The Smiling Monster of the Everfree

by Ghost Alvasa

First published

A man or a monster, only he can decide the fate of his new life

A college student who has everything go right in his life going for him. Sure the past few years have been hard with dealing with the disappearance of his oldest brother, later pronounced dead. Then a few months ago his other older brother up and vanished as well. With no current leads, he decides to continue looking for his brother in his spare time while also continuing on the path to becoming an astronomer. On his way home stop at his local comic shop and after buying a set of anime DVDs his oldest brother had recommended he is thrust into an all-new world of magical technicolor anthro ponies.

Featured at number 9 on 03/10/2021

A Smiling Monster Arrives

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On a bright sunny day in the middle of the year a man walked out of a lecture hall on the campus of Northwestern State University, NSU. He is a logical thinker and was studying to be an astronomer. A taller man with a bit more meat on him than most. Not fat but not well built either. He had dark short brunette hair with dark brownie green eyes. He was wearing a pair of old blue jean pants with a dark blue t-shirt with X-MEN across it that was made of the different comic book character renditions making up each letter with a brown leather belt and white tennis shoes.

His last class before lunch had finished early so he decided that he would go and meet up with some of his friends at one of their usual spots and grab a bite to eat. This man was very social and outgoing, studied hard and got good grades. He was the apple of his parents’ eye, their pride and joy.

He was on speaking terms with his older brothers but rarely ever saw them, loved them, but outside of that them coming to see him if they had business nearby never really talked, except for an occasional phone call to check in. Unfortunately, his oldest brother had been ousted from the family nearly twelve to thirteen years prior to the current year for conflicting views with their parents. His second older brother had gone on to be a stuntman slash stand-in actor after he’d spent a few years wandering around the eastern continent of Asia studying and learning multiple masters. His two older brothers were much closer to each other than they were to him but they still shared a few similar interests, like a few tv shows here and there, especially anime and Star Wars. Though he differed from him in most ways he still was inspired by his brothers to go out and do what he wanted to do with his own life.

Due to a series of unknown events both of his older brothers were now missing in a similar fashion.

His oldest brother had disappeared ten years ago and officially been pronounced legally dead on paper. Their family even held a funeral and had a casket field with various items. Their parents did show up and were a little upset with his supposed passing but not all that deeply touched and never shed a tear for their oldest. He however did cry for his oldest brother but was a little upset that his second older brother refused to come to the funeral.

His second oldest was closer to him than his oldest brother as he was the one who spent time with him on many of the same topics and hobbies. He was motivated to leave home due to his older brother doing so, but not for the same reason as him. His second older brother was much more physically adept than one of them, even though he was the one who was mistaken for this ability in the first place.Be it still goes without saying that he could still more than take care of himself health wise and in a fight.

His second brother was on his mind as of late. They didn’t really see eye to eye since their oldest brother’s funeral. News didn’t reach him of his second brother’s disappearance until just a few weeks prior and it was his parents that had informed him of this news. The second brother had always defended their older brother after he’d been kicked out of the house, even after saying that he wasn’t dead just missing. While he couldn’t deny his oldest brother could still be alive, at the same time he still couldn’t completely agree that he hasn't passed away either.

His thoughts soon returned to his second brother and the conversation with his parents on the subject.

A little over a few weeks ago

“Garret, if you hear anything about Joseph you call us right away,” His mother demanded.

The second of the three, even though he refused to speak with their parents outside of checking in on them, was still put on a pedestal of storts due to his accomplishment of being an actor stuntman.

“Yes mom I’ll keep my ear to the ground and I’ll keep trying his cell, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up,” Garret sighed as he looked at a picture of him and Joseph outside the Appalachian Trail start point. “I’m sure he’s fine. Probably met some nerdy check and they went on a bender or something. You know how he gets and just drops off the map at times like this.”

“Alright sugar but keep an ear out and kep on your studies, your dad and I love you and are proud of you goodnight,” Garret;s mother said as she hung up.

“Sheesh, I’m sure he’s fine the dude can split cinder blocks with his hands,” Garret huffed as he hit the end call button then rolled over and went to sleep.


Garret was pulled back to reality by the vibrating of his cellphone in his right front pocket. He pulled out his smartphone from his pocket to read the text he’d just recieved.

‘Hey Gar, sorry gonna have to pass on lunch, got cram for a test in Calc’-Joey.

Garret, or Gar as he preferred his friends to call him rolled his eyes, “Figures, he never studies when he’s supposed too. Let’s see if Taby is free.” Gar sent the text to Taby to see if she was off work yet.

‘Sorry Gar it’s a no go. Sophie called in so it’s just me and Tod until seven,’ Taby

Again and again Gar sent out texts to see if he could get someone to get lunch with but they call came back as busy or working.

He let out a sigh. “Can’t be helped and I can’t fault most of them for it,” he placed the phone back in his pocket. “Guess Ibetter head out. I can get something from that Mcdonalds on the way back to the apartment.”

Gar went on his way and started his track but to his shared apartment. He and his friends Joey and Keef all pooled their money to do a three way split for a three bedroom apartment when they all moved up to the city from down south. The split duties like cooking and cleaning but most importantly transportation. Today was Joey’s day to be chauffeur and he was stuck in class with Keef meaning that Gar would have to take the bus, and that meant a crowd of people at this time of day.

*Hmf* Gar shrugged. “I’m in a pretty decent mood so I tough it out.” He made his way to the bus stop. It didn’t take long before the bus showed up and Gar was on his way to lunch.

About thirty minutes later got off the bus about three blocks from his apartment and about one from the Mcdonalds in the opposite direction, but he was too hungry to care about distance. Gar entered the restaurant about fifteen minutes later order his food from his friend Jason then walked out and ate as he walked back to his place.Along the way he stopped outside an electronics store and looked at then new TV’s and then a news feed came up and it was about none other than his missing older brother.

‘Still no leads have been found in the investigation in the disappearance of martial arts stuntman Joseph Ferris. Mr. Ferris is said to be the foremost practitioner in his field of stunt work and has taken roles in movies such as Assassins Creed, Thor The Darkworld, and several other well known movies. Thank you and back to you Mark …”

“Haa… Still nothing,” Gar looked at the picture of his older brother,” Long dark sandy blonde hair and dark green eyes and a scraggly beard. “Why’d they use that picture?”

Gar wnt on his way and decided to stop in a little well-known comic shop called Excalibur’s to see if there was anything good, and to check out Cindy the cashier. After a while Gar found a series called Parazyte the Maxim, a series his oldest brother Allen had recommended he watch a few times before. He brought his dvd set up to the counter and patiently waited for Cindy to come ring him up, but who met him was an older man dressed as Kisuke Urahara. The shop owner was known for being extravagant and dressed as many different character that varied across media.

“Hey where’s Cindy?” Gar asked, disappointed.

“Sorry Garret but Cindy is off today,” Urahara snickered. “Let’s see what ya got here,” Urahara picked up the dvd. “Though you would stream this, why the dvd?”

“My older brother recommended it years ago and we can I just prefer to have my own copy,” Gar waved his hand.

“And you wanted to see Cindy,” Urahara teased as he placed a fan to hide his smirk. “Hey I saw that they still haven’t found any leads on your older brother, how ya taking it?”

“Fine, I am starting to get a little worried as he usually sends me something saying he’s okay whenever he goes off on his little excursion,” Garret pulled out his wallet. “How much do I owe?’

“Let’s see, an entire series set is sixty, but with your membership it comes to forty,” Urahara closed his fan. “Ya know I did hear a rumor from my friends in the merchants guild that Joseph and Allen are both very happy in their lives.”

“How the hell do you know about my oldest brother,” Garret slammed his hands on the counter. “He’s been missing for ten years and now you also have info on Joe, your some kind of sick fuck shopkeep.”

“Indeed I am,” Urahara gave him a snide smirk. “But one thing you should know is that they are happy and the no longer go by the names that your parents gave them.”

“Oh yeah asshole, then what do they go by these days?” Garret crossed his arms getting even more pissed off.

“Allen goes by Edward Elric and has quite enjoys spending time with his women and children,” Urahara hid his face with his fan again. “And Joseph calls himself Asat Ferris and has started to become a seeker of justice and helper of the weak.”

“Yea right,” Garret scoffed. “Here’s your damn money,” He threw the bills down and grabbed his dvd set. “See you around you sick asshole.” Garret heads towards the door.

“Thank You for your purchase and we hope you enjoy your trip,” Urahara called out as Garret headed out the door.

“Fuck You… “ Was all Garret got to say as his vision faded to black.

Deep in a clearing in a dark forest

A groggy form began to move under the night sky.

“Oh my head, what the hell happened and where’s the truck that hit me,” the dark figure mumbled as he looked up to the sky. “How long was I knocked out,” he rubbed his head. “Feels like hours. Has to be if it’s already dark.”

The figured steadily rose to his feet but quickly found himself on his butt once more.

“Christ, I must have had quite a bit to drink,” He huffed, as he ran his fingers through his hair before he looked to the stars. “Let’s see who's in the sky tonight. What the hell?” He shot to his feet and started up in shock, “I don’t know any of these stars.”

That’s when he noticed that he was in a forest and that many of the lower branches on the trees were at his midsection or lower. He was now three meters tall. He decided to go over his body and noticed that he wasn’t wearing any clothes but his body was much more muscular and was seriously lacking in the skin department. He felt his face and found his teeth were razor sharp interlocking daggers much like that of a shark or tyrannosaurus rex. He had two sets of eyes.

“I need a mirror or water,” Garret ran frightened through the trees until his came to a small pool. “God what the hell happened to me?” he leaned over the stream until he saw his reflection in the stream.

“Raaaaahh!!!!” Garret recollide back as he screamed in horror at what he saw.

He then heard a nearby twig snap and looked over to see a strange sight. I woman in a leather top and lyoncloth frozen knelt over next to the stream with a pot in her hand. She was definitely a looker and her body was a mix of black and white stripes with a strange symbol on her thye. She had equine features in the face like a short muzzle and twitching along with a tail.

“Ah…” Garret gurgled out. “Please, can you tail me where I am?”

“What manner of new predator are you?” The strange woman said as she pulled her water pot to the bank. “To speak so fluent and to arrive out of the blue?”

‘Did she just rhyme?’ Garret just questioned himself. “Ah, I’m a human, or I used to be. Can you tell me where I am exactly? None of the stars look familiar.”

“Why you are in the land of Equestria,” the strange equine woman explained. “You seem to be new to more than just this area.”

“Can you please not rhyme?” Garret shifts to get a little closer only for her to back up more. “I’m having a hard enough time processing this as is without word play.

“I am sorry but it is my nature,” She placed a hand over her chest. “But I will do to accommodate you predator.”

“Let’s start over, my name is Garret Ferris but you can call me Gar,” Garret placed a hand on his chest. “What’s you name?”

“Most call me Zecora,” The woman smiled. “It is nice to meet you Gar.”

Gar nodded and looked at her with a serious look, “I know we just met but could you let me stay the night or do you know somewhere I could hold up for a while?”

“I would offer my couch but you are simply too big for even my house,” Zercoa explained.

For some reason she knew she could trust this predator human named Gar. He might look like a flesh eater, and by alright was but he was by the indication of his teeth, but from the look of fright in all four of his eyes he displayed he was just another scared individual looking for help.

“I will show you the ways through the Everfree forest and you may come and stay,” Zercora came closer. “But we will have to build you a home for min is too small, unless you can shrink your mass at all.”

That triggered a memory from Gar's oldest brother.

Memory from years ago

‘The parasytes are carnivores and the eat the kind of whatever they bond with , humans based parasytes eat Humans and dogs eat other dogs.’ Allen explained.

‘So how can that guy stop a car with the hand parayztes and he doesn't eat humans either?’

“They’re mainly just lumps of sentient flesh that can rapidly adapt. They are much stronger than normal humans but they can shift their bodys to mimice just about anything. Must things in the human body are much stronger than modern materials but break because they can only do so much in the small quantities we produce,” Allen explained. “That’s how he can make blades and stop cares. That and essentially tightening or loosening the muscle fibers in the arm.”

“So what doesn’t he eat people?” Gar asked bored but still intrigued.

‘Parasyte didn’t eat the brain and thus didn’t get any blood lust or negative emotions transferred from the host,” His older brother explained. “And Migi gets the nutrient from his host bloodstream


“Hello, Gar,” Zercora’s voice bleed in through the memories as he was pulled back to the current reality he saw the buxom equin woman waving her hand in front of his face.

“Aaaa… Sorry I was just remembering something from long ago,” Gar said with a distance in his voice. Could what shopkeep said be true and my brothers be enjoying new lives.”

“Enjoying memories is nice,” Zecora smiled. “But leanger to long and pay the price. Will you help carry my water pot? It would make things go much swifter would it not?”

“No problem,” Gar got up and suddenly a small wooden box fell to the ground from a tree branch that brushed his head. Gar picked up the box and looked at Zecora who was just as puzzled. “Let's see what's in it.”

Gar lifted the led of the box and found two strange Items in it. An alchemist pocket watch from FMAB and a headband with a red four pointed star on it. He picked them up and felt a surge run through his whole body and then heard voices.

I am the one who constructs and deconstructs, the partner and protector of the moon and sun, I aid the Innocent and protect the children, If you require aid, Call my name and I will come forth, The Crimson Sage

If you seek truth and aid in helping the weak and in need, call forth the Anti-Magic Knight

“What the fuck was that shit,” Gar shook his head as he steadied himself.

“There appears to be a note in the as well,” Zecore picked up a piece of paper that had fallen out of the bao as Gar picked up the items.

“Let’s see,” Gar said as a tentacled hand formed from his body and pulled the not to his face surprising Zecora.

Dear little brother,

It’s nice to speak with you in some form after all these years. Though it’s been teen or so for you it’s been far longer for me. The watch you found is my token and you can use it to summon me or just call and talk. Just say ‘call…’ Congrats on being Displaced, short for Dimensionally Misplaced, we refer our collective numbers out in the Multiverse as Displaced and we send tokens out to meet with others of our kind. I no longer do by Allen either but Edward Elric as that is who I was Displaced as. Can’t wait to see you again.

Love Allen/Edward

Hello Gar,

It’s Asta, don’t remember the first name anymore, Good to see you get a new life and like Ed said above we’re Displaced and my token is the head band, but I have a watch too so call me. As displaced we are sent to different realities involving the world of My little pony in some way or form. We can also trade power and become stronger eventually leaving the world we’re sent to. Good luck and have, whatever path you choose you’re still our baby brother.

Love Asta Ferris.

Tears ran down Gars face from all four eyes. “Allen’s alive and Joseph is good and they met each other a few times.” Gar sniffled as he wiped his face. “There’s no mistaking their handwriting,.” He looked at Zecora who gave a soft warm smile. “Come lets get that water to your house.”

Off the strange duo went into the forest.

Hunting and Festival Crashing

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Gar’s POV

I had now been in what was called the Everfree Forest for a few days. In my short span of time here I had managed to figure out how to use my body’s shapeshifting and adaptation abilities rather quickly. I also came to find that Zecora is this world’s version of a zebra and a native of this continent. She explained to me that the locals are called ponies led by a diarchy, but that there are four princesses. The two that are the acting rules are also sisters and a little over a thousand years old and this was their kingdom of Equestria. The third is a rule of an Empire to the far north and the adopted niece of the two sisters. The fourth princess doesn’t actually but is still a princess in name and duties and even has a castle in the town next to the forest. She also has saved this continent from great evils several times in the past with the power of friendship.

‘Had you told of such things before I became the smiling monster I am now I would’ve merely dismissed them as the notions of a childish fairy tale or the ravings of a loon. Now, however, I just don’t know.’

Zercora took some time to explain that the ponies of this land are separated into the distinct races, them being unicorns, pegasi, and lastly earth ponies. They also each have very unique magics as well. She went further into detail and said there was also a fourth race that combined the traits of all three into one, and that was the alicorn and that the four princesses were the only ones out. Zercora did till there was a fifth princess and alicorn but this was nothing more than a foal, or baby unable to speak proper words but understood things well enough. She also told me that the alicorns had a form of immortality, but it was nothing more than agelessness and that the could still be killed by natural or normal means.

All had been going well until the end of the day when I realized that I’d never found out what ponies’ diets consisted of. This thought was brought on by my own growing stomach nonetheless. Zecora had been feeding keeping me nourished on some form of stew for the time I’d been staying with her but after I’d spent a good deal of my energy from learning how to use my shapeshifting and adaptation skills I found the stew to be insufficient means of nourishment for my body.

Zecora explained that ponies are in fact omnivorous and partake in the consumption of a rather large variety of foods, including meats. She went on to say that her kind usually stuck to plants as they were the most abundant source of food available to her village. On the other foot the ponies of this land more or less stuck to fruits which they cultivated in mass on farms, one nearby being the Apple family’s apple farm. For protein, the ponies turned to lighter meats such as fish, fowl, and most poultry, but for the darker meats, they mainly went after small game like rabbits. The large red meats were mainly large predators like hydra and manticore that require specialized skilled teams and large numbers to hunt down.

When I asked about cows Zecora tilted her head slightly and said that they were the females of the minotaur race. ‘Go figure,’

And that brings us to our current place and time in the Everfree Forest, hunting for food. But I needed a disguise to allow me to move through the forest without alerting prey let alone scare a passerby and have the guards called on a new type of monster. Perhaps go into town once I feel more comfortable here.

Thanks to my shapeshifting I had disguised myself as a male zebra as Zercora was my only reference to what equines looked like. The only detail that I’d forgotten had been the mark on the thigh area. Zecora had to explain that in pony society the mark was called a “cutie mark” and that it signifies one’s specialized talent in life. I found this notion to be utterly ridiculous beyond all measure but Zecora insisted that I have one. Somepony, as she put it, would question me about not having one as ponies get them at rather young ages and a fully grown pony without a cutie mark would draw a lot of unwanted attention.

I decided my mark would be related to my job studies to become an astronomer back home. I designed it to have an old telescope-like what was used in the early days of sea firing travel with a starry sky behind it. I took some influence from Zecroa’s mark and made it mostly lines with tribal influences from what I’d seen around her hut.

I was now fully disguised as a zebra. I was an old friend of Zecora’s from her old village across the sea on my own journey of discovery.I was following the stars and mapping them when I was led here to the forest and the stars had told me to stay here. That was when Zecroa found my camp in the clearing, the one I awoke in upon my arrival here, and offered me a place to stay.

So now with my disguise and story no longer up for debate we set out to procure some fresh meat and other edibles for Zecora’s hut, my temporary lair as some might say.

We set out in the later hours of the morning so the beast would be starting to stir but awake enough for them to be out in force. Zecora’s main focus was to gather her plants, partially for her food, but mostly for her potions and various brews and other medicinal and varied uses.

Zecora led me to an area of the forest that was a swamp and mentioned that there was a hydra that called it home. She informed me that hydra can regrow their heads as long as one was left on the body and that this was a stable supply of red meat for many of the creatures that called this continent home, but it was mainly the likes of griffons that hunted the hydras. She also told me to watch out for crocodiles, a type of meat-eating amphibious lizard with a rock-like extra shell-like skin that was nearly impossible to breach with any type of weapon unless it was steel or a magic metal such as magic iron. These cragadiles were considered a delicacy food item due to how nearly impossible they are to hunt due to their natural armor. Zecora demanded I not face these dangers alone as not even with her help would we be able to face off with a hydra let alone a juvenile cragadile but merely ignored these warnings.

I do have to say that I rather enjoy Zecora’s company and the sight of her body is nice and very stimulating. I noticed that my pattern of thinking has become even more analytical and mechanical by degrees and I have to add it was a rather nice feeling to know that she showed such concern for a random stranger that she just met by happenstance in the forest. A stranger that is a variable predator and could’ve easily killed her at any time. I do have to add that not once have I had the urge to kill anything out of bloodlust or even anger.

That being said I arrived at the swamp while Zecora stayed hidden behind the tree line and the hydra took no time to show itself after I released my killing intent. It was a short fight as I returned to my original three-meter monster form and changed my shoulder tendrils to have bled tips and easily hacked off three of the serpent's four heads within a minute. With the heads separated from the body, I wait for the last bit of life to wane for the dismembered heads as the main body scampered further into the swamp. I was informed that the heads would regenerate within a day and be full size in another two,

I noticed the blood in the water and some movement out of the corner of one of my lower eyes. Small what I assumed to be cragadiles were coming out of the tree line, I assume these were cragadiles as they resembled crocodiles made of stone and rock.

I quickly pulled the heads out of the water and Zercora came out looking at me in total shock. “What I have just seen simple word can not describe this scene.”

“I would imagine so Zecora,” I said with a bit of a chirp tone. “But I am afraid we must get these to the hut before any more predators smell the blood in the air,” I pointed to the incoming cragadiles as I reverted back to Gar the Zebra, “I will haul them back.”

We went on our way and got to the house around late afternoon and I got to work deboning the heads and skinning them. Zecora said she could use the skins to make clothes and other things she needed for her home while she could use the venom and teeth in her potions, I took the skulls and the larger bones and started to make a frame for a hut of my home.

‘It’s strange as I was never one for roughing it or camping in the woods but this hunting, gathering, and outdoors survival lifestyle really feels natural to me. I guess you could say I feel at home with my surroundings.’ I thought with a smirk..

It was safe to say that Zecora and I ate rather well that night and the night after that and the night after that. We smoked and dried much of the meat but she also used some of her potions skills to preserve some of the hydra in a type of suspended animation. As long as the meat stayed in the concoction it would stay as good as the day I’d caught it.

In the passing days, I continued to work on my own home with help from Zecora, who had finally stopped rhyming. My hut was further into the forest but not far from Zecora’s home. There was a secondary trail that we carved through the brush that branched off of the one that led to her’s. During our time setting up I noticed that there had been quite a bit of pony activity in the forest in gathering a large variety of plants and animals, even saw a band of griffons hauling out a hydra’s head but they were very beaten meaning the beast put up a fight.

I found Zecora picking herds near the ancient castle that was at one time this continent's seat of power. Even with this place over a thousand years old, I could tell that some form of a battle between two superpowers went down.

I walked over to Zercora who was sitting outside one of the walls. “Gar is something wrong?”

“Why is there so much activity from the ponies lately?” I came right out with it. “I see many of the pegasi flying over and up the forest and up the face of the mountain and a lot of hunters and guards in the forest.”

“Ah, they have been preparing for the Festival of Friendship being hosted in Canterlot,” Zecora giggled. “It is the first big event that my good friend Princess Twilight Sparkle is hosting as the Princess of Friendship.”

“The title is odd but the name of the events sounds rather intriguing,” I rubbed my chin with my thumb and pointer figure.

“I highly recommend we go,” Zecora got up and brushed the grass off her legs. “It would be good for you to meet more ponies and perhaps I can introduce you to Twilight and her other friends.”

“I would prefer to meet ponies in a smaller gathering, say a welcome part from the local townspeople but beggars can’t be choosers,” I gave a simple shrug. “And getting to know your friends sounds like it be a very pleasurable experience as well as visiting the big city and enjoying a festival after the last two weeks of training, hunting, gathering, and building my home.”

“Then we shall leave for Canterlot tomorrow morn,” Zecora decreed. “On the train, we must get bored.”

“Very well,” I nodded. “Let me help you get those back to the hut,” I bent over and easily lifted the baskets of plants and flowers then we headed home for the day.

The next day

We woke up early and walked into the nearby town of Ponyville and as soon as I stepped foot into this place a slight tingling ran down my spine as if someone knew I was a new face in town from far away. I told Zecrora as she merely giggled and I found it quite infectious as I was soon chuckling alongside her.

She wasn’t wearing her usual leather loincloth dress bottom and bra but a sort of grey t-shirt and black skirt. It was nice to see her in normal clothes as it was very cute on her, but I still prefer her usual manner of dress over the outfit.

Unfortunately, my own wardrobe was a bit more on the rough side. I didn’t arrive in clothes and only wore a set of leather shorts that Zecora made for me when I was usually disguised as my zebra alter ego. Usually, when I was behind closed doors I would remain my usual smiling self just a lot smaller. This trip into town required more clothing than a simple pair of leather shorts so Zecora took some of the hydra leather we’d made and made me a set of plants, a visit, and a sort of wide-brimmed hat that she presented to me this morning. I didn’t question the necessity of the hat and gladly accepted it, with a smile of course

Back to current events.

We are now walking through Canterlot and I must say that the city is beautiful but what is more impressive are all of the clashing coat colors of the technicolor pastel ponies. I was already caught off guard by the differentiating color pallets when we’d walked through the town to get to the train station but being in this city was almost like being in a blender of rainbows.

Speaking of rainbows, one zipped around and by us earlier while a lot of these ponies broke into a sing-along, odd but cute but odd. Zecora and I continued to walk around and enjoy ourselves until we came across the rainbow from earlier or at least the pony that created it as she had the same scent as the rainbow.

It was a light cerulean pegasus mare with a rainbow tail and hair that had moderate cerise colored eyes. She was wearing a black sports top with white jogging pants. From her build, she was rather athletic but not a bad sight to behold as she still presented her feminine side rather well.

She was part of a group of six ponies. One was a butter yellow pegasus with moderate cyan eyes, a light grayish rose tail, and hair. She sported a dark green turtleneck with black pants.

Next to her was a blonde hair and tailed pony with a brilliant orange coat sporting a red plaid button-down shirt tied up in a not showing off her stomach with blue jeans with a stetson hat on her head.

The was a pearl coated unicorn with azure eyes, blue-violet hair, and tail that resembled a corkscrew. She sported a frilly white top and black dress skirt.

The next one was an all pink earth pony mare with excessively poofy curly hair and tail. She was wearing a pink long sleeve shirt with three balloons on the front with pink shorts,

Then there was the mare with varying degrees of purple all about herself, She was a little different in that she had wings and a horn, one of the princesses if I had to guess. She had a purple and dark sapphire hair and tail with raspberry streaks in them,She sported a purple shirt with a starburst on it that matched the colors of her hair and a crown of sorts on her head while she was wearing a purple plaid skirt that matched her hair as well.

I didn’t notice until we’d gotten closer but there was a little green-haired youth amongst them who had purple skin, he had a kind of scaly-looking texture to his skin. His eyes were bright electric green. He wore a purple shirt with a black vest and tan cargo shorts.

“There is Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” Zecora pointed out to the group. “Come and I shall introduce you to them.” She happily pulled at my arm.

Twilight sparkle's group

3rd POV

“See Twi,” Rainbow Dash smirked. “I told you, that you got this.”

“Especially since we’re here to help you out silly willie pony princess,” Pinkie Pie giggled as she then turned her head toward the crowd. “Something new is coming over to see us with someone we know.”

“Pinkie dear you’re not making sense,” Rarity raised an eyebrow.

“Ah think she’s sayin that there’s someone we know comin to see us with someone we’ve never met,” Applejack pointed into the crowd. “Is that Zecora?”

“I think it is,” Fluttershy quietly added in. “I’ve never seen her go outside the forest except to make trips into Ponyville every now and then. I never thought she’d come all the way to Canterlot.”

“You’re right Fluttershy, I know the festival is about Friendship and I’m glad she’s here but it’s still odd that she’s here,” Twilight scratched her head.

“Is it just me or there someone with her?” Rainbow pointed out as she hovered in the air.

“You’re right Rainbow,” Rarity put her palm over her eyebrow. “It appears her company is another zebra. I can’t see any definite details from here but it’s definitely a zebra.”

“Is it just me or are they coming straight at us?” Rainbow pointed out.

“They most certainly are comin,” Applejack added as she rolled her eyes. “We’re pretty much the only ones here that she knows in any kinda detail.”

“She’s waving at us,” Spike pointed out. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so happy before. She’s here.”

“Hello Twilight Sparkle and company,” Zecora said with joy. “I dope you are fun.”

“Zecora are ya feelin okay?” Aj looked concerned.

“I am fine Applejack,” Zecora smiled.

“It’s just you usually rhyme,” Spike pointed out the obvious question that was on everyone’s mind.

“Oh yes, well my friend found it quite hard to understand my meanings when I spoke,” Zecora gestured to Gar. “And I have found that many others find this manner of speech much better and don’t take me as much of a joke.”

“But she still rhymes every now and then,” said the Zebra stallion next to the shaman.

“Oh so you’re a stallion,” Rarity chimed in with a chipper tone.

“Yes. my name Gar,” Gar took off his hat. “It is nice to meet all of you.”

“Is Gar short for somethin?” Applejack squinted.

“Yes, but that is a need to know thing,” He smiled at the group of mares.

“What is you do Mr. Gar and how do you know Zecora?” Fluttershy looked at him with a soft smirk.

“I met Zecora while I was in the forest running in fear,” Gar smiled. “I grew up with her and have been on my own journey to study the stars. Unfortunately, I went into a bit of frenzied panic and got lost in the forest but came across her in it and she brought me back to her home.”

“You study the stars?” Twilight said enthusiasm.

“Yes but not only study but commune and follow as well,” Gar confirmed before he turned his head to the sky. “I thought pegasus controlled the weather?” he pointed to a massive storm cloud.

“We do,” Rainbow and Fluttershy said in unison.

“There shouldn’t be a storm, I ordered clear skies,” Twilight pulled out a scroll to recheck her list. “Rainbow Dash,” Twilight looked at the pegasus from the corner of her eye.

“Those don’t storm clouds,” Gar interrupted as he scowled at the brown clouds.

“What is it Gat?” Zecora asked with worry.

“I smell exhaust,” Gar scowled. “There is some form of machine in that cloud.” He looked to Zecora and began to whisper. “I’m going to slip off. If things go south get as many out as you can.”

“What will you do?” Zecora asked with worry.

Gar’s POV

“What I can if need be,” I whispered as he silently and swiftly left.nI made my way to the nearest building and grew a set of wings then took to the skies to watch what was unfolding from above as I stayed out of sight and changed back into my true form. “I’ll have to do something but I’d rather not act until I know what’s going on so I’ll watch for now. Be careful Zecora.”

The cloud soon revealed a ship that descended on the city, breaking several of the stone and marble flag posts and pillars as it did. The debris crushed several carts of party supplies and other stands. A ramp descended from the ship and crushed a balloon dog. A little stocky looking man with a white mohawk who resembled a hedgehog in a black suit with an odd blue symbol walked down the ramp carrying a sort of box. He set the box down and it opened with a large megaphone popping out of it.

“Ponies of Equestria, we have come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty Storm King,” the hedgehog man evilly announced, “And here to deliver the evil message, put your hands together for Commander Tempest!”

All of the ponies in the crowd were looking amongst themselves as a form appeared from inside the ship, slowly, out walked a taller pony with a dark orchid coat, deep rose hair and tail with icy blue opal eyes. On her forehead was a broken horn and a scar downward across her right eye.. She was wearing a black bodysuit with a dark navy utility belt with the Storm King’s symbol on both her thighs.

Then from a nearby balcony, the other three princesses flew down and landed in front of the crowd.

The tallest princess had a pure alabaster coat with rainbow tricolor hair and tail that flowed in a none existent wind and cover one of her magenta eyes. She wore a shimmering golden dress and was adorned with golden regalia with amethyst in them.

Second of the princesses had a dark blue coat with cyan eyes, ethereal night hair and tail with twinkles in them. She was wearing a deep navy blue dress and was wearing black metal regalia with diamonds mounted on them.

The third princess was the smallest of the three newcomers and she wore a cyan silk dress her coat was a pale cerise. Her hair and tail were a blend of rose and violet with pale gold streaks. Her eyes were a light purple and she wore light golden regalia adorned with aquamarines.

“Tempest was it?” The largest of the three princesses asked. “How may we help you?”

“So glad you asked Princess,” Tempest smirked. “Hw about we start with your total surrender and then you can hand over all of your magic.”

“Hi there,” Twilight slowly came out from behind the. “Princess Twilight Princess of Friendship. I don’t know what going on so let’s talk, I’m sure there’s something we can work out.”

“Listen up,” Tempest said in a commanding tone as she slowly walked down the ramp, “I need your magic ladies now please give it up or we’ll make things difficult, for everyone.” She emphasized the last bet of her sentence.

‘I don’t like where she is going this,’ I thought to myself as I readied to strike.

“And why should we surrender? There are hundreds of us and one of you,” the blue princess said without fear.

Tempest gave a slight evil chuckle, “I was hoping you’d choose, hehe, difficult,” and dozens of creatures started to move behind her. Soon more airships appeared and creatures jumped from them into the crowd of ponies, insighting panic amongst them.

“Crap,” I said as I shot down.

Suddenly Tempest jumped up and kicked some sort of crystal ball at the princesses. The pink one jumped in front and cast a shield of ice blue magic but couldn’t the ball back. It hit her and soon she turned in a black stone statue.

“Cadence!” The white one shout in fear before turning to the blue one. “Luna go south past the Badlands. Seek the help from the Queen of the Hippo-” she couldn’t finish as Tempes kicked another orb at her turning her into a statue as well.

The blue took off flying, “I won’t make it,” I said through my teeth as Tempest kicked another orb hitting the blue alicorn mid-flight. She was falling but I saw Twilight catch her with her magic.

“Luna!” Twilight shouted as Tempest giggled while jumping up again as she kicked another orb at Twilight.

“Not this time,” I said to myself as I shot down fracturing the ground sending large chunks of it up as orb was about impact. The was a green fog but it was blocked out by the dust I had kicked up.

“What?!” Tempest shout in surprise.

I looked down to see a cower purple princess as she looked at me. “You heard your mentor’s message?” I asked quietly and she slowly nodded at me. “Good, then flow her instructions. I know I look scary but you can trust me Twilight. I’ll hold Tempest and her goon squad off while you and your friends escape.”

“Grubber, what happened? Why the orb explode like that?” We heard the angry voice of Tempest. ‘Where’s the princess?”

I looked back at the still shaking princess. “As soon as I throw off the rocks, you run,” She nodded

3rd POV

Tempest looked at the mound of earth and rubble in front of her with a scowl on her face. “Grubber!” she called out to her second in command. “Find her now!” Tempest stomped her hoof as magic crackled from her broken horn.

“Right away boss!” Grubber saluted and started to run off while calling out. “Okay, guys come we gotta find the princess!”

Tempest moved closer to the mound. “How?” she leaned in. “How did she dodge the obsidian gas?” A small piece of rubble fell and tapped her head. “Unless she didn’t, she buried herself” The mound began to shake. “She’s not trying to…”



Rubble was sent flying in every direction as what could only be described as a monster emerged from inside the mound. Tempest had managed to jump out of the way but some of her surrounding forces weren’t so lucky and ended up crushed. She looked on in horror at a monster she’d never seen before, I monster that wore a truly sinister sharp-toothed smile on its face.

She was so fixated on the monster she didn’t see the last princess slip away to her friends. The monster however stared at her and roared again.


“GUARDS TO ME!” Tempest shouted as she snapped back to reality.

A battalion of the creature ran to her aid but before the could reach her a tendril shot from the monster’s shoulder in lighting speed and cut the incoming reinforcements to shreds. “Guards!” She shouts as more monsters came to her aid. Electric colorful magic sparked form Tempest horn and shot at the beast. Its arm suddenly shifted into a shield. “What in Tartarus are you ?”

“The smiling Monster,” it replied showing quite a level of intelligence. The beast continued to ripped and slash apart the other storm creatures, but more and more ships were coming and it didn’t have infinite energy and stamina.

“Keep hammering it, Cannons fire on that beast!” Tempest yelled to her ship.

“I’ve done my part,” the monster smiled evilly as it raised its hands and slammed them into the ground sending up debris and a dust cloud up. In the cloud, he shrank back down to a snake and slithered after Twilight and her friends.

“Twilight what was that thing back there?” Spike asked as the ran from the storm creatures.

“I… I …. I don’t know but every pony just keep running,” Twilight replied in fright as the came to a bridge but on the other side were more storm creatures.

“What’d we do?” Rarity panicked.

“We fight!” Rainbowslammed her fist into her palm.

Twilight charged her horn with magic and shot a beam at one of the creatures but it was deflected back at the ponies from the creature’s shield. He ponies dodged and the blast hit the bridge shattering it sending the ponies into the water. The smake monster saw it and jumped in after them and wrapped itself around the group and inflated itself slightly as they all tumbled over a waterfall off the mountainside.

Say Hi with a smile Traveling buddy

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The Next Morning

I woke up on the shores of the river we’d fallen into before everyone else. It took everything I had in order to keep the girls together, as uninjured as possible, and to keep them from drowning. I managed to drag everyone to the shore and then fell asleep. Yesterday’s little show and rapid shape-shifting wore me down rather quickly and then the river trip completely used up the rest of my energy.

I noticed that the girls were starting to wake up but I didn’t really care, glad they were okay, but the only person on my mind was Zecora.

‘I hope she’s okay.’

I then heard a rumbling in my stomach so I went off into the nearby woods to find some sustenance.

3rd POV

Twilight and her friends started to stir. She was the first to rise from the ground soon followed by Spike, then Applejack followed Rainbow Dash. Next, you had Fluttershy who held her head slightly as she shook off the drowsiness, Rarity and Pinkie we up next.

“Is everyone alright?” Twilight asked as she groggily looked around as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming through the trees.

“I’m alright,” Spike got to his feet. “Rarity, you okay?”

“A few bruises here and their Spiky Wikey,” Rarity was helped to her hooves by Spike.

“Has anyone seen mah hat?” Applejack felt her head and looked around.

“Nope,” Pinkie said as she checked the bushes. “Not here.”

“It probably fell off during the way down the river,” Rainbow checked herself. “Let me help you up.” She helped Fluttershy to her hooves.

“I hope not,” Fluttershy dust herself off. “Um… Where exactly are and how did get out of the water?”

“More importantly, how did we all stay together?” Twilight looked around and it looked like they were on the outskirts of the Everfree. “I thought we would’ve all been swiped away in the currents.” She looked up the river and they’d obviously floated quite a ways down the river.

“Ah think there was something keepin us all together, and floatin,” Applejack kept looking around the shoreline for her hat.

“Now that you mention it, I think I saw something wrap around us when we fell into the water,” Spike pondered. “It looked like a really big snake.” He looked at Fluttershy. “Was it one of your animal friends?”

"It couldn't have been," Fluttershy looked puzzled. "I didn't bring any snakes with me and the only ones I talk to in Canterlot are the little grass snakes in the Royal Palace Gardens. But I do hope the poor thing is alright, I mean it must be exhausted and very hurt from that ride down the falls it took with us."

"Well, if it wasn't one of your animals then why'd it help us by keeping all of us together?" Rainbow hovered next to Fluttery.

"It probably got scared and latched onto the nearest thing it could when it fell in the water that it thought would keep it safe," Fluttershy thought.

Suddenly there was a rough rustling in the bushes next to Fluttershy causing the timid pegasus to run and hide behind Applejack. Applejack merely shook her head and rolled her eyes before returning to look for her hat. Rainbow Dash rushed to the bush to see what was in it causing it to rustle.

"So what do we do know?" Rainbow asked Twilight as she found nothing in the bush.

"Celestia told Luna to find the Queen of the Hippos before she was..." Twilight trailed off for a bit as she hadn't given any thought as to whether or not the Princesses were actually still alive or in some form of stasis. "Turned to stone. Girls what if we can't reverse whatever was done to Celestia, Luna, and Cadance? What if they're ... They're ... they're..." Tears of sadness and worry started to swell in the Princess's eyes.

"Shh....ssh... It’s alright Twilight," Rarity came to her friend's side and wrapped her in a big hug. "I know for a fact that the other princesses are still alive and we'll find a way to turn them back to normal. If anypony can it's us." She pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed Twilight's eyes. "Keep it dear you may need it for awhile tell you came down."

“The unicorn said they need your magic so they have to be alive,” Rainbow pointed.

"So what ya'll suppose we do now?" Applejack looked at Twilight.

“Well,” Twilight dried her eyes, “We find the Queen of the Hippos like Celestia said too. I’m not sure how but we need to head south past the Badlands, That’s as she said before that unicorn stoned her. Then as that creature save me he asked if I heard what Celestia said and told me to do as she asked Luna too.”

“Woah, woah, woah! That giant monster talked to you “ Rainbow looked at Twilight confused as she nodded.

“It spoke very well for something that looks like it should be in the Everfree,” Twilight looked at everypony and drake.

“What exactly was it?” Rarity looked at Fluttershy as she had the most knowledge of animals.

“I have no idea what it was,” Fluttershy looked lost.

“Where did that thing come from anyways?” Rainbow crossed her arms.

“The sky duh. Silly Dashie,” Pinkie giggled.

“Can we trust it?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe, but if it’s intelligent enough to know how to properly speak it may be dangerous,” Fluttershy adds. “It could be like a chimera and use speech to lure in its victims.”

“I think we’re also forgetting another crucial detail.” Spike pointed out. “That unicorn is gonna be looking for us and we’ve been out for a whole night already”

“We still have that creature to Spike,” Twilight tacked on.

“Could it be one of their monsters?” Applejack added as she still looked for her hat,

“If it was then why’d it save me then start to attack the ones that were under Tempest’s command,” Twilight point out. “It went out of its way to protect me and distract the Storm Creature.”

“Ah know it definitely wasn’t on their side,” Applejack turned around. “Went it protected ya Twi it did so honestly,” She closes her eyes and puffed out her chest and said with a smirked as a large figure arose from the bushed behind her. The other girls and Spike froze with fear. “What? Can’t take the fact that I’m right,” Applejack said with confidence.

“Nn-nnn-n-n-nn-o-oo-o-oo-oo-o-,” Spike stuttered. “Tt-t-tt-turn ar-r-r-r-rr-ound,” he point.

“What? Is it mah hat?” Applejack happily turned around then looked up to see the monstrous fave of the creature from Canterlot. “HH-H-HHi th-there.” She waved slightly. “Mah n-n-nn-names A-p-pp-p-plej-jj-j-j-j-jack, w-w-w-w-what’s yours?”

The creature raised up its large hands from its sides slowly. No one dared move a muscle as they were paralyzed with fear.

Applejack closed her eyes tight and ready herself as she felt the monster’s hands lower around her. She felt it put something on the top of her head and wondered what it did. She felt the massive paws leave her head and she opened one eye to look. She saw the creature looking at her with his large sharp-toothed smile. It wasn’t just its face though, she looked into its eyes and it looked genuinely happy.

Applejack slowly reached up and pulled off her head what the smiling monster had put on her head. She looked and was shocked to see her stetson.

“Mah hat,” She happily exclaimed. She then looked at the monster, “Thank you.”

“Your welcome,” He said as his eyes showed joy. “I am sorry for frightening all off you but I needed food to restore my energy after the jont down the falls.”

“I knew it,” Pinkie jumped up. “You’re the one that saved us and you’re also the new guy in Ponyville!”

“What?!” Everyone yelled.

“But Pinkie, the only new pony in Ponyville is Gar, Zecora’s friend,” Twilight said.

“Pinkie is right Twi,” Applejack back up the party planner. “But if she’s right then that means,” She looked at the monster who huffed.

“No point in it,” He said as he reverted to Gar the Zebra. “I am Gar. Sorry, I lied to you but if ponies saw what I really looked like-”

“They’d head for the hills,” Pinkie cut him off.

“Yes but the monster you saw is the real Gar and not this sham of a disguise. But before any more questions are asked we need to move. Like Spike said earlier, we were asleep all night and there’s no telling how far the Storm King’s forces have caught up. For now, we need to head south.”

All agreed, not wanting to question the smiling monster out of fear and concern for their own safety. They followed Gar the Zebra through the forest southward.

A few days later approaching the edge of Equestria’s border in theSouth Badlands

“Come along,” Gar said as he moved through the desert with ease. “We must keep moving.”

“Hold your horses... partner,” Applejack puffed. “We’re not used to this heat and sand.”

“And we... can’t morph our bodies... to adapt to the environment... either,” Twilight wheezed.

“I have done no such thing,” Gar said as he turned to face the group.

“Hehe… This guy says you did,” Pinkie said as she picked up a bird’s skull from the ground, sand pouring from the empty sockets. “He says zebras are used to going for long times in hot and dry environments and go long periods without water due to being nomadic tribes.”

Everyone looked at Pinkie.

“What? He said it not me,” Pinkie pointed at the skull as she tossed it over her shoulder.

“Like I said, I did not adapt to this environment,” Gat said as he turned around again. “I can if I need to but I didn’t and I only look like a zebra on the outside but I am still the three-meter tall smiling monster on the inside,” He looked over his shoulder and gave a happy grin.

“Has anyone noticed that we’ve reached a road?” Spike said as he pointed down.

“He’s right and if there’s a road,” Rarity looked down.

“Boney says there’s a town not far from here,” Pinkie said as she tossed the skull over her shoulder.

“There is,” Rainbow said from the air after she flew up. “If we keep it up we’ll be there in no time flat.”

“Let’s go,” Gar said and the group took off in a gallop.


“Hm… Klugetown,” Twilight read a sign as the group entered the town. “Oh excuse me,” Twilight backed up from a turtle-man-thing who’d been loading barrels into a cart. The barrels then all fell over and he let out a humf. “I’m sorry, let me help,” She lit her horn and stacked the barrels back in the cart.

“Hey, no magic on my merchandise!” He yelled and raised a hand and brought it down.

Gar stepped in and grabbed the band before it could connect, “You will not hit her.”

“Or look at the little zebra with his herd,” The mares all blushed. “Ha, big talk for a little pony,” He chuckled as he tried to take back his fist but found it stuck.

Gar squeezed hard and the turtle man hit his knees. “If you dare raise a hand to any of these ponies I’ll eat you alive,” Gar said as he got in the turtle’s face causing the light to shadow the top half of his face. Gar smiled and showed his fangs. “Shell and all, do you understand.” the turtle man shook his head violently and Gar released the man and he scampered away.

What they didn’t see was a rather odd pair of green eyes watching the whole scene unfold. “Hmmm… Interesting.”

“Thank you, Gar, that's the third time you saved me,” Twilight looked at the mock zebra in awe.

“Think nothing of it, princess, I like the ponies. You’re all very kind when given the opportunities and you’re all Zecora’s friends. If I let anything happen to any of you she would be devastated.”

“Oh okay,” Twilight pushed her hair behind her ear then shook her head slightly remembering what they were supposed to do. “Now remember we need to keep a low profile. Where’d Pinkie go?”

“CAN ANYPONY TELL US WHERE TO FIND THE QUEEN OF THE HIPPOOOOOO?!!!!” Pinkie Pie called out and a Fishman stopped in front of her.

“Ya want something ya gotta give something,” the Fishman gurgled.

Pinkie immediately started to dart around and stop random creatures on the street offering whatever she had on hand.

“Pinkie stop, we need to lay low,” Applejack got on to the party planner.

“Relaaxx girls and guys I got this,” Pinkie waved off as a crowd started to gather and demand things. Suddenly a cat man appeared.

“Get back people get back,” he said, putting distance between the group and the crowd. “Ya’ll are in some serious danger here.” He rushed up to one of the crowd. “Now you didn’t touch any of them, did ya? Look at all those color, ya think it’s natural?” He zipped around.”They’re infected, coloritis.”

“Now wait a min--” Applejack started to say but was cut off by Gar zipping behind her and putting her hand over her mouth.

The cat looked slyly at the group as he zipped about and kept the attention. “Now stay calm and as long as you're not covered in purple splotches you’ll be fine,” he said as he used his tail to flick purple gunk from the street onto the earlier Fishman. He quickly shifted to the Fishman. “Uh oh.”

The Fishman started to freak out, “Wa-ur, What do I do?”

“Enjoy your last moment,” the cat held his finger up and waved it in the air. “And don’t touch anyone because parts will fall off.”

The crowd quickly disbursed in all directions leaving on the cat and ponies in the street.

“That was awesome,” Rainbow said, flying behind the cat.

“And quite charming,” Rarity giggled while Spike huffed

“Yes thank you for your help Mr.-” Twilight said.

“Capper, Capper Cat at your services my ladies and gentleman,” Capper said, giving an insinuated bow. “And charming is my game. So, to the hippo then..”

Everyone started to follow Capper but Gar pulled them back for a second. “I wouldn’t trust that sneak too much girls.”

“Why? he helped us out and now he’s taking us to the hippos?” Twilight stated.

“He’s after something,” Gar scowled at the cat behind his back. “My brother was an actor and taught me a few things to look out for when people are acting. He’s hiding the reason for now and he may help but I won’t trust him.”

“Ah m with Gar on this one Twi,” Applejack added as they walked along. “Lyin comes way too easy to him. The way he told that there lie in the street was spot on, even I would’ve believed him if I didn’t know you girls.”

“We could really use a friend out here,” Pinkie tacked on.

Capper quickly turned and put his arm around Gar's shoulder. “You know what, little cotton candy here is right aaaaand if I do say so myself..”

Capper started to sing as he led the group through the streets and allies of Klugetown until they reached his home. A windmill of some kind. Gar noticed him stay at his gate talking with someone who’d been sitting at his gate. He quickly returned and led the ponies and Gar into his home.Meanwhile, no one noticed that the Storm forces had arrived in town.

“Welcome my little ponies to my slice of lament,” Capper said as he showed a rather nice looking home adorned with a variety of items.

“Oooo… So many breakables,” Pinkie awed.

The ponies looked around Capper’s home. They all looked at many different items ranging from teapots to other items. Rarity looked at a portrait of a highly decorated fish man officer but the face was that of Capper tapped onto it.

“Hold still dear, almost don. I do apologize and wish I could do more to fix you up, but I limited on what I have,” Rarity said as she fixed Capper's clothes up.

“What’s the catch?” Capper narrowed his eyes.

“No catch at all dear just doing something because I want to,” Rarity giggled as she placed a couple of buttons on his coat. “Call it a thank you.”

Twilight noticed a bookshelf and decided to look over the books that Capper had collected. She came across an odd book. It was a brown leather cover with gold embellishments at the corners and a golden compass on the cover with a map on the upper center above the compass. She pulled the book out and started to read through and her eyes started to widen with enlightenment.

“Everyone, we've been looking for the wrong queen,” Twilight said as she slammed the book down on a table gathering everyone to her. "We don't need the queen of the hippos but the hippogriffs. Part pony part eagle."

“Oh the hippogriffs. Well that’s gonna be kind of a problem,” Capper cut in. “See no one knows where they are.”

“That book says they’re on Mount Aires, that island I can clearly see from your window,” Twilight snidely pointed out.

“Let me finish,” Capper shook his head as he darkened the room and made shadows off a nearby candle with his paws. “No one knows where they are now. That book was right at one point but now Mount Aries is nothing but a ghost town. The Storm King’s forces came in one day and the hippogriffs fought them off but swore he’d come back for their magic. Knowing they couldn’t win a second time they vanished in one night.” Capper let light back in the room. “Leaving their entire city empty, not even their magic stayed.”

“But, we need their help,” Twilight looked down trodden. "Surely if we go we can find out something?"

"Maybe, but the only way out there is by airship," Capper shrugged. There was a sudden knock at the door. “One moment please.” Capper said as he went to answer the knock. Capper opened the door to reveal some sort sleazy looking of naked mole rat thing in a suit.

“Here’s Virgo,” it cackled. “Now Capper that zebra better be worth this trouble in order to settle your debts.”

“You were going to sell us,” Rarity looked on in horror.

“Not sell you, just the zebra,” Capper chuckled nervously.

“Why not them all?” Virgo licked his lips. “They’d all fetch great prices and more than cover you plus some extra. Let’s load them up boys!” Virgo opened the door and was hit with a bolt of magic frying the shady salesman. “Ow!” He said and hit the ground.

Tempest walked in followed by Grubber and a pair of storm creatures. “Poor little ponies,” She hummed. “You should know better than to trust strangers. Now for you princess, that creature got in the way last and it took me a few days but now it’s time to go.” She walked in slowly.

“Out the window, NOW!” Gar commanded and jumped in front of Tempest.

“Oh a Zebra, are you a friend of the one in Canterlot,” Tempest said with a little surprise.

“What did you do to her?” Gar scowled trying to keep his blood lust in check.

“She's been a thorn in my flank since she escapes and free the ponies every now and then but other than seeing her from time to time I haven't done anything to her, yet," Tempest scowled back. She looked to the Storm Creatures flanking her, "Take him ad get the others," She motioned with her head but the storm creatures merely shrank back in fear. Tempest looked at Gar and to the Storm Creature and back to Gar. "It's just one zebra you idiots." But the Storm Creatures merely backed away in fear.

"That's a bad Zebra," Grubber shudder from behind Tempest's leg pointing shakily at Gar.

The was a thud on the roof followed by several footstep causing Gar to look up momentarily. Tempest took the opportunity to rush Gar, kicking him with enough force in the gut sending him flying hitting the wall of the windmill hard cracking it in the process. Several pieces of wood fell cover the mock zebra.

Tempest grabbed her leg in pain. "What the buck is that guy made of. It took everything I had to send him flying like that. Felt like I was kicking steel, and why is he so heavy?"

Gar growled as he rose to his hooves. He heard creaking coming from with the windmill, as if some was on it and then looked at Tempest. "As much as I like to stay I must depart," He knocked the wall with his elbow hard causing more debris to fall but this time on Tempest party. Gar jumped out the wind and saw the girls and Spike on the windmill trying to escape from more storm creatures.

Gar looked at the ground and then the direction of the spinning windmill blades. "Unorthodox, bu tit's all we have," He said to himself. He looked up and shout at the others, "HOLD ON TIGHT!"

Gar jumped down to the ground and reconfigured his to absorb the shock and redirect it back through his leg to give him a boost as he proceeded to jump back up. As he did Gar grabbed onto one of the windmill blades pulling it in the opposite direction and knocking it off the building whirling through the town.

"Someone stop this thing!" cried Rainbow Dash as the bladed cartwheel through town.

Gar had been flung into air and landed on a roof not for from the windmill. He changed his legs again focusing on speed and ran across the roof tops to catch up the ponies all while knocking Storm creatures out of the way. He looked ahead and saw the docks before reaching his group.

"Come on, we need to get there," he said pointing to the dock and everyone vigorously nodded.

They ran as fast as they could and reached a lone ship headed in the direction of Mount Aires.


Tempest forced her way out of the debris and looked around to see only a few troops, Grubber and finally Capper crawling out of the wreckage of what was his home. She quickly grabbed the cat and brought him up to her face as sparks flew from her horn stub.

"Where are they going?" She demand with a snarl.

"Uh- hu, well they're going to," he started to spill then a gleam of his buttons caught his eye. "Black Forests Rock," he lied giving a mock look of betrayal as his ears flattened against his head.

"Get me ship ready now!" Tempest cried to Grubber who saluted and ran off.

"Well guess you don't need me anymore so I'll just-" Capper started to say pulling away.

Tempest pulled him back to her face, "You're not going any where."

"I told you where there going," Capper whimpered. "Can't you just let me go?"

"Well if we catch them you won't have anything to worry about, will you," She tossed him to the Creatures. "Hold him until I say so," She stomped off. "I will not stop until I catch them and make the zebra pay as I make him watch as I cut out the heart of the one he loves back in Canterlot."

On the Ship with Gar's Group

"What we do now?" Rainbow asked.

"Can't we ask them to take us to Mount Aires?" Applejack added.

"You hear that?" came the voice of one of the crew.

"Braac..." the crew men answered.

"Yea, it's probably just the rats," the other chuckled as they went about their work.

"Rats..." Rarity said with disgust.

"So what we do Twi?" Spike looked to the princess.

"I... I... I just don't know anymore," Twilight said as she slid to the ground defeated. "If what Capper said was true then there's no reason for us to even go to Mount Aires."

"The guy was trying to sell Gar, then us, he had to be lying," Rainbow exclaimed softly.

"Sorry Rainbow but even Ah could tell he was beenin honesty about that,"Applejack lamented. "Has anypony seen Gar since we got on the boat?" she looked around only for them to shake their heads 'no'.

"Where the hay could a shape shifting stow get to in such a rush when boarding a ship?" Spike aske puzled.

"Were you speaking of me?" Came an eyeball from in between two broads starting the group. Gar quqickly pulled himself up and shifted to zebra form. "Sorry, I was scouting the ship for a map."

"Any look and where this tub his heading?" Rainbow asked.

"In the general direction of Mount Aires is all I could gleam from the map routes," Gar said flatly. "But if we want to reach it well have to jump ship and walk the rest of the way."

"Which would be rather difficult if I do say so myself as only three out of the eight of us don't have wings, or can't grew wings to fly," Rarity crossed her arms.

"What's the point anymore?" Twilight said out of despair/ "The hippogriffs can't help because they were smart and fled before the could be captured, and they were our only hope."

The last pony that anyone would think acted, Gar. He walked over and slapped Twilight right on the face, gently as he could manage but firm enough to make a point. Everyone else gasped in shock. The human part of his mind and emotions kicked into overdrive. overwriting his more logical paralyze thought processes.

"You wanna give up just because one race isn't there anymore?" Gar growled as he picked her up off the ground by her collar. "So what if they aren't there now? We go anyways and see if we can't find some clues as to where they went. I can't believe you want to give up just because some shifty cat told you one thing he knew," Rainbow and Spike started to step up but were held back by Applejack and Rarity. "You're the only princess left and your ponies are looking to you come and save them."

"But but Celestia ... " Twilight tried to comeback

"If we can't find the hippogriffs than we'll find some other way, if need be I'll be that way for you. The first pony to accept me for the monster I turned into when I arrived is fighting to free the others. I won't simply stand by and let her fight alone," Gar set Twilight on the ground. "One of the things a princess must do, is be there for her subjects if you can't find the first way try another way. If you give up after your hop is dashed the first time and give up then your no princess at all."

Suddenly light hit the group and they all turned to see a crew of three bird men. "Captain Celaeno, what's the Storm king's rules about stowaways?"

"You think they heard ya?" Applejack scowled at Gar who was back to his deadpan self.

They heard a claws foot followed by a tap, then another crewman, a bird woman, came out with a book in hand, some say she wouldn't be half bad looking even cute or sexy in her delivery uniform. "Book says, throw um overboard." When suddenly a whistle blew. "Alright, that's lunch! You eight come to."

Everypony looked at each other but dare not question their luck so the followed the ship's crew below deck into the mess hall. Once they all had their own plates of some kind of seed looking glop the sat and ate. The ponies stared at the food then each other followed by the crew.

"What heck is going on here?" Rainbow said in outright confusion. "First you're going to throw us off the ship than a whistle sounds and you feed us. You guys are really missed up."

"We're only allowed one meal a day under the Storm Kings rule," A high pitch wider member of the crew answered.

"So you still intend to throw us off the ship," Gar said flatly.

"Nothing personal but we still have a job to do." The bird answered.

"After break it back to hauling. We do as we're told or we're punished," Celaeno huffed.

"So what did you do before working for the Storm King?" Spike asked.

"We used to be a lot more adventurous," Celaeno pulled back a picked of the storm king to reveal a jolly roger of sorts.

"Hey it's boney," Pinkie giggled.

"Not every day you meet a true blue pirate, especially where I'm from," Gar finished his meal. "But we don't have time for stories and we need to get to Mount Aires to see if the hippogriffs left anything. While you eat I will be looking over your star maps."

"Knock yourself out," the red plumed crewman said. "We haven't used them in years so they're dated."

Gar shrugged and went over to a table with the star charts while Rainbow Dash started an inspirational speech to get the birds back in the groove of their former glory. While she did she got the girls, except for Moppy Sparkle, and Spike to join in and it led to another singalong. Eventually, the crew was won over and decided to join in the fun and help the ponies.

Gar noticed an old telescope on the table and he remembers his brothers for some reason. Pick up the spyglass he thought aloud, "Hmmm... well if they do it then so will I," Gar grasped the scope. "I am Gar, seek me if you require aid or counsel." He tossed the scope up and it vanished. "It's out there now." Gar sigh. "At least Zecora is safe," Gar looked out a window then there was a loud boom followed by Rainbow Dash spiraling around the ship with a rainbow trial."Idiot!" he rushed topside.

Mean while aboard Tempest ship

Grubber was busy steering and enjoying a slice of Friendship cake when he heard a thunderclap from the port side of the airship. He looked out to see a circular rainbow. "Woah look at that rainbow, you see that so cool,"

Tempest turned her head and smirked. "Yea nice of them to alert us, and funny how they're headed in the opposite direction of where you said," she turned and looked at Capper.

"Like haha funny or haha..." Capper crowd slightly

"Out of the way," Tempest shove Grubber of the wheel and floored it towards Celeano's ship.

Back on Celeano's ship Gar had Rainbow by the caller, "Damn it your multicolored breaking of the sound barrier has let eh enemy know our location."

"She was only trying to cheer up the crew Gar no need to get so flustered," Rarity scolded Gar.

"Fluster," Gar hissed as some of his blood lust escaped causing the ponies to back away. "I'm far from flustered Rarity I'm thoroughly pissed off." he released Dash. "I know you were trying to help but you need to know when to dial it in and know because of that Rainboom thing Tempest is on us again." he pointed to an oncoming ship. "Celaeno, keep heading for Mount Aires. Ponies and dragon below deck."

"What are you gonna do?" Celeano said with a bit angst.

"Be a monster," Gar grumbled as he shifted to his original smiling form scarring the shit out of the crew. Gar sprouted a set of wings and jumped off the airship's side heading for Tempest's ship.

Tempest VS Gar

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Tempest was on her airship headed straight for Celeano's. "Prepare the grappling harpoon!" she called out to her troops.

Grubber in the meantime ran up to the bow of the ship so he could get a good look at the airship they were about to capture and that's when she noticed something coming towards their own ship. It was too small to another airship, You couldn't get them that size as the engines required to run the ships were too large to fit on anything less than the size of a small house and even those required a crew of no less than five to operate. The hedgehog man pulled at a spyglass he had in his pocket and looked out to see what was coming, causing whatever it was it was coming in fast but it was still too large to be on of the ponies.

When Grubber locked onto what he saw he fell on his ass in fear. He felt a sudden burning on his cheek, nothing major but back during Canterlot's initial invasion a monster had appeared from the sky and began to cut down the Storm Creatures with ease. In that slaughter one of the monster's bladed tendrils had cut his cheek and whenever he thought of that beast his wound would burn as if it were still fresh.

Grubber ran to the rear deck and Tempest. "TEMPEST! TEMPEST!" The hedgehog man jumped up waving his arms in the air.

"WHAT IS IT?!" Tempest yelled out in annoyance as she still smiled with excitement as she was about to catch her prey.

"We got company coming," Grubber pointed as he held the telescope up.

Tempest saw something quickly heading their way from Celeano's vessel. It was moving fast and it was too small to be a personal ship but too big to be a pony. "What in Tartarus is that?" She squinted then grabbed to looking glass from Grubber's hand.

Tempest looked through the telescope and her eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks as she could make out the giant smiling sharp-toothed maw of the monster that had assaulted her forces back in Canterlot. "What in Tartarus is the damn thing doing all the way out here in the middle of bucking forsaken nowhere?!" She shouted in fear and anger. " She tossed the looking device off to the side. "Is it some kind of Guardian the Celestia created to protect her kingdom? No, if it was then it would be out this far. Unless... " Tempest's vision went back to Celeano's airship. "It's protecting all of them. That creature is protecting those ponies and unless I can get ready of it, then I'll never get the princess."

"So what do we do?' Grubber shrank beside his commander's leg. "It ran away last time when you ordered the fleet to attack. It knew it couldn't face all them but we're just one ship this time."

"Well, hehehe..." Tempest chuckled at the thrill of a real battle. "We'll just have to show it what my ship can do," She smirked. "ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS. PREPARE THE REPEATING BALLISTA! KEEP THE CLAW HARPOON ON STANDBY FOR AFTER THE RIGHT WE GO IN FOR THE PRINCESS!" Tempest ordered her storm creatures. "Let's see if your just as good at fighting in the air as you are at slaughtering my force."

Gar flew towards Tempest and her ship, while he did a massive thundercloud started to roar with flashed of white lightning in the behind him.

The storm creatures ready their ballistas and armed them with large tolls of five foot long bolts. The waited for there enemy to come in range and this time wanted its blood. The swivel and pivot of the ballistas were easily able to keep with him as the storm cloud had drawn the monster and ship in. With their sights set the Storm Creatures unleashed their volley of huge bolts upon Gar's direction. Even as stinging rain pelted the two opposing forces the creatures didn't let up as they were used to such storms.

Gar numbed his pain reception to none existent while also hardening his skin and eardrums to protect himself from the rain on concussive booms of thunder as he flew through the howling wind as he dodged the incoming assault. He would twist and turn but doing so in the storm was hard as he also had to dodge the bolts of lightning that we attracted to his large form and the steel heads of the ballista bolts but fight with the high-speed winds to.

Even if he though can stretch his body Gar couldn't get close enough to the ship to fight back with incoming fire and the elements fighting against him. But, he found a way around that in a few seconds. Another unique aspect of new biology was that he could think not only unhindered by much emotion, usually, but that Gar could also process information, strategize, and overall out-think his opponent from anywhere to a mere second to a few minutes. In that moment he did what no sane, or normal, would do.

Gar started to grabbed the ballistas bolts that would come close enough to his and a simple rotation of his wrist, then hurled them back at Tempest'd ship.

"Tempest," Grubber pointed at he returned fire.

Tempest turned her head and looked into the rain as the bolts hit the ship. "That bastard is sending my own artillery back at us," She sneered as she turned the wheel. One of the storm creatures points back to Celeano's ship. "That beast is trying to pull us further away from the ponies and into the storm. Damn, how is something that ugly so cunning," She turned the wheel to keep the other ship insight but also kept an eye on the monster.

Gar caught bolt after bolt and was closing the gap between him and the ship. Tempest forces were also starting to run out of ammo and several of her crew had either been injured or killed from the return fire. One of the remaining uninjured Storm Creatures got Gar locked in its sights and sent a bolt straight at the monster.

Gar dodged, grabbed the bolt by the end, locked on the Tempest, "Have this back this bitch!" He flung the bolt sending twisting straight at her. But Gar didn't stop there as his body sprouted long metal natural metal spikes. He timed it just right with his thrown bolt and a flash of lighting Gar followed his bolt while he allowed himself to be hit by the white-hot plasma of the storm as he spiraled into Tempest's ship turning himself into a living lightning bullet.

Tempest didn't see the bolt coming straight for but Grubber did. "TEMPEST!" Acting without thought or hesitation he jumped up, pushing Tempest out of what was meant for her head. Grubber side was shredded to pieces by the added effect of the spin on the bolt, sending blood and guts over the rear deck of the ship.

Tempest didn't know what hit as she was pushed to the ground and then there was a bright flashing that collided with her ship. There was a ringing in her ears as her vision steadily returned to her she saw her vessel on fire and then she saw the body of Grubber lying on the ground next to a bolt lodged where she'd been standing. His blood running over the deck being wash away by the rain.

"Grubber!" Tempest rushed to his side. "Don't you die on me don't you dare die on."

URACK! "Couldn't let ya get hit now could I," Grubber chuckled as blood ran down his face from his mouth. "Sorry, Tempy but I don't think I'm boucin back from this one."

"Damn it, don't you dare die," Tempest cried out as she held the tiny man in her grasp. "If only I had my horn!"

"Meanwhile, from the flames on the deck emerged a charred and blacked Gar, "Grah, never doing that again, my head," he said as he grabbed his head and looked around. "This will throw them off for a while but I best check and see if I got that unicorn." Gar sauntered around and he came across a sight he'd never excepted on the rear deck. Tempest was cradling the little man. He morphed his hand into a blade and moved in on the unicorn.

Tempest in her sorrow didn't notice the giant looming over her and the dying Grubber until his bladed hand was at her throat. "What are you waiting for do it already," She gritted her as she readied herself and looked into his eyes while it kept wearing its sharp-tooth smile.

Gar was about to slit her throat when he bent down to get a better look at her face and noticed it wasn't rain but tears. He turned to the dying little man. "Don't you dare, he's the only family I have left," She pulled Grubber closer to her. Gar raised up his free hand. She now knew he could finish them both in a second. Tempest closed her eyes tight and readied herself again for death, but it still didn't come.

She looked down to see the monster's free hand had spread of Grubber's body where he was wounded and extended out of the deck where his blood and guts had spilled out. Tempest watched as the hand pulsed over Grubber and in the next moment it retracted turning in to a hand once. Gar backed off and removed the blade from Tempest's throat, allowing her to see what it was that he'd done.

Her eyes were wide open with shock. The monster had actually pieced Grubber's body back together Her gaze turned to Gar and she saw sadness and understanding in his eyes."Why?"

"He is your family, and I once lost a brother long ago and I thought him dead for many years, though now I know he lives, I still know that feeling of loss Tempest," Gar pointed at Grubber. "I fixed him as best I could but he is very weak and needs a blood transfusion to live through the next." he turned and started to walk away.

"This means nothing, I am still coming after the ponies," Tempest shouted.

"I know, I will protect them as I have done before," He sprouted wings and flew off while Tempest carried Grubber below and began his treatment with what remained of her crew.

Capper int the meantime took his chance and went for one of the smaller transport airships and escaped.

Celeano's Ship

Gar steadily flew back to his party as quickly as he could and barely managed to crash land on the deck of Celeano's ship face first. He had spent a great deal of energy fighting both the storm and his opponents. He spent a great deal more healing the little man Tempest was holding on to. Gar's whole body ached with pain and if you listened every now and then you could hear the faint crackle of electricity come from him. He steadily rolled on to his back as the others rushed to his side but Celeano got ahead of them.

"You bright a master like this on to my ship and didn't tell me," Celeano growled at the ponies as she pulled out her sword.

"He's not a monster!" Pinkie shot back. "Sure he may look big and scared but he's not a monster."

"Then why'd he say he was going to be one right when he changed and jumped off the ship?" Celeano scowled.

"He just does that cause he knows that when he does stuff like what he did in that fight would be seen as monstrous," Applejack countered. "Pinkie's right though. He may look terrifin and do stuff that isn't usual for our moral code but he is still a good guy."

"He's saved all of us more than once and at great risk to himself," Rarity joined in as she stood next to her friends in between the pirates and Gar. "He is a terrifying looker in the face but he has a good heart."

"He's scary but nice," Fluttershy murmured.

"The dude may be a bit short-fused every now and then but he saved our flanks just now," Rainbow said with dire in her voice. "I mean look at the guy, I know you can't feel it but I have first-hand experience in weather control. The state he's in means he was hit by lightning, and nothing small either. He also looks like he took it deliberately. Somepony doesn't get that much juice without a reason, and a good one at that!"

"He saved me from Tempest three times now. He may look like something out of a horror story but he's been there for more than anypony else has, and he was right," Everyone turned there heads to look at Twilight. "I wasn't thinking right. If we can still find a way to contact the hippogriffs then we need to keep moving forward and checkout Mount Aires. If we find nothing then we keep looking for another way to rescue the other princesses and all the ponies back in Equestria."

Celeano sheathed her sword. "I'll bring you ponies to Aires but don't except anything more past that. I do respect you for standing up for that thing but, I don't want ti anything to do with it. Once we get there and you unload were done." She went back to the rear deck of the ship. "Open in full, the sooner we get there the better!" Suddenly the side of the ship's lift engine opened revealing large colorful feathers and the ship was soon moving faster than ever.

The ponies turned back to their barely conscious savior.

"Why would he go so far to save us?" Twilight said as she reached her hand outward.

"Twilight don't!" Rainbow quickly pulled her friend's hand back form Gar's body as it gave off a spark off electricity hitting Rainbow instead.

"Dash, are you are ya alright?" Applejack looked at her concerned.

"I'm fine Aj but thanks for worrying about my flank," Rainbow chuckled as Applejack lite up bright than a red delicious. "Remember, head of the weather team back home. A little shock like that won't even phase me. I'm more worried about the big guy here. He took a pretty serious hit from that bolt the struck him." Dash scratched her head."It wasn't a pony storm that got but one of those wild ones like from Everfree. Those are a lot strong than the ones I miss with."

"Can we even help him?" Fluttershy looked at the suffering monster.

"We don't even know anything about his biology," Twilight looked to everypony. "We could make things worst before making them better."

"I agree with ya on that Twi, but we can't just stand here and do nothing," Applejack looked around to the others. "Do ya think the birds would lend us some med stuff to patch him up, bandages at least."

"I would say that's a fifty-fifty on that dear," Rarity looked at the crew with skepticism.

"First things first," Rainbow put her hand on Gar and everypony heard crackling building around them. Dash quickly moved to the side and tossed a small bolt of lightning into a passing cloud with a small boom. "Me and Fluttershy need to pull the excess electricity from the oversized brute. No one else can even touch even till then." Rainbow went about her work and Fluttershy helped out as best she could but she wasn't the best when it comes to weather manipulation but she still did what she could for Gar's sake.

"Will healing magic even work on him?" Rarity looked to Twilight.

"I certainly hope so Rarity, cause if it doesn't he'll be down for a while." Twilight looked at Gar who looked as if he'd passed out.

"Brac...." Came the squawk from one of the crew. He set some boxes down next to the ponies and started to walk off.

Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity opened the boxes to see different medical supplies.

"Thank you," Twilight said in shock and the bird only gave a thumbs up and went back to work. "Alright girls let get to work. Are you just about done?"

"We've pulled out what we could, he might spark at ya a bit but it shouldn't be worse than a when Pinkie rubbed a balloon on ya then has ya shake someone hand," Rainbow cracked her knuckles.

"Let me help with the first aid, I have quite a bit of experience from treating the animals back home." Fluttershy moved to the box and pick up a tube of cream. "This will help with the raw tissue and to kill any bacteria. Then will have to wrap him in bandages."

"How in Equestria are gonna do that?" Applejack motioned with her hands. "The guy is nearly for times our size in this form. He probably weighs more than an Ursa."

"We'll figure it out as we go Applejack now we need to get started," Twilight butted in and everypony started to do what the could on Gar.

"Mmmm.... what I feel hands on me." Gar said in his mind as he groggily opened one of his eyes. He looked around to see the opines doing first aid on him. Must've dozed off after I landed. Why are they helping me? Eh let them, I don't have the energy to complain and my body needs all the help it can get right now since I haven't had a decent meal in nearly a day. Best rest fro the time, Gar Fell back to sleep

Twilight looked over her shoulder at the behemoth. She gave a weird look and then shrugged.

A few hours want by and a bell started to ring overhead waking the tired ponies from a slight nap that they'd all been taking after tending to Gar. Gar's eyes popped open and he scowled at the sky.

"Welcome to Mount Aires!" Captain Celaeno called out as the dock at the base of a huge duel wing-shaped mountain island.

"Mmmm...." Gar groaned as he sat up covered in bandages. The pirates stepped back with their hands close to their blades. He looked over to the ponies. "Why did you help me?"

"Because you've been helping us from the very start without even asking us our batting an eye," Twilight walked up an took a hold of his hand. "I'm sorry I lost sight of our goal, it's just... " Tears started to well up in Twilight'd eye. "Everypony is counting on me and..."

Gar placed a large clawed hand on her head and gently stroke. "Stress gets the better of us many times in our lives little pony, we have a saying from where I come from, "Even if all hope seems lost, keep moving forward.', but know that you are not alone in this fight." He pointed to her friends and also the pirates. "You have your friends to help you and I know you can save your home because you've done it many times before."

"You right, and we have you to," Twilight looked up and he knew she so a shimmer of warmth in his four eyes. "What are you going to do when we save the kingdom Gar? Everypony will know you helped in some way."

Gar got to his feet and tore off the bandages and to everyone's shock was fully healed. "I will return to the forest with Zecora and remain there unless I am needed again," He said with sincerity. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you're our friend silly billy," Pinkie giggled as she appeared from nowhere on his shoulder.

"You didn't think we'd just let you disappear after this big adventure did you dude?" Rainbow flew in his face.

"You've been helpin us this whole time, I 'd say that makes us more than just acquaintances partner," Applejack bumped his side with her fist.

"You may be big and scary but you've got a very kind heart," Fluttershy put her hand on his chest without hesitating.

