> Wallflower, Fireworks, and Other Things After Sunset > by Mind Jack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You can do this!" Sunset urged, rubbing Wallflower's shoulders. "Just do it like you did in training!" "But what if something that we didn't train for happens?" Wallflower worried. "This could go horribly wrong!" "Hey! Calm down. If that happens, just relate it to whatever the closest scenario is, and do the plan for that!" Wallflower took a deep breath. That made sense. She gave a determined nod, and stepped up to the counter. "Hi there!" the cashier greeted. There was silence. Awkward silence. Then more silence. She isn't asking me what I want or how she can help me! We didn't plan for this! Improvise! "One hot...dog…please!" She gave as big a grin as she could muster. The cashier stared at her. "Why do you look like you're secretly being held hostage?" This wasn't planned! What do I do? Panic! PICKUP LINE! "I...am! By you!" There was another minute of silence. "Here's your hot dog, ma'am." Wallflower sighed, took the hot dog, paid, and left.  "You did it!" Sunset cheered. "Using the pickup line could have gone either horribly wrong or horribly right, but you did it!" "I just embarrassed myself…" Wallflower muttered. "Wally, you're missing the point!" Sunset soothed. "You got the hot dog! The training worked!" I'd rather have your taco. Wallflower cringed. Even my internal monologue is creepy and awkward. "You gotta head out soon?" Sunset checked the time on her phone. "Yeah. Rainbow's expecting me to help get supplies for the party tomorrow night. Please tell me you're still coming." "I am," Wallflower said reluctantly. She gave Sunset a half smile. "I know you'd never let me get away with staying home." "That's my girl!" Sunset got Wallflower in a headlock, giving her a noogie.  The two hugged, and said their goodbyes. Wallflower gave a wistful look after Sunset. "I wish I could be your girl…" A voice spoke up from behind her. "Trouble winning over your bacon-haired beauty?" Wallflower turned, unable to believe she hadn't noticed Trixie coming. The blue-skinned girl was wearing a full, black tuxedo and top hat in the middle of a public mall. "How much did you hear?" "Trixie heard enough," Trixie assured. "You should be careful, trying to win her heart during these 'interaction lessons.' If you want to score, you need to head for the endzone, not the friendzone." Trixie wrapped an arm around her, grinning as she started guiding her towards a table in the food court. "But don't worry. With Trixie's help, your face will soon be firmly between those alluring yellow goalposts." Wallflower blinked several times. "I lost the metaphor. If being with Sunset is the endzone, then what are the goal— You know what, nevermind. Down that path lies madness. Either way, no. I remember what happened last time you tried to help me ask out Sunset. My teeth still hurt!" "How was Trixie supposed to know that clown was a former boxer?" Trixie argued with a stern frown. "Listen. Trixie really does have a foolproof plan this time!" Wallflower flopped into a seat at the table. "Won't help a fool like me then…" "The fool often has the king's ear, and sometimes beds the queen!"  Wallflower's brain was being slow cooked in her skull from all the effort it was going through to decipher the Trixie Talk.  "Trixie's plan isn't complicated. If you want to find the way to Sunset's heart, you need to talk to the ones closest to her." Wallflower blinked. "Her friends… the party!"  Trixie grinned. "Exactly!" It was a good plan. Rainbow had been planning this party for ages now. She'd pooled money with several others to rent a lakehouse for the night, and intended to put on a concert with her fellow Rainbooms. It'd be the perfect place to ask out Sunset, if she could get their advice. Only… "You're forgetting something." She glanced down at the hot dog in her hands, which was quickly growing cold. "I can barely order a hot dog. How am I supposed to ask for dating advice?" "They're your friends too!" Trixie reminded. "I'm sure they'll be fine with your natural weirdness. Plus, you're talking to me just fine." "Yeah, but you're just as weird as I am," Wallflower reminded. "Also, you forgot to speak in third person on that last sentence." Trixie's eyes widened, her face growing deadly serious. "Tell no one." She held the serious look for a few more seconds, then the two of them laughed. "I'll buy you lunch," Wallflower offered. "We can stay here while we plan who to ask and how." The next morning, Wallflower walked into the office of Canterlot High and sat down in front of the PA system.  Principal Celestia held up a finger, telling her to wait.  