> A Balance of Fire and Light > by Stolenalicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 A Dinner Abduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle sat in her office checking the most recent tests her students had turned in, her golden eyes darting over the answers, checking for mistakes. As she glanced over the papers she caught a glimpse of an older picture. It came from before everything had gotten so complicated. Just her and her friends having fun at a New Years celebration in New Guardia. She smiled briefly as she looked at the happy faces of her friends, that smile vanished, however, once she looked into the sparkling violet eyes she once had. She hated seeing her eyes now. Not for the color, nor did she have any problems with her sight, what she hated is what they reminded her of. One of her adventures to save Equestria found her friends and herself trapped in Tarterus without any magic of their own. Except not completely without magic of their own. One of her friends was from outside her world and carried magic from strange worlds with him. A small jewel he had embedded in his forehead long ago was the most potent magical artifact she had ever known. He called it a Demon's Blood Talisman, and for good reason. But he had been drugged and was unconscious, unable to use any of that magic. In her desperation, Twilight had come up with an idea. It was straight forward and simple, she would tap into the magic of the talisman to borrow enough power to free them from the prison. It didn't go anything like she imagined. As she concentrated on trying to take some of the magic, instead of flowing into her she was pulled into the artifact itself. Not literally however, it had been her mind taken into the talisman and in there she had met someone. That person had called herself L-Sama and she offered to help Twilight. Twilight didn't have the luxury of turning down the offer of help and so had accepted. When she opened her eyes, she found herself back in Tartarus, her eyes changed to their new golden color. Later she had learned that the entity she had talked to was known as The Lord of Nightmares, the penultimate Demon Lord of another world. The gold that had overpowered the natural violet of her eyes was in truth a fragment of the Golden Demon Lord herself. That wasn't bad at first, it bothered her a bit, but she had learned to live with it. But this in turn had led to other problems. In an attempt to learn about what her eyes meant to the demons of L's world (known as mazoku) one such mazoku brought back an old evil of Equestria specifically to put her under pressure. It was because of her that Ponyville had been destroyed in the resulting battle. And only through Discord's help had the town recovered. But even with his help they were still feeling the repercussions of the battle, many ponies of the EUP, crystal guard, and even several Wonderbolts were still dealing with severe injuries. There was a waiting list to receive magical healing that would allow some of the ponies to recover from their injuries. But then there were the injuries that no magic could heal. Psychological scars left by the trauma of the battle. She'd seen the pain such trauma can cause. Pain that she was responsible for. And then there was the confrontation with the mazoku who had instigated the attack. Xellos, who had watched from the sidelines for the most part, came to talk to them. Something about that talk, possibly the gathering of magic connected to her eyes, had allowed The Lord of Nightmares to take over her body. After the incident the fact that it was possible for L-Sama to take over Twilight's body quickly came to Princess Celestia's attention. Before that day Twilight had been training to take over for both Celestia and Luna, but that was only in the past now. Out of fear that Twilight would once again be possessed by The Lord of Nightmares they had suspended her ascension to the throne. That was months ago, and each day it looked more and more like it would never happen. Even with all of that, she couldn't bring herself to actually hate L-Sama. She had helped them when they needed her, and all she wanted in return was the chance to experience friendship. Twilight sighed as she reminded herself this was her own fault, nobody had made her try to take that magic, and she had even gotten the help she asked for. The only one she could hate for this was herself. With a shake of her head she doubled down on grading the tests in front of her. Her renewed work was short lived, however, as there was a knock at the door. Putting on a smile, she welcomed her guest in. The door opened to show a creature that stood an even two meters tall and walked upright on his hind legs. He bared slight similarities to other creatures, but as a whole he was unlike any creature in Equestria. But that made sense as he was not a creature from Equestria. He had long blond hair held loosely behind his back in a ponytail and had recently trimmed his beard back to the five o'clock shadow he favored. He wore large, wide legged pants and a shirt that was held closed by the pants with a long over-shirt. He had given her the name of each of these at one time, but she couldn't help but think that it was just complicating an otherwise simple description. Of occasional interest was what looked to be a light brown belt around his waist. In reality this was no belt, but his tail he kept wrapped around himself to keep it out of the way. He had a few reasons he dressed the way he did, the first being political as these were considered formal clothes. His reason, though, was that he found them more comfortable than many of his other clothes, and that was his priority. “Hi James,” Twilight said. “Isn't it a bit early for you?” James shook his head and gave his usual half smile. “Nope,” he easily said in his calm baritone. “You're just working too long.” Twilight checked the clock she kept on her wall, it was already late in the evening. But that just meant the day was still young for James. “I've just been busy with the school,” she said as she looked over the still sizable stack of papers. “Rainbow Dash told me you're assigning more work than normal, and I can't help but think you're just trying to keep yourself busy after classes.” James walked over and took a seat across from the disheveled alicorn, leaning forward with his elbows on her desk. The mischievous look of his normal half smile was offset by the concern shown in his dark blue eyes. “When's the last time you took a break?” “I'm not staying up all night working if that's what you're worried about,” she said defensively. “I'm not talking about sleep, Twilight.” James answered, his smile fading fast from his face. “I mean a break, some time to relax and think: Process.” “I'm okay,” she calmly said. James let his head drop with a sigh. “Twilight, I'm married to three workaholics; “I'm okay,” is never okay.” “Three?” Twilight asked. She knew Lucca and Tali couldn't be pried away from their individual projects once they were invested, but Tenyo couldn't be called a workaholic. She took whatever downtime she could get. “ ... Did you forget about Liara again? Not too surprising though, considering she effectively lives in her office.” James casually said with a chuckle as he lifted his head. Twilight had long ago gotten used to his relationships with the many women in his life, and while more complicated than it seemed it wasn't what it looked like to the casual observer. He had first married Lucca centuries ago, and she was the woman everyone recognized as his wife. Tenyo came second, but she was a purely political marriage, giving legitimacy to some kind of complicated deal with the planet Jurai. They were by no means in love, but they eventually became friends. Tenyo even had another boyfriend that James had recently met. He had married Liara and Tali at the same time, but by every account the entire event was a fiasco. It was organized as an arrangement to get Liara access to technology from Jurai while getting James and Jurai access to her not inconsiderable information network and skills. An arrangement they both casually agreed on. Tali, however, had been a complicated situation. Complicated enough that Twilight had only gotten snippets here and there. From what she had gathered, they were friends and Tali eventually developed feelings for him. As for their home life, Tali spent most of her time working on projects but had also taken an interest in helping raise James' and Lucca's daughters as she could never have her own children with James. And Twilight had found most of this out through James' confusing relationship with Rainbow Dash, which started as a prank to make everyone think they were a couple. But nothing changed once the prank was over, and the two often appeared to be a genuine couple. Confusing the matter even further. Twilight shook her head, she did not have the energy to think about the ins and outs of James' love life right now. “Right,” she conceded. “But I really am okay.” “According to Starlight: Today you've only left your office to teach your class, then right back in. That's not okay.” “You've been spying on me?” She asked, a little confused. “Not spying,” James calmly said, looking directly into her golden eyes. “Just genuine concern for my friend.” She paused as she thought about what he said, calling her a friend wasn't something that had come easily to him at first. But now he would take time just to show them that he cared. “Thanks.” “Let's go get something to eat.” James said, his half smile returning and his eyes matching the expression. “I really need to finish grading these tests,” she said, at least a little glad that someone cared about how she was feeling. “Nope.” James said as he stood up. In one motion he bent forward, completely clearing the distance of her desk, and lifted her up in his large arms. Twilight let out a shriek with the sudden embrace and abduction. “Put me down!” She shouted, blushing as he did anything but. “Once we get to the burger joint.” James chuckled as he walked out of her office. Much to Twilight's embarrassment she heard actual cheers from her students as she was carried through the halls like a child. “See,” James said with a laugh as he continued. “Everybody believes you've been working too hard.” Twilight's horn lit up with a gold flecked violet luminescence as she moved James' hair to hide her face, not that it really did anything other than slightly hide her embarrassment. Twilight quietly grumbled as James hauled her away from the school. “Don't think for a second I haven't done this to Lucca before,” he laughed. “And she hits me too.” Resigned to her fate, Twilight decided to just get comfortable and enjoy the ride as best she could. This lasted right up to the point where she heard the unmistakable sound of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie laughing. “I suppose that's one way to get Twilight out of her office.” Rarity said as she stifled a chuckle. “Any excuse, huh James?” Applejack said with a grin as James nodded. Fluttershy tittered and cooed softly. “I wanna go next!” Pinkie Pie announced. “About as direct as I was thinking.” Starlight added with a smile. “Did you really bring everypony out here?” Twilight moaned, not removing her face from James' hair. “Nope.” James laughed. “They brought me out here.” “We get it Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said as James placed the alicorn on the ground. “Not taking over for Celestia is totally lame, but you don't need to rule all of Equestria to be awesome.” “We're falling into a pattern here.” James said as he knelt beside Twilight and draped his arm across her back. “You've been getting into your head and it's up to us to drag you out. Not that I mind coming by for a visit, I'd just like to see your smile a little more often.” James gently brushed her chin and smiled at her as he finished his comment. Twilight sighed and gave a weak smile. “Thanks,” she quietly offered to the group. Soon the group found themselves sitting around a couple tables they had pushed together and talking among each other as James carried two large trays loaded with hayburgers and fries, placing them in the center of the table. “You didn't have to pay.” Starlight said to James as she took a burger. “You can't even eat hayburgers.” James flashed his half grin and cocked an eyebrow. “You can't stop me from paying. Besides, I like being nice to the cute girls in my life.” Several of the ponies giggled and Rainbow Dash hid her blush behind her burger, smiling as she ate. “What about us?” Starlight asked coyly. “Aren't we allowed to treat the handsome man who's always so nice to us?” Now it was James' turn to blush, ever since he had gotten back into shape (thanks in part to Rainbow Dash) Starlight had joined in on Lucca's endeavors to make him blush whenever possible. While Lucca often went with playful teasing, Starlight would opt for outright flirtation. James, of course, wouldn't complain about any of it. “Are you alright Rainbow Dash? You're super red.” Pinkie Pie asked, far too loudly for Rainbow Dash's comfort. She was now beet red as she listened to the exchange. While preparing for the prank Lady Seto had advised her to find something about James she cared about. And she had, even though it was during extreme circumstances, she had seen things about James she genuinely cared for. And that had stirred up some severely confusing emotions in her. Ever since then they had had a confusing relationship, one that bordered on romance and had even crossed the border at points. A relationship that had made her question herself and her own feelings about him. Answers had already come, though she didn't want to admit it. Her own feelings, and desire to save him, brought her to kiss him when he had been poisoned by Cozy Glow and put into a magical sleep. Feelings that only intensified when he had kissed her shortly after The Battle of Ponyville. She didn't know just what she wanted from their relationship, and half the time she still denied that there was one. But she had found herself considering the prospect more as of late. James never seemed to push the issue, keeping to his assurance that the ball was in her court and she'd have to be the one to decide if things went further. Only Starlight really knew about her feelings, and had offered to help her understand and come to a decision, but even she didn't know just how far things had already gone. “I just thought I'd put some hot sauce on my hay burger,” Rainbow Dash quickly lied. “I just wanted try something a bit different,” she added with a forced calm. “Oh, that sounds good.” Starlight said with a wide smile. “Where's the sauce?” “Sorry, I used the last of it.” Starlight let out a disappointed sound before her horn lit up. “Ah, here's a bottle.” She said as a red squeeze bottle was enveloped in emerald green light and drifted over from the next table. James shook his head as he watched the bottle turn over and squeeze out far more than he would consider enough. He casually tossed a fry into the air towards his mouth as he turned back to the group in general. Rainbow Dash grinned as the fry left James' hand. The moment there was room she lunged towards him, coming between him and the fry and eating it herself. She smiled at him playfully as she went back into her seat while Fluttershy and Pinkie giggled. James couldn't fully repress his own smile as he glared at her, blindly picking up another fry and pointing it at her. “Now, Rainbow Dash …” He managed to say before she bit off half of the fry. “Thank you.” She said with a laugh as James stared at the remaining portion. The rest of the table joined in the laugh and James finished the partially eaten fry. “Aren't there enough fries to let me have a couple?” he asked with a chuckle. “I wanted those fries.” Rainbow Dash answered before sticking her tongue out at him briefly. “So how are Sara and Amber?” Twilight asked as the laughter died down. “Concerned about you too.” James casually said. “Otherwise, they're doing as well as last week. Sara's toying with starting classes at the Sorcerers Guild. Math and programming are more her strong suit, but with her keen mind I'm sure she could do amazing things with magic.” “Amber came by the school just the other day for my friendship needle point class.” Rarity said. “She has such a talent for the arts.” James chuckled. “Just don't ask her to sculpt anything. She hates how her sculptures turn out,” he paused before chuckling again. “Unfortunately she seems to have gotten my temper and spent the time in her class that she was supposed to be making a sculpture just beating the clay into oblivion.” Applejack laughed out loud as she heard the comment. “Yeah, she can be a hoofful when she's upset.” James winced, remembering clearly the incident as Applejack had told it. “Sorry about that, she get's really testy when she's interrupted.” “It's alright, just caught me by surprise is all.” Applejack said dismissively. *** Pinkie Pie giggled as James carried her through Ponyville towards Sugar Cube Corner. Only her, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash remained with him as dusk began to fall. “Thanks for dinner.” Twilight said, playfully bumping into James as they walked. “I guess I was a bit stressed out.” “Please, any longer and you'd be full blown Twilighting.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin. James chuckled. “Next time you start feeling “a bit stressed out,” come by for a visit. We'll do something fun, and when you're feeling better you can go back or we can talk about it. Whatever you want. The door's always open.” Twilight cooed slightly and gave James a smile. “You two doing anything fun?” She asked after a moment, turning to Rainbow Dash. “Not really, I've got to leave for Wonderbolts training tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash casually said. Pinkie gasped. “You're having a sleep-over!” James winced as she shouted in his ear. Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I fly better after sleeping in my bed there, I don't know why.” “Let's see, it could be the eight to ten hours you sleep in a very nice bed. Or maybe, just maybe, it could have something to do with the wing rubs you …” James said before Rainbow Dash cut him off. “Okay! It could be that.” Pinkie giggled again as Twilight rolled her eyes. Everyone had known for years that James would massage Rainbow Dash whenever she wanted. She had even talked her friends into getting massages from him. But when it came to him blatantly pampering her, she tried to keep it quiet. “Here you go Pinkie,” James said as he set Pinkie Pie down in front of Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie gave them a predictably exaggerated goodbye before the now trio turned and made their way towards Twilight's castle. “You two go on ahead,” Twilight said with a grin as they approached where the road split between her castle and the school. “I really do have to finish grading those tests.” Shortly after the two walked into the castle and Rainbow Dash turned to James. “You are going to be rubbing my wings until I say you're done,” she said with a wicked grin. "You're turning into Lucca," James chuckled as he opened the doorway that connected his and Twilight's castles. > 2 Sun and Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight eagerly waited at the train stop for Sunburst's train to arrive. She saw him twice a month already when he would come for James' magical theory lectures, but this time his visit had nothing to do with James. He was coming to visit with his friends in Ponyville. Obviously they would be spending a great deal of time together, and she had planned out several days, including time to let him indulge in his hobbies, like antiquing. But she had also had something else planned. Her regular meetings with Rainbow Dash had been taking their toll and she felt it was long past time she start her own relationship. And who knew her better than Sunburst? Who showed that they cared as much as he did? She was more than ready, and knew Sunburst would be happy when she asked him. Much like she saw with Rainbow Dash and James, they were already so close that all there was to do now was accept and formalize their relationship. She pranced in place, happily anticipating what was to come. Eager as she was, time seemed to crawl as ponies came and went. And after what felt to be hours the train from the Crystal Empire pulled into the station. Starlight had a sturdy cart ready in anticipation, having learned from the last time he had planned on staying more than a day. She couldn't help but smile as she watched him approach on the platform, hugging him tightly the moment he got close. “It's good to see you too, Starlight.” Sunburst said as they let each other go. “We're going to have so much fun this week!” Starlight eagerly said. “And I've got something really important to ask you when we get to the castle.” “Oh, great. I've got a big surprise too, you see …” Sunburst began to say before Starlight cut him off. “Can it wait until I ask you my question? I'm really excited about this! Where's your stuff?” Starlight said as she excitedly looked around the train. “About that …” Sunburst said as a dark red crystal pony mare trotted up to the two. She had a short cream colored mane and tail streaked with pink and a rolled cake cutie mark. “I've got the cart packed.” She happily said as she hugged Sunburst. “Ah, yes.” Sunburst said as Starlight looked at the two blankly. “Velvet, this is Starlight. Starlight, this is Velvet, my girlfriend.” The words were like a crushing blow to Starlight, who could just barely keep her face straight as Velvet excitedly hugged her. Going on about how happy she was to meet her and how much she had heard about her. Starlight walked alongside the couple in a daze, not hearing anything that either Velvet or Sunburst were saying. She felt hollow, the despair dredging up memories she'd much rather remain forgotten. “So what did you want to ask me Starlight?” She finally heard Sunburst ask, interrupting her thoughts. When did we get to the castle? Starlight looked around confused for a moment, Velvet had apparently walked off to find their rooms and unpack. “Oh …” She needed to take some time to think about this. Everything had changed so quickly, she needed to get her hooves under her so she could even begin to figure things out. “Oh, it's nothing. I … It can wait.” “Really?” Sunburst asked with a little confusion. “You seemed pretty excited about it back at the train platform.” “Oh, I was just thinking about something else.” “This place is amazing!” Velvet happily said as she pranced up to Starlight and Sunburst. “Starlight, could you show us the School of Friendship?” “Yeah, sure.” She idly said. “First thing tomorrow.” Velvet hugged Starlight again. “Sunburst, she's just amazing!” “Is Twilight around?” Sunburst asked as he looked around the foyer. “I wanted to introduce Velvet to her.” Velvet nodded eagerly. “And I really want to meet Spike! I was in the front row when he saved us all at the Equestria Games.” “I think she's at the antique shop.” Starlight mumbled, barely paying any attention to what she was saying. “Ooh! Let's go now!” Velvet smiled wide as she spoke. “Did you know Ponyville is Antique Central? Oh, of course you know, you live here. Don't think I didn't notice that Mighty Helm map on the wall over there. It was the most accurate map of Equestria ever produced until modern techniques allowed for more precise measurements.” Sunburst smiled and placed his hoof on her shoulder briefly. “She really likes maps.” Velvet nodded enthusiastically. “Did you know that Dragons have only produced a dozen maps of their country throughout their entire history?” She asked before adding in a singsong fashion. “And guess who owns three-ee.” “Well, you two had better get going if you want to catch her.” Starlight offered halfheartedly. “Ooh, I'll get my hat.” Velvet excitedly said before rushing off. Once the two were alone, Sunburst gave Starlight a concerned look as he stepped forward. “Is everything alright, Starlight?” Starlight looked to Sunburst for a moment before turning away, not wanting him to see the tears now welling in her eyes. “I'm fine.” She chocked out. “Go introduce your,” She swallowed the lump in her throat, “girlfriend to Twilight.” “Starlight?” Sunburst started to say. Starlight didn't say anything more as she ran out of the castle and towards the school. Once in her office she slammed the door and slumped down in her chair. She took a long shaky breath and wiped a tear from her eye. “Why did I ever think we could be a couple?” She sobbed as she looked to her potted plant, Phyllis. “Of course he already had somepony else. … What was I thinking?” *** It wasn't the morning sun peaking through the curtains that woke Starlight up the next morning, but a curiously strong smell of cinnamon rolls. It was an inviting smell, and even with as low as she felt she did perk up slightly at it. Without any warning Starlight's door opened as the familiar face of her friend peaked in. “Do you smell that Starlight?” Twilight asked, her golden eyes shimmering as she smiled. “Yeah. Do you think Mirror Pinkie came by and baked something again?” Starlight suggested as she sat up in bed. “I don't know. But I'm going to find out. First stop, the kitchen.” Twilight happily announced as she walked off, occasionally sniffing the air. Muttering to herself that it could even be James. Starlight stayed in bed for a couple minutes before remembering that she had promised Velvet that she would show her the School of Friendship. Her stomach sank again as she thought about the mare who had taken Sunburst away from her, and had to remind herself that it was not okay to try to get her out of the way. Though she did have a brief satisfying flash of Velvet with an equal cutiemark. She just had to accept that he was with her now. She slowly walked towards the dining room. If Mirror Pinkie had made cinnamon rolls at least the day was off to an unusually good start. As she opened the door she could see Twilight with three cinnamon rolls on a plate in front of her as she held a forth between her hooves, smiling as she chewed her most recent bite. Sunburst sat with his own plate of cinnamon rolls and three more places were set, waiting for their intended occupants. “These smell great.” Starlight said as she sat at the table. “Thanks.” Velvet answered, walking in behind her. “Sunburst said you were upset yesterday, and my cinnamon rolls always seem to make him happy.” Suddenly the cinnamon rolls didn't sound so appealing to Starlight. She knew her dislike of Velvet was irrational but couldn't help herself. Sunburst perked up suddenly as he turned to Twilight. “Oh, after we tour the school we should open that blind buy you got yesterday.” Twilight suddenly started paying attention again and nervously chuckled as she wiped away some icing from her mouth. “Oh, I was waiting until this evening so James could cast detect magic on it. Ever since we found that magic quill I've wondered how many magic items just get dumped into these blind buys.” “That'll be fun, but remember: I get first dibs on any maps.” Velvet playfully said. “Oh, I don't know. If it's a Dragon Lands map I'm keeping it for myself.” “I'll fight you for it.” Velvet said with a giggle as she joking raised a hoof. Twilight giggled along and held up her half eaten cinnamon roll like she was ready to throw it before taking a bite and giving a small, happy smile. Starlight really wanted a reason to genuinely hate Velvet, but just couldn't find one. She was nice, very friendly, and even liked some of Sunburst's hobbies as much as he did. With a resigned sigh she decided to make good on her promise to show her around the School of Friendship. *** As they walked Velvet looked around the school, excited at every feature and room. Almost doubly so at an often unused room with a curious crest on the back wall. “Ooh, and what's taught in this room?” Velvet asked, turning to Starlight. “Oh, this is where James holds his inter-species friendship classes every other Friday.” Starlight explained. “He's pretty busy so we try to not take up too much of his schedule.” “Does he also hold his magical theory lectures here?” Velvet eagerly asked. “No.” Starlight was surprised, she hadn't been expecting her to know even that much about James. “He holds those at the Sorcerer's Guild in Truce.” “Oh, is that just further down the rails from Ponyville?” Velvet asked, turning to Sunburst. “Actually, it's a different world that is parallel to our own but so separated that we share almost nothing in common. Though what we do share is curious.” Sunburst explained. Starlight thought a moment, and knew that Sunburst was only partially right, calling it a world relied on a very broad definition of the word. In truth New Guardia was a titanic space station where nearly the entire population lived in a few cities located in just one of it's equally massive parks. She knew other parts of the station were in use in other ways, but had never seen more than a miniscule fraction of the park James lived in. It was also the case that it was often eerie just how many things they seemed to share. Things that seemed to have been designed for people like James, yet she knew she could find out just when, where, and even why their Equestrian equivalent had been invented. Velvet walked in and began examining the room, stopping at James' desk where she focused on a picture. “Aww, is this his family?” Starlight walked over and looked at the picture in question. It was a picture from Sara's last birthday, before they knew just what Xellos had been planning. It was James, Lucca, Tali, Sara and Amber along with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo on the beach. Starlight had been the one to take the picture and had one of her and Sara from that same party in her office. Starlight examined the picture for a minute, something about it had caught her attention. In the center was Sara, Tali and Lucca stood on either side of her with their arms around her. Amber was in front waving happily alongside Scootaloo while Rainbow Dash posed. James, being almost gigantic compared to the rest of them, was in back, his arms stretched out to hold onto both Lucca's and Tali's shoulders as he hunched down to where his chin almost rested on his oldest daughter's head. Lucca was smiling, and while she couldn't see Tali's face through her environmental suit she remembered that she was happy that whole day. Lucca and Tali both love James, live with him, and somehow it worked. Starlight looked to Velvet who was now asking something to Sunburst. Was it so irrational to think that maybe someday there could be a similar picture with her and Sunburst as well as Velvet? It was a kind of relationship that could work. She looked to Sunburst again, and got a hint of a smile. Maybe it could still work out with them. She didn't want to ask right now though, she needed to see if she could get out of her own way in regards to Velvet. If it meant being with Sunburst, she was ready to give it a shot. *** Starlight was about to leave the couple with Twilight to talk about their shared interest in antiquing when on her way out Sunburst stopped her. “Starlight.” He calmly said. “I know there's something wrong. Will you please just talk to me?” Starlight just stared at him a moment. “Am I really that obvious?” Sunburst shifted uncomfortably. “Well I have known you for years. And I'm still your friend, if there's something bothering you, you can talk to me.” Starlight managed a weak smile. “Thank you Sunburst.” As she spoke she couldn't help but imagine herself stepping forward and hugging him tightly, never to let him go. But she didn't do that. “Maybe later, though. I've got a lot on my mind.” She turned to walk away but didn't move. As she tried to take a step, an orange luminescence held her in place. “Starlight.” Sunburst patiently said, “No matter what it is, I'm here for you.” A tear rolled down Starlight's cheek as she heard the words. “Thank you.” She gently said. “I'll talk to you about it later.” “How about at dinner, after we finish looking at the blind buy.” He suggested as his horn went dark. Starlight's horn lit up for a moment as she wicked the tear away and turned to smile at her old friend. “Oh, that's alright, you enjoy your date with your” She still had a measure of trouble saying it, “girlfriend.” Much to her surprise, even though it was still a little difficult, the thought of them now didn't leave her with a yawning pit in her stomach. “I was thinking just us. Velvet wants to spend the evening with Twilight and Spike, and I haven't really had the chance to catch up with you.” Starlight blushed and thanked Sunburst. “We'll go out after looking at that blind buy.” *** Starlight didn't know exactly when James arrived, but she clearly heard him walking through the halls and went to meet him part way. He looked quite well put together, but this wasn't surprising. The days and nights didn't match so evening in one world was morning in the other, so James had clearly just woken up. In fact, given the time, he must have woken up early to come by. Or had simply not gone to sleep, either was likely with him. James smiled as Starlight approached him. “Hey there, Starlight,” He said as he knelt down and reached out to her. Starlight grinned as she took a step forward and hugged James. “So, got any fun plans?” He asked as they separated. “Yeah.” She smiled as she looked up to him. “I may just have a date later.” “May?” James' voice lilted a bit. “You don't know?” He asked coyly. “Well, it's complicated.” “Yeah, I understand that.” James laughed heartily as the two started to walk off. “I'm happy for you, I hope it goes well.” He said as the two walked towards the library where the barrel waited for James and his spell. Starlight had decided to watch as the barrel was opened, curious herself about what magical items could be hidden amongst the clutter. She had to wonder just what kind of magical items would get so lost as to wind up forgotten in an antique shop. The two were greeted warmly as they entered the library. James held out his fist as Sunburst approached and tapped it with his hoof. Then, much like he had with Starlight, James knelt and hugged Twilight. After letting her go he turned to Velvet, smiled and held out his hand. “Hello.” He politely said. “Who might you be?” “Oh this is my girlfriend, Velvet.” Sunburst smiled as he looked to them. Velvet looked to James' hand a moment before walking forward and hugging him as well. James chuckled a moment. “She's very friendly.” “She's been eager to meet you.” Sunburst chuckled himself. Velvet smirked up at James. “I wanted to know who's been taking my stallion from me every other week.” James smiled and sighed. “Well speaking of being taken away, I won't be sticking around long to look at what magical stuff could be in there. I've got to get out to Vanhoover.” “Oh?” Sunburst asked. “What's going on in Vanhoover?” Twilight was the one to answer. “It's the Wonderbolts show Rainbow Dash is flying in.” She said with a smile. James nodded. “What can I say? Rainbow Dash doesn't want to go out without at least a wing rub, she insists she flies better after. I've also got some protein for her. I'm betting she's been carbo-loading again.” “Ooh, what do you have?” Starlight asked happily James reached into the bag of holding he wore on his hip and produced a lidded container. “Alicia made her an apple almond salad.” Twilight made a pleased noise as she heard what James had brought. “Those are so good” Velvet cooed slightly. “That's so sweet.” “Thank you.” James blushed as he put the salad container back into his bag, then rummaged around a moment before pulling out a book. “I should probably get to this spell and be on my way then.” He opened the book and approached the barrel, placing his hand on it and chanting once he found the appropriate page. There was a brief blue glow that surrounded the barrel before fading and leaving only a faint light escaping from the odd crack or hole. “Looks like you've got something. I hope to hear all about it when I get back.” James said with a smile as he backed towards the door. “It was nice to meet you, Velvet, we'll have to talk when I've got a bit more time. How about after the Magical Theory lecture?” And without even waiting for an answer James vanished. “Oh, well …” Twilight looked around the group a moment. “let's see what we've got.” It was late in the evening when they finished looking at the antiques, the only magical items to be found were a cloak and a necklace. None of them were able to identify the magic in them right away but they had all the time they needed to figure it out. Velvet happily shooed Sunburst off as she examined a nondescript book they had found. She had some ideas about what it could be, but needed time to make sure. It wasn't until halfway through their meal that Starlight and Sunburst finished catching up. Starlight felt warm as she spent time with the stallion she had known so well, but there was still the reason she was here. “Sunburst, I had a whole plan about how to do this, but that kind of changed when I met Velvet.” “I'm sorry Starlight. I wanted to tell you about her, but it just slipped my mind.” “Oh, that's … alright, but I did want to ask. Do you think that there could, possibly, maybe, be something between us?” She immediately regretted asking, giving him an awkward smile as she finished. “What do you mean?” Starlight could feel her heart racing. “I mean, well, it works out well for James, and I don't dislike Velvet.” “What works out well?” Starlight wanted to shout what she meant but didn't, muttering to herself that it would be counter productive. “I mean that, maybe, I could … also … be your girlfriend.” Sunburst's smile vanished immediately. “Oh, uhm … I don't … I mean … I'm with Velvet.” “I know.” There was more than a hint of desperation to Starlight's voice. “And that's okay, I just want to be with you too.” Sunburst sighed. “If I knew sooner, maybe we could have been something. But I thought you weren't interested, so I moved on.” Starlight slumped in her chair before weakly asking. “When did you start?” “I met her last year while antiquing, we got to know each other better as we talked about our similar interests. We only started dating after the battle, when I realized that life was to chaotic to just hope for something. I asked her out as soon as I got back.” “Isn't there some way I could be a part of that?” “Starlight, I know things are different in New Guardia. But I'm with Velvet, and I don't see that changing. I'll still be there for you, just as your friend.” Starlight looked into her drink, whatever it was she was feeling, she hated it. She closed her eyes for a moment and in a flash of light vanished. Appearing back in her bedroom in Twilight's castle. The last thing she wanted to do right now was talk to anyone. Back at the restaurant Sunburst sighed as he was left looking at the open space where his friend had once been. He would help her however he could, but he couldn't bring himself to do what Starlight was asking. > 3 Helping Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “… and he still needs to get dragged out to the dance floor,” Starlight heard Rainbow Dash complain as she began to pay attention again. Rainbow Dash had accompanied James back from Vanhoover, and insisted on talking to Starlight shortly after he'd gone home. “Why are you here?” Starlight blurted out suddenly and flatly. Rainbow Dash stopped mid breath and looked at Starlight. “Because you offered to help me with this,” She awkwardly said. “Help you with what?” Starlight said bluntly, “You know what your relationship with James is. You may not want to admit it to yourself. But deep down, you know.” Rainbow Dash glared at Starlight a moment. “You know what? If you're not up to this today, I'm gonna leave.” Rainbow Dash got up in a huff and flew towards the door. Starlight's horn lit up and the door closed before Rainbow Dash could leave. “I'm sorry.” She said as Rainbow Dash turned on her, still scowling. “I just had so much planned when Sunburst came and now …” Starlight shook her head and sighed. “Do you mind if I vent this time?” Rainbow Dash looked to her, confused, but eventually landed and nodded. “Thanks. It's just, I'm pretty jealous of you right now.” Starlight admitted, walking out from behind her desk towards the couch. “You and James have this special relationship. And he's waiting for you to give him an answer. No matter how long you stall, he'll still be there for you.” Rainbow Dash balked at the statement and nervously cleared her throat. “Sunburst … didn't wait for me,” Starlight sighed as she shook her head. “I waited too long, so he moved on. He has a girlfriend now. She's nice, sweet, she cares about him, she even likes me.” Her voice broke as she spoke, tears rolling down her cheeks as she could no longer hold herself back. Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head uncomfortably as she spoke. “Well, if she likes you too … maybe it's not too late.” Starlight wiped her eyes as she looked to the pegasus. “What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash sighed as she readied herself. “Well … you could talk to them … about how you feel. I mean, if you didn't think it was possible, you wouldn't be here helping me.” Starlight felt that horrid pit inside open up again. “I already talked to Sunburst. That's how I know I waited too long.” She burst out crying and flung herself onto the couch, stopping only after Rainbow Dash awkwardly pat her back. “Oh,” Rainbow Dash squeaked as an idea came to her. “You should do something fun. You know, take your mind off all this stuff.” “Like what? I can't even play my favorite game right now without thinking about Sunburst.” Starlight huffed as she buried her head under a pillow. “Well … I could talk to James. There's an Armored Core competition coming up. Doubles too, so you'd be working with somepony. We've got to talk a lot so you won't even have time to think about Sunburst.” Starlight huffed again, rolling over to look up at Rainbow Dash. “I don't know. I'd be a pretty lousy partner right now.” “Tell you what. I'll partner with you. I'm sure between the two of us we can give Lucca and Tali a surprise.” Rainbow Dash said with a wide smile. “You really think we can beat those two?” Starlight asked with a weak chuckle, just glad that someone was trying to make her feel better. “Won't know until we try,” Rainbow Dash insisted. Starlight smiled slightly, “When's the competition start?” Rainbow Dash reached into her mane a moment, collected a small, golden bracelet and promptly put it on. An omnitool blinked to life and Rainbow Dash glanced at it's display. “Uhm, Saturday at about noon.” Starlight gave Rainbow Dash a questioning look. “Isn't that late for them?” Rainbow Dash shrugged, “That's when they always start. I guess it's just so they have most of the night to play.” “I don't know. I had plans with Sunburst … and his girlfriend …” Starlight sighed, climbing back up to her hooves. She had originally planned on her and Sunburst visiting Trixie as she arrived in town that day, but maybe this would do a better job of making her feel better. “Sunburst can take care of his girlfriend. You need to take care of yourself.” Rainbow Dash said as she poked Starlight's chest. Starlight grinned again as she looked to Rainbow Dash. Taking a step forward she hugged the pegasus quickly. “Thanks. I'll be ready.” “Maybe talk to James as well,” Rainbow Dash suggested, “he's a good listener and really patient.” Starlight nodded as she thought about the suggestion. “Yeah, I've monopolized him once or twice.” “Awesome. Get your AC ready and I'll see you Saturday.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked out the door. *** It didn't take much searching for Starlight to find that Sunburst had gone to the library, with a steadying breath she reached her hoof out towards the door. The door opened as Starlight knocked. “Sunburst?” She called out as she stuck her head into the room. “Oh … Hi Starlight,” Sunburst uncomfortably said. “Look, I'm sorry about …” “No. It's alright,” Starlight interrupted, “you were right, you've moved on and I can't change that. I'm not going to run off and do anything crazy this time. However, I know we were going to spend a lot of time with each other while you were here, but Saturday I think I'll go to New Guardia for a while. Just clearing my head.” “Isn't Saturday the day of the Trivia Trot?” Starlight's eyes glossed over as she heard the word “trivia.” It wasn't chaos, but between Sunburst and Twilight she was surprised anybody dared come back. Well, maybe not about Applejack or Rainbow Dash. Nothing could scare those two from a competition. “Uhm, yeah. That's kind of why my original plan put us far away from it.” “I was already planning on going to that with Velvet. … We've been practicing for this for a while now. I think she expects us to be teamed together.” “You think she'll be okay just sitting and letting you do all the answering?” Sunburst blushed as he rubbed the back of his head with his hoof. “I hope so … but if she doesn't,” he paused and cleared his throat. “that's alright. As long as we have fun.” Starlight's jaw dropped. Velvet had somehow managed to get Sunburst to ease up on his obsession with his correct answer percentage. She had pleaded with him that first (and only) Trivia Trot and hadn't changed his mind. And she wasn't even his partner! This smacked her hard to know that Velvet had this much of an influence on him. That Velvet was able to reach him in ways she couldn't. Starlight once again forced a smile, despite her pain. “You two have fun.” “If you're interested, maybe the three of us can get dinner Saturday.” Sunburst suggested with a smile. “Sure, if I finish up early I'll swing by.” Starlight had no intention of taking him up on the offer. As she walked out of the room the familiar sinking feeling in her stomach returned. Remembering Rainbow Dash's advice, she decided she should talk to James. *** Lights placed low on the walls dimly illuminated the hallway, a recent addition by James given his now regular late night visitors. Unlike normal, however, Starlight wasn't dropping in to play a couple games at the end of a long day. She had come because she needed a friend to hear her out. As expected, James' room was nearly pitch black. Even during the day the thick curtains over the large window kept the room dark. She could hear James' snoring long before she entered but that ended abruptly once she was in the room. “Sorry to barge in.” She whispered, hoping she hadn't actually woken either James or his wife Lucca, even though she would be waking James soon anyway. There was a soft moan that she guessed was Lucca followed by rustle, then suddenly James began snoring again. Starlight could only guess what that was all about, but was glad she didn't seem to be actually bothering them yet. She didn't have to stay particularly quiet with James' snoring but still tried out of courtesy. In moments she reached James' side of the bed and gently shook his shoulder with her hoof. “James? Can I talk to you?” James groaned momentarily before opening his eyes. “Hey there,” he quietly said with a smile, “everything alright?” Starlight looked at him uncomfortably before shaking her head. “Alright. I'll meet you in the den.” He said as he reached up to the corner-post and collected his robe. Starlight walked away as James tied the robe, careful to not disturb his wife as he stood up. *** Starlight didn't head directly to James' den, she walked past it to first visit his personal kitchen and get a couple drinks for them both. A tea for herself, and a slightly sweet coffee with a splash of cream for James. I am waking him up and asking him to listen me complain. This is the least I can do for him. Her horn lit up and the two drinks levitated as she walked back to the den. The room was cool as it had likely been empty for a while. She walked in, past James' reading chair, and climbed onto the couch, taking the blanket draped across it and wrapping it around herself. She could start a fire in the fireplace if she wanted, but that seemed a bit much just for a conversation, wrapping the blanket slightly tighter she patiently waited for James. It wasn't long before James walked through the door, and saw Starlight sitting on the couch, blanket around her and looking depressed. “I got you a coffee.” Starlight said as she gestured to the mug she had placed on the table. James walked past his chair and sat on the couch next to Starlight, taking the mug and wrapping his other arm around her. “Thank you. Now, what's wrong?” Affectionate gestures weren't uncommon from James, and right now she greatly appreciated the sentiment. “It's … a personal matter.” “I'll help however I can, but don't you usually go to Twilight first?” “That's the thing, I need somepony to listen to me. I don't need help, and you know Twilight will just try to solve the problem,” Starlight explained. James smirked as he rubbed her shoulder, “I'm usually guilty of that too.” “Just listen please. You're the only one I can think of who has real perspective on this.” “Okay,” James patiently said as he took another drink of his coffee. “Just let it out.” Starlight nodded and told James everything about her relationship with Sunburst, his relationship with Velvet, and his refusal of her. “… I always thought he'd be there, but now that he's gone … I don't know what I was thinking.” James held his cooled coffee and quietly listened as she spoke, letting her clear her mind before speaking. “He's not gone, Starlight,” he calmly said, “but I get that he's with someone. And a monogamous relationship is what most people want.” “Yeah.” Starlight mumbled. “But he's only there as a friend. I guess I just want more now. I want somepony to love … and somepony to love me.” There was a tug in James' chest as he saw Starlight wiping away a tear. He'd been lonely, back before he and Lucca were together, and he knew what he would have appreciated most when he felt this low. He placed what was left of his coffee on the table and gently embraced the lonely mare. “James!?” Starlight asked, shocked, as he held her close. “Don't worry about that,” James quietly said, “I know you'll find someone to love, but you never have to look far to find someone to love you.” “Thanks.” Starlight couldn't help tearing up as she heard his words, being held as she was. She gave a small smile, allowing herself to get comfortable. “… Can we stay like this for a while?” “I'll never complain about getting to hold a cute girl.” James said with a smile as Starlight chuckled. Even though she still hurt from what had just happened with Sunburst, right now, like this, she was happy. Starlight quietly enjoyed herself, letting her thoughts drift as she did. In some distant part of her mind she could hear Rainbow Dash talking, telling her a story. Her eyes shot open as she remembered what Rainbow Dash had said about when she first started having feelings for James. Back when they had been locked in Washu's training room. Shortly after Starlight had suggested helping Rainbow Dash sort out her feelings, Rainbow Dash had confessed that she hadn't stayed as calm as she wanted everyone to believe. And it was during one of those times where she had completely lost her composure that James held her and promised that she would get out safely. Everything that he had done and the closeness they had fostered up to that point all came to a head with Rainbow Dash realizing that she did feel something for him. She had never expected it, but she was happy to be with him. What surprised her most was that soon after, she began to visualize what a relationship with him could be, and found that she actually liked the idea. That wasn't the only thing to be unearthed during their sessions. Later Rainbow Dash had mentioned that while planning for the mock wedding she had seriously considered, however briefly, asking Mayor Mare to actually marry them. Starlight had heard about other times that Rainbow Dash's feelings had cropped up again, just as powerful as they were when the two of them were trapped with only each other for company and comfort. How she had always pushed them away, telling herself that it was just because of what they had been through together. Like a blast of cold water Starlight realized the same was happening to her right now. She felt that she didn't want him to let her go, and that she would be happy to just stay with him. She told herself that she couldn't do that to Rainbow Dash, and braced herself as she reluctantly pushed him away. With another pang of guilt she realized that she was disappointed when James simply let her go. “Let's go do something fun and get your mind off all of this.” James offered, slowly rubbing her back. “Well, I do need to practice for the AC competition.” “You're coming to that?” James asked with a grin. “Yeah, actually, Rainbow Dash had the same idea and invited me. She said we could team up.” James hummed a moment. “I see. Well I guess that means I've got to figure something out.” As he thought, a wicked grin spread across his face. “Actually … heheh … that could work out.” “Should I be worried?” “About me planning something? Always.” James said before he began to laugh. “Come on, I'll help you practice.” With that the two left the den and made their way to James' holosuites. *** The door of the holosuite slid closed behind James and he found himself marveling once again at the Raven's Nest. While there had been some minor upgrades and customizations to the program (he had to get rid of the tobacco smoke,) the majority was unchanged from when he had first got the program from a hologame community in the Federation. He'd spent his first month in the twenty fourth century holed up in his diplomatic suite, just downloading games and programs. And he was overjoyed to find that many of his favorite games had been upgraded, expanded, and adapted for the advanced technology. The complex he now stood in had an industrial feel, with heavy machinery looming overhead and NPC maintenance workers in areas marked as being off limits. The “pilots” would enter from a heavy blast door onto the main floor where they could walk around and explore. Dominating the center of the open floor was the ranking billboard that gave the pilot's rank versus the various NPC characters in the game. One of the modifications to the program allowed James to use it as a multiplayer scoreboard during competitions. Immediately in front of the scoreboard was a large desk with a friendly looking receptionist in a gray jumpsuit, their appearance was always randomized but their personality never changed. Here pilots registered for battles and missions during single player campaigns. To the right was the shop, and while not every item available in the game could be purchased, it did allow them to see what they hadn't gotten yet. To the left of the shop, and linked by a door between them, was the garage where pilots built their Armored Cores with the parts available to them. Along the back wall, behind the leader board, was a gargantuan screen where battles between Armored Cores could be watched freely. Along the other wall had once been a wild bar and mechanical scenery, but James had found someone to modify it into a large lounge. The lounge thematically fit in, though not so rough and tumble, and had a bar with appropriately unhealthy food and drink available. As well as comfortable (but not plush) seating where the massive screen could be easily viewed. While it felt like a dive, it was a fun and comfortable dive. The holographic door let out a heavy clang as it closed behind Starlight. “I'm going to go make sure I've got everything ready.” “Take your time,” James answered as he watched Starlight disappear into the shop. Once she was gone, he made a beeline to the receptionist. “Hello, Power Mad,” The holographic woman politely said, “are you registering for a battle?” James shook his head, “Not yet, I want to send a message to Invader, please.” *** Starlight looked over her parts list and their specifications. Her mind, however, was elsewhere. However briefly, she had just seriously considered dating someone who one of her friends was interested in. She needed to understand why, and began asking herself the same questions she had once asked Rainbow Dash. Did she find him attractive? She'd called him handsome before (and meant it) when he was shape shifted into a stallion. But what about right now, in his real form? Her eyes skimmed the stats of several generators, not taking in anything as she thought, and realized that she couldn't say no. Starlight shook her head as she tried to focus on her AC. She failed. She liked him, they were good friends. There was never a time where he wasn't kind to her. Even when she had nearly destroyed Equestria, the first thing he did was ask her how she was feeling. And it wasn't just him, she liked his whole family: She and Lucca would take time every week to find something fun to do for a few hours. She could talk with Tali endlessly. James' oldest daughter, Sara, even called her “aunt.” There were paintings from Amber hanging in her office. Was it possible for her to be a bigger part of that? With a sigh, she considered what she was doing right now. She'd just been rejected by someone she loved, and was looking for someone to validate her feelings. She looked to her AC and decided it was ready. It was a build she was comfortable with, and this was just practice anyway. Once again her mind drifted to her situation, thinking that James seemed to happily give her that validation she wanted. She began considering their long hug earlier and found that she really wanted to be back there. Wrapped in the blanket … and his arms. The thought once again came with a feeling of guilt. Thinking that if she had acted sooner with Sunburst she may not be considering this now. She had to pull herself together, James was waiting for her so they could start their game. She put on a smile as she left the garage and found James sitting in the lounge waiting for her. “All ready,” She said with a grin as she walked towards the table. “Mine's set up and we've got a random arena. Do you want to work together or go head to head?” James asked as he got up and met Starlight partway. “Let's work together for now.” *** Lucca sat in her workshop sipping her coffee as she reviewed her schematics, trying to think if there were any modifications she should make before getting back to work. Just over the constant rumble of motors, voices caught her ear and she turned to the door to wish her daughters well as they went to school. However as she stood in the doorway of her workshop and the hum of motors no longer drowned out the deeper tones, she realized that the voices, very clearly, weren't her daughters'. “By the way, that move you pulled; totally cheating,” Starlight said with a chuckle. “I'll keep that in mind,” James answered with his own. “Sounds like you mean to use it Saturday.” “Of course,” James laughed out loud this time. “it may be cheating, but it's not actually against the rules.” “Dad's cheating again?” Sara said with a snarky half grin as she and her sister walked towards the duo. Starlight walked up and hugged Sara as Amber hugged James. “Yeah, he is. He needs to play fair.” James rolled his eyes. “Come on, I was outnumbered. Give me a little leeway.” “Shouldn't you two be on your way to school?” Lucca called from the open door of her workshop. “You've got your project, right Amber?” Amber shifted uncomfortably, “Yes mom.” “Hey, don't worry. I know you know the material, just show them what you've done and give your report.” Lucca said comfortingly. “What's your report on?” Starlight eagerly asked. “How environmental pressures effect evolution,” Amber shifted slightly as she spoke. “… I painted a progression showing how a squirrel could potentially evolve into a tiny seal-like creature. And the pressures that could contribute to the change.” She added with a smile. “I'd love to see it,” Starlight smiled at the excited young girl, “but maybe later. And if you want, I bet Twilight would love to see it too.” Amber beamed before she ran off followed closely by Sara. “And I believe you said you've got a bed to get to,” James said to Starlight with a smile. Starlight grinned and scoffed. “Yeah, you're right. I'll see you for your lecture Friday,” with a hug Starlight walked off towards the door connecting James' castle to Twilight's. “I thought Tali had borrowed you.” Lucca commented as James approached her. “Mmm. That smells good.” He “answered,” looking to her coffee. “Want a taste.” Lucca offered, holding out her steaming mug. James shook his head. “No sugar, no cream, no thanks.” “Wimp.” Lucca laughed before taking another sip of her drink. > 4 Game Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight and Rainbow Dash laughed together as they looked for their assigned holosuites. They were running a little late but they had their usual suites reserved right alongside those of James and his family. With a wave they both stepped into their assigned suites and walked into the Raven's Nest. Rainbow Dash pranced slightly as she came in beside Starlight. “You're happy.” Starlight commented with a grin. “Of course!” Rainbow Dash was grinning ear to ear. “These competitions get intense, especially when we get closer to the end. Lucca and Tali will be especially tough.” “I wonder who James will team up with, since it was going to be you and him.” Starlight idly commented. Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks and groaned as she smacked her face with her hoof, she had completely forgotten that she had promised to be his partner for this.. “And this is a doubles competition.” She groaned again at her mistake. “So he can't join?” Starlight asked. “Not if he doesn't find a partner.” Rainbow Dash admitted. “Oh, I'm sorry. I can just watch …” Starlight said before being cut off. “Why would you do that?” James asked, smiling as he approached the pair. “I'm sorry James.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked up to James and rubbed the back of her head. “I forgot my promise.” James held his fist out and Rainbow Dash tapped it with her hoof. “Don't worry, I've got something set up.” He said with a wicked grin. “So you were plotting something.” Starlight chuckled. James began to laugh out loud. “I told you I was. Unfortunately Sara decided she didn't want to team up with her old man and chose to play some of her own games instead. So I moved on to Plan B.” “What's Plan B?” Rainbow Dash's face lit up as she asked. “A surprise.” “We'll be starting in just a minute, where's the harm in telling us.” Starlight gave James a sly smile as she took a step forward. “Because it will spoil the surprise for everyone … And possibly take away my advantage.” “Come on Starlight, let's go register. It won't make a difference if we know or not. We'll go right through him when it's time.” Rainbow Dash said with her normal confidence. “Trust me.” James' wicked grin looking even more ominous. “No one's going right through me.” Rainbow Dash scoffed and strutted forward. “Go grab us some pizza, Starlight and I are going to need our energy for the competition.” Tossing James a smile she flew off towards the registration counter. Once James and Starlight were alone he knelt down and placed his hand on Starlight's shoulder. “How are you doing?” He asked with his typical half smile. Starlight returned the smile and nodded. “I'm doing alright.” “I hope so. And if there's anything at all I can do to help you feel better, don't hesitate to ask. … I mean it.” James stood and began to walk towards the crowded lounge. Starlight smiled weakly as she walked alongside James. “Thanks.” “Once we're out of here we can actually spend some time and talk if you like.” James offered. Starlight paused a second. “I forgot that we're in different rooms.” James chuckled. “Good. That means everything is working right.” “So if it's all illusion …?” Starlight didn't finish, she knew James understood her question. “Well, the pizza is real. A replicated version from my original universe, but real. We'll each get a couple slices.” “I look forward to trying it.” Starlight grinned as they walked. “Then you should go get registered, the Pizza will at the table when you're done.” Rainbow Dash was already at the counter finishing her registration as Starlight approached. “So what song should we use?” She asked, turning to her friend. “Song?” Starlight asked as she began the relatively short process of getting registered. “Yeah. It plays when we enter for the first time and again when we win the fight, kind of like a theme. They've got a whole list of music here. I'm thinking “We are the Champions.” It's one song that could just as easily be two but they split this one up appropriately. We'll get “We Will Rock You” going in, and the “We Are the Champions.” “Oh.” Starlight hadn't expected music to play a part. “Just go with what you want, I'm sure it'll be good.” “It'll be awesome!” Rainbow Dash corrected. Starlight was almost finished when she noticed Rainbow Dash's pilot name. “You're name is “The Danger?”” Rainbow Dash grinned. “Cool, right? What's yours?” Starlight shrugged. “Moonlight.” “Really?” Rainbow Dash's voice was deadpan as she asked. “That's so close to your name you may as well use your name.” “Well I changed it to Moonlight after I found the sword.” “No way!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. “You've got the Moonlight? Please tell me you've got it equipped, that will make this so-o-o much easier.” Starlight grinned and nodded. “Equipped it when I got it and haven't removed it since.” “Alright!” Rainbow Dash happily said as she did a loop in the air. “This is going to be awesome!” “Well, I'm done. Are we registered as a team yet?” Rainbow Dash flew up a moment and quickly found where James was sitting in the lounge. “Yep, let's go see if James got us that pizza.” As they got closer Starlight immediately recognized Lucca and James, but not the extremely pale, raven haired woman sitting with them. She looked at her gentle features, white starry eyes, friendly smile and couldn't help but feel she knew this woman from somewhere. Starlight sat in the last available chair as Rainbow Dash went to get her plate of Pizza. “Hey.” Rainbow Dash sounded slightly hurt as she looked around the table. “Where am I gonna sit?” James scooted his chair out a bit, not standing as he did. “Here's good.” Rainbow Dash blushed as James spoke, careful to not look at either him or Starlight. Lucca and the other woman smiled as they watched. “Well if you're not going to take his offer …” The other woman got up and quickly sat on James' lap, wrapping her arm around him as she did. “Not as nice as the real thing.” James said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Suck it up. This is how everything feels to me.” Starlight recognized the voice of the woman, despite not having the familiar distortion she was used to hearing. “Tali?” Starlight gaped at the woman now happily sitting on James' leg. Tali raised a three fingered hand and waved. “Hello.” James rubbed her shoulder a moment as he smiled at Starlight. “Since it's actually pretty easy to sanitize the holosuites she'll occasionally wear something different. Though she doesn't need those precautions anymore.” “I know, I just can't be out of my suit out there.” Tali squirmed uncomfortably. “It's alright, we've all got our issues.” Lucca said, shaking her head as Rainbow Dash sat in the recently vacated chair. James wrapped his other arm around Tali as well and smiled. “Besides, if I just don't let you go I don't need to worry about losing to you two.” Tali scoffed and looked at James, “I'll just turn off collision and walk through you.” Starlight smiled as she watched the interaction of the two, genuinely happy for them. She felt welcome here, and even blushed as James smiled at her. “Hey guys!” Rainbow Dash spoke up excitedly, pointing to the screen with her hoof. “They've got the brackets set up!” The table went quiet as they turned to see the placings. “Wait. James, the board isn't showing your partner.” Starlight said, echoing the thoughts of most at the table. “Yeah, once Sara turned me down I got in contact with Ash'ra to approve me going solo.” Lucca gave James a sidelong glance, before looking to the screen herself. “Looks like none of us are going against each other first.” She then turned to give James a smug smile. “I'm going to find out what your plan is.” “I'm more curious what these two are going to do.” James said as he looked between Rainbow Dash and Starlight. “They're the real wild card here.” “I don't think so, you're trying to get attention off yourself.” Tali gave James a sly grin. “The first fight is starting!” Rainbow Dash excitedly said, generally ignoring them and drawing everyone's attention to the monitor at the back of the Raven's Nest once more. It was easy to get lost in the cheers and general excitement of the group. And the conversation they were having, as well as any discomfort, were soon forgotten. Rainbow Dash cheered the loudest as the battle continued, Tali leaped to her feet and applauded when a particularly good maneuver was executed. Even Lucca let out a few shrill whistles occasionally. Starlight was happy to be here. Not just to avoid the Trivia Trot, and not because Sunburst wasn't here. Everyone was happy here, even the losers were cheered as loudly as the winners when they got back. She would have to see about coming back for more of these competitions. As her attention turned back to the table, she found that only herself, James and Rainbow Dash were still there. James looked out and smiled towards Tali and Lucca who mingled with their friends while Rainbow Dash ate her slice of pizza. It wasn't long before it was James' turn to go against a team, and with a nod he excused himself to attend to the competition. The other mechs waited as James' music began. Horns and drums rang out, and immediately Lucca and Tali turned to the monitor to watch as a massive, crimson humanoid mech with a heavy chain gun mounted on each shoulder, and a third in his right hand. It's sheer bulk making it appear squat even though it was as tall at the other two mechs. Calls of foul play were joined by laughter as each person had their own reaction to seeing the mech. “Ash'ra.” Tali called. “That AC is against the rules.” A Quarian man looked up from his omnitool and turned to the group. “He's taking on two opponents. The way I see it there's no harm in letting him use Big Red as long as he abides by the other equipment restrictions.” Nobody could see his face through his environmental suit, but he emoted enough to make it clear that he was enjoying the twist. “He asked me about this days ago.” “It's too powerful!” Another pilot called. “We've got at least one pilot who can beat him.” He turned and looked to Rainbow Dash. “If you think you can beat her, you should be able to beat him.” The mood was noticeably different this time as everyone quietly stared at the screen. James took a knee as he brought about one of the shoulder mounted chain guns. Rotating in place as he kept the stream of bullets trained on one of his opponents. His opponents strafed around him, occasionally moving forward and back, having not expected to fight a stationary target. Starlight leaned over the table towards Rainbow Dash and whispered, not wanting to make much noise as everyone watched the fight. “What's he doing?” “Big Red is tough, but really slow. He can't maneuver well enough to do half of what we're doing. So he uses those heavy guns that have to be stationary and takes the hits. One on one he can just soak it up, but I don't know about fighting two.” They watched as James switched guns and continued his assault. Shortly after, the first of his opponents crumpled over, destroyed. James' mech stood up and with a blast from his boosters slid to the side, into the tunnels surrounding the arena. “James has them now.” Rainbow Dash whispered, her eyes not leaving the screen. “What? How do the tunnels help?” Starlight leaned forward again, interested. “James can corner them in the tunnels. He's so big nopony can get around him, and he doesn't need to aim to hit them with everything he's got.” “Then why didn't he go for the tunnels straight away?” “Because they wouldn't have to aim either. Strafing to avoid his fire made them miss some of their shots, so he may just be able to soak up that last little bit now.” Rainbow Dash never looked away from the screen as she explained James' tactics. The monitor split as James moved further away from his opponent, trudging aimlessly through the tunnels. “He's got to follow him.” Rainbow Dash quietly said to herself. “James isn't going to come out, you have to go after him.” The other mech couldn't continue waiting where they were, and eventually followed James into the tunnels. After a few moments of silence the judge turned on the audio from the mechs to give some information. A general amused chuckle arose from the group as they heard James casually singing to himself. More than one spectator began to sing along with him. The other pilot wasn't as relaxed as they walked through the tunnels. They muttered to themselves, wondering where James could be, and paused at every intersection. “AC's have radar. He should be able to tell generally where James is.” Starlight muttered. “To make it interesting the judge has all radar jammed. You can only tell where they are when you're really close to … There he is!” Rainbow Dash shot up and shouted as the screen merged into one. The view changed to behind James as his mech flew forward, swinging an energy sword as he went. His maniacal laughter echoing throughout the Raven's nest as he did. The other pilot shouted and hopelessly boosted as James continued to push them back into the corner. They fired frantically, trying to get some distance between the two, but there was nowhere to go. James continued to slash with the energy sword until his opponent crumpled over, defeated. “You said you could beat Big Red, right?” Starlight asked as the horn and drum music started once more and James was declared the winner of the bout. Rainbow Dash laughed uncomfortably, “Yeah … about that. It was with an AC I had specifically put together to beat him.” “And aren't you using that one?” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “It's not good for beating anypony but him. It's great at getting around fast and overheating him since Big Red can't cool down quickly, but it doesn't deal much by way of actual damage. It's completely useless for competitions.” “Who's he going against next?” “Most likely Lucca and Tali.” “Who would you rather we fight?” “James. You've both got the Moonlight, so you can do a lot of damage to him while I get him from a distance.” “What about Tali and Lucca?” “I think you should go after Tali, she likes fight up close so you get her with your sword. I'll go after Lucca.” Loud cheers interrupted their conversation as the pilots returned. While James got a couple handshakes and pats on the back, it was the losers who received the greatest congratulation. It wasn't hard for James to get away and sit back down with Starlight and Rainbow Dash. “It's great that they're so supportive of the guys who lost … but this seems a bit much.” Starlight commented as Lucca and Tali prepared for their coming fight. James gave his normal half smile. “They deserve it. That's a tough mech to beat, and it's basically considered cheating for me to use it.” Starlight looked to him a moment before whispering. “It's not right to just dismiss you, though.” James shook his head. “It's only because I'm using Big Red. Things will be back to normal next time.” “I think you did great. You were outnumbered, immobilized for most of the battle, and still won.” Rainbow Dash praised. “Thanks.” James calmly said. All too soon the chatter and noise dropped when the music for Lucca and Tali's team played over the sound system. The ACs looked almost identical, save for coloring, weapons, and one being slightly larger. “Which one is Tali?” Starlight leaned over and asked James. “The larger one with the shotgun.” He whispered back. “Tali fights up close while Lucca takes a backseat and fights from a distance.” “Rainbow Dash mentioned that. If they win this one, you'll be fighting them next.” “I'm pretty sure they will. Their opponents are good on their own, but can't fight as a team. They don't work together and just act like they're each doing their own solo fight.” Starlight started to settle back into her seat before leaning towards James again. “Why are we whispering?” James chuckled . “Because everyone is studying Tali and Lucca, they want to dethrone them.” “Is there some kind of prize?” “Bragging rights.” Rainbow Dash answered in James' place. They watched Lucca and Tali operate just as Rainbow Dash and James both predicted. While their opponents broke away from each other quickly, going after their chosen targets. Lucca had to constantly dodge as the other mech pressed in on her. Starlight had noticed just what was going on: Lucca wasn't even aiming for him. Instead she was firing at the mech that had engaged Tali. While Tali was keeping their attention, Lucca was pecking away and before long they broke down. Before they even finished collapsing Tali had turned and moved on to take the other mech from behind. Starlight leaned back over to Rainbow Dash and whispered. “I don't think that plan is going to work.” Rainbow Dash nodded. She'd seen them fight together before, but Tali hadn't been used as a distraction before. They needed a plan to get the two apart and use each other's strengths. Rainbow Dash gulped as she realized that she didn't know Starlight's strength. All she knew about her partner's build is that it used the Moonlight. She had just assumed Starlight was ready for a close fight. In a panic she turned to talk to Starlight. “Okay, so we can't fight them like that. Do you have any ideas?” Starlight chewed her lip, she had at least fought alongside James once, but had no practice at all fighting alongside Rainbow Dash. “Divide and conquer?” She halfheartedly suggested. “If I can get Tali to follow me into the tunnels then you swoop in and keep Lucca off of me then we might be able to win.” “Yeah, but then we're fighting them one on one, and these two just trade the Champion position back and forth.” “Do you have a better idea?” Rainbow Dash fidgeted as she tried to think, but came up with nothing. “Alright. Let's do it.” “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” James mumbled. “Sorry.” Rainbow Dash said. “Just thinking about the worst case.” Starlight covered. “That doesn't help.” “You're planning on how to beat us.” Rainbow Dash commented. “Nope.” James grinned. “I've got a couple strategies with Big Red, and they either work or they don't.” As the pilots returned there were some playful jeers and laughter. Lucca found her way to the table quickly while Tali stayed amongst the group and mingled. “How's everyone here?” She asked slyly. “Intimidated yet?” James leaned over and kissed her. “Not at all. Big Red can handle that punishment.” “Yeah, he's going to be a problem.” Lucca grinned as she turned to Rainbow Dash and Starlight. “I'm counting on you two taking him down if Tali and I fail.” “Oh don't worry.” Rainbow Dash smiled confidently. “We'll get him for you.” “I love how you all talk like I'm not even here.” James spoke up. “Oh don't be like that.” Tali said as she walked up from behind him and wrapped her arms around his head. “You're just so fun to tease.” James faked a pout and let out a melodramatic sigh. Tali adjusted her stance and kissed James' cheek. “Hey, we do it because we love you.” “And I love you girls too.” James said with a chuckle. Casually, Lucca glanced out of the corner of her eye towards Rainbow Dash and Starlight to find they were both blushing slightly. After a moment of quiet James once again spoke up and the group got more lively as the next battle was set to begin. Paying attention off and on as James, Lucca and Tali provided commentary. Almost too soon it was Rainbow Dash's and Starlight's turn to fight. Once they went through the doors to get to their ACs they were brought into their individual mission rooms where they could make last minute changes to their ACs if they needed. Since this was a competition, Starlight couldn't do that, but it was still nice to see her room. The program allowed these rooms to be highly customizable. Her's had large windows that looked out over a field, information about her opponents and allies were written on the window and she had pictures of her friends everywhere. She paused a moment as she looked at Sunburst's picture. A dull ache filled her chest briefly and she reminded herself that she had come to have fun with everyone. I guess I'll have to change that to a picture of Sunburst and Velvet. Confirming her AC she left the room and entered her cockpit. Fortunately for her and Rainbow Dash, before either had started playing James had found someone to design a custom cockpit for ponies to use. James had mentioned something about it being a smaller variation of an Elcor design. She sat in her control chair, placing her hind hooves on the pedals and gripping the control sticks with her forelegs. The screen in the cockpit flashed on and she could see the arena. Her vision dipped as the mech smoothly rolled forward. The music Rainbow Dash had chosen played over her speakers, and Starlight had to admit it was a good song. Even tempting her to keep the beat as the singer chanted the lyrics. To her side Rainbow Dash's mech flew forward. Unlike her own four legged rolling mech, Rainbow Dash's was constantly flying. While Rainbow Dash could move around quickly in any direction, she had to fight against drift. And to even use a flying mech she had to keep it light, so she couldn't use the stronger weapons. The Moonlight alone would put Rainbow Dash near her weight limit. Their opponents both rolled into the arena, one using a heavy four legged configuration the other rolling on tank treads. Both equipped with the heaviest weapons they could have. They were clearly trying to get as close to Big Red as they could and still have their mechs be mobile and allowed. Just as the match was going to begin Rainbow Dash's voice came over Starlight's sound system. “Okay, Starlight. I'll try to keep them off of you, but you've got to hit them as hard as you can.” Starlight grinned. “Oh, no worries about that.” The moment the battle began Starlight rushed forward, swinging her sword as Rainbow Dash flew straight up and began shooting with her shoulder mounted machine gun. Given her build, the recoil from the gun constantly pushed Rainbow Dash back, but she used that instead of strafing to help her avoid attacks. As much as it would have made the fight easier, their opponents weren't stuck being stationary like James as they attacked, and as Starlight rushed forward both opposing mechs came to meet her. After a swing of her sword she used her thrusters to back off quickly, but not without taking a few hits for her trouble. “That was a mistake.” Starlight muttered to herself before speaking out loud to Rainbow Dash. “They're focusing on me so if I duck into the tunnels they should follow. You come in after them and we'll have them between us.” “Right!” Rainbow Dash's voice came in over Starlight's speakers. “Then there's no way they can escape!” “I'm going in.” Starlight quickly turned and retreated, the entrance to the tunnels wasn't far off and she quickly ducked inside. Just as predicted she was followed into the tunnels, however it was only by the tank treaded mech. Starlight didn't have the luxury of figuring out why the second hadn't followed as she now had to focus on the enemy in front of her. She moved backwards as her shoulder mounted rocket launcher came to bear. Using it was often tricky as there was no tracking lock so she had to eyeball the targeting, but here she didn't have to worry about aiming. She emptied it quickly, and soon her opponent's mech was smoking. She grinned as her plan had at least partially worked. It wouldn't take much more to end this skirmish. This fact wasn't lost on her opponent either and they retreated quickly from the tunnels, eager for a wider arena where they could better maneuver. *** Once Starlight and her opponent had entered the tunnels the four legged mech shifted their attention to Rainbow Dash. She had hoped Starlight's plan would have worked out, but would just have to made due with what she had. However the two had separated and she could work with that. She took a few potshots at the remaining mech to make sure she had their attention, and after dodging the return fire she began flying around the arena. Her real advantage was her energy machine gun which she could continue firing indefinitely, pausing only to cool down. The trade off was that it didn't do much damage, but it was just what she needed. As long as she kept flying circles around them she could dominate the fight. As she strafed her alarms suddenly blared as three small dots appeared on her radar: missiles, and they were right on top of her. She braced herself as the explosions threw her mech around. And as soon as she was able, she hit her boosters again, shooting off to the side and brought her machine gun to bear again. She had taken a hit, but she was far from out of it. The best way to avoid the missiles, though, was to get up close. She was not prepared for a face to face fight, but she could still do this with hit a hit and run strategy. She allowed herself to drop down, boosting forward as she reached the ground and closed the distance between the two. As she hoped, they fired another volley of missiles and they flew harmlessly around her. She was so close they couldn't get a lock. She fired her machine gun again, getting a nice little peck in, and boosted upward just in time to see them slash their sword where she had just been. She may not be able to keep distance, but she was still quick. Her strategy certainly put her at more risk, and she wasn't getting away without taking a few more hits, but she was still better off than her opponent. After another few hits she noticed Starlight's opponent boosting out of the tunnels. “Starlight! Are you alright?!” “Of course. I've got them on the run.” Starlight's voice came over Rainbow Dash's speakers. “Nice. I've got my hooves full out here, but you're doing awesome.” “Your friend there seems to be focusing on you. What do you say? Trade partners and dance?” “Way ahead of you!” Rainbow Dash immediately switched her targeting to the rolling mech and boosted forward. Starlight took the opportunity to rush past the smoking mech, swinging her sword at Rainbow Dash's former opponent. On contact, the mech began to smoke and with a second swing it crumpled over, defeated. Rainbow Dash's opponent was dispatched just as quickly as she flew around above, firing down at them. Before long they found themselves returning to the Raven's Nest. “That was awesome! Up high!” Rainbow Dash held her hoof up as they walked through the corridor towards the lounge. Starlight smiled as she smacked Rainbow Dash's hoof with her own. “That was great. You think we'll have as good a chance against Lucca and Tali?” “Oh yeah. That championship's as good as ours.” They met with their opponents in the elevator, a Turian and an elf who both congratulated them on their win. Rainbow Dash smiled at the compliments. “You two did awesome as well.” “The Moonlight is a bit heavy for my build, but it hits hard.” The elf said as he looked to them. The Turian laughed a moment. “You didn't take that volley of rockets, Ferron. I think I could have handled the Moonlight without getting a face full of those.” Cheers filled the lounge as the elevator doors opened. Congratulations came from all directions as they made their way back to the table where James and Lucca sat, Tali once again having gone to mingle. As the ponies sat down James reached over and began rubbing Rainbow Dash's neck. Starlight caught a smile spread across Rainbow Dash's face along with a blush. James then turned to smile at Starlight. “Great job. Those two can be a real pain.” “Come on, was there any doubt who would win that?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk. “Nah, I guess not.” Over the next five fights the conversation got more comfortable with people drifting over and joining and leaving, James getting drinks and snacks for everyone. And among the crowd beyond their table small betting pools sprang up for the better known combatants. Rainbow Dash hooted and cheered as the most recent fight came to an end. She was as into this as she got into any competition. And with as smile she turned to James and Lucca. “So …” She said with a sly grin. “any predictions on the fight?” James smiled as he looked to his wife. “I'd say it's a toss up.” “Please, just because you're using Big Red doesn't mean you're going to win.” “We'll see.” James said as he and Lucca stood up. He casually draped his arm across her shoulders as they walked, and his other across Tali's as she joined them. Rainbow Dash's tail swished back and forth as she eagerly watched the display, excitedly waiting to see the imminent battle. Starlight, however had another idea. “Hey, how have things been between you and James?” Rainbow Dash's tail stopped abruptly as she turned to regard her friend with some confusion. “They've been good. I mean, it's nothing we haven't talked about.” “If you like things where they are that's fine. But I was thinking that you wanted more from your relationship with him.” Rainbow Dash looked around nervously, talking only when she trusted that nobody was listening to them. “I do, but … I never imagined I'd be like this, you know. Mares and stallions I was ready for, but James …” “I know …” Starlight paused a second as she considered her own thoughts on the subject. Once again she began to feel guilty about what she had been thinking the other day. “… believe me, I do. I just think that maybe you need a push. I understand James was a bit blunt when he approached the subject, and that probably didn't help any. So how did bringing back some of the things you did while your relationship with him was a joke go?” “Well … like you suggested, we were kind of dating a little after the joke. Casually. Very casually. Breakfast or dinner sometimes. And we've even gone out on what could be serious dates and having fun together. As a family too: with his daughters, Lucca, and Tali, and even Scoot as well.” “As a family?” Starlight hadn't realized that's how Rainbow Dash saw them all. “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash chuckled, “between my parents deciding Sara and Amber are their grandfoals and everything we've all been through, we've just kind of accepted that we're a family now.” “That's a big step, and I'm proud of you for taking it. But I've noticed there still seems to be this barrier for you. You'll hug him, be very affectionate and playful, act like his girlfriend in many ways. Maybe a little way you can take a big step would be a quick kiss on the cheek. Since you seem to want this, don't be afraid to push yourself.” Rainbow Dash's wings stood out straight as she looked around uncomfortably again. Even though nobody was really looking at them, she felt like every eye in the holosuite was on her at that moment. Starlight was quick to pick up on this and knew just what to say. “I mean, if you are afraid, then you don't have to do it. I was just making a suggestion.” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “What? Me? Afraid? Puh-lease. I'm not afraid of anything!” She argued, despite her body language. Starlight smirked, she'd hit the mark. “Then when he comes back, give him a kiss. No big deal if you're not afraid.” She knew she was pushing hard, but she felt she had to. She needed to encourage their relationship to make up for what she had been thinking earlier. It felt like such a violation of her friendship with Rainbow Dash, to say nothing of her feelings for Sunburst. Rainbow Dash balked a moment and set her face before nodding. She cleared her throat as she turned back to the display and watched as Big Red took a knee and began firing his chain gun and forcing Tali away from him. “So who are you betting on?” Starlight wasn't going to push any harder right now, and allowed the subject to change. “Well, if he goes to the tunnels I think that he'll have this in the bag, but with Lucca blocking that entrance and Tali keeping him too busy to get to the others, it looks like they've got him trapped out there.” Much to Starlight's surprise, James used his size and fire power to force Lucca into the tunnel. The lounge burst out into a chaotic mess of roars and cheers as Lucca's mech crumpled over defeated. Several people tried changing their bets to no avail, as others eagerly watched while Tali tried to locate James. Cheers for either James or Tali rang out as the two finally encountered each other. While James pressed in on Tali, she did manage to keep her distance enough to get a few good shots in with her shotgun. But once she could no longer keep backing away they both began slashing at each other with their swords. Tali's speed proved to be the deciding factor as James' mech crumpled over defeated and once again the roars of the spectators filled the lounge. “That … was … Awesome!” Rainbow Dash leaned over the table and announced as James and Lucca sat down. “You almost had them! And you two actually beat Big Red!” She was smiling ear to ear as her wings beat in excitement, lifting her over the table for a moment. Starlight smirked at Rainbow Dash as she sat back down. Noticing the smirk, Rainbow Dash blushed and slowly got back up, leaning over and giving James a quick peck on his cheek. James quickly turned to her and smiled, “You know, turnabout is fair play.” Rainbow Dash's wings once again shot out and her face flushed as she heard James' comment. Lucca chuckled as she watched the exchange. Her omnitool lit up briefly as she typed something, before blinking out just as quickly. “Come on, Rainbow Dash. It's our turn.” Starlight happily said as she got down from her chair. Once they were out in the arena, Starlight couldn't help but speak up. “So, did you like it?” “What?” “The kiss. Are you happier now that you've finally kissed him?” “It just happened, and it was just a kiss on the cheek, we did that a lot during the prank.” Starlight smirked, not that Rainbow Dash could see her. “If that was easy, maybe you could go a little further.” “Starlight! We're about to start! Can we talk about this later?” “Alright, but we are talking about this later.” “Fine.” Soon after the agreement the fight began. Unlike their last fight Starlight immediately began firing her rockets, hitting the mech directly in front of her twice before they boosted away. She began to strafe around the arena, hoping to get a good shot at her target when Rainbow Dash's voice came over her speakers. “Starlight, he's just a distraction! I need your help!” Starlight turned abruptly to find that Rainbow Dash was indeed in trouble as the mech that went after her was close enough to hit her with powerful short range attacks. They couldn't match Rainbow Dash's agility, but the shotgun spread meant that they didn't have to, they just had to be close. As Starlight made her way over to help Rainbow Dash her mech was knocked forward by the fire of the mech she had just left behind. Helping out Rainbow Dash meant leaving herself wide open to attack. But not helping meant Rainbow Dash was doomed. She had no time to debate herself, not that there was a debate to be had. She boosted up to Rainbow Dash's attacker and shot him in the back with a rocket, knocking him away long enough for Rainbow Dash to get away. But for her trouble she got several hits in the back herself. This fight was already going poorly. Starlight looked to her status on her HUD to find that she was at seventy five percent already. She couldn't take many more hits like that. “Thanks Starlight,” Rainbow Dash's voice came in, “I'm half gone.” “Half gone?! We've got to rethink this.” “I'll go after the grounded guy if you can keep his friend off of me.” “Sounds good.” Starlight made sure to place herself between Rainbow Dash and the mech that was still trying to get to her. Starlight watched her damage counter as she continued to defend Rainbow Dash, determined to not let her down now. A cry of frustration soon came over her speakers. She turned quickly to find Rainbow Dash's mech hitting the ground and crumpling over, defeated. Starlight didn't have to look at her HUD to understand that this fight was already over. Even so, she wasn't going to go quietly. She ignored all semblance of a defense, instead going for a direct assault. Bringing out her rockets, and boosting to use her sword whenever she could. She managed to take down one opponent during her blitz, but was soon brought down herself. Once again, they met up with each other in the corridor on the way back to the raven's nest. Starlight could hear Rainbow Dash grumble as they got closer to each other. Rainbow Dash sighed as they met up. “Well, that sucked.” “Sorry.” Rainbow Dash waved the apology off. “Don't be. We just weren't ready for this. I'm sure if we got some practice we could come back and wipe them out … just not this time.” “I know how important winning is to you.” “Yeah, losing sucks. But if it were that important, I'd never come back to these. Nopony beats Lucca or Tali, that's just a given.” Rainbow Dash explained as they got to the elevator where the other pilots (both Asari) were waiting. “And we're not even the professional players.” Starlight's jaw dropped. “Wait. There's professional players?” “Oh yeah. Those people are insane.” One Asari commented. “Not just with their skill.” The other added, elbowing her partner. “Yeah. They're awesome players, but lousy sports. Feuds pop up all the time and over the stupidest things.” “Oh, if you two want to watch something really exciting where the loser is better behaved: Centaur Jousting. They make it as dangerous as possible, but they're all cool with each other when someone wins.” “You just love it because you're weirdly good at calling the winner.” While she spoke the doors to the lobby opened and the last of her words were drowned out by the wild cheers of the spectators. Starlight and Rainbow Dash took their congratulations as they walked through the gauntlet to their table. Not that Rainbow Dash was particularly interested in their praise for her effort. “Those two are going to be tough.” Lucca mumbled once Starlight was near. “I'm kinda glad I didn't have to face Starlight's Blitz. Between the two of them Big Red would have been a goner. Still fun though.” As James talked his hand casually came to a rest on Rainbow Dash's hoof. She blushed and smiled weakly as she looked to the others at the table. “You girls want anything?” He asked with a smile. Rainbow Dash swallowed hard as she looked to James out of the corner of her eye. “Cider.” She squeaked. “Sure. Starlight, Lucca, anything?” James smiled as if nothing were out of place and soon went to place their orders. Starlight and Lucca both smirked at Rainbow Dash who refused to look at either of them. *** The sun was just beginning to set when Starlight and Rainbow Dash returned to Twilight's castle. “Hey, thanks for inviting me. It was a lot of fun.” Starlight said with a smile as they walked through the halls. “No problem. Let's practice for the next one sometime.” “Since we're alone now …” Starlight said, her words bringing Rainbow Dash to the ground. “You said that kissing James' cheek wasn't much of a step forward. Maybe try the real thing. You've been pretty clear that you want this relationship. Maybe you should just go for it.” “Why are you pushing this now?” Now it was Starlight's turn to falter a moment. She knew the reason, but maybe all of the details weren't necessary. “Maybe because I'm still upset about how things went with Sunburst. And seeing you happy has helped me feel better.” She said with an awkward smile. Rainbow Dash examined her a moment. “Okay … weird. But do you really think I should? I'm still nervous about, you know, being all lovey with him.” “And you won't get over it if you keep avoiding it. You've come a long way to accept this part of yourself, don't get cold hooves now that it's time. Do what you do best: leap in and to Tartarus with the consequences.” Rainbow Dash looked into the distance for a moment before turning back to Starlight. “You really think we're ready for this?” “I thought you two were ready years ago.” She answered, trying to reassure her friend. “But if you want, I could always ask him for you.” She added with a smirk. “Nope. No. That's alright. Just … just give me a bit to get ready. If I'm doing this, I want it to be awesome.” “You've had quite a long time already … but you are only now accepting these feelings. So I'll give you a month.” “What do you mean you'll give me a month?” “I mean that you get this going in a month, or I'll have a talk with James and it'll start his way.” Rainbow Dash balked briefly before nodding. “Yeah. A month is more than enough time. …” As she thought she realized that maybe this wouldn't be a good time. “But I've got Wonderbolts practice at the end of the month.” “Then you've got less than a month.” Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped at the statement. “Seriously? Not even a month?” “You want to take this slower?” She was just trying to push Rainbow Dash's buttons now. