Down the Darkened Path

by Shawn820

First published

"I had to give in for the others... But at least my soul is free, unlike you demons..."

Rick was a simple man, a engineer as he put it. In his world the land remained medieval, there was no need to advance.
Everything is going down.
He took his life to save those others.

But the gods repaid him for what he did.
And foolishly told another false thing.
[Story and Description going under chance Re-Write, meaning I might edit some things. Story should remain the same though.]


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Down the Darkened Road:

Listen to this with it

Finally, done...

I’ve done it...

I found him. The Demon of Insanity.

He plagued our lands with his brothers, and with each one I saw more and more death in these lands. Those who stood beside me have died, and I was forced to bear the death of those people on my shoulders. I could have done more... I could have saved them... But instead I failed to keep them alive.

The Knights who stood by my side into battle.

My friends who didn’t listen to me when I said to stay away.

All those people, their towns corrupted, destroyed, and set ablaze.

No more... No more!

I stand here with the Blade of the Spirit. The only sword that could ever hurt the gods and demons themselves. The seven gods and seven demons, For every god had its opposite.

Clarity, Insanity

Charity, Greed

Sacrifice, Summoning

Order, Chaos

The list goes on, but now it is time. They said I wouldn’t survive this fight, I...

I have to die.

Give a soul for another to leave. I thought that there could be another way. There should be, has to be... But no. The gods weaken with every moment I waste and now that I stand here I stand to my grave, with a sword in hand.

I walk into the tomb, sword ready to strike. He knows he won’t survive, but at the same time he will take his fate knowing he took the one who took all his brothers down as well. Even in death he laughs at me, mocking the fact that I die too, but he still has fear... He doesn’t want to die, and I know this to be a fact. His whispers float in this tomb.

Just give in. There is no hope. Leave and let me rule, and you get to live.

“Demon! Your whispers won’t work, I’ve decided what I must do. Those people died just so I could make it here. They died by your brothers and sisters! Just so we could kill you all and bid you of this world! You Demons have burned the land, bloodied the soil and crumbled the towns. But no more, I stand before you. The only one left who would try to kill you, for you slayed the others, and I stand here looking at a empty tomb with your idiotic whispers!

Show yourself!

With that said, I hear clapping looking to my left, there he is. His darkened figure a black robe with red running through it, his eyes pitch black and around them, their veins just as black. I clench the sword in my hands, it glows slightly. It all comes down to this...

From day one, they ran out of the mines, screaming in fear...

“Demons!” they shouted. Most didn’t listen, but I thought I would take a look.

His cackling, I hear it to today. They destroyed the town, and the one after, and again...

The only place with the knowledge to get rid of demons,

The bedrock library.

Only those pure of heart can enter, those with good intents. We learned to create the Spiritual Bane to rid us of their existence. A item that showed the Gods and Demons. Clarity and Insanity made up the blade, Clear glass, and Fogged glass. It took ages to make but I did it, and then they asked me.

To wield it into battle.

And so we fought... And fought...

And our numbers dropped...

And I was left alone...

I looked to the demon, the sword weakening him to a mortal state that I can attack. This sword could kill gods and demons with ease. I chose to kill these demons to place their souls back into the place they belong.

Contained, and left alone.

The closer I get the more he laughs. He laughs at his death. He laughs at all those who died because of him. He laughs at those towns he destroyed. Most of all though, He laughs,

For I will die when he does.

“The one who slays the last demon with the blade will die along with him...” Clarity said to us... “I’m sorry, but there is no other way...”

I stand next to the demon, he continues to laugh away. I lift the blade halfway when he grabs the blade itself and moves my arm to have the blade on his throat.

His laugh calms down to chuckles. “Do it, You know you can’t. If you kill me you die as well.” He raised his arms to his sides. “Look around you! All of them DEAD and not one is here to stand by your side as you die.” He laughs more and more, louder and louder.

I looked him dead in the eyes. “Your right and wrong. They may not be by my side but they damn well are with me!” I yelled angrily, as I slashed the blade across his throat. The body will die like a mortal should but I made the mistake, he grabs his throat as he dies, but at the same time, my breathing has stopped.

And now I get to die by suffocating to death.

I clutched my throat as I could not breath, and the last thing I think about is,

Anyone could have done it, but I’m glad I did it. I die now, but my spirit is free...

I fell to my knees, then to my side. I closed my eyes, I gave in to death...

Stop current song and switch to this.

And then I opened my eyes once more.

In a layer of the sky, clouds around me, and the sky so bright.

“You have done it.”

I turned to the right to come face to face with what I believe to be Clarity. His voice is the same so I have to say it is.

