> Asriel Dreemurr, Prince of the Night > by Kayin Dreemurr > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was with great reluctance that Asriel stood there amongst the bed of golden flowers, watching as his new friend slowly departed. He gave Frisk a soft, sad smile and a gentle wave as they stopped at the gate leading back into the ruins and glanced back to him one final time. It has to be this way. Asriel reminded himself, even as his own heart ached for things to be different. He could feel it in the core of his very being. The magical energy from the Human and Monster SOULs was fading. It wouldn’t be long before he returned to the form he had spent so much time as. A Flower. A Soulless, heartless, empty Flower. He had a feeling that, at least for a time, he’d remember what it was like to have a conscience, a SOUL. To again have empathy, compassion, and to be able to feel any level of basic decency towards another person.  But he had no reason to believe that would remain true forever. And he was afraid of what might happen after that. Frisk had wanted to bring his parents down there, at least so they could have a chance to see him as he should be before he reverted back. But he knew that such would only leave them hurting when he became Flowey again.  Neither of them had any memory of him murdering them countless times. The only one who did remember was Sans, and perhaps Alphys had a feeling or idea. All anyone else had was the simple knowledge a check would give them. And that’s more than enough to tell them how dangerous Flowey can be. Even if they never learned the truth, he would always remember. And he, Asriel Dreemurr, not Flowey, would worry what might happen should Flowey ever decide to revert to his old ways. Of viewing the world as Kill or Be Killed. There’d be plenty of Humans on the surface to go after, and many of them wouldn’t suspect much from a seemingly innocent talking flower… No, it was too much of a risk. As much as he longed to reconnect with them, he couldn’t. Not as he was, and not as he was soon to be. As for what it meant for him? Well… he hadn’t thought quite that far ahead. For the moment, he was content to simply remain here and watch over the bed of flowers. The final resting place for his first friend. Kneeling down, he smiled and ran one hand through the flowers. It seemed that despite his long time as one, he hadn’t lost the appreciation his parents and his adoptive brother had for the beautiful blossoms. Asriel wasn’t quite sure how long he sat there, stroking the flowers and checking over many of them. But eventually, he felt a strange tingle travel through him, from the tips of his ears to the soles of his paws. At first, he thought it meant he was about to turn back into Flowey. He was expecting it after all. But he very quickly realized that wasn’t it. No, it was an instinct he’d developed as Flowey. To know when he wasn’t alone. Slowly, Asriel glanced up and saw a figure cloaked in black at the edge of the circle of light. He would have thought it was the shadows playing tricks on him, were it not for the skull and the bone-like hands he could see. There were no lights in sockets that he could see, which when combined with his hunched posture, gave off a rather haunting aura. On its own, that would have been unsettling. The fact that Asriel knew there were only two skeleton Monsters in the Underground, and the fact he had the strangest feeling that he had met this figure before, had his fur prickling and rippling with fear. “W-Who… w-who are you?” The figure didn’t give its name. Instead, it spread its arms wide, and from within the darkness of its sleeves, seven familiar colored shards of light came floating into view. T-Those, those are SOUL shards! Human SOUL shards! W-Where did this guy get them? Asriel thought as he gaped at the sight, which elicited a strange, almost static like chuckle in his mind. “Where is not important. What matters is what I can offer you.” Asriel glanced from the seven shards to the figure’s face. The smile it bore was simultaneously serene and creepy at the same time. Curiosity quickly welled up within him, and against his better judgement he asked, “W-What kind of offer?” The figure inclined its head towards the shards. “You long to remain as you are. You long for a second chance. You desire a chance to join them above. But you fear those with whom you wish to be with. You fear what they might think if they knew the truth. You fear your darker half could assert itself, and destroy what you hold dear.” The figure wasn’t wrong, so Asriel could only nod his head weakly. The figure’s smile widened, and it continued. “I am feeling generous today, and sympathize with your plight. I will offer you a deal which will give you some of what you desire, but will have a condition you may find hard to swallow.” Asriel didn’t like the sound of that. Still, the fragments of his SOUL quivered at the very idea of being able to remain himself and keep his compassion. “A-And the condition?” The figure just smiled wider, nearly enough it looked like the skull was cracking open like an egg. “I get to choose where you get your second chance.” That caught Asriel off guard, and he tilted his head a bit as he asked, “That’s it?” The figure nodded, and for a moment, Asriel’s eyes narrowed in suspicion as he asked again.  “Really, that’s it? That’s your condition?” “Yes. I get to decide where you wind up. It will be… an interesting experiment, to say the least.” Something told Asriel that such couldn’t possibly be the only condition. There had to be something else at play. He just needed to figure it out and- His entire being quivered, and he fell to all fours. He blinked, and his eyes went wide as he saw vines beginning to slowly crawl over his hands. “You should choose quickly, young Prince. My offer only stands while you are truly you.” Asriel’s head shot up, and he gazed at the seven glowing SOUL shards before him. In them he could see that which he wanted and longed for. Redemption. A second chance. The opportunity for his own happy ending. To not be a Flower again. His own words echoed in his mind as his mind raced. “I was so tired of being a Flower.” He really had been. And still was. As beautiful as flowers were, and as much as being one had kept him alive and made it possible for him to free the Underground with Frisk’s help… He wasn’t a flower. He was a Monster, a goat. A kind, loving, caring, compassionate child. A voice in his head whispered he was making a mistake. A voice full of cynicism and selfishness, dripping with venom. It was a voice he hated, and wished to never hear again. Flowey’s voice. That made the choice for him. He didn’t hesitate as he reached out for the shards and the figure. He heard that staticy chuckle echo in his mind as the figure lifted its hands, palms facing towards Asriel. Within an instant, the seven shards surged forward, joining into Asriel and fusing with his being. A strange sense of familiarity with all of them was brushed aside by a rush of energy that overwhelmed the young Prince. He cried out as the strange sensation of the shards fusing and drawing together the fragments of his own SOUL drowned out everything around him. Which meant he couldn’t hear whatever it was the figure said to him, nor do anything to stop the inky black void that promptly swallowed him whole. -*- It was a crisp, clear, cloudless night over Canterlot, something that many of its citizens were taking the time to enjoy given the summer heat still lingering despite the sun setting a few hours prior.  For some, it was a bit of relaxation or merriment before they called it a day. Others were just waking up, and preparing to head off to one of the many places that operated through the night. A handful were the collection of Nobles who called the city home, making for the many venues that sought to cater to their ‘higher taste’. For two ponies however, all of this was far removed from their minds. Only the comforting presence of the other mattered as they lay beside a tall pine tree, its highest branches poking out of a large opening in the ceiling of the cave it resided in. Though their thoughts were on each other, their gaze was turned skyward. One had their horn aglow, eyes narrowed in concentration as slowly little pin-pricks of light in the vast night sky twinkled and faded. The other watched, her eyes bright and dazzling as moisture glistened at the edges as a wide smile spread across her muzzle. Letting out a breath, the glow around the former’s horn faded as a tired but proud smile gleamed in the moonlight. “Another week, two at most, and the night sky shall become a canvass for me to paint upon to my heart's content.” “And I look forward to that day with each bit of progress you make my dear Sister.” Luna blushed and squirmed a bit at Celestia’s words. After so long corrupted by the Nightmare and imprisoned in her Moon, the thought of hearing praise from her beloved Sister still seemed somewhat alien. Yet she drank in every bit of it as she felt Celestia drape a wing over her, reciprocating with a nuzzle into her Sister’s neck. “Just as I look forward to all of my powers being restored, and fully taking my place by your side once again.” Luna remarked as she gave Celestia’s snoot a playful boop. “Though I do think it’ll do me good to know you’ve gotten some rest by the time that day comes.” She ignored Celestia’s attempt at mock outrage, giving her side a poke with a hoof. “Don’t think I haven’t been informed you’ve been doing naught but taking the occasional cat nap between your duties dear Sister. Alicorns we may be, but your schedule remains much fuller and you need your rest. And I can see the bags starting to form under your eyes.” Celestia let out a sigh of defeat, pouting a bit as she replied, “It is only because I wish to spend as much time with you as I can Luna. We have a thousand years of lost time to make up for.” “And we will Celly, we will.” Luna said softly, hugging Celestia close. “But there will still be times when both of us will need our beauty-rest. And we neither want nor need you having a crash while out flying or falling asleep during day court do we?” Luna watched with narrowed eyes as she seemed to consider both of those. “Mhm, the former I suppose not, but the latter might be worth it if it's one of the more bothersome nobles…” Celestia let out a soft nicker at the look that got from Luna, whose glare melted a bit as she said, “Please dear, that’ll just offend them. If we’re going to upset the nobility, let’s at least make sure it is in a fashion that’ll keep our little ponies talking for years to come.” “On that, I think we can both agree.” Celestia said, slowly getting to her hooves with a sigh and a nod. “Very well Lulu, I’ll go get some shut eye. Feel free to enjoy my- no, our private retreat whenever you want.” Luna returned the nod with one of her own. “I’ll be sure to do so Celly. In fact, I think I’ll linger here a while before returning to the palace. I do need to do some more reading tonight after all.” Thankfully, I enjoy reading no matter the topic. Luna thought to herself as she bid her Sister goodnight, Celestia vanishing in a flash of golden light. She then sighed and shook her head, relaxing and simply letting her eyes drink in her beautiful night. “Mhm, dear sweet Sister. I have missed you so, but you are getting a bit clingy.” She muttered to herself, chuckling a bit. “Understandable, but I would like some time to myself every so often.” Especially seeing as all the attention keeps reminding me of how much time with each other we lost because of my jealousy. She knew her Sister had already forgiven her, but she knew it was going to be a long time before she forgave herself. After all, her Sister had gone a thousand years alone with no one truly akin to family to confide in… While for her, swallowed up by darkness as she had been, the passage of time had felt much more akin to a long sleep. One where she stewed in her envy, jealousy, and hate of course. Something she knew Celestia had hated and felt just as much regret for, and only made things worse for herself. She groaned, placing her hooves over her eyes. Celestia had told her not to dwell on such things, but that was easier said than done. How could one not think of such things when nearly every moment served as a reminder? She wanted her Sister to give her some space and not be so clingy, but at the same time she knew how much Celly had missed her.and so felt bad about doing anything that’d limit such time together. And having to play catch up with history, culture, science, law, and even magic just reminded her all of she missed. Even if it was necessary, it was a constant reminder. What a lovely loop. Feels rather familiar… Cursed if I do, cursed if I don’t. She thought sardonically as she pulled her hooves away. She instead closed her eyes and listened to the soft sound of the wind as it blew through the branches of the tall pine, and over the snowy slopes of Mt. Canterlot. I wish I had something to distract me from all of this. It was a silly thought, an idle one borne from worries, regrets, and a desire not to deal with the burden she bore. But, at least for a brief time, she was able to clear her mind of such cyclical thinking. She was able to simply rest, relax, and let it all just… Float away. Luna might have kept on like that for a good hour or two more. After all, she knew several speed reading techniques and a few spells that could come in handy. Which meant she had plenty of time to work with. This meant that when she suddenly felt a strange, dark presence within the private retreat… She was put in a rather sour and combative mood. “Who, or whatever you are, you best have a good reason for intruding on this sanctuary.” She growled, horn wrapped in her magic as she whirled onto her hooves. A dozen different spells flashing through her mind as she readied herself for whatever the intruder might throw at her. There had been no clue in her mind for what to expect when she saw the intruder. All she had to go on was the dark aura they gave off. So, needless to say, when she saw a smiling skull and bone-like hands attached to a shifting, inky black mass, she was at least a little surprised. “Not what you were expecting, your highness?” Hearing the voice in her head was unnerving. It was like hearing static from one of those newfangled radios that Inkwell, Celestia’s assistant, had shown her. It only added to the oddity of the entity’s presence, and had her doubling her mental defenses. The entity’s smile simply grew. “Then I suspect you aren’t expecting this either.” Spreading its arms, the inky black of its body rippled, and a moment later, another creature came tumbling out. The creature would have collapsed in a heap before her, had Luna not caught them with her magic. She had a brief window of time to give the creature a once over. Bipedal, covered in fur but wearing clothing. Reminded her somewhat of a bunny, but the muzzle didn’t fit any rabbits she knew of. Perhaps a goat? “You and this child are alike, your highness. You both share a similar burden. Mistakes of the past that you have not, will not, or simply cannot let go of.” The entity remarked, drawing her attention back to it.  “And he, like you, desired a chance for redemption, a second chance at life. I bring him here, so that he may have that chance. I bring him to you, so that you can help him heal, that he may in turn, bring you what you need in turn. I place him under your care, for I know the affinity you have for children, and I believe that you, and you alone, have the tools and talents to help him.” It gave her a soft bow, its smile threatening to split its head in two. “And I would suggest you tend to him sooner, rather than later. The fusing of SOULs and the trip here have left him rather… drained.” Luna wanted to say something, to ask any number of questions. His words in her head however had caught her off guard, and before she could so much as utter a query, or even a confused protest, the entity simply chuckled, and faded out of view. She stared and blinked several times, her mouth flapped a few times as she again tried to find words, and for this brief moment at least, found none. A strange, dark skeletal entity had appeared before her. Gave her a child it claimed was like her, told her to take care of said child. And then left. This sudden, rapid series of events left Luna with one thought above all others front and center in her mind. In the future, she needed to be more careful what she wished for. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a full three minutes since the strange entity had vanished, leaving her to hold in her  hoof a child of unknown species and origin. One whom, if she was to trust the words of the entity in question, shared a desire for a second chance and to redeem themselves for a past mistake. Were it not for the fact she could very much feel the weight of the creature in her arms, light as they were, she thought she imagined the whole thing. She was snapped out of her stupor when she felt the child shift a bit in her grip, followed by an exhausted groan. She glanced down at the creature, reminded now of what the strange entity had said. Fusing of Souls and the trip here have left him drained… let’s see what it meant by that. Even if she had missed over a thousand years of magical research and progress, Luna still had a veritable array of spells at her disposal. She settled on a basic diagnosis spell, figuring it would tell her enough to start. And it did. But once more, she was taken by surprise. All creatures in Equinica possessed magic in some shape or form, be it active or passive. Magic was innate to all life, intrinsic even. But for most creatures, their bodies were made up of matter for the most part. At the furthest extremes, like herself and her Sister, their bodies were made up of equal parts matter and magic. But this child… Unless her magic was failing her, this child was made up primarily of magic. Physical matter made up only about a tenth of his form. If they were to cease to exist, they might very well crumble to naught but dust! And, judging by how low their magic reserves were, such a fate was a very real possibility! Luna’s mind raced, endless questions forming in her mind. But she knew they had to wait. For now, she needed to act, and act fast! As little as she knew about this creature, she did know what the simple answer to extreme magical fatigue or drain was. The infusion of magic from one creature to another. And it was something she could easily do, but she needed to be careful. Given the vast power and magical reserves she had, if she didn’t maintain enough control, the child’s own mana pool could get overwhelmed. I have not done something like this in a long time. Not since the campaign against Sombra in the Frozen North. A part of her was worried, and wondered if she should not just take the child to the infirmary first. But… I don’t know how long they can stay like this, nor do I know how they’d fare with a teleport spell in this weakened state. With that in mind, she brought her horn to his chest, where what little magic they had left was clinging to. After gathering a sufficient amount, she let it seep out of her horn and into the child's mana pool.  Luna did this a few more times, running the scan over them each time to see how she was doing. Their magic hadn’t tried to latch onto and suck a great deal more down, which was good. But the magic she had given seemed to have remained more centered around the core of their magic. She was still worried about the child's condition, but she got the impression that her efforts had staved off the absolute worst. Which meant at the very least, she should be able to fly him to the infirmary. “Wish you’d wake up enough to ride on my back…” Luna murmured aloud, shaking her head as she lifted off the ground with a flap of her wings. She felt the child shift a bit in her arms, not enough to fall loose, but noticeable. With a slight hum, she moved both her hooves a bit so she could cradle the child as she flew, ensuring that short of her taking a tumble, she wasn’t going to drop them. “Hang on.” She whispered to the child. Whether they could hear her or not, or understand her mattered little as she took flight, soaring up and out of the cave that sheltered their private retreat before banking right and racing through the skies towards the Royal Palace. Luna had only been free of her banishment for the better part of a month, but already she had made a point of memorizing the layout of the Palace, and much of the city of Canterlot beyond its walls. While she wasn’t as intimately familiar with both as she had been in their old palace, she knew where everything important was in the former, and large chunks of the latter. Royal Infirmary is in the Eastern tower near the Palace Core. There should be somepony there who can help. And if not, well, somepony who’ll know who to go fetch. It was a straight flight over the skies of Canterlot, and before long she was drifting through one of the large windows of the Infirmary. The lights in the ward were all off, as nopony was here being tended to. But light was coming from an office nearby, which Luna promptly beelined for after setting the child on one of the available beds.  This of course, earned a startled yelp from the Unicorn mare who was seated at the desk as Luna practically slammed the door open with her magic. “P-Princess Luna!” The mare quickly rushed from behind the desk and bowed low. To her credit, she was only shaking a little bit in her presence. Normally, that would have bothered her, but at the moment, she had more pressing concerns. “Pray forgive this sudden intrusion Dr…” Luna glanced at the name currently on the desk plaque, “Mendheart is it?” At the mare’s nod, she smiled. “Good. I’ve got an emergency case of magical exhaustion from a young creature I’ve no knowledge of, and could use your assistance tending to them while I go rouse my Sister. Think you could do that?” Dr. Mendheart blinked a few times, then gave a nervous nod of her head. “Y-Yes? I-I think I can manage that?” Luna beamed at that and quickly strode out of the office, leading the still rather surprised Doctor over to the child. Dr. Mendheart blinked when she saw the child, whom Luna had laid on their back and was breathing exceptionally slowly. “May I presume from your reaction you are not any more familiar with what this child is than I am?” Dr. Mendheart nodded as she began running a number of medical spells over the child. She blinked again, shaking her head in bewilderment before giving a reply. “You may presume correctly. I’ve never encountered a creature like this. Just where did you find them?” “A strange entity appeared from nowhere and bequeathed their well being to me, then vanished.” Luna explained, figuring that with the strangeness of the situation, there was no point to keeping such from the doctor. “Which is at least half the reason I must inform my Sister.”  The only response that could really be given was a shocked look and a brief waggling of her jaw, but Dr. Mendheart quickly returned her attention to the child. “Well, you are right, this creature is suffering from magical exhaustion. Pretty bad case, I’ll need to rouse a few staff so I can ready a treatment for them that won’t make their condition worse.” “How long will that take?” Luna asked with a frown, and Dr. Mendheart tapped a hoof to her chin. “Half an hour at most? We’ve got the tools needed here, but I want some second opinions from some of my staff and it’ll be faster to set up with additional hooves. Most of the Infirmary staff have quarters nearby, so it shouldn’t take long.” She smiled as she looked at the Princess, whose attention was on the creature in the bed, his chest still slowly rising and falling. “There’s usually a member of the guard patrolling nearby. I could send them to fetch Princess Celestia while you remain here to watch over the child.” Luna nodded. “I would appreciate that. As strange as this all is… I would feel remiss if I did not stay by the child’s side, at least until their condition improved.”  Dr. Mendheart gave an understanding nod, then dashed out into the hall. Luna had to wince a bit when she heard a few shouts from the Mare and some rather loud rappings on nearby doors, but her attention quickly returned to the child now laying on the bed before her. Hesitantly, she trotted over to the side and sat down, gazing at the child as concern and a desire for answers raged in her mind. Just what, and who are you? And what could have happened to a child for us to share a desire for a second chance? Luna did not have to wait long for several more nurses and another doctor to come into the room, soon followed by Dr. Mendheart. Gently, they urged her back a bit as they all began casting various medical spells and talking amongst themselves. Luna was able to follow the conversation, at least to a point, but the general consensus she gleaned was that they would be able to stabilize the child’s magic so he could recover and, hopefully, awaken within a day. She let out a sigh of relief at that news, just as the doors opened and her Sister strode in, a curious and worried look on her face. Not one to waste time, Luna strode over and quickly explained everything to Celestia. The strange figure, his words, what he had looked like, and what she had felt coming off from his aura. Celestia directed her gaze to the child for a moment, her brow furrowing. Her gaze lingered, and seemed to grow in intensity, enough so that Luna felt the need to ask, “Sister? Is something wrong?” She had to give Celestia a slight nudge, which caused her Sister to shake her head and turn her gaze to Luna. “I… do not know. There is something strange about this child. Though, if what the entity said is true, perhaps what I sense is tied to that.” Luna glanced at the child, and quirked an eyebrow up at Celestia’s words. “Are you using a spell to see something I cannot?” Her query stirred a soft nicker out of Celestia before she answered. “No, it is just my intuition after all these years telling me there is much more to this child then meets the eye.” She smiled and gave Luna a nuzzle as she added, “Have no fear dear Sister, I do not think this child is something to cause us undue worry. And I share your concern for the child’s wellbeing.” Luna couldn’t deny that. There was already a great deal she wanted to know from this child. Though getting the answers to such would have to wait til they had recovered. “I can say though, without any doubt- that I have never met a creature like this.” Celestia remarked as she let her gaze drift back to the child, who was now getting the magical equivalent of an IV situated. “And as for the entity, I have no recollection of something like it.” Luna watched as her Sister stretched and let out a small yawn, her wings fluttering. “But I can begin searching the Royal Archives tomorrow after a good night’s rest.” “Finally realized you were more tired than you thought?” Celestia simply shot Luna a bit of a glare, and stuck her tongue out when she was sure nopony else was looking. Luna nickered shortly before her eyes returned to the child on the bed as well. “They’ll be alright. I’m sure of it.” Celestia said, giving a nuzzle before moving to depart. She paused though, and glanced back to Luna as she remarked, “Why don’t you go fetch your books? No reason you can’t remain to watch over the child and continue your studies at the same time.” Luna blinked, then smiled. Such would prove a pleasant distraction from her concern and curiosity alike. And she needed to make progress on such at any rate so she could have more time to spend with her Sister, and attend to the duties she longed to take on. “That’s not a bad idea. I believe I shall.” Luna turned to Dr. Mendheart, who was now overseeing things as they seemed to be finishing up. “I will return shortly. Please take good care of the child until then.” Dr. Mendheart gave a distracted nod, and Luna popped off to her quarters with a quick teleport. It took all of five minutes to gather up the books and scrolls her Sister had assigned, which she happily placed inside her personal saddlebags. Another minute later, she was back in the Infirmary, which now held only Dr. Mendheart, a Pegasus nurse, and the child. “Their condition is already improving, and their body is happily taking to the magic we are feeding them.” Dr. Mendheart passed along to Luna as the Princess got herself situated right next to the strange child’s bed.  “We don’t know how long it’ll take for him to recover one hundred percent, given we’ve never seen a creature like him, but if he continues at this rate, he should be stable within a few hours.” “Good. I’ll be here keeping an eye on him as well. Anything I should alert you for?” Luna asked, but Dr. Mendheart shook her head. The doctor had already cast a spell over them to let her know the instant his condition began to change drastically, and she was going to remain nearby in her office. Luna gave an appreciative nod. “Thank you, Dr. Mendheart. You have my most sincere gratitude.” The good doctor smiled pleasantly, giving a bow of her head before making for her office. The nurse likewise gave a bow, then turned and left the infirmary. Aside from a soft smile and an incline of her head however, Luna didn’t pay them much mind. Instead, she leaned over the bed and gave a soft nuzzle to the child, his breathing now steady and deep. “Do not fear young one. You are in good hooves.” Luna said with a gentle smile, before picking up one of the scrolls and unfurling it as her eyes began to quickly scan over the lines. With luck, the child would awaken before it was time for her to turn in for the day. -*- The darkness had surrounded him, and every one of his senses had seemed to shut off. There was no way to tell if he was awake or dreaming. No means to know if he was floating, falling, laying on the ground, or if he even still had a physical form. He couldn’t tell if he had returned to being a flower, or if he was now just nothing but an echo of a spirit left in some strange state of limbo. He was able to think, so that had to mean he was still existing. And he could remember what had happened before the darkness swallowed him up. A rush of energy, a sensation of being torn apart while also having every piece of him shoved together to fuse into a single whole… But now, there was simply… nothing.  No… there can’t be nothing. Asriel thought to himself as he once again felt a familiar sensation deep within his very being. Even now, after all he had dealt with, the DETERMINATION that coursed through him would deny whatever this was, would scream in defiance at this emptiness surrounding him. As if in answer to that, Asriel felt something. It was brief, and almost feather-like, but he could feel something. A touch, but then the emptiness returned. He called out, reached out with all that he had left of himself, and again, the young Prince felt something. A cool breeze, one that brought with it a gleam of silvery light up above that bathed him in a soft warmth. An object was now visible to him in this endless void of nothingness, round and glowing brightly with dimmer spots here and there across its surface. That’s not the sun, I… I remember what the sun felt like when I… When I took Chara up to the surface. The memory of that day briefly derailed his attempt to discern what the object could be, as phantom feelings of pain rippled through his body and a long faded ring echoed through his ears. Shaking his head, he pushed that memory aside and focused on the object. It was in the sky, its light was bright and soothing, and it gave off a cool feeling. The Moon. That’s what it is. I remember Chara telling me about it. And reading it in a few of those astronomy books Alphys had recovered. Did that mean he was on the surface? He was pretty sure there wasn’t anywhere on the surface that resembled an empty void. Was this then a dream of some kind, or a place between the waking world and dreamland? Asriel wasn’t sure, but he felt more of that gentle coolness seeping into him, and following in its wake was a warmth that felt familiar and yet different. He couldn’t quite place it, but didn’t have long to ponder it as he felt his paws settle on something. Were it not for the strange emptiness of this place and the uncertainty of whether he was conscious or asleep, he might have latched onto the fact he could feel his paws and ears. As it was, what had his focus now was a soft tugging sensation that was coming from the moon high above. It almost felt like the moon was calling out to him, enticing him to come closer. The idea of running towards the moon seemed a bit crazy at first thought. But he could feel the DETERMINATION in him urging him towards it. And as its gentle light shone down upon him, he could almost swear he saw a curving path leading up towards it. What do I have to lose? Asriel found himself thinking as he took a one step forward. The instant he did, he swayed about and nearly stumbled back a few steps. Only his DETERMINATION ensured that his foot simply returned to where it had been but a moment prior. I feel, so tired. And drained. Just from trying a single step? Was it really worth it to try going forward if just a single step produced that kind of result? Asriel glanced about the strange emptiness he stood in. Aside from the shimmering moon and the barely there path, there was nothing else about. He took a moment to gaze deep into the empty black void behind him, and hesitantly took a step in that direction.  He didn’t sway, and no feeling of exhaustion or anything else followed it. But there was a different, ominous feeling that was all too familiar to him, and he felt his being tremble as the DETERMINATION within grew brighter. All that lies that way is oblivion. He knew that in the depths of his being. His past brushes with death easily assured him of such.  Two paths to tread. One would be hard to traverse, but somehow he knew it held what had been offered to him when he accepted that strange figure’s deal. A second chance. The opportunity to be himself, to be better than he had been for so long. The other? It would be easy to traverse it, but there would be no going back.  Without the DETERMINATION inside of him, he honestly wasn’t sure what choice he might have made. But then again, if it weren’t for the DETERMINATION, would he even be here to make such a choice at all? I’ve come this far. Determination or no, I’ve got a second chance. I’m not going to let that go. With a confident nod, he turned back towards the moon and took a step forward. He swayed again, but this time, he was better prepared for it. And once the disorientation had faded, he lifted his other paw and took another step. Then another, and another after that. It was slow going. But as he tread forward, Asrielf felt the exhaustion fading and slipping away. Each step was lighter, easier to make. And with each footfall, the moon drew closer, increasing the intensity of the sensations he felt it giving off. The young Prince wasn’t sure how long it took him. But after enough time on the trail, he reached its end, the moon dominating the space before him. He felt a soft smile spreading across his face, as he found a feeling of excitement rushing through him. “Time to get out of this void, and see what awaits on the other side.” He whispered aloud, feeling even giddier as he heard his own voice echo forth from his muzzle. Without any hesitation, Asriel reached out and let his hand rest upon the surface of the silvery, shimmering orb. His vision was blinded by the brilliant light that came forth, and once again, he felt the world spin. But this time, he felt no fear, discomfort, or confusion as everything twirled and the light enveloped him. Only hopes and dreams for a brighter tomorrow. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drifting up from the depths of that empty void to greet the waking world was easier said than done, as Asriel soon discovered.  Every inch of his form, from his ears to his paws, felt weighty and leaden. Even the soft and comfortable mattress beneath him did little to dissuade the aching throughout his whole body. It was almost as if someone had draped a bulky blanket over him and… Wait. Ears and paws. Legs, arms too. A muzzle… then that meant-! As heavy as his eyelids felt, a surge of energy went rushing through him as he connected the dots. Realization quickly followed and with a great effort, he hurriedly opened his eyes and… Regretted it instantly. Sunlight, bright and brilliant, was the first thing to greet him. And it nearly blinded him as he winced and let out an exhausted groan. He instantly shut his eyes, even as he labored to bring his hands up to shield his vision. Even when he managed that, a second attempt still left him groaning in discomfort. “Bless the Creator, you’re awake!” A voice cheerfully rang out to his right, informing him that even if he was still having some trouble adjusting to the light, wherever he was, he wasn’t alone. “I-I am… b-but uhm, it's a b-bit bright in here. Can hardly see a-anything, or anyone.” Asriel croaked, his voice sounding as exhausted as he felt. The soft nicker he got from whoever was nearby took him by surprise, but the light dimmed a bit as he heard curtains being moved, and the level of light in the room lessened to a more manageable level. And her reply only left him more confused. “My apologies. I had left them open so I could read by the light of my moon, then forgot to close them after my Sister raised the sun.” Slowly, Asriel lowered his hands and opened his eyes again. With the brightness of the sunlight dimmed now, he was able to get a look around. It looked like he was in a hospital room, or an infirmary, with over a dozen other beds lined up against both of the walls. His attention however, was quickly latched onto the source of the voice he’d heard.  If someone had asked who or what Asriel might have expected to see when waking up, he would not have said a dark blue, winged unicorn wearing a small crown and some sort of necklace or collar and a mane that twinkled like the night sky and seemed to almost be flowing in an unseen wind. On her flank was a splotch of black and a silvery white crescent moon marking that reminded him of the moon he’d seen in that empty void. There was also an open book and a scroll floating in the air beside her, and a collection of both scattered around her on the floor and the small table next to his bed. He blinked a few times, working to process all of that in his head. Finally, he asked the only two questions he could think to ask. “W-Where… Where am I? A-And, who are you?” The winged Unicorn gave him a gentle smile as she replied, “You are in the Infirmary of The Royal Palace in Canterlot. And I am Princess Luna of Equestria, Stewardess of the Moon, the Evening Sky, and Guardian of the Dreamlands.” Canterlot? Equestria? Those names didn’t sound like any place on Earth from any of the Human books the Underground had possessed. The first sounded like a horse pun for Camelot, and the second was one letter short of referring to a horse rider or something relating to horse riding. With her response only generating more questions in his head, Asriel decided to focus on something else as he asked, “D-Do I, uh, have to use all that when speaking with you?” The Princess let out a nicker and shook her head, eyes glinting with mirth. “Not at all, at least not outside of exceptionally formal and stuffy events. You may refer to me as Princess Luna for now.” Asriel blinked at that last bit. For now? What does she mean by that? He quickly shook his head though, recalling his manners. “Uh, w-well, my name is Asriel, Asriel Dreemurr. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “The feeling is mutual.” She replied readily enough. Her expression took on a more concerned look. “How are you feeling?” Asriel slowly rubbed the back of his head. “I feel like I’ve run a marathon several times over. Everything aches.” “Magical Exhaustion will do that. When you were brought to me, you were nearly drained of all your magic. Given the makeup of your body, the doctors here were impressed you were maintaining your form at all, even after I gave you some of my magic.” That’d be because of my Determination, wouldn’t it? Or… would it be because…? Asriel thought back to the feeling of all seven SOUL shards rushing into him. He was still himself, as he could plainly feel and see, which meant those shards must have fused with what remained of his own. The figure had kept his end of the deal it seemed. He hadn't reverted back to a flower. He was getting a second chance at life, a chance to be better, to be himself and make up for all he had done. It just seemed that the strange figure’s condition was a bit more… literal than Asriel had thought. Not like he gave you much of a chance to think about it. A voice whispered in his head. Asriel shivered and writhed a bit, trying to ignore the voice and push it out of his entire being. He didn’t want that thing to still be with him any longer, especially if he had been restored to his real form. “Is something the matter?” Princess Luna asked, drawing his attention as he winced and squirmed about in the bed a bit under her concerned gaze “I-I’ll be alright… j-just uhm, thinking about what you’ve told me so far.” He said, giving a nervous smile. “There’s no Equestria or Canterlot where I’m from, so uh, I must not be on Earth anymore.” He wasn’t sure if she believed him or not, but Princess Luna tilted her head as she asked, “Earth? Is that the land you’re from?” “Well, erm, yes and no? It’s the planet I was on, but uhm, I came from a place called The Underground.” Asriel watched as her eyes went as wide as saucers, quickly sparkling with interest. He could practically feel the urge to ask dozens of questions coming off the equine Princess. However, she quickly composed herself as she said, “That raises a host of questions, but does answer one big one- why neither I nor my Sister could find any reference in the Royal Archives to any creature like yourself. Or the entity that brought you here.” “I-I’ll be happy to answer what I can, i-if you’d be willing to answer my own.” Asriel replied. Would be a relatively fair exchange, and make things easier for him. The Princess smiled and gave a nod. She was about to say something, but a loud, angry bellow from his middle stopped her and left Asriel blushing brilliantly. She nickered as he tried to slink a bit deeper into the sheets in embarrassment. “I think getting answers to our respective queries can wait til after we’ve gotten you something to eat. And do not fret, there is no reason to hide after such a hungry roar. You have been unconscious for three days after all, tis to be expected one would be practically famished.” Now it was Asriel’s turn for his eyes to become the size of plates. “Three days?!” “Yes. We were actually starting to worry, given the Doctors suspected it should only take a day for you to come round once your magic was stabilized.” “N-No wonder I’m so stiff and sore too.” Asriel grumbled, earning a nod from the Princess. “Just rest and relax, I’ll see to getting you something to eat, and let the Doctors know you are awake. They’ll likely have a few questions to ask, given how unique you are to us, so just answer to the best of your ability.” She was about to walk off, when she stopped and asked, “Might there be anything in particular I could bring up from the kitchens?” If Asriel was being completely honest with himself, there was at least one thing he dearly wished he could have right then and there. But after a moment’s thought, he shook his head. Even if they knew how to make it, it wouldn’t be the same as Mom’s. “A-Anything will do, p-please and thank you.” The Princess gave a warm smile in return. “Such a polite child. Very well then, I shan’t be long.” With that, the winged unicorn stepped off by a door nearby and poked her head in, then left in a flash of magic that left Asriel blinking in surprise. I get the feeling there’s going to be quite a lot to learn here. Asriel thought to himself as he sighed and looked down to his hands. Despite the exhaustion and soreness he still felt, and despite his destination not at all being what he expected… “I’m me. Myself. The real me.” He whispered aloud to himself, wriggling his furry digits and fuzzy toes under the sheet as his eyes began to dampen. He squeezed his hands together, clenching them tight. “Not a flower. Not him.” He might have started crying in joy, but the sound of the door opening and the sound of hooves had him wiping the few tears that had started to form away. He looked up to see a cream colored unicorn in doctor's attire with a pastel red mane walking towards him with a warm smile.  Like the Princess, she had a mark on her flanks, though hers was of a cartoonish looking heart with a bandaid slapped across the middle. “Good morning Mister… Dreemurr I believe the Princess mentioned?” At his nod she stepped up to the bed, hor horn lighting up with a magenta aura. “I’m Dr. Mendheart, and I’ve just got a few basic questions first to see how you’re recovering. If there’s any you’re not sure about, we can skip those, alright?” “S-Sure thing doc.” Asriel said with a smile, wriggling a bit as he felt her magic slowly moving over him. She gave a soft giggle at that, before asking how he was feeling, seeing how much range of motion he had, how hungry he was…  He briefly thought about using an idiom he’d heard Chara use before, ‘So hungry I could eat a horse’, but he didn’t think that’d fly well with the doctor. The one that was a surprise to him was asking if he could cast any spells or use his magic. He was game to try though, figuring it shouldn’t be too hard… Only to find himself struggling to do so. Still, after a moment, he managed to conjure up a chromatic, glowing star that he was able to toss from hand to hand. “Well, despite being made up of more magic than anything I know of in Equestria, all the after effects of Magical Exhaustion seem to work the same for your kind as it does for Ponies, so that’s reassuring.” Asriel tilted his head at that. “It is?” Dr. Mendheart smirked. “Yes, because it means you aren’t too different from most of us. Which means while we don’t know much about your kind, most of our treatments should work on you if the need arises.” Okay, Asriel couldn’t deny that from that point of view, such would be reassuring. He’d hate to be a doctor, magical or otherwise, having to deal with a patient for whom they had no idea how to treat. Before either of them could say anything more, Princess Luna returned in a flash of light, carrying a small tray with a bowl and a plate on it. A savory smell was coming from it, and it made Asriel’s stomach rumble again. “As I recall, light foods are suggested for someone suffering from Magical Exhaustion.” The Princess remarked, getting a nod from Dr. Mendheart before turning her attention back to Asriel. “As such, I brought you some tomato soup and a piece of freshly baked bread.” Asriel took the tray in his hands, gripping onto it tightly as her magic let go of it. He was glad that, tired and sore as he was, he could still hold it long enough to set it down in his lap. “T-Thank you. I really do appreciate it, y-you didn’t have to bring this yourself, your Highness.” “It was much faster than waiting for one of the staff to bring it, no? And it isn’t good form to keep a hungry guest waiting.” The Princess replied firmly as she moved to sit by his bed again, watching with a smile as he took his first sip and let out a soft bleat of delight before gulping down several more spoonfuls. “Easy there Mister Dreemurr, if ya eat so fast, even with something like soup, you’ll give yourself a tummyache.” Dr. Mendheart said as Asriel set the spoon down and picked up his bread, digging into it more slowly. He made sure to swallow before he replied, “I know Doctor, it's just been a while since I had something this good.” Or to be more honest, it was the first time he was actually able to taste and enjoy what he was eating. When he was Flowey, he could eat food, but it didn’t really have any taste to it. Flowers didn’t exactly have taste buds after all. Still, taking her instructions to heart, Asriel slowed down a bit, noticing a third of the way through he was already beginning to feel satisfied. But since it had been such a long time since he really ate much of anything, he wasn’t inclined to stop. Especially when something as simple as a soup and piece of bread had such rich tastes. Is the food magic, or like the stuff from the surface and made of matter? Is it both? He wondered to himself as the Doctor and Princess had a hushed conversation close by. If he hadn’t been distracted by the meal, he might have been able to overhear most of it. With the occasional word he did catch, it seemed like the Doctor was simply passing along questions she wished to ask to the Princess. At least, that was his assumption as Doctor Mendheart soon made her way back to what he assumed was her office, leaving just him and the Princess alone in the infirmary. It didn’t take all that long for Asriel to finish what he’d been given, feeling both full and a bit lethargic afterwards. Past experience told him this meant the food he’d eaten was more matter based, which meant he’d need to be careful how much he ate. Gonna be hard if all the food here is as good as that. He thought to himself as he let out a bit of a yawn, sliding back down into the bed a bit as the Princess chuckled. “You can rest again if you need to. My questions aren’t going anywhere, and I can take care of my studies here just as easily as I could in my quarters.” As tempting as it was to take her up on that offer immediately… Asriel felt like he owed it to the Princess to answer at least a question or three. “Mhm… not quite ready to close my eyes again. Maybe a few simple questions?” She nodded, inclining her head in appreciation as she seemed to quickly consider such. “Before I ask any questions, it might be better I share how you arrived, and what the entity who delivered you here said.” Asriel nodded, listening to her describe the strange being who had appeared before her. The description matched that of the figure who had appeared before him, offering him a second chance. He quirked an eyebrow when she mentioned that the entity wanted her to be his guardian, and had chosen her because she too desired a second chance, and he was nearly ready to ask just what she had done to have such a desire, but… “You will likely learn in time. It is part of our history after all. Suffice to say, I have only… recently returned to Equestria.” Was all she said, seeming to be uncomfortable about her own past mistakes. “Don’t worry, I won’t pry then.” Asriel said with a sad smile, understanding all too well. He shifted a bit in the bed himself as he felt his past sins crawling down his back, expression falling quickly as the memories flashed before his eyes. The images were cast aside however when he felt a soft nuzzle, bleating in surprise and blushing a bit as he realized it had come from the Princess, who offered her own sympathetic smile. “Nor shall I. Though I am curious, I shall leave it to you if or when you wish to share such.” “T-Thank you… I appreciate that. Really, I do.” He said, even as he found himself realizing he was likely going to have to share a little bit before long. Even though she had yet to ask them, as she relayed the rest of the short meeting with the skeletal entity, he could practically hear the flurry of questions waiting to be unleashed. And at least a few of them were going to be in reference to what the entity had made mention of before departing. That said, Asriel was easily able to go ahead the first question that the Princess decided to go with. “Just what are you, exactly? We have nothing in any of our books for a creature such as you, made up almost entirely of magic.” It was a simple answer, and one Asriel gave readily. “I’m a Monster. A Boss Monster, specifically.”  “... Would you care to elaborate?” Princess Luna asked, her eyes wide and disbelieving. “I find it hard to believe that literally or metaphorically.” She looked him up and down again, even with the sheet covering him as she said, “You look more like someone crossed a dragon with a goat.” Asriel couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at that, his mouth moving before his head could catch up. “Chara said something similar to that once a long while back…” The image of his childhood friend briefly flashed through his mind, his expression becoming bittersweet as a distant look came to his eyes. It didn’t last long though, quickly pushing those memories to the side so as not to call up all the others. “It’s what all the folks back home in the Underground were called. It's what the Humans called us, and we called ourselves such too. I… don’t actually know if it's what we were called before we met the Humans, or after. I don’t think anyone really remembers that far back.” Not even Mom and Dad, and they’re both from before the barrier and the Underground. From the look on the Princess’s face, she found that to be a bit hard to believe, but that was the sincere and honest truth, so she accepted it soon enough. “And are all… Monsters, like yourself? Made up of Magic and just a little bit of matter?” “Yup. Boss Monsters have a bit more, because we’re stronger than the rest. But not by much. And it's the opposite with Humans, made up mostly of matter, with just a bit of magic.” Asriel said before letting out another yawn, his eyelids beginning to grow heavy again as his body demanded more rest. “That just generates more questions… but I suppose that is to be expected.” The Princess murmured to herself, Asriel nodding in agreement as he sunk further into the bed. Through the drowsy haze beginning to settle over him, he could see the Princess smile as she glanced back to him, chuckling softly. “Well, getting those answers can wait til you’ve recovered more.” She said, getting a tired nod and an agreeable hum from Asriel. “Another day or two at the most, and you should be able to get out of that bed.” “Thatsh guud. Dun wanna… dun wanna be in bed all the times.” Asriel mumbled, letting out a soft bleat as he got a gentle headpat from the Princess. “Rest easy then, young one. We can talk some more when you awaken.” Asriel could only give a nod at that as his eyes closed, too tired now to respond vocally. But before he drifted back fully into the realm of sleep, he was able to murmur softly to himself, Rest easy huh? Well, with my body and compassion back… I think I can manage that. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next time that Asriel awoke, it was as the moon was slowly rising into the night sky, the sun setting on the distant horizon. For the young Boss Monster, who had only seen the sun high in the sky back on Earth for a brief time, it would have been an awe inspiring sight on its own. But the fact he could see the barest hint of a glow around the moon, and the horn of Princess Luna as she stood by the window, eyes closed in concentration, added a layer of shock and surprise to celestial spectacle. It had been enough to wake him straight up, once his head had processed what he was witnessing. His eyes were wide open, his jaw flapping open and closed a bit as the mere sight of watching someone seeming to move the moon itself was… Equal parts amazing and impressive, with a pinch or two of terrifying added in. Especially when he recalled one of the things she’d said…would it be earlier? Yesterday? How long had he been asleep this time? There wasn’t a clock anywhere that he could see, though it didn’t feel like it had been too terribly long. He also felt much better than he had before, his body no longer feeling exhausted. In fact, he actually felt rather like, well, he should be feeling. Awake, alert, and… As if on cue, he felt a quiet gurgle from his stomach. Hungry. Which meant he had been asleep long enough for his magic to fully process the delicious meal he’d enjoyed. Slowly, Asriel pulled the covers off and shifted, moving to the edge of the bed and watching as Princess Luna finished ushering in the night. He remained silent a moment longer before breaking the still silence. “I didn’t quite realize when you said you were the Stewardess of the Moon, you meant it literally.” The Princess didn’t jump but she did seem surprised to see Asriel nearly out of bed. However, her surprise quickly turned to interest as she asked, “That implies that in your world, such was not the norm. Was there no one to guide the sun and moon of the Earth you mentioned?” Gently, so as not to overdo it in case he was still a bit sore and tired, Asriel slid off the bed as he shook his head. He hesitantly made his way over to the windows beside her, memories of the astronomy books the library in Snowdin had managed to gather over the decades flipping through his mind. “Nope, where I come from, the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits Earth. They move entirely on their own. Though, I never actually got to see Earth’s moon, but this one looks like the pictures the astronomy books had in them.”  