"I'd love to hear about the fashion of where you're from sometime over tea darling," Rarity giggled. "You've thrown yourself in harm's way for us time and again without even a hint of fear or hesitation. If that's not the most generous let alone selfless thing anypony has ever done for any of us then I don't know anypony better to call a friend."

"Very well," Gar got to his feet. "Then you are my friends and I shall be your friend. Where is the little one?"

"Over here!" Spike called out as he waved to the group from the Shoreline. "I found the steps."

"We best follow," Gar remarked and turned to the pirates as he shifted to zebra form. "Thank you all for bringing us here, now you'd best leave before Tempest arrives again."

"Ya don't have to tell us twice and ... ah..." Celeano scratched the back of her head. "Thanks for everything ya did for me and my crew and sorry for everything else. You keep looking after those guys. Something tells me you need them just as much as they need you."

"Aye, Aye captain," Gar gave a true salute and headed off the ship.

"Are we leaving Captain?" The red plumed pirate asked.

"Hehe... not on you're life. Those little ponies really rubbed off on me and I wanna see where they can take us," Celeano looked one as the ponies climbed up the mountainside stair. "Besides we owe the big guy for covering our asses against Tempest and her Storm Guards least we can do is return the favor."

"Aye Aye Captain Celeano!" the whole crew saluted and then went about prepping the ship.

Top of the mountain Hippogriff Village

It took a few hours for the group to reach the top of the mountain and by the time the did everyone was very worn down to the point of exhaustion. Gar was the most at his limit as he was still drained from his earlier fight and he hadn't eaten anything all day play a very large role in his depleted energy. It wasn't much of a pay off as like Capper had said there was no one in the village.

"It looks like the cat was telling the truth after all," Gar wheezed as he sat on the ground against a nearby house.

"Are ya alright there sugarcube?" Applejack came over. "Yer looking rather drained there."

Indeed Gar body had shrunk down in order to conserve its energy and even in zebra form he was small. He looked extremely emaciated.

"I need nourishment in order to regain my strength," Gar huffed. "A lot of it, or something heavy in nutrition. Then I need a full night's sleep in order to maintain my body and be back at one hundred."

"I'm sure we could have caught fish if we were back at the shoreline but it's to far down," Twilight looked away.

"I HAVE THIS!" Pinkie pulled out a whole steaming turkey from her hair. "I know you usually eat more but other than cake I don't have anything else."

"Gar looked at everypony. "How..."

"Shut up eat and don't ask how, it's Pinkie being... ah Pinkie," Rainbow cut him off.

"As you wish then," Gar demolished the turkey, to everypony else horror-struck face. "Thank you, but I will take those cake to."

"Go ahead, plenty for everypony," Pinkie laid out a whole spread.

"If only we had some tea," Rarity sighed with disappointment.

"We have everything we need for tea," Gar got up and went over to various plants in front of the hippogriff houses and went out of sight for a bit until he returned with an armful of wood, some plants, a pale of water and a teapot. "First we make a fire," Gar explained as he made a quick campfire and got it going. "Then we place the pale on the fire to boil out any impurity and harmful bacteria or toxins," Soon the water was boiling and Gar pulled it off and he took some of the plants he picked and place in the kettle after he'd cleaned with some of the hot water. Once that was done Gar put more hot water in the kettle and let it step before pouring tea for the ponies.

"This is delicious spry but floral," Rarity sipped in shock.

"Just rosemary and rose petals," Gar tilted his head. "It's something my oldest brother taught me how to make."

"So ya have kin, are they ah... like you?" Applejack asked nervously.

"They a not like me in time of biology no," Gar sat down. "We were the same race but now we a different in the pasted but no more."

"How many brothers do you have Gar?" Twilight asked out of curiosity and politeness.

"I am the youngest of three," Gar looked into his cup. "And I do want to see them again, and I know I can bt the time isn't right yet."

"Did something happen between you three?" Dash looked at him with sympathy.

"In a way yes, but it has to do with more of my parents and my oldest brother and I know you all mean well, but I won't talk anymore about it without his permission," Gar downed the rest of his tea. "I suggest you all finish soon as we need to get to bed. We need to search at first light tomorrow, I suggest we all stay in a house."

"As long as we stay together," Twilight nodded.

Soon they all finished their drinks and were off to sleep, what the didn't hear was the melody of a song that was being sung into the night after the passed out.

Secrets Under the Ocean, the Siege of Canterlot

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Gar was the first to wake once again. He looked around to see nothing but snoring ponies plus one dragon. He walked out of the house they'd spent the night in and looked up to the sky only to see overcast grey clouds. His attention turned back to the remains of the campfire still smoldering in the makeshift fire pit that he'd built from a few loose stones that had been lying around the city.

"Mmm..." Gar looked to the house where everyone. "I can at least make them some morning tea to help wake them up." He went to a few of the houses once again and gathered some of the leaves of the plants he needed to make a certain brew that would work similarly to coffee. "I just hope I can get Allen's recipe right or this stuff will give them a big kick in the pants for about an hour and then a major crash for the three after it," Gar said as he started a new fire and started to boil some water while crashing the plants he picked and then added them to the water. "Now I wait for the others to get up. I sure hope we can find something here."

It didn't take long, maybe another hour, before the others started to stir from their sleep.

"Not the best sleep I've ever had but at I was able to do it easily," Rarity yawns.

"We did go through quite a bit of a few hassles yesterday," Applejack stretched. "Ah can't say Ah'm not surprised that we were pretty worn out."

"I would say it was just a dream I we weren't waking up in an abandoned town," Rainbow popped her wings.

"I just hope we can find something that can help us or either lead us to the hippogriffs," Spike yawned as he scratched his head.

"I agree with you Spike," Twilight looked at her little brother a bit unnerved

"Um... everypony, where's Gar?" Fluttershy looked around.

"Now that ya mention it," Apple jack looked around the house. "No, and Pinkie is gone to."

"You don't think he took her do you?" Spike question, still not completely convinced of Gar's motives.

"Does anypony else small that wonderful aroma?" Rarity sniffed the air.

"I'm pretty sure I KNOW where our Pinkie Pie went now," Rainbow rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Let's go see what she's cooking.'

They all excited the house expecting to the party planner working on something for breakfast but were stumped to find her sitting quieting sipping on a cup of hot tea.

"Morning Girls and Spike," Pinkie giggled. "You six sure took your time to wake up."

"Can ya blames us sugarcube?" Applejack put her hand on her hips. "Especially after the day we had yesterday?"

They all looked to in front of Pinkie to see a domed mound of rock around the fire pit of last night.

"Neato sin't it." Pinkie chirped.

"What is that thing dear?" Rarity looked at her friend pondering.

"It's a rocket stove and rock oven made from rocks," Pinkie said as she sat back down and sip on her tea. ""We used to use them all the time in the fields back on the rock farm."

"You certainly went through some trouble to build this didn't you Pinkie," Twilight looked over the construct and smelled something delightful from the oven. She looked in it to see a loaf of bread baking.

"Oh, I didn't build this," Pinkie interrupted. "Gar built it. He put the bread in some time ago, said he wanted us to have something for breakfast to go with the tea he made."

"I just don't understand that guy," Spike crossed his arms. "I can get protecting Twi and us the first times cause we're Zecora's friends but then he goes and almost kills himself to fight Tempest and her crew off. Now he's making us breakfast? With rocks?"

"It's not unheard of to use rock in this way Spike," Twilight explained. "These are very primitive but effective means of survival. But where did he got the stuff he needed for the bread?"

"I found the necessary plant around the town," Gar said as he came out and with some wood and stoke the fire. "And the reason I helped you little one is because you're Zecora's friends and the hope of your country. I made you breakfast because you need food and I wanted to say thank you for helping heal me."

"Don't forget you're our friend to," Twilight smiled.

"Mhmm..." Gar gave a solemn nod. "Now, all off you must eat." he pulled the bread from the oven and sliced it into individual pieces and let them cool before giving them to everypony and dragon. " The tea is a blend of of lavender, ginger root, and spearmint. It will help energize your bodies, but do be careful and not have to much."

"What'll happen?" Twilight winced from her cup.

"You will get something similar to a sugar rush for around an hour, followed by a hard crash for the next three where all you want to do is sleep," Gar said bluntly. "The bread was wheat with blackberries in it. I'm sorry but there wasn't much else in the local area to work with and I didn't think it was the best judge of character to wonder to for from all of you encase the enemy appeared."

"Why? you trashed Tempest, didn't you?" Rainbow said nervously.

"That I did but she is not dead," Gar stoked the fire.

"Why didn't ya finish her off?" Applejack said in horror.

"Believe me when I say I most definitely tried and had the chance to but I could not bring myself to do so in the end," Gar said with a weak voice, "The little man that is always with her saved her the first time and took the fatal bullet for her the first time. I would have killed her had he not saved her for sure. The second time my blade was at her throat as she was ready to die."

"Why'd you stop?" Fluttershy shuddered.

"She was crying." Gar looked at all of them as the fire dance in his eyes."Crying so disparately for that little man to stay alive. The sadness in her eyes reminded me of myself when I thought my own older brother was dead ten years ago. I couldn't bring myself to kill her or let the little man die, so I spared her from the pain of loss and the release of death by save her friend. She did say she was still coming though."

"It's like we told those birds yesterday," Rarity chimed in. "You may look like a monster but you have a good heart."

"And smile," Pinkie added.

"Yes that does seem to be one of me best and favorite feature," Gar chuckled, to everyone's shock. "Now eat and drink, we have a lot of ground to cover today and we need to stay together when we look around." They all nodded in agreement.

The group stayed quiet as the enjoyed their minor breakfast before the started to look around the city. They went through and checked at the building they could but still find no signs of life other than birds and plants. It was just as Capper had said, the Hippogriff just up and left.

"Mmmm..." Gar thought as he came to the mouth of a cave.

"What is it?" Twilight looked in as she came up next to the monster.

"Smell the air," Gar pointed into the cave.

Twilight nodded. "It smells like the ocean."

"There must be an a part of the cave further back that leads into a system of underwater tunnels the lead into the open ocean,"Gar explained.

"I could understand that if we closer to the base of the mountain but why would the be at the summit?" Twilight thought.

"They wouldn't naturally occur this high up and still have this strong up a scent unless they wave lead directly into the open ocean," Gar decides to start walking in.

"Are you saying the hippogriffs swam out of here instead of flew," Rainbow said in disbelief. "That makes no sense."

"Actually it makes perfect sense," Twilight realized. "The Storm King's forces are based around airship superiority, not naval superiority, meaning if the escape the best and safest place was in the water."

"Does anypony else here singing?' Aj said her ears twitched.

"Your right darling," Rarity listened. "Maybe this place isn't as abandoned as we were lead to believe."

"No, the city has definitely gone unlived in for many years." Gar corrected as he motioned the others to follow into the cave. "Be careful, we don't want to startle anyone."

"Maybe it's one of the hippogriffies," Pinkie bounced along.

"It's a lead of some kind," Gar deadpanned.

The followed the sound of the singing until the came to an open area with what looked to have a giant glowing pink lotus in it. Surrounding the giant flower was a lot of water.

Gar extended his finger into the water to test his theory, 'Saltwater. This is indeed and underground outlet into the ocean.'

Rainbow started to fly up to the roof of the cave to see if she could get a look at who was humming the melody when she knocked her head into a stalagmite that proceeded to break and fall off into the water.

"Uh... who's there?" the pony from inside the lotus before swiftly jumping into the water.

"No wait!" Twilight started to say before the splash. "There goes our only lead," she plopped down into the water.

"Sorry guys," Rainbow landed on shore as she looked discouraged.

"What we do now?" Spike looked at everyone.

"We keep moving forward," Gar encouraged as he moved to examine the lotus when everyone heard a clicking sound and the lotus closed up and was pulled down.

Twilight got caught in the current of the whirl pull and was sucked in along with Gar. Soon everyone tried to help and was sucked underwater. As they started to lose consciousness Twilight saw a glowing yellow light and then blackout. Gar however had already formed gills and pretended to pass out. He changed his vision to infrared see what looked like a mermaid but with equine features putting bubbles on everyone's heads so they could breathe.

Not long everyone can around

"Woo, nice work there Twilight," Applejack breathed a sigh of release.

"I didn't do this," Twilight corrected and Applejack looked to Gar who shook hi shad and pointed the glowing yellow light. "Hello, can you help us? We're looking for the hippogriffs, we need their help."

"Mmm... I may know where they are but how do I know I can TRUST you?" The light said with a bit of skepticism.

"Our home, Equestria, was attacked by the Storm King's forces and three of our princess captured for their magic. We were told to seek out the hippogriffs for help," Twilight pleaded. "Can you please take us to them?"

"Weeeelll..... okay," the light said cheerfully as it died down to reveal a yellow mer-equine girl.

"Oh my gosh, are you a sea-pony?" Twilight gushed.

"GUILTY!" The sea pony sang."My name is Sky Star. I'll take you to my mom. She'll know what to do. Follow me!"

They all followed Sky Star as she led the way through a network of caves the lead to a bright underwater city teeming with thousands of other colorful sea-ponies. Sky Star lead the group into what looked like a throne room with a large pearl whit regal-looking sea-pony sitting on a throne.

"Mom, mom, look at i found," Sky swam around her mother.

"Let me guess, another shell," the older sea-pony lazily said, "Because if its another shell-AAAA!" She looked in shock. "Princess Sky Star, what have you done? You know land-dwellers aren't allowed here. Guards!"

Sea-ponies wielding spears quickly shot from the walls and surrounded Gar and his friends.

"No mom it's not like that, the Storm King invaded their home to take there magic," Sky Star pleaded with her mother.

"Please, we're looking for the hippogriffs, can you take us to them?" Twilight begged.

"There is no need to look any further," Gar cut in.

"After everything you did and said now you choose to give up," Spike flailed his arms.

"When did I say I gave up," Gar corrected as he turned his attention back to the sea-ponies. "I said we don't need to look any further and the reason I said that is because we found what we've been looking for."

"You're an odd one," Sky Star's mother eyed Gar. "I've never known a Zebra to have a herd of ponies before. And why is it that you said you've found what you are looking for?"

"They are me friends and I am their protector," Gar scowled. "And I said that because we've found the hippogriffs, or more precisely what were the hippogriffs. In this land, I would expect you to have a powerful magic artifact that transformed your whole race into sea-ponies. That is what the Storm King targeted in the first place but after your intense battle with his forces you were all left drained and scared so you used that very artifact to transform yourselves from hippogriffs to the sea-ponies you are now."

"You're A LOT smarter than you look," Sky Star giggled. "Yes, my mom, Queen Novo, transformed us all in order to protect us so we could hide here."

"I want the spears out of my friends' faces now please," Gar looked at the queen.

"One moment while I get something," Queen Novo said as the jellyfish structure above released a giant pink pearl and she waved off her guards. "As you said I use and artifact to save my subjects, and this is how-" She rubbed the pearl sending rings of magic over the group changing then into sea-ponies while the guards swam back, except Gar who just morphed his body to make it appear as it had. "That explains what happened."

"This is great," Twilight swam up. "With this, we can save everypony."

Gar swan up and placed a webbed hand on Twilight shoulder. "If they consent Twilight. Just because the can doesn't mean the will or even have to."

"But-" Twilight said.

"I'm sorry, but your friend is right and I have my own subjects that I must think about before yours." Queen Novo placed the pearl back in its resting place. "I have other business I must see to." She said as she swam off.

"Oh, I know. You can all stay down here with us," Sky Star clapped her webbed hands together. "It'll be so much fun, there are so many things I can teach to with shells."

"I'm sorry," Gar interrupted. "But we must return to the surface. Our friends, their families," he motioned to the others. "They need help and we're the only one that can save their home."

"Oh, um, then I'll ah, just go get me mom so she can change you all back and you can go home," Sky Star looked down in anguish.

"Do we have to go back so soon?" Pinkie cut in "Princess Sky Star looked so sad."

"Sorry Pinkie but-" Rainbow started to say but was cut off by Twilight's hand over her mouth.

"No, Pinkie is right, we can spare a few minutes for her," Twilight gave a rough chuckle.

"Come everypony," Pinkie giggled with glee as she and most of the others swam after Sky Star and started singing another song. Everyone but Gar who stayed back in the shadows and watched Twilight slip away from the group and back into the throne room.

"Now, how do I get that pearl?" Twilight said quietly as she swam up to the jellyfish.

"Or you could not get it," Gar said bluntly.

"Gar, uh I thought you were going with everypony else," Twilight chuckled nervously.

"I don't sing Twilight," Gar deadpanned. "I consider you a friend and I know when someone is plotting something."

"What do you mean?" She looked around the room.

"I understand you want to save your people and your home but this is not the way to do it," She looked at him in shame. He scowled at her, "We can't just take their magic because we need it, that would make us no better than the one we're trying to fight," He let out a sigh "If I have to be the weapon you need then I will. Now come along, everypony will be wondering where we are."

The swam along and met back up with their friends.

"Guess what?" Pinkie swam in circles. "They're gonna help us!"

"But how?" Twilight looked around to the entire city's residents.

"All it takes is one small thing," Gar smiled as the Queen swam up.

"I'd forgotten what felt like to play and sing with others," Queen Novo looked around at all the happy faces of her subjects. "Hmm... perhaps we've been down here too long?"

"Does that mean you'll help us?' Twilight swam up wit a hopeful smile.

The Queen gave a soft nod, "We will. Come let's change you and your friends back and we'll join you shortly."

A few minutes Twilight and her friends were hit with the pearl's magic once again changing them back into normal ponies and the quickly swam to the surface.

Gar stayed behind. "Thank You," Queen Novo gave a soft bow as Gar nodded as he then swam upward.

"Mom, what is he?" Sky Star looked at the ascending zebra.

"He looks like a zebra but I can tell that's not what he is but I can tell he has an honest smile and a good heart," Queen Novo looked to her daughter then her subjects. "Everyone grab a piece of coral from the reef," The sea-ponies did as they were told and grab some coral and Queen Novo held up the pearl and sent waves of pink magic outward and charged the pieces of coral with the magic. "Come on everyone, it's time we regained our home and taught the Storm King why he ran in the first place," The sea erupted with cheer as the sea-ponies charged upward.

On the surface

"That was fun," Pinkie giggled.

"What now?" Rainbow rang out her tail.

"We wait on the others and then go back home and save the princesses," Twilight cheered. Suddenly a black cage caught the alicorn. "What??!"

Evil Airship

"AHAHAHA!" Came an evil laugh as the cage was reeled up and loaded onto an evil looking airship. "To think I had to come out here myself," comes the voice from the ship. Out from the fog walked a bi-pedal slender monkey looking type of a mam with white fur-clad in black armor with icy blue highlights on it. on his head was a set of two long black horns. "Just being here makes me sick, my only defeat and then I return for vengeance to see them gone. Ow will,"The man snickered. "I have what I need now, helmsman, back to Canterlot, and my new seat of power!"

"Your majesty, you haven't forgotten your promise, right?" Tempest stepped out from the shadows.

"You be quite," the king demanded. "I shouldn't have had to come out here at all. If I feel like it after I get the magic then i may fix your head."

"I don't care about my stupid horn!" Tempest roared. "I WANT YOU TO HEAL GRUBBER!"

The Storm King Quickly ran over grabbing Tempest by the throat and slammed her against the back of the ship. "I honestly don't care what I promised to you at this point as I was forced to come and rescue your sorry hide. Continue to sever me and I will see what I can do about that worm. Anger me further and he and you can both swim back to Mount Aires where you can happily live out the rest of your days with those pathetic ponies. Am I clear?"

Tempest grasped at his hand as he held her by the throat as she started to feel the waking world slipping away. The Storm King released his grip and let her fall to the ground gasping and cough. "Crystal your majesty."

Back on the beach

"Oh no," every pony said in unison.

"It's the Storm King!" Spike growled as he chased after the ship. "GAR! Help her!"

Suddenly the what began to bubble and out shot Gar into the sky in his true form. He scan the horizon and saw the ship moving out fast.

On the ship

"Tempest stood there and grabbed her throat and looked as the ship speedily moved away when she spotted something coming in fast. "Oh no, YOUR MAJESTY WE HAVE A PROBLEM!"

"What?" The Storm King came over annoyed as Tempest pointed out and held up a telescope. "What in the name of the Eye is that?!" he said as he spotted Gar.

"That's the thing that trashed my ship. It's some kind of guardian," Tempest explained in horror.

"Well, handle it," He demanded. "Now's your chances to get back my favor. Destroy i and Grubber will be healed post haste." he snickered as he walked off and Tempest bowed.

Tempest went to the rear of the ship and sparks came from her broken horn. "This is for Grubber you son of a bitch!" she roared as magical sparks of many colors shot from her head at Gar.

Gar's eyes widen as he saw the raw magic coming at him. Thinking fast he threw his arm up and expanded it into a shield as the magic hit him. He was forced back all the way to Mount Aires, crashing hard into the side of the mountain and then falling onto the beach.

"God job Tempest," The Storm King clapped. "Now, onward..."

Mount Aries

"Gar," everyone called out as the rushed to check on the behemoth. He was lying there sprawled out on the beach badly wounded.

"Oh no," Fluttershy cried as she turned to Rainbow for comfort. The in a pit lay their friend with burns, bruises, and rocks sticking out of his body.

"Is he..." Rainbow looked to Applejack.

"Ah... Ah, don't know," Applejack took off her hat and knelt down listening to his chest. "Ah her his heart, he's alive but for how long Ah can't say."

"Can we save him?" Pinkies said with tears.

"I don't know dear," Rarity patted Pinkie's back

"That blast looked like magic," Spike looked over the giant. "I'm sorry I ever doubted him."

"Heeellllllloooo everypony!" came the voice of Sky Star. She was now a hippogriff. She was still bright yellow but now sported wings and hooves in place of fins, green seafoam blue tail, hair, and eyes. Had clawed hands instead of webbed ones a beak in place of a muzzle. She was wearing a lime green seashell bikini top and a blue skirt.

"Oh, my," She came over. "What happened and who is this?"

"No point in hidin it," Applejack placed her hat back on her head. "This is Gar, what he really looks like."

"You mean the zebra," Sky Star said in disbelief.

"Yes and he needs help," Rainbow said.

Suddenly more hippogriffs came from the ocean.

"Well we can't really do much other than fight right now," Queen Novo said as she came down. "So that's what he really looks like. We'll have a time carrying him if he doesn't die first."

"How are we supposed to even get back to Equestria?" Rarity asked.

"I might be able to help," Came a smooth voice from the sky. Suddenly a personal airship descended to reveal Capper. "Found a couple of your friends on the other side of the island that were docked there. "

Celeano also appeared next to the cat. "Thanks for the lift Cap," she smirked as she jumped out and looked at Gar. "Yep he's in a bad way. We best get him on board the ship," She looked out and saw the whole army of hippogriffs in disbelief. "I'll be," she turned to the ponies and dragon. "We got work to do, let's move!" She called out and everyone all chipped in to haul Gar to her ship and while he was being treated the crew company made their way back to Equestria.

Three Days later

"Tempest why are you doing this? You're a pony," Twilight pleaded from her cage in the Canterlot throne room.

"I'm doing this because I must," Tempest glared at the Princess of Friendship.

"Why though, to get your horn back. The Storm King is just using you and when he's done he'll throw you away," Twilight stomped.

"Using me," Tempest glared. "You mean like you use that creature against me."

"I didn't use him," Twilight shot back. "He protected me because he wanted to, me and my friends. What about you? Don't you have any friends?"

"Friends? HA." Tempest scoffed. "All my friends ever did was leave me to myself after an Ursa took my horn and left me with a scar over my eye. No pony would even come close to me."

"What about that little man that was with you earlier?" Twilight crowded as Tempest approachable her cage.

"Grubber is... special to me and that's all I'll say on it," Tempest turned away as sadness took over. "But I may not even be able to see him again thanks to your monster. In that last fight during the storm, that thing threw a bolt at me and intended to fully end my life but Grubber pushed me out of the way, saving me but at great injury to himself,"

"Oh," Twilight looked down.

"But I am also grateful to that beats as I MUCH AS i hate him," Tempest sighed. "He did save grubber from dying."

"I can tell the pony you're being right now is the real Tempest, a pony who wants friends. Why not let me go and together we can beat the storm king," Twilight held out her hand.

Tempest looked at the princess with longing. "I... I... " Tempest started to reach out. "I can't, Grubber needs help an d the Storm King is the only one who can do it. I'm sorry." She trotted away.

Meanwhile down in Canterlot

"I'm tellin you that I NEED to get this cake to the Storm King or he's going to be very angry that he didn't get his afternoon snack.," Capper, who was dressed as a chef and had the mane six pulling a cart with a huge cake on it."Or do you wanna be the one to deny his royal immense his treat and suffer his wrath?"

Capper looked at the Storm Creatures guarding the gates as the discussed what to do then let the group pass.

"Thank you," Capper scoffed.

Gar then dropped off the bottom of the cart in snake form and slithered through the streets rather quickly. He'd made a full recovery thanks in no small part to Celeano's help and his friends that looked after him. In the time it took them to get to Canterlot head stocked up on fish from the open sea before they made landfall. He was now in top form and ready for a fight but his focus at the moment was to find Zecora and the ponies she'd rescued as his group need all the help they could get.

He slithered through the streets trying to pick up on Zecora's scent. It took him about five minutes before he got a solid trail that led him to a boarded-up build.

"This is where the scent is strongest and there are several trails coming from it," Gar said as he looked around before working his way into the building to be met at spear point. "Zecora it's me."

"Gar?" said a voice he recognized.

Gar quickly shifted to zebra form. "Yea and I brought some backup," Gar hugged Zecora. "As much as I want to catch up we must move quickly. Get the others you've recused and free the enslaved ponies while the Elements and I go after the Storm King."

"What about the other help?" Zecora asked.

"A whole army that once beat the Storm King," Gar said as he shifted to snake form again. "I must go, be careful," he said with a concerned tone.

She nodded, "What will the signal be?"

"You'll know it by sound," He said as he ran his fingers through her hair. "I must go," he gave her a hug and then shifted back into snake form.

Gar quickly slithered through the Canterlot streets avoiding the patrols and chain gangs of ponies.

'Perhaps I should adopt a Storm Creatue guise,' He thought to himself. Without a second thought, he shifted into a storm creature form and continued to move through the streets. He accidentally ran into a pony at one point knock the poor mare to the ground. As she cowered in fear he reached down and picked her up in his arms and took her to a nearby dwelling that had more ponies hiding in it.

"Stay here where it's safe," He patted her head. "Your city will be free of the Storm King soon."

He turned to leave when she asked him, "Who are you?"

He pulled off his mock face mask turning into a shell t reveal his true face underneath, "I'm the Smiling Monster that lives in the Everfree," He put his face back on. The ponies remembered him as he'd protected the princess when the creature first invaded.

Gar walked through the streets until he met back up with the Capper and the ponies. "Don't be alarmed," He whispered.

"You really need to be more careful with your disguises my friend," Capper let out a sigh of relief.

"We go to the castle," Gar ordered and everyone agreed. They would make their move there.

Canterlot throne room

"Now let's get this show on the road," The Storm King walked into the throne room with the three Princess statues at fixed points around the cent of the throne room and Twilight at a forth. In his hand was a three-pronged staff of some sort with a crystal at the center of the prongs. "Time for some magic," He raised his staff and slammed it into the ground and from the four princesses' horn shot all of their magic. "HAHAHAHAHA! NOW, THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, LOOK AT THAT LIGHT SHOW!" Outside the castle, all of the magic was being drawn into the staff. "Now," he looked at Twilight, "Let's get this storm started."

The Storm King pointed his staff at Twilight and shot a blast of magic at her destroy her cage and knocking her through the main doors landing at the feet of Gar and his group.

"Twilight," Gar said as he bent down and placed a hand on her.

"Is she..." Fluttershy started to ask.

"No, she's alive somehow..." Gar glared at he laughing king. "You guys get started, I'll take on the king," Gar said as he anger caused him to release his blood lust and killing intent while he reverted back to his true form and walked into the throne room.

"Your majesty, if you would please keep your promise," Tempest begged.

"Get it through your little head Tempest, that pathetic hedgehog can go die for all I care," The Storm King chuckled as hr pushed past Tempest who fell to the floor defeated. Suddenly and overwhelming force filled the air and everyone turned to see Gar, standing in the room smiling.

"How?" Tempest recoiled in fear.

"Weren't you dead?" The Storm King raised an eyebrow.

Only gurgling was heard from Gar and then he released an unholy roar that rang out across the land that rang out for miles in all directions.

Meanwhile, high in the skies above Canterlot

"You hear the awful sound?" Celeano asked her crew who eagerly shook the heads. "Great, then we all agree that's the Monster's Signal," She smirked. "ALL HANDS ON DECK! LET'S SHOW THE STORM KING WHAT WE CAN DO! CHARGE!"

The crew went to work as the ship dove through the clouds and started to lay down fire on the Storm King fleet. Joining in on the fun were entire squads of hippogriff fighters wearing albeit old and dusty but well forged and highly protective armor and weapons. The airships were unprepared for the sudden surprise attack from not only Celeano's cannon fire but the personal assault of the hippogriffs as well.

"The hippogriffs landed on the ships and tore the crews apart with little resistance. While Celeano and her crew took them with there cannons.

"HAHA! IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK!" Celeano yelled in excitement.

At the same time in the Streets of Canterlot

"That howl was Gar." Zecora said as he looked over her shoulder while she met with the liberated ponies. "Come ponies of Equestria, we must drive these villains from our lands and bring back the princess to light may shine once again!" She called out.

Ponies cheered and started to emerge from everywhere. They came from homes, alleyways, and even storm drains. The began to assault the Storm creature and overwhelm them in sheer numbers as the clamored over them and started to take the weapons and turn them on the Creatures.

Soon the ponies started to free the other ponies in shackles and cages. On a nearby building stood the mare Gar had bumped into and she was hoisting a hastily made flag on a flag bent flagpole. on the flag was a croodly painted of Gar's smile.

"For Equestria!" Zecora yelled as she led the charge.

Back at the Palace

"You're a big guy aren't ya?" The Storm King joked as he started to wake over to Gar. "Look to be about my size and you can bounce back from a big hit like the one Tempest hit you with. You must be pretty strong to have given her so much trouble the last week. Let's make a deal, why don't you come and work for me as my new second-in-command."

"Sire but I-," Tempest started to say.

"Oh will you shut up!" The Storm King yelled. "Get it through your thick pony head, I don't need you anymore. I was only using you."

Tempest hit her knees in disbelief then her attention was grabbed by the sound of explosions above them and a ruckus outside the palace as Gar's friends fought off the Storm Creatures.

The Storm King heard the explosions and looked out the window to see his sips under fire and his troops under attack by ponies. "How did you-" The Storm King started to ask as he glared as Gar but was cut off as a bladed tendril whizzed passed his face barely gracing it. He gritted his teeth, "You think you keep up with me. I control the sun and moon," The Storm King sneered as a storm started to swirl outside. as he changes night into day and vice versa with the wave of his staff. "Let's see if you can match my power!"

The Storm King jumped into the air raising the staff above his and brought it down colliding with Gar as he blocked with both arms but the blow still sent him back a few feet. the force tore the marble flooring apart sending in all directions.

"You can take a hit I'll give you that much, hehe," The Storm King chuckled. "Let's see if you can handle this!" he thrust the staff forward and sent a blast of magic at Gar.

Gar hardened his skin and shifted his lower left arm into a shield that to the brunt of the blast.

The Storm King looked on in shock. "You are tough."

"HEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS......" Gar hissed at his foe. He morphed both of his arms into multiple bladed tendrils and readied to strike.

"Yes well, that's ah... that's could be a problem," The Storm King scratched the back of his head.

Gar unleashed a fury of blades that started to unleashed hell on the Storm King, slashing and shredding anything in front of Gar but he was still minding the princesses. The Storm King was holding his own by dodging and blocking the blades but was steadily being moved to the balcony. All colors of magic were flying in all directions as the two giants clashed.

Gar pulled his arms back to normal. "I'll admit your fast and if I didn't have my magic I'd be dead, but," The Storm King snarled. "But this is my win," He rushed in and Gar mirrored shifting his right hand into a singular long blade as he collided with the Storm King. Waves and bolts of colorful rainbow magic were being shot in all directions. Gar was suddenly on one knee holding back the Storm King."HAHAHA! THAT'S RIGHT KNEEL BEFORE THE KING!"

"KING!" Gar snickered. "You are no king!" Gar forced himself to his feet and grabbed onto the staff with his free hand and the very air began to pulse as the staff recognized Gar's will and determination to help his friends and protect what he came to hold dear in this new world of his.

The whole area began to shake and Gar came face to face with the Storm King.

Throne Room

"Naaa what.. Tempest!" Twilight came to and shot to he feet but lost her balance. She noticed the whole area was shaking in all colors.. "What's going on?"

"Easy there filly," Applejack help her friend.

"We need to get out of here!" Rainbow called out. "These guys," She punched a Storm Creature, "are done but we can't get close to those two without being thrown back by the shock waves they're putting out. And if we're knock off we could get caught in the storm."

"What's going on?" Capper came in and saw the ongoing struggle between the monsters in the doesn't.

"It wasn't made for this," Tempest said as she looked on in awe and panic.

Around the to monster the very air started to cracked and the magic in the staff was suddenly sent outward. The Storm King was sent over the railing of the balcony and Gar was sent flying against the wall but managed to hold onto the staff firmly in his hand. Everypony rushed to his side and wrapped him in a big group hug.

"Twilight," Gar said weakly. "You okay?"

"She nodded furiously as tears ran down her face and squeezed Gar ever so tightly.

"Good, hear," Gar held the staff up to the princess, it still smoking in his hand. She gladly took it form him. Gar just laid back on the ground exhausted. "I'm tired."

"Let's get rid of this storm," Twilight said holding the staff above her head as she dispelled the storm.

No pony was paying attention but the Storm King had pulled himself back up over the rail. "Hehe, think you can get rid of me so easily," he snickered as he reeled back, an obsidian gas orb in his claw.

"LOOK OUT!" Tempest screamed.

Gar sprang to his feet and used the last of his strength to propel himself at the Storm King. He grabbed on to the orb and they heard a slight cracked and the Storm King looked at Gar in horror.

"Long live the King," Gar sneered as he burst the sphere and was enveloped in green gas along with the Storm King and pushed both off the balcony.

"NOOOoooo....." The Storm King cried out as he fell and hit the ground shattering to pieces. Gar on the other hand was caught in a magic field by Twilight using the staff.

Everypony rushed over to the now smiling Statue of Gar. "He, saved all of us," Tempest looked on in shock as she recalled the look in Gar's eyes on her ship mere days ago after he saved Grubber. "Why did he..."

"That's who Gar is," Twilight placed a hand on Gar cheek. "If he thinks you have a good heart he'll help you, that's why he saved your friend." She turned to Tempest. "How do we fix this?"

"I... I don't know..." Tempest looked away.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Rainbow Dash angrily left Tempest up by the color. "This is your weapon, you have to know."

"Rainbow calm down," Applejack pulled her friend off Tempest.

"The orbs were one of the Storm Kings secret weapons he had developed for turning living creature into living obsidian so he could drain them of their magic," Tempest explained. "He never told me the counter spell if there is one. Whether or not he head one he never gave it to me because he never trusted me enough with it and because I can't cast normal spells with a broken horn."

"You have to know some?" Spike pleaded. "Anything?"

"Perhaps if we return the magic we can undo all the damage that's been done and break the curses on him and the princess," Tempest said as she walked over to Twilight. "We must put the staff back in the center of the throne room to return the magic to them. But I BEG," She hit her knees and groveled to Twilight. "Save my friend, please" Tempest begged as tears rolled down her face. "He's the only family I have. If you save him I ll do anything you want, even be your slave for the rest of my life. JUST SAVE GRUBBER!"

Twilight looked to her friends who were looking amongst themselves with concerned and doubtful expressions on their faces. She then put a hand on Tempest's shoulder, "Please, where is he?" Tempest looked up to see a smile on Twilight's face.

"On the ship out front," Tempest sniffled. "In the infirmary. So you'll save him?"

"Of course," Twilight nodded. "But first we have to save the others, can you help use reverse the spell?"

"Yes princess," Tempest joyfully took the staff and ran into the throne room plunging the staff back into the floor send all of the captured magic outward.

Suddenly magic poured out sending color back into the darken castle and kingdom. Then, four very distinct magic shot for the crystal at the top of the staff and into Twilight's horn and the other three princesses. A mist filled the room and soon the other's were returned to flesh.

"Princesses," Twilight rushed in.

"Wha-- Twilight," Celestia called out in relief as she embraced her former student. "I'm so proud of you. All of you," she looked to the Elements and Capper.
"You saw?" Rarity asked.

"They were living, it was the only way to keep their magic intact," Tempest explained.

"Tempy!" came a shout.

"Grubber," Tempest turned and saw her friend rush into the room.

He tackled her in a bear hug, "I was out of it but then I felt this big wave of warm and I heard your voice calling and woke up on the ship. You're okay? Why ya crying? Did someone hurt you? Where are they?"

Tempest hugged the little man back, "No one hurt me Grubber I'm just happy your back. " She got to her feet and walked over to Twilight and gave her a warm hug to everyone's surprise. "Thank You."

"Excuse me," Luna cut in. "As touching as this all is I'm still at a loss, but wasn't there someone else helping you?"

"Gar!" Everyone shouted as they rushed out to the balcony.

"What is that?" Cadence point at the still obsidian Gar.

"He's the one who helped us when the Storm King's forces invaded," Twilight explained.

"He saved everyone here," Fluttershy added.

"A bunch of times," Rainbow chipped in.

"We wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't him riskin his life for us," Applejack sighed. "Why didn't releasin the magic work on him?"

"Could he not have magic?" Luna asked as she placed a hand on the smiling monster's chest. Concentrating she reached out but felt no magic. "No, he has none at all."

"So you mean because he's affected by magic but doesn't have any of his own the curse can't be broken," Twilight's heart sank.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but the only reason we broke free was because our magic was returned but if he has none to begin with, there is little we can do," Celestia hugged the younger princess. "You said his name was Gar?"

"Yes princess," Pinkie nodded.

"He called himself the Smiling Monster," Rainbow huffed. "But he was anything but a monster to us. Sure he had a bit of a short fuse some times but we were to blame to."

"He saved you without any other motive of his own?" Cadance asked in disbelief.

"The only reason he ever said was that we were Zecora's friends," Spike shrugged. "But he eventually called use his friend. He even looked after us a little."

"He kept me from making big mistakes and from giving up," Twilight wiped her eyes. "If it wasn't for Gar we'd have never found the hippogriffs."

"That much is true," Queen Novo flew down with Princess Sky Star and then saw Gar. "Oh my."

"Is there anything that can be done for him?" Celestia looked to her old friend whole shook her head no.

"I don't know this magic," Queen Novo sighed.

"You mentioned the Zebra from the Everfree, Zecora, could she possibly help," Luna stepped forward.

"Did someone call for me," the aforementioned came out from the throne room. "I came to see what was going on up here-" She stopped when she saw Gar. "How did this happen?"

"He stopped the Storm King from using a curse on all of us," Twilight explained, "Is there anything you can do?"

"Yes, but not here," Zecora sighed. "I know this curse will and there is an antidote that I can brew but it must be done where there is an abundance of magic."

"The Everfree," Celestia said and Zecora nodded.

"I must ask that you leave Gar to me and I promise that we will stay away from your ponies," Zecora looked at everypony.

"But, he's our friend. Can't we see him?" Twilight said abruptly.

"If that is what he wishes then you may Twilight but know that Gar will keep his distance due to his appearance," Zecora explained. "The big one may have a kind heart but he is also very smart and he knows what his appearance will do?"

"I think its kinda late to hide his appearance from everypony," Rainbow pointed out a flag with Gars face croodly painted on it.

"As I said you may see him if you wish," Zecora repeated. "But now we must get him home."

"Can I help?" Tempest walked up.

Zecora nodded.

A week later

Gar's statue was now in his hydra bone hut in the Everfree Forrest. Rumors of the Smiling Monster of Everfree that had lead the charge to save the capital city of Equestria had long since spread to the for corners of the land. Many ponies didn't believe the stories but those down in Ponyville knew all to well that the were true the day that all four Equestrian Princesses, The Elements of Harmony, and The local zebra shaman of the Everfree showed up with a very large smiling black statue. It stayed in town for a day to let Twilight try and examine it before she teleported it into the Everfree. This is where she'd spent most of her time in the last week only coming into town for and occasional book before returning to the Forrest again.

"That should do it," Zecora smirked.

"It's done?" Tempest looked at the swirling glittering sup in the zebra's cauldron.

"How do we use it?" Twilight looked at the stew perplexed.

""We must rub it into him," Zecora said nonchalantly. "How else would we do it."

"Can't we just ya know dump it on him or soak him in it?" Tempest looked to the zebra.

"We could soak him if we made a very large batch and had a spot big enough to put him in that we could constantly keep refreshing the brew," Zecora opened her door and walked down the path to Gar's home.

"Oh," Tempest sighed.

"Why are you asking me this?" Zecora crossed her arms under her chest.

"Just a little uncomfortable rubbing down the thing that has tried to kill me okay," Tempest said with a hint of fear.

"Twilight please teleport the pot over to the hut," Zecora called out.

"Okay," Twilight responded and then there was a purple pop.

"No need to worry Tempest, Gar will not harm you or your friend, though her might be annoyed that I let you two stay in his house due to young Twilight staying on my couch," Zecora snickered. "Let us dilly or dally, our friend must be free."

The three mares spent the rest of the day rubbing down the massive Gar down with the stew and then waited for it to take affect. Just as the sun started to set cracks started to from and Gar burst from the obsidian sending small pieces fly everywhere. H e was first met with Tempest.

"Hi," She nervously waved. "Zecora let me stay here if that's okay but I can leave now."

Gar walked over and Tempest clenched her eyes shut in fear waiting for him to slice her throat open, but instead she felt something wrap around her shoulders. She looked down to see a fur blank it around her. She looked over and saw Gar putting blankets on the sleeping Zecora and Twilight as exhaustion had final caught up to them.

"You should keep that on you wear so little out here in the Forrest gets rather chilly most nights," Gar said with out batting an eyelash. Tempest looked down and her face was beat read. She and the others head taken of most of their clothes except for the underway and bra in order to keep them from get damp with he stew.

"T-t-t-t-thank you," Tempest looked off to the side and then looked up and then saw Gar looking down at her with his four eyes. "What? If you want my body then take it?"

"You have a nice body but I WILL NOT take advantage of a woman, and you can stay as long as you want as long as you do your share of work around here," Gar sat on the ground in front of Tempest. "Did Grubber survive?"

"He-," Tempest looked at Gar wide eyed. "He did, how do you know his name?"

"I heard you say before," Gar replied flatly before raise a finger and pointing at Tempest horn. "I can restore is for you, the it might not work quite look right."

"Would... would you do it, please?" Tempest looked at him with hope.

Gar's finger extended to Tempest's broken stumped. "This may feel strange," Tempest nodded and gave a gulp.. She felt a sudden surge rush through out her body then being pulled to her horn. She fill to the floor and then raised up on her hands and shook her head and it felt off. She lifted a hand up and felt and she had a true horn once more. "Here," Gar said as he held up a slick metal plate for a hand, Tempest looked in the mirror to see a silver horn on top of her head.

"Thank you," She jumped over and huffed him. "I'm in your debt."

"Like I said, do your part here, and you may stay as long as you wish," Gar got up and headed for another room. He found an unwanted guest there in his bed in the form of Grubber snoring. "Hmmm.... I may need to add on to my hut."

Passing the Day at the homestead, Summoned

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Gar's POV

It had now been approximately two week since my release from the obsidian curse. Have to say it wasn't that of an unpleasant experience and I found most of to be rather soothing, allowing my to ponder many things. Would I mind staying like that, yes I would for small amounts of time anyway. I still find much enjoyment in being able to move and explore the world around me. I found that I also rather enjoyed have Grubber and Tempest, or as she revealed the next day of my revival Fizzle Pop Berry Twist was her real name. I still call her Tempest as I think it fits her better and Grubber calls her Tempy, it was cute.They didn't sit around my home either and were very dedicated workers.

After I awoke the next morning I was tackled to the ground by Zecora and Twilight in a two -on-one combo as it is called by some knocking a whole in the side of my home with my own head. I used the excuse that I needed to add on to the hut for Tempest and Grubber's rooms as to allow them to feel as little guilt as possible, and it was not a lie either.

It was safe to say I was very missed by many in my short stint I spent under the curse. Not long after we had some food, which I thoroughly massacred to everyone else's dismay, the others came by my home. I should say everyone . We had Celeano and her crew, Capper, the Element Bearers and some of their families. To my shock the little sisters of Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and Rarity actually steer at me with big sparkling eyes and asked me all manner of child like questions and I couldn't help but give straight answers outright. They never showed any signs of fear towards me, only wonder and curiosity.

Currently, Grubber and I were outside cutting firewood and splitting logs for Zecora tree and my hut. I would chop and split while Grubber would haul and stack the lumber. I'd place a log in front of me and with a bladed tendril split it into fourths. Grubber would then gather and put them either in Zecora home or on a sled that we'd take to my home.

The little man was a little crossed with me for trying to kill Tempest but was willing to move past it after she explained ho w it was me that save him for the most part and how it was i the restored her horn. Speaking of her horn, Tempest was able to use most basic magics with veritable ease, some better than her teacher who was none other than Twilight. Tempest found that she was particularly skilled with flame based magic, especially colorful pyrotechnics similar to fire work. We found out when she and Twilight were practicing one day and nearly blow us all up.

I was currently waiting for the newest princess to come by with her friends and till me that her mentor, her mentor's sister and the third princesses all wanted to see me. I had full excepted to be left a statue, or be awakened in the castle judged and locked away being deemed a threat to their subjects.

"Gar, Grubber, lunch is just about ready," Tempest called out from Zecora hut, light glinting off her metallic horn, hitting me in one of the eyes.

"Very well," I said shifting my arms back to normal. I have been staying in zebra form while indoor to cut down on taking up so much space. "Hungry Grubber?"

"Yea, stackin wood really burns calories," He remarked. "What did Tempy and Zecora make for lunch? Man that is so weird to say. I feel ,like I should wash my mouth out with soap. Tempy ... make... for.. lunch.. Yep. feels completely wrong."

"I can understand, and I they fixed the usual," I said licking my lips.

"Yea, something to do with hydra," Grubber pouted. "I don't see how you can constantly eat something like that. To much protein man and venom in it, Yuck! I mean I get every now and then because its supposed to be a hard to obtain type of meat."

"How could you constantly eat cupcakes and sweets?" I shot back.

"Whoa, whoa,whoa, not the some. There are many different types of cakes and sub sects of cupcakes and ways to make them for everyone. You can't compare anyone to another especially when one pony uses different recipes to make the same cake or if the same pony use and another use the exactly same recipe to make the same cake at the same time. They'll still come out different."

"Valid and thorough reasoning," I deadpanned.

"What were you two arguing about?" Tempest said with squinted vision as we enter the tree house.

"Valid reasoning behind our preferred diets," I said outright.

"What?" Tempest shook her head.

"They were talking why the like to eat what they eat Tempest," Zecora snickered.

"Why couldn't he just say that?" Tempest huffed annoyed.

"I did," I said bluntly.

"He can't help, Gar is... very forth right with his wording in technical terms," Zecora giggled. 'He has been like this since we found each other in the woods about a two months ago. It's only when he looses control of his emotions that her words is less scientific and more meaningful, Soup?"

"You please," I eagerly took the bowl. And Zecora hit the nail on the head. I couldn't really help the way Spoke to others, even though my way of thinking was more or less the same as it has always been. My words just came out as they did.

"Hydra soup yay," Grubber took a blow as he rolled his eyes.

"Not hydra this time Grubber, fish," Tempest corrected. "Gar mentioned that you were getting a little sick of all the hydra dish so he went out and caught fish a day or so ago while I was practicing with Twilight."

"He may talk odd and look like he'll tear you apart with out second thought but he does have a kind heart," Zecora smiled.

"It should be any day now," I finished my stew.

"What Gar? Going somewhere?" Tempest tilted her head.

"I must go see the princesses," I said straight forward. "It is odd that they have not had Twilight come to me with her friends asking me to come to the castle."

"I to find it odd they haven't summoned you," Zecora pondered.

"We'll go with with you when they do," Tempest said. "I have a lot to answer for to."

"I won't let any harm come to you Tempest," I reassured her. "You are Twilight's student and my friend. You have more than proven that you wish to show you are repentant is genuine."

"Thank you but I can't hide in the Everfree Forrest and have to face the consequences of what I did," Tempest looked down in regret.

"Very well, then we shall go to the palace tomorrow, together," I said with a deep resolve. Lately my emotions to protect and be there for those I call friends have been growing much stronger. Even more so when the Elements brought their little sisters to see me, all I wanted to do was keep them from harm.

"Gar are sure that's wise?" Zecora asked me with a look of deep concern on her face.

"I do not know but nothing can be gained if we continue to wait here," I explained. "The only reason we have had peace is because no one dears set foot in the forest and because no one no town knows who Tempest is outside the Elements, there sister, and Spike."

"But why you wanna take her to see the Princesses?" Grubber threw his arms up in a fit. "You know all they'll do is look her up, me too, and I'll die before I let that happen to her."

"DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" Tempest said with tears in her eyes. "I... I can't lose you again Grubber. If the lock me up then they lock me up and I want you to call Capper or Celeano. They'll at least take you some where safe and I'll rest better knowing your alive at least. You'll make sure he calls them won't you, Zecora?" Zecora gave a soft nod. "Thanks."

And then I heard it as did everyone else, "Come here, Gar!"

A large swirling portal opened up in the middle of the room, I honestly never expected this.

"What was that voice and what in the name of Tartarus is that!" Tempest yelled in fear.

"It looks as I have been summoned," I flatly. "I do not know when I shall return but until I do do not go to Canterlot." I looked at Tempest eyes, they were filled with fear and that is something the wrench my very so. I walked over and pulled my visit and pants of the couch and got dressed then grabbed my hat. "I shall return my friends until then be safe." I said as I jumped into the portal.

Pride gives rise to Gluttony

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At the same time as in the
previous chapter

Appearing on the edge of the forest I made wings out of my darkness, while Simon spread wings. Flapping my wings I launch into the air with Simon right behind me. Floating in the air I look back at Simon to see him looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Keep a lookout for a spot to build our new home. Also, you can speak your mind around me. You are my creation so I value your opinion." His smile only grew wider once I said that and nodded in response.

We started to fly over the forest, and I have to say I saw a lot of weird creatures. However when I tried to land to get a closer look they only ran away in fear. I assume we are in the middle of the forest because I can’t see any more trees past a certain point looking forward. However, I do see a castle that looks abandoned but I'm not entirely sure. I raise my hand up to signal Simon to stop so we can look around to see if we can find any sentient life. As we were looking I heard rustling which is nothing new. Probably just an animal running away.

'Wait it just happened again,' in the same spot. Looking down I see a Zebra looking up at us.

"What are you looking at, zebra?" it wasn't meant to be threatening, just a simple question. I don't think the zebra thought of it as just a question... She got her knees and started spouting gibberish. looking at Simon he said, "She is speaking Zebrican."

Letting out a small 'ah' I flew down to the ground to land. Once I land she looks up at me with shock, fear and I think respect. "Why are you on the ground? Get up."

"O powerful God, what have you come here for?" judging by the voice and body structure it's safe to say it's a girl. She spoke in a whisper tone, I heard her perfectly because of my hearing though.

"I want you to tell me if that castle is abandoned." I tried to say this gently but I don't believe I succeeded in doing so.

"YES," she responded in a hurry while yelling. "That is the castle of two sisters, it is no longer inhabited."

"I appreciate your honesty.” With that said I flew to the castle with Simon right behind me.

Once we made it to the castle we flew above to get a better view of it. The throne room was visible from the giant hole on the roof. The castle itself was a mess. You could see holes everywhere you looked, nature ran rampant all over it, the castle looked as if it could have fallen apart at any moment.

“Look around for anything that might be valuable. Once you finish checking around, meet back up here.” I ordered Simon as we flew down from the opening in the roof, into the throne room. Simon took the side that had the symbol of the sun. So I took the side that had the moon.

So far I haven’t found anything that is worth mentioning, except for strawberries. There’s only one room left which I presume is the bedroom. Opening the door I was greeted with a giant bed. It was midnight blue and in the middle of it was a crescent moon. The bed looked brand new unlike the rest of the room which looked like the rest of the castle.

Searching the room I found a pile of gold coins, under the bed, that looks different from the ones I found in the dog cave. Putting it in my inventory I continued to look around.

Across from the bed, there was a small bookshelf. On top of it to the right, there was an old telescope that looked like it belonged on a pirate ship. A globe on the left, and a Scale of justice in the middle. The scale had a metal sun and moon that was in perfect balance.

Picking up a book it fell apart. Trying again I got the same result. Sighing I start to walk to the door only to stop. Turning back to the telescope I use Detect Magic. The magic radiating off of it was faint but I could still feel it. Curious I walked back to the bookshelf and picked up the telescope.

'I am Gar, seek me if you require aid or counsel.'

Tell you what, I was not expecting to hear a voice. Putting the telescope in my inventory I make my way back to the throne room to see Simon waiting for me.

“Did you find anything useful?” I question, hoping for good news.

“I couldn’t find anything of value. Everything in here is over thousands of years old.” He said with a neutral face. But he sounded disappointed going off the tone of his voice.

“It’s fine. I found some gold coins that are different from before and a telescope.” He just raises a brow in confusion as to why I would bring a telescope back. “Stand back in case this ‘Gar’ is foolish enough to attack us.” Warning Simon only confuses him more, which amused me slightly. He revealed his wings and got behind me, doing as I said.

“Gar, come here.”

Suddenly, some form of swirling black vortex opens up and I sense something coming through it. I stare at the portal until I see a figure emerge from it, once it was through the vortex collapsed on itself and I had a pony standing in front of me, another zebra in fact. He was wearing an outfit of what looked like some form of scale leather. It consisted of a buttoned vest, pants, and a wide-brim hat.

“Are you Gar?” I asked not wanting to stall as I kept my hand on my sword.

“Yes, are you the one who found the telescope?” He said in an emotionless tone.

“Yea, what is that thing?” I asked curiously.

“My token,” He said bluntly. “All Displaced have them. It is how we are summoned to new worlds by others like us. I don’t know more than that as it was only explained briefly to me in a letter from my older brothers.”

“Older brother huh,” I muttered. “So how does one become displaced, and what exactly do we do now?” I ask curiously.

“Brothers, I have two,” Gar kept up his emotionless stare. “And we either buy an item from someone that sends us across the multiverse or are sent by some greatly powerful thing.” He kept staring at me. “As far as what we do I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve been summoned.”

“I also have two brothers, one that is insane. He’s dead luckily.” Noticing I let out a little bloodlust I quickly got it under control. “The other is just like you, emotionless.” Simon stepped forward after I finished talking. I could tell, he was angry.

“You have nerves staring at my father's like that. I’ll give you three seconds to stop, or I will make you. ” He said in a low, threatening tone.

“Hush child,” Gar finally moved his gaze to Simon and I felt him release his own bloodlust, though more controlled and primal. “The adults are speaking.”

Simon didn’t hesitate and shot at Gar but he moved out of the way above and behind Simon. I saw it happen clear as day but to Simon, it was as if Gar vanished. I saw the newcomer’s arm shift revealing muscle fiber and his hand became metal claws.

(Gar's arm looked like this without the eyes)

Gar then slammed his hand into the back of Simon’s head and his face into the stone floor, forming a small indent to form. He easily held Simon while still keeping his emotionless expression.

He then turned to me, “Why must children jump the gun?” He said as he got up and made his way back towards me.

Unknown to Gar, Simon got up dazed. He had blood dripping from his mouth along with small cuts all over his face. He then raised his arm and brought his other hand up to brace it. The air around Simon started to become distorted, he then yelled “Black Lightning!” The lightning struck Gar and her turned around merely as if weren't even a tickle.

Gar looked back to Simon, never showing emotions, and slammed his head back into the ground creating a small spider web crack this time.

“Be quiet,” He demanded, showing a little sign of annoyance. “Now back to you,” He looked at me. “You look like a character from the anime Seven Deadly Sins but different. Are you a side character or a look-alike? Maybe some kind of relation to Melodias? I never actually got past the first arc.”

Walking past him I knelt down to where Simon was and cast 'Heal'. He fluttered awake and we locked eyes. “Never do that again. I can protect myself, but after this is all over we are training.” I say in a soft voice. “Rest now.” He then fell back to sleep.

Looking back to Gar I let my bloodlust run loose mixed with despair aura and looked him in the eyes. “I am Zeldris, Lion Sin of Pride. The one true Overlord,” I could see his mask crack didn't even under my pressure this guy had guts and I liked it. “You will never touch my family again if you do… You die.”

“I will not hesitate to defend myself when threatened,” He said flatly. “So you also have the Overload’s power set and probably a few others. As for me, I can morph my entire body, have strength, speed, and intelligence. I am majorly emotionally inhibited but not immune to them either. I am Gar, The Smiling Monster of the Everfree,” He said as he shifted his entire body to a three-meter tall form with four eyes and a big toothy grin.


(3rd POV)

Breaking their staring contest both the demon and the parasyte amalgamation looked over in the direction of Ponyville. Zeldris was frustrated with himself for not noticing the dark magic in the air sooner. If only he wasn’t preoccupied with Gar, he could have prevented it from happening.

Turning back to Gar he spoke, “It seems that while we were talking, demons showed up. They are currently attacking the town on the edge of the forest, Ponyville I believe it’s called.” Gar’s eyes widened as he heard what Zeldris said.

After Zeldris finished talking Gar ran as fast as he could to Ponyville, surprising Zeldris. As Gar made his way through the forest, Zeldris flew above and saw smoke rising from the town. Gar didn’t merely run through the forest but bulldozed anything in his path with raw strength and speed, cutting a path straight from the ancient castle to the nearby town leaving not even a stump in the ground. Zeldris actually had a bit of a hard time keeping pace, since he was new at flying.

Zeldris was simply fascinated by the amount of pure physical strength that the monster displayed and wondered, exactly what other abilities he had. He never mentioned having magic in their brief introduction but that made him wonder what exactly was he capable of and what kind of magic he did possess if it could be awakened.

“What is going on here?” Gar said as he looked at the burning town. The buildings were on fire with a purplish-black flame. “Where are all the ponies at?” He looked around. “What do the ponies for this world even look like?” Gar’s attention turned to Zeldris who landed next to him.

“The ponies are anthropomorphic like your zebra form,” Zeldris said, not bothering to look at Gar. Roars could be heard from the other side of the town, catching Gar’s attention. Zeldris turning to Gar spoke, “You fascinate me, Gar. Without me telling you to help the ponies you, you instantly ran out of the castle upon hearing the news of the attack.” Sticking out his hand it engulfed in a green flame. It shocked Zeldris at first but he just guessed it was his original magic. “You seem to be a ‘hero’ type. In my time I have seen many heroes fall. In fact, many of them were slain by my hand.” Pausing Zeldris adorned a wicked smile. ”I would like to offer you a chance to gain power. Do you want to make a deal?

“What does this deal entail for me?” Gar said as he turned to the town. “Because I don’t need anything that well indentures me to your services for an extended period of time.”

“It’s simple really. If you save the town, you’ll have earned my respect. Which then leads to you getting the power. But if you die,” Zeldris’ smile only grew wider. “I get your soul.”

“I think you’ll take my soul even if I die and don’t take your deal,” Gar said, a little annoyed with a raised eyebrow, “Am I right?”

“I may be a demon, and I may be cruel,” The air grew tense as Zeldris increased the magical pressure surrounding them. “But I never break a deal.”

“Very well,” Gar reached out and took Zeldris’s hand.

A dark green magic circle appeared on the ground beneath them and started to glow. “The deal is set,” Zeldris said as the circle disappeared. Spreading his wings he spoke, “Do not expect help if you are being beaten.” He said as he flew into the sky and cast Perfect Unknowable.

Gar made his way through the town and kept on the lookout for any that may need his help or any enemies. “Mmmm… I would’ve expected to see bodies lying around in a few places,” he commented. “Where are all the ponies? Do you have any kind of idea what we’re dealing with?”

Gar waited for Zeldris to answer, but never got a reply. However, Zeldris was focused on who was burning the town. He knew that it wasn’t a lower class demon or else the flames would have been orange. No, it had to be a higher class, he could feel their darkness. Going back to where Gar was he saw him surrounded by one red demon and 3 blue demons.

Gar’s eyes were shifting back and forth between the four beasts that surrounded him. He knew these four wear just small fries and that someone else had to be controlling them. The demons suddenly all pounced but Gar countered by slicing them to shreds by morphing his arms into blades, First a blue went high but didn’t last as Gar extended his arm constricting the demon and then quickly grew blades and whipped it back. The other blues fell the same way. The red demon started to back away and Gar morphed his arm into a clawed hand then shot it at the red grabbing onto its head and applied pressure until it popped. Gar pulled his arm back and held his hand up to his face allowing him to sniff the lump of flesh in his grip. He steadily opened his fang maw and devoured the red demon piece in his grasp before consuming the rest of the body. Gar then turned to the blue demons and ate them as well, this action actually surprised Zeldris a bit.

Zeldris couldn’t believe that Gar would throw his life away like that. In Seven Deadly Sins, just a cup full of red demon blood was enough to either give you a power boost or explode. Zeldris, curious about what was going to happen, flew down and waited.

Gar leaned over and started coughing. His body was morphing on its own to his surprise. All of a sudden smoke burst from his body, enveloping him in a smoke cloud. Once the smoke was settled it revealed that Gar transformed into an even more monstrous creature. Gar now had purple skin covering his whole body. The irises in his eyes went from a pitch-black to bright yellow. The sclera was now pitch black too. On top of his head, he had sprouted two ridged horns that were a deep crimson color and in the back of his head, there was a coxcomb-like feature. Cracks ran all over his body, most prominent under his four eyes. His already sharp and long claws got even sharper, and even longer. He also had webbed hands and feet.

Gar let out a breath and steam came from his mouth, he held up a hand and flex his fingers testing his dexterity. “Not the best-tasting meal I’ve had, but a satisfying one nonetheless,” Gar looked at Zeldris. “Can you explain why my body looks like it does after consuming those demons? I know in the show humans either blew up or got a power-up. So why do I look like this?”

At first, Zeldris had a face of disbelief but quickly regained his composure when Gar faced him. After hearing Gar’s question the only thing Zeldris could think of was Hawk. “It seems that by being in my presence you have obtained your own magic power. Now, I have seen a power like this before. It was called Trasnspork.” Gar just looked at Zeldris like he was stupid. “It is the power to take the abilities and appearance of anything you eat. The way to turn back is by taking a crap. Oh, and I know you love your new power’s name.” Zeldris said as he chuckled.

“Do you think we should head towards town hall?” Gar deadpanned. “It would seem like that would be the most likely place for the town to gather in mass during an assault of this scale?”

“Go and do whatever you want,” Zeldris said as he flew into the air. “I’ll just be up here enjoying my entertainment.”

Gar rolled his eyes and took off toward a cloaked figure that was directing the lower level demons. Suddenly a lanky shadow appeared and sliced Gar in half with a large grey scythe. The monster’s body fell to either side of the street. The shadow landing revealing it to be a grey demon. It looked at Gar’s pieces with a tilled head and scratched the top of its head with a single finger before shrugging and starting to walk off.

Meanwhile, Gar’s halves opened their eyes and they started to shrink and grow back the missing pieces of their bodies. There were now two Gars to Zeldris’s amusement. While the grey demon back was turned both of the Gars pounced at him. They started to consume it while the demon was doing its best to shake them off. Its struggle was in vain as the Gars ate it whole. The two then fused back together and Gar returned to his full height. Many more cracks appeared on Gar. His lower half was now replaced with pitch bitch black skin instead of the purple.

Purple blood dripped from Gar’s teeth as he turned to the cloaked figure once more. “What are your plans?” Gar turned arms into whips and flung them in the direction of the figure but two new demons. A copper and an orange demon sprang up from nowhere and grabbed onto Gar arms then proceeded to rip them off. As the demons chuckled, Gar fell to his knee and looked at the demons with his own chuckle. Suddenly Gar’s arms sprang to life growing a maw of serrated teeth and eyeballs to the demons' shock the limbs tore them apart and consumed them before returning to Gar’s body.

Gar’s body once again burst into a cloud of smoke, changing due to Transpork. Once the smoke settled Gar could be seen, panting with black blood coming out of his mouth. Zeldris wasn’t sure if it was his blood or the demon's blood. Gars’ new appearance consisted of two new cone-shaped horns on both sides of his head at eye level. His muscle mass increased. He also had green spots over his arms.

“No! No! No! No!” The cloaked figure started to scream. “How can my demons have possibly died to you lower-class— whatever you are! I trained them myself! Me, Sith one of the Six Knights of Black.”

Gar started to approach Sith, but Zeldris landed next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “This one is my problem, she deserves a True Death.Once he said that Sith fell to the ground lifeless.

Gar merely shrugged and looked down at the demon’s corpse. “I’ve already eaten five of the lower class demons, do you mind if I have that one as well?”

“I don’t think that would be wise. But if you want to go ahead. However,” Zeldris said as he walked up and placed a hand on the demon. “The soul is mine.” He said as he pulled the soul out and ate it.

“I am a creature of flesh and don’t possess that skill, yet,” Gar said as he then mercilessly devoured the demon on the ground. Gar licked the blood off his teeth suddenly, darkness crept over his body and then formed into what appeared to be the shape of an egg. Zeldris looked on with a slight smirk at this. Then Gar burst forth forcing the darkness to disperse around him and then came back and formed a swirling vine pattern over most of his body. The most predominant darkness was a pattern of small stars on his upper left pectoral muscles.

“Well, you seem to have become part demon. It is now time for me to fulfill my part of the deal.” Zeldris said as he became more serious. “Search my mind! Choose a worthy weapon for the one I behold! Memory make-magic: Sacred Treasure!”

After Zeldris finished talking a light enveloped both him and Gar searching through their minds. The light shone even brighter before disappearing revealing a floating spear. It was in fact Spirit Spear Basquias. “You have surprised me again and again! Becoming part demon was expected, but becoming the Fairy King, truly entertaining."

"This turn of events has been most fruitful," Gar gave a wicked grin that even creeped Zeldris out just a bit. "Perhaps due to the effects of living in the forest back home has something to do with this Fairy King title."

All of a sudden the duo were hit with a massive black fireball causing an explosion that sent them rocketing in opposite directions. Gar was flung up against a purple dome. His face was mangled with two eyes missing, another hanging on by a thread of flesh, several teeth missing, and a rather sizable hole in his neck.

He looked around with his only remaining eye to see what he hit and came to see a very frightened purple pony unicorn. The little one was shaking with fear as he turned to look at her as his face and neck regenerated.

"Fear not little one, I am here to help stop this. Is there anypony missing Twilight?" Gar calmly as to not rouse any more suspicion.

Twilight was scared when the demon first started to talk, but it seemed like he wanted to help. “U-um Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom aren’t in here. We’ve been calling out to them but they haven’t answered yet! Please go and save them!” She pleaded with the monster.

Gar nodded before speaking. “I will. I’ll bring them back to you unharmed.” He said before jumping up into the air to look around. Much to his surprise, Basquias floated beneath him so he was now hovering. Searching the area he came upon something truly horrifying. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were lying in the ground unconscious. While Scootaloo was pinned to the ground by a blue demon with his foot on her back. The blue demon grabbed her wings and pulled. He pulled until they came out of the socket. Gar seemingly snapped.

A dark aura surrounded gar as he flew to the blue demon on Basquias. The blue demon seemed to have recognized Gar to be the monster from earlier so he started to run away. In the blink of the eye Gar appeared and cut the legs off of the demon. The demon screened only to have it beak slammed shut by Gar. With the same hand, Gar ripped the beak off of the demon. Gar was about to pierce the demon's heart with Basquias but then the demon tried to save himself by shooting hellfire from its mouth burning Gar.

Or so he thought.

Gar then brought Basquias down into the demon's head and twisted. In a blind rage, Gar looked around and lashed out at the first demon he saw. Gar tried to spit the demon in half. Keyword on tried. The demon raised his armored hand and stopped his attack with its pinky. Gar then went for an uppercut but his hand never connected. The demon pulled out his sword and cut Gar’s arm off, then threw it away from the fight. Having enough of this pointless fight the demon backhanded Gar so hard he snapped out of his trance.

“I’ll let you off this time. Though, next time” Zeldris said as he adorned a wicked smirk. "I won’t hesitate to kill you.” After he said that Zeldris vanished from Gar’s vision only to reappear in a couple of seconds with the CMC in his arms. “This is the perfect time to test out Basquias’s seventh form.”

Gar shook his head as he got to his feet and looked around as Basquias appeared next to him then to his missing limb. “Where is my arm?” He looked around and then a snake similar to the form he took in his homeworld came out of the grass and latched on to Gar’s shoulder then shifted into his arm once more. Gar was amazed at the thing his body was doing and wondered if he could activate it willingly. But that would have to wait as he walked over to the little pegasus.

“Poor little one,” Gar looked at the filly with sadness. “Why do I feel so strongly about these ponies? First in my world and now, here.” Gar held up his hand to the spear. “So strange that I know what I must do, Basquias: Seventh Configuration Moon Rose,” The spear changed into a giant white rose and leaned over Scootaloo. “Droplet of Life.” A drop of liquid hit the little filly and as she began to glow all her wounds began to heal until she was completely restored.

“Hmm… interesting,” Gar looked to Zeldris. “What all can this spear do?” he said as he picked Scootaloo up.

Zeldris quickly cast heal on the other two ponies before speaking. “So far only six configurations were shown to my knowledge. You have already used the Seventh moon rose, it allows you to heal any wound. You can only use it a certain number of times in a row before you need to collect more mana, or since you're now part demon, soul.” When Zeldris said that Gar slightly smiled before going to a neutral expression. “The first configuration is the original form of Basquias. Its second configuration is Guardian which takes the form of a gigantic hornet-like incest with tremendous speed. Configurations three and four, I don’t know. You’ll have to find out. The fifth configuration is Yggdra Armor, which is a suit of armor that is golden and has large claws. The ninth configuration is death thorn. Basquias turns into a myriad of vines, which will kill anything that it cuts. The last form I know of is the tenth configuration Emerald Octo, which the previous owner usually used. Basquias turns into green vines or as some people say, tentacles, that can wrap around the owner to protect them. Or it can attack.” Zeldris said to his surprise. He didn’t think he knew that much about it. It must have all come back when the magic searched his mind.

“Hmm..” Gar sprouted two tendrils and used them to grab the other to fillies and placed them on his back and he did the same with Scootaloo. “Thank you for beating some sense into me. I don’t understand why I’ve been getting so emotional. I barely have them but when I do especially when I get angry I lash out violently.” Suddenly a huge set of butterfly wings with a rainbow color of lights toward the end shot from Gar back on either side of the fillies. “Was not expecting that,” Gar said in shock as he started to float effortlessly off the ground. “Or this.”

Laughter filled the air when Gar sprouted wings. “I don’t even know what you are anymore!” Zeldris said between laughs. Gar just looked at him with an emotionless stare. “Oh, what was that thing again? A token? How do I make one?” Zeldris said as Gar floated down to the down to the ground slowly.”

“A token is an object that you choose to represent yourself along with a phrase. You put your energy in it and toss it.” He explained as they started to walk to the townhall. “I don’t really know much more.”

Zeldris then had a great idea. Sticking out his hand he looked at his palm. “Create Greater Item.” With that said a small object appeared in his hand. It was an earring that resembled an eye.

Pushing his magic power into the magic eye he spoke,”I am the Lion sin of Pride. Call upon me and I will respond if I feel like it. If you seek power, we can make a deal!” Zeldris tossed the token into the air and a portal opened up. Sucking in the eye Zeldris could see it split over and over again until the portal closed. The original eye appeared back in Zeldris's hand. Turning to Gar, Zeldris smiles. “You amuse me. If you wish to, you can call upon me any time my dear, whatever you are.” Zeldris said as he looked Gar up and down tossing him the Token

“I am Gar nothing more nothing less,” He said in a simple tone. “How about we take these three back to the others?” Gar looked over his shoulder to the sleeping fillies. “Their older sisters are probably very worried about them?”

Continuing their walk they made it to the town hall in no time.

“Twilight,” Gar yelled to the purple pony. “We have Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!” Twilight peeked her head out of town hall to see the demon she talked to and Zeldris. A shiver went down her spine as she saw him. Walking out slowly she avoided eye contact with Zeldris and made her way over to Gar.

“Thank you, Thank you, thank you so much!” Twilight screamed as she burst into a crying mess along with three other ponies. Zeldris, not one for anything having to do with family, tapped Gar’s shoulder and pointed back to the old castle. Nodding they both flew off.

On their flight back, Zeldris remembered something important he forgot to tell Gar. “Gar, as the fairy king you will now also have the magical ability called Disaster. It is capable of exercising complete control over life and death, by which the user can elevate or diminish the natural state of something.”

“Hmm… interesting,” Gar rubbed his chin and then stopped abruptly, as did Zeldris. There, in front of the two was a tall blonde haired man in a black and silver suit wearing a red hooded coat. He had golden amber eyes and he was just standing there in mid-air. “Who are you?”

“Just a passerby,” The man looked at the duo and started to clap his hands. “Good job stopping the demons by the way.”

“Just a passerby, don’t make me laugh.” Zeldris spat. He was on high alert. He hasn’t had his guard up since his brother was still alive. “Your power is almost comparable to mine. You may survive if I get serious. So, who are you.” Zeldris said as he started emitting bloodlust.

“Boy, you best calm down before I get serious,” the man placed his hands in his pockets. “Like I said I was passing by. I never said I was in this world while doing so,” His eyes locked on Zeldris. “You’ve got a lot of never releasing your blood lust at me like that. A whelp of only a few thousand years and you think you’re a big shot,” the man said a quick chant and pulled out a dual handled key looking sword and pointed at Zeldris. “But if you want to fight me then I won’t stop you. It’s rare that I ever get a challenge these days. But know that you’ll die without even seeing my true power.”

“Who are you?” Gar asked.

Ignoring Gar’s question, the man and Zeldris continued to look at each other. Zeldris then started laughing before speaking. “You took the words right out of my mouth,” Zeldris said as he dismissed his bloodlust. “But I cannot reveal my true power just yet. The supreme being and Demon king would now my location. And I can’t have that now can I? However, once my situation is sorted out. I will crush you.”

“You can crush me,” the man said in Zeldris’s ear but he was still standing in front of him. “I’ve been around the block and through the Void kid and you would never stand a chance in all of the omniverse against me. But I’m a sporting guy. I 'm doing something for you, Wanna make a deal?

Zeldris stuck out his hand waiting to accept. The man reached down to shake it. In a split second, Zeldris had his hand on the man's throat. Going wide-eyed the man went to grab Zeldris’S hand but Zeldris choked him. Looking him in the eye he spoke. “That is my line.” Zeldris said angrily. “I would never stand a chance? Who decided that?” Zeldris said as he crushed the man's throat.

Suddenly the man was gone and Zeldris was holding nothing in his hand. He looked over and saw the man’s eyes were crimson with a six-pointed black sun pattern on them.

“I decided,” The man said with nothing but snark. Zeldris had never encountered this before. “Like I said kid you don’t know my power.”

Zeldris internally was extremely confused but he kept his composure. “I suspected as much,” Zeldris said as he wiped some dust off his clothes. “A being with your power killed by me in my first, weakest form? Laughable.” After saying that Zeldris stuck out his hand which ignited with green fire. “Back to what you were saying before, Do you wanna make a deal?

“If you can guess my name I will give one power but you will not know its name?” The man said as he held out his left hand as it blackens into an all-consuming black. “Are these terms acceptable?”

