedi secrets left behind, so that no Jedi would be born in order to rise again and fight the Empire.’

‘I see.’ said Celestia as she didn’t like the emperor, but hated him.

‘But thankfully,’ said Luke as he continued ‘Senator Organa didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing. For years he and my father’s Apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, secretly sent out his own soldiers and trained others to fight in their stead. In turn, they would go around and cause trouble for the Empire to keep their grip from grasping the rest of the untouched territories. In time others were also inspired by his courage and had secretly created other Rebel Cells, long before the Rebellion took place.’

‘And…the surviving Jedi?’ asked Twilight, concerning for those who did survive.

‘Some of them died over the years,’ said Luke, answering Twilight’s question. ‘But thankfully, some of them did join the Rebellion. And of them, a padawan who was only two years older than myself and my sister, had sent out a message to not only worlds that were close to his home, but to the higher levels, namely the old Republic Senate who bowed to the emperor out of fear. Over time, other Rebel Cells came to be under Senator Organa’s tutelage.’

‘Was this long before y’all were formed?’ asked Applejack as she too was now interested in their story.

‘Yes.’ said Luke, answering Applejack’s question ‘But only two of them came to help him. Senator Organa’s wealth helped them fund the Rebellion whilst Senators like Garm Bell coordinated the recruitment of starships and battle ships to their cause, whilst Mon Mothma did the same with their soldiers. As soon as they were enough, Mon Mothma denounced her role as Senator and vowed to be a leader of the Rebellion. And as such, many ships from other worlds gathered to their cause, as well as other Senators who rallied their forces to join the Rebellion.’

‘And did you take the fight to them?’ said Spike.

‘Unfortunately no.’ said Luke as he answered Spike’s question. ‘Many of the people from different worlds were still afraid to fight back. However, what the rumors they heard made them even more afraid.’

‘Like what?’ asked Twilight.

‘A powerful space station, with the power to destroy planets.’ said Luke, much to their shock once more.

‘Destroy…planets?’ said Twilight as she felt like she was going to hyperventilate.

‘Yes.’ said Luke as he continued with his story ‘But thankfully, a large platoon of rebels, known as Rogue One, infiltrated an Imperial Outpost that stored the information about the station, and half of the Rebellion, who still had the will to fight, sent every ship they had and attacked the Imperial blockade that protected the planet. Rogue one sacrificed themselves to ensure that the information would be sent to them in time. And my sister was part of the attack and escaped with the information.’

‘Where was your sister going to take this information?’ asked Luna.

Luke couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘I’ll give you a hint.’

Sure enough, Luke pulled out another disc, and displayed a hologram of his sister, trying to send a message.

‘General Kenobi,’ said Leia through the recording ‘Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars. Now he begs your help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret I am unable to present my father’s request to you in person. But my ship has fallen under attack and I’m afraid my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the Rebellion into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him on Alderaan. This is our most desperate hour. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.’

After the message ended, Luke placed the disc away, with Luna saying ‘So your sister’s adopted father requested his aid.’
Luke answered whilst his arms were behind his back. ‘Yes, but the Jedi of old were over. Kenobi felt like he no longer had a place in the galaxy anymore. That it was now up to the young to protect the galaxy, and not the old.’

Celestia chuckled. ‘Oh, we know the feeling.’ she said as she looked at Twilight and her friends, gaining their attention as some blushed and some giggled, and some had smirks on their faces.

‘And your sister could not reach him?’ said Mistmane.

‘No, her ship was under attack by an Imperial ship, led by my father, who would accomplish a mission no matter what the cost. They boarded their ship, but two beings, known as C-3PO and R2-D2, droids that once belonged to my parents, were able to escape with the station’s plans whilst they were over Tatooine’s atmosphere. However…they were, conflicted at first.’

‘Conflicted? What do you mean?’ asked Twilight.

‘Let’s just say Artoo has a habit of getting himself into trouble, and 3PO has a habit of complaining over certain situations.’

The Young Six ended up laughing, with Luke cocking one of his eyebrows as he wondered why they were laughing.

‘Now that both miss Rainbow Dash and miss Rarity have in common,’ said Gallus. ‘Miss Rainbow Dash always gets herself into trouble and miss Rarity always complains about everything.’

He got cold stares from both mares, but everyone also laughed, for they know it was true. Luke chuckled, seeing how well they got along.

‘In any case.’ said Luke as he continued ‘As if by fate, they ended up on my old home’s doorstep. Both my uncle and aunt were farming to sell what they harvested, but me…’

‘Your heart wasn’t in it.’ said Stygian.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he answered Stygian’s question. ‘I wanted to go out to see the galaxy. Most of my friends had already left and gone, and I was the only one who was left behind. Yet as by fate, Artoo left to go look for Obi-Wan, so 3PO and I went after them. I bumped into Obi-Wan, who changed his name to Ben at the time to hide his identity. He told me of my father and taught me about the Force. He offered that I would go with him…’

‘But you were conflicted?’ said Celestia, much to Luke’s surprise.

‘Uh, yes.’ he responded ‘How do you know?’

‘Believe it or not,’ said Celestia as she explained ‘My former student Twilight, felt the same way when I told her to make friends.’

‘I see.’ said Luke.’ But in any case, the Empire sent their Storm Troopers to hunt down the droids who were carrying the information about their station, known as the Death Star. But as I was on my way to take Kenobi and the droids to one of Tatooine’s spaceports, we stumbled upon some Jawa scavengers who were slaughtered. I recognized them because they did business selling what they could to help with my Uncle’s farming. Kenobi revealed that the Storm Troopers were the ones responsible. And then I realized that if the Storm Troopers were responsible for what happened, they would head for my home. But when I got there…’

Applejack shockingly realized what it meant. ‘Yer Uncle and Aunt didn’t make it, did they?’

Luke nodded no, much to the others’ shock. ‘I went back to Kenobi and he told me that I would’ve been killed too if I remained there. Out of heartbreak I chose to go with him. For there was nothing left for me there anymore. I even asked him to help teach me the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father. When we were at the spaceports, we met two individuals that would be my best friends. Han Solo and a Wookiee named Chewbacca.’

‘Han and Chewbacca?’ said Spike as he was confused.

‘Han is what you call a smuggler.’ said Luke as he explained his friends to them. ‘He once joined the Empire’s military because he wanted to earn some credits so that he could find the love of his life. But he has a habit of running his mouth and always gets himself into trouble.’

‘Sounds familiar?’ said Pinkie Pie as she and the others looked at Rainbow Dash with a smirk, causing her to pout as she crossed here forelegs.

‘Chewbacca on the other hand is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyk, a planet filled with Wookiee warriors who fight with honor and rely on nature to help guide them to their future instead of relying on others to fight for an unjust cause. Though ever since the Empire took over, they’re driven in fear.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Rockhoof ‘If they’re mighty warriors, how come they didn’t keep on fighting?’

‘Back during the days of the Republic, the Wookiees were more than that, they even had good ties to the Jedi Order, considering that the Order of old freed their world from an organization who wanted to use them as slave labor, as did Master Yoda long before the Clone Wars. But after the Empire took over, the Wookiees did the best they could, even helped saved most races that were captured, but the Empire ended up outsmarting them and captured the entire planet, using them as slaves.’

Many gasped in shock, with Rarity shivering a bit. Luke noticed as he asked ‘Something wrong?’

‘It’s just that,’ Rarity started ‘When our home was invaded by a tyrant called the Storm King, we had to find help, so we ended up in a desert town called Klugetown. It still disturbs me that the inhabitants wanted to buy us, thinking that we were slaves.’

‘I see.’ said Luke. And he did the unexpected, he slightly bowed to her as he said ‘Then I apologize for bringing that word up Rarity. I did not mean to make you remember such things, or made you feel uncomfortable.’

Rarity on the other hand was surprised by Luke’s gentle nature as well as his well mannered tone. She walked over to him and placed her hoof against his right leg, gaining his attention as he looked at her.

‘Oh, it’s quite alright darling.’ said Rarity. ‘Though it was not necessary, I am thankful that you gestured in such a tone.’
The two of them exchanged smiles, allowing her to return to the group so that he could continue with his story.

‘After Kenobi persuaded Han to help,’ said Luke as he continued ‘We were able to flee Tatooine and its Imperial blockade. But as we left, we arrived at Alderaan too late.’

Flash Magnus then realized what he was getting at. ‘The Empire used that station to destroy Senator Organa’s home, didn’t they?’

‘Yes, they did.’ said Luke, answering Flash Magnus’ question. ‘As we continued to fly, we were intercepted by the Empire, who captured us and took us to the Death Star. As we got aboard, we had to find a way to disable the device that pulled our ship towards them. As Kenobi went to shut down the device, the others and I attempted to rescue Leia when we realized she was onboard.’

‘So you went to rescue her?’ asked Fluttershy ‘Did she knew that you were her brother?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he nodded no ‘Neither of us knew. But as we tried to find a way to our ship, Kenobi succeeded into turning the device off, he stumbled upon my father.’

Twilight widened her eyes, realizing that this wasn’t going to end well. ‘And…they ended up fighting?’

‘Yes. We eventually made it to our ship. But unfortunately by the time we got back, I saw Kenobi and Vader continued to fight. Kenobi…sacrificed himself so that we could escape. He was finally at one with the force.’

Some were saddened when he told them. ‘In any case,’ said Luke as he continued. ‘We were finally able to reach Yavin 4, the Rebellion HQ so to speak. They only had thirty pilots at their disposal because the rest were scattered, trying to do what they could to free most of their worlds from the Empire. but we were able to decipher the plans and found a weak spot that would destroy it.’

‘And let me guess,’ said Rainbow Dash as Luke noticed that she got excited ‘You were part of the battle.’

‘Yes,’ said Luke. ‘We tried our best to fight back, but the station’s defenses and their squadron of flyers made it difficult for us as we gained more casualties. Thankfully, I was able to make it towards the Death Star’s weak spot, fired upon it, and destroyed the station.’

Rainbow Dash squealed in excitement as she held onto her cheeks. ‘However, our victory couldn’t be celebrated, and we couldn’t stay there anymore.’

‘Why not?’ said Pinkie. Till she suddenly realized. ‘Oh, I get it, even though you destroyed their station, they still knew the location of your base, so you had to evacuate to a new planet so that you could still maintain a strong presence in the Rebellion right?’

Luke was surprised that she quickly caught on. ‘Uh, yes, that’s right.’. Luke looked at Twilight as she caught on that he wanted to know how she knew.

‘That’s just Pinkie being Pinkie.’ she said as she shrugged her shoulders. ‘So what’s next?’

‘After we left, we found ourselves on the planet Hoth, a planet covered with snow. It was the perfect cover for us, because the storms there masked our base. But what we didn’t realize, was that the Empire continued to hunt us down, trying to find us. Little did we knew that they found one of our generators.’

‘And did you find them?’ said Starlight as she was now interested in the story.

‘Uh, not exactly.’ said Luke as he rubbed the back of his head whilst he felt embarrassed to admit it. ‘I got captured by a huge monster that nearly ate me whilst I was on patrol.’

Some were surprised by what he said, with Fluttershy yelping. ‘But I managed to escape,’ said Luke as he reassured them. ‘Although I was tired and wounded and I couldn’t move. That was, until I saw what I thought was real.’

‘What?’ asked Yona.

‘I saw Kenobi, but as a ghost.’. Many gasped by the revelation.

‘He told me to go to Dagobah, where Master Yoda had been in hiding all these years. For he would help me train to become a Jedi, as he taught him. I reached out to him, wanted him to help me. But at the moment he disappeared, my friend Han came from out of nowhere. He went looking for me in the snow storm whilst he was also worried.’

‘Aw,’ said Silverstream as she thought it was adorable ‘He was worried and he really cared about you.’
Luke couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Yeah, he did.’

‘But let me guess,’ said Gallus ‘The Empire eventually found you and the rest of the Rebellion?’

‘That is correct,’ said Luke, answering Gallus’ question. ‘When the Empire invaded, the Rebel soldiers and I tried their best to hold down the fort whilst the rest would try to escape. Han, Leia, Chewbacca and 3PO escaped with their own ship, whilst Artoo and I eventually escaped and headed for Dagobah.’

‘Where you’d find Master Yoda?’ asked Fluttershy?

‘Yes. Although when I first met him, he acted a bit odd, like he pretended to be a lonely hermit living on his own, until he revealed himself when he sensed my impatience. But thanks to the spirit of Kenobi, he and I persuaded Yoda to train me. So for the past months I trained, I tried to learn the ways of the Force. Though it was…difficult, he never gave up on me. But during my training, he mentioned about my friends being gone. And for some reason, I could sense they were in danger.’

‘Wait,’ said Spike ‘So instead of remaining on that planet to finish your training, you just rushed off without thinking?’

‘That I did,’ said Luke when he felt a bit uneasy ‘I was very young and didn’t know any better.’

‘So you went to rescue your friends?’ asked Sandbar.

‘Yes, but I was too late.’ said Luke ‘It turned out that the Empire captured a city that Han’s old friend, Lando Calrissian, was in charge of. Han was captured and taken to the Hutts.’

‘Hutts?’ said Pinkie ‘What, like some kind of shelter or something?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he chuckled. ‘The Hutts are actually a crime family that ran its own criminal organization for thousands of years. Neither the Republic or Sith were able to quash their ranks. The Empire on the other hand allowed them to continue their criminal activities, which didn’t sit too well with the innocence of the Republic.’

‘Wait,’ said Applejack as she was confused ‘If they’ve been in power of the criminal elements for years, how come no one’s made a move on them?’

‘Believe it or not,’ said Luke as he answered Applejack’s question ‘They have powerful connections in the government, even the Senate, because they tend to “help” them out of their financial or security detail, and in the end, they ask for their services in return. If not…well I don’t want to go further into the details.’

Luke got off track and continued his story. ‘Anyway, after I arrived, my friends tried to rescue Han and also tried to escape. But me on the other hand, I ended up walking into a trap and faced my father. I continued to fight him through different parts of what appeared to be a facility. We continued to fight until we were able to reach a platform, above what appeared to be what you would call a bottomless pit. But as I fought, I got overconfident and ended up having my hand cut off.’

They were shocked by what he said, until Pinkie then noticed something. ‘Hey, wait a minute. You said you lost your hand, so how come you still have both hands?’

Luke chose to answer her question and took off his right glove. He showed his robot hand to them, much to their shock. ‘Is that a…prosthetic hand?’ asked Twilight when she chose to take a closer look by flying and land near him, whilst also looking at his hand.

‘In a way,’ said Luke ‘This is far more better than a prosthetic. If one loses a limb in battle, you’d be able to get what we would call a cybernetic replacement. We still have usage, as if our limbs had never been removed.’

Luke placed his glove back as Twilight was fascinated by what she saw. ‘Fascinating.’

As she flew back, Luke continued with his story. ‘After I lost my hand and my Lightsaber, I ended up climbing to the end of the platform, trying to get away from him, whilst at the same time, he tried to tempt me to the Dark Side. That’s…that’s when he told me that I had a hard time grasping.’

‘He told you he was your father?’ asked Rarity.

‘Yes. I didn’t want to believe him. He wanted me to rule the galaxy with him, but I refused. So I escaped. And I ended up in a different part of the city, hanging on for dear life, nearly afraid of falling.’

‘And your sister rescued you?’ asked Spike.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he slowly smiled ‘I was able to reach out to her using the force. She heard me and flew towards where I was hanging on with dear life. They saved me and we were able to escape. Once we did, we regrouped with the Rebel Fleets, who were able to regroup and tried to stay in hiding from the prying eyes of the Empire. 3PO, R2, Leia and I stayed behind whilst Lando and Chewie left to look for Han on Tatooine, the home of Jabba the Hutt.’

Pinkie then gasped loudly and began to said everything in one huge breath. ‘So you guys went to Tatooine and you sent 3PO and Artoo to Jabba’s palace in order to find Lando and Chewbacca, but they were secretly undercover trying to determine on how to save him as he was still frozen in carbonite and as they were detained, Leia freed him from his frozen prison but was also captured, so you tried to rescue him too but it backfired and he took you and the others to be fed by some scary Meanie pit monster. And just before it ate you, all of you ended up launching a surprise attack as Leia killed Jabba, that bounty hunter that took Han got eaten by the monster and you kicked butt whilst also destroying Jabba’s ship after you rescued the two droids that fell into the sand and you fled like some dangerous explorers and you two ended up going your separate ways as your friends went back to the Rebel fleet whilst you went back to Yoda to continue your training?’ said Pinkie as she ended up smiling making a squeak sound.

Luke was stunned by how she was able to figure it out so quickly. He stammered a bit and shook his head. ‘Uh…uh, well…yes.’. Luke looked at Pinkie’s friends with a stunned expression.

‘Trust me,’ said Rainbow Dash as she shrugged her shoulders ‘You don’t wanna know.’

Luke decided to continue with the story whilst trying his best to ignore Pinkie’s astute observation. ‘But by the time I arrived, Master Yoda was sick, whilst also showing his age as well as he showed how weak he felt. So he chose to rest on a nearby bed, but I asked him to tell me the truth; is Darth Vader my father?’

‘And did he answer?’ said Luna.

‘Yes.’ said Luke ‘But he said that it was unfortunate because I chose to rush to face him, that my training was incomplete, and that I wasn’t ready for the burden that came along with it.’

‘Now where have we seen that before?’ said Spike with a smirk as he looked at Twilight, as were the others, remembering that she didn’t want to make friends and wanted to face Nightmare Moon head on, whilst she wasn’t ready for the burden as being the new Princess of Friendship, with her glaring, but also blushed as she felt embarrassed.

Luke continued his story as he said ‘Master Yoda continued to tell me that a Jedi’s strength flows through the force, and if I went down a dark path, it would forever dominate my destiny. He also told me that I mustn’t underestimate the Emperor, or I would suffer my father’s fate, and that once he’s gone, I would be the last Jedi. He also told me that the Force runs strong through my family, and that I should continued to pass on what I had learnt. And with his last breath…he told me that there was another Skywalker. And in the end, he passed away, being one with the Force.’

Many felt sorry for Luke as he told the passing of Master Yoda. ‘So what happened afterwards?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

‘Before I left, I saw the ghost of Master Kenobi.’

‘Wait, a ghost?!’ said Twilight shocked ‘How?!!’

‘Once a Jedi passes on, they go to the Netherrealm of the Force. But every often once in a while, the spirit of Jedi’s past make themselves known through ghost form, aiding those who wish to build the future of the Jedi.’

Many were amazed by what Luke revealed. ‘And,’ said Fluttershy as she gulped, being nervous around ghosts and all. ‘What did he want.’

‘Came to offer advice.’ said Luke as he still remembered the conversation between him and Kenobi. ‘I asked him why he didn’t tell me the truth. He told me that my father had been seduced by the Dark Side of the Force, that he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader, when that happened, the good man that he was, was forever destroyed. He told me that was the truth from a certain point of view.’

‘A certain point of view?’ asked Rarity.

‘It was a way of learning that out of the many truths we cling onto, we always depend greatly on our own point of view.’

‘Wow, now that’s really familiar.’ said Spike, as he remembered where he and Twilight tried to solve why Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie hated each other, when it turned out to be a huge misunderstanding.

‘He told me that ever since the day he first met my father,’ said Luke ‘He was already a gifted pilot, but he was also amazed that the Force was strong within him. He took it upon himself to train my father as a Jedi. He thought he could do a better job than Yoda. And he ended up being wrong.’

‘And after that?’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘He wanted me to face my father again, but I didn’t want to kill him. Obi-Wan thought that the Emperor had won, but I told him that Yoda spoke of another. He told me that the other was my sister. He even explained that to protect us both we were hidden from our father when we were born. The emperor knew as Kenobi did, that if Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him. And that was the reason, why my sister remained safe.’

‘And that’s when you figured out that Leia was your sister.’ said Twilight, who was finally relieved that Luke finally knows that Leia was his sister, seeing that she shared the same bond with Shining Armour.

‘Yes,’ said Luke. ‘But he told me to bury my feelings deep. He told me that it may have done much credit for me in the past, but it could be made to serve the Emperor’s cause.’

‘And what happened afterwards, after your talk with Obi-Wan.’ asked Stygian.

‘After I spoke to Obi-Wan,’ said Luke ‘I returned to the Rebel Fleet. But it wasn’t just a single fleet, every Rebel ship from across the galaxy gathered. Something big was going down. As it turned out, the Empire constructed another Death Star.’

The ponies were shocked to hear this ‘They built another one?’ said Spike.

‘Yes, and it was thanks to our spies we learnt that the station was still under construction and not operational yet, and the Emperor himself was overseeing the construction there. They also learnt that it was orbiting the forest moon of Endor. Though the Death Star wasn’t operational yet, it was protected by an energy shield, so that the station itself would be protected from heavy attacks. So we made a plan to take down the shield so that one of the pilots could fly through the superstructure and destroy its reactor, the very thing keeping the station stabilized. If we were able to destroy it, then the station would fall as well.’

‘So, I take it you came up with an awesome plan.’ said Rainbow Dash as she got excited to see where this was going.
‘Indeed. Lando, who was promoted to general because of his mission on Tanaab, had volunteered to lead the fleet to attack the station, whilst Han, Leia, Chewbacca, myself, R2 and 3PO would lead a strike team on the moon to deactivate the shield generator.’

‘That sounds a tad bit risky, doesn’t it?’ asked Rarity when she was concerned with how many lives would’ve been lost.

‘It was, but we were desperate.’ said Luke. ‘After we were able to infiltrate the Imperial Fleet, we were able to land on the planet, as well as made contact with the native population called Ewoks, who gladly joined our cause to help us, thanks to 3PO. But…’

‘You were afraid that your father would find you on Endor, and that your mission would be in danger.’ said Luna, knowing the feeling Luke had been feeling.

‘Yes.’ said Luke. ‘But before I left, I spoke to Leia. I told her that Vader was on the moon, and that I had to face him, even telling her that he’s my father. And that if I didn’t make it back, she would be the only hope for the Alliance.’

‘I take it she doubted herself.’ said Celestia.

‘Yes. But I told her that she too had that power, and that she would learn how to use it overtime. The Force had been strong in my family. That my father had it. I had it. And my sister had it. In a way, she knew that we were siblings, and she was against me facing him alone, and that she wished that she’d have gone with me. But I told her that I had to face him, because I felt the good in him. And that I had to try.’

Some were surprised, that even though Luke had been young, even if he weren't ready to be a Jedi like Yoda told him, he still wanted to face Vader, to help those in need. He truly was a brave young man.

‘Afterwards I allowed myself to be captured and I waited for him.’ said Luke. ‘I tried to talk to him, tried to release his darkness from his heart, but he wouldn’t budge. So he took me aboard the station, where the Emperor had been waiting for me.’

‘And the plan?’ said Applejack, now that she felt a bit tense because of Luke’s story.

‘Whilst I was on the station, Han and Leia continued with their plan to try and bring the shield generator offline, whilst Lando, along with an Admiral named Ackbar, led the entire Rebel Fleet to Endor. But whilst going on with their mission, they realized too late that they walked into a trap.’

‘And um…’ said Fluttershy as she let out a loud gulp ‘What did they do?’

Like rebels always do,’ said Luke as he smiled ‘They adapt and they fight until they could not fight anymore.’
‘And you and the Emperor?’ said Starlight.

‘He continued to tempt me with the Dark Side, trying to use my own feelings against me. I decided to make my move, but instead of striking down the emperor, I chose to fight my father. We continued to clash and I continued to try and bring him to the light. That was…until he brought in Leia to the conversation.’

‘He tried to use your sister against you?’ said Sunburst.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘He told me that if I wouldn’t turn to the Dark Side, then she would. I on the other hand refused and attacked. We continued to fight, and I struck him down. He was on the ground, still breathing as he looked at me, but my anger nearly consumed me. The Emperor attempted one more time to tempt me, but I remembered what my father went through when he was reduced to the Dark Side. I refused, and told the Emperor I would never be turned to the Dark Side. That he had failed, for I am a Jedi, like my father before me.’

‘And I take it the Emperor wasn’t pleased by your answer.’ said Luna.

‘No,’ said Luke, still remembering the electrical surge that went through his body. ‘The emperor kept hitting me with his Force Lightning. I could barely move, but through my anguish and pain, I begged and pleaded to my father that he would help me. I nearly died that day.’

‘What happened?’ said Rockhoof.

Luke then had a soft smile as he was happy about that day. ‘My father turned back to the light of good, and he saved me, by vanquishing the emperor, and throwing him of the rails.’

‘So your father became good again?’ said Fluttershy.

‘Yes,’ said Luke, ‘But after the Emperor’s demise, I tried to help carry my father to a nearby ship, but he was too wounded to move further. With his last breath, he asked me to remove the helmet, allowing him to see me with his own eyes. I wanted to save him, but he told me that I already had, and said that I was right about him. That I should tell Leia that I was right. He…died in my arms moments later.’

Many were shocked to hear the fate of Anakin. ‘But during that time,’ said Luke as he continued ‘My friends on the planet’s surface were able to take down the shield generator, whilst they sent a small group of pilots towards the station’s reactor. As I escaped, they were able to destroy the station, thus, gaining a massive victory for the Rebellion.’

‘And…your father?’ asked Luna.

‘I gave him a proper burial.’ said Luke. ‘After I did that, the entire galaxy rejoiced that they were now free from the grip of the Empire, and soon, I reunited with my friends.’

‘And I take it you didn’t want to celebrate?’ said Somnambula.

‘No,’ said Luke as he kept his arms behind his back. ‘Even with the galaxy freed from the Empire, and even though both the Emperor and my father were gone, I knew that without the Jedi, there would be no balance in the Force, so I chose to leave my friends behind, and search the answers I sought. But before I did, I trained my sister in the ways of the Force, so that she would be prepared for the future that was to come.’

‘So y’all decided to come here?’ asked Applejack.

‘No, long before that.’ said Luke. ‘After I left, I trusted enough in the Force to guide me. It took me to an un-colonized planet called Pillio, where the Emperor had a secret vault there. As I arrived, I realized that the Empire had arrived there too, the remnants of them anyway. They continued to try and find the vault, but with a friend I made, I was able to get to the vault, and find this.’

Luke pulled out the compass as he showed them. ‘This is a special compass that allows any force wielders to help them find what they were looking for.’

Luke pressed the button on the side, and within a flash, the compass filled the entire room with a hologram of the entire galaxy he was from, much to the ponies’ awe.

‘Incredible.’ said Starswirl as he looked around. ‘So these are worlds that are beyond the stars?’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke ‘What you see here, and the planets that are highlighted in blue, are the planets that the Jedi visited over the centuries as they learn to pass and hide knowledge of the Force, as do the Sith, who visited the planets that are highlighted red.’

‘But why to those worlds?’ asked Twilight.

‘Because of this.’ said Luke as he presented a list, a list Twilight levitated to her as she looked through the content herself. ‘What you see there are a list of Jedi Temples that the first Jedi constructed long before the Order began.’

Twilight tried to take a look at it, but could barely make it out. Thankfully she used a translator spell that allowed her to decode it. She saw five names on it, wondering what they were. ‘And what was contained on the list?’

‘The list of Temples that were constructed on planets like Ahch-To, Ryndellia, Tython, Toydaria and Takodana. But unfortunately the temples were no good. The Temple on Ahch-To didn’t contain any knowledge, the Temple on Ryndellia was destroyed during a powerful storm, the Temple on Tython was destroyed during the last Sith war, the Temple on Toydaria had been raided by pirates and the Temple on Takodana, home to an old friend of mine, was destroyed in an earthquake.’

‘Awww,’ said Pinkie as she felt sorry for him ‘So you felt like you wasted all of that effort for nothing?’

‘Yes,’ said Luke, but looked to them as he smiled with some hope in his heart ‘But thankfully, I discovered a sixth temple that they hid long ago, far beyond the galaxy’s borders.’

‘Oh, really, where?’ said Pinkie.

Luke was silent for a few moments. However, to her shock, Twilight caught on pretty quick. ‘Wait,’ she said as she finally said something ‘You mean to say that there’s a Jedi Temple, in Equestria?!!

‘That’s right.’ said Luke to assure her that what he said was true.

Many creatures were shocked to learn the truth, with Celestia standing up as she walked towards Luke ‘But that’s impossible, my sister and I had ruled Equestria for a long time, and I watched over our kingdom for a thousand years, and I never saw any temple, or even heard of one.’

‘Hmmm,’ said Luke as he placed his fist under his chin, thinking. ‘Perhaps the temple had been built here long before this kingdom was founded.’

‘It could be possible,’ said Starlight as she stood next to Twilight ‘There wasn’t much history about this land during the Pre-Equestrian times.’

‘Then it looks like I’ll have to search for the location of the temple by tomorrow.’ said Luke as he crossed his arms.

‘I’m sure my former student Twilight and her friends will help you on your journey.’ said Celestia with a smile as she looked at Twilight, with her and the rest of the Mane 6 smiling, eager to help him.

Luke smiled, appreciating the assistance. ‘That would be most…’

When all of a sudden, a guard burst through the doors, panting out of exhaustion. ‘Your highness, we have a problem.’

‘What is it?’ asked Luna as she joined her sister.

‘There is a large object flying towards the castle,’ said the guard ‘It is in the shape of a circle and makes a horrible roaring sound.

Luke suddenly realized what the guard was talking about as he said out loud ‘Oh, no.’, prompting him to run outside, with the others following him.

As he got outside, he saw his ship, the Ebon Hawk, flying towards the castle, but thankfully, it had begun to land at the courtyard instead. As the ship landed, he quickly ran towards the ship, with the others following suit. As he stopped, the ship landed as its ramp opened. The guards taking positions and prepared for a fight.

However, slowly coming out of the ship, was none other than R2-D2, beeping casually as if nothing happened. The ponies were surprised by what they were seeing, but Fluttershy on the other hand cooed and made a squee noise at the same time, for she thought the creature was cute.

Artoo slowly moved down the ramp and looked around, with one of the guards standing close to him as he said ‘Don’t move.’

Artoo made a few beeping noise, making him sound angry that he was being threatened. He suddenly deployed something from its torso, gaining the guard’s attention ‘What the…?’

Artoo then zapped the guard, making him yelp, as Artoo gave chase and kept zapping him whilst the guard trotted away.

‘Hey!!’ shouted the second guard as he and a few others attempt to give chase, until Artoo deployed some oil on the ground, making the guards slip and fall on top of each other.

‘Come here you!!’ shouted the third guard, with Artoo using his jet propulsion to lift himself as the guard missed him.

Artoo then pulled out two of his small robotic arms and grabbed two spears and held them in the air like a barbarian.

‘Aah, he’s armed, run!!’ shouted the fourth, with the guards running away as they panicked, with Artoo chasing them all over.

The ponies were greatly surprised by what was going on, even the Young Six. For the guards were getting their flanks handed by a small creature.
‘Wow, feisty little fellow, ain’t he?’ said Smolder whilst she was amused by what Artoo was doing at the same time.

‘That’s nothing,’ said Luke ‘You should’ve seen what he was like before and during the Clone Wars.’

‘And like I said,’ said Spike with a smirk on his face ‘Never underestimate small packages.’

Luke couldn’t help but chuckle as he took a few steps forward and called out ‘Alright, that’s enough Artoo.’

Artoo noticed Luke, and suddenly chirped whilst he beeped happily, dropped the spear, and went over to Luke.

‘Artoo,’ said Luke as he stood on one knee ‘What are you doing here?’

Artoo beeped away as he explained to Luke.

‘A four headed monster was coming towards the ship and you were afraid that it was going to eat you?’

Artoo beeped again, explaining things further.

‘Oh come on, it couldn’t have been that bad.’

Artoo beeped as he sounded frustrated.

‘Okay, but that was on Dagobah, it wasn’t my fault you got swallowed by a swamp beast.’

Artoo beeped again, but this time a bit angry.

‘Okay, okay, I’ll take your word for it, but you could’ve called you know.’

Artoo beeped again as it shook its head. Then from behind the ponies stood near Luke.

‘Luke, who exactly is that?’ said Ocellus as she saw Artoo.

‘This, is R2-D2,’ said Luke as he stood up and introduced Artoo. ‘We’ve been through a lot together. He was with both my father and Master Kenobi since their youth, helped them alongside the Clone Wars, helped the Rebellion, and chose to come with me. He saved my life more times than I can count.

Artoo beeped in pride as he shook back and forth. Fluttershy couldn’t contain herself as she flew down and hugged it. ‘Oh my gosh, it’s so cute.’

Artoo beeped, but from the sound of it, he felt embarrassed.

‘So, what,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered next to Luke ‘You can understand it?’

‘If you can study it enough, yes.’ said Luke. ‘I worked with droids like this for a long time in my youth. You’d be surprised how much I could learn.’

Luke suddenly felt embarrassed as he remembered the times he got impatient when he learned from Yoda. ‘Even if I didn’t have the patience for it.’

‘In any case.’ said Celestia as she got their attention. ‘I think it’s best if we continue with this in the morning. If you do not mind Skywalker, we have a room prepared for you in the guest wing just in case. I hope it will suit your need?’

‘That would be most appreciative your highness.’ said Luke as he bowed.

‘Princess, mind if we tag along.’ said Ocellus as she looked at Twilight. ‘I really like to see what Luke can do.’

‘Okay, but first thing in the morning,’ said Twilight ‘And I don’t want you to miss out any schoolwork whilst we’re at it.’

‘You got it,’ said Gallus, until he silently said ‘Not.’

‘I heard that.’ said Twilight, making Gallus cringe over when Twilight overheard him.

‘Then it settles it,’ said Luke ‘I look forward for all of you to accompany me during my journey. It always helps traveling with companions.’

‘Especially if they’re best friends!!’ shouted Pinkie Pie as she jumped onto Luke’s back, nearly making him fall over.

‘So I noticed.’ said Luke, feeling like he was going to fall over.

As he was able to stand up again, and all of them went to turn themselves in for the night, Luke walked towards the castle, with Artoo going back to the ship, since the princesses assured that nothing will happen to it.

‘Something tells me this is going to be an interesting adventure.’ said Luke as he went towards his guest room to turn in for the night.

Chapter 5: The map of the Temple's trail

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A new day dawns as the sun slowly rises from the hills, thanks to Celestia’s magic. From within the castle’s guest room chambers, whilst Luke had managed to get some sleep, he chose to meditate as he sat down with his legs crossed and his hands placed on his knees. He continued to breathe, focusing, and concentrated by being mindful of the future.

‘I am with the Force, and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, and it shall guide me.’ he kept saying to himself over and over.

As he continued his meditation, he felt a tremor in the Force, making him open his eyes slowly. He had a feeling that whatever he felt, he was right on track.

Artoo moved towards Luke and beeped a few times. ‘No Artoo,’ said Luke as he stood up ‘I can feel a tremor in the Force, but it is too faint for me to detect. If I am going to find what I’m looking for, I need to go to a place where the Force is at its strongest.’

Artoo beeped again, suggesting he’d go to where he first met them. ‘To the forest they mentioned?’

Luke was deep in thought, thinking about what Artoo had suggested. ‘Hmm, perhaps I could give it a try. Artoo, can you pass on the message to them?’

Artoo beeped, agreeing with Luke’s demands.

A few hours later, Twilight and the others arrived, wanting to get a head start before waking up the Young Six. Twilight knocked on the door with her hoof, trying to get Luke’s attention.

‘Excuse me, Luke?’ said Twilight, trying to be patient. ‘Are you awake?’

All of a sudden, the door opened, revealing Artoo coming out, as he beeped to them.

‘Oh, hello there Artoo.’ said Fluttershy ‘Do you know where Luke is?’

Artoo beeped again, whilst using his lens to create a hologram of Luke, much to their surprise.

‘Hello girls,’ said Luke as he greeted them whilst the message played. ‘Sorry I couldn’t be there to greet you, I decided to go out to take in the scenery. But do not worry, I am far from danger. I decided to go to the place where we first met. I will be back shortly.’

As the message ended, Twilight and the others however, didn’t show relief, but worry on their faces.

‘The Everfree Forest?!’ shouted the Mane Six when they realized where he was.

A minute later, Twilight teleported the Mane 6 to the Everfree forest, with them looking around. However, Fluttershy noticed what appeared to be a light, causing her to move towards it.

‘Alright,’ said Twilight as she instructed the others ‘We’ll have to split up from here. If you find him, call us, and we’ll rush right over.’

‘Um, Twilight.’ said Fluttershy, gaining the others’ attention. ‘That won’t be a problem.’

They saw that she was standing a few feet away from them, which made them go to her to see what she was seeing, not realizing that she had a look of awe on her face.

‘What?’ said Applejack ‘Did y’all found…him…?’

As the rest of the Mane 6 arrived, all of them were too in awe, when they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. From the forest, there was a large clearing. From the center of the clearing was a large rock. And on top of that rock, was none other than Luke.

He was on top of the rock, meditating, whilst floating at the same time. But he also glowed blue, sparking a much more powerful energy that none had ever seen. And all around Luke, were larger objects like rocks and boulders, all floating around as if they were being carried by a mysterious force.

Luke took a few breathers, until he hit the final one, and landed on the rock he was sitting on slowly, as well as the other rocks and boulders that were floating about. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw the Mane Six standing there, watching him in awe when they saw him did what they saw him do.

‘Oh, good morning.’ said Luke whilst standing up and jumped off the rock he was sitting on. ‘I did not expect to see all of you early, given what time it is.’

‘Well, we just wanted to get an early start before the others.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Until we saw you do that floaty thing whilst holding your eyes closed and made every rock and boulder all around you float as if they were being carried by invisible ghosts, and have you ever considered doing this at pony children parties?’ said Pinkie Pie as she jumped all around like a bouncy ball, then landed close to him with a smile.

‘My apologies.’ said Luke as he walked over to the Mane 6, then stopped near them. ‘I needed to focus on the spot where the Force was its most strongest.’

‘To do what exactly?’ asked Fluttershy ‘If you don’t mind me asking?’

‘If there is a temple here,’ said Luke as he had his arms crossed ‘Then I need to get a clearer picture of where I need to go. Or at least find a clue on where I should go.’

‘And did y’all find anything?’ asked Applejack.

‘Well,’ said Luke ‘I couldn’t make it out. But from what I could tell, it had to be a place where books are being stored. And from what I could sense, its guiding me to Canterlot.’

Twilight realized what he was talking about. ‘The Canterlot Library?’

‘You know that place?’ asked Luke.

‘Of course.’ said Twilight ‘When I was still Celestia’s student, I used to go to the Canterlot Library a lot to study. And I last time went there to help a friend of mine when her friends’ memories of her were erased.’

‘I see.’ said Luke. ‘Would you please escort me there?’

‘Of course.’ said Twilight as she sounded excited, for she would get a chance to show a newcomer the very source of Equestrian knowledge.

Within moments, Twilight teleported Luke and the rest towards the Canterlot Library. Luke’s eyes were widened, but also smiled. For in a way being teleported felt exhilarating.

‘That was pretty handy.’ said Luke as he looked at Twilight ‘Wished the past Jedi before me knew how to do that.’

‘Thanks.’ said Twilight with a smile.

‘Ahem.’ said a voice. When they looked, it revealed to be the Young Six, with Spike, Starlight and Sunburst in tow, all three of them feeling tired whilst still sipping on coffee they had to buy near a coffee shop, with Artoo among them as well.
‘You didn’t think we were gonna miss this out, do you?’ said Smolder with a smirk.

‘But how did y’all know we were going here?’ asked Applejack with a flexed eyebrow.

‘Trust me,’ said Spike after he took another sip from his coffee ‘They wouldn’t stop nagging us for hours about going with you or missing out an adventure.’

‘So what are we waiting for?’ said Sandbar ‘Are we going to do this, or what?’

‘Of course.’ said Luke ‘The more the merrier.’

All of them walked up the stairs of the Canterlot Library and walked through the doors. As they got inside, half of them were surprised to see so many books in one place. ‘Impressive collection.’ said Luke as he looked around ‘The Jedi knowledge keepers would certainly praise this world for preserving this much knowledge of Equestria.’

‘That is what we aimed for when we first opened this place.’ said a familiar voice. As they turned around, they saw Celestia, Luna and the Pillars.

‘Princess Celestia?’ said Sunburst, clearly surprised to see them ‘What are all of you doing here?’

‘Especially this early?’ said Rarity when she was just as surprised.

‘When Luke mentioned a Jedi Temple in Equestria,’ said Celestia ‘We decided to dig up whatever knowledge we could find here.’

‘But so far we couldn’t find anything.’ said Starswirl ‘Which is strange, if any historian from the past had seen a temple here, we would’ve known about it.’

‘Sometimes the things you may look for,’ said Luke whilst speaking to Starswirl ‘Can be right under the nose of any seeker. It was what Twilight and her friends went through when they tried to find the Tree of Harmony.’

Twilight and the others were surprised to learn about this, with Luke looking at her as he said ‘I did some reading and asked Celestia to enlighten me of this world.’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Twilight, clearly surprised by his resolve of learning.

Luke decided to try something. He slowly stood on his knees and started to meditate whilst keeping his eyes closed. The others, who saw what he was doing, wondered what he was up to.

‘Uh, what are you…?’ said Rainbow Dash before Pinkie placed her hoof over RD’s mouth.

Luke sat there with his eyes closed, concentrating and ignoring the sounds all around him. Sure enough, through deep meditating, Luke felt something. It was faint, but thanks to the meditation he did at the Everfree forest, he was able to clearly see where he wanted to go.

Luke slowly opened his eyes and looked at the others. ‘I know where we need to go.’

‘You do lad?’ said Rockhoof as he looked at Luke.

Luke slowly stood up and continued walking forward. Curiously of what he was up to, every creature followed him. Luke walked past the book shelves and tables, walking down a path that Celestia, Luna and Twilight knew all too well; the restricted section, the very same section that Twilight went when Sunset needed her help in restoring her friends’ memories of her.

They continued down the stone hallway beneath the library. Eventually, they stopped in front of a large door:
‘I have not seen this before.’ said Starswirl as he looked at the door.

‘After you disappeared and Luna was banished to the moon,’ said Celestia as she explained ‘I built this place underneath the library, to store even the most dangerous and well kept secret of Equestria’s history and spells so that nopony can use them for their own benefits.’

Luke looked at Celestia ‘You banished your sister to the moon?’ he asked. ‘Why?’

Luna felt it was time for her to speak, for even though she doesn’t like to talk about it, she still needed help to adjust herself, even if others have forgiven her. ‘When Celestia and myself took the throne, we both have the power to control both the day and the night. But overtime, ponies loved the day then they loved my night. I felt jealous and turned to darkness. My sister tried to use the elements to free me, but she couldn’t activate their full power since the elements were slowly being disconnected from us. So she had to banish me.’

‘I see.’ said Luke ‘May I speak my mind?’

Luna nodded, wondering what Luke had in mind.

Luke looked at her and spoke to her directly. ‘Though you wanted to be loved, there is no shame in that, but there are other ways to be loved, rather than resorting to darkness.’

‘But I tried…’ said Luna, until Luke raised his hand, cutting Luna off.

‘As my master once said,’ said Luke ‘ “Do or do not, there is no try”. For sometimes the choices we make, is a natural part of life. We choose what path we take for the greater good of others, wanting to help those in need. For wanting something, outweighing the responsibility you have been given, can lead to jealousy, which only happens by the shadow of greed itself. For look at me, many times there were those, both my father and the Emperor included, that tried to seduce me to the dark side. And have I given into it?’

Luna slightly diverted her eyes as she said ‘No.’ in a sorrowful tone, before she focused her eyes on Luke.

‘You tried to make up for your mistakes, and it is admirable.’ said Luke ‘But you should also realize that though there are those who are afraid of the night, they love the light that shines above it, admiring the beauty of it. Like the sun, it can give life to keep the world in balance, and powerful both the sun, and the moon are. And through them, along with the magic, it created the life that you see before you. Makes it grow into what all of you were meant to be. The magic, as well as the magic of both the sun and moon, surrounds all of you. And binds you. There is magic everywhere.’

Luke walked over as he placed his hand on her shoulder ‘You will always be loved. Not by your night, but for the pony you are. For even if there are those who do not care for the night, the ponies who do remember you, admired you because of what you represented. You care, you love, and you would shield them from anything that would harm them. And those are the traits that you should be proud of, not from not loving your night.’

Luke released her shoulder as he said ‘Trust in your heart. And trust those that you’ve made friends with that love you for who you are, not what you are.’

Luna couldn’t help but smile, admiring the words Luke had said. For what he said was more worth than anything she had been given a thousand years ago. ‘Truly you are wise beyond your years.’

‘I had great teachers who showed me the way.’ said Luke. ‘You could say, I was like Twilight once upon a time.’
Twilight was surprised from Luke’s words, whilst he walked towards the stone door.

‘Oh, do not worry,’ said Celestia as she took a step forward ‘My sister and I will…’

‘Beg your pardon your highness,’ said Luke ‘But that will not be necessary.’

Luke closed his eyes and raised his right hand towards the door. Using the Force as he slowly moved his right hand from left to right. Within mere moments, the large stone unlocked itself and slowly opened, much to the ponies and creature’s shock.

‘What…?’ said Twilight as she had a hard time comprehending what she had just witnessed. ‘How did you do that?’

‘When you are trained in the ways of the Force,’ said Luke as he looked at Twilight ‘There are many roads that are presentable to you. Like for one, opening doors that takes the concentration of the mind to help guide it.’

‘Incredible.’ said Luna ‘Truly the Jedi Order have made marvelous strides into achieving what others deemed impossible.’

‘Shall we?’ said Luke as he was the first to walk inside.

As they got in, everyone, except Celestia, Luna and Twilight, were surprised to see what it looks like. ‘Whoa, so this is the place you and Sunset went to help find a way to help your friends?’ said Spike

‘Sure is.’ said Twilight as she looked at the place with pride.

After Luke continued to ascending down the stairs, he carefully observed the place, trying to find what he is looking for.

‘I’m not sure you’ll be able to find it Luke,’ said Twilight ‘I looked through all of the books and I haven’t found a single mention about a Jedi Temple.’

‘Sometimes looks can be deceiving Twilight,’ said Luke as his attention was suddenly gained towards the ground. ‘Sometimes even the most obvious places…’

Luke bent over as he placed his right hand onto the ground ‘Can be right under our noses.’

Within moments, he closed his eyes, and a sudden rumble followed. Without warning, a large square between the stairs and the table of the restricted section slowly opened, gaining everypony and every creature’s attention as all of them looked in awe. Celestia and Luna flew over towards the entrance and stood next to Luke, whilst looking at the entrance.

‘But that’s impossible.’ said Celestia in shock ‘I’ve been in here plenty of times and have not found a single door here.’
‘Indeed.’ said Luna ‘This looks much…older.’

‘The first Jedi must have built this tunnel before Canterlot had been built over the entrance.’ said Luke as he observed the entrance himself.

‘But why keep this place a secret?’ said Starswirl as he looked at the hole.
‘Because there was also the first Sith that later existed.’ said Luke ‘Fearing that they would be wiped out and the galaxy would be doomed by the Sith’s wrath, they chose to built temples as a contingency plan to help guide and train those who are Force sensitive. The temples I visited was destroyed, so they must have chose to come here, where none of them would ever think to find it.’

‘But wait,’ said Pinkie ‘If the Emperor used the Temple as his own personal office and he had direct access to the Holocron vault, wouldn’t that mean that the Empire would’ve found their way to Equestria?’

‘If the Empire were to be brought here we would’ve known about it,’ said Luke as he looked at Pinkie ‘When the Rebellion began we managed to turn most of the Empire’s top agents into our spies, which made our jobs somewhat easier when we tried to take the fight to them.’

Fluttershy gulped, whilst she slowly looked at Luke. ‘Are we, um, going down there?’

‘If it would help me find the temple and restore the Order,’ said Luke as he stood up ‘Then that’s the only plan of action we can take.’

Luke was the first to climb down the stairs, making his way towards the darkness. Artoo tried to follow suit, but ended up losing his balance and fell over, rolling all the way down the stairs, even passed Luke, making him run after him. The others were stunned when they saw Artoo going all the way down.

‘Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.’ said Fluttershy frantically as she panicked and ran all the way down just to make sure Artoo was alright.

The others followed suit, wondering if their Astro Mech friend was alright. Finally, they were able to reach the bottom of the stairs, and thanks to the unicorns, they were able to lit up their horns and shone their light within the darkness.

‘Oh my,’ said Rarity ‘It’s really dark in here.’

‘No kidding,’ said Starlight as she tried to look around ‘I can’t see anything in here.’

Stygian then noticed something. ‘Wait, look.’ said Stygian as he pointed at the wall. ‘Those must be torches.’

‘Maybe we can lit them with fire to see where we can go.’ said Ocellus as she looked at it.

‘I got it.’ said Spike as he flew to the one on the left.

‘I got the one on the right.’ said Smolder as she flew to the right one.

At the same time, the two dragons used their dragon flame to set alight the torches. But within an instant, it allowed other torches to activate all over the hall. Once the hallway was not alight, they could see where they would be going. However, they saw there were many images all over the cave walls, what one would call cave paintings, except it had been edged in stone. The images were that of many strange looking being, on one side, looked like ponies with hoods on, with horns sticking out from under their hoods, whilst the other part were what appeared to be beings that stood on their feet instead on all fours.

Many were surprised to see what was before them. Celestia however, took a closer look to see what they looked like. Her face went from curiosity to shock, instantly recognizing them.

‘I…I know of this.’ said Celestia, taking the others by surprise.

‘Princess?’ asked Luke, with the Mane 6 curious about how she knew about them.

‘When my sister and I were fillies,’ said Celestia as she looked at them ‘Before Starswirl became our teacher, the ancient Unicorn Sages once told that they were visited by ancient beings among the stars.’

Starswirl was surprised, as he too remembered it. ‘Indeed. Shortly after Equestria was founded, the ancient beings had permitted them to explore our world and impart and leave behind knowledge that future generations would one day find and use to restore a balance that would soon be ruptured.’

‘And afterwards,’ said Luna as she looked at them ‘When they were done, they left much knowledge behind, saying that only the worthy would find it. Soon afterwards, they returned to the stars, never to return again.’

‘Well,’ said Spike as he looked at the hall ‘At least we know that we’re in the right direction.’

‘Then it would be best if we moved on,’ said Luke as he took a few steps forward ‘But we wary, if they left knowledge here, then it would most likely be a trap. We do not know what the first Jedi had left in their absence.’

All of them continued to walk down the hall, whilst some took a glance at the so called cave paintings, as it showed the images of the first Jedi, continuing to tell their story. Wanting to know more, Twilight was able to take pictures of the images and placed them in her folder, wanting to know more about the story of the first Jedi and why they left their secrets on their homeland.

But after another ten minutes, they were able to see light up ahead. As they arrived, they noticed it was another hall, but this one was different. It was much more wider. There were strange markings on both sides of the walls, which neither the ponies or Luke could depict what they are.

‘Looks harmless enough,’ said Gallus as he took a few steps forward. ‘Come on, let’s…’

When all of a sudden, Luke realized something as he shouted ‘Gallus, wait, don’t!!!’

All of a sudden, two massive blade like objects appeared from both sides of the wall, making Gallus jump forward, until fire burst itself from behind, burning his tushy as he yelped like a chicken, and darted back with the others. He sat down, with his butt burnt whilst twitching his left eye.

‘Wow,’ said Sandbar as he looked at Gallus ‘You almost look like a…’

Gallus suddenly placed his claw on top of Sandbar’s mouth, whilst looking at him with a stink eye as he said ‘I don’t wanna hear it man. Not, a word.’

Luke crouched and placed his hand on the floor, studying it as he kept a careful eye onto the ground. ‘Pressure pads,’ said Luke as he took a good look at it. ‘It seems that the first Jedi constructed these traps to ensure that no one would be able to cross them.’

‘So what,’ said Smolder ‘Can’t we just fly over there?’

‘That would not be wise.’ said Luke. He placed his hand under the light, causing spikes to appear from the air, nearly onto Spike’s level, which shocked the others whilst they saw the spike were being slowly raised in the air. ‘The light rays show that any who stand under them, would most likely be impaled.’

‘Wow,’ said Fluttershy as she took a good look at them ‘They must’ve thought everything through.’
‘We can try to cross this, if we’re fast enough.’ said Luke as he took another look.

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked when Luke mentioned about being “fast enough”, making her smirk as she hovered next to him. ‘Don’t worry Luke,’ said Rainbow Dash with a confident smile ‘I got this.’

Rainbow Dash stood firmly on the ground, preparing herself for both fast flying and fast running. ‘On your mark,’ she said as she got prepared. ‘Get set. Go!!’

Within a split second, Rainbow Dash flew and ran superfast from one spot to another, triggering every trap, whilst also avoiding them at the same time. After about a few feet of travel, she was finally able to make it.

‘Ha!!’ she boasted as she looked back ‘I’d like to see the Jedi try to beat my…’. However, her overconfidence made her paid little attention of the last trap behind her, which resulted her into triggering it, and blew fire behind her, burning her tushy as she yelped and neighed loudly like an ordinary horse.

‘Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.’ said Rainbow Dash as she tried to rub her tushy.

‘Can you see a lever over there?!’ shouted Luke, trying to get her attention.

She noticed a lever near her and winced whilst she was moving, considering her butt is still sore. She reached her hoof towards the lever and pulled it, allowing it to do something as the floors made strange noises.

Luke took a few steps forward. As he did, he realized that his hunch was right, whilst he sighed in relief, for the traps were now deactivated. ‘It’s all clear, it’s safe to move.’ he said as he turned to the others.

They sighed in relief too, allowing them to move forward to continue with their journey. They were able to make it to the other side, with Fluttershy going over to see if Rainbow Dash was alright.

‘Rainbow Dash, are you alright?’ said Fluttershy as she was concerned for her friend.

‘What, do you think.’ said Rainbow Dash as she pointed to her slightly burnt butt. She was able to turn around as she said ‘I won’t be able to sit for a week.’

‘Now don’t you worry there Rainbow,’ said Applejack as Rainbow walked alongside them ‘Ah got a remedy that’ll help with that uh, roasted rump.’

They continued with their journey for the next mile, until they were finally able to reach a nearby door. As they stopped, they inspected the door, until Luke grunted loudly whilst holding his head with his one hand, which was a sign, gaining the others’ attention as they looked at him.

‘Luke, are you well?’ said Luna when she noticed Luke felt something off.

‘I sense something. Something…dark.’ said Luke as he looked at the doors. ‘I have a feeling that there will be another test behind those doors.’

‘Hopefully something that doesn’t involve burning one’s butts off.’ said Rainbow Dash as she rubbed her tushy.

‘I’m with you there sister.’ said Gallus as he agreed with her.

Luke walked forward and placed his hands against the doors, pushing it with all his strength and was able to open it. As the doors were now wide open, Luke walked inside, looking around, trying to see if there were any more traps.

‘Hmm, no traps, no fire statues or funny looking blades,’ said Pinkie as she looked around ‘I guess it’s all…’

However, Luke signaled them to stay where they were, for things would become dangerous, if his senses are correct. He walked towards the center of the room. The moment he finished his next step, the ground suddenly shook, making Luke stand still, trying to determine what else this place had in store for him. From out of the ground, appeared six different statues, all who appear to be Jedi wearing robes, as well as weapons like Vyborg blades. Luke was curious about what the statues meant. That was, until the statues started to move on their own, picked up their swords and headed straight for Luke, much to the ponies and the Young Six’ surprise.

‘Whoa, moving statues?’ said Sandbar when he was surprised to see what he couldn’t believe ‘That’s something you don’t see every day.’

The statues slowly began to surround Luke, who stood there and did nothing, whilst he had his eyes closed. The others however, wanted to help.

‘Come on,’ said Rainbow Dash, who didn’t want to leave him hanging ‘We gotta help him before…’

And within a split second, Luke activated his Lightsaber and swung left and right, slicing the first two statues in half, then used Force Push to push the other two away, making them crash and shatter against the wall. Luke threw his Lightsaber as it twirled near the last two, slicing them in half as they collapsed. Luke then caught the Lightsaber the moment he raised his hand in the air, and shut his Lightsaber down. He lowered his right arm and turned around, leaving many in awe of what happened.

‘Uh, never mind.’ said Rainbow Dash as she slowly sat down.

‘Wow,’ said Rockhoof ‘The lad is stronger than he looks.’

‘I’ll say.’ said Ocellus after she too was surprised.

Luke managed a smile, until it instantly disappeared when he sensed something. The others wondered what was wrong and approached him. They stood near him for a few moments, as Twilight asked ‘Luke, what’s wrong?’

‘I sense, something dark.’ said Luke ‘Something…ancient.’

Luke slowly turned around as the others kept his eyes on him. His eyes widened, as he saw something. When the others watched what he was seeing, they too were surprised by what they were seeing. For at least at least ten feet away, a man wearing a dark black robe, slowly walking with his armored shin and black boots, black gloves, as well as grey wrist gauntlets, grey shoulder pads and a mask covering his mouth, whilst a hood shrouded his face, but not his deep dark yellow eyes as he looked at them. He stopped when he was at least three feet away from them.

Everyone was stunned at first, watching a mysterious figure, standing before them, whilst Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Starswirl sensed something wrong with it.

‘So much evil.’ said Starswirl as he couldn’t believe his eyes.

‘So much…Darkness.’ said Luna, as if she was feeling the Nightmare Moon madness.

‘What…is that?’ said Celestia, barely coping with such evil.

‘I…don’t know.’ said Twilight, who was feeling fear in her heart just by looking at it.

‘Everyone get back,’ said Luke as he signaled them ‘I will handle this.’

Luke slowly walked in a circle, trying to gain the being’s attention, with the being kept looking at Luke, as if he discovered something interesting about them.

‘Ah, I see now.’ said the being, his voice echoing as if it was darkness incarnated. ‘You are a Jedi? No doubt the last of its kind.’

‘What…are you?’ said Twilight, as if she was now afraid.

The being did not pay attention to Twilight, for he was still focused on Luke. ‘Do you know who I am?’ said the being, standing his ground.

‘Yes, stories from my childhood, told by my master.’ said Luke. ‘You’re Ajunta Pall. Once a powerful Jedi Master who served the Order with honor and strife, until you and those who trained and followed you were corrupted by the Dark Side, thus the Jedi Order had no choice but to banish you. Once you arrived at Korriban, you vowed vengeance against the galaxy, making yourself into the first Sith Lord, expanding your empire from there to other worlds who were seduced by the Dark Side, growing the Sith into an army.’

‘Indeed,’ said Ajunta Pall ‘We were going to be the greatest masters of the galaxy, until the Jedi and their light snuffed us out as they drove us back from the shadows. But just far beyond their galaxy, something far worse than I trained the next Sith, who vowed they would never stop until the galaxy was on their knees. And if they resisted, their planets would be devoured until they were an empty husk.’

‘Yes, but you ended up being betrayed.’ said Luke, now keeping his stance ‘The Sith always betray one another. Always.’

‘Oh?’ said Ajunta.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘Maybe you haven’t heard about Darth Bane. He was born a millennium after you were gone. After the last war against the Sith, they ended up slaughtering each other in droves, for all of them were victims of their own greed. He even created the Rule of Two, a Master and an Apprentice. When the Apprentice trains their own student, they kill the master. As it has always been for a thousand years.’

Ajunta was silent for a few moments, then he spoke again ‘You lie.’ he responded in anger ‘The Sith would never resort into hiding their numbers. We were a vast army that would strike fear throughout the galaxy.’

‘Then clearly you have missed out.’ said Luke as he smiled ‘The Sith are no more, and I will ensure that the Jedi will live once again.’

‘And I will ensure that the Jedi will be reduced to nothing but a memory.’ said Ajunta, with his yellow eyes glowing darker.’

‘We shall see.’ said Luke as his smiled faded away.

Luke pulled out and activated his green plasma blade Lightsaber as he uses his Form V, or simply known as the Djem So, the same as his father’s. Ajunta pulled out his two red plasma blades Lightsabers. The two of them continued to stare each other down, trying to determine their move. The ponies and the Young Six watched as they were somewhat surprised of the two warriors that were about to clash.

‘This is going to be awesome.’ squealed Rainbow Dash as she got super excited.

Luke stood his ground, holding his Lightsaber firmly. Within a split second, Ajunta attacked head on and jumped in the air and struck, with Luke blocking Ajunta’s attack. The Lightsabers cackled as they clashed together, with Luke pushing Ajunta away as he moved forward. Their Lightsabers continued to clash as they kept swinging, blocking, striking, both who were trying to outsmart the other. Luke was able to dodge left and right, whilst using Force Push to, well, push Ajunta a few feet back.

Ajunta leapt in the air and raised his Lightsabers in the air, trying to strike Luke down, but Luke’s reflexes made him duck out of the wait, jumped up in the air and returned the favor, with Ajunta blocking Luke’s Lightsaber, trying his hardest to press him down, but to no avail. Ajunta pushed Luke back, trying his best to strike him down, but Luke kept back flipping, trying his best to avoid Ajunta’s attacks, but Luke stood his ground again, trying to counterattack the Sith Lord.

Luke blocked left, right, then performed a swift kick from the side, which Ajunta blocked and pushed it away. Luke swung his Lightsaber around like his father did and Ajunta ended up blocking it and pushed him back. Luke attacked again as Ajunta blocked his attack three times. Luke swung his Lightsaber, but Ajunta ducked, then leaned, which gave Luke an opening as he kicked him far from him. Luke threw his Lightsaber as Ajunta jumped in the air, which was a mistake as Luke used Force Push to push Ajunta a few feet from him, but Ajunta was able to stand his ground the moment he landed.
As Ajunta stared down at Luke, still holding his twin Lightsabers, Luke kept his ground as he performed Form III, a favorite technique of Obi-Wan. The ponies who saw them were surprised to see how the two of them faced in combat.

‘So…awesome.’ squealed Rainbow Dash as she was excited to see how the fight turned out.

‘Incredible,’ said Rockhoof ‘If those two are like that in combat, I wonder how an entire army would look like?’

Luke and Ajunta charged towards one another once more, engaged in combat, trying to outmaneuver one another, which resulted Ajunta back handing Luke, as he countered Ajunta with a sweeping kick. The two continued to clash their blades from left, right, below, above, as well as twirling their Lightsabers and clashing them towards one another.

Ajunta kneed Luke in the gut and double fisted him as he landed on his one knee. He knocked Luke’s Lightsaber out of his hand, and with great force, tried to jab him. But to his surprise, Luke used the Force to block Ajunta’s Lightsaber. But before either of them could make a move, Ajunta was knocked back by magic. He was able to regain his composure, looking at who caused it. Standing in front of Luke to defend him, was none other than Twilight.

‘Stay away from him.’ said Twilight, staring daggers at him.

‘No, Twilight,’ said Luke ‘He’s too powerful for you to face.’

‘Foolish creature.’ said Ajunta, whilst he instantly aimed his left hand towards the rest of the ponies, instantly creating fire to block them and keep them from entering.

Ajunta then used Force Push to knock both Luke and Twilight back, with Luke crashing against the wall, and Twilight inches away from him.

‘I will show you, insolent creature,’ said Ajunta as he glared at Twilight ‘What happens when you interfere and attempt to stop, the Lord of the Sith!!’

Ajunta then used the Force to grab Twilight and flung her hard against one part of the wall, then flung her hard against another. He picked her up using Force Grip, making her choke, trying to breathe.

‘None, can match the power of the Dark Side.’ said Ajunta, as he flung her at least two feet from him.

‘Twilight!!!’ shouted the ponies, knowing that they had to do something.

‘Twilight.’ said Spike, wanting to move, to save his friend…save his mother.

When all of a sudden, within that mere moment, all fell silent around Spike, as if time had stood still. He could feel a heartbeat, not his own, or just another, but as if…as if it was the heartbeat of harmony itself.

‘Wish to save her, do you?’ said a voice, with Spike having a feeling it feels familiar.

‘I do…more than anything.’ said Spike to the voice as time was still.

‘Wish to protect by seeking glory, do you? Or to protect what your heart tells you?’

‘I…I want to protect Twilight.’ said Spike ‘She’s more than my friend, she’s family. I don’t want to lose her. When I’m beside her, helping others. They make me feel…’


Spike was silent for a few moments, as he lowered his head. ‘Yes.’

‘Good.’ said the voice as it chuckled a bit. ‘A good heart you have, learn the friendships of those around you, you have. A true protector of harmony, you may yet be.’

Spike closed his eyes, concentrating for some reason as he gripped his claws as it trembled. He slowly opened his eyes, now staring with determination.

Twilight continued to struggle to stand up, with Ajunta standing a few feet away from her, grasping his fists as they were now charged with electricity. ‘Let me show you,’ said Ajunta with a cackle ‘The true power of the Dark Side.’

And with great force, he shot Twilight with his Force Lightning, with her shielding her eyes as she screamed ‘No!!!’

‘Twilight!!’ the others called out.

Twilight thought that her life would end, but noticed, the electricity didn’t hit her. But as she slowly looked up, her eyes widened, not expecting to see who was helping her.

It was Spike of all dragons, blocking the Force Lightning with his bare hands. He kept grunting, trying his best to hold the lightning at bay and absorb them through his hands in order to contain the lightning, whilst everypony were in awe when they saw what was going on. Luke watched from the distance as he too was surprised to see what Spike was doing.

‘The Force is strong within him.’ he said as he watched from afar.

After Spike as able to absorb enough Force Lightning, Ajunta stopped, with Spike staring at him down, as he said ‘Stay, away from her.’

With a thrust from his hand, he used Force Push, pushing Ajunta a few feet away from his usual spot. Spike took a few steps forward, wanting to make sure that Ajunta would stay away from Twilight. Ajunta chuckled as he too could feel the Force being strong inside Spike.

‘So the little one knows how to fight,’ said Ajunta as he used his Force Pull to pull his Lightsaber from its hilt and activated it. ‘Let’s see your skills with a Lightsaber.’

Spike reached out his hand and used Force Pull to pull Ajunta’s second Lightsaber and activated, holding it with both hands as he activated it. ‘Bring it ugly.’ said Spike as he was staring at Ajunta down.

Ajunta charged and Spike flew towards him. But with great instinct, Spike flipped over Ajunta, landing behind him, with Ajunta turning around to strike, but Spike blocked it. Acting as fast as he could, Spike jumped from one spot to another, clashing his Lightsaber against Ajunta, as if he was Master Yoda. Spike continued to fight against Ajunta with great speed. Spike kept flying backwards, wanting to make sure that Ajunta wouldn’t touch him.

Ajunta and Spike were then standing at the center, one blocking the other as their sabers were sparking as if they were swords, but more advanced and made of lasers.

‘Most impressive,’ said Ajunta as he looked over Spike ‘But even though you are strong with the Force, you are not strong enough to face the horrors ahead.’

Spike then smiled as he looked at Ajunta. ‘Well, you may have the power of lightning, but I have fire on my side.’

Within a split second, Spike blew out his flame from his mouth, making Ajunta growl loudly as he was caught off guard. But after two feet, he used his arm to block the flames, trying to protect himself from the flame itself.

As Ajunta stood there, he went back to position, wanting another go. As Spike was prepared for another go, Luke stepped in, as he said ‘No, we need to end this, now.’

With one powerful Force Push, Luke pushed Ajunta so far, he crashed against the wall. As he was pinned against the wall, he slowly moved forward from it, trying his best, but the Force in Luke was stronger than he anticipated. Luke combined both his hands and summoned the Force. With one massive and combined push, Luke used the most powerful Force Push he could muster. So powerful in fact, that it ended up creating heavy cracks on the ground. As it made its way towards Ajunta, it was so powerful, that Ajunta crashed harder than a star fighter against the wall, making part of the wall collapse onto Ajunta.

Luke stood there for a few moments, panting, for using the Force nearly took out a lot in him. Many were surprised to see how strong Luke was with the Force. As he took another look, at that he saw was a massive rubble from the all, with Ajunta’s hand sticking out of it. But in moments, Ajunta’s hand turned to smoke, as it dissipated, no longer leaving a trace. Looking at the Lightsabers of the fallen Sith, he used the Force to pull them towards him, including the one Spike was holding. He looked at the two of them, whilst he also activated them, revealing their red blades. But within mere moments, they changed to different colors. One turned green and the other turned blue. Luke could sense that the Darkness was no longer within the sabers, making him sigh in relief.

‘Artoo.’ said Luke, gaining its attention whilst moving towards Luke. Eventually moved closer as Luke stood in eye level of the Astro mech. ‘Take these sabers and place them in a compartment back to the ship until I can deal with them.’

Artoo took the sabers Luke handed and placed it inside its compartment, turned around and headed straight for the exit. The ponies on the other hand were really amazed by what Luke had done.

‘That. Was. Awesome!!!’ Rainbow Dash shouted, for it was the best battle she had ever seen.

Luke then looked at Twilight, turned around and walked over towards her. He noticed that she struggled to get back up, but was able to lend a hand. ‘Are you alright?’ said Luke, showing concern for Twilight.

‘I’m fine.’ said Twilight as she was able to stand on her hooves ‘Sorry about getting myself hurt. I was…’

‘I know. You were just trying to protect your friends.’ said Luke as he managed a smile, with Twilight smiling back.

As Spike went over to Twilight, she then went over to him. ‘Spike, how did…’ she responded, trying to process over what she had just seen.

‘I can answer that.’ said Luke as he walked over to Spike, and stood near Twilight’s level, observing him at the same time. After a thorough look, Luke smiled as he said ‘He is Force Sensitive.’

‘Force sensitive?’ asked Made Meadowbrook when she got closer.

‘Remembered when I spoke about the Force?’ said Luke as he stood up and explained to them ‘Those who are Force sensitive from the ages of six with the blessed with the power of the Force. Their senses are sharpened and they can find those who they are looking for, however, both sides, Jedi and Sith, know how to use it, but through light and darker means.’

Spike was surprised to hear this ‘So…you’re saying that, because I’m blessed with the Force, I could go down to the path of light like a Jedi…’

Luke finished his sentence as he said ‘Or go down a dark path like a Sith, where you will experience pain, suffering and death first hand, like my father.’

Spike was terrified by the revelation, as he slowly sat down and held his head. ‘No…no, I don’t wanna fall to darkness.’
Luke walked over and stood on one knee whilst placing his hand on Spike’s right shoulder. ‘You do not have to be. I once thought, like the Jedi before me, that my attachments to my friends will lead me to darkness, but it’s because of my faith in them as well as the good we did together, It drove me not to darkness, but a vow to be better, and help bring balance to the force like my father did when he came to the light, not destroy it.’

Spike looked down a bit, until Twilight stood next to him as she smiled whilst saying ‘Luke’s right Spike. When you experience greed growth and began to hoard everything around you, you were reminded of the friends you have.’

‘Or Rarity.’ Rainbow Dash muttered as she chuckled, until Applejack whacked the back of her head with her tail, making her wince in pain.

‘My point is,’ said Twilight as she ignored Rainbow Dash ‘We’re all afraid to be consumed by our darkness. We know first hoof what it was like to be consumed by our opposites and darkness that nearly led us to ruin.’

Some remembered it well. Like the Mane 5, who became complete opposites of themselves when Discord lied to them and corrupted them, or like Starlight who enslaved an entire village to be rid of their special talents, traveled back in time and nearly destroyed Equestria, or like Stygian, who was corrupted with Darkness after the Pillars casted him out of their group.

‘But it’s also because of our friendship we were reminded of the good we did, as well as the good creatures we are. As long as we have faith in each other, we can overcome any obstacle that comes in our way.’ said Twilight, trying to reassure Spike.

Spike managed a smile and wiped a tear away as he said ‘Thanks Twilight.’

But within mere moments, they heard the sound of moving stones. When they looked, they saw a path had been revealed.
‘Are there going to be,’ said Fluttershy as she gulped ‘More of the darkness to arrive?’

‘No,’ said Luke as he stood up and looked at the path ‘We passed the test. So now we can enter to achieve what we’ve been looking for.’

As they continued, Rarity asked ‘Do you always go through such uncouth lengths to get what you’re looking for?’
‘Sometimes,’ said Luke ‘But they don’t always try to kill you.’

‘You’ve been through something like this before?’ asked Somnambula when she heard Luke’s voice of experience.

‘Once.’ said Luke ‘When I traveled to Dagobah and trained there, I stumbled upon a cave that was strong to the Force. When I saw my father and defeated it, it’s helmet exploded, revealing my face in it, which was a sign, saying that if I go down a dark path, I would share the same fate like my father did.’

They continued to make their way towards the passage entrance. As they walked inside, they noticed that there were a set of library shelves against the wall, all that are made of stone. They were surprised to see what was inside.

Rainbow Dash only replied by saying sarcastically ‘Great, a library, Woo-Hoo.’

‘For once I agree with Rainbow Dash.’ said Gallus as he made it inside.

‘Are, you, kidding me?’ said Twilight as she grabbed both their faces ‘Books left by an ancient civilization from another world? Do you have any idea how valuable that is?!!’

Luke walked past the bookshelves and observed each of the books. Just as the others were in and looking around, Luke said ‘This isn’t it.’

The others looked at him and said ‘Huh?’

Luke turned around as he looked at them ‘These don’t contain the knowledge of the Jedi.’

‘But then what are they?’ said Ocellus as she looked at the books.

