Solar Force: A Legend Awakens

by Streak Aireoso

First published

When worlds collide what will happen when ponies, pups, digimon, mobians, pridelanders, and skylanders encounter each other for the first time. Soon to be legendary heroes such as Sonic, Tails, the Paw Patrol, and many others are thrown into trials.

The time has come when legendary tales of six magical and highly differing worlds come together as one. When beiges from cyberspace adventure the African savannah, high speed animals race through floating islands, when mystical ponies rescue the modern day town's person. Six of the magical world, four from the town, three from the savannah, two from the cyber world, two from the high speed world, and one from the floating islands will come together and strengthen the world's bonds between their homes and become an epic team, and possibly even become friends.

Encounters of a Lifetime

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Honesty, Integrity, Courage, Intellect, Humility, Ferocity, Kindness, Joy, Wit, Trust, Determination, Laughter, Hope, Leadership, Generosity, Coordination, Loyalty, Magic. These elements have been spread throughout six separate worlds, each with their own variety of heroes, each one also having dangers that have yet to be brought to justice, an entity of darkness and data with and army bent on conquest, an evil force from times long forgotten along with the ancient beings it wiped out, bitter rivals with many a grudge to settle, a light stealing sorcerer and his crazy kid, fiery shadows from a time long past slowly rising from the ashes, and a corrupt royal who's own kin had to banish for the safety of one of these worlds. Time will tell when they will once again rise to gain what they see as rightfully there's.

"That last darkness." A purple unicorn with indigo mane said before opening another book. "I know I've read about it somewhere."

As the unicorn continued reading in another world we see four robots with giant hammers surrounding a manhole which a blue hedgehog popped out of.

“Hedgehog, noun, a burrowing animal.” The hedgehog said before racing away from the hammer wielding robots. “Wow! You guys can really move when you want to!”

The hedgehog was about to get crushed when a fox with two tails flew in and saved him.

“Tails!” The hedgehog said glad to see his friend.

“Could you not risk your life for five minutes?” The fox asked with a smile on his face.

“Sure, but where’s the fun in that?” The hedgehog replied.

Just then an orb of darkness was seen hertaling towards the two before it exploded.

“Woah!” Tails exclaimed, nearly dropping his friend.

“Look out!” The blue hedgehog said as a silhouette of some kind of reptile.

Back in the world with the purple unicorn she was walking over when three other unicorns walked in front of her.

“There you are Twilight!” The blue one with a blue mane said.

“Moondancer is having a little get together in the west castle courtyard, you wanna come?” The white one with a pink mane asked.

“She thought it might calm us down from all those metal monster sightings we’ve had lately.” The yellow one with a blue mane added.

“Oh sorry girls, I've got a lot of studying to catch up on, and besides I’d think a metal monster is a little too far fetched, and nothing to worry about.” Twilight said as she ran off to her home.

“Ugh, does that pony do anything except study?” The white unicorn asked.

“She isn’t one for believing anything that isn’t too likely either.” The blue unicorn added.

“I think she’s more interested in books and facts than friends and fun.” The yellow unicorn finished.

As she was running Twilight started to talk to herself.

“A corrupt royal who's own kin had to be banished for the safety of one of these worlds, I know I’ve heard something like that from somewhere.” She said to herself before she passed a bush where a shadow with two yellow eyes and a big horn poked out.

In a third world we see a lion and his daughter on a large rock formation looking over the savannah.

“Everything the light touches is part of our kingdom, the Pride Lands.” The adult lion said before turning to face his daughter. “Ruling it is a big responsibility Kiara, and someday when you're queen…” He added only for the voice of a young male to cut him off.

“Heads up!” The voice said as a male lion cub with a red tufted mane on his head chased a baobab fruit that hit his father in the head.

“Kion!” Kiara addressed her younger brother with annoyance.

“Heh, sorry dad. Me and Bunga were playing baobab ball and…” Kion started before a honey badger ran towards the fruit.

“Kion couldn’t handle the pass.” The honey badger Bunga said in a joking manner.

“A giraffe couldn’t handle it, you kicked it over my head!” Kion complained.

“Kion.” King Simba said, trying to get his son’s attention.

“And ya couldn’t handle it.” Bunga said in a taunting manner.

“Bunga.” Simba said in annoyance.

“Yeah, try to handle this!” Kion said before tackling the honey badger as they wrestled for the fruit.

“Boys!” Simba said sternly which led to his son letting go of the ball. “Kion, I need to talk to your sister, she’ll be tracking gazelles with her friends today.” The lion king explained in a calm manner.

“Because I’m training to be…” Kiara started before her brother cut her off.

“Queen of the Pride Lands, yeah yeah, I know all about it Kiara.” Kion said with annoyance.

“Well at least I have my life figured out, what are you gonna grow up to be little brother?” She asked to which Kion spoke up.

“Happy.” He replied with a smug look on his face.

“Alright you too that's enough.” Simba chuckled a bit as he separated the two. “Kion, why don’t you and Bunga go play somewhere else?” He proposed to which the badger quickly ran to the edge of Pride Rock.

“Yeah, I know the perfect place!” Bunga said before holding the fruit to the sky and semi-chanting. “Ya never get the baobab fruit no, ya never get the baobab fruit no.” Bunga sang in a taunting tone as Kion looked towards him.

“Ha, you got nowhere to go Bunga!” Kion said confidently before the badger spoke.

“Says you,” Bunga said before tossing the fruit in the air and jumping off of Pride Rock, “zuka zama!” He said as he landed in a nearby tree perfectly fine before catching the fruit. “Catch me if you can Kion!” He said as he ran off.

“Game on Bunga, later dad, have fun tracking those gazelles Kiara, I gotta get Bunga!” Kion said as he ran off.

“Ugh, I can’t believe we’re related.” Kiara complained.

“Kion will grow up someday.” Simba assured his daughter. “I hope.” He added with a worried look.

In another world a German shepherd in a police cruiser, a dalmatian in a firetruck, a cockapoo in a helicopter, and a gray terrier in a recycling truck drove through a town where people were screaming as it seemed cars were appearing in buildings.

“Alright guys, we have too” The shepherd started before hearing an odd noise.

“Chase!” The cockapoo in pink flight gear said before the shepherd came back into reality.

“Huh, what?” The pup in police attire replied.

“You zoned out, you were about to say what we were going…” The terrier in green said before all four of them heard the noise as their tags lit up.

“Pups, what's going on?” A voice asked before the four of them exited their vehicles.

“We’re trying to find an odd noise Ryder.” Chase said as the four went by a store with a big lemonade cup decoration on top and saw an odd glitching creature.

“Woah, what is that?” The dalmatian asked.

“No idea, Marshall.” Chase replied.

“H…hey…” The red glitchy creature said weakly.

“Hi, I’m Chase, the pup in red is Marshall, this little pilot is Skye, and the guy in green is Rocky.” The police pup said as the red creature suddenly spoke up.

“Move to your right!” The little guy shouted as the four pups saw the fake lemonade cup about to fall on them as Rocky took the creature before they all jumped out of the way.

“Okay, that was close, thanks little guy.” Marshall said as the red creature was seeming to glitch out more.

“Um… are you okay?” Skye asked as they all showed worry for him.

“Yeah… just doesn’t look like I have much time left…” The red creature said before he glitched some more.

“What… no, there has to be a way to save you!” Marshall said before a flash of light hit them.

“Pups, what’s going on!?” Ryder asked over the pup tags.

“No idea, but we think it’s important!” Chase said as the four saw a red device that seemed to empower the creature a bit.

“Do you young pups wish to save this creature?” A booming voice asked as the pups looked at each other.

“We’re on the Paw Patrol, helping others is what we do.” Chase said as the voice spoke up again.

“Good, take this Fusion Loader and thus, save this digimon.” The voice said as the pups looked at each other again with confidence as a bulldog wearing yellow drove up in a construction rig and a chocolate labrador wearing orange drove in via hovercraft.

“Dudes, what are you…” The lab asked before being cut off by a flash of light that caused the four pups making contact with the Fusion Loader disappeared.

The four are seen in an odd portal, Skye grabbing the Fusion Loader, Marshall grabbing Chase, and all of them getting sucked into three different directions.

In a world with a castle built into a mountain Chase and Marshall get thrown out of the portal.

“Woah, what happened?” Marshall asked.

Chase sniffed the air.

“Hm, well all I know is we aren’t in Adventure Bay, all I can smell are horses and” Chase sniffed the air again. “Metal.” He finished as a shadow crept up on them.

“Um, Chase… what’s that?!” Marshall asked as the shadowy figure stared at them.

“What is wha…” The shepherd started before seeing the figure to which both pups screamed as they held each other.

(To be continued)

Very Unlikely Friends

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Chase and Marshall are seen hugging each other tightly as the large robot being looked down towards them. A metal hand reaching out to the two as Chase opened his eyes and gave an angered look. Chase got in front of his friend and tried to look tough as the hand made contact… and started to pet the German shepherd.

“Huh?” Chase said only to see the robot that resembled a rhino beetle with a red and blue body with yellow, gray, and white accents giving off a warm feeling towards him.

“Hey little fellas, I’m Ballistamon.” The robot greeted.

“Um… I’m Chase, and this is Marshall.” The police pup answered before he turned to the big white castle-looking structure. “So what is this place?” He asked.

“I heard from the locals we’re in a place called Canterlot.” Ballistamon answered with the two pups perking up at that.

“Wait, locals? You aren’t from here either?” Marshall asked with the robot nodding.

“Well, I just hope Rocky and Skye are doing okay. Let’s see what we can see.” The shepherd said as the three headed for the city when they saw Twilight running quickly to her home.

“Wonder what she’s up to.” The dalmatian asked before they started tailing her.

Back in the Pride Lands, Kion and Bunga are seen running across the Pride Lands when they run into an unconscious Skye with the Fusion Loader.

“Whoa, who’s that?” Bunga asked before a voice was heard from within the Fusion Loader.

“Her name is Skye, she and her friends helped me out, think whoever you guys are can help me out of here?” The creature within the device asked.

“Um… sure but… what exactly are we supposed to do?” Kion asked while totally weirded out.

“First get me out, just hold up the Fusion Loader and say “Reload”.” The voice said as Bunga didn’t even hesitate.

“No problem, reload!” The honey badger said as light flashed and a red reptilian creature with a white chest, forearms, and feet with three dark gray claws and fingers per foot and hand respectively, white headphones with green circles on them, blue eyes and a V-shaped crest on top of his head.

Skye then woke up before seeing the creature.

“What in the… where are we and… woah!” She said as she saw the creature that was trapped in the Fusion Loader.

“Thanks, you two, and hey Skye, don’t think I formally introduced myself, I’m Shoutmon.” Shoutmon said as the three animals looked at him in shock and wonder. “What, haven’t any of you seen a digimon before?” He asked with all three just shaking their heads.

Just then Shoutmon saw the fruit the duo was using as a ball.

“Say what were you two doing around here?” The red dragon asked as he spun the baobab fruit.

“We were playing baobab ball… before well… you and her showed up.” Kion said shakily, still confused on how Shoutmon was able to fit in the Fusion Loader.

“Cool.” Shoutmon said before kicking it to Bunga who caught it. “How do you play?” He asked.

“Easy, try to keep up!” The honey badger said before running off with the ball.

“Hey!” Kion and Shoutmon said before running after him as Skye snapped out of the shock.

“Wait, Shout… whatever shouldn’t we find out where to find a way back home!” The cockapoo shouted before seeing that Bunga also still had the Fusion Loader on his person. “Oh boy. Wait for me!” She then chased after them.

Back in the world with hedgehog and fox facing giant robots they see the dark smoke settle as a purple dragon with orange horns, underbelly, wings, spikes, and tail tip is shown flying in front swiftly flying towards the heroic duo.

“Sonic what in the world…” Tails asked his blue friend who was just as surprised.

“No idea, let’s just hope the dragon’s on our side.” Sonic replied as the flying reptile landed near them.

“I’ll start asking questions later, what’s going on?” The dragon asked before all three looked towards the town.

“A bunch of small-fry badniks. I took care of most of them, and the town militia can handle the rest.” Sonic explained before they turned full attention to the giant robots. “Those super badniks are another story.” He said before his twin tailed BFF spoke up.

“Those are better left to the professionals!” The fox said with confidence.

“Yeah, if ya wanna help, hang back and take notes.” Sonic said before he and Tails jumped into action.

“I might teach you guys a thing or two while we’re at it!” The dragon said before flying into action before looking back. “Hang tight guys, I’ll be back soon.” He finished.

Back in Equestria the unicorn Twilight Sparkle has just made it home where she slammed a door and sent her dragon friend flying across the room.

“Spike? Spike!?” Twilight said not noticing him on the floor with a gift on his tail. “Spike, there you are.” She said before looking for a certain book. “Quick, find me that…” The unicorn started before a knock was heard at the door.

“I’ll get it.” The small purple and green dragon walked over to the door and opened it to see two dogs and a robot. “Um… hi.” He said with some confusion.

“Hello, may we come in?” Chase asked as the dumbfounded reptile let them in.

Marshall saw the gift box impaled by Spike’s tail.

“What’s that?” The fire pup said before the little dragon noticed it.

“Well it was a gift for our friend Moondancer but...” Spike explained before a teddy bear fell out with its stuffing separate.

