> Blooming Days > by Hoofprintz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Late, as usual > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crap! crap! Crap! CRAP! CRAP!!! I bobbed and weaved my way through the halls of the castle, narrowly avoiding smashing into several elites and staff while making haste to the dining hall. "EXCUSE ME!" I called over my shoulder at the cowering mare I'd just blown by. I was SO late, Celestia was gonna kill me... or banish me... or kill me and then banish me. "SLOW DOWN, SUNSET SHIMMER!" One of Celestia's guards standing at his post shouted as I galloped past him. "CAN'T! SORRY!" I skirted past a well dressed griffon, unable to even spare a glance back as I galloped on. Celestia had gifted me a new spellbook yesterday and I just hadn't been able to put it down. I'd stayed up all night reading about transmutation and the various theories on it and similar subjects. Sleeping in wasn't something I typically did, it just happened on accident this time, I swear! On top of my carelessness, my teacher had told me we had a very important meeting today and to be earlier than need be. What a disaster... I was both literally and figuratively running on about an hour of sleep, but the prospect of disappointing Celestia again drove me to run harder. If it had been for anypony else, I'd be sleeping comfortably in my silk sheets. It wasn't my first time screwing up and probably... okay, definitely wouldn't be the last. Celestia was pretty understanding when it came to my shortcomings. I wasn't worried about my mentor being angry with me. I skidded to a stop in front of the double doors to the dining hall, wiping my forehead of perspiration. I took a moment to catch my breath and check myself over. My mane and tail felt fantastic. My coat was glowing after the quick shower I'd taken. My breath was minty fresh. Everything seemed to be in order. I pushed the doors open to enter the hall. No, Celestia wasn't the problem... "You're late." She was. Twilight Sparkle looked at me with utter disdain as she sat at the dining table next to Luna. Celestia sat across from the two of them, an empty seat, my seat, directly next to hers. "I'm really sorry, Princess!" I spoke to Celestia and only to Celestia. I really didn't care what Twilight or Luna thought about me, but I really hated letting my teacher down. To my surprise and bewilderment my mentor giggled. "When I told you to be early I thought you might make it on time," she took a sip from the teacup in front of her once her laughs had died down. "I didn't think it would make you even more late than usual," she smiled warmly at me. "I know," I sighed. Luna and Twilight both stared at me with the same disapproving glares as always as I slumped down in the chair next to my teacher. The fact that she didn't berate me made me feel even more guilty. She was always so kind about everything, especially my flaws. Finally settling down, I yawned as the lack of rest began to catch up with me. "I couldn't stop reading the b-" "Reading what!?" Twilight jumped at the possible mention of literature, the expression on her face still judgmental, but a bit more curious now. "The Essentials of Long Forgotten Alchemical Practices," I yawned. I kept my tone just as blunt as the lavender unicorn and her teacher always used on me. I already knew what to expect from them. "Hm..." Luna tapped her chin with a hoof, her air of superiority coming off of her in waves. "If I recall correctly, you've already completed that title, correct Twilight?" "Seven times, Your Highness," The unicorn puffed out her chest proudly before taking a drink of her own tea. I leaned forward to say something... rude, but just beneath the table Celestia laid her hoof on my thigh, calming my simmering anger. They'd always been like this. Soon after Celestia had taken me in as her apprentice Luna began to feel... lonely. As the Princess of the Sun spent more time with me, her sister was left to her own devices more often. I'm not sure how or where, but she stumbled on Twilight somewhere. The unicorn must've done something really impressive because the dark alicorn made her her apprentice immediately. Twilight Sparkle... talk about the perfect student. She never broke any rules, was never late for anything, and was insanely talented at magic. Combine those traits with an unbreakable drive to prove herself and you got a truly blessed pony. It was so unfair. She was a monster. Nopony could be as dedicated and smart as she was and not be a cheater. Not to mention how pret- I mean, how gifted she was magically. I was no slouch in that department, but the things she could do? It couldn't be purely due to excessive effort. Pair that level of talent with Luna's knowledge, intellect, and guidance and you had an almost undefeatable rival. Still, I would never give up. Celestia had put her complete faith in me. Not once had she ever made me feel like I was lacking anything or inferior to any other pony. In that area, I vowed I would never let her down... even if it killed me. "That's really great, Twilight. Maybe we can share notes with each other later." For once I tried to be pleasant with my adversary, y'know, change things up a bit. While Twilight was obviously caught off guard, Luna simply looked like she suspected me of trying something underhanded. The Dream Princess was way too perceptive for me to deceive. Celestia on the other hoof, was grinning at her sister as if she'd just won a bet. "Wuh-" Twilight made a weird noise, clearly unsure how to respond. "That sounds like a splendid idea, Sunset Shimmer," Luna replied for her rattled student who was having trouble forming a coherent thought. The Princess of the Night stared daggers at her elder sibling. "Y-yeah..." Twilight had somewhat recovered after being rescued by her mentor and so made an attempt at regaining the air of superiority they'd previously held. "I'm sure I could teach you a thing or two, if you want," she smirked smugly as she nodded, her composure having quickly returned to normal. "Riiiight," I did my best not to roll my eyes. "Aaaannnnyway, I'm starving. Did you all eat already?" I turned to ask Celestia since she was the only one who'd answer without giving me any sass. There were no plates at the table so I'd assumed they'd been taken away recently. "On the contrary, we postponed OUR meal due to YOUR tardiness, Sunset Shimmer." Luna answered just as Celestia opened her own mouth to reply to me. My teacher merely tilted her head, a smile on her face, not letting the interruption get to her and letting me know I was permitted to defend myself if I so wished. I was grateful. I didn't need her to protect me. I was a big mare. "Like I said, Princess, I'm sorry," I offered her a sweet smile, but my tone was not in line with my expression. She looked down at me, her face contorting in disgust and annoyance. Celestia cleared her throat, drawing our attention to herself. "Ladies, let's not let this silly rivalry sour our relationship please," her heavenly voice shifted the mood of the room to a much more pleasant one. "Forgive me, Sister. You know how I can be when I haven't had my breakfast," Luna bowed her head slightly. "Forgive me, Sunset, I was out of line," she offered me an awkward smile. "I, Uh, er..." It was my turn to be stunned into a stupor. Twilight smiled at the reversal of fortune. Celestia giggled softly again, covering her mouth with a hoof. "O-o-of course, Princess, don't worry about it," I was finally able to get out. Luna NEVER apologized to me. What the heck was going on? The doors of the dining hall opened as a group of castle staff quickly entered in silence. They carried multiple plates and bowls of food on their backs and in telekinetic fields. "Wonderful! The food has arrived!" Luna clapped her hooves together excitedly as the ponies began placing our meals in front of us. "This looks delicious," Twilight remarked. She wasn't exagerrating. The elaborate spread was fancy even by Canterlot Castle's traditional standards. I wasn't entirely sure what all of it was, but I could identify some pieces of daisy and some egg. The waitponies stood at attention as they waited to make sure everything they'd brought was of acceptable quality. "This is remarkable!" Celestia pressed a hoof against her cheek after swallowing the bite she'd sampled. "Give my compliments to Chef Cacy, she's really outdone herself this time!" "Of course, Your Majesty," the unicorn closest to Celestia bowed low. "Thank you all, you may have the rest of the day off." Celestia must've been feeling generous. Either that, or it really was a special occasion that'd slipped my mind. Or I guess the food was just on a whole nother level today. "As you wish, Your Highness." The pony finished his bow before standing up straight and filing out of the room with the rest of the other wait staff. Twilight and Luna were already deep into their plates, speaking animatedly with one another. "Is something the matter, Sunset?" Celestia asked me. I shook my head at my teacher. "No ma'am. I'm ready to eat!" I dug in. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The food was every bit as good as Celestia had made it out to be. It was times like these that I wished I could have seconds... and thirds. Today had to be a really special occasion I was unfamiliar with, judging purely on the cuisine. I was pretty sure I wouldn't get a meal like that again any time soon. Twilight and Luna were still speaking candidly with one another. I could perceive every other word, their discussion about plans for later, reading this, practicing that. Celestia was nursing her tea, a content smile on her face. "Well now," Celestia cleared her throat causing Luna and Twilight to end their conversation. "I think It's time we discussed the task Luna and I have arranged for the two of you." "The two of us?" Twilight and I spoke in unison, looking at each other with confusion dominating our features. "That is correct," Luna confirmed. "Today you will be working on a very important assignment... together." "Your Highness!?" Twilight gaped at the dark alicorn. "Princess Celestia!?" I turned to my mentor in the same moment. Twilight and I had never done anything together before. We'd always competed with one another, tried to one up each other, no matter what work we'd been given. This news was... this was completely unexpected. "Luna and I both agree that you two are reaching a boundary that can not be surpassed alone," Celestia smiled at her sister. "Strength and confidence in one's self is crucial," Luna returned the gesture. "However reliability and being able to rely on others are also critical traits. What better way to test these out than on a cooperative mission?" "Y-your... Your Highness..." Twilight visibly slumped in her chair, not willing to question her superior. I on the other hoof... "Princess... WHY? We've never done anything like this before. If there's something you need done I'm sure I can handle it with-" the alabaster alicorn lifted a hoof, cutting me off immediately. "I am very aware of your capabilities as an individual, Sunset," she placed the same hoof under my chin, lifting my head as it began to drift downward. "But this is a different kind of test," her sweet smile forced a grin onto my own face. "I trust you to do your best, for my sake, my most faithful student." I sighed in submission. "Okay, Princess," I complied. Was she already aware that I'd do anything for her? I sure hoped not. "What do you need us to do?" "And you, Twilight?" Luna looked down at her pupil, her brow raised, but the confidence her smirk contained indicating she already knew what the lavender unicorn would say. Twilight sighed before lifting her head to look her mentor in the eye. "Your wish is my command, Your Majesty." There was no sarcasm in Twilight's statement. What a thing to say with absolutely no reservations. Luna's smile grew as she booped her student on the nose with her hoof. "We've already spoken of that kind of talk at length, my dearest student," Luna's giggle was oddly terrifying. Since when had she gotten so... lax when I was around? Celestia looked supremely pleased with her sister. Twilight's goofy smile was her only reply. She looked really happy... I... seeing it honestly made me a little happy too. "Now then, there's a town..." My teacher considered her next words carefully as her sister stacked and moved the dishes aside with a spell before teleporting a map of Equestria onto the table before us. "right here." Celestia pointed at an unassuming spot on the map far to the south of Canterlot. I looked at Twilight in confusion who returned an 'I have no idea', expression of her own. The area looked like a dead zone that hadn't been explored by any of the cartographers sent out by Celestia in the past. I'd traveled away from the capital before, but never that far to the south. "The two of you will be... visiting that town." Luna stated, though it was easy to gather by her hesitation that that wasn't all there was to our mission. "What's the catch?" I asked, knowing full well a vacation wasn't what they were expecting us to go on. Celestia and Luna looked at each other uncomfortably, their expressions shifting to deep concern before Luna continued. "The ponies in that town have been having... very peculiar nightmares," she was thoroughly disturbed, but was doing a decent job of hiding it. "Something is amiss in that town..." she stared down at the map, her eyes shaking. "I am certain of it." "Your Highness..." Twilight moved to place a hoof on her mentor, but noticed me staring and instead gave me a loathsome glare as she lowered her foreleg. My own head drooped. It honestly hurt a little. I could understand Twilight wanting to comfort Luna, but not wanting the compassionate side of her to be on display for her enemy to see. "The two of you will investigate the town and gather any information on what could possibly be going on there," Celestia was far less affected than Luna, but that was understandable. It's not like she'd viewed the dreams herself like her younger sister obviously must have. "What can we expect?" Twilight asked. I too felt a little left in the dark. I wanted to ask Luna more about the nightmares, but that seemed a little too... insensitive. "We're not really sure, to be honest," Celestia rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. "It doesn't seem like there's anything drastically bad happening there, but-" "They are like prisoners," Luna interrupted, drawing the spotlight to herself. "Their dreams are full of shackles and walls... like they are trapped and they cannot find a way out." Her eyes still lingered on the map, a sadness permeating them. "Even after destroying their bonds and releasing them, the nightmares repeat themselves... I... I don't know..." This time I was sure that even if the entire nation was staring at her, Twilight wouldn't have hesitated. She leaned against her mentor, wrapping a foreleg around her body. Luna leaned back into her pupil, her head resting atop Twilight's. Luna's concern for her subjects stirred my determination. Now, I was motivated. "Then all we have to do is help them, right?" I looked at Celestia, letting the Princess of the Night and her protégé have their moment. "That is correct, Sunset," Celestia nodded. "When can we go?" I was ready. Despite my exhaustion, I wanted nothing more than to put Luna's worries to rest. "As soon as possible," Celestia was hard to discern when she got like this. Her sister's discomfort was clearly troubling her, but she was the poster child for serenity right now. "The sooner the better," she spared a sympathetic glance at her younger sister. "Now, then." Twilight stood to her hooves, the determination in her shaking the room... figuratively, of course. "If you've no more information to provide, I'd like to get moving as soon as possible." "Unfortunately, that's all we have," Celestia sighed. "Forgive us," Luna lowered her own head, the frustration in her palpable. "To expect so much of you on so little information is-" "Completely fine," I stood up as well as I moved to the doors, my own heart pounding with excitement. I turned to Twilight. "I'll meet you at the southern gates in an hour." "Right!" Twilight nodded, a confident grin coming to her lips. "Don't worry," I smiled at both sister's. "We'll be back before dinner!" > Meet the Headmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd kept my saddlebags packed as light as I could manage, the items I'd selected to bring along purely essentials, in case something unexpected decided to come along and make everything go horribly wrong. A canteen of water, a few snacks, a simple map of the area, and a mana replenishment gem... for the far-fetched reason that I might get into a particularly sticky situation. Honestly, I didn't even think I'd need these things. The trip shouldn't take any longer than a few hours, maybe even minutes. I'd studied teleportation extensively with Celestia, as I'm sure Twilight had with Luna, so getting to the settlement should take no more than a couple seconds. Investigating the town itself shouldn't take too long either, not with Twilight and I working at the same time. Still, it's always better to be safe than sorry. I trotted across the bustling castle grounds, heading towards the meeting place. Off in the distance, near the open gates, Twilight sat alone on a bench. Normally, Celestia and Luna would see us off for a job like this, but I was sure Celestia was busy right now holding day court. Luna on the other hoof... I wasn't sure where Luna was currently, but I was confident she was preoccupied with something important too or she'd be here. As I walked up to my rival I noted the saddlebags resting on the bench next to her. They looked just as light as mine, if not moreso. I was really curious to know what she'd deemed important enough to bring with her. "You're on time, that's a surprise," she tried to exude the same arrogance as before, but she looked... sad? Had she been crying? "You're early, that's not," I shot back. "Is everything okay? You don't look so good," I tried to sound as sympathetic as possible. She only shrugged in response, forgoing a verbal reply. If she didn't want to talk about it I wasn't going to pressure her about it. "What'd you bring?" I pressed a hoof against her bags. She pulled them away as she got to her hooves, looking seriously annoyed with me. "Things I might need," her eyes narrowed on mine as if she thought I were an insect not worth her time. "Just because we're doing this together doesn't mean we're friends, Sunset," she placed her bags on her back. "We could be..." I said under my breath, my ears flattening atop my head. I couldn't understand why she was always like this. Did she actually hate me? It didn't feel like it, more like she just didn't want to be in my presence at all, like we weren't even compatible as beings in any way, shape, or form. "What did you say?!" she snapped, apparently not hearing my comment, but assuming the worst. "Don't you think Luna would want us to-" "WATCH YOUR TONGUE, SUNSET! YOU DON'T KNOW HER HIGHNESS OR WHAT SHE WISHES!" she was suddenly fuming and in my face, forcing me to put some distance between us. "I won't tolerate any disrespect directed toward Her Majesty." Her ire had drawn the gaze of several guards stationed at the gate as well as some passersby. Thankfully, the unwanted attention had also managed to calm her down a bit. I'd screwed up. I never referred to Celestia by just her name. It felt... wrong, felt outright disrespectful. I should've held the same reverence for her sister, at the very least in front of her pupil, the one who probably held her in the highest of regards. I already knew and... "I'm... I'm sorry Twilight," my head fell. The chime of her magic charging drew my gaze. "Let's just go," she huffed as she turned away from me. "I don't have to hold your hoof to get you there, do I?" "No." I fueled my own spell, her question feeling like a challenge. "Good. Try to arrive to the north, about a quarter mile away from the town." She gave instructions before quickly popping out of existence. "Fine," I said to no one in particular before I closed my eyes and casted the same spell she had. Directional teleportation was a bit different than the quick snap of a close range teleport... at least for a unicorn. As I moved outside reality I could still see and sense the physical world. It was the easiest way to reappear without doing so inside of solid matter. As I drew near the destination from the boundary between existence and oblivion, I could see Twilight already waiting for me. I blipped back into the world a few feet from her, a semi-satisfied grin on her lips. "Not bad, you hit the mark perfectly," she started toward the two rows of houses that the town appeared to consist of without another word. Well, those buildings and a single mansion at the end of them, that place easily dwarfed the others, its size nearly bigger than the rest combined. "Thanks, I guess?" I wasn't sure if that was meant to be a genuine compliment or if she was just being contemptuous. "If anything happens, let's just stay out of each other's way, alright?" she said as I trotted up next to her. "I know you're not useless, you are Princess Celestia's apprentice after all, but we've never worked together before, so giving each other ample space to operate is probably for the best," she kept her gaze locked on the town. "Did you just compliment me?" I couldn't help but ask. She looked at me as if I'd just stepped on her tail. "Would you just focus?" she spat before turning her attention back toward the town. "Sorry," I replied sheepishly. Annoying her had always been one of my guiltiest pleasures. She beat me at nearly everything else, pressing her buttons was one of the only ways I could ever get even the most hollow of victories. Somewhere along the line I'd realized making her flustered made her even cuter than usual too. Not that I thought she was cute or anything, it was just- "Everything looks fairly mundane." She was already assessing the town and the surrounding area. "Other than the fact that nopony is around. What do you think?" "Me!?" I was blindsided by her question. I really didn't expect her to speak to me much during this mission, much less seek my input directly. "Obviously, Sunset," she shook her head in frustration. "Why wouldn't I ask you? You're not an idiot, are you?" If she kept tossing compliments at me like this, I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep my composure. "I'm not," I shook off the embarrassment. "Princess Luna said they were dreaming of imprisonment..." I scanned the town, noticing the houses looked pretty normal. "Maybe they're locked inside their homes?" "You could be right..." Her horn lit up as she pulled something small out of her saddlebags with a spell. "Here, eat this," she pushed a small yellow berry right up to my face, almost shoving it directly into my mouth. "What is it?" I shrunk back from the fruit on instinct alone. "What, you don't trust me?" she asked with a cocky grin. I stared back at her with my own expression of annoyance. I bit down on the berry without any further hesitation. I wasn't sure if I trusted the unicorn, but I was certain she hadn't come all the way out here just to poison me. "This is delicious!" I spoke with a mouth full. The sweet juice of the fresh fruit running down my throat felt like jolts of electricity shocking me into a better state of awareness. It tasted kind of like cotton candy and made me wish I had another. "It's a Sleepknot berry," she chuckled, satisfied I'd eaten it without any more protests. "I noticed this morning at breakfast, but I guess it's not that hard to see." Noticed? Noticed what? "You're exhausted," she pointed at my face with her hoof. "I've seen those same eyes staring back at me countless times in the mirror. It's a miracle you're up and about. That berry won't give you anything close to a full night's rest, but it should help you out." "Twilight..." I blushed something fierce, her consideration of my well being catching me completely off guard. Nopony had ever done anything like that for me before, save Celestia. It made my heart flutter in my chest. "Thank you." The fruit worked immediately, waking me up considerably from the lethargic state I'd been in seconds ago. I wasn't feeling one hundred percent by any means, but I did feel a whole lot better. "Don't mention i-" Twilight was interrupted as we crossed the threshold of the town, a blaring siren buzzing loudly before a mare's voice spoke over a seriously grating loudspeaker. "Everypony, it looks like we have some visitors. You know what that means!" The voice was full of saccharine... disturbingly so. Twilight was already ready, her horn shining brightly. I followed her example, summoning my own mana reserves. Whatever this mare was planning on doing we'd be ready for it. All twelve front doors on both sides of the town were thrown open at the exact same moment, their occupants trotting out with the biggest smiles I'd ever seen on any creatures. Unicorn, pegasi, and earth ponies of all shapes and sizes organized themselves into two lines, one standing on each side of the town. "What are they doing?" I wasn't asking Twilight, but the words unintendedly came out of my mouth. "Look at their cutie marks," she whispered. If Twilight's twitchy body language said anything, it was that she was ready for a confrontation. Examining the ponies closer I finally understood what she'd meant. "They're all the same..." my eyes grew wide. Every single one of their cutie marks was an equal sign, no variation amongst them whatsoever. It was creepy to the max. As if they all shared a single mind, they turned their heads our way, their expressions never changing in the slightest. They took a deep breath. "WELCOME TO HER TOWN!" they shouted together, much like a military squad or similar group might. "This is way too freaky, Twilight," I whispered. "Whatever you do, don't let your guard down," she whispered back. "Excellent job, everypony!" The mare over the intercom spoke once again before the speaker screeched and then became silent. The ponies returned to standing at attention as both double doors to the mansion opened. A single, solitary unicorn mare stepped out of the building, her look of smug self-confidence already wearing on my nerves. Her coat was a pinkish, light purple, or more a shade of lilac, I suppose. Her mane and tail were a mix of two darker purples and a cyan highlight. The color scheme kind of made them look similar to Twilight's, but the way this other pony styled them left much to be desired. Her cutie mark was a four point star with small wavy ribbons above it. She trotted our way, not a care in this or any other world, as if this entire situation was an everyday occurrence for her. The ponies that flanked her didn't move a muscle or make a sound as she moved toward us. "Follow my lead," Twilight said under her breath. "Right," I nodded. "Greetings, strangers," the smile the mare gave the two of us sent red flags flying through my mind. "My name is Starlight Glimmer. Welcome to my town!" I don't think her smile could've gotten any larger. "My name i-" "Twilight Sparkle," okay, I was wrong. The mare cut Twilight off as her smile somehow grew even more disturbing. "You're Princess Luna's protégé. You failed countless times to impress Princess Celestia so her younger sister decided to take pity on you." "WHAT!?" I could feel the waves of anger rolling off of the lavender mare as she got in the lilac pony's face. Twilight's anger coupled with her piercing glare was enough to make me recoil, but had no effect on her target whatsoever. "Which would make you," Starlight outright ignored the fuming pony in front of her, stepping past her to focus her attention on me. "Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's protégé. You..." Her smile faded, a look of disgust replacing it. "You're an indolent little mare, aren't you?" "I- what?" Her sudden condescension staggered me. I struggled to catch up with the conversation, looking at Twilight and then back at the lilac mare. "So pathetic. You aren't fit to stand at the side of the Princess of the Sun," she scowled. While it wasn't expected, it hit way too close to home. "H-how dare you!" The mixture of rage and sadness in me quickly surfaced. I wanted nothing more than to throttle this arrogant mare, but I'd told Twilight I'd let her take the lead so I didn't take any further action. "Now, now ladies, let's not do anything rash," she turned on her heel, walking away from us. "If you're going to be productive members of your new home, you're going to have to be good little foals." What? Twilight looked at me filled with as much confusion as I. "What are you talking about?" I spat as I grew more and more annoyed. I don't know who she thought she was, but we weren't pushovers, even if she had the backing of her little group. "There's something wrong with-" "Sunset," Twilight said calmly, though it did little to cool my head. "Calm down," she pretty much commanded. She was right. I knew she was. Picking a fight in a situation like this was probably the worst idea I could possibly have. Who knows what these freaks were capable of? "Oh! I see what you're doing!" Starlight looked over her shoulder, her smirk back and more infuriating than ever. "Tsk, sillies," she fully turned and approached us. "I bet you think I'm trying to trick you into doing something rash... don't you?" As she said those two words her face contorted into one of pure malice. "Oh no. Oh no no no," her horn erupted with turquoise light. "As soon as you stepped hoof in my home your fate was decided. The two of you are never going to leave this place." > The Prodigy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had to be ready as quickly as possible. If Her Highness was so openly worried then the situation was beyond serious. I had to do everything in my power to fix it for her. I tossed a few things into my saddlebags without thinking too much. Multiple mana amplification gems, three spell nullifiers, and Her Highness' Blessing of the Moon were all I might need to get this task done. The gems and nullifiers would make any fight I might find myself in much easier to handle while the Blessing was far more important. I only had the one, a gift from my beloved mentor for my eighteenth birthday. She'd said to use it when I was in trouble and I had no other viable options. It was a small rough stone that looked like it had come directly from the surface of her moon. I wasn't really sure what it did, but I always brought it with me on every mission that could potentially be classified as even remotely dangerous. Bringing survivalist items seemed pointless. We wouldn't be gone long enough to warrant them and besides, it was a town where ponies lived. It's not like there'd be a shortage of food or water there. I stared at my bags, running over the list in my head of proper precautions and preparations. I wasn't forgetting anything, but there was still one thing bothering me, one variable I had no control over... Sunset Shimmer. The golden unicorn was... troublesome, to say the least. She was a slacker who had so much potential Princess Celestia personally chose her to be her protégé. It was absolutely infuriating. What could she have possibly done to deserve such an opportunity? I could run circles around her when it came to spell utilization, mana capacity, and general magical ability. Who even cares? I ended up getting something so much better anyway. I'd looked up to the Princess of the Sun as I'd grown, just like the majority of other fillies and colts do. The Sun Princess demanded praise and adoration and I'd wanted nothing more than to be the one to give them to her as her student. I'd dreamt of it often, walking side by side with Princess Celestia... being her protégé. Every year the princess held... tryouts, for lack of a better term, to become her apprentice. Any and all creatures were welcome to take the tests she'd personally created. I'd tried every chance I got since I turned five, the youngest age allowed to enter. It was quite an experience. As I grew up I started to ace the spell portions with literally no effort at all. Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Transfiguration. I could perform them all in my sleep by the time I turned fifteen, but Princess Celestia's tests didn't only take into account one's magical ability. For some reason she'd made the decision to include the strangest subjects in the written tests. Stuff like, how many friends do you have? When was the last time you told a lie? Do you have any pets? When is the last time you gave someone something expecting nothing in return? Have you ever abandoned a friend in their hour of need? What is a funny joke you enjoy? Foolish things like that filled the practical parts of the evaluations as well. How one would even study such topics was something I couldn't comprehend. I mean, it was easy enough to lie, but that never helped. I told the truth. I don't have any friends. Like an hour ago, who doesn't lie? No, I don't have time for a pet, there are much more important things to take care of. Probably my older brother on his last birthday. He'd never gotten me anything for mine. I already said, I don't have any friends. I'm not a comedian, I don't know any jokes. I failed. The next year I tried a different approach. I had to. If telling the truth hadn't worked then doing the opposite had to. So... Even though I didn't want to. Even though it went against everything I'd ever been taught... I lied. I have several very good friends. I haven't lied in a long time, even though everyone does, I do my best not to. I have a pet cat named Mittens and a dog named Spike. I love them both very much. I bought my mom a gift for Mother's day. I think she really liked it. Of course not, I love my friends very much and would do anything for them. A pony walks into a bar. Ouch. Again, I failed. It didn't matter which method I tried. Year after year after year, I failed in spectacular fashion. It killed me. When I'd found out about Sunset... when I'd heard she'd passed... that she'd been the only one to do so in centuries... that she'd done what I couldn't... that she'd become what I'd always dreamt of, I fell into the darkest depression. My nights became filled with vivid nightmares which caused me to start losing sleep. My days were just as cold and lonely as my nights. My parents eventually losing all confidence in my ability and pushing me to take a different path in life. I didn't want a different life. I'd poured my everything into becoming Princess Celestia's student. There was nothing else. My nights and even most days were spent tossing and turning in bed, trying to get any rest whenever possible. The nightmares made sure that wouldn't happen any time soon. Still, I fought. As hard as I could, I fought against the darkness, against the horrible dreams, but they, along with everything else, were slowly overwhelming me, gradually wearing down my sanity. My family had always been there for me before. Mom and Dad being especially supportive, but once it became absolutely clear that there was no chance for me as the Sun Princess' apprentice they turned against me. Shining Armor... he only really cared about his career in the military. The less said about him the better. I was alone. There was no one. There was nothing. It was all her fault. Sunset Shimmer. She took everything from me. My hopes. My dreams. The very sun itself. More than anything or anyone else, I hated her, LOATHED her. I slowly became a bitter, unhappy mare. That's when Her Highness came to me. She dealt with the nightmares, with the darkness, with ease. It was magnificent. She was magnificent. The way she moved, the way she eliminated the darkness. It was all so... breathtaking. Much like her older sister, I'd always viewed Her Majesty in an... uniformed light. My impression of Princess Celestia was from a place of love and respect. For the Princess of the Moon though, it was from a reverential terror. What she represented, the night itself, the dark, those were both things I feared. When she saved me... when I got to speak with her face to face for the first time, I finally realized how incorrect I'd been. There was an immense difference between the dark of the night and darkness. The night was beautiful and welcoming, not a thing to be afraid of. It was something that could blot out the ugliness of darkness, something that could overcome all things if embraced lovingly. Just like Her Highness. She shined even brighter than her sister, it simply took a discerning eye to see just how amazing she really was. When I finally saw it, I was mesmerized by her strength, by her elegance... by her beauty. From somewhere within her endless grace she'd identified something worthwhile in me. I didn't deserve her mercy or her kindness, yet she gave both without reservation. She took me on as her apprentice when I was nothing more than a sulking mess of a pony. That day she gained my undying loyalty, reverence, and devotion. If she asked it of me, I would turn against Princess Celestia, Equestria, and anything else for her, zero hesitation. And right now she was worried... suffering. I would work with my worst enemy if it meant I could help her in any way. I'd do anything for her, which right now meant leaving my comfort zone and trying to cooperate with Sunset. She was tired... I let out the breath I'd been holding in before opening the nightstand next to my bed. Inside were an abundance of Sleepknot berries. I had innumerable late nights, Her Majesty's preferred time of day. It was hard adjusting to a schedule centered around the later hours, but these berries helped when I couldn't go on with just my own strength. I placed one inside my saddlebags before closing the drawer. Any more than a single berry and I risked getting her... wired, for lack of a better term. With such little data we'd need Sunset at peak performance in case anything went awry. This wouldn't put her at maximum efficiency, but it would wake her up better than a freezing cold shower. I lifted the bags onto my back, tying them securely in place. I still had ten minutes before our agreed upon time, but there was no reason to postpone. The early bird caught the worm, after all. With a quick flourish of mana I teleported to the castle's southern gates. The area around the gates was hectic at this particular time of day. Ponies along with various other creatures were entering and exiting the castle's premises on an almost endless loop. I gave the guards at the gate a polite smile before taking a seat at one of the benches that littered the area. I wouldn't receive one back. I was Her Highness' only pupil and that meant I was viewed with the same sense of fear as she was. It was annoying, but there was little anypony could do about it. After the first couple of months, I'd grown accustomed to it. Just within the castle's gates was a wide open expanse, stone benches and moderately sized fountains decorating the area. There were multiple brick pathways going in different directions leading to the castle itself as well as the gardens and some of the other smaller surrounding buildings that were home to both certain privileged creatures and places of work. It was a warm sunny day. A bit hot for my tastes, but there was a gentle breeze that felt pleasant to the coat. I much preferred the night's more cool atmosphere, but it's not like I could do everything during that time... even though I wished I could. Nopony greeted me or even acknowledged my existence. I regretted not bringing a book to immerse myself in. A yak passed by, looking completely out of place amongst the ponies, even more so than the group of Kirin that walked a few yards away. Canterlot was beginning to look like a melting pot of creatures. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as everypony followed the laws set forth by Princess Celestia and Her Highness. Twilight... The soft, lilting voice of Her Majesty gently rang out in my head. Shortly after I'd become her protégé we made a magical pact with one another that formed a link between our minds. At any time, through concentration, we could speak with one another telepathically. While some might view that as invasive, it made me feel less lonely and I think Her Majesty felt the same. Yes, Your Highness? I replied promptly. Forgive me, my dearest. I cannot see you off... I am truly sorry. I was not worthy of her. She'd done nothing wrong. She even took time out of her busy day to concern herself with me. I could feel tears stinging at the corners of my eyes. Your Highness... I had to steel my nerves so that I wouldn't cry. How she could be so altruistic was beyond me. Thank you so much. It means the world to me that you'd express remorse for something that I'd never hold against you. You are my dearest student, Twilight. If I could, I'd give you so much more than just pathetic apologies. Yes, I was definitely having trouble not crying. You've already given me so much, Your Highness. I wiped a tear from my eye. I don't merit such- Twilight, her voice was suddenly much more firm. I've already told you and I shall keep doing so until you accept it. Stop looking down on yourself. You are a servant of the night and my dearest pupil. Your worth is incalculable and incomparable, to Equestria... and to me. I sniffled as I wiped the tears from my eyes. Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you for reminding me. When I'd failed to become Princess Celestia's apprentice I'd convinced myself I was a worthless failure. When I'd found out about Sunset Shimmer succeeding I felt like she was better than me in every conceivable way. My mentor pulled me out of that self-destructive mindset and since then kept constantly building me back up. It felt like I would never be able to repay her for everything she'd done for me, but I'd do anything I could to try. Good, the appointed time draws near, Twilight. Keep your wits about you and be on your guard. Her go to advice was sound. Be smart and protect myself. I expect to have a pleasant dinner with my dearest student tonight and I fully expect her to be safe and sound. Your wish is my command, Your Highness. I chuckled. Twilight! She wasn't mad, but it definitely bothered her. I meant every single word. I'm sorry, Your Highness. I couldn't resist. I giggled. I shall see you when you return, my dearest student. Her voice faded from my mind. My focus back in the real world, I spotted Sunset trotting my way. I quickly wiped my face and took a deep breath, definitely not wanting her to see me in such an unsightly state. "You're on time, that's a surprise," I pointed at her, hoping my barb would draw her attention away from my eyes that were probably puffy and red. "You're early, that's not," she was quick to snap back, but the look of confusion that passed over her features for only a second told me she did, in fact, notice. "Is everything okay?" Since everything was, not that I'd talk about it with her if there was something wrong anyway, but since I was fine, I merely shrugged in response. "What'd you bring?" Choosing not to pursue that conversation, she instead began prodding at my saddlebags. "Things I might need," I inadvertantly glared at her. Fighting with her wasn't a good way to start this mission, but I couldn't stand her laid back attitude... amongst other things about her. "Just because we're doing this together doesn't mean we're friends Sunset," my emotions spilled out. She said something under her breath, probably throwing her own insult, but I didn't quite catch it. "What did you say!?" "Don't you think Luna," Had she just addressed Her Highness without a proper title? I saw crimson in light of her lack of respect. "would want us to-" "WATCH YOUR TONGUE, SUNSET! YOU DON'T KNOW HER HIGHNESS OR WHAT SHE WISHES!" She cowered away at my sudden fury. "I will not tolerate any disrespect directed toward Her Majesty!" I'd drawn the attention of spectators around us, but I really didn't care. NOPONY would show my mistress a lack of proper respect when I was around. "I'm... I'm sorry, Twilight," she looked genuinely remorseful causing me to feel a bit guilty... but only just a bit. This wasn't going very well. Thoroughly frustrated, I prepared a teleportation spell. "Let's just go," I turned away from her. If I continued looking at the mare I'd probably keep berating her. "I don't have to hold your hoof to get you there, do I?" She had experience with teleportation, of that I was certain, but that didn't mean she was adept at it. "No." I heard her mana begin to sing. Here's to hoping she didn't screw this up like she tended to with so many other tasks. "Good. Try to arrive to the north, about a quarter mile away from the town." That should give us ample time to formulate a plan of action... and maybe I could fix the foul atmosphere I'd stirred up unintentionally. I snapped out of reality for a few seconds before I was standing in the valley where the town was located. > Playtime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "town" was a pathetic little thing. Consisting of only two rows of fairly dilapidated houses, six in each line, they all looked like they'd seen much better days, at least from this far away. The building at the end of the single road that divided the houses though... that place looked like it would fit right in inside of Canterlot's most wealthy district. It was abundantly clear who was in charge of this place. Sunset flashed into the space a few feet away from me, a confident grin on her muzzle. "Not bad, you hit the mark perfectly," I wasn't impressed, but I was satisfied. At least she kind of lived up to her title as Princess Celestia's student. It was by no means easy to teleport to a location you'd never been to before, especially one hundreds of miles away from your current location. "Thanks, I guess?" she sounded a little offended. What, couldn't she take a compliment? Whatever, we had bigger things to worry about. "If anything happens, let's just stay out of each other's way, alright?" I was taking in the area carefully as I walked toward the town. There wouldn't be many escape routes if we had to make a hasty exit. I'd have to rely on Sunset if things took a turn for the worse, but I didn't want that to happen due to a mistake we made by getting in each other's way. "I know you're not useless, you're Princess Celestia's apprentice after all, but we've never worked together before, so giving each other ample room to operate is probably for the best." "Did you just compliment me?" she smiled at me with a questioning brow. This mare really knew how to test my patience. "Would you just focus?" I couldn't help but growl at her. We didn't have time for silly games, we'd been entrusted with an important duty and focusing was of the utmost importance. Her relaxed demeanor was really starting to piss me off. "Sorry." She looked truly repentant so I decided to let her off the hook... for now. "Everything looks fairly mundane," I remarked. Maybe if I... Ugh! Maybe if I tried to be cordial with her, it'd help. "Other than the fact that there's literally nopony around. What do you think?" "Me!?" she practically shouted in shock. Really!? REALLY!? "Obviously, Sunset," I tossed my head back and forth so I wouldn't choke the mare. "Why wouldn't I ask you? You're not an idiot, are you?" She obviously wasn't. She was clearly capable if Princess Celestia relied on her for so much, she just didn't know how to carry herself properly. "I'm not," she grinned. "Princess Luna said they were dreaming of imprisonment..." For the first time since we'd gotten here she began examining things. "Maybe they're locked inside their homes?" "You could be right..." I agreed with her assessment. Since we were drawing close to the settlement I casted a simple spell to draw the berry from my bags. "Here, eat this." I tried to feed it directly to her... was that not the friendly thing to do? "What is it?" she recoiled away from my gift. "What, you don't trust me?" I smiled, my question more of a taunt than anything else. It made her mad, but she ate the darn thing with no more objections so it was worthwhile. It was nice to know I could still get to her as much as she did me. "This is delicious!" she chewed like she hadn't eaten anything in months. It was kind of adorable... in a disgusting sort of way. "It's a Sleepknot berry," I chuckled. "I noticed this morning at breakfast, but I guess it's not that hard to see. You're exhausted," I pointed at her chin where some of the juice had spilled out before I continued on to enter the border of the town. "I've seen those same eyes staring back at me countless times in the mirror. It's a miracle you're up and about. That berry won't give you anything close to a full night's rest, but it should help you out." "Twilight... thank you." Her gratitude was nice to hear, but I didn't need it. If it helped her perform better it was worth bringing the fruit. "Don't mention i-" As we crossed the threshold into the town a loud buzzing sound bellowed from an unseen speaker. I readied my mana, a spell waiting on the tip of my horn, just in case. "Everypony it looks like we have visitors. You know what that means!" a mare's voice followed the buzzing. It must've been the leader of this place. Sunset's magical chime joined my own, a little later than I would've preferred, but at least she was being a touch cautious. Good. The citizens of the town poured out of their homes forming two tidy lines on either side of the street. Their expressions contained some of the most disturbing grins I've ever witnessed, some looking as if they were in intense pain. I studied them more thoroughly as quickly as I could. A healthy mix of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, some donned clothes, others hats. Everything looked to be fairly normal except one thing. Their flanks... I tensed up. Her Highness was right. There was definitely something off about this place. "What are they doing?" Sunset asked. "Look at their cutie marks," I whispered. If the unicorns started slinging spells and the pegasi took to the sky we would be at a disadvantage no matter what our level of skil was. We were hopelessly outnumbered and had no clue what their capabilities were. "They're all the same..." Guess Sunset hadn't noticed before. They locked their gazes on us as one, as if they were machines programmed to do so. "WELCOME TO HER TOWN!" they yelled loudly. This was way too wierd. "This is way too freaky, Twilight," Sunset echoed my thoughts. "Whatever you do, don't let your guard down," I whispered back. We had to be extremely careful or risk failing... I couldn't let that happen. I had to do this. For Her Highness. "Excellent job, everypony!" The mare announced over the unseen speakers. The citizens turned their heads forward, not moving any other parts of their body. The doors to the fancy house opened, a cocky looking mare trotting through them. She was physically unremarkable, other than the goofy mane, but the swagger she carried herself with coupled with the arrogance on her face made me grind my teeth. Such blatant confidence should be reserved only for a princess yet this... UNICORN obviously thought so highly of herself. God, I hoped she was the problem. I wanted nothing more than to wipe that smug look off of her face. "Follow my lead," I said under my breath through my clenched jaw. "Right," she nodded. Can't say I wasn't a little more than pleased she didn't argue. "Greetings, strangers," the unicorn smiled so artificially I'm surprised she didn't burst out laughing. She clearly wasn't very good at deceit. "My name is Starlight Glimmer. Welcome to my town!" "My name i-" "Twilight Sparkle," her smile grew less fake and much more deranged. So that's her real face. "You're Princess Luna's protégé. You failed countless times to impress Princess Celestia so her younger sister decided to take pity on you." "WHAT!?" I saw red as I got directly in her personal space. She knew exactly which of my buttons to press. "Which would make you," she completely ignored me, glaring at the golden unicorn beside me. "Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's protégé. You..." the smile had left her face, replaced by a repulsed grimace. "You're an indolent little mare, aren't you?" "I- what?" Sunset was caught off guard by the sudden insult, looking at me for a moment before returning her gaze to the lilac mare. "So pathetic. You're not fit to stand at the side of the Princess of the Sun." I couldn't say why... I mean, I agreed with her, but... seeing the hurt on Sunset's face... I wouldn't be able to tolerate this obnoxious mare much further. "H-how dare you!" Sunset's face reflected my own. Seeing the shift from pain to rage made me realize exactly what Starlight Glimmer was trying to do. I centered myself, forcing my emotions back into check. Yes, whoever this unicorn was, she was terrible at deceit, but exceptional at manipulation. "Now, now ladies, let's not do anything rash," she turned on her heel, walking away from us. "If you're going to be productive members of your new home, you're going to have to be good little foals." What? I looked at Sunset, utter confusion crashing through me. The gold mare was just as bewildered as I. "What are you talking about?" Sunset got out before I could, her own rage steadily mounting. This pony was clearly out of her mind and with the numbers in her favor we were at her mercy. "There's something wrong with-" "Sunset," I had to get her to cool off or we'd play right into this maniac's hooves. "Calm down," I ordered. "Oh! I see what you're doing!" Starlight looked over her shoulder, her smirk back and more grating than ever. "Tsk, sillies," she turned around and approached us. "I bet you think I'm trying to trick you into doing something rash... don't you?" As she said those two words her face contorted into one of pure malice. "Oh no. Oh no no no," her horn flared to life. "As soon as you stepped hoof in my home your fate was decided. The two of you are never going to leave this place." I'd never been more terrified than I was in that moment. That was the visage of a real monster and paired with her words, it felt as if she could deliver on that promise whenever she wanted. Plans of escape, plans of fighting, even plans of bargaining ran through my mind, but they all ended up in failure. I was just so... scared. "You can bring a thousand more ponies and an army of dragons if you want," Sunset's roar of defiance drew my gaze. "There's no way you can defeat ponies as powerful as Twilight and I," the kind smile she gave me rallied my confidence. "Not if we fight together!" Fine, so she's a little cool. "She's right, Starlight," Sunset's little speech bolstered my confidence. "It doesn't matter how man-" the mad cackling that came from the unicorn abruptly cut me off. "Wait a second," she got out between breaths once her laughter began to die down. "Don't tell me you two think I'd put my beloved playthings in danger." "You honestly think you can take Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's disciples at the same time?" Sunset chuckled. For some reason Starlight's bravado didn't strike me as just posturing. "Oh my little foals, I don't need help dealing with you," Starlight's horn shined brighter with unrestrained power. "There are only two in this land that can oppose me," her mood instantly changed to deathly serious. There was no time for me to react, no time for me to do anything really. I couldn't move any part of my body except for my eyes, Starlight's spell so powerful I could barely even breathe. I looked to my side to find Sunset in the exact same predicament as I. This was bad. Really, really bad. The two of us were lifted off the ground as if we weighed nothing, the unicorn before us not even seeming to put much effort into such a strong spell. It couldn't be merely telekinesis, at least not any telekinesis I was aware of. Telekinesis didn't typically lock down one's magic so... definitively. "Now then, let's see what's in those bags of yours, shall we?" Our saddlebags were on our backs one second and being rummaged through by the smug unicorn the next. I struggled and fought against the pressure, but it was no use. Where had she gotten this kind of power? "Wow guys, It's just a bunch of garbage," she looked thoroughly irritated before her face lit up in delight. "OH, what's this?" She lifted Her Highness' Blessing out of my bag and took it into her grubby hooves. "THAT'S MINE!" I lost it. My eyes shimmered as my mana levels elevated past a point I could contain them. Starlight's spell shattered like glass that'd been struck with a sledgehammer. Her grasp on us failed, sending Sunset and I falling to the ground. I didn't have the strength to land on my hooves, instead crashing down onto my side. "TWILIGHT!" Sunset called out my name, but I was utterly spent, the amount of mana to break us free beyond my normal capacity. "Braaaavo, Twilight!" Starlight glared at me as she dropped the Blessing, an intrigued look coming to her face. "I guess I'll have to deal with you first," she laughed as she launched another spell directly at me. I only had the strength to turn my head away slightly and brace for impact. "Think again, Starlight!" Sunset leapt in front of me, a small teal shield of magic projected in front of her protecting the two of us from harm. "Are you okay?" she asked me, glancing over her shoulder as she kept the shield firmly between the two of us and our foe. I could only nod weakly in response. "I'll protect you no matter what, don't worry!" Ok, maybe she's really cool. "Fine," Starlight's voice was eerily calm. "I like your cutie mark more anyway, Sunset." Starlight casted another spell, a thin beam shooting from her horn. It ripped through Sunset's shield as if it were made of paper. The energy slammed into Sunset sending her tumbling backward almost causing her to fall on top of me. "Darn it... she's-" Sunset never got to finish her thought. Another wave of mana grabbed her, this one different than the first that had only lifted us into the air. She looked utterly terrified as she closed her eyes in agony. "Sun..." I tried to speak, to do anything, but I couldn't. I watched in horror as her cutie mark left her flank, the same lifeless looking equal sign forming where the brilliant sun had just been. Sunset was thrown to the ground, her body trembling as she stared longingly at her cutie mark as it floated over to Starlight. "Another one for my collection..." Starlight examined Sunset's cutie mark with demented glee. I seriously considered calling out to Her Highness... but I couldn't. No... I didn't care if I died, I wouldn't let her down in that way. "Now it's your turn, little foal," Starlight looked down at me with her deranged grin. I'm sorry, Your Majesty... I failed. "Then we can get you two to wo-" "I do believe that's quite enough, Starlight Glimmer." The voice that echoed from the sky above us made my heart soar. "Y... Your... Highness..." I barely managed to get out as she landed gracefully before me and Sunset. I was always ecstatic to see my mistress, but this time her presence drove me to tears. "My dearest student..." she kept her gaze locked on Starlight as she acknowledged me. "You've nothing to worry about now. You are safe." "I knew you'd come eventually." The look of pure unadulterated fury on Starlight's face would've caused the staunchest royal guard to turn tail and run home to their mother, but Her Highness stood her ground, undeterred. "Then you are fully aware that your machinations are done for." Her Highness was not affected in the slightest by Starlight's aura. "You are under arrest, Starlight Glimmer. For the enslavement of the ponies of this town and for assaulting Celestia's pupil and my beloved student." "You think I'm that stupid, Luna?" Starlight barked. "I've prepared for your arrival as well!" Her horn blazed with more raw energy than I'd ever seen anypony conjure. "Stay your hoof, Starlight Glimmer. If you persist you will force me to stop you by any means." My mistress was as tranquil as a forest, but as authoritative as the infinite ruler she was. "You haven't realized it yet, have you, Luna?" A smug grin came to Starlight's lips, the same smirk she'd displayed when everything was going according to her plan. My mistress merely sighed in response. "This is your last chance, Starlight. I shall give you no further warnings." The melody of Her Highness' magic was louder and more beautiful than any other creatures. Starlight merely laughed chaotically in response. "You made one fatal mistake, Luna," the ground around Her Majesty began to sparkle the same color as Starlight's mana. "You set hoof in my town!" The glow seemed to react to Starlight's words, becoming alarmingly vivid. "YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" In spite of my exhaustion I screamed at the top of my lungs. The shining pillar of energy that exploded around my mistress was so deafeningly loud, so absurdly powerful, it practically blinded me. > Unravel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This day could not be going any better. I knew it was only a matter of time until Celestia and Luna took notice of my humble little... kingdom. Stupid fools. Instead of dealing with me personally, they chose to send their inexperienced underlings in their stead. Now, I held all the cards. The red and yellow sun that hovered before me brought an ever growing smile to my face. It really was a beautiful cutie mark. Sunset Shimmer, Celestia's lapdog had been more defiant than I expected. Sadly for her, in the end, she'd ended up just like all the others that made the mistake of opposing me; in a heap on the ground, like the trash they were. "Now it's your turn, little foal," with the insignificant one out of the way I could get to her... Twilight Sparkle. Luna's little... pet project. She was nothing special, or so I'd assumed until she managed to break free of my paralysis spell. No other creature had ever been able to do that before. She was strong, much stronger than I'd given her credit for. Most of my toys were weak, pathetic creatures. Acquiring somepony as strong as Twilight Sparkle would make me even more dangerous. I had to have her. Currently, she was spent, splayed out on the dirt barely able to lift her head. She was already mine, she just didn't know it. They both were. Life is grand. "Then we can get you two to wo-" "I believe that's quite enough, Starlight Glimmer." Life sucks. I didn't have to look up, didn't even have to venture a guess as to who that voice belonged to. With the grace of an otherworldly being, Luna landed on the ground between me and my two new toys. "My dearest student..." She didn't look particularly pissed off, which was definitely a good thing. She probably could've leveled my home without batting an eyelash if she was angry enough. I'd guess she hadn't done so already cause her little foal was here. "You've nothing to worry about now. You are safe." Yep, definitely cause her little pet was here. "I knew you'd come eventually." Even though this wasn't according to plan, I was still prepared for it. This royal whelp would feel my wrath like everypony else that dared cross me. She was just an alicorn, nothing special. Yeah right, maybe if I kept telling myself that I'd eventually believe it. "Then you are fully aware that your machinations are done for." Her aura was even more oppressive than mine. I wouldn't be able to rattle her. Not only that, but I felt strongly compelled to bow in her presence. It was maddening. "You are under arrest, Starlight Glimmer. For the enslavement of the ponies of this town and for assaulting Celestia's pupil and my beloved student." "You think I'm that stupid, Luna?" I spat. "I've prepared for your arrival as well!" She was standing inside my town. I had absolute authority here. I held all the cards. I channeled my magic. In my town... I AM God. "Stay your hoof, Starlight Glimmer. If you persist you will force me to stop you by any means." She was so irritatingly calm. She wouldn't be if she knew what she'd done. This place was one giant spell and any that set hoof in it were at my mercy, even a princess of Equestria. "You haven't realized it yet, have you, Luna?" I couldn't help but smile at the prospect of making her one of my toys. If I had Luna, not even Celestia could stand against me. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. With her... all of Equestria... no, all of the world would be mine. "This is your last chance, Starlight. I shall give you no further warnings." She channeled magic, the glow coming from her horn powerful enough to rival mine, despite her lack of interest or effort. I laughed at the unfairness of it all. Such absurd strength. If only she was as smart as she was strong. "You made one fatal mistake, Luna," my spell began to take form, the ground glowing brighter than either of our horns. "You set hoof in my town!" It was ready to go and Luna was anything but. The only action she could muster was to look down at the ground in surprise. "YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" Twilight Sparkle shouted, but it was far too late to warn the alicorn. The explosion was glorious, blasting directly into the sky in an endless pillar of swirling light and fire. I'd personally laid the foundations for this spell all those years ago when I first started my town. It drew mana from all of my toys and even from my own essence. Trotting along the ground caused a drain to whomever was doing said walking. For the past five years it had grown in strength and now all of that power was being sent throughout Luna's body. There's no way she would be anything but a crumpled mess once it was done with her. "Oh wow! she actually got you, Lulu." Yep, life definitely sucks. "I fail to see how that matters, Tia.." Okay, what the hell!? As my failsafe dissipated into nothing but small sparks and embers, Luna stood completely unscathed by my ace in the hole. "Yeah, yeah, you're invincible, we get it, little sister." Celestia chuckled as she came to a landing behind me. Great, they were both here? And to top it all off I'd drastically underestimated their capabilities. "But she did trick you, you can't deny that." "Or could it be that I simply do not wish to play foalish games like you so often do, Sister?" Luna looked like she was growing a little annoyed, Celestia's taunting apparently one thing that could get on her nerves. "Perhaps," Celestia conceded. "Though I'd say; at least I don't take joy in crushing the spirits of our subjects as much as you do." Her horn flashed gold as my entire town was enveloped in her spells field instantly. "And yet you do things like this..." Luna swept her hoof through the air towards Celestia's mana. Their lack of respect was starting to get to me. To come to my home, to oppose me, to ignore ME! I couldn't care less who or what they were, I'd make them both grovel before me. "Well I do have to punish one of my little ponies when they go astray, don't I?" Celestia walked toward me, her aura eclipsing both mine and her sister's. I had to resist the urge to throw myself at her hooves in adoration as she approached me. I ran through any and all options I might be able to explore, but nothing solid was coming to me. If my plan to deal with just one of them had fallen through so spectacularly, dealing with both at the same time would be impossible. Still, I was no quitter. "You think you can ju-" my mouth clamped shut as if it were suddenly held closed by a magical seal. "I believe we've heard enough from you for now, Starlight," Celestia's voice was as sweet as honey, but the eyes that beared down on me sent tremors running up and down my spine. "Return Sunset's cutie mark at once." I wanted to fight against her command, wanted to defy her with all my might, but instead my horn pulsed with energy as I meekly floated the sun back to it's rightful owner. So this was the power of the Immortal Sisters... unquestionable, undeniable authority. "Thank you, Princess," Sunset stood to her hooves, her stamina and magic completely restored as soon as her mark was back on her flank. Luna was already tending to Twilight and all I could do was stand at attention like an obedient little mare. "I am returning to Canterlot with Twilight, Celestia. She needs aid." Luna's horn glowed with magic as she teleported the saddlebags back to their owners. "Sunset," Celestia's voice did not become any softer as she addressed the golden unicorn. "Return to the castle with Luna and Twilight, this... situation is going to take some time to clean up." "But Princess I-" "Sunset." I wasn't sure if Celestia used the same spell on her own student as she had on me or if she was simply being stern. Either way, her words had the desired effect. "Of course, Princess... I'll... I'll see you at home." The unicorn looked dejected, but listened obediently. The trio was gone in an instant leaving me and the white alicorn in the middle of my town surrounded by my toys. "You may speak," Celestia said as she moved to examine the others. They were still as statues and would stay that way until I bid them to do anything else. I stretched and flexed my mouth, the seal on it apparently completely gone. "Are you really so cocky you'd face me alone?" I tried to project an air of confidence where there was none. I had no more tricks and she was essentially an actual goddess. All I could do was bluff my way through this stupid predicament. "This is a very powerful spell," she completely ignored me as she scrutinized the cutie marks on my toys. "How long have you been doing this for?" "Five years," I slapped my hooves over my lips as soon as the words left them. Why had I answered her so willingly? "How many ponies did you start out with?" She waved a hoof in front of the faces of one of my slaves. His expression didn't change. He didn't even blink. "Six," I said through my hooves and clenched teeth. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I wanted to strangle the arrogant alicorn. "Not a thing," she finished her inspection and stalked toward me, her violet eyes concealed just behind her flowing rainbow mane. "What were you going to do to my Sunset?" Her horn pulsed menacingly causing me to fall to my flank and then onto my back. "I-I," I tried my hardest to keep silent, but something was forcing me to speak. "I was going to turn her into one of them," I pointed with my hoof. "Into one of my playthings." Her horn flared, burning as fiercely as the sun itself. She moved her face closer to mine... terrifyingly close, her horn inches away from me. "I could turn you into a pile of ash with little more than a thought, Starlight Glimmer." She was pissed. I did the only thing I could do, cowered in fear. I'd enraged a goddess and I was just an insignificant mortal in comparison. "I-I'm sor-" "Do NOT lie to me," her voice remained steady and low. I could finally see her eyes. The rage I found in them would haunt me for the rest of my life. "You are coming to Canterlot... Your fate will be decided there." I could only nod in response. The next thing I knew I was alone inside a sadly decorated room, lying on a bed nodding at nopony. I surveyed my surroundings, immediately looking for an escape. There was a single wooden door that I knew would be locked. After trying the knob and confirming my suspicion I attempted to utilize magic. It felt as if I was an earth pony, not even a sprinkle of mana forming at my most intense efforts. There was a window on the wall, but even from here I could tell the room was up high enough that I'd fall to my death trying to escape through it. With seemingly no other options left to pursue, I returned to searching the room. It was sparse, but I counted myself lucky not to be in a disgusting dungeon. A bed with a single pillow and a thin blanket were the only luxuries I could find. There was nothing else. Bed, door, and window... welp, I was done looking around. I could get some sleep... not really. I wasn't tired in the slightest. Regardless, I threw myself on the bed. All I could see when I closed my eyes was Celestia's unforgiving visage. I don't think I've ever been closer to dying than in that moment. "I'm gonna get executed..." I groaned. She was a ruler. She'd go through the appropriate channels and then... I rubbed at my neck with a hoof, imagining the descent of the axe. She wasn't that barbaric, was she? I saw her face again. Who was I kidding? I told her to her face that I'd tried to turn her protege into my slave. "Darn it!" I buried my face in the pillow before letting out the loudest scream I could produce. This couldn't be it, I had to find a way out, had to escape, but I'd never been captured by somepony as powerful as her. Not only did she have the resources to find me no matter where I tried to flee, but she had the ability to keep me imprisoned... Forever. I realized. She'd never grow old, never die. I felt nauseous imagining myself trapped in a dungeon for the rest of my life. I wasn't sure if that was better or worse than having my head lopped off. I had no options. I just had to wait. After what felt like an eternity the door being pushed open drew my attention. "L-Luna?" I was not expecting the younger sister to walk in the room. > An interrogation? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You will address me as Your Highness, Your Majesty, or Princess Luna," she was as serene as she had been back at my town. It made more sense now considering she had complete control of the sotuation... though I suppose she had it before as well. I nodded quickly. I definitely didn't want her getting like Celestia. "Good. Sit." It was another order, not a suggestion, and I immediately obeyed, sitting on the edge of the bed. There was no point in trying to resist. I was deep inside enemy territory with my magic completely sealed. The only way I could possibly be any more helpless would be if they decided to hack off some of my limbs. She sat to her haunches before taking a deep breath. I couldn't be sure if she was as angry as her elder sister had been, but she didn't look it. She seemed much better than her sister at hiding away her true emotions. "Why?" she looked me directly in the eyes and asked me the simple question. There was no malice in her words, unlike Celestia, only a deep desire to know the answer to what she asked. "I don't... I don't know what you mean by that." I chose to be honest rather than trying to provoke her into an unnecessary rage. "Why what?" "Why did you enslave those ponies?" she clarified. I hadn't thought she'd meant that. I figured she'd be more concerned with her pathetic little disciple. She was either already trying to analyze me, or she actually cared about the riffraff. If I had to guess which, I'd choose the former. "Why not?" I tilted my head, utterly bewildered by her inquiry. "I mean, I wanted some toys, so I made some." She continued to stare at me, her expression betraying no change in her emotions. "And... you... see nothing wrong with this?" she asked. "Should I?" I looked down in contemplation actually thinking about her question. Why would I? It's not like I killed them and I didn't abuse them or anything like that. "You had at least six of those ponies imprisoned there for five years, Starlight Glimmer." "Sssso?" Yeah, I really couldn't see what the problem was. "That's a minimum of thirty years taken. Taking into account there were over fifty ponies under your spell," she sighed as she began rubbing her temple, the first sign she'd shown that she wasn't an onyx statue. "I can reasonably assume that you stole up to one-hundred fifty years of life from those innocent creatures." "INNOCENT!?" I nearly laughed, but was able to hold it in with some effort. I really did not want to piss her off. "I guess we view guilt in different lights." "Explain," she remained unflappable. "Nopony cared about me when I was all alone," I shrugged. "Why should I view everypony else as perfect little angels?" Still, she remained stoic. "As far as I'm concerned, you all stabbed me in the back... or would now, if given the opportunity." She grew quiet, contemplating her next words carefully. "Where is your family, Starlight Glimmer?" Yeah, I was expecting that one. I merely shrugged an "I don't know" in response. "Your parents?" she persisted. "Dead," I stated bluntly. It'd happened so long ago it didn't really bother me anymore. When I was seven years old mom got sick. All the medicine and magic in Equestria wasn't able to save her. Dad loved her more than anypony else. He... he left me by myself soon after she passed. Mom's sister decided to take me in since she was never able to have a foal of her own. After my move, life got pretty normal for a while... until I got my cutie mark. My magic had always been abnormally strong. When I got my cutie mark... when I got my cutie mark, it became too much for me. I lost control. My magic went haywire. At first, spells like lifting a spoon to eat at the dinner table became lifting the entire table... and soon after that lifting my aunt and her husband. Over time, I started unintentionally casting spells in my sleep. My family was actually very supportive at first, but it was easy to see they eventually just tolerated my mistakes. One day- "You've no other family?" she asked. "Not anymore." At least none that I was aware of. She was quiet for a while, her eyes shutting before she spoke again. "What about friends?" "Why would I want friends?" Such a strange question for her to ask. "I had everything I could ever want in my town... why would I need friends?" "Listening to your words," she looked sad all of a sudden. Or maybe it was pity. Whatever it was, it made me feel nauseated. "You're a very fractured mare, Starlight Glimmer." "What is that supposed to mean?" I had no clue what she was getting at, but her words pissed me off. "No friends. No family... you enslaved ponies so you wouldn't be alone, yet you can't even recognize the evil of such depravity," she sighed, rubbing her eyes with her hooves. "You'd go so far as to continue down this path if given a second chance, would you not?" I took her words to heart, but they wouldn't magically change who I was. "I'm... sorry?" I knew she knew I wasn't apologizing for what she'd wanted. "I won't reconsider everything I've ever learned in my life in a few minutes because I failed one time." I lifted a brow. "Could you?" "Hm. A fair point, though I would not compare your meager lifespan to my own," she didn't flinch at my inquiry. "I've made my own fair share of mistakes... and I've made the appropriate corrections accordingly. Tradition and or stubbornness are no excuse for proper self improvement." I chuckled, a purely innocent action. "You sound like you might actually care about me..." She didn't. She couldn't. She didn't even know me or everything I'd done. "I am... intimately familiar with all of my subjects, Starlight Glimmer." Was that compassion in her eyes? "But not you... you chose to shut me out. Few ponies have the ability to prevent me from walking their dreams." Her sudden movement startled me. She stood and walked over to my side before taking a seat right next to me on the bed. "In your fear of the crimes you were committing being found out, you kept at bay one of the only ponies that truly wished to help you." "What do you mean?" She wanted to help me? What an unfunny joke that was. "I can still view your dreams and nightmares without force, Starlight." That couldn't be true. My spell should've completely locked my psyche away from everything else while I was asleep. She had to be lying. "All you accomplished was preventing me from entering them... from helping you like I desired." "YOU'RE LYING!" I turned away from her, knowing she was being one-hundred percent honest. "You're so very afraid of being alone," she ignored my outburst. "You had countless dreams... so many horrible nightmares that I could not help you with..." I was starting to get really angry. My magic would've already been causing a storm of energy in the room had it not been locked away. I didn't need her sympathy. I didn't need anypony. "You're wrong." "I saw, Starlight," her cryptic words made me tremble. She couldn't have... "I know what happened t-" "YOUR MAJESTY, PLEASE!!" I turned to her the desperation surging through me coming to the surface, eliminating all other emotions in an instant. I nearly grabbed her, but instead dropped my hooves to my stomach before wrapping myself in my forelegs. "Please... please, don't." The silence that flooded the room was suffocating. After several minutes, she continued. "Celestia pushes for your execution, Starlight... I've not seen my sister so furious in... many a millennia," she closed her eyes. I wasn't surprised. From Celestia's perspective I was a monster... I AM a monster. "What do you think we should do with you?" she kept her eyes closed. "Honestly... you should probably lock me up in a dungeon and throw away the key..." I thought for a second. Well, I was being honest, no point in stopping now. "Or take my head." Her eyes shot open. For the first time since coming in the room she showed she could be surprised. "So you are aware of the severity of your transgressions?" her eyes narrowed. "Hm? What? No, not at all," I shook my head, dismissively waving a hoof in front of myself. "Don't misunderstand Lu-" her eyes narrowed further, forcing me to catch myself. "Your Highness! I don't believe what I did was wrong and I certainly don't regret it, but..." "But?" she raised a brow. "But if you let me go, I'll just go right back to taking advantage of somepony else," I stated bluntly. "Survival of the fittest and all that." The look she gave me made me question whether or not honesty really was the best policy. "So you've learned nothing?" she deadpanned. "I wouldn't go that far," I pondered for a moment. "I learned I probably... no, I guess definitely... I definitely shouldn't have believed I could fight against you and Celestia." "Not the lesson I'd hope you'd fixate on," she sighed, but I could swear there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "What else is there?" I asked after trying to think of something I should've gained an understanding of. I drew a blank. She got off the bed as she started towards the door. She spoke without looking at me as she moved to leave the room. "You are an enigma, Starlight Glimmer... I pray this is not the last time we get to speak with one another," she shut the door behind herself. "You and me both... Your Highness... You and me both." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Standing in the castle's throne room before Celestia and Luna made me feel sick... and utterly insignificant. The Immortal Sisters sitting on their thrones of sun and moon respectively were more intimidating than I could ever hope to be. The absence of any other creatures in the room was particularly unsettling. I was completely at their mercy and they could do whatever they wished to me. "Starlight Glimmer!" I cringed at the boom of Celestia's voice. It had been several hours since I'd been moved to Canterlot. I had been brought a small meal during the wait so they were at least treating me much better then I'd expected to be... until I came face to face with Celestia again. "Yes, Your Highness?" I bowed low to the ground, my nose almost touching the floor. I had to appear obedient, had to be respectful... even if I was anything but. "Get up, Starlight," the volume of her voice had lowered several octaves."Your pathetic acting isn't fooling anypony." Darn it. I lifted myself up, staring directly at the Sun Princess. There really was no point in trying to deceive her. I couldn't even apologize. She'd know I couldn't care less and was just trying to save my own skin. "I-" "You are not to speak unless spoken to, do you understand?" she was brutal, nothing like her younger sibling had been. I really wanted nothing more than to slap her. "Yes," I remained obedient despite the fact that she was aware of my pretending. "Yes, YOUR MAJESTY," she corrected me harshly, the annoyance on her face vivid. "Yes, Your Majesty," I complied. The whole time I spoke with her Luna kept her gaze locked forward, not even acknowledging my presence. She was as unreadable as ever. I wasn't sure if that was good for my prospects or bad. "I have only one question for you, Starlight Glimmer. Then I will pass my judgment." Only one? I hoped it wasn't something stupid like whether or not I felt remorse for my actions. "Despite stealing Sunset's cutie mark you did not harm her or my sister's protégé. Upon further investigation none of your victims seem to be malnourished or abused. Neither mentally or physically did you treat them poorly... Why?" "I-" I wasn't sure how to answer that without sounding like a complete sociopath. Even a foal didn't want to break their toys. As a responsible mare I took good care of my playthings. For some reason the idea of saying that out loud felt like a terrible idea. "There's no point in senseless abuse," I shrugged before realizing my mistake. "Y-Your Majesty!" I blurted out in an attempt to remedy my disrespect. "You never killed any of your slaves, either deliberately or inadvertantly?" My quick thinking had allayed some of Celestia's anger. Luna finally looked at me, her eyes betraying a hint of sadness for a fleeting moment. "Not to my knowledge, Your Majesty," I answered. A broken toy was no longer fun to play with. A dead creature was a useless creature. Celestia sighed, her strong demeanor slowly fading away. "Very well," she glanced at her sister before returning her gaze to me. "By your own admission you are still a menace to Equestria and our subjects, Starlight Glimmer." Well, she wasn't wrong. "However, my sister has chosen to show you clemency." I gaped at the Princess of the Night who'd returned to looking directly ahead. "Thank your lucky stars she is benevolent, for I would not have shown you the same leniency." "Th-thank you, Your Highness!" Despite my speaking out of line Celestia did not reprimand me. Still, Luna simply looked ahead. "Now then," Celestia regained my attention. "For your punishment," I knew this was coming, but if I'd been shown mercy I at least wouldn't be killed... hopefully. "You are to stay in Canterlot for the foreseeable future under the supervision of my sister and I. You will be provided with a permanent room in the castle and you will receive instruction and direction from both Luna and myself." "I-I don't understand, Your Highness." As far as I could tell I was... being imprisoned within the castle? "You defeated our students alone, Starlight," she frowned. "Whether I'd like to admit it or not, that takes an exceptional amount of skill. Equestria can use that level of talent." Was she really...? "From this day forth, you will join our apprentices as a student of both my sister and I." Wha- I- huh? My brain stopped processing. > The worried mother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Tell me exactly what happened, Sunset." The Princess of the Sun looked more haggard than I'd ever seen before. Hours after Luna, Twilight, and I had returned to Canterlot, Celestia burst into my room and began interrogating me. Are you okay? Did she hurt you? How's your cutie mark? Et cetera. In all the years I'd lived with her, she'd never acted this way, though I suppose considering what'd happened, I could kind of understand her distress. I'd never been threatened in such a... deliberate way before, and witnessing it firsthoof must've really disturbed her. Honestly, her desperation scared me so much more than having my cutie mark stolen away ever could have. Now the two of us sat in my room staring at each other like a pair of dorks. She was sitting on the floor and I was on the chair at my work desk. After returning to Canterlot I'd immediately began studying up on shield spells and how I might be able to strengthen mine. If I hadn't been overcome by Starlight so easily... Twilight had done all she could to get us out of that mess. She saved both of us and all I managed to do was... "I'm sure you're already aware, Princess," I nearly growled. "But I guess I'll humor you." My mentor knew everything about the things that were important to her and the fact that she and her sister had appeared in Starlight's town when they did let me know all I needed to. Putting two and two together was easy enough. They'd been monitoring us the entire time. It had all been one big test. Twilight and I were never in any real danger. At the first sign of trouble our babysitters would swoop in and rescue us and that's exactly what ended up happening. It was so frustrating. They didn't even trust us enough to perform such an insignificant task... even if it had turned into something much worse. "Sometimes... it's... very hard for me, Sunset," she sighed, rubbing her face with a hoof. "What is, Princess?" I didn't really understand what she was trying to say, but she hardly, if ever, opened up to me, and her sudden change in demeanor disarmed me completely. If she was finally willing to try, I was game too. "I see my sister every day... I see the relationship that she shares with Twilight. I..." Seeing my mentor like this... seeing her in such a vulnerable state made me realize that maybe I didn't really want her to open up to me. Maybe my skewed vision of perfection was what I wanted to hold on to. In spite of my feelings, I understood what she was getting at. Twilight and Luna were like family, a mother and daughter best described their relationship. I can't say I wasn't a little jealous of them as well. The hugs they shared, the kisses, the love, it was all so very... enviable. Celestia and I were the complete opposite of the Night Princess and her pupil. We tended to keep things mostly professional. She was a princess and my mentor and I was her faithful student. While I wouldn't describe our relationship as particularly frigid, I wouldn't say it was anything approaching.... familial. But it wasn't like that by choice... at least not on my end. I longed for a more intimate relationship with my teacher. I loved her dearly and wanted to show, to give her that affection. Since I could remember, I'd never been very close to any of my family. My parents were back home in Baltimare and I really didn't keep in touch with them, other than the traditional Hearths Warming postcard each year. As far back as I can recall, my attention had been on my studies and growing as a unicorn and a pony. Sure my parents loved me, I suppose, but they weren't like Celestia. She was always there when I needed her. She guided me. She was the sun itself, illuminating my path forward. Since she'd taken me in as her pupil she'd treated me like I was one of the most important things in her life. Maybe not as her family per se, but as a crucial piece of her existence. We ate meals together, she taught me things personally, and we even spent recreational time together every so often. What we didn't do was submerge ourselves in each other's more... personal issues. For some reason stuff like that always seemed to elude us. I mean, I was a grown mare and we'd never once discussed love or anything of that sort. It was kind of wierd, but I'd always felt compelled to view her as just my instructor, not ever a friend. I don't think we could ever be friends. Friends were equals with each other, dependant on one another to get through thick and thin. I definitely relied on my sun. Princess Celestia wasn't just my teacher. In a sense, she was the foundation of everything I had become. When I was indecisive or unsure about something, I looked to her for strength and confidence. She'd never let me down, not a single time. She'd always been infallible, the singular manifestation of perfection that I could rely on. On the flip side, she had no real need of me. She was a goddess, an eternal perfect being that could never fail. What could I ever offer someone like her? After much deliberation, obedience and a hobby were all I could come up with. If she wished it so, she could mold me into something that was at least a little useful to her, and I was completely fine with that. She was worth it. Like I said before, I'd do anything for this perfect mare. But right now? Right now, all she looked like to me was a terrified mother. "Sunset... you're unbelievably independent. You always have been. Today when you... when I..." She hung her head low, an unsettling quiet enveloping her as well as the room itself. "Princess..." I didn't know what to say. All was well that ended well, right? I was fine. They'd saved both of us, so what was she so rattled about? "I'm sorry, Sunset. I just..." she took a deep breath before continuing. "I just can't handle the thought of losing you. I don't want you to leave me, you're far too precious to me." I got up from my chair and trotted over to her, knowing exactly what I should... what I wanted to do. I was tired of keeping her at arms length. I moved right into her personal space, wrapping my forelegs around her midsection and snuggling deep inside the comfort of her body. It was heavenly. The warmth, the scent, the steady movement of her chest as she breathed in and out... I wanted to stay in that spot forever. "That's not ever gonna happen, Princess," I sighed contentedly. "I promise. You mean the world to me." She slowly wrapped her forelegs around me, her wings following shortly thereafter. We'd never done anything like this before and now, finally experiencing it, I could not fathom why. It was wonderful. In a very strange way, I was endlessly grateful to Starlight Glimmer. "I was scared," she whispered. I remained quiet, allowing her to vent her thoughts. "My sister convinced me to... keep an eye on you two for this task." So it was Luna who'd put the training wheels on us. "I was satisfied letting you two go off on your own, completely alone, I-" "Princess," I interrupted her. "I really appreciate that." She had to know, I had to make her understand I wasn't a foal anymore... even if that put me in real danger sometimes. "Your trust... the fact that you had faith in us, in me... it means a lot to me." "But what if I'd gotten my way, Sunset? What if we hadn't been watching? What if we hadn't come when we did? What if Starlight had been more dangerous? What if she'd..." She'd grown more and more frantic as she went on. I held her tight, assuring her I was there and I understood. "Ce-Celestia..." I paused. It was the first time I'd addressed her aloud without a formal title. It felt strange, but if we were going to become closer it would probably get a little wierd at first, until we got used to it. "You can't think like that," I sighed. "Life is difficult. There'll be times when I... when I get into... sticky situations." She chuckled at my choice of vernacular, but let me go on. "You'll have to trust me... to trust that I can handle my own problems." "I know, Sunset... I know," she let out a tired breath, the little mirth she had already dissipated. "I hope this shameful display doesn't push you away from me." It was my turn to laugh. "It's not shameful to love someone, Celestia," I squeezed her tightly. "And you don't have to worry about pushing me away, I don't think that'll ever happen, " I squeezed her so hard she groaned. "I love you, Princess. I'm not going anywhere." "I love you too, my most faithful student." My beloved teacher looked truly sad for only a moment longer before she smiled brilliantly. Everything was gonna be just fine. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ "YOU WHAT!?!" I nearly fell off my chair, barely catching my hooves on the desk in front of me. I knew something had to be off when my teacher entered the archives. We'd parted earlier on the best of terms, but as soon as I saw her again I knew she had a bombshell to drop on me. I'd moved my studies to the archives, delving deeper into barriers and was quickly learning that they were much more effective than simple conjured shields. Now, due to the news she bore, I was doing my best not to scream in her face. "Luna and I have permitted Starlight Glimmer to remain in Canterlot," she looked at the books strewn about the table. "She will be your peer and will also receive instruction from my sister along with Twilight." "Princess I..." I rubbed my head, my horn suddenly feeling numb. It's not like I had some sort of authority to object, but I wasn't about to sit here and act like I was fine with it. "Can she be trusted?" I certainly didn't think so. The exuberant laughter that came from her answered me before she said a word. "No, not in the slightest," she pointed a hoof at one of the open books pages. "I suggest you look into this spell, I think it would suit you well, Sunset." I read the text. It was one of the more difficult barriers, but could protect from virtually any other magic. She must've had a great degree of faith in me. "Very well, Your Highness," I lifted a sticky note and placed it on the page for easy reference. She turned to walk away, but I wasn't ready to let her go just yet. "Celestia?" As her student I had nothing left to say, but as a friend... "Yes, Sunset?" she turned back my way. "Is this really a good idea?" I closed the book in front of me. "Starlight is... insane." I'd seen firsthoof just how crazy the unicorn was. Bringing her to Canterlot could be bad. "You may be right, Sunset," she sighed, but continued. "But She overcame you and Twilight at the same time. Luna thinks she may be gifted beyond comprehension. I..." she trailed off. I wanted to make excuses. She caught us off guard. She'd cheated. I had been really tired. That's all they were though, excuses, so I kept my mouth shut instead. "Luna and I will make sure she behaves and I truly believe more competition will push you to exceed your limitations." "Princess?" "You're better than they are, Sunset." The look she gave me filled me with a renewed sense of determination. "I chose you personally because I know what you are truly capable of. I will help you reach your true potential, Sunset, I swear it." "Thank you, Princess." I blushed, her words flattering me. "I'm going to have to skip dinner tonight," she rubbed her face with a wing. "This whole 'enslaved town' event is going to take a heck of a lot more work to resolve." "Your Highness, I could-" "Fret not, my most faithful student, I will handle it," she smiled sweetly at me. "And don't forget to get some food in you. I know you'll forego your meals to keep studying," she ruffled my mane with a hoof. "Okay, Princess." I giggled, pushing her foreleg away with a grin. As she turned to leave, her own smile vibrant, she spoke one more time. "Don't push yourself too hard tonight, Sunset. You need to catch up on your sleep, you're still looking pretty rough." "Okay, Your Highness, have a good night," I said before returning to the books in front of me. "You as well, my most faithful student." > A failed gambit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stumbled through the halls of the castle back to my room, lazily chewing a bar of chocolate along the way. Time had slipped right through my hooves and I'd forgotten to get a proper meal so a candy bar I had stuffed in my saddlebags had to suffice for the night's meal. My stomach wasn't going to be happy with me tomorrow, but my brain was calling the shots right now and it was demanding I get to sleep asap. Honestly, I felt way more guilt because I'd managed to let Celestia down again. If she could see me right now, I'm pretty sure I'd get a firm lecture on the importance of a balanced diet...and ample rest. On top of forgetting to eat, I'd stayed up way past a reasonable hour again, except tonight it was so much worse because I'd gotten such poor sleep last night too. Maybe if you actually listened to your wise old mentor, you wouldn't end up in such stupid positions like this, Sunset. "Yeah, probably," I mumbled to myself as a long yawn escaped my muzzle. Multiple guards had already asked me if I needed to be escorted to my room, which I of course, denied each and every time. I didn't need any more coddling, I'd already received enough of it today, thank you very much. "Miss Shimmer are you al-" "I'm fine, thanks for asking!" Speak of the devil. I trotted by the concerned guard with a tired smile. It was always like this. The entire guard treated Princess Celestia's star pupil with the utmost respect and care. It was kind of annoying to be honest, mostly because it made me wonder how they'd treat me if I was a nobody. They'd probably just let me walk past without a second thought. "Probably." With another long yawn I turned the corner to the hall to my room only to gasp and instantly jump right back around said corner. I pressed my back against the wall, breathing heavily all of a sudden. It couldn't be. I'd seen something that wasn't there. YEAH, that's it, I'd hallucinated. I was seeing things cause of the whole sleep deprivation thing. I just had to peek around the corner again and she'd be gone... NOPE! It was definitely her. An overly depressed looking Starlight Glimmer was sitting right next to the door of my room, her gaze locked on the carpet. What could she possibly want?! If I waited long enough would she leave? WHAT DOES SHE WANT!?" UGH! It was way too late and I was way too tired to deal with this crap. I turned the corner again, this time in a tizzy, more annoyed than tired at this point. I stomped my way over to the mare, trying to exude both confidence and anger. As I approached, she lifted her head slowly, the look of depression staggering me as she forced an artificial smile. "What are you doing here?" I had to struggle not to yell in her face. To be frank, I wanted to buck her in the teeth, but that seemed a little aggressive... just a little. She continued to stare at me with the same unchanging expression. "WHAT do you WANT!?" I repeated with a bit more emphasis. "Look," her face turned sour. "I like this about as much as you do, okay? It's not like I was begging your stup-" she cut herself off and took a deep breath to calm down. It's not like I asked your princesses to let me stay here or anything." She stood to her hooves, staring at me as if she expected something from me. After the two of us did nothing but glare at one another for about a minute I decided to say something. "WHAT?!" I was a hair's breadth from yelling so loud the guards would come over to investigate. "You're not gonna invite me inside?" The look on her face made it seem like she thought I was the rudest pony she'd ever met. I had to press my hooves into the floor so one of them didn't accidently end up smacking her across the face. "That's not very nice." "Wh-" I rubbed my face with a hoof so that I wouldn't leap on the obnoxious mare and strangle her. "Why would I ever invite you inside of my room?" "We need to talk," her face screwed up into an even more displeased visage. "Your mentor is forcing me, take it up with her." Celestia... you big jerk. With a compliant huff I opened the door and lead the way. "Close the door," I grunted as I tossed my saddlebags onto my desk. "Please," Starlight snapped. "Please what?" I jumped onto my bed face down. It was so very comfortable, but I couldn't fall asleep with a stranger in the room, especially one as dangerous as her. "Rude," her voice was saturated with boredom. I turned my head to the side to find her inspecting the posters that lined the walls of my room. "You stole my cutie mark and tried to make me your slave," I said apathetically, half because I was so tired and half because it really didn't matter much at this point. She was here to stay and holding a grudge wouldn't change that now. Still, that didn't mean it had never happened, It just meant I had to get stronger. I had to get better than her and everything would be alright. "You're still mad about that?" she examined one of my DJ-PON3 posters. "How old are you?" she chuckled, pointing at the display with a hoof. "What's that supposed to mean?" Her question annoyed me enough to get me to sit up. I glared daggers at the unicorn I wished were anywhere but here bothering me... preferably in a dungeon somewhere starving to death. "Aren't these for foals?" she gestured around at my posters before covering her smug grin with a hoof. "Starlight. LEAVE! NOW!" I growled, pointing at the door. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding," she spun my chair around in her telekinesis before plopping down onto it. "Sheesh. Out of everypony here I thought you might've had a sense of humor. Guess I was wrong." "YOU! STOLE! MY! CUTIE! MARK!" I emphasized each word by slamming my hoof on the bed. The psychopath didn't seem fazed by my outburst at all. I hate to admit it, but it was probably because she could kill me with her magic in a millisecond if she wanted. "If I said I was sorry would that help?" she crossed her hind legs, leaning back in my chair comfortably. "NO! YOU HORSE!" I really, really, REALLY wanted to throttle her and that dumb smile of hers. "Good, cause I'm not," she giggled. "Y-" I bit my lip to prevent myself from getting any more pissed off. I bit so hard I could taste iron, but it worked. I sighed, rubbing my temples with my hooves. "You said Princess Celestia wanted us to talk, so talk." "Oh, you believed that, huh?" she looked down at her forehoof, not a care in the world. "YOU-" I'd had enough, my horn flaring with my mana. I didn't care if she was stronger than I was, I'd find a way to shut her stupid mouth. "I don't think Celestia will be very happy if she finds out you were trying to pick a fight with me," she didn't even look up at me, still examining her stupid hoof. "Oh, she'll understand," I was just about to blast her with everything I had, my spell seconds from being ready, when I came to a realization. My horn slowly fizzled out, the energy returning to my body as I calmed down. "What, you get cold hooves or something?" she decided to look up at me now, probably because her trick hadn't worked on me. "You want me to attack you, don't you, Starlight?" I'd already figured it out, seen completely through her little game. if I would've kept a cooler head before it would've been a lot more obvious sooner. "Why would I want that?" It was easy to see the disintegration of her cool attitude as she sat up straight and looked me in the eye. Apparently, when things didn't go exactly as she'd planned she started to freak out. "Despite what you might think, I'm not an idiot, Starlight," I got off my bed and walked over to her. Her face contorted in anger, just like I knew it would. "You don't want to stay, so you figured if we didn't get along, if I got into a fight with you, you'd get moved or something." "Pfffft! If I really wanted to leave that much all I have to do is hurt you, little foal," she hissed. With her air of superiority dissipated it was so easy to see through her. I don't know why, but all of a sudden she was like an open book in front of me. The whole situation kind of made me feel sorry for her. It was sad... She was sad. "I don't think that's true," I shook my head, scooting closer to her. "WHAT!?" she spat. If she thought I was gonna back down because she was being a little more aggressive, she was wrong. "You would've already done that if it was an option for you." I got even closer to her, our muzzles so close she was forced to lean backward, her cheeks turning crimson. "If you try to hurt me, you'll get thrown in the dungeons... or worse, won't you?" She looked extremely mad for a second before her rage fell through and she sighed. Her true visage, one of sadness and uncertainty, came to the surface. "I don't belong here," she turned her head away from me. "They just want to use me... It wouldn't be the first time." I backed off a bit, giving her some breathing room. She was being honest now so I didn't have to push her so hard anymore. "Who does?" I sat on my bum and waited for her response. "Celestia and Luna." Saying their names brought a grimace to her lips. She must've been really cross they'd foiled her plans. "Well, I can't really speak for Princess Luna, but Celestia would never do something like that." I wasn't exactly familiar with Luna, her motivations, or her personal philosophies, but I knew the Princess of the Sun. I'd stake my or anypony else's life on her benevolence. "She'd never do anything to intentionally hurt anypony un-" "SHE WANTED TO HAVE ME EXECUTED!" she interrupted angrily, glaring at me with the face of a demon. I cleared my throat. "As I was saying, unless they did something very wrong." She rolled her eyes, clearly not pleased with my reasoning. "You have to understand, Starlight. What you did... it was really bad." "That's what Luna told me too," she rubbed her face with her hooves emphatically. "UGH! Why did you all have to screw everything up, if you would've just left me alone I..." she sighed before growing quiet. "I was... I was happy..." she dropped her hooves to her sides, somehow looking even more displeased. I wasn't sure what to say. On the one hoof, I could kick her while she was down. While that did sound like a wonderful idea, it didn't seem right. On the other hoof, I could try and help her... That didn't sound fun at all... but I knew what Celestia would do if she were in my position. Ugh! Fine... "Starlight.. were you really happy?" Regardless of the risk, I laid a hoof on her thigh, causing her eyes to spring wide open. "I mean, you didn't really have anything... real... did you?" "I... I had..." She stopped short, really contemplating my question. I'm not sure, but I think she'd grown quiet because she realized the truth. "It may not seem like it now," I rubbed her thigh gently before getting to my hooves and trotting back to my bed. "But if the princesses made you stay here, it'll all work out for the best." "But what if I don't want to stay?" her head hung low. "I just want to go back to what I had." "I don't believe you." I sighed. She looked at me with the weariest eyes I'd seen on a pony in a long time. There was a lot there, in those eyes, a lot of sorrow. "I think you want to stay... or rather, I think you should," I clarified when she gave me a confused look. "Give us a shot, you might find we're not so awful to be around," I winked at her, causing her complexion to grow beet red yet again. "You are..." she chuckled with a disbelieving expression as she regained her composure. "A very strange mare, Sunset Shimmer." "Trust me, you're not the first to tell me that, Starlight," I laughed. Maybe this could work. Maybe Luna had made the right decision. Starlight jumped off my chair and started for the door. "That was... an interesting discussion, to say the least," she opened my door with a hoof, forgoing a spell. "What are you gonna do?" I asked as I lifted my blanket out of the way. "Honestly... I'm not so sure anymore," for the first time since I'd met the lilac mare the laughter that came from her sounded authentic. "Which is actually a lot more positive than it might sound," she offered me a half-smile. "Oh and one more thing?" "What is it?" I tilted my head, a little curious as to what she wanted to end the discussion with. "You might wanna get rid of those," she pointed a hoof at the pile of chocolate bars on my desk. "They're really bad for you." "I know, I know," I groaned. She chuckled. "Night, Sunset." As she moved to close the door behind herself I told her one last thing. "I hope you decide to stay, Starlight." The door stopped for just a second before it closed with a click. I hastily dove into my bed and got under my blankets. So COMFY! I casted a simple locking spell on the door before reflecting on the overly eventful day I'd had. No matter what, tomorrow was gonna be a whole lot different than today. I was ready for whatever it might bring. I gently touched my cutie mark with a hoof. I really did hope she decided to stay. > Acceptance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd lost consciousness, the ridiculous amount of mana required to break out of Starlight's spell much more than my body contained. I still wasn't sure how I'd accomplished such a feat, but the side effects of such a demanding effort became apparent to me very quickly. I was lying on the bed inside my room in the castle. The last thing I could remember clearly was Her Majesty setting off one of Starlight Glimmer's traps. Speaking of Her Highness, she was currently doting over me like a loving mother, a steady flow of her own mana being transferred into my body. It made me feel especially dreadful, that she'd give me her blessed mana so recklessly. I quite obviously didn't deserve such kindness. I'd already attempted to apologize to her several times, but every effort made was cut off by a hoof placed gently on my lips. It didn't take more than a few minutes for me to feel good as new, which made sense when one considered I was being supplied with the magic of a goddess. As she withdrew the coil of energy that tethered her horn to mine, my mistress finally spoke for the first time since I'd woken up. "How are you feeling," she lightly stroked my mane, a breathtaking smile on her face. She's so perfect and I... I turned away from her, my shame too great, far too much for me to bear. I'd failed her again. Starlight made a fool of both me and Sunset and now my mistress was forced to nurse me back to health. It was all so very... pathetic. "What's wrong, my dearest?" she sighed. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," I still refused to look at her. I didn't deserve her time, her compassion, or her guidance. Why am I always so useless? She laughed softly, drawing my gaze as she continued to stroke my mane. "You're always so hard on yourself, Twilight," she kissed me on the forehead. "When are you going to see that you're far more precious to me than you could possibly imagine?" "Princess, are you... did you just read my mind?" I dreaded the very real possibility of her invading my private thoughts in such a way, but I would never hold something like that against her, even if she had. "Twilight," she giggled, a heavenly sound that always raised my spirits. "I think we've been together long enough for me to know when you're feeling a particular way or thinking a certain thing." "Am I that easy to read?" I groaned, covering my face with my hooves along with the sudden blush that surfaced there. "Would it be such a bad thing... if you were, for me?" she sounded a little bit sadder, driving me to sit up in an instant. "Of course not, Your Highness!" I nearly grabbed her, but dropped my hooves to my lap instead. "It's just... I hate screwing up... you trusted me... and I failed." "My dearest," she drew me into her embrace, holding me with such care I felt like I might actually break down. "You've done no such thing." "But I-" "I assured you and Sunset it would be a perilous endeavor," she pulled back with a smile on her face. "Tia believed we should handle the situation ourselves, however I wished to... test your progress," she smiled meekly. "Please forgive my deceit." "No! It's okay, really! But, still... that really does mean I failed your assessment. Starlight would've-" "Starlight Glimmer is a very powerful mare," she was more serious now, the mention of the lilac unicorn bringing a frown to her face. "Even lacking formal training and any proper guidance, she's shown an... unnatural aptitude for magic. The fact that you were able to overcome one of her spells is simply..." she shut her eyes, a smile blooming on her lips. "Truly, I am so very proud of you, my dearest student." I could feel tears stinging at the corners of my eyes. It's not like it was uncommon for her to praise me, but every time she did so it felt wholly unearned. You're not worth it. I didn't even know how I'd saved us from Starlight, so taking credit for it felt... wrong. I couldn't just keep my mouth shut. "But I don't even know what I did! it kind of just... happened." "That is unimportant, Twilight," she patted me atop the head. "You did do it, which means the power came from somewhere within you, even if you don't know how to properly utilize it yet." "If you say so, Your Majesty," I would never argue with her, but I really didn't feel the same way. "You'll see my, dearest. I know that-" Her head jerked up as she stopped abruptly. She turned quickly, as if some unseen force suddenly demanded her attention. "Curious..." After a moment she refocused on me with a comforting smile. "Forgive me, Twilight, I must go check on something." "O-of course, Your Highness!" I always felt awkward when she apologized for doing nothing wrong. "Thank you again... for saving me, I mean." "There's no need for gratitude, my dearest student," she lightly kissed my forehead. "I will never forsake you in a time of need." She flashed out of existence in an explosion of navy blue electricity, her teleportation spell taking her to another place. I let out a dejected sigh, lying back down on my bed so that I could stare at the ceiling. I wished I could see what she did in me. I didn't doubt her, that would be the heights of blasphemy, but I just... I couldn't see it. She believes I'm worthy... You're not... I shot out of bed, a newfound level of determination fueling my vigor. If she had faith in me even after I'd clearly failed her, I vowed to never fail her again. I flipped my saddlebags over above my desk, all of the items I'd packed falling out except my mistress' Blessing. I caught that carefully in my telekinesis and placed it back inside the glass display case I'd purchased for it. I tossed several magical reference books inside my bags before putting them on and heading for the door. No more messing around. It was time to live up to Her Majesty's perception of me. I'd thought Sunset my only rival, the only other mortal pony that might be able to compete with me in Equestria, but Starlight Glimmer had proven me wrong. Not only had the lilac mare shown she was strong enough to match my ability, but she bested me where I believed I was in a league of my own. Never again... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My destructive spell slammed into the towering tree before me, splintering it into hundreds of smaller pieces. My heavy breaths were coming in slow waves, the intense workout I was putting myself through taxing my body and my spirit. I wiped my brow of sweat before casting a reconstitution spell on the scattered pieces of tree. In a few seconds, it was back standing, whole and unharmed, as if it had never been blasted. Destroying the mighty oak took about as much out of me as building it back up did, both spells extremely exhausting at this point. I sat under the tree's branches to catch my breath, trying to hide away from the ferocity of Princess Celestia's harsh sunlight. Magic was like a muscle, the more one worked it out the stronger it grew, so I would push myself to my limits and then go past them. When I was unable to cast any more spells, I'd cast ten more. Then fifty more. Then one-hundred more. Not having a specified place to exercise was a tad unfortunate, but I typically managed to get a lot done in a secluded part of the forest that was adjacent to Canterlot. Her Highness had offered her own private facilities for my use, but I refused her generosity time and time again. I'd visited her training grounds once with her before though. The size and spectacle of such a place had completely overwhelmed me. The space was enchanted by my mistress herself to be a pocket dimension, a mirror universe within our own. From training dummies to gravity manipulators, It contained all of the items one might need to... stretch their magical wings. Our initial visit together was the first time I'd witnessed the true power of my mistress. As she effortlessly wiped entire planets from existence without breaking a sweat, I realized the chasm... the reality, between the two of us. An alicorn was a truly fearsome being. If I ever wanted to be worthy of utilizing her possessions, I'd have to push myself much harder. With a final deep breath, I looked up at the crown of the tree I was sitting under. "You won't hold this against me, will you?" I asked the massive plant, feeling just a little bit silly. I got to my hooves and moved in front of it again, focusing mana into my horn and launching another projectile at the tree. It shattered yet again, debris flying in every direction. For the hundredth? Possibly. For the hundredth or so time, I casted a spell to reconstruct it. "You're working hard," Her Highness remarked from behind me. "How long have you been at it?" "Since you left me earlier," I blasted the tree with another offensive spell. "I came straight out here." "You know you're always welcome in my training grounds," she said. I built the tree back up. "Thank you, Your Majesty, but I'm fine out here," I replied. "As you wish," as always, she didn't push the issue. "...Twilight, I have news," she sounded conflicted all of a sudden. Her tone made me tense up, though I kept my attention on the tree in front of me. "Yes, Your Highness?" I charged up another blast of mana, not taking my eyes off the oak. As I went to fire it off, my mistress spoke again. "Starlight Glimmer will be moving into the castle." Her words shook me so viciously they caused my beam of energy to shoot wildly, missing the tree I was aiming for entirely, but completely obliterating a different one off to the side of it. I wouldn't be able to reconstitute that one. "YOUR HIGHNESS!?" I whirled around, my eyes pleading with her for an explanation. She trotted up to me before continuing. "After much deliberation, I have made the decision to take her on as a pupil," she looked me right in my eyes, gauging my reaction. Not worthy at all. My heart plummeted, all the horrible thoughts of inadequacy immediately coming to the forefront of my mind. I knew it. I wasn't worth it. I'd never been. Ever since Princess Celestia had rejected me so many times, I lost all faith in myself. Even now, with Her Highness' reassurances, I still questioned what value, if any, I still had. And now... now she was going to replace me because I really was worthless. I suddenly felt like vomiting. "I-I understand, Your Highness," I bowed low to the ground before quickly galloping by her to return to the castle. "I'll pack my t-things and be gone by t-tonight." She doesn't need you. You're Pathetic... She had found someone worth her time. Worthless... "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" The explosion of her Royal Canterlot Voice froze me in place, drowning out all my thoughts and causing my legs to no longer function properly. I couldn't turn to face her, the tears that obscured my vision too much for me to hold in. I could hear her hoofsteps approach me, but still, I could not turn. "I'm sorry, Princess..." I sobbed. "Oh Twilight..." I felt myself being pulled backwards, directly into her chest. She held me close, nuzzling the top of my head. "You misunderstand, my dearest student." "W-what?" was all I could get out through the tears. "Even if it takes me a thousand years, Twilight, I will show you that you are my most dearest pupil and I would never leave you nor forsake you," she kissed the back of my head. "Then, why, Your Majesty? What is the purpose of taking on Starlight?" I held her forelegs close. "She's-" "Celestia wished for her execution," she sighed. I shuddered at the thought. I knew the Princess of the Sun could be strict, but death? Wasn't that taking things a little bit too far? "I was able to convince her that with proper guidance Starlight Glimmer could be an asset to Equestria." "You... you saved her..." I gasped. She nodded. "I do not wish to see a promising young mare like her meet such an... unsavory fate. However, I also believe she can help you grow, Twilight." I ruminated on her words, reaching a conclusion in seconds. "Because she pushed me past my limits?" I asked even though I was pretty sure that was the answer. "Precisely... amongst other things," she confirmed, but remained a bit cryptic. "Sunset Shimmer is a worthy rival, but she's never put you in a corner like Starlight Glimmer did. I think it will be quite beneficial for the both of you to have her around." "Both of us?" I tilted my head. "Yes, you... as well as Sunset Shimmer." My eyes widened as I fully comprehended her words. "She won't just be learning under you," I stated, but also kind of asked, just to be sure I wasn't fooling myself. "Correct," she confirmed my suspicion. "If she is also guided by Tia, I believe Sunset can benefit from this whole situation as well." I laughed, quietly at first before a bout of relief overtook me and I could no longer hold it in. My mistress squeezed me tightly, allowing me to get it all out of my system. After a span, I sighed contentedly, snuggling further into her embrace once my fit was complete. "I trust you, Your Highness," I said. "If it is your wish Starlight be my peer, then I will welcome her gladly." "You are a marvel, my dearest," she giggled. "To this very day your maturity and kindness still amaze me." "Thank you, Your Highness," I smiled up at her. "Your praise means everything to me." "So..." she chuckled. "How does that dinner sound?" she grinned back at me. "It sounds wonderful, Your Majesty." As we got up to go, I gathered my things before glancing at the tree I'd accidently destroyed. There was none of it left, save the scorched earth where it had resided. I was a little sad. Nature was beautiful and I'd killed a part of it. My mistress placed a hoof on my shoulder, a kind smile on her face as she noticed my remorse. Her horn sparkled to life as she focused on the spot where the oak had once lived. The space warped and distorted as she casted her spell. I blinked only to find once my eyes were opened that the tree was standing and unscathed. "Your Highness..." I stared at her completely dumbfounded. "How did y-" "Come, Twilight," she laughed as she started on her way toward Canterlot. "Our dinner awaits." I fell into step next to her, unable to take my eyes off of the unbelievable mare. Yes, it was apparent. An alicorn was a truly fearsome being. > In the garden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have got to be kidding me, a loathsome feeling of disgust flooded me as I stared at the lilac unicorn standing before me. Following the satisfying meal shared with my mistress, I was ready to relax. After the intense training I'd put my body through, a nice soothing bath sounded divine. Once I'd returned to my room and took said bath, the exhaustion from the day finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I was exceptionally tired, both mentally and physically, from my exercise regimen and getting my flank kicked by Starlight. I decided to take a short nap to help prep myself for the long night ahead... well, what I originally intended to be a short nap. I woke up well after midnight and although it was obviously very late, it was a fairly normal hour to be awake for the apprentice of the Princess of the Night. Since becoming Her Majesty's pupil, I'd come to adore the earlier hours of the day and as such frequented the castle gardens at those times. I'd just gotten to a particularly interesting part of the book I was currently enamored with when who else should appear but the arrogant dictator herself. "Oh... you're here," Starlight Glimmer gawked at me with just as much disdain as I had when I'd first noticed her walking about. "Can this day possibly get any better?" she rolled her eyes. Such an annoyance. "It's a pleasure to see you too, Starlight," I went right back to reading my book, not willing to even look at the unicorn for a second longer. I wasn't about to fall prey to one of her manipulative little games, she was far too skilled at them. I was sitting on a wool blanket I'd brought with me outside, a small thermos of coffee to my left and my book resting comfortably in my lap. Her Highnesses night was, as always, peaceful and cool, so much better than the unbearably hot and sticky humidity of her sister's day. Her moon rested directly above us in the sky, illuminating everything underneath it. As I admired the crown jewel of her night sky, I could swear a pony plopped down on their rump right next to me. My mind insisted that it couldn't be her, but the most obvious of logic told me otherwise. At this hour, there'd be nopony else around except for the two of us. "So what are you reading?" she poked at my book with a hoof, her indifferent expression unchanging. I gaped at the unicorn in disbelief, her look of utter boredom seriously making me consider committing a crime. "Are you SERIOUS?" I growled, jerking my book away from her. What kind of audacity did it take to do something like she had to me and Sunset and then act like everything was okay. "What?!" she glared at me as if I'd been the one who'd done something wrong to her. What audacity... "You've got some nerve, Starlight Glimmer," I slammed my book shut. I had no idea what she could be thinking, but it was infuriating none the less. "I do, don't I?" she grinned triumphantly, her cockiness reaching new heights. GET HER! The utter arrogance that emanated from her would've normally set me off, but I could see we were already playing one of her games, despite my wishes not to. I just had to remain calm and everything would be okay. Please give me strength, Your Highness. "Congratulations, you're really good at being annoying! What do you want, a cookie?" I said in a flat tone, staring deadpan at her. She tapped her chin with a hoof for a second, actually contemplating my question as if it wasn't completely rhetorical. "I could eat," she shrugged, eliciting a long exasperated groan from me. I rubbed my head with a hoof, a swiftly developing headache already pulsing within my cranium. "Why are you here, Starlight?" I shut my eyes causing the pain to be a bit more bearable. "Didn't you hear? I'm stuck here. I'm not allowed to leave," I could hear her smile grow as she spoke. "Anyway, what's this?" I lifted my eyelids to find her now poking at my thermos. "Would you- it's coffee, OKAY!?" I lifted the drink with my telekinesis, taking a long swig before setting it back down on my blanket further away from her. The hot beverage helped to soothe my frazzled nerves to a degree, but I still had to fight to keep what little composure I had left. "And you know very well that's not what I meant." "I do," she looked up into the sky. Her admittance lacked the hubris of her previous comments so my indignation lessened a little bit. The sudden expression of sadness on her face might've made me feel something for the mare if she hadn't tried to enslave me just a few hours earlier. "I like to come outside at night. It makes thinking easier, y'know?" she sighed. "Honestly... I had no idea you'd be out here too." "Her Highness' time is truly wonderful," I mirrored her posture, looking high into the night sky. If she wished to offer my mistress adulation, I was all for it. "I feel a lot more at ease under the watch of her beautiful moon too." Starlight looked at me with a raised brow, curiosity painted all over her face. "You know you don't have to call her "Highness" when she's not around, right?" Her question had no malice or disrespect behind it, yet it still managed to irritate me. "I would never be so brazen," I narrowed my eyes on her, my horn sparkling with magenta light. "and while you're around me, neither will you." "Wow, Twilight, dark much?" she smiled, though this one seemed to be from a place of genuine awe rather than amusement. "Fine, fine," she waved a hoof in front of her face dismissively when I didn't relent. "I'll be good," she chuckled. "I mean, I do owe her that much." "Thank you," I let out a relieved breath. I didn't want to have to turn things physical, but I would've done so in a heartbeat to defend Her Majesty's honor. "Do you know why she... did it? Intercede on my behalf, I mean?" she clarified, obviously not wanting a misunderstanding to occur. "I'm not sure it's my place to say anything on the subject," I thought about my mistress and whether or not she'd want to keep her motives... hidden from the lilac unicorn. If she was anything, the Princess of the Night was honest, so I didn't think she'd have a problem with me being the same. "But she did say she thought you were promising." The surprise on her face was vivid and I easily noticed it, even though she tried her best to hide it. "She also said she didn't want to see you... you know..." "Well at least there's one pony out there who doesn't want to see me dead," she said under her breath, but I managed to hear that too. "So I'm promising, huh?" She spoke after a moment, looking back up at the sky, but this time her expression was a bit brighter than it had been a second ago. "You should be happy," I joined her in stargazing. "Hm?" she asked without looking my way. "If Her Majesty sees something worthwhile inside of you, you must really be special." I smiled. "Not many ponies are capable of catching her eye." "What does that make you then, to be chosen as her personal apprentice?" she asked. A charity case. I winced, but tried not to let the horrible thought fester. "I'm just blessed to even be here," I chuckled. "Eeeeven if I'm not so exceptional." "Oh please," she scoffed. "Stop being so modest. You broke out of one of my binding spells," she glared at me, though it wasn't so much a malicious look as it was a disappointed one. "I've been using that spell for years and nopony has ever escaped from it before." "You sound just like Her Highness," I smirked, the irony too much for me to take. I took another sip of my drink. "I told her the same thing: I don't know how I did it." "So?" she took my thermos into her telekinesis. "Do you mind?" "Uhm, what?" I tilted my head, absolutely baffled by her sudden thievery. "Can I have a drink?" she asked, not a hint of her question being a joke on her face. "Uhm, sure," I allowed her, but as she lifted the drink to her lips I couldn't help but blush. With a satisfied sigh she moved the drink back to me. I grasped it within my own spell, staring down at the rim where she'd taken her drink. "Thanks," she wiped her mouth with a foreleg. "As I was saying, it doesn't really matter if you know how it happened. You did it, and that's what really matters, because for whatever reason, it means you're capable of doing it." It was sound logic, the kind that I functioned on and hearing it twice now, once from the mare I looked up to more than anypony else and again from an enemy, I couldn't help but take it to heart. Maybe I wasn't so- Pathetic I lifted the thermos back up to my mouth and took another sip. I'm not sure if it was my imagination, my soaring spirit, or something else entirely, but I swear the coffee tasted so much sweeter than it had before. The two of us stared into the sky in silence. Out of nowhere, a shooting star flew across the sky above us, more vivid and shiny than all the other celestial bodies around it. "Make a wish," Starlight pointed at the flaming meteor lazily. "Uhm... Huh?" Make a wish? I wasn't sure what she was talking about. "Really?" she looked at me as if I'd just asked the dumbest question she'd ever heard. "Sorry?" Her disbelief wouldn't suddenly help me understand what she meant. "Geez," she pointed up at where the star had passed. "My m-" she stopped herself, thinking better of it. "When you see a shooting star you're supposed to make a wish." "You..." I couldn't believe it. "You actually believe that?" What a fool. "I do," she narrowed her eyes on me, a look of mild annoyance coming to her face. "You got a problem with that?" "No, of course not," I lifted my hooves in front of myself apologetically. "I've just... never heard such an outlandish thing before. It's very... illogical." She didn't say anything else, instead looking back up. We were quiet for a moment, the extended silence so awkward I felt compelled to break it. "Well, what about you?" "Hm?" she didn't look my way. For some reason, the possibility that I might've offended her really bothered me. It felt like if I had, it was like I was picking on a bullied foal. She grew quiet again. "Starlight?" I stared at her. "I stopped making wishes a long time ago." Her gaze remained locked north, her eyes betraying none of her internal feelings. "Why is that?" "Because my wishes never came true." An uncomfortable air dominated the atmosphere. Foolishness I wish I could get rid of these negative thoughts. I found myself making a wish, despite my doubt. It really couldn't hurt. When Starlight spoke again she sounded more sincere than I thought possible for the pompous mare. "Sometimes... logic can be your greatest enemy," Starlight finally spoke. "It gave me the confidence to oppose Celestia and Luna," she sighed before turning toward me. "I mean, logically speaking, how could any creature be as strong as they are?" I had no answer for that question. I'd only witnessed a speck of Her Majesty's endless strength. It made no sense whatsoever. "I'm sure you thought you were defeated once I'd captured the two of you and by all means, logic would have agreed with you." "I suppose you're right." What she said was true. I had given up before the fight had even started, too afraid to try anything. Logically speaking Sunset and I should've given up and prostrated ourselves to the much more powerful mare. Thank Her Highness we hadn't. The lilac unicorn stood to her hooves before stifling a quiet yawn with her hoof. "I think I'm gonna turn in for tonight," she began trotting back to the castle interior. "Don't forget to make your wish." "Thanks, Starlight," I said, opening my book to the page I'd last been on. "For?" she paused. "Even if you don't mean to be, you're a really kind mare." I kept my eyes locked on the page. She stood still for a couple minutes in what I assumed was deep thought. "Whatever you say," she finally conceded before her hoofsteps began carrying her back to the castle. "Have a good night... Twilight Sparkle." It was only about two a.m. so my night was just getting started. Her Highness might even decide to pay me a visit if she completed her duties early enough. I loved our early morning gatherings. As I contemplated returning to my room or even going to search for my mistress, I couldn't help but think of Starlight. I looked back down at my thermos, a deep blush heating up my cheeks again. Maybe the mare wasn't as bad as I'd first thought. > Fight or flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room I'd been provided with to be my permanent residency was much more spacious than the first I'd been imprisoned in. There still wasn't much to write home about within the four walls, but I had a lot to work with... If I actually decided to try and stay. An unbelievably soft bed adorned with luxurious blankets and pillows that almost rivaled those in my mansion, a mahogany desk with scrolls, quills, and books, and a quaint restroom to keep myself clean, were all given to me. At least they didn't skimp on things. I picked up one of the books. Basic Etiquette? I snickered at the title. Guess somepony hoof picked some literature specifically for me. I tossed the book back onto the desk. Yeah, definitely won't be reading that any time soon. I stared at the bed begrudgingly, a yawn making it's way out of my mouth without my permission. I didn't want to go to sleep. I didn't want to be here at all. I wanted to leave, wanted to be anywhere else other than this stupid room, in this stupid city. I could feel their prying eyes crawling all over me, like they were staring into a crystal ball, monitoring every little move I was making. It made my stomach churn, the very idea of no privacy making me want to vomit. Trotting over to the door, I couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. Sunset and Twilight both seemed like decent enough, if not overly foolish, ponies. How their mentors could be so... well, one of their mentors. Princess Luna had treated me well enough, exceptionally well, even, considering the circumstances, but Celestia... Even from where I stood I could sense the burning wrath of the Sun Princess on my back, despite the fact that she was obviously nowhere near me. I hope you stay, Starlight. Despite my overwhelming desire to leave, Sunset's words rang out in my mind like a loving parent's, doing everything they could to get me to stay. It had to be some sort of trick. I was a monster, am a monster, and in spite of that she still wanted to be around me? No, it was all an elaborate ruse, probably some scheme to use me for my power or something. It had to be. As I left my room for the third time that night, I felt the cold gazes focus on me, as if they weren't happy I wasn't staying in my room and traversing the rest of the castle. If I wished, I could cast an invisibility spell or even a more simple one to hide myself from whomever was spying on me, but my gut told me that was a bad idea. If it really was the princesses that were keeping tabs on me, then doing something like that would probably push them into taking action. That was the last thing I wanted. Still, I had to do something and going to sleep wasn't it. As I trotted through the halls, the looks the guards gave me made me feel especially self-conscious. You'd think I'd killed their first borns or something, but that obviously wasn't the issue. No, I was certain it was due to the orders Celestia had given them. I returned their malicious glares with the largest, most smug grin I could produce. The expressions of utter disgust they gave me back were totally worth the effort. I exited the castle through one of the less conspicuous gates that led to the forest. I wasn't sure how fast news traveled around the city, but I wasn't interested in finding out if the ponies of Canterlot were already aware of the dictator who'd enslaved an entire town. What exactly was I thinking coming out here? The dense, sprawling forest that lay before me was indeed the perfect way to attempt an escape. There were sure to be hundreds, if not thousands, of hiding spots within and utilizing my magic I could almost surely cloak myself from the princesses spells... but was I really willing to risk it? Where would I even go? I couldn't just hide out in a forest forever. Canterlot had the guard. If anything they could send legions of soldiers in after me. It's not like the army was preoccupied with a war or anything like that. Thanks, Starlight, Twilight's words invaded my head, uninvited. Even if you don't mean to be, you're a really kind mare. I wanted to throw those thoughts away. I was fine on my own. I could make more toys and go back to the life I'd had. Everything would be fine if I could just get out of here. I could leave Equestria itself if I really needed to. There was no way the princesses reach extended that far. I could go to the dragon's land. I could rebuild. I could- Were you really happy? My heart pounded as I looked back at the castle, it's bright lights nearly blinding in contrast to the darkness of the forest. Was I happy or had I been fooling myself? Since I'd- since I was little it had been the happiest I'd been, but was that because my foalhood has been so... awful? I mean, you didn't really have anything real... did you? No matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring myself to return to the castle or enter the forest. I felt more trapped now than I had after I'd been sentenced by Celestia. Like a complete fool I kept turning, one step toward the castle and then one step toward the forest. "I've never seen such a conflicted heart." I jerked to a stop, turning around to find Luna standing between me and her castle. "Er, I..." I ran through several excuses in my mind though none of them seemed quite adequate enough to fool the Princess of the Moon. Where had she even come from anyway? I hadn't heard a teleportation spell and it's not like there was anywhere around she could've been hiding."I was just-" "Trying to decide between staying and trying to flee." She already knew the truth, which I suppose was easy enough to discern considering my obvious state of indecision. I dropped to my flank. Now that I was caught with my hoof in the cookie jar I'd surely be punished a lot more severely. "How did you even know I was out here? I asked. "I'm guessing you used some kind of tracking spell." "Still you underestimate us, Starlight Glimmer?" It was so hard to get a read on Luna. She tended to keep her expression completely indifferent as she spoke, so identifying any emotion was nearly impossible. "What does that mean?" I wasn't trying to belittle her or her sister, but she obviously knew something she wasn't letting on. "Both Celestia and I are aware of every soul within our own city, Starlight. We've no need of magic to perform a duty every ruler should." Her expression didn't change at all, even though her statement was clearly a lie. They didn't use magic, but were capable of monitoring a whole city? Yeah, I totally believed her. "Whatever you say, Princess." I did my best not to roll my eyes. Despite her expression not changing, I could tell she wasn't pleased with my doubt. "Was the trouncing we gave you not evidence enough of our strength?" she tilted her head, the motion making the question seem more genuine and less an insult. "Sorry if I don't believe you two are omniscient, Your Highness." I lifted a hoof, a look of annoyance coming to my face. "I never claimed omniscience," she stared at me with the same bored visage. "I merely stated the obvious. Both Celestia and I are aware of the comings and goings of our city." "But every single one? Without any spells?" Maybe they had a vague idea of a number, but there was just no way they knew the specifics. "Come on, Princess. That's completely ridiculous." She sighed in response, her face still refusing to change. "Two ponies just entered Canterlot from the southern gate, a unicorn mare and an earth pony stallion, both very tired. I dare say their journey was an arduous one. A group of young pegasi just exited from the west gate by air, more likely than not, to go do something foolish," she looked in that direction as if she considered heading that way right now before she shook her head and returned her attention to me. "Were it sister's day perhaps there would be a lot more traffic. Alas, it is quite late, severely limiting the number of travelers." "You-" my mouth fell open. There was no reason to go that far to perpetuate a lie. If Luna was aware of such movements then... I whirled around, getting to my hooves as I looked up at the castle. The feeling of Celestia's eyes boring into me became so intense I nearly collapsed, my legs trembling so hard I considered using a spell to force myself to stay upright. "She cannot see you, but she knows exactly where you are," Luna explained, seemingly reading my mind. "But I'm not even technically in Canterlot!" I yelled, though hadn't meant to, my fear overtaking my mouth. "You're so very strong and important," she walked up to stand closer to me. "Your light shines so much brighter than most, Starlight Glimmer." "My... light?" Her peculiar choice of words stirred my curiosity. "Each of our souls possess a measure of... energy... of life. The stronger that force is the more vivid the luminescence that creature emanates." "Y'know, I know you're trying to make it sound mystical or whatever," I groaned. "But it just sounds like you're telling me that Celestia can see me no matter where I try to run." She chuckled softly, the first sign I'd ever seen from her that she might be able to find something humorous. "If you wish to view it from that perspective, then yes, Celestia will find you if you try to escape." "Oh god," I covered my face with my hooves, doing my best not to faint. "You know, for those who love her, it is quite a comforting thought," Luna's words offered me no comfort. "And..." she became solemn once again, the mirth on her face melting away. "And?" It couldn't possibly get any worse. I was trying to get away from an inescapable tyrant that could find me no matter where I tried to hide... though I suppose some of this might be my fault... just a little. "And if you do flee, I won't be able to ensure your safety a second time, Starlight," she turned my head toward herself with her wing. "If you choose to try and escape then your fate is purely in your own hooves... do you understand what I'm saying to you, Starlight?" The desperation in her eyes was equal parts unexpected and horrifying. "I... I understand, Your Highness," I nodded. The warning had come through loud and clear. If I chose to run, Celestia would catch me and this time I would not get away with my head attached. "Then?" Her look of distress remained as she drew me closer. "I'll... I'll stay," I squeaked. "I promise." She let out a long breath of relief before letting me out of her grasp and giving me some space. It was a rash decision, if you could even call it a decision. "I know it might seem like all we offer you is an ultimatum, Starlight, but if you'll just trust me then-" "I've no qualms with you, Princess Luna," I stood up as I readied myself to head back into Canterlot. "I'm just more than a little afraid of your sister." I confessed, though I was trying to play it cool. To be blunt, I was absolutely terrified of the deity I'd pissed off, but I couldn't just tell her little sister that. "Is that truly the problem?" the hints of a smile began to tug at her lips. "It's kind of a big problem, Princess, what with her being one of my new "mentors" and half the rule of Canterlot." My comments brought the full smile to her face, disturbing me a little bit. Since it was the first time I'd seen her show so much emotion, it kind of looked more like the psychotic grin of a murderer than the joyful one of a peaceful royal. "Pish tosh, then we will have to remedy that post haste, shall we not!?" Her sudden rambunctiousness caught me off guard, her horn glowing dark blue as she looked up at the heights of Canterlot Castle. "Brace yourself, Starlight Glimmer!" Okay, maybe it really was a psychotic grin after all. "Princess what are you-" I blinked out of reality for a second before appearing in the middle of the most expensive looking bedroom I'd ever been there in. This place's decor made my old room back in my town look like a shanty. "doing?" "What is the meaning of this, Luna?" I winced at the regal voice that came from behind me. I slowly turned around to find none other than Princess of the Sun herself. > Understand and decide > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Princess of the Day was lying comfortably on her posh sun themed bed, a motif that bled into the decor and other parts of her room. I guess they didn't call her the Sun Princess for nothing. She was currently swamped by so many documents and scrolls, I could've sworn she could build a fort with them if she wanted. A quill held in her yellow telekinetic field bobbed in the air before her. She hadn't even lifted her head to acknowledge our presence, her workload demanding the majority of her attention. "Tia, I've brought Starlight Glimmer," Luna declared as if she were proud of the fact that she'd pretty much ponynapped me. I, on the other hoof, wanted to both throw the dark alicorn into the sun and run to the ends of Equestria, though I couldn't decide which desire was currently greater. "Just as you requested, Sister." Wait, WHAT!? I glared daggers at the Night Princess who simply smiled gleefully as she stood next to her elder sister's bed. "Luna... it's almost three in the morning," the alabaster alicorn sighed as she placed her quill down and rubbed her temples with her hooves. "When I said I wished to speak with Starlight in private, I meant at a more... reasonable hour." "No time like the present, Tia," Luna remarked as she began tilting her head toward her sister as if she wanted me to do... something? "Er, Your Highness?" I did the only thing I could think of... speak. "Starlight Glimmer..." Celestia seemed so... different right now. Long gone were the rage and the ferocity, replaced by the quiet serenity she was known throughout her land for carrying herself with. Is it a trick? It has to be, right? Such a drastic change in one's mood didn't happen so quickly... did it? "Starlight was just telling me how absolutely terrified she is of you, Sister," Luna blurted out as if I wanted the whole world to know of my cowardice. I stared at the night alicorn, completely dumbfounded, my eyes as wide as saucers. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Starlight. You're the one being foalish." When had she become so... exuberant? "Is this true, Starlight?" Celestia's voice took on a slightly more stern tone, harkening back to the prior day. I was dreadfully afraid to face her, that is, until I actually looked at the Sun Princess. "Princess... Celestia?" I was stunned by the look of utter sorrow on her perfect face. Her gaze fell as she came to understand how I really felt. "Starlight, I cannot lie to you and claim they weren't my genuine feelings..." The Princess that spoke to me now couldn't be the same one as before. "What you did to all those ponies... to Twilight... to my Sunset..." "Princess, I-" as her hoof raised I shut my mouth, not sure if she would suddenly revert back to her wrathful demeanor. "I cannot act as if all is forgiven, Starlight. I assure you, it is not," the look she gave me was one that inspired hope, contrary to her firm words. "You'll have to prove you are worthy of any forgiveness and that may take you some time, but... if you choose to run I will be forced to-" "We are constantly being monitored, Starlight. Tia and myself, I mean," Luna interjected. "The only solace we have is the space within this room and my own." "Monitored?" I shook my head, my face screwing up in confusion. Who or what could be keeping tabs on them, and more importantly, why? They were all powerful immortal gods... apparently. What kind of entity could possibly threaten their order? "You are not incorrect, Starlight. We cannot be threatened in the most traditional sense of the word," Celestia's words made me tremble. Was she reading my mind? Could she do that? Could they do that? "Every creature reacts the same, Sister," Luna chuckled as she raised a hoof to cover her mouth. What in the world does that even mean? "My sister and I have interacted with enough creatures over the years to be able to... discern thoughts," Celestia explained. "Think of it as being able to accurately guess from countless past experiences." "That's... really disturbing," I said truthfully. Knowing that new snippet of info, I was a little afraid to even think around them now. "Do not be dismayed, Starlight Glimmer," said Luna. "Even for somepony with your distasteful history, the Immortal Sister's wish only the best." For some reason, when she said it like that, I kind of believed her... even if I didn't really want to. "Can we just back up a little please," I rubbed a hoof against my aching head. Not only did I not believe that they cared about me, but I was still focused on that something that could be superior to them. "You didn't say who or what watches the two of you." They looked at one another knowingly, deciding which of them would elaborate on that subject. The odd action made me think that they might be able to communicate with each other telepathically. There was a spell for that, so it wouldn't be too farfetched. Not as ridiculous as being able to "guess" thoughts, at least. "As rulers it is our duty to keep our subjects satisfied," Celestia started, but I was already done. So that's what they'd meant? Their populace watched them? What a load of- "You don't have to care about something insignificant like that," I interrupted my own unsavory thoughts, rolling my eyes. "Why not just do whatever you guys want?" Who cares what the small fries had to say, they could crush any troublemakers beneath their hooves with ease. "If we shared that mentality we'd..." Celestia trailed off. "We'd be despots like you were," Luna's lack of remorse at being so blunt caused her sister giggle. "Okay, first of all, ouch," I pointed an irritated hoof at Luna before looking back at Celestia. "Second of all, so what? It's not like you have somepony who can force you to do what you don't want." "Don't you understand, Starlight?" Celestia's cryptic question confused me to no end. Understand what? "It is because we are so very strong that we must hold ourselves accountable to a higher standard." "But, you're so strong. You could just force everypony to do what you want." I still didn't get it. If I had that kind of power... "You are correct, Starlight, we are strong," Luna had become much less animated, the serious nature the conversation had taken on seemingly causing her attitude to shift. "Let me pose a question to you, young one. Hypothetically speaking, we can look at this conundrum from all angles." she cleared her throat. "What if Celestia were to adopt a mentality of dictatorship?" I pondered the question. If Celestia began exerting her full power forcefully then.... "You'd probably try and stop her," I answered. If Celestia got out of line, Luna would more likely than not, take a stand against her older sister. "Precisely," Luna nodded. "I'm certain the opposite is true as well," she looked at the Day Princess with a smile. "If I were to seek the throne for my own selfish desires, Celestia would straighten me out promptly." "You'd better believe it," Celestia confirmed Luna's assertion. Well, that still left one path open, didn't it? If they were to rule together with an iron hoof, nopony could stand against them. But... "And now you've realized the folly of the third possibility," Luna chuckled. Okay, that whole thought prediction thing is seriously creepy. Regardless, she was right. "If you both sought power, eventually one of you would try to steal complete control from the other." It was an obvious outcome. Eventually the desire for absolute authority would corrupt even the goddesses themselves and they'd end up fighting amongst one another for control of the world. "So our options are fight... fight... fight... or peace," Celestia looked at her little sister, the love between them shining as brightly as the sun. "and I'd sooner abdicate my throne than come to blows with my beloved sister." "Well said, Tia," Luna returned the same glowing feeling of love. "I couldn't have said it better myself." It was surprising that for all their years together, they were still so close. While what they'd said made sense, it still didn't explain why Celestia had gotten a sudden change of heart and was treating me so well. "That's all well and good, but why did you go from wanting my head to... well, to being so nice to me?" It was a little annoying, mostly because I really couldn't understand her intentions. The only thing that made any sense was that it was just a pathetic trick. "Haven't figured that out yet? I suppose it is a bit harder to understand, especially being as... secluded for as long as you were." Celestia ignited her horn before floating a newspaper from her bed over to me. I grabbed the paper with my own telekinesis before reading the front page. Ruthless Tyrant Deposed! All Hail the Triumphant Princesses! What a flattering headline. I guess news did travel that fast around here. I continued reading the article, noting that they'd found out my name and even gotten a small bit of my past correct. They must've... "So you went to the press, and?" I tossed the paper back onto her bed, more than just a little pissed off. This turn of events would make it impossible for me to rebuild. By morning, all of Equestria would know exactly who Starlight Glimmer is and that she's an untrustworthy monster. It was over. I was finished. "Yet again, your perspective of us is a poor one," Luna walked up next to me. I don't know why she kept getting so close to me, but it's not like I could just tell her to back off. "I assure you, we've done no such thing, Starlight." "Then-" "The ones watching," Celestia clarified in her sister's place. "The upper crust, the elites of Canterlot, control every aspect of the media." That fact appeared to trouble the Princess of the Sun. "Not only that, their eyes and ears are everywhere." "Not in my town," I declared confidently, without so much as a thought. I'd erected the strongest spells to keep my old home safe, that's why I'd kept the village so small. The more ground I had to monitor, the more of a strain it would've been on my magic. "Your thinking is narrow-minded, child," the Princess of the Night sighed, looking completely disappointed. "Has anypony ever told you that you could really use some tact, Princess?"I finally made a snide remark at the Night Princess, unable to hold myself back any longer. Celestia's sudden outburst of riotous laughter caused me to jump in place. "Oh goodness," the Sun Princess wiped the tears forming in her eyes. "Starlight, you just might be the first creature in all of history who's had the courage to tell her that to her face." I was glad Celestia found humor in my insubordination, because the look of pure indifference on Luna's face wasn't very comforting. "Delightful," the Princess of the Moon remarked dryly. "Now then, as I was saying, despite any protective measures you may have taken, Starlight, those of us on the outside looking in would be more cautious due to said precautions." I contemplated her words deeply. My spells would've made others more cautious? Well wasn't that the point? Stay away from me and my things and you wouldn't get hurt? "I don't really understand, Your Highness," I stated bluntly. I apparently needed a hint or two, because whatever she'd meant, went way over my head. "Look at it this way, Starlight," Celestia drew my attention. "You had numerous defensive spells because you had something to hide." That was a correct assumption. "But, hypothetically, let's say you didn't have anything to hide. Let's say you just desired your own privacy. How would one on the outside viewing you take that?" "Well," I only needed to think about it for a second. "They'd probably still think I was trying to hide something." "Precisely," Luna nodded, her satisfaction evident. "in spite of all the power in the universe, my sister and I are scrutinized for every action we take. Even if we wished to keep things a bit more... discreet, any action we take to do so will be met with outrage and condemnation by the citizens of Equestria." "Our rule must be one of appearances, Starlight," Celestia further explained. "at least, to the masses. To them, we are what we are perceived to be, despite who we actually are." That honestly sounded horrible. I did what I wanted when I wanted. These two were shackled by something so far below them it was like being imprisoned by ants. Still, I could see the reason for it. It was all for peace and order. They were such... good rulers. And yet even they weren't enough. Even with them at the top of the pecking order, horrible things happened daily. Things that could never be washed away. Things that could never be fixed. Things that could never be atoned for. "Which is why our bedrooms and ONLY our bedrooms have impenetrable magical barriers," Luna continued, snapping me out of my thoughts. "There's not a creature alive that would have the audacity to deny us privacy in our own quarters. Within these walls we can be ourselves." I still di- Oh... OH! I slapped myself on the forehead, everything suddenly falling neatly into place. I finally understood. "In the throne room earlier?" I asked. Both sister's simply nodded together. "That's why you were so quiet," I looked at Luna. "And that's why you were being so... brutal." I looked at Celestia, but realized there was still something that didn't add up. "But, then back in my town, why did-" "Like I said before, Starlight, I cannot lie to you and say they weren't my true feelings," the Sun Princess offered me a crooked smile. "Seeing Sunset like that..." she searched for the right words. "It hurt me very much. However, had I truly wanted to take your life, I could have in the blink of an eye." I shuddered, recalling her demonic visage. She was telling the truth. "And that's why you'd have to pursue me and punish me if I tried to escape." The pieces of the puzzle continued to fit. The masses would obviously demand the head of the mare who'd enslaved dozens and the media would ensure I was caught eventually. "Luna..." Celestia looked at her sister only for the Night Princess to shake her head almost imperceptibly in reply. "We spoke of your... punishment together and we came to an accord," the ivory alicorn stepped off of her bed, walking up to me. She was so... big, her physical size enough to strike fear into the heart of any sane pony. "You may be vicious and heartless," Luna said again with absolutely zero reservation as she too got even closer to me. Celestia laughed once again at her sister's curtness. "But we both truly believe, with proper guidance and care, you can become somepony truly great, Starlight," the Princess of the Sun placed a hoof on my shoulder, a bright smile coming to her lips. My head fell. "We are willing to risk instructing you, Starlight Glimmer," I lifted my head to find Luna smiling at me as well. "Are you willing to take a chance on yourself?" I looked up into the kind eyes of the Immortal Sisters, their beauty and grace overwhelming me. Can I... try? Do I deserve such a chance after everything I've done? After I'd- I shook my head, rejecting the horrid thoughts that wanted nothing more than to consume me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest like a jackhammer as I gave my new mentors a genuine smile. "I'll... I'll try." > Learning lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean 'adjust the angle'? That doesn't even make sense, Twilight!" I wiped the sweat clinging to my brow, the cyan sheen of my horn reflecting in the bucket of water I was gazing into. "You're not-" she sighed, rolling her eyes, unable to contain her annoyance any longer. "How were you even picked by Princess Celestia? It makes no sense." "Ouch, Twilight," I threw her my own annoyed glare. "That kind of negativity isn't gonna help me understand this any faster," I tapped the bucket with a hoof. I wanted to learn the barrier spell Celestia had recommended so first thing in the morning, I sought out Twilight. It was a long shot, but I figured if there was anypony who could help me improve, it was her. Surprisingly enough, she agreed to help, though right now she was being more of a nuisance than a boon. "Look, if you're going to actually start casting barriers you need to be able to mold your mana around your body," she explained. "Then what does this," I kicked the bucket. "have to do with that?" I lifted an eyebrow. Why weren't we working on controlling my magic? Why were we playing around with water? "Ugh! Don't you get it?" her horn ignited in magenta energy as she moved the water in front of herself. "We have complete control over our mana, manipulating it is much easier than manipulating anything else." She created a wall with the water and held it between us. "Controlling something outside of our power is much harder to do. If you can master molding something like this water, you'll be able to do it much easier with your own mana." She moved the liquid through the space around her with perfect control. "That... makes sense," I stared at her as she guided the water around herself elegantly. Her expertise was both a little annoying and kind of... hypnotizing, but I had to keep my eyes on the prize or I'd never become strong enough to deserve my position. "Then, what did you mean by 'adjusting the angle'?" "Okay... so," she stopped playing with the water, melding it into a ball in front of herself. "Barriers are generally used for protection, correct? Well they use a lot of energy and keeping them operational for extended periods of time multiplies the amount of mana needed to maintain them." "So it's best not to just use them willy-nilly." I whispered to myself as I listened intently, watching her change the shape of the water to something else. It became a large orb as she surrounded herself with it. "This is the typical extent of a unicorn barrier," her voice was a bit distorted as it passed through the water, causing me to chuckle just a little bit. "I'd appreciate it if you took this seriously, Sunset. I am going out of my way to help you." "Sorry, Twilight," I cleared my throat and stood up straight. "Please, continue." "Very well, as I was saying, to produce this size and shape of a barrier takes the entire bucket of water," she pointed a hoof at the receptacle. "What's the problem with that?" she looked at me expectantly. I glanced at the bucket and then at the bubble surrounding her. "It's way too much water." It took me a couple of seconds to figure out, but it was apparent that it was an excess amount of liquid. "Exactly," she nodded, seemingly somewhat pleased with my quick apprehension. Maintaining that amount of mana for longer than a couple minutes would be impossible for me right now, which meant there had to be a smarter way of doing it. "If that's the case, then what would be your solution?" "Well, you'd obviously have to make the barrier smaller," I answered eliciting another satisfied nod of her head. Her horn flared with energy as she poured some of the water back into the bucket about halfway to the top. The remaining liquid under her control coated her body in a layer so thin it was barely perceptible causing her coat to glisten. To be honest it made her look a little more... Okay, a lot more attractive. Get a grip, Sunset. Now's really not the time. Twilight began to grind her teeth, the magical strain of keeping the water stretched around herself starting to become too much for the unicorn to handle. "As you can see," she spoke through a clenched jaw. There was no longer a distortion to her voice. She must have left a space between the water for her to speak normally this time. "It's much harder to keep this shape while maintaining a good density with such little volume." With a long exhale she moved the rest of the water back into the bucket. She took a deep breath before speaking again. "What I meant when I was talking about angle adjustment is to make sure your mana doesn't take up more space than it needs to. Make the edges of your spell precisely molded... understand?" "I think so," I lifted a little bit of the water with my telekinesis creating a thin sheet in front of myself. "If I just surround myself with a square or a ball, I'll use way more mana than necessary." "Correct," she casted another spell, poking a hole in my water sheet with a sharp dagger of magic. "But remember, if your mana is too thin and not dense it won't protect you from anything." I tried to make the water stronger, tried to solidify it without actually transforming it into ice or a similar mistake. If I made the energy too stiff, it would immobilize me if I tried to coat myself with it. As I pressed harder, I realized I was huffing, the effort more demanding than I thought it would be. She poked the sheet with the dagger again, easily piercing the water with no effort. With an irritated groan I allowed my spell to fail causing the water to fall to the floor. "So you're telling me, I have to mold mana that's strong enough to withstand powerful spells that's as thin as possible, while being able to move and perform normal actions?" I was already rubbing my eyes with my hooves. "If you want to be proficient then... yes," she replied bluntly. "It's not as hard as you're making it out to be." "CAN YOU DO IT?" I blew up at her. I didn't mean to get so aggressive, but I was already beyond frustrated with my own lack of skill. Being as lame as I was felt like letting Celestia down, and that made me feel terrible. "I-" Her magical signature sent chimes singing throughout the room as she lifted the water back out of the bucket. She coated herself in the liquid, gritting her teeth again. She attempted to take a step forward, but started trembling, her hoof staying in the air as she stared down at it with wide eyes. In an instant the water fell all around her wetting her and hitting the floor. "You... can't?" I didn't expect that. Twilight could do anything, I'd never seen her fail. Tears began welling up in her eyes. "I..." she lowered her head. I didn't mean for this to happen. I hadn't known. Now, I felt even more awful. "It's because you're not putting your all into it." The calm voice drew both of our gazes. "Starlight!?" I honestly thought she'd left. She greeted me with a lift of her head, a confident smile on her lips. Twilight and I must've been so focused on our task that we hadn't noticed her come in. She looked a bit different, but I wasn't sure wh- "Your mane!?" "Thought I'd try a different style," she bounced her locks with a hoof. "What do you gals think? Sexy no?" "What do you mean?" Twilight glared at her, completely ignoring her question. She was mad. Very mad. "I'm not putting my all in it? I-" "You've got way more mana than that, Twilight," Starlight trotted up to us, looking down into the bucket with a frown. "I suppose you can show us how it's done then?" Twilight challenged the lilac unicorn. Without another word Starlight's horn shimmered a turquoise hue. The water flowed around her for a second before completely enveloping her and disappearing. She looked Twilight right in the eye before she disappeared and reappeared in a different part of the classroom. She repeated this process over and over before appearing before the bucket and dropping the water back inside. "Good enough?" She wasn't smiling or proud of herself, she just genuinely asked the question with a slight tilt of her head. "That's... impossible." I couldn't believe it. She'd done it and teleported at the same time? That wasn't just normal movement, that was multiple complex spells all at once. How? How could she- "How do I even know the water was dense enough?" Twilight nearly growled, not believing her own eyes. She wasn't happy about this at all. She'd never had another unicorn show her up like that, at least not to my knowledge. "OH! Here," Starlight grinned, igniting her magic as she protected herself with the water yet again. "Go ahead, stab me." "Stab you!?" Twilight recoiled at the request. "Yeah, with your little knife spell," she bobbed her head. "That's how you were testing the strength of the water, right?" "I'm not gonna stab you, Starlight!" she stared at the unicorn in disgust. "C'mon! Don't be such a pansy. It's not like you're gonna hurt me," she drew closer to the obviously furious lavender unicorn, their faces inches from one another. "Not like you could... even if you wanted to," she smirked arrogantly. "That's probably not the be-" Twilight cut me off, but this time it was the loud melody of her channeling her magic. Twilight's glowing knife shattered into hundreds of sparks of light as soon as it came into contact with Starlight's body. "Geez," Starlight frowned at Twilight. The lavender unicorn was gaping at her lilac counterpart, obviously flabbergasted by the strength of her spell. I wasn't sure what to do. It was like the pair were in their own little world, about to kill each other... or at least Twilight was. Starlight was giddy with excitement. "Was that so hard?" "How could y-" "You're still not trying, Twilight." Starlight interrupted her, jabbing her in the chest with a hoof. Twilight's look of astonishment was swiftly replaced by rage. "No wonder that goof Luna d-" Oh... Oh no... Twilight's horn exploded with energy, the magenta mana mixing with a much darker tinge I'd never seen before. Her magic was so powerful, so tempestuous, I was nearly knocked onto my flank by the sheer force of it. She was gone, her eyes glowing white, an expression of unbridled fury on her face. "Oops..." Starlight stood her ground despite the whirlwind, but looked positively shocked by Twilight's reaction. The lance of energy Twilight summoned was pointed directly at the lilac unicorn. "I WARNED YOU, STARLIGHT!" Her voice was distorted and low, a sound I'd never heard come from the unicorn. As the lance flew at Starlight she was forced to stop it with a spell of her own. The crackling of mana against mana sent lightning coursing through the room. "Alright, I GET IT!" Starlight fought to hold the lance in place, the tip of the blade gradually inching towards her head. "TWILIGHT, ARE YOU SERIOUSLY TRYING TO KILL ME!?" "TWILIGHT!" I made an attempt to fortify Starlight's defenses with a spell of my own, but Twilight was completely overwhelming both of us. The lance pushed forward, even with our combined strength trying to hold it at bay. Was Twilight really this strong? "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" In a blast of golden sunlight the lance was consumed by blinding flames. Twilight's eyes immediately returned to normal as she was coated in the same sunlight as the lance. Thankfully, unlike the weapon, she wasn't incinerated. The three of us turned to face Celestia, my mentor's expression unreadable as she stood at the door of the lab. Even after all the time we'd spent together, not even I could discern her emotions if she wished to conceal them. "Your Highness!" Twilight looked like she'd just been caught committing attempted murder... which may not have been too far from the truth. Still, she bowed in respect to the Sun Princess. "Twili-" Starlight's cacophonous laughter drew our stunned gazes, even my teacher whom she'd interrupted. "You're crazy, Twilight," the Lilac unicorn's words didn't quite align with her jolly demeanor. She was smiling brightly and had moved to put her foreleg around Twilight's neck. I'm pretty sure I saw Celestia's lips lift a little at that. "Now that was trying, and honestly... you'd of had me if Princess Celestia hadn't cut in." "I'd have... had you?" Twilight stared at the pony holding her, befuddlement dominating her features. "I'D HAVE HAD YOU!?" Twilight shoved Starlight away from herself, her look of confusion turning to one of horror. "Starlight I was going to... I almost... I..." She was definitely about to cry. I had to do something. "Twilight..." But I had nothing, save pathetically whispering her name. I looked to my mentor for guidance, but she remained unreadable. "Twi-" Starlight stopped as Twilight shook her head at the lilac mare. "I have to go." Her tears were coming and I was certain she didn't want anyone to see them. As she galloped by Celestia my mentor made no moves to stop her, but I think I detected a hint of sadness in her as well. For the first time in a while, if ever, I genuinely wished there was something I could do to help my rival. > A new assignment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, I'm not gonna lie," Starlight swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "I didn't see things going that badly." She wasn't all sunshine and daisies anymore, a look of sincere regret now on her face. "Did you know?" I was more than a little livid as I drew near the lilac unicorn. If she had... "Hm?" she looked at me quizzically. For some reason that made me even more angry than a blunt 'yes' would have. Yeah, Starlight was manipulative, that much was obvious since the moment we'd met, but maybe she... maybe, it was all just a big misunderstanding. Maybe she really didn't know. "You mentioned Princess Luna." I stared into her unflinching eyes. She didn't give an inch. "Did you know?" "Know? Know what?" she tilted her head, the innocence she tried to portray wasn't fooling anyone. "Starlight!" I was beginning to lose my patience and the exasperated rolling of her eyes wasn't helping her case. "Of course I knew, Sunset," she shrugged, looking completely blasé about the entire situation. "STARLIGHT!?" I glared at the mare in disbelief, my horn bursting to life. Is this why she'd decided to stay? So she could sow seeds of discord among us? It's not like that'd be a departure from her typical attitude... "Listen Sunset, Princess Luna said I should be myself around Twilight..." she lifted a hoof lackadaisically. "Even if she doesn't like it." Starlight suddenly glared back, her resolve now rock solid. For some reason her lack of empathy pissed me off even more... or maybe it's because I couldn't get Twilight's look of fear out of my mind... Either way, I was in the unicorn's face in a second. "I'm sure she didn't mean she wanted you to be a COLOSSAL BI-" "Sunset Shimmer." The gentle, yet commanding voice of the Princess of the Night ended my tirade as quickly as it had began. "Princess Luna?" I was functioning on cylinders I didn't know I possessed, my pulse racing as I shifted my attention to the dark alicorn. It took me a second to rein in the mana that was supercharging my horn, but the look of genuine concern on Luna's face placated me instantly. "Calm your nerves, Sunset," It was far from an order and didn't even feel like one, but I was so used to being targeted by the alicorn I almost protested her words... almost. "I'm sure you know as well as I, my dearest Twilight's reverence for me can be a bit... fanatical." She was right, of course. I took a deflated step away from Starlight. To her credit, the lilac mare had taken my sudden outburst in stride. "I... that's true," I agreed. "but that doesn't mean we have to push her so hard." I glanced at my teacher. She kept the same mask of serenity on, the one that she'd utilized at countless political gatherings. I hated that mask more than any of the others. "Perhaps you are correct," Luna sighed as she walked up to Starlight and I. "but you must admit, she has never displayed such a high level of strength as she did just now." "I..." I looked at the three mares around me. "I guess I can't." I dropped my gaze to the floor. "Still..." "The three of you are very special, Sunset," my mentor finally spoke, joining the three of us within the classroom. She looked down at me with a comforting smile. "Finding ways to challenge you all is going to be quite... taxing for us," she sighed, her smile faltering a bit. "And honestly our requests may sometimes seem a bit..." "Unsavory," Luna looked at Starlight with half a smirk on her muzzle. "That should be right down your alley, eh Starlight?" "Ha ha ha, Your Highness," Starlight looked at the alicorn dryly. "You're quite the comedian." "Am I not correct?" Luna lifted a... playful brow? "If so, I shall withdraw my assertion posthaste." When had they become so buddy-buddy with each other? "Eye of the beholder, Your Highness," Starlight snickered with a dismissive shake of her head. "Savory," she lifted one hoof. "Sweet," then the other, before clopping them together. "Delicious!" she looked at me with a wicked grin reminiscent of the first time we'd seen one another. "Taste is all subjective at the end of the day, anyway." "Quite," Luna didn't argue, instead turning her attention back to me. Her expression was completely unreadable. "Your concern is... most quizzical, Sunset Shimmer. I was under the impression that you loathed my dearest pupil." WHAT!? "What would make you think that, Princess?" I couldn't fathom what could cause a misconception like that. Sure, Twilight and I weren't the best of friends... or even friends at all, but I most certainly did not hate her. She was my cute plucky rival... errr, plucky rival. "From what I've seen, the opposite is actually true," Starlight smirked, grabbing the attention of the room. What the hay is that supposed to mean? "Care to elaborate, Starlight," Luna didn't take her eyes off of me. The Night Princess was much harder for me to read than Celestia, but that was to be expected. I'd hardly ever even spoken to the dark alicorn and at times like these, that fact showed. "You should've seen her when I-" Starlight suddenly looked sheepish. "Erm, when I was fighting with her and Twilight." "What!?" I frantically looked from the lilac unicorn, to the Princess of the Night, to my own mentor. Celestia was being unnervingly quiet, observing us patiently, or so that's what I assumed she was doing. The only thing she offered me in the way of support was a slight smile that was bordering on outright laughter. "Ah, yes. I believe her exact words were, 'I'll protect you no matter what, don't worry!'" each time Luna tapped her chin I felt my heart pound harder. "I- SHE-" I felt my cheeks immediately begin to burn. She was in danger. I would've done the same thing for anyone else... Would you have? Why had I said that? Seeing her in that state, on the ground, completely spent. I had to. I had to protect her, but I... I'd failed. My embarrassment at Luna's words was quickly eclipsed by my recollection of my shameful defeat, my head drooping considerably. "Sunset Shimmer..." Luna's gentle hoof on my shoulder lifted my gaze. She drew me into an embrace. "Thank you... truly, it means more than you could possibly know." "Y- YOUR HIGHNESS!?" I'm pretty sure my eyes couldn't have gotten any wider than in that moment. Luna had never even touched me before. I'd always thought she'd hated me. This was... this was unexpected. Before I could even attempt to move, the Princess of the Night withdrew from me. "I must attend to my dearest student," she smiled at me and Starlight before promptly turning to her sister. "I leave the rest to you, Celestia." The Princess of the Sun nodded her head slightly before Luna vanished in a sparkling explosion of dark blue light. "You know I was just screwing with you, right Sunset?" Starlight shoved me playfully with her shoulder, a meek smile on her lips. "No hard feelings?" I took a deep breath to settle my nerves. "It's fine," I shoved her back. "Just try to be nicer to Twilight, she's... sensitive." I instantly turned beet red. WHY DID I SAY THAT!? "I'll... I'll see what I can do," Starlight covered her mouth with a hoof, about to burst out laughing. I lifted my forelegs ready to protest, but was interrupted by my mentor clearing her throat. "Sunset? Starlight?" her paternal smile immediately calmed my frayed nerves. "Girls, I have your first..." she tilted her head, thinking through her next words carefully. "collaborative assignment." "So soon?" While I'd obviously take any avenue I could to get away from the previous subject, I was genuinely interested in this new dynamic we were going to work through. I was excited, but also, more than a little worried. Egos, butting heads, pride. There were so many things that could get in the way when working with somepony else. "No time like the present," Starlight wrapped a foreleg around my neck, though her sudden smirk had faltered a bit. "But... what about Twilight?" "My sister's pupil will be joining both of you as soon as possible," Celestia grew a bit more vibrant at Starlight's brightened demeanor. "Luna assured me, and I'm confident..." For a fleeting moment, she looked unsure. "I'm certain she'll choose to cooperate." She stowed the doubt as quickly as it had come to her. I wasn't so sure... especially after what'd happened. "She will," Starlight shook me gently, drawing my attention to her. Why was she being so... bubbly? Even the smile on her face seemed more full of sugar than ever. "Trust Celestia." "Starlight..." I couldn't muster much of a reply, my mind still dwelling on Twilight. "So!" she turned her attention back to my... back to our mentor. "What's the job, Your Highness? Are we gonna study some black magic?" the unicorn's horn glowed a sickly green. "Or how about a diplomatic mission to another country?" she squeezed tighter into me, her horn fizzling out. "Or maybe we'll put a stop to a psychotic mare that's enslaved a town full of ponies!" Our cheeks were touching now. The room was so silent any crickets around would've been easily spotted. "Too soon?" she glanced sidelong at me, an attempt at an innocent smirk coming to her lips. "Ahem," Celestia shook her head to get over... all of that. "Actually, it's much simpler than... any of those things." "Oh?" Starlight let me go, choosing to stand next to me, a light rosey color coming to her complexion. "What did you have in mind, Princess?" I nudged Starlight with an elbow and a smile. She brightened up at my gesture. I wasn't sure what was going on, but there was definitely something... off about her. "As I'm sure you're all aware, the three of you are the the most... gifted unicorns in Equestria." Celestia trotted up to us before taking a seat on her behind. "Darn right," Starlight proudly lifted her chin high, obviously very pleased with the recognition. Celestia simply chuckled. "Which brings me to your assignment..." Starlight and I stared at the alabaster alicorn, her sudden silence growing more unbearable as it went on. "Get to know one another." The Sun Princess finally spoke with a smile, though this one looked more artificial than all of Starlight's combined. I didn't know how to react. Starlight, on the other hoof, fell onto her back as she exploded in a fit of riotous laughter. Never in all of my years had I seen such a vivid blush come to my teacher's face. "That's... it?" I fell onto my own flank, all of this seemed wholly unnecessary all of a sudden. This wasn't some important, life changing task, it was... nothing. "My most faithful..." To her credit Celestia had already recovered from her apparent embarrassment, completely ignoring the mare rolling around on the floor as she drew me into herself with a wing. "I know it doesn't sound like much, but we are cert-" "We?" I looked up at her, hoping this all wasn't as disappointing as it sounded. "Luna and myself," she looked at Starlight whose hysterics were finally beginning to die down. The lilac unicorn wiped away tears as she too took a seat. "If you'd only trust the two of us, we wou-" "It's not a bad idea, Your Highness." Starlight sighed, contentedly. She finally looked somewhat authentic. "It's just a little... anticlimactic." "Starlight..." Celestia's warm demeanor grew as she looked at the mare. My jaw nearly fell clean off as the Princess of the Sun extended her other wing and pulled the stunned former dictator close to her. "C- Celestia!?" Starlight gaped, though she didn't seem to be too troubled by the gentle act. "Your raw talent is beyond all others," our teacher nuzzled into the younger mare's mane. "But you lack proper instruction and education." Starlight remained off balance, the dumbfounded look on her face not changing a bit. "Sunset," Celestia looked my way. "Your drive to be the best is unmatched," she booped my snoot with her hoof. "But your... capacity needs expansion." "Right." I'd heard that before. Not only had I heard it, but I'd come to understand it. I had to grow, not only my mana, but my mentality as well. "And Twilight..." "She's powerful, but really needs to learn to control herself," Starlight nodded as if she were the one giving the speech, seemingly recovered from her prior surprise. "Precisely, my little pony," Celestia chuckled. "The three of you can benefit from one another's influence and the easiest way to accomplish that is-" "Familiarity!" Starlight threw an enthusiastic hoof into the air. "Erm," Celestia was caught off guard by the mare. "Well, I was going to say friendship, but..." At the mention of that word my mind drifted. Friendship... I had friends... didn't I? Well there was... no. What about... nope. Could Twilight... guess not. I suppose the princesses task was worth a shot. I looked up at the ivory alicorn, newly determined to make progress. "What did you have in mind, Your Highness?" > The shadow on me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You really did it this time, Sparkle. I leaned my chin on my hooves, staring remorsefully at my reflection on the glass in front of me. Honestly, I felt like vomiting. If Princess Celestia hadn't shown up when she had, I might have... no... I would have, there's not a question in my mind. Now I was sitting in my room, talking to myself in the mirror, as if doing so would absolve me of the transgressions I'd committed. As if I hadn't done my utmost to plunge that spear deep into Starlight's skull. I mean sure, she'd undermined my mistress, that much was definitely true, but the all consuming rage that'd possessed me was clearly uncalled for. I knew I'd taken things way too far... even for me. My gaze lowered down to the desk where the small bauble I was toying with flicked back and forth. With a weak telekinetic spell, I knocked it this way and that, trying to distract myself from all of the unwanted thoughts running through my mind. I had no problem admitting Starlight was able to cast a spell I couldn't with relative ease, but it's not like I envied her or anything. It's not like I was je- Oh... how very, very sad... my heart skipped a beat at the all too familiar voice echoing in my head. I slowly lifted my eyes to look into the glass before me, my pulse beginning to race faster than any Wonderbolt could ever hope to be. There was something there, in the mirror, something sinister... I could sense it. Poor little Twily, jealous of yet another far more attractive, far more talented mare. It just loved using my older brother's nickname for me. It always had. It was just another reminder of one who'd so callously cast me aside like all the rest. Isn't your unwarranted loathing of Sunset Shimmer enough to satiate your despicable yearnings? The twisted visage of the dark version of myself hadn't shown it's grotesque face in quite a long time. It looked just like me except much more gaunt and sickly. A wicked grin made up of jagged, broken teeth filled it's crooked mouth. Tiny, unsettling pupils and bloodshot eyes floated in loose sockets. Black bags were hanging under it's eyes like a punished criminal sentenced to the gallows. It looked the exact same as it had before... the same as I had. This... thing came about as a result of the sleepless nights and endless despair I'd experienced all those years ago. I thought I was finally rid of it. Apparently, I was wrong. "What do you want?" I tried to remain calm, but there was no real way of convincingly lying to yourself. Similar to when a disease was slowly creeping into your body, this... demon knew exactly how to worm its way into my most vulnerable points and exploit my weaknesses. Sometimes, It seemed as if it knew exactly what I was thinking. Awwww, don't be so mean, Twily, It's grin morphed into an inequine shape that churned my stomach, so much so that I retched at the mere sight of it. You know I'd never leave such a pathetic, frail 'friend' all to their lonesome... not when they so clearly need my company. "I don't need YOU!" I slammed my hooves on the desk, gradually beginning to lose myself to the fear. My horn shined brighter in the hopes of defending myself. "I've NEVER needed you!" Twily... Twily, Twily, Twily, It's expression remained unchanged, it's nauseating grin impossible to take my eyes off of. It's haunting eyes locked onto mine, twitching and unblinking. I know you, Twily... and I know you haven't forgotten. It hissed, a long snake-like tongue squirming out from behind it's teeth. My skin crawled, an unbearable itch passing over every inch of my body. The memories drifted through my mind as clear as day, as if they were from just last night. The sorrow. The rage. The thoughts of... self-harm. I'd decided then that I was a failure, unfit to even exist in this world any longer. I was a burden, nothing more. I deserved nothing but grief, and unfortunately, there were none to put me out of my misery... so I had to make myself suffer. "I..." I had to look away. I still couldn't face it or my pitiful past, even after everything Her Highness had done for me. Just because little Lulu took pity on you doesn't mean you're not the same pathetic little filly as before. Even though it wasn't real, even though it was just a figment of my imagination, I still felt the moisture of it's tongue as it licked away the tears dripping down my cheeks. Ohhhh, don't be so sad, feeble one. I would never leave you alone. You need me. There was no comfort to be had in it's declaration. I reluctantly looked up to face the demon. I immediately regretted doing so. My jaw dropped, pure terror crushing my heart as if it were caught in a vice. It was centimeters from my face, somehow not contained to the mirror anymore. I could only back away in horror, my chair tilting onto its hind legs precariously. Just where do you think you got all of that power from anyway? It cackled in my face. "TWILIGHT!" The door to my room blasted open, causing me to tumble backwards off of my chair. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact of skull slamming against floor, but it never came. Instead, the most wonderful melody of channeling mana filled my ears. I cautiously opened an eye, searching for the source of the beautiful music, searching for my savior. She stood in all her glory at the door, Her Majesty shining brighter than any other source of light within the room. "Your Highness!" I smiled gratefully at my mistress. Her horn shimmered dark blue, her telekinetic spell gently cradling my body. It wasn't the first time she'd saved me and I was certain it wouldn't be the last, regardless of my own efforts. As my gaze lingered on her face I slowly came to a harrowing realization. "Y- Your Majesty?" She looked... beside herself, her eyes locked on something in my room. "YOU!?" Her horn surged with mana, sending a wave of unseen energy pulsing throughout the room. I turned my head to see the remnant of my inner demon quickly fleeing back to it's hiding place. Just as it phased inside the glass, the mirror shattered into hundreds of pieces, a low rumbling laugh the only sound left in it's wake. As soon as I was able to refocus my attention on my mistress a new fear gripped me. She was... terrified. She was trembling, her eyes frantic as both rage and disbelief flowed off of her in waves. I didn't think it was possible. She was a pillar of righteousness. MY pillar of righteousness. Unconquerable. Flawless. Even while casting such a precise offensive spell she'd managed to hold me carefully in her telekinesis. She was an unstoppable force... yet here she stood in front of me... frightened. "M- my dearest!" As soon as she acknowledged me and my distress she darted to me so quickly I didn't even see her move. She wrapped me roughly in her forelegs and wings, her telekinetic spell gone in an instant. "I KNEW! I KNEW, and yet... yet I-" I couldn't move, simultaneously beyond scared and utterly stunned. Her Highness had never been reserved with me before. We'd held one another. We'd shared secrets. We'd even given each other familial kisses. Right now, though? Whatever was happening, my brain couldn't properly process it. She was viscously crying into my shoulder, intense sobs racking her body. I felt... cold... so very, very cold. It was as if the room itself had taken on the traits of a frozen tundra and my mistress had turned into a block of freezing cold ice. "I'm so sorry, Twilight. Tis my fault..." As I continued to shiver harder and harder, my body fighting it's utmost to heat itself up, Her Highness shook more ferociously than I. "Tis all my fault..." I tried to lift a hoof to console her, but I couldn't move a muscle... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We stayed like that for what felt like an eternity before her cries finally began to subside. We moved to my bed, sitting close to one another, her wing keeping me firmly in place, like I might try to run away at any moment and she wouldn't allow it. It felt like she'd never leave my side, and to be honest, that didn't seem like such a terrible thing. When she was able to speak again, she did so in hushed tones. "Around a millennia ago... I fell into a severe depression," she sighed, her frame slumping so dramatically she appeared to become smaller than I. "I was... inconsolable, nothing effective in helping to remedy me of my... sickness." I'd never heard this story before, maybe because she didn't want me to know of it until now. Maybe I didn't really want to know what'd happened, but I could feel the grief emanating from her, and I'd do anything to get rid of it as soon as possible. "What happened?" If she could get whatever she'd been holding in off her chest, then it might be cathartic for her... and to be perfectly honest, I was more than a little curious. Depression was hell. I still hadn't fully conquered my own obviously, and learning about how my idol had dealt with her's could be life changing for me. "I flailed. I thrashed. I struggled with all of my might, but I..." Still, she kept her head low. "That's when the voices began... when that thing first came to me," she shuddered at the thought. "Thing?" I laid a hoof on her thigh, hoping to soothe her, if only just a little. She jumped at the contact before her look of fright melted into one of gratefulness. "To this day, I'm still not really certain what it is," she half-heartedly smiled at me, trying to at least convey an air of appreciation, but looking more awkward than anything else. "All I know for sure is that its... mere presence is akin to that of a nightmare." What an apt description. In the worst of my hours, I'd been completely unable to get a wink of sleep, yet every minute had felt as if I was trapped in an utterly hopeless nightmare. Being awake was torture. Being asleep was torture. Like I said, hell. "How did you... how did you overcome it?" I couldn't think of the correct word I wanted to use. One didn't simply "overcome" depression, but it was the best I could come up with. Compound the depression with whatever that thing was, and it was that much worse. "Tia," the mention of her older sister brought a vigor to her that wasn't there moments prior. Even her lips lifted significantly at the utterance of the Sun Princesses name. "When all was lost... when I was at the end of my rope... mere moments away from succumbing to the darkness... she saved me." As she spoke her enthusiasm grew along with the glow that was filling her. It was like speaking of her sister brought renewed life to her very soul. "She abandoned everything. Her responsibilities, her interests, her nation, her very life... all for me. She prioritized me... placed me on a pedestal above all else." Tears fell from her face once again, but these were full of... contentment, joyous even. "That's... unbelievable," I shook my head. To relinquish everything one had ever held dear for another's sake... could I ever do such a thing? "And yet, it is the truth." As Her Highness squeezed me with her wing I couldn't help but smile myself. For her... I knew I could. "But it wasn't a one way street." "What do you mean, Your Highness?" My head tilted of it's own accord. Nothing in life is truly one way, but I wasn't sure what she'd meant in particular. "I could have retreated into myself... back into the darkness. I had to accept Tia's friendship... had to accept her love," she chuckled merrily. "Fortunately, such heights of friendship and love are not so easily resisted." "I'm glad," I nuzzled into her. "My dearest?" she nuzzled the top of my head with her cheek. "That you're okay," I nuzzled harder. Her comfort, her happiness were a priority for me... maybe my only priority at this point. She sighed, her smile fading ever so slowly into a frown. "But you... you aren't..." she scooted away from me, the last thing I wanted her to do. She held me at a slight distance, her hooves on my shoulders. "And it's because of me." "Why would you ever think that, Princess?" I couldn't fathom it. Ever since we'd first met, and even before that, she'd done everything she could to take care of me, to show me that I was loved. Whatever had given her this idea had to be snuffed out as soon as possible. "That... THING is not merely a state of mind or a hallucination, Twilight," she stared into my eyes, her own unwavering. "It is a spirit... a fiend from times long past. It is a living entity and..." her head fell. "and it was not pleased that it failed to possess me." "Failed to... OH!" Understanding washed over me like I had been submerged in the freezing water of the ocean. I'd always thought it was simply my own reservations, my insecurities plaguing my conciousness. It wasn't. It was real. It was malicious and... "It's moved on... to me..." "Correct," she bit her lip. My heart began to pound as a cold sweat spread across my body. "Your Highness..." An even deeper fear than that of the monster took root in my heart. "Is that... is that why you took notice of me?" It terrified me. Had she only chose me because the same demon that had tried to take her was now doing the same to me? Was I so... lacking? "Because I was the one i-" "The opposite is the truth, Twilight," she looked away. "I saw. Never in all my years had I seen such a troubled mare. Your dreams, your nightmares, they were beyond even my comprehension. They brought back memories of my struggle," she cupped my cheek with a hoof. "I had to help you. You were fighting so valiantly. You never gave up. You were so..." she chuckled. "Cool." Needless to say, I was completely flattered and in disbelief, but as soon as her hoof dropped along with the rest of her body, I felt cold once again. "It attached to you because you are so very precious to me, Twilight... and because even years before I approached you, you fascinated me." "W- what?" I blinked repeatedly to hold the tears in. "Celestia was not the only one observing her little trials," she sighed. "I would have accepted you the first time you were tested. From the first moment I truly looked at you, you've enthralled me, my dearest. That is why it has latched onto you." "I- I..." As my breathing became more erratic and my head fell, Her Highness' firm voice brought me back to reality. "Twilight!" she lifted my chin with her hoof. Her comforting smile warmed me. "You are not alone," she cupped my cheeks with her hooves. "That is one of the primary reasons Starlight is here..." My eyes widened at that surprising fact. "And why she's going to be pushing you much harder than she did earlier." "I... see." She had been trying... to help me? My demeanor sagged once again, the disgusting feeling in the pit of my stomach coming back even worse than before. Though I may not have agreed with her methods, Starlight had my best interests in mind. "We'll get through this, Twilight. I mean it when I say so," she moved her hooves back to my shoulders. "You are my dearest," she placed her forehead against mine. "As my love for my sister shall endure for all eternity... so too, does my heart beat for you, my dearest." Her words, her kindness was too much for me to take. Out of joy or out of fear, I do not know, but... I began to sob. > Play date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this is... something. With not much to do, I stared at the golden mare sitting across from me. She was chewing on a hayburger with so little enthusiasm, I thought it might fall out of her mouth at any moment. She was looking at what I assumed to be a happy couple enjoying each other's company. The unicorn mare and pegasus stallion were giving each other lovey-dovey eyes and sharing a meal with one another. Their blissful ignorance disgusted me so much, I faked a silent gagging fit. Love? Pfft! More like lame. It's not like I never experienced that particular emotion. I loved a lot of things. Turning creatures into my toys... myself... kites... but somepony else? What would even be the point in doing something stupid like that? Others tended to betray when you needed them most. That kind of love was stupid, pointless, and typically ended in heartbreak. I didn't need, nor want, that. Sunset, though? She looked like she was struggling with something and I'm pretty sure I knew exactly what that something was. Meh, don't really care. It wasn't my problem. I lifted a fry into my mouth with some telekinesis and slowly chewed it. It wasn't terrible, but it was nowhere near the exceptional quality of food I'd get back home. I had my own personal chef and his cooking was beyond stellar. This... "food" was tolerable at best. Still, Sunset was treating so I wasn't about to run my mouth anytime soon. The restaurant was bustling at this hour, lunch having just started a few minutes ago. I counted at least three dozen other creatures sitting at the tables and booths around us. Celestia had told us to get out of the castle and have some fun together, so we... no, I guess Sunset, decided we should grab a bite to eat, so I tagged along. It didn't sound like a bad idea at the time, but I quickly realized places like these weren't exactly suited to my... nature. Clearly, the creatures here agreed with me. I was getting some particularly appalling looks, probably because of the whole newspaper debacle, but a quick spark of my horn and any offenders were quick to avert their eyes and mind their own business. Pansies... Creatures like them weren't even worth turning into my toys. It'd been pretty quiet between Sunset and I since we'd arrived at the restaurant, and I really didn't understand why. I'd been acting all bubbly and excited the whole day, wasn't that how you got somepony to like you? I had been all smiles and giddiness, so why wasn't it working? The sweet, playful act was getting real old real quick. This is so boring... I took a sip of my water before examining Sunset a bit closer. She was fidgety and her eyes were filled to the brim with worry, like a parent who'd just found out their foal was missing. Maybe... maybe, I could make my own fun. Maybe, I could have some fun with her. "You're thinking about Twilight, aren't you?" I spoke out of the blue, causing the golden mare to spit out the liquid currently in her mouth. "WHAT!?" she looked mortified as she glared daggers at me. I had to cover my mouth or risk laughing out loud. I was trying to play, not give away my intentions. Subtlety was a requirement. "Why would you ask me something like that?" "Aren't you?" I lifted a curious brow, though I'm pretty sure I already knew the answer. Feigning ignorance was always a fun, if not obvious, tactic. What I didn't know was if her thoughts were friendly contemplations or romantic ones. "If I'm wrong, your face sure doesn't look it." I tossed another fry into my mouth. "Ugh," she groaned, looking completely dejected. "You're not." She swept her food out of the way and planted her face firmly on the table. "What's the matter?" I had an idea, but it was more entertaining to mess with the distressed pony. "Well, I'm not exactly trying to look like I'm concerned about her," she explained, her voice muffled due to talking directly into the table. "What's wrong with being concerned for a friend?" I genuinely didn't understand. Wasn't that part of a friendship, caring about each other? "Isn't that... normal?" "F- FRIEND!?" she blurted out, lifting her head and staring at me as if I had just said something unbelievable. "What in all of Equestria would make you think Twilight and I are friends?" "You're not?" I tilted my head. "NO!" she was getting exasperated. So much fun! And I knew how to make it even better. "You sure protected her like she was someone special to you," I shrugged. "SHUT IT, STARLIGHT!" she grew maroon, looking away in embarrassment. Goodness, that was an easy button to press. "If you say so, Sunny." My attention was suddenly diverted as I watched a young earth filly trot by our table, a tray full of food that was clearly way too big for her on her back. Without her noticing, I settled the precariously tilting tray with some telekinesis before it had a chance to fall over. Gotta be more careful, silly. I couldn't help but smile as she reached the table where her family was anxiously waiting. Her mother... or I guess, who I assumed to be her mother, noticed me staring at her offspring. I expected a snarky glare, but received a sweet smile from the mare instead. I awkwardly smiled back before focusing on Sunset. "Trust me, It's not that big a deal," I had to scrunch up my face not to outright burst into laugher at her unwarranted despair. "Why don't you think you're friends?" With another exasperated UGH and a loud smack, her face was back on the table. The loud sound had drawn a little bit of attention from some of the surrounding patrons. I gave them another uncomfortable grin as they returned to their meals. "Twilight HATES me," she sighed. That... didn't sound right, or at least that didn't seem to be the case to me, but who was I to make a judgment call? To them, I was essentially a complete stranger. "I guess I can't really say anything about that definitively," I took a sip of my drink. "But are you sure it's not just another misunderstanding? Like what happened with Luna thinking you hated them, I mean." "No, I'm not mistaken," she looked like she'd just remembered a family member was dead. "Twilight has made it abundantly clear how she feels about me." "Well... then why do you care so much?" She visibly tensed at my inquiry. "Why care about a mare who won't give you the time of day?" "I don't have many friends..." she whispered, obviously in the hopes that I wouldn't hear her in the boisterous establishment. "'Scuse me?" I wasn't gonna let something that juicy slip by. "I don't have many friends," she muttered much louder this time. "You don't have any friends!?" I gasped, covering my mouth with a hoof and acting like I was truly disgusted. "MANY!" she snapped at me. She was way too entertaining, I couldn't hold myself back. "Tsk," I clicked my tongue and tilted my head mockingly. "Aaaany?" I raised a brow. Her eyes widened for just a moment before they dropped and a look of utter defeat came to her face. "A- any..." she relented her head slowly lowering back down onto the table. It was so much fun breaking a po- I hope you stay, Starlight... My heart skipped a beat. It felt... gross... I felt gross. Ugh... "That's probably why Celestia told us to do this then," I gently lifted her head with a spell so she was looking at me. "I stayed so that..." I really didn't want to say it out loud, but I'm pretty sure she knew what I was intending to say. The bright smile that came to her lips was a little cute. "Yeah... YEAH! You're right! That must be it..." she nearly jumped out of her seat. "So then... you're really willing?" She reached across the table with her hooves facing up on it, as if she wanted me to place mine onto hers. "To try, I mean." I wanted nothing more than to laugh in her face and leave. The desire to do so made me tremble with excitement. It would devastate her and she'd be left all alone... just like... I hope you stay, Starlight. UGGGGH! "I'll... try," I pushed her hooves back to her, causing her to look a little disappointed. "But I'm no sappy filly, Sunny. I'm not just gonna start hugging and kissing you." "Oh, that part comes later," she smiled at me. "Pfft! If you're lucky," I countered. "I think you'll come to find I'm verrrry lucky, Starlight." she winked. I felt her hind leg gently rub against mine under the table. "Wha- what are you doing!?" I blushed something fierce. She laughed heartily as she withdrew her leg from mine. "You're not the only one who can play games, Star." she moved her food back in front of herself. I winced. Guess this'll be a lot more fun than I thought. "So..." she looked positively giddy. "What do you wanna talk about?" "You're asking ME?" I stared at her, completely dumbfounded. I didn't know the first thing about getting to know somepony else, much less becoming friends. "Why not? You have to be interested in something... r-right?" She looked at me filled with hope. "I..." She'd looked so genuine, I decided to actually consider her question. "I like... magic?" Mostly to enslave creatures and make new toys. "Or uhh, I guess, playing games?" Mind games, mostly. Who doesn't like breaking somepony mentally? "I like ki-" Yeah right, not mentioning that. Why was it so hard to come up with something to talk about? "W- why don't you pick something, Sunny?" I looked at her sheepishly. For the first time in years, I didn't have to deceive, didn't have to put on a facade. I could talk about something I wanted to. I could have a normal conversation. And... I really couldn't come up with anything. Every thought that came to me was... bad. I could only come up with... evil things. You're a very fractured mare, Starlight Glimmer. Luna's words echoed in my mind. She was right. I knew she was as soon as she'd said it, I just... "Starlight?" Sunset looked at me as if I'd just done something completely unexpected. "What is it?" I asked. She reached a hoof out for my face. I instinctively recoiled from her hoof. She froze, a look of sadness spreading across her features, yet she continued drawing closer. She gently wiped something away from my cheek. "Do you... do you need to talk?" she asked. Was I crying? AM I CRYING?! I nearly fell out of my chair, laughing like a psychopath as I wiped my face with a napkin. "O- of course not! I'm fine, Sunny! Everything's completely fine!" I stuffed a hoof full of fries into my mouth and took a long chug of my drink. "Starlight?" Sunset hadn't taken her concerned eyes off me for a second. I swallowed what was in my mouth and just looked back at her, waiting. "I'm not gonna force you, but," she reached across the small table and grabbed one of my hooves. For some reason, I didn't immediately pull away from her. "If you need somepony, I'm here. I'll do my best... whenever you're ready,," she gave my hoof a light squeeze. I'll always be here for you, Starlight. You're my precious little Star. I jerked my hoof away from her grasp. She didn't look offended because I'd done it, just... disappointed. "I..." I sighed. "I'm sorry. Thanks. Really, I appreciate it," I actually did. "But... I can't. I just... can't." "Well, you two sure seem to be getting along well," the voice from behind me drew Sunset's ecstatic gaze. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "Twilight, you came!" Sunset brightened up considerably at the lavender unicorn's appearance. "It is an assignment from Her Highness," she moved a chair up to the table before taking a seat with us. "I wouldn't willingly shirk any of my tasks." Thank whatever had brought her here, be it a god or fate itself. She could take the attention off me and my problems and the best way to accomplish that was... "Hey... Twilight?" I did my best to sound meek, still not looking at the mare. When she didn't respond I decided to continue. "I'm really sor-" "You don't have to apologize," she cut me off. That wasn't what I expected. I stared at her, caught completely off guard by her words. "T-thanks..." she looked away, an uncomfortable, but mostly embarrassed look on her face. "I talked to Her Highness..." She took a deep breath and looked back at me with an uneven smile. "So thanks," she extended a hoof to me. I stared at her foreleg, unsure of what to do. "Y- you're..." I definitely wasn't expecting her to be this reasonable. I looked at Sunset who simply smiled softly at me. I took her hoof into my own. "You're wel-" the lavender unicorn pulled me toward herself, our faces an inch from one another. "T-Twilight!?" "I'm going to be blunt, Starlight," she was unfazed by our proximity. I on the other hoof, was so surprised I flinched. "Please, don't do something like that ever again." It wasn't a demand. It wasn't even really a request. Her eyes made it quite clear she was begging me. "I don't... I don't want to hur-" she sighed. "I don't want to lose control again, so please... please promise me." It was sad, pathetic even. Twilight... Sunset... they were both so... fragile. They were both... Just like me. I couldn't help it. I laughed. I felt like sobbing, but I laughed right in Twilight's face to hide the pain. "S- Starlight?" Sunset sounded worried, probably because she thought I'd set Twilight off again. "I'm..." I tried to speak, though I still had to catch my breath. Twilight remained silent, her expression betraying none of her emotions. "I'm sorry, Twilight," I finally got out once my laughter completely fizzled out. "I said you don-" I lifted my free hoof to stop her. "For laughing, I mean," I clarified. "You really do love her, don't you." It was hard to believe. If I was being completely frank, it just wasn't possible. "I do..." The mention of her teacher caused Twilight to smile. I hadn't encountered such an unbelievable level of devotion since- "She's more precious to me than anypony else." You're my little miracle, Star. You're more precious to me than anypony else. I bit my lip, the hazy memory far too agonizing to endure. With trembling lips I spoke from an aching heart, praying that neither of them would notice. "I promise, Twilight." > About town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was definitely something troubling Starlight. I prided myself on being able to read the moods of other ponies once I'd spent enough time around them, which typically took a couple days. It was a skill I'd picked up after spending so much time with Celestia. While I still couldn't discern her feelings if she wanted to keep them hidden from me, other ponies were much easier for me to get a read on. Starlight, though? She was on a whole other level. It was like she wanted everypony to know how she was feeling... like all she wanted was for somepony to help her... or it could be she was just a terrible actor. I guess either could be true. All I knew for sure was that right now the lilac mare's heart was crying out for relief from... something. After we'd finished our meals--Starlight and I, that is. Twilight hadn't eaten anything after joining us, instead deciding to purchase just a drink--we were walking around the shopping district of Canterlot, trying to figure out what we should do next. By we, I meant Twilight and I were discussing--or maybe debating is a better word?--debating what our next destination was. Starlight was being a lot more quiet than back at the restaurant. She hadn't voiced an opinion on where she might want to go since we began our search. Come to think of it, since Twilight had first arrived, the lilac mare had grown disturbingly silent. It was a sweltering summer day in Canterlot and traveling around the city wasn't exactly enjoyable. We still had our cold drinks so the heat was at least somewhat bearable, but as the sweat began to collect on our brows, Twilight and I were growing especially desperate. "We could go to a cafe," Twilight suggested yet another venue as we trotted by a group of mares who were talking way too loudly. The city was teeming with ponies and various other creatures, probably due to it being a Saturday afternoon. The dense crowds were both a blessing and a curse for the three of us. Occasionally, while traversing the city, I'd have to deal with... admirers--for lack of a better term--swarming me and interrogating me about Princess Celestia. I'd gotten used to it a long time ago. I was pretty much the closest pony to the Princess of the Sun, other than Luna, of course, but it's not like she traveled around Canterlot like a commoner. Still, I didn't prefer humoring complete strangers. Since Canterlot's streets were overflowing right now, there weren't any creatures stopping to speak to me, so at least we were spared any of that mess. Thinking about it, It was either due to the absurd amount of citizens scurrying about or the lilac mare that was menacingly trotting along with her head low to the ground. If I didn't know Starlight, her hostile demeanor would dissuade me from coming anywhere near our group. In fact, now that I looked around, there were at least five feet between any one of us and all the other surrounding creatures. Even small insects and birds appeared to be giving our trio a wide berth. Yep, definitely gotta be Starlight. "What do you think, Starlight? Wanna hang out at a cafe?" I made an attempt to break her out of her stupor. It was all I could do at the moment unless I decided to grab the mare and ask her what was wrong... Maaaaybe a little later. "Starlight?" Twilight spoke up after several seconds of the lilac unicorn not replying to my question. "H- huh? What?" she looked up at us in confusion, as if she'd just been in another dimension and had barely arrived back in reality. "OH! Uhm yeah, sure, that sounds like a great idea." "Tch, you're not even listening!" Twilight didn't even look at the mare, her gaze sweeping over the buildings around us. She really seemed to be trying her hardest to find something for us to do. "WHAT!? I totally am!" Starlight looked offended, but there was definitely a slight blush on her cheeks. "I'd love to-" her eyes widened. "go to that place you just suggested, Twilight!" I exploded into a fit of laughter, drawing the ire of the lilac unicorn. "QUIET, SUNNY!" the throbbing vein in her neck made the situation all the more hilarious. "Sunny?" Twilight lifted an entertained brow as a look of unadulterated smugness came to her face. "Don't be jealous, Twilight," I grinned, sidling closer to Starlight. "I'm sure Star'll give you an endearing nickname as well. We're all gonna be best friends soon anyway, right?" I nudged the lilac mare with an elbow. "R- right!" Starlight nodded mechanically. It was Twilight's turn to laugh out loud. "That's a riot, Sunny," she mocked, bringing a tinge of red to my cheeks. "I didn't know you were such an adept comedian." "It's not a joke, Twilight." I stopped in my tracks, more than a little annoyed at her lack of enthusiasm. The creatures around us didn't stop, instead choosing to walk around the three of us. "You'll see, I'm gonna make you love me!" I declared boldly. The look of absolute disbelief that came to Twilight's face paired with the sudden look of shock on Starlight's face turned my complexion even redder than the ripest of tomatoes. Sunset... WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK!? "AS A FRIEND! I MEANT AS A FRIEND!" I frantically waved my hooves in front of the both of them, but I knew neither of them were gonna let the comment slip. "If you say so, Sunny," Starlight covered her smile with a hoof. It was the first time she'd looked a little happy since leaving the restaurant. Even though her mirth obviously came at my expense, I was glad. "Sunset?" Twilight's expression wasn't malicious, but she did look pretty miffed. She took a step toward me and then another. Before I knew it, her face was inches from mine. "Y- yes, Twilight?" If I hadn't said such a stupid thing seconds ago I would've moved away from her, but having said something so foolish, moving away felt like I was admitting what I'd said wasn't true. She got even closer, forcing me to tightly shut my eyes. I couldn't handle her proximity, her warm minty breath tickling my muzzle. It felt like my heart was going to burst right out of my chest... or just stop altogether. Twilight, what are you doing!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? "Good luck," she whispered into my ear. I opened my eyes to find her smirking confidently. "I look forward to it." She spun around and continued walking on as if none of that had just happened. "So a cafe is out of the question then?" "What about a music shop?" Starlight had finally come out of her funk, suggesting something for the first time. "You like music, don't you, Sunny?" she looked my way with a warm smile. "Y- yeah!" I nodded, thankful that neither of them was going to dwell on my flub. "There's a store just around the corner, there on the other street." I pointed with a hoof once I'd regained my composure. "Twilight?" Starlight looked at the lavender unicorn. "That's fine with me," Twilight smiled enthusiastically. "Octavia Melody's new record dropped this week, didn't it?" Despite her jubilance as she asked us, Starlight and I didn't have an answer for her. I didn't really listen to Octavia. That wasn't my style of music at all. "Who?" Starlight lifted a questioning hoof. "UGH! LET'S GO! Twilight barked as she stomped toward the street the store was located on. Starlight looked at me and I stared back. We shared a quiet chuckle as we followed behind the fuming mare. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This was not going well at all. The overly opulent store--it was located in Canterlot after all--was large enough so that each of us was occupying a different section of it. Twilight was currently in the classical music section, probably looking for, or listening to, Octavia's new record. The interior of the store's walls were covered in posters and advertisements for the earth pony's new album. Her stuff was... fine, I guess, but I just couldn't get into the classical arts. I preferred newer genres, the faster tempo of artists like Sapphire Shores, Coloratura, and DJ-PON3. Which is why I was in the electronic section of the store. I was thinking about picking up an old Songbird Serenade album I didn't own yet, but was preoccupied with our separation. Starlight was lounging on a seat at one of the listening stations, though she wasn't wearing any headphones. The stations were placed on tables in another separate section of the store so that patrons could sample any records they might not be sure if they wanted to purchase yet. The lilac mare looked so extremely bored I was certain she'd rather be anywhere else doing anything else. I grabbed one of the less... heavy Coloratura albums and headed over to her. As I drew closer, I levitated a seat right next to her's and plopped down on it. "Hey Sunshine, how goes the uhm, fun?" I playfully nudged her in the side with an elbow. "I've never been a big fan of music," she sighed, not looking my way nor reacting to my jab. "Not much reason for it in my town, y'know?" "Right," I nodded. I was a little surprised she'd mention that place so soon, but it was a good sign she was opening up, if even just a little. "Wait," that didn't make sense. "Then why did you want to come here?" "I mean," she shrugged. You like music, right? Made sense to me to suggest it." "Starlight... you..." I smiled. She'd done it for me? "Oh come on, Sunny," she groaned, but she did turn away. "It was just something to do, don't blow it out of proportion." "If you say so, Star." I giggled. "Anyway, what's that?" she gestured toward the album I'd brought with me. "I was thinking you might... er..." For some reason I was really embarrassed all of a sudden. "Let me guess," she looked at me with an uninterested expression. "You want me to give it a listen?" she flicked a hoof toward the album. "You don't have to," I picked up the record with my telekinesis and was about to walk away when she placed a gentle hoof on my shoulder. "I'll give it a shot," she smiled at me, lifting the headphones onto her head. With a smile of my own I placed the record into the player and started the album. It was one of Coloratura's slower works, lots of piano and much less electronica. It emphasized more of her stellar vocals and the piano complimented rather than distracted from them. "This... isn't bad, Sunset," she said with her eyes closed, immersing herself in the sounds. She'd listened to about three songs already and seemed to be enjoying the lot of them. "She has a really nice voice." "Coloratura is one of the rare contemporary artists who can actually hold a tough note," Twilight said from the other side of the lilac unicorn. During Starlight's listening session the lavender mare had brought a seat herself and waited for her to finish. "Her collabs with Octavia Melody are beyond amazing," Twilight lit up when she mentioned her obviously preferred musician. "Oh really?" Starlight seemed genuinely curious, her musical bone tickled by this point. "Do you mind?" Twilight lifted an album in her magenta field, asking me if it was okay. "Not at all," I removed the Coloratura album and placed it back into it's case. Twilight put the album she'd brought into the player and nodded her head at Starlight excitedly. The lilac unicorn shut her eyes as the music began to play. Twilight looked ecstatic as the emotions began to sweep over Starlight's face. As the music rose and fell Starlight's emotions became more evident. Excitement turned to surprise. Surprise into happiness. Happiness into... sadness? Sadness into... despair? What the...? As tears began to fall from the corners of Starlight's closed eyes I looked at Twilight in a panic. My rival looked just as confused as I did as she stared at the lilac mare. When she noticed me looking at her she simply raised her hooves in an "I have no clue" shrug. "This..." Starlight kept her eyes shut as she spoke. "This is... beautiful." Her tears cascaded down her cheeks, but the look of sincere gratitude that came to her face warmed my heart. "Thank you," she opened her eyes and grabbed a reluctant Twilight. "S- Starlight!?" Twilight gasped as she was pulled into a hug. She was far too surprised to do anything other than look at me with wide eyes. "For showing this to me." Starlight drew away from the lavender unicorn. "Both of you," she turned to me and gave me a tight hug as well. With a throbbing heart and tears stinging at the corners of my own eyes, I returned the embrace. "Of course, Star... Anytime." > A great day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The streets of Canterlot were far less crowded during Her Highness' time. The night also had the added benefit of being much cooler than Princess Celestia's day, so the three of us decided to avoid the rest of the sweltering heat in the comfort of the quiet music store. Starlight had continued to listen to our recommendations for hours, seeming to enjoy every single song played for her. After all was said and done, I was pretty sure she'd fallen in love with Octavia's pieces. Each time the cellist's music played Starlight showed such... raw emotion. It was something I'd also experienced when first listening to the master of the cello as well. Octavia's compositions were some of the only things that could drag me away from the negative feelings I'd gotten all those years ago, the emotions that still haunted me to this day. It was... nice, seeing somepony appreciate her music as much as I did. Don't get me wrong, Her Majesty loved Octavia from the first monent she'd heard the mare play too, but Starlight... Starlight was troubled. She had issues she needed to deal with and introducing her to Octavia's art felt like I was helping the lilac mare. It felt like I was making a difference in somepony else's life and that made me happy... really happy. I had planned on lending her some of my albums when we got back to the castle, but before we even left the store Sunset did something completely unexpected. She purchased a few albums and a record player for Starlight. The kind act blew the lilac unicorn away, or at least it appeared to. It was a really kind gesture, one that had the former dictator absolutely glowing. Thankfully, the store delivered, so Starlight didn't have to lug the large machine throughout the city with her. Now, the three of us were standing in line at a small ice cream stand in one of Canterlot's many parks. The small stall wasn't exceptional compared to those in the surrounding area, but it was quaint and that had been enough to draw our attention. Her Majesty's full moon was providing ample light to the world, but dozens of fancy lampposts were still sprinkled around the area. The lake at the center of the park was surrounded by creatures peacefully enjoying their time. Ducks and other wildlife played in the water, not bothered by the slight noise. It was comforting, knowing my mistress was watching over us all right now... knowing our appreciation for her night was pleasing to her. Things hadn't always been that way. "I think I'll get dark chocolate," I said to nopony in particular as I examined the menu. "Ew, bitter," Sunset stuck out a disgusted tongue. I snorted at the mare. "And you?" I lifted my head without looking her way. "What amazingly delicious flavor are you gonna get?" "Rainbow sherbet! It's the best," she replied smugly. Ugh, way too sweet. I shrugged, not letting her wrong opinion bother me. "How about you, Starlight?" Sunset asked the mare who was enthusiastically reading the back of one of the albums she'd received. "I don't really eat sweets," Starlight grimaced without looking up. "You WHAT!?" Sunset gaped at the mare, her jaw going slack. "WHAT KIND OF PONY DOESN'T EAT SWEETS!?" she yelled, drawing the irritated gaze of the couple in front of us. Once their eyes swept over me and noticed the glare on my face they immediately turned back around without saying a word. Cowards. "Could you keep it down, Sunset," I asked as politely as I could. I kept my eyes on the menu hanging above the earth pony running the stand. I really didn't want to get into an altercation with some snooty strangers. "Sorry," she barely acknowledged me before starting to whisper loudly. "What kind of pony doesn't like sweets!?" "I don't know, the kind that enslaves a town full of other ponies?" Starlight said flatly, still not raising her head. I tried to hold it in but couldn't, the laughter spilling out of me in a blast right past my lips. "Twilight!?" Sunset looked appalled at my glee. "You liked that one, Twilight?" Starlight finally looked up, supremely pleased with the success of her joke. "It was pretty funny," I conceded. "If she doesn't like sweets, she doesn't like sweets, Sunset." I shrugged. Starlight nodded with a satisfied grin. "Finnnne," Sunset relented, a defeated huff escaping her. "But..." I turned my head to the lilac pony. "But?" she looked at me, clearly confused. "But, I wonder if that's because you don't really like them or..." "Or?" the confusion still hadn't left her face. "Or if it's cause you've just never had anything good," I said smugly. Starlight was the type of pony who liked to play games, especially mind games, so I thought I'd try one of my own. "What!?" she scoffed. I looked at Sunset expectantly, hoping she'd play along. She didn't let me down. "She probably didn't even have sweets in her town," Sunset mocked with a shrug, looking up at the menu herself. "Actually... I didn't," Starlight said so nonchalantly that both me and Sunset almost fell over. "WHAT!?" Sunset and I yelled even louder than the golden unicorn had before. The couple in front of us moved to turn again, but the chime of my mana kept their faces locked forward. "Is that... weird?" Starlight looked extremely despondent. "Sugar is bad for you, isn't it? Why would anypony ever want to eat it?" "That was at least five years, Starlight!" It was my turn to be positively flabbergasted. "You haven't had sugar in the last FIVE YEARS!?" "Nnnnope," she shook her head. "At least not to my knowledge." "Not even in your drinks?" Sunset was in Starlight's face, her own expression filled with utter disbelief, very much like my own. "I prefer green tea without sugar... or black coffee... or water," Starlight replied. "Didn't you notice at the restaurant, Sunny? I asked if there was sugar in anything I ordered and got a water." "I was..." Sunset looked at me with a frown, her cheeks burning. "A little distracted." Uhm, what? "Yeah, you were," Starlight smiled at me deviously as she nudged Sunset in the side. "STAR!" Sunset hissed, her face now resembling the reddest of apples. Starlight laughed heartily as Sunset chased her out of the line we were standing in. "Miss? I can take your order now, if you're ready," the earth pony running the stand grabbed my attention. Of course... I turned to the vendor with a kind smile on my face. "Good evening," I said as I trotted up to the stall. I could venture making small talk, but he was clearly busy so I just ordered. "I'd like a bowl of dark chocolate with hot fudge and chocolate sprinkles." "Sounds good! Can I get anything else for you?" he turned away as he began making my order. His question drove me to look behind myself. Yep, they were still running around like a pair of dorks. "Can I also have a bowl of rainbow sherbet?" She'd said it was her favorite, so logically, it should be okay to get her. "Would you like any toppings on that one?" "Uhm..." It would probably be better to play it safe and get nothing on top, but that might be a little mean... wasn't it? I got toppings on mine, why wouldn't I get some on her's too? Because you don't know what kind she likes or if she even likes any. Eh, screw it. "Can I get whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles on that one, please?" "Of course, Miss. Will that complete your order?" "I..." Should I get something for Starlight? She might not eat it, but not getting her anything might be even more detrimental to our already rocky relationship, especially after Sunset had done what she had. I could get her a sugarless flavor. No. No, that's not right. I suddenly recalled what my mistress had told me, what the entire point of all of this was. Perpetuating Starlight's old habits was the last thing I should do... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Starlight Glimmer is a deeply disturbed mare, Twilight," Her Highness and I walked through the castle after our talk in my room. "She needs us just as much as we need her... possibly even more." "Do you really think she can help me fight against that... thing?" I was a little more than doubtful, but if Her Majesty thought she could help, I would believe as well. "Tia was the key to saving me from the demon... the strongest bond I have ever made with another. Perhaps unbreakable bonds of your own can be the solution you seek." "Your Highness," her implication made me a little sad. "Is our bond with one another so weak?" She sighed, stopping in her tracks. We were drawing close to the gates of the castle and so had little time left to speak. She wanted me to join Starlight and Sunset at the burger joint in town. She was seeing me off--as she often did whenever she could--and we were finishing up our prior conversation. "As far as how you feel..." she laid a hoof on my shoulder, a meager smile on her lips. "I believe so, Twilight." "Wha- how could you say that, Your Highness?!" I loved her so much it hurt... and she obviously cared deeply for me. My head fell. What could possibly be the problem? "When Tia saved me I was... happy. Truly happy." She gently lifted my chin with a hoof. "I have been ever since that day, Twilight. Can you honestly say the same since you first met me?" "Of course, Your Highness!" I nearly yelled. "You've made me happier than I've ever been!" "Then why is your slumber still so restless, Twilight?" My mistress could be devastatingly blunt at times. "Why are you still so angry, my dearest?" "I..." I really didn't know why. Maybe it was Sunset and her success eclipsing mine. Maybe it was Starlight making me look like a fool. Maybe it was my family. Maybe it was that monster. Maybe I was to blame. I was still so very... Pathetic. I grabbed my head, nearly collapsing as the deceiver's voice echoed in my mind. "My dearest!?" Her Highness kept me from falling, just like she always did. "I- I'm sorry, it's just a little headache," I only half lied. "Are you... fine to-" "I am, Your Highness," I smiled meekly at my mistress before giving her a reassuring hug. "I'm gonna get going," I trotted away from her quickly, waving a hoof goodbye. I was far too big a coward to answer her questions. "Very well, Twilight," she frowned as her horn lit up. "If I may offer some advice before you so hastily depart?" she held me in place with a spell. "I'm all ears, Your Highness." I grinned. It's not like I had much of a choice in the matter anyway. "Starlight Glimmer has been alone for a very long time, Twilight," I wasn't expecting this from her, but I listened intently regardless. "You and Sunset Shimmer can be the ones to show her the correct path, but for her to truly reform will take a... departure from her old habits... and you know what they say about those." "They die hard," I nodded. "Correct," she let me out of her magical grasp. "I shall see you when you return, Twilight," she smiled brightly at me before turning to go back inside of the castle. "Farewell, Your Highness," I smiled at the mare who meant the world to me. "I love you!" She stopped to look over her shoulder at me. "And I, you, my dearest." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "I'M SO SORRY, TWILIGHT!" Sunset looked mortified as the duo trotted up to me. "It's fine," I shrugged. I wasn't mad at them. They seemed to be getting along well and that's exactly what Her Highness wanted, so it was exactly what I wanted too. I carried the three bowls of ice cream I'd bought, napkins to keep clean, and my bag from the music store in my telekinesis, all within separate fields. Might as well get some practice in while I can. "Five TK fields at once?" Starlight remarked as she scrutinized me, a devious grin coming to her lips. "Very impressive... for a student." Sunset's eyes grew wide as she gave the cocky mare a sidelong glance, but kept her own mouth shut. She's doing it for you, Twilight, I took a deep, calming breath. She's doing it for you. "Is it?" I flicked my head towards one of the empty benches close to the lake. "I'd figure you'd probably be able to do ten times this." The three of us trotted over to the bench together. "Oh, without a doubt," Starlight smirked as Sunset took a seat first. Despite my clear exaggeration, the lilac unicorn didn't look shaken at all. Is she really that strong? "Maybe you could give me a few pointers then," I sat down to the golden unicorn's left. Starlight raised a curious brow before taking the seat to Sunset's right. "Sounds like... fun," there was no vindictiveness in her voice. "Tomorrow then," I said. "First thing in the morning in our lab?" "You're on, Twilight," the confident hmph she threw my way was a little grating, not gonna lie. "Er s- so should I go get me and Starlight something?" Sunset tried to change the subject before it escalated any further. "That won't be necessary," I hovered Sunset's bowl over to her, a spoon sticking out of it. "One rainbow sherbet with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles." "Twilight..." she took the dessert into her telekinesis, staring down at it as if I'd just given her the most precious treasure in Equestria. "Thank you." "Don't mention it, Sunset," I floated Starlight's bowl over to her. "And one for you, Starlight." "What?!" the lilac unicorn's eyes grew wide as she took the dessert into her spell. She too looked down at her sweet, examining it closely, but her expression was one of confusion. "You got me something even though I don't eat sugar?" "Well, I think you'll like it," I leaned forward to look at her and she did the same."You trusted us at the store," I looked at Sunset with a smile. She was already shoveling the frozen treat into her mouth. Despite her attention being on her food, she returned my gesture. "So I was thinking maybe you can trust me now?" Starlight let out a breath of air, her eyes closing for a moment and a grin coming to her lips. "Well, what is it?" She moved the spoon around in the dish. "Vanilla ice cream, which shouldn't be too sweet, sliced bananas, and cherries," I pointed out the ingredients with my hoof. "I tried to keep it... a lot less sugary than Sunset's," I chuckled and Starlight joined me. The playful jab didn't bother the golden unicorn, but with the smile on her face, it didn't seem like anything could at the moment. "So, how should I eat it then?" she continued to prod at it with her spoon, but at least now she looked somewhat interested. "Any way you want," I shrugged before taking control of her spoon with my magic. "But if you want the best mix of flavor," I picked up some of the frozen desert, a slice of banana, and a cherry on the spoon. "This will give you the best combination." "Alright, then," she opened her mouth and closed her eyes... for some reason. "Uhm... what are you doing?" I asked, genuinely dumbfounded. "Waiting for you to feed it to me," she kept her eyes closed and the smile on her face. "Starlight, I don't thin-" "Oh come on, Twilight, don't be like that. Just do it." I don't know why, but her forcefulness made me blush a little. I slipped the spoon into her mouth, her moan of appreciation sending a shiver up my spine. "So GOOD!" She took the spoon into her own telekinesis and dug into her bowl. "Thanks, Twilight!" "N- no problem," I started on my own dessert. As the three of us enjoyed our snacks the beauty of Her Highness' night grew more and more vivid. I suppose what they say is true, the day really had ended well. > Teaching a novice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After an extremely long day, being able to finally lie down in bed was actually a lot more comfortable than the previous night. Only two days ago, I'd slept on my luxurious bed within my massive mansion in my perfect little town... for the final time. Just last night, I'd forced myself to fall asleep in the new room I'd been given, still not certain whether I'd be able to start a whole new life here in Canterlot. Everything had happened so fast, it made my head spin. Being defeated by the Immortal Sisters and then being brought here against my will had gotten my brain working immediately. I thought I could find a way out, maybe escape if I played my cards right, but that was all just a pipe dream. Celestia and Luna were way too powerful to oppose and, as unbelievable as it sounds, appeared to have knowledge of every single thing pertinent to them. I quickly figured out that if I tried anything nefarious they'd be on me in a second... honestly, probably even faster than that. I went from formulating a plan to deceive them and make my escape, to accepting my horrible fate and being miserable. Speaking with the princesses though, the real princesses, not the ones the public were familiar with, but the genuine Immortal Sisters, had shined a small ray of hope onto my bleak outlook. They weren't the monsters I'd perceived them to be. I'd completely misunderstood who Celestia was, and honestly, Luna was downright decent. They gave me a second chance. If they weren't so absurdly strong I probably would've tried to exploit their kindness, not to mention the acceptance I'd received from Twilight and Sunset had been given so unbelievably fast, it also would've been just as easy to take advantage of. It was foolish. If I was foolish, I could've tried to escape because of how kind they'd been, but... The princesses stooges were no pushovers themselves. They may both be magically inferior to me, but Sunset and Twilight are far from stupid. Couple their decent brains with bleeding hearts and I could already feel myself slipping. Why would they be so nice to me? I couldn't help but question their motives. I'd tried to make them both slaves for crying out loud! Nopony could just live and let live after somepony did something like that to them. The world wasn't that forgiving. It had never been... and it never would be. Listening to the Octavia and Coloratura album on my new record player felt both nostalgic and strange, the new machine sitting on the desk across from my bed. I'd practically begged the golden unicorn not to buy them for me, but Sunset insisted it was for the best. It's not like it was anything new. I'd received many gifts from my obedient toys before, mostly on my birthdays, but- So gifts that you gave yourself? On days you celebrated alone? Shut it. As I was saying, unlike my artificial gifts I'd given to myself, what Sunset had done for me felt... genuine. The joy she appeared to experience giving me those presents was vivid on her face and honestly, I could feel that same level of happiness too. I hadn't experienced such a wonderful feeling since... well, in a very long time. Then, to compound on top of my already confused state, Twilight had bought me ice cream. Now, I know that may not sound like much, and it may not have been as grand a gesture as buying me a whole new record player, but the thought was there... the care was there. There weren't many that cared about me. I was even more confused now than when I'd first decided to try and make the most of staying in Canterlot. Could they... could they actually care? I tried to be a bit more positive--something I hadn't been able to do in years--but I failed miserably. They definitely want something. Maybe not something mundane like possessions or bits--Canterlot elites were absurdly wealthy. Sunset and Twilight were probably loaded beyond belief--but something. It had to be something related to my mana, there was no other logical explanation. I had to protect myself. I couldn't get attached to anypony. I had to be safe. I had to- The melodious sounds of Coloratura's piano instantly pulled me from my thoughts. It was that song, the one I'd heard night after night when I was just a little foal. Mom's song. I could already feel the tears gathering as I listened intently. I hadn't been able to hold the feelings inside when I'd heard it back at the store, and I couldn't do so now. I cried, remembering back to my warm bed as mom played the piano in the other room, her nightly lullaby to me. Those had been the best days of my life... and they were dead and gone. She... was gone. But then the song changed, just as it had back at the store. Octavia's beautiful cello came in and... changed everything, made the song much... sadder, but... hopeful. Maybe they... maybe... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I found Twilight sitting quietly and reading a book as I walked into the lab we were going to be working together in. She hadn't even noticed me enter, the book she was reading apparently way too enthralling to put down. I got a positively devilish idea. I tiptoed right behind the lavender unicorn, being absolutely sure I didn't make a sound. I could go with the classic jumpscare, grab her and scream at the top of my lungs, but that seemed a bit over the top. No, I had a better idea. I moved my head right next to her's and whispered quietly. "I can't wait until I make you mine." A little seductive, a little cryptic, it would absolutely freak her out. Unfortunately, it worked much better than I'd intended. She spun around instantly, her horn burning with black mana. The killing intent in her eyes was even more malicious than it had been yesterday morning. I was actually scared. Somehow this little foal that was so much more weaker than me had managed to make me feel fear twice now. "S-SORRY! Sorry! It was a joke! Just a joke, I swear!" I didn't know what else to do so I lifted my hooves in front of myself in defense and backed away from the raving mare. "Starlight!?" As she slowly came to her senses she looked slightly pained at the realization that it was only me. "Thank goodness," she whispered after letting out a relieved breath. Whatever was wrong with her was clearly weighing heavily on the lavender unicorn. Try Starlight! I couldn't think about anything other than that stupid ice cream. Junk like that was what had convinced me I was being manipulated. I felt indebted, like I owed her for the kind gesture. Still, she'd looked so... angry. I had to do something. I took a few careful steps toward her, still a little worried she might blow up at me again. "Are you... okay, Twilight?" I got closer to her, but not too close. "What's going on?" "It's... nothing," she quite obviously lied. I felt my face screw up in disbelief, though I would've preferred to keep my doubt hidden. "I'm fine, Starlight." As she looked away pathetically, I tried to examine her more closely. She didn't appear to have anything physically wrong with her so it must've been something else. Something mental. Great, my forte... I thought with literally zero optimism. I had more than enough going wrong upstairs, I really wasn't the best choice to help somepony else with their own issues. I wasn't delusional. I knew I was different. Very different. But, so what? It'd always worked for me... Sort of... Sort of... Gosh darn it. "Twilight..." I tried to sound as pleasant as possible. "I'm not going to force you to tell me anything, but..." I got close enough to touch her. "Any creature with half a brain can see something is bothering you." "I..." her head dropped. I'd never expected she could be like this, not in front of somepony else. She gave off such a strong and proud aura, seeing her full of shame was a little sad. "Starlight, I-" I cut her off with a raised hoof. She needed help. Maybe I could pay her and Luna back. "Look, I can tell by your reaction whatever's going on is serious, and I'm not exactly a pillar of virtue for you to look to for answers, so..." With the same hoof I raised her head. "I'll help you the only way I know how," I may not know everything, but I was intimately familiar with what could give a unicorn confidence... what had given me confidence. "Starlight..." As she closed her eyes and began to nuzzle into my hoof I couldn't help but feel like a mother trying to comfort her foal. Like my... "Thank you," she whispered. "Hey, what are friends for?" It felt... good. When she opened her eyes to look up at me I could see the worry had melted away. Comforting her almost felt as good as collecting a new toy, my heart warming considerably. "S-sorry!" Her cheeks turned cherry red as she pulled away quickly. It was probably from the embarrassment. I know I'd be embarrassed if I'd shown such weakness to another creature. She didn't need to feel that way around me. I already knew she was weaker than I was, it was nothing to be embarrassed about. "Don't worry about it," I turned to the door. "We just gotta wait for Sunny to get here an-" "Sunset probably won't be joining us for awhile," I spun back around to look at the lavender mare. "She tends to get places very-" "Late?" I half asked half finished for her. "Yeah," a look of surprise came to her face. "How'd you know?" "Intuition?" I shrugged. Ponies like Sunset were often the easiest for me to break and turn into toys. I'd met a bunch of mares just like her before. "She just strikes me as a very... carefree pony, y'know?" I tried to put it better than it had sounded in my head. "That's Sunset to a T," she confirmed. "She'll more than likely be here in about an hour." "Perfect!" I grinned, moving toward the supplies sitting on one of the desks. "I know exactly what we can do until she arrives..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Twilight was doing it. She was actually doing it. Sure, she looked like she was about to keel over at any moment from exhaustion, and she couldn't even open her eyes, but she was holding everything together, even while preoccupied with the awkward stance. Surprising... She was a fast learner. It'd only taken her a few minutes to sort out her mistakes and get the objective completed. Now, it was just an endurance test to see just how long she could last. I was trying to help her make things a little easier, standing directly behind her and trying to force her into a more manageable position. She was putting way too much pressure on her lower back and in doing so, was putting unnecessary strain on the rest of her body, making everything that much harder for her. If she'd just stop slouching, it'd be so much easier. I moved my eyes from her to the clock hanging above the door, noting that she'd been going at it for over an hour now. She couldn't have too much left in her, unless she somehow had endless mana reserves like the sisters probably did. "Look, just keep your back straight a- OH! Hey Sunny!" As the door to the lab creaked open, I smiled at the golden unicorn slowly walking into the room. "Whaaaat's going on?" She looked a little annoyed, a little confused, and a little surprised. All fairly understandable reactions considering the awkward position Twilight and I were currently in. "You okay, Twilight?" she asked the lavender mare. "I'm just peachy, Sunset." It was easy to see that simply replying was difficult for the straining unicorn. If she'd just stop- "You're still hunching over!" I shoved my hoof into her lower back, grinding it harshly and making her straighten up with a yelp. It may have been a bit much, but it would definitely improve her performance. "I'm TRYING!" she glared at me, nearly shouting. Her mana flared into her horn at her sudden anger, the magenta light becoming a blazing inferno. She must've had a lot more mana left than I thought. "Do you know how hard it is to keep the stupid tea away from the stupid napkin while standing like a stupid idiot? WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR OVER AN HOUR!" As she turned away from me I swear I could detect a slight blush on her cheeks. Maybe I could have some fun with her. "And you're making fantastic progress, Sparkles," I thought up the corniest nickname I could and spoke with the most seductive voice I could manage as I wrapped her up in a soft hug. She was shaking even more now. Yep, that definitely worked. "H-how am I supposed to c-concentrate when you're hanging all o-over me, Starlight?" She was having trouble getting out a complete sentence, yet she still maintained her spell. If that was the case, I could probably push a liiiittle harder. "What's wrong, Sparkles?" I smirked. "Can't handle a beautiful mare giving you her attention? I didn't even know you swung that way," I whispered into her ear, gently blowing in an attempt to throw her off her game. "I- wh- I nev-" she sputtered. She was so easy, it was almost not fun... almost. "What's that?" Before I knew it, Sunset had grabbed me and pulled me off the panicking mare. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd pulled me away to help Twilight or to help herself. It didn't matter, I'd had my fun and Twilight had held it together. Seemed like anything short of kissing the lavender unicorn on the lips would fail in breaking her concentration. She'd done more than enough to prove herself capable. "So this," I took the bowl from Twilight into my own telekinesis. "Is a little something I whipped up to help out our dear Twilight." "What does it do?" Sunset asked. "It's not what it does, it's what you have to do with it." I let her take a closer look, allowing her to examine the contents of the bowl. "Get it?" "I think so. Is that tea?" she asked, pointing a hoof. "Yes," I grinned. This could be even more fun than playing with Twilight. "So, what you're supposed to do is keep the tea away from the napkin, right?" "That's correct! Do ya wanna try?" My excitement was growing. Sunset was far less talented than Twilight, or so I assumed from what I'd seen of her. She hadn't shown me any signs of excellence since we'd first encountered each other, so I could only base my assessment on the information I had. "Sure," she didn't hesitate for a second. Perhaps that's where her talent lay? In her confidence? Or maybe in her efforts? It had to be something I couldn't see. Celestia wouldn't have chosen her for no reason. "Okay. To start, I'll hold the bowl, you just keep the tea on the perimeter." An easy starting point. Even a fairly inexperienced unicorn should be able to control some liquid with a spell. "Okay!" She instantly did it with little effort. "Starlight, this is really-" "Easy, I know. So now it's gonna get a little bit harder." The next step was about where I'd guess she'd be. It would be super interesting to see if she could do better, though I highly doubted she could. "Now, hold the bowl as well." "Right!" As soon as the bowl left my care, it fell into dozens of pieces. The look of surprise on Sunset's face was hilarious if not a little sad. She couldn't have expected it to be that easy. "It's harder than before, huh?" Twilight drew Sunset's gaze, the knowing expression on the lavender unicorn attempting to motivate her peer. Reeeeally doesn't seem like she hates you, Sunset. "So you have to hold the bowl together too..." Sunset was deep in thought, presumably analyzing what it would take to succeed. I had to give her credit, from what I'd seen so far, she never gave up. "Wanna try again?" I lifted a hopeful brow. She nodded. Taking back the bowl, she was all sweat and heavy breathing, but she was doing it. Not bad, Sunset. She was further along than I thought. They weren't bad. No wonder they'd been chosen by the sisters. "You're doing great, Sunset!" Twilight nearly shouted her enthusiasm. I took the bowl back, already satisfied with Sunset's performance. Yeah, definitely no hate there. What is going on with you two, Sunset? That would have to wait. I was far more interested in whether or not she could measure up to Twilight. "That was good, Sunny, but now you have to try the real deal." I raised my hoof at her to get her to stand on her hind legs. "Uhm, what?" She had no idea what I wanted. "Hind legs only," I explained, lifting my hoof again. "Oh! Right." As soon as she stood up I knew she wasn't going to be able to go any further. If Twilight had been shaky when she first tried it, Sunset was about to produce an earthquake with how badly she was trembling. It wasn't an easy position to maintain, but it was one ponies took often. Couple it with concentrating on maintaining a spell and you got a feat most unicorns would find impossible. She'll need to practice. "It's a lot harder than it looks," Twilight remarked, obviously able to see what I could and trying to spare the golden mare's pride. Sunset grabbed a table with a hoof before letting it go and staring at me with determination. "Okay I'm-" she almost instantly dropped onto her forehooves. "Ready," the look in her eyes was one beyond disappointment. "I... can't do it." "It's really hard, Sunset," Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Being able to admit what you can and can't do is admirable," Twilight smiled sweetly at her. "Besides, It'll just take you some practice, yeah?" Sunset smiled a little at the unexpected kindness. These two aren't friends!? What the heck is a friend then!? "Thanks, Twilight," Sunset tried to hide the brimming tears, but they were easy to see. Since Twilight had cheered her up I decided I probably should try too.. "This was specially catered to push Twilight anyway," I put the items on a table. "I'll cook something up for you too, Sunny." I smiled kindly. "Don't worry about it." "Thanks, Starlight," she offered me a half-smile, the disappointment still lingering on her face. "Lot of good it did me," Twilight chuckled. "I'm not even sure I managed to accomplish anything," she said under her breath, her own look of disappointment changing her features. Did she not get it? I laughed so hard I felt like I might fall over. For a smart mare, she could be really dense sometimes. "What's so funny?" Sunset asked. Once my fit had died down I trotted to the sink and grabbed a cup, filling it with some water before returning to the duo. "I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together, Sparkles," I held it up to the lavender mare. "Go ahead, Twilight." They were dumbfounded by the cup. Did they have no concept of permanency whatsoever? Whatever the case, it was way too funny. "Go ahead and what?" Twilight asked. I got a little bored so I started pushing the cup into Twilight's nose, trying to boop it, though she was making sure I couldn't with her hoof. "WOULD YOU QUIT IT!?" she yelled. Way too easy. "Don't you remember what you were doing yesterday?" You goof. I kept that last part in my head. "Try doing it now." Twilight merely turned to the golden mare, possibly to get her input. "Why not? It couldn't hurt," Sunset shrugged. "Fine." Twilight groaned as she moved some of the water from the cup and surrounded herself with it. "Easier, huh?" I chuckled. The look of disbelief on the lavender mare's face said all I needed to hear. "I can..." She trotted around the room with no problems. "Starlight... I can move!" she giggled. "It'll get even more easy as you practice more diff-" she was on me before I could react, her forelegs wrapped around my neck, laughing like a madmare. "Thank you, Starlight! I can't believe it!" she nuzzled into my neck. "It was so much harder yesterday!" "Sure thing, Sparkles. It's-" I gave her a gentle embrace, but there was a problem. A humongous one. Sunset stared at me with the most sorrowful eyes I'd ever witnessed, and I'd seen some pretty bad ones in the mirror. I wanted to reach out to her, to bring her into our hug, but it... that wasn't the problem. "S-Sunset?" My voice faltered as I called out to her. Twilight lifted her head as well to look at the golden mare. "Sun-" "I gotta use the restroom. I'll be right-" She was already out the door before finishing her sentence. What in all of Equestria would make you think we're friends? Sunset's words echoed through my head. Maybe She didn't want to be friends with Twilight. I had been under the impression that it was just an innocent admiration but... Sunset... do you... > Learning from an expert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arriving fifteen minutes early was my m.o. for any type of meeting or get together I was expected to take part in. Punctuality was a very important aspect of creating a good rapport with others, particularly in a burgeoning relationship, or so I'd been lead to believe by one of the numerous books I'd read on the subject. As such, I had every intention of being extremely early for the first training session the three of us had scheduled. I'd already eaten a proper breakfast, a nice little plate prepared by chef Cacy herself. That mare worked round the clock, mostly preparing the princesses dishes, but also setting time aside for me and Sunset if we ever requested something. It had been a perfect meal, one that put me in a good state of mind for the long day ahead. It was always a little taxing when I trotted into the laboratory that Princess Celestia and my mistress had allowed Sunset and I to use. We'd been provided all the items we could ever need to perform any experiments we could possibly imagine. Typically, when I was in this place though, I made sure to test my... less destructive spells. Those were reserved for the forest. I wasn't about to put myself in a situation where I had to explain to Her Highness that I'd accidently blown up an expensive this or ruined a precious that. With that in mind, along with the fact that Sunset frequently occupied it as well, I tended to avoid our lab for the most part. I'd only decided to try and help Sunset yesterday because she'd pretty much asked me to. That turned out well. Very well It was getting louder. I couldn't let the fear get to me or it would drive me crawling back to my room... back to total isolation. I ignored it, instead pulling Wuthering Heights out of my saddlebags and taking a seat at one of the many large tables that peppered the room. Knowing Sunset, she'd get to the lab around an hour or so late, especially since we'd agreed to meet at such an early time in the day. She wasn't exactly a morning pony, so I had no idea why the golden mare had agreed to such an ungodly hour... well, ungodly for her, at least. Whatever the case, it mattered little. Even if we had decided to meet at a time later on in the day, I was certain she'd still find a way to be late. That was her typical m.o. I still wasn't certain if she did it on purpose or by some cruel twist of fate her life was just that hectic. Starlight Glimmer, on the other hoof, was a complete mystery. I had no idea when she'd decide to show up, but I'd definitely take into account what time she did. It was because of her that we were getting together today, after all. With the way she had run her town, she was probably a stickler for precision. That was the type of mentality I could get behind... as long as she didn't try to enslave any creatures. Glancing up at the clock hanging on the wall let me know I was half an hour early, not a bad arrival time. I could probably finish my book before the others got here, if I focused and didn't let my mind wander. Twiiiily... Twiiiily... A few minutes into reading and I was already interrupted by the hissing of the demon. I expected it would be more bold when I was alone, so it's presence didn't catch me off guard. Still, I refused to reply to it's beckoning. Soooo aloooone. Soooo foooolish. It felt as if the room had grown darker, the windows letting in Princess Celestia's sunlight now seemingly covered by a veil. The air had become freezing cold as well, my own breath visible to the naked eye. The dark was an ally, not an enemy, but this all consuming atmosphere... this darkness... was evil. All you can do is fling senseless taunts and petty insults, monster. Do your worst. I tried to remain calm even though I could already feel my heart beginning to hammer in my chest. Despite my escalating pulse, I had to be strong. I couldn't give it the sick satisfaction it sought. Doing so would only strengthen it and make things a whole lot worse for me. Is that what you think, Twiiiily? I could feel it's acrid breath on the back of my neck. It was warm in comparison to the environment and made my skin crawl. "I can't wait until I make you mine." It"s husky voice wasn't just within my head anymore. It whispered directly into my ear. It was in the lab with me... I was standing in an instant, the chair I was just sitting on tossed to the floor as my horn burned with magenta light. I whirled around to confront the demon only to come face to face with a panicked lilac mare. "S-SORRY! Sorry! It was a joke. Just a joke, I swear!" Starlight had her hooves held in front of herself as she backed away, bracing for an imminent attack. Her horn wasn't even powered as she looked at me with genuine fear in her eyes. The sudden cacophonous laughter of the demon nearly split my head in two. "Starlight!?" I gaped at the unicorn, a wince coming to my face. The lighting in the room had returned to normal along with the temperature heating back up to a comfy level. Once I realized I wasn't in danger anymore, I let out the terrified breath I was holding in. "Thank goodness," I whispered to myself. The lilac mare walked toward me cautiously, a look of concern or maybe confusion on her face. "Are you... okay, Twilight?" She drew nearer to me, but not so close that she could be touched. "What's going on?" How could I even answer that question? 