‘They mostly contain knowledge about most of our core worlds and the worlds of the Mid Rim, but no book containing about the knowledge of the Jedi Order.’

‘Aw,’ said Pinkie Pie as she felt somewhat sad ‘So we came all the way here for nothing?’

Pinkie Pie sat her rump hard on the ground, unknowingly sat on a secret step made of stone. The ground in the center slowly opened, gaining everyone’s attention as they were surprised in awe. But from within the opened ground, rose what appeared to be a platform. On that very platform, was a large stone coffin, with the symbol of the Jedi carved on top of it.

‘How did…’ said Smolder as she was baffled by what she was seeing.

‘Uh, I think I know.’ said Silverstream as she lifted Pinkie’s rump and showed them the secret stone step.

‘Huh, guess her butt was good for something.’ said Rainbow Dash with a smirk.

‘Hey, I like by butt.’ said Pinkie Pie with a pouty face.

‘So do I.’ said Sandbar, surprising every creature as he looked at him with flexed eyebrows. ‘What?’ said Sandbar as he tried to defend himself. ‘Cant another Earth Pony admire the wonders of pony anatomy every now and then?’

Gallus walked over with a flexed eyebrow and unamused look as he said ‘Real smooth pal, real smooth.’

Luke, who didn’t listen to their conversation, opened the coffin using the Force. As he looked inside, he saw a mummified person, whom Luke guessed was one of the first Jedi that once walked among this world. He took out what appeared to be a Lightsaber, but it looked different. When Luke activated it, he realized that it was a blue cross guard Lightsaber, gaining the others’ attention.

‘Why does that Lightsaber look different than the one Luke has?’ said Flash Magnus as he looked at it.

‘When a Jedi designs their Lightsabers, they come in different shapes and sizes.’ said Luke as he looked at it ‘My guess is, this was the first Lightsaber designed by the First Jedi long before the Order started.’

Luke looked inside and noticed a metallic cylinder inside. When he took it out, he realized that it was what many had used to hide scrolls inside. He detached the cylinder that was bind together and opened it, reading the scroll as he looked through them. Thankfully, Master Yoda and Obi-Wan taught him the language of the first Jedi over the years. The others noticed that Luke had been holding on to a scroll.

‘Oooh,’ said Pinkie Pie as she zipped right over ‘What’s it say?’

‘A scroll, written by the First Jedi.’ said Luke as he looked through them.

‘They wrote and left behind scrolls?’ said Twilight with a flexed eyebrow.

‘When Master Yoda told me when he became the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, the Jedi had long feared that the Dark Side would grow stronger. Even though the Sith was gone after Darth Bane created the Rule of Two, they were afraid that they would wipe the Jedi out and in turn they would rule the galaxy, so the Jedi had contingency plans placed all around the Galaxy, so that if there was a Force Sensitive anywhere, they would eventually find them and learn the ways of the Jedi and restore the balance of the Force.’

‘But because of that there Empire,’ said Applejack as she pointed a hoof ‘They uncovered most of them and exploited it for their own use.’

‘But if the Empire found most of their contingency plans,’ said Fluttershy when she thought about something ‘Why didn’t they find the temple in Equestria?’

‘Master Yoda said that when he first started out as a Padawan,’ said Luke whilst continuing to read the scroll ‘He caught a Jedi erasing their archives about the First Jedi. He said that the First Jedi wanted to ensure that their greatest secret would remain, my guess is it was Equestria itself.’

‘Huh, that’s actually a smart move,’ said Spike ‘If the Empire had knowledge of Equestria, they would’ve destroyed it like they destroyed Alderaan.’

‘So, what does the scroll say Luke?’ said Celestia, wondering what he uncovered.

‘According to this scroll,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘The First Jedi came here long ago, attempting to hide even their most sacred of texts, to ensure that if the Jedi would fall, they would leave behind instructions on how to master the ways of the Jedi, through both the Force and their Lightsaber skills. There are three groups of Jedi. The Jedi Guardian, who focuses on combat and Lightsaber mastery. Jedi Consular, who focuses their mastery of the Force. And Jedi Sentinel, those who are well balanced and posses many skills.’

‘Hmm, three groups of Jedi,’ said Starswirl as he pondered on it ‘It would make sense. Guardians trained for combat, Consular trained to carry on the knowledge of the force, and the Sentinel, who are the masters of both.’

‘The scroll also says,’ said Luke as he continued to read on ‘That during their visits, they made their journey through Equestria, and met with what they were known as the Sages. The Sages agreed to let them hide their knowledge and stated that only the worthy could find it. However, they did not want any kingdom to get their hands on the scrolls, so they allowed them to hid them in places called, the point where we once came from.’

Thinking about this for a moment, Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst gasped, and said out loudly ‘The original homes of the Pony Tribes.’

The creatures were surprised to hear what they said, with Luke flexing an eyebrow as he looked at them. ‘The original homes?’

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia as she told him the story ‘Long ago before Equestria was formed, the ponies of this world were separated from others. One was the Unicorn tribe of old Unicornia, led by Princess Platinum. One was the Pegasi tribe of old Pegasopolis, led by Commander Hurricane. And one was the Earth Pony tribe of old Dirtville. Back before Alicorns existed, they lived in separate kingdoms, having great distrust of one another.’

‘When the Windigos,’ said Luna she too wanted to tell the story ‘Ancient creatures that feed on hate and cast eternal winter came along, none could grow their crops and each tribe blamed one another, thinking that they were the ones who casted their spells. When they founded a new kingdom, they immediately drew the attention of the Windigos and imprisoned them in ice.’

‘But if it weren't for their second in commands,’ said Twilight ‘Clover the Clever, Princess Platinum’s advisor. Chancellor Pudding Head’s Secretary Smart Cookie and Commander Hurricane’s Private Pansy, they wouldn’t have realized that it was their friendship towards one another that saved their lives from a cold fate.’

‘So it was because of your friendships towards one another,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘That you expelled the Darkness from within yourselves.’

Luke thought about it for a moment and said ‘All our lives, the Jedi code said that attachments were forbidden.’ He then looked at them and said with a smile ‘But all of you are living proof that your attachments to one another is what saved all of you from darkness. And if a world like this can learn that. Maybe I can too.’

The creatures in the room all smiled too, knowing that Luke had learnt of something important too. That was until Yona realized something. ‘Wait, if the First Jedi placed scrolls in Pony tribes’ kingdoms, then how come Yak and other kingdoms never heard of it?’

‘We do not know,’ said Luna ‘After Equestria was founded and many of the pony tribes moved there, knowledge of the Pony Tribes’ kingdoms were lost through the ages, forgotten even.’

‘The knowledge of the old pony tribes may have been gone in Equestria,’ said Luke as he showed them ‘But the First Jedi did not.’

He showed them a map of where the pony tribes’ kingdoms once were, which surprised them all. ‘Whoa, if they made a map of the old pony tribes’ homes…’ said Applejack.

‘Then maybe there’s a chance we can find all of them.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘I don’t know.’ said Smolder ‘If I had to guess, all of you hadn’t been to your old home for centuries. It’ll be the first time any of you will set foot there.’

Twilight gasped as she realized that Smolder was right ‘You’re right. Then there’s much to do.’

‘I suggest we leave first thing in the morning.’ said Luke as he gestured them ‘We will need our strength once we’ve rested up.’

‘Whoa, no kidding,’ said Pinkie Pie as she looked at a pocket watch she pulled from out of nowhere ‘It’s nearly seven o clock.’

‘Seven o clock?!!’ shouted Luna ‘Oh no, I’m late!! So very late!!’.

She instantly teleported away in order to reach the castle surface. Ocellus yawned as she said ‘Yeah, you’re right. I could use some rest too.’

‘Very well,’ said Celestia ‘I suggest we all rest up for the night, and we’ll continue with our journey in the morning.’

And as such, all of them left the room, with Luke looking at the scroll, as he said ‘I’m so close. I can feel it.’ whilst he rolled it up, closed the coffin and returned to the surface, for tomorrow would be a new day, a day where their journey had only just begun.

Chapter 6: The Lost Kingdom of the Unicorns

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As the sun rose, everyone gathered near the courtyard as they were able to gather their things for the long trip, even the Young Six, Celestia and Luna had packed their things for the long trip, for setting foot onto the ponies’ ancient homelands will be a great historical event for them.

‘Everypony got their things together?’ asked Twilight after she and Spike were able to get their things together. For Twilight was a handful of books and writing material, even some empty journals, with Spike carrying his usual gems.

‘We’re all good.’ said Rainbow Dash as she had her Wonderbolt Duffle bag, Rarity with her handful of suitcases, Applejack with both her saddle bags, Fluttershy with her animal feed in case she meets new animals, as well as a few clothes to dress up in case the places they go to are cold, with Pinkie Pie carrying her usual, Pinkie Pie things. Starlight and Sunburst also came along as they had their things ready.

‘You sure the school will be fine without us?’ said Applejack when she saw Starlight coming along.

‘Don’t worry Applejack,’ said Starlight as she looked at AJ ‘I asked Trixie, Maud, Spitfire, Big Mac and Zacora to fill in just in case things don’t work out well.’

Some looked at her with flexed eyebrows as they had concerns. ‘Wait, Zacora is teaching a class?’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said Fluttershy as she looked at them with reassurance ‘Zacora said that she was once a teacher where she came from. And thanks to her experience, she’ll make a fine teacher.’

Luke approached the group as he walked over to them. ‘Is everyone ready?’

‘Of course Master Skywalker,’ said Celestia as she stood near him ‘We’re just waiting for our train to take us to where we need to go.’

‘Actually,’ said Luke as he had something else in mind ‘We can always take my ship.’

Many were surprised by Luke’s offer. ‘Wait, we get to go,’ said Twilight, until she said with a loud squeal as she placed both her hooves against her cheeks ‘On your spaceship?!!’

Luke chuckled by Twilight’s excitement ‘Of course, so, shall we?’

All of them made their way towards Luke’s ship. As they boarded, Artoo had guided them to the storage area of the ship, where all of them had placed their luggage and supplies there. Most of them looked around and were a little surprised to see what it looked like on the inside.

‘Whoa,’ said Twilight as she looked inside ‘It’s far different from any ship I have ever seen.’

‘Although,’ said Rarity as she didn’t like the interior design of the place ‘It could use a little more redecorating.’

Spike sat down near a chair as he liked the seats ‘Nice comfy seats though.’

He accidentally activated the table, creating a holographic set of ships, surprising some as they watched. ‘Whoa, what is that?’ said Spike, gaining Luke’s attention as he smiled.

‘Ah,’ said Luke as he walked over and showed them ‘Maz told me about this. This is called “Cruiser Wars”, a strategy game that’s kind of, what do you call them, chess?’

‘Fascinating.’ said Sunburst as he observed the table.

‘It even has pod racing.’

‘Pod racing?’ asked the ponies.

‘Artoo,’ said Luke, gaining the droid’s attention ‘Would you help them set up a holo-net for the previously recorded pod racing games? And uh, show an old one of my father in it.’

Artoo beeped as he moved over and started to work on the holo-net on the table.

‘Now then Princesses,’ said Luke as he looked at Twilight, Celestia and Luna ‘Would you two mind coming along with me? I think you would want to see this.’

The Princesses walked with Luke as they headed towards the cockpit. As they approached the cockpit, Luke sat in the pilot’s seat, with Twilight sitting at the co-pilot seat, whilst Celestia and Luna sat on the passengers’ seats. They saw Luke pressing a few buttons, whilst Twilight was amazed by this. ‘Whoa, what are they?’

‘These happen to be the controls of the ship.’ said Luke as he showed them ‘They help control every part of the ship. Energy, Oxygen, Fuel, and so on. There are many types of ships. Ships like this sometimes require only a handful of people, but when it comes to ships that are bigger than two cities.’

‘There are ships that big?’ asked Luna whilst she was surprised by the discovery.

‘Indeed Princess Luna.’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘Ships that large require almost five hundred crewmembers to keep the ship afloat and flying from one destination to another. Some ships carry enough cargo and passengers from one world to another, as well as delivering supplies to an entire planet. But there are also ships that need enough officers and soldiers to defend it in case of an attack, as well as deploy many soldiers on a planet to garrison on in case of a large planet wide invasion.’

‘Interesting.’ said Celestia ‘I think we should ask Shining Armour to investigate those kinds of ships, I think he might find this interesting.’

‘Shining Armour?’ asked Luke?

‘Shining Armour’s my brother.’ said Twilight as she explained. ‘He used to be Captain of the Guard in Canterlot. But after he got married to Princess Cadance, he became Captain of the Crystal Empire instead.’

‘The Crystal Empire?’

‘An empire that consist of crystal ponies,’ said Celestia ‘A long time ago, an evil unicorn named Sombra tried to take over, but my sister and I stopped him, but in doing so, he cursed the empire, and it disappeared from the face of our world. But it reappeared a thousand years later. And thanks to Twilight and her friends, they were able to restore the empire back to its former glory and banished Sombra from it. Now he is banished in the shadow realms.’

‘I see.’ said Luke ‘So shall we be on our way.’

‘Of course.’ said Celestia as she realized that they need to go on their journey.

Luke activated the ship and primed its engines. As soon it was done, the ship automatically lifted itself up, turned around and flew into the horizon. But from the cockpit, the Princesses were impressed of how fast the ship was flying.

‘This is incredible.’ said Luna as she looked how fast they were flying ‘Truly this ship is a marvel beyond any zeppelin I’ve ever seen.’

‘It is indeed.’ said Luke as he placed the ship on autopilot. ‘We should be arriving at our first destination in an hour.’
‘Wait, that fast?’ said Twilight as she was surprised by its speed.
‘Indeed.’ said Luke as he looked at them. ‘Now then, all of you can join the others if you want. I think you’ll find what Artoo is showing you will be really interesting.’

The three princesses walked to the back to join the others. As they arrived, all of them were fixated on the screen as they watched in awe. For what they were watching, was pod racing, the one his father entered all those years ago. The Princesses were also growing interested, seeing how fast they were, trying to outrace the other. It was truly breathtaking for all of them. Even Pinkie had brought out snacks as all of them were eating popcorn whilst drinking soda as they watched the race.

An hour later, the announcer said ‘From the start of the third to final lap, Sabulba is followed closely by Skywalker!!’, causing every creature to cheer as all of them got excited.

When all of a sudden, Artoo turned it off, surprising them as some gave him the stink eye. ‘Hey, what’s the big idea?’ said Smolder as she wasn’t done watching.

Artoo looked at them and beeped a couple of times, with Luke coming up and said ‘Artoo says we’re here.’

Rainbow Dash was surprised to hear this ‘We’re here, already?’

‘Of course Rainbow Dash,’ said Celestia as she gained Rainbow Dash’s attention ‘Master Skywalker was kind enough to explain that whereas our trains and airships would take us days or a week, the ships where he comes from can travel within a mere hour or so.’

‘Whoa, cool.’ said Sandbar as he was surprised.

‘We’ll leave our things in the ship,’ said Luke ‘We’ll make camp tonight once we try to find what we’re looking for.’

‘Wait,’ said Silverstream ‘You’re not going to use the Force or anything?’

‘I will, but tonight. For now, I’m sure all of you are eager to explore this place after all.’

‘Of course,’ said Starswirl after he took a few unwritten journals with him, as well as a very old journal ‘To explore one of the kingdoms of the pony tribes would be an honor.’

‘Indeed,’ said Stygian ‘The legends had stated that if any unicorn were to set foot on old unicorn grounds, the way would be revealed to them.’

‘Ah just hope we’re allowed to cross over,’ said Applejack ‘Last ah remembered the tribes didn’t exactly see eye to eye.’

‘Not to worry Applejack,’ said Starswirl ‘After Equestria was founded I traveled to the three pony tribe kingdoms to ensure that the spell placed around them will not reject other ponies, thanks to the ones who saw reason.’

‘Then as an expert on the ancient kingdoms of the pony tribes Starswirl,’ said Celestia with a smile whilst she gestured him towards the ramp ‘You shall lead the way.’

‘I would be honored Princess Celestia.’ said Starswirl as he and his fellow pillars lead the way.

The ramp of the Ebon Hawk lowered, Luke and every creature walked out to find what they were looking for. But as they stood on solid ground, they noticed the fog was intensely thick, unable to see anything. But they noticed, it was only thick from where they were standing, but everywhere else was as clear as both day and night.

‘That’s strange,’ said Sunburst as he looked at both the fog and his surroundings ‘There’s only fog in front of us, but not the rest of the land.

‘Do you think the Unicorn Tribe created this?’ said Mage Meadowbrook as she observed it.

‘No way,’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at it ‘Only the Pegasi can control the weather. The Unicorns can’t control the weather all that well.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Starlight when she heard Rainbow Dash say that.

‘Put it this way,’ said Spike as he explained ‘When Twilight accidentally swapped her friends’ talents, each of them couldn’t do things right for squat. For one thing, Fluttershy had Pinkie Pie’s talent and she felt scared and humiliated from trying to make others laugh because she doesn’t like being laughed at, Rainbow Dash had Fluttershy’s talent and she nearly got eaten alive, Rarity had Rainbow Dash’s talent and she nearly created the biggest weather disaster known to Pony kind, Applejack had Rarity’s talent and she kept making farmer related fashion instead, and Pinkie Pie had Applejack’s talent and she couldn’t even grow one apple tree.’

The Mane 5 groaned as they were reminded of their humiliated moment. ‘Do you have to bring that up Spike?’ asked Applejack.

Luke, who somehow got interested when he was surprised to hear what happened, decided to ask if they fixed the problem. ‘So if she accidentally swapped their talents, were you able to restore them?’

‘Sure did,’ said Twilight as she smiled, remembering that day ‘After I did, I realized what was wrong with the spell, so I finished it. And in doing so, I ended up ascending to Alicorn hood, gaining the title of Princess.’

‘I see.’ said Luke as he was intrigued ‘And I assume you achieved your destiny soon afterwards.’

‘Honestly,’ said Twilight ‘I was nervous of being a princess at first, but if it weren’t for my friends, I wouldn’t be where I am.’

‘Sounds familiar.’ said Luke as he chuckled, thinking of how his friends were able to help him achieve what he was destined to achieve.

‘So,’ said Ocellus as she took a closer look ‘If the Unicorns didn’t create the fog, who did?’

‘That would be the Pegasi,’ said Starswirl, much to the others’ surprise. ‘After Equestria was founded, I secretly asked Private Pansy and her fellow Pegasi to gather every cloud they could, circled them and covered the entire tribe’s kingdoms so that they would be safe from harm, to preserve our heritage and ensure that if Equestria was one day doomed, we would come here to learn of our mistakes as our ancestors once did, so that we could be better prepared for the future.’

‘So you shielded their kingdoms as a last resort?’ said Luke as he looked at Starswirl.

‘Indeed Master Luke.’ said Starswirl as he stood a few inches towards the fog. ‘Now let’s see if I can disable this spell.

Starswirl focused his magic through his horn and concentrated against the fog. With a great flash from his horn, the thick fog slowly cleared an opening, allowing them to enter inside the thick fog in order to reach their destination.

As they walked through, the fog behind them closed like a door. The moment they were in, most were in awe of what they were seeing, with Starswirl saying ‘Fillies, gentle colts, creatures and visitor. Welcome to old Unicornia.’

To say this place is a marvel would be an understatement. The buildings nearly represent Canterlot in all its glory, as well as many of the unicorn statues that were dedicated to Princess Platinum’s family. Besides the vegetation and vines that grew upon the walls of most of the buildings, they were distracted by the nature inside, the flowers, the animals and the running rivers and ponds.

‘Man, I gotta admit this about the Unicorns,’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at them ‘They really know how to make a thriving city.’

‘Why thank you Rainbow Dash,’ said Rarity, as if she was still living among the place ‘I have to admit, our unicorn ancestors did great work in creating a peaceful paradise.’

‘Yeah, if it weren't for all of you bickering like foals and the Wendigos showed up.’ said Gallus as he ruined the moment, with Rarity staring coldly at him.

Rarity simply rolled his eyes as she admitted it bluntly, even if she didn’t like being told the truth now and then ‘Well yes, if you want to be so crude about it.’

‘As beautiful of a paradise as this place is,’ said Luke as he looked at the place ‘I am surprised that the ponies never considered visiting their old home once all three tribes made peace.’

‘Indeed,’ said Mistmane ‘But we think that they chose not to come back home, considering that the kingdoms bring too much painful memories of our past.’

‘Sometimes our past is horrible, yes,’ said Luke, knowing the feeling all too well ‘But sometimes the only thing we can do is look to the future and keep moving forward.’

‘Wise words indeed Master Skywalker.’ said Starswirl, as he too admitted into making that same mistake.

‘So where do we look for this there clue to the temple?’ said Applejack.

‘We should start looking around,’ said Flash Magnus ‘See if we can find any clues to the temple itself.’

‘Agreed,’ said Celestia ‘We shall take teams of four to find what we’re looking for faster.’

As planned, they went in separate directions to find their next clue. The Pillars went to the left part of the city, the Mane 6 went to the right part of the city. Spike, Starlight and Sunburst traveled northwest of the city with the Young Six in tow, whilst Celestia and Luna accompanied Luke as they went straight. The Pillars looked through most of the grander buildings, which were once the place of businesses. The Mane 6 looked through what appeared to be the Unicorns’ homes. The Young Six, Sunburst, Starlight and Spike looked at what appeared to be a Park of some kind, whilst Luke, Celestia and Luna continued down the grand street of the city.

As they looked around, Luke, whilst still keeping his focus ahead, asked Celestia ‘May I ask you something?’

‘Of course Luke.’ said Celestia as she responded.

‘Why did the pony tribes hate each other so much?’

‘That is…an uneasy question,’ said Luna ‘But I will answer however I can. If I may sister?’

‘Of course.’ said Celestia as she allowed her sister to tell Luke.

‘To put it simply,’ said Luna as she began ‘The Unicorns are in charge of Equestria’s magic, and once upon a time, they once raised the sun and moon before my sister and I came to be. The Earth Ponies are in charge of growing crops of food to their populace, whilst the Pegasi are in charge of the weather, creating rain, snow, as well as clearing the skies for sunny and moonlight skies.’

‘And I assume from what you told me about their leaders,’ said Luke as he looked at Luna whilst continuing to move on foot, or hoof in this case ‘I assume they didn’t see eye to eye?

‘In a manner of speaking,’ said Luna ‘The Unicorns mostly think they were better than anypony else because they can use magic, the Pegasi boast over them being special because they could control the weather, and the Earth Ponies didn’t like either side.’

‘I assume that the leaders’ second in commands were the only ones who saw sense in all of this?’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna as she acknowledged it ‘They were the only ones who realized what their mistakes were, and thankfully, the leaders sought reason and they eventually made peace thanks to their subordinates.’

‘And what of you two?’ said Luke after crossing what appeared to be a stone bridge ‘How did you two came to be?’

‘My sister and I became Alicorns since we were fillies.’ said Celestia when she felt she too needed to share a tale or two ‘I was able to raise the sun whilst my sister Luna raised the moon. When we encountered Discord, we weren't a match for his chaos magic at first, but after we discovered the Elements of Harmony in the Everfree forest, we used their power to defeat him by turning him to stone.’

‘After his defeat,’ said Luna ‘We built our castle above the Tree of Harmony, the birthplace of the elements themselves, to protect it and soon became the rulers of the land.’

‘But in time you were jealous that the ponies loved your sister’s day instead of your night?’ said Luke whilst remembering that part of the story that she told him.

‘Yes.’ said Luna as she felt ashamed over what she had done in the past.

‘The important thing is that you two are reunited,’ said Luke ‘And you’ve gained new friends along the way.’

Luna smiled, thinking about the times that many ponies tried to help her through her struggles. ‘Yes, I did.’

Shortly they stopped, and saw a large castle up ahead. ‘From the looks of this castle, I assume that this would happen to be the home of Princess Platinum.’

‘Indeed it is.’ said Celestia as she took a glance at the castle.

‘We will need to call forth Princess Twilight and her friends.’ said Luna, realizing that they need to regroup.

‘That will not be necessary’ said Luke as he slowly sat down on his knees, lowered his head and closed his eyes.
The two sisters stood there, watching as Luke kept his position, as if he was focused on something. The groups that were separate continued to search what they hope would be the clue they needed. That was, until each of them suddenly felt something, a presence of sorts. Each of them were surprised at first, then looked at the direction where they felt like a presence was watching them. And out of instinct, they ran towards the direction they felt the presence.

Sure enough, Luke opened his eyes and slowly stood up, with Celestia and Luna looking at him curiously. ‘What did you do?’ asked Luna when she was curious of what Luke was doing.

Luke simply smiled and said ‘Wait for it.’

Sure enough, The Mane 6, the Young Six and the Pillars, along with Spike, Starlight and Sunburst came from out of nowhere from different parts of the streets. Each of them were surprised than the last seeing each other.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow Dash when she was the first to see the rest ‘How did you…?’

‘I do not know,’ said Flash Magnus ‘We were busy exploring the Unicorn kingdom…’

‘Right,’ said Sunburst as he agreed ‘We suddenly felt a presence and were drawn towards this part of the city.’

‘How is that possible?’ said Ocellus as she too was surprised.

‘That would be of my doing,’ said Luke, gaining their attention ‘I simply used the Force to call all of you here.’

Many were surprised by the ability Luke has. ‘Whoa,’ said Twilight as she took a few steps forward. ‘How is that possible?’

‘Later,’ said Luke with a smile as he raised his hand to stop her before she could ask any further ‘Before we continue, we should rest up in there.’

Luke pointed at the Castle, much to everyone’s surprise.

‘Whoa,’ said Spike as he also took a few steps forward ‘That’s one amazing castle. And I thought the one in Canterlot, the Crystal Empire and the Castle of the Two Sisters was impressive.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke. He raised his right hand and aimed it towards the Castle with his eyes closed. He concentrated for some reason. After about twenty seconds of silence, he opened his eyes and lowered his hand. ‘The Force is strong from within the castle.’

‘So we’re on the right track?’ said Twilight as she stood next to Luke.

‘I think so.’ said Luke as he took a few steps forward ‘The Force sometimes comes and goes, like it’s trying to test Force Users in order to help point them in the right direction.’

‘So should we search for the Castle?’ asked Luna.

‘We can try,’ said Luke ‘But if it gets late whilst we’re searching, we should see if there are rooms that we can use for the night.’

‘Luckily I can help with that,’ said Starswirl ‘After Clover the Clever was able to become a royal advisor to Princess Platinum, she was kind enough to show me around the castle. Even the Princess herself wouldn’t dare to deny me access.’

‘Because she respected you as the most powerful wizard?’ asked Pinkie Pie whilst she skipped next to him.

‘No,’ said Starswirl as he said ‘Because the last time I saw her father, the Unicorn King, I turned him into a frog.’

The ponies and creatures turned their heads to Starswirl and looked at him both stunned and surprised, even Luke was a little surprised whilst he looked over his left shoulder and quirking his left eyebrow.

‘What?’ said Starswirl as he shrugged his one shoulder ‘He had the gall to say that both my hat and my robe make me look fat.’

‘I…have no words.’ said Celestia as both she and Luna were surprised by what their former teacher did.

‘We…should probably get inside.’ said Luna, before things had become awkward.

All of them agreed and walked towards the Castle, in order to explore if there really is a secret entrance for the next clue to the temple.

As they went inside, they were greatly impressed by the tapestry and the interior of the designs of the castle was greatly impressed.

‘Amazing,’ said Twilight as she looked at the place ‘So this is what the great halls of the Unicorn castle looked like. I’ve never seen anything like this.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna as she looked at her sister ‘I wonder why mother and father never told us of the old pony tribes’ homes?’

‘I’m sure they must’ve had their reasons Luna.’ said Celestia whilst wondering the same thing.

They eventually found a hallway that split in three different directions; left, right and straight. ‘We should split up and try to cover more ground.’ said Flash Magnus as he looked at the three different directions.

‘Same team as before?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook whilst she looked around.

‘That would be wise.’ said Somnambula.

All of them to different directions trying to cover more ground. However, Spike suddenly stopped and turned around whilst he saw something with widened eyes. What he saw, was the ghosts of Unicorn King and Princess Platinum, along with Clover the Clever, standing together and staring at three humans in cloaks, shrouding their faces. It looked as if they were speaking to them. The six of them walked in a different direction, with Spike following suit.

Gaining their attention, Luke, Celestia and Luna turned around and saw Spike leaving the group.

‘Spike?’ Celestia asked, with the dragon still walking, prompting them to follow him.

Spike saw the ghosts standing near a wall, with Princess Platinum using her magic to open the door. Sure enough the door opened and they walked through. Spike was surprised by what he saw.

‘Spike?’ said Luna, gaining his attention as he looked at them. ‘Are you alright?’

‘I think I saw something.’ said Spike as he looked at the wall again ‘I think that there’s a secret passage way through here.’

‘Are you sure Spike?’ asked Celestia.

Luke walked over and placed his hand against the wall whilst he closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes as he said ‘He’s right. This wall is hollow. Meaning that there’s a secret passage there.’

‘Yeah,’ said Spike ‘And if I had to guess, it can be opened by Unicorn Magic.’

‘Let me see.’ said Celestia as she stood in front of it.

She closed her eyes and focused her magic whilst she closed her eyes. Sure enough, the wall slowly opened, revealing a secret passage way as the wall was now completely lowered.

‘Amazing,’ said Luna ‘I did not know that they have secret passage ways in this castle.’

‘Kind of reminds me of the ones in Canterlot.’ said Celestia after she opened her eyes ‘Though we tend to have secret passage ways for a reason.’

‘Shall we proceed then your highnesses?’ asked Luke as he gestured the direction they should walk.

‘Indeed.’ said Celestia as she, Luna, Spike and Luke walked into the secret passage.

As they walked through, the passage behind them closed, allowing them to continue with their journey. They walked down the long halls to find what they would be looking for, when all of a sudden, Spike could see the ghosts again.
‘Is something wrong Spike?’ asked Luna as she noticed the way Spike was looking.

‘It’s just,’ said Spike as he tried his best to explain ‘Like before, I saw what looked like ghosts. Three in robes, the first Jedi probably, as well as the Unicorn King, Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever.’

‘The first Jedi must have asked the Unicorn tribes to hide part of their clue of the first Jedi’s Temple.’ said Luke whilst he understood what Spike was saying.

‘But still, why not simply give them the map that leads them straight to the Temple?’ asked Luna.

‘From what Luke described about the Empire,’ said Celestia whilst she remembered Luke’s tale ‘After the Jedi had fallen, the Emperor used the Temple as his own personal office that would give him access to the Jedi Archives, allowing him to find and strip every knowledge of every temple the Jedi had created for future generations.’

‘And if the Emperor were to find the temple here.’ said Luke whilst filling in ‘Who knows what would’ve happened if the Empire were to suddenly invade Equestria. Your world and every creature on it would be sold as slaves, as many other worlds have suffered the same fate.’

‘You make a good point.’ said Luna whilst she shivered a bit, thinking about some of the worlds that have fallen into slavery.

They saw a spiral staircase, which allowed them to take it whilst following the path. After going up a few floors, they were able to reach another doorway. Luke noticed the lever next to it, allowing him to pull it. Once he did, the door slowly opened, allowing them to walk in. As they got through, to their surprise, they were somewhat in another room, no doubt the royal Unicorns’ throne room.

‘This must be the Unicorn King’s throne room.’ said Celestia whilst she looked around.

‘Princess Celestia?’ said a voice, revealing to be Twilight and the rest of her friends, as well as the Pillars and Young Six, who have just recently entered the throne room’s entrance.

‘Whoa, how did you guys get here?’ said Smolder when she saw them.

‘It turned out that there was a secret passage that led straight towards the throne room.’ said Luna as she pointed at the passage they had just come through.

‘I see.’ said Starswirl as he looked at it.

‘Starswirl,’ said Stygian as he stood next to him ‘You’ve known the Unicorn Royal family for as long as any other pony has. How is it possible that they have created secret passageways without any of the Unicorn scholars’ knowledge?’

‘The Unicorn royal family tend to keep things to themselves.’ said Starswirl after he was done inspecting the passage way. ‘Remember, they had hatred towards the other pony tribes and they were afraid that if either chose to wage war, they created passage ways to escape from just in case.’

‘But what happened afterwards?’

‘That, Stygian, is a mystery for another day.’

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia ‘It is getting late, so I shall set the sun and we shall need to rest for the night.’

‘Then it’s a good thing that we brought some supplies and left it at the ship,’ said Spike with a smile ‘I saw this palace has a kitchen, so I’ll get started with the cooking.’

‘Oh, ah’ll help you,’ said the smiling Mage Meadowbrook ‘It’s been a while since I also cooked.’

‘Aye,’ said Rockhoof as he remembered ‘I still remembered that you once cooked for me and Stygian when we recruited you to help us fight the Sirens.’

‘Oh, I’ll help too.’ said Twilight as she volunteered. As soon as Spike and Mage gathered near her, Twilight teleported themselves back to the ship.

Luke was impressed as he chuckled whilst he said ‘Interesting technique.’

‘Princess Twilight makes a habit of doing this.’ said Luna.

Within a split second, Twilight teleported to them and told them ‘I already teleported Spike and Meadowbrook to the kitchen, so they’ll be able to finish up in half an hour.’

‘Good,’ said Luke whilst he also spotted a balcony outside ‘All of you go on ahead and get settled, I must meditate.’

As Luke left, the ponies watched him head for the balcony. ‘Man, for a guy who’s supposed to be a master, he sure does a lot of meditating.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Well he has to Rainbow,’ said Twilight ‘How else can he consult with the Force?’

‘Still, wonder how it works though?’ asked Ocellus.

‘Maybe we can ask master tonight?’ said Yona.

‘Sure, after dinner of course.’ said Pinkie, when all of a sudden, she pulled out a campfire and over fifty bags of marshmallows whilst she shouted ‘And maybe some smores!!’

Sure enough, thanks to Celestia, the sun had been set and Luna raised the moon, and everypony was lucky enough to find rooms, as well as blankets thanks to Rarity’s expertise. Though she wanted to call dibs on the royal rooms, she decided to let Celestia and Luna claim those rooms. At the same time, Spike, Mage Meadowbrook and Twilight brought in the food so that all of them could dine with what they have made. Luke sat outside whilst he was still meditating, until he felt a gentle push on his right shoulder. He looked and saw Ocellus.

‘Excuse me, Master Skywalker?’ said Ocellus ‘Spike and Mage Meadowbrook were able to cook the food, you’re welcome to join us.’

‘Thank you Ocellus.’ said Luke as he stood up and joined them.

Soon enough, after they were done dining, Rainbow Dash asked ‘You sure do a lot of meditating.’

‘Sometimes the path of the Jedi must remain on the path to light,’ said Luke after he placed his empty bowl aside ‘If we stray from the path, we doom ourselves in the darkness.’

‘And the Force,’ said Somnambula as whilst she wondered about something ‘What else can you do, besides lifting objects and for combat?’

‘Sometimes we use the Force to jump to higher platforms,’ said Luke as he tried to think of something else ‘The Jedi can also use them to see the future.’

‘Wait, see the future?’ asked Ocellus.

‘Yes, when a Jedi meditates, they tend to tap into the visions of the Force, allowing them to see the future, but one must learn to control those emotions, otherwise it would not work.’

‘So if you guys could see the future,’ said Spike after he was done dishing up for Celestia and Luna, whilst walking over to them to give them their food ‘How come you couldn’t see the future of where the Jedi would be wiped out?’

‘Kenobi and Yoda once told me that whilst the Dark Side grew, it clouded their vision, blocking them from seeing the future.’
‘That would make sense,’ said Celestia ‘If one would block one’s vision of seeing the future, then their enemies would gain an advantage over their adversaries and their enemies.’

‘I’m curious of how the force works.’ said Sunburst, wondering of how this works.

‘Let me show you then.’ said Luke, taking them by surprise.

‘Whoa, you can do that?’ asked Smolder.

‘Indeed.’ said Luke as he sat down with his legs crossed and placed his hands on his knees. ‘All of you gather in a circle, close your eyes and I’ll show you.’

Sure enough, all of them did. They all sat in a circle with Luke, slowly lowered their heads and closed their eyes.

‘Concentrate. Clear your thoughts of any distraction. Breathe.’ said Luke to them.

All of them cleared their thoughts of any distractions. They slowly began to take deep and calming breaths whilst trying to clear their thoughts from any distractions. Though Pinkie nearly wanted to giggle, Twilight had to remind her that she should at least restrain herself for just a few minutes, or in this case, an hour.

‘The Force surrounds all of us, it allows us to feel anything out there,’ said Luke whilst keeping his eyes closed ‘It surrounds all living things, like they are part of us, from the ground we walk to the air we fly or the path we follow and allow to guide us.’

They continued to keep their eyes closed, not wanting to make a single noise. Luke spoke to them as he wanted to make sure that all of them could feel what he feels. He noticed the Force had flowed through them, which made him smile, knowing he was on the right path.

‘Feel the water as it flows down the river.’

Sure enough, they could feel every drop of water from any part of the river. More importantly, they can also feel it from the ocean.

‘Feel the wind as it blows in the direction it wants to go.’

They could feel the wind and noticed how they were blowing in what direction it wanted to go.

‘Feel the creatures as they move on the ground and fly in the air.’

They could feel the tamed, wild and ferocious animals that wander throughout the world, doing what they were meant to do.
‘And most importantly…feel the life of every bit of civilization around you.’

Sure enough, to their surprise, they could feel every creature throughout Equestria and beyond. They could sense the Ponies, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Yaks, Dragons, Changelings, Kirin, Minotaurs and every kind of creature throughout all of Equestria. All of them were amazed that they could feel so many out there.

Sure enough, they opened their eyes sharply as they were taken by surprise. ‘This, is, amazing.’ said Starlight as she was taken by surprise.

‘Ah…ah could feel them, every creature and pony from all over Equestria.’

Celestia walked over to Luke as all of them were able to stand up as she said ‘This is truly a great gift the Force has granted you. If you would wish, we would like to learn more about this.’

‘I would be honored to teach you Princess Celestia.’ said Luke whilst he bowed.

However, Luke suddenly turned his head to the thrones, as if something had called out to him. Not just him though, surprisingly everypony and creature turned their head towards it, which held partial surprise looks to their faces.
‘Uh, you guys feel that too, right?’ said Smolder.

‘In a way, yeah.’ said Gallus.

Luke walked over to the thrones and did a thorough inspection whilst the others walked on over to see what he was doing. Luke noticed something as he watched the thrones. He found what appeared to be a button underneath the right armrest. He pressed the button, causing the ground underneath the thrones to rumble.

The ground from which the thrones were standing on suddenly split themselves in two, revealing a passage way going underground. ‘So the passages were hidden under the thrones?’ said Mistmane when she got a good look at it.

‘It would seem so,’ said Stygian, who then turned to Starswirl ‘I do not understand though, I thought that there would be no more secrets ever since the kingdoms united and formed Equestria.’

‘Perhaps the First Jedi asked them to keep it a secret since they first came to this world.’ said Luke whilst he observed the entrance.

‘Then let us make haste.’ said Luna before all of them entered underground.

Following like last time, they used the lanterns to lit their path towards the passage way. The next part was a trap that was the same as last time, but this time they learnt well, and Twilight was the one who volunteered to go and used her shield to shield herself towards the other side to shut it all down.

Soon after that, they were able to reach the next door, with them sensing another dark presence in there. But it felt like two individuals in there, implying that there were two instead of one. Slowly they opened the door, whilst also taking a peek inside.

‘I don’t see anybody.’ said Rockhoof as he was the first to take a peek.

‘That’s because these fellers don’t reveal themselves until the time is right and all.’ said Applejack as she poked her head in next.

‘We’d better be careful,’ said Yona as she also took a peek ‘Yona no like spooky place like this.’

‘Hey, at least this one’s not on fire.’ said Sandbar, remembering the time he and his friends were going through a haunted house on Nightmare Night set up by the Mane 6, until a few mishaps happened that they didn’t want to remember.

‘Let me lead the way.’ said Luke as he volunteered to go first.

As he walked through, he slowly looked around, not knowing what he might expect. At first it was going to be another stone guardian trap, but instead, the darkness kept growing stronger and stronger with every step he took. He stood at the center, whilst still observing his surroundings. But the moment Twilight and the others could see his face, Luke, out of instinct, jumped away and landed on both his feet, trying to see who’s responsible.

He saw two figures approaching from the darkness. One was a man, wearing a black cloak and hood over his face, whilst wearing a strange kind of mask, the other, was a man in red/yellow outfit, as well as wearing a black hood as well, but his mouth was covered by something metallic, whilst he had blue markings over his eyes. They stood at the center of the place, with Luke recognizing them. They were none other than Revan and Malak, the two fallen Jedi, who led their part of the Jedi and the Republic against the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian Wars, and responsible for the destruction of the Jedi during the Jedi Civil War, as well as paved the way for three of the galaxy’s most evilest Sith Lords.

‘Who are those two?’ asked Smolder.

‘Uh, Smolder?’ said Silverstream, gaining her dragon friend’s attention ‘Maybe we should ask him after those two are gone?’

‘Strange,’ said Luna as she looked at them. ‘The one with the blue marks over his eyes, I can sense evil from him. But the one in the mask. I can sense both light and dark in that one.’

Luke took a deep breath and pulled out his Lightsaber, whilst both Revan and Malak pulled out theirs. Spike called out ‘Uh, Luke, do you happen to know how to use two Lightsabers, don’t you?’

Luke looked at him with a flexed eyebrow and asked ‘Why?’

Spike tossed him a pair of Lightsabers, which Luke was able to catch. When Luke looked at it, he saw that it was the same Lightsaber that the ghost of Ajunta had. Luke looked at him as Spike said ‘Figured you might need them just in case.’

‘Spike.’ said Twilight as she scolded him ‘You took those without permission.’

‘It’s alright,’ said Luke as they looked at him and noticed he was smiling ‘When this is over, I’m gonna find him a large gem.’

Spike couldn’t help but smile at Luke’s offer.

Luke placed his Lightsaber away and used Ajunta’s instead, by connecting them together and turned it into a double bladed Lightsaber. He stood in position, preparing to strike. Luke slowly took a few steps forward, as did both Revan and Malak. Revan prepared to use his Form 6 maneuver, otherwise known as the Nimian, with Malak doing the same.

Luke made his move and twirled his makeshift double bladed Lightsaber, with Revan jumping over whilst trying to strike from above, but as Luke twirled his Lightsaber, he also blocked it at the same time. Sure enough, both Revan and Malak attacked him from both sides. Revan and Malak continued to strike on both sides, but Luke used his Lightsaber to block both of their attacks whilst they tried to get around him at the same time.

‘Man, look at him go.’ said Sandbar.

‘And I thought Luke was impressive when he fought with only one Lightsaber.’ said Flash Magnus whilst he was amazed the way Luke moved.

Both Revan and Malak continued to fight Luke, trying to gain an advantage, but thanks to Yoda’s training, Luke was able to move around them like water. As Revan tried to strike, Luke kicked Malak in the face, making him collapse on the ground.

Luke jumped like an acrobat to his left and used the Force to throw a rock towards Revan, but he easily sliced it in two. Revan continued to fight Luke until Malak joined in and continued the duel between the last Jedi and the Lords of Sith of old.
As they fought, Luke kicked Revan aside as he slid on the ground, with Luke jumping a bit backwards trying to dodge Malak. Luke stood in position and held his position whilst Malak attacked once more. Malak continued to strike left and right, but Luke successfully blocked them from both sides and pushed him away, whilst Revan came back into the fight as the two Sith Lords continued their duel. Malak and Revan tried to get past him, but it wasn’t enough to make Luke lose his defense. As Revan tried to strike, Luke used the Force to push him away, flinging him against the wall.

Malak backhanded Luke, making him fall on his back. Malak tried to strike Luke down, but Luke was quick on his feet and lifted himself up and landed on his feet, with Luke trying to strike back as Malak also blocked him from left to right. As they fought, Malak ended up standing up kicking Luke in the gut, but Luke was able to overcome it and jump further down, with Malak following suit. The two of them continued to clash their sabers, until Malak sliced the makeshift double bladed Lightsaber in half, separating it in the process. Malak grabbed it, but Luke was able to overpower him and throw him against the wall, with Luke jumping towards him.

As Malak crashed against the wall, Luke jabbed both Lightsabers in Malak’s gut, making him grunt in the process, killing him as the pain was too much for him. Luke pulled the Lightsabers out and landed back onto the ground, with Malak falling flat on his stomach, with the ponies surprised when they saw Luke being able to overpower Malak. Luke turned around and saw Revan slowly standing up, with smaller rocks rising all around him, showing that his power of the Dark Side is growing stronger by the minute. He pulls out his Lightsaber, ready for another go on Luke, with Luke preparing for a fight himself.

As they slowly walked around in a circle, Luke and Revan kept their focus on one another. In an attempt to reach out to him, Luke tried to speak to Revan.

‘I know who you are Revan,’ said Luke ‘I know you were never a Sith.’

‘You know nothing of me.’ responded Revan, maintaining his anger.

‘I know you were once an honorable Jedi,’ said Luke, remembering Master Yoda’s stories. ‘I know you and Malak were once the most compassionate Jedi who cared for the people of the Republic. When the worlds were threatened by the Mandalorians and the Jedi refused to act, you two brought what Jedi you could and led the Republic against their clans. But by the time power consumed the both of you, the two of you ended up leading a Jedi Civil War, turning Jedi against Jedi, and led the destruction of the Order whilst the survivors were forced into hiding, and the two of you turned into Sith Lords. That was until Bastilla, a powerful Battle master, captured you and altered your identity so that you wouldn’t remember who you were, erasing your past of who you once were.’

Many were surprised to hear of Revan’s origins. ‘Whoa, is he serious?’ asked Rainbow Dash whilst she was surprised.

‘From the sound of his voice, ah reckon he is.’ said Applejack whilst she was fixated on the battle.

Luke continued to speak as he said ‘But overtime in your altered state, you formed companions and friends to fight for the greater good of the Republic. You fought the Sith through different parts of the galaxy, and in time, Malak, one who thought you were dead, made you remember who you are. But instead of going back to your Sith ways, you continued to follow the path of the Jedi, saved the love of your life and aided the Republic in defeating Malak and the Sith. But as you regained more of your memories, you remembered that there was a far greater danger out there, so you left the galaxy to face down the danger and never returned. But in time, you were reincarnated and tried to make good for the galaxy. After that, you died and you became a legend ever since.’

‘I do not remember that life,’ said Revan ‘All I remember was that the Jedi were weak. Where were they as the innocence suffered whilst the Mandalorians laid waste to innocent worlds. I did what I had to do to defend them. And when that wasn’t enough, only power would make sure that all of them would stand in line.’

‘That is not true,’ said Luke ‘You formed a lot of companions over the years. Do you not remember who they were? Bastilla Shan was among them. But who were the others?’

Revan stopped in an instant, for that brief moment that the light inside of him woke up. He told them who they were and what they were.

‘Carth Onasi. He was a valiant soldier for the Republic. He led his troops with honor and strife. He even reunited with his son after he thought he died during great battle. Then there is Canderous Ordo, a great Mandalorian warrior from Clan Ordo, who united the other clans to fight against the Sith and restore his clan’s honor.’

They were surprised that Revan remembered the first two, but continued to tell Luke who the others were.

‘Then there’s Jolee Bindo, an old hermit who became a grey Jedi after his emotions got the better of him when his wife died. He was an old grump, but he had a kind heart. Then there’s Mission Vao, a Twilek who had been abandoned by her brother and left for dead. But after she came along, she found her purpose in helping the Republic, alongside Zalbaar, a Wookie from Kashyyk who reclaimed his honor and helped free his home from slavers.’

Pretty soon, Revan slowly lowered his guard, as did Luke with Revan continuing talking about his companions.

‘Then there’s Juhani, a Jedi Padawan who was consumed by the Dark Side when she struck down her master, but I was able to help redeem herself from her pain and darkness, I even let her accompany me so that she could find her light. Then there’s HK-47, a robotic droid who was designed by the Sith to fight alongside me, but found a new purpose in fighting for the Republic. Then finally, T3. I missed it so much since he was gone. Always being there by my side and always helped us overcome our problems no matter what stood in its way.’

Revan then removed his hood and slowly removed his mask, revealing his face. A normal human, but with normal eye colors, and no longer yellow like the Sith’s. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he said ‘They never did stop believing in me.’

‘Neither did my friends.’ said Luke as he had a smile of his own.

Revan couldn’t help but smile. He walked over to Luke and used the Force to take Malak’s Lightsaber before he faded from existence. Revan stood close to Luke as he held onto both the Lightsabers and his mask.

‘Very well done.’ said Revan as he gave his mask and Lightsabers to Luke. Smiling with relief, Luke accepted the Lightsabers and mask, with Revan placing his right hand on Luke’s shoulder. ‘You truly are the best of us. No go…restore the balance to the Force, as the chosen of the Jedi of old did before.’

Within moments, Revan disappeared, now finally resting in peace. Luke only smiled whilst he held onto the new momentums in his hands. The ponies and Spike, along with the Young Six moved closer towards him whilst some of them were amazed by what happened.

‘That was amazing.’ said Mage Meadowbrook.

‘How did you calm him down?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘I reached out to him, as many Jedi do to those who fell to the Dark Side.’ said Luke.

‘If you don’t mind me asking Master Skywalker,’ said Princess Celestia whilst she was curious ‘Who exactly were Revan and Malak? Were they well known in the Jedi Order?’

‘In a way they are.’ said Luke.

‘From what your master told you?’ asked Luna.

‘Let us continue with our goal,’ said Luke as he gestured to the door ‘I will explain along the way.’

As Luke led them to their destination, realizing that it was another long hallway, he told them of what he knew about them.

‘Long ago, after the Great Sith War,’ said Luke ‘The Mandalorians were an ongoing warrior race who were always at war with each other and everybody else. They had enemies everywhere. The Republic, the Jedi Order, the Empire and the Sith, all who fought the Mandalorians to a standstill. Realizing that the Republic was in danger, Revan and Malak urged the Jedi Order to help the Republic put an end to the war, but they refused.’

‘Refused?’ said Rarity whilst she was surprised ‘Why in Equestria would they refuse to help the Republic?’

‘Remember,’ said Luke ‘The temptation of the Dark Side can exist in anyone, and the Jedi, fearing that their Order would suffer the same fate as their predecessors during the Great Sith War, they chose to stay out of it. Revan and Malak on the other hand, both of the Jedi Knights, refused to sit aside and allow the innocence of every world to suffer. They eventually gained the aid of half of the Jedi Order and fought with the Republic Fleet and armies on the front lines. Sure enough, the Mandalorians surrendered, only to discover that they were secretly led by a Sith Emperor.’

‘Let me guess,’ said Rainbow Dash as she was boasting ‘They went over and kicked their butts?’

‘Not exactly,’ said Luke, much to Dash’s disappointment ‘When they confronted him, the Sith Emperor corrupted them, and in time, they were succumbed to the Dark Side, and soon after that, the Jedi they gathered also fell to Darkness, and ended up leading a Jedi Civil War.’

‘Jedi vs. Jedi?’ said Flash Magnus ‘And I assume that both sides lost?’

‘In a way,’ said Luke ‘After they were corrupted, they searched all over the galaxy for a powerful Force Weapon known as the Star Forge. But Bastilla, a Battle Master sent by the Jedi Order and secretly led a Jedi Task Force, were sent to capture Revan when they realized that there was still good in him. But during that time whilst his mind was being wiped by the Force, the remaining Jedi that served alongside Revan and Malak after they were freed from their corruption, were exiled and banished from the Jedi Order, and they were forced to both surrender their Lightsabers and cut their connections from the Force.’

‘But weren’t they given a chance to redeem themselves?’ asked Mistmane.

‘No,’ said Luke ‘The Masters from back then were clouded and blinded by arrogance. Because of that, they refused to act and wanted to leave the galaxy would die, for fear of the Dark Side clouded their judgment of helping and saving others.’
‘So what happened to Revan after he was captured?’ asked Spike.

‘Revan was given a new identity and a different life, with his connection to the Force being cut. But Malak knew Revan was still alive and he never stopped hunting him, for the dark Jedi that were still loyal to him, as well as a handful of Sith, continued to hunt him mercilessly. Whilst he was unconscious on a Republic Cruiser ship filled with Republic soldiers that Bastilla and her Task Force Jedi were on, Malak discovered their location and he sent a Sith Frigate filled with Dark Jedi to kill him when his location was discovered.’

‘So how did they escape?’ said Rainbow Dash, clearly showing a hint of excitement on her face.

‘Both Carth and T3 woke him up,’ said Luke ‘They were able to escape, with Bastilla still fighting them, but many of her Task Force Jedi, even the Republic soldiers were all killed during the raid. They were able to evacuate in an escape pod on a planet below them. But whilst they were on the surface, Revan’s fighting ability, minus the Force, slowly came back. His instincts were sharper and his care for his newfound companions helped strengthen his resolve. They had to undergo many trails to help set him on the right path. Soon enough, they were able to free Bastilla when she was captured.’
‘How did they ever escape the planet?’ asked Rarity, seeing that she too was interested in the story.

‘They were able to gain an audience with a powerful crime lord, where they met Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian warrior who was reduced to being a bouncer after his clan had been broken apart. With his help, they were able to escape the planet aboard the Ebon Hawk…’

‘Wait,’ said Sunburst as he realized something ‘You said the ship that Revan traveled in is called the Ebon Hawk?’

‘Yeah, why?’ asked Luke.

‘And what’s your ship called?’ asked Starlight.

‘The Ebon Hawk.’

Twilight then asked ‘And how long ago did Revan live?’

‘About three thousand years ago.’

Some were taken aback by what he said, with Spike shouting ‘Your ship’s that old?!!’

‘Maz discovered the ship.’ said Luke ‘She said that the ship had been abandoned and also in partial ruin. But she was somehow able to put it back together and made it better than ever.’

‘Is she some sort collector?’ asked Rarity.

‘Sort of,’ said Luke ‘Maz was once a pirate, and she’s nearly as old as Master Yoda. She saw a lot of action and is considered to be among the best. She even helped the Rebellion more times than I can count. She even helped me try to find a way. She may not be a Jedi, but she knew the Force.’

‘Interesting,’ said Celestia. ‘Would you like to continue Revan’s story.’

‘Of course.’ said Luke. He cleared his throat before he continued ‘After they escaped, they went back to the Jedi Temple on Dantooine. Coruscant and Tython may have been the base and home of the Jedi for centuries, but wherever the Force reaches out, there are always more temples to test those who are worthy to walk the path of light. From there, Revan continued his Jedi training, and became a Jedi Sentinel, Jedi who are focused on both the Force and their Lightsaber combat. The Jedi Order assigned him to find the location of the Star Forge.’

‘The weapon that y’all wanted to find from the beginning?’ asked Applejack.

‘Indeed.’ said Luke ‘Whilst he traveled, he gained the trust of the Grey Jedi Jolee and during his journey into discovering the location of the Star Forge, Revan helped his companion through their troubled times, helped them focus on the future, and became better people. But during their travels, they encountered Malak, who revealed Revan’s identity and helped him refresh his memory. During that time, Revan remembered bits and pieces of his old life. But instead of returning to the Dark Side, he stayed with the Light, revealing that his will was stronger when resisting against the Darkness.’

‘Were they able to defeat Malak?’ asked Luna.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘After they discovered the location of the Star Forge, the Republic sent their fleets to destroy it whilst Revan fought Malak. It was a horrific battle, but in the end, the Republic won and Revan struck Malak down. But with the Jedi Temple on Dantooine destroyed, the Jedi were once again forced to go into hiding.’

‘And what of Revan?’ asked Starswirl ‘What became of him?’

‘After Malak’s defeat, Revan regained more of his memory, and discovered that there was a far more greater evil that proved to be more dangerous than anyone could’ve imagined. So he asked his companions to stay behind and help protect the Republic, whilst he went off alone, never to be seen again.’

‘Wow, that’s some story.’ said Smolder.

‘Right,’ said Luke ‘It was thanks to both Revan and the Exile, the Jedi would be on better terms with the galaxy and brought a new age.’

‘The exile?’ asked Celestia.

‘Another time,’ said Luke ‘For now, our prize is up ahead.’

They continued to walk down the hall until they were finally able to reach their destination. Finally, they were able to reach their destination. The layout was the same as the previous tomb they’ve been before. But instead of being surrounded by books, they were surrounded by melee weapons, from every civilization since their beginnings.
Rockhoof investigated the axe near him as he said ‘Amazing.’

‘Are these…?’ asked Flash Magnus as he looked at one of the shields that caught his eye.

‘Weapons from other worlds since the youth of their civilizations.’ said Luke whilst he looked around.

‘Aw, no books?’ asked Twilight as she felt disappointed and sad at the same time.

‘Do not easily discard what you see before you, Twilight Sparkle,’ said Luke ‘Knowledge and history can come from all appearances, shapes and sizes, no matter how worthless it may seem to others.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna ‘Every bit of history is important.’

Luke went to the coffin and opened it. He saw another mummified Jedi, and noticed he had a different double bladed Lightsaber, differently designed with markings, as well it had the color yellow when he turned it on, then turned it off whilst he placed it on the back of his belt.

Luke found another cylinder that contained their next clue. He opened the cylinder and the scroll whilst looking through its contents.

‘What does it say?’ asked Yona.

‘It says right here,’ said Luke whilst he told them ‘After the Pony Tribes left their homes, the first Jedi went to their abandoned homes and hid clues to where the Jedi Texts should be. We know that they placed it here, in the home of the Unicorn Tribe. The scroll says here they placed the next clue in a spot where ponies ruled the clouds and the skies.’

‘Old Pegasopolis.’ said Rainbow Dash as she remembered ‘That’s where the Pegasi used to rule before they moved.’

‘Ah, I know the place,’ said Flash Magnus next ‘That’s nearby where my old Legion comrades had a base before they disbanded it.’

‘But how are we going to land there?’ asked Somnambula ‘Old Pegasopolis doesn’t have solid ground.’

‘Actually they do,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘If it’s anything like the Wonderbolts’ Academy, the clouds should surround a large mountain up top, enough for Pegasi to have solid ground in case their magic would fail.’

‘Ugh, don’t remind Yona,’ said Yona whilst she suddenly had chills up her spine ‘Yona not got over what happened last time Yona was on clouds.’

‘Uh, you do realize that it was both Cozy Glow and Tirek’s fault that magic all over Equestria was drained, right?’ said Gallus.

‘Yeah,’ said Smolder ‘And that idiot chancellor thought we were to blame. I mean, come on, do we look like creatures that can drain magic. None of our races could do that for like, ever.’

‘But I assume that this Tirek you mentioned, has the ability to do that?’ asked Luke.

‘He’s the only one as far as ah know.’ said Applejack.

‘Indeed,’ said Starswirl as he remembered the history well ‘Only Tirek’s kind has the ability to do that, but they abandoned the Dark Arts long ago.’

‘Then we’ll head to Pegasopolis first thing in the morning.’ said Luna ‘When all of us have the strength for the day to come.’
Everyone agreed and walked out of the tomb. But as Luke exited last, he heard a voice say ‘Stay on the path, Skywalker.’
He turned around and could’ve sworn he heard Yoda’s voice. He shook his head and walked out of the room, not wanting to disturb the dead any further. All he knows is, that the Force is guiding him closer to his goal, for he could feel it as he sensed it was getting stronger.

Chapter 7: The Forgotten Kingdom of the Pegasi

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Sure enough, right around 9 AM, the Ebon Hawk flew high in the skies, flying past the largest clouds. As they flew over most of the mountains, Luke looked to the others whilst Artoo flew the ship for him. ‘So after Equestria had been founded,’ asked Luke ‘Did anyone ever bothered to return to their homelands?’

‘They had,’ said Starswirl, seeing that his old pupil Clover filled him in ‘But after they founded the kingdom, Princess Platinum and Clover, Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, as well as Chancellor Pudding head and Secretary Smart Cookie returned to their homes and told their kingdoms that they were responsible for the Windigos plaguing their lands, and told them that by working together can all of them overcome their differences and build a better future together.’

‘And soon after that, all of them left their kingdoms and came to Equestria,’ said Stygian, seeing that Starswirl told him about the story ‘Ever since then, no one’s bothered to set a hoof there again.’

‘Indeed,’ said Mistmane ‘To be setting foot back onto our ancestral homes felt, in a way, invigorating.’

‘Still,’ said Flash Magnus ‘I wonder what it would be like, to set foot on the Pegasi’s old kingdom?’

‘Same here,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘If we’re able to map this place, I’d glad to bring Scootaloo and the Wonderbolts here.’
‘You really think they’ll be interested?’ asked Applejack.

‘Why not,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘They got excited for the Ponyville Annual Friendship Festival.’

‘A friendship festival?’ asked Luke.

‘Yes,’ said Celestia ‘To celebrate the friendships we made to those who have touched our hearts.’

‘Although we had to make a new one in Ponyville a month later ever since the Storm King invaded our kingdom.’ said Luna, not liking to remember that part of the past.

‘I see,’ said Luke ‘And what happened after he invaded?’

‘Well, after the Princesses were captured,’ said Spike, seeing that he was there ‘Twilight, her friends and I traveled to Mount Aris to seek help from the Hippogriffs. But the more we traveled there, the more impatient she got.’

‘Not to mention she tried to steal their pearl because she used her own friends rather than letting things work out.’ said Silverstream, earning a glare from Twilight. ‘What? My aunt Novo and cousin Skystar told me what happened.’

‘Yeah,’ said Applejack ‘And if we all remember, y’all were impatient and botched up our chances to seek help.’
‘I said I was sorry.’ said Twilight.

‘That is unfortunate.’ said Luke.

‘What, unfortunate that I betrayed my friends’ trusts and nearly caused a diplomatic incident?’ said Twilight when she was slightly mad.

‘No,’ said Luke as he turned around and looked at her, making all of them all stop as Luke said ‘Unfortunate that you kept rushing into things without thinking things through. That you didn’t trust your friends to help you when you faced every threat together. That you lacked the training to be the princess others wanted you to be. And that you weren't ready for the burden that was given to you.’

They were a bit surprised of how thorough he was, even Celestia, Luna and Twilight. Luke continued as he said ‘Celestia might have good intensions of making you a princess, but others would think a child would make such a decision.’
Celestia felt offended by what he said ‘Excuse me?’

‘I mean no disrespect Celestia,’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘But even the wisest of masters would clearly see that she wasn’t ready to be one. From what the Force revealed to me through my meditations, she is impatient, she is reckless, she is sometimes hot tempered, and she didn’t trust her friends enough to let them take part of her burden with them.’

‘He is speaking the truth,’ said Starswirl as he stroked his beard ‘Princess Twilight’s heart may have been in the right place, but it was clear that she did not realize that in releasing us, she unintentionally freed the pony of shadows. And from what you told me Celestia, she tried to face Nightmare Moon, Discord and Tirek alone, even nearly destroyed our world’s timeline when she and Starlight traveled through time without her realizing the consequences of her actions. And she didn’t have any evidence when Chrysalis was disguised as your niece.’

Twilight felt slightly discouraged, but Luke said to her ‘Remember, when I first started out, I was also reckless. I wasn’t ready to face my father, but I let my emotions get the better of me when my friends were endangered. I ended up losing my hand, got hurt real badly, and I ended up nearly getting myself killed. Master Yoda reminded me that my training was incomplete and I wasn’t ready. But the moment when I had to face what both Yoda and Kenobi wanted me to face, I became a Jedi in the end, and realized that I couldn’t have gone far without the teachings both my masters and my friends have given me. I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if they hadn’t taught me what I needed to do.’

Luke stood on one knee as he looked directly at her. ‘I know you do these things to please others, but as Cadance once said, you may have an obligation as a Princess, but you also have an obligation to yourself. You need to rely on your friends more often for help and you often need to train and be better prepared to face what challenges may come at you.’

Luke placed his hand on Twilight’s shoulder as he said ‘And if you want, I can teach you what you need to do.’

As Luke stood up and walked on ahead, Twilight couldn’t help but be surprised of how he knew so much. She instantly ran over and walked next to him with the others following and asked ‘How did you know so much about me?’

‘When I was meditating,’ said Luke ‘I communicated with the Force, and your kind, the ponies of the past, told me everything what all of you have been through.’

‘Everything?’ said Fluttershy.

‘Yes.’ said Luke. He then looked at Applejack and said ‘By the way, there was one pony, the father of your grandmother, told me to tell you that he’s proud of the traditions you carry for your family, and said that he has never saw a true Apple that did her family name proud. And your parents said the same.’

Applejack was surprised by what he said, but in a way, she couldn’t help but smile and feel a sense of pride herself. For if her great grandfather and her parents told Luke to tell her that, she ended up lowering her hat and shed a small tear whilst smiling underneath her father’s hat.

‘You can communicate with the ponies who have long passed?’ asked Luna whilst she was surprised by what he said.
‘My Master once told me that all life does not cease in death, but are merely living on by changing its form in the Force.’ said Luke. ‘For example, Applejack’s parents will always be alive inside her, and will be with her till the end of her days until it is her time to pass on and be one with the Force. Or in this case, be one with magic.’

They continued to walk down the stoned path as Luke continued. ‘My Master once told me that Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Master, Qui-Gon Jinn had learned the secret of immortality, and can communicate from the netherworld of the Force. When Kenobi became one with the Force, he called to me and told me to go to Dagobah and find Yoda, tried to warn me of not facing my father, and told me of what happened to him, even telling me about Leia. Even though they may be gone, they never stopped trying to help me.’

‘Wow,’ said Rainbow Dash with a quirked eyebrow as she hovered next to him ‘This “Force” stuff is really complicated.’
Luke couldn’t help but chuckle as he said ‘You get used to it.’

Sure enough, they arrived at Old Pegasopolis, only there was not much left, save a handful of old cloud homes as well as the palace headquarters of Commander Hurricane.

‘Wow,’ said Spike as he was a bit deadpanned by the scenery ‘The Pegasi’s old homeland sure has seen better days.’

‘Indeed,’ said Stygian ‘I had not seen devastation like this since my hometown.’

‘Hmm,’ said Smolder as she was thinking. ‘From what Dragon Lord Ember told me, her grandfather, before her father became the next Dragon Lord, came here and raided whatever treasures they could find of the old Pegasi homelands.’

‘As the old pony saying goes,’ said Sandbar ‘ “Time is a cruel mistress”. ‘

‘Uh, don’t let her hear you say that.’ said Applejack, considering what happened since she and her friends tried to stop a certain time controlling Alicorn that nearly destroyed Equestria.

‘Any idea of how we should proceed?’ asked Luke

Twilight walked next to him and said ‘We should see if the records room are still available,’ said Twilight as she pointed at the Pegasopolis headquarters ‘They may have a clue about where the First Jedi hid their secrets.’

‘Very well,’ said Luke ‘For those who cannot fly, we’ll remain here. Those who can are more than welcome to take a look.’
‘Are you sure Master Skywalker?’ asked Luna.

‘I am sure your highness.’ said Luke ‘I wouldn’t mind to keep the others company.’

‘Of course darling.’ said Rarity ‘I wouldn’t mind to take in the scenery every now and then.’

And as such, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, Celestia, Luna, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Gallus, Smolder and Silverstream flapped their wings as they were prepared to take the air.

‘We’ll let you know if we find any records of what the First Jedi hid.’ said Twilight as she and the flyers looked at Luke and the others.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘We’ll be sure to pass the time with some party games until you get back.’

And as such, they flew off to Old Pegasopolis’ records building, hoping that the that the place would still stand. But as they flew, they could see that there were barely any living places for the Pegasi of old.

‘You know,’ said Spike as he looked around, showing a hint of sadness in his eyes. ‘I can’t help but feel sad about this place.’

‘Somehow I can see that feeling from somewhere before.’ said Smolder when she noticed Spike being sad.

‘Truth be told I haven’t felt this way since Tirek destroyed the Golden Oak Library.’ said Spike, thinking about the day when Tirek was fighting Twilight when he wanted her Alicorn Magic to destroy Equestria.

‘I know what you mean.’ said Twilight, for she missed the place, even though she’s living in the Castle of Friendship.

‘I wish the Legion would’ve known about this place,’ said Flash Magnus when he felt the same way ‘Then we would’ve stayed behind and protected our heritage to the last pony.’

‘The old home of the Pegasi may be gone,’ said Somnambula as she reassured them ‘But we are still standing. The only thing we can do is move on for the sake of our ancestors.’

‘When this is over,’ said Celestia ‘We will ensure that the ponies of today will not forget their old home, and would let ponies of all tribes visit the original homelands rather than leave them to rot.’

‘Agreed sister,’ said Luna ‘We should have done this since the first days of our rule over the land.’

‘Hey look,’ said Spike as he pointed ahead ‘We’re nearly there.’

They looked at the building ahead, and noticed the building was still standing, much to Rainbow Dash’s annoyance, seeing that she doesn’t like learning ‘Typical.’

As they entered, they were surprised to see what the place looked like. For inside, were two desks on both sides, one for checking in and one for checking out. But the rest of the room were massive bookshelves, each of them depicting the Pegasi’s history. ‘Whoa,’ said Flash Magnus ‘Where do we look?’

‘We’ll have to take separate sections,’ said Celestia ‘That way we’ll be able to find them faster.’

‘Agreed,’ said Luna, agreeing with the plan.

Twilight nearly wanted to glee in excitement, but kept it contained as she said ‘We’ll take different sections. Celestia will take section A, Flash Magnus will check section B, Fluttershy will check section C, Gallus will take D, Rainbow Dash E, Spike in section F, Silverstream in section G, Smolder in H, Somnambula in I, and I’ll take section J. If we don’t find what we’re looking for, we’ll take the next section.’

‘Very well,’ said Somnambula ‘Let us begin.’

Soon enough, all of them began to search through the different sections of the Archives, hoping that they would find anything. Though through every part of the shelves they’ve searched, they still couldn’t find anything.

Spike however, was getting bored out of his mind, wanting to get things done quicker. ‘Ugh, this is taking forever, we won’t be able to find it in this mess.’

Spike then heard a voice that said “Let the Force be your guide.”, taking him by surprise as he sat up straight.

‘What?’ said Spike to himself whilst he was surprised as if a ghost was talking to him.

“Let the Force be my guide.” he thought to himself. He then said to himself ‘Sure, why not.’

Spike sat on his knees like Luke did, lowered his head and closed his eyes. He continued to keep his focus, trying to concentrate on what he was looking for. Sure enough, Spike felt something. It felt faint, but he could feel it all the same. He opened his eyes, and looked further down the hall. Knowing where he needed to go, he stood up and headed straight for his intended target.

As he walked down the hall, Spike barely noticed what was going on around him. Rainbow Dash decided to take a nap and was fast asleep, Twilight held tons of documents with her horn as she looked around, Celestia and Luna calmly looked through the documents in order to make sure they don’t miss anything. Fluttershy and Silverstream slowly looked through the documents, with Flash Magnus and Somnambula doing the same. Gallus got bored from looking through the documents, but sometimes he gets a slap behind his head from Smolder to make sure he doesn’t fall asleep whilst looking through for what they hope the Pegasi of old had recorded.

Spike eventually reached where he needed to go, all the way to Section Z. He looked at the shelves and noticed the records were placed in metallic cylinders. From what Twilight told him, the metallic cylinders were used to place important documents inside in order to preserve them. He looked at them closely, but was somehow drawn to the one that had a cyan colored lid on it. He reached his hand onto it and pulled it out. He noticed that the metallic cylinder was nearly the size of that large painting he had to hang for Twilight some time ago when Sunset Shimmer, along with Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s counterpart, came to ask for their help when the Storm King’s magic somehow reached to their world during their so called “Spring Break”.

‘Wow, this thing is big.’ said Spike as he could barely carry it.

Thankfully, he noticed a table all the way down near Section S, so he walked over to it and placed the cylinder on the table, which was thankfully big enough like a table cloth that’s not too big, not to small, just right.

‘Let’s see now.’ said Spike as he opened the cylinder and pulled out the biggest document he had ever seen.

He placed the document onto the table and rolled it over. When he got a good look at it, he saw that it nearly resembled to ancient hieroglyphics what with the pictures and all, but thankfully there was ancient writing on it for anypony to read. He was at least relieved that though Commander Hurricane may be a hotheaded bonehead, he was at least thankful that there were some Pegasi that wanted to archive their histories.

Spike took another look at it and noticed that, like the glyphs at the Unicorn Tribe’s home, he recognized the first Jedi on it. He turned to the others and said ‘Hey guys, I think I found something.’

Every pony and creature’s attention was turned to Spike and went over to him. When they saw the document, they were surprised to see the glyphs of it. ‘Wow Spike, I’m impressed.’ said Twilight as she took a good look at it.

Celestia also took a good look at it and said ‘Interesting. According to this, the First Jedi arrived at the Pegasi’s old home and asked them to hide something important in their kingdom. At first they were reluctant into trusting them, but thankfully they were convinced to be of help.’

‘If we are reading this right,’ said Luna whilst taking a good look at it. ‘It would appear that the tomb of the next clue they’ve buried resides from within the mountain near here.’

‘Wait,’ said Smolder as she looked at it ‘That mountain looks like the one that we just landed on, didn’t we?’

‘It would appear so.’ said Somnambula whilst she looked at it.