“Clarity? I... I have died, haven't I?” I began to say, sorrow filled my voice for I did not want to die, not yet at least.

Yes you have. But I must say to you, you have showed so much to fight for, but what did you have to fight for?”

“The only ones who were with me, my friends.”

But not of your family.

I shook my head. “They died so long ago for me.”

Something caught my attention. “Where are the others? Your brothers and sisters?”

Fear not, they are working on the world below. But you have cleared the sights of most for which I do not need to help, thus I can talk to you.

“What use have you to talk to me?”

He chuckled a light hearted laugh, “Oh my dear boy, I talk to you for you have done the job in which us gods could not.

“Anyone could have done it. I’m nothing special.”

And yet you were the one who did.

Clarity walked over to me standing by my side as the clouds cleared to the land below...


The land I lived in, and died for...

You know I can’t send you back, but I want to ask you something.

I paused for a moment. “What is it?”

“Would you like to go to another place, to live the last years of your life that you should have.”

It was a nice offer, sure I wanted to live out here in Yalin still but I have died here, I can not return, and so I looked up to the God of Clarity, and with a smile beginning to show on my face.

“I would love to...”

Clarity smiled, “I knew you would like those years, we will always be with you and keep an eye on you, in these new lands they do not know fully of us except for two of them.

“What would their names be?” I asked with a hint of curiosity.

Their names are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They know of us and we can take a moment of time to talk with them. I have spoke with them both already and they understand who you are, what you are, and what you have done.

“What I am? Are they Orc? Perhaps Dwarven?”

Clarity laughed a little, I must be wrong...

No, no, In the world you are going to it is of ponies, unicorns, pegasi, earth, and of the Princesses, Alicorn, a mix of all three. The world consists of Dragons, Griffins, Diamond Dogs, and creatures in which you have never heard of. Before you ask, no, there are no humans. I wanted to bring you to a place without the touch of a human, somewhere new for you.

I understood Clarity fine, but how would the populace of ponies take my presence? A lone human or in their eyes a creature. I just hope for the best.

Prepare yourself, be ready to land for when you arrive. I leave you with a gift, a gift of knowledge, you will be given information from the princess to help you understand their land.

I could feel myself being pulled away, towards the new land, to live out the rest of my life. As I closed my eyes, even in a spiritual form I could feel the tear roll down my cheek as I was given a second chance, another life in words...

My eyes still closed and I could feel my self drop to the ground, but I was ready, as I landed on my feet. I looked upwards and opened my eyes for the first time, and what I saw amazed me.

There before me must be the two that Clarity told me about, as I took a kneel.

“Princesses.” I said while facing the floor kneeling, arm across my chest.

“Please, you have no reason to kneel before us. Clarity has told us of your tale, and we were happy to have you come here.” I heard this voice in a light manor, one of a mother.

“Rick, you are a hero where you are from, and we were told of how your tale will be spread for years to go.” I heard this second voice, one of silk, smooth to the sound.

I began to stand up and looked at them, Celestia, as light as the sun and as motherly as well. Luna, as blissful as the moon. But behind them stood six more, two unicorns, two pegasi, and two earth ponies.

“Who might these six be?”

Celestia looked back to them and then to me again, “Let me explain in which Clarity asked me to.” she said as she placed her horn onto my head and lit it. I closed my eyes and accepted the magic in. The memories filled my head as I took on faces, names, creatures, history, and all sorts of things I would need to know.

I opened my eyes once more, “Ah, the Elements of Harmony, it is nice to meet you.” I said with another kneel. I respect those who have worked to help in such high amounts.

I could hear them talk to one another, I began to stand again looking to them, with a smile on my face.

I looked around to see the beauty of the place, and I thought outloud,

“The end of my story arrived, and now it is time for the next book to be written.”

Hello everypony, as you can see this is a new story I wanted to write, it was bothering me constantly.
So I finally wrote it. Sorry I delayed my other story but I wanted to write this out of the way.

Chapter 1: Off to a bad note

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Down the Darkened Path
Chapter 1
Off to a bad note

“I do not wish to seem rude but, may I question where I will be staying? I have built my own home in the past, I could do it again if necessary.” I wanted to know now rather than go out and know nothing of where I stay.

Celestia did not even take a minute to respond, “We thought of that beforehand, and decided from what Clarity has told us about you, you will be able to go to the town of Ponyville. It is a nice small town.”

I nodded, “I do enjoy a peaceful town, just like Gardavia.”

Everypony in the room tilted their head in confusion.

Applejack, as my memory puts, was the first to speak up. “Gar-what now?”

