The Gift of a Changeling

by Kentavritsa

First published

Booking a suite at the Royal Twilight Inn is seductively easy online. Having a picture of what you want to do during your stay, is equally convenient; but the real joy, is the stay itself. Even if you choose to Horse around like this girl.

She had found it only too easy, to book her suite at the Royal Twilight Inn hotel.

Browsing the site had been fun and easy, deciding what to spend her stay.

The Lobby impressed her greatly, in presenting her first glimpse of what her stay would be for the duration of the week she had planned to stay.

She had booked the suite under the name: Miss Myne, based of the character she had enjoyed following for so long, reading the entire series of books featuring her and her adventures.

Just as shocking as the entrance had been, the elevator ride had carried her away all the way up to her floor before she had even realized it.

Maybe she had found the suite a bit ostentatious, but she takes to the atmosphere in a heartbeat without an instant of consideration.

An entire week on her own, to just relax and enjoy herself. Exploring the all-inclusive option she had chosen is promising.

Though there will be no lonely time, but company leading her on an adventure of her own.

Is it too much of her, calling her Room Service Lady Rarity?

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Illustrated by: N/A
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: Kentavritsa
Next publishing: 10 / 06 - 23

Chrysalis, Queen and CEO

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I am the Djinnie;
Fulfilling your dreams,
it's what I do.
Now, be grateful for my gift?

Just don't bother me, with any of the details.
You couldn't comprehend?
It's simple, I made the wish my own,
you're just the Pawn!

I am the Demon;
the Destroyer of worlds.
This is what I do,
complaints only feed my fancy!

Are these diametrical opposites, you say?
As we're one and all the same,
the sides of the same coin!

I am; therefore, you suffer.
Isn't that safe convenience?

I am the Muse;
Creator of all your dreams.
Moaning about your Nightmare?
I haven't even started with you yet!

Should I go on?
As I said, I haven't even started yet.
Isn't that the beauty of the tale.
Considering, you just grew a tail?

< --- --- --- >

Enter the Dragon: 2

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I had managed to book a suite for myself at the Royal Twilight inn for an entire week. I had chosen an All-Inclusive stay for a week, after I had browsed their site and examined my options. I did not want to lose out on anything they stood to offer.


As I arrive, it looks just as grand and luxurious as I had been expecting. The open glass and steel lobby facing the street is spotless, to the point I can barely see the glass in the first place.

The Spotless Marble floor is glistering in the light as I approach. The twin sliding doors eagerly slide up before me, in order to grant my entrance into the lobby.

“Click clack, click clack; click clack, click clack..” is heard as I walk over the floor, as I am approaching the girl tending to the reception desk.

She is smiling brightly, only noticing me as I am approaching her.

“Greetings, Miss!” she exclaims, eagerly as I stop three feet from the desk

"Greetings!” I respond.

“Do you by chance have a reservation, or would you prefer to make one now?” she inquires, still beaming her bright smile at me.

I can't help but notice her light complexion, all but white. She has sapphire blue eyes, eagerly fixed upon me as she is focusing on me. Curiously enough, she is wearing a highly glossy gold lip-stick and eye-shadows. In contrast, her glistering black bangs is curling in under themselves. A pair of diminutive braids is almost covering her elfin looking delicate, pointy ears. Had I been looking down, I would have seen the thick, tight braid reaching down to her knees. Just as I would have seen her adorable bloody metallic red equine hooves.

“Yes, I booked a suite for a week, under Miss Myne!” I respond.

“Place your right hand on the plaque; Miss Myne, then spread your fingers wide in order to confirm the transaction!” she explains.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I comply and thus confirm the transaction for her.

“Take the Elevator on my right, please!” she offers, pointing out the door she is instructing me to use.

“Thank you, Miss!” I respond, turning my face towards the indicated elevator door; walking over towards the elevator; “Click clack, click clack..” is heard as I walk over the hard stone floor.

The floor appears as if it had been laid the other day, polished to a perfect sheen with dedication and care!” I ponder.

The wall had been laid with a four foot tall Cherry wood picket-fence, covering the stainless steel wall behind it. However, there is a gap in the picket fence; making just enough room for the twin sliding doors to the elevator I had been directed to use, and the shiny black plaque operating the elevator from my end.

I lift up my right hand and extend the hand towards the plaque, feeling the warm surface of the smooth and slightly sticky Silicone membrane; spreading my fingers wide in order to call the elevator to my floor.

“Ping!” is heard a moment later, as the door of the elevator is open before me in order to grant me access.

Of course, I had confirmed my payment. With that, I had been granted access to the Inn or Hotel; permitting me to use the elevator up to my suite.

“Greetings, Miss Myne!” Ellie the waitress exclaims; “I am Ellie the Waitress!” she then is presenting herself.

“Greetings, Miss Ellie!” I respond; “may I call you Miss Ellie?” I then inquire.

“Yes, you may..” she confirms; “by all means, please do!” she then adds.