“Oh Spike, you know we don’t have time for that sort of thing.” Twilight stated, before the robot walked up wanting to help.

“Need a hand finding whatever you're looking for?” Ballistamon asked while picking up a book.

“No I…” The unicorn started before turning to see the robot. “Gah! The metal monster!” She then tried to find a hiding place before the shepherd tried calming her down.

“Woah, woah, easy, Ballistamon is a nice robot.” Chase said as the bot handed the unicorn a book.

“Um… thanks…” Twilight saw that it was the right book. “Oh!” She said before going to the reading stand to look through her book.

Marshall saw his best friend looking worried.

“Still wondering where Rocky and Skye are?” The fire pup asked.

“Yeah, who knows what’s happening to them, or what they might be dealing with!” Chase said with massive worry.

“Yeah but they’re also good at dealing with trouble.” Marshall said before the pony spoke up.

“Ah ha! I found it!” Twilight said as the two pups turned back to each other.

“Trust me, they’ll be fine, for all we know the two of them are just having fun.” The dalmatian said to the police pup.

Back in the Pride Lands Skye, Shoutmon, and Kion are chasing after Bunga on the savannah as music kicks up.

The four race across the grassland weaving through some giraffes with the boys bouncing the fruit over one’s head while Skye tried getting the Fusion Loader back only for the honey badger to grab the baobab fruit and race off.

They soon get to a group of egrets when one with orange head feathers saw them and shouted “Everyone scatter!” thus the egrets flew off over them with the lot of them reaching a tree where a mandrill with a staff to laugh.

They then reached a river jumping across hippos with the first one popping his head out of the water and greeting the two Pride Landers “Bunga, Kion.” while Bunga cleared the river quickly the other three got held up by a cranky crocodile he jumped on.

When they caught up due to Bunga tripping over a cobra the honey badger attempted to escape via a cheetah racing the other way. Which failed as Shoutmon and Kion were left jaw dropped as Skye revealed the pack she had wings which let her fly fast enough to catch up to the two, this caused the cheetah to trip due to surprise and Bunga was sent rolling down a hill and getting pounced on by Kion when the music stopped.

“Gotcha’ now Bunga!” The lion cub said with a smirk to which Shoutmon saw where the ball landed. Only it was where the Fusion Loader also landed and the two crashed into each other causing the two items to fall down a cliff.

“Oh no.” Kion said in an upset tone.

“Ugh…” The cheetah said as she got up and walked towards Skye. “What in the Pride Lands is going on?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing much Fuli, but our ball fell into the Out Lands so game over.” The lion said before the badger laughed.

“Please, I’m not afraid of the Out Lands.” Bunga said with a cocky tone.

“Me neither. But um… what are the Out Lands anyway?” Shoutmon asked.

“A bad place, hyenas fill the place, we aren’t supposed to go there.” Kion explained before the badger jumped down.

“Please, it isn’t so bad, I’ll get the baobab fruit back in a flash!” Buga said with confidence and cockyness.

“Yeah sure, you do that.” Shoutmon said before stretching.

“The Fusion Loader fell down there too ya know.” Skye explained as the digimon’s eyes went wide.

“Well I’m sure Bunga can…” The red dragon started as the other three squinted at him. “Fine, I’ll get the Loader while Bunga gets the ball.” Shoutmon said before he descended the cliff side.

Back on Mobius Sonic, Tails and the dragon are all battling the super badniks and looking tired afterwards.

“This would be a lot easier if we had Knuckles with us.” Tails complained while wiping his brow.

“My friend Eruptor might be good here too, he’d have no problem melting this thing.” The dragon added before the hedgehog just shrugging it off.

“Naaaah, we’re doing fine.” Sonic said before they saw robots running towards the gate.

“The remaining robots are making a run for it!” Tails said as both hedgehog and dragon reared up.

“We can’t risk them attacking another town. You cut them off, we’ll handle the super badnik!” Sonic said as they all raced off.

“On it!” Tails replied as he flew towards the gate.

With Sonic quickly racing around the egg-hammer for distraction the dragon used his fire breath to melt the joint in it’s legs to keep it from moving before Sonic went in to smash the head.

Tails at that point had just made it to the gate controls when the other two turned to him.

“They’re almost out! C’mon, Tails! Hurry up!” The blue hedgehog shouted.

“Oh ye of little faith…” Tails replied with sarcasm before closing the gate just as the robots got to it. “Well?”

“Expertly done.” Sonic replied with slow hand claps.

“Agreed, bonus points for dramatic timing.” The dragon added as he too clapped for the twin tailed fox.

“Thank you, thank you.” Tails said with a bow when the two turned to the dragon.

“Okay so let’s get names out of the way, I’m Sonic, and this is my friend Tails, and you, and where did you come from?” The blue hedgehog asked as the dragon smirked.

“I’m Spyro, and I come from a land I’m guessing is far from here,” Spyro said as we shift focus to the pup Rocky who starts to wake up. “a land made of land floating in the air,” the dragon’s voice continued as the pup looked out over a cliff to see floating pieces of land. “a place called Skylands.”

Lands Beyond One's Own

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“Um… hello, anyone here?” the recycling pup asked before seeing large blocks of ice.

As he got to the stage in the center he got a close look at an ice block that seemed to look like there was a green human-like creature in it which blinked and shocked him.

“Woah! Okay that is wrong!” Rocky said before the iced old man in a blue robe and helmet spoke up.

“Greetings little one.” The man said as Rocky jumped in shock again. “I am Eon, and these are the Skylanders.” The old master said as the terrier looked around the area seeing the other statues.

“How did you all get like this?” The pup asked as the green elf spoke up.

“Kaos, he cast a spell on the Book of Skylanders and froze us.” The elf said as Eon added.

“A magical artifact that connects everyone in it.” The old master explained.

“Well isn’t there anyone who can help?” Rocky asked before the lava-like creature spoke.

“Well Spyro might have been able to, but Master Eon says he isn’t with us anymore.” He explained. “He was hoping to become a Skylander like me and Elf but…”

“He didn’t make the cut and… we think he’s lost.” Elf replied in a sorrowful tone.

“Well if what happened to me and the others, this Spyro is probably fine, just in another world.” Rocky explained. “And if you need help, I could try finding that book to free you guys.” He added before racing off to find this Kaos guy.

“Hey!” Elf spoke up as the pup turned towards her. “See if you can find Spyro too, okay?” She asked as Rocky nodded in response before racing off.

Back in the Out Lands Shoutmon and Bunga were looking for the Fusion Loader and baobab fruit respectively.

“Ugh, the Fusion Loader couldn’t have fallen this far could it?” The red dragon said as the honey badger shrugged in response.

Up on the cliff overlooking the Out Lands Kion, Skye, and the cheetah were seeing what those two were doing.

“So what’s the lizard up too?” The cheetah asked only for the lion cub and cockapoo to jump in surprise.

“Oh! Fuli! It’s just you, okay, well this here is Skye and her friend down there Shoutmon and he’s looking for something called the Fusion Loader.” Kion explained as the three kept looking down the cliff.

At the base the duo walked into a wider area with rocks to which a hyena den. Just then the digimon found the Fusion Loader.

“Ah ha! Found it!” He shouted before jumping into a large pile of rocks to which he got stuck in. “Um… Bunga… Skye… Kion… uh Fuli was it… a little help?” Shoutmon asked to which the cheetah up top looked at the other two.

“Fuli, you know I don’t think going into the Out Lands is a good idea.” Kion explained before Skye spoke up.

“And you really think I can pull him out?” The cockapoo explained before the cheetah growled.

“Ugh, fine if you two aren’t going in I’ll help him.” She said as she jumped in.

As she got to the area Shoutmon was stuck and Bunga was searching for the baobab fruit three shadows popped up.

“Chungu, Cheezi, bring them to me!” The lead shadow said before the other two went out there as the sound of lip smacking was heard.

Back in Equestria Twilight, Ballistamon, Chase, Marshall, and Spike all looked towards the book.

“‘The Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about nighttime eternal.’” Twilight read aloud with Ballistamon speaking up.

“Huh, it shouldn't be that bad, right?” Ballistamon asked.

“The longest day is tomorrow, the Summer Sun Celebration!” The unicorn said with worry.

“So you're saying that little pony’s tale might come true?” Spike asked in a sarcastic tone.

“Well me, Marshall, and Ballistamon all got sucked here from other worlds so I’d say the possibility is on the table.” Chase said before the other two nod.

“He’s right, Spike, take a note please.” Twilight said as the little dragon picked up a pen and paper. “‘My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that we are on the precipice of disaster.’” She said as Spike stopped writing.

“Hold on, preci… preci…” Spike tried to spell before Balistamon took the paper.

“May I?” The robot digimon asked.

“Please do.” Spike replied as the robot took off from where Spike stopped.

“‘For you see, the mythical mare in the moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she’s about to return to Equestria and bring with her eternal night, something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true, I await your quick response, your faithful student Twilight Sparkle.’” The unicorn finished as the robot finished writing.

“Alright, time to mail this.” Ballistamon said before Twilight gave it to Spike.

“Great, send it Spike.”


“Of course.”

The pony and dragon to each other.

“Uh, I don’t know Twilight. Princess Celestia is working hard to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration.” Spike said before the unicorn spoke up again.

“That’s just it Spike, tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration, it’s imperative that the princess is told right away!” Twilight replied before the fire pup stepped towards her.

“Um… what is the Summer Sun Celebration?” Marshall asked.

“A day celebrating when Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon into the moon, it’s the longest day of the year and it’s tomorrow!” Twilight said as she had Spike send it via fire breath.

“There it’s on its way.” The dragon kid said. “But I wouldn’t hold your breath.”

“Oh I’m not worried Spike, the princess trusts me completely.” Twi said with confidence. “In all the years she’s been my mentor she’s never once doubted me.” She added before Spike burped up a new scroll. “See I knew she would want to take immediate action.”

“Think you could teach that fire mail thing to Shoutmon someday?” Ballistamon asked.

“Shout-who?” Spike said with slight confusion.

“Red, lizard-like,” The robot started before the shepherd cut him off.

“And a V-shape on his head?” Chase asked.

“Yeah, how did you know?” The robot digimon replied.

“No way, he was the glitchy red guy we met!” Marshall said with joy before Twilight spoke up.

“We can go over all this later, Spike.” The unicorn said as her assistant opened the scroll.

“Ehem ‘My dearest most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely’” The dragon read with the unicorn looking proud on account of that. “‘But you simply must stop reading those dusty old books.’” He continued which shocked Twilight.

“Woof.” Ballistamon said as the two pups nodded in agreement.

As they went off we go back to Skylands where Rocky is searching for the villain.

“Why am I doing this? I’m a fix-it pup not a fight-it pup.” The gray terrier said as he hopped on pieces of land. “Oh, but those guys are counting on me, and I never let people down so…” Rocky said, trying to still himself before nearly getting run over by a hovering podium.

“Move it mutt, for I KAOS am driving here!” A short bald man in a black robe complained.

“Apologies little gray terrier!” The goblin in tan pants and a brown vest said as they both flew off with a frozen book.

“Well, I found them, kinda.” Rocky said as he pulled his claw out. “Now to get that book back.” He said as he jumped on some floating rocks to catch up with them.

“Now Glumshanks, where should we dispose of this wretched book, and the Sky-losers ONCE AND FOR ALL!” Kaos said before laughing maniacally.

“Well, not unless someone who isn’t a Skylander tries to stop you like that dragon did, sir.” Glumshanks replied before the pup got within earshot.

“Hand over the book!” Rocky said, jumping across floating rocks.

“And why should I, you aren’t in the book like that dragon, no book, no Skylander, no threat.” Kaos said with a cocky tone.

“Oh yeah?” Rocky said before jumping onto the podium.

While flying Rocky tried to get the book out of Kaos’ hands and pulled a fast one by using his claw to get it and jumping off and making the mini man scream in anger.

“Um, Master, we might want to focus on where we’re flying!” Glumshanks said with worry in his voice.

“And why” Kaos asked before they crashed into a giant rock.

Rocky then got to a large area of land and took a breath.

“Okay I have the book, but how do I unfreeze it?” The fix-it pup asked before the sound of the flying podium was heard.

“You dare steal my stolen book dog, then prepare to feel the wrath of Kaos!” The short wizard then sent a spell that nearly hit Rocky who jumped and ran off.

Back in the Pride/Out Lands Fuli just got to the ground and grabbed Shoutmon by the tail trying to get him out of the rock pile.

“Havi Kabisa, get out of there guys!” Kion shouted as the pup vigorously nodded.

“Please, remember what my uncles say, hakuna” Bunga started before he bumped into a hyena who gave an angry look towards him, “matata.” He finished nervously before Shoutmon used his legs to push himself out.

“Relax, we’ll take him as soon as I…” Shoutmon started before the Fusion Loader started glowing.

“Is that light good?” The cheetah trying to yank him free by the tail asked.

Just then the device opened a portal and Shoutmon started getting sucked in again.

“Depends on where I end up, woah!” The dragon digimon replied as he and Fuli both got sucked into the portal.

Back on Mobius Spyro, Sonic, and Tails were trying to find a portal opening and sucking the fox in.

“Sonic, help!” The two-tailed fox yelped.

“Tails no!” Sonic said as he tried to grab him but was too slow and the fox got sucked up leaving the dragon and hedgehog.