Grabbing his hand a dark green magic circle appeared under them. “The deal is set.” Zeldris then started to fly circles around the man looking for clues. “Blonde hair… amber eyes… and a red coat.” Zeldris had an idea of who he is. Just need to confirm one last thing. A glint of light from his right arm hit Zeldris's eye confirming it was metal! Zeldris was about to speak but-

“Your Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood,” Gar said with a bored tone. Zeldris just looked back at him and mouthed ‘Your a bitch’ before turning back to Edward.

Pointing back to Gar, Zeldris had a slight smirk. “What he said.”

“Wait a moment you can’t be. Edward Elric?,” Gar looked at Edward in shock, who was smirking.

“Been a long time hasn’t it baby brother,” Edward said to Gar. Zeldris looked from Gar to Edward with just as much shock before turning to Edward one final time. “You win dick head.” Edward held up a hand and shot crimson lighting at Zeldris who started to struggle as he felt his body being remade until the pain suddenly stopped. “There, you have your power. I must go now. I just wanted to say congratulations on your first summons Gar. To end the contract simply say ‘our business is done’ Zeldris. One last thing,” Edward tossed a silver alchemist pocket watch to the Lion Sin of Pride. “My token doubles as a communicator for any who have one and it can send small items across the void, do use it wisely.” A swirling portal opens behind Edward. “Good luck both of you.” He said as he disappeared into the portal.

“How the hell,” Gar asked in shock.

“I didn’t get to give him my token,” Zeldris stated matter of factly.

"I don't think he needs it," Gar stated.

Looking at Gar Zeldris continued. “It’s been fun, Gar. I hope you call upon me when something interesting is going on. Or if there is a foe you can’t beat I’ll help you out, and just for you, I’ll do it for free! ‘Our business is done.’” After saying that a portal opened up similar to Ed’s.

“It would seem so, Zeldris I must warn you my brother is the same man he was back home, but he is also changed. He was not afraid to act on things,” Gar looked at him in the eyes and Zeldris knew he was telling the truth. “If you fight him, you will die over and over again,” Gar looked at his portal. “Do call me again. Demons are quite tasty and I’d love to be a part of the sins,” Gar chuckled. “Goodbye my Friend” he held up his hand.

“If you like demons, just wait until the angels show up! I could eat their souls, and you could also eat their bodies!” Zeldris and Gar both laughed. “Well my friend, I’ll see you later,” Zeldris said as he shook Gar’s hand.

Gar nodded and leapt into the portal. It then closed and Zeldris looked down at the pocket watch. “A whole new world of possibilities!” He then looked back to where the portal had opened and he thought he saw the symbol of the crimson boar.

The Smiling King Returns

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It was night in the Everfree Forest. A portal opened up near the edge of the forest and out walked a very tall smiling monster cover with ink blankness on his body and her had a very large set of what looked to be butterfly wings with iridescent rainbow lights on the them. Around his neck there was a necklace made of what looked like dark green thorn vines. Gar had returned to the forest and the Everfree welcomed him as if he were an old friend that it had missed him for many years.

The monster looked around with his usual toothy grin on his face. "Hmmm.... wonder how long Iv'e been gone in this world?" Gar walked through the fist while the animals came right up to him and greeted him before returning to their own business.

Out of nowhere a particularly brave white bunny white a carrot strapped to its back hopped up right up Gar. The monster stopped and looked at the rabbit and kept going on his but suddenly felt something hit the back of his head. He grew an eye and his back to see the bunny tossing pebbles up in the air and catching them again.

"Something is telling me that I should keep an eye out for that lagomorph," Gar said to himself as he went on his way.

Eventually Gar came across a somewhat familiar steam. He decided to sit down and rest for a while. Even though he had eaten plenty he hadn't rested at all on all of his constant transformations in Zeldris's world had lift him drained not to mention that he'd just used a very high-tier ability for the first time to heal a very badly injured filly. Basquias turned from a small necklace into a mass of giant thorned vines the completely covered Gar in head toe. Gar also shrank down to his Zebra form and snuggled into his Sacred Treasure's embrace. Basquais used its vines to lifted Gar into a nearby tree off the ground.

He face the stars and wondered,"So my big brother really is Edward Elric now, and he seems to be the same as he was when we were kids but he also seems, older. As if he's been alive for many years. I could see it in his eyes, he... he's been through so much. He gave off the same bloodlust as me but a hundred times more. What has he done in order to become the thing he is now? He may have looked human, I know for a fact that the Allen I knew probably did die some time ago. do hope he's living a life that he wants. Goodnight big brother," Gar said as he drifted off to sleep and dreamed of the days when he was a child and his big brother still lived in their home, back to when their family was whole, in a sense of the word.

The next morning soon arrived. Gar was still sleeping soundly in his nest when a bright red and orange bird flew down from on high and landed next to Gar's Face. The bird twitched as it moved it's head to the side to like the the face of the sleeping zebra perfectly camouflaged in with the dark green thorny vines of the Basquias. Gar snored away as the bird watched then got curiouser about the face. It started to peck at Gar but the Basquias quickly enlarged its thorns to protect its master. This did not deter the colorful assailant as ti kept trying to get at Gar's face. Eventually, the bird managed to figure out how to get the thorns to work for it and used them to poke Gar.

"Mmm....Joe," Gar grumbled as his eyes fluttered open to see thorns and a brightly colored bird. "You look like one of those phoenixes Zecora and Spike talk about." His gaze shifted to the blue sky behind the bird, "Morning aye, suppose I should get moving again." Gar said in a monotone voice. "I could get there with Basquias no problem now that I think about it.

Gar sat up and the vines around him reacted as the spear took on its first configuration, Basquias. Gar simply sat on the spear and gave a slight yawn and then stretched. He noticed that he still had his fairy wings out. "I guess I'll have to figure something out with these. As pretty as they are, they'll get in the way. Perhaps I can try a spell or something." The phoenix that had wait on a nearby branch flew over to Gar's shoulder. "Didn't leave?" the bird chirped at him "So your names Philomena. I am called Gar, nice to meet you." the bird proceed to rub against the demon/fairy parazyte with much affection. "You can come along, just don't get very attached to me. I do live in this forest."

Philomena gave an excited whistle and Gar gently ascend on Basquias to get his bearing and look for his hut. It would stand out in all the greenery seeing as it was made of bone. He scoured the forest in all directions, generating several eyes to do so. It didn't take Gar and Philomena long before finding the bone hut.

"Would you like to meet my pony friends?" Gar said in his usual tone. The bird flapped and whistled in delight. "Very well, let us go. I do hope I am not in to much trouble." He said as he rode Basquias to his homestead.

Gar and Philomena touched down in front of Gar's hut in a matter of minutes. "It's not the prettiest thing under the sun, but it's very sturdy and keeps me out of the elements." Gar noticed there was a strange scent coming from his door. It was a new scent, and reeked of metal. "It would seem guards have been at my home. I can't say I'm surprised with what I did and how I left." He looked to the Phoenix still perched on his shoulder. "I guess we should go down to Zecora's hut. There is no pony inside or around here at this time." Philomena nodded.

Gar had Basquias return to it's necklace state and then walked, or hovered, down the path the led to Zecora's home. Gar reached the hut Philomena still perched on the mock zebra's shoulder. He reached up and gave three knocks on the door and no more as he waited fro a response.

"One moment please," Rang Zecora's voice came from inside. She opened the door, "Look if yo're here to get a brew then you'll- GAR!" She tackled the monster to the ground while Philomena fluttered in the air confused. "You're unhurt!" she cried into his chest."TEMPEST! GRUBBER!" Zecora called out in to her home.

"Zecora are you al-Gar!" Tempest looked at the duo on the ground while they were soon join by the hedgehog man Grubber.

"You got some explainin to do," Grubber scowled at him.

"As SORRY as I am for causing you all fright I must as something of you right now," Gar said in a strained voice.

"What?!" Tempest scowled at the Fairy King.

"Please help Zecora get off me," Gar commented as he seem to be in pain. "Her knocking me over has caused me to land on my wings and it really hurts."

"Why do you have wings in zebra form any ways?"Tempest raised an eyebrow as she got Zecora to her feet. " I can see you needing them to fly here but you usually shift them away after you land from flying."

"Normally, yes I WOULD because I grew them myself," Gar got to his feet a little off balance and then his fairy wings popped to reveal themselves and their wide array of brightful colors. "But I gained these through another means." He commented as he started to float again.

Both mares stood there looking at the mock zebra floating off the ground with the giant light bright wings floating in front of them barely off the ground in awe. both of their mouth were wide wide open as they started.

"That's pretty," Grubber pointed with a twinkle in his eyes. Meanwhile Philomena, who'd landed on a branch, watched all this unfold while internally laughing to herself.

"Let us enter the house so I can explain and we may eat," Gar said and everpony merely nodded. The Phoenix flew back down and landed on his shoulder but at the point no pony was surprised by it.

Later after breakfast

"Now that you've eaten can you please tells where you've been for the last three days," Zecora looked at Gar with a baited breath as the monster finished his breakfast.

"And what's with this bird?" Grubber point at Philomena perched on his head. She whistled.

"I guess I should've informed you all earlier of what my my kinda are, and I don't mean my specific race," Gar motioned to himself. "I am part of a community of beings called the Displaced. Short for any number of things but usually for Dimensionally Misplaced. We are those who have been sent out in to the mutliverse or as I like to call it, the omniverse."

"Will this explains your origins how being in the forest when you found me that first night," Zecora crossed her arms under her chest. "But why did a rift open in my open and only close after you jumped in?"

"The second part," Gar got up and move to the sink and washed his plate then set it off to dry. While he did this Tempest noticed a strange red boar tattoo on the upper left side of Gar's his neck and that when her she scanned the rest of his body noticing his strip pattern was all black mainly on the right side of his body. "The Displaced have what are known as token that are sent out for other Displaced to find in whatever world they're sent to, usually another version of Equestria according to the letter my older brothers sent me." He turned to face them doing his best to keep his wings from knocking things down.

"Okay but how does this relate to you having light up rainbow butterfly wings that put the Dash ponies rainboom colors look like a dull light up sign, OW!" Grubber asked as Philomena suddenly pecked his head causing it to make a hollow conking noise. "And this thing," He shewed the bird but it merely landed back on his head.

"I get these after I was given my spear," Gar motioned his hand and the vines around his neck uncoiled and went out side the nearest window and formed into Basquias further stunning everyone. "Apparently being summoned my personal magic was unlocked from a deal I made with a demon."

"A DEMON!" The mares shouted in unison.

"If I HELPED and LOST I would die and lose my soul, if I helped and WON, i would gain power." Gar said nonchalantly. "I gained TRANSPORK," everyone stared. "Not me that named it but whatever I would eat and has magical power I would gained its powers and a similar appearance. So, in order to test this power I ate demons, and the more I ate the more I changed more and more each time. Until I ate a high level demon and my body adapted to its flesh and now I am part demon, from that world."

"He ate demon flesh and survived," Zecora fill to her knees, her eyes glazed over. "No pony has ever survived that before."

"Then I got Basquias and before I left, grew these wings marking me as the fairy king," Gar explained. "The bird woke me up this morning." He walked a=over and picked Zecora up off the floor.

She was muttering to herself and then looked up to him. "Did you know you would become a demon?"

"Yes but it was not supposed to be permanent," Gar sad with a bet of regret. "My body adapted to the flesh I ate and evolved to make it so I was longer just a normal monster. I do feel a bit of regret I happened but if it help me keep those who matter to me safe then I'll do it." He set her on the couch gently.

"I can't say anything against you for getting power but what did it cost," Tempest glared. "Was what you paid worth it?"

"I simply won I BET at the cost of the lives of those that were harming those I consider important that world," Gar said in a monotone voice. "There were hurting the young one and I stopped them. That is what it cost."

"So you didn't kill innocents," Zecora a let out a sigh of relief.

"Never,"Gar nodded as the Basquias returned around his neck. "I may look evil and gained dark abilities bu tthat doesn't mean I lost WHO I was."

"Good cause I would'v killed you had you answered differently," Tempest glared at Gar. "Sure you'd have probably kill me but I would've given you quite a beating before you did."

"All though I do kill with our hesitation. I still don't like needless death Tempest, and I do have feeling even though they are muted most of the time," Gar looked at her. "And they are growing stronger and much harder to control."

"Another question," Grubber cut in. "WHAT ABOUT THIS DAMN BIRD?! OW!"

"Her name is Philomena, she woke me this morning and stayed with me on the way here," Gar deadpanned. His attention was back on Tempest. "Have there been any summons to the palace?"

"Yes actually," Tempest raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know?"

"While Philomena and I were at my hit earlier I caught the scent of unknown ponies mixed in with metal," Gar kept his emotionless expression. "Guards?"

"A few that accompanied Twilight the other day during her visit to say the princesses wanted to thank you personally, but that was the day after your disappeared," Tempest looked a little worried. "They've been coming by every day at least twice looking for you. We told them that you were off doing something on your own deeper in the first and said you'd be back in a few days. Luckily you did come back in a few days."

"They said they'd be back today," Zecora added, and then there was A knock on the door.

Grubber went over and opens it letting Twilight and a small contingent of guard ponies. "Hello everypony, They asked me to come and see if I could get Gar to come out today, though that seems unnecessary as you're here like Fizzle and Zecora said." Twilight scowled over her shoulder at the guards who were looking in different direction. "Now that you Back, GAR WHEN DID YOU MAKE THOSE WINGS?" Twilight shot over and looked excitedly at the smiling fairy demon king. Her attention was then pulled to Philomena who repositioned herself on Gar's shoulder."Philomena? What are you doing here?"

"You know this phoenix?" Gar pointed showing genuine surprised.

"Yes, she's Princess Celestia pet. She rarely ever comes so far from the castle with out a reason though," Twilight looked at the brightly colored bird. "Why are you here girl?" Twilight scratched the phoenix under her chin cast the bird to whistle in delight. "Did you come to see Fluttershy?" Twilight retracted her hand to Philomena's disappointment.

The bird shook her head side to side for 'no'. Then she hopped closer to Gar's head and leaned against against the fairy letting out a loving pur while she nuzzled him.

"I think she has a crush on you," Twilight giggled.

"Princess," One of the guard cough into his hand.

"Oh right, Um Gar would you be willing to accompany to see the princess, that want to see thank you for what you did for Equestria," Twilight motioned to the door with a smile. and a bit of a flush in her face.

"Yes, but I must shower and put clothes on first," Gar said with no sign of modesty as everyone looked in opposite direction as he motions to his' nakedness'.

"Please hurry sir," one of the guards facepalmed.

After a brief shower and a new set of hydra scale leather vest with new adjustments, pants, and most importantly hat, Gar was now ready,

He walked out of his home and looked to his group and the guards showed uneasy with his hut his hut and garb, "I am sorry but these only these are the clothes I have at my disposal."

After all, hydras are top of the food chain and to take even a single head is a feat for an for experienced hunters, but to have a home mode of hydra bone from a single harvest and to wear clothes made of meant you were not just a skilled hunter but in a class all your own. It meant that you ponies needed to respect and fear you.

"It's fine sir, to appear before their highnesses in hydra scale shows that you are to be respected, not that you don't already have it." One of the guards in the back said.

"It's fine Gar," Twilight reassured him. "Though the vines around your neck might be a bit, much."

"They will remain," Gar said like as this wasn't up for debate, and no pony was going to goes against it.

"Okay but we need to go now, the train leaves soon," Twilight threw her hands up.

"Very well lets go," Gar hovered above the ground to town.

Twilight held back and leaned to Tempest. "What exactly was he doing out in the forest that cause all this to happen to him?"

"Ah... You'll have to ask him Twilight as we're still having a hard time processing it ourselves," Tempest placed a hand on her head.

It didn't take the long before they were in Ponyville and it would take them a little longer still as the train station was on the other side of town. As the group walked, Gar floating, through the town a lot of whispers could be over heard, mostly about Gar and his appearance. No one believed the rumors that a monster had saved Equestria's Princesses, even though though most had seen him as a statue. they all figured that what he was or at least one of enemy put in the forest to prevent his allies from seeking him out. Most of this talk was about a zebra having technicolor wings, or wing at all in general.

Finally the made it to the station where the Element Bearers were waiting with Spike. When the saw Gar they were all baffled in other ways by hi swings. Rarity was adoring the shifting colors. Rainbow kept asking if he would race her. Pinkie wanted to the a rave party with him as the center light show, she immediately called a pony DJ named Vinyl Scratch. Spike kicked the dirt as he didn't even have wings and Gar usually only grew them when necessary and none had been as impressive these so far. Fluttershy went into care mode. And Aj wanted to know where they came from.

"You all have questions and in order to know you will wait for Princesses," Gar told them all flatly. Then Twilight raised her hand. "What?"

"Can I ask about what you are and your species on the ride up to the castle at least?" Twilight looked wide eyed.

""Gar looked at her and then to the guards. "I will answer what questions I CAN, but don't expect to much Twilight. I also suggest we sit some where the guards can be close to do their job. It may take some of there edge off." Twilight squeed with joy as she pulled out a scroll and quill.

"Lie's start," She squeaked.

"Mmm.. I may have chosen the incorrect action," Gar murmured to himself while the others giggled and the guards rolled their eyes. "Definitely made the wrong choice." Gar said as he noticed the reactions.

Meeting the Royals

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It had been a very informative train ride for Gar and Twilight but very strenuous for the guards and everypony else's nerves with the back and forth questions and answers between the 'two eggheads' as Rainbow Dash put it lightly. Not only did Twilight get the information that she wanted but many more of Gar's questions were answered, most of them concerning the history of the land and any races that Zecora hadn't mentioned. He also asked about demons and fairies specifically given his new nature.

Twilight said that demons aren't uncommon in Equestria but and exactly on every street corner either. There were a few races of ponies that were the descendants of demons there ancestors having demon a full-blooded demon and a ponies. Though there were cases when a demon and pony would have a foal and it would be a full-fledged half bread or one of the races would be more demon than pony. The demon raced ponies consisted of Thestrals, Umbrans, Dark Changelings, and Ruva. Though the dark changelings were considered more dark fairy that demon but the were still the results of mixed lineage nonetheless.

That brought Gar to his next question. What were the fairy ponies? Twilight being all too eager answered. She explained that there were three known types of what are called fairy ponies. Them being, Changelings, Dark Changelings, and Breezies. The first two were the one the were pony-sized. Changelings were originally born from a Breezies and ponies. Dark Changelings were originally born from a Breezie and a Demon. it was difficult to explain because Breezies were the original Fairies of Equestria and said to only be very small, but it was found that the could alter their size, though the true size was that of an incest the was no bigger than one’s palm.

Before anyone else knew it the group arrived in Canterlot. To everypony's relief, the group exited the train but were met with an unexpected welcoming party of fully armed guards. They suddenly separated Tempest and Grubber from the group to, everyone's shock, and placed them in shackles.

"What is the meaning of this?" Twilight demanded.

"Sorry princess but we are under orders from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to take the unicorn known as Tempest Shadow and her companion who goes by Grubber into immediate custody upon their arrival into Canterlot," One of the guards that was originally part of the unit that escorted Twilight informed. "They are to be taken to the dungeons for interrogations."

"On what charges?" She stomped her hoof.

"War crimes against Equestria and the imprisonment of the governing diearchy of Equestria and as well as the imprisonment of one of the diearchs of the Crystal Empire," Th guards further explained. "TAKE THEM AWAY!" He ordered.

Gar acted before anypony could react he was in front of the guards.

"Sir if you would please move?" One of the other guards asked in an authoritative tone.

"No," Gar said flatly as he crossed his arms. "You will let them go."

"Look, sir, if you are one of the leaders that helped out our city and helped free our princesses we're truly grateful but that doesn't mean you have the authority to overstep a royal decree that was issued by the princesses themselves," The guard pointed. "Now you should move out of the way before we're forced to move you and arrest you for aiding and abiding a war criminal."

"Ah fellas, you really shouldn't miss with him," Grubber advised.

Gar's vision started to narrow and Basquias start to grow but Tempest stepped in not wanting to cause a scene. "It's okay Gar we'll go with them willingly, won't We Grubber," the little man nodded vigorously. "See no need to fuss. Shall we."

"STOP!" Twilight yelled. She stepped in between the guards and Gar. "Let's not cause a scene," She looked over her shoulder at the mock zebra then turned to the guards. "And on my authority, you will at least place Tempest Shadow and Grubber under watch. Gar is more than enough to keep them in line."

The guards looked at one another then to Gar and finally back to Twilight. "Sorry Ma'am but you may be a princess we will listen to the sister first and... fore... most..." The guard was saying as he started to trail off as Gar shifted to his true three-meter tall darkness covered fairy winged true form. Basquias shifted to its first form and hovered behind Gar.

"I tried to warn ya," Grubber shuddered.

Many of the guards were undeterred and pointed their spears at gear. Gar reached out and took a helmet off the head guard and then crumpled it into a tiny little ball as if were made of tin foil.

"I will not say it again," Gar dropped the helmet ball onto the ground with a thud as he released his bloodlust directed solely at the platoon. "You... will... re... lease... my... friends." He bent down over the shaking commander.

"R-r-r-r-right A-a-a-a-away s-s-s-sir," He said as he cowered and released the duo to Gar.

Rainbow came over and then sniffed the air and grabbed her nose."Urah, what's that smell? It smells like shi-" Suddenly marched off very quickly weirdly, as if they all had to use the bathroom.

"Dude," She flew up to Gar's height. "You literally scared the crap out of a whole platoon."

"I told them once, the did not listen so I used nonlethal force," Gar said flatly as his bloodlust subsided.

"Yes but I think we should have done what they said dear," Rarity objected and looked at the duo in question. "I think you two should answer for what you did. I know you are changed but that doesn't excuse you from being punished." Tempest and Grubber looked at the ground in shame.

"Will seeing as we need to get up to the place before this gets worse," Gar looked at everyone. "Basquias, form ten: Emerald Octo." The spear shifted to a myriad of thick tentacle-like vines and wrapped around the group and then shot through the air and landed outside the castle draw bridge. Gar let the others down first while he hovered just above the ground and shifted back to zebra form while Basquias returned to necklace mood. "Shallow we go," he held out a hand while everypony else was still trying to process what just happened.

Philomena then came down and perched on Gar's shoulder. She immediately began to excitedly squawk and motion to the palace awhile tugging at Gar.

"Very well," He said to her in a soft tone.

As soon as the others had regained their composer the group was off to see the Princesses. A guard saw them and noticed the phoenix raising an eyebrow then turned to the other guard who shrugged and went back to attention. The was an announcement for Princess Twilight Sparkle and company as the group walked into the throne room. Sitting atop a golden throne, a dark blue throne, and a light blue throne were Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance in that order.

"Princesses. Cadance," Twilight ran up and got a hug from Celestia, a nod from Luna and a weird little rhyme with Cadance. Twilight cleared her throat and motioned to Gar. "Princesses, may I formally introduce you to my good friend Gar. If it hadn't been for him all of us wouldn't be here at all. "

"Yea, the big fellow saved quite a few times," Aj patted his back.

Celestia then noticed her pet phoenix. "Philomena? Where have you been you, naughty girl," She playfully scolded the bird, "You went to visit Fluttershy didn't you?" The bird shook its head 'no' and hopped over slightly then started to nuzzle Gar's head again. "My she must really like you," The princess looked at the mock zebra in shock along with the other two princesses.

"You must forgive my rudeness but I must inquire as to Why you are all shocked by this animal's actions," Gar said in his emotionless tone.

"Philomena doesn't usually take to anypony she doesn't know without pulling a little prank to test them. As she did with poor Fluttershy," Princess Luna gestures kindly the animal caretaker.

"I am curious as to what she did to you my dear," Princess Celestia gave a little mocking grin.

"I was sleeping in a tree and she awoke me from my slumber as the sun rose this morning," Gar said nonchalantly to the princesses' shock.

"Yes, well, ah, Mr. Gar-" Princess Cadance started to say but was cut off with a raised hand.

"I am simply Gar, nothing more nothing less," He said still emotionless.

"Well, we all know you’re a lot more than you are as you appear to for us now," Princess Luna stepped in.

"May we please see your true form?" Princess Celestia asked. "I know it may be a little forward but we would all like to address the real you."

Philomena flapped and flew over to her owner and perched in a stand next to the throne. Princess Celestia stroked the bird while simultaneously checking her over. Gar in the meantime shifted to his true form.

"My, you are rather imposing," Luna looked him over from her chair. "I must thank you for trying to keep the peace amongst our subjects. Though from what I remember when we brought you to Ponyville as a statue, you didn't have wings."

"From what Twilight told us, you can do many things with your body's unique physiology," Princess Celestia commented. "Including growing wings but from what she described you never displayed these before."

"Yes they're so beautiful," Princess Cadance complimented. "I sense great magic power from you as well, but much of you seem cold. Like you don't feel at all."

"Your body," Princess Luna leaned in and squinted. "I know that power very well. You wield pure darkness like demons."

"And yet you radiate life and destruction, like a force of nature," Princess Celestia added.

"Forgive me again fro my rudeness your highnesses, but I didn't have these wings or my magic last time you saw me, and my emotions are still there but very stunted," Gar explained. "I got them from a world I was summoned to not long ago."

"You can travel to other worlds?" Princess Celestia's eyes got wide.

"Let me explain," Gar placed a hand on his chest. "I belong to a group of interdimensional beings scattered throughout the omniverse called Dimensionally Misplaced, or Displaced as we call ourselves. We create items that are called tokens that we send out with an attached saying briefly describing ourselves. When another Displaced finds the token we can then be summoned to that Displaced's world, with it usually being another Equestria."

"So you acquired these wings and you magic from this other Equestria?" Princess Luna tilted her head.

"I got them from the Displaced that summoned me, my friend Lion sin of Pride Zeldris," Gar kept up his cold tone. "There he gifted me by awakening my Personal magic 'Transpork'," All a eyebrows went up at this name. "A magic that allows met o gain the skills and abilities and form of whatever I eat with magic power, though only temporarily. I then began to feast on demons of low level and then high-level demon and my body permanently adapted to the power and I ascended to become part-demon," The princesses were taken aback. "After this, I was gifted the Basquias," He motioned to his thorn necklace that transformed into its spear from. "And help the ponies of this world. Finally, before I left I gained my wings fully earning the title of Fairy King."

The princesses all looked at the smiling monster in front of them with mouths agape. Then they turned to each other and then looked back to Gar.

"How can you claim a title like that? There hasn't been a fairy king in a very long time here," Princess Luna scoffed a little annoyed with the self-proclaimed king. "Not since before my birth at least."

"I do not claim to be a king at all," Gar shook his head. "I am merely Gar and was granted the Title by my friend who gifted my the King's Spear and the magical Power of 'Disaster'."

"Can you prove this title?" Princess Celestia crossed her arms.

"I can only do so by saying the forest in which I reside seems to be very accepting of my presence, as if I were one with nature itself," Gar said in a slightly warm voice. "Animals do not fear me upon approach and actually come to me. The and the plants and fauna speak with me in subtle ways in which I fully understand."

Princess Celestia looked at her beloved Philomena. "It would explain why Philomena was so attached to you. We will have to further discuss this at a later date with you in order to further test and verify what you say is true. I'm sure you understand."

"As long as it doesn't involve the unnecessary harm or others or wrongdoings to nature," Gar nodded.

"Yes, well, we must properly thank you for what you've done for us and our ponies," Princess Cadance put the conversation back on its proper course.

"Yes, we have all discussed this at length with each other and we would like to make you an offer," Princess Luna backed her niece. "We wish to make you a lord and Knight of both the Crystal Empire and Equestria."

"Do you object?" Princess Celestia looked to Gar.

Gar summoned his spear to his hand and canceled his hovering knelt on the ground slightly embedding his spear's tip in the floor. "I find this to be an acceptable form of compensation but before I accept I must ask what does this entail?"

"As a knight, you while automatically become an Equestrian and be granted the title of Sir and lord. You will gain access to certain things like your access to your own land to do with what you will. You will be a noble and aloud here anytime you wish and may see us whenever you feel it necessary," Princess Celestia explained. "You will also be called to defend either the Empire or Equestria on certain matters, being diplomatic or facing an enemy or to fight in times of war."

"Will you accept?" They awaited with bated breath.

Just as Gar was about to answer when a pony, a unicorn stallion, stomped into the throne room. He was tallish, roughly around Princess Cadance's height perhaps a tad short. His mane and tail were a golden blonde with his mane being pulled into a ponytail, He had royal blue eyes and was wearing a white military-style uniform with gold trim and ornamentations with a blue and gold trim oriented coat that he wore draped from his left shoulder. On the coat was a compass with two crossed sabers above it on the back and on his hip was a heavy saber.

The stallion came up and eyed Gar's friends and gave Gar a slight sneer upon his approach to the throne. He then kneeled in front of the princesses. "My dear Aunts and Dear cousin," He addresses the royalty with respect.

"Prince Blueblood," Princess acknowledged the stallion. "What brings you to us today?"

"The guard regiment you sent out to retrieve the prisoners with this... creature have returned and reported the were met with hostilities from him," Prince Blueblood explained.

Princess Cadance looked from Gar to her cousin. "Are they alright?"

"Other than smelling like the just came from a literal shit-filled barrel the appeared unharmed," Prince Blueblood explained in disgust. "One of them... came in without this helmet."

"What happened to him and it?" Princess Celestia said in a stern tone.

"He was fine upon a scan spell," Prince Blue blood went on. "And as for his helmet, it was crushed into a ball by this creature," he pointed at Gar in irritation. "I have all of the others to back up this statement. And you can ask the Element Bearers and the zebra."

"Gar is this true?" Princess Luna looked at the smiling monster.

"They were informed to back off and even ordered to do by Princess Twilight," Gar explained in his flat tone. "They were informed that I would be more than enough to keep Tempest 'inline' as it were. They then kindly disobeyed her for you two and went about trying to arrest my friends, to which I STEPPED in and proceeded to make an explanation of the aforementioned helmet."

"No pony was... was physically hurt, other than their pride of course," Twilight stepped up.

"I consider being forced to march all the way back to the barracks here form the train station in their own filth more than just hurt pride princess," Prince Blueblood shot back.

"Please elaborate," Luna raised an eyebrow.

"Gar literally scared them so bad the shit their pants," Rainbow came right out with a laugh. "OW! What was that for?"

She glared at Applejack who had cold-cocked the prismatic pegasus. "For not knowin how to be a little more 'delicate' with your words."

"We can't let this creature just insult the guard and you two like this," Prince Blueblood shot to his hooves and walked over to Gar who was still knelt down but was eye level with the unicorn. "He must be punished for his crime."

"Other than a single damaged helmet, there doesn't seem to be anything we can charge him with," Princess Cadance interrupted. "The guards were ordered to stand down and didn't Twilight hold just as much authority as we do and yet the guards disobeyed her."

"Be that as it may he has still been harboring war criminals," Blueblood looked to Tempest and Grubber with a scowl. "I demand he been arrested on charges for harboring fugitives."

"Then you must arrest me too, as I welcomed them into my home too," Zecora stepped forward.

"That will not be necessary," Princess Celestia cut in. "We knew they were with you two the time."

"We were there when Gar was unloaded still a statue if you will recall," Luna reminded everypony.

"As for the guards, they were doing as ordered but then disobeyed those orders,"Princess Celestia sighed and looked at Grubber and Tempest. Her eyes grew wide as she noticed the metallic horn on Tempest's forehead. "We simply wished to speak with the two of you. As for the guards,” The princesses’ attention was back on Prince Blueblood. "I believe they have had enough punishment for disobeying a princess. As for Gar, we can overlook a crushed helmet. You were merely protecting your friends as you saw fit, and at the end of the day no pony was hurt beyond their pride." She looked to her sister and nieces who nodded in agreement and looked at Gar with a warming smile to everypony's delight and relief, but Blueblood's disgust and outrage.

"Thank you your highnesses," Gar bowed his head. "Now I will depart." He rose to his feet and Blueblood looked on in awe as Gar now towered over the stallion, he even taller than Princess Celestia in his true form.

"Wait," Princess Luna stopped the demonic Fairy King. "We still haven't heard your response to our offer."

"I do what I do because it is what I want to do and because it is was I think is right your highnesses," Gar kept up his monotone. "I am sorry but I must decline as I will not be at your beck and call to save this land. I merely do what I do because it is my choice. I saved Twilight and her friends originally because they were Zecora's friends and not mine as I had only just met them moments before the attack on your city." the other looked down a little disheartened. "But I also thought they were these lands only hope. As we traveled I still considered them little more than acquaintances until Twilight and everypony called me their friend."

"Is that why you continue to risk your life for them time and again. Even go so far as to look after them and spur them on even when Twilight thought there was nothing for them?" Princess Celestia asked looked sternly at him.

"I thought it was the duty of friends to stand and protect each other in if they had the power to do so and to stand by each other and support when times are hard," Gar explained as he looked at the rulers.

Even though his voice wasn't emotional she saw it in his eyes, he was being sincere, "You may not be of Equestria but you have had many friendships and experienced a great loss in your life haven't you?" Princess Celestia looked to Princess Luna.

"Before I become what I AM now, that is all very true," Gar continued. "I had many friends and was very outgoing in life. I studied the stars and hope to one day become an astronomer. " This caught Luna's attention. "Though my body has changed my aspiration has not. I have been up many nights here studying the night sky of this land and find it much more appealing to watch than the constellation of my homeworld."

"You studied the stars, that is most surprising," Princess Celestia said in shock. "I am sorry to press but you agreed with me when I mentioned you've known loss?"

"In a sense very similar to your situation princesses," Gar began to enlighten them while Blueblood seethed with anger. "I lost my oldest brother nearly ten years ago. He was ousted from our family by our parents and disappeared. He was pronounced dead though his body was never found and my second brother always said our older brother was still alive. I made peace with his supposed death."

"Supposed?" Twilight looked on in confusion.

"Yes, some months before my own appearance here my second older brother went missing too." Gar confirmed. "My first brother went missing in the early days of the Displaced so it was written of bey me as nothing. Then my second brother went missing in a similar manner to others. Had I BEEN MORE involved with their lifestyles I WOULD'VE put it together long ago. Upon my arrival I the land I received a letter from my brothers explaining a bit of what the Displaced are and what we do."

"I'm sorry that you were forced here," Twilight came up and placed a hand on Gar's back. "Sorry you can't see your family either," she looked at Cadence.

Gar placed a large hand on her head and patted it to everyone's surprise. "It's okay. From what they've told me in the letter they're both very happy in their new lives. I can guess my oldest brother at least has a family by now. I didn't think to ask him when I met him in the other world."

"Ya met up with him?" Applejack asked. "But Ah thought ya were the one who was summoned away? How'd ya see him?"

"He simply showed up and had a spat with the Displaced that summoned me then left on his own," Gar said with a bit of confusion in his voice.

"If he has been gone ten years then it would’ve allowed him to amass some powers in a similar manner to the way you have," Princess Celestia rubbed her chin.

"The flow of time may be different in the other worlds too," Twilight added curiously looking at Gar who shrugged.

"So there's no telling how powerful he is, or how powerful you could become," Blueblood cut in and pulled out his blade and pointed it at Gar, who reflexively guarded Twilight with his arm as the blade dug into his thick arm. A trickle of blood ran down and dripped onto the floor. "You're a threat and a disaster waiting to happen! Step away from her, now!"

"Captain of the guard stand down now!" Princess Luna shot to her feet.

"We can't take any chances, look how he took Princess Twilight hostage," Blueblood glared at Gar.

"Hostage," Princess Cadance said in disbelief as she was too on her feet, along with Princess Celestia. With her wings flared she continued, "You and I have must very different definitions as to what a hostage is, dear cousin. That is not a hostage stance he's taken but a protective one. Had he not thrown up his arm you would've hit Twilight in the shoulder with your sword."

"Blue," Celestia called out calmly. "Take a look in front of you."

Blueblood looked to see the first sign of emotion that Gar had ever shown him and it was one of anger. Gar's brow line was bent down and twitched ever so slightly. The jaws on the monster's face were ever so slightly open as it glared at him, Blueblood could hear a slight hissing noise coming from Gar. He then looked to his sword and it would have indeed pierced Twilight's shoulder had Gar not stopped the sword or thrown her from harm’s way, but rather than risk any injury to her at all he took the blade and used both his arms to shield the youngest Princess.

"If you had escalated he wouldn't have hesitated to end your life dear nephew," Princess Luna walked and motioned upward with her head. Blueblood looked to see two bladed tendrils coming from Gar's back aimed straight at him and the Prince took a hard gulp.

"Let this be a lesson to you Prince Blood," Came the voice of Tempest. "He doesn't hesitate to kill, at all. I would be dead if not save from him by Grubber here," She placed a hand on the little man's shoulder.

"Yea, same here kinda," Grubber lifted his shirt to reveal a massive spiral over most of the left half of his body. "I owe the big guy quite a bit. He was such a bad guy he wouldn't have felt bad for Tempy and saved me."

"The point is if he wanted you dead you be dead," Tempest warned.

"Thanks for saving me again," Twilight looked up to him slightly.

"Gar," one of Gar's eyes shifted to Princess Celestia who'd come down from her throne and had her hands up. "He won't do anything else okay," she looked to her nephew who released his grip on the sword still embedded in Gar's arms while he kept hissing at the Prince. Blueblood slowly backed away with the tendrils still pointed at him.

Gar released Twilight from his hold and let her go to her friends while Zecora, Tempest, and Grubber rushed to Gar's side to look over his wound. Gar pulled the sword arm himself with the wound healing instantly to the princesses’ shock. He walked over to Blueblood who was sitting on the steps of the thrones.

"I am sorry but I acted on instinct," Gar gave the sword back to its owner. "I am not without emotion, they are there but severely suppressed. I have recently begun to get the urge to protect, especially my friends and children to the point I go into a berserk state if I see them severely harmed. I do understand your worry to protect this land but know that I WILL NOT HARM ITS PEOPLE."

"Will you at least consider accepting the Knight title?" Luna looked at Gar. "You would be a great asset in helping protect the land."

"I will as long as I am not put out in battle as a first resort," Gar looked at the princesses and the nodded. "It is mostly for the reason to prevent of unnecessary deaths."

"We understand," Princess Celestia nodded.

"Gar, when you protected Twilight just now," Princess Cadance looked to her sister-in-law. "Why didn't you just push her out of the way?"

"Because I am much stronger than any pony and would have seriously hurt the young princess in doing so when acting on instinct," Gar looked at Twilight. "I took the most logical choice in order to make sure she remained safe."

"Mhmm..." Princess Cadance smirked. The royal pony sisters knew the look on the third princess's face and giggle while Gar merely raised an eyebrow.

"There are a few more details to iron out in your new title but they can wait," Princess Celestia said with a warm tone. "You'll have to remain in Canterlot for a few days while they're addressed and then we can get to you knight."

"Yes, is there anything we can do while we wait in that time?" Luna asked.

"Yes, I am not one for fighting. I rely on instinct on plans made in the heat of battle," Gar looked at the royals. " I am also inexperienced in the use of my magic powers and the use of my spear. If you would be willing to teach me I would be most grateful."

"I do't see why we can't," Celestia giggled.

"Perhaps you best stick with more powerful opponents anyhow," Luna looked to Blueblood.

"If you allow me to monitor you I WILL TRAIN YOU," Blueblood got to his feet. "It will allow both of us to get some semblance of each others'... mindset. But I still don't like the fact something like you with your type of destructive potential and ability to grow even stronger is wandering around this world."

"I agree," Gar nodded in approval.

"This will also allow you to wander the city and get to know a few of its in inhabitants," Princess Celestia added. "So lunch?"

Everypony sat at the dining hall table as the watched Gar easily polish off a ten coarse meal that could've fed ten large stallions, tops. All but Zecora, Tempest, and Grubber sat with the mouths on the table while Pinkie cheered him on in a cheerleader outfit. Gar soon let out a very satisfied sigh of relief.

"I swear I never saw him eat that much when we traveled," Twilight whispered to the other princesses.

"I don't what's more shocking," Luna said for all to hear. "The fact that he easily ate three times a ponies weight in food or the fact that he did so with ease, finis, and most of all manners. All with a party planner cheerleader. Where'd she even get that outfit?" She looked around but no one answered.

"Gar requires a proper meal to maintain his body," Zecora explained. "Due to his quick-shifting his body metabolizes a lot of energy very fast and he requires him to eat a large meal preferably mainly red meats, especially if it has been a while and due to his large size he requires a bit of sleep as well.

"But we hardly saw you eat when we were traveling," Twilight contradicted the shaman.

"Because I did not really need to at the time as sleeping and my small zebra from kept my metabolism down enough to where I could rely on smaller meals that were available to me at the time," Gar explained.

"So that's why you stuffed your face whenever we had food," Rainbow grinned at her 'ah-ha' moment.

"Yes," Gar reply. "It is also why Captain Celeano's ship no longer had any rats," everyone gagged at that comment. "Now," he looked at Prince Blueblood. “Is there somewhere we can go for sparring? And I do not intend and 'pulling any punches' as it were. I have a few things I need to confirm I can do."

"Why not the underground arena?" Princess Luna suggested. "It is out of sight of the public, much sturdier than the colosseum, and has better reinforcement wards and spells"

"I agree," Princess Celestia nodded, "for many of the same reasons. No offense Gar but we don't exactly know how much magical power you have access too and your physical strength is already far above that of any known earth pony, guard, or other whys."

"No offense was taken Princess," Gar said monotonously. "You were merely stating facts as not even I know how much magical power I have. The things I can do with my fairy magic are very wide from what knowledge I have of them and the same can be said for my demon magic. More still are my own biology. I found that I have certain powers that manifested under certain conditions."

"And in order to know what triggers these abilities you need to recreate those conditions," Twilight placed her thumb and pointer finger under her chain.

"Yes but to do say I need to fight somepony that won't hesitate to fight me," Gar turned to Princes Blueblood. "Some who views me as a potential threat, and would stop at nothing to bring my down should I EVER turn on the ponies."

"I understand why you chose me," Prince Blueblood set his wine glass down and the group left the dining hall. "Know that you're line of thinking about me is spot on. I know you protect Twilight but in my eyes, you are an even bigger threat to this land than the Storm King was. I'm grateful to you for what you did but I will kill you and I THOROUGHLY intend on trying my hard even if its just a sparring match too help you learn control."

"My older brother once told me 'you should go into any fight with the intent to kill your opponent, as if you know you won't walk away alive'.' Gar looked at everyone.

"He sounds like he was well versed in the art of fighting one on one matches," Princess Cadance tilted her head.

Gar nodded. "He does."

"The older brothers you mentioned. Which one is is this time?" Princess Celestia looked on curiously.

"My second brother." Gar shed some light on the details. "He studied many forms of martial arts and techniques while wondering a continent for a few years before our eldest disappearance and some time after. It was all to further his career but I think he took more from his masters than he realized."

"Was he strong for you whatever you are?" Rainbow asked with baited breathe.

"They're called humans, we are closely related to apes but with smaller facial features and much less hair," Gar explained. "And yes Rainbow, he was incredibly strong for one of our race, though he never admitted it and he always thought hoers were stronger. He mastered several basic martial arts to the point he perfected them, but never went above the rank of black belt in many that had a class system."

"Ah wonder what he's like?" Applejack ponder and comes up with a muscle-bound meathead. "Ah, never mind."

"Contrary to whatever image you have in your head right now, Joseph was a very honorable and kind man," Gar said as the group walked through the halls. "Taller then Allen but still shorter than me. He did have a bit of a build but nothing beyond average. He was a great actor though he never pursued more than secondary roles or stunt positions. He had numerous skills he picked up to allow him to become a better actor. He also likes wood crafts, which was what made him stand out amongst the three of us."

"Sound s lame," Rainbow Dash cut in. "I'd rather taken him on in a fight."

"He would finish you in a few minutes," Gar said abruptly.

"No way he's that good?" Rainbow shrugged.

"He was, and like I said Rainbow, he took every fight as if his life was on the line," Gar said as the Princesses lead them to a large set of doors.

"This is your entrance, Blue's is on the other side," Princess Celestia said. No pony had noticed the Prince slip away.

"Shall we?" Princess Luna gestured to another door for the others. "Give us a show will you?"

"Yes," Gar said as he turned towards his doors, as he felt a slight twinge of excitement. "Let's go." He pushed open the doors and walked in.

Royal Confrontations

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The underground arena of Canterlot, one of the most well known but most private arena's in the entire land due to the fact it was under the very mountain on which the city of Canterlot was built into the side of. Second, you have the fact it was used for more for training guards with particularly high skill output in many fields and to put said guards through a harsh training that most ponies would consider completely unethical. Third, was that it was specially enchanted by the princesses themselves as they often used it to spar in order to stay in form as well. It was safe to say this place was made to take punishment in or dish it out just as much.

Twilight's and company flowed the princesses up to the view box of the underground arena. The doors of the arena opened on each end revealing the opponents.

Gar entered the arena from the north entrance and had his Spirit Spear Basquias in its first configuration floating at his side. He was giving off waves of bloodlust and murderous intent that would make those with weaker spirits hit the floor and void their bowels.

From the south entrance entered Captain of the Guard and nephew to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Prince Vladimir Blueblood. Though the Prince was known in many social circles as a 'pompous-ass' he was actually a very selfless and very protective individual, especially of his family and his land. He has a very ample magic supply and he has the skill to use it, receiving lessons from numerous tutors and his aunts included. Blueblood not only has great magic power but the physical strength to back it up that is on par with high-grade earth ponies up there with the likes of Applejack. He is a well-renowned duelist and master of many forms of Sword Techniques and forms that he combines to form his own unique style. His weapon of preference was his personally designed can custom made heavy saber. He needed a weapon that was comfortable and fit his dueling style but could also withstand his strength. The saber was enchanted with reinforcement spells and made from a combination of black diamond and thrill silver,. Making the weapon extremely durable and razor-sharp but also extremely heavy.

Spectator's Box

"We are here to witness the duel between Captain of the Guard Prince Blueblood and-" Celestia started to call but realized that Gar had no titles other than his self proclaimed Fairy King and Smiling Monster. "And Gar the smiling King of The Everfree Forest! Are the combatants ready?!" She looked to Blueblood who nodded 'yes' and then to Gar who confirmed by doing the same. "Then let the duel begin!" Celestia threw up a hand and then sat down.

"You don't think Gar and Blueblood will actually try and kill each other, do you, princess?" Twilight asked her former mentor in a concerning manner.

"I don't think they will but I can also say that Gar and Blue will most certainly give it their all and try," Luna stepped in as she looked to the younger alicorn out of the corner of her eye. "The more important question is what will you do with Gar when this is all said and done and he's been granted his title and land, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Me?" Twilight looked around to the other three princesses in shock.

"What does Twi have to do with Gar getting a title?" Rainbow Dash cut in.

"Gar lives in the Everfree and has for almost three months now," Celestia explained. "The forest technically falls under Twilight's jurisdiction as it is when in her domain making Gar one of her subjects and her responsibility. He will be knighted for the Crystal Empire and Equestria as a whole but he still has to answer to somepony under which he lives and I can think of no pony better than Twilight for this."

"He's already turned us down once, I thought he Would remain adamant about his choice but I was wrong," Luna sighed. "He is an odd being and has told us the truth and earned a degree of our trust for what he's done so far so we told him the truth. It is a sort of leash as from what we've seen from the earlier attack on the city and today he is more than willing to hurt those he deems necessary but will protect those he cares for. He himself has said he is not totally without emotion, but also said he is prone to emotional outbursts and that is a risk we can not afford to overlook now."

"I agree with my aunties Twi," Cadance stepped in. "He is... rather attached to you from what I've seen, even taking harm. His location was ideal and his attachment to you makes it all the more you should be the one he answers to."

"Hmmm..." Twilight bit her lip.

"They make very valid points darling," Rarity spoke up.

"Gar's a good guy, even if he looks like a monster, but I gotta side with the princesses Twi," Rainbow nodded. "He'll lesson to you."

"Ah don't like that you're usin Twi to keep Gar in check," Applejack scowled. "But he can be dangerous if left unchecked. Ah'd hate to see that one pony who'd pushes him over that one time and then he'd tear'um ta shreds for a bad comment."

"Gar is EXTREMELY intelligent, there's no doubt he's already figured out why you wanted to give him the title in the first place," Tempest started to say. "I know from PERSONAL experience that killing someone doesn't really phase him but at the same time he can also sympathize with a creature he tried to kill's pain."

"The guy could've let me bleed out and killed Tempy easy," Grubber again revealed the massive scar the was pretty much the entire lower left side of his body. "But he decides to do what he could to save me, and spared Tempy."

"As we said, he isn't without emotion but severally inhibited," Celestia sighed. "But it's reassuring he can show remorse like that, even to enemies. But it still stands, will you take him on as a knight?"

Twilight let out a careful sigh. "I will, I mean I REALLY don't have much of a choice at this point, I just hope he'll agree." She looked down at the field and noticed that neither Gar nor Blueblood had moved. "What in Faust's name are they doing"

"Sizing each other up and planning before making a move," Luna gave an excited smirk knowing this would be a good fight.

Down on the Field

Gar and Blueblood continued to stay still until... WHIZZ!

Gar sent the Basquias with the flick of one of his fingers. The spear lunged and repeatedly jabbed at the Prince Captain as gar moves his hand side to side, back and forth, up and down in random patterns. Blueblood did his best to stay out of the spear's reach, all with a smile on his face.

"Your pretty good with that spear, I don't know anypony with that much precision and control," Blue blood said as he knocked the spear up and then kick it away. "But it doesn't do much good if you fight with it long enough for an opponent to figure out your patterns!"

He looked at Gar, but the monster had vanished from where'd he'd been. Looking around frantically, Blueblood then since the bloodlust and quickly spun around to be struck with a massive fist. The Prince instinctively brought his sword up putting it between him and Gar's fist. Blocking the blow with the flat of the blade in order to prevent him from being cut in two with his own weapon. He cast a quick fortification spell, tighten his muscle, and dug his hooves in the ground as the hit connected. The prince was sent across the arena but still on his hooves, leaving two small trenches in his wake.

'He's much faster than he looks, especially for having such a large body,' Blueblood though as he saw Gar and the Basquias float to his side. 'I don't want to show my hand just yet but I may not have a choice. That last punch would put me in the wall if I hadn't acted quickly.'

Gar started to step forward slightly then vanished again but Blueblood was ready this time around and threw up his shield. Gar's fist collides with a silver shield that was set to appear on Blue's right side, and as it did Blueblood struck back. As Gar was stumbling back Blue rushed forward with an upward slash the cut of Gar's arm like a razor cuts hair.

"Raaaa..." Gar roared in mock pain.

Blueblood smirked and ready to strike while Gar was off balance but what he didn't pay attention to was Gar's severed arm on the ground start to morph. Gar staggered back and held his shoulder and Blue steadily approached then he notices that Gar eyes were squinted slightly and he noticed a slight chuckle.

Suddenly Blue was sent flying in the side of the stadium. He hit his knees and coughed up blood on the ground then shakily got to his hooves and was shocked by what he saw. There were now two Gar's though the second was much smaller than the first, roughly a bit taller than he was. That's when he realized there was no arm on the ground.

"I see," He let out a pained chuckle. "So you can split your body apart, though it diminishes your size." Blue looked at the smaller Gar, ' But at the same time it significantly boost his speed at the same time'. Blueblood wiped the blood from his mouth then reached down with his left hand under his cape and pulled out a second Heavy saber. "Congratulations Gar you had me show my trump."

The Basquias flew to the smaller Gar while the original shrank down and grew a new arm in place of the missing one. The smaller one easily spun the massive spear around its body as if it weighed nothing. The Larger Gar's arms split in the several bladed tendrils.

"This could be and issue," Blue smirked as his eyes went from one to the other.

The smaller Gar burst forward and launched a fury of thrusts with the spear while the large Gar's tendrils shot out and started to whip and flail about heavily restricting Blue blood's movements. Blue did the best he could to dodge once more but with facing so many different weapons assaulting and restricting him, it was extremely hard.

'I've got to get closer to the larger one, he is the main body!' Blue thought as he tightens his grip on his blades. "Combo Martial Arts: Greater Evasion, Wind Stride,!" Too much of Gar's surprise Blue had boosted himself to the point he was evading Gar's and had made it to right in front of the monster. Blue crouched down then glared upward ever so slightly with a smirk. "Combo Martial Arts: Four-Fold Slash of Light, Upward Slash!" His blades light up with a bright yellow light as Blue slashed Gar's arm tendrils off on either side of the giant's body causing him to stumble back and take a knee.

The smaller Gar came at Blue from behind with the Basquias, "Martial Art: Iron Skin!" He yelled quickly and was enveloped in a red aura. The tip of the spear connected but it and the wielder were forced back.

"Damn.. that was close," Blueblood huffed. "You're a sneaky bastard I'll give you that much. You may not have much fighting experience but you sure know how to wield the spear and how to us a battlefield to your advantage."

"That is high praise from a Captain," Gar huffed as his body reassembled itself and the smaller Gar returned to the main one increasing his size to is maximum once more. "Basquias Form Five: Yggadra Armor," The Spear wrapped itself around its master and shifted into a golden heavy army with a massive set of claws.

"This is unexpected," Blueblood said shocked at the Fairy King's armored form. "I knew that spear could change forms but I never thought that it could change into a suit of heavy armor like that. It looks like it has great offensive power to, but only if you can move those huge claws!"

Blue shot forward expecting Gar's moves to be hinder but, they weren't. Gar held up a giant armor claw and blocked Blue 's slash easily and then flung the stallion back. Blue looked up in shock and Gar took full advantage, swiftly getting in Blue's face. Gar brought a massive armored claw down, as did Blueblood activated his Martial Arts just in time to dodge the swipe and it connected with the earth causing a slight tremor and a rather large impact crater to form.

Blue huffed harshly from the strain of back to back uses of his skills, 'This is bad... I can't keep up with his natural strength and speed. Even though that armor has slowed him down quite a bit he's... still fast enough to close the gap between us and his monsters strength makes move in the suit very ease. My skills put to much strain on my body with the combos as is but the constant us is even worse. He noticed Gar was actually huffing to and he smirked slightly. "It looks as if I'm not the only stallion feeling a bit winded... hehe."

"Indeed, the constant shifts and separation and fusion of my body takes its toll. You are pushing my to use my spear and it uses my mana up with each shift, not to mention the body split id very straining on my psyche," Gar said as he jumped back. "I am at my limit so I will put everything into my last attack," He explained to Blue's shock as the armor dispelled back into a spear.

Gar held out his right arm as his body shrank down considerably while his arm grew to dwarf its barrier. The arms then partially morphed into a spiral cone, like a drill, while the rest of the was nothing but muscle fibers. Gar then twist his arm to everypony's shock until it couldn't twist anymore. The arm was twitching ever so slightly as Gar pointed it at directly at the prince Captain.

Gar's jumped into the air above Blueblood and his right drill arm started to spin. He targeted Blue with a look meant for prey with a genuine smirk, not the one he wore every other minute.

Gar aimed his now rapidly spinning arm and called out, "GIGA DRILL BREAKER!" He shouts as he launched the bulk of his body forward.

Blueblood's vision narrows and he acted on instinct, "Martial Arts; ABILITY BOOST, GREATER ABILITY BOOST, LIMIT BREAKER, GREATER EVASION, STRIDE OF WIND, CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT, HEAVY SLASH!" Blueblood roared as his body let up with multiple colors and he rushed Gar barley evade the drill as it barreled down on him tearing through his cape in the process.

The drill kicked up a massive cloud of dust block everypony's view up in the spectators' box.

"We need to get down," Tempest said out of worry and looked to Zecora who nodded in agreement.

"We'll have to hurry through the corridors," Luna added. "Due to the barrier spells, we can't teleport in."

"Hurry, everpony this way,"Celestia ushered the group out.

The group made their way down into the arena's west gate as it was the closest on to them. The came out but still couldn't make anything out due to the massive dust cloud.

"Everypony spread out and look for them, call out," Twilight order the others.

"Gar, where are?" Zecora shouted

"Blue speak up," Celestia called for her nephew. "I do hop that neither of them hurt each other to much."

Between the Royals, the Elements, Zecora, Tempest and Grubber they still didn't find the combatants, at least until the dust settled enough that is. The came across a sight to be hold. Gar held Blueblood above him in his grip of tendrils from his left arm just out of reach of he body with a blade at his throat. The Basquias was laying tip in the ground not for from it wielder. Blueblood, even though he'd obviously lost, had manged to throw on of his swords into Gar's shoulder.

"I must say, that was a was the most enjoyable fight I've ever had," Blue chuckled as blood dripped from the spot of his throat where Gar had his bladed tendril. "You are indeed a worth fighter. Unorthodoxed but a great fighter nonetheless. I concede."

"You are a worthy fighter yourself and I would like to continue fighting in the future," Gar let Blue down. Suddenly the massive drill moved and turned in a large Gar and joined the others then fused with the smaller Gar. "I am tired." looked to the others who looked on in shock.

"Ah yes," Celestia cleared her throat. "Shall we go and get out of this place."

"Indeed," Gar agreed.

Meanwhile in another place of light

"That was an enjoyable fight was it not sister," Came an angelic voice.

"Indeed sister, for the descendants of demons that is," Came a rougher feminine voice. "To think that our race has been reduced to inhabiting objects and taking the bodies of these lesser creatures is.... deplorable!" She growled in outrage.

"And to see that our own descendants are reduced to but five, while two of then are on ascend form the lower class," The first voice sighed. "How they have fallen. I do wish we could do something."

"It will be hard, much harder now that we have a high level demon to deal with," The grougher voice scoffed. "And he is a fairy king no less. How far will those vermin reach."

"Calm yourself sister, we must plan," The first voice said ominously,

The Butler and the Doctor

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After the fight everypony headed back into the foyer once they came up from the arena. Along the way, the princesses had explained to Gar that they said he'd get, Twilight offered him the Everfree Forest as no pony regularly goes in it outside of the elements and a few others for certain plants. Due to the dangerous plants and fauna as well as the uncontrollable weather patterns, the land couldn't be developed anyways. He was already living there and was able to survive fairly easily, and if the Fairy King's title held, then the forest would listen to him.

"Are these terms acceptable to you, sir Gar?" Princess Celestia asked nervously.

"Very much so," Gar nodded as he returned to his Zebra form. "But, I have a request, specifically for you, Princess Luna."

"I will make it so if it is in my power," The Princess of the Night stepped up.

"I wish to use your observatory from time to time," Gar humbly bowed to the sock of everypony there. "Even though I do not know your skies, I would very much like to. Perhaps my skills as an astronomy major can still be put to use mapping the constellation of your night sky."

Princess Luna blushed heavily at his request as no pony had ever requested to study her night sky, let alone try and map out the images she saw in them. Though everypony thought she’d created the stars, she didn't, but she did help them shine down on the ponies at night, so they could be seen more clearly in the hopes that her subjects would also love the but of the sky.

Luna's bush only grew more at the way Gar had praised the stars, "A-ah... I see n-no harm in-n letting y-y-you use it f-from t-time to time Gar," She took a deep breath and calmed herself, steadying her speech, though her face remained thoroughly flushed. "I just hope you won't mind my company some time, it is my observatory after all."

"Not at all highness," Gar said as he returned to his monotone demeanor. "Now, I must rest. Is there a garden here? I feel as though I need to be surrounded by nature."

"I'll show you the way... that is if you don't mind," Fluttershy hovered in front of the mock zebra.

"You are more than acceptable, Fluttershy," Gar remarked flatly. "Lead the way, please."

Gar followed Fluttershy out to the gardens, where she began to introduce him to the animals. It didn't take long before Philomena joined in the fun, taking up a spot of the Fairy King's shoulder. He was right at home amongst the wildlife of the castle gardens and spent the rest of the day into the night there.

"Gar, it's getting kinda late," Fluttershy said in a soft sweet tone.

"Indeed it is," He looked up and saw the stars come out, "Magnificent. The nigh's here really do put the ones of my homeworld to shame."

"Would you mind telling me about your home," Fluttershy sat down next to the mock zebra. "What were the animals like there?"

"Much like the ones of this world, many of the same species, but we didn't have hydras, cockatrices, and many of the other magical creatures that you ponies have here. Most of the creatures here I refer to as magical are myths in my homeworld," Gar looked to the mare who was starry-eyed.

"It must be a wonderful place to live," Fluttershy smiled.

"In many places it was, but in many, it wasn't as well," Gar deadpanned. "The human race like ponies has its flaws, but I would say they are worse than ponies. Caught up in our negativity always at war with one another. Most not even realizing that we have so much in common but that it is our differences that connect us and could make us better as a whole. We are so against one another that instead of trying to understand one another that we'd rather just outright destroy it altogether."

"That's horrible," Fluttershy places her hands over her muzzle.

Gar took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes, humans are horrible creatures, but there are those amongst us that try to help and better others. My oldest brother was like that in many ways. Though he still was selfish in others. But he managed to balance his life. He helped others but also took time to pursue his selfishness, even using that selfishness to help others in ways."

"You loved your older brother, didn't you," She looked at him as he enjoyed the sky.

"I love both my brothers," He said outright. "I wish I could have been like them at times, but at the same time, I'm glad I'm not BECAUSE I wouldn't be me if I HAD been like them."

"You... the way you think is nice," Fluttershy shivered slightly. Out of nowhere the Baquias wrapped around her in the Emerald -Octo form. She didn't even flinch or shake. "Why did you..."

"You shivered from the cold, and the Octo will keep you warm while you remain out here," Gar stated. "And I thank you for your comment."

They stay outside for hours simply watching the stars until Fluttershy dozes off and gently falls against Gar. Most of the animals had already returned to their dens, and only a few of the nocturnals remained. Philomena had returned to her roost in Celestia's bedroom hours earlier. Gar decided it would be best for Fluttershy to sleep indoor to keep her from catching a cold, so he got up and walked into the castle.

Meanwhile, Princess Luna had just finished the last of her meetings and wrapped up Night Court and was heading down the hallway going through some paperwork. She was on her way to her room so she could see to her dream duties but wanted to stop in the kitchen for some hot cocoa on this brisk night. That and she anted a raspberry tart. Celestia loved her cakes a no pony touched them, but those only bold enough to know they could get away with, but no pony missed with the moon princess's tarts.

Luna soon came upon Gar in the hallway on the way to her room, and the poor creature was looking from side to side as he scratched his main. She then notices the mass of vine floating next to him and heard soft snoring from the bundle. Raising an eyebrow, she walked closer, and to her confusion, she saw Fluttershy snoring comfortably in the vine ball with a soft smile on her face.

"Ah... Sir Gar?" Luna said getting his attention

"Good evening Princess Luna," Gar turned around as he hovered over the ground.

"Call me Luna, you've more than earned that. Is there something I can help you with?" Luna asked curiously as to why Fluttershy was in his vine bundle. "And my I inquire as to why you have Ms. Fluttershy in your... spear vines?"

"I was originally using them to keep her warm outside. I didn't want her to get sick from the cool night air," Gar explained. "We were outside for some time, and she fell asleep. Again not wanting her to take ill, I brought her inside to put her to bed but soon got lost as I've never taken a tour of the castle."

"Ah, and the vines were already around her, and you didn't want to disturb the young one," Luna looked to the snoring pegasus. 'That looks like it would be quite comfortable. "Shall I show you to her room, and would you join me for some hot chocolate afterward?"

"Lead the way, your majesty," Gar did a humble bow and followed the lunar diarch.

In the sky, a flash of light and a figure came falling to the ground. Black in the body, he was just about 2 meters or 7 feet. His head was pale; almost egg white, no nose, mouth, eye, or ears, only a vague imprint of where his face should be. If anyone has seen or heard a description of the Slenderman, the falling figure was a reasonable replica. As he fell, tendrils spread out, forming web-like wings guiding his fall. “DISCORD IF I DIE I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” It wasn’t enough as he was still falling too fast.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Luna had led Gar to Fluttershy’s room where he gently tucked the sleeping butter-yellow pegasus in using the Baquias. The duo had made their way through the halls of the castle again to Luna’s private observatory.

“You know you’re a lot more in touch with your emotions than you think Sir Gar,” Luna commented as she boiled some water for their hot chocolate.

“How so your highness?” Gar asked flatly as he looked at Luna’s equipment.

“It’s not in the way you speak but in the way you act around others,” Luna smiled. “Like just minutes ago with Fluttershy.”

“I do not understand,” Gar turned around. “I only did what made sense to do. Fluttershy was cold so I provide her with the means to keep her warm, and she fell asleep so I brought to her room where she would sleep better.”

Luna let out a soft giggle and looked at him with a warm smile. “That may be true but not many would try to do it on their own at first and then ask for help. I am only stating what I have observed from you, Sir Gar. You have helped the Elements, Cadence, myself, and my sister greatly in your time here. Our citizens still have the makeshift flag of your face waving in the place they put it during the revolt. Even the nobles that were here refuse the others that weren’t in the city at the time of the invasion to have it taken down. You are a beacon of hope for our ponies.”

“Hmm…” Gar looked out through Luna’s balcony.

“Coco is done,” Luna brought a tray over. “All I‘m saying is keep doing what you’ve been doing and thank you for all you’ve done.”

Gar nodded silently and then perked up as he heard something on the wind as well as smell a new scent, a scent he didn’t recognize and not from this world.

Unable to correct his flight he crashes into the ground, if he was still human he would have a few broken bones. Being a magical constructed being he didn’t have the bones to break. Soon after the wings withdraw reforming into his body and slowly stand up, groaning. “Okay, that's a class crashworthy of Rainbow Dash.” He reaches back and removes a basketball-size robotic spider’s head. Sighing he spots a new dent in the metallic head.

“Alright, thank god there aren’t any hippos around.” He looks around trying to figure out what is going to happen next. Tilting his head up he saw the city of Canterlot, “Well, it’s Equestria. Might as well say hello to the Princesses.” Wings sprout from his back once again, they were webbed much like a Dragon’s or Bat’s all black like the rest of his body. This time he didn’t have the force of freefall to counteract his flight and he went up into the air.

Looking back he spotted Ponyville and Twilight Sparkle’s castle. “Ah, so it’s after Tirek... So either he cast me into the future or this is another version of Equestria.” His flight was wobbly at first but soon he got used to the rhythmic pattern of flapping his wings.

Luna looked over to see the Gar had drunk his coco and walked out onto the balcony. She noticed that Gar’s attention wasn't here but out in the distance in the sky instead of on the stars in the star in the sky.

“Sir Gar,” Luna tried to get him to look at her but he never showed any sign of turning his head. Luna pouted as she puffed out her cheeks.

“I can hear pouting, it's very unbecoming of a princess,” Gar said flatly. “I wasn’t ignoring you Princess but I caught the scent of something strange on the wind. It was brought here from over the top of Ponyville by the wind currents and it's getting stronger.”

“What could it be?” Luna looked out.

“I don’t know but I intend to find out. Basquias First configuration: Basquias,” Gar made a hand sign and his thorn necklace changed into his spear but at a much larger size than the when he’d used it in the underground arena.

This thoroughly shocked Luna, “How did it get so big?”

“I can control the size of my spear by how much magic I put into it but I can only manage two sizes at my current level of control. At this time, I need a ride as my flight skills also in need of a lot of work,” Gar aimed his spear in the direction that he picked the scent from with his hand while changing back into his true form.

Luna flew up and sat behind Gar wrapping her arms around him. “I’m coming too If this is a threat you’ll need help to face it. Especially, how after that fight with Blue left you drained.”

“Very well,” Gar said as they shot off the spear.

The normal sight of humans wasn’t what Hans had. The closest logical explanation was echolocation or using Dungeons and Dragons terms Detect Magic or Mage sight. In a world full of magic night and day was the same. Sure in the Marvel world he was limited magic wasn’t as pronounced as Equestria, but it was there. So seeing the coming bright spotlights of magic coming from the castle wasn’t hard for him to notice.

Being able to fly enough to hover wasn’t in his skill set so he started circling down to the base of the mountain where he once again messed up on the landing and crashed. “Okay, I will never call Rainbow Dash, Crash. Landing is harder than it looks.” Standing up he brushes himself off and retracts his wings.

Then he looks to the incoming figures “No guards, hmm so sure of yourselves Princesses?” With a tilt of his head, he focuses, “That’s not Celestia… wrong color… Luna my dear, who is your companion?”

“I smell him just ahead of us Princess,” Gar said with a bit of curiosity in his voice. Adjusting his eyes to better see at a distance he got a glimpse of what it was that they were going to meet.


‘What is it?” Luna asked as she hung on. “Is it dangerous?”

“It can be,” Gar said flatly. “It appears to be a Displaced and he is a creature of horror stories from my homeworld known as Slender Man, Hopefully he’s friendly. It appears he is waiting on us to get there, I will slow Basquias as best I can and then we jump off and fly to him the rest of the way ourselves.”

“I’ll follow your lead on this Sir Gar,” Luna agreed.

Gar nodded and slowed the giant spear till the wear about two hundred yards out and the duo jumped off the spear and with a flap of their wings started to fly on their power. The spear shrank down but hovered near its master as Gar and Luna flew down and met with the odd creature.

Looking up from the ground to the two figures “Well, given that you haven’t attacked me, Princess Luna, it's safe to assume I’m not on the Equestria of my origin.” He bows “Greetings Princess I am Hans, servant butler to his Royal Majesty Doctor Victor von Doom of Griffonstone.”

He then looked to the much larger Gar. “At first I thought you were Celestia, but the magic I can detect from you is far stronger than both Royal sisters combined. You are also quite… impressive physically. My meta knowledge doesn’t include anything like you. This is also encouraging because I can see that Princess Luna doesn’t see you as a threat. So the Princesses in this reality aren’t specialists.”

Looking back at Princess Luna “I humbly apologize intruding into Equestria territory. The Discord of my reality decided to remove me from his meddling and I ended up in your reality. For the time being may I have shelter until I find a means back to my Liege?”

“You may come with us to the castle,” Luna spoke up. “But you will remain at sir Gat’s side. A Displaced that was sent here by Discord is unnerving and an unknown factor.”

“I don’t sense any hostility from him, Princess,” Gar added. “I shall keep an eye on him at all times if it eases your mind.”

“Thank you Gar,” She looked over her shoulder. “I don’t think either my sister or I combined could handle a creature like him,” Her attention turned back to Hans. “Follow us. I will alert my sister to your presence. Perhaps our Discord could send you back.” They all went back to the castle as swiftly as they could.

He spread his wings and followed them to the castle. Once landing he withdrew his wings and looked to Gar. “Luna called you a Displaced… that was the second time I heard someone call me that. Truth is I still don’t fully understand, the other person rubbed me the wrong way so I mostly just stopped listening.”

“Then listen well for I will tell what Displaced are by also telling you a bit of who I was,” Gar said as he shrank down to his zebra form. Hans was surprised by this sudden change in shape. “I am Gar, though my real name is Garet Ferris and like yourself, I was once a normal human being,” Hans was even more shocked.

“When I was still human I bought a set of DVDs for the Anime Parasyte The Maximum and was here to this Equestria buy the shop owner, a man that wore different cosplay every day,” Gar said and Hans could hear a bit of irritation in his voice. “Those who are sent to an Equestria or another world like this in some manner come to be Dimensionally Misplaced or Displaced as we prefer to be called. We can summon other Displaced across the Void to our worlds by using what are called tokens,” Gar held up a hand, and from his body came an old spyglass.

“We use an object that we think will best represent us and will while thinking of a saying then send the token out across the Void to other worlds so other Displaced can find it and call upon us,” Gar gave Hans the spyglass as the trio walked into the throne room.

“You stay here with our friend,” Luna looked at Hans, Gar nodded. “I will fetch the others.” She walked away leaving the Displaced to speak.

“What is the point in summoning others like us?” Hans asked intrigued, also excited to let Doom know of this.

“Point, there is no one point in summoning another Displaced,” Gar said flatly. “The point is that we simply do it for our reasons. In the process, we can also grow stronger as Displaced by sharing our power if we choose.”

“I wouldn’t lie that news would be problematic if Doctor Doom found out. He has the problems of his comic book counterpart, I fear he would follow the comic version and chase power if given the option.” He takes the spyglass and looks it over. “I’m not quite a Displaced, or I am. It’s confusing but I believe I've figured it out.”

He set the spyglass to his leg and it got absorbed into his thigh. “I do not know the Anime you spoke of, however, it seems who or what does this displacement takes inspiration from something we have when displaced. I created a replica of Doctor Doom armor for cosplay. Then I saw an Infinity Gauntlet for sale and bought it. When it arrived I got dressed for some photos. Next thing I was a voice in the back of Doctor Doom’s mind.”

“Do you know about the Doom armor? If someone other than Victor von Doom wears the armor it rewrites the person’s mind to believe they are Victor von Doom. So if whatever Displaced me made the armor real it started to rewrite my mind. At the same time, I had the mind stone from the Infinity Gauntlet protecting my mind. That makes sense the Mind stone protected me and the Doom armor was rewriting my mind. I’m a copy of the man that was Displaced, saved via the Mind Stone. Victor von Doom or my original body created this form to house my mind.”

He draws a card from his chest as if there was a suit pocket there. On the black card with silver writing. Hans von Doom, Battle Butler “So I inject some of my power into this token? Hmm,” He held up the card “I am Hans von Doom, the right hand of his majesty Doctor Victor von Doom. I seek not wealth, power, or heroism. I serve my Lord and my lord alone, and am willing to hear your offer for his benefit.” He then flicks the card and it vanishes into the multiverse. He then creates a second card token and hands it to Gar.

“It seems you landed in a much better Equestria then I did. The one we arrived at Prince Blueblood is a drug dealer, and had the Griffons growing Dream Weed, basically a form of Opium. Doctor Doom used the Infinity Gauntlet to reset the Sun and Moon into proper gravitational orbits, and Celestia went berserk and fired a magical blast that would have killed a group of Griffons if Doom didn’t teleport her away.”

“Right now we are preparing to invade Equestria, to help them when the Changelings are due to invade during the Royal Wedding. I can tell you already had that happen thanks to Twilight’s Castle in Ponyville. So has she opened her School of friendship yet?”

"No," Gar said plainly. "And I appreciate that offer but I must decline. I only wish to live in Everfree and be with my friends when they need me. I am soon to be knighted and granted authority over the forest," Gar sighed. "I can feel something off about this world since my return as the Fairy King. I gained demon power and fairy power last time I was summoned since then my connection with nature has been stronger. This world, many are descended from demons, and few from the clan of light, or goddess clan.” Gar paused to form a moment, wondering how he knew the last bit of information that he spoke of. ‘I must consult Zeldris on this.’ Gar thought as the Princesses arrived with the Elements.

"What the hay is that?" Rainbow Dash said abruptly.

"I don't know but I love its clothes," Rarity giggled.

"I've never seen a creature like you before," Fluttershy said in soft confidence getting close to Hans.

"Ya sure are spindly lookin’ thing aren't ya,' '' Applejack crossed her arms with a look of concern. "Do they feed ya at all where ya come from?"

Turning he spots the four. He makes a bow “Greetings and Salutations I am Hans von Doom. A pleasure meeting you.” Standing fully he nods to Applejack “I do fear that I haven’t been able to enjoy the pleasure of a proper apple from Sweet Apple Acres. I do not eat material foods so that one treat that I will not enjoy. I do however live off of the ambient magic for I am a magical creature known as a Slenderman or a noppera-bō a faceless spirit from Japan in my world Rainbow Dash.”
He looks to Rarity “I am honored you approved of my butler tux, not often am I complemented by a lady of such refined taste.”

“I am very honored you aren’t afraid of me Fluttershy.”

“Excuse me,” I heard Twilight speak up, Hans already noticed that she had a quill and scroll float next to her and sparkles in her eyes. “Are you another Displaced like Gar, and what exactly are you?”

“No offense dude, but you look like something out of a nightmare a really, really, scary horror story,” Spike finally cut in.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped up out of Hans’s left top jacket pocket. “Too bad you don’t eat like regular ponies, oh do you like parties?” She said with a gigantic smile.

