Equestria Ninja Girls & Paw Patrol to the Rescue

by AmethystMajesty25

First published

The Rainbooms and their ninja friends go on a trip to Adventure Bay.

The Rainbooms got a band gig at Adventure Bay and they’re taking their ninja friends with them for an exciting, new, “pawesome” adventure. Along the way, they will rock out, meet some new friends, deal with some baddies, and rescue whoever needs help at Adventure Bay.

The shared TMNT/MLP universe is created by Wildcard25

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25 and jebens1

Quotes created by me and jebens1

Cover Art created by me

Disclaimer: Jeb and I do not own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Paw Patrol.

Pups Save The Ninjas

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On a bright, sunny morning, the Rainbooms’ tour bus drove around New York City until it arrived outside of April’s house where April, Casey, Zach, Caitlyn, and the Turtles in their trench coat disguises were waiting. Sunset opened the door and greeted them, “Good morning, everyone.”

The New Yorkers greeted the Rainbooms and the CMC as they went inside until Sunset closed the door to the bus and resumed driving.

“So, where are we going?” Caitlyn asked.

“We're going to Adventure Bay.” Pinkie smiled.

“Adventure Bay?” April asked.

“Where's that?” Leo added.

“According to the GPS, it's a town that neighbors Canterlot,” Twilight informed. “In fact, it's very close to Camp Everfree.”

“What's the occasion?” Casey asked.

“We're going to perform at a parade in a festival!” Pinkie exclaimed, holding up an invitation on her phone. “But it's not just any festival, it's a festival for Paw Patrol Day. And yes, it's dedicated to the heroes of Adventure Bay known as the Paw Patrol.”

“Who or what exactly is the Paw Patrol?” Raph asked.

Applejack answered, “Ah don't know. We have never heard of them before.”

“They must be pretty special if they've got a whole festival dedicated to them,” Donnie theorized.

Pinkie added, “And an award ceremony for them.”

“Well, we're not the only performers going to be there,” Rarity noted. “There might be other singers coming to Adventure Bay; like Countess Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, Maroon Star...”

“And Luke Stars!” The CMC squealed, showing a picture of him in a magazine.

“I love his songs!” Sweetie Belle gushed.

“Me too!” Apple Bloom added, all giddy. “My favorite's 'A Pup Like Me'.”

“I like 'You're My Perfect Friend',” Scootaloo said.

“Sounds great,” Raph remarked, dryly.

“I smell road trip!” Mikey cheered.

Then, Spike went inside the bag and popped out to give Twilight his ball, waiting for her to play catch with him.

“Spike, we'll play catch when we arrive at Adventure Bay.” Twilight answered.

Spike sighed, “Fine.”

While traveling on the road, the bus stopped suddenly and everyone was confused.

Raph asked, “Uh, why did we just stop in the middle of the road?”

“We're out of gas,” Sunset answered as everyone groaned in disappointment.

Then, Caitlyn noticed something outside, “Actually, we're in luck. Look.”

Everyone looked outside to see a gas station nearby as Sunset said, “Great, so who wants to push the bus to the gas station?”

The Ninjas and Allies pushed the bus to the nearest gas station while Rarity stayed and sat comfortably inside the bus. After the teens pushed the bus to the gas station, everyone went inside to the concession store while Mikey, Casey, Rainbow, and Zach were sneaking up behind a sleeping Raph inside the bus. Mikey sprayed some whip cream on Raph’s hand, Casey and Zach drew on his face with markers, while Rainbow used a feather to lure Raph. After a minute, Raph planted the whip cream from his hand onto his face, waking up with a “Aaahh!” The four smiled with glee and quickly exited the bus.

Raph saw his markered face in the bus mirror and chased after the pranksters, yelling, “You guys are SO dead!”

But after they had left, a figure emerged from a nearby river and walked up to the bus, whipping out a switchblade.

“Enjoy your ride, Tortugas and Rainbow Chicas,” the figure said. “For it will be your last!”

After the quick gas station stop and minutes of traveling down the road, the bus was halfway towards the Adventure Bay bridge. Spike sat sleeping next to Twilight, when his nose picked up something that woke him up. He hopped off the seat and began sniffing around until he found the source. A squirrel had found it's way into the bus and was munching on some popcorn Mikey had spilled earlier.

Spike growled and barked at the squirrel, which took off running with the dog chasing after it. The squirrel ran across Rarity's legs and Spike bumped into them, making her smear her lipstick. Rarity yelped then saw Spike chasing the squirrel. “Spike!”

The squirrel climbed over the seats and jumped off the CMC's magazine as they were sighing at Luke Stars pictures, then yelped when Spike jumped past, ripping the picture. They gasped and yelled, “Spike!”

Mikey was reading his comic book with Ice Cream Kitty when the squirrel and Spike pounced on his head, causing Ice Cream Kitty to cover Mikey's head

“Spike!” Mikey hollered.

Ice Cream Kitty angrily meowed, “Meow!”

April was listening to her music on her phone as the squirrel ran underneath her seat while Spike jumped onto her lap to continued his chase.