“That… he… he’ll be fine… I mean, if I can survive world travel, Tails should too, right?” Spyro said trying his best to comfort the hedgehog even though this kind of thing wasn’t in his wheelhouse.

In Equestria another portal opened up in front of the unicorn, dragon, robot, and pups.

“Oh no, another one.” Marshall complained as Ballistamon got sucked up. “NO!”

“Marshall, keep calm… I’ll get him.” The police pup explained.

“But what if…” The fire pup said with worry.

“I promise I’ll find a way back to you, and bring Rocky, Skye, Ballistamon, and Shoutmon with me, then we all get home, okay?” Chase said as the dalmatian nodded woefully before jumping in after the robot.

“I’m sure Chase and Ballistamon will be okay.” Twilight said as the fire pup nodded again.

In the Skylands Rocky was still being chased by Kaos but eventually saw a portal open.

“Another one of those portals…” Rocky turned to see the short wizard and his goblin punching bag coming in fast.

“You cannot escape me forever, mutt!” Kaos shouted with the pup turning to see the portal again.

“*gulp* Please don’t drop me off somewhere in the sky.” He said before diving into it, with Kaos looking ticked as heck.

“He thinks he can escape me by falling into a portal, well he better hope he can fall faster then this!” Kaos said as he hit a button and the hover-y noise from the podium stopped. “Eh… what happened, Glumshanks what did you do!?” He said angrily.

“Nothing master, but from the sound of it you turned off the podium so…” The goblin replied before they too fell into the portal screaming all the way down.

In the vortex Tails, Rocky, Baillistamon, Chase, Shoutmon, and Fuli all flew through it with five out of six crashing into each other and all of them getting sucked into a vortex in a direction none of them came through this time, and Chase ended up flying through the vortex Shoutmon and Fuli came through.

When Kaos and Glumshanks flew into the area they saw no sign of Rocky.

“Drat, that dog got away with the Book of Skylanders, now how will we destroy them!?” Kaos asked with rage in his voice as the goblin spoke up.

“Well Master, I’d say our top priority is figuring out where the vortex we came through is, with the Skylanders frozen taking over will be fairly easy and we might not even need the book to…” Glumshanks was instantly cut off by his master.

“It isn’t just about that book anymore Glumshanks, that green geared gray terrier made a mockery of me, we will now go looking for him so I can get my revenge!” Kaos said as he drove off into a random vortex and Glumshanks sighing in response.

“Whatever you say, Master.” The goblin said in a deadpan tone as he awaited the high likelihood of his master taking the fact they didn’t find Rocky and went into the wrong vortex out on him.

Allies and Enemies

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In the Pride Lands Kion and Skye see Shoutmon and Fuli vanish in a flash of light with Bunga facing a hyena.

“Alright hyena, you want to see what this honey badger’s made of?” Bunga said before a larger more stocky hyena came from behind him and picked him up by the scruff. “Hey, put me down so I can show that other guy what I’m made of!” He said before they both chuckled.

On the cliff top Kion and Skye looked towards the honey badger who were worried at what was happening.

“Bunga!” The lion shouted as the cockapoo gasped with worry.

Just then the rock pile Shoutmon and Fuli got sucked into lit up again as the Paw Patrol Police pup flew out and right into the smaller hyena.

“Chase?” Skye said in confusion as Kion gave a confused look.

“Wha… where am I?” Chase asked as he saw what the larger hyena was doing. “And what are you up to?” He said before the smaller hyena pinned him down.

“Hehe, nice one Cheezi.” The bigger hyena said as the lion and pup at the cliff top looked down with anger.

“Hyenas, leave them alone! You don’t want any trouble with my dad!” The lion cub said with anger.

“Oh, like how you’d get into trouble if ya came into the Out Lands!” Cheezi mocked as he and the other hyena laughed.

“He’s too scared to come down here.” The larger hyena said as both laughed.

“Uh, Kion…” Bunga said before the smaller hyena spoke up.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough, Janja needs his lunch.” Cheezi said, giving the shepherd and badger worry.

“Lunch?” Chase and Bunga shakily said.

“No!” Kion said before rearing up. “Let them GO!” The lion cub said before roaring as clouds formed into roaring lion heads leaving Skye, Chase, Bunga, and the hyenas jaw dropped.

As Kion kept roaring and ended with an image of a lion appearing on his shoulder and the big hyena dropped Bunga who in turn shoved the baobab fruit in his mouth and Chase thrusted Cheezi off his back before the two climbed up.

“See ya hyena! Wouldn’t wanna be ya!” Bunga teased before they all reunited at the top of the cliff.

“Havi Kabisa, what was that?” Kion asked before he heard a sneeze.

“Sorry, I’m allergic to cats.” The shepherd pup apologized.

“It’s alright, I’m just glad you're safe.” The lion cub replied before the two bumped paws.

“I’m glad you're okay too.” The cockapoo said before sitting next to Chase. “Chase, these two are Bunga and Kion.” She said while pointing at the honey badger and lion cub. “Bunga and Kion, this is my close friend and fellow Paw Patrol pup Chase.” She finished.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you two.” Chase said with a confident smile.

“The pleasure is ours’.” Kion replied with the same look as Bunga nodded in agreement with the cub. “So if you know Skye do you also know Shoutmon?” He asked.

“I met him, but I only recently learned his name, and I haven’t seen him like normal, but I did meet his friend Ballistamon.” Chase replied. “Who might be around here somewhere, do you know anyone who might have seen a big robot around here?” He asked as the two Pride Landers looked bewildered.

“Ro-what?” Bunga asked.

“Um… a big shiny creature made of metal?” Chase tried to clarify.

“We haven’t seen anyone like that, but you're free to ask our friend Ono if he’s seen anything like him.” Kion answered.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Ono can see everything! If this ro-bro or whatever is in the Pride Lands, he can find him.” Bunga explained giddily. “He normally hangs by Big Springs with his flock when he isn’t hanging with us, it’s just over there.” The badger added while pointing to the water hole’s location.

“Thanks, if we find anything I’ll be right back to tell you Skye.” Chase explained before walking off.

“Wait, why not have me find him, I know what robots look like.” Skye said wanting to keep an eye on him.

“Yeah but Ono knows the place better, and with Kion’s roar just then we might be better off splitting up.” Chase said before running to the water hole.

“Great, now where are Shoutmon and Fuli?” Bunga asked bluntly before he and Kion turned to Skye.

“With all that’s happened I have no idea where they might be.” She replied before the three walked over to Pride Rock.

In a grassy field Shoutmon, Fuli, Rocky, Tails, and Ballistamon were passed out on the ground before stirring.

“Whatever just happened, hurt.” Tails said before seeing pieces of land floating in the sky.

“Whoa.” Fuli said with awe.

“Is this the Sky Lands?” Tails asked in wonder.

“No, that’s where I was, but still, whoa.” Rocky replied as all three were unaware of each other for a bit.

“Um… who are you three?” Ballistamon asked as all three turned and jumped in shock.

“Whoa, is this a new Eggman badnik?” The twin tailed fox asked before preparing a spin dash with Fuli also looking ready to throw down.

Just then the red dragon stepped in between them.

“Whoa whoa whoa! Relax, he’s friendly!” Shoutmon shouted as Tails and Fuli stood down.

“Well then who is he?” The fox asked.

“And more importantly, where are we?” The cheetah added.

“For once today, I get questions I can answer.” The digital dragon added. “First off this big guy is my best friend Ballistamon,” He started while fist bumping the robot, “and second, we’re in the Digital World. Our home world.” He finished while turning to look out over the horizon.

“Okay, but who are you?” The terrier asked.

“That’s Shoutmon, and I’m Fuli, we met in my home world, the Pride Lands.” The cheetah explained.

“And that’s Rocky.” Shoutmon added while pointing at the pup.

“Um, how did… wait,” Rocky said before getting a better look at the dragon and noticing some familiarities. “It’s you!” He gasped. “You're the guy me, Chase, Marshall, and Skye helped!” He said with joy.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s me.” Shoutmon replied. “So, uh, where did you end up again?” He asked the pup.

“Sky Lands, a big area with floating pieces of land, I nabbed this from a bad guy there.” Rocky said before showing the Book of Skylanders.

“So you were sent to Spyro’s world, I met him with my friend Sonic before a portal opened up and sent me here.” The fox explained. “My name’s Tails by the way.”

“His suit kind of looks like the ones I saw these pups Chase and Marshall wearing.” Ballistamon said before Shoutmon spoke up.

“That’s because he, Chase, and Marshall are on the same team in the same world.” Shoutmon explained before turning to Tails. “But where in the apparent universe are you fro…WHOA!” He started before the five of them got blasted away by a large armored mammoth.

“What on Earth is that!” Rocky asked with worry and fear.

As they watched the mammoth digimon roared as more mammoths, a few jet-bird hybrid creatures, and finally a dark gray lion with a black mane and large arms jumped on top of it and roared leaving the three off-worlders in worry and the two digimon with serious looks on their faces.

Back on Mobious Spyro and Sonic were racing away from a big crab robot.

“Not a bad race big guy, but there’s no way we’re letting you trample that town.” The blue hedgehog said before the dragon flew up.

“I’ll slow ‘em down, you finish ‘em off!” Spyro said as he used his firebreath to superheat the crab-bot’s joints which led the hedgehog to spin through and bust it right before it reached town.

As the two landed they both landed the duo got cheers and praise only for the bot to come back to life.

“Looks like it’s time for round…” Spyro started before a pink hedgehog with a red dress wielding a giant hammer smashed it instantly. “Two…?” He said in bewilderment.

“You're getting sloppy Sonic.” She said to the blue hedgehog’s slight off-put mood.

“A-Amy. Fancy meeting you here.” Sonic said in a slightly disgruntled tone.

“I heard about what you, Tails, and that dragon did in the neighboring town and hurried over! I just knew you’d stop by here!” The pink hedgehog said with enthusiasm.

“Huh. Word travels fast…” Sonic said as he turned to Spyro and shook his head, “...ah nevermind. Looks like things are under control here. Thanks for the save! This is Spyro! Laters!” He said/introduced while dragging the dragon away with him.

“Sonic, wait! I came out here specifically to find you!” Amy said before the blue hedgehog zipped back letting go of the dragon and causing him to faceplant.

“I know, it’s kind of your thing.” Sonic teased.

“Not like that! I mean I’m always happy to see you and would follow you anywhere if you’d only let me but… oh! You get me so flustered!” Amy replied in a frustrated tone.

“Can one of those portals suck me up now? I’m feeling like a third wheel here!” Spyro said towards the sky after taking his face out of the ground.

Sonic just rolled his eyes before Amy grabbed his hand. “Sonic, I need you to come back to the resistance, and have Spyro join it.” The pink hedgehog asked, to the blue one’s confusion.

“Come back? I thought you were doing clean up duty now that the war is over.” Sonic replied in a confused tone.

“And I’m already on an evil fighting team. Well going to be someday… anyway, what’s going on?” The purple dragon asked.

“These leftover robots are everywhere. Even without Eggman to lead them, they’re still a constant threat, randomly attacking anyone they find.” Amy said with an urgent tone fitting for the matter. “The resistance is working to finish the fight. By working from a centralized, organized position, we can be way more effective.” She explained to the dragon and blue hedgehog’s non-care.

“Nah, pass.” The two answered instantly.

“Oh for the love of… why!?” Amy asked.

“One I gotta find a portal back home and finish a rescue I got zapped out of, and two Tails mentioned something that was bugging us before a portal zapped him out of this world.” Spyro started.

“Yeah, the badniks we faced when Spyro first showed up were way more organized. But Eggman hasn’t shown up to claim responsibility. Subtly is not his forte.” Sonic finished the pink hedgehog trying to wrap her brain around the idea of the otherworldly dragon.

“Wait, the dragon isn’t from this world? How… if not Eggman then…” Amy shook her head. “No, you're both right, I didn't think of that. But that’s all the more reason for you two to come to the resistance!” She exclaimed.

“No, it’s all the more reason for us to hit the road, find Tails, get Spyro home, and find out what’s going on.” Sonic explained before an evil laugh was heard.

“What was that?” Amy asked in confusion.

“No idea, but whoever is laughing it sure isn’t Eggman.” The blue blur added.

“Still… it sounds kind of familiar.” Spyro said before a sheep ran up to them.

“Sonic! Spyro! Msr. Rose! Emergency! We’re under attack.” A sheep girl said while out of breath.

“Say no mo… oh no!” The dragon said as he saw Kaos using his magic to try and control the badniks attacking from the west.

“The crab bot was a decoy!” Sonic said as he raced off as Spyro landed close to Amy.

“You and Sonic handle the badniks, me and Short Stuff have some unfinished business.” Spyro finished as he flew towards Kaos and Amy ran into the city.

In Equestria Marshall was looking at the scroll Celestia sent for Twilight.

“‘My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony’s life than studying. So I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year’s location, Ponyville.’” The pup read aloud as they saw the rural town coming up. “‘And I have an even more essential task for you to complete, make some friends.’ Which she already made three, so how many more will that take?” He asked as the unicorn sighed.

“Look on the bright side Twilight, the princess arranged for you to stay in a library, doesn’t that make you happy?” Spike said, trying to cheer her up.