I chuckled, “Pardon me, I forgot you all don’t know of the town. Gardavia was a town I built with a group of people by my side, after the fall of Olvin, the western continent of my world, We fled to the eastern lands of Yalin where we built that town. After building the town I was asked to run it, they thought I was capable of doing it, I refused.”

“Why did you do that?” A lavender mare spoke from the group, Twilight, as I remember.

I shook my head, “There was someone who would be better at it than me, I did not like having people turn to me in times of need, for I fear I would let them down. Like I already have...”

“What was that sugarcube?”

I shook my head once more, “Oh, sorry, it was nothing. But, now that I think about it, I now know of the town I will be staying at but, what of the place?”

Twilight spoke up once more, “Well, you could stay with one of us, uh... Some of us...” She said while looking to Rainbow Dash.

She scratched the back of her head, “Hey, it’s not my fault that my house is made of clouds... Or, well, it is...”

I hummed in curiosity, “A house of clouds. That sounds very unique. The abillity to just take down a wall of the place and build a new room with ease. It is much easier tha-”

I was cut off by a loud low toned chuckle.

No... Not here, please let me have misheard...

“What’s this? Celestia, Luna, the elements, and... you.”

My blood felt frozen, I know this voice, he was the first to go...

The Demon of Chaos.

The voice chuckled again. “Oh please, just because I am knownby that name in another world does not mean that I am named that here.” Some... Creature appeared right before my eyes. “I am-”

“Discord!” Celestia cut him off. Discord humphed in return, “Yes, thank you Soooo much for cutting me off.”

He pointed a finger at me, slowly getting closer, “You, you're not supposed to be here. How did you get here?”

“I died getting rid of you and your brothers from my world.” I said while grabbing my chest, I can feel what he is doing... Please, not again...

“Aww well thats no fun is it? Just killing us off. Well tah tah, I have some excellent chaos to play with.” he said while snapping his fingers.

Celestia took charge quickly, “Quick we must go to the elements.” They began to run off but I had not moved, Celestia turned back to me. “Are you not coming, Rick?”

I shook my hand dismissively, still holding my chest. “You go on ahead, I have no real use, I don’t think I can use the elements anyways.” I chuckled.

“Alright then, come on, lets go.”

Celestia left with her sister and the element bearers, and the laughing began.

“Oh I KNEW that you were going to let them go on without you!”

I flipped around to face ‘Discord’ his smile still on his face, I was still holding my chest as my heart rate has doubled.

“They don’t know do they?” he said

“Know what?”

He pointed to my chest in which I was holding. “Your past.”

I snarled, “My past has been put to rest, demon.” he began to chuckle.

“Oh, man. Thats rich, you think that you can stop my brothers gift!” within a second, he was in my face and grabbed my throat, lifting me into the air. “Let me help bring the gift back.”

The mane six, Celestia and Luna rushed back into the room to see Discord dropping Rick.

Twilight was fast to respond, “Quick, now!” she yelled while firing the magic.

Discord was caught off guard, I thought I would have more time! The magic sealed him in stone once more as he dropped to the ground near Rick.

Rick was on his knees, just sitting there.

Celestia was trotting quickly towards him, “Rick, are you alright?” As she got closer she heard something coming from him,


“Hehehah, Hahahah....”


His laughter picked up as he slowly stood.

“HahahehhAHAHAHAHAHAHAH” he was twitching all around.

Celestia slowly began to back away, “Rick? What are you doing?”

Rick turned towards Celestia and what she saw scared her.

His eyes were black, the veins around his eyes bled black. He slowly began to speak and his voice was that of two.

“Hehehheahah... Sorry Celestia... Rick is a little... Distant.” Rick winced, his eyes returning to normal. He clutched his head in pain. “Gaaaah! Get out!”

Luna was the first to speak, “Rick, what is going on?”

He bounded his eyes shut. “Aaaaaah! The demons essence- Gaaaaah! Its trying to resurface!” yelling he was stumbling around crashing into the walls. His hands began to burn with a black fire like aura.

Twilight was thinking the situation through. “Would the elements help? We have them.”

Celestia looked to her. “Thats perfect, it should work and return his harmony.”

They began to charge their power as they prepared the shot, eyes glowing and the elements shining away, a ray of its power launched to Rick and in a bright light it faded.

To a shield that Rick raised, the shield as black as the aura.

Heheh hahah... You're gonna have to work harder for that to work.

Rick was hit in his side by what seemed to be a fireball. He turned his head to the right to see Celestia standing there, horn glowing.

Oh now, Celestia. You really think you can take me on?

“I can and will. But what demon are you?”

Oh, of course none of you would know... I am IηṧαᾔїTƴ

Celestia’s eyes shrunk. Of course the last one would want revenge...