“Please one questioner at a time. Alright Twilight, yes I'm still trying to figure out what I am. My best theory is I am a mental copy of a Displaced. He now goes by the name of Victor von Doom and he forgot who he was. I am the memories that were saved, and those are patchwork at best.”

“Yes, spike I do look like a monster of horror. Then again can you say Gar true form isn’t scary? Appearance is not a reflection of what is inside. A sweet innocent-looking filly could be a twisted villain. If this reality followed the one I know of you knows this personally thanks to a Changeling named Thorax, is that correct?”

“Now Pinkie I can’t say I like or dislike parties. As I said my memories are a patchwork. I remember trying to paint, draw, and make clay figures. I remember making outfits and costumes and even got awards for such work.” He looked to Rarity “I’m no fashion stylist, it was just costumes for contests.”

“So that brings me to the parties, I went to comic cons, similar to a Daring Do Convention but for comic books.” He looks to Spike “If I have to stay here long enough I would love to read one of your Power Ponies comics.”

“So back to the party thing. No, I haven’t done parties like a Pinkie Pie party. Or at least can’t remember.”

"Urm…" Celestia cleared her throat, "All good question my little ponies but I'm afraid I must interrupt for the important one." Celesia looked at Hans. "Hoe is it that you came to be in our reality Mr.Hans? Luna mentioned in passing that you'd said something about Discord sending you here? As well as something about sock puppets?"

Everyone looked at Hans with raised eyebrows.

“Ah, yes please forgive me, Princess Celestia. The Equestria I ended up in is very similar to yours. One difference is time. Discord had just escaped his Stone prison and causing some trouble for us. To separate me and my friends he sent me through a few realities and I landed in this one. As for sock puppets… wait did you have a Grand galloping gala where Discord showed up with a Smooze as his plus one? Or am I remembering events wrong? I am aware of more than ten different versions of Equestria. Some are farther in time than others, some are way back a thousand years ago. Events do get confusing, for example, the Prince Blueblood from my Equestria was growing a drug in Griffonstone called Dreamweed. In another, he had a stroke and became a kind and humble prince. Sorry, I’m rambling the sock puppet was in another universe that a Discord was going to banish Treehugger to when he was jealous Fluttershy took her to the Gala. I’m guessing that didn’t happen here.”

“We are familiar with the Smooze and its globy self,” Luna huffed. “And except for having to clean up slime that night went rather well.”

“Discord was a little jealous but not enough to banish Tree,” Fluttershy cut in.

“I remember sending an extra ticket to you,” Celestia added. “I’m very glad I did now.”

“And that news on your version of Blueblood is appalling,” Rarity said in outright disgust.

“Well, I mean if there are several versions of Equestria out there then it would only make sense that there are several versions of us and other ponies we know in them,” Twilight pointed out. “There may be somewhere the princesses are princes, or one may be a prince while the other is a princess,” She remarked causing the princesses to blush slightly.

“Can we get back on topic, “ Gar deadpanned.

“Yes,” Princess Celestia agreed, especially wanting to change the subject. She looked at Fluttershy. “Would you please ask Discord to come?”

“Discord, we need some help, please,” Fluttershy called. That is if you wouldn’t mind.”

There was a sound of trumpets and then a roll of red carpet pushed open the doors. Soon a spotlight shined and in walked a man who looked to be in his late thirties walked in. He had spiked white hair and very bush eyes and a narly chin beard with a singular fang stick out of his mouth. His attire was of a sand brown dovetail coat with a lighter brown vest underneath, black suede wingtip shoes, and a pair of brown plaid pants. On his right arms was a heavy golden gauntlet and on his left hand was a single white glove. A sign that said applause in fluorescent light flashed.

“You rang my dear,” he popped over to Fluttershy then looked at Hans and Gar. “Oooo…. I smell chaos!” He pooped over to Hans. “You’ve had a bit of a mess happen to you my spindly butler of a horror show haven’t you.” Discord leaned at a right angle and looked at Gar. “Been a while since I’ve seen a high-level purebred demon but that’s not all you are is it King of the Everfree.”

“What do you mean?” Gar raised an eyebrow.

“Well,” Discord walked over and leaned on Gar’s massive form. “Fairies domain is nature and Everfree is a natural place, not even my chaos magic can affect it, and seeing as how you have the power Disaster, a power only given to the King of Fairies. It would only make sense that you take up the seat of power where nature is the most prevalent in Equestria.”

“Hold up there Discord,” Applejack cut in. “Are ya saying that the Everfree is wild and uncontrolled like it because it’s supposed to be like that? And what do you mean ya can’t affect it? What about those plunder seeds ya’ll planted?”

“Things in nature happen because they happen. It’s just like chaos. Nature does what it wants and it has to happen, no stopping it,” Discord explained on a chalkboard, then a doodle of him popped up. “Yes I can help out and put things like plunder seeds in the cycle but I still have no say so if they’ll grow or when they grow. Nature in itself also causes its own form of chaos, which is why I can’t affect it. “ Doodlecord walked around the chalkboard. “Everfree is a prime example of nature at its truest. It does whatever it does and it can’t be stopped. You ponies think all this weather and farming you do has always been that way, Eeeennnn,” a busser noise sounded. “Wrong, nature just made it so you could do this. Just like how my kind was made to spread chaos. Nature does whatever and be it order or chaos, that’s for nature to decide. Which is why I affect Everfree. It’s to… natural.” Discord pouted then turned to Hans. “But back to you. Tell me about yourself?”

“Well said Discord. In my Equestria, the Everfree was left free for a reason. Hence the very name ever free of Pony manipulation, a heart of nature when the world was dying.”

“As for myself, not sure what you want to know. I’m from a different reality, one where that Discord hasn’t learned what it means to be a friend. He thinks he’s helping my liege Victor von Doom.”

“I must warn you, my little horror show,” Discord pulled out a pair of glasses and unrolled a large scroll. “We Discords, we’re not supposed to meddle with the chaos of each others’ worlds. Though you ended up here by chance but still on chaos power SO that technically falls outside the
E. He is clearly in the wrong in this and I would be all too happy to get back at him by sending you back,” He chuckled like ‘Goof’.

“Well, chaos theory states the first rule of Chaos is that it follows no rules, including its own. So it is only logical that a Discord somewhere wouldn’t follow that treaty. Given how Blueblood was into manufacturing drugs, and Celestia was willing to fire a blast of magic that would have killed several Griffons, I conclude the Equestria I came from is not as law-abiding as this one. Now to be a devil's advocate given I’m Displaced and don’t originally reside in that other Equestria does that Non-out worldly interference treaty count entities like myself and sir Gar here?”

“On top of that I wasn’t in that Equestria when he sent me here but in a third reality one where comic book characters are real. He was also impersonating or possessing one of those figures, one who is a great mage the Sorcerer Supreme. So one has to wonder if that Treaty counts using magic or a being of another reality?”

"Oh my, he has been a naughty boy about this," Discord took off his glasses and started to snack on them. "One mishap every now and then is alright, we're beings of pure chaos and don't stick to rulebooks after all. The treaty is more of a guideline than anything. You Displaced are more outliers than anything. We can affect and mess around with you but we can't outright kill you. The last thing any Discord wants is a Merchant or Displacer on our tails. Don't even get me started on the Void Dwellers. Biggest pains in the backside you'll ever come across, yeesh." Discord rolled up the scroll and it vanished. "Long story short, we can mess around and maim you but not kill you. But it still counts against him as he did follow you and continue to meddle. If there is a point of some kind then nothing can be done. Though we are chaos, we still have to have a reason, especially when it comes to Displaced."

“Hmm, then I have to believe my theory is correct. The reason he did mess with me is I’m not a true Displaced. That would explain why me and Gilda were targeted, but Victor von Doom wasn’t sent to the Marvel universe as well. He is bending the treaty, but not truthfully breaking it. Because I’m not a Displaced, I’m a mental clone. He messes with Doom who is the true physical Displaced, the man whose mind was reprogrammed. I didn’t create Doom, in some subconscious way Victor von Doom used the Infinity Stones to recreate the original mind the Doom armor overwrote. I have to accept the idea I am not the creator, I am the creation. Hans von Doom, son of Doctor Doom.”

“A very interesting view on things to say the least,” Gar said in his casual tone. “But this still leaves us with the issue of you being in this world without being summoned. Normally, after we’d be done with whatever it was I’d summoned you for I'd end our contract by saying ‘our business is done.’ or something along with those premises, and then a portal would form back to your homeworld to which you would return through. As you were forced here, there is no contract to end, and therefore, no way to send you back through normal Displaced means. We must have Discord send you back.”

“Um, Gar,” Twilight interrupted. “What about your oldest brother? You said he saw you while passing in the Void while you were summoned and how he opened a portal on his own. Then you mention he told Zeldris how his token can be used to call other Displaced that found it,” She flipped through her notes.

"Last time I encountered my older brother I got the feeling he wasn't a Displaced you want to mess with Twilight," Gar said flatly. "He's still very kind but at the same time, he's very dangerous. I'd rather not pull him here to deal with my problems, no offense." He looked at Hans. "Or get any of you involved any more than necessary."

“I’m more here as a time out than a real issue that needs to be addressed right away. This body was created to combat magical forces, it’s unique so I’m sure Doctor Doom could find me once he knows what dimension I am in. One thing I understand is that Discord rarely lies, he might trick and manipulate but telling a full untruth is rare. Something I myself approved of, a weak mind resorts to lies, and I never heard of a dumb Discord in all the variations of Equestria I know of.”

A sphere of blue energy appears high above the land. In the center, a figure manifests dressed in full armor with a green cloak. Doctor Doom has arrived in the universe. He looks into the west “Equestria again… they better not have harmed Hans.” Doom then starts flying at a max speed reaching Mach 2.

Meanwhile in Canterlot everypony was still discussing how to send Hans back to his own world. Gar's ears picked up the sound of an object moving incredibly fast and making a b-line straight for the castle. He didn't know what it was but he knew it didn't belong here and is reeked of hostility and killing intent.

Zecora and Tempest noticed Gar was siding on the air of caution much like he did before he prepared for a fight or when he went hunting.

"Gar, what's wrong?" Zercora asked with worry.

Suddenly the Basquias flew to its master's side. "Get back and stay with everyone else. It'll be here in under a minute." He gave a grinning scowl at the doorway.

The sound of a sonic boom erupted above the castle as Doctor Doom came to a stop. “
Release Hans or suffer the wrath of
” His voice was amplified via his armor he hovered over the Castle courtyard in full might.

Inside Hans facepalms “Speaking of Doctor Doom.” He turns and heads to the balcony “My Liege I am not being held against my will. These Equestrians are not like the ones from the other reality!”

“I shall be the judge of that.” Doom lowered down no doubt the royal guards were up in arms at his sudden arrival.

"Tell them to stand down right now, or they'll be dead in less than a second," Gar advised while all Princesses nodded.

"Everypony is to stand down,
!" Luna ordered and the guards looked at another then to the Princesses who scowled causing them to obey.

"Gar, please be careful," Zecora looked at her friend but he didn't return her gaze but instead patted her head and walked forward.

Gar now stood in front of Doom, the Doctor mildly intrigued by his form. "Doctor Doom, I must ask you to cease your hostilities against my friends. We have done nothing to harm Hans, we were currently conducting a meeting on how we might send him home," Gar explained in his monotone voice. "Forgive me for my late introduction. I am Gar, soon to be Knight of Equestria, Smiling Monster of the Everfree Forest, Vanquisher of the Storm King, and Fairy King."

“I see Hans speaks true. The Equestrians of this reality aren’t as specist as the ones I’m familiar with if they accept an entity such as you among their numbers.” He looks to the balcony and to Princess Luna. “It is rare for Doctor Doom to apologize. This is one of those moments, I offer my apologies for scaring your civilians.”

Hans nods noting how Doctor Doom was developing as a character. “I was here just a short time my Liege, I was accepted with friendly treatments.”

Doctor Doom then looks to Gar “You are not in my knowledge of Equestria your majesty. Let us land and converse, I've been under stress this past month.”

“Month? It only took a few hours at most for me.” Hans reached up and rubbed his chin.

“Hans not all realities have the same time scale. As of now I only found two of the accent griffon dens. Discord has hidden answers to your and Gilda’s location in two of them, and other prizes in the others.”

A blue of cyan and rainbow color and Rainbow Dash was hovering in front of Doom. “Whoa whoa, Gilda in trouble?
! No one messes with a friend of Rainbow Dash!”

“Rainbow! That Gilda isn’t even the one we know. She belongs to that other universe.” Twilight calls out.

“It doesn’t matter if a friend of mine is in trouble I’m going to help no matter what universe.”

"Even if Twilight had that power at her disposal we have no right to interfere with another world unless invited there Rainbow," Gar cut in. "You ponies are not allowed to cross-dimensions willingly unless forced or you have the power. Even I can't force my way to other worlds. There are Displaced that can, like my brother, but at this time I must be summoned, but," he turned to Doom. "If you allow us passage to and back from your world we'd be more than willing to help. I can't offer much in payment as I can't grant abilities, though perhaps a sample of my flesh would help in your medical studies."

Hans looked over to Gar “Is that true? My Meta knowledge has info about a mirror portal to an Earth-like reality with Equestrian human counterparts. It was also the reality where Star Swirl sent the Sirens. If that mirror was here I’m sure my Liege has the knowledge to modify it to transport to multiple realities with just a change of settings.”

“That depends on how the Mirror portal functions. My armor has transdimensional tech integrated already all I need is the dimensional quantum signature to transport. It would be possible to build a dimensional gate, that was my goal once I find my home reality again.”

Hans was glad he didn’t have a face or else he would have shown his feelings. He looks at Gar “Sir Gar, I fear that Doctor Doom still hasn’t learned the nature of a Displaced.”

Doom narrowed his eyes “Explain yourself Hans.”

Hans looks over and sighs “Victor von Doom, what happens when someone, not Victor von Doom puts on the Doom armor?”

“The equipment overwrites the person’s mind. My armor is my own!”

Hans shakes his head “Can you check to see if such a system was used?”

It took just a thought. A simple request mentally to the onboard systems. Then it was a clear sign that he saw the truth as he staggers as he lands on the balcony. “No… It can’t be.”

“I’m sorry my liege, that's why you couldn’t return to Earth 616. You aren’t from Earth 616 that armor was created by magic by some being like a Beyonder made it real. It overwrote your mind, but the infinity mind stone saved the original mind. My mind, that's why when you tried to use the mind stone to banish the intruding mind. It attacked you giving you that headache.”

"You are like me, a Displaced," Gar explained flatly. "Someone who bought an item from an unknown being and was sent across the gap in between worlds, some call it the Void, to a new world with new powers to live a new life. We can summon others like us by finding tokens, items attached to us sent across the multiverse. You are only the third encounter of a Displaced for me. The other being a demon who summoned me and second being my oldest brother. He can travel to other worlds willingly, I must warn you Doctor Displacement, will shatter what you know of realities."

“Your majesty, if I may. This is a good thing it gives you an advantage the Doom of other realities don’t have.” Hans speaks up seeing that Doom’s anger was on the boiling point.

“What advantage does being a cheap copy have to me.”

“You can be the hero you desire to be. Doctor Doom saved Latveria, you saved Griffonstone. You will not face the heroes of Earth 616 as you expand your empire across the globe.”

“I need to sit down, and plan. Worrying about the nature of my existence will not rescue Gilda.”

“My liege, the situation is worse than you fear. The reality I and Gilda was in before I was sent here… it’s a reality with a Doctor Doom. He is seeking out Gilda.”

“Hans thou has poor timing. Give Doom time to recover from his shock before delivering another blow.” Princess Luna spoke up. “Doctor Doom was it? Come and sit and calm your mind.”

Doom moved to a seat and sat down. “My original plan was to use the abundance of magic to take over Earth 616. If my counterpart has learned of Gilda origins then his plan will be similar. He will perform tests to find her quantum signature then use his dimensional transportation equipment to reach the Equestria she belongs to.”

"Why do things the way the old Dr. Doom would?" Gar cut in. "Why not be better than him? You were given a chance to walk down your own path, why not do it. My oldest brother had a saying,

“Of course there is also the fact Doctor Doom failed. You Haven’t, there are no Fantastic Four in your history. There are no Squirrel girls.”

“Do not mention that name… Fine I stop focusing on my identity. For now, there is still the issue of Gilda being held by an original Victor von Doom.” He looks to the Equestrians. “I noticed Princess Twilight’s castle, that means you fought Tirek, now Imagine a Tirek that has advanced technology, and has the intellect to not let him become a muscle-bound moron trying to destroy everything. Doom will not be lost in a power high.”

He looks to Twilight Sparkle “Have you traveled to the world of the Humans? Canterlot High?”

"Yes I have, but we can't reconfigure that mirror. It's tied to that reality with a spell and if we reconfigure it then we'll lose that connection and never get it back," Twilight explained.

"I'm sorry Doctor but that's a risk I'm not willing to take," Celestia spoke up. "We can provide you with all of Starswirl's notes, designs, plans, and journals as well as whatever materials you'll need. You can also examine and scan the older portal but I don't want it tinkered or tampered with in any way. For the sake of my former student and adopted daughter."

“I can do that Princess Celestia. Working on a project is one way I handle stress, something me and Tony Stark have in common. Having to build a dimensional portal from scratch will take time.”

“Sir what about our reality? If this Equestria time is slower than the reality we are from… it will be months or years before we get back.” Hans spoke up with a bit of worry.

“You are forgetting Hans my armor does have temporal travel as well. It will drain the armor's power, but we can return just a few moments after I left.” He looks to Celestia “Lead the way your Majesty to where I can build this device. Security should be a high priority, I know you have a habit of leaving highly dangerous artifacts in easily to get locations. Like a stone statue of Discord in the garden, or a book of dark magic in the ruins of the castle of the two sisters.”

Hans coughed “If those events happened in this reality.”

“You are correct Hans I am assuming those events happen in this reality.”

Sciences and dUNGEON cRawls

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2 months later

The lab was a chamber deep in Princess Twilight’s castle, equipment was set aside; many machines weren’t even invented two months ago when Doctor Doom started working on the new dimensional gateway.

Blackboards filled with equations spanned the room. In one corner Twilight was snoring among notes and scrolls having finally fallen asleep after trying to record the equations.

Doctor Doom thanks to his armor still was awake after working 30 hours. “Sire… even you can’t go much longer without sleep. You have been working on this for two months, a night rest will not change things. You said it yourself we can use the time travel equipment in your armor. Please go rest.”

“Hans I am in the middle of the final assembly. This is very delicate work, any mistake could cause the portal to be unstable.”

“Statistical odds of those mistakes increase by lack of rest. Sire please I know your brilliance, but you are only human. Remember it was rushing things that led that other Doom to ignore Reed Richards when he said there was an error.”

“Hans I have come to accept that the man in this Armor isn’t Victor von Doom, but my mind is… be careful not to anger me.”

“Forgive me my liege, however being your butler it is in my duties to look out for your well being. That includes making sure you get your rest.”

Doom set down the soldering iron and sighed. “It is true that we still have time to spare. Very well Hans I will go to sleep.” Doctor doom noted Twilight Sparkle. “Make sure the Princess gets some sleep as well.”

“Spike and I shall get her to bed as well my liege.” Hans looks over to Spike as Doom headed for the bedroom he was sleeping in. “Shall we?”

“Sure, Remember to get the ink well away from her, before we wake. Last time I woke her after a binge of note-taking she splattered ink all over the basement… in the Golden Oaks that is.”

Spike poked the sleeping Twilight. “AGH!!! Spike don’t scare me like that.”

“You were drooling on your notes again.”

“What! Oh... it's not that bad. Spike! Amazingly, Victor broke Starswirl’s ninth law of dimensional dynamics!”

“Forgive me Princess please explain,” Hans asks internally, smiling at the display of Twilight having a Nerdgasm.

“Oh.. Hello Hans. Okay, Star Swirls’ ninth law of Dimensional Travel states the realities circle through various vibrations only when two dimensions are in rhythm or synced with each other can dimensional travel is possible. When dimensional travel is tried without syncing it leads to a limbo a timeless void. This is why the Mirror Portal only functioned normally every 30 moons. The rest of the time the realities are out of sync. Using the journals we artificially sync the portal to the other reality. That’s only possible because the two journals are permanently in sync, and only because one is on both sides of the portal.”

“Twilight breath!” Spike calls out catching Twilight right before she hyperventilates.

“Thanks, Spike. So because we can sync the portals with the Journal we can travel when I put the Journal here on the pedestal. The journal acts as an anchor keeping the portal stable for travel. I think that how the Tokens work as well they act as an anchor for dimensional travel when a Displaced is summoned. Thought that just a theory Gar hasn’t let me study the token he has. Doom’s Dimensional technology accounts for the out of sync rhythm! So as the dimensional traveler goes through his gate they are automatically synced to the target reality! No need to anchor the portal at all DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS! Safe dimensional travel any time, anywhere! Well if we know where to go… still need the reality quantum signature before you can travel at all.”

Spike rubbed his ears. “Twilight… get some rest if I was hearing Doctor Doom right the gateway will be ready to test tomorrow. You want to be wide awake for that.”

“Oh… yeah… sorry for yelling in your ear Spike.” Twilight yawns and walks off.

Hans looks at Spike, “What would they do without us, Spike?”

“Most likely pass out in the middle of some endeavor and either blow themselves up or turn into some superpowered mad scientist from a comic book.”

“Too late, that's what Doctor Doom already is. Let's hurry up, I want to get one last game of Ogres & Oubliettes in before me and Doom head home.”

The Next Day

Gar walked through Ponyville in his true form. Thanks to the knighting ceremony, his heroics in Canterlot, and his time spent training with Captain Blueblood the last two months he’d become a regular figure in the eyes of the public and no longer required his zebra disguise to move around. Though this did not stop him from using from time to time as he did put some work into making this form.

It was well known that Gar was the new lord and king of the Everfree Forrest and in his time as the new king of the forest, it had seemed to calm down quite a bit. Most ponies were still afraid to go into the forest but those that were more familiar with Everfree actually found spending time there was much more pleasant as most beasts would leave them be and would only approach to investigate what they were doing.

Gar had learned much in his time training with the Prince Captain and the two grew to greatly respect one another, though they did butt heads on methods here and there. Gar had also learned a great amount of magic control under the tutelage of Princess Luna. The two would often spend some together most nights studying the stars and constellations. Princess Celestia helped Gar learn about the different demon blooded races of the land on some occasions. Gar still spent most of his time in the forest, mainly helping Zecora or the forest itself.

One day he followed a voice in his head that led him to the ancient castle where Celestia and Luna once ruled. He followed the directions until he found a seed glowing with the same colors at his wings. Gar couldn’t explain it but he had the urge to plant this seed in the very center of the Everfree, so he did. In the short span of two months, the seed grew into a massive tree/ Though one can’t see it unless the mist that surrounds it allows, even if you entered the forest itself.

Gar walked along and soon came upon Twilight’s castle. Not wanting to be rude, he knocked.

“Gar,” Spike answered the door with a yawn.

“Did I wake you?” Gar asked unemotionally.

“AWWWW! Yeah,” He rubbed his eyes.

“Another late night with Hans, Discord, and Big Mac,” Gar said flatly as he did find the game the three enjoyable when he did play, but find staying up late was night ideal for him.

“Yea, you should join in more often,” Spike stretched. “I’ll wake Hans. Doom and Twi will want breakfast as soon as they come down, then they’ll be back at that portal.”

The little dragon walked over to the slender-man butler and slightly shook him but got no response. “Guess he ate too much of Chaos magic again. I’ll try again after I get Twi up.”

“Allow me,” Gar said as a red rose grew from his thorned necklace. He plucked it and blew the petals over the sleeping Pony and Butler. The two suddenly shot up wide awake.

“Woah, what you do?” Spike looked at the smiling monster king.

“Just a bit of floramancy to invigorate our friends,” Gar said. “I simply infused the erose with a bit of magic and had it give them a quick wake up call by transferring its photosynthetic energy to them.”

“Wha-” Spike tilted his head.

“I gave them a shot of coffee straight to their bodies,” Gar remarked flatly.

Hans rose and held his head “Discord’s magic way too much like alcohol... complete with hangovers.”

"It would be best if you got moving," Gar said in an apathetic tone of voice. "The spell will continue to reinvigorate you and help with any hangover, but you must move to work it through your system. Doctor Doom will also want to get back to work as soon as possible, so he will need to be woken and fed."

Standing up he nods “Indeed the gate is almost finished, we should be able to return home soon.” A ripple of shadow seems to flow over him straightening his appearance that of his prim and proper butler. “I shall awake my liege.”

“That wouldn’t be necessary Hans. I was awake for the past hour. Having breakfast before I return to work is desirable. It seems I will have to devise a way to import Sweet Apple Acres apples to Griffonstone.” Doctor Doom spoke up walking into the room.

“Yes, my liege I shall go prepare a meal right away.” Hans headed for the Castles kitchen.

Doom then looked to Gar “I have devised a means of attack. When Hans and I return it will be months or perhaps a year from the time I left. Once I arrive in our home universe, my temporal other-self will send me a message where the other Dens are, and what is within. This would cause a paradox because it’s information I would gain through the normal course of events.”

“Then Hans and I will time travel back to when I left. With the other’s of my party, we will head to the Den where I find the quantum address of the universe she’s in. Once I’m in that… What did Hans call it? Marvel universe I will send you a message via the Dimensional gate giving you the address to that universe.”

“A direct battle between me and him will be a stalemate, however, he will have a move I can’t counter, that will be threatening Gilda’s life. It is a move he would see as cowardly, but when there are no other options he will take it. This is where I request your assistance if you remove that option during my confrontation with that other Doom. Gilda’s life will not be threatened.”

He looked around then more softly “Please, I found that she is important to me. Only one other person came to this close, Valeria. I killed her… no the real me killed her. The Doom my mind is modeled from killed her for mystical armor he eventually lost. It seems I have the conscience he lost. I don’t want to think about what I would become if I lose Gilda. He will not hesitate if he thinks it will give him an advantage.”

“I will help you, Doctor,” Gar placed a large hand on Doom's shoulder. “I know that pain of losing someone. Though I know now my older brother is alive, that still does not undo the pain I felt and feel. I also can not stand for your Griffinstone to continue without nature to give life there. I will come, and he will die.”

“Killing isn’t the goal. Saving Gilda is, we will have to delete any data he collected on her as well. It seems universes bunch together in clusters. We are in the Equestria cluster; the realities are variations on the Ponies universe. Jumping to another cluster needs, even more, fine-tune alignment. He wouldn’t be able to arrive in any Equestria universe if he didn’t have a sample of our quantum signature. In more simple terms it's like finding a needle in a haystack in a field in another country without even knowing what kind of needle. Now let's get some food before Pinkie Pie arrives and tops everything with frosting.”

"Indeed," Gar agreed as the pair marched along. "Any estimation on when the portal will be done?"

“Two hours. Then we can test the token system that will let you know how many universes your token has reached and the quantum address of those signatures. That would include any token you placed on the pedestal. Speaking of which.”

Doom took off his face mask revealing that scared face. “I am Victor von Doom, Sovereign ruler of Griffonstone, World Equestria-16497/23. Don’t bother me unless you have no choice.” He then pushed the mask into the multiverses creating his token.

He looked over to Gar. “I’m sure you are wondering why I knew about the tokens. Hans hasn’t realized that we still have a mental connection. When he was getting drunk off of Discord’s power I was absorbing his memories of his time separated from me. He also would just return to my mind if he died.”

"I figured that you two might share a link of some form," Gar said flatly. "You two are technically the same being, and I theorize that Hans is not a mental clone by the remnants of your original mind from your time as a normal human." He explained. "That is on a theory of mine of course. I was never one for the belief in gods, but since becoming Displaced I have had to be much more open to things. Perhaps whoever sent you across the Void didn't want you to ever be truly alone as many Dooms are. I am still coming to terms with my Displacement. I still have my emotions inhibited, though I still feel. Especially the urge to protect Twilight, her friends, my frIends, the forest, and the princesses. This was something that I never had before, a will to protect. It may seem silly to one such as yourself, Doctor but it also seems that I was given a purpose that I severely lacked in my old life. I think most Displaced are sent to attain or achieve something along these lines. What are your thoughts on this matter Doctor?"

“That assumes that all Displaced have a desire to defend or protect. It might be more than the Displaced have a desire to do something, the desire to take action be it good or ill. For example, the ponies of… my universe aren’t as cooperative as yours. I have been investigating them via spies and just general knowledge. Not evil the world me and Hans arrived at are more shades of grays. Hans has pointed out Celestia tends to be afraid to use her full power; out of fear of collateral damage, for example. The one I faced showed no such hindrance, she was willing to blast me even though there was a group of Griffons behind me. So what purpose would I and Hans represent? Hans had killed his own Father by using potassium to trigger a heart attack. I have memories of sacrificing the only human woman I could say I loved. It is more logical to see that those who become Displaced have a desire to be active, to do something, but lack the real power to be motivated. Many people have power in one way or another but choose to not be proactive, billionaires, politicians. The list goes on, the opposite is also true, some people desire to do something but lack the tools or understanding how to achieve their goal. We Displaced are given forms we see as powerful, we are given tools or abilities that we see are powerful.”

He looked at Gar in the face “When you were human were you feeling powerless, a deep desire to do something, even if it just punched someone in the face. A hunger to do more than just sit around and watch T.V. and be proactive but lack a true focus of that desire. There are many reasons for people to not do something, lack of power, lack of focus, or lack of desire. The girls as you say are your focus, the power you now possess is tied to the forest, the Princesses represent peace of this land so your drive makes sense in this reality. Did you feel like you had the power to do something effective in your old world? Did you feel you were able to change things? My guess is you felt helpless in that other world. A feeling of being adrift, no focus to drive your desire. I know Hans felt that feeling of being adrift, lost. Then he was turned into someone he admired. A man who sees what he wants and takes it, a man who refuses to sit back and feel helpless, a physical representation of power, me.”

"Hmm… '' Gar thought. "What you say about our kind is true from what I know. We Displaced can be heroes or villains if we choose, some even in between. In my homeworld, I was the youngest of three brothers and I was doted on more than my siblings. I was happy and many say I was the smart one and would go far. I wanted to be an astronomer but you are right, I had no real desires. I merely did the same things day in and out. As for my form, it had nothing to do with desire other than it was a show my brother suggested I watch at some point."

Later in the lab

Doom closes the panel. “That’s it the dimensional gate is finished.” He then went to a pedestal that was in front of a display. “Gar if you be so kind, place your Displaced token, or any token you have recovered on the pedestal. A list of realities will show up on the display, the top will be highlighted in blue that is the reality of origin. For example…” He takes off his face mask revealing his scarred and deformed face.

Then places it on the pedestal. A list appeared at the top revealing Equestria-16497/23. “The first is the planet of origin if known. Equestria, for worlds of our equestrian allies. Even if they call the planet Equis or some other variation. Next is the number address mine is 16497, followed by the slash and a second number.”

He removes his mask and puts it back on. “The second number is the multiversal cluster. I assigned the Equestria cluster the number 27. I had a long discussion with Hans about the possibility the stories and myths of Earth are all part of the Omniverse. In one cluster there are giant transforming robots, for example, another a Federation of Planets and Starfleet explore the alpha quadrant. I had assigned each a cluster number for easier classification.”

“Now this is very important Gar, dimensional travel to another cluster is extremely difficult. Far more than just normal dimensional travel. The gate has only enough power for one two way trip per ten years to another cluster. The computer system will assign new address numbers as it finds new realities.” He then picks up a dependent device. “This is your way back to this reality. When you go to another reality bring this with you, once you are ready to return open the case and press the button. It will activate the gate and bring you back.”

“I also included a temporal shift device, so no matter how long you spend in another reality you will return within 5 hours of your original departure. That five hours is needed for the gate to recharge.”

He looks to all gathered “Any questions?”

Pinkie Pie waves her hand “OH OH! Can you come next Nightmare Night? It will be so much fun if you scare the foals! They will love it!”

“No” Doom deadpanned.

“Awww… okey dokey!”

“Once you arrive on your side we’ll be ready here,” Gar said. “The girls have the elements. Once you’re ready, use my token and summon us. This way we’ll have two escape routes if needed.”

“Hmm, contingency plan… I need to work on that. To have a fall back plan means you have some expectations of the first failing. That something my other self will never accept. Doctor Doom never fails, even when I can now see the memories and see I have, or should I say that other Doctor Doom has.”

He put his hand on Hans’s shoulder. “We will have to be outside, don’t want to materialize inside a wall. Till we meet again fare thee well.”

Hans bows “Till next time my friends” The two then head out of the castle and then lift into the air. Where both vanish into a sphere of blue light.
Back in Equestria-16497

Doom and Hans appeared over Ponyvillie three miles in the air. “Um… Doom I don’t know how to hover.” Hans tendrils grip onto Doom as they hovered.

“Understandable, your body absorbs magic so can’t use magic to hover.” He looked down and noticed two lines of ponies at the Sweet Apple Acres. “Hans, what your meta knowledge tells you about what’s going on.”

Hans looked down and noted the two unicorns standing beside a strange machine. “Oh crap it's the Super Cider Squeezy 6000 episode. Doom we might be able to gain a bit of positive press. From what I can see they are about over, the Flim Flam Brothers had already started destroying the trees in a rush to increase production. They tricked Applejack into a contest. The deal was for the rights to sell Cider, but she ended up turning the deed of the Acers over.”

“Did they trick her that much?”

“No she kind of tricked herself.”


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High above the Lavtvarian castle, a sphere of blue light appeared. Within the sphere appeared Victor von Doom with Hans held in his arms. For a moment the weapon systems of the castle aimed at the intruders. However, they identified the man in armor as the ruler of Latveria and disarmed.

Landing in the courtyard “Odd I don’t remember some of this... “

Hans looked over to Doom “Well this version was never seen on the show. On top of being in another universe there bound to be variations. Not to mention your memories are from comics and shows.”

“Do you have to remind me of those flaws?” The two then started heading for the entrance to the castle.

Then the ground exploded and rising out of the hole rose Doctor Doom. However, he was not as he was. His armor had melted and seemed to bond to the flesh of the man within. His eyes glowed yellow and electricity flowed along his body in lighting bolts. “WHO DARES TRESPASS ON THE DOMAIN OF DOOM!”

Doom looked up at the now Discorded DOOM. “I dare!”

Glowing yellow eyes snap to the other Doom. “You dare! There is only one true Doctor DOOM! With my new godhood, I can see you are a fake, an imitation!”

“I prefer to think of myself as an Improvement! I have something you will never have!”

“I’m a God, what pathetic thing could I want more.”

“Godhood is overrated. I have friends,” He removes the telescope token of Gar’s “GAR! It’s the time! I SUMMON YOU TO MY AID!”

“DOOM DOES NOT ASK FOR HELP IMPOSTOR!” The Discorded Doom opened his fist and sent a blast of power at Doom. Only to miss catching Doom’s cloak as his target dodged.

The effects of the blast were Doom’s cloak turning into a rainbow tie-dye pattern. Hans leaped at the Discorded Doom his arms shifting into blades.

He gets swatted out of the air with a backhand by the overpowered megalomaniac.

Just then a black portal opened up and out shot the Smiling form of the Everfree Fairy King. He wasted no time and grabbed onto Hans with an enlarged hand and set the butler down as the Elements of Harmony came through the portal. Gar’s first returned to normal and his spear turned from its turned necklace to its weapon form. Gar took hold of it and spun it around slightly then rested it on his shoulder.

The Discorded Doom looked on and was caught off guard by this new arrival. “WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DARE YOU DEFY DOOM?!”

“I AM FAIRY KING GAR AND WE ARE HERE TO HELP MY FRIENDS!” The king roared as he let out enough bloodlust and killing intent to make any normal creature pass out.

Discorded Doom slightly flinched but quickly recovered and sent a blast at Gar. Gat countered as he morphed his hand into a shield and protected them all.

“Let that be a listen to those who defy the will of Doom,” Discorded Doom snarked and started to walk away but stopped and looked over his shoulder to look in shock as Gar and the other stepped out white the shield morphed back. “IMPOSSIBLE!”

“Looks like Discord was right,” Hans let out a sigh of relief, glad that his friend’s gamble paid off in a big way. “Nature has its own chaos.”

“Gar he's tapping into our Discord power. It’s chaotic, He can barely control it. One thing Doctor Doom is and that is Control! We Despise being out of control. The more chaos can we generate the more confusing it is better!”

Hans looks at Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight! Get into the lab and find the magic tech equipment you need to reverse it. Rainbow, Gilda somewhere in the castle. You're the only one fast enough to search.”

“Oh! I can search, I'm good at hiding and seek Mr. Hans!” Pinkie Pie starts jumping up and down.

“No Pinkie you heard Doom. The more chaos we can generate the better. There is no other pony better at chaos then you! Pinkie, listen closely. Doctor Doom’s mother and father died when he was very young. He hasn’t had a birthday party for over thirty years.”

“No… birthday… party…” Pinkie seemed to blurred into pink sparkles then she was hovering in front Discorded Doom. “YOU NEED A BIRTHDAY PARTY!” Out of nowhere, she slaps a birthday crown on top of his head.

“We must keep him occupied and the more opponents the better,” Gar said as he shrank down and spit into five identical smaller Gars, each with their own spear. “I wonder,” One looked on but they all thought the same. “Basquis form four: Increase!” One held his spear up and it split into thousands of singular spearheads.

“Twilight,” One of the other Gars got the attention of the princess. “ You’ll need protection and as your knight, it falls to me. “I’ll go with you, the rest of me will stay and help.”

“Right, let’s go,” Twilight nodded as the duo started toward the hallway.

“Shall we,” the other Gars took up stances. “Yes,” the fourth one said as he pushed his hand forward and shot a bombardment of spears controlling them with his hands. “If you have ideas now is the time to use them as in this form the spear drains my magic rather fast.”

“We need a distraction for Twilight and Rainbow!” Hans calls out as he leaps into the air streams of razor wire as cords shoot out lashing against an arm of the overpowered Doom.

“PARTY CANNON!” Pinkie Pie out of the blue pulls out her Party Cannon and fires a blast of fireworks, streamers, glitter right in Discorded Doom’s face. “Get Going Twilight, We got this!”

“THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! How she pulls a cannon out of her hair!” The Marvel Doctor Doom called out as the very sky turned green with purple polka dots.

“That’s it, he's losing control. It’s fitting, an inferior Doctor Doom.” The Displaced Doom calls out as he lifts in the air. “You are a loser DOOM! All your life, no matter the plot you lost! The reason isn’t some flaw in your thinking, it's what you are. An antagonist, just some plot for some Author to throw at the Protagonist.”

“YOU Cheap imitation!” A blast of magical fire shot out at the Displaced counterpart. Only for Hans to swoop in and catch the blast.

“... Oh…. man the colors… dude I so get it! Like the answer to everything is 42!” Hans turns a shade of pink instead of black as the chaos magic affected him.

“Hans tripping on Chaos magic!” Applejack calls out as she lifts a boulder and tosses at the Discorded Doom. Only to have it turn into a rubble ball when struck by a magic blast.

“Right… come on Gar, three? Doom well our friend Doom said to go into the hole.” She raced forward and dropped down into the underground chamber.

There in the large chamber, four Doom Bots turn their heads to see Twilight. “INTRUDER ALERT!”

“Pathetic machines,” The Gars said in unison. Three of them split their arms into bladed tendrils then proceeded to tear through the robots.

“Oooo… Doom Bots, I know just what to do!” Pinkie bounced up and down while she clapped. She then started to zip around and gather usable robot parts. “GO GET ‘EM PINKERTON!”

“IT’S PARTY TIME!” The pinkie shaped robot said as it began to pelt the robots with cake batter, confetti, sparkler birthday candles, and balloon animals.

“Good move Pinkie!” Twilight lights her horn and blasts the four bots. She wasn’t as strong as she was fighting Tirek, but her power was still quite powerful and focused into a small beam concentrated that blast into a laser of substantial cutting power.

Once the bots fell apart Twilight rushed into the lap. “RAINBOW! GILDA IS DOWN HERE!”

“GILDA?” A blur of rainbow light rushed past Twilight to the bed “Gilda you okay?” Rainbow Dash started undoing the straps holding Gilda down.

“Rainbow? Wait you aren’t Rainbow, who are you.”

“I know I don’t look like the Rainbow Dash from your universe, but I am Rainbow Dash. Look I talked with Hans I know you and your Rainbow Dash had about the same thing happened to my universe. I can’t say for her, but... I’m sorry Gilda. I and my Gilda made up, I pranked her during a Pinkie Party. I overdid it, and she was stressed because of how Pinkie was jealous of us. Not sure what happened between you and her, but I hope it was something similar. She is still the Element of Loyalty, she wouldn’t mean to be mean.”

Gilda looked away “I was in Ponyville to ask for help, every time I built up the courage to ask for help. Pinkie Pie showed up, it’s humiliating to admit that I needed help. Then, yeah pranks, the whole hot sauce, tube snakes, it was too much.”

“When you get the chance, Gilda, try to forgive her. I know that your friendship was important, it was important to me.”

“OKAY, Enough emotional stuff! There's a battle going on!” Pinkie Pie appears and hugs Gilda.

“Get away from me you pink freak!”

“Awww, but we are friends too, Gilda! All three of us like pranking others. Yupperoonie we all buds!”

Gilda blinks and looks at Rainbow “is she for real?”

“Yeah… see you saved our lives. I was going to try to recover the Idol of Boreas for the Griffons.”

“Are you nuts? The wind in the abyss is too high to fly in.”

“Aww... see Rainbow this Gilda still cares as well!”

“We were using some climbing gear, almost got it too but I and Pinkie were about to fall, and you… er, our Gilda chose to save us rather than the Idol.”

That was when the ground rumbled and the roof ripped open as a Rock Candy boulder the size of a small car came crashing in. From above “TWILIGHT SPARKLE HURRY UP!”

Twilight shook her head having stopped to see the bonding moment but now as the fight above came to her mind, she looked around. Seeing the gray and still passed out Discord in the vortex of magic. Her eyes quickly trace the power circles to the power transfer equipment.

"Gilda, are you in need of medical treatment?" Gar asked.

"Yea I- HOLY HELL! WHAT ARE YOU?!" Gilda cried in terror.

"I am Gar," he said flatly. " I am Twilight's knight and the fairy king of our world. Nothing more. Now, where are you injured?"

"Just about everywhere," she sighed. "That Doom really did a number on me, not to mention those robots that hauled me in here."

"Baquias Moon Rose," Gar said while moving his hand to transform his spear. "Now, Droplet of Life." a drop of condensed magic hit Gilda and immediately restored her to full health. "Good as new." He turned to face Discord. "There is no way he'll survive the transfer, again Droplet of Life," Basquias once more gave healing mana to Discord and restored the former lord of Chaos but Gar was slightly huffing. "I can do no more while separated from the others. I must merge," he went over and fused with one of the other Gar.

More Doom Bot flocked to them.

"I WILL END YOU! Martial Art: Dynamic Thrust!" Gar yelled as his spear glowed red at the blade and he thrust the weapon forward crashing through the robots.

Twilight followed the circulatory and then looked at the console. Letting out a growl she magically rips off the paneling and flung it like a frisbee at one of the coming Doom bots. The magically charged metal sliced into the Doom bot chest causing it to short out.

“This.. is AMAZING! Magical circles so small it is near the atomic level of…”

Rainbow Dash smashes into a doom bot at top speed. “GEEK OUT LATER TWILIGHT!”

“Oh right! Um... coolant… processor… ” Twilight says as she looks into the inner workings of the power transfer system. “AH Got it!” She reaches in pulling out a fuse like crystal and turns it upside down and puts it back.

“What? You just flipped that thingy?” Gilda asks looking at Twilight.

“To be fair if I flipped the wrong one, I could have triggered an explosion that would have destroyed this castle, world, and maybe this entire universe… We are talking about Chaos Magic here. Oh, and there are twenty such gem fuses in this thing.”

“Okay, taken that way… yeah okay you are awesome in a dorky sort of way.”

Above the battle was heating up as the other Gar’s struck at the same time. The Discorded Doom turns its attention to Doom. “Enough of this!” He aims for another blast of magic. The magic beam came out and then stopped in a cartoonish way. Then all the reality changes begin to fade returning to normal.

“NOOO, my power! Fine taste my Atomic Blast full power!” He then sends a blast of atomic energy at Doom, just for it to be stopped by Hans who leaped into the way. “AHhhhhhhhhhh… it burns…”

Hans' body seemed to boil and then turn to vapor.

“HANS!” Fluttershy flew up to get in front of the other doom. “YOU MEANY! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!” The power of the Stare was felt even to those who weren’t faced to face with her. That wasn’t all somehow her cry alerted the wild animals. Out of the woods came hundreds of birds, insects, rodents, and other creatures.

It began with the woodpeckers pecking at the head, followed by squirrels and rodents crawling on the Marvel doom. “Get these accursed creatures off of me!”

Suddenly, vines sprang to life from every nook, cranny, and crevasse of Marvel Doom’s armor quickly binding the villain’s. They rapidly grew while also tearing apart and damaging his armor making it fall apart. Their roots reached into the internal component keeping it from activating any of its repair function and weapons systems turning Doom into nothing more than a mortal man in scrap metal.

“How is this possible? I can move!” He roared in anger as he tried to free himself to no avail.

“Don’t bother,” Gar said as everyone gathered and he fused back into one Gar. “Each individual vine is stronger than the strongest woven steel cable on its own. To a normal human, they’d be unbreakable. These were grown from the seeds and plant bits that were deposited on your armor from when the animals that had swarmed you. I simply reached out to them with my magical power to help them grow. Now that you can’t move,” Gar took hold of his Basquias and pointed it right at Marvel Doom's eye. “You will be judged!”

“Like I said Victor Von Doom. You are a loser, always will be, unable to grow beyond your own limitations.” Doom removes his face mask revealing the scars. “As long as you see yourself like this… you will always be flawed. Not because of the scars, but because you don’t see yourself as Human.” He replaces the mask. “Girls! Give him a taste of Harmony.”

Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie, Pinkatron, and Gilda came up from the lab. “Alright, Doom! Ready girls!”

The Six girls got together and one after another the Elements of Harmony activated. “CURSE YOUUUuuuuuu….” The blast of magic hit Marvel’s Doom and slowly, he was turned to stone complete with the vines holding him in place.

“DOOM!” He heard her voice calling out to him and then felt Gilda tackle to hug him. “Wait… you’re my Doom right?”

“Your Doom? We will have to have a discussion about this.”

“Yeah, you're my Doom. Where’s Hans?”

Fluttershy spoke up then “He… he was … he was killed. That…”

Doom sighs and walks over to Fluttershy. “Don’t cry Fluttershy, Hans is just resting. Hans' life is tied to mine, as long as I live so shall Hans.”

“I think he just needs to sleep it off,” The last Gar came in with Hans, still pink, on his back. “Too much Chaos magic again. Perhaps Discord can take some back?” He stated before fusing with the main Gar. “I can repair your skin for you Doom, this way you don’t have to bear unnecessary scars.”

“That body can’t function anymore Gar. I just make a new one when I have access to the infinity gauntlet. However, it is best to destroy that body completely, or at least I should take it with me so it won’t be used to find us or used as means of creating a weapon. Hans’ mind is already in mine once more. I can feel his thoughts even if they are still asleep. He’s dreaming about cotton candy for some reason.”

“That sounds like Discord’s magic alright,” Rainbow chuckled. “Look Gilda, It may not seem like much coming from another Rainbow, but I know you really still mean a lot to your Rainbow. Doom told me about your Equestria and I understand if you don’t like ponies at all, but I do know that back in your world you need your friends. Look at the proof here,” she motioned to everyone here.

“She is right,” Gar added as he looked down at the gryphoness. “If it was not for friends I would not be able to be here or have them by my side. I count Doom among my friends. He has been most helpful in the magic arts.and by extension, he would not be here for you.”

“Alright already! I get it, forgive and bla bla bla. I'll try to make up with the Rainbow Dash of my reality. So you can stop acting like dweebs.”

“Gar, I am fine with my scars. Think about it, after all this time with all the magic and technology I know. Or should I say the Doctor Doom memories I was made from, I should have the knowledge of repairing my face. Just a little plastic surgery right? That or the wounds were demonic in nature. Either way, I am fine with the scars they are a testament to what I survived.”

Out of the lab, the form of Discord rose and recovered when his magic was restored to him. “You… saved me? Why? It makes no sense.”

"You were saved because it was necessary. Chaos magic needs a vessel, or it will run rampant without a course and cause much dismay," Gar said flatly. "You are the only vessel outside Pinkie Pie who can properly wield Chaos Magic with its true purpose intended. And you are not such a bad guy either, just random and good at playing tricks. Lastly, I was asked by my Discord. He said and I quote, "He has much to answer for breaking the treaty by going around and zigzagging through it." This is for you," Gar gave Discord a fifty-cent piece. "He said you know what it means."

Discord took the fifty-cent piece. “Really this isn’t fair. I was trapped in the Alicorn's magical artifact for two hundred thousand years. Fine... “ He looks over to Doom. “Guess you going to trap me as well.”

“No, I have no interest in such foolishness. If you have the power, open a portal so we can return home. Then you are free to go, just don’t bother the Griffons too much and we can consider you a friend.” Doom then went to the hole leading to the lab. “But first I have to delete my counterparts' data. We don’t want him finding his way to any Equestria.”

Looking over to Gar. “I think we can handle the rest on our own. Thank you, Sir Gar, and Ladies. You helped save,” He looks to Gilda. “One of the only true friends I have.”

“Silly Doomie! We are your friends as well!” Pinkie Pie called out.

“Right Partner, if ya need help again. Or just want to visit you're always welcome.”

“Of course you are welcomed to return to our reality with us, Victor! There is so much I want to ask you. Your knowledge can help lead Equestria to a new Golden age! With what you can teach me we can go to the moon even!” Twilight adds eyes gleaming with a desire for knowledge.

Fluttershy was not paying attention to Doom but to the body of Hans. “You sure… Hans going to be okay?”

“Yes Fluttershy, he will be better than normal once we return.”

“That good…” She leaps up and flies to Discord. “I know you don’t know me in that other reality. But please try to make friends. We all had such good times together, and our tea time every Tuesday are so very enjoyable.”

“Yeah, Discord! Try to make friends with us in your reality. The Orange joke is going to be a blast!”

“Orange joke?” Discord asks.

Twilight Sparkle sighs “You had to be there… trust me I tried.”

“OH! Don’t forget the Plunder Vines! Those are nasty things you planted a thousand years ago.”

“Wait… the plunder vines haven’t bloomed yet? I mean I thought they were destroyed given they were my backup plan when Celestia and Luna turned me to stone.”

“Nope! The Tree of Harmony just kept them seal away from growing until we started using the Elements.”

Doom sighs “Girls its time for you and Gar to head home. Gar our business is over fair well, my friend.”

A large swirling black portal opened behind the group.

“If you ever need my aid again Doctor, simply call,” Gar bowed.

“Can I at least speak with him some more about the technologies he has vast knowledge of?” Twilight begged.

“Sorry Twilight but it's already night time back home,” Aj cut in. “Y’all are always welcome at the farm.” She smirked as she pulled Twilight through the portal as she desperately clawed at the floor trying to stay.

"But Aj. the knowledge!" She whined.

“Next time we meet we need to do Battle Bots,” Pinkie hopped. “Come Pinkie Tron. There are parties that need us,” As she pointed dynamically as she rode the robot through the portal as the machine used its rocket busters.

“Advice to you bud,’ Rainbow fluttered nearby speaking to Doom. “Don’t let that other Doom get to ya. You’re like ten, no twenty times cooler.”

“I have to agree with her on that Doom,” Gilda pointed out.

“Very well, thank you for the advice Rainbow Dash,” Doom gave a slight nod.

“Try and be a little more patient with creatures too,” Fluttershy added. “Most of the time you can talk it out. If they don’t want to listen then wear them down and let them cool off before you talk…. That's is if you want to.”

The two pegasi follow their friends into the portal.

“If you ever need a decent tailor look me up, or your Rarity if you ever smooth things over with Equestria,” Rarity smiled. “Also look into gems. Many have innate magical properties that would help you with your armor. Ta-ta,” she sang as she walked into the portal.

“Good luck my friend,” Gar looked at Doom and shook his hand. “One last piece of advice. Be wary of the Void and the Void Dwellers.” Gar said as he then turned and walked into the portal.

As he left the portal collapsed in on itself leaving the Doctor with his own group and much to think about.

“Only one thing left for me to do. Then we can head home.” Doom headed over to the hole to the lab and leaped down.

“What’s that? I want to go home.” Gilda walks over and looks down. “I… um… wait here.”

“Very well Gilda. I shall return in a moment.” With that Doom leaped down and head to the computer system. Like before the security system recognized him as Victor Von Doom. With a quick command to the computer. “Primitive. Seems this universe technology is decades behind the one I recall. Good, that means it has no defenses against my virus.” He took a moment to look at the floppy disk drive. “Hmm… really he’s still using floppy disks?”

With a few more commands he accessed the systems wireless network. “At least he has some form of Wifi.” Once the upload was complete the computer started running the virus program deleting every saved file on the system. “Given how Doctor Doom’s don’t think they ever loose, I doubt he would have backed up his data, but I not that foolish.”

He looked around and saw one of the Doom bots still mostly intact. After repairing the damage it reactivated. “Doom bot! Seek out any recording, records, and files I have made in the last year and destroy them. Then activate order Omega.”

“Command acknowledged, order Omega understood.” The Doom bot starts dismantling the remains of the fellow Doom bots. It’s programming now running the Order Omega, a program meant to remove evidence.

He rises up out of the hole and lands near Hans’s body. “We don’t have time. I got one of the Doom bots to run Order Omega. Doctor Dooms doesn’t think they will lose, but we do plan to abandon locations from time to time. The Order Omega will activate an explosive that will destroy any evidence remaining. Including whatever remaining records.”

Looking to Discord. “Mind getting us back to our Universe? Even my vast power has a limit and I’m nearing that limit.”

“Hmm… sure” Discord reaches down and picks up a butter yellow feather. “No Evidence right. Not like I’m letting that Pony get to me or anything.” Discord snaps his fingers the group vanish with any traces of their being.

A King returns to his Throne

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In the early hour of the night, a black swirling vortex opened up in the main hall of the Castle of Friendship. Out of the portal walked several ponies and a large parazyte. Gar and the Elements of Harmony had returned from their little excursion from the Marvel universe and were fairly worn out from their recent fights.

Applejack let out a yawn. "Alright, ya'll, as fun as it's been Ah've got to be gettin home. I still have work and chores to do on the farm tomorrow. Night girls, Gar, see ya'll later," she waves while trotting off.

"Dears Applejack is right," Rarity stretched. "I have orders that need finishing and I'm nothing without my beauty sleep," she stretched and followed. "Ta-ta darlings."

"Twilight," Pinkie got the attention of the pouting alicorn. "I need to maintenance on Pinkie Tron, mind if I borrow you lab and tolls tomorrow?"

Twilight perked up a bit, "Um, sure but only if I can watch and help a bit."

"Of course you can silly filly. She is a piece of technology, and you didn't get to speak with Doomie about a lot of stuff,"Pinkie giggled. Suddenly, Pinkie let out a gasp of excitement. "I need to plan Pinkie-Tron's birthday party too! Pinkie-Tron, stay here until I SAY SO!" Pinkie yelled as she then zoomed out, sounding like a go-cart at top speeds.

Gar and Twilight merely looked from each other and then to the door with only their eyes a few times, while the robot locked itself in place.

"I should get home and feed my nighttime animals," Fluttershy realized. "They're probably grouchy by now, I should hurry."

"I'll go with ya Flutters," Rainbow put her hand on her friend's shoulder. "If we hurry we might be able to catch up with Aj before she gets too far ahead."

Fluttershy smiled, "Thanks Rainbow," she said as the pair flew off.

Twilight let out a cute yawn.

"Best get you to bed too," Gar commented as he picked Twilight up and carried her bridal style.

"Hey I can walk ya know," Twilight commented as her face heated up slightly.

"I am aware," Gar nonchalantly replied. "But I wanted to do something nice and see to it that you got to bed. Besides," he looked down with two eyes. "Knowing you, you would stay up and try to learn about the robot, perhaps even try to take it apart."

Twilight puffed out her cheeks as Gar opened the door to her room and he walked over to her bed. Setting the princess down he started to tuck her in.



"Why are you so nice to the ponies of this world?" Twilight looked down as he stopped. "We've done nothing for you at all but yet from the very start, all you've done was protect us. You even took on the Storm King, sacrificing yourself, and was turned into an obsidian statue. You risked your life for us so many times. Why?"

"I guess a good part of it has to do with my favorite superhero back home, Spider-Man," Gar looked at her, a bit of sincerity leaking through his voice. "He lived by the motto 'With great power comes great responsibility'."

"But just because you have power doesn't mean you had or have to use i for us or other," suddenly shot out from the blanket. "You could've sided with the Storm King, ruled the ponies at his side, even taken over from him and been our king."

"True, and this would've been an ideal situation for me," Gar agreed, sitting on the bed.

"Then why didn't you?" Twilight feared his answer.

"Because I didn't want to," He said. "But there is also a saying that my second older brother had. "If you have he power to make a choice then you have all the power in the world to make a difference. For those with power with should always use it the ways they want to, without regret." he looked at his princess. "And I chose to help you because that is what I wanted to do and I do not regret my choices."

He stood up and put Twilight back under the blankets. "I will not deny that there may be a day when we find ourselves at odds with each other, perhaps we may even be enemies on the battlefields. But know that I will never regret my choices, even passed that and should either of us fall, I will still be your friend."

"I ... never...want... that..." Twilight said as she drifted off to sleep.

"Some times we don't get what we want my little pony," Gar said in his usual monotone voice. He collected the Elements of Harmony and then proceed to walk out into the balcony off Twilight's room. Once he locked the door he spread his light-bright butterfly wings and took off towards his kingdom, the Everfree Forest, for the Cave that housed the Tree of Harmony to return the Elements to their rightful places. Once this task was one he flew off to his own home that now sat atop the Sacred Tree.

The tree went through a shift as the day and night would swap their places with one another. During the night the tree was dark blue similar in tone to Luna's fur but darker and it was let up with bright cyan natural bio-luminescent lights

While during the day its trunk was similar in color to most of the dark greens of the Everfree Forest, but most of it leaves are a bright vibrant pink color with various other vibrant color thrown in but can only be seen when close enough to the tree to see them.

Not long after the Sacred Tree had achieved full maturity Gar had moved his hydra bone hut so that it now sat atop the Sacred Tree in a clearing far from where most would see it. The tree itself hides Gar's home so that only he and those Gar's allows in can access the clear and by further extension his home. Zecora, Tempest, and Grubber are among the few that have around the clock access to the hut. Tempest and Grubber because they both live here alongside Gar and Zecora because she is very dear to Gar.

Zecora spends most of her time here as the tree provides her with whatever plants it can from the Everfree and because she has formed a deep spiritual connection with it. Zecora spent so much time at the top of the tree and her connection with it was so profound that the Sacred Tree has even made a hollow for her within its own confines of its own body to live in when she chooses to stay for extended periods of time. The tree even provides food and the means of cook and brewing potion with the use of various plants the mimic nature. Such as Fire Mushroom to heat Zecora's cauldron.

Fire Mushrooms, obviously mushrooms that mimic the properties of fire as the name suggests but do not burn plants unless the plant life is dead. They have orange stems and red tops adorned with pulsing yellow speckles on them. They are usually found in volcanic areas with tropical forests. They are not to eaten under any circumstances as they well burn whatever they touch other than a pant Though creatures that are highly resistant to fire, like dragons and Kirins can stomach this fungus with little difficulty once they have reached the age at which they can sustain a consistent flame.

Upon his arrival, Gar was greeted by a few of his subjects that were still active at night. About a week after the Sacred Tree had been planted many fairy type ponies made their way to the Everfree and stated to still in the forest and call it their home. Not long after this and with the Sacred Tree well established a new form of life had started to appear from the Everfree forest. Fairies that resembled humans from Gar's homeworld but with varying sizes, looks, wings, and other features started to be born from the various flowers and trees, and other flora of the forest.

Gar landed at the top of the tree in a large clearing. In the back center of the clear sat a large ornate throne with large four branches jutting out of each side of it. Leading up to the throne was a small wooden altar glowing alight with bright icy blue flames. Behind the throne were four curving tree trunks adorned with runes the grew in the bark while atop each of these was a large bright icy blue flame.

"King Gar you've returned," Came a female voice. A female fairy floated out from a nearby branch.

"Indeed," Gar commented flatly as he walked over and sat on his throne.

"Do you have anything to report on today's activities Gerheade?" His gaze shifted to his fairy advisor.

"Nothing too major my lord but more ponies have been trying to climb the tree," Gerheade reported. "The fog does deter them back out but some of them have disappeared altogether in the mists."

Gerheade is a female fairy with has purple eyes, long light brown hair, and long pointy ears. She wear's a green hat adorned with a dark pink flower on the left side of the hat. On her back was a pair of long insect-like wings. She wears a white dress with butterfly green scale-like patterns on the top and around the base of the dress with a pair of white matching shoes. Gerheade wears a pair of mint green arm covering that extends from her wrist to three-quarters of the way up her arm. She also wears earrings that match her fruit staff. Her staff has a single large red berry looking fruit with three leaves at the base of the fruit.

"Hmmm... it would seem the some of the legends that surround the Everfree Mists have some merit to them," Gar said as in with the slightest bit of intrigue as he shifts in his throne resting his head in his clawed hand. "Gloxinia," he called for the captain of the fairy guard.

"You called my lord," Gloxinia appeared in front of Gar a the foot of the steps that led to the throne.

Gloxinia is a fairy male and older brother of Gerheade who strongly resemble resembles a female human child in the face. He has amber-colored eyes with pointed ears draped by his long bright red hair, and a gray corsage on his left wrist. He wears baggy white pants which have dark blue butterfly scale-like patterns at the cuffs. Around his waist, he wears a green sash and wears a set of black shoes. On Gloxinia's back was a set of sparkling insect wings similar to his sister's while at his side was his Holy Tree Sword. He wields a deadly scimitar made from the Sacred Tree in the fairy realm that he uses in close-range and long-range combat. He also has the ability to transform his scimitar into swarms of mini-sized versions of his weapon that act as rotating razor blades and sends them towards his enemy at great speed. He can use it in conjunction with his powers like summoning to his location the massive roots of the Sacred Tree. He also has the power of Guardian similar to Gar in which his turns his sword into a massive spider the can poison foes with a venomous bite and ensnare others in webbing.

"Have everyone keep watch over the fog and makes sure that the ponies stay out of it," Gar ordered. "I don't want any ponies going missing on us. I owe it to Twilight as her knight to look out for the citizens Ponyville, but I won't be blamed for needless disappearances of any creature that wanders into my forest either that have not been warned of the consequences and risks of the Mists."

"Yes King Gar," Gloxinia nodded and then flew off to tell the denizens of the Everfree.

"Gerheade," Gar shifted and sat up in his chair. "Would you please fly to the capital city of the ponies, Canterlot, and inform the princesses of the Sun and Moon? It's the city on the side of the mountain, take this and present it to the guards," he reached into his chest and pulled out a medallion with a silver crescent moon over top a golden sun on a red silk ribbon. "Tell the guards you are here on behalf of Sir Gar with a message of the utmost importance about the Everfree Forest for the princesses' ears only. If Celestia isn't awake then tell Luna and have her wake her sister."

Gerheade took the medal and placed it around her neck. "You Lord Gar, and what if they wish to speak you?"

"I will speak with them at a later time. I must rest and recover my magic," Gar monotones as he leans back into his throne. "If it is that they need my right away then use teleport to return here and inform meee...." He slurred as he drifted off to sleep.

Gerheade bowed her head and then took off towards Canterlot.

Divine Intervention. A Nightmare's Resurrection

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(Zeldris Pov)

Examining over my newly arrived guest he looks exactly like he did in the anime. However, he was also injured.

His black and dark gray gi were in tatters. He had cuts and bruises along his body. He was wearing a porta earring on his left ear, his tail is wrapped around him. He is slimmer than I would have expected. The one before me was none other than Goku Black.

“Hmmm, I hope he’s not the actual Black. That could be bad.” I say to myself as I circle around him. “Nah, I could take him. I think I’m stronger than him, maybe.” As I was thinking aloud Black suddenly shot up.

(3rd POV)

“Son of a bitch!” Black had shouted, he immediately started to groan from his injuries. He held onto his left shoulder and put a hand to the side of his head. “I don’t remember the Elements of Harmony giving anyone pain.”

“So you were hit by the Elements, that explains it.” Zeldris said, startling the Saiyan.

Black in an instant, got to his feet and put on a fighting stance, similar to Goku’s. “Who the bloody hell are you?” Black said, preparing for a fight. His entire body was shaking from being injured from whatever battle he was in.

Zeldris raising his hands in an attempt to calm Black spoke. “I wouldn’t be so quick to fight in your state. Why don’t you settle down before you start a fight you can’t win.” Zeldris said as he released some bloodlust at Black.

Black felt some of the power radiated from Zeldris, begrudgingly, he loosened his stance and stood normally. “Sorry for being so hostile, just came out of a fight and a mental struggle.” Black had explained, confusing Zeldris a little.

“Mental struggle?” Zeldris questioned with a brow raised. “No matter, I have a question. Are you the real Goku Black?” While saying this Zeldris pulled out some strawberries from his inventory and threw them to Black.

Black with his quick reflexes, he caught the strawberries and looked at them curiously. Shrugging, he popped one of the fruits into his mouth and ate it. “I can assure you, I’m not the real Goku Black, but he is here,” Black said as he popped a few more strawberries into his mouth. Within a few seconds, all the strawberries were all gone.

“I see, so you're a displaced then. I’m just meeting you guys every other day now.” Zeldris said to the confusion of Black.

“Displaced, what do you mean by that?” Black said as he slowly sat on the floor to conserve some energy.

“Well you see,” Zeldris began only to stop and fly up to look at the mist. Black watched curiously as a humanoid being flew out of the fog. He had long insect-like wings, along with long pink hair, and a face that resembled a female child. Floating alongside him was a sword. “What are you doing here Gloxinia?” Zeldris questioned fiercely.

"Who are you?” Gloxinia growled as he reached for his sword and pointed it at Zeldris. “And what are you doing in King Gar’s Forrest?”

At that Zeldris became ever more confused. “King Gar? Are you referring to that big smiling monster?” Zeldris relaxed after Gloxinia nodded.

“Some of those damn ponies refer to him as such,” He said through gritted teeth. “Why he refers to himself in such a manner I know not. He is the Fairy King and as such should be treated with the utmost respect, especially for what he’s done for that city of worthless snobs on the mountain!”

Zeldris looked down to where Black was and saw him observing the whole interaction curiously. “Hey Goku Black, can you fly with those injuries or do I need to carry you?” The demon questioned.

Black nodded, “I think I can manage for a while, so in other words, Yes.” Black said. Slowly floating into the air, arriving next to Zeldris.

Turning to Gloxinia, Zeldris noticed that he seemed to be rather annoyed that he ignored him. “Hey you, take us to Gar. Now.”

“Why should I listen to a pony?” Gloxinia snarled. “Your kind are nothing but greed with holes in your hearts that you think you must fill, I see yours has worn straight through to your skin.”

Out of the hole in his chest, Zeldris pulled out his Zanpakuto and pointed it at Gloxinia. “I will not repeat myself, insect. That was a direct order from the one who made your king a King.” While he was talking, Zeldris used despair aura to make himself even more threatening.

“Brother enough!” Gerheade flew down next to her brother. “I apologize for my brother’s rudeness but he is just doing his job as the captain of the guard for the most part,” She gave a sincere bow. “It is King Gar’s policy to welcome those who come to see him when he’s in but he’s resting at the moment. If you want though, I can lead you to the throne clearing. Perhaps he’ll wake if someone who isn’t fairy is in his presence. Would this be acceptable?”

Lowering his sword, Zeldris gave a simple nod to her offer. “Come now Black, let’s go see my friend.”

They all flew into the mist and was greeted with a beautiful sight. A huge cherry tree stood in the middle of a lush green forest. Fairies much like the ones Gloxinia and Gerheade were flying around along with what appeared to be pony fairies.

“Wow.” Both Black and Zeldris said at the same time upon taking in the sight of the Fairy King's Forest.

Gerheade chuckled at their reactions. “This way please.”

They all flew to the top of the tree where they found Gar in his tire from sleeping on his throne.

“Are you bigger now than the last time I saw you?” Zeldris mumbled to himself. He faced his hand towards Gar’s sleeping form and a yellow magic circle appeared. “Triple Maximize Magic: Magic Arrow.” Two more magic circles appeared next to the first one and all three mana arrows fired at Gar.

The thorn necklace around Gar’s necklace quickly activates and transforms into the Emerald Octo to cover its mater in a shield of vines from the arrows.

“Bastard!” Gloxinia yelled as he drew his sword again.

“QUIET!” Gar roared silencing his captain. The Baquias returned to its necklace form. “Who shoots mana arrows at a being while they sleep,” Gar remarked as his gaze met with Zeldris. “And how did you get to my world old friend?”

“I was walking through the Everfree and before I knew it the mist had surrounded me. Then this guy comes out of nowhere,” Zeldris uses his thumb to point ot Black. “He’s pretty beat up and I met with dipshit over there.”

“You-” Gloxinia glared.

“Brother,” Gerheade held on to his arm. “You are no match for a high-level demon like him anyways. He’s the King’s friend so let him be.”

“Your devotion and eagerness are both admirable and foolish,” Zeldris looked over. “Know your place, worm!” Zeldris activated his Spiritual pressure case Gloxinia to kneel.

“You have gotten stronger old friend,” Gar got to his feet. “I see you are now an Arrancar. How did this come to be? And how are you here in my world Black?” his gaze narrowed on the Saiyan.

“Uh… to be honest with you, I’m not completely sure. The last thing I know is getting hit by the Elements of Harmony in order to stop Nightmare Moon.” Black had explained.

“You were probably forced out of your world by magic overload most likely,” Gar scratched the side of his face. “Now to you Zeldris. How did you become a hollow?”

“I may or may not have had an encounter with your other brother, the Asta displaced.” Zeldris then pointed at the broken hollow mask around his neck. “His Sacred Treasure was the Combat Pass and he let me use it. And that’s how I became part Arrancar.” Zeldris brought out his Zanpakuto and threw it to Gar, who immediately began to study it.

Gar was about to speak but Black cut him off. “Back to my question. What’s a displaced?” Black had a look of impatience across his face as he crossed his arms, slowly tapping his foot against the floor.

Zeldris looked over to Gar, “You tell him.”

“Displace is short for Dimensionally Misplaced,” Gar began. “In short we are what we are. We are humans that are sent across the multiverse to other worlds usually in new form with new powers by some means or another. Usually, it involves buying something from what’s called a merchant though there are alternatives like Zeldris and my middle brother. We send out items called tokens with a phrase attached to them that allow us to be summoned to other worlds or to summon others to our world,” Gar held up his hand to reveal an old telescope. “By doing this we meet others and sometimes gain powers that we never had before. So of us even reach near goddam, these are Displaced that have left their worlds for some reason or another to roam the Void. They are called Void Dwellers. Not all of them leave their worlds but still have the power to do so. My oldest brother is one such case. Shall I heal your wounds?”

Black was really confused by the explanation, “I’d like that.” Black said, but then started to reminisce on what Gar had explained to him. ‘Huh, who’d know. A whole 1015 years and I’ve never known I was a displaced, this will be something interesting to tell Celestia and Lulu once I find a way back home.’ Black had thought.

As Gar was about to transform Basquias into its Moon rose form Zeldris stepped in between them. “Hang on, I just thought of an idea.” He said as he used his magic to create a cup. “Black why don’t you give us some of your blood?” He said with a sinister smile on his face.

The Saiyan recoiled a bit and got into a defensive stance, “Alright, first of all, Eww. Two, The fuck, and three, WHY?!” Black had shouted, furrowing his eyes and scowled at Zeldris.

“Aww come on, it’s not that big of a deal,” Zeldris said as he took a step towards Black, making the Saiyan step back. “It’s for the benefit of my friend Gar. He has an ability called Transpork, I know the name is ridiculous, that lets him take on the abilities of whatever he eats. So it just makes sense for him to get some of that Saiyan blood.” Black still looked like he was on the defensive side. “How about we make a deal?”

Black still wasn't comfortable but had loosened his stance. “Are you sure about this, if I gave you a cup of my blood? He will have the unrivaled power of a Saiyan, and we both know Saiyan’s have no limits, that will make him unstoppable.” Black had explained, a drop of sweat rolled off his cheek. Black was nervous about this.

“Oh that won’t matter, I am infinitely stronger than Gar in every way possible.” Zeldris’ freehand became enveloped in a green fire as he reached for Black. “In exchange for the blood, I’ll grant you power. How does that sound.” He asked as he inched his hand closer.

Black, looking nervously at Zeldris’s flaming hand. Gulping, he stood freely and rolled up a sleeve and held out his arm. “Just make it quick, I fucking hate needles as of already,” Black said with a surprising look on his face. ‘Man, me and Goku have a few things in common.’ Black thought.

Zeldris grabbed Black’s hand. “The deal is set.” The fire traveled up Black’s arm startling him. “Oh and needles, we don’t do that here.” Zeldris grabbed his sword and cut Black’s arm off by mistake. He dropped the cup on the ground and caught the arm. The fire extinguished and the demon looked back to Gar. “Heal him up. I don’t want blood sullying your floors.”

Black was cursing so much, Ryan Reynolds would be proud. “FUCKING POPO! A SWORD, AND CUTTING OFF AN ARM WAS EVEN WORSE YOU SACK OF SHIT!” Black shouted at Zeldris, veins threatening to pop out of his head.

“What can I say, I slipped.” Zeldris shrugged.

“Oh, hush,” Gar slightly shook his as a vine grows from his necklace into the Moon Rose. “Droplet of Life,” A droplet of high condense magic fill from the plant onto Black stump immediately revitalizing him and growing a new arm. “There, you are. Perhaps your Zenkai kicked in too.”

Gar was correct. Black had looked at his regrown hand, opening and closing it a few times. With a smirk, he popped his neck a few times and got into a stance, and let out a mighty yell. His hair flew into the air and turned into pink, with his eyebrows doing the same, except for his eyes which had gone grey. A dark red and purple aura surrounded him with sparks of lightning surrounding him. The power was enough to shake the tree and the pressure was immense. “Yup.” Black put a hand loosely in front of his face and grinned. “I believed the zenkai had definitely kicked in,” Black said as he just went Super Saiyan Rose, he then proceeded to go back to his base form.

“I guess it’s my turn then,” Gar remarked as a tendril grabbed onto Black’s discarded arm and the cup of blood from Zeldris. “Black, you may want to look away,” Gar advised.

Raising an eyebrow, “Uh, why would I want to look away?” Zeldris snickered. “The hell you laughing for, I still haven’t forgotten you, have I.” Black frowned.

“I gave a fair warning, did I not Zeldris?” Gar looked at his friend.

“You sure did.” Zeldris waved dismissively.

“What the fuck are you two talking about?!” Black said, annoyed that no one is answering his question.

“This will be most tasty,” Gar commented as he opened his maw and started to ravenously devour the arm. With a sickening crack and a squelching he thoroughly enjoyed his snack before he downed the cup of blood. “Most satisfying!” he licked his teeth and his body started to glow. “POWER!” He roared as a yellow aura surrounded the giant and he sprouted a tail similar to Black’s. “This will take some getting used to”

“That is always so fun to watch!” Zeldris exclaimed as and began to laugh.

Black’s eyes widened when gar had consumed his arm. But kept his cool. “You know what, that’s not even the worst thing I’ve seen so far. I’d give that a 7/10…” Black said plainly. Zeldris looked at him a little surprised and quirked an eye, Black seeing this explained. “What, you think that’s worse. After around a thousand years, plus with the memories of Goku Black killing every child in the universe slowly with a laugh. Or how about having two mind fucking parasites in said mind.”