“Ping!” is heard, as the door is sliding shut behind me and the elevator is starting to rush up towards the sweet I had booked for myself.

“You wish to get to your suite, so you can settle in?” she inquires.

“Yes, Miss Ellie!” I respond.

“I expect you to enjoy your stay..” she offers; “and make use of everything included!” she then continues, snickering.

“Oh, yes; I will, thank you for suggesting it!” I respond.

At the half-way point, the acceleration ceases, turning into a deceleration, only to stop exactly at my floor. Well, what had I been expecting? Though the ride is so smooth, I barely even noticed I had been shooting up through the ranks of floors. Just as her conversation had distracted me from the experience even further.

In the elevator, I am standing on ceramic tiles in a grassy green. Only the walls had been laid with the same pink Cherry wood as the picket-fence in the lobby.

Such an ostentatious presentation!” I ponder.

“Ping!” is heard, as the door opens as I am reaching my floor.

“This is your floor!” she puts forth; “Hope you will be enjoying your stay!” she then continues.

“Thank you, Miss Ellie..” I respond; “I certainly intend to!” I conclude.

“See you, Miss Myne!” she exclaims, as I am approaching the door.

“See you, Miss Ellie!” I respond, stepping out of the elevator; only for the doors to quietly slide shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold.

With that, I am alone, as I am walking along the hall towards the door of my suite.

“Click clack, click clack..” is heard, as I continue down the hall; only stopping before the door, I had been looking for.

Once at the door, I am lifting up my right arm and extend my hand towards the plaque; spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door, once more feeling the curious warm touch under the palm of my hand. Almost, almost as if it had been the warmth of a greeting.

Guess I will just have to get used to this?” I ponder; “But at least, it is not uncomfortable!” I then conclude.

As the door is sliding up I am stepping into the cloaking room of my suite; only for the door to quietly slide shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold.

Once more, I am alone. All alone.

The floor greeting me is laid with softly, grassy green ceramic tiles.

“Easy to clean and maintain!” I mouth under my breath, not quite bothering to hide my reaction or my feelings.

Just as outside, I can clearly seen the four foot tall Cherry wood picket fence the walls had been laid with. Only now, there is no stainless steel hidden underneath, but white Beach wood; leaving me with an earthly warm feeling of a home, to which I had just come home.

On the wall opposite the entry, I find the hat rack; under which I can hang my jacket. Naturally, I have a shoe-rack with room for all the shoes I could possibly have with me, including any shoes I may choose to purchase, during my stay. I even have room for guests visiting me.

The doors to the shower, girl's room and even a sauna on the left wall. With matching one foot square hexagonal plaque to go with the rooms; just clearly resembling the palm print of my right hand, with casually spread fingers. How curious, but this will be my home for the weak ahead.

To the right of the shoe rack, I can see the door to the living room, or sitting room if you will. Since I am assuming the girl's room and shower will be exactly what I am used to, I am ignoring them for now. I will have all the time I need, when I need to use these facilities anyway.

I take the heels off of me, leaving them in the shoe rack; I am indoors, in my own home. I expect to enjoy the comfort of the quiet my bare feet is offering me.

Once I had relieved myself of my out-doors clothes I am stepping up to the door to my living room; right arm raised and extending the palm of the hand, pressing the palm gently onto the plaque and spread my fingers; only for the door to my living room to slide up eagerly before me.

I am stepping into the room, only for the door to slide shut quietly behind me. How unexpected? I have started to get used to it, by now.

In my living room, I am stepping out onto the white oak-wood parquet, as I can see the four foot tall pink cherry-wood picket fence covering the rich Linden wood the wall had been laid with.

This is the room, in which I am to spend most of my waken time; while within the confines of my suite, as opposed to the rest of the time I am staying at the hotel.

If I had looked up at the ceiling, I would have seen the LED night-sky above. Though the ceiling had been coated in mate black Silicone to hold the LEDs in their designated locations, as well as marking the backdrop to define the light.

On my right, I can see a three-seated cinematic sofa. At first glance it is just laid with black leather; but true to their standard, it is a high-grade and highly elastic glossy Silicone membrane holding the liquid Silicone that is cushioning the seats.

To the right and left of the central seats, I can see the two cup holders and the armrests hiding the content; Sparkle Cola in the fridge and snacks like peanuts under the other one.

I had chosen to have the hidden spaces preloaded with Sparkle Cola and Peanuts!” I ponder; as I am walking up to the cinematic sofa quietly, as I had slipped my heels of in the cloaking room.

While the choices may limit the rooms available, but I could as well chose my favourite snacks as I book the suite. Had it been an issue, I would have been informed at the time I was booking my suite; giving me the options, to choose other options.

Once I am reaching the sofa, I choose to sit down in the middle seat; between the precooled Cola and the moderately cool snacks of my choice. Not so much because I wanted or needed either at the time, but because I feel like choosing the middle seat.

As I plop down into the firm, yet squishy seat; I feel the cool touch of the smooth surface, as I am placing my weight into the cushion.