'Well, you see, Starlight, there's this ancient demonic being that's trying to possess me. Sorry, you walked in on it making a move, but everything is fine now.' Ugh, that doesn't sound crazy at all. "It's nothing," I tried my hardest to smile, but the look she gave me assured she wasn't buying it at all. "I'm fine, Starlight," I looked up at the clock. She was right on time, not a second late. She continued to stare at me, her eyes flicking this way and that along my body. It was a little embarrassing and made me want to cover myself up with a blanket. "Twilight..." she finally spoke, her eyes still locked on mine. "I'm not going to force you to tell me anything, but..." she got closer. "Any creature with half a brain can see something is bothering you." "I..." my head fell. Was it that obvious? I must've looked frightful. Friends confided in one another, didn't they? Was Starlight a friend? Could it have happened so fast? With a mare so... horrible? How could I possibly be sure? Trust was a part of friendship too. Could I trust her? "Starlight, I-" She lifted a hoof to stop me. "Look, I can tell by your reaction whatever's going on is serious, and I'm not exactly a pillar of virtue for you to look to for answers, so..." she lifted my head with a hoof. "I'll help you the only way I know how," she smiled sympathetically. "Starlight..." I closed my eyes, nuzzling gently into her hoof. I don't know why I'd done something like that. Maybe it was because she was the only one around and I was still so scared. Maybe it was because she was being kind to me and she didn't have to be. Maybe I'd finally lost my mind and I just didn't care anymore. "Thank you," I whispered. "Hey, what are friends for?" she didn't pull away or poke fun at my suddenly vulnerable state. I looked up at her, her hoof still cupping my cheek. Staring into her kind eyes made my heart race for a very different reason than a few minutes ago. Twilight... what are you doing? "S-sorry!" With glowing maroon cheeks, I pulled away from her touch. The amused grin that came to her lips wasn't one of condescension or ridicule, but more genuine pleasure. "Don't worry about it," she turned to face the door. "We just gotta wait for Sunny to get here an-" "Sunset probably won't be joining us for awhile," I drew her attention. "She tends to get places very-" "Late?" she asked. "Yeah," I cocked my head to the side. "How'd you know?" "Intuition?" she shrugged. "She just strikes me as a very... carefree pony, y'know?" "That's Sunset to a T," I nodded reluctantly. "She'll more than likely be here in about an hour." "Perfect!" Starlight looked conniving all of a sudden, as if she'd planned for this exact scenario. Her sudden change in demeanor sent a chill down my spine. "I know exactly what we can do until she arrives..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Whaaaat's going on?" Sunset trotted into the lab more than an hour late. At least, it felt like it had been more than an hour, though I couldn't be certain. All of my concentration was on my task so I hadn't really kept proper track of time. Starlight is torturing me, PLEASE HELP! I had already crossed the threshold of exhaustion right into near death, the lilac mare's strange training method something I'd never attempted before. I tended to blow things up, I didn't do stuff like this. I had to keep my focus on the bowl in my telekinesis field or it would immediately fall to pieces. "You okay, Twilight?" Sunset asked. "I'm just peachy, Sunset," I growled through clenched teeth. "You're still hunching over!" Starlight grunted as she shoved her hoof into my lower back, drawing a gasp and an irritated glare from me. That's right, I'd forgotten. Starlight was behind me, helping me with my posture as I stood on shaking hind legs. She was directly behind me. Way too close behind me. So close, I was slightly... I was very distracted by her touch. She smelled, ironically enough, like the sweetest lilacs. She was making my task much harder than it should've been, but I couldn't complain. It was too... Intoxicating. "I'm TRYING!" I snapped at the unicorn as I poured a whole lot more mana into my horn. If I hadn't done so, my sudden lapse in concentration would've caused me to mess up. I had to be as angry as possible right now or risk giving off the air of giddiness I was experiencing from Starlight's proximity. "Do you know how hard it is to keep the stupid tea, away from the stupid napkin, while standing like a stupid idiot? WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR OVER AN HOUR!" I turned back to the object, sweat pouring down my face from more than just the physical effort it was taking to hold my spell together. "And you're making fantastic progress, Sparkles," she said soothingly as she wrapped her forelegs around my waist. It was either her sudden use of a nickname or the embrace, but keeping my composure became impossible. "H-how am I supposed to c-concentrate when you're hanging all o-over me, Starlight?" I felt like I was about to have a heart attack any moment. "What's wrong, Sparkles?" she was smiling, I could tell. If this was all just another game I was gonna strangle her. "Can't handle a beautiful mare giving you her attention?" Concentrate, Twilight! Just... concentrate! "I didn't even know you swung that way," she whispered into my ear, driving me crazy in more ways than one as her hot breath tickled me. "I- wh- I nev-" I could no longer think straight. Concerntrate! Concintrake... Cunci- "What's that?" Starlight was suddenly off me, pulled away by Sunset. Oh thank the Sisters! Without Starlight's... attention, holding the spell together was a whole lot easier. Not easy, by any means, but easier. Thank you, Sunset. "So this," Starlight took the bowl into her telekinesis. "Is a little something I whipped up to help out our dear Twilight." My front hooves fell forward onto the ground, my natural stance so much more comfortable than what Starlight had been making me do. "What does it do?" Sunset asked as I was finally allowed to catch my breath. "It's not what it does, it's what you have to do with it." Starlight said cryptically as she showed the golden mare the bowl and it's contents more closely. "Get it?" "I think so. Is that tea?" Sunset asked. "Yes," Starlight smiled that all too devious smile again. "So, what you're supposed to do is keep the tea away from the napkin, right?" "That's correct! Do ya wanna try?" Starlight looked like she was about to have way more fun than should be legal. "Sure." To her credit, Sunset was never one to back down from a challenge, no matter how difficult. "Okay. To start, I'll hold the bowl, you just keep the tea on the perimeter," Starlight held the bowl in her spell. "Okay!" Sunset completed the first, and easiest step, with no issues. "Starlight, this is really-" "Easy, I know. So now it's gonna get a little bit harder," Starlight's smile widened. "Now, hold the bowl as well." "Right!" As soon as Sunset had full control of the bowl it promptly fell apart. "It's harder than before, huh?" I remarked, trying my hardest not to sound snarky. It had been hard for me on my first attempt too. Starlight reconstructed the bowl and filled it with another napkin and more tea. "So you have to hold the bowl together too..." Sunset was already analyzing her failure and trying to figure out a way to circumvent her folly. "Wanna try again?" Starlight was indeed enjoying this way too much. Sunset nodded, her determination not faltering at all. As she took the bowl back it was easy to see the strain on her, but she persisted, holding it all together. It was impressive... for a slacker. "You're doing great, Sunset!" I cheered her on. Starlight quickly pulled the bowl away with her spell, obviously wanting to move to the final part of the test. "That was good, Sunny, but now you have to try the real deal." Starlight flicked her hoof at Sunset. "Uhm, what?" The golden mare was thoroughly confused by the poorly explained instructions. "Hind legs only," Starlight clarified. "Oh! Right." Sunset stood up onto her back legs, immediately looking like she was going to stumble and collapse. "It's a lot harder than it looks," I didn't want to discourage her, but at this rate she was going to hurt herself. It really was difficult to do everything Starlight was asking simultaneously. Sunset grabbed a table to steady herself and was able to stand under her own power for a second before... "Okay I'm-" she fell forward onto her forehooves. "Ready," The look of disappointment that crossed her features stirred an unknown feeling inside of me. "I... can't do it." "It's really hard, Sunset," I offered her a hoof of sympathy and a smile. "Being able to admit what you can and can't do is admirable." She was stunned by my gesture, but still managed to give me a weak smile. "Besides, It'll just take you some practice, yeah?" "Thanks, Twilight," she wiped a tear from her eye. It felt nice to cheer her up, if even just a little. Maybe there really was something to this friendship stuff. "This was specially catered to push Twilight anyway," Starlight placed the items back on the table. "I'll cook something up for you too, Sunny. Don't worry about it." "Thanks, Starlight." It was easy to see Sunset was still bothered by her lack of ability, but there wasn't much more we could do for her, other than to try and motivate her. Whatever the case, it's not like Starlight's specialized training had done much for me either. "Lot of good it did me," I shrugged. So now I could hold together some random objects with my telekinesis, big whoop. "Im not even sure I managed to accomplish anything," I said under my breath. It really had felt like I'd just wasted my time. The explosion of laughter that came from Starlight made me jump before I exchanged a look of confusion with Sunset. "What's so funny?" Sunset asked what we were both thinking. Starlight simply filled a cup with water and brought it over to us. "I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together, Sparkles," She held the cup in front of me. "Go ahead, Twilight." Sunset was still just as confused as I was. "Go ahead and what?" I asked. I was forced to push the cup away as Starlight began to poke me in the face with it. "WOULD YOU QUIT IT!?" I could not believe how good she was at grating on my nerves. "Don't you remember what you were doing yesterday?" Starlight's smug smile was growing larger. "Try doing it now." I looked at Sunset to get her thoughts. "Why not? It couldn't hurt," she shrugged. "Fine." I drew a minimal amount of water from the cup and coated my body with it, making sure it's density was potent enough to protect me from most threatening spells. NO FLIPPING WAY!? It was completely different now. There was absolutely no strain on my mana whatsoever. It almost felt like I wasn't casting a spell at all. I could move! If I really tried I could probably cast a different spell while maintaining the barrier I was currently utilizing. "Easier, huh?" Starlight chuckled. "I can..." I trotted around the room, the movement so simple I almost started prancing in delight. "Starlight... I can move!" I giggled like a little school filly. "It'll get even easier as you practice more diff-" I couldn't help it. I jumped on the lilac mare, wrapping my forelegs around her neck, laughing all the while. "Thank you, Starlight! I can't believe it!" I closed my eyes as I nuzzled deeper into her. "It was so much harder yesterday!" "Sure thing, Sparkles. It's-" she gave me a gentle hug back. A simple embrace couldn't express all of the gratitude I had for the mare. She'd helped me improve so quickly, a feat I could not even hope to attain just one day prior now comfortably in my grasp. She's so strong... The wonderful scent of lilac filled my nostrils, as if I was standing in a field of flowers. Why was this so... comfortable? Why did I feel so... safe? I couldn't answer these questions, but I knew one thing for sure. It felt good. "S-Sunset?" Starlight's voice broke me out of my euphoric moment. Was something wrong? I looked at the golden mare to find a truly devastated looking pony. What happened? Had I missed something? Fool... "Sun-" I tried to call out to her, but she wasn't having it. "I gotta use the restroom. I'll be right-" she blurted out as she ran from the lab. > Third wheel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No FREAKING WAY! I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room staring right back down at me. The chirping of birds and the bright sunlight cascading in through the windows confirmed my suspicion that I'd somehow overslept AGAIN. After the day we'd spent together, Twilight, Starlight, and I agreed to get some studying done first thing in the morning. That had sounded like an AMAZING idea to me. The pair of unicorns were both insanely talented at all things related to magic. The only creatures I could think of more adept than them were Celestia and Luna. Learning from the pair would put me on another level. I needed to get stronger and there weren't many better suited to help me get to my goal. Of course, I somehow managed to screw things up again and slept in. I don't even know how I'd stayed in bed for so long. And to top it all off, I was still a little tired! Is it really that hard to be on time for once in your life, Sunset? It's not like I'd even had a late night or anything like that. We all got home at a decent hour and I'd gotten to bed long before midnight. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before throwing myself off my bed and heading to the restroom. First things first, a cool shower. That should fully wake me up and being clean felt really good. As I stood under the downpour of water I began to wonder about the girls. Knowing Twilight for so long, I could safely say she was already in the lab practicing some sort of difficult spell. I wasn't so sure about Starlight, though. Is she an early bird like Twilight or a lazy bones like me? I honestly had no clue, but if I had to guess I'd say she was far closer to Twilight's camp than mine. Guess I'll find out soon. After my shower I washed up as quickly as I could, growing even more excited to join the others and find out what exactly we were gonna be doing today. I could swing by the kitchen and grab a bite to eat, but I was running way too late as it is, so I decided against it. Sorry, Starlight. Looks like breakfast will have to be another one of these. I grabbed one of the chocolate bars from my desk and unwrapped it as I picked up my saddlebags and headed out. If Celestia was aware I'd skipped another meal I'd be in for a big lecture, but I was doing what she'd asked, so I gave myself a pass. As I made my way through the halls of the castle to the lab, I couldn't help but think about the girls yet again. Starlight was actually trying. Like actually ACTUALLY trying. I can't believe it. Still, it was difficult to accept. I wanted to believe she was changing for the better, I really did... but a zebra couldn't just change its stripes cause it wanted to... or in Starlight's case, was forced to. She'd done some horrible things, and that was only the stuff we were aware of. Who knows all of the baggage she was carrying that we didn't know about. On top of that, she was a master of manipulation. This could all just be one big ploy to get us off balance... Do I really believe that? I couldn't believe that. I had to believe in her. It's what she needed the most. A friend. A real friend. Regardless of all that, I'd do everything I could to help her change her mentality. Seeing her listening to the music at the store... the cavalcade of emotions she'd seemingly gone through from the experience, was surprising. I genuinely believe something changed inside of her. Maybe she felt guilty for her transgressions. Maybe her conscience was eating away at her. Or maybe she'd remembered a memory she'd tried to bury deep down inside herself. Whatever had affected her so, it was easy to see just how distraught the unicorn had become. Something was really troubling her, and it obviously had nothing to do with being forced to remain in Canterlot. I wanted to help her with it, to listen, to be there for her, but we just weren't that close yet. This friendship stuff is a lot harder than I thought it would be. If it were up to me, Starlight and I would just hammer out her issues as soon as possible. Y'know, sit down and talk it out like a couple of grown mares. Keeping stuff bottled up inside never worked out as far as I could tell, but I guess it was naive of me to think conversation could fix any problem. Who knows what kind of travesties Starlight might have gone through in her life. Everpony's upbringing was different, I couldn't judge her too harshly for what she'd done, especially since she was still such a... mystery. That's probably why I cared so much. Nopony could possibly have done such terrible things to other creatures without experiencing some really heavy stuff themself... right? "Are you alright, Miss Shimmer?" a guard asked as I passed him by. The severity of my thoughts must've been showing on my face, and so, I had drawn some unwanted attention. "I'm fine," I gave him a sweet smile. "Thanks for asking." I finished up the candy bar and continued on my way. Twilight... I had no idea what to think about the lavender mare. Since returning from Starlight's village she'd been... different. Much different. From helping me with developing my barrier spell, to buying me ice cream, her whole demeanor toward me seemed to have changed. This was the pony that no more than a week ago had told me to my face that I wasn't worth her time and didn't deserve to be Celestia's student. The same pony who would get up and leave a room as soon as I entered. The same pony who made me feel absolutely awful about myself day in and day out... The same pony that I admired more than anypony else. Since the first second I'd met her, it was so easy to see how smart she was, how skilled at magic she was. The same pony I thought could be my first real friend. After all, we were both going down similar paths, me with Celestia and her with Luna. Eventually, she'd become the mare that I... slowly started to... I'd finally made some progress... we'd finally made some progress, but there was one big problem, a question that scared me more than anything else. Was it all just due to her dedication to the assignment? Her sudden change toward me could've been solely due to our mentors pushing us to become closer to one another. If that really was the case, if she were only doing what she was, acting friendly toward me, because she felt obligated to, I'd be truly devastated. I only ever really wanted one thing from her. Her acknowledge ment... for her to care... and then maybe, somewhere down the line... for her to feel the same way I had for all these years. Twilight... I stood at the door to our laboratory, a very real sense of doubt and fear billowing around me. I wanted to see her... I didn't want to see her. With a shaking hoof, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. "Look, just keep your back straight a- Oh! Hey Sunny!" Starlight was draped all over Twilight, their faces centimeters from each other. They were standing awkwardly on their hind legs, Starlight directly behind Twilight. The lavender unicorn's horn was pulsing with bright magenta light. The lilac unicorn behind her had one foreleg tightly wrapped around the pony in front of her while her other foreleg was pressing a hoof into Twilight's lower back. What. The. HECK! "Whaaaat's going on?" I closed the door behind myself, not taking my eyes off of Starlight for a second. She looked like she'd just been caught with her hoof in a cookie jar and with how... annoyed I felt right now, she had been caught doing something much worse. Twilight looked like she was done with the world, her own irritated face almost drawing a laugh from me. She looked so incredibly... cute, I couldn't help but simmer down immediately. "You okay, Twilight?" I asked, a grin on my face as I tossed my saddlebags onto a desk and trotted over to the duo. "I'm just peachy, Sunset," Twilight said through gritted teeth as she continued to concentrate on the object she was hovering in front of herself. "You're still hunching over!" Starlight pushed her hoof harder into Twilight's back, forcing better posture on the lavender unicorn. Twilight responded with a sharp gasp followed by a growl and glare that looked to kill her instructor's enthusiasm. "I'm TRYING!" she barked, a flash of energy blasting out of her already fiery horn. She was drenched in sweat, the magical effort obviously putting an intense strain on her. "Do you know how hard it is to keep the stupid tea away from the stupid napkin while standing like a stupid idiot? WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR OVER AN HOUR!" "And you're making fantastic progress, Sparkles," Starlight's position of guidance behind Twilight turned into a gentle embrace, her head laying on Twilight's shoulder. Uhm, excuse me? When had they found the time to get so close to one another? "H-how am I supposed to c-concentrate when you're hanging all o-over me, Starlight??" Twilight's blush was so fierce, I swear I could see smoke billowing from the top of her head. "What's wrong, Sparkles?" Starlight's smile had become so devious, so full of mischief, It was blatantly obvious she was doing this on purpose. "Can't handle a beautiful mare giving you her attention?" Starlight looked at me with a playfully raised eyebrow. "I didn't even know you swung that way," she whispered into the frazzled unicorn's ear. "I- wh- I nev-" Twilight was literally about to explode from embarrassment, but to her credit, she still held the strange object in her telekinetic spell. Yep, Starlight was definitely doing it on purpose. It's not like I was jealous of the lilac mare or anything lame like that... I was, in fact, exceptionally jealous of the lilac mare. That very ugly feeling drove me to break up their little cuddle session. "What's that?" I grabbed Starlight and pulled her away from her current plaything, pointing at the object Twilight was trying her hardest to concentrate on. Surprisingly, Starlight didn't get mad, she simply rolled her eyes and chuckled before replying. "So this," she grabbed the object out of Twilight's magical field with one of her own. "Is a little something I whipped up to help out our dear Twilight." Finally allowed to rest, Twilight fell forward onto her forelegs, her normal stance, clearly relieved to be free from having to use any more mana or standing so awkwardly. "What does it do?" I asked as Twilight took a breather. It looked like a pretty rudimentary bowl made of glass. "It's not what it does, it's what you have to do with it." She lowered the bowl a bit to let me see inside of it. Within laid a napkin that was surrounded by a light green liquid. "Get it?" she asked me. "I think so," I tapped my chin with a hoof. "Is that tea?" "Yes," Starlight smiled. "So, what you're supposed to do is keep the tea away from the napkin, right?" I looked up at her. "That's correct! Do ya wanna try?" she asked giddily. "Sure." I wasn't opposed to a challenge. "Okay. To start, I'll hold the bowl, you just keep the tea on the perimeter," she lifted the bowl closer to me. "Okay!" I used a simple telekinesis spell to keep the tea away from the napkin inside of the bowl. It was... unbelievably easy. "Starlight, this is really-" "Easy, I know. So now it's gonna get a little bit harder," she smirked. "Now, hold the bowl as well." "Right!" As her magical aura faded away from the bowl I took it into my telekinesis and it immediately fell to pieces. The shards of glass, tea, and the napkin all fell to the floor with a wet crash. "It's harder than before, huh?" Twilight had caught her breath as she stood next to Starlight. The lilac mare was grinning as she rebuilt the bowl and placed the napkin and more tea back inside of it. "So you have to hold the bowl together too..." I whispered to myself. That would be a lot more difficult than the first task. Holding it too tightly could shatter the glass, but holding it too softly could cause the tea to seep through the cracks. You had to precisely control the flow of mana to keep the bowl held together while also keeping the tea on the outer rim of the bowl. "Wanna try again?" Starlight asked with an entertained smile. She was getting a real kick out of this, probably because she could do it with such little effort. I nodded, carefully taking the bowl into my mana again. Knowing it was in pieces made it a bit easier to handle, but controlling the ebb and flow of the tea, coupled with holding each shard of glass together, was beyond difficult. The strain forced my eyes closed, that I might concentrate on only my task and nothing else. "You're doing great, Sunset!" Twilight's enthusiastic cheer threw me off a little, my eyes springing open as Starlight quickly took the items into her own mana yet again. I gave my rival a thankful glance as she returned a knowing one to me. "That was good, Sunny, but now you have to try the real deal." Starlight flicked her hoof at me twice. "Uhm, what?" I tilted my head. "Hind legs only," she flicked again. "Oh! Right." I tried to stand to my back legs and almost stumbled backwards. It wasn't exactly the way a pony stood and doing so took a lot of effort. "It's a lot harder than it looks," Twilight said once she'd noticed how much trouble I was having. I placed a hoof on one of the desks to steady myself before removing it and standing under my own power. "Okay I'm-" I fell forward onto my hooves. "Ready," I sighed. There was just no way, not yet, at least. I already had to focus to do the telekinesis, standing like that during would make things so much more complicated. "I... can't do it." "It's really hard, Sunset," Twilight placed a hoof on my shoulder. "Being able to admit what you can and can't do is admirable,' her sympathetic smile lifted my heart. "Besides, It'll just take you some practice, yeah?" I looked at the lavender mare, completely stunned by her unexpected kindness. The sting of my failure was instantly lessened by her. I nodded and offered her a smile back, though I'm sure I was still tearing up. "Thanks, Twilight," I wiped a tear from my eye. "This was specially catered to push Twilight anyway," Starlight placed the items back onto one of the tables. "I'll cook something up for you too, Sunny. Don't worry about it." "Thanks, Starlight." I appreciated it so much... but it still felt a little painful. I was lagging behind them, and it felt like there was no way I'd ever be able to catch up. They were so... amazing and I just... wasn't. "Lot of good it did," Twilight scoffed. "I'm not even sure I managed to accomplish anything." Starlight's laughter exploded with such gusto it caused me and Twilight to exchange confused glances. "What's so funny?" I asked the giggling mare. She trotted over to the sink and filled a cup with water before bringing it back over to us. "I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together, Sparkles," Starlight hovered the cup in front of the two of us, her confident grin growing wider. "Go ahead, Twilight." I looked at the mare who was quite clearly as confused as I was. "Go ahead and what?" she asked, shoving the cup away as Starlight tried to move it closer and closer to her face. "WOULD YOU QUIT IT!?" she finally blew up at the lilac unicorn. "Don't you remember what you were doing yesterday?" Starlight's smile was somehow still growing, the pleasure she was getting from this off the charts. "Try doing it now." Twilight looked at me with a frown. "Why not? It couldn't hurt," I shrugged. "Fine," Twilight pulled a little bit of water from the cup and coated herself with it. As her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open, the shock on her face as she examined various parts of her body grew with each passing second. "Easier, huh?" Starlight chuckled. "I can..." Twilight trotted around the room, the magic still coating her the entire time. "Starlight... I can move!" she gaped at the lilac mare. "It'll get even easier as you practice more diff-" the lavender mare didn't even let the unicorn finish speaking. Twilight leapt at Starlight, wrapping her neck in her forelegs and laughing gleefully. "Thank you, Starlight! I can't believe it!" she nuzzled deeper into the stunned unicorn. "It was so much harder yesterday!" I lifted a hoof toward them slightly before it fell back down to the floor, Starlight noticing my movement. She looked at me with remorseful eyes, a pained expression coming to her face. "Sure thing, Sparkles," she sighed and gently tapped her back with a hoof. "It's-" Why? I hated the horrible piercing feeling growing deep within my heart. The sight of them holding each other like that... it was too much. It's not fair. "S-Sunset?" Starlight could see the pain in me. Twilight turned her head to look at me as well, not letting go of the lilac mare she held so tenderly. "Sun-" "I gotta... go. I can't be around this. ...use the restroom. I'll be right back," I said quickly. Before the tears could fall from my face, I fled from the room. > The talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing them getting along so well hurt more than I would ever be able to express. Watching the two of them felt like a knife was gradually being plunged directly into my heart. I should've been happy for them. I should've been happy for us, but all I could feel crawling through my veins was the burning fire of jealousy. I couldn't stay there, not with them, not with that look on Twilight's face. So I left. Like the jealous, unhappy coward I was, I lied to them and then ran away. Now I sat by myself, wallowing in my own pathetic irrational fears. What if Starlight likes her? What if she likes Starlight? What if I missed my chance? Thank Celestia I"d stumbled on this room all those years ago. The Castle was a very convoluted building to navigate, so there were bound to be a few areas less frequented by the inhabitants. The room I currently sat in was even more hidden away than any other in the castle, at least that I was aware of. Around two years ago, when I was still getting accomodated to living in the castle, I'd gotten into a particularly bad fight with Twilight. I can't even really remember what stupid little thing started the whole debacle, but at some point, we came to blows. She'd made some snide remark about being able to take me down without using magic and I said something I shouldn't have about her mentor. Bear in mind, it had happened waaaay before I knew about Twilight's more... impassioned tendencies. She did have a nasty right hook, particularly when it was thrown while I wasn't looking, but if there was one thing I was confident in about myself, it was my body. She ended up a bloody mess on the ground and I didn't know what to do about it. At the time, I was pretty sure Luna was gonna kill me, so in a panic, I ran. Not paying attention to where I was going, I ended up slamming into a bookshelf I hadn't noticed. The impact knocked me to the ground and when I reached up to stand, I accidently grabbed one of the books. I found pulling that particular book triggered an opening in the wall that led to a hidden room. The small space was completely unremarkable, save for a simple carpet and a single lush couch. Nopony found me for hours, so I was eventually forced to leave my hiding place. Strangely enough, there were no repercussions from Celestia or Luna. At the time, I wasn't very familiar with either sister, so I thought I'd gotten away with everything. Knowing what I do now, I was certain they'd let me and Twilight handle it. After a few days, I was able to face my rival and apologized for my actions. While she was still angry with me, she did admit that I bested her in a hoof fight. I think that fact pissed her off more than the actual beating, the defeat. She apologized for looking down on me. Of course, seconds later she shouted that the apology only applied to hoof to hoof fights, and in every other area she was still superior, but still. That might've been when I first started liking her. Even though she was embarrassed and wanted nothing to do with me, she swallowed her pride and was honest with me. We were able to come to something of an understanding after that. She promised not to talk as much crap about me and I promised I wouldn't say another negative thing about Luna. Since the day of the fight, I had gained the use of what I called my "Escape room". Whenever I felt overwhelmed or if I just had to get away from it all, I'd come here. It was...soothing, knowing I had my solitude... Knowing I wouldn't be bothered. But right now, all I could feel was envy. I groaned, covering my eyes with my hooves. It's so unfair. They barely even know each other for crying out loud! I'd known Twilight for years now and she was all over Starlight like they were... like they were... It's not FAIR! As my horn surged with energy, I unintentionally launched a blast of mana at the wall. When no explosion or any other sound came, I moved my hooves away from my face. For some strange reason the projectile was floating in mid-air, suspended by a golden aura. After a couple seconds, it flickered out of reality in a burst of light. "Forgive me for intruding," I jumped off the sofa and whirled around to find my mentor standing in the room with me. "but I really don't think you should be alone right now." "Y-Your Highness!?" I was too stunned to do anything other than stare at her with wide eyes. How did she find me? I guess that was a pretty stupid question. It was her, after all. I was certain she could find anypony in seconds, if not instantly, if she really wanted to. "Please, Sunset... just Celestia?" The authoritative air she usually carried herself with was nowhere to be found, only a slightly pleading look and an awkward smile on her face. "S-sure... Celestia," I brushed some of the hair that'd fallen into my face away with a hoof. I really wasn't expecting her to come here and I REALLY wasn't expecting such an informal demeanor from her. "Thank you," her smile brightened a little as she looked around the room. A faintly detectable expression of familiarity spread across her features as she took in her surroundings. "My old reading room, I'm glad it could find some use once I stopped coming here," she smiled, looking down at the couch before sweeping a hoof over it adoringly. "This was... your room?" I had to inspect the room around me again at finding out that information. "Is it so difficult to believe?" she tilted her head. "Everypony needs their privacy from time to time. Even Luna has her own place of solitude. I used to come in here all the time. Ah, but that was centuries ago." The slight lowering of her eyebrows and the corners of her mouth was more than a little depressing. Regardless of that, I still couldn't believe it. "Really? You're serious?" I looked around again. She could've done so much more in here. Spruced the place up a bit and brought in a plant or something. It was small, but it wasn't that small. "That's why the device for getting in here is a bookshelf," she pointed a hoof toward the wall. "Some of my favorite books are still on that shelf out there. When life became too... hectic, I'd grab a book, come lie down in here, and read for hours on end," she giggled again, something she seemed to be getting more comfortable doing around me. "You should've seen the looks my assistants would give me when I showed up again." The memory entertained her so much, she had to muffle her laughter with a hoof. "But it's... it's so... basic," I tried not to sound obnoxious, but it was hard not to when you were questioning somepony because of their lack of style. Thankfully, she was still laughing so she hadn't really taken my comment to heart. Once her fit died down, she let out a long satisfied sigh. "Sometimes, basic is all anypony really needs, Sunset. Even a Princess." She moved in front of the couch. "Do you mind?" "Of course not," I shook my head quickly. "It is yours." "Wonderful!" she beamed as she reclined on her belly on the sofa. Her smile grew as she got comfortable. "Just as pleasant as I remember. Now," she looked at me expectantly. "I know you only come in here for reasons similar to my own... do you want to talk about it?" "Wait, you-" my surprise instantly died down when I thought about who I was talking to. Of course she knows. With a defeated sigh, I took a seat on the carpet. "Honestly... I'm not really sure if I do." It was equal parts embarrassing and pathetic. What was I supposed to tell her? Yeah, so anyway, I'm hardcore crushing on Twilight and I'm super jealous of Starlight cause they're getting along. I'd rather die than let her of all ponies know that. "I see," her horn glowed for a second as she scooted me closer to herself. "You don't have to be embarrassed to tell me about anything, Sunset," she lifted a hoof up to my face and wiped away...a tear? Crap... "Try not to think of me as your teacher right now. Try to view me as a... concerned friend," she lowered her hoof. Normally she'd have given me a speech about the hardships of life and told me how everything was going to be okay. I guess she actually is dedicated to the whole getting closer thing. With another defeated sigh, I wiped my face with a foreleg and spoke. "Twilight and Starlight are getting along really well," I tried to keep it vague, not really sure how else to start this unwanted conversation. Maybe slowly lowering myself into the pool would be a lot easier than diving in head first. "Well, that's good... isn't it?" she asked. While her words may have been expressed like a genuine question, it also kind of seemed like she already knew what I'd reply. "It's... complicated." I awkwardly scratched my mane with a hoof. "I don't really know where to start." I'd never been a big fan of discussing my personal feelings, especially those on the subject of my love life. "Well... how about starting with what happened to bring you here today?" she suggested. "I..." I sighed. "I suppose I could, but..." "Starlight was looking for you," she gave me a half smile. "She said she was sorry." "She did?" That was more than a little surprising and so, had caught me off guard. She hadn't even done anything wrong. It was all my fault. Me and my stupid jealousy. "I think she really cares about you, Sunset," she smiled sweetly. That makes me feel even worse... "Whatever it is, It can't be that bad... can it?" her smile faltered a bit. It most definitely can be. "Probably worse. I think I'm... n-no." That isn't true. I was sure. "I'm... jealous." "Jealous?" her eyes widened before she quickly recovered. "That's not out of the ordinary, Sunset. We all can get a little envious from time to time," she kept an even temperament, although my declaration did appear to bother her. "Not for the reasons I am," I covered my face with my hooves, the shame way too humiliating. "And what might those be, if you don't mind me asking?" Of course I mind. She was a goddess, I didn't want her to know how terrible I was, but she really was trying to help, and I loved her too much not to trust her. I lowered my forelegs, ready to have the most serious discussion I'd ever had with my beloved mentor. "You and Luna want the three of us to get along so..." Can I really tell her I'm frustrated because their relationship is growing so much faster than mine? Is that really the reason you're mad, Sunset? Is it? Or is it because Starlight got to be so close to the pony I wanted to be close to? Is it because Twilight had held her so affectionately? Is it actually because all I wanted was for Twilight to hold me like that? "It's... not as easy as I thought. Friendship, I mean," I only half lied, but it still drew a raised eyebrow from the Sun Princess. My head drooped because of her disappointed expression. "It's... a delicate process, Sunset. Everypony moves forward at their own pace," she lifted my chin with her wing. "And there's nothing wrong with getting... discouraged when others seem to... progress a bit faster than you." She was being very careful about her choice of words. "It simply means you truly care about your own growth. We all experience negative thoughts from time to time. As long as you don't let that negativity influence your mood or actions, you'll continue down the right path." I just had to make sure the negative emotions didn't change who I was? That's... really good advice. But what should I do with them? They were so strong. But maybe it wasn't the jealousy that was strong... maybe it was... "Have you ever had... feelings for somepony, Celestia?" Her eyes widened larger than I'd ever seen before, her jaw going slack, but her mouth remaining closed. "I-" "S-SORRY! Is that too far?' I lifted my hooves in apology, panic overtaking me. Her eyes softened, a pleased smile coming to her face as her composure returned. "It's okay, Sunset. I just wasn't expecting a... question of that nature from you."She closed her eyes as she grew quiet, concentration taking over her features. A look of disappointment came to her when she opened her eyes and spoke. "I'm afraid I may be useless to you on that subject, Sunset." "N-never?" She didn't need to say anything more. I knew exactly what she was implying. "B-but you've been alive for more than a thousand years, how could you possibly..." It made no sense. She may have been immortal, but she was still a mare. A breathtakingly beautiful one at that. She still had to have inclinations. She still had to have... desires... Doesn't she? "Responsibilities," she said simply. When I didn't reply she chose to continue. "Since time immemorial, I have been the keeper of the day and all that entails, while Luna has been the same for the night. It is no easy task, taking care of the entire world, all while ruling a nation," she paused before chuckling uncomfortably. "Arguably, it's even more difficult to do while handling the obligations of an elder sister." I already knew all of that, but for some reason, the way she was explaining it felt... forced. "My wants and desires are irrelevant, Sunset. I have to protect this world of ours, no matter who may try and take it." She wasn't looking at me, her eyes void of life, like she was reciting a speech she'd practiced hundreds, if not thousands, of times, but didn't believe in whatsoever. "Celestia?" I craned my neck forward, trying to catch her gaze, but only received a nervous sidelong glance for my efforts. Is she... sweating? "What's going on?" I inched closer to her face. She moved away. "N-nothing! Nothing at all! What makes you say that, Sunset?" Nnnno, something is definitely off. "You're acting really... wierd." I pressed a hoof against her hip and she jumped with a yelp like she'd just been stabbed. I jumped back myself, not expecting a reaction like that. "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT KIND OF STUFF!" she nearly shouted before covering her mouth with her hooves. She still refused to look my way. I was pinned against the wall, her sudden volume surprising me so much I'd darted to the other side of the room. "W-what stuff?" I was finally able to get out once my nerves had calmed down a bit and my pulse returned to normal. She mumbled something I couldn't quite hear, her head drifting down onto the couch. "Uhm, sorry? I didn't quite catch that." "THE BIRDS AND THE BEES!" she definitely yelled this time, but it wasn't anger on her face, it was undiluted embarrassment, her cheeks a dark rose. She turned away again, laying her head on the couch. "The buh-" I felt dizzy all of a sudden, the room slowly starting to spin. Just what the heck is she on about? "I knew we'd have to have the talk eventually," she sighed, sounding way too depressed. "but I was praying it wouldn't be this soon." What the heck is she talking about? What the heck are we talking about? At some point the two of us had lost the plot and it was my job to get things back on track. "Celestia... what in all of Equestria are you talking about?" I moved closer to her, placing a gentle hoof on her back. "You already know..." she whispered sadly. "You're growing up so fast." "CELESTIA!" I almost smacked her. "TELL! ME! WHAT! WE! ARE! DISCUSSING!" She flipped over, her eyes brimming with tears. "We're talking about s..." she stopped short. Oh no... OH GOD... I went pale as I finally realized where this was going. I had to force myself to stop actively retching, though more than one did slip out. She closed her eyes, mustering her resolve. "WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SE-" I clapped a hoof against her mouth in a panic. "NO, WE MOST DEFINITELY, ARE NOT!" My manic eyes locked with hers that were full of surprise. No way! Not in a million years! I was not talking with HER about THAT! "Wrm nht?" she muttered something into my hoof. "What!?" I asked once I'd stopped blocking her speech. "We're... not?" she asked innocently, her eyes full of renewed hope. I simply shook my head in response, my cheeks so hot I could've sworn they were on fire. "Oh, thank God!" She jumped up to a seated position and pulled me into a hug. "Wait... then what are we talking about?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Twilight, huh?" She was taking the news way better than I'd thought she would. "Y-yeah..." Once we'd both mellowed out and I started from the beginning, I was able to clear up the misunderstanding and tell her exactly what'd happened in the lab. Hearing it recollected out loud really did make it sound absolutely foolish, but if she was gonna try and help me, she had to hear it all. "She's... cute?" she smiled uncomfortably. "I'm really sorry, Sunset," she wrapped a wing around me. "It truly is an awkward subject for me as well." "You and me both," I snuggled into her. "I can only imagine how you'd have reacted if I'd been knocked up by some random stallion," I joked with a laugh. "Well," her face screwed up in contemplation. "I suppose if it was just some random stallion, I could introduce him to the surface of my sun," she grinned. "You wouldn't!" I stared at her with my own smile. "It wouldn't be the first time," she winked mischievously. "Do you know how many unworthy suitors have tried to court Luna?" she laughed a little too loudly. "And they were just seeking to try with her. If an unworthy stallion had done such a thing to you..." she looked a little more than maniacal. The really scary thing was, I wasn't sure if she was joking or not. "Well, it's a good thing Twilight is worthy then, huh?" I tried to steer the conversation away from murder. "Even if I thought she wasn't, she's Luna's," her eyes narrowed to analytical slits, sending a trill through my mind. "Uhm, Luna's?" I asked. "OH!" she snapped out of her reflection. "Uhm, yes, her pupil, I mean," she scratched her mane roughly. "I would never think to do anything that might negatively affect my dear little sister, but..." she suddenly looked worried. "What is it?" "Sunset... have you considered the... possible ramifications of your... feelings?" she was being really careful with her words again, but it still ended up sounding pretty cold. "What do you mean?" I didn't really understand what she was trying to ask. How can my feelings for Twilight change anything that drastically? "I can't say for sure, Sunset, but Luna is very... protective," she elaborated on her initial statement. Well, yeah. "Im aware of that, Celestia. But-" "Sunset... there's a very real possibility that my sister has also... developed similar feelings for her student." My mentor didn't hold back, her eyes locking with mine. "You've seen them together." I... hadn't considered that possibility at all. The Princess of the Night and her pupil were beyond close and I'd always viewed them as a family, a mother and daughter, but that didn't mean that's how they felt about one another. This single unconsidered scenario brought about countless questions. If Luna had feelings for Twilight, did I even have a chance? Would Twilight ever pick me over the one she viewed in such a holy light? Even if by some miracle Twilight felt the same and I beat Luna, would she even approve of me? "You..." I rubbed my eyes with my hooves, already tired despite it being so early in the day. "You might be right." I looked up at my mentor, full of desperation. "What should I do?" "I think..." Again that uncomfortable smile painted her face. "I think your best course of action would be to speak with my sister." I looked at her with so much disbelief she flinched. "Celestia, that sounds like the worst thing I could do." "Don't misunderstand, Sunset," she shook her head. "I'm not telling you to confess your feelings to her or anything like that. I'm saying to speak with her and gauge her feelings for young Twilight." "Oh! I get it," my face lit up in comprehension. "You're saying to do some investigating." "Precisely!" she patted me atop the head before becoming deathly serious. "Just make sure you don't give anything away. Luna is unbelievably perceptive so if you slip up even a little, she'll see right through you." "Thanks for the warning," I sighed. It wasn't going to be easy, trying to figure out if Luna had feelings for Twilight, but it had become even more critical to me to know than whether or not I loved the unicorn. I couldn't compete with the alicorn. She was a goddess. A perfectly flawless entity that could do no wrong. She was everything to Twilight and I was just... noth- "Never sell yourself short, Sunset." Celestia booped my nose, halting my thoughts. "You're an absolutely amazing mare... one Twilight would be lucky to have and one that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world." An overjoyed smile crept onto my face. "T-thanks, Celestia. I... I feel the same way." "I just..." she looked unsure all of a sudden. "I just wish I could've been more help to you. For all my limitless strength and wisdom, I sure dropped the ball as your friend, didn't I?" I hugged her tight, chuckling at just how wrong she was. "No... you did great." My tears fell. As she embraced me back I knew everything would be okay. No matter what happened between me and Twilight. No matter how everything played out with Starlight. No matter how Luna felt. I knew. There was no doubt. Celestia would always be right here with open arms and an open heart. She would care for me. She would worry for me. She would love me... No matter what. > The past rears its ugly head > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think she's going to the restroom," Starlight remarked as she stared at the door. "Obviously," I let go of the lilac mare. "I'm going after her," she was already in motion, in hot pursuit of the golden unicorn who'd just left the lab in a huff. "I'm coming too!" I galloped out the door right behind her. Once the two of us reached the main hall we were forced to pause. There were far too many paths we could take. If we want to find her any time soon, we should probably go separate ways. Or we could try asking one of the guards posted in the area, but Celestia's soldiers really didn't like me, and I'm pretty sure they felt the same way about Starlight. "We should probably split up, we can cover more ground that way," Starlight suggested as she flicked her head in different directions as if she was trying to decide the best route to take. "Think she went back to her room?" "Only one way to find out," I shrugged. "You head over there and I'll go this way." I pointed in the opposite direction. "Alright! Good luck!" she nodded, already galloping away from me. I ran down the opposite hall with no particular destination in mind. Her room? The gardens? Princess Celestia's room? I couldn't think of a single specific place she might've gone to. I wasn't even really sure what the problem was. All I knew was she looked sad... and for some reason, that really bothered me. I could try asking Her Highness for help, but I really didn't like bothering her for trivial things. She already had so many responsibilities and concerns, I hated adding to them in any way. My worry over a distraught Sunset Shimmer shouldn't even appear on her radar. No, Starlight and I can handle this. As far as I could tell, it was my fault, after all. It was something I'd done. The way Sunset had looked at me convinced me of that. I just have to find her and- What I should've been doing is watching where I was going, paying attention to my surroundings. Maybe if I had been, I could've avoided smashing into whatever had been standing in the middle of the hall. The impact was strong enough to send both of us careening to the ground. "Uggggh, s-sorry. I wasn't looking where I was-" as I shakily stood to my hooves, my head buzzing with ache, I went to check on the other creature. W-what!? There was nothing, I stood alone in the long hall... an abnormally long hall that appeared to stretch on endlessly. This is... wrong... There was nothing like this hall inside the castle, not to my knowledge, at least. There were no windows, darkness coming from every inch of the wide open space. The ceiling was incredibly high and any decor that might've once existed was replaced by decaying tapestries or dying fauna. Please! Not again... "Twiiiilighhhht..." The all too familiar hissing, snakelike voice instantly made me nauseous. For some reason it wasn't contained to just my mind, the sound echoing all around me just like in the lab. I tensed up, pushing mana into my horn as I desperately looked around in an attempt to find the owner of the voice. "Yoooou're so much more easier toooo prey on when yoooou're all by your lonesoooome..." "Show yourself, you monster!" I bellowed into the darkness, the light of my horn giving me a modicum of confidence. "Or are you satisfied skulking in the shadows like the coward that you are?" "Ooooh, somepony's getting a biiiig heeeead..." A dense smoke rose from the ground right in front of me. Dark and undulating, it grew and grew until it filled the hall and encompassed me completely. A tendril of it lifted my head by the chin. "You stiiiill don't seeeem to understaaaand the severity of yoooour predicament, little fooooal..." Two piercing red eyes formed in the smoke, inches away from my face. I wanted to maintain what little confidence I had, wanted to spit in its face and fight it off, but... "I-i'm not a-afraid of you." My words came out as a stuttered whisper as I took a trembling step back. "Oh, Twiiiily... I've already told yoooou... You can't liiiie to meeee..." As it spoke, I backed into more of the smog behind me. It was solid, or at least a lot more solid than it should have been. I whirled around to find more of the glowing red eyes staring at me hungrily. "Even your beloved Princess Lunaaaa fears meeee... You're no differeeeent." I was trapped, completely surrounded by the demon... and what's worse, it was right. My fear was rising up inside of me, threatening to take over and drive me into a madness I couldn't escape from. Turning in place only managed to exacerbate the terror, hundreds, then thousands of eyes, sprouting up in the billowing smoke. My horn flickered and died, the small amount of light I was producing snuffed out in seconds. "N-NO!" My terrified scream caused the darkness to grow and the eyes to glow brighter. Unable to do anything, my legs began to give out, forcing me into a crouch as the smog pushed down on me. "P-please..." I closed my eyes, my mind no longer able to accept what was happening... or what was about to happen. "Wiiiith Luna, I desired nothiiiing more than commiseration," the demon whispered to me. "She rejected meeee. Even though we could haaaave shared our despair... We could have beeeen invincible... She chose heeeer sister OVER MEEEE!" it's roar made thunder seem quiet in comparison, sending fear throughout me and shaking me to my core. "With soooomepony like yoooou, Twily... with you, I can taaaake what I waaaant, when I waaaant." I felt it yet again, the demon's tongue licking around my ears. I knew it was purely a tactic to unsettle me. It worked more than anything else the monster could have done. I shuddered in disgust as the weight of the demon pressed down upon me. Your Highness... The only thing that came to my mind was the beautiful visage of my mistress. "She cannot saaaave yo-" "Excuse me?" An unfamiliar voice, one so melodious the feeling it gave me was almost the same as Her Majesty's, cut off the demon. Is it speaking to me? I couldn't be certain. Regardless, I was too shaken to open my eyes or even respond. If I was met with the same chaos as before, I wasn't sure what I would do. "Rescued agaaaain? How fortunaaaate..." the demons voice faded away. "E-excuse me?" The second time the voice spoke, I felt more inclined to respond. A very strange compulsion filled me to answer whomever the voice belonged to, as if they possessed some sort of authority akin to the princesses. "Y-yes?" I managed to squeak out, though I kept my eyes tightly shut. "A-are you... are you alright?" it asked. When I didn't reply, it continued. "You've been standing there for almost five minutes." Standing here? I haven't been...? Absolutely baffled, I mustered up enough courage to lift my eyelids and look around. I was still in the castle, no more than a few paces away from the main hall. I hadn't gotten very far before what must have been a hallucination from the monster had overtaken my mind. Whoever the creature was that was speaking to me must have driven the demon away... somehow. I suppose it could've simply been the mere presence of another being, the monster obviously preferring my seclusion when it attacked. I turned around to face the creature that had saved me. What, or rather, whom, I found, made my heart skip a beat. She was an absolutely breathtaking pegasus with a lithe and toned body. She was taller than me, nearly as big as Her Highness, and while some might describe her as lanky, I saw her more as having the features of an alicorn than a normal pony. Her long mane and tail were both striped light yellow, bright pink, and purple, both curled at their ends. Her coat was a light pink and her cutie mark displayed a blue heart made out of crystal surrounded by gold accents. She was staring at me, her vibrant light violet eyes full of concern. She had a hoof lifted my way as she waited for me to respond. I wanted to throw myself at her, to hug her for saving me... but that probably wasn't the smartest idea. Calm down, Twilight. You don't even know who she is. I stowed my emotions and offered her a polite smile. "I-I'm fine. T-thank you." I was so much more grateful than a simple thanks could express, but it was all I had. "CADENZA!" A mare's voice rang out from the main hall. "Coming, mom!" the mare in front of me, Cadenza, replied to who was apparently, her mother. "If you're okay, I have to get going," she turned on her heel to go on her way. "Thank you for... for caring," for some reason I couldn't explain, I bowed low as she left. "Cadenza." "Any time... Twilight." Her response filled me with warmth... until... Wha- How!? I lifted my head, but she was already gone. I galloped back to the main hall in search of her, but only found the same guards standing lifelessly at their posts. How did she...? It's not like it was an impossibility. Even Starlight had known who I was prior to our first encounter, but- My dearest... Yes, Your Highness? My mistress interrupted my thoughts. She always held priority, no matter what was happening to me. Could you please join me in the lab as soon as is convenient for you? There are... matters of import I wish to discuss with you. I'm on my way, Your Highness! Without hesitation, I drew on my pool of mana and immediately teleported back to the laboratory. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Your Highness!" I closed the door to the laboratory behind myself before quickly trotting over to my mistress. She greeted me with a gentle smile as she sat at one of the tables that littered the room. "Good afternoon, my dearest," she pushed the chair next to herself out with a wing. "I trust my sister's day is treating you well?" "Well... enough," I sat down without meeting her gaze. I didn't want to bring up what had happened with the monster, didn't want to alarm her, but not mentioning it at all was out of the question. "My dearest?" she moved closer. I could already sense her worry growing and it made me feel awful. "Something happened... between Sunset and I," I chose to start with the less concerning of the two events. While whatever I'd done wrong was nothing to sneeze at, it was almost certainly not as important as that accursed demon assaulting me again. "That is... odd, to say the least," her voice carried a lot of confusion. "I was under the impression that your relationship with Celestia's protégé was improving." "It is... it... was?" I sighed, the frustration making me want to kick something. "I don't know," my head fell into my hooves. "I have no idea what even happened, she just... left." "Hmmm, that is quite the conundrum," my mistress wrapped her wing around me, immediately making me feel a bit better. "However, I believe I have a very simple solution." "What should I do, Your Highness?" It was a rare occurrence that she didn't have an answer to one of my problems. "Speak with her about it, my dearest," she rubbed a hoof against my side. "If she was so distraught that she decided to leave, it may mean she's not comfortable enough around you to bring up her troubles yet." "That's the plan," I let her know. "Starlight and I were looking for her before you called me here." "I see..." she sounded as if the wind had been abruptly sucked from her sails. "Forgive me, Twilight. I had no intention of inconveniencing you." "Your Highness..." I wrapped my forelegs around her. Being this close, held by her so intimately... there was nowhere else I'd rather be. "You could never inconvenience me. Thank you, for guiding me when I need it most." I didn't want to have to expound on what I actually meant, but I had to. "I shall always be there for you, my dearest," she squeezed me. "Whenever and whenever that may be." She drew away from me. "Now then, we have much to discuss." "Er, actually Your Highness..." I just wasn't sure. Her look of concern made me want to tell her everything, but I couldn't stop making excuses. It can wait. She doesn't really need to know. Just handle it yourself. STOP BEING SUCH A COWARD, TWILIGHT! As if yoooou could... As soon as that monster's voice started in my head I'd already made my decision. "There is... one more thing." "I'm all ears, my dearest," she leaned in closer. "That... thing..." As soon as her eyes widened my head fell. "It's... it's getting stronger." "It... what happened, my dearest?" I could see it, the slight trembling of her hoof as she reached out to me. "It..." How best to describe what had happened? "It's... attacking my mind, I think." She dropped her hoof, the shaking gone. "I believe that to be its greatest strength," she sighed, drawing my gaze. "Physically, it was never able to reach me," she cringed. "But the mental onslaught never stopped for more than a few minutes." It physically... couldn't? Then how had...? "You managed to... stave it off?" she asked. "No," I shook my head. "Not me." "Then... how?" "I was saved," I smiled a little at the thought of the pegasus who'd pulled me from the nightmare. My mistress' mood appeared to improve drastically due to my own raised spirits. "If it wasn't for her, I might have lost it." "Did something happen just now?" she raised a curious brow. "Yes, Your Highness," I bobbed my head. "Just now, in the castle." So there are things not even she is aware of. "I knew I shouldn't have taken my eyes off of you," she was disappointed, but not in me. She slumped considerably, all her mirth sapped away by my carelessness. "Especially not now of all times." "Your Highness... please don't." I reached out to her, but froze just as I was about to make contact. More than anything else, I wanted to comfort her, but I'd quickly come to realize that I became terrified when her weaknesses began showing. She noticed my discomfort, her eyes softening and an attempted smile coming to her face. "It truly does seem as if all I can manage to do these days is apologize to you," she scratched the back of her head, a maroon tint on her cheeks. "I'm very sorry, my dearest," she chuckled. Just as I was about to interject, she cut me off with a raised hoof. "I promise," she laid her hoof on my head, patting me gently. "I will be more vigilant from now on." "Thank you, Your Highness," I couldn't help but giggle. I loved when she treated me like her filly. For some reason it felt... nostalgic. "Now, about the one that helped you." She withdrew her hoof and I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed, but the pegasus was something I wanted to discuss with her. "She was... beautiful..." Her face was imprinted in my mind, like a flawless work of art that I'd never forget. "I think her name was Cadenza." "Mi Amore Cadenza, in full," my mistress nodded, clearly aware of whom I was speaking of. "She is the princess of the north," she elaborated. Well, that makes a lot of sense. I'd never been interested in the royalty of other parts of Equestria, considering that information wouldn't make me any more skilled at magic or make me a better disciple for Her Highness. "Of the Crystal Empire, to be precise. And..." "And?" The uncomfortable shifting of her eyes had piqued my curiosity. "And it has recently been brought to my attention that... she is now your brother's fiancée." > The shortest fuse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darn it, Sunset! Where the heck did you go!? I slammed the door to her room hard enough to draw the ire of the guards posted a little further down the hall. "WHAT!?" I growled at the obnoxious stallions. I really wasn't in the mood to act like I liked them. The condescending glares they were giving me weren't helping the situation either. When one of them snorted my way, I seriously considered throwing them both out of one of the many windows in the hall. Thankfully, I thought better of it. I have bigger fish to fry. Much bigger than wasting time on these nobodies. Be smart, Starlight. On second thought, maybe I could take advantage of the situation. "Actually, fellas?" I sauntered over to them, swiveling my hips seductively as I moved with a pouty smile on my face. One of the guards was unfazed, his stoney demeanor not shifting at all, but the other... I noticed the slight widening of his eyes, even though he'd done his best to hide it. Way too easy... I had to find Sunset as soon as possible and this was another avenue I could try. I couldn't be sure, but I had to talk to her. I hadn't been trying to... I was just having some fun and... trying to help. S-Starlight... p-please... h-help... me... I'M-I'M TRYING!!! I walked right past the party pooper and up to his colleague, burying the intrusive memories I had no desire to recall back where they belonged. "You wouldn't happen to have seen Sunset Shimmer come through here in the last few minutes, woooould you?" I fluttered my eyes, brushing a hoof up and down the armor on his chest. He trembled at my attention, a dark maroon coating his cheeks. "N-no ma'am. There hasn't been a-any activity in the h-hall since miss Shimmer left her r-room earlier today," he couldn't even look me in the eyes and was having way too much trouble speaking. "UGH!" I roughly shoved him away with my hoof. It was so annoying. "So USELESS!" I huffed as I trotted away from the stunned guard. I don't know what I'd expected. Since I'd been brought here, the guards had proven to be nothing more than a decorative part of the scenery. I angrily scratched my mane, not sure what to try next. Screw it... I was one of the princesses students, I didn't have to walk on eggshells around these nobodies. Something was wrong with Sunset and I... I, what? I stopped in my tracks. I had no idea where I was, having lost track of the last hall I'd turned down, but that wasn't really the biggest issue right now. Do I... do I actually care? I fell to my rump. How could I? Why would I? If you need somepony, I'm here. I'll do my best... whenever you're ready. Just what the heck is this stupidity!? Why do I keep remembering their words at the most annoying times!? Why can't I get their dumb voices out of my head!? It has to be Celestia's doing. She must've put a spell on me, probably one that'd force me to recall memories when I triggered something specific. There's no other logical explanation. Uhm yeah, Starlight. That sounds reeeeal likely. "STUPID!" I smashed my hoof against the wall, looking this way and that to make sure no stupid guards were coming over because of my outburst. I really didn't care if anypony did, but If any were approaching, I wanted to cut them off before they had a chance to speak. "Whatever," I huffed. Sunset was nice to me and she didn't have to be. She'd treated me far better than I deserved. That's all that mattered to me. I had to find her. I began to channel my mana into my horn. I might get in trouble for casting such an invasive spell, but again, I didn't really care. The sisters obviously didn't want me dead, and I wasn't trying to undermine them or anything so... In an instant, I could see them all so easily. Searching the entirety of Canterlot only took me a few seconds. The field of my inspection spell encompassed the whole capital, just in case she was trying to leave the city. It'd be an easy feat to find her, all I had to do was look for the mana I was familiar with. There's Twilight, I could easily see the lavender unicorn's aura. She was standing in a hall, probably not sure where she should search for Sunset next. Then that has to mean... The second aura I could recognize was a bit distorted, like a spell was trying its hardest to conceal it, but was failing to do so. That's... wierd... Without delay, I attempted to teleport right next to the energy, despite its strange location. Instead of being with Sunset, I found myself standing in the hall adjacent to her energy. "That's... weirder..." I stared at the lone bookshelf resting against the wall. I looked to my left, then my right, making sure there was nopony else around. An almost completely empty hall with no guards posted and a single shelf? I kicked the bookshelf gently. "Definitely weird." "Some might say, puzzling." The Princess of the Sun suddenly speaking behind me made me jump at least ten feet into the air. "C-CELESTIA!?" I gasped once I'd come to a landing, my heart pounding hard enough to shake my chest. "Good afternoon, Starlight. You're looking well," the princess looked mildly pleased with herself. "How did you even-" I groaned. "You know what, nevermind." She's one of the Immortal Sisters, there's no point questioning what they're capable of. "I'm a little worried, to be honest." I remarked, looking back at the shelf. The only thing I wanted to focus on was finding Sunset. "Oh? And why is that?" she walked up next to me. "I think something's bothering Sunset," I laid a hoof on the shelf before turning to face the Sun Princess. "I don't really know what to do about it... but I really want to talk to her." "I see," she tapped her chin with a hoof. "Is that why you were scanning the castle with your magic a second ago?" she raised an eyebrow as she looked down at me. Oops. My face scrunched up in embarrassment. So then she's immediately aware of whenever I decide to use magic!? Great... "Yeah, I did," my ears flattened atop my head. "Was I not supposed to?" Her intense gaze was actually making me feel a little... strange. "Starlight, you've no restrictions on you," her warm smile caught me completely off guard. "Feel free to use your magic as you see fit." "Th-thank you, Princess." I was not expecting that kind of reply. "No need for gratitude, Starlight," she chuckled. "I've done nothing more than tell you the truth." "Soooo... you're not here to scold me?" The timing of her arrival seemed way too convenient to just be chance. I was under the impression she'd come here specifically to punish me, but if that wasn't the case, then what was she here for? "Not at all," she shook her head, her ethereal mane swishing back and forth. That thing and her tail are way too freaky. "Then... no offense, Princess... but why are you here?" She couldn't have popped up out of the blue just to greet me. "None taken, Starlight," she shifted her weight before continuing. "I'm here for the same reason you are." "For... Sunset?" I asked, a little confused by her. She simply bobbed her head in response. "Well, as you can see, she's not here," I sighed. "Not to sound dumb or anything," I pointed a hoof at the wall. "But my spell said she's right there." "That is quite strange," she examined the wall more closely. "Perhaps your spell misfired or failed?" Really? REALLY!? "Princess," I couldn't help but laugh derisively. Just who does she think she's talking to? I was already educating her pupil. I was no amateur. "My spells don't 'misfire or fail', I made air quotes with my hooves. "I can't really explain it, but something weird is going on." "Confidence in your own abilities is important, Starlight," she didn't look mad, but her change in tone hinted at mild annoyance. "But do not forget, there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance." "Is that supposed to be some kind of lesson?" I was getting a little irritated myself and I couldn't hide it from her. I just wanted to talk to Sunset and this wasn't helping me in my search. "I really wish you'd take it as one," her features hardened slightly as soon as she recognized the defiance in me. "I KNOW what I can do with my magic, Your Highness," I stated with as much contempt as I could muster. I was seething and not even the Princess of the Sun would sway me now. "You might know your disciple like the back of your hoof. Heck, you might even know Twilight fairly well," I pressed a hoof against the regalia around her neck. "But you don't know ME! So I'd appreciate it if y-" Without speaking a word her horn lit up a bright gold as she forced my hoof back onto the floor. Oh crap. Her expression remained stoic as she stared down at me. I grit my teeth and stood my ground despite my legs suddenly becoming made out of jelly. I didn't mess up! I only have my magic! I don't have... I don't have anything else... Her head fell, the expulsion of breath that came from her carrying a lot of stress. "Forgive me, Starlight." I-Uh-Wha... My legs gave out as I fell to a sitting position. "You're right, I shouldn't call your abilities into question." When she lifted her head, the calm serenity was back. "Not when you're clearly capable and I could simply be honest instead." "P-Princess?" I tilted my head, her sincere apology having done worlds of good to cool my hot head. "You are correct, Starlight. Sunset is here." I knew it! I jumped to my hooves. Wait- "However..." she laid a hoof on my shoulder. "I have a favor to ask of you." "Whaaaat is it?" I brushed her hoof away as I took a cautious step back. I wasn't the generous type. It didn't matter if she was a literal goddess. Any time somepony asked me for anything, it made me vulnerable to consent to their request. "I..." she looked a little sad by my reservation. "I believe Sunset wishes to be left alone right now." "H-" I was incensed. How would she even know something like that!? 'You don't know that!" I barked, turning away from her. She might have insight into what ponies are thinking, and she may even be able to keep an eye on everything around her, but she couldn't know what a pony was feeling. She did run away from you and Twilight though. I dropped to my haunches. She had left us alone. Maybe, she just needed space. Maybe I'm wrong. "But I do know my most faithful student, Starlight." Celestia plopped down next to me. "Like the back of my hoof," she raised her foreleg to me for emphasis. Darn her. I chuckled in disbelief. "Really gonna use my own words against me?" I looked up at her, but there was no malice in her. Her look of understanding was not what I'd expected. "The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it," she unfurled a wing to embrace me, but instead folded it back away after hesitating for a second. I had to smile at her lack of confidence. I leaned into her, snuggling against her warm chest. I could feel her heart begin to pound faster at my proximity. Guess even a goddess can be played with. "What should I do then, Your Highness?" I closed my eyes. She was like a furnace, the most pleasant source of heat I'd ever experienced. I could probably fall asleep for days like this. "Sunset is... independent," her gentle speech made her chest rumble, making me all the more comfortable. "I'm certain if you give her a little time, she'll be back to her normal self soon." "But..." I sighed. "Okay." She was right. I knew she was, yet I still felt like I had to do something. I don't know why but- If you need somepony, I'm here. I'll do my best... whenever you're ready. I shook my head as I stood up and began to walk away from the Sun Princess. "Can you do me a favor too, Princess?" I asked before I left her. "What do you need?" she stood to her hooves. "You're gonna talk to her, right?" Sunset might need space from me and Twilight, but even I was confident she'd want to speak to her... to our mentor. "I plan to," she stated without missing a beat. It doesn't even matter... but still... "Can you tell her I was looking for her... and that I'm sorry?" The idea that she'd gotten hurt because of me, I couldn't handle that. She'd been so nice to me. She'd... done her best to be my friend. "Of course I will, Starlight." "Thanks, Your Majesty." As I trotted away from her, not certain where I was heading, I felt a strange pang in my chest... a feeling that seemed to be more common as I got used to my new home. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I didn't know where to go or what to do with myself, so I just wandered aimlessly. I could head back to the lab, but Twilight was probably still looking for Sunset, so she'd more than likely be somewhere else in the castle. I didn't want to return to my room just yet, even though the prospect of relaxing and listening to some music sounded heavenly... a prospect that wouldn't even be possible if not for Twilight and Sunset. Especially Sunset, I groaned. I believe Sunset wishes to be left alone right now. Since she'd said them, Celestia's words hadn't left my mind. I couldn't understand why I cared so much. If Sunset wanted to be alone, it wasn't any of my business. For some reason that thought made it feel like a massive weight had been thrust on me. I could barely lift my head, much less continue on to... wherever it is I was going. The muffled sound of a gruff voice reaching my ears wasn't enough to distract me from my thoughts, so I continued forward undeterred. "I SAID HALT!" The second, much louder shout on the other hoof, was more than enough to get through the haze I was moving through, as did the points of the swords aimed directly at my chest. I didn't think, I simply reacted on instinct alone. As I lifted my head, my horn blazed teal with my energy. The two pegasus ponies didn't stand a chance. In an instant, both were pinned to opposite walls, their own swords pressed dangerously against their throats. "Y'know, you shouldn't threaten somepony who can turn you to dust with a thought," I growled at the now squirming attackers, my anger at everything that'd happened taking over my body. "G-GUARDS?!" "Whoa! Guess they shouldn't have messed with you, huh?" "I don't recall giving you permission to approach me." I trapped the new pony in a telekinetic cage of mana. Two pegasus mares stood before me. One stood further away and looked much older, panic gripping her features. The one that was closer, currently trapped inside my spell, was around my age, an impressed smile on her face. They were both mostly unremarkable, though if I had to describe them in one word it would be lanky. As several of Celestia's guards galloped over from their posts to see what the commotion was, I finally realized where I was. The main hall of the castle was teeming with creatures staring at me and the duo. Despite the pure volume of life in the hall, it was deathly quiet. I held tightly on the guards still pressed against the walls as well as the younger pegasus. The soldiers looked much different than Celestia's and were a lot more... colorful. "Yes, Your Highn- oh..." The guard in charge locked eyes on me as soon as he realized what was going on. He looked miffed, but he didn't make a move to try and stop me. Smart gu- wait, Your Highness? I examined the two pegasi a bit more closely. The one in the back did carry herself like she had a stick up her butt. The closer one, not so much. "Lieutenant, this... RUFFIAN attacked me and my daughter!" the old mare pointed an accusatory hoof at me. Well, she's not exactly lying. "Come on, Mom. You know that's not what happened," the trapped one was as calm as a cucumber. It was a bit unsettling. "Apologies, Your Highness, but we won't be able to do much to her no matter what's going on," the lieutenant bowed his head for the elder pegasus. "This... one is Princess Celestia's personal student." "Do you mind taking this down?" The younger pegasus was looking at my spell with great appreciation. "I'm sorry if I offended you. Aaaaand I'm pretty sure I can't break out of it even if I tried." "Uhm, s-sure?" I awkwardly dropped my barrier, much to the delight of the pegasus who instantly trotted my way as soon as she was no longer imprisoned. "CADENZA!?" As the younger mare stepped up to me, her mother called out to her like I was about to murder her offspring or something. "I'm sorry about our... hotheaded guards too," Cadenza bowed her head slightly. "You have just as much a right to walk these halls as we do." "Uh," I wasn't expecting her to be so polite. I nixed my other spell, letting both of her guards drop to the floor along with their weapons. "I-it's fine." "My name is Mi Amore Cadenza," she performed a perfect curtsey. "PRINCESS Mi Amore Cadenza!" her mother corrected as her guards joined her by her side. "I'm uh, Starlight. Starlight Glimmer," I bowed my head slightly, but kept my eyes on the lot of them. "Thank you, Starlight." Cadenza gave me a smile that could rival Celestia's. "I'm glad we could resolve this misunderstanding without any harm being done." "S-sure," I muttered as the pink pegasus moved to join her mother. "Sorry about-" "Think nothing of it. Perhaps next time I'm in Canterlot we can get some tea. Unfortunately, we're currently pressed for time, so I must bid you adieu for now." "A-alright," I stared in disbelief. This was happening way too fast for me, and the combination of the stress of what'd happened with Sunset was making me feel faint. "See, Mom. Sometimes a little kindness and understanding go a long way." "I know, I know. You'll be an amazing queen one day, my love," as the pair made their way to the entrance of the castle, their personal guard in tow, Celestia's guards returned to their posts. Glancing around myself sent a chill down my spine. Everything between me and Cadenza had resolved amicably, but the angry faces of the creatures staring at me made it very clear. Once their whispering began I knew... this mess was far from over. Crap... > Bbbf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Shining Armor!" My call echoed throughout the mostly empty house. I'd already searched every inch of each room for my older brother and I still couldn't find him anywhere. "SHINY!?" I was starting to get a little scared. Mom and dad had left for the week, on a business trip to some other part of Equestria and my big brother was taking care of me for the duration of their absence. I could've sworn I'd searched every nook and cranny of our home, but I'd come up empty hoofed even after double checking. Standing in complete silence in the center of our living room had suddenly become one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. The clap of thunder that shook the foundation of my house drew a primal scream from me as I leapt onto the couch and covered my head with a pillow. "Shiny... please..." I couldn't stop the tears from coming. It was too much for me to take, especially at such a young age. Our fun little game of hide and seek had turned into a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. Even though I was all alone physically, I knew there was one pony I could always look to for guidance. Princess Celestia... please help me... I prayed. "Twily?" The soft timbre of my brother's voice caused me to jump up from my place on the couch. I glared at the white colt, my anger instantly overtaking my fear now that I was no longer by myself. "Where were you!" I lunged at him, feebly beating my small hooves against his chest. "I was scared!" The tears hadn't stopped, but those that came now were from a mixture of sadness, anger, and relief. "Oh Twily, we were playing a game," he didn't stop my feeble thrashing, though it wasn't doing much damage to him anyway. Once I'd gotten tired from my efforts--which happened pretty fast--he pulled me into a gentle hug. I would've tried fighting him off, if I'd had any strength left in me. "I'm sorry, Twily." "I," I sniffled, nuzzling into his chest. "I forgive you." "I'm gl-" "AS LONG," I interrupted him. "as you promise never to leave me alone again," I looked up at him with a pout on my face. "Of course, Sis," he smiled that same reassuring smile he always gave me whenever I needed to have more confidence. "I promise," he ruffled my mane with a hoof. I giggled as I pushed him away, the discomfort of the past few minutes completely gone. "So... where were you hiding?" I asked as he took a seat on the couch. "That's... a secret," he lifted a hoof to his lips as they curled into a devious smile. "I told you I was the hide and seek champion," he laughed. "No fair, Shiny!" I joined him on the couch with a smile of my own. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The rest of that week I spent with my older brother was one of the best periods of my life. I was so very young then, so naive. Life was so much simpler when you didn't know any better. When your family could never let you down. When your idol was a flawless deity. Just a few years later, that all began to change. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "It's not that big a deal, Twily." Shining Armor was sitting with me on my bed, trying his best to comfort me. "Don't even worry about it. You'll get it next year." I'd failed... again. It was the first time I'd done all I could to try and pass. The first time I'd fully applied myself to become her student. Every year prior had been nothing but a young filly's foolish dream, but this year, the year I finally turned thirteen, I was no longer a foal. I was a teen and yet still... After all my careful preparations, all those late nights studying, all the prayers offered to the Princess of the Sun herself, I'd been rejected. By that very same princess I offered my devotion to, no less. It'd been everything I'd always dreamt it would be. Everything, except the outcome, of course. Foals weren't brought before the princess during their exams. Such young candidates were given their tests by members of the princesses staff, probably because the chances of such a young pony being chosen were slim to none. Princess Celestia had been looking to select a gifted student, not to raise up an heir. Meeting her face to face for the first time was an experience I would never forget. No photo, picture, or painting could ever do her justice. Laying my eyes on her in person was confirmation of one thing; she truly was a goddess, there was no denying that. She was every bit the same as her sun, blinding and beautiful. It wasn't love I felt, at least not in the romantic sense. I'd be more inclined to say it was adoration at that point in time. After meeting her she became everything to me and I decided then and there that I had to be by her side or my life had no meaning. I'm sorry, but you're just not what I'm looking for right now. Her judgment was like a dagger straight through the heart. She'd outright rejected me and now I was sitting with my brother, trying my hardest not to cry. He wasn't really wrong. There was still hope. I could try again. And again, if I had to. And again and again and again until she finally passed me. "You're right," I was able to form a weak smile with some effort, but it didn't mean the pain was gone. "You're right. Thanks, Shi-" "SHINING ARMOR!!!" the door to my room shot open, slamming against the wall and causing the both of us to jump out of our skin as our mom rushed inside. "IT CAME!" she looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown. She was holding an envelope in her telekinesis that was immediately shoved into Shiny's face before either of us were able to react any further. "OPEN IT!" "Alright, ALRIGHT, MOM!" he chuckled, taking the letter and opening it quickly. It was easy to see how hard he was trying to play it cool, but he wasn't able to hide his trembling hooves. He'd applied to the youth branch of Princess Celestia's Royal Guard. That was his dream, and getting accepted was the first step toward actually fulfilling that dream. I held my breath as his eyes scanned the letter, widening, then narrowing, then widening again. "W-well?" Mom was clearly holding her breath too. I was more than convinced if Shiny didn't say something soon she'd have a heart attack. "I-I got in..." he looked at mom, completely stupefied. "I got in, Mom!" he turned to me. "Twily, I got in!" he hugged me so roughly I think I was seconds from a broken rib. "Congrats, Shiny." I was able to gasp out. "Please don't crush me!" I squeaked. "Sorry! Sorry." He was already up and standing in front of our mom. "I'm gonna go tell dad!" he kissed her on the cheek as he left the room in a hurry. "I'm so proud of you, honey!" Mom followed closely behind him, the glow she suddenly had leaving the room along with her. I was proud too... really I was, but... why did my room feel so much darker all of a sudden? Why did it feel like I'd been rejected again? Why did it feel like I'd just been left behind? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When I'd grown a little, when Princess Celestia truly broke my heart for the first time, I pushed through the pain. Shining Armor being accepted felt like the dagger inside me had been twisted and I didn't really know why that was. I was so bitter, so angry. It's not like he didn't deserve it. He'd worked hard too, arguably just as hard as I, if not moreso, but it was just so difficult to take. Seeing somepony close to you, somepony you look up to, being lavished with praise and appreciation while you just... fail... was hard to take. He'd become so bright, so successful, and I... I was so dim, trapped in the dark. He'd become much busier after that day. We barely spent any time together, our obsessions taking precedence over our lives and especially over our relationship with each other. We gradually grew apart and on that day, the day it all came to a head, he broke my heart. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Princess Celestia selects first new apprentice in over a millennia! I laid in bed, the newspaper from that day sitting next to me like a harbinger of despair that would never leave me be. It was my fault. I was the one who couldn't get rid of it. All I seemed to be able to do was stare at it and lament my pathetic existence. I'd done everything I could, worked my hardest, tried every approach, exhausted every avenue... but none of it had been enough. I wasn't enough. Her yearly evaluations of me made that abundantly clear. You've improved so much, little one... but you still have such a long way to go. I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle. I'm afraid you still haven't matured enough. Twilight... It pains me to have to tell you this yet again, dear. Your magical ability is beyond reproach, as it has been for years... however... you are still lacking in other aspects. Forgive me. Those words. Those fake, condescending words meant to comfort me, played on repeat in my head ever since I'd first heard them come from her beautiful mouth. I loved her so much and she'd thrown me away like a piece of rubbish... And so I was. "T-Twilight?" the soft spoken voice that came from my door belonged to the stallion I hadn't seen in over a month. The one I hadn't seen since I got the great news. Shining Armor had been completely immersed in his guard duties since he'd been accepted. It had changed from him being away from home for one or two hours a day to him being home for an hour or two a day. Now that he'd turned nineteen, I was lucky if I got to see him a single time in a month. "Hey," I didn't move, didn't even try to uncover my head from beneath the blanket. "I heard about what happened..." he closed the door behind himself as he walked into the room. "It really sucks, but you're really smart, Twilight. I'm sure y-" "I failed eleven times," I said more to make myself face the reality of my lack of ability rather than to let him know. "Sounds like a failure if you ask me." He didn't say anything for a while. There wasn't much he could say. It was the truth. "Come on, Twily," he sat on the bed next to me. "You're not... you're not a failure." "Then why didn't she pick me?" Again, it was mostly directed at myself. I just couldn't understand, and that made it hurt all the more. I didn't even know who this "Sunset Shimmer" was, so I couldn't even try to compare myself to her. I'd never seen her at the trials before, not even once. Apparently, out of the blue she just decided to casually waltz in one day and shake her flank for Celestia and that was enough to blow the alicorn's mind. The filthy thief. "It happens, Twilight," he sighed. "Sometimes... sometimes life can be-" a soft knock came at the door before it was slowly opened. "M-Mom?!" "Did you tell her yet?" Mom was standing at the door looking all too uncomfortable. She sounded mousey, like she didn't want me to hear what she was asking him. She hadn't come into my room since... I wasn't really sure. Over the past couple of weeks I'd refused to answer when she knocked... well, when her or Dad knocked, I couldn't be certain who it'd been since I didn't answer. I was getting out of bed so late we didn't see each other at all either. I still wasn't sure if she was avoiding me or if it was just chance we hadn't bumped into one another. "Tell me... what?" I didn't know why, but her question sent tremors through me. "I, uhm..." My brother shifted on the bed, clearly not wanting to say anything. I heard a harsh scratching sound before he let out an exasperated breath. "I got into the Solar Guard." I can't explain exactly how or what I felt in that moment. I was so very happy for him. He'd done it. He'd achieved his dream. And... and... the pieces of my heart that remained were crushed into a fine powder. "Y-you... you... did?" I pressed my hoof into my face, turning away from my family, unable to continue. "Y-yeah," was all he said. "Aren't... aren't you proud of your big brother, Twilight?" Mom asked. She sounded so reserved, so uncertain. "I..." I felt hollow. I felt sad. I felt unhappy. I felt purposeless. But mostly, I felt unloved. Everything I'd worked for was gone and she was asking me if I was proud? "I am." My voice sounded robotic, like I'd been programmed to respond in such a way. I didn't want to fight with her, so I told the truth... sort of. "G-good... that's good," she didn't sound so sure that was the reply she'd wanted. Once silence had overtaken the room for more than a minute, she decided to take her leave. "I'm going to go and start cooking. I'll see you two downstairs." I heard the door close after her hoofsteps left the room. What? Why would she think I was going to go downstairs? "Sorry, Twilight," I felt his hoof against my shoulder, but I promptly scooted away from his touch. "I really didn't want you to find out like that." Celestia herself hoof picked those who would be one of her Solar guards. It was a rigorous process that took years to complete, but at the end of it all, it was Celestia who chose the ponies that would be closest to her. Shining Armor had been picked... by her. I hadn't. "It's fine," I stated flatly. "Can you please leave me alone?" I asked as politely as I could manage, even though all I wanted to do was scream. "Actually," he cleared his throat. "I was uh... I was actually hoping you'd come down and celebrate with us." There's no way... I didn't know whether to laugh at that request or get up and punch him in the face. I was heavily leaning toward the latter. "I'm fine here, Shining." I was able to let reason rule and didn't resort to violence. Kudos to me. Still, he persisted. "You cant just stay in here forever, Twilight," he huffed. Was that irritation I heard in his voice? "Leave me ALONE, Shining." There was a very apparent warning in my statement. I was still able to rein in my emotions, but if he was gonna push the issue further we were definitely going to have a problem. "No, Twilight. You need to stop. Mom and Dad told me how long you've been cooped up in here," he ripped my blanket off of me. "This pity party crap isn't you, little sister! You're stronger than this!" Stronger than...? "STRONGER!?" I couldn't hold it in any longer. I flipped over, absolutely seething as I glared at my older brother. He stood firm, but I didn't care. "Don't you dare try to act like you still know me, Shining! You left. YOU abandoned me!" I knew it was unfair. He was just doing what was best for him and his life. If Celestia had chosen me I'd have done the same thing, but right now none of that mattered to me. Right now, I felt nothing but contempt for him. "That's not fair, Twilight. You know I-" "LEAVE, SHINING!" I nearly growled like a feral animal, my horn sparkling with magenta light. "No." He stayed calm as he stood his ground. I saw crimson. MAKE him leave. He wasn't expecting it. To be honest, neither was I. The concussive blast of mana hit him square in the chest and sent him crashing into the wall, withers first. I was instantly struck with so much regret I leapt off the bed and trotted to his side. He groaned as he shook his head to rid himself of the dizziness before he shakily got to his hooves. Like a fool, I reached out a hoof to try to help him up. "Shiny, I'm so-" he jerked away from me, a look I never thought I'd get from him on his face. The malice in his eyes was so vivid I recoiled away from him as if I'd been delivered a physical blow. "Y'know I think you're right, Twilight," he opened the door without another look at me. "You really are a failure." He didn't yell. He didn't scream. In fact, his voice was barely above a whisper. He gently closed the door behind himself as he left me alone. The powder was burned away, incinerated to nothing. I'm not sure what had caused more trauma, my blast of magic... or his ruthless honesty. I stood there for several minutes with wide eyes, completely stunned. The thing that hurt the most, the thing that I knew would never heal... was that... I agreed with him. "I... I hate you, Shiny..." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I'd assaulted him. He'd destroyed my heart. We'd not seen or spoken to one another since that day. > A failure no longer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's... really something, Your Highness." I didn't really know what to say. I couldn't care less about Shining Armor or what he was doing, and I had no clue why she'd consider it necessary to notify me of such a thing. Though I suppose the information would explain how Cadenza knew my name. "He is your kin, Twilight," she sighed, clearly disappointed due to my indifference. "Surely you do not continue to bear a grudge after so much time has passed?" "He ABANDONED me, Your Majesty," I scoffed before exhaling a breath to calm myself a bit. "When I needed him most, he left me alone." She winced as if some undesired memory had come to her mind because of my words. "I will NEVER forgive him, Your Majesty." "Twilight..." she looked so sad in that moment it made me want to take everything I said back. It made me want to immediately tell her I'd forgive my brother and act like nothing bad had ever happened between us... but I couldn't. I just... can't. "I'm sorry, Your Highness." I wanted to cry, but not because I was sad, because I was upset with myself. "My dearest..." It was clear by the look she gave me that she was sympathetic to my plight, but I knew her far too well to think that that was all she felt. "I understand your reservations, truly, I do. However..." Reservations? That was an understatement if I'd ever heard one. "However, you think I should compromise and try to reconcile with him," I didn't groan, didn't even sigh. I had way too much reverence for her to do such a thing. "I believe..." she looked uncomfortable for a moment before smiling, her compassionate eyes focusing on mine. "I believe family is of the utmost importance, my dearest. If not for Tia I might have..." her smile faltered. "I dread to think what might have happened had I given myself over to the darkness." "I understand, Your Highness. I really do, but..." I'd loved him. He'd been my best friend, my only big brother. And he hurt me. He'd hurt me like I'd never thought I could be hurt... and then he left. "I can't, Princess," tears fell from my eyes. I wanted so badly to relent and do her bidding, but I couldn't. I hate him. "My dearest, you know I would never force you to do anything..." She turned her face away from me, definitely a bad sign. "But?" I moved my head closer to hers, trying to see her face. "Tis the other reason I wished to speak with you," she took a deep breath, but still didn't face me. "Queen Cantata has made an official request that you attend the wedding." Wh-what!? "Why would she do that?!" I was suddenly beside myself, my mind no longer processing things properly. WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! "Sh-" "WHO IS QUEEN CANTATA?!" I shouted as I slammed a hoof onto the table. I saw crimson, all my reason thrown out the window as I stood to my hooves. My horn was scorching with dark energy, the dark mana of the demon overflowing from it and enveloping my entire body. "M-my dearest!?" As the fog of rage dissipated from my vision and the foreign mana retreated back inside of me, I realized Her Highness was staring at me with an expression I'd never seen on her before. Her eyes were wide with shock, her jaw hanging slack. She's scared? She's scared of ME. The regret I felt at witnessing, at realizing my folly was so crippling, I nearly collapsed. "Y-Your... Your Highness?" I lifted a hoof toward her, pleading with her, praying that she wouldn't. P-please... Please don't. She had never let me down before. She wasn't going to start now. The look of fear was gone, instantly replaced with concern. She grabbed my hoof and pulled me into her, wrapping her forelegs and wings around me in an embrace. "T'was merely surprise, Twilight. Nothing more, I swear it." She held me tightly. "I'm sorry, my dearest. T'was not fear, I swear." She cradled my trembling body. "You've never displayed such... open hostility before. I... I did not expect such a reaction." "It's... It's okay, Your Majesty. It's just, an official decree? A Queen from the Crystal Empire? My brother?" For the first time since I could remember, I pulled away from her. "This is all so much out of nowhere. Can you... can you start from the beginning, please?" I took a seat on my chair. "Of course, my dearest," she settled into her own chair before taking a deep breath and starting her explanation. "Yesterday, Tia and I were... somewhat unexpectedly visited by Queen Cantata and her only daughter, Princess Cadenza of the Crystal Empire." You'd think there'd be more fanfare in Canterlot for the arrival of a queen and princess of a foreign country... It was especially strange that the girls and I hadn't heard a thing about them while the three of us were out galavanting about in the public. "The royal family of the north is... humble, to say the least," she continued. "They tend to travel light and are typically only escorted by a small detail of guards." Well, I guess that explains a lot. They wouldn't exactly garner much attention if they chose to travel like a bunch of nobles and not royalty. "Nevertheless, the purpose of their visit was at the behest of the one who came to your aid, Princess Cadenza." I couldn't help but feel like my mistress had used that specific wording to soften my resistance. Regardless, it worked a little bit. Cadenza had helped me, I couldn't deny that. "Did she say why?" I had a vague idea, but Her Majesty would actually know the specific reason and so I'd asked. "As I said, my dearest. She is betrothed to your brother," she looked at me as if I was failing to understand the simple message she was trying to convey. I guess I really was. "Sssooo?" "Twilight, soon you will have a sister that is a princess, as well as a brother who is a prince of Equestria." She continued to look at me as if she couldn't believe I still wasn't getting it. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," I shook my head. "I really don't see why that would matter to me at all." "The Nightmare, my dearest. It feeds on the darkness inside of one's soul. The hatred I felt for my sister neatly cost me everything. Your hatred for Shining Armor... for your brother... it could..." she trailed off, her head dipping downwards. I don't know how I couldn't see it before. It was so obvious. After all these years, I hadn't grown at all. I was still just an immature foal. Shining was right. "Why am I such a failure, Your Highness?" my head fell. I shouldn't have asked her that, but she was the wisest being I knew. Surely she'd be able to tell me why I couldn't succeed, could tell me why I'd never been able to succeed. "My dearest..." I expected her to touch me, wanted to feel her warmth against my skin. I wanted her to comfort me. I wanted her to hold me. She did none of those. "Am I... h-have I f-failed you?" My head lifted immediately only to find her covering her eyes with her hooves as silent sobs shook her frame. "Y-Your Highness...? no..." I was frozen in place, despair gripping my heart. How could she- "I am your m-mentor, my dearest..." she attempted to wipe the tears away with her hooves, but they would not stop coming. "You are my only p-pupil... The only one I've ever... If you still truly believe t-that you are a failure, I can think of n-none to blame, save m-myself." I was hurting her. My own self-doubt, my own self-loathing was hurting the pony I loved more than life itself. Even stronger than my hatred for Shining Armor. Stronger than my hatred for myself. Stronger than anything else in my life, was my love for her. It has to stop. I had to put a stop to it. I calmly stood from my chair, moving it out of the way as I stepped up to her. I prostrated myself before her, my nose touching the floor as I did my utmost to express just how remorseful I was. "M-MY DEAREST!?!" she sounded shocked, but I couldn't verify if she was, my muzzle firmly pressed against the floor. "PLEASE! YOUR HIGHNESS!" I shouted as loud as I could, not lifting my body an inch. I have to tell her. I had to show her. "From the first moment we met, you've been the best teacher I could ever ask for! You're everything to me! I love you so much it hurts, Your Majesty! You changed me for the better! You pulled me out of the darkness and-" I took a shaking breath as I raised my head and looked her in her beautiful twinkling azure eyes. "And you made me a success!" "My dearest..." she sniffled, a smile blooming on her face. "It's because of you that I can say without any doubts in my heart," I grabbed her hoof and laid my forehead against it. Don't liiiie to her, Twiiiily... "I AM NOT A FAILURE!" My shout was so loud I was certain all the guards in the vicinity heard me. I couldn't care less. The look of appreciation, of love that my beloved mentor gave me was worth it. Besides, I was going to prove it them. To my mistress. To myself. To my brother. To everypony. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "So your sister is the one who consented to my attendance?" I scratched my head in frustration. Her Majesty and I had taken our seats once again, continuing our discussion on the subject of Queen Cantata and Princess Cadenza once the two of us had properly calmed down and said our apologies. Apparently, Cadenza had heard many a good tale from my brother about me. These stories had seemingly inspired Cadenza and gave her an idea. While the Crystal Empire had always shared a pleasant relationship with Canterlot, the young princess saw an opportunity to strengthen those bonds even further. She was completely enamored with Shining Armor and he was a member of Princess Celestia's Solar Guard and related to Her Majesty's only disciple in history. While the world was unaware of my actual relationship with my brother, the ramifications of such a union were momentous. Supporters of the Immortal Sisters would probably celebrate the marriage, citing the fact that it would, in fact, improve the ties between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot. Enemies of the crown would definitely accuse them of hoping to extend their control beyond their own borders. Her Highness had influence on me and they'd more than likely claim I'd have influence over my brother. With the fact that he'd eventually become the king of the empire, that created quite a pickle for all of us. It's all so... stupid. I hated politics more than most things, a mentality I picked up from watching my mistress. Even during royal business she tended to remain silent and let her older sister take the lead. Which, unfortunately, is what ended up causing this whole mess. "She believes it to be the best course of action, my dearest," she confirmed my suspicions. "And you, Your Majesty?" I couldn't care less about what Princess Celestia thought about it. Her Majesty's thoughts were all I cared about. "What do you believe?" "I think... I too think you should go," she laid a hoof on my chest, drawing my gaze to it. "Your heart needs to heal. Tis still in such great pain, my dearest." I took a deep breath, her touch sending waves of comfort through me. Still, I dreaded seeing Shining Armor again. Regardless, she was right. I had to grow up. I had to talk to him. Either to finally reconcile... or to cut ties with him permanently. "Then... I'll go," I grabbed her hoof and lifted it to my lips, placing the gentlest kiss there. "For you." "My dearest..." a slight blush came to her cheeks, but that was overshadowed by her shimmering smile. "Thank y-" "L-LUNA!?!" the door to the lab blasted open, a frantic Starlight Glimmer rushing into the room. I glared at her venomously, despite the look of abject terror on her face. "Er, I-I mean, PRINCESS LUNA!" she noticed my displeasure and corrected herself accordingly. I simply rolled my eyes, muffling a quiet laugh. "What's wrong, Starlight? You look as if you've just seen a ghost." My mistress stood to her hooves. "Is Sunset okay!?" My heart skipped a beat at the possibilty that something bad might've happened. "What!?" Starlight looked confused for a second before replying. "Oh! Yeah! No, she's fine," she shook her head. "Sunset Shimmer is currently with my sister," my mistress had her eyes closed as she examined the castle. "What is the issue, Starlight?" She opened her eyes, regarding the lilac mare politely. "I..." a crimson tinge came to... her entire body? Oh, this is gonna be good. "I'm not really sure, but I might've just unintentionally almost maaaaybe committed... regicide," she slid her hoof back and forth on the floor, looking altogether like a filly who'd been caught stealing a candy from a foal. "Wha... you..." She's been here for less than a week and she..? I couldn't hold it in, it was just way too funny. Even my mistress had to cover her smile with a hoof. "HAHAHAHAHA!" I fell off my chair, grabbing at my belly as the intense fit of laughter rocked my body. To her credit, Starlight hadn't gotten any more embarrassed, though I'm not sure if that was even possible at this point. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE LAUGHING LIKE THAT WHEN I GET THROWN IN THE DUNGEONS TWILIGHT!!!" the fuming mare stomped up to me. She lifted me into the air with a telekinesis spell, though I continued to laugh. "Or if we have to go to war..." She seemed to suddenly realize whatever she'd done might actually bring harm to more creatures than just herself, but I knew there was nothing to worry about. "I'm pretty sure my soon to be sister-in-law isn't about to declare war on us because you did something stupid, Starlight," I managed to get out once my laughter had faded. I wiped a tear from my eye as the mare let me back down onto the floor. "Your... sister?" Starlight was completely confounded by this revelation. "Soon to be," I clarified. "Sister-in-law." "Mayhaps, you're overreacting, Starlight? Just a tad?" my mistress suggested, though since she was being a lot more reasonable than I was, she hadn't drawn the ire of the lilac unicorn. "I don't think so, Princess," she shook her head. "I... kind of... did sort of... threaten to take the lives of her guards." ... "...with my magic..." What!? "...and uh, with their swords." WHAT!? "...and I may have... used... just a teensy bit of magic... on the princess." "STARLIGHT, WHAT THE ACTUAL B-" "THAT," my mistress cut me off before I could finish ranting. "Is quite concerning, Starlight." My mistress moved a chair out from one of the tables as she took a seat. "Perhaps you and I should have a chat." "S-sure, Your Highness," Starlight walked over to have a seat herself. "Iiii'm actually gonna head out," I lifted my hooves into the air in surrender. "This is WAY too much for me on top of the whole, "going to see my brother" thing." "Wait! YOU HAVE A BROTHER!?" Starlight gaped. "Older or younger?" "O-older?" I wasn't really sure why that would matter to her. "Unfortunately, Starlight, he's already engaged to marry that Princess whose guards you had a scuffle with." My mistress looked thoroughly pleased at being the one to reveal that tidbit of information to the lilac unicorn. "Oh, you misunderstand, Your Majesty," Starlight smirked like a demon, returning her gaze to me. "I'm not the one interested in stuff like THAT," her smile grew tenfold as she glared at me. "I was just wondering if I was gonna be getting an older brother or a younger one, once Sparkles here finally finds the courage to pop the question to me." Starlight Glimmer YOU B- as I moved to snap the trickster's neck my mistress' lament filled voice stopped me. "A-ah, I see. I was not aware my dearest... felt that way about..." Her Highness suddenly looked and sounded so... devastated, her ears drooping atop her head along with the rest of her form. "I-I was only kidding, Your Majesty," Starlight didn't laugh or gloat. While she had obviously gotten the desired effect from me, I don't think she was expecting such a reaction from my mistress. The lilac mare honestly looked a smidge guilty. It doesn't suit her. "A-AH, I SEE! T'WAS MERELY JESTING! YES. I SEE, I SEE! QUITE THE CLEVER RUSE, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!" she laughed awkwardly as she turned her head away, but not before the dark maroon had spread across her face. Thaaaat... was weird. "I'm... I'm gonna head out," I turned to leave, not wanting deal with anything more at the moment, even if it had to do with Her Majesty. I really need a break. "T-Twilight?" Her Majesty called out to me before I had a chance to make my escape. "Yes, Your Highness?" I glanced over my shoulder. "One final thing," she looked sheepish, not looking me in the eye. "Celestia has asked that you meet with her later today in her quarters... to hammer out the details of your trip. At your leisure, of course." That was the most troubling news I'd received all day. > The sun and the moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well... I must be frank, Sunset. I was not expecting you to be waiting outside my chambers." The Princess of the Night stood outside the door to her quarters, a look of utter bewilderment on her face. Her mane was tied up in a ponytail and she looked like she was about to be going out. "You and me, both, Your Highness," I lifted a hoof in agreeance. After Celestia and I had finished our chat I'd managed to sneak back to my room unnoticed. I really didn't want to see Starlight or Twilight just yet. My insecurities were still at the forefront of my mind and I wanted to get some answers about some things from Luna first. I wasn't sure why, but Celestia's advice to seek out her sister seemed correct. Like it might help me patch things up with the others... and might help me work things out easier... in my own mind. I'd decided to spend the rest of the day alone in my room. I listened to some PON3, read a few magazines, and ate the meals I'd asked a guard to pick up for me from the kitchen. Now, at the midnight hour, I stood in front of Luna with no warning given to the princess of my arrival. "I'm afraid I'm currently on my way out, Sunset," she closed the door to her room, a sympathetic smile on her face. "Oh, r-really?" I deflated noticeably. She's probably going to do something with Twilight. "Was there something you needed?" she asked. "If it's a pressing matter I do not mind-" "It's fine, Princess." I turned away from her, already on my way back to my room. I was more than a little disappointed, but there wasn't much I could do. "It really isn't anything important anyway." "S-Sunset...?" she called out softly, stopping me in my tracks. "Yes, Your Majesty?" I glanced back at her, noticing the kind smile on her face. "Would you perhaps... care to join me for the night?" My heart skipped a beat as I trotted back to her. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "You've never been inside my training domicile, have you, Sunset?" she asked as we walked through the training grounds of her Lunar Guard. The area was positively massive to say the least, and could be used to practice... well, pretty much anything. Weapons lined numerous wooden racks along the wall on one side of the gymnasium. An olympic sized swimming pool was on another side of the room. There were numerous obstacles hanging from the ceiling, obviously used by the thestrals and pegasi to practice difficult flight patterns and the like. Large wooden walls designed to be difficult to scale were littered around the space as well. Training ponyquins stood lifelessly inside circle shaped rings. They were equipped with swords, lances, axes, and other weapons. It was very apparent the Princess of the Night put a lot of stock in her troops being well prepared for any kind of conflict. It was quite a departure from Celestia's own philosophy on how to train her guards. While the training grounds for my mentor's Solar Guard were... acceptable, they were nowhere near this complex. "I haven't, Your Highness," I answered promptly, though my attention was currently on the huge pool. I LOVED swimming and it wasn't something I got to do as often as I'd like. As we trotted by it, heading toward a small unassuming door at the corner of the arena, Princess Luna noticed my longing gaze. "That comes after, Sunset," she grinned as her horn sparkled a dark blue hue. The small door swung open as she stood in front of it, allowing me first entry. "And I promise you, mine is far more impressive than that one." I stepped into the pitch black void within the room, not a single source of light available to help aid with visibility. After a moment, I heard Luna's hoofsteps enter the room behind me, the harmonious melody of her mana drawing closer to me as she closed the door behind herself. "Y-Your Highness?" I whispered cautiously into the dark. For some reason, even the light coming from Luna's horn was drowned out by the thick darkness. There was clearly something out of the ordinary about this room and its contents, but I couldn't put my hoof on what it was. "Fret not, Sunset. I am here." As the light of her horn grew in intensity it gradually became discernable by the naked eye. Along with the increase in mana, so too did her song become louder, soothing my frayed nerves. In seconds, a small orb of crackling moonlight shaking with power sprouted to life directly in front of me. "What... what is this, Princess?" It was a mesmerizing thing, far more beautiful than any spell I'd ever witnessed before. "You may touch it," was all she said in response. I'm not sure how she knew what I wanted, but with her permission I cautiously reached out with a trembling hoof. As soon as I came into contact with it a flash of brilliant light overtook my senses, forcing me to shut my eyes. "W-where am I?" Once I was able to reopen my eyes I quickly took in my surroundings... or lack thereof. I stood alone in an endless white void, no ground, no sky, nothing as far as the eye could see. In the next second, Luna was standing right next to me, a satisfied smile on her lips and a twinkle in her eyes. "No hesitation whatsoever, Sunset?" she giggled. "I'm not certain if I should be angry with you or flattered by your trust." "You are Celestia's sister, Your Highness," I smiled. "I trust you with my life," I declared confidently. Well, with my life, at least. She laughed exuberantly, clearly pleased by my remark. "Such unearned kindness!" she smiled in appreciation once her laughter had died down. "In light of that, I shall overlook that other comment." Other... comment? Her horn began to shine vividly once again. "You now stand within my training grounds, Sunset Shimmer." She suddenly looked so proud her expression was bordering on smug. As she swept a hoof through the air I felt a tiny bit bad for the mare. "Er... it's... uhm... it's amazing?" A grade school filly could've seen through the artificial smile that came to my face. "Your disbelief is wholly warranted, Sunset. Tis not ready just yet." She spun around flicking her horn through the air with an otherworldly grace. In the blink of an eye the two of us were standing in a dense forest... This place is... familiar. I knew the trees. I knew the lake that was only a couple of meters away. I knew the blinding sun hanging high in the sky whose rays were peeking through the canopy, but... there was something... off about them all. Something... unsettling. "Impressive, is it not?" she turned back towards me, another satisfied smirk on her face. "Did you... did you teleport us outside?" I asked even though I knew that would make no sense. I hadn't felt her use a spell on me, and besides, what would be the point in coming all the way to her grounds only to move us outside to the forest? "I did not," she shook her head. "I'm certain you've noticed it. You're quite clever." "...Why's it so... quiet?" The forest outside of Canterlot was teeming with life. Birds, critters, and insects were all inhabitants of the woods, and they were always noisy. Right now though, wherever we were currently at, if a pin were dropped in the vicinity, I'd be able to hear the impact. "Wonderful! So you have figured it out!" Luna casted another spell, carrying the two of us into the sky. As I got a better view of the area, I could see Canterlot and the castle in the distance. Much further away, I could make out the small town of Ponyville. "I prefer there be no living creatures around when I decide to... cut loose," she explained as our ascension finally halted about a mile into the sky. "I... don't really understand, Your Highness." All I'd been able to gather was that there wasn't anything alive here, nothing more. "This is a dimension of my own creation, Sunset. A mirror of reality, if you will." Her explanation was... confusing to say the least. "A... mirror?" I glanced back down at the ground, the crowns of the trees swaying gently in the wind. "Perhaps reflection is a better term..." she pondered for a moment. "I call it a 'Reality Marble'." She's... created... her own reality? It didn't sound plausible, much less possible, but I'd learned long ago not to doubt her or Celestia. "That's... how is that possible, Your Highness?" I was more curious as to how she'd managed to do such a thing. Is magic that powerful? Is her magic that powerful? "A life spanning... as many years as mine grants many... interesting opportunities, Sunset." "That's... not really an answer, Your Highness." I didn't want to press her, but my desire for knowledge outweighed my reverence at the moment. "I suppose that is true," she chuckled, her sudden mirth cute. "Pair thousands of years of study and experimentation with a limitless amount of mana." Limit... less? "Does your strength truly never end?" Even asking such a question felt foolish. It's not possible... is it? "To be frank, I'm not certain," she shrugged. "What I can say with confidence is that I do not recall the last time I felt a want for more," she laughed. "Regardless, this is where I can do things like this without worry." I was instantly surrounded by a navy blue barrier composed of her mana as a torrent of air blasted outward from the dark alicorn. Thank goodness she shielded me... If she hadn't, I would've been swept away by the sheer force of her mana. As the heights of her true power was allowed to run free, her horn shifted from a raging inferno of energy to a pulsing pillar of lightning. The blue electricity curled and twisted around her body like barbed wire, never stopping its motion as her wings flared outward, shooting even more power in all directions. Each and every cloud in the sky instantly dissipated from the shockwave that had come from the alicorn. H-how... The princess appeared to be completely at peace, the content smile on her face growing as her power continued to flow from her. She closed her eyes, seemingly to concentrate as the dark blue lightning began to arc this way and that away from her body. Chaos ensued once she'd reopened her eyes. Both glowed bright white, looking much like copies of her moon. The smile was gone, an expression of rage coming to her face. Her magic exploded, somehow its peak nowhere near being reached. The blast sent the orb of protection I was inside of sailing away from her. As I finally came to a stop several miles away, I breathed a sigh of relief. I was no worse for wear, but I was shaken, the experience of careening through the sky with no control a little terrifying. I heard a loud crack, as if an earthquake was rumbling through the planet below. Looking down, I came to understand why I'd heard such a deafening sound. Luna's magic, the uncontrolled lightning, had reached the planet. The lashes of lightning were whipping back and forth wildly, tearing through anything they came into contact with with no issues whatsoever. The fissures being created by Luna's unrestrained power were so deeply ingrained into the planet, I could not see to the bottom of them. I returned my attention back to the air and Princess Luna herself only to find the largest sphere of magic I'd ever encountered in my life. It slowly morphed into a swirling pillar, the top extending endlessly into space and the bottom ramming into the planet below. With one final exertion of mana, Luna's spell, whose sole purpose seemed to be to bring about Armageddon, concluded. It burrowed deeper and deeper into the planet before the globe could no longer withstand the assault. It was torn asunder in a stunning explosion of moonlight. They were only there for a second, the two separate masses of earth, until a second even larger explosion ensued. This second one was so bright even closing my eyes didn't help. I was forced to turn away by the blinding luminescence of the blast. When I was able to see clearly again, I realized I was no longer within Luna's protective barrier. N-n... no way... The planet was... gone. There was not a trace of it left despite my best efforts to find one. I continued my search as I floated through space along with the stars, Celestia's sun, and Luna's moon. A supremely satisfied Princess of the Night floated in front of me, looking as if she'd just finished eating the most delectable meal she'd ever had. "But... but gravity. And physics and... H-how!?" I was inches away from hysteria. "Gods that feels divine," she sighed with pleasure as she willed herself my way. The serenity flowing off of her was giving her an aura similar to that of her older sister's. "All minor inconveniences, Sunset. If I will it here, anything will cease." I was utterly speechless, the unreal display of raw power obliterating everything I thought I understood about our world. Celestia is just as powerful as Luna, if not moreso. If the two of them ever get bored of us... I didn't want to think about something horrifying like that possibilty. "R-remind me never to piss you off, Your Highness," I said once I was able to find my shaking voice. In spite of my slight recovery, I still gaped at her and the endless space where the planet had been only moments ago. "Never fear, Sunset. I am the very personification of self-control..." she looked around herself, scratching behind her head as a blush came to her cheeks. "As long as I am able to do things like this from time to time." "It's a good thing you found a proper outlet," I remarked, still not completely recovered from witnessing the destruction of an entire planet. "T'was a beneficial discovery. I am still uncertain as to how my sister works off her stress," her horn began to glow again. "Cake," I replied earnestly, causing her horn to fizzle out instantly. "Truly?" she looked a little more than stunned by that revelation. "I'm quite aware of my sister's... inclination for those particular baked goods, but..." "No, you really don't understand, Your Highness," I shook my head. "Like LOTS of cake." I'd personally seen her down multiple wedding sized confectioneries in a single sitting. Sure, it had happened over the span of a couple of hours while we were watching a film together, but still. It was impressive nonetheless. Honestly, I wasn't sure which was more hard to believe, my mentor's ability to eat so much cake without gaining any weight or Luna's destructive capabilities. "Curious... tis the truth. She must keep such a poor habit hidden from me," she stroked her chin, a grin coming to her face. "Tis probably for the best. I'd never let her hear the end of it had I found out in any other way." "So... you'll keep it quiet?" Although Celestia had never explicitly asked me to keep her love a secret, I still always felt like it was something I should keep to myself. I had placed my trust in Luna, telling her such a thing about her sister in an attempt to create a better relationship with the princess. The dark alicorn lifted her hoof to her lips, dragging it across them slowly with a smile and a wink. "Thanks, Your Highness," I smiled back, a lot more relieved than I should've been. Thank goodness. "Of course, dear," she said sweetly before looking below herself. "Now then, it seems as if I've been hogging all the fun for myself." "Your Majesty?" I wasn't really sure what she was getting at, but as soon as her horn ignited and we were flashed back into the forest I stared at her in confusion. "My dearest tends to enjoy using trees just like these to... stretch her magical muscles. I'd like to see the limits of your abilities, Sunset." She placed a hoof against the trunk of one of the oaks. My... limits? "Go ahead, dear," she patted the trunk with her hoof with a few hard thunks. "Have at it!" > Fallout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Starlight..." Luna's face was completely unreadable. As I had recounted the events that lead me back to the lab her upbeat demeanor had progressively dwindled. Once I was finished telling her what had happened she stared at me with a pair of indifferent eyes. "That is... quite the tale." Good, she's not mad... I... I think? I couldn't really tell. I was more than a little embarrassed and expected to get thoroughly chewed out for what I'd done, but I also thought she'd be fuming by now. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought. Maybe I- "We're going to have to let Celestia know about this," she closed her eyes, nodding decisively. I think I'm gonna be sick... I'd come to Luna specifically so I wouldn't have to tell her sister. While I thought the Moon Princess might get mad at hearing the news, I was certain the Sun Princess would be pissed if she found out. "Can't we just, uh keep this between the two of us, Your Highness?" I had to try to weasel my way into her good graces. "I mean you're so intelligent and beautiful. I'm sure you know what's best, right?" I fluttered my eyelashes at my mentor. "Besides, Cadenza wasn't even mad at me. I'm sure it'll be just fine." I was sure it wouldn't be fine, but Celestia's infuriated eyes drifted through my mind and I'd do whatever I had to to avoid rousing that level of malice in the Sun Princess ever again. "Laying it on a bit thick, don't you think?" Luna stared at me with even less emotion than before. "Ugh! Can we please just... not, Princess? Celestia will def-" "Do you truly have such little faith in my sister, Starlight?" The look she gave me made me feel something I'd never felt before. I didn't like it. "It's... not that, Your Highness. I'm just..." I sighed, looking at the ground because I couldn't continue to face her piercing gaze. I'm just more than a little scared of her. I thought I'd made her mad again earlier and I was still rattled from that exchange. I didn't need to piss her off again so soon. The best way for me to keep Celestia happy? Stay as far away from her as possible. "I'm just not really sure if I can trust her yet." It was only partially untrue. I knew she wasn't the raving tyrant I initially thought she was, but that didn't mean I'd trust the mare with every aspect of my life. Or, for that matter, you, Luna. "Yet you would trust me in her stead?" She was clearly doubtful of that. Oh, come ON! Can she see through even THAT!? ARE EVEN WHITE LIES USELESS!? I was fuming internally, glaring openly at the Night Princess, but managing to keep up all other appearances. "I-" "Perhaps you'd like to start over from the beginning and try again," she lifted an eyebrow, though her expression didn't change at all. "Y'know it's really hard to talk with you when you do that," I groaned, looking away from her again. "You've no reason to withhold the truth from me, Starlight," she exhaled sharply. "I am not your enemy." "I know that, but it's not that easy, Your Highness," I gently tapped the table with a hoof. "I understand, Starlight," she shifted in her chair. "That is why I haven't reprimanded you for doing so." She grew quiet for a moment. "However, until you take a leap of faith and try to trust somepony other than yourself... you will remain the mare you always have been." "Is that really such a terrible thing, Your Highness?" I sighed, looking at her to find the same emotionless princess as usual. "You tell me..." she crossed her forelegs and leaned back in her chair. Maybe she is mad... "So what, you wanna play doctor now?" I could feel my own irritation growing. "I am no psychiatrist, Starlight," her eyes narrowed, causing my resolve to falter a bit. "And I do not wish to patronize you, but you tend to make things much more difficult than they need to be. I know you're not a fool, yet you choose to play these silly games with me." I think the corner of her lips lifted slightly. "I simply don't know how you truly feel and so, can only make decisions based on my presumptions of you." "How I feel?" I leaned against my hoof. Why would that matter? "Do you still not understand?" She leaned forward, a look of compassion on her face. "You matter, Starlight. To my sister... and to myself." I drew away from her, though I couldn't say for sure if it was due to a natural inclination or if I consciously decided to do it. "Princess..." I scratched my mane, unsure of what I should say. Well, she's right about one thing. I'm not a fool. "Honestly, that sounds exactly like something a psychiatrist would say to their patient, Your Majesty." "Starlight..." her expression remained unchanged. "... It really does, doesn't it?" It was easy to see she was struggling to hold her emotions in. She failed. Her obnoxious laughter was absurdly loud and shook her frame, nothing like I'd expect such a joyful action should be, especially from somepony like her. Well, at least she's not holding back for my sake. "Sorry," she wiped a tear from her eye. "Fine, I'll cut the crap." ... Wait, what? I gaped at the dark alicorn. "What? You don't want any more horse manure, right?" She looked... different all of a sudden, an unbelievably cocky grin on her lips. "I'll be blunt. Either you trust me and, by proxy, trust Celestia, or you can try to fix this mess all by yourself." She leaned back again, but this time it was like she was a completely different mare. "Pr... Princess, I'm not-" "Call me Luna," her smirk grew wider. ... So this is the real you, Luna? "Like what you see?" She crossed her hind legs. "Or is the real me too much for you to handle?" "I... don't hate it." I leaned forward, really taking her new attitude in. "This has to be an act... right?" I couldn't get a read on her at all. If she was indecipherable before, she was a complete alien now, as if she'd just arrived from another world. "What do you think?" She lifted a hoof to her chin, smiling like she were modeling for a photo. "I... I honestly don't know what to think," I tried not to laugh. What is she playing at? "Ah! So you've finally decided to be honest with me?" She looked pleased, her eyes widening a notch. "Well frankly Starlight, it really doesn't matter to me what you think. I've already told you the truth. Which will it be? Trust us and help resolve the problem you created, or keep being a blight on my sister and I? I'm not a politician, Starlight. Even so, even I can see all you've managed to do is create a situation that'll be used by the press to make us all look like psychopaths." She leaned forward again, a look of annoyance coming to her face. "I know you'll see reason." It wasn't a statement, it was a demand. I couldn't help but grin. Finally, somepony is being honest with me. "I think we should go have a chat with your sister, Luna." I moved my face forward, inches from hers as the most arrogant smile I could produce came to my face. "Good girl," she returned my devious visage in spades. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "So let me get this straight..." Celestia rubbed her temples with her hooves in a circular motion, her eyes closed tightly. "You... pinned her guards to the wall..." she shook her head in disbelief before lowering her forelegs and looking at me with disdain. "And you placed swords against their throats?" "Th-their swords," I clarified with a raised hoof and an innocent grin. "Ah yes! My mistake. Forgive me," she rubbed a hoof roughly against her forehead. "Their swords against their throats," she smiled sweetly, but anypony could easily detect the rage swirling inside her. "Y-yeah," my head fell. "OH! And let's not forget the spell you used on Cadenza herself." Her voice was so calm it made me want to jump out the window. "I-" "Starlight..." she sighed, immediately back to massaging her temples. "Do you... can you even comprehend what you've done?" I had a wierd feeling in the pit of my stomach, one I wasn't entirely familiar with. It was nauseating, but not in the same way as a stomach bug. I didn't want to feel it and I needed it to go as soon as possible. "Celestia..." Luna spoke, drawing my gaze. The Princess of the Night was back to her "normal" self, her emotions impossible for me to discern again. She was sitting off to the side of the room, content to watch the unfolding drama in silence until just then. The three of us were in Celestia's quarters, the Sun Princess lying on her bed and me standing as close to the door as possible. Y'know, just in case I had to make a hasty exit. As if I could, even if I wanted to. "Yes, Sister?" Celestia replied without taking her focus off me. "She has made a mistake. I am certain she is quite aware of it." Luna's statement felt like a dagger plunged straight into my heart. She... she defended me... again. I knew what that horrible feeling was now. I couldn't recall experiencing it for the past fifteen years. "Does she?" Celestia scoffed. I turned my gaze back to the Day Princess. She still hadn't taken her eyes off of mine, her brow raising and her stare filled with suspicion. "Your Highness?" I lowered my head. "Speak what is on your mind, Starlight," Luna spoke to me even though my attention was on Celestia. "I'm... I'm sorry," my head fell lower, ears drooping atop my head. Wow... I actually am. I surprised even myself, and with the silence that overtook the room, I was confident Celestia was just as shocked as I was. I heard her get off her bed and walk over to me, the clip-clop of her hooves making my heart pound. "Starlight." Celestia's voice was firm, sending a fissure through me. I could feel the intense heat emanating from her body even though she wasn't touching me. After what felt like an eternity, I finally found the courage to look up at her. What I found there made my heart skip a beat. The understanding in her eyes was more abundant than I'd ever seen in any creature before. "Y-yes, Your Highness?" "I'm glad," she pulled me close with her wing in a tight embrace. "I'm so very glad." Her touch, her kindness, they obliterated my guilt in an instant. "I'm... I'm not gonna cry or anything lame like that," I snuggled deeper into her. She chuckled. "I don't expect you to." "Have you any ideas, SIster?" Luna asked. I wish she would've let the moment go on a little longer, but we were caught between a rock and a hard place so her urgency made sense. "What can we do to remedy this situation?" "At this point, Luna? Nothing." "S-Sister!?/P-Princess!?" Luna and I both nearly shouted at the same time. I had pulled away from the Sun Princess and Luna had stood to her hooves, a look of disbelief on her face. "I'll do anything it takes to fix it, Your Majesty!" I looked up at the alabaster alicorn. "I don't want you to have to pay for my stupidity." Huh? I didn't? Who knew? "With this all occuring in the main hall of the castle at such a lively hour there is zero chance it wasn't seen by their prying eyes," Celestia gave me another warm smile before stepping away from me. "While I'm fairly certain it will not be made public today, it will definitely be tomorrow's headlines." "Not to mention word of mouth will do its share of spreading the news around," Luna sighed, irritation taking her as she scratched at her mane. "And along with that gossip will come many falsehoods and exaggerations." "Creatures do love their gossip," Celestia sighed, shaking her head. "What if I tried to talk to Cadenza?" I suggested, drawing their attention to me. "Maybe she could..." ... What could she do? Even if she said what was done was fine. Even if she made a royal proclamation about it. Even if she went down to the printing plant herself and expressly told them not to run it, it wouldn't change a thing. The citizens who'd seen had to be spreading rumors already. They were already passing judgement on me. I was condemned already. I'm a monster, after all. S-STARLIGHT! WHAT DID YOU DO!?! I was intimately familiar with ponies and their rash decisions. I hated it. I hated them. "I appreciate it, Starlight," Celestia smiled, though it was devoid of mirth. "Really, I do. Bu-" *Knock Knock Knock* A gentle tapping at the door interrupted her, grabbing the attention of the room. "What is your aide doing here at such an odd time, Celestia?" Luna asked, clearly confused by the turn of events. The Night Princess suddenly had the same devilish smirk on her face as before. "You didn't forget something again... did you, elder sister?" she asked as she trotted over to stand next to me. "I... don't think so?" the Sun Princess trotted over to the door. "... Day court isn't for another few hours... R-right?" she looked our way expectantly, a blush on her cheeks. Luna and I simply shrugged in reply. I actually didn't know, but the playful grin on Luna's face made me think she was just having fun with her sister's confusion. "I really thought I had some free time," Celestia spoke to herself, clearly not certain if her own words were true. "Unlike myself, Celestia has a bad habit of forgetting her more... mundane obligations," Luna leaned down to whisper to me, that wicked smile on her face growing wider. "That's why she needs young Raven." Raven? I watched the Sun Princess intently as she opened the door to her room. "Hello, Raven. Come in! Come in! I trust I haven't managed to put you out yet again... have I?" she backed up to let the unicorn inside, but the white mare lifted her hoof in objection. "You haven't, Your Highness," she smiled brightly as she pushed up her glasses with a hoof. "And thank you, but that won't be necessary. I've a lot of work to do." "That's a shame," Celestia beamed. My guess was because she hadn't messed up and forgotten something. "If that's the case, then you must be here for something else?" "Indeed, Your Highness. I received an urgent message from Her Highness, Queen Cantata." The unicorn lifted a small letter with a fancy looking seal. "It's addressed to you, Princess." "Queen... Cantata?" Celestia took the letter with her telekinesis and looked at it as if it were a puzzle that needed immediate solving. "Have you any further need of me, Your Highness?" The unicorn smiled. "I'd like to get back to my work as soon as possible if not." "I don't. You may return to your duties." Celestia spoke as she walked away from the mare, her full attention clearly on the letter. "Thank you, Raven." "Of course, Your Majesty," she bowed before moving her hoof to close the door. "Greetings, Princess Luna," she quickly bowed to the Night Princess. "Hello, Starlight," she waved a hoof at me. "Raven," Luna bobbed her head in response. I was so surprised she'd even acknowledged me I could only wave a hoof back before she closed the door. "Who... was that?" I hadn't lowered my foreleg yet, my hoof still going back and forth. "That was Raven Inkwell," Luna declared. "She is Celestia's personal aide and a very trusted confidant. If ever you need assistance with something... official and Celestia and I are elsewhere, I recommend you seek her out," Luna smiled appreciatively. "She has proven herself to be beyond reliable." Good to know. Ponies in high places were very important for getting things... Plus, she seems like she might be really fun to play with... "GIRLS!" Celestia's shout made me and Luna snap to attention. "I think I just might have found our solution!" she grinned deviously... Well, as devious as a being of pure righteousness could be. "Sister?" Luna tilted her head curiously. "Listen to this," she began to read the letter, her excited smile not leaving her face. "My dearest Celestia, I will keep this message prompt. My daughter and I had a... confrontation with one of your students. I believe she called herself Starlight Glimmer." Luna looked down at me, her entertained grin scathing. I only winced in reply. Well, that's one way of putting it. "The young unicorn has thoroughly impressed both myself and my daughter with her magical prowess." Wha... what!? Luna nudged me in the side with an elbow, her smile somehow becoming even more thrilled. "As I said before during our meeting, my empire is currently having... issues. To be frank, Celestia, we are experiencing... an infestation problem. If it is not too inconvenient, I could use some helping hooves right now. I know I requested only Twilight Sparkle's presence for my daughter's wedding, but seeing Starlight's skill has lead me to make another request. For the duration I asked previously, I would appreciate the presence of all of your pupils." My jaw dropped as I looked from Celestia to Luna and then back to Celestia. Neither acknowledged me, though they both appeared supremely pleased by the Queen's request. "I await your reply, Your Highness. Queen of the Crystal Empire, Cantata." As Celestia finished reading she looked up with so much enthusiasm it almost immediately swayed me. "If we-" When she noticed my stunned expression her joy turned into concern. "Is everything okay, Starlight?" It's a trap... It had to be. The old bat is out to get me. Her and her conniving daughter. I knew that whole being kind act was just a lie. She's a dirty fake! "I-" "Do you perhaps think it might be a ploy to get her hooves on her daughter's attacker, Sister?" Luna cut me off, but I was grateful she had. I wouldn't have been able to ask the Sun Princess that question. "No," Celestia shook her head, not an ounce of doubt within her. "I've known Cantata since she was a foal. She would never do anything like that." Luna raised a brow as she looked my way. I knew exactly what she was trying to say. Trust us or keep being a blight on my sister and I? I averted my gaze from the Princess of the Night. "What is your plan then, Sister?" Luna turned back to her sibling. "Well," Celestia brightened up. "With this," she raised the letter. "I can make a proclamation at court in a few hours. That should preempt any of the negative press that might crop up tomorrow." "I see," Luna nodded her head. "And notifying the public that Starlight is volunteering to aid the Crystal Empire with their problems may dissuade any bad press she might receive due to her mistake." "It might even get them to scrap the story completely!" Celestia was absolutely giddy, looking like she might start prancing around at any moment. "This might even paint Starlight in a new... er light to the populace." "That may be wishful thinking... but it's not impossible." Luna conceded with a quaint smile. "All we need to move forward then is-" "Your compliance," Celestia smiled at me filled with hope. I looked at Luna who would not meet my gaze, keeping her own eyes locked forward. Back to political mode, Your Highness? I sighed, knowing exactly why they despised this aspect of their rule so much. They don't have the power to make me go. I mean they could teleport me there or even have me thrown in chains and dragged, but they couldn't make me play along. I can refuse, if I want. If I did, it would devastate Celestia. Not only would it reflect poorly on her, but Luna too. The press would have a field day with nothing to contradict their stories. "I..." I hesitated. Celestia's smile faltering a bit, the worry slowly creeping into her. "S-Starlight?" she lifted a hoof my way. I can pay her back for taking my home away... "I guess..." Luna sighed, saying nothing as she kept her eyes forward. I can make them look like a pair of idiots... I could see the headlines now... Celestia and Luna's newest pupil a violent criminal! Starlight Glimmer assaults the Crystal Empire's royal family! And yet the very idea of doing such a thing made that horrible feeling start in my stomach again. Not only that, but it really felt like Princess Celestia wanted to do this... for me. Trust us, or keep being a blight on my sister and I? This is why I got rid of my stupid guilt to begin with. I smiled cheerfully at my mentors, a real feeling of kindness settling in my heart. "I guess, I'm going to the Crystal Empire." > Indecision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't stop myself from moving. I'd been pacing in front of the doors to Princess Celestia's room for what felt like hours and it really didn't seem like I'd be stopping any time soon. Back... and forth. Back... and forth. You know you can't do this forever, Twilight. I was genuinely surprised I hadn't worn an indentation into the floor by now... or at the very least ruined the rug. The guards standing at their post down the hall had already given me at least three suspicious glances. I just did my best to ignore them, instead choosing to concentrate on the task laid out before me. It had been a mostly uneventful day... after leaving Her Majesty and Starlight in the lab, I mean. Everything before that still felt like way too many things had happened in such a short period of time. Learning how to better utilize my mana from Starlight. Maybe even... I shook my head, not wanting to even consider the possibility of... that. Trying to find Sunset after she'd ran off on us. The monster attacking me again. Getting rescued by Princess Cadenza. Speaking about going to the Crystal Empire with Her Majesty. It was all so... overwhelming. After all of that happened, I was dreading having to speak with Princess Celestia so I put the Sunset drama I'd yet to resolve on the back burner and headed to my room to make plans... or at least try to mentally prepare for my coming trip to my brother's soon to be home. When I actually got a chance to consider the prospect, I realized something... disturbing. This upcoming "vacation" could be a very dangerous venture, particularly for somepony in my position. Her Highness wouldn't be anywhere within my vicinity, and while I could call out to her no matter where she was, I didn't want to do that. If that demon makes a decisive move... In spite of the faux courage I tried to exude, I tended to hope that my mistress would take notice whenever I was in any sort of trouble. I'd always pray she'd swoop in like a knight in shining armor to save me from any and all evils that might prey on me. This would be the first time I'd be away from her for an extended period of time since I'd become her student... and that honestly scared me to no end. Still, I wasn't going to let her down. Not again. I already failed once against Starlight. No matter what, I can't let something like that happen again. Before I'd realized how much time had passed it was already later into the day than I thought. Crap! I have to go see Her Highness! I'd ran to the Princess of the Sun's room, hoping she wouldn't be angry because of my tardiness... even if we hadn't set a time to meet with one another. And now, here I trod for the past... I don't know how long. Come on, Twilight. You can do this. You just have to tap the door a couple times. I stared at the doors as I plodded in front of them, trying my hardest to fire myself up, but repeatedly failing to do so. It's just Princess Celestia. It's not like when you were little you thought she was God or anything dumb like that. It's not as if I hadn't spoken with her several times before. Not doing so would've been an impossibility, living in the castle with her and all, but I could not recall a single time when we'd been alone together. I wasn't sure what I'd say or do if that ever happened, and now that very situation was staring me right in the face. I always showed the utmost respect to the Sun Princess while my mistress was around. If Her Majesty wasn't present to keep me in line... I didn't trust myself not to, at the very least, say something distasteful to my former... idol. Yeah, let's go with that. "Is everything okay, Miss Sparkle?" I stopped moving at the mention of my name. One of the guards had come down the hall, a look of concern -- but not for me -- on his face. What? Think I'm gonna try and assassinate my mistress' only sister? "I'm fine. Princess Celestia requested my presence. I'm just... preparing to speak with her," I explained, though I really didn't want to. Satisfied, jerk? "Very well," he smiled, though it was easy to see how hollow it was. "If you need anything I'll be at my post." His offer was just as artificial as his grin. I watched him trot away before turning my attention back to the doors. Couldn't she have just told my mistress the particulars? I groaned, moving this way and that again. I knew for a fact she could have done so... but if Her Highness really did want me to put the past behind myself, I'd eventually have to speak with her sister about it. I wanted to do that about as much as I wanted to talk with my brother. This is a terrible idea, Your Highness. I had far too much respect for the Princess of the Sun to ever outright admit I hated her, but... If she were anypony else... I was certain I wouldn't hold that same reservation. She'd hurt me as badly as Shining Armor had... maybe even worse, but I wasn't so foolish as to think it was a similar situation. Shining Armor knew me. He'd always known me. He was my brother. We'd spent years together, loving each other like only siblings could. He stared me in the eyes as he stabbed me in the heart. Princess Celestia, though? She'd simply thought I was beneath her. To her, I was just a pony that couldn't pass the simplest of exams. She knew I wasn't worth her time or her attention. That I wasn't worth anything at all. The ugly thoughts were hard to keep at bay. Even a momentary lapse in focus could result in disaster, but I managed to force them out. You are Princess Luna's only protégé. You are not- WORTHLESS! The demon's voice hissed in my mind. "No! N-not... not again." I grabbed my head, the splitting headache already painful enough to make my entire body tremble. "Not again... what, Miss Sparkle?" I jumped despite the voice behind me being so soft it was almost like the creature it came from had been whispering. Spinning around, I came face to face with Raven Inkwell, Princess Celestia's one and only aide. She looked genuinely worried -- a far cry from the guard before her -- the look of compassion on her face immediately eliminating the migraine I was experiencing. "Uhm, n-nothing, I was just-" "Are you... are you okay, Miss Sparkle?" she looked past me at the entrance to her boss's room. "I never expected you to be waiting here... not by yourself, at least." Her smile was filled with kindness, but it was easy to see through it to just how caught off guard she was by my presence. I guess her assertion was true enough. I'd never even been to Princess Celestia's room by myself, much less waited alone to speak with her. "Everything's fine. I was just uhm-" "Waiting for Celestia to let you inside?" she trotted up next to me. "No, I actually haven-" "Is she not answering?" she tilted her head. "I can help you with that," she moved to push the door open, but without thinking I grabbed her foreleg. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't resist me. "Can you... can you just... give me a second," I nearly pleaded with her. I could've just ran away, could've teleported somewhere else entirely, but I knew exactly what my mistress expected of me, and knowing that, I was caught between a rock and a hard place. "Of... of course," I let her go, allowing her to lower her hoof. Her expression was suddenly one of concern, as if she'd just realized I needed a lot more help than I was letting on. "Th-thanks..." I sighed. We stood together in silence for a lot longer than the second I'd asked for, both of us awkwardly staring at the doors. All that had really changed since my pacing a few minutes ago was my heart rate, which was now probably in the hundreds. Do something, Twilight! You can't just stand here! You have to do something! Trying to motivate myself was working about as well as it had been when I was all alone. That is to say, not working at all. "I know we're not the closest ponies..." Raven finally broke the silence. "but... do you want to talk? About what's bothering you, I mean." she asked without turning her head towards me. She was right. We weren't close. Ever since I'd come to live in the castle I'd kept my distance from her. To be fair, I'd kept my distance from anypony Princess Celestia had chosen to surround herself with, save my mistress, of course, but particularly Raven. She was essentially Princess Celestia's right hoof. "Why?" I was genuinely taken aback by her inquiry. "Why would you want to?" She's never shown any concern for me before... why now? "Why wouldn't I?" she shifted in place. I think she was going to turn and face me, but thought better of it at the last moment. "You're clearly going through... something. Aren't you?" she finally gathered enough courage to turn towards me. "I'm here... and I do care," she laid her hoof on my shoulder. I stared down at her hoof, the gesture appreciated, but utterly bewildering. Once she'd realized I wasn't going to reply or even move any more, she quickly removed her hoof, turning away in what looked like sheer embarrassment. "I'm sorry! Was that too much?" She spoke, facing away from me. "I'm not usually the touchy-feely type, I swear. I just-" "I'm worried about talking to her," I sat down on my haunches, locking my gaze on the door once again. I was nowhere near confident enough in myself to look her in the eyes. She was trying and that was enough for me to return the favor. Still, I lacked the ability to bare my weaknesses to a stranger so openly and retain any semblance of confidence while doing so. She whirled around, a stunned look on her face. I glanced sidelong at her. Seeing just how surprised she was by my confession brought a small grin to my lips. "That's... understandable, at least when you consider all the things the two of you have gone through." She took a seat next to me, looking forward as well. "I can only imagine just how tough it must actually be." "You know about that?" I groaned. "I've been Celestia's aide for a very long time, Twilight." She paused for a moment. "You... you tried to become her student more times then I can recall," she sighed. So she knows about that too? Now I really didn't want to talk with her. She knew way more about me than I'd initially thought. Not only that, but she was aware of my greatest shame. Sitting next to her now, knowing she knew what she did, made me feel absolutely pathetic. "You know, Twilight..." she turned to me, a sad smile on her face. "I was really rooting for you." "Y-YOU WERE!?" I was so shocked by her admission that I shouted at her. She giggled at my outburst, nodding her head her only response. "W-why!?" "Anypony with eyes could see just how hard you were trying." She sounded... sad. "How much you really wanted it. All of your grades were flawless. There wasn't another candidate that ever performed better than you. I..." A-all... of them? I had always been under the assumption that I'd failed at some portion of the examinations. Had that never been the case? You're just not what I'm looking for right now... You still have such a long way to go... You still haven't matured enough... You are still lacking in other aspects. Recalling her words, I finally realized what I had been too blind to see all this time. I'd never failed. I wasn't rejected because of any of the tests I'd taken, I was turned away because Celestia herself hadn't chosen me. It had never been about me or my aptitude or skills. It was all about her preferences. "To this day, I still don't understand why you were rejected so many times. Year after year, it got harder and harder to see you get turned away. Even though you performed better than anypony else time and time again, Celestia said-" I lifted a hoof, cutting her off. I didn't know exactly how to feel. I was so very angry at the Sun Princess for not picking me... for not wanting me, but... but I was relieved too... and it was all thanks to the mare standing before me. But I still couldn't understand why she was being so honest with me, now of all times, here of all places. That doesn't really matter though. "Thank you, Raven." I turned to her, a grateful smile on my face. "Really, it means a lot to me." She looked forward. "I understand how you feel... not wanting to have to face all that sorrow again. All those negative feelings and emotions you tried to run away from coming back to taunt you. It can be... terrifying." H-how does she- "Twilight..." She turned her head to look at me again, a smile reminiscent of one of her boss's on her lips. "I'm not sure why you were waiting here, but there is one thing I know to be an unchangeable truth. Every single thing Celestia does is for a greater purpose that ponies like us may not be able to see. And..." She stepped up to the doors, placing a hoof gently against them. "You need to speak with her about what's troubling you." She looked my way, a hopeful gaze on her face. She's right. It's now or never, Twilight. I bobbed my head, still not sure if I was really ready, but certain I'd wasted too much of Raven's time. She pushed the doors open, the two of us trotting into Celestia's massive room. Like a coward, I walked behind her, facing the floor as I tried to hide away from Princess Celestia's view. "Ah, Raven! It took you a bit longer than expected." My heart pounded as soon as I heard the sound of her voice. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I had to..." she came to a stop next to Celestia's bed. "help a friend with a problem." I remained behind her, almost as if I thought I could use her as a shield to protect myself from the Princess. "Speaking of which," I heard the Princess shift on her bed. "Good evening, Twilight." I shuddered at my name leaving her mouth. Raven took a step to the side, my hiding spot no longer that. Calm down, Twilight. It's not a big deal. Just breathe. Just keep breathing. "G-good evening, Y-Your Highness," I managed to get out after what felt like an eternity. How pathet... The demon's voice was barely perceptible, almost as if it were weakened, but it faded away even quicker than it'd come. While I expected it at this point, something was... off. There was no pain. It's... gone? For how long, I didn't know, but I could tell it was no longer a problem at the moment. Now I had to deal with the real issue. I had to get better control of my emotions or risk losing myself like I had in front of my mistress. That would be a lot easier said than done. "Erm, you requested my presence, correct, Your Highness?" I appreciated Raven's attempt at grabbing Princess Celestia's attention more than she could know. While it didn't seem to work as well as I'd hoped, the Sun Princess not immediately moving her curious gaze from me, she did relent after a moment of consideration. "Yes, Raven. I've a response for Queen Cantata that I'd like you to send out as soon as you're able." The alabaster alicorn floated a letter over to the ivory unicorn who took it into her own telekinesis. "Of course, Your Highness!" Raven nodded. "I'll do so now." As she moved to leave the room I wanted nothing more than to go with her, but I knew that wasn't an option. "Oh! And Raven?" The Princess stopped the unicorn in her tracks. "Yes, Your Highness?" "As soon as you finish with that you may retire for the night," the princess turned her eyes back to me. "Thank you, Your Grace." With a perfect bow to Princess Celestia and a sympathetic smile offered my way, Raven left the room. And so it was. One of my most dreaded nightmares had become a reality. Princess Celestia and I... were alone. > Inner strength > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic is difficult for me. It always has been. Since as far back as I can remember, I've had trouble with all things having to do with the subject. Simple spells like lifting a cup with my telekinesis or writing with a quill were really hard for me to get just right. More difficult spells like personal or projected shields took me several months to perfect. Even more complicated stuff like teleportation took me years to get down pat. I've always had to work much harder to do the things most other unicorns could with ease. Gifted unicorns like Twilight and Starlight were always leagues ahead of me no matter how much effort I put in. I don't know why, but I've always had to struggle to catch up, to stand out amongst the crowd. Arguably, I was still trailing far behind both of my colleagues. For some reason, none of that ever seemed to matter to my mentor. To the Princess of the Sun, I was special. To her, I was a light in the darkness. To her, I was capable of things I'd never have the audacity of dreaming of. Because of her, I'd never let any of my shortcomings hold me down. Not ever. "Not bad," Luna stared at the destruction I'd managed to produce with an appreciative smile. "Is that the full extent of your abilities?" The tree before us was split down the middle, a large fracture splintering it in two from its crown to its base. While it hadn't collapsed, it was quite clearly very damaged. Still, I groaned, my annoyance spilling from my mouth as I began charging another spell. Luna's question had sounded more like a challenge, and I was never one to back down from those. On top of that, the Princess of Dreams had never given me her full attention before. I want to show her. I wanted her to know I wasn't inferior -- to Twilight, or to anypony else -- and this was the best chance I'd ever gotten. "No, it isn't. Can I try again?" I turned to face another tree, pouring more mana into my horn. "I know I can do better!" I can take at least one down. I can! The trees were by no means small. The oaks were pushing about seventy feet and probably had reached maturity. It'd take any decently adept unicorn more mana than they possessed to cut one down in a single shot. But I was no mere unicorn. I am not a weakling. I am Princess Celestia's hoof picked disciple. I am Sunset Shimmer. "Feel free," she grinned at me, her eyes honestly looking a little... crazed. "Let yourself run wild, Sunset Shimmer. If ever there was a time to do so, tis now." "Thank you, Your Highness." I bowed my head slightly as I focused on the trunk of the tree and the mana I was pushing into my horn. I'd never done anything like this with my mentor. Sure, she'd taught me many a lesson on mana control, manipulation, and utilization, but that's not what this was. Not even close. Luna simply wanted to see my raw strength, nothing else. No skill. No application. Just power. She wanted me to let everything out, to hold nothing back. I didn't want to disappoint her. I'd dabbled in destructive spells from time to time. It's not like I wasn't interested in offensive magic, it just wasn't Celestia's cup of tea. Protecting yourself and those precious to you is far more important than harming another creature, Sunset. Never forget that. She wasn't wrong, -- was she ever? -- but for those of us who weren't immortal goddesses, sometimes protecting those we loved meant hurting those that threatened their well-being. And so, I made the decision to look into the subject on my own. In spite of Celestia's refusal to instruct me in the area, I'd managed to develop some skill on my own. Observing my mentor day in day out led me to quite a discovery. While I was by no means an expert, I could still do things like... My horn blazed with pure sunlight, the melody of my magical signature changing slightly at the new formation of mana. My first try I'd chosen to utilize a rudimentary concussive blast. It was a simple spell, mostly used to incapacitate and then detain a target. I didn't want to do that to the tree. If I use a little bit more this time, I should be able to do it. Sweat fell from my brow as my horn began to hum louder and louder. Offensive spells were much more taxing on the body than most other types of magic and I was already feeling the burn. Struggling to aim my strike properly, I grinded my teeth harshly before letting my attack fly forth. The jet of sunlight cut through the trunk of the tree like butter, not being hindered at all as it continued on its way, colliding with several more obstacles as it traveled. It wasn't much damage at first glance, more akin to a precise incision, but a second later each object my spell had come into contact with shined like Celestia's sun before shattering in a burst of vibrant sunlight. "How... was... that!?"I wiped my forehead as the glow of my horn faded away, my breaths coming in heavy heaves. I couldn't help but smile confidently. More than seven trees and a few large boulders had been burned to dust by my assault. She has to be impressed by that. "Solar mana..." She looked... annoyed? I couldn't really tell, but she clearly wasn't pleased. She trotted up to me, a raised eyebrow and a scowl on her face. "I have only ever seen my sister utilize the power of her star... I trust she was not the one who taught you that spell. How did you manage to perform such a feat?" She was inches from my face, her aura forcing me to crouch down slightly. Did I... did I do something wrong...? ... No. I didn't. "I learned it by myself." I wouldn't flinch or back down, especially when I wasn't at fault. My eyes were locked with hers, neither of us giving an inch. It was easy to see she was looking deeper than the surface, her eyes flicking back and forth as she evaluated me as well as my response. "... Remarkable," she smiled, clearly pleased with my answer. Thankfully, her stern attitude was gone. "That is an incredible accomplishment, Sunset! Such an achievement is completely unheard of!" She was gushing now, something I never thought I'd see the Princess of the Night do. "Truly! It speaks volumes of your bond with my elder sister! Celestia must... be..." her enthusiasm evaporated as my head slowly lowered, my breathing finally returning to normal. "She, uhm..." I scratched the back of my head. "She... doesn't actually know I can do it," I confessed. "I... I see," she moved to sit down in front of me, her expression suddenly unreadable. "That explains quite a bit." "She doesn't really... approve of that kind of magic... at least, not when it comes to me." "As I thought," she craned her head closer to mine. "May I ask a favor of you, Sunset?" Her face was uncomfortably close, forcing me to move my head back just a bit. What is she- She's way too close... "W-what is it, Your Highness?" I was trying my hardest not to blush, but Luna, much like her older sister, was far beyond the boundary of beautiful. I'd long grown accustomed to Celestia's ethereal attractiveness, but Luna could still make my heart race. They really are unfair beings. "Can you... can you close your eyes? Just for a moment?" She wasn't looking at me, or at least, not into my eyes. "Please?" How could I say no to such a being? "S-sure," I fulfilled her request immediately, though I was no longer able to conceal the deep maroon that came to my cheeks. "Thank you, dear." She was quiet for several seconds, shifting this way and that as she did... something in front of me. When she got even closer and softly grabbed my chin with a hoof, I wasn't able to keep my surprised gasp in. "Forgive me, Sunset, I simply must..." She tilted my head downwards, her warm breath filling my senses. The scent contained a strong tinge of mint, an unknown fruit, and just a hint of the blackest coffee. Even her body, though not exactly warm like Celestia's, emanated an alien air, one that comforted me to my core. She's... perfect. "Still, it remains." she sighed. "Will it never end, Tia?" The beatific experience was over before I knew it, the Night Princess removing her hoof from my face and trotting away from me. "You may open your eyes now, Sunset." "Is... something wrong, Your Highness?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open, my heart rate returning to its normal steady pace. "Perhaps." She came to a stop before turning to face me, a stoney glare on her face. "You still hold back your true strength, Sunset." "I..." Her look of irritation shook my confidence. I couldn't lie, at least, not to her. "I'm sorry I disappointed you. That was really the strongest spell I know, Your Highness." I couldn't hold my head up, couldn't maintain eye contact with the princess. Am I really that weak? "You've not disappointed me, Sunset," she shook her head. "I've another request." I lifted my head, completely surprised that she'd ask more of me. She still didn't look pleased, but her expression was softer now. "What is it, Your Highness?" "What you witnessed me perform before was not a spell, Sunset." I was confused, my face clearly reflecting that fact causing the Night Princess to begin charging her horn as her melody flowed all around us. "I... I don't understand, Your Highness." My head tilted involuntarily. I had no idea what she was getting at. "Perhaps an explanation is in order." Her mana grew stronger, her horn becoming brighter by the second. "Typically, as a creature that utilizes magic, you send mana into your horn to perform specific tasks." Her horn was humming loudly now, signaling she was prepared to cast whatever spell she desired. "Once enough mana is supplied, a spell can be performed." She launched a volley of dark blue projectiles into the forest. Anything unfortunate enough to be touched by her spell was instantly disintegrated. "This," she spoke once the destruction she caused had ended. "Can vary, of course, however, it is still generally limited to a creature's knowledge of a particular spell. What I did earlier was not a spell, it was merely an..." She tapped her chin with a hoof, trying to find the right word. "Expulsion of my mana." An expulsion of mana? "So..." I tried to comprehend what she was telling me and then reiterate my reasoning to her, but it wasn't easy. "You just... let your mana... what, out of your body?" I wasn't even sure how that was possible. Mana has to be molded to take the form of a spell... doesn't it? "Correct," she nodded. A devious grin came to her lips. "Shall we perform an exercise to demonstrate?" "I... sure?" I couldn't see anything wrong with that. She smiled, satisfied I'd given her no lip. "What did you have in mind, Your Highness?" "Transfer mana into your horn," she pointed a hoof at me. "For what spell?" I had to know what I was aiming for or I'd just be flailing senselessly. "No spell," she shook her head. "Just infuse your horn with your mana." It was an... odd instruction. "Just...?" I was a bit bewildered. "How much should I-" "As much as you can manage, please." When she noticed I was staring at her with a completely dumbfounded look, she chuckled. "Put your faith in me, Sunset. This is one of my realms, after all. Rest assured, If anything goes awry, I shall take care of you." When she said something like that with so much bravado, I couldn't help but trust her. "If you say so, Your Majesty." I shrugged as I began to infuse mana into my horn. I'd been conservative with my initial attempts, only providing enough energy for the spell I wanted to cast. I was not going to play it safe this time. With Luna's assurance of my safety, I'd have no such reservations. As more of my mana began to flow and my melody grew louder I started to feel a strange sensation growing around the base of my horn. It was a slight tingle at first, but was slowly swelling into a tight pressure, as if something was squeezing the base of the spire and moving upwards. "Sun... set?" Luna must have noticed my discomfort because she drew closer, a concerned look on her face. "I feel... weird, Luna." Everything around me began to spin as I struggled to stay on my hooves. She was next to me before I knew it, the flow of my mana cut off immediately. "I have you, do not fear," she held me with her hooves, keeping me from falling and holding me close. "I expected this, Sunset." The strange feeling was gone. Princess Luna's horn was shining as she cradled me. For some reason, as soon as she made contact with me the foreign feeling had left my body, as did all of the mana I had been channeling. "Wha... what happened?" Her body was heavenly, something I'd never experienced so close before. I would go as far as saying it even rivaled her sister's warm embrace, the two far more similar than I'd thought. "Only here... Still... I can... If I wish..." The princess was whispering to herself, but I caught a few stray words. "There," she touched the tip of my horn with a hoof. "Now we can have a proper test." She took a few steps away from me, making sure I could stand under my own power prior to letting me go. "How do you feel?" She bent her head down, a curious look on her face. "N-normal?" I answered honestly, but a little unsure. Nothing had really changed from before, at least not that I was aware of. Why did my mana do that? I'd never experienced anything like that before. What- "Can you try one more time, Sunset?" She turned and swept her horn across the forest, reconstructing everything that had been previously destroyed. "I believe I've managed to fix the issue." What... issue? "Your Highness... what issue are you talking about?" I asked. "First things first, Sunset. One more time?" She clasped her hooves together, a pleading look on her face. "Please?" Seriously, how does Twilight ever say no to her? ... She probably doesn't. I chuckled a bit. "Okay, Your Highness. Just don't let me implode or anything." As I began to transfer mana into my horn once again something completely unexpected occured. An amount of mana so boundless, so vast I couldn't begin to comprehend its limits, passed into my horn and then back through my body. The energy circulated within me, the feeling of limitless power euphoric as my hooves left the familiarity of the ground. My body was floating, waves of torrential winds blasting outward from me. The sound was so cacophonous I couldn't even hear the chime of my own magic. Princess Luna looked ecstatic, her wide eyes and excited smile a far cry from her typical facial features. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to focus the magic, to move it all into my horn, but it was far too much for me to handle. I don't know where it'd all come from or whose it was, but the sheer volume of it was beginning to make me panic. "DO NOT FRET, SUNSET SHIMMER!" My eyes shot open, Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice breaking my concentration and drawing my gaze. She was absolutely vibrant now, hovering off of the ground herself as she beamed at me. "DO NOT HOLD BACK, YOUNG ONE!" I was terrified. "BU-BUT WHAT IF-" "DO NOT DOUBT, SUNSET!" Her horn ignited with blue fire as she protected herself with a barrier. "DO NOT FEAR!" I felt the mana surging, the end of it, its limit, nowhere in sight. "THIS IS WHO YOU TRULY ARE!" My vision filled with blinding light, the sudden discharge of mana from my body seeming to shake Luna's reality itself. I could sense it reverberate from me, vaporizing all it came into contact with. The feeling. The power. It was glorious. > Just a hobby > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's see. Let's see... With the... eventful day I'd had, I really needed to blow off some steam. I'd finally gotten some time to myself after speaking with Celestia and Luna. At the moment, I was trotting around inside the castle, taunting guards that looked at me the wrong way and searching for a particular mare. I still hadn't talked to Sunset and that was bothering me, but it was clear she didn't want to see me. After agreeing to travel to the Crystal Empire, -- a task that Celestia assured me, I'd receive the details to soon -- I'd scanned the castle multiple times throughout the day. Each search revealed the golden unicorn had barricaded herself in her room. I tried, just once, knocking on the door to her room, but she refused to answer. If she wanted time to herself, I wouldn't force the issue. Not yet, at least. But... just in case... I casted the spell for the umpteenth time, revealing the entirety of the castle's inhabitants to myself once again. Besides, I can look for her while I'm at it, too. Unsurprisingly, she was still inside her room, a groan proceeding from my lips when I realized she hadn't moved an inch all day. Darn it, Sunset! How am I supposed to try and fix this stupid mess if you won't even give me the chance!? It was unfortunate, but short of busting her door down with a spell, I really had no other options. Whatever, where's... AH! There she is! Twilight was in Celestia's room, but she wasn't who I was looking for. Oh! Convenient too! She was coming down the hall that connected to the one I was in so I'd run into her in- "OH!? Starlight!? Hello! Fancy meeting you here." Raven Inkwell noticed me as she trotted around the corner. She was holding a letter in her telekinesis and had been whistling a merry tune, apparently not a care in the world. "Actually, I suppose we can finally properly meet," she lifted a polite hoof my way. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Starlight Glimmer. My name is Raven, Raven Inkwell. Celestia's one and only aide." Just as I thought. I'd expected her to act like this and in preparation I'd compiled several replies to the kind gesture, though I hadn't chosen which to respond with yet. One; I could put on the nice-mare act. A big goofy smile. A fit of giggles. Shake her hoof and act like she was one of my long lost friends I hadn't seen in years. Maybe even go in for a hug. That was definitely the most boring tactic, but would probably yield the greatest results. Two; I could have some fun. Some real fun. It was easy to see just by looking at her that the mare before me was a bit... uptight. No, not uptight. Prim. Definitely prim. Her professionally styled mane and tail were both perfect, not a single strand out of place, each tied into tight buns with a red material. Her hooficure was impeccable, all four hooves glistening in the light. Her glasses were spotless, resting on her muzzle in a perfectly symmetrical position. The white collar and red ascot around her neck were immaculate, perfect accents to the rest of her coat. She had the exact type of personality I relished in breaking. Prigs were the hardest to deconstruct, but once I had one wrapped around my hoof... Mmmm, sublime. Unfortunately, breaking her would take an extended period of time to accomplish. Not to mention, I'd have to be especially devious with the princesses lurking about. And that's not even taking into account how close she was to Celestia. It's not like I'd be able to interact with her whenever I want, either. Plus, I was trying to turn over a new leaf. ... I really am. ... ... Maybe. Three; I could toe the line of my current position while working on her slowly over time. The correct choice was obvious. "Hello, Raven," I gently took her hoof into my own, granting her a false sense of security before pulling her closer with a rough tug. Our noses were touching, her flawless mane no longer undisturbed, several loose hairs falling into her face. "The pleasure's all mine. I've been looking for you, after all." I spoke with the sultriest voice I could produce. "You're a little close, don't you think?" she smiled politely, not moving a muscle. She seemed to be oblivious to my advances. No. She knows. "Oh, I don't mind. I prefer being this close to beautiful mares." I moved my mouth closer to her ear to whisper. "Does it bother you?" "Not at all," she replied, still as a statue, though I could ascertain her lack of movement wasn't from discomfort or because she'd lost her composure. "If it makes you comfy to be so close, then be my guest!" Interesting... She was cool as a cucumber. There was even a measure of enthusiasm in her voice. I should have predicted she'd have such a great degree of self-control. Celestia wouldn't hire a bumbling idiot, after all. This was gonna be a lot more complicated than I initially thought. But I know exactly how to handle her. "And if I wanted to be... just a little more..." I got even closer, our necks touching as I whispered into her ear. She tensed up a bit, but only for a second. "... close?" "Well..." She went quiet for a moment. "Then I'd say we're probably moving a little too fast and you should take me out for dinner first, Starlight," she nuzzled me. SHE nuzzled ME!? ... Darn it! I backed away immediately, the playful grin she now donned nowhere near the result I desired. "You're not bad," I admitted reluctantly. It was rare that I found a creature, -- much less a pony -- that could weather my tactics. "Never expected a prissy looking mare like you to be so... well-adjusted." "I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended," she smiled even brighter. "I suppose I'll choose flattered. That's much better than being offended." Nope. I was wrong. Ponies like her were the polar opposite of what I thrived on. I'd never let somepony with her attitude anywhere near myself or my town. In fact, I wanted to leave her be at the very moment, despite my desire for something from her. "You're not what I expected," I stated bluntly, a frown coming to my face. I wouldn't be having any fun with her any time soon. It's probably for the best. I really need to s- "Come on, don't be so disappointed, Starlight," she offered me a sympathetic smile that really made me want to strangle her. "If Celestia hadn't told me to be on my guard around you, that might've actually gotten me." OF COURSE! "I mean, that and the whole aide thing. Have you ever had to sit in a room while a bunch of angry dragons try to assert dominance over a pair of immortal goddesses?" she chuckled uncomfortably. "Not a fun experience. Trust me." "Celestia..." I was no longer listening to her, my face falling into my hoof. Obviously she'd be the one to blame. ... The white alicorn's enraged visage flashed in mind's eye. WAIT! CRAP! "I-I WAS JUST... I WAS TESTING YOU!" I stumbled over my words, a panic coming to me as I shakily approached the unicorn. "IT WAS JUST A TEST!" I looked around frantically, knowing if she was watching I was already beyond screwed. YEAH! Yeah, that makes sense! PLEASE! Please let it make sense! "Oh, Starlight..." she sighed. Though the smile remained on her lips as she stepped closer to me, it did lessen a bit. "You don't have to worry about Her Highness so much. She's not out to get you," she placed a hoof on my shoulder. "She knows as well as anypony just how hard it is. To change, I mean... to better yourself. You may not realize it yet, but she really does care about you," she backed up. "We all do." That sounds all well and good, but... "... You don't even know me, Raven," I scoffed. While it really was how I felt, with the way her eyes softened, it didn't appear to be the truth. "How could you possibly care about me?" The princesses might have their stupid omniscience, but not this mare. Even Twilight and Sunset had, at the very least, made attempts to show me they cared. How this... nopony could have the audacity to claim I mattered to her was beyond my comprehension. "That's... not entirely true." She looked... uncomfortable all of a sudden. For the first time this entire conversation her eyes had left mine. "What is that supposed to mean?" With things not going the way I planned coupled with the more than grating day I'd already had, I was ready to blow a fuse. Having what was essentially a stranger in front of me was the best scenario I could hope for to blow off said steam. "Let's just say, I know a lot about you, Starlight." Though it was spoken with the utmost care and kindness, I couldn't help but feel like it was meant to be aggressive or foreboding. "Are you threatening me!?" I jabbed her in the chest with a hoof, my horn shining turquoise immediately. "No! NO! Of course not!" she shook her head as she took a cautious step back. Her frightened eyes sent a trill through me, my heart suddenly on fire. "I would never do anything like that, Starlight! I'm so sorry!" Wow... I am an idiot. It was so obvious. She'd probably sat in on hundreds -- if not thousands -- of political meetings. She must've already seen the best of the best playing mind games with one another. How could I hope to compete with that level of mental manipulation. Politicians. Pfft! No, the tool to influencing this one was so much simpler than some subtle machinations. Regrettably, -- given the situation -- it was also impossible. "It's alright," I moped, turning my head away. the knowledge of how to break her had lifted my spirits to the heavens. The realization that I couldn't just go around instilling fear in her heart or I'd risk incurring the wrath of Celestia, brought them right back down to the ground. "I'm serious, Starlight. I had no intention of-" "Really, Raven. It's okay," I gave her a half smile. She was misinterpreting my lack of enthusiasm due to a lost toy for an irritation with her previous comments. "So... how do you know so much about me then?" "Well... I..." She took a deep breath to compose herself. "I was tasked with finding out all I could about you after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna... uhm..." She really was trying her hardest not to step on my hooves. "... liberated the ponies of your town." I had to struggle not to laugh out loud. "Geez, Raven. You don't have to be that meticulous," I shook my head. "They kicked my flank, I'm not gonna bite your head off or anything because of that." Celestia would kill me if I tried to do something so blatant anyway. "O... okay." She appeared to regain a bit of comfort, an awkward smile coming to her face. "So what did you manage to find out? I'm curious," I asked. I really did want to know. I'd kept a low profile for as long as I could remember, even moreso during my time as the ruler of my town. Everything I did there should be a complete mystery to this day, even to the sisters themselves. I'd protected myself and my town with layers upon layers of barriers and safeguards. There was less than a one in a million chance Raven had learned something about my time there. No. More likely, if she found anything important out, it was from before that time. When I was living with- "I know... what your foalhood was like." She moved closer, an attempt at showing me empathy obviously her intention. Yep, exactly what I figured. I groaned, seriously not wanting to talk about the long forgotten past. "So you found out about my aunt and uncle, that doesn't really matter to me anymore." I took a step away from her. "Your... aunt?" She looked befuddled. "Starlight... what does your au-" "Forget it, Raven." I was done with that conversation. "I had a question for you." "Starlight, I just wanted t-" I lifted a hoof to cut her off. "Are you gonna help me or not?" I was seconds from walking away and leaving her alone. "S... sure," she relented. "What do you need?" "I'm looking for a place to... relax." I gently scratched my face with a hoof, a little embarrassed to admit what I was looking for. "Preferably a balcony or something similar where I won't be bothered or yelled at for being there." Her face lit up. "That's easy, Starlight." She lifted a hoof, pointing in the direction she'd come from. "Head down that hallway. Take the stairways to the third floor. Go down the hall and make a left. There'll be a large glass window with a door next to it. Her Highness goes there whenever she wants to take a load off. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you used it," she smiled before she started giggling. "As long as you're not going to blow anything up or something like that, you shouldn't be disturbed." I smiled deviously as I walked by her in the direction she'd pointed. "Y-you're... you're not going to blow anything up, are you, Starlight?" She was panicking and it was way too entertaining for me to reply quickly. ... "S-STARLIGHT!?" "It's fine, Raven," I turned to her with the same conniving smile. "I'm not gonna do anything stupid. Don't worry about it." I can't wait! "Starlight?" she called out to me again. "Hm?" I didn't turn to look at her, but I slowed down a little to allow her to speak. "Do you... do you want to get a bite to eat with me some time?" Wha... "I really want to get to know you more... that's all." It wasn't a flirtatious request. At least, it didn't sound like one. I wasn't sure how a mare like her made a pass at somepony. It did get me to stop though. I snuck a glance over my shoulder to find the mare with her head down. That's... unexpected. ... What the heck, why not? "When I get back from my duties in the Crystal Empire... I wouldn't mind doing something with you," I grinned. Her head shot up. I continued on the way to my destination, leaving the giddy mare with an excited smile on her lips. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. The little piece of heaven was about the size of my room. Two elegant chairs and a small table, all made of ivory and way fancier than any I'd ever seen before, rested on the balcony. It reminded me of the one I had back home in my town, -- the balcony, that is -- though mine only had one chair and none of my furniture was this... lavish. Just to be safe, I'd casted a barrier around the area to ensure I got my privacy. Even though Raven had told me I shouldn't be interrupted, I still put up some countermeasures, just in case. While Celestia and Luna could bypass my defenses with no effort, anypony else would most definitely trigger it, instantly notifying me of their presence. I did not want anypony to know what I was about to be doing up here. Still... this will definitely work. As I sat down on one of the chairs -- which was way more comfortable than I could have ever imagined -- I took in the scenery. It was breathtaking, there was no other way of putting it. The city of Canterlot was beyond reproach. At night, it was even more awe-inspiring, the lights illuminating the capital lending an otherworldly glow to the landscape. With careful precision I began to weave my spell, first constructing the line. It wasn't too windy outside. In fact, it was just right, so I didn't need to make it thick. Not in weather like this. Next were the bridle and tow point. Even though it was just a magical construct I needed it to be as true to life as possible. If anything was even a little askew it wouldn't fly. Now the spars... I flicked my horn, utilizing a little more mana. And then the keel. It was nearly done, my heart racing with excitement. It had been way too long since I'd last gotten to do this. Sail and tail! I was bubbling, almost leaping off the chair as I admired my completed handiwork. It wasn't as authentic as a physical kite, but it would do for the time being. I'll have to check around some of the shops in town so I can get the materials to build a real one. Odds are there wouldn't be any shops specifically for kite hobbyists in Canterlot. Hoity-toity ponies don't enjoy this kind of stuff. I lifted it high into the air with my telekinesis, using the slight breeze and a swift pull to allow it to catch the wind. As I drew my telekinesis away from the kite itself and watched it gently sail in the sky, I felt my stress immediately begin to melt away. Perfect. I sat back in my seat with a contented sigh, holding the end of the line with my telekinesis. As I watched my little creation bob in the sky, I couldn't help but feel like I was back home. It doesn't get much better than this. Though, if I could add one thing, it'd be an ice cold drink. There's always next time. I hadn't felt this good sin- "Somepony is... awfully... comfortable." The hissing voice that echoed from my blind spot made my skin crawl. That's... That's not possible! My kite construct soaring high in the sky disintegrated, my concentration completely shifting as I jumped off the chair to confront the trespasser. My heart stopped as our eyes -- or at least my eyes -- locked on the... thing before me. What... is it? My mana was already pumping, my horn glowing turquoise as I prepped spell after spell to protect myself. I could feel the staggering malice emanating from the entity. It was a miracle it hadn't attacked me when I was ignorant of its presence, but that just meant it was here for something else. "What do you want?" I narrowed my gaze at the mysterious creature. If it made any sort of movements towards me I'd send an arc of magic straight through its heart. "I've a... proposition... for you... Starlight Glimmer." > I could never > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I took the liberty of having some tea and cake prepared for us," Princess Celestia gestured with a hoof toward the fancy tea set sitting on the small table next to her bed. Placed in a circle around the ornate porcelain teapot and cups were several slices of an overly rich looking chocolate cake. "I'm aware my sister prefers her coffee, but I wasn't certain what your preference was." Her kind smile made me feel sick to my stomach. More sick than I was already feeling. "Personally, I can't stomach that particular beverage. Far too much caffeine for a drink, if you ask me. So, I made my favorite instead," she looked a little uncomfortable all of a sudden. "I... I hope that's okay," she looked away sheepishly. Why is she rambling? And why is she acting so- ... You've got to be kidding me. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be. Is she dreading this whole thing just as much as I am? The possibilty of that being true may not have completely alleviated my discomfort, but it helped, if only a little bit. I suddenly had a lot more confidence than I did seconds before and the ego boost made the situation a lot more tolerable. "I don't mind tea," I walked to the foot of her bed, not smiling, -- because I wasn't happy about all of this -- but willing to make an attempt at being civil with my mistress' sister. "Would you like sugar in yours?" she asked as her horn flared to life, its golden light way too bright for my tastes. So much more obnoxious than Her Majesty's hue. She lifted one of the cups, as well as a small container filled to the brim with cubes of sugar, with her telekinesis. "Please," I plopped down, trying my best not to look how I felt. "Three is enough," I stated before she had a chance to ask me how many I wanted. Without another word, she dropped three cubes into the cup before stirring it and carefully floating it over to me. "If you need any more I ca-" "I'm here to receive instructions on when I'm to depart for my task and any other details pertaining to it, Your Highness," I took the cup into my telekinesis, taking a sip. Unfortunately, it was the perfect temperature and delicious. "Not a thing more." "Of... of course, Twilight," she lifted her own cup and took an awkward sip. "But I was really hoping we could... talk." "I am talking," I took another drink from my cup. "It's not like I can stop you from doing whatever you please." "You don't have to be like that, Twilight," she sighed, her countenance falling. "Be like what!?" I snapped at her. "What do you expect from me, Princess!?" I was getting heated, but for some reason, I wasn't having much trouble controlling the simmering anger. "You gave consent for me to go to the Crystal Empire without my knowledge. You didn't even ask my mistress for her opinion on the subject, and you just expect me to come in here like we're best friends and have a wonderful time with you!?" I huffed, my body trembling as I took another drink of my tea to cool my jets. That... that felt really good. ... She didn't immediately react to my rant. She didn't even look particularly bothered by my outright disrespectful tone. Instead, she added a few more cubes of sugar to her cup and slowly stirred them in with a spoon. "Let me ask you a simple question, Twilight." She had another taste, her face scrunching up before she added several more cubes and stirred some more. "Do you believe I... overstepped my bounds?" she asked as she moved the spoon in a circular motion. Her concentration appeared to be on her beverage and not me, and I'm not at all ashamed to say that irritated me to no end. "It's not a matter of whether or not I believe. You did," I stated calmly, lowering my cup. "You had no right to make a decision like that for me." "Hm..." she continued to stir, staring down into the liquid. "Life can be such a peculiar thing, wouldn't you agree? I was having such a splendid day, too..." she whispered that last part. "I'm not really in the mood to wax philosophical with you, Princess. And I really couldn't care less how your day's been going." I took a long drink from my cup, downing the rest of the beverage before flipping the cup upside down and placing it back on the tray. "I'd really just like to know the details of my task and then I'll gladly be on my way." ... "Very well, Twilight. I can do that for you," she lowered her own cup to the tray, though hers still had some tea left in it. "But first, I'd like to make something abundantly clear to you." She straightened up, not standing from the bed or anything like that, just... making herself appear larger. She unfurled her wings, stretching them out for a moment before folding them back in at her sides. "I AM half the rule of Equestria, one of the strongest nations to ever exist, as I have been for countless millennia. I AM the Princess of the Sun, the ruler of the day itself," her eyes narrowed on me, sending a spark of panic through my veins. When she spoke again her voice was deathly calm, her tone rattling me to my bones. "I am Celestia, the physical manifestation of Justice," her mane and tail began to flicker, as if they were both about to ignite into flames at any moment. "I CANNOT overstep my bounds, for in my endless years of existence, I have never HAD any." In the blink of an eye she was right next to me, no longer lying on her bed. I couldn't help but wince as she glared down at me. "H-how did y-" I tried to scoot away from her, but it felt like an unknown force was holding me firmly in place. "As such, I need you to understand, Twilight," her face was inches from mine. "Everything I have ever done has been for the betterment of Equestria and its inhabitants." She pressed her nose against mine. "EVERYTHING! I will not let a petulant foal show me such a blatant lack of respect!" I was struggling to find my bearings, her rant a lot more extravagant than my own. While her irritation was a little frightening, I'd witnessed this side of her once before. This was "Princess Celestia", one half of the Immortal Sisters and total authority of all Equestria. If she'd so wished it, I'd be face down on the floor begging her for mercy, but for some reason she'd used none of her royal or deific command. She was just posturing, and that made it all the more annoying. I'm not even worth actually reprimanding? Despite knowing all of that, I couldn't help but feel like I'd just heard some things I wasn't meant to hear. As she drew her head away from me, I stewed on her words. Countless millennia? Ruler of the day? Physical manifestation of Justice? Just who does she think she... Well, I guess she just told me who she thinks she is... and it's not like she isn't really a goddess. The most grating thing was that I knew exactly what she was referring to. "Fine. You want to talk about it, let's talk, Your Highness." I still couldn't move an inch, but I could darn well speak my mind. "Why!?" I glared at the alabaster alicorn. She flinched. "After all this time... does your character still lack so much, Twilight?" Her words tore at my heart, just like they always had. "If I lack anything, Celestia," I bit down hard, doing my best to hold back the virulent tempest that was threatening to spill out of me. "It's because of you." "You flatter me, Twilight," she smiled, though it was clearly meant to be more condescending than anything else. WHAT!? I didn't speak, but I stared daggers at the Sun Princess. "If you wish to attribute the mare you've become to me," she scoffed, looking down her nose at me. "Then I'll gladly take the credit for it." "You stabbed me in the back!" I was growling. "You LIED to me!" "Such foolishness," she shook her head, turning away from me. "Who do you think put you on the current path you walk?" "You rejected me!" I stood to my hooves, finally able to move again. I was angry, but I wasn't foolish enough to do anything more than get to my hooves. "You made me feel worthless!" "I did exactly what needed to be done so that you'd be standing here before me right now." She continued to face away from me, fueling my anger more. Her tone was soft as a feather, but her words were like the venomous bites of a serpent. "I'm here because of my mistress, not because of YOU!" I slammed a hoof on the floor to emphasize my point. It didn't faze her, her body remaining perfectly still. "Twilight Sparkle..." She turned to face me, the look of utter indifference on her face causing me to fall back down onto my rump. "You are my little sister's disciple because I deemed it so." "W-what?" I searched her eyes for any hint of deception, but there was none to be found. That... that can't be. My head sunk at the possibility of her words being true. I had once been a failure because she had made me one. I was able to crawl out of that pit of despair because of my mistress, not the arrogant alicorn standing before me. "Why would I believe a word that comes out of your mouth?" I spoke through clenched teeth. "You don't care about me now and you didn't care about me then." "Perhaps," she shrugged, not a care in the world. "When evaluated by foolish mortals, I can be perceived as quite the heartless mare. What do you think the victims of Starlight's crimes think of me?" she asked dismally, her eyes glistening with sadness. I can't lie and say I wasn't a little moved by such a beautiful creature's sorrow, but I couldn't just forget about all the crap I went through because of her. "What do you think their families think of me?" She wiped her eyes before any of the tears could fall. "What does your tarnished reputation have to do with me?" It wasn't a question, at least not one I actually cared to have answered. It was the most respectful way I could basically tell her shove her rationalizations. She'd get no sympathy from me. I was thrilled when her frustrated eyes narrowed on me yet again. Maybe you finally feel an ounce of the pain you put me through. "Be thankful I love my sister more than all else, Twilight Sparkle," the haunting grin that came to her face staggered me. I'd never seen such a terrifying visage on any creature before, but I refused to back down. "Were you not her beloved, Damnatio memoriae to the nth degree would be the judgment for you and that irreverent tongue of yours." Can she... can she do that? It didn't matter if she could or not. I couldn't stop now. "Then it's a good thing I apparently have you to thank for that," I grinned with as much saccharine in my smile as I could muster. "Your Highness." ... "It's no wonder my sister is so drawn to you," she spoke through clenched teeth, absolutely seething at this point. "And why is that?" I responded in kind. "You've the exact same rebellious spirit," her face was inches from mine. "Thanks for the compliment," I smiled arrogantly, genuinely pleased by her assessment. "You couldn't have compared me to a more admirable mare." "Which is why I did what I have," she sneered. "Are you such a foolish creature that all you managed to do these past years was wallow in your own self-pity?" I heavily considered biting her nose as hard as I could. "Have you ever even thought about why I turned you away?" "OF COURSE I HAVE!" I shouted directly in her face. She drew back, a look of disgust coming to her face. "I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT IT EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. SINCE YOU CHOSE SUNSET OVER ME!" ... "I expected so much more from you, Twilight Sparkle." She may not have been my mentor. I may have hated her more than I should have. I might have even considered her a liar beyond hope... but... hearing her say those words... finally hearing her tell the truth after all these years... It hurt. I opened my mouth to yell, to scream. What? I don't really know, but nothing came out. Instead, my tears began to fall. My stupid annoying tears that I didn't want to show her, flowed freely from my eyes and along with them, the honest truth. "I loved you, Celestia." I had to bite down hard so I wouldn't sob like a pathetic weakling. "You were everything to me. Y-you..." "Do you still not understand, Twilight? Luna wanted you," she sighed, closing her eyes and covering her face with a hoof. "I DIDN'T WANT HER!" I shouted, the pain of the Sun Princess' rejection and the despair of admitting how I felt at the time ripping at my heart. Saying it felt like betraying my mistress, but it was the honest truth. "I... I only wanted you, Celestia... I only wanted you." I bawled just like I had all those years ago, the memories that I'd tried to bury deep inside rising back up to the surface. The Princess of the Sun didn't say or do anything, instead choosing to simply let me get it all out. ... ... ... ... ... "How do you feel about me now? Do you still want me?" she asked after I'd quieted down, the displeased edge to her voice gone. "Do you still love me, Twilight?" "No," I wiped the remaining tears from my face. I didn't even have to think about it. I didn't have to consider how she might feel if I told her the truth. I didn't care how she felt. "I hate you." The barb was effective, her head moving back slightly and a small shake of her jaw due to my harsh words her initial reaction. Good. I hope it hurts. "And... and are you... are you happy?" I wasn't expecting a question like that. ... ... Am I? Thinking of my mistress caused my lips to slowly lift into a smile. Even Sunset and Starlight didn't seem so bad when I thought about them. Maybe me and Shining might even... "I am. I've never been happier," I smiled. She returned the gesture, igniting her horn and floating a rolled up parchment to me. "Good. Then despite my feelings, that's all that matters," she waited for me to take the letter. "This has all the information you need for your trip. Please share it with Sunset and Starlight." As soon as I took it into my telekinesis she moved to get back onto her bed, obviously to do more work. "Thank you for coming, Twilight, I know it was difficult for you. Please, have a good night." I looked down at the scroll, beyond satisfied it had been much easier than I thought it would be to get what I came for. As I trotted giddily to the door, the merry clip-clop of my hooves echoing in the room, I slowly came to a stop. I felt a weight pressing down on my back, as if a gravitic spell had been cast on me to make it difficult to move. Reaching out to open the door I froze. My heart was pounding, sweat beginning to form on my brow. What is- "Is everything okay, Twilight?" The princess sounded legitimately concerned. Because she is. I turned to look at her, a sharp pang striking my heart when I saw her face. You know it isn't right. "Princess I..." my head fell as I realized the truth was what was weighing so heavily on me. "What is it, Twilight?" She was right next to me again, her concern for me something I'd wanted more than anything else. Something that, to this day, I still wanted so very badly. I still love her. I still love her so much. "Celestia... can... can we... talk?" I gazed into her violet eyes, lost in the beauty and love I found there. "I was hoping you'd ask," she smiled. "Of course we can, Twilight." She wrapped a wing around me as we walked back towards her bed. > Rapport > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "R-remarkable!" Apparently, Luna was just as stunned as I was at what the two of us were looking at. "Absolutely remarkable, Sunset!" The desolate wasteland stretched as far as the eye could see in all directions. Not a single tree nor object from the forest that stood moments ago remained. To be honest, It wouldn't be fair to refer to it as a forest any more. The earth was scorched, a dense black smoke rising from the burnt ground all around us. Even the lake was dried up, a large barren canyon now where it once laid. "H-how did I..." The most vivid stars I'd ever seen filled my vision as the ground itself began to move like the waves of an ocean. The strain of trying to register exactly what I'd managed to do paired with the exhaustion of performing such a feat, was way too much for my body, and my mind, to handle. "... do that?" In a dizzying second, the ground rushed at me. "WHOA, whoa, whoa," Luna held me with her forelegs, making sure I didn't collapse. "An appropriate question for your mentor, Sunset," she laughed. "I believe it's safe to say you weren't holding anything back that time." She continued to look around us in awe, her face shimmering with glee. "You may be just as strong as my dearest, Sunset!" she remarked, her smile growing in size. "T-that's... g-great," I grinned like a dork, the compliment not fully registering in my mind. The sudden feeling of my dinner coming back up was a lot more concerning than any praise I was being lavished with. Thankfully, Luna's melodious giggling was enough to distract me from the feeling of nausea. "I think that is more than enough for tonight," her horn shined its dark blue sheen as the world around us began to shift and change to something else. "I do believe you've earned that bit of relaxation I promised." As reality slowly reconstructed around us, I noticed we were standing amongst one of the most breathtaking vistas I'd ever witnessed. The ivory sand beneath my hooves was cool to the touch, much like standing on a gritty cloud. The sand was white as snow, a far cry from the typical yellow beaches I'd been to. The ebb and flow of the ocean's tide pushed and pulled clear midnight-blue water onto, and away from, the shore directly in front of us. It was the cleanest looking water I'd ever laid my eyes upon. A gentle breeze gave this new environment the perfect temperature. The tickle of the misty water against my coat was strangely soothing, -- almost as if it had magical properties -- the droplets of liquid bringing a luster to my body and a comfort to my heart. The beach seemed to be endless, stretching as far as the devastated land that we had just left behind. Here, in this new location, I felt fully rejuvenated by some unseen force. It was confusing. Unless Luna had used a spell to help me recuperate, I should've still been exhausted. "I'm... feeling okay, Your Highness," I assured her. She was still holding me close and I was getting a little flustered. "As it should be," she let me go, allowing me to stand under my own strength. "This is a place of healing." I didn't hear what she'd said. As she stepped back, I had my first chance to fully view her in this new world. Taking in Luna in all of her glory under the light of the full moon, I finally understood why Twilight held such awe for the Goddess of the Night. It was unreal. She's unreal. Much like admiring Celestia when she was in the full splendor of her sun, bearing witness to Luna beneath her moon, -- the rays of moonlight empowering her, making her body gleam -- it was nearly impossible to keep myself from dropping down onto my face and worshipping her. "Y-Your Highness..." It was hard to speak. It was difficult to do anything other than bask in her glorious aura. "What... what is this place?" "This is where I come to unwind after especially trying nights," she smirked as she trotted toward the sparkling ocean. "Be grateful, Sunset Shimmer. You are one of the select few other than myself to set hoof in this place." I was pretty sure I could guess who the others were. Still, it was humbling that she'd deem me worthy enough to bring me to such a hallowed place. "Thank you, Your Majesty," I bowed low in appreciation, mostly because I didn't know what else to do to express my gratitude for such a kind gift. "Think nothing of it, Sunset," she laughed. I could hear her splashing into the water. "Come, come! Into the water with me!" It was easy to see how much fun she was having, splashing about. Her enthusiasm was so inviting, so enticing, it drew me like a moth to a flame. I walked over to her, the temperature of the water exactly what my sore hooves needed. It'd been a long day, much longer than I'd thought, and a peaceful soak with the Princess of the Night sounded like heaven. She was already neck deep in the water, a playful grin on her face. "Tis impressive, is it not?" I was beyond ecstatic, the idea of swimming in the deep, dark ocean on a cool, moonlit night, one of my most dreamt about fantasies. I wonder if that's why she brought me here... If that was why she'd done it, that'd be a little... concerning. But it was her job, so it's not like I'd hold it against her. Meh, either way... "This is more like it, Your Hi-" Approaching her with unwarranted confidence, I'd assumed the ocean's floor would slowly decline granting me an easy way to get acclimated. I'd thought Luna was crouching or perhaps lying down on said floor. I was wrong. "AHHHH!" My hooves lost their foundation in an instant, as if I'd just stepped into a bottomless pit. I flailed around like a foal that didn't know how to swim who'd just been tossed into a pool, the sudden rising depth causing me to panic. Luna's horn shined with mana as she held me in place, making sure that my head remained above the water. She giggled at my blunder, a hoof pressed against her lips. "I didn't know you were such a clumsy mare, Sunset." "V-very funny, Your M-Majesty," I sputtered, coughing up some water as she removed her telekinesis from me. Now knowing there was nothing beneath me, I swam in the water, easily floating in place. "Forgive me, Sunset. I could not resist," she looked away sheepishly. "I should have notified you of how my ocean works as soon as we arrived." How it... works? I stared down at the body of water, scrutinizing it. As far as I could tell, it was just like every other body of water I'd come across, save being much more beautiful, of course. It looked, felt, even smelled, like every other ocean Celestia had ever taken me to, so I had no clue what Luna was implying. "It's... a bit different," she lifted a hoof to point behind me. Turning around I came to find the shore was no longer anywhere to be seen. The two of us were stranded in the middle of her vast ocean, the waves moving us up and down like a pair of fishing bobbers. "Uhmmmm, soooo... that's pretty weird." I didn't panic, knowing full well that Luna was in control of her own realm. "Different how? ... other than the shore suddenly disappearing, obviously." "How best to put this," she appeared to sit on something in the water, not having to balance or move to maintain her position on the surface. "My ocean is... highly adaptive to one's desires." Adaptive? "Here, I'll make it easier for you," she smiled. A current of water swept up behind me, rubbing against my withers. "You can have a seat on that." I cautiously moved onto the current that continued to flow despite my contact with it. As soon as my flank touched the rushing water it seemed to harden, allowing me to sit comfortably against it. Even my back was accommodated to, a second current solidifying to support that part of my body as well. "Th-thank you." It felt so strange, to sit on "nothing" in an ocean, but it was oddly comfy and strangely... soothing. "My water also has regenerative properties," the princess explained. "Staying in, or even close to it, will restore stamina, heal ailments, and replace one's exhausted mana," she smiled down at the water like a mother looking at her newborn foal for the first time. "It won't even make you pruney if you stay in for too long," she giggled. "That's... that's amazing, Your Highness," I too admired her creation. "The mana regen and stuff... not so much the wrinkly bit," I chuckled, gently splashing the water with my hoof. "Don't knock it, Sunset. You'd be surprised how often I tend to fall asleep here," she submerged herself completely before coming right back up. "It's quite beneficial not to have to worry about your skin in such a case." My jaw fell, mouth agape as I stared shamelessly at the Princess of the Night. I couldn't help myself. Her mane and face were drenched with water, the moonlight reflecting off of her sopping wet coat. Her... eyes. Her cyan eyes were like two glowing gems, beckoning me to her. I could hardly resist her godly charm. My heart pounded in my chest like a drum. My face burned along with the rest of my body. I bit my lip, trying my hardest to shift my focus to something else... but I couldn't. So... beautiful... She noticed my adoration, a fierce blush coming to her face as she quickly looked away. "Sunset your... admiration is quite appreciated, but it is a tad... embarrassing." "I-I'm... I'm sorry, Your Majesty." I still felt like I might be caught in a trance, or perhaps mesmerized was the correct word. "I just... you're magnificent, Luna." Being with Celestia for the time I had been I'd long grown accustomed to her otherworldly allure. Couple that adaptation with her pretty much being my mother and there was no longer a physical attraction there. Luna, though? I was forced to wipe the saliva crawling down my chin. "P-perhaps we should speak on the matter you visited me for, Sunset." She still wouldn't look at me, her entire body gaining a crimson tinge. The matter I- TWILIGHT! "O-of course, Your Highness! Please, forgive me!" I shook my head, forcing myself to focus on much more important things. "No sane creature would demand an apology for being adored in such a way, Sunset." The Princess of the Moon took a deep breath to calm herself before turning back to face me. "Now then, what is it I can help you with, dear?" I moved my hoof left and right through the water, the ripples created continuing outward until I could no longer see them. How should I even start? I had to be cautious. Like my mentor had told me, Luna was much sharper than any properly cared for blade. If I wasn't careful, she'd read me like a book and that might cause problems. "I wanted to talk to you about-" "My dearest," she reclined back in the water, getting comfortable. "Y-yes," I reluctantly conceded. I was aware Celestia could discern what others were thinking most of the time, but my mentor tended to keep that ability discreet. Luna on the other hoof? She made it more than apparent that she knew what one was thinking, or at the very least, had a concise idea. I was really hoping the Night Princess wouldn't utilize that skill too much right now. "It appears my... beloved is becoming quite a popular mare," she stared up at her moon, her lips curling downward almost imperceptibly. "It is... most troublesome." "Your... Your Highness?" I leaned forward, her words piquing my interest. "I am merely recalling the reason I decided to come here tonight," she explained with a lazy wave of her hoof. "Foolish ponies say foolish things, do not concern yourself further. What was it you wished to discuss about my beloved, Sunset?" Her question sounded like it had an irritated edge to it. Like she didn't want to talk about Twilight at all, but was willing to humor me. Did... did something happen? "As I just said, Sunset," her voice was stern, commanding. "Do not concern yourself." C-crap. Another slip up like that could cost me dearly. I had to be more careful. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It won't happen ag-" "No... No," she shook her head as she sat up, a look of regret coming to her features. "Forgive me, Sunset. I shouldn't take my frustrations out on an innocent party." She smiled meekly at me. "When you're ready, go ahead." ... "Well..." Her smile, as well as her permission, meant a lot to me, but I was still worried about what I should say. "Twilight and I..." The breath I let out released some of the tension filling me, but there was such a great amount of it, just breathing would never relieve it all. "The two of us have never... we've never really seen eye to eye." "An understatement if I've ever heard one," she knowingly smirked. "Might I make a small suggestion, Sunset?" "Anything, Your Highness," I nodded. "Be frank, dear." Another sympathetic smile given. "Try to consider this a... friendly conversation." I bristled. Does she- I can't really believe that... can I? Luna was always the very personification of grace, elegance, and civility. The one thing she gave off more than those qualities was an air of authority. Being around Luna was nothing like being around her older sister. Celestia could generally rein in her godlike aura when she desired to do so. The Princess of the Night either struggled to do the same, or simply never cared to. "I assure you, Sunset," she chuckled, taking on a relaxed position again. "You can put your faith in me. I don't bite," she grinned at me deviously. "Not hard, at least." I wasn't sure if she was trying to make me feel comfortable or if she was just joking, but my face was starting to resemble the darker parts of my mane nonetheless. "I-If you say so, Your Highness," I dipped my head in the water to cool down a bit. "Okay..." I said once I was back to normal. "Since Twilight and I first met, she's always been... well, a jerk." I really hadn't wanted to say it, especially not to her mentor, but... it was how I felt. And it's not exactly a lie. ... She was quiet for a lot longer than I'd have wanted, but when she did finally speak there was, thankfully, no anger in her voice. "My dearest can be a tad... aggressive. Particularly when it comes to you, Sunset," she conceded. "Though I suppose I have no grounds to speak of such things. I haven't been the model princess when it comes to treating you with respect either." "I... I want to know why," I declared with all the determination I possessed. If she wasn't going to string me up for calling her pupil names, then it should be okay for me to be honest. "I want that to change. I..." I took a deep breath. "I want to be her-" my face flushed, her cyan eyes filling with fire as she stared into mine. "F-friend." Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! CRAP! My body moved forward, a current in the water forcing me closer to Luna as she continued to stare daggers at me. I couldn't move a muscle, either due to my fear or the water itself preventing me from doing anything. I'd messed up. It wasn't a lie, --not completely, at least, -- but that didn't matter when it came to the mind of an immortal. Celestia had told me once before, how she could perceive things that mortals could never hope to. How she could hear the change in tempo of a creature's heartbeat if they lied. How she could see small deviations in an expression when a creature was uncertain. How she could detect the scents of various emotions like fear or excitement as if they were different freshly baked goods. How she could taste a creature's intentions in the air, as if they were a thick smog. And her younger sister had the exact same ability as her. "How... irksome." She was studying my eyes and for some unknown reason, I couldn't bring myself to look away. "Yet... I suppose even friends keep the truth from one another sometimes." "I..." I couldn't lie to her. She'd know. And I couldn't tell her the truth either. I was trapped. I forced myself to lower my head. "Your Highness, I-" she lifted a hoof in protest. "Please, Sunset. I implore you," she raised my head so I would look at her. "Choose your next words carefully." There was only compassion in her voice. "I..." I shifted my eyes away from her, but couldn't turn my head away. "Luna, I... I want... to be..." I stared into her pleading eyes, resolve flooding my heart. "I want to be more than just friends with Twilight." ... ... ... She smiled... but... it was... there was no joy in it. As her eyes began to tear up and her jaw trembled slightly, I wanted nothing more than to embrace her. She actually does. And so, I did. I held her tightly, despite how rigid she'd become, clearly not expecting me to make such a bold move. After a moment of apparent shock, she slowly returned my hug, gently rubbing my withers with a hoof. "An immortal goddess comforted by a young mare," her laugh was dripping with irony. "How pitiful can an alicorn be?" "There's nothing pitiful about loving somepony, Your Highness," I gently squeezed her. "Why would you even think something like that?" She took a deep breath, her exhalation quivering with trepidation. With the utmost care she moved me away, a look of despair on her face. "I could never love somepony so crass as to love one as foolish as I, Sunset Shimmer." She held herself in her forelegs as her head slowly lowered. Every aura of royalty, godhood, and authority she'd exuded moments ago was gone in an instant. Right now, she was just a terrified mare... a terrified mare that needed somepony's help. "Your Highness..." I wasn't sure what I should say to comfort a goddess, especially one as mysterious as Luna. But... I have to try. "That's stupid," I couldn't have been any more blunt, my pounding heart betraying my attempt to keep my anxiety a secret. "W-what!?" she looked at me completely befuddled, her posture relaxing slightly. "You're one of the smartest, strongest, and most beautiful mares I know. Any pony would be blessed to... to be with you," I blushed. "Why are you being so hard on yourself?" This is almost as hard as talking with my mentor about love. She looked receptive to my words, flattered even, but the question clearly troubled her, an expression of shame forcing her to look away. "I see myself in her, Sunset," she sighed. "I always have. Sometimes, it feels as if I'm looking into a mirror when I see her," she covered her face with her hooves. "Never has there been a more pompous creature than I. To have... to have feelings for one who I perceive so much of myself in? Such vanity!" she slammed her hooves into the water, sending it flying in multiple directions. "Why am I so foolish!? Why can't I be more like my sister!?" she was growing hysterical and along with her distress, the world around us began to rumble and warp. "My one and only STUDENT!? I'm an immortal, Sunset! I'm supposed to be smarter than this!" she looked at me desperately, her sad eyes begging me for absolution. "My dearest has only ever been- How could I-" She let out a wail of grief, a look of intense sorrow on her face as she clasped her eyes closed. "Why am I like this?" she whispered. "Why must I ruin everything good in my life?" she clenched her teeth, the pain too much for her to bear. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?" Her ocean retreated away from her trembling form, an orb of crackling mana forming around her, pushing away the water. The rest of her world was faring no better, lances of blinding lightning filling the sky above us. Her ocean was tempestuous, as if a twister had settled in it and would never stop. The Moon Princess was curled into a ball, trying to hide away from the world. From her own world. Such a powerful, beautiful mare, trying to hide like a filly from the boogeymare. It broke my heart. "Nothing, Your Highness," I whispered and she heard, all of the chaos around us abruptly coming to an end as her magical orb fizzled out. "You... you would mock me?" she looked devastated, her glistening eyes pleading with me to be merciful. "No, Your Highness," I shook my head, swimming over to her. I cupped her face with my hooves, wiping away her tears. "There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all," I offered her a smile filled with all the love I could muster. She cried all the more. "Then... then why?" "You're afraid, Your Highness." I was familiar with how she was feeling, because I felt the exact same way about Twilight. I wiped away the tears one last time before lowering my forelegs. "I... I..." "Twilight is so... amazing, isn't she?" My smile grew as her eyes widened to saucers. "When we confronted Starlight, I honestly thought we might... I was so scared, I thought we were going to die... or maybe something even worse." My head drooped as my own weaknesses came to the forefront of my mind. "I tried to be brave. I tried... but... but we got caught and Twilight saved us." I lost myself, thinking of the mare that made my heart flutter. "She's... she's so strong. Anypony would be foolish to think otherwise." I returned my focus back to the Princess of the Night. "Even a goddess." We shared a cordial chuckle. ... "I want to protect her, Your Majesty. I want to be with her. I... I want to make her happy. And... I know you do too." She sniffled, wiping her own eyes. "You would build up your own rival, Sunset? The two of us would be striving for opposite outcomes." It was a fair question. One I had no problem answering. "You're an astonishing mare, Princess. Twilight would be blessed to have your love..." I sighed, more than a little sad at the possibility of somepony else being with Twilight, but the idea not hurting as much as it had earlier. Not if it's somepony like Luna. "If that makes her happy... happier than she would be with me, then I'll be happy for the two of you as well." ... "What a pair of fools we are," she smiled. It was her turn to wipe away my tears. She did so with the sweetest smile on her face. "Thank you so very much, Sunset." I nuzzled into her hoof. "Any time, Your Highness." ... "The same goes for you too, you know," she said quietly, lowering her hoof as she moved to lie back down. "Your Majesty?" "My dearest would be blessed to have your love," she sighed contentedly. "And if she does make such a decision... I would be happy for the two of you as well." I had to sniffle and do my best to prevent myself from bawling. "Thank you, your Highness." "Now, let's relax for a while and enjoy each other's company. My night is still young," she smiled at me. I laid back as well, taking full advantage of the properties of her ocean. ... "Your Majesty?" "Yes, dear?" "I'm glad you invited me tonight." "As am I, Sunset... As am I." > An offer she can't refuse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What the heck is going on!? I didn't want to take my eyes away from the creature standing before me, but something about this whole situation was... off. I could barely keep myself still. My hooves were itchy and my body trembled as if I was about to be sentenced to death for all of the crimes I'd committed. I could only recall experiencing a somewhat similar feeling around- "You have... nothing to... fear... little one." The thing didn't have a mouth, so I'm not entirely sure how it was speaking. F-fear? I stood my ground despite the intense urge to flee. Whatever it was, it could read me like a book and that put me at a disadvantage. I examined it closer, using a magnification spell to inspect its appearance more thoroughly. What I gathered in the scant seconds I had made absolutely no logical sense. It was shaped like a pony... mostly. It stood like one too. Four legs. Neck and head. No wings or horn though. I couldn't even really say if it had eyes, its entire mass a constantly shifting jet-black substance. "Not unless... you try... to... defy me," it hissed. Several sharp spikes jutted from its withers before shaking for a moment and then retracting back into what I was guessing was its torso. "So, what? You think I'll just do whatever you want cause you're some kind of freak?" I licked my lips, both in trepidation and a little excitement. "You obviously don't know me very well." My horn sparkled with magical energy, ready to split this interloper in two at a moment's notice. "You're not the only monster around here." A smile crept its way onto my face. "I know... enough," It replied calmly, though I could detect the irritation in its scratchy voice. "You enjoy... looking... down on... creatures... weaker than... you." Even when it wasn't talking the sound of its heavy breathing was enough to frazzle me. "So you know a little about me. Big deal." I was forced to employ a false bravado. Its knowledge of me had thrown me off a bit, but I'd recovered quickly enough to still try and oppose it. You're all weaker than me. "I know... Luna and... her sister..." Its eyes -- or at least where its eyes should be -- began to glow crimson, narrowing into slits. "made you... look... a fool... and took... everything... from you." I flinched, its words forcing me to take a shaky step back. With just that single statement, it was winning. I have to take back the position of superiority or... "S-so what? Congratulations. You know more about me than I thought," I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to retake the step I'd lost. "That doesn't make you stronger than me." "Foolishness... Starlight... Glimmer," a long horn -- as long as Celestia's -- sprouted from its head. A sickly dark-green smog wrapped around the spire, swirling endlessly. "I came... to talk... not... embarrass you." "Try it!" I growled, crouching into an offensive stance. "Very well," It stalked toward me, not appearing concerned in the slightest... at least as far as I could tell. Stupid blob monster. "If you... can not... endure me... at my weakest... you aren't... worthy of... my gifts." Gifts? That didn't matter right now. The way it strode toward me made it abundantly clear things were about to get messy. I couldn't fall into its rhythm. Letting an enemy dictate the pace of a scuffle could spell defeat. I didn't typically need to fight. My vast amount of mana had mostly been enough to overcome any creature that was foolish enough to threaten me or my town. Other than two huge pains in my flank. Sometimes, though... sometimes fighting was therapeutic for me. I needed it. So I got good at it. Really good at it. While my skills had proven to be useless against literal goddesses, they paid out dividends when used on any other creature. The first steps were always the same. Analyze my enemy, then the situation, and finally my surroundings. Time alter... double acceleration. Reality slowed to a crawl, the monster's movement so hindered, it would take minutes for it to reach me. Time spells were draining and required a massive amount of mana, but the plethora of advantages they gave were worth the cost. One of the many benefits of just how powerful my sorcery had become over the years was that I could utilize time-based spells with relative ease. Unfortunately, no matter how much time I had, I realized step one was a non-factor as soon as I began my assessment of the being before me. No idea what this thing is capable of, -- or even what it really is -- so I guess step one is out of the question. Thankfully, step two was a lot more simple. It clearly wants to fight and I've no objections with that. Raven said ponies don't typically come all the way up here, so we probably won't be interrupted. I can cut loose. After all, I won't be the one in danger if somepony comes to check things out. Step three was the most troublesome. The area is way too small for normal mobility to be beneficial. I'll have to play the control game. If absolutely necessary, I could teleport away. Whatever this thing was, there was no way it could stand against Celestia or Luna, so running to them was always an option as well. I couldn't say I wasn't a little curious though, and besides, I was no coward. Something deep inside told me I wanted to hear what this thing had to say. But... My spell came to an end, reality back to normal. "And if you can't entertain me..." I teleported everything not bolted down on the balcony inside the castle. "then you aren't worth my time." I fired a line of mana directly at the entity's center of mass. Thought so. My attack passed straight through the monster, its body rippling around the point of impact, but the energy passing through with no resistance. It's not flesh... obviously. "A pathetic... attempt," it marched on, heading directly for me. "Surely... you didn't expect... such a... meager... attempt... to succeed." "Nope!" I sent a pulse of mana into my horn, my initial projectile swinging around and coming back towards the blind spot of the creature. Waste not, want not. I transformed the beam into a thick mist, surrounding the monster with the spell. It stopped moving, not willing to risk walking into the trap I'd set. "You would... resort... to petty tricks?" It may have been trying to act confident, but its lack of motion told me all I needed to know. "Petty tricks that seem to be working," I laughed derisively at the frozen being. "What's wrong? Are you afraid?" "Hardly..." Its withers began to writhe again, a pair of large limbs inching their way out of its back. Both looked slick and moved as if they were composed of liquid. I knew exactly what they were. With a single powerful flap of its newly formed wings my spell vanished. Ooookay... plan b it is. I loathed plan b. "Such a... weak-" I caught it within my telekinesis field as soon as it tried to start moving again. However, I was not utilizing a normal TK spell. My horn flared with energy, the turquoise hued pillar sending out sparks as I began to overcharge it. Hate doing this... I was definitely gonna have a migraine later. I lifted it into the air, -- both my magic field and the thing contained inside of it -- its shining red eyes still locked on me. It may have been a bit premature, but I wasn't about to take any chances. Not with this thing. Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. "Parlor tricks... performed by... a f-" its glowing eyes grew in size, turning into plate-sized spheres. The mana around my horn churned and bubbled, the natural pleasant hue becoming just as green and ugly as the thing's before me. The new melody I was giving off was distorted and slow, thoroughly unpleasant compared to any unicorn and their typical song. Time to go, M- "WAIT!" it lifted its forelegs in front of itself, its sudden shout like hooves scraping against a chalkboard. It shouldn't have been able to move at all while it was restricted by my spell. This thing is full of surprises. I couldn't fight my curiosity. So I didn't... "Why should I?" My dark mana began to flood the orb of magic in a liquefied state. In seconds the dark being would be completely submerged, and at the very least should lose consciousness. If it even is conscious. "I was... incorrect," it hissed as it looked down at the rising energy, though this time it sounded... much less aggressive and way more apologetic. "You are... worthy." I stopped filling the sphere for a second, my magic going back to its normal turquoise. Interesting... but not what I asked. In an instant, the sphere was flooding again, -- my horn throbbing with even more dark mana than before -- but this time, it was filling much faster. "Didn't ask what I was," I shrugged with a bored yawn. "You only have a couple seconds left. You really should be trying to escape... or praying to C-" "I can... give you... what you... desire," it refused to move, refused to do anything but stare at me. "And what pray tell, is it you think I desire?" I didn't change my tactics, continuing to push more mana into the ball of energy. "Power..." a thin crimson line appeared on its face, curling into a cocky grin. "Do I?" I smirked back at it with every bit of arrogance as it now displayed. ...D-do I? I slowed the transfer of my mana, my confidence faltering as my smile dissipated. What... what happened!? ... M-MOM!? S-Starlight... p-please... h-help... me... I took a step back, my spell melting away as if it was suddenly made out of ice and that thing was Celestia. "To control... power is... imperative," its hissing voice sounded like it was followed by cackling, but I couldn't tell for sure. "Without power... mortals cannot... control." Its hooves touched down on the balcony with a wet thunk. Mom... please... please don't... "Losing control... can lead to... such amusing things." It took a step toward me. "Pain..." It took another step. "Sorrow..." Another. "Dea-" MOM! "S-STOP!" I fell to my haunches, clutching my head as my horn mixed my normal mana and the darkness. The explosion of magic shot out in a wave, forcing the demon backwards a step but doing little else. "Again... Starlight?" It was directly in front of me in a second, its face inches from mine. "What do... what do you want!?" I tried to be biting, to be angry, but my heart was racing and I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment. "I told you..." It lifted a dirty hoof to my chin, a moist disgusting thing. It stared into my eyes, a wave of fear passing through me. "I have... a proposition... for you." I couldn't pull away. I couldn't even move. "Let go of me!" I glared back, grinding my teeth. I knew it could feel my jaw trembling. I knew it was in control, but I couldn't lose. I can't. Not like this. Its eyes narrowed yet again as it scrutinized me. "Very well," it smiled with a set of sharp red teeth before removing its hoof and taking a step back. "If you wish... to save... yourself... seek me out." It turned around, walking away ever so slowly. I bit down. Hard. So hard I was sure my teeth would shatter. I couldn't stop shaking, couldn't stand to my hooves. I felt tears stinging at the corners of my eyes, but I wasn't sad. I was pissed. Starlight! You can't let it leave! If it leaves now... It wins. You already lost to Celestia and Luna. You can't be this weak! "WAIT!" I shouted, forcing myself to stand up in spite of my body's protests. It stopped, looking over its shoulder at me. A wide condescending grin came to its face. "Why... should I?" I bristled, biting my lip so hard I could taste blood. "What are you proposing?" It turned to face me, its expression so smug, I wanted nothing more than to tear its head off. "Be... my ally," it screeched. "Together... we can be... unstoppable." Stronger than Celestia and Luna? I highly doubt that. There was another question I wanted answered more than that. "To what end? What is your aim? What do you get out of this?" "Not much..." it cackled in delight. "just Luna... and Celestia's heads... on a... platter." I winced. "Not much?" I couldn't help but scoff at such an absurd desire. "You're delusional." I laughed at the psychotic being. "You're talking about killing goddesses as if that's even possib..." The monster's smile grew wider and wider, dominating most of its face. I-It can't be... "What... what are you?" I shivered. "Do you... truly... wish... to know?" Its exterior writhed and vibrated as it questioned me. "Once you... do... there will be no... going... back." "I..." I hesitated. If this thing was after the princesses it had to be dangerous. I couldn't just walk away. "Tell me," I demanded. "I am... of my... creator... Fate. I am... a spirit... of... the dark," its body morphed, shifting and twisting into... something else entirely. "I will... fulfill their desire... at any... cost." Its "body" wiggled and rippled, black chunks of gunk falling from it to the ground making nauseating clacks. I had to do a double take when those same black hunks moved of their own accord and rejoined the larger core. I nearly vomited at the sight. I couldn't fathom what it was supposed to be physically. There were no limbs, or maybe there were so many I could not distinguish one from the other. There were no discernable features at all, just a wriggling mass of darkness that easily trumped me in size. Calm down, Starlight. If it was trying to kill you it would've already made a move. It's just like any other whelp you've faced. "So... you're just a pawn then?" It was half legitimate question half an attempt at ridiculing it to throw it off balance. Regardless of my intentions, the blob didn't seem to react at all. "Of my... master... yes. I gladly... serve." It rumbled, possibly laughing, but I couldn't be sure. "They provide... all... I require," it spoke once its glee had passed. "Then why do you need help against Celestia and Luna?" Again, another half authentic inquiry half taunt. "If this "master" of yours is so great, why dont they finish off the princesses themself?" Before my brain could fully process, it was back to its pony-esque form, a displeased frown on its red mouth. "The filth... have... their own... guardian," the "pony" growled. "My master... cannot operate... so plainly... without... repercussions." A guardian? "And this "guardian" of their's... it's stronger than they are?" I couldn't believe that was possible, not after what I'd seen they were capable of. "It is... irrelevant," it said before explaining further. "Neither... my master... nor their... protector... may take... direct action... against mortals." That... doesn't make sense. "Celestia and Luna aren't mortals." I accidently said the thought out loud. "They will... never perish... due to... natural means... but... their lives... can... be taken," the diabolical smile that came to its face was chilling. "How... how can you be sure?" I pressed. "I have... been... the catalyst... to do so... before." It cackled, a look of euphoria on its limited features. "H-how?" From what I knew, it wasn't possible, but judging by the way it spoke, the way it carried itself... I wasn't so sure. "They're alive..." I whispered to myself. "A question... beyond your... comprehension... Starlight... Glimmer," it narrowed its gaze on me. "And one... I will... gladly answer... when I... know... you are... trustworthy." I stared at the monster, thoroughly annoyed. I still didn't know what it was. All of its answers had been smoke and mirrors. A spirit of the dark? Yeah, I believe that. It was probably the pet of some two-bit unicorn summoner that thought they were bigger than their britches. None of what it said added up, but if there was somepony -- or some thing -- out there that was trying to take down my mentors, I wanted to know about it. "Hypothetically, say I do accept your offer..." I scowled at the very idea. "What does that entail for me?" "I will inhabit your body," It said in a matter-of-fact tone, almost sounding... normal. "Possession, huh?" A hollow giggle escaped my throat. "You're not exactly making that offer sound too enticing." Just how many creatures has this thing... I didn't want to know. I didn't even want to think about it. "Think of it as... having a roommate," It snickered. For some reason, it was like my brain was growing accustomed to its speech, like I was beginning to have an easier time understanding it. "Oh, you've got jokes?" I raised a curious brow. "Wouldn't have pegged... you for a comedian." "You'll come to find I can be quite... pleasant, when I wish to be," it smiled... but not like all the times before. It was almost... kind. "I don't completely take control, Starlight. You would maintain your current consciousness... and I would be much like a... conscience." ...Why? "Why... me?" I couldn't relax, couldn't get comfortable. It was still just a monster as far as I was concerned... and I knew just how dangerous I could be. "I wasn't certain before, but..." It walked up to me, its size almost identical to the Sun Princess'. "You are strong. Why do you think that filth muzzled you?" Muzzled me? It smirked at my all too obvious reaction. "Instead of nurturing your power and aiding in your growth, she opted to force you to learn of..." It groaned as it shook its head, clearly disgusted. "Friendship." "And you?" I had to look up to face it. "What would you teach me?" Its face lit up... if that was even possible. "The fact that you have delved into the darkness yourself is... intriguing. Your skill in the dark arts is... acceptable, at best." Acceptable? "Acceptable!?" I sniggered in disbelief. "If I recall correctly, I had you on the ropes with that "acceptable" dark magic." "Believe what pleases you, Starlight," it moved to pat me atop my head, but the glower on my face, coupled with the blaze of my horn, made it think otherwise. "So very feisty! How delightful!" It laughed. "With my guidance and power... you could rival Celestia herself." My heart skipped a beat, my legs nearly giving out as my head lowered. E-even- "With my help, you could easily exercise the control you had over your town..." It gently cupped my chin with a hoof, raising my head. "On all of the creatures of Equestria." My eyes shot open as I gaped into the monster's eyes. It's... It's not lying? "A-all... of Equestria?" I could barely get out the words. "And even further beyond," it let go of me before turning from me. I... That can't... H-how? "I do not require an answer now. Think on my words, Starlight Glimmer." It slowly trudged away. "Together... we can do great things." I stared stupidly at its retreating form, struggling to form a coherent thought. "Call to me when you've made a decision, Starlight. I am always listening." As its body began to transfigure into a billowing smoke, -- first its head and neck and then its limbs and torso -- I was able to find my voice. "Who... who are you?" "I have been referred to by many names," the cloud of darkness was already high in the sky. "I am particularly fond of... the Nightmare." And then, it was gone. > The day and the night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The slice of chocolate cake was delectable, -- possibly the best I'd ever had in my life -- but no matter how delicious the confectionary was, it wasn't helping to improve the atmosphere in the room. While I had been the one to request we continue the discussion, I was no longer sure how to go about doing so. All I'd managed to accomplish since making my bold request was eat some cake, drink a little tea, and stare awkwardly at my hooves. "Y'know, I really enjoy this cake," Princess Celestia drew my gaze as she broke the silence that had settled on us. I'm not certain whether her statement was meant to be directed at me, but I had an inkling it was. "It's not often I get to indulge in this... particular flavor, but when I do get such an opportunity, I take it without hesitation." She lifted the fork to her mouth, savoring another bite before daintily wiping her lips with a napkin. "Such is life. Wouldn't you agree, Twilight?" Her smile was equal parts kind and maternal. "I do, Your Highness," I smirked, knowing exactly what she was trying to tell me. "It's just... difficult." I set my empty plate down, carefully laying the fork on top of it. "There's so much I wanted to ask you, so much I wanted to say to you, but honestly... I thought you'd be... different." "Different?" she took a sip of her tea, an eyebrow raising curiously. "In what way, Twilight?" "I thought you'd be a lot more... malicious," I wrung my hooves together, my confidence waning even further than it had been moments ago. Despite that, I was certain I didn't want to lose her attention. "I thought you'd treat me the same way as you had... before... when..." I frowned, staring down at my hooves. I didn't want to sulk in front of her, but it felt impossible not to with the subject matter we were going to discuss. "I'm... sorry, Twilight," she sighed. "At the time, I was under a lot of stress," her face screwed up in displeasure. "Though I suppose that never changes. More accurately, I was even more stressed than expected during that period," she offered me a sympathetic smile. "At the time, I merely did what I thought was for the best." "You were overly stressed for eleven years!?" I snarked playfully, eliciting a quiet chuckle from the Sun Princess. "It may be hard to believe, but a decade for me is like a minute for you, Twilight." "To be honest, Your Highness... it's not hard to believe at all... not really," I shrugged. "My mistress often speaks with me of her immortality and all that entails." "You and Lulu are really close, aren't you?" she beamed, unable to hide her joy at the possibility. "I like to think so," I returned her warm smile, though mine began to falter when I pondered her question further. "Sometimes..." my head fell. "Sometimes it feels like she might... leave me behind." My eyes widened in shock as I looked at the alabaster alicorn. She looked a bit sad because of my unintentional confession. I don't know why I'd said it out loud. Things that personal I'd never reveal to anypony other than my mistress. Especially negative thoughts like that though? Thoughts like that were something I did my best to keep concealed even from her. Being in the presence of the Sun Princess was doing... strange things to me. The more time I spent alone with her, the less... tense I felt, as if a calming spirit surrounded her and relaxed anypony in her presence. My mistress had a similar aura, though hers normally had a different effect. My mistress sowed a feeling of discomfort in typical creatures. Most chalked it up to her stony demeanor, but even when she was making an honest attempt at being pleasant Her Majesty tended to give off an air of superiority. Because she is superior. Princess Celestia seemed to have the opposite effect of that of her younger sister, I'd just always been too angry around the white alicorn to be influenced by it. "I know my sister better than anypony else," another motherly smile came to her face. "She would never do that to you, Twilight. You're her greatest treasure." There was something hidden behind her eyes, something I couldn't quite put my hoof on. "Her beloved." "Your Highness," the room suddenly felt... different. Colder perhaps? As if the princess herself had lost a few degrees of warmth. "Is... is something wrong?" She closed her eyes, letting out a composed, -- seemingly rehearsed, but I couldn't be certain -- quiet laugh. The laughter escalated before turning into an exasperated groan as she raked her hooves down her face, stretching it out slightly. After the deepest intake of air I think I've ever seen any creature take, she blew it all out through her mouth before she was back to "normal", a kind smile back on her lips. "Forgive me, Twilight. I can't stomach doing things of this nature." She picked up her teacup, taking a drink to settle her nerves, or so I assumed. "Especially when it comes to you." When it comes... to me? "Your... Your Highness? I don't understand." Her words confused me, but more concerning than that was the aching feeling that clawed its way into my heart. What she'd said could mean a plethora of things and I wasn't about to assume her intentions when it could be something critical about me or my past. "I pride myself on my honesty, Twilight," she straightened up on the bed before placing her cup down. "As such, I will tell you what I can. From the beginning, if you're willing to lend me your ear." "I am." I didn't have to think about it. "Go ahead, Your Highness." I waved a hoof at her. If she was talking it meant I wouldn't have to be and so, there'd be no uncomfortable silences. "Very well," she made it abundantly clear she was pleased with my compliance as she got more comfortable. "Fourteen years ago I laid eyes on you for the first time all over again, Twilight. Do you recall that day?" "I... I remember taking tests. A LOT of tests," I chuckled, though it was filled with more regret than mirth. "I didn't meet you then... I didn't even get to see you until years after that." "If it had been up to me, I'd have met with each and every one of you, Twilight," she brushed her hoof along the bed, straightening out some of the wrinkles on it. "Unfortunately, there were far too many who aspired to be my student," she giggled. "It's not an exaggeration to say It was commonplace to receive thousands of applicants on a yearly basis." THOUSANDS!? "TH-THOUSANDS!?" I lost control of my telekinesis for a second at hearing that, my cup fumbling in my grasp before I recovered and managed to steady it. My outburst had drawn a wide smile to her face. "I know. It's absolutely ludicrous," she laughed, not believing the reality herself. "Imagine all those creatures trying that hard, vying for the attention of somepony like me, no less. Thank goodness Raven came along," her smile grew at the mention of her aide. "Her... judgements bordered on ruthless and may seem heartless, but... without her..." the princess sighed in appreciation. "She's truly a godsend." I still couldn't really process such a great number of creatures had been competing for the position. I knew it was a large number, but thousands? It didn't seem possible. Especially if... "Was everypony that tried allowed to come back?" I asked. "To try again, I mean. I imagine such an unreasonable number of turnouts had to equal thousands of repeats each year... right?" "You would think so, wouldn't you?" she shook her head. "No. Raven was quite... rigid when it came to allowing multiple tries," she lifted a hoof my way. "You were the sole exception to the rule." "The... rule?" I tilted my head. "I had given Raven very specific guidelines on what..." she tapped her chin with a hoof. "kind of creature I was searching for. Each year brought an entirely new crop of prospects, except one." She looked sad all of a sudden. "Each year... you came back to me." Raven... let me try all those times? ... "Then... why, Princess?" All of a sudden I was sad, though it wasn't the typical consuming despair I felt whenever I thought of the Princess of the Sun. It was just... sadness. Much like parting with my mistress for the night, it pained my heart, but it didn't feel like my world was coming to an end. I couldn't rile myself up either, Princess Celestia's calming aura already purifying me. "If Raven had seen something in me, why couldn't you? Why wouldn't you? What did I do wrong? Why wasn't I good enough for you?" My voice was barely above a whisper, but I knew all the pain I'd been burdened with was getting through to the alicorn. She didn't waver, didn't look away. Her eyes were locked on mine as I pleaded for answers. She endured. And then she softly spoke. "You never did anything wrong, Twilight. Please don't think my decision to choose Sunset was because of something you did." "Then..." I pondered a moment, attempting to steel myself before continuing. She said it was because of my mistress. "What did you mean when you said my mistress "wanted" me?" The Sun Princess had already told me that was why I wasn't her chosen disciple, that much was true. But my mistress was no liar and she'd told me otherwise. "Have you and my sister..." she clearly wasn't certain if she should continue so boldly, a touchy subject on the horizon. "Has she spoken with you of the... issues she was faced with a thousand years ago?" She was trying to be evasive, or maybe secretive is a better word. Her concern warmed my heart. She was being cautious for my mistress' sake and I could never hold something like that against her. "Yes, recently. But... she was hesitant to." I replied truthfully. If Princess Celestia was willing to give me the courtesy of being forthright, I would return it in kind. "She... she didn't want me to worry about her." "That is my little Lulu in a nutshell," she shook her head in disappointment, but there was a small grin on her face. "But... if she actually told you then it means she's no longer keeping things bottled up inside." "Your Highness?" "My sister is a very proud mare..." her smile grew. "Perhaps the proudest creature in all of Equestria," she chuckled. "She would sacrifice her own happiness for those she cares for without a second thought, would gladly lay down her own life for those she loves... but..." My heart ached. I knew exactly where she was going with this. I'd experienced it myself several times before. I wanted nothing more than to help my mistress, wanted nothing more than to lighten the load that she so courageously carried, to take away even one of her burdens, but... "She won't ask for help," I nearly began to cry. It was... admirable. At least, that's how I chose to perceive it. If I looked at it any other way it could be something I hated about her, and I couldn't accept that. "It was that lack of communication that almost cost us everything a thousand years ago." She kept a serene face, but I could feel another shift, like reality itself had grown... distressed by her words. "All the pain and grief she was experiencing festered as time passed. Her refusal to seek help combined with all of that... sorrow nearly resulted in catastrophe." ... "But..." I wanted to defend my mistress, but by her own admission she'd been the one at fault. Princess Celestia had been the one to help her. "But you prevented it. She told me you were the one that saved her." Her demeanor darkened a shade. "I simply came to my senses, nothing more. Luna is my all. I need her more than she could ever know." Her words were almost... cold, as if she were talking of her greatest foe and not her own family. She reached for her teacup -- notably, without the use of magic -- but she suddenly stopped, her hoof trembling before she noticed me staring. She withdrew her foreleg close to herself, holding it tightly with the other. "When... when my sister gave herself to the darkness-" "W... when?" But... she didn't... Princess Celestia rubbed her head, as if an intense headache had gone crashing through her mind. "IF. Forgive me, Twilight. If my sister had given herself to the darkness. It was at that time I realized just how important her happiness is." "Your Highness, I'm not gonna lie... that sounds kind of messed up," I stated bluntly. "You didn't know how important your own sister's happiness was before that?" If that's true... then you're not a very good sister, Princess. She glowered at me, her face taking on a soured appearance. "Lulu's happiness has always been a priority to me, but the importance of that happiness is not something I have always comprehended." Her scowl turned into an amused sneer. "Your evaluation of me lacks context, Twilight." While a comment like that would've typically frustrated me, -- especially coming from her -- her soothing aura and my own desire for said context kept me icy. "Help me to understand, Your Highness." Her condescending look changed to one of satisfaction. "I am the Princess of the day, Luna, the Princess of the night," her horn shined slightly as a small moon and sun appeared hovering before her. "On the surface, it's a simple concept. We govern our times and all relating to them, but that isn't all there is to it." She slowly floated the two heavenly bodies toward each other. The closer they got the more my mistress' jewel burned, the sun far too powerful for the moon to endure. As I watched my mistress' soul burn I began to weep. "S-STOP!" I shouted desperately through the tears, reaching out with a hoof to try and... do something, anything. "Please, Princess..." Not even her godly aura had been enough to soothe me while witnessing something like that. The spells both dissipated to nothingness, her horn becoming lifeless once again. "If the sun and the moon were ever to come to blows," she closed her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek. "There is only suffering." I understood. Completely. The sadness inside of her drew me, compelled me to move. So I did. I kept my gaze low, not wanting to suddenly change my mind because she'd given me an unwanted look or tried to act like it was a misunderstanding. "T-Twilight!?" I ignored her, forcing my way into her chest and hugging her tightly. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to comfort her or if her divine aura had finally conquered my senses and I was now fully under her spell. I couldn't care less. When she wrapped me in her wings, I forgot why I'd ever been angry with her. What I did know was that she loved my mistress as much as I did. I couldn't hate somepony who felt like that. ... "As I said before," she spoke as we held one another. "Luna took notice of you the first time she saw you. That interest only grew over the years." She moved back, though we stayed close. "To ensure my sister's happiness endured... to ensure that harmony persevered, I stepped back." Then... then it really was because of her. "I didn't know you'd take it so poorly, Twilight. I'm sorry. I knew you'd find your way back to me and you've never-" she was rambling and I wasn't listening. "If... if not for my mistress..." I didn't want to ask, but I had to know. "Would you have picked me?" "Twilight..." she smiled down at me, a wave of comfort washing over me. "I have chosen you. Countless times, over countless lives," she laid her hoof on my chest. "We are bonded to one another by more than you could ever know. It is growing inside of you as we speak, now that you've forsaken your hatred for me." B-bonded!? I stared down at her golden horseshoe as it gently pressed against me. The contact made my heart flutter. What I had thought was her godly aura... wasn't just that? "I'm not sure what you mean, Your Highness." I wanted to grab her hoof and crawl back into her. To relax with her. It really did feel like I was being manipulated by a spell, but I just couldn't bring myself to care. "No matter what happens, you will always be my most faithful student, Twilight," she cupped my face with her hooves. "I'm so very sorry for making you feel so horrible," she closed her eyes as she pressed her forehead against mine. I grabbed her forelegs, lowering them slowly to the bed, but not letting them go. I still didn't really understand everything she'd said, but I could feel it. I knew what she was telling me was th truth. "Princess..." And it was exactly what I'd needed to hear all this time. I threw myself into her, desiring nothing more than for her to hold me. "Thank you." "My... my most faithful?" she hadn't expected it, once again hesitating to embrace me. "I don't really get all of it, but..." I nuzzled into her, the warmth rapturous. "My life is pretty amazing," I giggled. "I have a perfect mentor that I love more than anything. I get to live in Canterlot Castle. And I have..." she lifted her forelegs, gently hugging me back. "I have two friends who care about me. I really couldn't ask for anything more, and I have you to thank for that as well." The hug I was giving her was bordering on that of a bear's, but as my tears began to fall I squeezed even tighter. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. I'm so sorry, Celestia! I just... I just..." "Shhhh," she cooed as she massaged my back with a hoof. "We've both made mistakes, Twilight. What is past has passed and we don't have to dwell on it. What is more important is that we move forward... together." "I'd... like that," I grinned, scooting even closer. A yawn slipped out of my mouth. I don't know why, -- perhaps because being close to her was so comfy, or maybe because our bond was just so comforting -- but I was sleepy all of a sudden. Before I knew it, I was lying down on the bed, a silk pillow underneath my head. "How would you like to sleep in here tonight, my most faithful? I'm certain my sister wouldn't mind." She was now lying down as well, one of her massive wings covering me like a blanket. "That sounds..." another yawn escaped me as my eyes drooped shut. "Wonderful, Princess." She snuggled closer to me, laying a foreleg over my body as she gently kissed me atop my mane. "I've missed you so, my dearest..." She'd said something more, but I couldn't quite hear it, sleep taking priority in my mind. As a peaceful slumber took me away to my mistress' realm, I whispered one last thing to the Princess of the Day. "I love you... Celestia." "I love you too, my most faithful," she moved her head atop mine. "I love you too." > Reconciliation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really hope this works, cause if it doesn't... I don't know what else I can do. I straightened Twilight's plate with a shaking hoof before moving Starlight's fork slightly to the left. The spread before me was truly impressive, if I do say so myself. The silverware was perfectly organized and the dishes were looking scrumptious. Three plates of pancakes, each specially made by me for Starlight, Twilight, and myself were arranged on the table. For me, a quadruple stack topped with a dollop of whipped cream, cherry syrup, and rainbow sprinkles. For Starlight, another quad stack with a very light drizzling of maple syrup, diced strawberries, and whole blueberries. And finally... For... Twilight. Four pancakes with a liberal amount of chocolate fudge in place of syrup and a hoofful of dark chocolate chips. The three plates were my best attempt at somewhat emulating the desserts Twilight had bought for me and Starlight on our day out. I would've made them original flavors, but I realized pretty quickly that I had very little idea what they liked as far as food goes. And so, I went with what I did know about their tastes. I'd learned how to prepare this particular breakfast from my mentor a few months back. Flapjacks were one of her favorite dishes to make, so one day I asked her if she could show me how to make them. It was an attempt to get a bit closer to her and it worked out fantastically. It had been a really fun day. I wasn't exactly a gourmet chef, but Celestia never lost her patience with me while I was doing my best to learn. But... I guess she never loses her patience with me. Not that I could recall, at least. Either way, it didn't take too much practice to perfect the art of pancake making, so over time I'd become pretty good at cooking them. I just hope it's enough... or at least a good start. I still felt terrible about what had happened. I ran out on my crush and a mare who was doing her best to help me do better, be better. Not only that, but Celestia told me Starlight tried to find me and if I was a betting mare, -- I wasn't -- I'd wager Twilight had done the same. To make matters even worse, -- and to make me feel even more guilty -- Starlight decided to come to my room. I didn't know at the time, my music way too loud for me to hear much of anything else, -- enchanted to cancel any incoming noise and to muffle itself so as to not be heard by anypony outside my room -- but one of our guards had notified me she had stopped by when I finally left my room to seek out Luna. Star was trying so hard, all for my sake, and judging by Twilight's behavior back in the lab, she was too. I had to do better, for their sakes. I had to show them I cared about them too and this meager breakfast was the first step in doing that. I'd spent the entire night with Luna in her alternate reality. It had been one of the best nights of my life. We talked the whole time. About Twilight. About Celestia. About lots of things and nothing at all. I tried to ask her about my newly discovered power, but she insisted I speak with her sister about it. It didn't seem to matter anymore anyway, my power. Once we'd left her reality marble I felt my mana reserves go back to normal. Whatever she'd done had apparently only affected me while I was with her in the other world. It doesn't matter. If that's my full potential then... I'm gonna reach it. After leaving the Night Princess in the morning, I'd headed to my room to get some rest. On the way, I quickly realized I wasn't tired at all. I chalked up my vigor to spending all night in Princess Luna's heavenly ocean. Since I had been brimming with vitality and it was a brand new day, I'd decided to find the girls and make amends. Unfortunately, I knew it wasn't as simple as swinging by their rooms and saying I was sorry. I'd left them high and dry. I'd avoided them like the plague. I didn't even acknowledge Starlight when she came to see me. They'd done nothing wrong... and I'd treated them like dirt. I had to do something, even if it was just a pathetic attempt at a kind gesture. So I settled on breakfast. I left notes in front of their doors and went straight to the kitchens to prepare. And now I was sitting at the table in the dining hall, waiting, praying that they'd accept my invitations. Our mentors wouldn't be coming. I'd asked Luna to notify Celestia of my intentions and the Princess of the Night promised to keep her sister busy for the morning. It was already half past nine, -- thirty minutes after the time I'd requested the duo to join me -- and I was beginning to lose hope. I can't blame them. I pushed my plate aside, laying my forelegs down and resting my head on them. You messed up bad, Sunset, I sniffled. "I wouldn't be surprised if they never want to see me again," I sighed dejectedly. "It's all my fault, after-" "Being a little melodramatic, don't you think?" I lifted my head to find my grinning crush standing next to me. "T-Twilight!?" "She does have a penchant for that kind of thing," Starlight drew my gaze from my other side. "Starlight!?" I can't say their appearance didn't immediately lift my spirits. "I'm guessing this one's mine?" Twilight took a seat in front of her plate. She didn't look displeased, so that was good. "It better be," Starlight sat on the chair next to Twilight. "I'm not eating that." she frowned at the purple mare's plate. "This one does look pretty tasty, though." "Is this right, Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Are we sitting in the right places?" I nodded, wiping the moisture from my eyes with a foreleg. "Girls... I'm really sor-" "There's no need for that, Sunny," Starlight was already hovering her fork with her magic, carefully constructing a stack with a piece of pancake, some strawberry, and a whole blueberry. "Isn't that right, Sparkles?" "Agreed," Twilight was already digging in as well, a smile on her face. "Although... I would like to know what it was all about." Starlight glanced at me with a slightly cocked eyebrow. I moved my head left to right, the movement barely perceptible, even if Twilight wasn't cheeks deep in her pancakes. "Doesn't matter anymore, Sparkles," Starlight's lips curled upwards just a fraction. "Let's just enjoy this delicious apology." I mouthed "thank you" at the lilac mare before starting on my own plate. It wasn't really a problem for me, letting Twilight know why I'd run away. Not anymore, at least. But Luna and I had come to something of an agreement on the subject. Since it didn't seem fair to Twilight for the both of us to just throw our feelings at her, -- and one of us expressing our intentions before the other was completely out of the question -- neither of us would confess to the mare unless Twilight showed interest first. I think Luna chose to do it this way for my sake, and I loved her for it. If, at some point, Twilight fell in love with Luna, -- or already had romantic feelings for the alicorn -- I'm fairly certain nothing would change if I confessed to her. On the other hoof, if Twilight grew to feel something for me, I wasn't certain that feeling would remain if Luna told Twilight how she felt. Regardless, I didn't want to betray the Night Princess' trust. She'd shown me a side of herself I'd never seen before, and honestly... I really liked her. When she was just being Luna and not a princess of Equestria, she was like the older sister I'd always wanted. I'd do whatever it took to keep the new bond I'd formed with her strong. Thankfully, Starlight backed me up, so I didn't need to worry about it. "Soooo," I spoke up after downing some ice-cold milk, drawing their gazes. "What did you girls do yesterday?" Starlight swallowed some pancake. "Is that really what we're gonna do? Small talk?" she frowned. "Oh! If you don't want to that's..." I trailed off, sheepishly taking a drink of my milk again. "I dunno. It doesn't sound too bad to me," Twilight chuckled, a sly grin coming to her face. "I am a little curious about what happened after you told my mistress you almost killed my soon to be sister-in-law." Needless to say, the milk I had in my mouth shot out like a projectile. Thankfully, I'd had the good sense to turn my head away from the girls. "WHAT!?" "That's dirty, Twilight. Reeeeal dirty," the lilac mare glowered at the violet unicorn. "You're gonna treat me like that even after I told you I had a headache?" "What happened!?" I was beside myself. How Starlight had managed to stay out of trouble after... something like that, along with Twilight getting a sister-in-law, was a lot to take in. "Not much," Starlight shrugged, though she continued to stare daggers at Twilight. "I talked to the Princesses about it. Speaking of which, have either of you seen any newspapers today?" Twilight and I both shook our head in the negative. "Well, it should be fine," Starlight took a drink of her milk before continuing. "I mean, it's not like Cadenza was pissed off at me or an-" "C-CADENZA!?" I blurted out, looking desperately from one of them to the other and then back again. They stared back at me like I was crazy. I composed myself as best I could before resuming. "Cadenza, as in, part of the Royal family of the Crystal Empire, Cadenza? Cadenza, as in, PRINCESS CADENZA, CADENZA!?" "Bingo!" Twilight snickered, pointing her fork at me. "STARLIGHT!?" I gasped. If either of them knew just how important our relations were with the Crystal Empire neither of them would be taking such a thing this lightly. Celestia had spent countless sleepless nights worrying over the north, I'd personally witnesed it. It wasn't so much that she couldn't resolve the issues that cropped up there. No, that wasn't the problem at all. Neither Celestia nor Luna focused on the north. Both did daily checks, but Equestria is... extensive. Doing such a thing takes time. Disaster could strike at any moment and that can mean hundreds, if not thousands, of lives, could be be lost at the drop of a bit. "Like I said, Sunny, our mentors already took care of it," Starlight scratched at her mane with a hoof, irritation painting her features. "BUT-" "You trust Princess Celestia... don't you?" she cut me off, stabbing another bite with her fork before lifting it to her mouth. Of course I do, she knows that. I opened my mouth to protest, but couldn't. With a frustrated huff I gave up. "Fine." I took another bite of food. Halfway through chewing I recalled the other half of Twilight's statement which caused me to start choking. "SUNSET!? / SUNNY!?" both of them called out. I lifted a hoof, coughing in an attempt to clear my throat and compose myself. "I'm... okay," I managed to get out after the episode was over. "Maybe, chew your food," Twilight poked at me playfully. "I'll try," I blushed. "A-anyway, who's related to you that's marrying Princess Cadenza?" I lifted another bite to my mouth. My question made Twilight tense up, her eyes bugging out. "Oh, that'd be Twilight's big brother," Starlight was positively glowing, the horseshoe now on the other hoof. I nearly choked again. "YOU HAVE A BROTHER!?" Today was just full of surprises. "I'm amazed Princess Celestia hasn't told you about him," Twilight had recovered from her stupor. She wasn't mad, -- or at least, I didn't think she was -- she looked disappointed. "She doesn't..." I sighed. It had always been more than obvious that Twilight had a chip on her shoulder because of my mentor. I wasn't sure if now was the time to try and mend that chip, but I couldn't just sit quietly. "Celestia has always had a hard time bringing you up, Twilight." "What do you mean?" she asked, her demeanor not changing at all. "Well..." It was obviously a touchy subject. I didn't want to overstep my bounds, but I didn't want her to think my mentor was a heartless monster either. "When I talk about you, sh-" "You talk about Twilight behind her back?" Starlight looked at me with faux disgust, but I could tell it was an uninformed attempt at having fun. I glared at the mare, instantly shutting her down. She promptly went back to eating, a disappointed pout on her face. "It's fine, Sunset. Go ahead," Twilight didn't even react to Starlight's joke, her eyes still locked on me. "When you come up in conversation," I chose my words much more carefully. "I'm typically the one that brings you up. I don't think it's that she dislikes you or anything," I quickly clarified. "It's just... there's a lot of pain there for her too, y'know?" "I do," she had stopped eating, her eyes downcast. ... ... ... For the longest time, the only sound in the hall was Starlight's chewing. It was... annoying, but I'd take it any day over dead silence. I fiddled with my fork, poking at my remaining breakfast. I'd always wanted to know what happened between the two of them, but no matter how hard I tried to drag the past out of her, all Celestia would tell me was that Twilight had wanted to be her student. Twilight herself never talked about her past, at least not with me anyway. It was a troubling situation. One that I wanted to help both of them with, and one that I'd never gotten the full story on. Maybe if I- "My brother's name is Shining. Shining Armor," she hadn't lifted her head, her eyes betraying a strong sense of sorrow. "He left a long time ago. We don't... we don't really talk anymore." I looked at Starlight who, thankfully, was done with her plate and returned my concerned look. "That bad?" she asked Twilight, her tone much kinder than it had been before. "Bad enough," she brushed a hoof through her mane. "The worst part is, I don't even know if it's my fault." I wanted to press, to ask her what she'd meant, but it felt like the wrong time. Instead, I kept quiet. ... "And now we have to go to his empire and play nice." Needless to say, Starlight's statement baffled me. "You and Twilight are going to the Crystal Empire?" I asked with a tilt of my head. She laughed uncomfortably. "Actually..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks a lot, Celestia. I tossed some more necessities into my saddlebags. The girls and I had amicably parted ways after finishing our meals. We all needed to prepare for our upcoming "trip", which we'd discussed at length. Apparently me, Twilight, and Starlight had already gotten our next objective. Queen Cantata, ruler of the Crystal Empire, had requested the three of us attend the wedding of her only daughter, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. I assumed they wanted Twilight to attend because she was related to the groom. As far as Starlight, she'd explained that the queen had been impressed by her magical aptitude and that's why she'd been invited. Neither of them could tell me why I was going. Not that I don't want to go. It was just... strange. Starlight and Twilight both had legitimate reasons to go. I, on the other hoof, seemed to be going just as a formality. I can see the headlines now... Princess Celestia's pupils to attend the wedding of the Princess of the Crystal Empire! I didn't like it... but Celestia only ever had my best interests in mind. Since I'd first met her, she'd proven that time and time again. I'd do anything for her... I just wish she'd keep me in the loop. At noon tomorrow the three of us were to be on a train headed for the Crystal Empire. The wedding of Princess Cadenza and Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, was to be held on Friday, so the three of us would be spending a few days in the Empire. The presence of the Immortal Sisters' students was meant to bolster the Crystal Empire's security during a time of celebration. Normally, Celestia or Luna would be present for the ceremony, but Luna was already scheduled to attend an event in the Thestral Dominion. Celestia would never leave Canterlot without a ruler, not even for a single day. Despite my irritation, I couldn't be more thrilled. My beloved mentor was pushed into a corner. Unlike our first task to Starlight's town, there'd be no opportunity for them to do any foalsitting. We would be on our own. I can't wait! As I moved to lay another item in my bags the base of my horn twinged, causing my telekinesis to fail. I rubbed my head, a sharp pain bouncing around in my skull. "Weird..." I rubbed my forehead gently. I let my nerves calm before activating my mana again and picking up the book I'd been moving. In a flash of blinding light, the tome was gone. "Oookaaay..." It could've been teleported, but it hadn't felt like I'd performed that spell. "What the hay is-" *Knock* *Knock* ... *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* I trotted to the door, opening it quickly. "Good afternoon, Princess!" I greeted my mentor with a hug. "What brings you to my room? I figured you'd be getting ready for court." The Princess of the Sun returned my embrace before following behind me into my quarters. "Luna notified me of your intentions to... apologize to Twilight and Starlight. I wanted to see how it went... amongst other things." I knew my mentor well enough to know that "amongst other things" was the real reason she was here. That didn't mean she was lying to me though. "It went great, Princess!" I went back to packing. "Your pancakes went over really well!" "That's wonderful to hear, Sunset! I'm so happy for you!" she looked in my bag. "Am I correct in assuming Twilight explained your next task to you?" "Yyyyes... she did," I replied, trying my best to hide my feelings. It was pointless when speaking to her, but I couldn't change my nature. "You aren't happy about the way you found out," she watched me as I looked through my desk. "No. I'm not." I didn't even need to look at her to know my blunt response bothered her. "I'm sorry, Sunset," she walked over to me, standing next to my desk. "Initially, only Twilight was requested. I barely received Queen Cantata's letter while speaking with Starlight on the matter of her... mistake." I knew she wasn't lying. I wasn't sure she ever did, but it didn't change the fact that she hadn't been the one to tell me. But... she is here now. "After court, I was swamped with work and then Twilight showed up at my door and..." she sighed, closing her eyes. "And... and you were with my sister." I froze, speaking without turning my head. "Princess... you're not-" "NO!" she blared before realizing her unintentional outburst. "No, not at all. Perish the thought, Sunset," she furled her wings. "I was the one who told you to speak with Luna. How could I..." ... Celestia... I knew that tone all too well. I stood up to face my mentor, a sympathetic smile on my lips. "It's okay. To be jealous, I mean. We all are from time to ti-" my eyes shot open as an all too knowing grin grew on my mentor's face. Dang. Guess I learned that one pretty quick. "I assure you, Sunset," her smile grew wider, it quickly becoming blatantly obvious she was holding in laughter. "The closer you get to my little Lulu, the better," she booped my nose with a hoof. "We are family, after all." Her simple gesture warmed my heart. She had a habit of doing that. My beloved sun. "You did it on purpose... didn't you?" I had to ask even though I already knew the answer. "You had fun... didn't you? Discussing it with your friends, I mean." She moved back to stand over my bag. "Do you require anything else for your trip? I can get anything for you before you leave tomorrow." I leapt on her back, wrapping my forelegs around her neck and nuzzling my cheek into hers. "You're so weird, Princess. I don't know why you don't just tell me what I need to know." She giggled. "Teach a griffon to fish," she patted my hoof with hers. "Uhm... huh?" I moved my head away, confused. "It's an old griffon saying," she giggled at my bewilderment. "I tell you what you need to know when you need to know it, my most faithful student." "I know," I snuggled into her once again. "By the way... I had a question about something strange that happened when I was with Princess Luna..." I didn't like the expression that came to her face... > TCE: Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "...WILL BE ARRIVING IN THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE IN APPROXIMATELY FIVE HOURS TIME. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING CANTERLOT RAILWAYS AND..." I stopped paying attention, my lavish surroundings so much more enthralling than the conductor's announcement of departure could ever be. Looking around at the ridiculously posh train-car we'd been provided with, -- an entire car, all to ourselves -- I still couldn't believe it was real. The Immortal Sisters had permitted us the use of their private coach for our trip to the Empire. Their train-car made the mansion I had back in my town seem like a peasant's shack. It only took a quick look around to make it more than apparent that any and all reservations were completely foregone when the company built this car. Being inside of it was like being in the fanciest suite one of Canterlot's finest hotels had to offer. The room had some of the most luxurious furnishings I'd ever laid my eyes on. Three beds -- all small enough to fit in the car, but large enough to accommodate a creature as big as Celestia... at least one of the beds -- were arranged in a single file along the wall of the cabin. Each had its own motif and all of them were made of the finest materials limitless bits could buy. The first, -- the largest of the three and currently occupied by Sunset -- was bright and vibrant, colored with various gold and red hues. It was covered in small frilly pillows. I was guessing cashmere had been the primary material used to make it all. Celestia's cutie mark emblazoned the skirt of the bed at regular intervals, indicating to whom it belonged. The second, -- slightly smaller than Celestia's, but every bit as extravagant, if not moreso -- was made of silk and darker... much, much darker. Black and shades of blue, Luna's moon in its various phases and countless twinkling stars decorated the bed Twilight was sitting on. Finally, the mattress I sat atop was by far the smallest, but still more than accommodating for a normal-sized pony. Mostly white with a few maroon accents, Raven's cutie mark was stitched into the soft cotton pillows on the bed. Pretty sensible. All three were built into the floor of the car and were flanked by exquisitely made recliners which all shared the same theme as their counterparts. There was a small oak table against the wall of the car opposite the beds. Probably for doing paperwork. I was certain if there was room for it, there'd be a far bigger table. It was all pretty crazy. The level of extravagance wasn't even mentioning things like the carpeting or the sparkling chandelier hanging from the ceiling above us. That thing has to be enchanted. We'd already been visited by attendants three times so far. Every couple of minutes another pony would arrive, asking us if we needed any refreshments or other amenities. It was the height of opulence... probably something beyond that when I took into account what my life had been like back in my town. "If you're nervous... we can talk or something, Twilight," Sunset broke the silence that had settled on the three of us. It was evident she was just as uncomfortable as the violet unicorn. Her slouched posture and downcast gaze were self-explanatory and they almost perfectly matched Twilight's demeanor. Sunset may have been feeling bad for her friend, but Twilight was clearly worried about herself. She was the one who had the most at stake in taking this trip. I kind of felt the same way Sunset did for the purple unicorn. But... Twilight... or me. I wasn't exactly free of worry taking this trip either. I had way too many things on my own mind. That... thing's offer. The possibility of the Queen betraying Celestia and throwing me in a dungeon or worse. Let her try. The safety of the two mares sitting before me -- if I had, in fact, infuriated the monarch -- could also be in jeopardy. They could just as easily be walking into a trap with me. Worrying about Twilight's issues was something I did not have the time for right now. But even so... It really bugged me when the two of them acted like this. I wanted to grab them both and give them a good beating. I wanted them not to worry so much. I wanted them to feel the way they'd tried to make me feel. I... I cared, and that made my skin crawl. Once I'd learned just how heartless the world could actually be, I started to prioritize myself and my own needs. It's how I'd survived for all these years with nopony to rely on. I didn't want to care about anypony else, no matter what I'd said. I'm sorry, Celestia. I don't. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thirty minutes prior "I'll miss you, my dearest." I wasn't trying to eavesdrop on Luna and Twilight, but it was hard not to when they were standing so close to me. The Princess of the Night and her pupil were holding each other close, both clearly not wanting to separate from the other. Their lovey-dovey crap was beginning to gross me out, so I decided to give them more space. Walking several paces away, I turned my attention to Celestia and Sunset who were, unfortunately, doing much the same as the other duo. Ugh... yuck. Neither of the princesses had said a word to me after greeting the three of us when we'd arrived at the train station. Not that that really mattered to me. I didn't care. I don't care. I fiddled awkwardly with my saddlebags, contemplating whether I should check my supplies one more time just to be sure I hadn't forgotten anything. Instead, an annoying pebble on the ground drew my ire. I stepped on it before roughly sweeping a hoof to kick it away. "Starlight?" I nearly fell over due to Luna's gentle call, my hoof completely missing the rock and flailing wildly in the air. "Y-yes, Your Highness!?" I focused on the Night Princess as soon as I'd recovered from my bungled act of aggression, an embarrassed blush heating up my face. She'd gotten a kick out of my tomfoolery, an entertained smile on her face. "Are you prepared for the journey before you?" she regarded me kindly, but I was a little more than annoyed at her. "I am." I looked back down at the stupid rock that'd made me look like a fool. "Why'd you leave Twilight alone?" I glanced at the purple unicorn who was now standing next to the door of the train. She was looking over a scroll, writing on it every couple of seconds with a quill held in her magic. "I'm sure she's already missing your company." Luna chuckled as she drew closer. "I believe my dearest is as ready to face her past as she'll ever be," she looked lovingly at the young mare, though there was an obvious sadness in her smile too. "Any more prolonged interaction and we risk not being able to part with one another." "So you came to talk to me because you can't talk with "your dearest" anymore?" I glared at the rock, taking my pent up anger out on it. The hard stomp I delivered turned it to dust in an instant. "No, Starlight. You are quite mistaken," she walked up to me, her hooves entering my field of vision. I lifted my head to look up at her, the same warm smile she'd had for Twilight now directed towards me. "You are my student as well. I came to speak with you because you are important to me too." ... I wanted to make a sarcastic comment. I wanted to be snide. I wanted to push her away. But everything she'd done for me was finally beginning to wear down my resistance. I can't... but... "So... is this the real you or the one I met back in the lab?" I may not have been able to resist her kindness any longer, but that didn't mean I was ready to just roll over for her either. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" "You don't, Starlight." Her blunt words caused me to do a double take. "I will lie to you when it is necessary to do so," she stated, though her expression didn't falter a bit. "W-what!?" my eyes sprang open at her bold reply. "I will always strive to be whatever you need me to be, Starlight," she hugged me. "If a lie is what you need to hear, I shall tell one without hesitating." I froze, my body turning to ice. Her sudden touch had shocked me, but it was more than welcome. I scoffed, though I still reluctantly reciprocated her action. I guess I don't mind losing to her every so often. My own thought surprised me, but it was, indeed, the truth. "Thanks... Your Highness." We squeezed each other before separating. "Think nothing of it, dear," she smiled. As far as I was concerned, the Princess of the Night had done more than enough to show me she cared. It was nice, having somepony I could trust again. Maybe even with... "Y-Your Highness, there's something I need to talk with you ab-" The blast of the train's horn cut me off, drawing everpony's attention to the hulking vehicle. "ALL ABOARD!" It was time for us to go. Darn it. "If need be, I can delay the train's departure, Starlight. Is it something important?" the Night Princess asked as the two of us moved toward the door Twilight had already entered to board the train. "It's alright, Your Highness," I replied as Celestia and Sunset joined us by said door. "I'll tell you about it first thing when I get back." "Very well, dear," she patted my shoulder with a hoof. "Have a prosperous trip." We stepped away from one another, letting Sunset walk by so she could enter the train. The unicorn offered me a quick smile before saying her farewells to Luna, giving the Night Princess a hug before boarding. It was kind of... strange. Since we had first arrived at the station, Celestia and Luna seemed to be avoiding each other's gaze. Just now, after her student had given her younger sister a hug, Celestia looked like she'd eaten something extremely bitter, if only for a brief moment. When the Sun Princess noticed my gaze on her she slipped one of the best masks she possessed onto her face immediately. Honestly... I don't even wanna know. With a polite smile given to the Princess of the Day, I turned around to board the train as well. "Starlight?" Celestia's soft voice stopped me in the doorway. Guess she's not just gonna let me leave. I turned to face her, though I really didn't want to. I was praying she hadn't heard the frustrated sigh that had unwillingly escaped my lips. I had enough on my mind, I didn't need any more pressure on my shoulders. "Yes, Your Majesty?" I kept as blank an expression as I could muster. She walked up to me, the mask of serenity comfortably attached to her face. She wrapped a foreleg around me, though the motion was far from fluid, her hoof accidently colliding with my withers before finding my shoulder. "You are every bit as strong as you think you are, Starlight." While her demeanor was unsettling her voice was as steady as a rock. "Take care of yourself. And, no matter what happens, hold close to your friends... even if it may hurt them." I drew back in confusion, looking her in her violet eyes. "I believe in you, Starlight." Normally, I would've laughed at her or thought she was a complete moron. It was such a cliché line, but my mind was stuck on what she'd said just before it. What is that supposed to mean? "Please... Starlight?" The desperation in those two words... in her eyes... Please, Starlight? Without thinking any further I threw my forelegs around her. "I will," I bit my lip. "I will, Celestia. I'll hold tight even if it hurts." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You promised her, Starlight. Twilight still hadn't replied to Sunset. The purple unicorn kept staring out of the window, her mind clearly on what she was to face in the Empire. I groaned before making the completely stupid decision of opening my big fat mouth. "Sparkles!" I nearly shouted, but I managed to keep my voice somewhat under control. She slowly turned her head my way, completely devoid of enthusiasm or even interest. She looked at me like I was an insignificant ant that had stumbled its way into her vision. "What?" she asked evenly, her chin resting on her hoof. "Sunny and I..." I smiled at the golden mare before taking a deep breath and refocusing. "We're both here," I returned my gaze to the obviously troubled pony. "You're... you're not alone." Without saying a word Twilight stood from the bed, walking my way without taking her eyes off of me. I snuck another glance at Sunset, a worried look on her face that had to be mirroring my own. Twilight stared into me, not a single discernable emotion on her to be found. ... "Why are you here?" she finally spoke, her voice as emotionless as her expression. Her question was not what I'd expected to hear from her. "W-what?" I felt my heart begin to pound. "Twilight, what do y-" "Why are you here, Starlight?" Twilight cut Sunset off, her voice still deathly calm. What is she... She already knew the answer to that question. The three of us had discussed it yesterday at breakfast. "Twilight..." I did me best to keep a cool head. I should've just kept my mouth shut. Just be friendly. Just... try to be friendly, Starlight. "You know why I'm here, Twilight. Queen Cantata ask-" "NO STARLIGHT!" she snapped, her face contorting in anger before she was able to revert back to her previous monotone state. "Why are you here? What do you want?" "Sparkles I-" She wasn't having any of my games, interrupting me immediately. "You say you're here for me," she blushed. "F-for us, but our... but the princesses made you stay!" she suddenly looked every bit as desperate as Celestia had when I boarded the train. "How can I believe you!? You'd leave this second if you could! There's nothing that ties you to me or to Sunset! How do I know you won't just get bored with us!? How do I know you won't abandon me just like-" her eyes widened, her jaw going slack. I understood where she was coming from. How could I not after all of that? It was all his fault. He'd left her. As she tried to flee to the door at the back of the car, I grabbed her with a hoof, stopping her. "Twilight..." "Let go of me, Starlight," she growled, trying her best to jerk her foreleg away from me, but I was much stronger. I wasn't really sure what to do to stop her from fighting, so I said the only thing that came to my mind. "I'm not him, Twilight." She tensed at my words. Her eyes were filled with so much exhaustion I almost let go of her out of pure shock. I could only ever recall one of my toys having a similar look. When I was first experimenting with it, testing to see how much it could bear, I'd pushed it to the brink of mental collapse and it looked exactly like she did right now. "Prove it," she stated lifelessly. ... A knock at the door snapped our heads to attention. I looked at Sunset, still not letting go of Twilight. "It's probably another attendant." The golden mare's statement made enough sense to chase away my confusion. Twilight cleared her throat, drawing my gaze. "I'll answer it." She gently tugged her foreleg. After a second, I reluctantly let her go. ... "Good afternoon, Miss Sparkle! I trust the accomodations are to your liking?" I couldn't see the bubbly mare that was at the door, but it was clear she was an attendant. "Very much so," Twilight responded in kind, somehow quickly concealing the previous dour mood she had. "That's good to hear! Is there anything I can bring for you or your companions?" "That won't be necessary, thank you for checking," Twilight replied politely. "It's my pleasure! An attendant will be along in a couple of hours with your complimentary lunches," the mare was a consummate professional, not missing a beat. "If you need anything else before then, staff will be moving throughout the train for the duration of the trip." "Thank you," Twilight had somehow managed to remain polite. I already wanted to throttle the overly enthusiastic mare. "It's my pleasure, Miss Sparkle!" And with that said, she left us. Twilight closed the door before quietly walking back to her bed and taking a seat once again. She went right back to staring out the window, the look of indifference on her face the exact same as before. Sunset and I looked at each other silently. Now, she was just as uncomfortable as I was. When it came to her though, it was probably a whole lot more concern for Twilight than discomfort because of the situation that had just transpired. I tilted my head in the direction of the moping mare repeatedly, hoping the golden unicorn would get the hint. ... "T-Twilight..." Sunset finally sighed after a minute had passed. She doesn't know what to say either. "I'm sorry," Twilight wiped her eyes with a hoof. Her words caught the two of us completely off guard. "It's just... I haven't seen my brother in years. I'm still so mad at him and... and..." her head fell as she began to cry. If one of us doesn't do something for her soon, she might have a nervous breakdown. I wanted to do something. I wanted to try and help, but I couldn't get what happened in the lab out of my head. Sure, Sunset had apologized to us, but what if me and Twilight... My trepidation forced me to wait quietly. Sunset stood to her hooves, walking over to the distressed mare in a hurry. She sat down next to her, deciding not to hug her or even touch her, but allowing Twilight to make that decision instead. "Starlight isn't lying to you, Twilight." I smiled at Sunset's words. "We are here." Surprisingly, Twilight leaned her head on Sunset's shoulder, eyes closed as her crying slowly ceased. "We're your friends and we care about you. We'll help you get through this. Just... let us in. Please?" Wow Sunny... not bad. I didn't even care that she was speaking for me. I really did want to help Twilight just as much as she did. For Celestia's sake. ... Yeah, for her sake. "Okay..." Twilight whispered. "I'll try." ... "If you want, we can do some mana exercises," I suggested. "It might help you take your mind off things, Sparkles." The train car was spacious enough to practice and it's not like we needed that much room to do so anyway. "That sounds fun," Twilight answered without opening her eyes or lifting her head. "Just... let me stay like this for a little while longer. Please?" "Alright," I smiled. Seeing the glow that came to Sunset's entire body when Twilight said that brought a genuine smile to my own face. She looked so happy and seeing just how at peace Twilight had become... it was nice. They do look cute together. ... But... Then why... Why does seeing them like this... Why does it feel like I'm being stabbed in my heart? > TCE: Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentrate, Twilight. Just... keep concentrating. I kept my eyes locked on the magenta orb of light floating listlessly before me. I carefully shifted it to the left, moving it until it was a few inches away from the glowing red ring of magic. I was so preoccupied with passing the ball smoothly through the hoop that I didn't notice the turquoise star sneaking up on my spell. "Twilight!" Sunset quickly elevated her ring, moving it all the way to the ceiling and turning it ninety degrees. "Right!" I followed her lead, pulling my sphere away from the pursuing star and lifting it higher into the air as well. "Too obvious, girls," Starlight taunted. She didn't move her star. Not through conventional means, at least. As my ball traveled upwards, inches away from safely passing through Sunset's loop, Starlight's magic appeared directly in the way. A teleportation spell!? It was a clever way to unexpectedly block my path, one she hadn't yet used this round so therefore, one I wasn't expecting. CRAP! I drew my magic away from hers, taking my eyes off of my spell and glaring at the lilac unicorn. She was completely focused on the game, not even acknowledging me. If she'd wanted to, she could have ended the round then and there and knowing she knew that infuriated me. It was an ingenious little contest designed by Starlight to help us gain better control of our mana. It was an especially helpful exercise when it came to improving precise movements with our spells. The rules were simple. Each of us had to use our own magic to manifest one of three objects: a ring, a sphere, or a star. Depending on how difficult the players wanted the game to be for a particular role, the size of the objects were to be casted smaller or larger. The ring however always had to be larger than the sphere. The larger the star, the more difficult the game was for the other two players. The way the game was played was in a two-versus-one format. The sphere player and the ring player had to work together to maneuver the sphere through the ring without vocally communicating their intentions to one another. If the sphere and the ring spells made any contact with one another their controllers immediately awarded a point to their opponent. As such, their movements had to be perfectly synced together or they would bring about their own defeat. Another rule was that the ring player could not move their object to try and score. For example, it was up to the sphere player to pass through the ring, not vice-versa. The only motion the ring player was allowed to utilize while trying to help score was through rotation. All the while, the wielder of the star was tasked with stopping the other two from completing their objective. As mentioned, the first way the star user could score a point was if the sphere collided with the ring in any way. The second way the star player could win a point was through touching their spell to the sphere. Simple, yet difficult. The legal area of play could be as small as a four-foot by four-foot square or as large as... well, the planet. For this game we'd agreed to restrict ourselves to the train-car we were occupying. First to three points was the winner of the round, either the duo or the single player, and the only major rule was that your object had to exist at all times at the agreed upon size. If a spell failed it was an auto loss to that player's side. It was a chaotic mess that required keeping many things in check to ensure one was performing well. The sphere player had to worry about passing their object through the ring without connecting with it, all while avoiding the star's aggressive motions. The ring player had to find an advantageous position for the sphere player to safely pass through their object while rotating the ring properly so that they weren't smashed into. A correct positioning of the ring could be sabotaged by an incorrect orientation of said object. For me, it was by far the hardest role to play. Finally, the star player had to play offense and defense at the same time. If they only chased the sphere, the ring player could freely get to a position to score. If they only blocked the rings center the game slowed to a standstill and we all agreed that would just make playing pointless. It was a task that required a fine balance and was a bit easier in my opinion because one played that particular role alone. On paper, the game sounded like a cakewalk. In practice... well, let's just say I was sweating a bit more than I'd have preferred. It had all come from Starlight's brilliant little mind. She really was a genius when it came to magic and her ability was evident from the moment we started playing. In the first round, Starlight and Sunset were on a team. Starlight took the role of the ring and Sunset took the easiest role, -- at least, in my opinion -- the sphere. While Sunset and I were barely getting used to the rules I was having some trouble with Starlight's expertise. Whenever I chased Sunset, -- the obviously weaker participant -- Starlight would teleport her ring and their team would instantly score. It wasn't so much Sunset defeating me as it was Starlight playing with me. The entire game the lilac mare had given me a smug grin every single time she scored. I managed to get a good teleport in after they'd scored twice, Sunset not expecting me to move in front of her sphere, and the collision of our objects gave me a point. Unfortunately, I'd lost the round shortly after, three points to one. Round two, Starlight and I were on the same team, however she insisted that I take up the role of the ring. From the start of the game Sunset was having trouble keeping up with Starlight. It only grew worse for her once the golden mare began to prod at the base of her horn with a hoof. With no option other than causing the two of us to collide, Sunset was forced to play pure defense around my ring. I knew Starlight was aware of the issue as well, because she began to play against me in spite of the fact that she was on my team. She maneuvered the sphere with reckless abandon, coming in from every direction at speeds that were almost too fast for my eyes to follow. I had to rotate my ring to keep up, but after the third collision it was clear the lilac mare was showing me just how far ahead of mine her skills were. We'd lost three points to zero, giving Sunset the unearned round. I hated Starlight for it. For showing me just how far behind her I was. I wanted to strangle her, to blast her with a spell... But... I couldn't help but find it fascinating. I couldn't help but find her fascinating. I'd done so much to become the most powerful unicorn in Equestria for my mistress' sake, yet despite my best efforts Starlight was on a whole different level. I wasn't sure how she'd done it. I didn't want to believe it was possible, but she'd proven time and time again just how strong she was... and it drew me to her like a bee to the sweetest smelling flower. That smile. That... SMUG smile. I LOATHED it... I liked it... A lot. And now, Sunset and I were on a team for the final round. I was more than a little frustrated. Starlight was toying with us, that much was clear, but what really grinded my gears was that I'd only scored one measly point the entire game. Sunset had six. Starlight had three. I had one. BUCKING ONE! And what's worse? I was confident that I'd only gotten that point because Starlight allowed me to get it. This was my last chance. If Sunset and I could shut the haughty mare out, I'd beat her by one point. In her arrogance to show me up, Starlight had given me the clear path to besting her. I just have to take it! I teleported my sphere sporadically around the room, knowing for a fact Starlight's arrogance would get the better of her. She wouldn't guard Sunset's ring, she'd chase me. Her pride wouldn't allow her to do anything else. I was correct. Each time my orb shifted Starlight's spell was right next to it. Sunset did as well as she could all things considered, rotating her ring this way and that to give me the best chance of scoring while adjusting its position, but she couldn't keep up with my movements. Not only because she lacked the mana to do so, but because she couldn't possibly read my mind and therefore predict my actions. Glancing sidelong at the mare it was easy to see she was nearly spent. Her foreleg kept raising, presumably to rub a hoof at her horn, but she refused to give up. I just have to score as soon as possible. Then she can rest for a bit. Easier said than done. Each time I got anywhere close to the ring, the star cut my path off. I glared at the lilac mare. Bad idea. She wasn't even paying attention to the game anymore. Her eyes were locked on me, her look of abject abhorrence causing me to instantly lose my concentration. "TWILIGHT!" Sunset shouted, but it was a lost cause. The star slammed into my sphere, both exploding into a descending shower of magenta and turquoise sparks. Despite winning the point, Starlight's expression didn't change nor did she stop staring at me. What did I do? I recoiled under the weight of her intense glare. Had my tirade really gotten her so pissed off? No. It was something else. It all felt just like back at the lab when... Sunset... "I'm s-sorry... Twilight," the golden mare and the only one still paying attention to the game, was struggling to catch her breath. "It was... my fault... she scored." I was still bewildered by Starlight's sudden animosity, but I couldn't just let Sunset's words stand. That's not true. I turned to the golden unicorn, a smile on my face. She was still prodding at the base of her horn, the disappointment on her face sending a tremor through me. "That's not true, Sunset. You did gre-" *BOOM* The explosion that rocked our train-car silenced me. "AGH!" Sunset cried out, grabbing her horn with her hooves. "SUNNY! / SUNSET!" Starlight and I shouted. I stood to my hooves, but the lilac unicorn was already right next to Sunset. "Are you alright!?" Starlight's horn was shining brightly as she held onto Sunset. "I'm okay," she replied, though her hooves hadn't left her head. "It just... surprised me... that's all." The pain on her face, her eyes shut tight, made it abundantly clear she was lying for our sakes. Starlight held onto our friend, her look of concern shifting to pure rage as she looked at me. "Twilight!" she nearly snarled. She didn't need to say any more. I nodded, stomping my way to the door. I almost tore it from its hinges, pulling it open with my telekinesis with much more force than necessary. As I trampled down the hall of the next car over I had to fight to control my anger. The explosion, whatever had caused it, hadn't been the first offense. For the entire trip the passengers in the next car over had been as boisterous as a crowd in a Las Pegasus casino. The three of us had mostly ignored it, but it had altered our performances during the game. No, the explosion was simply the last straw. Now it was time for them to own up to their transgressions. "Miss Sparkle... is there a problem, ma'am?" A stallion attendant asked as I briskly passed him by. "No," I didn't stop to speak. I barely even acknowledged him. "Nothing's wrong." He fell into step next to me. "If you've an issue with another passenger, I assure you I can-" "What's your name?" I continued to face my destination. "Big Bucks, ma'am." "Take a break, Big." The look I gave him was enough to get him to nod nervously and leave the car without another word. I slammed my hoof against the door to the room, tapping the other on the floor to keep myself as calm as possible. No sound came from within, whatever creatures inside obviously aware that they'd screwed up. NOW they want to try and act proper!? I hit the door even harder, the spell I casted to amplify my strength causing the whole train-car to rumble. If they didn't answer soon, I was going to open the door myself, to Tartarus with the consequences. The door slowly opened, revealing an orange earth pony mare with a slightly worn stetson on her head. She was looking down, trying her best to avoid my gaze. "Course y'all're gonna make me answer after I told Pinkie to cut it out with the shenanigans," she was whispering to herself as if she was already prepping to apologize to me. "OH! Uh, howdy! What can I do ya for?" the volume of her voice was normal as she quickly raised her head and gave me an awkward smile. I cocked my head to the side, looking past her into the interior of the room. It was a pretty standard space, but the confetti all over the floor was more than a little suspicious. Somepony within gasped loudly, but before I could properly assess the other mares sitting inside the one standing before me moved to block my vantage point. "S-sorry! My friends are a little shy," she chuckled uncomfortably, scratching around the freckles on her face with a hoof. "What are you doing in there!?" I shoved the mare's chest with a hoof, though she didn't budge an inch. Not surprising considering she was an earth pony. "What was that explosion? You hu-" "'Scuse me?" she raised an irritated eyebrow as she brushed my hoof away. "Where do ya get off thinkin' ya can go pokin' total strangers like that?" she snorted. "That's grounds for gettin' your teeth bucked right down your throat, missy." "TRY me!" I growled, my horn blazing with my magenta energy. The image of Sunset in pain was vivid in my mind and It was driving me to act way too rashly. That very same image was reason enough for me to not care about anything else at the moment. As far as I was concerned, they'd hurt her. They'd hurt my friend. If she made a move, the orange mare and the rest of the occupants in the room would be on the floor in a second. "U-uhm, Applejack... t-that's Twilight Sparkle." The sound of a soft, velvety voice, barely above a whisper, came from within the room. I continued to stare daggers at the pony standing before me. "AND!?" The orange mare, -- apparently named Applejack -- didn't flinch, narrowing her eyes on me. "What's that supposed to matter to me!?" "She's Princess Luna's personal protégé, darling," another much more regal voice replied to Applejack, causing the orange mare's eyes to nearly pop right out of their sockets. "OH! Uh, horseapples..." Her look of aggression quickly shifted to one of worry. "I didn't mean... I mean I did, I just- Heck, I'm s-" just as she was removing her hat another different sickly-sweet voice came from within. "Ohhhhh, I'm soooo sorry! It was all my fault!" The pink mare suddenly standing to Applejack's left had seemingly appeared out of thin air. She was nearly crying, her mane and tail straight and somehow even more pink than the rest of her coat. "One of my party cannons went haywire and-" "Who cares who's pet she is. Don't be such a pansy, Aj." A mane consisting of a rainbow of colors manifested right next to Applejack, opposite the pink mare. The cyan pegasus was giving me a look of utter disrespect, a look I was more than familiar with, and one I wouldn't tolerate for much longer. "I can take her if you're too scared. We're on a mission from Celestia after all. It's not like Luna can override the real princess." "You... you dare!?" I bristled at the absolute audacity of the insolent mare. I'd almost lost it at her lack of reverence for my mistress, but managed to control myself, despite my desire to reprimand her. She was a citizen of Equestria, after all. If my mistress were here she would not want me to act so impulsively either. Even so... I couldn't just stand there and do nothing. My horn burned with righteous indignation. "You act like a bunch of carefree foals from the moment we depart," first my spell froze them all in place. "Then you HURT my friend," then it gradually increased the force of gravity on them, causing each to hunch over. Though I was certain they all wished to protest, my spell demanded all of their concentration to simply stay upright. "And then you have the gall to question the legitimacy of MY MISTRESS!?" The pink pony was already on the floor, her legs no longer strong enough to keep her standing. "PINKIE!" two mares shouted from within, both obviously full of concern. Applejack and the rainbow mare were crouched down, though impressively enough, both were able to remain on their hooves. I would have tried to resolve the problem with civility and grace, -- despite how furious I was, especially if I'd have been met with remorse -- but the cyan pegasus' arrogance had far overstepped her bounds. I didn't want to hurt them. My spell's only intention was to subdue, but I would make them see. They would understand that behaving irrationally could have undesired consequences. They would understand that my mistress was every bit the ruler that her sister was. Even moreso. And yet... for some reason... my heart ached for them. Bile rose in my throat as I subjected them to my magic, but I refused to stop. I wanted nothing more than to walk away, to leave them be, but my love for my mistress wouldn't allow it. As soon as they understand, I'll go. Unfortunately, the defiance on the cyan and orange mares' faces told me they still needed to be taught. And so, I reluctantly increased the pressure of my spell. "WAIT! PLEASE!" Another voice shouted from within along with the chime of a unicorn's horn starting up. My spell wasn't negated nor was it challenged in any way. Instead, magenta barriers formed around the three individuals before me. The auras reminded me of my own, though judging by how light the color was, they were much weaker than mine. "That's enough, girls. Trixie will handle this." Two of the mares, -- Applejack and the rainbow maned one -- looked at me irately as they backed away. I gave them no reprieve, returning just as much venom as I was given, however the third pony, the pink one, Pinkie, just looked... sad. She mouthed "sorry", her eyes glistening before she stepped away as well. "Careful, Trix," Applejack whispered to the unicorn as she walked by her. "We're right here if ya need us." The pony that trotted up to me was... attractive, to say the least. Her flowing light-blue and white mane and tail were styled similar to Starlight's. Her sky-blue coat was flawless and her violet eyes shined with the beginnings of tears. She wore a violet cape clasped around her neck by a sapphire. It was covered in blue and yellow stars and was... extremely gaudy. All she needs is a matching hat. I was able to successfully hold in my laughter at my joke, though a slight smile began creeping its way onto my lips. Her horn was glimmering the same color as the barriers she'd shielded the others with. Her song... was not very potent, but it was lovely. It was strange. She didn't seem great or powerful in any way, but she did have the courage to stand up to me, and that was a quality worth praising. "Trixie knows you're angry, but please... please don't hurt Trixie's... my friends." I felt a sharp pain stab into my heart as a tear fell from one of her violet eyes. "I..." I didn't... want... I laid a hoof against my face. Vivid images I was completely unfamiliar with passed through my mind. Images of these ponies who I felt were once my friends. That's why all of this happened, isn't it? Because a friend, because MY friend, had been hurt. I didn't want anypony else to get hurt. I ended my spell, lowering my head. Her Majesty wanted me to be happier, not angrier. I was certain Sunset would've already told me to calm down if she were standing with me here too. "Just... try to keep it down, okay?" I said quietly. "My friend isn't feeling well." ... "WAIT!" As I was walking back towards our car the unicorn at the door called out to me. "I'll be right back," she said to the others in her room before coming out, shutting the door behind herself, and trotting up to me. "What is it?" I faced her with a frown. I really wanted to check on Sunset and every second away from her felt like an eternity. "Trixie apologizes. For myself, and for my friends," she offered me an awkward smile. "Do you do that a lot?" It may have been rude to ask, but I really wanted to know. "Do what?" she asked, her head tilting slightly to the side. "Refer to yourself in the third perspective." She looked gloomy all of a sudden, staring down at the floor. "It's... It's a bad habit," she swept a hoof against the floor. "Trix- I know it can be pretty annoying." I couldn't help but smile at her foible. "I want to apologize too." My statement drew a surprised expression to her face. "I shouldn't have hurt... I'm really sorry," I sighed, more than a little disappointed in myself. "I-It's okay! Really! Trust Trixie! She- I know all about making a bad first impression." She was beaming all of a sudden. "If you come back to the room and talk to the others, I'm sure my friends will-" "I'd rather not," I lifted a hoof, dashing her hopes, as well as her exuberance, to pieces. Not after what I just did to them. "I have to check on my friend, but... can you tell them I'm sorry?" "O-of course Trixie can!" her eyes widened before her head lowered a fraction. "And I'm sorry too. We didn't mea-" "It's okay," I continued on my way to my car, a smile on my lips. "Maybe we'll see each other again in the Crystal Empire. If we do, maybe I can introduce you to my friends." "Trixie would like that!" Her enthusiasm was endearing. "We have a deal then," I pressed a hoof against the door to our car. "Oh, and Trixie, was it?" "Yes! And yes?" "The way you talk... it's not annoying," I turned to face her, a look of surprise on her face. "I think it's kinda cute." I left the mare alone, a deep crimson blush on her face and a happy smile on mine. > TCE: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're a mess, Sunny... What the heck is going on?" Starlight laid a hoof gently on my forehead. "I don't think you're running a temperature. How are you feeling?" After Twilight rushed out of the car, -- presumably to go help whoever had been caught up in the blast -- Starlight helped me over to Celestia's bed. I was currently lying down, Starlight sitting on Celestia's chair next to me. "I... I don't really know, Star," I lightly pressed the tip of my horn with a hoof. It felt mostly normal, but whenever I touched around the base something felt... off. Maybe sensitive is the correct word. When we started playing Starlight's game everything seemed to be functioning properly, but as soon as Twilight began to push herself, -- to push me -- my horn started to feel strange. "Maybe we should go back to Canterlot," Starlight suggested, looking down at me. "I'm sure Celestia would want to know about this." We? I tried to hide the smile that pulled at my lips. Her concern for me warmed my heart. "She already knows," I slowly shook my head. "We talked about it yesterday. She didn't seem too worried. She said I'd be fine." "You don't LOOK fine!" she huffed angrily. "It's not so bad," I grinned mischievously. "It's nowhere near as traumatizing as having my cutie mark taken away." "HEY I-" she glared at me before looking away shamefully. "It was just a joke, Star," I giggled, softly rubbing her shoulder with a hoof. "Don't-" I heard her say something, but it was lower than a whisper so I hadn't really understood. "What was that? I couldn't hea-" She brushed my hoof from her shoulder. "I'M SORRY, OKAY!?" I definitely heard that. "I was just joking, Star," my smile faltered. I wanted to put my hoof back on her shoulder, but her posture told me I shouldn't. "But I wasn't." She continued to look away. I'm pretty sure I could guess why. "If Luna and Celestia hadn't stopped me, right now you and Twilight would be mindless slaves in my town... and I wouldn't even care." "I..." I didn't know how to respond to that. With how badly she'd beaten us, she was probably right. Without our mentors to make the save, Twilight and I would've been lost. I forced myself to sit up, leaning against the pillows at my back for support. "Where is all this coming from, Star? That's not who you are anymore." "Isn't it!?" she scooted away on the chair, still refusing to look at me. "Nothing has changed," she whispered. "I haven't changed." "That's not true... not at all," I reached for her, but thought better of it. No, not yet. "Twilight is right," she sighed. "I'm only here because I have to be. She's nothing to me..." she looked at me, the sadness on her face reminiscent of when Twilight and I had showed her our favorite music. "And neither are you." Again, I reached out with a hoof, stopping short when she visibly recoiled at my movement. "That's not really what you think... is it, Star?" I left my hoof hanging, turned upward, hoping she would take it into hers. "I don't know what to think, Sunset," she stared at my hoof, indecision flowing from her every pore. "I don't think it is," I smiled. "I think you're starting to care about me and Twilight... and that bothers you," I said bluntly. She closed her eyes, a look of utter despair coming to her face. "It doesn't just bother me, Sunset. I HATE it!" she jumped off the chair, beginning to pace throughout the train-car. She was glaring at me as if I'd done something wrong, but it was easy to see she was more angry with herself. "I'm not supposed to be like this!" "Be like what, Star?" I lowered my foreleg onto my lap when I realized just how far out of my reach she was. "STUPID!" she stomped a hoof on the floor, closing her eyes out of pure frustration. "Oh..." I chuckled, trying to hide the sadness her answer had stirred within me. She'd realized her faux pas as soon as she'd reopened her eyes, her demeanor instantly shifting to one of remorse. "S-Sunny... I didn't mean..." she lifted a hoof my way, but dropped it just as fast as it had been raised. "Starlight..." In spite of the intense feeling of ridicule that had gripped me, I also felt... content. Maybe even a little happy. I should just be honest. "I'll gladly be the biggest fool in all of Equestria," I grinned as big as I could, like the dummy I was. "If it means I get to have somepony like you as my friend." She looked so much more angry at my statement, I was guessing in a vain attempt to hide the fierce blush that had developed on her face. "W-why, Sun?" she spun around, a little too late to hide her embarrassment from me. "Because I'm good at magic? Because I beat you and Twilight in a fight? Because... b-because I'm strong?" I looked down at my hooves resting on my lap, my smile persisting. "Remember what I told you the other night? When we talked to each other alone for the first time? After you'd found out Celestia was making you stay in Canterlot?" "Of course I do." She'd calmed down, but she was slumped over like a massive weight had been placed on her shoulders. "I don't understand that either. We met FOUR days ago, Sunset! How could we- how could YOU possibly consider me your friend? You don't even know me. Not really." She sounded especially disappointed saying that last part out loud, her voice growing quiet. I couldn't really debate her claim... at least not the first one, but the rest was simply her insecurities taking control. It's becoming so easy... Her mental tactics worked much better on strangers and on those who didn't know how she liked to act. That's why she'd thrown me and Twilight off so well when we'd first met her in her town. Her manipulative actions became much less effective as she revealed more of herself. As she revealed more of her heart. Spending time together the other day, I'd thought it was because she wanted to let somepony in. I was wrong. When she spent too much time with others, her defenses simply withered, like roses in the fall. That's why she'd secluded herself for so long. Alone, in her town, with only mindless "toys"... she never had to risk growing close to anypony. She could live out her entire life without ever becoming "weaker". It was all so very sad. "I gave you a shot too, Star," I looked up at her. "And I'd like to believe I know you a little bit now," I groaned as I lifted myself off the bed to stand. "S-SUNNY!" she was by my side in a flash, lifting her forelegs to help me. "I'm okay, I promise," I lifted a hoof in protest. "My head is feeling better too." "But! BUT-" "Come on, Star," I chuckled, prodding her lightly on the chest. "Getting this much unwarranted attention from such a beautiful mare is bound to get me to fall in love," I joked, but it was a test as well. Never before had I seen somepony turn so red, her coat almost matching the maroon parts of my mane. I'd expected it, but not to such a drastic degree. She whirled around yet again, her voice coming out as a shrill squeak. "FINE!" She cleared her throat before speaking again. "Fine, just... be careful, okay!?" No snide remarks. No protests. Not even an attempt to flirt back. Just exactly what I'd thought would come: concern. "Like I was saying, Star," I continued my previous train of thought. "I know you better than you might think. I know you wish you could control everypony else, but I think that's because you don't want anypony to get too close to you." Her body slumped just like before. "I know you think it's stupid to care about others, but I think that's because you cared about somepony before and..." Her body went rigid, like she'd just been caught trying to escape from the royal guard and a spotlight was suddenly being shined directly on her. "and I think something bad happened." It was just a guess, -- the reason -- but judging by the way she'd reacted, I'd say it was a fairly accurate gamble. "I know you might think you don't want to care, but... honestly... I don't think that could be any further from the truth," I sidled up next to her, taking a seat on my rump. She turned her head away, but I wasn't going to force the issue. I just wanted her to know I was there if she needed me. "Starlight... you're right. It is weird. Four days is nothing to develop real bonds. Maybe Celestia did something, maybe she knows something we don't... I don't know. I couldn't say for sure either way. What I do know is that I care about you." I gently bumped my shoulder into hers. "You're my friend, Star." A silence ensued. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. If anything, it was... nice. Peaceful. Starlight's laughter was quiet at first until it bloomed into outright guffaws. It had come out of left field, but was so jubilant I nearly joined in her mirth. With a contented sigh she let out all the pent up tension that had built up inside of her. "You're so corny, Shimmer... Why do I like you so much?" The bright smile on her face was... beautiful. I knew the answer to that. "Because we're friends, Glimmer," I poked back. "Right... friends," she exhaled another breath. "Thanks," she wrapped her forelegs around my neck. "For being my friend, Sun." "You too, Star," I returned the hug. "For being mine." "Geez you two... get a room." Before we'd noticed, the door to the car had opened, Twilight walking in with an amused smile on her face. "We're in a room, Sparkles," Starlight glanced over her shoulder at the purple mare, her smile becoming absolutely devilish. "Give us a couple more minutes... we were just about to get to the good part." Twilight's face changed from entertained to deadpan in an instant as she stared at the two of us. ... "T... Twi-" just as I finally spoke she moved, spinning on her hoof and walking right back to the door to leave. "Twilight! She was kidding!" The violet mare stopped. "Oh really?" she replied evenly. "Were you joking, Starlight?" she asked without turning to face us. "Tell her, Star... light?" I turned my gaze back to the lilac mare. She quickly let me go, continuing to face towards the door. I couldn't be certain, but I think I detected a blush on her. "O-of course I was!" she declared but she was far from confident. "Rigggght," Twilight turned back to us. "A-anyway, what happened over there?" Starlight asked. "Just a group of rowdy mares," Twilight trotted over to Luna's bed and leapt on top. "Were they okay?" I asked. "Nopony got hurt, right?" "Such a bleeding heart," Starlight chuckled as she sat on Raven's chair. "They're all fine," Twilight replied, but a look of contemplation came to her features. "I'm much more interested in what one of them said." I got back onto my... onto Celestia's bed. "What'd she say?" "Supposedly, they're on a mission from your mentor," she pointed a hoof at me. "Know anything about it?" I closed my eyes, thinking deeply. ... Nothing came to mind. "Not that I can rec-" I opened my eyes, a distinct memory finally cropping up. "How many of them were there, Twilight?" "I saw four... but I'm pretty sure there were at least six," Twilight crossed her forelegs. "Remember something, Sunny?" Starlight asked, though she didn't really look very interested. At least, not as interested as she was when we were talking one-on-one. "I think..." I crossed my own forelegs, trying my best to remember exactly what she'd said. "I remember her saying something about a group of "special" mares that lived in Ponyville. She sends them to different parts of Equestria when a situation doesn't require her or Princess Luna's... personal attention." "So they're like you two?" Starlight sniggered. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Starlight," Twilight shrugged, a pleased smirk lifting her lips. "You're one of us now, too," she was more than a little too happy to point that fact out to the lilac mare. "Yeah, maybe. But..." Starlight raised a hoof to argue, but then slowly lowered it as a look of realization came to her face. "C-crap..." Twilight couldn't hold in her laughter, but my mind was already on overdrive. Why would she be sending them to the Crystal Empire? "SHUT IT, SPARKLES!" Starlight's bellow tugged me out of my thoughts. She'd tossed a pillow at the purple unicorn, but Twilight caught it easily with her telekinesis and leaned comfortably against it. "Anything else we should know, Sunset?" Twilight wiped away a tear from her eye once her cackling had died down. "If they were sent by Princess Celestia..." I voiced my thoughts. "then this trip might be more dangerous than I thought." "Why is that, Sunny?" Starlight asked. "They're not... normal. I think she called them... "The Elements of Harmony"". ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING CANTERLOT RAILWAYS! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Ignoring my little... incident, the ride had been a mostly pleasant one. We shared a nice little lunch together and ended up getting a deck of cards from one of the train's attendants. Twilight and I had never played "poker" before, but it was another game Starlight was an expert at. It's a good thing we hadn't played for bits. According to Starlight, those were the traditional stakes for the game. If we had bet money, Twilight and I would've gone flat broke. Much like the first game she'd shown us, Starlight was a savant with cards too... orrrr she had cheated. Nah, she wouldn't do that. We ended up playing for the rest of the trip. Since it wasn't a game that tested our magical skills, Twilight didn't mind losing as much. Nor did I, for that matter. It was really fun and before we knew it, we'd arrived in the Empire. It was... crazy, to say the least. It was my first time in the Crystal City and as Twilight, Starlight, and I walked through the train station, my senses were quickly overwhelmed. There was so much color, so many beautiful gems in every direction. The architecture itself was based around uncut crystal, those being the primary construction material. The unique method of architecture gave the building a very distinct look. Magic had to have been heavily utilized to get everything done. The station itself, was massive. If it had been built out of crystals then logic dictated the rest of the city must've been as well. If that really was the case, then it had to mean mana was also heavily utilized in the construction of the Empire. The floor beneath our hooves was composed of crystal as well. I was convinced it had to be enchanted too. Each step anypony took was far more muffled than would have been the norm. Not only that, the crystal was abnormally soft to the touch, the ground almost soothing to walk on. As we took in the sights around us upbeat jazz music filled the station, playing through hidden loud speakers. The genre was an acceptable midpoint between my preferred musical tastes and Twilight's. I'd listened to the particular style of music several times before back in Canterlot. It was pretty good. In particular, I enjoyed the flugelhorn that seemed to always be at the center of most songs from the Empire. The scents hanging in the air were unlike anything I'd experienced in Canterlot. Sweet, spicy, unfamiliar... the cuisine had to be off the charts and as the three of us passed by another vendor, I nearly tripped over my own hooves staring hungrily at the kiosk. "Geez, Sunny, we just ate..." Starlight remarked, noticing my tumble. "Wanna stop? We've got enough bits. It's okay, isn't it, Twilight?" The violet mare was ahead of us, leading the way. Having received specific instructions from my mentor on what we were to do when we arrived, we'd given her the duty of leadership. "Uhm," she looked down at the scroll floating before her. "It should be alright. We're supposed to wait for somepony named S-" "EXCUSE ME!" A random stallion called out in our direction from amongst the middle of the crowd. He was waving his foreleg this way and that in an attempt to get our attention. "Miss Sparkle!" Or, to get Twilight's attention. What. The. HECK!? Fully seeing the unicorn as he approached us was... uncanny. The color of his coat was almost identical to mine, though I'd say mine was much more vibrant and lively. His mane and tail were... a slightly off shade of my maroon... maybe more orange? Both were so immaculately styled they made mine look messy in comparison. Disturbingly enough, his eyes were even the same hue of cyan as mine. The only really distinguishing features separating us were the white highlights along his hooves and on his face. "Freaky..." Starlight leaned closer to me to whisper. "You sure you don't have a long-lost brother in the Empire too, Sunny?" "Positive," I uncomfortably whispered back as the stallion trotted up to us, or rather, to Twilight. "You're Twilight Sparkle, correct?" he smiled politely before wiping the sweat from his brow. "This station can get pretty hectic. I didn't think I'd be able to find you so easily." Doesn't look like you had such an easy time to me. "Are you Sunburst?" Twilight replied stiffly, Starlight and I standing at her flanks. "That's me, Queen Cantata's Curia Regis, at your service!" he bowed slightly, obviously out of politeness and not because he was required to do so. "That must make you two lovely mares Sunset Shimmer and St-" His eyes completely bugged-out when he focused on Starlight. "St-Starlight Glimmer..." "It's a pleasure to meet you. / Hey." I tried to be as cordial as possible while Starlight barely even responded. The look of utter disdain on her face as she looked down on the stallion sent shivers up my spine. "For Celestia's sake, Princess Cadenza said you were beautiful, but I wasn't expecting you to be so- I-I MEAN- that is to say..." If his eyes were bulging before, they were almost clean out of their sockets by this point. I really couldn't blame him. Star is something else. Disdain had turned to disgust and I was confident if we were back in Canterlot the poor stallion would've already been subjected to several excruciatingly painful spells. Thank goodness for Twilight who laughed so exceptionally loud several passersby glanced in our direction. "Good luck with that one, casanova," she sighed happily once her giggles had somewhat abated. "She'd sooner make a pony her slave than give them the time of day." "HEY!" Starlight snapped. "I've given you the time of day, Sparkles!" "You have," Twilight playfully smirked at the lilac mare. "But let's not forget that was after you tried to make me your slave." "Fair point," Starlight lifted her hoof with a shrug. "What can I say? You and Sunny would make the best toys... I can't even fathom how much fun I'd have playing with the two of you." She had her eyes closed, clearly trying to imagine what it would be like. "Uhm, excuse me? Is she... Is she serious?" Sunburst asked, completely bewildered by Starlight's shameless antics. Good to see a change of scenery hasn't changed her behavior. "It's probably better if you just ignore her," Twilight turned her attention back to the stallion. "You're here to see us to the castle, am I correct?" "Palace, actually. And yes!" he said to Twilight though he still hadn't taken his eyes off of Starlight. She was still in her own little fantasy world and it was apparent the Queen's advisor was still enamored by her. "Shall we depart, Miss Starlight?" Starlight opened her eyes reluctantly, that same disgusted look as before back in full force. "Where's the guard? Shouldn't they be the ones escorting us?" she glared at him. "You might think so, but no, actually," Sunburst looked around at the other ponies within the station. "The Crystal Empire is a pretty... laid back place, at least compared to Canterlot," he smiled looking back at us... or mostly, at Starlight. "You'll be safe with me." "Fine." Starlight bemoaned the situation before turning to me with a sweet smile. "Let's go, Sunny." "Sure!" I agreed enthusiastically. I wanted to see the rest of the city, mostly to see if it really was like the station. "We can get some grub at the castle," Starlight wrapped a foreleg around me. "Palace," Sunburst corrected, drawing an irritated glower from Starlight. "PALACE!" Starlight nearly snarled as the four of us began walking towards the exit of the station with Sunburst leading the way. "Sweet Celestia... Please don't tell me I'm gonna have to deal with this the whole time we're here," Twilight sighed dejectedly. "Not if mister "Cure Rages" can keep his trap shut, you won't," Starlight huffed. "For a breathtaking mare like you, Starlight... I'd do anything," Sunburst praised our lilac friend. "UGGGGH!" I'm not sure who groaned louder, Starlight or Twilight... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wow... It's... amazing. "Very impressive..." "Hooooly crap..." The Crystal city had been every bit as extravagant as I'd thought it would be, employing all the same construction methods and using the same materials as the train station. In comparison, the Crystal Palace... Queen Cantata's palace, was practically indescribable. As we walked through the lavish halls -- Sunburst still at the forefront -- the three of us couldn't hide just how captivated we were. While the interior contained similar furnishings to those in Canterlot Castle, -- chic carpets, intricate paintings, and expertly crafted furniture -- the palace heavily relied on enchanted crystals as a building material just like the rest of the Empire. "How did you get all this crystal?" I asked the most basic of questions as we passed under a chandelier that was so elaborately woven and stunning, I could swear it was purely made of mana. "They're nice, huh?" Sunburst chuckled. "I'd say they're a bit more than just "nice"," Twilight commented, though she seemed to be more concerned with one of the oversized paintings that was hanging on the wall. One of many, the particular portrait she was scrutinizing was a profile of Queen Cantata's late husband, the former King of the Crystal Empire. "Sure, sure," Sunburst waved a hoof dismissively. "But you tend to get used to them," he shrugged. "Not like true beauty," he snuck a peek over his shoulder at Starlight, who thankfully, hadn't noticed his attention. She seemed to be more interested in the Crystal guards standing at their various posts. Every time we passed by any she stared at them as if they were going to attack her or something. "You okay, Star?" I knew I had to say something after we'd passed the third or so post. The look on her face had gotten progressively more irritated and now, she was silently fuming. "I'm doing great, Sunset," she said through clenched teeth. "Hey," I whispered to her, shoving her playfully with my shoulder. The look of frustration remained on her face when she glared my way. "Are you sure?" I offered her a concerned smile. Her face softened considerably when she realized just how pissed off she must've been looking. "I am, Sunny. Sorry," she returned the smile. "Anyway," Sunburst continued. "I'm sure you noticed most of the ponies in our great city are unicorns." They are? "Of course," Twilight responded confidently. I hadn't noticed. Probably because I'd been much more fascinated by the city itself. I hadn't really paid much attention to the ponies, though I was aware there were a lot of them. "Well, ponies native to the Crystal Empire, or Crystal Ponies as we're referred to, have an innate ability to manipulate crystal." He stepped up to the massive double doors that lead to the next hall. On each side of the entrance stood a Crystal guard at attention. "That's it?" Twilight asked, clearly not satisfied with such an answer. "I don't think life is quite that simple." "Life? Probably not," he chuckled. "But maybe some things are," his horn activated, glowing a dull lemon color as the double doors were coated in his aura. Strangely, the doors were instantly overtaken by a second different aura. The new one was a familiar tinge. It was the exact same color as... Twilight's... "What took so long, Sunburst? You know Cadance has..." The white stallion that stood inside the doors as they opened was a unicorn. His mane and tail were two-toned, a dark blue and teal and his cutie mark was... "Sorry, sir! I brought them as fast..." Sunburst trailed off when he noticed the stunned expression on the stallion's face. As soon as I glanced at Twilight and saw the look on her face, I knew exactly who was standing before us. The tense silence that descended on us made me want to run away, but I'd never leave her alone when she needed me. ... "Shining Armor..." > TCE: Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was anchored to the spot, my brain no longer able to process as well as it had been only a few seconds prior. Judging by the expression on his face, his couldn't either. "Shining Armor..." Sunset presumed correctly, though I was thankful that she'd spoken up. If she hadn't, I'd probably still be stuck in my stupor. I still wasn't sure what to do, and I was more than a little afraid, but he was right in front of me. There was nowhere to run now. "H-hello, Shi-" "TWILY!" his sudden shout caused me to flinch. As he moved my way with fervor, I instinctively closed my eyes, recoiling away from his approaching form. "S-STARLIGHT!?" Sunset shouted. She almost sounded desperate. "Slow it down a little there, PRINCE!" Starlight's voice came from in front of me, the last word delivered with an exceptional amount of venom. The chime of her mana was growing so loud I couldn't ignore it any longer. I cautiously opened my eyes to find the lilac mare standing protectively in front of me, her horn shining brightly. My brother wasn't angry or even surprised that she'd blocked his way, a slight smirk on his face the only thing hinting at what he might've been feeling. "You must be Starlight Glimmer," he looked her up and down, nodding with appreciation. "Mo-" he stopped short, clearing his throat. "Queen Cantata said you were bold, but I didn't think you'd be this feisty," he slowly stroked his chin with a hoof. "You're exactly what I need..." "Why am I not surprised?" she growled. "But... right now..." Shining wasn't bothered by her in the slightest, his smile growing. "I really want to talk to my little sister, so can you get out of my way?" She bristled, probably because he was trying to brush her off. "Why don't you try and mak-" "Star..." Sunset interrupted, though neither my brother nor Starlight took their eyes off of each other. "Maybe we should try calming down a little?" "I AM calm, Sunny!" Starlight snapped at the mare. "Can't you tell?" "Not... really?" Sunset replied. She actually is... To be perfectly honest, I was astonished she hadn't used any spells yet. With how loud her horn was singing, she was prepped to cast a powerful one, but she was holding herself back. For... me? "Starlight..." I stepped forward, gently laying a hoof on her shoulder. She didn't budge, her eyes staying locked forward. "Thank you. It's alright." "... You sure?" Still, she kept her gaze on my older brother who didn't seem to have a care in the world. "Yeah," I took a deep breath before continuing. "I can handle it." She moved backwards, though she never took her eyes off of Shining Armor, even when she came to a stop next to Sunset. Sunburst let out the breath he'd apparently been holding in since Starlight had gotten between me and Shining, a look of relief coming to his face. As I cautiously stepped forward to confront my past, Starlight's voice stopped me. "Twilight!" I looked over my shoulder to find a bright smile on her face. "You're not alone," she wrapped a foreleg around Sunset's neck who was also smiling. "Me and Sunny are right here." I nodded in response, their smiles infectious. I turned back around, coming face to face with my brother. The support my friends had given me burned away all the doubt and fear that had been gripping me before. "Hello, Shining." I kept my head held high, staring my brother in his cyan eyes. "Hey, Twily. It's been too long." He bowed his head, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry, sis. I never should have left you alone like that." For the second time today my brain seemed to cease functioning properly. Of all the possible scenarios meeting with Shining had generated in my mind, this was the furthest from what I'd expected. "Can you ever forgive me?" he lifted his head to look at me, his eyes filled with remorse. "I..." I looked behind myself, seeking guidance from my friends. Sunset was still smiling brightly, her enthusiasm almost heartwarming enough to get me to forgive my brother on the spot. Starlight though... Starlight was back to staring daggers at him and her distrust dragged me right back down to earth. She's right. "We'll see," I said after turning back to him. He seemed genuine, but there was no way to know for sure this soon. My answer didn't disappoint him, a wide smile coming to his face. "I'll make it up to you, sis. I swear." He stood to his full height, walking up to me with open forelegs. I heard the low hum of Starlight's horn behind me. I held out a hoof, stopping him. "Not yet," I shook my head, my hoof pressed against his chest. "Right! Right..." he lowered his forelegs. "I get it." "Shining Armor!" A vaguely familiar voice echoed from within the throne room, drawing his attention. "OH, right! Crap..." he muttered under his breath, looking nervous all of a sudden. "Coming Mo- er, Your Highness!" he called back at a normal volume. "Sunburst, show them in." "Yes, sir!" Sunburst saluted quickly, the gesture lacking any form of military decorum, but an effort was made. "This way, ladies," he waved a hoof as he trotted into the room. "Aren't you coming too?" I asked my brother as the four of us began to move once again. "Fraid not," he shook his head. "Official business of the crown is a liiiittle higher than my pay grade... for now," he smirked. "I'll be waiting for you right here." He took up a position next to the doors, a toothy grin on his face. "We've got a lot of catching up to do, after all." "O-okay," I nodded as me and the girls walked by him. "You too, Starlight," he smirked confidently at the lilac mare behind me. "I'm certain I'll be seeing a lot more of you." "I look forward to it," Starlight sneered in response. Shining's only reply was a delighted fit of laughter. It was the last we heard from him as the doors shut behind us. Walking into the Crystal Empire's throne room was very much like walking into Canterlot's. Embroidered banners hung from the ceiling decorated with various emblems and symbols that must've meant a lot to the Empire, though I wasn't familiar with them myself. Despite how late into the day it was, bright rays of Princess Celestia's sun shone through multiple stained glass windows lining both the walls to our left and right. The same impressive architecture was used to construct this room, most notably the ornate throne that I assumed was currently occupied by Queen Cantata. She was an absolutely beautiful pegasus mare. Slender and tall, much like her daughter standing next to her. It was difficult to take my eyes off of her. Her coat was a lively fuschia that gradually lost its vibrancy as it got closer to her hooves. Her violet mane and tail shimmered in the sunlight, though not anywhere near the degree that Princess Celestia's or my mistress' did. They were both straight and flowed downwards, nearly touching the floor. It was obvious she kept them trimmed that exact length so they wouldn't do so. A crown made of crystal rested atop her head, a spectrum of colors that reflected the light of the world around her. A crystal regalia adorned her neck. A shining jewel -- possibly a sapphire -- was at its center. Her hooves were covered with brilliant horseshoes made of crystal as well. "Greetings, Sunburst," the queen spoke, her voice melodious. "I trust you had no issues locating our guests?" "None whatsoever, Your Highness," he waved us forward with a hoof as he stood to the side. The three of us lined up in front of the queen and princess, Sunset in the middle, me on the left, and Starlight on the right. "Presenting Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's pupils: Twilight Sparkle." I bowed low, knowing exactly what was expected of me. "Sunset Shimmer." Sunset bowed next, just as low as I. "And finally-" "Starlight Glimmer..." Queen Cantata finished for her servant. Sunset and I both stared at the lilac mare, wondering just what she would do. "Your Highness," she responded, a smirk and a very slight decline in the elevation of her head the only sign of respect she'd give the monarch. The queen narrowed her gaze at the unicorn, but that was quickly eclipsed by the clap of laughter that came from the princess. "I TOLD YOU, MOM!" she couldn't contain her mirth, her snickers filling the throne room. Sunset and I raised our heads in confusion, looking at each other for any answers the other might have. Starlight's grin faded, her eyes flitting between both pegasi as she went back to her normal stance. "That you did, dear," the queen's strict expression softened several notches. "I should heed your advice more often." "What's going on?" Starlight's question was more of a demand than a request, but her lack of respect didn't appear to bother Cadenza or Cantata. "You're just as perturbed as you were over in Canterlot," Cantata explained. "My daughter had surmised you would be." It was easy to see by the frown on Starlight's face that she didn't like the queen's response. "Starlight..." the queen got off of her throne, standing to her hooves. "As Queen of the Crystal Empire I assure you, I've no ulterior motives in inviting you here," she walked up to the lilac mare. "We really do just need your help." They stared at each other for what felt like several minutes, Starlight's eyes examining the mare before her, but Queen Cantata's staying focused on Starlight's face. Finally, she relented, letting out a huff. "Fine, I guess I'll trust you..." Starlight lifted a hoof. Queen Cantata chuckled a bit but took her hoof into her own, shaking it vigorously. "for now." "That's all that I ask," the queen smiled in spite of Starlight's sour mood as she moved to stand in front of us. "That's all I ask of each of you," she smiled brightly, bowing her own head slightly. "Welcome to our home, the Crystal Empire. Twilight," she looked at me, bringing a smile to my face. "And you as well, Sunset," she turned her gaze to the golden mare who returned her kindness. "I offer you my thanks and I pray this will be just as beneficial for you three as it will be for us," she glanced at her daughter who was waiting patiently with a smile on her own face. "Now, I must beg your forgiveness. I've a pressing matter I need attend to, but I leave you in the capable hooves of my daughter, my love, Cadenza. I will rejoin you all for dinner later tonight. For now, I bid you, adieu." Sunset and I bowed once again. Even Starlight lowered her head further this time, though she looked away as she did so. The queen was satisfied as she gave her daughter a quick hug. "Come, Sunburst," she started toward the doors in the back of the hall. "We have much to do." "Yes, Your Majesty!" the orange stallion replied, quickly falling into step behind the queen. "See you later," he smiled at us before turning his full attention to Starlight. "Farewell for now, Starlight." Starlight stared back as Twilight and I silently waved at the pair as they exited the hall through one of the smaller -- though by no means small -- doors behind the throne. "Thank you, Starlight," Cadenza drew our gazes as she stepped up to us. "And you too, Sunset." My friends exchanged confused glances before turning back to the pegasus. "For what?" Sunset was the first one to speak. "I know just how difficult royal obligations can be," she gave them a sympathetic look. "You didn't have to come here... you didn't have to help us." She turned to me. "So... thank you." She didn't need to say any more than that, at least, not to me. "Don't worry about it," Starlight replied for the three of us. "Besides, what are friends for?" The devious smirk that came to her lips was all too obvious to me at this point. She was already working her charm, trying to get the princess under her hoof. Probably not the smartest decision, but it's not like I'd call her out in front of royalty. "I'll do my best to live up to such a gracious title," Cadenza was absolutely glowing. "Did you have any questions?" she asked, looking us over. "Too many to count," Sunset shrugged, the atmosphere of the room shifting to a much more laid back one. Cadenza's giggles were like an instrument from the heavens. "How about first things first?" she walked by us, heading towards the doors we'd entered through. The three of us followed close behind her. "Let's head to your room." ...Wait... "Room?" I lifted a brow. "Well..." she kept her head forward, a slight tinge on her cheeks. "With the wedding in three days, we've a lot of foreign dignitaries in the palace. We're kind of... at capacity... soooo..." Great... "Sounds like a good time," Starlight remarked. "One bed? Maybe you can join us, Princess?" "WHAT!? NO!" Cadenza whirled around, her face beet red as she flailed her hooves in front of herself. "We refurnished one of the larger rooms to accommodate the three of you! Three beds! THREE!" Sunset and I grinned silently at each other. Even though I didn't want to admit it, watching Starlight so clearly having fun was entertaining. The lilac unicorn was practically trembling with glee as she successfully spun her web. "Shoot," Starlight sighed with so much phony disappointment I could almost feel it. "I've never been in bed with a princess before..." "I'M-I'M ENGAGED!" Cadenza was nearly shouting, already way too flustered by Starlight's meager efforts. The lilac unicorn ambled up to the Princess, her expression so lewd even I was beginning to blush. Sunset was covering her own face with a hoof, completely exhausted by Starlight's antics by this point. "I won't tell if you don't," Starlight winked at Cadenza. The princess nearly lost it, her entire body becoming a dark maroon as she took a shaky step away. "Sunset," I sighed, shaking my head. "I know, I know," Sunset grabbed Starlight. "Come on, Star. That's enough for today." The golden mare pulled our friend away from the princess. "H-HEY!?" Starlight only protested for a second before giving up. "But I was having fun, Sunny," the troublemaking grin hadn't left her lips. "And now it's time to behave," Sunset said firmly. "But-" "For me?" Starlight had tried to object but Sunset cut her off immediately. ... "Fine. For you, Sunny," Starlight said with a defeated shrug. "You should probably just ignore her when she gets like that," I turned back to the princess who was still on her back leg, but not as crimson. "It's one of her many bad habits," I glanced playfully at the lilac mare. "Fun," she smirked back. "You mean "fun" habits, Sparkles." "Sorry, I meant fun," I faced Cadenza once again, my smile growing. "You'll get used to it." Cadenza looked at the three of us as if we were a group of zebras with spots rather than stripes. Then, in an instant, her bemusement changed to pleased serenity, her wings flaring out at her sides as her giddiness grew. "Im so glad you girls decided to come," she whirled around, moving to lead us again. "I hope that offer of friendship still stands." "Course it does," Starlight confirmed without hesitation. "You saved my butt back in Canterlot. If that's not an act of friendship, I don't know what is." As we approached the doors the same magenta aura as before overtook them. "That's great! I'm sure you'll love Shiny, Starlight," I winced at her choice of nickname. "I'm sure I will," Starlight replied bitterly, though Cadenza didn't seem to notice her tone or her disgust. The princess beamed as the doors opened to reveal my brother waiting patiently, a smile on his face. "Hello ladies," he bowed his head. "Shall we get going?