“Yes. Yes it does, you know why? Because I’m right, I’ll check on the preparations as fast as I can, then get to the library to find some proof of Nightmare Moon’s return.” The unicorn said as the pup and dragon looked on with confusion.

“Then when are you gonna make friends like the princess said?” Spike asked.

“She said to check on preparations. I am her student and I’ll do my royal duty, but the state of Equestria does not rest on me making friends.” The unicorn explained as the chariot landed and the two pegasi neighed. “Thank you sirs.” She said to the two.

“Maybe the ponies in Ponyville have interesting things to talk about.” Spike said with a smile as a pink pony with a frizzy mane walked up to them.

Spike and Marshall both gestured for Twilight to talk to the earth pony.

“*sigh* Um… hello?” She said as the pink pony gasped and raced off.

“Well that happened.” Marshall said with a semi-confused tone.

“That was interesting alright” Twi said before the three walked off.

In the digital world the dark lion leaned down to sniff Tails, Rocky, and Fuli.

“That smell, you three do not hail from this world.” The creature said in a raspy voice.

“Am I crazy or is that weird lion talking!?” Rocky asked with worry in his voice.

“I don’t like intruders, especially those from off world!” The dark lion creature shouted as he lengthened his magenta claws.

He then tried to cut the three with Fuli trying to stand her ground but then suddenly out of the ground Ballistamon appeared and whacked the lion in the jaw.

“Ram Slammer!” Ballistamon said with Fuli on his shoulder. “Ha ha, take that!”

“Good move Ballistamon, so what do you guys think of that?” Shoutmon said as some small creatures, one of them a star with sunglasses appeared.

“Where are these creatures coming from?” Tails asked before Fuli spoke up.

“I think they're called digimon.” The cheetah replied.

“She’s right, you have nothing to worry about, these guys are all my friends, now time for some real action!” The red dragon exclaimed before jumping in front of his robotic bestie and summoned a microphone to his hand.

“You're all gonna pay for that!” The lion digimon said as he regained composure. “Pteramon, bring terror from the skies!” He commanded.

The armored pterosaur-like digimon then soared down towards them with malicious intent.

As Fuli, Rocky, and Tails looked at the oncoming threat, Rocky looking slightly worried while Tails and Fuli seemed ready to brace themselves they noticed Shoutmon was rather calm given the situation.

“I know what you’re thinking.” The red dragon said as the others looked at him confused. “You're all wondering why I’m still smiling, why I’m not scared of Madleomon.” He said with the cheetah and fox smiling wanting to see what their new ally has to offer.

“Yeah.” Fuli replied with her and Tails ready to see said action.

“Well it’s because I’m Shoutmon, the future king of the digital world! And I’ll make sure the ugly furball knows it.” The dragon said with confidence before powering up. “Bellow Blaster!” He shouted as a torrent of flame shot out of his microphone and completely evaporated the Pteramon.

In the distance an elderly humanoid digimon looked onwards. “I know that attack, Shoutmon is back! Whoo hoo, did you hear that, it’s good news and it rhymes.” The elder said as a flowery digimon was behind him.

“That was amazing Shoutmon!” Rocky said as the cheetah and fox nodded their heads in agreement.

“Sorry Rocky, no time for autographs now.” Shoutmon replied with a cocky smile. “But I’ll tell you one thing, you and the other three pups are the first non-digimon friends I ever had.” He added with the pup smiling.

“I will admit. You're tougher than I first thought.” The cheetah replied and got a smirk out of the red dragon who turned towards Madleomon

“Ballistamon, Starmon, Pickmons, let’s finish him off!” Shoutmon shouted as Ballistamon and the star-shaped digimon with his little companions raced into battle.

Back on Mobius, Sonic raced to smash up badniks while Amy was rallying the troops around town hall.

“Get all the unarmed inside! If you can fight, rally to me!” Amy commanded as the townsfolk got set to battle.

As that was happening Spyro flew up to the hover-podium.

“Kaos!” The purple dragon said with anger.

“Eh? Oh it’s just the loser that isn’t a Sky-loser.” The short wizard said before getting hit by a speeding and spinning blue ball.

“Need backup?” Sonic asked as Spyro nodded his head.

“Yeah, we can’t let Kaos control these bots!” Spyro explained as Sonic jumped on his back.

“We have a Chaos in our world but he’s way less crazy… at least now.” The blue hedgehog replied as the two of them struck the podium in unison.

As they did they noticed some more badniks getting in and a new portal opening up.

“Whoops.” Sonic said as he saw the robots.

“Sonic there's a portal! It might be my way out.” Spyro explained before his hedgehog friend wrecked some robots.

“Great, you drag Kaos and his lackey back through and get back home, me and Amy have things covered here!” Sonic replied before racing off.

Spyro looked at the portal before grabbing the podium and spinning with it. As he spun it Kaos and Glumshanks hung on for dear life before getting chucked into the portal. Spyro then looked towards the continuing battle in the town and then back to the portal before flying off.

Sonic was then smashing robots left and right before racing after some headed for town hall.

“Dang it! I let too many get past me!” He said before some of the robots got blown up by a fireball as his dragon friend was seen flying to his side. “Spyro!? The portal might close, what happened to you going back home?!” Sonic asked.

“Back in my world I learned the hard way I shouldn't just look out for myself, and I can help here! So until this town is safe I’m staying!” The dragon replied as the two of them fist-bumped and raced back into town for the rest of the rumble.

Back in the Pride Lands Kion, Bunga, and Skye all went to the large rock formation known as Pride Rock, once there the three of them stand before King Simba, his royal majuzi Rafiki, and his mate Queen Nala.

Skye gulped as she never saw an adult lion or lioness in person before, yet Bunga and Kion were far from worried.

“Hey dad, I have someone you should meet.” The lion cub explained before the King saw the cockapoo with intrigue.

“Yeah, this is Skye, and you won’t believe it but she came from another world!” Bunga explained with much wonder.

“I would’ve expected as much, I’ve never seen an animal like her but um…” Simba replied before

“Dad? What’s going on?” The lion cub asked.

“Son, we need to talk…” Simba said with the cub freaking out a bit.

“Oh no, dad, we already had that talk.” Kion complained. “;Can you feel the love tonight.; I know all about that mushy stuff!” He finished.

“Well… it’s not that Kion.” Simba said calmly.

“Most definitely not that, we heard your roar, yes, yes!” Rafiki said with enthusiasm.

“Uh… yeah it was kinda different today.” Kion replied.

“Different, different you say, it is more than different it was the Roar of the Elders! When you use it, the great lions of the past roar with you.” The mandrill explained explained.

“The Roar of the Elders is a great gift, Kion. It will make you the fiercest animal in the Pride Lands.” Simba explained. “But…” He started.

“But what?” His son asked as the lion king turned to Rafiki.

“No, no, Simba. It is you who must tell Kion about the Lion Guard.” The shaman said as the five looked confused.

“Wait, what's a Lion Guard?” The cockapoo asked.

“This way Kion.” Simba said as they all walked behind him.

They went to a wall of vines which Rafiki pulled aside to reveal a cavern that consisted of a lot of dust and not much to be seen.

“Everyone this is the Lion Guard lair, it’s the secret meeting place for members of the guard.” Simba explained as the dragon rubbed his finger along a wall.

“Well these Guard guys sure didn’t do a good job of keeping it clean, some light dusting would make seeing anything in here a lot easier.” Skye said as the monkey hung upside down next to his head which freaked the pup out.

“Hmmm… yes!” Rafiki said as he used a wind spell to blow away all the dust.

“That works too.” The flying pup said in blunt shock.

“Dad, enough with all the secrecy stuff, you gotta tell me!” Kion started with a joyful tone. “What is the Lion Guard?” He then asked.

“The Lion Guard is the team that protects the Pride Lands and defends the Circle of Life.” The lion king explained as they all turned to see paintings on the walls. “According to tradition the Lion Guard is made of the Pride Lands’ fircest, bravest, fastest, strongest, and keenest of sight.”

“So what happened to them?” The lion cub asked as the cockapoo stepped next to him.

“Yeah, from the looks of it the Lion Guard left this place abandoned for a long time.” Skye added which led the king to sigh.

“Unfortunately, I’m afraid it’s a story without a happy ending.” Simba explained as Rafiki lit more paintings up with his staff. “When Kion’s grandfather Mufasa was about your age his younger brother Scar was the leader of the Lion Guard. Scar also had the gift of the roar, the roar made Scar feel powerful, but that power went to Scar’s head. He began to think that he should be king instead of his older brother Mufasa. So Scar ordered the Lion Guard to help him take down Mufasa. When the Guard refused Scar was furious, and then Scar used the roar to destroy the Lion Guard. What Scar didn’t realize was that using the roar for evil, he would lose the power of the roar completely.” The king told as the three young ones looked on in shock.

“Heyvi kabisa...”


“That just… woah…”

Kion, Bunga, and Skye said respectively.

“The roar is a very powerful gift.” The mandrill explained. “It can be used for great good. But it can also lead to terrible evil.” He finished while close to Kion’s face.

“Well, I’d never be like Scar. Ever!” Kion replied much to his father’s appreciation.

“I’m glad to hear that, son. Because starting today, you are the leader of the new Lion Guard.” Simba said with a confident smile.

“I’m the what?” Kion asked in confusion.

“He said you were the leader of the new Lion Guard.” Skye repeated for the king as the majuzi jumped in.

“It is right, the new leader of the Lion Guard, it is you!” Rafiki said with a chuckle while pointing at Kion. “Yes! It. Is. You!” He said with a joy filled tone.

“Dad?” The lion prince asked.

“It’s true, Kion.” The lion king replied with a smile.

“Wow… amazing!” Kion said before the pup wearing pink spoke up.

“I have to tell Chase this!” Skye said before racing out of the lair.

“It is amazing, and now Kion, it’s your job to assemble the Pride Lands’ bravest, fastest, strongest, and keenest of sight.” Simba said as his son ran out.

“You got it, dad! Don’t worry, I won’t let ya down!” Kion replied as he ran out of the lair.

“This is un-bunga-lievable!” The badger said as he raced out of the lair.

“You see, Simba? And now Kion will choose the best lions in the pride for the Guard.” Rafiki said to the king.

“I hope so, Rafiki. I’m still not sure he’s ready.” Simba replied to his royal majuzi before walking out of the lair.

“He is ready.” Rafiki said to himself.

Just then the winds whistled as the mandrill walked over to some gords full of paint to which he used to paint not just Kion, Bunga, and Skye at the lair but also Chase in a field, Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Fuli, Rocky, and Tails facing Madleomon, Spyro and Sonic fighting robots, Twilight, Spike, and Marshall walking through Ponyville, and five other ponies doing other assorted tasks.

“They are all ready.” He finished.

The Strength in Bonds

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We start off with the pony, pup, and dragon trio walking down the streets of Ponyville.

“Summer Sun Celebration official overseer’s checklist: number 1, banquet preparations, Sweet Apple Acres.” Spike read as the three of them arrived at a red barn surrounded by apple orchards.

“Fitting name, I should definitely tell Farmer Yumi about this place when I get home.” Marshall said as the unicorn rolled her eyes.

“Let’s just get this over with so I can get focused on deterring Nightmare Moon and getting you back home.” Twilight said as the dalmatian sighed.

Just then the three heard a loud “Yee haw!” before turning to see an orange pony with a hay yellow mane, three apples for a cutie mark, and in a cowpoke hat swiftly run up to and kick a tree with her hind legs causing apples to fall out of it.

“Woah, I wanna try!” Marshall said as he raced forward only for the unicorn to try and stop him.

“Marshall!” Twilight said with slight anger.

The fire pup raced forward ready to kick apples out of the tree next to the one the orange pony kicked. Only he tripped when trying to jump a fence and ended up rolling into the tree, but still knocking some apples down.

“You know what? I’m on the fence about this harvesting technique.” Marshall joked which caused the orange pony to chuckle as she walked up to him.

“Heh heh, don’t worry there, feller. It takes a long time to muster up the muscles and form to make a quality apple buck.” The pony said as she helped him out of the pile of apples he was in. “Name’s Applejack by the way.” She added.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Marshall!” The dalmatian replied as the unicorn and dragon walked up. “And those two are Twilight and Spike.” He finished.

“It’s mighty fine to meet y’all too, we here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like make’n new friends.” Applejack replied with a grin much to Twilight’s dismay.

“Sorry but we’re not here to make friends, we actually came here to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. And you're in charge of the food?” The unicorn asked, which just made the orange pony smile once again.

“We sure as sugar are. Care to sample some?” AJ answered Twilight’s question before asking her own.

“Sure.” Marshall answered the orange pony.

“Well as long as it doesn't take too long.” Twilight said before the farm pony raced off to ring a triangle.

“Soups on everypony!” Applejack shouted as an army of earth ponies charged in and swept the unicorn, dragon, and pup up and towards a table where they looked dazed until AJ popped up beside them. “Now, why don’t I introduce y'all to the Apple Family?” She asked with Twilight looking slightly worried.

“Thanks but I really need to hurry.” The purple unicorn said before ponies started racing up and placing food on the table.

“This here is Apple Fritter.” AJ introduced the mare that placed her namesake on the table. “Apple Bumpkin.” AJ introduced as another pony placed her namesake on the table. “Red Gallon, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Scooter, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp,” She then took a deep breath. “Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and” AJ said as they looked towards a big red stallion and a little yellow filly before Twilight got an apple forced into her mouth. “Granny Smith.” The pony finally stopped introductions as they saw an older mare sleeping in a rocking chair. “Up and at'em Granny Smith, we got guests.” The elderly mare then woke up and walked over to the table.