“Room Service!” I pronounce, as I pick up the remote control for the wall mounted TV set opposite of the sofa in which I am sitting.

I am leaning back, relaxing; as I switch the screen on, now facing the activated screen and the options before me.

Room Service!” I ponder, as I choose to click the option before me.

Name: Lady Rarity Filigree” I choose, typing her full name in, opting “Rarity” as her preferred name to address her.

Anthropomorphic” I choose, rather than the Pony or Human alternative forms.

Could I have opted for a Centaur or Mermaid form?” I ponder; “but I do prefer the options of her Anthropomorphic form!” I consider.

I make a series of opting in or out various details, then I choose to have her with her Turquoise or light blue eye shadow with a glossy finish. Though I choose to have her lips generously plump with a metallic electric blue and high gloss. Well, this is Rarity, after all. I want to keep her as close to the original as possible, while still making her to my ideal image of her personal beauty.

Since I chose her anthropomorphic form, I have her with her Equine ears and hooves. She is a slightly glossy Silicone white; because it feels appropriate, for her. If I have the options available, I am going to take advantage of them. Otherwise, I could have made it easy on myself; just leaving her as the default form, but what would have been the fun in that? I have no idea.

I opt for her to have her fingernails with oval tips; because I think it would be beautiful. Just that I choose to have her nails to be semi square and start just after the final joint of the finger. A total length of an inch seems just about right for her. I have her finger nails and hooves painted the same blue as her lips.

I can see her smiling back at me, from the screen before me. Though her expression and stance shift slightly, as if she had been reacting on my choices. Not that she was ever frowning even in the slightest.

This is so much fun, just opting in and out while I am designing my very own personal Rarity. Could you blame me?

“Phew..” I breathe, as I make the final choice and confirm my decision.

As I had completed the form, I lift up the cushion, the lid of the Cola cooler; extracting a bottle and uncap it, before I am taking a swig and sip the cool carbonated beverage.

“Aah!” I exclaim.

Prepared to wait for rarity, I take my time enjoying the cool Cola in my right hand.

Only putting the cap on as I finish the bottle, screwing the cap back on and put it away.

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A Request: Lady Rarity: 3

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“There is a request for a Lady Rarity!” she exclaims.

“A Lady Rarity?” I inquire; “I take it!” I conclude.

“Miss Myne will be most pleased, most pleased!” she responds; “Which will please the Queen as well!” she then points out.

“I live to serve..” I point out; we live to serve our Queen!” I continue.

As I am reading the fine print of the request, I snicker; “This should please our Queen!” I then suggest.

As I am watching, she is confirming the request of a Lady Rarity, for Miss Myne.

She is concluding the paperwork, filing the request as accepted and dedicating the funds to Lady rarity for the use of her likeness.

I am stepping out of the office, taking the requested form of Lady Rarity; before I am continuing on my way, out to the elevator.

“I always know, when a request if matching my personality and requirements!” I ponder; “We all do, or we would not have been here, performing the job as per the requests!” I breathe.


There is a knock on the door; Knock knock, knock knock!” is heard.

Somepony is at the door!” I ponder, as I am trotting up to the door of the boutique.

By the sound of the knocking, it is not a customer; but someone who needs to see me, about what appears to be urgent business.

As I finally do open the door, I can see Derpy Whooves, the Ponyville Post Mare with an envelope in her mouth.

“Mail, for Lady Rarity..” she exclaims, dropping the envelope in the process.

I quickly light up my horn, catching the envelope in the air before it had managed to reach the floor.

“Thank you, Derpy!” I respond, throwing my hooves around her neck in a generously warm embrace of gratitude.

“You are quite welcome, Lady Rarity!” she responds with a warm smile, before she is turning around and swiftly takes to the air.

She had managed to take to the air, apparently without any incident. I smile at her, as I see her flying off in a great haste.

A bit uncharacteristic of her, to fly of in such haste!” I ponder, quietly snickering under my breath.

“I should read the message!” I mouth, as I close the door behind myself and trot back into the boutique.


I had just closed the door to my office behind the boutique, as I am placing the envelope onto the table before me and plop down comfortably.

Now, let's see what the message Derpy has brought to me!” I ponder, as I am breaking the seal and open the envelope.

Once the seal had been broken, I pull out a message written on a white arch of paper. Not the parchment so commonly used here. Even if one may surmise it is Twilight influenced by her mentor: Princess Celestia behind that part


Greetings, Lady Rarity!

I hereby notify you of the use of your likeness at out hotel; Royal Twilight Inn.

The established funds will be available on your account at the bank in Ponyville.

If the likeness will be used further, this will be applied to your account as well.

Depending on the time and purpose of the use, this will also affect the final tally of the funding accredited your account.

Yours Sincerely – Queen Chrysalis

CEO of the Royal Twilight Inn Hotel

Curious!” I ponder.

“She seems to be doing well for herself, managing the hotel she had been prompted to manage!” I mumble, snickering quietly to myself.