“Really Spike?” April asked.

Donnie was working on some plans for a new vehicle in his blueprint until the squirrel and Spike jumped onto his head, causing him to rip his blueprint through his head.

“Spike!” Donnie yelled.

Zach and Caitlyn were playing their games on their phones until the squirrel ran beneath their seat and Spike ruined their game by jumping across from Zach’s head to Caitlyn’s.

“Oh c'mon Spike?!” Caitlyn said.

“Dang it! Our match ended in a draw. Thanks a lot, dude.” Zach added.

Pinkie was ready to eat her piece of pie with frosting on top until the squirrel ran beneath her legs.

“Ooh, a squirrel.” Pinkie cheered until Spike jumped onto her head and her pie, causing the pieces of pie to splatter all over herself.

“Spike!” Pinkie shouted.

Casey was modifying his taser when Spike knocked into him, causing him to electrocute himself. “Spike!” He said, vibrating.

Applejack was strumming her bass until the squirrel and Spike leaped onto her hat, causing Applejack to break one of the strings of her bass.

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash was playing cards with Chompy when Spike raced by, ruining their game.

“Spike!” Rainbow yelled, angrily crossing her arms.

Leo was meditating until the squirrel and Spike jumped onto his seat, ruining his concentration.

“Huh?” Leo thought to himself, raising his eyebrow.

The squirrel leaped onto Fluttershy’s lap, causing Spike to stop.

“Spike? What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked.

Spike didn't answer and ignored her as the squirrel jumped onto Raph’s head. “What the?” He heard a growl and turned just as Spike jumped on his face. “Spike!” He muffled, stumbling out of his seat as Spike tried to get the squirrel.

“What's going on back there?” Sunset called, before Raph crashed into her, making her lose control of the bus. She shoved Raph off her. “Hang on everyone!” Sunset yelled as everyone in the bus screamed.

As the the bus arrived at the bridge, Sunset pumped the brake, but discovered to her shock and horror. “Brakes aren't working!”

The bus then drove straight towards the edge of the Adventure Bay Bridge.

“I got this!” Pinkie threw a large cupcake out the window in the bus’s path. The bus ran over it and it stuck to the back wheel, but stayed stuck to the road and stretched out.

Just as the front end went over the edge, the bus stopped and Sunset sighed. “Thanks, Pinkie!”

"Super sticky frosting, never leave home without it,” Pinkie stated.

Caitlyn asked, “So, how are we going to get out of here?”

“Everyone, stay here while my brothers and I will pull the bus from behind.” Leo said, and everyone agreed.

The Turtles exited the bus safely first. However, the bus suddenly fell and the Ninjas and Allies screamed. After that, the Turtles shot their grappling hooks on one of the ropes holding the bridge without the residents of Adventure Bay seeing their mutant forms.

“Hold on, brothers! Keep pulling!” Leo shouted.

“I'm trying!” Raph added.

But as the Turtles continued to struggle pulling the bus, they were being reeled up. The ropes tangling the bus and the ropes holding their grappling hooks snapped, yanking the Turtles before the four were tied together by the snapped rope and they're hanging over the bridge along with the Rainbooms inside the bus.

“Wow. Smooth plan you got there, Leo.” Donnie said as the rest of the Turtles frowned.

Meanwhile, in a boat just below them, the captain heard them screaming and looked up. “Oh my, that's not good. That's not good at all.” The boat captain said, adjusting his glasses. He then shouted, “Good morning! Looks like you're in a particularly precarious predicament.”

“Thanks for noticing that, Captain Obvious!" Raph shouted back.

"But we need help over here!” Pinkie called, popping her head out the window.

“Don't worry, I know just the team who can help you!” The boat captain stated and called the Paw Patrol.

Meanwhile at Adventure Bay, a young boy was playing frisbee with six different puppies until his phone started ringing.

“Ahoy Cap'n Turbot. What's up?”

Cap'n Turbot called, “Ryder, we got a bus dangling on the bridge. There's people inside there.”

“Don't worry Cap'n Turbot. No job is too big, no pup is too small,” Ryder stated and called his pups from his watch. “Paw Patrol to the Lookout!”

“Ryder needs us!” The six puppies answered in unison and ran towards the lookout.

While the Dalmatian was running towards the lookout, the frisbee was flying above him. He looked up until the Dalmatian tripped on a chew toy and landed on the frisbee. The Dalmatian screamed and the frisbee spun around, moving forward towards the lookout.

“Marshall, look out!” The pups warned him.

Marshall continued screaming while being spun around until he collided right into the other pups in the lookout, bowling them over into a heap.

“Welp, I guess I went out for a spin. Get it?” Marshall joked.

The puppies laughed as the elevator lifted them up to the top floor and they were all suited up into their suits inspired by everyday jobs, waiting for Ryder at the control room. The six puppies arrived at the control center and they stepped forward. The police pup shouted, “Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder, sir!”

“Thanks for hurrying, pups. A bus filled with people inside is dangling on the bridge, hanging by the ropes. Plus, four people are tangled by the ropes behind the bus as well. So for this mission I need, Chase. I need you to shut down the bridge and control the traffic.”