Her position as the one who read announcements had actually been Sunset's idea. It was actually kind of nice, being able to practice public speaking without having people stare at her. Not that the practice helped much.  But today, it would serve an actual purpose. Principal Celestia gave her a thumbs up.  Wallflower pushed the button on the intercom. She went through the usual spiel; reading off the day's lunch, giving updates on clubs, and warning the student body of a five-person pileup in the biology hallway, requiring a detour through a hole in the English classroom wall. From the corner of her eye, Wallflower watched Principal Celestia leave the office to go do whatever it was that principals did during the day. From where she sat near the door, Vice-Principal Luna peeked out to make sure Celestia had left the building, then gave Wallflower a thumbs up of her own. Wallflower nodded gratefully. She wasn't sure how Trixie had gotten the vice-principal to help with this plan, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. She pushed the intercom button again. "Rainbow Dash, to the office please. Rainbow Dash, to the office." The idea to call them one by one to the office had been Trixie's. It allowed Wallflower to ask her questions without humiliating herself by doing it in front of the rest of the student body.  Rainbow Dash poked her head into the office. She must have been in the middle of some kind of sport that Wallflower didn't know about, because her messy rainbow locks were soaked with sweat. "Someone wanted to see me?' Wallflower took a deep breath to steady herself. "Yeah. Come on in. Close the door." Luna conveniently found a reason to leave the room. Rainbow noticed the only nearby authority figure leave. "Do I owe somebody money or something?" she said with a chuckle. "Never took you for the mobster type."  "What? No!" This was not planned! It wasn't in the script! Rainbow, noticing panic approaching, nudged her with a wink. "Relax. I'm joking." Wallflower relaxed a little. "I… need your help." Rainbow's face suddenly grew serious. She leaned against the wall across from Wallflower. "I'm all ears." Wallflower thought out her words for a moment. In the end, she decided the blunt approach was the best. "I want to ask out Sunset, but I don't know how. Can you give me some advice? And… y'know, not tell anyone please?" Rainbow didn't say 'd'awwww' out loud, but her face said it loudly enough. "Well, I'm not exactly a Casanova type, but what the heck! I'm not gonna leave you hanging! Maybe gimme a little context though. Otherwise, my awesome advice won't be all that accurate. What do you like about her?" That was one subject that Wallflower could talk about for hours. "She's so sweet, nice, and caring! Sometimes she'll spend a long time just listening to me talk, not even giving me any weird looks! Then if I don't feel like talking, she never makes me. She likes all my little weird quirks, and always makes sure to actually notice me and make sure I'm okay. Plus, she's absolutely gorgeous! Eyes I could stare into for hours on end, a smile that just makes me think things will be okay, Trixie mentioned something about her legs being like goal posts…" Rainbow held up a hand to forestall her, barely managing to restrain a chuckle. "Alright, I get it." She took a moment to think. "Normally I'd just say to show her how awesome you are, but it sounds like Sunset already knows. You just have to show her you're interested." "How do I do that though!?" Wallflower asked desperately. "That's my biggest issue!" "Something unexpected," Rainbow pondered, scratching her chin. "I dunno exactly what. But something you wouldn't normally do. It has to be obvious. Sunset has a pretty thick skull." Wallflower produced a notebook and pen from her back pocket, making sure to write that down. "Thanks, Rainbow! You're a lifesaver!" Rainbow smirked. "No problem. I can tell you really like her. Lemme know if I can do anything to help." She ruffled Wallflower's hair on the way out. Surprisingly, Luna passed her back into the room, leading Rarity. The pale girl had a sheepish smile on her face. One side of her lovely, purple locks had been pressed down. "I caught this one with her ear against the wall, eavesdropping." Rarity gathered her dignity enough to huff indignantly. "I wasn't eavesdropping. I was gossipmongering. There's a difference." Wallflower's face turned red as a beet. "Y-you were listening in!?" "Not the important thing here, darling! What is important…" Wallflower had never seen anyone actually move faster than a human eye could see, but Rarity somehow managed it. Before she could blink, her face was filled by a massive, pearly-white grin. "YOU'RE PINING FOR SUNSET! Ohhh, my dear! If you're looking for romantic advice, you've come to the right place!" Wallflower was actually considering that this might be a good opportunity, but before she could agree, Rarity had looped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in with strength that should have been impossible for her slender arms. Wallflower tried to escape from what was quickly becoming an accidental headlock, but couldn't.  "Obvious and visible romance is an important part of any love confession. Candlelight, maybe on a boat out in the lake, just the two of you." "Rarity… air…" "Air! You are indeed correct. We must take advantage of every element in your love confession. Something in the sky. Fireworks maybe? Yes! You're friends with Trixie, are you not?" She received no response. She looked down in concern. "Wallflower, darling? Are you listening?" Wallflower had passed out from the impromptu sleeper hold, and was drooling on her arm. Rarity's grin went back to bashful as she noticed Luna glaring at her. "Hee hee… um… whoops?" She set Wallflower back down in her chair.  Luna's eyes narrowed.  Rarity wilted. "I'm getting detention, aren't I?" Wallflower awoke an indeterminate amount of time later. After a brief moment of looking around, she realized she was in the nurse's office. "Hey you! You're finally awake!" said a familiar voice. Twilight Sparkle stepped into view. The bespectacled, purple-skinned girl had her dark purple and pink hair up in a ponytail, under a nurse's cap. "You were trying to get dating advice from Rainbow Dash and walked right into an ambush from Rarity?" Wallflower nodded as she sat up, rubbing her sore head. "How long was I out?" "Only a few minutes," Twilight replied. "Rarity says she's sorry. She was too embarrassed to be here." Wallflower looked up at Twilight's nurse cap. "Why are you working in the nurse's office?" "What, I can't volunteer to help out the school?" Wallflower raised an eyebrow.  Twilight huffed. "The robot girlfriend I built for Spike gained sentience, and tried to take over the world. Principal Celestia thought treating everyone's injuries would be a better way to teach me a lesson than suspending me." There was a long moment of awkward silence, then, "Can you give me any advice for asking out Sunset?"  Twilight was a little like Wallflower, right? She should be able to have some good guidance for her. Twilight blinked. "Uhhh… I dunno." Her eyes zipped back and forth. "Uhhhh… maybe… stealth?" Now it was Wallflower's turn to blink. "Stealth?" "Yeah. Like it's… easier? Not as awkward when she isn't staring at you?" The two just stared at each other for a long moment. "I'm gonna go back to class," Wallflower decided. "Yeah. That's probably a good idea," Twilight said with a relieved sigh. "See you at the party." Wallflower rode to the party in the back of Trixie's van. "You got the stuff I asked for?" she said as she sifted through the piles of junk and magic supplies. A jack-in-the-box went off, causing her to yelp and fall backwards. "Trixie buys only the best fireworks!" Trixie replied eagerly. This stage of the plan had been somewhat hastily assembled. Luckily, Trixie hadn't even hesitated to agree to it as soon as Wallflower pitched it to her. Maybe that's why she's easy to talk to. She's as weird as I am.  They drove over a hill overlooking the lake. It was gorgeous, almost mirror-like in the dusk light. The party was slightly visible, with a glowing, outdoor bonfire outside a multi-story wooden lake house. A small crowd was gathered around the fire, while others were at the docks. A small stage was in the middle of being set up near the house. "Wow. What a beautiful sunset." "Maybe that's a good omen!" Trixie agreed, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.  Wallflower blushed, but smiled as she did so. "I hope so." They pulled up alongside a number of other cars and trucks. "You go find your bacon-haired beauty, and try to start phase one," Trixie instructed. "Trixie will park the van, and prepare stage two." Wallflower gave a determined nod as she hopped out. Stage one: Flirt with Sunset. I can do this. Sunset had been nothing but helpful with her social flubs ever since they became friends. Surely flirting with her would be far easier than it would be with anyone else.  She scanned the crowd and spotted Sunset near the stage, with Rainbow and Rarity. She had her back to Wallflower.  Her mind went back to what Rainbow had said. Unexpected but obvious… Maybe something like a hug from behind? Girls who like each other do that in movies, don't they? That thought encouraged her greatly. If there was one thing that Wallflower was good at, it was not being noticed. For the first time, she felt confident! Maybe she really could do this!  "I am so sorry." Wallflower and Sunset were in the lakehouse bathroom. Sunset was holding an ice pack over Wallflower's brand-new black eye.  "It's okay," Wallflower assured with an embarrassed blush. "I really should have expected a punch to the face after sneaking up on you like that." "It wasn't your fault!" Sunset admonished. "It was just an accident. The thought of trying to surprise me was nice, and I appreciate it." Even as ashamed as she was at her own failure, Wallflower couldn't help but smile.  "I have a bit more time before the show," Sunset continued. "How about we hang out for a little while? I saw some people roasting marshmallows on the bonfire." Wallflower's smile turned into a full-on beam. Maybe this would work out after all! "Sure! That sounds awesome!" Now she just had to figure out how to work this into stage 2.  Soon enough, the two of them were seated out in front of the bonfire, marshmallow-and-chocolate kebabs in hand. "I'm still a little surprised you wanted to come out here," Sunset remarked. "It doesn't really seem like your scene." "Honestly, I kinda hoped to spend most of my time here with you," Wallflower admitted. "Also, you have no idea how nice it is to have someone who cares enough to know what my scene is." "Awww. I'm sorry, I kinda got roped into the concert. But hey, I'll do my best to keep you company as much as possible." Wallflower suddenly found herself pulled into a hug. She had never smiled harder or wider. They sat there for a long time. Sometimes they would talk, and sometimes they would just sit quietly and enjoy each other's company. To Wallflower, both of them were perfect. Before long, she had her head resting on Sunset's chest. Eeeee! I can hear her heartbeat! Sunset smirked at her. "Don't tell me you're sleepy already?" Wallflower went beet red. "N-no! I'm fine!" I should take it easy. I haven't asked her out yet. Sunset checked her watch. "Wow! Time flies. I had better go get ready for the equipment check. Concert will be starting soon." Wallflower nodded. "Come see me when you can. Maybe between sets." Should I go for a kiss on the cheek or something? No. Not yet. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. Sunset left. As soon as she was out of earshot, one of the bushes stood up. "Whew. That was close. Trixie's back was getting sore from being curled up for so long." Wallflower let out a breath. "I knew you weren't a real bush! Your ghillie suit's leaves are too green. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Is phase two ready?" Trixie nodded through her faux foliage. "We're set up out on the dock." Trixie shed her ghillie suit as Wallflower followed along. Out on the dock was another girl, this one with deep red skin, short, messy yellow hair, and thick glasses. She wore tattered jeans and an old army jacket. She also looked incredibly impatient, and had one of the shiftiest looks about her that Wallflower had ever seen. "There you are! The display is set up. I just gotta light the fuse." Wallflower glanced at the large cart full of fireworks in every color of the rainbow, pointed in dozens of different directions. Her heart skipped a beat. But still, she had some misgivings. "Who are you?" Wallflower asked, frowning. "Trixie, did you let someone else in on the plan?" "Boomer is Trixie's supplier of fireworks," Trixie explained. "Trixie only works with the best." "Darn straight!" Boomer agreed with a wink. "You look twelve," Wallflower observed. "Thirteen!" Boomer corrected. "So we're waiting on the concert to start, right?" Trixie nodded. "Once it starts, Sunset will have a perfect view of it in the sky over the lake. Did anything go wrong making the display?" Boomer hesitated, but shook her head. "Nah. I even put in a few special ones for some extra bang. But it should still spell out 'Sunset, will you go out with me?'" "Nice!" Wallflower said with a grin, missing Trixie's concerned look. "Thanks, Boomer. You're the best illegal fireworks seller I've ever met. Also the only one. But still!" Boomer gave Trixie a raised eyebrow. "Is she wearing a wire or something?" Before she could reply, they were interrupted by the sound of guitar notes beginning to echo from the stage. Boomer immediately forgot the possible police investigation as she brightened. "Alright! Time to light these babies up!" She flicked a barbecue lighter, and set light to a thick bundle of fuses tied together at the base of the cart. The fuses burnt far faster than Wallflower expected, and things seemed to go wrong. The fireworks started to shake hard enough to rattle the entire cart. "Is that supposed to happen?" Wallflower asked worriedly.  