Zeldris hummed in thought. “Why yes, that does sound quite horrid. Having two mind parasites doesn’t sound like fun. He said to Black’s horror. “And who hasn’t killed a child before? This world is survival of the fittest.”

“This is true,” Gar agreed.

“But the thing is, I see it every night when I sleep. And it isn't the same dream either…” Black said quietly looking down. “He usually does it slowly by first killing the child's parents, then proceeding to slowly cut off every child’s limb off slowly before slicing the head off with his ki blade. The worst of it is that I see it from his perspective, and I'm the one laughing.” Black growled as he started to shake with anger. Bits of ki started to flow off of him slowly.

“Yes, I understand what you're saying now. A tragedy that you had to endure that.” Zeldris then smiled. “Here’s a fun little story. When I was five years old I was living in the alleyways with my little brother who was only two. One day I got lucky and managed to steal some bread from a bakery, but when another kid found out he came over and tried to take it for himself. I killed him for the sake of my little brother, so that he may eat and not starve. And that’s when I found out what the cruel reality of life is, adapting. You have to adjust to it in the best way possible. You can’t possibly take responsibility for everything that you’ve done if it was in order to survive. Take that to heart, even if those weren’t the worlds you were looking for.” Looking around he saw Gar looking at him in what he believed to be a pity. It disgusted Zeldris. “Moving on, Black are you ready to get your new power?”

“For parazytes, only think of how we can survive and how to best achieve that,” Gar added. “The emotions do play a small part in it for me, like when I Lose control from seeing certain things.”

“Yeah, let’s just get it over with,” Black said with a hint of venom. ‘How about you try and live in a world without a family, jackass.’ Black thought.

Zeldris could feel the hostility radiating off Black. “Even after I went out of my way to try to make you feel better, you still have that venom in your tone.” Zeldris then slightly raised his head and began to look down on Black. “You disappoint me. If not for the deal, I don’t think I would have given you any power, for you are too blinded by something you didn’t do. Get over it.”

“Only if you knew what hell I had to endure before becoming one of these ‘Displaced’.” Black said, furrowing his eyes.

“Only if you realized what I had to endure before becoming Displaced.” Zeldris then walked up to Black and poked him in the chest. “Tell me, how many people were you forced to kill? How many have you sentenced to death?”

“It is this way with many of our kind Black,” Gar stated. “We are Displaced for a second chance. I was nothing but a husk of a man simply living my life from day to day never a true want in my heart. I was sent here and had my emotions dulled to the point of near none existence. I met Zecora and she opened her home to me, then Twilight and her friends. I felt compelled to save them for Zecora’s sake but soon came to realize it was what I wanted to do. This forest is my home my domain, the fairies here,” Gar motioned to the siblings. “I protect them. Do not waste time living a life that is no longer yours and don’t hold the deeds of the one you are Displaced as your own and most of all, don’t acknowledge him as you.”

Black had listened and calmed down a little, but still felt a bubble of hate. Black then set up a telepathic connection to Zeldris and whispered. ‘At Least you had a brother, some part of a family.’ Black turned his back to the demon and crossed his arms, ‘I didn’t, nobody loved me.’

Zeldris then looked over to Gar, who heard the small conversation, the fairy king merely shook his head. Zeldris looked down, thinking of what to say but couldn’t find the words. Sighing, he spoke, “What do you want first, magic or a Sacred treasure.”

Black slowly looked over his shoulder, glaring at Zeldris. But then it softened and he sighed. “Sacred Treasure, then magic. After that, I need to blow off some steam…”

Before giving Black his powers Zeldris used ‘Message’ ‘You can count yourself lucky, for I consider you tolerable.’ Before Black could respond he ended the message and looked to Gar. His theory was correct, Gar cannot hear a message between two people so he was saved from that little embarrassment.

“I will offer you one more piece of advice Black,” Gar looked the Saiyan straight in the eyes. “Instead of focusing on what you didn’t have then, you should focus on what you do have now, and what you have just gotten back.” He poked Black in the chest. “As long as you keep the one sliver of hatred in your heart, he will always have a way out.”

Black knew what Gar was talking about and scowled. “I know, can’t let the fucking genocidal maniac out of his prison along with his new roommate,” Black said sarcastically with a smirk a little and turned back to Zeldris. “Also, sorry about that, kinda had that held up for a while.”

“You're pathetic.” Black was taken aback by the comment as he had just apologized to Zeldris. “After I complete my end of the deal I have a present for you, so you stop being so pathetic. “Search my mind! Choose a worthy weapon for the one I behold! Memory-make magic: Sacred Treasure!”

Gar closed his eyes as a bright light enveloped both Zeldris and Black, as the light died down all three were surprised by what they saw. A pillar of black iron twenty feet in height and the width of a barrel was standing in between the demon and the Saiyan. Zeldris went to grab it but couldn’t really get a good grip on it. When Black went to grab it, it shrunk in his hand until it was only a little taller than him and as thick as a bowl of rice.

“This Black is Ruyi Jingu Bang, the staff of the Monkey King.” Before black could say anything more information came to Zeldris. “Quickly, let’s go outside while the Sun is out!” He rushed them out of the tree, in vain as the moon was in the sky.

“Thank fucking god it isn’t a full moon, that would be catastrophic,” Black said aloud. Looking at the moon did soothe his mind, making him smile at the lunar object.

“You're lucky I convinced Luna to implement lunar cycles,” Gar commented.

“Well whatever.” Zeldris kicked at the ground. “When the Sun is out the staff will be banded with two golden rings on each side along with the inscription 如意金箍棒重一萬三千五百斤 which means ‘The Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod. Weight: thirteen thousand five hundred catties’.”

Black looked blankly at Zeldris with confusion, “And what do these golden bands do to the staff?” Black asked.

Zeldris shrugged. “I don’t know, it just looks cool. And just think about it, it's gold and black. It matches your color scheme.” Black was about to speak again but was cut off. “It’s basically the power pole from Dragon Ball, but it also has the ability to copy itself. A little trick instead of carrying it around on your back is to shrink it to the size of a needle and stick it behind your ear.”

“I already knew what the pole was when it shrunk down. Plus, I’d rather have it on my back than the size of a needle, could lose it easily in that size.” Black said.

“It’s literally over a thousand pounds, if you drop it you’ll know by the crater it makes,” Zeldris said as he rolled his eyes.

“Which is why I’ll always have it on me, where no one can accidentally take it..” Black said as he put his hands behind his head.

“I have a thought,” Gar looked at Zeldris. “You can manipulate memories correct?” he waved a hand in the air.

“That was the present which was supposed to be a surprise,” Zeldris said as he crossed his arms.

Goku Black looked at the both of them confused. “I thought this power pole was my present?” Black said while scratching his head.

“You are as stupid as Goku. I said you will get a Sacred treasure, the staff. I’ll give you access to magic. Then I said I will give you a present out of goodwill.” The demon said as he took out his staff from his inventory. The magical pressure in the area increased significantly.

“How may I help?” Gar came over.

“Who said I need your help.” Zeldris said in defiance. “However if you wanted to contribute for some reason, pour some of your magic into my staff.” Gar walked forward and placed a hand on The Staff of Yggdrasil and began to feed it magic. After a minute of constant magic flow, Zeldris spoke up, “That is enough, I don’t want you to wear yourself out.” Zeldris grabbed onto the staff and began to absorb the magic. “I’ve been waiting to do this for a while now. This feels like the right moment.” Darkness began to seep from all over Zeldris until it enveloped his whole body, soon it all began to flow into one point. Zeldris’ demon mark had expanded to the middle of his forehead, and down his left eye. He just transformed into his second form. The second demon mark, allowing access to more of his power.

“Are you ready?” Zeldris asked Black.

“Nope, but fuck it.” Black said with a smirk.

“Good answer,” Gar commented.

Before Black even knew what happened Zeldris grabbed onto his forehead. “I’ve never had to use this spell. Hopefully, it doesn’t hurt. Control Amnesia!” Zeldris went into the Saiyan’s mind and found the memories of three separate beings within Black’s mind. Peering into one he saw what looked to be a nightmare moon, not his target. The only other two orbs were Black and Silver. Taking a guess he peered into the Black one and guessed correctly. He watched scenes of a man who looked like Black murdering millions. Zeldris placed his hand on the orb of memories and began to channel magic in it. “Magic Destruction!” The orb turned to dust, leaving only two left in his mind. Exiting Black’s mind he sighed, “Damn that was a lot of death.”

Black fell onto his back and began to gasp for air, “Y-you don’t… know the h-half of it.” Black chuckled a little.

“Stop whining and get up.” Zeldris said as he opened and closed his hand a few times.

“Says you, how about you have an entire existing mind eviscerated from the said mind, hurts like hell,” Black said as he hopped back onto his feet. “All that’s left is Nightmare Moon, but I think I’ll keep her a while,” Black said as he chuckled darkly.

Zeldris went to see what Gar had to say about that comment, but the Parasyte was nowhere to be found. Searching for his magical signature, Zeldris saw that Gar had gone off to the side and was speaking with the fairy sibling on something before rejoining the group. Zeldris found it odd that his friend was able to hide his presence so well indicating that Gar had indeed grown much stronger since they'd last met but decided to refocus on Black for the time being.

Zeldris cracked his neck and sighed. “Your laugh is annoying.” The demon walked over to Black and began to inspect his body. As he made his way behind Black he stopped and curiously looked at his tail. “This is a liability in battle, would you like me to get rid of it?”

Black look at Zeldris like he was crazy, “Alright, first my arm, now my tail. What, do you have a fetish for cutting off limbs.” Zeldris just looked at him annoyed. “Look, I kinda need this tail for a certain transformation. Plus, it may not do much but it does boost my power a lot.” Black explained.

Shrugging Zeldris made his way back to the front of Black. “So now it’s time for your magic, which I wanted to give you before getting rid of the memories, I digress.” Zeldris placed a hand on Black’s stomach causing him to jump. “Oh come on I’m not taking another limb or anything, settle down. Ok, so now I will be inserting mana into your body at this point right here.” Taking his thumb he poked Black right below his belly button before placing his hand flat on his stomach again. “I know you have already mastered Ki control, so hopefully this will be easy. However, I do not have the ability you use Ki so all we can do is hope.” Zeldris looked Black in the eyes. “Are you ready?”

“Yea, this should be interesting,” Black said, looking back at Zeldris.

Zeldris began to gradually insert mana into Black, who felt the intrusion immediately. “I want you to try to control it, try to make a circle.” Even with all the years of experience Black has had he was struggling. His body kept trying to overpower the magic with Ki hoping to squish the magic. “It’s not an infection so there is no need to fight it out of your system. I know that it will be difficult with the energy’s clashing, but you need to get it under control.” Zeldris then began to pour even more mana into Black.

The Saiyan was gritting his teeth as he tried to get the magic under control, but his ki was pushing the mana out of his body like a parasite. Black then got an idea. He closed his eyes, concentrating on a particular being lurking inside his head. He opens his eyes to a black void, floating endlessly. He then sees the dark mare, no longer wearing her silver armor, her star-filled mane now limply hanging to her side. She even looked depressed, but that didn’t affect the Saiyan, not after what she’s done. “Well well well, look’s like your plan worked did it…” Black said with a smile, his voice echoing through the void. This had surprised the mare and she immediately got to her hoofs and got in a defensive stance.

“Oh, will you just leave me alone already!” She said, her voice fills to the brim with venom. “You’ve already ruined my plans, my life, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!!!” Nightmare Yelled, shaking the void a little. However, Black hadn’t flinched at all, instead, he had actually smiled.

“I’ve come to make a small offer,” Black said, gaining the mare’s attention.

She scowled, “What is this ‘Offer’ you speak of.” Black grinned as he walked over to Nightmare.

“Oh, it’s something I need help with right now, you would understand.” Black then created two chairs and a coffee table, with a full-on tea set. He sat down and grab a cup and pour some steaming hot tea into it. “Tea?” Nightmare almost looked disgusted by the idea of having tea with him, but she let out a sigh and sat down with him. He then proceeded to pour some tea into her cup. “Right now I’m currently having magic being poured into my body and my ki isn’t so happy with it. It’s pushing the mana out like some sort of parasite.” Black explained, catching Nightmare’s interest. “Now this could end up in two ways for my body, one is that it could cause permanent damage to my body due to it acting differently with ki. Or I could simply detonate, who knows. But are you willing to take that risk?” Black looked Nightmare Moon in the eyes.

Nightmare looked a bit nervous at this but glared back at him. “But what’s in it for me, something like this should give me something big in return.”

“Freedom, a second chance at life?” Black had listed down, surprising Nightmare. “Now don’t think I’m giving you a chance at taking over the world, no. I’m giving you a chance at a new life, one where you can live happily among the ponies. This is a once in a life-time offer,” Black leans closer to Nightmare and glared at her, “Make the right choice.”

Nightmare had set her cup of tea down and began to ponder on her choices. She could either help Black and get a new chance at life, or she could refuse and be stuck in his mind forever and possibly watch him detonate. She had been siding towards the former, but then she settled on her choice. “Fine, I’ll bite.” She said.

Black grinned and clapped his hands together. “Great, how about we shake on it.” He said as he put his hand forward, wiggling his fingers a little. Nightmare looked on with disgust. She hesitantly grabbed him and shook it.

“You know I hate you,”

“Oh I know,” Black said, chuckling. The void had now completely collapsed all around them, his vision being obscured by the black shards of his mind. He opened his eyes to see Zeldris looking at him with an eye quirked. “Looks like things are settled now.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Zeldris questioned. Black didn’t answer as he saw a look of realization on his face. “How did Ki settle down so quickly? Your mana pool is already created as well!” The demon exclaimed in shock.

“Let’s just say I came to an agreement with the dark side of the moon,” Black said with a devious smirk.

“Did you know? May I inquire about what said agreement is about?” Zeldris asked curiously.

“Well, I knew ki wasn’t going to mix well with magic at first, so I decided to persuade Nightmare Moon into helping me out. Begrudgingly, she agreed but wanted something more in return.” Black crossed his arms and look serious. “So I offered her at a second chance at life, not as a pony to be feared, but to be welcomed by the ponies.” Black had explained.

“I never had to deal with Nightmare moon before,” Zeldris stated bluntly. A smirk came on to his face. “You offered her a second chance at life? How do you plan to live up to that deal? If you only have Goku Blacks powers I don’t know how you're going to do it. What are you going to go find the dragon balls?” Zeldris laughed out the last sentence.

Black had let out a hearty laugh, “Ah, only if it were that easy, they don’t even exist back in my Equestria.” Black explained. “Also, who said I was going to do it.” Black let out a knowing smirk towards Zeldris, confusing him at first before he realized.

The air in the room grew tense as Zeldris began to let out waves of Reaistu. “Who do you think I am? You think I would bend over backwards and do something for you, that you did not even have the courtesy to ask me beforehand?” Black’s face fell as he didn’t expect this sort of reaction from the demon. “Know your place.”

“I’d thought you act like this," Black sighed, rolling his eyes.

"If I may be so bold as to cut in," Gar announced as he'd overheard the conversation. "We know that you can create undead and humminculi Zeldris but I suspect you have never worked with an already existing soul. I will suggest that I provide a body for Nightmare Moon by using my unique skill 'Split' that allows me to clone myself any number of times given I have the magic to do so. The clones are nowhere near the strength as when I use my physical split so she will not gain a massive amount of power from the body," He explained. "Though, giving that its is still a biological clone it will still have all of my power but to a much lesser degree."

"So what's he saying exactly?" Black looked at Zeldris.

Zeldris rolled his eyes while crossing his arms and shaking his head. "He's offering to make a body but the downside is she'll have access to downgraded versions of all his powers," Zeldris sighed. "On the upside, she still won't be a match for you."

"What all can you do though?" Black's attention shifted to Gar with a quirked eyebrow.

"In general, shapeshifting, blade generation made of organic metals found in the body, regeneration, darkness control due to my demon nature along with their natural magics like Hellbalze, Fairy biology meaning wings like mine as well as their ability to commune with nature and control plants," Gar listed. "She will not get my personal magic of Transpork but have to awaken her own magics. Lastly, there is now the manor of Saiyan biology. I can however remove some traits, during the creation of the body, like removing them or dulling them greatly. One factor being the clone won't have a mind and the sex will be a female variant of this form. Eventually, she'll be able to change her form to that of what she wants. Zeldris will be able to get to experiment with soul manipulation and I will see what factors I can influence in my clones. How does that sound?" He asked looking down to the two other Displaced.

Black starred into the night sky and spoke in his mind. ‘What do you say Nightmare Moon?’ Black asked the spirit. He could practically feel her sighing throughout his body.

‘I’ve got no choice so I? Buck it.’

‘That’s the spirit.’ Black looked to Zeldris with a smile. “So, what do you say?”

Zeldris glared at Black, then looked over to Gar. The parasyte merely locked eyes with Zeldris then looked away. “You owe me, monkey.”

“Oh, I know that.” Black growled, offended at the comment of being called a ‘monkey’

"Well then," Gat remarked, breaking the silence. "Let's get started. Unique Skill: Spilt," He said and he began to glow white. "Alter cloning, no mind, gender status changed to female, basic physical traits, physical size, and height set to average human and pony, unique magic undetermined." Gar listed off these and then stepped back leaving what appeared to be a hard light copy of himself.

The copy then shrank down to be a little shorter than Black. The hair grew out and then gain more feminine features but still retained its parents’ physical features. The most notable features were the fanged smile with four eyes on the face and long dark violet hair that ran down to the middle of the back, a furry brown tail similar to Black's, and the light-up technicolor butterfly-like wings determining that of Fairy Royalty. The darkness pattern changed to a crescent pattern and its cover area changed to that of the lower part of the body, particularly the right leg. While the upper part of the body it covered was mainly the breasts and the lower left arm and hand forming a monstrous claw similar to Derieri. The demon mark was on the right upper shoulder and it was a black crescent moon with three stars surrounding the moon.

"I took a few liberties based on descriptions from the accounts from the Elements, books, Luna, and Celestia," Gar said, speaking directly to Nightmare as he'd been aware of her from the beginning. "Once shapeshifting is refined you'll be able to look however you like but this will be your true form and what you will revert to when tire and can hold you shifting."

“And as a demon, you can feed on souls to replenish your energy.” Zeldris cut in. “Oh, and Gar have you eaten a soul yet?” He asked curiously as he faced the smiling monster.

“King Gar may be part demon but he would never stoop so low as to eat another creature's soul,” Gloxinia stated in anger.

“Quiet,” Gar commanded before returning his attention to Zeldris. “No,” Gar said flatly. “I do not see the point in this act. Then again I haven’t fought anyone deserving of having their soul eaten. Personally, it conflicts with my humanity. It would seem my moral compass is not as surpassed as I’d originally thought.”

“A shame. Souls are quite tasty, the stronger they are the more flavor and energy you get out of it.” Zeldris said in a somewhat disappointed tone. “Now back to the matter at hand; are the preparations complete for me to transfer Nightmare’s soul?”

“All factors are set and the body is but an empty shell with no mind or even instincts to move,” Gar confirmed. “Everything is ready for you to work the transference at your leisure.”

“Nightmare Moon is also prepared for the transfer,” Black interjected.

“Well then, let’s get started.” Zeldris walked up to black and put his and on his chest. Black then began to look off into space with a blank expression as Zeldris pulled out Nightmare’s soul. Before making sure it was the right one, he double-checked to make sure. When he did he was surprised that there were two souls left. The demon pulled out the soul that was emitting pure hatred and realized that this was Goku Black’s soul. With a smirk, he consumed the soul confusing Gar. A strange burning sensation could be felt in his chest, but he ignored it for now. “Don’t worry I didn’t eat Black’s soul if that’s what you were thinking. I was just getting rid of a pest.” Zeldris then made his way over to the husk Gar made and infused the soul within it.

“That was his soul, wasn’t it,” Black said as Zeldris nodded. “Good, I want you to make him suffer, the most brutal way possible,” Black said, his voice filled with venom.

“That’s not how it works, but he will be serving as energy for a while considering his power level,” Zeldris stated. All of a sudden Nightmare’s body began to convulse.

“The hell is happening to her?” Black asked Zeldris in confusion.

Zeldris hummed in thought. “It appears her soul is rejecting her new body. My best guess is that because it was not made with her DNA it will be harder to bond with.”

“Mmm…” Gar looked on as he then activated Basquias Moon Rose. “Super Droplet of Life.” An overly bright drop of super highly concentrated mana fell on Nightmare and she immediately started to calm down. “That should help.”

Nightmare’s body began to calm down until you could hear her steady breathing. Zeldris looked at Gar, “Super Droplet of Life, that must have taken a while to store up.”

“Very much so,” Gar crossed his arms. “It takes a week to distill a third of one it took me a whole month to make one. I only have one left.”

After saying that both Gar and Zeldris heads sipped around to the front of the tree. Black confused at first felt what they were feeling too. A huge amount of magic was being used to get into The Fairy King's Forest. The clearing was then lit up in a flash of light and when it died down three figures were standing there shocked at what they were seeing. Twilight, Luna, and Celestia arrived in Gar’s domain.

Late Night Chats and Early Morning Risers

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"Gar what's going on?!" Celestia practically shouted, causing Zeldris to snicker. "We felt a huge spike in power coming from here several times in the last few minutes."

Luna's attention was on the fairy laying on the ground, "There's no mistaking this feeling," Luna said through gritted teeth as she bawled her fist. "Sister? Luna?" Celestia and Twilight said at the same time.

Luna pointed to the fairy on the ground as she charged her horn, "That Nightmare Moon on the ground. I will not allow you to exist!" She shouted in anger as she shot a huge blast of magic from her horn at the new reincarnated Nightmare.

With a sudden thump, Zeldris appeared in front of the blast using his Sonído, and using a single palm not only blocked the blast but redirected it completely. Though not paying attention to where he redirected it to as he sent it right at Twilight.

"I find your actions utterly disgraceful and insulting," Zeldris commented as he was thoroughly disgusted with the night princess's attack. "I will not have all our work undone by some lowly goddess!" he spat to the side.

Black watched in awe at what was happening. But he also felt helpless as he couldn’t do anything, they were all occupied with the others.

"Twilight!" Gar yelled as he used Teleportation to appear in front of his princess and pulling her back behind him with his left arm and blocking with his right arm. "RAAAAAA!!!!" Gar roared as a golden aura enveloped him and his hair stood up in a spike fashion while turning golden blonde with his eyes turned into a solid shade of bright greenish cerulean. With his new power, and his Yggdra armor he deflected the blast straight up.

Black and Zeldris both smirked with pride while the princess looked on in awe as the Fairy King reverted back to base form and took a knee breathing heavily.

Luna's attention quickly turned back to Nightmare, "I will not allow this creature to exist!"

Zeldris summoned his zanpakuto and readied to fight with a scowl, "I welcome you to try goddess!"

Black then noticed that Princess Luna was summoning a weapon behind her back, most likely a dagger. It caught him off guard, and Zeldris didn't notice it. He had decided to step in. He quickly went into Super Saiyan and had started to push his power even further, surprising Celestia and Twilight. Luna didn’t notice it however as she charged Zeldris, preparing to strike the demon.

The Princess was stopped however by a hand covered in a yellow aura with lightning flickering over it. She looked to her left, only to see the glare of a terrifying look. Black no longer had any eyebrows, a single bang hung from his forehead, his hair traveled down his back. Lightning pulsated around him as his aura became more violent. Black had gone Super Saiyan 3, just to be safe. “That is the most disrespectful thing a warrior can do,” Black growled, his voice much deeper than it was before, This caught the princess off guard. “Also, you're going up against two of the strongest people here. Think before you act.” Black put his hand in front of Luna and sent a small shockwave, pushing Luna back to the other Princesses. He then calmed down and reverted back to his base form. He then went back to where he was before, watching the battle.

“How dare you-“

"THAT... IS... ENOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUHGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" Gar roared, shaking the whole tree. "I AM GAR, SMILING MONSTER OF THE EVERFREE, FAIRY KING, AND BOAR SIN OF GLUTTONY!" Zeldris grinned. "THIS IS MY DOMAIN AND YOU WILL NOT FIGHT HERE AND RISK HARMING MY FOREST OR ONE OF MY PEOPLE! SHE WAS BORN OF MY FLESH, MAKING HER MY BLOOD, MY KIN. a FAIRY AND ABOVE ALL A FAIRY PRINCESS!" The Sacred Tree reacted to Gar's rage and the light on it turned a burning orange and red. He turned to Celestia and Luna "YOU DARE FORCE YOUR WAY INTO MY REALM AND ASSAULT MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS, AND IN MY THRONE CLEARING NO LESS!" Branches all around sprang to life twisting, slithering, and creaked as they turned to sharpened spikes and targeting the sisters, specifically Luna.

"Gar that creature-" Luna started to say.

"QUIET!" Gar roared and stomped, shaking the whole area. "She deserves just as much a chance at life as you do Night Princess!" Gar pointed a bladed claw at Luna. "As long as she is in this world is considered no less my daughter by blood and a fairy by birth placing her under my jurisdiction, not yours. Furthermore, she isn't even the Nightmare Moon of this world but the one of Goku Black's!"

Gar pointed at the taller spiky-haired man behind Zeldris next to Nightmare who was looking at what was unfolding before her eyes, how total a stranger was defending her right to live in utter disbelief.

"But-" Luna started to say but was stopped by Celestia placing her hand on her sister's shoulder. "He is right, sister, about all of it. We have no right to take the life of one that was just given form, even if she is Nightmare Moon." Celestia looked at Gar. "I am sorry for our intrusion here Gar and I hope this does not sour our relations with you."

"I still consider you my friends Celestia but don't intrude here without permission again," Gar snarled. "I hope we are still friends, Luna."

Luna looked to the side angered. "We are but this still doesn't sit right with me."

“That escalated quickly,” Black said out loud, gaining everyone’s attention. “What, I wasn't expecting lulu” Black immediately realized what he said and tried to fix it, “ I-I meant Luna, I didn’t expect you to attack so ferociously, even the Luna of my world wouldn’t attack right off the bat.” He explained, mentally slapping himself for letting her nickname slip out. This got himself a glare from Luna. He did however spare a few glances at her a few times.

“Are you alright?” Gar turned to Twilight.

“I-I’ll be okay, thanks for saving me again,” Twilight said shakily as her face went flush slightly as Gar let her out of his grace.

Luna was getting annoyed at Black for he kept looking at her. “Is there something I can help you with?” Luna shot a glare at Black.

Black quickly looked away and started to whistle a tune. He didn’t however realize that he was slightly blushing. “Oh, nothing, nothing at all,” Black said quickly.

“You are all so pitiful,” Zeldris said, shaking his head.

“Hey!” ”Hey!” both Black and Luna yelled at the same time, both glaring at the demon.

“Enough!” Gar raised his voice fed up with this crap. “How are you doing Nightmare?”

Nightmare was rubbing the side, groaning. “Like I got beat the crap out of me again by Black.” Nightmare said while Black was grinning with pride. Nightmare looked up to see Luna staring daggers at her, which made her smile. “How's your popularity Luna? Do the ponies love you now without eternal night?”

“Very much so witch,” Luna sneered. “I have several friends and our ponies adore the work we do for them, I even host night court.” She crossed her arms. “And do you even realize that eternal night would’ve doomed the populace to starve in a matter of months? Then there are those who would freeze to death from the cold. I CAN’T BELIEVE I LET YOU TALK ME INTO THAT STUPID PLAN! LIFE WITHOUT THE SUN! DO YOU REALIZE THAT IS THE LIGHT FROM THE SUN THAT REFLECTS OF THE MOON THAT LET’S IT BE SEEN IN THE NIGHT SKY!!!”

“Easy sister,” Celestia calmed a fuming Luna down. “I think it is best we leave before somepony loses control of their temper.”

“I agree,” Gar nodded and the sisters teleported out. “Now back to you. Can you stand?”

“Yes,” Nightmare said, getting onto her feet.

“Good. Can you see if there is any problem when you try and move around more?” Zeldris asked as he looked over her form.

Nightmare then proceeds to stretch, moving all of her limbs to find any faults. With none found, she responded back. “All good here.”

“Excellent, I was expecting a delay in your movements, with your body not doing what your mind wants it to. Now I don’t have to worry about that nonsense.” Zeldris said as he plopped down on the ground and sat. “I’m getting bored. Gar, Black, do something to entertain me.”

Black stared at Zeldris with a blank look, “sorry to interrupt you being bored, but don’t I have to get back to my dimension?” Black questioned the demon.

Zeldris sat up to full attention. “That is true. Perhaps I can make a Gate to your world, using your memories.” Zeldris then layed down and began to think.

“We have a Dimensional Portal back at the Castle from when Doom was here,” Twilight cut in. “We could use that to send you home. It’ll just be four hours after you left.”

“But we need your token to put in the machine so we can coordinate and calibrate it for your homeworld,” Gar added. “But you haven't made one yet.”

“I heard about the token when you explained to me about the Displaced.” Black said, “I was thinking about using one of my potara earrings.” The Saiyan explained. “But the problem is that I don’t want anyone accidentally fusing with me.”

Zeldris rolled his eyes. “You all are so useless without me.” He opened his hand and it started to glow in white light. “Maximize Magic: Create Greater Item.” Within his hand were Potara earrings the same as Blacks. “Catch.” He said as he threw them at Black, who caught them with ease. Zeldris stood up and yawned.

“You know, I could’ve made my own,” Black said blankly while Zeldris stared at him with his eye twitching. “What, when Zamasu stole Goku’s body, he would still have his power to create things. They're gods after all.” Black explained to the demon as he examined the earrings.

“Are things always like this?” Twilight asked Gar.

“Depending on who you summon or are summoned to, though with Zeldris things tend to be interesting,” Gar shrugged before turning his attention back to the Displaced. “You have your item, now you need a phrase to attach to it. You can also have the token do specific things like be a communicator of sorts if you like, just think of the specific.”

Black was thinking of a phrase, he was having trouble. He began to float in the air and began to spin sideways. “Hmmm…” Black did this for a few moments until he figured it out, he then proceeded to land on the ground. “Whoever finds this earring will summon someone with the power of the gods. Subarashi!” Black finished his phrase with a word in Japanese he loved.

“Now toss it into the air,” Zeldris said.

Black nodded and tossed the earring a few times before proceeding to throw them into the air. It then surprised the Saiyan as they seemed to vanish from this dimension. “Huh, that’s new,” Black commented.

Then suddenly they reappeared above Black, surprising him. He caught them and saw Zeldris hand open, so he handed them to him. Once he did, another pair appeared back in his hand confusing him.

“Tokens make copies of themselves and send them through the multiverse. What you have now is the original.” Zeldris pointed to the one in Black’s hand. “I know you don’t need them, but keep it for when someone needs your token.”

Black nodded and looked at Twilight, “So Twilight, you’ve become an alicorn, that’s interesting.” Black commented, “I wonder how I’m gonna keep this away from the Twilight from my dimension.”

“You don’t tell her,” She said outright. “I- She’ll never really get there if you tell her, I had to figure it out on my own, but if you help that’ll make things easier for her.”

“Kinda hard when you- she’s always asking questions about everything, even when it’s the smallest detail,” Black explained. “She wouldn’t stop asking about me when I was on my way to Ponyville with her and Spike…”

“Zeldris, let me see one of those,” Gar pointed to the earrings. Zeldris shrugged and handed over one of the Potara. “Can we use this Twilight?”

“Hmm…” She looked over the token. “I think so. Should we go to the castle?” Twilight looked at everyone. “We can send you back in the morning once the Portal has had a chance to cool down. You two look like you need some rest anyway,” she looked at Black and Nightmare.

“I would like that, I haven’t had any rest for about two days now,” Black commented, Nightmare nodded.

“I could also use some food. I wonder what James is cooking?” Zeldris cut in.

Black’s eyes widened quickly before he slapped his head with his hand and let out a heavy sigh. “Damn, I completely forgot about food. I should’ve had some food at Twilight’s ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party.” Black complained, Nightmare only rolled her eyes at Black’s complaining.

“Gar do you have any chefs around here? If not I could make some.” Zeldris said as he looked around for any fairies.

“A few of the fairies have taken to eating regular food and the pony fairies can cook but no, I have no actual cooks,” Gar explained. “So yes one would be very welcome Zeldris.”

“Hmmm… you don’t seem like the type that likes undead like me. I guess I can summon a couple of Angels.” The demon jumped away from the group to make some room. “Variant: Summon Angel 10th tier.” A light blue magic circle appeared on the floor and out of it came three divine looking beings.

One was a woman who had light blonde hair and a white halo above her head. She had clear, peach skin and purple eyes. She wore a white long sleeve plain summer maxi dress with gold accents. You couldn’t see her shoes because they were covered by the dress. She wore beautiful golden armbands that were connected to a golden ring on her middle finger. On her right pinky, there was a silver ring. And she had a divine silver necklace that had some kind of jewel at the end of it. On her back was a pair of large white wings. In her hand was a large metal briefcase.

Another one appeared to be a boy with feminine features with light blue skin. He had long white hair spiky hair that went down his back with a pair of silver eyes. He wore a light grey suit with a black tie, black gloves, and black dress shoes. He had a large thin blue halo that went around his neck that seemed to defy physics as it hovered there. He also had a large staff with a dark sphere at the top, which also had a thin blue halo over it. When Black looked at him, he immediately thought of Whis from the 7th universe.

A third angel soon appeared, another female with a more muscular appearance. Her wings wear a very light shining grey or silver color while her hair was midnight forest green tied back in a short ponytail just above her neck with a set of twin fangs like bangs hung over her very well defined and sharp facial features. Her eyes were an icy blue with a somewhat fanged smile. Her clothes consisted of black denim pants, black leather pointed steel toe boots, a red t-shirt with a black spade in the center over the chest, and the spade was overlaid with a silver celtic spade on it. She also wore a dark grey trench coat but the right sleeve was completely missing up to the shoulder to reveal her right arm adorned with some form of a red tribal tattoo. On her left thumb were a thin silver band and a thicker black one with a form of checker pattern with green metallic flecks in it. While around her left wrist was a leather bracelet with gold, copper, and silver adornments. On her back was some form of a lance.

“Why do none of you look like chefs?” Zeldris questioned the three as they kneeled before him. The blonde and greenette eye twitched slightly while the little blue one let out a muted chuckle. “Also you do not serve me, you serve the one who rules this domain. Fairy King Gar.” The demon spoke and made a hand motion to Gar. The three angels immediately went before Gar and bowed down. Black watched on with interest; he especially paid close attention to the blue one.

Gar took notice of Black’s action, “You, the blue one, what is your name?”

“My name is Wazu,” the angel replied. His voice was smooth and calm, like a river, which had surprised Black. To the Saiyan, the angel even sounded like Whis, which creeped him out a little.

“Wazu, you shall sever Goku Black,” Gar pointed to Black. “I have no need for three chefs. Is this acceptable?”

“That is acceptable,” Wazu replied, bowing his head. He then looked to the Saiyan and gave a small smile.

“And what of you two, what are your names?” Zeldris asked as he walked back up to the group.

“I am Adreana,” The one with the green hair spoke.

“My name is Yuki,” the one with the briefcase smiled.

“I am Zeldris, your creator. That is, as I already said, Gar your master. And that,” Zeldris gestured to the Saiyan. “Is Goku Black, as you may or may not have heard.”

“We are pleased to meet you father,” Yuki bowed. “I am the chef out of the two of us.”

“Whatever,” Adreana huffed, “I’m what’s called a Gourmet Hunter, I go out and track stuff down and she cooks it,” She pointed at Yuki. “But don’t let her cuteness fool you, she’s dangerous with or without her briefcase.”

Yuki smiled with her eyes closed with a slight giggle.

“Something tells me not to cross her,” Twilight pointed out as she shirked away slightly.

Zeldris used mana essence to scope them out. Out of the three of them, Wazu was the strongest, but not by much. Yuki was around the same strength as Adreana, but Adreana had her by a hair. In terms of strength, the three were pretty even. The three of them together would definitely overpower Simon when he was first created. However with Simon’s training and experience now, he would win.

"Um…" everyone's attention was pulled to Twilight Sparkle who was eyeing Zeldris while beaming with intrigue at.

"Not now Twilight," Gar cut her off sternly. "We," he motioned to the group excluding the angels. "Are all tired and need rest And others need food as well. You can ask about spells some other time."

Twilight looked at Black and Nightmare and fully understood, she was just now feeling the effects of her own adrenaline rush wearing as they spoke.

"I understand and I'm sorry about almost tackling you for the information," She looked down ashamed slightly. "Let's get everypony over to the castle for some food okay." Twilight gave the warmest smile she could muster at this time.

Black smiled at this, “That sounds like a plan.” The Saiyan looked over his shoulder, finding Nightmare. “You ready, Nightmare?” He asked. The dark mare nodded her head in confirmation, getting a smile from the Saiyan. “Looks like we're ready.”

“Let’s go,” Zeldris said and he began to walk away.

“Come on Nightmare, Wazu,” Black said as he began to follow the demon. The angel nodded and simply hovered next to the pair.

“You may want to hold on to Black’s hand Nightmare,” gar said in his usual monotoned drool. “You are still weak and not used to that body. I do not know what type of world you came from but I do know that you're still not totally in sync with your new form and will require help when it comes to prolonged bouts of use in that body for some time.”

Nightmare nodded and walked over to the Saiyan, who was holding out a hand. She hesitated a little but grabbed the hand and looked away. Black only laughed at this as he ignited his aura, preparing for flight.

“Before we leave the forest, what would you like to eat so that I may instruct the angels on what is available to hunt,” Gar looked at his guests.

“I do not have a preference on what they cook us, as long as it is filling,” Zeldris said before taking off towards Ponyville.

“How do you feel about Hydra meat Black?” Gar looked at the Saiyan then turned to Nightmare. “The ponies here mainly eat vegetables but also dine on meat occasionally, though mainly fish. What do you like?”

“I’ve had Hydra meat before, wasn’t that bad, I don’t mind,” Black commented while he waved a hand. “What about you Nightmare, want to give it a try?”

“I don’t see why not to use these fanged teeth at some point.” Nightmare explained while showing her sharp teeth.

“Let me explain your body a bit,” Gar shrank down and donned his Anthro Zebra form. “You are an omnivore now and will require food daily, at least two major meals a day. You will also sleep at night instead of the day due to your fairy nature. Like plants in nature, we can also gain energy from just being in the outdoors, day or night. Parayztes can be more carnivores than predators due to bloodlust, though since you were never a real parazyte you will not need to worry too much about this. You can still lose yourself to frenzy quite easily in the heated battle or a chance at seeing something that might trigger it. Your emotions are stifled as mine are so you must be more careful with this.” He turned to the angles. “There is a swamp not far from here, there you will find a five-headed hydra, one head should be more than enough for a few meals. Go.” The angels nodded and flew towards the swamp.

“Let’s catch up to your friend before something happens. I don’t trust him alone,” Twilight pointed out flying toward town followed by Gar and the others with them arriving in no time at all. Zeldris had already made himself quite at home sitting in the map room with his feet propped up on the map, thoroughly annoying the purple pony princess.

“What took you so long? That flight is barely a minute long.” Zeldris asked as he opened his inventory and pulled out some strawberries. He threw them each one and ate the rest. “What’s your problem?” He said looking down to the pony who was glaring at him.

“Zeldris,” Gar got the demon’s attention.”Would you please respect Twilight’s castle as if it were your own? This is her home after all, or at the very least take your feet off of the map.”

Zeldris used Sonido and appeared on the other side of the room. “Just bring me my food.” He said as he leaned against the wall. He created a glass and used a spell to make him some water, he then took a sip of it.

“That would be our job,” Yuki remarked as she and the others came in. “that hydra has a nasty temper. We have the heads outside princess, would you please show us where the kitchen is?”

“Uh… sure,” Twilight reluctantly showed them where to go, leaving the Displaced and Nightmare to themselves. Before long she returned along with the angels pushing several carts of food into the room with a smell that made everyone's mouth drool. “I’ve never seen somepony cook like that and make so many dishes so fast,” Twilight commented awestruck.

“Dinner is served,” Wazu said with finesse and a bow.

“Dinner sure was good.” Zeldris said as he patted his belly. He then looked over to the Saiyan and glared. “And you Saiyan, learn to keep your hands in your own plate.” He said causing Black to chuckle and scratch the back of his head.

“I must heavily agree with Zeldris on this topic,” Gar looked at Black then to Moon.”Lest you fall prey to Nightmare and lose another arm.”

Zeldris stood up and brushed himself off. “I guess that is it for tonight then. I’ll see you in the morning.” The demon said as he then exited the library, confusing everyone present.

“Gar, would you help me show Nightmare and Black to their rooms for tonight?” Twilight asked her knight responded with a slight nod. “This way please” She led the others to a couple of the many spare rooms of the castle. “You’ll be right next to each other if you need one another, I bid you goodnight and pleasant dreams.” She and Gar then left.

Black looked at his room to see a nice king size bed in one corner with a bedside table next to it. There was a dresser right across from it and another door had led to the bathroom. And there was a double door that led to the balcony, showing the small town of Ponyville. Black took off the bottom part of his shirt, which had to be replaced. He looked to a mirror across the room to see the numerous amount of battle scars that befell him. There was a large hole like one on his left bicep, where he was one impaled by a very sharp hand from an enemy of the past. There was a large cut across his abs when he was injured in a battle with Sombra. There was more than he could remember in simpler terms. The Saiyan had laid down on the bed and tried to fall asleep, but it didn’t seem to work, so the Saiyan thought a shower would help.

He got off the bed and made his way towards the bathroom, turning on the light so he wouldn’t stub his toe again. He made it and went to the shower, finding many different types of soaps. He turned the water on and waited for it to heat up, while that was going on he took off his ragged pants and boots. He waited a few moments before getting in the shower, letting the water run through his hair. He grabbed one of the bottles, not paying attention to the label, he poured some of it onto his hand and rubbed it in his hair. He then went on to rub the soap over his body. He groaned a little when he went over some of the scarred areas of his body. He could still feel the pain, always there to remind him of his mistakes.

The events throughout his first day out of stone still shocked him. The fight with Nightmare Moon, finding out he’s a displaced, meeting new people with different powers, giving Nightmare a body, he now has magic. It had overwhelmed the Saiyan. After he finished his shower, he got out and grabbed a towel, drying himself off. He put his ripped pants and boots back on before stepping out of the bathroom. He went to his torn undershirt and looked through it, trying to find the pocket. After he found it, he pulled out a picture that has been through its fair share of years. It was a picture of himself and Luna at a fair, Luna had pink cotton candy on her snout while he was laughing. It brought back good memories of that fair, bringing a smile to the Saiyan. After looking at it for a good minute, he put it loosely in his belt.

After everyone had gone to sleep, or so he thought, Black opened the door to his room and peeked out to see the empty crystal halls. It was a perfect moment to get some fresh air, Black smiled. He quietly stepped out of his room and closed the door slowly, making sure not to make any noise. After that, he flew through the halls, trying to find the entrance. After a good 15 minutes of flying, he found the doors and swung them wide open. They made little to no sound, which was good for the Saiyan.

After he had stepped outside, closing the door behind him. He flew off into the air and started to fly around, taking in all the fresh air. Black let out a small smile as he glided through the clouds, small droplets of water landing on his face. He opened his eyes to see a crescent moon hovering above him. He looked for a small pond out in the clearing and found one. He softly landed on the grass and quickly sat down, putting his hands on top of his knees. The sound of the wind passing through, moving his spiky hair, it soothed him.

Black felt like falling asleep right there and then, but heard the flapping of wings behind him. He had thought it was Twilight, so he sighed and stood up. He looked behind him to not see the purple alicorn, but Princess Luna. She wore a black dress this time with her regalia. She had no weapons with her, but it didn’t put Black at ease though. “What can I do for you, Luna?” Black asked, his voice filled not with anger, but a sense of calm like the wind. Luna stood there with a straight face, never failing until a stern look appeared.

“How did you know the nickname Tia gave me?” Luna questions with a stern look. Black had sighed, mulling over how he was going to explain this to a different Luna. He faced her with a straight face, trying to figure out what to say. Failing to find the right words, the Saiyan let out a heavy sigh and spoke the truth.

“Since the day I met you, the same day I arrived,” Black paused, trying to remember a certain number. “That was 1,015 years ago,” Black said, surprising the moon goddess.

“Only we- I thought only alicorns could live that long,” Luna said, making the Saiyan nod in conformation.

“You're correct, Alicorns do live on forever until they are slain. Saiyans do not have that ability,” Black explained, sitting down on the grass again, looking up to the Alicorn. “I only got out of my stone prison recently, like a day ago.” This had shocked the Princess, which got a smirk out of the Saiyan. “If you think that I was in there because I did something horrible, then you’d be wrong. I chose to be sealed in stone. But the reason was that not only you had a Nightmare parasite to deal with, I also had one. But he was more ruthless and merciless than your Nightmare.” Black then went on to explain what his Nightmare had done and what he had to do in order to stop the parasite from taking over. Luna throughout this is left speechless, she c
couldn't come up with anything.

She felt bad for the Saiyan, both of them had to deal with their Nightmare’s. However, she failed to stop it, while he succeeded, but suffered the same price as she. “We are terribly sorry for thou,” Luna apologized. The Saiyan only shook his head at this and let out a small smile.

“Don’t be, there's no need for that, I’ve already gotten enough of those from Celestia and Luna back from where I’m from.” Black let out a small laugh, getting a smile out of the Princess. He had also noticed Luna had been looking at his scarred body, making him chuckle. The dark alicorn noticed and quickly looked away, blushing. He was about to say something until a piece of paper fell onto the ground, his eyes widened. He went to grab it but a light blue aura surrounded it, flying into the alicorn’s hands, the Saiyan gulped nervously.

The alicorn looked at the picture of him and Luna at the fair with interest. She examined every detail of it, “What are you doing with me, and what is that pink stuff on my snout?” Luna asked, quirking an eyebrow as she pointed at the picture.

“Well… that’s me and you at the fair and what’s on your snout is cotton candy,” Black explained. “I think that was a few years after I arrived in Equestria. You wanted to take me to a fair since I’ve never been to one before.”

She looked at it a bit more before letting out a warm smile, “You two must be the best of friends.” Luna commented as he handed me back the picture. I took it and put it more securely in my belt this time.

“Yeah, the best,” Black said with a smile. “Anyway, I should be getting some rest, I haven't had a good sleep for a while now,” the Saiyan commented.

“Alright then, sweet dreams, Goku Black,” Luna said, giving Black a warm smile, before spreading her wings and taking off for Canterlot Castle. The Saiyan watched her until she vanished from view, he took one more good look at the moon before letting out a small chuckle.

“Different dimension, same old Lulu,” Black said before taking off back to the castle, smiling the whole way there. Once he arrived, he quickly snuck his way back to his room, making sure not to make a sound. He got to his room and quickly made his way inside. Once inside, he took a long look at the bed before jumping face-first into it. A few minutes later, the Saiyan passed out into a peaceful sleep, one he hadn’t felt for centuries.

At the same time in the Castle of Friendship

Twilight walked through the halls while Gar followed close behind her. To tell the truth, she was barely holding herself together. She knew that Gar dealt with these sorts of things and she'd even helped out with some of it within the last few months, but it was still overwhelming. Through a combined effort of him and the extremely powerful demon calling himself Zeldris, with a little help of Goku Black playing host, they'd actually managed to revive one of the most dangerous ponies ever known during her time. Then there were the beings known as angels that had also been created by Zeldris. Let's not forget the fairies that had been born from nature itself and the gathering of the other known fairy species as of late.

Gar had done so much for the ponies since he'd come to this land, a world not even his own, and yet he risked his life for them and most of all her. So much had happened in the time she'd met the being behind her, though she never questioned why he protected her. And once again this very night he'd saved her once more without questioning himself or even the thought of a risk to his own life.

The duo soon arrived at Twilight's room. "Here you are Twilight, have a good night. I will be in one of her other rooms should you," Gar said nonchalantly. He turned and started to leave then Twilight grabbed onto his hand. "Hmm..." he looked to see her eyes hidden behind her bangs. "Twilight what is wrong?"

"Why?" she said softly as tears started to run down her cheeks.

"Hmm..." he raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you go so far to protect us, to protect me?" She looked up into his eyes. "No pony even asked you to watch out for me but yet you've almost died several times just for me! WHY?!" Her grip got tighter on his hand.

"Originally it was because you all were Zecora's friends then because you all became my friends and this was your home. But as time went on it was because I genuinely wanted to protect something," Gar led her into her room and to her bed for the second time that night. "Something that I actually wanted to do for myself. I don't really understand it too much myself, Twilight. All I know is that I want to protect you from any harm and keep you safe. I..."

In the next moment, Twilight jumped and wrapped her arms and wings around the unsuspecting parazyte. She'd planted a very passionate kiss right on his lips and as she held him close. It wasn't long before the two broke apart and Gar was left with a genuine blush across his muzzle.

"Thank you for always protecting me," Twilight said softly as she placed her head on his shoulder. "Would... would you mind staying with me, at least until I fall asleep?"

"As you wish my princess," Gar said with a bow. He didn't know why but those words he'd just said filled him with a warmth he'd never known before. After tucking Twilight in and checking over things one more time he went to close the door and heard someone come in through the foyer. He took a quick sniff of the air, "Black..." he raised an eyebrow slightly then shook his head while returning to Twilight who'd already fallen asleep. "Sleep well my little pony," Gar said warmly as the moonlight showed through the currents as he sat in a chair.

The Next Morning

Gar awoke the next day just as the sun started to peer over the horizon. He ended up falling asleep in a chair in the corner of Twilight’s room. Getting to his hooves he started to shift into his true form and stretched off his stiffness from the previous night’s rest. His next action was checking on his princess.

Twilight was still nestled in her four-poster bed snuggled into her blankets with a big grin on her face and drool coming from the side of her mouth, “Hehe… books…” she muttered in her sleep.

“Must be a good dream,” Gar remarked to himself. He then heard a noise from outside.

Going to Twilight’s window Gar saw that the noise was coming from Goku Black. He looked like he was going through a set of motions. That’s when it came to Gar, that he was training. Gar was somewhat familiar with this action as he’d often found his older brother up early in the morning going through his own move sets when he’d stay with Gar and his friends.

Opening the window, Gar flew out and down to Black. “Up early aren’t you?”

Black turned around to see Gar standing there, the Saiyan smiled. “Morning Gar, yea.” Black greeted. He stopped his motions and faced Gar, “I think the morning is always the best time to train, the cool breeze helps a lot.” Black explained as he started to wipe some sweat from his head. “Do you know if Zeldris is up?”

“I am,” Zeldris said as he appeared using Sonido, making Black jump a little. A smirk made its way into Zeldris’ face. “Look what I found out I can do last night.” The demon stuck out his hand at Black and fired a small Ki blast at the Saiyan, who easily deflected it into the ground.

“Dear Popo, a little warning next time?” Black said as the dust rested onto the ground. “I see you’re using his energy to use ki.”

“Hmm… with training, I will soon do this, but I must hold for the time being,” Gar looked at the others. “Breakfast or portal? Or is there something else on your mind to do?”

“I’d say breakfast, what about you Zeldris?” Black asked the demon.

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Zeldris answered back.

“Anything specific?” Gar said in his monotone drool.

Zeldris reached his hand into his inventory only to come out empty-handed. “Something to do with strawberries, because I’m out. This won’t do.” He said with a slight frown on his face.

“Eggs and Pancakes, that’s pretty much it,” Black said as he started to reminisce. He remembered that Celestia always made the best pancakes.

“Strawberries are easy enough to grow,” Gar said as a strawberry patch grew behind Zeldris. They were big and as red as a red demon. “Though they may not compare to your own servants Zeldris. Why don’t we have Spike make some of his pancakes with these? or better yet the angels?” He suggested.

“Nobody is better at making food than my mummies, especially, Jean,” Zeldris said as he thought back on the mummy who is always in a chef hat and apron. “But the Angel’s pancakes sound quite good.”

“The Angel’s cooking was fantastic last night, so Angel’s it is,” Black said with a smile. “But before that, I should go take a shower…” Black slightly chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

“You should also check in on Nightmare Moon,” Gar added. “She may not be used to her new form, but shifting is as easy as thinking while hovering occurs even before a fairy has its wings. I may have saved her and she is a fairy under my protection while here, but she is still your responsibility and I don’t want her unleashed upon this world. I may have ruined my relationship last night with the sisters. I don’t want it to not be worth the sacrifice of my friends.” Gar noted sternly to Black while Zeldris was busying himself refilling his inventory with strawberries.

“I already knew she was my responsibility when I made the deal with her. I don’t want her destroying any relationships with anyone, certainly not your friends.” Black said with a smile, he gave Gar a thumbs up. “And that’s a promise, I’ll go check up on her on my way to my room,” Black said.

“Beware of the Shower Drake this early in the morning my friend,” Gar warned. “He is not ashamed when ponies walk in on him, but if you don’t be afraid to back out quickly as a face full of green flames awaits you if you don’t.”

“Noted, but I don’t why a dragon would be in the bathroom in my room?” Black commented but shrugged it off as he ignited his aura and took off towards Nightmare’s room. Leaving a thin trail of ki behind.

“Does he not know that the only bedroom with a bathroom is in Twilight’s,” Gar scratched his head. “I do hope Spike is in a good mood this morning,” His attention back on Zeldris. “I must ask you something important, my friend. Do you think the growth of the Sacred Tree has connected our worlds?”

“That’s what it seems likely,” Zeldris said as he rose to full height, having picked enough fruit. “I was in my world when I was enveloped by the mist, then the next thing I know is I’m in your Equestria. And with the Sacred Tree appearing, I would have to assume that you’ll be seeing demons around sooner or later. Or maybe even The Goddess Clan.” Zeldris walked up to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. “If you have Gloxinia and Gerheade here, then there is no telling how many others will show up as well. So be on the lookout and call me if needed.”

“I will do this if I need to and the same goes for me,” Gar monotoned. “If I may also ask a favor, if any wonder into the Everfree that just pop up out of nowhere, would you send them back here. There is a legend that says some completely disappear in the Mists of the Everfree and now I suspect I know why. I will grow a specific flower in the mist on this side that makes them so they may be sent back.” Gar looked up to TwilightOs window. “Last night you called Luna a goddess. Are they true goddesses of the Goddess Race or their Descendants?”

“I believe that they are either the descendants of the Goddess Clan or at the very least a low-level Goddess.” Zeldris started to pace back and forth. “They are not strong enough to be a high-level Goddess, and they are too strong to just be descendants. As you may or may not know the descendants of the Goddess Clan were very weak. Have you met or heard of Faust? Depending on your answer I may be able to solve this puzzle.”

“No, I haven’t met her,” Gar shook his head. “But I have heard tell of her in passing conversations during my stays in Canterlot and her name comes up quite often in the history books of this world that I have often read.”

They were however interrupted when they heard a scream. “SHIT!!” Black’s voice echoes throughout the castle and outside. The next thing that happens is a massive field of green flames escapes one of the windows of the castle. “I TOLD YOU I'M SORRY!” Then another window explodes in flames. The Saiyan appears next to them using the instant transmission technique, he showed up covered in sute, he had a pissed off look while his right eye was twitching. “FINE!” Black shouted as he threw his hands into the air and turned around and walking away from the castle, “I’ll go fucking find a damn pond.”

“I did warn him,” Gar shook his head then returned his attention to Zeldris.

Zeldris looked to the burnt Saiyan who was walking away and smirked. “You and green flames do not go together.” He sighed before getting back on topic. “Simon once mentioned to me that Celestia and Luna are the daughters of Faust. If that’s the case for this world as well, I would have to say that they can be classified as a Goddess. However,” The demon began to rub his chin in thought. “I don’t know what race the father could be. And judging if by how they don’t have the eyes a goddess normally does, and they have less strength, I am going to classify them as a Demi-Goddess.” Zeldris walked back up to Gar and placed a fist on his chest. “You can sense magic now. So that means you can find out for sure if you feel that their magic radiates divine-like feeling, your new ability to use Ki should come in handy with that too. I called them Goddesses earlier because Of how their mana radiated with divine energy. To find out for sure, in times of strife and hardship when they are back against a wall, look at their eyes.” Zeldris said as he made a gesture to his eyes and used an illusion spell to make them the ones the Goddess poses. He then patted Gar on the chest before walking inside. “Let’s go eat, shall we?”

Gar gave a curt nod going inside while leaving the crispy Saiyan on the lawn smoldering.

(After Breakfast)

“Those strawberry pancakes were divine.” Zeldris complimented the angels as they were walking to the map room. “Using Strawberry milk instead of normal milk was ingenious.”

“You are too kind father,” Wazu bowed with a smirk.

“Not my best work but if you praise it as such then it must be worthy of something.” Yuki stroked her chin.

“Yea yea, can we get this show on the road,” Adreana complained.

“This way if you all please,” Twilight motioned to the basement of the castle. “We had to build it in the basement so we could directly tap into the lay lines of the planet for a bit of extra power.” Twilight turned on the lights to reveal the portal. It resembled the Sartgate even with its own control pad. “Gar The token please.” The knight handed over the potara and Twilight plunged it into the machine and began to type on the keypad. Soon the gate’s rings began to spin and the gate ignited with energy inside it the resembled rippling water. “Now we just wait for the scan to find your world Black but it might take a few minutes as you’ve never encountered Displaced till now,” she pouted slightly as her ears flooded against her ears.

“Thank you Twilight,” Black thanked the purple alicorn. He turned to Nightmare Moon, who had gotten a handle of her magic, changing her appearance. She looked the same last time Black saw her back on his world. The Saiyan turned to Gar and smiled. “Oh and Gar,” catching his attention, Black continued. “If you need help getting to the other transformations or accessing god ki, come summon me.”

“I will,” Gar nodded. “A fair warning to you is to watch out for the Fullmetal Alchemist who goes under the moniker of the Crimson Sage. He is my older brother and he is extremely powerful to the point he can travel the Void without the use of a token in order to be summoned being summoned. I have no doubt he already knows about this occurrence between us. Just a fair warning is all.” He turned to Zeldris. “We have our problems to deal with as well. Since our worlds connect now we can freely travel to and from them, I suggest we meet every other week or so to stay in touch on the happening. What do you think?”

“That sounds good to me, stuff is going on right now but I can manage it. You can meet the newest member of the Sins, Pharmakon Fox Sin of Greed.” Zeldris sighed before continuing. “Still no sign of Gluttony. I want you two to meet, and find out who the true Gluttony Sin is.”

“I will do all in my power to prove myself to you that I am the one true Boar Sin,” Gar responded, holding up his fist, not even questioning his sudden outburst.

The gate’s pad started to buzz and flash red. Twilight looked over the data and smiled turning to Black and Nightmare. “Found your world you two. I have a few things I need to inform you,” She explained. “I can send you back to exactly where you left off from but four hours will have passed since you left your world. Sorry, but I can’t send you back at the exact moment. The journey can also be a little taxing on you magically, physically, and mentally. So I recommend that you either eat a snack right away or take a nap as soon as possible. Especially you Nightmare since you’re still getting used to your new body. Black, you might be okay but be careful all the same.” She looked at the portal and it stopped spinning. “Alright, it’s all set you two. All you need to do is walk through it.”

“Alright, you ready Nightmare?” Black asked the dark mare.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Nightmare commented as she walked towards the portal and through it. Black watched before slowly walking towards the gate.

“Oh, and Zeldris,” Black turned around, catching his attention. Without saying a word, Black playfully gives Zeldris the bird. The demon smiled at this.

“Yeah, yeah just walk through the damn portal,” Zeldris said as he gave a short nod at him.

“See ya, come on Wazu,” Black said as he went on a slow jog to the gate to a full-on sprint as he disappeared through the portal. Wazu followed shortly after Black, doing a quick bow before entering the portal. Black’s voice echoed throughout the portal, “Until next time!”

Zeldris looked to the parazyte. “He was interesting. I wonder what is wrong with me. I went out of my way to help him.” The demon then began to snicker. “Probably because he was as pathetic as a stray dog.”

“I still do things that not even I understand my friend,” Gar replied with a sigh. “But helping him just felt right is all I can say. What will you do now?”

“I guess it’s time for me to go as well. Gate.” A purple portal opened up next to the one that Black went through. “Before I go, was I supposed to do something? I feel like I’m forgetting something.” Gar shook his head no. “Ah, no matter. I’ll figure it out later. See you next time old friend.” Zeldris went through the portal. It closed quickly behind him.

“Good luck and until next time,” Gar nodded then turned to Twilight who’d just now realized they were alone and her thoughts drifted to last night’s events before bed causing her to blush.

“Uh… I gotta go reorganize the library, see you later Gar,” She started to walk off then stopped and turned around. “You should go see the princess about what happened last night. I’m sure you can all make up or… whatever you need to do. I’m sure you're still their friend, well, bye!” Twilight darted off.

(Back in Zeldris Equestria)

As Zeldris exited the portal, he pulled out his grimoire to see if it had any flight spells so he can practice his control. Then it hit him. “Awww shit, I forgot to give Gar his Grimoire.” He tried to activate his own grimoire with no luck. “Son of a bitch, he wasn’t kidding. I’ll see Gar in a week or two so I guess I’ll give it to him then.” He took off in the direction of Simon's magic.

Morning Discussions!

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Gar stood outside the Castle of Friendship soaking up the morning sunlight. Technically he didn't need to eat nearly as much for as he used to when he'd first arrived in this world as being a fairy meant that he could replenish a good portion of his magic from being in nature itself, mail absorbing the sunlight like a plant.

Spike soon came out picking his fangs with a claw. "Hey Gar," He said hesitantly. "Sorry about barbecuing your friend earlier this morning. I thought is was some random guy who snuck in here."

"It is alright young drake," Gar said in his emotionless tone. "If it makes you feel any less guilty, I did give him a very thorough warning before he went to take a shower. "

"I- Okay that does make me feel a lot better," Spike sighed in relief.

"It was a welcome sight to see," Gar turned his head to Spike slightly. "Especially after last night's events."

"Yea not gonna lie," Spike scratched the back of his head. "I hear heard what happened from those to pega-

"They're angels," Gar cut in flatly.

"Okay..." Spike raised an eyebrow. "Anyways... They told me what happened last night, or at least what happened after they were created, according to them. That one with the briefcase sure can cook."

"That is what she was and the other one were created for," Gar pointed out. "They were gifts from my friend Zeldris after I'd told him I don't have professional chefs."

"What about me?" Spike thumbed himself a little annoyed.

"You are an excellent cook Spike but you are not my cook," Gar pointed out turning his body to face his young friend. "I don't live here the castle with you and Twilight. I may be her knight but I am also the King of Fairies and as such, I have my own kingdom and subjects to look after like Twilight does."

"I get that," He blushed at Gar's compliment while kicking the ground. "So what else happened last night? The two in the kitchen mentioned something about Nightmare Moon."

"The Displaced you roasted this morning is known as Goku Black. He had his Nightmare Moon's soul inside his body. Through the combined efforts of Zeldris's magic, the other Displaced and good friend of mine, and my skills and spear, we were able to give Nightmare a new body," Gar explained and Spike's eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks. "You need not worry about her as she is with Goku in their world. Her powers are greatly diminished and she is no longer an alicorn at all though she was still appear in that form of one as that is what she wishes."

Spike heaved a sigh of relief, "So what else happened last night that I missed?"

"Celestia, Luna, and Twilight broke into my throne clearing and Luna tried to blast Nightmare with a lot of magic which Zeldris deflected but in his negligence, he shot it back at Twilight," Gar said in a slightly annoyed tone. "I managed to deflect it upwards with some help of my new powers, but Twilight was a little less than shaken for a bit. Luna and Celestia left after that and we discussed how to get Black Home as he got here by force instead of normal summoning."

"Then someone said they were hungry and the angels were made and you guys came back here for a very late supper," Spike picked up the story.

"Yes," Gar nodded then his thoughts went to Twilight and him last night causing something that hadn't happened to the parazyte in the entire time he'd been in this world or at least since last night, he blushed heavily.

"What's with the red face?" Spike squinted. "Something else happened to you last night, something big. What's happened?" he demanded.

"Twilight... kissed me," Gar slowly said as eh let it sink in. "Ou tof left field as most say

Spike stared for a moment then fill on his back laughing at the top of his lungs, "HAHAHAHAHA! THAT... RAHAHAHAHA! NO WAY HAHAHA! IN HELLHAHAHAHA! WOULD SHE HAHAHAHA! DO THAT!" Gar stood there and let the drake choke on his own gasps of laughter. "WOO!" He caught his breath. "I needed that Gar thanks. But seriously, there's no way in all of Tartarus the bookworm of a pony I grew-up with would just suddenly come out and kiss you." He smiled as he looked at Gar face still flushed. "Oh, my sweet Faust she really did it. She confessed to you," Spike said dumbstruck.

"I never said she confessed anything to me," Gar looked at the drake sit down and shifting to his zebra form. "So you knew she has feelings for me then. When did she tell you?"

"Well... She didn't necessarily tell me so much as I figured it out," Spike looked to out of the corner of his eyes and scratched his cheek with his pointer finger. "I have plenty of experience from my own feelings for Rarity and she acted really nervous when you two got really close. And after seeing her talking to herself in the mirror about telling someone about how she felt about him a few times it wasn't had to put two and two together." Spike turned to face him. "I mean it was bound to happen. You're always the one there to protect us and that goes triple for Twi. There's no way she wouldn't fall for you after all that. But I never thought she'd be so bold as to just up and kiss you. Even if she didn't say it she might as well have said it if she outright kissed you."

"It was indeed surprising to me to," Gar scratched his mane.

"What are your feelings towards her Gar?" Spike leaned over, crossing his legs.

"Honestly Spike, I don't know," Gar stood up.

"I mean I understand if you don't get with," Spike flopped on his back. "I mean you already have Zecora and Tempest. They're pretty hot and they're personalities are awesome. You three get along great. i MEAN Twi would be a good addition to your herd but I also get why you don't add her if you don't love her."

"What are you talking about Spike?" Gar tilted his head slightly. "What dos herding have to do with a relationship?"

"Sorry, I just assumed you knew," Spike quickly sat up. "Here in Equestria, it's not uncommon for ponies to form more than one relationship with others. It was originally set up to help with the lower birth rate of male ponies where stallions would get more than one mare forming herds. Over time it wasn't uncommon to see more than one of the same gender in the same herd as the male populace rose. Its still a pretty common practice but it's nowhere near as encouraged as it used to be. Like I said," Spike layed back down. "A lot of folks do it over the marriage route as they say it keeps your relations fresh. There is still a dynamic with a head mare and head stallion that have to approve anypony that wants to join in. So who's your? Zecora or Tempest?"

"Spike, they are my friends and it would be a lie to say I didn't find them physically attractive," Gar explained. "But at the same time, none of us are in any form of relations outside of normal friendship. And honestly I find having more than one partner very unsatisfying as a whole. Nothing against those that do either. Yes, sexually it would be fun from time to time but still, that is not me."

"Damn dude," Spike said in shock. "I can't say whether your stupid or honorable. Just do you then. But know if you hurt Twilight in any way I'll be there with everypony else to give you a hell of a life."

"Noted," Gar nodded shifting to his true form. "I must be off to Canterlot. I need to speak with the Princesses."

He started to walk away, "Gar," Spike said as he looked into the distance. "I don't want to see Twilight broken-hearted or in pain any more than she has to be. If you care about Twi in even the smallest bit of the same way she does about you then tell her and if not do the same and let her grieve and move on from this crush."

"I will think on it and get my head on straight first," Gar commented. "And I think the princesses can help, if they will see me." He said and then flew off.

Meanwhile, in the shadows not far away, a figure lurked out of sight. "So this is the place that's been calling me. So much magical power here," she evil snickered. "And o many of my changelings are here. I can hear that tree pulling. But I need to be warry being this close to that accursed Twilight Sparkle and her student, Starlight Glimmer, that stole my work empire from me." Her attention turned to Gar that had taken off heading towards Canterlot. "You are indeed interesting. A true changeling royal outside myself, and a king. Perhaps we can find an accord," She snickered. "And by accord, you'll listen to me as queen as all-male do listen to their queens. Queen Chrysalis shall have her Empire again and then the world!" Chrysalis snickered as eh walked into Everfree, changing her shape to that of a normal changeling.


Gar floated down and landed in the streets of Canterlot. Normally he'd go straight to the castle but he was still doing some thinking about Twilight's sudden kissing confession the night before. The more he thought it over the more he couldn't deny that he did like Twilight in some form, more than others.

He decided to walk through the city and calm his nerves. Most ponies knew his form from the assault on the city months ago. Many of them had grown accustomed to seeing him in the lower city while he had time off from his training with Blueblood. Many of the ponies there had even started to fly the flag with his face on it there.

In the upper city it was another story altogether. Most of the snooty noble ponies would often make faces of disgust behind his back as he passed them in the streets. They weren't brave enough to comment to his face and if he had any of his friends like Tempest along with him, somepony usually was left with a black and blue fur color scheme. Gar just chose to ignore, except when somepony decides to throw off on Twilight or his friends, then the insulter usually left with pants full and eyes crying.

As Gar walked through the city hr came across a pair of nobles. Fancy Pants and his good friend Fleur De Lis.

"I say, sir Gar," the stallion got the monster's attention. "Hello My name is Fancy Pants and this is a very good friend of mine Fleur De Lis." He motioned to the shapely mare next to him.

"Salut," She said in a French Ascent, or Prench in this world, and a curt bow. "It is very nice to vinally meet za stallion zat saved all of us from zat horrible Storm King."

"Sorry to interrupt your venture old boy, but I just wanted to say hello and thank you for what you've done for Equestria. We have so been looking forward to meeting you these past few months but every time we'd gotten word of that you were in the city you were always busy with training," Fancy smiled sincerely.

"Do you have time for a late breakfix or lunch?" Fleur looked up to the tall monster.

"I am currently on my to see the princesses on a few urgent matters that have recently come up so I am afraid that I must decline your invitation your lord and ladyship," Gar to nonchalant with a bow.

"No need to be formal with us," Fancy shook his head.

"Yes, we are not like ze rest of sese, how you say, stick up ze plot types of Canterlot," Fleur snickered. "Perhaps you can zion us after ze meeting, no?"

"I know," Fancy snapped his fingers and pulled out a business card and quickly wrote something on it before handing it over to the king. "Those are our personal private numbers and addresses. Should you ever need anything or just feel like chatting give us a ring or feel free to stop in for a visit when you're in town."

"Thank you," Gar gave a simple nod while the nobles smiled at him.

"Do have a good day Sir Gar and give the Princesses our regards," Fancy said as he and Fleur started to walk away.

"And do let us know when we can do a lunch zome time," Fleur waved.

Gar waved and then looked at the card. "Hmm... guess there are some nobles that don't have a stick up their plots," Gar said aloud as he went on his way to the castle.

The princesses were readying themselves for the day having just finished breakfast. Celestia looked ti her sister with a look of query on her face.

"You went back last night," Celestia pointed out. "Why?"

"I wanted to ask Goku Black how he knew of our nickname you gave us," Luna said bluntly. "He is very close with the Luna of his world and that's how he knew. I'd say that they're more in love than best friends from the way he looked at her in that photo he had last night."

"There's more to though isn't there," Celestia crossed her arms under her chest.

"Yes, we are more alike than I'd originally thought," Luna sighed. "He had his own nightmare and that he had to deal with."

"Is the fact that he was able to fight his overcome it and you were not able to bothering you that much sister?" Celestia brow arched in a deep concern. "Or is it the fact that Gar, somepony you felt a connection with, defended another irritation of her?"

"More like I let my anger get the better of me and almost did something I would've come to regret sister," Luna sighed. "You were all right. Even if I... she, is... was my darker thoughts she still deserves a chance at a life of her own. I just hope that the other me can make peace with her and forgive and that I can one day too." She stood up. "And I hope I am still friends with Gar, not many see the night as he does and I do truly enjoy his company in the observatory."

"Luna you've already been forgiven," Celestia wrapped her sister in a warm hug. "I can tell that you still have angry with what happened and part of you will be for a long time but the first step is trying to let go and you've made the already with letting Nightmare get, even if it was a Nightmare from another world," She nuzzled her little sister causing Luna to return her embraces. "And I'm sure Gar will still be our friend, but I must confess," Celestia gave a cheeky grin. "From the way you talk about him is almost as if you have a crush on our Smiling Fairy King."

Luna's face went red from embarrassment, "I do not! I do enjoy his company but I DO NOT have romantic feelings for the young king," Luna broke free from her sister allowing her to snicker. "Besides, he has the zebra Zecora and the former storm captain Tempest Shadow as well as a few of the Elements of Harmony swooning after him to. Forgive me but I never was one who cared for herd dynamics

"I know Lulu," Celestia wrapped her arms around Luna again. "I'm just picking is all." She let go. "But if you do ever pursue him you should know I asked the later and they both said Gar is a very good stallion and a great friend but they're not with them romantically in any form, but at the same time they wouldn't deny him a chance should her pursue them." Celestia walked to the door. "And I think Gar is more of your mindset of only having a single partner, food for thought!" She sang only to be hit in the face with a banana cream pie after Luna teleported away. "Hehehe... Been a while since she threw one at me, at least she's feeling better. " Celestia chuckled as she liked some cream of her lips then turned to her assistant. "Raven, clear my morning for the next hour I will be in the bath for a bit, have any nobles wait outside the throne room. If it's somepony important comes to send them to my chamber and have them wait outside..."


Gar walked up to the draw bridge and the guard ponies both saluted to the Fairy King. He'd become something of a regular sight to most of the guards. Gar had earned their unwavering respect from the mock battle with Blueblood and the training he'd undergone with many of them to get his skills and magic under control. Gar gave a slight nod and walked onto the castle grounds and up the steps Like most days there was already a line of nobles at the door to the throne room.

Many were there cause they thought they deserved something or rather something from somepony else. Some were there to complain that the princess was not there already and their time was precious and they needed to be seen then and there.

One noble in particular caught Gar's attention, her name was Red Velvet. A red pegasus mare in an equally red dress suit with a black mane in a bun and dark blue eyes. She was complaining to one of the guards that it was her right to see the princess and that no earth pony or unicorn would stoop her. Gar had heard of this mare during his time in Canterlot and knew that she was here about the same thing every time. She thought that pegasi were the top dogs and even had the balls to talk down to the princesses, all of them.

Gar remembered how Twilight had come to Canterlot in the early weeks of his training to study the Mirror Portal with Doom. How he came to check on her and he found her upset and on the verge of tears. She'd just tried to speak with this aforementioned mare about friendship and what she was doing there. Safe to say it didn't go will and this memory rattle the Parazyte King for many reasons. One Twilight was his princess that he was sworn to protect and uphold her principles, two Twilight was his friend and he didn't like it when his friends were respected and talked down to to the point of tears, three was he hated snobbery of this caliber. And now that he had currently come to the understanding that he did genuinely care for Twilight as more than a friend from the deductions he'd made on his flight over to the city, the memory really made his blood boil from the way that he saw the mare was acting now and how she'd treated his friend slash possible lover.

Gar walked over slightly radiating bloodlust and as the nobles turned to see what this force was that was coming for them separated and then shot out the door of the castle. Gar loomed over the mare while the guard took notice his pupils shrank as he saw the killing look in Gar's eyes. Gar pointed at the mare, who was so caught up in her rant and self-superiority hadn't noticed the king, the guard nodded and the mare noticed this.

She saw the shadow looming over her, "Finally," she turned quickly. "Do you hav-" She was caught off to be face to face with Gar looming over her looking down with a slight hissing sound coming from his throat. "Ah...."

"I have words for you," Gar raised his hand and flexed his claws. "You have disrespected every princess to see you, even the one who wanted to be your friend. As her knight, I will not stand for this," Gar's claws extended to around Red's throat. "If I ever hear that you have disrespected any of the princesses again, especially Princess Twilight, I will place a curse on you and your house so that you will never fly again. Understood?"