Chase vowed, “Chase is on the case!”

“Next is Zuma. I need you to keep the waterway clear.”

The brown pup barked, “Let's dive in!”

“Rubble, I need you to pull the ropes with the magnet from the crane of your vehicle.”

Rubble nodded, “Rubble on the double!”

“And Skye, in case the bus falls, I need you to catch it with the hook from your chopper.”

Skye replied, “This pup's gotta fly!”

“Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!”

Ryder and the Paw Patrol exited the lookout and went to their vehicles before heading out to the Adventure Bay Bridge.

Cap'n Turbot saw the pups coming and called back up to the Ninjas, Rainbooms, CMC, and Allies. “Don’t worry everyone! Help is on the way!”

“Help? What help?” Applejack asked.

Leo squinted his eyes and saw Ryder and the Paw Patrol coming. “I think the sailor meant that help.” He said, pointing to them.

Fluttershy gasped, “Are those… puppies?”

Spike popped his head out of the bag and said, “Wait, what?”

As they arrived, Ryder called his pups over the com-link, “Alright, pups. Let's work together out there.”

Chase pulled his vehicle over and barked, "Ruff, traffic cones!" It brought out safety cones, blocking the traffic. “Traffic's cleared.”

As for Zuma, he planted buoys on the water from his vehicle, circling around the dangling bus. “Waterway clear.”

Then, Rubble used the magnet on his crane and attached it to the bus.

“Chase, help Rubble pull the bus back up with your winch,” Ryder said.

“You got it, Ryder,” Chase barked “Ruff, winch!” His vehicle launched a cable that hooked onto the bus as he and Rubble began pulling the it back onto the bridge.

“Are we actually being rescued by puppies?” Donnie asked.

“Looks like it,” April said.

Ryder called Skye over the com-link, “Skye, help Chase and Rubble pull the bus from falling.”

“I'm on it, Ryder!” Skye flew in and helped as well by using the hook on her chopper while the Rainbooms saw Skye helping.

Rainbow said, “This is the weirdest rescue we've ever been in."

Skye, Rubble, and Chase moved the bus back on the bridge and the Ninjas were all safe. Soon the Turtles cut themselves free and the Rainbooms safely exited the bus.

“Is everyone okay?” Ryder asked.

Mikey replied, “We're good! Thanks for the save back there.”

The pups and Ryder gasped, seeing the Turtles exposed. Ryder asked, surprising him, “Whoa! You guys are actual turtles?"

The Turtles looked worried until Marshall said, “That's pawesome!”

Skye gasped when she saw the Rainbooms. “Oh my gosh! You're the Rainbooms! I'm a huge fan! I know all of your songs!"

“Uh, nice to meet you?” Rainbow said, a bit weirded out.

“Skye! The name's Skye!” The pup yipped and did a flip.

“Aww, you're so cute.” Fluttershy smiled and hugged Skye.

“Don't worry about our friend. She loves animals.” Sunset informed Skye.

Skye giggled, “I noticed.”

“So who are all of you?” Zach asked.

“I'm Ryder, and this is the Paw Patrol!” Ryder introduced, motioning to the pups. “Chase, Rocky, Marshall, Zuma, Rubble, and you already met Skye.”

“You're the Paw Patrol?” Rainbow asked.

“We sure are!” Rubble confirmed.

“Cool!” The CMC said.

Donnie whispered Twilight, “Wow. Those pups can really talk. I thought Spike and Lucky Shot were the only dogs who can do that.”

“Yeah. I thought so too,” Twilight replied.

“So, who are you guys?” Zuma asked.

“I'm Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo,” Leo introduced. “And those are our friends, April, Casey, Zach, and Caitlyn.”

“And this is my pet, Chompy.” Raph introduced the little, alien turtle to the Paw Patrol.

“I'm Apple Bloom,” Apple Bloom chimed in. “And these are my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.”

“I'm Sunset Shimmer,” Sunset added. “That's Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle.”

“And I'm Spike,” Spike hopped out of Twilight's bag.

“Nice to meet you all,” Ryder said.

“How did you all crash?” Rubble asked.

Raph blurted out, "It was all Spike's fault!" Pointing down at the dog. "He was chasing a squirrel then jumped on my face and made me crash into Sunset while she was driving!"

“He also ruined our magazine of Luke Stars!” Sweetie Belle held up the ripped book.

“Spike ruined my comic book!” Mikey held up the comic book with ice cream residue.

“He ruined my blueprint!” Donnie held up the ripped blueprint.

“He ruined our match!” Zach and Caitlyn answered in unison.

“He ruined my pie! And now it's covered in paw prints.” Pinkie frowned, holding up her ruined, delicious pie.

“The string of my bass is broken because of Spike.” Applejack held up her bass with its broken string.

“Spike ruined my game of goldfish with Chompy.” Rainbow answered.

“And I feel twitchy.” Casey said, feeling twitchy after being electrocuted.