“Wha… uh… Soups on! I’mma… he… I’m come’n.” Granny said as she arrived at the group.

“Why I’d say they’re already part of the family.” Applejack said with an arm over both Twilight and Marshall, the former spitting out the apple forced in her mouth.

“Ah ha ha… okay, well I can see the food situation is handled, so we’ll be on our way.” Twilight said only for the little yellow filly with a red mane and pink bow looked up at her.

“Aren’t you gonna stay for brunch?” Apple Bloom asked while giving puppy dog eyes.

“Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.” The unicorn replied before the Apple Family all sighed in sadness.

“Come on Twilight, a quick lunch break wouldn’t hurt.” The dalmatian pup said with the purple pony giving a grumpy look.

“Fine.” She said as the Apple Family cheered while Spike looked at the pup.

“What about getting to the library and finding out how to get you and your friends home?” The purple dragon asked.

“Hey I know they’re fine, and besides they can handle anything, even a monster.” Marshall replied jokingly thinking that monsters weren’t a concern.

Back in the Digital World Marshall’s joke about monsters turns out to not be so much of a joke with the fight between Shoutmon’s side and Madleomon is in full swing.

“ROCK AND ROLLER!” Shoutmon shouted as he struck the earth with his microphone and caused a small quake.

“SEISMIC SPEAKER!” Ballistamon shouted as he shot out a wave of powerful sound from the speaker on his chest.

“METEOR SHOWER!” Starmon shouted as the Pitmons flew at Madleomon at high velocity.

Just then the red dragon saw one of the terramon fly in trying to dive bomb them.

“FIERY FASTBALL!” Shoutmon shouted as he flung a fireball at the pterosaur like digimon.

“Heh, I should introduce him to Blaze at some point.” Tails said as the recycling pup turned to the book in his claw arm.

“Maybe he can help with this.” Rocky muttered to himself before the gray lion digimon loomed over the heroes.

“You annoying little maggots!” Madleomon shouted in anger before getting shot at by an energy ball. “Who did THAT!?” He said in rage.

“Me.” The group of heroes along with Madleomon turned to see Tails with a sort of arm cannon. “Couldn’t let Shoutmon, Ballistamon, and these other mons have all the fun.” The twin tailed fox said confidently before powering up his blaster.

“Face it Madleomon, I’m back and stronger than ever thanks to my new friends helping out.” The red dragon said proudly before the cheetah spoke up.

“He only speaks for two of us, me and him are acquaintances at best.” Fuli said as the other heroes minus Shoutmon gave confused looks.

“Oh.” The dragon digimon said before turning back to the evil anthro lion. “Still, we got you outclassed!” He said with confidence to spare.

“See if your pathetic, non-digimon friends can help you survive this!” Madleomon said as he started absorbing his army.

“What in Mufasa’s name is he doing?” Fuli asked as Madleomon started gaining armor.

“He’s absorbing his army to gain strength!” Tails shouted with worry.

The upgraded lion Digimon struck the ground with a new chainsaw hand in front of Shoutmon and Ballistamon, causing the ground to split under them.

“It’s Armed-Madleomon!” Shoutmon shouted as his best digimon friend fell into the chasm which he caught by using his mic to give him something to grab.

“They need help!” Rocky shouted.

“I’m on it!” The cheetah said as she raced onto the field with the Fusion Loader hooked on her tail.

“Fuli, wait!” Tails and Rocky shouted in unison before we cut back to the Pride Lands where Chase is looking around a grassland for this Ono character.

“Hello, I’m looking for someone named Ono!” The shepherd pup called out as a shadow flew over him. “I need help finding my friends!”

Just then a noise was heard behind the pup as he turned to see a cattle egret with a crest of orange feathers on his head.

“Um… hey little fella… um… So, where can I find this Ono?” The police pup asked as the egret spoke up.

“Well my name is Ono, but why would you need me to help?” The bird answered.

“My name is Chase, and this honey badger named Bunga said you have amazing eyesight, maybe you can help me find my friends.” Chase said as the bird smiled and nodded.

“I’m not so sure about this but if you need help finding your friends and if Bunga seems okay with you, I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt Chase.” Ono replied as the pup put out a paw for a high five which the egret committed to as the new duo went off.

Back in Mobius the battle against the badniks was in full swing as Amy commanded her forces as they shot down them all.

“The first wave is down!” The pink hedgehog said with confidence as the blue hedgehog and purple dragon stood heroically.

“I thought Knuckles was the commander of the resistance?” Sonic said jokingly with Amy giving an equally cocky look.

“Oh he commanded alright. But who do you think kept things organized?” Amy said with as much swagger as her speedy blue friend.

“They do say ladies get stuff done.” Spyro said before noticing the portal he sent Kaos flying through was starting to shrink. “I’d like to make this fast, what’s our next move?” The dragon asked.

“This is a good defensible position, and the militia is placed well but…” Amy Rose started before the other too caught on.

“Too many badniks?” Sonic and Spyro asked in unison.

“Too many badniks.” Amy confirmed. “We’ll be overrun. We need to find where they’re coming from and thin their advance so the villagers can stand a chance.” She explained as the dragon flew up to scan the area.

As Spyro scanned he saw a big fish looking thing that seemed to be dispensing the robots. “I found a big metal-fish-thing sending in the bot’s cavalries, I think it’s some kinda dropship!” The Skylander explained.

“Shall we?” Sonic asked.

“Let’s.” Amy answered as the two raced off smashing badniks all the way.

“Whee! Isn’t this fun!?” Amy asked with joy.

“Oh yeah!” The blue blur answered with excitement.

“Hey let me get in on this!” Spyro answered as he flamed some badniks himself.

“Wouldn’t it be easier if you lead us to the dropship from the skies?” The pink hedgehog asked.

“It might be the easy option, but this is the fun option!” The Skylands dragon replied.

“Y’know, you two could do this sort of thing all the time with the resistance.” Amy said, trying to lull the two into joining.

“Nope.” Both hedgehog and dragon replied bluntly.

“Oh come on!” She said with a disgruntled tone.

As the three kept crushing robots Amy kept trying to make Spyro and Sonic join the resistance.

“Amy, I already told you what we’re gonna do!” Sonic said as he raced atop some bird-like badniks.

“You didn’t even consider coming back!” Amy whined.

“I don’t need to!” Sonic replied before running up a wall and smashing some more badniks. “I already know what works best for me.” He said, wiping off some dust.

“Well, what about what works best for the rest of us?” Amy asked before Spyro flew in between the two.

“Hey! I don’t know a whole lot about teamwork, but Amy is, so why not play your parts the way you play them best?” The dragon said before noticing an egg pawn about to shoot Sonic. “Sonic duck.” He said before shooting a fire blast over the hedgehog and into the badnik.

“If you won’t do it for the resistance Sonic, do it for me?” Amy asked.

“Behind you Ames.” Sonic replied as the girl hedgehog attacked another robot behind her. “Can’t play favorites.” The blue blur said bluntly.

“Then do it for your friends?! Spyro, egg pawns closing in, 30 feet.” Amy said as the dragon flew off to take care of them.

“They’ve got you, remember?” Sonic replied as he went to follow his new dragon friend.

“Do it for a chili dog!?” Amy asked, with that getting her friend’s attention.

“Ooh, now you're talking!” Sonic said in a joking manner.

“Seriously?!” She complained.

Sonic raced through the badniks with his boost before getting to the edge of the village and saw what Spyro alerted them too.

“Yo! The dropship Spyro saw is just outside the village. Looks like it still has plenty aboard.” Sonic explained before Amy and Spyro joined him.

“That’s not good!” The pink hedgehog said with worry.

“I can fly but I don’t think I can take it out solo, and I don’t think I can safely get one of you there under this much firepower, we can’t get through!” Spyro shouted.

“Conventionally? No.” Sonic said before turning to Amy. “I think it’s time for a Croquette Bomber.” He said smugly.

“From this distance? You are a daredevil.” Amy replied with just as much sass before using her hammer to launch a spin dashing Sonic into the dropship causing it to blow up.

“Oh man, that was awesome!” Spyro said with enthusiasm before he and the pink hedgehog went to inspect the damage. “Woah, you okay Sonic?” The purple dragon asked with worry.

“Amy knocked me into the power cell! What a shot!” Sonic said with laughter filling his throat.

“That’s it for the invasion. I guess… You’ll be leaving then…” Amy said with a distraught tone.

Spyro looked up to see the portal closing. “Yeah. Gotta find another portal.” He said as he started to fly off.

“Same here, helping people as I see them in trouble is what I do. And with how much Spyro helped us so far, helping him find a way home is the least I can do for my new pal.” Sonic said as he put an arm over the dragon’s shoulder.

“You're right, it’s just who you are, and it’s all the reasons I love you. I can’t change you. I don’t want to change you! And I know Spyro has to get home!” Amy said with joy in her voice.

“Heh… Well… It’s not like it’s all or nothing. You could come with us.” Sonic replied as Spyro’s jaw dropped.

“I can’t. The resistance needs me to keep everything in order. I’ve been away long enough as it is.” Amy said with a sad tone. “But if you boys want some direction, Knuckles went to investigate a town to the south. I haven’t heard from him so he might need your help.” She explained as the two got ready to head off.

“Aye-aye, cap’n commander Rose ma’am!” Sonic said as he raced off.

“If it weren’t for his “free as the wind” nature the two of you would so be a thing.” Spyro said in a joking tone.

“Yeah. But that “free as the wind” nature is why I love him.” Amy replied before the dragon took flight.

“Well Miss Rose, I hope we meet again.” The dragon Skylander said gallantly before flying off.

“Hehe, back at you Spyro.” The pink hedgehog giggled as the blue blur and purple dragon raced off.

Back in Equestria Marshall and Spike walked down a path leading back into Ponyville from Sweet Apple Acres with Twilight slowly following.

“Foods all taken care of, next is weather.” Spike explained as he read the list.

“How does that work?” Marshall asked as he bumped into someone familiar. “What in the… who…” The dalmatian asked as he saw it was a chocolate labrador in an orange vest with a diving helmet. “Zuma!?” The pup asked as the other pup shook his head and saw his friend.

“Marshall!” The labrador said with glee. “Rubble! I found Marshall!” Zuma shouted as a bulldog with a yellow vest and construction helmet ran in with joy.

“Marshall!” The bulldog said with glee.

“Rubble!” Marshall replied while hugging the two of them.

“So you know these guys?” The little dragon asked as the fire pup spoke up.

“Oh! Right, sorry. These are two of my friends from back home, Zuma and Rubble.” Marshall introduced the duo. “And these are my new friends Spike and… wait… where’s Twilight?” The dalmatian asked as the unicorn walked up.

“Ugh. I ate too much pie.” Twilight complained with a bit of a pot-belly.

“Woah. What have we missed dude?” Zuma asked with a giggle before noticing Spike. “And what are you looking for?” The water rescue pup continued.

“There’s supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds.” The little purple dragon explained as the pony and three pups looked up and saw several clouds in the sky.

“Well she isn’t doing a very good job now is she?” Twilight said before something that looked rainbowy zipped past and crashed into her said something being a sky blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail.

“Heh heh heh, excuse me.” The pony awkwardly chuckled as she and the purple unicorn were in the mud. “Let me help you.” She said with another chuckle before zipping back with a cloud impressing the pups before making it rain on Twilight by hopping on it.

This in turn left her soaked in a far more watery puddle.

“Think you might’ve overdid it.” The bulldog in yellow said as the pegasus gave it some thought.

“I got this!” She said before flying around Twilight super fast, drying up the water in seconds. “My very own patented, rain-blow dry! No, no, don’t thank me, you're quite welcome.” The blue pony said before seeing that Twilight’s mane was all frizzed out by the instant dry and seeing this she and Spike nearly busted they’re guts laughing with the trio of pups giggling at the sight themselves.

“Let me guess, your Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said with a blunt tone.

“The one and only.” The pegasus replied before flying into Twilight’s face. “Why, you heard of me?” She asked.

“I heard you're supposed to be keeping the sky clear!” The unicorn complained before sighing. “I’m Twilight Sparkle and the princess sent me to check on the weather.” She explained to the pegasus just resting on the cloud.

“Yeah, yeah, that’ll be a snap. I’ll do it in a jiffy, just as soon as I’m done practicing.” RD explained in a semi-rude tone.

“Practicing for what, dudette?” Zuma asked as the blue pegasus got on her belly while still on the cloud.

“The Wonderbolts!” RD said as she pointed towards a poster of some pegasi in blue uniforms which the construction bulldog looked at.

“Huh, seems like something you’d be into… heck I think Skye would be into them… what are they?” Rubble asked with the pegasus flying down to the group.

“Only the best aerobatic flight team in all of Equestria! They’re gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow and I’m gonna show ‘em my stuff.” Rainbow explained as she flipped back onto the cloud with Twi giving a smirk.

“Please, the Wonderbolts would never accept a pegasus who couldn’t keep the sky clear for one measly day.” The purple unicorn replied before getting a stern look from the pegasus.

“Hey! I could clear this sky in 10 seconds flat!” RD said as the chocolate lab went in on the action.