Red gulped hard and nodded slowly the guards looked down and saw a dark spot form on Red Velvet's inner pants leg that extended down to the floor as a puddle of yellow formed around her hooves. They couldn't help but place the hands over their mouths and snicker.

"Acceptable, now leave," Gar hissed as he withdraws his claws allow the mare to run squelching out of the castle.


"My apologies about the mess," Gar looked down and stepped back.

"No issue sir," One of the guards commented with a hardy chuckle. "It's a welcome over having to deal with that mare... again."

"Very well, is the princess in?" Gar pointed.

"We were informed by Ms. Inkwell that court would start late today," The other guard replied as he had just finished asking a made to cleaning up Re Velvet's mess. "She said if somepony important shows up to send them to her chambers and wait there."

"Thank you," Gar gave a slight bow and walked off with his claws clicking on the marble floors the whole way down the hallways.

"You did you tell him he's supposed to wait outside the doors right?" The opposite guard asked. "Or were you to busy laughing at the piss spot on the floor?"

"Pretty sure I told," Hr rubbed his chin. "If I didn't then Faust have mercy on his soul."

"Harmony's sake I hope he at least knocks," The other guard face palmed while shaking his head.

Gar made his way down the hall towards Celestia's room. Passing several guards who either nodded or stop to salute the knight king. Upon his approach to the room, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar and there were no guards around.

"She could've sent them away," Gar said to himself then he notices a familiar scent, the scent of blood. " CELESTIA!" He called out bursting through the door and found a sight that very much angered the demon fairy.

There standing over a bare Celestia passed unconscious was a demon. It was a very tall humanoid-like demon. If you were a normal pony or creature for that matter it would appear as if it was just someone wearing a full set of magenta armor. But if you're a demon you can tell right away from the aura the creature was emitting that this is the demon's actual body. It has very large hands which have sharp blade-like fingers. Over the upper right corner of his right eyes was a red right-outward facing crescent moon with a circle in the center of the moon.

"Oh my another one of us has come seeking the princesses," He chuckled. "I'll give you one warning, I am Pump of the Six Night's Of Black. N=Miss with me and lose your life whelp, now move on she is my prey."

"BASTARD!" Gar didn't hesitated and rocketed across the room and landed a solid punch right into Pump's face sending the older demon flying out the balcony window. Gar turned to Celestia and quickly extend his fingers t o her neck check her pulse and other vitals. "She seems to be alright just unconscious." Gar picked her up and set her on her bed and threw a blanket over her. A few sets of guards soon appeared. "Wake Princess Luna immediately! Celestia was attacked be a high-level Demon! Someone notify Captain Blueblood and raise alerts to maximum! No pony leaves her for a second!"

"Sir," one saluted then moved to Celestia's side. Another rushed to Princess Luna and another rushed to Blueblood and the rest of the guard. "What are you going to do?" another Guard asked.

Gar looked over his shoulder and everypony gulped hard, "Slaughter a demon."

That's when the ponies saw the armored demon flying on its wings of darkness. "Kekeke... that was a good punch! But I'm not going to let my prey go so easily" Pump flexed his claws. "You're not just a demon are you, no from the look of those wings you're the current Fairy King. This should be fun!"

Calling his Basquais to his hand in its first form he began to float. Angling Basquias behind him Gar shot forward and thrust the spear into the demon's torso but Pump took the blow and the two fighters rocketed across the sky.

"Is that all you got!" Pump laughed as he slapped Gar into the mountainside causing a crater. "Not even a scratch," he dusted off himself with a cackle.

Suddenly hundreds if not thousands of short swords flew at the older demon. Pump did his best to dodge but avoid so many weapons at once was hard even for a seasoned demon.

"Enough! Hell Sphere!" Pump yelled forming a ball of purplish-black flames around himself. "What will you do without you little t-"

Gar shot across the sky enveloped in golden aura with his hair spiky and golden with greenish cyan eyes. He reached the other demon and landing a solid punch into Pump's stomach sending the demon whirling across the sky this time.

The older demon balanced himself and coughed up black blood.


"How did he get so much stronger all of a sudden," Pump wiped the blood from his mouth. He looked up to see Gar flying at him at breakneck speed wind whistling as he did.

"PROMOTION! SUPER SAIYAN 2!" Gar activated his magic on himself to achieve the next level of power. His aura increased and now had lightning mixed in and purple flashes mixed in it. Not letting up Gar held up his hand and started to blast Pump with energy blast overwhelming the demon as gar zig-sagged. Before Pump could react Gar formed spikes on his and proceeded to pound the living hell out of Pump. Gar didn't let up and pummeled the older demon across the sky as he tried to escape from the Parasyte wrath but to no avail as Gar was too fast to outrun. Gar kept it up and pounded Pump straight out of the air right into the ground. Even when on the ground the king didn't let up.

Once he was sure the demon was down Gar jumped back out of the hole he'd dug. He started to walk away huffing reverting back to his base form having spent much of his magic and energy in the onslaught. "Have to... get back... to check on her..."

Suddenly Pump's eyes shot open and he jumped from the hole above Gar, "I won't let you have my prey! HYPNO STINGER!" Needles sprang from Pumps body as he came down to collide with Gar.

Gar didn't hesitate and shot bladed tendrils from his body spearing Pump in mid-air. "Gar turned around and faced the older demon with no pity in his gaze. He brought Pump in close and looked at him while the demon shook in fear and convulsed in pain.

"Die!" Gar said in pure hate as he extends his claws into Pump piercing his six hurt and shredding the entire inside of the armored demon's body. Gar watched his foe writhed in pain as dead from having his inner body thoroughly blend to mincemeat."Before you die I will take you soul and power!" Gar raised up his free hand and mercilessly ripped Pump's soul from his body. In the fairy king's hand was a glowing bluish-white sphere with a wispy tail and a red right-outward facing crescent moon with a circle in the center of the moon on it. Gar looked down at the soul in the grasp of his claws and gave it serious thought about devouring it but decided against it not wanting to resort to such a method for power. "I'll give you to Zeldris next time I see him." He remarked as he placed the soul in a cavity inside his body then summoned the Baquias to him and flew onto back to the castle.

"Landed outside on Celestia's balcony guards came to him along with Luna." Gar!" she rushed over and hugged the huge monster thoroughly shocking him "THANK YOU..."She cried. "Thank you for saving my sister!"

"It... was... my... duty.... as... her... friend..." He wheezed out and then fell backwards.

"Gar!" Luna cried out. "Somepony help!"

Don't Let Sleeping Monsters Lie

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Gar lay in the medical ward in at least four cots that had to be pushed together just to have a place to allow him to be examined. He had IV's and machines hooked up to him to help monitor his vitals and keep him with a steady supply of the proper nutrients. He'd been in a coma for nearly three days since he took down the demon Pump that had attacked Celestia.

Celestia was looked over thoroughly by her regular doctor after an examination by the on-staff medical team. She was given the all-clear. Just a few cuts and bruises with a very minor concussion the first day. The doctor had said if Gar hadn't gotten there when he did then the Princess would have sustained much worse injuries and eventually would've been killed by the demon. She was in her room resting and was under orders to stay away from the throne room and stress for at least a week to allow her to completely recover, which she gladly accepted.

Luna had all but closed the castle off to the public. She would see the occasional noble pony or good noble ponies such as Fancy Pants and Fleur. The couple had come by to check on Princess Celestia and Gar after they'd been informed of the attack that day and had continued to come every day and stay four at least two hours with both of their bedridden friends. They also helped Luna with the minor duty she needed help with or they could at least so too during the day due to Luna's sleep schedule. Though even this didn't deter the night princess from staying up as long as she could during the day.

Then there was Twilight Sparkle and her friends that had burst into the castle the evening of the attack. Twilight immediately demanding to know where Gar was and that she be brought to him. By his side was where stayed until she passed out from exhaustion and was brought to her old room by her little brother slash assistant, Spike. This still did very little to stop her from going back to sit by Gar's side when she woke up.

It was currently evening and the doctor, a unicorn stallion by the name of Horse Shoe, was with Princess Luna to discuss Gar's condition.

"How is he, Dr. Shoe?" Luna asked ash she looked in on Gar and Twilight from the doorway.

"By all accounts, he should've been dead after all the damage done to his body, how quickly he burned through all the magic in his body, and the pure physical exhaustion," Dr. Shoe flipped through the medical reports. "How he's still breathing let alone made it back to the castle via the flight on his own is a miracle on its own." He pulled out an x-ray picture and held above to let the light shine through it and show Princess Luna. "The sheer strain of what I can only guess was his own power at the time snapped every muscle fiber in his entire body Princess. So much so that he shouldn't have been able to move at all after his fight. If he wakes up he wouldn't be able to move if he were a pony."

"What do you mean Doctor Shoe? From what you just said it seems that he may still be able to move," Luna tilted her head.

Dr. Shoe pulled out a new x-ray of the same area and shows Luna in the same manner as before hold the picture up to the light. "This is the exact same area but this x-ray was taken this morning during the changing of his bedding."

"Luna's eyes grew wide. "But... this looks like..."

"Exactly," Dr. Shoe gave a curt nod. "Whether it's his body, magic, will to live, or all three. His body is steadily repairing itself. And the muscle fibers that are repaired now are even denser and stronger than when they were broken. It's probably like an auto-immune response of some kind to help prevent his body from buckling under the strain of whatever he went through again." He pulled another x-ray out. "There is something rather concerning."

"What's wrong?" Luna took the x-ray and held it up. She raised and eyebrow and then looked at Dr. Shoe confused.

"What exactly am I looking at?"

"His chest," Dr. She pointed at a certain area wit appeared to be a cavity with something shining in it. "There appears to be a foreign object in his chest. What it is we can't say for sure. We just know that something is in there and we can't even scratch his flesh let alone cut into him in order to remove it. None of our equipment is sharp enough or has enough force or and edge to do so. It would be amazing to studying if it wasn't so irritating," He sighed. "If it's this hard while he's injured then it will be nye impossible when he gets better."

"What's you're standing on his condition Doctor?" Luna said as she crossed her arms.

"If everything keeps on coarse as is he should be fully healed both physically and magically in another three to four days," Dr. Shoe adjusted his glasses. "But... as for when or if he'll wake up, I can't say. He may wake up now or three days or even a year from now. That part is all on him."

"Hmm..." Luna looked at the couple. "I never would've thought that young Twilight would care so deeply about Sir Gar, but t the same time how could she not fall in love with him." She turned to the doctor, "Be sure to keep close watch over both of them and let Ms. Zecora and Tempest Shadow and her friend Grubber come and go as they please. Keep me posted on any changes in his condition Dr. Shoe." She let out a sigh and then looked at Gar. "I do hope he will be okay and wake up soon. We already owed him a great debt for saving our kingdom and Twilight from the Storm King and now he's saved my sister yet again without even thinking of the cost to himself." Luna turned to Dr. Shoe, "I must attend to my duties and again seek me if anything changes with him. Also, if you would please check in on my sister's recovery that would be most appreciated."

"Certainly your majesty," Dr. Shoe's bowed, and then Luna walked off. "I do hope he recovers soon, for Princess Twilight's sake at the least." He sighed and shook his head while walking off.

Some time later that night...

I pair of Night Guards stood at attention outside the draw bridge. One let out a soft sad sigh.

"What's up?" Guard 1 whisper asked slightly turning his head.

"I'm a little worried about the big guy," Guard 2 replied.

"I get it," Guard 1 nodded. "You younger guys did get to do a little bit of training with him. So ya feel a bit of a kinship with him. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little concerned too. The big guy has done a lot for all of us and never asked for anything. Heck, we didn't even ask him to help us."

"Yea he just did it..." Guard 2 rubbed the back of his head under his helmet.


"You say something?" Guard 2 looked at his companion.

"No," He said flatly.


"Okay I know I hear something," Guard 2 looked around

"I think I heard something to..." Guard 1 checked his hearing. The duo stayed silent for a moment.


"Okay is it me or does that sound a lot like a train?" Guard 2 looked down at the train station but there was no incoming train.


"Ah..." Guard 1 said as he listened. "Yea but why can't we see it!"


"Where the buck is the damn thing?" Guard 2 growled.

"Ah... up there..." Guard 1 pointed up causing his companion to look up.


Both guards rubbed their eyes several times to make sure they weren't seeing things. The hollowing of the engine couldn't be mistaken either. There was indeed a large red and gold sun themed heavily armored locomotive racing through the skies. The heavy grand machine raced along on rainbowic rails of light under its large wheels.

"Quick! Go tell the Mistress!" Guard 1 told his subordinate. "I'll raise the alarm!" he ran to the tower, 'First Princess Celestia is attacked by and upper-level demon and then Sir Gar falls out cold from his fight with it!' He yelled mentally. He started to beat on the alert bell. "ALL GUARDS THIS IS NOT A DRILL! GET TO BATTLE POST IMMEDIATELY!"

At the same time in the throne room...

"A WHAT IN THE WHERE?!" Luna cried in the royal Canterlot voice of old in utter shock and horror.

"A very heavily armor train rushing through the sky and rails made of light," Guard 2 said again in an abbreviation of the events he saw just moments earlier. "The alarm has been raised and all guards are being called to arms your highness."

"And this... flying train?" Luna looked worried as she got off her throne and walked to tell her older sister.

"Last I saw it was still in the sky but it seemed to be steadily descending," Guard 2 explained.

"Thank you, you may go back and join the others now," Luna dismissed the guard who saluted and left. "I must warn Tia of this. She may not be at one-hundred percent but we may need her help.," She arrived and knocked. "Sister tis us. We must speak with thee immediately."

"Come in Luna," Celestia answered sleepily. Luna enters to see her sister laying on her bed in nothing but a sheet. "What's wrong Lulu? I heard the alarm and woke up, the night guard is running a drill rather early tonight."

"Get dressed Tia," Luna sighed. "It isn't a drill," Luna told her sister what the guard had just told her mere minutes ago in the throne room while Celestia got behind her blind to get dressed.

"This is indeed very upsetting," Celestia stepped out from her blind in full armor. "We may not stand a chance if we fight, even with both of us."

"I fully agree sister," Luna crossed her arms under her chest and looked down with closed eyes. "It takes not only an incredibly powerful magic user to even power a normal train but also a very experienced and skilled one. And to have it fly through the sky is unheard of. That means we're dealing with someone not only very well versed in magic and its uses but someone who is extremely powerful. Someone of Gar's level of magical power or above." She sighed. "I doubt we'll even be able to win if it comes to blows."

"That may be sister, but we must try," Celestia placed her hands on Luna's shoulders. "Gar won't be able to save us all the time. Maybe he'll wake up and come help but right now we must meet this new friend or foe."

"You're right sister," Luna nodded as she covered herself in her magical aura, and her dark blue nightdress transformed into a suit of midnight black armor. "Let's go meet our guest."

Celestia stuck her head in the infirmary on the way and found Twilight asleep with her head on the edge of the bed and her hand firmly grasped around Gar's hand.

"I never would've thought she would fall for him," she said to herself as she walked in quietly and used her magic to levitate a spare blanket over the youngest princess's shoulder

A few moments later...

The royal pony sister's now stood in front of a red and gold solar-themed six-car heavily armored train that was rest just outside the draw bridge of the castle. Behind them were hundreds of mixed ranks of the Solar and Lunar guards. They were ready to face this whatever.

The train let off a steady stream of steam and smoke from its stack and then...


A huge cloud of steam was let out from under the engine.

"Be ready," Celestia order, and the guards took up stances.

All that could be heard was the hissing and a repetitive slow quiet thump like somepony was walking in the direction but has something on their hooves to muffle the sound while they walked. As time passed the thumping grew louder and came closer. Whoever it was, they were coming to the princesses and the guards' directions.

"They're rather confident aren't they, sister?" Luna sneered, while a chill ran down her spine as the presence drew ever closer.

"Indeed sister," Celestia glared as a silhouette started to form in the cloud of steam. All of the fur on her body was standing on end at the very presence before them. "This thing is very powerful."

The source of the thump kept drawing ever close until a definite figure could be seen in the shape of a tall pony. It kept coming until it was in full view. A man with golden blonde hair tied in a short braid, amber eyes, and a gaze that commanded respect stood there before them. His body was furless similar to Gar's appearance. His clothing was an all-black suit with silver trim and he wore a red-hooded coat as his outermost garment.

"Guess this is the welcome party," the man comment. "Good evening princesses." he bowed.

"Who are you?" Luna demanded.

"A man passing through," He answered bluntly.

"Show respect to the Princesses!" Blueblood pointed his sword at the man.

"Hmmm...." the man glowered. "I don't have the time for this." He walked forward nonchalant.

"Bastard! Martial Art: Eight Fold Slash of Light!" Blueblood's sword turned red and he raised it above his head and swung it down on the man. In a flash of debris, everypony's vision was obscured. "That'll teach you..." Blueblood trailed off as he saw the man standing on the eight cut marks on the ground.

Everypony reeled back in horror at the sight before them. The man stood there with his left arm on the ground blood gushing from where it had been. There were many other wounds on the man the indicated the light slashes had caught clean through his flesh. Most notable was the slash clean throw his head. Blood flood from the man's wounds onto the ground. Many of the guards were gag as if they were going to vomit.

"Blue," Celestia said in horror. "You... killed him."

Blueblood's whole body was shaking from the shock of what he'd just done. Sure he'd injured others before but never this. Never killed somepony, directly of coarse. He fell to his knees his palms on the ground his blade next to him.

"Perhaps it was for the best sister," Luna said. "He seemed very powerful, and... he was here for something and it was clear he wouldn't take no for an answer," She looked to the corpse still standing and bowed her head. "Rest in peace."



Every pony stared as the corpse start to laugh maniacally. Red electricity started to spark from the laughing cadaver as muscle fibers grew and reattached the pieces of the body. The left-arm started to flake away turning into ash along with the massive pool of blood that had gathered under the body. One more the man stood before them but now laughing and in tattered clothes.

"Bravo!" the man clapped. "Bravo Prince-Captain Blueblood. I give out a ten of ten for that strike," He smiled. "I dare say you could my nephew a run for his money, still wouldn't beat him, but you'd give him a run for his money."

The ponies merely stared in horror as the once dead man stood before them complimenting the captain. The guards knew they'd be no match for a monster like him before he even regenerated. Now they were panicking as their captain had used one of his most powerful Martial Arts and he merely complemented it, after coming back to life. Their only hope lay in their princesses, and Sir Gar if he would wake up. This thing before them was no mere monster, but a demon from the depths of Tartarus from ancient times long since passed.

Blueblood took hold of his sword and got to his feet and pointed it at the man who raised his eyebrow with a bit of surprise. The princesses then step in front of their nephew and pulled a sun themed war-hammer and a lunar halberd.

"It's clear you won't be stopped but normal means," Luna glared.

"So we'll be the ones to face you," Celestia gave a mock sneer then spoke to her nephew. "Get out of here Blue."

The man smirked, "HAHAHAHAHAHA! The same old Celestia and Luna," He shook his head then looked at them seriously. "Fine. You want a fight..." he took up a stance and the sister tightened their grip on their weapons. the air was heavy as the man tensed up and readied to charge when "I give up!" he said as h threw his arms up.

Everypony's jaws hit the ground while the sisters did face plants.

"What trickery is this naive?!" Luna spat.

"Before you jump the gun... again. Let someone introduce themselves Lu," The man ran rolled his eyes.

"Lu?" Luna said stupified.

"I didn't do a very good job on my part either," the man stuck his tongue out with closed eyes as he rubbed the back of his head causing everypony to trip that time.

Celestia got to her feet. "Please, if you want the city all we ask is that you allow the ponies to go free. We know there's no way we can stand against you, especially after your display," She begged with a clenched fist and closed eyes.

"I don't want your city," the man sighed. Celestia cracked an eye and looked to see him looking off to the side and scratching his head. "Look," he placed a hand on his chest, and in a flash, his clothes were suddenly repaired. "I'm sorry for coming in here unannounced but I need to get here. For starters, my name is Edward Elric, and secondly, I'm a Displaced here to see the resident Displaced."

"You're one of Gar's kid," Luna looked on in awe. "But you weren't summoned. We can help you get back to your home. How were you forced here."

"I wasn't forced anywhere," Edward crossed his arms. "I can freely travel between the worlds at will, though several ways. One being this train," he pointed behind himself.

"So you're an evolved Displaced, a void dweller?" Celestia looked on in awe. "That explains why you're so powerful."

"No, I'm just an extremely powerful Displaced," He sighed. "Now I've had enough talking. Take me to Gar please."

"I'm sorry Mr. Elric, but Gar has reticently been... through a trying fight and won't be able to see you," Luna looked to her sister who looked slightly ashamed as she blamed herself. "He is in a critical state right now."

"I know what happened," Edward rolled his eyes. "It's why I'm here."

"How?" Celestia's eyes widened.

"I was watching," Ed sighed. "After all, it's a big brother's job to keep an eye on his younger siblings and help and look out for his baby brother when he should need it."

"You're..." Luna looked on in shock.

"Yes I'm Gar's oldest brother," Ed nodded. "I've been kept here long enough. I want to do things right and not intrude or overstep my bounds here, but I will if necessary. Would you please lead me to my brother before I take it upon myself to do so?"

"Ah... he's in the castle," Celestia motioned. "If you'll follow us we'll take you to him..."

Ed nodded and started to follow but was caught by Luna. "Sir Edward would... it be possible to move your train? its blocking the station."

Ed snapped his fingers and a portal to a frozen land opened and the train went through the portal and vanished. "There, its back home. Now, take me to my baby brother."

"Thank you," Luna quickly bowed.

"Please follow me," Celestia motioned.

Later in the medical wing...

Twilight was still sleeping on the side of Gar's bed. The doors opened slowly and the royal sisters lead their guest into the infirmary. It wasn't as if he would give them many choices others wise as they'd already seen a display of his power thanks to their nephew. They'd rather not take any unnecessary chance at the moment so they complied to the fullest lest the man claiming to be Gar's oldest brother raise the city to the ground. Remembering back to the first major conversation they'd had with Gar about the nature of his kind they did recall that he'd ran into his oldest brother in another world not even his own and that he was supposed to be incredibly powerful and that he could travel to other worlds with ease. So it was possible this being is who he says he is.

"After he collapsed I had him brought here," Luna motioned to Gar.

A subtle beeping of a heart monitor was the only sound being made. Edward walked over and looked over his baby brother's sleeping form. The sisters had no idea why he was just staring. Edward noticed Twilight sleeping on the side of the bed her hand clasped onto Gar's. Edward steadily walked around and then stopped on the spot he'd started on.

"Hmm..." Edward rubbed his chin with his right hand, light glinting off its reflective surface.

Luna noted, "Sister, his right hand," She murmured. "It looks he has some kind of armor on it."

Celestia squinted and Luna was right. "But why would he wear armor on one hand and not the other?" She questioned.

"Alright I know what to do," Edward said abruptly as he removed his coat then his upper jacket to reveal his hand and it's not what the sister hadn't expect.

"Your arm!" Celestia shouted in shock walking the sleeping Twilight.

"Wha! Gar?!" Twilight said groggily as she rubbed her eyes waiting for her vision to clear only to see Edward. "AH? You're not the doctor! Who you and what are you doing?" She stood up quickly. "I don't like the feeling I'm getting from you. What do you think you were going to do to Gar?! I won't let you hurt him!"

Edward chuckled and walked over to the glaring alicorn. He reached up Twilight scrunched her face eyes shut tight While Celestia and Luna flinched yet couldn't move from their spot. Edward placed his left placed it on top of her head and gently rubbed. Twilight opened her eyes slightly to see a very soft and warm smile on Edward's face. The sisters were also shocked by this, for the first time since they'd seen this man this was the first time he'd shown a soft side, and it was genuine.

"Thank you Twilight," Edward smiled. "Thank you for being here at Gar's side." He pulled his hand back and Twilight felt her head with a bit of a blush. She didn't know why but she was glad this man had rubbed her head and thanked her.

"As for why I'm here," Edward looked at Gar. "I'm here to help baby brother."

"Wait, brother?" Twilight looked at Edward. "So you're-"

"Yes," Edward nodded. "I've been watching him, not constantly mind you but enough to keep an eye on him. That's how I knew to come here and how I know you love him very much, and though he might not have said it before he left he came to realize that he does care for you too," Edward walked over to the other side of the bed again. "But he should till you himself. So I better wake him up so he can."

"You figured out why he's in the coma?" Luna came forward a little of her apprehension gone from the earlier display.

"Yes I did," Edward nodded. "In the time I became what I am now I have amassed much knowledge on just about everything, but primary medical, magical, and alchemical. Some knowledge that most in this world would call outright impossible. One such magic I know of is Seith or Soul magic."

"So there is something wrong with his soul? An internal struggle of some kind?" Celestia came over.

"Not exactly," Edward explained. "Internal in a way but not in his soul. See all demons have the natural ability to grow stronger and replenish their magic via devouring other creature souls, even the souls of their own kind. Though this is not openly practiced amongst the demons as they all need souls but what would be the point of fighting amongst their own kind and thinning their ranks of high-level soldiers."

"What are you implying Mr. Elric?" Luna asked ash e moved next to Edward.

Edward poked Gar's chest. "My younger brother has a moral code that he sticks to. He killed the Demon Pump, but he didn't eat soul the soul. Pump is also an extremely powerful demon who belongs to a group of called The Six Knights of Black. A group once said to be on par in power with the Demon Kings top ten enforcer, The Ten Commandments."

"Gar was able to fight at the same level as a-" Twilight looked down to the stallion on the cots.

"Only for a short time but yes," Edward nodded. "But because he kept the soul instead of eating it, it resonated with his demon side and it is trying to corrupt my brother or at the most, take over his body." Edward held his left hand up."I am going to remove the soul from his body and go inside his mind and bring him back to the waking world," He thrust his hand forward and it phases into Gar's chest and soon Edward pulled it out and in his grasp was a bright bluish-white ball with a crescent moon and circle in it symbol on the ball. "That was the easy part."

"What are we going to with that?" Twilight scowled at the soul.

Suddenly what looked like liquid came from Edward's arm and encase the soul and formed what appeared to some sort of containment unit. Edward hooked it to his built. "I already know what to do with it," he said as he walked to the head of the bed. He placed both hands above his brother's head. "Edward looked to Twilight who was looking at him pleadingly, he smiled back. "I'll bring him back to you Twilight, Mind Link," Edward said and a silver spell matrix appeared behind him, and all went silent.

Gar's Mindscape...

Gar was sitting on his couch in his apartment play Kingdom Hearts 3 on his PS4. His roommates had all decided to go out to do whatever it was they wanted to do; leaving him out of it. This wasn't a completely uncommon occurrence for him, and he wanted to stay home and veg-out anyways. He had some of his other online friends on Discord to talk with while he played and live-streamed.

"Come on..." Gar growled. "Take that you fucking some of a bitch dragon!" He yelled as he jumped to his feet while fighting a dragon in Skyrim. He plopped back down on his couch and heaved a very long-held-in breath. "Well. I finally beat those bastards in the Forgotten Veil. Now what to do?" He paused the game and went to his quest log to see what he could do next. Suddenly...

*Knock...! Knock...! Knock...!*

"Who the hell is here?" Gar rolled his eyes. "Hang on guys I gotta answer the door and find out whoever the heck is here?" He pulled his headset with the microphone up off and tossed it off to the side on the couch. Betting up he stretched not realizing how stiff he'd become.

*Knock...! Knock...! Knock...!*

"Alright!" Gar called out as he headed into the kitchen.

*Knock...! Knock...! Knock...!*

"I coming!" He called out, annoyed that he wasn't playing his game. Once he reached the door he flung it open. "What the hell..." His sentence trailed off as his eye saw who was at the door.

In the doorway was a very familiar figure. It was a man, shorter than Gar by at least a foot and a few inches. The man's attire was that of a red sleeves shirt with an intricate black Celtic style spade on it with a pair of black pants and a pair of brown boots with a black-tipped toe and heel. Over his clothes, he wore a dark gray cloth trenchcoat and a matching fedora with two purple deep bright stripes and a vibrant cyan stripe in between the purple ones. He had shoulder-length brunette hair the was just a little below his shoulder line while it also slightly flared out on the ends that wasn't tied back in a short ponytail with a few black rubber bands. He had hazel eyes that were hidden by the brim of his hat.

"Hello baby brother," the man said with a smirk.

"Allen..." Gar wheezed out.

"Are you gonna invite me in or are we just gonna stand here with you in your boxers?" Allen questioned Gar as he raised his head to look at the taller man.

"Uh... yea... come in," Gar motioned to the apartment allowing Allen to enter. "Ah... Allen... where have you been the last ten years?!" Gar finally managed to get his thoughts together from the effects of the initial shock.

"I've been living my little brother," Allen told his younger brother nonchalantly.

"You disappeared off the face of the Earth without a trace, and now ten years later you show up at my front door out of fucking nowhere and all you have to say is "Hello baby brother I was out living my life without even letting anyone know where I was going.'!" He roared in angered.

"Yes, I went out and am living a life all my own," Allen crossed his arms while looking at his little brother.

Gar balled his fist as his face turned bright red with anger, "Where the hell have you been,? What the fuck have you been doing? Why haven't you contacted anyone?"

Allen took in a deep breath and then let it out slowly while he removed the hat from his head. Turning around he looked Gar right in the eyes. "You have a right to know. I was sent away to a faraway land and there I found a life all my own that I thoroughly enjoy living and will continue to do so." In a quick flash, Allen changes into Edward Elric once more. "There I found many things."

"Okay," Gar gritted his teeth. "But Why didn't you come home? Joseph and I needed you? And you weren't here! What did you find in this far off land that was so important? Why do you look like Edward Elric now? What was that light?"

'"You two didn't me in the ways you think," Ed leaned against a cabinet. "You were in school making on by our parents proud and Joe was out living his life as a martial artist and actor." Edward snapped his finger and the entire room shattered like glass revealing and empty black void.

Gar looked around in horror and shock. "Allen, what is this?" He looked to his older brother. "How are you doing this?"

"You know how I'm doing this Gar," Edward pointed at his little brother. "I'm here to bring you back to reality. As for one of your other questions." he snapped his fingers again and thousands of images appeared all around the duo. "This is my life," Edward said as he showed his younger brother images of his time spent with his family, his children, his adopted family across the void, and his friends.

"So if you can do all this," Gar motioned around him. "then why didn't you come home?" He glared.

"Because I made a choice when my life ended the first... time," Edward said sternly. "I could either give up the life as Edward and go back to the one as Allen or got the other way around." He lamented. "I chose the ladder obviously."

"But why?" Gar tried to understand his older brother's choice. "We needed you?" he pleaded.

"You didn't need me anymore Gar," Edward shook his head. "Joe was out living his life and you were started in yours. I was sent to my world where I started my own. I didn't come back mainly because I was already settled that you'd all had passed away and my own family needed me. Look," He pulled a hologram of his wives and children. "Had I left my twins would've grownup without their father. Celestia wouldn't have the child she's carrying now, she's always wanted to be a real mother with a foal of her own," He sighed with a light smile. "They needed me Gar, not you and Joe; but I'm still here for you two in times like this."

Edward waved his hand and created a new set of images showing a monster with anthro ponies that seemed familiar to Gar one in particular caught his eye. It was of the monster but in a zebra from kiss one the of the ponies, it made his heartache with warmth and joy. Shaking off the feelings Gar looked at Edward, "But what does this have to do with me?" Gar slammed his hand onto his chest.

"Everything," Edward glared. "I'm here to bring you back to reality Gar, but at the same time I'm not going to force you to do anything," he snapped and the apartment reformed. "You must choose what you want to do. Whether you stay here and play video games with friends that you made up or come back to those who need you, who rely on you, and the one pony who loves you with all her heart. It's your life Gar, only you can choose the path and only you can live it." Edward changed back to Allen. "You said that you once languished in the life you had back home and came here to you to find a way to live and a purpose. Well here's your chance little brother, will you go back and languish in this ratty apartment with those who you called friends that rarely ever did anything with you outside of getting high?" The door flung open to show a warm bright world, a hospital room of sorts. "Or will you choose to live your life your way?" Allen placed his hat on his head and walked over to the door. "I'm not here to hold your hand anymore, I just came to show you the paths you have." He pulled the brim of his hat down and he turned to face the door. "Before you chose you should know, Twilight never left you side."

Allen walked through the doorway and faded into the light leaving Gar alone in an empty apartment. Gar looked back at his couch and his games system and then to his open door. He then walked over to the door and started to shut it. As he did he heard a door slam open and a familiar set of voices One sounded sad and upset with worry and concern while the other was hesitant and soft but still firm.

"Luna! Where is he?!"

"Twilight, when did you... Never mind, he's in the medical wing with Celestia..."

"What happend?!"

"Tia was attacked by a high class demon and Gar walked in on it. He didn't wait and simply rushed the beast out the balcony window and away from the city."

"Then what?!"

"I don't know? Not long after he rushed the beast, Gar returned here and passed out. According to the doctor he pushed his body well past its breaking point. I suspect it was to end the demon. *sigh* Come with me."

A few minutes of silence was all there was besides the sound of clopping hooves on the floor. Then there was the sounds of a steadily beeping heart monitor and a gasp of horror followed by the sound and sniffles of weeping.

"If he had been a second later... My sister would've been dead..."

"Gar... you never told me... how you...felt about...

"I never told you how I felt about? What?" he mouthed to himself.

"Me... *Sobs*"

His brother's words started to echo in his mind.

"those who need you... who rely on you... the one pony who loves you with all her heart... Twilight never left your side..."

His eyes shot open wide as he ripped the door off its hinges and threw it across the apartment.

"It's you life Gar, only you can choose the path and only you can live it."

"It's my life and I CHOOSE HER!" Gar hollowed, cracks forming across his body as he did. Suddenly his false form of Garet Ferris broke away to reveal the form of "I am Gar, The Fairy King, The Boar Sin Of Gluttony, The Smiling Monster of the Everfree Forest, and the protector and Lover of Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

He rose from the and summoned his Basquias to his right hand then flew out the door into the warm image...

Back in the Real World...

Edward stood over Gar still never moving even a hair, his eyes closed at mana fizzled from his palms to Gar's head.

"I can't stand this," Twilight grabbed onto the opposite side of her body. "It's been hours, why doesn't he move? He said he'd bring Gar back to me?"

Celestia wrapped her arms around her former protege. "I know it's hard to see this go on with no signs of results Twilight but we, especially you, must stay strong for the stallion you love," she looked at the blonde haired man.

"I must say for somepony with such overwhelming power he certainly tried," Luna said as she placed a hand on her chin. then let a sad sigh

"Luna, what do you know?" Twilight looked at the night princess.

"I felt it earlier, perhaps and hour or more ago," Luna looked to her junior out of the corner of her eye. "Edward's consciousness made contact with Gar's mind that was buried deep in his subconscious. There they stayed for a while then Edward left. Gar felt like he was... closing himself off..."

"No!" Twilight fell to her hands and knees as tears falling to the floor. "But... he... promised..."

Celestia knelt down, but she looked at Luna, "Sister, are you certain?"

Luna slowly nodded," Yes," she closed her eye and looked at the two brothers. "He..." Her eyebrow quirked, Twilight... grab Gar's hand!"

"What?" the purple ponies sobbed.

"Do it! NOW!" Luna commended. "Hurry!"

Without wasting another second Twilight Ran to Gar and tightly grasped Gar's hand, "Please Gar, come back to me!"

Luna smirked.

"Sister is.." Celestia started to say only for Luna to nod quietly. "Her love saved him."

Gar and Allen's combined Mindscape

Gar burst out of the apartment's doorway in to an empty space of white, charging at his older brother with his spear's head glowing red aimed straight ahead. Gar's speed would've made even rainbow Dash's jaw drop.

"ALLEN!" Gar roared. "DYNAMIC THRUST!" He thrust his weapon forward, red energy spiraling backward.

Allen quickly turned and spread his feet apart, holding up his right hand then thrusting it forward slightly. The spear's tip made contact with the older brother's hand. The blow forcing Allen back while he maintained his stance. The sleeve of Allen's coat was torn to shreds by the attack and his hat was knocked from his head as Gar forced his brother back.

Allen broke the connection and jumped back, "What are you doing Gar?"

"Isn't it clear big brother," Gar stated clearly as he twirled his spear then angled it downward in Allen's Direction. "I'm going to fight you."

"Why?" Allen tilted his head.

"Because that's what I choose to do!" Gar took off at hypersonic speeds.

Allen smirked, "Good answer!" he yelled as he rushed forward. "Bring it on Little brother!"

The two brothers clashed in mid-air several times, thunder clapping each time they met in a fury of punches, spear thrust, kicks, and Martial Art skills. Gar reeled back his left arm split it into hundred of thorny bladed whips then thrust them all on Allen. Allen countered, activating his shadow to match his younger brother blow for blow.

"Split!" Gar activated his skill and created several of himself. "HELL BLAZE!" The Gars' shot a purplish-black flame from their hand at Allen.

The view came up from the ground to be on Allen's eyes, the shifted to his Mangekyo Sharingan, "AMATERASU!"

Gar looked at his older brother. 'Every one of my attacks his matched blow for blow, always canceling them out.'
He wasn't even winded at all. Sure this was a mental battle but fatigue was still a thing.

"Gar, stop holding back!" Allen called out. "I know you're stronger than this!"

"Fine," Gar balled his fists and concentrated but felt nothing. 'But how do I access it on my own without battle What was the trigger the two times?" images of Twilight flashed in his mind from the first time he transformed into Super Saiyan, then images of Celestia and the urge to protect her came to his mind. 'That's it, the need to protect what's important to me!' Gar's eye s shout open as a golden aura steadily enveloped his form. "RAAAAAAAAA!" He roared as his body shined covered in a golden aura. His once slick backed brown hair now stood on end spiky and golden blonde. His brown eyes were once more a greenish-cerulean. He had gone super Saiyan on his own and on instinct.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Allen yelled with a smirk as he kicked off the ground and launched himself forward at Gar. Gar did the same, both brothers reeled back their right fists and flung them forward. The blows met with such a force that a tornado was forced outward with and explosion.

The two were once more at each other flashing across the whole area, to the normal eye no one would be able to see the awe-inspiring fight as the brothers clashed. They never paid attention to the cracks that were forming in the space around them. Gar would unleash ki blasts and Allen would counter with his own or deflect Gar's which threw the parazyte fairy for a loop.

This fight went on for what felt like days until Gar flew above Allen Panting, 'I don't have much left in me," He thought, "But I have enough! Promotion!" Gar yelled. Suddenly his aura flared as lightning and purple became apparent in it while his power skyrocketed, Super Saiyan Two. He threw his hand forward together and then to his side, a ball of ki formed in Gar's hands.

Allen smirked as he knew this technique all too well,: "Fine, I meet you with my own!" Allen mimicked his baby brother's action to a 'T'.

They spoke in unison.


The two brothers ki were building to Allen's glowed red and Gar's glowed yellow and they were ready to fire on each other.


The duo threw their palms full of energy forward send massive energy waves directly at each other. The blasts collide in mid-air equally matched. The brothers struggling to kept their footing in the energy battle. Gar poured all his remaining power into the blast. The cask in the area grew evermore.

Allen smirked. "You've gotten strong baby brother, but I'm still stronger! YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Allen unleashed more of his ki and broke through Gar's attack and consume the parazyte in red ki. The entire area started to become unstable as the crack opened and chunks fell from everywhere until everything was consumed in a red flash.

In the waking world...

Edward's eyes slowly opened and he stood up straight cracking and popping his body. He looked over to see Twilight firmly held onto Gar's hand. She looked to him but simply crossed his arms and let out a sigh.

Twilight looked to the one she loves and tears started to form then, Gar's fingers closed around Twilight's. Slowly, Gar's four eyes fluttered open and came to dart around the room till they came to rest on Twilight.

"Twi...light," Gar gurgled out.

"Gar!" SH e wrapped her arms around her knight's neck and started to cry.

"I need... to tell you," Gar whispered. "I love you."

Twilight froze for a moment and pushed off the bed, as she looked at Gar's face. she looked, happy. "Gar. I love you to!" she cried tears of joy as she hugged him.

Gar's attention shifted to Edward in the corner of the room. "So you really did come big brother," Gar wheezed with a slight chuckle.

"Gar," Edward looked away slightly looking at the window then turned back to his baby brother, "I want you to know we're brothers forever. Even if the bottom drops out between us I'll still be here for you in the end."

"I'm grateful," Gar express with a bit of joy. "Twilight can you help me sit up?" She nodded and a purple aura enveloped Gar's body and he was positioned to face Edward. "Thank you for saving me from myself." he gave a slight bow.

"I try to be a righteous man," Edward looked at his brother. "Sometimes the world can do me wrong, but I keep to that path and will never stray from it. When I start to see red my blood sometimes boils over my and feelings catch a flame. You are still a man, so stay a man baby brother, but you won't be the same as you were before, you will be better." He looked at Twilight and smiled, "You should really thank the one next to you, if she hadn't been here you'd have shut yourself off again."

Gar turned to look at Twilight and gave a genuinely warm smile.

"Mr. Elric, how can I repay you for bringing him back to me?" Twilight leaned her head against Gar's side.

"Live your lives for each other," Edward smiled as he opened the window, let the morning breeze in. "Innocence is wasted on me and I'm so sorry that I can never replace the time I missed out on with you Gar." He looked at his baby brother. " Know this, the darkest roads lie ahead of you, you're gonna have to walk them and face the trials that come. I can't always be there but I'll do the best I can for you when you do need me."

"Thank you, big brother," Gar said sincerely.

"Got some rest, both of you," Edward chuckled. "I'm afraid I must take my leave now. Be will Gar, and that coat is for you," he pointed to the red coat in the corner of the room and summoned the soul of Pump to his hand. Putting on his black upper shirt he jumped on the window seal. "See ya," Edward waved as he jumped from the window and into a whizzing train.

"So that was your oldest brother," Twilight said wide-eyed. "He's... yea..."


She looked up to see a snot bubble steadily rising and falling from her coltfriend. Shaking her head Twilight used her magic to lower him back under his blanks and then curled up next to the man she loved and fell into a soft and loving sleep.

"Come sister," Celestia sighed. "I need some sleep as well," Luna nodded in agreement.

A School Arises

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A few weeks has passed since Gar had defeated Pump and he was revived from his coma thanks to the efforts of his older brother and his love for Twilight. Many had noticed that Gar was much more emotional than he'd been about things in the passed. He actually laughed for the first time and it thoroughly scared Rainbow Dash; mainly for the fact that his laugh was deep and very maniacal sounding. He was now back in the Sacred Tree, Twilight had tried to get him to stay at the castle but he was adamant that he needed to be in the forest where the magic of Sacred Tree would heal him much faster and rejuvenate his body.

To say the fairies and other denizens of the forest we happy to see their king and to hear that he'd defeated one of the Six Knights of Black was a severe understatement. The whole forest was lively with parties and celebrations for the entire time. Even though it was at night the forest still sparkled with many contrasting colors of lights.

Gar's health was another issue. For the first few days, he had to have help to get up and down for sitting and laying down, mainly using his Basquias as a sort of cane. After about four day's he was able to completely move around independently. Though his body was healed he was far from back to normal, he was better than normal. Thanks to his new Saiyan biology's Zenkai taking full effect during his healing he was now stronger, faster, and much sturdier than he was before. His body's ability to generate blades was much faster and the metal's strength that he produced was akin to the of seven-hundred and twenty layer Damascus steel. He was able to transform into Super Saiyan 1 with very little effort thanks to his brother's fight, he was able to handle Promotion to Super Saiyan 2 for about two minutes without his body breaking from the strain, but it severally drained both his magic and stamina. Gar's magic casting was much faster and so was his skill invocation. Gar gained the skill Limit Breaker from his fight with Pump and from his duel with his brother he gained the passive skill Mental Indomitably.

"Now that he was healed he was enjoying some quiet with Twilight. She'd refused to leave him except for regular things that she had to do. It was mainly Twilight, Zecora, and Tempest that helped Gar while he was healing. Gar left many of his overseeing duties Gerheade and the defenses to Gloxinia so not much changed in this regard.

It was evening and Gar was currently sitting with Twilight in his lap on one of the lower branches of the Sacred Tree to enjoy the pony princess's company and time.

"I would've never thought I'd be enjoying a sunset with a princess in my lap," Gar remarked in joy

"I never thought I fall in love," Twilight giggled. "At least not this early in my life," She snuggled into Gar's chest. "How are things with the fairies here? Other than the parties?"

"The parties have pretty much died down to a halt," Gar huffed in relief. "Though there is a feeling of... uncertainty in the air, or my like something is a miss."

"How so?" Twilight looked up.

"It feels like there is someone close by watching but at the same time, there is no pony there," Gar looked down. "But there is another feeling too."

"What feeling would that be?" Twilight cutely tilted her head.

"The feel of completeness when you here with me," Gar smiled bright causing Twilight's face to heat as he pulled her into a warm hug. "Thank you for being here with me Twilight."

Twilight nuzzled Gar's cheek, "Your welcome."

The couple simply sat in the tree and continued to enjoy their time together. Gar looked at the open field across the way from Twilight's Castle. He then started to think about a conversation that he had with one of the Displaced about Twilight building a school of some sort.


"What are you thinking about?" Twilight playfully squinted.

"Twi, have you ever thought about starting a school?" Gar rubbed his chin.

"A school?" She quirked an eyebrow. "Why would I start a magic school Gar? Celestia already has her school for gifted unicorns and most unicorns figure out their magic on their own. There's no need for another magic school," She waved off the idea.

"Not a school of magic Twilight," Gar shook his head then pointed out to her crystal castle. "There is that open lot next to your castle is the perfect spot for our school, a School of Friendship."

"A School of Friendship," Twilight looked out and started to envision it. A big building where ponies could learn about friendship. "No, not just ponies but every creature on Eques. The ruvas, the thestrals, pegasi, earth ponies, unicorns, griffons, yaks, dragons, changelings, dark changelings, crystal pones..." She started to flap her wings rising into the air with excitement. She turned to Gar with a big smile. "The hippogriffs and the fairies too! This is so great why didn't I think of this sooner?!"

"Twilight," Gar chuckled. "Focus," he pulled her back down and sat her on the branch. "That's when we get the building and staff."

"Right right, you're right," Twilight chuckled. Gar stood up. "Gar?"

He looked down out of the corner of his eye. "Building time," from the tree's trunk sprang a bright green glowing barb that he plucked.

"What are you doing with that?" Twilight tilted her head. Gar not waiting threw the barb with a hardy throw in the direction of the castle.

"Gar! That thing has enough magic to level my castle!" Twilight shot to her hooves.

"Yes it does but it won't," Gar correct as the barb hit the field next to the castle, and a large burst of green magic burst from is. Suddenly from the ground sprang a large purple tree and plant-based school building and as well as other things that grew from trees and plants. It took no time at all for an entire school to grow on the spot.

Twilight looked on in amazement, her eyes getting as big as dinner plates. Gar quickly snatch her up bridle style and raced to the no buildings. He landed outside a sign that read 'The School of Friendship' in big gold letters.

Twilight was speechless until "Thank you Gar!" she grabbed Gar and wrapped her arms around his neck while crying tears of Joy. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"

"You're most welcome my princess," He said lovingly as he returned her embrace before slightly part and kissing the purple headmare of the new school.

Rainbow ash flew out of nowhere, "Twilight what was the green ex... plo... sion..." Her gaze fell upon the couple's intimate moment. "Ah... I'll ah... I'll just get out of here for now... yea... out here..." then sped off.

Meanwhile from the forest, a certain dark changeling queen disguised as a normal dark changeling had watched the whole event play out right before her eyes. From the rocketing green spear filled with great magical power to it landing in the open field and then the very plants grew almost immediately to from the building. Her mouth was still agape, but not from the display of powerful magic but the scene that she had just witnessed happen in between Twilight Spackle and Gar.

Slowly her mouth closed and turned into a sinister grin, "This just keeps playing out better and better for me," She snickered. "I can take out Twilight Sparkle while simultaneously posing as that purple princess to get closer to the King. Ooo... their love is so delicious and even stronger than Shining or The princess of food. Just the fact I can pick it up all the way over here speaks volumes!" Chrysalis drank in the wave of love hitting her. "I think I'll let things play out a little more while I power-up myself off their little relationship. Hehehe..." She sank into the shadows.

Gar and Twilight broker their kissing embrace and looked into each others' eyes and then to the school. "It'll still be a little while before we can open," Twilight smiled looking at the school, the light of the sun shining in her eyes like fire. "We still need a whole staff!" She realized causing her wings to twitch slightly.

"We have the best staff for the job already Twilight," Gar commented while looking at the pony-girl out of the corner of his eyes. "Really?" She quickly turned her head "

"Who better to teach friendship than those who taught it to you and those you taught it to," Gar smiled brightly while Twilight quirked an eyebrow. "Our friends Twilight."

Twilight let out a big gasp when she realized it, "Of course!" Her wings fluttered slightly. "You're absolutely right Gar, they'd be great instructors!"

"Of course they will be," Gar booped her nose causing her to giggle.

"Aj, Fluttershy, Starlight, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash," She listed off her friends. "Spike and the Cutiemark Crusaders could help out too!" She bounced around Gar.

Gar snickered and scooped the pony up by holding her up under her arms causing her to pout and puff out her cheeks,

"Hey, why'd you do this?"

"So I could look at your pretty eyes," He snickered causing her to blush as he set her back on the ground. "And to calm you down a bit.," Gar placed a claw-hand on her head. "You need to think a little more Twilight. We still need to talk to everypony and have the letters sent out to the other nations to see if they'd be will to send students. I would have your friends correspond with their friends as many have a better personal friendship with them than you do. It will take some time to get started."

"You're right," Twilight sighed then placing a fist under her chin as she thought. "And we still need to inform the other Princesses too. I don't think Princess Celestia or Princess Luna will have an issue with the school. I know Cadence won't and a lot of crystal ponies, ruva's, and thestrals well come if Spike asks them and they know he'll be involved in this."

"I would have you ask Cadence yourself but have her drop Spike's name and a bit of his involvement," Gar suggested. "I will speak with the fairies, dark changlings, and reformed changlings but I do not expect many of the dark changlings to come. They are... very untrusting of most everything. The fairies are another story. Many will come out of curiosity but may be hard-headed about certain things. The reformed changlings will most definitely come. I will see if one would be willing to get in contact with King Thorax. I have yet to meet him."

"I can have Spike write him," Twilight suggested. "It will b much faster than sending somepony out to the Badlands. And why do you want to meet Thorax?" She quirked and eyebrow.

"He is the reigning king of the changlings and a fairy on top of that," Gar explained. "I am more than willing to leave them be as they are but at the same time I must meet him to show that he is still under my protection as a fairy."

"So the fact your both fairy kings don't come to clash and that you bear no ill will and are here to take his throne but to protect his people," Twilight summarized.

Gar nodded "Yes, believe it or not, there have been more than one fairy king to reign over the fairies at a time. One in title through marriage and because the fairies considered him the King even though he was human, and his brother-in-law the King names by the Sacred Tree," Gar explained. "I am the latter while Thorax is more the first. Though he's still the rightful King for the changlings."

"I think... I... understand..." Twilight yawned.

"Somepony is sleepy," Gar chuckled.

"Am not..." She tried to deny it but yawned again. "Okay, maybe a little sleepy."

"Come on," he picked her up again, "Let's get you to bed." He started to walk to her castle.

"Gar..." Twilight drowsily called for his attention. "Could I spend the night with you on top of the Sacred Tree tonight? I haven't been up there with you at night sense you get around o your own." she nuzzled into his chest.

"Sure," Gar acknowledged.

He gently lifted off the ground and quickly but softly flew to his throne clearing. Upon his touch down he went to a nearby door and opened it. Inside it was a simple but large bed made of a special moss from the Sacred Tree. This had been the room in which he spent most of his night in the past nights. Gar walked over to the bed and gingerly set Twilight on it and pulled a warm blanket from a dresser behind him and threw it over the purple princess. She'd fallen asleep in his arms not long after he lifted off the ground in Ponyville. Brushing some of her mane from her face he bent down and gave her a small kiss on the forehead causing her to smile lightly in her sleep.

"Good night Twilight," He said with s oft tone as he shut the door.

Now that Twilight was tucked in for the night Gar went over to his spot and sat on his throne. Soon Gerheade and Gloxinia both came to their king's side.

"Sire, why are you affiliating with that pony?" Gloxinia asked. "You even used the power of the Sacred Tree to create that building for her. I don't see what we or you gain from doing so."

"First, is because I am her knight and it is my duty to protect her. Secondly, I am with her because I care for her very deeply Gloxinia," Gar looked at the guard fairy. "As for the building, it is a school for all those who wish to learn about friendship. The Scared Tree offered its power for the building I didn't even ask is for its help."

"But why let her come her to sleep, that shaman I understand, the unicorn a little as she is devoted to protecting you but this Princess... she does nothing but dotes on you, sir..." Gloxinia threw his hands out. "Yes she was an asset in your recovery but why do you allow her to come here and sleep in your bed?"

"You really are blind brother," Gerheade sighed as she floated next in front of her brother next to Gar. "King Gar cares for her more than just a knight for his princess and as more than just a good friend."

"Our master loves her with all his heart, or hearts in his cause seeing as he has seven of them being part demon," came a soft voice. Out of the corner of the area came Yuki, one of Gar's personal cooks, with a large platter. "Lord Gar, your supper," she placed the platter in front of Gar and the lid vanished. "I had Adreana fetch some cragadile. I thought a nice stew with a new meat would be a welcome from the usual Hydra steak dishes you consume."

"Thank you Yuiki," Gar nodded picking up the bowl with one hand and started to slurp from it. "Delicious."

"You flatter me, my lord," she bowed.

"Thank you for your contribution as well Adreana," Gar's gaze shifted to Yuki's sister in the corner under the shadows.

"Yea, whatever," She turned her head quickly. "It gave me something new to hunt, so yea... your welcome." She blushed slightly from the thanks.

"King Gar are you actually in love with the princess, or is this just a crush?" Gerheade bent over.

Setting the bowl down Gar looked to them all. "I truly love Twilight for who she is, and she does me in the same regard. Whether our relationship moves on is up to time BUT I will continue to serve and protect her as he knight but be there as her lover and supporter as well. I will still be here for my people as well Gloxinia,"Gar turned his head. "I am still the Fairy King after all."

"Very well I won't question this any further," Gloxinia sighed then flew away.

"As for you Gerheade," Gar turned his attention to the female fairy. "Please inform those that wish to learn and be with the ponies and other creatures of this world that the school is for this," he went back to eating.

"Yes sire," she flew off.

"Things will be lively soon, but not too soon hopefully," Gar leaned back in his throne. His gaze shifted to the room where Twilight was sleeping.

"Do you think she really can handle such a task, my lord?" Yuki tilted her head. "I know she's a princess but she'd still very young and running a school is a big responsibility."

"She's not much younger than I am," Gar retorted. "And yes I wholeheartedly think Twilight can do it, especially if she has the help of her friends."

"She may not seem like it but that little book princess has got fire in her belly. I really like that in creature and have to admire what she's trying to do," Adreana chuckled. "I totally agreed with you on this one Lord Gar. I think she can do it."

"We're behind you no matter what happens my lord," Yuki bowed. "Even if this world turns on you."

"Yea, we'll always be on your side no matter what," Adreana added. "But for now you best get some rest my lord."

"Yes, I will see you two morning then," Gar said dismissing the angels. Gar sneered down at the forest. "Something evil has found its way into my kingdom while I was away. Due to my weakened connection, I could not sense its presence till now but I do know it's here now, but where exactly is still out of reach." He tapped a claw on the arm of his chair. "Then there are my new transformations. I need help in getting them under better control." He yawned. "Later though, my focus now is Twilight and help her." He let out a yawn. "I do need some sleep, the next full moon in a few days to, best find a place to burrow into while it passes..." he dozed off.

The Seeking

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"Did you really have to suck face right there in front of the school?' Rainbow crossed her arms. "And in front of me!"

"We didn't make out!" Twilight shot back embarrassed with a deep red over her face. "I just kissed him. You would've done the same thing if it was the stallion you love and they'd literally just perform a feet of devotion like that for you!"

"I have to agree Dear Twilight on this one Rainbow Dash," Rarity backed the book pony. "What Gar did was outright astounding in its own right but the fact he did for the mare he loved to help further her spread friendship is absolutely romantic!" She sang and twirled. "I wish I had a stallion that would do the same for me, not the exact same mind you but willing to do something of the sort."

"Ah'm gonna have to agree to side with Twi and Rares on this RD," Applejack looked at the school in all its glory while removing her hat. She wiped a tear from her eye, "Ah see a bright future for this place and all that are gonna come here."

"Yea," Pinkie bounced around. "It'll be super duper fun to teach friendship to everyponies else. Think of all the parties and smiling faces! OH MY GOSH, WE NEED TO THROW A 'FOUNDING OF TWILIGHT'S NEW SCHOOL THANK YOU GAR PARTY!" She yelled before zipping off and diving into the pond.

Every pony stared at the water for a minute then the silence was broken by a yellow mare.

"I can't wait to share how to be kind with my animal friends," Fluttershy silently squeed. "YAY!" She clapped and slightly jumped in place. "Oh, speaking of Gar, where is he Twilight?"

"I don't know," Twilight shook her head.

"What ya mean 'Don't Know?'," Applejack raise and eyebrow. "He's your stallion Twi and he usually tells you where he's goin before he leaves."

"I mean I don't know Aj," Twilight slightly snapped at the farm mare "Yes, he and I are together but I don't need to keep him on a leash and know when and where he is and what he's doing at all times. He has his own kingdom to look after too."

"Sorry Twi," Applejack rubbed the back of her head. "Ah didn't mean it like that."

"Yea it's just he usually tells you what he's going to do," Rainbow added.

"I'm sorry I snapped like that girls." Twilight looked at the ground. "He brought me back to the castle a couple of days ago and then kissed me goodbye and then left," Twilight sighed. "He said he'd be back in a few days and that in the meantime I should get with you girls and start sitting up here." She motioned to the empty school. "Try and get in touch with everypony that know's somepony else."

"I can certainly see the reasoning behind his logic," Rarity pointed out. "Did he get summoned?"

Twilight simply shook her head 'no'.

"Ah wonder what he's up to?" Applejack scratched her head. "But if he said he had the stuff to do then we best trust him and leave him be."

"He's never given us reasons to doubt him before," Rainbow agreed. "I'm sure he'll be back and tell us all about what he's been up to when he gets back."

"Dear I also have to ask, Where's Spike? I haven't seen him around at lately," Rarity pointed out.

"He left later the same day Gar did," Twilight sighed. "He went to tell the Dragons about the school in person," Twilight explained. "And before you ask if I'm sure he should he wouldn't stop no matter what. He is friends with Ember, and I don't think a letter would be persauvive either. It's been a while since they last saw each other anyways."

"I hope he's okay," Fluttershy muttered.

A few days later...

"Twilight!" Spike called out as he enters the castle. "Hello?! Any lavender book princess home?!" He called out setting his duffel bag by the door.

"Spike?!" Twilight called out. "I'm in the library!"

Spike walked along then off the main foyer to the library where he found his princes sorting through paperwork. "Hey Twi," he looked over her shoulder. "What ya doin?"

"Trying to go through the last of the paperwork for new students for the school!" she groans as she flopped down face first. Slightly turning her head she looked at the drake with a single violet eye. "What about you and Gar? Haven't seen you two in a few days now I know you left after he did for the Dragonlands to see Ember. But what about after that? Other than that I don't know what he's been up to. Not even Yuki or Adreana are telling me what he's doing."

"Yea I managed to catch up to him and he dropped me off and I spent some time with Ember," Spike said as the purple of his face darkened slightly.

"How is she?" Twilight sat up. "I know she has her hands full with being Dragonlord and all but I now she always makes time for you," She smiled. "How'd she take the school enrollment idea?"

"Things are going pretty well for her and she's all for the school," Spike smiled with a wink and a thumbs up then sighed as he plopped on his butt. "Unfortunately I had to talk with old man Torch about the Gauntlet of Fire."

"What happened?" Twilight looked worried.

"Yea apparently the Bloodstone scepter has an enchantment on it that recognizes the first male and female dragon pair that touches it as the ruling mated pair," Spike flailed his arms in the air and Twilight's eyes shrank.

"But that means-" Twilight started to say.

"Yep," Spike sighed as he rubbed the back of his head ruffling his spines. "Ember and are I technically married and since I'm the one who originally touched the scepter first I'm the true Dragonlord and Ember is just my proxy. The old man wasn't mad in the slightest though, in fact, he was over the moon with joy, He shook the whole ground with his dancing every drake thought it was an eruption," Spike laughed then got a serious look in his eyes as the glowed a bright emerald green. "Look Twi, I will be staying with you as your assistant, I made that clear to the old dragon, but at the same time, I do have a few more duties to act on as the Dragon's representative here now. Ember will continue to act as the reigning Lord until my body matures a bit more in the coming years while I stay here with you but at the same time, I still have to become the Dragonlord. In that time Lord Torch wants me to learn as much as I can about friendship and bring it to the Dragonlands while also teaching ponies about dragons so they can be better understood."

Twilight's face let up with excitement, "You mean-"

"Yes Twi, we are going to have a few dragons come over here and attend the school., "Spike smirked, "Also we're going to have a dragon class for ponies, Torch was adamant about that."

Twilight buried the drake in a big hug wrapping her wings around the dragon boy, "Spike! You're the bestest little brother slash number one assistant ever!"

"Twi-" Spike wheezed out. "Can't... breath..."

"Sorry," Twilight let go with a blush of embarrassment. "So, what about Gar?" She asked concerned again.

Spike held up a clawed finger while catching his breath. "I... don't... know..." Spike took in a deep breath and leaned back. "Whew... Sorry, Twi... He dropped me off... and left..." Twilight's ears flattened against her head. "I did hear from Thorax that he met with Gar in the return letter I got."

"And..." Twilight looked hopeful.

"A few changlings are coming to the school," Spike nodded. "Thorax said he and Gar got along pretty well and he simply let him know who he was. Thorax also said that Gar is the true king of all fairies and would succeed the throne to him in a heartbeat. He said he could tell that Gar was a good pony with a good heart but that he refused to take Thorax from his role as the king of the Changelings."

"Thorax did say that Gar mentioned that when he was headed out to Mount Aires after he was done meeting with him and the rest of his hive," Spike added.

"Understandable," Twilight tapped her chin. "It would be better to see them in pony than wit ha letter and he's already partially there with how close the hive was. I wish he would've told me though!" She pouted. "I've been really worried bout him."

"Gar is a big boy Twi," Spike reminded his sister. "He can take care of himself."

"I know but I still worry," Twilight sighed. "He just recovered from a spur fight with a high-level demon not even barely a week and a half ago and according to him there are five more of its gang out there."

"He beat the last one I'm sure he can beat the rest," Spike shrugged off the comment and yawned. "I'm really tired. I'm gonna take a nap for a bit. When I get up I'll help sort through this..." he motioned to the papers all around. "Later Twi..." he walked off.

Twi chuckled, "Get some rest little brother."

The Fairy King's Forest of Everfree

"That bastard has been gone for days!" Chrysalis complained, "Where in Tartarus is he?" She fumed. "I was gonna take over Sparkle's spot but with all the activity she's been up to lately she's never alone ad I can't outside the forest with all these busybodies around either. "She looked out over the forest. "What are they doing making all this stuff anyways? I can only suspect it has something to do with that school. Ugh whatever, I can wait and still build power by gathering love from the town." She buzzed off to Ponyville and took the form of a mare. "Hmhm..."Chrysalis eyed a stallion, "Target acquired. Game set and match."

Gar stood atop one of the peeks of Mount Aires. He looked down over the Hippogriffs that have chosen to move back into their once-abandoned city. Many of them go between the surface and their underwater city of Seaquestria. Both cities have greatly prospered since the hippogriffs return to the surface. And with the defeat of the Storm King, the nations and neighboring town of Klugetown have greatly benefited from the airships that have since become a great trade industry being freed from the evil storm tyrant.

"So this is where've you been," giggled a bubbly little yellow hippogriff that flew up. Princess Sky. "I've been looking like all over the place for you Gar... oops... King Gar," she bowed then looked at his wings. "Still not used to see you with such bright light-up wings. What's on your mind?"

"How do you even know I'm King now Sky Star?" Gar's eyes shifted. "I never told anypony about me becoming a king."

"It's kinda hard to hide info from any creature when you live in a trade hub seaport town silly," Sky giggled. "Creatures are always talking about their travels to places, even if they've been to the same town a hundred times in the same week, " She waved her clawed hand in the air. "So naturally we were gonna hear about the giant tree the grew in one of Equestria's most dangerous forests and about a certain 'Smiling Monster' sitting atop it in a throne. Most of what I know is the stuff that I managed to piece together from the scraps and rumors that I'd heard from passing travelers, and then I caught wind that almost all changlings were flocking to the Everfree by the skyboat loads. Some stopped here and said they just felt like they had to go. So I figured it was all true. I have to say I never thought you'd come to see us personally about enrolling some young hippos in Twilight's school that she's starting?"

Gar stood up raising to his full height towering over the young princess.

"Have you gotten taller?" She tilted her head. "You look taller and hunkier."

"Yes I have grown stronger since we last saw each other," Gar acknowledged as his wings flexed wide. He glided down to the city below with Sky Star on his heels. Though they were taller than ponies Gar still towered over all the hippogriffs and even though he looked like a monster they all treated him as if she was one of them, even giving occasional foods or a healthy wave. Sometimes even a hug was given though this was mainly done by Sky Star and smaller chicks.

He'd originally come here to ask Queen Novo if she'd be willing to send some young hippogriffs to Twilight's school, and though she trusted him and the ponies she was still a little more than skittish to send a few of her youth to the school. He'd been in Aires for nearly three days waiting and Star's mother to make her decision and in that time he'd taken to training and better honing his Saiyan skills in the combat rings of the local market or the Guard training area under the water in Queen Novo's undersea palace. The one constant companion was Princess Sky Star. She was perky and bubble and little on the hyper side, but nowhere near the level of a certain hyperactive pink sugar demon abomination. He founded it hard to go anywhere land, sea, or air without her being there next to him or her finding him rather quickly, but still, she was a magnificent creature just to be around, and he found it hard not to truly smile around the bright yellow bird pony's antics.

"So what are you doing now?" She chirped as she landed on the monster's back between his wings, propping her head in her hands. "Hmmm? More training? Ooo how about we fly over to Klugetown for a few hours?"

"I can't go too far from the Mountain Star," Gar quickly caught off the young princess causing her to pout. "As much fun as I do have with you and as welcome as it would be for a change of scenery I need to stick close by for when your mother finally decides on if she wants to send a few hippogriffs to the school."

"Pony feather," Star slapped her forehead. "That's why I've been looking for you," Gar turned his head slightly to look at the hippogriff. Sar chuckled nervously slightly. "I kinda got distracted in looking for you but mom told me she to tell you that she's okay with sending a few of the younger chicks over to Equestria but that they are under your care and not the princesses. Oh and that I could come as long as you're okay with it to help look after the little ones."

"Hmmm..." Gar grumbled somewhat annoyed causing Sky Star to slide of his back.

"Ummm... I guess that's a no on me coming then," Sky looked down disheartened.

Gar turned and morphed into his zebra form to get eye level with the princess. "I'll allow it but if you cause me trouble I WILL send your bright yellow feather behind back here to Aires. Go tell the chicks and tell them to be ready by the end of tomorrow."

Sky quickly did three-sixty and kissed Gar's cheek causing him to blush, "THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU! THANKYOU!" She said over and over as she hopped around Gar. "I PROMISE I won't be anything but helpful and I'll do anything and everything i'm told to! Gotta go! A lot of Chicks to inform and then I have to packet! See ya at supper!" She sing-songed as she flapped off.

Gar immediately regretted his decision, "Oh god what've I done," He grabbed his head.

The track home...

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It had been a couple of days since Gar had departed with Princess Sky Star and the flock of young hippogriffs from Mount Aires. Due to the sheer number and size of the group and the fact that many couldn't handle larger feral storms or longer flight they were forced to take an airship back the mainland and head to go all the way to Canterlot as it was the nearest skyport to Ponyville that could handle the larger scale vessels. So from there the group would then have to depart from the train station in order to get down to Ponyville alone.

"Hey there big guy," came the voice of the ships captain. Gar turned his head to see Captain Celaeno. You sure have changed a bit since the last time you were on my ship. Big pretty butterfly wings and way more emotional. I heard you're a knight for Twilight and King of the Everfree now to. That all true?"

"Yes it is," Gar replied. "You have my utmost thanks for bringing me and my..." he looked over his shoulder to the chicks. "Party... to Canterlot. Thank you Captain."

"No sweat big guy," Captain Celaeno waved of the thanks as she pulled an elaborate pipe from her inner coat pocket. Looking to the monster she held the pipe up, "Do ya mind if I have a smoke?"

Gar shook his head, "It's your ship."

"Yea but I still like to ask," Celaeno stuffed some tobacco in the pipped and lit it with a match. Taking a slightly drag off the pipe she turned to over look the land. "And think nothing of the lift. Me and my crew owe your and those ponies big for getting us out of being the Storm King's delivery birds. We'll come to ya and go where ever ya need to be taken. Just say the world."

The duo stood there simply enjoying the scenery when Celaeno looked over her shoulder and then back to the clouds. Tapping her pipe on the railing and dumping the ash over the side it fill the ground below.

"So, what's with all the younglings?" Celaeno spoke up.

"Students to be enrolled at Twilight's new school," Gar turned around. "I went to ask Queen Novo if she'd be willing to send some students."

"Ah..." Celaeno nodded. "I get that, but why bring her?" She thumbed to Bright Star.

"She asked to come and is willing to do as she's told so she was allowed to come," Gar grumbled as he still regretted his decision.

"She's hyper but a good kid," Celaeno chuckled. "But then again a lot of the younglings here are. I guess it comes from being stuck under water for generations and being able to see new things."

"If you say so," Gar rolled his eyes.

Celaeno smirked as she go an idea. "She certainly hangs of you a lot."

"Mhm... don't remind me," Gar crossed his arms and pouted.

""I think she might have a crush on you," Celeano smirked causing Gar to immediately turn to look at her. "In fact, since we're on the subject. I think a lot of the females around do."

*SIGH* "I'm not going there," Gar held up a hand as he went red faced.

"Why not big man," Celaeno said putting her pipe back in her pocket. "You have some great looking flanks around you and not to mention they're a very exotic variety. Looks like you're herd will be quite diverse. Not many males can claim that. Yea you're a king but you got all your tail before that."

"Please stop," Gar solemnly hung his head.

"I just messing with you," Celaeno jabbed him in his arm only to wince in pain slightly as she pulled back and shook her hand hissing. "Anyways, do you have some creature special in your life or are you one of types of hero has a ton of lovers with a one night stand thing going?"

"I have Twilight Sparkle as my lover," Gar said with pride as he perked up. "And I don't plan on having anypony or creature else and I have no desire to be with another or to form a herd, hoard, etc..."

"Wow," Celaeno looked at the king. "You're... serious about this aren't ya big Guy?" Gar looked sternly into the bird captain's eyes and nodded. "Well. I wish you luck in your to come, King Gar." She patted his back when a bell was rung. "That's the bell to let us know we're coming up on our port. I need to head back to the stern. Later," She departed as Mt, Canterhorn came into view with the Sacred Tree just to its left.

Captain Celeano's ship, he McCaw, pulled into to port at the Canterlot airship yard. Waiting for Gar and his part were the Princesses, Captain Prince of the Guard Blueblood, and a whole contingent go guards in tow.

"Thanks for the left again Capetian and crew," Gar bowed showing his thanks.

"No prob Gar and don't be a stranger either," Captain Celeano gave a thumbs up as her crew ready the gangplank for departure. "You're always welcome on this birds crew big fella but best you get goin. Ya have a meeting with royalty it appears and then ya got to get to your honey," Gar blushed, "HAHA! Tell Twilight I said 'hi'!" She waved as Gar walked off the ship followed by Sky Start and a variety of hippogriff younglings.

"Company, ATTENTION HUT!" Blueblood called out. The guards immediately stomped and clicked their heavy metal hoof wears together and throw their hands up in salutes as Gar exited off the ship. "Sir Gar," Blue clicked his hooves and saluted as well. "It is good to see you back in canterlot Sir!"

Being a made a knight gave Gar a noble title and a rank equivalent to that of the captain but because he was a personal knight of one of the four princesses he was ranked above the reigning military. The fact that he was also the king of Everfree and wielded magical powers on par with the four princesses plays a major role in this to. Of coarse no pony has yet to learn of the relationship between the monster of the Everfree and the Princess of Friendship outside their respective immediate circles of friends on both of their sides.

Naturally Blueblood was included in this, being Gar's fighting instructor and brother-in-arms, but kept his mouth shut due to the gossip that would sprout from the mouth of the nobles. Some were already against Gar for obvious reasons but most backed him for having saved the city and the princesses on more than one occasion already but they were always quickly swayed by most anything, specifically rumors and bits.

"Gar," Luna as she and Celestia greeted the monster. "It is good to see you have made a full recovery."

"I am guessing these are all the students for the school Twilight is starting," Celestia looked of the flock of younglings a yellow princess catching her eye, "I see you decided to join in on this little adventure Princess Sky Star."

"Oh yea I've always wanted to see the outside world and now that we've opened the Mountain back up I CAN!" Sky Star jumped in the air gleefully. "Though for the moment I will be directly working with Gar at Twilight's School. Oh yea," she dove back into the younglings and quickly returned with a young hen roughly around the age of the CMC. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, let me introduce you to my cousin and one of my best friends friends from home, Silverstream."

Silverstream is a female hippogriff youngling with a bright and bubbly outlook on life similar to her cousin Sky Star but much more adventurous and outgoing. Her mane and tail consist of a light cornflower blue and light cornflour bluish gray streaks while her coat and feather colors are a light magentaish grey with her beak and exposed skin being a pale grayish orchid. Around her neck was a piece of coral that allowed her to change forms from seapony to hippogriff. Her attire usually consisted of dress due to her parent's dynamic clashing ideas of where to live with her opting on both.

"OH MY FAUST!" Silverstream flipped out as she flew around the princesses. "YOU AND THAT AND THESE AND THOSE AND..." She zipped around. "YOU'RE THE PRINCESSES AND...MHMHMHMHMHMMHMMMHMMH!"

Gar quickly grabbed the youngling in a wrap of tendrils, "Hehehe... Sorry about that your highnesses. Sliver is rather and excitable about everything, even more so wit a that has happened and is happening," He nervously scratched the back of his head while Silver was now freaking out and getting excited over being entrapped by Gar.

"Sorry about that," Sky bowed with a blush of embarrassment.

"No trouble," Celestia giggled.

"Are you staying in the city?" Luna looked at the fairy king.

"No," Gar shook his head. "As things stand I must get the younglings to the dorms," he said nonchalantly, "i have been away from Twilight and the forest longer than I'd intended and must return. Things didn't feel quite right when I'd left days prior. I don't know what but something is sneaking around the forest and it's to well blended in to distortion what it is or what it's doing in my woods."

"A problem?" Blue raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to send some of my investigators.

"I appreciate the thought but no thank Blue," Gar shook his head. "I think having guard ponies poking around will put the fairies on edge. Gloxinia is already paranoid enough as is and has a superiority complex to boot. Letting guards in would only fuel some of his suspicions about the ponies. Best I get the younglings to Twilight asap."

"It's a good thing we prepared the train in advance then," Blue remarked. "I wish you could stay and talk perhaps even have a match but I of all creatures knows you have duties to uphold, one to your princess and one to realm and subjects. Just let them know at the station and they'll show you all the way. And I must say I like how expressive you've become."He saluted. "Good luck sir," the all marched off.

Later at the Ponyville Train Station...

"All will follow me to the school, understood?" Gar called out to the younglings certainly.

"Yes Lord Gar," They all called out in unison while Gar turned and let out a strained sigh as he floated in the direction of Twilight's new school.