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. “Two weeks.” “Two weeks.” Starlight agreed with a nod. > 5 A New Challenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash's bed was empty that morning as she walked around her home yet again, going between chastising herself and trying to even come up with an idea. “How could I have been so dumb? Two weeks?! It's taken me years just to understand how I feel! How can I do in two weeks what I've been trying to do for years?” She whimpered to herself as she thought about her situation. “I can't possibly do this in two weeks!” Her pacing once again brought her to her living room as she shifted back to panicked brainstorming. “Maybe I can fake sick … Oh with swamp fever! That's super contagious. That could buy me … no time at all. Everypony has Zap Bee honey these days. I think I've still got those bandages … No, if I were that hurt I'd be at James' hospital. And he'd be checking on me constantly.” Rainbow Dash sighed, once again she couldn't come up with any stalling techniques. Resigned, she shifted back to what she could do. “Okay, okay. What should I do? It has to be awesome. It has to let him know just how I feel.” She stopped and sighed again. “And just how in Equestria do I do that?” She threw herself on the nearby couch and groaned. “And if I don't do this soon Starlight's gonna do it for me.” She looked up at her ceiling and chewed her lip a moment. “Would it be so bad, though? At least I wouldn't have to do it.” With a sigh, she rolled her head to the side. “But she doesn't know just how I feel, and he needs to know that.” As she looked around the room, her eyes focused on a picture of her and her friends. “If I were more like any of them this would be so much easier.” She scoffed. “I mean, Applejack would just walk up to him and say it. Pinkie Pie would (and probably does) have a party specifically planned for when she finds her special somepony. Twilight … would Twilight, okay maybe not everypony would have an easier time with this. Fluttershy too. She'd just squeak something and hide.” “But Rarity … Rarity could get anypony she wanted to tell her they loved her. She likes all this mushy stuff, I bet she'd …” Rainbow Dash paused as an idea occurred to her. *** A hooded figure slipped out of the photo studio, tightly clutching a package. Her hair and face were hidden beneath the hood and sunglasses, however Rainbow Dash could be easily identified by her distinct tail. Her desire to remain incognito drawing more attention than if she had brazenly made the trip otherwise. It was nearing afternoon, the photo shoot had taken much longer than she had wanted. It wouldn't have taken as long if she had any idea what pose she wanted in the picture. When she realized that she let the photographer make the decisions, and now she had to choose what she wanted to use. There were a few pictures she liked, and others that she didn't just want to tear up but burn afterwords just in case somepony who liked puzzles found the pieces. She looked around a moment, confident that she wasn't recognized (but wrong,) and took off quickly towards her home. “Think, Rainbow Dash! I've got the pictures, now what else would Rarity do?” Sneakily she ducked into her own front door. Only now, with the door shut and locked behind her, did she dare remove the hoodie and glasses. Secure in her privacy, she spread out the pictures on a nearby table. As she examined the pictures, one stood out to her. She particularly liked this one, but it was certainly not the one she was going to give to James. This one would go to Scootaloo, and she looked forward to seeing it framed at the next fan club meeting. But that wasn't what she was looking for. She put Scootaloo's picture aside and went back to looking for one she would give to James. It needed to be special, as it was for someone special. Beside the pictures was some note paper filled with messages. Most of those messages were crossed out, some were scratched out and scribbled over as to be completely unreadable. Not that it mattered much, she knew James couldn't read Ponish. With a sigh she slumped back and let her head drop before shaking it with a groan of frustration. “Why does this have to be so hard?!” She growled to herself. “Isn't there any easier way to do this? Some message or way to sign?” She continued to grumble as she stood up and began to pace, growing more frustrated as she racked her mind over what she was going to do. “What would Rarity do? Come on, think!” Hoping for some kind of inspiration she turned back to the pictures. There were a couple she liked, but those didn't quite seem enough, and though she didn't like the others she was determined to see if they would be any better. As her eyes moved from picture to picture her attention focused on one in particular. She blushed as she remembered the pose she had been put through for it: Leaning into the camera with puckered lips, as though her picture was meant to kiss him. Her face grew hot as she remembered the photographer talking her into having that picture taken. It was just so embarrassing, but there was an idea there. “Yeah, I could see Rarity doing that.” She groaned as she realized she'd need more help still with this. With a sigh she grabbed one of the less embarrassing pictures and flew out of her home. *** The gentle rhythm of the sewing machine tapped away as Rarity focused her attention on the gown that was to highlight her line for the next season. A warm, gentle breeze blew in through the open window, moving the thin, translucent layer that would soften the vibrant colors she was working with. It was a kind of day that made work easy “Heyya!” Rainbow Dash happily said as she poked her head through the open window. Rarity jumped forward with a shriek, completely ruining the seam she was on. Panic flooded her mind for a moment, dread that the entire dress had been ruined. She closed her eyes and took a moment to compose herself, reminding herself that she could fix the seam later and that this was her friend at her window. No matter how rude her entrance. As casually as she spoke she entered through the window. “What's up?” Rainbow Dash asked as she came to land by where Rarity was set up. “Just … working.” Rarity took a moment to let go of the work she had just seen ruined. “But I've always got time for you. Is there something I can help you with?” She politely asked. Rainbow Dash's expression changed as she began rubbing her foreleg uncomfortably. Normally she'd be here to talk to her friend, or just hang out. But this was different. “Well …” She hesitantly said. “I was wondering if you could help me find some lipstick that looks good on me.” All frustration from the ruined dress flew from Rarity's mind as she heard the request, and practically squealed in delight as it sank in. Rainbow Dash almost never wore makeup, and when she did she wore as little as necessary. Rarity began to prance in place as she thought about the prospect. “Ooh! When we're done with this makeover you won't recognize yourself!” “No!” Rainbow Dash said as Rarity's horn lit up, dragging Rainbow Dash over to a nearby vanity. “Not a makeover! Just lipstick!” However Rarity was fully committed and would not be swayed. The drawers of the vanity opened and makeup flew out as dresses flew over from their racks. Rainbow Dash sighed as Rarity got to work. Sitting patiently as makeup was applied and removed, dresses thrown on and changed. The onslaught continued as Rarity examined every part of Rainbow Dash's new outfit, makeup, and hair. “There, darling.” Rarity said, finally satisfied with the work she'd done. “Absolutely gorgeous. You should really consider doing this more often.” Rainbow Dash looked in the mirror and couldn't help but groan. Her face felt caked in foundation and whatever was plastered on top of it. She hated wearing that much make up … but at least she was wearing the lipstick. Truthfully she did like the color, but it felt strange. Carefully, she pulled out the picture she'd chosen and examined it briefly. She could have waited until she got home, and had originally planned on it, but she wanted all this makeup off as soon as possible. “Doing a little comparison, dear?” Rarity asked with a smile. “No.” Rainbow Dash said uncomfortably, before kissing the lower right corner of the picture. She hesitated a moment as she examined her work. “Signing a picture with a kiss is a very personal, and meaningful, thing to do Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said, astonished at the overtly romantic gesture. She didn't have to think long about who it was intended for. “He's going to love it.” Rainbow Dash blushed, not that anyone could tell under the makeup she was wearing. “I … just wanted to know what the color was so I could find it again.” Rarity smiled as she put her hoof on her friend's back. “It's alright, dear. We've known for a while now.” Rainbow Dash laughed uncomfortably for a moment. Her awkward smile faded as she realized Rarity was being completely serious. “Really?” She nervously asked. “Of course. You've been obvious about it for moons now.” Rarity's tone saying just as clearly as her words that it was old news to her. Rainbow Dash's voice squeaked as she backed away a step. “I have?” In a sudden moment of realization Rarity understood that Rainbow Dash hadn't been intentionally obvious about a relationship and had only acted as felt natural to her. “Oh, I am so sorry Rainbow Dash, I thought you were just worried about your reputation. Dear, whatever you need I'll help you. That's a promise.” Rainbow Dash shuffled uncomfortably. “Have I really been that obvious?” Rarity bit her lip a moment before carefully answering. “Well, it's just that you act differently around him.” She chuckled before continuing, “Of course, I notice these things. After all, how long has Spike had a crush on me?” Rainbow Dash couldn't help but shrink back further as she realized she'd been as obvious as Spike. “So, everypony knows?” It wasn't until this conversation that Rarity realized everything to this point had just been what felt natural for her friend. And now that the news was out, Rarity could only reassure her friend. “Darling, we love you. And we think it's wonderful that you've found somepony, or rather, someone that makes you happy. Even if it's a little unusual, we all support you.” With a gentle smile she came forward and hugged her friend. “Nopony would ever think less of you for falling in love.” Rainbow Dash wiped away a mascara laden tear as she listened to the reassurances. “Thanks, Rarity. … Now can we get this stuff off?” “Of course.” *** Back at her home, Rainbow Dash washed her face one last time. Rarity had been thorough in removing the makeup, but she still felt as if there was more there. She tossed the towel aside as she walked back into her bedroom where the picture lay on her nightstand. It looked exactly like she wanted it to, yet somehow it didn't seem right. With a sigh, she shoved the picture into the drawer, this wasn't how she could start a serious relationship with James. She needed to find something more … right. Before she closed the drawer a flash of light caught her eye. Inside, she found the golden bracelet that James had given her. At a glance it was unassuming, but it was an omnitool that had been specially designed to be used by ponies. After James faced questioning for his involvement with Equestria, and Rainbow Dash had defended him, he began finding little things to give them or do for them. This being one of the grander gestures for how advanced the technology was. She quickly fished the bracelet out of the drawer with her wing before slipping it over her hoof. In moments the projection of the tool blinked to life. The light changed to an icon informing her that she had a message. She was normally on top of her messages, but she'd left the tool behind the other day for the competition and hadn't thought about it since. She easily opened the messenger application and waited a moment as the message was translated into Ponish. But even before the translation finished she could tell that it had been Lucca who sent it. Hey, if you're worried that I'll be upset, don't be. I was blindsided last time, and worried that it had been happening without my knowing. I needed to know I could still trust both of you. And I do. If you want this, I've got your back and so does Tali. P.S. Actually, Tali's wanted this to happen for a while now. Don't hold back for our sakes. She sighed as she closed the application and turned off the device, asking herself just how obvious she had been if everybody knew already. She turned away from the drawer and walked out of the room. “Maybe Rarity has a point … if everypony already knows, why shouldn't I just ask for help.” With a nod she decided she'd get to asking her friends for help … first thing tomorrow. *** Rainbow Dash couldn't help but follow the scent of fresh made scones in Twilight's castle as she flew through that morning. The thought of a hot, hoofmade, breakfast made her stomach growl and quickly pushed all other plans from her mind. Surely her friend wouldn't mind sharing. With a quick flap she flew towards the beckoning aroma. The meal spread out on the table in Twilight's dining room looked no less appealing than the smell that led her here. There were the scones she had smelled from the entrance, a light green salad, omelets, muffins, toasted oats, fruit, fresh hay, and a large pitcher of orange juice. Sitting around the table were Twilight, Starlight, Spike, Sunburst, and a dark red mare with a short cream colored and pink striped mane and tail. Rainbow Dash could only assume that this was Velvet from Starlight's description. Though she was certainly prettier than Starlight had made her out to be. “Wow.” Rainbow Dash said, staring unblinking at the food. “Oh, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight smiled as she noticed her friend approaching. “Going for breakfast with James again?” As quickly as the smell of food had pushed the thought of her visit from Rainbow Dash's mind, the mention of James brought it back. “Not really,” she carefully said. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Velvet smiled wide as she looked to Rainbow Dash, always happy to have more ponies around to talk to. “You should join us.” She eagerly said, gesturing towards an empty chair. Twilight looked on as Rainbow Dash happily took a plate and share of the food. “So what did you want to talk about?” Mid bite, Rainbow Dash paused. She reminded herself that her friends already knew about this despite her best efforts, but she wasn't comfortable bringing it up around Sunburst or his new girlfriend. She finished her mouthful, and with a nod uncomfortably answered. “Uhm, let's talk about that later. In private.” The mood raised again quickly as they talked and laughed while eating breakfast. More than once Rainbow Dash looked to Starlight and found that she wasn't the only uncomfortable one. Though to Starlight's credit, she seemed to genuinely be happy for her old friend. Rainbow Dash felt that she should try something to help Starlight, but what that could be she had absolutely no idea. All she could think was how relaxed and happy Starlight seemed the other day as they played games with James, and that maybe some more time with her other friends could be good for her. After, Twilight walked off with Rainbow Dash to talk in private, leading her towards the library. “So what did you want to ask?” Twilight asked once they were alone. Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head and she readied herself to admit to somepony other that Starlight that she had feelings for the strange creature that had come into all of their lives years ago. “Did you … uhm … know about James and I?” Twilight chuckled a moment as she nodded. “I wasn't sure for a while, but yes, I figured it out. Why?” Rainbow Dash took a breath as she got ready to explain what she was asking. “You see … that's the thing: he doesn't yet. I want to tell him how I feel, I just don't know how.” Rainbow Dash said as they walked. “You're an egghead, I figured you would have a ton of ideas.” Twilight took a moment to let the egghead comment pass before she answered. “You had a good idea there, why not just tell him?” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Because it's not awesome. We've kind of been together for years, even if we weren't really a couple. But this is going to make the whole thing official, you know. Like, make it real. It's supposed to be amazing, and right now I can't come up with anything that isn't lame.” Twilight giggled as she shook her head. “You know James pretty well Rainbow Dash. If anypony can come up with an amazing way to do this, it's you.” Twilight said as they got to her library. “I think you need to relax a bit. It doesn't need to be something big to be special.” “Ugh. But I want it to be awesome. I want to show him just how much I care.” Twilight smiled and turned to her friend. “You already have. And he'll love whatever you do.” “But that doesn't help me figure out what to do.” Rainbow Dash groaned. This is Rainbow Dash, whatever it is, it's going to be big and public, Twilight reasoned. So why not go as big as she can. “Well, what about getting help from the Wonderbolts?” Rainbow Dash gasped as the suggestion gave her the idea she was hoping for. A big aerial display with impressive tricks and focusing on them. “That's perfect! I knew you could think of something. Thanks, I'll get working on that right now.” Without waiting for a reply from Twilight she flew off to plan and practice tricks. *** This is going to be the best, most awesome routine I ever design. Rainbow Dash told herself as she began to work. She needed lots of room to try out some of the maneuvers she wanted in the unique routine, and had set up in the center of town. Not too unusual for her as she would sometimes practice on her own, giving the ponies of Ponyville a free aerial show. She chewed the end of her pencil as she evaluated the spiral she imagined at that point in the sequence, eventually drawing it on her board as she tried to visualize it. “Hi-i-i-i Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie called, breaking her friend's concentration. No stranger to interruption, Rainbow Dash readjusted quickly and turned to her friend. “Oh, hi Pinkie. What's up?” “Just enjoying a super fantabulous day. What'cha doin'?” “Just designing a routine.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked over the plans again. “You know, it's been a long since I designed a routine for myself. And I must say, I've still got it.” Pinkie Pie walked up and examined the routine plan as she listened to her friend speaking, excited to know more about it. “Ooh. A Sunrise Ascent followed by an Triumph Arch with a Spiral Weave of silver and emerald, leading into an inverted Rainbow Smoke Bridge with a shaping strafe to turn it into a heart and a Sonic Rainboom finisher, bursting through the center of the heart.” Pinkie exclaimed quickly, reading every step of the routine as it was so far. “This is a ton for just one pony!” She said, excited to learn what all the effort was for. “Is this for Cadence and Shining Armor's anniversary?” “No … actually … it's for James.” Rainbow Dash was still uncomfortable admitting this, but she had to get used to it as it would be part of her life soon. And she wasn't going to hide this from her friends. “I guess everypony thinks we were already a couple, but the thing is … I haven't actually told him that I like him.” She got more bold as she turned to her plan. “And I'm going to tell him with this!” She proudly announced. “Oh.” Pinkie said much less enthusiastically. Put off by Pinkie's clear disapproval of the plan Rainbow Dash turned to her friend. “What? It's an awesome routine.” “Ye-e-ea-a-a-ah,it's and awesome routine, but this puts all the focus on James. Even if it's just for him, all this is too much.” “Oh come on, he'll love it.” “Eeh, yeah. He'll love it, but that's because it's from you. Come on.” Without waiting for any kind of response Pinkie rushed around behind Rainbow Dash and began shoving her towards Sugar Cube Corner. *** Rainbow Dash readily recognized Pinkie Pie's Party Planning Cave as Pinkie pushed her over to the central table, where there were several files laid out alongside plans for Lyra's upcoming birthday. Pinkie rushed off and opened a blue filing cabinet, rooted around with her muzzle to eventually come back with a file in her teeth, slapping it down on the table and opening it. In the file Rainbow Dash saw several pictures of James in various forms, curious statistics about him, and a list of his likes and dislikes along with variables that apparently change what he likes at any given time. It was a mess. “Wait. You never learned when his birthday is?” Rainbow Dash asked, her eyes fixating on the blank area. “Nope. And you know I did everything I possibly could. I talked to his brother and everything. He's just happier with nopony knowing.” Pinkie scoffed and rolled her eyes. “He's so weird.” With a giggle she pointed to his dislikes with her hoof. “See? Right here, he's uncomfortable with big gestures like that. While amazing, a big public routine would definitely not be appreciated enough.” Rainbow Dash groaned and dropped her head onto the table, her wings dropping limply beside her. “Then what am I supposed to do?” Pinkie hummed a moment before speaking up. “What about a party. It won't be about you and him, and you can tell him there and have tons of fun.” “I don't know Pinkie. A party would be fun, but I want to do something awesome just for him. I want to show him how just how awesome he makes me feel.” Pinkie blew a quick raspberry and rolled her eyes. “Rainbow Dash, you don't need some big gesture for that. You can show him by something simple, nice, and personal.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “I guess it's back to the drawing board.” *** Three days in and Rainbow Dash was no closer than when she had started. And she unfortunately had to juggle this with her duties in Twilight's school. She sighed as she left the school. Most of the day was gone already and she still had nothing. Tomorrow wasn't looking good either … or the day after that. Her first idea was small personal and special, but didn't express her feelings. Her second idea was awesome, encompassed everything she wanted to show him. To let him know just how she felt. But Pinkie shot that down idea because James gets uncomfortable with big gestures like that. She flew to Sweet Apple Acres, hoping that Applejack might have some kind of idea that would help. Or she could ask Big Mac, he played Dungeons and Dragons with James and Spike, he might have an idea. All Rainbow Dash knew for certain is that she needed something personal, meaningful, and would show James just how much she cared. In the distance she watched as all the apples fell from a tree, it was either Applejack or Big Mac bucking trees, so her odds were good it was somepony she wanted to talk to. As she flew overhead she could tell right away that it was Applejack she had zeroed in on. “Heyya AJ.” Rainbow Dash called as she approached her hard working friend. “I wish I had time Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said as she moved to another tree while Apple Bloom got herself ready to catch the bucked apples. “But we're running behind right now. James is coming by tonight to help pick up the slack but we've still got a lot of work to do.” “Why didn't you say so. You know we'd come to help you.” Rainbow Dash complained. As much as Applejack had gotten used to asking for help, she still overworked herself far too often. “I know, I was gonna ask in a bit. I just didn't know how behind we were until now.” Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. “Well, I'll help out right now, and maybe you can help me with something.” “What do you need help with?” Apple Bloom eagerly asked. “Oh, just something between James and I.” Rainbow Dash awkwardly said. Applejack moved over to a nearby tree and got ready to buck. “What, is your anniversary coming up? Come on Apple Bloom, I need you to get ready to catch the apples.” Rainbow Dash's wings stood out straight at the comment and she looked around briefly. “Anniversary? We're not together. At least, not yet.” “Yet?” Apple Bloom asked, getting more excited as she listened. “Apple Bloom, please, we've got work to do.” Rainbow Dash walked off, collecting a nearby basket and pushing it over to a tree that had yet to be bucked. “What do you mean you're not together yet? Y'all've been together for years.” Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash bucked a nearby tree, “What? No.” Rainbow Dash insisted as she adjusted herself to buck the tree once more. “I mean, we've been close friends since the prank, but we weren't together. … But that's actually about to change.” “You're going to ask James to be your boyfriend?!” Apple Bloom was prancing in place as she guessed where Rainbow Dash was going. “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash blushed as she admitted what she was thinking, bucking the tree again and knocking a few more apples from it's branches. “But I need an awesome way to do it.” Apples spilled from the basket Apple Bloom had balanced on her head as she virtually vibrated with excitement. “We'll help you!” She announced. “We helped Big Mac and Sugar Belle get together. I'm sure we can do the same for you.” Applejack gave her little sister a sidelong glance. “The way I heard it was that the three of you used ideas from story books. And that it was Big Mac's idea that finally worked.” “Oh … right.” “I've got to admit, this makes the massage less weird now. But if you really want to let James know how you feel: just kiss him. He's not so dense that he won't understand that.” “Where's the fun in that?” Apple Bloom whined. “This is supposed to be amazing, and romantic.” “That'll just confuse things.” Rainbow Dash cut the two off before it developed into an argument. “Thanks, but that's just not awesome enough.” Applejack turned and bucked the nearby tree. “Nope. But it's clear.” The apples fell as she spoke, though distracted as Apple Bloom was, she missed nearly every one of them. “Come on Apple Bloom concentrate.” Rainbow Dash grumbled to herself briefly, knowing that she had promised the rest of her day and would likely have nothing to show for it. *** Rainbow Dash hadn't felt this anxious in years, she was ready to just give up and hide away in her home for the rest of her life. By now she had to admit that she had no good ideas. Over the last week and a half she tried baking, and predictably failing. She'd gone back to her airshow plan, only to give up again because of what Pinkie had told her. She'd gone to Zacora for advice, only to be told that she should trust herself and do what felt right. That clearly wasn't going well so far. She'd asked Fluttershy, hoping that her relationship with Discord could give some clue as to what she could do. Unfortunately, Fluttershy's stance was that all Rainbow Dash's ideas were equally good. Discord offered to put her and James into a situation where James would be helpless and she would have to save him. She shot that idea down right away. Lady Seto had already risked their lives once to kick start the relationship. And there was no way she was going to the Wonderbolts for help. They gave her a hard enough time when it was just a prank. Not that they would believe her after getting caught up in the prank last time. One by one the days steadily ticked away, eventually she had holed herself up in her home, desperate to not have to tell James she wanted a relationship. Now she was completely out of time and had absolutely no idea what to do. As much as she wanted to avoid this, she knew she had to do something, anything, because tomorrow Starlight would tell James herself and she couldn't let that happen. Reminding herself what was at stake, she slowly stood up from where she was curled up on the floor and looked out the window. It was afternoon, James would be asleep by now, but she couldn't put it off any longer. With a resigned sigh she took to the air and began flying to Twilight's castle. *** She knew that a visit at this time wasn't ideal, but this was too important to wait any longer. “I shouldn't have waited this long.” She told herself as she slowly flew through the halls. Every memory of their times together coming to mind, playing out like a private movie and reminding her why she wanted this. She couldn't count how many times she'd come through these halls, not just during the prank but after as well. This place had become as much her home as Ponyville She flew past the den where she and James had talked about how to deal with her parents assuming that they were a couple. She wanted clarify that they weren't, but, much to her frustration, he instead embraced her parents' narrative. When she had confronted him about it he argued to her that it would be less stressful for everyone if he were to just play the part of her boyfriend. Her parents would be happy, and she didn't have to do anything different. Even then she knew that part of her wanted it. Wanted to embrace it not as a story for her parents but as reality, and had agreed to the idea with barely an argument. She remembered that strange feeling at the suggestion, and also how she had pushed it away. Telling herself that the feeling was wrong, and that she was just confused. But now, when she felt it again, she knew what it was. She remembered that there was a time during the prank where Scootaloo had avoided being around both of them, feeling as though she was being pushed out of Rainbow Dash's life for James. Rainbow Dash hadn't even noticed at first, it was James who brought the problem to her. From then on, she and James had made a determined effort to include Scootaloo as much as they could. Scootaloo had been hesitant to come with her to visit James at first, but eventually the three of them were like their own little family. James would always be with them while Rainbow Dash was taking care of Scootaloo. And she'd go to James when Holiday and Lofty started asking him to take care of the young filly too. She clearly remembered when she started thinking that it was possible that she could have a family with him. One with foals of their own … somehow. And she had done the same thing with that thought that she did every time these feelings came up. She had chastised and berated herself. But the thought persisted, no matter how much she tried to rid herself of it. Ultimately, what surprised her most wasn't that she had grown so close to him, but that the thought of this life somehow felt good to her. She'd never considered having her own family before, yet with this strange creature it felt like a goal she some day wanted to reach. Her memories were interrupted as she approached James' bedroom door. She'd woken James up many times and, while not proud to admit it, had sneaked in during the day and gotten comfortable in his clothes before too. He'd even caught her wearing his robe once, and his only reaction was to tell her it was his favorite. He hadn't even mentioned it when she tried pushing her luck and had worn it for the rest of the day, only taking it off because she couldn't fly while wearing it. Carefully she reached out her hoof and opened the door. Even in the darkness she knew the layout of James' room and easily came to land on his side of the bed. “James, I need to talk to you. Right now.” She urgently said, louder than she would have liked. James' eyes snapped open and he focused just as quickly. “What's wrong?” He asked, not worrying about how loud he may be. Rainbow Dash flinching as she realized her mistake. “Is it Scootaloo again?” Lucca asked, more groggily but still concerned. Rainbow Dash sheepishly rubbed her foreleg. “Oh, no. Sorry.” Curious about her sudden change in tone James' eyes narrowed. “This is an emergency, right? You sound upset.” His tone had softened and he spoke calmly, but his voice still held it's concern. “Not really, but also like, the biggest ever!” She didn't want to sound so worried, but she couldn't help herself. There were so many ways she had wanted to do this, but now all she had was desperation. “Personal crisis. Gotcha. James, go with her.” Lucca said as she lay back down and rolled over, taking the covers with her. Rainbow Dash blushed and turned as she saw James, occasionally glancing back as he collected his robe from the bedpost. Once it was tied closed around him he stood and walked towards the door. “Come on, let's go to the bar. I'll get you some cider.” James offered. They moved quietly through the halls towards the familiar darkened room, James shielding his eyes as he flipped the light switch, bathing them both in low, atmospheric light. Rainbow Dash flew over to a nearby stool as James walked behind the bar, collecting two drinks from the replicator. He smiled as he placed the mug of Cider in front of Rainbow Dash, walking around to take the stool next to her as he sipped his coffee. After a couple seconds his eyes were more alert and he focused on the mare still uncomfortably looking to him. “So what's the emergency?” He calmly asked. Rainbow Dash couldn't help herself, the moment she opened her mouth the words came out in a torrent. “I love you!” She said suddenly, “I have for years, I don't know why. It's insane, I thought I was insane. We're just so different, and from completely different worlds. I mean, how could this even happen? I never even wanted to fall in love. But here I am, and there you are. You know so much about me, and you really care. And I don't even know what I'm thinking about right now. All I know is that my feelings are real, they're intense, and I can't fight them any longer. I just want to …” Rainbow Dash paused a moment and growled in frustration at her own inarticulacy. With a grunt she shook her head. “I wanted to do this in a totally awesome way. Something everypony could talk about. Something that would be super special, because that's how you make me feel. But what I want more is … is …” Rainbow Dash paused a moment to take a breath. As she looked to James she saw that he was smiling gently at her. The moment stretched on as she took in just what she was seeing. His dark eyes looked soft as he smiled his usual half smile. His hair was tied tight behind him as he had just been sleeping, a habit Rarity had taught him years back. His beard was trimmed to it's usual shadow making his kind face look rough. He had turned on his stool to face her, giving her his full attention. She felt more desperate as she looked at him, but also felt more certain than ever that this is what she had been hoping for. “ … you.” She said a split second before leaping off her stool, throwing herself against him and knocking them both to the stone floor below, pressing her lips to his as they crashed. She could taste the coffee on his breath as they kissed. She didn't care for how James drank his coffee, too bitter, but right at this moment the taste was amazing. She felt his hands run gently over her wings and stop at her shoulders. Hands that she knew the feeling of so well from the years of massages and friendly touches. Now those same hands held her firm against him. As they kissed, she became more aware of the just what she was experiencing. His scratchy beard brushing against her muzzle, the pressure of his fingers on her shoulders, the tickle as his breath came out his nose. And with these sensations came a kind of relief and happiness, feelings she had once denied, repressed, and tried to bury. She knew what they were now, and welcomed them. She wanted to feel them, to finally allow herself to enjoy them. Uncertainty had caused her to miss out on so much, and had only given her stress in return. She didn't know how long they lay on the floor, and she didn't care. She felt connected to him in a way she had never even considered possible before. She felt so many things in those moments, scared, desperate, happy, and relief to name only a few. Her head swam as she allowed herself to be lost in the sensations. She had finally done it, and she was happy. Eventually she realized that they had stopped kissing and she simply lay on top of him, his arms both resting easily across her back. James smiled as he gently ran his fingers through her mane. “How's that emergency?” He asked quietly. Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked her boyfriend in the eye. “Handled.” “Did I do well?” He chuckled. “You did awesome.” She laughed a moment before giving him a quick kiss. His smile seemed to grow as he joked, “I like these kinds of emergencies.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she continued looking at James. “I guess I should let you get back to sleep.” Her tone making it more than clear that she didn't want to leave. “Nah, I'm awake now. Let's enjoy this time we've got together. Just us.” James held onto her as he stood up, placing her back on the stool she leaped from and righting his stool before sitting back down. “You said you wanted to do this differently? What were you thinking?” “Yeah, I wanted to do something awesome to show you just how much I care.” “You did,” He easily said, “and it was great.” Rainbow Dash cocked her eye, confused as to what he could mean. “Uhm … I just broke down and freaked out.” “You trusted me enough to come, even though this was difficult for you.” James explained, never moving his eyes from her face. “You deliberately came and showed me a part of yourself that you usually hide from the world. Because you care that others think you're cool and tough. Was it your greatest moment: No, not by a long shot. But you let yourself be vulnerable to me. And that means a lot.” “Like I haven't done that before.” She commented offhanded as she looked away. James gave her a quick kiss on the lips, focusing her attention once more on him. “This time you're trusting me with something far more important than your reputation. You're trusting me with your heart, and I'll do everything I can to live up to that trust.” “But I wanted to show you how much I cared, and how much you mean to me.” She said as she turned away again, disappointed that she hadn't been able to come up with something suitable in two weeks. “And you did.” James quietly said as he reached his hand out and guided her face back to look him in the eye. “Though I guess this really doesn't change much between us.” Rainbow Dash shook her head as she began to smile again. “No, this changes everything.” “Well, I guess we both have a lot to look forward to then.” > 6 A New Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- James and Rainbow Dash talked as they walked to the door between worlds. Rainbow Dash still felt like she was dreaming as she heard James speak to her. “If you're sure, we can split ways at the door.” James calmly said. She hadn't stopped smiling for a while now, and her face was beginning to hurt. “Yeah. I think I need a bit of time to really believe this is happening.” I also need to tell Starlight that she doesn't need to talk to you about how I feel. She added only to herself. “Oh, also …” Rainbow Dash hesitantly said. “Can we not talk about what happened in the bar. It was super sappy and embarrassing.” James chuckled a moment and shook his head. “Yeah. Besides, you'd just deny it if I brought it up.” Rainbow Dash groaned uncomfortably. “Maybe to everypony else, but between us … well, that's different.” As they got to the door James knelt and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I know that you know this, but you're welcome here anytime, and for as long as you like.” She smiled and looked James in the eye. “You can come to my place too, you know.” James chuckled as he kissed her cheek. “I'll be sure to take you up on that,” pausing a moment to consider the situation, James let his hand drift lower as he took hold of her hoof. “I'm glad you're happy with this.” Rainbow Dash blushed slightly. “You think they'll freak out this time?” Memories of everyone's reaction to their prank came flooding back to James, along with Rainbow Dash's recounting of Twilight's freak-out over the whole situation. He couldn't help but laugh at the memories. “If they do, the real joke will be if the wedding goes through without a hitch.” Rainbow Dash joined in the laugh, stopping after a few moments. “Yeah, that'll be hilarious. … Well I, uh, I should let you get to work. And hey … thanks for earlier. It wasn't easy to understand all of this, and you made this whole thing worth it.” James smiled warmly at her, “I didn't do anything.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Yes you did. Back then, after the battle, you showed me more clearly than anything I could have found on my own that I wanted this. You accepted me, and my feelings, before I even did.” Rainbow Dash took her hoof back from James and placed it on his cheek. “You messed me up for years … but that's only because I didn't want to admit yet that I loved you like this. And you made it seem so easy with Lucca and Tali, too easy. I'd told myself it couldn't possibly work between us, I thought I was hoping for something that wasn't there … and that I was weird for feeling the way I did.” “You should never feel that you're weird for loving someone.” James quietly said before adding, “As for after the battle: The only thing I did was try to show you that no matter what you decided, I'd be there for you.” “That!” Rainbow Dash was emphatic, “That's exactly it. None of the differences, or the weirdness of this mattered to you, only what we felt. You're awesome in ways I never even thought about before.” James chuckled. “If you want to talk about this all over again, we can head to the den and get comfortable.” “Oh, right. I really should be going, I need to get up early tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash lifted off the ground and flew through the door to Twilight's castle before turning around and coming back. Without saying a word, she pressed her lips to James' once more, holding for a while before flying off at a less hurried pace. *** A faint sound of humming caught Starlight's attention as she walked through the castle that night. She knew right where Twilight and Spike were, so she had a good idea as to who the enamored musician was. And before long she caught up to Rainbow Dash, lazily flying towards the front door of Twilight's castle. “You were visiting him pretty early.” Starlight said with a sly smile. Rainbow Dash blushed as she hovered in place. “Yeah, James and I were just talking for … I guess it was a few hours.” James would often spend hours with Rainbow Dash, but to spend that time just talking: That's what Starlight wanted to hear. “What were you talking about?” She asked, innocently enough. Rainbow Dash rubbed her foreleg and looked away. “We just talked about us … and our relationship.” Starlight paused before pushing her question. “A-a-a-and?” “And what?” Starlight grinned at Rainbow Dash, they both knew what the coming question would be. “Are you still single?” Immediately Rainbow Dash blushed as a smile spread across her face. “Nope. James and I are officially a couple now.” She couldn't help but smile, even saying it like this felt like a weight had been lifted from her. Starlight jumped up and hugged the pegasus. “Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! I know it's been difficult for you to come to terms with your feelings for him, and learning to be happy with this new understanding of yourself. So …?” “So … what?” Starlight's excited smile quickly returned to sly as she tried to ferret more information from her friend. “Did you kiss him?” Rainbow Dash balked a moment, just because she could accept her feelings didn't mean she was completely comfortable with them yet. But this was Starlight, she'd helped her get to this point, and deserved an answer at least. “I … uhm … I actually tackled him.” Starlight snorted as she tried and failed to hold back a laugh. “I guess you were more eager than I thought.” “I wasn't thinking.” Rainbow Dash squeaked. “I just panicked and it happened.” Starlight composed herself quickly as she smiled at Rainbow Dash. “Was the kiss at least good?” “It was amazing! I don't even know how to describe what I felt.” Her heart began to flutter as she recalled the event. “Relief, I hope.” “A bit. But it was so much more than that. I feel like I just got accepted to the Wonderbolts all over again!” Now it was Starlight who felt a wave of strange emotion. She was excited and happy for Rainbow Dash, just starting a new relationship, but also jealous. She turned around before gesturing to Rainbow Dash with her head. “Come on, I want to hear all about it.” Rainbow Dash desperately wanted to change the subject and quickly thought, latching onto the first idea that came to mind. “So were you on your way to tell James about my feelings?” “It is that time, isn't it?” Starlight absently asked, as though she weren't completely aware of what day it was. “Well, how were you going to tell him?” “I never really thought about it.” Starlight admitted. “What?!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You mean I spent this whole time Twilighting over nothing?” “It wasn't nothing.” Starlight said smugly. “You have a boyfriend now.” Rainbow Dash glared at Starlight. Starlight sighed and shook her head. “Rainbow Dash, you've been ready for this for a long time now. You just needed a push to actually get it started.” “You're doing that Twilight thing.” Rainbow Dash said as she pointed her hoof at Starlight. “You know, like with the cheer squad.” “Would you have done it if I hadn't given you that ultimatum?” Starlight coyly asked, knowing full well the answer coming to her. Rainbow Dash began to squirm uncomfortably. “Probably not.” With a shrug Starlight continued. “See, totally justified.” “And what's an ultimate … whatever?” They continued to talk casually as they walked through the halls, stopping briefly at the Library where they saw Twilight once again buried in scrolls and files. It hadn't even been a month and Twilight was once again obsessing over the remnants of a future no longer happening. “Her eyes again?” Rainbow Dash quietly asked as they turned away from the door. “Yep. She found more material Celestia sent her while she was still in line to take over the throne.” Rainbow Dash sighed, “Not again.” “I know, she just feels like she's missing out because of a mistake she made. Like something was ripped away from her before she was able to even know what she had.” “I know. But she needs to move on. She's still a princess, she's got her school, and we're all here for her. Just because she's missing out on this doesn't mean that she doesn't have anything else.” *** “So you're going to talk to them about it, huh?” Lucca asked James as they sat in the den that evening. “Yeah, I actually got the message when Rainbow Dash and I were talking.” “You mean making out.” Lucca corrected with a grin. “We didn't just make out the whole time.” The moment James stopped talking he realized he should have phrased his comment differently. Without missing a beat Lucca suddenly burst out in laughter. “I knew she'd move fast, but damn!” James groaned as he waited for her to stop laughing. “You know what I meant.” He calmly said as her laughter tapered off. “Ah, that laugh was just what I needed.” Lucca said as she wiped a tear from her eye. James gave Lucca a concerned look as she spoke. “Everything alright?” Lucca waved the concern off easily. “Yeah, I just haven't laughed that hard in a while.” She paused as she took a breath to calm down. “… Okay, so you heard back from Minaho?” James smiled as he shook his head, enjoying the joke even as he inadvertently delivered it to Lucca. After all these years he still walked head first into them. “Well, Seto told me she's handling it.” “So is it just the girls?” “No, they'll be the first though.” “And Scootaloo?” “She was never in question, I don't want to lose any of our girls. I'm going to take her, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle too. If we do this during the summer they don't have to take a break in the middle of school.” “They're going to think it's a month of vacation.” “I'm sure we'll all have fun, but I'll be hiring a tutor for them too.” “Well, you'd better run it past everyone. It'd be a shame to have gone through everything you did to only have them say no when it comes time.” “I'm pretty sure at least one of them will be interested.” Lucca smirked, confident she knew who James meant. “You're confident it's going to work out.” James shrugged as he answered. “It's been going on for years, all we're doing now is accepting it.” “Kind of like us then.” Lucca leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs as she reflected. “I guess you'll be out there tonight.” “Yep, you get your bed all to yourself again.” Lucca smirked as James stood up. “Ooh, that's a selling point.” With that James brought out his omnitool, sending a message to the girls asking them to meet him at a cafe in Ponyville he particularly liked. It was early enough, he hoped, that they would get the message before going about their day. *** Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel a rush when she noticed her omnitool blinking, letting her know she had a message. There weren't many who could contact her this way, and one of them was James. She shook her head as she tried to clear her mind, she had just seen him before going to bed, why was this so exciting for her? Bringing up the messaging app, she blushed as she saw that it was, in fact, James. And that he was inviting her to one of his favorite Ponyville cafes. She didn't even bother read more than that as she closed the application and flew out to meet him. The wind blowing through her mane felt unusually good as she flew along. As she looked down she paused briefly, finding that James wasn't alone. He was already joined by Applejack, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy. Looking around she could see Rarity and Starlight walking towards the group. Her heart raced as she wondered just why everyone was there. Is he going to tell everypony about our relationship? She asked herself as she began to glide towards the table. I mean, they already knew it was going to happen but … “Hey everypony.” She said, trying to sound casual. With a smile, James gestured for Rainbow Dash to sit next to him. As happy as she was with this change in her life, she didn't want James announcing their relationship without even talking to her first. Rainbow Dash took the nearby chair, leaning over and whispering in his ear. “What are you doing?” “I know I put it in the message I sent you.” He whispered back, his voice between concern and confusion. “Is something wrong?” Rainbow Dash paused, she didn't exactly know what he was planning, but James had already plowed ahead with convincing her parents they were dating. “We don't need to tell everypony. Besides … they already know.” “I doubt they know about this.” James said with a grin. “I just found about this after you left earlier.” Now Rainbow Dash was confused. “So this isn't about us?” “Nope, it was something else entirely … I guess you got distracted.” James whispered, kissing her cheek quickly before turning his attention back to the group now that the last two had joined them. Rainbow Dash blushed as she heard several of her friends cooing at the sight. Pinkie gasped before running over to hug Rainbow Dash and loudly announcing, “This is amazing!” “Well it's about time.” Applejack said as she shook her head. Twilight giggled as she watched the scene. Once Pinkie released Rainbow Dash from her crushing hug, Rainbow Dash caught her breath and glared daggers at James before she spoke. “James just told me that this wasn't what we're here about.” James chuckled as a pony delivered drinks to the new guests at the table. “She's right,” He calmly said, “I'm glad about this, but I did want to talk about something else.” Starlight took a drink of the mocha that had just been placed in front of her. “Normally when you ask us all together it's not good news. Please tell me this is a change of pace.” James chuckled uncomfortably. “That depends on your outlook, I just wanted to offer you all something.” Pinkie perked up immediately at the prospect of a present. “Ooh! What is it? What is it? What is it?!” James was playing it cool, but in reality this wasn't an easy offer to make as there was a great deal behind it. And he was certain they wouldn't be ready for everything the offer itself entailed after the fact. Neither he nor Lucca had been. James took a steadying breath as he also reminded himself that he had to accept their decision if they chose to turn down the offer. He'd had to many times before, and had many long dead family and friends as a result. “It's nothing simple. And not just for you; this extends to your closest family as well.” He paused to give weight to what he was about to say. “I just got the okay to take you all to the Galactic Academy for body mods. Basically the modifications my family and myself have.” “You mean like your magical implants?” Starlight asked uncomfortably, remembering when Flurry Heart had accidentally broken the implants, nearly killing him. “No.” Twilight spoke up, immediately recalling a conversation from long ago. “He said it when the other Rainbow Dash was around.” She quickly turned to James for confirmation. “You told us that you'd find a way to extend our lives.” James quietly nodded. “Of course!” Rainbow Dash said eagerly answered. “That sounds awesome!” “It's not just living longer.” James said, less excited than the girls. “These modifications were designed with combat in mind. An extended lifespan is actually a side effect, one they've built on and improved. But a side effect none the less.” “So what are they supposed to do?” Applejack asked. James took a breath and nodded. “It will improve the functionality of your cells, drastically improving your speed, strength, durability, and immune systems.” “Awesome!” Rainbow Dash was only getting more excited as she heard what she could gain. “There are issues with this.” James was quick to cut in. “The modifications are obvious enough that any pony doctors would realize something is seriously different with you. And to keep with the treaties in place, after the treatment all of your medical needs would handled by New Guardia or Jurai. Technically you'd be citizens of New Guardia … Basically, if you do this, like it or not: you're stuck with me.” Applejack chuckled briefly. “Wouldn't that be a shame, eh Rainbow Dash?” Despite the seriousness of his offer, a comfortable warmth grew in James' chest as he listened to the jab. This was a kind of welcome he hadn't felt outside of his home for a long time. Rainbow Dash blushed slightly and took a drink of her coffee (that James accused of being more ice cream than coffee.) Her blush only deepened as James casually wrapped his arm around her. Fluttershy couldn't deny she was interested in the idea, and that there was a lot she would get to see by doing this. But there was one question she had that nobody had even thought to ask yet. “And, uhm, how long does this extend our life?” “Thousands of years.” James answered easily. Silence dominated the table, only interrupted moments later by a quiet. “Oh my.” Starlight's jaw dropped. She had heard about the modifications, and how they extended the life of James and his family, but she had been thinking centuries, not millenia. Knowing this, James' occasional disconnection wasn't so surprising. In time, without friends, she could even see him becoming like Discord: Totally detached, chaotic, and possibly unable to connect with others if they didn't constantly work at it. Particularly with the power James seemed to have access to. His family gave him a measure of grounding, but most of them tended to be reclusive, so he still needed regular reminders that wouldn't just fade away after a while. By staying with him, they could prevent him from turning into a new embodiment of chaos. … But what would that mean for her as time moved ever onward, with her in the eternal present. Almost everyone she knows becoming nothing more than a memory in time. James sighed as he looked to them. “Being stuck with me isn't the only problem, any existing conditions you may have will still be applicable, even if we don't know about them. Tenyo's mother being the example that I'm always remembering. She lived just over two hundred years. When they described her behavior it was clear that she suffered from a degenerative neural condition resulting in dementia and ultimately her death.” “It seems that some things just can't be fixed, no matter how advanced technology gets.” This was meant to serve as a warning, explaining that just because they were doing this they weren't guaranteed to live even as long as he had. “I'm in.” Rainbow Dash answered without hesitation. “How many times do I have to tell you?” James smiled, even expecting her response it was still comforting to hear. “Thanks. You don't have to answer right away though, take some time and consider what this means. I need to make some arrangements and serious plans anyway. But that's basically it, I'm going to offer this to a couple others, but I wanted to talk to all of you first.” His business done, James took a sip from his coffee and looked around the group. He really had missed spending time with friends like this. After the tension eased, Rainbow Dash smiled slightly as she looked at James. “So, uhm … are you going to stay around for a bit?” Pinkie cooed and Rarity tittered at the scene. Rainbow Dash immediately noticed. “It's just … uh … well …” Rainbow Dash stammered as her blush deepened. James gave her a wicked grin as he chuckled. “Yes. I was planning on it, or were you asking me on a date?” At the question Rainbow Dash's wings shot out and she got quiet, turning James' chuckle into a full blown laugh. “I don't think I'll get tired of doing that to you.” Starlight, never one to miss out on this little game and knowing James as well as she did, leaned back in her chair and glanced at his tail. “Well Rainbow Dash, if you want revenge, his tail is twitching.” Rainbow Dash returned James' smile. “Oh it is, is it?” she coyly asked. James didn't miss her tone. “I guess two can play this game.” “I think you mean four. Lucca and I aren't stopping.” Starlight corrected. “That's not fair.” James jokingly complained. “I can't get back at you.” Starlight felt like saying something, inviting him to get back at her. She paused as she realized she'd be blatantly asking him to flirt with her. While she did like the idea, and he already flirted with her anyway, she was disappointed in herself for thinking it. “Why do you think I like it so much?” She asked flirtatiously. “Besides, you flirt with us all already.” “So what you're saying is that I need to start trying.” James said with a smirk. As she looked at the new couple Starlight could see Rainbow Dash planning something, and James' mischievous smile. Once again, she felt that yawning pit in her stomach open up. She argued to herself that she was just lonely, that it would get better in time. She fought to keep her thoughts somewhere where she was comfortable with them. And finally, with no small amount of difficulty, she pushed the sensation away. As they talked, Pinkie shoved Rainbow Dash onto James' lap. Rainbow Dash blushing again as James wrapped his arms around her and smiled. Even though she still seemed nervous about the relationship, it was clear just how happy she was. Having all her friends see her and support her like this helped her feel accepted for who she was. > 7 Communication problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doors of the holosuite slid open, revealing an ornate, yet dimly lit theater. Rainbow Dash felt severely out of place as she walked in, though the dress Rarity had given her certainly fit in. She turned to James, dressed in a simple suit, and felt even more that she had overdone things. But this was a true date: James had invited her to watch his favorite opera with him. Put bluntly, she didn't like the idea. Opera was something that Rarity would be interested in, why would James ask her to join him? But she was serious about this relationship, and was willing to put up with some boring things to make him happy. After all, he was already doing as much for her even before they were together. Even still, she was already planning to sleep in the chair as they watched. She even had a ready made excuse to use when James caught her sleeping. All she would have to say was that she was tired and needed to sleep before going to her Wonderbolts training later. This was still going to be a win for her over all, a nap during the opera, and an evening of wing rubs from James. But even as good as this sounded, she was going to set up the next date. Definitely something fun instead. “I'm glad you made it.” James said, with a warm genuine smile. “Well, yeah. I said I'd be here.” Rainbow Dash answered casually. “I know this isn't really your thing, but I think you might be surprised.” James said as he began to lead her towards the private box that had their seats. “I've got something here I'm pretty sure you'll like.” Rainbow Dash was curious as to why James would simulate an audience in the auditorium, when he assured her that it was just the two of them watching the opera. Rainbow Dash took a moment to take in the sight of their seats. This was something Rarity would love: Both the rails and chairs were trimmed with gold leaf, with a jeweled inlay. The chairs themselves were plush and comfortable looking. A nap would be certainly easy here. It seemed odd to her that James would wait until she sat down before he would, but she wasn't going to think much of it. James took the seat next to her and gave her a smile before the lights went out almost completely and the music began to swell. She adjusted herself in her seat and closed her eyes as she heard something about some guy named Draco falling in love with some Maria before going away … for some reason. She wasn't really paying attention anyway, and before long she had fallen asleep. She had no idea how long she had slept when a gentle shake made her open her eyes. She could still hear the music and the lights were still low. Unfortunately, it seemed that James wasn't going to let her just sleep. “Come on, Rainbow Dash.” James whispered, “We need to get going.” Rainbow Dash was getting ready to apologize for falling asleep when she realized that James was holding something. “Uhm … What's with the sword?” James grinned as he held out the hilt of the sword for her. “I brought it for you.” This was already confusing for Rainbow Dash as she bit the hilt of sword. James gave her a sheepish grin. “Like I said, I know this isn't really your thing so I made sure to include the original content.” His grin went from sheepish to sly as he spoke. “We're here to save the show from a monster currently attacking the theater.” At the mention of a monster attack, Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up. “Why didn't you tell me we'd be fighting monsters?!” She asked excitedly. “I wanted to surprise you with something fun.” James took a moment to examine Rainbow Dash, “I can pause this if you want to change out of your dress.” Rainbow Dash nodded excitedly and rushed out of the booth, undoing the dress as she went. While she did wish that James had told her about this earlier, the surprise was already worth it. She could go to the opera if it meant fighting off monsters. Once the dress was off she tossed it in the corner and rushed back, her opinion of the evening turning from a conditional good, to an all out win. James was standing outside the booth as Rainbow Dash returned, her wide smile telling him everything he had been hoping to know. “We'll have to climb up to the scaffolding above the stage.” James said as he directed her attention towards the ceiling. Rainbow Dash didn't see anything at first simply by following James' direction, but just beyond the curtain there was something long and purple. “Is that the monster?” “Part of him. Let's hurry, I don't want to lose this because we stood around too long.” James said as he gestured towards the door. With a nod, Rainbow Dash followed James through the theater towards the back of the stage. Peaking out from behind the scenery, they could see a massive audience. Her heart pounded faster and her smile grew as she noted the onlookers. They were about to be the heroes in front of all these people. The thought of them being only illusion having completely left her mind. On stage in front of them, there appeared to be massive fight going on. Rainbow Dash had a fleeting thought to actually watch the opera sometime after this was over. “Come on,” James urged as he moved towards a nearby ladder, “we only have five minutes before Ultross drops the ballast on Celes.” “Ultross?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying beside James as he climbed. “The name of the octopus we're fighting.” “Well it'll be calamari soon. … Ugh! What are those things?” As they reached the catwalks above the stage it became quickly apparent that Ultross wasn't the only monster to fight up here. Grotesque rats, larger than most ponies and with mouths that overflowed with jagged teeth, scurried along the catwalks and attacked anything that came close. No sooner had they stepped onto the catwalk than three rats rushed over, teeth gnashing and claws scratching threateningly in the air. James charged one of the rats, giving it a devastating double strike. Rainbow Dash noticed a red bar appear briefly after the first hit then vanish after the second, the rat similarly vanishing shortly after. Rainbow Dash followed suit, and slashed at another rat. Once again the red bar appeared though it didn't vanish, continuing to hover over the rat as it attacked her, lunging at her head. She jumped back quickly, barely avoiding the maw of the creature that appeared even worse when looking inside it's mouth. Rainbow Dash struck once more and the rat dissolved like the first. No sooner had they beaten the rats than they were running along the catwalks towards their goal. Unfortunately there were still more rats to contend with. It was clear that if they tried to fight each rat they'd not reach Ultross in time. And taking a detour near the end to save time, they interrupted the octopus that was still fumbling with the knot on the ballast. “Alright Atlas …” Rainbow Dash called as they got close. “It's Ultross.” James cut in. “Nah, that name's too cool for such a goofy looking monster.” “Hey! I resent that remark.” Ultross snapped in a gurgling, echoing voice. “You resemble it too.” James called back. Ultross waved his tentacles a moment before hurling himself over James and Rainbow Dash. As he passed overhead he reached down and wrapped them both in his grip. A grip much stronger than Rainbow Dash had expected. The jagged teeth spilling out of the curious mouth of the octopus appeared to almost form a smile as he continued past. But that smile vanished quickly as he completely missed the catwalk, dragging James and Rainbow Dash down to the stage with him. The music abruptly stopped as the trio crashed down on several of the performers. Ultross quickly moved towards the back of the stage where Celes stood. Despite the chaos, for several moments there was silence. Rainbow Dash was just able to stagger to her hooves after the thunderous crash. She wasn't hurt, but the landing did faze and disorient her for a moment. The first thing she became fully aware of was that the opera house had gone silent. Slowly she turned around to find the audience was getting restless and beginning to murmur among themselves. She was about to open her mouth when a man dressed in a full tuxedo came sprinting onto stage. “Disaster!” He projected towards the back of the audience. “If the two heroes are flattened, the opera's over! Then who shall win the girl!?” Even though he spoke clearly and concisely, Rainbow Dash could see terror clearly in his features and actions. “I'll save her!” Rainbow Dash announced as James began to stand. Rainbow Dash threw her head back towards Ultross, flicking her mane as she did. She loved being the center of attention like this, and now she was the hero of the story. The well dressed man groaned briefly and shook his head. “Silence!” Ultross' gurgling voice called as he pulled himself forward, surprisingly quickly for being a sea creature on land. “You are in the presence of octopus royalty! A Lowborn thug like you could never defeat me!” “Blah, blah.” Rainbow Dash taunted. “You're all talk, tentacle face. Go crawl back to the ocean before you get hurt.” The well dressed man made a quick hand gesture and the music once again began to play as James squared off on Ultross' far side. “Hehehe.” Ultross gurgled. “Long time no see! Did you miss me?” “You: no,” James chuckled. “Beating you: yes.” Ultross lashed out quickly at James, the red bar appearing above his head this time. It wasn't to far of a stretch for Rainbow Dash to realize this was intended to be a health bar. A quick glance was enough to tell her just how hard this octopus hit. With the fun she'd been having so far, she'd nearly forgotten that this was just a holosuite program. Readjusting her hold on the sword, she rushed forward and slashed Ultross. A tentacle lashed out and slapped her away after the strike, but she had hit the creature. Unfortunately, she found that her attack had done little to damage him. As she recovered and prepared to slash Ultross again she saw James loom over him, gripping the sides of Ultross' head and flying up briefly before coming back down in a suplex. Looking to the health bar, Rainbow Dash noticed James' suplex did more damage than his standard attack and Ultross' counter rain attack didn't seem to do much to him. Unfortunately, she noticed that after a few seconds James' health bar was rapidly shrinking. In a split second, she decided to adjust her style in the fight, if James could do more than strike the octopus and deal more damage for it, than so could she. She quickly tossed her head around and threw the sword up in the air, jumping after it and bucking it at Ultross. The sword struck and Ultross' health dropped much like she had hoped. “Way to go!” James cheered, making Rainbow Dash blush as she smiled. Ultross countered with the rain attack he had used against James, but she understood that if they kept the intensity of their attacks up they'd be able to take him out before they succumbed to whatever withering effect the rain attack had on them. James' next strike was more impressive. Taking a low stance, his fists burst into flames and he charged Ultross, quickly moving around the octopus and striking several times. Rainbow Dash watched as each hit drained the health bar a little more. Rainbow Dash smiled as she adjusted her stance and spread her wings. Like a shot she burst towards Ultross, striking him with her sword and making hairpin turns as to continue the assault. Each turn got harder, however, as if she were fighting a headwind slowly growing in intensity. As she continued, her Wonderbolt training kicked in and she adjusted how she flew to cut the drag on herself, fighting to keep her attack going. Eventually, however, it was too much and she had to move away from her target and land. Even though Rainbow Dash braced herself for the counter attack, Ultross didn't retaliate this time. He simply looked between the two for a couple moments, his eyes clearly showing his feelings. “Well …” He said after a pause. “Adios!” In a flash his tentacles were propelling him stage left and the orchestra abruptly changed the music they were playing. Rainbow Dash basked in the applause of the crowd, only realizing something was going on when a collective gasp caused her to turn around and see the singer get carried away by a man with long white hair. “James, why didn't you stop him?” She called to him as he stepped forward. “Because we're not supposed to. This is a stand alone program of this scene and Setzer kidnapping Celes was the final action triggering the end.” As James spoke the audience silenced and vanished, leaving the two of them alone in the illusory opera house. “Is there more? That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed as she rushed over and hugged James. “Yes, but we'd have to start at the very beginning of the story for that.” He said, kissing her forehead before letting her down. “I can sit through the opera, especially if we get to fight that octopus again.” James chuckled at her excitement. “We would, but it's not just the opera. This is a scene from a much longer story. You can certainly play it sometime. But for now, I think we had plans to get dinner. And of course your wing rubs.” Rainbow Dash smiled wide as she eagerly nodded. “Let's get take out, that sounds so much better tonight, and the wing rubs can start sooner.” “Maybe I indulge you too much.” James grinned as he shook his head. Rainbow Dash chuckled as she flew up and kissed him. “You love spoiling us.” “Be that as it may,” James admitted with a smile, “let's not make a habit of this.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she pranced towards the holosuite exit. “Too late.” *** A shrill whistle cut through the air over Cloudsdale where the Wonderbolts were running drills. “Alright everypony! Lunch!” Spitfire announced with her usual bark. “How's the leg Soarin?” She commented as the stallion flew close. Soarin grunted and nodded, “Well enough.” the metallic clack of his artificial leg hitting the landing strip was a reminder to him of what he had lost in that battle almost a year ago. For whatever reason the procedure to restore his leg kept getting pushed back, and it grated on him each time he had to reschedule. “I hope lunch is good.” Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed her stomach. “I'm starving.” “If you don't sleep in, you don't miss breakfast.” Fleetfoot joked. “Yeah yeah. I still got to practice on time.” The team talked as they made their way to the mess hall, Rainbow Dash stopping abruptly as she noticed James placing food out for everyone. With an awkward chuckle, she walked up to James. “So … haha, what brings you here?” Her tone was clearly uncomfortable, despite her best attempt at sounding casual. James' smile faded and he nodded a moment before calmly speaking up. “Remember? It's your rotation to cook for today. Spitfire asked me to cover for you.” “For all our sakes,” another Wonderbolt called. “You okay, Crash?” Spitfire asked as she approached the two. “This has been the standing arrangement for a while now.” “Right!” Rainbow Dash was quick to say. “I … just forgot it was my rotation.” With a chill she remembered the meeting with her friends at the cafe after their relationship began. “I guessed.” James calmly said. “Either way, everyone's meals are ready. Since you've all got some more flying to do lunch is mean green salad with cheese. “I was hoping for something sweet.” Mistyfly said as she sat by her plate. “Don't worry, dessert tonight will be frosted brownies and mint ice cream,” James said with a grin. “Of course there's dinner first.” He added in a faux chastising tone. As Rainbow Dash sat down to eat, she noticed that her salad had been made special for her. It was common for him to use mostly ingredients he knew she liked, but she could see the care he'd put into hers. He hadn't used a single veggie that she didn't like, it was portioned just how she would have wanted, even the dressing she wanted was ready for her. It only took a quick glance at the other salads to show her that they did have a broader mix of vegetables, some of which she would have picked out, and her teammates were already adding things to theirs. She looked guiltily over to James, who looked back and nodded before stepping away and going back to the kitchen. Once he was gone she sighed sadly and idly poked her salad, suddenly not as hungry as she had been just moments ago. It wasn't until dinner that she saw him again, and even then she didn't get to talk to him until after. He just gave them their food and went back to work on something. The sun was just beginning to set as she walked out to the field where James was standing, looking out at the changing color of the sky. Rainbow Dash slowed as she approached him, uncomfortably rubbing her foreleg as she spoke. “Hey there. Uhm, sorry. I forgot that you'd be here.” “It's okay, Rainbow Dash.” James quietly said, not turning to look at her. “It is? You don't sound like it's okay.” James turned and knelt down as he looked her in the eye. “I understand. You're not comfortable being seen in a real relationship with me yet. And I didn't exactly handle things with our friends in the best way. I understand you may want to keep me at a distance for now.” “James, please …” James shook his head as he cut her off. “It's alright,” his voice sounded anything but alright. “If you're still okay with it, I'll see you after practice in a few days.” He placed his hand on the side of her face, rubbing her cheek with his thumb. Rainbow Dash hated the look in his eyes, that damn understanding. He should be upset, ask her why she wasn't telling everypony about their relationship. But there he was, quietly accepting being on the outside once more. “Of course I'm still okay with it.” She earnestly said. “Okay.” James quietly said before leaning in and giving her a quick kiss and offering a weak smile. “I'll see you then.” Without anything more, he stood and began to walk down the runway. Melting away as he went back to his home. Rainbow Dash stood in place, staring at the void where her boyfriend had just been. She could see how her discomfort had made him feel, and in turn she felt miserable for it. “Shit.” She whispered to herself. *** It was the third time Rainbow Dash had lived up to her nickname that day. Now she just lay where she was on the ground wondering why she couldn't concentrate, though not why she felt the way she did. “Crash!” Spitfire shouted from the air. “What's the matter, you getting distracted by something shiny out there? Get your head in the game!” Rainbow Dash huffed and flapped her wings, lifting into the air and rejoining the other Bolts. “Sorry, Ma'am, just a little off today.” “You don't say.” The sarcasm dripped as Spitfire spoke. Rainbow Dash shook herself and ran the next several drills without trouble, but, as had become the norm for the day, her attention began to drift. She remembered the resigned acceptance in James' eyes from the other day. She knew he wasn't okay, even though he had insisted that he was. Her attention was suddenly snapped back to the routine she was meant to be flying as she realized that she had turned wide, and couldn't avoid the cloud she was now careening into. With a startled shout she tried everything she could to correct her course, and once again she found herself covered in cloud. With a sigh and a huff she sat where she was and considered the situation. Once again the shrill whistle pierced the air. “Hit the showers, Crash.” Spitfire shouted. “We're obviously not getting anything out of you today.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she heard the comment. A day off wasn't a bad idea, but this was not the way she'd have chosen to get it. She knew that whatever else she did, she'd have to get back up to par before tomorrow. “Really falling short today Crash.” She heard one of her teammates say. She sat in the cloud a while longer before climbing out and trudging to the showers to change out of her uniform. She needed to talk to someone, but her team wouldn't exactly be in the mood to deal with her at the moment. In her locker she saw the familiar golden bracelet and knew she could talk to her other friends. Two names came immediately to mind as she considered who she should message about her distraction: Starlight and Twilight. It had been Starlight who had helped her come to terms with her feelings for James, but Twilight was good at seeing problems she was having and coming up with solutions. She mulled it over as she walked to the barracks, finally deciding that she needed solutions, and not just to talk. Her Omnitool blinked to life and she began writing a message to Twilight. “Hey Twilight, can I ask you something?” After a brief pause she sent the message. It was only a few moments before she got a reply. Of course Twilight would have her Omnitool with her all the time. James said he'd gotten a specific model for her that was designed for data analysis and she immediately fell in love with the tool, carrying it with her wherever she went. “Of course.” “I've been having a lot trouble concentrating on my flying. That's happened before, but not like this. I'm getting distracted every few minutes.” “Are you being distracted by one thing? Or do you just notice everything and get distracted?” Rainbow Dash paused after reading the questions. “Well, it's James.” “ :) Well, that makes sense. You did just start your relationship with him. Maybe you can see if Spitfire will let him come by for the day so you can focus better.” “Thing is … he was here the other day … and I think I upset him.” “ :o What happened?” “It was my turn to cook, so he came to handle that for me like he usually does, and … I wasn't exactly welcoming.” “ :( Did you ask him to go away?” “No, I … wasn't ready to tell the team that we were dating.” “Oh …” Oh? Rainbow Dash thought with increasing concern. I'm having a real problem and she just says “Oh.” After waiting a moment Rainbow Dash began to write back. “I mean, I'm happy to be with him. I'm not ashamed of him. I'm just not ready to tell everypony that we're together.” “Rainbow Dash. Try to think of it from his point of view. When you were just friends you were happy to have him around, you brought him with you to training and shows. You even let him take care of you. But now that you're in a relationship, you're backing off from even how you two were as friends. Like he's now some kind of dirty secret.” “I just didn't tell the team! It's not like I denied anything! I was just uncomfortable.” Rainbow Dash huffed as she typed. “Rainbow Dash, you may not have done anything, but I can see why he might think you're embarrassed to be with him if you're not willing to tell your team.” “It's not that I'm not willing.” “Than what is it? Are you embarrassed? Do you not want a relationship? Is it him?” Rainbow Dash looked at the message and though she knew Twilight was just trying to understand, she couldn't help but read the message in an accusatory tone. “No! I want this. I just …” Rainbow Dash paused as she typed. She had no idea where she was going with this. “Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked after a minute. “You're right, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash eventually wrote. “Thanks. I know what I need to do.” “Glad I could help. But is everything okay? I can't tell what you mean by that through text.” “It's alright. I said I'm not ashamed to be with him, and he's going to damn well know it.” “:o Ohh. Hehe :) Good luck.” *** Spitfire was finishing reports in her office when there was a knock at her door. “Come in.” “Hey Spitfire.” Rainbow Dash said as she walked inside, though she didn't sound her normal upbeat self. “Hey Crash, care to tell me what was going on out there today? I haven't seen you fly that bad since … well, since you were last trying to prove something.” Rainbow Dash sighed, “Yeah, uhm, sorry about that. Things have been weird for me this last month, and I could use the Bolts' help.” “Sure. What do you have in mind?” “Remember when you helped me with my parents?” *** James walked towards the Wonderbolts Headquarters as the day was ending. He could clearly see that Rainbow Dash wasn't yet comfortable with their relationship, and didn't want to push her towards something she still wasn't ready for. Today he was going to apologize and ask her what she would like from him. If she wanted, he could back off until she was ready. Normally when they would meet like this he would watch her practicing until they called their training, but since even his cooking had caused trouble he was going to wait just outside. He had just found a nice shaded place to stand when he heard Spitfire's unmistakable whistle. Looking to the sound he felt a burst of wind as two other pegasi buzzed him, trailing colored smoke as they went. He watched them arc up and turn away leaving the smoke as a cloud while two more pegasi flew up, adding their colors to the cloud. The pegasi then met up behind Rainbow Dash and soon began trailing silver and emerald smoke, breaking off into pairs as Rainbow Dash ascended while doing an aileron roll. She continued to rise as the others approached the multicolored cloud. Lines of emerald and silver surrounded the cloud and moments later a rainbow heart was left where the shapeless cloud had been, The silver and emerald smoke forming a ring around it. Rainbow Dash reached the apex of her climb and began to drop, beating her wings faster and faster. She could do this without the build up, but this was worth the effort. As she came down she could see that she had James' full attention. She was ready for this. The Wonderbolts cleared the area, knowing what was coming, and it would be best to be out of the air for the finale. Rainbow Dash hoped she had timed this as well as she imagined. Too soon and all the setup was for nothing, and too late completely ruined the effect she was hoping for. She felt the cone forming as she reached the necessary velocity, just a couple more seconds. Her wings ached from the friction and effort, but she pressed on. She needed to go just a little faster. The heart looked to be the right size! She gave the last of the effort she needed and burst through the center of the heart with an explosion of sound and color. It was the Sonic Rainboom she had been aiming for, and she had to trust that she had gotten the timing right. Even though the stunt was over, she continued on. She knew where James was standing and angled herself towards him, slamming into his chest at full force and bowling them over. As they rolled, Rainbow Dash squeezed his chest as best she could with her forelegs and held herself close to him. Opening her eyes to look at him only when they had stopped. James' hair was now a mess, with leaves, sticks, and small plants sticking out of it and portions having come undone from his hair tie. His clothes were no better for the tumble and were smeared in dirt and grass. Despite this he only smiled as he looked at her. “This is becoming a habit.” He quietly said. Rainbow Dash was happy to see his smile. She had been afraid for the last few days that she had hurt him and could only concentrate when practicing this stunt. “But you don't have to do this.” He added, crushing what joy his smile had brought. “I understand that you're still uncomfortable and …” Rainbow Dash cut him off with a long kiss. As she held herself there James could feel the heat of her face as she blushed. But clearly she had decided on what she wanted to do. Eventually she pulled back, her face a dark violet. “I may have been uncomfortable, but I'll never be embarrassed to be with you.” She said, not taking her eyes away from his. “Don't say that.” James said with a grin, “I can be pretty embarrassing.” Rainbow Dash couldn't help but chuckle, a sharp pain cutting the laugh short. “Maybe I'll be embarrassed for you, but not because I'm with you.” Her eyes went wide as she heard the wolf whistle in the background. James ran his fingers through her mane and smiled as he looked in her eyes. “I don't know if you planned it this way, but they all know now.” Rainbow Dash relaxed slightly, though her blush didn't fade. “No, I don't care if they know. This was for you.” She felt his tail twitch beneath her as she spoke, remembering Pinkie telling her that James was uncomfortable with grand gestures like this. As the two lay there they both felt hooves gently prodding them. “So … Which of you was the hold out?” Spitfire asked eventually. Bringing their attention back to the world around them, James and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but notice most of the Wonderbolts standing around looking at them. James subtly pointed to Rainbow Dash as she focused on him once more. Fleet Foot and Misty Fly openly exchanged bits, and clearly Fleet Foot was the loser. > 8 Reluctant Racer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack woke suddenly as a clatter of cowbells and howls rang out from a distant part of the orchard. The noise enough to make her wonder just what was happening. This was soon answered by the excited hooting and hollering of Grany Smith as she got closer to the farm house. “The Timber Wolves are howlin'!” Granny Smith cried over and over as she ran around. Zap Apple season had arrived. In the hallway Applejack found Apple Bloom as excited as Granny Smith, further down Sugar Belle groggily walked out. “What's this about Timber Wolves?” “Zap Apples!”Apple Bloom excitedly said, running down the hall at a near full sprint. “Eyup.” Big Mac confirmed as he followed behind Sugar Belle. “Oh, I don't know much about Zap Apples.” “That's alright.” Apple Bloom spoke up. “You'll learn all about 'em and how to Make Zap Apple Jam this season.” Applejack smiled as she turned to her brother down the hallway. “Big Mac, I'll get James an his family if you start getting everything ready for the next few days.” “Alright.” “This is going to be the best year yet for Zap Apples!” Apple Bloom excitedly said. *** James groaned as he heard the knock at his door. A diplomat he particularly disliked was scheduled to arrive in a couple hours, but this woman would all too often arrive as early as she could and complain before she even saw her arrangements. Most of the castle was open to anyone, but in his opinion she really abused the privilege. He took a couple calming breaths before turning off his music. “Come in,” he said as casually as he could muster. “Everything alright, Sugar cube?” Applejack asked as she walked in. “Need a break?” James couldn't help but laugh out loud as relief washed over him. “Are you asking me out?” He chuckled as he tried to sound sly. “Because I'd happily say yes to such a sweet girl.” Applejack blushed slightly as she walked in. “Ain't'cha with Rainbow Dash?” James smirked. “Do you want me to stop?” “Rainbow Dash might.” “I hope not, I have a minimum of two other women to flirt with. But if you want me to stop, just say so.” Applejack had to pause at the comment. “Nah. Yer harmless. It's just flirtin' after all.” “Thanks. But I am wondering: isn't it still the middle of the night back in Ponyville.” “Eyup. But the Timber Wolves are howlin', an' the Zap Apples are comin'. We'd appreciate some help if yer willin'.” With a grin James realized that he could use this as an opportunity to be unavailable to the diplomat. But knowing her she would harass the rest of his family if it suited her, even Amber. “How about I bring everyone along. It would cut down on what you and Big Mac have to do and I think it would be good to have us all get out and work on something for a while.” Applejack knew he was up to something. He'd always be nice about agreeing to help, but now he sounded excited to get out. “Yer avoidin' something aren't ya?” James chuckled; he'd been caught. “Maybe. But you did ask for my help.” As much as she knew him to face his responsibilities head on, his eagerness to get out of whatever it was he needed to do made her suspicious. “Well don't put off anything important.” “I'm not.” James assured her before continuing to avoid the subject. “But I do need to get things together. We'll see you in the morning.” He gave Applejack a flirtatious smile as she turned to leave, making her blush and smile as she went. *** Scattered rays of light shown through the leaves of the main orchard as day broke over Ponyville. Big Mac was at work with Applejack placing baskets beneath a large copse of barren trees. There was a constant smell of ozone with an occasional crackle and flash as electricity jumped between the branches. Applejack was the first to hear their guests approaching, James' heavy steps and the much lighter steps of his family getting ever closer. “Alright, looks like Big Mac's got the baskets in the wagon over there. Let's get them in place.” James commented to his family as he came into view. “Thanks for the warning about Karen, but I've got other plans.” Lucca said, patting James' back before walking off. “And I'm going to help Granny Smith. I really want to know how making Zap Apple Jam even works.” Sara announced before running off herself. “ … Well, go on and have fun then, Amber.” James sighed, resigned as he collected baskets from the nearby cart. “I'll help out, dad.” She offered with a smile. “It's okay. I know this isn't exactly interesting work.” “No, really. I'm going to help.” “We'll take all the help we can get,” Applejack said as she approached. “Ain't that right Big Mac?” “Eeyup.” “I thought Tali'd be with you.” Applejack mentioned as James walked back to the group carrying several baskets, handing a couple to Amber as they got close. “Yeah, she's hiding away, working on a project instead of coming out to help here. She knows the nooks and crannies of the Einherriar as well as you know the orchard here.” James chuckled as he remembered a story that had been told to him. “Actually she's personally responsible for more than a couple ghost stories on that ship. She likes messing with the crew when she can get away with it.” “You have to share some of those stories next Nightmare Night.” Applejack said, chuckling along with James. A brisk wind blew through the the barren trees, bringing with it the distinct smell of ozone. Faint crackling could be heard as small bolts of electricity arced along the empty branches. “Watch, the zap leafs are comin'.” Applejack smiled as she looked up to see leafs appear at the ends of the branches with an electric pop. Before long it was time to get back to work. She went to get James' attention, only to realize that he was already looking at her, smiling. “Uh, James …” “Sorry, I was just enjoying the view. That look of awe and wonder you get, even after seeing it as often as you have.” Applejack blushed as she heard the compliment and turned away. “Let's get back to work.” Just as Applejack turned away Amber came rushing past. “Dad! Dad! That was amazing!” She exclaimed, running up to her father and excitedly tugging his arm. “The leafs just zapped in. I need some paper!” James chuckled as he reached into the bag of holding tied to his side, moments later producing a stack of paper and a set of colored pencils. “Alright, I'll be here helping Applejack and Big Mac.” As soon as the art supplies were offered Amber grabbed them and ran off. “Wasn't she here to help?” Applejack asked as Amber jumped into the cart and began drawing. “Well, I kind of dragged her here. Besides, when she gets it in her head to draw or do anything artistic she's not going to be doing anything else.” “Yer too easy on her.” “I have been accused of doting on them. … But I do like seeing those I care about happy.” The skies overhead weren't empty as more leafs popped into existence, and a pegasus looked down from the cloud she was napping on as she heard singing drifting upward. Two familiar, deep voices that had sang together several times. Rainbow Dash smiled as she watched the work going on below her, and more so as an idea crossed her mind. She quietly zipped off, returning with a dark cloud and positioning herself above James. As they reached the chorus she kicked the cloud sending down a torrent of rain. With a surprised shout James looked up to find Rainbow Dash hooting in laughter atop the rain cloud. “Nice to see you too.” James called up, guarding his eyes from the rainfall. “Come on, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack called. “We're working. If you've got time enough to pull pranks, you could help out.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she stopped laughing. “Sure, I'll help out. I can get this done in half the time.” “We need this done right, not fast.” Applejack warned. James cocked an eyebrow as he listened to Applejack. “Wasn't today's objective just getting the baskets under the trees? As long as we get every tree, the faster the better.” “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash eagerly said. “Bet I can get them out fastest.” Applejack narrowed her eyes and looked to her friend. “Yer on.” “I'll get in on this.” James said, now thoroughly soaked by the rain he had not stepped out from under. “Sounds like fun.” “Come on, Big Mac, we gotta get ready.” Applejack said as she walked towards the barn where a second cart of baskets waited. Big Mac gave Applejack a quizzical stare as she passed. “What, don't think you can keep up with yer little sister and her friend?” Applejack taunted. “Yeah, come on Big Mac. You plowed through everypony in the Sisterhooves Social, even me. I know you're faster than you let on.” Rainbow Dash encouraged. Big Mac blushed as he recalled the race and his brute force run to get a win for Apple Bloom. His single track mind ultimately getting his sister and himself disqualified, handing the win to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. But this wasn't that race, and it had been a while since he had competed with anyone. Eventually he nodded and began to follow Applejack. Within minutes they were set up and ready to race. Amber stood before them and held a flag Applejack provided her and counted down. As she called out “Go!” and waved the impromptu flag, Rainbow Dash burst off in a flash of rainbow light. The ground thundered beneath Applejack's and Big Mac's hooves. And the branches of the trees whipped around as James rushed past. Rainbow Dash grinned as she rushed around the Zap Apple trees flinging baskets and returning for more every few moments. Applejack would pause every so often to toss several baskets where they needed to go before returning to the cart for more. Big Mac didn't even pause his run, tossing baskets as he went. He knew every tree in this orchard and, while he wouldn't mention it, likely knew it better than Applejack. He worked here every day, he didn't teach at the school, he didn't go on friendship missions like his sisters had. He smiled as he pushed himself harder. He could win this. James was enjoying the race, even more as he wasn't the fastest racer. Turning to get another stack of baskets he found that there were only a couple left, but the orchard was far from done. He looked to the ponies, each focused on their planned distribution and smiling broadly. With a half smile he closed his eyes and cast a spell on himself, flashing red briefly. It only took moments for him to cover the distance between the cart and the barn for more baskets, and before any pony had turned back for more he had restocked the cart. He couldn't honestly keep racing with the spell in effect, but that was fine. He was spending time with friends, and that felt better than the competition. As the race stretched on, Rainbow Dash began to lag behind. A normal race was no trouble for her, but she had to race back and forth, carrying sturdy wooden baskets as she did. She began to realize why Zap Apple season would occupy Applejack's time. There was so much that had to be done just getting the farm ready to harvest. Applejack was going strong, charging back and forth with as many baskets as she could carry. She was making good time, and knew she was going to win this race. She also knew that Rainbow Dash wouldn't give up easily, but how many times had they raced like this? The two of them often neck and neck in their wins against each other. But over the years she had gotten a feel for what kinds of races were a sure thing, and this was one of those sure things. Big Mac kept his head down and pushed on. He couldn't think about who else was out here, he could only focus on the work. He smiled as he went back for another stack of baskets, he could handle more and didn't need to make as many trips. He was making great time. All three ponies were breathing hard as they finally ran out of baskets and stopped at the cart. “Hoowee!” Applejack said as she let herself fall to the ground at the empty cart. “Let's take a break before getting the next batch of baskets.” Rainbow Dash laughed as she landed and lay beside her friend. “I couldn't agree more.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac said before hitting the ground with a thud. “Next batch?” James asked as he sat down beside the three. “There aren't anymore in the barn.” “Beg yer pardon?” Applejack quickly asked, looking directly to the man who seemed remarkably put together for supposedly having run the same race as the others. “I was grabbing more as we went.” James said, as though it were plainly obvious. Big Mac slowly got back on his hooves and looked around, only now realizing that the entire Zap Apple orchard had been done. “Sweet Celestia.” He breathed, only now realizing that they had gotten so much done. “Wait wait wait.” Rainbow Dash said as she considered what she had just heard. “So you ran the race and went back to the barn for more baskets?” “Yeah.” “How?!” “I didn't hold anything back.” “But you were winded from the Running of the Leafs!” Applejack said, unbelieving. “I was out of shape then, I've been working for years to get back to where I was. And in some ways I'm better now than I was before.” “Does this have to do with the body mods you were talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Yes.” James calmly answered. “After the modifications I could run marathons without breaking a sweat, even my already enhanced strength had been multiplied. It was a bit intoxicating, to be honest. Just goes to show how bad I'd let myself get by the time the Running of the Leafs came around. My stamina's still not up to snuff.” “We never stood a chance, did we?” Rainbow Dash asked, disbelieving. “Actually, speed wise you were doing better. I am depressingly slow compared to the average.” “I doubt that.” Applejack mumbled. “No, I really am. I was just using a haste spell to get the baskets.” James explained calmly before adding, “I wish I could move that fast without it.” “So who won?” Rainbow Dash asked. James smirked a moment and looked over the group. “Big Mac.” Rainbow Dash and Applejack both turned to James and gawked. “What?” They asked in unison. “He got more baskets out than either of you.” James said bluntly. Applejack sat in silence as she thought. “Well, I guess you've always been good at marathons.” She conceded, turning to her brother. “Yer darn right he is.” Granny Smith called as she walked through the orchard towards them. “I was wonderin' what kind of tom foolery y'all was gettin up to out here.” “Wait, Big Mac ran Marathons?!” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly. “Eeyup.” “That's awesome! Why don't we ever see you racing?” “It wasn't fair anymore.” Granny Smith shook her head as she recalled the memory. “Big Mac was the best there was. Nopony could match his pace for an entire race, and his lead just kept gettin' larger an' larger. Eventually ponies stopped tryin' 'cause they knew he was just gonna win anyway.” “Woah.” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Why didn't you tell anypony?” Big Mac's only response was to shrug as Applejack chuckled before answering for her brother. “Ah don't know if you've noticed, but Big Mac don't talk much.” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Yeah, I know that. But this is big! Awesome! Something worth bragging about!” “It was fun, but not that important.” Big Mac calmly said. “Not that important?!” Rainbow Dash gasped. “You were the best in Ponyville and you think that's not important? That's it, you and me are going to have to have a race: A Marathon from here to Canterlot.” “Nope.” “Come on.” Big Mac only shook his head. “Oh, this race is happening.” Rainbow Dash said before flying off. Big Mac turned and gave Applejack and James a quizzical look. “She'll find some way to get you to race,” Applejack said. “She's pretty persistent … for better or worse,” James added. “Oh, I thought Rainbow Dash would be joining us for dinner.” Sugar Belle said as she walked the same rout as Granny Smith had. “I'd just finished cooking too.” “She's excited right now.” James calmly said. “I'll take some to her later.” Sugar Belle chuckled and smiled. “You're so sweet to her.” James met the comment with his own laugh. “I should hope I have something good to offer.” James stood up and looked back to the cart where Amber still worked on her drawing. “You hungry Sweetheart?” “I should finish this.” Came an absent minded response. “All the same, you need to eat something.” A groan came from the wagon before Amber spoke again. “I'm not done yet.” “Are you doing something new, or just detailing?” “Details are important.” “You're not going to lose the details just because you take a break to eat, trust me.” “Da-a-a-ad.” Amber moaned. “You might have another idea you like better if you just step back for a bit.” There was a more irritated moan, but nothing else. “I'm not going to tell you again!” James said, his voice calm yet firm as he walked to the cart and began to haul it back towards the barn house. “Fine.” Amber huffed. *** “Pleasure doing business with you as always, Granny.” Filthy Rich said as Big Mac and James loaded a nearby cart with crates of Zap Apple Jam. “And I'm looking forward to your return to racing Big Mac.” “Beg 'yer pardon?” “All of Ponyville is getting ready for it. Mayor Mare just finalized the course between here and Canterlot.” “I never said …” Big Mac began to say before Filthy Rich interrupted him. “Thank you again, I've got to get these to my store. Customers are waiting.” Without waiting for any other response Filthy Rich walked off with his order. “Rainbow Dash already set it up, didn't she?” James asked, a measure of resignation in his voice. “Like you even need to ask.” Applejack answered. “It's okay Big Mac, you don't need to do anything you don't want to.” “Unless, of course you want to get out there and race again.” Granny Smith added. “Granny, he quit for a reason. He can start again any time he wants and doesn't need to get forced into anything.” “I'll have a talk with Rainbow Dash.” James offered. “I should come too,” Applejack added. “Talking to her about this won't be easy.” James knelt down, offering his arm for her. Applejack's response was to give him a sidelong glance and ask, “What's yer reason this time?” “It's faster to fly. Come on, it'll be fun.” Applejack sighed and shook her head a moment before carefully sitting on his arm, wrapping her forelegs around his neck once he lifted her up. “We're just goin to find Rainbow Dash, so no need to do any fancy flyin'.” James nodded a moment before flashing a wicked smile and shooting into the air towards Ponville with Applejack shouting in his ear. James chuckled as he came to a stop. “Ow.” “You deserved that.” Applejack snarled. “Still worth it.” “Don't y'all get sick flyin' like that?” “Only going down. I get really bad vertigo.” Just under James's voice Applejack heard a familiar chortle and snort. “Alright, come on out Rainbow Dash.” She said flatly. A familiar rainbow maned blue head peaked out from behind a cloud, a wide smile spread across her face. “Hiya.” “Rainbow Dash, why'd you set up this marathon when Big Mac already said no.” “Oh come on, AJ. I've heard stories all week about how awesome Big Mac was. He needs to start racing again.” “He doesn't need to be forced into it.” “I know you always want to test yourself against the best,” James calmly said, “but he's just not interested.” “But it would be awesome.” Rainbow Dash insisted. “All of Ponyville, and Canterlot are super stoked about this. All of Equestria's going to be watching!” “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack said an a scolding tone. “Big Mac ain't no show pony, he competed because he was having fun! And he stopped when it wasn't fun anymore.” “I'm not the only one excited to race Big Mac. Mayor Mare is letting anypony register and we've already got a full race ready.” “I'll race against ya, but Big Mac just ain't interested.” Rainbow Dash dropped her head and groaned. “Come on!” James slowly moved over to Rainbow Dash and used his free hand to gently lift her head up, looking her in the eye and smiling. “It's alright, you don't have anything to prove. Just have fun.” Once he backed off Applejack cleared her throat. “Yer still holding me, you know.” James smirked and Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You're right,” he said as his expression changed from amused to mischievous. “I could just turn my head and …” “Nope.” Applejack cut him off suddenly, causing Rainbow Dash to burst into laughter. “Alright, alright,” James said through a chuckle. “One day …” he added in a melodramatic, wistful manner. Applejack blushed as she turned to Rainbow Dash. “And this ain't weird to you?