“You sure about that, RD?” Zuma asked with a smirk.

“120% sure!” The pegasus replied in a snap.

“Prove it.” Both unicorn and water rescue pup said as RD raced into the sky quickly and effortlessly in no time at all.

“Loop-de-loop around and, wham!” The rainbow maned pony said as she finished up before landing on the ground. “What did I tell you, 10 seconds flat, I’d never leave Ponyville hanging.”

Twilight, Rubble, Marshall, and Spike all looked up at the sky with their mouths slack-jawed with Zuma just giving a confident smirk.

“Not bad at all Rainbow Dash. Name’s Zuma, do any water sports?” The pup in orange gear asked as the pegasus flew over to him.

“Not usually but I’m still sure I could take a guy like you on any day of the week.” She replied with a cocky grin which the labrador returned.

“Come around Adventure Bay sometime and you’re on.” Zuma said as the two shook paw and hoof.

“It’s a deal, Zuma. Gotta say, you, Twilight and your other friends here seem like a real hoot, I can’t wait to hang out some more.” RD said before flying off as Spike, Marshall, and Rubble all looked on in awe and amazement.

“Wow, she’s amazing!” Spike said before touching Twilight’s now curly and frizzy mane with a chuckle. Twilight being unamused, just walked off with a grunt. “Wait, it’s kinda pretty once you get used to it!” The young dragon said as the pups followed while catching up.

“So how did you two end up in Equestria?” Marshall asked his two friends before the water pup sighed.

“It’s a long story dude, you got a minute?” Zuma asked as the three pups went after Twilight.

Back in the world of the digimon Armed Madleomon was closing in on Shoutmon who was barely hanging onto the side of the newly formed cliff with Ballistamon dangling from his bo-staff like microphone.

“I don’t know how you survived, but you won’t be coming back after I finish you off this time you pathetic little dragon!” Armed Madleomon exclaimed as he readied his chainsaw arm about to slash the dragon and robot duo.

“Oh no, I know Rocky didn’t save that dragon just to see this happen to him!” The cheetah yelled as she raced towards the three digimon.

“Fuli stop! He’s way out of your league!” Tails shouted from close behind as the red dragon saw what was happening.

“Fuli stop! Go back and take cover before…” Shoutmon pleaded before the Fusion Loader started to open up. “What the…”

“That thing… Fuli! Use it!” Rocky shouted as the cheetah saw what was going on and set it up and both Shoutmon and Ballistamon started to glow with two words entering the feline’s head.

“Digi-fuse!” She shouted as the red and blue glow around Shoutmon and Ballistamon respectively intensified.

“Woah.” Shoutmon said as the mechanical digimon got weirded out.

“What’s happening? I feel funny!” The robot said with the dragon just gasping in shock.

Shoutmon grunted as he struck a pose with the glow being as bright as possible.

“Ooh, but funny in a good way!” Ballistamon said confidently as his glow too got as intense before they both rocketed up in blue and red auras before colliding.

“DIGI-FUSE!” The two digimon shouted as they appeared as one being appeared as a silhouette.

“Whoo hoo, I think I’ve just been upgraded!” Shoutmon’s voice said out of the new creature. “Unbelievable, Fuli just digi-fused us into one! This is awesome!” He said with awe in his throat.

“Impossible, that cat couldn’t have fused them!” The armored black lion said with malice in his voice.

“How’s this for impossible!” The fusion between Shoutmon and Ballistamon shouted as he struck Armed Madleomon and instantly caused his upgraded form to fade. Shoutmon and Ballistamon soon unfusing the dragon then turned to the cheetah with a smirk.

“Hey Fuli, you want in on finishing this guy off?” Shoutmon asked confidently with the cheetah smirking back.

“Totally, but I think I’ll take a little more oomph.” Fuli replied before turning to the other digimon. “Starmon, Pitmon, digi-fuse!” She shouted as the star and pawn digimon fused into a flaming sword. “Let’s end this!” She said as the fox flew up.

“I’m in!” Tails shouted as he powered up his arm cannon, all four heroes then charging straight at the evil lion.





Tails, Shoutmon, Ballistamon, and Fuli all shouted as they rammed the guy with all they had and left Madleomon in the middle of a giant explosion of energy.

“No, not like this! Not by they’re hands!” The dark lion digimon said as the rest of his upgrades dissolved into pixels. “You miserable worms!” He complained as all four heroes cheered their victory just as a wormhole opened up.

“You failed me!” A voice on the other side of the portal said before dragging Madleomon inside.

“No, Tactimon, wait I’m not defeated yet!” Madleomon said as he turned into yellow light and was pulled within the vortex.

“Really because from what I saw you didn’t stand a chance against these guys.” Rocky said as he walked up with the book of Skylanders in his pup pack’s claw arm.

“You’ll pay for this Shoutmon, and that goes for all four of your friends too!” The evil lion said before the cheetah girl just scoffed.

“Still just acquaintances.” Fuli complained with the two tailed fox just rolling his eyes.

“Yeah, you went to rescue Shoutmon and Ballistamon without having any plan on how to do so.” Tails said as the pup walked next to her.

“Yeah he has a point, you might not want to admit it but you must’ve been worried about them both.” Rocky added as the group took full notice of the frozen book.

“Cross that bridge when it comes, why are you carrying around that… thing?” Fuli asked not knowing what it was as the digital dragon grabbed it.

“It looks like a book… frozen in ice.” Shoutmon said as Ballistamon raised an eyebrow… or he would if he had one.

“Wait, how come the one who seems way more street smart than Shoutmon doesn't know what a book or ice is?” The robotic digimon asked.

“I’ve been to her world, doesn’t seem like a place where either thing is common.” The dragon digimon explained before they all looked at a new portal that opened up.

“I have to go back to Skylands and find a way to fix what’s happening, this book is linked to several creatures that got iced by a bald sorcerer called Kaos.” Rocky explained his situation before the fox spoke up.

“Wait, Skylands? I know a dragon who came to my world from there!” Tails said before the red dragon started walking to the portal.

“Well what are we waiting for?” Shoutmon asked as the others looked confused.

“Wait, wait, wait! Your home, and what Rocky and Tails are dealing with doesn’t concern you… why not stay?” Fuli asked with the robot speaking up.

“Well Rocky helped save Shoutmon, and Tails helped us with Madleomon, helping them with this Skylands iced book thing is the least we can do.” Ballsitamon said before heading for the portal.

“Yeah but…” Fuli stuttered still confused on why they don’t stay.

“And we still need to get you all home, you yourself saved both of our lives from Madleomon.” Shoutmon added while pointing at the cheetah girl. “Consider me your friend or not Fuli, both me and Ballistamon owe you.” He finished with the Pride Lander unable to deny what he said.

“Okay, I’ll give you that.” She finally admitted before walking up to the portal. “But once I’m back in the Pride Lands I’m staying in the Pride Lands.” The cheetah made clear with the dragon nodding.

The five new allies then jumped into the portal unaware of where they’d end up next.

A Little Lot of Backstory

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We start off with Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Fuli, Tails, and Rocky flying through the vortex between worlds. As they did, Shoutmon was looking at the iced over book.

“So a group of guys called Skylanders are iced over because this book was iced over by some dude named Kaos?” The red dragon asked as the pup nodded.

“Yeah, I was thinking you could use that fiery fastball of your’s to melt it.” The gray mutt replied before the fox flew in and took the book.

“Wait, if this book froze the Skylanders over… then wouldn’t using fire on it burn them?” Tails interjected before the large sum of portals appeared.

“Heads up! Some sort of vortex junction coming up!” Ballistamon exclaimed before the five of them looked around.

“How do we know which one will get us to Skylands?” The cheetah asked before the fox came up with a plan.

“Just group up, if we stick together then we can deal with whatever is on the other side!” The fox said as he grabbed Ballistamon by the horn-like fixture on his head while Shoutmon grabbed both Rocky and Fuli before they noticed nobody had the Book of Skylanders.

“Guys the book!” The pup shouted as they all got sucked into separate portals.

Tails and Ballistamon were sent careening through the void before they ended up in the middle of an open sky full of floating islands.

“Woah!” Ballistamon said as Tails carried him to the nearest island.

“This must be Skylands! I can’t wait to tell Sonic that I made it to Spyro’s home world!” The twin tailed fox said in awe as he and the robot digimon walked through the chunks of land before they noticed the coliseum.

Walking inside the duo found a bunch of ice statues all with Skylanders stuck inside. As they went up to the stage they saw first hand what Rocky explained to them briefly back in the Digital World.

“Man, Rocky’s description didn’t even cover half of how bad this was.” Tails said as the duo walked on the stage where they saw a lava creature with a bit of melted rock melted onto it.

“Are they okay?” The digimon robot asked before they heard a voice come from it.

“No! Were frozen solid! Is that you Spyro?” The lava creature asked before the frozen green elf spoke up.

“No Eruptor, it isn’t Spyro. But neither of them are that pup either.” She spoke as the fox walked up to them.

“I’m Tails, and the robot here is Ballistamon.” The two two tailed fly boy said as Ballistamon was looking at the lava creature trying to find a way to bust him out of the ice. “Do any of you know a purple dragon named Spyro?” He asked as the elf’s eyes went wide.

“How do you know Spyro?” She asked as the fox took a breath.

“He appeared out of a weird ball of darkness.” Tails explained as the elf and tall wizard gasped and the other Skylanders looked on in shock. “We met Rocky too. He told us about the book freezing situation.” He added before the old master with a shattered beard spoke up.

“I am Master Eon, and I believe you two deserve an explanation as you and any friends you’ve encountered have been forced into this unfortunate dilemma.” The old master started.

“You mean Kaos?” Said an eagle in blue armor, also frozen.

“No, you see prophecy foretells that our worlds were once linked long ago. But over time our worlds split apart for some unknown reason, but the legends also said one day a group of heroes made of these warriors would be chosen to protect the six worlds, given you both hail from different worlds you must be two of these warriors.” Eon explained as the two had a realization.

“And given they’ve also been wrapped up in all this, Spyro, Rocky, Shoutmon, and Fuli are some of these warriors too.” Tails said before the robot spoke up.

“Chase and Marshall too!” Ballistamon exclaimed before getting a look from the Skylanders. “Shoutmon’s my best pal, Fuli is a cheetah, and Chase and Marshall are friends of Rocky.” He explained.

“The prophecy is held within my study but I wished two of the cadets had more time after graduation.” Eon explained as the Skylanders gasped.

“Wait, it might be the ice and rock over my ears but I’m pretty sure Eon said Spyro wasn’t the only cadet supposed to be involved in all this.” Eruptor said as the old master sighed.

“You see, I have been spending time training two cadets in their respective skills Spyro to hone his flight and fire breath and the other to hone her ninja skills and super speed.” Eon explained in a somber tone.

“Wait, super speed? Ninja? Her?! Master you don’t mean…” The elf shinobi said with shock in her voice.

“Stealth Elf is one of those warriors as well.” Eon said as the fox and robot turned to her.

Said elf’s pupil-lacking eyes expressed her shock clearly. But the fox gave a look.

“You know, I am curious how Spyro got into that orb of darkness. Maybe you guys could help explain all that.” Tails said as the elf sighed.

“Well, I guess you should know.” Eon said as the robot and fox went ears up while trying to thaw Elf out.


‘To start with, I run Skylander Academy. A school where cadets train vigorously to become the next generation of heroes within our world.’

The flashback opens up with Skylanders Academy where new students show up for they’re first year. All the while a small furry guy in a green puffer jacket is seen warping in on a teleportation pad holding a white paper bag.

“Pardon me, coming through!” The furry creature exclaimed as he raced up the steps of the academy. “A very important assistant with a very important packa…” He said just before getting smacked by a large white fluffy orb. “What in the…” The creature said just before the white orb revealed itself to be a sheep, causing the assistant to give a panicked look. “Sheep! Everyone cower for your lives!” Just as the creature grabbed the books that fell out of his pack a purple dragon instantly picked the sheep up.

“Hugo, chill. They’re harmless.” Spyro explained with a chuckle as the creature, known as a mabu, peaked out one of the doorways of the academy.

“They are not harmless! They are harmful! They are literally full of harm!” The mabu retorted clearly terrified of the farmyard animal the dragon was holding which to him growled. “Ahh! Did you see that? Oh tell me you all saw that!” Hugo pleaded right before Spyro spoke up again.

“Dude, seek help.” The purple dragon said before landing close to Hugo who hit behind the wall the doorway was on. “And I don’t mean one therapist, you need a team.” He explained as the mabu raced off with the paper bag he was delivering.

‘Spyro was starting his senior year at the academy. As such he would get the chance to officially become a Skylander.’

The purple dragon in question looked on and saw an orange and blue robot, a red furry looking creature, and a female dragon covered in crystals. “Yo, what’s happening cadets? First yearers, right?” He asked the group while spinning the sheep on his finger. “Yup, yup, yup. Just like me four years ago.” He explained as the new cadets looked on in awe.

‘However, he suffers from one major problem. While Spyro has great confidence in his abilities, and his skill in aerial combat is second to none.’

“Well, not exactly like me. There’s only one Spyro.” The purple dragon explained with a chuckle.

“Oh, can I get a selfie with you?” The little robot asked with glee.

“Totally.” Spyro replied as all three of the new cadets held out phones ready to take pictures with the soon to be Skylander. Which he quickly took on of him and the robot before returning the phone, leaving the robot cadet less than pleased.