Twilight and her friends we busying themselves getting the last of the preparations for her school to open when Spike suddenly burst through the doors of the library. They all stared at the drake perplexed.

"Girls, the train just pulled into the station..." he huffed. " It's..."

"So?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow.


"Not to rain on your parade there partner but trains pull into the station all the time," Aj crossed her arms.


"Darling we are quite busy at the moment," Rarity went about her work.


"Um... sorry Spike... but could you please um... leave us be.... that is if you want to," Fluttershy said from he place under the table.


"Spike, please go back to your chores," Twilight said not even sparing a glance from the papers. If she had she would've seen a very red faced drake she called a younger brother.

"LISTEN TO ME AND STOP CUTTING OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFF!" He roared rising ten feet in the air and shaking the chandelier. They all looked over the see the drake still pissed with steady streams of glittering smoke coming from his flared nostrils. Spike took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "Grrrft," he cleared he throat, "Sorry about that but like I WAS trying to see its Gar, he back and at just got off the train..." Spike was soon whirling in place as Twilight rushed passed her little brother.

"Hold on buddy," RD zoomed over and caught the dragon before he could fall over.

"What was that?" His eye spun.

"Twilight," Pinkie popped over. "What else were ya gonna say?"

"Oh yeah, that a whole flock of hippogriffs just unloaded from the..." Spike started to say and then saw pink smoke and looked to his left to see it was coming from Pinkie Pie who had the biggest most excited shit eating grin on her face. "Ah what's going on?"

"SHE'S GONNA BLOW!" screamed Rarity.

"HIT THE DECK!" cried RD as sh grabs Spike and dives behind the couch.

"TAKE COVER!" Aj called out.

"EVERY PONY FOR THEMSELVES!" Shrieked Fluttershy, diving under a box with her tail stuck out until she pulled it in.

Pinkie Pie some how morphed herself into the shape of a rocket and shot off into the sky. In the next second pink fireworks were going off over the castle.

At the same time...

"Come along," Gar moved the younglings trying his best to keep their attention on him. "We're almost th- ufff..."

He was tackled to the ground by something purple with wings. He looked down to see twilight nuzzling his chest, "Your back!" she held him tight. Not being able to restrain herself she plant a big kiss and her stallion. They satyed this way for a few minutes until they heard a flowerpot drop and break. They looked to see everypony in town and a younglings staring with mouths agape. "Oops..."

"Guess the cats out now..." Gar muttered

"Oh... my... gosh..." Sky star said with a blush. "So SWEET!" She sang.

That's when the heard fireworks and upper to see the sky lite up with pink firecrackers. Gar looked at Twilight and shrugged then kissed he kissed her this time before saying, "I'm back."

The first day of School

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It was the morning of School of Friendship's grand opening. Gar was awoken from his slumber by Gerhearde as per the usual as any other day. Gloxinia had grown rather vigilant over his sister as of late as she'd taken an interest in the school herself and had been helping Twilight with what would make the incoming fairies the most comfortable and there wasn't really a whole lot as the school was grown from a splinter of the Sacred Tree so the fairies would felt right at home as if the were still in Everfree.

The Fairy Captain didn't understand know why he has such animosity towards most creatures other than fairies and acted on it, all he knew was that it was justified. Still, he kept himself in check for his sister's sake and for the sake of what his king was trying to do for the future, but there was always a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that 'he' should be the one on he'd thrown. Every fairy knew that it was the Sacred Tree that chose the king and not the fairies so he pushed these thoughts aside as he knew he'd never try and take the thrown or even be able to.

Gar had asked Gerheade to wake him as usual but had he'd had Yuki and Adreana prepare his meal. After hastily downing his breakfast Gar paid his thanks to the chefs as per usual and then headed to pick up Zecroa, Tempest, and Grubber. Tempest had been granted the role of Royal Guard Captain by Twilight at Gar's suggestion, They both knew Tempest was a good pony at heart and Gar knew she would everything in her power to protect Twilight while he wasn't around. Zecora was a teacher tasked with the potion and alchemy classes at Twilight's school and Grubber was... mainly Tempest's assistant slash squire.

Gar flew down to the school with his party in tow along with some of the fairies that were attending the school but had decided to stay in the Everfree. He landed and set the zebra, unicorn, and hedgehog-man down. Gar then morphed into his own zebra form and instructed the fairies to find their names on the lists inside then go to the assigned rooms. He then went inside to find his marefriend and their other friends.

It didn't take the monster long as she was standing in the middle of the entrance hall with a clipboard. He quietly snuck behind her and placed his hands over her eyes.

"Pinkie," Twilight groaned. "We don't have time for 'Guess Who?"

"Ah... Keke... that's not me Twilight," Pinkie pointed out on the far side of the room.

When Gar had found out that the fireworks that went of yesterday went fireworks but in fact, the pink mare had somehow blasted herself off like a rocket he sort of went dead for a bit before turning to Twilight who shook her head and mouthed 'Don't question it, it's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.' He then shrugged and went on his way as he's seen her do weird stuff before.

Pinkie was currently talking with a large hairy bovine man with tangelo fur and large horns adorned with gold crowns on either side of his head and he was leather armor. Gar disdained he was Prince Rutherford of the Yak with his group. Behind him was a smaller yak female with braids that dragged the floor. 'That's not going to be a tripping hazard right off,' He thought. But his mind was back on Twilight.

"Guess again Twi," Gar whispered into her ear in a dark predatory tone he made her fur stand on end as she got goosebumps. Twilight whirled around and bopped her boyfriend on the head with her clipboard. "Don't do that!" She scolded him. "You know I hate having to brush my fur down after. And why are you in zebra form?"

"Sorry Twi," Gar chuckled. "I thought it would be an easier walk around in this form until it was time for opening ceremonies when you need me as a guard," he smirked. "All other creatures that don't know of me would panic other why's if I was in my true form."

"Good point," Twilight nodded as she crossed her arms. "Well, opening assembly isn't for a while now so do you think you can help some of the young find where they need to go after it."

"Sure," He nodded, " But first..."

"Wha-" Twilight started to say when Gar planted one on her in front of everypony. Some went Yuck, eww, and gross. Other, mainly the changelings and females awww, so sweet, LUCKY, and delicious!

Gar broke the kiss and then shot off while laughing, "Later Twilight!"

"Ah..." she stood there red as a rose for a bit and then, "That ass, in front of everypony," She grumbled but with a soft smirk on her face.

"At least he's showing us the true Gar instead of that stone-faced façade," Rarity came up slightly startling her friend. "Sorry about that Darling I came to let you know that everypony is gathering in the foray for your speech and the opening ceremony. Will you be ready to speak soon?"

"I'm readied to go whenever every creature is in place," Twilight happily nodded. "Though I do need my knight by my side if I'm going to make a public speech."

"You know he's the kind of guy that won't slack off on his duties Twi," Rainbow came over. "The griffins are all set by the way, it was great to see Grampa Grough. He looks good must be using that moisturizer you sent him Rarity."

"I noticed dear," Rarity waved at the air. "He looks nearly ten years younger. Now if we could get him to part with the dreadful fizz."

"FEZS ARE COOL!" Said a brown pony in a suit with a red bowtie as he passed by.

"Your highness," Tempest came to the group and saluted Twilight. "The castle is secured and so is the school. Sir Gar said he would meet you in the waiting area after he dawns his armor and he also said that the hippogriffs, fairies, and changeling that wish to stay at the school of the forest are all settled in the dorms and awaiting your speech with the rest of the congregation."

"Thank you, Captain, you may resume your other duties," Twilight smiles.

"Yes ma'am," Tempest nodded and did an about-face. "Onward then. Come Grubber, we have recruits to look at."

"Hold up Tempy!" Grubber heavily sighed as he trailed after his friend then paused to catch his breath. "Wooh! I gotta lay off those Pinkie cakes!" He caught his breath and resumed running.

"It true," Pinkie popped up. "He really should. Not every pony can handle my Pinkie cakes though too!" She said shoving a pink cupcake with pink icing and pink sprinkles on top into her mouth then proceeded to pop into confetti.

"Okay," Applejack said as she came up and wiggled her leg, knocking off some of the pink paper bits. "Well, if Pinkie is done being Pinkie fer this part Ah say we get should head over to the stage and take up our spots."

"I'm with Aapplejack on that," Fluttershy said from behind Rainbow.

"Okay." Twilight agreed. "You girls go ahead, I have to meet up with Gar and then we'll be up there with you."

"Just don't make out and get lost in front of everypony again okay princess," Dash jabbed as Twilight's face lit up red again. "HAHAHAHA!" Rainbow laughed as she zoomed off.

"Damn it Rainbow Dash! I just calmed back down!" Twilight scowled as the others giggled.

"Ya get yourself ready sugar," Applejack patted her friend's back. "He'll be up there with ya so no need to be nervous. Not to mention we got yer back Twi." the others all agreed with a nod and then left.


No pony noticed another black-furred green-haired news pony sneaking about taking pictures of clusters of random creatures. Her camera had no film in it but it works and produced a highly effective bright white flash that stunned any creature for a brief amount of time, about five seconds. Just long enough for a dark changeling to feed off the stunning creature without them realizing they'd had a bit of their emotions taken away.

Back with Twilight...

"Are you really gonna wear that?!" Twilight scowled at her monster boyfriend.

"What?" He looked back now in his true form at full size in his full suit of Yggdra Armor.

Twilight said holding the bridge of her nose, "Look Gar, I truly love but we are in a school surrounded by guards and my not to mention some of the best fighters in royalty. I know you have your emotions back and are fulling enjoying them, but please for my sake no j-"

Gar stopped her talking by placing a clawed finger on her lip as he smiled for real, "I wasn't joking by wearing this Twi and I can understand why you would think I was trying to joke around but I truly was wearing this to try and protect you. for you I will dumb it down a little as I do agree with it being over the top as for as looks go," He shrank down to a much more manageable size and crossed the look of his zebra from wish his true form while streamlining his armor. Though he was still a good head taller than your average pony. "Better?"

"Much," Twilight smiles, and Gar gave a quick pick on the cheek. "What was that for?"

"Cause I love," He smirked as he created more of himself and surround Twilight. "And cause I'll be too busy being your knight and guarding you for us to be lovers for a bit. You ready?"

Twilight face went slightly flush and then shook it off stealing her resolve, "Yes. lets do this," they walked out into the assembly and to the stage. All the while every creature was staring at the Gars in awe. Twilight stepped on stage in front of the podium cleared her throat and spoke out, "Thank you for coming on the most memorable of day. The day of the open of the Scholl of Friendship. We are all gathered here today because of one thing and that thing is friendship. Though it may not be a friendship with me personally, I know many of you have come because you consider one of the ponies behind me a very dear friend. The reason they have asked you and presented you with this idea of this school is because they believe in that friendship and that you and the future generations you have allowed to come can also create the bonds of friendship. I look forward to the day that we can all speak, laugh, and dance or just about do anything with one another and call each other true friends and that is the reason you are here today. I Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship hereby open the Scholl of Friendship," she spread her wings and opened her arms. Son everyone was cheering. "Please if you will find your names on the list and proceed to the classroom it is listed under then head to hat direction. Do not be afraid to ask any creature for help, Thank you all and I look forward to seeing you are learn and grow.

With all said and done the adults gathered to speak with one another after the speech. As they did a reporter pony came out of the blue for some photos.

"Everypony say chasse," The reporter said with an evil hiss.




Everyone was blasted with a large blast of green magic knocking them all out...

Gar's eyes all fluttered open at different intervals. It took some time but eventually, he was able to align his vision. It took longer still as his other four bodies were no responding totally. Usually, with his mind-controlling four separate bodies at once it took time for his thought processes to connect, With only one body awake out of four, he was operating at peak mental efficiency but only at a max of twenty-five percent physically. At the current moment, he was only about five percent awake as he worked and stirring his other bodies awake but found he couldn't connect with them. His eyes looked around and he found himself in Twilight's bedroom and in Twilight's bed no less.

"What the hell happened to me? to us?" He gurgled as he sat up and placed a clawed hand on his forehead and then there was movement next to him. "Twi?" Gar pulled the blanket back hoping to find the mare he loves but was met with a tall shinny black chitin carapace of a rather large dark female changeling. He quickly jumped out of bed and back away. "Who the hell are you?!" he roared.

The changeling groggily stir and looked over at Gar. "What do you me who am I Gar? It's me Twilight silly?" she giggled. "You sure put me through the wringer last night," She gave him bedroom eyes, "Want to go another round?" She said seductively

Gar couldn't help be twitch then, "BRWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What so funny?" The changeling cutely puffed her cheeks.

Gar stopped laughing and then looked at the changeling female with disgust as bloodlust filled the room. "You can drop the act," He said coldly. "Twilight and I haven't gone that far yet," he remarked as tried again to locate his other bodies mentally and started to feel a weak signal and sent a twinge through it. 'got ya,' he mentally high-fived himself.

The changeling scowled at the fairy king. "How the hell are you not affected by my charm spell?"

Gar tapped his head. "Passive skill: Mental Indomitability," he hissed. "Now who the fuck are you and where is my marefriend?!" Bloodlust filled the room. Gar then felt his other bodies wake up and caught a few glimpses of some creatures in some sort of daze, their eyes had a greenish hue to them. 'Stay still till I say other whys' he commands his bodies.

The blurry figures of Yuki and Adreana soon walked up. Yuki activated her case and it opened to reveal a large over-sized butcher's knife. She grasped it tightly with both hands as she held it at a right slant. Her face showed a smile with closed eyes but behind it was one of rage.

(The weapon and stance Yuki is in)

Using the large knife she cut Gar's other forms free while Adreana healed them of any stasis tags and ailment with some quickly prepped food.

"That makes things most difficult," The changeling clicked her tongue as she got out of bed. Dropping the blanket she revealed all of her voluptuous body to Gar though he was unaffected. "As for who I am, I am Queen of the Changelings Queen Chrysalis," she held up a hand and a ball of green magic came into existence and then snake around Chrysalis and spread over her form into gown w and a slit on the side reveal a leg with a set of green fingerless gloves. "As for Twilight Sparkle... hmhm... Think of what I can give you over her. Fairy King..." She whispered seductively into Gar's ear as she had blinked behind him and threw her arms around the monster next. "Such bloodlust from one such as yourself. I have never come across a male such as yourself that could even come close to satisfying my appetite and match my power as you have. Even Shining Armor pale compared to you."

Gar quickly whirled around and gabbed the queen by the neck as several bladed tendrils sprang from his body all pointed at the Queen, "Where. Is. She?" he pushed Chrysalis into the wall cracking it. The queen was merely smiling as she was taken in the emotions Gar was emitting.

She snickered. "And why would I tell you?" she smirked. "I know you split yourself in four to act all cool for the opening ceremony," she giggled. "You are extremely powerful but even I know your power decreases as you split your form. As it stands I have your other three pieces and your princess along with her friends and students. You have nothing as I hold all the cards little king. Now be a good boy and put me down." She turned stern.

Gar put the queen down as he was told.

"Good boy, now come. We have things to do," She commanded. "I have followers that need to be gathered."

"he..hehehhehehehahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!" Gar belted and then settled down Chrysalis looked confused. "I have to remind you." the wall explodes to reveal Yuki and Adreana. "I have my cooks to help me!"

"You put our master through an ordeal," Yuki pointed the knife at the Queen. Her face showed a smile with closed eyes but behind it was one of rage, "And that will not stand..."

"Did you two bring them?" Gar looked at Adreana.

"Yessir," Adreana nodded as the other three Gars ran up and merged with the first allowing Gar to return to his full height. "They were all in the map room at the castle inside those gross snot-filled sacks."

"Cocoon Adreana," Yuki corrected her sister. "Now are we gonna argue or are we gonna cut this one up for what she's done to Lord Gar?"

"I don't care what you call them, they were gross," Adreana retorted then cracked her knuckles. "I'm down with that sis."

"You fools can't take me on," Chrysalis snickered. "I've been here for weeks gathering the power I would need to face that monster," she stated as she became covered in greenish-black armor and heled an insectoid halberd.

"So you're the reason my forest has felt off," Gar stepped forward. "You two go save the others and see if you can break the mind control," He said holding his hand up as his thorn necklace reached out and became his Spear Basquias. "She is mine."

"As you wish," Yuki bowed and left.

"Man we always miss the fun!" Adreana complained as he followed her sister.

Gar twirled his spear as he looked Chrysalis and ready his stance, "Martial Art: ," his spear's head glowed a bright red gathering power, "DYNAMIC THRUST!" He thrust his spear and rushed forward blasting out of the castle into the skies. Chrysalis barely managing to block the blow from Gar's spear with her halberd. She was still sent rocketing across the sky to an opened field skipping along as she was forced to land.

Chrysalis shakily stood up using her halberd to steady herself. Gar shot over landing in front of her, forming a small crater to be formed in the ground. The smiling monster was not happy. He seethed with anger at the insect in front of so much the very grass around him turned a dark green as it grew into a wild feral series of fly traps that hissed with green acid the spilled from the mouth to sizzle on the ground.

"Oh, are you mad..." Chrysalis cackled with and an evil smile while Gar only let out out a low gurgling growl.

The king and queen rocketed at each other. Chrysalis let out a war cry. Gar let out a roar with a very deafening echo that split the winds. The very sound was so horrifying that any creature area that heard it would've been totally driven off in fear for their very lives. Gar swung his spear and Chrysalis swung her halberd and the two clashed in a bright flash...

:pinkiecrazy: wait to see what happens

Parazyte Eve

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(Play with the fight,)

Queen Chrysalis had indeed stocked up on quite a lot of power as she was easily matching Gar blow for blow in the air. The land below the fighters was littered with a good many craters and carnivorous plants with would attack any creature indiscriminately. Gar's anger had tapped into his demon and fairy magic to create these monstrosities. With each blow, Gar took and was sent to the ground with only more of them sprouted, and those that had already grown grew even more furious. though it did not stop him from getting back up to face the former Queen again and again.

The duo clashed in the air causing everything to shake from their impacts and blows on each other as purple and green explosions could be seen from all the way up in Canterlot Castle some would say. Gar had been thrown back into the air and after he stabilized himself he rocketed at Chrysalis and split his arms into bladed tendrils.

"You're not the only one who can change their body," Chrysalis snickered as her own arms glowed in an eerie green light and they split into bladed tendrils similar to Gar.

The two fairy royals soon found themselves going back and forth in a very deadly game of what might be classified as Patty Cakes but children but for adults. The two whirled around each other in a flurry of blows. They each landed blows and each other's bodies and as quickly as they hurt each other their wounds would heal themselves.

The two broke apart both breathing heavily as their arms reformed. "Why are you against me? We should be working together to rule this kingdom and the world," Chrysalis remarked as she held out her hands. "You alone are more powerful than the two oldest mages on the Planet. You and I.... together... we are more powerful than any of the ruling alicorns and could easily rule this world s it should be ruled."

"Perhaps if I'd met you first I would have deduced that to be the most logical path to take," Gar said as he looked at his clawed hand. "But even then," he closed his grip and his eyes then sternly looked at Chrysalis, a glow covering his entire body as purple lightning crackled and sparked over the surface of his skin. "It still would not sit right with me. '

"But why not?" Chrysalis tiled her head with a raised eyebrow. "Sure you're a fairy but you're also a demon. It is in your nature to destroy and to won't more power and rule on high. It also in your nature as a fairy to follow your nature. I have been watching you and I must say even for a half-breed you certainly have no shortage of power. You used to be much colder, then you had that fight with the high-ranking demon and nearly died. You come back and are exuding an even more powerful love for Twilight Sparkle than even Shining Armor's love did for Cadence. What happened to that cold king that I LIKED?"

"I WOKE UP!" Gar yelled as he shot in front of Chrysalis before she could realize it. With a ki ball in his right hand, he plunged it into her gut and blasted her skyward. "And I WILL NEVER BE LIKE THAT AGAIN RAAAAAAAAA!!!!" He unloads a barrage of ki blasts into the queen light up the sky in a bright almost white light. "BASQUIAS MULTIPLE!" He roared as he made hand movements and his spear split into thousands of short swords. He threw his hands forward and shot the swords and moved his arms in all sorts of different directions causing the sword to swarm in and out of the huge ki explosions.

Gar was now huffing fairly hard from the back-to-back use of a massive amount of his ki and his spear. Not to mention the magic that was leaking out of him causing the multiple carnivorous plants to grow underneath him.

Floating the Gar breathed as the sweat ran down his face, "I sure hope that was enough to finish her,"

"Enough to finish me no..." Came Chrysalis's voice as she flittered down in front of Gar. "But you sure as Tartarus did quite the number on me. I mean you pretty much shredded my armor to bits," She said as showing off the armor as it fell to the ground in scarps to reveal her black form underneath, wearing very little if nothing at all. "Just think this all," She took a sexy pose, "could've been yours," Chrysalis said in a sultry town as place her hand behind her head and showed off more. "But I think I'm done being nice. Just remember you had your chance," She said seriously.

Talking on a new stance more armor formed Chrysalis green magic but it was much less coverage than last time. Many would have argued it was closer to an outfit that a cosplayers girlfriend or wife would wear on their sex night or their honeymoon. Chrysalis still had a reason to wear this much less protective armor, her form changed due to her concentrating her power throughout her body. Now that Gar had expelled a large amount of his power with the last attack of his she thought she would go ahead and take him down.

An eerie green aura covered the changeling Queen's body. Her form started to pulse as her body began to twitch with veins starting to appear all over her form. Her body started to grow and writhe as cracks started to form over her chitin. A thick green fluid began to leak from these cracks. Soon piece of chitin started to raise up and fall off of Chrysalis's body. She was not only powering up be she was also molting her shell. She was now in a much large form than before, still smaller than Gar but larger than she'd been. Green fluid covers her body as she relished in the pleasure of her new body.

"Oh yes now that's what I'm talking about!" She cackled. "I bet you're regretting not taking my offer now, kehehe.."

"The demon of hell can fuck you cause I sure as all get out won't," Gar hissed. "And if you're powering up then so will I! RAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Gar body became engulfed in a golden aura. His entire body started to bulk up in muscle mass as his hair on his head and tail fluxed from chestnut brown to a brilliant golden blonde. His four eyes, inside them his pupils changed from brown to a bright cerulean blue. Finally, he gave one last push and his body bulked up to completely even out as he was surrounded in a bright gold aura his hair and tail staying its golden blonde hew as his eyes also remained blue. Super Gar was here and he was still pissed.

"Oh my," Chrysalis mocked. "I knew you had more power and another form. I also know you can't remain in it for very long either. Unlike your my new form is more... perm-"

She never finished that statement as Gar shot over and land a heavy fist right into her lower jaw sending her upward. Not wanting to give her time to recover he rushed her again leaving a trail of yellow as he chased Chrysalis. She however managed to stop herself and prepared herself for Gar.

Chrysalis reached up to her jaw and grasped it with her left hand. with a quick push, a sickening crack was heard. The queen tolled her bottom jaw and let out a sigh of relief, "Hmhhahaha... He's much stronger than I'd originally given him credit for," She smirked as she rubbed her jaw and looked down to see a very angry parazyte head for her and her facial expression hardened, "I'm going to have to be a more serious or I could end up dead if I'm not careful." She rocketed down at Gar leaving a trial of green behind her.

It only took a second and the fighters collide and unleashed a flurry of blows on each other. They ping-ponged and zig-zagged across the sky letting out booms and flashes of green and yellow light as they fought. They then locked clawed hands with one another, both hissing as they stared into each other's gaze.

"Chrysalis... where is Twilight!" Gar roared.

The queen smiled, "Who?" she remarked as she then kicked him in the gut sending him back. Chrysalis's horn glowed with green magic as her palms then did as well. "Emerald Flames!" She yelled as she threw out a hand, sending a torrent of shimmering green fire at Gar.

Gar's demon mark grew and his purplish-black darkness spread over his body as he held up his own hand as glowed with a light purple aura. "Hell Blaze!" Gar roared as he shot blackish-purple flames of his own had to counter Chrysalis.

The two poured on the heat as neither showed any sign of faltering.

At the same time...

Adreana and Yuki ran through the halls and looked for any creature not hypnotized or in cocoons that might be able to help. They had to be careful as the creatures that they came across as they would instantly swarm and attack the angels and many more would come to aid their fellows if not dealt with swiftly enough. They were forced to knock them out as fast as they could without seriously hurting them. They would also cut any out of the cocoons if they could spare the time

"This fucking sucks," Adreana fumed. "We should be helping our master, not running around a fucking school not knowing what to do and knocking creatures out!"

"As much as I am in total agreement with you dear sister we can not," Yukl said as she knocked a yak out with her cleaver. "We were given orders, and I think we might know the pony, or zebra to see about this."

"Yea... Zecora..." Adreana flicked a fairy off her shoulder. "If she's not brainwashed like the rest of these idiots then she'd be perfect!"

"Then it is a good thing I am not," Came Zecora's voice from next to Yuki as she pole-vaulted on a spear and double chest kicked a guard through a window. "As soon as I heard the explosion I took those who were with me and locked the alchemy lab's doors."

"Who all was with you?" Yuki asked as she propped her cleaver on her shoulder.

"Mainly the young ones," Zecora motioned for the angels to follow her. "I also have a few of the cleaning staff but not mainly other than a handful. Say twenty or so," they rushed through the halls. "It didn't take long for me to figure out what was happening. The first to act up were the Dark Changelings. They acted dazed at first and then started to grab others. I suspect that the queen had made a move against Twilight and her group after putting the changelings' behavior with the explosion. We are here," she motioned to the lab. "Inside quickly."

Yuki and Adreana both went in followed by their zebra friend. All around the room were dozens of scared young faces all huddled around each other.

"Do you have any idea how to reverse this?" Yuki asked.

"I know who to break the Queens hold over her former subjects but not her hold over the brainwashed students." Zecora nodded. "It is a simple brew that will counteract at her pheromone control. We can make it with what we have here in the labs. If we use can distribute it through the school the changeling may regain enough to help break the others' mind control."

"How can we help?" Adreana asked.

"You two keep watch," Zecora motioned to the door and windows. "I will have the youths help me in fixing multiple batches of the potion. Once we start though, our actions are sure to draw attention."

They both nodded and took to the opposite side of the room.

"Did you two manage to find our monster of a king?" Zerona asked as she and serval of the children hurriedly to start making potions.

"He was the one who ordered us to help the others," Yuki said looking out the door's crack to the hallways.

"The last we saw our master was when he rushed the queen bitch," Adreana added. "I think they're fighting to far out of or range to see. I certainly hear a lot of booms off in the distance. He was pissed that she would tell him where the princess was too"

"I pray that he does not do anything he will regret," Zecora mumble to herself.

The King and Queen both floated in the air-breathing heavily. They decide that neither could best the other with their flame attack and that they were just waiting for magic power at this point so they canceled the attacks. They were currently waiting on each other to make the next move as they knew they could not fight for much longer having both already expelled a great deal of power on the other, more so Gar as he di use a lot of ki to blast Chrysalis early. The upside is that she couldn't feed on it, the downside it looked like it had very little to no effect at all.

"I have to know," Chrysalis finally spoke up. "Why? Why are you against me? You're a changeling, a royal changeling at that. You call yourself a parasite and the true form sends other creatures running for fear at the first sight of you. You should want to be on my side at my side helping me! So why are you against me?!"

"Like I said before that would be the most logical of choice that has the highest rate of survival at the time," Gar remarked as he held out his hand and flexed a finger. Basquias suddenly flew to his hand and he spun it as he positioned it behind himself. "But even if I still had my emotions muted I still wouldn't have chosen that path. Even if I'd met you before Zecora I wouldn't have gone that route! Because it's the path I CHOOSE TO LIVE!"

Gar charged forward. Chrysalis quickly create and sword from her magic and used it to block Gar's onslaught of multiple thrusts. She did her best to dodge then got above the huge demon monster and sliced is arm off. Gar howled out in pain as his arm fell into the field of carnivorous plants who immediately began to devour his flesh. He looked at the cackling queen through his left two eyes as his right two were clamped shut due to the paint.

"You bitch," he winced. "You heated the blade of your sword just enough to cauterize my flesh as you cut my arm off."

"Why yes I did," Chrysalis held her weapon up to her face and licked some of Gar's dried blood off of its blade. "Oh this is a flavor I would love to taste every day," She said in a wave of euphoria. "Please do reconsider my offer Gar? You could have all the females you want, including Twilight Sparkle and me. You'd be a great king to my queen. Together we would be unstoppable!"

Gar stared at her and then started to think. he was thinking about all of the time he'd spent with his friends. Images flashed in his mind of all the happiness that he'd experienced with every creature he'd met thus far. His thoughts then turned to the girl who'd saved him from himself when his brother had come to heal him and had left him to make a choice. That choice was immediate when he heard her voice calling for him to come back to her and then he thought about the reason he was fighting this evil queen right at this moment. It was all for her sake, for his girl's sake, to make her dream a reality.

Gar took the Basquias and turn the tip towards his missing limb. Chrysalis was as perplexed as to why he'd turned his weapon on himself. Gar drove the spear into his flesh where his arm had been only moments ago. He howled out in pain ten times greater than when he'd lost his arm as he drove his weapon deeper into his body. As he the Basquias started to change its shape. Vines sprouted from the spear's shaft and dug into its master's flesh. The weapon continued to change from binding and splitting.

"What the hell is he doing?" Chrysalis said as she pulled back as magic and ki waved started to surge from the monster's actions.

"Damn it this really fucking hurts!" Gar roared as he reeled back and gripped his right shoulder in pain. The spear still warping its form as Gar started to emit waves of ki and magic. So he was surrounded in his golden aura but purple lightning was mixed in. He had achieved Super Saiyan Two without the need to use 'Promotion' on himself in his train recently but he had entered the state due to his actions of anger and pain as an emotional trigger this time.

His power started to stabilize soon. As the wave of energy and magic calmed one looked at the Smiling Monster of The Everfree and they would still see him with a jagged toothy smile but now parts of his body appeared to have been replaced with pieces of the very forest over which the Fairy King ruled.

Gar's entire aright arm was a mass of bare living roots and tree limbs. The roots reached over the right pectoral of Gar's chest and into his body. On his head were what would easily be mistaken as horns upon first glance that formed into a crown of roots and limbs the reach backwards and over his face forming a mask, one could still see his four piercing eyes through it. His hair had gotten longer but if you looked closer it was actually hanging moss. His body had roots jutting out in random places as well and his left leg had been taken over by roots and limbs to form a leg. His left took on a more plant-like visage as well as separating from his body but hover in place as it curved outward. One might think it was a sword

(Waht the wing looks like"

Gar's body crackled with purple lightning as he twitched his body. Suddenly Gar reared back and, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" He roared as magical power and ki burst outward in waves shaking the very air, sky, and land.

"What the hell are you?" Chrysalis pulled back as she shook in sheer terror and horror.

"Basiquias Form thirteen, Forest Emulation," Gar said in a much more demonic and gruff tone. He then vanished and appeared in front of Chrysalis. Before she could fully react she summons a defensive shield sphere around herself as Gar landed a heavy right, shattering the shield with one blow.

‘How is he this strong?!’ Chrysalis yelled in fear. ‘He was losing power just a moment ago but he fused with that spear and his power skyrocket. No, it was before that it was when I started to taunt him. Each time he gained another small surge of power. It couldn’t be? I know emotions can fuel magic but anger is only a brief trigger but yet it seems with him it’s more than just magic... more than magic that storage attack! He’s able to gain power from his righteous anger and keep it while attacking with his own life force energy without endangering his life!’

Upon her realization, she used her magic to cover her body in full plate black armor.

Gar waved his limb arm sending out a wave of beautiful flowers then huge tree roots shot up from the ground. Chrysalis used her sword and flames to keep the roots at bay as best she could while Gar also dove in at random times with an onslaught of blows and or ki blasts from a distance. The queen doing her best to keep up and even throwing up shield bubbles only from them to be shattered with a single hit and sent backward to be smacked around by Gar and his roots.

Chrysalis was now fully back into a corner and she knew it and there was only one thing she could do, "Ne sai fo fa lo gama ser ada nad fin..." She said and threw out her hand and a green spell circle appeared and a portal formed. Out of it came quite a few bronze demons. "To think I was forced to summon these beasts, it's utterly shameful."

The bronze demons looked at Gar and he back at them. He knew he could take them but their sheer numbers of them were the problem. Sure he could take a majority of them but even he can do so much, especially with his dwindling magic. The truth is he was nearly out of ki too. He was sure Chrysalis had only summoned these monsters as an escape plan.

'Yuki, how are things on your end at the school?' Gar mentally called out.

'Things are under control my lord,' she answered. 'The dar changelings are returning to normal and breaking the mind control spell over the other creatures as we speak. Our numbers grow by the seconds.'

"Can you and Adreana separate from the main group?'

'Yes, we can. Do you have need of assistance my lord?'

'The big bug bitch just summoned a bunch of bronze demons. I think it's her last-ditch attempt at escape. With what power I have left I won't be able to take them all. I have need of you both immediately!'

'On our way!'

His attention turned back to Chrysalis.

"What are you waiting for ?" Chrysalis shouted. "Attack him and destroy that town and everything in it!" She yelled.

The demons immediately roared and began to attack. Gra reacts with his roots by spearing or beating the evil beast. He made use of the carnivorous plants to by knocking several demons into them allowing the deadly flora to eat the beats alive. Gar did what he could but even Chrysalis smiled as he started to struggle with the number of enemies he was facing.

Suddenly a spared of crystalline spear sprayed over the demons impaling them. Chrysalis looked up to seek Yuki and Adreana floating down to their master's side. Yuki's knife had taken on the shape of what appeared to be a crystalline wing but it quickly changed back into a knife as she hit a button on the handle.

(Looks like this)

Chrysalis glared as she hissed through her teeth.

"You seem to have unlocked a new from my lord," Yuki noted Gar's appearance.

"Yea and it's ugly as sin," Adreana pointed out and Yuki slapped the back of her sister's head.

"HE MAY NOT BE APPEALING IN THIS STATE BUT HE IS STILL OUR MASTER ADREANA!" Shout only to realize what she just said while Adreana gave a cocky grin. Yuki quickly turned to her master. "Lord Gar I am so sorry for insulting you like that please forgive!" She screamed as she bowed.

"All is forgiven Yuki," Gar said. "I imagine I do look much was in this state than I'd like to admit. But that can wait. I nee you tow to take these demons on while I go after Chrysalis."

"Yuki can manga the demons on her own my lord," Adreana floated down next to her master. "I'll help you with queen buggy mc go splat under my boot," she cracked her knuckled with a smile.

"No," Gar thew up an arm. "I am the only one who can match her at the current time and power level. She may be a fallen goddess but she is still that, a goddess."

"She's a what?" the sister said in tandem.

Awakening of the Parazyte King

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Chrysalis stares at Gar and then gritted her teeth in anger. The Smiling Monster had just let out one hell of a bombshell that very few in the current age knew. Not even any of the princesses knew about her heritage or link to them.

"My lord," Yuki caught her master's attention. "I'm sorry to point this out but I have sensed no goddess's blessing or grace from that one over there," She said changing her weapon back to its blade form.

"Yeah, there's no way she's one of the goddess race," Adreana added as she took off her backpack to reveal her own suitcase. She held up her case smirking, hitting the button on her suitcase's handle and it opened and unfurled into a club with a big handle suited for two-handed users.

(Adreana's Weapon)

"No I'm sure of it," Gar scowled under his mask as he pointed. "She is a goddess."

Chrysalis then started to laugh maniacally, "No creature has ever figured out what I am in all this time but I'll give you this my very large Fairy King," She glared at Gar as she tilted her head. "You partially right. My mother, was a fairy demon hybrid of great magical power much like yourself while my father was a full-blooded member of the goddess race." She spoke with much rage and venom against her father. "He used that friendship as a mask and came in a raped my mother who only wanted to only be his friend!"

"Now it all makes sense," Gar squinted at the queen behind her demon army.

"Yes, that is why I hate friendship and every false notion of it!" Chrysalis spat with venom. "Because of him! Because he used her friendship and spat in my mother's face! I will not stand for any notion of that false principle to STAND!"

"Her linage certainly clears up her ability to control the dark changelings," Yuki thought aloud as she tapped her chin. "Being half goddess would have greatly amplified her fairy natures. I never thought it would've been possible for a hybrid of demon and goddess to exist though but you being only a quarter makes it much more possible."

"You two take care of her demons and see if you can't close that portal to the demon realm," Gar ordered his subordinates reaching over his right shoulder with his left hand and taking his wing blade. "Chrysalis is mine," he glared at the queen as he rockets at her. The fight collide in a clash of purple and green as they shot through the sky leaving trails of purple and green magic as they broke apart and clashed over and over

"Let's get to work," Yuki threw off her coat to reveal a sort of body armor, and then she hit a switch on her wrist band causing the armor to spring to life coiling around Yuki's from in a mass of bloody red rings before hardening in to from of more protective armor. Her body was covered in a sleek black armor with a tealish-white hue where the light reflected off the armor's surface.

(Yuiki's armor model)

"Guess I better suit up too," she remarked clicking a button on her own vest. Her suit also sprang to life causing Adreana also dawned her own set of sleek black armor with a tealish-white hue to it. Adreana's was a bit different from her sister's as hers sported a full faceplate. Her weapon changed from a club into a massive black and red lance with an exterior blade front its tip to the base that ends in a small cone spearhead.

(Adreana's Armor Model)

(The Weapon in full view)

Taking a stance with her lance's tip angled at the ground with her left hand a quarter of the way down from the handle of the lance's base and her right hand nearly at the very bottom of the handle, "I may not have a multi-form type like my sister but I'm going to show you little pukes what I can do with my Doujima,'' Adreana remarked as she kept grinning evilly under her helmet as she charged forward.

Meanwhile up in Canterlot...

Celestia was seen running from the throne room out of the castle onto the main patio in front of the door that led into the castle from the main courtyard looking up into the sky. Luna was awoken from her sleep and rushed out onto her balcony looking out and towards the sky over Ponyville. The two sisters both saw the bursts of green and purple from the clash of two extremely powerful individuals as well as several smaller dark powers and two larger ones on par with their own clashing nearby. They already knew who the two largest powers belong to and had ideas about the two similar to their own that were fighting the dark powers.

Celestia turned to her nephew slash captain of the guard as he came to see what was going on for himself, "Blue, as fast as you can, prepare the most powerful guards skilled in light and purification magic we have for battle as well as pegasi and chariots! No is not an optional response!"

"Right away Princess," Blue saluted and ran off as Celestia took to the air and heads for her sister's balcony.

Celestia lands next to her sister who is merely staring out at the clashes of light, "Sister, what is happening? Why are all of these demons appearing now after all this time? Why is Chrysalis fighting against Gar and how is she this strong?! She's was never this strong before!" She yelled frantically.

Celestia didn't hesitate and slapped the shit out of Luna with a hard right to the left side of her face. Luna merely stared back at her sister who was glaring back with a stern look of determination.

"Get a hold of yourself Luna!" Celestia commanded. "We knew this day would come! We knew that demons would return it was only a matter of time!"

"But if they're back that means... " Luna's eyed shrank.

"No, it's not them, though it would seem a goddess played a role in bring the low and mid-tiers demons into this realm with a summoning spell."

"What?" Luna's eyes got big. "It wasn't Gar?"

"I don't even think Gar knows the spell to open the portal to the demon realm," Celestia sighed. "Besides that, I've never thought of him doing such an action. He truly loves Twilight and would never be willing to do anything to hurt or endanger what she cares for. He's protected her, her friends, Cadence, and us at every turn at great cost to himself. He went as far as to build a place of learning for her to help spread friendship to others."

"Then Chrysalis somehow persuaded Gar's aids to open a portal to the demon," Luna thought.

"No," Celestia shook her head as her sister went and changed out of her gown. "I never felt it till now but there denying that the former Queen of Changelings is a half goddess."

"So she is like us," Luna came out from her blind clad in black full-plate armor with a cross spear.

"Yes and after witnessing the display we have just seen I'm sure there is no way we can convince her to join us," Celestia sighed as flames enveloped her entire form and quickly died back to reveal her in a suit of full-plate golden armor with a morning star flail with and extremely long change at her hip. "Have the troops to be ready. Blue should have some ready to go by now though I'd rather not send them in if I'm honest."

"They will have to face battle sometime Tia," Luna stood next to her older sister. "And don't think I won't get you back for slapping the hell out of me but thanks for it."

"Any time little sister and I know you will," Celestia and Luna took flight and flew down to the courtyard where their troops were readying for battle. The sisters looked at their soldiers' faces and they could tell they were all scared shitless and even more after seeing them land in full armor. "And you're right, they need to see battle."

Back to the south of Ponyville

"Bring it on you little shit stains!" Adreana yelled as she cut through demon after demon with her Doujima lance.

"We may be in battle but do mind your mouth sister!" Yuki scolded her twin sister as she cuts a demon in half and noticed a hoard of demons that had slipped around them and headed towards the town. "No you don't!' She shouted change her clever form to that of the spear shooter then sent crystal spears into the hoard killing every last one of the demons.

"Let's see how many of you bastards can resist my pull, Tatsumaki(Tornado)!" She twirled the weapon above her head creating a tornado and bringing many of the demons closer together then reeled back, "Spiral Driver!" and threw the lance spinning into the cluster fucked demons tearing them to bits and pieces.

More demons soon spilled from the portal to the demon realm.

"They just keep coming out," Adreana said through gritted teeth as she summoned her weapon back to her hand slinging it off to the side throwing the purple demonic blood from it.

"Indeed, if we are to stand any chance of stopping these creatures we must close that tear to the demon realm," Yuki shot a spear of crystal into the demon and sending them down to be devoured by the demon plants below. "The issue there is neither of us know the spell to do so and the tear is worsening the longer it stays open."

"Not to mention they're getting stronger too!" Adreana added firing ki blasted into several random demons.

The steady stream of demons started to increase as more poured through and there were indeed growing in numbers and strength.

"White Crescent!" A white slash of lunar magic came from behind the angels and cut several demons in half and sent them plummeting to be devoured like their kin.

"Solar Burst!" A stream of flaming yellow magic scorching the other demon and burnt them to ash on the winds.

The angelic sister looked over to see the royal sister both adorned in full-plate armor of their respective colors.

"Not bad for a couple of cooks," Luna remarks.

"You two have done well," Celestia added. "We have brought reinforcements," she points to the ponies who were charging in. "Can you two keep fighting?"

"Yes," they both said.

"Our master tasked us with killing these bastards," Adreana threw her lance again.

"And we're not going to let him down," Yuki shifted her weapon to clever mode and cut a demon in half.

"We can close the rip but we need you two to watch our backs," Luna explained shredding a demon to ribbons.

"It will take time and a lot of our magic," Celestia added. "We will be severally drained after it."

"That's not our problem," Adreana noted. "Our task is to protect the town like our master ordered."

"If you two go there then we will technically have to protect you afterward," Yuki combined her crystal mode with her cleaver mode and shot spears out. "Beyond that we guarantee nothing."

"Noted," the royal sister nodded in unison and started to make their way through demons to get to the portal.

High above everything else in the sky above...

Gar and Chrysalis both collided, creating a powerful eruption of purple, yellow, and green magic and ki. Gar knocked with his flesh arm and warped it into a whip-like tendril that wrapped around the queen's ankle allowing the king to thrash her around into the clouds. Due to her magic interacting with the surrounding clouds every impact created a large storm cloud.

Gar pulled Chrysalis in, retracting his arm, and right as the queen got in range he reeled his tree arm back as it was let with purple flames. Gar kneeled his fist into Chrysalis's chest, "HELL FIST!" the punch shattered the queen's armor sending bits of melting armor flying.

Chrysalis skipped across the cloud rolled to a stop. The queen shakily propped herself up and started to cough and finally spit up a rather large amount of green blood onto the ground. She looked down at her armor. The blow had not just shattered her armor but utterly destroyed it.

Gritting her teeth Chrysalis got up on out her hooves, though she staggered to do so. Clutching her stomach she lit her horn cast a healing spell she looked in front of her to see the Fairy King land on the clouds in front a few feet away.

All of the recently created storm clouds started to culminate into a massive thunderstorm that still seemed to only grow larger as time passed. Gar started to make his way towards Chrysalis, with every step he took thunder roared and lightning lashed out uncontrollably in all directions. In each moment of darkness, the queen could only make out the four glowing red eyes with slitted cyan pupils of the monstrous demonic fairy king staring at their prey.

"Down the hatch!" Tempest said as she forced Zecora's potion down the gullet of a dark changeling nymph.

"Take this and this and some of these and some of those and how about a bit of this! Haha!" Grubber remarks as he spun around and jumped all over the place, surprisingly spryly for the round man, using water guns filled with the potion to dose the dark changelings. One of them hissed at him. "Oh, a wise guy eh? Say Ello to my little friend," he pulled out a bazooka and all of the changelings' eyes shrank, "I call her Matilda," Grubber remarked in a southern-style accent, rubbing his finger in circles on his toy. "Asta LaVista babe," He with a thick German accent and blasted the changeling with balls of potion.

"Grubber!" Tempest scolded. "Enough playing around, now spray them! We need to get things under control here! I sense dark magic nearby!"

"Indeed our friends need us," Zecora added splashing potion on a changeling. "At this rate, we'll be overrun. Even with all of the other students' help, our time will soon be done!"

"If only there was some way we could spray the whole school at once," Gallus, a blur griffon in khaki cargo shorts and a black vest remarked.

"That may be plausible," Zecora recalled Gar explaining of the Scholl. He'd said he even modeled it to have a sprinkler system like the schools in his old world. "If we can get the brew into the pipes above then we can spread it across the crowd. The problem is we need to get below to the basement."

"This place is a tree right?" Grubber asked.

"Indeed," Zecora replies. "What is your point Grubber?"

"Why not have some of our fairies use their magic and manipulate the system to the cauldrons?" Grubber asked as everyone just stared at the little man for a moment. A changeling came up behind Tempest and he sprits it in the mouth. "I 'm smarter than I look, I know."

"You heard the hedgehog!" Tempest called out. "Relay it to all our teams, Gallus! Fairies are to manipulate the school's sprinklers to spray the potion! Get to the intercom now!" Gallus saluted and quickly head for a vent and pulled it off. "You and you," She looked at an orange dragon girl in a black tube top and blue jeans and a green opal mane and greenish sandy coat and he wore a blue polo shirt with black shorts. "Go with him. I'm trusting you three to look out for each other. It all depends on you."

"Yes ma'am," they nodded and quickly hurried after Gallus.

"In the meantime, we work our way out and try and find Twilight and her friends," Tempest looked at the other. Zecora and Grubber nod in agreement. "Onward," Tempest order. She wasn't going to lose all she'd gained here. Grubber had given her a family, Gar had given her her horn back, Zecora a home, and Twilight and the others had given her friendship. 'I won't lose any of it, not again.'

Little did they know of the battle outside or the one high above their heads.

The skies had started to darken until the sun was blocked out completely by massive thunderhead clouds. Thunder roared and lightning flashed. The sisters and angels were busying themselves with cutting through demons in order to get to the portal that Chrysalis had opened to bring in reinforcements to cover her escape. All the mean whole every pony guard was also fighting demons and let the corpses fall to the ground and being consumed by the field of ravenous plants.

Adreana slashed, jabbed, and twirled her lance around cutting down several demons. She reeled back and use her 'Blessed Wind' skill to give her lance a temporary enchantment before throwing it spiraling into more demons shredding them to pieces.

"These bastards just don't give up easily do they," Adreana annoyed wiped her purple blood from her helmet. She held her hand up and used to control her lance, using it to drill through more demons before returning it to her hand. She slung it to the side throwing the blood off of it "I don't know how much more time we have."

"I agree with you sister," Yuki added using her butcher mode to slice and dice several faster demons. "If it was just us we could fight for several more days without getting tired but these ponies are much simpler creatures and they need rest." She looked at the guards still fighting hard as they could.

"How many have we lost so far?" Adreana asked her twin sister.

"A handful of them at most," Yuki was saying but suddenly,

"YUKI WATCH OUT!" Adreana yelled, pushing her sister out of the way as a massive lion-type demon laid a massive pawed fist into her.

The angel was sent flying across the sky and crashed into the ground forming a deep crater. In the insuring process, the demon got his claws on Adreana's lance. Floating on wings of darkness was a rather muscular anthropomorphic lion. His facial features being nearly identical to that of an Orange Demon. His most notable feature was the red downward facing nail-like mark on his left eye. In his right claw was a large staff and around his waist was a type of green loincloth.

"I thought you would've put up more of a fight," He said out of disappointment. "Here I thought there'd actually be a challenge for Lion King Derocchio of the Six Knights Of Black. Seeing as I'd sensed goddess magic here, but guess I was wrong. You don't deserve a weapon such as this," He held the lance up.

Yuki was shaking as she looked at her sister in the crater in the middle of the carnivorous plants. Luckily the impact had cleared them away from Adreana's body. She looked over to the mocking demon and slowly turned to face him.

"How. Dare. You." Yuki demanded with her eyes hidden behind her blonde bangs. She was trembling as she gripped her cleaver tighter.

"Is that anger I sense?," Derocchio taunted with a laugh.

"How dare you touch my sister's Doujima!" Yuki cried out and wind spiraled around her and started to grow colder. Yuki charged forward with her cleaver being blocked by Derocchio's staff, thoroughly shock the demon lion. "That was a gift from our father. Only he, Adreana, and our master are allowed to touch this sacred weapon!" She roared breaking through his defense raising her leg up she drove and ax-kick right into Derocchio's skull causing him the spiral down and lose the lance.

"Thank's sis," Adreana chuckled as she floated up next to her sister catching her lance. "That bastard is a lot stronger than he looks. It quite a bit of my magic to heal," She huffed.

"You focus on protecting the princess, Derocchio is mine," Yuki proclaimed white breath come from her lips.

"Not gonna argue when you're like this anyways," Adreana held up a hand. "Tear him a new one," She flew off taking out lesser demons.

Derocchio flew back up holding his head the was previously bleeding, "You bitch I'll make you pay for that!" He held his staff up, "Blaze Storm!" A massive flame pillar surrounded Yuki while Derocchio smiled then laughed. "hahaha... Take that and burn to ash!"

Suddenly the flames froze solid and one could see the angel inside causing the demon to stop laughing. "Pathetic," Yuki glared as she flacked the ice and it shattered. "If you're wondering how I froze your fire it was my Skill: Cocytus. It gives me access to the lowest levels of hell allowing me the ability to freeze anyone or anything I deem in need of it." She glared coldly at the lion demon. "I the winter angle of death, Shiro Yuki deem thee unfit to live in this world demon. Now feel the icy embrace of hell and freeze solid to the bone, Hoso Kōri(Diamond Dust)!" A blizzard came from the angel's palm.

Before he could even react Derocchio froze solid in and instant and using her cleaver, Yuki cuts him to bits leaving only his soul with a red mark on it behind.

"I can't leave that out," Yuki to the soul in her hand. "I'll give to Master Gar later. Perhaps now he'll see the light of devouring demons' souls." She went to join her sister for more fun. "I do hope master is alright, those clouds don't look too promising," She gave a glance upwards.

In the storming heavens above the other battles, the instigator and the defend clashed. Chrysalis had managed to heal herself while also repair her armor and create a new blade. She was also emitting her own green aura of magic around herself.

Gar was currently still in Forest Emulation mode paired with Super Saiyan Two rage form. The aura around him was his usual golden but around his body was a blue glow, like an inverted version of Super Saiyan Blue's aura. His aura now emits particles, resembling the same ones emitted by the aura of Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rosé. His aura was emitting dense, blue bio-electricity lightning, but even more blue, dense, and raging than his usual Super Saiyan 2 form. His hair spikes up even further than in his original Super Saiyan 2 form and takes on an even more golden color.

The two glowered at one another. Chrysalis let out a hiss and Gar roared as lightning flashed and thunder erupted while rained pelted them both.

The bug queen quickly creature several magic draggers behind her that float in the air just on either side of her. Quickly she jumps backwards and up, her wings buzzing. She threw a hand forward and sent several daggers into her enemy as she then proceeded to charge in.

Gar launched himself forward with one beat of his own wings. He spiraled to the side avoiding the knives. Chrysalis raised her sword readying for a slaughter. Gar in turn answered the call of the weapon with that of his claws and blades. The duo clashed in a flurry of claws and blades sending sparks flying in every direction possible.

Chrysalis raised her sword and brought it down hard. Gar used his massive tree arm to block. It wasn't enough to stop the strike though and Chrysalis cut through the monster's wooden limb and cleaved into his head.

"I've got you now you bastard! "Chrysalis laughed manically. "Give up and I'll be merciful. Pledge yourself to me and I'll heal that wound in your head!"

"Never!" Gar growled.

"What a waste," Chrysalis sneered. "Fine have it your way and die!" She tried pulling her sword free but quickly found she couldn't. "If I can't back up," She pushed down. "I'll just move forward!" She laughed slicing off part of Gar's right arm along with a good chunk of the right side of his head and mask.

"Too bad, you were so handsome," She licked the blood from her blade. "Hmmm, yummy. And tasty to boot."

"Hehehehahahrahahahhahaha!" Gar laughed.

"I wouldn't be laughing right now big boy," Chrysalis snickered at her victory. "If you don't get healed up soon you bleed out."

"You don't know me very well at all!" Gar roared morphing his arm into a tendril and wrapping it around the queen. "I can split my body into smaller pieces!" He yelled as a mini Gar flew up and latched sank its fangs into Chrysalis's neck. The changeling queen cried out in pain as the fairy king brought her in close to his face, his grip tightening to crack and squash her armor. "Where. Is. She?" He asked again.

The three students that Tempest sent out were busy making their way towards the PA system in Twilight's office. It was a good thing that Grubber had stopped the little pony known as Sandbar and given him a map of the vents telling them which way to go or the three would've been lost after they'd started to fight the first time.

"Ow, my foot!" Callus yelped in pain. "Watch those horns scalely!"

"My name's not Scalely, it's Smolder!" The dragoness rebuked. "And I wouldn't have to if you'd move!"

"You don't even know where we're going!" Gallus shot back. "You're just following me to keep those damn bugs off while I go and save everyone."

"Well, uh..." Smolder thought, "Your feet stink!"

"I hate to be the voice of reason here but neither of you knows where we're headed," the pony called out. "I have the map and I don't even know where we're going."

"Shut up pony!" the two other kids said in unison.

"My name is Sandbar thank you both very much and do try and keep your voices down," Sandbar scolded them. "We are trying to get to the headmare's office without getting caught."

"I still say I just bar be que them," Smolder huffed a puff of smoke from her nostrils.

"We are trying to save everyone, not hurt them," Sandbar reprimanded. "Left here."

"I may not want to be here but I'm with Scales," Gallus agreed with the glaring dragoness. "We should just fry their butts and save ourselves. That's why I'm doing this."

A low creak was heard.

"I hope we get there soon," Smolder sighed. "I hate all the crawling around and sneaking," she complained. "Wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for that disgrace of a wanna-be dragonlord her stupid mate."

"Join the club lizard breath," Gallus rolled his eyes. "I'm here cause my gramps forced me because my sister is friends with the rainbow one. At least your family didn't make you. What about you Sandy?"

"I kinda like that name and I'm here cause I asked my parents to enroll me," Sandbar stated proudly.

"Typical," Smolder and Gallus said in unison rolling their eyes.

Another creak sounded from around them.

"Oh no," Sandbar noticed the noise.

"Wha-" Gallus started to ask.

*CRASH! 0_o*

"Ah, enemies!" cried a hyper voice.

"Where?! Yona smash!" came a deeper voice.

"I do hope they're not hurt too much but still knocked out," came a rather timid voice said. "I really wish I wish I was back home."

"Bring it one whoever or bug-ever you are!" came the first voice as the dust cleared to reveal a hippogriff hen. "Oh it's not an enemy it more friends!"

"You sure Sliver?" came the timid voice of a little female changeling nymph.

"Of course I'm sure Ocellus," Silverstream picked the others up, placing them on their feet as their eyes were still rolling in their heads but Ocellus quickly shapeshifted into a coffee table. "We have a griffon. Ooo a dragoness, and a pony!" she giggles.

"Yona still says we smash," Yona held up a fist.

"Ow, my head," Sandbar said holding his head as he laid his eyes on Yona, "Oh, Wow."

"What you look at pony?" Yona squinted.

"Ah nothing," he quickly turned his head with pink in his cheeks. "Ah, where are we and who are you three?"

"I'm Silverstream," Silver points to herself, "This is Yona and that table is Ocellus, she's shy," Silver whisper shouted.

"Hi," the table squeaked.

"Where are we?" Smolder shook her head and looked around before slapping herself in the face. "Great, more weirdos."

"Ooo, I like you," Sliver giggled clapping and Smolder groaned, "Great, a peppy one..."

"Someone is standing on my tail!" Gallus complained.

"Oops," Yona stomped backward a bit. "Sorry."

"I hate repeating myself but, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!" Smolder threw her hands up.

"A little ways down the hall from the headmare's office in one of the spare rooms," the table said softly. "I ducked in here after I got lost and Sliver and Yona tumbled in not long after all hell broke out."

"Well, at least we're somewhat where we need to be," Gallus hmphed.

"We got separated from our group when the changelings attacked," Silver explains. "We didn't know what to do so we've been keeping quiet in here. I wish we could do something to help them. They're not doing this cause they want to."

"Ocellus told us that they being controlled by the evil queen," Yona said. "Yona honestly wants to be friends with every creature here but she will fight back with smash when necessary to."

"Luckily you don't have to," Sandbar dusted himself off. "We were on our way to the heardmare's office to tell everyone how to best help free the changelings from the queen's control," he pulled out a small vial of potion. "Ms. Zecora had us all put together these potions. We dose the changelings with them they pass out and a minute or so later they're free."

"How many of those things do you have though?" Gallus asked rubbing his sore tail.

"Only what I had left on me," Sandbar said putting six vials down. "One thing that I don't get is why isn't Ocellus being affected? All the changeling are, even though the reformed ones are resisting they still get headaches."

The table shifts back into Ocellus. "I was never one for following orders," She giggled nervously. "My own survival was always my own priority so it kind of overrides everything else."

"Okay, so back to the plan," Gallus looked at the newcomers. "We're going to need all the help we can get right now and there are six of us and six vials meaning one shot each. The way I see out, Yona you take the front, dump that crap on you and plow through them to get us to the office. and smash down the door."

"Yes, yak good at smash," Yona pounded her fist into her palm.

"You guys cover me while I get over the horn," Gallus pointed at himself.

"Hold up why do you get to be the one to give orders?" Smolder pokes the young griffon in the chest.

"Not now Smolder," Sandbar shoved his way in. "He is the one that Ms. Tempest told to do it anyway and we were told to follow him too."

Smolder couldn't argue so she grumbles, "Fine, but I don't like it."

"Thanks for the backup," Gallus looked at Sandbar. "Now let's get this shit done!"

"Yea new friends!" Silverstream threw her arms around all of them and hugged them.

"Silver, we need focus," Ocellus reminded the hippogriff.

"Right right sorry," Silver dropped them all. "Let's go Young Six!"

They all looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Moving on," Smolder said. "Smash it, yak girl!" Smolder said.

"YONA SMASH!" Yona took off and ran straight through the door leaving a perfect outline of herself behind. The others looked perplexed as they then heard what sounded like bowling pins being knocked down.

"So much for the plan," Gallus murmured

"That's hot..." Sandbar said causing everyone to look at him. "Don't look at me like that I think she's cute!"

"Way is clear now!" Yona called out.

"Let's just go before more weirdo crap happens," Smolder said bluntly as they all walked out through the Yona outline.

With the way cleared they all entered Twilight's office and were stunned by what they saw. There were seven massive green glowing goop-filled cocoons stuck to the wall where Twilight, Spike, and their friends. Some of them heard the thrum of thunder outside and went over to see the massive storm in the sky with the muted bursts of green and purple inside it. They then looked to see the demons and ponies fight in the distance.

"What kind of a fuck fest is going on?!" Ocellus said out loud before throwing her hands over her mouth as her face turned bright red while the others promptly turned to look at her with gapeing mouths.

The young dragoness turned her attention back to the widow, "I don't know but those ponies sure can fight," Smolder gave the ponies props with a smirk.

"Enough gawking," Sandbar said. "Gallus, you get over the PA system and tell the fairies what to do. Yona, you and me will hold that door," he looked at Smolder, Ocellus, and Silver. "You three get the teacher out of those things!"

Everyone didn't argue and did as told. Gallus explained what needs to be done over the PA system in instructing the fairies on how to reroute the sprinkler system to spray the potions. Yona and Sandbar kept watching at the door. The other went about the task of freeing the others from the goopy sacks on the wall. As the young ones started with the far left they didn't notice Twilight started to glow with a bright green aura while gaining a smile on her face.

Back high in the storm...
Gar eyed the queen then was slightly taken back when her entire body was cover in a green aura. Her wounds began to heal immediately along with the cracks in her armor. Chrysalis gave Gar a twisted smirked and she began to force the tendril tightly coiled around her form open. She then proceeded to blast the fairy king in the face and rip of the smaller version of him from her neck.

"Die you little- RRAAAAAAA!!!" she said in triumph but suddenly felt shooting pains through her entire right hand. The mini Gar had sprouted several metal needles as Chrysalis had just closed her hand. The action not only kept the little Gar alive but force the queen to release him where she immediately flew back to his main body from where'd it had been cut from fusing back into the missing head segment.

"You're gonna pay for that," Chrysalis hiss as green aura covered her hand healing it, shocking Gar further. "Oh don't look so surprised hun. I f I didn't have this magical link I would've lost ages ago," She remarks opening and closing her hand. "Let's see," her magic cover the sword still lodged in Gar's right tree arm, "I'll have that back!" She snapped and the blade of the weapon twisted and broke off the arm just below the elbow before flying back to its master. "I believe the score is two to zero now!" Chrysalis cackled.

"Look at you," She scowled as Gar huffed clutching his chest. "You really gave it you're all but your power is just about gone by now. Now more magic and no more of that energy. I bet the form you're in now ate most of it up. You're just putting on a show and if you change back you won't be getting up again," She smirked, "Here, I can help with THAT!" Chrysalis shot emerald lighting into the monster's chest reverting him back to his base form while he plummeted through the storm cloud to the battlefields below.

Below the clouds near the Demon Portal

"How much longer are you tow going to dottle with that damned portal!" Adreana complained to the sisters.

"Excuse us but we're a bit out of practice with demon magic," Celestia retorted as she and Luna concentrated their Goddess Light on the portal to close it.

"It doesn't particularly help that you nag us either!" Luan added.

"It doesn't help that Chrysalis has a power boost as well," Yuki coldly added freezing several demons upon their initial assault on the princess before they could even come in close. "I don't normally agree with my sister but we need you to close that portal. I am running out of magic and Adreana's stamina will only last so much longer as well. Do you feel that change in pressure?" She looked up.

Suddenly an enormous fireball burst through the clouds and slammed into the field of hungry overgrowth forming a massive crater. The angels looked down in horror to see the mangled and burnt form of their master lying in the center of the crater as its cause of formation.

Adreana gripped her lance tightly and notched the demons headed for the downed king," YOU BASTARDS WON'T TOUCH MY MASTER!" She shouted as she reeled and threw her lance. "VANISHING THUNDER SHOT!" Adreana hurled her weapon so fast it vanished and in the next seconded the demons all imploded. "Yuki, you get to him, I'll cover you!" She yelled to her sister as she began to mercilessly slaughter the demons with her bare hands, "I won't let a single one of you leave here alive!"

Yuki in the meantime nodded to her sister and quickly flew to her master's side. When she made it down to the center of the crater she barely could make out Gar's form. The wooden parts of his body were still steadily burning from being hit with lightning strikes on his fall. This burning in turn burned his flesh externally and internally.

"Not good," Yuki said using her ice to freeze the flames. "That will do for now but he will have to overcome them on his own top but them out operantly." She looked at her master. 'The spear is too damaged to access the Life Droplets he has stored up too. There is only one way for to get the power he needs.'

"Lord Gar," Yuki carefully roused her master. "You need to wake up!"

"Nah," Gar slowly cracked an eye," Twilight," he said looking to the angel. His vision slowly cleared to reveal Yuki and not his lover. "Yuki, I have to," He tried standing only to fall on his face in the blood-soaked mud.

The plants at the edge of the crater eagerly awaited him.

"You're in no shape to fight," Yuki placed a hand on her master.

"I... must... stop... her... and... save... Twilight... and everyone..." He stood up, his body starting to steam as the flames started to melt Yuki's ice.

"There is one way for you to fight again," Yuki pulled out Derocchio's soul. "I defeated a higher level demon and claimed his soul. If you were to devour this you'd be healed and gain enough power and magic to access your powers. I know you're against this act but you need this and times are direr."

"What do we have here?" Came Chrysalis's voice She rolled her eyes seeing Gar. "You're still alive. I swear you're worse than a cockroach." She rolled her eyes then her gaze came to Yuki. "What do you have there little false goddess?"

"I leave this with you sir," Yuki left the soul in the air by Gar. "I will hold her off."

"And what will you do little counterfeit?" Chrysalis snickered as she lazily points her sword at Yuki.

"Whatever I can,' Yuki said with ice on her breath. "SACRED TREASURE RELEASE!" Yuki yells out as a flood of magic washed outward from her.

Her blonde hair turned snow white and stood up slightly and her armor and weapon changed. Her weapon now took on the form of a square and jagged scythe and has an L-shaped blade with a sharp tip. Her armor was now a more advanced version of its predecessors was now much thicker and covered more. Claw-like blades were attached at the hands, as well as several protrusions coming from the upper back area that looked like they could to be used for offensive purposes. Her wings now looked as if they were made of ice and snow. Yuki's entire form radiated a chilling purple aura that froze the ground as she walked.

(The scythe)

(The Armor)

(Her Wings)

"This may be fun!" Chrysalis laughs as Yuki lept into the air and slashed at one another.

Gar in the meantime was there looking at the soul hovering before him. His body starting to smoke from the fires inside him.

"What are you going to do?' He heard his older brother's voice. "They need you and you're just standing here."

"I can't," he looked at the souls.

"You've taken life before how is this different," He heard again. "I know you said you might for the right reasons Gar. But what other reasons are there than to protect those you care for and your people This is no time to be a saint. Look up and see!"

Gar looked up to see Yuki and Chrysalis fight then turned to see Adreana bashing her bare fist into the skulls of demons while protecting Celestia and Luna while they worked to close the portal to the demon realm. He looked to see many of the ponies and fairies from his forest fighting the demons. He looked at the mud on his hand and then the blood ground.

Gar took a hold of the soul, "For my people, my friends, for Twilight," He roars he shoves the soul into his fangs maw and swallowed it whole as he'd seen Zeldris do once before.

Gar grabbed a hold of his chest as he felt his body pulsing. Soon the fires inside him were snuffed out and his wounds healing. He gained a few new skills along the way, Thermal Resistance, Soul Consumption, and the title Soul Devourer.

Gar looked to his missing arm and then to the carnivorous plants he'd brought into existence. "You bastards ate my arm but the thing about my cells is them don't just go away," he walked to the plants, and they all lunged at him. Gar thought up his spear-fused arm, "Parazyte Assimilation!" As the plants lunged forward Gar absorbed them into his arm.

"What the hell?" Chrysalis pushed Yuki back. He's... absorbing them!"

"More like reabsorbing!" Yuki slashed but the queen dodged. "Those plants were born from my master's magic and they did eat one of his arms but the thing is his cells aren't the type to just be devoured and broken down for nutrition."

"You're telling me his arm was..." Chrysalis started to say as she dodged another slash while she watched Gar devour the plants below. His body-splitting ability. He spread himself out so he could get it back later!"

"Exactly!" Yuki activates her scythe and the blade becomes several tendrils.

"I don't have time to play any more pretender," The queen remarks doing several teleports before teleporting out of sight. 'I'll just take my prize and come back another day after I've siphoned enough power from them.' She thought watching from just inside a thunder cloud.

Back on the ground Gar just finished taking in the plants and his tree arm was back indicating he had grained some measure of his magic. he held his hand up, "Parazyte Tree!" His entire body grew into a massive tree and before any creature or demon could react his branches reached out and bloomed. What bloomed weren't flowers but little cycloptic balls with mouths and small scythes for hands. They immediately sprang into action and latched onto demons burrowing into their bodies In the n

They immediately sprang into action and latched onto demons burrowing into their bodies In the next few seconds several demons began to attack their own kind and not just attack but utterly devour them.

"What is he?" Chrysalis cowered in fear.

Back in Twilight's Office...

The young six were all sitting on the potion-soaked ground huffing. Immediately after Gallus had used the P.A system most of the Dark Changelings and Mind Control Victims had started to gather outside Twilight's office. Yona and Sandbar were nearly spent from keeping the do shut. Gallus and Silverstream had taken to keeping the opposing side from getting in through the windows. That left Smolder and Ocellus to free the mane six and Spike.

"Come on just a little more," Smolder grunted as she pulled the cocoons free from the wall as Twilight's was the only one left but it seemed to be much stronger than the rest, and they were still having trouble opening them. "I think we'll need someone much stronger Ocellus. And we're all out of steam, to begin with."

"Maybe if we free the others," the nymph looked at the downed cocoons. "What if we had two dragons?"

"What no, Naha, no way am I gonna have him help," Smolder pointed at Spike. "He's the mate of the Dragonlord, and if he can't free himself then he is unworthy of having his title!"

"We're all relying on each other that that make us unworthy of being your friends and our help," Ocellus counters. "No one can do anything if they stay in those goop sacks! It's made so you stay happy in it. They're not gonna fight back unless they're awoken from the dream side and I don't princess Luna is gonna help with that!"

"Fine," Smolder crossed her arms. "How do we get him out?"

"Normally we could just cut him out but I think the queen made it so no one but extremely strong creatures could break this," Ocellus poked a cocoon. "If we had some way to heat it up maybe we could make it soft enough to pop it."

"It's a good thing they got those sprinklers working," Gallus held up his wing," But know we're grounded till we dry our feathers."

"I don't think we have reason left to fight anyways," Silver said with her back against Gallus. "You got some good moves there bird boy."

"R-really," Gallus blushed.

"You said heat it up right?" Smolder smirked as Ocellus nodded. "I got this then," She pointed to herself proudly before breathing fire onto Spike's cocoon.

In no time the cocoon started to bubble where Smolder's fire hit it. "That's enough," Ocellus said. The dragon stopped and the nymph used some scissors she'd found in a draw to pierce the cocoon sending green goop all over the floor with a very dopy-looking dragon.

"Wake up you idiot!" Smolder yelled as she shook Spike and slapped him back and forth.

"Ember..." Spike said as smolder flushed a bit at the mention of her half-sister's name. "OW! MY FACE!" Spike grabbed his cheeks. "Wait a second; where am I? Students? Shouldn't you all be in class?"

"Yea we'll get right on that after the invasion!" Smolder threw her arms up.

"Invasion," Spike looked around and then saw the others. His eyes widened, "Now I remember. The bitch of a queen got the drop on us. Where's Twi?" They all pointed to the wall. "Why is she still up there?!"

"Hey we just spent a good bit of time freeing your ass and fight the controlled assholes," Smolder complains.

"Smolder is right dude," Gallus agreed. "We're tired."

"I'll give you all that much," Spike sighed. "Let's get her down."

As the dragons and nymph went to free the princess the room suddenly grew dark.

"Can I get some light!" Spike called out and the kids all turned to see what was blocking out the window and their eyes shrank. A massive orange demon was leering in the window and getting ready to punch in the wind when he suddenly flung his head back and cried out in pain. Its stomach began to convulse when He gave out a silent scream a pinkish blob with scythes for hands bursts from the demon's gut with a glowing bluish-white ball in the scythe before it ate the ball in one gulp.

The kids were never more disturbed in their lives.

Then there was a low buzzing and Ocellus's eyes shrank. She looked beyond the demon and saw the queen hovering in the air.

"You little assholes freed one of my batteries. I guess I'll have to teach all a lesson," She evilly smirked and then motived the very dead demon with the little blob staring at her "Of Fu-"

The blob let out and ear-splitting scream. The blob then assaulted the would-be queen in a flurry of slashes as it jumped from the demon corpse. The blob ducked, bobbed, and weaved around Chrysalis's blows easily due to its smaller size and ability to morph and squish its boneless body. It was all a distraction though, at least until the rest arrived.

Chrysalis heard the flapping of many wings. She slowly looked over her shoulder to see a whole flock of the little blob creatures. They all blinked at her and then glared unleashing a ton of bloodlust and killing intent.

"Bring it on you little shits I'll take you down just like I took down the big one!" Chrysalis pointed her sword at the swarm.

The blobs then responded, "We are the big one," they remarked in unison as they all started to fuse together until Gar was whole again. The blob the kids had seen quickly hopped into Twilight's office and looked around to see the mane six still in cocoons. It immediately went to work easily cutting open the goop-filled sacks before finally cutting Twilight free.

"Don't you get it already," Chrysalis cackles as she looked at the scowling giant monster before her. His body refreshed and nourished off the flesh and souls of demons and his magic replenished from absorbing the carnivorous plants. "There is nothing you can do! I have the power and I will never tell you where your precious Twilight."

"That's funny," coughed a familiar voice of the aforementioned purple mare. "Cause I don't need you to tell him where I am. For crimes against my Kingdom I sentence You to death, Die you evil bug bitch!" She looked at Gar. "DO IT!"

The lost Gar blob shot forward transforming into a drill and spiraled right through the queen's guts and into the main body fusing with it again. Gar held up his hand and his Basquias came falling from the clouds in the form of his severe wooden hand before transforming into his spear again. Using the flat of the spear Gar rocketed the injured queen into the storm clouds above. He wasted no time and followed suit. Once inside the dark cloud, he invoked his magic.

Gar spun his spear around his body rapidly bring the clouds into himself, "Sacred Treasure Release!"

Gar's hair once more stood on end golden and spiky with a golden and purple aura around his form. His spear shifted its shape into a massive silver spear-ax adorned with details. As he spun the weapon pulling in the storm clouds lightning was drawn to the weapon and thunder roar as the wind screamed and hollered for blood.

Activating his personal magic Disaster Gar turned into a living bolt of lightning bounding high above Chrysalis.

Quickly regaining the corporeal form he reeled back his spear drawing in every more storm clouds to his aid "TEMPEST JAVELIN!" The king of the Everfree hurled his weapon down at the queen splitting the air in a massive shockwave of thunder that would've deafened even the former Dragonlord.

Chrysalis could do nothing as the massive discharge struck her and sent her plummeting in a spiral into the ground.

Below the clouds, the pony guards and school staff and students were all recovering. Celestia and Luna were still hard at work closing the portal to the demon realm but were quickly losing their magic. The angels had their hands full killing any remaining demon or more that tried coming through the portal.

They all looked up to the sky lighting as the clouds were all being drawn to one spot. The heard it, a massive unholy roar that no mere beast or demon could've made alone. The angels looked at each other and wanted to head in the direction the noise had come from but knew they had to remain and follow their orders.

Just then lightning spilled out from the remaining clouds and a massive bolt striking into the ground while more of it branched out into the air.

The lightning targeted every single remaining demon. The Fairy King descended next from the lightning's origin point and looked to his servants. "Move the princess immediately," He ordered. Not even wanting to question their master the angels flew off and tackled the goddesses away from the demon portal.

Gar held up his hand as a ball of lighting formed above it.

"Disaster; Jupiter Strike!" He threw the ball into the portal and overloaded it causing the portal to implode on itself.

Gar then quickly flew to the forest and used his magic to expand his voice, "FAIRIES OF THE EVERFREE HEAR YOUR KING. WE HAVE JUST FACED AN AGE-OLD ENEMY AND TRIUMPHED BUT NOT AT A COST. I NOW CALL UPON THOSE OF YOU TO COME FORM AND HEAL THOSE IN NEED OF IT FIOR WE NEED NOT LOSE ANY MORE OF OUR FRIENDS!" Without a hesitant word, a low rumble was felt and soon a swarm of buzzing fairies flew up from the trees and went to aid those in need of it.