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02 / 06 - 23

Accepting the Request: 4

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I had walked up to the door of Miss Myne's suite, where she is eagerly awaiting me; opening the door as per her request, stepping into the cloaking room quietly.


As I step into her living room, she is sitting in the middle seat of her cinematic sofa, enjoying the Sparkle Cola she specified to be available.

“Greetings, Miss Myne!” I prompt, greeting my Lady.

“Greetings, Lady Rarity!” she responds, first now looking in my direction and promptly recognize me as Lady Rarity.

“I hope you will be enjoying my services, for as long as you have me by your side!” I put forth; with a smile creeping onto my face.

“I know!” she declares; “Thank you, Lady Rarity!” she then adds.

“You are quite welcome, Miss Myne!” I respond.

“Now, if you could lead me to the bed room!” she suggests.

“Certainly, Miss Myne!” I respond, as I start to walk over towards her bed room.

She quietly follows me, like an obedient little puppy. It is rather cute, if I could say so myself.

I lift up my right arm and extend the right hand towards the plaque; pressing the palm of the hand onto it and spreads my fingers wide in order to open the door, for the both of us. Once the door slides up I enter the room with her in tow, before the door quietly slides shut just as she had cleared the threshold.

The light shines upon us from overhead, like bright stars on the sky at night.

I continue towards the wardrobe on the right, promptly opening the doors to show her the clothes at her disposal.

“Oh!” she exclaims.


“Oh!” I exclaim; as she is opening the doors to my wardrobe, so that I can see the clothes I have available.

“What do you think of the options available, as Day Wear clothes?” she inquires; “As you notice, these are available in white and Black!” she now explains; “I hope these will be to your likings!” she exclaims; “But alas; just call me Rarity, please!” she concludes.

“Okay, Rarity; then you may call me Myne, please!” I respond, still gawking over the available options she had just presented me with.

“You will just have to undress, or disrobe; before you can put them on, Myne!” she reminds me, with a snicker.

“Oh, yes..” I respond; “but off course!” I continue.

With that, I start to unbutton my blouse from the button just under my collar and continue all the way down to the very last button. Stopping only momentarily, before I pull the blouse off of me.

She pulls the blouse out of my hands, putting it onto a hanger and hangs it up in the wardrobe.

While she is busy with my blouse; I slip in my fingers under the rip of the skirt, pulling it down and step out of it before she is snatching it right out of my hands.

Just as with my blouse, she is hanging up the skirt on the right side of the blouse.

I repeat the process with my panties, only for Rarity to snatch them out of my hands before I really notice it.

Now I slip my socks off of my feet right and left, only for her to snatch these too and dispose of them into the wardrobe

She is standing behind me now, undoing the lock on my brassiere; before she is pulling it off of me, slipping it out of the way.

“Time to dress you up for the day!” she points out, as she is extracting a pair of mate black Silicone panties she is handing over to me; “These should be your size!” she now declares.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered panties; lifting my right and left foot in turn, stepping into the panties.

Once I had pulled the panties up, all the way; I am affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice, in order to achieve the ever-so elusive fit.

“There, how does it feel?” she inquires; “Nice and snug?” she continues.

“Yes, Thank you for asking!” I respond.

“Here, the daytime top for your comfort!” she offers, as she is offering me the next garment.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered garment; before I pull it down over my head.

Once the top is in place; I afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

“There, how does it feel?” she inquires.

“Snug, yet quite comfortable all the same!” I respond.

“This should be perfectly you, Myne!” she suggests, as she is offering me the right full-length toe-stocking.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered Silicone white stocking.

With the right stocking in my hands, I lift my foot up and slide it into the open and eager sleeve of the stocking; feeling the sleek, slippery and smooth surface swallowing my foot whole and quite eagerly. As my foot slide all the way down I feel my toes slide into their respective positions, before I can place the foot on the floor. Rarity is handing me the second, left stocking and I repeat the process; only to find myself standing comfortably on my own too Silicone covered feet.

“A bit tight, I guess; but otherwise quite comfortable, even if it was a bit odd to feel the slippery wet inner surface of the stockings!” I put forth.

Rarity is looking at my feet, critically; before she is lifting up her gaze to look me in the eye; “These stockings are perfectly you!” she then offers.

“When you put it like that, I guess they are; almost makes us look like sisters, wouldn't you say?” I suggest.

“Then you need the matching pair of gloves too!” she points out, handing me the right glove she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“The same glossy Silicone white!” I observe.

I accept the proffered glove, slipping my right hand into it; pulling it all the way up to my shoulder, feeling my fingers sliding in as if guided by someone.

Rarity is extracting the left glove as I am slipping the right glove on; then I repeat the process of slipping the second glove on, completing the set.

“Elegant..” Rarity suggests, lifting up her right hand; “if you lift up your hand?” she then suggests.

“Yes..” I respond, finding myself mirroring her movement before I had even realized it.

“Ooh!” I exclaim, as my eyes follow the smooth skin of my now Silicone white arm.