Spike looked down in guilt. And to add to it, the squirrel hopped out of the bus and blew a raspberry at him before scurrying away.

“Other than that,” Sunset broke in, seeing how upset Spike looked. “The brakes weren't working.”

Rocky looked under the bus. “Well there's the problem, the brake line's been cut.”

“What?!” The girls asked in confusion.

“How is that possible?” Donnie asked.

“Ah checked it this morning,” Applejack said. “It was working fine.”

“Well don't worry, I can fix it,” Rocky stated.

“Hey, in the meantime why don't we show you around Adventure Bay,” Skye asked excitedly. “I mean if you want too?”

“I guess we could since we're here already,” Sunset said, and everyone agreed.

“Just let us grab our disguises first,” Leo added, as he and his brothers put on their trench coats and hats.

“Gotta remain incognito,” Mikey noted.

The Paw Patrol guided the Ninjas to Adventure Bay for a tour. However, a familiar mutant fish creature surfaced from the water. And he did not look happy. “My plan for revenge, foiled by those pesky perritos!” He growled. “But there are other ways to get rid of those annoying Turtles, Rainbooms, and perritos!”

Then he swam on and followed after the Ninjas.

Moto Pups & Ninjas Rescue The Runaway Farm Animals

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The Ninjas explored around the town of Adventure Bay with the Paw Patrol when they arrived at a cafe.

“And this is Mr Porter's cafe,” Rubble said.

“Sweet,” Mikey smiled.

From there, they unexpectedly saw their former band rivals turned good friends, the Color Strikes.

“Color Strikes?” Twilight said after seeing Belle Harmony.

Belle noticed Twilight and her friends, “Rainbooms?”

Twilight and Belle cheered, “What are you guys doing here?”

“We were just sightseeing around Adventure Bay. What about you and your band, the Color Strikes?” Sunset asked.

Lip Sinker answered, “We've been volunteered to set up the festival.”

Sunset nodded, “Oh, okay.”

The Paw Patrol were confused as Marshall asked, “Wait, you guys know each other?”

Caitlyn answered, “Yeah, it's a long story.”

Then, a man with a mustache, purple suit, and a purple top hat walked around with his kitty stroller with his pet kittens inside when he stopped, “Do you all mind, you're all standing in my way, please!”

Sunset answered, “Oh, um, sorry, mister…”

“Humdinger, Mayor of Foggy Bottom,” The man answered proudly.

Rainbow giggled, “Foggy Bottom?”

Mikey laughed as well, “Wow. That's the funniest town name I’ve ever heard of.” He resumed laughing until the Rainbooms, Color Strikes, and Ninjas laughed with him.

Mayor Humdinger frowned, “Very funny. So who are you guys?”

Rainbow answered, “Duh, we're the Rainbooms!”

Lip Sinker chimed in, “And we're the Color Strikes.”

“My name is Leonardo. And these are my brothers, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. As well as my friends, April, Casey, Zach, and Caitlyn.”

“Rain-booms? Color Strikes?” Mayor Humdinger laughed, “And you thought Foggy Bottom was a silly name! And Ninjas? Yeah right, you don't even look like Ninjas. You look like a bunch of crooks. Now, if you'll excuse me, I’m gonna go continue my walk with my kittens.” He pushed past the teens after that.

Phasioner commented, “Ugh! How rude!”

Rarity crossed her arms, “Well, I never!”

“How dare he called us crooks! We're not crooks!” Raph stated, crossing his arms.

Donnie pointed out, “To be fair, we are wearing trench coats, hats, and masks.” The rest of his brothers glared at him and Donnie continued, Just saying.”

“And his cats were the cutest little things!” Fluttershy gushed.

“Don't worry about Mayor Humdinger,” Ryder eased. "He's always like that."

Spike then noticed someone missing in the a cappella group, “Hey, where's Lucky Shot?”

“He's getting freshened up at this pet parlor,” Harmony explained, getting up. “I'm on my way there to get him right now.”

“And that's where we're headed next,” Ryder said to the group.

Soon, they arrived at the pet parlor. Just as Belle had said, Lucky Shot was there, sitting on a platform basket while a girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and dressed in a pink dress with magenta stripes, lilac leggings, and violet flats, was brushing his green fur.

Lucky then saw his owner, “Belle!” He jumped down and ran up to her.

“Wow, Lucky, you look great!” Belle commented, petting her dog.

“Yep, Katie here sure knows her stuff,” Lucky said, then he noticed the others, “Oh, hey guys.”

The owner of the pet parlor, Katie, saw them, “Ryder. Pups.”

“Hi, Katie,” they all greeted.

Katie saw the newcomers, “Oh, hello.” Then she got a good look at the Turtles, “Whoa! Are you guys, turtles?!”

Donnie answered, “Yeah, we get that a lot.”

Ryder announced, “Katie, I'd like to introduce you to our new friends from New York and Canterlot.”

Rubble introduced the Turtles, “That's Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey.”

Mikey greeted her, “What up.”

Rocky continued, “And that's April, Casey, Zach, and Caitlyn.”