‘And just about ten feet from where we landed,’ said Flash Magnus whilst he looked at the map again ‘There is a secret passage way that leads straight towards the place.’

‘Huh,’ said Silverstream whilst she looked at it ‘Looks like the Pegasi of old created traps in that general area that only Pegasi could maneuver and pass.’

Twilight folded the documents and placed them back in its cylinder whilst she said ‘We’d better give this to the others, they’ll want to know where we should go next.’

‘Agreed.’ said Flash Magnus ‘We don’t know if there are any more dangers around.’

Sure enough, all of them left the archives.

At the same time, whilst they were waiting, Luke continued to meditate whilst it almost looked like he was watching the land. At the same time, the creatures chose to keep Luke company as they stared out at the open plains.

Luke kept his eyes closed, but he asked Yona ‘What did you mean by bad experience when it came to walking on clouds?’
Yona felt a bit uneasy, but then sighed as she said ‘Yona went with friends to watch home of Pegasi. When all of a sudden, Yona and others fell from clouds. It was terrifying.’

‘Indeed,’ said Rarity ‘It turned out that the magic to help them walk on clouds had been stripped. As was all of our magic throughout Equestria.’

‘And this Tirek was responsible?’

‘Not really,’ said Sandbar ‘He had help from a Pegasus filly named Cozy Glow.’

‘It turned out she didn’t want to learn about friendship,’ said Starlight ‘She tried to take over Equestria and said that Friendship was power, and she thought if she would have more friends she would take over Equestria.’

‘That no good pony tried to benefit in its conquest and nothing else,’ said Applejack ‘She even locked up mah little sister and her friends so that they wouldn’t interfere.’

‘So her heart had been corrupted with the Dark Side since she joined the school.’ said Luke whilst he thought about the demented pony. ‘Was she always like this?’

‘No one knows darling,’ said Rarity ‘None of us had seen it coming. She manipulated the situation and played us for fools.’

‘If it weren't for our students,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Then Equestria would be one big magicless partyless wasteland.’

‘I see.’ said Luke ‘And did you try reaching her out?’

‘She doesn’t want to be helped,’ said Ocellus ‘She thinks that Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity and so on is a waste of time and thinks that she can make friends without using any of them.’

‘From your description,’ said Luke as he thought about their description of her ‘She tends to act like a dictator and malevolent leader rather than being a friend.’

‘I know right,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘She’s a real bad influence to others.’

‘Where is she now?’

‘She’s locked up in a prison called Tartarus.’ said Applejack.

‘I assume this world does not execute their prisoners?’ said Luke.

‘Goodness no darling,’ said Rarity as she was surprised Luke would ask that ‘Equestria is not that cruel. If we were to do such a thing, we would be no better than the last creature who wanted to enslave us.’

‘That I am glad to hear,’ said Luke ‘If we tend to be consumed with the Dark Side, we would be just as horrible as the last dictator.’

Rockhoof looked out at the horizon and saw Twilight and the others coming. ‘Ah, I see the princesses and her companions are back.’

As they landed, they walked over to Luke whilst the rest regrouped.

‘Any Luck?’ said Luke whilst still sitting in position.

‘Thankfully yes,’ said Luna whilst she hovered the opened the cylinder and took out the documents and map ‘We were thankful the Pegasi of old decided to document their historic activities.’

Luke stood up and accepted the map. He looked through it and saw what he needed to see. He looked behind and walked towards the wall of the mountain after he handed the documents back to Twilight. Luke stood near the mountain and closed his eyes whilst reaching out towards it. Sure enough, he used the Force on the side of the mountain cracked, allowing it to form a door as the stone against it lowered, revealing a secret passage.

‘Wow,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘Never thought the Pegasi would create secret passage ways. Usually it’s doing things first and hide stuff later.’

‘We must not be judged by what others assume of us,’ said Luke ‘We tend to act the best of our abilities and try to keep moving forward for the sake of its future.’

‘Those are wise words indeed Master Skywalker.’ said Celestia with a smile and nod.

‘Now then,’ said Starswirl ‘If we are to find what we’re looking for, I believe it is time to depart.’

Agreeing with Starswirl, they continued to walk down the path that was revealed to them. When they were inside, they saw that they were in a large room that was wider than the Roman Coliseum, much to their surprise. But there was no ground, only the wind that was blowing from what nearly looked like an abyss, all blowing upward towards somewhere unknown. But strange enough, there were statues of Pegasi that appeared to be formed in six corners.

‘Whoa.’ said the group when they saw the size of the place.

Starswirl took a look at the gust of wind blowing up. ‘Hmm, interesting. From the look of it, it appears that anyone who jumps into this gust, will allow themselves to float in the air.’

‘Well then,’ said Applejack as she took a few steps forward ‘Then it’ll be mighty easy to…’

‘Wait,’ said Luke, cutting Applejack off. ‘Something’s not right.’

Luke looked at a large enough rock and used the Force to levitate it. He tossed the rock into the gust, allowing the gust of wind to blow it upwards. But the moment it went past its first Pegasi statues, something sharp, namely arrows made of steel, flew out of their mouths, slowly breaking the rock into pieces, much to the others’ shock.

‘I had a feeling those statues weren't there for decorative purposes.’ said Luke as he took a look at them.

‘He’s right, look.’ said Twilight as she pointed at the statues. ‘They have a jewel in their eye, acting like magical scanners. If anything passes them, the jewels trigger the arrows in their mouths, allowing the statues themselves to shoot at anything that moves.’

‘What would happen if we removed the jewels?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘It would not work.’ said Stygian. He took out a piece of the steel arrow and shot at the jewel. The moment it made contact, the jewel, along with the statue exploded, as well as some of the debris, allowing them to collapse. ‘If the jewels were to be removed, they would trigger some very explosive gunpowder.’

‘And letting the place collapse on us.’ said Mistmane as she took a good look at it.

‘Can we use force fields?’ asked Celestia.

Luke thought about something and took another look at the steel arrow. He picked it up and took another glance at it. He looked at Twilight and poked her on the shoulder, gaining her attention.

‘Miss Sparkle, can you create one of your force fields?’ asked Luke.

‘Oh, of course.’ said Twilight with a smile.

She created her force field as Luke asked. When he slowly brought the steel arrow close to her shield, to her and the others’ surprise, the arrow penetrated right through it as if the bubble was made out of paper.

‘Interesting,’ said Luke as he retracted the arrow ‘An element that has the ability to penetrate through the shield of the Unicorns.’

Luke stood up and took another look at the place. ‘It makes sense now. The way the arrows destroyed the rock, the jewels that will explode if being tampered, as well as arrows that can penetrate a unicorn’s magic. They were designed to keep the Unicorns and Earth Ponies out.’

‘But why built such horrid traps?’ said Rarity as she was appalled by the way the traps were meant to take care of any intruders.

‘From what I could guess,’ said Luke ‘The Pegasi had some hatred towards the other pony tribes. They were afraid that the other tribes would take their share of the food and leave them with nothing, so they built this place to store them and keep any intruders out.’

‘Okay,’ said Rainbow Dash when she too was shocked by the Pegasi’s tactics ‘I know Commander Hurricane had issues, but dang he really needed to lighten up.’

‘Indeed,’ said Flash Magnus, agreeing with Dash ‘May heaven bless the day Private Pansy, Clover the Clever and Secretary Smart Cookie helped others realize their error of their ways.’

‘You can say that again.’ said Rockhoof.

‘So how do we get up there?’ said Gallus ‘If both options are out, what else is there?’

Luke took a deep breath, concentrated with all his will within himself and the Force. ‘May the Force be with me.’ he said to himself, gaining their attention.

He took a few steps backwards, and to their shock, sprinted towards the edge and jumped, allowing the wind to carry him. But as he got up, the arrows began to fire. Many were now worried, but to their surprise, Luke quickly did a somersault and placed his first footing onto the arrow, and used all his strength to jump from it.

From arrow to arrow, Luke continued to jump from one spot to another, making his way to the top, trying to reach to the top of the spot where they needed to go. Sure enough, after climbing from arrow to arrow, he eventually made it to the top. After a few breathers, Luke saw the lever and reached towards it, allowing himself to grab hold of it and pulled it down, allowing the statues to lower themselves, as if they were never there.

Many were surprised to see how Luke had moved, but they didn’t have time to marvel at his abilities, now that the now have a way to float towards the top. One by one, they jumped onto the upward blowing gust that allowed them to fly, except for the Alicorns, Pegasi and Dragons, Griffon and Hippogriff, seeing that they have wings, which allowed them to eventually to reach the top to rejoin Luke.

‘That was an amazing display you just performed Master Luke.’ said Luna.

‘Indeed.’ said Celestia ‘How were you able to reach the top without being hit by the arrows?’

‘I merely let the Force guide me your highnesses,’ said Luke with a bow ‘With it as my guide and my instincts, I was able to use those arrows at my advantage to reach to the top.’

Luke thought about the arrows. ‘Strange though.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Spike.

‘The arrows, the wind, even of how the Pegasi had set up traps.’ said Luke of what he saw ‘It is as if they were meant to test a Jedi as a trail, in order for them to reach their destination using the Force.’

‘Wait,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘You don’t think that it was the ponies of Equestria who taught the First Jedi on how to properly use the Force do you? Or was it the other way around?’

‘It could be possible,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘There was not much known about the First Jedi, or of how they used the power of the Force to help them through their every day task.’

‘There is also another room up ahead.’ said Somnambula whilst she pointed at the room ahead.

‘Who do you think that will be next through those doors?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

‘If the danger is there like Ajunta, Revan and Malak,’ said Stygian in a worried tone ‘I dare not question of who else lies beyond those doors.’

‘There is only one way to find out.’ said Luna, obviously worried.

They slowly approached the doors, then opened it together. As they entered, they noticed that the room a bit different. For one thing, in the center, was a large circle of a courtyard, whilst surrounding it was enough water to last any person/pony a lifetime. But from the courtyard were two stoned pathways, one where it led straight, and two more that goes from left to right, leading towards two individual doors.

As they walked inside, Luke continued to try and contain his emotions so that he could be better prepared to face what was up ahead, whilst the others nervously looked around, worried about what they might face inside.

As they walked, Luke immediately sensed something, and signaled them to halt. They stopped and immediately looked around, trying to figure out what would be awaiting for them. And sure enough, as if a twisted hand of fate, two of the stoned doors slowly opened. Sure enough, two beings slowly approached from the doors. The first person to appear from the left, which left half of the girls, namely Fluttershy and Rarity, to gasp loudly by the sight of it.

The two of them were Sith of course. But one had black boots, black pants, and a black silk waist girdle. But the most terrifying part, was that his body was completely scarred by what appeared to be years of warfare, whilst his one eye was white, presumably blind. The other Sith wore a different kind of robe that covered his body, as well as having black pants, boots, gloves, sleeves and vest all underneath, whilst he was also wearing a white mask with red stripes covering both of the mask’s eyes.

Luke immediately recognized them, from Master Yoda’s stories. They were none other than Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion, both of the most darkest and most powerful Sith in the galaxy, that they make the Emperor look like a underclass warrior.
‘Who…what are they?’ asked Fluttershy, clearly scared of the two Sith Lords.

‘Stay back,’ said Luke ‘Something tells me that they’re not here to…’

But Luke was immediately cut off when Darth Nihilus reached his hand out, using his Force Grip, causing Luke to choke as he was being lifted off the ground as he held onto his throat, shocking the others by what was going on. Nihilus immediately threw Luke against the wall, then fell on his rear, with his Lightsaber next to his leg.
‘Luke!!’ shouted Twilight, showing worry for her friend.

Luke groaned from the pain, but could barely keep himself conscious. But as he opened his eyes, he saw Darth Sion coming for him. Luke tried to reach out for his Lightsaber, but Darth Sion immediately grabbed Luke’s face, making him groan in pain as he held onto twisted Sith Lord’s arm. With great force, Sion thrusted Luke against the wall, kneed him in the gut, punched him left and right, and was grabbed by the throat as he was lifted in the air, and thrown onto the ground with great force.

Though he may appear unconscious, it was still clear that every creature was now afraid for Luke’s safety. Luke groaned a bit as he gripped onto his hand, whilst Sion stood over him and activated his Lightsaber. ‘Not so strong are you?’ said Sion as he raised his Lightsaber in the air to strike him down.

But right before Sion could struck the Last Jedi down, Luke immediately responded by using his Force Push at the most powerful way he could use. With the Force Push, Sion was launched backwards and skidded on the ground and stood next to Nihilus. Luke slowly stood up and pulled out his Lightsaber, gripping onto it as he stared them down.

The two Sith Lords noticed something about Luke. Nihilus ended up speaking to Luke in the most ancient language that no one could understand, until Sion said ‘You. You are gifted with the Midi-chlorians.’

The ponies and the Young Six were puzzled by what they meant, with Luke continued to stare down at them. ‘What of it.’ said Luke, continuing to stare at them down.

Nihilus continued to speak to Luke in its ancient language, with Sion saying ‘It was prophesized that there would be one that would be conceived with the living Force itself to bring balance between light and dark. Which in turn, the Sith once feared that we and our empire would be destroyed. So we vowed to find the one who it is and destroy it, so that we can continue with our conquest without interference.’

‘That will never happen.’ said Luke ‘The last Sith I faced failed to turn me into them. For I am and always will be a Jedi, like my father before me.’

‘Then you will fall by our hand.’ said Sion as he readied his Lightsaber, with Nihilus doing the same.

That was, until they were suddenly electrocuted, surprising Luke. As the two of them instantly recovered, Sion growled as he said ‘Who would dare…?’

And just like that, the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, the Pillars, the Young Six and the princesses of day and night stood together to defend their friend.

‘You dare stand before the lords of the Sith?’ growled Sion, clearly as angry as hell.

‘Lords of the Sith or not,’ said Princess Celestia with her cold gaze ‘We will not allow the last of the Jedi and a friend to Equestria suffer by the likes of you.’

‘This is your only warning,’ said Luna, her facial expression the same as her sister’s ‘You will cease your violence or we will cease you.’

Nihilus looked at them, fist gripping, and for the first time, said ‘Then you will suffer the Jedi’s fate!!’

Nihilus unleashed his Force Push, causing many to scatter as they also grabbed Luke. Pinkie instantly jumped next to Sion and held a gift box in front of her as she said ‘Surprise!!’

Sion instantly took it whilst Pinkie zipped away. Until she suddenly popped out of it and yelled ‘Double surprise!!’

Pinkie slapped her cake against Sion’s face, making him growl in anger whilst trying to wipe the cake from his face, until Rainbow Dash flew from out of nowhere and gave the Sith Lord a hard punch to the face, whilst Applejack retracted her hind legs and bucked him, making him dart straight towards the air. Flash Magnus flew down and whacked his shield against the Sith Lord’s face, with Mistmane using her magic to contain the Sith Lord whilst Mage Meadowbrook used her potions to incapacitate him, allowing Spike and Smolder to breathe fire on them whilst Yona flattened him like a pancake.

Fluttershy, Ocellus and Sandbar quickly carried Luke to safety as Ocellus said ‘Come on, come on.’

‘It’s okay, we got you.’ said Sandbar whilst they quickly moved aside.

‘But…’ said Luke, trying to shake loose from them.

‘Not another word,’ said Fluttershy ‘You need to regain your strength first before you go on like that.’

Nihilus continued to use his Force Lightning and Push to try and catch them, but they quickly dodged them before things got out of hand. As Nihilus used his Force Lightning, Rarity and Sunburst quickly deployed their bubble shields, whilst Twilight and Starlight jumped out and fired all of their magic at him, knocking the masked Sith backwards. Rockhoof jumped from behind and whacked the Sith Lord with his shovel whilst Somnambula delivered a good buck to the face, cracking the mask for just a bit. From out of nowhere, Silverstream and Gallus grabbed him and took to the skies, lifting Nihilus up in the process. They eventually dropped him, but just right when Starswirl, Stygian, Celestia and Luna powered all of their magic all together and shot at Nihilus with a full blast of their magic, knocking the masked Sith Lord backwards as he crashed against the wall.

‘Enough of this!!’ shouted Sion as both he and Nihilus stood together.

Both the Sith Lords began to generate electricity from their hands as it surged from the tip of their fingers to the elbow. Combined, the two of them fired their Force Lightning. Thankfully, Celestia, Luna, Stygian, Mistmane, Starswirl, Sunburst, Starlight, Rarity and Twilight lit up their horns, allowing them to create a powerful shield around them, shielding them from the Force Lightning. The Unicorns grunted, for the power of their lightning were powerful.

Luke saw that they were in trouble, as did Ocellus. ‘We need to help them.’

Luke, now having enough of the Sith trying to hurt his friends, pulled out his Lightsaber as he said ‘No, we need to end this, now.’

As the Alicorns and Unicorns were struggling to keep the shield up, Sion shouted ‘You will fall before our…!!!’
But before he could finish, Luke appeared from out of nowhere and attacked from above. With one massive strike, Luke struck down two of the Sith Lords. He stood there for a few moments, until the two Sith Lords stopped shooting their lightning, and instantly collapsed onto the ground, causing the two of them to fade out of existence, except for their Lightsabers. He walked over and picked them up. He could sense their evil, but they soon faded away, as if they were never real.

Luke turned to them and asked ‘Are all of you alright?’

‘Indeed we are Luke.’ said Luna.

‘A little shaken up, but well.’ said Celestia.

‘Luke,’ said Twilight whilst she was still shaken up over of how Luke got hurt, and the two Sith Lords ‘Just who were those two?’

‘Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion.’ said Luke.

‘More ancient Sith from the past?’ asked Silverstream, whilst she was still surprised by what happened.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he decided to tell them ‘Shortly after Revan disappeared, the Sith began to take over and destroy a few worlds. There were two who were the most powerful. They both turned on their master, blinded her, and stripped her of the Force, making her wander the galaxy with no goal.’

‘And I assume that they were hunting the leftover Jedi from their Civil War?’ asked Rockhoof.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘But for some reason, the Ebon Hawk, the very ship Revan departed, somehow returned, with half of the crew, both good and evil, dead. And among the survivors, an elderly woman and a Jedi that were called “The Exile”.

‘You mentioned that before,’ said Celestia, remembering when Luke first brought it up ‘Who was this Exile?’

‘The Exile was with a handful of Jedi who chose to leave with Revan to stop whoever was responsible for the Sith,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘But after he came back, he couldn’t remember what happened, nor recalled what happened once they traveled to the unknown regions.’

‘And how did he survive?’ asked Twilight.

‘You remember the droid that once accompanied Revan?’ asked Luke, whilst the others nodded to his question. ‘He somehow survived on the ship too, and was able to take it to a space station built within an asteroid. However, Bounty Hunters were after him.’

‘Bounty Hunters?’ asked Applejack with a flexed eyebrow ‘What in the hay for?’

‘You see,’ said Luke, explaining to Applejack ‘After the Civil War, the Republic were still in shambles whilst the criminal element slowly began to take over the galaxy, and they sent Bounty Hunters to hunt down any Jedi who might either still be in hiding, or helping local militia who were still loyal to the Republic.’

‘That’s horrible.’ said Fluttershy the moment Luke told them the shocking revelation about the criminal element.

‘Yes, but during that time,’ said Luke, explaining further the Exile’s story ‘The Bounty Hunters killed every worker on the station, including HK-50’s, advance robots of the HK-47’s. But thankfully he was saved by a smuggler named Atton, and an elderly woman who was strong in the Force.’

Luke was silent for a moment, causing the ponies to be concerned. Until Luke said ‘The same woman who was once the master of both Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus.’

They gasped at this piece of information. ‘They turned on their own master?!’ said Twilight out loud.

‘The Sith always betray one another for their own selfish reasons.’ said Luke.

‘Right,’ said Ocellus as she remembered what Luke told them ‘Because of their own arrogance and their own greed.’

‘Exactly.’ said Luke. ‘Once the Exile, the elder woman and Atton escaped the asteroid station, the Sith Lord Dark Sion continued to hunt them, but were able to escape to a planet called Telos, one of the worlds that were destroyed by the Sith during the Civil War, and where one of Revan’s companions used to live. But after they left on a shuttle, they met an old companion named Bao-Dur, one of the officers that fought alongside him. Soon enough, they met one of the Jedi Masters on the other side of Telos. Their encounter…wasn’t a pleasant one.’

‘Ah take it she was one of the masters that enjoyed exiling the Jedi that were corrupted by Revan and Malak’s influences?’ said Applejack with a quirked eyebrow.

‘Yes,’ said Luke whilst trying to remember the stories that Master Yoda and Obi-Wan told him. ‘After they left, the droid T3 found a recording of the council exiling him. But after he left, they talked about him, how Malachor V would’ve destroyed him, but it left an echo inside of him, one that had not been felt since the fall of the Jedi.’

‘Malachor?’ asked Luna, wondering what it was.

‘Malachor V was a large asteroid that was most powerful with the Dark Side,’ said Luke ‘It was also the place where the Sith had constructed their temple and were hidden in secret so that the Jedi would never find them.’

Twilight felt more and more fascinated by Luke’s story about the Jedi Temple. ‘After they had viewed what the Masters revealed, the Exile made a vow to find them throughout certain parts of the galaxy, to ask for their help and to help shed light on what they had talked about. But along the way, the Handmaiden known as Brianna, one of the master’s apprentices, stowed away aboard their ship and chose to come along with them. The Exile allowed it, whilst he also tried to remember on how to use the Force, and in turn, tried to teach that to her as well.’

‘Say,’ said Spike as he gained Luke’s attention ‘Why don’t you continue with the Exile’s story whilst we go to the next clue.’

‘Very well.’ said Luke as he led the way, with the others following.

‘So who else accompanied the exile?’ asked Twilight, whilst she was eager to learn more and document about this later.

‘During their travels the Exile met many who would wish to help.’ said Luke. ‘They met a woman named Visas, who became the last of her kind when the Sith destroyed her world. Then there was Mira, a bounty hunter from Nar Shadaa, a capitol for criminals you might say. Then there was an old HK-47, the same droid who also helped Revan in his time of need. GO-TO, a large probe droid who once belonged to a criminal kingpin but was given to us. Then there was Ordo.’

‘Wait, Ordo?’ asked Twilight ‘As in Canderous Ordo, the man who once fought alongside Revan?’

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘After Revan left to stop whatever threat was out there, Canderous sought out his scattered clan and reunited them to fight against the Sith. Though some Mandalorians had little trust for him, seeing that the Exile and the Jedi under Revan fought against them during the Mandalorian Wars.’

‘The Mandalorians were at war with the Republic?’ asked Luna.

‘Yes,’ said Luke, ‘They’re an ongoing warrior race who are always at war with each other and everyone else.’
‘They fight each other and others?’ asked Silverstream.

‘Yes, and if you wonder how terrible they are,’ said Luke whilst focusing on the path ahead. ‘Picture all of Equestria and its towns and cities. But with domes made of metal around every town and city, whilst everything else, the green, all died out and turned their world into a desolate wasteland.’

Many were horrified to hear what the Mandalorians did to their own world, until Spike said ‘I take it that they didn’t stand a chance against the Empire?’

‘No,’ said Luke ‘But during the Clone Wars, a Sith named Darth Maul, the one that my master once defeated long ago, somehow survived and killed the Mandalorian leadership whilst those who were traitors to the Mandalorian people and who were once loyal to Maul, they immediately joined the Empire when they came above Mandalore’s orbit, the homeworld of the Mandalorians.’

‘And what happened to Maul?’ asked Starswirl.

‘The moment when Order 66 were executed,’ said Luke, remembering what Ahsoka told him when they first met ‘My father’s apprentice Ahsoka was forced to release him when the clones that fought with her turned on her. She was able to get her old friend and second in command of my father’s army, named Commander Rex from the 501st Clone Battalion. She was able to remove the chip and the two of them tried to escape. However, Rex tried to reason with his fellow clones, but because of the chips inside their minds, they considered anyone an enemy of the Empire.’

‘You know,’ said Stygian as he remembered something ‘You never explained what happened to the clones after they were decommissioned.’

‘Most of them continued to serve the empire until they all died.’ said Luke ‘But some chose to stay out of galactic affairs and tried to live their lives as best they could. That’s how Rex was still alive, along with others who also removed their control chips, namely clones named Wolf and Gregor. However, when their chips were removed, Wolf became paranoid and Gregor was a little stir crazy.’

‘And Rex joined the fight?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘He was serving among the Rebels who fought at the Battle of Endor. I rarely speak to him every now and then, considering that he fought alongside my father, and that he saw how my father fought, even taught me on how to fight.’

‘He sounds like a good man.’ said Mage Meadowbrook whilst she was impressed with this Rex person.

‘He is,’ said Luke ‘But I am always thankful for the stories that both he and Ahsoka shared with me. Getting to know my parents of what they were like before all of it came crashing down brought me some closure.’

‘Getting back to the story,’ said Luke, when he was getting off track. ‘Once the Exile gathered those who would follow, he went all over the galaxy, fighting the bounty hunters and Sith who kept hunting him relentlessly, fought the Sith on most fronts, even helped saved all those he could, even gathered the other scattered masters. They regrouped back at Dantooine, except for one, who still remained in isolation.’

‘And let me guess,’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she crossed her hooves, knowing full well about what will happen ‘They refused to help him because they were afraid of the Dark side.’

‘That,’ said Luke whilst answered Dash’s question ‘And that the exile’s very presence brings a danger to them. Just before they were going to strip him of the Force once more, The old woman, Kreia, she arrived and told them of their flaws and the arrogance that they had brought because of their own fears. As a result, she rendered the Exile unconscious and killed the masters.’

The ponies were appalled by what Kreia had done. ‘She killed them?’ said Rarity as she too was in shock.

‘Yes. After the Exile woke up, the Exile went to Telos to confront the last Jedi Master, who was slowly tainted by the Dark Side. They fought and he was able to free her. But she told the Exile to leave and save Telos, for the Sith were invading with full force. But thanks to Ordo, he and his fellow Mandalorians were able to help him invade the lead Sith Ship, being led by Darth Nihilus.’

‘Darth Nihilus was on board that there ship?’ asked Applejack.

‘Indeed Applejack. After they confronted him, they fought to a near standstill, and then finally killed him. That said and done, he finished what he was set to do and left for Malachor V, to finish the fight once and for all after he found out that both Kreia and Sion were waiting for them. But after they arrived, they crash landed because of the magnetic storms.’
‘What are magnetic storms?’ asked Mistmane.

‘Picture something that could say nullify your magic without any of you realizing it.’

‘Oh, that makes more sense.’ said Pinkie Pie whilst she was bouncing.

‘Afterwards,’ said Luke as he wrapped up the Exile’s story ‘His companions were separate, trying to find their way towards Malachor V’s inner sanctum. They eventually fought their way and defeated both Darth Sion and Kreia. But before Kreia died, she told them where to find Revan, for he was still out there and he needed help, for he was still beyond the farthest corners of the unknown regions. Once Malachor V was destroyed, they took the Ebon Hawk and flew to where Revan was. But by the time they got there, Revan was gone. But once they returned, they rebuilt the Order to the way it should be, but they also focused on getting more Jedi on Tython, the Jedi’s homeworld, and chose to abandon the one in Dantooine completely.’

‘Wow,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered next to Luke ‘Gotta admit, the Jedi has some great legends.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke ‘Makes me wonder if I will live up to their expectations.’

‘Oh darling don’t sell yourself so short.’ said Rarity ‘From what you told us about yourself you have done so much for the Republic.’

‘She’s right,’ said Applejack ‘Y’all are always honest, ya help those in need, ya stood up for your friends are among the bravest things you’ve ever accomplished. The Jedi of old may have bungled up a few times, but they needed to find a way to be in balance when trying to have a life too.’

Luke couldn’t help but smile as he looked at them, with him saying ‘Thank you.’

‘Look, tomb up ahead.’ said Sandbar as he pointed at the stone door ahead.

Once they opened it, they discovered another tomb for another of the first Jedi, but the tomb was surrounded by tons of little boxes. Out of curiosity, Spike took the first one. He opened it, and it began to play music, much to the others’ surprise.

‘Music boxes?’ said Ocellus as she looked at one of them.

‘They must be from different worlds,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘So that most can remember what their cultures would be like before time itself had changed them.’

Luke went over to another coffin, but this one was a bit stubborn. Thanks to Applejack, Yona and Rockhoof, they were able to open it. Sunburst used his magic to lift up not one, but two Lightsabers, both who’s runes were just as ancient, and both were the color of purple. As they placed it away, Silverstream reached her claw into the coffin and pulled out a scroll contained in a metallic cylinder.

‘Here you go.’ said Silverstream as she presented it to Luke.

Luke accepted it and slightly bowed to her in respect. It wasn’t necessary, but she enjoyed the flattery. Luke opened the scroll and looked through its contents.

He gained their attention as he said ‘According to the scroll, it says that the next clue of the temple’s location would be hidden within the grand village of the masters of the earth.’

Pinkie bounced up and down multiple times as she suddenly had an idea. ‘Oh, oh, I know where it is.’

‘You do?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

Applejack also had the idea. ‘Oh yeah, the village of Dirtville, which some would call Earth’s Haven, home to the Earth Pony Tribes.’

‘Oh, where’s that?’ asked Twilight, for she never had the chance to study more about the original homelands of the pony tribes.

‘It’s just south of mah cousin Braeburn’s hometown of Appaloosa,’ said Applejack ‘Mah family’s known about that for centuries. In fact, we’re the descendant of Secretary Smart Cookie, the only Earth Pony with any sense among the Earth Ponies.’

‘Ah yes,’ said Rockhoof as he remembered her well ‘Without sensible ponies like her and those who think like her, Equestria wouldn’t be what it would be today.’

‘Then we’d better get moving.’ said Luke as he was somewhat in a hurry.

‘You okay there Luke-e?’ said Pinkie Pie as she leaned closer.

‘I cannot place my finger on it,’ said Luke ‘But I can sense a dark presence coming forth, but it will not show itself yet.’

‘Like what?’ asked Twilight, as she too was somewhat worried.

‘It’s uncertain.’ said Luke ‘The Dark Side of the force clouds one’s vision from seeing the future, so it’ll be impossible to see.’

‘If what you said is true,’ said Celestia ‘Then we had better hurry.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna with determination ‘Onward to the home of the Earth Ponies.’

Soon the group left, hurrying towards their next destination as quick as they could.

Chapter 8: The Secrets of the Kingdom of the Earth Ponies

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Surely enough, by the time the sun was close to setting, the Jedi Master and his pony/creature companions arrived to where they needed to be. They soon landed near the dirt path and exited from the ship, taking in on the surroundings. They noticed that there was nearly no dirt path, for it had been covered by trees.

‘Whoa,’ said Sandbar as he looked around ‘There’s nothing but trees all around.’

‘Well given the fact that nopony had been here since they left, it’s obvious that the trees would grow if they’re left unattended.’ said Twilight as she walked out.

‘Indeed,’ said Luna as she and Celestia walked out last ‘This place reminds me of the White Tail Woods.’

Spike looked at the scroll that Luke handed to him and did a thorough search on it. ‘According to the scroll,’ said Spike ‘The village of the Earth Pony Tribes are just beyond the hill.’

‘Wait,’ said Applejack as she noticed Spike reading through it ‘How do you know what that there scroll says?’

‘Oh, Luke taught me,’ said Spike ‘I wanted to know how to read this in order to help him out, so he taught me and I was able to read this.’

‘Indeed he has,’ said Luke ‘He is a quick study.’

‘Wait, you’ve never shown any interest like that before.’ said Twilight as she walked next to Spike ‘Why now?’

‘No idea,’ said Spike as he shrugged ‘Normally I wouldn’t be interested in this, but somehow I can’t take my eyes off of any of this.’

As Spike walked ahead with the Young Six, Luke walked next to Twilight as he said ‘I know the answer to that.’

‘You do?’ asked Twilight.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘Spike is very strong with the Force, he was able to use it when he saved my life, and was able to use a Lightsaber to fight the Sith spirit from the Temple underneath Canterlot.’

‘You think he could be a Jedi?’ asked Celestia when she overheard them.

‘I do not know for sure,’ said Luke ‘Spike may be strong with the Force, but his destiny is with Twilight and her friends. They are connected to one another, as if they were fated to be united.’

‘Fated?’ asked Twilight.

‘Indeed,’ said Luke ‘Master Kenobi once said that his master, Qui-Gon Jinn, once said that nothing happens by accident, it was the will of the Force that brought you together. But tell me, how is it you lot achieved what you wanted and met?’

‘Well,’ said Twilight as she thought about it ‘Each of my friends were doing what they do best. When Rarity went looking for gems, her gem finding spell led to a large rock, much to her disappointment. Fluttershy was among the animals after she was scared of the Pegasi above her. Applejack wanted a life in the big city, but she had trouble fitting in, I was struggling to perform a spell that was part of my entrance exam to Celestia’s school. Pinkie Pie worked for a living at a rock farm but she was miserable, and Rainbow Dash tried to out fly the Pegasi fillies that bullied Fluttershy.’

‘Interesting,’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘What happened next?’

‘When Rainbow Dash outraced the bullies,’ said Twilight ‘She flew so fast, she created a Sonic Rainboom. Picture a Sonic Boom, but with a rainbow trail that’ll follow. As she flew, half of us heard the explosions and saw the Rainbow. Applejack saw the rainbow and it led her back home, making her realize she was meant to be there. Pinkie saw the rainbow and she felt so much joy seeing the colors, she wanted to share it with others. The explosion allowed the rock in front of Rarity to split in two, revealing beautiful gems inside, which she was able to make her latest fashion trends with them, Fluttershy was able to calm the animals down when they were scared of the explosion. And I ended up being so scared I could unleash the full magic inside of me. And simultaneously, we all got our Cutie Marks.’

‘And many years later,’ said Celestia when she decided to tell the story ‘I foresaw that my sister would return after her banishment, but her heart were still filled with Darkness. Twilight foresaw it too, but she was focused on her studies than making friends, but I encouraged her to go to Ponyville to prepare for the celebration.’

‘She met her friends one by one,’ said Spike when he decided to walk with them ‘Though she refused to mingle with them. When Nightmare Moon came back, Twilight figured out where the elements of harmony were stored, so she, with the accompaniment of her friends, went to the Castle of the Two Sisters, where the Elements have been stored. After going through certain trails, her friends were able to wake up the magic of friendship inside of her and they was able to free Luna from her darkness and restore her to her former glory.’

‘I see,’ said Luke, fascinated on the inside when he heard them tell their story ‘So you lot were fated to be together after all.’

‘That’s right,’ said Twilight, until she felt embarrassed as she said ‘Though, I wished I had listened to Celestia and made friends like she wanted me to do.’

‘You must never close yourself like that Twilight,’ said Luke, gaining her attention. ‘The Jedi once believed that they needed to conceal themselves from the outside worlds and it ended up costing their lives. But if a Jedi must understand of how to help those in need, they need to live among them, not desert them. For how can one expect one to help those in need if you do not know how they think.’

Luke then looked at Twilight ‘Just like you can ask yourself; how can one learn to rule its people if one does not know its people. If you know how they think or act, then you will understand them in a much more deeper level. And therefore, when the time is right, then you will be able to lead them in ways you’ve never imagined.’

Twilight was both fascinated and inspired by his words. she smiled and said ‘Thank you Master Skywalker. I understand.’

‘Please,’ said Luke with a chuckle ‘Call me Luke.’

‘Princess Twilight!’ called out Yona ‘Yona see village.’

All of them walked up the hill that Yona called out from. And when they got up top, they noticed many buildings that nearly resembled to Ponyville’s buildings, but were designed to be much more simpler and more manageable for everypony.

‘Wow,’ said Spike as he looked at them ‘Those buildings almost reminds me of Ponyville.’

‘The construction and architecture does have a resemblance.’ said Twilight as she took a good look at it.

‘Course it does,’ said Applejack ‘Mah family and Stinking Rich were the ponies that helped made their first settlements after all.’

‘So where do you think we should search?’ asked Starlight.

‘If the contents that revealed its clues to us of the location of the Temple were located in both the castle of the Unicorns and the mountain palace of the Pegasi,’ said Luke as he thought out loud ‘Maybe we can find some clues of the Temple from the ruler’s home.’

‘Chancellor Pudding head’s home might be a good place to start.’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘A wise decision, it would make things much easier.’ said Luna.

‘Still,’ said Starswirl as he thought out loud ‘It wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit more to cover more ground.’

‘Perhaps Secretary Smart Cookie’s home?’ said Rockhoof ‘If I were in charge of my home and had important information, I would also give that to my second in command in case things don’t work out the way it should.’

‘Then we’ll split up from here.’ said Luke ‘The Princesses and I will go and look for what we need at the Chancellor’s home, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rockhoof will go to the Secretary’s home whilst the rest will search the entire area to cover more ground.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ said Rainbow ‘It means more sky to cover.’

Luke then wondered something, and looked at Fluttershy. ‘Excuse me, Fluttershy, is it?’

Fluttershy squeaked a bit, but responded with a ‘Um, yes.’

‘From what I’ve seen or heard, you are good with animals, correct?’ said Luke as he stood on his one knee to be at an eye level with her.

‘Um, yes?’

‘If you think it’s possible,’ said Luke ‘Maybe you can ask the animals around these parts for help, see if they had seen anything unusual.’

‘Oh,’ said Fluttershy as she smiled ‘I can do that.’

‘Very well then,’ said Celestia after Luke stood up ‘Let us be on our way then.’

Sure enough, all of them journeyed their separate ways to find what they would be looking for.

‘Wow Luke,’ said Twilight as she and the princesses walked with Luke ‘I’m quite impressed. Fluttershy was always so nervous around new folks, but the way you spoke and asked for her help, it’s quite impressive.’

‘I merely asked her for her aid because she also wanted to do her part,’ said Luke ‘But I sensed that she would be afraid considering what we encountered at the previous tombs. So I simply chose to have her do a role she’s comfortable with. When I saw her handle her animals with care, I realized that she would be more comfortable for asking the animals around here for information, considering that the animals’ ancestors lived around here.’

‘That is truly a unique observation.’ said Celestia with a smile.

‘Indeed,’ said Luna ‘It is rare to find those who carefully observes those around them, besides Twilight of course.’

‘My master once told me to be mindful of the Force,’ said Luke as he remembered his old lessons. ‘He even once told me “Do or do not, there is no try”. ’

‘What does that mean?’ asked Twilight as she looked at Luke.

‘You know when I first met him, and he once said that to me, it didn’t make any sense afterwards.’ said Luke, remembering the times he spent training under Yoda. ‘But as I got older, I realized what he meant. He made me realized that I wasn’t trying to be a Jedi. Because if all I did was try, then I wouldn’t be able to believe in myself, so from that day on, I would try to accomplished where others couldn’t. And if I couldn’t, they couldn’t, but there is no try.’

Luke then looked at Twilight as he said ‘And from what I had sensed, you attempted to try and teach your first student, and another who were once Celestia’s apprentice, on what you knew, but you were conflicted, afraid that you would fail and disappoint those around you.’

Twilight was surprised that he knew that, then lowered her head as she thought about the times she taught Starlight. ‘Yes. After I convinced Starlight and Sunset Shimmer to give Friendship another chance, I was afraid they would fall back to their old habits, but I had to try and teach them what I knew about Friendship. There were times that I was afraid that I would fail them, that I wouldn’t be strong enough to be their teacher and them as my students. I couldn’t fail them, not after the promise I made to myself; to be there for them when they needed a friend the most.’

Celestia and Luna were surprised to hear this, for this was the first time they heard Twilight say that. Luke then placed his hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention as she looked at him.

‘And from what I’ve seen, you accomplished well on what you intended to do.’ said Luke as he smiled whilst he spoke to her after she told him on how she felt. ‘You may have doubted yourself as a teacher, but you must also know that failure can be part of a lesson too. I know you don’t want to fail, but if you do not fail, then how can you learn to not make the same mistakes and grow into what you were meant to be. And if you can share that with others, then they can understand. From what my master told me, what I will tell you; the power of your friendship is strong within others, and you should continue to pass on what you have learned.’

Luke then removed his hand from her shoulder, as he said ‘How others can grow and evolve, is the responsibility of all great masters.’

Twilight slowed down a bit whilst Luke walked up ahead, when she suddenly felt Celestia’s hoof on her shoulder. ‘Truly he will make a great Jedi Master.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luna ‘He may not have trained any Jedi yet, but from the words he used, that is true wisdom right there.’

Celestia then looked at Twilight ‘I hope you will take this lesson to heart Twilight.’

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘I most definitely will.’

They continued down the path, until they were finally able to find a very large house. To Twilight’s surprise, it nearly resembled to Ponyville’s mayoral building. ‘Wow, this kind of reminds me of Ponyville’s town hall.’

‘Do you think we will find any answers there?’ asked Luna.

‘We can hope your highness.’ said Luke, allowing himself to take the first step as he made towards his house.

As Luke approached the house, he gently pushed the door, only for it to crumble. Understandable, considering that the houses hadn’t been touched for a thousand years. They walked inside and looked around, the place may have decayed, but it was still thankfully sturdy.

‘We shall need to split up,’ said Luke ‘I will look upstairs on the Chancellor’s quarters.’

‘We shall search below.’ said Celestia.

‘Hopefully they have a library.’ said Twilight, muttering under hear breath ‘Or at least a study.’

Sure enough, they left separately and tried to look what they are looking for. As Luke climbed onto the stairs, he eventually made his way to the Chancellor’s bedroom. He opened the door and saw that the room was in the same sorry state.

‘For a race of Ponies who once lived here and other places a long time ago,’ said Luke to himself as he stepped inside ‘I’m surprised that a handful of them didn’t stay behind to preserve their former kingdoms when Equestria was founded.’

Luke walked to the center of the room, wondering where he should search next. He closed his eyes and used the Force. He continued to be silent for the next five minutes, until finally, he sensed something. It may be faint, but it’s better than nothing. He looked near the bed and noticed that there was a lamp desk next to it. He walked over and, thinking that the drawers might be stuck, used the Force to pull it out. Luke looked inside of it and saw something that caught his attention.

‘Hmm, what’s this?’ said Luke as he reached his hand into it.

He pulled out what appeared to be a medallion, but it was only half of one. There was some writing on it, but he didn’t recognize it. It was nearly the same universal language as the First Jedi, but it was mixed up with something else as well.

‘This might be important,’ said Luke as he placed the medallion piece back in his pocket. ‘I’d better see how Twilight and the others are doing.’

Luke left the room and went back downstairs. As he was down below, he saw Celestia and Luna searching through the belongings and books. ‘Find anything your majesties?’ asked Luke.

‘So far nothing.’ said Luna.

‘And you Master Skywalker?’ asked Celestia.

Luke pulled out the half of the medallion and showed it to them whilst he said ‘I found this upstairs whilst I was looking, it might be important.’

Luke placed it back in his pocket whilst Celestia asked ‘Does something ail you?’

‘I thought to myself,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘When the Pony Tribes founded Equestria and moved there, I’m surprised there weren't any who stayed behind to preserve them.’

‘Perhaps the ponies of old think it would be best to leave things behind,’ said Luna ‘Being around places like these must make them remember their old hatreds for one another.’

‘Oh?’ asked Luke.

‘Before Canterlot became our kingdom’s capitol,’ said Celestia, ‘Our old castle once resided within the Everfree Forest, but after my sister was turned to darkness and her banishment, I chose to live in Canterlot once it was finished with its construction, as did she, so that we would no longer remember the moments that robbed us of one another.’

‘I see.’ said Luke.

‘Luke,’ called out Twilight, ‘Could you and the princesses come over here please?’

Sure enough, Luke rejoined with Twilight at the Chancellor’s study. They found it was large enough for a worthy study room. ‘Did you find anything Twilight?’ asked Celestia.

‘I sure have princess,’ said Twilight as she showed them ‘According to this, the Earth Ponies had constructed to what they would call a vault, where they would store as much seeds and food as possible. However, by the time Equestria had been founded, they abandoned that idea.’

‘To which we assume they might have used that vault to store whatever secret the First Jedi left behind.’ said Luna as she tried to piece things together.

‘It could be possible,’ said Twilight as she looked at them ‘I mean what else could they have put in there?’

Celestia noticed that Luke looked troubled. ‘Something wrong?’

‘I’m just concerned what we might find in there.’ said Luke.

‘Come on,’ said Twilight as she shrugged off Luke’s worry ‘We can handle any measly traps.’

‘He is not referring to the traps Twilight,’ said Luna ‘He is concerned of what ancient foe from the past would reside there.’

‘Oh, right.’ said Twilight as he felt embarrassed ‘Forgot about that.’

‘What I do not understand is why the tombs are filled with so much danger?’ said Luna as she was curious about something.

‘It is to test them,’ said Luke, gaining their attention ‘The Force is making any individual, those who are worthy to learn the secrets of the Force and to restart the Jedi Order, they intend to test them, to see if they are worthy to carry the mantle of the Jedi Order.’

‘Why can’t the ways of the Jedi be easy?’ said Twilight in a muttered tone.

Luke overheard her as he said ‘If the way of the Jedi were easy, there’d be millions of us instead of over thousands.’

‘Could they simply not unite?’ said Luna ‘The Jedi and Sith serve both the light and dark, but they also use the Force, so why do they not unite under one banner?’

‘They tried that once,’ said Luke, remembering the Jedi history ‘When both the Empire and Republic of old were threatened by the Eternal Empire, Force users like them, but wielding neither light or dark. They even served the Emperor of the Eternal Empire, who was the reincarnated Emperor of the Sith. The remnants of both the Republic and the Empire worked together. However, by the time the Eternal Empire had been defeated, the Empire and the Republic wanted to use the fallen Eternal Empire’s resources to rebuild what they lost, they fought over it, and sure enough, the Empire and Republic were at odds again until the Empire had fallen.’

‘I see.’ said Luna as she partially felt conflicted over this.

‘Come,’ said Celestia as she looked at the others. ‘We should go find the others, perhaps they too have found what we’re looking for.’

Sure enough, they left Pudding head’s home to rejoin the others. They exited his home, and were greeted by Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rockhoof.

‘Oh, did you girls find anything?’ asked Twilight.

‘Not much ah’m afraid.’ said Applejack.

‘We searched the Secretary’s home for clues,’ said Rockhoof ‘But from what we could guess, the Chancellor didn’t trust anypony to do the job what others required them to do.’

‘We did find this though.’ said Pinkie Pie as she held onto a medallion, but half of one.

‘Wait,’ said Luke when he recognized it ‘May I?’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Pinkie Pie as she gave the half of the medallion to Luke.

Luke pulled out the other half he has in his possession. They do look similar whilst he observed them. When he placed them together, they clicked, merging them into one, as it became an actual key to be used.

‘So they separated the key.’ said Luke as he observed it ‘But what for?’

‘Maybe this’ll help.’ said Pinkie Pie as she held onto a scroll using her mane. ‘We found it underneath a bed that had a secret cabinet inside.’

‘Thankfully I was able to read it.’ said Rockhoof.

‘That’s right,’ said Applejack ‘Rockhoof translated that the First Jedi asked the ponies to separate the keys and hid them in different places.’

‘And that’s not all,’ said Rockhoof ‘According to the scroll, after the First Jedi hid their secrets, they asked the pony tribes to abandon their homes because they were worried that their fellow ponies would become obsessed with its secrets, so they left to ensure that nopony else would get their hooves on it.’

‘Hmm,’ said Twilight as she placed her hoof against her chin when she thought about the last bit that Rockhoof said ‘Well that would explain why the Pony Tribes left their homes and went to live in Equestria.’

‘But now another question remains.’ asked Luna.

‘Where the location of the vault might be.’ added Luke, figuring out what Luna meant.

‘Um, I can help with that.’ said Fluttershy as she came flying in.

‘Did you find out anything about the animals?’ asked Celestia.

‘Oh, of course Princess Celestia.’ said Fluttershy. ‘The animals told me that their ancestors indeed did see the first Jedi, and some of them went to follow them out of curiosity.’

‘And they know the secret location of that there vault?’ asked Applejack.

‘Mm-hmm,’ said Fluttershy ‘They even want to take us there now.’

‘Then lead the way Fluttershy.’ said Luke, allowing Fluttershy to lead the way whilst Twilight used her horn to send out a signal and summoned everyone back to their location.

Sure enough, after much traveling, they were at the outskirts of the town, where they would encounter what one would mistake for a Pharaoh’s tomb. ‘Is this the entrance to the next tomb?’ asked Somnambula.

‘It should be,’ said Twilight as she took a good look at it ‘The parchments said that they planned to store their food in there, but they converted it into something else before they left.’

‘Well then, there’s only one way to find out.’ said Luke. He suddenly handed the key over to Rainbow Dash, which surprised her.

‘Really?’ asked Dash whilst she was surprised.

‘Of course,’ said Luke ‘I saw it in your eyes. You used to go through an adventure like this before. So it would only be fair if you took the lead on this one.’

Rainbow nearly both squealed and neighed in excitement at the same time. She grabbed it and pretended to be Daring Do as she slowly observed the walls. After a thorough look, she found a spot to where to put the key in. She placed the key onto the hole, allowing it to click a few times. The key was immediately dropped, whilst the large doorway revealed itself as it showed them the way to where they needed to go.

Rainbow nearly squealed out loud in excitement, as she said ‘This almost feels like the book “Daring Do and the Hidden Vaults”, but in person.’

‘The way’s been revealed.’ said Stygian. Until he suddenly got nervous as he said ‘So…who’s going first?’

‘I’ll do it.’ said Rainbow Dash, until she felt her tail getting tugged on by Applejack.

‘Hold on there partner.’ said Applejack when she got Rainbow to sit down ‘We don’t need y’all to run off like that and nearly get yer self killed like last time.’

‘I shall go in,’ said Luke ‘There is no need for anyone to risk their lives here.’

Twilight placed her hoof against Luke’s leg, gaining his attention as he said ‘I’ll go too. I won’t risk losing a friend.’

‘I shall come too.’ said Starswirl ‘We will scout on ahead and clear the way if there are any traps.’

‘Very well Starswirl.’ said Princess Celestia as she and the others decided to wait ‘We shall wait here until you have need of us.’

That said, Luke, Twilight and Starswirl walked down the stoned stairway to wherever it might take them. As they had reached the bottom of the stairs, Starswirl and Twilight noticed the lanterns against the wall, allowing them to illuminate them with fire, allowing more torches to be set alight.

‘So far so good.’ said Twilight.

‘Indeed.’ said Starswirl as he looked ahead ‘I fear what traps might lie ahead once we continue towards our intended path.’

Luke called out ‘It looks all clear from here!’

Everyone else from outside rejoined them as they climbed down the stairs.

They proceeded into walking down the hall, making their way towards to wherever it might lead them. But as they walked, they saw plenty of empty rooms, each of them written in old Ponish, but thankfully, the Pillars could make out what they said. Each room was meant to store what Twilight had read about.

‘Wow, look at this,’ said Twilight ‘The Earth Pony Tribes really were going to built a place to store everything.’

‘Aye, look at this,’ said Rockhoof as he read the signs ‘Seed storages for fruit and vegetables, storages for blankets, equipment, building material, the works.’

‘I suppose we have the uniting tribes to thank for that.’ said Mage Meadowbrook.

‘Or the First Jedi.’ said Spike.

Twilight nearly wanted to laugh, but snickered instead. ‘Oh please Spike, there’s no way they would’ve…’

‘I’m sticking to the First Jedi.’ said Spike as he pointed at the wall.

As they looked at what Spike was looking at, all of them, except for Luke, were surprised. For in the left part of the wall, were Princess Platinum, Advisor Clover the Clever, Chancellor Pudding Head, Secretary Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy, standing before the first Jedi, as the one in the center, pointed at the lands and beyond, revealing to be Equestria, then at the right, were the six ponies as they signed a treaty, with the first Jedi helping them with negotiations. Then finally, where the leaders of the Pony tribes bowed to the first Jedi, with what appeared to be the clues that they witnessed earlier, whilst the first Jedi bowed to them back before they returned to their ship and left the world.

Many stared at it in awe, with Twilight stuttering and babbled, for she couldn’t believe her eyes from what she was witnessing, even the rest of the ponies and creatures were surprised from what they witnessed.

‘Wait,’ said Sandbar as he stared at it in awe ‘So the First Jedi were the ones that helped the pony tribes unite Equestria?’

Luke examined it for a bit, then gave his observation to them. ‘No. It states here that after Secretary Smart Cookie, Private Pansy and Clover the Clever became friends and convinced their leaders to unite, the First Jedi came along and taught them what they needed to know of how to run a kingdom without interference. They helped them settle at the few places that they would flourish.’

‘Before Discord came along after Celestia and Luna were taught what they needed to know into both running a country and facing Discord.’ said Starswirl whilst he looked at the wall. Then muttered to himself ‘I still cannot believe that Clover would hide something like this from me.’

‘When it comes to secrets Starswirl,’ said Luke ‘We tend to hide them for a reason. If life on this world discovered that there were dangers beyond the stars, imagine the panic and fear that this world will be succumbed to.’

‘Hearing that coming from you,’ said Smolder with crossed arms ‘We believe it.’

‘Hey look,’ said Gallus as he pointed ahead ‘Another door.’

They saw the door straight ahead, same match as the previous ones they visited from before. All of them stood at least a few feet away from the door.

‘Is there another dark presence?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

Luke closed his eyes as he tried to sense what lies on the other side, but so far nothing. ‘I do not sense anything. But I have a feeling that we should not let our guard down just yet.’

‘Agreed,’ said Luna as she looked on ahead ‘We should proceed with caution.’

Luke aimed his hand forward and concentrated using the Force. Within a few moments, Luke was able to open the door, allowing them clear passage through there.

‘Let’s get going.’ said Flash Magnus, eager to face for what lies ahead.

The company traveled inside the room, whilst also trying to keep their guard up and trying to be mindful of what’s around them. Well, most of them are mindful.

They continued to look around, trying to determine who they’re going to face next. Luke closed his eyes, trying to feel out with his feelings using the Force.

‘I sense someone nearby.’ said Luke as he opened his eyes.

‘Someone,’ said the being, causing all of them to turn around and look straight ahead. They saw a hooded figure, walking over towards them. But then at last, standing in the light, it revealed herself to be an elderly woman in a black cloak. ‘Or something.’

They were weary of this woman. She may not look much but they could feel what Luke could feel from within this woman…the Dark Side.

‘Who are you?’ said Twilight, when she felt something off about the woman.

‘I was once a Jedi, then a Sith,’ said the elderly woman ‘But to many who knew me, I once traveled with a Jedi who called himself the Exile.’

‘Wait,’ said Luke ‘You’re Kreia, the one who was once the master of Nihilus and Sion.’

‘Indeed I am,’ said Kreia ‘I am surprised you know your history well, considering that both the Emperor and your father destroyed every single clue of Jedi history.’

They were surprised by what she revealed. ‘You know about that?’ said a stunned Silverstream.

‘My dear,’ said Kreia as she kept her arms crossed ‘Though we may be gone and live on in the Force, we see everything what future Jedi and Sith accomplish in their lifetimes.’

‘So you were around when Darth Bane created the Rule of Two?’ asked Stygian whilst he remembered the brief history lesson that Luke had provided.

‘Indeed.’ said Kreia, which some could notice that she had a disappointed tone. ‘Which was also a grave mistake.’

‘A mistake?’ asked Luna.

‘Indeed,’ said Kreia. ‘For the ten thousand Jedi to exist, there were also the same amount with the Sith. But they had fallen to deep in the darkness, which drove them to extinction. There must be balance between the Jedi, and the Sith.’

‘And let them continue to bring ruin to the galaxy?’ said Rainbow Dash ‘Not a chance.’

‘I too once had thought the same thing when I was an archivist of the Jedi,’ said Kreia ‘But overtime, during my exile from both the Jedi and Sith, even my time spent in the netherworld of the Force, it made me realize that without the Jedi and Sith, there can be no balance in the Force. When I first met the Exile, I wanted him to be better than any Jedi. A Grey Jedi, if you will.’

‘Grey Jedi?’ said Luke.

‘A Jedi that focuses his power on both light and dark. They once said that attachments were forbidden and would lead us to the Dark Side. But when a Jedi’s loved one is gone, they should have time to grief and train themselves to be free of that pain so that their loved one can rest in peace. That they should allow to be in love and have friends. That was why I traveled with the Exile, so that he could not only grow as a grey Jedi, but as a person, so that he could live the life that he always had with them. Even if they had not recognized that trait until now.’

‘You expect us to believe that?’ said Twilight ‘You were once a Jedi, you walked the path of darkness, how can any of us be sure what you say is the truth?’

‘The Force had shown us many things young one.’ said Kreia ‘Many things that would help shape both the fate and future of the Galaxy. But think about it, when the Jedi are in danger, they could sense the danger in an instant and it would help them prepare for things to come. However, before this so called, “Order 66” came along, the Force did not warn them, only a handful that the Force had warned so that they could survive. A handful of them that you know. After all, the eldest copy of the warrior of old once accompanied those who survived. They were not around because none of them were meant to bring balance to the Force.’

‘Not around?’ asked Spike ‘What happened to them?’

‘What didn’t happen?’ asked Kreia ‘Over the years, many perished, and those who did survive chose to stay in hiding and hope they would be left forgotten. But even when they lost hope in saving the Galaxy, the so called Empire would continue to hunt them down without a moment’s hesitation.’

‘But why wouldn’t the so called Force not want the remaining Jedi to help bring peace to the Galaxy?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Because they were not meant to bring balance to the Force.’ said Kreia as she pointed a few things out ‘That responsibility lies with Skywalker here.’

‘With me?’ asked Luke, whilst he was surprised to hear this.

‘Indeed,’ said Kreia ‘Did you think your father was the only one who was conceived with the Force?’

‘Conceived by the Force?’ said Twilight ‘I’ve never heard of that.’

‘Nor should you,’ said Kreia ‘The living Force can help either give life or destroy, yes, but when it comes to the fate of the galaxy that is in need of balance, the living Force chooses whom to conceive, so that the very individual would be tasked into bringing balance to the Force. There were a handful of Jedi who were once conceived the same way.’

‘Father was not the only one?’ said Luke within his thoughts.

‘Like who?’ asked Princess Luna.

Kreia told them as she said ‘There was a Jedi whose name had been forgotten throughout history, that defeated the first Sith Lord. Then there were even two other Jedi that the two of you know. Both Revan…and the Exile.’

‘So you went along with the exile because he was conceived with the Force?’ asked Meadowbrook.

However, Rainbow remembered when Luke’s father was turned to the Dark Side because of the Emperor, and she harshly asked ‘Were you trying to turn him into a Sith?’

‘No.’ said Kreia ‘When I first met him, he still had his teachings of the Jedi, but because of the Battle for Malachor V, something scarred him from within his soul and his ability to use the Force. I merely wanted him to grow as a person.’

‘As a person?’ asked Twilight.

‘The Jedi that were wiped out now?’ said Kreia as she tried to clue them in ‘This is not the first time that both Jedi and Sith were nearly driven to extinction.’

They were a bit surprised by this information. ‘What do y’all mean?’ asked Applejack.

‘When both sides continued to fight one another,’ said Kreia ‘One side had fallen, but within a few decades to a millennium, they always rise again. The Sith defeated, they thought they were gone, but then they came back stronger than ever. The same can be said for the Jedi. Both sides doing this to one another again and again. Yet for all their efforts, it were all in vain, for no matter how hard one tries, the other slowly falls under its thrall.’

‘So all of them are caught in an endless cycle?’ asked Starlight.

‘Yes,’ said Kreia ‘To ensure that there would be balance in the Force. But if either side would become too powerful, then the other will tilt the balance the other way. It had been written since the birth of both sides and will remain so until a proper path could be found, where the new Jedi would follow the light, but would also have families of their own. And when they fall or pass, they would grief, but would also keep their emotions in check.’

‘Is that what you wanted before Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion’s defeat?’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed. I too once walked the path of the Jedi, but the power of the Dark Side brought me down a much darker path, one that Revan once followed before he was gone.’

‘And what about Nihilus and Sion?’ asked Twilight. ‘Were they the reason you chose to fight with the Exile?’

‘In a matter of speaking.’ said Revan. ‘Let me show you.’

Kreia waved her hand, revealing a new environment. All of them were in what appeared to be a sanctum, as the floor was red, as if it was glowing. But from all around it were eight giant bended spikes, formed into a circle. They could feel a dark presence there that would make any mortal being afraid beyond their imagination.

But from the one side of the room, was a shrouded being walking towards the center. When they looked, they saw that the woman was Kreia, many years ago. They saw her walking until she stood at the center of the temple.

‘There are dark places in the galaxy where a few tread.’ said Kreia as she began her tale ‘Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge. But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is a…fragile alliance at best.’

Then they saw them, both Nihilus and Sion, coming from different rooms as they made their way towards Kreia. She just stood there as she waited for them to come as Kreia said ‘But my will was not law. There were disagreements. Ambition.’

Sion stood near her and activated his Lightsaber, as did Kreia whilst she looked at him, with Nihilus approaching last as Kreia said ‘And hunger for power.’

Kreia stood there, waiting for any of them to make a move, so that she could defend herself. But just before she could do anything, Nihilus used Force Push to push her against the wall, making her collapse as she sat on the ground.

‘There are techniques within the Force,’ said Kreia as they saw Sion walking towards her, then stood above her as she said ‘Against which there was no defense.’

They saw her trying to use the Force to pull her Lightsaber to her, but she was too weak, whilst she lowered her hand. Sion however, was not merciful. He grabbed her face as she groaned in pain, then thrashed her against the wall. He then kneed her, punched her, grabbed her neck and lifted her in the air, making her desperately trying to breathe. Then Sion threw her hard onto the ground, knocking her unconscious whilst the others were shocked when they saw what happened to her.

‘I was cast down,’ said Kreia as they watched Kreia’s past self out cold as she was now beaten and defeated, whilst both her former students stood over her, knowing that they had just secured their future. ‘Stripped of my power. Exiled. I suffered…indignities. And fell into darkness.’

As the images faded away, everyone, who were still shocked to discover what she went through, focused on Kreia as she finished her tale.

‘Learn from me. My mistakes.’ said Kreia ‘And use that knowledge to become greater than I. That is all I ask of you, and that is all I desire. All my hopes and the hopes of Jedi’s past, rests in you. For the future. For the Force.’

‘I understand.’ said Luke ‘When I began my journey as a Jedi, I was afraid that I would walk down the same path as my father, who turned to the Dark Side for the wrong reasons. Though he had good intentions of saving my mother, he allowed the Emperor to manipulate him and turned him against the Order who took him in, betrayed everything what they stood for, and dishonored the Jedi Order.’

Luke then looked at Kreia as he said ‘But the moment when I met the inhabitants of this world, I realized that the Jedi were wrong. When we began, we were given the chance of peace and tranquility, and ended up denying loving our friends and families, including wanting to have children of our own. It is what we do with our anger that is important. Though I was angry when my father wanted my sister to walk the same path he did, I then realized that if I ended up like him, I would’ve suffered just as much as he did. But then I remembered that it was my friends that helped me through my dark moments.’

He then gestured to his new friends as he said ‘And I have them to thank for showing me. Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness and Laughter, even Magic. It made me think that the Jedi needs to go down a new path. We would stay true to protecting the Republic, but we would also grow as people, who in turn, would protect their friends and families. And that we need to control our emotions when it comes to that. We may have the right to be angry, sad, or anything above, but we cannot feed that emotion, otherwise we would not be better than the ones who came before us.’

‘Then you truly are the future of the galaxy.’ said Kreia as she walked over to Luke and stood next to him. ‘You will help create new Jedi, one that is balanced between light and dark, ones that vow to fight for the rights of others, and would also love, not deny them.’

Kreia placed her hand on Luke’s shoulder, and said to him ‘May the Force be with you Skywalker.’

And in that moment, Kreia faded away as if she had never existed, much to the others’ surprise, whilst the doors were slowly being opened, allowing them access to where they needed to go.

When they went inside, they thought it would be useless. But when they were inside, there were records of half of the worlds the First Jedi went to. Each of the records were from each world, their maps, their star charts, and everything else that were helpful on their journeys.

‘Amazing,’ said Stygian as he inspected one of them ‘Their methods were like of the Mighty Helm.’

‘Aye, it’s true.’ said Rockhoof when he inspected the maps too ‘I recognize the methods my people had performed anywhere.’

Luke on the other hand were focused on the large stone coffin ahead. He used the Force to open it, allowing the lid to open itself. He walked towards it and discovered a double bladed Lightsaber, but that can fold itself as if they were a make shift bo-staff. He placed it at the back of his belt and pulled out a metallic cylinder. He opened it and pulled open the scroll.

‘What does it say Master Luke.’ said Luna as she and Celestia stood near him.

‘According to this,’ said Luke ‘After the first Jedi had placed the first three clues in this world in the homelands of the Original Pony Tribes, they hid them in a world that’s accessible to a Forest, which lead to a deserted island. But to their surprise, the ponies that traveled with them, transformed into human like beings like them. Detecting similarities, but also some differences too.’

Twilight instantly clicked and smiled widely, realizing what they were talking about. ‘I know where they are!!’ shouted Twilight.

They looked at Twilight with flexed eyebrows, with her giggling nervously. ‘Ahem, sorry.’

‘You know where the next clue leads?’ asked Luke.

‘I sure do.’ said Twilight. ‘In fact, it’s the same place that Sunset Shimmer resides.’

Many, even the Princesses were surprised. ‘They’re in the human world?’ said Starlight.

‘They are sure are.’ said Twilight. ‘And we’d better get going. Come on!!’

Twilight ran out of the room to lead them, causing many others to follow her suit, even Luke.

‘She sure is an eccentric one, isn’t she?’ said Luke.

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia with a smile ‘Which is why I’m proud to call her my pupil every day.’

All of them ran out, hoping that Twilight can explain what she can theorize.

Chapter 9: Journey to the other side

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Sure enough, after a long flight back to Ponyville, everyone entered Twilight’s castle. Luke was impressed by the architecture of the place as he said ‘This is quite an impressive Castle you have here.’

‘Thank you,’ said Twilight ‘I had trouble trying to make it my home ever since my old one got destroyed. But thanks to my friends, I was able to adjust to it very well.’

They entered another room, where the magic mirror had been placed, with Twilight showing it to him. ‘Through here.’

‘The mirror?’ asked Luke.

‘Do not let its appearance fool you Master Skywalker.’ said Celestia as she stood next to him. ‘This is actually a portal that leads to another world, paralleled to our own. In this world we are ponies, but our other selves are human.’

‘And you know about this world?’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia ‘My former student, Sunset Shimmer, learned so much about magic like Twilight. Unfortunately she wanted shortcuts and wanted to be a Princess too, which she wasn’t ready to be. So I denounced her as my student and forbade her to coming into the castle again. But by the time she was being escorted, she escaped through the mirror. But then it closed for another thirty moons, unable for me to go after her, or for her to come back home.’

‘When she stole my crown,’ said Twilight ‘I followed her there, only to discover she became a bully and drove everyone apart and ruined their friendships. So when I got there, I was able to reunite them. But she used the power of my crown to turn herself into a monster. And if it weren't for my new friends there, I wouldn’t have been able to stop her and restored her. So she chose to remain there to make up for her mistakes.’

‘And you’re still in contact with her?’ asked Luke.

‘Yes,’ said Twilight ‘We wrote to each other every now and then, and I was able to find a way to keep the portal open so that either of us could come visit.’

She then blushed as she admitted something else ‘Although, I wished I could’ve learned on how to control my human appendages a lot better than most.’

‘So we’re going to travel through the mirror?’ asked Rainbow ‘Cool.’

Luke then thought about something. If what he read was correct, they would transform into humans on the other side, but to be on the safe side, he contacted R2 as he said ‘Artoo, do you still have that portable satellite with you?’

R2 beeped a couple of times, confirming what Luke had said. ‘Could you bring it here please.’

R2 beeped as he said that he will do so. ‘What are you planning Master Skywalker?’ asked Luna.

‘Call it a hunch your highness.’ said Luke.

Sure enough, R2 arrived with what appeared to be a small portable satellite, causing them to be curious, but allowed Luke to perform his hunch.

‘Ready Artoo?’ asked Luke, causing R2 to beep in confirmation. ‘Then go ahead.’

Sure enough, R2 headed straight for the mirror, causing him to through it as he disappeared in a flash. Through the portal between Equestria and his destination, R2 screeched as if he was frightened, for he never experienced something like that before.

Canterlot High

At the doors of a familiar school, known as Canterlot High, many students were going towards the school, whilst six familiar girls stood near the entrance, waiting for someone.

‘Where could she be?’ asked a certain country girl, known as Applejack’s human counterpart.

‘Oh my, you don’t think something happened, did you?’ asked a shy girl, who is known as Fluttershy’s human counterpart.

‘She probably overslept her alarm again.’ said a certain rainbow haired girl, who is known as Rainbow Dash’s human counterpart.

When all a sudden, a certain girl came running, exhausted as she ran towards them. She stopped herself and panted a bit, nearly being out of air and all. ‘Sorry I’m late,’ said a fiery headed girl, known as Sunset Shimmer ‘I almost overslept.’

‘Told ya.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Now why would you almost be late darling?’ said a certain Fashionista, who is known as Rarity’s human counterpart.

‘She’s right,’ said a certain Brainiac of the group, who is known as Twilight’s human counterpart ‘You’re usually on time on a lot of things.’

‘Fell asleep doing my homework last night.’ said Sunset, until her stomach growled, gaining their attention whilst she held onto her stomach as she felt embarrassed ‘I was also in such a hurry, I kinda missed breakfast.’

‘No worries Sun/Shim’ said a certain poofy haired girl, who is known as Pinkie Pie’s human counterpart, whilst she handed a couple of breakfast muffins and some coffee to her ‘I gotcha covered.’

Sunset smiled and accepted them as she said ‘Thanks Pinkie Pie.’

‘Come on,’ said human Twilight ‘We’d better get going or we’re going to miss first period.’

But just as they climbed the stairs, the portal to Equestria suddenly shimmered, gaining Spike’s attention, surprising him when he realized something was coming through. Spike barked to get their attention, which it worked.

‘What is it…?’ said Twilight, but was stopped when she and the others instantly looked at the portal.

‘What in tarnation?’ said Applejack when she was surprised to see what was coming.

The portal shimmered for a few moments, until a certain droid, aka R2, popped right out of it as he pushed the portable satellite, surprising all of them as they couldn’t believe what they saw.

‘Is that a robot?’ asked Sunset.

R2 stopped at the center between the portal and CHS’ entrance, allowing him to program the satellite to do its work. Within a few seconds, the portable satellite launched it in the air, allowing it to fly towards space, surprising the girls when they saw the satellite flying up the sky. The satellite soon stopped the moment it was in outer space. It scanned the stars, allowing it to transfer data to R2 so that he could send it to Luke. After it was done, R2 turned around and went for the portal.

Rainbow Dash used her speed to quickly dash towards the portal and in front of R2 to keep him from escaping, causing him to stop. ‘Whoa there buddy,’ said Rainbow as she spread her arms to stop him ‘You’re not going…’

When all of a sudden, R2 pulled out a taser from its compartment, allowing him to shock Rainbow Dash, making her jump as she shouted ‘Ouch!!’

R2 chuckled as he went through the portal, which gained the others’ attention. ‘Did that robot just laugh?’ said Rarity surprised.

‘Oh my,’ said Fluttershy as she went over to Rainbow Dash. ‘Are you okay Rainbow?’

‘No,’ said Rainbow whilst she was rubbing her thigh ‘I just got zapped by a funny little robot.’

‘And it just went through the portal?’ said Applejack, with Sunset worrying that something might have happened in Equestria.

Twilight’s Castle

R2 soon appeared through the portal whilst everyone noticed he came back. ‘Any luck R2?’ asked Luke, causing R2 to beep in confirmation. ‘Good. At least I know now how to get there.’

‘Get where Master Luke?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘You’ll see,’ said Luke as some noticed that he couldn’t contain his smile ‘Come on, we’re going on another trip.’

But just before Twilight was going to question Luke, she heard her journal buzzing, allowing her to levitate it over and opened it.

‘Twilight,’ wrote Sunset as the words appeared on the journal ‘Did something happened in Equestria? I just saw a small robot appear and it suddenly went back? Did you see it?’

Twilight couldn’t help but smirk, seeing that Sunset had just stumbled upon R2. She wrote back as she said ‘I’ll explain as soon as I can Sunset. Right now, something important has happened. I’ll tell you when I get back.’. She then took the journal with her and ran outside to catch up with the others.

Sure enough, everyone entered the ship, with Luke asking R2 ‘Are the coordinates entered in navigations?’

R2 beeped in confirmation, with Luke saying ‘Then we have our way.’

Luke sat down on the pilot’s seat as they followed, with him looking back and said ‘I’d show you something amazing, but the cockpit’s not big enough for everyone, or can’t see what’s going on.’

‘Oh, no problem Luke.’ said Twilight, causing her to cast a spell, allowing the cockpit’s room to be widened, as well as the window, surprising Luke as Twilight said ‘I used a spell to enlarge the room for everyone to fit in. But don’t worry, you ship’s functions haven’t changed, so you won’t be able to have any problems.’

‘Oh, uh, thank you.’ said Luke, who was still surprised to see Twilight do that. As he typed a few buttons, he said ‘Artoo, let’s take off.’