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I don't mind.” “Well, if it does bother you, just let me know.” James said seriously. With a smile Rainbow Dash jumped off her cloud and onto James' side, James catching her with his free arm. “All good now.” She said before kissing his cheek. As they approached Sweet Apple Acres they could easily see a group of ponies already gathered around the farm. Applejack gave Rainbow Dash a stern look as James flew over the ponies towards the house. He placed Applejack down once they touched ground and she lead them around to the backdoor where Granny Smith and Big Mac waited. No sooner had they stepped inside than Big Mac approached James and Rainbow Dash. “You see what you've done Rainbow Dash? Now everypony out there's expecting me to run a race I never wanted to do.” Almost reflexively Rainbow Dash clutched James tighter, as if for reassurance “Sorry, Big Mac. It's just …” Rainbow Dash sighed, she knew she had screwed up … again. “Everypony says you were an awesome racer, the best in Ponyville. I just wanted to …” “To race me and prove you were better?” Big Mac finished. Rainbow Dash blushed and opened her mouth to speak, but a different voice cut her off. “I hope not, because that's my job.” Cheerilee said as she stood in the doorway, an uncommonly cocky smile on her face. “Cheerilee?” Rainbow Dash asked, astonished. “You'd better be coming back Big Mac, I've been waiting for this since our last race.” Cheerilee said as she got closer. “I haven't forgotten how close I was.” “Over a minute.” Big Mac calmly said. “But nearly minute ahead of the next runner up. That's when I was a filly, and I've kept running marathons.” “Cheelilee.” Big Mac said seriously. Cheerilee's demeanor changed quickly, as she playfully waved her hoof at him. “Oh come on, just a little friendly competitiveness.” “I ain't racing.” Cheerilee's face fell slightly before she nodded. “Well, the race isn't for another week, that's plenty of time to change your mind. And I would like to have some real competition this year.” “Hey.” Rainbow Dash spoke up, still hanging off James. “I'm racing too.” “Oh, Rainbow Dash.” Cheerilee said smugly. “I don't see you running many marathons.” “Well, I'm usually flying with the Wonderbolts.” “Flying and running aren't the same thing.” “You'll just have to make due racing us.” Applejack cut in. With a sigh Cheerilee nodded. “Yeah. I guess so.” She turned and started to walk back towards the door. “It would have been fun to race you again Big Mac.” As Cheerliee went to leave she nearly collided with Sugar Belle who was walking in at that moment. “Oh, hi Cheerilee. Are you here about Apple Bloom?” Sugar Belle asked. “No, just hoping I could get Big Mac to race in the marathon.” “Oh, I heard about that in town today, everypony is really excited about it. I know Big Mac can do it, he was delivering apples to my village all the time and that's further away than Canterlot. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both turned to Big Mac at the statement. “You ran to Starlight's village?” Applejack asked, “I thought you took the train.” Big Mac blushed and turned away from his sister, clearing his throat as he did. “Ey … eyup.” Rainbow Dash flew from James' arms and hovered in front of Big Mac. “Come on, you would run all the way to Starlight's village and back but won't do a marathon to Canterlot?” Big Mac shrugged. “It's okay, you don't have to.” Sugar Belle said, walking up to and kissing her husband's cheek. “Although I would love to see you race. Just once.” At Sugar Belle's comment, Big Mac looked to Rainbow Dash. “Alright. Count me in.” Rainbow Dash made no secret of her excitement and she pumped her hoof in victory and hooted. > 9 Past Mistakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Mac and Applejack stood on the train platform, seeing off Granny Smith and Apple Bloom before the race began. “Alright you two,” Granny Smith said, looking to the brother and sister, “Apple Bloom and I will be waiting for you at the finish line. Kick their flanks.” “Rainbow Dash will cross the finish line long before anypony else even gets close.” Scootaloo said as she and Lofty joined them on the platform. Apple Bloom smirked as she turned to her friend. “Oh yeah? Everypony came out here to watch Big Mac race, and Applejack's at least as fast as Rainbow Dash.” “We'll just see who's faster.” Scootaloo said smugly. “Come along Scootaloo,” Holiday said as she approached the group with several tickets. “We don't want to miss out on a good spot to see the end of the race.” Scootaloo looked back a moment before turning back to Apple Bloom. “Come on, let's get on the train.” She said excitedly before running off with her friend. Once alone on the platform Applejack and Big Mac began walking back to the farm for the last couple things they had to do before racing. “Alright Big Mac: I'm rootin' for ya, but I'm still gonna beat ya.” Applejack said as they walked. Big Mac smiled as he shook his head, “Nope.” *** “Come on,” Rainbow Dash moaned as she and James sat across each other at the diner. “You said you could run marathons easily, why not join this one.” James smiled and shook his head, “One: it's the middle of the night. Two: I now have several trade agreements to cancel in person, and I have to explain how their delegate is responsible.” “What about your time machine?” “I'm already using it to be here, but that also brings me to point three. It wouldn't be fair for me to run this marathon as I am now. I'm not out of shape anymore and even though you're mostly faster than I am I could keep an unbreakable pace that I honestly doubt even Big Mac could hold for that long.” “But you don't know that. I could probably beat you.” Rainbow Dash insisted. James leaned over and kissed her quickly. “Enjoy your race, I'll be waiting for you at the finish line.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Okay, but I expect to hear you cheering the loudest for me, alright?” James smiled and nodded, “Alright. Now I gotta get to work. I'll see you at the finish line.” Rainbow Dash turned to leave before coming back. “Hey, James?” “Yeah?” “After the race, do you think we could do something fun? We're not in Canterlot often.” “I'll find a fun date for us.” Rainbow Dash blushed and smiled as she left, wondering when these intoxicating feelings would settle down. Or if she even wanted them to. Minutes later she landed at Sweet Apple Acres and casually walked into the home of her friend. “Hey AJ.” “Yer beamin today. James racin?” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “He's got a list of reasons, but he's waiting for me at the finish line.” Applejack chuckled a moment. “Giving you motivation?” She asked with a smirk. Rainbow Dash blushed. “No, this race was my idea after all. Now hurry and tie my wings.” “I still don't get why you're insistin on this now.” “Because I don't want anypony accusing me of cheating and flying when I win.” Big Mac scoffed at the comment. Rainbow Dash smirked as she turned to the pony standing just in the doorway. “We'll see who's got the last laugh at the finish line.” As she spoke Applejack fastened the rope tightly around her waist. “Eeyup.” “Okay, Rainbow Dash, that rope ain't comin loose like last time. You want to run this with tied wings, you got 'em.” Sugar Belle walked down the stairs and approached her husband as Applejack spoke. “Okay sweetie, we should get you to that race.” Big Mac gave her a warm smile and kissed her cheek, “Eeyup.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and shook her head as they started to leave the farm. “Yer actin like you aren't the same way with James.” Applejack commented. “No way. We're much cooler … I mean, I guess James can get a little goofy, but I'm definitely way cooler than that.” Rainbow Dash was the only one to not chuckle as they walked. *** In the center of Ponyville a large herd had gathered for the Marathon. Many were stretching and limbering up for the long run. With whispers and welcomes greeting Big Mac as he took his place in the group. Rainbow Dash and Applejack couldn't help but notice the attention her brother was getting. “He really was a big deal.” Rainbow Dash whispered to her friend. “Yeah, but it's been so long I'm surprised his races are still so well known.” “I didn't even know Big Mac raced until it came up the other day.” Sugar Belle commented. “Wow, I wasn't expecting so many ponies.” Twilight added as she walked up with Starlight and Spike. “Are you racing in this too?” Rainbow Dash asked. Starlight chuckled a moment. “Oh no. I, uh, I don't do marathons. Or … races, really.” “I just wanted to see everypony off.” Twilight added with a smile. “Then a quick teleport to Canterlot to see the end.” Starlight finished for Twilight after a pause. “… Right?” “Oh … I have so much work to do with the school I'll just stay behind.” Twilight answered uncomfortably. “No you don…” Spike started to argue when Twilight shoved her hoof in his mouth. “Hey Spike.” Twilight said quickly. “Since I'm busy you should go with Starlight and Sugar Belle.” “Uhm … Okay. I guess it's just us then.” Starlight said as she turned to the nearby unicorn. “We should probably get out of the way now.” “Good luck everypony.” Twilight happily said as they walked away. Once they were far enough from the group Starlight turned on Twilight. “You're hiding something.” She bluntly said. “What? No, I'm not hiding anything.” Twilight awkwardly replied, here eye twitching slightly. “You're eye's doing that thing again.” Spike pointed out. “What's wrong Twilight?” “Nothing. I just have work to do.” “Come on Twilight, if you can't trust your friends, who can you trust?” Spike insisted. “You're just imagining things.” *** Applejack and Rainbow Dash gave each other a grin as they readied themselves for their race. Cheerilee tried to engage Big Mac in a silent challenge only to see him blowing his wife a kiss before focusing on the track ahead of them and striking his hoof against the ground. Cheerilee shook her head, choosing to focus on the race herself. Many of the ponies heard nothing of Mayor Mare's short talk, only paying attention to the word “Go.” Several front runners quickly broke away from the herd as the race began, Rainbow Dash and Applejack among them. “Okay,” Starlight said as she turned away from the racers now fading into the distance. “ You're absolutely sure you don't want to come to Canterlot with us?” “I would,” Twilight said with false ease, “but I have to get this work done.” Starlight sighed. “Okay … do your “work” and we'll see you later.” *** Not for the first time this week Twilight buried herself in studies she no longer needed. At least here, buried in information, she could lose herself. Hours would slip by and she only had to think about what she was learning. Celestia had never given her a definite answer as to her ascension to the Equestrian throne, but by now it was obvious to her that because of what she had done that day would never come. Even still, she felt compelled to study everything Celestia had sent her. As if through knowledge alone she could change the mind of her longtime mentor. She looked away from her book to a picture of her and her friends, it was from a time long ago in Sugar Cube Corner. Rainbow Dash was rolling on the floor laughing, Pinkie Pie's face was covered in frosting, Applejack still held the cake that Pinkie had just taken a bite of. Fluttershy looked surprised by the whole thing as Rarity rolled her eyes. Twilight turned her attention to herself in the photo, caught mid step backing away from the mess that was Pinkie Pie, her violet eyes wide. Her face faintly reflected in the glass of the picture frame, and once again she saw them. Her “new,” golden eyes. Her focus shifted from the picture to her eyes. Despite hating the change, she couldn't deny that the Lord of Nightmares had saved them twice. With a sigh she closed the book, a report of population statistics assembled for Princess Celestia. Normally she would study to relax, but right now it felt like a chore. Not that she could focus enough to study anyway. This wasn't even her first time reading this report, but she never managed to retain anything from it. It was as she was putting the report away to once again read later that her library door opened. “Spike, it's okay. I just want to be alone right now.” “I'll leave you alone then.” James answered. Twilight turned quickly around to see the tall man poking his head through the doorway. Even from her distance Twilight could see that his eyelids drooped. Wondering if there was anything particularly wrong, she got up and walked over to the man. As she got closer she could see that his eyes were also bloodshot and he looked more than a little disheveled. “Haven't you slept?” Twilight asked as she examined him. “Nope. I just got a break from canceling those contracts as they work on a counter offer. I mean, I don't have to let them make one, but they might come up with something good.” James groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I hate politics.” His fingers spread out and soon were rubbing his closed eyes. “I guess it's off to Canterlot. You want to come along?” “Oh, uhm, not really.” Twilight uncomfortably said. “But since you have time, maybe you should get some sleep while you're here … No offense, but you look terrible.” Twilight could almost swear she saw James' mind working through the offer. Doing some unknown mathematics to determine just how much time he had until Rainbow Dash would cross the finish line. “Thanks, but no,” he eventually said. “I know you worry, but I just don't know if I've got the time.” Twilight couldn't help but chuckle. “Isn't this why you've got a time machine?” “Yes and no. Despite everything, the family doesn't like that I'm aging so much faster than everyone else. So I've made an agreement that I have to limit my trips back. Lucca made a good point when she said that neither of us even know how much of our marriage she's missed out on just because I was living the same day multiple times.” “Yeah, she's mentioned that. And maybe it's not such a bad thing to leave a day “unfinished,” you don't exactly take care of yourself.” Twilight sighed and shook her head. “Really?” James asked, cocking his eyebrow as he looked to Twilight. “Come on.” Without any further warning her horn lit up, it's violet luminescence flecked with sparks of gold. James was quickly surrounded by a similar luminescent aura and dragged behind Twilight as she walked past him and down the hall. “Uhm, Twilight? What's going on.” “You've got enough time for a nap at least.” Twilight said, her magic lifting James off the ground so he would stop resisting. “I'll wake you up so you can get to Canterlot in a little bit.” “You just want to get me in bed.” James joked with a halfhearted chuckle. Twilight stopped a moment and turned her head to glare at him. “Wow.” James said after a few seconds. “I must be tired if that's the best I can come up with.” “You've certainly done better.” Twilight sighed before she started walking again. “Hey, Twilight?” James calmly asked. “Yes?” “What's wrong?” Twilight stopped mid stride and gave an awkward laugh. “Nothing's wrong. Why would you think anything's wrong?” “You're not hard to read, I can see it in your eyes. Not to mention you only laugh like that when you're trying to hide something.” Twilight groaned and let James down. “It's … You didn't know me before I became a princess. I thought I was just going to study my whole life, I never expected something like this would ever happen.” She said as she spread her wings. “And when it did, I got all of these new responsibilities. But I didn't know where I fit in anymore. I did all of the same stuff, but I wanted to make a difference. Then Tirek came along, and after we beat him I knew what I was the Princess of. That came with so much more, but I finally knew where I belonged … at the time. I started my school, and I knew where I belonged there. And then Celestia mentioned retiring, and that I would take her place. I didn't know what to do, it was terrifying, how could I live up to her and Luna. But as I learned more, I knew I could do it, it was less scary. I let myself expect it …” Twilight paused as she took time to collect her thoughts. “And then Xellos came.” James quietly finished. Twilight shook her head, “And then L took over my body. And now I just don't know where I fit in anymore. There was a plan, a goal, everything was going to be fine for once. And now …” “I'm sorry this happened to you.” James quietly said. Twilight had known James long enough to understand what this apology meant. “This isn't your fault. It was my idea to use L's magic to open the doors of Tartarus. And it was our students that saved the day … we didn't even do anything.” James gave a weak laugh, “What do you think Starlight would say to hear us both trying to take the blame for each other.” Twilight gave James a questioning look for a moment before smiling, “She'd probably sigh first, then go into detail as to how we did what was right at that time.” “And demand we tell ourselves that the world's problems aren't our fault,” James added. “Of course you'd make some joke that kind of says that, but also says that they definately are your fault.” “Or just a simple, “You can't prove that.”” Twilight chuckled and nodded. “She's here even when she's all the way in Canterlot.” Somehow James had managed to lift her spirits, moments after taking them both down a depressing path. “Alright, enough stalling. You need to get some sleep before you get to Canterlot.” James shook his head and looked Twilight in the eyes. “Not yet.” “Uhm, okay. Why not?” “I need to hear something from you.” “What?” “What would Starlight want to hear you say?” Twilight was taken back, she knew they had just talked about her, but was this just to get her to give herself some help? She mulled the idea over a moment as James kept his unbroken, and tired, stare. “I wouldn't have done anything different,” She eventually conceded. “And I did the right thing. No matter what it means now.” James finally blinked as Twilight finished her statement. “Don't get too caught up in the past. I learned the hard way that obsessing over choices made can only make them worse.” Twilight knew there was something haunting his past, something he had done and wouldn't forgive himself for. She'd come close to learning about it before, but was still in the dark. “Maybe it's time you start telling yourself that.” James grinned and shook his head. “I no longer try to change those choices. I think that's progress.” Twilight sighed before looking down the hall. “Anyway, I said it so you should go get some sleep now. I'll make sure you're up in enough time to get to Canterlot.” She said as she gently let him down. Twilight turned to go back to the library and began to walk away. As she did James calmly spoke to her, “Don't be hard on yourself for this. No matter how things may change, you'll always have a place where you fit in.” “I'll just use the enertron.” He mumbled to himself as he began walking to the doorway to his home. “I'm sure Rainbow Dash will want something after the race anyway.” *** Starlight and Sugar Belle's conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice. “Hey Starlight,” James called as he approached. Starlight couldn't help but chuckle as she watched the large bearded man approach with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom sitting on his broad shoulders, his arms held up to ensure they had all the room they needed as they clung to his head, nearly blinding him with their hooves. “Picked up a couple hitchhikers there?” Starlight asked. “Hey, they jumped me.” James joked. “Isn't Sweetie Belle here too?” Sugar Belle asked the two crusaders. “Oh, we're back here.” Rarity answered as she and Sweetie Belle walked around from behind James. “James does a wonderful job cutting a path through crowds.” “Any other surprises behind you?” Starlight chuckled. “Just one,” he answered, turning to the side and showing Twilight close behind him. “I didn't think you were coming.” Starlight said, happy to see her friend there. “I wasn't planning on it, but it's better that I support my friends. Even if I'm uncomfortable being here.” “Uncomfortable” was an understatement for Twilight. She felt as if the eye of every royal guard were on her, waiting for … what exactly? For Celestia to demand her capture and exile to the moon? For L to once again take over her body? For something, anything, to go wrong. “What convinced you to come out?” “I found the friendship journal …” “Twilight, dear, what's wrong.” Rarity asked, taking a seat by Sugar Belle. James slowly crouched and let the small ponies down from his shoulders. With a kind smile he reached into his bag and pulled out a pile of bits. “Here girls, why don't you run over to Doughnut Joe's and get yourselves a treat.” A pale green luminescence covered the coins and floated from his hands as the CMCs ran off excitedly talking about what doughnuts they were going to get. “Don't make yourselves sick.” James called to the trio, who had almost forgotten about him already. As the three vanished into the shop James sat and looked to the ponies. “Her eyes again.” Starlight answered. James put his hand on Twilight's back. “It's okay to feel lost, Twilight. You spent a lot of time preparing for ascension. That's not something someone can just let go easily.” “We don't have to talk about it right now.” Twilight quietly said. “Alright, but we should talk about it. All of us.” Starlight insisted. Before long the conversation had settled into more comfortable topics with the CMCs returning with quite a few doughnuts. They were just getting into a new topic when Lofty came flying over to the group. “Heads up everypony.” Lofty said with a grin. “The winner's coming in soon.” Sugar Belle quickly excused herself so she could get a good place near the finish, standing and leaving before even finishing her excuse. With an “Eep,” Scootaloo climbed back on James' shoulders, her wings fluttering quickly as she did. Without moving his head, James did his best to look at the young filly. “Uhm … Hi.” “You're super tall, you'll have the best view of Rainbow Dash as she crosses the finish line.” Scootaloo offered by way of explanation. Apple Bloom didn't have to hear any more than that to quickly scramble up to James' shoulders as well. “Yeah, let's go watch Applejack win this race.” James sighed, but those at the table clearly saw his smile. “Looks like I've got a job to do.” He said with as much resignation as he could muster. If pressed he would readily admit that he enjoyed these moments. He and Lucca had practically adopted Scootaloo despite her parents still being alive (though constantly traveling,) and gladly extended this affection to the other CMCs. Twilight watched as James walked away, Sweetie Belle close behind until James' tail snaked from behind his haori and lifted the filly off the ground. “He spent so long trying to hide, and now he's walking around freely.” Twilight chuckled briefly before she continued, “Even carrying a couple fillies on his shoulders.” Rarity joined in the chuckle. “But it wasn't without it's share of hard work.” “I'm not going to try to get everything out here,” Starlight said seriously, breaking the happy mood. “But why was Canterlot specifically such a problem?” Twilight looked between Starlight and Rarity, both openly showing their concern for her, before looking down at the table. “Because Celestia doesn't trust me anymore.” “Dear, what in Equestria makes you believe that?” Rarity gasped. “Really, Rarity? You don't know?” Twilight deadpanned. “Twilight, darling, it's not that she doesn't trust you …” “Then what is it Rarity? …” Twilight sighed and shook her head. “I understand why she doesn't trust me: I was taken over by The Lord of Nightmares, and it's not like it was forced on me. I invited her into my body! If those are the decisions I make, how can I be trusted with Equestria?” “Twilight, we've known you for years,” Rarity patiently said. “If there's one thing you're not, it's impulsive.” “She's right, you make plans for making plans.” Starlight added with a grin. “You did what you could with only what was available to you. Everything will be alright.” Twilight started to smile at her friends when cheers began to roar in the background. “I guess the race is almost over.” She said as she stood from the table, glad for a reason to change the subject. With Rarity and Starlight close behind, they made their way to where James was standing. “Can you see anything yet?” Rarity asked as they got close. “Yeah, not well enough to say who it is, but I do see them.” James said, one eye peaking out from under Scootaloo's hoof. “I bet it's Applejack.” Apple Bloom happily said. “No way,” Scootaloo countered, “It's gotta be Rainbow Dash.” It wasn't long before the two racers were close enough to determine who they were. Apple Bloom laughed and cheered as Scootaloo sat slack jawed. Jockeying back and forth for the first position were Big Mac and Cheerilee. Once the finish line was finally in sight, with a smile and a determined snort, Big Mac lowered his head and charged forward. Cheerilee followed suit, undaunted by the ground Big Mac was slowly placing between them. “Go, Big Mac!” Apple Bloom shouted. “Where's Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked, trying to climb on James' head to get a better vantage. “Scoot, you can't sit on my head.” James said, with a practiced calm. “I'm sure Rainbow Dash will be here soon.” Scootaloo settled down and sat back on James' shoulder. “But she should be the one winning!” “We'll find out what happened later. Maybe she decided to take a nap somewhere along the way.” James suggested as Apple Bloom blew a sharp whistle while Big Mac passed them. “But even Ms. Cheerilee is ahead.” “It'll be okay Scoot.” James said, hoping to calm the young girl. Apple Bloom burst out in cheers as Big Mac crossed the line, barely edging out Cheerilee. “See, there she is now.” James said, as in the distance two shapes began to come into focus. As they got closer, it became clear that Rainbow Dash and Applejack were more limping than even walking. Propping each other up as they slowly made their way towards the finish line. “You've gotta be kidding me.” Rainbow Dash huffed as they watched the race end. “Told ya he was good,” Applejack puffed, trying her best to smile but only managing a weak grin. “But he hasn't raced in years!” “Yeah … I rightly don't know just how he managed it.” “Come on, girls.” James said as they got close. “You're almost there.” Rainbow Dash smiled at the encouragement. “Come on AJ, just a little more.” She said as she started to move faster. “Not so fast now. Yer leanin' on me as much as I am you. Let's just finish this thing and not drop right at the end.” Applejack argued. “Come on AJ, everypony else is almost here.” Applejack rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Y'all really think we can make one last sprint?” Rainbow Dash laughed uncomfortably. “I guess not.” “Well, I guess we can pick up the pace a bit. Maybe we can still trot if we stick together.” “Alright.” Rainbow Dash eagerly said as she started trotting only to stop when she and Applejack almost fell. “Rainbow Dash!” Applejack scolded, “We gotta work together if you wanna do this.” Slowly, with Applejack counting and Rainbow Dash keeping pace with her count, the two picked up speed until they were at a steady walk. Behind them, the pounding of hooves could be heard getting louder and the first of the runner ups could be seen making their way towards the finish. “Come on, AJ. Come on!” Rainbow Dash urged as she heard the approach. “Okay, on three.” “We don't have that long!” “Three!” Applejack said suddenly. She grit her teeth and pushed herself to get to the end, Rainbow Dash trotting right beside her. The other racers were right on their tails as both Applejack and Rainbow Dash crossed the finish line and promptly collapsed on the other side. “Hey AJ?” Rainbow Dash panted. “Yeah, Rainbow?” “I don't think I can get up.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Me neither.” Applejack laughed along. “Alright you two,” James calmly said as he crouched near the ponies, the fillies jumping off as he got closer to the ground, “let's get you somewhere nicer.” Rainbow Dash grinned as she looked up at him. “I'm not moving from this spot.” James smiled as he looked down at her, moving closer and giving her a quick kiss. “Better?” “Told ya.” Applejack said with a smirk. “Okay, okay,” Rainbow Dash said, “but I need help here. I don't know what's worse, that I can't feel my legs, or that I can feel my hooves.” James reached out and gently gripped the forelegs of both fallen racers. “Okay, I'll help you. Just fall onto me and I'll take you to the nice quiet spot we picked out.” With the offered help, Rainbow Dash managed to stand before promptly collapsing onto James' shoulder. Applejack followed suit and James moved his arms for them each to sit. Scootaloo running up to them as they did. “Rainbow Dash, what happened? You … you lost?!” She asked as she looked to her mentor. “That's because a marathon is a very different kind of race than what Rainbow Dash is used to, Scootaloo.” Cheerilee answered, walking up to the group. Even as she stopped advancing, she kept walking in place as she addressed the group. “You don't just jump into a marathon without training and expect to win.” “But Rainbow Dash always wins.” Scootaloo insisted. “Not every time squirt.” Rainbow Dash admitted, much to the disappointment of Scootaloo. “This was a great race. I think I may actually be ready for the Trojathon this year.” Cheerilee said with a smile. “You're racing in the Trojathon?” Rainbow Dash asked as Cheerilee smiled and nodded. “The three day race from Trojan to Turley? That's awesome.” “Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I was hoping to go after finally beating Big Mac, but I guess he still hasn't lost his edge.” As if on cue, they heard a pained groan from Big Mac. Without wasting a moment the group soon converged around the large stallion. “Oh, what's wrong dear?” Sugar Belle asked, trying her best to examine him. “Nothin'.” He insisted. “We can all hear ya, Big Mac. Now what's wrong?” Applejack insisted, turning her head to try to face her brother. “It's nothin'.” Big Mac insisted, moments before Sugar Belle prodded his flank making him yelp in pain. “Big Mac.” Applejack's tone was clearly chastising. “Y'all're lucky we got all the Zap Apple harvestin' done, or you'd be in big trouble.” Big Mac couldn't help but shoot his sister an irritated glare as she rested on James' shoulder, unable to even walk on her own at the moment. “James,” Rainbow Dash said as she rested her head against his, “I don't think we'll be getting to that date today.” > 10 Funeral for a King Never Met > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The den was quiet that evening, with just James and Tali sitting by a low burning fire. The flicker of the flame almost drowning out the faint flashing light. “James, you have a message.” Tali said, pointing to the flashing indicator just above James' arm. “Thanks.” James answered, kissing the top of Tali's hood. With a flex of his arm his omnitool blinked to life and he checked the notification. “Great, it's an alert about a letter.” His omnitool blinked out and he stood up, helping Tali stand once he was up. “Well ... let's go check the mail.” “Did Fluttershy write you another letter?” Tali asked as they left the den. “This morning, actually, even though we talked just the other day.” “And you can barely read their language.” “Yeah, but with the omnitool translation that's hardly an issue. Besides, she and Rarity both seem to enjoy writing me letters.” Tali sighed and shook her head. “Yeah, Rarity certainly does. I mean, calligraphy is pretty and all, like your loopy writing, but it's completely useless. Just type or print, it's so much easier.” James laughed and shook his head as they walked. “I tried telling that to my second grade teacher, she insisted that I'd use it all the time when I grew up.” “It's not like programming languages, understanding that writing won't give you any insight to how something works. It's just old.” “You forget that I'm an old man.” “Nah, Wrex is an old man.” “How is he, anyway? You ran into him recently at the Citadel if I remember right.” “A month ago, and he's doing fine. Bored with the peace, but fine.” “Krogan take to peace much like Klingons.” James said with a smirk as they continued to what had become the designated mail room for many universes now. “Not from the ponies,” Tali commented with an interested lilt. “ … so who's that box belong to?” James opened a small white box inlay with two almond shaped rubies that resembled eyes, and pulled a envelope from it. “It's from Saillune.” He commented as he carefully broke the wax that held the winged and be-crowned shield that was the seal of the royal family. His face slowly turned solemn as he quietly read the letter, a short time later he carefully folded the letter and placed it back in it's envelope. “King Eldoran has died,” he quietly said. “I need to arrange transportation for Seto, hire body guards … not that she needs any. And there's arrangements to make for the ponies. … This is going to displace us for a while. I need to reschedule too.” “King Eldoran?” Tali asked as she followed James out of the mail room. “Right, you only know Philionel. ... Honestly, I didn't know him either. Anyway, Eldoran is Phil's father, and this is an invitation to both the funeral, and then Phil's coronation to king the following week.” “I'll go find a good belt.” Tali said, resigned. “Sorry about the drawbacks of politics.” “It's okay, you just remember to bring everything I need.” James smirked as he turned to her. “Have I ever forgotten?” Tali rubbed his beard briefly, and shook her head. “Never.” “Alright, I'm going to start getting things arranged. Would you mind checking with the girls' teachers?” Tali shook her head. “Whenever we do something like this and take a study guide with us, they get ahead of their class and start slacking off. Just let them have a vacation, I think they'll like that more and their grades won't suffer for it.” James chuckled as he nodded. “If you're sure, we'll try telling Lucca that. Though once they realize this is political duty I'm sure they'll be asking for school work to get away from responsibility.” *** The City of Saillune sat comfortably nested in a valley, with a mountain range to the east and a river to the west. The imposing outer walls of the city formed a distinctive circle, within, a six pointed star was formed by inner walls that separated the city into districts. The single city eclipsed any Rainbow Dash had seen before. Not even Canterlot matched the sheer scale of the Holy City. Her mind reeling from the realization, she flew back down to rejoin her group. “That place is huge!” She exclaimed as she got close and flew alongside the others. “Yeah,” James said with a nod. “It's much larger than Truce, or any lone city in New Guardia.” “Or Equesrtia.” Rainbow Dash commented. “It's really that big?” Applejack asked. “It also houses most of the country's population.” Lucca clarified before she adjusted her glasses and continued. “Just wait until we get on the main roads, they're all on top of the walls.” “Why would they do that?” Applejack asked. "And why's it shaped like a star?" Rainbow dash added. “Oh! I know!” Starlight excitedly said. “That's because the city layout was designed by a priest who set up the roads to act as a magic ward that suppresses black magic and enhances white magic. The pattern also connects every major point of the city for easy access. It's actually a really smart way to arrange the districts.” “I didn't realize you were studying the history of this world too.” James said, smiling down at Starlight. Starlight blushed and rubbed the back of her head. “Well the history of this world seems tied closely to the magic.” James took a moment to think before nodding, “Now that you say it: Yeah, I guess it is.” “And just why are we walking here from so far out of the city?” Sara asked as she trudged along behind her father. “To be polite. This is a very formal event and we need to go through at least some procedure. We'll meet a contingent of soldiers at the gates and they'll lead us to the palace.” James heard Amber moan as he explained (again) what they were doing. “And after being received by Philionel, Amelia and Zelgadis; Twilight and I will attend a meeting, and from there we can relax a bit.” “Why you two?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Because Twilight and I are both heads of state.” “You're not off the hook Rainbow Dash.” Tali said, her grin obvious despite being unseen. “You're in the same boat as Lucca and I now.” “What? I don't get any of this political stuff!” Rainbow Dash complained. “James still doesn't.” Lucca quipped. “It's not that bad.” Tali calmly said. “That just means that you're attending every event we do. And that's not many.” “And you too, girls.” Lucca added as she turned to her daughters. “Ugh. Why couldn't we have stayed home?” Sara moaned. “Because this is an official function that the Soon-to-be King of Saillune personally invited us to. It's not something we can just say no to and keep good diplomatic relations. As for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, they were personally invited as well, Twilight was invited in an official capacity while Starlight wanted to come.” “This is the world responsible for the Sorcerers Guild.” Starlight said with a smile. “How could I not come?” “Yeah, that means you've got the least to be concerned with here.” James said, before adding with a chuckle. “Don't ruin my good name, now.” Starlight laughed alongside him. “Like I could if I tried.” As they approached the gates a small contingent of guards met the group, the captain saluting as they got close. James saluted back and with a nod the guards escorted them into the city and onto the main roads. “It's strange for Saillune to be this quiet.” Lucca said as she looked to the inner streets below. There were a handful of people walking around and doing business, but there was a heavy stillness to the atmosphere. The somber mood that penetrated every aspect of the city seemed to cloak the roads in a stillness matched only by the muffled noise that felt almost unnatural. It was a combination of sensations that most of the group knew all too well would effect James. Starlight dared to look up at him briefly and noticed that his eyes were set straight ahead and his breathing was too controlled. Starlight uncomfortably looked ahead once again, knowing that James was fighting his own memories once more. Sara and Amber both looked around uncomfortably, each wanting to speak, even ask why they could "feel" the silence, but the words stuck in their throats. Black banners hung from unlit lampposts, market stalls were closed, and all around the signs of a city in mourning were prevalent. “Not exactly the best time for a visit.” Starlight whispered. She suddenly heard James take a deep breath, and somehow that helped her feel slightly less worried. The fact that the group heard her whisper was evidence as to how much the city had changed recently. At the gates to the palace the captain excused himself and walked in. James took the brief moment to compose himself as a second guard in a different uniform appeared. James approached the guard and pulled a letter from his bag of holding, speaking as he handed it over. “I am King James Glastos of New Guardia,” he said firmly, though he noticeably relaxed with the stimulus the guard provided. “Accompanying me is my family, and the delegation from Equestria at the personal invitation of Prince Philionel.” Without saying a word, the guard took the letter and examined it. Once he was satisfied he looked up and saluted James. James quickly returned the salute and nodded. “We appreciate your visit Your Highness, rooms have been prepared and we can board your ponies in the royal stable.” Starlight and Twilight gave the guards a quizzical look while Rainbow Dash and Applejack both spoke up, indignant. “Excuse me?” “Pardon?” Before things got any worse, James brought his hand up. “They are the delegates from Equestria, and you will treat them with the utmost respect.” James's voice was stern and commanding as he spoke and moved his hand to gesture to Twilight. “This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, accompanied by her close associates Starlight Glimmer, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.” The guard snapped to attention and saluted. “Yes sir! We'll have rooms prepared immediately. My sincerest apologies to you and your company Princess Sparkle.” Despite his best efforts to remain professional, it was clear he was uncomfortable apologizing to a pony. The fact that they talked hadn't really hit him yet. “Ensure that they are located near the rooms set aside for me and my family,” James ordered with an uncommon authority. He then turned to Rainbow Dash and grinned, “as Rainbow Dash is considered part of my family.” “Yes, sir!” The palace guard said quickly. “You four, escort them to the the Prince immediately,” he ordered. “I'll go ahead and ensure their rooms are prepared.” Without another word he ran off, barely keeping his feet beneath him in panic. The next highest ranking guard stepped forward and nodded. “My apologies about that, if you'll all accompany us the Prince is expecting you.” “Thank you.” Twilight politely said. Inside the palatial grounds the atmosphere was completely different, there was still an aura of mourning, but it was not oppressive as it had been in the city itself. The group found it much easier to relax and talk as they followed the guard towards the grand structure in the distance. “Hoo-wee.” Applejack marveled as she looked around. “I think all of Sweet Apple Acres could fit in this place.” Applejack was nearly correct; the complex grounds, being larger then some of the city's districts, could fit a great deal of Sweet Apple Acres within it's walls. The immaculately tended lawn and gardens filled the air with the scent of jasmine and lilac that served to enhance the wonder of the palace looming ahead of them. “It's quite impressive.” James noted, his voice much calmer than it had been at the palace gates. “The palace shares the grounds with the temple and both are equally large. And then there's the rest of the complex.” “If you'd like a tour we can provide one at your convenience.” The guard offered, pushing from his mind that he was making this offer to a pony. “I know I'd like to visit the Sorcerers Guild.” Starlight cautiously said. “That can be arranged Ma'am.” Before long they turned away from the ornate white marble building they had been walking towards. “Wait, aren't we going to the palace?” Twilight asked as she followed. “Yes we are. The road splits here from the temple to the palace.” The palace was no less grand than the temple, and even made James' castle seem cozy by comparison. Vibrant tapestries hung from the ceiling, soaring meters above their heads. Their steps echoing in the large white marble hallways as they made their way forward. Carefully tended topiary could be found near most windows. Much of the grandeur (and whatever it was the guard was explaining to them) was lost on Twilight as the colors and marble threw Twilight's mind back to Celestia's castle, and she couldn't help but draw comparisons. “Everything alright, Sugar cube?” Applejack quietly asked, “Yer looking a little down.” Twilight snapped back to where she was, walking beside her friends. “Thanks, Applejack,” Twilight answered, “I'm alright. It's just a little weird that we're here for a funeral for somecreature none of us ever knew.” “Yeah, I only met the prince an' his daughter once, but he asked for me and Dash personally.” “And Rainbow Dash has responsibilities with this too.” Twilight said, her astonishment evident in her voice. “Yeah, but it's not much more than being present.” Starlight said as she moved closer. “This is actually an important introduction for Equestria, too, so you've got a pretty big role yourself.” Twilight's face pulled tight and she swallowed hard. She let out a weak chuckle “No pressure, right?” “Oh, sorry,” Starlight was quick to say. “It's okay. I mean, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo already met the prince and his daughter. And clearly they made a good impression.” Twilight, however, heard none of this. Her mind was back in Equestria, and once again questioning herself and even her place being here. What right did she have to be here instead of Celestia, Luna, or even Cadence? She had lost the trust of her mentor, and with it, any real political influence she may have had. “But what if I'm possessed again?” Twilight hissed. “Twilight, there hasn't even been a hint that that might happen again.” Applejack argued. “But this is her world! It could happen at any time!” “James is in the same situation as you are. And I doubt it even crossed his mind.” Starlight countered. “But it could happen.” Twilight was straining to keep her voice down as she began to panic. “I think that if it were a risk, James would have mentioned something about it at least.” Starlight calmly said. “Everything alright?” James asked as he turned to the ponies. Twilight only now realized that they had arrived at the meeting chamber, and it was time for her and James to split from the group. This wasn't what James had explained to them earlier, and couldn't help but imagine that this was something she had missed as she had been distracted. She quickly looked around and turned a large, toothy smile James' way. Terror still clearly in her eyes. “That would be a no,” Jame muttered before kneeling to look Twilight in the eye. “Everything's going to be okay. We'll just do this one step at a time, alright?” “Uh huh.” Twilight confirmed nervously, realizing that James likely had no idea what was bothering her. “King Glastos, Princess Sparkle, we'll take the rest of your party to their accommodations while you're meeting with Prince Phillionel.” James nodded slightly as he spoke, standing once more. “Thank you, captain. I appreciate your diligence.” “Oh, yes, of course. Thank you very much.” Twilight stumbled over her words as she tried to regain her composure. Guards on either side of the door opened the way for Twilight and James into a well decorated sitting room. Determined to focus on the present, Twilight marveled as she realized the room was nearly the size of her library. Several plush chairs sat around a mahogany table, and more than just the prince waited for them. Of the group, Twilight recognized only a couple, though she suspected that James knew most of the others, if not all. “It's a pleasure to see you again, Twilight.” A tall woman with mint colored hair and regal looking purple and white robes said. Twilight recognized her as Lady Seto. The only time before that she had met the woman was when James' continued association with Equestria was in question. Though she knew that Rainbow Dash had more experience with the woman. “Yes, I'm just sorry it had to be under these circumstances.” She then turned to face Prince Philionel, “I'm truly sorry to hear about your father's passing.” Phil smiled and nodded to the pony princess. “The loss grieves my family and my country, but that is the inevitability of mortal life. And when death comes we hope to have had a full life to great it with.” James approached the large man, and gripped his forearm, Phil returning the gesture before suddenly pulling James close for a bear hug. “It's good to see my friends here.” Phil said as he released James. “I'm grateful that you could arrange their passage here. Though I must ask, where are Ladies Applejack and Rainbow Dash? I understand your concern for Scootaloo, and a solemn event as this is would not be the best welcome for a child.” James grinned, “Your guards are making sure that their accommodations are appropriate, though I fear that they misunderstood the nature of our Equestrian friends.” “Very well. I look forward to meeting with them at a more opportune time.” James moved to a nearby empty chair and pulled it out, motioning for Twilight to sit. With a quiet “Thank you” she sat and was introduced to the other attendees. She had no idea what was expected of her and sat quietly, remembering quite clearly how she felt when her only job among the princesses was to smile and wave. Though this was worse in so many ways as she would notice the odd glance from others present. What felt like days, but was only a couple hours, passed before everyone dispersed. Twilight had really wanted to pay attention, to learn all she could, but she just couldn't find a way to focus. Eventually, she accompanied James out and onward towards their accommodations. “Now I know something's wrong.” James calmly said as they walked. “Care to talk about it?” “Not really.” Twilight mumbled. James sighed quietly, “Alright, just remember, we're here for you if you want to talk.” “Thanks.” James waited only seconds before commenting again. “I'm no stranger to holding things in Twilight, you know this.” Twilight nodded silently. James waited a few more seconds before adding, “I'm not going to push … or rather, keep pushing. I don't think it'll help, but I know a good soft serve place if you want to go. Won't be just us though, I don't think anyone would forgive me if I didn't bring them along.” Twilight couldn't help but grin, “They would, but you' wouldn't hear the end of it for days.” “Lucca wouldn't let me forget for weeks,” James chuckled. “She still gives me crap about 'kissing' all you girls back in the seapony kingdom.” Twilight couldn't help but laugh. “Still?” “Oh yeah, more so now with Rainbow Dash around.” “I knew there was something there when I spoke with her.” Came the voice of Lady Seto directly behind them without any warning. James lurched forward suddenly as Twilight yelped. Seto chuckled as she watched their reaction. “I do hope I didn't startle you both too badly.” “No.” James answered as he took a breath and shook his head. “Is there anything I can do for you?” “Actually I would like to speak you and Twilight. I didn't really get the chance to speak with her before.” “I guess we can. I hope we don't upset everyone else by disappearing for a little longer.” Twilight cautiously answered. Seto turned and began to walk away, smiling as several robed women dragged James and Twilight behind her. “I assure you that everything will be alright. Besides, I'd like to know about this soft serve place you're familiar with.” *** Rainbow Dash trudged along behind the group, hanging her head and doing all she could to not scream with how bored she was. The tour had nothing interesting at all, just statues, art, and a bunch of rooms. She knew Twilight would find this endlessly interesting, but this was just so dull. She bit her lip as another “interesting” tidbit was pointed out about a painting hanging in some hallway as they walked towards the gardens outside. As they got outside Rainbow Dash waited for the guard to look away before stretching her wings and lifting off. With a smile she rushed up, only to be stopped short as her tail was suddenly pulled. She scowled as she looked down to find the end of her tail in Lucca's hand, her other hand firmly on Amber's shoulder. Lucca kept her face forward as she calmly and quietly spoke. “If you take off, the guards won't know who or what you are, and will likely shoot you out of the air.” Amber huffed and kept walking, moving further ahead. “Come on. I'm a Wonderbolt. There's no way they could catch me.” Rainbow Dash argued. “I didn't say catch. I said shoot.” Lucca clarified. “And if you fly off like you normally do you could cause some real problems for James and the rest of us.” “What? Just 'cause I want to fly?” “No, they'd be able to let that slide. But it only takes one guard to mess up to cause an incident. Just stick with us and it'll be over eventually. Once the staff knows who you are you should be able to fly around.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she eased up and hovered just above Lucca's head. Resigned, she looked out over the grounds, something in the distance catching her eye. There looked to be a group of people who were very interested in something, though she couldn't see just what. Among the people, however, was someone she hadn't expected to see, her friend Twilight. “Hey, Lucca, let's split. Twilight's just over there, and I wanna see what's so interesting.” Rainbow Dash commented. Lucca turned and adjusted her glasses, noticing not only the pony, but the group and one individual in particular. Immediately she knew what seemed to be so interesting. “Hey Tali, looks like we've gotta go save James.” “What's going on?” Rainbow Dash asked as Lucca spoke up, stopping the tour. “Seto is messing with him again.” Tali explained as they walked towards the group gathered at the small table. As they got closer they could hear several voices openly fawning over someone, and could see Twilight looking at them with a forced calm. “Thank goodness we ran into you.” Lucca said loudly as they got close to the gathering. “Girls, go get us some chairs.” “Ugh, and who's this old bag.” One of the women scoffed as she turned her nose up at Lucca. “You heard her.” James said with an edge of hostility to his voice. “Now get some chairs for the lovely women.” The woman who spoke stood bolt upright at James' words and turned back to him. “M … m … me?” James turned and gave her a cold glare. “Did. I. Stutter?” He slowly said. With an “eep” the woman ran off, leaving three more around James. “Well, I think I'll take a seat until she comes back with some chairs.” Tali said, walking around the group and sitting on James' leg, wrapping her arm around his neck. Rainbow Dash caught on quickly and flew up and over the group, landing on James' other leg. “Good idea.” “Sounds good to me.” James said with a smile as he visibly relaxed and wrapped his arm around Rainbow Dash. The remaining women looked to each other in astonishment before turning back to look at the scene that was James. Rainbow Dash blushing as she rested her head on his chest, and Tali playing with his beard. And for the first time since they started fawning over him, he was smiling. As they gawked, Lucca cleared her throat behind them. “Please move so I can stand by my husband until the chairs arrive.” Defeated, the women took several steps back and bowed their heads, waiting quietly for the remaining woman to return with chairs. “Why do you still do this to him?” Lucca asked bluntly. “I did nothing. My attendants did that of their own free will.” “Lady Seto, you know what every attendant of yours will do in any given situation. You place pieces to act as you predict.” “You give me too much credit.” Seto said as she sipped her tea. “I give you too little.” Lucca corrected. “So, what was it you wanted to talk about with Equestria?” Twilight asked, much less uncomfortable with only the women James knew fawning over him. “It's just a diplomatic matter.” Seto calmly said as she placed her tea back on the table, where it was quickly refilled by one of her attendants. The statement alone commanded the attention of everyone at the table, the ponies remembering James' warning that Seto would regularly use marriage to cement political arrangements. Lucca and Tali having firsthand knowledge of that trend. “As recognized by Jurai: Equestria is a province under the protection of New Guardia. By all recognized galactic standards, what James proposed would be denied.” Seto calmly explained. “What James proposed?” Twilight asked, not understanding what she could be talking about. “Yes, it's the responsibility of more advanced civilizations such as ours to protect the less fortunate from too great of an outside influence. It's James' responsibility to protect you, as we protect him. And your responsibility to help protect Saillune, it's a chain of duty that binds us all.” “I'm afraid I don't understand.” “The body mods I proposed.” James cut in. “There's political red tape holding it all up.” “I thought it was a done deal.” Rainbow Dash complained. “I did too.” James commented. “It was approved for consideration.” Seto clarified. “From there it went to open debates among the scientists.” “Fortunately we have Airi on our side,” James mentioned “so by now it's moved to the review board.” “I believe their cheeks are still stinging.” Seto said with a light chuckle, thoroughly confusing the ponies. “Anyway,” Seto continued, “I've taken the proposal to the review board myself, and while it may be taking some time as this is an unusual request, I'm assured it will pass. Being a Princess has it's benefits after all.” As Rainbow Dash complained about the procedure Seto's words stuck with Twilight. “Being a Princess has it's benefits after all.” She knew that Seto wasn't the ruler of Jurai, but by navigating what power and influence she had she could get her way on anything. Seto had the freedoms that rulers really didn't, yet all the power and prestige when she needed it. Twilight wondered if this was a role she could come to fill herself now that it was all but confirmed that she wouldn't be taking Equestria's throne. But how would she even do that? Should she? “Thank you for meeting me here, Twilight.” Seto calmly said, bringing the distracted pony back to the present. “It was a pleasure.” Twilight put on an official smile and nodded. “The pleasure was mine.” “I look forward to making the most of the time we are all here.” Seto stood and with a slight and bow began to walk away, stopping only briefly as an attendant of hers returned. “Did it really take you this long to find a chair?” *** “Ugh.” Rainbow Dash groaned as she sat down by Applejack. “You're lucky AJ. I mean, I guess I kinda knew stuff like this would happen, but come on.” Rainbow Dash tugged at her clothing briefly. “I've never owned so many dresses in my life! And I'm not even halfway through what Rarity packed for me.” “If those dresses are the worst of it, then y'all don't have it so bad.” Applejack commented as she took a drink of her tea. “Honestly, this place has been a hoot fer me. I've already got a few buyers for some of our excess Zap Apple jam just here in the palace, and everyone loves the cider.” “You brought cider?” Rainbow Dash asked, her mood immediately improving. “Just enough to whet their interest.” “Can I have a cup? I don't know what it is, but the stuff they call cider here really sucks.” “Well, I didn't bring that much …” Applejack started to say. “I'll buy it if I have to, I just need something good from this whole trip.” “Diplomat life doesn't suit you?” “Not at all. I wanted to do some treasure hunting, have an adventure, do something fun. Anything!” “Tell ya what. This evening I'll give you a cup.” “This evening?” Rainbow Dash moaned. “You just gotta be patient.” “Ugh. I hate being patient.” As the two ponies spoke, a third walked up to them and sat down. “Room for one more?” Starlight asked. “I thought you'd be at the Sorcerer's Guild, or the library even.” Rainbow Dash commented. “Nah. I remembered that the books here aren't in Ponish, turns out they aren't even in English (not that it makes much of a difference for me.) However there's some real interesting stuff to learn about just by talking to the people here.” “Like what?” Rainbow Dash cautiously asked. “Well, it seems that when he was younger, Prince Phillionel was quite the adventurer. Amelia is still learning about what her father has done in his life, and has herself has done a lot too. Not to mention that her older sister, Gracia, is still out adventuring.” “Wait, she didn't come back for her Grandpa's funeral.” Applejack asked, astonished. “She was really far out when it happened. They actually put off her father's coronation to accommodate her arrival. You may not have noticed when we were walking towards the city, but there isn't a single train station in this here, and it's a central power. The fastest way to travel they have are horse drawn carriages and wooden sailing ships.” “Wait, they have soft serve ice cream and not trains?” Applejack asked, more confused than ever. “They're behind in some ways but in others, like magic, they're quite advanced. At least in this part of the world. The part of the world that Saillune is in used to be behind some kind of magical barrier with high concentrations of magic, so advancements in that area skyrocketed but they lacked resources and motivation to develop other kinds of technology. I understand that they're starting to expand in new directions with the barrier down, but by way of technology … well, I think they're a couple hundred years behind us.” Applejack paused a minute as she thought. “I should visit the market before we go, they probably have some great stuff that will just be lost when they develop further.” “Before that, we have the funeral to get to today.” Starlight reminded. “GrrrrraaaAAAHHHHH!” Rainbow Dash let out, startling the other two. “What the hay?” Applejack said as she looked to her friend. “What's wrong Rainbow Dash?” Starlight asked. “I've got to go and change into another dress!” Rainbow Dash growled. “What's wrong with that one?” Applejack asked. “I have no idea.” Rainbow Dash said, her frustration clearly evident. “But I have a dress specifically for the funeral! For this funeral. I hate this! Why can't I just wear one thing, like James? He has so many variations of just the one outfit, and nopony cares. Why do I have to go through all this?!” She continued to fume. “Oh, oh. And Tali doesn't have to do any of this because she lives in that suit.” “Rainbow Dash. Growing up she was told that suit was what was keeping her alive, and that was true for a lot of it. Even when she takes the mask off outside of a sterile room she panics.” “I just don't need to hear how she's jealous that I have so many pretty clothes. Ugh.” Rainbow Dash sat where she was, huffing and puffing. “Feeling better sugar cube?” Applejack eventually asked. Rainbow Dash paused a moment and sighed. “Yeah, I'm good now. I'll see you guys at the funeral,” and with a parting nod she flew away towards the palace, grumbling to herself. "I don't think she's expected to wear everything Rarity packed for her." Applejack quietly said. "No," Starlight agreed, "it was just so she could be ready for any event. ... So ... if you want company when you go to the market I'm clearly not going to be in the Sorcerer's Guild.” *** Rainbow Dash groaned as she waited for James and the rest of his family. “Come on, James. You wear the same thing all the time, what's taking so long?” She grumbled to herself. It wasn't long after she started complaining that James walked down the hall towards her. “Sorry about that. It's been a few years since I've worn this and it doesn't quite fit like it used to.” Rainbow Dash looked towards her boyfriend, realizing that she had never seen him dressed like this. From the waist up he looked like he was just wearing a fancy dress coat over a white button up shirt, except for something attaching a long piece of fabric flung over his shoulder to the coat. She stared in disbelief for a minute as she saw what looked to be a knee length skirt of blue and gray tartan with a small bag in front and knee length socks with buffed black dress shoes. “I didn't know you'd be wearing a dress too.” She commented, snorting slightly as she looked over the outfit once again. She bit her lower lip to keep herself from laughing out loud. “It's not a dress, it's called a kilt and it's really the last shred of my heritage that I still have.” James gently ran his hand over the fabric of the pouch and smiled slightly. With a look to Rainbow Dash (still trying to not laugh) he nodded. “Now we're just waiting on everyone else. Tenyo and Liara are just dropping in like the other times.” “Okay, this has been bugging me this whole time: Why do they get to just pop in and then leave?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well, one, you were invited personally by Prince Phillionel. As for Tenyo, she has other political engagements to attend to, many of which were pushed on her by Seto so she could attend. As for Liara, she only does the minimum for these political events. I can't really ask more of her since she's only sort of part of this whole thing.” Rainbow Dash sighed and dropped her head. “And I signed up for the whole package, didn't I?” James knelt and put his arm on her shoulder. “Sorry, comes with the territory. … I guess it is a bit much.” Rainbow Dash looked up into James' sympathetic face and moved forward for a kiss, breaking moments later. “It's worth it.” “Well, we're ready.” Sara dryly said, startling Rainbow Dash and making her take a step back from James, her wings standing straight out. Sara and Amber were both wearing long skirts that matched James' kilt, with white blouses and sashes of the same tartan. Sara's long violet hair was in it's usual tight single braid down her back, though Amber's twin tails were now twin braids that were draped down her front instead of behind her. “That's good. Where's your mother?” James calmly asked as he stood up. “Scratching her head most likely.” Sara answered with a half grin. “She's got to wear that wig again, after all.” “That answers what she's doing, not where she is.” James commented. “I'm here, I'm here.” Lucca said as she approached the group, fingers buried under the hair of her wig. “You'd think with Jurai's technology and demand for long hair they could make a wig that doesn't irritate my scalp.” With a sharp breath she pulled her fingers from the wig and nodded. “Okay. I'm good now … for now. Let's just go.” “What about Tali?” Rainbow Dash asked. “She only had to change her belt. She's ahead of all of us.” Lucca answered quickly. Rainbow Dash groaned a moment before going with everyone to the temple where the service was to be held. “Yeah.” Lucca quietly said at Rainbow Dash's groan. Rainbow Dash wasn't looking forward to the funeral, though she expected she probably wasn't dreading this event as much as some in the audience. For the first time since arriving in Saillune she saw the always chipper Amelia crying. Though her father, Phillionel, stoically attended to his duties, his own pain was clear in his voice. One by one leaders of other countries and common folk alike shared stories of Eldoran. As each account came to an end, it became obvious that, at least in his youth, Eldoran was a man of the people: Traveling their world and aiding others in much the same way that his son Phillionel had, and even Amelia following a similar path. That evening, when the funeral had ended, Rainbow Dash honestly regretted not having met the man herself. > 11 Line of Succession > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She didn't remember the last time she'd set foot in Saillune, though she did remember the chaos that was happening at the time. She really hoped that this visit would involve less fighting. Lina and Gourry had been invited to attend both the funeral of King Eldoran and the coronation of the First Royal Successor Phillionel, however they had only now arrived to attend the latter. The reminder of the succession issues in Saillune brought up unpleasant memories. There had been multiple attempts to cut ahead in the line of succession, many placing Lina right in the line of fire. However, with Phillioniel's brother Christopher abdicating his claim, their youngest brother Randionelle and Christopher's son Alfred both dead, and now the coronation occuring, it seemed as though the matter was finally settled. Unless, of course, Amelia or Gracia decided they wanted to take the throne for themselves, but that wasn't even worth considering. The funeral was more than a day behind them, and Saillune was starting to get back to life. Lina would have thought they'd still be in mourning for their lost king, however he'd been bedridden for years with Phillionel acting as the defaco king. It likely wasn't really a transition for the kingdom, or at least the city of Saillune itself. “Ugh, I am so ready to get to an inn and get a bath.” Lina complained as they trudged along the lower streets. “Weren't we invited to the palace?” Gourry asked, scratching his chin as he tried to recall. Lina greatly appreciated Gourry's company, he was a first rate swordsman, in fact she had never seen better, and she would admit he was easy on the eyes too. But she would just as readily admit that he was more than a little dim. “Yes Gourry, we were invited to the palace. Do you really think we'll be well received if we show up stinking of hard travel?” “Uhm …” Gourry mumbled as he bunched his eyebrows contemplating. Lina sighed and shook her head. “Let me save you the trouble. We're going to the palace as guests, so let's at least take the time to clean up and put on some nice clothes.” Gourry's eyebrows finally loosened as he looked to his traveling partner. “So, uhm, why were we invited here again?” In one swift movement Lina reached out, smacking Gourry with something before even he could react. “What was that?” Gourry asked, rubbing his cheek. “You really forgot what's happened? It's all anybody's been able to talk about since the day it happened!” “Don't change the subject, what did you just hit me with?” “It's a slipper, now are you seriously telling me you have no idea King Eldoran died?” “Where did you get a slipper?” “It's not important. Haven't you been listening at all to what's going on?” “You know I don't pay attention to gossip.” “Would it kill you to even try to stay informed?” Lina growled. “Why should I bother when you know everything already?” Gourry said with a laugh. Lina grit her teeth and told herself that no matter how satisfying it may be, smacking him again wouldn't accomplish anything. *** Lina lounged and soaked in her still hot bath, easing the stress of not only the road, but Gourry's comments. Meanwhile, outside near the markets, a commotion was growing. Lina ignored it as best she could, choosing to focus on her relaxation. Unfortunately the commotion was clearly moving, and getting closer in a hurry. Moving noise like that usually meant trouble. With a sigh, Lina climbed out of the tub and dressed quickly. If there was a fight coming she was not getting caught up in it naked. Poking her head out to investigate, Lina heard the sound of the inn door closing and many setts of hard boots hitting the wooden floor. She pulled her head back in, just in case they were looking for her, and began to examine her options for escape. Obviously she could fight her way through, but that would be messy and inn keepers tend to not like people who make those kinds of messes in their business. Like most inns, the rooms were on the upper floor, so if needed she could jump out the window and use Raywing to fly off. But what about Gourry? … He'll be fine. Lina had to pause as she looked over the planned escape rout, and that's where she saw the mob for the first time. And much to her surprise it wasn't a band of thugs, nor a mercenary group. If anything it looked to be a lot of parents with their families. What in the nine hells is going on? Without warning there was a pounding on Lina's door, making her jump and turn abruptly. “What did you do, Lina?” came Gourry's voice. “Why would you think I did anything?” She answered, incredulous. “Because you've always done something.” “Well I didn't this time.” Lina said as she flung the door open. “Come and look.” In one quick motion Lina reached up and grabbed Gourry's ear as she began to drag him to the window, pointing out once they were close. “Does that look like a group that would be coming after me?” “I dunno. What'd you do?” Lina yanked on Gourry's ear hard, making him yelp. “Get serious Gourry.” “Okay, okay. Maybe there's some kind of sale going on.” Lina sighed, at least he wasn't making stupid jokes. Or she sincerely hoped that he wasn't. “You don't think we'd have heard about a sale of any kind when we checked in?” “Maybe it was last minute.” “Let's just go see.” Lina groaned, walking towards the door. Once they were at the stairs it was clear someone was trying to get away from the crowd outside. Lina was able to make out voices as they got closer to the to the stairs. “Nah, I'd say that was worse than Cludge Town.” a female voice mentioned as if in answer. “Really?” another asked. “Yeah, they didn't chase us down the street.” “If you'd like to return to the palace, ma'am, we can go right away.” A third, male voice, responded. After a sigh the first voice spoke up. “I guess so … Dang it, I wanted to look around the markets while we were here. Hey, Starlight, how'd you deal with this at the Sorcerer's Guild?” “Oh.” The second voice hesitantly answered. “I … actually never got to the guild. I looked around the palace library, that's how I learned that I can't read a thing here.” “Huh.” The first grunted. “I guess that would do it.” “I'll ask the proprietor about a back exit, we'll have you back to the palace before long.” The third voice commented before the sound of boots on wood echoed up the stairs. Carefully, Lina walked down the stairs and turned towards where the voices had come from. At a table she saw two women and a man in what appeared to be military uniforms, a fourth was talking quietly to the inn keeper. What Lina saw with the uniformed people made her stop. Two brightly colored ponies sat in the chairs at the table, and one of them was a unicorn. Lina's eyes began to feel dry as she saw her first unicorn in person, and it looked nothing like she had expected. What made Lina's jaw drop was when the orange pony looked their way and sighed before actually speaking. “We ain't for sale, and we ain't nobody's pet neither.” “Oh, okay.” Gourry absently said. “We we're just wondering what was going on outside.” “Yeah, I'm afraid that was us,” the unicorn uncomfortably said, “sorry.” The man who had walked off to talk to the innkeeper approached the ponies and addressed them directly. “We've got permission to use the back way out whenever you're ready to return to the palace.” “Thanks, an' sorry to bother you with this whole pointless trip.” The orange one answered, clearly disappointed. “Not a bother, ma'am.” “Hey.” Gourry casually said, “we're on our way to the palace later too.” “Oh, I thought everyone who was coming was already there.” The unicorn said, clearly interested. “'Cept, of course, Amelia's sister: Gracia.” The orange pony cut in. One of the women sitting at the table appeared to pull out a book and tapped at the open pages, closing it after looking over something. “Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev.” She suddenly said, “If you two would like to accompany us, you're welcome too.” The unicorn looked to the woman before turning her attention to Lina and Gourry. “So you're Lina and Gourry.” She said, her voice more intrigued than anything else. “You've heard of us?” Lina asked as she was finally able to come to terms with what was happening. “You've got a reputation.” Gourry casually said. “Since when do you listen to gossip!?” Lina spat his words back at him. “If you two don't mind,” started the guard who had spoken to the innkeeper, “I believe we've kept this man's business closed long enough.” “I was just in the middle of something. Go ahead, we'll be okay on our own.” Lina offered, the oddity of the situation running through her head, even if she could deal with it.. “I can see that.” The unicorn offered with a chuckle. It wasn't long afterwords that, surrounded by their escort, the ponies left through the back of the building and Lina went back to her cool bath. With a sigh Lina looked at the tub and quietly muttered under her breath, holding out her hand as she did. A ball of fire shot from her palm and engulfed the tub, and soon steam was raising once again from the water. Lina carefully climbed back into the tub and sighed happily as she again allowed the heat to seep into her tired limbs. *** “I am done with all of this political stuff!” Rainbow Dash shouted through her door. “I'm sorry.” James said as he stood beside the door. “I know this is a big change right away, and you had no time to get ready. None of us were expecting something like this. But at least for now, we've gotta just push through it.” “How often does something like this happen?” She asked sharply. “A couple times a month sometimes. Something this big, once or twice a year.” James answered. Rainbow Dash groaned loudly. “Maybe let me handle this James.” Twilight offered, turning towards the door. With a sweep of her wing Twilight ushered James away, and with him out of the way she turned back to the door. “Rainbow Dash?” “Yeah Twilight.” Rainbow Dash answered, sounding irritated still. “This is actually pretty normal for princesses,” Twilight casually said. “You should know. After all, you and everypony else were there to help me through all this.” Carefully she opened the door to the room and walked in, finding Rainbow Dash laying on the bed, staring up at the skylight. “When I first became a princess, and when I was going to take over for Princess Celestia.” “So that's it?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight was relieved to hear that Rainbow Dash sounded calmer than just moments ago. “I date James and become a princess? No alicorn magic or anything?” “Well, your position is more political than something you were dropped into.” Twilight sat on Rainbow Dash's bed and smiled. “Besides, you're only dating James right now, so it's this kind of weird position.” “Like what?” “Like a princess, but not a princess.” “That doesn't even make sense!” Twilight shrugged. “This is certainly an unusual situation.” Rainbow Dash groaned once more and rolled over. “I was not ready for all this.” “No.” Twilight answered calmly. “Thanks.” Rainbow Dash sarcastically mumbled into the pillow. “You weren't …” Twilight calmly pointed out, “but you can handle it. And I'll help you however I can.” “I had no idea a relationship could be so complicated.” “Relationships are hard things. And it takes sacrifice from everypony involved.” “I guess, but Big Mac didn't have any of these issues, and he's married.” “I'm sure he and Sugar Belle did, but we didn't see them. And we all know that James and Lucca don't get along all the time.” “For all the same reasons we sometimes have to kick his butt back into behaving.” Rainbow Dash mumbled. “Is this really so different then?” Rainbow Dash rolled over once more and sat up as she thought. “… No. But also yes. This is so different than when we were just friends. Now I have to consider how what I say and do make him feel.” “You didn't do that before?” “I mean, I guess I did. But now there's consequences when I screw something up. And here's a little thing I don't like saying: While I'm awesome at most things, I screw other things up all the time.” “Do you talk to him about it?” “No, that's the point! I don't want to screw this up.” Twilight sighed as she stretched her wing out to hold her friend. “Rainbow Dash, not talking about these things is what could screw things up.” Rainbow Dash's face fell. “What?” “You've heard James and Lucca talk about their day, they tell each other everything.” “They've been married a long time, even my mom and dad will talk about boring things when there's nothing interesting.” Twilight shook her head. “They tell each other everything so they always know what's going on with the other, and if there's a problem they can work it out with everycreature who can help.” “He does want to talk … a lot.” “That's because he cares about his relationship with you.” “I guess I can see that. But I was so not ready for this.” “Ready for what?” “I had no idea there would even be a political side of this relationship.” “Right.” Twilight said with a nod, “I can see how that would be a big change for you. The only experience you've had was helping me.” Rainbow Dash turned to look at her friend. “Hey, you're already a princess, this wouldn't be much of a change for you.” Twilight blushed, “Oh come on, Rainbow Dash.” “Of course, Rarity would love every minute of this.” Twilight paused a moment as she thought about it. “Come on, we both know I'm right. She even dreamed about marrying a prince.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin. “And you just had to do one better with a king.” Twilight added as she laughed at the situation. Rainbow Dash shook her head and let a grin ease it's way onto her face. “Alright, Twilight. I think I'm done freaking out now. It's just good that somepony understands.” “I was getting a little worried you were rethinking everything with James.” Twilight said with a grin. Rainbow Dash was pointedly silent for a few moments. “Nah, I'm not. But I never thought about this side of it.” “Royalty is a really different life. No matter how much you may want things to just stay the same.” There was a hint of sadness to Twilight's voice as she spoke. Rainbow Dash, ready to talk about anything else, changed the subject to one Twilight would easily obsess over. “You know what's going on today?” Twilight brightened as she jumped from the bed, her horn glowing and a scroll appearing. “I have a schedule right here.” “Of course you would.” Rainbow Dash commented as she rolled her eyes with a smile, though Twilight was already focused on her schedule. “Well, I've got some library time scheduled. I'm still learning their language but I'm getting closer. Actually, James and I have another meeting to get to later, and I wouldn't mind the company.” Twilight sighed as she looked at the schedule, “it feels a lot like when Princess Celestia would bring me to events and all I would do was smile and wave.” Rainbow Dash paused and turned to her friend. “Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be so bad, but as far as politics go, that's all I do as his girlfriend. Show up, put on a dress, smile and wave, wait for the next event.” Rainbow Dash growled again as she thought on her time here so far. “It's so boring.” Twilight chuckled slightly, “In the meetings, I just sit and listen to what everyone is talking about. And I don't have context for any of it.” Rainbow Dash paused and turned to her friend. “Yeah, I had no idea it sucked so bad.” “At least back home most political events involve a party.” Twilight sighed. “But remember the yaks?” “How could I forget.” Twilight laughed. “Ugh, you'd think a coronation would be cause for a party, but here it's some kind of stuffy thing. Seriously, these people need to learn how to have fun.” “It's probably still a bit too soon since they lost their last king to really celebrate.” “I guess so. … Twilight, let's have a party when we get back.” “I know Pinkie would like that.” As the two spoke there was a knock at the door. “Are you feeling any better?” James called through the wooden door, “If you're interested, I was actually going to go and meet Lina and Gourry. Apparently they just got to the palace grounds.” “Do I have to put on a dress?” Rainbow Dash called back. “This isn't a formal thing, so no.” James' relief was evident in his voice. “Dress, or not, however you like.” “Okay, I'll come along. Twilight?” Rainbow Dash offered as she began to fly. “You go on ahead.” *** Lina stirred in her sleep, not that the bed wasn't comfortable, quite the opposite in fact. Her problem came from elsewhere, an uneasy feeling of being watched with clear hostility. In other words, she was being hunted. Years on the road and under attack on a regular basis had given her a good sense for just these situations, and those senses had saved her life more than a few times. She sat up on her bed and stretched, letting her hand come to rest on the hilt of her short sword. Whoever it was surely would strike if she took the time to prepare, so her sword would have to be enough. “Alright,” she called, standing and looking around the room. “I'm ready for you.” Pale moonlight streamed in through the slats of the blinds, illuminating a patch on the opposite wall and providing just enough light to see the room by. The clothes she had worn into the palace were tossed on a chair. One more light shone into the room from a skylight near the center, it was the irregular pattern of the light thrown on the floor that told Lina just where the would be assassin was. “Oh.” Came a curiously watery voice, “you're ready for me?” Something fell from the skylight, making a wet “thwap” as it slapped the floor. “Ugh!” Lina grunted as she leaped back from the thing. It wasn't easy in the low light to tell just what the mass of writhing tentacles was really composed of, though to take a guess she'd go with seaweed. Whatever it was pulled itself up to about her height and formed basic limbs from it's chaotic tendrils and began reaching for her. Lina slashed at the approaching limb, hoping to distract the mazoku long enough to give herself a little room to either cast a spell or to get to the door. The room was definitely too small to effectively fight, so escape was her priority. After the swipe, she rolled forward, underneath the arch formed by what passed for legs, and once she was close, flung open the door to what was currently a much less appealing sight than the hallways of the castle: She opened the door and saw her own face staring back at her, beyond was her room again with that same mazoku. She watched as it's core began to split lengthwise. As if this thing weren't freaky enough. From the split she saw what looked like a large orange eye peering out, and if the split had stopped once the eye was revealed it would have bad enough, but it continued until the bulbous dripping eye was completely exposed, hanging from what looked like a pulpy stalk with smaller eyes randomly along it. Lina turned to face her opponent and began casting a spell, there was only one way out now and that was through the mazoku. *** Twilight opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling of her room. She appreciated all of the effort everyone in Saillune had gone to for her, and the bed was good, but it just wasn't as good as her Cloudsdale bed back at home. She had just opened a book to read until she fell back asleep when she realized that something other than her bed felt wrong. Twilight closed the book and looked around, trying to place the feeling. It was as if something just went missing. Nothing looked out of place, but she couldn't shake the feeling. She shook her head and tried once again to read, though her mind inevitably went back to the persistent feeling. Something was missing, but she just didn't know what. She took a breath and closed her eyes, hoping that meditating would help her find where this feeling was coming from so she could either address or dismiss it. As her mind cleared and she began to focus on the feeling it became clear that it came from beyond her room. The feeling itself was peculiar, it didn't seem as though something had simply vanished, but more as if something had been carved away and replaced with something unreal. Twilight opened her eyes and walked out into the hallway, nothing about this felt right and she was going to find out why. “Is there something I can help you with Ma'am?” A guard asked as they noticed Twilight leave her room. “Oh, no …” Twilight sputtered before stopping herself. “Actually, is everything alright out here?” The guard gave her a confused look before giving a quick whistle and asking in a voice above a whisper. “All clear?” A chorus of “All clear,” came back in reply and the guard smiled down at the pony nodded. “All clear Ma'am.” Twilight awkwardly laughed. “Thanks, I think I'll just go for a walk if that's alright.” “Of course, would you like an escort?” “Oh, no. I'm just going down the hall to visit a friend.” “At this time?” “Yes, he always has trouble sleeping so he's probably awake still.” “Very well, I'll be here when you get back.” “Thank you.” As she walked down the halls towards the void another door opened and James poked his head out. “You feel that too?” he quietly asked. “Yeah, it's … well it's weird. Did it wake you up too?” “No, I just can't sleep, it's too quiet. I've been trying to pinpoint it, but unfortunately I can't focus right now.” James growled. “It's just down the hall.” Twilight said, her concern growing as she realized she wasn't the only one to wonder what was going on. That feeling of concern was only heightened as another door was flung open and the man James had told her about earlier rushed into the hall, sword in hand, and pounded on the door. “Lina!” Gourry called. “Is everything alright?” James looked to Twilight and they both nodded before running to the door. “Move Gourry.” James said as he pushed the fighter out of the way. James pulled his arm back and with a quick thrust of his open palm, broke the door in. To Gourry's surprise, but not so much for Twilight or James, the room had nobody inside. The commotion in the hallway had drawn the guard and now several had gathered at the door. “What's going on here?” The first guard demanded. “Did you see a woman leave this room? Red brown hair, short, and flat.” Gourry asked without answering anything. “She didn't leave the room, Gourry,” James said. “Unless she stepped out without getting dressed.” James turned to the man and tossed Lina's mantle and shirt to him. “James,” Twilight said. “It's here, whatever is going on it has to be hiding Lina.” At the statement, Gourry began to toss the room. “What's going on?” Came a new voice that Twilight and James recognized immediately, as Starlight looked into the room from the doorway. “Lina's missing, but somehow still in this room.” James said as he checked other implausible areas for the missing woman. After a moment he stopped and walked towards the skylight. “It's faint, but it feels like she's here.” He said as he closed his eyes and tried to focus. “Dammit, I know something does this, but I just can't think!” He growled as he gripped the sides of his head. “But you're sure she's here?” Starlight asked. James and Twilight both looked to the unicorn. “Positive.” James answered. “Absolutely.” Twilight said at the same time as James. “Okay.” Starlight said as her horn began to glow. An emerald luminescence formed around an amulet that sat on the end table. “This should be good. Alright everycreature, give me some room.” The others did as Starlight instructed and backed away from her as she closed her eyes and concentrated. A pale emerald light filled the room before coalescing into the area right where James had felt Lina's presence. Moments later, in a flash of emerald light, Lina appeared laying on the ground. She was unconscious, her nightgown was soaked, and angry red welts were rising on her throat, wrists, and ankles with blood oozing from regular small holes along the welts. “Lina!” Gourry shouted as he tried to lift her, only to pull his arms away with a growl. As quickly as he inspected his arms they began to turn red where they had touched Lina, with blisters beginning to form as he watched. “What's going on?!” With a flex of his arm James' omnitool flashed to life and he began a scan. A red light flashed and without even thinking James grabbed the neck of the nightgown, ripping it free from her. Lina's entire body was horribly blistered as though she had been in the middle of a fire. “If it looks wet, don't touch it.” James growled, blisters already forming on his hand that he had used to remove the soaked garment. Gourry took a deep breath and lifted Lina, without the remaining portion of the nightgown, and placed her on the bed. Grimacing as the burns on his arms got worse. With his intact hand James began to cast a healing spell on Lina, though it was anyone's guess if it was even working. As James cast, Gourry placed his hand above Lina's mouth, feeling nothing he took a deep breath and began to work on trying to revive her. “Healers should be here soon.” Lucca said from the doorway. “What happened?” “We'll have to ask her when she wakes up.” James said the moment he had the chance. “Don't touch anything in here that's wet, it's basic enough to burn on contact. My scan history has the information.” “Is everyone else alright?” “We will be. Do we have any Senzu?” “No, not even Applejack's have blossomed yet.” “Dammit.” James said as he began to sweat. “I'll get something to neutralize the base.” Lucca said as her voice got more distant. Between Gourry's rescue breathing and James' healing magic, Lina began breathing before long as Lucca came back and began to coat her in a white powder. New lesions stopped forming as the powder turned into a slime coating her. Minutes later several men who had clearly been woken recently rushed in and took over healing the unconscious woman. One each began to attend to James and Gourry's burns as James rattled off information about what little he knew of Lina's injuries. Finally confident that things were taking a turn for the better, Twilight asked Starlight what had been going through her mind since seeing her seemingly pull Lina from nothing.“What spell was that you used?” “Oh, I just combined a scrying spell with an advanced teleportation spell.” Starlight answered, clearly proud of her ingenuity. “Mistmane's fog walker to be precise.” “Hey.” Gourry said, getting the attention of the ponies. “Thanks for saving Lina.” “You're welcome, I'm glad we could help. But it was really the three of you.” Twilight said with a smile. “I didn't even know there was anything wrong until I heard the shouting.” Starlight added, “How did you know what was going on?” “I don't ignore my gut.” He explained, “I wasn't even the first here, what about you … Uhm …” “Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight answered with a smile. “I guess I just had a gut feeling too. As for James …” Turning their attention to James, who sat in a nearby chair, it was plainly obvious he had fallen asleep as the priests tended to his hand. “… well James isn't always able to sleep so easily.” “Yeah, I've seen some old mercs like that. They can never relax, like there's always someone behind them. Nobody's told me what's bothering him, but I figure if he doesn't say, then it's not my business.” *** It was a surprise for Starlight to see James in good spirits that morning as he and his family sat with a simple breakfast before them. She began to relax as she realized that the current situation apparently wasn't serious enough to even interrupt James' morning coffee. “How's your hand doing?” Starlight asked as she approached the table with the assumption that things were going well, particularly as he was holding his coffee with the hand that had been burned only hours earlier. “Quite well, thanks.” He said, placing his coffee down and flexing his hand, showing off his ordinary looking palm. “It's only been a few hours! What happened to your hand?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked over to him. “There was an incident last night and I got a chemical burn. But the priests here are top notch, my hand is good as new.” James then turned back to Starlight. “Apparently Lina's doing much better, too. She should be out of treatment by lunch. Her throat still hurts, though, so we're not getting much in details about what happened.” “Woah, woah, woah, hold on a moment. What happened to Lina?” Rainbow Dash asked, drawing James' attention back to her. “Like I said, we don't have much by way of details. But she did say one thing.” James said, evenly. “Don't stop there,” Rainbow Dash urged almost immediately, “what did she say?” James smiled at Rainbow Dash briefly before nodding. “Mazoku.” Starlight's eyes widened as she heard the word. “That's not good.” James sighed and took a sip of his coffee. “No, it's not.” “But if it just got the drop on Lina, then there's no reason to think we can't handle this. There are far more weaker mazoku than there are tough ones.” Lucca added. “And though it means we should keep an eye on everyone while we're here, it's entirely possible she's the only target. Taking out pieces of Shabranigdo appears to paint a target on someone's back.” James explained. “You don't think …” Rainbow Dash asked uncomfortably. “Nah, Xellos respects her too much to not at least give her a warning about attacking her. Hell, he gave us a warning.” Casually, Zelgadis and Amelia approached as those at the table spoke. “Until Lina's back up and talking, we've only got one word to go on.” Zelgadis said as he stood behind James. “Gourry and I searched her room and stuff and there's nothing we can think of that would have drawn the mazoku.” “Other than Lina herself.” Amelia added. “That's what we were thinking too.” Starlight said with a sigh. “Shouldn't we get Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Investigation is kind of her thing. I know I told you about how she helped me in Canterlot years ago.” “This isn't like a normal investigation, Rainbow Dash. The only clues we have are in Lina's mind and on her nightgown,” Starlight explained. “And the only thing her nightgown tells us is what chemical burned her.” James added with a shrug. Before long, one more figure ran up to the growing group gathered at the table. “She's talking again.” Twilight said as she got close. “I went to visit her and she's up and talking again.” “Go check in with her.” Lucca said as she turned to James. “Tali and I will stay with the girls.” They had to settle for a brisk walk as they got to the temple where Lina was being treated. James having been called out for chasing after a flying Rainbow Dash Starlight couldn't help but make a comparison between the dormitory style layout of the healers portion of the temple and the separated and clean rooms of the hospitals she was familiar with. This served as another reminder about how this world was behind theirs in many ways. “Miss Lina!” Amelia happily called out as she ran towards the cot with her friend on it before leaping into the air. “Sure, and I get chewed out for walking too fast.” James mumbled under his breath. Zelgadis appeared next to the cot and caught Amelia by her collar in midair. “She just recovered, Amelia.” “Oh … right.” Amelia laughed. “Thanks Zel.” Lina quietly said as she looked to the rest of the group, her face quickly turning to anger as she saw James. “Dill brand!” she shouted, rubbing her throat after as it still felt as though it was torn to shreds. The spell Lina cast had a brief buildup as a small circle appeared beneath James before launching him into the air. Starlight and Twilight reacted quickly, their horns glowing and catching James in a shimmering bubble, as Zelgadis and Amelia held Lina down on her bed. “Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “What was that for?” “He ripped off my nightgown!” Lina countered. “It was burning you.” Twilight countered as she and Starlight gently set James back on the ground. “I'll get you a new one today, Lina.” James calmly said. “That's not why I'm angry!” Lina insisted. “Lina,” Amelia pleaded, “he was trying to help you.” Carefully she and Zelgadis let go of the fuming woman. “Girls, you might want to step away from me for a minute.” James quietly said before speaking directly to Lina. “Lina, the last thing on my mind was ogling you.” Lina turned red as she shouted at James. “Oh yeah! And what's wrong with me?!” “You were severely burned and it was only getting worse.” James answered bluntly. “Lovely as you may be; I was more worried about you living than your modesty.” He managed to say moments before a flying metal tray hit him square in the face with a resounding “Klang!” Total silence filled the area before Lina spoke again. “Yeah, I guess you're right. But you can't do that to a girl and not expect her to be angry.” As Lina spoke Zelgadis visibly relaxed and Amelia gave James a thumbs up just out of Lina's line of sight. Starlight and Twilight gave each other a curious look, making Lina turn quickly as Amelia and Zelgadis hurried to look nonchalant. “As glad as I am to see you back up, Lina,” James commented as he walked closer to Lina's cot, placing the dented tray back on the end table. “I'd more like to know what happened last night.” “Yeah, did the mazoku say why they attacked you?” Amelia cut in. “It was trying to kill me, Amelia.” Lina growled. “I wasn't exactly inclined to have a chat with it.” “Yes Lina, but did it say anything that might tell you why it came after you?” Zelgadis asked. “No. Hells, it seemed to act like I was an inconvenience. Beyond general boasting, all it did was complain that it had other people to kill.” Lina groaned and rolled her eyes. “Sorry I was such an inconvenience for it.” “Why would a Mazoku have a list of targets?” Starlight asked. “Only if they had a plan.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Like how Xellos targeted you, Twilight.” “Xellos what?!” Lina shouted in surprise before once again gripping her raw throat with a wince of pain. “Excuse me miss.” A priestess harshly said as she approached the group. “We have people resting here. If you can't keep it down, I'll have to ask you to leave.” “I'm so sorry.” Amelia quickly said shrinking back. “We'll be quieter.” “Please do.” “Yes, Xellos attacked her home last year,” James answered calmly, desperately hoping he could change the subject without saying anything about the Lord of Nightmares. “Specifically for Twilight.” “Why? What reason would he have to attack a unicorn?” Lina asked. “Alicorn.” Starlight corrected as Twilight closed her eyes and looked away. Her statement was met with confusion from the group of three. “Right.” James said as he tapped his forehead, quickly devising a way to get the topic off why Xellos had come to Equestria. “Outside your world all an alicorn is the proper name for a unicorn's horn. Alicorn as you know them are just called winged unicorn.” Starlight and Twilight both turned and stared confused at James as he finished his statement. Soon James had turned back to Lina and her group, determined to overload them with information. “In their world, an Alicorn is a pony with the strengths of all three types, Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn.” James explained, ready to launch into a political lecture if it would provide the desired distraction. “And they're all royalty, though it's an earned position and not inherited, with the exception of Twilight's niece …” “Just stop.” Lina said bluntly. “I don't need to hear about this right now, least of all on an empty stomach.” “Speaking of,” Amelia said as she looked around, “Where's Mr. Gourry?” “Probably having breakfast.” Zelgadis said with a dismissive smile. “He's not getting that fancy palace food without me.” Lina growled as she threw the covers off herself, revealing that she was wearing a set of priestess robes that hung off her awkwardly as they appeared to be a few sizes too big for her. Once alone, James gave a relieved sigh. *** The meeting hadn't been a scheduled one, but with a Mazoku in the palace and attacking someone, everyone needed to address the situation. “I appreciate your concern, Phillionel.” Lady Seto calmly said once Phillionel finished explaining the situation. “I am personally not worried about the dangers of a mazoku.” “I don't doubt your abilities Seto.” James countered as he paced the room. “And while you likely could handle yourself quite well: Despite their similarities, mazoku are very different from Ryoko. While they are not physically more dangerous, their abilities are significantly harder to counter and defend against. Even I'm vulnerable to them if I'm not prepared to fight, or if I'm exhausted.” “We fought them last year and you nearly died.” Twilight added to his statement. “James regularly throws himself into dangerous situations,” Seto responded. “So his nearly dying doesn't actually say much.