Chase continued, “And this is Lip Sinker, Belle Harmony, Botanica, Hot Buns, Peach Cream, Pashionier, Color Kick, Lightning Crash, and Pinecone Shores.”

Lucky introduced himself, “And I'm Lucky Shot.”

“And I'm Spike.”

Kaite said, “Nice to meet you all.”

Skye spoke up, “Oh, and last but not least, their friends the-”

Katie gasped, “No way! The Rain-the Rain-the Rain…”

“Exactly! The…”

Katie interrupted Skye and cheered, “Rainbooms!”

“Hi there!” Pinkie waved her hand, but Katie fainted in front of them, but Ryder caught her after that.

Rocky informed the Rainbooms, “Did we mention that Katie's a big fan of you girls too?”

Rainbow replied, “I think we gathered that.”

“I think we better help her,” April stated.

“Right,” Ryder agreed. “Can any of you guys take the pups to the Lookout for me please?”

Fluttershy raised her hand, “I'll do it, Ryder.”

“Great. See you there.”

While Ryder helped Katie walk back to the pet parlor, Rubble asked Spike, “Hey Spike! Wanna come to the Lookout with us?”

Spike frowned, “No thanks. I'm good.”

“Oh c'mon Spike,” Mikey said, “You gotta at least spend some time with your new friends.”

Fluttershy chimed in, “He's right. This is a great opportunity for you to know them. And it might take your mind off of what happened earlier today.”

Spike sighed, “Okay, I'll go.”

“Yay!” Fluttershy cheered, softly. “So where is the Lookout that Ryder mentioned?”

Chase answered, “It's up ahead. We'll help you guide there.”

Fluttershy informed the Rainbooms, Color Strikes, and New Yorkers, “You guys go on ahead without me, I'm going with the Paw Patrol to the Lookout.”

“Sounds great. See you later Fluttershy,” Mikey said.

Fluttershy waved back at her friends and went to the Lookout with Spike, Lucky, and the Paw Patrol.

Meanwhile, at Farmer Al and Yumi’s farm, on top of the silo stood Fishface. He was watching the Ninjas through a telescope.

“I gotta figure out a way to get the Tortugas and Rainbow Chicas out of my way, if I hope to obtain my prize! But how?” Fishface wondered until he heard a series of animal noises and looked down at some farm animals in some pens. Then he smirked, getting an idea.

The animals were grazing and minding their own businesse, when Fishface jumped down in front of them and let out a shriek. The animals were spooked by his sharp fangs and took off running, smashing out of their pens and even crashed through the barn, freeing more animals, then all began stampeding toward Adventure Bay.

“What's going on there?”

A voice heard from the house caused Fishface to run off. From the farm house, Farmers Al and Yumi opened the door and saw all of the barn animals were missing.

“Oh no! All of the barn animals are gone! How did this happen?” The farmer panicked.

The farmer’s wife answered, “I don't know, but I'm going to call Ryder and the Paw Patrol right away.”

Coming from a distance were two puppies riding on motorcycles and another pup on the sidecar attached to one of the motorcycles.

“So what's the plan this time, Hubcap?” The female motor pup asked.

Hubcap answered, “I don't know, Gasket. I'm still scheming a plan. Just let me think until the Ruff-Ruff Pack…”

The cow mooed from a distance as Hubcap continued, “…moves forward to causing trouble in Adventure City.”

“Uh, did you just say "moo", boss?” The male motor pup questioned.

“No, I did not say moo, Dwayne. Only a cow would say that.”

Gasket looked behind her and saw a chicken standing on top of a cow running past the trio.

“You mean like that?” Gasket pointed.

“Yeah,” Hubcap nodded until he noticed a chicken riding on top of the cow. “Wait, why is the cow and chicken running on the road?”

Then, the Ruff-Ruff Pack heard rumbling noises on the road and a bunch of farm animals were stampeding down the road.

“Stampede!” Gasket shouted and the Ruff-Ruff Pack drove aside from the stampede of farm animals. The Ruff-Ruff Pack stopped and Dwayne asked, “Did we do that?!”

Gasket and Hubcap shrugged.

“I don’t know, but who cares,” Hubcap mischievously smiled, “Let's use that to cause some trouble again.”

“Ruff-Ruff Pack! Ruff-Ruff Pack!” The Ruff-Ruff Pack followed the runaway farm animals as Fishface looked on from the bushes.

Fishface chuckled, “Looks like I just got some scapegoats.”

Back at the Lookout, Ryder and Fluttershy were playing frisbee with the Paw Patrol except Spike. Skye noticed him sitting down on the grass with his head down and she decided to check on him.

“Hi Spike. Why the long face?” Skye asked.

Spike sighed, “I feel bad about what happened at the bus earlier. I let my instincts get in the way because of that squirrel and now all of my friends got mad at me because of my foolishness. I should've just stayed home and let Twilight's parents take care of me while my friends go out.”

Skye put her paw on his shoulder, “It's okay, Spike. We all make mistakes.”

Marshall ran by and chimed in, “Yeah, especially me, of course.”