R2 complied as he hacked into the ship to help them fly a bit easier. The ship slowly lifted itself and took off to the blue skies. Everyone watched as they continued to fly to the sky. It remained blue, until it faded away and revealed the darkness and the shining stars, taking them all by surprise when they saw them.

‘Are we…?’ said Twilight as she was surprised to see this.

‘Indeed Twilight,’ said Luke after he let out a chuckle ‘We are in space.’

Many were surprised to see the outer space, which they were still in awe over. As Luke continued to fly, he slowly began to set the coordinates, and as soon as the ship was on its course, Luke couldn’t help but smile as he said ‘You might wanna hang onto something.’

Luke slowly pulled the lever, showing the stars were growing brighter and were going faster, much to everyone’s surprise. And within a split second, the Ebon Hawk jumped through Hyperspace. As it did, it showed a great blue void whilst they saw them travel, taking everyone by surprise.

‘What magic is this?’ said Starswirl as he was taken aback by what he saw.

‘This is called Hyperspace.’ said Luke as he turned his chair around and explained things to them ‘When the galaxy wanted to expand and trade whatever they knew to one another, they developed technology that would allow us to go from one location to another. Without these, it wouldn’t taken us centuries to travel in light-years. But with the Hyper drive, we can now travel in a matter of minutes to a mere hour.’

‘Truly your galaxy has created amazing technology.’ said Celestia as she too was taken by surprised to see what was before her.

‘So where are we going if we aren’t going through the portal?’ said Twilight as she was curious.

‘You’ll see.’ said Luke before he turned his chair and looked at them ‘Do you think you can write to your friend to meet with us?’

Twilight was confused by what he meant, until Luke gestured to the Journal, much to Twilight’s surprise. ‘How did you…?’

‘I can sense the Force emanating through it,’ said Luke ‘Whatever magic you’re using, it must be a way to contact her.’ said Luke.

Twilight couldn’t wipe the look of surprise from her face, but shook her head as she looked at Luke. ‘Wow, you’re good.’

Twilight wrote down on the journal, writing if Sunset and the others have a free period. Once she was done, Sunset responded that they have free period in over an hour. ‘She’ll be available in the hour.’ said Twilight.

‘Tell her to wait outside,’ said Luke as he stood up, then looked at R2 as he said ‘Artoo, keep the ship on course.’

R2 beeped when he responded. ‘Hey, where are you going?’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at Luke.

‘To meditate,’ said Luke ‘Jedi tend to meditate to seek guidance from the Force in order to find our way.’

Luke stopped for a moment as he looked at them and said ‘Would all of you like to join me? You might learn something.’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Twilight as she and the others followed him.

As they were at the cargo hold, Luke sat down with his legs crossed, with the others joining him as they all sat down.

‘Now, the first thing we need to do is to close your eyes and clear your minds.’ said Luke, whilst at the same time, one by one, all of them began to close their eyes.

‘Just breathe.’ said Luke as he concentrated, with the others trying to do the same, especially Rainbow, considering she’s not the patient type. ‘Reach out with your feelings. Feel what you need to feel. See what you need to see.’

As they kept their eyes closed, they soon began to completely clear their minds and focused on what Luke was trying to show them. ‘What do you see? What do you feel?’

Luke could tell that most of them were having trouble. So he tried a bigger approach. ‘Feel far deeper than you could possibly imagine.’

They continued to keep their eyes closed and focused, teaching them the way of the Force, if what he felt in all of them was true as he instructed them.

‘Feel the stars shining on every corner of the galaxy and beyond.’

They felt every star, even if they were moving fast.

‘Feel every sun and moon from every system, shining brighter than you could’ve imagined.’

They felt the warmth of the sun and the light of the moon.

‘Feel the life of every world they shine upon.’

They felt the life of the planet, as if they were on it.

‘Feel the life on every piece ground of the planet.’

They felt the ground as if they were standing on it.

‘Feel the life of every plant life.’

They felt the plant life as if they were touching it.

‘Feel the life of every ocean.’

They felt the oceans as they crashed on the rocks or on the neighboring islands.

‘Feel the life of every air and wind.’

They felt the air blow on their faces, as if they could literally feel it.

‘But most importantly…feel the life of every living soul, living on their respected worlds, preserving their way of life, or trying to live it.’

They could see every different race throughout the Galaxy, going on with their daily lives.

‘Feel the Force.’

And in that instant, all of them could feel it. All of them could feel every inch of life throughout the galaxy, even every race that they’ve never seen before. From the youth to the old. One by one, all of them slowly opened their eyes as they were widened, amazed even, for what just happened. Sure enough, Luke opened his eyes as he looked at them.

‘This is amazing Tia.’ said Luna as she looked at her sister ‘I could feel it. I could feel all of it.’

Celestia looked at Luke in awe as she said ‘How is this possible?’

‘The Force lives in all of us your highness.’ said Luke ‘It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together. And from what I could feel, it’s amazingly strong in all of you.’

Some were puzzled by what he meant, until R2 beeped, indicating that they’re close to their destination, allowing Luke to stand up and walk to the cockpit.

‘What,’ said Rainbow Dash as she looked at him, prompting him to stop and look at her. ‘What do you mean that it’s strong in all of us?’

‘What I’m saying is,’ said Luke ‘If your world was known, your race and those beside them would’ve made excellent Jedi.’

As Luke walked to the cockpit, many looked at him in awe. If it were true, they would make great Jedi.

He soon sat down on his chair in order to take the controls from there. Some accompanied him to the cockpit to see where they would go next. As Luke and R2 drove the ship, they instantly stopped as they dropped out of Hyperspace, revealing a planet that was similar to Equestria, much to the others’ surprise.

‘Wow.’ said Twilight as she kept staring at the planet. ‘I never realized how beautiful this world be when I once visited.’

Luke closed his eyes in order to find Sunset. When he opened his eyes ten seconds later, he turned the ship to the right, heading to the direction Sunset and her friends would be.

Outside of Canterlot High

At the courtyard during their free period, Sunset and the others sat outside, following Princess Twilight’s instructions.

‘So, remind me again why we’re waiting out here?’ said the human Rainbow Dash whilst she was getting impatient.

‘Princess Twilight told us to meet out here during our free period.’ said Sunset whilst she patiently looks at the journal.

‘Good thing it’s the weekend tomorrow,’ said puppy Spike ‘You guys are luckily free on the weekends.’

‘How do you know that Spike?’ asked the human Twilight.

‘You’re not the only one who looks at a calendar ya know.’ said Spike as he crossed his paws together.

Sunset’s journal began to buzz, gaining her attention, causing her to quickly open up the journal. She then read out loud ‘Look up.’

But just before she was about to, they heard a loud noise. At first they looked around, until Sunset looked up and stared at it in awe. As she stood up, so did her friends the moment they saw it too. For coming from above was none other than the Ebon Hawk. It slowly hovered over the school, causing the others to run. By the time they got there, the Ebon Hawk had landed on the soccer field. At the same time, many more students quickly walked out to see what was going on, as well as stare out at the windows. Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna also got outside and were also stunned when they saw the ship.

‘Is…is that a spaceship?’ said a boy named Micro Chips after he adjusted his glasses right.

The ramp of the ship slowly opened, whilst a light shined through it as well. Out came a shadowy figure. It said ‘Take me to your leader.’

The human Pinkie Pie screamed out of fright as she hid behind Applejack, then shouted ‘Aliens!!’

The figure was silent, until it snickered and snorted, then jumped right out, revealing a certain pink poofy maned Earth Pony.

‘No silly filly, it’s just me, Pinkie Pie!!’ said Pinkie Pie before letting our her cute squee.

‘Oh, never mind them.’ said human Pinkie. The two of them darted towards one another and greeted each other with smiles.

‘Hey Pony me,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she rapidly shook her pony counterpart’s hoof ‘How are things going?’

‘Oh, we just made a new friend that came from the stars that’s trying to rebuild what was lost and told us the secrets he’s looking for is here and we decided to come help out.’ said Pinkie Pie with her usual bubbly self.

Many of the students were stunned to see what was right in front of them as they couldn’t believe their eyes. For there was another Pinkie Pie, but this one is a pony.

‘Huh,’ said one of the bulkier students known as Bulk Biceps ‘That’s something you don’t see every day.’

‘I mean we were also ponies for a while too,’ said another known as Trixie ‘So that’s no surprise there.’

Sure enough, Twilight climbed down through the ramp, much to Sunset’s surprise.

‘Princess Twilight.’ said Sunset as she waved her hand.

‘Sunset.’ said Twilight as she flew over and greeted Sunset with a hug. ‘It’s been a long time.’

‘It sure has.’ said Sunset, but then it finally hit her; Twilight wasn’t turned into a human. ‘Wait, how are you not a human, didn’t you travel through the mirror?’

‘Well no we didn’t, we didn’t even know how this was possible.’ said Twilight.

‘We?’ asked a puzzled Sunset.

‘I…kinda brought some company.’ said Twilight as she pointed at the ship.

One by one, the rest of Twilight’s friends, the Pillars, the Young Six, Spike, even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna climbed out of the ship as they made their way towards the courtyard. The students were all surprised to see more of them.

The Young Six were surprised to see them at first, with Smolder quirking an eyebrow as she said ‘Huh, so that’s the place Twilight told us about.’

Silverstream on the other hand got excited as she said ‘Oh my gosh, humans!!’

Silverstream instantly flew over and greeted them as she said ‘High every creature, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Silverstream.’

Many of the students were in awe to see a live hippogriff right in front of them.

‘Oh, my, gosh.’ said one of the students, which was the human version of Carrot Top. ‘A real life hippogriff.’

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up, giving some a fright as she said ‘Yup a roomy, and that over there is a griffon, a dragon, a yak and a Changeling. And also the two over there are Alicorn Princesses and those over there are the Pillars of old.’

Sure enough, the students got all excited and gathered near them, wanting to know more about them. Some of the students were around the Mane 6 and Spike as they were fascinated to meet them, even Micro Chips and a handful of smart students were excited to talk to both Starlight and Sunburst.

Some students were also around the Young Six, enjoying to meet them for the first time. The teachers were having some great conversations with Starswirl and his fellow Pillars, as the Principles were talking to the Princesses.

‘So Twilight, what are you doing here? Not that I’m complaining of course.’ said Sunset.

‘Well…’ said Twilight, whilst R2 came out of the ship at the same time.

‘Hey!!’ shouted human Rainbow Dash ‘That’s the same little jerk that stung me!!’

Human Rainbow Dash well, dashed right on over and stood in front of R2 ‘You got some nerve showing up here!!’

‘Do not mind him, for he means well when it comes to a mission.’

Human Rainbow Dash looked up the ramp and were surprised to see Luke. He slowly walked down the ramp and stood next to Twilight with a smile on his face. Human Rainbow Dash slowly stood up and were surprised to see Luke, as well as the rest of Canterlot High when they saw Luke.

‘Twilight?’ asked Sunset when she noticed Luke ‘Who’s that?’

‘That,’ said Twilight as she smiled too ‘Is Luke Skywalker.’

Luke walked towards the others the moment he saw them. He stood in front of Sunset and said ‘Are you Sunset Shimmer?’

Sunset was a little surprised that he knew her name. ‘Uh, yes?’

‘My name is Luke Skywalker,’ said Luke ‘Twilight told me about you and the journey that led you here.’

Sunset felt a bit nervous that Luke would know some of her past. Until he placed his hand on her shoulder, surprising her as she looked at him, and noticed that he was smiling.

‘You have done much of the impossible and made up for your mistakes and you are on the right path.’ said Luke ‘For you are finally at peace with those around you, and you around them.’

Sunset couldn’t help but smile as she blushed, for what he said was truly high praise from him. Principle Celestia walked up to Luke and asked ‘Excuse me, but who are you?’

‘And why are you here?’ asked Vice-Principle Luna, who wondered who this mysterious visitor was.

‘I will explain what I can,’ said Luke ‘But can we talk in a place where we cannot be disturbed?’

The two heads of the school agreed and guided him to the principal’s office. Sunset then walked over to Twilight and asked ‘Twilight, how is this possible, and how are you not a human?’

‘I wondered that myself.’ said Twilight ‘But we have a reason to be here.’

Sure enough, Twilight explained to Sunset and her friends of how they met Luke, and discovered that he came from beyond their stars. She told them the history of the Jedi, the Republic, the Sith and the Empire.

She explained of how the Republic were formed, how the Jedi came to be, how they use a mysterious power called the Force, how some of the Jedi turned to darkness and became the first Sith Lords. Then a Sith named Darth Bane created the Rule of Two, where they would secretly plot their revenge against the Jedi and the Republic. However, as the thousand years of peace was among the Republic, there were still unrest, mainly when a Sith named Sideous was secretly manipulating others.

During the Jedi’s struggle to free a home occupied by the Trade Federation, they met Luke’s father, Anakin Skywalker, who later joined the Jedi ranks as a student. Overtime, the criminal kingpins were close to waging war, so a Chancellor, before he stood down, secretly asked one of the Jedi to help prepare an Army for the Republic, which was an army of Clones, created from the blood of a bounty hunter named Jango Fett.

The Jedi who tried to commission that said army was caught on very quick by a dark lord of the Sith named Sideous, who posed as a Senator. He secretly turned a Jedi named Dooku and killed the Jedi overseeing the project and planted mind control capabilities in their minds. By the time when the armies were ready, they were at war with the Separatists, a group of worlds who defected from the Republic. During the war, Dooku was killed, but in the end, Padme Amidala, Anakin’s wife, was pregnant and would die of childbirth. Sideous used that to his advantage and turned Anakin to the Dark Side. He used both Anakin, now known as Darth Vader, to lead the Clone army to kill the Jedi, using the mind control capabilities, as well as the deaths of many Jedi all over the galaxy.

The two surviving Jedi, Grand Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, were able to send a message to the surviving Jedi all over the galaxy to stay in hiding, but they had to face the Sith. Yoda tried to stop Sideous, but was forced to flee when it was too much for him. Anakin harmed his wife and Obi-Wan was forced to face him, with Anakin injured beyond recognition. He was donned in new armour and became Darth Vader, whilst Padme died of childbirth after giving birth to Twins, namely Luke and Leia. To protect them, the two of them were separated to different lives in order for them to remain safe from the Sith and the newly formed Empire.

Half the galaxy soon rose up against the Empire, known as the Rebel Alliance, and fought against the Imperials to a standstill. During that time, Luke had soon joined, but not after the death of Obi-Wan. During that time, they continued to fight, but Luke discovered Vader was his father, leaving him distraught.

Sure enough, the Rebellion were able to regroup to mass an attack on the Emperor’s space station, whilst Luke would face his father one more time. After the intense duel, Luke was able to confront his father and defeat him. But just as the Emperor was about to kill him, Luke’s father saved him by sacrificing his life. In the end, Vader was saved and passed away, with Luke giving him a proper burial. The Rebellion on the other hand were finally able to defeat the Empire, freeing the Galaxy from his tyranny.

After they celebrated, Luke set out to rebuild the Jedi Order, but the other temples were a no go, but he discovered that there was a temple somewhere in Equestria. So after he bumped into them, they accompanied him to the original home of the Pony tribes and found so many temples and clues, even many things that were brought from all over the galaxy.

‘So that’s why we’re here.’ said Twilight as she had just finished her story.

The EG Mane 7 were greatly surprised to hear this.

‘Okay, wow.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she was surprised to hear this.

‘Yeah,’ said Applejack ‘We fought the Dazzlings, saved our Twilight from the magic that consumed her, saved Camp Everfree and Gloriosa, stopped Juniper Montage, encountered that there memory stone with Wallflower, that whole business at Equestria Land, the Spring Break Yacht and the music festival. But this is a whole new level.’

‘With an actual alien with us.’ said Pinkie as she held Applejack close.

‘I’m not so sure about that Pinkie,’ said human Twilight ‘He looks more human than any of us here. But I have to agree with Sunset, how come you guys didn’t turn into your human selves when you came here?’

‘I’m not sure about that myself.’ said Twilight as she was lost in thought.

‘I can answer that.’ said Luke as he had just finished talking to Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna. ‘When Princess Twilight mentioned about her friend remaining on another world, I had a theory, so I asked Artoo to deploy a portable satellite to scan the stars and location they were on. After we had the coordinates, we came here via ship.’

Twilight was deep in thought about this, until her eyes widened as she then realized it. ‘So in other words, when we travel through the mirror, which was a gateway to another world.’

Sunset also realized this. The two of them instantly spoke together as they were face to face ‘The mirror as a gateway to other worlds that are beyond the stars. This is amazing!’

Both Rainbow Dash and her human counterpart scoffed as they rolled their eyes, slightly amused as the two said at the exact same time ‘Eggheads.’

‘So why else are you here?’ said Sunset.

‘Well we’ve been following clues that would lead to the location of the Jedi Temple.’ said Sunburst.

‘We followed them from Canterlot and the original homes of the Pony Tribes.’ said Starlight ‘The next clue led us to this world. Luke believes that there is another hidden tomb that would lead them straight to the Jedi Temple.’

‘Why would they come here?’ asked Sunset.

Spike walked over and gave them the scrolls they gathered so far, the one he was lucky enough to translate so that Sunset and the others could read it as he said ‘From what the first Jedi described, they said that they followed the Ponies from the Pony Tribes to this world, saying that no one would find them, considering that this world’s magic would be too weak to use.’

Sunset and the others looked at the scrolls and the clues they went through. ‘Wonder why the Jedi would think hiding them here would be a good idea.’ said human Twilight as she adjusted her glasses.

‘She has a point darlings,’ said human Rarity ‘We had to deal and face every single person who wielded Equestrian Magic because of their own greed, arrogance and jealousy. I could not begin to imagine why anyone would use what knowledge they hid.’

‘Learning the ways of the Force is not an easy feat,’ said Luke ‘Only those who are Force Sensitive, can use it. Light and Dark, it does not matter, power like this falling into the wrong hands could spell disaster to those who couldn’t wield it properly.’

‘I know that feeling.’ said human Twilight, remembering the time she wielded Equestrian Magic because of peer pressure, as well as her unhealthy thirst for knowledge for understanding magic.

‘Nevertheless,’ said Luke as he walked over to a different spot ‘I must consult this with the Force.’

Luke took a few steps, then was able to sit down with both his legs crossed and his hands rested on his knees. He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate with the aid of the Force. Sunset and the others were curious of what he was doing.

‘Uh, what is he doing?’ asked human Twilight.

‘He’s using the Force.’ said Twilight.

‘You sure?’ asked Sunset, feeling a little skeptical.

‘I’ve felt it Sunset.’ said Twilight as she looked at her ‘We all have. It’s incredible. There’s so much life. We could feel an entire galaxy.’

They were greatly surprised by what Twilight had said, until Pinkie pointed out as she said ‘Ooh, he’s all floaty again.’

They saw Luke slowly hovering in the air, whilst he was glowing blue, concentrated as his thoughts were deep enough in the Force, which would allow him to focus on what he is looking for, surprising the EG Mane 7 when they saw Luke floating and glowing like that, for what he did is truly amazing.

After five minutes of floating, Luke finally landed on both his feet and opened his eyes. He walked back over to the group, saying ‘I know where we need to go next.’

‘Where to?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook as she and the others regrouped.

Luke looked at R2 and said ‘Artoo, can you display this world’s map please?’

R2 beeped and displayed a hologram of the entire planet, which took all of them by surprise. Luke looked at the planet as he observed it. He then placed his hand on to the part where they needed to go.

‘We need to be, right here.’ said Luke as he pointed on the map. Within an instant, it showed a map of the entire country.

As the map zoomed in closer, revealing the outskirts of Canterlot City. The map went further down, until finally, it was able to reach to a small area. The EG Mane 7 instantly recognized the place.

‘Camp Everfree?’ said the EG Mane 7 as they were surprised.

‘You know of the place?’ asked Luke.

‘Sure do.’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘That’s where the camp is. We went there last year to relax, then we ended up finding these.’

They showed them their geodes as Sunset explained ‘When we gained them we were able to gain certain abilities.’

‘Certain abilities?’ asked Starswirl as he looked at them ‘What kind of abilities?’

One by one, each of them told them their abilities.

‘I can talk and communicate to animals.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘I can make things explode.’ said human Pinkie pie as she demonstrated by throwing candy in the air.

‘I have super strength.’ said human Applejack.

‘I can make diamond shields.’ said human Rarity as she demonstrates.

‘I can run superfast.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she shows off.

‘I can read people’s thoughts by mere touch.’ said Sunset Shimmer.

‘I can lift things with my magic.’ said human Twilight.

‘Interesting.’ said Stygian when he was fascinated by what he was seeing. ‘Where did they come from?’

Luke sensed something before anyone could give him an answer. He looked at the school, but what he could feel came from the other side.

‘I think I can provide the answer.’ said Luke as he headed straight for the source, gaining the others’ attention.

Sure enough, all of them were at the front of the school. Luke climbed to the top of the pedestal where the Wondercolt statue used to be. He looked at something for a few moments. He then looked at them and said ‘I think I found the source of where your magic came from.’

Sure enough, Sunset, Twilight, Celestia and Starswirl were at the top of the pedestal, looking at what appeared to be a crack. But that’s not what shocked them, what shocked them was the rainbow trail inside.

‘The portal to Equestria!!’ said Twilight.

‘Whatever happened here,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘At one point it was not working, but after the statue got destroyed and the portal restored, it must’ve began to leak through.’

‘So that’s how Equestrian magic kept appearing all over the place.’ said Sunset as she pounded her fist into her hand ‘The portal must’ve been the one who sent us our geodes to Camp Everfree.’

‘Interesting.’ said Starswirl as he observed it ‘So it would explain how magic was able to exist in this world.’

‘It would explain the handful of threats this world has, as well as when the Storm King’s lightning magic had leaked through to where your spring break happened.’ said Celestia.

‘But how did it arrive at the other side of the world?’ asked Stygian.

‘There’s another portal to Equestria.’ said Sunset ‘On the other side of the world there’s a tropical island. On it is quick sand, which happens to shield the portal to Equestria.’

‘How many portals are there?’ asked Luke.

‘There are a total of thirty two,’ said Starswirl ‘Whilst I built the mirror that would lead to this world, there were many other portals all over Equestria and beyond, all who are connected to this world. I explored it once or twice. Which is why it was the perfect place to banish the Sirens. Although had I known that they would still have some of their magic, I would’ve taken those jewels away from them before they would’ve caused any more damage.’

Luke began to ponder, thinking about the path the first Jedi took. ‘That would explain how the first Jedi easily came to this place and hid their clues and texts here.’

‘So where to now?’ said human Twilight ‘Straight to Camp Everfree?’

‘Yes, that would be wise.’ said Luke as he stood up.

‘Hey Twilight,’ said human Applejack to her friend ‘Y’all better give Timber and Gloriosa a heads up that we’re comin’ over there to check up on something.’

‘Way ahead of you.’ said human Twilight as she quickly answered her phone to call them.

‘Good thing we’re done with school for the day and that tomorrow’s Saturday.’ said Sunset. Then she looked at Twilight and asked ‘When should we get going.’

‘Oh, we can go right now.’ said Twilight as she gestured to the ship.

‘Very well then,’ said Luke ‘Let us be on our way.’

Twilight looked at Celestia and said ‘Don’t worry, we’ll bring them back safe.’

‘I know all of you will.’ said Principle Celestia as she waved goodbye ‘Good luck.’

Sure enough, all of them departed and headed straight for the Ebon Hawk, where the next of their clue will be waiting for them at Camp Everfree.

Chapter 10: Journey to Everfree

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After they left Canterlot High, Luke continued to fly the ship towards their intended destination, with human Twilight and human Sunset enjoying the view, never realizing of how amazing flying in those spaceships would be.

‘This. Is. Amazing.’ said human Twilight as she was fascinated by the spaceship they were flying in.

‘I know right,’ said Twilight as she stood near her human counterpart ‘I felt the same way when I first went on board the ship.’

‘So when are we arriving?’ said human Rainbow Dash when she was nearly impatient.

‘Oooh,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she looked out of the window ‘I spy with my little eye. Camp Everfree.’

‘Oooh, she’s right.’ said Pinkie Pie as she pointed her hoof at the location ‘I can see it from up here.’

Luke continued with his flight path towards Camp Everfree, until human Fluttershy gained his attention when she poked him on the shoulder.

‘Excuse me, Master Skywalker?’ said Fluttershy as she was somewhat nervous around him.

‘There’s no need for formalities Fluttershy,’ said Luke as he smiled ‘Call me Luke.’

‘Okay then, um, Luke,’ said Fluttershy, feeling nervous ‘Do you think you could land the ship outside of the camp. I don’t want the ship to scare the animals and damage the camp grounds when we start to land.’

‘Very well then,’ said Luke as he looked back ‘I will land at the entrance to ease your worries.’

Fluttershy smiled as she was satisfied with Luke’s caring nature and manners, even appreciating her request.

Sure enough, he began to land the Ebon Hawk near the entrance of Camp Everfree in order to avoid any distractions. When the ship’s ramp opened up, they immediately began to ascend, heading straight for the camp.

‘Stay with the ship Artoo.’ said Luke as the little droid was standing at the ramp entrance ‘We don’t want anyone else to take this ship for their own amusement.’

R2 beeped and headed back inside whilst closing the ramp.

‘Will the droid be okay?’ asked human Fluttershy.

‘Oh, no worries.’ said Fluttershy to her counterpart ‘Artoo stays with the ship to ensure that it isn’t broken and would constantly check if the ship is in tip top shape.’

Human Rainbow Dash whispered to her pony counterpart, wondering something about Luke as she said ‘Hey, pony me. If I might ask. What’s the deal with the space guy?’

‘He’s actually pretty cool.’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered at her human counterpart’s height. ‘We kept traveling to tons of locations where the First Jedi had hidden their secrets, and even fought Sith Lords from ancient times. It was pretty tense, but both her and us beat them no problem.’

‘Though y’all should’ve seen Spike.’ said Applejack ‘He fought that there first Sith Lord head on.’

‘Really?’ said Spike’s doggy counterpart ‘Wow, wish I could’ve seen that.’

‘You just might.’ said Rainbow Dash as she muttered.

Twilight looked at Luke and asked ‘Um, Luke. Why are you carrying another Lightsaber?’

‘After the dangers we faced in the last temple, I’m not taking any chances.’ said Luke ‘Besides, you never might know when it might come in handy.’

‘Oh, I’ll take your word for it.’ said Twilight, as she also remembered her times of trying to be prepared when she tried to face the unknown.’

Starswirl on the other hand was talking to Sunset when he wanted to know more about both the geodes and the magic that had been leaking through.

‘So what else can you tell me about those Geodes?’ asked Starswirl.

‘Well, other than the geodes giving us all special abilities,’ said Sunset as she explained as best she could. ‘We found out that if anyone of us were to overuse our geodes’ power, one of them would say supercharge the other.’

‘Supercharge?’ said Starswirl as he quirked an eyebrow.

‘Basically when Rainbow Dash used her super speed so much,’ said Sunset as she remembered the whole ordeal ‘Our geodes become affected too. Applejack couldn’t control her strength, Twilight’s telekinesis power goes out of control, the animals kept following Fluttershy all around as if she’s the alpha of every animal in the kingdom. Pinkie Pie unintentionally blows everything up when she tries to eat any kind of food, I ended up reading other people’s minds without touching them. From hearing them talking to seeing through their memories.’

‘And Rarity…’ said Sunset, until she realized something, then looked at Starswirl ‘Come to think of it, I never did find out what happened to her. I asked her about it once and she kept saying that she didn’t want to talk about it.’

‘I see.’ said Starswirl as he pondered about it, and made a mental note of it. ‘And the Equestrian Magic that leaked into this world? Did anyone try to harness it.’

‘They did,’ said Sunset, thinking about the poor victims that were using Equestrian magic. ‘Twilight, the human Twilight, accidentally released all the magic and nearly destroyed the world when she turned into a demon. Gloriosa turned into a plant demon when she tried to use the geodes to save her camp that she had no control over. Another girl named Juniper Montage had a mirror that was affected with Equestrian Magic and trapped me and my friends into a pocket dimension that shattered when it turned her into a monster when it absorbed the magic from our geodes. Wallflower used a memory stone to erase my friends’ memories to teach me a lesson because she blamed me for making her feel invisible.’

‘Twilight mentioned her,’ said Starswirl ‘She mentioned that my old student, Clover the Clever hid the memory stone in this world, but this Wallflower founded it to get revenge on you. Then you found out that if you didn’t get them back, they would be lost forever. Then you sacrificed yourself to save them. And once you destroyed the stone, you were able to restore both their and your memories. You all forgave her and helped turn her life around.’

Starswirl looked at her and smiled ‘Clearly you have changed. Your love for your friends have proven that.’

‘Thanks,’ said Sunset, but then frowned as she said ‘Celestia said I could come back anytime. But I could never leave my friends behind. They mean a lot to me. And I feel like I still have so much to do here, you know.’

‘I understand.’ said Starswirl as she kept his smile. ‘So what else were affected by Equestrian Magic?’

‘Well, a famous person named Vignette had a device that was affected by magic and used her phone to teleport them elsewhere and replaced them with holograms.’

‘Ah, I remember the spell.’ said Starswirl ‘I’ve read that and performed that spell once.’

‘Then the Storm King’s magic nearly destroyed the ship. But if we hadn’t stopped it, we would’ve lost all those people. And then there were the music performers who trapped me in a time loop because they wanted to perfect their musical performances.’

‘Even when they failed to realize that there is no such thing as perfection?’ said Starswirl.

‘Exactly.’ said Sunset.

‘Ooh, look,’ said human Pinkie as she pointed at the camp ‘We’re here.’

They saw the camp up ahead, with the sign that says “Camp Everfree” on top. They looked around and noticed that there weren't any people around.

‘Why isn’t there any people here?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘People don’t always come here every day,’ said the human Twilight ‘We mostly make a schedule to come here and we always have a lot of fun in the end.’

‘You know,’ said Applejack as she looked around ‘This place kinda reminds me of the summer camp ah went to with Rara when I was a filly.’

‘Rara?’ asked human Rarity as she was confused by the name.

Pinkie Pie zipped right in front of her as she said ‘Duh, as in Countess Coloratura.’

Human Rarity gasped, then looked at Applejack as she said ‘You know Countess Coloratura?!!’

‘Of course ah know her, we’re best friends.’ said Applejack. ‘We’ve been friends since we were fillies. Why, aren’t any of y’all?’

Human Applejack was somewhat surprised, then felt embarrassed as she said ‘Ah’m friends with her too but…ah haven’t heard from her in years. Mostly because her manager says that she’s busy.’

Rainbow Dash zipped next to her as she said with crossed hooves and a flexed eyebrow ‘Let me guess, her manager was Svengallop, right?’

‘Not really,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Svengallop got fired when the record studio found out about him taking every bit of money and luxury from her and the other performers for himself.’

‘Why, he was the same over there too?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Y’all don’t know the half of it.’ said Applejack.

When all of a sudden, they heard a voice from the left that said ‘Oh, Sunset, Twilight.’

They looked and saw Gloriosa Daisy, the owner of Camp Everfree, along with her brother, Timber Spruce. Who was somewhat the assistant to his sister.

‘Good to see you guys again, and…’ she looked behind and were surprised to see creature’s she’s never seen before. ‘And who are they?’

When all of a sudden, Silverstream popped up in front of her as she got excited.

‘Hi there, I’m Silverstream!’ said the hyperactive Hippogriff ‘I love your camp! This place is amazing!!’

Sunset then walked up as she said ‘Remember when we mentioned that I’m from a world where magic exists and everything?’. The two siblings nodded yes in order to answer their question. ‘Well these ponies here are from another world. And those two are dragons, that one’s a Hippogriff, that one’s a Griffon, that one’s a Changeling and that one is a Yak.’

‘Yona Yak of Yakyakistan.’ said the young Yak as she introduced herself. ‘Yona love this camp. Camp reminds Yona of home. Er, minus the green nature instead of snow.’

‘Whoa, and I thought what happened last year was crazy.’ said Timber Spruce when he remembered the whole incident when Gloriosa wielded magic she couldn’t control. ‘So what are all of you doing here?’

Twilight hovered close to the camp directors whilst she explained things to them ‘We came here because our friend here believes there happens to be something buried here.’

‘There is?’ asked Gloriosa ‘Are you sure?’

‘Uh, I think he’s sure.’ said Spike.

Everyone turned around and they saw Luke was focusing on something. He kept his eyes closed for the next five minutes. He then opened his eyes slowly as he noticed they were all looking at him.

‘I know where I need to go.’ said Luke.

‘Where to?’ asked Gallus.

‘I believe it is the same spot,’ said Luke as he slowly pointed out ‘Where those geodes came from.’

They looked at the EG Mane 7’s geodes and they were quite surprised.

‘The same place?’ asked human Applejack.

Gloriosa knew what they were talking about. ‘You’re talking about the cave?’

‘Indeed I am Gloriosa.’ said Luke ‘would you please take us there?’

‘Oh, of course.’ said Timber ‘Right this way.’

Within half an hour, all of them arrived at the cave where Gloriosa first discovered the geodes.

‘Well, here we are.’ said Gloriosa ‘This is where I found the geodes.’

Luke used the Force to help guide him towards to where he needed to go.

‘You sure this is the place?’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah,’ said her human counterpart ‘We’ve been all over the place and we didn’t even find anything out of the ordinary.’

‘Sometimes Rainbow Dash.’ said Luke, gaining their attention as he was standing right in front of the pedestal that the geodes once resided. Then he reached out and placed his hand on top of the pedestal. ‘Things are not always what they seem.’

After a few seconds of concentration through the Force, the pedestal slowly shook as it lowered itself, surprising the others when they saw it sink. Within mere moments, half the ground opened up, which made them quickly get out of the way before they could fall in. As they stood still, they saw that there was a secret passage way, and it was accessible via stairs.

‘Impossible.’ said Gloriosa as she looked at the entrance in awe ‘I’ve been in this place plenty of times and I didn’t find a hint of this place.’

‘Sometimes when there are secrets of the galaxy,’ said Luke ‘One must always be opened to different possibilities.’

‘I call dibs of going in first!’ said human Rainbow Dash with her fist in the air.

‘Yeah, me too!’ said her pony counterpart as she raised her hoof in the air.

Luke could only smile whilst he pointed at the direction of the path and said ‘Then it would be my honor to let you two walk first.’

‘Yes!!’ shouted the two of them out of excitement.

However, the moment they took a few steps, human Rainbow Dash ended up tripping and fell onto her pony doppelganger, causing the two of them to tumble and fall in, and eventually ended with a loud thud.

Everyone looked surprised when they saw the two of them fall in. Twilight looked at Luke with a flexed eyebrow and asked ‘You knew that they were going to fall in, didn’t you?’

Luke only rolled his eyes as he said ‘Maybe.’, before they could see the smirk on his face. He and the others ended up chuckling over what just happened, allowing them to go inside.

As they walked down, the two RDs were groaning in pain from their experience of falling down. As they all walked past, Gallus said to the two of them ‘Smooth move, Crash.’

As they continued, the two of them groaned in frustration as they stood up and joined them. Thankfully, there was light in the cave, with some parts of the walls covered with the same crystals that were above them in the cave.

Ocellus squinted her eyes to get a better look ahead. So far she saw nothing, so she said ‘Doesn’t look like there are any traps ahead. Although speaking from experience, never assume anything.’

‘The place does have nearly the same images as the last place we were.’ said Smolder as she pointed at the walls.

They saw there were many images of what the first Jedi left behind. However, as they walked, Gloriosa saw something that surprised her. She instantly went over and to her surprise, they were images of her great-great grandparents.

‘Those are my great-great grandparents.’ said Gloriosa, gaining the others’ attention as they went over.

‘Whoa, who is that?’ said Timber as he pointed at the image, which looked like what they would describe as Gaia Everfree.

‘Is that…Gaia Everfree?’ said human Fluttershy in her scared tone.

‘Not exactly.’ said Luke. He placed his hand at the wall whilst observing it. He smiled, looked back at them and said ‘That happens to be Gia Eve-Fri, one of the first Jedi.’

They looked at Luke surprised. ‘Wait, you know her?’ asked Sunset.

‘Through one of my master’s stories.’ said Luke. ‘Gia Eve-Fri was from one of the worlds of an ancient race that once harnessed the power of nature through the power of the Force. When she became a One of the First Jedi, she traveled among the stars to be connected with nature. When they came to this world, she must’ve stumbled upon this place to commune with nature.’

‘But let me guess,’ said Sunset as she looked at Luke ‘She wasn’t exactly thrilled about trespassers coming to the forest thinking that they were desecrating it.’

‘She can be very sensitive about that.’ said Luke.

‘And after she left them alone,’ said Luna when she remembered what Twilight told her once upon a time ‘I assume she didn’t come seeking revenge?’

‘No, the first Jedi were able to calm her down and made her see reason.’ said Luke ‘Thankfully her brother taught them of how to take care of nature instead of wanting to desecrate it.’

‘So that’s who our great, great grandparents met,’ said Timber whilst he was surprised at the same time ‘They mentioned that a kind man came along and helped them preserve the beauty of the place, but also allow students to camp here so that they could teach the next generation.’

‘As is the responsibility of all Jedi.’ said Luke, agreeing with Timber.

Luke looked down the hall and noticed that they still have a ways to go. ‘We should be on the move,’ said Luke ‘We do not know what other dangers are beneath this place.’

Luke continued to move forward, with Gloriosa asking ‘What danger?’

‘Let’s just say,’ said Starlight as she clued them in ‘When we were in the temples he fought the ghosts that were once Sith Lords from long ago.’

The humans were surprised to hear this, with Rarity saying ‘Um, good to know.’

Luke continued moving forward down the hall. Eventually, he was able to reach a door as the others soon joined in. On the left door, was the image of a Jedi, whilst on the other was the image of the Sith.

‘Whoa, so those were the Jedi and Sith?’ asked human Twilight whilst she adjusted her glasses.

‘Sure are.’ said Sandbar ‘They sounded like something from a made up story when we first heard of it. But after seeing all of that, how could we not?’

Luke used the Force to sense through the other side. But he couldn’t feel anything. It was strange, for the previous tombs were strong with the Dark Side. Could it be possible that the Sith on the other side knows how to conceal himself. He put those thoughts aside so that he could focus on what was in front of him.

Luke took a few steps back and reached his hand out to it. After focusing for a few moments, Luke was able to open the door using the Force.

‘Whoa,’ said Gloriosa when she saw Luke opened the door ‘How did he do that?’

Fluttershy hovered next to Gloriosa as she said to her ‘Luke calls it the Force. It’s their way of using magic. It’s really super special.’

As soon as the door was opened, Luke was the first to walk in. He continued to look around, trying to be aware of his surroundings whilst the others were following suit. Soon enough, all of them were inside the really large room, same similar design as the first one they’ve been.

‘Great,’ said human Rainbow Dash as she was being skeptical ‘So we’ve wandered into a room filled with nothing. Ooh, so exciting.’

‘Hey, watch it,’ said Rainbow Dash to her human counterpart ‘I was a little skeptical about this too, but if you’d seen what we’ve seen for the past few days, you wouldn’t think so either.’

‘Really, like what…?’ said human Rainbow Dash before she was cut off.

‘Duck!!’ shouted Spike, causing all of them to duck, causing something red and twirling very fast to fly by as if it were the fastest flying saucer. It flew back to the owner, allowing the mysterious person to catch it.

‘Whoa, what was that?’ said human Applejack as all of them slowly stood up.

‘How amusing.’ said the mysterious person from the shadows.

As they looked, they saw a hooded man approaching. He was wearing a Sith robe, but there was something different about him. For he was also wearing armour as black as coal, with what appeared to be a black mask that only covered his mouth, whilst also wearing a black hood. But as he removed it, it revealed his skin was pale, he had a bald head with what appeared to be scars over his eyes, but the color of his eyes themselves, were all the color of dark yellow.

Many were standing prepared to fight, but the humans on the other hand looked a little scared, even Fluttershy hid behind Sunset out of fear.

‘Who-who is that?’ said Fluttershy as she was pointing at the mysterious person.

‘Darth Malgus.’ said Luke.

‘Uh, who now?’ asked human Applejack.

‘He’s another one of them bad Sith Lords from a long time ago.’ said Applejack.

‘He is,’ said Luke ‘He was there when the Sith returned, along with the Empire. And he soon fell by one of the Jedi who took the fight to him long before the Empire had ceased to exist and the reconstruction of the Republic.’

‘So you know who I am,’ said Malgus as he stared down at Luke ‘I shouldn’t be surprised. For like any insect, even the weakest of Jedi can find a way to survice.’

‘Oh, and you’re so special?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Indeed,’ said Malgus. ‘I was the Sith who struck down his own master where he failed. I was the Sith who led the attack on Alderaan. More importantly; I am the one who led the attack on the Jedi temple and killed the grandmaster.’

Some were shocked to hear those very dark words coming from his mouth. However, Malgus on the other hand had different plans. ‘If you do not believe me. Then let me show you through the Force.’

Malgus waved his hand, causing the entire dark room to change its scenery. They shielded their eyes, trying to avoid the gaze of the bright light. The scenery looked very different. For they were surrounded by forests, grassy plains, as well as snowy mountains. They were surprised when they saw the different terrain they were on.

‘Whoa,’ said Sunset as she looked around. ‘Where are we?’

‘Alderaan.’ said Luke as he looked around, which prompted surprised looks from the ponies.

‘Wait, this is Alderaan?’ said Twilight ‘The one that the Emperor destroyed?’

‘Yes.’ said Luke as he looked around. ‘I heard this place was once beautiful. I can see why.’

‘Yes, Alderaan.’ said Malgus, gaining their attention. ‘A world that always claim that they are “A peaceful world”. Yet despite their peaceful way of life, they have a tendency to voice against politicians, making them very dangerous because of their influence.’

A world filled with powerful politicians thought Celestia to herself. Very interesting.

They suddenly heard footsteps and stomping from nearby. When they looked towards the direction Darth Malgus was standing, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. From within the woods, were a large battalion of soldiers walking.

From the center, were soldiers clad in black. Luke could tell that their helmets nearly resembled to the Storm Troopers, but from what he was seeing, they were most likely Imperial Sith Troopers, soldiers of the frontlines. Whilst standing on both sides, were warriors clad in black cloaks and black armour, whilst wearing masks and carrying what nearly looked like Lightsabers, which indicated that they were Sith, both true and Inquisitors. And walking between them were different battle robots. Bearing three legs and two arms that were connected to some type of cannon blasters.

At first, some wanted to run, some wanted to face them, but Luke signaled them not to move, for even though they look imitating, they need to remember that all of them are events from the past.

‘As you can see,’ gestured Malgus as he showed them ‘I led armies to this world to bring a world that supported the Republic to their knees. But even out here, the Republic dogs are never far behind.’

They heard a loud foot stomp. They quickly looked up behind them on the large hill, revealing a type of human, wearing white armour, with orange stripes on the front of the legs, covering the wrists, as well as the shoulders. And he was holding what they guessed would be a weapon, which they guessed that he must be a leader.

‘For the Republic!!’ shouted the soldier, causing him to fire explosive shots, destroying the handful of robots and Sith Troopers that were walking by.

When all of a sudden, to their surprise, there was a large war cry, as over dozens of Republic soldiers, all wearing the same armour, but with helmets that nearly resembled to the Clone Troopers’ Phase Two helmets, jumping from up the hill and landed in the middle of battle, causing them to fire their weapons, and the Sith returning fire.

The Republic soldiers continued to fire their weapons whilst some ran for cover as one of them threw a Thermal Detonator, destroying the nearest robot. The Sith Inquisitors charged in with their Lightsabers, but most of them were gunned down as the soldiers quickly overpowered them.

The Mane 6 and the rest were nearly panic stricken as they saw many soldiers engaging in combat. Some ducked from the blaster fire, but they remembered that Luke said that all of this wasn’t real, which Fluttershy and her human counterpart sometimes would forget.

The leader of the Republic soldiers stood in front of his soldiers as he shouted ‘Let’s go, move it up!!’, whilst another soldier with what appears to be a mini-gun, fired his weapon at the incoming Sith troopers.

The robots continued their march as they also fired their weapons. ‘’Flank them!!’ shouted the Republic soldier before he noticed the incoming robots, and used his weapon to blow them up.

The soldier with the mini-gun continued to fire his weapon at the incoming enemy, until he was suddenly pulled away by a mysterious force, gaining the soldier, along with the Mane 6 and co’s attention. They saw the soldier was pulled away and was suddenly jabbed by a Lightsaber. As the soldier was tossed away, it was revealed to be Malgus from the past, whilst he appeared to be less scarred, which he also looked at the Republic soldier.

The leader shot his weapon a few times, but Malgus kept deflecting the incoming fire, but he was engulfed by the fire for a few moments. The moment the fire cleared, they could see the left side of his face had been burnt, which was indicated that it was a direct hit. But he just spat one side and looked at the soldier angry, with many shocked to see that the Sith Lord wasn’t even phased enough by the fire.

The leader tossed his weapon away and charged straight towards Malgus. Two Sith Inquisitors tried to strike the soldier down, but he kept shoving them out of the way, as if nothing was going to stop him. But the moment he was close, Malgus used his Force Lightning and fired at the Republic soldier, shocking those who watched once more. The leader kept moving forward and drew out his knife, determined to carry out his task as he screamed in rage. But the Sith Lord’s power had proven too much for the Republic soldier, and pushed him away using Force Push.

As the leader was out and about, trying to regain conscious, two Sith Lords came and grabbed his arms, pulling him straight towards Malgus.

‘As you can see,’ said Malgus as he gained their attention, whilst he watched them through his covered face ‘No matter who oppose us, they will fall. For none can match the power of the Sith Empire.’

All of them watched as the Republic soldiers bravely tried to stop the invading Imperial Army, but most of them were gutted down by the Sith Lords as they continued to press onto the attack, which left them horrified by what they saw, for they had no idea that the wars of the galaxy were this bad. They then saw one of the Republic soldiers that was on his knees, until Malgus jabbed his Lightsaber into the soldier’s back. Malgus looked at the Republic leader and smirked, for he now knows that the Republic cannot defeat them this way.

As he pulled his Lightsaber out and moved away, another Sith Lord appeared and pulled out his Lightsaber. The two Sith Lords held the soldier down whilst the third slowly raised its Lightsaber to behead him.

‘And we would’ve won, if she hadn’t intervened.’ said Malgus in a bitter tone.

They saw just as the Sith were going to kill him, a mysterious warrior appeared from out of nowhere, and crouched whilst using Force Push onto the ground, causing the three Sith Lords to be launched in the air as they were forced to release the Republic Lead Soldier. The three Sith Lords were cut down and collapsed onto the ground, causing the warrior to stand at least a few feet from the Republic Soldier, gaining Malgus’ attention.

As the warrior stood up, it was revealed to be a woman, wearing clothes that both Rarity and her counterpart thought that they looked fabulous. She wielded a double bladed blue Lightsaber and attacked head on, with more Republic soldiers arriving as the leader helped led them throughout the battle against the Sith Empire.

They watched as the female Jedi ran towards Malgus as she vaulted over a branch and used a rock to jump high in the air, jabbing her Lightsaber into the robot to her left whilst she kicked the Sith Lord on the right, right into his face. As she landed, she used her Lightsaber to kill the other three Sith Lords as she sliced one in the torso, one from behind his leg and one at the chest, which surprised them when they saw how graceful she was as she fought the Sith head on, showing true bravery and courage.

The moment she reached Malgus, they engaged in combat, trying to strike each other down, with Malgus backhanding her, and the female Jedi delivering a roundhouse kick to his face. As they continued to clash blades, the Republic soldiers continued to fight off the Imperial Sith Troopers.

Malgus struck from above, making the Jedi block it. But because of his strength, she was nearly on her one knee. Needing a distraction, she looked at the tree nearby and reached out to it, causing the base of the tree to snap and fall over, which caused both the Sith and the Jedi to jump away from before it crashed. After the tree was on the ground, the Jedi and Malgus continued to fight on the branch, trying to outfight the other. But the moment the Jedi tried the same maneuver, Malgus used Force Push on her, launching her and crashed against another tree.

Malgus jumped in the air to strike her down, but she quickly jumped out of the way, trying to avoid his attack. But the moment she was behind him, Malgus sliced her double bladed Lightsaber in two. He then jabbed the Lightsaber in her, which shocked the others, only to see that she was using the Force to block the Lightsaber, struggling to maintain her footing as Malgus has her pinned down.

But as he held her into place, Malgus and everyone else heard a scream. When they looked to their left, they saw the Republic soldier, the leader of the troops, charged straight towards Malgus, tackling him as he was able to push him away from the Jedi. The moment he was a feet away from her. He tried to punch, But Malgus was holding both his fists, which the Republic soldier had planned on, revealing a Thermal Detonator in his hand. He pressed the button, which Malgus reacted too late, causing the detonator to blow up, launching the soldier backwards as rolled and skidded on the ground, with his face still in the dirt.

Many were shocked to see that the soldier would act so recklessly to stop the Sith. But as they looked at Malgus, they saw that he was on his one knee, but slowly stood up whilst he collected his breath whilst his armour was scorched and damaged.

Not wanting to leave things half finished, the Jedi used Force Push against Malgus, launching him backwards against what appeared to be a mountainside. But even with the full power, Malgus was able to move forward, struggling to regain a footing. The Jedi used the most powerful Force Push she could muster, unleashing it against Malgus, causing a large explosion as the part of the mountain collapsed.

They then saw that after the Republic had won the battle, the Republic soldier stood up and looked around, seeing the heavy casualties of Republic Troops. The Jedi stood next to him, looking at the carnage. He then pulled out a flare and fired it in the air, which revealed that there were more flares firing from all over the place. And from outer space, Republic reinforcements began to arrive.

Rainbow Dash then chuckled, saying ‘So you got your flank handed to them. No shock there.’

‘That may be.’ said Malgus ‘But even though they won, their overconfidence would be their own undoing.’

They then noticed that the environment had changed. When it did, they were no longer at Alderaan, but on a planet with flying machines all over the place, and large buildings that stretch for miles, with what appeared to be a strange looking palace or monastery.

Before any of them could ask, Luke said ‘Welcome to Coruscant. The once proud capitol of the Republic. And that there straight ahead, the once proud temple of the Jedi Order.’

‘Indeed.’ said Malgus before he chuckled. ‘Though many Jedi and the Republic were at the frontlines trying to keep the Empire at bay, they did not notice the seed of infiltration that had been placed between their cracked walls. We grew stronger whilst they thought they remained safe with their so called cradle of power.’

From near the entrance, they saw Malgus’ past self walking towards the entrance, whilst he was accompanied by a female Twi’Lek wearing armour, which surprised some, seeing that they’ve never seen an alien before.

They then saw eight Republic soldiers surrounding them. Two from the left, two from the right and four at the entrance themselves. Malgus stood still, with the Twi’Lek in tow, whilst the Republic soldiers aimed their weapons at him. Before any of them could react, Malgus struck the four of them down with his Lightsaber, whilst he used Force Push to kill the Republic soldiers on the right, then threw his Lightsaber and killed the ones on the left. He then used the Force to bring the Lightsaber to him as the Twi’Lek followed. She then looked up and nodded. When they looked up, they saw a female bounty hunter, which was revealed to be one of Malgus’ infiltrators.

As she got inside, Malgus and the Twi’Lek walked through the doors as if nothing was going to stop them. But from within, Luke, the ponies, creatures and the humans watched as one man, with four others in tow, wearing Jedi Robes and what appeared to be armour underneath, were marching straight towards the intruders. They realized the man in the center that didn’t had his hood on was the Jedi Grandmaster from back then.

The bounty hunter on the other hand was busy clearing out the Republic Guards whilst she was disabling the defenses. Whilst at the same time, As Malgus and the Twi’Lek, now highly alerted, stood still whilst the Grandmaster stood near the intruder, and his handful of Jedi Knights and Padawans were coming from all over the place to surround the intruders.

Malgus then chuckled, speaking to Luke and the others whilst he said ‘As you can see, whilst they focused on us, they realized too late that we were the distraction.’

They noticed that the Grandmaster was noticing that something was coming, as did the rest of the Jedi. And before any of them could react, the doors to the temple had burst opened, revealing a large transport that made a type of crash landing, skidded across the ground, with the Jedi rallying behind the Grandmaster whilst Malgus stood in place, keeping his head lowered as the ship had finally stopped.

‘They assumed that no force could challenge them.’ said Malgus.

They then saw the transport door opening as it collapsed onto the ground. It was dark at first, when all of a sudden, a red Lightsaber activated, revealing a Sith Lord inside, shocking the ponies and their counterparts. But it wasn’t alone, for fifty more revealed themselves as they wielded their Lightsabers, whilst it revealed that fifty Imperial Sith Troopers were inside, readying themselves for combat. They saw Malgus’ past self raising his head as he looked at them.

‘And now,’ said Malgus as he looked at Luke and the others ‘Finally. We had returned.’

There was a sudden, there was a sudden cry, like a battle cry. And to their shock, they saw that every Jedi and every Sith charged towards one another, whilst the Imperial Troopers and the Republic Troopers tried to shoot another, as they saw one Jedi had engaged in combat with a Sith as they clashed sabers, but the Jedi ended up kicking him away with a roundhouse kick, whilst the Twi’Lek and Malgus held their position as the Twi’Lek began to shoot at her targets, whilst Malgus had killed two Jedi that tried to strike them down, whilst he directed the Twi’Lek to attack her next target.

The Jedi Grandmaster killed the two Imperial Sith Troopers with the strike of his Lightsaber, whilst he twirled it around to block enemy blaster fire, allowing him to kill the third one behind him. The next Jedi who fought one of the Sith elbowed it at the back of its head, allowing the Jedi to kill him. However, one of the Sith jumped in the air and delivered a powerful kick that sent the Rodian Jedi into a back flip, whilst also stabbing the Kel Dor Jedi in the chest behind him by thrusting its Lightsaber with force.

The Twi’Lek fired with both her blasters, whilst also taking cover from Republic soldiers. Malgus Force Gripped a Jedi as he held him in the air, then threw him with great force against the wall. The same Bounty Hunter flew with her jetpack towards one of the bridges inside the temple and fired her wrist mounted rockets at the bridge, disabling it, whilst also killing the handful of soldiers that tried to cross. Malgus used Force Lightning to kill a few more, the bounty hunter burned the soldiers with her wrist mounted flame throwers. The Twi’Lek tried to take down the Grandmaster, but he Force Pushed her against the fallen pillar, whilst a Sith jumped in the air and used a shockwave that sent the Republic soldiers flying in different directions.

‘This,’ said Rarity as she could barely look away ‘This is barbaric.’

Many were horrified when they saw how the Jedi, Sith, Republic and Empire were slaughtering one another as they fought for survival or to be victorious. When all of a sudden, a T3 droid came to the Grandmaster’s aid, but his focus was on Malgus, who was killing more of his fellow Jedi as they tried to strike him down.

They saw the Grandmaster clashed his Lightsaber against Malgus’ Lightsaber. They saw that the Grandmaster and Malgus continued to clash their sabers at one another, with the Grandmaster trying his best to dodge them, until Malgus kicked him backwards, making him skid on the ground when he firmly planted both his feet on the ground, whilst also killing the two Sith Lords that tried to kill him. Malgus threw his Lightsaber at the Grandmaster, causing him to jump in order to dodge it, which was a mistake, considering that Malgus used Force Push to launch him through a small rubble. Malgus then jumped in the air after his Lightsaber came back to him. But as Malgus thrusted his Lightsaber, the Grandmaster was able to dodge it, and stood firmly on the ground whilst he activated his Lightsaber.

They saw that the Grandmaster and Malgus continued to fight, clashing their sabers like two powerful warriors. But just as it looked like the Grandmaster had the advantage, Malgus jabbed the Lightsaber through the Grandmaster’s gut, making him grunt as the others were shocked by what they were seeing.

‘They thought that they were safe.’ said Malgus ‘But in the end, their power had deceived them.’

The Grandmaster dropped his Lightsaber on the ground as he was now done for.

‘And now,’ said past Malgus when they saw him speaking to the Grandmaster ‘You’re Republic. Shall fall.’

As he pulled his Lightsaber out, the Grandmaster dropped on his knees and dead on the ground. But at the same time, to their shock, the Sith and Imperial Fleets attacked from above as they began to lay siege on Coruscant as the planet began to be in flames. Whilst at the same time, all of them watched as Malgus left the temple and placed the hood back over his head whilst the temple began to crumble, signifying the fall of the Jedi Order.

And just like that, all of them were back in the same room as Malgus, with all of them reeling over the shock that all of them had witnessed.

‘And as you can see,’ said Malgus as he gained their attention ‘Even with all their power, their armies and their resources, they still were no match for the full power of the Sith. Had we succeeded into our plans, the Republic would’ve begged to surrender on their knees.’

‘How?’ said human Fluttershy, as she was the first to respond ‘How could you do all of this?!!’

‘All those innocent people!! All those worlds!!’ shouted human Rarity ‘All those lives wasted over some petty ideals!!!’

‘Yeah, what did they ever do to you?!!’ shouted human Pinkie Pie next.

‘Because the likes of him don’t care.’ said Luke, making the others look at him. ‘The Sith do not care who they destroy, they do not care who gets caught in the crossfire. All what they care about is what they selfishly want for their own ideals that have been dead since the time of Darth Bane.’

Luke then walked to the left as if he was walking into a circle, whilst still keeping his focus on the Sith Lord. ‘Your hunger and lust for power, even your anger blinds you. You want to take over the galaxy. And to what end? To make people suffer by driving fear into their hearts. And what did during the days of the old Republic, you didn’t strike just fear into the galaxy, you also proved to the galaxy that you’re nothing but a bunch of brutes who would do whatever it took to take what doesn’t belong to them.’

Luke continued to walk in a large circle around the Sith Lord, wanting to gain his attention away from the others. ‘But as the Jedi had learned, is that there is always hope. Which is why they continued to train in secret, but at the same time, a new hope came along. A new Jedi, who rose up and did the impossible whilst he fought his way through the impossible. That very Jedi fought for the freedom of the galaxy, and in time, you and the Sith fell. Only till after the fall of the Emperor, did he continue to fight for the peace and stability of the galaxy.’

Luke stood still, staring down at the Sith, which Sunset and her friends couldn’t believe how brave he was, despite watching what Malgus had done in the past. Luke continued as he said ‘And in the end, despite the trials and suffering he went through, he defeated you and any hope the Sith would have to rise up against the people of the galaxy. As a certain Republic soldier from your time once said. “A single spark of courage can ignite the beacons of hope”. As long as there is still hope in the galaxy, no single being will ever bow down to the likes of you. We will fight until no one can fight.’

‘And how can you hope to stand up to me?’ said Malgus ‘You are nothing more than a child playing pretend.’

‘This, child,’ said Luke as he referred to himself ‘Has gone through many trails and traumas to fight for the freedom of the Galaxy. I found the light in the night, and I’m never alone. For every Jedi who ever lived, lives in me. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force. Therefore, I will fight for what both myself and the galaxy believe in.’

‘If you think yourself worthy of the Jedi,’ said Malgus. ‘Then you will face me. Show me that you are a true Jedi. And if you fall, then the Jedi will truly be no more.’

Luke stared at Malgus down with his steely stare. ‘We shall see.’

Within an instant, Luke pulled out and activated his Lightsaber using Kenobi’s form, whilst Malgus pulled out and activated his Lightsaber as well. Both of them continued to stare at one another down, waiting for one of them to make a move, even the EG Mane 7 were surprised to see what was going on.

Pinkie Pie and her human counterpart quickly provided popcorn to those who want some. With human Rainbow Dash saying ‘This is going to be good.’

Within a split second, Malgus moved forward to strike Luke, only for him to jump over him, with Malgus blocking his attack when he knew what Luke was going to do. Once Luke was in position, the two of them continued with their dual as they clashed sabers, trying to oust the other. The two continued to strike their sabers from left, right, up, down, side to side, as well as deflecting their sabers, until Malgus kicked Luke back, allowing Malgus to twirl in the air as he jumped away from Luke, then used the Force to attract a large rock and throw it against him, with Luke slicing it in half, then walked over to Malgus as he twirled his Lightsaber.

Malgus twirled his before they clashed sabers again, with Luke using both Form V and Form III at the same time, trying to outfight Malgus, but the ancient Sith proved to be quite the challenge, for even though Malgus once lived a thousand years ago, the teaching of the many forms of the Lightsaber still remains the same. The duel reminded him of how he first faced his father, but Luke was unprepared. But now that he is, as well as his techniques of using a Lightsaber has improved, he can stand his ground. But clearly facing the Sith of old reminded him of just how much he needed to learn.

Luke jumped backwards and continued to black flip a few times whilst trying to avoid Malgus’ Lightsaber strikes. As Luke was able to land on both his feet, he leapt in the air and raised his Lightsaber in the air, allowing Luke to strike from above, but Malgus was able to block it. Both continued to stare down at each other as the Lightsabers crackled whilst they were in contact with one another.

Luke ended up leaning backwards, and placed his boot against Malgus’ chest, allowing Luke to flip him over, but Malgus was able to land on both his feet and used his left hand to fire Force Lightning, only for Luke to block it with his Lightsaber, as if it was absorbing the lightning itself.

As the Force Lightning died down, Luke and Malgus stood in their place, both sides waiting to make their move. Luke continued to stare down at the ancient Sith Lord, whilst panting, feeling like he had exhausted himself. Malgus on the other hand, he just stood there, staring down at the Jedi.

The audience, namely the ponies, their human counterparts, the Young Six, the Princesses, Starlight, Spike, Sunburst, even Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce were in awe when they saw the two warriors facing each other down.

‘Ooh, this is getting really good.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she shoveled a bit of popcorn with her hand and placed it in her mouth.

As everyone kept staring, Sunset couldn’t help but feel that she needed to do something.

‘Wish to help, do you?’ said a voice to Sunset, which surprised her as she widened her eyes.

‘Who…’ muttered Sunset, not realizing who it was.

‘Far, young Skywalker has come,’ said the voice ‘But survive against the Sith, he will not. When in danger he is, rescue him, you must.’

Sunset was surprised by what the voice was asking him.

‘But, I can’t.’ she continued to mutter, to make sure her friends didn’t hear her ‘He’s really powerful.’

‘Sense the Force in you, I can. The light there is. Feel it you should.’ said the voice ‘Rise in the Force. A worthy Jedi, you may yet be.’

Sunset couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but she kept staring at Luke, then at Malgus.

Within a split second, Malgus and Luke charged towards one another, continuing to clash their Lightsabers against one another, trying to take down the other. Their Lightsabers eventually clashed against one another, whilst trying to match each other’s strength, trying to push the others away.

Until Malgus tricked Luke as he jabbed the side of the Lightsaber against his shoulder, scorching Luke’s right arm as he yelped in pain, with Malgus doing the same with Luke’s right leg, making him collapse onto the ground, much to the others’ shock.

‘Weak, and pathetic,’ said Malgus ‘Just like the Jedi of old.’

And with one quick stroke, Malgus used his Force Lightning to electrocute Luke, making him scream in pain as he shifted back and forth, with the others shocked when they saw that Luke was now pinned down.

Sunset kept staring at Luke, with her feeling worried about him.

‘Rescue him, you should.’ she remembered the voice that told her to go and save Luke.

‘And now,’ said Malgus as he held onto his Lightsaber. ‘It is time for you to die with the rest of your kind.’

Malgus raised his Lightsaber in the air, preparing to strike Luke down. When all of a sudden, someone among the group quickly moved forward. The moment Malgus struck his Lightsaber, he was suddenly blocked, which left him surprised. For the person who blocked him, was Sunset Shimmer, holding onto Luke’s Lightsaber, defending him from the power of the Sith.

The others were shocked to see what Sunset was doing, thinking that she was out of her mind for doing something this reckless.

‘You think you can defeat me,’ said Malgus as he stared down at Sunset whilst she was standing on one knee ‘You are no Jedi, what makes you think you can defeat me?’

Sunset remembered the words that the mysterious stranger told her. ‘Rise in the Force.’

She slowly closed her eyes, concentrating. She continued focus whilst she held her position whilst Malgus and the others watched her. Sunset continued to breathe slowly, suddenly feeling much calmer. And from within that moment, she could feel it. She could feel the Force within her, as well as many Jedi who had once lived long ago. She then slowly opened her eyes, with looks of determination, much to Malgus’ surprise.

Luke watched as Sunset slowly stood up with all her strength, with Malgus not believing what he was seeing. Sure enough, Sunset stood on both her feet. As she gritted her teeth, she kicked Malgus in the gut, making him wince as he stood a few feet backwards.

She then walked towards Malgus and sure enough, they clashed their Lightsabers, trying to strike down one from the other, clashing left, right, up, down, side left and side right, as if Sunset was an expert Jedi herself. She then kicked him away again, jumped over and tried to strike Malgus down, but he blocked it with his Lightsaber. Malgus tried to strike her down again, but she ended up dodging it as she leaned backwards, whilst she also skid on the floor, allowing her to stand up.

She tried to strike Malgus, but he ended up catching her hand, which Sunset did the same. The two of them tried to out-strong the other, but neither of them could make a move. When all of a sudden, she had an idea. Sunset then lowered Malgus’ Lightsaber as it was now close to the ground, with the tip of the plasma blade of the saber sticking into the ground as it sizzled.

Malgus kept staring down at his saber, trying to regain his composure, but he couldn’t budge because Sunset held it into place. He was so distracted, he didn’t focus on Sunset’s other hand. Which she was counting on with a smirk. Within a split second, Sunset was able to get her hand free and destroyed Malgus’ Lightsaber. And before he could react, with one strong uppercut strike, Sunset struck Malgus, slicing his chest and part of his face, making him yell in pain as he collapsed onto the ground whilst falling onto his back.

Everyone stared at her in shock, for they couldn’t believe that Sunset had just beaten a Sith Lord, and a master no less. Even Luke was left speechless. Sunset on the other hand continued to stare down at the Sith Lord, whilst at the same time, Malgus slowly sat back up, showing the scorch marks on his armour and chest, as well as half his face, whilst his mask was also cut opened, showing his teeth as he gritted them in anger.

‘Insolent pest!!’ shouted Malgus, causing him to use his Force Lightning at Sunset. But remembering what Luke did, she used his Lightsaber to block it, causing the lightning to deflect against it.

Many were concerned as Sunset wouldn’t be able to last much longer in that position. She kept holding her ground as the lightning continued to shoot at her, but used her saber to block it.

‘I am Darth Malgus, Lord of the Sith!!’ shouted Malgus, clearly angry that a child would dare stand up to him ‘A simple child cannot defeat me!!’

Sunset on the other hand, was now mad, but could still feel the light of the Force inside of her. She suddenly reached her left hand out to Luke. And to many of their surprise, the Lightsaber that Luke took with him suddenly flew straight towards her, allowing her to catch it, whilst still staring down at the Sith Lord.

‘I am no mere child.’ said Sunset ‘My name is Sunset Shimmer. Student of Princess Celestia. Student to Princess Twilight. Student of CHS, and a friend to my friends. And you. are. DONE!!!’

She then activate the other Lightsaber and formed an X with both the Lightsabers, allowing the lightning to intensify, which shocked Malgus as he watched what he witnessed. The lightning ended up deflected from the Lightsabers, causing Malgus to be electrocuted with his own lightning, making him yell in pain. As she gave one final push, the lightning intensified, causing the lightning to destroy Malgus as he screamed in agony. And within a split second, he exploded, scattering his ashes all over the place, leaving nothing but silence. Sunset kept panting, for it took all her strength to resist, with many still staring in shock, even Luke as he slowly stood up. Within a split second, Sunset dropped on her knees, feeling the exhaustion kicking in.

‘Sunset!!’ exclaimed human Twilight as she and the others ran over to her, to make sure that she was okay.

Sunset was still on her knees, with human Twilight trying to help her up whilst Princess Celestia helped her too.

‘Are you hurt?’ asked Celestia.

Sunset had a weary look on her face whilst she slowly looked at Celestia, then said ‘That…was exhausting.’

Human Rainbow Dash then stood near her as she yelled ‘That. Was. Awesome!!!’

‘Darling, how did you do that?’ asked human Rarity.

‘I, I don’t know.’ said Sunset as she wasn’t sure what just happened. ‘It felt different. A little terrifying, as well as…’

‘A feeling,’ said Luke, once the Pillars, along with Gloriosa and Timber Spruce were able to help treat Luke’s wounds, then helped him stand near Sunset once he was able to stand on his feet again ‘It is the very same feeling I received when I first walked the path.’

Sunset then noticed she was still holding Luke’s Lightsabers in her hands. She sheepishly smiled and presented it to him as she said ‘I think these belong to you.’

Luke simply smiled and accepted them back and placing them back in his hilt, with him saying ‘And thank you, for saving my life.’, which made Sunset smile back, despite her weariness.

‘So what can we expect to find down here,’ asked Mistmane ‘Now that the Sith spirit had been defeated?’

‘I suppose we will have to wait and see.’ said Luke.

As they walked down the next path that was revealed, Twilight looked at her Canterlot High friends. ‘Are you guys okay.’

Human Fluttershy simply sniffed, and said ‘How could the Sith do this? All those worlds. All those innocent people.’

‘Yeah,’ said human Applejack ‘I can’t image all of them suffering like…that.’

‘It…wasn’t easy for us to hear either.’ said Twilight. ‘Hearing about what happened to the Jedi, what happened to Luke’s parents. That was pretty hard for us to hear too.’

‘Ah can relate,’ said Applejack as she walked beside her ‘Ah lost mah parents too.’

‘Y’all too?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Yep.’ said Applejack to her counterpart ‘They died after Apple Bloom was born. She didn’t know them growin’ up. Ah know how Luke feels. But ah don’t want Apple Bloom to know what happened to them. We all saw what happened to Luke’s parents and he nearly broke down from seein’ that.’

‘Oh, the poor dear.’ said human Rarity.

‘The worst part is,’ said Twilight ‘When Luke found out that Darth Vader was his father, it nearly broke him. Worse than that, his father’s teacher, Obi-Wan Kenobi, lied to him about it.’

‘Whoa, so not cool.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Though to be fair,’ said human Fluttershy ‘I would’ve lost it too if any member of my family were suddenly evil.’

‘That’s silly Fluttershy,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she walked next to her with her arm wrapped around her shy friend’s shoulder ‘Your parents would never do that, they’re way too nice. Except for Zephyr Breeze, who tried to sneak in the girl’s shower room and watch Rainbow Dash take a shower.’

‘Ugh,’ said Rainbow Dash as she groaned out loud and face palmed her face ‘Don’t remind me. I couldn’t even go in there for weeks after he was caught.’

‘We’re here.’ said Luke, gaining all of their attention.

They stood in front of a large stone door. But this door was different, for it had the images of the First Jedi on it. Luke aimed his right hand onto the door whilst he closed his eyes. Within a few short moments, the doors opened, allowing them access to it. When they entered, they found something unexpected.

For in the room, was the stone coffin in the middle, but all around it were, to Luke’s surprise, Jedi Holocrons. There were almost over a hundred of them inside, which surprised everybody when they saw them.

‘Oh, what are those?’ said both Rarity and her counterpart, clearly bedazzled by what they were seeing.

‘Crystals?’ said human Rainbow Dash as she looked at them in disbelief. ‘We went through all that for Crystals?!!’

‘They are not ordinary Crystals.’ said Luke as he walked towards one of them whilst he picked it up ‘They’re Jedi Holocrons.’

‘Holo, what now?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘They’re sacred Jedi Crystals that house all of Jedi History.’ said Princess Luna ‘Master Skywalker explained it to us. Whenever the next generation are born, they intend to accomplish great deeds, as well as achieving the impossible. Which are recorded and placed in them, so that the next generation can learn from them. But if the secret was too great, they are to ensure that they are well hidden, so that nopony can find them and use them for their own nefarious deeds.’

Luke slowly concentrated on the Holocron, allowing it to float, have the tips of the corners to twist and be automatically removed whilst they also floated. When all of a sudden, a hologram of the first Jedi was displayed, showing the various Lightsaber forms that took him years to master.

‘Incredible.’ said Luke ‘These Holocrons contain the knowledge of wielding one’s Lightsabers, even…’

Luke was cut off as he was greatly surprised by what he was witnessing ‘Even on how to create Kyber Crystals.’

‘Kyber Crystals?’ asked human Twilight.

‘Crystals that are part of their Lightsabers.’ said Sunburst ‘It’s part of their initiative when they are inducted to the Jedi Order.’

Luke then contacted R2 the moment he took his communicator out. ‘Artoo, can you bring large enough crates from the ship. We found something important.’

R2 beeped after responding to Luke’s order. As Luke placed his communicator away, he walked straight for the coffin. He was able to open it up, and thankfully, it was simple enough to move it, not like the other times. But instead of a Lightsaber, Luke was surprised to see a gauntlet of sorts. He pulled it out, wondering what it was. He placed it on his right arm and the moment he gripped his fist, the gauntlet produced its own Lightsaber, which surprised Luke.

‘This is new.’ said Luke after he placed it away.

Luke pulled out another scroll and opened it, allowing him to read it.

‘So where to next Master Skywalker.’ asked Stygian.