Well come on then! ฿яїᾔℊ їT øη!” He yelled in a corrupted tone, taunting her.

Rick is still in there... I can’t win this fight. The gods trusted me with him, they asked me to keep him safe...

Celestia smiled a bit, Good thing I don’t need to fight. “Twilight now!”

The corrupted form of Rick turned to his right and immediately got hit in the chest by a fury of magic. The Elements to be precise.

After the fury of color was gone, all that was left was Rick laying on the floor. They looked him over to see if he was alright. Sure enough, he was.

“Jus’ what in tarnation was that?”

I was afraid of this...

He activated the essence...

“Jus’ what in tarnation was that?”

I slowly began to get up, “That, was something, I wanted to be hidden forever.”

Twilight spoke up from the rest. “What was it though?”

“A demons essence. Burned into my soul he left a strand of himself. Laughing, taunting, you name it... I sealed it off once, and I hoped to never do it again. I can still feel it there, as with you Luna.”

“What does thou mean?”

I turned to face her, “Nightmare Moon, or should I say Greed. You were fine, and you are now as well. Greed used you, you wanted more to see your night, the Demon of Greed thought you were a perfect target.” I shook my head, “You were purged of Greeds touch by the elements, it seems it can not be brought back but it left the scar. Me on the other hand, can not have it removed.”

“Wouldn’t the Elements work on you as well?” Luna asked.

I chuckled a bit. “I can still feel it, it’s a curse but at the same time, I can tell who has an untainted soul.”

I shook my head, “Lets just leave it at that. If you have any questions, small might I add, ask now before it gets too late.”

Twilight must have been prepared for she was within a second already speaking, “Can you use magic as well?”

I looked to my gloved hands, well, mostly gloved. They’re fingerless gloves. “A bit, but magic isn’t my field, sure, I know a lot about it, but I do not hold the power to hold them for long.”

“What’s one of the things you can do?”

I looked over to Celestia, “You’re very strong with magic right?”

She nodded, “Are you sure?”

“I can handle it, when I ask you to, shoot something strong at me, not too strong though.”

I raised my hands to chest level, “Now!”

She fired something at me and I pulled forth what I know, blocking the blast from the spell. The blast hit the shield and vanished without a trace, and then I dropped to my knees.

“Rick, are you alright?” Celestia was right next to me.

“Yeah, just took the wind out of me. I can use powerful magic but the stronger it is the less time I can hold it. That, right there was a Void Shield. Powerful but drains me terribly. The impact is absorbed, thus, removed from the field.”

Rainbow Dash finally spoke up from the rest. “That was pretty cool.”

I raised a brow to this, “What does the temperature have to do with this?”

Upon saying this, a wave of hoofs met their foreheads. Luna seemed just as confused as I was to this because she asked as well, “That is true, What does temperature have to do with his magic?”

I shrugged, “Perhaps we will learn later...”

Celestia shook her head, “Never mind that. It is starting to get late in the day, so perhaps you can head to Ponyville now, get some rest.”

I began to ponder, “So, how will we get there?”

Celestia smiled, “The Royal Chariot of course.”

“So we are going to go across the land? Ponyville is just down this mountain if you showed me correctly, but even then the roads are pretty long.”

I felt an elbow in my hip, looking over I see Twilight pointing towards an open door leading outside. I raised a brow and took a look outside, and it was a chariot alright, but it was going to be pulled by Pegasi.


Hey everyone, again its me Shawn820, the terrible writer that you somehow enjoy this story from.
No seriously, I should write better.

Anyways, Just saying that the chapters hold no schedule so please don't yell at me. I am writing this to hold off my other story because of the fact I am struggling it with, but this I can write with ease.

Enjoy this next piece of work!

Chapter 2: Forgotten Speech

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Down the Darkened Path
Chapter 2
Forgotten Speech

The six began to get into the chariot, I turned around to the Princesses, “Are you coming as well?”

They shook their heads and Celestia spoke up, “Sorry, but we have too much that we have to do. We will visit to keep an eye on you though, Clarity put his trust in us to make sure you are well for your final years.”

Closing my eyes, I nodded, “Alright then.” I got into the carriage and as the door closed, I waved goodbye to them. Taking a seat, I looked to these six.

“Just wondering, how much information do we know of each other? I know so far your names, appearance, and that you are the Elements of Harmony. What about you?”

Twilight spoke for the group, “So far we know what you did to get here, your name, and species name.”

I looked to the rest, “So you all know how I died.”

With that being said everypony within the chariot had a sad look on their faces; but after a moment broke out of it.