“For the day, I would suggest a blouse and skirt!” she offers, as she is handing me the black skirt she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered skirt; lifting my right and left foot in order, stepping into the skirt and pulling it up.

I only afford the skirt a few tentative tugs; once, twice and thrice.

“Since you are fully dressed, follow me out of the room!” she now suggests.

“Of course!” I respond, following her towards the door.

She is lifting her right arm and extends the palm of her right hand onto the plaque; only spreading her fingers wide in order to open the door, stepping out of the bed room with me in tow. The door quietly slides shut behind me, as I had cleared the threshold. She continues to the middle of the living room, indicating for me to stand before the screen and face it.

“Ooh!” I exclaim, as I see my image on the screen before me.


Is that what I am looking like now?” I ponder; eyes wide open and my mouth stuck in a silent gasp forming an oh.

What I see before me, feels as if she is an entirely different woman. It isn't just the change in clothes; but her stance and her figure as well, from where I stand.

She is wearing the knee-long, tight skirt and her pretty blouse with full-length sleeves just as I remember what I had just put on. I just can't quite reconcile with the difference in the appearance of the girl before me and my self-image I had as I was booking this suite before I arrived.

She is stepping up to me, extending her right arm, then extending her index-finger. I feel the tip of her index-finger lightly touching my upper lip in a slow and gentle motion as she is closing my mouth.

“How adorable!” she snickers quietly, to herself.

As she is closing my mouth, I realize how my eyes closes as well in the process. I blink; once, twice and thrice before I am catching up to myself. Finally, I am shaking my head as I am getting back to myself.

“Maybe a bottle of Sparkle Cola would do you some good!” she suggests.

“Yes; thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I walk over to the sofa.

As tight as the skirt may be, it is not directly restricting my movements in the least; largely do to the highly elastic nature of the Silicone, used to produced the ensemble I am currently wearing. While it may be a bit on the tight side, for my current sensibilities; but I still do find these clothes quite comfortable to wear, partially due to just how well they do follow my movement without restricting me. Something I had not been prepared for.

Once I reach the sofa, I plop down into the middle seat; before I am opening the hidden fridge, extracting the Sparkle Cola as she had just suggested.


“Aah..” I exclaim, as I had just emptied the bottle of Sparkle Cola; “exactly what I needed!” I ponder.

“Exactly what you needed!” she suggests.

--- --- ---

A New Adventure: 5

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I had just slipped out of the daytime wears Rarity had selected for me, just after I had arrived. As expected, she had made good choices; directing me to put on, what she had handed me.

Just as when she selected what I was to wear, she stacked away the clothes; only now, my old clothes were not to be seen in the wardrobe. She told me the clothes would be packed for me to take with me, when I am checking out in a week. I had accepted her explanation. Well, why not?


She is closing the wardrobe, before she is stepping over to the other wardrobe and opens the door before me.

“Since you have disrobed, it is time for you to put on your nighttime wears!” she prompts.

“Red!” I exclaim.

“Yes, metallic bloody red for girls!” she confirms.

“Oh, okay...” I respond, peering into the wardrobe to see what I am looking forwards to wear all night.

“These should be your size!” she suggests, as she is extracting a pair of panties for me to wear.

Rarity” the label reads; “Equine” the subtitle reads; “Generous Mare” the second subtitle reads.

She is extracting the indicated panties, handing them to me; “Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered panties.

As I have accepted the panties, I am stepping into them right and left; only to afford the garment a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. As I am letting go of the material of the panties, I can feel the now familiar tightness quite clearly; almost like hearing the voice of an old friend, speaking to me. It is no surprise, but feels almost like a comforting pat on the shoulder.

Should I have been expecting this?” I question, in my head.

“Try these on, Myne; should be perfectly you, or you try something else on, tomorrow!” she suggests, as she is extracting the matching top, presenting it before me.

Rarity” the Label reads; “A Cup” the subtitle reads.

“Just how elastic are these?” I inquire, as I am reaching out my right hand and accept the proffered top.

“Just put it on, you are not breaking it..” she promises, as I am pulling the top down over my head; “and just like the panties, it is crafted to fit your body perfectly!” she explains; while I am affording the garment a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

“See?” she inquires; “feels genuinely natural, doesn't it?” she then adds.

“I barely feel it..” I respond; “almost as if I had been wearing nothing, but I can still feel it on my skin!” I then conclude.

“Exactly!!” she points out; “almost as if it had been body-paint, applied onto your skin!” she then snickers.

“You are not supposed to feel the make-up on your face!” I reflexively respond, with a nervous giggle to my voice.

“Only prosthetic stage make-up is ever felt more than a few minutes, Myne!” she declares, with a knowing grin.

With the panties and the top on, the two garments effectively counts as a one-piece bathing suit covering my entire body comfortably. Had I seen my reflection in a mirror, my body would be coated in the red Silicone she had offered me.

“Here!” she suggests; as she is handing me the right and left stocking, matching the suit I am wearing.

Rarity” the label reads; “Full-length Toe Stockings” the subtitle reads; “Generous - Highly Effeminate” the second subtitle reads.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered stocking from Rarity's outstretched hand.