‘According to this,’ said Luke as he showed them that on the scroll was a map of the entire country, that was thankfully mapped. ‘The next clue would take us there.’

Human Twilight took a good look at it whilst she adjusted her glasses. The moment she did, she was surprised to see where the location is, considering that she took the time to study maps in her spare time.

‘Oh, I know where that place is.’ said human Twilight ‘They happen to be located at Equestria Land.’

‘Equestria Land?’ said the others in confusion.

‘Remember the amusement park I wrote about a while back?’ asked Sunset when she looked at Princess Twilight, which she nodded ‘Well that’s where the next clue will be.’

‘But why would they hid it there?’ asked puppy Spike.

‘I’m sure we’ll find out once we get there.’ asked Luke.

‘Luke,’ asked Celestia ‘Mind if you take us back to Equestria first? We have duties there that need attending.’

‘Of course.’ said Luke.

‘I hope all of you can spend the night at the camp.’ asked Luna ‘We shall return in the morning.’

‘Oh, of course Princess.’ said Twilight ‘We will wait for you in the morning.’

And as such, both Celestia and Luna left the room, whilst R2 had just come down and towed two large crates to put the Holocrons in.

Sunset looked at Timber Spruce and Gloriosa. ‘I hope you don’t mind if we spend the night here.’

‘Oh, of course not.’ said Gloriosa.

‘You know you guys are welcomed to come visit any time.’

They simply smiled at that, with Starswirl saying ‘Very well then. We shall continue with this in the morning.’

And as such, after loading up the Holocrons, they went back up to the surface to spend the night at Camp Everfree, whilst Luke would quickly take both Celestia and Luna back to Equestria so that they can carry on with their duties, then come back in the morning.

Chapter 11: The lesson below Equestria Land

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The next day, as the sun slowly began to rise, the guests were fast asleep in their own tents. Rainbow Dash and her human counterpart shared a tent, albeit snoring loudly, which they were almost like siblings in the same tent. Applejack and her human counterpart were fast asleep in their tent, with their arms/forelegs on the bed widely whilst their hats were on top of their heads. Rarity and her human counterpart were sleeping with their sleeping mask, making cute snoring sounds.

Fluttershy and her human counterpart were fast asleep, muttering in their sleep about butterflies. Pinkie Pie and her human counterpart were fast asleep mumbling about every flavored cupcake and doughnut known to man, whilst the pink pony was asleep on top of her counterpart as if she were a cat. Twilight and her counterpart on the other hand, were mumbling a math equation in their sleep, with puppy Spike sleeping on top of Twilight, whilst Spike the dragon, surprisingly did the same as he slept on top of Twilight.

Starlight was fast asleep near Sunset, considering that they have a lot of catching up to do. Sunburst and Stygian decided to share a tent, as did Starswirl with Mistmane, Flash Magnus with Somnambula, and Rockhoof with Mage Meadowbrook. Gallus and Silverstream shared a tent, as did Ocellus and Smolder, along with Sandbar and Yona.

They slept peacefully through the night, until one by one, all of them slowly woke up and began to walk outside of their tents and stretched themselves a bit, in order to get ready to start a new day. Rockhoof was the first to open his eyes as he looked at his surroundings and said ‘Ah, now that’s what I like to see every morning when I get up. Nature all around us, and the calm quietness of the animals that wake up in the mornings.’

‘Ah’ll say.’ said Applejack ‘There’s nothing but a great surrounding to help us get started.’

‘Although,’ said Rarity whilst she wasn’t comfortable with her surroundings ‘I wish it wasn’t nearly filled with muddy places.’

Her human counterpart placed her hand on her pony counterpart’s shoulder, giving her an assuring smile. ‘Oh don’t worry darling, it took me a while to get used to. It even gave me a few ideas of my last fashion line.’

‘Which was unnecessary, considering she thought that the docks were the walkway when we had to keep on correcting her.’ said human Applejack, earning a stink eye from the Fashionista.

‘Oh, put a sock in it Applejack.’* said a grumpy Rarity, who clearly not had her coffee yet.

‘You can’t silence the truth!!’** shouted both Pinkie Pie and her human counterpart, causing many to close their ears, for it was really noise.

‘You got those too, huh?’ asked Rainbow Dash as she stretched a bit.

‘You have no idea.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she also stretched a bit.

‘Don’t worry,’ said human Starlight the moment she and Sunburst walked out whilst he walked out and adjusted his glasses ‘You get used to it.’

‘Morning everyone.’ said Gloriosa as she and her brother walked over ‘I hope all of you have slept well?’

‘Sure did.’ said Twilight as she stretched her back and wings a bit. ‘Thanks again for letting us sleep over.’

‘Oh, think nothing of it.’ said Timber Spruce ‘Not every day we get to see all that cool stuff in the cave.’

‘You got that right.’ said Spike ‘Honestly, that was really scary down there. Especially since Luke got hurt down there.’

‘Speaking of Luke Meister,’ said Pinkie Pie as she chirped up a bit ‘When do you think he and the Princesses will be back?’

They suddenly heard the sound of a roaring engine, causing them to look up. And to their relief, it was the Ebon Hawk, flying down near them and was able to find a clearing for them to land on, causing everyone to walk over to the ship to greet the Princesses and the Jedi Master.

As the ship’s ramp opened, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the first ones to come out, but no Luke Skywalker.

‘Uh, Princess Celestia?’ asked Sunset ‘Where’s Luke?’

R2 came out and beeped to them to come inside. As they were inside, they saw Luke was fast asleep, but he looked completely frazzled too.

‘Goodness.’ said Rarity as she took a good look at him ‘What happened to him?’

‘He had been training all night for the past twelve hours ever since we got back.’ said Luna, much to everyone’s shock.

‘What has he been doing?’ asked Twilight.

R2 then moved over and beeped. He used his holographic lens to display the hologram of Luke. When Luke’s image showed, they saw he was moving around, trying out Lightsaber moves, each new forms that were different than the last. They were surprised to see the way he moved and used his Lightsaber.

‘Whoa,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘He did all that through the entire night? Why?’

‘Apparently what happened in the temple shook him a bit.’ said Celestia. ‘He was worried that if he were to fall, then we would be the Sith’s next target.’

‘Hah,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘That’s no problem. We could’ve beaten that Sith Lord in ten seconds flat.’

‘Rainbow, we barely were able to hold our own when we faced them.’ said Sunburst, remind them of their encounter with Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus.

‘He’s right.’ said Starlight ‘Every Sith Lord we encountered were more vicious than the last.’

‘Except for that Kreia lady,’ said Spike ‘She seemed really cool.’

‘A little twisted actually.’ said Gallus as he reminded them of just how cryptic she can be.

Luke however, began to mumble in his sleep a bit. And through his sleep, he was able to see things, things that he had never seen before. What looked like normal rides, fun places for little children to hang out. The others noticed that Luke looked a bit troubled. Sunset decided to help by placing her hand on top of Luke’s head, allowing her to read his mind. She was able to see what he was seeing. Thankfully, she recognized where they needed to go.

Sunset gasped a bit as she pulled her hand away. She looked at the others and said ‘I know where we need to go.’

‘You do?’ asked her friends.

‘Yeah,’ said Sunset as she stood up ‘But from what I’m seeing, he seems to be having images of Equestria land.’

‘Equestria land?’ said the ponies and their creature students.

‘It’s an amusement park.’ said human Twilight. ‘We went there a while back when Rarity had a job working as the designer for the parade for a celebrity named Vignette.’

‘But,’ said human Rarity whilst she rubbed her left arm, feeling the shame of her past. ‘I let my obsession get the better of me. I was so easily manipulated by false flattery I ended up pushing my friends away. Applejack and I wanted to work there together. She tried to help me and see reason but I didn’t listen, even when she was using Equestrian magic.’

Rarity placed her hoof against her human counterpart’s leg, gaining her attention. ‘You shouldn’t be ashamed of yourself darling. I know what it’s like. I once did the same thing. But if it weren't for my friends, I wouldn’t be where I am. Even if I too was too stubborn about it.’

‘I’ll say.’ say Rainbow Dash, earning a glare from the Fashionista.

‘Uh, I take it something happened between you two?’ asked human Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah,’ said Spike as he explained. ‘Long story short, they ended up getting impatient and dismissed the others’ likings when they were supposed to show the students how to get along, even if their hobbies don’t match theirs.’

The two of them stared at Spike with a stink eye, with Spike not having it.

Spike then let out a groan as he pointed at them. ‘Well it’s true. All what you two cared is making others do your own thing and nothing else. This is the Sisterhood social, Mare Do Well, boat travel and the working together with the students incident, all over again!!’*

The said ponies gasped in shock of his exclamation, even the others were quite surprised by this. However, before they would go any further, R2 stood in front of them. Not wanting this to go on. So he did the unthinkable. He shocked Rainbow Dash with his stunner, and sprayed oil in the fashion pony’s face, causing her to shriek.

Luke screamed himself awake after hearing Rarity’s scream. ‘I’m awake!! I’m awake!!’

They turned around and were surprised to see Luke, all frazzled and awake. But realizing that he just screamed like that for no reason, he cleared throat as he said ‘Sorry.’

‘Oh, it’s quite alright darling.’ said human Rarity.

Suddenly, Fluttershy said ‘Rarity.’

She then held a coin jar nearby, with Rarity realizing what she just said, whilst she nearly lost her composure and said ‘I said “Darling”, didn’t I? Oh.’*, causing her to throw a coin inside.

The ponies looked at this confused, then looked at the EG Mane 7 for answers.

‘Long story short,’ said human Fluttershy ‘We kinda got fed up when she kept saying “darling” all the time, so whenever she says that, she has to pay up.’

‘Like a bad word jar?’ asked Silverstream ‘But the word “Darling” isn’t a bad word.’

‘That’s what I kept on saying.’ said human Rarity, who eventually crossed her arms with a pout.

Ignoring that, Luke stood up as he stretched a bit. ‘Do you happen to know where this place is?’ asked Luke.

R2 brought up the map, allowing them to see the map of the world’s country. The EG Mane 7 looked at the map, with human Twilight pointing at it and said ‘It’s right here. It’s at least half a day’s ride from here.’

‘We’ll get there in an hour.’ said Luke, until they heard his stomach growled, making him feel embarrassed. The others simply chuckled.

‘But after you get something to eat mister.’ said human Applejack, with Luke giving a sheepish smile, for they did had a point. He was really hungry, even after training for so long.

Sure enough, after all of them had something to eat, the others began to board the Ebon Hawk, with Celestia talking to both Timer Spruce and Gloriosa.

‘Thank you two again for what you’ve done for my fellow ponies and friends.’ said Celestia as she gave a slight bow ‘We really appreciate for everything you have done.’

‘Oh, it was no problem your highness.’ said Gloriosa ‘We’re just glad to meet the mentor of one of our friends.’

‘Yeah, and if you want to visit whenever you need to break, don’t hesitate to come by.’ said Timber Spruce.

Celestia chuckled as she said ‘We will certainly be happy to take you up on your offer.’

As the others began to board, Luke stopped Sunset.

‘Is something wrong Master Skywalker?’ asked Sunset.

‘I wanted to talk to you about what happened earlier.’ said Luke.

‘Oh, about that.’ said Sunset as she rubbed the back of her head. ‘I’m sorry I placed myself in danger, but I couldn’t stand by and watch one of my friends be hurt.’

‘I know, and I am thankful for that,’ said Luke ‘But it was still reckless. You could’ve gotten yourself killed out there.’

Sunset looked down, feeling like she had shamed herself, until Luke placed his hand on her right shoulder. ‘However, because of what you were able to do, I will teach you what I know.’

Sunset was surprised by the offer Luke had presented.

Sure enough, everyone began to take off once they were aboard the Ebon Hawk, whilst Timber Spruce and Gloriosa waved goodbye to them.

Soon enough, whilst R2 flew the ship, Luke was watching Sunset carefully as she used Luke’s Lightsaber to defend herself whilst a few small spheres were flying around, flying stun blasters, with her doing her best to block them so that they wouldn’t shoot her. He could tell that she’s a hard study, and she really wants to improve. He could tell that he used to be like her, which compelled him to teach her. Everyone else slowly marched in and saw that Luke was teaching her. They noticed how focused she is.

‘Determined, isn’t she?’ asked Meadowbrook when she saw her focus.

‘Most Unicorns tend to focus on the importance of magic,’ said Starswirl ‘It is how we have gained many scholars to help teach those who wish to teach another.’

Celestia looked at Luke and asked ‘What are you teaching her Master Luke?’

‘Like Spike, she is strong in the Force.’ said Luke, much to Celestia’s surprise. ‘The way she resisted Darth Malgus, wielded my Lightsaber as if she was a master, and to use the Force to summon the Lightsaber to her. Indicates that she is Force Sensitive. Just like all of you are.’

‘Yeah, it would’ve been interesting,’ said Sandbar ‘Learning about the ways of the Force.’

‘No kidding,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘We’ve seen a lot of crazy things over the years. But this takes the cake.’

‘If there is one thing my travels have taught me,’ said Luke ‘Is that this galaxy hides more secrets that I could never imagine.’

Sunset continued to focus on the spheres, until one of them caught her off guard, and shoots her at the butt, causing her to yelp, making human Rainbow Dash laugh. ‘That’s gotta hurt.’

Luke then thought about something and had an idea. He walked over and picked up the helmet and walked over to her.

‘I suggest you try it again Sunset,’ said Luke with a smile ‘This time, let go of your conscious self. And act on instinct.’

Luke placed the helmet with the blast shield onto her, which surprised Sunset, for she couldn’t see anything. ‘But I won’t be able to see, how am I supposed to defend myself?’

‘Your eyes can deceive you, do not trust them.’ said Luke as he leaned against the wall.

Sunset tried to keep her defenses up as she held the Lightsaber at the ready. The spheres continued to fly around, until one of them tried to take a pot shot at Sunset, which she barely managed to dodge.

‘Stretch out with your feelings Sunset.’ said Luke ‘Let the Force flow through you.’

Sunset tried again and held her position. The spheres continued to fly all around her, with her moving slightly, trying to make sure that she wouldn’t be caught with her defenses down, with everyone watching her. And within mere moments, Sunset moved like an expert and blocked the spheres’ attacks, surprising everyone when they saw how well she had done.

‘You see,’ said Luke with pride ‘You can do it.’

‘Wow, that was lucky.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck.’ said Luke, he then realized he had a major déjà vu, which surprised him a little, as it reminded him of his teachings with Obi-Wan.

Sunset took off her helmet whilst R2 beeped over the comms, telling them that they’ve approached the coordinates, allowing Luke to stand up and said ‘I’m going ahead to help prepare for landing.’ said Luke ‘In the meantime all of you be prepared, we do not know how the locals will react once we arrive.’

As he left, Sunset walked over to her friends with a smile on her face. ‘It’s incredible,’ said Sunset ‘I could feel it. I do feel the Force, just like he said I would.’

‘That’s wonderful Sunset.’ said Celestia as she walked over towards her former student.

‘Indeed,’ said Starswirl ‘From what I observed from him, he is patient and he reaches out to the students rather than trying other methods. Truly he will be a wise Jedi Master when the time comes for him to train his own.’

Human Twilight on the other hand began to ponder on something. ‘What’s wrong Twilight?’ asked puppy Spike.

‘I’m just thinking about something.’ she said.

‘Oh? About what?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

‘Well, we went to find what Luke was looking for.’ said Twilight ‘I don’t understand why the clues are sending us there.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Mistmane.

‘Well,’ said Twilight as she looked at them ‘Ever since magic had been brought to this world, the places we’ve been to was where we encountered Equestrian Magic. Canterlot High, Camp Everfree, the Mall, Equestria Land, that island in the middle of the ocean, even the place at the Music Festival where Sunset was trapped in a time loop.’

‘And you’re wondering why the clues have let us there and not showed the temples when you and the others first went there?’ asked Stygian.

‘Exactly,’ said Twilight ‘I mean, Wallflower found the memory stone to erase our memories and where Sunset and I got turned into monsters at Canterlot High, and where they faced the Dazzlings. We encountered Gloriosa Daisy when she used the magic to trap us there, and where we eventually gained the geodes on our own. Not to mention Equestrian Magic infected both Juniper Montage’s mirror and Vignette her phone. Not to mention the Storm King magic that leaked from the island, even the Time Twirler device. So how come we never knew about them till now?’

‘If there is one thing you must know Twilight,’ said Princess Luna, talking to Twilight’s human self ‘Is that our kind and other species are great at hiding secrets that are so great, no one would be able to find them until it is too late.’

‘Then again,’ said Starswirl as he sat next to human Twilight ‘It is our fault that Equestrian Magic is in this world.’

The rest of the EG Mane 7 came over and wondered what he meant by it

‘When we defeated enemies that were responsible for the suffering of others,’ said Starswirl ‘We thought we had banished them to a place where no one would find it. Yet from what both Princess Twilight, Celestia and all of you said, they wounded up in your world instead. If we had known that there would be others that would find them and use them for their own benefits, we would never have hidden them on that world in the first place.’

‘Now that you mention it,’ said human Applejack ‘It was pretty foolish.’

‘But why not just lock them up in a secured vault that only a select ponies would know and that once they pass away, their secrets would go with them?’ asked human Pinkie Pie.

‘Politicians.’ said Sunset, gaining their attention. ‘You wouldn’t believe how many politicians tried to take over Canterlot and tried to kick Princess Celestia out, even when she has more power than that of a unicorn.’

‘Which we gladly removed from Canterlot.’ said Princess Celestia.

‘Except for Neighsay,’ said Princess Luna in a grumbled tone ‘Even when I told you that somepony like him would be a menace to Equestria.’

Celestia simply gave Luna a stink eye at that, which left the others confused. ‘Uh, care to explain?’ asked human Twilight.

‘It’s like this,’ said Smolder ‘After the Storm King fell, Princess Twilight wanted to open a school where others could learn about friendship like they did.’

‘We uh…’ said Silverstream, remembering the embarrassing ordeal ‘Kind of didn’t make a good impression.’

‘And Neighsay, the Chancellor of most of Equestria’s education,’ said Gallus ‘Said that we were a danger to other ponies and think that we would use it as an excuse to use it against Equestria.’

‘Not to mention he’s a racist.’ said Sunset, who also remembered Neighsay, much to the rest of the EG Mane 7’s shock.

‘But Princess Twilight stood her ground and was able to get our school running.’ said Ocellus.

‘After I gave her a lecture when she just wanted to give up of course.’ said Starlight, which made Twilight wince at that.

‘And as it turned out, one of the ponies, a student named Cozy Glow,’ said Sandbar ‘Who tried to steal all of Equestria’s magic by working with one of its enemies. We were able to stop her and she was locked up for her crimes.’

‘And as it turned out,’ said Yona ‘Bad pony only pretended to be friend and used ponies just so that bad pony could get what she wanted. Neighsay apologized, but some still skeptical about him.’

‘Wow,’ said puppy Spike ‘He’s worst than Cinch.’

Some were surprised to hear this, with human Twilight saying ‘She was once the principle at my old school. And she blackmailed me into doing what she wanted, even blackmailed me into releasing my friends’ magic that I took by accident.’

‘Yeah, I’m just glad that they fired that hag.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘She almost sounds like the Cinch from our world.’ said Rarity.

‘Wait,’ said Sunset ‘Equestria had a Cinch too?’

‘Indeed.’ said Celestia as she told them the story of Equestria’s Cinch. ‘Cinch was once head of an academy in Prance, but her obsession with perfection, including forcing others to do what she wanted and not cared for the safety and well being of her students were declared too extreme. She even went far as to cancel and remove their Recess.’

The ponies were shocked to hear that, even the counterparts. ‘What?’ said Twilight ‘But…but every educational system requires students to take breaks from studying in order to keep themselves from burning themselves out.’

‘Didn’t stop you though.’ said Spike with a smirk, and earned a glare from Twilight.

‘She’d really gone that far?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia ‘When Cadance used to attend to that school before she ascended and moved to Canterlot, she reported this to the Superintendant of Prance and its school board. So they removed her as Principle before she could do any damage. She quit teaching and went into politics, and eventually became Equestria’s secretary of Education shortly after my sister’s return.’

‘Indeed,’ said Princess Luna as she and Celestia were there ‘Until my sister and I fired her for trying to get rid of recess and instill that same blackmailing and perfection attempts again, only this time it was kingdom wide.’

The EG Mane 7 were greatly surprised by this, even the rest of the ponies and creatures, only they’ve never heard of this before.

‘Wow.’ said the Young 6.

‘Man, no matter what world,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Cinch is still a manipulative…’

R2 beeped at that last comment of the person they were talking about.

‘What’d he say?’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Artoo says she’s a Gundark.’ said Luke.

‘A what?’ asked half of the people in the ship.

R2 then showed them the image of a Gundark, which surprised most, and earned Rainbow Dash to laugh at the image of what she wanted to describe Cinch, even half of the passengers that saw the image.

‘Okay,’ said human Twilight ‘That I approve of.’

‘Be ready!!’ called out Luke ‘We’re about to land!!’

Sure enough, the ship began to land at its designated target just outside of the park. As they landed, they departed from the ship and made their way towards the outskirts of Equestria Land.

‘Whoa,’ said Applejack ‘Big place here?’

‘But why would they need a wall?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Well they had to make sure that nobody would come in here to steal anything.’ said human Twilight ‘There’s a lot of things in the park that are important.’

‘Halt.’ said a voice, gaining their attention. To their surprise, it was a police officer, as well as a few others up front, which inclined the officer that stopped them, happens to be the head of security.

‘Officer, what’s going on?’ asked human Fluttershy, who was confused by the ordeal.

‘Park is closed for the next two months.’ said the officer.

‘WHAT?!!’ shouted both Pinkie Pie and her counterpart.

‘Why is it closed?’ asked Sunset.

‘Apparently there’s a slight vermin infestation, and a gas tank that blew up a few places,’ said the officer ‘Once the exterminators get here to drive them out, then the workers will come by to help fix this place up.’

‘Oh dear,’ said human Rarity ‘I hope Vignette didn’t seem to be too upset.’

‘Uh, that would be an understatement ma’am.’ said the officer ‘From her last blog, she is in a current ice cream bender.’

‘Oh dear, it’s bad.’ said Rarity, with her human counterpart agreeing.

‘Well, maybe we can help with the vermin problem.’ asked human Fluttershy.

‘Uh, sorry ma’am, leave it to the professionals.’ said the officer.

Luke then took a step forward and said ‘That is alright, they are good at what they do and they’re here to help.’

‘Uh, should I know who you are?’ said the officer as he eyed Luke.

‘Just someone who wants to help.’ said Luke.

‘Uh, I’m gonna have to see your identification sir.’ asked the officer.

Luke then suddenly said ‘You don’t need to see our identification.’

The officer suddenly replied ‘We don’t need to see your identification.’

As the EG Mane 7, the Pillars and the Princess were surprised to see this, the others had a hunch that Luke would do that, with knowing smiles on their faces.

‘These people are here to help you and wouldn’t cause any trouble for you.’ said Luke.

‘These people are here to help us and wouldn’t cause any trouble for us.’ said the Officer to the other officers.

‘We can go about our business and be safe out there.’ said Luke.

‘You can go about your business and be safe out there.’ said the Officer as he looked at them.

‘Move along.’ said Luke.

‘Move along now. Move along.’ said the Officer as he and the other confused Officers cleared the way, allowing them to go inside.

The others were clearly in awe of that, with Rainbow Dash saying ‘How did you do that?’

‘It’s called a Jedi mind trick.’ said Twilight ‘Jedi have the ability to temporarily control the individual’s minds. They’ve been able to use it from time to time.’

‘Can you teach me how to do that?’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.’ said Luke.

‘Yes darling,’ said human Rarity ‘I don’t like having the idea of you doing something un-lady like on others in public.’

‘Yeah,’ said human Applejack with a grin ‘Probably wouldn’t’ want to use that there mind trick to make Rainbow flash her boobs in public.’

‘HEY!!!’ shouted human Rainbow as she covered herself.

‘You’re probably right, they’re probably too small.’ said none other than Luke.

Everyone stared at him with gawk like mouths, causing Luke to snicker for some reason, and then laugh out loud, which nearly made him fall over whilst he was walking, which indicated he was just joking. The rest suddenly erupted in laughter as all of them walked, with human Rainbow Dash covering herself as she was pouting.

‘Come on Rainbow,’ said Sunset as she tried to recover from the laughter ‘After all the pranks you’ve done, you had that one coming.’

‘S-shut up.’ said Rainbow Dash as her face was now red from the embarrassment.

Sure enough, as they traveled, all of them were walking through the park, where everything was abandoned as if it were a ghost town.

‘Whoa,’ said Sandbar ‘This place feels kind of creepy without anypony here.’

‘Yeah, no kidding,’ said Spike ‘This place reminds me of Mount Aris when it was deserted.’

Luke continued to follow the path, until he stopped near what appeared to be a building. He walked straight towards it and opened the door. When he looked inside, the room was completely white.

They then heard the EG Mane 7 groan for some reason. Twilight looked at them with a flexed eyebrow and asked ‘Is something wrong?’

‘Let’s just say,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘When a celebrity named Vignette’s phone was corrupted with Equestrian Magic, she used to take a picture of them and send them somewhere else, and replaced them with holograms.’

‘Egghead over here thought we were trapped inside of her phone.’ pointed human Rainbow Dash, which human Twilight blushed and was embarrassed.

‘Sunset seemed pretty upset when she realized we were in a white room the whole time.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘And somehow Pinkie Pie was the only one who figured that they were in a white room instead of a phone.’ said human Applejack.

‘Well of course I knew it was a white room sillies,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘If we were inside her phone, we would’ve been surrounded by digital data and worldwide internet system with cellphone information and surrounded by digital space as well as the worldwide web that would show us worldwide information and all important news before it would be aired on the news stations like our favorite movie Tri from the eighties, as well as its reboot.’

The rest of the EG Mane 7 gave them odd looks when she said that, especially the Tri movie, as well as its reboot. Yet surprisingly, she did have a good point, for if they were trapped in Vignette’s phone, then they would’ve been surrounded by all that.

Sunset, trying to ignore Pinkie’s specific rant, walked over to Luke and asked ‘What do you hope to find. There’s nothing in here.’

‘Remember what I said back in the ship?’ asked Luke as his hand was on the ground, wiping it ‘One’s eyes can deceive you, and you cannot always trust them.’

Using the Force, Luke closed his eyes as he was concentrating. After a few seconds, the floor suddenly shook, causing the floor itself to move, much to Sunset’s surprise when she saw it. As the floor moved, they saw a large staircase that led downstairs. Those that could see, were surprised that there were stairs leading underground. Sunset on the other hand, her left eye began to twitch as she was slowly gripping her fists.

‘Uh, Sunset?’ asked puppy Spike, curious of what was wrong.

‘Would you excuse me for a moment.’ said Sunset.

They saw her walk away until she was at least ten feet away from them. She stood there for a few seconds, and within that moment, she screamed in rage whilst her hands were raised in the air, taking them all by surprise. She was screaming for almost a whole minute whilst all of them looked at her:

‘I assume she’s always been like this?’ asked Luke when he noticed.

‘Sunset always had a bit of a…temper problem.’ said Celestia.

‘That’s a bit of an understatement.’ said human Rarity, considering that they know how her friend can act sometimes.

After her screaming, she went back to the others, but still had that temper look on her face and said with strained expression on her face ‘Can we please get a move on.’

‘Um,’ said Fluttershy ‘If anypony doesn’t mind, I’d like to stay behind and help out with the vermin problem.’

‘M-me too.’ said human Fluttershy ‘I heard them the moment we came in.’

‘Aw, come on.’ said Rainbow Dash whilst she protested ‘You seriously going to back down from an adventure like this.’

‘Leave them be Rainbow Dash.’ said Luke, causing the said Pegasus to look at him ‘If they’re not comfortable being down here and face whatever’s ahead, then we won’t pressure them into coming.’

‘But…’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘I will return shortly,’ said Luke to them, then looked at the shy pony and her counterpart ‘If you two would please come with me.’

The two of them followed Luke around the corner, wondering what he was going to say. Sure enough when they were out of sight, Luke looked at the two of them and asked them. ‘I have a feeling that something is wrong. Do you two wish to share this with me?’

The two of them were nervous at first, but because he was so nice and patient with them, they answered as calmly as they could.

‘Well you see Master Luke…’ started Fluttershy ‘We just…’

‘We don’t want to face whatever’s down there.’ said human Fluttershy.

Luke wasn’t surprised by this, but he gestured them to speak, showing his calm demeanor.

‘All those horrors we’ve seen that’s happened in your galaxy far, far away…’ said Fluttershy.

‘It was so…horrible.’ said human Fluttershy as she began to tear up.

‘All those innocent worlds suffered by the Sith…’ said Fluttershy as she also began to tear up and sat down on the ground.

‘And you who kept getting hurt, trying to find what you were looking for.’ said human Fluttershy as she tried to comfort her counterpart.

‘It’s just too much.’ said Fluttershy.

Luke could see how terrified they were. Experiencing all the horrors of the past can be heartbreaking and afraid, yes, but he could also tell that it was too much for them to bear. He stood on his one knee and looked straight at them, whilst he slowly placed his hands on the side of their faces, gaining their attention as he looked at them.

‘For what you two have witnessed, I am sorry for that.’ said Luke ‘I did not mean to upset the both of you. What you two have seen, no one should go through that.’

‘But yet you do.’ said Fluttershy.

‘I do this because no one else could.’ said Luke.

He kept his position, then looked at them once both his arms were on his one leg whilst they were focused on him.

‘You two have to understand.’ said Luke ‘I was born with this power. It terrified me at first when I found out what I could do. But I also saw how the galaxy suffered at the hands of the Empire. The Jedi have been the peacekeepers of the galaxy for centuries, and to have all of them wiped out like that, and the people were fed lies about the Jedi being monsters. They destroyed everything the Jedi fought and died for.’

Luke stood up as he spoke to them ‘So believe me when I say this; you think you’re the only ones who’s afraid and torn by what happened. I am the last Jedi in the Republic. I fight to restore balance to the Force and yet deep down, I’m terrified.’

He walked towards the nearest bench and sat down, with the pony and counterpart joining him as they sat next to him.

‘When I was younger, I believed that I could do anything with my power, that I could save the galaxy, and that I was not afraid.’ said Luke. ‘But the more I learned about the Force, I grew scared of it. I was afraid that I would walk down the same path my father did. He tried to save the one he loved and the Sith used it against him, and he ended up turning to darkness and destroyed everything that the Jedi stood for.’

He lowered his head, remembering the people that his father once loved and looked up to. ‘My grandmother Shmi raised him to be a good person, Qui-Gon Jinn believed that he would be the best of us. Both of them would be ashamed to see what he had become.’

He was slowly shedding tears, saying ‘I keep thinking that everything will be alright, but what my father did. It feels like he destroyed the family name. And I have to clean up the mess he made. There are times that I’m afraid that I will never live up to the legacy the Jedi left behind. And…I’m scared.’

He felt himself being embraced, by none other than Fluttershy and her human counterpart, both shedding tears too and not realized what Luke had gone through ever since he started out.

‘We’re so sorry Luke.’ said Fluttershy ‘We had no idea you would be so terrified.’

Luke was able to wipe his tears away, whilst he was able to embrace both of the kindest souls who ever lived. The hug lasted for a few minutes, until they finally broke it. He looked at the two of them and smiled whilst saying ‘Thank you. Both of you.’

‘You’re welcome Luke.’ said Fluttershy.

He then stood up and said ‘Come. We still have a mission to uphold.’

Fluttershy then hovered next to Luke with a smile and said ‘And we’ll help you see this through.’

‘It’s the least we can do for a friend.’ said human Fluttershy as she placed her hand on Luke’s shoulder.

Luke smiled at that ‘And if you want, I can also teach you further what I know. To help broaden your horizons a bit.’

‘I think we’d like that.’ said Fluttershy.

Sure enough, the three of them went back to the waiting crowd. The latter noticed the three of them coming back.

‘Finally,’ said Rainbow Dash as she crossed her hooves ‘What took you guys so long?’

‘Let’s just say…’ said human Fluttershy as she twirled her hand a bit.

‘We came to an understanding.’ said Fluttershy.

Celestia smiled, knowing that the talk they had must’ve allowed them to form a bond with him. ‘Very well then,’ said Celestia ‘Shall we proceed?’

The others nodded in agreement and commenced with walking down the stairs. But at the same time, the Young Six had looks of concern. Not over what might expect to happen, but because of what they overheard. They followed Luke closely, hopefully to make sure that he would be okay.

After they were able to get down the stairs, everyone was able to continue with their walk down the dark and stone halls.

‘How often do you lose your temper?’ asked Luke when he walked next to Fluttershy.

She was caught off guard by the question. She then shamefully looked down and said ‘More times than I can count.’

‘Did you ever try to control your emotions.’ asked Luke.

‘Believe me, I tried.’ said Sunset as she explained ‘But no matter how hard I try. It’s just so…hard, you know?’

‘In my experience when it comes to making decisions,’ said Luke ‘You have the right to be scared, you have the right to be anxious, you even have the right to be angry. But take it from me, and believe me when I say this…you can’t feed that kind of emotion. Otherwise you might walk down a dark path.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Sunset as she looked at Luke whilst one of her eyebrows were raised.

‘Fear is the path that leads all of us to the Dark Side.’ said Luke ‘Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to Hate. And Hate leads to Suffering. My father once learned that the hard way. His fear of losing mother had overtaken him, he couldn’t even be reasoned when others, even Master Yoda, once told him that death is a natural part of life. When one is in pain and passes on. One should not mourn or miss them, for that is the shadow of greed.’

Luke looked down as he shared his thoughts with her. ‘I’ll admit, I miss my Uncle and Aunt, I even miss my friends and my father. But after I chose to mourn for them, I chose to move on for them. Because I know deep down, they wouldn’t want me to wallow in my own shame and guilt.’

He then looked at Sunset and said ‘I know you tend to get angry, but that’s only because you’re very defensive. You get aggressive when you’re asked the toughest questions as others put you on the spot that you feel cornered. And you sometimes get hostile because you wish to protect your friends, because you made a vow that you would protect them, no matter what. Those are the true qualities of someone that one can admire. And as long as you remember to keep your emotions in check whilst still having those feelings. You can accomplish many tasks ahead of you.’

Sunset couldn’t help but smile by Luke’s words. ‘Thanks Master Skywalker.’

‘Please,’ said Luke as he waved his arm to her ‘Call me Luke.’

‘Alright then, Luke.’ said Sunset.

Human Rainbow Dash then thought about something. ‘Wait, if there was so many Sith Lords from a long time ago, how come there aren’t any more of them around.’

‘Oh, that’s simple,’ said Sunburst ‘The last Sith Lord implemented the Rule of Two.’

‘The rule of what now?’ she said with a raised eyebrow.

‘To put it simply,’ said Sandbar ‘The Sith began to die out, until an ancient Sith implemented the Rule of Two. So that there can only be a master and an apprentice.’

‘And,’ said human Fluttershy as she nervously asked ‘What would happen if the student would train his own?’

‘They would kill the Master.’ said Starlight ‘For there can only be two in existence.’

‘That’s horrible.’ said human Rarity.

‘It had been a plan that were centuries in the making.’ said Princess Luna ‘A true enemy would know how to bide their time and strike when their enemies least expects it.’

‘So if the Sith are gone, who is going to keep this Empire in check?’ asked Applejack.

‘The Emperor basically had many followers and generals.’ said Luke ‘There was rumors that said he had a secret Sith Cult, all who follow the old ways rather than the new, and the Imperial Officers follow orders without question. They do not share the same remorse that many of the other officers do.’

‘And they were okay with this?’ said human Twilight.

‘I’m afraid so,’ said Luke ‘Ironically, most of those officers once served the Republic during the Clone Wars, even the Jedi. And the worst part, they didn’t even help them, nor did they want to. They bought the Emperor’s lies as if it meant nothing to them.’

‘As with all politicians nowadays.’ said Celestia whilst rolling her eyes, remembering her own experience when she wanted to try and stop the Canterlot Nobles spreading lies when she tried to stop the war between the Griffons and the Yaks.

‘Did you ever encounter any Sith or Inquisitors Luke?’ asked Sandbar.

‘The only Sith I ever fought was my father.’ said Luke ‘As for the Inquisitors, by the time after the Death Star was destroyed the first time, they were either disbanded, decommission or killed.’

‘Did both Kenobi and Yoda teach you much?’ asked Twilight.

‘They taught me what they could.’ said Luke, ‘Everything else I had to learn on my own.’

‘I understand.’ said Twilight as she couldn’t help but smile at this ‘When I was sent to Ponyville, I had to learn a lot of things on my own too.’

‘You were not that close to your friends?’ asked Luke.

‘No,’ said Twilight as she thought about her younger days ‘Back then I thought there was no point in having friends, that having friends was nothing more than a waste of time.’

She then looked up as she slowly smiled. ‘But after Princess Celestia sent me to Ponyville, I went on an adventure I never knew I went on. I met my friends one by one, we traveled together to stop a threat to Equestria, they helped woke up the magic inside of me, and together, we were able to free Princess Luna from her own darkness. I was sad when I had to go back, but she allowed me to stay in Ponyville. And ever since then, we’ve had many more adventures I never knew would be the greatest I ever had.’

‘From the look on your face,’ said Luke as he smiled, whilst he also admired Twilight’s commitment and her friendships with her friends ‘It seems you have learned a lot over those years when you first started out.’

‘I guess I did.’ said Twilight before she chuckled, thinking about those days.

After a whole hour, they decided to take a break before continuing with their journey, with Smolder saying ‘You know, the temples we’ve been to had traps. I wonder why the ones at the camp and here didn’t have any?’

‘They probably thought it wasn’t necessary.’ said Stygian ‘This world was de-voided of magic and the civilization in this world thinks that magic is nothing but fairy tales.’

‘Indeed,’ said Starswirl whilst he stroked his beard ‘It makes sense that there were traps in Equestria, considering that during its founding we faced constant threats against creatures from other kingdoms. But because this world didn’t have any magic, it would assume that their knowledge would be safe here.’

‘And yet you failed to realize that the Sirens nearly endangered this world.’ said Luke.

The others were greatly surprised by what he said. ‘How did you…?’ said Sunset, clearly surprised by his revelation.

‘When I last meditated,’ said Luke ‘I looked through the Force and saw Sunset and her friends’ past. I’ve seen what they went through, and the trials they’ve faced. Thanks to them, the Sirens were defeated and their medallions were destroyed.’

Luke then looked at the EG Mane 5 ‘Although I was also disappointed that they would even think that she was the one who revealed their secrets and automatically thought it was her.’

The others noticed that the EG Mane 5 had guilty looks on their faces. ‘Uh, did we miss something?’ asked human Twilight, for she wasn’t there when it happened.

‘It was…during the holidays.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘See,’ said human Rarity ‘A while back we invited Sunset over to our sleepover because we wanted to spend some time with her. Until a secret blogger named Anon-A-Miss revealed an embarrassing secret about Applejack.’

‘We tried to wave it off,’ said human Applejack ‘Until we found a bunch of pictures and videos about our sleepover, and we thought it was Sunset who revealed our secrets.’

‘Turns out,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘Anon-A-Miss ended up posting more secrets about everyone else at our school.’

‘But Sunset came over to us and said that she didn’t do it, for if she did, she wouldn’t have said all those nice things about us before our pictures were posted online.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘But it turned out,’ said human Fluttershy ‘Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were jealous and resented Sunset, so they ended up doing all that just to get back at her and they would spend time with us.’

Everyone else, except Luke, stared at them in shock, whilst Sunset looked away, not wanting to relive those memories again, whilst human Twilight comforted her when she didn’t realize what she had been through.

‘Why would you do that?’ said Fluttershy ‘Why would you abandon your friend?’

‘We thought she did it because…’ said human Applejack before she was cut off.

‘It don’t matter,’ said Applejack ‘If she said she didn’t do it, she didn’t do it.’

‘Yeah,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered near them ‘Just because it looked like someone did it doesn’t mean they actually did it.’

‘Indeed,’ said Rarity, clearly also disappointed ‘From what Twilight told us, she worked hard every day trying to make up for what she did. And after everything she tried to do, even helped save your life from the Sirens and tried to help you see reason, you still do not trust her?’

‘I mean seriously,’ said Spike ‘Even I wouldn’t just accuse someone like that.’

‘I was also disappointed.’ said Twilight, whilst she also looked mad ‘You five promised me you’d help her and look after her. She loved you girls, why would you even think she would do something like that?’

The EG Mane 5 had guilty looks on their faces, feeling really ashamed.

‘Do you guys trust me?’ asked Twilight.

‘Well, of course we do darling…’ said human Rarity, before Twilight cut her off.

‘Then why couldn’t you trust Sunset enough to when I asked you to look after her.’ said Twilight ‘I trust Sunset enough to know that she’s never lying.’

‘But…’ said human Pinkie Pie.

‘Look,’ said Twilight as she told them ‘Ever since I moved to Ponyville, my friends taught me everything what it meant to be honest, loyal, generous, kind and laugh with friends. From Sunset’s writing and from what I’ve seen when I came back to help you stop the Sirens, I could see she’s changed, that she wants a second chance, that she really wants to have friends. So I could tell that she was telling the truth, even write the truth when she told me what happened.’

Twilight then looked at human Applejack ‘And Applejack, from what she last wrote to me when she went to help you on the farm, and even helped save your trees from being infected, you say you were grateful. You said that you could tell when someone’s lying and telling the truth, so why didn’t you do it for Sunset?’

Human Applejack looked down, for the Princess did have a point.

‘And Rainbow Dash,’ said Twilight as she looked at human Rainbow Dash ‘You said that you were loyal to your friends, yet you didn’t stand up for her and slandered her, you even abandoned her when she needed a friend the most. Maybe you’re not as loyal as I thought.’

Human Rainbow Dash looked down, discouraged by her words, before she looked at Human Fluttershy.

‘And Fluttershy. Ever since Sunset saved you, she helped you realize that there was still kindness in this world. And after you were the first one to forgive her, she made a promise to look after you. And you ended up abandoning her, you were even cruel to her. Whatever happened to forgiveness and give someone a chance?’

Human Fluttershy then began to shed tears whilst she looked away. She then looked at human Rarity next.

‘And Rarity, you know Sunset would never hurt you or insult you or hurt your feelings? Did you really even forgive her after the whole Spring Fling debacle. She tried to make up for it every day, and you know she’d never do anything to make you feel bad. You always give and expect nothing in return, yet from what I’ve seen, even after she was thankful for what you did, you expected way too much that she was the guilty culprit, well you of all people should realize that not everypony can live up to your expectations.’

Rarity tried her best not to shed tears, but the ruined mascara can tell otherwise. She then lastly looked at human Pinkie Pie next.

‘And Pinkie Pie, you should know that Sunset would never hurt any of you on purpose, you know she’d never sell your secrets like that. And instead you made her cry. You branded her a monster, again. Didn’t you even feel bad for abandoning her and not realize that there must have been a misunderstanding?’

Now human Pinkie looked away, not feeling to look at her.

Twilight then sighed as she looked down and said ‘You wanted to know the real reason why I didn’t want to come visit? Because I was greatly disappointed at all of you.’

The EG Mane 5 were shocked by what she said, but she continued ‘You promised me you’d help and look after her, and you five broke that promise. And then you did it again because of Wallflower. Sure she may have used the Memory Stone, but you shouldn’t have dismissed her like that. You’re lucky I didn’t tell Princess Celestia what happened.’

‘Indeed,’ said Celestia, with the coldest glare she could ever give ‘For if any of you were to have hurt her beyond recognition. Let’s just say the punishment would be greater than you could imagine.’

Now they were really afraid, until Luke cleared his throat. They realized he hadn’t interrupted, for he wanted to hear what they had to say. Before things could get awkward, Twilight turned around and wanted to join him.

‘Twi?’ said human Applejack. Twilight stopped and didn’t look, but she could tell they felt really bad. ‘We’re really sorry.’

‘I know you girls are.’ said Twilight ‘You girls are my friends and nothing can change that.’

She then partially looked at them, with her own icy stare as she said ‘But. My trust. Is something you five are going to have to earn back.’

As she walked away, they felt really guilty for what they put Sunset through, twice. Twilight then stood next to Luke before they continued on with their walk, but then her face saddened. She then felt Luke’s hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him.

‘I’m sorry.’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘I know that couldn’t have been easy.’

Twilight sighed as she said ‘I feel bad for saying it. But…’

‘I know.’ said Luke ‘I felt the same way when I first started my journey. But the one thing I learned, is that sometimes when it comes to uniting others, one needs to learn to trust one another. But those girls are young, they have a long way to go before they can grasp on what you and the others learned. You taught your pony friends the true meaning of friendship, maybe you can do the same for them once this is over.’

Twilight gave a sigh. For even though she was angry at her CHS friends for breaking their promise and accuse her without giving Sunset a chance to explain, she felt guilty for telling them off. ‘I’ll try.’ said Twilight ‘After we’ve finished here.’

‘Agreed.’ said Luke.

They eventually made it to the door that was deep within the tunnel. They looked at it, wondering what would be on the other side.

‘Um,’ said Fluttershy ‘What do you, <gulp>, think is on the other side?’

‘You mean like what kind of Sith Lord?’ asked Spike.

‘So far we’ve only met a few that stood out from what Master Skywalker has told us.’ said Rockhoof.

‘Indeed,’ said Somnambula ‘I dread to find who else is behind this door.’

‘Guess we won’t know until we try.’ said Flash Magnus, holding his shield at the ready.

Luke then reached out and used the Force to open the door. The doors slowly opened, allowing all of them to walk inside. As they reached the center of the room, they noticed that there was nothing inside. However, they didn’t want to assume anything, considering how they underestimated their last encounters.

Luke closed his eyes to reach out and feel around him. So far he didn’t sense anything, until he caught a glimpse, allowing Luke to open his eyes and said ‘He’s here.’

When all of a sudden, bits and pieces of dust all around them began to form, allowing them to fly like a miniature dust tornado, whilst it was also glowing at the same time, from bright to dark, causing all of them to stand at the ready. Luke didn’t need to activate his Lightsaber, not until the being showed itself.

Until at last, the being took form. It was floating, it had no legs, but from his waist up, it had what appeared to be ancient Sith armour, with shoulder pads, clawed fingers, a helmet with a mask up front, and revealing his yellow glowing eyes, whilst it’s body also showed partial crack lines as if they were molten lava. The others were feeling a sense of terror from seeing this so called being.

‘It’s a…’ said Rainbow Dash as she was about to trail off.

‘An actual ghost.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

The ghost then hovered slowly to the travelers and floated near them.

‘Do you know, who I am?’ said the ghostly figure, staring at them with so much hatred and evil in his eyes.

‘Yes. You’re Darth Bane.’ said Luke, prompting surprise looks from every creature and pony in the room. ‘You were the Darth Lord of the Sith from a long time ago.’

‘And know how I am not and never will be forgotten?’ said the dead Sith Lord.

Princess Celestia, with a stern glare, stood next to Luke and said ‘You created the Rule of Two.’, which surprised the EG Mane 7, for he was the Sith Lord that created the Rule of Two.

The Sith spirit slowly hovered around them as he said ‘The Sith slaughtered themselves in droves. Victims of their own Arrogance and their own Greed. Until finally, through the ashes of destruction, I became the last Sith Lord. I chose to pass my knowledge unto only one. I created a legacy so resilient, that it would one day befall the fall of the Jedi and the Republic. And now, you’ve come here.’

The Sith spirit chuckled, amused that they had come for something. ‘Have you come to learn? You must kill me to take my place.’

‘You’re nothing but all talk.’ said Luke, gaining the Sith Spirit’s attention. ‘You were once the most feared race throughout the galaxy, and you allowed yourselves to be slaughtered over senseless violence, with no remorse or mercy. And instead of training more, you chose to train one. When the teachings were passed, the last two Sith Lords ended up creating a war between the Republic and the Separatists. And when their wounds were too deep, you struck, killing the Jedi and turning the Republic into a ruthless empire. But like the Sith of old, you have failed.’

‘You dare challenge me, fool?’ said the dead Sith ghost.

‘Indeed I do.’ said Luke ‘You, who once claim to be the best, and yet you chose to hide in the shadows like cowards. If you had remembered the old history of the Sith, they would never hide from the shadows. And from what I have seen, you have only disappointed them.’

The Sith Spirit floated towards Luke and said ‘You do not fear me?’

‘Why would I fear a Sith that had been slain by his own apprentice?’ said Luke.

‘I will give you a reason to fear me.’ said Darth Bane, until…

A bright flash was displayed, revealing to be both Celestia and Luna, shining their horns so bright like the brightest of stars. Both of them showing no fear to the fallen Sith Lord.

‘You shall not take another step.’ said Celestia.

‘You have caused enough death and destruction for a long forgotten empire.’ said Luna.

‘You cannot think to stop me,’ said Darth Bane ‘Darkness will always triumph!’

Darth Bane unleashed his Force Lightning onto them, when all of a sudden, Sunset grabbed Luke’s Lightsaber and blocked it, trying her best to keep the dead Sith Lord at bay.

‘Foolish girl,’ said Darth Bane ‘You cannot hope to match the power of the Dark Side on your own.’

She continued to hold her ground, until she felt a hand on her left shoulder, revealing human Rainbow, Applejack and Fluttershy on her left, then she looked to her right, seeing human Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. All six of her friends standing by her.

‘She ain’t alone!’ said human Applejack.

‘And darkness will never prevail!’ said human Rarity.

‘Cause as long as we have friendship on our side!’ said human Twilight.

‘And the power of harmony itself!’ said human Fluttershy.

‘We’ll never leave each other hanging!’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘We’ll be there for each other no matter what!’ said human Pinkie Pie.

Sunset smiled at this, for they were right. She then looked at Darth Bane with a smirk. ‘And throughout our entire journey, we learned the most powerful lesson of all.’

Then at the same time, all seven of them transformed and ponied up whilst in their sparkling clothes.

They all then shouted ‘Friendship is Magic!!’

And using their power, they fired a powerful blast at the dead Sith Lord, causing it to scream as it was evaporated into nothingness.

Sure enough, the dust settled, and everything seemed to be back to normal, much to their relief. As they turned back to normal, Sunset and the others were glad that they were able to beat it.

Luke walked up and said ‘You seven have done well.’

Luke gestured the others to follow him, for he knows the look in the girls’ eyes, knowing that they needed to get a few things off of their chests, which they did as they all followed him.

‘Um, Sunset?’ asked human Applejack.

Sunset, who still remembered from the talk that Princess Twilight had with them, answered, still feeling nervous after all that, but didn’t answer.

‘Look, ah know you don’t wanna talk and all…’ said human Applejack.

‘But the truth is…’ said human Rarity.

All of them have lumps in their throats, none know how to talk about this.

Human Rainbow Dash was the first to start as she said with her arms behind her back ‘We’re really sorry of what we put you through. Both before the holidays and during Wallflower.’

‘It’s just,’ said human Fluttershy ‘We did trust you and promised Princess Twilight to look after you and help you. After the Sirens, we were at ease. But…’

‘We really stink and moving on from the past,’ said human Pinkie Pie, though her poofy hair didn’t change ‘After the sleepover at Rarity and our video came up, I guess our old feelings from back then popped up. You begged and pleaded that you weren't the one who did it, but…’

‘But because of our pride,’ said human Rarity, feeling just as ashamed ‘We forgot that very trust that you built with us. We kept thinking that you were responsible, but we thought you were hiding yet another façade.’

‘And when it turned out to be our sisters all along,’ said human Applejack ‘We felt the worst kind of pain we ever felt. You tried to tell us, and we abandoned you like you were nothing.’

‘Plus,’ said human Rainbow Dash as she folded her arms ‘We also forgot that you didn’t have any family or other friends to go back to. We didn’t listen. Because of us, you were alone…again.’

‘And we know that Wallflower was responsible for erasing our memories of you,’ said human Rarity ‘But it was no excuse of us of how we treated you, thinking that you were still the bully. We wanted to be angry at Wallflower, but you forgave her. You were always much stronger than us.’

‘We tried to spend time with you every day, trying to make you smile and laugh and spend time with you,’ said human Pinkie ‘We felt really horrible of how we treated you on both those occasions.’

‘You needed a friend, and we ended up betraying you.’ said human Fluttershy, showing some tears. ‘We were so horrible to you. We don’t deserve forgiveness. We don’t deserve…’

They were suddenly hugged by Sunset, who held onto them tight. She shed a few tears of her own, saying ‘Don’t you say that. Don’t you ever say that to yourselves.’

She looked at them with tears in her own eyes. ‘I know you girls didn’t have any reason to trust me, not after everything I put you through.’

She wiped her eyes as she spoke to them. ‘Yes, I was a horrible person, and I know all of you had no other reason to trust me. But I owe it to both Princess Twilight for opening my eyes and to you five for being there for me when I went through some tough times. And when your memories of me were erased, I was still hurt that all of those horrible bits and pieces of my past that kept coming up. But it also taught me that even though I changed, I still wasn’t very nice to some people, even if I didn’t do it on purpose. I was so focused on spending time with all of you, I barely paid attention to anything else around me. It took Wallflower and Trixie to help me realize that even though I stopped being mean, I need to learn to be mindful of what I do to others, even if I was too pig headed to see it.’

She looked at them with her own smile ‘But if it weren't for Princess Twilight and all of you, I wouldn’t be who I am today. What I’m trying to say is, I don’t hold any grudges over you. I’ve already forgiven you for those moments that happened. And you girls are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And for that I will always be grateful.’

Hearing those words, the girls couldn’t help but smile and shed tears of their own. They ended up hugging all together, with human Twilight decided to come in.

From the distance, everyone took a peek and looked, causing many to smile (Although Starswirl did what he could to muffle Pinkie Pie’s mouth to make sure the moment wasn’t ruined) from seeing it, even Luke couldn’t help but smile when he saw this.

‘You see,’ said Luke ‘Though we may sometimes hit some obstacles along the way, all it takes is one moment for all of them to come together and be the best they can be.’

Twilight blinked, and looked at him surprised. ‘Wait, you knew they would talk to one another about this?’

‘Indeed I did,’ said Luke ‘I knew that from what happened a long time ago still plagued the back of their minds, and they needed to open themselves up a bit more so that they could finally be at peace.’

He looked at her and said ‘Sometimes Failure can be your greatest teacher, and learning from your mistakes make you better prepared from making the same mistake again. But if you do not overcome those said feelings, then you cannot be at peace for what the future lies ahead. If you let your fear control you, then you cannot move on to have a future for the sake of others around you.’

Twilight looked down and pondered with this, and realized that what he said made some sense. She took this lesson to heart and nodded, whilst looking at Luke. ‘Thank you Master Skywalker. I think I understand now.’

‘Think nothing of it Twilight.’ said Luke.

Sure enough, after the Equestrian girls had finished their hugs and tears were wiped away, as well as a few smiles.

‘Come on,’ said human Twilight ‘We’d better catch up with the others.’

As they walked, the others continued walking towards the tomb of the next First Jedi. They reached the next tomb and opened the door. When they walked through, they were surprised to see another set of Holocrons. But these felt somehow different.

When Luke used the Force to open them, he and the others were surprised to see what they were seeing. They saw the specific Jedi using the Force and other various techniques of the Force that no one had ever seen before. However, Luke saw that the Jedi somehow used the Force to stop a blaster round with great focus, much to his surprise.

‘Incredible.’ said Starswirl as he observed them ‘It appears that the Jedi have recorded themselves using the Force that no one has never seen before.’

‘Indeed,’ said Luke ‘And truly this is a miracle.’

‘Why is that?’ asked Spike.

‘Well basically,’ said Luke as he looked at the young dragon ‘When the Jedi fell, the Emperor seized the Temple and used it as his personal office. Before my master Kenobi went into hiding, he destroyed most of the important crystals so that the Emperor could not go far with his plans, despite having access to the Jedi Holocrons. This here is what the first Jedi had hidden without anyone even noticing.’

‘You’re right,’ said Stygian ‘That is truly fortunate.’

‘Now all we have to do is to…’ said Luke before he was cut off.

‘Open the coffin?’ said the two Pinkie Pies. Luke was surprised to see that both of them had already opened the coffin and took out its contents. Human Pinkie Pie held onto a Lightsaber, whilst Pinkie Pie held onto a cylinder container holding the next clue it contains.

Pinkie Pie then said ‘I already opened it and read its next clue. It says that the next one was somewhere in the middle of an ocean, which human me was able to deduce that it’s in the middle of an island.’

‘We went there during our Spring Break, and I was able to find this.’ said human Pinkie in full babble mode whilst also holding a Lightsaber that appeared to have a spinning circle on it, with her saying ‘Oooh, spinny!!’

Luke figured that the Lightsaber she was holding appeared to have the same likeness as the Inquisitors once wielded a while back, though it had been strange that the first Jedi would somehow have a weapon similar to thiers.

He accepted the Lightsaber from human Pinkie Pie, whilst he couldn’t help but rub the top of her head, with the said girl giggling from his gentleman nature.

‘Are you sure from what you’ve read?’ asked Luke when he looked at the certain Pink Pony, with her nodding rapidly.

‘Very well then,’ said Luke, then he contacted R2 once more. ‘Artoo, bring another haul of crates over, we have another set of Holocrons here.’

R2 beeped at the response. Luke then looked at the two Princesses and asked ‘Do you two wish to return to Equestria?’

‘Of course Master Skywalker.’ said Princess Luna with a nod and a smile.

R2 beeped over the communications, which Luke listened. He said to them ‘Artoo has offered to take you lot back to your world.’

‘Really?’ said Princess Celestia ‘Are you sure?’

‘He is sure.’ said Luke. He looked at the EG Mane 7 and said ‘And in the meantime, if any of you are up to the challenge, I would be happy to teach all of you what I know.’

‘Oh, of course Darling.’ said human Rarity. ‘As long as it’s not too icky or anything.’

‘Do not worry,’ said Luke whilst he chuckled and gestured to the Fashionista. ‘I will make sure it doesn’t come to that.’

Sure enough, after all of them got back topside and had gathered as much of the Holocrons as they could, R2 took both the ruling monarchs back to Equestria, whilst Luke looked at the others and said ‘So, are any of you ready?’

‘Of course, Master Luke.’ said Princess Twilight and the others bowed to him, for what they were about to learn were the stepping stones of something greater.

Chapter 12: The deserted Island

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Shortly after R2 had left, Luke decided to teach them what the Holocron showed them. He taught them all to meditate so that all of them could be better connected to the Force. After the Equestria Girls had seen what he and the others had seen before they arrived, they were amazed that they could feel everybody throughout the galaxy, as well as their own world. Though human Rainbow Dash had somewhat been impatient about this, her pony counterpart was able to calm her down. Though Rainbow may not be patient either, she remembered that it was because of her brashness that made her nearly ruin her friendship with Rarity, which she also learnt that she can’t force others to do the things she likes, a lesson she learnt the hard way when she tried to force Fluttershy into watching the Dragon migration, and she ended up getting kicked in the gut and nearly had her ribs fractured as a result.

Luke taught them on how to use the Force. He showed the non-unicorns to lift things using the Force. They were impatient at first, but thankfully with an hour or so trying, they was able to lift a few things. Yona had been trying hard, but she nearly fell faint when she tried, which Sandbar was able to help her. Smolder cursed herself in her language when she got frustrated, but thanks to Silverstream, she was able to calm down. Ocellus had surprisingly made good progress as she meditated whilst she lifted things at the same time, with Gallus trying his best too. The Mane 6 and their counterparts were having trouble at first, but they were able to get things done.

Next up came the hardest part of their training; how to wield their Lightsabers. Luke allowed them to train with the Lightsabers, but made sure that they were engaged in stun mode so that they wouldn’t hurt anybody else, which seems to be working greatly. Spike, despite his smallish side, showed that he wasn’t willing to give up and would continue to try, for he may have protected Twilight from the first Sith, he needed to prove himself to be better, which he hoped he would be when the time was right.

Sure enough, the next morning, everyone and everypony was still wide awake, as all of them had a quick nap before they continued where they left off. But what interested them, was that human Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, and human Applejack, along with Spike and Smolder, all holding Lightsabers that Luke had let them borrow, with all of them setting into stun mode in order to ensure that they wouldn’t hurt anyone around them. They saw Luke holding his ground whilst he also activated his Lightsaber. With the count of three, all of them engaged in battle, trying to get past Luke’s defenses. But to their amazement, he kept blocking them perfectly, as if he were Master Windu himself.

Human Rainbow Dash predictably attacked from behind, rushing him without even thinking, with Luke dodging her, and ended up tripping her, making her fall face first in the dirt. Human Applejack tried the same thing, until Luke flipped her over as if she were a sack of potatoes. Smolder tried to get past too, but ended up tripping over a small rock that she didn’t see coming.

Spike and Sunset seemed to have the upper hand, for both because the both of them could feel the Force, and that a mysterious voice convinced them to try and help the others. Luke could sense it, for the Force was strong in both of them.

The Young Six were progressing too so far, as all of them were synced. They even took a power nap before things were really busy. After about several hours of sleep, they woke up whilst both Pinkie Pie and her counterpart brought them some coffee and breakfasts muffins. After they were done eating, they all stood up, only to see that the Ebon Hawk had returned and landed safely where they are.

As soon as Celestia and Luna climbed out, they were greeted by Luke and the others.

‘I assume all of you are well?’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed Master Skywalker.’ said Princess Luna.

‘We had to inform our fellow advisors that we would be busy for the next month, so we were able to buy ourselves some time.’ said Celestia.

‘So, now that the gang’s all here,’ said puppy Spike ‘Anyone have any idea where we were supposed to be going?’

‘According to the map,’ said Luke as he showed them a hologram of the planet ‘The next clue is located right here, on an island in the middle of the ocean.’

When Sunset and the others looked at it, all of them groaned loudly when they saw it, taking the others by surprise.

‘Is something wrong?’ asked Mage Meadowbrook.

‘We’ve been there before.’ said human Applejack.

‘You have?’ asked Twilight.

‘Yeah,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she babbled ‘It was where when all of us at CHS were on Spring Break, so all of us took a cruise. We tried to enjoy it, but Applejack kept being seasick and Rainbow Dash ruined half of our…’

‘Pinkie!!’ shouted the others, causing Pinkie to wince with a sheepish grin and Rainbow Dash cringed at what happened.

‘Wait, ruined what now?’ asked Applejack.

Sunset then explained whilst she rubbed the back of her head as she said ‘Well, see. Twilight, our Twilight, helped plan and arranged for us to go on a cruise for Spring Break. We all wanted to take a break from everything that had happened lately.’

‘Then Rainbow Dash of all people,’ said human Applejack whilst she was glaring at her friend ‘Ended up being obsessed with fighting evil and ended up ruining half of our friends’ Spring Break.’

‘She did what?’ said Twilight, then asked ‘What did she do?’

‘Well, let’s see.’ said human Pinkie Pie as she pointed a few things out ‘She made Applejack’s seasickness worse, she ended up getting a ton of wires ripped out that Twilight was trying to fix the ship when it got struck by lightning, she scared all of the animals at the petting zoo that the other kids wanted to enjoy, and what was the last one? Oh yeah…’

Human Pinkie Pie suddenly yelled in Rainbow Dash’s face as she said ‘She ended up getting me banned from the Buffet!!!

What?!!’ shouted Pinkie Pie, then she was right in human Rainbow Dash’s face as she shouted ‘Why would you do that?!!!

‘I just wanted to…’ said human Rainbow before she was cut off.

‘You just wanted an excuse to use your magic to save the day like a hothead.’ said human Applejack.

‘Wait,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered close to her counterpart ‘You were obsessed into being a hero, over having some fun with your friends? What is wrong with you?’

Before her human counterpart could speak, Rainbow Dash said ‘Look, I get it, you wanted to save the day, believe me, I do too. But even I needed to take a break from everything danger related every once and a while. Plus, I’d never ruin my friends’ fun time, even I know better than that.’

Hey, I was just looking out for my friends!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash.

‘Oh really,’ said human Applejack ‘Like you “Looked out” for us when yer ego got out of hand during the Battle of the Bands?’

‘Or like you “Looked out” for Sunset when you and the others accused her of being a Cyber bully, which didn’t make sense because after everything she did by working hard to earn your trusts you still didn’t believe her.’ said human Twilight.

‘Or like you “Looked out” for us when you got us all trapped in the magic mirror, which wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t spoken out rudely at Juniper Montage when she was still upset.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘Or our personal favorite, like you “Looked out” for us when you ruined our Spring Break?’ said Sunset Shimmer lastly.

Human Rainbow Dash growled in frustration, for she didn’t want to be reminded of those days.

‘Answer me this,’ said Luke as he approached her. She was somewhat nervous at first when he was standing in front of her, with Luke saying ‘Did you act this way because you craved for fame, adventure and excitement?’

Human Rainbow Dash was nervous about answering at first, but before she could even speak, Luke cut her off as he spoke to her.

‘Jedi do not crave for such things.’ said Luke ‘We do not go out in the galaxy seeking fame, adventure and excitement. You were focused on the glory ever since you gained your powers, and in the process, you were overconfident and nearly had all of your friends hurt.’

‘But I…’ said human Rainbow Dash before she was cut off.

‘Your friends did have a point though,’ said Luke ‘You claim that you would look out for them, yet during the times that all of you were together you have a habit of rushing into things without thinking things through.’

Human Rainbow Dash groaned in frustration and wanted to argue back, but then she remembered what Twilight had told her and her friends, that because of the fact they only acted without thinking, they hurt one of their friends. She looked down and had both her arms crossed, thinking about those certain events. She then felt a bump by her leg, and saw Ocellus standing next to her.

‘Look, we’re going to try and level with you,’ said Ocellus ‘We know you care about your friends and like our Rainbow Dash, you don’t like to share your feelings and you’re not good at releasing them. But if you’re not always open about yourself, then you’ll end up making a huge mistake.’

‘Yeah, I mean look at us,’ said Smolder when she stood next to her ‘We’re a lot different and because of the way we are, we always end up being criticized and laughed at, even having others fear us. But if there was one thing that our teachers had taught us, is that if you don’t work out the way you want it to, then work through it together.’

‘Yeah,’ said Silverstream ‘I mean didn’t you even bother to apologize to Sunset after you lot thought that she was the Cyber Bully.’

‘Or did you ever apologize to the others from ruining your Spring Break because you wanted to have an adventure.’ said Sandbar.

Yona then came forward and spoke calmly to Rainbow Dash. ‘Yona tell friend this. Friend need to learn to relax, like Yak. Yaks always ten to go overboard. Yaks be warriors, Yaks be wise, and Yaks once learned that Yaks need to have time out for Yak. Friend needs to stop. Focus. And sit still before going in blindly like this.’

Luke then stood near human Rainbow Dash as he said ‘I once thought like you did. I too once rushed in without thinking things through.’

Luke then took off his glove whilst he said ‘And I paid the price for it.’

He showed her his robotic hand, much to human Rainbow Dash’s shock, even the rest of the EG Mane 7 when they saw Luke’s robotic hand. He placed his glove back on and said to her ‘You need to learn to be mindful of your surroundings and those around you. If you do not overcome this, then you will likely no doubt cause their downfall rather than defending them.’

He then turned around and said ‘If you do not, then you will only be a burden to them.’

Human Rainbow Dash stood up and said ‘I am not a burden. I’d never leave my friends hanging.’

‘If what you say is true.’ said Luke whilst he picked up a Lightsaber from where R2 had stored. He then tossed it to human Rainbow Dash, which she looked at him in confusion, until he turned around and pulled his own Lightsaber out ‘Then prove it.’

Luke activated his Lightsaber, taking everyone by surprise. At first they wanted to stop it, but Starswirl signaled them not to, for he knew what Luke was doing.

‘But first,’ said Luke, then he rapidly extended his left hand, and used Force Pull to pull human Rainbow Dash’s pendant away, much to her shock, causing Luke to catch it. ‘You rely on one skill too much. By fighting your opponent using the same tactic, you’re more than likely to be predictable to your enemies.’

‘Hey!!’ shouted human Rainbow Dash ‘Give that back!!’

‘Then come get it.’ said Luke after he placed it in his pocket.

Human Rainbow Dash on the other hand was a bit nervous at first and said ‘Look dude, I don’t want any…’

Luke suddenly jumped up and raised his Lightsaber in the air, with human Rainbow quickly blocking it. As their sabers clashed, Luke pushed human Rainbow Dash until she was on her one knee and tried her best to keep herself balanced.

‘Focus,’ said Luke ‘Look at your opponent, not your weapon.’

Luke continued to clash with human Rainbow Dash. She tried to block left and right, with Luke trying to strike her down, much to the others’ worry. ‘Shouldn’t we stop them?’ said Sunset.

‘No,’ said Starswirl, much to their surprise ‘I know what he’s doing. She will reveal what is blocking her mind, and she will become a better person.’

‘How do you know?’ said human Twilight.

‘Because I did the same thing with both Celestia and Luna.’ said Starswirl, much to the others’ surprise.

Human Rainbow Dash continued to block Luke. She remembered doing fencing back at school, but this was different. She tried to counter, but Luke ended up deflecting her attack and tripped her, causing her to collapse on the ground, causing the others to worry. Human Rainbow Dash looked at Luke, but was now annoyed.

‘You’re not fighting me,’ said Luke after he turned his Lightsaber off whilst holding his left hand behind him ‘You’re fighting yourself. And losing.’

Human Rainbow Dash got ticked off and stood up whilst holding the Lightsaber in her hands tightly. She tried to strike, but Luke dodged to the left.

‘You’re not committed to this,’ said Luke, before he dodged right ‘You should quit.’

‘I don’t quit.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she growled in frustration ‘I never quit.’

Luke then ended up holding her hand backwards so that she couldn’t move, but Luke spoke ‘I once wanted to quit too, I wanted to turn my back on the galaxy. I tried to do the right thing. But then I ended up losing everything because of the Empire, because of my father. The galaxy was paying for my family’s mistakes, and I wanted to make things right ever since.’

‘You’re point.’ said human Rainbow Dash as she strained a bit.

‘Don’t make us feel sorry for what reason you have to be like this,’ said Luke ‘All of us fight for our families and friends, while you, you would rather throw your own family, friends and Scootaloo away for your own amusement!!

Human Rainbow Dash got angry and head butted Luke, making him let go. She then growled and said ‘I still won’t quit.’

‘That’s not what it looks like,’ said as he kept pushing her every time she tried to strike him ‘You really don’t care about them, do you?’

‘That’s not true!!’ shouted human Rainbow Dash as she charged forward again, until Luke caught her right hand whilst he held onto her Lightsaber.

‘But it’s what they ended up believing, isn’t it?!’ said Luke, which caused human Rainbow Dash to groan in frustration as she pulled away.

As human Rainbow Dash charged again, Luke ended up dodging left and right, whilst he said ‘You’d rather ran away from your problems, you’d rather run away from your friends just to find adventure for your own amusement!!’

‘Lies!!’ shouted human Rainbow Dash.

As their sabers clashed, Luke shouted right in her face ‘Then what’s the truth?!!’

‘The…the truth is…’ said human Rainbow Dash as she began, then looked at Luke straight in the eyes as she said ‘All I wanted to do was to help my friends!!’

As they continued with their so called duel, human Rainbow continued to speak. ‘Ever since what Sunset did to us, I didn’t trust anyone else or my old friends again!! But after Princess Twilight helped us, she asked us to help her!! At first I had a hard time trusting her, but I made a promise to look after her with the others and we did!!’

Luke jumped over her and blocked her once more and continued to clash sabers whilst she said ‘I slowly began to trust her!! But deep down I didn’t because if I did, I would’ve asked her to be part of our band, but I didn’t!! I still didn’t trust her, even after everything she did to prove that she changed!! After we beat the Sirens, I was inspired by her courage!! I wanted to be like her!!’

Sunset was a little surprised by this revelation, but then as Luke and Rainbow clashed sabers again, he said ‘And yet you abandoned her when you thought she revealed your secrets, even when she was too afraid to lose her friends!!’

‘I didn’t know!!’ shouted human Rainbow again as they clashed sabers again.

‘And worst, you left her crying!!’ said Luke ‘You left her when she needed you the most!! And you spat all that in her face after everything she ever did to earn your trust!!’

He jumped over her again and blocked her, but continued to clash sabers from every position ‘You knew that she didn’t have anyone else to turn to!! She never wanted to lose any of you!! She would never do anything to hurt you, and yet you ended up hurting her!!’

They once again clashed sabers, then Luke was face to face with human Rainbow Dash ‘And after the truth got out of who was responsible, you didn’t scold them, you didn’t even apologize to her!!’

Human Rainbow Dash pushed him away, whilst she shouted ‘I tried to!! Long before the Friendship Games, I tried to make it up to what I did to her every day!! And because of her, I remembered the day she inspired me, so I tried to raise the school’s spirit, just like she raised our spirits!!’

As Luke kept dodging her attacks, she continued ‘After the games, I wanted to distrust Twilight, but she didn’t know what the magic was going to do to her!! And I’ll admit, Sunset could’ve been a little nicer about it, but I felt guilty for not stopping her from yelling at Twilight!!’