Twilight spoke up again, “Do you know who you might be staying with?”

I scratched my chin, “Well I am not really sure, I could remake my airship here and use it as a ho-”

Once again Twilight cut me off, “Wait, you can make a airship?”

I nodded, Twilight shook her head in disbelief. “But that takes an entire team of ponies to control it!”

I shook my head, “Not for me, I know how to build one where I could fly it alone, but it is always nice to fly with people, or ponies in this case.” Clapping my hands together to get all of their attentions, “Alright, let us get off of this subject and try to solve one problem at a time.”

They nodded in agreement.

I noticed this several times now, Pinkie, as I recall, seems to be wanting to burst out saying stuff but stops herself. I raised a brow in question. “You seem to want to say something.”

“Yeah, but I made a promise not to talk a lot and bother you, because you don’t like to talk a lot.”

“How would you know that I don’t like to talk much or if I do?”

She shrugged. “We guessed.”

“Well you guess half right, I don’t talk much but that does not mean I do not like to talk.”

She gasped loudly and suddenly with a smile from ear to ear, began to speak with such a tone of happiness I could actually feel it.

“Yay! That means I can talk about all the stuff I was wanting to do, like throw you a Welcome-to-Ponyville-party, along with a Welcome-to-Equestria party, and we can play games and have fun and talk and do all kinds of stuff!”

I began to chuckle and it got to the point of me laughing out loud. “Perhaps, haha, I should stay with Pinkie. I feel like as happy as a kid again just by being around her!”

Fluttershy spoke up from the group, quietly but I could hear it.

“H-how old a-are you exactly?”

I turned towards her. “My current age is thirty-nine.”

Rarity spoke up in a bit of shock. “You look simply divine for your age.”

Then Rainbow Dash. “Woah woah woah, you're thirty-nine?!”

I raised a brow. “How old did you think I was?”

“Well darling, I think I could speak for all of us when I say we thought you were quite young!”

I pat my hair for a moment. “Good thing my hair isn’t starting to grey like some I know...


I threw on a small smile, covering up any sadness in my tone. “Anyways, I could stay with Pinkie, but then again, I don’t think I could handle that much, don’t get me wrong, but I would not be able to keep up with you if I did.”

“Oh don’t worry about that silly-filly.”

I scratched my chin deep in thought.

I facepalm. “Blast it! I knew I forgot something!”

“What did you forget?”

“Currency! I don’t have any, or know what it is, or even how I will acquire it.”

Twilight placed a hoof onto her muzzle in thought. “They are called bits, and maybe you could do some work in the town, what are you good at?”

I scratched my chin. “I’m a decent blacksmith, though I did work as a craftsman. Is there a forge in Ponyville?”

“Iron Defense runs the forge, he was looking for an assistant if ah remember correctly.” Applejack stated.

I hummed in thought. “That does seem like a place I could get some work that I am use to.”

Of course things were a bit of a challenge, I had no location to go to nor did I have the actual currency that I would have to use. “Tell me, does Ponyville have a library? I would like to study some more on some things.”

“Yes actually, I live in the library.”

Scratching my chin I began to think. “Perhaps I could move in with you, it would be easy to read the books I guess you could say.”

I tapped by foot against the wooden floor of the carriage, lost in thought, I have to make sure I have everything checked otherwise things might be a tad bit difficult.

“I have to ask dear, what about your clothing? Do you have any spare to wear?”

I looked up to Rarity. “Good point, I will have to find a tailor to make some more, thankfully Clarity had managed to make my clothes clean whilst bringing me here.” I must send my thanks to him sometime soon.

I wore a white long sleeve shirt under my blue button-up, overshirt, my satchel held onto some things, I forgot what I have in it so I will have to check later. My pants and belt buckle boots, were a tad bit plain, but I find them comfortable. I do not need a noble to tell me that my clothes are uncouth and need to be made better. I had my goggles wrapped around my head and sticking out on top of my head. I looked at my hands to show my fingerless gloves, I think my work gauntlets are in my satchel...

“Well, lucky for you I am just that! I would be happy to make you some new clothing! No charge, I couldn’t charge you.”

I shook my head. “I will have to refuse that offer, I can not have you make me clothes for free. I will earn some bits or work for you to pay it off. I shall not be a pain in all of your sides.”

“But I insist! It would be no trouble, none at all.”

“I will still have to refuse, I will not accept something for free, not unless I have earned it.” I insisted

Rarity hummed in thought. “You saved your world, I think you deserve something, at least accept it as a reward for doing that.”

I averted my gaze and looked to the floor. “... I, I guess. I wonder how my friends are doing... those who are alive...”