I am lifting up my right foot as I slip it down into the sleeve of the stocking, slowly pushing the foot down; only putting the foot onto the floor, as the foot had slipped all the way down with my toes in their designated places. I accept the second stocking, repeating the process; only to find myself standing on my own too feet, wearing the red and highly glossy stockings.

“How's that, Myne? She inquires, as she is pointing at the mirror on the back of the door to the wardrobe; “How does it feel?” she then continues.

“Whoa!!” I exclaim, as I watch my reflection; instinctively smacking my rump with my right hand, before I let my left hand caress the thigh.

I feel the slippery, smooth surface under the skin of my bare hands; just as I had felt the effect the ensemble is having upon me, as I am wearing it. Just that I don't feel the border, or a seam between the panties and the stockings as if I had been wearing tights or pantyhose.

“Curious..” I exclaim; "but I do enjoy it!” I then continue.

“You have gloves, to go with these?” I inquire.

“But of course I have the matching gloves too!” she responds, as she had extracted the requested garments while I was examining myself.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I exclaim, as I am accepting the proffered gloves.

As I am slipping my right hand into the glove, I find it eagerly swallowing my hand; as my hand slides all the way in, and my fingers slide into place as if they had been guided. Once I had slipped the right glove on, I repeat the process with the left glove.

For a moment, I am gawking over the reflection of myself in the mirror; only to find my reflection gaze back at me, with mounting excitement.

“This is exactly why we chose the red hue, over the pink or skin-tone hue!” Rarity points out, as she is looking at me.

“It would have been weird, not to mention strange to see my reflection as if I had been nude!” I respond.

“Yes, it was quite disconcerting to some girls!” she responds.

“I can very well imagine!” I declare.

“..and the once who were not fazed by it, are the once who should have been bothered the most!” she suggests.

“Wait, you don't say!!” I put forth.

“Yes, exactly!” she points out.

I just giggle.

“A final decision, before you go to bed, Myne!” she suggests.

“Which is?” I inquire; “I have the full pajamas ensemble on, right..” I then continue.

“Technically speaking, Myne; yes, you do!” she supplies; “But I have a few electives, from which you could choose one or two additional items!” she explains.

“Electives?” I inquire; “Are these the interesting choices; I can choose or ignore, as I please?” I inquire.

“Yes; that is what I have to offer you, Myne!” she explains.

“I think I want to see the elections, at the very least!” I put forth.

“Based on your choices, and my previous experiences; I think I have exactly what you are looking for, Myne!” she proposes.

“From the information you submitted, in your requests; I have gathered that you may be interested, in the Equine Ears or Muzzle!” she proposes.

“Yes, Rarity; these sound very interesting!” I respond.

“I was expecting as much, Myne..” she confirms; “so, which of these would you prefer, Myne?” she inquires; offering me the first pair of electives.

Of course the Ears would have to be the same red hue, as the rest of the ensemble!” I ponder, but the pink accent for the inner ear of the Equine ears is just too good to be true.

“That is an Equine muzzle?” I inquire; taken aback by the short, rounded design she is presenting me with.

“It is all the latest rage..” she confirms; “but it is also the appearance of a breed of Ponies, or Equines!” she supplies.

“Can I try the ears on?” I inquire.

“Yes, Myne; you can, if you so desire!” she concludes, presenting me with the selection accessory piece: Equine ears.

I eagerly accept the proffered item, slowly sliding it onto my head. Surprisingly enough, the Ears find themselves nestled into my hair effortlessly.

“How do I look?” I inquire, as I sneak a peak at the reflection in the mirror before me.

“These ears are perfectly you!” she simply responds, confirming what I had already seen in the mirror.

“Yes, they are..” I respond; "I can't quite see just how comfortable I am with them!” I conclude.

Just as I could not quite see these clothes changing me, but they most certainly did change how I am feeling right now.

“Going by your expression, you would like to try on the Muzzle too?” she inquires.

“Yes, please!” I exclaim, beaming with excitement.

“This one should be perfectly you, Myne!” Rarity suggests, helping me putting it onto my face.

I notice, how the red is covering most of the lower half of my face.

“Whoa!!” I exclaim.

With only my eyes and forehead still bare, I am almost completely covered, or coated in the red Silicone the ensemble had been crafted out of.

A bit glossy, perhaps; and a bit slipper and smooth!” I ponder.

“This should conclude your first night here; unless you had anything else in mind, before you go to bed!” she puts forth.

“Uhm; yes, Rarity!” I respond, with the first hint of a yawn starting to show.

I really love the pajamas she presented me with, now I am all giddy and excited over what tomorrow has in store for me!” I ponder.

While I permit the first yawn to escape, she is folding up the quilt on my bed for me.

Curiously enough, I had chosen a bed with a glossy, black Silicone sheet. The quilt is a three inch thick and crystal clear Silicone with a highly squishy interior.