Luke used Force Push, causing human Rainbow Dash to land on both her feet and said ‘And after that, I tried to be there for my friends!! During our trip at Camp!! The Music Video!! And the studio!! And it was my fault that Juniper snapped that made her trap us there!! I should’ve kept quiet!! But I didn’t!!’

She clashed her saber with Luke’s once more, whilst she continued ‘I know that when Wallflower erased our memories, we forgot about Sunset!! I still thought she was a bully!! But after we got our memories back, I felt horrible for what I did, what I said to her!! It didn’t excuse me from what I did!! I ended up betraying my friend when she needed me the most, again!!’

Human Rainbow Dash swung her saber, but she missed whilst she scorched part of the park’s stands. ‘After what happened at Equestria World, I made a vow that I would be a better friend!! That I would protect my friends!! It was my fault!! The Battle of the Bands, Anon-A-Miss, Juniper, I should’ve done better!!’

She clashed her saber with Luke’s once more, then she said ‘But ever since Spring Break, I ended up making things worst!! Instead of relaxing and having a fun time, I ruined everything, just like I nearly ruined our friendships over and over!!!!’

Luke pushed her away, causing her to fall backwards on the ground the moment she tripped, much to the others’ shock, but Starswirl used his shield spell to keep them in check.

‘Then why didn’t you confess to them?!! Tell them the truth?!!’ shouted Luke, raising his Lightsaber in the air, much as the others wanted to interfere.

And before Luke could make a blow, human Rainbow shouted ‘I was scared!!!’

Luke stopped right in his tracks, holding his Lightsaber in position. He kept watch on human Rainbow Dash, who kept her head lowered whilst she gripped onto the ground. He soon saw that tears were falling from her eyes, much to their shock.

‘I was scared to talk about to them about it,’ said human Rainbow Dash without trying to hiccup or sobbing ‘But I was never good at it. I didn’t want to lose them. But no matter how hard I try. I just…I just…’

She then held onto her head and lowered it whilst she continued to sob, and soon, her friends were also shedding tears when they saw her like this. Starswirl lowered the shield, allowing them to run towards human Rainbow Dash and hugged her, not liking to see her like this.

Some wondered if Luke had taken it too far. But instead he stood on one knee and told her ‘Everything you did was out of fear of losing your friends. And not everyone can be as strong as you are. But it was because of that fear, you ended up being trapped in a prison of your own making. But only you can break free of what has kept you chained all these years.’

human Rainbow Dash slowly looked up, her face still soaked in tears.

‘But how?’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Why? Why would anyone believe me, after everything I’ve done?’

Luke moved closer to her and placed his hand on her right shoulder. ‘I know it’s not what you wanted to hear. But for what it’s worth. I would also follow you to the ends of the galaxy.’

Human Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but widen his eyes, with Luke saying ‘You’ve come a long way in such a very short time. But where you go from there is up to you. And your family, the ones that chose to rally to you and comforted you, will stand by you no matter what path you take.’

Human Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but hug her friends whilst she continued to sob, whilst at the same time, the rest of her friends began to hug her, trying to comfort her over what she had just experienced. Though the others were surprised by what Luke just did. Human Rainbow Dash, like her pony counterpart, wasn’t good at letting out her feelings, but because of Luke, she had partially come out of her shell. Which for her, was one step closer to being free from her own burden she had been burying all these years.

After all that was said and done, everyone boarded the Ebon Hawk and took off to their next destination. As they traveled, and Human Rainbow Dash decided to have a heart to heart talk with her friends, Twilight decided to talk to Luke about what just happened.

‘Wasn’t that a bit harsh back there?’ asked Twilight.

‘It may seem like that,’ said Luke whilst he focused on piloting the ship ‘But it was also the only way for her to open up. Something I learned a long time ago.’

‘Really?’ asked Twilight ‘From who?’

‘General Syndulla.’ said Luke.

‘Syndulla?’ asked Twilight.

‘Long before the Rebellion had been formed into a large Alliance and that they were nothing but a few Rebel Cells throughout the Galaxy,’ said Luke, telling Twilight about her and her former crew ‘Syndulla, a Twi’Lek of the planet Ryloth, was once a Captain of her ship called the “Ghost”. She had others who joined her on her adventures. A Jedi named Caleb Dume, but later called himself Kanan Jarrus. A Lasat warrior named Zeb Orelius. A Mandalorian girl named Sabine, a droid called Chopper, who is like Artoo. And the youngest one who was Force Sensitive named Ezra Bridger. They once traveled together on many missions and uncovered tons of secrets. Kanan trained Ezra when he found out he was Force Sensitive. They encountered many hardships and overcame many obstacles and somehow they always came on top. She even told me of how Kanan brought Sabine out of her shell so that she could be free from her own pain.’

‘What happened?’ asked Twilight, feeling concerned.

Luke remembered what Syndulla told him the last time they talked. ‘Sabine, as many reckless youths, joined the Imperial Academy to be something else. But when she developed inventions, the Empire used her, her inventions, and used them to enslave the Mandalorians, even killing them with it.’

Twilight was taken aback by shock, but Luke continued.

‘She wanted it all to stop of course.’ said Luke ‘But when she spoke out against them, her family didn’t side with her. They ended up abandoning her, and she had no choice but to leave. She tried her life as a bounty hunter, but even that becomes tiresome. Syndulla took her in because she understood how Sabine felt.’

‘She did?’ said Twilight.

‘Yes.’ said Luke, now explaining Syndulla’s family and her origin. ‘Back during the days of the Clone Wars and her planet was under siege by the Separatists, her father was the leader of a Rebellion, but he didn’t trust the Republic at all, which made him selfish and ended up costing his wife’s life. By the time the Empire came along, he grew more and more cold and distant. Syndulla left soon afterwards, wanting to make a difference in the galaxy, rather than just her homeworld. They let her walk away because they didn’t believe in her.’

‘That’s horrible.’ said Twilight.

‘I agree.’ said Luke ‘Sure enough, they bumped into Sabine and they recruited her, but she had a hard time trusting them by the time she joined. When they found the Dark saber…’

‘Dark Saber?’ said Twilight.

‘Syndulla explained that to me too.’ said Luke ‘The Dark Saber was once made by a Mandalorian named Tar Visla, the first Mandalorian ever to be accepted in the Jedi Order. After he passed away, House Visla, the clan that Tar Visla was born under, snuck inside the Temple and stole it. They used the Saber to slay their enemies and used it as a symbol of leadership, and united all the Clans of Mandalore and they followed the strongest warrior who was worthy to wield the blade.’

Twilight was greatly astonished by the story, with Luke continuing.

‘Sabine didn’t want to wield it because she was afraid to face her family again. But Ezra, the one who was Force Sensitive, reminded her that at least she had parents to go back to.’

Twilight simply dread the thought, but asked ‘What happened?’

‘Shorty after the Empire came to be,’ said Luke ‘Ezra had been born around that day. When he was six years old, his parents, along with his world’s Governor, spoke out against the Empire, until they all got arrested and Ezra was forced to live on the streets. But long before he turned fifteen, he bumped into General Syndulla and her fellow Ghost Crew. It was as if it was fate that brought them together. At first he wanted to be on his own, but after he helped them free a handful of Wookiees that were taken prisoner, he felt a new purpose, even after Kanan offered to train him as a Jedi because he was strong in the Force. But shortly a while later, Ezra spread the message of Rebellion to not just his world and a few others, but as well as the ones who had the highest influence of the Empire’s politicians. The message somehow spread to the prison that Ezra’s parents were locked up. They ended up staging a riot with the Governor and many prisoners were freed. But during the escape, the former Governor escaped, but Ezra’s parents were killed during the riot.’

Twilight was shocked to hear what happened to Ezra’s parents. ‘That’s horrible.’

‘But Kanan taught him an important lesson.’ said Luke.

‘Like what?’ asked Twilight.

‘That life never ceases in death, but merely live on in the Force. And that his parents would always be with him, no matter where he would go.’

Twilight had no words, for in a way it felt deep. But the part of one’s family being there for their families after they were gone felt really nice.

‘With Ezra and Kanan’s help,’ said Luke ‘She was able to go back to Mandalore and apologized to her family. But when a rival Clan, led by Gar Saxon, who was loyal to the Empire, came to the Wren family, he tried to kill them. But Sabine won the duel against him and her mother killed him. One of the Mandalorians, Fen Rau, pointed out that Gar Saxon was guilty of treason against the throne, collaborated with their enemies and were responsible for the deaths of the Protectors, Fen Rau’s Clan.’

‘Fen Rau?’ asked Twilight.

‘Back then when the Rebels were trying to find a safe route to move their forces, they bumped into a group of Mandalorians called the Protectors, but like some races, they were forced to side with the Empire. Kanan knew Fen Rau, for his fellow warriors fought alongside him and his master during the Clone Wars. When the Rebels captured him, Fen Rau convinced his fellow protectors to stand down. But by the time they came back, they found his entire Protectors slaughtered, led by Gar Saxon, who wanted to kill them all from the beginning, even Fen Rau. He decided to join them, but because they found the Dark Sabre, he helped them out, even chose to help them rid of Gar Saxon. After he helped the others free Sabine’s father, they went on the offensive.’

‘And what of Gar Saxon?’ asked Twilight ‘How does he fit into all of this?’

‘Ah,’ said Luke ‘That is quite the tragedy.’

Twilight wondered what he meant, but as all who share knowledge, Luke told her of what they told him from what he remembered.

‘There was once a Sith Lord named Darth Maul,’ said Luke as he remembered what Kenobi and Yoda told him ‘He was the apprentice of the Emperor. Kenobi defeated him, but he somehow survived. Eventually, he made his way to Death Watch.’

‘Death Watch?’ shuddered Twilight.

‘A secret group of Mandalorians who resented the ruler of Mandalore’s pacifistic rule. He conspired with them and were able to lead a coup against them, but after the leader of Death Watch’s usefulness had come to an end, Maul killed him and took over the group. Kenobi tried to help, but Maul killed her. Kenobi was…heartbroken after that.’

Twilight wondered what he meant, until she had a look of shock and sadness on her face when she put two and two together. ‘You mean…those two were…?’

‘They were,’ said Luke ‘Back when Obi-Wan was an apprentice, but because of the Jedi code, they had to part ways. And because of Maul’s influence, half of Death Watch, along with other clans, with Gar Saxon leading them as Maul’s second in command, they took over Mandalore. But there were others who resisted. Among them was the ruler’s sister, Bo Katan, who had a strong influence over most of them, fought alongside the clones and freed Mandalore. But by the time the Empire took over, they continued to resist, but because of Gar Saxon, he was able to gain aid from the Empire and overthrow the capitol.’

‘What about Bo Katan?’ asked Twilight.

‘Whilst they continued to fight for Mandalore, they bumped into Bo Katan.’ said Luke ‘At first, she didn’t want to take the Dark Sabre, for it was the very Sabre that Maul used to kill her sister. It took a lot of convincing, but she was able to accept the Sabre, whilst every clan who wasn’t afraid to fight, united under her rule. Once that was said and done, Sabine, Ezra and Kanan returned to their friends.’

‘What’s she doing now?’ asked Twilight.

‘She’s currently busy fighting across other Mandalorian territories,’ said Luke ‘After they were able to free Mandalore, they chose to go around and fight on their other worlds that the Imperials have taken over and enslaved their people. The fight still goes on for Mandalore.’

‘Didn’t they try to find a more peaceful solution?’ asked Twilight.

‘They tried,’ said Luke ‘But you heard from what I told you, the Mandalorians are an all out Warrior Race who always fight each other and everyone else. It is like trying to tame one of the most dangerous Rathtars.’

‘What’s a Rathrar?’ asked Twilight.

Luke shuddered, whilst he said ‘You don’t want to know.’

‘And…what about Ghost Crew?’ asked Twilight, wondering what happened to those people.

‘Syndulla retired to look after her and Kanan’s child,’ said Luke, which made Twilight squee a bit, for it was cute and it was good for them. ‘Zeb went back to his people to have a normal life, and Kanan…is one with the Force.’

Twilight was shocked by this information ‘What?’

‘He sacrificed himself to save Syndulla, Ezra and Sabine whilst they tried to escape.’ said Luke.

Twilight looked back at AJ for some reason, for she wondered what she would say if she heard a child who grew up without a father, or not even knowing him.

‘Sabine on the other hand is looking for Ezra at the moment.’ said Luke.

‘Wait, looking for Ezra?’ asked Twilight ‘What happened?’

‘Whilst they were trying to free Ezra’s home, he attacked Grand Admiral Thrawn, one of the Empire’s most dangerous officers and strategists, alone on his ship. He was aided by large creatures, who mastered the power of hyperspace travel centuries ago, as they grasped onto the ship they were on and took them to any part of the galaxy. She and Ahsoka, one of the survivors of the Jedi Order and my father’s former apprentice, are still trying to find him.’

‘I hope that they will one day find him.’ said Twilight whilst thinking about Ezra ‘From what you told me about him, he deserves a happy ending.’

‘He does.’ said Luke.

Sure enough, after a long flight, they eventually arrived at a small island, where the EG Mane 7’s ship sank during Spring Break and that all of them were stranded until Sunset helped them find a way back.

The ship landed and all of them shortly departed from it. The moment all of them were at the beach, they immediately took in the scenery, amazed by what they all saw around them, whilst Luke would meditate on top of a rock to determine where to go next.

‘Wow,’ said Fluttershy ‘This place is lovely.’

‘I can totally see a private reserve being here where no one can bother you for miles.’ said Rainbow Dash as she took to the skies and back after a quick look.

‘So where did you say your ship sank?’ asked Twilight.

‘Just over there.’ said human Twilight as she pointed out ‘The ship sank there after it got hit against the rocks.’

‘Which was mah fault,’ said human Applejack whilst she rubbed the back of her head ‘Ah tried to fix the engines of the ship, but I done messed up and connected the wrong wire.’

‘No, it’s my fault.’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Twilight was close to fixing the ship and whilst I got obsessed with evil magic, I dragged her away, and I didn’t realize that she held onto the ship’s wires, which ended up making things worse.’

Human Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack and said ‘And AJ. I’m really sorry I wasn’t any help at all when you were seasick. Some friend I am.’

Human AJ couldn’t help but smile and place her hand on her athlete friend’s shoulder, hinting that all is forgiven, which caused the said athlete to smile back and place her hand on top of her friend’s. It was a good moment until…

‘You know the way two go all mushy on one another,’ said Gallus ‘Makes me realize that the both of you are more than just friends.’

The two then blushed as they pulled away, saying ‘No we aren’t.’

‘Actually, you are.’ said Ocellus, causing them to look at her. ‘I’m a Changeling. I can sense your emotions. And from what I felt, you do have a romantic attraction to one another.’

Now the two were embarrassed, causing them not to say anything, which caused some to giggle. Luke noticed what they were saying, but ignored them as he continued.

‘Luke,’ said Sunset, gaining Luke’s attention, with her saying ‘Can we talk?’

‘Of course.’ said Luke, allowing the both of them to walk together into the woods to discuss things in private.

Sure enough, the two of them were deep enough inside the woods, with Luke asking ‘So what did you want to talk about?’

‘Was it really necessary what you did back there?’ asked Sunset.

‘It was harsh, I know,’ said Luke ‘But she had to realize that sooner or later, what she would do have consequences later.’

‘I know,’ said Sunset, though Dash had it coming, it still felt out of line. ‘But still, you could’ve killed her.’

‘I didn’t,’ said Luke ‘Jedi aren’t like the Sith. They kill without mercy, we are only meant to kill if they left us no other choice. I know you care about Rainbow Dash. But you’ve known her longer than any of your friends, and surely you must understand she would un-doubtingly make more mistakes in the future. Part of a Jedi, means facing their fears. All of you have potential, and now that she has faced her fears, she will no longer rush into action without consequences.’

Luke looked at her and said ‘And someday you will too.’

Sunset looked at him surprised. ‘What?’

Luke stopped, and so did Sunset, allowing the two of them to talk directly. ‘I know you’ve still been having nightmares about your encounter with your demon self through your dreams. For you need to face it again, and only then will you find peace.’

‘But I…’ said Sunset before she was cut off the moment gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

‘I’ve been where you were,’ said Luke ‘No matter how fast you are, no matter where you go, the beast inside will find you. If you can face it, then you have the courage to beat it, no matter how hard anyone else tries to avoid it.’

Sunset crossed her arms whilst she held onto both her arms, feeling doubt in herself. ‘It’s not like I haven’t tried since I was reformed.’

‘No one said that the path to light would be easy.’ said Luke. ‘Remember, I was once the same as you and everyone else when I first started out, and I made so many mistakes it costed me more than you can imagine. But as I got older, I realize that I needed to make things right, otherwise I would be no different than the ones I have faced.’

Luke removed his hand and said ‘But from what I had sensed within you, though you may be conflicted, you still have much room to grow and your life has changed for the better. Because of it, others look to you for guidance, even though you may not have much knowledge of what you face, you can only be prepare for it. I know you think you cannot succeed but you must also understand that both Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight will not always be around to help and protect you. Therefore, you must be prepared for what is to come.’

Sunset looked down for a moment, but was determined as she looked at Luke. ‘I’ll try. I may not get things right the first time, but I’ll try my best.’

Luke smiled as he said ‘That is all I ask for.’

Luke held onto the side of his head, for he felt something. Strangely, Sunset felt it too, causing the two of them to look in the same direction.

‘Did you just…?’ said Sunset whilst she felt it before Luke cut her off.

‘I did.’ said Luke ‘It’s coming from that direction.’

Luke looked at Sunset and said ‘Go back to the others, tell them where we should go.’

‘Got it.’ said Sunset, allowing her to run back to the others, whilst Luke moved ahead.

After going through strands of bushes, vines and branches, Luke was able to make his way to the source of where he felt. It was a large area, and from what he was seeing, it was quicksand. Luke moved towards it and stood near the edge. He crouched and wiped his hand against it, whilst also seeing a glow from it at the same time.

‘Interesting,’ said Luke ‘From what the messages said, they came through here and discovered that the ponies from Equestria can change forms. Sunset and the others mentioned that they were here.’

He suddenly felt a shadowy figure, then quickly looked up, revealing a large plant monster that roared at Luke, causing him to back up quickly. ‘Oh right,’ said Luke ‘They also mentioned that.’

Back with the others, Sunset came to the others and said ‘Guys, Luke and I found out where we’re supposed to go next.’

‘You did?’ asked Rockhoof.

‘Where is it?’ asked Flash Magnus.

‘Just beyond there.’ said Sunset as she pointed the way.

However, human Rainbow Dash had a funny feeling that she knew where that place led. ‘Wait a minute,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Isn’t that the direction where we faced the…?’

‘Plant monster?’ said Sunset as she was suddenly shocked by the revelation. ‘Luke!!!’ shouted Sunset as she ran as fast as she could.

‘Sunset, wait!!’ shouted Twilight as she and the others followed suit.

They ran through the woods as fast as they could in order to reach Luke in time. But the moment they got there, they were suddenly surprised. For Luke was sitting on top of what appeared to be some kind of rock, with him sitting on top, panting, whilst he was holding his Lightsaber, after he had cut the monster to pieces.

‘What took you guys so long?’ asked Luke.

‘Oh right,’ said Sunset as she giggled nervously with a sheepish smile ‘He has a Lightsaber.’

After all of them gathered, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Stygian and Starswirl observed the quicksand portal.

‘Interesting,’ said Starswirl as he observed it ‘I never thought that there would be another portal that would lead back to Equestria.’

‘Sunset,’ asked Celestia as she looked at her former pupil ‘Where did you say this portal led?’

‘Inside the cave from within the Everfree Forest.’ said Sunset.

‘I never knew there was another portal that led to this world,’ said Princess Luna ‘Let alone at Ponyville’s backyard.’

‘Good thing too,’ said Twilight ‘Even if anypony could’ve reached here, they would have nowhere to go, this place is in the middle of nowhere.’

‘Why couldn’t we have just banished Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis here?’ said Spike, causing everyone to look at him. ‘Well think about it, I mean in this world, our magic is useless without any magical artifacts. And plus there would be no one around here for miles.’

‘A fair point,’ said Luna ‘But it would also be dangerous. No one knows what they could plan if they succeeded.’

‘Starswirl,’ said Stygian, gaining the old wizard’s attention ‘Didn’t Gusty the Great attempt to create a portal that would lead to other worlds before you came along?’

‘Indeed she did,’ said Starswirl as he thought about it ‘Although I doubt she would leave any records lying around. If anypony could gain her knowledge, then all would be lost.’

‘No kidding,’ said Sandbar ‘We all saw what Cozy Glow did when she used them.’

‘But uh, quick question?’ asked Gallus ‘Where did they even put the location of the next tomb?’

‘Yeah, I don’t exactly see a place that screams, “Dead Jedi here, come uncover our secrets.”. You’d think they’d have an easier way to teach and show others the way.’

‘If the way of the Jedi were easy, there would be millions of us instead of just dozens.’ said Luke.

‘Indeed,’ said Starswirl ‘Being to where you want to go takes time and experience. Experience that one gains through patience. If not, one could fall into darkness.’

‘I know how that feels.’ said Sunset.

‘But they do have a point.’ said Ocellus ‘Where do we go?’

‘Sometimes the answers we seek,’ said Luke as he slowly stood on one knee and placed his right hand on the ground ‘Lies underneath our feet.’

The ground soon began to tremble a bit, causing a bright light to appear underneath his hand, allowing two strange lines to appear as they circled around the quicksand. The glowing soon died down, allowing the large land that contained the quicksand to be raised. The moment it was at least five feet in the air, it revealed a large doorway, with stairs that led underground.

‘Whoa,’ said Human Rainbow Dash as she zipped right over and looked at the hole ‘There was a secret entrance beneath the entrance? Sweet.’

‘But why hide it underneath a portal?’ asked Sunset.

‘Sometimes when it comes to hiding something important,’ said Luke as he observed the entrance ‘We place them in a place that is so strong in either the light or dark side, no Jedi or Sith could find what they were looking for.’

‘Like hiding something that’s masked with Equestrian Magic?’ asked puppy Spike as he looked down at the entrance.

‘Precisely.’ said Luke, allowing him to be the first to enter inside the entrance, with the others following suit.

As they followed the stairs that continued to go on for the next five minutes, they were able to find solid footing, allowing them to walk straight towards where they needed to go. They saw many murals from the past, where there were a handful of Unicorn Sages who were taught by the Jedi on how to use their magic, even when they were turned human after they traveled to another world.

They were surprised to see Gusty the Great among them, however, to Starswirl’s shock, he saw that from on the last part of the mural, one of the Unicorns were none other than his old student, Clover the Clever.

‘I cannot believe Clover didn’t tell me about this.’ said Starswirl.

‘We all have our secrets Starswirl,’ said Luke as he stood beside the old unicorn wizard ‘Even secrets that were necessary to be kept when they made a vow not to speak of any.’

They continued to walk down the path, and the next mural, they were greatly shocked to see.

They saw that the first Jedi had also faced other creatures like Dragons, Griffons, Yaks and Hippogriffs. But to their shock, they saw that there were Changelings too. They once looked like they were now, until one of the Jedi, who was temporarily consumed with darkness, ended up transforming them into the Changelings that Chrysalis had ruled before her defeat.

‘So the Changelings were never monsters,’ said Ocellus as she was staring at the mural in shock ‘We used to be beautiful.’

She lowered her head in sadness, with Silverstream and the others comforting her.

‘It appears I was wrong about the Changelings.’ said Starswirl. ‘They were once peaceful until their tragic day. Had I known what their fate was I would not hesitate into helping them.’

‘Like you helped Stygian in the past?’ said Luke, causing the Unicorn wizard to wince.

‘Not…my proudest moments.’ said Starswirl, revealing guilt in his voice.

They continued to down the hall until they were able to reach the next set of doors. All of them stood there, staring at it, wondering what they’re going to face there. For of all the Sith Lords that all of them have faced in the past, they were dreading on who they would face next.

‘I hope this Sith Lord isn’t terrifying.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘Considering what we faced through the whole journey, that’s highly unlikely.’ said Spike.

‘Then we will face it, together.’ said Luke.

Luke used the Force to open the doors. Sure enough, all of them have walked through the doors, keeping their guard up, trying to make sure that none of them will be caught with their pants down (Well some of them are wearing pants, but you get the idea).

The doors began to close behind them in a rapid response, taking all of them by surprise. Rainbow Dash then said ‘Come on out and show yourself!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash.

When all of a sudden, they heard a sudden chuckle, making them look ahead. From the shadows, they saw a shadowy figure slowly approaching them, making Luke hold onto his Lightsaber, preparing to fight for just in case, with the ponies and creatures getting ready too, along with the Rainbooms.

The figure slowly approached into the light with his arms behind his back. He slowly lifted his head up whilst lifting his hood. His face was black with red markings all over it, with horns on top, making both Rarity gasp silently (Yeah, their Fashionista senses started to kick in), when they saw him.

‘Whoa,’ said dog Spike ‘Check out the horns on that guy.’

‘Who is that?’ said Fluttershy whilst she was whimpering behind Applejack.

‘Who are you?’ said Princess Celestia.

‘Oh, I am known by many things.’ said the stranger. ‘I used to have a name a long time ago, long before I was tampered. But in time, after some…changes. I became something else. My name, is Maul.’

‘Maul?’ said Luke. Then remembered what Obi-Wan once told him. ‘I remember you. Obi-Wan told me about you.’

‘So, the little farm by knows about me from the rat in the desert.’ said Maul before he chuckled, much to the others’ dismay.

‘Are you a Sith Lord?’ said Princess Luna, making sure that she doesn’t drop her guard.

‘In a manner of speaking.’ said Maul. ‘I was once the apprentice of Darth Sideous long ago. Long before the Empire came. Long before the Clone Wars. Long before my…untimely demise.’

‘Sideous?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘He means the Emperor of the Empire.’ said Luke, which shocked the Rainbooms.

‘Indeed.’ said Maul.

‘So what role did you play in all this?’ said Starswirl.

‘Aye,’ said Rockhoof ‘From what we heard, the likes of you played a role in the Emperor’s schemes to destroy the Jedi and the Republic.’

‘Oh, I played a vital role before and after the Empire’s reign.’ said Maul ‘But to understand…let me tell you more from the beginning.’

He walked back and forth slowly, telling them his tale.

‘Long ago, Palpatine, or as you know as Darth Sideous.’ said Maul as he began ‘Was pretending to be a Senator that served the needs of his home planet of Naboo. But in secret, he trained me in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force. During my training, he convinced a Viceroy of the Trade Federation named Newt Gunrey to place a blockade to prevent them from getting any supplies in order to starve them and make them surrender. But whilst his grand schemes were in the play, the Jedi Order intervened. Both Kenobi and his Master came to put a stop to it, but my Master attempted to move ahead of schedule. But after the Jedi escaped and evacuate the queen and their personnel from their home, they were forced to be in hiding on Tatooine. But Fate, oh. Fate had other plans as the Jedi Master had unwittingly brought someone with them. One that has been strong in the Force.’

‘My father.’ said Luke, whilst keeping his eyes on Maul.

‘Precisely.’ said Maul, continuing to tell them of his past. ‘During that time, they discovered that Anakin Skywalker was powerful with the Force, greater than any Jedi they’ve ever witnessed. All of them believing to be the Chosen one to bring balance to the Force. Before the Jedi Master, his apprentice, Skywalker and the foolish Queen returned, I was sent to put a stop to them. So whilst Skywalker went to the Trade Federation’s station to destroy their command center, I fought both the Jedi Master and Student.’

‘And then you ended up killing the master.’ said Luke.

Maul chuckled, then said ‘Indeed.’

He then stopped and said ‘When Kenobi cleaved my body in half, I fell into the abyss. After the fall, I thought I was going to die, but my hatred made me grow stronger. I made my way to an scrap planet, until one of my people, who were also tampered with like I was, whom I called brother, saved me. He and the witch were responsible put me back together. Once I was whole, I began my hunt for Kenobi, knowing that he wouldn’t be far behind.’

‘But then you realized that you were outmatched,’ said Twilight ‘You realized that you couldn’t do it alone, so Death Watch stumbled upon you. But just like any Sith, you used them and ended up taking over Mandalore. By the time they outlived their usefulness, you ended up killing their leader. Since then, half of the Mandalorian Clans, even half of Death Watch joined your maddening crusade, even killed their Queen, all just to kill a Jedi who only did his sworn duty into protecting the Republic.’

Maul then chuckled. ‘Very good. I see you did your homework on me.’

‘Learning and studying is what I do.’ said Twilight whilst he carefully eyed the former/fallen Sith Lord ‘But now here’s also a question for you. What made you decided to leave Mandalore?’

‘Oh, not by choice, I can tell you that much.’ said Maul. ‘By the time I was sure Kenobi was broken, my master came for me. He ended up branding me a traitor and tried to strike me and my brother down.’

‘Yeah, because you failed to obey the old rule that Bane dude made up.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Oh, yes. The Rule of Two. A foolish one at that.’ said Maul ‘How I envy the Sith of old, who used to roam the galaxy without fear, but then that fool Bane lost his spine instead of making a stand.’

Maul then continued his story whilst walking back and forth.

‘After my Master killed my brother, he attempted to capture me, but I remained on Mandalore after learning a few things from him. By the time he was gone and I had returned, my hold over Mandalore remained strong. I had attempted to lure Skywalker here to end him to ensure my Master’s plan had not succeeded.’

‘But then Ahsoka came along instead.’ said Luke.

‘Indeed she did,’ said Maul ‘She and Bo Katan crossed paths, and they asked the Republic for help. But she was skeptical at first, considering she abandoned the Order after she stopped believing in them. But because of Skywalker, he promoted his Clone Captain to Commander. They took half of the entire 501st Clone Battalion to Mandalore. Gar Saxon and his clans stalled them. During the battle, I encountered Tano, tried to convince her to join me after when I told him that the Emperor had this planned from the beginning and the Empire had already begun to take over from the inside out.’

Maul then sighed as he said ‘But alas, like other Jedi, she was too arrogant and naïve to believe me.’

‘Then how did you escape?’ said Sunset, not taking her eyes off of him.

‘Oh, whilst I was taken prisoner,’ said Maul as he remembered that day all too well ‘My Master had initiated Order 66. He contacted every Clone out there. They nearly killed Ahsoka too, so she had no choice but to free me. And whilst I was the distraction, she lured the Clone Commander, Rex, into her little trap. She ended up freeing him from his programming. As I escaped, Rex tried to reason to his fellow clones, but because of the chips that were placed inside of their heads, Loyalty, Friendship, even the Trust of the Clones and Jedi meant nothing to them anymore. They had no choice but to scuttle their own ship, allowing it to crash on a nearby planet, killing the Clones that Rex fought alongside his whole life, even those he wished to call friends.’

The ponies and their counterparts were horrified of what the Emperor had done, with Maul saying ‘So you think I am a monster? It’s nothing compared to what my master has done.’

‘And during your travels,’ said Luke ‘You ended up running into Ezra Bridger.’

‘Oh, I did.’ said Maul ‘When I stumbled upon him on Malachor, I used him to help me retrieve the Sith Holocron so that I could use it to destroy my Master for betraying me. But realizing that I was outmatched, I had no choice but to escape. But from behind the Shadows I continued to use Bridger for my own purposes. By combining both the Jedi and Sith Holocrons, I used that power to find what I was looking for. And soon, I played my final card of manipulation, and used him to lead me to Tatooine, the very planet that…you resided from.’

‘You were looking for Luke?’ asked Mistmane.

‘No,’ said Somnambula ‘He went looking for the one Jedi who he still had a grudge against, the same one who looked after Luke after his father’s betrayal.’

Both Twilight and Sunset realized whom Somnambula was talking about, with them saying at the same time ‘Kenobi.’

‘Precisely.’ said Maul.

‘But let me guess,’ said Gallus ‘He kicked your butt?’

‘In a manner of speaking.’ said Maul in a bitter tone.

He showed them through the Force. They saw that Maul was standing nearby Kenobi, but older. They were surprised to see Kenobi, for even after all these years, he still looks fit as a fiddle. And from the look on his face, was the wisdom of a true master.

Past Maul sighed as he said ‘Look what has become of you…a rat in the desert.’

Kenobi only looked at him in confidence and said ‘Look what I have risen above.’

‘I’ve come to kill you,’ said past Maul as he walked in circles around the old master ‘But perhaps it’s worst to leave you here, festering in your squalor.’

‘If you define yourself by your power to take life,’ said Kenobi as he walked and kept his eyes on Maul ‘’A desire to dominate, to possess. Then you have nothing.’

Past Maul got angry as he activated his Lightsaber and shouted ‘And what do you have?!’

He slashed the sand using his saber, causing the sand to douse the fire, snuffing the light between them. Kenobi continued to stare at the Sith Lord, who as if he tried to prove a point, but would not let a former Sith threaten him.

‘Why, come to this place?’ said Past Maul, wondering what Kenobi was up to. ‘Not simply to hide. Oh, you have a purpose here. Perhaps you are…protecting something?’

Kenobi squinted his eyes, knowing that Maul was referring to Luke, much to the others’ confusion when they saw Kenobi staring down at the fallen Sith.

‘No,’ said Past Maul as he realized something ‘Protecting…someone.’

And in that moment, Kenobi activated his Lightsaber, much to their surprise. He held onto it, then twirled it, and held it above his head whilst pointing his two fingers at Maul. The Sith on the other hand, activated the other end of his Lightsaber, twirled it and held in position. The old Jedi Master and the old Sith Lord continued to stare at each other down, wanting either of them to either make a move or a mistake. Maul held onto his saber with both his hands and held them in position, whilst Kenobi moved his saber to a different stance and held the saber to his right.

The two of them continued to stare each other down, feet firmly planted onto the ground, hands gripped tightly onto their Lightsabers, their gazes not faltering. This was feeling tense as everyone was watching. And in that moment, Maul struck. Kenobi only did three moves. Block right, block left, and strike. Both stood still for a few moments, until Maul realized something, causing him to lower his arms as his saber was split into two, then collapsed onto his knees, and then into Kenobi’s arms.

Kenobi continued to stare at his enemy, with Past Maul weakly trying to gain breath as he said ‘T…tell me…is it…the Chosen One?’

Kenobi simply replied ‘He is.’

Past Maul then said with his last breath ‘He…will…avenge us…’

Maul then passed away in Kenobi’s arms, the Sith warrior finally at peace. The images then faded away, with Maul still looking at them.

‘And avenge us you did, Skywalker.’ said Maul, staring down at the young Jedi ‘Though your father destroyed everything they held dear because his fear took him over, you picked up the pieces and did what no one else could.’

‘And what might that be?’ said Luke.

‘Wouldn’t you like to know?’ said Maul as he chuckled at the young and naïve Jedi.

‘Look pal,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘We don’t have time to debate about this or not, we just want the location of where we need to go next.’

‘Ah yes,’ said Maul ‘Where you would hope to learn to rebuild the Jedi Order the way it’s supposed to be. Well then…we cannot have that now, can we?’

Maul pulled both of his arms back, causing some to realize what he’s doing.

‘Watch it!!’ shouted Spike.

As Maul performed a Force Push, Luke used the Force to shield himself, with the Young Six ducking in cover, whilst everyone else was launched against the wall and collapsed onto the ground.

Right before Luke could use his Lightsaber, Maul used Force Grip, making Luke rise in the air and was pulled towards Maul, whilst holding his throat, trying to gasp for air, but nothing he tried was working, for the long gone Sith Lord was not holding back.

‘You are nothing like your father.’ said Maul ‘He stood a much better chance. But you…you are nothing but a speck of dust, eagerly waiting to be snuffed out of existence for all the Galaxy to see.’

Before Maul could do anything, a large flame went straight towards him, causing him to flinch. Though he used the Force to block the fire, it wasn’t enough to keep the fire from burning some parts of his face, causing him to drop Luke, making him land on his knees whilst holding onto his throat. Maul looked up in anger, and noticed a certain orange dragon standing in front of Luke, glaring at the long dead Sith Lord.

‘Hands off our friend.’ said Smolder.

And she wasn’t alone, for standing beside her in Luke’s defense was Yona, Sandbar, Ocellus, Silverstream and Gallus.

‘Foolish children.’ said Maul whilst standing up ‘You have no idea who you are facing.’

‘So you’re a horn headed bad guy with breathtaking anger management issues, big deal.’ said Sandbar whilst hardly being fazed by the Sith.

‘We face things that are scarier than horn headed freak.’ said Yona before she let out a snort of anger.

‘And here I thought I had problems, but it just proves that you’re an even bigger coward when it comes to moving forward.’ said Gallus.

‘You were so obsessed in killing Kenobi, you failed to go out and save the galaxy.’ said Ocellus.

‘Yeah,’ said Silverstream as she spoke up ‘I would’ve thought you would go around to restore whatever honor your so called Sith code has, or at least left it behind to fight alongside other Jedi to stop the Emperor.’

‘You cannot just stop the Emperor,’ said Maul ‘He is unlike anything you have ever seen.’

‘And yet he did abandon you,’ said Sandbar ‘Considering you fell so quickly by a young Jedi.’

‘Not to mention you could’ve raised your own army to fight the Empire instead of just hiding in the shadows.’ said Smolder.

‘I will accomplish what I intended to do all those years ago.’ said Maul.

‘We won’t let you.’ said Silverstream.

‘Foolish children,’ said Maul ‘You encounter a force beyond your reckoning.’

‘Funny you should say that.’ said Gallus ‘For your brother had fought against powers beyond reckoning.’

‘And where is he, now?’ said Sandbar whilst finishing for him.

That made Maul angry as he gripped into his fists. He used Force Push, but somehow they saw it coming and were too fast for him.

Smolder took a deep breath and blew out fire at Maul, but the Sith used the Force to block it, only for both Silverstream and Gallus to grab him and take him up high in the air and tossed him to the ground. Maul landed on his feet, but was caught by surprise when Yona came charging in and tackled him over like a bull. As Maul tried to get up, Ocellus turned into a Bug Bear and crushed him on the ground, with Sandbar grabbing Maul by the legs and dragged him away, spun him around and tossed Maul against the wall. Maul got up, and he was now really angry. He gripped his fists whilst the ground began to shake and the rocks began to float all around him.

He used Force Push on them, but they were able to dodge them again, until Maul used Force Grip on both Sandbar and Yona, making them choke whilst they were being raised in the air. Ocellus and Smolder nodded to one another, with Ocellus turning into a different dragon, allowing them both to breathe fire. Maul quickly used the Force to shield himself, whilst both Sandbar and Yona fell back on the ground, trying to regain their focus.

Gallus, who quickly popped over to get a rope from Pinkie’s Mane, quickly flew over to Maul and wrapped his legs with the rope, with Gallus saying ‘Silverstream, let’s give him a lift!’

Silverstream flew up and helped Gallus, allowing them to pull the rope together, tying up Maul’s legs, allowing them to pull him in the air, then with their combined strength, swung the Sith around as if he was a wrecking ball. And on time, they threw him hard against the wall, allowing both the Griffon and Hippogriff to give each other a claw bump.

Maul stood up as he gritted his teeth. ‘Worthless Insects!!!’

Maul then used the large rock next to him and lifted it up and threw it against the flying duo.

‘Whoa, watch it!!’ shouted Gallus as he quickly tackled Silverstream out of the way.

Yona charged from Maul’s left, causing Maul to grab her throat and tossed her hard onto the ground, which allowed him to use the Force to summon his Lightsaber, raised it in the air in order to strike Yona down.

Ocellus however, saw what was going on, causing her to turn into a Manticor and charged towards the Sith, biting him in the arm, making Maul squirm a bit, whilst she tossed the Sith away hard, allowing Sandbar to come along and bucked him in the face, causing the Sith to be launched a feet away.

Maul landed on both his feet as he was angry, with the Young Six quickly gathering together, staring down at the Sith. Maul on the other hand, was now enraged as he stood up.

‘I. Will not. Be beaten. By mere. Children!!’ shouted Maul, causing him to use the most strongest Force Push he could muster. But as it made contact, the Young Six suddenly began to glow brightly, much to Maul’s shock.

‘What?!!’ shouted the Sith Lord.

Sure enough, Twilight and the others slowly got up, and they saw the Young Six, facing down the Sith Lord, with Luke on the other hand watching the whole thing as he was amazed by the young one’s bravery.

‘You won’t win here Maul,’ said Sandbar ‘Not by a long shot.’

‘No matter how many Sith come,’ said Yona ‘Sith always fall.’

‘You may take away their lives,’ said Smolder ‘But you will never take away their hope.’

‘Hope is the very thing that keeps their spirits alive.’ said Ocellus.

‘Which, like our friendships, they have more in common than you realize.’ said Gallus.

‘And with their friendships to each other, they’ll always come back stronger together.’ said Silverstream.

‘And from what our mentors had told their enemies before.’ said Sandbar with a smirk.

‘What everyone, even you don’t seem to get.’ said Smolder.

All of them combined their appendages (Like a Dragon Ball Goku move if you will, no copyrighted from DBZ, just trying to give you a mental picture), their front hooves/claws began to glow, as well as them.

‘Hope, the Force, and Friendship, is magic!!’ shouted the Young Six all together.

And with one massive thrust, they blasted Maul combined with the Force and their Magic of Friendship, unleashing it’s full force, until Maul was engulfed in it, making him scream in agony as he began to disappear.

The light soon began to clear, as many had shielded their eyes. As they looked, they saw that Maul was no more, with the Young Six standing there, until they all fell over from the exhaustion.

‘That…was intense.’ said Silverstream whilst she panted.

‘I’ll say.’ said Gallus ‘Remind me never to do that again.’

‘I didn’t think we could actually do it.’ said Ocellus.

‘Yona take big nap when this over.’ said Yona as she struggled to stand up. said Yona as she struggled to stand up.

‘Ugh, something tells me we’re going to have headaches for weeks.’ said Smolder as she sat back up.

‘Boy I’ll say, that was trippy.’ said Sandbar.

‘Uh, guys.’ said Ocellus, gaining their attention ‘I think everyone is staring at us.’

They looked at the group of ponies and the EG Mane 7, all of them staring at the Young Six in shock, for they couldn’t believe their eyes from what they saw.

‘What?’ said Gallus.

‘It would seem,’ said Luke as he helped them up ‘That the Force is strong within all of you.’

‘It is?’ said the Young Six.

‘Of course,’ said Luke after he helped the last one up whilst the others gathered near him ‘From I have seen, you all have stood up to a powerful Sith, and you worked together in ways none in my galaxy has done. And from what I have seen, the power of Friendship lives on in all of you in ways you have never imagined.’

Luke then looked at the ponies and said ‘Clearly, all of you have taught them well.’

The Mane 6 couldn’t help but smile, for all of them were greatly proud of how their students had conquered all odds.

‘I had no idea all of you had that in you?’ said Spike.

‘I didn’t think we could do it.’ said Sandbar as he and the rest of the Young Six stood up.

‘It would appear both Harmony and the Force has chosen well.’ said Celestia.

As they stood together, a secret passage had opened, and it showed them the way. They all headed straight towards the door, allowing them to all walk right in. As they stood there, they discovered more maps, but these were different. For these maps had hieroglyphics on it that none know how to read. All but one.

Luke walked over and looked through the hieroglyphics. He muttered ‘The Valley of the Jedi?’

‘The what?’ asked Twilight.

‘I heard of that place, but I thought it was merely a legend.’ said Luke.

‘What’s so special about it?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Basically,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘It is what some would call a crack in the universe. Basically anyone who walks into the light of the place itself, will end up bathing in the power of the Force. In the end, you’ll end up getting the full power as a Jedi or a Sith.’

The group were shocked by the discovery. ‘Why would anyone make a place where such a horrid thing would become reality?’ asked human Rarity.

‘Basically,’ said Luke as he tried to figure it out ‘If the Jedi were to lose the galaxy to the darkness, then it would be used as a last resort to empower any individual with as much power of the Force as you could.’

‘But I assume that anyone who uses too much power will end up destroying themselves.’ said Starswirl whilst stroking his beard.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he looked at them ‘This is why the Jedi guards secrets like this, to ensure that none would fall into darkness.’

Luke folded the map and placed them with the other maps, whilst contacting R2 as he said ‘Artoo, we have more maps. But make sure to mark them to ensure it would remain a secret.’

R2 beeped over the monitors, understanding Luke’s orders. At the same time, the Young Six open the next coffin. Smolder dug his hand in and pulled out what appeared a different Lightsaber, but it was strangely resembled to a dragon.

‘Huh,’ said Smolder as he observed it ‘Interesting design.’

Silverstream took out what appeared to be the next clue. She opened it and saw that it was a map. She tilted her head to the left after she observed it, then flew back to the others.

‘Excuse me,’ said Silverstream, gaining their attention ‘From what this map shows, it appears to be on the mainland. Does this place look familiar to you girls?’

She showed the EG Mane 7 the map. But as they took a closer look at it, Sunset’s eyes widened, making her lean backwards and groaned loudly, with her saying ‘Oh, no.’

‘Something wrong lass?’ asked Rockhoof when he saw her act like this.

Sunset sighed, then looked at them and said ‘I know the place.’

‘You do?’ asked Princess Celestia.

‘It’s where Princess Twilight told me about the Time Twirler.’ said Sunset.

The rest of the EG Mane 7 also groaned at that, remembering what Sunset went through, much to their confusion.

‘Uh, somepony wanna fill me in on this?’ asked Applejack.

Twilight looked at them and said ‘When Sunset and her friends went to a music festival, a pair of performers discovered a time twirler there. Whenever activated, they relive an entire day. They still remember and do things differently whilst everything else repeats the same day.’

‘After I failed to watch my favorite band Post Crush perform,’ said Sunset ‘They used the artifact and I ended up getting caught in it. And every time they use it, I relive the same day over and over again.’

‘But,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she held onto Sunset’s shoulders ‘After we figured out who was responsible, we stopped them from using it and destroyed it.’

‘An artifact that can relive time?’ said Luke.

‘Ah, I know of the device.’ said Starswirl ‘I once experimented on it in order to help avoid dangerous enemies and wars long before Celestia and Luna took the thrones. However, I realized that using that device can have dangerous consequences, so I hid it to ensure no one would find it.’

Starswirl looked at Sunset ‘It is good that you have destroyed it. But might I ask what this Post Crush was doing with it?’

‘They wanted to have a perfect performance,’ said Sunset ‘But every time they did that, they ended up making a few mistakes, so they misused the artifact in order to have a perfect performance.’

‘Ah,’ said Spike ‘Obsessive perfectionists. We know that well.’

‘You do?’ asked Sunburst.

‘Yep,’ said Spike ‘In fact I was raised by her.’

Twilight immediately perked up on that. ‘Hey, what’s that supposed to…’

‘No, he kind of does have a point there.’ said Starlight.

‘You tend to do that a lot.’ said Sunburst.

‘I too can vouch for that.’ said Princess Celestia.

As everyone else agreed, Twilight cringed, groaned and was embarrassed at the same time.

‘Then we’d better get there.’ said Luke, allowing the others to agree as they followed him out.

However, unknown to everyone, from the far reaches of the galaxy, near the Yost System, five handful of Imperial ships were stationed above the planet. One of the soldiers came along and saluted to an admiral.

‘What is it Private.’ said the Admiral ‘We are under orders to prepare the fleet to the Jakku system.’

‘Sir,’ said the soldier whilst holding a data pad ‘One of our spies was able to track down Luke Skywalker.’

‘Skywalker?’ said the Admiral as he looked at the soldier.

‘Yes sir.’ said the soldier ‘According to this, he is far beyond the Unknown regions.’

‘Can the fleet follow?’ asked the Admiral, remembering what Agent Kallus once reported before he went rogue.

‘Yes sir,’ said the soldier ‘We have a clear path towards them.’

‘Good.’ said the Admiral ‘We may not have been able to protect the Emperor, but we shall have our vengeance against the one who struck him down.’

‘Orders sir?’ asked the Private.

‘How long will it take to restock our inventory?’ said the Admiral.

‘In about three hours.’

‘Make it an hour, I want our fleets to be deployed as soon as possible.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the private after he saluted before he left.

‘I may have failed my Emperor.’ said the Admiral whilst staring out at the windows ‘But I will avenge him for what Skywalker has done.’

Chapter 13: The former site of music

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After they left the island, they made their way toward the area where the next clue might be. The area they were heading to was an empty plain, which was a good thing, because if there was a large crowd, it would’ve gained too much attention and they didn’t want any of that. Luke landed on a large enough area where they were able to land. They soon exited the ship the moment they landed, with all of them looking around.

‘So this is where you said you were holding the music festival?’ asked Twilight.

‘Yeah,’ said Sunset as she pointed at the tree ‘Post Crush discovered the Time Twirler over by that tree there.’

‘Ah yes,’ said Starswirl as he looked at the area ‘I recognize this place. I buried it here so many years ago.’

‘So why didn’t you destroy it?’ asked human Pinkie Pie.

‘I figured I would keep it around in case we were in dire need of it once more.’ said Starswirl.

‘That was a mistake,’ said human Twilight ‘A girl named Wallflower found a memory stone that your old student Clover the Clever buried. She used it to erase our memories of Sunset, thinking that she was still evil.’

Sunset rubbed her arm and said ‘Not one we all liked to remember.’

‘Ah yes,’ said Starswirl whilst stroking his beard ‘I told her burying it there was a horrible idea. But I am thankful you and your friends destroyed it before it had been irreversible.’

‘I’m just glad you guys are friends with her,’ said Starlight ‘We may have acted differently but we were once in the same thought.’

‘So how is Wallflower doing?’ asked Sunburst.

‘Oh, she opened a club that helps look after plants,’ said Fluttershy ‘She has done amazing work on them and there were others who joined in too.’

Rainbow Dash flew up in the air and looked at the area. ‘So where do we start looking?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Hmm,’ said human Rarity ‘It is going to be difficult to go where we need to look without any tents around.’

‘She’s right.’ said Gallus ‘We’d be walking blind and we have no idea where we would be looking.’

‘Remember what Luke said?’ said Sandbar ‘We try to see with the Force. Maybe we can find what we’re looking for.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luke as he stood on both his knees and concentrated. Not wanting him to do it alone, the others attempted to give it a try.

All of them continued to focus whilst keeping their eyes closed, concentrating as hard as they could. Within moments, they ended up opening their eyes. And to their surprise, they were seeing things. The buildings suddenly appeared, as did the people, all of them who looked like Ghosts.

‘W…what’s all this?’ asked Fluttershy, clearly scared of them, for they all looked like Ghosts.

‘Jedi sometimes have the ability to see the ghosts of the past.’ said Luke as he stood up ‘It’s a rare ability to have, but they help on many occasions when it comes to solving mysteries that some tend to overlook.’

Luke walked towards the path where the so called band Post Crush found the Time Twirler. He took a good look at them. Once they had the artifact, they walked back to their stage. Luke followed them, as did everypony, creature and Rainbooms. Eventually, they made their way towards to where the stage was. Luke watched that as they performed on stage, one of them used the Time Twirler plenty of times. However, in some sense, he could sense the artifact being used. He slowly saw what appeared to be harmonic energy, flowing down to the ground.

‘Did all of you see that?’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed.’ said Starswirl as he looked at the ground ‘It would appear that when they used the Time Twirler, part of its energy must have somehow gone through this ground.’

‘The Twirler did give out a lot of magical energy.’ said Sunburst as he looked at the ground ‘Maybe part of it somehow went underground because whatever’s down there, was using the magic to hide what the First Jedi were hiding.’

‘Is there a way to open it?’ asked Sunset.

Luke stood on his knee and placed his hand on the ground. However, Twilight, Sunset, Starswirl and Celestia placed their hooves onto the ground as well. The five of them concentrated together. Once they were able to find the feeling, they used the Force to open the secret entrance, with the ground slowly sliding itself open, revealing another stairway down.

‘We have a way down.’ said Luke as he stood up and said ‘Shall we continue our journey?’

Luke descended down first, with the others following suit.

From down the halls, they saw many murals all around. Most related to the Jedi of old building their first temples all over the Galaxy so that all of them could be better prepared to face the darkness that were to come.

‘I still can’t believe the Jedi had built so many temples all over the galaxy.’ said Starswirl.

‘I still cannot believe the Emperor had already destroyed most of them.’ said Stygian.

‘Not all of them.’ said Luke ‘The first Jedi Temple still stands, but I abandoned that world because they didn’t have what I sought.’

‘I’m just happy the Emperor never made its way to our world.’ said Starlight as she shuddered a bit ‘If he did, who knows how much suffering they could bring to a world.’

‘I’ve seen it happen before firsthand.’ said Luke ‘I know that feeling all too well.’

As they walked down the halls, a mysterious being from within the shadows emerged. He took a good look at them and realized that there was a strong connection of the Force with one of them. Knowing what it had to do, it departed from its hiding spot and continued to follow them from the shadows.

Ocellus immediately turned around, as if she was startled by a sound of sorts, causing Luke’s attention to be drawn to her.

‘Is something wrong Ocellus?’ asked Luke.

The others turned around and noticed she was looking around whilst also nervous at the same time.

‘I just…’ said Ocellus as she was trying to speak ‘Have strange feeling like…we’re being watched.’

Luke closed his eyes for a moment, and within an instant he opened them and said ‘She’s right, we’re not…’

But Luke was cut off as he felt as if he was being strangled, whilst holding onto his throat and was lifted in the air, much to the others’ shock as Luke was drawn away to what appeared to be doors nearby, where they saw a hooded figure performing Force Grip.

‘Hey!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash.

‘Stop right…!!’ shouted human Rainbow Dash.

Before any of them could react, the hooded figure used Force Grip on them, causing them to gasp for air and felt like they were being strangled whilst they were being hovered in the air, much to the others’ shock.

‘Rainbow!!!’ shouted the rest of the Mane 7 and EG Mane 7.

The hooded figure lifted them until they hit hard on the ceiling, then landed hard on the ground, making them wince in pain before they were knocked out cold.

‘You shall not intervene.’ said the hooded figure, whilst he waved his hand.

Within an instant, a large trap door opened underneath them, causing them to fall in as they screamed out of fright. Once the path had been closed, the hooded figure took Luke back inside and threw him, making Skywalker skid on the ground as he was able to get back on both his feet. He looked at the hooded figure sternly, until the figure itself turned around and removed his hood, revealing a once former Jedi turned Sith for the emperor.

‘Dooku.’ said Skywalker, recognizing the face from what Obi-Wan had described of him.

‘So you know of me?’ asked Dooku.

‘I do, from my old master.’ said Luke as he stood up and dusted himself ‘Once you were a noble and honorable Jedi, until you joined the wrong side. You ended up being a puppet for the Emperor and used the Clone Army to kill the Jedi. But my father killed you before you could even live long enough to see it.’

‘I was also the master of his master, Qui-Gon Ginn.’ said Dooku.

Luke stood up and said ‘And I suppose you’re prepared to fight if necessary?’

‘And you won’t?’ said Dooku.

‘I am not my father Dooku.’ said Luke ‘But I suppose I could ask a question.’

‘Oh?’ said Dooku.

Luke then faced him and asked ‘Why did you side with the Emperor?’

At the same time, from underground, where the ponies and their students were locked up tight, even the Rainbooms felt trapped underground. Human Fluttershy and her pony counterpart tried to help Rainbow Dash and her human counterpart, for both of them were really hurt. They groaned in pain, for the pain that Dooku had inflicted on them was more damaging than any could’ve imagined.

‘How are they doing?’ asked Silverstream as she was concerned.

Both Starlight and Sunburst had finished using their magic to scan them, whilst turning to them. ‘It looks pretty bad.’ said Starlight.

‘Whoever that being was,’ said Sunburst whilst adjusting his glasses ‘He did a number on them. They’re alive, but their breathing is a bit difficult and they can barely move.’

‘I can’t believe it,’ said Twilight ‘They took Luke. We didn’t even get a chance to help him. Instead we got caught…again.’

‘What do you mean, again, darling?’ asked human Rarity.

‘Uh, long story short.’ said Spike as he walked up to them ‘Whilst Starlight was away to spend some time in her old village with Trixie, Queen Chrysalis kidnapped myself, Twilight and her friends, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armour, even Flurry Heart.’

‘We never felt so helpless.’ said Fluttershy as she tried to tend to Rainbow Dash.

‘We cannot teleport from this place.’ said Starswirl as he looked around again ‘Something is blocking our magic from teleporting away from here.’

‘Aye,’ said Rockhoof as he said ‘And we can’t even dig our way out, for this place is too solid for any of us to climb.’

Twilight however, kept feeling more worse as she somehow blamed herself again.

‘It’s no use.’ said Twilight as she lowered her head in shame ‘We’ll never get out of here. The fate of the galaxy is doomed, Luke’s path to restarting the Jedi Order is done and our future is hopeless.’

Celestia went over and was about to speak to Twilight in order to calm her down.

‘Patience.’ said a voice ‘Remember not what your friend had taught you?’

All of them immediately perked up at that. They all looked around to see who it was. When all of a sudden, a ghost of a little green man with a cane and a type of grayish robe appeared. And elderly being, looking at them with a large amount of kindness and wisdom at them. Everyone was taken aback by what they had seen. Twilight however, recognized it from Luke’s inner memory.

‘Are you,’ said Twilight as she started to speak ‘Master Yoda?’

Master Yoda nodded yes, for it was indeed him.

‘This is amazing.’ said Twilight as she took a closer look at him ‘I thought you passed away.’

‘Passed away I have,’ said Yoda ‘But long before the fall of the Jedi, learned from the Jedi of old I have. To communicate between the netherworld of the Force. Often communicated with Young Skywalker, I have.’

Yoda suddenly stood up from his place and walked over to both the fallen Rainbows, with him saying ‘Learned much, I have.’

He placed both his hands on both Rainbow Dash and her human counterpart. He kept his eyes closed and concentrated. When all of a sudden, his body began to glow, whilst transferring something into their bodies, much to their confusion. Just as he lifted his hands, they saw that both Rainbow Dash and her counterpart instantly stood up, for the two of them were suddenly well healed.

They ended up being engulfed in hugs, courtesy of Pinkie Pie and her human counterpart.

‘Dashie.’ said Pinkie Pie with her teary hug.

‘You’re okay.’ said human Pinkie Pie, feeling the same way.

‘We’re okay Pinkie.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah, what she said.’ said Rainbow as she stretched for a bit.

Celestia approached both of them and said ‘You have him to thank for that.’

Rainbow and her counterpart saw Yoda, who merely slightly bowed his head.

At the same time, Luke and Dooku were still in the same room, talking to one another, rather than fighting. For it would seem a much better option rather than fighting.

‘Before I answer your question,’ said Dooku as he merely walked in a different direction ‘Did Kenobi told you that I was Master Yoda’s apprentice once?’

‘They did mention it, both Kenobi and Yoda.’ said Luke.

‘Long before I was Sideous’ apprentice,’ said Dooku, telling a bit more about himself ‘I was accepted into the Jedi Order after my family abandoned me. I learned the ways of the Force and progressed farther than I could’ve imagined. However, I voluntarily left the Jedi Order because of their traditions that made them blind to the truth, as well as the Galactic Senate who claimed that they were doing the best they can to protect the Republic, but everything ended in a stalemate, nor have they ever solved any problems.’

‘Is this why you sided with the Emperor?’ asked Luke.

‘Before I sided with him,’ said Dooku ‘I returned to my homeworld, where I reclaimed my title and heritage as a nobleman. They thought I was misguided because of the path I had chosen.’

‘But you thought otherwise.’ asked Luke.

‘Indeed.’ said Dooku ‘However, not only did I renounce the ways of the Jedi, but the Light Side as well. That is when my master found me. I swore my allegiance to him, but knowing that we needed a proper distraction in order for the engines of fate to turn to our favor. In order for it to come true after my master secretly became the Chancellor, I used my resources to recruit entire star systems to our cause, merely puppets to feed the fire.’

‘You mean you used them for your own selfish gains.’ said Luke.

‘Yes.’ said Dooku ‘Whilst my Master would secretly pose as the Chancellor to lead the Republic, I would go throughout the systems to recruit most worlds to our cause. The highest ones were the Trade Federation, the Techno Union Army and the Banking Clan, who agreed to serve our cause.’

‘I am quite surprised,’ said Luke as he pointed something out ‘That the Emperor would consider adding Viceroy Gunrey to your cause, considering that he failed to bring fear to Naboo and force it’s people to serve them.’

‘They still have their uses,’ said Dooku ‘Even though the Banking Clan had funded our operations and the Techno Union Armies had created the Super Battle Droids and other weapons, the Trade Federation still made Battle Droids that we needed for our forces.’

‘But I assume you wouldn’t just leave it there,’ said Luke ‘For you two had already caught wind what the former Chancellor Vallorum and Master Sifo-Dias had planned to create a Clone Army.’

‘You assume correctly.’ said Dooku whilst he looked stood a few steps away from his left ‘But my Master foresaw that the Clones would easily form a bond with the Jedi, and that their allegiance to the Republic would be great, we had a new contingency in place.’

‘The control chips.’ said Luke.

‘Yes,’ said Dooku ‘Only by my master’s voice recognition and his code would allow them to be activated. So we implanted them to each and every clone to ensure that my Master’s plan would be carried out.’

‘And Ventress and Grievous?’ asked Luke ‘Where do they fit in all of this?’

‘My Master needed puppets to obey him in order to carry out his plan.’ said Dooku. ‘Ventress was necessary because she was once a Jedi before she turned on them, which fitted perfectly to our cause. As for Grievous? I needed a warrior who would follow orders without question and would never stop hunting dangerous prey no matter who or what they are. So after giving him a few upgrades, I was able to teach him how to fight. The Jedi never stood a chance.’

‘That may be, but you lost the one thing that mattered to you most.’

‘Oh?’ said Dooku.

‘I know you had a relationship with the Viscountess of the Valahari.’

Dooku was surprised by this, for he had not expected Skywalker to know about it.

But at the same time, Twilight and the others continued to engage their conversation with the ghost of the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.

‘Now then,’ said Yoda as he leaned forward ‘What troubles you? Trying to hasten your steps to find your way, are you?’

Some sat down, with Twilight looking down. ‘It’s just…’ said Twilight as she was the one who feels the most doubt, confessed ‘When we set out to help Luke, we continued to understand more of the galaxy’s histories. The Force, the Jedi, the Sith, everything. We try our best to help those in need. But…no matter how hard we try, things always keeps getting worse by the minute. I just…don’t know what to do?’

‘And felt like you failed, did you?’ asked Yoda.

‘Well, mostly me.’ said Twilight ‘Long before I was a princess, I strived to please my teacher and tried to be the best friend I could be. But no matter how hard I tried, things always got more worse by the day. But after I became a Princess, things became a whole lot worse. More powerful enemies, more dangers, more problems and…even my own student from my school turned on me. I never felt so…betrayed. I tried to learn more what I could from Luke but…I’m scared that it isn’t enough. That I wasn’t a good friend or teacher…to my friends…from both worlds.’

They could see that this had hit her hard and they didn’t know how to cheer her up. As she felt like she lost hope, she felt a hand on her shoulder, revealing to be Yoda, who stood near her.

‘Oh, young Twilight Sparkle,’ said Yoda ‘Always quick to lose yourself, you are, thinking that you can overcome what others could not. Forget yourself when sometimes on your journey, you are. But when faced with other obstacles, forget to rely on those around you, you do.’

Twilight didn’t know how to respond to that, for he’s right, no matter how hard she tried, she always reduces herself to her old persona instead of a Princess she was meant to be.

‘But alone when it comes to mistakes, you are not.’ said Yoda.

They were confused at first, with Yoda walking past her and to the others whilst saying ‘When it comes to mistakes, defines us, it does not. Have great strengths as well, we do.’

‘Applejack,’ said Yoda as he stood near the farm pony ‘Always stubborn you are, when it comes to others helping you. Stuck in old ways, you are. But your honesty, as well as your ability to be depended. Greatly treasured it is. Be always truthful to those around you, as well as yourself.’

Applejack couldn’t help but smile at that as Yoda walked past her.

‘Rainbow Dash,’ said Yoda as he walked near the rainbow maned Pegasus ‘Always headstrong to engage in combat you are. Prone to getting hurt to not just yourself, but others around you, you do. But your loyalty to your friends is as fierce as the brightest star, it is. Always be with them, you should. For if stand tall with them you do, then overcome obstacles, you can.’

Rainbow couldn’t help but smile from Yoda’s words, even if she didn’t like the “headstrong” comment.

‘Rarity,’ said Yoda to the pony Fashionista ‘Always cry in despair, when things don’t go your way, you do. Always afraid to overcome obstacles no matter big or small. But in your heart, pure it is. Always giving and received nothing in return, you do. Your gift of generosity knows no bounds. Always be generous to those who have nothing, and cherish them with every waking moment, you should.’

Rarity couldn’t help but smile at this, for in a way it felt right.

‘Fluttershy,’ said Yoda, walking to the shy Pegasus ‘Always afraid to face your own shadow, you are. Though it does not mean you should not run. Always keeping yourself in check, you do. Prefer to spread kindness, you do. Proved yourself already to be brave, you are. You use force and anger to tame the strongest of foes, you do. But never be consumed by it. For lose yourself, you will. But always remain who you are. If brave to be yourself, then brave enough to face powerful adversaries, you are.’

Fluttershy blushed and smiled whilst hiding behind her mane, for she appreciates his words of wisdom.

‘Pinkie Pie,’ said Yoda, walking over to the party planning pony ‘Always trying too hard to please others, you are. Wish to make others to be friends, need for force, you do not. When all else fails, easily fall into despair, you do. But your ability to make others smile, should never waver. Your ability to make others laugh through darkened times, to be ignored, it should not. When the smiles of others falter, bring them back on the path, you do. A rare gift you have. Never lose yourself for who you are.’

Pinkie couldn’t help but smile and be teary eyed about it.

‘Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer,’ said Yoda to the former villains. ‘Always haunted by the mistakes of your past, you are. Eager to make up for mistakes, you have made. Your compassion to help others, admired, it should be. Humble, you two are, for admitting your mistakes. But overconfident, you should not be. Always be aware of your surroundings, you should. Keep your minds opened, you should. Continue down this path, a bright future, you two will have.’

Both the former villains couldn’t help but smile as he continued to walk.

‘Sunburst,’ said Yoda, walking to the young protégé of knowledge ‘Always doubting yourself, when facing impossible challenges, you are. When all fails, blame yourself for your failure, and abandoning all reason to continue with magic, you do. Open yourself, to listen to others, you should. Experience, yes, experience, from those who have gone through trials and errors, they have. Learn from them, you should. And once you’ve gained what you’ve learned, pass the knowledge down to others, you should.’

Sunburst couldn’t help but at that. For even though Yoda was right about the doubting part, he should learn experiences from others, then he will be what he was meant to be.

‘And for you six,’ said Yoda as he stood near the Rainbooms ‘Much the same, you are to your counterparts. Each of you, gone through certain trials you have. Each of you, made many mistakes, you have. Jeopardizing oneself and others around you, you do. When protecting others, in the right place, your hearts are. Continue to believe yourselves and others around you, and overcome many obstacles you will. Great protectors, you will yet be.’

The Rainbooms smiled with pride with their heads held high, for even though they’ve made many mistakes, they always come on top together as a team.

‘Pillars of Equestria,’ said Yoda as he stood near the ponies of old ‘Worked together for a long time, all of you have. But overconfident, all of you have become. Judging harshly on one of your own, you have. Turned him to darkness, you have. Pride can be the downfall of many. But when putting pride aside and fighting alongside one another. Overcome great obstacles, you can. If admitting mistakes that all of you have made. Humble and walk on the path of humility, you can.’

The Pillars bowed to Yoda in respect, for coming from him it’s high praise.

‘Young Six.’ said Yoda as he approached the six young students from the School of Friendship ‘Though inexperienced you are, when facing impossible challenges. Waver from your goals, you do not. Your hearts, strongest they are, when working together. Though there may be many who doubt you, your willingness to overcome great obstacles continued to amaze others. Inspire those around you, you should. And in turn, worthy heroes, you will be.’

The Young Six couldn’t help but smile with pride when Yoda praised them, for coming from him, it’s high praise indeed.

‘Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,’ said Yoda, walking up to the ruling Alicorns of Equestria. ‘Always at odds, you two are. One thinking that one can accomplish and suffer more than the other. Assuming which life is hard, you never should. When seeking what you find. The need for attention, you should not. Greed for more, you should not. For attachments and the lust for what you seek, leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. But when together, overcome great obstacles you have. Continue to lead, where others have failed. Hold your heads up high you should, for done much good you have. Trained those to carry on your legacy, you have. And if the legacy lives on, then much accomplished, you two have.’

The Alicorn sisters bowed to Yoda, for those were wise words indeed.

‘Spike,’ said Yoda as he spoke to both the dragon and the dog ‘Feeling small, you do. Afraid to fail to protect the ones you love, you are. Size win battles, they do not. Very pure, your heart is. When danger comes, afraid to stand tall, you are not. Overcome many obstacles, you do. But as long as you continue to have faith in yourself and others, then a giant, you already are.’

Both Spike and his dog counterpart couldn’t help but smile at this, for now they can look to the future with their heads held high.

Yoda stood further from them as he stood near Twilight.

‘See Princess Twilight?’ said Yoda ‘Different from them, you are not. Many mistakes, you have made. But so too, did they. Many mistakes all of you had made, even doubted yourselves along the way. But the Force, can see that all of you are one and the same. Afraid to face the impossible, you are. Only take what you have learned, you should.’

Yoda stood near Twilight, held onto her shoulder and said ‘In the heart of every Jedi, lies their strengths, they are. Just as in your heart, lies the strength your friends have given you. Push them away, you should not. If push them away, how to complete your tasks, will you?’

Twilight took this to heart, but sighed and said ‘I don’t know why I keep doing that. I keep forgetting that whenever there are threats to Equestria, I keep wanting to face them alone. But I keep forgetting that I didn’t do it alone. My friends helped me to where I needed to be. How do I get past that?’

‘Train yourself to let go, Twilight Sparkle.’ said Yoda ‘Train yourself to let go of your fears. Train yourself to let go of your anxieties. More importantly, train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.’

‘I…’ said Twilight, for she still wasn’t very sure. She still felt the doubt in herself, but she had to try for the sake of her friends. ‘I promise I’ll try.’

‘Do or do not. There is no try.’ said Yoda ‘For if all you do is try, then believe in yourself to succeed, you do not. If you fail, others fail, but there is no try.’

Twilight took another moment to ponder on this, whilst Yoda walked over to a nearby wall and said ‘And when faced with a dead end, another way there is.’

He used the Force to open them a door, much to their surprise, with Yoda saying ‘Remember the teachings you have learned. Continue to pass them on, you should. And remember. The Force will be with you, it will.’

And just like a ghost, Yoda faded away, as if he had never existed. Everyone just watched where the former Grand Master of the Jedi had resided. Celestia walked over and helped pick Twilight up.

‘Come everypony.’ said Princess Celestia ‘We have a friend to aid.’

As everypony and creature walked out of the cave, Twilight walked out last, thinking about what Yoda had said. She then left the cave with a determined look on her face. At the same time, Luke continued to talk to the long passed Jedi turned Sith Lord.

‘How would you know about this?’ said Dooku, looking at Skywalker.

‘I had learned to commune with the past, present and future of the Force.’ said Luke ‘One that I agreed with the Duchess. And I know a great deal.’

Dooku stood there silently for a few moments, processing what Luke had said.

‘It was you who sent Ventress to sabotage Eledore’s husband’s ship, killing him in an instant. And because of your manipulation and lies, you lied to her son about who was really responsible, and because of that, you led him to his death.’

‘If that is what Kenobi…’ said Dooku before Luke cut him off.

‘Save it.’ said Luke as he took a few steps forward.

At the same time, the Mane 6, their Counterparts, the Pillars, the Young Six and their companions arrived and saw Luke confronting Dooku and stood face to face with the Fallen Sith Lord.

‘Once from a long time ago,’ said Luke, staring down at the Sith Lord ‘You were once an honorable and noble Jedi Knight, who once believed in the code and to preserve peace and stability throughout the Republic. But ever since you joined Sideous and created the Separatists, you will do anything, even the betrayal of your own and oldest friends, to ensure victory among them.’

Luke then walked around the Sith Lord as he continued. ‘I will not be a fool to be tainted by the Dark Side or false promises. I will not make the same mistakes my father did when the Emperor gave him false promises. I will not be tempted and betray the people I love like you did.’

He stood inches from the Sith once more and said ‘I will, restore the Jedi Order, I will protect the Galaxy from those who would destroy it for their own selfish gain. And like my friends, both old and new, I will not rest until the fight is done and peace is restored. We will not be submitted to the Dark or the Light, we will bring true balance to the Force, one that the entire galaxy can flourish and the people remain free and happy. We will be Honest, Loyal, Generous, Kind even share Laughter among those who have fallen beyond grace.’

Luke then stood near Dooku once more and said ‘I will not betray as you have, I will not be tempted. Because what you wanted, that was never going to happen. For every single one of you, there are thousands more out there like me and my friends. And like us, they’re willing to protect and preserve their happiness too.’

Luke then grabbed the Sith by the cloak whilst staring down in Dooku’s eyes and said ‘And see, no matter how much the likes you threaten us, no matter how hard you come down at us, you will never change the way we think and you will never, ever, change the way we live.’