Even as a sad smile came to grace his muzzle, he still stared in awe at the moon dominating the night sky. It looked just like the one he’d seen in that void, which he suspected came from her giving him some of her magic. He spent a moment more gazing at it before looking at the Princess with a curious glint in his eyes. She nickered, guessing the unspoken query. “Yes, here the Sun and Moon spin ‘round Equinica. In ancient myths, it has been hinted that this was not always the case, but for as long as most of our history goes, it has been like this. Controlled first by the Unicorns, and then, by my Sister and me.”  As she mentioned that last bit, her smile faltered. Asriel had to resist the curiosity that this roused, reminding himself what she had mentioned previously. I’ll learn in time. For now, he kept his own eyes on the brilliantly shining moon as it bathed the land in its cool light. He gazed out at all the stars as they shimmered and twinkled, glistening brighter than crystals that dotted the ceiling of much of the Underground. A long silence fell between the two, each lost in their own thoughts. Asriel wasn’t sure what the Princess was thinking about, but he found himself wondering what came next for him. There was a whole world of opportunities now, so many things to learn and experience. And yet… And yet I don’t really know what to do. I… never really imagined I’d get a chance like this. Given that the being who’d brought him here also told the Princess that it wished for her to help him heal, and from the sound of it, he was meant to help her heal the scars of her past as well. He had no real idea how he was supposed to that, but then again, he wasn’t entirely sure how the Princess was meant to do so either. “... Mister Dreemurr?” Asriel jumped a little, letting out a soft bleat as he turned and saw that the Princess was now looking at him. “O-Oh, uh, y-yes? A-And uh, you can just call me A-Asriel. C-Calling me that makes it sound like you’re talking to my dad.” The Princess gave a nod, before asking, “I was mulling over something you said just now, and another you mentioned earlier. You referred to the place that was your home as the “Underground” and that you’d only seen your world’s moon in books… but you didn’t include the sun. Suggesting you have seen your world’s sun. I must say that this leaves me a bit… puzzled, so would you be able to elaborate somewhat?”  “W-Well…” Asriel stammered, squirming a bit as he pondered how best to answer. He didn’t really want to share the details of his own mistakes. He had no way to know how the Princess, or anyone here, would react to being told ‘hey, I died and became a genocidal flower’. Still, that didn’t mean he couldn’t share a little bit. At the very least, it was only right to tell her why they were Underground. “I-I can tell you about… what happened between Monsters and Humans.” He said as he inclined his head to the Princess, prepared to share the sad tale of his people and their banishment. But as he prepared to speak, a strange feeling overcame him, and it was centered deep in the core of his very being. Before he could even begin to describe the sensation, Asriel clasped his hands together… And began to sing. He sang a song that he hadn’t heard since he was a wee babe, and first learned of their own tragic history. And as he did so, he could hear a sad tune play right along with it. “Long ago, Men and Beasts, ruled the Earth and had their feasts.” “Then one day, came a war. Blood was spilled as ne’er before.” “No Monster, will know love. No Monster belongs in the world above.” “Seal them, Underground. Let this barrier surround them.” “Many years, many tears. We live on despite our fears.” “There’s no chance we could have won. Now we’ll never see the sun.” “Stones instead of stars above. We’ve lost hopes and dreams and love.” “Angels cry, from on high. Will they free us or will we die?” “No new friends come around. That’s our life here Underground.” “While on high, sits our king. Listen, you might hear him sing.” He paused his singing, his eyes opening as the memory of his mother and father, gazing down at him as he was cradled in their arms, sprang forth. He could hear the echoes of his father’s voice singing right along with him as he finished. “So much blood, so much pain. Just to see, the sun again. One day soon, freedom shall ring. So proclaims the Mountain King.” Asriel blinked as he felt dampness on his face, and blinked again once his brain caught up with what had just happened. He hadn’t meant to sing that. “W-What… what just happened?” He asked, eyes drawn back to Luna who was nickering softly, even as her eyes shone with sympathy. “It is something that happens on occasion here in Equestria. I don’t recall the specific term, but it tends to happen when the core of our essence harmonizes with the magic around us.” Asriel’s eyes widened at that. “So the magic of this place… it synched up with my SOUL? Or was it my SOUL that synchronized with the magic here?” “Yes, the soul would be one word to use for such. It's interchangeable with the heart as well for many.” The Princess replied, though she had a bit of a confused look on her face at the way Asriel had used the term. She shook her head a bit as she said, “Anyways, that was quite the sad and tragic song. It didn’t exactly explain everything though.” Asriel chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of his head as he replied, “Y-Yeah, it doesn’t tell the full story. It is a little more complicated than that. B-But, it’s the way most Monster children hear about it first.” The Princess seemed ready to inquire more, but a rumble from her own stomach interrupted her and was quickly joined by Asriel’s. With a short nicker, she asked, “Feeling well enough for a walk?” At his nod, she turned and made for the door. “Then come. We can talk as we walk, and once we get to my quarters, I’ll have the staff bring something for both of us.” -*- The walk wasn’t terribly long, but the wait for the food certainly felt like it took a while. Still, Asriel did his best to distract himself from the twinge of emptiness in his stomach by telling her more about the history between Monsters and Humans, and about the Underground in general.  Several times, Asriel would stop as he veered close to talking about the events of his own past. Referring to the King and Queen as his Mom and Dad had taken Luna somewhat by surprise, though he’d waved off being called a Prince. Even if he had his true form back, he most certainly didn’t deserve the title of Prince. To get away from thoughts of his past, he’d instead ask her some basic questions about the world and realm he now found himself in. Learning that Equestria was one of the largest and most peaceful kingdoms in the world, and populated primarily by three tribes of ponies. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn. It was in this way he learned that Luna was not in fact a winged unicorn, but a specific breed known as an Alicorn. One which combined the strengths of all three tribes, with none of the weaknesses. This back and forth carried on until a servant finally arrived, setting two salads down before them both. They both thanked the pegasus mare, who quickly left without another word. This time, Asriel took his time eating, wanting to see just how fast he got full. The two ate in silence, one that was starting to become uncomfortable, at least for Asriel. Especially as there was a question he felt likely needed to be answered sooner rather than later. “Princess?” “Hmm?” The Princess asked as she finished a forkful of spinach. As she watched him anxiously push a tomato across his half-empty plate, her gaze softened. “Is something the matter Asriel?” Setting his fork down, Asriel sighed as he asked, “Just what is going to happen to me?” Princess Luna hummed at that, considering the young Monster for a moment as she put her forehooves together. Her eyes closed in thought, but it didn’t take long for her to give an answer. “That is entirely up to you, Asriel Dreemurr.” Asriel blinked at that, surprised by her answer, but the Princess didn’t give him a chance to ask or say anything as she continued. “While the creature that brought you here called you a child, I can see in your eyes that you are older than you appear. Whatever it is that you have been through has aged you, and I can sense a certain maturity from you that others your age would lack.” She said, speaking rather plainly, her words making Asriel rub the back of his head a bit.  “To simply decide you are my ward and I your guardian without your consent, I do not feel it would be to your benefit to do so. As does deciding to place you in the care of any others who would wish to help.” Asriel nodded in understanding, but Princess Luna wasn’t done. “If you wished to leave and take your fate in your own hands, I would not stop you… Though I would be sure to give you that which could keep you from landing in a terrible situation.” Asriel pondered that for a moment, and then asked, “And if I wasn’t sure what I wanted?” Princess Luna gave him a gentle smile. “Then you could continue to be our guest until you had reached a decision.” She levitated her glass to her muzzle, taking a quick drink as she said,  “As for me, I cannot say for sure if the creature made the right choice in bringing you to me. Especially not knowing why it is you wished for a chance to redeem yourself for mistakes of the past. But, I am certainly willing to try. If you will let me.” Asriel didn’t say anything for a moment, nibbling a bit more of his salad in thought as Princess Luna watched. From the sound of things, there was no rush. The Princesses would continue to treat him as their guests and offer what help they could. On the other hand, a part of him felt that the one who’d brought him here had to have had a reason for bringing him to this Princess specifically. They shared a connection by having made mistakes in the past that haunted them now. But what could she have done that would be comparable to things he did when he wasn’t himself? Don’t act rashly Asriel. Take your time, learn the lay of the land. A week, that should be enough time to learn enough to make a smart choice. “Thank you Princess. I think… I think I’ll wait a bit before I make a decision.” Asriel replied, earning an understanding nod from Princess Luna. “A-And I’ll be sure not to take advantage of you and your sister’s hospitality.” “Think nothing of it.” Princess Luna said, then added with a smirk, “And if you choose to do so, you can always decide to satisfy our curiosity about you and the world you come from as payment.” Asriel couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “T-There’s not a lot to know about me… And most of what I know is about the Underground, the magic we Monsters use. Or stuff from what Human books managed to make it down. But I’ll share what I can.” “Sounds like an equitable arrangement then.” The Princess said with a nod. As she finished her plate and Asriel decided he’d had his fill, she stood back up and declared, “Now that our stomachs are sated, we should head back to the infirmary so that Dr. Mendheart can give you a quick checkover. If she declares you fit as a fiddle, I would be delighted to go ahead and give you a tour of the palace.” She paused a moment before asking, “Unless of course, there was something else you might wish to do first?” Asriel tapped his chin in thought at that. A tour of the palace did sound like it could be fun… but he quickly realized there was indeed something he would very much like to do first. Something he had always wanted to do with his adoptive brother… and never gotten the chance to do so. Standing up and stretching, a soft smile spread across Asriel’s muzzle as he asked, “Actually, do you know of a good place for stargazing?” He dipped his head a bit and kicked at the floor as he said, “Ever since… well, ever since I was little, I’ve wanted to be able to see the real night sky. Not the facsimile we had in the Underground, as pretty as it was. It might not be the same night sky as Earth’s, and I got to see a bit of it through the window, but…” When Asriel looked back up, he bleated and stumbled back a bit, surprised to find that Princess Luna’s face was only inches away from his, a bright smile stretched across her muzzle as her eyes practically sparkled in excitement. “Nothing would make me happier than to show you the majestic beauty of my night for the very first time. Come along, quickly then!~” She said, surprising Asriel further as she wrapped her magic around him and set him on her back. “T-There’s no need to r-rush on my part. I-I did just see you raise the moon a short time ago.” Asriel squeaked. “And make you wait a moment longer than needed to behold the wondrous canvas that is my night sky? Not a chance.” The Princess replied rather enthusiastically. “Now hold on, I’m going to teleport us back to the infirmary. Much faster and way more efficient!” “T-Teleport?!” Asriel bleated, suddenly clinging to her tighter. If this was anything like the Shortcuts of the Skeletons, this was going to be exceptionally disorienting. Or well, that was his expectation. In reality, all he felt was a strange full body tingle, and heard a soft tinkling of bells in his ears before the world simply… blinked. One moment they were in Princess Luna’s quarters, the next they were in Dr. Mendheart’s office. And giving the good doctor a bit of a jump as well as she squeaked at the sudden appearance of the two. Blinking a few times, Asriel shook his head and peered out past the Princess’s head and gave a shy wave to Dr. Mendheart as she picked herself up. “Hehe, sorry for startling you Doctor.” Asriel said with a bashful chuckle. “I-I’m uh, back for my checkup?” -*- A quick checkup later, Dr. Mendheart gave him a clean bill of health but suggested he not use any magic for a few more days. He hadn’t exactly been planning on doing so, but he promised he would not use any so as not to antagonize her. Especially after she mentioned how easy it was for Ponies recovering from it to push themselves back into it if they weren’t careful. And given his body was made up of much more magic… Once that was sorted, the Princess returned him to her back. She had been nearly ready to teleport yet again in her excitement, but Asriel had asked if they could walk instead. A quick explanation that he’d have some bad experiences with someone who used teleportation spells back home was all that was needed for her to understand and acquiesce. Along the way, Princess Luna admitted to Asriel she wouldn’t be able to truly show him just how majestic her night sky could be. Asriel asked if it was because it was supposed to be a cloudy night, or if there was some bad weather coming in overnight. He was a bit confused when she said that the weather schedule didn’t call for a cloudy day til for another day, and no storms til the end of the week. “No, it is because I have not yet regained full mastery of the gifts tied to my role as Princess of the Night.” She said, explaining, “I don’t just raise the moon, but make sure all important stars are visible for the ponies of Equestria to see. I can create meteor showers to spice up the evening sky, even create new stars and constellations for our subjects, though they usually are temporary.” “... All of that would drive astronomers back home batty.” Asriel said with a whistle, shaking his head in disbelief. “This world’s quite different from the one I know, even if I didn’t know much about the surface. I can hardly wait to learn more.” Princess Luna slowed her stride, smiling as she turned to glance at him. “If you like, after some stargazing, I could bring some books and things for you to read, and give you some lessons about Equestria.” “I think I’d like that. I’m certainly not ready for bed, especially after all the rest I’ve gotten.” Asriel remarked, earning a chuckle from the Princess as she resumed her prior pace. They soon reached the base of their destination, Asriel peering up at a staircase that spiraled round a thick pillar for quite a ways above them. Luna picked up the pace a bit, speeding up as she trotted up the stairs. It made the ride a bit bumpy for Asriel, but he didn’t mind. Even if it was a tad uncomfortable, it was still something he was getting to experience with his own body. Plus, it would have been a fair bit harder if he’d still been a flower. Don’t think about that… There’s no reason to do so. You are you again, and you have your body back. You’ll never be a flower again, never become… him again.  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Asriel blinked as he saw that the stairs were coming to an end. Already, he could now see a large room with a big domed roof. Some moonlight filtered in from windows lining the middle of the walls, and there were some tables and cushions scattered about. Otherwise however, the room didn’t seem remarkable in any way. That was, until Luna’s horn lit up, and the dome began to slowly slide open and reveal the entirety of the night sky to them. Asriel gazed up into the heavens, jaw dropping as he took in the multitude of dazzling, shining, glimmering lights. And slowly making its way through the canvas of black and dark blue was the moon itself, bathing the land in its brilliant light.  Every which way he looked, there were hundreds more of them for him to see. His eyes began to glisten, the sparkling dots filling the vast tapestry reflected in them as he said, “It’s… it’s beautiful.” Princess Luna was smiling, watching with delight and pleasure as she witnessed someone seeing the majesty of her evening for the very first time. The wonder, the awe that she could see and feel radiating off the young Monster gave her a surge of pride as she gently lifted him from her back and set him back on his feet. “Yes, yes it is.” She said as she turned her gaze skyward as well. “When I regain the full extent of my powers, it will become so much more too. Once more, it’ll be the canvas that I paint upon each evening, for all to enjoy and cherish.” The Princess let out an excited whinny as she added, “If you like, you can even watch me weave my work over the vast tapestry of night.” Asriel didn’t answer immediately. The great, dark blue yonder filled with countless twinkling pinpricks of light had his full attention. He was enthralled by the view, the likes of which he had only been able to dream of for so many years. “Before… before my adoptive brother fell into the Underground, I was like many Monsters. What I yearned for most was a chance to see and feel the Sun. When you live underground, and the only light comes from crystals embedded in the roof above you, the thought of seeing something so bright and warm is all you can really think about.” He finally spoke as the Princess took a seat beside him. Even as he spoke, he couldn’t manage to tear his gaze from the night sky. “But when Chara came down, he got me really interested in astronomy. Stars, planets, all the things that are out there in the depths of space. Stuff that you couldn’t really see during the day, unless you had a really powerful telescope. But once the sun sets, and if there’s no clouds in the sky… as he liked to say, ‘you can see all of creation laid bare before you.’” A tear began to run down his cheek, dampening his fur as he remarked,  “Until now, I’ve never fully understood just what he meant. But now? Now I think I get it.” Asriel finally tore his gaze away from the heavens above to look at Princess Luna, the joy he was feeling tinged with a lingering sadness. “Wish I could have gotten to see it with him. We promised each other, when Monsters were free, we’d spend every night gazing at the stars.” The Princess gave him a sympathetic smile, and gently nuzzled Asriel as she brought a wing around him, pulling him close. “When you mentioned him earlier, you implied he was no longer among the living. You have my condolences, but be sure to always keep these words in mind.” She brought a hoof up to his chest, tapping it as she said, “So long as you keep him here in your Soul, and you keep him here, in your memories…” She ruffled the fur atop his head, earning a soft giggle from the young Monster. “Then he will never truly be gone. There’ll always be a part of him, living within you.” Asriel nodded, smiling and leaning against the Princess’s side as his eyes drifted back to the sky. His hand drifted to his chest, resting around where she had tapped. There was a brief ache in his SOUL, as he recalled that he didn’t have the charm their parents had made for them anymore, but nonetheless, he took the Princess’s words to heart. For the next ten minutes or so, Asriel simply leaned into the Princess, his eyes slowly wandering across the inky black of the evening sky. He imagined that Chara was sitting right next to him, just drinking in its majesty with him as he held his hand and gave it a soft pat. Just like he used to do whenever they’d go to Waterfall, and gaze up at the many softly glowing crystals jutting down from the Underground’s roof. “Hey Princess Luna?” “Mmhm?” She replied, looking to him in query. “Can we save learning about Equestria for tomorrow night? I think tonight, I’d just like to sit here and enjoy the view… maybe learn about the constellations we can see right now.” Asriel’s eyes briefly darted to Luna as he asked, and she couldn’t help but feel the smile on her muzzle grow wider once more. “I do think that can be arranged~” She said, nickering at the excited bleat this drew forth. Returning her gaze up to the heavens as well, the Princess lifted a hoof and began to point each one out, her horn lighting up as she drew lines in the air to help the young Monster see as the shapes took form. As she did, she’d share stories associated with each constellation, or even some of the stars that made them up. And all night long, Asriel happily drank it all in, enjoying every moment, every detail, of this, his first night under the stars. They may not have been the twinkling specks his brother had told him about, but honestly? Asriel wasn’t going to let a little detail like that get in the way of something so special. I’ll remember this night for as long as I can. For both of us, Chara. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of Asriel’s first proper day in Equestria, or perhaps he should say, night, was quite pleasant. He sat in that tower with Princess Luna for the rest of the evening and into the early morning, listening to the many stories associated with countless constellations that dotted the night sky. He drank in every detail, savoring each tidbit that the Princess had to give, and she had plenty. Princess Luna, for her part, was delighted to have someone who was so enraptured with the sea of stars as she was. That it was a child from another world mattered not at all to her. The only important thing was that she had someone she could readily share her love for the evening, her night with. Sure, she had her Sister, and she was appreciative for the support she’d shone since her return. But there were times she wondered somewhat if her Sister was leaning a bit too much into it, out of guilt for her own mistakes of the past that helped lead to the Longest Night and her transformation. Asriel however was like a newborn foal seeing the great twinkling ocean of black for the first time. His interest was truly genuine and sincere, and it warmed her heart a hundred times over. It made her yearn, oh so much, for her powers to return in full. If he thought her night was extraordinary now, just wait til he could see what she was capable of. As all things must do though, the night was drawing to an end. And a rumble from Asriel’s stomach caused her to blink a bit as she realized how long they’d been up here.  “I apologize, it seems I lost track of time.” Luna said, glancing down at the young monster. “It has been some time since I have found one who can become as engrossed in my night as I can.” Asriel chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “No worries. I quite enjoyed hearing everything you had to share.” He then glanced back up to the night sky, which was beginning to gain the barest hint of purple in the distance as sunrise drew near. “I hope I never tire of seeing this.” “I am sure you won’t.” Luna said, ruffling the fur atop Asriel’s head slightly with a hoof as he giggled in return. “Though as of this moment, I have a duty that I need to attend. But it is one I can take care of after I show you to your quarters and get you something to eat.” Asriel got up, nodding as he said, “It can be something simple and small this time. What we had earlier was more than enough.”  Luna arched a brow at that. “This surprises me… more so now that I realize how long we have been out here. Most foals would have been squirming in hunger by now.” “Oh, well uh, that’s probably because the food we ate wasn’t made from magic.” Asriel replied readily enough. “Normally, the food Monsters eat is food we conjure for each other, or grew almost entirely with magic. Since its made of magical energy, it replenishes and nourishes us almost immediately.” Luna used her magic to gently lift Asriel up, setting him on her back as she glanced to him and said, “That doesn’t quite explain why you aren’t famished right now.” Though as she considered what he said, an idea began to form in her mind. “Well, most food that folks like Humans, or well, Ponies and other creatures eat is made more of matter, just like their own bodies. For Monsters, it takes much more time for our magic to break down matter based food.” Asriel explained, glancing down to his middle and giving it a pat. “Ah, I believe I understand.” Luna murmured as she started down the stairs. “So you likely only just finished turning our earlier meal into energy a short time ago. Hmm, then perhaps something rather simple like a treat would suffice instead.” Asriel nodded, then he stretched, yawned, and rubbed at his eyes as he found himself feeling tired again. He grumbled, “Stupid magic exhaustion.” as he leaned against the Princess’s neck.  For her part, Luna could only chuckle softly as she remarked, “A treat and getting you settled into bed it seems. Though I do hope you can keep those eyes open for a bit longer.” The answer to that, it seemed, was no as she heard a soft snore. A sweet smile graced her muzzle as she turned just enough to give the young Monster a nuzzle, then she hurried along to the quarters that had been prepared. They were just across from her own, so she’d be easily able to keep an eye on him if needed. The room itself was nothing special, no different from any of the other guest rooms dotting the palace halls. But perhaps that would change in time, should young Asriel choose to remain here in the palace.  Taking hold of him in her magic, she gently lifted him off her back, guiding him to the bed as the covers lifted. Slowly, she set him down against the sheets, then pulled the blankets back up and over him. She used her hooves to gently push the covers into his sides as he squirmed a bit, eyes cracking open just a bit. “Weren’t we going to go get a treat?” He asked tiredly, and Luna simply gave him another nzuzle. “I’ll make sure something is brought up and set on the nightstand here. For now, I think sleepy Monsters should get some more shut eye.” “Don’t wanna. Already… already gotten enough sleep.” Asriel tried to protest, but already his eyes were sliding closed again. Luna simply shook her head in amusement as she said, “Pleasant dreams, Asriel Dreemurr.”  Luna then turned and strode out of the room, crossing over to her own as she made for the balcony. It was time to let the Moon dip below the horizon, and allow her sister’s Sun to replace it for another dawn over the lands of Equestria. As she stepped outside and felt the cool evening air, she felt a small yawn leaving her own lips. Perhaps its time for me to get some sleep as well. She thought idly to herself, humming as she drew her magic to the bond she shared with the moon, guiding it on its path as the first rays of morning light filled the skies. -*- Sleep came surprisingly easy for the young Goat Monster, though it was a bit strange to him that he couldn’t recall if he had had any dreams. Not that he minded, given he wasn’t sure if he’d wind up having nightmares or not instead. Getting out of bed turned out to be harder, when one found oneself in the comfiest bed they could ever remember laying in. However, with a bit of a mental push, Asriel managed to push the covers up and off of himself, sitting up in bed as he did his best to blink and rub the sleep from his eyes. It was strange, still, to wake up feeling every bit of his original body. More so now as he found himself feeling less exhausted than he had the previous days. He felt like he had more magic flowing through him, enough so that he was sure he could cast some spells if the need arose. But Asriel decided it’d be best to stick to the Doctor’s advice and wait a week before performing any magic. All things considered, he wasn’t sure exactly what his capabilities were now after all.  