I follow her direction, walking over to my bed. As I am sitting down on the top of the bed, I slip my legs in under the quilt and slide right in under the quilt. With that, I am finding myself lying comfortably in my bed.

She is folding the quilt back over me, and I fall asleep shortly after my head had hit the pillow.

Of course, the pillow is the same crystal clear as the quilt covering my body.

Naturally, she had closed the doors to the wardrobe while I slide in under the quilt. Once I am sleeping, she is slipping out of the room, stepping into the next bed room beside the one in which I am sleeping.

--- --- ---

A New Day

A New Day: 6

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As I wake up, eight hours later; I find myself comfortably in the bed, where I had fallen asleep the night before.

Everything is exactly where I had left it the day before, how utterly unexpected?

Though there is an unexpected detail, I soon realize. Not so much in the pin-prick LED sky-scape overhead; but in how the quilt remains smooth and holds me in place

Not that I had expected to fall off of the bed, or walk in my sleep; but you never know.

I feel the weight of the quilt holding me perfectly in place. Yet, I still feel comfortably cool, where I lie in bed. Yes, not on the bed, as the quilt is covering me from the neck down.

The light is fairly low, measured as if it had been in the middle of the night. Though I notice the light slowly growing brighter, a moment after I had opened my eyes. Slow, not too fast or blinding me in the process.

Something I will simply have to get used to!” I ponder.

The door slides open, after a moment; Rarity steps into the room, before the door quietly slides shut behind her.

“Good morning, Myne; hope you have slept well!” she now greets me.

“Good morning, Rarity..” I respond; Yes, Rarity; thank you for asking!” I then continue.

“Permit me to lend you a hand..” she offers, as she is folding the corner of the quilt up towards the wall; “Time to change into your daytime wear!” she then points out.

As the quilt had been lifted from over my chest, I manage to slip my feet out from under the quilt; turning around, sitting up on my bed.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I exclaim, beaming with joy at her.

I push myself forwards on the side of the bed; “Squeak squeak” is heard, as the souls of my feet are hitting the floor, as I stand up beside my bed.

As I raise to my feet, she is walking over to the wardrobe.

“Clip clop, clip clop..” is heard, as she is walking the short distance over to the wardrobe, only for her to open the door to the nighttime wardrobe and turning to face me.

“Disrobe; please, Myne!” she prompts, as she is instructing me.

Since it makes no difference which garments I take off first, I simply start with the top; pulling it up, over my head before I offer it to her. She accepts the garment, putting it away for the day. Even if I most likely will never see this specific top again.

Rarity” the Label reads; “A Cup” the subtitle reads.

As the subtitle had stated, my breasts are fairly small, matching an A Cup. Of course, it is a Design Rarity had forwarded to the wardrobe in my bed room. What had I been expecting.

Once she had accepted the top, I slip my fingers in under the rim of my panties; slipping them down, only to kick them up and offering them to Rarity. As expected, she is accepting the panties and slip them away.

I slip the right and left gloves off of my arms, before I offer them to Rarity. She is eagerly accepting them, as she is watching me with interest.

Finally, I come to the stockings; slipping them off of me right and left, before I offer them to her.

“There; almost nude, Myne..” she puts forth, indicating for me to continue.

She is reaching out, booping me on the tip of my muzzle; before she is caressing my right ear, for but a moment.

“Oh, yes. I had almost forgotten about them; but I guess I should complete my disrobing, to be perfectly nude?” I inquire.

“Yes, Myne; that would be best, you know!” she responds, snickering in bemusement.

“Though I feel as if it would be better; to ask you to help me, completing the process if you did not mind!” I put forth.

“Oh, yes; I could do that, Myne!” she confirms; “If this is what you want?” she then inquires.

I just nod, whereupon she slowly extract the Ears from on top of my head; slipping them away, before she is repeating the process with my muzzle.

Only now, she is once more booping me on the tip of my muzzle; before she is caressing my right and left ear in turn, just to make the point.

“I felt that!!” I exclaim, as my ears twitch in reaction to the touch of the tips of her fingers.

“Excellent, excellent..” she exclaims; “That is good!” she concludes.

As my hands fly up to the sides of my face; I instantly notice what is missing, my human ears are no longer where I recall them being the night before.

“Eeep!” I exclaim, as I realize what had happened.

“Yes, exactly!” she merely snickers, in bemusement.

“What had you been expecting, Myne; that you would have two pair of ears, four ears now?” she inquires.

“Wait, what?” I inquire; “I never even thought of that!” I then point out.

“So long as you are comfortable with your appearance, Myne; everything is fine, and nothing to worry about!” she explains.

“Oh, of course..” I respond; “silly me, but why would I have four ears in the first place?” I inquire.

Since I had disrobed, and she had slipped the ensemble away; she is closing the doors to the wardrobe, before she is turning to the other wardrobe and opens the doors.

“These panties should be perfectly you, during the day, Myne!” Rarity explains; as she is handing me over the panties she had just extracted, from within the wardrobe.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; as I am accepting the proffered panties, stepping into them right and left.