“I’m not even in it.” He said bluntly as the picture was shown to be just the purple dragon.

“You're welcome.” Spyro replied bluntly.

‘So can be said for his overblown ego.’

“If you're all done with the Spyro show, can we get back to our game of sheep ball?” The lava creature asked in a disgruntled tone as he and Elf looked at the male dragon as he was left with snapping a photo for the female dragon.

“Relax Eruptor, just giving these cadets a little memento.” Spyro explained as he snapped the female dragon a picture of his back end.

“Nobody wants a shot of your butt.” Eruptor complained as the crystalline dragoness just looked so happy with the photo.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” The cadet named Flashwing said with glee which led Spyro to smirk.

“I think you may owe my butt an apology.” He replied to Eruptor to groan.

“I got this.” Stealth Elf said as she disappeared in a puff of mist only to instantly appear next to Spyro and steal the sheep he was holding and smacked it into his face.

“Hey, what are you doing, Stealth Elf?” The dragon asked with a tinge of annoyance right before the elven ninja appeared behind him catching the sheep she just chucked at him.

“I’m doing this!” She replied before throwing the sheep at Spyro again and zipping to where the sheep was going to fall, catching it again. “And then some of this.” She continued as she kept warping around Spyro and tossing the same sheep at his head.

“They… are… all… very… similar.” Spyro replied as he was pelted by the sheep. Elf then caught the sheep in mid-air and warped right next to Eruptor.

“Can we please get back to the game now, oh Spyro the great?” The lava creature asked with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

The purple dragon soon landed near hsi two friends while looking at the lava monster. “Somebody sure is grumpy. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the volcano this morning, big guy?” He asked in a cocky tone.

“I am not grumpy!” Eruptor snapped before literally blowing his top causing droplets of lava to rain down around him which Elf quickly zipped away from. “That’s grumpy.” He said as the now burnt ash covered sheep trotted away from him.

“Guys, guys, knock it off. We’re on the same team, remember?” The ninja elf said as she pulled the sheep’s tail before letting it go as the ash puffed off of it. “Now grow up and let’s get back to throwing sheep at each other.”

Before they could do anything else they heard the bell ring which led the first yearers to rush to their first class instantly.

“Looks like you two just got saved by the class bell.” Elf said as she and Eruptor walked past Spyro.

“So, you're forfeiting.” The dragon said thinking he just won.

“No way!” Elf instantly replied before Eruptor spoke up.

“We’re just saying, you're making us late.” The lava monster explained with slight anger in his tone.

“Us?” The ninja girl said as she just poofed away, with Spyro soon flying to where she was going.

“Awe, magma.” Erutpor said as he rushed to class as well.

Quickly before going to class Spyro quickly breathed smoke to write the words ‘Spyro Wins’ in the sky due to his ego and thoughts of winning sheep ball.

(End Flashback)

“But that was simply the start of Spyro’s journey in all of this.” Master Eon explained as the two tailed fox used the heat from his arm cannon to thaw out Stealth Elf.

“Okay so from what Tails told me, Spyro wasn’t so ego-sentric when helping him and his friend Sonic.” Ballistamon explained before turning to the elf and lava creature. “So what happened?” He asked.

“Like we said. It’s a long story, and we’ve just gotten started.” Eruptor explained with the fox running a finger over Elf’s frozen arm.

“I’m making progress but it’s definitely not as efficient as I expected… Ballistamon, could you possibly assist in giving my arm cannon a designated thermal emission feature?” Tails asked which led most to just give confused looks, all except the armored bird creature.

“He’s asking if you can help add a heat ray function to it.” The bird explained which the digimon and the other Skylanders instantly nodded in understanding.

“I got this.” Ballistamon said as he opened his chest which apparently made parts for a heat ray. “We’ll be a minute, then we’ll get Elf out of that ice and you guys can continue your story.” The robot digimon explained to the frozen warriors.

Over in Equestria Marshall was telling Zuma and Rubble all about his adventure so far.

“Woah dude, you met a talking robot with sentiance!?” The water pup said with some enthusiasm due to how epic it sounded.

“Yeah, my day has been wild so far.” The fire pup explained as the baby dragon walked over to them.

“You know, Zuma was it?” Spike asked as the water pup nodded. “I was wondering how you and Rubble got here, did another portal open up or something?” He added with the construction bulldog speaking up.

“Well… kind of… It takes a bit of explaining so…” RUbble started before the purple unicorn spoke.

“Well we don’t have the time, we really need to get these list items done.” Twilight explained before her assistant spoke up again.

“Come on Twilight, if Marshall can tell Zuma and Rubble everything that happened to him while we walk and talk, I’m positive they can do the same.” Spike said as the chocolate lab nodded.

“I’m down, so I guess I should start at the beginning.” Zuma said as the unicorn sighed in frustration.


‘It started out right after you, Skye, Rocky, and Chase got zapped to all these other worlds.’

Zuma’s voice explained as he and Rubble were seen looking at the events that happened to they’re fellow Paw Patrol pups.

“Woah!” The two pups gasped as the water rescue pup’s tag lit up.

“Zuma, what’s going on?” The voice of the pup’s leader asked as the orange clothed pup looked on.

“Ryder… I… I don’t know dude… they… they just vanished in some kind of portal.” The labrador tried to explain the best that he could.

“A portal? Better be careful, and try to find another to send your buoy line through it in case the other pups see it and bring them back.” Ryder explained as the pups nodded.

“On it.” Zuma said as his tag turned off and he turned to the bulldog. “Alright Rubble, let’s find us a portal.” He told the construction pup who nodded as they both drove off.

‘So we were off to find out where our friends got sucked into. Though this adventure wasn’t as easy as we thought.’

While driving the two of them were looking around for a portal that would lead them to the other pups. Doing so they went up to a local farm where a man with blue overalls, a white shirt, and a red hat was giving a bucket of water to a light brown goat.

“Farmer Al, have you seen any portals around here?” Rubble asked as he got out of his rig.

“Not really pups, but you're free to look.” The farmer explained before a loud sound caught the four’s attention.

As they all looked up they saw a portal open up above the barn which shocked them all, as the goat flipped the bucket on his head.

“Well now I’ve seen everything!” Al said as the two pups turned to each other.

“Get back in your rig Rubble, I gotta get up there!” Zuma explained as the bulldog did so.

As he got in his construction rig, Rubble used the crane attachment to grab Zuma’s pup pack and lifted him up to the portal. When Zuma got there he used his buoy ring to go fishing for whatever was on the other side of the portal. Soon, Zuma got pulled into it and saw that on the other side there was a hippo.

“Um… hello.” The chocolate lab said, waving his paw.

“Hey little… oops!” The kind hippo replied unknowingly, letting go of the buoy ring and causing Zuma to wind up back in Adventure Bay spinning about wildly.

“Zuma!” The construction pup shouted with worry before lowering the crane. “Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah… that… that was a little weird.” Zuma replied as he regained his composure.

Just then another portal opened up far down the road.

“Look! Maybe that’s where our friends are!” Rubble said excitedly before quickly driving over to the portal. Not realizing Zuma was still attached to his crane.

“Wait, wait, Rubble WAIT!” The water pup shouted before getting dragged off by the construction vehicle.

‘So we kept looking for portals to go pup-fishing and while our method wasn’t the best… it was kind of all we could do.’

(End Flashback)

“I apologized after the second portal.” The construction pup said as the baby dragon and dalmatian just giggled at the situation they were explaining.

“Okay, I won’t lie. That was an… interesting story, but that doesn’t explain how the two of you ended up here.” Twilight said as the aquatic pup spoke up again.

“All in due time, dudette.” Zuma explained as the group kept walking.

“Yeah, I dragged Zuma all over Adventure Bay.” Rubble added with the water rescue pup just face palming in response.

Back in the Skylands coliseum, Tails and Ballistamon had just finished up with the updated heat ray to the fox’s arm cannon. Which melted Elf’s head free in about 3 to five minutes, not exceedingly fast but still far better progress than before this upgrade.

“Well I’m sure you’d like this to go faster but…” Tails started before the green skinned ninja spoke up.

“No, it’s okay. And a lot better than before. Thanks Tails.” Elf replied before the robot walked over.

“So now that we can melt Stealth Elf out faster, why not take the time to learn more about how Spyro went missing?” Ballistamon said as the lava creature spoke up.

“Oh! Can I tell this next part?” Eruptor asked with enthusiasm.

“Well you know Spyro roughly as well as me and Stealth Elf… oh why not?” Master Eon said as the lava creature put on a giant grin.

“Okay, okay. So after we got to class, Spyro’s ego led to Professor JetVac…” Eruptor started before grunting. “If I could move my arms I would point at the guy in blue armor.” He explained as the fox and robot nodded. “Anyway, Professor JetVac gave us a pop quiz the day before graduation.”


‘From what Master Eon told us, he called in Spyro after the school day to chat about that very quiz score.’

As Master Eon stood in the library of Skylander Academy when someone knocked on the door. “Enter.” He said as his assistant Hugo walked in.

“Sir, I have your package.” The mabu said as he held out the white bag. “And his awesomeness Spyro is also waiting outside as you requested.” He explained with a deadpan tone.

“Go easy on the lad, Hugo. It’s not easy growing up an orphan, we are the closest thing he has to family, you know.” The old master wizard explained as he took the bag from his assistant. When he pulled the item out of the bag it was revealed to be a spray can with a picture of a beard on it. “;When your beard is getting weird, beard spray for men.;” Master Eon sang a bit of the jingle of the product he sprayed on his beard.

Just then the familiar purple dragon flew in as the wizard was applying the spray.

“Ah, my main man.” Spyro said as Master Eon quickly hid the can of beard spray behind his back while regaining his composure. “Master Eon.” He said while landing on all fours.

“Have a seat.” The master wizard said as the dragon did so on the floor. “Can you explain your performance on this air studies quiz?” He asked before handing it to the dragon.

“I can, but it won’t be a good explanation.” Spyro replied before seeing he got a D- and putting on a grin. “What!? I passed!” He said with joy as his caretaker just stoically turned to him.

“You passed. Barely.” Master Eon replied, seeming not too pleased about his score.

“Yeah, but I passed. You didn’t need that other word because I passed.” Spyro snarky replied before flying over to Eon. “Barely is a little judgemental.” He finished before his master trailed up the steps to a bookshelf by his sleeping quarters.

“Spyro, you're on the verge of becoming a Skylander. Do you know what that means?” The wizard said as he looked over the railing to the dragon.

“That I should start my own fan club?” The dragon cadet asked before the old master shook his head.

“You're missing the point, soon you’ll be part of something much bigger than just yourself.” Master Eon explained as the dragon put in little thought.

“Right, master of course. So you mean I should get someone to run my fanclub for me.” Spyro replied not getting what his master said. “So I’m gonna need headshots, right and oh, I should start practicing my autograph.” He added as his master just sighed.

“Come, let me show you something.” Master Eon said as he walked over to a bookshelf right next to a statue of his head. He lifted it by the beard which caused it to descend revealing another bookshelf.

“So it’s a bookshelf?” Spyro asked, unamused by what was happening.

“That’s not what I want to show you.” Eon explained before pushing a button on one of the books which caused a red scanner to scan his beard.

[Facial hair identified: Welcome Master Eon] A computer stated before the shelf opened up into a secret room.

‘What Master Eon showed him was the relics room, where several Skylander artifacts are stored. Along with a random candy cane from what Spyro bragged about. But the actual relic he was showing off was The Book of Skylanders, a tome holding every member of the Skylanders within its pages.’

Spyro was seen examining all the artifacts before coming upon the book. He looked on with awe before turning to the portal master. “Can I touch it?” He asked with wonder as Eon gave him the go ahead.

Spyro soon made contact with the book only to get zapped by the defensive shield around it, while Master Eon looked on while wearing a welding mask.

“It never gets old.” Master Eon chuckled before flipping a switch and turning the defensive magic off.

‘Personally I wish I was there to see that.’

“Upon graduation every Skylander is expertly drawn in this book by yours truly.” The master explained as he looked on stalwartly. “I’ve been looking forward to inscribing you, since I found you as a hatchling.” He explained in a somber tone.

‘You see Master Eon took Spyro in when he was first hatched, and despite how much of a rascal he was the guy was good at heart. The problem was ever since he took the Academy’s admission test and passed with the highest score to date his ego skyrocketed.’
(End Flashback)

“I tried to make it clear to him that the Skylander Graduation Test was far more strict, and that barely passing wouldn’t get him by.” Master Eon explained as the fox finished thawing the ninja girl out of the deep freeze.

“And that’ll do it.” Tails said as the elf stretched as she was now freed.

“Woo! That is a relief.” Stealth Elf said as the robot digimon looked up and saw the flying podium.

“Guys, look up there!” Ballistamon shouted as the trio looked to the skies and saw Kaos flying towards the Academy.

“We’ll be right back.” Tails stated as he flew off with the elf and robot in close pursuit.

Back in Equestria the pups, dragon, and unicorn were all arriving at Ponyville town hall.

As they entered Spike checked another thing off the list.

“Decorations, beautiful.” The young dragon said as he looked onward.

“Yes, the decor is coming along nicely.” Twilight added as she trotted over. “I’ll be at the library and getting you three pups back home in no time.” SHe said with content before the water rescue pup noticed how the dragon was looking.