I felt a hoof on my shoulder and traced it back to Fluttershy. “I am sure that they are doing fine and miss you very much.”

“Yeah... They should be doing fine. I gave my friends tools to protect them from the corrupted beings.”

Their heads tilted, Twilight spoke from the group. “Corrupted beings?”

I shook my head. “We can continue this conversation later. We have arrived.”

As I said those words the carriage touched the ground once more. Slowly we all began to step out of it and it appears there is a stage set up, we were currently behind the stage, all these things led up to this point.

I stand here behind the stage and the Elements are stepping out of the carriage. “What is this?”

“We have to introduce you to the town. We don’t want to just pop you into the town and freak everypony out.”

I scratch my stubble. “Alright then, it makes sense.”

Twilight began to start up the stairs. “Just wait back here until we give you the signal, you will know what it is.”

I nodded. “Alright then. I shall wait until then.”

They walked onto the stage and left me in the back. I can hear them starting and beginning to talk. I slowly walk towards the curtain and wait for my signal to walk onto stage. Looking around once more I feel my nerves rising, I am a bit nervous to meet the entire town in one big group, but I can do it.

“-And without further adieu, here he is Rick Fuoco!”

Pulling down on my fingerless gloves I nod to myself and press forward, opening the curtains and starting my walk out onto the stage.

It appears I forgot a speech this time around...

Chapter 3: Past to Present

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Down the Darkened Path
Chapter 3
Past to Present

Out of the responses I anticipated, I did not expect this, the entire town was stomping, I will assume this is their form of applause...

They do walk on four hooves so that would make sense.

In all honesty, I expected the town to perhaps go silent in curiosity or fear but, stomping is a new thing, to me at least...

I walked over to the podium in which Twilight gestured me to, laying in which I have to guess is a stand is a small black device with a ball on its end. I have never seen something like this, it seems to have purpose but... What?

I received a poke in which brought me out of my thoughts, Twilight gestured for me to speak, I will have to study this device later.

“Hello-” I was startled to not only hear myself, but an echo in a louder proportion. Was this the purpose of the device? To amplify my voice?

“-as said, my name is Rick Fuoco, but if you could, please, just call me Rick. I will be here in this town inevitably, perhaps the rest of my life. If you are in need of anything please do not hesitate to ask for assistance, I enjoy helping with what I can.”

I began to scan the crowd, there might be some mixed emotions...

Such as one with a leg up in the air trying to get my attention. “Uh, would you like to ask a question?” I asked into this device.

“Yes! Where are you from? I never heard of anything like you before.”

I hummed in thought. “I come from a different world, I was born in the continent called Olvin, and later in my life, moved to our eastern continent called Yalin.”

The pony who had asked the question tilted her head. “Why did you move to a different continent?”

I remained silent for a moment to gather my thoughts. “Difficulties in the land and cities.” She seemed to accept the answer.

Technically it is not a lie, the sky seemed to burn and the land was corrupted by the demons. The slowly spread and destroyed our cities and plagued the land. After moving to Yalin we noticed a more peaceful environment, and there we built the town of Guardavia. Sadly, things happened to get... destroyed. So many people... So much pain...

I cleared my thoughts and gestured for Twilight to take the stage. She responded by having me kneel to hear her.

“What”s going on?”

“Could you finish this please, I require a moment.”

She nodded and moved towards the podium. I walked back behind the stage and out of view, I started to get shakey, memories in which I hoped to forget keep resurfacing.

So much destruction, all the pain and sufferings.

All those people, begging, pleading even.

I collapsed into a kneeling position, arm resting on my knee and my head in my hand.

The corruption was bleeding into the town, the smoke made it so dark... Everything was burning, I had crashed my airship at the time, I ran into the town, searching for people. I had found them even! But, I had gotten close enough and noticed what happened. Their eyes were black, the veins around the eyes were black as well. They walked around, but I could see that they were not themselves. They mumbled words, and as I heard what those words were, I later understood why they were said.

They were begging, pleading... all for-

“Rick! Are you alright?” I heard a voice from behind me, then I felt something at my side.

Slowly I lifted my head to look at who it was, my view was blocked by tears but I could see those at my side. Twilight and her friends stood around me trying to see if I was alright.

“What happened? What’s wrong?” I... I heard Applejack ask.

Slowly I pushed myself to my feet and wiped my tears away. I have to tough it out, they don’t need to know what happened.

“I-It is nothing.” I half mumbled out.

“Well shucks, it doesn’t seem like nothing.”

Closing my eyes, I just...

Some things are to be locked away.

And sadly, this lock is beginning to rust.

“Please... Let us just head to Twilights home.”