Then, Ryder got a call from his pup-pad. “Excuse me for a moment, Fluttershy.” She nodded and Ryder picked up his pad and answered the call from Farmers Al and Yumi. “Hi Farmer Al and Yumi. What seems to be the problem?”

Farmer Al cried, “Ryder, our farm animals have gone missing!”

“Can you help us find them please?” Farmer Al pleaded.

Ryder replied, “Don't worry, Al and Yumi. We'll find your farm animals for you.”

Suddenly, Ryder got another call from a friend of his. “Excuse me one second,” Ryder answered another call. “Hey Wild and Danny. What's up?”

“Yo Ryder, Danny X was going to do this big trick on the road, but then all of a sudden, I saw a stampede of farm animals heading towards Adventure Bay and the Ruff-Ruff Pack is leading the charge.”

Farmer Al chimed in, “So that's where all of our farm animals went.”

Farmer Yumi requested, “Ryder, can you please rescue all of our farm animals before they cause a panic in Adventure Bay.”

“You got it, Yumi. We'll round up the farm animals for you. No job is too big, no pup is too small.” Ryder contacted the Paw Patrol. “Paw Patrol, to the Moto HQ.”

The Paw Patrol responded, “Ryder needs us!”

“C'mon Spike, let's go,” Marshall told him.

“Where are we going?” Spike asked.

Rocky answered, “To Moto HQ.”

“Moto HQ? You have another building?” Spike said.

Fluttershy requested, “Ryder, can the rest of my friends help too? They know how to help.”

“Sure thing, Fluttershy. We can use some extra help.”

“Yay!” Fluttershy cheered and called the rest of her friends from her phone.

As the pups all ran to the Moto HQ, Spike then saw a cat running alongside him who wore the same tag as the Paw Patrol. Spike asked, “Are you a member of the Paw Patrol?”

“Why yes I am. My name is Wild. What's your name?”


“Nice to meet you, Spike.”

As they all entered the entrance, Marshall tripped and went tumbling.

Spike noticed Marshall, “What the?”

Marshall collided into Spike and they both rolled right into Wild and the other pups, bowling them over into a heap.

“Now that was a fun trip.” Marshall joked and the rest of the Paw Patrol except Spike. Marshall told him, “See what I meant, Spike.”

Spike dryly replied, “Yeah...”

While the elevator lifted the pups up to the top floor, the Paw Patrol were all suit up and ready to go except for Spike where Fluttershy and Ryder waited at the Observatory Center of Moto HQ.

“The view from up here is amazing,” Fluttershy complimented. “You can see Adventure Bay from here.”

Ryder chuckled, “Thanks Fluttershy. Robo-pup and I built it as a secondary base.”

Fluttershy complimented, “Sweet.”

The Paw Patrol, Turtles, Rainbooms, Casey, and April arrived from the elevator and stepped forward while Spike looked on.

Chase called, “Paw Patrol ready for action. Ryder, sir.”

Rainbow chimed in, “Let us help too. It's the least we can do to repay you.”

Ryder nodded and called, “Thanks for hurrying, everyone. We got ourselves a stampede today,” Ryder pressed a button on his pup-pad. “And the Ruff-Ruff Pack is somehow leading the stampede of farm animals. Which means the Ruff-Ruff Pack could be causing trouble again. Sp for this mission, I'll deputize Chase.” He ordered Chase, “Chase, I need you to place traffic cones on the road to make sure no one gets hurt.”

“Chase is on the moto case!”

Ryder then requested, “Rocky, I need you to use your tools to repair the damages at Yumi's barn.”

“Green means moto go!”

“Skye, use your flying motorbike to do an aerial search of the missing farm animals.”

“This moto pup's gonna ride and fly!”

“And Wild, we'll need your super motorcycle skills to stop the Ruff-Ruff Pack from causing any more damage.”

“This cat's gotta run!”

“Alright, Paw Patrol is on a roll!” Ryder cheered as Rocky, Wild, and Skye joined him on the platform. The platform they were standing down lowered them down like an elevator to the basement where their motorcycles are located. From there, they all entered their own motorcycles, drove up the ramp, and landed safely on the road, heading towards Adventure Bay.

Leo announced, “Donnie, go help Rocky.”

“Roger,” Donnie acknowledged.

“Sunset, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow. I need you to help Skye find the missing farm animals.”

“You got it, Leo.” Rainbow gave him a thumbs-up while Applejack, Sunset, and Fluttershy nodded.

“The rest of us will get the civilians to safety. Let's go Ninjas, we got a city to save.”

The Ninjas followed Ryder and the Paw Patrol to Adventure Bay to help out.

Caitlyn, Zack, CMC, Color Strikes, Mayor Goodway and the rest of the citizens of Adventure Bay moved out of the way as the runaway farm animals were running all over the city.

Hubcap laughed, “Hahahaha! This is great!”

However, the celebration cut short for the Ruff-Ruff Pack as one of the horses bumped into the motorcycles, making them spun around until they were bumped into Danny X’s ramp. Plus, a bucket of red paint dropped on the Ruff-Ruff Pack from the ramp, making them covered in red paint.