Gar in the meantime went to check that point of impact where Chrysalis's body should've been but instead, he found only glass and ash. Celestia and Luan soon arrived.

"I must say you continue to amaze us," Celestia crossed her arms with a scowl. "Did you really need to go that far?"

"To protect those here, yes," Gar turned to the sister.

"Overloading a portal with raw elemental power is reckless," Luna added. "You're not hurt too badly are you? You've been fighting a lot more than anyone else here?"

"I am very tired and I have spent all of my remaining magic," Gar said as he floated on his Basquias in pillow form.

"It will take some time to repair things but with you and your fairies, I think things will work out for the better," Celestia looked out the injured. "To think she was a goddess- ike us this whole time."

"Where is her body?" Luna asked. "Did you take her soul like the lesser demons?"

"No," Gar said. "I did that out of need Luna so doesn't even go there. Red hands and Black deeds are not for ideal work, it was a necessary evil I did. As for Chrysalis, she escaped somehow."

"Any ideas?" Celestia looked at the ground. "Normally an attack like that would've vaporized her into ash."

"Someone divine intercepted her with a teleportation spell," Gar spun on his spear pillow, his form diminishing from the lack of power and nutrition. "I sensed its remnants when I got here."

As they spoke the angles arrived with Twilight in tow. Gar sat up and his girlfriends wasted no time in tackling him and thanking him over and over before kiss his cheek. The angles both knelt down to their master and couldn't be prouder to be serving him.

"It's time for you to rest and feed Lord Gar," Yuki spoke up have returned to her original form.

"She's right my lord but don't expect too much from us," Adreana said with a bit of displeasure at having to tell him that. "We have spent our defending the town."

"I am not angry or displeased in any way my faithful attendants," Gar smiled. "You did what I told you to and didn't waste any effort to do so. I am very proud of both of you," he turned to the sisters. "I will leave the details to you two for now. My friends and attendants need rest, not to mention those brave students I saw in Twilight's office. I will be taking those six as my personal students."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Luna asked.

"You're already caring for the entire hippogriff population at the school Gar," Celestia agreed. "Personal students aren't simply part of the equation."

"They are deserving of my full attention and will receive it," Gar said adamantly. "I will not slack in any of my duties, with it be the forest or my charges. This is the life of the Smiling Monster of the Everfree. Now I must rest." He floated off with Twlight holding on to him. Adreana and Yuki flowing on either side of their master.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other.

"Can he really still be trusted after devouring so many souls?" Luna asked.

"I know you're preferences on that action Luna and yes, we can still trust him," Celestia motioned around her. "You must remember he is still half-demon and by nature will consume the occasional soul as is his nature. That fact that he only did so with demons and that dubbed evil is a credit in its own right."

"I supposed so," Luna sighed. "Still, his power is incredible. This is only what he managed from what he'd gained from reabsorbing some of his power and the souls he ate. Think of what he could do at full strength."

"Yes, he is indeed a terrifying creature both in terms of power and appearance alone, but he has a good heart and a loving noble soul." Celestia's attention turns back to the crater. "But our focus needs to go to finding who helped Chrysalis escape."

"I concur," Luna nods. "Another goddess. How though? Twilight was her prisoner and Cadence hates her? Are there really more of us out there?"

"It would seem so Luna," Celestia sighs. "It would seem so. For now, we must attend to our ponies." She flew off and so did Luna.

"That was much more entertaining than I'd ever hoped it be!" Cackled an echoing voice.

"This could be bad though," another one said. "That fairy king is much stronger than any of his predecessors and his power is still growing."

"I can still see why my counterpart is attracted to him though," And said with a bit of disgust but lust as well. "Personally, I find him very handsome though."

"Enough Midnight," Called another more commanding tone.

"You're no fun Day Breaker!" Midnight countered.

"I agree with Day Breaker," the second voice said. "We must plan more."

"Thank you Nightmare," Day Breaker gave a nod.

"I'm with Midnight," giggled a new voice. "He is quite fetching for a demon," She said with thirst in her voice. "Are you up for sharing Midnight?"

"Spill you lust somewhere else Heart Ripper!" Nightmare countered the new woman.

"You're no fun Nightmare," Ripper pouted.

"Enough bickering you three!" Day Breaker shouted. "We have plans to make and set in motion."

"Yes," Nightmare says and a violet form comes into focus to reveal a very badly injured Chrysalis. "I managed to pull her from the attack but enough damage has been done and she will die soon This one is usefulness has worn out."

"Perhaps not," Day breaker chuckled. "Just being here in this realm has caused her wounds to heal. Leave her in stasis for now and once she is healed put her to the south in the deep forests. Prompt her with a bit of madness."

"As you wish," Nightmare rolled her eyes.

"What about that school?" Midnight said. "It could turn out to be a real pain."

"I have already found one we can use," An image of a filly with a pinkish-gray coat with wings, moderate scarlet eyes, pale light grayish arctic blue curly-que mane and tail wearing a powder white doily style sundress came into view in the pool from with the four had been watching.

"A descendant of yours?" Midnight raised an eyebrow.

"Someone else," Day breaker said looking to Ripper who merely stuck out her tongue.

"She and that demon vacuum cleaner of a centaur are the keys to opening a portal so we may be free," Day Breaker explained. "We will still need to possess items that come into contact with the willing mortal host in order to gain a hoofhold into this world so way may get our physical bodies back. This will also serve to shield us from the others."

"Must we," Midnight said in disgust.

"It is not that bad," Nightmare added. "I would've had my form if Celestia hadn't sealed me in the moon at Luna's behest. That mare is stubborn and fought me for control of the body after accepting my promise of power."

"Find your items and be ready, "Day Breaker commanded. "We move soon..."

The Overlord and the King Reunite

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It has been nearly two weeks since Gar’s face with the Former Queen of the Dark Changelings. Things had somewhat gone back to normal for the townsfolk but now they had come to the King with a request. To teach them to properly fight.

Gar referred to the princesses for this and while three out of four weren’t in total favor of it they couldn’t deny their ponies’ right to get stronger so they allowed it. Twilight had already made it clear that she fully intended to incorporate a training regiment in Ponyville’s citizenry. She had it spearheaded by Tempest and Grubber, who as it turns out has been taking lessons from a certain party pony. With the former storm captain and co-captain teaching with the help of the local guard and or former adventurers, they had things running in under a day.

The ponies had also come to great terms with the fairies, channeling some and dark changelings of the Everfree. With Gerheade and Applejack’s help, every creature came to have a much greater respect and understanding of each other and the lives in which they respectfully live. No one held animosity towards the Dark Changelings after a bit of an explanation from Twilight detailing they were under the control of the former Queen.

The young six soon met with Gar and his attendants. They all, except Silver Stream who hung on him like a tree ornament, were very wary of the king due to his appearance and with what they’d seen him do in the issuing battle. Over a few days of being with him and seeing him perform his duties, they came to see that he wasn’t the monster they’d made himself out to be at all. He was in fact very kind and friendly to nearly every creature when he first met them, as long as they didn’t piss him off somehow.

It took Gar some days to recover from his battle. During the fight, he’d used up all of his magic and ki leaving him a little more than a withered skinnier version of himself. He ate nearly five times his original weight in hydra meat alone on the third day and slept the whole first two days in a pool of nectar atop the Tree he ruled. By day four he was moving around on his own legs instead of floating on Basquias in plow form.

Now he was currently thinking in his thrown room. Gloxinia had taken a liking to the young six and had volunteered to teach them how to use a sword should Gar ever wanted a break. This was one of those days.

He had the very guard captain take charge while he went over details of the battles with Adreana, Yuki, Luna, and Celestia.

“You’re certain you can’t trace who saved her?” Gar asked.

‘’It was too faint,” Celestia gave a frustrated sigh. “Your attack wiped out most traces of whoever took her and I think they took her long before she hit the bottom cloud layer. We have no leads outside the demon portal spell she had used.”

“It appears we are out of leads unless you can summon a demon,” Luna grunted.

“Hmm…” Gar rubs his chin. “I can do one better. I can go see an old friend. I think it is high time we had a meeting anyway. Yuki, Adreana, come.”

“Yes lord Gar,” The twins said and followed closely.

“I’ll be back in a few days at the latest,” Gar told them. “I am going to see Zeldris on the other side of the fog.”

“Isn’t that the demon from before?” Luna asked. “From when Black was here?”

“Yes, he is also our father,” Yuki added.

“Take care Gar,” Celestia wished him luck. “We will tell the others and twilight of your departure.”

“Thank you both,” Gar nods before walking over to the edge of the tree and jumping down into the fog with Yuki and Adreana.

Meanwhile on the other side of the fog...

It didn’t take long for the enormous smiling monster of the Everfree to lumber out of the mists. Though he was accompanied by two others. They soon came to see Zeldris waiting for them. Zeldris in turn looked up to see his old friend, having grown even more since Zeldris last saw him. He also recognized his two creations by their master's side.

“Zeldris,” Gar nodded.

Zeldris was a bit put off. Gar was expressive and he looked a little different this time. The right side of his face sported a then waning crescent moon scar and where his right arm and shoulder met there was another scar. Gar’s power was much greater than the last time the Demon had met his old friend. It was cleared he had been through some form of hell.

“Father,” the angels bowed, showing their creator the proper respect. Zeldris noted that their power too had vastly improved since their creation.

“Rise my angels, there is no need to bow,” Zeldris said as he lent a hand to his creations. They were shocked that he was showing such kindness to them.

“I see that everyone’s power has improved greatly,” Zeldris said, eyeing all of them. “Especially you, my old friend. I see that you have picked up a few scars.” Zeldris motioned to the fresh scars on Gars body.

“Courtesy of a demon fairy goddess hybrid,” Gar said, getting Zeldris’s attention. “Former Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. She tried to make a mess of things a little while ago but she was stopped thanks to everyone’s efforts. She still got away, with the help of the goddess clan I want to add.” Gar crossed his arms.

“She also opened a portal to the demon realm to bring out a small army of lesser to mid-tier demons one high tier. A member of the six Knights of Black. Yuki destroyed him,” He motioned to the angel.

“A demon fairy goddess hybrid… that is unheard of.” Zeldris said as he rubbed his chin in thought. “I’ll have to look out for this Chrysalis character In my world. But the goddess clan seems to be a bigger problem in your world than it is mine. Being able to open a portal to the demon realm is quite a problem.” Zeldris looked to his creation. “Yuki, I am proud of you for managing to kill a member of the six knights of black. They are second only to the commandments.” Zeldris gave a nod to his daughter.

“Thank you father,” Yuki smiles. “Though it was to repay my sister for saving me. It handled Adreana’s weapon,” She said with disgust, “Such an act could not go unpunished.”

“You truly are my daughter. And I am also proud of you Adreana, you are also worthy to be called my daughter.” Zeldris said, causing Adreana to smile.

“Thank you father but if I had been more aware and not lost in the sense of my fighting it wouldn’t have been necessary to begin with,” Adreana looked down.

Zeldris then remembered what happened earlier. “I also had a run-in with the goddess clan earlier. A goddess by the name of Zuriel, he was a nuisance.” Zeldris said as he remembered how Zuriel took off his hand. “Oh and Gar do you not have anything to say about me.” Zeldris motioned to his hair and new horns.

“Nice look,” Gar noted. “If the goddesses are able to manifest here then why not in my world,” he looked at his old friend. “I will need to dig deeper into the history of my world. In the meantime, your face has that look that says you need a hand with a few things.”

Zeldris nodded. “Yeah well one of the Sins killed a bunch of ponies when he made his first appearance, so I had to fake kill him in order to Appease the public. That caused the dragons to through a fit so now I’m in a little trouble.” He sighed. “I think that if I bring Kon, that’s the dragon's name, to the conference about my crime then it will all be sorted. Or it could make it worse.” Zeldris said as he crossed his arms in frustration.

“It will definitely make it worse father,” Yuki explains. “Dragons are prideful and stubborn in their ways. I have enough experience from dealing with one of Lord Gar’s students in the past few days. The younger ones are not as thick-headed but they only listen to strength above all else. If you are big then you are strong, logic as the little whelp explained, or that’s how it used to be until the current lord took over in our world.”

“So impress them with my strength or magic. Then I win their friendship, then I tell them the truth.” Zeldris said with a satisfied look on his face.

“Physical strength is better,” Gar corrected. “Dragons do have magic but rarely use it outside of their growth stages as to when they try and grow as much as possible while young. It often coincides with greed growth but is much more controlled and the dragon doesn’t go crazy for shinies.”

“Why can’t I just kill them all, it would make it so much easier.” The demon let out a long sigh.

“The drakes are stubborn but strong,” Gar added. “They would be a better asset in the times to come than a pile of ash that you’d wished you’d have never made.”

“I like the way you think,” Zeldris smirked. “Oh, and speaking of dragons do you know any displaced dragon slayers? I want Kon to learn it, it seems like a good fit for him.” Zeldris asked.

“Only one,” Gar held up a finger. “But you won’t like him.”

“Don’t you fucking say it.” Zeldris facepalmed.

“Fine, I won’t say his name,” Gar shrugs. “But he is my oldest brother. He helped save me from myself Zeldris. I would've been in a coma if it wasn’t for him. If you could get on his good side he is a great Displaced to have in your back pocket. The fact that he is a Void Dweller chrysalis doesn’t hurt either.”

“Yeah I know, it’s just that he makes the Lion sin of pride part of me come out. His strength is overpowering and it really pisses me off.” Zeldris scratched the back of his head. “Wait your brother… will be pissed off if I don’t give you... your grimoire! Aha, I remembered!” Zeldris said excitedly as he pulled out an old book from his inventory. He then tossed it to Gar. “I completely forgot what type of magic it is. Maybe tree magic, yeah that sounds right.” He said with a nod.

“This is just a notebook,” Gar held up the book. “I can sense some kind of magic in it but it seems incomplete somehow. Am I supposed to do something with it?”

“Oh shit. I was supposed to publish it or something. Uhh, wait let me remember.” Zeldris couldn’t remember for the life of him what type of spell Asta told him to use. That’s when he thought of the idea to silently cast Control Amnesia on himself to remember. “I got it. Just write your name on the cover of the book, oh wait we need something to write with. Greater Create Item!” With that, a quill and ink popped into existence. Grabbing Gar’s hand Zeldris cut Gars finger over the ink container causing the blood and ink to mix. Gar’s finger healed almost immediately. “Ok write your name with this.” Zeldris handed Gar the quill and ink.

“Alright then,” Gar said, taking the quill and dipping it in the ink. He opened the book and wrote his name on the cover page. “Now what?” Suddenly black lightning shot from the book onto Gar, “RAAAAAA! MOTHER FUCKER TIS HURST WORSE THAN GETTING HIT WITH THAT DAMN PARTY TANK!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there may be some slight pain.” Zeldris laughed, along with his two daughters.

The book slowly morphed into a golden yellow tome with an intricate cover adorned with a four-leaf clover on the back of it. Gar got up and waited for his eyes to realine and once he saw Zeldris bonked him over the head. He then turned to the angels who shut up.

“Let me see,” Gar said as his Grimoire floated up in front of him. “World Tree magic. What the heck kind of magic is world tree magic?” Gar shrugs, grabbing the book and placing it inside a hollow spot on his body. “I’ll figure it out later.”

Zeldris nudged Adreana’s arm to get her attention. “What I told ya. Tree magic.” Zeldris said with a smirk. “Not as cool as my gold magic though.” He patted Yuki on the back.

“You met my older and didn’t tell me,” Gar scowled at the demon and then noticed Zeldris’s glum experience. “How’d that go?”

“Oh, Asta. You know me…” Zeldris started but was cut off.

“He kicked your butt didn’t he…” Gar said flatly.

“Yea- No. I won that fight. He didn’t even stand a chance.” Zeldris said as he crossed his arms with frustration looking off to the side as his cheeks flushed slightly. “He was alright, he was still an asshole like Ed. But he cared for his subjects which I thought was nice.”

“You clearly haven't spoken to Ed about what he does,” Gar blinked. “He runs all of his Equestrian while also teaching at his wife’s school and his own school all at the same time I might add. But I agree, he is an ass. What about him pisses you off so much though?”

“Power. And older siblings exude that older sibling vibe which I hate. I didn’t have the best relationship with my older brother, that demon.” Zeldris shivered at the thought. “He was an abusive maniac who had absolute power over me, and I’m glad he’s dead,” Zeldris said, souring the mood of the conversation.

“I’m sorry to hear that Zeldris but if it helps calm you a bit Ed, or I should say Allen, was never like that,” Gar explained. “Sure we would fight and get on each other’s nerves but I genuinely got along well with my oldest brother. We did grow apart after our parents disowned him,” Zeldris was a little more than taken back by that comment. “But we still spoke every now and then. He came to my world and even pulled me out of myself. I can feel again because he wanted to help me. He told me he wouldn’t always be here be he would be when I most needed him. In my fight with Chrysalis, I heard his voice supporting me. I know he has power beyond what we know but he doesn’t flaunt it around like some arrogant bastard even though he acts like one a good bit of the time. You have to realize, there is a reason that drives his actions.”

“Yeah, yeah I understand. I know I shouldn’t judge him based on my past, it’s just…. I don’t like being seen as weak.” Zeldris realizing what he said immediately stopped talking. “I'll be nicer to him the next time I see him, he just riles me up. Makes me feel vulnerable.”

“The man could wipe out an entire reality if he really wanted to more than likely,” Gar nodded. “Scares the hell out of me and I fought him in my mindscape. I fought him cause I need to even though I knew I couldn’t win, I still can’t win,” Gar shrugs. “But he fought me honestly. If you really want to move past yourself then maybe you should face him too.”

“How about we move away from the topic,” Zeldris said, feeling defeated. “How are you and your little lady friend doing? She must love that you reawakened your emotions.”

“We admitted we loved each other and I built her a school,” Gar nodded. “And we’re doing great. Though I seem to have a few other females watching me rather closely too. Mares are crazy,” He huffed. “But what about you? Found a lady yet?”

“I’m not one for love. I really don’t see a need for it. But who knows one day I might meet a certain vampire.” He shrugged. “But besides that, I don’t think about it.” Zeldris looked over to Yuki and Adreana. “I can always make you guys a significant other if you so desire. Just summon me if you ever want me to.”

“Serving Lord Gar is the only thing I have time for,” Yuki smiled.

“No thanks, I just like to pound stuff and a guy would get in the way of that too much,” Adreana played it off.

“You see Gar, they get it,” Zeldris said as he motioned to the two.

“I’ve already had this talk with both of them several times,” Gar muttered to Zeldris. “They won’t budge on it. Adreana threw a guy from atop my throne clearing one time. Luckily he was a fairy,” Gar straightened up. “Moving on now. Shall I send these two get your dragon while we see the princesses? I may be a stand-in but I am still a member of the sins and I would like to meet the others.”

“Sure.” Zeldris nodded. “Kon should be at the badlands or on his way to it. Oh and Simon is with him, that’s your older brother.” He said, looking at the two angels. “You want to fly there or take a gate, Gar?”

“I think we should take a gate,” Adreana said. “Conserve energy so we can bust some heads,” she cracked her knuckles.

“Manners,” Yuki scolded her sister. “Does our brother have the Gate skill to father?”

“No, he just has a normal teleportation spell. And I don’t think there will be any action their Adreana. So don’t get your hopes up.” Zeldris said, causing Adreana to deflate.

“I agree with Adreana in that we should take a gate,” Yuki said. “Your timeline is newer than our own so I must inform you that the Badlands is the current home to the changeling race. It is where you will find the queen we spoke of earlier. We will do our best to not draw attention and not cause a fight and fly back as fast as possible.”

“Let’s get things started shall we old friend,” Gar smirked evilly. “Can’t wait for them to see me.”

“Celestia is going to freak out.” Zeldris laughed. “Ok now for the gates, Twin Magic: Gate!” Two gates opened up in front of us, one to the throne room and one to the badlands. “Make sure to play nice with your brother, girls,” Zeldris said as he waved by to his daughters. With that, both groups walked into their respective Gates.

Canterlot Castle

Celestia and Luna were both sitting on their thrones, listening to a noble rant about how they should destroy an orphanage so that he could expand his mansion and make a pool. However they were not focused on the conversation, but instead were worrying about what to do with the dragon situation.

“—and that is why, you should support my efforts to destroy an orphanage.” Fat Cheeks concluded his speech with a huff of pride.

Luna’s eye began to twitch. “What is it with you nobles and destroying orphanages?” She said rubbing her temples. “What did those children ever do to you?” Luna questioned genuinely.

Fat Cheeks scoffed. “They exist.”

Before Luna or Celestia could respond they noticed that a gate opened and out of it walked Zeldris and Gar. Both of the sisters' jaws dropped as they saw the thing standing next to Zeldris.

“Allow me,” Gar whispers to Zeldris and he nods with a smirk. Gar stealthily walked up behind the yammering noble idiot.

“And furthermore-” Fat Cheeks yammered until he felt someone breathing on him. “I MUST POINT OUT THAT IS MY TURN!” He yelled out and found himself looking directly at Gar’s stomach. He then was forced to look up.

Gar looked down,” You leave now…” he hissed slowly.

“Ahhh…” Fat Cheeks shorted then his eyes rolled in the back of his head as he fainted.

Zeldris was on the ground laughing. Gar looked back to the demon and couldn’t help but left out a few muffled laughs. Celestia and Luna also started to laugh but quieted down once they realized that Gar was still in the room.

“Guards! Could you remove this noble?” Luna called out while motioning to the fainted Fat Cheeks. “And once you do, you may all take your leave for the evening,” Luna commented at the end. The guards rushed in and quickly fell with the noble on the floor before promptly leaving.

Celestia looked down at between Zeldris and Gar, her royal mask cracking slightly. “Now Zeldris, why have you brought this thing to my throne room?” The sun princess said letting a little bit of venom seep into her tone.

“I will answer that,” Gar interrupted. “I do have a name and you will address me with it. I am Gar, the Smiling Monster of the Everfree Forest and King of the Fairies. I am also Zeldris’s friend,” which caught her attention. “And a stand-in for one of his Sins,” Gar reveals the mar on his neck. “I am the Boar Sin of Gluttony.”

“And with that, you will show him respect,” Zeldris demanded letting his magic run loose in the room. “Celestia learned that if I bring anyone before you to not belittle them. Even if they are demons.” Zeldris said letting up the pressure he put on the room.

“I'm sorry for my sister's rudeness, King Gar.” Luna apologized with a small bow. “I am the Sin of Envy. It is a pleasure to meet another Sin.” Luna said genuinely. Unlike Celestia, Luna is not as hostile to demons

“Just Gar will be fine Princess Luna,” Gar held up a hand. “I am here for Zeldris and to see the look of you two when we came through the Gate. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I did not get the chance last time I was here but this was still early in my life and was probably for the best,” he gave a slight bow. “Now to business,” He looked to Zeldris who in turn nods.

“Yes, about the dragon incident.” Zeldris started off. Catching the two princesses’ attention. “I have come up with a plan thanks to the help of my friend and daughters. He has told me that Dragons listen to strength above all else. So I believe that with a demonstration of my overwhelming strength I’ll gain their trust, then I’ll tell them that Kon isn’t dead. Making everything ok again.” Zeldris explained to them as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Celestia and Luna both looked at each other confused. “That doesn’t sound like it would work at all.” Both said at the same time. “You can try what you are suggesting, you just need to prepare more thoroughly.” Celestia said using a more formal tone.

“They are right my friend,” Gar agreed. “Going in three and giving them a pounding won’t do much but just make them very pissy and then have them coming around for you at random times for challenges.” He explains. “We need a strategy of some sort. I suggest going straight for the Dragon’s throat like any natural predator would,” He chuckled, “DragonLord Torch Himself.”

“That sounds like something I can do,” Zeldris said as he cracked his knuckles.

Celestia immediately shot up. “NO WAY!” She used the royal canterlot voice. “DragonLord Torch is some creature you can never touch. His Magic is unlike anything that I have ever felt. And his fire breath incinerates anything that gets in his way. If you try to go up against him that is suicide.” Celestia warned Zeldris genuinely. She didn’t like the demon but that doesn’t mean she wants him to die.

“I have to agree with my sister,” Luna interjected. “He has a very unique type of magic that makes him a very formidable force. Even a being such as yourself, Zeldris would have a hard time against him.” Luna adds on to her sister's warning.

“I can take him. And I have my Hellblaze, the fire that even burns immortals.” Zeldris said, nodding. He looked over to his friend Gar who just stared at him coldly. “Even with your regained emotions, you still like to just stare.” He said to his friend with a smirk.

Gar turned to the sister, “It’s called Incinerate,” their eyes went wide. “I know many things that not even you two are aware of. One of my friends back home is the current dragonlord, though his mare rules in his stead. He has this ability,” he turned to Zeldris. “It is a unique magic similar in nature to my Disaster that is passed down to the reigning Dragonlord like Disaster is to the current fairy king,” He points at Zeldris and says in a concerned stern tone. “I warn you cause you are my friend and don’t want to see you go into this half-cocked or let your Pride habits run wildly. If you are hit with this flame whatever you lose won’t come back. Not even my super life droplets will help.” Zeldris was a little taken aback for a minute but regained his composure quickly.

“I can handle whatever threat comes my way,” Zeldris said in full seriousness.

“Whatever you say, Captain- '' Celestia said worried before covering her mouth. Luna gave Zeldris a smirk which he returned. “What I meant to say is, that I hope you know what you're doing, Zeldris.” The sun princess said, actually showing concern for Zeldris.

“I have no doubt you can but it never hurts to be prepared my friend,” Gar noted. “Something that will still give you an edge.”

“I take it that you have that something in mind then?” Zeldris smirked while the sisters looked at each other confused.

“Ki,” Gar said bluntly. “I know you have it but haven’t actually done anything with it yet. I have mastered it well enough to teach you all you need to know to get your own style going.”

“I completely let that slip my mind,” Zeldirs held his chin.

“By the time of the conference will both be stronger,” Gar placed a hand on Zeldris’s shoulder and the demon looks at his friend and nods.

Traing and HEATED Debates

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A week has gone by since Gar had been in Zeldris’s world. During that time, they did many things. Such as Ki training…

“So how do you wanna do this?” Zeldris questioned Gar as they flew over to an uninhabited part of the Everfree. “You want to have a one-on-one only using Ki. Should we just practice on the undead? Maybe we summon a displaced and use them as a practice dummy.” Zeldris asked as they landed in an open part of the forest.

“Who do you know that will willingly take hits and bounce back from it right away?” Gar asked flatly. “Cause I can think of only a few, two being assholes you’d rather not deal with and the third being busy in some sort of Displaced Tournament according to the older of the other two.”

“There’s a displaced tournament?” Zeldris asked, confused. “Well, whatever. I’m guessing the two assholes are your siblings… wouldn’t mind beating them up.” The demon smirked as he looked at Gar. “I guess that leaves the undead or us clashing.”

“Yea I just had my ass handed to me and nearly died last week,” Gar continued flatly expressionless, “so yea the undead it is. I can only teach you what I’ve figured out myself though. Flight and ki blast or drawing out your power. You don’t really have the physical advantage I have with the zenkai boost and let's face it,” he stared. “You’re never going to get your ass handed to you unless it’s someone stronger than you and even then you’d still refuse that power. I have also figure out ki weapon constructs to a point, like Black’s scythe.”

“Ok, I’ve already figured out Ki blast.” Zeldris demonstrated using a tree as the target. He fired off two blasts in quick succession. “I haven’t touched on flight yet since I have so many other options, but I still need to learn it. And the Ki constructs shouldn’t be too hard to learn.” Zeldris said, looking to the sky in thought. “And wait, are you saying you can pull an elder Namekian and unlock my potential? Wait, was that the elder Namekian or the Kai?” He mumbled the last part quietly.

“It was both actually but what I’m going to do is closer to a Namekian and unclog your energy flows so you run more something, like a car. I can clearly see you’ve mastered blasting shit to pieces,” Gar looked over to the smoking remains of the tree. “But you haven’t mastered ki blast control,” Gar lit his pointer finger, and a small ki ball formed above it. Gar then moved his finger and the ball whizzed all around the area before landing on the stump and blasting the rest to ash. “You waste too much energy on being showy and excess isn’t always the best way. Motor control plays a large part in the construct aspect as well. Instead of controlling the ki away, you maintain its shape near you,” he created a large ki ball then shaped into a sword. “Another thing you must remain aware of is that ki is heavily influenced by emotions. Lose control and the construct may explode and blow off your own hand. Can’t tell you how many times I had to go off and find one of mine or grow a new one.”

“Goddammit. Training is such a hassle.” Zeldris complained as he raised one of his hands pointed towards the open field. “Summon undead 10th tier.” After saying that an army of skeleton knights rose from the ground. Some had horses and others wore robes and had grimoires. “Holy shit I didn’t know what was going to happen but that is a lot.” Zeldris flew up in the air and began to gather large amounts of Ki in his hand. “Hey, Gar! Falcon punch!” He yelled as he dived towards the army making a crater in their forces.

“What did I just say about Ki control?” Gar said flatly as he shook his head.

Coming from out of the small crater Zeldris laughed. “I know but I really wanted to do that.”

“Anyways,” Gar rolled his eyes. “You have just demonstrated a fine aspect of ki nature control,” Zeldris tilts his head. “You changed the nature of you ki to have the effect of fire.” Zeldris raised an eyebrow. “Look, just know that ki is life energy and as energy, it takes on different states and planes and existence. Falcon Punch is a fire-based ki technique while Flight is an air-based ki technique. They will have a similar effect to the elements which they look like. Basically, if you visualize yourself flying while using ki, you’re flying. Ki is all about visualizing what you want to do with it, but its major Achilles heel is that it can easily be turned against its user. Naturally, we’re not immune to our own attacks or having our ki stolen,” Zeldris nods. “That leads me to deflection, shoot me.”

“Gladly,” Zeldris said, not missing a beat. He thought about what Gar said about control, and focused on having more Ki in one blast, then compacting it. Now having a smaller Ki blast he shoots it at Gar. Gar easily deflects it right back to Zeldris, catching the demon off guard. Not having enough time to react, Zeldris gets blasted in the face, knocking him on his ass.

“You dick.” Zeldris said, getting up slowly.

“Deflection, one of our greatest assets,” Gar held up his claw. “We are constantly generating ki and have it on us as a result. Being able to deflect our opponents’ attack is matching our ki energy with them and matching the speed at which they blast us. It's simple but hard. The number of opponents you take on, the kinds of powers they have, etc. Understand so far?”

“Yes I do but I have a question. You know what bleach is correct?” Gar nods. “I was wondering if Ki and Reistu are compatible with each other. Like can we combine them to make a new but similar type of energy? I’m bad at explaining.”

“It is a common mistake that reiatsu and ki are compatible but reiatsu is able to take on more worldly forms such as solid material where ki does not,” Gar answered. “You may be able to combine technique like your cero with the Kamehameha wave but don’t try and force them together lest the clash. At a base level, they are nearly identical but reiatsu is both living and dead compatible where ki is only living compatible or for those who have maintained a physical body after death.”

“Hmmm... I’ll have to touch upon this after I’ve mastered both of them.” Zeldris hummed in thought. “Now back to Ki training. We have to get rid of this army somehow.” He motioned to the still Skeletons.

“Ki beam,” Gar points his finger, and a ki laser fires as he whips his hand across the skeletons destroying them all, “Maintain a constant stream like with a construct but reach out like with fine motor control but less control. Easy enough.”

Zeldris stuck out his hand. He coated it in Ki and constructed a small Ki blade. After swinging it around for a couple of seconds he followed Gar’s instructions and made a Ki beam. Zeldris looked at Gar with a smile on his face.

“Easy enough,” Zeldris said as he shot Gar with the Ki beam.

A day went by with nothing happening, except for more training. So that brings us to the third day Gar has been in Zeldris world. But let’s not focus on the displaced, let’s focus on the Angels...

The two sisters were in the kitchen with the mummy chefs teaching them how to cook, so that they could better satisfy Zeldris. What they didn’t understand was why their father just didn’t make more angel chefs like them.

“I think he made us under circumstances,” Adreana noted. She really didn’t care one way or another.

“He did not his butler once,” Yuki agreed. “For undead, they are rather decent cooks but horrid fighters.”

“Got that right,” Adreana flicked one of the mummies away. “Even if they can’t speak like the others, they should still be more powerful, at least if they want to prepare pops a halfway decent meal.”

“I concur,” Yuki nods. “I wonder how Wazu is doing?”

“Who is Wazu?” Simon asked as he walked into the kitchen accompanied by James.

“Wazu is our brother, big brother,” Yuki explains. “We are triplets. He is currently in the service of Goku Black. Lord Gar,” the sister noticed Simon sneer slightly at the mention of their master’s name, “Transferred control of Wazu to Black not long after our creation. He didn’t see the need for three cooks at the time. Though I am the cook and Adreana is the hunter. We are still more than capable of doing either task, but these are the roles we prefer. Lord Gar saw no need to change this either.”

“Hmph, so three ungrateful children who no longer serve their master.” Both sisters were taken aback by the comment. Adreana released bloodlust at Simon, while Yuki stared him down coldly.

“We were created to sever lord Gar asshole,” Adreana cut in. “The master you serve is our father; it is he who created us and told us our purpose the second we were born. We were created to serve Lord Gar as his personal cooks, so we did and do!”

James got in between them. “Please, he didn’t mean a word he said.” He said to the sisters attempting to calm down the situation. “Simon what the hell is wrong with you!” James whisper yelled at his friend.

“Even if you were created to serve Gar, you should still be loyal to our Master.” Simon spread his wings to look more intimidating. “However, it seems you are more loyal to that thing instead… how could you do that to the being who created you, your father?” As Simon spoke, he grew more upset.

“It is as Adreana said and you so callously pointed out big brother,” Yuki said coldly. “He is not our master but our creator and father. His purpose for us was to serve another master and we do. Lord Gar has been good to us,” Yuki’s gaze narrowed. “He gives us freedom to make choices as we see fit and even trains us to better our power with skills, we never knew we could access. We would gladly fight for father, but we will die for OUR MASTER!

“If Lord asked me to go to the sack and wait for it, I would do so with pride!” Adreana added with a bit of red in her face.

“Gar, that thing, doesn’t have emotions. How can you care for something that doesn’t have the ability to care for you back?” Simon genuinely questioned.

“You truly think our master doesn’t have emotions,” Yuki raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

“You couldn’t be more wrong about that,” Adreana said insulted. “You haven’t seen what he’s done for the ponies and fairies of our world. He is a teacher.”

“He has saved the lives of many in his time as the Fairy King, and many before even that,” Yuki’s scowl deepens. “He loves one of the princesses and went so far as to build her a school. A place to spread her teachings of friendship. TELLING ME HE DOESN'T FEEL IS MORE THAN AN INSULT BUT AN OUTRAGE!”

Simon took a step back and his gaze softened. “This sounds nothing like the monster who slammed my face into the ground…” He bowed. “I apologize for my behavior; I never knew the kind of being he was.” James fell in line with Simon and bowed.

“Call our master a monster one more time and you will regret it,” Adreana remarks as she’d reached her boiling point.

“You must have met him when his emotions were inhibited,” Yuki scoffed. “If he slammed your head into the ground it must’ve been because he was either defending himself or because you provoked him. Even when his emotions were muted, they were still there but he would still not lash out without a reason,” she crossed her arms. “When he was emotionally stunted, he would always follow logical action above all else, meaning you were the aggressor and you deserved what you got, big brother.”

Simon laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head. “I see that I was in the wrong here… I do hope you can forgive me and act like this never happened.” Simon grabbed both of his sisters and brought them into a hug. “I’m sorry and I hope you still love your big brother, because I love the both of you.”

“Aww!” James commented as he watched on.

“Say anything to anyone and I’ll bury you alive where not even the ponies will find you,” Adreana growled behind the butler with a raised fist as she emitted a red aura of permanent death.

“Adreana enough,” Yuki said curtly, stopping her sister. “We will overlook your adornment behavior this time big brother but don’t let father catch you bad-mouthing his friend like that. He does consider Lord Gar to some sort of degree, then there are our master’s older siblings. They are true monsters, especially the eldest, and if you don’t believe us ask our father about them.”

“Of course, I would never,” Simon said as he grabbed an apple off the counter. “And I’ll keep an eye out for his siblings since you are talking them up so much.”

“They’re no joke,” Adreana says. “We’ve never met the middle but according to our master, his middle brother wields Anti-magic and is a highly-skilled martial artist and blade user. The oldest...”

“We’ve never met him before, but we’ve felt his presence at one point,” Yuki shakes slightly. “That much power in one form, he… is terrifying… to think he can travel across the worlds as well. From what Lord Gar told us father did meet him once.”

“Sounds like a family of monsters…” Simon could feel Adreana start to become hostile again. “I didn’t mean it like that! I wasn’t calling them monsters in that way! But they sound powerful, of course not as strong as Father.” He said with his chest puffed out.

‘Watch what you say about my baby brother from now on…’ Came a deathly voice on the wind.

“I believe we should change the subject now,” Yuki quickly said as a chill ran down everyone’s spines.

“Can you guys make an apple pie?” Simon asked in the spur of the moment, trying to change the topic. “You guys are chefs, right? Let’s see if team twins or team mummies make a better apple pie!” Simon proposed and took a bite of his apple.

“We don’t compete,” Adreana cut that off. “Yuki already has a strawberry pie in the oven for pops anyway.”

“The mummies are rather adept if not plain,” Yuki noted. “Can you not gain skills in this world?”

“Skills?” Simon questioned. “They are mummies made to help out around the tower, they have their limits.”

“I take offense to that.” James quietly said under his breath.

“Maybe you have to have a certain level of intelligence to gain skills,” Adreana thought out loud. “In our world, you can gain powers through combat or doing an action. Usually by going out and experiencing something out of the normal. It doesn’t really matter though, it looks like Master and pops are coming in.”

“It smells great in here,” Zeldris said when he stepped into the room.

“Thank you, father, I am baking you a pie,” Yuki bowed.

“How is the training going?” Adreana asked.

“I’ve done what I can,” Gar motions to Zeldris. “It’s all about practicing the techniques now,” He looked at Zeldris. “You need food and I need food but later there is a matter I must discuss with you about the angels. Something that may provide an edge against our fight against the demons.”

“Alright, we can talk tonight.” Zeldris nodded. Then a smile spread across his face. “But first let’s eat some food from these master chefs!”

“I concur,” Gar marks licking his fangs.

“I’ll go set the table then… come on mummies, we have work to do.” James called out to the staff and quickly set the table.

Later that night

“Now what is it you wanted to discuss?” Zeldris asked as he sat across from Gar.

“It pertains to this,” Gar points to his facial scar. “This part of me bit into Chrysalis and took quite a decent sample of her blood. I didn’t incorporate it into myself due to the goddess part of her biology but that is what I want to discuss. Boosting or ranks, with goddesses.”

“Hmmm, I see.” Zeldris leaned back and crossed his arms. “You want to use her mixed blood dna to draw out the concentrated goddess portion. A brilliant idea.”

“Yes, I want to make a serum that brings out the latent goddess powers of others,” Gar nods. “But this type of serum will only work on being closely related to the goddess clan in biology. The closest currently being the angels. If we can do this, they will become true members of the goddess clan, and totally loyal to us,” Gar scowls. “In that fight with Chrysalis someone interfered with the benign turned to ash, someone with divine powers. It wasn’t the sisters either, but you see why we need this. You are facing the demons, while I… face the goddesses,” He sighs. “Chrysalis DNA isn’t enough though, she is a half goddess, yes but I need at least two other samples that are natural-born goddesses. I have the sisters from my world already due to the battlefield. I just need two more. Do you think you could convince yours?”

“Before I answer that I would like to say that Simon isn’t a member of the goddess clan. I made him a completely unique being.” Zeldris sighed. “And for the sisters, I believe that there will be no problems getting some of their dna. But if this serum works, you’ll have the possibility of becoming part goddess yourself. What I don’t understand is why you haven’t absorbed some of Chrysalis’s DNA already.”

“Think about it Zeldris,” Gar stands up. “Chrysalis in my world is a walking contradiction. She's a demon, fairy, and goddess hybrid. Mixing two things that normal war with each other never ends well outside of a natural birthing process and even then it still has its share of complications,” he points out. “If down artificially before fully understanding it could have dire consequences, especially if done my way. If I try to incorporate her dna into me right now it could be disastrous. I am already part demon and fairy but these actions though introduced artificially, still came around naturally in a way too. Becoming a fairy is only natural if after I received the spear. I was only part demon when I did receive it thus my biology changed to better balance the two due to my parazyte DNA’s adaptability. As far as we know fairy and demon were more compatible than goddess and demon after all in my world there are still technically dark fairies,” he said sitting back down. “My point is it's too high a risk if done outside of a natural process. There are too many variables to consider this early in the experiment, none that don’t justify my own life, the lives of others, or the end game.”

“Ok, I see what you’re saying. But still, all of this is rich coming from the demon, fairy, sayian, human, parazyte hybrid.” Zeldris laughed. “I’ll get your DNA samples in the morning. This is a lot to think about. It could really be a great help in the fight.”

“And these are your children we’re talking about,” Gar adds. “I won’t force any that don’t want this but I still think if we could make this serum we would have an edge, not even the demon king would see,” Gar stands up. “For now though, I will take my leave for the night. The forest calls me,” he says as he walks off.

“Ok Lorax,” Zeldris said as Gar walked away. “And the decision to take the serum is theirs to make. For such a big matter that could completely change their life for the better… or the worst, I’ll let them decide.” The demon got up and made his way to his room.

Brother's in Arms

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“Well then, today is the day…” Zeldris said as he woke up and rolled out of bed. He groaned as he made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. Afterwards, he put on his normal red outfit and went down to the dining hall where he found Gar quickly scarfing down a pile of food.

“Save some for me,” Zeldris said as he took a seat at the table. Soon after, mummies brought out a variety of food for him.

“Wait never mind, I have plenty,” the demon told Gar as he stared at the massive assortment of food in front of him.

“Your world always gives me better skills,” Gar says with a mouthful. “I recently got the Ruler of Gluttony skill. Not sure what all it does but apparently I can regenerate from almost near death if I eat something living.”

“That might be due to the fact that most of my powers come from Overlord, which is based on a game.” Zeldris hummed in thought.

“Possibly but my world grants skills through actions,” Gar adds. “It’s the main reason the angels are no longer just cooks but also hunters and fighters too. Which reminds me, how is the serum progressing?” Gar asks. “I was able to isolate the right genetic codes but beyond that, I can’t do anything else without more samples to finish the serum.”

“Before the Dragons show up I’ll get the DNA from the sisters for you. Also, can you sample Simon's DNA to see if it would help? He is unique but nonetheless an angel.” Zeldris began to dig into his food.

“With his and your permission of course,” Gar nods.

“You best take Gar’s warning about the Incinerate Skill of the dragonlord seriously,” came a man’s voice from across the table. Everyone turned to see Edward crunching on an apple as red as his coat and twice as shiny, “I heard you wanted a favor.” Zeldris turns to Gar scowling, “Don’t be like that, he didn’t even know I was coming. Like I told you last time, I am keeping an eye on you.”

Zeldris let out a sigh, “Hello there, Edward. I told your brother that I would get along better with you, and I will try. But don’t spy on me, you creep,” He said with a glare. “But yes, your help would be appreciated if you are willing to help us,” Zeldris said, trying to be polite.

“Try and stop me from keeping myself entertained," Ed smirks as he nonchalantly finishes his fruit, "And what do you need my help with?” Ed asks, leaning back in his chair. “I don’t mean to be pushy, it’s just I am on a summons right now so not a whole lot of focus is dedicated to this fragment of my at the moment.”

“Gar came up with the idea of making a goddess serum by using the DNA of multiple goddess hybrids. Your help would help us finish up a lot sooner but we can do it on our own if you're so busy.”

“Genetics is still a newer field of study for me, but if I can clone a body for my niece using her adoptive siblings to fill in gaps with the original gene source this would be easy,” Ed says holding up his hand and a silver cloud comes from his arm and forms into a silver orb, “You have to love nanomachines. They’ll format into anything you need and are linked to the void network for info on what’s going on outside your universe. They can also act as a fabrication and material creation unit. I can leave an AI central unit if you want me to so it can act independently should you need it to.”

“I do appreciate it, but I would rather not rely on you unless I have to. You can leave an AI here while you go back to your summons but I will send it with Gar when he goes home.” Zeldris said as he took a bit out of an apple. “Oh, but can the nanomachines do what the nanomachines in the manhwa Nanomachine can?” A sparkle could be seen in his eyes.

“I understand and respect that," Ed shrugs, "These can do whatever you want them to,” Ed says, sticking his finger into the orb causing it to ripple like water. “They just can't generate organic matter outside, say, composite wood or dead wood. They can repair your body but that depends on what you have to spare.” He pulls his finger back and the orb morphs into a mini-Zeldris. “Say hello to chibi-Zeldris, or Zel for short, no pun intended. He’ll follow your order and is still connected to the void net. Another thing you need to know is these Nanites are infused with harmony magic and made of the same stuff my arm is so they’re indestructible, so even from your greater break item abilities. Whenever not in use he’ll float around making materials like Uru, vibranium, etc… You can also carry him inside your body for a quick med kit.”

‘Ok I have to admit, that’s pretty awesome!’ Zeldris thought keeping a straight face. “I may just keep it after all. But we are getting off-topic, can you help us in making the goddess serum?” The demon asked seriously. But before Ed could answer Zeldris called Simon over using Message and asked for a piece of his hair, which Simon gave him. The angel left afterward. “Here you go Gar.” Zeldris sent the hair over with magic. “Simon's race possesses the ability to disrupt the flow of magic with their magic eye, so I wonder if you’ll get that perk.”

“Thank you,” Gar takes the hair and starts to process it. “These abilities will come in most handy.”

“Your serum is done by the way,” Ed points to Zel. On the chibi’s back, there were six vials of glowing white glowing liquid. “I used the blood sample I took from Gar’s world, my wives, and your princess to create it. Use it well. Now I must bid goodbye for now. I need to stop a crazy sonic based Pikachu from hurting his girlfriend. I look forward to seeing your fight with Torch, Zeldris,” He smiles and then fades away.

“Why would I fight Torch? We intend to solve this peacefully..” Zeldris mumbled. He then looked to mini him. “Your name will be Mel for confusion purposes. And make your hair blonde like Meliodas.”

“Name change accepted,” Mel says, changing its hair to blonde. “Ownership acknowledged. Greetings, I am Mel, your personalizable Void net chibi. I look forward to our adventures together lord Zeldris.” It bows. “What are my orders?”

“Go explore or something, I’ll call you back when you are needed,” Zeldris said, shooing Mel away with his hand. “Oh wait, Gar do you need anything?”

“I will leave your serum here then,” Mel says, dropping the vials before floating off.

“No,” Gar says, stuffing his face. “Though what my brother said brings up concerns. A fight with the dragonlord may be unavoidable at this point.”

“No worries, I’ll just nuke him,” Zeldris said with a smile on his face. “But hopefully it doesn’t come to that.”

“Let’s not forget in Overlord, dragons were one of the few things, if not the only race, that Ainz was wary of when he was in the Yggdrasil and the new world. You may have a weakness against them,” Gar voices his concerns, giving Zeldris a point to think over.

“Hmm… you make a fair point,” Zeldris agrees with Gar. “Well then, should we make our way to the castle, or do you want to see if the girls want to take the serum?”

“I’ll wait till we return home and ask them then,” Gar says, taking three of the vials and placing them inside his body. “That way I can be sure it is what they want to do. For now, let us go.”

Before they left Zeldris grabbed the three remaining vials and stuck them on his inventory.

At Canterlot Castle, 30 minutes earlier

While the two displaced were conversing over breakfast, Dragonlord Torch was already at Canterlot Castle.

“It has been some time Celestia! And it's been even longer since I last saw you, Luna!” Torch said in his loud voice. He had to look down to see the two princesses because of his massive ten-foot self. Luna was only 6’9 while Celestia was 7 foot. It was quite intimidating for them, and that’s not even counting how big his Dragon form is.

“Ah yes it is good to see you to Dragon Lord Torch,” Celestia said with a short bow.

“Torch! Did you get bigger in the last millennia? You're massive!” Luna said as she flew up eye level to him.

Luna and Torch were good friends before she got sent to the moon.

“Maybe a little?” The huge dragon said as he scratched his chin. He let out a sigh before becoming more diplomatic. “I wish we were here under better circumstances… but a dragon was murdered in your territory, breaking our 1,000 years of peace. I demand the head of the one who killed my kin or your kingdom will feel my wrath!” Torch bent over to make eye contact with Celestia. After he was done talking a stream of streams blew out of his nose. He was furious.

A few moments went by as Celestia thought over the dragon lord's words. “Surely we can discuss another option of compensation. You know that we do not condone the old ways of the world in Equestria….” Seeing the look in Torch’s eyes made Celestia stop talking. She went to start up again but Luna beat her to it.

“Guards! Leave us!” The guards hesitated for a moment but left. Luna looked at Torch and gave him a nod. Torch picking up on her message sent his guards and advisors away as well. “I will be truthful with you old friend. The one who killed your kin is someone of great power… one that I and my sister struggle to face at times. We have called him here today so that you can cast judgment upon him yourself, but I will let you know that your Kin isn’t truly dead.” Hearing this shocked Torch.

“That is impossible, the head was displayed for all of Canterlot to see! I was given images of the head myself and I can say for certain it was real-” Luna raised her hand stopping his outburst.

“I was not finished talking!” Luna raised her voice and flexed her magic. Celestia was surprised to see her little sister taking control of the situation. However, Torch was having none of it.

Torch flexed his overwhelming magic right back at Luna. His magic enveloped the room which caused the room to rise in temperature. “You may be my friend Luna, but do not push me.” Torch said in a cold voice.

They both stopped their magic.

“As I was saying, the Dragon is alive. And I would like to say that it was that very dragon who started the conflict! He was the one who slaughtered our battalions in the area who went to issue our order for him to leave because he was poisoning the environment.” Torch’s eyes showed shock but soon went back to his cold gaze. “If not for personal reasons which I care not to say, you are lucky WE didn’t declare war on YOU! Zeldris, the one who tamed the dragon and showed that illusion to the public, was the one who satiated the citizens' rage, stopping a petition of war from ever taking place!” Luna was now staring back at Torch with a glare. Celestia was to her side looking up at Torch studying him. “You are the one who should not push ME, Torch.”

The tension in the air was high. Neither side wanted to go to war with each other but both sides were harmed in different ways.

“I see that there was still information I did not know…” Torch spoke as he hummed in thought.

“Why don’t we all settle down and discuss over brunch?” Celestia pitched in.

“That sounds lovely, Celestia.” Torch agreed.

“Very well then.” Luna sighed.

Present time...

Celestia, Luna, and Torch sat on an open hill not too far away from the Castle. They spoke every now and again but mostly just ate in silence thinking over the things that were said.

“Oh yes... by all means give each other the silent treatment,” Said a voice, the trio turns to see a blonde man in a red hooded coat stand not far away sipping on some hot tea. “Because silence between those you consider friends solves so much,” he opens his eyes to reveal amber sclera.

“Who are you?” Celestia asked curiously as she took a sip of her tea, she could tell that he was one of Zeldris's kind, a displaced person. Luna and Torch were also curious about the man's arrival. “And this silence is necessary, as we are collecting our thoughts.”

“I can tell,” he says looking directly at the three rulers, “Cause you all have so much on your minds, and yes I can read your minds but I’m not as that would be very rude,” he sets his teacup in the air and bows, “My name is Edward Elric, and I go be the monicure of the Crimson Sage you may call me Ed. It is nice to meet you. I am afraid I didn’t extend the courteously last time I was in your world, and yes I am a Displaced but know I answer to myself and only myself.”

“You talk too much, boy.” Torch said, looking Ed in the eyes. “Now if you have nothing else to say, leave, we are busy.” Torch made a mental note to ask the princesses what a displaced is after tensions settle down.

“Boy, you call me boy,” Ed glares, “And just how old do you think I am, Torch. I can tell you this, even this copy of me can blast a hole in your head and not even bat an eye. Don’t test me, boy.”

Torch began to laugh. “Did you hear him, Luna? He addressed me without my title! And had the balls to threaten me.” Torch slammed his hand on the table and flexed his magic, “I don’t know who you are, or what ludicrous fantasies you speak of, but if you dare to threaten me again… I will Incinerate you on the spot.” He ended with a glare.

“Go ahead and use your Incinerate skill on me,” Ed smiles with a light-hearted. “I won’t lift a finger to stop you. Just so you two know,” he looks at the sisters. “I am far stronger than you and your captain combined as well as much, much older.”

This immediately puts the two on high alert. Torch senses this from the sisters and decides to settle down some. “That was a wise decision, old friend.” Luna started. “Because if what this Sage says is true then none of us stand a chance.”

“That begs the question, why have you come here?” Celestia asked.

“To make a point known,” Ed holds up a finger, “Don’t fuck with my baby brother or his friends. He may think otherwise but I do hold a good bit of respect for your captain, sins. And if you dare raise a hand to my brother or Zeldris,” he unleashes massive waves of power and magic along with a cold-blooded killing intent. “I will come after you and neither your souls nor corpses will be left behind. Understand?”

After facing the overwhelming power that Ed displayed, all three nodded their heads.

“Good, now I have other business to attend to,” a portal opens behind the sage. “Just so you know, only the more powerful members of the displaced can freely travel to other universes. You’d be wise to remember that as Zeldris ages and grows stronger. Have a good day rulers of this world,” he says coldly walking into the portal and it closes.

“You two, I need you to tell me more about displaced and whatever these Sins are. Immediately.” Torch said in a deadly serious tone.

“Well… umm…”

A few minutes of explaining later…

“Do you two realize how much of a threat this is to our kingdoms?! No! How much of a threat this is to our world!?!” Torch practically shouted in the two princesses' faces.

Before the princess could respond, they saw a figure out in the distance. Soon it was clear enough to make out. Gar was flying their way with Zeldris on his back. The two landed and Zeldris walked down off of Gars tail to the ground.

“Is this Torch?” Zeldris asked as he looked at Gar.

“Matches his description from what Spike has told me,” Gar notes. “My older brother has been here too. I smell his power over everything.”

“That must be the source of this magic lingering around… I wonder why he showed up here?” He looked at the princesses. “Did a lanky-looking blonde guy show up here?” Zeldris asked as he crossed his arms.

He got nods as a response.

Torch turned around to see a short demon and a monster that was taller than him. However, he immediately sensed that these two were demons and prepared to fight them.

“Wait, Torch! Those are the two displaced that we told you about!” Luna yelled and ran up to the dragon.

“You never told me they were demons! Demons are our number one enemy Luna!” Torch said in response, raising his magic higher. Luna flinched at his words.

“Demon he says, technically I am a parasyte with demon, fairy, and saiyan attributes and appendages,” Gar says flatly, swishing his tail. “Just so you know, I am also one of the sins, though a stand-in in actuality, I am the reigning fairy king as well.”

Torch was caught off guard. In the far past, the fairies and dragons stood side by side. Their people were one in the same. Until one day all of the fairies vanished from the world. “How is a monster like you the Fairy King?”

“I wield the spirit spear Basquias,” Gar scowls as the spear forms from the thorns around his neck. “That is how. I guard the forest from atop the sacred tree. I watch over the fairies born in my forest. Do not question how I am the king, I just am,” he glowers at the dragonlord with disdain.

“Your people, the fairies, were close allies with my ancestors.” Torch said as he shook his head. “It is a shame that I will have to kill you here… I cannot let a demon rule the fairies! I don’t care what that amber-eyed man says!”

“So he issued a threat,” Gar notes. “You would be wise to heed my older brother's warning dragon lord Torch. I have no quarrel with you or your kind in this world nor do I wish to start one. I am only here to support my friend,” he motioned to Zeldris. “But if you do intend to fight me, know I am not an easy opponent to take down,” his eyes narrow as he flexes his killing intent and bloodlust. “I don’t like to fight like many of my kind, I only do it when I must.”

“Torch please calm down, let us continue our discussions! Let’s not resort to violence,” Celestia pleads with Torch.

She doesn’t want one of Luna’s oldest friends to get hurt, or worse, killed.

Torch looked down at Zeldris who was standing there with an impatient look on his face. He then looks back at Gar. Judging that Zeldris is the weaker one, Torch catches Zeldris off guard and kicks him.

“What the f—” is all Zeldris can say before he gets sent flying. Gar shook his head.

Rushing to where Zeldris is, Torch's wings appear on his back to boost his speed. Zeldris, perfectly fine, gets up from off the ground with an annoyed look on his face. “Stupid ass motherfucker kicking me like that.” He sees the dragon charging him, so Zeldris does the same. They clash, sending a small shockwave throughout the area.

“So that tiny fists of yours can actually punch?” Torch says with a smile on his face.

Zeldris's expression never changes from being annoyed responds, “Shut up.”

The two jump back and start charging up their attacks. Torch goes for a breath attack so Zeldris does the same.

“Burn to ashes!” Torch yelled as a stream of fire exploded from his mouth.

“Cero!” A crimson energy beam comes from Zeldris's mouth and counters Torches fire.

The demon uses Soru to appear in front of Torch’s face and slaps him to the ground. While Torch is still on the ground Zeldris slams into his stomach with his knee. Torch however reverted into a half-dragon state. His scales took the impact from Zeldris's knee attack. The demon hopped off of Torch and studied him.

Now Torch had two big horns on the sides of his head, and scales littered across his body. He also spotted a tail that had a sharp end, looking to be made for piercing. His hands and feet now were fully covered in scales and had claws extended from them

“Round two!” Torch yelled as shooting fire at Zeldris. Stepping to the side the fire missed him. However, the fireball turned around and hit Zeldris in the back.

“Hraaa...” Zeldris let out a sigh. The wound heals immediately but his homemade shirt now has a big hole in the back. Slightly pissed off, Zeldris kicked the ground. “I just made this shit.. I don't feel like wasting time on you anymore.” Teleporting next to Torch’s head Zeldris delivers a kick sending the dragon flying. “I’m tagging out Gar, he ruined my mood. Have fun.” The demon teleported back to the table the princesses were at. He made a new shirt and put it on.

Gar quickly flies in and spins his spear with one hand, “With pleasure,” he smiles looking at the dragonlord. “My oldest brother warned you, and you chose not to heed him but I think he already knew that you wouldn’t listen,” he shakes his head. “Well, let's start things off right then. I am Gar, The Fairy King, Smiling Monster of the Everfree, and Stand-in Boar Sin of Gluttony, I look forward to this match.”

Torch stared at the hybrid in front of him. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to win this fight. He underestimated the smaller demon.. a mistake he won’t be making with this one. Especially with the information that this demon is the brother of the amber eyed being.

“I am Torch, the ruler of all dragons. The Dragon Lord.” The dragon lord began to grow in size until he towered over Gar. As he grew he began to take on more Draconic features. Scales began to form all over his body forming a type of armor. “I will Incinerate you and all of your kind.” He said in a low voice looking down at Gar.

“You’re more than welcome to start Dragonlord,” Gar motions with his clawed hand. “I was never one for fighting when I was younger but since my revival, I've taken somewhat of a liking to it, but don’t take that as I spread violence unnecessarily mind you. I'll give you the opening move,” he says as his eyes grow stern but continues to smile, throwing Torch for a bit of a loop.

“As you wish.” Torch said ignoring the ignorance of his foe. If the hybrid monster wanted to give him the advantage then who cares.

Torch knelt down and put his hands on the ground. They began to glow red, as did the ground. “Volcanic Eruption!” The dragon king yelled out when the ground under Gar exploded into a magma stream shooting into the sky. Seeing this as a chance, Torch began to prepare for a breath attack.

“So,” Gar looks around with intrigue, “You can cast an area effect to alter terra around you. I’d expect nothing less than this from the current Dragonlord,” he smiles wickedly, “My turn,” Gar extends his arms, “Grand Forest of the Elements!” Suddenly from the ground erupt several trees but there make was of a wide array of elements ranging from ice to steel, the didn't show any signs of stress for the dragon lords lava either.

Seeing the incoming attack Torch released the built-up fire breath towards it. He managed to negate some of the attacks but a lot of it went through and hit him head-on.

“You bastard!” Torch yelled out. The elements didn't pierce Torch’s thick scales but they still caused damage. Torch grabbed a piece of steel off the ground and charged at Gar with it, acting like it was a sword.

“Kaioken,” Gar says as a red aura quickie covers him and he quickly lands an uppercut on Torsh’s jaw sending him back, Gar looks at the dragonlord, “Black Breath!” Gar spews a solid Black Hellflare spews from his mouth on the dragon lord destroying the steel in his hand and part of his clothing.

Torch grabbed his jaw, feeling that the scales were cracked. ‘This hybrid packs a punch.’ He thought as he ripped off the remains of his clothing, his scales covering his entire body. Out of Torch's wings, spikes grew, and his tail got sharper. He launched the spikes from his wingtips and followed after them. Gar blocked the spikes with little effort, but as he was doing so Torch stabbed him with his tail.

“Seems I underestimated you,” Gar morphs his body around to face Torch, also shocking the dragon. “I simple Kaioken is not enough,” Gar takes hold of Torch’s tail and spins before throwing him off. The wound quickly healing, “Let me show you my battle from RAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

Gar roars and this time a golden aura envelops him as his eyes turn into a cerulean with golden spiked hair. Purple lightning randomly coming from his body, “Multiple,” he says and his spears separates into several short swords, “I will show you not to mock me or the fairies, Dynamic Thrust,” the sword blade all glow red, “Dynamic Assault!” Gar throws his hand forward and the swords all rush the dragon lord at once.

Having little to no time to react, Torch’s body began to glow a bright red making the earth melt beneath him. As the swords got closer to him, his body sank into the ground. However, he wasn’t able to dodge them all. His right horn was blown off and he suffered a blow to his right eye, rendering him blind in it. He made it into the ground, but Gar could hear what he was doing. Torch was swimming over to Gar, as the ground turned to magma when he touched it.

Torch, thinking he had the upper hand, grabbed Gar’s leg and dragged him down into the magma pool.

“It burns!” Gar cries out, “IT BURNS!” Torch smirks, “IT keheehe ahaahahahaHAHAHAAA! JUST KIDDING!” Torch then realizes he just stepped in it, big time, “Absolute Zero,” Gar smiles as his body chills to the point the even the magma instantly starts to freeze. The Dragonlord quickly releases the Fairy King and flies into the sky.

The fairy King then digs his way out of the frozen ground, his ability to change elements even starts to surprise Zeldris as the Demon Lord smiles at the battle noting his friend’s vastly improved strength since the last time they met.

“Tell me Dragon Lord,” Gar looks up, “Are you satisfied or do you still wish to not heed the warning you were so politely given?”

As Torch looked down at Gar his face contorted into one of anger. “Are you mocking me… the Dragon Lord!” He descends to the ground a few yards away from Gar. Smoke starts to come out of his nose and mouth. “I could have incinerated you at any point in time, hybrid! DO NOT TELL ME TO HEED YOUR WARNINGS! INCINERATION CLAWS!” Torch’s claws lit on fire that and he swiped at Gar, sending the fire claws through the air at Gar, making a wave of fire blocking Gar’s vision.

“You think to block the eyes on my face will blind me HAHAHAAHAHA!” Gar reels back in laughter as eyes come randomly out of him, “I can generate any organ I need as need anywhere on my body you idiot!” Bloodlust overflows from the Fairy King, Throwing the fire from his face Gar class at the Dragonlord, “You were warned by my brother, by the princesses, by Zeldris, and by me! I AM DONE BEING NICE!”

Gar roars as a golden aura erupts from his and the field is wiped clean. Gar swipes his hand across in front of him creating several ki blasts that fire on Torch. The dragon is fast but not fast enough to dodge all of them as he soars through the air.

“Right here!” Torch hears and looks to see Gar next to him as he lands a sucker punch to the face sending him down into the ground. Gar rockets down slamming his feet into the lord’s stomach. He holds his right hand up and covers it in the Yggdra Armor then slams it into the ground next to Torch’s head, Gar bends down, “You lose.”

Torch’s wounds burn as he looks up to Gar. “No no no no no… I am the dragon lord… the strongest of the dragons.” He mumbles to himself. Gar looks down at him, his emotionless face making torch even angrier. As torch talked a white glow was forming in the back of his throat, Gar didn’t pay it any mind, he thought it was a last-ditch attack that Torch was going to try.

“I’ll show you… WHY I WAS NAMED THE DRAGONLORD!” A sense of dread washed over all of the people present. “INCINERATE!” A pure white stream of fire shot at Gar. At this point, Gar was already trying to escape Torch’s blast, but he didn’t act quick enough.

“GAR!” Zeldris appeared and pushed gar out of the way. And in the process losing his left arm.

Torch got up and looked on with a face of pure joy. “Hahahahaha! Look at you pathetic demons!”

“Zeldris!” Gar splits his form one going after Torch, immobilizing him via contorting around the lord's body with black flaming teeth at his throat, “Doing something you’ll regret, I welcome it, bastard!”

Zeldris tried to recall his arm to him, but nothing came back to him. Torch’s Incinerate, utterly destroys anything it touches. This caused him to realize that his arm was gone, for good. ”MY ARM!”

The other Gar rushes to Zeldris's side as the demon lord writhes out in pain, “THIS WILL HURT!”

“DO IT ALREADY!” Zeldris yelled out. His anger starting to overflow.

Gar nods and holds up his right arm and cuts the still flame piece of what remains of his friend’s arm off. ‘There's only one way to do this,” Gar thinks, ‘I have to merge with him and give him a piece of my own flesh to replace his last arm.’ Gar’s arm morph into several small toothed tendrils that Quickly dig into Zeldris’s flesh causing even more excruciating pain.

Gar does his best to take a small piece of Zeldris’s flesh and absorb then only into his arm, “Regulating blood flow, “ Gar says as he feels a surge then, “GRAAAAA!” Pain shoots through his own body as he shares Zeldris’s sense for a moment and then he is thrown back by a surge of white energy.

“I did what I could,” Gar huffs as the screaming dies down and the twins help their master to his feet.

“Did it work?” Yuki asks.

“Ask him yourself,” Gar huffs, “Never that I could transplant a piece of myself onto someone else, Now we know your summoning works too.”

“Easy there,” Adreana says comforting her master. “Splitting into so quickly and then the operation left ya a bit winded.”

“Gar, what did you do to my arm,” Zeldris looks down at his newly attached left arm.

“That bastard Torch.” The demon lord says coldly as the sky darkens above them.

Black lightning bolts of pure darkness rain down all around them. In his anger, he created a storm of darkness.

“Sorry, but there was no saving your old arm,” Gar explains, “That’s what his skill does. It destroys anything the flames touch. So I gave you a bit of myself to make up for that loss.”

Zeldris looks over his new hand and then over examining the other side. He stares at the back of his hand that seemed to have some sort of gold ornamentations that were on his knuckle; lines that ran along the back of his finger with a red gem in the center along with two golden spikes at the base of his wrist. Suddenly, a large red-eye opens replacing the gem allowing the demon lord to look back at himself. Zeldris smirks and closes the eye and lets his hand fall back to his side.

“It can do everything I can, just on a smaller scale,” Gar cackles at it and then notices something. “Is it getting darker?” Just then the sister teleport in.

“Whichever one of you is making it rain down Darkness, stop at once! You are causing the destruction of my pony's homes.” Celestia starts to speak before Luna could.

Zeldris realized what he was doing and the darkness and clouds cleared up, but the sky was still dark. He looked at the two sisters. “That isn’t my power anymore.”

Gar looks to the sky, “It’s an eclipse, a solar eclipse.” Gar turns his attention back to the sisters, “You two are the only ones with these magical affinities. Zeldris is strong but he can’t cause a solar eclipse without blackening the sky out. This is your doing, not ours.”

Celestia looked at Luna who only shook her head in response. “You are wrong, neither of us are the ones making this eclipse. We can't move either the sun or the moon from their current positions,” Celestia said back to Gar.

“What my sister says is true. When I saw the eclipse I tried to move the moon back but quickly found it to be firmly anchored in place by a much stronger lunar magic. Much stronger than either myself or my sister possess,” Luna explains to her captain and fellow sins.

Gar’s attention then fell to Torch, “What have you done?”

Torch only looked at the two demons with hate in his eyes. That’s when a wave of magic washed over them.

“You feel it too, don't you Gar… this magic.” Zeldris looked up to his friend. His own magic flaring up.

Gar turns his attention back to the sky as red electricity starts to spark in front of the eclipse far above the group high in the skies, “This power,” he starts to shake, “He can’t be…. Is he really this strong?”

"I have a feeling he still holding a lot back," Zeldris says clearly disheveled by this new presence high in the skies above the group.

The red electricity then from a gate then solidifies into a large white blank door. The doors fling open to reveal a vast blackness that can swallow even the brightest of lights. Slowly, a large ball drops from the gate before the gate closes and vanishes.

“What is that thing?” Yuki asks as she shakes in fear.

“That thing is bad news,” Adreana grits her teeth as she tries to keep calm.

“He.. is pissed,” Zeldris says as he turns to look at the two angels.

Two things unfold from the sphere to reveal silver that then unfolds to reveal they are silver feathered wings with the first being draconic-like wings. Four arms make themselves known, folded by two legs and a long tail. The light reflects to show red twisted metal and bone as the finger left its head to show a skull head with a large maw of teeth, twin small horns, and a singular cold blue and pink eye a gaping hole in the middle of the throat. On the chest, something doesn't reveal a large slanted golden eye with a ripple pattern with Tomo on the line and the ouroboros in the center for a pupil.

The figure then let out a noise in the voices of many,


Torch looked up nervously. “Disgusting demon.” He said with fear and hate present in his eyes.

Zeldris looked at Gar. “I didn’t know he could transform into that... Did you?”

“I…. Had no idea,” Gar gulps hard.

Suddenly the creature disappears only to instantly be in front of everyone, or more accurately, towering over them dwarfing even Canterlot’s attached mountain. Upon getting close up everyone could see thousands upon thousands of eyes, mouths, and hands making up the creature's form. Zeldris reached out with his senses and a shiver ran down his spine, the creature's body was made of still-living souls.

“Gar get your other self off of Torch quickly! We don’t know what your brother is going to do!” Zeldris quickly said to Gar.

Gar quickly complied, releasing the dragon lord and merging back into his original form. Just as one of the creature's hands reaches out and picks up Torched with a forefinger and thumb lifting him up to the monster's eye.

The eye stares into the shaking lord, “I WARNED YOU DIDN’T I!” It bellows, “I warned you not to challenge them and you still did! Now, you shall pay!” The beast opens its bout and several shadow hands slowly come for Torch.

“A demon like you can never order me, THE DRAGONLORD around! INCINERATE!” Torch fires off another incinerate flame at the huge monster in front of him. “DIE YOU MONSTER!” He spoke through his flames.

“PATHETIC LIZARD!” The beast roars, blowing out the flames like a candle. “You are not fit to be dragonlord anymore. I will consume your soul as punishment for taking my little brother's arm!” Torch’s eyes shrank, “Who do you think you are to order me around!? I can walk between the universes with ease, even this eclipse is nothing for me to do! I sent a fragment of myself before to speak with you but now you have my FULL ATTENTION!”

Torch looks down at the two demons he fought previously in horror. Zeldris was rubbing his new arm as he looked up at Ed. And Gar looked up at his big brother with a small smile. Then he looked back to the monster that was holding him. “Those are your siblings?!” Torch yelled out in confusion. “I see the resemblance now, how all three of you are pathetic demons!” Torch could barely spit out the words because of how bad his body was trembling from fear. ‘I’m sorry Ember..’ he thought with regret. ‘If only I didn’t let my pride and anger get to me.’

Ed throws the lord up and then grabs hold with a clenched fist. He squeezed, “Shut your pathetic mouth lizard!” Torch can’t even speak, “They didn't start anything, you DID! It is you and the ilk like you that can’t accept the fact that on both sides there are good and evil! You being the latter,” he slams Torch into the ground, “Your daughter will make a better lord than you…” the shadows spread over Torch, “I will leave nothing of you behind, not even bone!” He glares, “YOUR SOUL WILL MAKE A NICE WEAPON FOR ZELDRIS TO USE IN THE COMING FIGHTS!”

Zeldris appeared next to the dying dragon lord. He placed his right arm over Torch’s face and took out his soul. “Are you sure you don’t want to keep this for yourself?” He questioned looking at Ed.

“A puppet would be the better choice in my book,” Gar adds as a tendril shoots out gathering up a large quantity of Torch’s spilled blood.

“I am fed by a never-ending wellspring of souls little brother,” Ed says as Zeldris eyes widen, “One more dragon makes no difference to me, though choose your next move carefully Zeldris. There is no stopping the war with the dragons now. Torch already sealed that fate when he attacked you.”

Zeldris looked between his two brothers. “I understand the point in keeping a puppet but,” a wicked smile appeared on Zeldris's face. “Who needs a puppet when you are going to war? The dragons started something that they can’t win, and I plan to exterminate them.”

“No,” Gar interrupts, “Subjugate them Zeldris. We’ll need as many forces on our side as we can get. They will make a great addition to your forces, willing or otherwise.”

Zeldris thought about what Gar said before speaking. “I will give them a chance. But those who decide to not take my offer will die. I will need to speak to the next Dragonlord to see how things turn out.”

“When you do show her this,” Ed drops a crystal from his body. “It is a recording of the fight with Gar. Also, take one of his horns after Gar costumes the rest of the body, that way there's something left to honor in his tomb in the Dragonlands. The dragons will accept his defeat and his choice to attack starting the war. His daughter is names Ember and though she will harbor no wish for war she will carry out her father's last wish.”

Zeldris nodded and broke off the remaining horn that torch had, he planned to hand it to Ember personally. “Gar, can I extract his DNA since I have this arm?” He asked, thinking about taking the power of Incinerate for himself.

“You will gain some of his powers but not all of them,” Gar explains. “Incinerate is a skill that all dragons have so that is a given. Be Careful with what you absorb though as it can affect you in adverse ways, like that of goddess flesh.”

“I must take my leave little brothers,” Ed says as he looks at the cowering princesses, “Do forgive the intrusion. The sun and moon are yours again. Don’t fear to call me,” he says to Zeldris as he turns to ash to be blown away in the wind.

“Remind me to never piss him off,” Adreana says.

Zeldris placed his left hand on Torch’s head and absorbed some of his blood. Soon a fiery sensation spread throughout his body. He grabbed his chest in pain and then ate the soul that was still in his hand. The pain died down and Zeldris looked at Gar in confusion. “Do you feel pain like this when you absorb something?”

“Whenever I have a permanent integration, yes,” Gar nods. “Whenever I use magic, no. You won’t get used to either.”

Looking at his arm he looked back to Gar. “Will your body be ok? I am the son of the demon king, one of the strongest demons there is. Your body might experience some negative effects from the darkness you absorbed.” As his eyes left Gar they landed on his hollow hole. “And I am part Arrancar. So expect a new source of energy.”

“I expect something will happen over the coming days,” Gar sighs, “But I plan to take it easy for a while. I have young minds to teach back home. Be Careful with that arm though,” Gar points, “You can regenerate it if you consume enough living or fresh flesh, plant or animal will work either way,” Zeldris nods, “I believe it is time for me to go. He stands up and the sisters are at his sides. “I wish you luck Zeldris, goodbye for now, brother,” he raised his right fist.

Zeldris looks to his old friend, his brother, and walks over, extending his fist. Which Gar readily returned. “It was good to see you, take care, brother.” He then looks at the angel sisters. “I’ll tell Simon that you two said bye.”

“Thank you father,” Yuki bows.

“Yea, thanks pops,” Adreana snickers.

“To the forest,” Gar points up and he summons his spear and the trio takes flight and soon disappears into the sky.

“Brothers huh… I wonder how Damien is doing.” Zeldris said lost in thought as he looked at his new family leaving.