“A-are you s-sur-”

“I am positive.” I had cut off Fluttershy, I know that I am being rather rude but I need to get away and do something...

Less my mind wander and find my past once more.

The trip to the Library, or Twilights home if you prefer, was at most a blur to me.

Upon entering, Twilight and myself were greeted by what seemed to be a young dragon, or I hope a young dragon, some aspects seem to be the same as back home so I will have to figure this out...

“Hey Twilight! Who's your... guest?”

Twilight smiled. “This is Rick, he is from another world. Rick this is Spike, he’s my number one assistant.”

I kneeled down to his height. “Tell me young one, are you by chance a dragon?”

I must have guessed right as his expression turned more cheerful. “Yeah I am! Did you have dragons where you’re from?”

I chuckled. “Yes, in fact, there were plenty in my lands, sure some were rather dangerous, but others were kind enough.”

With a smile I had an idea. “Tell me, do you enjoy stories?”

“Yeah I do!”

“Remind me one of these days to tell you one of my tales, I have had many adventures in my land and have met many creatures, races, and even some of these magical beings.” Of course I would only share my... more cheerful ones.

“I would like to hear some of those too.”

I turned and faced Twilight once more. “Well of course you can listen in, what is the fun of telling a story without an audience?”

I had noticed that night is upon us, that and the fact even I was starting to become tired.

“*Yawn* Perhaps, we should turn in for the night...”

Twilight smiled and gestured towards the stairs. “You can head to the guest bedroom, it’s the second door on your left. I have to do some things first.”

I nodded and bid Twilight and Spike a good nights rest.

Slowly I made my way up the stairs and to the room she had told me. It was a simple room, a bed, desk, even some paper and quills! I got into the bed and began to let my thoughts drift, mostly to what we would do tomorrow.

Soon darkness took me into the embrace of sleep.

Yet the memories stay alive...

They were begging...


For death...

Twilight faced her quill and paper and slowly began to write the message that concerned her.

Dear Princess Celestia

I fear something is wrong with Rick. After leaving from the town meeting early we found him behind the stage on his knees crying, he refuses to tell us what was wrong, but I can tell it is something that he fears or regrets. I am sending you this message in hopes you know what might help or if you know something that you can share with us.

I await your response


Twilight Sparkle

Chapter 4: If only...

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Down the Darkened Path
Chapter 4
If only...

Celestia paced back and forth, worried about the problem at hand.

Something was bothering Rick though he did not want to speak of it. From Twilights letter she began to question what would be the problem, Rick had a strong resolve, something small would not affect him as much. What happened might have been big, or just something he fears; but from what they know, they don’t know for sure what would be the problem. She turned to one who might know the problem.

Should know the problem at least...

You wanted to ask me something?

Celestia turned towards the voice and there stood a figure, a tall stallion, an Alicorn at that but the power radiating from him was overpowering.

“Clarity... Something has happened to Rick.”

I know, I saw what happened.

“Do you know the cause of this?”

Clarity stood silent for a moment. “There are things in his past in which even I would not place upon a pony or even another man like him. His past is not the best, he still has fear of it.

Celestia tilted her head. “But what is bad enough to break him down and cry?”

I think it would be best to have him tell you, but I will tell you this now. What he did, was the best and only choice he could choose.

I was flying on my airship, heading home from the dwarven mines. The weather was fine so I had locked the altitude, direction of travel and headed below deck for a moment. The satchel at my side and my usual clothing on my back. I wear the same style and color of clothes just because they seem to fit and I think they look quite nice for work clothing.

Of course I have other clothing, but I use these mostly. Sitting at my desk I was reviewing my notes on some of the designs I had found in that underground library.

It was remarkable, the dwarfs had found a library underground sealed in a thick stone they just called bedrock.

“As stubborn as our bed frames!” They said, though they are shorter I will not say they same about their weight. Nothing bad, but they do weigh quite a bit. The last time a dwarf had stayed a night over at my house do to work the frame bent and broke under the weight!

The stone would not break under the might of their pickaxes, or even their explosives! They had sent a letter over to our town to have someone the king thought fit to come study it. Though I do not think I earned the right for this, I was stunned. I had worked with the knights before but....

Nevertheless, I had began to study the material that stood in the way, but as I touched the stone it had began to crumble! It was breaking under my touch and opening the wall, and what was before me was remarkable. Books were on shelves, the shelves were high the design was in rows but it seemed that some of the shelves had collapsed from age, not all but perhaps one or two.