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she heard Seto's comment. “We should focus on the issue here.” Zelgadis argued. “And it's less “Are we safe,” and more “Why are they here.”” Lina smacked Gourry, who was dozing peacefully. “Normally something like this would be an assassination attempt.” Tali commented. “Do you think that maybe she was just a mistaken target?” “We considered that too,” Phillionel answered. “but her room had been empty for months before her arrival. Besides, who would benefit?” “Normally an assassination attempt would benefit the next in line for the throne.” Seto added casually. Christopher scowled at her a moment before speaking up. “I've abdicated my claim to the throne, should my brother die, the throne would pass to his eldest daughter: Gracia.” “And myself after her.” Amilia added. “But neither of us would want to harm daddy.” “Not to mention Gracia's history precludes her from considering assassination for any situation.” James added. “I'm sorry, I believed that you had two brothers, Phillionel.” Seto stated. “I did. Randionelle tried to assassinate me a long time ago. He is no longer with us.” Phillionel clarified. Phillionel's comment got an uncomfortable shift from the ponies as they were reminded how nice things were in their world compared to the others James visited. “Maybe Lina was the target.” Rainbow Dash suggested. “I mean, she's pretty bad ass and has taken out a lot of mazoku.” “No.” Lina cut in. “It made it clear that I was just an obstacle. Though clearly I'm some kind of threat. Probably because, like you said, I'm a bad ass. But that also means they had a more valuable target. And that doesn't leave many options.” “And it being a mazoku leaves even fewer.” Zelgadis added. “That leaves two real possibilities,” Tali commented, “The Saillune family, or our family.” “What of the Kimiki family, are we to not consider them?” Christopher asked, shooting a pointed glance Seto's direction. “The Kimiki family is too far removed to be of consequence beyond personal ties. Nobody would benefit,” Seto calmly answered, “and retaliation would be devastating.” “I didn't know mazoku were political.” Gourry commented absently, drawing a frustrated glare from Lina and a sympathetic look from Amelia. “I doubt it's political,” James said, shaking his head, “the line of succession is clear and it would make more sense to take out low priority targets first. But clearly someone here is a threat or could cause a lot of chaos if they were gone …” “And what better way to cause chaos than assassinating the soon to be king just before coronation.” Lina reasoned. The room fell silent as they found themselves once again nowhere. Tali cleared her throat and looked around. “I think the best option right now would be to create temporary transponders for everyone who may be at risk. That way we can at least know right away if someone is taken like Lina was.” “I believe temporary ones may be suitable,” Seto calmly agreed. “As long as no trace of them remain.” “I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.” Christopher said as he looked to their guests. “Uncle Christopher,” Amelia said suddenly, and nervously. “You see, uh, like the world beyond the barrier, James and his family have developed their technology to a greater degree than our own.” “Yes,” Phillionel chimed in, much more calmly than his daughter. “And while they cannot share much of their technology with us, we do enjoy the benefits of our friendship.” “And a transponder is simply a device we can always locate, so as long as you have one on you we can find you. Similar to an astral beacon.” James explained. “I had no idea we had been making these kinds of treaties. Perhaps I underestimated your capabilities so long ago, brother.” Christopher said as he looked around the room before chuckling, “You've even contacted creatures I did not know had a society, yet here they are. The world beyond is vast indeed.” “I'll get working on those transponders.” Tali offered, standing and walking out. “If this is an assassination attempt, there must be a ring leader.” Seto commented, “If we can get a clue as to who it may be we may be able to resolve this before another attack.” “That would be nice.” Amelia sighed. “I suggest we each get several transponders, that way, should the mazoku show up again, we can slip one on them and track where it goes to.” James hummed a moment before nodding. “I'll tell Tali to get more.” He said before standing and walking out, followed by Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Do you think that they'll strike again before the coronation?” Twilight asked the remaining group. Christopher rubbed the back of his neck and contemplated. “This close to the event, I cannot say with any certainty. But it's better to be prepared. Brother? Do you believe that it may be a mazoku simply trying to cause chaos.” “The mazoku have long been opposed to the holy Kingdom of Saillune.” Phillionel responded. “I only ask because it is no secret that Lina Inverse has drawn the attention of the mazoku time and again.” “And beaten them every time if her exploits are to be believed.” Starlight answered, staring at Christopher. “But, none the less, she has been at the center of their plans time and again, and inside the city is not the place for a confrontation.” Christopher countered, clearly irritated by the unicorn speaking to him as she had. “I invited Lady Lina here, and my guests will not be mistreated in my kingdom.” Phillionel said, his voice quiet but powerful. “Of course, brother.” Christopher quietly acknowledged before standing and excusing himself. Phillionel turned and bowed his head to Lina. “I sincerely apologize that you were attacked Lina, and that I must ask that you to once again face the monster should they return.” “That's alright, we're used to facing mazoku. That chump just got me by surprise is all.” Phillionel chuckled as he looked back up. “The same Lina Inverse as ever. Though I must ask that you restrain yourself should you need to fight. We may not be able to afford rebuilding the city.” “If that is necessary, Jurai could loan you the money.” Seto said with a wicked smile. “We've certainly paid for larger disasters.” “What?!” Lina nearly shouted, “I am not a walking disaster!” “Well, there is usually collateral damage when you fight.” Gourry offered, unhelpfully. “Shut it, or you'll be collateral damage.” Lina threatened as Zelgadis and Amelia quietly laughed. *** “You've already got yours Rainbow Dash.” Twilight heard James say as she walked down the hall their rooms were located in. “Yeah, but what about the spares?” Rainbow Dash asked. “If that Mazoku shows up we both know I'm the one who's going to be able to get it on them.” Applejack let out a quick laugh. “That's what you think, I bet I could just as easily get it on 'em.” “Well, first I need to get yours on you.” James said, unusually smoothly. “What's with that tone?” Twilight heard Applejack suddenly ask. “Look up and close your eyes.” was James' reply, though Rainbow Dash began to laugh. After a pause Twilight heard James speak again, still with his intentionally smooth voice. “Do you trust me?” She head Applejack sigh before answering. “I do, but if you try to kiss me …” She said before James cut her off. “You'll certainly have the opportunity to say no.” Applejack's response was to chuckle, although it sounded a bit awkward. Twilight cautiously peaked through the doorway, unsure about just what to expect on the other side. She saw James kneeling in front of Applejack, gently pressing his middle finger between her eyes, Rainbow Dash holding her hat. “There we go.” James calmly said, his voice completely normal, signaling for Applejack to open her eyes. “You just tapped my forehead. Why'd I have to close my eyes for that?” “Because I didn't want to risk dropping it in your eyes.” James explained to Applejack as he stood back up and took her hat from Rainbow Dash, placing it awkwardly on his head. “It was just barely stuck to the tip of my finger and could have come off at any time.” “I … don't know what I was expecting.” Twilight said as she walked through the door. “It's James, so …” Applejack said, giving him a sidelong glance. “Nothing I haven't been doing already.” James answered with a grin before taking the hat off and holding it out for Applejack who eagerly took it back. “Speaking of, since you're here, I should get you taken care of, though I thought Starlight would be with you.” “She wanted to talk to Lady Seto.” Twilight answered before adding, “I'm surprised you've got the transponders already.” James uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, after the whole Washouts thing, Tenyo suggested we keep a couple temporary transponders around.” “Was it because …” Rainbow Dash began to ask when James interrupted. “Yeah, it's because of what I did.” “Well, I'm glad it happened.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile. “There were a few things it made clear.” James said as he looked to the ponies in the room with him, finally settling on Applejack and Rainbow Dash, “And showed me that I have some dedicated friends.” He then turned to Twilight, still smiling, “Let's get you that transponder.” He said gently. Twilight smiled as she stepped forward, looking up and closing her eyes. James reached into his pouch and pulled out a small wooden box. The lid lifted and revealed two small green flakes on a white cushion. Carefully he pressed his middle finger against one of the flakes and gently lifted it. After a brief moment of consideration he carefully placed the tip of his finger against Twilight's nose. The flake stayed behind, lighting up briefly before fading away. Twilight twitched her nose for a second, fighting off a sneeze before opening her eyes. “James, that was my nose.” She said as a handkerchief lit up by a gold flecked violet luminescence flew around and wiped where James had placed the fleck. James shrugged as he looked to her. “Your horn was in the way of where I would normally place it.” “With the transponders that tiny, it's gonna be tricky just to get them out and on the Mazoku.” Rainbow Dash said as she inspected the remaining fleck in the box. “That's if they even work.” James calmly said as he collected the box and closed it. Shoving it back in his bag, he explained his reasoning. “I'm not saying it's impossible, but if it's a stronger Mazoku it doesn't need a true physical body and I have no idea if the transponder will work in that case. Let alone if it can track something in unreal space.” "And why are these just flakes?" Rainbow Dash asked, raising a eyebrow at James. "Mine was some kind of injection that was sore for hours." "These are just location. Yours has medical nanites that also track your health." "Medical what now?" *** The sun shone brightly as Starlight walked alongside Seto in the courtyard, the warm, sweet air creating a mood in stark contrast to the happenings of the night before. “Lady Seto,” Starlight said, more stiffly than she had intended to. “There is something I wanted to ask about. Uhm, if that's alright, that is.” Seto gently laughed as she looked down at the pony. “You don't need to be so nervous around me, I'm no different than Twilight, or even Lucca.” “Oh,” Starlight nervously laughed, “sorry.” “That's alright, just relax.” Starlight took a steadying breath, “Okay. So, you mentioned that you had taken James' proposal to the review board.” “Yes, he had clearly thought it through and didn't overtly belie his true intentions.” Starlight paused a moment, “Well, that gives me a few more questions to ask.” Seto smiled and sighed, “I wish we could talk about this now, but I believe we have some rather rude guests.” Starlight screwed up her face as she looked to the woman, now standing still and looking out ahead of her. “I hope you don't mind, Starlight, but I would prefer to handle them myself.” “Handle who?” Starlight asked as she looked around, finding nothing out of place. “The assassins.” Seto answered with a widening smile. “I don't …” Starlight started to say before being interrupted by a gruff voice. “Looks like we've been spotted, boys.” A tall, thin man said as he stood up from a nearby bush. Seto unfolded a small hand fan and hid her face as she grinned. “I do hope you'll offer some real entertainment.” Starlight stared slack jawed at the bold statement. Despite Seto's clear excitement at the prospect of a fight, she appeared to be relaxed. “We aim to please,” Came the obsequious reply, offered with an exaggerated bow, “speaking of …” The thin man quickly stood up, and a streak of silver raced towards Seto who now laughed eagerly. In a moment Seto twirled around and several thunks were clearly heard as several knives dropped harmlessly to the ground around her. Starlight looked around, only now realizing that they were surrounded by seven similarly built men who stared at Seto, one who's mouth hung limp in shock that not a single knife had hit her. Seto wasn't done, however. Between her fan and her face she held one of the knives that had been thrown at her. With a smile she snapped the fan closed, further concealing the pilfered blade. “What a shame. You missed.” While she spoke one of the men behind her sneaked forward aiming to stab her with a short sword and lunged, daring to take this apparent opening. Seto suddenly twisted to the side and brought her elbow up and across his face hard. The man crumpled quickly as Seto casually looked to the apparent leader. As if their companion crumpling to the ground was their cue, the remaining assassins rushed forward, possibly hoping to overwhelm the woman. A knee sharply drawn up bloodied the nose of one as Seto fluidly adjusted the attack to place her foot on the back of the falling man and forcing him to the ground. Standing on the man's back she punched another in his side, dropping him as quickly to the ground, clutching his injury. Immediately she snapped back, turning to block the blade of another with her fan and shoving the heel of her palm into the leader's forehead. A sound, closely resembling “gluk,” could be heard as Seto kicked out and caught another assassin in the neck. Flowing once more into a step, Seto backed up and guided two more assassins into colliding with each other. The sword she had blocked was once again swinging for her, and with another spin, Seto swept his legs from under him, kicking his head as he landed. The last assassin was already backing up, ready to flee. “I never said that you could leave.” Seto said with a grin as a flick of her wrist sent the knife concealed in her fan flying into the man's shoulder. A chorus of groans and moans from the ground around her accompanied Seto's wicked grin. “What just happened?” Starlight asked as she tried to comprehend what it was she had just seen in the last few seconds. “We've just been attacked. I am sorry, but you'll have to ask those questions of me later. For now I believe we should use this opportunity to get what information these men have to offer.” With a snap of her fingers a green ooze appeared to flow from the air around their attackers, encompassing them completely before forming into spheres that floated slightly off the ground. As Seto began to walk, the spheres fell in line behind her. “Uhm, are you sure this is alright?” Starlight asked, glancing back at their prisoners. “If you're concerned: Yes, they can breathe.” Seto calmly answered. *** “I wanna know what's going on.” Amber complained as she and Sara waited for their parents to come back from the emergency meeting. “Is it just me, or have we been under unusually tight security today?” Sara asked as she leaned towards her sister. “We're always under tight security, especially here.” Amber continued to complain. “I can't go anywhere without a guard, even when I go to the bathroom there's a guard outside the door.” “Yeah, but since last night if we're not with mom or dad they've had four guards for each of us.” Sara whispered. “Dad's just worried.” Amber dismissed. “But why? What's all this training we're going through good for if we just have security on our butts all the time?” Amber only offered a shrug as a response. The sound of the door opening caught their attention, hoping that it was one of their parents. Even though they both realized that they would be kept in the dark about what was going on. Despite this, Amber still spoke up. “So what's going on?” She asked before anyone stepped into the room. The door halted and a disappointed groan came from the other side. “Of course I'd get this target,” Came an unfamiliar, grizzled voice. As the door finished opening a large, disappointed man came walking in. “Look girlies,” he said as he shook his head, “it's nothing personal, just lay down, close yer eyes an it won't hurt.” “Excuse me?!” Sara asked, her face contorting in fear and disgust. “I don't wanna do this, but the boss says jump …” He said as he approached, closing the door behind him and drawing his short sword. Amber let out a shriek at the sight, trying to back up. Sara hugged her sister quickly and began reciting something under hear breath. With a resigned sigh, the assassin raised his sword. “I am sorry.” As he brought the sword down an unseen force stopped his blade just before striking the cowering girls down. “Huh?” No matter the force he put behind his weapon it didn't move further towards his targets. As he listened, the reason became clear. It was faint but what he had thought was simply fearful muttering he could now hear a pattern. The girl was chanting a spell. “Yer only draggin' this out girly.” With the sound of splintering wood the door flew open. Lucca's eyes blazed as she charged into the room, war hammer held ready. Startled, the assassin turned to face the threat, only to be met with a hammer to his face, spinning him around and leaving his neck at a rather severe angle. Not wasting any time to assess the condition of her daughter's attacker, Lucca raised her foot and with a swift kick to his backside, launched him out the nearby window. The threat gone, Lucca dropped the hammer and tried to grab her daughters only to be stopped by the wind barrier. “It's okay girls, I'm here.” Lucca said, hoping they'd look and see they were safe. She stayed there, trying to hold her daughters for minutes until Sara timidly looked out. With a gasp, Sara dropped the barrier, reaching an arm out to hold her mother along with her sister. Lucca quickly embraced them both in a protective hug. “I'm sorry mom.” Sara sobbed. “I just … I just froze.” “What are you talking about.” Lucca asked with a smile. “You kept both your sister and yourself safe.” “But I,” Sara stammered. “I couldn't fight. All I could do was put up a barrier. I've been trained to fight, but I just froze.” “It's okay Sara.” Lucca calmly said. “This wasn't a game like you're used to, this was real.” “But I've never frozen in a real fight before.” Lucca paused at the comment. When had her daughter been in a real fight before? They always did what they could to keep their girls as safe as their positions would allow. Though they had certainly failed at that before. Hesitantly, Lucca spoke to her daughter. “I … I can't say I know about what fights you've been in, but you did the right thing today. And that's what's important.” *** “Amelia,” Lina said, exasperated, “I told you, I don't need any security. And to be honest, the guards here don't have the best track record.” “Yeah, I guess you're right.” Amelia admitted. “Besides, Lina can handle a mazoku easily enough.” Gourry commented. “Oh, right. Gourry, you were going to ask James about fixing that sword of light replica he gave you.” Lina said, smacking her fist into her open palm. “Did you break it again, Mr. Gourry?” Amelia asked with a sigh. “Well, James did say it wasn't all that strong or reliable. Not like the other one Gourry broke.” Lina answered. “And maybe I messed something up when I tried to study it.” She added under her breath. Before she finished speaking, Gourry had drawn his sword and was looking around. Lina had seen this too often to second guess Gourry's senses. As she reached for her own sword she felt it, the blood lust of someone ready to strike. She turned to Amelia, who already had started preparing a spell to cast once she had a target. “It's human.” Gourry quietly said, only barely being heard by his two companions. “Coming from a mazoku to a human is a serious downgrade.” Lina casually said. “You think they're after you too, Lina?” Amelia asked. “Lina?” Came a voice from the shadows. “Lina Inverse?” Lina's face twisted in confusion. “Uhm, yeah. What's it to you?” The closest thing to a response that came was the immediate dissipation of the blood lust and the sound of a panicked run. Lina's face went red as she heard the fleeing. “Why you! How dare you run from me like that!” she growled. “But Lina, isn't it better to not have to fight?” Amelia asked. “Yeah, but we need them for questioning!” “Oh, I guess you're right.” Gourry easily outpaced the two women as he sprinted off down a nearby corridor after the sound, running blindly as he searched for their would be assailant. He only stopped when he came to an intersection with several open doors along the hallways. “Did you catch him Mr Gourry?” Amelia asked as she caught up. Gourry shook his head, gesturing to the scene in front of him. “There's no way we could check all of them before they got away anyway.” “I see.” Once again their senses were assaulted by a strong bloodlust, however it now came from behind them, accompanied by a growl. “Where is he?” Amelia and Gourry abruptly turned to see Lina seething behind them, glaring down the hallway. “Uhm, Miss Lina, we were just going to question him … right?” Amelia asked, clearly concerned for their attempted assailant. Lina gave her a wicked grin, “Oh I was going to question him alright.” Gourry shivered at the statement. “Maybe it's better I didn't find him,” he whispered. “He'll have a reason to be afraid when I'm done with him.” Lina continued to growl. As Lina seethed a guard came running from the other end of the hallway. “Princess Amelia!” The guard exclaimed with obvious relief. “Thank the heavens you're safe.” “Did you see someone running away down that hallway?” Amelia asked urgently. “We were accosted moments ago, but the perpetrator escaped.” “Uhm …” The guard stammered a moment. “No, my lady. But the palace grounds are on lock down now, if your assailant only recently fled they are not escaping.” “Good. We need to stop this evil plan in it's tracks, no matter their nefarious motivation.” Lina paused as she heard the guard talking, clearly Amelia had missed a key piece of information. “Wait a moment.” Lina asked, suddenly more curious than upset. “Why are the grounds already on lock down? We only just got targeted.” “There's been another attack in the palace.” The guard reported. “Oh no.” Amelia gasped, “Who's been attacked?” “Princesses Amber and Sara.” At the mention of Sara, memories of James' retaliation to her abduction flooded Lina's mind. And clearly James had gotten more powerful since that incident. The destruction he could bring to bear would certainly prove devastating should either of his children get hurt again. Clearly Amelia understood this too and gasped. “Are they alright?” She asked, a tremble in her voice. “Yes, my lady. The young ladies were not harmed, their mother fought off the cur.” “What about the guards watching them?” Gourry bluntly asked. Lina was surprised at the astute question from Gourry, but she had already guessed what the answer was. “The young ladies are safe,” the guard reiterated. It was an obvious dodge, leaving only that the guards were complicit, or dead, and Lina had no reason to doubt the loyalty of the guards. Their ability, yes, but not their loyalty. “Lady Amelia, Miss Lina, Mister Gourry, the Prince is reconvening this morning's meeting to discuss this new development. Please come with me.” “I guess that answers who they're after.” Gourry quietly said to Lina as they followed behind the guard. “Not quite,” Lina responded, matching Gourry's tone. “If they were after the Glastos family, I'm far from their biggest obstacle. So why was I attacked? And why did that last guy run when he heard who I was?” “Maybe that Mazoku just didn't like you.” Gourry offered unhelpfully, reminding Lina why she didn't ask his opinion often. As they walked it became hard to ignore the growing clamor. “Excuse me.” Amelia asked as she stopped the guard a moment. “Do you know what that noise is?” “Yeah, it seems to be following us.” Lina commented as she turned an ear towards the noise that grew louder even as they were stopped. “Sound's like they're going our way.” Gourry offered, unhelpfully. “I've been ordered to deliver you safely to the meeting, once I've done that I will go and investigate.” That, however, proved unnecessary as shortly after the statement a group of armed guards lead by Zelgadis came around the corner escorting Seto, Starlight, and several green spheres clearly containing people that floated just above the ground. “What's all this?” Amelia asked as she approached. “It seems that Lady Seto here has lived up to her unofficial title and caught the assassins meant for her.” Zelgadis answered with a grin. “Meant for her?” Gourry asked, “I thought they targeted Sara and Amber.” Seto raised her eyebrow at the comment, Starlight, however, gasped and rushed Gourry. “What happened? Where are they? Are they alright?” She asked in a panic, not even giving space enough to breathe. “Easy there miss unicorn,” Lina said as she separated Starlight from Gourry. “We don't know any more, we just found out ourselves.” “I believe they would be at the meeting we are to attend, particularly as they would now be witnesses to what happened.” Seto calmly said. “If they're alright!” Starlight insisted. “I think if they had been hurt we'd have more pressing concerns than the assassins.” Lina deadpanned. “What?” Zelgadis cleared his throat quickly to get their attention. “The warehouse district still bears scars from the last time someone hurt Sara.” Starlight paused a moment before nodding. “Yeah, I guess we would know right away if something serious happened to them.” She took a breath and stepped back, her anxiety over the gir's safety not diminishing. “Okay, let's get to that meeting.” “So, uh, who're these people.” Gourry asked, poking one of the balls. “Those would be our attackers.” Seto said, not looking back as they continued walking along. “I saw a spell like this once before.” Lina commented as she inspected the same ball. “I'm afraid I'm completely unable to use magic as you know it, that's simply some kinetic gel keeping those men stationary.” “Kinetic gel?” “Unfortunately it's one of those things I can't really explain to you, Miss Lina.” Before long the guards ushered the group into the meeting room, along with the attackers on Seto's assurance that she had them under complete control. Once inside, it was all too easy to find Sara and Amber (even though they couldn't be seen) as James, Lucca, and Tali were clearly huddled protectively around them. Rainbow Dash hovered above the group, turning to see the new arrivals. Twilight and Applejack sat on either side of the clumped family, nodding to Starlight as they turned to see the newcomers. Phillionel paced, fuming, barely noticing as the group arrived. “I've brought you a gift, Phillionel.” Seto said with a grin, taking a seat near where she had sat earlier that day. Phillionel turned abruptly, his scowl not leaving as he saw the new guests. “These knaves know no honor, attacking the families of my friends. What could they be plotting?” As if to emphasize his point, tough more likely through frustration, he slammed his large fists on to the wooden table, several cracks radiating out from where he struck. “Then it's quite fortunate I brought my attackers.” Seto said, grinning wickedly. “Yes, of course Lady Seto, and you have my sincerest apologies, I have failed hosting you in my kingdom.” Phillionel said, dropping his head as he spoke. “However, there is work to do now that we must focus on.” “Please, allow me.” Seto offered. “After all, they didn't offer much entertainment when they attacked.” “Entertainment?” Twilight asked. “Yes Twilight, despite James' insistence; my nickname as the Devil Princess is, in fact, from my fighting prowess.” “Yeah,” Starlight added, “The whole thing was over in seconds.” She took a moment and watched as Seto selected a person from those she had brought before turning her attention to the family huddled against each other. She could easily see James, Lucca, and Tali holding tightly to something between them. “Sara.” She cautiously offered, “Are you alright?” “No.” Came a strained voice. “Dad's crushing us.” Starlight's horn lit up as she gently pulled James away from the group. “Okay James, she doesn't need you to suffocate her.” James reluctantly released his daughters, and a couple gasps were heard as Sara and Amber were able to fully breathe. “Thanks Starlight.” Sara said as she took another deep breath. “I'm sorry.” James muttered. “You just worry.” Applejack finished for him. “Survive an assassination attempt only for dad to nearly finish the job for them.” Sara joked, halfhearted. “Do you want to talk about this?” Starlight asked as she approached the girl. Sara gave an uncomfortable half smile. “Maybe later.” “Whenever you need. And the same goes for you Amber.” Starlight offered. “I suggest you answer our questions quickly.” They heard Lina growl at the man Seto had selected, clearly she was trying to sound intimidating. They looked over to the table where a single green ball floated just above the surface, a portion appeared to have been cleanly excised as only the man's head and neck were free. “Though if you'd prefer to not cooperate, we can certainly find some way to … convince you.” Seto added with a wicked grin. “Let me convince him. I need to get mine for them attacking my daughters.” James announced, his cold voice sending a chill down the spines of most in the room. “We were just told to take out the princesses,” The man quickly spoke up, nearly shouting in his terror. “The boys found out who the princesses were and we just followed orders.” At the comment the ponies looked to Twilight, who simply shrugged and shook her head. “That's it?” Lina asked, drawing out a dagger and resting the blade on the captives cheek. “Okay, we didn't find all the princesses, but I swear we were just doing as ordered.” The man pleaded. “Following unjust orders does not absolve you of your unjust actions.” Phillionel said as coldly as James. “Yeah, and why was I attacked?” Lina demanded. “And who are you?” “Lina Inverse.” Zelgadis calmly said, watching the color drain from the prisoner's face. The prisoner swallowed hard, “So the boss's pet mazoku couldn't do the job.” He said, a distinct shiver in his voice as he looked to the woman grinning wickedly in front of him. “Pet Mazoku?” Starlight asked. “You don't know much about Mazoku do you?” Lina asked, shaking her head. “Mazoku are not pets, if anything your boss works for it.” “No, the thing did whatever the boss asked.” The prisoner clarified. “That's … actually useful information.” Zelgadis quietly said to himself. “Who's your boss?” Lina asked. “He's the boss, that's it.” “He has a name.” Zelgadis said, clearly irritated, “Everyone has a name, even the mazoku.” As Zelgadis pressed, Lina took the chance to run her dagger across his cheek, drawing a thin line of blood. “I've been in the Demon Fang for six years. I swear, nobody calls him nothin' but boss.” He shouted quickly. “The Demon Fang?” Seto asked as she turned to Phillionel. “It's a nearby bandit gang.” Zelgadis answered, “They've been getting more active lately. But they've never been a particularly dangerous group, just hard to find.” Seto snapped her fingers and the kinetic gel flowed around the head of the panicking bandit until it once again completely engulfed him. “It seems they have political ambition now.” Tali said. “But why target Sara and Amber?” Amelia asked. “As he said, they were told to take out the princesses.” Seto pointed out before asking. “Do we know where your sister is, Amelia?” Amelia's eyes went wide before turning to Zelgadis. “She was supposed to be in Saillune later today.” He said as he thought about what Seto certainly meant. “I'll ask the captain of the guard to send a contingent out to meet her and escort here right to the castle.” He added, hoping to ease her worry. “I believe that they may be trying to make you look like the mastermind Amelia.” Seto said, thinking about everything available. “As you mentioned on our walk here, your assassin ran off right away.” “I feel safe ruling out Amelia as the mastermind.” Phillionel said, sitting in his chair and crossing his arms. “As do I.” Seto conceded. “But that, taken with the timing of the coronation … either this was meant to look political …” “Or it really is political.” Lucca commented. “And this is way above a bandit's weight.” Lina added. “I just don't see who with a motive would benefit from this.” James grumbled, rubbing his temples desperate to figure something out. “A rival country, perhaps.” Seto suggested. “No.” Amelia cut in. “We have treaties and trade with all the surrounding countries, not to mention our connection with James. They'd have far more to lose by this than they could possibly gain.” “Even those who look enviously on our kingdom benefit more from our presence than our fall.” Phillionelle commented with a brief nod. “Maybe it really is just Mazoku causing trouble.” Gourry suggested. “I think it's the only thing that fits. A strong Mazoku wouldn't bother with all this, but a weaker one would have to get help.” Lina said, shaking her head, dissatisfied with the answer herself. “Fits best, but targeting the princesses screams politics to me.” Tali commented. Lina sighed and dropped her head. “And that puts us right back at square one.” After talking circles for nearly an hour and getting nowhere, they finally left the meeting room once more. Sara stayed back a moment, promising her father she'd be with Zelgadis and Amelia and to let them know when she was going to be on her way back. James promised to send some of the best guards available for her when she was ready. While she wasn't fond of the idea of having New Guardian troops watching her now, she felt they would be safer than the local guards had been. Before splitting off herself, Seto asked Starlight to accompany her. “It would seem we have some time to talk now if you would like to ask me those questions.” She offered. *** Amelia and Sara walked the grounds of the palace as Zelgadis left, saying he was going to try to figure out where the bandits would be. “I'm sorry to bother you …” Sara started to say. Amelia cut her off with a beaming smile and shook her head. “It's not a bother at all. What did you want to ask me?” Sara cleared her throat briefly, “I uh, I wanted to …” Sara took a calming breath and nodded to herself. “Will you teach me some magic?” Amelia kept her pleasant smile as she thought a moment. “I thought you were already learning magic at the Sorcerer's Guild in New Guardia.” “I am,” Sara sighed, “but I only know barriers and a little healing magic. I need to learn something I can fight with.” “Oh,” Amelia calmly said. “I think that Lina or your father would be better at that side of magic.” Sara groaned. “They both use black magic, and I'm more comfortable with shamanic magic.” She said as she scratched her cheek. Amelia hummed a second. “I understand, but it's useful to know both aspects. Even I use some black magic.” Sara took a breath, ready to argue when Amelia put her finger over her lips. “I'll teach you a few spells, and Zelgadis can help you with others.” Amelia chuckled briefly as they continued their walk. “Don't worry,” She said with a wink, “I won't tell your parents.” She looked around for a moment before gesturing for Sara to follow her. “Elmekia Lance should be easy enough to start with.” Hours passed as the two worked until a distinct laugh wafted across the palace grounds. A woman, dressed in only a cape, boots, leather bikini that barely fit, and over sized spiked spaulders, laughed haughtily as she was escorted through the grounds of a home she had not seen in several years. “Gracia!” Amelia happily called as she ran to meet her sister. “Amelia!” The woman called just as excited, meeting her sister with a strong embrace. Sara stood back watching the scene for a moment before the woman gestured to her. “Amelia, who is this girl?” “Right, you haven't met her.” Amelia said as she held her hand out to Sara. “Gracia, this is Princess Sara Lara Glastos. Sara, this is my big sister: Gracia Ul Naga Saillune.” “You may call me Naga.” She said, holding her head high and smiling wide. Sara quietly nodded and painted on a smile. “It's a pleasure Miss Naga.” She politely said. Naga raised an eyebrow and scowled briefly at the teen. “No,” She said bluntly. “Ex … excuse me?” Sara asked. “You're a princess,” Naga said as though it were obvious. “You should carry yourself like one.” Naga marched over and grabbed Sara by the shoulders, pulling her completely upright so that Sara was now slightly taller than Amelia, and pushing her head back so she was looking up. “There we go, that's better. Now let me hear you laugh.” “Excuse me?” Sara asked, genuinely confused. “Like this.” Naga said before throwing her head back and letting out a loud, haughty laugh. “A laugh like mine: that can only be earned with supreme overconfidence in yourself and everything that you do.” Sara gave a weak half smile. “Yeah, I don't think I'll be doing that.” Naga glared at Sara once more before huffing slightly. “You'll have to work on that if anybody's to take you seriously as a princess.” “Gracia, do you know where Zelgadis is? I thought you might have seen him as he was searching for the Demon Fang.” Amelia asked as she looked around. Naga paused a moment as she thought about the question. “Right, he's that wonderful chimera you married." She said, hitting her fist against her palm as she remembered. "I never saw him.” “I should go find him. Sara, Zelgadis and I will teach you more magic when I get back.” Amelia said before casting Raywing and flying off. Once Amelia was out of sight Naga turned back to Sara. “You should have more confidence in yourself.” Sara only responded with an awkward smile. *** “So it just stopped working?” James asked as he examined the hilt Gourry handed him. With the clear threat of Mazoku they wanted every weapon they had ready. Once Gourry had told him what happened, or rather wasn't happening, James insisted he follow him to his room. “Yeah, Lina can't think of why it broke.” Gourry answered as he took a seat nearby. “I wouldn't expect her too, she doesn't make magic weaponry.” James said as he moved to the writing desk to better examine his work. With a flex of his arm, his omnitool blinked to life and he scanned the item for any flaws not logged already. The screen flashed with the logged test number, and brought up his notes. Examining them carefully, he read it's failure point, explosion point, and flaws compared to his final version. He thought briefly about making a note on ways to improve it, but he didn't have the time to properly test any ideas on that at the moment. Neither could he replicate his earlier success without destroying this sword … and putting himself through a great deal of pain he did not want to go through again. Not that his pony friends would let him if they suspected that he intended to. After the scan showed nothing more than a few superficial scratches it was time to address the magical aspects. James placed the hilt on the desk and closed his eyes before chanting a quick spell. Once cast, James was able to see that the enchantment had faded, likely with use. His best theory was that it wore down because of all the power that had to go through it on a regular basis, that, and that it was simply an inferior product. Even with his extensive notes and superior version, the information Gourry's regular and hard use provided James with crucial data he wouldn't otherwise get. From here he had several options to attempt making the repair, and none of them were particularly feasible at the moment. As a test he held the hilt up and focused his will. It took several seconds, but eventually there was a blink of light that encouraged James to continue. He redoubled his focus and after a few more seconds a blade did indeed appear. However the effort he had to put into manifesting the weapon was completely impractical for combat. “Hey, you fixed it.” Gourry said surprised. “No.” James dismissed, clearly disappointed. “I'm gonna have to do some serious work on this to get it usable again, let alone working right.” “But it's working now.” Gourry reasoned. “Not exactly, but there are a few things I can use to get it there,” James tried to explain as he let the blade vanish. “but I'm not going to run off to my workshop with a Mazoku running around and my family in the crossfire.” “What do you need?” Gourry asked. “Diamond dust, silver, and orihalcon. If I had some sort of capacitor I could probably keep this from happening again.” “Alright.” Gourry absently said. Not that James had expected him to follow what he was saying. “You see, if you were to hit this with a spell while you were activating it, it would start no problem. But without some magical feedback it can't get kick-started.” James uselessly explained, more for his own benefit than for Gourry's.. James made a couple more notes about the weapon and handed the hilt back to Gourry. “I'll see if I can come up with something, I'll definitely have this solved by the time you leave Saillune.” “What if the Mazoku shows up first?” “I'm hoping I can think of something before then.” *** “Do y'all get the impression that this happens all the time here?” Applejack asked as she, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash walked through the halls. “Yeah, they are way too used to talking about creatures trying to kill them.” Rainbow Dash answered. “I mean, how do they live like this?” “It's not that different from our own history.” Twilight commented. “Beg 'yer pardon?” Applejack asked, turning to Twilight. “Well, Sombra didn't rise to power peacefully. He controlled ponies and used them as tools and weapons. And in another timeline, we were at war with him, just trying to survive.” “Right, you told us about that.” Rainbow Dash said, recalling some of what Twilight told her years ago. “But is this really the same?” “Actually, yes … Sort of. If anything, Saillune is handling this better than we were. I saw what was going on in that time, and it's effects on you Applejack. Listen to everyone, while they know what's going on they're still optimistic.” “Sounds deluded.” Applejack said, shaking her head. “A bit maybe, but listen to them. They aren't pretending nothing is happening, they're certain everything is going to be alright. If anything, they're more worried about what Lina may do than not getting through this.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she thought about what Twilight had said. “And us without our elements.” Twilight shook her head. “Even when we had them, how often did we actually use them? And that's if they would even work here.” “There's gotta be something we can do.” Rainbow Dash insisted. “We're in the same situation as James and Seto, there are some things we just can't do or we risk the development of this world.” “They attacked Sara and Amber, Twilight. That cow's already left the barn.” Applejack stated. “And they came to help us fight last year, it's not like we're not involved already.” Rainbow Dash argued. “I guess you're right.” Twilight admitted. “Of course I'm right. Now let's go see what we can do.” *** Zelgadis stood hunched over a map covered table, chewing on a crudely sharpened pencil as he examined the area around the borders of Saillune. He'd have to ask the captain of the guard about any new sweeps of the walls and any flushed bandit camps. Or perhaps he should ask Lina to hunt them down, she did seem to have an uncanny knack for finding bandits. With a couple scratches he marked where the most likely places for a camp would be. He knew that these places had likely already been checked, but any force that could check them would likely be spotted and the camp would move before it could be cleared out. He huffed as he grabbed a spyglass from the table and walked to the nearby window. With a twist of the lens he brought the view into focus. Not that any bandit camps would be close enough to spot from his vantage. Though with the coronation in the next couple days if the Demon Fang intended to strike they would likely have camps nearby. “Are we interrupting anything Mr. Zelgadis.” Twilight asked as she and her friends entered the room. “No.” Zelgadis said, adjusting the spyglass once more. After waiting a moment, expecting more than one word in answer, Rainbow Dash spoke up. “So what are you doing?” “I'm trying to figure out where the Demon Fang is camped out.” He answered, “Since we know who has been attacking, we need to plan what to do next. Part of that is finding where they are …” “And hitting them first.” Rainbow Dash excitedly finished for him. “It would be easier if we didn't have to worry about them.” Zelgadis confirmed. “I'll go check it out.” Rainbow Dash announced, rushing through the window and past Zelgadis. “Wait!” Twilight and Zelgadis both shouted before sighing. After a few moments, Rainbow Dash came flying back in laughing uncomfortably and rubbing the back of her head. “So, uhm … where should I check?” “Think for a moment, would you.” Zelgadis scolded, “What do you think would happen if they saw a scout flying over them. They go deeper and we lose track of them again.” Applejack stepped forward and with a grin said, “Maybe if they saw y'all flying overhead, but one thing I've seen time and again since gettin' here is y'all don't think of us as people. At least until we start talkin'. I'm willin' to bet they wouldn't think twice about a pegasus flying overhead.” Zelgadis paused as he thought about her argument. “You may have a point.” Zelgadis gestured to the map, turning and pointing out to Rainbow Dash the places he felt most likely to have camps. “Now don't get too close, you're still too colorful to not be conspicuous, but they may not think you're a scout.” “Back in a flash.” Rainbow Dash boasted, once more bursting out of the window. “Hopefully she doesn't make things worse.” Zelgadis said, turning to Twilight. “I'll admit, she can be a hooffull,” Applejack said, getting Zelgadis' attention, “and a bit more interested in doing things fast than right. But she can get the job done.” “You'd be surprised at just how much detail she can learn just from flying over an area.” Twilight insisted. It was only seconds before Rainbow Dash came flying back in, looking quite pleased with herself. “Did you really investigate?” Zelgadis asked, obviously skeptical. “I know this is important, so I made sure to not pay attention.” Rainbow Dash answered, sounding quite proud of herself. Zelgadis clenched his jaw before muttering under his breath. “You've got to be kidding me.” “Alright Rainbow Dash,” Twilight patiently said, “what do you remember of your flight?” “Okay, so I think Amelia is teaching Sara something, I heard mention of Astral Break and she was showing Sara how to position herself. A tall woman with dark hair was just escorted into the courtyard, three guards were napping, two were playing cards while another was keeping an eye out. And most of the rest looked bored out of their minds. “The market was busy with people getting ready for the coronation, a lot of decorations were going up, particularly hanging from the street lamps. Several bakeries just pulled out fresh bread, one had some great smelling cakes coming out.” “This is ridic …” Zelgadis started to say before Twilight cut him off. “Let her finish Mr. Zelgadis, she's getting closer to the outer walls.” Zelgadis grumbled to himself as Rainbow Dash continued. “I didn't see any real camps near the walls of the city, though I did smell smoke where the forest was thicker near the third location you suggested. But nocreature was anywhere near when I passed by, so maybe they had left already if they were there. And then I came back.” “Thank you.” Twilight said with a smile. “Did that help any, Mr. Zelgadis?” Zelgadis looked at the map again and examined the area near where Rainbow Dash had indicated. “That's a pretty busy area, Bandits aren't uncommon further up the road.” As he thought about the report the answer struck him solidly. “But if they intended to get into the city and palace they could rob wagons up the road, hide among the goods, and walk in like any normal merchants with guards.” “That's how we got the pirates into Canterlot.” Rainbow Dash said proudly. “'Course, we used a cake.” Applejack clarified. With a nod Zelgadis stood and looked to the ponies. “Thanks for your help. Unfortunately we may just to be too late to keep the Demon Fang out. But I'll talk to the captain of the guard and see about improving the security. … If you're right, three of them at least should be quite well rested.” Twilight rushed over to him, ready to walk down with him. “Actually I have some experience with palace security. My brother is captain of the EUP guard and even challenged me to get passed his tightened security.” “That's a good idea Twilight.” Applejack said, encouragingly. “If Fluttershy were here we could even get geese set up.” The comment stopped Zelgadis mid step. “I … don't think that's necessary.” “Maybe not that much, but Shining Armor did have double rotations of guards, double the guards stationed at every door, patrols in the hallways, and magical badges to secure the doors.” “Magical badges to secure the doors?” “Yeah, each guard had a token that they needed to use to unlock each door and pass through. It wouldn't stay unlocked long so everypony had to have a badge to get though.” “Course, once you had a badge, the doors weren't any obstacle.” Applejack pointed out. “So we keep an eye out for any random parties that start up.” Rainbow Dash countered. “Or concerts.” Twilight added. “Or out of control balloons.” Applejack said with a laugh. Zelgadis paused as he heard the ponies talking, there was genuine promise in a lock that couldn't be picked. “Do you know how to make those locks?” He asked, genuinely interested. Twilight stopped as she heard the question. “Oh, uhm … No, I don't know how to make them. I guess if you don't have those locks already, it's not a great plan.” Zelgadis sighed, “I don't think we'd have time to install them anyway.” “There's gotta be something we can do to help out.” Applejack insisted. “Well, you've certainly helped out already. But I think it's best if we all prepare for a fight.” Zelgadis said as he once again walked for the door. “And Twilight …” “Yes?” Zelgadis leaned against the door, both as if blocking it and listening outside. “It's fortunate for you that they didn't recognize you as a princess. But there's no promise that'll happen again. If you're not prepared to fight with everything you have … maybe you should ask James to take you home.” “Y'all were there in Ponyville when Xellos attacked.” Applejack said, disbelieving. “Twilight's proven she can stand up to monsters.” “I know. But you're from a world were everyone can afford to be as optimistic as Amelia. But in this world … happy endings don't come cheap.” “What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked, as bewildered as Applejack. “He may have abdicated his claim to the throne, but if Phillionel, Gracia, and Amelia were all to die … Christopher would be forced to take the throne.” “He kidnapped it?” Rainbow Dash asked, completely baffled. “Not abducted: abdicated.” Zelgadis shook his head as he spoke, surprised to hear a question that before he would have only expected to get from Gourry. “Meaning that he chooses to not be an heir. However, if there's no other successor: such as Gracia or Amelia, he has no choice but to take the throne. In turn, he's the only one who would benefit from the death of his remaining family. Remember, the instructions were to kill the princesses. Vague, but certain enough to encompass Amelia and Gracia, and leaving Sara, Amber, and Seto as collateral damage had it succeeded.” “But the bandit didn't know the name of his boss. I reckon he'd recognize Christopher if he were the one giving the orders.” “There are a great many ways to conceal one's identity, the most basic being hiring someone else to give the order. A tactic royal families are all too familiar with.” “So let's go get Christopher and make him confess.” Rainbow Dash said, punching a forehoof into another to emphasize her meaning. Zelgadis groaned, “That's a great way to get yourself killed. There isn't a straight forward approach to solving this, and frankly, the less people involved the easier it will be.” “Just what do you mean by that?” Twilight asked. “Be ready to fight between now and the coronation, and when it's done: Go home, and let us solve this.” “You think we're unfamiliar with this just because we're not as gloomy as you?” Twilight asked with a surprising amount of anger in her voice. Zelgadis had to take a second look at the pony as the flash of her golden eyes gave him a moment's pause. “My friends and I fought off a tyrannical king who would have enslaved my people … Twice!” Twilight growled as she began recounting her own struggles. “Shortly after becoming a princess it was up to me to face down a monster that had effectively succeeded in destroying my country. If not for my friends, we would all be dead by now. One of my students tried to lock my friends and I away to slowly starve, she nearly killed James! And we stood up against Xellos and the greatest monster our world had to throw at us. That's not even close to all we've faced! So don't think for one moment that we haven't gone through this before! We are not children, we are not helpless, and we are not going to just walk away when somecreature needs help!” “Have you just been holding that all in, Sugar cube?” Applejack asked as she placed her hoof on Twilight's back. “Woah …” Rainbow Dash said eventually. “When you say it like that … we're way more bad ass than I thought.” “I … don't think that was the point Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said as Twilight calmed down. “That's alright Applejack, I'd rather hear someone be impressed by all we've done than dismiss us because they look down on us.” Zelgadis locked eyes with the princess, a cold recollection of himself prickling at the back of his thoughts. “I get it. But thinking like that is what gets you killed, or turned into a freak like me.” Twilight raised an eyebrow as she kept her unbroken gaze on Zelgadis. “What do you mean?” “Are you talking about your body again?” Rainbow Dash asked. “How many time do you have to hear that you're awesome until you believe it?” Zelgadis glanced at Rainbow Dash for a moment before looking to Twilight once more. “You never heard the terrified screams of the children when they saw me. Having to hide my face every time I go into town because people only view me as a monster. I asked for the power to help, but I didn't ask to have my body warped into this thing.” “I see.” Twilight quietly said. “Just like me.” “What?” “I asked for power to save my friends and my country, and I have lost so much because of it.” “Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash moaned, “not you too.” “Then you're problem isn't obvious to everyone, as mine is.” Zelgadis said, still not breaking eye contact. “I think we've gotten a bit off track here.” Applejack cut in, moving between the two. “You're right. I'm sorry Applejack.” Twilight said after a moment. “If you want to help, nobody is going to turn you down. Just don't get in the way.” As Zelgadis finished speaking there was a unexpected knock. “Zelgadis? Are you in there?” Amelia called through the door. Zelgadis turned and opened the door. “Yes. Did something happen?” Amelia stepped into the room and paused as she saw the ponies. “I need to talk to you in private for a bit.” She laughed awkwardly a moment as she spoke. “Amelia.” Twilight said, taking a step forward. “Is there anything we can do to help?” Amelia's smile became genuine as she regarded Twilight. “Other than just being ready, not really.” Her smile faded as she she continued. “Kind of makes you feel powerless when there's nothing to do to help.” Twilight groaned before answering, able to guess just how Amelia felt, “Like almost every time something happens.” “Well, there will still be a couple pre-coronation meetings for us to attend. But yeah, there really isn't anything for us to do.” After a polite nod, Amelia escorted Zelgadis out of the room, leaving the ponies alone. “So sit and wait.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “At least you did something.” Twilight grumbled. “Once again, I was just window dressing.” “Well, if we can't be useful, let's at least be ready.” Applejack reasoned. *** “Security is tight.” Rainbow Dash said as she slowly flew back to her room along side her friends, carrying several books Twilight had borrowed from the palace library. “The coronation is tomorrow and it's been silent since that last attack. They're nervous that whatever's coming will be big.” Twilight explained. “Is that why you're getting all these books? Looking for some spell that will solve this whole thing?” Applejack asked, balancing on the handle of the pushcart of books she pushed along for Twilight. “We're all doing what we can.” Twilight reassured. “James is repairing Gourry's sword, Lucca and Tali have armed themselves and supplemented the guard with New Guardian troops. Lady Seto is even running the guards through drills.” “I think she's pushing them a bit hard.” Applejack commented, “Two passed out from exhaustion this morning.” “Yeah, and with her body mods, she's not even trying.” Rainbow Dash commented. “I gotta say … Those body mods are gonna be a doosie with us.” Applejack said as she tried to immagine just what she could do with her already impressive strength enhanced. Competitions with Rainbow Dash were certainly going to get more intense, to say the least. “Well, we don't know just what will happen. There's some general things they believe will happen, but we're a new species to them. Starlight asked just what was likely to happen, and Seto couldn't give her anything for certain.” “Speaking of Starlight,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. “I'd think she would be here to study too.” “Rainbow Dash …” Applejack calmly said. “She told you she can't read these books.” “She did?” Rainbow Dash asked, nearly dropping a book as she went to scratch her head. “Yer the one who asked her.” “Oh.” Rainbow Dash said, and did not comment on it further. “Anyway,” Twilight said, bringing the conversation back, “I'm not looking for spells. These are records of their political alliances and trade partners. Everycreature keeps looking back at the royal family, but if I can find a country that would benefit more from chaos in Saillune we may be able to put things on track to strengthen an alliance or at least stop further assassination attempts.” “Wow. That sounds even more boring than studying magic.” Rainbow Dash said flatly. Twilight smiled as she thought about the political landscape she was about to uncover, years of history and culture for her to understand. She even began to prance as they walked. “This is going to be so much fun!” She said, her voice giddy. As they passed James' door they heard grumbling followed by paper tearing. “Guess he's not having much luck.” Applejack said at the noise. “I don't think he has everything he's used to working with here.” Twilight said before adding, “Maybe you should see how he's doing Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow Dash got a puzzled look as she turned to her friend. “What good could I do? I'm not an egg head, I don't even understand the magic of our world, how can I help with some other world's magic.” “Maybe he just needs to see someone who cares.” Twilight insisted. “Uhhh … Shouldn't we be focused on this right now?” “Sometimes it's best to take a break so you can refocus and come back with fresh eyes.” Twilight said, hoping her tone got her meaning across. “Yeah, I guess it could.” Rainbow Dash admitted, not taking the hint. Twilight's horn lit up and took the books from Rainbow Dash before opening the door and pushing the pegasus in. “Hey, what the …?” Rainbow Dash yelped as she was pushed into the room, the door closing once she had cleared it. “What was that for Twilight?” “Uhm, hi Rainbow Dash.” James said as he looked to his unexpected guest. Rainbow Dash sighed as she turned to James. “Hey.” She said a bit uncomfortably. “Everything alright?” “I guess I should be asking you that.” She admitted. “Sounded like you were having trouble with something.” It was James' turn to sigh as he looked to the old replica sword on his writing desk. “Yeah, it should be a relatively simple fix, but I just can't find anything here to force this to work.” Silently cursing Twilight, Rainbow Dash flew towards the pieces of torn paper. She didn't understand anything on the page, but examined it anyway. “So what do you need?” James smiled, happy that she was trying to at least understand. “Not much. The best solution I've been able to come up with needs a crystaling crystal.” “Really, that easy? Then why not just run to the Crystal Empire and get one?” She suggested. James shook his head. “I'm sticking around in case there's another attempt, but I've already asked Pinkie to run and get one for me ASAP.” “Shouldn't take long then, so what's up?” “It's going to be later tomorrow at soonest. Remember, there's no train to the Crystal Empire this late.” “Rrrright. It's night there now.” “Basically. So yeah, Pinkie can rush, but there's nothing to be done to get it here any quicker.” “There no other way to fix this?” Rainbow Dash asked as she picked up the hilt. She remembered how she had used James' sword in the Battle of Ponyville and tried to start the sword herself. James watched as she clearly tried to make the blade work, with only the expected lack of a result. “The only other way I can think would be to make a whole new one.” Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide as she remembered just what that had entailed last time. Cautiously she turned to look at the man in the room with her. The look of concern wasn't lost on James, “I couldn't make a new one in less than a day anyway. And definitely not worth the pain when I can sufficiently fix the problem with an accessory.” “So what if the sword isn't working when the attack comes?” James shrugged, “Honestly there's enough powerful magic users here that I don't think the mazoku will be that much of a problem if we gang up on it. Though I did have Pinkie deliver my replica before she went to Ponyville, so we can put that in Gourry's hands.” “Are you worried?” James scratched his beard briefly. “I'm not worried. … I am … I guess alert? I think it's all going to be alright, but only if we take this threat seriously. Lina and I both have some powerful trump cards if things get too hairy.” “But that Mazoku nearly beat Lina.” “I'm choosing to believe what she told us about it. Starlight, Twilight and myself have been maintaining a low level security spell to let us know if there's any incursions like the one that initially took Lina.” “What about the transponders?” “I … don't actually know if they'll work in unreal space, it's never been tested. Starlight suggested the field, and honestly I'm more comfortable with more levels of defense. … Even though it's alerted us to Lina herself twice already.” James waved his hand briefly, as if fanning away a pesky thought. “She's still fine tuning it.” “So … that's it? We're just waiting?” “Not really much more we can do.” “Argh! Why is everything so slow?!” Rainbow Dash nearly shouted. James shook his head before walking to the bed on the other side of the room, “Sit here for a minute.” He bluntly said, patting the bed beside him. “Ookay? Why?” “Just do it.” Without another question Rainbow Dash did as he asked. The moment she sat down, before she could even speak, James reached out and began rubbing between her shoulders. “What's this for?” She asked after letting out a happy moan. “Wouldn't hurt to relax for a bit.” James answered calmly. “Course, you'll have to share me with Tali. I promised to meet her for lunch in an hour.” “Mm-hm.” Rainbow Dash moaned again. *** Lina and Gourry walked the length of the temple reception hall where the coronation would be held in less than twenty four hours. “And why are we here, Lina?” Gourry asked, sounding bored. Lina sighed, resigned to explaining her idea, knowing full well that Gourry wouldn't listen. But that was better than him asking her over and over again. “There wasn't an attack since the one on the princesses, and frankly it's been too quiet. It just makes sense that they'd attack during the coronation tomorrow.” “Are you sure? Maybe we just beat them and they've given up.” He suggested. “That's not likely, if they're working with a mazoku then I doubt they would give up easily.” “But tomorrow? When everyone is going to be on guard, particularly around Phil?” “They may just be thinking they can slip an assassin in the chaos of an attack. Not a great idea, but not the worst.” “I appreciate your insights Lady Lina.” Came the polite but powerful voice of Prince Phillionel as he walked into the temple. “Do you really believe that a Mazoku would attack in the center of Saillune's holy power, where they would be at their weakest?” Lina stopped to consider for a minute as she tried to visualize what was likely to happen. “It's not unheard of. Kanziel seemed to barely notice Saillune's holy power whenever he would attack. If this guy's anywhere near as strong as he was, then it's even more likely. Clearly counting on us trusting in that power.” Phillionel bowed his head as he listened to Lina. “So it's best that we plan as if we have no defenses.” Lina hesitated, she didn't want to discourage the man, but it was his life and those of his daughters on the line. “Yes, we need to act like there's nothing between them and whatever defense we prepare ourselves.” “Zelgadis was telling me the same thing. Lady Lina, I do not wish to impose on you as you were invited as a guest, but circumstances are hardly favorable to give you and Sir Gourry the reception you rightly deserve.” “Don't worry. I'll give her just what she deserves.” The voice was pleasant, had it not been for the fact they didn't know where it came from it would have sounded less like a threat. Instinctively, Gourry reached for the sword, only to hold nothing as James still had it to repair, and without a hilt the solid blade did him no good. “No.” Phillionel breathed, disbelieving, “It cannot be.” “Quite the welcoming for my coronation, dear brother.” A rail thin blond man came walking out of what they could only assume to be thin air. His hair hung over part of his face, obscuring but not covering his nose that looked as though it had been broken and flattened more than once. He wore white finery not dissimilar from the attendants of the temple. In another life he could be (and had been) mistaken for a priest. *** James was mid bite when the sensation shot through his head. Mentally he reasoned it was Lina once again, but he would still prefer to check than just assume and be wrong. “I've gotta check this.” He quietly said, turning to his wife. “You think it's the real thing this time?” Tali asked, pulling the squeeze tube from the induction port of her mask. James paused a moment before standing up. “I don't think so.” “If it is, let me know right away so Lucca and I can help.” James leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. “Of course I will. And I owe you a lunch date: Wherever you like.” “There's still a few places I really want to visit.” “Just say the word.” James said as he rushed out of the room. *** Twilight and Starlight looked at each other as they both felt the alert they had set up. “Do you think …” Starlight asked as her eyes met Twilight's. “Could be another false alert.” Applejack suggested, noticing the reactions of the other two. “Yeah, but it's probably better to check.” Twilight suggested. “Who's turn is it?” Starlight asked before realizing Twilight was buried in the books once more. “Never mind. I'll let you know if it's something.” In a flash of light Starlight was gone from the room. The scene she popped in on immediately confirmed to her that this wasn't a mistake. Lina held her sword as Gourry was clearly looking for one. Phillionel stood tall, the tension obvious as he flexed and clenched his fists. “Randy, I beg you, do not do this.” Phillionel pleaded as he looked to the man at the dais. “We believed you dead for so long, your return could be a happy one if you just stopped your foolish pursuit of power.” With another flash, Starlight vanished. “Foolish? You've never had to wonder about what was to come. Everything in life was handed to you, because you were first!” Randy spat. “Do you actually have a plan this time?” Lina asked, mockingly. “Why yes, Lina Inverse, I do have a plan.” Randionel said, his voice going from a pleasant lilt to a threatening growl. “Who is this guy, Lina?” Gourry asked, resigned to holding a mop he had found leaning against a wall. “Not now Gourry.” “Why not tell him? Tell him how you and my brother left me for dead back then.” “Because we thought you were dead! You were at the center of a cave in!” Lina countered. “And you were trying to kill Phil, that earns you no sympathy.” “Please Randy,” Phillionelle continued, “is there truly nothing we can do to dissuade you from this wicked path?” Randy smirked and waved his hand. “Flow Break!” Lina grimaced briefly as Randy chuckled. Her spell breaking as he beat her to casting. “Did you really think I would fall for such a simple distraction?” “Oh.” James said as he skidded into the room. “Yeah, I guess it's really happening,” he said into a small glowing disk rotating above his wrist. As he finished speaking Starlight reappeared with Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. “This looks a little unfair.” Randy said with a grin. Moments after he spoke calls of alarm could be heard from the corridors. “There, that should keep any other uninvited guests busy.” “You fiend!” Phillionelle growled. “Your evil plots against me were one sleight, but to attack your home?! Even if you were to ask forgiveness, who could ever trust you?” Randy completely ignored his brother as he looked around the room. “Let's make this a bit more fair.” From the air behind him, a dripping sound came as an orb surrounded by vines of seaweed appeared and began to unfold itself. “I believe you've met my friend once already.” A chill ran down Lina's back and her stomach churned as she watched the orb split open and reveal the bulbous eye. “Gourry!” James called, throwing a long handled hilt towards the mop wielding swordsman. Gourry spun quickly, adjusting his grip on the mop and catching the hilt in his now free hand. With a smirk the blade of light erupted from the hilt and Gourry took a fighting stance, dual wielding the weapon and mop. “Be careful girls.” James quietly said as the ponies walked forward. “Bram Gash!” Randy called as he held his hand out. The only indication of what the spell had done were several visual distortions that rushed towards Phillionelle. He braced himself, knowing he couldn't possibly dodge the assault in time. Gourry and James both rushed to put themselves between the air lances that raced towards the prince, however the magical projectiles were faster. With the sound of rushing air the lances ceased to exist. Immediately behind the stunned looking prince, Sara stood, her hands were held up and she breathed heavily. “Sara!” James shouted. “What are you doing here?!” “Helping!” She answered. “Get out of here! Take Phil, and get somewhere safe!” “I'll get them somewhere safe.” Starlight offered. “No one's going anywhere.” Randy growled. “Sodieus!” “Of course.” The creature responded in it's watery voice. As Starlight went to teleport the two a ripple of strange energy radiated through the room, and with a flash of pale emerald light … nothing happened. “What the …?” Starlight got out as her spell failed. “This is unreal space.” James said, soberly. “Your little vanishing trick isn't going to work … is that a unicorn?” Randy commented before shaking his head to refocus on his goal. “After so long, the throne is almost mine. And I won't let anyone stop me.” “Sara.” James said, his voice still and even. “Keep your barriers up, no matter what happens. … And close your eyes.” Before there was even time for her to answer James had crossed the distance between him and Randy, his fist flying just as quickly into the usurper's nose, launching him across the room. “I … forgot that he does that.” Rainbow Dash said as she turned away from the scene. “Let us out, or you won't fare much better.” James threatened, as he turned to the Mazoku. A loud groaning came from where Randy had landed as he pulled himself up to his feet, wiping the fresh blood from his nose. James' jaw dropped as he watched the spectacle. “That … was supposed to kill you.” He said, his voice expressing his shock even more than his face. “Perhaps you're just not as strong as you thought you were.” Randy taunted as he stood up, looking no worse for the punch. “That's definitely not the case.” James said, walking towards his chosen target. “Zelas Brid!” With Lina's call, a line of light wove it's way from her finger tip around obstacles towards Sodieus. Lina grinned as the spell struck the center of it's gigantic eye. Her smile didn't last long however as Sodieus's pupil distorted, twisting itself into a perverted semblance of a smile. “That stung a bit, Lina.” “Keep hitting em with it!” Gourry called. “I … I can't.” Lina said, horrified, “I had to use amplification just to cast the spell.” “Well then …” Sodieus began before they were hit by another ray of light. “She may need amplification, but I don't!” Twilight called, her golden eyes blazing. “Great job Miss Unicorn.” Lina called to Twilight. “I didn't realize you knew black magic.” “I don't.” Twilight answered, shooting another blast from her horn. “I'm just copying you.” She took a second to blow on her overheating horn. “And I don't know how long I can keep it up, the spell's pretty taxing.” While Twilight had Sodieus' attention, Gourry had rushed up to it, ready to strike. Moments before the light blade came swinging down a blast of liquid rushed up towards Gourry, acting like a shield. Gourry reacted quickly, swiping instead with the mop and reaching the blade through the momentary opening it created. Unfortunately, the blade didn't make contact as at the last second Sodieus crumpled out of it's reach. The basic liquid rushed to fill the cavity Gourry had made and soaked his arm, raising angry red welts wherever it touched. Applejack looked to Rainbow Dash and nodded. Without any words exchanged they got ready, Applejack rolling onto her back and pulling her hindlegs close to her body and using her forelegs for balance. Rainbow Dash carefully balanced on Applejack's hind hooves, holding her wings out. Like a spring under great tension, Applejack shot her hooves out with Rainbow Dash using the boost of speed to her advantage. She readjusted herself mid air to hit Randy in the gut with both her hind hooves at full speed, knocking him back once more. Randy coughed as he once again climbed to his feet, recovering too quickly. “Dark Mist.” In moments the arena was shrouded in complete darkness, even concealing the light blade. James lunged forward, hoping to catch Randy before he disappeared, unfortunately he only succeeded in grabbing Rainbow Dash. Her startled yelp giving her away. More unsettling than the sudden lack of vision was the watery chuckling of Sodieus. “So tell me, Randy,” James called to the darkness. “when did you take the pledge?” “Figured it out already?” Randy asked from seemingly everywhere in the fog. “It was kind of obvious. That punch you took would have left anyone else an unpleasant stain on the wall.” Without warning Lina cried out before being cut off suddenly with a terrible gurgling sound. “Bomb Di Wind!” Sara hesitantly called, once again a rush of air could be heard before the black fog began to move and disperse. Any improvement to their sight was welcome, though the sight itself wasn't, as Sodieus appeared to have sprouted many more tentacles and was part way through wrapping Lina up. Several tentacles forced their way down her throat as her eyes did the only screaming she was capable of. Gourry immediately swung the sword around and launched several blasts of light from the hilt towards the Mazoku. Once again the liquid sprang up around it, diffusing some of the light blade's power, however a shot did get through, and cleanly severed several tentacles, forcing Sodieus to drop Lina and slink off into the shadows. Lina gave a couple brief gurgling coughs as the severed tentacles dissolved into a sickly yellow powder. Randy, meanwhile, was being held at bay from stabbing his brother by Starlight's barrier as Sara worked to get a new barrier up. “What's this “pledge” you mentioned?” Twilight asked hurriedly, “and does knowing that help us?” “The pledge of immortality.” James said as he rushed over to Randy, gripping his waist tightly and suplexing him. “Meaning he won't die even if we kill him: Like I have been. Somebody's got to find his pledge stone and break it.” More weak noises came from Lina as Applejack tried (and failed) to help her stand. “Beg yer pardon?” Applejack asked, craning her head to try to hear Lina better. After a few more noises Applejack spoke up again. “Something about the Mazoku, I guess.” James paused a moment, holding Randy in a solid choke hold. “Yeah, taking out the one who made the pledge should settle this.” Randy gurgled desperately as he gripped James' arm, frantically trying to pull it free. “Where did tentacle face go?” Rainbow Dash asked, noting the distinct absence. “Good question.” James mumbled. “Nothing feels right here. Twilight: anything?” “No, it's like they're everywhere.” Twilight answered, turning to Starlight. “Can you scry where they are?” “No.” Starlight answered. “if their tentacles hadn't dissolved I could have used those, but there's nothing.” In James' grip Randy went quiet. “That's right, just calm down and things will be alright. I won't try to kill you anymore.” “Van Rail.” Randy squeaked out in a strained voice barely louder than a whisper. In that moment ice began to spread out along James' left arm from where Randy gripped him. James growled in pain, however, before he could do anything about it a burst of power shot at him, shattering his arm at the elbow. Randy was quick to rush forward, and take his place by Sodieus. James' eyes widened in shock moments before the pain registered, turning his growl into a scream of agony as he instinctively gripped at the bleeding stump. Tendrils of ice continued to creep around his arm until the stump no longer bled. But even James' cry was drowned out by Sara's shriek. “My brother can wait,” Randy growled. “Sodieus, dispose of that brute.” “Of course.” Sodieus said, practically collapsing forward to slither towards James. Sodieus dodged attacks as he quickly closed the distance between himself and James, wrapping himself around the large man completely. “Dad!” Sara screamed as she watched him vanish in the tentacles. Twilight and Starlight both trying to aim their magic to hit what they could of Sodieus without hurting James as they did. Phillionel crouched by the young girl keeping up the only barrier between himself and his would be killers, placing his hand on her shoulder he nodded. “It's alright, Sara. You don't have to protect me.” Sara turned to the large man, giving him a pleading look. Though what she was pleading for, she didn't know herself. “A good father will always seek to protect their children from harm, but we must all learn that we cannot always do that.” Sara shook briefly before nodding and dropping the barrier. She glared at the creature that had wrapped up her father and pointed to it with two fingers. “Felzareid.” At the words, a spiraling blue beam shot from the tips of her fingers and slammed into the mass of tentacles, severing a couple and loosening others. At the opening Phillionel leapt towards Sodieus and began tearing tentacles off in a desperate attempt to free the man beneath. Angry red welts rose up wherever he touched the Mazoku, but he continued without regard for himself. The disturbing watery voice spoke with an almost blissful tone to it. As though everything happening was the epitome of hedonistic pleasure. “Oh such fear, such anger,” it spoke with a shudder. “And your desperation.” It paused to groan happily. “Mmmm, more! Give me more!” It demanded. Gourry propped Lina up, who still tried to speak, yet nothing understandable escaped her lips. “Lina, you've gotta use the Dragon Slave!” Lina coughed and sputtered before shaking her head. “You've got to, like against that Kanzeil guy.” Lina glared at him and forced through two words with a great deal of effort. “I … can't.” She reflexively gripped her throat again at the agony the two words had caused her. “Well, do we have any other options?!” Gourry asked feverishly. Lina dropped her head, shaking it as she did. “Do you really think the Dragon Slave can finish this?” Starlight hesitantly asked, approaching the two. “Probably. But if Lina can't cast it …” Gourry started before Starlight interrupted him. “I can.” “Alright.” Gourry said with a nod, laying Lina back down so he could stand, looking down at the pony. He didn't care who cast the spell, only that they stood a chance. “I'll get it off James, and do my best to keep it away from everyone. And when the spell is ready, hit the sword.” “Right.” Starlight nodded, “just be sure to get that thing.” Gourry smirked and gave Starlight a thumbs up before taking James' replica sword and summoning the blade. With a shout he charged Sodieus, carefully aiming the depth of his slashes so as to not slice James. The bulbous eye emerged from the tangle of seaweed. It's pupil once again mocking a smile. “Is that hope?” It asked with a sarcastic glee. “I'm going to relish breaking it.” Once again, the wall of liquid came up to block Gourry's assault. A red orb formed above Starlight's horn as she focused. She'd never actually tried casting the spell before, but she had read the theory and incantation many times, and had even studied James casting the spell. She was certain that she could replicate it herself. “Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows.” “Is that Lord Shabranigdo's spell?” Sodieus asked, it's pupil contorting into a confused twist. “Even a unicorn can't summon enough power through that spell to actually harm me. But go ahead,” It added with it's sickening iris smile, “I look forward to the taste of your defeat.” “Get off of him!” Twilight shouted, launching a narrow beam of magic to slip through an opening Gourry left. Sodieus' pupil dilated briefly before contracting and focusing completely on the snarling alicorn facing it down. Grudgingly, it released James, backing off and taking a more defensive posture. James was completely soaked, what skin wasn't blistered completely was red and pealing, his arm seeped blood as the magical ice had already begun to melt. He gurgled as the basic liquid was forced from his lungs by reflex. Undaunted by the change in Sodieus, Gourry pressed on. His total focus on striking the Mazoku, regardless of any other obstacle now. “May the fools who stand before me be destroyed by the power you and I possess!” Sodieus growled and lashed out at Gourry. Experience fighting Mazoku gave Gourry an edge in dodging as he twisted around, slicing several tentacles as he did. Twilight pressed in with an unfocused blast of gold flecked magic. The blast sent Sodieus reeling. Turning to face Twilight once more before focusing back on Gourry. “Dragon Slave!” Starlight shouted. As she did, the orb turned into a great beam of ruby light, colliding with the white blade of the sword before that too turned a brilliant ruby. With a second blast of magic from Twilight, Gourry brought the sword down, cleanly slicing the bulbous orb in two. The tentacles started to crumble to a sickly yellow powder and blow away, and eventually the eye, too, was gone. Gasps and calls of alarm rang out as the pocket of unreal space vanished, and as quickly as it was gone, James too faded from sight. “Dad? Dad!” Sara shouted as her father vanished, lunging towards the area where he had just been. A crowd quickly gathered around Sara as she panicked. “It's okay Sara.” Rainbow Dash said, “It's just his transponder taking him to the hospital, he's going to be alright now.” Starlight resisted the urge to point out just how badly he had been hurt, and all the liquid he had coughed up. “But … his arm is …” Sara pointed out in Starlight's place, stopping herself from vomiting as she unconcously recalled the severed limb. “It'll be alright.” Twilight assured her, forcefully swallowing her own disgust. This wasn't the first time she'd seen a piece of James removed and discarded. “I'm sure that the sorcerer's guild can regrow that.” “Keelah!” Tali said as she looked around the scene of the battle. “Absolutely not.” Lucca said. “They're swamped enough.” With a twitch her omnitool lit up and a disc appeared beside her ear. “What's his condition? … Okay … Once he's stable enough for transport let me know, I've got specialists to take over, but he has to come to them.” “Where's Randy?” Phillionelle, soaked and blistered, asked as he looked around the gathered group. “Why are you asking about Uncle Randy.” Amelia asked. “I thought our brother died years ago when he made an attempt on your life.” Christopher added. “It seems that we were mistaken.” “Got 'em right here.” Applejack said as she dragged forward a form nearly cocooned in rope. “Finally quite thrashin' about the time Twilight started fightin' the Mazoku.” “Good, he has much to answer for.” Phillionelle said, his voice filled with subdued passion. Zelgadis leaned beside the wrapped form and felt his neck for several long seconds. “He's not going to be answering anything … he's dead.” Applejack's face fell as she looked to the still wrapped body, horrified. “I … I didn't tie him up that tight.” “If we only knew where he had been all these years.” Christopher said. “Or why his greed drove him to this.” Amelia added. “It would seem those answers have gone with him.” Phillionelle said, solemnly shaking his head. “Your highness, we must have the priests heal you.” A soldier said as he approached Phillionelle, seeing his blisters and open wounds. “Of course.” Phillionelle quietly answered before looking to Sara. “Princess Sara, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your timely aid,” he said with a sincere bow. “Th … Thank you sir.” Sara quietly said, uncomfortably returning the bow. “Sara.” Lucca quietly said as priests checked everyone for injuries, healing who they can. “I'm glad you're safe.” “I couldn't help dad.” Sara said, hanging her head. “Sara, don't feel like you have to.” Tali added, lifting young girl's head up. “Your dad is strong, and that makes him act kind of crazy. Even when he knows the danger.” “Nopony had any way of knowing that would happen.” Starlight offered, bringing Sara's attention back down. “Lucca,” Rainbow Dash said as she carefully pulled the woman away from her daughter. “Has he ever, you know, lost a limb before?” She asked, gesturing to where James had been. “Not when Senzu weren't available.” Lucca admitted. “He's going to be okay, right?” Lucca bit her lip as she thought about it, and after a pause answered. “James said it himself, the healers here are top notch. Once he's stable the priests will get him put right.” “And if they can't?” “We have the best prosthesis available,” Lucca reassured her, though in truth she was already thinking of how James, Tali, and herself would modify any prosthesis that he might get. *** James' head swam as he slowly opened an eye. Sunlight shone in from the windows in the cool room. Other than the wall behind him that had the window the area around him was sectioned off with white curtains. James reflexively rubbed his eyes with his right hand before yawning. A sharp pain in his throat jolted his memory about what had happened as he fell unconscious. With the clear, even painful, memory of his arm shattering he threw the thin sheet off himself, preparing himself to see a bandaged stump. While it was a relief to find a fully intact arm coming down from his left shoulder, it was hard to ignore that this arm clearly had been newly grown. After a certain point it was snowy white and unblemished, compared to his right arm that had been tanned and had small scars and blemishes from everyday living, accompanied by larger scars from other more serious injuries. As he took in his new arm sensation flooded it, a biting cold accompanied by pain along the seam where the new arm had sprouted. He gripped his bicep at the seam and reminded himself that there was no reason for it to hurt. As sensation flooded the appendage he forced it to move, sluggishly at first, but as he used it, it began to move easier. Except for phantom pains, this actually feels better than the old one … He thought as he flexed his new fingers. … the old one. He repeated to himself … Yeah, this is going to take some getting used to. As he thought about his situation, the curtain was drawn back and Tali stood at the foot of his bed. While her mask made it impossible to see her face, James could tell she was smiling by the spring in her step as she walked to him. Without a word she sat on the edge of his bed and examined his new arm for herself. “How are you doing?” She asked, looking back up to him. “You know me, I'm alright.” He said, despite the sharp pain in his throat. Tali tilted her head, a clear indication that she did not buy his dismissal. She turned his new arm to examine the underside, tracing the new veins along towards his wrist with a light and delicate touch. James couldn't help but smile himself, particularly as the phantom pain and cold seemed to melt away under her touch. “How's everyone else?” “Of everyone who fought that thing? You were the worst. Lina's still horse, but everyone's burns have already been taken care of.” Tali said, tracing James' palm as it lacked defined lines. “Something else happened as the fight started.” James recalled, “Was there an attack?” “Yes.” Tali calmly said. “The Demon Fang had managed to infiltrate the grounds as laborers and at some kind of signal, they all attacked. It was chaos, but it also got put down quickly. I guess that's one less bandit gang for Saillune to deal with.” James watched quietly as Tali played with his hand, moving his digits and eventually closing his hand around hers. He couldn't help but smile comfortably as he watched her, eventually meeting her gaze once again. “So I know where you can take me for our new lunch date.” Tali said, smiling with her voice. “Ryuusei's Sushi Bar.” “Again?” “I get to fulfill a childhood aspiration every time I walk in, not to mention it's beautiful décor.” James slowly nodded as she squeezed his hand. “And their sushi really is the best in the Citadel.” “Whatever makes you happy.” James cautiously squeezed her hand back and nodded. “So have I missed the coronation?” “Lucky you, it's happening right now. Lucca's officially taking your place, and Rainbow Dash really stepped up to her new position. She hates it, but she's giving it her all.” “Sounds like her ... And you just managed to sneak away?” “Because it's happening down the hall. I just came to check on you quick.” She sighed as she looked to the door. “And I need to get back there just as quick.” James pat her hand, still wrapped in his. “Go on, I'll see you there in a little while.” “I don't think the priests would like you getting out of bed right now.” “Aren't you supposed to be trying to talk me out of it.” James said with a smirk. *** “Just stop already.” Zelgadis groaned as Applejack paced. “I already told you, you didn't kill him.” “He was struggling when I tied him up, an' he was dead when he was untied. Pardon me, but it don't much look like I didn't from here.” Applejack countered. “James told you that Randy wouldn't die even if he were killed …” “Yeah, well he can be wrong about an awful lot of things. Zelgadis sighed and composed himself before continuing. “That sounds like Randy took the Pledge of Immortality.” Unfortunately he found himself interrupted once again. “That's the promise or something James was talkin' about.” “Rezzo looked into pledges like that before, ways to extend his life so he would have all the time he could want to open his eyes. But he didn't like the idea of tying himself to a Mazoku.” Zelgadis chuckled a moment before he continued. “Of course he was already tied to one of the worst.” He turned to find Applejack starring at him, the evident desperation to be absolved wrote clearly on her face. After clearing his throat he continued. “Anyway, the pledge means that Randy died once the Mazoku sustaining his life died, since it was only their power keeping him alive to begin with.” “So that means …” Applejack began. “That once again: you didn't kill him. Gourry did. And even if you had killed him, that would only be doing us a favor.” *** “So,” Lucca asked as James got ready for bed that night. “How's the hand?” “Sore and cold.” He calmly admitted. “But it works, and I'll take that over the alternative.” “Maybe you just need to break it in.” Lucca suggested with a chuckle. James joined in the laugh a moment as he spoke. “Well, the priest didn't exactly say it like that, but that was the gist of his suggestion. … I'm looking forward to nicer, modern beds.” After a quiet agreement as Lucca sat on the bed in their room she reminded herself of something she wanted to talk to James about. “So … Sara's been fighting.” James paused as he slipped on his nightshirt. “With who?” “I don't know.” Lucca admitted. “After the attempt on her and Amber, she told me she doesn't normally freeze in fights.” James nodded as he sat on the bed beside his wife. “She's been learning attack magic without us knowing too.” Lucca sighed and shook her head. “It's not that she knows the magic, or even the fighting. God, I was shooting castle guards when I was only a few years older than her. But it's not knowing what's going on in her life that gets me.” “And that we might be able to help. Also, you shot those guards to save Crono's life, just like Sara used her magic to save Phil's life, and quite likely mine too.” “It's just hard. She's so different than Kid ever was.” “And there's so much of her father in her.” James said soberly. “So much of both of us. It's hard to remember that she's living through things we never even thought were possible when we were her age.” “You can sure say that again.” James stared into the distance for a moment as he thought on this recent turn in the conversation. “I think she's doing well, stumbles and all. She's growing into the kind of person we hoped she would be.” “What about happy?” “Happy … happy is work.” James said with a sigh. “And fleeting. But she certainly smiles more, you know, when she thinks no one's watching.” Lucca chuckled briefly. “You're just saying that so we can sleep.” “Caught me.” He joked. “But really, ask Starlight, Twilight, or … well any of them. Sara's doing better than she let's on. Or better than she thinks herself.” “Okay, I think that helped. Come on, it's bed time.” They both lay in the bed, James draping his arm over Lucca and drawing her in tight. “Think you can sleep tonight?” She quietly asked. “We'll see.” *** “You're not one to back down when there's a problem, are you?” Seto asked Twilight as the two enjoyed an early morning tea. “I've seen what happens when problems are left to get worse.” Twilight answered, taking a sip of her hot red tea. The gentle spice pricked her tongue, but not unpleasantly, just enough to wake her up. “That's a quality all good leaders need.” Seto calmly stated. “Well, I'm not going to be a leader anymore.” Twilight admitted, a note of frustration to her voice. Seto simply nodded as she sipped her own tea. “Leaders are more than a name and title. As you are no doubt aware, leaders are the ones who take action when there's a problem.” Twilight waited a moment before grinning. “I thought you were about to use James as an example.” Seto chuckled at the comment and nodded. “I could, though he causes as many problems as he solves.” Twilight sighed at the comment. “I guess that's something we have in common.” “Which is why we get help from those we trust.” Seto said with a smile. “I left the headship of my family to my husband Utsusumi because I trust him.” “Oh, I didn't even think that you may be married.” Twilight said, glad for the change in topic. “I quite enjoy making happy couplings, of course I would have to have one myself. Should you like, Twilight, I can see about finding you a suitable husband.” Twilight nearly choked on her tea as she heard the offer. “No thanks, I don't think I need to worry about that really.” She uncomfortably laughed. “Besides, how many ponies do you know? It would just be a bother.” “That's actually half the fun.” Seto chuckled as she continued. “Besides, are you certain it must be a pony? You're a very intelligent young woman, if you like I could find any number of suitors that value that over species.” Twilight blushed deeply and took a sip of her tea. *** Rainbow Dash lounged on a cloud back in Ponyville, relishing the freedom of having no obligations. None today at least, tomorrow she would be going back to her class. The warm sun felt good beating down on her as the cool breeze blew through her mane. She relaxed, determined to enjoy this as much as she could before anything even hinting at responsibility came to bother her. “Ah, there you are Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said, pleased with herself. “I've been searching everywhere for you.” As she spoke her horn lit up, encircling the cloud and Rainbow Dash both with a pale blue luminescence, and dragging them both down towards the ground. “Uhm, hi Rarity.” Rainbow Dash said awkwardly. Rarity chuckled a moment before speaking up. “Well, come on: What was Saillune like?” “I don't know. I didn't see much of it beyond the palace.” Rainbow Dash admitted. “Those people aren't used to ponies like us so when Applejack and Starlight went to the market it was Cludge Town all over again.” “Oh, the poor dears.” Rarity sympathized, “However, I am surprised you didn't go exploring yourself.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “I know, I wanted to go treasure hunting, but I was there as some kind of official. I didn't get to do anything fun.” “I knew you were there for an official function, but I didn't realize you were an official.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Yeah, as James' girlfriend I'm stuck with all the same stuff as Lucca and Tali, and this wasn't a vacation.” “So what did you have to do?” “Be there. Twilight and I were both just sitting there, listening, smiling, and waving. It sucked.” “I'm sorry there wasn't anything interesting for you.” “Well …” Rainbow Dash said, “It wasn't entirely boring. Actually, Prince Phil's brother was trying to take over before the coronation.” “Really?” Rarity said, drawn into the story already. “Yeah, but you see …” Rainbow Dash began to explain her experience with growing enthusiasm, enrapturing Rarity with intrigue and twists. Many of the details were heavily embellished. > 12 A Minute to Relax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While she had technically just been on vacation, Starlight was only too happy to schedule a spa day for herself. Saillune had it's charms: it's fascinating sights, and it's local cuisine (what of it she could eat,) but there was nowhere a pony could really relax. And after the fiasco that was the succession, she deserved some pampering. The spa itself was filled with calming sounds, quiet music, and fresh clean smells. Even with all the ponies already there it felt like a private oasis from a busy life. Starlight relaxed in the lounge seat after her steam and putting her hair up. Aloe had just finished covering her face in their special mud blend and collected the file to tend to Starlight's horn when she stopped and pondered a moment. “Starlight,” Aloe asked in her upbeat way. “We have somepony here for training, if you would be willing to let him work with you we'll upgrade you to the delux package for free. Of course either Lotus or myself will be here the whole time to make sure everything goes right.” “Aloe, you just made my day.” Starlight said as the cucumbers covered her eyes and she let the world outside drift far, far away. “I am so glad to hear that.” Aloe happily said, “Now you just relax while he and I take care of you.” “Mm hm.” Starlight acknowledged lazily. She allowed her mind to drift as the world faded around her. She heard something as Aloe returned with the trainee and she acknowledged them, not even listening to what they said. Aloe was talking quietly and calmly, clearly giving someone instructions, but Starlight wasn't concerned with that. The file gently moved across her horn, smoothing out any burrs and imperfections that using her magic had caused. She sighed happily as a tingle ran from the tip of her horn down her neck. This was always her favorite part of a spa treatment, and fortunately the trainee was doing a good job. Time drifted much like Starlight's mind, unconcerned with anything happening. She felt as the mask was carefully pulled away, and a new one applied. She'd never treated herself to the delux package before so maybe later she'd ask the spa ponies or Rarity about what all was going on because she definitely wanted to do this again. Probably piece meal as she could make time and pay for it. It wasn't long before she felt Aloe's hooves massaging her scalp, conditioning her mane as the trainee worked on her tail. Whoever it was didn't seem to be as certain as Aloe, she could definitely feel the difference as Aloe quickly brushed short sections of her mane and the trainee was doing long slow strokes. Before long she felt the conditioner going into her mane and tail, Aloe gently massaging it in as the trainee seemed to pull her tail slightly, not that she minded. Though she was curious about his occasional pause. Once again, she began to drift off, allowing the sensations to seemingly wrap her in comfort. Starlight almost missed Aloe telling the trainee that he'd be watching several hooficures before doing any himself. And understandably so, blindly trying something like that without knowing what to do could easily hurt somepony for quite a while. Though she would be a bit more willing to let him try as she had no complaints about how he had treated her horn earlier. The hooficure itself didn't take long and as her hooves dried Aloe told the trainee to go help someone else while she finished up. “Oh, I was enjoying the attention.” Starlight said with a giggle as she heard the trainee leave, lifting the cucumber briefly from her eye. “I should have sneaked a peak at him while he was here.” “Don't worry, Starlight. He'll be here for a while, and if you want to come in another day we can see to it that he works with you again.” “Well, I wouldn't say no.” Starlight said as she relaxed again. “He's sticking around, right?” “For a little while, he's not actually taking a job with us.” “Really?” “Yes,” Aloe said pleasantly. “He's here to learn how to pamper his girlfriend.” “Lucky mare.” Starlight said with a slightly disappointed smile. “Not many stallions would do that just to make somepony happy.” “It was so sweet, we couldn't say no when he told us.” Once again, Starlight allowed the world to slip away around her as she enjoyed the remainder of her spa time. *** “Woah, rad hair Ms. Starlight.” Smolder said as she walked into Starlight's office. Starlight chuckled as she flicked her mane, it had been blown out, loosely braided, and adorned with strings of crystals that threw off light whenever they caught the light in just the right way. “Oh, thanks. I wouldn't normally do this, but sometimes you just have to treat yourself. So is there something I can help you with today?” “Well, honestly, I just don't get Professor James.” Starlight gave an entertained chuckle as she thought about it. “I don't think anycreature “gets” James. Not even himself. Even so, he'd probably be the best one to ask if you want to know about him.” “Yeah, but he's usually busy, and you know him and his family.” “I do. I guess I can help out, but it's still better to ask anycreature themselves. Asking about them behind their back isn't the nicest thing to do.” “I don't think I'm asking anything weird, I just don't get it. And maybe a pony could explain it better.” “Okay, shoot.” “Alright, thing is, I guess it's not odd for him but I've looked all around Ponyville and it's just couples.” “Okay?” “But with him, it's a whole group.” Smolder tried to explain as she scratched her chin. “I … uh … what?” “Well, he's with Lucca, Tali, and now professor Rainbow Dash.” Smolder gestured as she finished her thought. “And, you know dragon's are usually solitary, so couples were weird enough for me already.” “Oh, his relationships.” Starlight said with a nod before her face went blank. “I mean, I kind of know, but this really isn't the kind of thing to ask about somecreature.” Smolder sighed. “Come on, you said you'd help. I just want to understand. The only way it's made any sense to me is dragon greed, but that's definitely not it. No way Professor Rainbow Dash would just let herself be collected. And it's not like he's tried to collect you or the other professors, so it's clearly not dragon greed. Come on, you've got to know something.” Starlight sighed and shook her head. “James is an … interesting individual. His relationships are complex and he puts a lot of work into keeping everycreature in them happy.” “And the work just … works?” “It's not that easy, but basically.” Starlight used her magic to bring over a cup of hot tea for her and another for Smolder. “He once told me that he likes making the girls in his life happy.” Starlight took a sip of her tea, a comforting blend she had gotten from her recent visit to Saillune, and smiled as she recalled. “Honestly, I think the happiest I've ever seen him is when he's with everycreature important to him, all having fun together. I guess you could say it's kind of a greed thing, since it makes him so happy.” As she finished speaking there was a knock at her door, before she could answer the door cracked open. “I'm not interrupting anything, am I?” James asked, just out of sight. Starlight looked to Smolder briefly as she heard him. “You know what, this is actually a perfect time. Smolder would like to ask you something.” “Oh, alright. But she's actually supposed to be out on the field right now. Rainbow Dash is holding cheer practice for the next Buckball game.” “Wait, that's right now?” Smolder asked, surprised. “Yeah, I've got to get to practice, that's more important than a question.” Without another word she beat her wings and began to fly off, right through the door James had fully opened for her. “Well then.” Starlight deadpanned. “Eh, I came for you anyway.” James said with a shrug. “You did, huh?” Starlight asked with a smirk. “Of course.” James said, clearly making his voice smooth before returning to normal. “It would be hard for me to take you out for an after work drink if I don't get you.” James took a moment to look and see that she had a fresh tea and there was a second cup sitting on her desk. “Looks like you beat me to it.” He added as he took a seat, picking up the second cup and taking a sip as he got comfortable. “I guess we can have that drink here if you like. I'd hate to waste the tea.” “Sure.” Starlight said with a shrug. “By the way, great hair.” Starlight blushed slightly at the compliment. “Oh, thanks. I took a trip to the spa today and they did this. It was completely by surprise, but I'm so glad I went.” “That's good, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit.” As James spoke he put the teacup down and rubbed his arm just above the elbow. “Everything okay?” James grunted as he pat his arm and smiled to Starlight. “Yeah.” He said, decidedly resigned. “The new arm's just still bugging me.” “Is there anything anypony can do?” “Not that I know of.” James said as he took another sip of tea. “It's been suggested that I do some physical therapy with it. The idea being that the more I use it, the less I'll feel it until I forget the feeling all together.” “So they think it's psychosomatic?” “It's the only thing it can be.” James said with a shrug. “The nerves and everything are completely new, nothing's wrong with them.” His face screwed up suddenly as he scratched furiously at his arm. “Though this part is the worst.” He said through gritted teeth. “The itching is entirely real, a side effect of those completely new nerves getting adjusted.” Starlight concentrated a moment as her horn lit up. James' arms were soon surrounded by an emerald luminescence. Gently, she pulled his hand away before she focused on his new arm. James' eyes rolled back and he moaned happily and let his head loll to the side. “That's exactly what I needed.” He eventually breathed. Starlight chuckled as she watched the man practically melt. “Is it as bad as an itch under a cast?” “No.” James said, still thoroughly enjoying Starlight's magic. “Can't reach under a cast to scratch.” “That's the reason I learned this spell to begin with. I broke my leg and desperately needed to scratch.” “How'd you do that?” James asked as he adjusted himself to sit upright. “Oh, I just got myself in some trouble. I, uh … I did that a lot.” “Hey,” Rainbow Dash said more than a little irritated as she poked her head in the office. “Either you guys seen Smolder? She's late for practice.” “Just sent her your way.” James called back. “Crap, we must have just missed each other.” Rainbow Dash started to walk away before mumbling to herself a moment and flying over to the other two. “Actually, James, gimme your arm for a second.” “Uhm. Okay.” James said, holding out the arm closest to Rainbow Dash. “Dude …” Rainbow Dash deadpanned. “Come on, the other one.” “Sure, why?” James asked as he held out his left arm for her to see. “Lucca and Tali were nagging me this morning to check on your arm today.” She mumbled as she looked at the still pale appendage. “Like I have any idea what could go wrong.” “You don't need to check on me.” James calmly said. “They just worry a bit too much.” “I'm not saying I don't get it: You lost your arm, so I'm worried too. But it's not like there's anything I can do about it.” “I don't think they want you to nurse his arm, but more keep an eye on him since he tends to not put his own well being that high.” Starlight offered. “So … babysit?