She looked around. "Hey, where'd Trixie go?" After a moment, she spotted a tip of light-blue hair taking cover behind one of the docking posts. "Yeeeeesss…" Boomer crooned, her grin getting bigger. "YEEEEEEESSS! FLY MY PRETTIES!" BOOOOOOM! Wallflower's vision was full of bright lights, and all she could hear was a high-pitched ringing as the string of explosions sent her flying.  Thankfully, landing in the water put out any burning bits and she otherwise wasn't seriously injured. She gasped for air as she surfaced, then gasped again as she looked up at the display in the sky. The words looked exactly as she'd pictured them: 'Sunset Shimmer, will you go out with me?' with each letter being a different color. But while the words were as expected, the many pictures of Trixie's face that were dancing around them were certainly not. Trixie and Boomer helped Wallflower out of the water. Despite being on dry land, Wallflower's mouth still gaped like a fish. "What…? Why…?" Trixie glared at Boomer. "Did you use the fireworks from Trixie's last order!?" "Well yeah," Boomer said nonchalantly. "I told you, I used your favorites. The ones with your face. What's wrong? You wanted to ask this girl out so bad, but didn't want her knowing who you were?" "She wanted to ask out Sunset!" Trixie snapped, pointing at the shellshocked Wallflower.  "Ohhhh. Wow. That sucks." Boomer gave a nonchalant shrug. "You should have been clearer. I can set up again, but you still gotta pay me for both." "Erm…" All three of them turned, seeing Sunset Shimmer standing nearby, looking extremely uncomfortable. "Hey, Trixie. Uh… I'm really flattered..." Trixie's eyes widened. For the first time in her life, the magician seemed at a loss for words. "B-Buh… I… Gah!" "...but I'm interested in someone already."  Wallflower's heart dropped through her chest.  "So uh… yeah. Sorry. Hi Wallflower! I gotta get back, but come see me after the concert." Trixie was left still stuttering after Sunset left. Numbly, Wallflower sat down in the dirt, her wet clothes squelching. "She's interested in someone else…" Trixie tried to say something, but Wallflower wasn't listening. She wandered off towards the concert crowd, found a spot to sit down, and let herself blend in. She didn't want to be noticed right now. So of course she was rather shocked when someone sat down next to her. "Hey. You okay?" Wallflower glanced over at Sunset. "Aren't you supposed to be onstage?" "That's what I thought. But as soon as I got there, almost everyone was telling me to come see you." Wallflower blinked. Must have been Rainbow and Rarity. This is my chance. I should correct her about what happened. Shouldn't she? No. No maybe not. Sunset was interested in someone else already. Just pretend nothing is wrong. "Well, after getting blown up and half drowned, I appreciate the company." Sunset smiled sympathetically. "You look cold. C'mere. I'll help you warm up." Wallflower blinked. "But… I'm soaking wet." "Are you now?" Sunset said, barely restraining laughter. Wallflower didn't know what was so funny, but Sunset's laugh warmed her up even before she found herself pulled into a hug. Up on stage, the music started to play again. It was an oddly slow, soothing song for them.  Wallflower couldn't help but relax. Even if she couldn't be with Sunset, at least they could have moments like this. It would hurt, but maybe she could get over it.  Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Wallflower got a cold the next day, and apparently adrenaline had concealed some explosion-related injuries that warranted a hospital visit. Thankfully, neither was that bad, and she was able to go back to school on Monday.  Needless to say, she wasn't great physically. But emotionally she had at least reached the point that she no longer had to remind herself that everything would be okay.  As she approached Canterlot High, she was intercepted outside by Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Rarity was grinning like a maniac. "Did you do it? Did it work?" "Huh?" Wallflower was physically shaken out of her thoughts as Rarity grabbed her by the shoulders. "Oh. No." "NO!?" Rarity spoke in what was either confused gibberish or demonic tongues for several seconds. Then she fainted. Rainbow caught her, rolling her eyes and gently slapping her awake, before looking back at Wallflower. "What happened? She turn you down?" Wallflower told them what happened with Sunset turning down Trixie after the fireworks. "So she's interested in someone else. I care about her enough that I don't want to get in the way." Rainbow and Rarity shared a look. They seemed to communicate nonverbally for several seconds. At first they looked confused. Then Rarity had a look of realization, followed by Rainbow. Then they both facepalmed.  "Wallflower, you absolute dingus…" Rainbow groaned. "She likes YOU." Wallflower tilted her head. "But she said she was into someone else." "She said that to Trixie," Rarity corrected. "She must have thought Trixie had set up the fireworks." "How the heck you both had different misunderstandings about the same thing, I have no idea," Rainbow said with a sigh. Wallflower blinked. "Oh. Huh. Well, you two have a good day." They looked on in incomprehension as she just walked past them as if nothing had happened.  About twenty feet down the hall, she froze, her eyes shrank to pinpricks, and she started to tremble slightly. "S-Sunset… meant me? She likes me?" "There it is," Rainbow said with a smirk. Wallflower didn't hear her. Muscle memory brought her to her usual place in the office, for morning announcements. She felt like she'd just been blown up a second time. Sunset liked her back? Did Sunset know how she felt? What did she do now? There was still no way she could just ask her out. She would be an absolute mess. She had to get it perfect. Sunset deserved to have it be perfect. Her eyes fell upon the PA microphone in front of her, and Twilight's advice echoed in her head. "Covering my face…" Principal Celestia looked over at her, concerned. "Are you alright?" A steely look came over Wallflower's features. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." "I dunno, girls…" Sunset said, looking down. "You really think she likes me? I've been trying to act like I'm interested, but she's never said anything." Rainbow headbutted her desk in frustration. "That fireworks display wasn't from Trixie!" Rarity insisted. "Wallflower enlisted her help in making it!" Sunset chuckled. "Come on. Wallflower wouldn't do something like that." The PA system chimed. After a moment, a voice came over the speaker: "Sunset Shimmer. It's Wallflower. Will you go on a date with me?" Everything was quiet for a moment. Sunset's jaw dropped. "Oh. Huh. Maybe she would." "She just needed the right motivation," Rainbow said, laughing at the stunt Wallflower had pulled. It took a moment for Sunset to realize that the rest of the classroom was staring at her. "So, uh… What do I do now?" Rarity politely put a hand on her shoulder. Sunset flinched at her sudden iron grip. "Sunset, darling, I went to detention to help her ask you out. If you don't go to her right now and accept that date, I will go to prison." Sunset didn't need any further prompting. As soon as Rarity released her, she took off running. Cherilee was walking into the classroom just as she bolted past. "Sunset, where are you—?" "Bathroom!" Rarity said helpfully. "She'll be back quickly. Don't worry!" Cherilee normally wasn't easily intimidated, but something about the look in Rarity's eye made her gulp nervously and not ask questions.  They met each other in the hallway, near the front door. Wallflower couldn't help but notice that she was panting from her run over. "Yes!" Sunset said breathlessly. Wallflower blinked, not quite sure that this moment was real. "Yes… what?" She dearly hoped it was the obvious thing. Sunset gave a quiet laugh, putting a hand on Wallflower's shoulder. "Yes, I'll go out with you." There was silence for a solid ten seconds. Wallflower pumped her fists in the air. "Yes!" They leaned against the wall for a moment, letting Sunset catch her breath. "You actually set up an entire fireworks display for me. I can't believe it. I'm such an idiot. I can't imagine how you must have felt." "I also got blown up," Wallflower agreed. Something in Sunset's smile changed. Wallflower noticed. "What? What is it?" Sunset's face got a little closer to Wallflower's. "You know, you went through a lot of pain and trouble for all this. I think you deserve a little reward." "Reward? Well, getting you to be my girlfriend was kinda what I was going for the whole ti—" She was cut off by the softest, warmest thing she'd ever felt touching her lips. The only thought that managed to get through her brain before it completely short-circuited was "Oh. I'm being kissed."  They held the kiss for a good, long time. Wallflower suddenly felt like she was having a sugar rush as Sunset cupped her cheek, and both their eyes slid closed. Wallflower's leg popped up instinctively.  When the kiss broke, Wallflower gave a satisfied sigh. "That was nice." Then she fainted, falling to the floor in a heap. Sunset looked down at her in concern. "Wally? You okay?" There was really only one thing Wallflower could say when she woke up. "Best. Reason for losing consciousness. Ever."