Yes, he had his old body back, but he still seemed to have the same amount of DETERMINATION flowing through him as he had while a Flower. Yet his body felt stable, meaning he either had more matter than he used to even as a Boss Monster, or things perhaps worked a bit differently here in this world. Or something else had been done to him to ensure he wouldn’t suffer the same fate as the Amalgamates. And speaking of this world… I should try to learn as much about it as possible, as quickly as possible. He thought to himself, though such was interrupted by both a rumble from his middle and a soft knock on the door that made him jump just a bit. “C~Come in?” The door opened, and a dark gray pony wearing bat-like armor stepped in. The colors of the armor reminded him of Princess Luna, so Asriel simply surmised that this might be one of her guards. At one time, Asriel might have found the armor intimidating and a little scary… but well, it was hard to do so when… Don’t try to think about that. It’s in the past. He reminded himself as the guardpony offered a simple smile. “Good morning Mr. Dreemurr. Princess Luna bade us to come and check up on you every so often, and asked that when you were up if you would like to join her and her sister for the mid-day meal.” “You mean lunch right?” Asriel asked, blinking a bit as he found himself wondering just how long he’d been asleep this time. He hadn’t exactly seen a clock last night before the Princess had tucked him in.  At the nod from the guard, Asriel took a moment to stretch before he slid off the bed. He gestured for the guard to lead the way, then followed after as the pony led him through the palace halls. As they walked, Asriel tried to get a feel for the corridors as they passed through, but found that they more often than not looked rather similar to each other.  There’s some signs here and there… But I can’t read any of them. Odd. It was indeed strange that he couldn’t read them, given he had no trouble understanding the ponies when they spoke. He just shrugged though, and assumed it had something to do with the quirks of whatever magic that figure had used to bring him to Equestria. Whether I stay or wander, I’ll need to be able to read things. So I guess that’ll be the first thing to work on after I eat. Asriel thought to himself, just before nearly walking into a door. He gave a soft bleat as the guard stretched out a bat-like wing to stop him, chuckling as he said, “Here we are. The Princesses are just through here.” Asriel rubbed the back of his head sheepishly before nodding and opening the door. Just beyond it was a long, rectangular room that could easily have fit quite a long table to feed many guests. At the moment however, it had only a simple oval table that was enough for perhaps a dozen to sit comfortably around. Two tall equines were seated at it, and only one of them he was familiar with, though he could hazard a guess who the other was. At the left side of the table, Princess Luna was sitting at the table with a book to her right opened up that she was glancing through as she ate. She turned her head and smiled however when she saw Asriel, and gestured to a seat right beside her. Directly across from Luna was an equine much like herself, though a bit taller and with a coat of fur as white as his own. What caught his attention most was the three shifting and flowing colors that made up her mane. This must be Luna’s sister… Celestia I believe she mentioned was her name. Her mane looks like… Like… oh what was it that Chara’s book called it? An aurora? Princess Celestia likewise looked up from her own meal and some papers she had nearby, and offered a smile as well. There was a guarded look in her eyes, but Asriel could feel warmth and compassion beneath it. It almost reminded him of the look his mother often wore when she patrolled the Ruins. He couldn’t help but shiver a bit inwardly, almost feeling like she was gazing deep into him. He returned her gaze hesitantly for a moment before focusing on Luna as he strode to the table. He gave a slight bow as he said, “Good morning your majesties.” “A good morning to you as well, Asriel.” Luna replied, her smile brightening as he took the seat next to her. A servant quickly hurried over, taking his order before departing, just in time for Luna to ask, “Did you sleep well?” “It was. Haven’t slept in such a comfy bed before. Even my bed back home isn’t so cozy.” “A sentiment many guests to the palace have shared.” Celestia said with a smile of her own, taking a small bite out of a tart she was levitating with her magic. Silence briefly descended over the table as Asriel waited for his food to arrive, while Luna and Celestia both continued their reading. For Asriel though, it was a bit of an uncomfortable silence, given he could feel the piercing gaze of Celestia every so often as her eyes would dart from whichever scroll or paper she was reading to him. He got the very distinct impression that she was studying him, and with him not knowing how magic worked here, he had no idea if she was able to see beyond the surface and into the core of his being. It brought a slow, cold, chill to him as he shivered. His fur rippling along his back just a bit as a whisper of something familiar from a certain skeleton floated through his mind. The silence was broken a few minutes later by Luna, who had begun to give her sister a flat look. “Sister, is such intense scrutiny of our guest truly necessary?” Celestia blinked, and glanced down at Asriel, who dipped his head a bit and did his best to appear inconspicuous. It didn’t really work all that well, what with him being the only other person at the table. Her gaze softened, and she surprised the young Monster when she proceeded to give him a soft and gentle nuzzle. “I am sorry to have disturbed you so, young one. It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable.” “I-It… It’s alright.” Asriel mumbled softly, though he didn’t sound too sure about that himself. He didn’t miss the fact that the tone of his voice made both Princesses share a glance with each other. “My Sister is simply worried, given the appearance of the strange being that brought you here.” Luna remarked after a moment, with Celestia quickly adding in, “And it is difficult to ignore the stated reason for bringing you here to our world that it had.”  Luna seemed to shoot Celestia a look at that, but Celestia raised a hoof to forestall any comment. Her voice was firm as she continued.  “The fact that I can see from the way you carry yourself that you bear a heavy weight; That your eyes are those of someone older than you look… Even the instincts I’ve honed over a thousand years tell me there is much more to you than meets the eye. Curiosity, and a desire to protect our subjects, yearn for answers.” Her tone shifted though, and her smile was kind and full of warmth. Asriel couldn’t help but feel his own muzzle twitch up a bit as he looked up at her. “But I trust my sister, and she has shared with me her impressions of you. While she is just as curious about your past as I am, and what could lead you to seek a second chance, she is firm in the belief that you are no danger to anyone here. That you are a child who has gone through a great deal, and that you will open up and share such when you and you alone are ready.” Celestia seemed poised to say something more, but at that point one of the side doors opened and Asriel’s own plate was brought over. He thanked the servant, then waited for the mare to leave and for it to be just the three of them again before saying anything himself. “Y-You’re both right… And I can understand how you’re feeling Princess Celestia. I can’t say I wouldn’t be feeling the same if our positions were reversed.” “Though that doesn’t mean such doesn’t bother you or carry a sting to it.” Celestia remarked, returning to her own meal as he began to timidly nibble at the sandwich in his hands. “Not wrong there.” Asriel said, sighing a bit as for a moment, he contemplated sharing the truth with them. Would they both be so kind if they knew they had someone with them who… who could kill so many, hurt so many. Yet even as he thought that, he couldn’t help but wonder… Was it really me who did those things? Or was it Flowey? With me being, well, me again, would I even be able to do any of those horrible things? Am I Flowey, and Flowey me? Or is Flowey a different person, or just another side of me? Such questions made his head hurt, and so he pushed it aside as he sighed and said, “It’s just painful to think about my past. And it’s rather complicated… And even harder to explain and believe. A-And…” “You’re afraid we will treat you quite differently if you share the details with us.” Luna finished for him, and he couldn’t help himself as he nodded vigorously. He took a big bite of the sandwich to help keep his mouth occupied, lest he whisper what passed through his head briefly there. I’m afraid. Afraid that you won’t be as forgiving, as understanding as Frisk was. Almost as if sensing such, Luna leaned down and gave his head another nuzzle. He even felt her drape her wings over him as she said, “If my own sister can forgive me for the mistakes of my past, when I was wrapped in jealousy and anger and swallowed by Darkness… and I can forgive her in turn for her own folly’s of the past, then I think you needn’t worry, Asriel.” She smiled brightly at him. “If it is a second chance you wish to have, a second chance you shall get.” Celestia nodded, one of her wings joining Luna’s and leaving the young Monster feeling a bit flustered from such gestures. The sincerity from both felt just like it had when Frisk had forgiven him. He couldn’t help himself as he teared up a bit. “T-Thank you. I really mean that. That means a lot.” Asriel replied, wiping the gathering of tears away as he looked at them both evenly. “And I promise, I… when I’m ready, I’ll share the details of my past. But I think… I think I’ll only be able to do that when I’ve come to terms with it myself. And not a moment sooner.” Silence returned with that, both of them simply nodding and giving him another nuzzle as they each returned their attention to their meal. His didn’t take long to finish, given he hadn’t asked for much, and so he was free to just relax and try to empty his mind of worries and troubles. However, even with the soft and fluffy feeling of Luna’s wing, still draped around him as it was, he found he couldn’t clear his head of all thoughts. For indeed, his own curiosity gnawed at him a bit as he processed something they’d said. Given his own desire to keep his past to himself for now, he didn’t want to really pry. But Princess Luna had said before that he would learn eventually. And she’d just made reference to it now. So it was no surprise to either of them when he asked, “Princess Luna? What exactly did you mean when you said you were swallowed by Darkness?” -*- Luna and Celestia had planned on giving him a tour of the palace after lunch. Luna had also wished to see if he could read Equestrian, given the fact he seemed able to speak it without any trouble despite being from an entirely different world. But his question had instead brought on a history lesson that he was assured, “Most Ponies don’t fully know.” Not for lack of the knowledge being hidden away, but rather, due to the simple matter of details being forgotten or minimized as time passed. For the Princesses however, such was not merely “the past” or “history”, as it was something that for the Princess of the Day, had left her alone for a thousand years. And for the Princess of the Night, the events in many ways at times still felt like they had happened only yesterday. Learning that Princess Luna had become corrupted by the Darkness in her own heart… That she had been transformed into an entity known as Nightmare Moon who desired naught but to bathe the whole of the world in an Eternal Night, not just Equestria… That she had waged war upon her sister and the land, spread terror and nightmarish beasts upon all as she kept the Sun from being seen, and that the conflict itself, the Longest Night, had lasted over a half a year… Maybe they would be as understanding as Frisk. Asriel found himself thinking as they relayed all of this to him, it taking quite a bit for Asriel to keep his shock from making itself too evident. What was also clear to him as they told him such was that they themselves had not fully come to terms with such either. There were little tells here and there, when one spoke of something, or when a tinge of old anger and resentment filtered into the telling, that he might have missed in the time before he had become a Flower. Reflecting upon such, and his own situation, it actually helped Asriel piece together the reason behind the words that the skeletal figure had uttered when he had brought him to this world. Maybe we can help each other… or maybe what we both need is just time. Isn’t that what they say? That time heals all wounds? Course, it's not helped when you find yourself wondering if what happened was you doing it, or someone else. Such thoughts were put aside as they finished their story. How Luna was freed of Nightmare Moon’s hold by the powers of six mares and the Elements of Harmony they wielded, and how Luna had been working to catch up on all that had changed since she had been imprisoned in the moon. “And I suspect that is something you’ll be spending much of the rest of the day and night doing alongside Mr. Dreemurr here.” Celestia remarked as Asriel was given a moment to take it all in. Luna harrumphed. “First we need to give him a proper tour of the palace, especially if he’s going to be staying here for a time.” “Which reminds me.” Celestia said, her horn lighting up as she floated a book up. “We need to see if Asriel can read our language as well as he can speak it.” She floated it over to Asriel, but the young Monster was already giving it an unsure look. Given he hadn’t had luck with the signs earlier, he wasn’t feeling all that confident. And indeed, a look at the title, and flipping the book open to the middle and looking over the pages full of letters and symbols, he understand exactly… None of it. “I think that answers that question.” Luna said flatly, earning a snort from Celestia as Asriel gave a sheepish chuckle. “Right, well then. I guess some basic lessons in the Equestrian alphabet are in order first.” Celestia said with a sigh, while Luna shrugged and offered, “Why not both? No reason we can’t teach and show him around at the same time, is there?” Celestia seemed to consider this, tapping a hoof to her chin as she noted, “I did leave quite a bit of my schedule open today, so we aren’t hurting on time.” She looked to Asriel and inquired, “Think you’d be able to learn an entirely different alphabet while being shown around?” Asriel pondered it for all of a minute, before shaking his head. “Honestly, I’d prefer to make sure I know I can read the signs first. I don’t know how big the palace is, but I’d hate to get lost.” Celestia gave a nod at that, then hummed briefly as she said, “Then I shall be but a moment.” There was a slight flash of gold, and Celestia had teleported away. Luna hummed a bit as well, then remarked, “I just thought of something that I think would be of use to you, and something my sister has already suggested to me. Wait here.” With that, she vanished with a spark of her own magic, leaving Asriel alone in the dining room for a brief bit. Long enough to ponder once more the question of sharing about his own past. “I think… I think I’ll share it when I make my mind up on what I’m going to do.” He murmured aloud. Despite knowing now the troubled past and regrets Luna had, a part of him wasn’t entirely sure it matched up to what he became when he lost his compassion, his empathy. She had reasons for what she became. They weren’t good ones for sure, but well, they were better than the curiosity of a child with nothing to keep them in check. He was thankfully rescued from letting his thoughts continue down that track by the return of Luna and Celestia at roughly the same time. Celestia had a book, a scroll, and a quill with some ink held aloft in her magic. Luna also had a book, but it was rather plain with nothing of note on its cover or spine. Celestia gave said book the briefest of glances before nodding in understanding. “Grabbed a journal for Mr. Dreemurr I take it?” At Luna’s nod, she smiled.  “Good idea. I’m sure our guest will put it to good use.” Celestia then set the parchment down in front of Asriel, the book soon floating into his hand and flipping open as she said, “Now, because I’m not sure what sort of magic is making it so you can speak our language without any difficulty, I’m not sure how hard this will be. Hopefully though, this should only take no more than an hour or two.” Luna took the lead then as she explained, “The Modern Equestrian Alphabet has 26 normal characters and about a dozen special ones that have been kept on from Ancient Equestrian. We’ll go over each, let you write them down a few times til you feel familiar with them, then we’ll write some words down and see if you can read them. Ready?” At Asriel’s nod, the two got to work guiding him through the book, all while memories of his younger days being taught by his mother flitted through his head. > Journal 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Journal belongs to Asriel Dreemurr. Unless you have been given permission, please do not read the contents of this journal. June 28th, Year of Harmony 0 (will shorten to YoH in the future) Well, I told Princess Luna I’d start writing in this, and today seems as good a time to start doing so as any. Was never really the sort to keep a journal, that was more Chara’s thing.  [“Wonder what happened to his…” Asriel pondered briefly, before returning the quill to the book.] I’ve been in Equestria for a week, though I’ve honestly really been awake and aware for three days of it. It’s… It’s still so surreal to be waking up as myself. I think it’s going to take a while before I am used to it, if I ever do get used to it. After I managed to learn their alphabet (which is just the same as the one the Humans used on the surface, just different runes for everything with some glyphs from the past included), Princess Luna and Celestia took me on a tour of the palace. And I just have to say… This place is huge! I used to think that the castle back in New Home was big, but nope! This palace of theirs is at least three times as big, and has so many rooms. Celestia said that something like a third of them aren’t usually in use, which is just crazy to me.  If the castle back home was this big, I don’t think there’d have been so many people complaining about places growing crowded. That said, it’d have been a lot easier to get lost. I’ve already done so twice. Thankfully the staff are really helpful… When they aren’t busy talking about how adorable I am. [Asriel blushed a bit, shaking his head before focusing on his writing] I’ve been told there’s a few places I can’t go, which as far as I can tell are the same places almost nobody else but the Princesses are allowed. Aside from those, I am free to roam the palace as I like. The only thing they’ve made a point of is to try and avoid a ‘Prince Blueblood’, an adopted relative of Princess Celestia’s.  She was… nicer about the suggestion than Luna or some of the staff have been. Thankfully he’s not here right now, so I don’t have to worry about that for now. Aside from the tour, I’ve been bouncing between reading books along with Princess Luna, and  getting prodded by Dr. Mendheart, when I haven’t been doing my best to answer all of the other questions about Monsters, the Underground, and Earth the Princesses have and learning as much about Equestria. Speaking of the doctor, I’ve been given a clean bill of health. Dr. Mendheart was a bit surprised, but I seem to have been soaking up ambient magic like a sponge, and now my magic is fully restored. She did wind up asking me in private about that strange energy (DETERMINATION) that seems to be present as well, but she hasn’t probed any deeper after I said it was related to my past. As for the Princesses… They have so many, and I’ve been doing the best I can to answer them. I’ve had to tell them I can’t answer a few, and there’s been a few I’m going to have to wrack my head for deeper details. They seem rather interested in the Magic that Monsters use, since it's based on the Soul. (They also now know why I put emphasis on it whenever I used the term, since it stands for “Source of Universal Love”)  Apparently here in Equestria, Soul magic is a bit of a touchy subject. The Princesses want me to give them a demonstration of my magic in the next few days, but I need to practice a bit with it first. I need to make sure I can do the spells and stuff I know without any issue. Especially given that one of the things they’d likely want to see is the SOUL Call, and well, while my SOUL seems to be restored, I’m still… worried about drawing on it. It feels stable, but that doesn’t mean it is. For all I know, using magic the way I’m used to doing it could cause a problem and make me revert back into a flower- No, no, don’t think like that. You’re going to practice when you wake up this afternoon, and it’ll all turn out fine. SOUL Magic is intrinsic to Monsters, it's a part of us. There won’t be any problem. I hope. [Asriel sighed and glanced at the clock. He took a moment to stretch, then decided to jot just a bit more down.] Anyways, there’s a lot more I could write down, but I don’t wanna spend too long with these sorts of entries. And I need to head to bed… which I’ve noticed I’ve been doing during the daytime. I haven't really found myself getting all that tired at night, and I don’t feel like I’m doing things differently than I did back before… I think I might try to stick to weekly entries, or just if anything that really stands out happens. This book’s thick enough for quite a few as long as I write small enough, but with a whole new world to learn about, explore, and get to see, I feel like it’d be a waste of this second chance if I spent too much time writing in this. There is one thing I do want to include here… even if I’m probably the only one who's ever going to read any of these. I want to say… Thank you, Frisk, for forgiving me. Thank you for giving me the chance to make things right back home for everyone. If you hadn’t fallen into the Underground… I’d still be a flower. And everyone would still be waiting for the chance to see the sun and moon. I hope everything is going well for you and everyone else. And well, I wouldn’t be here writing this if not for that strange skeleton who brought me here, and have me my body back. So thank you as well.  Anyways, that’s all for tonight. Time to turn in.  > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asriel’s hand gripped the marker as he marked a big red X on the calendar. It joined the two rows of them already strewn across the page, and they were drawing very close to one that he had left a nice, bright red circle upon, alongside the words of ‘Field Trip’. In a few days, it’d be a full month since he had arrived in Equestria. And to celebrate, Luna would be taking him on a tour of the city. Not just the palace, the whole city. A whole day getting to see what until now, he had seen only from a distance.  Not like he’d had the time to do so. He had done his best to keep busy after all. From exploring the castle corridors til he knew the palace layout by the back of his hand. To making a few friends amongst the servants and guards. Add in quite a few study sessions with his Guardian, Princess Luna, and it was fair to say he hadn’t had a lot of time left afterwards. A small smile crept across his muzzle as he thought back to when he’d told Luna he was fine with her becoming his Guardian. He’d thought it would be hard to do so, since a small part of him felt like, in a way, he was replacing his parents. But the hug she’d given him had helped remind him of the budding connection he felt to the Lunar Princess. Her own past and his gave them a kinship he doubtless wouldn’t be able to feel with few, if any others. Even if she had yet to learn just what his past was like. And she absolutely adored his interest in and appreciation of her majestic nights. There had been some worry, on his part, that accepting her as his Guardian would change how she interacted with him. But really, the only two things that had changed was that he was free to just call her “Luna” now, and she was a bit more firm on him when it came to studying then his mother had been back home. Otherwise, she was the same warm and gentle Princess he’d come to know since he first woke up here in Equestria. And as for her Sister, he had gotten a few opportunities to spend some time with Celestia. She was opening up a bit, though he still couldn’t help but get the feeling she was keeping some of her guard up around him. At least he knew now that it came solely from her instincts and ability to read people. Rather than the ability to see into the very depths of his SOUL. Equestrian magic didn’t have anything like the Judgement spell. Speaking of magic, Asriel had gotten to learn more about Equestrian magic. And sharing everything he knew about Monster magic had been an… interesting occasion. Learning that they were rather similar was quite a surprise. Enough so that it was likely that Asriel could learn most Equestrian magic with ease if he put his mind to it. There was however, a slight caveat to that. Namely, that it was technically illegal to use Soul-based magic in Equestria. And the magic Monsters wielded was essentially that, from a certain point of view. Monsters, like the Equestrians, had a pool of magical energy they could draw upon to wield their magic. However, a great deal of their being, especially their SOUL, relied on magic itself. And when drawing upon their magic, they in essence drew upon their SOUL. Everything from a basic levitation spell or conjuring a flame to use with a stove… it was why intention mattered so much, both for general usage and in regards to self defense or attack. Of course, to Equestrians, Soul based magic was magic that directly affected or influenced the soul of another being. Which, in a sense, Monster magic also did, but that wasn’t its primary function. And it certainly couldn’t be used in the sorts of manners that Luna and Celestia were speaking of. As far as he knew anyways. After some brief discussion, the two decided that in a case like Asriel’s, an exception could quite obviously be made. Especially given the fact that Monster magic was as intrinsic to his being as being able to walk on clouds was to a Pegasus. Shaking his head and pulling his thoughts back to the present, he hurried off to get washed up and changed out of his pj’s. Today he had some more studying to do after he had breakfast, but after that he’d be free for the day. And as it happened, one of the guards he’d befriended, a unicorn named Burst Arc, had offered to let him watch some of the guards practice duels.  Seeing as Luna had to prepare to host her first Night Court since her return, and thus wouldn’t be available for much, he’d accepted the offer. As much of a pacifist as he wanted to be (especially after all he’d gone through) Asriel still knew that there’d be times where one had to fight. Even if they didn’t want to. Especially in a world full of some of the more dangerous and aggressive creatures that Asriel had read about in his studies. Dragons, Hydra’s, cockatrices, just to name a few. Still, it’d be interesting to see them actually using combat magic. The part of him that had enjoyed watching his Father train with the Royal Guard before… everything, wondered how different it would be compared to what he was used to. As he was finishing getting dressed, there was the familiar knock on the door and a call from Luna of, “Asriel~! Breakfast is ready and waiting!” “I’m coming~!” Asriel called back, smiling as he hurried out the door, quickly catching up with Princess Luna and giving her a good morning hug. Which she returned just as readily before tussling the tuft of fur atop his head. “I trust you slept alright? Did you dream up anything this time?” She asked, her voice taking a bit of a worried note with the second question. Asriel rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as he said, “I slept alright. Out like a rock once I got into bed. But uh, no. Still no dreams.” Luna’s smile thinned a bit at that, but she simply nodded as they continued down the hall. It was not the first time she had asked such, since a week prior when Asriel had admitted to not having had any dreams since arriving in Equestria. He still didn’t really see the big deal. Considering that when he’d been a flower, he’d gone long stretches of time without any. And well, considering his past, there was no guarantee that any dreams he had would be good ones. Both of the Princesses however had been concerned by this information. At least as far as Equestria’s own studies on mental and emotional health went, dreaming was an important feature of rest. And it was generally seen as a sign of something problematic if one either had mostly (or only) nightmares and more so if one didn’t dream at all. If they knew how long I’d gone without them, they’d probably freak out.  