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sounds like it.” James agreed. “I don't mean anything like that.” Starlight was quick to say. “They might.” James cut in, causing Starlight to give him a sidelong glance. “Anyway, you go coach your squad, if something's wrong with James, I'll let everycreature know.” “Cool, later.” Rainbow Dash quickly said before giving James' cheek a peck and flying off. Once Rainbow Dash was gone Starlight looked to James and took a sip of her tea. “So how are things going with you two?” “I'd say alright.” James said cautiously. “She's trying hard, which leads to her second guessing herself.” “What about you?” “I just hope I don't mess this up. She should be happy, but I've managed to upset her, make her feel guilty, and all this makes her second guess herself.” Starlight nodded as she listened. “Well, this is kind of old hat to you. I mean this is her first serious relationship, and she's going to make mistakes you're used to, but you don't have these same obstacles. It's possible she may just feel like she's left struggling through these issues alone.” “Oh.” James quietly said. “But she's also very different from Lucca and Tali, so maybe this is one of those problems you both have to address.” “What?” “You said she's second guessing herself, but you also said that you upset her, and made her feel guilty. Maybe you two are doing the same thing, and just blaming yourselves instead of actually working on the problem together.” “So I'm not communicating enough?” James asked, cocking an eyebrow. “I don't think that it's you're not talking enough, but not well enough. Trust me, she's not going to sit down and listen, or talk on and on about something that she's not excited about. So maybe you need to learn how to have these talks with her.” James sighed, “I know she's not someone to just sit and talk, but I don't know any way to encourage her to talk. And whenever I start talking about us she's clearly uncomfortable and it feels like I'm talking down to her.” Starlight bit her lip slightly as she thought. “Well, maybe it's because you're forcing the conversation.” “Yeah, but if we don't talk, how can we address any problems? It's not like I can just leave things … I made that mistake at her Wonderbolts training and I don't know if I told you about that, but she felt she had to do some grand gesture to make it up to me. For my mistake!” Starlight quietly listened and nodded, only speaking after taking a sip of her tea. “Well, when she needed to talk she came to me, and talked to me on my terms. If you go to her, you should be ready to talk on her terms.” James dropped his head and groaned, “I don't know if I know how to do that … Heh. Maybe I'm just too old.” “I don't think so.” Starlight said with a warm smile. “Just think about how you talk to Lucca or Tali. Do you just sit down and talk to them?” “Yeah. If we need to talk, we're going to talk.” “I don't mean like that.” Starlight shook her head before clarifying. “Is it always sitting down, face to face and talking, focused just on each other. Like we're doing now?” “Well, it's just wherever.” James said, not following. “I've seen a you and Lucca have long talks while she's working on something, she's concentrating on her work, but hears and absorbs everything.” Starlight explained. “Or when you talk to Tali you're usually doing something with her. It's not just talking.” “Really?” James asked, giving Starlight a quizzical look. “From what I've seen.” Starlight said before moving on. “And even when Rainbow Dash would talk to me, she'd usually be pacing, or flying. She was almost always moving. Maybe find some activity to do with her while you two talk, that might just help.” James chuckled slightly as he took a sip of tea. “You know Starlight, normally I don't get relationship advice until there's a big problem already. Like when Lady Seto sat Lucca and myself down for some serious conversations when she found out about some of our issues.” “What happened?” “Lucca and I fought for the next three days. … Well, I say we fought, she was rightfully furious and I just kept silent. But that certainly didn't help anything.” “How did you patch things up?” “I stopped being quiet and started to listen, and talk. I asked her to explain things to me and told her how I felt. I wish I could say I was calm the whole time, and I did look calm, but I certainly wasn't.” “Well.” Starlight said calmly. “Let's hope you two address this before it gets to that point.” “Well, hopefully it hasn't gotten that bad yet.” *** Twilight sat, pouring over documents she once needed. It may remind her of what she lost, but she wanted to know what was in them anyway. She stopped suddenly as she turned a page, clear as day was a picture of Bonbon and her cutie mark, followed by a brief list of skills. But the name it gave was Sweetie Drop. Was that some kind of code name? Further down the page was another list that didn't seem to make much sense when she considered Bonbon. Bugbear: Captured (There was a line quickly drawn through the word with ESCAPED written over it.) Manticore: Captured Cockatrice: Captured And the list continued with monsters and status. These were odd statistics to find to say the least. When she picked up the document it was about monster populations in Equestria, and for the first half it was just that. But this section was supposed to be about population control. Yet as she examined it, it looked like to be no more than listing monsters supposedly captured by Bon Bon and other ponies. As she continued to look through the pages she couldn't help but notice that many of these monsters were the same monsters she had seen when they last were in Tartarus. “This just has to be about capturing problematic monsters. But why would Celestia have Bonbon chase them down?” Twilight puzzled, sure that there was something important here that she was missing. But in the back of her mind her own situation concerning her abandoned ascension scratched at her thoughts. “I bet Fluttershy would do a great job rehabilitating those monsters if she got the chance.” She muttered as she put the report away. “… I'm sure Celestia had good reason for all of this. It's not like she just locked those creatures up for no reason.” She muttered, trying to convince herself. Once again she got an uncomfortable feeling at the back of her mind. “Of course she did. After all, convenience is a reason.” Discord said suddenly, making Twilight yelp in surprise. “Discord.” She panted, “What are you doing here?” “Who me?” He asked innocently, before changing his tone to be more serious. “I came to get Spike for our game of O and O later. James is hosting a one shot game and “encouraging” us to play different characters. And I happen to know that Spike isn't planning on using a new character.” As Discord spoke Spike appeared above his open claw dressed as his wizard, managing only a brief “huh?” before vanishing again. “Poor Spike needs to shake things up from time to time.” “I don't know, if he's comfortable with that character, why not just play that one.” Twilight asked. “Situations change, and if he can't adapt he could bring the whole game down around him.” Discord explained as he walked towards the door. “… Also, his character is too high a level for this quest.” He added, appearing behind Twilight once again. He was half way through fading out when Twilight spoke up again. “What did you mean by convenience anyway?” “Paranoia can make ponies do the strangest things.” Was his only answer before vanishing completely. Twilight glanced to the document she had just put away. It almost felt as though it were somehow staring back at her, challenging her. *** “Oh, Starlight.” Lotus happily said as the unicorn walked in. “We don't usually see you so often.” “Well, I did say I'd be back if the new guy was still here. Though only a week might be a bit soon for for another delux package I think I could go for a hooficure.” “Of course, would you like a massage and facial as well?” Lotus happily offered. Starlight bit her lip a moment at the offer. “… Okay, the massage, but just that. I can't do more.” She eventually said. “Of course, Starlight. And we'll have our trainee helping you today. Right?” Starlight did feel guilty about specifically requesting someone just trying to learn how to pamper their girlfriend, but something inside her insisted that what she was doing was fine. It's not like she was going to try to steal him, she was just going to the spa and treating herself. Slowly, almost guiltily, she nodded. “Alright.” Lotus said with a wink, “We'll get you back once he's available. He'll start with the massage and move on to the hooficure.” With a quick word of thanks Starlight took a seat, feeling like every eye in the lobby was on her, despite not a single pony looking her direction. She took a nearby newspaper and buried her face inside, not really reading as much as hiding until she was collected by one of the attendants and lead to the massage parlor. “He'll be just a moment, he's collecting hot towels for you to use if you would like.” The attendant said before leaving Starlight alone in the room. Starlight took a breath as she laid on the table and put her face through the hole. “Don't be so nervous Starlight. You're just getting a massage, you've done this hundreds of times.” She reassured herself. “But I requested this poor stallion who just wants to make his girlfriend happy.” She countered, making herself feel even more sleazy. “What, am I gonna ask the guy out while he's massaging me? Come on, I'm not that kind of mare.” “Then why did you come back specifically because he was here?” “Maybe I should just ask for somepony else.” “You need a minute?” Starlight heard an all too familiar voice ask her. Immediately she was on her hooves and turned to the doorway where she found James standing, dressed in a white outfit to match as best as he could with the spa ponies and his hair tied tightly back with the familiar headband Aloe and Lotus wore. “You're the guy here learning to pamper his girlfriend?!” Starlight nearly shouted. “Partially: Remember when I told you it was suggested I try using my arm more? This helps a lot with the fine control I need to get back.” “And why didn't you tell me last week?” “I guess you were more relaxed than I thought if you didn't hear me. Besides, other than an introduction Aloe wanted me to stay quiet and pay attention. I'm guessing you know how ponies can go on and on when they're nervous.” Starlight blushed as she thought back to that day and her just letting the world fall away as she enjoyed the treatment. “I guess I was kind of thinking about other things.” “That's alright, it happens. If you do want someone else, though, I can find a pony.” “Oh, no.” Starlight was quick to say, “it's fine. I was just surprised.” Starlight let out a brief, partially forced chuckle, “It's actually a bit of a relief that it's you and … well, just that it's you.” “As long as you're okay with this.” James quietly said, the friendly smile and patient eyes boring right into her. Starlight once again felt the weight of what she was doing. James, noticing her hesitation though completely missing the point, spoke up. “I've learned a lot about massaging unicorn and earth ponies this last week.” “Going for the hard sell.” Starlight halfheartedly joked. “Only if you're okay with it.” He sincerely reiterated. Starlight was telling herself yes, again and again, but she was having trouble saying it out loud. What she did do was lay back on the table and close her eyes. “Okay.” She managed to say after a moment. She didn't hear a reply, but soon felt a hot towel drape across her lower back and James' hands on her shoulders. At Rainbow Dash's insistence, she had gotten massages from James before, and it did feel good, but this was something else. His hands gently adjusted her position before she felt a sudden hard press on the back of her neck, stretching a muscle she hadn't realized had been tense at all. She couldn't help but grunt as he worked loosening everything around the base of her neck. “Are you alright?” He quietly asked, as he paused. “Did I hurt you?” “No,” Starlight moaned, “that's just what I needed.” “I'm glad to hear that, you did seem a bit tense.” He said, sounding truly sincere. “Just let me know if I do anything wrong, or if there's anything special you want.” Starlight had to say something, but could only settle on: “Why do you try so hard to make us happy?” She asked as he moved further down her back, placing a hot towel across her neck. “I like making those I care about happy.” He answered as though it were obvious, pushing the heals of his palms into her back and moving them towards her shoulders. Starlight had to hold her breath several times as the massage continued, James had gotten much better since he last massaged her and his hands did a much better job than the hooves of the spa ponies. “I think you'll ruin Rainbow Dash for the spa.” Starlight eventually said with a sigh. “I already have.” James chuckled. “She hasn't come to the spa for a massage in years.” “You may have just ruined it for me too.” Starlight admitted. “You know you can ask me for one anytime.” He calmly said as he started working on her hind legs. “Oh don't say that. I'll take you up on it.” Starlight said happily. “Well, I won't be available all the time, but I will certainly make time for you.” Once again Starlight felt guilty, knowing for a fact she would be taking him up on the offer. She couldn't deny she liked both the massage and the care and attention he freely gave her. Once the massage was over Starlight didn't move. “I'm going to need a couple minutes before the hooficure.” “Everything alright?” James asked, genuinely concerned he brought out his omnitool and began to scan Starlight. “Yeah, I just don't think I've been this relaxed in … well … ever.” “Glad to know I did a good job.” James said with a hearty laugh. “Your hands give you an unfair advantage over the ponies, you know.” Starlight said as she chuckled along with James, adding after a pause, “You first learned to massage to take care of Lucca, right?” “Yeah, that's about the only way I really get to pamper her. Tali particularly likes it when I take her nice places, and show off that I like being with her.” James paused a moment as he considered just why. “Most creatures in her universe don't treat Quarians particularly well.” Slowly Starlight began to sit up, ready to move on to her hooficure. “I bet Rainbow Dash is going to be surprised to find out you've been coming here to learn all this.” “She was.” James said with a smile before shaking his head. “Of course she happened to show up the first day, so not much of a surprise after all.” “Have you been here every day this week?” “Yeah, pretty much.” “When have you been sleeping?” “I've just been using the Enertron.” He answered dismissively. “You need to actually get some sleep.” “I get a few minutes here and there.” Starlight sighed and shook her head as James led her to the seats for her hooficure. > 13 Offers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you okay, Twilight?” Spike asked as he poked his head into the library door. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Twilight casually said, not lifting her face from the books on the desk in front of her. “It's really late. . . again.” Spike continued, more insistent. “I know, I just want to finish this up first.” “And you aren't tired?” Twilight sighed as she finally looked to her friend. “I don't think any of us have a regular sleep schedule anymore.” She admitted with a half smile. “Turns out having a friend who's effectively nocturnal is pretty tricky.” “Will you be alright?” “Yeah, I'll just use the Enertron and be ready in the morning.” “I prefer sleep myself.” “I try to make time to actually sleep a few times a week. But I can get so much done now.” “Whatever you say. Goodnight, Twilight.” Spike said as he closed the door. “Goodnight, Spike.” Twilight moved her face back down, looking into the report she had hidden among her books. Since she had found Bonbon in one of these files she needed to hunt down everything that didn't add up. She could ask any of her friends for help, Rarity would revel in the intrigue, but this was something she needed to find out for herself. And Discord's prodding certainly didn't do anything to settle her mind on what the documents could mean. All too soon, however, her eyelids began to feel heavy. She blinked a couple times as she considered her options, it wasn't so late that she couldn't just go to bed now, but she also really wanted to keep on this. With a yawn she closed the report she had in front of her and loaded it into her saddle bag. She didn't want to leave something like this laying around for just anyone to find. If it was even anything to begin with. She paused briefly at the door to James' castle, considering the portal between worlds. It had started as a simple curiosity that quickly turned into a novelty. As they became better friends it became a convince, and an important link. But when his world had been closed off with no hint if it would return, she realized that it (and those beyond) had become indispensable. James' castle itself had undergone a few changes during their friendship, and walking through the hallways she was now so familiar with, she could see a story in just what had changed over the years. While the low hallway lights were off as it was midday in New Guardia, they were a clear indication that the nighttime guests were now regularly expected. The Enertron had once been located in an out of the way storage room, but James had moved it closer to the doorway for the convenience of his friends. And that was before he Lucca and Tali completely redesigned it to a more compact version that was easily accessible for the pony visitors to use. He and Lucca both claimed that the redesign was long overdue, and that it was useful in other areas, but it was clear that the ponies had inspired the change. Twilight sat in the very same device as the door closed. This one could only take one occupant as opposed to the four that it's predecessor could, but it worked so quickly that it hardly mattered. “Begin,” Twilight calmly said once she was ready. Her eyelids had only started to feel heavy before, but in moments it was completely impossible to keep them open. Her body went totally limp, though the design of the device kept her from collapsing. And before her mind even registered the feeling she let out a yawn as she opened her eyes, feeling alert and ready. However, there was one problem that hadn't been resolved (and not for lack of trying,) and it made itself apparent as Twilight's stomach growled. The hunger was sudden and while not debilitating, it was a real nuisance. But Twilight was not unprepared as she began to run over a list of restaurants local to Truce that she particularly liked she got a feeling for what sounded good to her at the moment. Continuing her trek through the halls she poked her head into various rooms, knowing who should be were about now. The real surprise being that she found nobody until the last door. James sat hunched over his desk, a translucent screen before him. Not that Twilight could see what it read from her side. “You're up late again, Twilight.” James commented as he glanced at her through his screen, though clearly his mind was elsewhere. “Yeah, just some late night research.” “I hope it's a fun subject.” James said as his eyes moved to another part of the screen. “I don't know if it's fun, but it certainly has me obsessing.” “Interesting.” James said, focusing on some part of the screen and typing something out on his desk and half mumbling to himself. “I was about to go get something to eat,” Twilight gently said, stepping closer to James, “if you want to take a break and join me.” James' face changed to a disappointed grimace, “Trust me: I would absolutely take you up on that offer if I could right now.” His voice was sincere, and he sighed as he typed out several more things. “But I've got a trade conference going on at the moment and I have to take care of this and get right back there to keep these delegates from tearing each other apart. And possibly keep them from ruining a few more trade agreements while they're at it.” James suddenly grimaced as he gripped his left forearm and flexed it along with the hand, taking deep, controlled, breaths. “And goody, that's acting up again.” “Is there anything I can do?” “Thanks, but no. My brain just has to accept that I do indeed still have an arm.” “Maybe I could do something about the trade deals?” “I wish. Had you been here the other day this may have gone much better, but we're here now and I just have to work with it.” “I'm sorry.” “Don't be. It's not your fault, and some of these people wouldn't be happy even if I gave them literally everything they wanted. Now you should probably go and get yourself something good.” “I'll bring you some coffee, okay?” “Thank you.” James said, a slight smile breaking his own tired expression. Twilight closed the door and walked towards the front of the castle, while she did feel a bit left out she didn't want a repeat of Saillune where she just sat around smiling and barely understanding any of the political landscape. She had a long way to go to really be a leader. Not that she was going to be a leader. She shook her head, recognizing that she was working up to feeling sorry for herself again. Pointedly, she began to focus once more on the report she carried with her, but that didn't help as she began wondering if she was simply doing the same by obsessing over it. She reassured herself that this was different, that is was more like a puzzle. She wasn't trying to pretend that L hadn't taken over her body, she was trying to solve a mystery. And one had nothing to do with the other. The diner she had chosen was quiet, and thankfully so as she wanted to continue reading the report as she ate. A friendly Lamia smiled, leaving with Twilight's order and she wasted little time in bringing out the report. She'd been able to piece together that Sweetie Drop was an alias for some kind of work she used to do as she captured monsters, but that was about it. Twilight still needed to establish what she was capturing monsters for, however. Scootaloo's parents, after all, captured and studied animals, monsters, and all sorts of creatures. Had Bonbon studied them herself, or captured them for someone else to study. In any event, she seemed to have been good at it. It did seem strange to her that the report was so light on details, at least specific details. That could just mean that the monsters were captured for someone else to study. A voice suddenly drew Twilight from her reading “Pleasure to see you here, Miss Twilight.” As Twilight looked up she saw the familiar face of Lady Seto Kamiki Jurai looking down at her. “I believe King Philionelle's coronation was the last time we spoke.” “Oh, hello. Yes, it was. Are you here for the trade conference?” Twilight asked with a smile. “I'm here with my husband, and he's here for the conference. Of course, it's as an official and not a negotiator so we've had some free time to enjoy ourselves.” “Really … I think you may have lost him.” Seto smiled and sat at the booth, “I haven't. Right now he's doing what he can to salvage an incident that occurred the other day. It would seem some cultural differences sprang up between two negotiators.” “Oh my gosh. What was it over?” “They felt that Jurai was disrespecting them when we presented James with a special bottle of saki, and had none to offer the other officials.” “Really?” “Yes, they are arguing that in presenting James with that gift but not bringing gifts for the other delegations that we were intentionally disrespecting them and attempting to buy favor with James.” “Oh no. Do you think they'll pull out.” “Honestly, no. They're notorious for behaving like spoiled children and will relent to get what they want. We simply must hold our ground.” “Oh, I saw James working on a compromise when I came through.” “That, unfortunately, was for another incident. James made the Tellarite delegation too comfortable, so with nothing to complain about they stared using personal insults to start fights, which has made a difficult situation for him.” “So it's not just one incident.” Twilight said as she closed the report. “There are constantly issues; that's one of the challenges of bringing such disparate beings together. I'd say that things are unusually calm at the moment.” Seto looked around a moment before turning back to Twilight. “This is a charming little place. To be honest I'm not used to establishments such as this.” “Oh, then you should really try their meatless burger. It is so good.” Twilight said happily, her stomach rumbling almost to accentuate her point. Seto chuckled briefly as Twilight blushed. “I believe I may have to with that endorsement. Did I interrupt anything interesting? It looked like you were reading a dossier.” Twilight blushed as a golden flecked violet luminescence surrounded the report and moved it back to her saddlebag. “It's nothing, just a little mystery I'm trying to figure out.” “That sounds interesting. Would you care for any help?” Twilight hummed over it briefly before refusing, “I could always ask my friends.” “But you haven't. Besides, I recognize the seal of Equestria, and government documents aren't something people tend to share with their friends.” “You knew that from just a look at the cover?” “I've been in politics longer than Princess Celestia has been alive.” Seto said with a laugh, “I've seen and made more of those files than even I can remember.” Even with what little she knew of Jurai's life extension technology, Twilight couldn't exactly pass off Seto's comment as exaggeration. “Well, I don't actually need to solve anything. I'm just curious and have a lot of time on my hooves.” “Even with your school and duties?” Twilight sighed once more and shook her head. “I've noticed that my royal duties have been less and less since the battle. So time is something I have a lot more of recently.” “Well, if that's the case, perhaps you would like to attend some of the conference as my guest.” “I'd just be lost.” Twilight argued. “I believe it would be beneficial to introduce you to other cultures.” “Would it, though? I'm hardly ready to put my best hoof forward.” “The benefit wouldn't necessarily be yours.” “Are there any friendship problems for me to solve?” Twilight asked, trying not to sound sarcastic. “We could always use a neutral party when a contentious situation comes up.” Twilight hesitated briefly, “Sounds like the Traders Exchange … Another duty I haven't seen again. … Well I guess I could come and look around,” she said before using her magic to pick up her saddle bag. Seto was quick to interrupt the mare with a smile, and gesturing for her to sit back down. “Oh, we're not going right now. After all, our food hasn't even arrived yet.” *** Twilight looked around in wonder as she found herself in a section of New Guardia she had never seen before. She couldn't help but be simultaneously reminded of the corridors of the Einheriar, and the promenade of Deep Space Nine. Creatures of all kinds nearly filled the two tiered passageway that Twilight found herself in as she followed the Jurian monarch. As the two walked, several woman Twilight recognized as her attendants ran up to the two. “Lady Seto,” one sighed, “I'm so relieved we found you.” “I was never lost. I simply left to sample some of the local flavors.” Seto calmly replied with a sly grin. The attendant gave a forced smile as her eye twitched. “Oh.” “Do you know if Utsusumi has resolved the issue yet?” Another attendant stepped forward and bowed slightly before she collected a clipboard. “Yes he has Ma'am, and he's currently sharing a drink with the Krogan delegate and Lady Tali.” “I didn't expect it to be resolved so soon.” Seto commented. “Mr. Urdnot brought a quick resolution to the situation.” “Oh my.” Seto chuckled as Twilight looked around confused. Unfortunately nobody informed Twilight and she remained confused as she was escorted by the group into the event center. “Keep an eye open Twilight.” Seto calmly said. “Connections made at events like this are often more important then political alliances.” “Alright.” Twilight awkwardly said. “But it's not like I have any real role in Equestrian politics anymore.” “A connection need not be political.” Twilight looked up at the calm face of the aloof woman escorting her into a convention she had not intended to attend and couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind. With Lucca's reaction to her in Saillune, clearly Seto did little without planning. It wasn't long until they were led into a quiet side room with a large table. Twilight readily recognized Tali among those at the table, but she was the only one. Tali looked to the group as they approached, “Twilight, I wasn't expecting to see you today.” “I wasn't expecting to be here, honestly.” Twilight responded. “You one of those ponies that James went and got all mixed up with?” A large dragon-like creature asked. Twilight had to assume that this was the Krogan that Seto's attendant had mentioned earlier as he was the only one other than Tali she recognized as not being human. “Oh, yes. I'm Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight calmly answered as she gave a polite smile and nod, now realizing how easily she had shifted to a political stance. The Krogan raised his glass as if in toast. “Urdnot Wrex, Head of Clan Urdnot.” As Wrex brought his glass down the man at the table got up from his chair and stooped to shake Twilight's hoof. “And I'm Utsustumi Kamiki Jurai, the husband of Lady Seto.” “And head of the Kamiki family.” Seto added. Utsusumi laughed as he stood up. “Right, I can't just claim the good things.” As he finished speaking he gave Seto a warm hug, his smile easy to see under his large, bushy mustache. “Twilight here just reminded me: How are the girls, Tali?” Wrex asked with what Twilight assumed to be a smile. “Sara and Amber are doing well. Stick around after the conference and you can finally meet them.” Tali happily said before her voice got mischievous, “How's your family?” Wrex groaned as he dropped his head, shaking the table as his head-plate left a small dent in the metal.. “Ugh, don't remind me. Far too numerous.” With a resigned sigh, Wrex lifted his head back up from the table. “Wrex.” Seto calmly said, getting his attention. “How is that aid we've been sending to Tuchanka?” “What can I say? It's been better than anything good the Salarians did for us. Bakara's already managed to get some of the other clans to start using your stuff to clean up the rest of the radiation. We'll have a green planet again in no time.” Wrex chuckled a moment as he looked over the monarch. “Hell, even the Ryncol tastes better. … Though it doesn't quite have the kick it used to.” “I'm glad we could help.” “Hope you're not looking for soldiers. We're done with that bargain.” “You don't need to worry about that.” “Jurai isn't officially involved with this aide.” Utsusumi added, looking directly to Twilight. Wrex huffed and shook his head. “Politics are more Bakara's thing, I have my own methods.” “Nuance is a valuable tool.” Seto countered. “Hey, I can be nuanced.” “Oh, why isn't Jurai involved?” Twilight asked. “I believe James has told you about this before, but the Salarians attempted to raise the Krogan to equal footing …” Tali began to answer before being cut off. “To be soldiers for them,” Wrex interrupted. “But they didn't count on us out-breeding everyone else, so to correct their mistake,” he added with air quotations, “they and the turians engineered a virus that killed most of our children as they were born.” Twilight gasped as she heard how bluntly Wrex summarized his history. James had explained that the virus made the Krogan nearly infertile but hadn't described it quite like that. Wrex shrugged, “Well, once they were in trouble and needed us to come to the rescue again they mostly fixed it.” “Mostly?” “Yeah, we only small clutches, but most of our kids survive now. It's not perfect, but it's enough. We're not dying anymore.” Wrex took a swig from his drink as he returned to the original topic. “Anyway, the reason they don't officially help is because then they'd be responsible for us. Or worse the Salarians might see them as a threat and attack. By keeping that aide a secret we get help cleaning up our world without mucking up any alliances.” “And as far as any official position on our end, I'm just cleaning up another garden world. What I do with it then is my own concern.” “So you just keep what you're doing a secret?” “Every government has secrets.” Tali casually commented. “Usually it's to hide away something embarrassing or illegal, but those secrets can also be put to good purposes.” “Or in some cases it's to keep the populace from realizing something that would send them into a panic.” Utsusume added. “Like the Masaki family on their Earth.” Tali continued. “It's kind of a flagrant violation of the non interference laws, and Earth's population would definitely panic if they knew that aliens both existed, and lived among them.” “Are you sure that people would panic about the Masaki family? I mean, James was worried about ponies panicking that he was an alien.” Twilight suggested. “Why don't you ask the Turians.” Wrex said, clearly amused. “Earthlings are the only advanced life on their planet, and because of that they have a conceit that they are the only intelligent life.” Seto explained, “Ponies seem used to sharing their world with several other species, and so adapted to the notion readily.” “We also don't keep secrets like that. If it's important everypony should know about it.” Twilight said with a smile. Wrex chuckled briefly as he heard the statement. “Are you so certain?” Seto calmly asked. “The fact that you are trying to puzzle out what was in those files doesn't lend to that idea.” “I just haven't found out what it all means yet.” Twilight answered defensively. “We could have Liara take a look at your files,” Tali offered, “though there is a good chance she already knows what's in them.” She finished with a chuckle. “Her talent for information gathering and networking have been greatly appreciated.” Seto said with a smile. “Yeah, Liara's always been good at knowing things she shouldn't.” Wrex said with a chuckle. “You know if she's busy right now? It would be nice to check in on her.” “I'll be available shortly, Wrex.” The group heard Liara say from effectively nowhere. Twilight shook the surprise quickly and nodded. “Always watching, huh, Liara.” “I'm just checking in on a friend.” Liara answered, “It's been a couple years, Wrex.” Wrex sighed and rubbed the plate on his head. “Time gets away from you when you're as old as I am.” “We'll have plenty of time to catch up later. Enjoy the conference.” Wrex grunted halfheartedly and took another drink. “I am sorry to leave again so soon, but I did offer to introduce Twilight to some more delegates.” Seto said as she stood from her chair. Utsusume chuckled and nodded. “You two go have fun. I have a few appointments myself to be getting to. Wrex smiled as the man stood up. “Good thing Tuchanka's not here to negotiate.” “You're not?” Twilight asked. “Never underestimate a good connection.” Wrex said with an air of wisdom. “They may just have something you don't even know you need.” “I don't think friendship should be transactional.” “I count my friends separate from connections. And I don't come here to make friends.” *** While Twilight wouldn't describe it exactly as a tour, Seto did take her around the event center. And despite all of her experience with New Guardia, she was surprised at just how many different creatures there were. She could only recall a few delegates as they went, one humanoid lion-like species that Seto called the Wau who greeted her by rubbing their cheek on hers. As well as several intelligent dolphins, floating jellyfish-like creatures known as Hanar, and she would have met the Ferengi and Volus, but they were focused entirely on … something. Twilight initially thought they were negotiating, but they were treating it like a game. It wasn't long before Twilight noticed what they were inevitably moving towards: a particularly long stretch of stalls with masses of creatures mingling, talking, and purchasing. While there were other similar stretches, the specific section they were moving towards appeared to be especially popular. As they waded into the crowd Twilight garnered a great deal of attention, and soon she and Seto found themselves being handed all kinds of trinkets and samples of goods. “I didn't know I'd be getting this much use out of my saddlebag today.” Twilight quietly said to herself as her saddlebag quickly grew heavier and heavier. Although she could have spoken normally and still not have been heard over the din of the crowd. Bottles of various sizes, exotic fruits and vegetables, swatches of cloth, pamphlets, brochures and business cards of all kinds found their way into her saddle bag before she and Seto had escaped the corridor of shops and creatures and found a place to sit. Seto laughed quietly as Twilight marveled at all she had without paying a single bit or credit. “Everyone has to walk the gauntlet at least once.” Seto said with a grin. “It's a good experience for newcomers.” “I had no idea all of this was going on!” Twilight said, astonished, “Or how much food came through here.” Seto nodded, satisfied with the amazement in Twilight's voice. “Food is one of the most valuable commodities James ships. There are outposts everywhere throughout various universes that have trouble getting most kinds of food and have to make do with what can be frozen, canned, and dehydrated. And that's when they're lucky. Fresh food is particularly desired and James often has the ability to get it to them.” “I thought he traded mostly in things like gems and computers and the like.” “He does that too. He'll ship most anything and has a payment scale that varies on the importance of what's being shipped. The food staple is simultaneously the product that earns him the most, but he charges the least for. Specialty food is second in demand but at a distinctly higher cost, particularly in items such as wine and exotic spices.” Twilight couldn't deny the importance of the service James offered, and could understand just why so many would gravitate towards someone who could reliably provide for their needs. As she thought, she couldn't help but recall the various people James would speak of as though they did him a favor instead of providing a service to. “What does Jurai get from him?” “We have a few trade agreements, but we mostly provide security for the highest value items along with the Galaxy Police. Emergency convoys need the most defense after all.” Seto explained. Twilight once again considered her bag as she looked back to the stalls they had passed a minute earlier. “I'm guessing these are just free samples?” Twilight asked, picking a bottle from her bag and examining the green liquid inside. Seto picked off the tag attached to the bottle and examined it as she spoke. “The gauntlet that we just passed through is filled with merchants trying to get attention to their worlds and goods, hoping for a big sale. And while samples can whet someone's interest, they want you to remember them, and have enough product to share so you can get others interested in them too.” Seto explained before she smirked, throwing the tag away in a nearby disposal. “But it's those who don't advertise themselves who always have the big ticket items. “ “The Vulcans for example have impressive and highly detailed scientific data, medicines, technology, and (of course) star charts. A surprising amount of which are quite useful for many civilizations outside their own universe.” Seto continued. “But you have to talk to them, they won't come to you with an offer unless you have something truly interesting that they want.” “Oh I would love to get one of those star charts.” Twilight wistfully said with a faint smile. While she would be happy to just hold on to them personally, she did get a fleeting hint of satisfaction in knowing that if she should get one, it would be a map that Velvet would be truly jealous of. “If they'll make a deal with you.” Seto reiterated, throwing cold water on Twilight's enthusiasm. “You may be a princess, and you may be friends with James, but I believe your resources are limited, and you seemed to imply that you have no real political power to leverage.” “You're right.” Twilight said with a heavy sigh. “I don't have anything to offer.” “I wouldn't go quite that far, but you are new to all this still.” Seto said before standing and adding, “Come on, I believe you may be able to get something interesting from the Vulcans.” Seto expertly weaved through the crowd with Twilight in tow, seeming to already know her destination. Sure enough, before long the crowd had thinned and Twilight could see the stoic robed figures sitting at a table with what she assumed to be a game sitting between them. “Now Twilight,” Seto calmly said as they began to approach the table. “I'll introduce you, but you'll have to work with what you have to make any deals.” “Didn't you just tell me I had nothing to offer?” “I said that your resources are limited.” Seto reiterated, not slowing at all. Before Twilight could ask what Seto thought she had to offer, Seto had closed much of the distance to the table and Twilight had to pick up the pace or be left behind. “Gentlemen.” Seto calmly said with a slight bow to the Vulcans. “It's a pleasure.” “I thank you,” One of the Vulcans said in the typical measured cadence of their kind. “Have you come to discuss business?” “Not myself.” Seto answered with a smile. “I would like to introduce you to Princess Twilight Sparkle, who has expressed an interest in your star charts.” Twilight had only caught up to Seto as she finished speaking. “You can just call me Twilight.” She said hurriedly. Both Vulcans raised an eyebrow each at the pony princess before one took a moment to stand and address her. As this happened his companion pressed a couple buttons on the base of the game they had been playing, disabling the projection and making the stack of metal pegs vanish. “It is good to meet you … Twilight.” He calmly said. “I would inquire as to what it is you wish to exchange for one of our star charts.” “Oh, uhm.” Twilight stumbled briefly, wishing that Seto had given her a chance to think before dropping her into this situation. “Is … there anything you want that would be worth the maps to you?” The Vulcan talking to her was completely unreadable, he could be mulling over some ideas as to cost, or contemplating some creative insults for all Twilight could tell. She couldn't help but give an awkward smile as the seconds ticked by. “Most currencies are acceptable, I believe locally that would be credits, clearly the cost depends on the charts you desire. However we could come to an agreement if you have something of equal value to exchange.” The Vulcan answered. “I don't know if I have enough credits.” Twilight uncomfortably said. “If you are uncertain you have enough currency, a trade would then seem the logical choice. Assuming you have anything to offer in trade.” “I … I didn't bring anything.” “I see. Then it would seem that our business is complete.” Without any kind of farewell the vulcan sat back down, ready to resume his game. As Seto and Twilight began to walk away Seto spoke up. “I'm surprised you gave up so easily, Twilight.” “Well I don't have anything to trade for and I only brought enough credits for a meal or two.” “Twilight,” Seto calmly said, thought Twilight could feel a hint of admonishment in her tone. “If you give up because you don't think you have the tools you need, you will never learn what tools you do have.” “I know what I have.” Twilight insisted. “Really?” “Yes!” “I believed you to be more resourceful than that.” Twilight looked up at the woman, not sure if this was supposed to be some kind of test, or if she was just trying to get a reaction. “I'd have to pay them directly, or give them something of equivalent value.” Twilight explained. “I only have fifteen credits, a hoofful of bits, the file I'm definitely not giving up, and the free stuff I got from the “gauntlet” (which effectively has a value of zero.) Even if I gave them everything I have, it wouldn't be enough to reasonably buy a map.” “So that's the only resource you have to offer? Nothing else is available to you?” Seto asked, clearly skeptical. Clearly she was trying to point Twilight to some conclusion, but Twilight just wasn't seeing what it could be. “I remember the Vulcans I met on Deep Space Nine, they weren't exactly interested in friendship. And that's when I could even talk to them. Mud Brier is more personable than they are. They don't seem to enjoy anything.” “Well, I suppose the star chart would do you no good if you don't have any tools that could read the data anyway.” Seto calmly said, turning away from Twilight. “I actually do.” Twilight said as she brought out the gold bracelet James had given her. She used her magic and quickly slipped it over her hoof onto her foreleg and she easily activated the custom designed omnitool. “I've even got my whole library backed up on here in case I'm on the road and can't bring my books with me.” Twilight took a moment to think as she commented on her omnitool, realizing what it was Seto was trying to lead her to. Or at least she thought that's what Seto was doing. “Hold on, let me try again.” Ready to make an offer, Twilight turned back for the table where the Vulcans were once again playing their game. “Sorry to bother you again.” She cautiously said. “I actually may have something to trade for a star chart or two.” The Vulcans once again turned to her, this time leaving their game operating. “Very well, what do you propose.” Said the one that spoke to her earlier. “Yes. You see, I have digital copies of all sorts of books with me... mostly textbooks and research journals. I can trade some of those, if you're interested.” Both Vulcans appeared interested and looked to each other. “On what subjects are the research journals?” The other finally spoke up. “All sorts of things, minerals, botany, magic, friendship, history …” Twilight happily explained. “These could possibly hold value to us. Depending on quality of the research and their methodology, of course. Could we see the abstracts of a selection of these?” “Of, of course. Let me just … figure out how to do that quickly … I could send you an email, I guess.” Despite their faces remaining neutral the Vulcan's suddenly appeared incredulous. “That would be acceptable. Once we have your message we will have to discuss your offer to determine if it's agreeable.” The vulcan took a moment to give Twilight a note with an address written on it. “We will contact you with our offer after reviewing your offer, and the quality of the research.” “Oh, uhm … Okay. Thank you.” Twilight awkwardly said as she turned to walk away. “Not a bad choice.” Seto said once Twilight got back to her. “It pays to keep in mind what resources you have available to you.” *** Twilight smiled as she walked through the markets of Ponyville. While it was busy, in comparison to the trade conference she had just attended this was quite relaxed. Though by no means was she going to complain about any of the free stuff she had received just by walking the gauntlet. While she was enjoying the walk, she had actually come to see about getting some indoor gardening supplies, having saved the seeds of one of the fruits (or at least she thought it was a fruit) that had been given to her that she particularly enjoyed. An abundance of caution fueled her choice given how cautious James and Lucca were about allowing Applejack to grow anything from them on her farm. James was always worried about invasive species devastating their ecosystem, though had been alright with Applejack growing foreign plants in an isolated planter box. A few bits exchanged and Twilight had a cart with a bag of potting soil, trough planter box, garden spade, and small watering can. Twilight already knew where she was going to place the planter box and envisioned the cute set up with the alien plants growing. The mental image making her smile as she eagerly planned what all she could do if her indoor garden was successful. In the distance, a voice caught her attention, bringing with it the memory of what had brought her to New Guardia earlier. While the voice wasn't one of her close friends, but she did enjoy talking to Lyra from time to time. However it was Bonbon that really commanded her attention. Twilight's mind flew back to the file she had been obsessing over for the last few days. It was something she wanted to solve, kind of like a game. But this involved real ponies, real creatures, and the talk of government secrets with Tali had her mind running in conspiratorial directions. Taking a moment to think. it would be a simple matter for Bonbon to clear up. All she needed to hear was that this was a research expedition or something like that. All she needed to do was go over and talk to her. Did she really want to know? Twilight shook her head. Of course she wanted to know, the unanswered question would drive her crazy eventually. But she couldn't shake this deep down feeling that she was somehow betraying Celestia's trust. By investigating the files Celestia had intentionally given her? Twilight didn't have long to question herself as she soon heard Lyra excitedly calling out to her. “Twilight!” Lyra happily said as she pranced up to the princess. “How have you been?” “I've been doing well.” Twilight said, conversationally. “How are you and Bonbon? “We're good, Twilight.” Bonbon said, more calmly than her girlfriend though still happily. They spent the next few minutes catching up, Twilight telling them about the trade conference she had just visited. Lyra and Bonbon listened eagerly, with Lyra excitedly asked her girlfriend if they could take a vacation to New Guardia. After several minutes of laughs and conversation, it was time for them to split ways again. Twilight couldn't let the opportunity slip past, or she could never have the nerve to ask. “Oh, Bonbon, I would like to talk to you about something later.” “Oh, what?” Bonbon asked with a smile. Twilight was a bit uncomfortable as she looked to Lyra and back. “It's about some … work that you used to do.” Lyra eagerly looked to Bonbon, “Is this about your “Sweetie Drop” stuff?” “It's okay Princess, she knows all about it.” “Oh … well, I do still have a few questions I want to ask.” Twilight said, clearly uncomfortable. Bonbon was quiet as she thought about it. “Lyra may know, but I do still need to keep it as secret as I can. Not that she makes it easy …” “Bon.” Lyra said, playfully sounding hurt. “Maybe it would be best if you came by our place for dinner tomorrow. That way we don't need to talk around the subject.” “Thanks.” Twilight said, slightly relieved. “I didn't really know how to bring it up.” “Don't worry.” Bonbon said dismissively, “Besides, it'll be fun. Lyra and I haven't really had anypony over since we became official.” “Sounds nice.” Twilight said, “I guess I'll see you then.” > 14 Tactful Non-Deniability > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight felt far more comfortable about the upcoming dinner than she had expected to feel. She was still stressed out and writing lists of both questions to ask and reasons to avoid the dinner all together, but she didn't feel nearly as much anxiety as she had expected to. “Everything okay Twilight?” Spike asked as he waded through the papers strewn about the room. A disheveled Twilight poked her head up from another stack of papers with a wild fake grin and twitching eye. “Just fine Spike. Why do you ask?” Spike stared at Twilight a moment. “And you're Twilighting … I'll find somepony to help.” Twilight's eyes went wide as she scrambled out of the discarded papers. “Nonononononononononono.” She quickly caught up to Spike, her gold-flecked violet luminescence easily lifting him off the ground. “I'm just … a little stressed about dinner tonight.” “This seems to be a lot for just dinner.” Spike answered. “Oh, right; I didn't tell you. I'm actually going to be having dinner with Lyra and Bonbon tonight.” “What's so stressful about that? You don't have anything to worry about.” “Yeah, if it were just dinner.” Twilight said before adding uncomfortably, “I'm going be asking some uncomfortable questions while I'm there.” Spike raised an eyebrow and smacked his lips. “I don't think I want to hear more.” Twilight sighed as she let Spike back down. “I'm sure it's nothing. Really. But after talking to Lady Seto I can't help but imagine all the worst possibilities.” “Uhm … Okay, maybe I do need to know more.” “That's the problem! I don't know more. Now Bonbon is offering to answer my questions but I can't help but wonder if I should even ask. What if there's a reason I don't know? What if it's something really bad? What if this changes everything in Ponyville, or even Equestria?!” Twilight asked as she worked herself up. “Twilight …” Spike gently said. Twilight quickly looked to him, half crazed and half worried. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” He calmly finished. Twilight gave a resigned sigh and dropped her head. “You're absolutely right Spike.” She admitted, “And I won't either until I ask her. … Thanks Spike, you really helped.” “Uhh.” Spike got out as he looked to Twilight confused. “I really should bring something nice with me. It's only polite since they were nice enough to invite me over after all.” Twilight gave a defeated smile as she looked to Spike again. “So … can you think of something I can bring with me to dinner?” Spike mulled the question over a moment and opened his mouth to answer. “Oh, I know!” Twilight interrupted happily, “One of those bottles I got yesterday should be just right. I mean, they were trying to interest us as potential customers, it just makes sense that it would be good at least. Thanks Spike, you're the best.” Twilight said as she hugged the dragon and left to collect the bottle. “ … Glad I could help.” *** Twilight peeked once more at the bottle she had brought with her, quietly wishing that she knew just what it was, but held out hope that the surprise would be fun. If nothing else it would make an interesting subject to talk about. "Maybe I should tell her I don't actually need to know." She whispered to herself as she examined her choice. The drink was a vibrant green and in an oval bottle. The design of the bottle actually made it look larger than it was, but it should still be enough for the three of them to have a glass each. Putting the bottle back in her saddle bag Twilight sighed and walked out of her castle towards Lyra and Bonbon's house. Her mind raced as her panic mounted over what she wanted to ask. Her eye twitching again as she considered running away once more. “Come on Twilight,” She muttered to herself, “you can't just run off whenever something gets awkward or uncomfortable.” She took a moment to look around to make sure nobody could hear her talking to herself. “You may be just the Princess of Friendship again, but that's still important, especially here in Ponyville.” Her pace picked up as she felt her resolve stiffen. “And if you want to prove you're worth what everypony puts on you, you have to step up.” Without more trouble, Twilight finished her walk to the home of her two friends. Lyra was quick to answer the door as Twilight knocked. Seeing her guest, Lyra pranced at the door and smiled. ”Oh this is so exciting!” She said instead of a greeting. “Come in Twilight, dinner is almost ready.” “Thank you.” Twilight answered as she walked in. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Lyra blew a quick raspberry, “No,” she almost laughed. “We invited you, you don't have to do anything.” “Oh, well I did bring this.” Twilight said as she used her magic to bring out the bottle she had been given earlier. Lyra's own golden magic took the bottle and brought it close as she eagerly inspected it. “Thank you.” She happily said, “What is it?” “It's …” Twilight started before remembering that she didn't have an answer. Lyra noticed the pause, and unbothered by Twilight clearly not knowing what the drink was, she smiled. “It's green.” She offered with a giggle. Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah, I got it at the trade conference and thought it would be fun if we tried it tonight.” “That does sound fun.” Bonbon said as she walked up to the pair. “I'll get some glasses and we can try it after dinner. Which I just got on the table.” “Bon!” Lyra happily cooed, “You are just amazing.” “I know.” Bonbon said with a coy smile before turning to Twilight. “I hope you're okay with grilled potatoes and broccoli with a light salad.” “That sounds great.” Twilight said, happily following the pair to a table, Bonbon continuing past the table through a door Twilight guessed lead to the kitchen. Soon she came back with three wine glasses, holding one by the stem with her hoof and two by the base with her mouth. “Oh, I can …” Twilight began before being silenced by a golden light. Twilight looked to Lyra who just quietly shook her head. “That's alright Princess.” Bonbon said as she finished placing the glasses. “We earth ponies can manage well enough.” “Sorry, I didn't …” “I know you didn't.” Bonbon interrupted, not sounding upset. “Maybe we should start dinner. I'm quite interested in whatever this is.” She added as she inspected the bottle Twilight had brought. “Yes.” Twilight quietly said, watching as Bonbon poured half a glass for each of them, leaving just over half the bottle remaining. After that the three talked easily, not focused on any one subject long. Twilight found herself actually relaxing as it seemed as though they had forgotten the reason she had come in the first place. That is, until Bonbon broached the subject. “So Twilight,” Bonbon began, showing a bit of hesitation herself. “maybe we should start with what you do know about … Sweetie Drop.” Twilight was a bit uncomfortable being confronted by the question directly. “First, uhm, this isn't something that will get anypony in trouble if you tell me, is it?” “Well, you're a princess so I think you should be okay to know.” Bonbon admitted. “Then maybe we should just go over everything. The most I know is Tenyo felt you had skills she needed you to use for New Guardia.” “Yeah.” Bonbon said with a sigh, “I got the waiver I had apparently signed. I have to admit, it's a little disconcerting that there are apparently operations I've been involved in that I'm not even allowed to remember.” Bonbon paused to collect her thoughts before beginning again. “I guess it seems odd to anypony who doesn't dig too deep into government, but there are secrets everywhere. I didn't when I first started as an EUP guard with all the usual aspirations of becoming a personal guard to Princess Celestia. I worked very hard to stand out in my job, mastering whatever skill I thought would help my career.” “It certainly worked and I got the Princess' attention, just not in the way I was expecting: I was scouted for a shadow operations agency that worked directly for The Princess. We did the work nopony could know about.” “Really?” Twilight asked, astonished. “I thought you just captured creatures, maybe like for research or something.” Bonbon smiled at the thought. “No. We did do a lot of capture and containment though. But that was just one facet of our work. For instance: one mission I was on found us in the Dragonlands. There was anti-pony sentiment growing among a faction of dragons, led by a powerful dragon that would have taken the scepter for himself and brought a war on Equestria.” “What did you do?” Twilight asked, wondering just how often Equestria had been so close to war without anyone even knowing. “Satchel left a small pile of assorted gems, topped by a rare frost sapphire …” “Like a peace offering?” Twilight openly hoped. Bonbon shook her head, resuming after a pause. “I had the softest voice, so I whispered rumors of gems in his ear as he slept. He found the stash in the morning, and fortunately he didn't eat the sapphire immediately, he just licked it and hid it away for later.” “Oh.” “It doesn't end there. We kept an eye on everything for the next few days, he licked the sapphire twice a day, eager to eat it but wanting to savor it as long as he could. Soon he “found” a less rare thunder topaz to accompany it. I remember that Spike had an incident years ago, so you should know that look dragons get when they start to get greedy. That was exactly what we were looking for.” Bonbon took a sip of water before continuing. “That night we stole the remaining gems back and found his most trusted friend. We hid the topaz nearby and smashed the sapphire, leaving most of the pieces around his friend's mouth. Going back to make sure we kept him on the hook I whispered of theft and hunger as he slept. The next day distrust and dragon greed did the rest. The would be dragon lord went mad, stealing everything that wasn't nailed down until the rest of the dragons managed to banish him from the Dragonlands. His movement got much quieter after that, though if not for you, Spike, and Ember, I'm afraid it would have just resurfaced by now anyway.” “You used their friendship against them?” Twilight asked, horrified. “That was the job, and we needed to keep the peace between ponies and dragons. But that's how it always was with us, anything to get the job done. No matter what the job was.” “So that's it? Anything that the public couldn't know.” Twilight reasoned more than asked. “Obviously there was more, this operation had been in service for years before I came along, and though our branch was shuttered I doubt it's really stopped. But basically … yeah.” Twilight took a minute to process the story she had just heard, nodding as she considered the answer she got. “Well, you've already answered what I needed to know most about this. Sorry to bring up old memories.” Bonbon shook her head and smiled. “I don't regret what I did or what I was part of, but I am glad that with you around it may not be as necessary.” Silence dominated the room as Twilight absorbed the information. Lyra, who had been uncommonly quiet looked between the two before daring to speak. “I think now may be a good time to finally try these drinks.” She offered, lifting her glass. Bonbon laughed lightly and nodded. “That sounds nice, it's too serious in here.” “Exactly!” Lyra said with a wide smile. “Sounds good.” Twilight agreed lifting her glass. “To moving forward?” She offered. Bonbon chewed her lip a moment. “To old times and new: and living as best we can with those we care about most.” “Aww.” Lyra cooed. Twilight nodded and smiled warmly. “To old times and new.” With a chaotic clinking of all the glasses (several times and with giggles shared by all) eventually the glasses found their way to their lips. The green liquid was sweet, but left a tangy taste on their tongue and lips that almost demanded they take another drink, but more telling was how it burned on the way down. Twilight and Lyra coughed as they realized that whatever the drink was it was alcoholic … and strong. “And they just gave this to you?” Lyra asked, excitedly. “Yeah, I don't even remember which stall I got it at, there was so much going on.” “Whatever it is, it's good.” Bonbon said as she went back to take more than a sip. “Mh-hm.” Lyra agreed as she took a swig and held it in her mouth a minute before swallowing with a smile. “Good thing we went with dinner, wouldn't want to drink this during the day.” “Yeah,” Twilight agreed as she took another drink, “I don't remember the last time I actually drank other than a glass of wine or two at some official dinner I attended a little while back.” “Yeah, we don't usually keep alcohol around.” Bonbon said. Lyra chuckled as Bonbon spoke. “Because somepony gets drunk a bit too easily.” Bonbon finished as she looked to Lyra. Lyra, however, was using her magic to make a golden arrow pointing at Bonbon just out of her sight. “Oh, should I …” Twilight started before Bonbon interrupted her. “Nah, it's just the one bottle between the three of us. Let's have a little fun.” *** “Woah.” Twilight gasped as she stumbled out the door into the night. “Yeah.” Bonbon said as she looked around before turning suddenly to Lyra, nearly falling over as she did. “You think Celestia went to bed early today?” Lyra only shook her head, and didn't stop for a few seconds. “Twi … Twilight, Twiight.” She eventually said. “That stuff was stronk. You, you, you maybe wanna sleep on our couch tonight?” “I've … I think I ken find my way home.” Twilight said moments before wheeling around and pointing her wing to the castle looming over Ponyville. “There it is!” She excitedly said before breaking into laughter. “If, if you're sure you're okay.” Lyra said as Bonbon hung off her, giggling uncontrollably. “Aww.” Twilight cooed before staggering over to Lyra and hugging her tight. “I'm okay.” After a moment she broke the hug and stumbled back to the street, barely keeping her hooves beneath her. Despite turning around several times on the way, Twilight did eventually get back to her castle and staggered through the halls. As she tried to find her way back to her room she noticed for the third time that she was walking past the door to James' castle when it occurred to her that she still didn't know what it was she just drank. Rather than cursing herself this time for being lost in her own home she acted on her whim and stepped through the door. Losing her footing and tumbling headfirst into the hallway as the sensation of vertigo overtook her when she crossed the threshold. The moment she realized she fell she began laughing once more. Shaking off the fall with a smile Twilight walked through the halls, eagerly looking for James. Twilight's drunken staggering didn't go completely unnoticed, however, as a quiet unassuming elf woman watched her peeking into doors, and calling out for James. “Miss Twilight.” The elf woman quietly said, not wanting to bother the pony more than she had to. Twilight wheeled around once more and first noticed the long straight silver hair hanging down over the simple dress the woman wore. She took a deep breath and smiled wide “Hi Alicia!” She happily said, “How are you doing?” “I'm well, Miss Twilight. I assume you're looking for Mister Glastos?” Alicia asked, her voice quiet enough that Twilight had to focus to catch what she said. “Yeah. Izzy here?” “I'm afraid he's attending the last day of the conference at the moment. But I can tell him that you're here if you would like.” “Aww, that woube so nice. Thank you!” “Of course Miss Twilight.” Alicia nodded and brought out a small handheld device, tapping it several times. After a few moments James' voice could be heard coming from the object. “Hey Alicia, everything alright?” “Yes Mister Glastos. Sorry to bother you, but Miss Twilight is here to see you if you're available.” “It's not a bother Alicia, and sure, I'll be up in a minute. There's not that much for me to do today anyway.” James said, speaking up after only a moment. “You're not working, are you?” Alicia flinched slightly and calmed herself quickly. “No, Mister Glastos.” “Good, it's your day off, you should spend it doing something you enjoy.” “Yes, Mister Glastos.” The device Alicia had been using went dark and she stored it in one of her dress' pockets. “Mister Glastos will be with you shortly Miss Twilight, is there anything I can get for you while you wait?” Twilight shook her head and smiled. “Thank you.” As promised, James arrived shortly and watched as an unstable Twilight happily waved her hoof at him. “Hi James!” She practically shouted. The odd behavior was enough to catch James off guard as he approached. “Are you alright?” He cautiously asked. “Aww, thas so sweet of you.” Twilight slurred as she stood on her hind legs and practically fell forward as she went to hug him. James was quick to react, rushing to catch her in an awkward sort of hug. “Oh,” he commented, suddenly understanding, “you're drunk.” He couldn't help but chuckle slightly as Twilight tried to hold him to keep standing as she was. Twilight began to laugh as she held onto him. “We dint know it was … was … Wha izis anyway?” Twilight backed off and used her magic to bring the nearly empty bottle from her saddlebag, dropping it the moment it left her bag. James winced as the bottle hit the tile floor, but much to his relief the bottle merely bounced before Twilight caught it awkwardly with her magic. “Hey!” She said with a wide smile,clearly proud of herself. “Got it.” “You certainly did.” James agreed as he reached down and collected the bottle from her. “Wha izzat anyway?” “It's green … but that doesn't help as much as it should.” James commented as he pulled the stopper out of the neck of the bottle. He gave it a quick swirl as he sniffed at the opening, it was a familiar smell, but not anything truly distinct. Taking a look in the bottle he saw that there was just enough for a sip left. With a shrug he brought the bottle up and tasted the last of it. Smiling at the tangy sweetness, he immediately recognized the drink. “You had a bottle of Orion Rum: One of Lucca's favorites.” “Ih was goooood.” Twilight said, smiling up at James. “I didn't know you drank.” “Not off … nomuch. I idn't know thizz rum.” Twilight blinked hard a couple times and shook her head and smiled again. “I got it't the, the …” Twilight laughed a moment as she looked up to James. “I don ... uhhmm.” “Well there's not many places you could have bought Orion Rum.” “Buh I din't buy it,” Twilight said emphatically as she once more used James to stand on her hind legs and do her best to look him in the eyes. “Iwas given to me ah the,” Twilight slowed down as she spoke, determined to use the right word. “con-fer-ence.” “I got it!” She happily said as her face lit up. James looked at the bottle once more before looking down to the smiling pony. “It's not a big bottle, but I'm surprised they just gave you one this size. Who'd you share it with?” “Lyra and Bonbon.” Twilight poked James with her hoof as she spoke, as if trying to accentuate some point. “We had dinner, I was the first gust they had since, since they sarted dating. They're so nice.” “I'm glad to know you're such a friendly drunk.” James casually commented as he looked down at Twilight. “You're blinking a lot. Are you tired? Still smiling Twilight nodded. James just shook his head and reached down, gently lifting her and turning towards the guest rooms. Twilight giggled and hugged his neck tightly as he carried her down the hallway, sighing as she began to relax. And within moments of that she was snoring, her head limp on his shoulder. “Looks like I'm on drunk duty today.” James mumbled to himself. > 15 An Uncomfortable Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The noise the bed sheets made as Twilight moved was unbearable for her throbbing head, and the spinning she acutely felt made going back to sleep completely impossible. Cautiously, Twilight opened an eye and found that she was looking down directly at a vaguely familiar floor. Forcing herself to look up she was relieved to find that the room was mercifully dark. Appreciative as she was to be safe in a bedroom, she had realized fairly quickly that this couldn't possibly be her bedroom, and she took a moment to recall the night, sincerely hoping her hunch was right. The details were fuzzy to be generous, but she did definitely recall going home, then for some reason she went to see James. And after something between the two, she remembers him picking her up and feeling safe and comfortable. Then nothing until she woke up. While that was no guarantee she hadn't left at some point and simply didn't remember, she was hopeful that everything was like she remembered. Being as careful as she could to not make much noise she sat up and did her best to take in the room. Fortunately she was definitely in New Guardia castle, though not a room she really knew. She tried to turn her head to get a better look, but despite her stopping, the room insisted on continuing to spin. Twilight shut her eyes as she took a moment to settle her stomach and consider what she did see on her brief inspection, and fortunately it was the best case scenario so far. Once her stomach stopped trying to force it's way out of her she carefully opened her eyes. Catching her attention almost immediately was the end table, and more notably the items on it. Her horn lit up momentarily only to go dark as she recoiled from the light and had to focus to not vomit from both the agony of her throbbing head and a wave of nausea. After her stomach had settled once more she reached first for the note sitting beside the glass of water and a small cup with pills. “Drink me. Eat me.” it simply said. “Well, I am through the looking glass … so to speak.” Twilight mumbled to herself, taking a swig of the water and swallowing the pills. The water wasn't too cold and felt good as she drank it, though she still had to fight her own nausea as she did. The worst of it passed as she sat in bed, focused on trying to not feel miserable, and in minutes she felt up to trying to leave the room, not completely sure what she was going to see on the other side of the door. Years of coming by for visits helped her recognize that she was in a hallway not far from where James and his family lived, the same hallway she and her friends would pass through to take the long way to the holo suites. Despite everything still spinning she was able to quickly orient herself. Something clicked behind her but she chose to ignore it in favor of avoiding making the world spin once more. Low placed lights cast just enough light to not bother her eyes too much as she looked towards the end that would get her closer to her own home. “How are you feeling?” Came a deep, familiar voice that mercifully spoke softly. “Like somepony just turned my head inside out the hard way and spun me around for a week straight.” Twilight answered as James walked around in front of her. He nodded before speaking up, “That makes sense. You put away probably a third of a bottle of rum made for creatures twice your size.” Twilight closed her eyes and groaned. “We didn't know it was rum, I though at most it was going to be a cheep bottle of wine.” “The conference primarily connects people with high value goods, and everyone wants their goods to stand out: They don't bring the cheep stuff.” “Seto mentioned as much.” Twilight said, closing her mouth suddenly with her eyes going wide. “You need a bucket?” James carefully asked. Twilight stood still a moment longer before slowly shaking her head. “Are you …” James started. Twilight slowly nodded and took a breath. “Yes, I'm alright. Just a little queasy for a moment.” “I hope those pills helped.” Twilight chuckled as she started walking again. “I woke up in a strange bed, in a room I didn't recognize, with a drink and pills and a cryptic note referencing Aether Through the Looking Glass. If I didn't remember coming here that would have been terrifying.” James smirked as he walked beside her. “Probably less than if I had sat by the bed.” Twilight grinned as she heard the comment. “Yeah, even remembering last night that would have frightened me. For several reasons.” “I just left you Lucca's morning after treatment, hopefully it helps.” “I'll tell you when my head stops throbbing.” It wasn't long before they heard another pony approaching, the sound of the hooves on the ceramic floor making Twilight wince as they came. “You need more rugs,” she mumbled. Starlight rounded the corner and immediately smiled as she saw Twilight. “Oh thank goodness you're here.” She casually said. “Spike was getting worried when Lyra came by to make sure you were alright and we couldn't find you.” Twilight's face twisted as she heard Starlight talk. “She's here, but alright is debatable.” James quietly commented. Starlight recoiled a moment before apologizing quietly. “Ri-i-ight, you're probably hung over too.” Twilight slowly nodded. “Yeah, Lyra was not looking her best when she came by, and apparently Bonbon's still out. I just hope whatever you drank was at least good.” Twilight once again nodded as she gave a quiet “Mh-hm.” “I might have to try it sometime. Though probably less than you had.” “Let me know and I can set up a time where you can try all the alien booze you like. Though I don't think she'll go a little slower next time since now she knows it was rum.” Twilight's only response was to give a slight noncommittal shrug. “So what time is it Starlight?” She eventually asked as they continued to her door home. “It's almost noon.” “Noon?!” “Until Lyra came by we just thought you were working on something at the school and had disappeared again.” At the mention of school James snapped his fingers, making Twilight wince in pain. “Sorry about that.” James quickly added. “So this summer break I've got some plans for all of you.” “Plans?” Starlight asked as she cocked her head. “Body mods. Seto actually told me the final approval came through as she and her husband left the conference. And while I still haven't gotten answers from everyone who's been approved, they can take as long as they like to make up their mind. But for everyone who's ready, I'm going to be making plans.” “Oh,” Starlight quietly said. She had thought about this off and on, every time coming to a different conclusion, but she found herself leaning more and more to accepting his offer. Her biggest fear was losing those she cared about. Though she reasoned others would eventually come along. Just like when Twilight and her friends came into her life. And she knew that she would still have some of her friends. Twilight, as an alicorn, likely didn't need the modifications, Rainbow Dash would clearly get them and then there was Discord, as well as James and his family. Quietly, she reassured herself that she wouldn't be alone. And that was usually the clincher, the fact that it created more possibilities. But another concern soon crept into her mind: What if she wanted more than just friends? She had been struggling with that more and more lately. Sunburst had clearly moved on and even if she found someone, could she live with them for their whole life and just move on without them one day? Would James be willing to help them live longer for her sake? She chewed her lip unconsciously as she thought again. James caught the tell and stopped, kneeling down to look Starlight in the eye. “If you do say yes, until it actually happens you can change your mind. No matter how many times that happens. It's not an easy decision to make, and you should be certain it's something you want.” “Celestia just made me an alicorn, all this was dumped on me later.” Twilight said, smiling despite her clear pain and nausea. “That obvious?” Starlight nervously asked. “Well, I did just mention it.” James explained before turning to Twilight. “The offer is open to you too, Twilight,” James reminded her, “the benefits are more than just a longer life after all.” “I guess it wouldn't hurt if I did. I mean, I've already got a lot of what you mentioned just for being an alicorn …” Twilight paused again to take a few deep breaths, hoping to avoid vomiting. “Will it mean I don't get hung over anymore?” She asked as if pleading. “Sorry, the factors that lead to that aren't so easy to be rid of.” James offered, placing his hand on the back of Twilight's neck and gently rubbing the base. “Ginger Ale usually helps me get over a hangover faster if you want to try that too.” Twilight moaned lightly and nodded, “Just give me everything.” Starlight started to speak, but hesitated. Never the less James saw her start and looked directly at her. “Yes?” He asked, smiling warmly at her. “Oh, well … If I can take my time to decide, maybe I can come along and choose then.” Starlight cautiously said. “Absolutely.” He calmly said. “I'm just glad it won't be ready until summer.” Starlight sighed. “I mean, I do like the idea, but …” “It's actually ready now. But I think summer would probably be a better time given the school and all that.” James explained after Starlight's pause. “After what she said in Saillune I didn't think it would get approved so fast.” “Honestly I think Seto wanted to make sure you were ready before pushing it through. She does have a lot of sway on these matters.” “But we didn't talk about any of that the other day.” Twilight said as she remembered her time spend with the alien monarch. “Yeah, and she barely talked about it in Saillune.” Starlight added. “She has her own way of finding things out, and with as successful a matchmaker as she is I'd say it's effective.” “Has she even talked to everypony?” “Before the conference she spent a whole day at Sweet Apple Acres and Rarity's boutique each. She told me she was offering to get them a place in the conference, but I knew there's no way that was all.” “Yeah, I guess I can see that. But what about Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, or Pinkie?” “Given Seto's hand in Rainbow Dash and I being together, I'm pretty sure she's already made that evaluation. As for Pinkie and Fluttershy; she personally saw to it that Mirror Pinkie got the mods and Fluttershy is so gentle that nobody could see a problem with her getting them.” “Yeah, I guess so.” “That's still not everypony.” Twilight pointed out. “If you want the full list, you'll have to ask her, I'm only guessing. And of course there's everyone who said no.” James said with a light chuckle. “Who said no?” Starlight asked. James hemmed a moment, “A couple, and they have their reasons. But it's not like they can't change their mind. And thanks to a couple other secrets up here we can even make them younger if they decide late in life.” “How?” James smirked as he looked down. “Thanks to some memory spells I can honestly say I have no idea. But I know we can do it, I've done it myself a few times.” “Wait,” Starlight asked as she looked up to James, “why would you keep that secret even from yourself.” “It's a fountain of youth, to be metaphorical … I think … people will do some crazy things to get that knowledge and it's safer just forgotten. All I know is that if it's needed I can get to it.” Starlight paused and eventually nodded her head in agreement. “You coming by today?” She asked. “I at least have to give Twilight her ginger ale.” James said with a grin. “Though I should probably bring one for Lyra and Bonbon too.” “Well, I guess we'll see you soon. Coming Twilight?” Twilight's stomach did flips as she looked at the door, knowing all too well the vertigo she would feel passing through it. The memory itself being enough to trigger the sudden response. Twilight forced her jaws closed as her stomach muscles tightened. Her eyes widening in the sudden realization of what was happening no matter how she fought it. “James …” Starlight started to say, sounding concerned. “On it.” Was his only reply as he reached into his bag of holding and collected a bucket. In one swift motion he placed the bucket in easy reach for Twilight before circling around and gently pulling her mane back. “That was fast.” Starlight said, amazed. “Not my first rodeo. And I kind of expected this when she showed up drunk.” James calmly answered. “You go on ahead and tell everyone she's going to be a while.” He then turned to Twilight and quietly spoke. “You can stay here as long as you need to feel better.” Twilight, too preoccupied to make any actual statement, only managed a couple grunts in thanks. “I'll … see you later.” Starlight hesitantly said as she walked through the door, glad when she stopped hearing the more unpleasant consequences of Twilight's night drinking with the couple. “Any luck?” Spike asked as he saw Starlight walking down the hallway. “Oh, yeah. I found Twilight, she's about as rough as Lyra so not willing to make the trip back yet.” “I don't think I've ever seen her actually hung over before.” Spike commented, amused. “It's not her best.” Starlight added before her mind shifted to the news James gave her. “So Spike, I guess this summer everypony is going to be getting those body mods.” “Not everypony.” Spike casually said. “I know I won't be.” This took Starlight back. “What, really. I thought you'd be all for it.” “I'm not against it. But I'm a dragon. I'm going to live a very long time already.” “So's Twilight, but she's going to get them too.” “That's fine for her, but really Starlight, I'm not that much younger than her and I'm still just a child as far as dragons are concerned. Twilight's …” Spike explained before Starlight cut him off. “She's not even thirty yet Spike.” “I know. But she is an adult. The last thing I need is to age even slower than everypony else. Maybe I'll change my mind in a hundred years or so, but I'm just not ready yet.” “That's very mature, Spike.” Starlight said with a grin. “Yeah, I've heard.” “You know what, Spike. I think I'm going to go for a walk.” “Okay. Have fun.” Starlight made her way to the front of the castle, finding Lyra sitting quietly in the foyer, her slatted sunglasses obscuring her bloodshot eyes. “Well, we found her.” Starlight quietly said. “Oh good.” Lyra said with a weak smile. “Is she alright?” “She's in good hooves.” Starlight answered calmly. “Yay. I felt so guilty for not insisting she stay, we were all way too drunk.” “Oh, right. I guess you were drinking rum.” Lyra winced as she chuckled. “Oh boy. No wonder we were so drunk, we must have had about six shots each.” Slowly, Lyra stood up and turned to the door. “I think Bon and I are going to have a lazy day today. I'll come back later to let Twilight know she's welcome to come to dinner any time.” “But maybe she shouldn't bring the drinks.” Starlight giggled. “Are you kidding?” Lyra said with a smile. “It was so fun trying a new drink and getting completely wasted. Maybe not every time, but once in a while is great.” “I'll be sure to let her know.” Starlight said, returning the smile. *** Starlight's mind wandered as she walked, stewing on the subject that had been giving her such trouble. A thousand arguments for and against undergoing the procedure, her own fears and the hope of new horizons. Lifetimes of experiences, both good and bad. Watching the world change around her, as she remains constant. If I choose to stay. She quietly reminded herself, figuring that she could travel if she wanted. James certainly liked taking them to interesting places. But it didn't often turn out as planned. Every argument had a counter in either direction and every time she considered it, coming to a decision felt more and more impossible. Her meandering walk had taken her past Ponyville, walking the outskirts of the town near where one of her friends lived. It had been a while since she had visited Maude Pie, and if there was anyone who could listen and give her some solid ground it would be most level headed of the Pie sisters. The entrance of the cave seemed dull in and of itself, hiding a vibrant and lush landscape within. Much like the pony who had chosen it as her home. “Knock, knock.” Starlight called as she entered the grotto that she and her friend had long ago discovered by accident. “Are you home Maude?” “Yes Starlight.” Came the monotone reply characteristic of the eldest Pie sister. “I'm studying these samples that just came in.” “Ooh, anything interesting?” Starlight asked as she approached an out of the way nook where Maude had set up her geology equipment. Maude stared dispassionately at Starlight a moment. “All rocks are interesting,” she answered. “Right, right. But I mean: Anything interesting beyond the usual?” Starlight corrected. “Yes, quite. I just got a special delivery from your friend James.” “Really? What did you get?” “I purchased a particular rock that he called Dreamstone. It comes from Lucca's home world, but disappeared long ago. I wonder how he got any if it's supposed to be gone.” “That is interesting.” Starlight commented, mildly interested. “It has some fascinating magical properties, and I can see why James would need it refined to bring out it's strongest traits.” “Right, you did that for him last year. Well, I look forward to hearing all about it when you've had more time to study it.” “Yes. It's going to be quite exciting finding out everything I can about this particular rock.” Maude said, smiling with all the emotion she ever expressed. “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? If you're not too busy that is.” Starlight asked. “No, I could use a break anyway. I've been as excited as Pinkie Pie examining this rock and need to calm down.” Starlight sighed, knowing well that she may sound ridiculous, but if anyone should be used to ridiculous it would have to be Pinkie's sister. “Well, I don't know how much you know about what's going on with my life surrounding your sister and our friends. But James made us an offer recently and I'm nervous about what it could mean.” Maude quietly nodded as she walked along with Starlight. “Yes. Pinkie Pie went on an on about it. She's very excited about the idea.” “I see.” Starlight said, more uncomfortable than relieved. “What's your opinion on … you know, possibly living thousands of years.” “I think it's an exciting idea.” Maude calmly said. “When James made the offer to me I was beside myself.” Starlight stopped mid-step and turned to her friend. “I didn't realize he made the offer to you too.” “Yes, he said it's because I was very important to Pinkie Pie but I think there are other reasons.” “Really?” Starlight was getting wrapped up in the intrigue. “But I could be wrong. Marble and Limestone were also offered, so it could be as simple as he said.” “Huh. And not your parents?” “My parents are staunch traditionalists and refused before he even asked. I think Limestone refused because she's afraid of living that long.” “Uhm. I know it's none of my business, but what did Marble say?” “She agreed, probably because she's afraid like Limestone.” Starlight groaned as she heard Maude's explanation. “Two ponies, two different responses, for kind of the same reason.” “Yes. But their reasons, like mine, are personal.” “And you said yes?” “Of course. Rocks exist all over the universe, each with it's own story waiting to be heard. And I want to know them. It's my purpose.” Maude said, her flat, monotone delivery belying the passion that she felt at the prospects opening up to her. “But to just go on, leaving everything behind eventually.” Starlight quietly said. Maude stopped them both, turning to face Starlight. “That's how life is Starlight. But as long as you're still around, you can find the new, the exciting. I know that one day I'll have to leave Ponyville, even Equestria, but that's to learn new things. And if I choose to come back to visit, there will be new challenges for me here when I do.” Starlight knew her friend well enough to assign appropriate tone to what she was saying, and she couldn't help but feel the hope and excitement Maude was expressing in her own unique way. “And I'd rather take the opportunity before it's too late.” Maude added. This statement caught Starlight, bringing up memories of her meeting Velvet and learning that she had missed her chance with Sunburst. “Yeah,” Starlight said uncomfortably, “don't want to be late.” she quietly added. > 16 Foal Sitting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle blinked hard as she got her stomach back to where it should be. While the vertigo sensation she got whenever she crossed universes was unpleasant, it thankfully only lasted a couple seconds. She stood with her two other friends, Apple Bloom and herself with their saddlebags overstuffed with everything Applejack or Rarity felt they would need for a week away. Scootaloo, on the other hand, had only her scooter and a couple necessities and snacks packed by her aunts loaded into her wagon. “You doing alright?” James asked as he turned to the filly. “Yeah, I just don't think I'll ever get used to that.” “I understand.” “You may if you visit more often.” Lucca added with a smirk. “Yeah.” Apple Bloom happily said. “We should do this more.” “You didn't do anything.” James chuckled. “Your sisters are just out of town for a while.” “Well, we can come by more often.” Scootaloo suggested. “Wait.” James said with mock surprise. “You mean you don't live here?” “We do for the next week.” Scootaloo said with a sly smile. “You're right.” Lucca replied with a giggle. “I am glad Holiday and Lofty said you could come along this week.” “Oh, they couldn't say no when we asked them.” Apple Bloom said proudly. “And those big sad eyes we practiced for days didn't hurt either.” Scootaloo said as Sweetie Bell shot her a shocked expression. Much to the young filly's surprise instead of the quick reprimand she expected, she heard the couple chuckling. “Well, however you did it, we're glad to have you here.” James answered. “Now, I don't know how you three want to arrange things,” Lucca said as they left the room and began down the hallway, “but we can have a room for each of you, or if Scootaloo wants to share her bedroom …” “Wait!” Sweetie Belle said suddenly, stopping the group short. “Scootaloo has her own bedroom here?” “Uh, yeah.” Scootaloo said as though it were obvious. “So does Rainbow Dash. We're family, remember.” “Yeah,” Sweetie Belle quietly said. “I guess that makes sense.” A curious feeling came over her as she thought about Scootaloo's comment, and she couldn't help but think about her only bedroom being at Rarity's house. “Let's all stay in my room! It'll be like a week long sleep over.” “Yes! Sleep over!” Apple Bloom enthusiastically agreed, happily giggling as she ran around with Scootaloo. “Okay, okay.” James said, laughing slightly at the infectious happiness. “I'll go get a couple guest beds for you. Sweetie Belle let the odd feeling go in light of her friends excitedly planning out their week. Soon whatever bother she had had vanished quickly leaving her excitedly chatting along with her friends. “Don't plan everything out.” James laughed as he interrupted them. “We've got a few family things going on that you're coming to.” “Like what?” Apple Bloom asked, her smile threatening to take in her entire face. “Don't get too excited either.” James said, patting Apple Blooms head briefly. “Just a day on the beach, and family game night. On the less fun side I have a business trip to the Citadel that everyone's coming along with, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it.” “Ooh! What are we playing?” Scootaloo happily asked, focusing on her favorite part and prancing as they walked once more towards the bedrooms. “Hyrule Warriors? Armored Core? Crystal Chronicles? What about Ghostbusters?” “None of those.” Lucca calmly answered, enjoying how excited everyone was getting. Scootaloo gasped, “Do I finally get to play Dark Souls?” She asked, practically vibrating in excitement. “Absolutely not.” James and Lucca said together. “Oh.” Scootaloo said, practically pouting as she got the firm answer. “Even the name “Dark Souls” sounds like it would be a bit scary for me.” Sweetie Belle added, as she continued with everyone. “Then what is it?” Apple Bloom asked, as excited as ever. “It's actually a game that my brother has been working on.” James answered with a smile. “Your brother makes games?” Scootaloo asked, astonished. “Kind of. He's just taking all his favorite things from every game in a specific series and smashing them together with his own story.” “And after years, he's still not done with it.” Lucca said with a sly grin. “And how many of your projects can I say that about?” James smirked as he asked. “He does this for fun so it takes a while as he's doing almost all of the work by himself. We're just going to be running around the world as is and having fun with what's done. He hasn't finished the story yet, so we can do whatever we want.” “So what kind of game is it?” “I think we'll have more fun if all of you are surprised by it.” “This week's going to be amazing!” Apple Bloom shouted. “It's not all fun and games girls.” James said, more seriously. “Cheerilee was kind enough to give us work packets for each of you so you don't fall behind in class.” The one statement managed to completely deflate the girls as they believed they had escaped school for a few days. “Hey,” Lucca calmly said, “myself, Tali, or James will give you as much help as we can if you need it. We just want to make sure you keep up with your classes.” Her promise of help did nothing to soothe them of knowing they had homework to do. It wasn't long before they arrived at a door with a Wonderbolt placard and Scootaloo's cutie mark etched on it. “Alright girls,” James said as he opened the door, “here you are, I'll be back with the extra beds in a bit, then we can get you in the Enertron so you're not sleeping all day, and after that it's time for lunch. Anything in particular you girls want?” “Hay Burgers!” Apple Bloom excitedly said. “Potato Strings!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Salad.” Sweetie Belle answered. “That's quite an order.” James said with a grin. “I'll see what we can do. Though we don't have any hay burgers, so I hope black bean burgers are alright.” “Bean burger?” Apple Bloom asked, cocking her head at James. “Yeah, ponies are the only one's who visit that can really eat hay, and I haven't programmed them into the replicator. But I know Twilight really loves to try the different burgers up here.” “You should do something about that.” Scootaloo said with a sly smile. “Yeah, I probably should. But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy trying something new.” Lucca put her hand on James' shoulder, getting his attention as he began to turn around. “We'll just go somewhere, it'll be easier for everyone.” “Sure.” James said, leaning forward and giving Lucca a quick kiss. “While these three are resting up, you grab everyone else and we'll head out.” “I'll start now, just in case Amber is working on something.” Lucca said before walking out of the room. “Okay, girls,” James said as he looked back to the three fillies, “figure out how you want things arranged in here and I'll be back in a couple minutes.” With James gone Scootaloo and Apple Bloom pranced in place as they imagined the fun they would be having away from Ponyville. “What should we do first?” Apple Bloom eagerly asked. “There's some cool parks in Truce we can explore.” Scootaloo suggested. “Aren't there woods just outside the front doors?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Yeah, but some of these parks have a course just for scooters and skateboards. It looks so cool!” “I'm not that good on a scooter.” Apple Bloom said. “I know, we'll just hook up the wagon and you can ride around like in Ponyville.” “We should look around the forest. Usually we're just walking through and I want to see what we can find there.” Sweetie Belle suggested. As they planned they were eventually interrupted by a knock at the door. “I've got the beds here.” James called from the other side. Sweetie Belle's horn lit up with a pale green luminescence as the door opened and James walked in with what appeared to be two cots. “The mattresses are in the hall still, once we know where you want the beds set up I'll bring them in.” Eagerly the girls chose where they wanted to sleep and soon it was time for them to get to the Enertron. They were joined by Lucca, Tali, and Amber as they arrived, Tali crouched and put her fist out which the three ponies happily bumped with their hooves. “Alright,” James said as he opened the pod-like device, “one at a time, then we're heading out for lunch.” “About that,” Lucca added as James watched Apple Bloom climb onto the seat. “Sara's at the guild right now, so she's going to meet us at the restaurant.” “We had to find somewhere that would handle everyone's orders, and I think I found a good place. It's a vegetarian restaurant, just so you know.” Tali added as James shrugged and ushered Apple Bloom out of the Enertron and Sweetie Belle in. “And they've got a great Dextro menu that caters to Quarians.” “Good to hear.” James said as he activated the Enertron for the second time. “You think with more Quarian friendly restaurants we'll be able to attract more to live here?” Tali ushered Scootaloo into the Enertron before folding her arms and thinking. “I think most Quarians are still more interested in living on Rannoch, but I'm sure we'll get more tourists at least.” “Sorry you never got that house on your home world.” James said apologetically. “I'll always have a place there, but my home is here, adrift with the stars.” Tali said, her voice taking on a poetic air. James smiled at her, and nodded. “Cribbing from Fleet and Flotilla?” Tali chuckled briefly and shook her head. “I'd say more … inspired by.” “Fleet and Flotilla?