Only to afford the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

“The black underwear would go just right for you!” she concludes; as she is handing me the top of brassiere she had just extracted for me from my wardrobe.

“Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; as I am accepting the proffered top, lifting up my arms and pull it down over my head.

Only to afford the top a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

“Your new stockings!” she informs me; as she is handing me the stockings she had just extracted from my wardrobe.

“Thank you!” I respond; as I am accepting the proffered stockings, stepping into them right and left.

I enjoy the slippery and smooth surface of the stocking swallowing my foot and leg as the foot slides inside the stocking; before I can finally set the foot down onto the floor, just after my toes had slipped into their respective places effortlessly.

Now I just repeat the process, slipping the left stocking on; before I can enjoy the comfort, of standing on my own two feet. Curiously enough, the stockings had found the perfect fit on their own; leaving me to enjoy and explore the sensations and experience, of wearing them for the rest of the day.

“I could have offered you the skirt first, but you will enjoy putting the gloves on first!” she explains, as she is handing me the gloves she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered gloves; eagerly slipping them on right and left, enjoying the feel of the gloves sliding over my skin in the process.

Just as with the stockings, the gloves slide up all the way as if on their own accord; covering my arms all the way up to my shoulders, with my fingers being pushed into their respective positions without my conscious thought or effort. This is a bit curious and would have been scary, if it had not been for the fact that I chose to put them on by myself. Even if Rarity had chosen them on my behalf, but I trust her judgment. Shouldn't I?

“Since you have changed, it is time to dress up for your day!” she now points out, handing me the black Blouse she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered skirt; stepping into it and pulling it up, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

I did not know Rarity was such an expert on clothes and style!” I ponder, as I am giggling at the image before me.

Of course, I feel the skirt clinging tightly around my waist and hips now; it is unavoidable, with just how tight it is. Not that I mind, but I guess I still just have to get used to it and how it feels.

“This is the final piece, for you to wear indoors!” she points out, as she is handing me the skirt she had just extracted from the wardrobe.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I am accepting the proffered blouse she had just handed to me.

From there, I slip my right and left arm in through the respective sleeve; before I am buttoning it up from the first to the last button just under the collar.

“Beautiful!” she exclaims, as she is looking me over from top to bottom, with a proud smile.

“Yes, it is..” I respond; “and it feels surprisingly comfortable, even if it will take me a while to get used to these and the tight fit!” I respond.

“It's the nature of new clothes.” she proclaims; "these are not just new clothes, though; but an entirely new ensemble, of a style you could never have tried on before!” she then explains.

“Oh..” I respond; “but they are so comfortable, even if they are less than familiar!” I ponder.

“Since you are properly dressed up..” she puts forth; “it is time for breakfast!” she points out, reminding me of the time.

“So it is..” I respond; “Could we order in?” I inquire; “We do have seats for both of us, in the sofa; and I am up for a breakfast buffet, right now!” I then point out.

“Yes, we do have more than enough room, in the sofa!” she agrees.


A girl looking like Rarity had just arrived with the Breakfast buffet, standing by the wall as we enjoy our meal.

“Looks delicious!” I exclaim, as I am looking over the spread of food presented.

“This presentation is superb!” Rarity is complimenting.

“Thank you!” the girl exclaims.

“I’ll try the Orange juice first!” I suggest, watching the girl filling up a glass of freshly squeezed Orange juice in my glass.

“Of course!” the girl supplies.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I am about to take my first sip of the juice.

Rarity had chosen to accept, to share the meal with me. Of course, the meal is much more enjoyable; if shared with a companion, or in good company in general.

I can clearly see the girl lighting up, as she is enjoying the company. Even if it is just soaking up as much ambient Love, as possible; as she is serving us the breakfast.

Not as if I could blame her. Besides; her face is quite cute; particularly, as she is enjoying the company.

“Could you prepare some tea, please!” Rarity suggests.

“Of course!” the girl responds, whereupon she is brewing Tea for the both of us.

Once the tea is ready; she is placing a cup before Rarity and me; before she is pouring up a fresh cup of steaming hot tea, for the both of us.

If it is a buffet, I want to try all the juices..” I ponder; “Could you pour a glass of each of the juices, you brought for us?” I inquire.

“Yes, but of course!” the girl responds, as she is placing a glass for each of the juices before me, and Rarity.

Once she had finished placing the glasses on the table; she pours juice in each of the glasses, a different juice in each of the glasses.


The girl had been smiling from the moment she entered my field of vision, as if her smile is a part of the product; it kind of is, after all. I enjoy her cute smile. At least, to me; her smile feels genuine, as if she was enjoying herself right now. If only I knew.

Maybe I should go as far, as to call her pretty of beautiful. I certainly enjoy her presence, in the room; just as I am enjoying her appearance, quite a lot. Well, why not? (Could I have a Photo, of her and the cute smile?)

Though I guess I should say, she does look as if she had had a glass too much; before the meal is concluded, and she can retreat.

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Going Out: Visiting the SPA