Dwayne reacted, “Ugh, gross!”

“Oh great! Now we're covered in paint!” Hubcap said.

Gasket looked up ahead in worry, “Um, I don't think that's the least of our worries now…”

“What do you mean?” Hubcap wondered as Gasket pointed at the bull that was now charging at them. “Oh…”

The Ruff Ruff Pack drove away and screamed, “Aaaahhhhh!”

While the Allies were too busy saving the residents of Adventure Bay, Fishface sneakily went inside city hall and saw a golden key inside a display case.

“Ah, there it is.” Fishface smiled. “Just what I was looking for.” As Fishface was approaching the key, he heard Mayor Humdinger’s voice from outside.

“Quick! In here, kitties!”

Mayor Humdinger opened the door to city hall and let his pet kitties entered inside first before Humdinger. He closed the door and sighed in relief, “Phew! That was close.”

Then, his pet cats started to smell fish and walked forward until they ran into Fishface. He growled at them and the kitties jumped onto their owner.

“Kitties? What's the matter? There's nothing to be…” Mayor Humdinger turned around to see Fishface. “Afraid… of?”

Fishface shrieked at Mayor Humdinger and his kitties and they all ran away screaming. Fishface exited city hall and saw the Ninjas and Paw Patrol coming towards the city.

“Curses! I'll find another way to get that key!” Fishface vowed and fled from city hall, undetected.

Meanwhile, a train was heading towards the train station but a small herd of cows were in the way.

Skye informed Ryder, “Ryder, I found a small herd of cows at the train station and Mr. Hudson's train is heading towards them.”

“Leave this one to me y'all. Ah'll go rescue those cows,” Applejack contacted them as Sunset drove the bus towards the train station.

Ryder and Skye nodded. “Okay. Be careful out there,” Skye warned the Rainbooms.

After they arrived at the train station, the gurls got off and headed towards the train tracks where the cows were located. Mr. Hudson pulled the brakes on the train as Applejack ran towards the train to use her magical strength to stop the train while the rest of the girls helped the cows get off the train tracks. The train stopped and the small herd of cows were safe.

Applejack wiped the sweat off her forehead, “Phew. That was close.”

Mr. Hudson exited the train and asked, “Is everyone alright? I hope I didn't scare you all.”

Sunset informed him, “No, you didn't mister. The train stopped just in time for us to get the cows to safety.”

“C'mon, girls. Let's bring these cows back to Yumi’s barn,” Rainbow called the rest of the Rainbooms.

Meanwhile, Wild was looking for the Ruff-Ruff Pack until he saw them being chased by the bull.

“Ryder, this is Wild. I found the Ruff-Ruff Pack, but they're being chased by a bull. I'm going to rescue them.”

“Okay,” Ryder informed him. “Be careful out there.”

“I will,” Wild answered and went to rescue the Ruff-Ruff Pack.

While April was guiding the horses to safety, she saw the Ruff-Ruff Pack heading towards the forest while being chased by a bull. She raised her eyebrow, “I wonder where they're heading right now.” She tracked the Ruff-Ruff pack with her ESP and gasped, “They're heading towards a cliff,” She then called Leo, “Leo, the Ruff-Ruff Pack are heading towards the cliff!”

“What? But why?” Leo said.

April answered, “They’re blinded by the paint and they're being chased by a bull.”

“This is bad. I better call some backup to handle this,” Leo suggested.

Spike then noticed the Ruff-Ruff Pack as well along with Wild chasing after them. He thought to himself, “Hmm, this could be my chance to redeem myself. I gotta go follow them.” So, he decided to follow them on his own.

While the bull continued chasing after the Ruff-Ruff Pack, they were unexpectedly met with a log laying on the road.

“Dwayne, look out!” Gasket called him and Dwayne looked ahead.

However, it was too late and the Ruff-Ruff Pack hit the log and fell off their motorcycles. “WOAH!” The pup trio screamed.

They fell on the ground and the bikes were damaged. Hubcap asked, “Is everyone alright?”

“We're good, Hubcap!” Dwayne nodded.

Gasket wondered, “What about our bikes?”

Suddenly, the bull tossed the log out of the way and charged at them again.

“Forget about 'em! Run!” Hubcap shouted and the pups ran straight on paw while Spike followed the pups from the bushes, away from the bull.

Hubcap looked ahead and saw they were running straight toward a cliff. He dug his paws in the ground and quickly skidded to a stop. “Phew!” He sighed. However, Gasket bumped into him, followed by Dwayne, and all three of them fell, screaming off the edge.

Spike saw that and gasped. He ran over to cliff and looked down. Dwayne was clinging to a branch while Gasket and Hubcap were clinging to him.

“HELP!” They all cried.

“Hang on!” Spike called.

“What does it look like we're doing?!” Hubcap snapped.

Spike looked around before he spotted Wild and Applejack rushed over to them.

The cowgirl asked, “Spike, what are ya doing here?”