“Um, I don’t think that’s what Spike meant by beautiful.” Zuma explained before the dalmatian and bulldog turned to see what he was gawking at.

They all see a white unicorn with a stylish purple mane and a trio of diamonds for her cutie mark.

“Wow, she’s fancy.” Rubble said as the white unicorn looked at various ribbons.

“No, no, no, oh goodness no.” The elegant mare said as she inspected each color with the young dragon just looked gooshy eyed.

“How are my spines? Are they straight?” Spike asked as he looked worried about how he was presented.

The purple unicorn soon walked up to the white one for a chat.

“Good afternoon,” Twilight started as the other mare was continuing her work.

“Just a moment darling, I’m in the zone as it were.” The white unicorn said as she tied a sparkly red ribbon to the banister. “Oh, yes, sparkle always does the trick does it not? Oh Rarity you are a talent.” She spoke to herself before turning to the group. “Now, um, how can I help you… woah! Oh my stars darling, what happened to your kufuor?” She asked with worry.

“Oh… you mean my mane?” Twilight asked as she noticed the mess RD left it in. “Well it’s a long story, I’m just here to check on the decorations and then I’ll be out of your hair.” She explained as the other unicorn just looked shocked.

“Out of my hair? What about your hair?” Rarity said as she pushed Twilight out of the building.

“Wait? Where are we going? Help!” Twilight said with worry as to what the other unicorn had in mind as Spike just drifted after them in a lovestruck state with the pups rolling their eyes and laughing.

As they left the building they soon noticed another portal appeared close to where they previously were. The water pup took notice of this and turned to his friends.

“Guys, I’m gonna check on that portal. Make sure nothing bad happens, why don’t you see where that Rarity girl is taking Twilight?” Zuma explained as the dalmatian and bulldog nodded in response before he went off.

“So, while we go to wherever Rarity wants to go, what happened while you were heaving Zuma around the multiverse?” The fire pup asked with Rubble realizing he didn’t finish the story.

“Oh, right!” The construction pup replied before another flashback started.


‘Well, we started checking portals all over Adventure bay. And every time Zuma couldn’t see you guys anywhere.’

The water pup was seen going through a portal and scanning the other side which was a field on a floating island with sheep everywhere.

“Um… hi?” The labrador said as the whole flock looked at him with beady red eyes and showing sharp teeth while growling. “Um… Rubble, they aren’t here! They aren’t!” He shouted with worry before being dragged back to Adventure Bay right outside a cafe.

“What happened?” Rubble asked as he saw Zuma gripping onto the crane’s line tightly with fear clear on his face.

“I’d rather not talk about it.” The water rescue pup said bluntly before they went to the next portal next to a ski chalet.

On the other side of said portal the water pup fell into water in front of an island.

“Well, this isn’t as bad as the sheep.” Zuma said with some relief before the island seemed to open a large mouth that was slowly pulling the pup in. “This is worse than the sheep! This is worse than the sheep! RUBBLE!” The chocolate lab shouted in panic as he swam rapidly away from the mouth before Rubble pulled him back.

At the next portal which was right outside a pet grooming salon the water pup slowly walked in to make sure nothing would happen. And saw nothing but a field which didn’t really seem like a problem.

“Well… this isn’t so bad.” Zuma said right before he saw a stampede of robots charging his way. “And I just jinxed it.” He said before a red echidna raced over on his way to a barricaded city.

“Um… are you…?” The echidna asked before a bee-like robot buzzed over which the red creature with spiked boxing gloves punched.

“Nah, just looking for my friends. So can you handle the rest of them?” The water pup asked, pointing at the other robots.

“No sweat, just get back to your search.” The echidna said while cracking his knuckles.

“Thanks dude!” Zuma said as he jumped back through the portal which quickly closed afterwards.

‘We’ve been searching for hours on end and let me tell you, Zuma was facing way more dangerous stuff with each warp. We got to the point where we decided to both go into the next portal head first to see what was happening.’

The two pups did so when they noticed Ponyville and took time to look around before noticing the fire pup.

“Hey look, it’s Marshall! He’s okay!” Rubble shouted with joy before the portal closed.

“Rubble, the portal we…” Zuma shouted before it closed up. “You know what, this is fine, I’m sure one of the portals will pop up here and lead us back home.” He said before they raced over to the dalmatian, dragon, and unicorn.

(End of Flashback)

“And well, you know the rest.” The yellow clad construction bulldog wrapped up before they noticed where they were.

“Wow, what’s this place?” Marshall asked as the two pups followed the ponies and dragon into the fancy looking establishment.

“This is Carousel Boutique, my work establishment.” Rarity explained before she placed the purple unicorn into a stylist chair. “Now dear, let’s make you look fabulous.” She said with joy as Twilight just gulped in worry.

Back in the Skylands, Tails, Ballistamon, and Elf were looking around the library. The fox was flipping through books trying to learn about this prophecy Master Eon mentioned.

“Come on, that story about cross dimensional chosen ones has to be somewhere around here.” The twin tailed fox said with a hint of frustration as he was getting nowhere.

“Maybe we should take a break. Stealth Elf, you could tell us what happened after Spyro’s party.” Ballistamon said as the elven ninja girl stopped flipping through her book super fast and rolled her eyes with a grin… possibly, it’s hard to tell whether or not she rolled her eyes cause she lacks pupils.

“I guess you two do need to hear how this all ends.” Elf said as the fox flew over and stood next to the robotic digimon who was sitting in a reading chair like Elf herself was.


‘Okay, so while me and Eruptor were finishing up our rounds in the Skylander games Spyro was just then realizing where he had to be at that point and time.’

The scene showed Spyro sleeping on the lawn when he inhaled some petals which led to him breathing fire and the water sprinklers popping up and spraying him gently awake.

“Oh man.” The purple dragon yawned while stretching. “Nothing like a good night's sleep followed by a brisk… horizontal shower.” As he got up and out of the flower bed.

In the distance Master Eon’s voice echoed over the PA system in the arena. “And now, candidate four, Hex!” He announced as the cocky dragon suddenly realized what was happening.

“The Skylander games!” He gasped in worry before flying to the stadium as fast as his wings could carry him.

At the arena Hex, a blue girl in a black cloak along with her companion, a skull in a bubble were both breathing heavily after taking out several robots.

“And finally, candidate five.” Eon said as he looked at the space where Spyro should have been and looked on in disappointment. “Absent.” He said just before the purple dragon flew in trying to keep a look of swagger going.

“Hey hey hey everybody. Looks like I made it practically on time.” Spyro said with wavering confidence as he and everybody there knew that for him to be any later he would’ve showed up when they were taking the platform for the event down.

‘He was lucky to make it there on time but… he didn’t do so well, a mix of anxiety, unpreparedness, and a bit of his cockiness led him to weaver in his round. He was not literally thrown for a loop… and… well…’

At the ending ceremony Eruptor, Elf, and an orange creature with bumps all over his body named Bad Breath were named Skylanders with Hex not making the cut. Then it came to the last of this group.

“And Spyro,” The portal master said with the dragon thinking he might’ve gotten in even with his blunder. “Failed.” He said which caused the crowd to gasp.

“Eon says what now?” The flying reptile asked in confusion and slight worry.

“I warned you that your barely passing would not be good enough to become a Skylander. And it isn’t. So, you fail.” Eon said with the dragon looking utterly shocked as he was unable to reach his goal. “I am sorry, Spyro. But you will not enter the Book of Skylanders this year. I truly hope one day you will earn your place among us.” The wizard explained with a stern look and a heavy heart before taking his flying podium away.

The other cadets left as well with Elf staying a bit longer to see if she could comfort him… only to turn away knowing he needed to feel down on himself for the time being. As the crowd left it soon started to rain on the purple dragon.

“Okay universe, I get the point!” He shouted before thunder was heard in the distance.

‘When it came time for the official graduation ceremony he tried to support me and Eruptor… in his own way.’

Up in the sky words Spyro used smoke skywriting to create a message that read Congrats Eruptor and Stealth Elf love your awesome pal Spyro.

‘I mean at least he was trying. After that went down Kaos showed up and froze the book.’

In the courtyard of the stadium Spyro was getting a drink and churro while humming a little tune.

;I’m a good friend. A real good friend. Being supportive, sacrificing my time. Eat’n this churro, in a very supportive way; The purple dragon quietly sang to himself as he sipped from his drink just as a horde of mabu raced out. “Hey, what’s happening?” He asked one of the fleeing citizens.

“Kaos is attacking the Skylanders!” The mabu shouted with fear.

“What!?” Spyro gasped in shock before pausing for a bit. “Wait what I meant was,” He said before taking a sip from his drink and doing a quick spit take. “What!?” The dragon shouted with just as much worry.

“Oh that’s much better, that really conveys the urgency.” The mabu replied sincerely before Spyro flew into the arena.

‘Soon Spyro flew into the stadium to check on us and said he would do what he could to stop Kaos, and given that he wasn’t in the book Kaos couldn’t do anything to him. Which was good when that little warlock crashed Master Eon’s flying podium into the arena shortly after stealing it.’

“Yo, Pumpkin Head!” Spyro shouted as the little man made sure to grab the book.

“Pumpkin Head? Nobody calls me that.” Kaos said with the dragon just looking surprised.

“What!? Everybody calls you that!” Spyro explained before bringing up other names. “Also Cantaloupe Kid, Mellon Skull, Steve, Senior Cabesa Grande.” He explained as the second to last one caught the warlock off guard.

“Steve? What does that even mean?” Kaos asked with confusion before the dragon flew close to him.

“I have no idea, I assumed it was short for Steven.” Spyro explained before flying around him trying to get the book which Kaos tried to smack him with. “But what I do know, is you won’t get away with this.” The dragon said as the short man just gave a confused look.

“Sure I will, I’m like 98% done already. Actually I was just about to head out.” Kaos explained before trying to swat Spyro with the iced over book again. “Come Glumshanks.” He called out to his troll minion.

“So the waiter says ‘Sure I can open it, but there’s a corkage fee.’ and I’m like ‘Corkage fee, I’ll show you what to do with your corkage fee.’” Said troll minion said to a frozen over aquatic looking Skylander named Snap Shot.

“Glumshanks!” Kaos called out to his minion which led the troll to walk over to the short bald warlock. “Ugh, again with the corkage fee.” The warlock groaned before the dragon flew in front of the two.

“You're not going anywhere, Steve!” Spyro said in a mocking voice.

“Who’s going to stop me, you?” Kaos asked after he pushed his servant aside. “You're not frozen, which means you're not in this book. No book means no Skylander, which means you're nobody.” He said insulting the purple dragon who just shook his head.

“You're right, I’m not a Skylander.” Spyro started before a confident though less cocky smirk appeared on his face. “But I can still stop you.” He said before preparing a standoff with the warlock.

The duo have a standoff with black lighting and fire flying everywhere as Spyro kept trying to get the book away from Kaos but every fire blast was deflected by the short manchild who eventually zapped the dragon. Then he sent out an orb of dark magic that enveloped Spyro.

“Now who’s the Steve, eh?” Kaos cackled as the orb flew far out into Skylands, but not before breaking off a piece of Eon’s frozen beard.

‘Spyro was swept away by Kaos’s dark power and we didn’t know how to get him out. But Master Eon had a plan.’

The elderly wizard in blue soon used his magic to search for Spyro via astral projection of his head. When he located the dragon he found him asleep in the darkness orb.

“Spyro, you must wake up! The fate of the Skylands depends on it!” Eon’s astral projection shouted trying to get the dragon awake. “Wake up. Wake up!” He shouted to no avail. “Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up!” He said quickly in desperation still not succeeding. “Hurry Skylander!” He shouted which finally got the dragon awake.

Spyro gasped awake as he saw the orb and quickly used his fire breath to try and break out. But not before the darkness orb flew through a portal.

(End of Flashback)

“After that Eon lost track of Spyro, according to him he was sent through a form of distortion that took him out of our world.” Elf explained as the fox spoke up.

“And took him to my home world before I got sucked into another portal.” Tails added with the robot looking outside and seeing the warlock and troll on the podium outside flying around.

“Looks like Kaos is still flying around here.” Ballistamon said before the trio stood outside the door.

“Well boys, are you ready to take a crack at this guy?” Elf asked with both giving confident looks.

“Wait!” The digital robot said while blocking the other two from taking off. “How did Kaos get that book in the first place?” He asked.

“Oh, well.” Elf started as she got ready to explain that detail.


Master Eon handed the book to Hugo who went to put the book back in the vault before coming across what was obviously Kaos dressed as a sheep which caused the mabu second in command to flip out and run away scared.

(End of Flashback)

“Wow, Spyro was right that Hugo does need a team of therapists to help with that fear of sheep.” Ballistamon said in a blunt and unimpressed tone.


“Without a doubt.”

Elf and Tails agreed respectively before they took off to battle Kaos.

Back in Equestria, Zuma was checking out the portal before the sky blue pegasus raced over.

“Yo, Zuma was it?” RD said before landing next to him. “What’s with the vortex?” She asked as the pup gave a confident smirk.

“I was just about to take a peak and find out.” The labrador said before turning to the rainbow maned pony. “Wanna come with, dudette?” He asked before the pegasus gave a confident nod as they both jumped in ready to face what might come next in this journey.