I had later found out that the library was enchanted! In fact it had enchantments to not open to one who would use the knowledge for anything other than a great cause. Little did I know that cause nor did I think upon it. A book stood out from its group to reveal the purpose of this library, who could have thought this was made for the gods themselves? There are seven of these libraries across the land, all of them hold knowledge from the past and somehow even pieces of information that was never discovered yet!

I sent a letter back saying I would be staying for another day and night to gather some of the books and that I would be returning with new ideas and creations to be made. I even found some new spells, after studying the text in the books I had found out that it was spells of void. The book showed that void is the essence of everything and nothing at the same time, thus it had the ability to take any force and remove it from our plane of existence or even, with enough power, create things, it was near unfathomable, but after you find the basic points it is quite a good read.

Anyways, In my airship I have my basic tools and such to work while this flies to the destination in which I set. I supply myself for trips like this with some food and water, some trips take days to travel, thankfully this was my last day of flight back to Guardavia, but perhaps it will take another day...

It seems to have gotten dark out, I best land for the night and rest for tomorrow. Just as I was headed up the stairs I was violently knocked to the side wall from a gust of wind hitting the airship. I rushed up the remaining steps to find out, it was not night...

It looks like I flew into a storm, the clouds were black but there was no rain, just strong rouge wind and something in the air. Wait...

I reached my hands out and began to collect some of the substance in the air. It has a near look of snow, but the smell of something burn... ing...

I rushed over to edge of the airship to witness, the black clouds are not clouds but smoke.... There in the distance, was Guardavia... Burning....

More rouge wind had hit my airship breaking my stabilization, the airship is now headed to the right of the town a bit. Running to the control room, I grasped the wheel and tried to get back on the course but the winds are too strong, I was knocked to the side of the room but then something I had hoped would never happen did, one of the ropes connecting the balloon to the ship broke, and now the others are starting to tear down with them!

I was violently tossed to the side once more, I can not grab the wheel to try and stabilize the control I am heading off course!

Whilst trying to reach for the wheel to gain control of my airship once more something hit the side of the airship, not wind but something. I tried to stand up but I froze in fear at a sound I could hear, hissing....

The balloon has a hole in it....

I turned tail and ran for the stairs once more, but the last of the ropes on the right side of the ship had broke causing the ship to go one sided, the ship is being held up by one side of strings now and the ground is approaching, fast!

The window on the side, now top, of the airship began to crack and eventually shatter. raining glass on me. I looked out my window and saw that I had but seconds to prepare.

So I braced myself.

And hit the ground, hard.

Through the black I felt something poking my side and some sound...


I began to stir, trying to get up...


I opened my eyes to reveal I was in a bedroom, I turned towards my left where I heard my name. There stood Spike, he looked fearful.

“Rick, are you alright? You were mumbling in your sleep, tossing and turning, and other things.”

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and nodded. “Yeah, I... I am fine. Just a bit of a bad dream.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

I looked to Spike once more. “It would not be good to hear this tale...”

“Oh...” Spike looked down, then back up. “Alright then, but don’t forget, you told me you were going to tell me a story about stuff that you did in your past!”

I chuckled to myself. “No worries, I did not forget. Perhaps I can tell you and Twilight the time I had to deal with these creatures called the Deathly Whispers.”

“Deathly Whispers?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Vile creatures, be glad they do not exist here. Trust me, I had to deal with such a creature.” I said with a small smile.

“Alright! I can’t wait to hear about them! Oh and also, breakfast is done.” And with that Spike turned and walked out of the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

The crash, the first one of the bundle. I do not know if I should be glad to say none of them were actually my fault, or worried how they were not my fault but something worse than my own errors. If only I had worked harder. If only I had reinforced the rope. If only I did not have to do what needed to be done...

Nevertheless... I can not linger to the past forever...

I lifted myself off of the bed and slowly made my way to the end of the bed. It turns out that I took my boots off before I fell asleep. I began to place them on, fastening the belt buckles to keep the boots on my feet, checked to make sure my goggles are still around my neck, and now I guess I shall head down.

These steps are actually quite small, then again, I might just have big feet...

After arriving at the table I was greeted to the sight of yellow, round, disk like objects.

“I do not mean to sound... ungrateful but, what is this?” I said while using a fork to poke the substance.

Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “What? You never had pancakes before?”

“Pan... Cakes? I can not say that I have ever had something with that name, for the breakfast I had at home consisted of small sandwich and a mug of milk...”

“Try it, you will like it.”

I shrugged, this might possibly be a new breakfast in which I could enjoy. Using the fork I removed a small piece of the pancake and began to take a bite.

A moment passed, Twilight nudged Rick in the shoulder. “So, what do you think?”

Rick simply placed his fork down, faced Twilight, and with a straight face responded.

“What other consumptions have I been missing out on?”