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking between the two. Tali beamed unseen at the question. “Oh we are definitely having a girls night this week to watch that vid.” “Sounds like a plan,” Lucca said with a nod. “Maybe Friday after James teaches his class?” “That's a great idea!” Tali excitedly exclaimed. “I don't think Starlight's seen it yet either.” “Not exactly much of a class with only four attendees.” James said with a shrug, “Anyway, let's go get some lunch.” James said, jerking his thumb behind him. Excited as ever, the ponies ran around the forest path as they made their way towards Truce. Despite being regular guests, the extended stay made everything feel fresh and exciting for the three. Even Amber, who lived there, couldn't help but join the Crusaders: popping in and out of the bushes, chasing and running wherever, unconcerned with any structure and simply having fun. James smiled as he walked along, an arm around Lucca, and his other hand held firmly by Tali. It was several minutes after walking into town that they saw Sara. Completely unaware of the group, she sat on a bench on the patio of the restaurant they were walking towards, her nose buried in a nondescript book likely borrowed from the guild she had just come from. “For someone who liked Rainbow Dash so much when she was younger, she's much more like Twilight now.” Lucca whispered to James. “And Amber, who still has that Twilight toy, is much more like Pinkie.” James answered. “I was thinking Sara's just like you.” Tali whispered as she nudged James. “She's trying to improve herself to keep others safe.” “If that's the direction we're taking this, then she's more like you and Lucca with how she analyses and adapts what she learns. She's quick and can think on her feet pretty well.” James said, squeezing Tali's hand and Lucca as they got closer. “Need some more time?” Lucca asked as the group got close. Sara brought her head up and looked around for a moment before turning to the group and waving. “Hi Sara!” The Crusaders all said, very close to each other. Sara gave a polite smile as she closed the book and put it down. “I already got our table here.” She said as she waved them over. Scootaloo jumped the small wall separating the patio from the walk, beating her wings furiously for that extra bit of lift to help her clear it. “So what'cha reading?” Sara looked to the book placed on the table in front of her for a moment. “The Basics of Shamanic Magic. My casting is kind of sloppy so my spells aren't as effective as they should be.” “Just remember, magic isn't the only tool you have.” Tali said before disappearing into the building. Sara waited until she reemerged on her side of the wall before responding, “Yeah, I know. But it's useful to practice, just in case there's a situation where I have nothing else.” “Of course,” Lucca answered, “the right tool for the right job.” Sara simply nodded as everyone sat around the table. “Do they teach about potions at the guild?” Apple Bloom asked eagerly. “Yeah, they have some potion classes. But it's basically chemistry, and I never did too well in that class.” “I remember your teacher telling me you showed real promise.” James said encouragingly. “Was that before or after I burned her eyebrows off?” Sara asked, turning her head away. James hemmed and hawed a moment before conceding that he didn't remember as the Crusaders laughed. Before continuing on the topic, a young man came and took their orders, disappearing shortly afterwords only to return moments later with everyone's drinks. “Wow. And I thought Rarity got special treatment wherever she went.” Sweetie Belle commented as she watched through the window and further into the kitchen. Seeing it suddenly spring to life on what seemed to be a slow day. “You kind of get used to it in our positions.” Sara commented. “Even at the guild I'm treated like I'm made of porcelain.” “That's why Ponyville is so great!” Amber said excitedly. “Everyone treats us like were just anyone else.” “Twilight's festival was actually a good example of that.” Lucca said with a grin. “… Well, before the invasion at least.” “Keelah, how could I forget.” Tali said, dropping her head as she shook it. “Yeah, we were all stuck here while the fun stuff was going on.” Scootaloo said, clearly disappointed. “We're happier you were bored than dealing with what everyone else was going through.” James commented. “I was ready to have my suit unsealed for a couple hours, not days.” Tali groaned, only partially paying attention to what was going on. “Yeah, you were sick for quite a while after that.” Amber said. “Fortunately it was just the stress and not an infection. We can thank Jurai for that.” Tali said with a sigh. “How are you girls doing?” James asked with a smile. “How are things with your Crusader Headquarters?” “Oh, the club house?” Apple Bloom asked. “Yeah, that.” James chuckled. “Well, we usually go around town to find ponies who need help.” Sweetie Belle answered “I mean, ponies don't need our help all the time, so we haven't been doing much there.” “But we can really help out at Twilight's school!” Scootaloo cut in. “As friendship tutors.” Sweetie Belle clarified. “Why don't you tell us about that?” Lucca suggested. *** “This is going to be so cool!” Scootaloo said to the other two Crusaders as they finished setting up the bedroom. “What should we do first?” “Let's go to the guild!” Apple Bloom suggested. “I want to see their potions class.” “Maybe that can be for something we do separately.” Sweetie Belle suggested. “I'd rather explore the forest, or Truce.” “We could see if there's anything set up in the town square.” Scootaloo suggested. “I mean, there's always something going on here.” Without any real discussion their plan was set, and soon they burst from the room, running towards James' study where he sat looking over an electronic pad. “Hey James.” Scootaloo happily said as she and her friends rushed into the room. “Can we go back to Truce for a while? We want to see what's going on today.” James muttered under his breath a moment as he tapped on the pad. “I'm sorry, girls. Could it wait a couple hours? I've got to get this done soon and I can't put it off this time.” “Oh … I guess.” She answered, sounding apologetic. “You could always check with Lucca or Tali.” James suggested, trying to sound optimistic. “I really am sorry. If I could do this and go with you I would, but if I mess this up families may not be able to eat for days.” “Really?” Apple Bloom asked, astonished. “Yeah, an emergency petition came in while we were having lunch. Apparently a blight struck a vital crop on Saigus Major devastating the Tantro Root.” James explained, more to himself than to the ponies. “I have to work out a supply chain for a suitable replacement to keep the people fed on top of a debit agreement that won't overburden them or any of the suppliers. And of course get the first shipment there as soon as possible, agreement or not.” “Wow. That's … wow.” Sweetie Belle said, trying to imagine what that would involve. “Yeah. … Sorry, you didn't need to know all that.” James answered with a sigh. “Tell you what: If you don't find anyone to go with you when I'm done I'll happily take you.” “I'm sure we can find somepony.” Scootaloo said enthusiastically. “I hope you do, and I'll see you when I'm done with this. Also, don't bother asking Alicia, she's been having a rough week and we need her to take some time for herself.” Leaving James to his work, it wasn't long before they found Lucca completely absorbed in hers. “Lucca!” Scootaloo said, as happily as she had with James. “Can you take us to Truce?” “I would if I could. We've got an emergency to deal with right now.” “James said you would be be able to take us.” Sweetie Belle complained. Lucca sighed and shook her head. “Of course he would. … I'm sorry, I have to leverage some contacts to see about getting the right people working on solving this problem. We need to find scientists with the right kind of skill set.” “I thought you just needed to get them food.” Apple Bloom said. “That's the most urgent need, yes. But they need this problem solved, or this is going to be an ongoing problem. That may be good for business, but it's bad for them.” Lucca explained. “Okay.” The CMCs said, discouraged as they walked out of Lucca's workshop. “So … Tali?” Scootaloo suggested as the door to Lucca's workshop closed behind them. “She's probably busy on some other part of this.” Sweetie Belle said, resigned. “Why don't we just go ourselves?” Apple Bloom suggested with a shrug. “I mean, Truce isn't any different than Ponyville.” “Great idea Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo eagerly said, prancing as she went. “Yeah, it's just a walk through the forest and on to town.” “We'll grab my scooter and wagon and be there in no time.” Scootaloo said, more than ready to be on her way. The normal quiet of the forest was broken with the cheering of the three fillies as they flew down the path towards Truce, stopping as they came to a fork in the road. “Uhm, I don't remember there being more than one path.” Scootaloo said as she looked down both. “Yeah, we're usually with somepony.” Apple Bloom said, hanging out of the wagon and looking alongside Scootaloo. “Sweetie Belle, you wanted to explore the forest. Which way should we go?” “I don't know, I wasn't paying attention.” Sweetie Belle was quick to say. “So, what? We turn back already?” Apple Bloom asked. “Nah.” Scootaloo said dismissively. “It's only two paths, if we go down the wrong one, we just come back and take the other. Do either of you have a bit we can flip?” Sweetie Belle readily brought out a bit and tossed it in the air, catching it with her upturned hoof and examining it. “Heads,” she announced. “Great.” Scootaloo said, getting ready to continue. “ … So which way is heads?” Sweetie Belle paused a moment, “Oh, uhhhm … That way.” She eventually said, pointing to the right. “Alright, hold on 'cuz here we go.” Scootaloo said as they sped down the right path. Minutes passed with only more forest ahead of them before Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie Belle. “You sure this is the right way?” “That's what the bit said.” Sweetie Belle answered confidently. “We're here!” Scootaloo excitedly announced as the trees thinned and buildings could be seen a short distance away. “Well I'll be.” Apple Bloom said, impressed. Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. “Trust the bit.” Scootaloo had to ride her scooter slower than she wanted as the streets were loaded with people walking in all directions, and the fillies were small enough to escape the notice of most. “I don't remember having to make our way through crowds like this.” Apple Bloom said as a centaur apologized for nearly kicking their wagon before continuing on her way. “Something big must be going on.” Sweetie Belle reasoned. “Which way now?” Scootaloo asked as they came to a roundabout. “Huh?” Sweetie Belle asked as she looked ahead of Scootaloo. “Wow, this place is bigger than I thought. Let me get that bit again.” “I know we've walked around without grown ups before.” Apple Bloom said, looking around determined to recognize something. “Weren't we always at a fair or something when we did?” Scootaloo asked, looking around just as determined. “Okay, we're going straight.” Sweetie Belle said. “Right!” Scootaloo announced before taking off. “No, she said straight!” Apple Bloom insisted. “Right.” Sweetie Belle answered. “Right.” Scootaloo repeated, changing direction. “What?” Sweetie Belle said, turning her attention to the road ahead of them. “Just following your directions.” Scootaloo answered. “Okay, well keep going straight.” Sweetie Belle cautiously said. “Right.” *** “So, any idea where we are Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked as she sat on her scooter, stopped at a relatively slow intersection. “ … No,” she admitted, “I don't think we've ever been to this part of Truce.” “I didn't know this part of Truce even existed.” Apple Bloom said, looking up at a road sign. “Why aren't these signs in Ponish?” “I don't think anypony here reads Ponish.” Sweetie Belle answered. “Well why not? They speak it.” “I … don't know.” Scootaloo sighed as she looked up to the same sign, and soon past it. “If I could just fly I could see where we are.” She moaned, dejected. “Well, let's head back.” Apple Bloom suggested, halfheartedly, “Maybe they've solved that problem already.” “Do you know the way?” Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom just shook her head before looking to her two friends, hoping one of them could tell her something positive. “I think we're lost.” Sweetie Belle admitted, more than a hint of fear in her voice. While most people walked by the ponies, the trio wasn't completely unnoticed. “Did you say you're lost?” Came a light breathy voice from behind the group. The ponies turned to find a young woman that mostly looked human, except that her limbs appeared to be from a bird. She held up a wing and smiled as she waved at them, “Hello.” “Do you know where we are?” Apple Bloom asked. The harpy held her wing under her chin a moment as she thought for a minute. “Nope.” She proudly said with a wide smile. “Then you're lost too?” Scootaloo asked. The harpy's smile didn't go anywhere as she shook her head. “Tsuni knows her way around.” She proudly said. “Do you know where the town square is?” Tsuni closed her eyes and seemed to wrack her brain as the ponies waited. “It's the park with the big bell.” Apple Bloom offered, hoping that would help move things along. At the mention of the bell Tsuni's eyes popped open and she smiled confidently. “Tsuni knows where that is.” “Finally.” Sweetie Belle sighed happily before climbing back into the wagon, Apple Bloom close behind. “Can you take us there?” Scootaloo asked, standing up on her scooter and turning it around. Tsuni smiled and raised her wing to her brow as if in salute and turned around, walking casually forward. Scootaloo followed as closely as she could while contending with the crowded streets. Shortly after the started, they noticed that Tsuni occasionally looked back at the three following her. Moments later she began walking faster. Scootaloo, hoping to not get lost again, did her best to keep up. It was after Tsuni once again picked up her pace that Scootaloo finally called out to her. “Tsuni, please slow down. We can't get around the people as easily as you.” Tsuni stopped suddenly and turned to the three ponies. “Why are you following Tsuni?” She asked, looking genuinely confused. “What do you mean? You were leading us to the town square, remember?” Sweetie Belle asked, clearly as confused as Tsuni. “The park with the big bell.” Tsuni stood once again with her wing beneath her chin before proudly announcing that she knew where it was and turned to continue on her way there. “Y'all think everything's alright with her?” Apple Bloom asked as they once more followed the harpy. “Maybe she's just easily distracted.” Sweetie Belle offered. “You know, like Pinkie.” “Probably.” Scootaloo agreed. “I bet she's got it now.” It wasn't long until Tsuni began to walking faster that Scootaloo called out to her, hoping to avoid a repeat of just moments ago. “The park,” Scootaloo said, “remember?” Tsuni paused once again, not looking behind her to the ponies quickly catching up. Then, without any warning, she flapped her wings and flew off into the distance. The Crusaders were left watching the harpy vanish in the distance, and having no way to follow. “She left us?!” Sweetie Belle asked in disbelief as she and Apple Bloom climbed out of the wagon to stare at the rapidly vanishing figure. “Uhm … anypony happen to have any better idea where we are now?” Scootaloo asked with false hope. “I think we're somehow even more lost now.” Apple Bloom said, moaning as she shook her head. “You trusted a harpy?” Came a gruff voice from behind them. The ponies turned to find a disheveled human man laying prone on the ground, propped up on an elbow with a mostly empty bottle beneath him. “Damn bird brains are good for nothing but … eh, never mind.” “Are you alright?” Apple Bloom hesitantly asked. “You got any beer with you?” “We're foals.” Sweetie Belle answered, climbing back into the wagon. “Come on Apple Bloom.” She added in a whisper. The man groaned and rolled over before coughing. “Then get lost.” “Let's get going Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle whispered quickly. “Don't have to tell me twice.” She answered as she beat her wings, sending them off quickly. “I think she went that way.” Apple Bloom offered, watching the buildings zip past. The building now looked so different from any part of Truce she knew she could only hope moving in the general direction the harpy flew would help them. “I don't know.” Scootaloo said, her voice wavering as she looked around, desperately hoping to see something, anything, that was familiar. “I just want to go back to the castle.” Sweetie Belle said, trying not to hyper ventilate. “We should have just waited.” Apple Bloom said, laying down in the wagon and holding her head with her hooves. “What if nopony ever finds us?” Sweetie Belle said. “Hey!” A voice called out to the three. Not looking towards the voice, the three screamed and Scootaloo beat her wings faster. The sudden burst of speed only made the buildings appear to blend together. Their imaginations turned windows and balconies into menacing eyes and gaping, fang filled, maws. Trees near the roads became claws reaching for them. Desperately wanting to shut out the sights, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both closed their eyes tight. Scootaloo only continued looking to not hit anything, with the desperate hope that something would soon look familiar. *** James stretched and stood up, his knees and back groaning for having not moved for a couple hours. After stretching his arms and back he checked his omnitool for any messages. Nothing, of course, he'd only just sent out his plan and offers. All he could do now was wait for an answer. Unfortunately it was more likely he'd get counter offers. Not that he didn't understand their side, but he didn't want this to drag out longer than it absolutely had to. Out of curiosity, he knocked on the door to Lucca's workshop and cracked open the door. “Lucca?” “Yes?” Lucca asked, not looking away from her desk. “Did the CMC's come by. I've got some downtime until I have to get back to work, and I know they wanted to head back to Truce.” “Yeah, they came by, but I was (and am) in the middle of some work here too.” “Alright. Maybe they're with Tali or Amber.” As James approached Amber's room he could hear noises inside. While it wasn't anything distinct he did feel he had found them. He knocked and leaned against the door, waiting for Amber to answer. “Amber?” He called after a moment. The noise stopped and Amber opened the door. She looked surprised, and was splashed with several paints. “Hey dad.” “Are the CMCs in there with you?” Amber pursed her lips a moment and shook her head. “No, not here.” James nodded, though he wanted to start searching every room he calmly told himself that they may be with Tali. The idea, however, was short lived as he brought out his omnitool and searched for Scootaloo's transponder. While he now knew where she was, there were still questions. The first being how they had found their way to the replica of Lucca's childhood home. His mind began to cloud as the other questions swirled, and with a deep breath he forced them from his mind. However they got where they were now, they weren't going anywhere so it would be easy to get to them. As he made the rationale to himself another observation forced it's way past his mental block: Scootaloo's transponder was the only one near the area. Clearly neither Tali or Sara were with them. With a few more taps on his omnitool he began to violently melt away, repeating to himself that the other fillies were with her and were just fine. Waves gently lapped on the shore of the single home island and a salty breeze blew through his hair when he arrived on the bridge near Lucca's house. Much as he normally would like to, he didn't have the mind to appreciate the scenery, finding the fillies came first. Unbidden, his mind began to conjure all the horrible situations that could have come up in the time he was working. Images of finding them in the water and unresponsive, or not even finding them at all. Ideas that one or more have been grievously hurt. His heart ached at the thought of seeing any of them on any kind of life support machine. A creeping panic welled up in him as screams of terror invaded his mind. Memories all too familiar melding with his current fears. He had to get control of himself, he had to focus! He reminded himself that Scootaloo had the transponder, so she should be safe if anything happened. Unfortunately it was accompanied by the knowledge that the other two didn't. Ice filled his veins at the workings of his vivid imagination, continually conjuring more images that he could not shake. “Scootaloo! Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle!” He bellowed, as he didn't see any of the three. The transporter should have dropped him within a meter or two of the filly, but he couldn't see her anywhere. He closed his eyes with the hope of focusing, but the nightmare imagery wouldn't give him a moment of peace. But the quiet did provide him an answer at least, as he heard sobbing nearby. Once again the nightmare imagery came back full force. He was in the present, but his heart thundered as once again he worked to stop his mind and refocus to his current objective. Only one place they can be if I can hear them but not see them. He told himself, forcing himself to visualize all three alright, and not the alternatives currently invading his mind. With only a brief look over the side of the bridge to check first, he vaulted over the low wall onto the shore nearly two meters below. Beneath the bridge, all three ponies were huddled and sobbing. The scooter lay on the ground while the wagon was overturned appearing to act as a windbreak. Despite what he could tell from seeing them huddled before him, he still couldn't shake the growing panic. With a hard swallow he made himself mask his feelings, he couldn't allow himself to pass his anxiety on to them. And with well practiced force, he calmed himself (if not his mind,) and carefully crawled beneath the bridge reaching out his hand and placing it gently on Sweetie Belle's back. Flashes of memory shot through his mind, threatening to take him back to his distant past. Quietly he grounded himself, concentrating on what was in front of him. What he could see, what he could touch, and what he could smell. Anything to keep himself in the present. Sweetie Belle yelped as the large hand came down on her back, catching the attention of the other two as she did. “James!” The fillies shouted in unison, throwing themselves at him in their excited relief. James couldn't help but smile as all three were alright, and his mind dredging up fewer and fewer nightmares to subject him to. “I'm so happy to see you girls.” His voice wavered slightly as he spoke. “Come on, let's get out from under here, it's a bit cramped for me.” Once he stood again in the open, he took a moment and dusted the sand from his clothes. “Are you girls alright?” Without warning the three ponies hugged him once more, overcome with relief that now they weren't lost. “We're sorry!” Scootaloo sobbed as she held his leg. “Yeah, we thought we could find the town square since we've been there so many times.” Apple Bloom said. “And when the bit got us to Truce we just kept trying that, and when we were really lost a bird girl just made things worse.” Sweetie Belle explained. “And then we tried to find our way on our own, but that only got us more lost.” Scootaloo continued. “It's okay now girls.” James calmly said. “You're not mad?” Sweetie Belle asked. James bit his lip before smiling at the three. “While I'm disappointed you decided to just leave like you did, I'm much more relieved to find you all safe.” “How did you find us anyway?” Apple Bloom asked. “By finding Scootaloo's transponder.” James calmly said. “There's not many places she can go that we can't find her.” He took a moment and looked around, wondering once more how they had managed to get so far south of Truce. “Actually, it's interesting that you ended up here.” “Really?” Scootaloo asked. “Where is here?” Apple Bloom asked. “This is actually Lucca's house.” James started. “But she lives with you.” Scootaloo pointed out. “Yeah, this is a replica of her childhood home: She grew up in a house identical to this one.” James said as he led the trio from the beach up towards the villa home. “… Here.” James said as he fished around in his bag of holding a moment, eventually pulling out an old fashioned key and unlocking the door, “Let's take a look since we're here anyway.” The hinges groaned as James pushed the door open to reveal a moderately sized room with machinery, books, and notes scattered haphazardly all around. A coat of dust covering everything and giving the room a muted look. “Wow, when was the last time anypony came here?” Sweetie Belle asked shortly before sneezing with the dust kicked up by their movement. “I'd say a few years at least.” James quietly answered. “Possibly even before Sara was born.” “Wow,” Apple Bloom marveled as she looked around, “what do all of these do?” “You'd have to ask Lucca. This is all her and her father's work.” James said as he walked over to the large glass tank by the door at the back of the room. Wiping some of the dust away on the tube, James was able to see something faintly glowing at the bottom. “Wait, wasn't this just a replica?” James muttered to himself. “What?” Scootaloo asked. “Nothing.” James was quick to dismiss. “Just … hmm.” James' voice trailed off as he looked around the room, trying to remember all of the small details that wouldn't have been duplicated. Sweetie Belle carefully opened the door at the back of the room and peered into the hallway, using her horn to throw a dim light over the area. Suddenly, with a yelp, she jumped back. “What is it Sweetie Belle?” James asked sharply as he abruptly turned from the devices on the nearby counter. “I was just startled by this robot here.” She explained as she laughed briefly, finishing opening the door and pointing out the large bodied, red, humanoid robot. It's only intact limb was a single arm and streaks of black and silver could be seen periodically across it's surface. James approached and touched one of the black streaks with the tip of his finger, wiping the small area clean. It was easy enough to recognize the substance as soot. “What happened to this one?” Scootaloo asked, looking over the mangled machine. “If this isn't a replica … then he was caught in a fire after a hard battle.” James said as he activated his omnitool, using it to undo the fasteners on the central hatch of it's body. The ponies covered their ears as the hinges screeched in protest while James pulled the hatch open. Without another word James summoned a small ball of light and began looking around inside. “What are you looking for?” Scootaloo asked, trying to see around him. James' voice echoed slightly as he answered her. “I know a couple things about Lucca's machines. Just checking for …” His voice trailed off briefly as several clicks and metallic squeaking was heard. “… I see.” “What?” Apple Bloom insisted. “She did remove his core.” James commented. “I thought she rebuilt him from the ground up, but I guess she just made him a new body.” James carefully stood and took a couple steps back. “Let's look around a bit more,” he offered. The CMCs cheered at the news, their fears from being lost long gone from their minds. “We're just looking,” James emphasized at their enthusiasm. “This is still Lucca's house.” *** Lucca didn't appear to acknowledge James when he walked into her workshop as she remained focused on her work. “Sounds like the girls had a good time,” she said as James closed the door. Rather than answer, James silently walked up and hugged her from behind. Lucca smiled and reached her hand over to pat his head resting on her shoulder. “It didn't start out good.” James explained as he stepped back. “They ran off to go to Truce by themselves.” Finally, Lucca tore her attention from her work and gave James a concerned expression. “Yeah, they thought they knew their way around well enough and obviously got lost.” James explained, “In fact, they wound up at your house.” Lucca's expression turned quickly from concern to curiosity. “How did they get that far south?” “Scootaloo's pretty fast on that scooter.” James casually answered. “I hope you don't mind, but we took a look inside.” Lucca smiled and scoffed, “Probably a foot of dust in there.” “Not a foot, but yeah, it's been a while. I made sure we left things how we found them, just in case.” James paused a moment to think about what he was going to say. “I didn't realize you had gone to collect everything.” “Sentimental value,” Lucca said offhanded. “replica's just don't have the same memories to them.” “Fair enough.” James said with a shrug “Would you mind if I went back, I wanted to get a look at some of the equipment you and your father used to use.” “We own better.” Lucca countered. “Also, I wanted to get a better look around the place. I've got a couple memories there too.” “Sure. Just … when you find the pictures, leave them there. It still hurts.” Lucca said, her voice dropping. “Trust me, I understand.” James said, rubbing Lucca's shoulder. “I do.” She quietly said before decidedly changing the subject. “How's your end of things?” “The fact that I haven't heard back yet probably means they're cooking up some lousy deals for me to fight against. Just as well though, I'm gonna be up all night anyway.” At the statement Lucca turned and stared right into James' eyes, seeing a hollowness to them she recognized only too easily. “No, you're sleeping tonight even if I have to knock you out myself.” “I think that would only make things worse right now.” “You don't have to go through it.” Lucca insisted, her reminder alone enough to tell James exactly what she was talking about. “You know I hate that spell, I can't stand how empty it makes me feel.” “Is it really worse than this?" Lucca asked, waiting just long enough for James to not respond."… No, use it.” Her tone had an edge of finality to it. “Sleep will help you get through this faster, and you need as much focus as you can get when those shit offers come through.” James sighed, disappointed that he would inevitably be having another hollow sleep. His stomach turned as he recalled the sensation of his mind fading into what felt like oblivion. “And I want you feeling better too.” She added as she placed her hand on his cheek. “It's just my over active mind coming up with problems.” James tried to dismiss. “But it has a real effect on you. Just as you finally got more than a couple hours of sleep only to lose it to your past isn't fair.” “At least we have the enertron.” “It keeps you from breaking down during these episodes, but you need real down time.” “I'm glad I made sure we had a beach day and a game night this week. It should help me clear all this out.” James quietly said. “We can try a few things if it doesn't.” Lucca assured him. – – – – – – – – – – – – – “Don't you measure anything?” Sara asked as she watched her father scoop out flour and yeast into a large metal bowl. James kept a personal kitchen that he used with some regularity as he enjoyed cooking from time to time, though recently Mirror Pinkie would make use of it almost as much as he did. Not that anyone complained when she did, though it did take her a while to stop rearranging things to her liking. Sara stood by a marble counter with several labeled containers, a large bowl of fresh tomatoes, and a cloth bag of vegetables and herbs. She tapped her finger on the counter as she waited for her father to answer. “Not this recipe, I've been making it since I was your age, it's all muscle memory now.” “Not sure I can learn how to make pizza from you if you don't measure anything.” “You need to be more flexible.” James calmly said as he poured oil into the mixture. “Throw a bit of sugar in, would you?” “How much is a bit?” Sara asked, holding her hands out in confusion. “Less than some, but more than a touch.” “Those measurements are completely useless.” Sara argued. “Alright then.” James said casually, “You want to work on the sauce? That's easier to start with.” “Sure.” Sara agreed, shaking her head as she did. “Okay, toss the tomatoes into the blender and get them all liquid.” “What about their skins?” “Them too.” “So don't peal them?” “Exactly, there's good stuff in the skins so you shouldn't throw them out anyway. We'll work on traditional sauce another time because that takes a long time to make.” “How many kinds of pizza sauce are there?” “A few, we're just doing a basic one that I've worked on over the years.” Sara hesitantly threw the tomatoes into the blender and inspected the device for a moment before pressing the button labeled “liquefy” and spraying the kitchen in tomato gore. Releasing the button with a yelp, the flying fruit viscera stopped long enough for her to find the lid and try once more. As she processed the pulp the door swung open and the CMCs rushed inside. “Hi!” Apple Bloom happily said as she ran up to James, “Tali said we should come help you with dinner.” “Oh she did, huh?” James asked in an amused tone, mulling over the idea as he spoke before turning to his daughter, currently pouring the now liquid tomatoes into a large pan. “Sara, do you mind if the Crusaders help out?” James called to her. “Yeah, clearly I'm not learning this recipe from you.” Sara said, staring at the burner controls as if trying to decipher a foreign language. “Only if you don't pay attention.” James calmly said before turning back to the ponies. “Alright girls, wash your hooves. Once you're ready I'll show you how to help” With that he walked over to his daughter still looking confused. “Let's set this at a medium high for now.” He said, pressing a few buttons. “Precise control will be useful when you're more experienced.” “Oh, okay.” Sara watched her father set the stove, realizing now that she had completely missed the button that turned it on. “Now this is a cool stove, especially for soups and sauces.” James said as he directed Sara's attention to a small groove by the controls. “The magnets that heat this up also rotate letting us use these so we don't have to constantly stir.” As James spoke, he opened a small drawer with two ovoid metal rods and tossed them both in the pan. “Alright, now give it a pinch of salt.” Sara grinned. “Ah ha! A pinch is an actual measurement! I know that one.” “It can also just mean to pinch some between your fingers and whatever amount that actually is is the pinch. That's why the measurement is called a pinch after all.” Sara groaned and shook her head briefly as James collected the salt. “One of the most important things you can learn about cooking is that nothing works in exacts. You have to taste what you're making as you work so you can adjust ingredients and amounts to suit your needs.” “Well there has to be some base line to aim for.” “Yes actually.” “Okay James!” Apple Bloom eagerly said as she stood on the counter. “What can we do?” James turned to regard the three ponies. “Well, I only just mixed up the dough if you three want to work on kneading it.” Shortly after talking to them, James turned back to Sara. “There's a base for every recipe. For the sauce, a pinch of salt, a little sugar, some onion, garlic, basil, and a dash of black pepper and cinnamon. Feel free to adjust to your tastes, other good things you can put in are red pepper, marjoram, oregano, rosemary. The more you experiment and taste, the better feel you'll get for the ingredients and before you know it you'll be able to know what it tastes like just by knowing what's in it.” “Uhm.” Sweetie Belle spoke up as she stood near the bowl of dough. “How do we knead the dough?” James nodded to her and turned back to Sara. “Give it a shot, and remember to taste it as you work. I trust you.” With a smile he turned away from Sara and walked back to the ponies. “Okay. So this is easy, but very important, if we don't do this it'll be like trying to eat a tile.” James reached into the bowl and tossed the dough onto the counter. He pressed down on the center flattening it slightly then lifted the edge and moved it towards the center, folding it over, turning it and repeating. “And that's how we do it. Push down, fold, turn, repeat. Don't be afraid to beat it up a bit too, we need to really work it until it's smooth and kinda elastic.” Scootaloo laughed and stomped her front hooves down on the dough as Sweetie Belle used her magic to fold over the dough like James had demonstrated, turning it as Apple Bloom eagerly took a turn stomping. James chuckled as he watched them, offering tips until they got into a nice rhythm. “This is fun.” Sweetie Belle said with a wide smile. “Rarity won't let me near the kitchen at home.” “I'm not too surprised.” James nodded. “She likes things done in particular ways. I prefer to have fun.” “Dad,” Sara said as James finished talking. “Yes?” James answered, turning with a smile. “How do I know when to start adding stuff to it?” “Oh, right. It looks like the girls have the dough handled, so I'll help you out.” James said before turning to the ponies. “Don't hesitate to ask me anything, okay girls?” The CMC's stopped their work briefly to acknowledge James before eagerly starting again. “Well, you can add the ingredients anytime before we put the sauce on the pizza,” James explained as he looked over the area, “But it might help if we get the ingredients ready first.” Sara quickly turned her head to the small bag of herbs and vegetables the two had picked from the garden before they began cooking. Sara let her head fall back with a groan, “Sorry dad,” she moaned. “Nothing to be sorry about,” James calmly said as he rubbed her shoulder, “I forgot too.” After giving the produce a quick wash they began cutting for the pan, James showing Sara how to crush the garlic with the flat of the blade before mincing it, and carefully instructing her on how to hold the produce as she cut to not hurt herself. Before long the two had the sauce prepared and simmering. “There is just one thing we forgot.” James said with a grin as he walked to a drawer. “What? I'm pretty sure we got some of everything in there.” Sara said as she watched her father walking towards the drawers. As her father turned around holding a pair of spoons, she remembered what he had told her before they had begun preparing the sauce. “Oh … right.” Sara carefully dipped the spoon into the sauce, blowing on her sample before trying it. She couldn't help but give a half smile as it tasted right even without any measurements. “Girls, you want a taste too?” James called back to the CMCs who eagerly cheered as they ran over to him. Collecting a spoon for each, he got just enough to give them the promised taste. “Great job Sara.” Scootaloo exclaimed as she finished her taste. “Yeah.” Sweetie Belle readily agreed. “I wonder what it is that makes yours and Pinky's sauces so different.” Apple Bloom said as James put all the spoons in the sink to be cleaned. “Spice preference really.” James said casually. “She prefers a sweeter sauce, and I use one my dad taught me.” “I didn't know your dad taught you anything. You never talk about him.” Sara said, keenly interested. “Yeah …” James answered, clearly uncomfortable. “Your grandfather wasn't exactly … well, he was a complicated person. And the few times he and I got along you could forget some of those complications.” The tension in the room became palpable briefly, when it was cut with Sweetie Belle cautiously asking, “So how long do we knead the dough for, anyway?” James cleared his throat, “Yeah, I'm pretty sure you've got it. Now while we let it rise I need to get the oven ready.” Sara nodded and walked back towards the stove before James stopped her. “Not that oven,” he said with a grin, “we're having wood fire pizza today.” “Shouldn't we get aunt Tali's ready too?” “The dextro dough raises in about half the time so that's plenty for us to get her's ready in a little bit.” – – – – – – – – – – – – – “Okay, so what's the next question?” James asked Sweetie Belle as he looked over her worksheet. He could read most of the question, but he still wasn't fully literate in Ponish. “Uhm, Pinkie has a box of cookies and two fifths are oatmeal. Of the oatmeal cookies three fourths have raisins. What fraction of the cookies are oatmeal raisin?” Sweetie Belle read aloud before looking up from the paper. “Who eats oatmeal raisin cookies? Yuck.” “I like them.” James calmly answered. “Really? But raisins are so gross.” “Nah, raisins are good.” James answered with a grin. “Especially in oatmeal cookies.” Sweetie sighed and shook her head, “Yeah, well you're weird.” “Oh, fine then.” James said with mock hurt, though he still smiled at the filly. “You don't get to have any of my oatmeal raisin cookies.” Sweetie looked at him confused, “I didn't want them.” James couldn't help but laugh at the remark and shook his head. “Okay, okay. Let's get back to the question. I don't want to be the one holding everything up.” “Okay … So what do I do again?” “Alright, we did this a few questions ago: First let's write out the fractions two over five and three over four.” James explained. Sweetie Belle's pencil lit up as she moved it over to the paper and wrote out the figures as James instructed. “Now, multiply the top numbers. So you've got two multiplied by three.” “Okay, so that's six …and five multiplied by four for the bottom number, right.” “Exactly.” James answered with a nod. “So its six twentieths.” Sweetie Belle wrote out before putting her pencil down. “Technically.” James quickly said. “Remember, fractions need to be written out in their smallest units.” “Really?” Sweetie belle moaned. “Yeah, I'm pretty sure Cheerilee would mark it wrong if you didn't reduce it.” “Ah man. Okay.” Sweetie Belle stared at her answer for several moments before writing another set of numbers. “So three tenths is as small as it gets, right?” “Yes, because you don't use decimals or fractions as part of a fraction.” “Decimals?” “Those are probably coming later, they're kind of like fractions, but I'll let Cheerilee explain them to you when she's ready to teach them.” After helping her put the complete worksheet away there was a knock at the door. “You two done in there?” Came Tali's upbeat voice. “Yeah.” James called back as Tali opened the door. “Hopefully I didn't keep them waiting too long.” Tali waved her hand and shook her head. “Of course not, at least no more than normal.” “I should get going then.” James said, patting Sweetie Belle's back before standing. “I'll try to keep the lecture brief so you can get to your Girl's Night.” With a wave James left the room and went to meet his guests. “How was the school work?” Tali asked as Sweetie Belle jumped down from her chair. “Well, fractions aren't bad when you don't look at them like fractions. I wonder if Ms. Cheerilee had cookies for this lesson. A lot of the questions were about cookies.” “Does she usually use treats or props in her lessons?” Sweetie Belle thought as she followed Tali out of the room. “Sometimes, but maybe she just wanted some cookies, I know I do.” Tali laughed as she heard the reasoning. “Okay, we can have some cookies with the snacks for the movie.” Sweetie Belle cheered as she hopped along, stopping when the other two CMCs ran up to her. “Sounds like your finally done.” Scootaloo said with a grin. “I really wasn't expecting them to grade our work before Ms. Cheerilee.” Sweetie Belle admitted. “Yes, but imagine how surprised she'll be to find you not only finished, but got every question right.” Tali offered. “Maybe she'll think we had somepony else do it.” Apple Bloom said. “Really?” “Our home work isn't always completely right.” Apple Bloom admitted. “Or finished.” Scootaloo added. “You know, if you need help with anything you can always come and ask us.” Tali offered. “You'll help us with our homework?” Apple Bloom eagerly asked, looking up to her. “We want to help you, and making sure you understand your school work is one way to do that. …” Tali answered with a nod before adding, “That means we won't do it for you.” “Darn.” Scootaloo bluntly said, forcing Tali to stifle a laugh. “Come on, we should get everything ready for tonight.” Tali said, beckoning the ponies to follow her to the kitchen. Not half an hour after they began getting ready Starlight, Twilight, and Moondancer opened the door. “Ah, here you are.” Starlight said with a smile. “Wait,” Sweetie Belle said as she turned to the newcomers, “what about James' class?” “He canceled it in favor of Girl's Night.” Twilight happily said. “I was looking forward to the lecture, but this sounds good too.” Moondancer commented. “I wonder what he and Sunburst are going to do without us?” Starlight questioned aloud. “Probably a game, or something like that.” Tali answered dismissively. “We're just getting ready now if you want to help.” “Sure!” Twilight eagerly answered, practically jumping at the opportunity. *** James sat in his den, quietly reading a book by the fire as he heard the familiar steps of ponies, clearly girls night had just ended. As they chatted among themselves he smiled and quietly continued reading as they passed. After a few minutes of silence another set of hooves approached in the hall, but they were notably slower than the last group. He looked up and out the open door to see Starlight walking past, lost in her own thoughts. “Everything alright Starlight?” James called, closing his book and placing it on the end table. Starlight was abruptly aware of her surroundings when she turned to face James. “Oh, yes. I was just thinking about the movie.” “You sound bothered by something.” James said patiently. Starlight chewed her lip briefly before nodding. “I liked it, but it kinda … reminded me that I'm single.” “That's been on your mind a lot, hasn't it?” James quietly asked. “… Come here.” He added with a smile, moving from his chair to the couch. “I know it's not the same to spend time with a friend, but it might help you feel a bit better.” Starlight looked into the room, lit by the warm glow of a fire, and couldn't deny that she was drawn in by the offer. With a slight smile she climbed up on the couch next to James and leaned against him. “Thanks,” she said, a faint feeling of guilt wrapped up with the comfort she now felt. James carefully wrapped his arm around her, casually resting his hand on her side. “No need to thank me, I'd never complain about this.” James offered with a light chuckle that Starlight mirrored. “Complain or not, I'm glad you offered.” Starlight said with a smile. The two sat in comfortable silence for a minute before James finally spoke up. “Summer's just around the corner.” “Yeah. I don't think I have …” Starlight began before pausing, “Right. I guess I do have plans.” James chuckled “I think my summer's a bit overbooked.” Starlight rested her head on him, her mind working over everything once more. “James …” She hesitantly began. “If I go through this, what if I find somepony after?” “What do you mean?” “What if I find somepony that I want to be with? Could he be brought to Jurai and have the same procedure?” “Ah, well I'd have to petition for that and ultimately it would be his decision.” “I see.” Starlight said, clearly conflicted about the ultimate uncertainty of it all. “Maybe I should just look for a guy who's already had it done.” She added with a smirk. James nodded as he listened. “I understand it's not ideal, but it's not impossible. And if it's something you want to try, you could always ask Lady Seto to set you up. While her methods can be a bit extreme, she knows what she's doing. Just keep in mind: her suggestions probably won't be ponies.” “I'm not doing that … I think the fewer near death experiences I have, the better.” Starlight said with a laugh, despite genuinely believing such may happen were she to ask the Jurian monarch. “Besides, being single may not be so bad as long as I've got you around.” She added with a smirk. “Well, if you choose to go through with the mods you're stuck with me like it or not.” James quipped as he absentmindedly pulled Starlight in closer. “Oh, the torture.” Starlight pantomimed, holding her foreleg against her head in mock anguish before laughing slightly. As Starlight got comfortable again Lucca suddenly appeared in the doorway. “Hey,” she said with a smirk, “once you two are done in here Tali wants to see you. She's feeling very affectionate right now.” Starlight stared straight at Lucca wide-eyed and blushing, feeling as though she had been caught. “It was great to have you here, Starlight,” Lucca casually said. “You want to get dinner Wednesday? Your time or mine?” “Uhm … sure.” Starlight uncomfortably said. “Great, let me know what works best for you.” “Yeah, okay.” Starlight commented, still frozen in place. “I'll get the girls to bed tonight. You still reading Thor and Loki in the Giant's City with them?” “Nah, we finished that one. I think they decided on Gusty the Great next, that should be short enough to get through before they have to go home.” “We'll see,” Lucca said with a nod. “And later, if Tali's comfortable, I'd like to party crash.” “I'll be sure to ask her.” “Thanks. See you later Starlight.” Lucca said as she waved and walked away. Once alone Starlight stopped leaning against James. “I guess I should go. It's getting late for you anyway.” “Are you feeling better?” James asked. As Starlight turned, she saw him looking at her seriously, though with a faint smile. “Yeah, I am. Thanks for helping me out there, I needed that.” “Anytime.” *** Starlight had only just come back to Twilight's castle when a piercing shriek echoed through the halls. It was only obvious that it was Twilight screaming, though why was the question. Without a second thought, Starlight charged through the hallways, set on finding and helping her friend. Starlight knew she was getting close when she heard Twilight repeating “No” rapidly as she sounded more and more desperate. Turning the corner she charged right into Twilight's library. The sight that greeted her wasn't the meticulously organized and categorized structure Twilight liked to maintain. But rather, it looked as though Rainbow Dash had unleashed a Sonic Rainboom in the room. Books were scattered across the entire room without any semblance of care, tables were overturned, the closet had been emptied, it's contents likely under the books. Before Starlight could say anything Spike came rushing in. “I heard you scream! What's wr…” Spike stopped mid sentence as he looked around the room slack jawed. “Sweet Celestia.” He quietly breathed. “Spike,” Twilight said with a wavering voice, “Please tell me you wanted to reorganize the library.” Everything about how she looked to him and spoke told that she did not expect him to give her the answer she wanted. Spike just shook his head, still looking at the chaos around them. “Weren't you here all day?” Starlight asked Spike. “I went to help out at the school.” He answered. “I don't think anypony was here when I left.” Twilight looked around, devastated. “What in Equestria could have happened?” “I have no idea.” Twilight sighed and looked at everything around her before turning to Starlight with a defeated smile. “Want to help me put everything away?” Starlight nodded. “Yeah, I'll help.” “Don't you like reorganizing your books?” Spike asked, confused at Twilight's seeming resignation. “When I've been planning on it. Not …” Twilight gestured around the room, “this.” *** “It was so nice of you to let Scootaloo and her friends stay with you all week while Rarity and Applejack were away.” Holiday said as Scootaloo ran inside with a wave to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “Nice nothing.” James said with a smirk, “We're always happy to have them over. You and Lofty are welcome to visit when you like too.” Holiday chuckled and smiled at James. “I'm afraid we're not as able to stay up late enough to take you up on that offer.” “I'll take you up on a game of boggle anytime.” Lofty countered as she walked up behind her wife. “What, not interested in a challenge?” James countered. Lofty laughed and shook her head. “Well, you're better than you were a couple years ago.” “One of these days I might even reach literate.” Lofty once again laughed as Holiday smiled. “Well, anyway, it's good to see you again. How's Sara doing?” “Yes, of course,” Holiday added, “it's been a while since we've seen her.” James smiled as he caught up on current events with the two ponies, eventually breaking away to take Sweetie Belle home where Rarity offered to talk after she and Sweetie were settled back at home once more. Leaving only Apple Bloom to take home. As they approached Sweet Apple Acres, without any warning Apple Bloom shot off, leaving James ready to catch her when he saw that she was only running to Applejack. “How'd everything go?” James asked as the two got closer. “I think her Appaloosa boutique is going to do well now that she's listened to me.” Applejack said with a grin. “And she even taught me a thing or two about some of her clothes.” “Interesting.” James answered as they turned towards the farmhouse. “Yeah, that Arachne silk is strong stuff.” “I know, Rarity really likes it.” James chuckled as the three continued up the walk to the house. “Right now, she's the only pony getting any Arachne silk, giving her a corner on the market for anything made from it.” James apparently wasn't the only one laughing, as they got to the building they could hear clearly amused voices talking. “Sounds like Granny Smith is enjoying herself.” James commented. “Yeah, Granny had a few friends come visit while I was gone.” Applejack commented off handed as she walked up to the door. “Come on in, I'll get you some cider before you get on your way.” "No way I can refuse an offer like that," James said with a grin before adding, "Especially from such a pretty lady." Applejack blushed and shook her head as she opened the door, stopping mid step as she actually looked inside. Far from the knitting circle she was expecting, Applejack found the four matriarchs sitting around the bit strewn table, each with a pair of cards in front of them and several more face up on the table. “Granny!” Applejack said, astonished as she watched Granny Smith chewing on a cinnamon stick while examining her cards. “Lighten up AJ, it's just a friendly game of cards.” Granny Smith said dismissively. “Friendly 'till you lose yer bits you mean.” Golden Delicious said with a hooting laugh. “Please, you haven't had a good play yet.” Apple Rose chided. “All the more reason to worry, I'm gonna get one, and it's gonna be plum unbeatable.” Golden Delicious said as she smirked, adjusting her cards. “Yeah, I'll raise you five bits for that.” Granny Smith deadpanned. “Granny Smith, I am disappointed.” James said, sounding as much as he stepped forward. “Deal me in on the next round.” He added much more lightheartedly. “We ain't playing fer buttons here, sonny.” Granny Smith said, ready to fleece the newbie. “I can cover my bets.” James said as he found himself a chair. Applejack sighed as she took Apple Bloom from the kitchen. *** Sweetie Belle had been sitting in her room for a while, thinking about the week she just spent with James' family. The comparison to her own ultimately confused her. Both her parents were living just a few blocks away, yet she lived with Rarity. Rarity had just gone away for work, but instead of going back to her parents, she lived with James for that week. Admittedly she would have pestered her parents to let her go anyway, but the fact that it didn't even seem to be an option stood in stark contrast of what she had just seen with Sara, Amber, and their family. Much like with the Apples, no matter the reason, if they were family (even if not in reality,) there was room for them. She wanted answers and the only one it made any sense to ask was her big sister. She knew right where Rarity would be, relaxing with a book in her design room. Likely looking for inspiration. “Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked as she cautiously approached her sister, who was quite deep into a Shadow Spade book. Despite being at a moment of great intrigue, Rarity closed the book and placed it on the end table beside her lounge to listen to Sweetie Belle. “Yes, Sweetie, what is it?” “Why …” Now that she was ready to ask, the question seemed almost strange. “Why do I live with you?” Sweetie Belle's confusion was plainly obvious as she looked around. The question hit Rarity hard, she had her own answers but she didn't want to poison her sister to their own parents. “I see …” She quietly said. “Sweetie, you must understand that Mother and Father do love you …” “Then why do I live with you and not them?!” Sweetie Belle asked, desperate. Rarity took a breath, this wasn't going to be an easy answer. “It's because they care about you, that you live with me.” “Don't they like me?!” “I promise you that they do, but …” “But?! But what?” Sweetie asked, using the lounge to stand on her hind hooves as she gave Rarity a desperate look. She knew she had to answer, and do so honestly. All lying would do right now is make a mess of everything. “They're good ponies … but they're not particularly good parents.” “I could guess.” Sweetie sighed, as she got all four hooves on the ground again. Now it was time for damage control. Rarity did care about her parents too, but it was for the best that Sweetie Belle lived with her. “They just never understood what being a parent meant. I remember when I was your age, I always had a bed at home and whatever mother made to eat when I would actually be home. And they were always so proud of whatever it was that I did.” Now it was time to give her what she had been holding back. “… But unfortunately that was it. I had nopony to look up to, nopony to guide me. I was more a roommate to them than their daughter, and I lived my life without them, checking in from time to time but little more than that. Then one day I just didn't come home. I had found a nice place to start my business and with a little help from the Apples I was able to live on my own.” “I think I remember that.” “You were so young, Sweetie … of course, so was I. I never even thought about what me vanishing as I did would do.” Rarity sighed as she remembered that day. “Turns out: not much.” “And then mom and dad left me with you.” Sweetie said, dropping her head. “I didn't handle that as well as I should have, and I'm sorry. But I think that, in the end, we're both better for how things turned out. As for mother and father, I just realized that they don't know any better so what use was it being upset at them.” Sweetie Belle gave a disappointed sigh and nodded, turning to walk away having got her answer. “Sweetie, dear, mother and father care about both of us. They just couldn't take care of us,” Rarity said, climbing down from the lounge and walking towards her sister, “but you've always got your big sister, and I think we're doing great as we are.” > 17 Missing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight groaned as she looked at the stacks of books still to be put away. It had been three days of sorting, arranging, and categorizing, and that was before even beginning to put anything away. Determined to make the best of a bad situation, Twilight had chosen to take this opportunity to completely reorganize all of her books once more. This led to another discovery that even the books that had been stored away were ransacked. Starlight paused as she considered current events, thinking that maybe it wasn't Twilight making the best of a bad situation. Perhaps she was just coping. “Okay Starlight.” Twilight eagerly said. “I just finished my new categorization plan, of course taking into account everything we may yet still find …” “Still find? I've lived here a while Twilight, and I know we've looked everywhere you keep books.” “Oh, not everywhere.” Twilight said with a laugh, “After all, my collection of …” She paused abruptly and cleared her throat, a blush spreading across her face. “Not everywhere I keep books has been completely overturned.” Starlight couldn't help but grin as Twilight abruptly finished her thought. “Do you mean the trashy romance novels you keep hidden in the pantry behind the bags of dried beans?” Twilight's blush doubled as she heard the casual way Starlight mentioned one of her secret stashes of novels. “Yeah, I found those years ago when I was looking for a midnight snack. I've even read them all.” Starlight added with a chuckle. “They're so badly written, but so fun to read.” Twilight quietly admitted. “Oh they are just the worst, I love them.” Starlight agreed. “If you want any recommendations I have a few I could lend you.” “Maybe another time.” Twilight quietly said, still blushing. “Well, if you ever want somepony to talk to about them, I'm your mare.” Starlight said, feeling distinctly better at the moment, even as she turned to face the task ahead of them. “So what's the plan?” “Oh, right. So I made a couple models on my omnitool about ideal layouts, and I think this new system will save a whole point forty two seconds over the last system. On average obviously, I already had things arranged pretty well before. And I've made sure to leave space for the books that are still missing.” “Wait.” Starlight said abruptly, turning once again to Twilight. “So there really are books missing, and not just in one of your hiding spots?” Twilight's jaw tightened at the remark, and she slowly breathed in. “There are a few things still unaccounted for.” She said, far too evenly. “Twilight!” Starlight said firmly, looking Twilight in the eye. “Things don't just go missing. If we can't find everything … then I think you've been robbed.” Twilight's eyes didn't fully focus as she forced a laugh. “Nonsense, Starlight.” She said just a bit too loudly, “I'm the Princess of Friendship, who would rob me?” She shook her head as her smile started to turn deranged. “I mean, if any creature wanted to borrow one of my books they could just ask.” Starlight smacker her forehead with her hoof and shook her head. “Ponies aren't robbed because somepony wants to borrow something, Twilight.” She said, fixing Twilight with a hard stare. “What's missing?” “Nothing really … just some … study material.” She hesitantly said before quickly finishing, “I'm sure we'll find it as we put everything away.” “What “study material” is missing, Twilight?” Starlight insisted, having caught Twilight's inflection. “If it's just something for the school we can replace it easily enough.” “Well …” Twilight slowly said, refusing to look directly at Starlight. “Maybe, it could have been, possibly …” Twilight paused a moment before she blurted out in a second. “everything Princess Celestia sent for me to study when she was still planning to retire.” Starlight sat right where she was, and slowly breathed out as she allowed the information to sink in, growing pale as she absorbed what she had just heard. She took a deep breath, shook her head, blinked several times, and moved her mouth as if to speak, forming out the words Twilight had just hit her with. She swallowed the hard lump forming in her throat, and felt the world slip briefly as she now breathed the words Twilight had said. Starlight closed her eyes once more and nodded, reminding herself of what these materials were. Another breath and the color returned to her face and everything felt firm and real once more. “Okay, so it's not so bad really. It was all just things like duties, tasks, celebrations, history. General stuff, like what Sara and Amber have to study.” “Yeah,” Twilight said with a laugh and exaggerated smile. “Just that …” Her smile faded quickly as she much more quietly said the next part. “Just that … and Equestria's secrets.” Starlight nearly fell over as she heard that last part. “What were Equestria's secrets doing here?!” Starlight nearly shouted. “I guess Celestia thought I should know them before I took the throne.” Twilight said defensively. “But here?!” “I didn't keep them in the library!” Twilight insisted, “As soon as I figured out what they were I moved them to keep them safe. I even bought an actual safe from New Guardia to make sure nopony could easily break in.” “ …You bought the safe only a couple weeks ago!” “I only learned what they were recently!” Twilight said emphatically. “It's not like Celestia advertised what it was she was sending me to study in private.” “I'm kind of surprised you hadn't read them already.” “I was so busy learning everything else, I didn't have the time. And when it was all finally well enough in hoof to start, Xellos attacked, and …” Starlight put her hoof to Twilight's mouth and nodded. “I get it, there were more urgent things going on.” Twilight's horn lit up with a golden flecked violet luminescence and moved Starlight's hoof away. “And after all that, I just couldn't concentrate on anything related to ascension.” Twilight sadly finished. “But we found you reading that stuff so often since then.” Starlight said as she gave Twilight a confused look. Twilight simply shook her head. “I was trying to read them, but every time I got distracted. I … I don't think I wanted to read them after, so I couldn't focus or even remember what I did read. It was only recently that I was even able to concentrate long enough to get through one.” With a sigh Twilight dropped her head. “I should probably call everypony, huh.” Starlight nodded slowly, confirming what only seemed obvious to her. *** Twilight paced around her map table as her friends patiently watched, knowing full well the method she had. Eventually Twilight dropped back into her throne as she sighed. “Y'all ready to tell us what's wrong, Sugar Cube?” Applejack asked. “Yeah, you've been Twilighting forever.” Rainbow Dash said, more than ready to start. “Eight and a half minutes on just pacing!” Pinkie excitedly announced. “A new record.” “Competitive Twilighting?” Rainbow Dash asked with a scoff. “Yeah, count me out of that one. We've got enough of that already.” Rarity glared at Rainbow Dash from across the table. “What?!” “She has a good reason to be Twilighting right now.” Starlight said as she walked up to the table. “A couple actually.” “Oh my,” Fluttershy breathed, “what happened?” “A few days ago …” Twilight hesitantly said, her tone awkward and uncomfortable, “I may have been robbed.” At the admission the room erupted as nearly all her friends spoke up in astonishment and disbelief. Rarity gasped, trying to fathom the motivation. “Who in Equestria would rob you?” she asked. “Who was it?!” Rainbow Dash demanded, punching a hoof into the other one. “We'll mess them up good.” “Yer darn tootin.” Applejack readily agreed. “Nopony gets away with stealing from my friends.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” Fluttershy quietly asked, “I can make you some tea and have Barry sit with you. That always makes me feel safer.” Pinkie let out a long and loud gasp as she heard the news and waited for Twilight to elaborate. “And that's not the worst of it.” Twilight quietly said. “Oh dear, you weren't hurt were you?” Rarity was quick to ask. “Somepony robbed you and that's not the worst?” Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash continued to grind one hoof into the other. “The worst is what's been stolen …” She hesitantly said, speaking up only after her friends insisted she continue. “Reports containing Equestria's national secrets were stolen.” “We had secrets?” Applejack asked, genuinely confused. “I was just starting to learn them too.” Twilight said as she thought about what she could say. “We'll find them.” Rainbow Dash casually said with a shrug, making everyone stare at her. “What, like we don't save the day all the time?” “I guess you're right, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said as she began to think on their past. “Oh, and I can even get out my Shadow Spade inspired outfits again. They're about due to come back anyway.” Applejack turned a confused eye to Rarity, who was herself quickly getting lost in a daydream. “This isn't some kind of game Rarity. Somepony has information that, for whatever reason, Princess Celestia felt needed to be kept secret.” “This is going to be so fun!” Pinkie announced, completely contradicting Applejack. “So why don't we ask James for help too? No need to wait until it's dire.” Rainbow Dash suggested. “I thought about that,” Twilight said, “but we are dealing with Equestria's secrets. And as much as we trust him, even with our secrets, politically we have to leave him out of it.” “What?” “James is the head of a foreign power, even though we're allies it's highly informal and we still have to think about what this would look like to everypony,” Twilight explained, shaking her head. “If there's a problem and the first thing we do is run to another country, ponies may loose faith in us.” “But who would know that's why he's here? Who even knew that there were secrets here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Clearly somepony.” Applejack countered. “We have to do this ourselves,” Twilight reaffirmed, “and we have to do it quietly.” “Obviously the first step is locating clues.” Rarity calmly said. “Where were these secrets? In your library?” Twilight shook her head. “No, I was storing them in a safe.” “I didn't even know you had a safe.” “I had hoped that nopony would actually know.” Twilight said with a sigh. “Oh oh!” Pinkie hooted as she produced her deerstalker hat and bubble pipe. “To the safe!” she announced, as she began to produce a steady stream of bubbles from the pipe. “I'll be right back, Twilight dear.” Rarity said, standing from her throne and moving towards the door. “I just need to get prepared.” “You don't need an outfit just to look for clues, Rarity.” Rainbow Dash complained. “Of course I do,” Rarity insisted, “and it's not just the clothes, there's tools we'll need to properly investigate.” Rainbow Dash sighed and rolled her eyes as Rarity opened the door to go and collect her wardrobe and tools. “I think we need any edge we can get.” Twilight said, resigned. “I didn't even know anything was missing until I had taken inventory of everything, and by then we'd already cleaned up so much that we may not have any clues left to find.” “Oh there's clues,” Pinkie declared as she walked towards the door, her head close to the ground and eye held close to the magnifying glass held by her mane. “I'm certain of it.” “I'll go ask the creatures in the castle, maybe they saw something.” Fluttershy offered as she too made for the door.” Applejack sighed and shook her head. “I don't know how much help I'll be for an investigation, but if you need anything, I'm here for you Sugar Cube.” “Thanks.” Twilight answered with a weak smile. “So we can't go to James for help.” Rainbow Dash began to reason, thinking about what Rarity had said before leaving. “What about tools he gave us already?” “Like what?” Starlight countered. With a shrug Rainbow Dash used her wing to retrieve a golden bracelet from her mane. In a quick motion she slipped it over her hoof and activated the omnitool. “Oh I don't know, these maybe.” she gloated. “Ours don't have access to everything even standard ones have.” Starlight continued as Rainbow Dash poked around on her omnitool, “Oddly enough, just in case something like this happened and it was the omnitool stolen instead of books.” Twilight's eyes opened wide, “You're right Starlight!” She said excitedly. “My omnitool wasn't even touched! So whoever it was must have been so focused on the books and files that they ignored everything else of value.” “We figured that out already, Twilight.” Starlight said. “It's more than that. Whoever it was knew about the secrets, but not the technology. They can't have that much information about us if they missed something that glaringly obvious compared to the secrets.” “I found a scanner.” Rainbow Dash piped up, having been absorbed finding what tools were available. The remaining ponies all turned, giving her a curious look. “What?!” *** Pinkie and Rarity both examined the area around Twilight's new safe, searching for anything that may have been missed in cleaning. “Twilight, when you found the safe had been emptied was it open or closed.” Rarity asked as she examined the hinges. “It was open, but only barely.” Twilight explained as Pinkie squeezed behind the safe, “As if they'd tried to close it but couldn't get it to lock.” “Aha!” Pinkie Exclaimed as she stood up on her hind legs, holding the safe above her head as she did. “What?” Twilight eagerly asked as Pinkie appeared to sink beneath the safe, vanishing briefly as it came to a rest with Pinkie popping out from underneath it. “I can't find anything.” Pinkie announced. “That's not exactly something to “aha” about Pinkie.” Applejack calmly said. “I know, but what about inside the safe?” “You may have a point.” Rarity reasoned, adjusting her hat. “But first, we should finish examining the outside. Whomever it was had to open the safe somehow, and that can't have been easy.” As she finished speaking a snap caught her attention as Pinkie approached the safe with a single latex cover for her hoof. Without any hesitation, Pinkie began spinning the dial of the lock. It spun nearly silently, over and over again. “Pinkie, what are you doing?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Investigating!” Pinkie announced before giggling and spinning the lock once more and catching Rarity's attention. “Looks to me like you're playing with the lock.” Applejack countered. “That dial is very quiet.” Rarity commented, standing beside Pinkie and listening carefully to the dial spin. “Pinkie, may I give that a try?” “Oh, yeah.” Pinkie happily said, “it's fun.” Rarity produced a white linen handkerchief and gingerly turned the dial, making several complete turns. “And this helps how?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying up and crossing her forelegs. “This is a good safe. I can't tell at all where the first number is.” Rarity commented. “I should be able to at least find that first digit.” “You know how to break into safes?” Applejack asked, clearly confused. “I wouldn't go that far, but I do know a bit about how it's done.” “When did you learn that?” Twilight asked. Rarity blushed slightly as she continued her attempt at the lock. “I was at a fashion show and had a brand new trunk with a built in combination lock in the same style as this. I forgot the combination and it was either learn how to lock-pick or destroy my new piece of luggage. And I'd payed good bits for that trunk.” “Wait, wouldn't somepony need to have their ear against the door or something? You know, to hear when they get the right number.” Rainbow Dash said as she watched. “Not necessarily, these can be done by feel too.” Rarity said, giving up on her attempt. “It's the mechanism setting that makes the click, which also vibrates the lock ever so slightly.” Rarity's horn lit up as a compact and brush flew from her pocket. “Why are you putting on more makeup?” Rainbow Dash asked, exasperated. “Oh no dear,” Rarity said with a smile, “this isn't make up, it's powder to find an ear print if there is one. You made a good point when you suggested listening to the lock and I want to see if you were right.” “I did?” Rainbow Dash asked before quickly embracing the idea. “I mean: Of course I did. Heh, I am pretty awesome after all.” They watched intrigued as Rarity brushed a great deal of powder onto the safe, covering nearly the entire front with the white substance. “And just how does that help?” Applejack asked as she watched the area getting coated and a large amount of the dust fall to the floor. “Just a little patience please.” Rarity said as she put the compact away and produced a hand fan, gently blowing away the excess dust and revealing a clear ear-shaped mark. “And there we are.” Rarity said with a smile as she put the fan away and began searching her coat for some other item. Pinkie “ooh”ed and rushed up to the print, getting within centimeters of it. Rarity reacted quickly, her horn lighting up and surrounding Pinkie in a light blue luminescence and dragging her back. “Pinkie!” Rarity scolded, “You must be careful! This is the only evidence we've found so far. It's too important to be so reckless with.” With a sigh, Rarity produced a roll of clear tape from her coat and proceeded to tear off a length from it. “Is that packing tape?” Applejack asked as she watched Rarity press it onto the safe. “Yes it is.” Rarity said with a smile. “Uhm. I know we need to keep it safe, but how is taping it down going to help us?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I'm not taping it down,” Rarity easily said, “I'm lifting it.” As she finished speaking her light blue luminescence pulled the tape away from the safe and adhered it to a black paper similarly produced from her overcoat. “There we are,” She said with a measure of success. “One ear print, ready to compare when we have a suspect.” “So we're still trying to figure out who it could be?” Applejack asked with a sigh. “This is an investigation. We take the evidence we have to either confirm or exclude a suspect. The evidence just tells us if we suspected correctly, not who to suspect.” “I dunno, everypony was ready to blame me back then.” Rainbow Dash complained, clearly remembering her attempted framing by Wind Rider. “Only because the evidence was planted to exclude anypony but you.” Rarity explained. “Maybe we should see if Fluttershy has found anything.” Twilight recommended. “Perhaps,” Rarity agreed, “but I would like to see if there's anything else to be found here.” “Well, you keep investigating here, and we'll go find Fluttershy.” Starlight suggested. “That would be lovely.” Rarity agreed. “Come on Pinkie.” Twilight said as her gold flecked magic carried the excited pony out. Even as they began searching for Fluttershy another problem became quickly apparent. “Hey girls.” James calmly said as the group came into sight. Pinkie “eeped” and quickly ran up to James, turning him abruptly around. “Woah!” James yelped. “What's going on?” “Nothing.” Pinkie said eagerly, “I just think that right now would be a perfect time for you to meet Cheese Sandwich. He's a super fun party pony, like me!” “Okay, but I …” James began before being interrupted. “Rainbow Dash is coming too!” “But what about …” Rainbow Dash managed to get out before being interrupted herself. “Come on Rainbow Dash!” “Pinkie …” Rainbow Dash tried once more. “It'll be a double date!” Pinkie shouted as she turned her head to Rainbow Dash and mouthed for her to come along. Rainbow Dash shrugged and flew alongside the two as Pinkie continued shoving James. It wasn't long after that the now group of three found Fluttershy, appearing to talk to a vase. “Any luck Fluttershy?” Starlight asked as they got close. “Some.” She said quietly. “The spiders near the entrance remembered several ponies coming in, they were very polite and kept quiet.” “How many?” Twilight asked. “I couldn't get an exact number, but it's probably somewhere between three and six.” “Six ponies?” Twilight asked, her mouth agape. “Well, a centipede said it could be ten, but they couldn't see the actual ponies.” “That's a lot of ponies, are you sure about this Fluttershy?” Applejack asked, shaking her head. “Oh no, not at all. But I am confident that it was several ponies and not just a single pony.” “Do they know what kind of ponies came through?” Starlight asked. “Does that matter?” Applejack countered. “Actually it may. Getting in the safe would be easier for a unicorn than a pegasus or earth pony, but they would have more trouble moving all the books than an earth pony.” Starlight explained. “Unless they teleported.” Applejack offered. “Teleporting that much is a strain. I'd only try it in an emergency.” “I dunno Starlight. This is starting to sound like some kind of conspiracy.” “Yeah, you're right.” Starlight admitted. “But it is strange that whoever did this was certain to take everything Princess Celestia gave Twilight and not any of the easier to get things that would actually sell.” “Yeah, that is strange.” Applejack admitted, only now hearing a curious crumpling noise. Looking towards Twilight they found her sitting on the floor with her wings wrapped tightly around her as she hyperventilated into a paper sack. Starlight rushed over, rubbing Twilight's back. “It's alright Twilight. It's …” However, she couldn't get the rest of her thought out before Twilight interrupted. “It's alright?!” She snapped. “How?! Just tell me how it's alright that somepony clearly targeted me to steal Equestria's secrets from, because clearly I'm the worst princess ever! I didn't even have somewhere to put them until recently! Somepony could have come in at any time and learned Bonbon was a secret agent! The information was just sitting around for anypony to see! Celestia and Luna were right to not trust me, I shouldn't be a princess, I can't be trusted with anything!” “Twilight!” Fluttershy said surprisingly loudly, before clearing her throat and speaking softly again. “You are a good princess, and yes, you may have made a mistake but we're working on fixing that right now. You are trustworthy, no matter what anypony else might think.” Twilight's breathing slowed down, though it was still shaky as she began to regain control of herself. “What was that about Bonbon?” Applejack asked. Twilight's eyes went wide again as she promptly resumed hyperventilating into her paper bag. “No, Twilight! Twilight!” Starlight was quick to say, using her magic to pull the paper bag away. “This is a good thing. If Bonbon really was a secret agent, she probably knows things about this that we don't. She would certainly have training that we don't.” Twilight still looked panicked as she turned to Starlight. “At least we can ask for her input.” “Come on now, Sugar Cube,” Applejack said comfortingly, “we need all the help we can get.” Defeated, Twilight looked up and nodded her head. “Mind if I go alone … I don't exactly want to let Bonbon know that I just blabbed her secret.” *** Twilight took a steadying breath as she once again found herself standing at the door of Lyra and Bonbon's home. “Just once I'd like to come and visit them and not feel like I've just really messed something up.” Twilight quietly said to herself. “If we invite you over more often, then I'm sure that'll happen at least once.” Bonbon said, walking up behind Twilight and making her yelp. “I'm so sorry Bonbon.” Twilight said as she looked to the mare smiling over at her. “I just don't know who else I can turn to about this.” “Well, come on in and we'll talk about it.” Bonbon offered, opening the door and walking inside where she began to unload her saddlebag that had been filled with her shopping. “Let me get these in the kitchen quick and I'll be right out to help you.” “Thank you.” Twilight said, helplessly. Twilight's anxiety didn't lessen at all as she stood around, hoping more than anything that somehow everything that was missing would just show up. She quietly swallowed again, trying to rid herself of the nauseated feeling creeping up on her. After a few minutes Bonbon came back in and gestured for Twilight to sit down. “I'll do whatever I can,” She began once the two had taken a seat, “but I don't know what I can do for you that your friends can't. Or that you can't do yourself.” “Yeah …” Twilight said uncomfortably, “this is going to take some explaining.” With a sigh she began to talk about her training to take over for Princesses Celestia and Luna, which Bonbon took in stride, when Twilight got to the study material Bonbon paid close attention. As Twilight finished her rambling explanation, Bonbon's mouth hung agape. “That bad?” Twilight hesitantly asked. “I'm still trying to understand who would try to steal from a princess. I mean, everycreature that may have been a problem earlier you've managed to ally us with. Then again, a rogue faction may have sprung up somewhere.” Twilight moaned as she covered her head. “That leaves changelings and griffons as the most likely.” Bonbon reasoned as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. “I mean, dragons wouldn't be out of the question, but they can't exactly disobey Ember.” “Would it help if I took you to see the safe?” Twilight hesitantly offered. Bonbon was silent as she considered the idea. “Yes, but probably tomorrow. I may not be an agent anymore, but I should still have my contacts. I'll throw out a few lines and see what I comes in.” Bonbon chewed on nothing as she considered what she would ask. “I can't be too precise, but it's no good if I'm too vague.” She hemmed. “Yeah, tomorrow should be good.” As Bonbon spoke, Twilight visibly relaxed and even smiled a bit. “Thank you so much Bonbon.” “Of course,” she answered casually, “I mean even if this weren't about our secrets, somepony robbed you. Nopony should have to go through that.” Bonbon watched as Twilight left, walking a little lighter than she had minutes earlier. “Okay.” Bonbon whispered to herself. “Let's see who's willing to tell me things I don't need to know.” *** “I'm so glad you're here to help.” Twilight said as she led Bonbon towards her safe. “Well, I can't say for certain I'll be any help, but I'll do what I can.” Bonbon said as the door opened, revealing not only the safe, but Twilight's friends looking around the room. After a quick hello the room was filled with a cacophony of voices all trying to speak at once. “Hush!” Starlight shouted, her horn glowing as an emerald luminescence held everyone's mouth's shut. “Let's do this one at a time, okay.” Rainbow Dash began to mumble, though her mouth remained shut. “Starting with Rarity since she examined the safe the whole time.” Starlight finished. Rainbow Dash humphed and kept her mouth shut as Starlight's luminescence faded. Rarity began to explain to Bonbon the few clues they had as Applejack nudged and whispered to Rainbow Dash. “What're you so eager for? You weren't here." “I came back, duh.” Rainbow Dash whispered back. “And I asked around Ponyville …” “You what?!” Applejack asked, still keeping her voice to a whisper. “I didn't let anypony know anything.” Rainbow Dash was quick to answer “All I asked was if any deliveries or services came by the castle. You know, something that doesn't happen every day.” “I guess that doesn't say anything, but how does that help?” “They said that Twilight had a cleaning service cart parked in front of the castle for a while.” “But Spike does the cleaning here.” “Duh, but not everypony knows that. So they thought nothing about a couple pegesi cleaning the windows for over an hour, and a unicorn sweeping up around the road to the castle.” “Yeah, that is suspicious.” “I know, right?!” Rainbow Dash whispered enthusiastically, turning her attention back to Bonbon. “And why is Bonbon here again?” Applejack went wide eyed and pursed her lips as she quickly thought about what to say. “She …” “Wait, not now AJ, Rarity's done talking,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, much to Applejack's relief. “Bonbon!” Rainbow Dash called out, rushing forward. “Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, exasperated, “you and Pinkie weren't even here yesterday.” “But I actually have something I need to tell Bonbon.” “Can it wait until Fluttershy's talked to her?” “I need to tell her about the cleaners!” Rainbow Dash insisted, immediately catching Bonbon's interest. “The cleaners?” Bonbon quietly noted. Starlight raised an eyebrow at the comment, “Spike does the cleaning.” “Exactly!” Rainbow Dash said, as if everyone immediately knew what she was saying. “What?” Twilight asked, looking around in her confusion. “I think I should hear more about this, actually.” Bonbon said, walking up to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash sighed and nodded. “Thank you.” “Do you know what cleaning company it was?” “But Spike does most of the cleaning.” Twilight insisted. “Shadow Cape, or something like that.” Rainbow Dash dismissively said. “Shady Cloak.” Bonbon corrected. “You'll never know we were there,” she continued to quote. “I think I might know who to ask, but anything else you can tell me would be good so I can pass it on.” Just as Rainbow Dash was about to speak once again a light began to blink in her mane. “Uh, Rainbow Dash what's that?” Bonbon asked, pointedly looking to the light. “Huh?” Rainbow Dash asked before digging out her omnitool and moaning as she checked the message left for her. “James is wondering if now is a good time. If somepony hadn't invited him back today he'd probably be asleep right now.” “I panicked,” Pinkie insisted, “besides, I thought we'd have this all done by now.” “Well I have to stay here right now.” Rainbow Dash argued. “I'm not missing two days of this in a row.” Pinkie said, almost pouting. “I'll keep him distracted,” Starlight said shaking her head, “I could use a walk anyway.” *** The cool night air was refreshing as Starlight and James walked through the quiet streets of Truce's residential district. While they were walking towards the nightclubs several blocks away Starlight took a moment to enjoy the quiet while they still had it. “Normally you just show up.” Starlight commented after a moment, “Why message first this time?” “Well, between Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, it was pretty obvious you're trying to keep me out of the loop on something. I just thought it would be easier if I gave you all the chance to just tell me now's not a good time.” Starlight moaned, clearly he would notice such tells, he relied on his ability to read others in negotiations of all sorts. “It's not that we want to cut you out. We just kind of … have to.” “Fair enough. It's not like I can include you girls in everything I do either.” He casually mentioned. “One of these days we're going to learn that we can ask you to leave if we need to.” A low rumble of laughter escaped James just as he began to talk. “I'm surprised you haven't already. I'm not the easiest guy to get along with.” Starlight tried to force a laugh, but just shook her head. “It could also be that we don't want you to leave.” “Thanks,” James quietly answered, “that's nice to hear.” Starlight looked up once more at the large man she walked with now, then further towards the lights showing them where the first of the scattered night clubs were located. “How are you feeling today?” “Well, you know me,” James said dismissively, “I'll probably just watch.” “That's not really what I meant. Rainbow Dash said you'd probably be asleep right now had you not been invited to Sugar Cube Corner.” “It's certainly possible.” James answered with a shrug. Starlight paused a minute, looking towards the club once more. “You know what, I think I'd like the quiet more today.” “Sure … everything alright?” “Oh, I'm fine, I just don't feel like going clubbing right now. That, and the other day Lucca told me that you haven't been sleeping again. And what little you've gotten hasn't been good.” “I happens.” James said with a shrug. “James,” Starlight said firmly, “you don't have to avoid it with me. I've seen what goes on in your head when you're having issues.” James slowly nodded. “Yeah, it's been a bit touchy lately, but I get a few minutes here and there.” “If we went back, would you be able to get to sleep?” James considered her question, weighing the idea against his current feelings. “Yeah, I could probably sleep. Of course Lucca's got the bed to herself tonight, and she's enjoying that right now.” With the acknowledgment, Starlight turned around and began walking back towards the castle. “A night on the couch won't kill you.” She said offhanded, “Or do you think you'll be lonely?” She added with a chuckle. James began to laugh as he followed close behind the mare. “You're welcome to the loveseat if you want, though you're probably not tired. … And you were also in the middle of something if I remember.” “Yeah …” Starlight hesitantly said. “A “date night” would have been fun though,” she added with a chuckle. “We could turn around again.” James calmly offered. Starlight smiled as she sighed. “Nah, you need the sleep.” “A rain check then.” James conceded. *** “Wow you've been gone all day, Bon.” Lyra said with a smile as she walked over to her girlfriend. “It's only four.” Bonbon said with a chuckle. “Well I missed you so it feels like all day,” Lyra countered. “I missed you too,” Bonbon said as she hugged Lyra. “So what's going on with Twilight?” “I have a good idea, but I'm going to have to ask somepony to confirm.” Lyra “ooh”ed eagerly, hoping that Bonbon would explain more. “Lyra,” Bonbon said disapprovingly, “I said I have an idea, but I have to check with a few old friends about it first.” Lyra pranced eagerly as she heard even that much. “Ooh, this is so exciting.” Bonbon couldn't help but smile at the infectious excitement, and regretted that she would have to tap that down. “If it's what I think it is … then there's actually a big problem.” Lyra stopped suddenly, growing quiet as she turned to Bonbon. “Like how bad?” Bonbon stayed serious as she tried to think. “I don't exactly know … maybe like, I don't know, Cozy Glow bad.” “Oh, that's bad.” “Yeah, that's bad.” “Is there anything I can do to help?” “Not right now at least.” Bonbon said as she walked out of the front room and towards their room where they shared a small writing desk. > 18 An Answer Given > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A crash sounded the arrival of the mail, and it was easy enough to guess who the mail pony was. Hearing the crash, Lyra excitedly rushed out to find Derpy once again wedged in their mailbox. “Oh, hi Lyra.” Derpy said as she watched the unicorn approach. With a smile, Lyra's horn lit up and a golden luminescence appeared and undid a latch at the top of the mailbox, opening up the sides and freeing the unfortunate pegasus. “Hi.” Lyra said happily, helping Derpy down from the impromptu pedestal. “It would be nice if more ponies got mailboxes like yours.” Derpy said, watching as Lyra reassembled the box and closing the latch that held it all together. “I'm sure more ponies will buy them eventually. They just need to see how convenient they are.” Derpy smacked her forehead as she recalled why she was here in the first place. “Oh, I almost forgot, I have a letter here for Bonbon.” She said, reaching into her saddlebag and pulling out the envelope. “Right, thanks. I'll get this to her right away.” Lyra said, as she collected the letter from Derpy. With a quick goodbye Derpy began to fly off, backing into the mailbox before leaving. Left alone, Lyra examined the letter. Bonbon's candy drop cutie mark was prominently displayed in the center. But that was only to be expected, the knapsack cutie mark in the upper left corner was what caught Lyra's interest immediately. She stood looking at the letter, eager to know what it had inside it. Thinking of just how she could pester the information from Bonbon. This was just too interesting to simply leave alone. In her head, she could practically feel the struggle between her respect for her girlfriend, and her desire to read the letter. Temptation beckoned her with all of the information that was so tantalizingly close. But between the two was a gulf of trust. She could easily take a peek. Just give it a quick look and she'd know what was going on. Lyra continued to stare, knowing that she shouldn't open Bonbon's letter. This wasn't a problem she normally had with mail, but the excitement of forbidden knowledge was great. But she knew what she should do, and what it would mean if she did what she wanted. Still, she wanted to know what was in it so badly. Her breathing quietly quickened as she contemplated her position. It was the ring of a bell that brought her out of her internal struggle. “Oh, hi Lyra.” Bonbon said as she looked to the door her girlfriend just walked through. Lyra looked up, suddenly finding herself in Bonbon's candy store and realizing she had been walking the whole time without realizing it. “Brought your mail.” Lyra said as she smiled, raising the letter and waving it slightly. “Oh, must be important if you brought it here.” “I think it is.” Lyra quietly said. “Who's it from?” “An old friend of yours.” Bonbon looked around, the only other pony there was a foal who was still trying to pick between several candies. She nodded and walked over to the counter where the foal was looking at the treats, transfixed. “Do you know what candies you want yet?” The colt looked up and shook his head. “They all look so good.” He said, smiling sadly. “But I've only got one bit.” Bonbon smiled back and nodded. “It can be really hard to decide … Tell you what: just this once, I'll give you a sample box. That way you get to try a few of them, and you can keep your bit for candy later, or whatever else you may want.” The colt's face lit up as he heard the offer. “Really?” “Just this once.” Bonbon reiterated, holding her hoof up to emphasize her point. The colt pranced in place as Bonbon collected six of the candies he had been looking at and put them in a small box. With an excited “thank you” the colt bolted from the shop, eager to enjoy his prize. With the store now empty, Bonbon took the opportunity to lock the door for some privacy. “Thanks for bringing the letter, Lyra,” Bonbon said as turned around and looked to the letter Lyra held. “Now let's see who answered me.” Lyra shifted from hoof to hoof as she struggled to contain her excitement to know more about just what was going on. Bonbon examined the letter: the cutie mark telling her exactly who had responded, that alone told her it was serious. Though to understand just how she still needed to see what he had said. Carefully taking the corner of the envelope in her mouth she tore open the side, the letter unfolding on her hoof as it slid out. Sweetie, I appreciate your position, and current situation, but unfortunately I cannot confirm anything that you asked about. It would be nice to take some time to catch up, however. The girls would love to know more about what's going on in Ponyville, they especially want to hear about what Princess Twilight's been up to lately. They're really inspired by her dedication to study, and that she's remaining as headmare in her school. I think that talking would be good for them, they seem to be on edge lately. It seems that they're worried about something, but of course they never tell me anything. I think they could be worried about more nightmares. -Satchel “Wow, I thought it was important.” Lyra said as she read over Bonbon's shoulder. Bonbon continued to examine the letter, reading it over once more. “No, it is important. And maybe even worse than I thought.” “But the letter doesn't say anything.” “Lyra,” Bonbon gently said, shaking her head. “We're discussing sensitive topics, this is in code. I'm going to have to puzzle out the rest, but he already told me that I was right about something I asked about.” “Was your letter in code too?” Lyra asked excitedly. “Obviously.” Bonbon calmly answered. “Can you teach me the code?” Lyra excitedly asked. “Oh, I don't know. It's something we kind of developed without actually working on it. We just knew each other enough to work this out.” “Super Special Friend code?!” Lyra's excitement grew the more she heard. “I guess. It was important for us in case any of our communications were intercepted: If there's no cipher to solve it, it's secure.” Bonbon explained. “What do you know about it right now.” Lyra insisted. With a sigh Bonbon placed the letter on the counter, pointing to the first line. “Well, calling me “Sweetie” tells me that this is code. Otherwise he'd have called me “Sweetie Drops.”” Bonbon then moved her hoof to the first sentence. “Knowing now that it's a code, I can look at this and know what I'm seeing isn't the real message. There's two things in here he touched on, first is that he cannot confirm anything I asked about. That tells me that he knew I was writing in code. And second: since he didn't say he couldn't deny anything that does confirm what I was asking him.” Lyra “ooh”-ed as she looked the letter over. ”Wait, so does that mean the second line means he doesn't want to talk?” “No, that one is straight forward. But saying you want to talk is innocuous enough that it doesn't need to be coded. Really, he does want to talk, probably because it's easier to do that than write in code.” “Oh, so it was just a yes or no answer?” Bonbon chuckled as she shook her head. “I don't think so. I'm going to have to take some time on this to get everything he tried to say.” “So …” Bonbon shrugged and folded the letter once more. “So I don't know anything else yet.” “Are you going to tell Twilight?” “Obviously.” Bonbon sighed. “But not just yet. I need to have something more to give her, and clearly there's something he wants passed to her with just how central she is in this letter.” “But didn't you ask him about what happened at her castle?” “No, I asked if there had been a cleaner operation in Ponyville. He brought up Twilight on his own.” “That's not good, I'm guessing.” Bonbon shook her head as she walked to the door of the candy shop. “I think I'm just going to close early today.” *** The smell of hot lemon tea brought a smile to Bonbon's face as Lyra set a fresh cup down on the writing desk next to her. “Thanks.” Bonbon said as she looked up. “You're working a lot harder than usual, Bon.” “I know, but that's because of how important this is.” Lyra rubbed Bonbon's back lightly as she looked over the notes Bonbon had on the letter. “Maybe you should take a break.” Bonbon mulled the idea over for a moment before dismissing it. “No, I just need to get back to work.” “I don't know. You've been at this for hours now and … how many ways can you read one letter?” Bonbon sighed and rubbed her eyes before shaking her head. “If one of us is missing something, at best we can have an idea. I have no idea what he means by “the girls,” clearly he's talking about somepony important, but who.” “Maybe he means Princesses Celestia and Luna.” Bonbon shook her head. “No, no matter what we did we couldn't elude to Princess Celestia even in code: She needed complete deniability. Obviously that would extend to Princess Luna as well.” “Are you sure? What if the message was about them? Does it make sense if you look at it that way?” Bonbon sighed and looked at the message once more, to humor Lyra if nothing else. “So … The Princesses want to know what Twilight's up to …” Bonbon looked back to her notes. “Why would they be concerned about the information that they gave her?” “Did I get it right?” Lyra happily asked. Bonbon continued to look over her notes, and slowly nodded. “That does make more sense, so … maybe.” She turned off the light attached to the desk and stood up. “Looking at it like that: it seems that for some reason Twilight isn't trusted by the other princesses anymore.” “That's not good.” “Yeah, and if they don't trust her, obviously they'd want to keep her out of things.” “I guess that makes sense, but why don't they trust Twilight?” “I don't know, I could be completely wrong thinking that. But she would be the one most likely to know if that were the case.” Bonbon said as she collected her notes from the writing desk and walked for the door. “You're going right now?” Lyra asked, using her magic to bring the teacup with her. “I have to tell Princess Twilight right away. If you're right, this is very serious.” “Right, Cozy Glow bad.” *** “How long has she been like that?” Starlight asked Spike as they looked into the library. On a couch Twilight had curled into a tight ball and blankly stared out into nothing. “I'd say just after Bonbon left.” Spike answered. “That was last night!” Starlight chastised, “Has nopony even tried talking to her?” Spike stared at Starlight a moment before walking into the library. “Observe.” He said as he approached Twilight. Spike dramatically raised a claw before prodding Twilight several times with no response. “Also.” He continued before putting his claw up to his mouth and calling out. “Twilight, A.K. Yearling is in Ponyville to sign the newest Daring Do book.” “Wow.” Starlight murmured as she approached the unresponsive pony. “Yeah, this is a pretty extreme freak-out, even for Twilight.” “Spike, I don't think this is a “freak-out,” it looks more like traumatic shock. But what did Bonbon have to say that would do this to her?” “Maybe we should ask her,” Spike suggested. “But should we leave Twilight alone like this?” Starlight asked as she waved her hoof in front of Twilight's eyes. “Who can handle this?” “Fluttershy may know what to do.” Starlight offered. “We can get to Bonbon's and back before we would even get to Fluttershy's.” “Right … Uhm, Rainbow Dash could get here quick.” “I don't think this is really in her range to handle.” Spike asked, raising an eyebrow as he did. “Well what options do we have?” “Well … It's kind of an emergency … and he does know about trauma.” Starlight sighed and looked to the dragon. “I mean, I guess it's not like we'll be gone all that long. It should give him plenty of time to get home and get some sleep. … Alright, I'll be back in a minute.” Starlight couldn't help but feel guilty as she walked to James' home. He'd been having issues with his own trauma recently, and now she hoped that he could help someone through theirs. She knew he had some strategies, but would this just be piling problems onto his own? “Are you still in here?” Starlight asked as she knocked on the door to James' study. “Yeah, I was just finishing up for the day.” Starlight heard James answer from the other side of the door. “I'm sorry, but we need some help.” The door opened and James smiled down at her. “Don't apologize, I have no problem coming to help. So, what's up?” Starlight sighed as she gestured for him to follow. “So I guess Twilight heard something that really upset her.” “Oh no. What did she hear?” “That's the problem, we don't know. Spike and I are going to try to find out but we need someone to keep an eye on Twilight while we're gone.” Confused, James looked down to Starlight, “Keep an eye on her?” James asked, “What's she doing.” “Well … Nothing. She's completely motionless and doesn't respond to anypony.” “Just from hearing something?” “As far as we know.” “I can't say I