Luke released Dooku, who was now slightly phased by how bold Skywalker was as he finished with ‘You wanted to sacrifice your life for some cause. Well congratulations, you just did a long time ago. Now be gone. And never show your face around the likes of future generations ever again.’

Dooku nearly grunted in anger, but turned, walked away and disappeared from existence. Luke gave a sigh of relief, for he was afraid that Dooku would strike back. Thankfully, he did not.

Twilight and the others were surprised the way that Luke stood up against Dooku, for since they met, he had to fight the other Sith Lords, as did all of them. Though he did talk around Kreia, they never thought it would be possible again.

‘You all can come out now.’ said Luke ‘I know all of you are watching.’

They were surprised that Luke could tell that they were close. They stepped out of their hiding place as Smolder said ‘Let me guess, you used the Force to tell if we were there.’

‘Not really.’ said Luke ‘I could smell you.’

They were confused by what he meant and why he said that, with Luke saying ‘Both of them smell like cake frosting.’

They knew he was talking about Pinkie Pie and her counterpart. Celestia walked up to Luke and said ‘Luke, that was truly brave of you to stand up to him in such a manner that did not need any violence of any kind.’

‘I only spoke what my heart told me to do.’ said Luke.

‘And truly it is in the right place.’ said Luna.

‘So come on, what are we waiting for?’ said Sandbar as he said ‘Let’s go find the next piece of the clue.’

‘Very well then.’ said Luke as he smiled at their enthusiasm.

They all headed straight towards the door and walked right through it. As they were in, they were surprised to find not knowledge, but wealth. Something that they had not expected.

‘Whoa,’ said Spike ‘I never figured the First Jedi were into treasure.’

‘I think they might use this wealth for travel.’ said Twilight as she pondered over it.

‘Right,’ said Sci-Twi as she had the same idea ‘The Jedi tend to travel on public transportation without giving away their position, so they must use this for travel.’

Luke walked over to the coffin straight ahead. He used the Force to open it and was able to dig his hand inside. He pulled out what appeared to be a Crossguard Lightsaber, but more ancient. After placing it away, he pulled out another scroll. He looked through it and said ‘Interesting.’

‘What is it?’ said Starlight Glimmer.

‘According to this,’ said Luke as he looked through it, but as he did, his eyes widened as he said ‘Incredible.’

‘What is it?’ asked Luna as everyone had gathered near him.

‘When they first hid their knowledge, they constructed a temple, but it has been split in two.’ said Luke.

‘Split in two?’ asked human Rarity.

‘How did they do that?’ asked human Twilight.

‘It says here, both your world and Equestria was once one world.’ said Luke.

Everyone widened their eyes in shock.

‘Both our worlds were one?’ said Twilight in complete shock ‘How is that possible?’

‘During Equestria’s younger days before the tribes had founded their kingdom,’ said Luke as he read through it ‘The First Jedi came along and helped them place clues, even a temple to store them in one place, but they feared that the inhabitants in this world would use them for their own ill gotten gains.’

‘Given what Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Tirek, Starlight, Trixie and Cozy Glow nearly did to Equestria, I don’t blame them.’ said Rainbow Dash, earning some glares, even though they knew she was right.

‘So, what do we do?’ asked Princess Luna.

‘According to this,’ said Luke ‘There happens to be an island with a spire that looks like Canterlot Castle’s largest tower in this world.’

‘Wait,’ said Twilight as she remembered something ‘I saw something similar back on Equestria.’

‘Oh, right.’ said Sunburst as he remembered ‘Far from the town of the Mighty Helm, there happens to be a large island that has a tower that resembles to it as well.’

‘The scroll also says,’ said Luke as he looked at the scroll ‘That there would be a gemstone at the center of the tallest tower. If both were to be activated, the worlds would become one, therefore revealing a temple of where we need to go.’

‘Wait,’ said Sunset as she realized something ‘If both worlds were to merge, then both the people in this world and every creature in Equestria would panic.’

‘Right,’ said Ocellus as she realized something ‘If both worlds think that neither side exists. If they do meet.’

‘Then they’ll start to panic and end up staring an even bigger war.’ said Sandbar as he realized this too.

‘Then we must be prepared to calm the populace when the merging happens.’ said Starswirl.

‘Twilight,’ said Celestia ‘We shall return to Equestria and head for the tower.’

‘Right,’ said Luke ‘I will remain with Sunset and the others so that we can head for this world’s tower.’

‘Sounds like a plan.’ said human Rainbow Dash.

Luke then contacted R2 and said ‘Artoo, ready the ship, we’re leaving immediately.’

R2 beeped on the other side, allowing all of them to run out of the room in order to finish what they started.

But from the other side of the galaxy, the five Imperial ships, now amassed to nine, had gathered near the Yost system. At the same time, the Imperial officer walked into the bridge and saluted to the Admiral.

‘Sir,’ said the Officer ‘We have Skywalker’s location.’

‘Excellent, prepare to launch all ships.’ said the Admiral.

At the same time, from within the cargo bay, one of the officers secretly walked into a secret compartment and quickly pulled out a communicator. When he activated it, it revealed to be none other than Princess Leia, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.

‘Sir,’ said the officer ‘Commander Kory reporting in.’

‘Ah, Commander, perfect timing.’ said Lando with his cocky grin ‘We were just about to celebrate the Empire’s defeat at Jakku.’

‘Sir,’ said the Commander ‘Not all of the Imperial Fleets were at Jakku.’

‘What?’ said Han ‘What do you mean?’

‘One of the Imperial Admirals is on the move,’ said the Commander ‘His name is Val Kisto.’

‘Val Kisto?’ said Leia.

‘You know him?’ asked Han.

‘He was head of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s elite troopers.’ said Leia ‘We wondered where he was, but Intel didn’t turn anything up.’

‘So what’s he up to?’ asked Lando.

‘He has at least nine Imperial Star Destroyers under his command.’ said the Commander ‘They’re heading towards a new target to eliminate him?’

‘Him?’ said Han.

‘Sir,’ said the Commander as he wanted them to brace themselves ‘They’re going after Skywalker.’

Han and the others were shocked to hear this news.

‘Luke.’ said Leia, clearly worried for her brother’s safety.

‘How long will it take them to reach him?’ asked Lando.

‘From what I could tell,’ said the Commander ‘They’ll arrive at his destination in three hours.’

‘Then they’ve got too much of a head start.’ said Lando.

‘Private,’ said Leia as she was speaking to of the officers closest to her ‘Contact Admiral Ackbar and the heads of the New Republic Fleets, I need at least three fleets ready to move out immediately.’

‘Orders?’ said the Commander.

‘Gather your unit and stay in cover.’ said Han ‘Once you guys get planet side to where Luke is, I want all of you to get there and help him, pronto.’

‘Yes sir, Commander Kory out.’ said the Commander before he cut communications.

As he left, the Empire had already hummed up their ships, causing all of them to jump into Hyperspace, for now it was not only a race to find the sacred texts of the Jedi Order, but to save Skywalker from the remnants of the Empire trying to do him harm.

Chapter 14: The Empire

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With the knowledge of the Jedi so close to them, the others took the Ebon Hawk straight towards their next destination. They first flew back to Equestria, where they dropped Twilight and company off of the island where their spire is located. After they were dropped off, Luke and the EG Mane 7 flew back to their world in order to prepare for the tower’s activation.

‘There it is.’ said Twilight as she pointed at it ahead.

‘We’d better start turning that thing on.’ said Starlight.

‘Good thing Luke gave us a communicator to contact each other.’ said Spike as he held onto the communicator.

‘We shall go with the Princesses to warn the rest of the population.’ said Starswirl as he and the Pillars chose to accompany them.

‘We’ll do the same for our kingdoms.’ said Gallus and the rest of the Young Five were preparing to set off too.

‘Then make haste.’ said Twilight ‘As soon as the merging starts, I want everypony to try and calm the populace down. Once that’s finished, I want everyone to quickly head back here so that we can regroup with the others.’

‘You got it Head mare.’ said Sandbar as they quickly went their separate ways whilst the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst and Spike made their way towards the tower.

At the same time, Luke flew back towards the EG Mane 7’s world. They soon arrived through the atmosphere and flew straight towards a similar spire. Sure enough, they landed on a clearing whilst they quickly departed.

‘We’d better hurry.’ said Luke as he held onto his forehead the moment they exited the ship ‘I can feel dark forces approaching this world.’

‘Then we’d better act fast.’ said human Twilight.

‘Stay with the ship Artoo,’ said Luke as he looked at R2 ‘If there’s any sign of trouble, don’t hesitate to come to me.’

R2 beeped and went back inside, allowing the others to quickly made their way towards the tower ahead.

Soon enough, all of them had made their way towards the top of the tower. Luke looked ahead and saw a pedestal up ahead, one that had a mark of a human hand on it. He slowly walked over to it and studied it, feeling something from it.

‘It is faint.’ said Luke ‘But I can feel the Force flowing through this.’

‘Then what are you waiting for?’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Place your hand and do something already.’

‘I cannot.’ said Luke.

‘Why not?’ said human Applejack.

At the same time, Sunset contacted Princess Twilight through the device that Luke had given them.

‘Twilight, did you find the pedestal on your end?’ asked Sunset.

‘We did.’ said Twilight as she and her friends looked at it ‘But if it’s a Jedi, shouldn’t there be a handprint or something.’

Luke then thought about something, walked over to Sunset and said ‘Princess Twilight, does the pedestal happen to have a hoof marking on it?’

Twilight, wondering what Luke meant by it, walked over to take a good look. And truth to behold, there was indeed a hoof marking. ‘There is.’ said Twilight whilst she was surprised ‘But what does that mean?’

Luke then thought about it again, and he realized something. In order to prove his theory, he needed to be sure.

‘Twilight,’ said Luke ‘Place your hoof on top of the mark.’

‘Um…okay.’ said Twilight whilst she slowly pressed her hoof onto it.

‘Sunset.’ said Luke as he looked at her ‘You do the same.’

Sunset was also surprised by this, but agreed to do it and walked over to the pedestal, allowing her to place her hand on the mark.

‘Now both you, concentrate.’ said Luke ‘Let the Force flow through you.’

Both of them closed their eyes and concentrated, hard. The more they concentrated, the more did they not only felt the Force, but all of the magic of all of Equestria. Within a few seconds, both Twilight and Sunset’s eyes opened sharply, whilst their eyes were glowing. Within mere moments, the entire pedestal, the floors they were standing on, including the entire tower, began to glow as bright as the brightest stars.

After it glowed for a few minutes, the power of both the magic and the Force began to shoot skyward like a pure beam of energy. It continued to move straight towards the sky, and eventually, stopped after tens of thousands of feet, allowing the beam to form a type of dome, spreading all over both worlds, with both parties watching as they were in awe of what was happening.

Within mere moments, there was a giant flash, as both inhabitants from both worlds were covering their eyes with their respected appendages, not knowing what was going to happen next. But sure enough, to most of their surprise the moment they opened their eyes, they saw one another. Humans meeting ponies, griffons, hippogriffs, changelings, dragons, etcetera and so on. What was most surprising, is where the students of CHS were meeting their pony counterparts. The first one to see one another was Derpy and her human counterpart. They walked towards one another, and stood close by, staring at one another, as if they knew each other. But they weren't the only ones. For one by one, ponies and their counterparts did the same thing as they were fascinated by what they were seeing.

Sure enough, Twilight and her friends had just opened their eyes, and to their surprise, they saw Sunset and the others, who had just recovered from the blinding light.

‘What?’ said Twilight as she flew over to them and said ‘How is this possible?’

‘Through the power of your magic and the power of the Force’ said Luke as he stood between them ‘They separated the worlds so that their most important secret would stay secret.’

‘Kinda makes sense now that ya mention it.’ said Applejack as she and the rest of the Mane 6 rejoined the others.

‘But now that both of the worlds are fused, now what?’ said dog Spike.

‘He’s right,’ said Spike ‘Even if both worlds are united, there’s no way to know where they hid it in the first place.’

When all of a sudden, R2 came along and he beeped rapidly, taking them by surprise.

‘Artoo, what’s wrong?’ asked Twilight.

R2 beeped and at the same time, pulled out the scrolls still contained within their containers. But surprisingly, all of them were glowing, taking them by surprise too.

‘Whoa, what’s going on?’ said Starlight as she took a good look at them.

Sunburst took one of the scrolls and pulled it out of its containers. He looked at the scrolls, but found nothing but words. However, the moment he turned around, there were images on it.

‘Wait a minute.’ said Sunburst as he realized something.

He took all of the other scrolls that R2 brought along, took them out of their containers and placed them together. His eyes widened when he saw this.

‘Of course.’ said Sunburst as he took a good look at it ‘Ingenious?’

‘What is it?’ asked Luke as he and the others came over.

‘Whilst we were traveling, I read the last piece of the scroll,’ said Sunburst as he placed the scrolls down together, whilst he said ‘When the worlds who were apart joined, the map will show them the way.’

He placed the scrolls together, and on the back of it, revealed to be a large map, glowing and revealing the entire layout of the land.

‘Whoa, you’re right.’ said Rainbow as she looked at the map.

‘Where do we go from here?’ asked Fluttershy.

Human Twilight adjusted her glasses as she took a good look on the map.

‘Let’s see,’ said human Twilight as she took a good look at it ‘We’re here at the tower. And according to this, the last place to find what we’re looking for is right…here.’

Human Twilight pointed north of the map exactly where we need to go.

‘Then that’s where we’ll need to be, and fast.’ said Luke as he stood up, with worried look on his face.

‘What’s wrong?’ asked Applejack.

‘I sense something is coming, and not in a good way.’ said Luke.

‘Then we’d better hurry.’ said human Applejack.

‘To the ship!!’ shouted both Pinkie Pies, causing all of them to run straight towards the ship in order to get to their next destination as fast as they could.

They soon took the ship and flew towards where the map was pointing. They flew with great speed, for if what Luke said was true, then everyone will be in great danger. Twilight looked at the map, wanting to make sure that they wouldn’t miss anything.

‘According to the map,’ said Twilight as she looked at it ‘We should be there in five minutes.’

‘So we’ll be there in no time.’ said human Twilight.

‘Uh, guys.’ said Spike.

‘You might wanna see this.’ said Smolder.

As they approached the bridge, their eyes widened in surprise. For straight ahead, was none other than Canterlot, but it looked really different. The Castle was there, and Ponyville was to the left, but to many of their shock, Canterlot City, the Rainboom’s home, was on the right.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow ‘Our worlds really are fused.’

‘We’d better make a landing.’ said Luke ‘I’ll take us to Canterlot.’

They flew straight towards Canterlot, and within a short while, they landed at a clearing. When the ramp opened, they quickly ran out, with Celestia, Luna and the Pillars approaching.

‘Luke, what is going on?’ said Celestia.

‘Princess Celestia,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Our worlds have been fused.’

‘What?’ said Luna.

‘Both of our worlds merged.’ said Sunset ‘Apparently when the first Jedi made their temple, they split the world apart in different places in order to hide it.’

‘And where is the temple now?’ said Starswirl ‘Now that both worlds have been fused.’

Twilight looked at the map again and said ‘Well, according to the map, it’s…’

Her eyes slowly widened as she lowered the map and said ‘Right underneath Canterlot.’

Everyone was surprised by this information.

‘Underneath this place?’ said Rockhoof.

‘It would make sense.’ said Stygian ‘There are an ancient system of tunnels underneath the city, who’s to say that there can’t be a temple underneath?’

‘Then we’d better hurry before…’ said Luke before he was cut off.

They then heard the sounds of what others would say banshees, but Luke knew that noise. For those were Ion engines, the kinds that TIE fighters use.

‘Oh no.’ said Luke as he looked up with his eyes widened, with the others following as they were just as shocked to see what was going on, with Luke saying ‘The Empire.’

From high above, they could see the nine Star Destroyers, deploying many of their fighters and AT-AT’s, along with their Walkers and transports, carrying the Storm Troopers to different locations.

The ponies, Rainbooms and Young Six were shocked to see that many troops coming down to their homeworld.

‘This is bad.’ said Twilight as she watched them descend.

‘Spike,’ said Luke as he looked at the dragon ‘Do you have a way to send messages throughout the world?’

‘I do.’ responded Spike.

‘We need to get messages out there to warn everyone around here, and fast.’

‘Way ahead of you.’ said Twilight as she had already wrote down on one scroll that she pulled out.

‘Tell them not to underestimate the Empire.’ said Luke ‘Their ships can kill anyone on impact once they fire even the Storm Troopers. Tell them to be cunning and avoid from getting shot.’

‘On it.’ said Twilight after she wrote them down. She then used a duplicate spell, duplicating more and more scrolls. She quickly went over to Spike and said ‘Quick Spike, time to send out the messages.’

‘Got it.’ said Spike, allowing him to use his fire breath to send messages throughout the towns and cities, even the neighboring kingdoms to warn them of the Empire coming in.

‘What’ll we do in the meantime?’ asked Princess Luna.

‘I need to go and find the Temple’s entrance.’ said Luke as he looked at the others ‘I need time to find it.’

‘Then we shall provide aid.’ said Princess Celestia ‘The Pillars and I will stay behind in Canterlot and help strengthen its defenses.’

‘We’ll head to Canterlot City.’ said Sunset ‘Our friends are still there and they’ll need protection.’

‘That goes the same for Ponyville.’ said Starlight.

‘We’ll come and help just in case.’ said Sandbar.

‘Very well.’ said Luke. He took one last look at them and said ‘Good luck my friends.’

He and R2 quickly departed to find the temple, with the rest going their separate ways to buy him some time.

From both Ponyville and Canterlot City, both the ponies and the humans heard the TIE Fighters flying above their heads. As they looked up, all of them were shocked to see ships that they’ve never seen before.

At the same time, a ton of AT-AT’s and Walkers were dropped at all corners of the town/city, whilst the transports landed, allowing the ramps to open and tons of Storm Troopers ran out in an attempt to have the entire place surrounded. Many of the residents ran away in fear when they realized that they were being invaded by unknown alien forces.

‘Round up the civilians!!’ shouted the commanding officers.

Many of the Storm Troopers began to shoot all over the place to keep the ponies and humans from escaping, whilst they used stun rounds at them whilst they collapsed. From Canterlot, there were many transports and light cruisers coming their way. At the same time, Celestia and Luna stood near the walls, with Starswirl the Bearded and many Unicorns of the guard standing in line, with many of the Pegasi guards hiding behind the clouds for cover.

‘Fire!!’ shouted Princess Celestia.

Celestia, Luna, Starswirl and the Unicorns fired their magic beams at the ships and TIE fighters, and were successful into taking some of them down.

‘Now!!’ shouted Flash Magnus, causing many of the Pegasi to kick their respected clouds, allowing the lightning to strike at the other ships, taking them down and one light cruiser as well.

Unfortunately, many of the ships had gone past them, allowing some of the transports to land and deployed the Storm Troopers. Whilst from the ground, Rockhoof commanded the Earth Pony archers and catapults as he hid behind the corner.

‘Fire!!’ he shouted.

Many fired the catapults and arrows, allowing them to hit some of the Storm Troopers and made most of them fall, but some of them scattered in order to find the Jedi.

At the same time, Luke continued to go down certain parts of the city and looked at the map every now and then in order to find the entrance. And as if it came at a bad time, a squad of Storm Troopers arrived and cornered Luke.

‘Hold it right there!!’ shouted one of them as they aimed their weapons at Luke.

However, Luke was too fast, allowing him to use the Force to pull their weapons out of their hands and threw his Lightsaber at them, striking them down in the process. After he caught it, he continued on his path with R2 on his tail. Luke continued to go down another path until another squad stopped him, but before Luke could react…

‘Wait,’ said the Storm Trooper ‘Friendlies.’

Luke was confused at this, but the squad of Storm Troopers went over to him and removed his helmet and smiled.

‘Still like your old man I see.’ said a familiar face.

‘Rex.’ said Luke with a smile. He walked over and shook his hand ‘Good to see you.’

‘You to sir.’ said Rex whilst his squad quickly got rid of their disguise and into their Rebel uniforms.

‘What are all of you doing here?’ asked Luke.

‘We went undercover to try and find out how many Imperial ships were left,’ said Rex ‘Till Commander Kory found out where you were so the Admiral devoted his entire fleet to hunt you down.’

‘How many are with you?’ asked Luke.

‘And entire Legion.’ said Rex ‘Commander Kory and his group went to a small town whilst Captain Vale and his group went to a large city. My entire group is here and we went to look for you the moment we landed.’

‘I have allies here in this world.’ said Luke ‘They will need to know that our friends are here as well.’

‘Sergeant.’ said Rex.

‘On it.’ said one of the soldiers as he quickly contacted the rest.

‘I need to find the entrance to the Temple.’ said Luke ‘It’s imperative that I find what I seek. If not, then this mission would’ve been for nothing.’

‘Understood.’ said Rex ‘We’re with you all the way.’

‘Thank you,’ said Luke ‘But if you really want to help, then help the people in this city. Help them defend it for as long as you can.’

‘Yes sir,’ said Rex before he turned to the rest ‘You heard the Jedi, move it.’

They soon departed to help, whilst Luke quickly left to find the entrance.

But at the same time, right at the center of Ponyville, many of the Storm Troopers were able to round up every pony in Ponyville. The citizens were terrified of the strange warriors who had surrounded them.

‘Sir,’ said one of the Storm Troopers to the officer ‘We’ve gathered every single civilian in this town as per your orders.’

‘Begin questioning every single one of them.’ said the Imperial Officer ‘I want to know the location of Skywalker. The Admiral is getting impatient as it is.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the Storm Trooper, allowing him to leave.

But at the same time, the Mane 7 and the Young Six watched as the civilians were cornered with nowhere to go.

‘This is horrible.’ said Fluttershy.

‘What are we going to do?’ said Rarity.

‘We need a plan to take them down and fast.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘But how?’ said Starlight ‘You heard what Luke said. The Empire’s ruthless, there’s no way we can take them all down.’

‘We gotta at least try.’ said Sandbar.

‘We gotta deal with those big metal things first.’ said Rainbow as she pointed at the Walkers. ‘I’ll try to gather as much clouds as I can in order to create as much lightning as I can.’

‘That could work.’ said Twilight ‘And whilst you do that, we’ll focus on the soldiers on the ground.’

‘Alright y’all, let’s do this.’ said Applejack as she tilted her hat forward, ready for a fight ahead of them.

Rainbow, who quickly used her speed to zip back and forth to gather as much clouds as she could, with the Storm Troopers unaware what was going on, whilst at the same time, the rest of the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and the Young Six scattering all around Ponyville, trying to get into position.

The Storm Troopers continued to hold their position, until one of them spotted the clouds above them and said ‘Hey, were those clouds up there before?’

‘Seriously?’ said the other one in disbelief ‘That’s what’s strange around here?’

‘Now!!!’ shouted Twilight.

As on signal, Rainbow moved from cloud to cloud and kicked every single one of them, sending out lightning at every single Walker and AT-AT. The Troopers inside panicked when the controls of their respected vehicles were malfunctioning, until they exploded, allowing them to collapse.

Applejack quickly moved around and used her lasso to tie a handful of them together. Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst used their magic to make the Troopers’ weapons disappear, whilst Spike and Smolder flew around and used their fire breaths to trap them inside.

Ocellus turned into a Bugbear and attacked the Storm Troopers whilst Yona tackled them over with her amazing strength. Silverstream and Gallus continued to move around and bash the Storm Troopers head on, whilst Pinkie Pie trapped some of them using the gum that she fired from her party cannon. Whilst at the same time, Rarity, Fluttershy and Sandbar freed the captives, allowing them to escape as each ran into their respective houses and barricaded themselves inside, for they do not want to see the end results.

Sure enough, after the Storm Troopers had been dealt with, the Mane 6 and the others regrouped.

‘Aw yeah, that was awesome.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah, you got that right.’ said Spike.

When all of a sudden, two more squads of Storm Troopers arrived, causing them to surround them, with one of them saying ‘Hold it right there.’

‘Aw, come on!!’ shouted Rarity.

‘Man these guys are like cockroaches!!’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘Alright, this is your only warning,’ said one of the Storm Troopers ‘Stand down, or we will use lethal force.’

‘Like hay we will.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘Rainbow Dash.’ said Twilight, signaling her athletic friend to stand down.

‘But Twilight…’ said Rainbow, trying to protest.

‘In case you haven’t noticed, they have us surrounded.’ said Twilight as she pointed at the Storm Troopers ‘And what good will it do if we’re dead and Luke has no one to turn to?’

Some of the troopers from behind them noticed that they referred Luke’s name. One signaled the other, with the Storm Troopers saying ‘Set weapons for…’

When all of a sudden, the seven Storm Troopers behind them shot the ones in front of them, taking the ponies by surprise. After they were shot down, one of the Troopers turned to the other and said ‘Sergeant, take four men with you and tell the rest of our men to regroup and have them meet us here.’

‘Sir.’ said the Trooper as he and the other three left.

The lead trooper looked at Twilight and the others and walked over to them. They were cautious at first, until he stood on one knee as he was in eye contact with them and asked ‘Are you alright?’

They were still stunned at first, with Fluttershy saying ‘Oh um, we’re fine. But…why did you take down one of your own?’

The soldier took off his helmet, revealing a soldier with dark skin, saying ‘My name is Kory, Commander of the Rebel Alliance.’

Their ears perked at that as Sandbar said ‘Wait, Rebel Alliance?’

‘So you’re all friends of Luke?’ asked Ocellus.

‘In a manner of speaking.’ said the Rebel Commander ‘I owe him my life, and so does every Rebel in the Alliance.’

‘Wait,’ said Applejack ‘If y’all are Rebels, then why are y’all dresses as them invaders?’

They saw twenty five more men coming in, wearing different uniforms, but bearing Rebel colors. The first three men tossed duffle bags to the Commander and the other two. The three removed the Storm Trooper armour as the Commander explained.

‘After the Death Star was destroyed,’ said the Commander as he and the others switched uniforms ‘General Organa feared that the Empire wouldn’t stand down without a fight, so she handpicked the best soldiers to infiltrate their ranks and we spent most of that time undercover to learn of their plans.’

‘It turned out,’ one of the Rebels said next to the Commander ‘Many of the Imperial Fleets were scattered throughout the Galaxy, trying to maintain their territories. But when we had them cornered, the Imperials tried to make their last stand at the planet of Jakku.’

‘It turned out, nine Imperial ships weren't there among the battle,’ said the other ‘And Admiral by the name of Val Kisto gathered the nine ships under his command. He was going to be part of the battle of Jakku, but when he heard where Luke was, he sent them here.’

‘Wait,’ said Smolder ‘All those ships with all of their armies, just to go after Luke?’

‘Skywalker defeated the Emperor and Darth Vader,’ said the Commander ‘That should give the Empire reason enough to send their ships after Luke.’

‘I can imagine.’ said Twilight ‘So what now?’

‘Right now, we need to find Skywalker.’ said the Commander ‘Once the town’s secure and everyone is safe, we’ll move out.’

‘We’ll help you.’ said Twilight ‘It’ll be much faster if you had help.’

‘We appreciate it ma’am.’ said the Commander.

They began to separate to ensure the town would remain secure whilst also instructing the civilians remain safe.

Back at Canterlot City, the Storm Troopers continued to try to maintain a grip throughout the city. However, law enforcement continues to try to fight back, but with the lack of weapon strength, they weren't standing much chance against them.

‘Move it!! Move it!!’ shouted one of the Storm Troopers as they brought in two more squads in order to subdue the civilian population.

As many of the Storm Troopers tried to contain the city, the Rainbooms tried their best to try to contain the situation. Human Rainbow Dash was using her super speed to grab most of the Storm Troopers’ weapons, as well as their ammo and brought it to the officers, who put them to good use.

Human Applejack used the super strength picked up most of the Imperial armour and tossed them against others, smashing them in the process. Human Twilight used her power to levitate most of the Storm Troopers and tossed them away, with human Fluttershy doing her best to evacuate most of the people, with Sunset helping her out. Human Rarity used her diamond shield to block the Storm Troopers’ blaster rounds. Human Pinkie on the other hand kept using her power to distract most of the Storm Troopers as there were cupcake messes all over their helmets and visors, even on their ships.

But many of the walkers continued to help the Storm Troopers as they pushed most of the Law Enforcement back, which resulted them to run as some of their vehicles exploded.

The Rainbooms soon got together and realized that no matter how hard they tried, it wasn’t enough.

‘It’s no use.’ said human Fluttershy.

‘They just keep coming!!’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘We need to even the odds a bit.’ said Sunset Shimmer.

When all of a sudden, a person they had never seen before, wearing some type of uniform, took out a rocket launcher and said ‘Firing!!’

He fired the rocket launcher, allowing the rocket to blow up one of the closest walkers. At the same time, three more showed up and fired their rockets, taking down their targets. At the same time, more and more of them showed up with their own blasters and fired their weapons.

‘Whoa, who are these guys?’ said human Rainbow Dash.

‘Get down!!’ shouted one of the Rebels, allowing the Rainbooms to quickly duck for cover.

As the firefighting continued, Sunset said ‘Who are you guys?!!’

‘My name is Captain Vale of the Rebel Alliance!!’ said the Rebel soldier.

‘Wait, you’re from the Rebellion?!’ said human Twilight.

‘Yes ma’am!!’ said the Rebel Captain ‘We were sent undercover to find out more of the Empire’s plans, until we found out that the last remnants were after Skywalker!!’

‘He came to us looking for help!!’ said human Applejack ‘He went to try to find knowledge of the Jedi so that he can restart the Order!!’

‘And now that the Empire’s here, things will go downhill from there!!’ said the Rebel Captain.

‘So where’s backup?!!’ shouted human Pinkie Pie.

‘They’ll be here shortly!!’ said the Rebel Captain ‘We have to hold out till they get here!!’

All over the world, many creatures continued with the fight against the Empire. The Dragons flew around and burned most of the Storm Troopers away, with the flying dragons taking down their Tie Fighters and their Walkers. The Changelings changed their shape into larger creatures, the Griffons flew around and dropped boulders on their targets, the Yaks used their strength to trap the Storm Troopers in snow, the Hippogriffs tossed the Storm Troopers in the oceans, Ponies continued to hold their line and many others performed admirably against their common enemies.

But from above the atmosphere, the Admiral waited patiently, for he wanted to bring an end to Skywalker, badly. One of the officers approached the Admiral with both his arms behind his back.

‘Status?’ said the Admiral.

‘Our forces reported of seeing Skywalker among the populace,’ said the Officer ‘But from the looks of things, they’re being met with heavy resistance.’

‘I see.’ said the Admiral, then turned to him and said ‘Deploy all battalions on the planet. Show them what happens when they resist the Empire.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the Officer as he signaled the others to send them in.

At the same time, many Imperial shuttles were sent in to deploy their forces, even the Admiral’s Star Destroyer, with two others following in tow, slowly ascended to the planet, for he wanted to personally deal with Skywalker.

‘We’ll be landing in a few moments sir.’ said the Officer.

‘Good,’ said the Admiral ‘The sooner we end the Jedi, the sooner we’ll…’

When all of a sudden, the Admiral was cut off as one of the other officers shouted ‘Admiral!! We have Rebel Ships coming in!!’

And from the northern direction, Rebel ships began to arrive. One was Home one, and the other was the Profundity, along with ten Mon Calamari Cruisers, six Nebulon-B frigates, five Medium Transports and sixteen Alderaan Cruisers and Hammerhead Corvettes. All of them flying in formation, heading straight towards the Imperial Fleets, along with Leia’s ship, the Tantive IV.

From within the bridge of Home One, Admiral Ackbar led the fleet as he said ‘All ships, prepare for immediate assault. All Rebel forces, board your transports. All fighters to your ships. This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill.’

Every Rebel soldier boarded the U-Wings with heavy arsenals whilst every pilot quickly boarded their respected fighters as they were finished being fueled and ready to go, whilst their Astro Mechs were loaded.

But from among them, whilst Han, Chewbacca and Lando boarded the Millennium Falcon, Leia spoke to over thirty soldiers, who all volunteered to be part of her assault team.

‘All units, let’s get on board, we have a friend to save.’ said Leia as she walked towards the Falcon, with the others following suit.

Sure enough, the Falcon flew out of the hanger, with every fighter in tow from every ship.

(I tried the best I could, but I read that from each squadron there happens to be thirteen fighters. I know I’m not accurate, but leave your comments below so that I can help fix the mistake)

As Han continued to fly the Falcon past the ships, Leia began to contact every fighter throughout every Squadron.

‘All fighters report in.’ said Leia as she contacted them.

‘This is Rogue Leader, standing by.’ said Wedge Antilles, leading his group of mixed fighters of X-Wings and Y-Wings.

‘This is Vanguard Leader, standing by.’ said a new pilot known as Kierah Koovah, leading her own mixed fighters as well.

‘This is Blue Leader, standing by.’ said the blue coated X-Wing pilot.

‘This is Red Leader, standing by.’ said the red coated X-Wing pilot.

‘This is Gold Leader, standing by.’ said the Y-Wing Pilot.

‘This is Grey Leader, standing by.’ said the A-Wing Pilot.

‘This is Green Leader, standing by.’ said the B-Wing Pilot.

‘This is Teal Leader, standing by.’ said the U-Wing Pilot as he led the U-Wing Transports.

‘This is Phoenix Leader, standing by.’ said a familiar Twi’Lek, General Syndulla, leading twice as many fighters of different ships under her command from her respect ship, the Ghost.

‘Lock S-foils in attack position.’ said Leia.

Sure enough, the X-Wings, B-Wings and U-Wings were doing just that.

‘May be Force be with us.’ said Leia to herself.

‘Admiral,’ said Lando ‘This is General Calrissian. We’re gonna need an opening if we’re to push past the blockade if we’re to reach Luke in time.’

‘Roger that General.’ said Admiral Ackbar ‘All small crafts, engage enemy ships, clear a path for our fighters. All heavy ships, engage enemy Star Destroyers.’

As they continued to make way, the Imperial Fleets responded by sending in hundreds of TIE Fighters straight towards them.

‘TIE Fighters, coming in!!’ said Red Leader.

‘Stay in formation!!’ said Leia.

As the Fighters from every squadron flew straight towards the TIE Fighters, the Alderaan Cruisers and Hammerhead Corvettes flew among them as they too had their weapons ready.

Leia then contacted Syndulla and said ‘General Syndulla, you lead the squadrons against the TIE Fighters. Vanguard Squadron, Rogue Squadron, follow me. Protect the U-Wings at all costs.’

‘Roger that General.’ said Kierah Koovah.

‘Right behind you Leia.’ said Wedge Antilles.

The Millennium Falcon, along with Vanguard and Rogue Squadron, changed their course and flew towards the planet’s surface, with all of the U-Wings in tow in order to reinforce Luke and those who are fighting alongside him.

At the same time, Hera lead all of the Squadrons as they flew straight towards the enemy.

‘All units, engage.’ said Hera.

Sure enough, the fighters scattered and continued to engage the enemy, with the Cruisers and Corvettes helping them to clear a path.

But from below the ground, whilst Twilight and the others, along with Kory and his fellow Rebels, continued to make their way toward Canterlot, whilst they also had to deal with a handful of Storm Troopers along the way.

‘Pony feathers,’ said Rainbow Dash to herself ‘They just keep coming!!’

‘The Empire really knows how to get under your scales.’ said Smolder.

As they continued up the path, they were blocked off by a large squad of Storm Troopers, along with a few of their walkers.

‘Halt, Rebel Scum!!’ shouted one of the Storm Troopers.

‘Oh great,’ said Spike ‘Here we go again.’

Just as they were prepared to fight, one of the Rebels shouted ‘Look!!’

They looked to their right and as if right on cue, a handful of X-Wings and Y-Wings flew down to aid them.

‘This is Rogue Leader,’ said Wedge as he contacted the Commander ‘We’re starting our attack run.’

They flew by as the X-Wings fired on the Walkers whilst the Y-Wings dropped bombs onto the Storm Troopers. With the path clear, the Rebel soldiers on the ground cheered for their air support.

‘Friends of yours?’ said Applejack.

‘They sure are.’ said the Commander as he contacted them ‘This is Commander Kory, any Rebel ships receiving?’

‘Good to hear your voice Commander.’ said Leia.

‘Ma’am,’ said the Commander ‘We’re in need of reinforcements, transmitting our coordinates now.’

‘We’re receiving them.’ said Han.

Chewbacca grunted a couple of times to the others, with a certain droid saying ‘Chewbacca says that half of the Empire’s forces are attempting to take over the neighboring cities on this planet.’

‘Rogue Squadron, Vanguard Squadron,’ said Leia as she contacted them ‘Head out to the other towns, make sure that the Empire’s grip doesn’t tighten their grips.’

‘Roger that General.’ said Wedge as his Squadron followed them ‘We’re on our way.’

‘Leave it to us ma’am.’ said Kierah Koovah

As both Rogue and Vanguard Squadron flew in a different direction, the Millennium Falcon landed near them whilst the two U-Wings hovered above them. The ramp opened, allowing Han, Lando, Leia, Chewbacca and 3PO to come out.

The Commander walked up to them, stood near them and saluted ‘Ma’am.’

‘Commander,’ said Leia ‘Good to see you. Looks like we arrived just in time.’

‘What’s the status down here?’ said Han.

‘The Storm Troopers have been deployed in most of the towns and cities.’ said the Commander ‘And Skywalker happens to be at the capitol, but the Empire’s already invading there with heavy force. Commander Rex and his Platoons are there assisting in the city’s defenses now.’

‘Are the inhabitants helping Luke at least?’ asked Lando.

‘They are.’ said the Commander ‘They can tell you themselves.’

He gestured to Twilight and the others, much to Han and the others’ surprise.

‘What exactly am I seeing here?’ said Han, which caused Leia to slap his shoulder.

Twilight walked up to them and said ‘Greetings. My name is Twilight Sparkle, one of the ruling Princesses of Equestria.’

She then gestured to her friends and students. ‘These are my friends. Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst. And those six are my students. Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona and Smolder.’

Fluttershy was distracted when she saw Chewbacca, causing her to fly up and said ‘Oh my gosh, you’re so adorable.’

She ended up nuzzling against Chewbacca’s furry cheeks, which in turn, caused the Wookiee to hug Fluttershy with his usual happy grunts, making her giggle.

3PO walked up to them and said ‘Greetings. My name is C-3PO, human Cyborg, relations.’

‘Oh, so you must be 3PO.’ said Rarity as she walked up to him ‘Our friend Luke spoke highly of you. He never did say that you happen to have extra shine on you. It looks simply divine.’

‘Oh, thank you.’ said 3PO as he felt flattered.

‘Name’s Lando,’ said the man with charm ‘Lando Calrissian. These two are Han Solo, and Leia Organa.’

‘Oh, Luke’s sister,’ said Twilight ‘He told us all about you.’

‘Are you friends with him?’ asked Leia.

‘We sure are.’ said Applejack as she tilted her hat back in place.

Leia couldn’t help but smile and said ‘Well any friend of Luke’s a friend of ours.’

‘Never mind that,’ said Han as he walked up to them and said ‘Have any of you seen Luke?’

‘He’s up at Canterlot.’ said Rainbow Dash as she pointed at the capitol of Equestria ‘He’s searching for the entrance to the Temple. I’m pretty sure that those Storm Troopers happen to be up there too.’

‘Then we’d better hurry.’ said Leia.

When all of a sudden, the Ebon Hawk came from out of nowhere and landed close by and landed close to them.

‘The Ebon Hawk?’ asked Twilight.

The ramp opened and suddenly R2 popped out as he beeped a few times.

‘Wait, R2-D2?’ said 3PO ‘What are you doing?’

Artoo beeped a couple of times, with Leia saying ‘You were worried about your friends and you wanted to help?’

Artoo beeped again to where they need to go. 3PO translated and said ‘It seems that a woman named Sunset Shimmer and her friends need help at Canterlot City, for the Storm Troopers are invading there in full force.’

‘Then we’d better get there first.’ said the Commander ‘Captain Vale and his troops are over there helping the law enforcement trying to defend themselves.’

‘Then let’s get going.’ said Lando ‘We don’t leave our own behind.’

‘We’ll come along too.’ said Rainbow Dash.

Both sides began to board the Falcon and Hawk, allowing them to quickly take off and flew straight towards Canterlot City, with two of the U-Wings in tow.

At Canterlot City, the Law Enforcement were being forced back as they used their vehicles to form a defensive wall, with the Storm Troopers still coming in full force, along with their heavy armour support.

Captain Vale and half of his men stood in defense with them, whilst the Rainbooms did their best to treat the other Rebels’ wounds.

‘Oh dang,’ said human Applejack when she saw that the Rebel was bleeding badly ‘Ah need something to…’

‘Here,’ said that the Captain as he handed her a medical kit ‘It has what you need to close up the wound.’

Applejack quickly took it and began to work on sealing the wound. As much as she was relieved that the Rebel was going to be okay, she was worried that they might not make it through the fight.

‘Keep pushing through!!’ shouted one of the Storm Troopers ‘Leave none standing!!’

But as they marched, they were suddenly shot down. Sunset and the others looked up and saw the Millennium Falcon, the Ebon Hawk and the two U-Wing fighters landed, allowing them to quickly deploy the troops, as all of them ran and began to shoot their way, assisting the Captain, with Han and the others in tow.

‘Pilots!!’ shouted Han as he contacted the U-Wing pilots ‘Get in the air and cover us!!’

‘Roger that, inbound.’ said the pilot as the two quickly took off.

The Rebels continued to fend off the Storm Troopers whilst some of them tended to the wounded.

‘Whoa, more Rebels?’ said human Applejack.

‘The Rebel Alliance came to the rescue.’ said Spike as he was near the others.

‘But they need to get to Luke, fast.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘No problem.’ said human Rainbow ‘Let’s wrap this up fast and we’ll be done in no time.’

‘Easier said than done, kid.’ said Han before he took a few pot shots at the first two Storm Troopers, with Chewbacca growling as he used his bow blaster to take down a few more.

But from the planet’s orbit, the Imperial Fleet continued to engage the Rebel Fleet. The Star Destroyers flew in a triangle formation, whilst the Rebel Fleets surrounded them from all directions. The TIE fighters continued to be a nuisance trying to defend the fleet, but thankfully, the Rebel fighters kept them at bay, whilst the Alderaan Cruisers and Hammerhead Corvettes continued to be trouble for the Imperials.

‘I want all TIE Bombers to focus on those ships!!’ shouted the Captain ‘We’ve got to break their hold!!’

The TIE Bombers flew in formation and flew straight towards Home One.

‘General Syndulla,’ said Admiral Ackbar as he contacted them ‘TIE Bombers are heading towards Home One.’

‘I’m on the way Admiral,’ said Hera whilst she steered the Ghost and said ‘Phoenix Squadron, on me. We have a ship to protect.’

The Ghost flew straight back to Home One whilst the rest of Phoenix Squadron flew behind her.

A handful of X-Wings coated in blue continued to fly in a three man formation, with Blue Leader saying ‘Blue Two, Blue Three, follow my lead. We need to try and take out one of the Star Destroyer’s Deflector shields.’

The X-Wings coated in blue flew straight towards one of the Star Destroyers, allowing them to release their Proton Torpedoes before departing, allowing the Torpedoes to destroy the Bridge Deflector Shields

‘This is Green Leader, we’re starting our attack run.’ said the pilot in the B-Wing.

The squadron of B-Wings were in triangle formation, allowing them to unleash its blockade buster, firing the beam straight towards the Star Destroyer, destroying the bridge, allowing it to enter the atmosphere and burn upon entry.

‘This is Gold Leader, prepare for bombard run.’ said the Y-Wing pilot as he and his fellow Y-Wing pilots flew towards the next Star Destroyer, allowing them to release their Ion bombs, allowing most of the ship to shut down, making it fly off course towards the next one, causing it to explode on impact.

The TIE bombers continued to fly towards Home One, until Syndulla and her fellow Phoenix Squadron flew right behind them.

‘Phoenix Squadron, take them down.’ said Hera as she continued to fly straight towards the TIE Bombers.

Phoenix Squadron fired upon the TIE Bombers, destroying them in the process, saving Home One in the Process.

‘Home One, you are all clear.’ said Hera.

‘Appreciate it General Syndulla.’ said Ackbar.

Back on the ground, the Rebels continued to fend off the Storm Troopers, until the Storm Troopers felt they were being overwhelmed.

‘Fall back!! Fall Back!! We need to regroup!!’ shouted the Storm Trooper Commander as he led what Storm Troopers they have left to the transports, with the Rebels cheering for their retreat.

‘Yeah, you’d better run!!’ shouted human Rainbow.

‘Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.’ said Sunset.

‘She’s right,’ said Lando as he stood next to her ‘They’re going on a full retreat so that they could regroup.’

3PO contacted them and said ‘Generals. We need to leave immediately.’

‘What’s wrong 3PO?’ asked Leia.

‘Artoo has been monitoring Imperial chatter and says that all the remaining Imperials Storm Troopers are to regroup with Admiral Val Kisto of the Imperial Fleet.’

‘Where is he now?’ said Han.

‘He’s currently leading three Star Destroyers straight towards what appears to be a castle.’ said 3PO.

Twilight was shocked when she overheard him and said ‘That’s where Luke and the rest of the Princesses are.’

‘We’d better get there double time.’ said Lando.

As two of the U-Wings landed to pick up its troops and some going with the others to the Falcon and Hawk, Leia contacted the others on the planet.

‘All fighters on the surface, I want everyone to regroup at this world’s capitol immediately. We have to stop the Imperial ships.’

‘Copy that Leia,’ said Wedge Antilles ‘Rogue and Vanguard Squadron inbound.’

Rouge Squadron and Vanguard Squadron, along with all of the U-Wings who had just picked up their soldiers, all flew straight towards Canterlot with great speed.

‘Admiral, this is Solo,’ said Han as he contacted the Rebel Fleet ‘We need an extra squadron or two as well as some cruisers, the Admiral of the Imperial Fleet is still leading three Star Destroyers and is heading straight for this world’s capitol.’

‘Copy that Solo.’ said Ackbar as he and the rest of the Rebel Fleet were nearly finished with the Imperial Fleet. He then contacted the rest of the fighters and cruisers as he said ‘All Squadrons, Cruisers and Corvettes, this is Admiral Ackbar, all units head planet side, there are still three Imperial ships that need to be dealt with.’

‘Roger that Admiral,’ said Syndulla ‘All Fighters, move out.’

As Hera lead Phoenix Squadron, Red, Blue, Gold, Grey, Green and Teal Squadrons were following in tow, along with the Corvettes and Cruisers.

At the same time, near Canterlot, the Imperial Fleet had deployed more Storm Troopers, and all of them were marching towards the Walls of the kingdom, where the civilians have been evacuated whilst every guard continued to strengthen the defenses.

Many of the guards were injured as they were being taken away, and even with the Unicorns’ help, they still were being overrun.

‘We can’t keep this up for long!!’ shouted Rockhoof.

‘We need to fall back!!’ shouted Flash Magnus.

‘No, we cannot let them attack the city!!’ shouted Luna.

When all of a sudden, they saw an elderly human come along with a rocket launcher, aimed at one of the Imperial Walkers and fired the weapon, allowing the Walker to blow up and collapse onto the ground.

But he wasn’t alone, the rest of his Rebel group gathered on the wall, using their blasters, snipers, light machine blasters and rockets to drive the Imperial soldiers at bay, causing most of the Imperial ground vehicles to move up front to serve as cover whilst the Imperials quickly hid behind it to ensure that they would be well protected before they could advance.

‘Come on, come on!!’ shouted Rex ‘I want all medical officers to take the city guards away from here and have their wounds treated at once!!’

Most of the medical officers quickly took the injured ponies away from the walls and a little further away towards town square, hoping to have their wounds treated without any interruptions or distractions.

‘Who are you?’ said Luna.

‘Commander Rex of the Rebel Alliance.’ said Rex.

Celestia’s ears perked by that name, as she said ‘As in Captain Rex of the 501st Clone Battalion?’

Rex was surprised by that, allowing him to look at Celestia. ‘Uh, yeah. How did…?’

‘Luke Skywalker told us about you.’ said Luna.

Celestia then had a saddened look on her face as she placed a hoof on his shoulder and said ‘I am also sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose a sibling through the harshness of fate.’

Rex lowered his eyes for a bit to process this, then looked at them and said ‘Appreciate it ma’am.’

‘Incoming!!’ shouted one of the soldiers, causing them to duck for cover.

‘We need to find a way to keep them away from the city!!’ shouted one of the soldiers.

‘Incoming Star Destroyers!!’ shouted the second rebel.

They looked at the sky and were shocked to see the Star Destroyers coming from the distance.

‘They’re going to deploy more troops?!’ said Luna.

‘Worse,’ said Rex, who looked back at the Princesses ‘If they get within a few more feet close, they’ll bombard the entire city!!’

The Princesses were shocked to hear this, even the Pillars.

‘Lieutenant!!’ shouted Rex to the Rebel soldier next to him ‘Get on the radio and find out if we’re getting any support!!’

When all of a sudden ‘No worries Commander.’ said Leia ‘We’re coming in hot and inbound.’

They heard the sound of starship engines coming closer. When they turned back, they saw the Millennium Falcon and Ebon Hawk land further away, as well as the U-Wings to deploy their soldiers, whilst at the same time, Rogue Squadron and Vanguard Squadron flew straight towards the three Star Destroyers in order to stall them, whilst the Y-Wings were able to bombard the Imperials close to the gates. It may have stalled them, but they continued to advance.

Sure enough, every Rebel began to land and formed into groups, with Leia and the others, along with Twilight and her friends to quickly gather near the plaza. When all of a sudden, they saw a handful or Rebel Medics, along with the Pony Guard, carrying more of their injured.

‘We need more medics here!!’ said the one Rebel soldier.

Many of the Rebel Medics ran over to give the others aid, with Leia walking over to one of them and said ‘Lieutenant, what’s the status?’

‘Captain Rex and his group are at the walls helping the Princesses defenses at the city gates.’ said the Rebel ‘The Fighters may have stalled them, but it’s only a matter of time before the rest of their forces arrive.’

‘Commander,’ said Leia as she looked at them ‘I want you and your forces to go to the walls and help Rex defend the walls.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ said Commander Kory, then looked at the others and said ‘You heard the general, move it.’

The Commander and his group darted towards the walls to give Rex the aid he needed.

‘Captain,’ said Leia ‘I want you and your group to stay behind and make sure the rest of our Troops to secure the city to make sure the civilians stay safe.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ said the Captain with a salute.

‘What are we going to do?’ said Han.

‘We need to find Luke.’ said Leia ‘We don’t know how many Storm Troopers might be in the city.’

‘We’ll go with you.’ said Twilight.

‘Yeah, Luke’s our friend too.’ said Rainbow Dash ‘No way we’re going to leave a friend hanging.’

Chewbacca growled and moaned a couple of times, agreeing with them.

‘You sure Chewie?’ said Lando.

Artoo came along and beeped, agreeing with them too.

‘Oh, I am not much one of violence,’ said 3PO ‘But I wish to help too.’

‘Alright then, what are we waiting for?’ said human Rainbow Dash with an eager attitude.

Leia closed her eyes, using the Force to try and find her brother. After a few moments, she looked up and said ‘Let’s go.’

Leia ran ahead, with the others following suit in order to catch up with Luke.

At the same time, the three Destroyers continued with their current course as the Admiral said ‘Deploy more troops at once.’

‘Yes sir.’ said one of the officers.

‘Sir!!’ shouted the second one ‘We got incoming Rebel Fighters!!’

From above, Hera Syndulla flew the Ghost straight towards the three Star Destroyers, along with Rogue and Vanguard Squadron when they regrouped with her, with Red, Blue, Gold, Grey, Green and Teal Squadrons in tow, with the Corvettes and Cruisers not far behind.

‘All ships, deploy all fighters!!’ shouted the Admiral.

And right on cue, hundreds of TIE Fighters flew out to engage the enemy. As the TIE Fighters were drawing closer, both sides fired at one another, causing some of the fighters from both sides to be hit before they quickly scattered and flew in different directions with the Corvettes and Cruisers in tow.

However, Rogue Squadron and Vanguard Squadron, along with three Corvettes and Cruisers, flew straight for the three Star Destroyers.

‘Vanguard Leader, this is Rogue Leader,’ said Wedge as he contacted Kierah Koovah ‘Have our A-Wings, X-Wings and B-Wings fly in to distract most of the ship’s turbo lasers whilst our bombers try to do their attack runs by deploying their EMP’s.’

‘Roger that Rogue Leader.’ said Kierah Koovah as they continued to make way.

At the same time, from within the Star Destroyers, Admiral Val Kisto said ‘Prepare all my Death Troopers and two squads of Storm Troopers have them meet me at the hanger bay.’

‘Sir?’ said one of the Officers.

‘I’ll handle this myself.’ said the Admiral, before he stopped in front of the Captain and said ‘Captain, take charge of the Star Destroyers.’

‘Yes sir.’ said the Imperial Captain before he left whilst Admiral Val Kisto headed towards the hangers.

From the Canterlot City Walls, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched as the battle takes to the skies, leaving them in awe.

‘What are they doing?’ said Celestia.

‘The rest of the New Republic Fleets,’ said Rex ‘They’re trying to stall their fighters whilst the rest will try to destroy their ships.’

‘Rex!!’ shouted Commander Kory, gaining Rex and the others’ attention as they saw the Commander and Rebel reinforcements arriving to give them a helping hand.

Rex ran down the stairs and regrouped with the Captain whilst the rest of the Rebels climb the walls.

‘What’s the status Commander?’ said Rex.

‘The rest of the Medical officers at the town square trying to tend to the wounded,’ said the Commander ‘General Organa and her team are on their way to regroup with Skywalker.’

‘Then we shall leave to aid them too.’ said Celestia. ‘Commander, can I trust all of you to hold the walls until Luke achieves what he’s seeking.’

‘We’ll do our best your highness.’ said the Commander as he saluted.

‘Come on, come on!!’ shouted Rex ‘We’ve got more incoming Storm Troopers inbound!!’

The Commander, Captain and the rest of the Rebels quickly joined Rex and his Platoon to hold the walls whilst Celestia, Luna and the Pillars quickly left.

At the same time, unknown to many, five Imperial Shuttles flew down on the opposite side of Canterlot without anyone noticing. They soon landed at a clearing nearby as they landed in line formation. One by one, the ramps lowered, allowing two Platoons of Storm Troopers, two Platoons of Elite Storm Troopers, and an entire Platoon of Death Troopers to run out of the ramps to form a square formation. Admiral Val Kisto, with four of his Death Troopers accompanying him, walked out last and looked around.

‘So, this is what this world looks like.’ said the Admiral. ‘Primitives. And they haven’t mastered space travel.’

‘Sir.’ said one of the Storm Troopers ‘We’ve detected Skywalker’s Astromech.’

‘Then he must not be far behind.’ said the Admiral ‘Let us move.’

As the Admiral moved forward, the Storm Troopers and Death Troopers followed suit.

At the same time, as the Mane 6 and the others ran beside Leia and the others, Celestia and Luna came along as Celestia said ‘Thank goodness we caught up with you.’

‘Princesses.’ said Twilight ‘We were just on our way to find Luke.’

‘He’s not far.’ said Leia ‘I can feel him.’

Artoo suddenly beeped frantically, causing the others to look at him, with Lando saying ‘Artoo, what’s wrong?’

3PO quickly made out what he said as he said ‘Oh my!! Artoo says that he has detected a large number of Storm Troopers on the opposite side of the city, and that they’re heading towards Master Luke’s location.’

‘Then what are we waiting for!!’ said Sandbar ‘Let’s hurry.’

They quickly ran towards Luke’s location with great haste.

Luke, who continued with his path, looked around as he was walking down the stairway. Sure enough, he stopped in front of something. To his surprise, it had the symbol of the Jedi Order.

‘I’ve found it.’ said Luke as he looked at it. Without hesitation, he quickly raised his hand and focused using the Force.

He continued to dig deeper and deeper, until finally, he felt something. The symbol of the Order began to glow, allowing a large door to reveal itself as it began to shine. Sure enough, the doors began to open. But something was wrong. The doors began to glow brighter and brighter. The moment it was enough for someone to peak through, the door flashed a bright light, causing Luke to cover his eyes.

At the same time, the blinding light began to cover all of Canterlot, taking many to notice.

‘What’s going on?!!’ shouted Twilight as she and the others quickly covered their eyes, as did Admiral Val and his Storm Troopers.

But it didn’t stop there, the light continued to consume the entire world. So bright in fact, that the Imperial and Rebel Fleets were consumed by them too. There was a bright light, and then nothing but darkness.

Twilight and the others moaned a bit, as if they had just woken up from a dream.

‘Twilight,’ came a voice ‘Are you alright?’

Twilight was able to open her eyes, and she saw Luke.

‘Luke?’ said Twilight as she was able to stand up, with the rest of the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst, Spike, Celestia, Luna, the Young Six and the Pillars following suit ‘Where are we?’

‘A good question.’ said Luke as they noticed the entire room was empty, filled with darkness, but enough light for them to see each other, as well as filled with stone pillars and rocks from around as if a long forgotten civilization once resided in.

‘Luke.’ said a familiar voice to Luke. He looked to his right and saw a familiar face.

‘Leia.’ responded Luke as he walked over to her and gave her a hug.

They broke the hug as Leia said ‘It’s great to see you. I wish we could’ve met under different circumstances.’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ said Luke ‘I’m just glad to see all of you again.’

Chewbacca came over and hugged Luke with its usual growls and moans, making Luke laugh about it.

‘Hey kid,’ said Han as he walked towards Luke after Chewbacca released him. He smiled and extended his hand to Skywalker and said ‘Good to see you again.’

Luke couldn’t help but keep his smile and said ‘It’s good to see you again old friend.’

When all of a sudden ‘Twiley?’

Twilight turned around and to her surprise, it was none other than Shining Armour and Cadance, along with Flurry Heart.

‘Shining Armour?’ said Twilight as she went over to him and said ‘What are you doing here?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Cadance ‘One moment we were doing our royal duties to the Crystal Empire, next thing we knew we saw a blinding light and ended up here.’

‘Uh, not just you.’ said Pinkie.

As they watched, they saw Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna, along with most of Canterlot High, as well as most of the residence in Ponyville. Even Rex, Ackbar and many of the Rebel soldiers.

‘What is going on here.’ said Principle Celestia.

‘Where are we?’ said Vice-Principle Luna.

‘We happen to be in the between realm of the Force.’ said Luke as he looked around.

‘Between realm?’ said Twilight.

‘Yes,’ said Luke as he looked around ‘From what Master Yoda told me, he said that there was a time that the Jedi of old were afraid that even their most powerful knowledge would be lost to the Sith and their Empire, so they were able to find a place where they could store much of their knowledge. Only problem was, the secrets of the very Jedi who traveled to this world died with them. So no one would know where to go.’

‘But where should we even go from here?’ said Han.

Just before Luke could say anything, a voice shouted loud ‘Skywalker!!’

Everyone turned around and saw Admiral Val Kisto, along with his Death Troopers, Storm Troopers and Elite Storm Troopers, marching towards them as they slowly began to spread out. However, the Rebels quickly stood in line themselves to defend the civilians whilst Luke pulled out his Lightsaber to prepare for a fight ahead of him, whilst Han, Chewbacca, Leia and Lando pulled out their blasters and pointed at the Storm Troopers, whilst the Mane 6, Starlight, Sunburst, the Rainbooms, Spike, his doggy counterpart, the Pillars and the Young Six stood by their side, ready for another brawl.

‘Long have I waited for this moment.’ said the Admiral ‘This war is over and you have lost.’

‘Dude, get over it already!!’ shouted Rainbow Dash ‘The Emperor’s dead, your so called Empire is in shambles and every world from your galaxy rose up against you!! The Empire’s done and so are you.’

‘Is that so?’ said Admiral Val ‘Look around you, this is no longer about the Emperor. You may have stopped Operation Cinder, but even if we’re no longer here, Operation Resurrection will continue without anyone’s interference.’

Leia’s ears perked at that.’ “Operation Resurrection”?’ muttered Leia to herself.

‘The Empire may be gone, but we will ensure that those who caused its downfall will suffer for their sacrilege.’ said the Admiral, then turned to his Storm Troopers and said ‘Storm Troopers, line formation.’

The Storm Troopers marched in line formation and stood firmly as the first line crouched on one knee whilst the second stood in place.

‘Ready!!’ shouted the Admiral, allowing the Storm Troopers to arm themselves.

The Civilians hid behind Twilight and the others in fear, whilst the heroes of Equestria, along with the Last Jedi, the leader of the Rebellion and their soldiers held their position, ready to strike back.

‘Aim!!’ shouted the Admiral. When all of a sudden…

The sound of a breathing apparatus went off, causing all to be silent and slowly looked around. For the new individuals in the room, it was new to them. However, the Rebels, the Storm Troopers and both sides of their leaders, recognized the sound, for all of them have heard of it before.

‘Impossible.’ said Lando.

All of them slowly turned to the noise that came from within the darkness.

‘It can’t be.’ said Han.

It was silent for a few moments as the breathing apparatus continued to be sound through the ears of others. When all of a sudden, a red Lightsaber activated, revealing a dark individual from within. It slowly began to walk out in the open to reveal himself. The individual was wearing a type of armour, whilst a type of computer was operating on his chest, whilst wearing a helmet that none could describe. Many were shockened to see who that mysterious person was.

‘Lord Vader.’ said the Admiral in disbelief.

‘Father.’ responded Luke with his eyes going wide.

The Mane 7 and their human counterparts were all shocked to see who it was, for it was none other than Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Most of the Fillies and Colts, with the CMC and Flurry Heart among them, frightened as they never saw a terrifying being.

The Admiral on the other hand, who swore his loyalty to the Emperor and Vader, walked over to the Dark Lord of the Sith. Leia wanted to stop him, but Luke stopped her, motioning her not to intervene, making her realize that he knows something.

Admiral Val stood near him and bowed to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

‘Lord Vader.’ said the Admiral ‘I didn’t want to believe the rumors that you were gone, and I am glad to see you are unharmed. As I have served you since the founding of the Empire, I wish to continue to serve under your…’

However, Admiral Val was suddenly cut off, for he felt like he was being choked. He instantly grabbed his throat, trying desperately to breathe. And within mere moments, he was lifted as if he was standing on his feet, only for him to float whilst still choking.

To everyone’s shock and horror, they saw Vader had revealed his left hand whilst showing his hand was grasping, but it was aimed at the Admiral, raising him from the ground as he was being choked to death.

‘W…what’s going on?’ said Shining Armour as he was feeling a slight sense of fear.

‘Force Grip.’ said Luke ‘The signature move of the Sith.’

The Admiral, continued to struggle breathing, but he looked at Vader with his one eye opened.

‘Why?’ said the Admiral ‘We have…pledged our…loyalty to you. To serve you…just as you…served the…Emperor.’

Vader took a few steps forward as his apparatus was still breathing, whilst his grip was still on the Admiral. Vader slowly turned to the Admiral.

Vader responded to three words and three words only. ‘I. Serve. No one.’

And within one swift motion, Vader grasped his hand in a flash, causing Admiral Val’s neck to snap as he screamed in pain whilst collapsing onto the ground, much to everyone’s horror. The Storm Troopers on the other hand, looked at Vader in shock, as the Lord of the Sith continued to stare down at them for some reason.

Out of fear, the Lieutenant of the Storm Troopers shouted ‘OPEN FIRE!!!’

Within moments, the Storm Troopers began to fire at the Lord of the Sith whilst everyone else continued to watch.

Vader used his Lightsaber to deflect the blaster fire as he walked towards them, causing him to redirect them at the Storm Troopers, killing five of them and five of the Elite Troopers. The next two Troopers tried to shoot, until Vader used the Force to freeze them in place, allowing him to gut them down with one stroke. The split second Vader lowered his saber, he used the Force to push five blaster rounds back, killing the first Death Troopers as they were struck through their heads.

Vader used the Force to pull five of the Elite Storm Troopers’ blasters from their hands, allowing him to gut them down with ease. Three more Death Troopers tried to take their shots, but they unfortunately fell victim to Vader’s Force grip, making them rise up in the air, choking them and tossed them aside hard against the wall. Vader struck the next three Storm Troopers left and right, the used Force Push to launch the five Elite Storm Troopers far, whilst using his Lightsaber as he threw it, allowing him to strike down the five Death Troopers near him.

Everyone watched in horror as they now see Vader’s abilities first hand. For the Storm Troopers couldn’t even stop him and no matter how hard they tried, Vader still cut them down as if they were nothing but waste of space.

‘Sweet Celestia.’ muttered Twilight, horrified by what Vader was displaying.

‘You mentioned of how your father fell into darkness Skywalker.’ said Luna as she too was in shock.

‘But we never expected anything like this.’ said Celestia, just as shocked.

‘Wait,’ said Shining Armour ‘His father?’

Twilight looked at Shining Armour and Cadance, telling them of Vader’s past.

‘He was once an honorable Jedi, who was one of the protectors of their Republic alongside ten thousand more like him, but when he had a vision of his wife dying, without him realizing that he was the cause, he ended up betraying the Jedi and killed them all, even the children that would be the next generation. He was even responsible for bringing down the Republic and turned it into an evil Empire. He betrayed his own Order, turned to Darkness, and killed his fellow Jedi, children, and political leaders, all for the sake of protecting the woman he loves, only to realize that his sacrifice had been in vain, and because of the Emperor, a Sith Master who manipulated him from the shadows, any bit of good in him was gone.’

Shining, Cadance, and those who listened, were shocked to find out more about the Sith’s past. But then they heard more screaming, meaning Vader was far from done killing the Storm Troopers.

He had already killed all of the Storm Troopers and seven of the Death Troopers. But he was far from finished. Vader struck the ground, creating dust that temporarily blinded them, but they blindly fired anyway. When the dust settled, they saw he was no longer there.

Vader suddenly appeared from out of nowhere and jabbed his Lightsaber through the Death Trooper’s back, causing him to pull it out and disappear again. He reappeared between two more and cut them down too, whilst he disappeared again whilst the Storm Troopers kept shooting around. He reappeared again and sliced another Trooper, then sliced another’s leg, then again at the Trooper, before disappearing again. The Death Trooper quickly looked left and right, but couldn’t see Vader, until the Sith appeared, sliced the Death Trooper’s weapon in half, the jabbed it through its back, making the Death Trooper collapse.

The first four Death Troopers tried to attack Vader from all around, but he quickly deflected their blasts and struck them down before they even had a chance to blink. He walked straight towards the next Death Troopers. He sliced the first two, sliced the third’s weapon in half, then used Force Push to push the Trooper as far as possible, but the third tried to get to him, with Vader killing it in an instant. The next Death Trooper tried to attack, until Vader sliced the trooper in half too as he proceeded to the next ones.

He continued to deflect their blasters, until he trapped one against a stone pillar using a rock, then sliced the next trooper’s leg, then its head, much to the others’ shock. Vader walked towards the trapped one and sliced its chest too.

The last Death Troopers held their line as they continued to try to keep the pressure on the Sith, but no matter how hard they tried, Vader kept blocking their attacks as he sliced the first three with ease, then the fourth, whilst also Force Pushing the fifth away. Vader Force Pulled the nearest Death Trooper to him, allowing Vader to kill him upon impact. Vader used a type of boulder to crush the next Death Trooper, causing it to collapse. Vader then sliced the next one.

The last one however, did not stay down. Just as the Death Trooper was about to shoot, Vader used Force Grip and held the Trooper in its place. The Death Trooper muttered through the helmet and tried to shoot Vader, until the Sith gripped its fist, causing the Trooper’s armour to be crushed, killing it by the force, then making it collapse as it had no life to fight for.

Vader turned to the last five Elite Storm Troopers, all of them who are afraid whilst aiming their blasters at the Sith. Vader walked towards them in order to finish them off, when all of a sudden, a green Lightsaber flew straight towards Vader, causing the Sith do deflect it. But as he looked left, the Lightsaber flew right back into its owner’s hand…Luke’s hand, allowing him to turn it off and placed it back in its hilt. Luke continued to stare down at the entity. He knew it was not his father, he knew it was part of the test. But he could still feel his father in it. The first time he fought against Vader, he barely survived and lost his hand. The second time, during their encounter in the Emperor’s presence, he stood somewhat of a chance. But now…now he was ready to face Vader, with all of the skills of both the Force and Lightsaber skills.

‘Unless you wish to be Vader’s victim,’ said Luke as he spoke to the last of the Storm Troopers ‘I suggest you stay clear.’

The Troopers quickly cowered behind the Rebels, not wanting to face Vader’s wrath and that they’d be met with the same fate as their fallen comrade would.

Luke took a couple of steps forward, then looked at both Leia and Twilight and said ‘Whatever happens. Don’t intervene.’

‘What?’ said a shockened Twilight.

‘But Luke…’ said Leia as she attempted to try and change his mind.

‘I need to do this.’ said Luke in his calm manner ‘It’s time to put the demons of our past to rest. I have learned much during my travels. It’s time that I put them to good use.’

Luke walked straight towards Vader, staring down at the Sith whilst walking to the right, still staring down at his opponent. After a bit of walking, Luke stood firmly on the ground, staring down at his Father turned Sith, staring down at one another. Everyone who looked at them were now extremely worried. Many have faced many threats before, and came back to live the tale. But to encounter a man like Vader, the man who was responsible for the destruction of the Temple and the death of his wife, Luke’s mother, was a whole different story.

For now the true fight had come.

The fight between Father and Son.

Chapter 15: Father vs Son

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From across Princess Twilight and many of their companions, all of them could only watch from afar, as two individuals continued to stare down at one another.

On one side was Darth Vader. Who was once a man named Anakin Skywalker, who was once one of the most powerful and strongest Jedi within the Order, but because of his own paranoia, he betrayed the Order and joined Chancellor Palpatine, aka Darth Sideous. And because of his mistake, he realized too late that he was the one who would cause it, and he ended up living in pain and anger over the years. But within time, he soon fell by none other than his own son.

On the other side was Luke Skywalker, who was once restless as he wanted something more other than farming. When the Empire took the last of his family away, he left Tatooine in order to learn the ways of the Jedi. Despite many obstacles coming and going, Luke would always find a way. He was trained by the best, especially from Master Yoda, who passed away because of old age. Luke had once rushed in to save his friends and it costed him bitterly. And during the Battle of Endor, Luke was fairly a match against Vader. But now, after what he learned and what he witnessed, he was more than ready.

The said Ponies and their counterparts where nearly tensed up when they saw both Father, a servant of the Dark Side, against his own Son, the servant of the Light Side.

Leia couldn’t help but worry for her brother. She once saw him hurt when he went up against Vader, and what it had costed him. But now she didn’t know what to think. For Luke had changed since she last saw him and the look in his eyes proved it.

She felt Han’s hand, gaining her attention as he said ‘Don’t worry, the kid’s got this.’, with Chewbacca grunting in response as he agreed with Han.

As the two continued to stare each other down, Vader finally spoke and said ‘I have been waiting for you, Luke. We finally reunited at last.’

‘I wish it could be pleasant,’ said Luke ‘But given the circumstances, I’d say that I’m at an impass.’

‘We need not be enemies…’ said Vader before Luke cut him off.

‘I said it before and I will say this to you again,’ said Luke ‘I will not join you or the Sith. They brought nothing but shame and darkness among the galaxy.’

‘The Jedi are no different.’ said Vader.

‘No they’re not,’ said Luke ‘They made mistakes just like everybody else, which is proof that the Jedi are not perfect and they ended up meeting their end. All because of you.’

‘How dare…’ began Vader.

‘No, how dare you.’ said Luke ‘You claim you were doing this for the greater good. You sacrificed the Order, you sacrificed the Republic and you sacrificed the good in you, and for what, to save mother?’

If anyone could see Vader’s face, he would be slightly startled ‘How did you…?’

‘I know everything.’ said Luke ‘I know that you had a vision of mother dying, but you didn’t know how. So when the Emperor caught wind of this, he used it against you. You didn’t see what was the cause. Well there was one…the cause was you.’

Some were surprised to hear this, even Leia and the others.

‘I’ve seen it through the Force with the help of my new friends,’ said Luke ‘If you had not intervened, mother would be alive and she would continue to lead the Republic and the Jedi Order would have survived.’

Luke took a step forward as he said ‘I saw mother crying, I saw how she pleaded and begged you to not turn into darkness. But instead…’

Luke waved his hand, causing an image to be created, an image of the past, showing Anakin when he was younger, alongside Padme. Everyone was surprised to see what was going on, even the Rainbooms and Leia.

‘Obi-Wan was right,’ said Padme ‘You have changed.’

‘I don’t want to hear another word about Obi-Wan.’ said Anakin, noticing that his anger and the darkness inside his heart was growing ‘The Jedi turned against me, don’t you turn against me.’

Slowly, Padme was in tears, horrified and heartbroken by what Anakin had become, because Anakin had turned to Darkness. ‘I don’t know you anymore,’ she responded. ‘Anakin…you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path that I can’t follow.’

‘Because of Obi-Wan?’ said Anakin.

‘Because of what you’ve done.’ she responded back ‘What you planned to do.’

However, Anakin’s focus was shifted to the ship, with the others not noticing what he was looking at, with Padme trying to convince him otherwise. ‘Stop. Stop now, come back. I love you.’