Still, he was assured that once Princess Luna was able to return to watching over the Realm of Dreams, she’d assist him with such. In fact, as she’d tucked him into bed yesterday, she’d said, “Even if it's not necessary for your kind, no one should be denied pleasant dreams as they rest.” Asriel supposed that was true. Long before he and Chara had made the mistakes they had, he had dreamed quite a bit. Mostly of the things he’d do once the Monsters were free, though sometimes he’d dream of all kinds of different worlds. Now that I think about it, Chara didn’t dream a lot. He had some sure, but they were rare. I wonder if… Asriel shook his head. There wasn’t much point wondering at the why of such. Especially as they reached the dining room and he hurried over to his seat and he dug into his meal. The sooner he finished eating, the sooner he could get his studying done and then watch the guards train! He had a rather strong hope it’d be at least as exciting as it had been to watch his father and the guards so many years ago. He was perhaps a bit too eager, if the chuckles from the Princesses were anything to go by. “Slow down young one. There is no need to rush.” Celestia remarked with a smirk. “Why in such a rush, Asriel?” Luna asked, and after Asriel shared the reason, she nodded in understanding.  “I’ve done that here and there myself, though I haven’t had as many opportunities to do so as I’d like. Once I’m caught up on everything though…” An almost predatory grin spread across her muzzle as she nickered, “I look forward to taking charge of the Lunar Guard’s drills once more.” “Guard Captain Dhalvor does a perfectly adequate job at keeping your guards in tip top shape.” Celestia noted as she sipped at her tea. Luna just snorted before she bit into a biscuit. There was a teasing glimmer in her eyes as she replied, “You’re just worried they’ll outshine your Solar Guard if I start handling their training personally.” Celestia could only quirk an eye up at that as she remarked, “It’s more that there’s not much need for either of us to oversee such these days. It is rather rare when a problem arises the Equestrian Guard cannot handle. Remember dear sister, the era we live in is one predominantly of peace.” For the discussion that followed, Asriel listened with only half an ear as he took his time with the rest of his plate. Conversations like this seemed to happen at least once a week over various things. Most of the time, it was over things like how things in the realm were managed.  Even as Luna caught up, there were some things Luna had trouble adjusting to, thought was foolish, or thought could be improved or handled differently. And while there were times that Celestia would agree with Luna even as she reminded her why some things were as they were, there were others that they would… Argue was perhaps too strong of a word. Debate was probably a better one. In any case, this was one of the things that seemed to get brought up more frequently than others. And it seemed to stem from a fundamental difference of opinion between the two. Princess Luna was, as Asriel had come to learn, a more martially inclined royal than Celestia. Even before her banishment, the study of Equestrian history and some of the stories of her past Luna had been open to sharing made such rather obvious. By contrast, Princess Celestia was much more diplomatic. From his studies and interactions with her, Asriel would hazard a guess such came more from having to spend a thousand years ruling and leading on her own more than anything intrinsic to her character, but even if that was the case it was very much a part of her now and shaped quite a bit of her views. In this case, Celestia believed Equestria’s military (what their was of it) was plenty sufficient to deal with the few threats that were likely to pose a problem. Luna believed that they shouldn’t be lax on such things, as the future was always an uncertain thing. Thankfully, unlike some of the other debates between the two, neither was inclined to ask if he had any thoughts to share on the topic. And well, his thoughts on such were in a vein very much similar to what he had told Frisk before they had left to rejoin the others on the surface. Finishing his plate, Asriel let out a cough as he said, “Done, gonna go take care of my studies now.” He got a nod from both of them, the two flashing him smiles before returning to their discussion.  Giving them both a wave, he quickly slipped out of the dining room. Shaking his head ruefully, he smiled and hurried off to the library. Since Luna would be busy, he’d be getting tutored by Ms. Sacral, one of Luna’s Thestral servants. And if there was one thing he knew about the bat-winged mare, it was that she was very, very big on punctuality. -*- Three rough hours of studying later, Asriel was quite happy to put his books away and leave the library behind him.  As much as he enjoyed reading through the many books he had access to in the Palace Library, he could have done without Ms. Sacral’s presence. The taciturn bat-pony and her tendency to spring little ‘pop quizzes’ on him as he was reading didn’t lend itself to creating a relaxing atmosphere. Now though, he was free for the day. And after making a quick swing by the kitchens to grab a glass of lemonade, Asriel made his way through the palace til he reached the Training Yard, where many of the guards were doing laps or other exercises. A handful however, were gathered around an oval shaped patch of dirt. A white line was chalked around it, and two Pegasi were facing each other in their armor. One had a cocky look on their muzzle, the other bore a stoic one as a sergeant stood nearby as an observer. About a dozen ponies, most stallions, were talking excitedly amongst themselves as the two guards readied themselves. Burst Arc was amongst them, helmet resting on the ground beside him as he stretched and joked with one of his friends. Since his helmet was off, it was rather easy to pick out the colorful unicorn amongst the guards as the glamour was dispelled. His electric yellow coat and neon purple mane would be hard to miss anywhere. As soon as the Burst Arc spotted Asriel, he grinned and waved the young Monster over. “Heya kiddo, ya were able to make it!” Asriel let out a soft bleat as Burst ruffled the tuft of fur atop his head, blushing just a bit at the chuckles the other guards let out. He gave his friend a bit of a mock pout as he protested, “Hey, I thought you said you weren’t gonna do that anymore!” “Sorry kiddo, I just couldn’t resist.” Burst said with a smirk. He scooted to the left a bit so Asriel would have more room to watch. “Hope you’ll enjoy the show as much as the rest of us do.” “We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?” Asriel replied, then followed it up with, “Will it just be Pegasi dueling? Or…” Burst chuckled. “Nah, it’s whoever’s up for it. Cumulus and Comet were just the first to volunteer.” Asriel gave a nod at that, listening along with the others as the sergeant laid out the rules for the duel. He was a bit surprised to learn that one possible way for the duels to end was for a combatant to get knocked out. “Doesn’t that risk someone getting badly hurt?” Asriel asked, voice tinged with some worry as the two Pegasi began to circle each other. Burst shook his head. “See the line?” At Asriel’s nod, he said, “The battle space here is enchanted in such a way that if someone konks out or gets hurt too badly, it’ll put a stasis field around the other combatant. If a really bad accident happens, it’ll automatically teleport a guard to the infirmary.” Asriel nodded at that. With precautions like that, he supposed such rules weren’t so bad. And he had to remind himself that Ponies were rather sturdy. Or so some of the books he read suggested at least. He turned his attention to the dueling field as the two Pegasi circled each other once more, before finally they launched towards each other. The next few minutes were mostly ones of hoofstrikes, kicks, ducking and weaving with the occasional gust of wind from their wings. It wasn’t specifically what Asriel had come to watch, but it was still interesting. Very interesting in fact, as he found himself unwittingly paying careful attention to the pattern of attack and defense they both made use of. And he didn’t even realize he’d started to mumble aloud the flaws or weakpoints both were displaying til Burst gave him a slight nudge and whispered, “How in Celestia’s name were ya able to pick up on all that?” Asriel blinked in surprise, mind seeming to register what it was he’d been doing. He rubbed his head sheepishly, chuckling nervously as he closed his eyes and said, “I~It’s uh, I-I’m just good at picking up details I guess.” Burst Arc didn’t seem to quite buy that, nor did the guard to Asriel’s right. But the next volunteers were quickly moving up as the duel came to an end with the younger Pegasus using some weather control to give his opponent a bit of an electric wing slash. The next duel was one between two Unicorns, and after that, a duel between two Earth Ponies. Things mixed up a bit afterwards, as those who stepped forward took on a pony of a different tribe then their own. It continued to be an interesting and enlightening experience, as he did notice that there were some differences between what sort of spells and strikes the Equestrians used compared to what the Monsters of the Royal Guard back home would have done. But Asriel found his enjoyment of the spectacle hindered by the fact that even when he tried not to, he couldn’t seem to stop analyzing every little detail. Finding weaknesses, seeing ways he could take advantage of each tribe's natural abilities as well as the peculiarities of individual guard ponies. It was the sort of thing he’d done as Flowey, a trait that had become useful once he’d started growing bored with just being everyone’s friends and took a… darker path. He was even able to use it at times to make it so he didn’t have to fight some Monsters multiple times just to figure out their patterns and abilities. The fact he could still figure such things out, just from observing these Guards as they dueled… Asriel trembled from head to toe, taking a few uneasy steps back. His entire being felt rather queasy now, and he found he couldn’t stand to watch anymore. Burst quickly caught onto the change, as he glanced back and asked,  “Ya’ll alright kiddo?” “I… N-No I’m… I’m going to go rest in my room. I don’t feel so good.” Offering no further explanation, Asriel dashed away as quickly as he could, trying his best to not think about all the ways he could deal with those guards if the need arose.  No, the need will never arise. I don’t need an ability like that anymore. I don’t need to be able to figure such things out at the drop of a hat. I’m not… not that thing. Not anymore! I’m me, Asriel Dreemurr, not… As he reached his room, he locked the door and threw himself into his bed, sobbing softly into the pillow as the intrusive thoughts lingered at the edge of his mind. Try as hard as he might to push them out entirely, he couldn’t eject them. And it was mentally tiring trying to do so, more so each time he failed. At least when he passed out an hour later, curled up around his now tear dampened pillow, the thoughts didn’t follow him into his rest. -*- Celestia listened to the report from Burst Arc, frowning as she let her gaze remain seemingly fixed on the roll of parchment before her. In reality, she was wishing she could see through it and walls towards the room where her sister’s ward had run off to. “Anything else to report Private?” She asked after a moment, to which the Unicorn shook his head. “No your Majesty.” Chewing her lip briefly, Princess Celestia gave him a soft nod. “Thank you. I don’t think this warrants any change to your orders. But I appreciate you bringing it to me so quickly.” Burst Arc gave a salute and a nod of his own, accepting the unspoken dismissal as he turned and strode out of her study. Once she was alone, Princess Celestia shook her head softly as she murmured, “Just what secrets are you hiding, little one?” -*- For the Princess of the Moon, things seemed to be looking up.  She was steadily regaining her powers, she was taking charge of the responsibilities she bore as the Stewardess of the Night, and it wouldn’t be long before she was again the Guardian of the Dreamlands. The first evening in which she had hosted a Night Court had higher attendance than she had expected.  And despite her sister’s friendly warning, quite a few of the petitioners had actually brought issues forward that were worth the attention of the throne. All in all, her return to her place beside her sister as an equal was proceeding well. Yet, with all of this taken into consideration, if one was to ask how Luna was doing, she would have to admit she was feeling worried and anxious. Worrying was not a new emotion for Luna. It was an emotion she had quite a bit of experience with, in both a positive and negative fashion. However, it had been some time since she felt it so strongly for someone besides her sister, yet now her thoughts were often focused on her young charge.  It wasn’t just that Asriel still hadn’t had a single dream since arriving in Equestria. Which she was plenty concerned about, there was no doubt about that. No, it was what Celestia had shared with her just before she headed to bed after her first Night Court, and the behavior of her young ward that had followed which left her fretting. Asriel had not been around for all that long, yet she and her sister both had gleaned a fair bit about his personality. From their own observations, and small talk with the staff and reports from some of the guards alike. The young Monster was a treat to be around, even if it at times took a bit for him to open up to somepony. Once he did though, he was bright, cheerful, and exceptionally friendly. Which contrasted rather heavily with the withdrawn, anxious, and sullen state Asriel had been in the last few days. He spent most of his time in his quarters now, and had to practically be dragged out of his room for his studies or to eat. Seeing the adorable, fluffy Monster in such a depressed state was eating at quite a few of the staff and residents of the palace. Even a few of the nobles who frequented the palace and knew little of the child seemed to express some consideration of his state. Attempts to speak with him about what was weighing him down had not gone far. Considering that both she and Celestia suspected it had something to do with his past, which Asriel remained reluctant to go into full detail about, it wasn’t that surprising. However, it became much harder when she accidentally let slip that she knew what might have triggered his mood change. Asriel hadn’t exactly been happy to learn he was being spied on… even if the very next day he’d said he understood why they might do so. Still, it had created a bit of distance between them, making it more difficult for Luna to help the young Monster out of his slump. As the week passed, this eventually led to Luna changing up the plan for the one month anniversary of Asriel’s arrival. A tour of Canterlot focusing on the historical sights and giving a general idea of its layout didn’t seem like it would be all that fun for a young child. Even for one who seemed to enjoy any moment they got to spend outside. So she had enlisted some help from a few of her guards and staff who had young ones of their own. Or at least, were relatives to some. As such, she now had a list of places to visit that a foal of Asriel’s age would likely find interesting. While she did plan to mix in some visiting of historical places and give a redacted version of the tour she’d originally planned, the goal was now one of alleviating the depressive cloud hanging over dear Asriel. Hopefully, it would not prove as daunting as she worried it might. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day had arrived. And though Princess Luna had hoped that its arrival would help to brighten the young Dreemurr’s spirits, they remained decidedly below ground. At least when she had mentioned there had been some changes to the tour she’d planned, such news piqued his curiosity. While Asriel was still resting, the Princess letting him sleep in a bit today, she finished going over the preparations. She had originally thought to follow through on the suggestion of bringing water and snacks… But after some thought on it, she decided to simply bring a water bottle for them both. Technically, Luna could do a few days without eating or drinking, and Asriel had started to note his own portion sizes might need to be smaller if he was going to eat three meals a day here. So chances were the big meal they’d get at the restaurant she’d made reservations with would last him the day. That did make her pause for a moment as she pondered the young Monster’s dietary needs. The fact that matter based food was much more filling for Monsters had led her and a few mages to do some digging, revealing that most food (and indeed, everything else) seemed to be made up of about three quarters matter, and one quarter magic.  Which made their world very different to the one Asriel had come from. Where, as far as the Monster’s knew, everything was, with the exception of the highly magical environment of the Underground and Monsters themselves, made up almost universally of physical matter. If things had been different at some point… Monsters nor Humans remembered. It would be so interesting to visit his world… I wonder if it is anything like the one that Starswirl once visited. Luna thought to herself as she resumed her work, picking up the camera they were bringing and making sure it had film and its magical battery was charged. She also had an amulet her sister was lending her that would allow her to transform into a less… noticeable form. That one she wasn’t entirely sure of to be honest. Perhaps her sister had grown tired of the ideation and adoration of their subjects to an extent. Or maybe she was truly sincere in stating that it was nice to sometimes just go out and be Sunny Day, a bright and cheery unicorn who enjoyed bringing smiles to the faces of others. Then again, I’ve longed for such attention from our subjects. Celestia has had to deal with it, and so much more, for a millenia. She winced as that thought briefly flitted through her mind. She sighed and pushed it out of her head, reminding herself there was something more important to do right now than dwell on her own past. Namely, cheering up her young charge. “Alright, I think that’s everything…” She pulled out a list just to make sure, double checking both what was with them and each of the destinations they were going to. Start with a visit to Donut Joes for breakfast, then swing by a local comic book store. Take a stroll around Canterlot Park. View the races at the Cloud Stadium. Lunch at Raffine’s Fancy Dining. Check out either the Art Gallery or the Dance Studio… then just stroll about wherever our wanderings lead us. That first one had been recommended rather strongly by not only Princess Celestia, but their niece Princess Cadence, and the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor. She had visited the place once so far with her sister, but didn’t exactly see the appeal to the place. But then, she’d never been as big on sweets as Celly had. Satisfied that everything was situated and sorted, Luna hummed a little tune to herself as she made her way up to Asriel’s quarters. A quick check with her magic showed that the young Monster was still fast asleep. So she quietly pushed open the door and crept up to her young ward’s bed. She couldn’t help but smile a bit as she saw him resting so peacefully. She almost felt a bit bad for coming in to rouse him, but she had already given him an extra hour and a half. So, with a soft nicker, Luna leaned in and nuzzled the adorable goat. “Rise and shine young one~” That earned some shifting, but didn’t seem to be enough to rouse the Monster, so she added, “Today is a special day, remember?” Asriel shifted some more, rolling onto his side as he muttered something. Something which made Luna briefly freeze in place and her heart skip a beat. “Mhmm… five more minutes Mom…” Luna’s head spun a bit, briefly wondering if Asriel had said such on purpose and meant it in reference to her. Even as her rational side quickly reminded her that he was doubtless not really awake, and said such out of a sort of habit from before… She’d be lying if she said the thought of hearing him call her such didn’t make her heart flutter and grow warm. Shaking her head and refocusing on the now, rather than past desires and wishes of a family of her own, Luna chuckled and reached up to tickle at the back of his neck. “Now, now, you’ve already gotten plenty of sleep. Up and at’em Asriel~!” The light tickling was what did it, drawing forth some precious and cute bleats that made her own smile widen further as Asriel was drawn forth from his slumber. The smile he gave her was a tired one, and his eyes still didn’t shine as much as they had just a week previous. But he was smiling a bit at least, and that counted for something in her book. “There we are~! Now, do you remember what today is?” At his half-asleep nod, she gave the tuft of fur upon his head a light tussling. “Good. Then hurry up and get cleaned up so that we can be off. The day is awasting~” “Alright, alright, I won’t be long.” Asriel said with a light chuckle. Luna smiled, and let him know she’d be waiting outside for him. And true to his word, all it took was a few minutes before Asriel joined her. Though he yelped as she used her magic to set him upon her back. “I know you can walk on your own, but consider this part of the tour.” Luna remarked, before adding, “Besides, you still look like you’ve got some waking up to do. Just to the carriage that’s waiting for us, alright?” Asriel harrumphed just a bit, but didn’t contest it. However, as they made their way outside, he asked, “Do we really need to take a carriage?” She raised an eyebrow at that. “Canterlot is quite the large city. Are you sure you want to hoof it?” The barest hint of a smirk formed on Asriel’s muzzle as he countered, “When you’re letting me, sure.” This got a nicker out of Luna, but Asriel was quick to add,  “Canterlot is big, but from what you and Princess Celestia have shared with me, it doesn’t sound like it's much bigger than the whole of the Underground. And I used to walk around and explore it all the time.” His expression grew a bit distant then. “It was how I found Chara, after all.” Humming at that, Luna gave a simple nod then as they reached the carriage. “Very well, just let me grab my saddlebags and we can be off.” Her horn lit up, floating them from it as she told the Lunar Guard who was going to do the pulling they could return to their normal duties. As she trotted back over to Asriel, she inquired, “Do you wish to walk the whole way? Or would you like me to teleport us to where we shall enjoy a quick breakfast?” Teleporting was something that, for whatever reason, Asriel wasn’t super fond of. While he was growing used to it, she had noticed there was always a brief hesitance to it. The most Luna had been able to get out of him to explain it was “Something in my past”. So as a general rule, she didn’t offer it unless it would save time. And usually, he preferred walking. In this instance though, all Asriel asked was, “How far to where we’re going?” After informing him it was on the far side of the city, closer to the train station, that seemed to decide it for him. “Teleport. I’m hungry already and just woke up. I’ll be famished by the time we got there.” Chuckling at that, Luna just smiled and draped a wing over him as she asked, “Ready?” Receiving his nod, she gathered her magic, and in the wink of an eye, they left the palace grounds. -*- Reappearing in a burst of night blue light, Asriel relaxed as he cast his gaze about. The area they’d arrived in seemed to be a mix of residential and commercial, with many of the stores in the area seeming to be geared towards tourists. Which made sense, with the train station nearby.  They appeared to be at an intersection of sorts, with five different roads leading off to other parts of the city. Ponies of every sort within Equestria, but predominantly Unicorn, were bustling about as they went about their day. Or well, they had been bustling about. Now however, they were all gazing at the two of them. And it was hard to tell who had more of the attention- Princess Luna, or himself. What wasn’t hard to tell was that quite a few were startled by their sudden arrival. A handful were so startled that they whinnied and dashed off. Everyone else however, recovered readily enough. Many proceeded to dip into slight bows, with others inclining their head. Some had their eyes closed, out of deference perhaps. A few seemed awed to be in the presence of a Princess, even as they shot curious or wary glances towards Asriel. However, there were a few whose gazes seemed to be filled more with fear… or trepidation. And again, Asriel wasn’t sure if such was meant for him… or his guardian. If Princess Luna noticed such, there was no outward sign. Instead, raising her voice just a bit, she called out, “Be at ease my little ponies, your Princess is simply taking a tour of the city with our ward. Continue about your business, and may harmony always guide you.” It took a moment, but the ponies did indeed return to their business. A few tourists with camera’s took pictures and seemed to linger. Aside from flashing them smiles and nods though, Princess Luna proceeded to pay no further heed to them as she raised a hoof and pointed. “Our destination is over there.” Luna said as Asriel directed his gaze towards what appeared to be a donut shop of some sort. Emblazoned underneath a large donut was a rather simple and to the point “Joe’s Donuts” in bright blue letters, contrasting with the pink paint of the icing and sprinkles. Nodding his head, Asriel followed after as they made their way inside. There were only a handful of ponies all of whom took notice of their presence. “Ah, mornin’ Princess Luna!” A stallion behind the counter called out as Luna picked out a table that didn’t have anybody else nearby. “Menu’s are on the table, I’ll be over in a moment!” “Get whatever you like.” Luna remarked, though she quickly added, “Though do keep in mind we’ll be having a bigger meal later.”  “I’ll stick with something simple and small.” Asriel said, though as he looked over the menu, he found himself having a bit of a hard time doing so. Asriel wasn’t as much of a sucker for sweets as Princess Celestia was (which Luna constantly teased her over), but there was such a wide variety on display before him. And absolutely all of them looked delicious. By the time the stallion, who as it turned out was the owner, Asriel hadn’t managed to narrow his choices down. He let out a nervous laugh and shyly rubbed the back of his head, while Luna just chuckled softly and ordered the regular sampler plate for the two of them. At least choosing a drink was easier, Asriel going for a chocolate milkshake. He sipped at it slowly, wondering if it was as sweet as the kind Chara had talked about in the past. Course, he nearly spit some out when the sampler arrived and he saw the stacks of donuts. “Do not worry Asriel.” Luna said with a smirk. “We won’t be eating all of these.” She leaned in and whispered, “We’ll save a few for later. And a few we can keep for my Sister when we return to the palace.” She rolled her eyes at that bit, but her muzzle bore a wide smile. Asriel gave a nod, though he eyed the platter uncertainly.  “I gotcha. Still, that is a lot of donuts… I don’t know what to try first.” And he needed to be careful with how much he indulged in too. Luna raised up a fork and knife. “That is, fortunately, a simple enough thing to solve.” With a quick use of fine telekinesis, all of the donuts were sliced or diced into quarter pieces. Asriel gave an appreciative nod at that, finally digging in as he grabbed a piece each of the various donuts. When put together, it was the equivalent of three donuts, which was probably a bit much for him. But that way insured he’d have a better idea of what he would and wouldn’t like in the future. Alternatively, as one empty plate later would attest, everything was delicious. “No wonder your sister and so many ponies like this place.” Asriel said with a soft groan, giving his middle a slight poke as it bulged just a bit. He hadn’t been able to help himself to another full donut. “Donut Joe does know what he’s doing when it comes to his trade, that’s for sure.” Luna remarked, smirking as she got up. “I suppose it is a good thing you suggested we hoof it for our day out and about. It will give you a chance to burn all the energy they’ll give you.” Groaning a bit, Asriel slumped out of the booth as they made their way out onto the streets. “Not wrong there. So uh, where are we off to first?” From out of Luna’s saddlebags, came a folded up map of Canterlot. The Princess let Asriel snatch it from the air as she started down the street and hurried after her. “Well, Shining Armor suggested a place called a ‘comic book’ store that is a few minutes from here.” Luna noted, frowning just a tad as she commented, “He showed me a few. I am not entirely sure I get the appeal of them, but he said young ones your age are often quite fond of them.” Asriel gave a nod at that. “I am a fan of them hehe, though we didn’t have many to enjoy down in the underground. Chara used to talk about a bunch the library up in Ebott had though. Said when Monsters were free, he’d show me all his favorites.” Luna glanced at her charge briefly, wondering if perhaps this was actually going to bring him down a bit. But instead, Asriel seemed to perk up a bit as he said, “I’ll have to see if there’s any that he’d have enjoyed, so I can read them for the both of us.” Relief washed over Luna, who nodded and gave his head another soft ruffle. “That’s the spirit. Still, if that is the case, perhaps you can enlighten this rather old mare just what is so enticing about these comics.” Asriel chortled a bit at that, his mind briefly recalling how his Mother had often used a similar description for herself. Then again, like his Mother back in the Underground, Luna was actually rather old, so he supposed they both weren’t wrong.  Even if neither of them looked a day over thirty. Still, Asriel was more than happy to share all that he knew about comics. Much of which was just reciting what Chara had told him. It was a good way to pass the time, as Luna’s assessment of “minutes away” was a bit more based on them going by carriage rather than foot. Luna still didn’t quite seem to find them as interesting as proper books could be, though that changed somewhat once they arrived at the comic book store and they began to browse about. And boy, was there a veritable selection of things to choose from! There even seemed to be Equestrian equivalents for some of the series or characters that Chara had told him about. That actually made him stop for a moment, glancing up and over to Princess Luna as his mind seemed to combine that with what he’d learned of Equestrian geography. And recollected what he knew about the surface from the books and things that filtered down to the Underground, and what Chara had learned before he fell into their prison. He was rather tempted to ask if perhaps anyone from Equestria had visited Earth at some point in the past. Or if there was magic that let them peer at other worlds, or even other dimensions. Asriel still had no way of knowing just how far from home the mysterious figure had taken him after all. Asriel decided to save such a query for later though, given that Luna was now looking at several comics herself as a half dozen foals had gathered around her and were telling her all about their favorites and what ones she should take a look at. When they weren’t asking her all kinds of other questions, to her bemusement and delight. Asriel couldn’t help but smile at that. Even as a flash of memory flitted before his eyes, of himself and Chara enthusing to Toriel about their adventures in the Underground. Where the gaggle of foals stood the two inseparable siblings, and in Luna’s place was Toriel herself. However, just as the smile was widening on his muzzle, the mental image shifted. Or perhaps a better word was, it transformed. And briefly, for something like a fraction of a second, it was Toriel, looking down at a single, solitary entity with an encouraging smile, unaware that the friendly smile it bore was hiding something malevolent. And in the next fraction of a second, that entity turned, and smiled at Asriel. Dark cackles echoed in Asriel’s head. And then he felt something tugging on his pants leg and- “Uh, m-mister, are you alright?” If not for the clear concern in the voice, Asriel might have let out a terrified bleat then. The image and laugh lingering in his mind and leaving his thoughts scrambled. As it was, his awareness of the world around him returned, and he found himself looking down at a unicorn foal with a brown coat with white splotches. The foal, a filly, was gazing at him with wide eyed wonder, and a bit of concern. “O-Oh, uh, y-yes, I-I’m alright.” Asriel quickly fibbed, laughing a bit nervously as he tried to shake the moment off. It was at this point he realized he was now the center of attention, the other foals now standing just a foot away with Luna right behind them. From the look on Luna’s face, she wasn’t exactly buying it as he tried to recompose himself. Fortunately, the filly offered a bit of a distraction as she beamed and bounced in place as she excitedly asked, “Good, cause I wanted to ask, can I feel your fur? You look so fluffy!” Asriel could only blink at that. Out of all the things he would have expected a random child here to ask, that wouldn’t have been on the list. “I, erm, I… don’t see why not?” Was all he could offer. And as he’d find out a moment later, it seemed that answer was accepted by all the foals. Who proceeded to ponypile him, the little unicorn filly being the first to glomple him to the ground and the others all taking advantage of that fact. The whole thing left him a flustered mess, and he had to spend a few minutes fixing his fur once they got off him and asked a bunch of other questions. Their curiosity it seemed had led one of them to ask the Princess who he was. Luna, it seemed, had told them he was a creature from a far away land she was watching over. It led to at least one of them asking if he was a pet, which earned an indignant bleat from Asriel and a gentle reprimand from Luna. Course, with that not being the case, the unicorn filly reached a conclusion that she just had to share. “That must mean she’s your Momma now, right? A G-Guard-ian is like a parent, right? So you’re adopted by the Princess?” “N-Not exactly… b-but not entirely wrong, I-I guess?” Asriel replied, only partially catching how Luna seemed to freeze up and her eyes widened to the question. His response seemed to reverse this, as she nodded. “Similar, but not quite, my little pony.” The filly seemed to think that was sad for some reason, but the others simply skipped past it and proceeded to bombard both Asriel and Luna with even more questions. The arrival of several older ponies, siblings or parents, brought an end to such queries. An attempt was made to apologize for them bothering them. Though Asriel was quite certain such was mostly directed towards the Princess.  Luna waved such off though, commenting how she had always enjoyed being around children. Asriel didn’t miss the soft undertone in her voice when she said such. Nor that the smile on her muzzle seemed ever so slightly sad. Asriel was tempted to inquire about such, but he found himself longing more to try and distract himself from his memories turning on him as they had there. And while there was plenty to look at here, Asriel didn’t think comics were going to properly cut it. Perhaps then, it was lucky that just before they got out of earshot, Asriel heard one of the colts ask their parent if they could, “Go to the Arcade next.” Eyes going wide at hearing that, Asriel hurried over to Luna and asked, “There’s an Arcade here in Canterlot?” The question had Luna turning to him, and giving a slight, curious tilt of her head. She blinked, and then asked, “An… An Arcade? What is that?” Asriel’s jaw flapped open and closed at that. How could she not know what that was? Chara would have considered such a crime, and would have demanded such be rectified. As soon as possible, in fact. And Asriel was more than happy to do so.  “Something that you and I have to go see! C’mon!” Asriel wasted no time, hurrying off and after the gaggle of children so they could get directions.And as soon as they had them, Asriel was off like a lightning bolt. As he raced ahead, darting around ponies, Luna had to take to the air to keep up and keep him in her sight. He stopped only once he was standing in front of the place, a wide grin now gracing his muzzle. A few seconds later, Luna alighted beside him, giving him a curious eye as he practically vibrated in place. “Asriel, are you feeling well?” Luna asked, tilting her head as she took in the rather bright and, admittedly, a bit garish exterior of the arcade. “One moment you are-” “Questions later!” Asriel cut her off, grabbing one of her hooves as he pulled her towards the door. “You’ll see why I’m so excited after I show you what’s inside! Chara would love this!” Luna simply shook her head, not quite sure of that. But perhaps this was a sign that whatever had nearly spooked the Monster before wasn’t anything to truly worry about. And it couldn’t hurt to humor him. This trip was to make him feel better after all. So it was that Asriel dragged Luna into the dimly lit, yet neon light and bouncy music filled building, not quite sure what to expect. But delighted all the same to see her young charge so exuberant. -*- Several hours later… “I simply cannot believe I didn’t know that such things existed! I am most certainly going to have to have a talk with my sister and see what else I have missed out on!” Asirel could only chuckle, eyes twinkling in delight as they finally made their way out of the arcade. What had been meant to be a short little side jaunt had taken up quite a bit of the day, and even gone into the night. Princess Luna had gotten so absorbed in things that she nearly even forgot to raise the moon. And the only reason she remembered was because she felt her sister starting to do so, and had promptly dashed out the arcade to take care of her royal duty. Once she’d gotten a taste of one game, she’d wanted to try each and every other one. And since the place was decently sized and supposedly boasted nearly a hundred machines… The vast majority of them weren’t all that more advanced than the things that the Monsters had scavenged from the Junkyard section of Waterfall. And more than a few seemed to literally be games he and Chara had played, just with the characters being ponies. But they had a blast trying out all of them, taking turns for all the single player machines and testing each other’s skills on any of the multiplayer ones. Asriel was quite impressed to find that even though she was new at this, Luna seemed to be a very quick study when it came to these games. They’d even spent so long there they wound up having to get their lunch at the small restaurant the Arcade had in it. Not that Asriel was going to complain, as what they did get was really good. But once finished, it was right back to playing more games! The Princess had even gone back to a few of the ones they’d started out on to see if she’d gotten any better after spending so much time on the others. Course, this meant that most of the rest of the touring of the city was kind of thrown out the window. What with it being midnight and all, a fair number of the places Luna had thought to show him were closed. Which left Asriel expecting them to start heading back towards the castle. Luna however, seemed to have other ideas. “Asriel, would you be so kind as to climb upon my back? There is a park here in Canterlot I’d like to take you to, and I know how uncomfortable you still are with teleporting…” She smiled brightly as she added, “Besides, Canterlot seen from the air and in the light of my glorious moon is truly a sight everyone should see at least once.” Despite all the activity they’d just had, Asriel wasn’t feeling all that tired. And he couldn’t think of a reason to say no. Even if he was a little anxious… this would be the first time he’d be flying higher than a few feet if one didn’t count his time in the God of Hyperdeath form. Clambering aboard, he made sure he was comfortable and had gently wrapped his arms around the lower portion of her neck. After he affirmed that he was situated, Luna gently pushed off the ground and took to the air at a gentle pace arcing ever higher.  The young monster didn’t bury his face into Luna’s neck as they ascended, but he did for the moment keep his gaze affixed to the star studded canvas above them. Only when Luna leveled herself out and began to almost lazily glide did he hesitantly pull his head back so that he could look down on the city. And had his breath taken away. He’d already known the city of Canterlot was bigger than new home. And he’d seen some of it here and there from the various towers when he and Luna would go to stargaze from them. But this… it was something else. It reminded him of a fictional city from a movie series he and Chara had gotten to watch, in happier days long since past. Towers and buildings alike gleamed in the light of the moon as it shone down upon the land unhindered by a single cloud. The lights from dozens of buildings twinkled like the stars themselves, an earthly reflection of the heavens above. It really was something else. Even the view from the palace towers didn’t do the same justice as seeing the city from the air. And he got to enjoy it for quite a few minutes as Luna lazily made her way through the sky. Then she was angling down towards a large park, quite a bit of which was at least partially cloaked in shadow. Only the occasional streetlamp offered much illumination, save around a large pond situated near the very center of it. At first, Asriel thought she was going to land them there, but then she changed course for one of several archways that led into the park. As soon as she landed, he hopped off and hummed a bit in thought. “Is it normal for there to be so few lights in this park? Especially if folks visit it at night?”  Luna just smiled, and took a few steps past the archway. Asriel’s eyes widened as he saw several lanterns along the path begin to glow dimly. “Only some of the lights remain on if no one is within the park. When there’s many visitors, the lights get brighter.” That was a clever idea. It’d keep light pollution down and ensure that animals living in the park might not be too disturbed. Though, on the flip side, the lights being kept low when not many were around seemed rather risky. A side of him that Asriel was working very hard to ignore helpfully pointed out that sneaky sorts would do well with the lessened light if there weren’t many visitors about. Shaking his head, Asriel hurried after Luna as she continued forward on the path. A soft, relaxed smile graced her face as she remarked, “It isn’t my sister’s personal retreat. Nor is it the lovely garden our old castle boasted. But, I still enjoy a stroll here every so often.” Glancing about the path, he saw well tended bushes and shrubs, and lines of beautiful flowers that were a pleasure to see be it day or night. The tree’s scattered about were tall and offered a partial canopy, offering some shelter from the sun or rain but also letting one catch glimpses of the heavens above. The soft sound of crickets trilling through the night air with the occasional glimmer of a lightning bug added to the peaceful, serene atmosphere. “I can see why. It really is a lovely place.” Luna gave a slow nod, but otherwise remained quiet as she led them through the park. Asriel began to wonder if she had a specific destination in mind, but eventually settled on the thought this was just a good way to unwind after the excitement of the arcade. He let himself enjoy the peace and quiet as their wandering eventually led them to a clearing, where a large pond with a small dock and some rowboats sat. A few benches were scattered about around it, and a cozy looking gazebo sat nearby, half shrouded in shadow thanks to a rather large tree growing nearby. Luna eventually made her way to one of the benches, settling down on it and sighing as her gaze turned to the pond. Some of the lightning bugs that were out and about seemed to be dancing, almost like they were putting on a show. Crickets and other insects of the night sang along, and if he didn’t know better, he’d have sworn they were actually putting on a performance together for the two of them. Settling down beside Luna, he listened and watched, utterly transfixed. The Princess smiled, remaining silent as the little show played out. She did her best to hold back a little laugh when Asriel bleated in surprise at the end once it stopped and the lightning bugs bowed then flittered off across the lake. “T~That was… th~they were actually dancing?” Asriel squeaked, quickly adding, “Were the crickets actually-?” “Yes. It's something they only do if someone comes to this pond at night. The park caretakers trained them well.” All Asriel could do was flap his mouth open and close a few times at that, while Luna nickered in amusement. After a moment though, she glanced down to Asriel and asked, “Are you doing alright, Asriel? Feeling any better?” Asriel squeaked a bit at that, and rubbed his head a bit sheepishly. “Yeah, I’m doing fine. This has actually been a rather fun outing actually. Why do you ask?” “Mhm, well, you’ve been quieter the last few days. And there was that moment earlier at the comic book store…” “O-Oh, uh yeah…” Asriel nearly clammed up at that. He had no desire to talk about that, but the worried look on Luna’s face made him at least share, “I-It was something to do with my past. B-Bad memory.” “Are you sure that’s all it was?” Luna asked, her tone nearly overflowing with concern. “You looked like you’d seen a ghost. Would you like to talk about it?” That’s not too far off the mark, Asriel thought to himself, but shook his head as firmly as he could. His answer to such hadn’t changed, and likely wasn’t going to. Even as a voice loved to whisper every so often, there may come a day when he had no choice but to do so. Even so… “No. I’d rather not. Not yet.” He replied, and Luna gave an understanding, if saddened nod at such. They sat in silence for a time, Asriel not looking up and keeping his gaze to the ground and the pond. He tried to think of something else, anything else, and he quickly found something to focus on as he recalled Luna’s own, albeit much briefer, moment. “W-What about you? I saw you freeze up when that filly asked if you were my mother now.” Luna stiffened at this, her gaze getting very distant. Asriel worried suddenly that he might have gone a step far in asking such. Especially given his own reticence. “Y-You don’t have to answer… it was just something I noticed, that's all.” “It… is alright. It is just not something I have shared such outside of my sister for a rather long time.” She replied slowly after a moment of silence. She continued to gaze out over the darkened pond for a good minute before simply remarking, “I have always had a fondness for children. And have desired to have a family. My sister and I’s ascension to being Alicorns though… made pursuing that desire quite a bit more difficult than it would have been otherwise.” Asriel didn’t quite understand why that’d be at first. Though as he considered what they’d told him about Alicorns, perhaps it had something to do with them being ageless? He waited a moment to see if she would share anything more, but when she remained silent, he let it drop. They remained there for about an hour, relaxing and simply enjoying the serene quiet. Asriel did break the silence here and there to ask what some of the other plans for the trip through Canterlot had been, and expressed interest in checking out some of the other places another day. Much to Luna’s delight. Once they got up and left the park Luna inquired if he was feeling better. And while Asriel could have done without that brief moment in the comic book store, he found himself nodding and smiling widely. “Yes, I think I have. Though, just because we didn’t get to see those places, no reason to call it quits. Surely there’s plenty to do even at this time of night.” He glanced about the streets which, while not as busy as they would have been before, certainly weren’t deserted. Luna hummed a bit. “There are certainly things to see in Canterlot’s nightlife. But some of them are… not quite age appropriate.” Asriel blushed at that, chuckling a bit. “A~Ah, well st~still, not all of them are. So surely some could still be interesting to see?” Nickering, Luna replied, “I suppose at the very least, we can see what places will be open for a while yet. You can decide if you want to take a look at them as we find them.” Letting out a happy bleat, Asriel followed Luna through the streets of Canterlot, eager to get to see a bit more of the city before they headed back home. -*- Celestia was raising the sun by the time they returned to the palace, with Luna taking but a moment to let her moon set and finish ushering in the day. They were both tired, but satisfied from the little outing they’d done. Asriel was certainly looking forward to more such trips in the future, as well as a day when he’d feel fine exploring the city on his own. The rest of the evening and early morning had mostly been spent walking, with little stops here and there whenever one of them saw someplace that caught their eyes. The most notable had been a nice little cafe that had a griffin playing some rather smooth jazz on a saxophone. And supposedly had amazing poetry nights twice a month. Something he remarked he’d like to attend at least once, and to which Luna happily promised they’d find time for. But once he got back to his room, with his paws aching from as much walking as they did, Asriel was more than happy to crawl his way under the covers. And it took only a few minutes before he was happily drifting off to a peaceful, if dreamless slumber. That, at least, was Asriel’s expectation. After all, an entire month with neither dreams nor nightmares had left him rather used to the tranquil nothingness his sleep had become. So when a haunting, dark, maniacal laugh echoed about the void, that was all the warning the young Dreemurr got that this day’s rest would be anything but peaceful. Nor, it would turn out, the days that followed. > Journal 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4th of September, YoH 0 [several lines of shaky and illegible writing, furiously scratched out] Let’s… Let’s try this again. I’m in trouble. Big trouble. Not because of anything I’ve done since arriving here. No, in fact, I almost wish I was in trouble because of something I’d done here. My past… My past is haunting me. Hunting me. Hurting me. And… it’s starting to become obvious to my friends and guardian here in the castle. I haven’t been able to get a proper night of sleep for the last few days. I… [several scribbles that fail to resemble words] I feel so tired. But when I try to go to sleep… They come. They return. They stare and judge. Then, I-I kill them. Over and over. I strike them down, I break them, torture them… And that laughter… Echoing all around, enveloping me… I see them. Again and again. My mistake. My actions. The pain I caused. I’ve been reliving it, and no matter how much I try, the nightmares don’t stop. [two lines are scratched out, the pages showing evidence of tear drops and running ink.] The Princesses are worried about me. My guardian, Luna, especially. I should feel happy, to know they care that much. Same with staff and the others I’ve befriended here, they’re all concerned. Hard not to be, I guess, when you see a kid shaking and jumping at the shadows, looking like he hasn’t seen a bed for a week. But instead… I’m terrified. Scared. I’ve heard some of the staff talk… Princess Luna supposedly regained her ability to be the Steward of the Realm of Dreams. She can help the citizens of Equestria enjoy their sleep and face their nightmares. But I don’t want anyone to know of my nightmares. I don’t want anyone to know of the sins I’ve committed. I don’t know what would happen if they knew. The Princesses are so nice… But they have to look after all the Ponies of Equestria. If they knew that at one point, I had repeatedly killed nearly everyone in the Underground… [the writing becomes shakier, Asriel attempts to compose himself to keep writing. Manages, but it is hard to read what is written.] Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if it was just the nightmares. I sort of deserve to have them, after everything I’ve done. Reminders of what I did, so that I can never, ever forget. But the same voice… Its voice… That Flower… What I became… It taunts me. It tells me that we still have the power before. That DETERMINATION still flows readily through us. We have access to the SAVE and LOAD system like we did in the Underground. It tells us that we can experiment… We can try new things, good and bad. And that if we play our cards right, we could become the most powerful being here in all of Equestria, in all of this world even. I’ve tried to tell it that I’ll never do that, never walk those steps again. I have my compassion again. I am… Me. Asriel Dreemurr. Not, not that thing. Not Flowey. But, it just laughs. It reminds me I made those choices, even though I knew they were bad. Eventually, a time will come when I’ll make them again, and then I’ll wonder why I ever stopped… [More dampened spots, runny ink. A hole in the page, the writing continues on the next page] I… I don’t know what to do. I can’t handle this on my own… I need help. But… can I really trust the Princesses? Can I trust Luna? She told me much of what she had done… if anyone could understand, it’d be her, wouldn’t it?  Yet… I find myself so unsure. I’ve only known the Princesses for a little over a month. For all I know, they could gather those heroines who purified Luna, and use those Elements of Harmony to banish me like Celestia did to Nightmare Moon. Or turn me into a statue, like that creature Luna showed me, a draconequus. Flowey… That voice, that echo in my mind… taunts me for such thinking. It reminds me of the ability I have. That my DETERMINATION is more powerful than some magical artifacts or near immortal Princesses. If something goes wrong, I could just… LOAD, and try again. Or run away… o-or… Frisk… Frisk, I wish you were here. You’d be able to help. You’d know just what to say, just what to do. I could trust you, because you understand. You know, better than anyone else. You’d give me that cocky grin of yours, hehe, probably say something flirty or snarky and then… [There’s a sizable gap on the page, some teardrops stain the page. When the writing resumes, it is of steadier hand] You’d tell me to be honest, wouldn’t you? To tell the truth, on my own terms. And to face the consequences with my head held high. To have faith in my friends… And myself, wouldn’t you? I’ll… I’ll try Frisk. I don’t know if I’m ready, but I guess I was never going to be ready. Its not easy to tell someone who cares about you something like this. Heck, I don’t think it’s easy to tell even a complete stranger what I have to share. But these nightmares aren’t going to go away if I do nothing. I can sense that much. And if this keeps up… I’ll fall down. And I don’t know what’ll happen then. As much as that voice whispers, even DETERMINATION has its limits.  I need to have faith… And be Determined. You wouldn’t let this get me down, just as I know if you were in trouble, I’d be there for you. You may not be here in person, but you’re still with me Frisk. The connection we made is still there, even when we’re so far apart. [Asriel’s writing wavers for a moment, but then becomes firm] Tonight. I’ll talk with the Princess. I’ll bear it all, let her know the sins I carry. Let her know the truth of my past. Even if it turns out she’s checked on my dreams and seen the nightmares, she deserves the full truth. All of it. And then, then I’ll ask for her help. I can’t do this alone. I can’t face this by myself. But I’m only on my own if I choose to be. I have to be strong, for them, for you, for myself. Frisk… Whatever’s going on back home… Always stay Determined. And I’ll do the same. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well… I suppose that explains a great many things.” Luna nodded, her own expression a bit grave. Considering all that she had just relayed to her sister, that was a bit of an understatement. Even more so, considering that Luna wasn’t quite done yet. She had a bit more to share, but she wanted to give Celestia a chance to digest it all. “I don’t think I ever would have truly been able to discern the full truth on my own. Even as my instincts told me that there was something more to the child. Something… dark and twisted like that is…” Celestia shook her head, glancing out the window and towards the Royal Statue Garden. “Such actions are in a vein similar to those of our old foe, Discord.” Luna nodded, even as Celestia continued, “And yet in its own way, it sounds remarkably similar to what you experienced, dear sister. No wonder it is, that that entity said you and he shared something so.” “I must admit, I had not expected it to feel so… On the nose, as it has turned out to be.” Luna managed a small smile, a grim laugh coming out of her. “Though after a fashion, were it not for the scars he carries, one could argue none of what he did ever happened.” A somber smile graced her sister’s muzzle as she noted, “You and I both know of course, that when it comes to powerful magics, such is rarely the case. A trace, a mark, is always left behind. We can only hope his people, and his friend, are wise enough to know of such and be seeking to prevent anything worse from happening.” Luna nodded at that, even as she thought about her own past. She’d been doing alot of that, and had been edging closer to doing something that might have been unwise. Luna was after all still at times beating herself up for her own past misdeeds, but once she’d started seeing what her charge, her ward was going through… It had shed some light on how she herself was dealing with things. In more ways then she’d expected it to, in fact. Which as it so happened, related to what she was about to say. As fortune would have it though, Celestia was fast on the take. “You’d mentioned there would be more to this, as reason for me to stay any judgements to render upon your young charge. Please dear sister, elaborate.” “Indeed. As you know, I’d already taken to trying to peer into Asriel’s dreams in an effort to help the young Monster.” At Celestia’s nod, Luna braced herself. Her sister would doubtless be irritated that she had kept this from her. But Luna hadn’t been confident in her assessment before, and did not wish to worry her sister over something that might not be. Knowing everything she did now though, it was no longer guesswork. “During the times I slipped into his dreams, I felt another presence. At first, I thought it was something akin to the Nightmare. But where the Nightmare was a twisted version of myself, this was a malevolence that I could never imagine coming from Asriel at any point in his life.” “Not even as the Flower?” Celestia asked, and Luna nodded. “Remember, when he was the Flower, he did not leap to committing atrocities. And I have a feeling that he might not have, were it not for this presence.” Celestia’s eyes widened at that, as Luna plowed forward. “More importantly though, this presence was able to sense me without me revealing myself to it, and after my third foray into Asriel’s dreams, it shoved me out.” Luna had her sister’s full and undivided attention at that. “A mere Nightmare would not be able to do that.” She said, a statement of fact rather than a question. “Not without considerably more control over the individual, yes. Which this presence does not yet have. This presence also seems more intent on breaking Asriel down than corrupting him.” Luna cast her eyes to the floor, her voice full of worry and concern.  “The nightmares Asriel is having are relentless, and they grow worse with each night. They may have originally come from the guilt he still feels and his past trauma. But there is more to it. Something wants Asriel to crumble.” Celestia’s eyes darted about, her mouth forming a thin line as she seemed to be considering everything. Her eyes soon turned to pinpricks, which let Luna know her sister had reached the same conclusion she had. “We’re dealing with a Shade.” “More than just a Shade.” Luna said sadly, and it took only a second for her sister to realize it. The sadness she saw in Celestia’s eyes now mirrored her own.  “Are you going to tell him?” Luna had the decency to look down and away as she shook her head, digging at the floor. “I do not think he would believe me. And besides, he’ll be upset when I mention I was even peering into his dreams.” Still, she had a smile as she gazed back up at her sister. “I take it that means you want to help him?” “Of course I want to help him. He is still just a child, one that has been through something no one should.” Celestia remarked, and then added, “And I would be a hypocrite to hold his past against him, when he clearly regrets it.” “I get the feeling he’ll be surprised by that.” Luna said, and Celestia snorted, rolling her eyes. “As would many others, even after years of showing how forgiving I can be. You should hear my pupil’s assistant ramble about how Twilight sometimes perceives me.” Luna winced just a bit at the brief flash of disappointment she saw there, and draped a wing over her sister’s back. Celestia smiled and gave her an affectionate nuzzle, then her gaze grew serious. “I presume you have a plan?” Luna’s gaze grew steely, with a determined fire in her eyes. “Yes. But it will be risky. It might be wise to have the Element Bearers here. Just in case.” Celestia nodded, even as she let out a soft nicker. “Still always expecting the worst?” “Always best to be prepared.” Luna said, with Celestia nodding as her horn glowed. A roll of parchment quickly appeared before her, and she scratched out a message before sending it off.  “Best that we act quickly then. But first, let us go and reassure your ward. Then I shall go and fetch Twilight and her friends.” Luna simply nodded, and followed after her sister as they made for her chambers where she had left him. -*- He… he had done it.  It had taken a bit of time. There’d been plenty to tell. And he didn’t want to leave anything out. If he was going to share things, reveal the dark truth of his past, he didn’t want to forget anything. Better that they know every bit, even things that might be insignificant, then to keep a single detail to himself. Just as he’d asked, it had been him and Princess Luna on their lonesome. He’d given her permission to tell her sister, but only after he’d shared everything. She’d also kept questions to a minimum, letting it all spill out of him. She’d been patient with him, even during the moments where the guilt had become too much and he’d been unable to continue on. During those moments, Luna surprised him by draping her wing over him and doing her best to comfort him. Even knowing what he knew of her own past, there was a part of him that found this so strange. Yet it reminded him of Frisk, in a way. Even with the veil of secrecy cast aside, she did not seem to be holding it against him.  All while his guilty conscience said she should be, that she shouldn’t want to be near him. This didn’t exactly make any of this any easier. But once he had spilled it forth, he felt… he wasn’t sure if he’d describe it as better. Because he certainly wasn’t feeling any less anxious about what might come next. If anything, he was more worried about just what his fate would be.  What he had done was easily comparable to what Luna had done as Nightmare Moon, or what that entity, Discord, if he recalled what he’d read, had inflicted upon Equestria. Sure, he supposed his crimes had all been contained. And well, the proof of them erased countless times as he reset things and started again over and over… But a weight had been lifted off his shoulders all the same. He was no longer hiding what he was. What he’d done. The truth was out there, for the Princesses to see in all its tragedy and pain.  And so it was that he now sat, alone in Princess Luna’s chambers. Anxiously awaiting what fate might soon fall upon him. She had not said much once he had finished his tale, simply sat with a deep, thoughtful expression before stating that it was her duty, both as a Princess and as a good sister, to impart his story to Celestia. He wanted to believe everything would be alright. That he’d be forgiven for keeping such from them, and that they wouldn’t judge him for such. Frisk had forgiven him, after all. And the Princesses had been so kind and caring since he woke up here in this world. But a whisper, that damned voice in the back of his mind, ensured that doubt remained. And kept trying to tell him what he should do when they, inevitably, condemned and sought to deal with him.  He did his best to ignore that voice. He wouldn’t, couldn’t do what it suggested. Even if it meant he might be banished or imprisoned. This train of thoughts was brought to a halt as the doors opened, and the Princesses strode into the room. He gulped, and slid out of his seat as he did his best to stand straight. Anxiety clawed at his being, even as Luna shot him a gentle smile. It eased only once Celestia laid down before him, her own gaze soft, warm, and compassionate.  “Do not fear, little one. Do not be afraid or nervous. Though I know it's natural, you have no reason to fear.” She leaned forward as one wing reached out, pulling him in close. He felt her nuzzle into the tuft of fur atop his head, which made him squirm even as his eyes grew damp. “D-Does that mean… I~I’m not in trouble?” He saw Celestia and Luna share a look between each other. One that earned a soft nicker and rolling of eyes from both. Celestia pulled her head back, so they could see eye to eye. “No. Not at all, Asriel. In fact, I forgive you. Both for your past actions, and for keeping such from us.” She does give a wry smile as she notes, “Would I have preferred you shared such with us earlier? Yes. But you have shared it now, and no harm has been done.” Asriel felt some of his anxiety lifting, a part of him feeling a sense of hope. They weren’t rejecting or punishing him. The whisper was wrong, and for a moment, Asriel found himself wondering if this might help combat the nightmares. Maybe this would be enough for him to get some peace as he slept. Almost as if reading his mind, Luna had to squash such hopes. “I am afraid the nightmares are unlikely to stop. And it is time for a small confession from myself.” Asriel gave her a confused head tilt. Then the whisper muttered something, and he knew the answer. He felt… Well, a little hurt. He’d mentioned, when she first asked about his nightmares, if he’d like her to help with them. But since he’d had no desire for anyone to see them, he’d asked her to stay out of them. But then again, he’d gone to her for help, to share the truth in the hope doing so would make them go away. Or at least not be so bad. It's her duty… and she’s your guardian. Is it really any surprise? Still, a small part of him felt like it was a bit of a violation. But maybe that was from the irritating voice in his head grumbling about it. Luna did look at least a bit bashful about it. “I know you’d asked me to stay out of your dreams, but I was worried. To go from no dreams at all to nightmares didn’t sit well with me. And now, I have reason to think that these aren’t just normal nightmares.” What followed was an explanation about a creature known as a Shade. Malevolent spirits, ghosts, or echoes of a person that lingered on thanks to dark and powerful emotions. They longed to inflict pain and suffering on others, and to do so, they sought to possess the bodies of others. If the person was weak willed, it was a simple matter, but if their host had a powerful spirit, they first needed to break their spirit to take possession. Asriel’s first thought went to Flowey, but to be honest, he wasn’t entirely sure. As much as he hated it, he had been Flowey. It would have been so much easier if he could convince himself he hadn’t been the one to make those choices. Probably wouldn’t even be having the nightmares in the first place in fact! Despite this though, he couldn’t seem to think of any other being that’d fit what they were telling him. Could it be that Flowey became… more then me? Or is this just an echo of what he… I… had become? He couldn’t help but notice the way Luna and Celestia shared a look, but he couldn’t parse out the meaning behind it. “Whether it is Flowey or not is at the moment, irrelevant. We need to confront and expel the Shade from you. Unfortunately, I don’t think we can do it the normal way.” “What, like, an exorcism?” Asriel asked, and got nods from them both. “The entity I sensed within you is very entwined with your being. Your SOUL. And it was powerful enough to push me out of the Dreamlands. An exorcism would risk harming your spirit as well, and I certainly do not wish for that.” Asriel felt his anxiety brewing again. The fact that he got the impression the voice in his mind was listening didn’t make him feel any better. He gulped, and asked, “W-Would… w-would it require something like the Elements of Harmony? Couldn’t they just… expel it like they did the Nightmare that possessed you?” Celestia answered this time. “We cannot say for certain. The Elements are powerful artifacts, and while they can be directed and controlled, that does not always mean they produce the desired results.” She didn’t need to say anything more for Asriel to get the drift. “Fortunately, we may still be able to deal with it.” Luna assured him with a smile. “I believe that if we confront the shade within the Dreamlands, we can find a way to either expel it from there, or dislodge it enough that we could otherwise exorcise it.” Asriel shivered at that. “If it is Flowey… that could be dangerous.” “From what you have shared with me, yes, it would. But you would not be alone in such an endeavor. I would be there with you to help.” She smirked. “The Shade won’t be able to push me out if you willingly let me in.” “And we intend to bring the Element Bearers in as well, as a last resort should the need arise.” Celestia remarked. That sent a nervous shiver through Asriel, worried about what the Elements would think of this entire situation. And how he would be judged. However, it seemed there wasn’t really much in the way of options. Especially if he desired to be able to get a good night’s sleep again. If they didn’t deal with the shade, at best he’d fall down and enter a coma-like state. The worst was that this shade would finally take over, and be free to do what it wished in the physical world. And Asriel knew the kind of damage Flowey could do. He didn’t wish to see such unleashed upon this world. And well, he really, really wanted to be able to sleep at least a few nights without nightmares plaguing him. So it was, with only a little bit of trepidation, that he acceded to the Princesses plan. -*- Asriel had expected this endeavor to take place in a ritual chamber, or someplace full of arcane symbols and tools to perhaps assist them as they faced the shade. As it was, laying on the sheets of his own bed with Princess Luna sitting just before it, and the six heroines of the realm spread out in a semi circle around the bed… If the situation wasn’t so dire, he might have laughed. He might have at least giggled, but he was a bit too tired for that. So the best he could do was manage a ghost of a smile. Which made the bubbly pink mare beam and give him a rather enthusiastic wave.  He appreciated the gesture, as it eased some of the anxiety he was feeling. He hoped this all went well, so he could take part in the “Congrats we saved you from an evil nasty shadowy ghost thing!” party she’d mentioned when the Princesses introduced them. “Everyone ready? Everyone remember their task?” Luna asked, and each of the Element Bearers nodded. “Yup yup!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing in place. “Twilight and Princess Celestia keep an eye on how things are going inside the fuzzy wuzzy goat’s dreamspace thingy, and the rest of us make sure to stay awake so we can give that nasty shady wadey a taste of the rainbow!” “Not quite the words I’d have used… but yes, Pinkie has it on the nose.” Twilight said with a soft smile, ignoring how Pinkie seemed to be checking to see if Pinkie Pie did indeed have something on her nose. Rainbow Dash shadow boxed a bit, grinning as she said, “I hope we get a chance to do something. Getting to deal with some spooky baddie like this? Right up our alley!” “I don’t know, I think I’d much prefer the Princess and the young colt here handle things. This… Flowey fellow sounds most unpleasant.” Rarity sniffed a bit, as Fluttershy retreated just a bit behind her mane at the mention of such. “I-I hope so t-too. H-He sounds dangerous.” Applejack smirked. “Just a weed in the head. I’m sure the Princess can lay him low. And if we’re needed, we’ll be here, ready and rarin’ to go.” Princess Celestia simply shook her head bemusedly, before looking to her sister and nodding. Luna returned the gesture, before letting her gaze meet Asriel’s. “Are you ready, my ward?” Asriel took in a deep, steadying breath. “As ready as I can be.” Gracing him with a warm smile to reassure him, Luna closed her eyes and her horn lit up. He felt her magic wash over him, and quickly, he began to feel so very tired. More so than he already was. His eyelids felt so heavy, and before long they were sliding shut as he felt himself sinking down, down… drifting… floating… falling… It was a bit jarring to him when he suddenly felt something beneath his paws. He blinked, and saw himself in a familiar chamber. The very one where the fallen children had always landed. Light shone from above, illuminating the pile of flowers he now stood amongst. Were it not for the presence of the Princess, who soon appeared beside him, he wouldn’t be able to say whether he was back in the Underground or not. “I can sense the Shade’s presence, deep within this dreamscape.” Luna said softly, and Asriel couldn’t help but agree. There was an oppressive presence to the air, a stillness that made his fur stand on end and made him want to run and hide. Worse, there was a feeling of familiarity to the aura that pervaded this place. Determination. The whisper, for that was all that Asriel could describe it as, floated to them on a nearly non-existent breeze. He shivered, but almost as if in answer to it, he felt energy flood into him. It was energy he’d freely made use of before, but now… His hesitation to make use of it meant it simply washed around him though, merely giving him a slight boost to his strength and confidence. But it was enough to help push aside, for the moment, some of the trepidation he felt. Squaring his shoulders and steeling himself, he said, “Let’s go find it and banish it.” Asriel took the first few steps, leading the Princess of the Night through the tunnels of the Ruins. Where once it had been a place he loved to explore and play in, especially once Chara fell and became a part of the family, it was now an empty, desolate place. Dust floated about here and there, and in others, swirled about on a magical wind. Even now, reminders of all I did. Asriel thought to himself as he tried hard not to think about who the dust might have belonged to. Or how many times they’d been struck down. He felt a wing draped over his shoulder, and shot a thankful look to Princess Luna. There was a brief flash, and for a split second, he saw his mother, Toriel, in her stead. And felt her hand on his shoulder instead. He banished that thought, and the image faded. But the comfort that small touch brought remained.  They continued on, traversing the length of the Underground. Marching through the Ruins, trudging through the snow of the Forest, wading through Waterfall, and enduring the heat of Hotland. The walk through New Home was the longest part. The presence was strongest here, and while the oppressive aura was just as omnipresent, there was a tinge of amusement and growing delight to it. Considering how malevolent it had been acting towards him, and who he expected was awaiting them, Asriel could feel an invisible weight slowing each step he made. Determination. Asriel couldn’t keep himself from not tapping into that energy here. It was necessary, for if he didn’t, he knew he wouldn’t make it to reach and confront the Shade. The atmosphere, combined with all the reminders of his atrocities… It was enough to bring anyone into the depths of despair. Were it not for the constant and reassuring presence of the Princess, he might not have had the will to draw upon his Determination. And for that, he was most appreciative. He stopped before an ornate door within his old home. A place of memories, many happy, and many more that were so very, very sad. And beyond the door laid the throne room, and… “The Shade.” Luna whispered softly, Asriel nodding his head. It was unmistakable. The thing that had been hounding his sleep with such nightmares lay beyond. Considering that the chamber was the one in which he had reawakened as Flowey, he wasn’t the least bit surprised that it had decided that it would be its hiding place. “Are you ready?” Luna asked, and for a singular moment, Asriel wasn’t sure.  You can do it, Azzy. I believe in ya, so believe in yourself. Asriel started, and glanced about the chamber. For the briefest of moments, he thought he saw a ghostly image of Frisk standing by him, their hand on his shoulder. The image smiled at him, and gave him a thumbs up. “Asriel?” He blinked, and found that he’d been staring straight at the door. Luna’s head had popped into view, a concerned look on her face. The warmth and fuzziness that generated in him made him smile softly. It was a feeling he hadn’t felt since the last time his mother had checked in on him, the night before… Focusing back on the now, Asriel gave the princess a nod. “Yes. I’m ready. As ready as I can be, at least.” She gave him a sad smile and a nod in turn, and leaned in to rub her snoot against his. He also felt her wings wrap around him, pulling him close for a tight embrace. It made him blush and squirm a fair bit. Again, it reminded him of Toriel, and brought both a pang of longing… but also, strength and warmth to his soul. “Alright. Just remember, I’m here with you if you need help. And our friends are rooting for you too. You don’t face this alone.” Her words soothed some of the anxiety and fear he felt. He gave a nod, and squared his shoulders. It was time to end this, so he could move on. Striding forward, he pushed the doors open and strode on into the Throne Room. And froze not more than ten steps in, as his eyes caught sight of the figure lounging on the throne.  -*- Back in the realm of the waking, the heroines of Equestria were mostly just chattering with each other. Pinkie Pie had been humming a catchy tune to herself that helped add to the rather relaxed atmosphere of the room, despite the fact they were all there as a last resort against something dark and ominous. The sudden halting of the humming caught everyponies attention. As did the fact that a shiver started from the tips of Pinkie’s tail and mane, and rippled through until they met in the middle. Then… Her eyes went wide as dinner plates… then shrunk to the size of a pencil point. There was a sound akin to a balloon deflating, and the cheerful demeanor that Pinkie had been sporting vanished entirely, replaced with a downcast, no, practically crestfallen expression. Nopony had ever seen Pinkie Pie look like this. Not even the rest of the gang, who’d known her longer than Twilight had. Silence filled the room for a good, solid minute. Finally, it was Fluttershy of all ponies who asked, “Uhm, Pinkie Pie? Is everything alright?” Pinkie Pie shook her head sadly, her gaze now fully locked on Asriel. She kicked at the ground in a dejected fashion, before simply saying, “Azzy… Asriel… he’s going to need… A lot of hugs, w-when, when he comes out.” She didn’t give any further elaboration, but everypony shared a worried and concerned look before glancing towards the Monster Prince. -*- “No… It… I-It can’t be…” A dark, sinister chuckle, tinged with a strange twang to it, echoed about the room as the source of his nightmares leaned forward, its hands holding onto a familiar looking knife as the light from outside glinted off a just as familiar golden, heart shaped locket that dangled from its neck. Familiar red eyes bored into his very being, bringing with them feelings of amusement, anger, and danger. “Ah, were you expecting someone else~?” It sing-songed, chuckling darkly as it got up and spread its arms. “Not happy to see me, dear brother? Your best friend?” Asriel’s body was trembling. He shook his head, eyes shrinking to pinpricks as he blinked, hoping that the figure before him would change. Yet each time, the sight remained the same, and after the third time, the figure, the shade, let out an even darker laugh. “C’mon, I know you recognize me, dear brother. It’s me, the one you swore to always stand beside. The one you said you’d always back them up. The one you loved with every fiber of your being~! Your dear, beloved, adoptive brother… Chara Dreemurr~!” Each word the entity spoke, even though it was said in an almost cheery, musical fashion, was laced with venom. And the amount grew stronger with each sentence uttered. But alongside it, there was something else. Something that was tugging at the edge of memory… “Y-Your voice, I’ve, I’ve heard it before.” Asriel stammered out, unable to pull his eyes away from the entity before him.  “Goodness, it can’t have been that long. Surely you remember me, brother dear, mhm, no? Truly, that wounds my heart, or it would, if I still had one… oh wait, I do~!” Shade-Chara replied, snapping its finger as the outline of a red heart appeared before it… though inside was nothing but inky blackness. “As I suspected.” Princess Luna spoke up, nearly surprising Asriel. He’d been so taken off guard by what the Shade appeared to be, that he’d forgotten the Princess was with him.  “Ah, Azzy, you brought a victim for me~! Maybe you do remember~!” Shade-Chara cooed, cackling then even as the Princess glared at the entity. Its words however helped to jog something in Asriel’s memory. A cliffside, overlooking Hotland. The pools of magical magma down below, radiating heat. A bored flower, flicking a rock and watching it fall down into its depths. Trying to figure out what to do with itself, since it had done everything. Read every book. Played every game. Befriended everyone. There were no surprises, nothing new. Everything was… boring. ‘Hey’ A voice, a whisper… there was no one else about. Maybe he was finally going crazy. ‘I know something we could try.’ It sounded like it was coming from… within. There was a familiarity to it that brought the Flower comfort, and made it listen as it asked aloud what they could try. The whisper made its suggestion. The flower wasn’t sure. But the whisper’s argument made sense. Life was already pretty much a game for them. What could the harm be? If he didn’t like it… he could always just LOAD his SAVE. With that rush of memory came more, much more. Echoes of the past that Asriel hadn’t been able to recollect in full. Something that, as he’d treaded further and further down the dark, murderous path he’d chosen to follow as Flowey, that he had forgotten. A whisper. One that had been with him, always there. Never forcing him to fight… but always there to give a little… Push. Until he didn’t need one anymore. Though even there, the whisper was always there with him, reveling in their actions. Just as Chara once had, before Asriel had stopped him on that fateful day. Such apprehension hit Asriel hard, causing him to clutch at his chest as he felt his entire body trembling. He felt like he was standing on the tip of a knife. But even as it felt like a stiff breeze would be all that it’d take to send him tumbling down, he recalled what the Princesses had said. More importantly, he thought of what Frisk would do in this situation. The truth of your past fills you with the DETERMINATION to push forward. And with that thought, the trembling stopped, and he allowed the energy to flow into him. To empower him, to give him the strength he needed. For he knew, as much as it hurt in its own way, that there was only one way things were going to end here. “All this time… ever since the moment I woke up as a flower. I thought I was alone, and yet there you were. Always there. HIm, and yet not him.” Asriel said as his gaze grew steely, and his hands moved to his sides, forming into fists. Shade-Chara laughed and chortled, before smiling a sickly sweet smile that didn’t reach it’s eyes.  “That’s right Azzy~! An echo of your dear brother, a fragment, a piece. We were joined together, there at the end, bond to each other. And my body was, well, quite dead, though I must admit, I don’t quite know what happened to the rest of me…” The Shade gave an indifferent shrug. “It doesn’t matter though, what matters is that we get back to playing the game~!” “Life isn’t a game, Chara. And I’m never going back to how I was like when I had you whispering in my ears.” Asriel growled, magic flowing into his hands as glowing, shimmering swords began to take shape. Shade-Chara watched this development with interest, and chortled as it eyed him up and down. “Oh, I’m afraid it very much is, Azzy dear. It’s a game that’s going to be played for keeps, just between the two of us.” Princess Luna snorted at that. “I do not intend to stand idly by while you torment this child. And you shall not get what you desire, dark one.” The Shade just laughed, giving its knife a slow, languid lick as the whites of its eyes swirled away into an inky, empty void. Red dots full of violence gleaming with malevolence from within. Asriel felt the power being gathered, and began bracing himself even as he tried to shout out a warning… The Shade rushed forward, knife glowing with red magic. Luna saw it, and was able to bring up a shield. But as the blade impacted, the shield crackled and hissed, and to Luna’s own obvious surprise, it began to crack. She poured her own magic into it, but all this wound up doing was ensure that when the shield fractured, it did so with a bang that sent them all flying backwards. And in Luna’s case, she was thrown back out the doors of the Throne Room to crash into the wall of the corridor beyond. As Asriel raced over to get to her, bars of red magic leapt up from the floor, forcing him to skid to a stop as he heard the Shade’s haunting cackle fill the air. “Like I said, oh brother of mine, this is just between the two of us. Determination against Determination. Brother against Brother~!” The Shade-Chara sung out as it strolled back into the center of the room, twirling its knife lazily in its hand before pointing it at him. Asriel glanced out past the bars of magic blocking his path. Luna was still breathing, but she seemed to be having some trouble getting up. After a moment though, she pushed herself up  and walked back to the door. She pressed a hoof to the bars, and hissed, retracting it almost instantly. “This Shade has more power than I suspected…” She murmured, glaring at it as it watched them with dark amusement in its eyes. She closed her eyes, and her horn lit up, but then it quickly fizzled, and she scowled. “I cannot teleport into the chamber, something is blocking even my innate magic now.” “Determination.” Asriel said with a scowl. “And probably Levels of Violence, too.” He glanced back, drawing on his own magic to confirm a suspicion he had. Asriel cursed as he saw the numbers 9999.  This… was not going to be easy. At all. And he knew, from prior experience, that he wasn’t going to be able to do this alone. After all, Frisk hadn’t done it alone, though this time, there weren’t six other souls to rebel against the one wielding their power. But there are six souls, ready to help you beat this. A voice whispered to him, and again, for a brief moment, he could almost swear he felt the presence of Frisk with him. “Your Majesty… Luna… don’t worry about me. I’ll keep him busy for now. I need you to tell the others that we’re going to need their help after all.” Princess Luna nodded in understanding, but then leaned forward. There was enough of a gap for her muzzle to slip through, and she rubbed his own snoot before saying,  “I won’t be gone long.” Asriel blushed, but nodded. Once she vanished, he tightened his grip on both of the chaos sabers he had brought into being. He took a few steps forward, before pointing one of them at the Shade. “Alright, ‘brother’, you want a fight? You’ll get a fight.” Shade-Chara grinned, which quickly morphed into that unsettling, spooky face Chara had always been so good at making, as an ominous tune began to play. With a malevolent cackle, and knife held at the ready, the Shade surged forward. And Asriel rushed forward to meet him. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of clashing blades and magic echoed about the halls of the Royal Palace, carrying on into the empty, dust-filled landscape of New Home. With every clang and shriek of blade against blade, there was a pulse in the dream realm as memories surfaced. Ghostly images of two children, one a monster, the other a human, engaging in mock fights with each other as they capered through its winding streets and through the palace itself. If only this moment was like one of those long-gone times. Then he’d know that if he lost, it wouldn’t matter because it was just a game. Make believe and pretend… Rather than a duel to determine the very fate of his existence. Asriel skidded back, grunting and panting as he locked gazes with Chara. Steeling himself, he rushed forward yet again. He swung both swords, only for Chara to block with his knife. Asriel found it rather unfair that two swords were being so easily held at bay by a simple kitchen knife… But well, he supposed in Chara’s determined hands, it wasn’t just a simple knife. Never has been, even back then. The laughter of children hauntingly bubbled forth from somewhere around them, and again Asriel saw a flash of memory. Then he was ducking as he pulled his blades back, only for Chara to press the attack with a flurry of cuts and slashes. It took everything he had to parry each strike, his arms shaking from the impact of each clash as he did his best to alternate which blade caught his foe’s strikes. “You’ve learned quite a bit since those bygone days~ Mhm, Just imagine how much of a challenge it’d be to use those skills in a fight with the Princesses~!” Asriel growled, no longer satisfied with simply blocking. He batted the next strike aside and countered with a flurry of blows. Chara’s response was to lazily parry a few, letting others break past his defense and do… Practically nothing. He could sense that his blows were dealing damage, but Chara’s stats were so high that it might as well have been chip damage. “You’re not holding back~ Impressive, dear brother of mine~! Guess my lessons got through to you after all~” Black ichor leaked from Chara's eyes and mouth as the spooky child bellowed with uproarious laughter. His mirth became much darker, and Asriel’s eyes widened as he sensed his opponent's power rising. “Too bad it isn’t enough to save you~!” In the next instance, Chara caught one of Asriel’s blades with his knife, and the other with his hand. A manic gleam shone forth as he then twisted hard, yanking both blades out of Asriel’s hands and sending them flying. They embedded themselves into the wall with sharp-sounding thumps, and Asriel yelped as he was forced to duck and weave to avoid Chara’s counterattack. The shade of his brother cackled whenever he managed to slip a strike through. “Isn’t this so much fun, brother of mine~? It's just like the old days!” Asriel was doing his best to focus on the here and now. The occasional flashes of memory and the laughter of naive children echoing about every so often were rather distracting. Chara in the meantime, was being relentless as he always had been. And without his weapons, Asriel didn’t have many openings to try and strike back on his own. Of course, thinking about those memories did suddenly remind him of a rule they’d always had in their mock fights. Something to make things ‘fair’ between the two of them. ‘No magic, 'cause I can’t cast any spells yet’ Asriel had always honored that, even though at times he had wondered if such was fair. Given that Chara always wound up winning. Gritting his teeth and drawing on his magic, he called forth a dozen stars and sent them hurtling at the Shade. This seemed to take the Shade by surprise, the first half dozen striking him and sending him stumbling back two steps. He parried and dodged the remaining six, and for a moment he simply stood there and gazed at Asriel in shock. Then he barked out a laugh, seeming to only get more excited. “I always wondered when you’d abandon that little rule of ours! Figure’s it’d be here and now!” Chara brought the knife up to its mouth, and again licked at it, making Asriel shudder in revulsion as it added in that darker tone, “But it won’t be enough to save you~ After all, I always win in the end~” Asriel had to throw himself to the ground, then hurriedly slide along the floor to avoid Chara’s charge there. Asriel could hear the air split with the speed of Chara's knife swings, each whistle a near-hit. He gulped and quickly launched himself towards the wall, grabbing onto his swords and giving them a mighty tug.  They were nearly out, just a bit more… Crud crud crud he could hear Chara closing in on him! Bracing his feet against the wall he pulled harder and then tumbled back with a yelp, swords in hand. Fortune was with him, for this ensured he avoided the stab that Chara was aiming for.  The sharp *crack* sound that followed and the splinters in the wall as the Shade’s knife dug deep into it made Asriel quiver in place. Don’t let him get to you, stay DETERMINED. The whisper was reassuring, and sent a pulse of renewed energy through him. But as the Shade twisted its head fully around and chortled as it easily freed its weapon, Asriel found himself wondering how he was going to overcome this enemy. He had no desire to give in or let this thing take possession of him. The Shade had just as much, if not possibly more Determination than he did. A testament to just how powerful a Human SOUL could be, that even with this being just a mere shell of his brother, it still had such power… “Distractions will cost you!” The shout pulled him back to the now, and Asriel’s eyes widened as he realized he had no time to dodge. Pain lanced through him as he felt the knife sink into him, Chara’s cackles vibrating through his being as Chara yanked him up off the ground and then tossed him across the room.  Asriel let out a sharp cry of pain as he slammed into the red bars that blocked the way out of the throne room, sliding to the floor as Chara’s knife wriggled in his side, then was yanked free and flew back to the Shade’s waiting hand. Asriel brought a hand up to the spot, and felt the motes of dust and magical energy slowly bleeding out from the wound.  “C’mon, little brother o’mine. Why drag this out? We both know how this battle is going to go. It’ll be the same as all the fights we had before. You’ll put up a valiant show, but in the end, I win.” Chara crooned, twirling his knife while glancing between it and Asriel. He found it a tad odd that the entity wasn’t rushing forward to deal more damage. Not that Asriel wanted to look a gift horse in the mouth. As he’d much prefer the Shade to be idling about and talking then trying to stab and slash him to pieces… But It wanted to win, didn’t it? Then why wasn’t it attacking? ‘A shade that is haunting someone must either overcome the will of the host spirit, or get their spirit to submit and let them in. If the host spirit is destroyed, the shade is weakened and is forced to find another victim.’ Recalling what had been told to him, Asriel grunted as he focused on his wound and let his DETERMINATION mend the damage. Such could explain why it hadn’t gone for the kill, but Asriel wasn’t so sure. Maybe it was some vain hope that deep down, there was a bit of the brother he loved still beneath all that darkness. That Chara wanted Asriel to bend so that they could both continue their ‘game’ together. If Chara truly cared about just having a body to use to hurt people and ‘get stronger’, I don’t think he’d let a little speedbump like being weakened get in the way. “I don’t think so, ‘brother’. This isn’t like our games from so long ago. This isn’t for fun-” “Mhm, I don’t know, I’m having quite a bit of fun~” The Shade interjected, but Asriel ignored it. “This is a fight to make sure you can’t hurt anyone else. Not me, not my guardian, not anyone in this world or any other!” As he said this, he felt a rush of DETERMINATION and renewed vigor coursing through him. “And unlike you, I don’t stand alone!” Almost as if in answer to that, the world trembled a bit. Chara blinked and stumbled a bit, but caught himself on the throne. Then his eyes went skyward, as did Asriel’s. There was a sound that was coming closer and closer, and a moment later, a twin helix of rainbow light blasted a hole through the roof, racing straight for Chara. Asriel had the satisfaction of watching the Shade’s eyes shoot wide before it screamed in agony as the beams of light proceeded to engulf it, blazing forth in brilliant fashion and for a moment, obscuring him from all sight. And as the magic continued to pour forth, it grew in greater and greater intensity until- -*- Luna and Celestia watched with bated breath as all six of the Element Bearers floated in the air. Lines of rainbow hued magic linked to each of them and focused on Twilight, before it surged forth towards Asriel. He was soon bathed in a chromatic glow of harmonious magic. Luna could sense the Shade as it writhed in pain and agony, the magic searing at its very being in an effort to expunge it. But as time passed, Luna’s expression began to fall. Soon enough, the chains of light faded and all six of the Bearers dropped back to the ground. Panting from the exertion as they all looked to each other and then to the Princesses. They knew it just as readily as she did, and Twilight was the first to vocalize it. “It… It didn’t work. It’s still inside him.” Pinkie Pie whined, her hair now straight as can be. “I think all we did was make it angry…” Huffing and puffing, Rainbow Dash growled. “We’ll just have to try again then!” “I don’t know if we can…” Rarity remarked, swaying a bit on her hooves. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I really feel like I could use a nap right about now.” Celestia shared a worried glance with Luna. “It's too tightly bound to Asriel. We can’t be the ones to destroy it. As we feared.” Luna nodded. She let her gaze return to her ward, and a thought came to her. She smiled and said, “Come Sister. Let us help rejuvenate our saviors here. If we cannot directly eliminate the shade… Then we must empower the one who can.” Celestia gave a sage nod, and soon her horn glowed with brilliant light as she let her magic join Luna’s in seeping into the six mares. Revitalizing them and preparing them for the second attempt. Just hang on, Asriel. Help is coming! -*- “... Ah hell.” Asriel had been hopeful when he saw the prismatic pillars of light engulfing the Shade. He’d wished for that to be enough, for this trouble to be easily handled with the arrival of help from the outside. But, well, when had things in his life ever been easy? As the light faded and he was able to see again, he found that the Shade certainly looked hurt. Some of its appearance had been burned or transformed into writhing darkness. Motes of smoke were floating away from it from head to toe. The knife was now melted slag on the floor, and the Shade was heaving as pained grunts echoed about the room. A quick CHECK showed that the Shade had taken quite a beating, its stats lowered. Though still considerably higher than it had any reason to be. After a moment, he heard it chuckle. A tinny sound dripping with malice and venom. It took a broken, haltering step forward, head still lowered and directed to the ground. “Well, hehehe, that certainly hurts. I’ll have to remember this, so I can inflict it tenfold on those heroines once I take control.” Asriel stepped back, and blinked when didn't feel the bars of magic behind him. A glance behind him revealed they were gone. Meaning he could escape the throne room. His head jerked back though at an unnatural cracking sound and he let out a squeak of fright. The Shade of Chara’s head was half singed and little more than dark, corrupted ichor dripping and bleeding forth. More importantly, it was gazing at him… Upside down. “I need you to stay alive, dear brother. And because of our history, I was trying to play nice. But it seems I’m gonna need to play rough with you if I want to break you~” The Shade raised its hand, and five knives of pure magic, colored a vivid red, came into being above him. In the next moment they were racing straight for Asriel. The young Monster yelped and threw himself to the ground, then rolled to his feet and started dashing down the hallway as Chara’s dark and twisted cackles followed after him. “Princesses! Element Bearers! I could use a bit more help here!” Asriel wasn’t sure if they could hear him or not, but that wasn’t really the point. Right now, it seemed it was time to just book it. DETERMINATION or not, right now the Shade was pissed. And pulling out all the stops as it conjured knives of varying kinds and flung them in his direction. And that was just the beginning! Gaster Blasters, bones, spears, balls of fire… Chara was calling upon the abilities of those they had fought in the past and utilizing them to maximum effect! Even as he ran down corridors, ducked into alleyways, and threw himself down the streets of New Home, Chara was landing hits. By the time he reached Hotland, Asriel’s health was already down by half. Keep going. Help is on the way. Don’t give up.  This time, when Asriel heard the whisper, he glanced up and saw a ghostly image of Frisk. The image smiled at him and gave his head a little ruffle, before fading away. Asriel wasn’t quite sure why he was seeing and hearing Frisk like this. Was it his imagination? Was it a bond that had been forged between them, crossing the divide between worlds? It feels like they are really here… Briefly, Asriel’s mind went back to the moment when he felt familiarity with the shards of the SOULs that had been presented to him by that strange figure. Then a heart shaped object exploded to his right and sent him tumbling. He yelped as shards from it raked him and knocked his health back down again. “I-I really need to stop getting distracted…” Asriel growled, frustration bubbling up as he gathered up his magic into his hand and whirled around. He fired a beam of white light at Chara who simply took the hit, hissing and growling as it held a conjured knife loosely in hand. Stumbling up, Asriel dodged the next wave of attacks, leaping over some and twirling out of the way of another bright red beam of malevolent energy. He chucked his swords at the Shade as he turned and continued running. Knowing that all he needed to do was hold him off. Just as Frisk wasn’t able to beat Omega Flowey on his own, Asriel was going to need help. He just hoped it got here before Chara managed to pin him down and spend a while torturing him. Determination or not, he wasn’t in the mood to be on the receiving end of such. At least he had, for a brief time, an advantage. Chara had never really been a fan of Hotland, and it seemed this was true for the Shade as well. Its attacks weren’t as accurate, and it wasn’t moving as fast as it had been in New Home. Of course, being covered in fur, Asriel wasn’t much of a big fan of it either, but he had a bit more incentive to stick around and linger. Of course, this just meant Chara started aiming for other things. A searing pain in his leg sent Asriel tumbling down. He cried out as he saw one of Chara’s conjured blades embedded in his leg.  Yanking it out hurt his hand and irritated the wound. And though his DETERMINATION began to pool up and heal the wound, it slowed him down as he limped out of Hotland and into Waterfall. A place both of them had fond memories of, and had spent quite a bit of time playing in when they weren’t playing in the Ruins or New Home. Which meant Chara had more room to catch up. With the oppressive heat of Hotland fading and being replaced by the cool mistiness of Waterfall, Asriel only made it to the platform before the bridge, where Frisk had saved Monster Kid. A Gaster Blaster quickly removed the option of crossing it.  Forced to a stop to avoid plummeting down into the abyss, Asriel gulped. He turned to face the Shade as it shambled closer. That creepy ass grin was back, and wider and more inhuman than ever. Maybe that should have been a sign to Asriel all those years ago that something was very much not right with his adopted sibling. “It is useless, brother.” The Shade hissed and spit out. It cackled, pushing itself back up to stand up straight. “You cannot beat me. You never could. You never had what it takes to win the game. That’s why I always won. It’s why I’ll win now. The only question is how much crying you’ll do before you break and just let me in.”  Its voice changed, just a bit, and for a moment, it sounded more like the voice of his brother. “I always loved you, Azzy. Best Friends Forever, Remember? The game wouldn’t be as much fun without you. Just give up, and we can play together, forever.” “Chara…” Asriel said, closing his eyes as some tears came to him. That, that was the real Chara, beneath all the darkness. The LOVE. All that toxic determination. But that piece of Chara also still saw this, all of it, as nothing more than a game. He didn’t see the people of this world as anything more than obstacles to overcome. Help is coming. Be ready. The whisper helped to steel Asriel for what needed to be done. He balled his hands into fists. Readied himself as he opened his eyes and let his gaze bore into the Shade of his brother. “No, Chara. I won’t give up. I can’t. Not when you threaten to hurt those who have helped me. Not when you want to destroy an entire world. If you want to keep thinking this is a game… then you’re the villain. The big bad. And I’m…” He could sense it. The magic was coming back. He didn’t even glance up as a bright pillar of prismatic light came crashing down upon him, flooding him with warmth, with energy. He felt himself slowly being lifted into the air… Go get’em goat prince! Show that spirit whose boss! Teach that Meanie McMeanie Pants a lesson! We’re a-all here with you, you can do it. You got this, sugarcube! You have our support, Asriel. Six voices filled his soul as he felt his body drinking deeply upon the magic of harmony. His body began to shift, as two more voices joined in. By the Blessing of the Sun, And the Brilliance of the Moon, Use our power to strike the foe down! The transformation as he absorbed so much energy was nearly done. The light continued to spiral and bathe him in its chromatic aura. He could sense the Shade taking several uncertain steps back, but that wasn’t what Asriel was truly paying attention to. No, it was seven ghostly images. Seven humans, all looking at him and smiling. And one amidst them all gave him a thumbs up. You got this Azzy. Do us all proud. Asriel nodded to Frisk as a new tune began to fill the air, the rainbow of colors fading as Asriel touched back down to the ground. He let his gaze meet that of the Shade, who was scowling and working to gather every bit of energy it had at his disposal. Asriel raised one of his swords, and pointed it at the Shade defiantly. “I am the Hero. And it’s time to end this game.” Asriel wasted no time, launching forward and slashing with both blades. The Shade let out a hideous cry of pain as both blades cut into it, but it lashed out furiously. Conjuring a second knife so as to match Asriel’s two blades. The clash of arcane weapons echoed about as they rushed each other again and again. At first, neither seemed to be gaining ground. Asriel was landing hits and doing damage, but Chara seemed unphased by this. In contrast, even when Chara did land a hit, it did… Absolutely nothing. The power of the Six elements and the twin sisters nullifying the lethal intent of the strikes. They were so harmless that they almost tickled, causing Asriel to laugh at least once. This only angered the Shade more, but soon the Shade was starting to take steps back. Before all that long, they were fighting in the entrance of the Hotlands, where Chara traded melee for range as he flung explosive hearts, knives, and other attacks Asriel’s way. Asriel simply ducked, weaved, and danced his way past the majority of them. A few of the explosive hearts he gripped with his own magic and sent them hurtling back. Earning him screams of rising and incoherent fury from the Shade. Which bit by bit, was losing the human form of Chara and increasingly resembling a twisting mass of darkness. It then turned and ran, forcing Asriel to give chase. The tables had fully turned, and as the DETERMINATION flowed and practically sung through his entire being, he didn’t let up. Drawing upon all the attacks from his fight with Frisk, he unleashed lightning, stars, and blasts of rainbow colored light at the fleeing demon. It’s flight didn’t end even when they returned to the Throne Room. The Shade instead scrabbled for the door that led to the chamber where the Barrier awaited. Asriel came to a stop for a moment, chest heaving just a bit from all the exertion. His eyes cast down to the floor, where drops and puddles of dark ichor oozed. He sighed. It was just like Chara to drag this out. Slowly, dispelling one of his swords, Asriel strode on after. He could hear the Shade scuttling about, cornered now as they neared the barrier. It was hissing and growling in pain, barely managing to form any coherent words. At least, not until he entered the room and saw it clawing at the barrier ineffectively. It whirled on him, eyes full of fear, anger, fury, and so much violence. It called out, voice full of distortion, “WHY YOU!? Why do you get to continue the game? Why do YOU get to keep going?!” Asriel’s gaze was locked with that of the Shade’s. He felt sorry, even now, for this thing. It was, after all, or had once been, a part of Chara. And he could understand the desire to keep living. But this fragment of Chara didn’t deserve to live if all it was going to do was bring death and suffering. “Maybe it’s because I learned my lesson. Maybe it’s because I realized that everything I did as a Flower was wrong, and wanted to make amends. To earn forgiveness for my actions. To be better.” Asriel shook his head sadly. “But even now, to you, you think this to be just a game.” Heaving out a sigh, Asriel shifted his posture, gripping his sword tightly as he gathered his energy. He wanted to make sure this was it, for he was done. It was time to end this. He closed his eyes and murmured, “Playtime is over, brother.” Drawing upon all his power, he lunged forward in a burst of speed. The Shade let out a horrific cry as it surged forward to meet him and- A sickening sound of a blade piercing… something filled the air, and Asriel felt the Shade stiffen and spasm. It let out a croak, a gurgle, and a few hisses as it squirmed, impaled upon his Chaos Sabre. It did this for a few more seconds, trying in vain to claw at his face, but it was losing strength…  Then Asriel felt something different from a claw. It was normal skin. Fingers. A hand. And a voice. “A-Az… A-Azzy…? Is… Is that you?” Asriel’s eyes shot open, and he felt tears coming to his eyes. He pulled his face back and saw that the darkness, the Levels of Violence, all of it was peeling and melting away… leaving just a pale, almost ghostly form in his hands, his blade still speared upon it. “C-Chara…?” The image of Chara slowly nodded. “I… I remember now. I remember… everything. You getting hurt by them… Mom and Dad’s face…” A weak, tired, and broken chuckle escaped his brother’s lips. “I really messed up, didn’t I?” Asriel dispelled his blade, but the mark from where it pierced Chara remained, glowing dimly. He hugged Chara to him, tears flowing freely as he placed their foreheads together. “W-We both did Chara. We failed each other.” Chara was crying as well now, and was holding onto him tightly. They held each other for as long as they could… Which was nowhere near long enough. Soon, Asriel could feel the ghostly form of Chara begin to slip away, fading more and more. “Hey… Azzy. C-Can you promise me something?” Asriel pulled his head back, and nodded his head, hiccuping a little as he tried to keep the sobs from escaping him. “S~Sure, Chara. W-What is it?” Chara gave a tired smile as his form began to twinkle and waft away as motes of dust. His final words floating on the wind. “Live.”