know what's going on, but I'll do what I can to help her.” “Thanks.” They walked in relative silence the rest of the way to Twilight's library, Starlight opening the door as they approached. “Anything Spike?” Starlight asked. “No. Not that you've been gone long.” Spike answered as he shook his head. James slowly walked over to the couch where Twilight remained curled up. As he got close he shrugged off his haori, catching it as it fell. “It's okay to fall apart sometimes.” James quietly said as he draped his haori over Twilight like a blanket, gently tucking the edges underneath her before sitting next to her. He chewed his lip slightly as he considered what (if anything) he could say or do. Twilight didn't seem to respond at all. “We'll try to hurry.” Starlight said, gesturing for Spike to follow her. “Not like anything is going to happen while we're gone.” Spike added as he walked off. “I think there's enough going on here for now.” James added, keeping his voice low and gentle as he placed his hand on Twilight's back. With Twilight more or less taken care of, Starlight and Spike left in search of answers. “I know Twilight's prone to panicking, but I've never seen her clam up quite like that before.” Starlight said as she and Spike walked out the front of the castle. “This is a bit more than I've seen. But the last time she freaked out anywhere near this bad, she was afraid she'd failed a test in her magic class. Celestia had asked to talk to her and she just sat in stunned fear for over an hour until she had to go and talk with the Princess.” “What happened?” “Celestia congratulated for having the highest score in the class. Turns out she only missed one question.” Starlight forced a laugh, “Let's hope that this is just as overblown.” “I'm sure it is. If this were a real emergency, she wouldn't freeze up like this.” Before long the two stood in Bonbon's confectionery shop, hoping for the other ponies to leave quickly. “Hi Spike, Starlight.” Bonbon cheerfully said. “Here to get some treats?” “Not really, we want to talk to you when you're free.” Starlight said, mindful of her tone. “Oh, that could be a while. I had to close early yesterday, so I'm really far behind today.” “Maybe we could help you.” Spike offered quickly. “That would be great!” Bonbon answered with a smile. “Starlight, could you help the ponies at the register, and Spike: I need you to help the ponies at the counter. I have to finish up a few more candies in back before I run out up here.” Bonbon happily said as she made a beeline for the back of the store. “But Bonbon,” Starlight started, “ … aaaand she's gone.” “So that's six orange truffles, two dark chocolate mint patties, two cherry waves, and two surprise. Let's see … I think a couple Barra cream would compliment those nicely.” Spike, now wearing an apron and holding a pair of tongs, said as he collected the candies and placed them in a bag for the pony he was helping. With a resigned sigh, Starlight went to the register and figured out how much to charge for the candy to be sold. As things slowed down Starlight turned to Spike, “I thought we were trying to find out quickly so we could get back as soon as possible.” “This is why we got somepony to help, in case it took a while.” Spike said with a shrug as he handed a box of candy to another pony. “Spike …” Starlight began. “Starlight, Bonbon was busy and couldn't talk to us in private. This is the fastest way to get what we need.” Spike assured her. Starlight nodded with a sigh. “I guess you're right.” “Trust me. She's going to be fine, and we'll be done before you know it.” After nearly an hour Bonbon came back out from the backroom where she had been working. “Thanks so much you two.” She said with a smile. “Glad I could help.” Spike said as he took off the apron he had been wearing as he worked the counter. “It's calmed down a bit, so we can talk now if you two want.” Bonbon offered. “Well, it's about some help you've been giving us.” Starlight hesitantly said. “Right!” Bonbon quickly said, sounding upbeat. “Can't let these recipes get out. Okay, give me a minute up here and we can talk in private.” She winked to a customer and nodded. “Special chocolates for the princess to try. I'm keeping them secret until they're ready for the counter.” Spike and Starlight watched as Bonbon worked with surprising efficiency to clear out the store, waving the last pony out in minutes and closing and locking the door. She walked back to the counter and collected a sign sign that read “Fresh Candy Soon” and once that was placed in the window she ushered her two guests to the back. The smell of melted chocolate hung heavily in the air as fans circulated it in an attempt to cool off the freshly made confections. The sweet scent was nearly intoxicating and Starlight shook her head to focus on the objective at hand. “Did you find anything else out that might change the context of the letter I got?” Bonbon asked, moving one of the racks of cooling chocolates to the side. “Actually, we're wondering what you told Twilight.” Starlight said as Bonbon turned back to the two. “Yeah, she hasn't said anything or even moved since you talked to her.” Spike added. Bonbon grimaced at Spike's words, knowing that she had given Twilight the news that had bothered her so. “Well … from the context that I have, it seems that Princesses Celestia and Luna are keeping an eye on Twilight, and they're on edge about something.” “We could go ask them, they've come to us with problems before.” Spike offered. “But it seems like they're on edge about Twilight. And if it were just a regular problem don't you think they'd talk to her?” “Which would mean that Twilight was right about her worries concerning their change of mind about her.” Starlight surmised. “Ah, yeah. That would merit a whole new freak-out.” Spike somberly said with a nod. “You sound pretty calm about this!” Starlight hissed at Spike, her eyes wide. “I'm surprised, but it's not world ending,” Spike answered. “It's not like Tirek's back, or Cozy Glow's plan to rid Equestria of magic, or the return of Grogar. I mean … it's a problem we can work out, I'm sure of it.” “I guess. But problems with the Princesses are usually big problems.” Starlight explained. “If I'm right about this …” Bonbon emphasized, hoping to make it clear that she felt she could be wrong, “it means that they were worried enough to have a cleaning operation done. I wasn't part of any before, but there are missions I had that were preceded by them. I think that it's possible they're worried Twilight could destabilize Equestria.” “What?!” Spike asked suddenly turning to Bonbon. “I don't know,” Bonbon was quick to say, “it's just the impression I get from from what's going on. I barely know anything, and the letter wasn't clear by design. It's possible my contact doesn't know anymore than I do.” “You don't think …” Starlight began as she turned to Spike. “Maybe …” Spike partially answered. The two rushed out of the room towards the front, Starlight quickly teleporting them both outside as they approached the locked door. Before long they were rushing into Twilight's library to find James and Twilight were still there. Unexpected, however, was that Twilight was no longer non-responsive. In fact she was leaning against James and talking (albeit quietly.) She still looked distressed, however, and barely lifted her head at the entrance of the two. “Twilight! You're okay!” Spike said as he flew over and hugged Twilight. “Okay?” Twilight quietly said, “No … but I'm better than I was.” “How did you get her to respond?” Starlight asked James as she approached. “Just stayed with her and told her that whatever it was, it's fine to freak out.” “And that we can work on it.” Twilight added. “Though I don't know if we really can.” “She just needed some time to panic, and someone to bring her back from that edge,” James explained. “Twilight,” Starlight cautiously said, taking a step closer, “we talked to Bonbon.” Twilight nodded, “I know, I didn't say anything but I did hear you.” She sighed as she shook her head “And I just told James everything.” “Oh …” Starlight said. “Isn't that a good thing?” Spike asked. “I'd say more neutral.” James answered, “Obviously I can't directly do anything, these are your politics, but I'm here for you all the same.” “I'm going to have to talk to Princess Celestia.” Twilight said, sounding more dejected than ever. “It'll be okay. We always make things out to be worse than they usually are.” James calmly said. “Do you want some company?” Starlight asked, hesitantly. “Of course, we can get everypony here if you want.” Spike added. “Thank you, but no. This really needs to be just my responsibility.” Twilight added with a genuine smile before adding. “Besides, it's Princess Celestia. What's the worst she would do?” Spike and Starlight both bit their lips to not remind Twilight that Luna, Celestia's own sister, had been banished to the moon for a millennium. However, it was obvious from Twilight's face that she knew the option was certainly there. “Well if you'd rather go alone we'll at least be here when you get back.” James calmly said. “Thank you … all of you.” Twilight said with a weak smile as she walked towards the door of the library. Spike groaned as he watched the door close behind Twilight. “That's the same look she had when she went to see Celestia about her test.” “I'll take your word for it.” James commented as he turned to the two. “I think she needs time away from everything. With this and all the stress of the end of the school year … she's not in a good place.” “You're telling me.” Starlight said as she came to sit by James. “I think after her talk, no matter how things go, she should come back to New Guardia with me. I doubt rest and relaxation is exactly in her repertoire, but she needs a distraction at least.” “Definately,” Starlight agreed, “ …though I'm thinking for a different reason.” “Why?” “Bonbon told us that Princess Celestia reclaiming everything could be a prelude to some kind of specialist operation.” Spike emphatically explained. “Black ops?” Spike only nodded in answer. “I'll ask Liara to listen to the chatter and keep some guards on standby in case she hears anything about that.” James explained before nudging Starlight, “Of course that means you stepping up as headmare for the last month of school.” Starlight moaned again as James spoke. “Ugh, you're right. And I don't know if I can find somepony to fill in as councilor while I'm busy as headmare. And it's this time that the students usually need a lot of help.” “I'd offer to help, but I just got a lot more put on me in addition to getting things ready for our trip to the Galaxy Academy.” “The Galaxy Academy?” “Yeah, that's where you'll get the body mods, and where we'll be living while you get used to your augmentations.” “We'll be living at the academy?” “Twilight will love it.” Spike commented with a chuckle. “It's easier that way: Practically and politically. I may be on good terms with most of the Jurai royal family, the emperor hates me.” “Wait, why does the emperor hate you?” Spike asked, astonished, as Starlight gave James a confused look. James laughed and rubbed his beard. “You see, I kind of did the impossible …” *** Twilight's stomach was in knots as she appeared in Canterlot castle. She couldn't help but imagine that she'd rather face Grogar again than speak with Princess Celestia now. At least then she had some hope that things would be alright. She took a steadying breath as she walked forward, stopping briefly as she noticed her hair in the reflection of a window. As her horn lit up she could plainly see the golden flecks dancing about in the reflection of the familiar violet luminescence of her magic. And this inevitably brought her attention to her eyes, the symbol of her failure. Her hair fixed, she continued to the throne room. Princess Celestia sat at her throne, her kind smile gracing her features as she saw her former student and protege approaching. “I'm happy to see you again Twilight. I'm sorry we didn't get the chance to get together the last time you came to Canterlot … or the Grand Galloping Gala … But I understand just how busy the role of princess and headmare can be.” Twilight wanted to speak, but her words seized in her throat. Bonbon had confirmed that it was Princess Celestia who had ultimately had her home invaded and the documents she had been trusted with removed in secret. Princess Celestia who no longer trusted her, but still greeted her warmly as a friend. The greeting felt hollow with that knowledge behind it. Twilight couldn't paint on a smile for this, she had been hurt and Celestia was going to know it. “Why did you have those ponies take back everything you sent me when I was going to be your successor?” Celestia's expression darkened as she heard the accusation, and the change alone confirmed to Twilight everything Bonbon had told her. “I'm sorry Twilight. With Luna and myself staying as we are there was no need for you to have to worry with all of that. And with everything you do already, for everycreature, I felt that you didn't need the burden of it all. … I had hoped you would be at your castle so the transfer could be a simple matter.” “Is it because you don't trust me anymore?” Twilight bluntly asked. Now it was Celestia's turn for the words to seize in her throat. She looked at Twilight, her mouth moving as she tried, and failed, to speak. She closed her mouth and just looked to the pony looking up at her, hurt and betrayed. “I see.” Was all Twilight said before turning around, vanishing in a burst of violet and gold as she did. *** Princess Luna watched the confrontation from the hallway, her face turning to a sleight grimace as she listened. Once Twilight had vanished, leaving Celestia alone in the empty throne room, Luna shook her head and scoffed before leaving herself. > 19 Making do > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A severely disheveled Starlight slowly trudged into Twilight's office and collapsed into the large chair behind the desk. The chair was adept at encouraging good posture, making it very uncomfortable in Starlight's current position, but her exhaustion was more than enough to overcome that discomfort. “One week down,” she huffed, sliding further down on the chair so she was unable to see over the desk in front of her. Just as she felt the vaguest hint of relaxation daring to approach her there was a knock at the door. Starlight moaned briefly before she called out. “Come in.” The door opened, though she had no idea who was there as she couldn't see over the desk itself. “Uhm … Miss Starlight?” A voice said from beyond Starlight's vision. “Ah, hello Ocellus.” Starlight said, raising her hoof and waiving the changeling student over before pointing in the direction of one of the chairs in front of the desk. “What can I help you with?” She asked, trying (but failing) to sound cheerful. “Are you okay?” Ocellus asked, cautiously taking a seat. “Just a little tired.” Starlight said, waiving the question away with her hoof. “Is there something you needed help with?” Ocellus couldn't help but feel strange as she wasn't so much talking to Starlight as she was talking to her hoof. But at least Starlight was paying attention … in theory. “I was actually wondering about my grades.” Starlight's hoof drooped slightly as Ocellus spoke. “Ocellus, you're consistently in the top of the class, I really don't think you have anything to worry about.” “I guess, but still …” As Ocellus spoke Starlight did her best to pay attention and respond, but her focus did flag as the minutes passed. However, before Ocellus could notice Starlight's waning concentration there was a new knock at the office door. The knock quickly brought Starlight to her senses, “I'm with somecreature right now,” she called. Spike cracked open the door and poked his head in. “You still have today's meeting Starlight.” “Meeting?” Starlight asked as her mind slowly churned up the information. “Oh! I'm sorry Ocellus, there's so much at the end of the year to take care of I have to get to this meeting. But trust me, you're doing great in your classes, you have nothing to worry about.” “Are you sure?” “Positive, Ocellus. You're not going to have any trouble.” “Oh, well … I guess I'll see you tomorrow Miss Starlight. Thank you for seeing me.” Ocellus said as she got up and walked past the dragon holding the door for her. With some effort Starlight forced herself out of the chair and moved towards the door where Spike was waiting. “Thank you Spike,” She said, clearly in some pain, “you're probably the reason this place is still running right now.” “Thanks, but you're doing all the hard work.” “Have you found anycreature that can cover my counselor duties?” Spike shook his head as they walked slowly down the hallway. “No, Neighsay's substitute office said that they handle teachers, not support staff.” “Of course they would,” Starlight sighed. “Counselors are important for a school too, you know.” She added with more than a hint of frustration. “I've also turned down a few offers?” “You have?” Starlight asked, astonished. “Oh yeah,” Spike laughed. “That bad?” “Well, it's not Discord, thankfully, but Spitfire isn't exactly motivational in the right way.” Starlight chuckled as she envisioned the military dressing down Spitfire would likely give anyone who walked into the office. “Yeah, probably not the best choice.” “Cranky Doodle …” “Enough said.” “Nice as it was, I had to turn down the Crusaders.” “They're getting more ambitious.” Starlight said with a smile. “Yeah.” Spike said, smiling himself. “You know, you could just do less. We'll be halfway through the last month soon, there's other things that have to be taken care of.” “Spike, the last month is so stressful that the students need a counselor.” “And what about the counselor herself?” Starlight sighed, “Like you said, we're almost halfway through the last month. I can push through.” Starlight said as she opened the door to see the faces of the other teachers looking to her. Rainbow Dash's irritated look fell away as she saw the disheveled temporary headmare. “Oh my goodness.” Fluttershy breathed, “Are you alright Starlight?” Starlight forced a smile. “I'm a little tired, but we're so close to the end of the year. It'll be alright.” She said as she slowly walked over to her chair and sat. “If you're certain, dear.” Rarity said, cautiously. “Yeah, I'm fine.” “Very well then.” Rarity said with a smile. “Now, about the final testing schedule: Rainbow Dash, I believe it would be best if you could have your teamwork finals near the end of the month …” “What?!” Rainbow Dash asked, genuinely surprised. “Are you kidding me? One: we get them out of the way early and then my classes are a good chance to let them rest after all of your finals. Two: you think better after getting some exercise, it's going to help them …” “Are you certain about that dear?” Rarity asked. “Ooh, I get all my best ideas when bouncing around and running all over Ponyville.” Pinkie excitedly said as she giggled. “Oh yeah, totally. I even asked experts on this stuff.” Rarity sighed as she spoke up. “But when they get to my class they're so exhausted they can't possibly pay attention to my tests.” “Maybe you should …” Rainbow Dash started to say before a loud snore interrupted her. All eyes turned to Starlight, sleeping sitting up as the meeting went on. “Like that.” Rarity sarcastically said before shaking her head. “Can anypony think of some way we can help?” Fluttershy asked the group. *** Ocellus once more stood outside the headmare's office door, her anxiety over the finals building once more. She knew that Starlight was exceptionally busy being both headmare and counselor, and hated to bother her over her own problems. But she needed to talk to someone about it. Just as she was about to knock there was a burst of wind. “Hey Ocellus,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile, “what's up?” “Oh, uhm …” She began as she looked to the loyalty professor. “I was just about to talk to Miss Starlight.” Rainbow Dash blew a quick raspberry, “Yeah, I can see that. But what about? Starlight's been kinda busy, so we're stepping up to help out.” Ocellus paused a moment to think it over, opening her mouth before being interrupted. “You know what? Let's go for a fly. It'll give us some privacy.” Rainbow Dash as she gestured for Ocellus to follow. With a shrug, Ocellus followed Rainbow Dash outside and high into the sky. “Cool. So what can I help you with?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smile. “Oh, well, with finals here I'm kind of worried I might not do as well as I could.” Rainbow Dash slowed as she turned to give the changeling a curious look. “Really? You? You're always the best scoring student we have. You've got nothing to worry about.” “Yeah, everycreature tells me that, but I just don't know. Like in your class for example: I'm not as good at sports as everycreature else.” “Yeah, but it's not about you being good.” Rainbow Dash casually said as she looped in the air quick, coming to fly right next to her student. “I see you out there every day giving it your all. Working with every creature. That's what I care about. As long as you put in the effort, I'm going to see and make sure that's how you're graded.” “Really? Wow, that's a relief …” “Glad I could help.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile, “Want to …” “Now about Miss Rarity's class, I was …” “Hold on.” Rainbow Dash said, stopping them both midair. “You don't need to worry about that. There's actually something I had to learn a long time ago that I think could really help you out here: Your only real competition is yourself. And as long as you do a little better than you did last time, you're winning.” Ocellus paused as she thought about Rainbow Dash's words. “But I'm already top of the class …” She said, her voice wavering slightly. “Exactly, so don't worry about it. You'll do fine.” Rainbow Dash said nodding and turning back to the school. “ … Now, uhm, which class do you have next?” *** Smolder watched as Rainbow Dash and Ocellus flew off, taking a moment to think about what she had overheard. Starlight had helped her with several things before, and she was comfortable with her. But maybe it was a good thing that the other professors were helping out. She took some time to consider the best professor to ask for help and began walking towards her class. “Hi hi!” Pinkie Pie excitedly said with a giggle as the dragon walked through the door. “Hey Prof. I heard that with counselor Starlight taking over as headmare for the rest of the month the professors would be helping out with counseling.” “Ooh! Yes, she's been super busy and falling asleep everywhere.” Smolder nodded and shrugged. “What can I help you with?” Pinkie happily asked. Smolder couldn't help but feel uncomfortable but she'd been meaning to ask someone this for a while. “So … I guess I seem a bit standoffish, and unapproachable to a lot of the ponies here. The others suggested because I don't exactly show when I'm happy like they do.” “Ooh, that could be tricky.” Pinkie said, tapping her chin with her hoof. “I have an idea!” She suddenly said, jumping up and pushing Smolder along with her head. *** Ready to stand in, Applejack kept an eye on Starlight's door for the next student to need help. After helping a couple ponies with a quick piece of advice she was feeling like she had this well under control. She was fully confident when she found Gallus looking down as he walked towards Starlight's office. “What's got you lookin' so glum?” Applejack asked as she approached the griffin. Gallus sighed and shrugged. “It's Grandpa Gruff, he's trying to make things difficult for me here … again.” “Now why would he do that?” “I don't know, he probably finds it funny.” “I wouldn't say that …” Applejack started to say before being cut off. “Last time he visited all he did was rant about how this whole thing was a waste of time, and scoffing when I told him I enjoyed it here.” “Well, let's go sit down for a minute and see if I can help out.” *** The sound of waves lapping at the beach slowly came back to Twilight as the warm spring breeze gently woke her up. She moved the book that had been blocking the sun from here eyes and examined it once again: Husbands for Sale. Some bizarre disease had wiped out the majority of the men, leaving civilization desperately trying to adjust and in fear for the future. The protagonist was traveling across her country, doing everything in her power to rescue the man she loved from auction. Twilight could spend hours picking apart the premise, and would eventually, that was part of the fun of these books. The trashy romance story had done a good job taking her mind off of her current standing in Equestria, but only as she read the book. Her eyes scanned the previous page to make sure she knew her place in the story. She blushed as she recognized the indicators of another sex scene approaching. All of his scenes were sex scenes. Even though he tried desperately in his mind to focus on his true love, he inevitably got lost in the moment, and was a slave to his passions. Twilight read a few sentences before deciding that she was done for now. While it would distract her, it wasn't as easy to get lost in the book as it was abundantly clear that all of the characters were human, as the descriptions continually made obvious. She'd pick it back up later, but for now she'd had enough. Twilight collected the bookmark that had fallen to the sand as she napped and carefully placed it. She didn't actually know how long she had spent at the beach, figuring that now would be a good enough time to head back. But as her stomach complained she made a little change to her plan and would stop by Mirror Pinkie's bakery for a snack and maybe to visit. Pinkie, no matter which, would be quite good at taking her mind off things. *** “Oh, there she is!” Pinkie announced as she jumped up, pointing to Twilight. “I'll go get her.” Rainbow Dash said as she shot off towards the distracted alicorn. “Here to spend some time with James?” Twilight asked with a smile as she saw her friend flying towards her. “Uhm, no.” Rainbow Dash answered as though Twilight knew that already. “We agreed to meet up today, remember?” “It's Thursday already?” Twilight asked, the realization hitting her hard. “Whoa, you must have really chilled out if you've forgotten what day it is.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she adjusted herself to float in the air with her forelegs folded over her chest. Twilight shifted uncomfortably as she heard Rainbow Dash's statement. “I guess. James suggested that I avoid scheduling and just try to be unstructured for a while.” “And how's that going?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning and gesturing for Twilight to follow her. “… I forgot what day it was. I'm not good at it.” “Yeah, I guessed.” Rainbow Dash said with a laugh. “Hi Twilight!” Pinkie happily called as the two got close. “I see you've been spending some time on the beach.” Rarity said with a grin, as she pulled out Twilight's bathing suit from her saddlebag. “Beach,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin, “prime cillaxing spot.” “How are things back at the school?” Twilight hesitantly asked. “Fine, just fine.” Starlight was quick to say. “ … I see.” Twilight sadly answered. “It's not that things aren't harder without you.” Fluttershy quietly added, placing her wing on Twilight's back. “But it's only a month, we can handle it.” “I mean, Starlight here is spread a little thin,” Applejack said offhanded, drawing glares from the other ponies. “Uh, but it's a little harder to find a substitute councilor than a teacher.” “Do you need me to come back? I won't mind if you do.” Twilight asked, almost eager. “We're almost halfway through,” Rarity said, “you take all the time you need to rest, darling. We can handle this.” “Besides, after this we're going to Jurai. We can take a break there.” Rainbow Dash said casually. “Well, it's not Jurai but the Galactic Academy.” Twilight corrected. “Whatever, we're still going to another world.” “You know, Pinkie,” Starlight commented as they walked into the bakery, “I wouldn't have expected you (or rather the other you) to be able to run your own bakery and be James's personal assistant. That's a lot of work.” Pinkie brushed off the comment as she blew a raspberry. “Please, back home I work at the Bakery, school, help out Mayor Mare, and I'm still Ponyville's preeminent party pony.” “How in Equestria you ever find that kind of energy, I'll never know.” Rarity said as she shook her head. Pinkie made a happy little noise as she smiled. “Creamy, creamy frosting.” “Huh? … Frosting?” Applejack asked moments before Pinkie pranced forward and examined the thick frosted cupcakes on display. “Oh.” As the group sat with their treats they agreed to stop talking about school and enjoy themselves. “So have you become a regular at Midnight yet?” Rainbow Dash asked as she nudged Twilight. “Actually no. I've just been relaxing.” “What? You love dancing! You have to go while you're here.” Rainbow Dash insisted. “But I'm here to relax.” Pinkie giggled as she shook her head. “Exactly. And what better way to relax than boogie your tail off!” “We should go there as soon as we're done here.” Rainbow Dash insisted. “Ain't that a night club? It's not even noon.” “And honestly, I'm exhausted.” Starlight added as Fluttershy subtly nodded. “Perhaps after the finals are done and we have a chance to get some rest first.” Rarity suggested. “Alright, but let's go during the day. That's when Ed DJ's and he's got the good music.” Rainbow Dash conceded. “So what've you been doin' to relax here?” Applejack asked, taking a bite from her cupcake. “You know me, I've been reading.” Twilight said casually. “Anything interesting.” Starlight asked. Twilight blushed and cleared her throat. “Just some technical things. Not really interesting to anypony but me.” “Really? Relaxing by being even more of an egghead?” Rainbow Dash asked with a laugh. “Well, I guess you're the pony for it.” Twilight nodded and gave an awkward chuckle. *** Twilight waved to her friends as they walked through the doorway back to Equestria, having promised to meet again the same time next week after nearly all of the finals are finished. With a sigh, Twilight began to walk back towards the room she had been given while staying, despite her actual bedroom not being particularly far away. As Lucca had said, staying away from Equestria all together had helped her get into a vacation mindset, or as much of one as she ever got. But she couldn't help but feel like she should be doing something. As she finished putting her bathing suit away there was a knock at her door. “Yes?” “Sorry to bother you,” James said as he opened the door, “I just need some help if you feel up to it.” Twilight smiled as she looked to him. “Of course,” she said eagerly, “I haven't done anything useful since I got here. And honestly, it's kind of hard to relax if I'm not actively working on something.” “Sorry to hear that,” James said. “After you help me with this I can help you find something to do if you think that will help.” “Yes, please.” *** Starlight sat with her hooves pressed firmly into her forehead, groaning as she heard the panicked stories being told to her. Each concluding with the hope that somehow she was going to fix everything. “I told her to just relax, but Ocellus seems more wound up than ever!” Rainbow Dash said, completely confused. “And Grandpa Gruff is on his way to pull Gallus out of school!” Applejack insisted over Rainbow Dash. “It seems like Smolder is pulling away from the other students.” Fluttershy commented as Pinkie uncomfortably chuckled. “I simply cannot figure out all of these problems.” Rarity said, exasperated. “Everypony, just stop!” Starlight said firmly. She took a moment to breathe and get her bearings, though it never really happened. “Okay, I'm glad you tried to help me. But if you had talked to me instead of just going ahead and trying to solve everything, things wouldn't have gotten this bad.” “Well what can we do?” Rainbow Dash asked, desperately. “Okay, priorities. Applejack, when is Grandpa Gruff going to be her?” Starlight asked as she began to consider her options. As Applejack opened her mouth to answer the familiar grumbling of the ornery griffon could be heard in the hallway. “Now …” Applejack uncomfortably said as Starlight's eyes twitched much like Twilight's would. “Okay!” Starlight said, clearly irritated. “Discord?” The group was silent, mostly looking confused at Starlight, as the Draconequus was clearly nowhere to be seen. “Uhm, Starlight? I don't think he's …” Fluttershy cautiously offered. “Oh, did you need my help, Starlight?” Discord said, slowly turning around in a char that had not been there moments earlier. He smirked as he pet a miniature manticore that lay in his lap. “Definitely.” Starlight said with a sigh of relief. “Can you please keep Grandpa Gruff busy while we come up with something. “Ooh, goody.” Discord said with genuine glee. “Maybe we can visit the Ghastly Gorge. Ooh, or the Peaks of Peril, or maybe even …” Discord said with growing enthusiasm before being cut off by Starlight. “Nothing dangerous Discord, just keep him busy.” “Where's the fun in that?” “Please.” Starlight asked, letting her exhaustion come through in her voice. “I just need somepony to keep him busy while we think of a way to keep him from pulling Gallus out.” Discord sighed and held his claw up. “One perfectly boring distraction coming up.” With a snap the Draconequus vanished. “Uhm … Ain't you a little worried about what he might do?” Applejack hesitantly asked. “Not thinking about that right now.” Starlight quickly answered. “Okay, so do we know why Grandpa Gruff is coming to take Gallus away?” The only answer she got was a general head shake from the group. “Great.” Starlight grumbled. “No ideas what-so-ever? I'm certain that this is something Gallus would have specifically come to talk about.” “The way Gallus told me, it sounds like Grandpa Gruff sometimes just gets it in his head to be a pain in the flank and threaten to pull him out.” Applejack explained. “Yeah, I do hear about that every so often. Gallus usually gets pretty depressed around those times. But he's never actually come to the school to do it before. So what's different this time?” Starlight said, pacing in front of the group. “If he does this so often, why is this the first time he's come by?” Rarity asked. “Twilight usually handles that.” Starlight admitted before shaking her head. “Let's see what we can learn from Gallus.” “I'll go get him.” Applejack offered, “After all, I'm the one who got him in this mess.” “So what should we do about everycreature else?” Fluttershy asked as the door closed behind Applejack. “Let's just handle one problem at a time right now.” Starlight explained, despite mentally running through the other problems she'd heard that day. Before long Applejack walked back in with Gallus slowly trudging along behind her, neither looking hopeful. “Gallus,” Starlight calmly said, “do you know why Grandpa Gruff wants to take you back to Griffonstone?” Gallus limply shrugged, “Like it matters. He's actually come to drag me back this time.” “So you're just giving up?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief. “We're not going to let that happen.” Starlight said, walking over to Gallus and using her hoof to lift his face from the floor. “Not if you don't want to leave.” The last statement seemed to spark life into Gallus, giving him one hope to cling to. “Of course I don't want to leave! I actually have friends here!” “And we want to keep it that way.” Rarity assured. “So, why do you think he came to take you back?” Starlight asked again. “I followed Professor Applejack's advice and was honest with him. I told him I was tired of his bullying and how he used the fact that he's my assigned guardian to torment me.” Gallus explained, hoping that somewhere they could find a solution. “Assigned guardian? Isn't he your actual family?” “No, everyone just calls him Grandpa Gruff. I don't have any family, which is why they sent me here: No sweat if things don't work out.” “That's horrible!” Rarity gasped. “Those no good feather brained …” Applejack grumbled under her breath. “Why I aughtta!” Rainbow Dash said, punching the air. “Is that why you never go back to Griffonstone?” Pinkie asked. “Everypony!” Starlight said firmly, quietening the room as her mind raced. “You said he's your assigned guardian, has he always been or was that just for school.” “Just for school, if it weren't for politics I'd still be wandering the streets of Griffonstone.” Gallus explained. “Could anycreature become your guardian? Maybe somepony in town?” Gallus shook his head. “I asked that the first time he threatened to drag me back, he laughed as he said that he'd have to sign for any non griffon to be my guardian.” “Okay, so what about …” Starlight began when Rainbow Dash interrupted. “So we just need to find another Griffon to be your guardian.” Rainbow Dash declared. “If it were that easy Grandpa Gruff wouldn't have been assigned to me.” Gallus said, just as disappointed. “We at least need to try!” “Do you know how to do that?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash. “Just get a griffon who lives in Griffonstone to go the the records office, pay the fee and sign the papers.” Gallus explained. “See, easy.” Rainbow Dash declared. “And if anycreature knows what griffon would be most likely to help Gallus it would be Gabby.” Spike announced. “Why can't she do it herself? We're kind of in a hurry.” Rainbow Dash asked. “She moved to Ponyville a couple months ago.” Spike explained. “Well, tell her what's going on and tell her to hurry!” Starlight said, practically shoving the dragon out the door. She turned to Gallus as the door closed, “Don't worry, we're going to do everything we can so you don't have to leave.” *** “Discord!” Starlight shouted as she approached the juggling Draconequus, “Put them down this instant!” With a smirk, Discord simply walked away from the group he was juggling, allowing gravity to bring most of them down for him. Several ponies limped, groaning, to the nurse's office while Starlight was quick to intercept Grandpa Gruff. “Thank you for distracting him, Discord.” Fluttershy quietly whispered to Discord as he walked past her. “But maybe that wasn't the right way.” “It got the job done, didn't it? Anyway, I'll see you later: for tea.” Discord said casually before snapping and vanishing from the school. “I am so sorry about that, let …” Starlight said as she rushed to the griffon. “As you should be!” Grandpa Gruff snapped as he stood. “Now, where's Gallus? The sooner we're gone, the better.” “You've traveled all the way from Griffonstone, wouldn't you like something to eat?” Pinkie desperately offered. “I don't have time for …” Grandpa Gruff began before Rainbow Dash interrupted. “It's free,” She announced. Grandpa Gruff paused for a moment and shrugged. “Lead the way.” “Quick thinking Pinkie.” Applejack whispered as they walked off towards her class. “I think that maybe we can turn this into a tour of the school if we do it right.” Starlight suggested. “That should give us some more time.” “That won't be much, darling.” Rarity pointed out. “It's time that we don't have otherwise.” Starlight argued. *** “Enough!” Grandpa Gruff bellowed as Rarity was about to begin her explanation once more. He'd been juggled, dragged around, ignored, and now it was only obvious that he was being stalled. “I'm leaving, and Gallus is coming with me!” He snapped, silencing everyone around him. “The thing is …” Starlight began before being cut off. “Oh, no. Don't you start again. Unless this is all because Gallus is missing again don't say anything!” “About that.” Rainbow Dash started before another voice cut her off. “I'm here.” Gallus uncomfortably said as he walked up to the group, his friends behind him. “But I don't want to go.” “Well I don't care, we're going!” “Why are you doing this? Why do you even care what I do? You've made it clear you don't want anything to do with me.” Gallus asked, indignant. “Or am I right, and you're only doing this because you think my pain is fun?” “Why doesn't matter. We're leaving, and that's that!” Grandpa Gruff said as began to fly towards the door. “He's not going anywhere.” A new voice said. Just as she finished speaking Gilda flew in through the doorway, scroll clutched in her claw, and came to land just in front of the old Griffon. “He's not?” Grandpa Gruff asked, incredulous. “What, is your hearing going now? I said: Gallus isn't going anywhere.” “Now listen her missy!” Grandpa Gruff said as he poked Gilda. “It's my choice if he stays or goes, and I say he goes.” “No, it's not.” Gilda said, prodding Grandpa Gruff with the scroll she carried. Grandpa Gruff snatched the scroll, flicked it open and starred at it. “Need me to read that for you too?” Gilda mockingly offered. Grandpa Gruff scowled as he read the scroll before rolling it up and shoving it back at Gilda. “You want to deal with that good for nothing? Fine, he's yours.” Grandpa Gruff said as he began to fly off in a huff. “Get lost, buzzard.” Gilda called out just as Grandpa Gruff got to the door. “Gilda?” Rainbow Dash asked astonished. “Sup.” “You're Gallus' new guardian?” Rainbow Dash finished. “Yep. Gabby said it was an emergency, so I offered to help.” “But you never liked me.” Gallus said, very confused. “Dude, don't ask why, just be glad she did.” Smolder said, sounding as tired as she looked. “Kid, just 'cause that coot wants you to be as miserable as him doesn't mean you should be.” As Gilda spoke there was a curious sound, which at first sounded like a gasp, but in the moments that followed it became obvious that Gallus had stated laughing. “I don't know if I can ever thank you for this.” Gilda shrugged, despite the warm feeling spreading in her chest, “If you're ever in Griffonstone again, I could use some help at the scone stand.” “And Yona help too.” Yona announced as she stomped happily. “Yeah, sure. Anyway, Dash, you got some free time? I'm not in Ponyville often.” “Absolute … “ Rainbow Dash started before looking back to her friends and remembering just how much was left to do. “Well … Maybe in a little bit, I've still got some work to do.” “Well look at little miss responsible.” “Hey, I've got creatures that depend on me.” Rainbow Dash said defensively. Gilda grinned, “Well, I guess I do too now.” She said before turning back to the students. “I guess you're not going to complain about me leaving you here, are you?” “This should be done in no time.” Rainbow Dash desperately said, “I'll see you in just a bit.” Starlight sighed as she spoke up. “This is all just counseling stuff. The rest of you can go.” Rainbow Dash wasted no time in bursting out a nearby window with Gilda as the others hesitantly began to walk away. “Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, I mean, it's going to be a lot of work, but somepony's gotta do it.” Starlight wasn't sounding confident, and the tiredness was once again starting to creep back into her voice. “And I've got an idea of how I can help things along a little easier.” “If you need anything, don't hesitate to holler.” Applejack said, walking towards the door. “Dear, I know this is inviting disaster, but maybe you could consider taking some time off.” Rarity suggested. “I appreciate that, but it's only a little longer. After the last final finishes it's going to be a lot smoother.” “I guess we'll let you get to work.” Ocellus said hesitantly. “No,” Starlight quickly said, “you six stay. We're going to do a little group session so you can help each other as well.” *** “I'm surprised you came all the way to Ponyville to tell Gallus he could stay.” Rainbow Dash said as she and Gilda flew over the town. “I didn't.” Gilda calmly said as she banked to the left and burst through a cloud. “I came to visit my friend.” Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile as she followed along. “So how's your project coming along?” “The Griffonstone Rejuvenation Project?” Gilda casually asked. “Badly. But we're moving forward … That's actually part of why I chose to be Gallus' guardian. Griffonstone needs griffons like him who know how good things can be. Or who knows, maybe some day we can be even better than we were before.” “Hah.” Rainbow Dash said as she dropped onto a cloud and lounged in the sunlight. “And you called me Miss Responsible.” “I'm just trying to get back our pride, you're the one teaching all those kids.” Rainbow Dash went silent as she thought about where her life so far had taken her, and what she was still looking towards. “I guess I do have a lot of responsibilities.” She quietly said before laughing. “And I think I just signed up for more with James.” “Really? You've got how much going on already and you sign up for more.” Gilda laughed. “Well, it just kind of happened when we started dating.” Rainbow Dash said before squeaking and covering her mouth. However Gilda had clearly heard the statement as she shot Rainbow Dash an astonished look. “Wait! You have a boyfriend? Since when? Your letters never said anything about that.” Recovering quickly, Rainbow Dash shook off her embarrassment “Is it really so surprising?” She asked incredulous, “I mean, look at me: I'm pretty awesome. Who wouldn't want to date me?” “I'm more surprised you have a boyfriend.” Gilda admitted. “There something wrong with that?” Rainbow Dash was quick to ask. “No.” Gilda answered just as quickly. “It's just surprising that you, who never wanted to be slowed down by anycreature, would let yourself get tied down to some guy.” The words “tied down” bounced around in Rainbow Dash's head briefly before she shook them free. “I'm not tied down, I do what I want, when I want.” Gilda mockingly patted the air with her claws. “Alright there Mrs. Dash, no need to get upset.” “Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said, clearly irritated. “Let's grab some chow.” Gilda said with a smirk, getting up from the cloud suddenly. “I flew here right from Griffonstone because it was an emergency, so I'm kinda hungry.” Caught off guard by the sudden change Rainbow Dash grasped the opportunity to not be the butt of some teasing. “Sure, I've got some good stuff back at my place.” “Hah, sure, I'm curious what you're like now that you're all domesticated.” Gilda laughed. “Dude, I haven't changed that much.” As the two approached the cloud home it was obvious that someone was currently there. “Next you're gonna tell me you've got kids too.” Gilda joked, ribbing Rainbow Dash. “No.” Rainbow Dash said defensively. “Great time to show up.” She muttered, irritated, under her breath. Rainbow Dash already knew who to expect as she walked in, but still felt caught off guard as James moved around her kitchen. “Hey, since things have been going rough at the school I thought I'd bring you dinner today.” James called from the kitchen. “I hope you don't mind, it's just some takeout.” “Uhm, James …” Rainbow Dash awkwardly said, getting his attention. “Everything alri …” James said, stopping as he walked into the doorway. “ … Gilda, right?” He said, addressing the griffon directly. Gilda nodded briefly with a smirk. “Sup.” Conspicuously, she leaned over to Rainbow Dash, almost laughing as she whispered. “I didn't know that's what you're into.” Rainbow Dash groaned before introducing the two. “Well, Gilda, I hope you like broccoli salad, because that's what I brought.” James said walking back into the kitchen. “Eh, it'll do.” Gilda said before turning to Rainbow Dash. “Seems kinda lame, to be honest. But I guess if that's what you like.” “He is not lame.” Rainbow Dash said defensively. “Cool, so what's he do … You know, other than bring you food.” “He's only one of the strongest creatures ever!” Rainbow Dash boasted. “And he runs the Sorcerer's Guild back in New Guardia, the country he rules.” “Yeah, guess that's cool enough … if he can prove it.” Gilda said with a smirk, having gotten under Rainbow Dash's skin. “It's just takeout,” James reiterated, “ no need to wait for an invitation. If you want some, just come get it.” *** Starlight lay curled up on the couch in her office, dreading the rest of the students she still had to help. Though the group session had proven fruitful, and it may make things easier to get the other students sorted. Unconsciously, she flinched as she heard a knock at the office door. “I'm not here.” Starlight called, hoping just to get some rest. “Rainbow Dash asked me to check on you.” James said, opening the door anyway. “Though she may have just wanted to catch up with her friend.” Starlight groaned as she started to sit up. “I just fed them and was going to ask it you wanted dinner too, but it looks like you might need something else. Anything you want to talk about?” Starlight sighed and shook her head. “Okay, then. Just relax and …” James said as he walked over to the couch and began rubbing Starlight's back. “I should be able to handle this.” Starlight suddenly started. James promptly shut up and continued to massage Starlight. “It's not like I haven't handled headmare duties before, and the students know I'm not as available as I used to be.” Starlight paused as James began working on the base of her neck. “But it's not just the school really. I guess it's … well everything recently. The school, everything going on with Twilight, Velvet, I still don't know if I want to go through with the modifications because … well … my life.” James paused a moment at Starlight's statement. “What do you mean about your life?” Starlight moaned and nodded. “Things don't work out for me often.” She bluntly said. “Something happens and I freak out and make things worse, like with my town, or when I banished Discord from the school, oh and let's not forget destroying Equestria.” Starlight sighed and shook her head before continuing. “Then somepony has to come in and save me, but I find some way to screw up with everypony else. And when I am finally making some headway in life, when I finally know what I want … I'm too late.” “Do you not like where you are in life?” “I … I like where I am, and I've got friends, real genuine friends. But right now I just feel like I'm running on a treadmill: I'm trying so hard and going nowhere.” “I'm sorry. Trust me, I know how it can be when everything goes wrong.” James calmly said as he began massaging her shoulders. Starlight scoffed. “It's been my whole life. At least some things go right for you once in a while.” “Sometimes things go right for you too.” James calmly said. “You've got a job that people appreciate you for, friends who care about you.” “Yeah, but it does sometime feel like it's all too much.” “Life can get like that.” James calmly said. “Just relax and I'll take you somewhere to unwind for a while.” Starlight chuckled at the suggestion. “You're just slowly abducting all the staff of the school.” “Can you tell me they don't need it? Don't worry, we'll only be gone an hour at most.” After a moment, James carefully scooped Starlight up in his arms and began carrying her from the school. “James,” Starlight absently asked, “Why are you so big?” James sighed uncomfortably before he answered. “Well, my sparing partner vanished along with his universe a while ago.” “No.” Starlight cut in groggily, “Why are you so big that you can just hold me so easily?” “Well, I guess you can blame my dad for that one.” James said with a chuckle. As Starlight rested against James, she let her mind drift, enjoying the breeze as they moved across the field to the castle. “Where are we going?” “Somewhere quiet, where you can rest and come back when you're ready.” “I just want to sleep and let the year end already.” “Sleep as much as you like, the world will still be here when you're ready for it.” James quietly said. “Why are you being so nice?” Starlight asked as her thoughts began to drift off into nothingness. “Why wouldn't I be?” James asked in response, but the only answer he got was a loud and deep snore. *** Twilight smiled as she walked back into her castle from the door James had set up years earlier. “Twilight! You're back!” Spike happily announced as he ran up and hugged her tightly. “I missed you too Spike.” Twilight said as he let her go. “So how did things go while I was gone? No Equestria threatening calamities?” She asked with a chuckle. “No, everything's fine.” “Fine now.” Starlight said with a smile as she approached. “Things did get a bit hairy while you were gone, but we were able to get things settled.” “What happened?” “I think we can go over that later.” Starlight uncomfortably said. “But I think I might just spend some time finding a potential substitute counselor if something like that ever happens again.” “Oh, Twilight.” Spike said suddenly, collecting a letter from a nearby table. “This came for you while you were gone.” “Just this?” “Well, this was actually delivered to your desk at the school.” Starlight clarified. “And there's no return address on it. So it sort of stands out.” Spike elbowed Starlight and smirked. “I'm betting it's from a secret admirer.” “Please, Spike,” Twilight said shaking her head, “it's probably just a normal letter that somepony forgot to put their name on.” Without any more hesitation, Twilight opened the letter and with a smirk began to read. Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, You have been lied to. I cannot share more at this moment, but know that I will contact you again when I can do so. I am sorry that this must remain a one sided conversation, but it is for the best at this time that it remain this way. “Well …” Starlight bluntly stated, “that's ominous.” > 20 Officially Un-official > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I've been lied to?” Twilight asked in a panic. “By who, about what?! Why would they send that and nothing else?! Who even sent this?!” “They did say they'd send more.” Spike offered optimistically. “Maybe they'll explain better in their next letter.” “A letter we have no idea when it's coming!” Twilight said exasperated before moaning. “And only a week before we go to the Galactic Academy.” “Maybe it's nothing Twilight,” Spike insisted, “just something unimportant that you already forgot about.” “That wouldn't merit sending a letter, Spike. This has to be something important.” Twilight insisted. Without warning Starlight swatted the letter away from Twilight. “Twilight, you just got back from a vacation you were forced on because you went catatonic from bad news. Don't get yourself so worked up about something when we don't have the faintest idea what it's about.” Starlight scolded, getting nose to nose with Twilight. “They said they'll contact you later with more information. That's when we worry about it. And you know what? Maybe it will be nothing.” “But it could be something huge!” Twilight insisted. “Yes, but we still won't know about it until they contact you again.” “Yeah, don't worry about it Twilight.” Spike casually said. “How can I not worry about it?” “Clearly you're going to worry about it,” Starlight said, resigned. “But you have to accept that, until you know more, there's nothing you can do about it. And until that time, all worrying will do is make you less able to respond when you need to.” Twilight was forcing herself to breath slowly and nodded as Starlight finished talking. “You're … absolutely right. There is nothing I can do about it.” As Twilight spoke her breathing became more normal and she began to sound less panicked. “But I have to do something.” “Maybe plan for our trip in a week.” Starlight offered. Twilight laughed slightly as she answered. “I actually spent most of my vacation planning for that already.” “Great!” Starlight said happily. “Why don't you tell me about it?” She asked, hoping to use it to distract Twilight. *** Moonlight streamed in through the window of Twilight's office, lighting up the room enough for Twilight to see. Soon the moonlight was joined by a violet glow as Twilight's horn lit up with a golden flecked violet light. The desk glowed violet faintly before going dark once more. Twilight chewed her lip briefly as she walked around the desk, opening up the drawers and inspecting the contents. Unsatisfied, she closed the drawers and walked for the nearby bookcase. After a brief scan several books lit up and flew from the shelves and flipped open as they flew around Twilight. “Recall … recall …” Twilight mumbled to herself as she scanned the pages, periodically a book flipped closed and flew back to the shelves to be replaced by another. “Recall memory … recall feeling … Ah-Ha! Recall spell!” As Twilight spoke up the remaining books fell to the ground and with a hop she jumped over them to begin the spell she had focused on. Twilight's horn lit up as she read, casting the spell as she went along. A flash of gold and violet filled the room briefly as Twilight looked up from her desk. “Oh, right. That spell only reminds you of the spell's effects …” Suddenly she slumped over her book and grunted. “Oh.” Once again, books flew from the shelves and opened as Twilight examined them. “Maybe it wasn't delivered magically. Is there a spell that tells me where it came from?” She mumbled to herself. *** “Hey Twilight.” Rainbow Dash happily said as she woke her friend. “Wha? Who? … Oh, hi Rainbow Dash.” “Hey.” Rainbow Dash repeated before laughing. “You know that school's out for summer, right.” “Yeah,” Twilight said with a grin, “I know. I just came to look through some of my books. … You didn't happen to see anyppony leave a letter here for me while I was gone, did you?” Rainbow Dash shrugged and shook her head. “Maybe I shouldn't go.” Twilight sighed. “Go where?” “The Galactic Academy.” Twilight answered, pointing out the obvious. “I need to wait for an important letter.” “What?!” Rainbow Dash rushed forward and held up Twilight too look in here eyes. “Are you crazy? You want to miss out on all this? I would have thought you'd be all over going to a new world.” “Yeah, I want to go. But the other day I got a letter telling me that there's something wrong, and they were going to follow up. But they didn't say when.” “What did they say was wrong?” “They didn't.” Twilight said with a shrug. “They didn't? … Sounds like a prank to me.” Rainbow Dash quickly concluded. “Why would somepony prank me like that?” Rainbow Dash shrugged and grunted, “Don't worry about it. Even they said they'll tell you later. So it can't be that important, right?” “I guess …” Twilight hesitantly said. “But what if it is and I miss it because I'm on another planet?” “Well, you know James has a trick up his sleeve for that. He can drop us off before we even leave if you're worried.” Twilight stared blankly ahead for a moment as she thought. “Did you ever think about just how much our lives have changed since he showed up?” “Nope. He does that enough for all of us and …” “Right, he almost got in trouble for it.” “Yeah, it's better if we just go with the flow. It's not like we know how things would have been without him. Other than your trip through those other versions of our world.” “And only one was any good.” “See, don't worry about it and we'll take things as they come.” “Thanks, Rainbow Dash … So did you come to find me for anything specific?” “Oh, right!” Rainbow Dash eagerly said as she landed beside Twilight. “I wanted to bring you along to Wonderbolt headquarters to witness me set a new record before we get the augmentation. That way I can really see how much more awesome I am after we get back.” Despite her concern over the letter, Twilight couldn't help but get excited at this opportunity for some solid data to make a comparison with. Her stress began to melt away as a smile spread across her face. “I think that's a great idea. Maybe I should see about getting timed too.” “Well, you're not going to break any records.” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Just so I can see how this will change things.” “Alright, set your own personal records.” Rainbow Dash said as she nodded. “Great idea.” The two ponies soon left the room, thoughts gnawing at the edges of a mind ready to refocus. *** “Well Big Mac,” Applejack said with a grin, “it's nearing time for me to get moving for that procedure.” “Eeyup.” Big Mac acknowledged with a nod. “I just need to make sure you know everything you have to do while I'm gone.” Applejack insisted. “E … Eeyup?” Big Mac answered, raising his eyebrow. “I know you can look after things, and do quite a bit …” “Eeyup.” Big Mac quickly interjected. “But it never hurts to make sure.” Applejack finished. “A.J. …” Big Mac started. “Just so I feel better, okay Big Mac.” Big Mac gave Applejack an exasperated stare and exhaled sharply through his nose, but remained silent otherwise. “Now James was saying this could be a couple months, so we've got a big harvest comin' about that time to get ready for the Summer Sun festival. Go ahead and call in the rest of the family for that, unless of course they're busy with their own harvests.” “Speaking of the Summer Sun festival, since I ain't gonna be there you and Sugar Belle need to run the apple stand. Think you can handle that?” “Eeyup.” Big Mac impatiently answered. “Now, Apple Bloom is out of school for the summer, hopefully she won't be to much for you …” “Handled you well enough.” Big Mac injected with a smirk. “Oh really?” Applejack said, unable to keep from grinning herself. “I remember being able to talk you into just about anything.” “Just about.” Big Mac emphasized. “Well, don't let her take over while I'm gone. You'll probably have your hooves full between her and granny. … You sure everything will be alright with me gone for so long? Maybe …” “We'll manage A.J.” Big Mac was quick to say. “That's the reason we're going in the order we are, so the farm will always have somepony here who can handle the work.” “Yer right Big Mac, but I can't help but worry.” *** “For crying out loud, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she watched her friend struggle to haul an overflowing cart through the front door of Twilight's castle. “We're not going camping this whole time, you don't need that much stuff.” “I wish I could agree, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity grunted as she hauled the cart up another step, “but this is work. I just can't allow myself to get so far behind on trends.” “I'd appreciate some help back here.” Applejack called from behind the cart. “AJ, you're back there?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying up and over the cart to find the farm pony pushing the overloaded cart. “Couldn't've asked that if I weren't!” Applejack answered, irritated. “Just help me get this in already!” With a sigh Rainbow Dash landed behind the cart with Applejack and began to push with a grunt for the effort. “Jeez Rarity, did you bring your whole store?” Rainbow Dash grunted. “Darn near.” Applejack answered for her. “Come on now you two,” Rarity said as she strained to get the last of the short distance in. “This is only a few essentials so I can continue my work. This is important.” “We ain't saying it's not important …” Applejack said before Rainbow Dash began to mutter. “Maybe you're not.” Rainbow Dash cut in briefly. “But maybe you could have asked somepony else for help.” Applejack finished with another push. “Oh, but it moved so easily through the town.” “Yeah, because we weren't pushing it up …” Applejack began before falling on her face as the cart suddenly moved forward beyond the door. “… stairs.” Rarity was carried forward with a shriek as the cart continued on it's course. Despite her best attempts, the crystal floor didn't offer her any traction to stop herself with. Engrossed with her shriek as she was, Rarity didn't realize she had stopped until the expected crash didn't occur. She looked around briefly, confused but relieved, and soon found the reason. The wagon was being held back by an emerald light as Starlight walked into the room. “What in Equestria is all this for?” Starlight asked. “She's bringin' her work with her.” Applejack answered, relieved to be done pushing the cart. “Besides,” Rarity said as she detached herself from her harness, “the last time we took one of these trips and I was inspired, I was completely unprepared. I don't want that to happen again.” “Hey, has anypony seen Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked suddenly. “Uhm, yeah. She's helping Fluttershy get the caretakers settled in at the sanctuary.” Starlight explained. “Didn't she ask Dr. Fauna?” Applejack asked. “No, she actually asked someone from New Guardia. I guess he has a similar way with animals as she does.” Starlight answered, curious herself as to who it was Fluttershy had asked for help from. “Yeah, and I don't know if I'll ever pronounce his name correctly.” Twilight said as she and Fluttershy walked in on the conversation. “Wow Rarity, you really packed a lot.” Rarity sighed “Yes, dear, it's for work.” “That's a great idea Rarity.” Twilight eagerly said. “This would be a perfect time for me to get some things ready for school next year.” “Honestly,” Applejack casually said, “I'm kind of looking forward to kicking my hooves up and getting some rest.” Rarity gasped as she rushed to Applejack. “Are you feeling well? I practically have to drag you out to the spa for you to take a break.” She asked, only joking slightly. “Come on now, just 'cause I'm not as lax as Rainbow Dash doesn't mean I don't take it easy from time to time.” “Hey!” Rainbow Dash was quick say. Before anything else could be said, the unmistakable sound of an excited Pinkie Pie quickly grew close. “…eeeeee! This is so exciting!” Pinkie announced as she bounced into the foyer. “I can't wait to meet all those new creatures! I wonder if they like cake … Haha, what am I saying, of course they will. Who doesn't like cake.” “Looks like we're all here,” Twilight said happily, “I'll just let James know about Rarity's … luggage, and we'll get going.” As she finished speaking her horn lit up and the familiar golden bracelet floated out and around her hoof, the omnitool lit up and she started quickly typing out a message. “You didn't think about getting it through that door, did you Rarity?” Applejack bluntly asked. “Oh … Well, no, I hadn't thought about that. But I shall find a way, even if I have to bring it through one article at a time.” “Well don't take too long, we're on a schedule.” Twilight urged. “You've even planned out leaving?” Rainbow Dash asked, astonished before pausing and shaking her head. “What am I saying? It's you, of course you have.” “Oh, no. I didn't schedule this at all: We have to coordinate with the GP, so they're the ones who set the times and if we're late we may not get there at all.” Twilight corrected. “So James isn't taking us there himself?” “Well, Hinako is both rather conspicuous for a non official visit, and she's on joint military maneuvers with the Juraian and Seniwan fleets.” James explained as he walked down the stairs into Twilight's foyer. “Twilight, I think you undersold just how much Rarity was bringing.” “This isn't that much,” Rarity insisted, “just some essentials and my work.” James walked over to the cart and examined it carefully, lifting it a couple times and mumbling to himself. After biting his bottom lip and scratching his chin for about a minute he spoke up. “Okay, I do have a spare Bag of Holding I can split some of this into, the rest can go into my regular bag, but I have to hold onto both bags. That okay?” “Of course, dear.” Rarity quickly agreed with a smile. “Is there some way I can get one of those bags, it would be oh so handy?” “You can …” James started, giving Rarity a wide smile. “if you have ten thousand bits to pay for one.” Rarity's smile vanished in an instant. “Ten thousand?” She sputtered. “How in Equestria does a bag cost so much? … It's not even a designer label!” “I can explain later. I just need to get this stuff divided so we can make it on time for our transport. You all go on ahead, this will only be a couple minutes.” The group idly chatted as they walked to James's castle, openly wondering what the planet they were going to would be like. “I'm betting it's going to be an ultra advanced megatropolis,” Rainbow Dash eagerly said as she flew higher. “With skyscrapers that reach all the way to space!” “I don't know,” Twilight said casually, “Lady Seto talked about having garden planets. I bet they have a lot of wild areas, with lush greenery and trees taller than the buildings.” “I think both of those sound nice.” Fluttershy quietly said. “I wonder what their fashion scene is.” Rarity openly wondered. “What's in vogue right now?” “Did y'all forget we're going to a school?” Applejack asked, shaking her head. “I'm not sure it's going to be any of that.” “Please, AJ,” Rainbow Dash said as she rolled her eyes, “Clearly we're not going to be spending the entire time at a school. Come on, months stuck on a school campus: that would just suck.” As she spoke, she turned to see Twilight prancing slightly at the statement. Twilight looked up briefly and stopped prancing. “You're right, it can't just be the school. But I am curious to see how they developed.” The girls jumped slightly as James walked up, talking to them as he did. “Turns out that it wasn't as heavy as I thought, so I was able to pack it all away just fine. Alright girls, we should probably be on our way about now. I'd rather not make the GP wait if it can be helped.” “We're not going to have to wait long, are we?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I … hope not. Mihoshi is one of the few officers authorized to work in the area of Earth, and she's not the most punctual. Given the various laws in place, the less time we spend on Earth the better.” “Really?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, unfortunately. We have to keep the locals from knowing that aliens of any kind exist. Even if where we're going is populated mostly by aliens. Fortunately it's in rural Okayama, so we don't have to worry about many people being around.” “So what's the plan? We go out there, meet this Mihoshi and leave?” Applejack asked, following as James began to lead them towards his own foyer. “If things all go right.” “And if they don't?” Fluttershy asked. “Then we could be there for a while. If it comes to it I have some capsules so we can wait basically as long as we need.” “And when will we be leaving?” Rarity casually asked. James activated his Omnitool briefly before turning to answer the question. “About half an hour.” *** “Oh my, this place is lovely.” Fluttershy said as she looked around the forest they transported into. “Yeah.” James commented, looking around at the scenery himself. “This is part of the reason I want to keep wide swaths of land undeveloped up on the station.” “How will we know when Mihoshi is here?” Starlight asked as she looked up to the canopy. “She should send me a message. Or if she forgets, Tenchi probably will.” “Well, I'm getting some shuteye while we wait.” Rainbow Dash said as she lounged beneath a nearby tree. “It's only gonna be five minutes Rainbow Dash.” Applejack complained. “What am I supposed to do?” *** “I wonder what could be taking so long?” Twilight wondered as she closed her book and looked around. Rainbow Dash and Applejack snoozed peacefully beneath a tree as Pinkie bounced around. Fluttershy smiled as she watched several birds flitting around the canopy. Rarity focused as she planned designs in her sketch pad, and Starlight had taken to reading like Twilight had. James had his omnitool out and was looking through several charts Twilight didn't recognize as he shook his head. “Unfortunately, Mihoshi doesn't seem to have gotten the message I sent her.” “Aren't you worried? She's over an hour late.” “Sort of.” James calmly said, “But more than likely she's fine.” As James spoke, the sound of a car's engine could be heard coming closer. Twilight looked to the road then back to James at the noise. James nodded and held his hands paralleled in front of his chest as he began a quiet chant. In one fluid motion he moved his hands from in front of his chest and stretched them, palms out, to his side as he finished the chant. “What the hay?” Applejack asked as she adjusted her hat and looked at the scene before her. “Sorry, we have to stay quiet, the locals can't know we're here.” James quickly explained in a hushed tone. Looking from behind a tree, he could see a small blue pickup truck coming up the road towards them. He kept a close watch on the truck as it came into clear view and began to slow down. “Belgium.” He muttered to himself as he watched the truck come to a stop. “So what if they decide they're having a picnic here?” Applejack whispered, noticing the bushels of carrots in the bed of the truck. “Then I have to get us out of here, and quick.” James answered, not taking his attention away from their visitors. Muffled voices could be heard just before the driver side door opened and a relatively tall woman with short teal hair stepped out. “Poor girl.” Rarity commented under her breath. “Okay, it's just them.” James quietly said, working to dismiss the illusion he had woven. “Washu said they should be out here.” The woman said as she scanned the area. In response to her comment, the other door opened and a smaller, younger, man with even shorter black hair stepped out. “Well, if Washu said it, they probably are.” Tenchi answered. With a wave of his hand, James dismissed the illusion, revealing himself and the ponies spread out among the trees. “Oh, look over there.” The woman quickly said as she waved towards the group. “Hello!” She called happily. “I take it that's who we're waiting for?” Starlight reasoned. “Nope.” James answered, waving back to the woman. “That's Noike and Tenchi, but they're not exactly locals.” “Come on up!” Tenchi called out as he waved at the group. “Mihoshi's running late again.” “Alright, I'll just make sure everyone's here.” James called back before turning to gently shake Rainbow Dash awake. Rainbow Dash snorted quickly as her eyes fluttered open. “Wha? Is it time to go now?” “Sort of.” James answered, “Tenchi's here so he probably knows something.” “That name sounds familiar.” She mumbled as she slowly stood up. “I should hope so,” James laughed, “he's Tenyo's brother, remember?” “Hello there.” Tenchi said with a smile. “It's nice to meet you all.” “Mighty friendly of you there.” Applejack said with a smile. “My name's Applejack.” As the ponies introduced themselves James took stock of the truck that Noike had been driving. “Is everything alright?” Tenchi asked as he looked at James inspecting the vehicle. “Oh yes, sorry.” James said, waving the question away, “I'm just used to silent vehicles up in New Guardia. I'd forgotten the rumble of a gasoline engine. Anyway, has Mihoshi contacted any of you yet.” He asked as he turned away from the vehicle. “Not yet.” Noike calmly said. “I think she took a nap and is just running late.” James chuckled slightly. “Well thank you for telling us. I guess I'll get things set up for a longer wait.” “Are you sure? We'd be happy to have you come and visit while you wait for her.” Tenchi offered. “We really shouldn't intrude.” James commented with a smile and polite nod, drawing confused looks from the ponies. “It won't be an intrusion at all, we can't have you waiting out here because of Mihoshi. Besides, we've already got lunch ready for everyone.” Tenchi insisted. James gave his normal half smile as he spoke. “Very well, if you insist. Will it be safe for us to simply walk.” “Nobody besides family has been by this way for weeks, it's perfectly fine.” Tenchi assured him. “So are y'all farmers?” Applejack asked as she eyed the bushels of carrots. “Sort of.” Tenchi laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. “The way James tells it, I'd have thought you were a prince or something.” Applejack said with a smile. From the cab of the truck a sound similar to a meow could be heard. “I guess Ryo-Ohki woke up.” Noike said as she looked towards the sound. “She was probably expecting to be home about now.” Tenchi commented, turning towards the truck himself. Fluttershy gave a quiet gasp as she heard the noise and rushed to the truck to look into the cab, finding the cabbit looking around. “Oh my goodness she's so precious.” Fluttershy said as her face brightened up. “I've never seen a creature like her before. Well, two like her, but not like her like her.” Fluttershy gushed before turning to Tenchi. “What is she?” “Oh, Ryo-Ohki? She's a … space ship.” Tenchi answered awkwardly. “What?” Fluttershy asked, astonished. “It's quite a bit to get into.” James answered for Tenchi, “There will be time to explain on the way.” “Right.” Tenchi said as he turned to Noike. “You and Ryo-Ohki go on ahead, I'll show them to the house.” “Don't take too long, I'm not sure how long Ryoko can wait.” Noike said with a smile as she climbed back into the cab of the truck. The group cleared the way for her to drive away before walking along the road themselves, stopping only briefly as Applejack admired the carrot fields that Tenchi had made and tended. *** “Your balance is terrible.” Katsuhito called out as James once again tumbled to the ground from the wooden pegs he'd been jumping between. The two were in a small clearing surrounded by trees and bushes only a few meters from the pathway up the hill towards the shrine. “Why are we doing this?” James called back, irritated. “Washu told me that you no longer have a sparring partner. I thought I'd help you out a bit while you're here. Now try it again.” Katsuhito answered plainly. Grumbling, James jumped back up onto the pegs before Katsuhito released a stick tied to a string. “Now try to strike this a hundred times.” Katsuhito instructed as he tossed a boken to James. “And keep moving.” James twisted to catch the boken, snatching it easily from the air before slipping off the peg again. With a burst of energy he caught himself midair before he would have crashed on the pegs once more. “Maybe we should try for even one.” Kastuhito said, bored. “Not exactly the kind of training I'm used to, to be fair.” James said as he floated until he was upright once more and landed on the pegs. “Yes, you're more of a brawler. But you need to focus your technique and hone more than your strength to be effective.” As he spoke, Katsuhito stood and lifted a boken himself, gesturing for James to come down before squaring off against him. “Why don't you show me how you handle yourself.” “Yeah, I've been working on my stamina lately.” James commented as he turned to face the older man. Carefully Starlight watched the fight from the foliage, watching as James blocked attacks and Katsuhito dodged. While James was clearly effective in his defense, he was being steadily pushed back by the older man's onslaught. Starlight slowly backed off, ready to give the two their space, when her hind hooves suddenly did not find ground beneath them. In a moment she was tumbling backwards down the hill towards the path she had taken to get there. Katsuhito swung his boken, anticipating James' block and a push forward. James' fighting style relied on overwhelming force to subdue his opponent, and that left many weaknesses in his defenses that could be exploited. As the boken came down it met no resistance, and the spot James had occupied was completely empty. Off to the side there was a crash in the bushes as James rushed through. Starlight's fall ended quickly as she found herself cradled in James' arms. “You okay, Starlight?” James asked as they floated just above the ground. “I see.” Katsuhito calmly said as he looked out from the trees. “Having trouble concentrating with an audience?” “Sorry about that. I didn't mean to pry, I was just wandering around when I heard you two.” Starlight said as James carefully put her down. “Yeah, seems that everyone is kind of doing their own thing right now.” James calmly said. “Rainbow Dash is flying around, I think practicing her routine.” He said as he looked up to the sky where a small figure could be barely seen darting around. “Fluttershy and Applejack went with Tenchi and Ryo-Ohki back to the fields. Rarity and Twilight are back at the house, while Pinkie is walking around the lake again.” “How do you know all that?” Starlight asked, astonished. “Remember, I'm the one who taught Twilight how to sense energy.” James commented. “Right, but to just know where everypony is like that …” Katsuhito shook his head. “No wonder you couldn't concentrate on your training, you were busy tracking everyone else.” “The training actually helped me focus so I could track everyone.” “Being aware of your surroundings is important, but not to the point of distraction.” Katsuhito criticized. “I know. But when there really is a fight I'm certainly capable of handling myself.” “More than capable.” Starlight quietly added, vividly remembering the encounter in Saillune. Starlight hadn't noticed as James' attention snapped back to the lake, but as she finished speaking she realized something had his attention. “I believe his arm says otherwise.” Katsuhito commented, using his boken to point out the barely visible seem on James' left arm. James wasn't paying attention to the two with him as his senses caught Pinkie suddenly get more energetic and move surprisingly quickly towards the house. “Huh.” James said before looking to the other two. “Pinkie's running back to the house now … I think I'll go check it out.” “Really, I wonder why?” Starlight asked, deliberately shifting her thoughts from Saillune. “No idea, but you can come with me if you want.” James suggested as he knelt towards the unicorn. Starlight gave him a quick smile as she stepped forward and sat on his arm. “Sure,” she answered before turning to Katsuhito. “Again, I'm sorry for spying on you two.” “You get used to it around here.” Katsuhito offered as James began to float up. “Thanks again for all the hospitality you've shown us.” James said before offering a nod and flying off. At the house the two intercepted Pinkie Pie who looked genuinely worried as she looked for cover. “What's going one Pinkie?” Starlight asked, jumping down from James' arms. “My tail's a twitch-a-twitching! And whatever it is, it's a doozie!” Pinkie said as she looked around worried, glancing up periodically. “Tail?” James asked. “Uh-huh.” Pinkie confirmed moments before her tail began to thrash around. “See there it goes again!” She added, turning and smacking James with her tail. Casually James brushed her tail from his face before speaking. “I'd best warn Rainbow Dash, in case it's coming from above her.” James concluded before taking to the air once more. Once he was gone, Pinkie continued her rush to the house and jumped towards the door, pausing only briefly to put on the slippers that had been provided for her. “Everycreature!” She announced as she rushed in. “My tail's twitch-a-twitching!” Ryoko rolled over and looked down from the rafters as Noike walked out from the kitchen where she had been helping Sasami clean. “Is everything alright, Pinkie?” Noike asked. “No, my tail is a twitch-a-twitching. And you know what that means.” Pinkie offered as explanation. “No.” Ryoko bluntly said. “What on earth are you talking about?” “It means that something is going to fall.” She clarified. “Alright,” Noike calmly accepted, “but can you explain what?” “Oh, I don't know that.” Pinkie said with a chuckle. “But I do know my tail's never twitched like this, so whatever it is it's huge!” Ryoko laughed momentarily as she took another drink. “Yeah, huge falling things around here tend to be …” As she spoke her smile vanished and she jumped down from the beam she had been laying on, vanishing shortly after leaving and returning just before touching the ground, “oh.” she finished. “If she's right, then yes.” Noike agreed. “Pinkie's tail is twitching?” Twilight asked as she walked in from another room. “Yes, it defies all logic, but she does have a sense for these things.” “I see.” Noike said calmly before turning back to the kitchen. “Sasami, I'm going to let Washu know that Mihoshi will be here soon.” “Okay!” Sasami called from the kitchen. “We should probably close the doors too.” “Good point.” Noike said with a nod. “Ryoko, could you do that?” Ryoko grumbled as she trudged to the doors and slid them closed and turned to Pinkie. “So when does this crash happen?” She asked, not fully believing the pony's predictive powers. “Oh, I don't know. But if my Pinkie Sense says it's happening it can't be too long.” Pinkie happily answered. As she spoke James and Rainbow Dash landed on the deck and began to walk quickly towards the house. Ryoko started to open the sliding door for them when a loud whistling filled the air. At the sound, James and Rainbow Dash looked up quickly before rushing to the door. However, Ryoko had changed her stance to hold the door closed as the two began frantically knocking. James realized that they weren't getting in and his face fell as he slowly turned to watch the lake. In a flash, a massive wave crashed down onto the house, drenching the two trapped outside. *** James and Rainbow Dash stood on the deck with towels draped over them as an embarrassed tan woman with long tied up blond hair stood next to them, equally drenched. “Washu …” Mihoshi said as she sobbed faintly. “I'll have your ship running again in no time.” Washu said, shaking her head. With a sniffle, Mihoshi turned to James and Rainbow Dash and bowed. “I'm sorry.” “It's alright,” James said with a sigh, “honestly I should have anticipated this.” “This happens a lot?” Rainbow Dash asked as James knelt beside her and gently began toweling her hair. “Yep.” Ryoko answered as she lounged midair. “What on earth happened?” Tenchi asked as he came running around the corner of the house, slowing as he saw the group. “Oh, I see now.” He said uncomfortably before he began to laugh. “I guess you'll have to wait just a bit longer.” “Not to much,” Washu casually said as she examined several schematics on a translucent screen. “Yukinojyo just needs the water purged from his engines again. I'll have it done in about an hour.” “I wonder why the Galaxy Police saw fit for Mihoshi to be the one to bring them to the academy?” Ayeka asked quietly, looking out over the lake as a silver and black, long and pointy ship began to rise from the water. “Oh, I know that!” Mihoshi happily said as she faced Ayeka. “Aunt Mikami said we were handling this privately. I think it's because he's a head of state.” “That makes even less sense, Mihoshi.” Ryoko chastised “Makes sense to me.” James said as he stood up and dropped his haori, catching it and twisting the water out of it. “This isn't exactly an official visit, and we're staying at the academy as guests of the Kuramitsu family. To keep a low profile Mihoshi has to be the one to take us there.” “She's not the only Galaxy Police officer cleared for the Sol system anymore.” Ayeka commented. James draped his towel across his shoulders as he turned to Ayeka. “I'm not sure Seina would have been a better option.” “Yeah,” Mihoshi happily said, “since it's not an official visit, Aunt Mikami can't really order officers to run what's basically a personal errand. Since I'm family, it's all okay.” “Before you get going, I'd like to examine Pinkie Pie.” Washu said, not looking away from her work. “Once is a coincidence, but if it's reliable as you've said I want understand it a bit better.” “I've already tried, it can't be explained.” Twilight answered. “You'd be surprised the things we can learn with a bit of modern technology.” Washu countered. “Okie-dokie, Smokie.” Pinkie said, happily bouncing around. > 21 House warming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Mihoshi's ship there was just enough room for everyone to find a small area for themselves for the trip. Rainbow Dash once again found a nook where she could nap, Pinkie and Twilight intently stared outside as the ship began to rise while Fluttershy and Rarity talked. “Not the roomiest ride.” Starlight mumbled as the ship left Earth's atmosphere. “I do apologize for the limited space,” a chipper male voice said, “unfortunately the GP couldn't provide a transport ship for this.” “Sorry.” Starlight said looking around, not seeing the origin of the voice. Applejack shrugged as Starlight looked her direction. “ … Uhm … Where are you?” “I am Yukinojyo,” the voice commented, “the central computer of the ship. I'm everywhere here.” “Oh …” “So what method of travel do you use?” Twilight asked eagerly, still watching space from the window. “Warp Drive? Mass Effect Relay? Quantum Tunnel?” “Hyperspace Jump, actually.” Yukinojyo answered, sounding pleasantly surprised. “A comparable form of high speed travel. In fact, once we leave the solar system we'll jump into hyperspace and should be at the academy quite quickly.” “Thank you.” Twilight said as she turned around and sat down, smiling wide as she began to read her book once more. *** “Looks like we're in hyperspace now.” James idly commented, getting Rainbow Dash's attention. “Really? Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of bump or something?” She asked as she stood up and looked out the window. “And on your ship we could see the stars.” “Well, it's different methods for similar effects.” James commented, “And if I could explain everything going on, I would.” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I wouldn't listen anyway.” James grinned and shook his head. “Fair enough.” “Oh, somepony's following us.” “Huh?” At the comment James stood up and looked out the window beside Rainbow Dash. “They may not be following us … but they are there all the same.” As they watched, the ship appeared to divert slightly, until it was close enough that the ponies and James could see into the windows of the other ship. Something that several occupants in the other ship made sure to take advantage of, inspecting the interior of Mihoshi's ship as best as they could. “Told ya they were following us.” Rainbow Dash said proudly as Pinkie happily waved at the occupants. One of their observers returned the gesture as another was more intent on cataloging what they could see. “I think they're pirates.” James idly commented. “What?! No way, that's awesome!” Rainbow Dash eagerly said, joining Pinkie in waving at them. “Since they're following us, maybe we can hang out once we get to the academy.” James gave Rainbow Dash a curious look before reminding himself of her experience with what passed as pirates in her world. “More than likely their sizing us up to see if there's anything worth stealing.” James countered. “Come on.” Rainbow Dash said dismissively, “These are pirates. They're too cool to do anything like that.” “I'm sure I've told you before: but you've never met a real pirate. Those parrots really are just treasure hunters.” James said, focusing on the other ship. Rainbow Dash sighed and rolled her eyes. “Pirates,” she corrected. After about a minute the pirate that had been focused on them turned to the inside of the ship and gave a signal. Moments after, the ship began to pull away as the ponies waved goodbye to their travel friends. “Yukinojyo?” James asked once he was sure the pirates were actually leaving. “Hah.” Rainbow Dash said confidently, “I told you they were too cool for that.” “Yes sir.” Yukinojyo chirped. “Do you know what ship that was?” James asked as Rainbow Dash gloated. “That was the pirate ship Uragiri. Part of Kage pirate guild, one of only a handful of pirate guilds remaining.” “Really? Things have been cleaned up that much?” “Seina Yamada has been particularly effective at his job. That, however, has lead to many of the smaller pirate guilds being absorbed into larger guilds which are much more difficult to deal with.” “Interesting. And a large enough guild could resolve itself.” James commented to himself. “Anyway, how much longer until we get to the Galaxy Academy?” “If we avoid any incident, we should arrive just after midday tomorrow.” “Tomorrow?!” Applejack asked, astonished. “We're traveling some pretty extreme distances.” James commented. “The fact that it's going to be so quick is impressive. There's not a whole lot that can be done to go any faster.” “That is assuming that there are no incidents.” Yukinojyo repeated. “That was a pirate ship we encountered after all.” “Let's just hope that nothing on a GP cruiser interested them.” “Indeed.” *** “What were you able to determine from our little ride along?” Asked a large humanoid man sitting on a pile of cushions at the top of a dais where he overlooked the bridge of his ship. The bridge was almost oppressively dark, though not for lack of lighting. And while it looked to be very utilitarian, it was meticulously clean and the crew had whatever comfort they could desire. The head of the guild simply insisted on maintaining a theme with his ships. “The cruiser itself could get us a good profit. It's top of the line, however that's because it's the property of the Kuramitsu family.” The crew member explained. The large man sighed as he lay back on his cushions, “… Okay, let's report that we found the ship but it escaped before we could intercept. Kage himself may want to tangle with all of that, but not me.” “There's one more interesting thing to report on that ship first sir.” *** “Wow,” Twilight said in awe as she starred out the window “I've never seen a star with rings like that before.” At the comment, Pinkie, Starlight, and Rarity all rushed to the window she was looking out of, squashing her against it. Out in the darkness there was a point of light with thin faint rings at about sixty degrees from each other. “I wonder how that works? Wouldn't gravity pull them all into one ring?” Starlight wondered. “I don't know, but it's quite a sight. A pity that it's not more colorful.” Rarity commented. “Let me take a look.” James said as he stood up behind the ponies. “I see,” he added with a grin, “they're not just rings, that's the Galactic Academy.” “What?” Twilight and Starlight asked as they turned to James. “Yes, it really is an impressive feat of engineering. Each of those rings are the size of a solar system.” “Are we almost there?” Rainbow Dash asked as she stood up and stretched her wings. “I don't think I'll ever complain about a long train ride again.” “Yeah, I think in about an hour we should be able to get off.” The group watched as the rings continued to grow, until the one that they approached was all that they could see from the window, and after a lurch from the ship woke Applejack and Fluttershy everyone was ready when it was finally time to leave. The ship floated silently over a large pool of clear water as they descended to the clean docking bay. Silver and white predominantly could be seen from the synthetic material that formed the surfaces. Just beyond the gangway three similar looking people were waiting for the group. As they walked down the gangplank Mihoshi was notably excited, even hopping slightly to see over James to the people waiting for them. Pinkie's tail twitched slightly as Mihoshi came down from one slightly higher hop and she didn't land as she expected. The only warning the other ponies and James got was Mihoshi's surprised “oof” as she came down and lost her footing, falling forward hard into James' back. Thinking as quickly as he could in the moment, James just barely managed to redirect himself from falling on the ponies by pitching over the side with Mihoshi still clinging to him. Their combined shout of surprise cut short by a splash as they plunged into the water beneath the ship. “Sorry.” Mihoshi said to James as he swam towards dry ground with her still holding his back. Rainbow Dash rolled on the gangway laughing at the spectacle. “It's just water.” James said, resigned. The one man in the group waiting at the dock sighed, and with the press of a concealed button a mechanical arm reached into the water, fishing out the two. Mihoshi laughed awkwardly as they were deposited in front of the trio. “Hi Grandpa.” she sheepishly said to an older looking gentlemen that shared her tanned skin tone and wavy blond hair, his beard just long enough to tie beneath the chin. “Oh dear, Mihoshi.” Said a pudgy older woman as she shook her head, her short similarly blond hair and tanned skin tone identifying her as part of the family. Her voice was kind, but clearly embarrassed. “Mihoshi!” excitedly exclaimed a young woman (who looked remarkably similar to Mihoshi,) as she helped Mihoshi stand before hugging the still soaked woman. “Mom!” Mihoshi happily said as she returned the hug. “Mom?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew over to the group. “I thought she was your sister.” James stood up, towel draped across his shoulders, and offered a polite nod to the trio before turning to the ponies. “Girls, allow me to introduce,” he said, first gesturing to the older man, “Minami Kuramitsu,” then turning to the older woman, “Mikami Kuramitsu,” finally looking towards the last woman still hugging Mihoshi, “Mitoto Kuramitsu.” Twilight stepped forward and nodded politely though a bit stiffly. “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she started before introducing her friends. “I hope you don't mind if we're not that formal, Ms. Sparkle.” Mikami said with a smile. “I don't mind. In fact, you can call just me Twilight if you like.” Twilight said with a relieved sigh as she relaxed slightly. “Ooh!” Pinkie excitedly said. “This is so exciting! I can't wait to see everycreature!” Mikami and Minami chuckled as Pinkie pranced in place. “She's certainly an energetic young woman.” Minami commented with a smile. “I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the head of the Seniwa government and Grand Marshal of the Galaxy Police to meet us here personally. New Guardia is hardly important enough to merit that honor.” “I'm here in an official capacity as the head of the Galactic Academy,” Mikami said with a smile. “And I'm here to thank you for your continued support in our diplomatic endeavors. Hinako should be here before the end of the month, if everything goes well.” Minami added. “And to help you along, we've arranged a special customs and immigration so you're not waiting so long.” “Oh, right.” Mitoto said as she let go of Mihoshi, “Just follow me and we'll get that handled for you.” She soon turned back to Mihoshi, “You know, it's been a while since the whole family has been together, we should celibate before you leave.” “Misao is here?!” Mihoshi excitedly asked. As Mihoshi and her mother spoke to each other Mikami addressed James once again. “Once you're settled in we can arrange the procedures. There's still the red tape we have to get through.” *** “I'm glad we don't have to do that every time we visit New Guardia.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew over to James, who was sitting on a park bench overlooking a pond. “No offense, but I wouldn't go through that every time just to visit you.” “Well, I've made exceptions for all of you. New Guardia's customs is notorious for it's thoroughness.” James commented, watching Pinkie prance around, saying hi to everyone. He turned to talk to Rainbow Dash more, only to find she had taken off to fly around the park. “Well, everypony's here.” Twilight said as she looked around the group, “So what's next?” “Now we wait for our ride.” James commented. “Yes, but a ride to where?” Rarity asked. “The house that's waiting for us.” James answered easily. “You have a house here?” “No, the Kuramitsu family was kind enough to lend me a house for the duration.” James explained with a smile. “It's not large, but should be just fine for our needs.” “Oh good. Not to be rude, but I was rather afraid we'd be living in a dormitory since I had heard we were staying at a school.” Rarity said, with a relieved sigh. “I almost think they were afraid of the same thing.” Rainbow Dash said as she landed and nudged Starlight with her wing. “Hey.” Starlight said, clearly irritated. “Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash responded as she rolled her eyes. “James's snoring is legendarily bad. You remember in Saillune, when the guards scrambled because they thought a beastman had somehow gotten into his room.” “Could you blame them?” Starlight whispered, slightly relieved that she wasn't the butt of the joke. “Not only was he snoring that loud, but he was shouting in his sleep too.” “Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed before laughing and stopping suddenly. “Wait! This means we get to be roommates!” Pinkie exclaimed, even more excited than she was before as she pranced in place. “This is going to be super fun!” As Pinkie pranced a familiar figure approached the group. “Airi.