“I saw the Ruff-Ruff Pack! They accidentally fell off the cliff!” Spike answered.

“HELP!” The Ruff-Ruff Pack cried again.

Wild assured Applejack, “Don't worry, we'll rescue the Ruff-Ruff Pack.”

“Yeah, but who's going to rescue us from THAT?!” Spike panicked, pointing his paw at the incoming bull charging right at them.

Applejack stepped up, “Ah will. Go rescue those pups!” She tossed them her lasso, then cracked her knuckles, “Ah'll go take care of rounding up this mad bull.”

“Good thinking, AJ. Let's go, Wild!” Spike called him.

“Right!” Wild followed Spike to the cliff while Applejack charged right at the bull.

Spike tied one end of the lasso to Wild's motorcycle and the other end around his waist, then lowered himsel toward the branch where the Ruff-Ruff Pack were left hanging and held out his paws, “Quick! Grab on!” He said to Dwayne, only for Gasket and Hubcap to grab hold of his body and then Dwayne grabbed him last, squeezing him, “Not what I meant, but okay,” He called up to Wild Cat, “Wild, pull us up!”

“You got it, Spike!” Wild Cat backed up his motorcycle, slowly pulling Spike and the Ruff-Ruff Pack up and back onto the ground.

“We made it!” Hubcap cheered before he started kissing the ground.

Gasket sighed in relief, “We're safe!”

“You saved us! Thank you so much!” Dwayne hugged Spike.

“Don't mention it,” Spike said, feeling squished.

Then, the rest of the Ninjas and Paw Patrol arrived near the cliff where Ild, Spike, and the Ruff-Ruff Pack were located.

Twilight ran up to Spike and pulled him out of the pile. She said, “Spike, are you alright?”

Spike nodded, “Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for asking.”

“Where's the bull?” Marshall wondered until Applejack placed the bull on the ground with its legs tied up, in front of her friends.

Applejack said, “Ah already took care of it y'all! You're welcome.”

Ryder shook her hand, “Thanks for your help, AJ.”

“No problem, Ryder.” The cowgirl shook his hand back.

Raph walked up to the Ruff-Ruff Pack and questioned them, “As for you three, why did you let those animals loose? They could've gotten hurt!”

Dwayne answered, “Uh, no, we didn't.”

Everyone got confused, “Huh?”

“What do you mean you didn't set them loose?” Chase asked.

Hubcap answered, “Those farm animals were already running loose before we showed up.”

Gasket continued, “Someone else must have done it, cause it wasn't us.”

Dwayne added, “Huh? You know, I did smell something fishy when we past by there.”

“You mean something suspicious?” Mikey corrected the pup.

“No, I mean something smelled like fish.” Dwayne stated.

Hubcap scoffed, “Eh, who cares!”

Ryder’s pup-pad started ringing and answered it.

Rocky called, “Ryder! Donnie, Twilight, and I fixed the fence in Farmer Al’s barn.”

Donnie continued, “Plus, we found something interesting that you all might want to take a look at.”

“It's very important,” Twilight finished.

“Okay, we'll be right over. And thank you for fixing the fence.” Ryder told them. “C'mon everyone, let's head back and clean up the streets in Adventure Bay.”

The Ninjas and Pups agreed, “Right!”

Minutes later, while the CMC, Color Strikes, Casey, April, Caitlyn, and Zack were cleaning up the streets of Adventure Bay, the rest of the Turtles, Rainbooms, and the Paw Patrol arrived at Farmer Al and Yumi’s farm.

Farmer Yumi thanked the heroes, “Thank you for getting all of our farm animals back.”

The cowgirl tipped her hat, “You're very welcome.”

Ryder said, “Whenever your farm animals cause a stampede again, just yell for help.”

“Yo guys, did ya find something?” Mikey asked Rocky.

“Yeah, we sure did. It's right there by the fence.” Rocky answered.

The gang walked towards the fence and saw a footprint with the twig snapped on top.

Marshall said, “That is a strange footprint. Never seen anything like it.”

Chase called, “If this footprint was here earlier, then that means someone or something must've went here earlier. Dwayne was right all along. But, who would come here to scare all of these farm animals?”

Fluttershy raised her hand, “Maybe I can help.” She whistled to call the farm animals.

“Speaking of Dwayne, where is the rest of the Ruff-Ruff Pack anyway?” Wild asked until they heard the sounds of motorcycles.

The gang looked ahead to see the Ruff-Ruff Pack leaving the farm with their motorcycles.

“See you later, dweebs!” Hubcap shouted, laughing at the heroes.

“Why I oughta…!” Raph vented until Leo held his arm up, blocking his brother.

Leo informed him, “Let them go, Raph! I don't think this will be the last time we'll be seeing them again.”

Sunset chimed in, “He's right. Let's not worry about that and celebrate our victory with our new friends.”

“Alright, fine. If you say so,” Raph agreed.

Hiding from the bushes was Fishface again, watching the Ninjas and Paw Patrol celebrate together. Fishface walked away and growled, “My plans foiled again! I will take what I want from this town and those fools will not stand in my way!"