Suddenly, Anakin’s expression changed as he raised his voice ‘Liar.’

She turned her attention to the ship. And from the ship, she saw Obi-Wan, walking down the ship’s ramp, and making his way towards Anakin.

‘No…’ she said, for she was surprised to see Obi-Wan, realizing that he had snuck onboard without her realizing it.

‘You’re with him,’ said Anakin, not believing her as she took a few steps back. ‘You brought him here to kill me.’

And within that split second, he extended his hand, whilst his hand had made a grip form, causing Padme to be lifted partially from the ground, as she held onto her throat with both her hands, shocking everypony and creature when they saw what was going on, even the Rainbooms. But not as shocked as Leia was.

‘Let her go Anakin.’ said Obi-Wan, trying to get through to him, but his focus was on Padme, as if feeling betrayed by his own wife was the last straw.

‘Anakin.’ begged Padme, wanting him to stop.

‘Let. Her. Go.’ said Obi-Wan, now more serious.

Within a moment, Anakin released his grip, dropping Padme onto the ground, unconscious, with Obi-Wan shocked what had transpired. Leia took a step forward as she nearly reached out, but was held back by Han, who was just as shocked.

Anakin looked at Obi-Wan in anger, knowing that his wife’s betrayal will not stand. ‘You turned her against me.’

Obi-Wan, on the other hand, looked at Anakin in disgust. ‘You have done that yourself.’ he responded.

Anakin walked back and forth, whilst taking his cloak off, now focused on Obi-Wan. ‘You will not take her from me!!’ he shouted.

‘Your anger and your lust for power had already done that.’ said Obi-Wan as he took off his cloak. He and Anakin walked in a circle, slowly. ‘You have allowed this, dark lord to twist your mind until now…until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy.’

‘Don’t lecture me Obi-Wan.’ said Anakin as he was no on the other side, with Obi-Wan, walking towards Padme, wanting to make sure that she was okay. ‘I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do.’

As Anakin turned around, Obi-Wan crouched and placed his hand onto Pad me’s neck, making sure that she was still alive. Anakin on the other hand had his back turned, as he continued to rant ‘I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire.’

‘Your new Empire?’ responded Obi-Wan, whilst sounding confused.

‘Don’t make me kill you.’ said Anakin, who’s anger had now greatly consumed him.

‘Anakin,’ said Obi-Wan, trying one more time to get through to Anakin ‘My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!!’

‘If you are not with me,’ said Anakin, not making eye contact. ‘Then you’re my enemy.’

Obi-Wan sighed, for he knew that it wasn’t going to end well. ‘Only a Sith, deals in absolutes.’ he responded. Sure enough, he pulled out his Lightsaber, and prepared himself for battle. ‘I will do what I must.’

The imagery soon faded, with the shock reeling over to some who was new to this. Shining Armour and Cadance were beyond horrified when they saw what Vader did to his own wife, especially Leia as she shed a few tears before she landed on her knees.

Luke then looked at Vader and said ‘She died because of you.’

Vader looked at Luke as he continued to shout ‘If you had listened to Yoda from the beginning!! To let go as he had asked of you, all of this could’ve been avoided!!’

Vader could see that Luke was angry, but it felt off. It was not anger that could lead to the Dark Side, but natural anger. And from within Luke, he was already at peace.

‘I had to learn to let go.’ said Luke ‘I was afraid to, but I learned overtime that not everything lasts forever. Not everyone can live forever. Life must go on and one must find a way to live with it.’

‘If you truly believe that, then you are weak.’ said Vader ‘The Jedi could not save the galaxy, nor could they save themselves. One must realize that others must be strong through the Dark Side, for if not, all would remain on their knees till death.’

‘And you’re still spouting the same hatred that turned you against all you love.’ said Luke ‘I have encountered the Sith who had said the same as you have, and all of them would always lose in the end. Hatred and the Dark Side doesn’t make you strong, it makes you weak, helpless, and alone.’

‘And you know better?’ asked Vader.

‘I do.’ said Vader ‘I had learned about Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, even Laughter for those who have lost hope, those who felt they would achieve nothing. But only with them, the galaxy and the Jedi could flourish again.’

Luke took another step as he said ‘That’s also something what mother wanted to do. But you…she, your mother, Qui-Gon, and others you called friends…they would be ashamed to see what you have become.’

Vader gripped his fists, whilst some of the rocks were slowly being crushed.

‘You are unwise to lower your defenses.’ said Vader as he used the Force to toss a bolder at Luke, until Luke used the Force to Force Push the rock in half, with Luke barely being unfazed, leaving everyone surprised to see Luke’s power that had truly grown.

‘I am not the same man you fought on Cloud City, nor on the Death Star.’ said Luke.

‘Do you truly believe you are ready to face the greatest of dangers?’ said Vader.

‘I have come a long way since I began on my journey.’ said Luke ‘I have learned so much from both the Force and the people who are alive.’

He turned his back on Vader and said ‘I will restore the Jedi back to their former glory and I will make sure that we do not repeat the mistakes our forbearers before us made.’

‘You cannot match the full, power, of the Dark Side.’ said Vader.

‘Funny,’ said Luke ‘Yet I was a match against the Sith Masters who came before you, whilst you got manipulated by a man who claims himself to be all of the Sith. For I will do what I must if the galaxy is to have a future. So I will defeat you.’

‘You will try.’ responded Vader before he turned his Lightsaber on, whilst continuing to stare his son down.

Tensions were high, everyone wondered who was going to strike first. For Leia and her Rebel/New Republic friends, the fight was inevitable. But for many others, they couldn’t believe that Luke’s own father would fight him with so much darkness in his heart. Twilight once wondered that if she and her friends were able to use the Elements of Harmony, they would free him from his own pain and torment. But Twilight remembered Luke’s lesson about the Dark Side. Could it be more powerful than Harmony? No one might ever know.

But her thoughts were interrupted, when she looked at Luke.

Within a split second, Luke activated his Lightsaber and jumped backwards and in front of his father. To the many who were witnessing this whole event, were shocked when they saw the son would go against his own father the moment their sabers had clashed. As they clashed, they kept moving backwards as the blades continued to strike at one another. They stood still as their blades clashed once or twice, allowing Luke to kick Vader backwards, making the Lord of the Sith nearly fall over, but was able to get back up quick on his feet as Luke continued.

Vader continued to move backwards as Luke continued to clash his blade against his as there came continued flashes. They stood a few inches from one another, until Luke twirled his saber, trying to strike at Vader, only for him to block his son’s attack, then twirled around trying to strike back, only for Luke to block his attack and kicked him away. The two of them continued to move as their sabers continued to clash. They continued to try and strike one another as they sliced a few large rocks that were between them as they didn’t notice. Luke ended up moving backwards as their sabers continued to clash, until their blades ended up deflecting against a rock, scorching it in the process.

As both Luke and Vader stood a few feet away, Vader used the Force to lift a large rock and throw it straight at Luke, only for him to slice it in half and used the Force to throw them back, causing Vader to slice them in two. Vader continued to make his way toward Luke, allowing them to continue to clash their sabers as Luke moved backwards. Vader then swung his saber, only for Luke to duck and tried to strike Vader from behind.

Vader used Force Push to push Luke backwards, making Luke fall backwards and skid on the ground, but quickly got back up on his feet.

‘The Jedi will never rise again.’ said Vader.

‘Not if I have anything to say about it.’ said Luke as he used both his hands to perform a Force Push, causing Vader to skid backwards until he was against the wall.

Luke jumped towards Vader, allowing the two of them to clash their sabers once more. Only for Vader to headbutt Luke’s head, then punched him, clashed his saber, backhanded and Force Push Luke as he crashed against a rock. Vader threw his saber at Luke, but it pierced next to him instead. Seeing what Vader had planned, Luke quickly ducked as Vader used the Force to attempt to Slice Luke’s head off. Luke got up, only for Vader to grab Luke’s throat, whilst Luke grabbed Vader’s saber, much to everyone’s shock.

Vader forced Luke to bend over backwards as Vader attempted to slice his son’s throat, with Luke struggling to gain momentum in order to fight back. However, he remembered seeing an old favorite of Kenobi’s. Luke kicked Vader’s back leg, causing Vader to roll over and Luke was able to get up, but Vader ended up punching Luke as he fell over. But with determination on his face, Luke wasn’t going to give up, so he got up and kicked Vader, making the Sith Lord fall on his back. Both Vader and Luke summoned their Lightsabers, causing them to clash again whilst Vader slowly got up, with both warriors still in the fight.

Both Vader and Luke stood their ground as both of them continued to clash their sabers from a slow pace to a faster pace. Sure enough, both of them ended up twirling their Lightsabers in circles, and with the tenth twirl, they clashed their sabers together, staring each other down, with one trying to oust the other.

Many stared in awe when they saw how both Vader and Luke fought, even the Rebels were impressed. Chewbacca grunted a few things as he elbowed Han.

‘What did he say?’ asked Rainbow.

‘Chewie asked Han if he still had doubt of Luke becoming a Jedi.’ said Lando when he translated for them.

As the Jedi and Sith continued to pin one another, both of them ended up using Force Push. But just as their hands clashed, they could see the Force with their own eyes, as if it were glowing with energy. Both Luke and Vader continued to push harder and harder, with neither of them moving a muscle. However, the moment they gave it their all, they both gave in, causing both of them to fly separately as they crashed against a few rocks.

Vader jumped up in order to Strike Luke down, but the Jedi was able to get up in time and deflected his attack. Luke continued to move backwards as Vader attempted to strike him down, but Luke moved in perfect sync, not wanting to fail and come all this way for nothing.

Luke ended up backhanding Vader, allowing Luke to move forward as they continued to clash sabers at one another, until Vader used Force Push to push Luke against and through a rock. He was able to stand up, but half of his shirt was torn off, but he ignored it as he jumped right towards Vader, allowing them to continue with their fight.

As they clashed sabers again, Vader backhanded Luke, nearly making him lose balance, until Vader tried to strike him down, only for Luke to grab Vader’s wrist, with Vader doing the same, both trying to pin the other as they twirled, until Luke head budded Vader, making him go backwards, with Luke jumping a bit backwards as he placed his Saber away.

Luke used his strongest Force Push, causing Vader to fly back against the stone wall with a crash, taking those by surprise. Vader was for a few moments against the wall whilst his breathing apparatus was going rapid whilst he struggled to remove himself from the wall. Vader took a step or two, struggling to move. That was, until Luke combined both his hands as he summoned his most strongest Force Push. And with great thrust, a powerful wave was released, heading straight toward Vader. The moment it made contact, it looked like the stone wall exploded.

Everyone was surprised to see how strong Luke was.

‘Whoa,’ said one of the Rebels ‘Remind me not to get on his bad side.’

The rest of the Rebels agreed, for they were surprised to see a Jedi fighting first hand. They heard Rex chuckle as he said ‘Trust me. All of you haven’t seen anything yet.’

Luke took a few moments to breathe in order to calm himself. When all of a sudden, he still heard Vader, as he suddenly moved out of the rubble. Though his armour were scraped and dented, he was still in the fight. The others were shocked to see Vader was still standing.

‘That’s…impossible.’ said Twilight, for out of all the villains they’ve fought, never have they seen one that was stronger.

‘Now I see why Luke’s father is most powerful in the Force, both light and dark.’ said Luna as she had a hard time trying to comprehend of what she saw.

Luke was about to pull out his Lightsaber again, until R2 beeped, gaining Luke’s attention. The little robot ended up shooting out something from the back of its head, allowing them to fly in the air, allowing Luke to catch them. When he took a good look at them, he realized it were the same Lightsabers that he found in the tomb from the Pegasi’s old kingdom.

R2 beeped a couple of times, allowing Luke to nod in agreement. He then faced Vader again, allowing Luke to activate both of them and performed the same stance as Ahsoka did, allowing himself to be ready. Vader on the other hand simply turned on his Lightsaber and walked towards Luke, not even phasing or even asking of where he found those sabers.

Luke darted straight towards Vader and jumped in the air, but missed when he tried to strike down Vader, only for Luke to block the Sith’s attack with both his sabers. Luke and Vader continued to dodge and clash sabers at the same time, until Luke used Force Push once more, only for Vader to keep his feet on the ground whilst he skidded backwards. The moment Vader looked up, Luke attempted to strike again, only for Vader to block Luke’s sabers with his own. Luke stood behind Vader, only for him to form an X with his sabers in order to block Vader’s. Luke then back flipped a few times as he dodged Vader’s strikes, but ended up with them clashing sabers again once more.

Luke jumped on top of one of the rocks, trying to dodge Vader’s attack, until Vader used the Force to lift tons of rocks and throw it straight at Luke. This time, the Jedi was prepared as he jumped left and right, whilst also slicing them to pieces in order to try and avoid them. Vader used another rock, only for Luke to suddenly disappear. Vader looked left and right in order to find him, until Luke appeared from out of nowhere and sliced part of Vader’s helmet, making the Sith Lord shout in pain, which shocked the others.

Luke landed a few feet away, then turned around to face him. Slowly, Vader looked at Luke, revealing his eye as it was revealed through his destroyed helmet.

‘Luke.’ responded Vader as he looked at him, but Luke didn’t say a word, but kept staring down at the Lord of the Sith.

Vader eventually stood up, with Luke saying ‘By the Will of the Jedi, the Republic and the Force. I will restore balance. I’ve come this far. And I don’t intend to stop now.’

It was silent between them as they kept staring down at one another. The others anxiously watched as things continued to heat up. Luke wasn’t going to give up. Unfortunately, neither was Vader.

‘Then you will die.’ responded the Sith Lord as he turned his saber on and walked towards Luke.

Luke on the other hand also walked towards Vader. But as they were a few feet away, he instantly charged at Vader, allowing Luke to attempt to strike Vader down again, only for the Sith to deflect it. The Sith Lord then performed a parry, causing Luke to drop his sabers, whilst also dodging Vader’s strikes. At the same time, Artoo shot out two Lightsabers; a blue dragon Lightsaber and a yellow Double Bladed Lightsaber.

Luke grabbed them whilst he was in midair and landed in front of the Sith again. Everyone and everypony could see just how well Luke had been moving with two different sets of Lightsabers. Luke continued to twirl the double bladed saber from his one hand, but continued to fight strong with the other. But as Vader did a double counter from Luke’s strikes, he used Force Push and pushed Luke away as he ended up dropping both of his sabers.

Luke got up and charged straight towards Vader, until Artoo tossed Luke a Folded Double Bladed Lightsaber, allowing Luke to jump in the air and catch it, whilst it unfolded, allowing Luke to fight Vader as the two of them engage in combat once more.

‘Where does he keep getting those things?’ said Sweetie Belle when she pointed at the Lightsabers.

‘Trust me,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered near the CMC ‘We found a lot of those things during our travels.’

Vader continued to move backwards as he blocked most of Luke’s attack. Vader backhanded the young Jedi, but Luke ended up kicking Vader in the face, countering his first strike. Both Father and Son continued to clash as they tried to ounce one another. Luke kept spinning the double bladed Lightsaber as if it were nothing but a bo-staff, even Vader had a hard time catching up. But as they continued, Vader ended up clashing Luke with his saber, causing the young Jedi to be on one knee, trying to keep his balance.

Luke saw a stone pillar and used the Force to pull it, allowing the stone pillar to fall over and both Luke and Vader jumped separately in order to avoid it. They then jumped on top of the fallen pillar and continued to fight their battles against one another. Luke moved the double bladed Lightsaber whilst Vader moved with precision.

‘Whoa,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘Just look at them go.’

‘No wonder Luke’s dad was considered the best.’ said Rainbow Dash.

‘The kid’s holding out,’ said Han ‘Never thought he would hold Vader out for so long.’

Vader and Luke kept moving back and forth, one trying to strike the other. Vader ended up using Force Push, causing Luke to be pushed against the piece of the stone pillar, until Vader jumped up in the air in order to strike down Luke, but he was able to quickly dodge Vader’s attack as he jumped over. But the moment Luke landed, Vader sliced the double bladed Lightsaber in half, Luke to drop them as Vader jabbed his saber at Luke.

Many should be shocked, but the one who should be shocked is Vader. Luke was using the Force to block Vader’s saber, a little something he learned from the Jedi Master who fought against Malgus during the Battle of Alderaan. Luke grunted as he lifted himself up and stood firmly on his feet and kept the saber in his grip (Figuratively speaking).

‘Impressive.’ said Vader as he kept his stance.

‘Like I said before,’ said Luke, using his will and all his strength to keep the Lord of the Sith at bay ‘You’ll find out that I’m full of surprises.’

Luke headbutted Vader and thrusted his hand onto the ground, causing Vader to be raised in the air, then used both his arms to Force Push Vader away from him. Vader kept his stance once more and looked up, only to notice that Luke wasn’t there.

From out of nowhere, Luke appeared whilst he suddenly had a blue Crossguard Lightsaber in his hand. Luke twirled the saber and began to strike Vader. The Lord of the Sith continued to keep his stance, until they continued to clash sabers in different positions, until Luke sliced Vader’s shoulder guard off, causing Vader to groan in pain, but continued to fight Luke as if their lives depend on it.

Vader continued to move forward whilst Luke moved backwards, trying his best to keep himself in the fight as he twirled his Lightsaber left, right, up, down, side to side in order to block Vader’s attacks. Luke jumped backwards. Vader used the Force to lift the pillar up and sent it to Luke flying, only for Luke to counter it using both his hands to catch it. He sent it flying back, only for Vader to catch it and sent it away, however, Luke anticipated this and used the Force to Force Push Vader backwards, making the Lord of the Sith fall on his back. Luke suddenly picked up a handful of large boulders using the Force, and used them to crush Vader, much to the others’ shock.

Luke removed them, revealing the Lord of the Sith to be on his back, until Luke jumped and landed behind Vader whilst the Sith slowly stood up, with his armour now damaged and his cape now torn, especially with his breathing apparatus broken as he was struggling to breathe. Luke turned his Lightsaber on, with Vader doing the same as the two of them now stood toe to toe against one another.

The two continued to clash their sabers in different formations, each trying to oust the other, with Luke gaining the advantage as he slashed his saber against Vader’s robotic leg, which was only scorched, but allowed Vader to remain unbalanced as he stood on one knee. Luke went over and bashed his saber against Vader a couple of times, but at the third strike, he sliced Vader’s helmet off, showing his face that had been partially burnt since his encounter with Obi-Wan. Luke used the Force to lift Vader up and smashed him onto the ground. Luke lifted Vader up, allowing the young Jedi to charge against the Sith, grabbed it and used his most strongest Force Push to push Vader far against a Pillar before he collapsed onto the ground.

‘Incredible.’ said Starswirl as he and the others were in awe when they saw how far Luke had really gone.

The Young Jedi walked over to Vader, who despite the beatings he received, continued to get back up and holding his saber, with Luke now standing near the Jedi.

‘It’s over father.’ said Luke ‘I will restore the Jedi back to their former glory, I will restore the Republic. And I will honor my mother’s sacrifice, and bring peace to the Galaxy as she always wanted.’

But Vader, who was not one to give up, suddenly got back up, with Luke clashing his saber again.

‘All I did.’ said Vader as he stood up on both his feet, but clashed his saber again ‘I did it for her!!’

Luke suddenly grabbed Vader and flipped him over, with Luke saying sternly ‘You failed our mother!! And you failed the Republic!!’

They clashed their sabers again, with Luke saying ‘You betrayed the Jedi!! You betrayed the Clones!! You betrayed the Republic!! But more importantly, you failed the Republic!!’

Luke charged Vader again, until Vader grabbed Luke by the throat, for now he has anger in his eyes, much to the others’ shock.

‘The Jedi took me away from my mother!!’ shouted Vader before he backhanded Luke ‘They took me whilst they left her behind!! To be a slave!! They didn’t bother to save her!! Not Qui-Gon!! Not Obi-Wan!! Or anyone!!’

He kneed Luke in the gut, grabbed his head and bashed him against the wall ‘When Padme came into my life!! All I wanted to do was to protect her!! I didn’t want to fail her like I failed my mother!!’

Vader used Force Grip, causing Luke to be raised in the air as he grabbed his throat ‘The Jedi forced me to be what I never wanted to be!! They only wanted me to fulfill their foolhardy prophecy!! To make me something I wasn’t!!’

He thrashed Luke hard onto the ground, walked over to him and beat him with his fists as he said ‘They forced me to be part of their foolish Order!! They made me a Jedi!! They forced me to fight!! Forced me to be loyal with no loved ones!! They forced me into the Order!! To pick up!! Their!! Pieces!!’

Vader then picked Luke as he shouted ‘They!! Failed!! MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!’

Vader tossed Luke hard against the stone, tearing off most of his shirt as he bounced and skidded hard onto the ground, with Luke’s face into the ground. Many were shocked when they saw Luke on the ground; the Ponies, the humans, even the Rebels when they saw Luke beaten by the Lord of the Sith.

‘Luke.’ said Leia, wanting to interfere, but she knew she mustn’t.

‘Come on Jedi Master.’ said Twilight ‘Don’t give up.’

Luke slowly got up and was on all fours, whilst he spat some of the ground away. Vader slowly approached Luke and looked at his son before standing still.

‘You.’ said Vader as he gripped both of his hands ‘Never truly understood. The full power. Of the Force.’

‘I…’ said Luke as he was able to stand on one knee and on one foot ‘Do not need to understand the Force father.’

Luke then slowly raised his head, revealing his eyes was glowing white as he said ‘For the Force…is all, around us.’

The ground suddenly shook as from small pebbles to rocks suddenly began to float in the air, which took them by surprise. However, what really surprised all of them, was that Luke was slowly standing up, his eyes were glowing brighter and both of his hands were appearing to be grasping something, as the wind blew and hair flowed as he had now tapped into the full power of the Force.

Twilight and her friends were shocked to see the full power of the Force from Luke first hand.

Before Vader could react, Vader delivered a powerful Force Push, causing Vader to just fly backwards and made him crash against the wall in full force. He used the Force to toss Vader hard against another part of the wall to the left, then another to the right, then straight up at the roof, then down hard onto the floor.

Luke charged towards Vader whilst the Lord of the Sith tries to stand up. He tried to use the Force to throw objects at the young Jedi, but Luke jumped left on top of a fallen pillar. Vader did the same trick, but Luke was able to jump right and used another Force Push, causing Vader to be pushed back. Luke landed and charged towards Vader again, but before the Sith Lord could react, Luke used Force Push in front of him, making Vader land on his back.

Luke then slammed his left hand onto the ground, causing Vader to be lifted off of the ground. Luke used both his hands to deliver his strongest Force Push, making Vader crash against the ceiling, then used both his hands to make Vader crash onto the ground, hard. As Vader struggled to get up, the ground beneath Vader suddenly spawned rocks, revealing Luke to be using the Force to command the ground to form a large stone hand to grasp Vader in, so that he would not be able to move.

As the Lord of the Sith screamed in anger, something happened. The light began to shine brighter on Luke, allowing six familiar objects to appear. They were none but the Elements of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Everyone in the room were shocked to see the Elements of Harmony themselves had appeared around Luke.

‘Whoa,’ said Rainbow as she was shocked to see what was going on before them ‘He can control the Elements of Harmony?!!’

‘That’s impossible.’ muttered Twilight.

Vader continued to scream in anger and pain whilst Luke slowly approached Vader, until he stood at least a few feet away from him. Vader looked at Luke in anger, for he was not going to give up this easily.

‘The Jedi!!’ shouted Vader ‘Have made me into what I am!!’

‘No father,’ said Luke as he looked at Vader with a deadpanned face, but still shed a small tear, for he took no joy in this whilst he said ‘You chose your own destiny.’

The Elements of Harmony began to glow brighter whilst fusing with Luke. With the combined power of both the elements and the Force, Luke unleashed its full power towards Vader, causing the Lord of the Sith to be engulfed in it, making the Sith Lord scream as if he was being burnt in lava all over again, whilst the others began to cover their eyes as if they couldn’t handle the bright light anymore.

Soon enough, the brightness began to fade away, causing some of them to notice. As they unshielded their eyes and looked at the aftermath. Luke soon stood up straight whilst the elements faded away. As for Vader, he was released from the rocky grip and landed on all fours. Vader panted a few times, trying to catch his breath.

‘It’s over father.’ said Luke ‘It’s time to move on.’

Sure enough, Luke could see tears. Not just any tears, but Vader’s. Much to the Rebels’ shock, even Leia and the others.

‘What have I done.’ said Vader as his head was still lowered. ‘I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. All I wanted was to save her.’

‘But at what cost?’ said Luke as he stood on one knee in order to be face to face with his father ‘You betrayed your friends. You betrayed the Jedi Order, and you betrayed the Republic. And for what? To save mother?’

‘But…the visions…’ said Vader.

‘If you had paid close attention to it, you would’ve seen who was responsible.’ said Luke. ‘I have looked deep into the Force and have seen what really happened. Mother’s life came to an end because you couldn’t control your anger and you nearly killed her. Because of it, she had lost the will to live. She would have lived if you had not intervened.’

Vader slowly looked up to Luke as he explained things further. ‘Because of the Dark Side growing stronger, the Emperor had foresaw that you would be desperate into saving her. He used that to his advantage and he manipulated you into doing what he wanted you to do. All of this could have avoided if you had listened to Masters Yoda and Kenobi. I’m afraid to lose the people I care about too, but I also know that they were not going to be around forever. That’s why we spend every moment with them with the time we still have. In the end, I had to learn to let go, the first lesson I learned. You could’ve done the same.’

Vader lowered his head, not wanting to look at his son, for he was ashamed of what he had done, something that Sunset recognized. She walked over to Vader, gaining his attention.

‘I know what it’s like, to be filled with anger and lust for power.’ said Sunset, recalling her days of being a bully and tormentor. ‘Trust me, it didn’t do anyone good. I was cruel beyond redemption. If it weren’t for my friends, I wouldn’t be here.’

Princess Celestia stood near Vader and placed a hoof on his shoulder. ‘When I first became immortal, I too was afraid to lose those I love. I still miss them, but I had to learn to let go of everything I was afraid to lose. For what I realized, everything must come to an end, and it is the most saddened part of our lives. That is why we live our lives to the fullest with the time we still have.’

‘Indeed.’ said Luna as she walked over ‘It is difficult to letting go ones loved ones. If it were to happen, Padme would not have want you to be like this.’

Then the least anyone would expect to come, was none other than Leia. Now that she knows who her father is, it was difficult for her, but she had to get it off of her chest.

‘When mother became a senator,’ she started ‘All she wanted to do was to help people. She was against the war because she knows of how much suffering people can endure. Ever since the Rebellion started, I joined the cause because I also wanted to help people, even when we were low on manpower to fight the Empire, we didn’t give up on the fight. And since the New Republic had been formed, I vowed to help restore the Galaxy back to the way it was supposed to be. Without the Clone Wars, without the Galactic Civil War. I’m not just doing this to help those in need. I’m doing this for her.’

Vader lowered his head for a moment, but then looked at Leia with tears in his eyes. ‘I’m so sorry Leia. I’m sorry for what I have done. Forgive me.’

At first, Leia would want to be angry for what Vader had done. But instead, she said ‘Oh father. The only one you need to forgive is yourself. If you wish to make things right, then let my brother pass. Let him restore the Jedi Order. Let him restore Balance to the Force.’

Vader slowly reached out to Leia and placed his hand onto her shoulder. He then did the same for Luke. And much to their surprise, their father had hugged them for the very first time. They soon returned the hug, showing that all has been forgiven. Many were relieved when they saw this. Vader slowly stood up and looked at his kids and said ‘Thank you. Both of you.’

He then released the hug and took a few steps backwards. He smiled to them and said ‘May the Force be with you.’

And within mere moments, Vader vanished into thin air, for now he is one with the Force. As Artoo moved around to gather the Lightsabers, and with 3PO helping, the others soon gathered around Luke and the others.

‘That,’ said Luke as he wiped the sweat from his forehead ‘Was exhausting.’

‘You’re telling me.’ said Spike ‘I never felt that scared in all my life.’

‘Well, we can look on the bright side after all of this.’ said Pinkie as she and her counterpart appeared.

‘Like what?’ asked Han.

Suddenly, both Pinkie and her human counterpart were suddenly in Darth Vader outfits, but with their own scary voices, though not that scary.

‘Come to the dark side my son.’ said Pinkie Pie ‘It’s super cool and super awesome.’

‘We have amazing armour,’ said human Pinkie ‘The cool flowing capes, the amazing Lightsabers and also the amazing dental plans.’

‘And most importantly.’ said the two Pinkie Pies.



Suddenly the two of them held up a large plate of cookies as they both shouted out loud ‘We…have…COOOOOKIEEEEEESS!!’

Everyone gave the two of them blank stares, not knowing what to say of any of this, with the Rebels just as confused. That was, until they heard a snicker. It was none other than Luke, who first snickered, then giggled, and then the delivery, a full blown laughter as he clenched onto his stomach. Sure enough, Han and the others, even the Rebels began to laugh at that, following the ponies and their human counterparts, as well as the other creatures.

Chewbacca growled to Fluttershy in his language, with Fluttershy saying ‘Oh yes, Pinkie really knows how to make others laugh.’

As soon as the laughter died down, everyone began to recollect themselves.

‘Aw man.’ said Smolder as she wiped her tear away ‘Now that’s funny.’

‘I know,’ said Silverstream ‘I can’t imagine that Vader would say and do stuff like that.’

‘So Luke,’ said Han as he walked over to him ‘You mind telling me what this is about?’

‘I can answer that,’ said Princess Celestia as she walked over and said ‘When Luke was trying to find the location of the Jedi Temple that the First Jedi had hidden, he encountered certain tombs that contained clues of the temple’s whereabouts. But he encountered other Sith who once lived long ago before he could proceed.’

‘Heck yeah,’ said Rainbow Dash ‘He encountered Sith like the first one, Kreia, Revan, Malak, Malgus, Bane, Maul, Dooku, and finally his dad.’

‘It has been challenging.’ said Luna ‘But because of our willingness to work together, we were able to overcome those tests.’

‘And now thanks to them,’ said Luke ‘We have found the temple.’

‘Well it could be a bust,’ said Han as he looked around ‘From the looks of things there’s nothing here.’

‘But there has to be something.’ said Twilight in concern.

‘Yeah,’ said Sunset ‘We didn’t think that we went through all of this for nothing.’

‘So what do we do about it?’ asked Lando when he looked at Luke ‘Where do we look?’

And from the distant, another bright light began to shine, causing many to block their eyes. When they took a peek, the light began to fade away, revealing eight different individuals, all in different shapes and sizes, wearing what appeared to be masks and Jedi robes. Though some would be cautious, Luke assured them that they mean no harm. The eight individuals stopped near them at least a foot away.

‘Congratulations Luke Skywalker.’ said the first individual, clearly male ‘You have passed your trials.’

‘Trials?’ asked Twilight.

‘Indeed.’ said a different individual. And among them, to the ponies’ shock, were none other than the founders of Equestria. Namely Clover the Clever, Secretary Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane, Princess Platinum, Private Pansy and Chancellor Puddinghead.

‘It can’t be.’ said Princess Celestia in shock.

‘How is this possible?’ said Luna.

‘When the First Jedi came along,’ said Princess Platinum ‘We had just formed Equestria. They taught us what we needed to survive and to help our kingdom grew into a new and better tomorrow.’

‘And once they were done teaching us,’ said Clover the Clever ‘They asked us to hide their most sacred texts on our world.’

‘And because of how they helped us,’ said Chancellor Puddinghead ‘How could we say no.’

‘But wait,’ said Sunset as she realized something ‘Princess Twilight and the others found the clues of the temple in Equestria, how is it that their secrets were in our world too?’

‘Believe it or not,’ said Secretary Smart Cookie ‘Long ago, the humans used to live side by side with Ponykind millennium ago.’

‘But because they were suddenly at odds with one another,’ said Commander Hurricane ‘We were afraid that an all out war would have been waged between our kind.’

‘We asked the Jedi if there was a way to separate the two worlds,’ said Private Pansy ‘That way, they could live peacefully without feeling threatened to one another.’

‘But wouldn’t it be better to keep it this way?’ asked human Twilight.

‘We cannot I’m afraid.’ said Starswirl as he walked to the founders as he said ‘Clover and the others knows.’

‘Knows what?’ asked Spike.

He looked at them and said ‘When the worlds had separated, humanity had evolved much faster than Ponykind. And if we were to combine both worlds, imagine the panic that would come if Ponykind would suffer with modern technology that they have never seen before.’

‘He’s right.’ said Celestia ‘It would be much too dangerous if it were to come to pass.’

‘There’s also another reason.’ said Luke.

Everyone looked at him, wondering what he means, with Han asking ‘Why do you say that kid?’

‘The magic of this world and the one that’s currently populating in secret in the other,’ said Luke as he told them ‘They would be lost forever if anyone would get their hands on them. And once that happens, all the evil that they worked so hard to conceal would have nothing to stop them. Equestrian Magic and the Elements of Harmony are their first and last line of defense. That is why they cannot mix.’

All of them were both surprised and terrified at the same time, even Twilight and her friends, for if people would panic over Equestrian Magic that had been leaking in Sunset’s world, they do not want to imagine what would happen if forces like Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek and Cozy Glow would interfere in worlds like that.

‘But,’ said Luke ‘That does not mean that the world should remain separate.’

Everyone, even the masters looked at him surprised.

‘From what I could gather,’ said Luke ‘Humans once lived in Equestria, until all of them were gone. And from the world that Sunset and the others came from, magic used to exist until it died out. From what I have seen, if both worlds remained separate, they would always be out of balance. But if the races are truly to gain true balance, then they must learn to coexist with one another. If the people of Canterlot High could learn to live with Equestrian Magic because of Sunset and the others, then so too could the rest of the world.’

One of the masters smiled underneath their helmet, walked over to him and said ‘Well said Skywalker. Well said. As there must be balance in the Force,’ said the third Jedi ‘So too must Harmony on both worlds, with their guardians in place.’

‘Guardians?’ said Twilight.

‘You did not think it was an accident that all of you became the wielders of the powers of Harmony, did you?’ said one of the Jedi.

‘We once foretold that once Equestria had been founded,’ said Clover the Clever ‘That there would be Guardians to the Elements of Harmony. Not just in Equestria, but in both worlds.’

‘All of you didn’t really think that Sunset Shimmer fleeing to the other world was by mere coincidence, did you?’ said Chancellor Puddinghead.

Sunset was surprised by this, for during her bullying days and her choice to flee there, she had no idea she was meant to be a guardian, none of her friends did. Even they were surprised to hear this.

‘Indeed.’ said Commander Hurricane ‘We foretold that both worlds would be able to wield them. For Everyone plays a vital role in harmony.’

‘And thus, with our help,’ said one of the smaller Jedi ‘We were able to set up a series of tests for each of them.’

The First Jedi showed them images of the past. At first, it showed Sunset studying, until the Jedi ghosts appeared and influenced her to act the way she did, whilst along the way, influenced Twilight into seeking out to stop Nightmare Moon, whilst also influencing her friends to help them out in both worlds, even continued to test them through certain parts of their lives, much to their surprise.

‘When we saw the future,’ said the first Jedi ‘We influenced the ones who would bring a better tomorrow with the powers of Harmony. And through every part of your lives and the influence and the lives you’ve touched along the way, we continued to guide you through your lives and each of you have triumphed over the impossible.’

They then showed them of their recent adventures since Luke came to their worlds whilst the first Jedi said ‘And along the way, we influenced you all to help guide him through his path, whilst along the way, all of you continued to become who you were meant to be.’

‘And we have done the same for Luke as well.’ said the fifth first Jedi ‘For along the way, he grew not only as a Jedi, but as a better person. He learned what the Jedi of old had forgotten. Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Magic. That had been forgotten from every cycle when the Jedi perished at the hands of the Sith.’

‘And now that he has passed the final test of his journey, only one thing remains.’ said one of the Jedi.

The seven Jedi stood in a circle and activated their respective Lightsabers. They held it in the air whilst the eight walked over and used his own Lightsaber and held it close to himself, whilst slowly approaching Luke and stood near him.

‘Kneel.’ said the first Jedi Master.

Luke did so and knelt in front of the Jedi Master whilst everyone watched a sacred tradition that all Jedi held when the time had come to progress the next phase of their journey.

‘Luke Skywalker.’ said the Jedi Master as he moved his Lightsaber, knighting Luke, but more differently. ‘By the right of the Jedi. By the will of the Force. Through your dedication to preserve Peace for the Republic and the Balance of the Force. No longer a Knight, now rise, Master of the Jedi.’

Luke looked up and smiled with pride.

‘Rise, Master Skywalker.’ said the first Jedi Master ‘You are ready.’

As Luke stood up, everyone cheered for him, even his friends were really happy for him.

‘And as such,’ said the first Jedi Master ‘You are worthy, to gain our knowledge.’

And from out of nowhere, a large table appeared. And on top of them, were over a dozen books.

‘Each book you see before you,’ said the first Jedi Master ‘Are our most sacred texts from the day we first started out our journey to help bring balance to the Force. We entrust them to you, as the keeper of our secrets, as well as a way to teach the next generation of Jedi in order to protect the galaxy from further future threats.’

They brought the texts over to Luke and presented it to him, whilst he said ‘Use it wisely.’

Luke accepted them with a smile on his face, knowing that his journey had nearly come to an end. The first Jedi looked at Twilight and the others and ended up smiling. Suddenly, tons more books appeared and they presented it to Twilight and co, taking them by surprise.

‘All of you have gone through a path that none had ever survived.’ said the First Jedi Master ‘It is only right that you too have earned the knowledge of the Jedi.’

Twilight accepted them with glee and said ‘Thank you so much.’

‘It is we who should be thanking you.’ said the second Jedi.

‘So what now?’ asked Gallus

‘Once the void has lifted,’ said Princess Platinum ‘Both worlds shall remain fused. And once that is done, all of you will be tasked into looking after every race in this world, as the Republic did during their humble beginnings.’

‘And what then?’ asked Sunset.

‘Why throw a party of course.’ said Chancellor Puddinghead ‘After all, one should celebrate such a victory.’

Lando couldn’t help but chuckle and said ‘You know what? I could use a good party.’

Everyone chuckled at that idea. However, everything began to grow bright, for now it was time.

‘It is time.’ said the First Jedi Master ‘Remember, continue to pass on what all of you had learned. And remember; the Force will be with you, always.’

Sure enough, everything went white. Within mere moments, everyone was back on Equestria as they all stood up, with the Jedi Texts with them. They were suddenly contacted my Admiral Ackbar.

‘All ground forces, this is Admiral Ackbar, do you read?’

Leia stood up and said ‘We read you Admiral.’

‘Oh, thank goodness General Organa,’ said the Admiral in relief ‘When we saw the bright light, we were concerned of what happened.’

‘It’s nothing to worry about Admiral,’ said Lando with his usual charisma ‘We took care of the invading Imperials.’

‘What’s the status up there.’ said Han.

‘The remaining Imperial ships have gone into a full retreat,’ said the Admiral as he watched the remaining three ships flee from the planet ‘Should we pursue?’

‘No, leave them.’ said Leia ‘They know they lost, but when they do show up again, we’ll be ready.’

‘I’ll contact Mon Mothma and tell them of our progress.’ said the Admiral before signing off.

R2 came along and beeped whilst he was moving among his friends. ‘Oh, that was quite unnerving.’ said 3PO as he walked alongside R2.

Princess Celestia walked towards Luke and said ‘I believe congratulations are in order Master Skywalker.’

‘Indeed.’ said Princess Luna whilst standing next to her sister ‘You have triumphed over every trial and have found what you have been looking for.’

‘I couldn’t have done it without any of your help.’ said Luke.

‘Yeah, no kidding.’ said Smolder ‘And I gotta admit, I learned quite a lot.’

‘I know right?’ said Silverstream in her usual excitement ‘Who knew the first Jedi came along and helped Ponykind?’

‘Yeah,’ said Ocellus ‘Now I know so much about the Pony Tribes that we never knew about them before.’

‘Yona felt honored to visit the old cities of ponies.’ said Yona.

‘I’ll say.’ said Sandbar ‘This was the biggest adventure we ever had.’ He then looked at Twilight and said ‘Is this what your adventures are always like?’

Twilight and her friends couldn’t help but giggle at that response, even Sunset and her friends also laughed about this as well, with Twilight and Sunset saying ‘You have no idea.’

Luke then stood next to Han, with Han noticing Luke was giving him the “I told you so” look, with Han saying ‘What?’

‘So,’ said Luke as he looked at Han with a smirk and said ‘Now do you believe in the Force?’

Han couldn’t help but roll his eyes and said ‘Okay, I believe.’

‘Now then,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘I believe it’s time for that party.’

‘Party?’ asked Lando ‘What party?’

‘The “We finally found the Jedi Texts to help restart the Jedi Order after defeating the Sith” party, as well as the “We defeated the Empire and have them running” party.’ said Pinkie in one breath.

The others looked at her strange, with Luke saying ‘Trust me, there’s more to her than meets the eye.’

‘You sure you can arrange such a big party?’ asked Leia.

‘Trust me Leia,’ said Luke ‘You don’t know her that well as her friends do.’

‘Just leave everything to me.’ said Pinkie Pie.

‘And I’ll help.’ said human Pinkie Pie as she skipped and hopped along with her pony counterpart.

Chapter 16: Journey's End

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From above the orbit of Equestria, the Rebel ships continued to maintain its presence to ensure that the Imperials wouldn’t get any smart ideas, whilst most of the Squadrons flew back to the hangers for much needed repairs.

As for the surface however, on a very large plain just outside of Ponyville and all around Twilight’s castle, bonfires were lit all over the place as the world’s biggest party was at full swing. Every creature from all over the world gathered to join the festivities and partied along with the Rebel Alliance, or in this case, the New Republic. There were food, drinks and plenty of music to go around, even Vinyl loved a challenge to play music for the outsiders, with her human counterpart joining her.

The Young Six were telling their story to their fellow students of one of the temples that they had helped Luke and the others.

‘So after we were able to kick Darth Maul’s butt,’ said Gallus ‘We were able to summon the magic of friendship within us.’

‘We told the Darth of what we thought.’ said Smolder.

‘Then all of us said at the same time.’ said Silverstream.

‘Hope, the Force and Friendship is magic.’ said the Young Six, causing the rest of the students to clap their hooves.

‘I gotta tell ya, that dude was quite scary.’ said Sandbar.

‘I’ll say.’ said Ocellus.

‘Pointy head person have issues.’ said Yona.

From another part, Chewbacca was busy entertaining a bunch of fillies and colts, which they seemed to be having fun with the Wookiee. Vinyl Scratch and her human counterpart began to perform for the little ones, as well as the many ponies, for they’ve never heard them play this great before, even the Rebels enjoyed their songs.

Leia was busy talking to Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance, whilst Han was busy telling most of his stories to most of the creatures who were really interested in his adventure.

Lando was enjoying himself too much, with so many mares and girls all around him as well as fawning over him as he said ‘Ladies, please, there is more than enough of me to go around.’, which they giggled about it afterwards.

The Wonderbolts began to chat with most of the pilots, with Kierah Koovah being among them whilst looking at the X-Wings.

‘So these are the things you guys fly around?’ asked Fleetfoot.

‘They sure are.’ said a human named Grace ‘They may not look like much, but they’re really reliable in a firefight.’

‘So did you guys do any amazing tricks with them?’ asked Soarin.

‘Oh yes,’ said a lizard like creature named Feresk ‘We outmaneuvered every Imperial TIE Fighter we come across. Never stood a chance.’

‘Even though you tend to start the fight?’ said Keo playfully.

Feresk cleared his throat, ignoring the comment, which made the others laugh a bit.

‘Gotta admit,’ said Spitfire to the leader of Vanguard Squadron ‘You guys may not be Pegasi, but you sure have a lot of guts flying out there.’

‘Same to you,’ said Kierah with a chuckle ‘If you were part of the New Republic, you’d be one of our best pilots in the galaxy.’

‘Hmm, Wonderbolt Squadron,’ said Keo out loud, which she smiled and nodded ‘Now that’s a name that fits all of you.’

Many more Ponies and students of Canterlot High, along with many more humans, who were among them interacted with so many humans and aliens from different worlds as all of them were in awe of them and were telling them of their own adventures, even the Pillars of Equestria found their company enjoyable.

But among them, someone wasn’t there. Twilight and the others looked around and found no trace of one of their friends.

‘Where the heck is Luke?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Oh look, there he is up there.’ said Pinkie Pie.

The Mane 6, Spike, Sunburst, Starlight and the Rainbooms saw Luke Skywalker, sitting up on the large hill. He sat down with his legs crossed whilst looking over the sacred Jedi Texts. Had already looked halfway through them and still kept an eye on every word it had been written.

‘Are you okay?’ asked a voice.

Luke turned his head partially and saw Twilight and the others coming to him.

‘I am.’ said Luke before he closed the book and placed it beside him. ‘Just going through the Jedi Texts.’

‘So what was on it?’ asked Sunset as she and the others sat next to him.

‘Everything the first Jedi wrote 25 000 years ago.’ said Luke ‘Ancient scriptures, Chronicles, Lost Jedi Wisdom and Abilities, like Force Healing.’

‘Wow,’ said human Twilight ‘And I assume none of that knowledge was placed in the Holocrons you just founded?’

‘Precisely.’ said Luke.

‘So now that you found the Jedi Texts, what now?’ asked Rarity.

‘Will you be going to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘I’ve been thinking about that.’ said Luke ‘We can’t use the one on Coruscant because the Imperials still maintain a presence there, so they had to move the new Chancellor and Senate to a safer location. The other temples are no longer safe considering the Remnants of the Empire already knows about them.’

‘And…here?’ asked Starlight.

‘No, it would not be safe.’

‘No kidding,’ said Spike ‘We barely survived the Empire’s Invasion.’

‘And I would never endanger this world.’ said Luke.

‘So…where will you go?’ said Sunburst.

‘Somewhere the Empire won’t find us, the least they expect it.’ said Luke.

‘Like what?’ asked human Fluttershy.

‘Maybe somewhere like…Yavin 4.’ said Luke.

‘Why there?’ asked Twilight.

‘It was where my journey had began,’ said Luke ‘Where we destroyed the first Death Star. Plus there are plenty of Temples there that could be the ideal place for them to start out. But I will need help to find more Force Sensitive out there. And once I find them, I will show them the way, and the Order will be whole again.’

‘You seem to know what you’re doing.’ said human Twilight after she adjusted her glasses.

‘I know for a fact that rebuilding the Order won’t be easy,’ said Luke ‘But for the sake of the New Republic and the inhabitants who live in it, I will do my best.’

They then suddenly heard giggling. ‘On the right path, you are.’

At the same time, both Yoda and Obi-Wan appeared, much to their surprise, except for Luke.

‘Wow,’ said Sunburst ‘So you must be the one Luke told us about.’

Obi-Wan couldn’t help but chuckle ‘Indeed I am Sunburst.’

‘Master,’ said Luke ‘I know I still have much to learn, and now that I have found the Jedi Texts, am I ready to rebuild the Order?’

‘Learned much through your journey, you have,’ said Yoda as he smiled at Luke ‘Learned much from your new friends, you have.’

‘Master Yoda,’ said Twilight as she stood up ‘Will the galaxy ever be safe from the likes of the Sith?’

‘The Sith no more, they are,’ said Yoda ‘But darkness remains, it does.’

‘When the Jedi of old destroyed the Sith,’ said Obi-Wan ‘We knew that if we bring down one enemy, another will rise. For in darkness, there will always be new threats to the galaxy. And we must be prepared to face them.’

‘Too bad Luke can’t use the other Temples,’ said Spike ‘I mean all of them were home to the Jedi for centuries.’

‘Oh young one,’ said Yoda ‘The Temples, only places they are. Jedi go to train and teach to wherever needed they are.’

‘It was like that once long ago,’ said Obi-Wan ‘When we began to train the next generation, and we lost our Temples, we move to a place that is strong in the Force where no Sith would ever find them. Tython was once the original home of the Jedi, but we chose to be at Coruscant in order to protect the Chancellor and the Senate.’

‘And what about now?’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘I mean won’t it be easier to have a Temple far away from the city? I mean from what we heard, the Jedi were caught off guard and they didn’t stand a chance against the Clones.’

‘Hmm,’ pondered Yoda, then said ‘Perhaps a good idea, To house the Jedi in a new location, they should.’

‘I agree.’ said Obi-Wan ‘But not in a place where the Jedi are easily founded. They should be at new locations, one where the people can’t find them, and where they can protect the Republic, no matter where they need be.’

When all of a sudden.


They all looked and saw it was none other than the old clone Rex, who was surprised to see both the long gone Jedi.

At first they didn’t know what to say to one another, with the students feeling anxious or nervous, for they remembered what Luke said about what the Clones have done during Order 66.

At first, Rex was nervous, but he took a deep breath and walked towards the long gone Jedi. He stood near him with both his hands behind his back and said what he wanted to say.

‘General Kenobi…er…Obi-Wan.’ said Rex. He took a deep breath whilst Kenobi gave him a blank expression. But Rex continued ‘First of all, I’d like to apologize on behalf of myself and the Clones. What we did…we have no excuse. The Emperor…they made us do all those things. We fought alongside all of you and we all relied to all of you for leadership. And to have it gone because of them well…I just wanted to say…I’m sorry. For everything.’

Rex kept his head lowered, not being able to face his old commanding officer, with the Mane 6 and the Rainbooms feeling sorry for him. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, causing Rex to look at Kenobi, and saw that there was a smile on his face.

‘There’s no need to dwell on the past anymore old friend.’ said Kenobi ‘We had suspected of this long ago.’

‘You…have?’ said Rex, not sure where this was going.

‘Of course,’ said Kenobi ‘When Anakin and I last fought Dooku, we discovered that he was the Sith Lord who took over the Clones after when Master Sifo-Dias had been killed. And when Anakin told me what Fives told him, we suspected as much, but we had no idea how they would be activated. And we realized too late when Palpatine played his hand.’

‘But…’ said Spike as he gained their attention ‘If all of you knew, why didn’t you do anything to prevent this, or made sure the next generation and all knowledge would remain hidden until the time was right.’

‘Knew of our fate, I did.’ said Yoda ‘When an old friend from the netherworld of the Force spoke to me, sought out this knowledge, I did. Had visions of the future, I did.’

‘But didn’t you try?’ asked Sunset ‘Think of the lives that all of you could’ve saved.’

Yoda merely chuckled and said ‘Fight fate, we could not.’

‘When the Jedi fell,’ said Obi-Wan ‘There was nothing more we could do. But we agreed to watch over Luke and Leia until it was their time to accept the mantle we had left behind. Though Leia may not walk the path of the Jedi, she still has a part to play in restoring balance to the Force.’

‘But still,’ said Sunburst ‘Couldn’t you have trained Luke in the ways of the Force growing up? I mean from what we witnessed, Luke was hidden on Tatooine and the Empire didn’t even know about the farm out there until they were hunting for 3PO and R2.’

‘My uncle wouldn’t allow it.’ said Luke, gaining their attention. ‘He was afraid I would turn into my father and walk the path of darkness. He wanted me to stay, but I wanted to be out there and did something. I didn’t even know about this until much later.’

‘And look at you now.’ said Pinkie Pie ‘You became a hero to the Rebellion, learned the ways of the Force, fought Darth Vader, even at the loss of your hand, saved your friends, faced your father again, won the fight against him, and resisted the Dark Side. And now you faced over a ton of baddies from the past, you found tons of knowledge from the other tombs, and you got the Jedi Texts so that you can help rebuild the Jedi Order.’

‘That he does.’ said Obi-Wan with a chuckle ‘You have chosen your friends well Luke.’

‘You could say,’ said human Pinkie Pie as she darted over with her toothy grin ‘We were fated to have met.’

Luke couldn’t help but smile and said ‘I suppose we are.’

‘Still, when you go back,’ said Twilight ‘I wish there was a way we could be in contact with one another. There’s so many questions I wanted to ask.’

‘I’m sure all of you will find them in time.’ said Obi-Wan.

‘Indeed,’ said Yoda ‘One journey may be over, but begin, another journey shall.’

‘And just think,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘Now that both our worlds are fused, we’ll be able to use the mirror and visit each other more often.’

‘I know, right?’ said Pinkie Pie ‘Think of all the great parties we can make.’

‘It would certainly be interesting to see what both our races could offer.’ said Rarity.

‘Oh I quite concur darling.’ said human Rarity.

‘Maybe one day we can be part of the Republic.’ said Puppy Spike.

‘I’m afraid not.’ said Luke ‘After what Zeb told us about what happened to his people and where they originally came from, they chose to stay out of galactic affairs. It would be best if this world would remain neutral.’

‘But can’t we keep some of the tech to help us out?’ asked human Twilight.

‘I do not know, the populace is not ready for something like this,’ said Luke ‘However, we trust you lot to help continue to keep the balance of both races.’

‘Just like the Jedi who help keep the balance to the Force.’ said Applejack.

‘But do you think the Republic will one day have a Clone Army again?’ asked human Twilight.

‘Uh, I don’t think so,’ said Rex whilst he rubbed the back of his head ‘After what the Emperor made the Clones do, it’ll be a long time before the Galaxy will have that again. Plus they nearly look like Storm Troopers.’

‘No they don’t,’ said Pinkie Pie ‘There’s a huge difference between the Clones and Storm Troopers. Sure their body armour may be the same, but their helmets look different.’

She instantly drew the helmet differences. ‘See,’ she said after she showed them the picture ‘This is the phase one helmet and this is the phase two helmet. They look completely different from the Storm Trooper helmets. But there’s another huge difference between them.’

She then whispered loudly ‘You guys can see through your helmets and you can shoot straight, they can’t.’

Rex couldn’t help but chuckle, for she did have a point.

‘And it would also be incorrect.’ said Rarity as she also drew something, then showed it to them and said ‘Back in the days of the Old Republic from more than a thousand years ago, their uniforms looked like this. They do not look like the Clone Army at all. The previous Jedi Master who orchestrated this before his uh, ahem, demise, must have designed their armour after the Soldiers of the Old Republic, to remind both the Jedi and the Galaxy of how they fought side by side before the Previous Empire’s defeat.’

Rex took a good look at the armour and said ‘Hmm, not bad. You really have an eye for talent.’

‘Why thank you.’ said Rarity after she placed her drawing material away.

‘But uh…it’s going to be impossible,’ said Rex ‘They can’t use my blood or the remaining clones’ because ours were affected and altered when they designed us.’

‘Altered?’ asked Twilight.

‘We were actually force bred.’ said Rex ‘The Kaminoans used growth acceleration to help us grow faster, otherwise a clone would take a lifetime to grow, so they did it half the time. It’s how I aged faster. When I was deployed I appeared in my mid twenties or at the age of thirty. So actually, I’m thirty years old, but my body ages faster, which is why I look sixty.’

‘Oh, that must be so awful.’ said Fluttershy.

‘It is.’ said Rex.

Kenobi thought about it and said ‘Not all of them.’

They looked at him with flexed eyebrows.

‘What do you mean?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘There was another who stayed by Jango Fett’s side.’

‘Fett?’ wondered Luke. That’s when he realized and looked at Obi-Wan ‘You mean Boba Fett?’

‘Who now?’ asked human Applejack.

‘Jango Fett is both a bounty hunter and a Mandalorian,’ said Kenobi ‘The Kaminoans asked him to be the donor of as much of his blood as he could, and as payment, he asked for an unaltered clone for himself.’

‘Unaltered?’ asked Spike.

‘In other words,’ said Kenobi ‘He is a pure genetic replication, no tampering with the structure to make it more docile, and no growth acceleration.’

‘Aw,’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘In other words, Jango wanted a son.’

‘So he’d be the only shot to make sure that the Republic would have a Clone Army.’ said Rex.

‘But didn’t he get eaten by that huge pit monster that time when you guys wanted to rescue Han, but all of you got captured and was about to be sacrificed until all of you made that daring rescue and killed Jabba the Hutt before you guys escaped?’ said Pinkie Pie in a full sentence.

Rex was flabbergasted at what she said, even Luke was surprised to hear her. Yoda merely chuckled and said ‘Clearly, your mind is sharper than the sturdiest of blades young one.’

Pinkie giggle snorted at that and said ‘Well I do try my best.’

‘Not likely,’ said Luke ‘From what Han told me the last time we spoke, he said Boba was spotted somewhere in the miteranol sector of mid rim. No doubt trying to take over Jabba’s criminal Empire since he found out his employer was killed.’

‘Eh, I’m sure you’ll find him,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘I mean you’re now a Jedi Master.’

‘But do you think you’ll be able to find the Force Sensitive?’ asked Fluttershy.

‘I’ll try, but I know I won’t be able to do this alone.’ said Luke.

‘And you won’t.’ said Leia as she joined the group, with Han and Chewbacca, along with Lando in tow, whilst Fluttershy and her human counterpart couldn’t help but hug the Wookiee, much to his enjoyment.

‘She’s right,’ said Lando ‘Now that we have more friends out there, and you use the Force, we’ll be able to help you bring them together. But teaching them the ways of the Force will be up to you.’

‘Plus I think General Syndulla would agree,’ said Han ‘Her son’s already able to tap into the Force.’

‘That’s good to know.’ said Luke ‘It will take time, but we’ll make it work.’

Yoda chuckled at that, and said ‘In good hands, the Jedi Order is.’

‘Take care Luke.’ said Obi-Wan, before he and Yoda disappeared.

Luke sighed a bit as he looked to the horizon. ‘Something wrong?’ asked Sunset as she placed her arm on Luke’s shoulder.

‘I know my first lesson was to let go.’ said Luke ‘But there’s one thing that’s the hardest to let go.’

‘What’s that?’ asked Twilight.

Luke could only smile and look at the others and said ‘The friends I made when I first met all of you.’

The girls felt touched by his words and ended up embracing Luke with a hug, for in a way, they all felt the same way. Leia and the others couldn’t help but smile and see Luke’s interaction with his friends.

The next day, it was time for all of them to leave. Thankfully, the Millennium Falcon and the Ebon Hawk (Much to Han’s jealousy) were loaded onto the New Republic ship. One by one, every ship began to take off, with all of the inhabitants waving their new friends goodbye.

‘Well,’ said Twilight ‘I guess this is it, huh?’

‘It would appear so my friends.’ said Luke.

‘And hey, don’t worry,’ said Lando ‘When we get things back in order, we’ll come for a visit one day.’

Chewbacca let out a few grunts as he spoke in his native language, with Fluttershy saying ‘Chewie says that he’ll even bring more of his people over, because our world reminds him of his home.’

‘Whoa, you could understand him?’ said Han as he was surprised Fluttershy understood him.

‘Oh, so did I.’ said human Fluttershy as she too agreed ‘And he’s really nice once you get to know him.’

‘And I hope to see you too one day 3PO,’ said Rarity ‘It would be a pleasure to talk to somepony who certainly has more gentle colt qualities.’

‘Indeed, it is truly a rare find.’ said human Rarity.

‘Oh, well I look forward to seeing you all again soon.’ said 3PO in agreement.

R2 beeped a few things, with Pinkie Pie saying ‘And we look forward to see you too little buddy.’

‘Yeah, you’re really an amazing droid.’ said human Pinkie Pie in agreement.

Luke looked to the Young Six and said ‘You six are truly the future. This world could use more creatures like you.’

‘Well, we did learn from the best.’ said Sandbar.

‘And when the time comes…’ said Luke.

‘We’ll continue to pass on what we’ve learned.’ said Smolder with her usual smirk.

‘And from meeting all of you,’ said Rex as he looked at the Pillars ‘Though your time has passed, it doesn’t mean that you lot can’t teach the next generation a thing or two.’

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ said Flash Sentry ‘We may not be able to do the things we used to do, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to adapt and help those in need.’

‘And I hope one day when the time is right,’ said Leia to the ruling Princesses ‘We’ll find a way to establish relation between this world and the Republic. This world can be a great example for everyone that we can be at peace if we work together.’

‘A truly agreeable notion.’ said Princess Celestia with a nod.

‘And you know,’ said Rainbow Dash as she hovered over Han Solo ‘When you’re not busy, a planet of your choice, I’d love to race you and your ship.’

Han chuckled and said ‘And I look forward to that one day.’

‘I hope you lot will make good use of those Texts.’ said Luke.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Twilight ‘With proper care and teachings, we’ll make sure that everyone learns what we have learned.’

‘Just make sure that you keep those Holocrons and other artifacts safe.’ said Sunset.

‘No need to worry,’ said Luke ‘Thanks to Admiral Ackbar, we’ve loaded everything from the tombs and are prepping them for transport to Yavin 4. They’re already going to help me try to find a way to ensure that the Jedi I train would be fully prepared for what’s to come.’

‘We’re really gonna miss you Luke,’ said Starlight ‘We’ve had quite an adventure.’

‘I will miss all of you too.’ said Luke ‘I know I have to let go of those who will one day be gone, but that does not mean we cannot treasure those moments we hold dear in our hearts.’

‘Truly wise words Master Skywalker.’ said Princess Celestia.

One of the Rebel Soldiers came along and said ‘Sirs, ma’am, transport’s ready.’

Luke stood on one knee and smiled at them, causing all of them to come together and embraced him with hugs. The others couldn’t help but feel touched by this. After the hug, Luke stood up and said ‘We will meet again. I promise.’

‘We’ll hold you to that Luke.’ said Rainbow Dash.

Luke then made his way to the transport that would bring him and the others to their respective ships. That was, until Luke stopped, turned around and faced them whilst saying ‘And Princess Twilight?’

Twilight and the others looked at him, wondering what else he had to say.

Luke simply smiled and said ‘May the Force be with you.’

The others smiled by his words, allowing Luke and the others to climb aboard their transport, then gave their last look at their friends, before the transport doors closed, allowing the ship to take off with others following suit.

Everyone watched as they all left, with human Twilight saying ‘I wish we could see them off properly.’

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thought about it, with Celestia saying ‘Maybe we can.’

Within mere moments, as the two Alicorn sisters’ horns began to glow, they were suddenly transported to outer space, but all of them were in a type of bubble, with what appears to be a platform that they were standing on, leaving them amazed whilst all of them were in outer space. But at the same time, they watched the Rebel Ships fly by, which they were amazed when they saw the Rebel ships fly.

In one of the ships, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando, 3PO and R2 walked down the hall to join up with Admiral Ackbar, until R2 spotted something, causing him to beep loudly, gaining their attention. They watched outside of the ship windows and were surprised to see who was outside.

The Mane 6, the Rainbooms, the Young Six, the Pillars, Spike, Celestia, Luna, puppy Spike, Starlight and Sunburst all waved their new friends goodbye. Luke couldn’t help but smile and wave back at them, with the others joining in.

‘You sure know how to pick them kid.’ said Han as he waved.

‘That I do.’ said Luke as he kept his eyes on them.

The inhabitants of Equestria watched as the ships began to leave in a different direction. Sure enough, all of the ships hummed whilst their engines glowed brightly, and within a split second, all of the ships jumped into Hyperspace, making them all disappear. They were amazed when they saw the ships had faded, leaving many to watch the empty void of space as they watched their new friends leave to not just restore the Republic, but also the entire galaxy.

One month later

It had been a month since Luke had come to their world. Many had pondered of what they had witnessed, whilst Rockhoof and the Pillars went all over Equestria, telling them the story of the Jedi and the Sith, making them all amazed by what stories they were telling.

Back at Canterlot High, Sunset, who worked at the school’s new animation department, worked with her friends on making the Jedi’s story. As soon as they showed them of their adventures from what Luke and the others told them, everyone cheered when they saw the action, even their stories from the days of the Old Republic, at least from how Luke and the others told it.

Back in Equestria, after going through their ancient ancestral homes, Celestia, Luna and the others kept their promise of showing the ponies the homes of where their ancestors came from. From the old Unicorn home, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Mistmane and Starswirl the Bearded showed most of the Ponies around, which left them all amazed.

From old Pegasopolis, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Flash Magnus and Somnambula showed most of the Pegasi and the ponies who were on airships were showing them around the old Pegasi homes. Whilst from old Dirtville, Applejack, Pinkie Pie. Mage Meadowbrook and Rockhoof showed all of the Apple families, including other ponies they were married to their old home, which the Apple family, even Granny Smith was amazed to see how their old home used to look like, even of how most of those places look like Ponyville and the other towns they’ve seen over the years.

Twilight on the other hand would ready a few delegates to speak to the human leaders through peace talks in order for both worlds to thrive, whilst most of the scientific division from both worlds wishes to use the handful of crashed Imperial Ships to help adapt their ships for space travel.

For the past few weeks, everything was going well, even the humans took an interest in touring Equestria and Beyond, as well as other creatures to the human world. Canterlot High even enjoyed their visits, even Princess Twilight and her friends would spend time with Sunset and their human counterparts more often, even though Sunset felt like an outcast, she was happy that she no longer felt like an outsider. She was happy as she could see how well they were bonding. One day, the Mane 6, Spike, Starlight, Sunburst and the Rainbooms, along with canine Spike, were busy hanging out at Camp Everfree, now that it’s right next door to the Everfree forest, they are keeping a close eye on it.

When all of a sudden, Pinkie Pie’s head began to make beeping sounds, gaining their attention.

‘Uh, Pinkie.’ said Applejack to her friend ‘Y’all alright there?’

‘Huh,’ said Pinkie as she began to dig into her mane ‘Let me see now.’

Sure enough, she pulled out a type of communicator, surprising the others when they saw a familiar communicator.

‘Hey, isn’t that Luke Skywalker’s device?’ asked Rainbow Dash.

‘Huh,’ said human Rainbow Dash ‘He must’ve dropped it before he and the others left.’

‘So how do we…?’ said Twilight before Spike stood next to it and pressed the side of the button.

Within a split second, a hologram of Luke appeared.

‘Luke.’ said the Mane 6 and Rainbooms when they saw him.

‘Hello my friends.’ said Luke whilst greeting them with a smile.

‘How have y’all been?’ said Applejack.

‘Been busy.’ said Luke.

‘Were you able to establish a temple?’ asked Twilight.

‘Yes,’ said Luke ‘Yavin 4 is officially a temple for the Jedi to train in. The Holocrons have been stored in a safe place that only I know where they’re stored.’

‘And were you able to find Force Sensitive people out there?’ asked Sunset.

‘I have,’ said Luke ‘Thanks to Leia, Han, Chewbacca and Lando, we were able to gather as much as we can. But whilst they were searching for Force Sensitive, I was continuing on my journey to find more secrets, even potential places that could also be temples. For until the original temples, including Coruscant are safe, the Jedi will not be stationed there. But we will still need to watch over the galaxy for any danger, just like the ones who came before us.’

‘That’s really great to hear.’ said Starlight.

‘And what about all of you?’ asked Luke.

‘Well both our worlds are struggling to get along,’ said Fluttershy.

‘But other than that, everybody from every species are working on relations with one another.’ said Human Fluttershy.

‘I’m sure all of you are up to the challenge.’ said Luke.

‘Oh don’t worry,’ said Sunburst ‘If we can handle helping our friends from other kingdoms I’m sure we can do the same for the humans too.’

‘And I’m sure we’ll be a shining example that if we settle and put our differences aside, we’ll be a shining example for every creature.’ said Twilight ‘Just like the Republic.’

‘I’m sure Leia and the others will appreciate that.’ said Luke.

‘Speaking of Leia,’ said Rarity ‘I’m surprised that she didn’t take over as Chancellor once the New Republic came to effect.’

‘She felt her role was more important on the front lines than on the sidelines.’ said Luke.

‘So who’s in charge then?’ asked human Rarity.

‘That would be Mon Mothma.’ said Luke ‘She always did have natural leadership skills, as well as a few other Senators who helped form the Rebellion. Rex on the other hand is continuing to train more soldiers, however, what he heard from the Senate was troubling.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Pinkie Pie.

‘They want to downsize the military.’ said Luke ‘Leia and the others think what they’re suggesting is a bad idea.’

‘I’ll say.’ said human Pinkie Pie ‘They can’t downsize their own military.’

‘She’s right.’ said Sunset ‘If the Empire is still out there, then they need every able soldier out there.’

‘Agreed.’ said Luke ‘And training more Jedi will take time before they are fully experienced to help the galaxy.’

‘Well we wish you the best of luck Luke.’ said Starlight.

‘We hope you will be successful.’ said Rarity.

‘Thank you my friends.’ said Luke ‘Until we meet again someday.’

‘We hope so too Luke.’ said Twilight ‘May the Force be with you.’

‘And may the Force be with you too.’ said Luke before communications had been cut.

‘Ah really do miss him.’ said Applejack.

‘Don’t worry Applejack,’ said Twilight ‘We’ll meet him again someday.’

‘I hope so too Twilight.’ said Spike.

Meanwhile, on top of the grassy hill of Yavin 4

Luke sat there for a moment, holding onto the communicator, smiling. It felt good to see his friends again. Though he was attached to them, he had learned to let go when the time comes. Just as Luke stood up, his communicator suddenly flew out of his hand, surprising him as he looked to his right. The little trickster was none other than Grogu, a young alien that hails from his old Master Yoda’s species.

Sometime ago, after Luke got back, he felt a disturbance in the Force and it led him to an imperial cruiser. He sensed the child was there and mounted a rescue. Even though Grogu had to part from the Mandalorian named Din Djarin, but some call him Mando, as well as a few others who had accompanied him on the rescue mission, he could tell they were saddened to depart. But though he had been there a while, Grogu was slowly improving on his Force Abilities.

‘Grogu.’ said Luke as he walked over to the little guy. He stood on both knees and said ‘Sorry I took so long, I was talking to some friends I made before I was about to start teaching.’

‘There you are.’ said a voice.

Luke looked to his right, with Grogu looking too. For standing there was a human named Kyle Katarn, a man who once served the Empire, but chose to change his ways. And he wasn’t alone, for there were nine others as well. A Rodian Male, a Twi’Lek female, a Zabrak female, a Kel Dor male, a Mandalorian female, a Wookie male, a female from Dathomir, a Cerean male and a Tholothian female, all who were wearing their Lightsabers on their belts.

‘We’ve been looking all over for you master.’ said the Twi’Lek female.

‘Sorry about that,’ said Luke as he stood up ‘I was contacting some old friends of mine.’

‘Friends, master?’ asked the Kel Dor male.

‘Another time.’ said Luke as he picked up Grogu ‘Did all of you need something?’

‘Yes master,’ said the Wookie male in his native tongue ‘The rest of us are waiting for you at the temple.’

‘Still your patience.’ said Luke as he walked towards them ‘The Jedi do not rush. If we do, we fail to see what lies before us.’

‘Yes master.’ said the Rodian male as he bowed in respect.

‘Tell the students I will be there shortly.’ said Luke.

‘Very well Master Skywalker.’ said the Cerean Male.

They left to rejoin the rest of the students, whilst Kyle chose to remain with Luke as they walked together.

‘You never talked about your adventures often.’ said Kyle.

‘I did when I first started out.’ said Luke.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ responded Kyle ‘You were famous after destroying the first Death Star, we know. But I’m talking about your recent one. Where you got the Holocrons and all.’

‘Some secrets are meant to be hidden old friend,’ said Luke ‘Where I got them, I promised to make sure that their world would remain a secret, even Artoo promised not to say anything.’

‘What happens if the remains of the Empire or any pirate would come look for that world.’

‘They won’t,’ said Luke ‘It’s beyond the veil, far beyond our galaxy map.’

‘Wow, that far?’ said Kyle.

‘Remember the Lasat race?’ said Luke ‘They originally came from a world beyond the galaxy. And they are kept a secret for a reason, as all Jedi had vowed to keep.’

‘I thought they’d vow to protect the Republic.’

Luke chuckled and said ‘That too.’

Sure enough, Luke had arrived at the large courtyard where the rest of the students were. But they weren't alone, for there were forty more, each representing their species from different galaxies, all who were Force sensitive and were meant to learn the ways of the Force.

‘You might wanna join them.’ said Luke as he looked at Kyle.

‘You got it Luke.’ said Kyle as he left to join the others.

One of the students, who almost looked like Ahsoka Tano, approached Luke as she said ‘We’re ready for our lessons master.’

‘Very well.’ said Luke as he smiled ‘Let us all begin.’

He placed Grogu down on a rock and said ‘Now keep watch Grogu. This is also important for a Jedi to learn. Just keep an eye on what they do. And one day, when you’re ready, you’ll have a Lightsaber of your own.’

Grogu merely cooed as he looked at Luke. Sure enough, all of the students stood further apart to make some space between them whilst Luke took a few steps away from Grogu so that he could watch them properly.

‘Alright everyone, I am thankful all of you are here.’ said Luke ‘Now it is time for the first lessons; different Lightsaber forms. Repeat after me. Ready position.’

Sure enough, everyone activated their Lightsabers and held them the way Luke did. Sure enough, Luke began to move in different positions and formations with his Lightsabers, with the rest of his students following suit. Luke knew that rebuilding the Jedi would take time, but he knew that with time and patience, he will restore the Jedi back to their rightful place, as peacekeepers of the Republic, all thanks to the friends he made on that world, and through the will of the Force and Harmony. He knew that forming attachments were forbidden, but he had learned to let go. For even though his friends would one day be gone, he will forever remember them and carry their memories through his heart, for he realized the most important lesson from Twilight; Friendship is Magic.