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile watching the woman approach. “It's nice to see you all again.” Airi said with a wave as she walked. “I thought you'd be working right now.” James commented. “It's true that I have some paper work to do, but it's important to meet our esteemed guests and …” “You're ditching work to run around and have fun with us?” James interrupted. At the comment Airi deflated slightly and waved dismissively. “Not at all, I'm just …” “It's okay, I do it all the time.” James laughed as he watched Airi trying to deflect his comment. “Besides, I'm not going to complain if another beautiful woman comes along.” Airi smirked as she resumed her confident stance, “Relentless as ever. One of these days I might just decide to take you seriously. Then what will you do?” “Panic.” James answered with his normal half smile. Airi smiled and turned around, “We should get going, there's a lot of shopping to do.” “Shopping?” James asked, confused. “Shopping?” Rarity asked, excited. “Shopping?” Rainbow Dash asked, defeated. “Of course, you need more than just a roof over your heads: the house is empty. And I'd assume that you'd all like beds at least.” “Sounds like we've got more to do before we can settle in.” Applejack said, resigned. Pinkie squeaked in excitement as she bounced along after Airi, joined shortly by the rest of the group walking along beside her. Airi lead them to a large ship that would look more at home in space, even though they could see similar designed ships flying around in the sky. To enter, they walked along the wing to the nearest door, but once inside they found the ship was furnished similarly to a living room. “Wow,” Twilight said as she looked around, settling on a nearby couch. “and this is okay for a moving vehicle?” Airi laughed before she answered. “Of course, you won't even realize we're traveling. These ships are the best for shopping trips. Just let me know and we can go whenever you like.” James shrugged as he spoke up. “I could just rent a car. After we get the house furnished I doubt we'll need anything quite this spacious just to go shopping.” As he mentioned the possibility of renting a car, Rarity froze briefly. Airi brushed James off and shook her head. “For the head of a trade empire, you really should know just how important shopping is.” Slowly, Rarity turned to James, horrified. “You most certainly will not rent a car!” “Oh come on!” James complained, “I'm a good driver. Why will nobody give me a chance?” “I did!” Rarity countered. “Or have you forgotten when you borrowed your brother's motorcycle. I swear, my life flashed before my eyes.” Airi laughed once more as she heard the accusation. “Don't worry, if need be I can send a couple cadets to escort you should James get behind the wheel.” “Don't forget the ambulance.” Rarity scoffed. “Rarity, at no point in that ride were we even at risk of crashing.” James said bluntly. “Wait,” Rainbow Dash said, suddenly, “Sean has a motorcycle? That is so cool!” “So what's this home we'll be staying at like?” Fluttershy asked as she took a seat by Twilight. “If you're expecting a castle like James' I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.” Airi commented with a smirk, “But there are enough bedrooms for everyone, and even one to spare. There's an outdoor bath that's just amazing, and a kitchen with anything you could possibly want.” “An outdoor bath?” Applejack asked, thoroughly confused. “Am I missing somethin?” “Yes, that does seem rather odd.” Rarity commented. “It's not a bath in the way you're thinking.” James clarified. “You wash yourself, then get in the bath to relax. Like at the spa.” At his explanation the few remaining sounds of confusion turned to delight. “I'm more curious about the bedroom situation, I was told quite clearly that there were eight bedrooms. So there wouldn't be one to spare.” James added. Airi gave James a mischievous smirk as she spoke, “Is that so? I had assumed that you wouldn't be sleeping alone. Oh well, I guess I was wrong.” “Wait, so what were …” Rainbow Dash began to ask before a tone cut her off. A translucent screen appeared in the middle of the room with the word “ARRIVED” scrolling across it. “It seems we're already here.” Airi said happily, “Come on, let's go enjoy ourselves.” Rarity pranced along as the group followed Airi, eager to experience what shopping on a new planet would look like. “I gotta say, it's mighty green here.” Applejack commented as she saw more benches that were grown from living trees, and broad leafed plants resembling ivy that snaked across nearly every wall. “Yes, it's quite lovely.” Fluttershy said, admiring the flowering plants that hung down from many of the buildings, and watching the uniquely colored butterflies that landed to drink the nectar. “I guess Twilight was right, they definitely made this place a garden.” Rainbow Dash commented. “We used to have a lot of large, crowded cities,” Airi commented, “But those were actually a problem with growing populations in the past. It's not good to cram so many people together and expect them to behave.” “But once we were able to make uninhabitable planets viable to live on we went to work making that life enjoyable. And now those cities are mostly entertainment districts with probably the best nightlife you could hope to find.” Airi finished with a smile. “Not to mention, Rainbow Dash, we're currently on one of those mega structures you were hoping to see. New Guardia is absolutely minuscule compared to the academy.” James said as the doors to the store opened. Inside the store, Rarity looked around excitedly briefly before her face fell. She continued to look back and forth along the displays and aisles. Not really knowing what she wanted to find, but hoping that it would have been more than this. “Wow.” Starlight said, with a smile, “this is almost aggressively normal.” Airi laughed as she watched the ponies. “What were you expecting? It's just a department store.” Rarity sighed as she came to accept that it wasn't some posh unique experience she had hoped for. “Well, I guess we do need the basics too.” She eventually conceded. “That's why I chose this store, we can work our way up for everything we need.” Airi said proudly. With a moment to adjust Rarity nodded and turned to James, “Darling, would you please push the shopping cart for us?” “Yeah, I knew this was coming.” James said, shaking his head. “You seriously can't push your own shopping cart?” Rainbow Dash asked, turning to the unicorn. “Of course I can, but we don't have to.” Rarity said, turning to where she though James stood. Much to her surprise not only was James not where she was expecting, but had been dragged forward by Airi who was already happily placing items in the shopping basket. “Miss Airi, isn't this shopping trip for our housewares?” Rarity asked, as she and the other ponies rushed to catch up with the excited shopper. “Oh, it's only a couple items.” Airi said, patting the air with her hand as she smiled as Rarity. “You should get some of this too: This body lotion works miracles.” She added as she dropped another bottle into the cart. *** James sighed as he placed the card on the plate for the store attendant. Somehow Airi had managed to spend nearly as much on herself as the ponies had spent put together. And this was just picking up some of the basics, they hadn't even gotten to furniture. Once the card cleared, the attendant smiled as the items were teleported away. He was just glad that Rarity had insisted on seeing the house before agreeing to shop for décor. He hadn't quite zoned out as Airi directed them to the elevator. Shortly after the door closed there was a flash of light before the doors opened once more. As they walked out the difference between the two locations was stark, they were clearly on a furniture show room floor with every variety they could need, and small rooms set up to show off ways to decorate with the products. The ponies walked out slowly, looking around before turning back to Airi. “Wow.” Starlight said, looking around the elaborate displays and demo rooms. "This is some department store." Pinkie happily squealed as she bounced from demo room to demo room, popping out of cupboards, drawers, and pausing to carefully examine the kitchen displays. “No, we just left the department store, this is the furniture store.” Airi answered. “Ain't they all part of the same store?” Applejack asked, turning to a window nearby. “No. While the department store has some furniture, you're really better off going to a dedicated furniture store.” Airi said casually. "You'll definitelly get better quality." "So each floor is a different store?" Twilight asked to clarify as Airi nodded. “Well, stores aren't set up like this in their world, or in New Guardia.” James casually said as he walked over to the mattress section and began feeling the demo. Rainbow Dash poked one of the demos alongside him and shrugged. “Not as good as a Cloudsdale mattress, but I guess this will do.” “Really?” Airi asked with a grin before turning to James. “You know, since the decision technically means it's an option, maybe I should come by Equestria and do some shopping.” “Oh, absolutely.” Twilight happily said. “I know we're not as technologically developed, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it all the same.” “If it was all about technology I'd be hard pressed to visit my husband, Yosho, back on Earth.” Airi said. “I thought his name was Kastuhito.” Starlight commented. “That's just the name he goes by on Earth. He had a little fun when he stopped by, and now he just lives there. As such, to not raise suspicion he has to wear a disguise and change his name from time to time.” Airi casually explained. As she spoke it became apparent that Pinkie was drawing a lot of attention, and some of that attention was spilling over to the rest of the group. “Excuse me, sir?” An unassuming man asked as he looked to James. “Do you know her?” He finished as he pointed to Pinkie, who had gathered a collection of brightly colored mismatched furniture, and a crowd. “Sorry about that.” James said, lowering his head. *** “Pinkie, darling,” Rarity said as they sat in the ship that was now finally taking them to what would be their home for the next couple months. “Not that your choices weren't … colorful … but perhaps you should allow me to make the decorating decisions.” “What, so you can fill the place with frilly things we're not allowed to use?” Rainbow Dash asked, incredulously. “No way, at least if Pinkie did it we could use what's there. Not that it matters, I'll decorate the place. Then you know it'll be awesome.” “Like you can decorate?” Applejack scoffed. “Hey, my home is awesome!” “It's not even our home.” Twilight argued. “We'll only be there for a little while so let's not go changing everything.” “Look,” James cut in, “We've each got our own rooms to do with as we will. Let's leave the communal areas with a minimum of personal touches. Like Twilight said, we're only here for a little while.” “What do you think Airi?” Rarity asked, turning to the woman who had remained silent as they talked. “Make yourselves at home.” She simply encouraged. “Speaking of …” Starlight said as a tone played along with the translucent screen appearing to tell them they had arrived. Leaving the ship the ponies stopped to admire the veritable mansion. As with many of the buildings, large leafed ivy like plants draped the outer walls of the four floor building. Between segments of walls large floor to ceiling windows ensured there was always natural light. The vines of ivy cascaded from the walls, and down the tiers of the wooded yard. From where they stood there was a small permanent dock behind them, and surrounded by guard rails in front of them there were large holes that lead to the road below them. “This place is amazing!” Twilight breathed as she looked over the property. “James, I think this place is an upgrade from the castle.” Starlight commented. James chuckled as he lead the ponies under the arch to the mansion. “Well, without demolishing the castle, there's only so much we can do. Though I think Noboyuki did a great job redesigning the interior.” After a quick transport, the group stood on a garden path just outside the front entrance, and the sound of cheerful voices caught their attention. Before anyone could react Pinkie gasped and ran towards the talking. “A welcome party!” She excitedly shouted as she vanished around the corner. Following more from curiosity than chasing Pinkie, the group found a familiar looking family happily talking to their visitor. The dark skin and blond wavy hair giving away that they were once again in the presence of the Kuramitsu family. “Oh, sorry.” James said as he approached Mikami. “I didn't realize we should have stayed away for a while.” “Nothing to apologize for.” The pudgy middle aged woman said with a kind smile. “If anything we're sorry to intrude for our little get together.” “I wouldn't say you're intruding,” James casually said, “this house belongs to you after all.” “I may have to come for a visit some time, then.” She said with an air of mischief. “I insisted we have our party here.” Mitoto said, seemingly appearing from nowhere and holding a mop. “I just wanted to make sure the house was clean before you arrived.” “That's awful nice of you.” Applejack commented. “I guess we should be getting out of y'all's hair now, and let you get back to your party.” There was a chuckle from one of the older men there before he spoke up. “Nonsense, we're happy to have more guests.” “Eee!” Pinkie happily squeaked. “This is amazing! There's even a pool!” James' face fell as he quickly turned and vaulted the bamboo wall. “Pinkie, that's not a pool that's the bath!” He shouted just before everyone heard a loud splash, some water even spraying over the wall. “Oops. Sorry James.” Pinkie said before giggling. *** “This is a bedroom?!” Rainbow Dash asked as her eyes lit up. “This is huge!” “Will they all be this large?” Rarity asked, equally astonished. “This room could fit Fluttershy's and my house!” “I wouldn't say it's that big.” James casually said. “Eee!” Pinkie squealed, “This is amazing! I'm going to have my own kitchen in my room! I'm going to have so many room parties!” “Are you sure?” Airi asked with a smirk, “You haven't even seen the the actual kitchen yet.” “Well, I understand that.” James commented as he vigorously toweled his hair. “The main kitchen at my place is really top notch, but I've still got my personal kitchen.” He said before turning to Pinkie, “… Well, as personal as it is anymore.” “At least look at the kitchen that's already here first.” Applejack argued. Pinkie squealed happily as she ran for the door. “Let's see the rest!” “Got any plans for your room Rainbow Dash?” James asked as he walked alongside the flying pegasus. “Oh yeah, I'm going to have a gym in that corner, a hot tub over there, and I gotta have a massage table!” She answered excitedly. James chuckled as he shook his head. “Okay then, just remember, we have to take everything we buy with us.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she spoke, “Well, duh.” “About the hot tub, though,” James added, “it's kind of superfluous with the bath. And probably not as nice.” Rainbow Dash grumbled slightly as she landed. “I guess so.” “Not saying you can't have one, but give the bath a shot first.” “Alright.” She agreed. “Is everything alright?” James asked, looking down at the pony. “Yeah, I'm fine.” She answered, sounding anything but. “Can we talk about this?” James pushed as they walked. “No, I'm just thinking about what else to put in my room.” She said, as she heard Gilda taunting her once more. Never thought you would let yourself get tied down to some guy. “We'll get the hot tub.” James quietly said. “It's not a problem.” > 22 New Surroundings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I have to admit,” James said with a grin as he looked around the table, “it's nice to have breakfast with all of you.” He smiled at the ponies as he placed plates in front of them. “Thanks again for the help Applejack.” “It weren't nothing.” Applejack said with a smile. “Though I think tomorrow I'll try my hand at making a traditional Japanese breakfast. That might be fun for us to try.” James commented. “Anything planned for the day?” Twilight asked with a smile. “Not today. Yesterday was kind of a lot so let's take some time to rest.” James explained. “There's a lot to see here if you want to look around. If you want I can show you how to get around, their long distance transit system isn't as straight forward as New Guardia's.” “I guess Rarity's already taking your advice on resting.” Starlight commented, noting the empty place at the table. “Yeah, it's not like her to sleep in.” Twilight commented. “I'll go get her.” Before anyone could respond, Rainbow Dash had flown from the table and down the hallway to knock on Rarity's door. “Hey Rarity!” She called as she finished knocking, “Breakfast is on the table.” Rainbow Dash was surprised when she heard Rarity call back. She sounded tired, but not as if she had just woken up. “Thank you very much, dear, but none for me today.” Rarity answered, “I really must have these dresses done soon.” “Wait, you're working already?” Rainbow Dash asked as she opened the door. “Still, darling.” Rarity corrected. Rarity's room had several folding blinds set up to partition spaces as she saw fit, right by the door was an area set up as sitting room with a finely carved wooden coffee table with a silver tray set along with a matching English tea set, as well as a regal looking fainting couch, with complimentary wingback chairs. Rainbow Dash sighed and flew high enough to see over the partitions, and was quickly able to find Rarity sewing in what she would describe as an explosion of fabric. “Wow, Rarity,” Rainbow Dash commented as she landed a midst the chaos, “I didn't realize a place could get this messy so fast.” Rarity paused and looked around. “Oh, I guess it is a bit cluttered, but I need the room to think as I'm working.” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she heard the explanation. “Everything okay Rarity?” Twilight called from the door. “Yes, I'm just working. Sorry to worry everypony, I just need to get these dresses done.” “Alright. We'll save some breakfast for you.” Twilight called back. “Thanks again for your concern, but I simply can't right now.” Rarity said as she collected material from behind Rainbow Dash and arranged it on a pony form. *** Applejack smiled, watching the scenery rush past her as she jogged along the roads near the house. While she had insisted that she would be relaxing as much as she could, she found herself getting restless when she tried and a jog around the block sounded like a good idea. I am relaxing, just in my own way. She insisted to herself as she continued her jog, nodding towards a creature that she wasn't entirely sure if it was a person or not. As she crested a hill she found herself looking down towards a relatively empty beach. Her smile widened as she enjoyed the sight of her discovery. She'd have to tell the others about this place soon. *** Rainbow Dash flew over the clouds, letting her mind wander as much as it could. She was trying to understand what had bothered her when she was planning out her room. James didn't bat an eye at the personal gym she wanted, and she agreed that she should at least try the bath before talking about a hot tub. And he even got her the hot tub without another word. So why was she upset? She told herself that she should talk to James … About what? She asked herself, dodging around a cloud, her wingtip brushing the edge and leaving a small wake behind it. Why am I thinking so hard about this? As she did a loop she found her mind clearing and she began to relax. Up in the air she could stop thinking, she could live in the moment again. She didn't have to worry about more than the present. *** Fluttershy smiled as she lay in the shaded grass and heard the birdsong. She was glad that there was so much greenery and that even here there were wild animals. As she listened she couldn't help but begin to hum, which soon led to her singing. Just as she reached the bridge of her improvised song she stopped as a she found herself with a small audience. Several brightly colored song birds sat in the trees, but what caught her attention was a small light brown weasel-like creature. “Oh, hello there,” Fluttershy said as she landed and got a closer look at the creature. The creature was clearly similar to a weasel though it's tail was wider and longer. It's eyes didn't look right either, red, and larger than they should be for it's size. It's tiny paws were webbed, and she couldn't see any claws at the end of it's toes. “Aren't you just the cutest thing.” She said, admiring the creature more. “What are you, little creature?” The creature did not answer beyond flicking out it's long, thin, forked tongue, and licked her cheeks. Fluttershy only giggled as the creature licked her. “You're just so cute.” She cooed as she wiped her cheeks. After a moment, the creature stood up, looking around and sniffing. “Oh, did you find something?” Before Fluttershy could finish asking, the creature darted off into the wooded part of the yard. Eager to know more about the creature, Fluttershy rushed to keep up, finding it half concealed by the leaves of one of the large ivy-like plants. The rustling of leaves made Fluttershy pause briefly, she knew carnivores needed to eat meat, but even still she didn't like predation. Hoping to help whatever the creature had caught, Fluttershy moved the leaves to see if there was something she could do. What she found was the creature with it's face buried in a long amber flower, another shake of it's head getting it's face just a little deeper. Before Fluttershy could speak the creature pulled it's pollen covered face from the flower. It's tongue flicked out again, licking up some of the pollen but not much before it rushed off again. Leaping into another patch of leaves. Fluttershy giggled as she watched the creature rush from flower to flower, excitedly thrusting it's face into flowers it found. “Oh, you just wanted something sweet.” She reasoned. *** “I'm sorry about this morning, James.” Rarity said as she walked out of her room, shaking her head as she did. “But, I can thankfully say that I have this order complete. Shouldn't be a problem again.” “I get it,” James said as he put down his book. “I've got a lot of work to do while we're here too.” Before Rarity spoke again she was interrupted by an uproar of laughter from Pinkie, who watched the television where a humanoid beetle and robot stood on stage, the beetle man saying in a complaining tone, “Give me a break, will ya'.” With a sigh James shook his head. “I must be the only one in the galaxy who doesn't understand that show.” Pinkie, still laughing turned to James and gently smacked him with her hoof. “Give me a break, will ya'.” She said before laughing again. “Right.” Rarity said, giving the show a curious glance, “Anyway, where did everypony go?” “Everyone else decided to take a look around the area. As for where specifically, I don't know. You can call them on your omnitool if you want to ask them.” Rarity just shook her head. “No, I was just curious. But I am afraid I must ask for help with one thing, if you don't mind.” “Sure.” James said, standing up as Pinkie laughed once more at the beetle man repeating the same line. “What can I do for you?” “Well … I've finished the order, now the only issue is that we're on another planet. Could you, perhaps, arrange a delivery to my boutique?” “Ah, something I'm actually kind of good at.” James said with a smirk. “Let's step into my room and hash this out.” James' room could be best described as bare. Inside his spacious room was his bed, a dresser, and an armchair with an end table. A portion that had been partitioned off with a small desk, a couple office chairs, and a large intimidating console. “Oh my, it's quite … minimalist.” Rarity tried to compliment. James chuckled and nodded. “I really haven't decorated for myself in over a century. If I'm missing something I'll probably pick it up.” He casually lead Rarity to the small office area he had set up that looked out the window over the lawn. “Alright,” James continued as he sat at the console. In moments it blinked on with a translucent screen appearing, as it did James typed out a command that opened what appeared to be a spreadsheet. “So, let's see what we're looking at with this.” James began to type out details of the delivery, asking Rarity to elaborate on the size and weight of the package. James hummed as he finished typing, examining the final number he arrived at. With more than a little concern, Rarity took in the number on the screen. “And what is that number, James?” She hesitantly asked, fearing she already knew. “That would be the cost to ship your parcel to Equestria from here.” Rarity's face fell as she considered the number. “I'd have to mortgage my boutique for that!” She exclaimed. “Let me clarify: That would be to ship just that parcel. Now that we're here we can start looking at ways to get that price down. Let's see …” James said as he began typing out more factors on the spreadsheet. “There's a shipment from the academy leaving for New Guardia tomorrow we can drop the parcel in: That will get it on the standard shipping cost of the GP for most of that trip, which also covers the majority of tolls.” James explained, as a number simply dropped off. “That's much better, but still quite expensive.” “Yeah, it's partly because Equestria is a restricted location, so it would have to go through a special and dedicated customs process.” James explained as he typed, “But if I deliver it to the castle and ask Sara or Amber to take it to your boutique we can ignore all that. I'll just bribe them with a treat from Sugar Cube Corner.” Rarity gave a sigh of relief as she heard the compromise as more numbers dropped off the cost. “I'd pay for a whole cake for them if they agreed.” “I'll let them know.” James answered with a grin. “So here's the total we're looking at right now. Let's just convert to Guardian credits, and then into bits.” The number on the screen continued to shrink as Rarity watched with mounting relief, no longer concerned that the order she took on may cost her her business. “Alright,” James said, turning from the console to face Rarity, “So the total is eighty credits that I'll pick up. And most likely twenty bits from you to Sugar Cube Corner for Amber or Sara.” Rarity sighed as she saw the total as a fraction of it's former self. “Thank you, darling. I guess shipping between worlds isn't a cheep affair.” “Definitely not.” James agreed. “It's mostly larger businesses that establish independent shipping agreements with us, otherwise I have arrangements with governments to provide a bulk shipping option. Access to these markets is often worth the steep cost for most as they tend to make much more than they would domestically.” “At least at those prices they can be sure it's only high quality goods coming through.” “More or less.” James said with a shrug. “Sometimes it's the exclusivity of an item that drives up a price.” “Of course, dear. My dresses wouldn't be worth much if they were mass produced.” “And the kind of throttle I can put on a luxury commodity can demand an impressive price.” “Ooh, and what would that be?” Rarity asked, the exclusivity of a luxury item tempting her. “Zap Apple Jam.” James casually said. Rarity laughed and shook her head. “Terribly sorry, I thought I just heard you say Zap Apple Jam.” “I did.” James said with a smile of his own. “An exclusive luxury?” Rarity asked, “Are you certain we're thinking of the same thing? I mean, yes, Sweet Apple Acres is the only producer of Zap Apple Jam, but it's hardly an exclusive luxury item. I bought two jars at the grocery earlier this year.” “And I only allow one jar per year to go on sale in markets out here and have publicly given it as a gift (exclusively to heads of state) a total of six times. I whet the market among the ultra rich, and let their lust for the rare drive up the price.” “How much did the last jar sell for?” “Well, I can't hope to get to the price that one bottle Shinju Sake sold for,” James explained, “but the last jar sold for enough to buy a good sized island and the luxury ship to provide transport whenever desired. Though I do have a plan to get it up in a couple decades.” “That much?!” Rarity gasped. “I know. The super rich will spend insane amounts without thinking. And it certainly helps that the jam is good.” “But for jam?” “It hits all the requirements to be considered a luxury good. It's new, it's novel, and it rare. As you yourself said, it's only produced on Sweet Apple Acres.” “I suppose you're right.” Rarity said, letting her mind work on things she could do that could hopefully earn that kind of money. *** “Wow, that's what we can expect?” Starlight asked as she watched the recruits jog around the running track, soon moving so fast as to be little more than a blur. “I guess so.” Twilight added as she turned away, getting dizzy just watching them. “Are you alright Twilight?” Starlight said, turning herself to talk to her friend. “Is it about the letter?” Twilight sighed and nodded. “We have no idea who sent it, and it could be important. Every minute I'm here is a minute that the follow up letter could be showing up.” “Well, let's think about who could be the one lying to you.” Starlight reasoned. “I think we can count out everypony here, and Spike. I guess that still leaves a few ponies. … You don't think they meant Bonbon, do you?” “No, I don't think so. She's the one who was able to tell us what likely happened.” Twilight shook her head as she began to walk off. “If anything they'd be working with her.” “I know, and I trust her, but to make the argument: She has been lying to everypony for years about her past. … And I guess she could have made up the letter from her friend.” Starlight reasoned. “But what would she have to gain from it?” “Exactly. I'm just trying to think about everypony it could be.” “What about Lyra?” Twilight threw out. “I think if we can trust Bonbon, then Lyra's pretty safe too.” “But did Lyra always know about Bonbon's past?” Twilight added. Starlight rubbed her head as she walked. “I don't know. And Bonbon was pretty sincere when we talked.” Starlight shook her head and refocused. “What if we try to figure out what the lie was? Then we can see who would gain the most from it.” “But that's just it, I can't think of anything that somepony would lie to me about.” “Maybe it's not somepony, but somebody.” Starlight suggested. “I mean, we're pretty clearly involved in multi world politics now. Some of these creatures have drastically different values than our own. Not to open an old wound, but the mazoku all long for destruction, maybe Xellos lied about finishing his investigation.” “It's almost been a year, don't you think we'd have heard something about that by now?” “There was the incident in Saillune.” “You think that they were attacked because of me?” Twilight asked, horrified. Starlight shook her head. “No, it's pretty clear what that was all about. But it's worth thinking about other avenues with this. Anything important someone could have lied to you about.” “I'll have to think if there's anything it could be.” Twilight said, shaking her head and sighing. *** “They're back!” Pinkie announced as Twilight and Starlight walked in the door. “Yeah Pinkie, we know.” Rainbow Dash said as she rolled her eyes. “We saw them five minutes ago.” “I know, I just wanted to say it.” Pinkie said, just as excited as when she announced their arrival. “Dinner will be in about half an hour.” James called from the kitchen. “Oh, what are we having?” Starlight asked as she walked to the kitchen. “Lasagna and salad, with a red wine.” James answered easily. “Ooh! I'll set the table!” Twilight excitedly said. “Gotta say,” Applejack said with a smile as she checked her apple pie that was cooling by an open window, “this is feeling awful homey right now.” “Will this be every night?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Probably.” James calmly answered. “Just seems easier than everyone doing their own thing. Less dishes too.” “I dunno how much I can help.” Rainbow Dash said with a shrug. “You know I'm not really a good cook.” “You can always help clean up.” Applejack offered, “More hooves will make the work go faster.” “Hah, with me it's going to a flash.” Rainbow Dash said eagerly. “I guess we'll see after dinner.” Applejack taunted. *** “So how are you doing?” James asked as he pressed down on Rainbow Dash's back. “Great right now.” Rainbow Dash said with a comfortable groan. “Yeah, but about earlier? I know you don't like having serious talks, but we need to do this.” “Do we have to?” Rainbow Dash moaned. “I'm afraid so. I don't want to have to guess every time I make some mistake.” “But what if I don't know what's wrong?” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Then talking about it can still help.” James said as he slowly stretched out her wing, carefully feeling the muscles to find knots. “But what if talking about it would be the mistake?” “Then it's even more important that we do. If it's in the open, we can address it together, even if it means getting more help.” “I just don't know what to do. This is all so new and it's changed everything.” Rainbow Dash said with a shudder as James carefully ran his thumb down her spine, gently pressing down as he did. “Believe it or not, this is new to me too.” James calmly said, “The only constant about relationships I've found is that communication is essential.” He stretched her other wing, repeating what he had done moments before. “There isn't really a problem.” Rainbow Dash eventually said. “I'm just afraid I'm in too deep with this whole relationship thing.” “It is a big change, and it requires a lot from both of us.” James paused as he thought quietly, “It's almost unfair to you,” he admitted, “I've got a family already, which complicates things for you so much more than for me.” “It's not unfair, I know I've told you about Quibble Pants: His girlfriend has a daughter and they are so not alike. But they make it work.” “And ours is like that cranked to eleven.” James commented. Rainbow Dash let out a single laugh, “Are you trying to make it sound more interesting? 'Cause that's what you're doing.” “Well, one nice thing about this trip: It serves as a nice time to focus on us.” *** The lights of the city in the distance were unusually comforting to James as he starred out the window. Even in the quiet of the night he found a small refuge of peace in the scene that touched his nostalgia so. His mind tried to go places he didn't want it to venture, but he was able to push those thoughts aside for the time being. All he needed right now was the sound of the occasional car passing, and the lights in the distance. > 23 A day out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It's been arranged for us to go to the clinic today so we can get the paperwork out of the way.” James commented after breakfast that morning. “Ugh, paperwork?” Rainbow Dash moaned, “Do we really have to?” “I'm afraid so.” James answered with a smirk, “I may know all you girls well, but there's no way I could answer your medical history questions." “I'd be a bit worried if you could.” Starlight said with a chuckle. “Of course; there's certain things a mare keeps secret from everypony but her doctor.” Rarity concluded. “Why do we have to see a doctor?” Applejack asked with a sigh as James collected the used dishes alongside Rarity. “It's a medical procedure, Applejack, of course we have to see the doctor.” Twilight said with a grin. “Didn't you get all that stuff from those scans?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Those were over a year ago, and they didn't get everything a doctor would need to know: like your history, any accidents, things like that.” “Do you think it'll take long?” Applejack asked. “A couple hours, maybe.” James answered as Rainbow Dash moaned. “Since there's time, after we're done with that we can go to a beach I found the other day." Applejack suggested. “Oh, that sounds lovely, Applejack.” Rarity happily said. “I should make sure Oscar will be okay while we're gone.” Fluttershy quietly said. “Oscar?” Rarity asked, as she helped clear the table. “Who's Oscar?” “Oh, he's just the sweetest little animal I met the other day.” Fluttershy explained as she smiled, “I don't understand him quite like the animals at home for some reason, but he's just so cute.” “I know it's a strange concept to you still,” James said, placing the dishes in a dishwasher alongside the ones Rarity carried. “but wild animals here take care of themselves. In fact, our intervention could even hurt them.” “Oh, I forgot …” Fluttershy said, deflated. “Now as this is an artificial environment, the animals here are specifically intended to not be dangerous, so you can play with him, but don't start feeding him or he could become dependent on you.” “Oh, he just eats nectar from the flowers outside.” Fluttershy said calmly. “I'd love to meet him when we get back.” Twilight happily said. “And the beach after?” James asked. “Oh yeah, we're definitely going to the beach today.” Rainbow Dash said confidently. *** “What's this, Mihoshi?” A tall Wau man asked as he looked at a projection of the the woman floating above his desk as he held a stack of paper. “My report.” Mihoshi answered cheerfully. “I can see that, Mihoshi. But what's the report for? You've not told us about any recent incidents from Earth.” “From the transport mission I just finished …” Mihoshi paused before scratching her head with one finger. “Oh, wait, that wasn't a mission.” “I see.” Her commander deadpanned, remembering what her aunt had told him over a week earlier. “Well, we have the report anyway so we'll process and file it.” “Okey dokie.” Mihoshi happily said as her image vanished. The Wau man sighed as he looked over the report, a simple sketch of Mishoshi casually doodled on it's cover along with some other doodle he assumed was maybe someone she met with hair as curly as her own. He examined the stack of papers with a measure of curiosity, “This was just an errand. How much could she have to report?” As he turned around in his chair he flipped through the many pages of the report, not actually looking at any of them. “Well, the guys in filing will have their work cut out for them.” He commented before tossing the report in a small alcove in the wall where it burned away with neither smoke or flame, the ashes vanishing as quickly as the report had. *** Twilight smiled as she gave the clipboard back to the nurse at the counter, all she had now was to wait for her examination. It was oddly quiet, not that she expected the hospital to be lively, but the few people that were talking were talking in hushed tones. She held herself back from saying anything to James, not wanting to break any kind of norm that she didn't know about. It wasn't long before the group was approached, though James was the one approached first. “Sorry sir, I just need to ask a few questions not on the intake papers.” The receptionist asked, bowing slightly. “Of course, but what do you need to ask me?” “Since they're from an underdeveloped world, if something were to go wrong we couldn't simply return them. We need to know who would be their legal guardian should something go wrong.” “Oh, easy, I'll take care of that.” James casually said. “So wards of New Guardia, then.” “No, I mean, I personally will take that role.” James corrected. “Alright then.” The receptionist said before walking away to finish their work at their desk. Now Twilight felt she had to talk. “So what can go wrong?” Twilight asked quietly. “Well, this is just a basic level of modification, so not much really.” James began to explain, “The technician who's going to talk with each of you can explain this better, but basically if the modification goes wrong the effects can be as mild as things not being as good as expected. Or if it's catastrophic you could be made invalid, in which case I'll be taking care of you.” Twilight swallowed hard as she thought about the worst case scenario. “And what are the chances of things going wrong?” “With this level, the risk is about two percent.” Twilight breathed easier as she thought. “So only a two percent chance everything going horribly wrong. I guess that's pretty good.” “Oh, no. Catastrophic failure is only in eight percent of that two percent.” James continued, "If we were to go for more extensive modification the odds would be higher, but basic augmentation is more than enough for our purposes." As Twilight began to relax, Rainbow Dash dropped in a seat beside James with a relieved sigh, “I am so glad that's over.” She blurted out. “The paperwork at least.” James commented. “Yeah, the boring part. At least now it's just talk to the doc and we're done.” *** Liara sat at her desk, observing a council meeting on the Citadel as another screen observed Aria T'Loak quietly sipping a drink in her private booth in Afterlife. The meeting was pretty standard, and she soon changed her focus to another monitor as a more interesting meeting began in another universe. Several Cardassians sat at a long table, and over a light meal began to discuss the conditions of colonies in what was once their territory but was now under Klingon control. As she listened and took notes, her console alerted her to a message coming in from the Galaxy Police. With a tap on the controls a paper report materialized on her desk. It was labeled as a summary of Mihoshi's report. “Curious,” she muttered to herself, “I wasn't expecting anything from Derek until Friday.” The report itself was an oddity, but one detail in particular that caught Liara's attention was the mention of a known pirate ship briefly flying alongside Yukinojyo. “Let's check the chatter.” She mumbled to herself as she cleared her display of it's current observations and brought up multiple images and live audio from the associated pirate's guild. Despite her agreements with Jurai and the Galaxy Police, she never disclosed all of her sources and her ability to listen in on their communication channels. Though she had made it clear as to why she didn't, and had been allowed to continue as she had as long as she kept them up to date with important information. Sifting through chatter wasn't one of her favorite methods of gathering information, but she knew the value of the phrase “Loose lips sink ships” and often found her most reliable information that way. As she was about to move the job to someone else, a key term caught her attention and she zeroed in on the particular channel. *** “Yahoo!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she allowed herself to drop into the ocean from the sky. “Ooh!” Pinkie exclaimed as she watched a group in the distance. Interested as they pulled out a small perfectly round watermelon. Without a second though she rushed over to the party. “You weren't kidding when you said you were going to take it easy Applejack.” Twilight said as she watched her friend lounge beneath the umbrella with her hat pulled down over her eyes. “Eyup.” Was they only answer Applejack gave. “I absolutely love that we're so near a beach.” Rarity exclaimed as she walked by, most of her body shaded by the large sunhat she wore. “Ooh, right here is perfect.” She suddenly announced as she quickly laid out a large beach towel, laying on it with her hat next to her and wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. “I absolutely agree.” Starlight said with a smile as she lay nearby, sunning herself alongside Rarity. “Oh my gosh! This is so amazing!” They heard Pinkie announce as she began to dash across the beach towards her friends. “What's amazing?” Twilight asked with a smile. As Pinkie got closer they could see that she had a perfectly round watermelon so perfectly balanced on her head that it didn't even budge when she skidded to a halt, half burying herself in the process. “Hansuke and his friends just told me about this awesome game they play on the beach!” She added as she jumped out of the ground, leaving the watermelon in place. “And it's super easy too!” “Should we get Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy back first?” Twilight asked, looking out to the ocean. Pinkie gasped at the realization that not everyone was there. “I'll go get them.” James commented as he stood up, leaping high into the air before diving into the ocean. “Not a bad dive.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin as James surfaced. “Betcha I can do better.” “Probably,” James sputtered as he just kept his head above water. “But right now Pinkie has something she wants to show us.” James' head dipped beneath the surface briefly before he came back up. “And I need to grab Fluttershy too.” “Cool, see you on the beach.” Rainbow Dash said as she swam back to shore. James rose up slightly as he took a breath and soon sank beneath the surface. He began to focus as the water rushed over him, and soon felt the energy of every creature near by. Rainbow Dash was nearly at the shore with the other ponies, Fluttershy was nearer the shore already, but not moving towards the others. James' feet touched the sandy floor of the ocean and slowly he trudged towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy watched as the small fish swam around, she was enamored with their lovely colors and wondered if they were baby fish or adults. As she thought, the fish suddenly swam away startled. It didn't take her long to figure out why as she saw James somehow walking along the ocean floor towards her, something across his eyes glowed slightly. The moment of surprise over, Fluttershy waved her hoof at him as he practically stood under her. With a wave back, James pointed towards the beach and put his closed fist on his head. It took Fluttershy a moment to realize what he was asking her and she returned the gesture before turning to the beach. James slightly lifted off the sand and swam alongside her until they were both on dry ground. Pinkie excitedly pranced as she waited for everyone, the moment Fluttershy and James got close she burst into her explanation. “Okay, so it's super simple:” She began as she bounced, “All we do it we put the watermelon on a towel, put a blindfold on, and smash it with a stick.” “So like a pinata?” Applejack reasoned. “Uh-huh!” Pinkie confirmed. “I never thought about doing that with a watermelon.” Twilight said with a smile. “Sounds awfully messy.” Rarity said, squeamish. “Duh,” Pinkie giggled as she rolled her eyes, “that's why we put it on a towel. “Well, I'm game.” Starlight said. “Since we've only got one watermelon I think we should each get one try before passing the stick to somepony else.” Twilight reasoned. “Once I get a swing it will all be over.” Rainbow Dash said. “That's assuming somepony doesn't do it first.” Applejack said with a smirk. Rainbow Dash paused as she thought. “Yeah, you're right. And just so everypony has some fun, I'll even go last.” “Really?” came the astonished question from Applejack. “Ya know what? I'll let you go before me. That way I can show you how it's done.” She added, tauntingly. “Alright. But don't blame me if you don't get a turn.” “You know there's a store just a little ways up the street, right?” James cut in. “I can get us more watermelon if we break this one too soon.” “Just let them have their fun.” Starlight told him with a smile. “Besides, it's a small watermelon, I think we'll need more anyway.” Before Starlight had even finished talking, the first turn had come. Fluttershy had been pulled over and blindfolded. Carefully she moved forward with the stick in her mouth, and once she thought she was close she brought down the stick. There was a soft thunk as it glanced off the side from Fluttershy's gentle attempt. “Great going,” Twilight happily said, “you actually hit it.” “I did?” Fluttershy asked as she used her wing to lift the blindfold, and found the watermelon no worse for her attempt. “Yeah, maybe next time you can try scratching it a bit too.” Rainbow Dash taunted. “Alright now,” Rarity said with a smirk, “I believe it's my turn.” With a flourish, she brought out a thin strip of material and used it to cover her eyes, looking more like a veil than a blindfold. “Hold on there. How do we know you can't see with that?” Applejack asked as she eyed the cloth. “Please, don't you trust me?” Rarity asked, incredulous. “I'm just saying, we shouldn't blindfold ourselves.” “She's probably right …” Twilight began before Pinkie Popped up behind Rarity and put a new blindfold on her. With a quick spin, Pinkie aimed Rarity generally towards the watermelon. “You didn't say anything about spinning, Pinkie.” Rarity complained. “Oh, right. I forgot,” Pinkie laughed, “I'm used to normal pinata's.” The stick, held up by Rarity's magic, came down far to the left of the fruit shortly before the same magic raised the blindfold for her to inspect her attempt. “Sorry, Rarity.” Twilight said, “I guess it's your turn Pinkie.” “Nope!” Pinkie said suddenly as she sprung up behind Twilight, blindfolding her and turning her towards the melon. “I got the stick for you.” Pinkie announced. “Oh, thanks.” Twilight said hesitantly, taking the stick in her mouth before using her magic to lift it in front of her. She tried to remember where the melon was, and figure out how far she had been turned. “This is actually harder than I was expecting.” She admitted as she swung the stick down, swinging short and hitting the towel in front of the watermelon. Rainbow Dash smirked as she thought, and flew over to Pinkie to whisper in her ear. Failing to suppress a laugh Pinkie nodded and took the blindfold from Twilight and threw it over to Rainbow Dash. “Alright, batter up.” Rainbow Dash said as she blindfolded James and pushed him towards the game. James adjusted his grip on the stick, being careful to not use any trick to sense where the melon was. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie each rushed to the far side of the towel, taking a corner in their mouths and waited. James raised the stick, cuing the two ponies to pull the towel towards them and making James miss worse than Twilight had. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash laughed as James examined the scene. He couldn't help but smirk as he saw the scene. “We gotcha good.” Pinkie said as she rolled laughing. “Yeah, you got me.” James conceded, removing the blindfold completely and kneeling down by Starlight. “And I'm sure you'll get this.” He quietly said as he blindfolded her. “I don't know, if they're going to start moving it around I don't think anypony's going to get it.” She said, taking the stick as she was lead into position. Starlight was quiet, trying to tell if anyone was going to try to prank her and pull the towel as they had with James. While she couldn't tell if they would, she chose to play it safe and swing out further than she felt would hit. Once she was fairly sure it was safe, she swung the stick. She did hit the melon, but only after hitting the ground and taking all the power out of her swing. “Well, I'm glad you didn't try pranking me too.” Starlight said, slightly dissatisfied as she removed her blindfold. “Twice in a row isn't as funny.” Pinkie said as Twilight blindfolded her. Once the blindfold was secure, Pinkie grabbed the stick between her forehooves and awkwardly walked forward on her hind hooves. Swinging high horizontally and completely missing. “Oops,” Pinkie laughed as she dropped the stick. “Still not a pinata.” “Alright Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash was blindfolded. “Now to see if yer all talk.” “Please.” Rainbow Dash said confidently. “This is nothing.” “You can do it!” Pinkie cheered as James whistled. With a smirk Rainbow Dash took the stick in her mouth and swung, missing the melon completely. Astonished she started to lift her blindfold as she heard Pinkie laughing once more. “Come on Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash moaned. “You weren't supposed to prank me with that.” Pinkie continued laughing as she rolled once more. “I didn't.” “What?” “Turnabout's fair play.” Twilight said as she and Rarity smirked. Rainbow Dash stared blankly for a moment before working to save face. “Well, I would have hit it if it weren't moved. And hey, now Applejack gets a turn.” “Yeah yeah.” Applejack said smugly, “All I'm seeing is a whole melon that needs to be split open.” “Well not for long.” Rainbow Dash countered as Starlight blindfolded Applejack. “Yer darn tootin.” Applejack agreed with a nod. “Wait! I didn't mean it like that!” Rainbow Dash was quick to say. “Too late.” Applejack said just before taking the stick and swinging down right on the watermelon, breaking it into many pieces. Rainbow Dash's face fell as she watched the melon burst open, and huffed, feeling that it should have been her breaking it. From the wreckage the group collected pieces large enough to snack on, enjoying the prize of their game. As Pinkie collected a piece she glanced over to the ocean for a moment before racing to it and dunking her piece briefly. With a smile she bit into the piece and savored it. “What are you doing Pinkie?” Rarity asked as she watched the spectacle. “Well, we don't have any sea salt here so I got some from the source.” She explained happily. “Salt on watermelon?” Rainbow Dash asked, visibly bothered. “Yep.” Pinkie happily said as she took another bite. “It makes it taste better, like with caramel.” “Really?” Twilight asked, surprised. “Yeah.” James answered in her place. “If we had a shaker of sea salt I'd do it myself.” James said, finishing his piece. “In fact …” He added, standing up. “Where are you heading?” Starlight asked. “Just to the store for some more melon, and I guess a couple other things.” “Don't take too long!” Rainbow Dash said with a smile. “I need to show everypony I would have done it.” “Of course.” James said with his half smile as he walked off. *** The market was oddly quiet with a low pop tune playing over the intercom system, James smiled slightly as he examined the collection of fruit on display. Not just watermelon, but some others he realized they hadn't bought during their earlier shopping excursion. After collecting a few things he looked up and realized why it had been so quiet, as several people stood a ways back, quietly looking at him surprised. With a quick nod to them he began to walk back towards the check out, stopping briefly as a display caught his attention. His cart noticeably more full, he then went to pay for his purchase, standing behind another customer. Just as he looked towards the head of the line there was a tap on his back. “Sorry,” He began as he turned, “I didn't mean to barge …” “Not at all sir.” A young woman dressed in the store's uniform said as she cut him off with a kind smile. “I just came to let you know that we've opened a register for you to use.” “You don't need to do anything like that for me.” James commented, feeling as if the eyes of the other customers were turning to him. The woman's face went from kind to worried as she glanced back to her boss briefly. He tried to covertly signal something to her before she turned back to James, still smiling. “Please sir, we are ready to help you.” James' tail twitched as the feeling of eyes on him grew. He took a quick breath and let himself fall into his public speaking mindset. Pushing down his stress and forcing himself to smile politely, much as this woman clearly was. “Of course, forgive me. I simply didn't expect it.” He said with a slight nod as his left arm began to feel cold and ache. He held his breath, focusing on keeping his expression friendly as each imagined stare bore into his back. The young woman gave a quiet sigh of relief as she led him over to the register. Before long James was out of the store with his purchase and he let out the breath he had been holding to maintain composure. After breathing slowly for a minute he began to walk back to the beach, he had friends waiting for him. *** “Oh my.” Fluttershy said as she noticed how dark the sky had gotten, “I didn't realize we'd been here so long.” “Time flies.” James calmly said as he stared out over the water, Rainbow Dash laying against him as she “chillaxed.” “But,” he added, “there's still one more thing to do while we're here if everyone wants.” “Really?” Rainbow Dash asked, excited. “Yep, right in this bag.” James said as he pulled one of the shop's bags from the corner of the towel and pulling out several fireworks from it. Pinkie squealed happily as she saw the fireworks and pranced in place. “Okay, even with the paperwork earlier, today's been awesome.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she eyed the bottle rockets. “You can say that again.” Pinkie said excitedly as she collected several sparklers. Twilight watched Pinkie happily drawing in the air with the sparklers as she began to feel calm. No matter what was going on in Equestria, right here and now everything was good. For the first time in a long while she felt like things were the way they had been years ago. For one night, life was simple again. *** Once again James stared out towards the city lights in the distance, however he couldn't let his mind wander this night. As he watched, the lights became fires, and the silence began pressing in on him. The fresh air smelled acrid to him as he took a deep breath, hoping to clear his mind. With a sigh he walked to the front room and turned on the television, sitting in the center of the couch as he settled in. “Give me a break will ya?” demanded the beetle creature of his robotic partner. James shook his head as he brought down the volume and changed the channel. A feminine creature seemed to be attempting to pull herself away from a similar looking masculine creature as he told her everything was going to be alright. She looked to him with tears in her eyes, and fell into his tentacles where they embraced and she began to move closer as she looked into his eyes. James snorted quickly and changed the channel once again. The Wau behind the desk with a stack of papers in front of her explained the various events going on across the universe in a calm matter-of-fact way. The graphic beside her changed to a picture of Seina and his wives as the story turned to news on the remaining pirate guilds. James nodded and placed the remote on the table. Crossing his arms and closing his eyes he allowed the words to become jumbled in his head as his mind drifted off. As what remained of his mind worked on understanding what the Wau woman was saying the air began to smell clean once more and soon he forgot about what his mind had told him was on the skyline. *** Rainbow Dash couldn't help but notice the television on as she flew past to get a glass of water. The alien creature was giving a detailed breakdown of the scheduled weather for the next week as she flew over to investigate. Just as she started to fly towards the couch to find the remote she heard a growl. Had she not heard it many times before she'd have flown off to find her friends, but she knew the sound well enough. “Seriously?” She quietly asked herself as she collected a nearby blanket and flew back to the couch. James half lay half sat on the couch as his head rested on his shoulder, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He looked anything but peaceful as horror tugged at his ashen face. “It'll all be fine in the morning.” She quietly said to James as she spread the blanket over him and continued on to the kitchen for her water. > 24 A series of calls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- James sat quietly drinking coffee at his console as he read through the reports of the morning. The most concerning thing to come up being a three day summit in about week. With a sigh he made a note to return to it after finishing with the girls and before the next group. He'd also have to bring Rainbow Dash with him, and she had a notable distaste for most political events. Fortunately for her, she only had to make an appearance and stay for the dinner. James was the only one who would have to stay for the whole three days. But that was all for another time. With a few strokes on the keyboard and he brought up a template to certify several renewing contracts, two recently elected representatives, and re-authorize several continuing motions. The boring busywork that had to get done from time to time. As he worked a window appeared on the screen with a message from Liara. “I got a report the other day that mentioned pirates doing a fly by of Yukinojyo. Mihoshi happened to mention they followed for half an hour: More than enough time to realize they didn't want anything to do with that ship. On a hunch I checked the chatter on their network and, to save you the details, there's a target on your back. I've forwarded the info to the GP, so you'll probably hear from them.” James sighed as he read the message, considering just what he should do. The rolling sound of the door opening cued James to type a command that brought his templates back up. “Oh, what was that?” Starlight asked as she walked over to James. “Just an authorization request.” James casually said, taking another sip of his coffee. “Ah, alright.” Starlight said with a smile, “Well, Rainbow Dash is setting up a game of buckball if you feel like joining us.” “Not too sure where I'd fit in.” James answered with a smile. “Assuming Rarity isn't playing, there's already two full teams.” “True.” Starlight said with a smile. “But I won't complain about sitting out a round or two.” James chuckled briefly as he looked back to his template. “Well I really should …” James paused and chewed his lip as he thought. “I should …” he repeated slowly. “Yeah, I'll be out in a minute. This isn't going anywhere.” He eventually decided. *** Mikami sat at her desk as she looked over reports for both the Galaxy Police and general concerns for the Kuramitsu family. As she signed off on the reports, one caught her attention as an intersection of the two. “Oh dear, what's happened this time Mihoshi?” She quietly asked herself as she opened the cover. One continual positive sign in Mihoshi's long running recovery was her attention to detail, though that would at times make her reports over long with extensive unnecessary details. As she read it became apparent that this was going to be no simple matter. Pirates eyeing GP vehicles was common, even individual cruisers, but with the merging of guilds even a minor even like this needed to be investigated. She brought up a window on he screen, seeing that Seina was currently deployed on another pirate fishing operation. Between the remaining time of the mission and the planned month for repairs she would have to use other means to investigate. She typed out a short command in her system, opening up a window where a surprised looking young woman snapped to attention. “What can I help you with today, Ma'am?” She quickly asked. Mikami gave her a polite smile as she spoke. “Yes, would you please connect me to the Shadow Broker?” “Right away.” The woman said moments before her image vanished. Within moments a black screen appeared as a low hum filled the air. “Is there something I can help you with Mikami?” A low grumbling voice asked. “Still with the theatrics Liara?” Mikami asked with a grin. “I only have the one priority line set up and the defenses to my identity are automatic. Just one moment.” The low voice commented. “Glyph, would you please remove the privacy filter on this call?” “Right away, Shadow Broker.” Within moments Mikami's screen lit up, showing the pleasantly smiling blue face of Liara looking directly at her. “There we go. Now we can talk without all the cloak and dagger.” “Yes, it's much more pleasant see who I'm speaking with.” Mikami answered. “Now for the reason I called: I just reviewed an abridged version of Mihoshi's report, and I'd like to know if any guild is planning on assaulting the GP directly.” “Haven't you gotten my message?” Liara asked, her image appeared distracted briefly. “I'm seeing that it's been received.” “I have a lot of paperwork today, perhaps it's simply buried in my inbox.” Mikami reasoned. “But since I have you here, would you mind filling me in?” “Alright.” Liara said as her image once again appeared distracted. “Chatter around the Kage guild has increased with emphasis on getting a kings ransom. Literally. They're not planning an assault, thankfully, but they do have their sights on abducting James, seeing him as an easy target.” Mikami chuckled quietly as she heard the brief. “Maybe I should let them take him, just to see if they'd survive the abduction.” “I'm sure James would be flattered at the vote of confidence, but it's worth noting that despite getting back in shape, he's not the fighter he once was. And without a sparing partner he's losing his edge once more.” Liara clarified. “I see.” Mikami said, still grinning, “Thank you for your information, as always. I'll see about stopping this before anything happens.” “I'd appreciate that. Have a good day.” Liara said as her image blinked out. “Oh, there it is.” Mikami said, bemused as she looked to the next item in her queue. *** The ball suddenly shifted it's course to fly just under Fluttershy, and subsequently beneath the basket Twilight had aimed to intercept. “James, I can't catch the ball if you curve it.” Twilight complained. “I can't really get it past Fluttershy if I don't.” James countered. “Oh, I'm sorry.” Fluttershy was quick to say, flying back slightly. “I got a little carried away.” “Nah, that's fine.” James said, waving away the apology. “I'm still having fun.” “Pinkie, you want to take over for a bit?” Applejack asked. In answer Pinkie vigorously nodded and bounced over to take Applejack's spot. “Oh … Rainbow Dash, should we switch sides?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “Sure, why not?” Rainbow Dash agreed with a shrug. “Besides, you and Pinkie on the same side are a bit too good.” “Like Lucca and Tali.” James said with a smile. “Uh-huh.” Starlight quickly agreed. “Oh yeah.” Rainbow Dash chimed in. “Oooh!” Pinkie excitedly said, clearly eager to know more. “Do they play buckball too?” “Oh, no.” Starlight answered, “One of the games they play in their holosuites. Rainbow Dash and I were going to go against them a while ago.” “But we couldn't make it that far.” Rainbow Dash finished, clearly disappointed. As they spoke James's omnitool blinked on, catching his attention. “Someone should take over for me, this is a priority message.” “Looks like I'm back in.” Applejack commented as James walked towards the house. The moment he stepped inside an image of Mikami appeared in front of him.“Hello, Mikami,” James casually said as he closed the door behind him. “Is this about the target on my back?” “Yes, it is.” She answered, seriously, “I understand why you may not take this threat seriously, but we cannot simply ignore it.” “I know. I've been in your position before.” James explained, “And even failed.” “I'm certain you know how dangerous the pirate guilds have become as they consolidate their resources under larger guilds. So what should we do?” “Do you have anything in mind?” “The safest option is obviously getting you back to New Guardia.” “True, but I think that's a last resort.” “I could send some officers as full time guards.” Mikami continued as James nodded. “We could also relocate all of you to a secure house elsewhere in the academy.” “All viable, anything else?” “Well, normally I'd send Seina to preemptively strike the pirates, but he's already doing that with another pirate guild.” “That and Seina can be a bit dangerous to just be around.” Mikami chuckled and nodded. “Yes, but there is one more option that I would like you to consider: I would ask you to act as bait and lure the pirates into the open where we can arrest them. Obviously we'd have discrete security around you at all times, but I can't guarantee it will be without any danger to yourself.” James sighed as he heard the option. “Personally I'm inclined to do that, but what about the girls?” “I assure you, we will do everything in our power to keep them safe.” “Keeping the girls safe has to be the priority …” James sighed as he considered the options. “I'm putting a lot of faith in you Mikami. I'll be bait, but the girls come first, even if that means the pirates get me.” Mikami smirked and nodded. “Just the response I expected from you, James. Of course we'll prioritize their safety. After all, your history shows that you're certainly capable of taking care of yourself.” James smirked as he listened to the comment. “Well, those days may be a bit behind me.” His smirk faded as he considered his statement. “I didn't exactly win the last real fight I was in … or the one before that.” Mikami cocked her eyebrow at the comment. “The other options are viable if you'd rather take them.” “No, I'm good being bait. I just have to remember that I'm not as good as I once was.” “There's nothing to worry about.” Mikami reassured him “I don't doubt that at all.” James said with a nod. “And for their sake, I'm not going to mention this to them. Augmentation is enough to worry about right now, they don't need to be paranoid about everyone around them. Besides, if they knew, I just know one of them would give it away and we'd lose this opportunity.” “I'll keep the guard discrete.” She assured him. *** That night James walked around the house, checking every door and window despite knowing that those wouldn't actually be an obstacle were anyone determined to enter. His heart beat faster as his mind imagined noises to make him jump. Screams of terror filled his mind as he strained his ears to catch any noise beyond the building. With his self appointed round done he stood in front of his bedroom door, knowing what awaited him on the other side, no matter what else his mind was trying to convince him of. With a grimace to himself he walked away, finding his way to the couch once more and watched the day's news as his mind cleared and his eyelids began to droop. > 25 Ghosts of the Present > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well howdy there Miss Airi.” Applejack said as she finished her morning run. “Anything we can do for you?” “Hello Applejack. I'm actually here to talk business with James, and to let you know that your appointments are set for your augmentation.” “That's awful nice of you. Well, James is making breakfast with … I think it's Starlight today. I don't know, I was out here running before they were up.” “It's good to start your day with some light exercise.” Airi said approvingly. “Well, without all my chores on the farm I'm a bit restless and going for a run helps.” “Yes, I remember hearing that you work on a farm with your family. I'll have to come by sometime and get some fresh ingredients.” “You'll only get the best from Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack boasted, puffing her chest slightly. “How have you been enjoying it here?” “It's been real nice. Friendly people, and I can't really complain about the house.” “Good thing it's got enough room for everyone.” “Yeah … though James has been sleeping on the couch more often than not this week.” Airi nodded as she frowned slightly, “That's just what he has to live with.” “You know … when he couldn't remember who he was, he told me that he's done terrible things. I don't know what he's talking about, but I guess that's what's haunting him.” Airi paused as she heard the comment. “He's a different person now than he was as a young man. And those memories are his self imposed punishment.” “What was he like?” “I don't know for certain, I met him after he started to change. But if you pay attention, you'll catch a glimpse of who he used to be.” Airi took a breath and put on a smile, “Anyway, let's go in, smells like James and Starlight make quite a good team in the kitchen.” *** James sat at his small desk, turned to face Airi who sat opposite him. “Well, you wanted to speak in private.” “It's about the security you'll have: We're assigning a detail to you specifically, and as we can, we'll have someone watching the girls. But since they're not targets we're not as concerned for them.” “That makes sense.” James said as he leaned back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling. “This is a serious situation, James!” Airi insisted, leaning forward with her elbows on the desk. “The pirate guilds have gotten more dangerous in the last few years. The Kage guild particularly.” “I've been told.” James commented, sitting up straight once more and looking to Airi. “But they haven't.” Airi clarified. “They deserve to know the danger you're in.” “There's too much risk to the operation if they know. Pinkie in particular isn't subtle … period.” “But they're your friends, and more.” “I'm going to tell Rainbow Dash that something is happening, but what would telling them everything do?” James cut in suddenly. “Worry them, add even more stress on them, they'd insist I return to New Guardia for my safety!” “Can you blame them?” Airi snapped back. “They care about you! That's the point of having friends! I swear, you've been alone too long.” “I've never been alone.” “Of course you have.” Airi scoffed, tapping James' chest. “You give your compassion freely, but you almost never let anyone in. You need more than physical company to maintain your soul.” “Airi,” James calmly said, “it's for the best that they don't know. For both the operation and their own good.” “So if anything happens you can just vanish and hope they pretend that you never existed. Like with the crew of the Massao Nami?” “They knew that was likely to happen, and had their orders for when I didn't return.” “Well, you should know that nobody's heard from the Massao Nami for years. And they weren't among any of the pirates that Seina captured.” “You think they were absorbed into a guild.” James commented. “It's about the only way they could survive in this climate and still be pirates.” “Well, I for one hope that they're not pirates … honestly, if I could track them down I'd want them on my flag ship.” “You think they'd follow you after all this time?” James paused a moment before scoffing. “Absolutely not. Just something I'd want were it possible.” Airi sighed as she shook her head. “If you don't want to tell the girls, that's your prerogative. Anyway, I'm your contact for the security detail, so be ready to see a lot of me.” “I won't complain about that.” Airi's grin turned mischievous as she heard the comment. “Is that so? Maybe to make things easy I should just move in? I understand your bed is available.” “No such luck there.” James said evenly. Airi shrugged and stood up. “Good point. I'm probably more woman than you could handle anyway.” James didn't look at her as she spoke, instead looking out the nearby window, his mind drifting to the bridge of the Massao Nami. “Airi …” “Come on, you know I was just teasing you, right? This little game goes both ways after all.” She was quick to cut in. “Huh? Oh, no. Not that.” James said. “Then what?” James paused as he thought before shaking his head. “Nevermind. Was this all you came for, or is there anything else?” “The girls appointments are set up for two days from now, and we're having the training supplies delivered here so we can better keep track of you.” “If I limit my movements it's going to be obvious that we know something is up.” “I'm aware of that, but it also gives us the best chance of catching them. Besides, it's not uncommon for the rich to handle things like recuperation at home. Nobody will suspect a thing as long as you don't start locking yourself in or anything weird like that.” “So how should I coordinate with you when I'm going somewhere?” Airi gave James an irritated glare as she heard his question. “You have a phone I believe, or even send a message. It's really not that hard old man.” James cocked an eyebrow at the comment. “Sure thing sheanmhair” “What was that?!” Airi said, her face forced into a distorted smile as her irritation was more than clear. “Turn about from an old man.” James calmly answered. “Is everything okay in here?” Starlight asked as she opened the door, watching the two stare each other down. “Just practicing some Neo-academy techniques.” James answered, a smirk forming while maintaining eye contact with Airi. “Useful for when philosophers start throwing jabs.” “Or theorists forget to show respect.” Airi countered, just as determined as James to not break eye contact. James briefly chuckled and shook his head slightly. “You don't want me to respond to that one Airi.” “Okay.” Starlight said, her voice firm as her horn lit up. “Let's cool things off in here.” As Starlight spoke a wall of emerald light sprang up between the two. “Just what is going on here?” “We're not actually fighting.” James insisted. “Then what was that?” “Just a spirited debate.” Airi answered for him. “We hadn't even gotten to the part where I win.” “I doubt you could use the Neo-academy techniques to beat me anymore.” James finished. “Let's not get whatever that was started again.” Starlight interrupted before anything began. “Alright,” James conceded, “It's just some news that complicates things.” “What's going on?” Starlight asked as Airi sat back and gave James a serious look. “Just a little complication with the Academy. We'll probably see more GP around. It's nothing to worry about.” James calmly answered. “I'll make time to check in regularly to ensure everything is alright.” Airi finished. “Alright …” Starlight said evenly, “care to tell me what that “spirited debate” was about?” “Honestly, it was nothing. Just trading jabs.” James insisted. Airi nodded as James spoke, and with a confused look Starlight shook her head. “Like how Applejack and Rainbow Dash will seem like they're fighting, but really they're just poking each other.” James attempted to clarify. Starlight sighed and shook her head. “Well, don't let it devolve into an actual fight.” “While we're talking about fights,” Airi said, pleasantly, “how have things been working out with the cooking here. It seems everyone knows their way around a kitchen so it must be interesting deciding who cooks.” “Oh, not everypony.” Starlight said dismissively. “I don't actually cook all that often and just wanted to help out. And it's safer for all of us if Rainbow Dash stays out of the kitchen.” “That's not fair.” James said, “There's plenty she's good with in the kitchen … just not the actual cooking part.” Airi chuckled, “You know,” She said thoughtfully, “it's been a while since I've cooked for so many. Maybe I should help out while you're all recovering from your augmentation.” “You don't have to.” James was quick to say. “Nonsense, I love cooking. Besides, I found a few vegetarian recipes I want to try out. I've given them a taste already and I bet you'll all just love them.” “You're not going to hear me complain.” Starlight said with a smile. “Well then, it's settled. We'll try the first one the day after tomorrow. It's a savory curry that's simply amazing.” Airi boasted as she began planning meals. “I was going to be using cooking to help get them used to their augmentations.” James said. “Not a bad idea,” Airi praised, “but they will need some time to adjust first. I'll come and help out from time to time, and in return you'll help me by telling me how the recipes turn out. After all, what good cook doesn't give her food a bit of personal flair.” “The day after tomorrow?” Starlight asked, looking to Airi. “Yes, that's one reason I came here today. The day after tomorrow is when your appointments are scheduled.” Airi explained, adjusting her seat to look directly at Starlight. “That's … a lot sooner than I was expecting.” “Is everything alright?” James turned his head to look to Starlight as well. “Are you feeling alright?” Starlight nodded slowly. “I just thought it would be a little longer. I'm … still not sure I want to do this.” Airi gave Starlight a snarky grin. “You're telling me you're not sure you want to be young and beautiful for centuries? Rarely if ever get sick?” “Well … I'll outlive so many of my friends.” At the comment, Airi's grin softened to a genuine compassionate smile. “That is a trade off many from worlds like yours would have to make. Yosho's watched friends and family die of old age, Tenyo just went on a final trip with her friends from school.” After a moment Airi quietly spoke again. “One of my daughters died of an age related illness. These augmentations don't guarantee a long or healthy life. That's something we have to continually work for, and even then something may happen to snatch that life from us. It's hard to think about outliving those you love. But that's possible no matter how long you live. The real secret is to love fully while they're with you, and never let time steal their memory away so that they are never truly gone.” Starlight looked at Airi with newfound sympathy and nodded. “While that doesn't help with my decision it does put things in perspective. And you're right, it could happen no matter how long I live.” “It's alright Starlight,” James calmly said, “you can have as long as you want to decide, however you decide.” Starlight sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I know.” “I understand that it is a big decision for you,” Airi said, “just know that you won't be alone if you go through with it.” “Being stuck with me might be a reason to not go through with it.” James joked as Airi shot him a cold stare. Starlight smiled weakly as she heard the quip. *** Starlight listened to the waves of the ocean as a warm breeze blew over the beach. Behind her the street lights were beginning to blink on as the sky darkened, and in the distance a small group was cleaning up to go home. “Only two days …” Starlight quietly told herself. “Two days to figure out if I'm just making another mistake.” She took a moment to feel her hooves sink into the sand slightly, deliberately trying to distract herself even briefly. “Two days to decide if I'm really going to … give up and run?” She asked herself. She shook her head and began to reason to herself “James has been planning this for a long time, it's not like I barged in to get away …” slowing to a stop she paused as she quietly finished her thought, “to get away from Sunburst.” “You called?” Sunburst asked, making Starlight leap forward with a shout. “Sunburst?!” Starlight practically shouted, “What … but … How?!” “It's okay Starlight. Just take a moment.” “I don't think taking a moment is going to help. How are you here?” “I'm not.” Sunburst calmly answered. “Uh huh. You do realize you'd have to be here to answer that question, right?” Starlight asked, giving him a blank stare. “Take a closer look, Starlight.” Starlight continued to stare at him without answering. “You've been putting a lot on yourself, Starlight. That's kind of why and how I'm here.” “Not complaining about seeing you, but I really don't see how it's possible.” “Just look closer.” Sunburst gently insisted. With a sigh Starlight stepped closer, quickly understanding what Sunburst had been saying. He looked off as she examined him closely, realizing as light reflected off the ocean and through him that this was just a projection. “I don't know any magic strong enough to call you from another world.” Starlight said aloud as she circled the image, every bit Sunburst, even if he wasn't entirely solid. “You're right.” “You just told me I'm stressed out, maybe don't be so cryptic and add to it.” “Oh, sorry.” Sunburst said, rubbing his neck with his hoof. “You're right, you don't know any magic that would call me from another world, so logically you didn't. I'm not here, Starlight, it's not me talking to you.” Starlight continued to stare at Sunburst, pointedly silent. “Uhm … Starlight?” Sunburst asked, looking at Starlight concerned. “I'm waiting patiently for you to finish explaining and to stop being cryptic.” She answered evenly. Sunburst swallowed hard and nodded. “I'm an illusion of Sunburst that you made. But I can't actually answer more than that. You made me, you should know why.” Starlight took a deep breath and nodded, “So I'm under so much stress that I'm now having a magical hallucination of my best friend. And that's not going to make things worse?” “Don't ask me, it's your mind. Maybe there's something you need to talk about but don't want to talk to anypony.” Starlight stared at Sunburst a moment longer before turning and walking down the beach. “Starlight,” Sunburst insisted as he walked to catch up. “Come on, it's just me … or you … or.” Sunburst stammered before shaking his head and started over. “Starlight, it's me, just talk to me.” Starlight closed her eyes and sighed once more. “Well, at least it doesn't look like I'm just talking to myself.” She took a moment to compose her thoughts before she started. “I'm just worried that I'm doing something stupid and rash that could just be another big mistake like every other impulse I've had has been.” “That's not true.” Sunburst said, nudging her slightly as they walked. “Really? What about my town?” “What about your friendship with Trixie? “And when I turned us back into foals to play a stupid game?” “When you encouraged Twilight to continue with her school the way she wanted, despite Neighsay's protests.” “When I destroyed Equestria to get revenge on Twilight!” “When you saved it with Discord, Trixie, and Thorax!” Starlight got more upset as Sunburst continued to counter her points with good things she's done. Without waiting for another example to counter, Sunburst continued. “Or when you saved James with Luna, Derpy, and Asriel? You gave everything! But you did it to save him.” He added as tears welled in Starlight's eyes, “Or when you joined Twilight and helped defeat Grogar! Or …” “Or when I thought we could be a couple!” She shouted to cut Sunburst off. Sunburst went quiet as Starlight's chest heaved with her breaths, only barely holding back sobs. “And here we are.” Sunburst quietly said. “Just when things were really looking right for me. Like everything was finally falling into place and I could actually look forward for once and see a true bright future.” “And you're worried that now not only is the future not so bright, but could go on indefinitely.” “Just more chances to screw things up.” Starlight sobbed. “But,” Sunburst said sympathetically, “that's a possibility every day.” “Gee, thanks.” “Starlight, mistakes happen. Making big ones doesn't mean you're immune to making new ones, but it also doesn't mean you won't make good choices. You just have to do the best that you can. Nopony's perfect.” “Yeah, myself most of all.” “I wouldn't say that. I mean, Cozy Glow's out there somewhere.” Starlight managed a single laugh as she looked up at the apparition. “I don't want to be alone.” She quietly admitted. “You won't be, just look around,” Sunburst said as he turned back and gestured to the city at large behind them. “Here you are, on a different world, further than anypony has gone before, surrounded by friends. You even know creatures who live out here.” “I don't want just friends, Sunburst.” Starlight said emphatically. “I know, Starlight.” He answered quietly. “But it's not like there will never be another chance for that in your life. Heck, you'll get far more chances with these augmentations.” “But what about with you?” Starlight asked desperately, momentarily forgetting that she was speaking to a projection of her friend that she had created. “Nothing is certain, but you also need to ask yourself: Is it what you want, or am I just comfortable?” Sunburst asked, turning back to Starlight. “What do you mean?” “Starlight, we've been friends (good friends) since foalhood, and that's not changing. But is this about what you want to be happy, or what would be safe and comfortable? You know I'll always care about you, but how do you feel knowing that? How do you feel when you think about life together in the future? Does the thought of being with me make you happy, does the feeling alone make you question anything? Does it give you answers? Any at all?” “Sunburst …” Starlight started before being cut off again. “Do you remember your sessions with Rainbow Dash? How she went on and on about her feelings: both good and bad? And how she was still happy even when upset?” Starlight dropped her head, defeated. “You're right. I don't know how we would be as a couple. And with Velvet in your life now, I don't think I will ever know.” She lifted her head to look Sunburst in the eyes. “This whole thing is me running away again once everything goes wrong.” Sunburst nodded and gestured for Starlight to walk with him as they continued on the beach. “And how do you feel about that?” “Worried. I'm scared to think about life without you. I'm afraid of what life will be like when you're …” Starlight went quiet, not wanting to say the word. “Dead?” Sunburst finished. Starlight slowly nodded. “Well, what was life like when we had lost contact?” “Lonely, and I was just so angry.” “Ah, maybe not the best example.” Sunburst said. “But let's take that anyway: Do you think you'll go right back to that without me?” Starlight shook her head. “I've grown up a lot since then. But it would hurt so much.” “Thanks, it's good to know you'll miss me. But does that mean it will hurt forever?” “I don't know. I guess … it probably wouldn't.” Starlight admitted. “I know you're hurting now because the idea of us together is gone: A future that will no longer happen, at least not in the way you imagined it. But the pain will fade, it's just a bit harder because I'm going to be around, and that will remind you.” “Not just you, but you and Velvet reminding me what could have been.” “How does that make you feel?” Starlight paused, realizing that the yawning pit she had so often associated with them was no longer there. With that feeling gone, she was able to sense that there was something else there. “Jealous, but I'm happy for you. You deserve somepony who makes you happy like she does.” “Even if it isn't you?” Starlight smiled faintly. “Yeah, even if it isn't me. And there's something I wasn't thinking about. Something you told me when I was too upset to really listen.” “What's that?” Sunburst asked, looking towards Starlight briefly. Starlight looked up to the stars, imagining seeing the real Sunburst across the expanse of space and even universes. “You'll still be there, as my friend. Even if it's not how I imagined things. It hurts now … but I'm okay with that.” Starlight quietly said. She stopped looking to the stars and looked to where her foalhood friend had just been standing, finding nothing there. And just as she had told herself, she was okay with that. > 26 Can't Go Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I need some pancakes in my belly, right now.” Rainbow Dash complained as she flew behind James. “You heard the technician: Only water until after the procedure.” James reminded her. “But I'm starving!” She continued to mope, “What harm is one little pancake going to do?” “A lot.” James answered simply. “Come on Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said calmly, sipping a glass of ice water. “It's almost time for us to go anyway.” “But I'm so hungry-y-y.” Rainbow Dash moaned. As Twilight was about to comment, a loud rumble commanded everyone's attention. Pinkie lay flat on her back with her legs splayed out in every direction while she blankly stared at the ceiling. As everyone stared at her, her stomach rumbled again. “It ain't so bad Dash.” Applejack said easily. Rainbow Dash rushed over to her and stared her in the eye. “Oh really?” She said accusingly. “Well …” Applejack faltered, “okay, it is that bad. But it's the doctor's orders so we just gotta live with it.” “Ha! So you're miserable too!” Rainbow Dash announced triumphantly. “Darling, we all have to do this, and we're all well aware of how bothersome it is. There's no need to complain about it to everypony.” Rarity said, clearly irritated. “Easier for you, Rarity,” James calmly said, “you got a midnight snack just before the cutoff.” Rarity gasped, “You weren't supposed to tell them.” “It's not like you were the only one.” Starlight added. “Yeah, you both split mine.” James commented. “I am glad you're not eating in front of us, James. But I'll be happier when this is over.” Fluttershy quietly said. “Yeah!” Rainbow Dash said, rushing over to James and staring into his eyes. “You have to eat more than all of us, so why are you so calm?” “I'm used to it.” James calmly answered as Starlight and Twilight winced. “You didn't complain this much the last time we went without food.” Rainbow Dash growled as she remembered their time stuck in the time chamber. “Yeah, because there wasn't any. This time we have the food, and I want it!” “You'll just have to be tough.” James joked as Rainbow Dash huffed. “Good morning.” Airi called in a singsong fashion as she approached “Well, you're part right.” Twilight mumbled before Starlight chuckled quietly. At the lack of enthusiasm Airi shook her head. “Come on girls, there's no harm in skipping a meal or two.” At the comment Rainbow Dash glanced between her and James as her mind tried to work out what she was thinking. “So, are we all ready?” Airi asked as the group approached her. As the ponies agreed James interrupted. “Not quite, Rarity still needs to remove her makeup and eyelashes.” “James!” Rarity gasped. “He's right you know.” Applejack said. “Right,” Twilight said, lost in thought, “I'm just so used to them that I forgot you even wear them.” Airi shook her head as she walked over and slapped James. “At least try some tact.” James stared at her for a moment before nodding. “You're right.” He eventually said before turning to Rarity. “I'm sorry.” Rarity looked to Airi briefly, astonished that she was so fast to strike him. “I appreciate the apology, but was that really necessary, Miss Airi?” Airi waved the comment away, “It's not like I actually hurt him or anything.” Before anything more could be said Starlight shook her head and said, “I feel we're all a bit short right now and the sooner we get this over with the better.” “You can say that again.” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Let's get this over with and get something to eat.” Airi smirked at the statement. “Well, I'll have to treat you to some good home cooking.” “Yay.” Pinkie quietly said. “Uh huh,” James said, “If Pinkie's that out of it we need this over with soon.” *** The rooms the ponies had separated into were small with a large tube surrounded by several hoops at the back, a person sitting at a large console, and another person in a lab coat watching over them. After talking with the technicians, James stepped into Rainbow Dash's room, shortly after walking in several disks floated around his head and the sound of the ponies greeting their technicians could be heard from each. Pinkie sounding particularly happy, even if sedate compared to normal. “Alright everyone,” James announced, “as we discussed I'm your modification supervisor. I noticed the introductions, but it's worth pointing out that since you're a new species, the scientific community is very interested in learning how this will go. Clearly any risk is negligible or they would have made a point to tell us. But they will be observing and documenting.” James looked to Rainbow Dash and nodded before continuing. “Now you've gotta take off you're shoes. AJ, your hat and hair ties too, nothing more than yourselves can go those tubes.” James held out his hand as Rainbow Dash gave him four heavily scuffed and beaten horseshoes. Along invisible seams an aperture opened in the tube, allowing the ponies inside before sealing once more. “The tube will fill with a breathable fluid, and I'm not going to lie, it's going to feel really weird when your lungs fill up.” “Okay, that's starting to scare me.” Starlight's voice said from one of the discs. “It won't be easy, every instinct you have will tell you to hold your breath, but try to breath normally. If you think you might lose control of your horn, tell me and I can ensure that won't happen.” “I'll be fine.” Twilight said calmly. “As if I would lose control of my horn.” Rarity confidently claimed. Starlight swallowed before speaking up. “Maybe you should help me.” She quietly said. “I've been dealing with some anxiety, and I'm not one hundred percent sure nothing will happen.” “Be right there.” James easily said before looking down to Rainbow Dash, “You good for me to go?” With a smile Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, this is nothing. See you on the other side.” James smirked and offered a wave before exiting and walking down the hall to Starlight's room. “Sorry.” Starlight quietly said as James walked in, light disks still orbiting his head. The disks changed color and James knelt and put his hand on her shoulder. “Nothing to be sorry about, it's stressful. If you're comfortable, I'll stay in here while monitoring, is that okay?” “Yeah.” “And one last thing. Are you sure about this? Once the program starts, it's too late. This is completely irreversible.” With a faint smile Starlight nodded once more. James closed his eyes and quietly said something under his breath. “Okay, you're ready.” He eventually said as the disks changed back to their regular color. Starlight tried to say “thank you,” however as she spoke she didn't make any noise at all. “Yeah, unfortunately, that's how.” James calmly said as Starlight silently took a deep breath and walked into the tube. The aperture sealing behind her “Alright, let's do this.” James said. From each disk he heard a voices saying that the containment fluid was being pumped in. At the announcement James twitched his hand and the discs rearranged themselves in front of him before becoming miniature screens with readouts and video of each room. Confirmation that everything was proceeding as expected soon followed and James confirmed it back to each of them. “Load the enhancement programs.” “Inputting program: Level one at specified enhancement parameters.” Came the confirmation from the technicians. “Beginning induced sleep.” The countdown for each came at different intervals but soon they were all unconscious. *** Pinkie Pie bounced though a landscape of cakes of all kinds, her friends enjoying the confections in the background as she excitedly laughed. *** Applejack watched as Sweet Apple Acres grew, with more Apples working alongside her. Her family, close and dear, spending endless days happily working the land as more homes sprang up around her. *** Fluttershy giggled as Discord told her a humorous story, stopping only briefly to sip some calming tea. *** Starlight looked around the town as she walked, distantly in her mind she recalled the place, a familiar name long removed from her thoughts. “Sire's Hollow.” She reminded herself, wondering how she could have not recognized her home town, even having trouble with the name. But then it had been so long since she last visited … for some reason. Why was she here anyway? As quickly as she asked the question, she found herself elsewhere. The place felt closer, and painful, but the memories were just as distant and hard to recall. As she looked to the end of the street she felt that something was missing, but was glad it was gone. She could barely believe that her town had grown so much in her absence. Multiple streets radiated out from the tree at the center, and every creature looked so happy. Again, she asked herself why she was here? She always avoided the place, and it had clearly outgrown her long ago. Everything looked so different than she remembered. And while she'd never try to preserve the past as her father had done, or at least in the way he had done, she did wonder about the changes. The thought of her father reminded her with a pang of guilt and pain that she had went to visit him. And with the same pain, she rationalized that her timing doesn't really make a difference now. She'd be back soon and this time she'd remember. It was Twilight's school that surprised her the most. While well tended, the plants had managed to conquer most of the walls. Smaller buildings on the grounds appeared to accommodate students and teachers as the school expanded. It was in Rarity's class she found what she had wanted. A flower, unchanged over generations, just the kind her father would have loved. Just the thing she wanted as she apologized for being late another year in a row. “I know I say it each year, dad, but I'll be sure to get it right next time. Time just seems to slip away faster and faster.” She quietly said. “Anyway, I'm glad I got out here.” As she turned, she saw the first thing that looked comfortably familiar. Truce's busy cobbled streets rose to meet her as she walked, leading her to familiar haunts. She could lose days at any one place, just enjoying the atmosphere let alone should she find good company to keep as she did. She smiled as she stepped into the cafe, her regular tea fresh and waiting for her. She took a sip, feeling as though there was something she needed to be doing. Everything was quiet and peaceful, and life continued forward as it always had … and always would. *** “Please, Miss Rarity,” The interviewer practically pleaded, “You absolutely must share your beauty routine with all of Equestria.” Rarity tittered “Miss Balm, I've shared all there is to share. Any more and I'll start to think you're prying into my age, which would be very rude of you.” “Yes, of course Miss Rarity.” Balm was quick to say. “I do thank you for your time, but I'm afraid I must cut the interview short. I have Mr. Inkhorn's party to attend shortly, and of course my fashion show later. Do stop by for that, I'll be unveiling my greatest line yet.” *** The squeeze was tight as Rainbow Dash pulled the rest of her body from the crack beneath the wall, but the sound of the monsters hitting the wall on the other side was satisfying. She'd out maneuvered and out flown them, and now that she was free of them she could look for signs of treasure once more. Much to her surprise, a treasure chest was sitting right in front of her. With a wide grin she trotted over to the chest and examined the lock. As she did, the lid lifted, revealing a gigantic maw filled with teeth and an over sized tongue. “Mimic.” She growled as she jumped back. The creature stood up on spindly legs as two long thin arms rose from it's mouth, growling as it ran towards Rainbow Dash. With a smirk, Rainbow Dash flew up and over the mimic. Now behind it she kicked up at the lid, forcing it's mouth closed on the arms and tongue. The Mimic screamed in pain as it turned to face Rainbow Dash. “No pathetic Mimic is getting me.” Rainbow Dash taunted as she flew up out of reach of the monster. *** A thin wind blew along the waves of the black ocean. Twilight struggled to keep her head above the water, desperately searching for anything to hold on to. Again and again her head slipped beneath the chaotic waves, throwing her about and threatening to swallow her. With a cough and a gasp Twilight surfaced once more, she had to find something, anything, stable for refuge. Without warning another wave crashed over her, pulling her under once more. Twilight struggled, thrashing with her wings to fight to the surface, kicking with all her strength, desperate to get even a moment to breathe. With a start, Twilight felt something wrap around her hind hoof and drag her beneath the waves. Her chest burned as she felt herself drop deeper and deeper. Then, just as suddenly, she broke the surface and flew backwards, landing hard on a quiet golden beach. Twilight took stock of everything she could see, the golden sands, the black ocean, and the sun beating down on her from a dark sky. The sky was barely distinguishable from the ocean. Only when she looked at her hind hoof did she realize that whatever had pulled her from the water no longer held her. Twilight took what time she had at the moment to catch her breath and bask in the sun, pondering her situation. The air grew noticeably colder as she lay on the beach. She reasoned that the sun was simply going down, and opened her eyes to find some way to stay warm at night. What she found on opening her eyes was not dusk, but a dark sun that continued to dim as she watched. “No no no no no no.” Twilight repeated desperately as she continued to watch the vanishing sun. Without even the company of the sun, she was completely alone. Her only light to even see was the radiance of her own horn. Twilight sighed and slowly started to dig at the still warm sand. She could loosely cover herself to keep warm, but if that would help in the long run she had no idea. “Sorry, I'm still new this whole friend thing. Do you want to talk?” Came a familiar voice from behind Twilight. Twilight turned to see a fair young woman wearing a flowing golden dress that seemed to blend seamlessly into the sand. *** Rainbow Dash groaned as she rolled over, trying to get more comfortable. “Can't sleep the rest of the day, Rainbow Dash,” James said with a pleased lilt to his voice, “or rather, if you do you'll miss dinner.” Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes, “You promise there's food?” she asked, only partially joking. “Airi will be putting the finishing touches on dinner any minute now.” James assured her. “Of course, there's the matter of your modified body to address first.” As he spoke he tapped out a brief command on his omnitool. Rainbow Dash took in her surroundings, noting that the room was generally spherical with panels of something along the walls all the way to the top. “Try standing up.” James suggested. With a confused glance his way Rainbow Dash got her hooves beneath her and tried to stand. Instead, however, she shot towards the ceiling, colliding with it hard before ricocheting out of control into the wall only to do the same with another wall. She bounced only a couple more times before coming to a stop. “Sweet Celestia, what was that?!” Rainbow Dash practically shouted in shock before attempting to stand once more only to ricochet wildly again. “That's your own strength.” James commented, tapping his omnitool once more. “There, I've got the restriction active, you should be able to move normally now.” Cautiously, Rainbow Dash finally stood, only slightly disappointed that she didn't go flying off. “That was insane!” She happily said. “I'm even more awesome now!” “Hold on a second. The procedure is the easy part. You have to train to get used to your new strength, otherwise that inhibitor suit isn't coming off.” Rainbow Dash brushed off the comment and shook her head. “Please, I train all the time with the Bolts, I'll be out of this in no time.” “I thought the same myself when I was augmented.” James commented, “But this is training to hold back, not go all out. And it's a lot harder than it sounds.” Once again, Rainbow Dash waved him off. “Explain later, I need some food now.” “Alright,” James chuckled, “let's get to the ship and I'll explain on the way back.” “What part of “I need food now” are you not getting?” Rainbow Dash asked as she waited for James to let them out. *** “That was amazing Airi.” Twilight happily said as she sat on a nearby couch. “I think I ate too much.” Rainbow Dash moaned. Airi laughed at Rainbow Dash's comment. “Quite the compliments. I'm glad.” As she spoke she got comfortable on the couch herself. “Cooking's been a passion of mine for a long time. I remember being told that you can live anywhere if you can cook for yourself.” “Huh,” Applejack said, looking to the woman. “Granny Smith used to say the same thing.” “Smart woman.” Airi smirked, picking up a glass of wine as James poured out several. Taking a sip she smiled and reminisced. “It was actually Seto who encouraged me to start cooking.” “And I bet she was more than happy to follow your progress.” James joked, taking a drink of water for himself. “Come to think of it.” Airi idly commented, turning to Twilight. “You've spoken with her a few times, what do you think?” “She's a very nice woman,” Twilight uncomfortably said as she considered the question, “who teaches by throwing you in the deep end.” James laughed hard at the statement. “You can say that again.” As he finished laughing he shook his head. “The first trade agreement I made was basically under threat from her. I had no idea what I was working with, or the kind of people I was dealing with. Just told to close the deal with them or my deal was off.” “Clearly you made the deal, but what happened.” Rarity asked, taking a sip of her own wine. “Well, I panicked and started talking faster and faster until they were ready to sign anything just to get me to shut up.” James laughed. “That trade deal actually paved the way for that world to join the federation.” Airi said with a smile. “I just wish I had known what I had to work with.” James lamented. “She has a good feel for people.” Airi said, “Knew right away how to get you in line and set you up for success.” “Yeah, lucky me.” James said flatly, before letting his characteristic half smile show up. “It led you to this, so you can't really complain.” Airi said with a smirk. The idle conversation continued, turning to all manner of subjects as the evening turned to night. While drunkenness didn't rule the gathering, the wine continued to find it's way to those drinking, and in the morning everyone was slow to rise. While Rarity and Fluttershy had gone to their rooms (and Airi claiming James' bed,) the rest had stayed in the living room, sleeping where they had been talking only hours earlier. James sat on the couch, slumped over as Rainbow Dash lay with her head on his lap, a blanket bundled up beside them. Applejack slept on an armchair, her head on one arm rest, her legs over the other as her hat covered her face. Twilight lay on a small chaise lounge, her wings hanging limp over the side. And Pinkie lay flat on her back on the coffee table, the glasses having been long ago moved to safety. “All that, and they still couldn't handle hangovers.” Rainbow Dash complained as she slowly opened her eyes. “You didn't have that much.” James commented, gently stroking her mane. “Maybe you're just sensitive to red wine and it caused a migraine.” “Either way, it sucks.” She moaned as the blanket next to them moved. “Morning.” Starlight groggily said as she poked her head out from under the blanket. “How are you doing?” James asked, turning to her. “Let me get some tea and wake up. Then you can ask me.”