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From one wealthy place to another. "Sorry it's so small, but we weren't sure you were coming and-" "THIS is small!?" Sunset interrupted the princess, though it was evident it wasn't intentional. She was running her hooves over one of the three beds in the quarters. The five of us were inside the lavish guest room -- my brother next to his fiancé by the door and me and the girls exploring -- that had been prepared for us. "This is almost as big as Princess Celestia's room!" Sunset's attention was now on the ceiling, a large window made of crystal letting any inhabitants view the sky. "I gotta agree with Sunny," Starlight commented as she tossed her saddlebags onto another bed. "This is anything but small." I had to agree as well. The room was massive in comparison to the one I had back home in Canterlot. I'd never need this much room, and it was confounding to think that anypony could. It was much like the rest of the castle, -- heavily reliant on crystal -- but it was still nice nonetheless. Three beds, a few nightstands, a desk, and even a restroom off to the side. We'd even get enough sun judging by the ceiling. It's probably enchanted too. All in all... It was perfect. "So then... it's okay?" Shining asked the three of us, but he was looking directly at me. "It's great," I answered honestly, sitting on what would be my bed for the duration of our stay. "Wonderful!" Cadenza clapped her hooves together as she gave Shining a loving glance. "We'll let you get settled in then." "I'll be along in about an hour to pick you all up for dinner," my brother said as the couple moved to leave. "If you need anything before then, my guards will be at their post down the hall," Cadenza said as she left the room. "See you in a bit... unless you have any questions?" My brother turned back one last time. Me, Starlight, and Sunset exchanged a silent look before I replied. "Not right now," I shook my head. "Alright!" he stepped out of the room, his mana coating the door. "Don't get too comfy, Starlight!" he cackled, slamming the door shut before the lilac unicorn had a chance to reply. "That LITTLE!" Starlight was on the warpath, the color of her eyes suddenly matching the turquoise hue of the mana crackling around her horn. "He's already gone, Star," Sunset was unpacking her saddlebags, but she took the time to try and calm Starlight down. "Just let it go." With an exasperated growl Starlight turned back to her own things. "Your brother is a real piece of work, Twilight." I might've tried to debate with her, but I didn't care enough to. As I carefully lifted the Blessing of the Moon from my bag somepony gently knocked at the door. Being the closest to said door I checked to see if either of my companions were moving. Of course they're not... Both were diligently taking supplies out of their bags and making their areas more homely. I scratched my mane -- a little annoyed -- before walking over to the door. I opened it to find my brother with a hoof held up to his lips. "Who is it, Sparkles?" Starlight asked, though I noted she hadn't even lifted her head when I looked at her. "It's..." turning back to my brother I found him with his hooves clasped in front of himself, begging me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Nopony. I'll be right back." "Okay!" they both called back as I stepped out of the room and quietly shut the door behind myself. "Thanks! I didn't want to have to deal with-" "What do you want?" I tried not to sound cold, but it must've come out that way because his smile faltered a bit. "I deserve that," he lifted his forelegs in surrender. "I just wanted to let you know, if you need anything let me know." "I know," I stated plainly. "You just told us that." "That's not what I meant," he sighed. "Twily..." he placed a hoof on my shoulder. I couldn't do anything but stare at it. "I'm here. You just gotta... let me in." As I stared into his sparkling eyes, my heart skipped a beat. > TCE: Duties > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The legend of the dog-faced pony! Get it!? Dog-faced pony!?" Shining Armor looked around at each of us with glee. ... "Oh C'mon, girls! Starlight! I know you found that one funny," Twilight's brother cackled like a goofy idiot. I swear, I'm gonna kill him. "You're hilarious, Shining Armor," I replied as sarcastically as I could at the stallion's pathetic attempt at humor. The four of us were walking together through the grand halls of the palace. I was walking right next to Sunny. Twilight and her brother were in front of us. Having just finished in the dining hall, we were on the way back to our quarters. Cadenza and Cantata had stayed behind in the hall to deal with royal business, but they'd sent Shining Armor along with us. According to the Queen, he was the one who'd fill us in on what our tasks would be for the duration of our stay. Apparently, he was the newly appointed Captain of the Crystal Guard and that was the main reason we were here. Or more specifically, -- and unfortunately -- the main reason I was here. Of course I'd have to work with HIM. Dinner had somehow been absolutely chaotic, dreadfully boring, and positively infuriating, all at the same time. With the wedding coming up in just three days the number of diplomats in the palace had to be in the hundreds and it was easy to see the royal family was beginning to feel the pressure. I'd never shook so many strangers' hooves in all my life. Once arriving in the hall I'd decided to stay as close to Sunny as possible, though that might've been a terrible idea in hindsight. Sunny -- being Celestia's only actual student -- had been swarmed by foreign emissaries the moment we stepped into the hall. I might've tried to cling to Twilight instead, but as soon as the three of us had entered the massive room she was swept away by her soon to be "family". She was even more preoccupied than Sunny was, so I made the decision to stay close to the golden unicorn. If I hadn't chosen to remain by her side, I'd have been ostracized the entire night by the pompous "elites". The first couple of randoms that approached us introduced themselves to Sunny, -- and only to Sunny -- despite my lingering presence right next to her. Some had bowed low to the mare. One bold stallion had even kissed her hoof. I had to grit my teeth and bear it. It wasn't like I was just willingly flouting my own responsibilities as a student of the princesses. I'd even gone so far as to smile and try to look approachable, but... it didn't make a difference. Nopony cared. I was overlooked by them all, like I wasn't even there. Like I didn't exist... Like I was a filly again. In the past, I never would've let those plebians show me such blatant disrespect, but it was more than a little obvious that this wasn't Canterlot. In the capital, I had the benefit of having the favor of both rulers. In the Crystal Empire... well, I wasn't so sure. Cadenza seemed to like me, but that didn't mean she'd bail me out of trouble if I did something stupid again. That being the case, I was forced to be "civil", at least when I was in such a large crowd of "influential" ponies. Evidently, my attempts didn't help my likability one bit. But Sunset... Good old Sun... She noticed. After the third or so jerk had completely blown me off, Sunny started introducing me to the ponies that came to greet her. Some of them were clearly displeased at the idea of having to acknowledge me, but when she'd emphatically mentioned I was a student of both of the princesses, they'd changed their tunes pretty fast. Oh miss Glimmer you really must tell me how you get your mane so beautiful! A protégé of Her Highness AND Luna? You must be quite the mare! Could you put in a good word for me with your teachers, miss Glimmer? I would be beyond grateful. After that last pony, I'd completely lost all interest in keeping up appearances. It was one thing to be ignored and treated like a nopony by a bunch of rich horses. It was an entirely different thing when they tried to use me. And so, I set my mind to autopilot. I shook their hooves. I nodded at regular intervals. I shook my head at regular intervals. I laughed when they'd laughed. I'd paid just enough attention to know I hadn't agreed to anything or declined something crucial. After several hours of countless nonsensical interactions, we were finally allowed to eat. Being that dining was much the same as the beginning of the soiree, I was thankfully able to position myself in a seat between Sunny and Twilight. Although Sunny had spoken to me several times during our meal, -- and even Sparkles asked me if I was okay a few times -- I mostly kept to myself and just chose to eat in silence. I didn't like it. I HATED it. But I endured it. Now, the three of us were on our way back to our room and all I had to deal with was the horrendously obnoxious stallion telling his atrocious jokes. "You know, your friend's a real party pooper, Twilight," he guffawed as we walked up to the door to our room. "Or you're just not as funny as you think, Shining," Twilight shrugged. Thanks, Sparkles. "Not you too, Twily," he stumbled around like a drunkard, though it was clearly just showmanship. "Sunset, help me out here." He ended up leaning against the door to support himself. "I thought it was... a joke... that you told?" Sunset was trying her best to be personable, but it was clear she had nothing nice to say either. "Et tu, Sunny?" he held his heart like he'd been dealt a deathblow, a grief stricken look coming to his face. "Maybe you should work on your material," Twilight flicked a hoof at him, wanting him to open the door. "Yeah, you're probably right," he pushed the door open and trotted inside, apparently not bothered in the least. Twilight gave us both an apologetic glance before entering the room as well. "You're doing well," Sunset commented as soon as the two of us were alone. "Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't blown him up." "You and me both, Sun," I agreed. I couldn't explain why if she'd asked, but for some reason being around her was... pleasing. I was still on edge and I still got extremely pissed off, but knowing Sunny was around me... knowing she was nearby... It's... nice. "Well, as long as you keep this up everything should be okay," she lifted her nose towards the door. "Come on, let's see what Shining has to say." I groaned internally. "If you say so, Sunny." I followed close behind her into the room. Twilight was slouched over, sitting on her bed with a look of indifference on her face. She was doing a really good job of keeping her emotions concealed, but such a tactic was a double-edged sword. While it was a good idea to hide her feeling from somepony like her brother or the queen, Sunny and I couldn't magically know how she was feeling either. I wanted to ask her about it, -- I'd wanted to since she first saw him -- but it'd have to wait until the three of us were alone. I wouldn't put it past any of these ponies to have bugged the room. None of them were worthy of trust. Not yet, at least. Maybe Cadenza, but... You told the queen you would, Starlight. ... Ugh! Stupid morality. Shining Armor was standing right next to the door, surprisingly enough, not trying to pressure his little sister into conversing with him. "I'll keep this short," he said once we'd all settled in. Sunset was sitting on her bed as well and I was standing opposite Shining Armor's position. I wasn't about to get comfortable when he was still around. "Don't wanna keep you ladies up too late." "You sure you just don't want to keep Cadance waiting?" I commented snidely. Unfortunately, it didn't have any effect on the stallion. In fact, it seemed to bolster his confidence. "You might be right," he shrugged, his cocky grin growing wider by the second. "She can get pretty... needy at night." R-really!? I rolled my eyes. It was bad enough I wasn't allowed to use any spells on him, but it seemed he was completely immune to my mind games as well. So he has no shame either. "Get on with it, Shining," Twilight sighed. She must not have wanted to deal with him either, or at least that's what I'd gathered from her demeanor. "Right! Sorry," he stood at attention and saluted. "So, Twily, you and Starlight will be helping me with security. Mostly around the palace." "So we're supposed to be nothing more than glorified guards?" There was no malice in Twilight's voice, but I could still detect the disappointment. "Essentially... yes?" he replied. "With the wedding so soon, the dwindling numbers of the guard itself, and the former Captain's sudden disappearance, we honestly need all the help we can get." "Hold on, that's... a lot," Sunny lifted a hoof to draw Shining Armor's attention. "I thought the Crystal guard was scarce because the Empire is so safe. Sunburst told us it was a laid back city. Isn't that why you have so few soldiers?" "Well, he's not exactly wrong," the stallion rubbed the back of his head with a hoof, for once looking somewhat uncomfortable. "It's kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy." "How so?" Sunny pressed. "The Empire is safe. It's actually crazy how rare crime is around here," as he explained his expression slowly grew more serious. It was a little jarring at first, but quickly became understandable. "Because of that level of safety we're usually short on guards. Most of the time, we just don't need them." "So when you actually need them, you don't have enough," Sunny chuckled with a shake of her head, the irony of the situation clearly bothering her. "I won't lie, it is... regrettable," he sighed. "To be perfectly honest..." he scratched his cheek uneasily, looking completely embarrassed all of a sudden. "We were kiiiind of caught off guard when Princess Celestia said she couldn't attend the wedding. And it was pretty devastating when Princess Luna had to decline." That makes sense. If either of our mentors had attended the wedding, there'd be no need for any of us for safety, much less the Crystal guard. "Reeeeally making us feel special here, Shining," Twilight remarked dryly. "But it does answer why we were asked to come here," I commented reluctantly. I didn't want it to even seem like I was trying to bail him out, but the fact that he'd revealed what he had was information the three of us should be privy to. "You two at least," Sunny pointed out. "I still don't know why I'm here." "You're here because Mo-" he cleared his throat. "I mean, Queen Cantata, wants you by her side for the ceremony." Sunny was completely baffled by Shining Armor's declaration. "W-why?" "She didn't tell me." For a second, he had a confused look himself. "If I had to guess, I'd say it's probably because you're the strongest, right? I mean, you are Princess Celestia's student." Twilight, Sunny, and I exchanged awkward glances, Sunny looking especially sheepish before turning back to face Shining Armor. "N-" "That's right," Twilight interrupted Sunny's confession. "Sunset is the best of us." "That's not-" "If the Queen needs a personal bodyguard, you won't find a pony better suited for the job than Sunny," I cut the golden mare off the second time. "S-STAR!?" she glared at me as if I'd just spit in her cereal. I returned the venomous look. Quiet, Sunny! "That's good to hear!" Shining Armor was pleased by our endorsements. "But... I'm not really sure why you look so distraught, Sunset. Is something wrong?" he asked. Sunny's gaze darted between the three of us, a look of utter panic on her features. As Shining Armor began to scrutinize her more closely she lowered her head, shaking it slowly. "Star and Twilight are really strong too," she muttered quietly. "And so humble too!" he smiled brightly. "Tomorrow morning Cadance will be swinging by to pick you up, Sunset." "Cadenza?" Twilight was just as confused as Sunny and I. "But I thought the queen was the one who wanted me near her," Sunny asked what the three of us all had to be thinking. Shining Armor merely laughed in response. "You'll come to see Cadance and M- Queen Cantata are together nearly all the time," he grinned. "Most of their responsibilities tend to overlap so they spend most days by each other's side." Guess that makes sense. "I suppose that makes sense," Sunny didn't pursue any further. Twilight seemed satisfied by her brother's answer as well. With nothing left to ask, the golden unicorn quieted down, bringing about an uncomfortable stillness to the room. ... "Shining, you said the old Captain disappeared?" Twilight broke the silence, drawing her brother's gaze. "Can you tell us what exactly happened?" "That's the thing," he shook his head, rubbing his face with a hoof. The look of exhaustion was only there for a second, but I could easily detect it. "We don't actually know." "You don't KNOW!?" I took an angry step toward him. How could he not know!? "That is kinda pathetic, Shining," Twilight agreed with a disbelieving shake of her head. "Maybe it is," he sighed dejectedly. "But it's the truth. A few days ago he was there and the next he just... wasn't." He looked as if he didn't believe it himself. "The queen appointed me the new Captain of the Guard that very same day." That seemed to disturb him just as much as the idea of being Cantata's personal guard had Sunset. "That's a lot of pressure for anypony," Twilight conceded. "Especially at such short notice." "It is what it is," he shrugged. "Sorry... I don't have any more than that." "It is what it is," his sister smirked in response. Her sibling smiled back. "So what are we supposed to expect tomorrow?" I asked a bit more aggressively than needed. I was getting tired, the events in the dining hall a lot more exhausting than I'd initially thought. "Me and Twilight, I mean." "I'll be here at around five to pick you both up," he stated as if I wasn't about to strangle him for such thoughtless words. "I hope that's not too early for you," he sneered directly at me. Just as I was about to ignite my horn Twilight spoke up. "We'll be ready," she said calmly. "Is that it, Shining? If you want us up that early we should probably get to bed." "Yeah, that's it for now," he nodded. "We got a big day ahead of us tomorrow, ladies," he said as he opened the door to leave. "Try to get some rest. You're really gonna need it." As he moved to close the door behind himself he paused for a second, an intense look of determination on his face. "If you uhm... if you use a spell on the ceiling, it'll shut off the light." He still didn't look our way, though his comment did cause the three of us to look up. It was an enchanted stained glass ceiling. It must've stored the light of the sun from the day to power itself and then projected said light at night. Magic like that tended to be programmed for ease of use. Any little spell should be able to do what he'd said. "Thanks," Twilight was already getting under her blankets. "No problem... Have a good night," he said to all of us in the room, or at least I think that was his intention. It could've been only directed at his sibling, but I couldn't be sure. "I love you, little sis," he managed to sneak in right as the door closed. Twilight stared at the door, her expression unreadable. ... "Let's get to sleep," she finally said after a few seconds. I lifted my blankets, getting into my own bed. "No debate here," I replied, snuggling into the warm sheets. I heard the chime of Twilight's mana as she shut the lights off. Though the pale moonlight wasn't very bright, I could still see Sunny sitting on her bed. I waited quietly. ... "Sunny why are-" "Why did you do that?" she cut me off. "Do wh-" "Why did you two say I was stronger than you!?" she was struggling to keep her voice low, the sound coming from her a high pitched hiss. I was taken aback by her anger, but Twilight was apparently unfazed. "Can you do it?" the violet unicorn said from her bed, not even turning to face us. "Can I... can I do what?" Sunny's voice was no longer enraged. Twilight's question had completely disarmed her. "Can you protect the queen?" she bluntly asked, holding nothing back. "I..." ... "I don't know..." The golden unicorn's head and body slumped in the darkness. "That's why I did it," Twilight replied, bringing a smile to my face. "Because I-" "We," I interjected having already surmised where she was going with this. "Because we know you can do it, Sunset. You just have to believe in yourself," Sunny's head raised at the words Twilight had spoken. "Now get some sleep. We're sure you can protect Queen Cantata..." "But waking up early is a whole other story," I finished for Sparkles, my eyes beginning to droop. Despite the dark, -- as my awareness left me and I lost myself to a deep slumber -- I could see the beautiful smile that came to Sunny's lips. "Goodnight girls," she whispered as she too got comfortable in her bed. > TCE: Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well... at least some things never change. A bitter mood permeated me. I stared up at the stained glass ceiling, still lying comfortably in the posh bed I'd been provided. I wanted the reality of the situation I was in to just leave me alone, to let me be, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Waking up away from home always brought on confusion at first. I was in the Crystal Empire. I was supposed to be with Princess Cadenza and Queen Cantata at this very moment, but apparently, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake up early to save my life. Darn it, girls! Why didn't you wake me... up... That's when I remembered what'd happened just a couple of hours prior... Though they had both been more than considerate when they'd gotten up, Twilight had tried to wake me up. She had let me know I'd have to be up in a couple hours to attend to the queen, but I was still half-asleep when she'd done so. Without intending to, I'd fallen back asleep shortly after the pair had left the room. I vaguely remember Starlight calling back to me as she left, reminding me of my impending duties, but there was no way I was getting up that early. I'd screwed up again because of course I had. I sat up, rubbing my eyes gently with a hoof. It was still dark in the room, the window above needing to be touched by a source of mana again to let my mentor's sunlight in. With a disappointed huff I ignited my horn. I flung a weak spell upwards, the amount of light suddenly washing over me a lot less than I'd initially thought it would be. Maybe it's not... I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It really wasn't as late as I thought it'd be. I hurriedly tossed the blankets off of myself, rushing to the restroom to wash myself up. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Less than fifteen minutes later I was back atop my bed. My mane was wrapped in a towel to aid in drying when a light knock echoed from the door. I rubbed my mane roughly with the towel as I got to my hooves and trotted over to it. Reaching the entrance to the room, I tossed the wet towel back onto my bed and floated my mane-brush over to me. I opened the door, coming face to face with Princess Cadenza. "Good morning, Your Highness," I bowed, still holding my brush with my telekinesis. "Good morning, Sunset," she touched my shoulder with a hoof. "As I said before, there's no need for such formalities." I lifted my head in surprise, her beautiful smile weakening my knees. "I was being sincere when I said I'd like to be your friend." "O-of course, Your-uhm, Cadenza," I returned her bright smile. "Do you uhm... need a little more time?" she asked. She was bordering on laughter, covering her mouth with a hoof as she pointed at my mane with the other. "OH! Yeah," I blushed, brushing it intensely. "Sorry, I'll be ready in a second." I backed away from the door, moving further into the room. "I've just gotta clean up a little, don't wanna leave my part of the room a mess." I picked up the towel. Looking around the room I quickly realized there was nowhere to put it. "You don't have to worry about stuff like that, Sunset," Cadenza drew my attention. "We have retainers to perform those duties." "Yeah. We do in Canterlot, too, but I'm not lazy... and I'm not disabled," I folded the towel, walking to the bathroom to place it on the sink. I quickly finished styling my mane, looking in the mirror to be sure everything was in place. "So you're not a pampered little princess then?" She teased from the door. "I'd like to think I'm not," I laid my brush down on the counter and left the washroom, rejoining the princess in the main room. "Just because I'm Princess Celestia's student doesn't give me the right to be a spoiled brat." "A wise attitude to have," she smiled at me. "Shall we go?" I nodded my head, returning her smile. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "If you don't mind me asking, where are we going, Your-uhm, Cadenza?" I asked as we turned another corner. I'd expected to return to the dining hall for breakfast, but we weren't headed in that direction. "I don't mind," she replied. "We're going to have breakfast. You're hungry, right?" Thank goodness. "I am." We arrived at a small unassuming door. "But this... isn't the dining hall." "No. It isn't," she grinned as she opened the door. "This is a bit more... private." "Good morning, Sunset Shimmer," Queen Cantata stood within the room next to a dining table big enough to seat about four ponies. The rest of the room was... quaint. No windows or things like paintings along the walls, nothing... hanging at all really. There was a carpet and a second door in the back of the room, but that was about it, at least as far as things worth mentioning. "Good morning, Your Highness," I wasn't sure if I should bow or just walk in so I decided on the former. "Come on in, ladies," the queen called out to us. "We've much to discuss." As the two of us entered the room Cadenza closed the door behind us, using a metal bolt to lock the door. That's... a little weird. "It's difficult for my mom to have her privacy." Cadenza must've noticed the confusion on my face because she began explaining her action. "Sometimes I just want to be me, Sunset," the queen drew my attention. She lifted the regalia from her neck, laying it down on the table next to her. "Surely you wouldn't find me lacking for that." I tried to stay calm. I tried to emulate my mentor, to put on a mask to conceal my genuine reaction. I failed. Spectacularly. I nearly fell onto my haunches, my hooves shooting upwards to cover my open mouth to stifle the gasp that unwittingly escaped me. "Q-Queen Cantata!" I was trembling. The magic of her transfiguration spell no longer hiding her true visage. The magic must have been coming from the necklace she was wearing. It had to be an absurdly powerful spell if Twilight and Starlight hadn't been able to see past its concealment. It's... it's gone... Her disfigurement was severe. The left side of her face... gone, for lack of a better word. Some of it had healed from whatever had initially caused it, but there was no longer any sign of an eye in the left socket. Part of the skin along her cheek was torn away, some of her teeth and gums permanently exposed. Her ear... there wasn't one on the left side either. The scarring and damage continued past her neck and shoulder, all the way down to her withers. All the way down to... Her wing.... Not only was the old injury easily identifiable, but the rest of her body looked so much more aged without the spell. Wrinkles beneath her eye, her coat far less vibrant and greying, her mane and tail both missing patches of hair. "I know," she sighed, her head lowering just a fraction. "It's... I am a bit frightful. Please... forgive me for springing this on you without prior warning, Sunset." "Y-Your Highness..." my own head fell, my heart aching for her. I'd never felt so ashamed as I did in that solitary moment. "I-I..." I had no words. Not for this. She didn't even have one of her wings. Whatever had happened to her... my mind couldn't properly process it. "It's okay," Cadenza wrapped a foreleg around me, laying a hoof on my shoulder in a half-hug. "It's not... it's not easy." I couldn't lift my head. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." I was. For my heartless reaction. That it had happened at all. That there was nothing I could do to fix i- But...there is something that can be done... I lifted my head, hope flooding into my heart. "Queen Cantata, I'm certain my mentor can-" The queen lifted a hoof. "The wounds I carry are my medals, Sunset," the smile that came to her face as she looked down at her upturned hooves was more genuine than I'd ever seen on any creature before. "Her Majesty, in all her grace and mercy, already offered to restore me to my former state," she looked up at me, a stifled giggle coming from her. "I would never rid myself of any of them." Then... "Then WHY, Your Highness!?" I shouted desperately. "Why keep it all hidden if..." I choked back the tears. Cadenza rubbed my shoulder softly. "Because I am a queen, Sunset," she stated, holding her head high. "And a queen must appear strong for her subjects." "But .. but..." Is that all it really is? Appearances? I'd heard the same hogwash from Princess Celestia. It wasn't fair. It isn't fair. Frustrated tears dribbled down my cheeks. "Sunset..." Cadenza said quietly, nuzzling her cheek into my head gently. I wiped my face of the emotions I was openly displaying. Princess Celestia had always instructed me to keep my true feelings concealed whenever I was in the presence of politicians, but this felt... different. Queen Cantata entrusted me with her secret despite not knowing me very well. I wouldn't betray that trust so easily, and by being honest with her I could show her I was willing to have faith in her as well. "Sunset Shimmer..." Tears began to form in Queen Cantata's eye. "That you would cry for me..." She wiped away the moisture that had collected with a hoof. "I'm glad circumstances have worked out this way." She waved us over to the table. "Come. As I said, we've much to discuss. But first things first. Are you hungry, dear?" I weakly nodded my head, still rubbing my eyes. "Come on," Cadenza drew my gaze, squeezing me with her foreleg as she nudged me forward. "Sunburst makes some of the best food in all of Equestria." "Okay," I sniffled. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Sunset..." the queen said before putting her fork full of food into her mouth. "S-SORRY, YOUR HIGHNESS!" I averted my gaze so fast I nearly threw the fork I held in my telekinesis across the room. Like a fool, I'd been staring non-stop for the past couple of minutes. I was hungry, sure, but my initial disgust had swiftly turned into a deep curiosity. Our plates -- which were all prepared and teleported into the room by Sunburst -- consisted of a dish Cadenza had called "Omurice". Apparently, it was one of the trademark delicacies of the Crystal Empire, which made sense because I'd never even heard of it before. It consisted of fried rice beneath an egg omelette with a red sauce poured on top. Cadenza had said, traditionally, ketchup was used, but over time the chefs of the Empire began to experiment with more exotic flavors. It was delicious, I couldn't deny that, but I also couldn't just blot out my inquisitive nature. And so... I'd stared until she'd noticed... or perhaps she had realized it long before saying something. "Would you like to know how I... how this happened to me, Sunset?" Queen Cantata asked calmly, closing her eye as she lowered her fork. "I... yes. If it's not too much to ask." That same sense of shame crawled back into my heart. I didn't want to make her relive such a traumatic experience, but I had to know. Taking a deep breath, she began. "Are you familiar with the... conflict that occured in the Empire twenty years ago?" Conflict? That was an interesting way of putting it. I wouldn't have used that particular nomenclature to describe what had happened all those years ago. "Vaguely," I answered. What little I did know indicated it had been an all out war. "Then I'm certain you won't hold it against me if I keep my story short." It was easy to recognize just how much she didn't want to speak on the matter. "My husband..." she bit her lip. "My husband, the king, was the primary target of our enemies during that conflict. Each and every battlefield he stepped hoof on he was singled out as the most valuable prize." That makes sense. Cut off the head and the body would follow. But... why even risk it? "The king... participated in battles?" "My beloved was no coward, Sunset," a small smile came to her face. "And it is no exaggeration to say he was the greatest warrior the Crystal Empire has ever produced. Had he not stood on our behalf, I'm certain the Empire would have fallen." "Then... what happened, Your Highness?" I glanced at Cadenza. She was eating quietly, her eyes closed. "An assassination attempt," she pressed a hoof against her damaged cheek. "Changeling physiology makes them experts at such deceitful actions and their magic can be... quite potent." Changelings? I'd heard about those creatures before. They weren't like other Equestrians. They were monsters. They lived underground in a "hive" and fed on the love of other creatures. I'd only ever read about them in books and the one time I'd asked Celestia about them she'd simply told me they were "complex" creatures. "But how did an attempt on your husband's life cause..." my eyes widened in realization. "You protected him." "One of his most trusted guards had been... replaced by a changeling," the pain on her face was staggering. "I was able to push him out of the way of its spell, but..." she chuckled ironically. "Well, I'm sure you can surmise what happened," she picked up her fork once again. "But you saved him," I smiled slightly. At least something good came of it. "Thankfully," she nodded in agreeance. "He was able to strike down his would be murderer and all it cost was..." she trailed off. "I would do it all over again... for him." There was no regret in the smile that spread across her lips. "With my husband leading the Empire we were eventually able to put an end to the conflict." "How so, Your Highness?" As far as I knew changelings still existed in Equestria. "Marengo sacrificed everything to bring about peace. Even the Queen of the Changelings was moved by my husband's selfless actions." There was both a strong sense of admiration and sadness coming from the queen. "If not for him, the Empire would not be in the state that it is today." "What did he do, Your Highness?" I was enthralled by her tale, so much so that I thoughtlessly asked a question I quickly realized I shouldn't have. As her head slowly drooped I felt my error bounce around in my skull. "I'm... I'm sorry." An uncomfortable silence settled on us. ... "Dad gave his life for the Empire," Cadenza drew my gaze. She was still eating, her expression impossible for me to read. "I think that's enough for now." There was a certain flintiness in the princess' voice. One that I hadn't yet encountered, but one that told me that was the end of that discussion. It was understandable. Losing somepony close to you was always hard. But... There was still one thing that was bothering me. One more thing I had to have answered. "Can... can I ask one more thing?" I asked meekly. "Of course, Sunset," the queen's gentle voice was much more welcome than her daughter's. "What is it?" "Why didn't Princess Celestia help you all?" It didn't make sense. Even Princess Luna should've been able to put an end to any "conflict" in a matter of seconds. "Marengo declined the Immortal Sister's offer of aid," she stated simply, as if it were the obvious thing to do. "W-why!?" my face screwed up in confusion. If he could've put an end to the war immediately, why wouldn't he just take that opportunity? "Peace, Sunset," the queen replied confidently. "There's no doubt in my mind Princess Celestia or Princess Luna could have annihilated the Changeling army in seconds, but my husband saw... a better future. For the Empire... and for the Changelings." "I... see," I lifted my fork with my magic, putting some rice into my mouth. The queen and Cadenza continued eating their meals as well, leaving me to stew in my thoughts. I wasn't sure if I could ever do such a thing... give my own life for an enemies sake. I wasn't even really sure I agreed with a choice like he'd made, but there was one thing I was confident in: it was admirable. It had to have taken a level of mental fortitude that I just didn't possess. King Marengo had had an indomitable will, and it was plain as day to see his sacrifice had earned the enduring devotion of his subjects for his family all these years. "He sounds like he was a great stallion," I said between bites. "He was," the queen nodded, taking a sip of her tea."I only wish that he could've been here for Ca-" "Mom," Cadenza said firmly, cutting off her parent. She still didn't look up. It was clearly a touchy subject for her. A very touchy subject for her. "Of course, my little heart," the queen didn't even try to fight. "This wasn't all for nothing, Sunset," she said returning her attention to me. "Showing you my true self and telling you of my husband's fate." "Your Highness?" "There's... somepony you must meet," she said cryptically. "Somepony that could reignite the flames of the conflict my husband gave his life to end." I had an idea of just who that might be. "As you wish, Your Highness," I started to eat a bit faster. "There's no need to rush, Sunset," the queen chuckled. "She won't be leaving her... cage any time soon. Cadenza will take you to her cell once we're done here." "Okay," I replied, looking at Cadenza. She was still the poster child for serenity, taking a quiet drink of her tea. "The first thing a changeling will do to replace its victim is corrupt its mind," the princess said calmly. "My husband proved to be incorruptible, even when facing their queen," Cantata drew my attention. "Many say Princess Celestia's heart is as pure as her sun." She lowered her fork, staring straight into my eyes. "I wonder, has her righteousness passed on to her student?" With her question came clarity. I knew why I was here, and while I was still slightly doubtful, my friends' words filled my mind. "It has, Your Highness," I put my own fork down, placing a hoof over my heart. "You can count on me!" "That's wonderful to hear," the queen smiled. "Prepare yourself, Sunset," Cadenza stated, drawing my gaze. "The Changeling Princess is not one to take lightly..." > TCE: Captain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They're useless... They're all completely useless... The three Crystal guards splayed on the ground before me were barely clinging to consciousness. If these were the best the Empire had to offer, Cantata had to be in more trouble than she'd led Celestia to believe. "This can't be it," I scoffed, staring down at the spent ponies. Shining Armor had picked me and Twilight up from our room hours ago. We were given some basic meals before the two of us were quickly whisked away to the Crystal Guard's training grounds. It was a mostly acceptable arena. Since the majority of the Crystal Ponies were unicorns their training was clearly angled toward building on that foundation. Mana stress tests, precise telekinetic maneuvers, and other such things filled the wide outdoor area. Unfortunately, it was easy to see where they were severely lacking as well. Any kind of aerial assault was completely foreign to the guard. Sure, they could put up shields to protect themselves from attacks coming from the air, but that doesn't exactly stop an attacker. And so, I'd decided to test them. Directly in front of a crowd of their peers, I requested the best step up to challenge me. They were found wanting. "Maybe you should take it a bit easier on them, Starlight," Twilight foolishly suggested, though I'm certain her heart was in the right place. "I gotta agree with Twilight, Star," Shining Armor spoke up for the first time since I'd began testing his "most promising" guards. "We're not trying to discourage them." Of course he'd agree with her. "This isn't some experiment, Spa- Twilight," I was already at the clenched teeth phase, I really didn't want to have to progress to the all-out shouting phase. At least, not yet. "Guards are meant to protect their kingdom and its ponies no matter what the personal cost. If they're treated like a bunch of foals..." I glared down at the defeated weaklings, sweeping a hoof towards them. "This is what you end up with. Dross." "Still..." Twilight clearly wanted to protest, but she knew I was right. "Isn't that what you're here for, Star?" Shining Armor said smugly. "Stop..." I whirled around to face him and his sister, wanting nothing more than to blast him into little Itty-bitty pieces. "calling me that." I kept my rage under control, but there was a threatening undercurrent in my voice that I couldn't hide. "Star..." Twilight said quietly, obviously wanting me to calm down a bit, if for nothing else than for her. "C'mon, Star. We're all friends here," he said, his pompous smile growing tenfold. I don't know what it was. His stupid face. His complete lack of respect. His utter disregard for what it meant to be somepony's friend. Maybe I was just done acting friendly with another stallion I didn't trust. Whatever the case, I let loose a blast of mana directly at the arrogant whelps face. "SHINY!?" Twilight shouted in pure panic, the attack too fast for her to stop. My spell collided with a magenta shield, the impact sending sparks of energy flying in all directions. After my mana grinded into the blockade for several seconds both flickered and then faded to nothingness. Shining Armor stood there just as confidently as before, a smirk on his lips, though he was breathing much harder than a second ago. "No need to worry, Twily. I can take care of myself," he chuckled nervously. "I gotta admit, though... you're a lot stronger than you look, Starlight." "A guard is only as strong as its leader," I sneered at the stallion. "Why don't we see just how strong the Captain of the Crystal Empire really is." "Sounds fun," he didn't take his eyes off of me. "So long as you don't try to kill me or anything," he joked. Or maybe it wasn't one. I didn't really care either way. "Let's see where the day takes us, Shiny," I mocked him and that dumb nickname of his. "Starlight!" Twilight was next to me in a hot second, a furious expression on her face. "We're supposed to be helping not-" "Do you trust me?" I asked calmly, not taking my eyes off of her brother who'd moved to help his troops back to their hooves. "I..." When she didn't answer soon enough I turned my gaze to her, seeing that she'd turned away. "Twilight!" I snapped at her, drawing her surprised face back to me. "Do YOU trust me?" I was more than a little worried by her reserved demeanor. She didn't even want to look me in the eyes, her gaze locked to the side. "I... I think so..." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "I think I do, Starlight." It hurt a little, but I understood. It was the best I was going to get from her right now, and the honesty was much appreciated. "Then let me do things the way I know how," I smiled weakly at her. She finally looked at me, a tired frown on her face. "Fine," she sighed as she stepped away from me. "Just promise me you won't kill him." "For a friend?" I chuckled. "I'll do my best." "STAR!" she glared at me. "I'm kidding, Sp- Twilight," I grinned back. "He'll be juuuust fine when I'm done with him." He was finished attending to his embarrassed guards, now waiting for me and Twilight to finish our spat. His cocky smile hadn't left his face, although I could detect that same uncertainty as before when he'd blocked my spell. He must've known I could squash him like an insect if I wanted to. Either that, or he was trying to convince himself that he somehow stood a chance. "Soooo... what did you have in mind, Starlight?" He was being much more polite now. As if I'd care. "A one-on-one magic duel. First to make the other concede or lose consciousness wins," I explained the terms of the game plainly. "Then can't I just-" "Look around yourself, Shining Armor," Twilight cut him off. He did just that. I guess Twilight understood my plan as well. Each and every guard was filled with determination. Filled with the hope that their captain could put the one who'd ridiculed their allies into her proper place. A glint came to his eyes, a spark of something that wasn't there before that I couldn't quite identify. Whatever it was, it made all the hairs on my body stand on end. "Alright, Starlight! I'll show you what I've got!" he roared confidently, his horn shining brightly. "Bring it on, SHINY!" I fueled my own horn, prepared for any kind of attack he might throw at me. "SHOW HER HOW IT'S DONE, CAPTAIN!" "TEACH HER A LESSON, SIR!" "SHUT THAT PRETTY LITTLE MOUTH OF HERS, CAP!" Every single pony currently occupying the training grounds looked at the third guard that had shouted. "BIG! I MEANT BIG!" he waved his hooves in front of himself. "BOO! BIG MOUTH! BOO!" "And you wonder why your guard is lacking," I returned my attention to the stallion in front of me. "They're so pathetic they'd rather fawn over an enemy than fight them." "Can you really blame them?" he shook his head, clearly amused. "To be fair, you are REALLY cute." "Y-you..." I blushed fiercely. Not because I was flattered or enticed by his words, but because it was just so darned embarrassing. "YOU'RE ENGAGED!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, hoping to toss back some of that embarrassment. "Ironyyyy!" Twilight called out in a sing-songy voice. "SPARKLES!" I was fuming, but I didn't take my eyes off of my opponent. "YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" "I am," Shining Armor shrugged. "Doesn't change the fact that you're quite a looker, Star." "Shining Armor..." I lowered my head, pouring more mana into my horn. "If you're not going to make the first move, I'll gladly take the initiative," I growled through gritted teeth. "Ladies fir-" A crash of turquoise lightning slammed into him directly from above. The crack of thunder it produced enough to force everypony except Twilight and myself to their behinds. The debris and smoke that had been kicked up from my blast took nearly a minute to fully clear. To his credit, Shining Armor remained standing, but he was visibly wobbling. His coat was singed and there was no barrier or shield around him to be seen, but the fact that he wasn't out cold meant he'd protected himself well enough. "SWEET CELESTIA, STARLIGHT!" he shook his head, getting the cobwebs out. "Warn a stallion when you're gonna do something like that, would you?" "I did warn you," I said as a slight smile lifted my lips. It was nice seeing him in a state other than smug overconfidence. "Staaaar..." Twilight's reprimanding voice carried all the irritation she must've been feeling. "You said not to kill him, Twilight," I began charging another spell. "He's not dead." She huffed angrily at my response. I was holding back, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to teach him a lesson. Don't buck with me, cretin! "Alright," his horn flickered to life again. "Definitely don't wanna get hit by something like that again." "Tell you what, Shiny," I chuckled. "I'll let you have the next attack." His confused face told me just how caught off guard he was by my declaration. "If you by some miracle manage to impress me, I'll follow your orders for the duration of my stay in the Empire." He closed his eyes, a wide smile coming to his lips. He laughed riotously for almost a minute straight before wiping away a tear from his eye. "How unlucky can one stallion be?" he sighed, his smile persisting. "Hm?" I lifted a brow. "I thought it was awfully magnanimous of me to make such an offer." "Oh, it's beyond generous," he admitted. "Unfortunately, I can't take advantage of your kindness." I looked at Twilight in the hopes of getting some context or clarification. She shrugged, lifting a hoof lazily. "As far as I know, ever since he was a foal, my brother has never trained up his offensive spells." His sister's words nearly caused me to fall over. ... He's a bleeding PACIFIST!? Another snap of lightning flicked the ground right next to him, the bolt of energy not restrained by me at all. He recoiled from the arc, but the thunderclap right after was powerful enough to knock him over. Had I hit him with the spell I was confident he'd be a goner. "YOU'RE A BUCKING PACIFIST!?" My mind was reeling. It made no sense. He was the Captain of the Guard. He was the one who had to ensure the safety of an entire kingdom... and he... "Guilty as charged," he was staring at the charred ground where my attack had landed. "Is that really such a reprehensible thing?" "You're supposed to protect ponies!" I wanted to walk over to him and deck him in the face, but we were still dueling. For all I knew this could just be a ploy to get me to let my guard down. "How do you expect to do that when you won't even fight for them!?" "By protecting them," he replied with no doubt in his voice, his horn shimmering brightly. "YOU-" "STARLIGHT!" I glared at Twilight, wondering exactly why she'd deem it necessary to interrupt me when I was trying to "help" her brother. "WHAT, SPARKLES!?" I growled. I'm pretty certain veins were bulging somewhere on my neck. "Look around yourself, Star," she replied calmly. What does she... As I took in my surroundings better I realized what she wanted me to. The crowd of guards surrounding the three of us were covered in Shining Armor's magenta magical aura. He's... I don't know why, but discovering what he was doing, what his strategy was for our duel... it sent me right over the deep end. So there really are ponies like him in the world? I charged my horn with even more mana, the energy growing from it several inches longer than the actual spire. I was no longer raging. On the contrary, I was as calm as the peaceful sea. Where were ponies like him when I needed them? "You honestly think you can protect them without fighting me?" I turned my wrath back to the weaklings. "S-Star?" Twilight's voice had a smidgeon of panic lacing it. She was correct to feel such a way. I was going to see if his ideals held true and his soldiers would be the perfect test subjects. If he's not fit to lead... they'd die eventually anyway. "I'll show you why Princess Celestia chose me to protect her," he smirked. "Celestia?" I raised a brow, the revelation that he was part of her inner circle throwing me off a bit. "How utterly... predictable." "Wanna elaborate?" he asked, his horn still trying to sing louder than mine. "It makes sense you served under her," I snorted. "She's all about peace and virtue until..." Her eyes, those nightmarish eyes, flashed through my mind. "Until she isn't." ... "You talk like you have first-hoof experience." It wasn't an insult or anything of the sort, merely an observation, but it made me bristle with anger. "I've come face to face with an enraged Sun Princess," I confessed. He didn't flinch. "When push comes to shove, she'd burn a pony to cinders without a second thought." His eyes lit up, his smile growing wide as he licked his lips. It was like that was exactly what he wanted to hear. As if I'd walked right into his trap. "Oh I see what happened," he laughed, clearly mocking me. "You did something stupid and fell into the hooves of a living goddess..." his smile grew along with my rage. "I'm not sure what you did, but... I'm betting paying for your crimes isn't something you ever thought you'd have to do, huh?" The barb was meant to hurt, I knew that. It wouldn't have worked, but for some reason I'd decided to look at Twilight at that very moment. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe sympathy? There was none to be found in her. She stared back, the cold judgment on her face making me flinch before my head fell. "Villains always loathe their actions getting brought into the light of the sun," he continued his onslaught. "I'm... I'm not a-" "You sure act like one," he wasn't going to let me talk. The magic duel had become a mental battle... and he was annihilating me. "CRIMINAL!" "VILLAIN!" "YOU'RE A NIGHTMARE!" "I... I..." My mana failed me, my horn immediately flickering out. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. A monster? Sure. A villain? A... Nightmare? ... "STAR!" I snapped to attention, looking back at the violet unicorn. "T-Twilight?" "FOCUS!" she ordered me. I stared at her, my mouth agape. "Or are you intending to lose?" "S... Sparkles..." I shook my head, determination flowing through my veins. I may be a monster. I may be a villain. I may even be a Nightmare. But... There was one thing I knew I wasn't, and it was time to prove it. "Enough chitchat," I flared my horn, ready to take on the entire world as I refocused on the Captain of the Guard. "This is a magic duel, not a conversation." "You better be thankful for my sister," he snorted. "You were pretty much done for." "I said," my spell was complete. "ENOUGH TALKING!" Shining Armor looked completely confused as shadows began to overtake all of us standing in the training grounds. He slowly raised his eyes to see a countless number of flaming meteors falling from the heavens directly towards him and his troops. "STAR-" Twilight's voice made me alter my tactics just a bit. I teleported the purple unicorn right behind myself. "light?" "You'll be safe here. Just don't move," I explained, casting a barrier around her. If I wanted this ploy to work, he had to believe it and I wouldn't just leave Twilight unprotected if I was trying to blow everything up. As soon as he noticed I'd moved his sister a look of true concern finally came to his face. "Haaaave fuuuun..." I cooed. His horn pulsed, a ring of energy blasting out in all directions as he scrambled to protect all that he could. "BELIEVE IN CAPTAIN ARMOR!" "YOU CAN DO IT, SIR!" "WE BELIEVE IN YOU!" Won't make a difference. No matter how strong his spell might be, it wouldn't be able to stop what I'd conjured. And his little underlings could do all the cheering they wanted. None of it would change anything. It was an illusion. There were no projectiles. The rocks would fall and explode into harmless particles as soon as they made contact with any solid object. If he was as righteous as he claimed to be everything would be fine. If he was a coward he'd look one in front of his guard and his sibling. If he wants a battle of wits, I'll give him one. He glared at me. The look in his eyes told me he knew there was no way he could stop such a catastrophic attack. The swarm of molten spheres was drawing closer and closer and the soon to be prince was trying to formulate a plan of action. "Tick tock, SHINY!" I had to have been glowing. There was nothing he could do. Not a thing, other than begging or running. "... can't just..." Twilight was saying something behind me, but I couldn't make out all of it. The stallion's face lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree. What is he- A gleam came to his eye, something I'd never experienced flying directly at me. I was able to dodge at the very last moment, whatever the projectile had been clipping some of my mane off. Before I could even react my meteors landed. Fountains of magical sparks fell, covering the ground and the ponies all around me. Shining Armor stood up straight, shaking the magical dust from his body. He was literally and figuratively glowing. He'd stood his ground. He hadn't run away. I couldn't care less. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" I bellowed stomping my way up to the stallion. He simply lifted a brow in reply, his smile growing wider. "I SAID WH-" "STARLIGHT!" I was grabbed from behind, pulled roughly backwards. "S-Sparkles!?" She had a firm grip on my withers, much firmer than I'd ever expect from somepony with such a meager frame. "We NEED to talk," she huffed as she dragged me away from him. I looked back at the arrogant captain. "This ISN'T over!" I growled. He merely raised his chin in response, his smug smile growing even wider. > TCE: Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find somewhere you can talk without being seen. A secluded place, so that nopony will be able to see or hear you. I looked to and fro, the mostly empty field that made up the Crystal guards' training grounds offered no such safe haven from my position. "Sparkles, what're you-" "Wait, Starlight!" I all but hissed the command, swiftly putting an end to her protests. Where... Whe- THERE! I dragged the mare to the little shack off to the side of the field in the corner. I wasn't sure what it was for, but... Yes! It wasn't locked. I pulled her inside, closed the door behind us, and cast a quick spell to illuminate the room. It was full of supplies like wooden swords, shields, and other things of a similar nature. The Crystal guard obviously used it for storing their training equipment. It was perfect for giving us the privacy we desperately needed at the moment. "Twilight... what's going on?" I'd honestly expected her to make a joke. Something crude. 'If you wanted to get me alone, all you had to do was ask, Sparkles.' Something along those lines. At least she's finally taking something seriously. "What were you thinking!?" I tried to remain calm, but reflecting on what I'd just witnessed her do brought all the pent up anger flooding back to the surface. She looked at me as if I was the one who'd done something wrong, her look of confusion infuriating me further. "What was I doing!? I was TESTING your brother, Twilight!" she slammed her hoof against the floor, apparently not knowing where else to direct her annoyance. "You're right! We are here to help! What did it look like I was doing!?" "It looked like you were trying to kill him and his guards!" I wasn't about to back down any time soon. She was really pushing the boundaries of what we could and couldn't get away with in the Empire. She's a representative of Her Majesty now. She can't just go around acting like a crazy pony. "It was a TRICK, Twilight!" she slapped a hoof against her forehead. "I'm not going around trying to murder ponies! What do you think I am!? Crazy!?" Ironic. "You ARE crazy!" I tried not to laugh at the absurdity of her question, my reply causing her to flinch. Does she really have such little self-awareness? "How stupid do you think I am, Starlight!?" I got right in her face, our noses nearly touching. I really, REALLY wanted to slap some sense into her, but if this turned into anything other than a conversation, I'd be at a huge disadvantage. "Do you really think I'm THAT weak!?" "WHAT are you on about, Twilight!?" she moved forward, our noses making contact. "Do you honestly think I can't see through one of your illusory spells!?" I pressed a hoof into her chest, my pride nearly shattered. "Illusions are one of my mistress' strongest areas, Starlight! I KNOW how to detect one being used!" "I-" "Are you saying YOU'RE better than HER at conjuring illusions?" I grabbed the tuft of fur on her chest tightly. I wasn't certain what I'd do if she answered incorrectly, but I had to give myself some sort of tactical advantage if she did. "I KNOW what spell I casted," she said quietly, narrowing her eyes on me. Each word she'd delivered was dripping with fury, but she managed to keep control of herself. "If YOU couldn't see through it, then that sounds like a YOU problem, not a shortcoming of OUR mentor." Her snap back hit harder than I was expecting, causing me to let her go and move back just a bit. I'd expected some degree of sass. I hadn't expected her to use my- Our OUR mentor against me. I went to open my mouth, but I didn't know what to say, her jab far more effective than I'd initially thought. I slowly lowered my hoof to the ground, trying my best to think of a comeback, of anything to say. Nothing came. ... "What did you see, Twilight?" she asked, no longer looking my way. ... "I saw you drop a spell that probably could've turned all of the training grounds to rubble if it wasn't stopped," I uncomfortably rubbed my foreleg with a hoof. "There was... a lot of fire." She looked at me as if I'd just told her she was going to be executed. "My brother's spell protected everything... and everypony." She was on me in a second, examining me like I was a specimen in a lab and she was a far too curious scientist. She was making me even more uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that I couldn't meet her gaze. "Look at me, Twilight!" she demanded. I lifted my head, coming face to face with her. She continued to scrutinize my eyes, searching. For what, I had no clue, but her hoof clutched my chin, keeping me facing forward. ... "Starlight, wh-" "He did something." She let me go before spinning around and heading directly for the door. She was pissed. I couldn't let her leave in such an unruly state. "Starlight!" My horn ignited, covering the door in my magenta aura. She stopped moving forward, but continued to stare at the exit. "What are you planning to do?" "Drop your spell, Twilight," she stated firmly, refusing to turn my way. "Not until you tell me what you're gonna do, Star." Though I was just as firm as she had been, I tried to extend an olive branch as well. If she went berserk now, she'd be able to blow my magic away with little effort and then who knows what trouble she might get into. Please, Starlight... "I'm just going to go have a word with your brother," she said, trying to sound calm. If I let her leave things would definitely go downhill fast. "Can't you just... can't you just calm down a little first?" I tried not to sound like I was pleading, yet that's exactly what I was doing. "I am calm," she replied cooly. "He's not who you think he is, Twilight. He's playing at something," her head lowered slightly. "I know a monster when I see one. Trust me." "Give me a reason to, Star," I replied. "Please, just-" "So you're gonna take his side then?" her head lifted a fraction. "Even after what he did to you?" her horn shined brightly. "You're going to trust him over me?" ... "You're not giving me much of a choice, Star," I reached out to her with a hoof, my heart hurting. ... She laughed quietly. "So this is what friendship is?" she roughly rubbed her eyes with a foreleg. No, not laughing... "If that's the case... I don't want it. Not yours." She turned to face me, tears cascading from her eyes. "Screw you, Twilight." Her grief filled words struck me harder than any magic ever could. My horn flickered out, my spell fading immediately. "S-Star..." I whispered weakly, unable to do anything else as she turned and left me alone in the shack. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Great job, Twilight! You somehow managed to completely alienate one of the only ponies in your life that might actually care about you. I knew for a fact she was at fault, yet I couldn't bring myself to be mad at her. Not after I'd seen her reaction. I'd expected her to come at me with all the fury she had for Shining Armor, but... she hadn't. She really is starting to care. And even more unfortunately... so was I. Ever since my mistress had started pushing me into this whole "friendship" thing I'd made a real effort to meet and surpass her expectations. I never thought I'd be put in a position where I might hurt a friend. Where I might hurt somepony that I... ... I still hadn't moved from the spot she'd left me in. I was sat on my haunches, staring at the door of the shack like an idiot, hoping she'd come back. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to beg her for forgiveness. I wanted... I want... I want... her. ... Guess I'm finally admitting it. I sighed. Why, though? I couldn't really come up with an answer. At least not one that made any sense. She's crude. She's arrogant. She's irritating. And... I rubbed my face with my hooves. And she's really smart. She's strong, too. And she makes everything so much more... fun. I didn't have to convince myself. All I had to do was think about her and I knew it was the truth. I really like her. ... Y... Your Majesty? Without thinking, I'd closed my eyes and called out to my mistress. I'm here, my dearest, she replied instantly, her spectral form appearing before me in the darkness of my mind. She was somehow even more beautiful than in person. What is it you require of me? I'm-Forgive me, Your Highness. I really don't know what had driven me to contact her out of the blue like this. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bothering you. I know you're busy. My dearest... she smiled. I would stop time itself if you asked it of me, she trotted over to my side, chuckling slightly. I've all the time in the world for you. What's on your mind. Can we just... talk a bit? I didn't want to start things off in fourth gear. Of course we can, my dearest, she looked down at me, comprehension coming to her features. Did you have something particular in mind you wanted to discuss? No, your Highness. It was only partly a lie. How is your trip going? The Thestral Dominion is beautiful this time of year, or so... I've heard... from you, I blushed. Tis going well, she covered her mouth with a hoof, holding in some of the laughter. I'll bring you along with me one day when we're not so bogged down by our responsibilities so you can see it for yourself. And the king? How is he doing, Your Majesty. My mistress had spoken many times of the relationship she'd cultivated with the ruler of the thestrals. As far as I could tell, they were beyond close. Maybe even intimately so, though I could never be certain. I suppose such a relationship could be too much of a risk for her. Without the bond she'd developed with the King of the Thestrals, the Dominion and Equestria never would've come to peaceful terms. Not even Princess Celestia had been able to sway the king when it came to peace talks. It was reasonable to believe that my mistress wouldn't risk peace for her own interests. She was selfless like that. She'd always been selfless like that. King Sombra is doing well, the smile that bloomed on her face told me that my suspicions might just be correct. As always, he is treating me with the utmost respect and kindness. It seems like you really like him, Your Majesty, I decided to test the waters. He's one of few I can truly call a friend, my dearest, she grinned wider. I treasure him. Just a friend, Your Highness? I pressed harder, lifting a curious brow. What do you- she looked a little confused before realization came to her face. A very dear friend, Twilight. Nothing more. Why, Princess? I asked, a little more than disappointed. There's only one pony my heart could ever belong to, Twilight, she looked off into the void around us. She is a truly special mare. She, Your Highness? Do I know her? That was an interesting revelation. I'll tell you all about her one day, my dearest, she smiled deviously. For now, I believe it's time we address your problem. O-of course, Your Highness. I wasn't sure if she was trying to avoid my questions, but she'd gone out on a limb for me, so I would for her. What happened, my dearest? I... I really messed up, Your Highness, I groaned. I wanted to lean on her for support, but she wasn't really there. Not physically, at least. Tell me more, my dearest. I promise, I shall do all I can to aid you. She unfurled a wing, but then tucked it back away swiftly. My brother's been acting... strange, Your Majesty. Ever since we got here he's been so... nice to me. I don't really know what to do, I explained. What do you want to do, my dearest? While it was a simple question it was one I wasn't sure how to answer. I... I thought of Princess Celestia and how good it felt to reconcile with her. How good it felt to let go of that grudge. I want to stop being so angry, Your Highness. Something... or somepony is standing in your way, she declared more than asked. Who or what, is it? Starlight, I answered with a sigh. She doesn't trust him. At all. Hmmm... She needed time to think, and so, I gave it to her. ... Tell me your thoughts on Starlight, my dearest. I'd figured she might go in that direction. I wouldn't hide anything from her. She's impulsive, but she's smart. She gets mad quickly, but it's typically for a good reason. She's manipulative, but it's usually all in good fun. She's... I rubbed my face with a hoof. I like her, Your Majesty As do I, my dearest, she agreed with me, though I'm not sure she fully understood what I'd meant. Despite her more... prickly aspects, I trust her abilities as well as her judgement, she looked at me once again, a smile on her lips. If she warned you to be cautious, I would heed her words. I lowered my head, the guilt getting to me again. I nodded a few times. Do you... do you think she'll ever forgive me? I looked up at her, hoping. Do you know the truly funny thing about real friends, my dearest? she booped me on the snoot and I somehow actually felt it. What, Your Highness? I asked, her touch already making me feel much better. In spite of how foolish a fight may be, true friends somehow always find their way back to one another. She hugged me, causing me to open my eyes in reality. Find her, my dearest. Make amends, her voice echoed in my head. ... I stood to my hooves, determination filling me. As I made my way to the door it was quickly pushed open. "Sh-Shining!?" I froze, my brother walking into the shack with a concerned look on his face. Seeing him okay lifted my spirits even more. Thank goodness... "Oh good! You're not dead!" he... joked? At least, I was hoping it was just a joke. "Why would I be?" I asked, honestly curious as to why he'd even think something like that. "Starlight left in a tizzy. I tried to stop her, but... yeah that wasn't gonna happen," he chuckled uncomfortably, scratching his mane. "I think her exact words were: 'Buck off you pathetic excuse for a stallion'. I smiled at the thought. That does sound like her. "I gave it a couple minutes before I came to check on you," he explained, his expression softening. "I'm glad she didn't hurt you." A couple minutes? But I've been in here for... I guess Her Highness wasn't just posturing. "She wouldn't hurt me," I stated confidently. "but-" "She is a little unhinged, Twily," he drew closer to me. "I don't know how close the two of you actually are, but if even Princess Celestia could hurt you the way she did..." He let me connect the dots myself and, unfortunately, the picture wasn't one I liked. "You hurt me too," I said defensively. He sighed, his head drooping. "I know," he didn't deny it. "I screwed up." He lifted a hoof toward me, a smile coming to his face. "But you're my little sister, Twily. And I'm your big brother. I'll always love you." "I..." I didn't know what to say. "You have to forgive me, Twily." Just say okay. ... "Okay, Shiny... I... forgive... you." > TCE: Deception > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Keep your wits about you, Sunset," Cadenza warned me as the two of us descended further into the palace's dungeons. "Shining did all he could to constrain her, but she is a changeling, and a very powerful one at that... She may even be the strongest to ever live." "Constrain her?" I asked. "Yes. Mana limiters, an anti-magic field... everything we could think of to restrict her," she explained. "Unfortunately, changeling magic doesn't work like unicorn or alicorn magic so... none of what we've done is actually fool proof." "I see," I replied earnestly. That meant she might not be as contained as they hoped. That thought was more than troubling. The dungeons of the Crystal Empire we traveled within were every bit as dark and imposing as Canterlot's. Normally, I would've been forced to use an illumination spell to light our way if not for the Crystal guard already doing so for us. The stallion marched in front of Cadenza and I, remaining silent our entire trek thus far. "I'll do my best, Your Highness. Is there anything in particular I should keep an eye out for?" I asked, puffs of vapor flowing from my mouth with each breath. While the dungeons were a little too cold for my tastes, -- a moist chill permeating the air -- I made a mental note that the conditions within each cell we passed by were impeccable. Most were empty, -- lending credence to the fact that the Empire really was a much safer place than the capital of Equestria -- though a scant few contained criminals, but they all appeared fairly content in their prisons. The queen clearly took good care of those in her empire, even the transgressors. Each and every time I'd gone down into the dungeons in Canterlot I was reminded just how troublesome the population there could be. Though I suppose that's because there is no escaping my mentor's gaze. "When facing one of them, this is most crucial," Cadenza remarked as she pointed a hoof at her head, breaking me out of my reverie. It's a good thing Star is so paranoid. The night before our departure the lilac mare had insisted on erecting several mental barriers in my mind as well as Twilight's. Thankfully, me and the violet unicorn were smart enough to trust our friend. If we hadn't... "Changelings are... wily creatures," Cadenza pulled me from my thoughts yet again. "They burrow their way into your mind to glean information so they can murder you and steal your life away. Then... then they feed on your loved ones... until..." she didn't finish. She didn't have to. The clip-clop of our hooves echoing off the desolate walls was the only sound to be heard as she became silent. ... "That's... really disturbing," I shuddered, finally gaining enough courage to speak. I'd read many times about changelings replacing other creatures, but none of the books I'd come across said anything about them killing. It makes sense though. Why risk the possibility of being found out if you could just get rid of all the evidence? "They are dreadful creatures." The revulsion in her voice was thick, a disgusted frown coming to her face. She looked down at me, her visage still contorted in intense repugnance. "You wanted to know what happened to Marengo..." For some reason, the mention of her father didn't appear to improve her mood. "Mom won't talk about it, but I will," she hissed. "He offered himself to the Changeling Queen. They feed on love..." she sighed, her anger dissipating suddenly. "So... he gave himself... to satisfy their disgusting hunger." "Gave... himself?" I gulped, coming to a stop. I couldn't walk any further, my legs shaking as if I were standing in an earthquake. I nearly collapsed, sending strength to my knees so I'd remain standing. I wasn't sure exactly what she'd meant, but I knew it wasn't anything good. "Hold on for a moment, Tidal," the princess ordered the guard who abruptly came to a stop. "Yes, Your Highness!" he replied with a stomp of his forehooves. "Can you... can you be a bit more precise?" I stared at the ground, not wanting to look her in the eye. "I'm not sure what you mean." "He left m- left us to be their food source," she growled, the frustration bubbling right back up to the surface. "It was the greatest act of love he could think to perform," she shook her head, her gaze falling. "Love for us..." she looked at me with a wry smile. "And love for those... abominations." That fact seemed to be especially devastating to her. "To this day... I don't even know if he still lives." "You don't..." I felt sick to my stomach, my breakfast threatening to come up of its own accord. T-twenty years!? I couldn't prevent myself from trembling. To be a prisoner for that long and to be... FED on the entire time? The possibility of her claim being true was... terrifying... and I had no reason to doubt her. "You hate them... don't you?" I asked. "I do," she stated simply, no emotion in her voice. "I hate those monsters... but I hate HIM most of all." She pointed a hoof forward, her expression void of any feeling. I didn't need any clarifications. With the way she'd ordered, I knew I wouldn't get one anyway. I nodded obediently as the three of us began moving again. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Well... this is unexpected." The voice was a horrid sound, like nails dragging slowly along a chalkboard. It was exactly what I'd imagine a snake with a sore throat would sound like... if one could ever actually speak. The alien voice had come from deep within the darkness, sending chills up and down my spine. Princess Cadenza and I stood before the largest cell we'd come across so far. The guard, who I'd gathered was named Tidal, was stationed just outside the room the two of us had entered -- along with two other guards -- in case we required their aid. It was nearly pitch black now, -- somehow even darker than the rest of the cavernous dungeons -- but a pair of small torches -- one on either side of said cell -- helped me see that the bars surrounding the jail were made of what I'd gathered to be pure diamond. What little I could see other than that didn't reveal much else. "Princess Chrysalis..." Cadenza spoke firmly, now back in politician mode. "We've come to discuss... your release." I nearly collapsed yet again. Wha... her what!? "W-WHAT!?" I shouted, staring in disbelief at the princess. "What do you mean 'release', Cadenza!?" "Oh I see," the changeling hissed, though it wasn't a sound of discomfort or irritation, but one of delight. "You've come to beg!" she cackled, a sound much like glass shattering. "How very... interesting..." "Wh-" Cadenza scoffed in disbelief, leaving me to fumble about like a foal. "As if I would ever even ask you for anything, monster!" The Princess of the Changelings' only reply was more raucous laughter. It was way too dark, adding a foreboding element to the already imposing changeling. If I'd learned anything from Celestia about politics it was not to let a rival dictate the pace or mood of a discussion. I ignited my horn in an attempt to illuminate the area, to shine a light in the darkness. It was a mistake. As my horn began to sing I realized the changeling's laughter had stopped. "Suns-" "Sun-set Shimmer," the changeling cut Princess Cadenza's slightly panicked voice off. She'd emphasized nearly every syllable, as if saying my name bothered her to such a degree that it was as if she were spitting out a rotten flower she'd mistakenly tried to eat. I'd gotten her attention, though I wish I hadn't. As light began to emanate from my horn I heard the clip-clop of hooves, though they almost sounded... moist, as if they were stepping through dense mud. "You honestly believe your pathetic little spell can overcome the darkness of the Princess of the Changelings?" As the hoofsteps approached us, I finally realized what was going on. It's not dark because of the environment, I shuddered. It's coming from her. As the changeling stepped up to the bars, it was more than obvious that she was encompassed by a billowing darkness. Despite the fact that she was less than a meter away from me and Cadenza, I couldn't see her body at all. "H-how!?" I let my disbelief slip out of my mouth, an odious mistake when amongst somepony like her. Normally, I wouldn't have screwed up so spectacularly, but being able to do... whatever she was doing without mana, was impossible. "Such a naive little fool," she said disdainfully, sending a jolt through me. "Be silent." Amidst the darkness two shimmering jade eyes appeared, immediately forcing me directly onto my flank. "Adults are speaking." I don't know what it was, don't know what kind of magic she'd used, but I couldn't move my body. I couldn't open my mouth, couldn't even make a sound, my vocal chords themselves seemingly paralyzed. "Enough, monster!" Cadenza shouted, drawing the ire of the changeling. "We may not like each other, but we're not at war. We're not even technically enemies," the princess took a breath to calm herself. "Just tell me why you came here and you'll be set free. I give you my word as the sole princess of the Crystal Empire." The jade eyes became several times larger before narrowing to slits. "Little Princess Cadance... Sadly, you're just as big a fool as our young guest here," she taunted, her pleasure clearly mounting. "You dare speak to me with such insolence!?" The calm that Cadenza had worked to attain was destroyed in an instant, her face twisted with rage. "I could have you hanged, drawn, and quartered this very moment!" The explosion of laughter that came from the changeling brought a vivid blush to Cadenza's cheeks. Whether the tinge was from embarrassment or rage, I couldn't say for sure. "I highly doubt that, Cadenza," she sighed as if she'd just finished a satisfying meal. "You're absolutely terrified. That is why you're here." "I..." Cadenza took a step back, drawing away from the cell. Even somepony with no experience dealing with politicians could see the Changeling Princess had struck a nerve. "That's why you ran allll the way to Canterlot to ask for Celestia's help," she cackled. "But Celestia isn't coming, is she?" Cadenza's head fell. "You couldn't even manage to get little Luna's aid. And now you're all alone," a long black limb lifted out of the cage from between the bars. Full of gnarled holes and glistening with moisture, it gradually moved towards the princess. "If word reaches my mother that you're holding me here," the monster's hoof cupped Cadenza's cheek. "It's all over for you and your little "Empire", isn't it?" "I-is that what you want?" There was no longer any confidence in the princess. The changeling had full control of the conversation and she was utilizing that position of power to its fullest. "To d-destroy our home?" "Oh, Cadenza," Chrysalis clicked her tongue a few times in disapproval. "Do you honestly think I'm so stupid I'd tell you what I want?" The Princess lifelessly pushed Chrysalis' hoof away, being sure not to strike the changeling. "Then we've nothing to talk about," Cadenza sighed, her efforts to broker peace slamming directly into a concrete wall. "On the contrary," Chrysalis giggled. "We've much to discuss, Cadenza." "I don't see what we could possibly have to-" "How about dear old daddy?" the changeling's question caused the princess to go rigid, her eyes shooting open. In a delayed second Cadenza tried to hide the clear shift in her demeanor, putting on a serene expression, but the damage had already been done. "What of Marengo?" she tried to say it calmly, but the slight wobble in her jaw indicated she was feeling otherwise. It was easy to see what she really wanted to ask. "Perhaps he's why I'm here," the changeling knew she had an even more advantageous position and pushed harder. "Perhaps... he is the one who sent me." "CHRYSALIS!" Cadenza pressed her hooves against the bars, a truly concerned look on her face. "If you have any sense of decency..." she was on the verge of tears. "Please! Tell me what's become of my father! Tell me he's alive!" It was a complete defeat for the pegasus. The Changeling Princess had won a decisive victory, her riotous laughter the obvious way she'd decided to celebrate. "Oh, Cady," she sighed once again, pure pleasure coming off of her. "You're so much fun." "Please, Chrysalis..." Cadenza fell to her knees, her head sagging downwards. "Please?" Cadenza... no... Once again, the changeling's hoof raised, but this time she laid it atop Cadenza's head, patting it gently. "I'm sorry." Strangely enough, there actually seemed to be an undercurrent of remorse in the changeling's voice. "I could never lie to you, little sister." Despite the restrictions on my movement, I nearly fell over for the third time. S-sister!? "Wh-what?" Cadenza's confused demeanor as she lifted her head made it abundantly clear she was not previously privy to such information. "Oh-hohoho..." Chrysalis laughed though it was a much different sound than before. This time it was almost as if she pitied the pegasus. "You didn't know..." "Y-You're lying," the princess squeaked out, her declaration anything but convincing. "You c-" "Daddy never told you," the changeling grinned mockingly. "Or was it your mother who kept the truth from you all these years?" "Mom w-wouldn't... she wouldn't lie to me," Cadenza looked completely lost, as if she was suddenly a filly left all alone in the Everfree. Her gaze was locked on the floor, her body slumping. "Would she?" "Why do you think Dad fell in love with her in the first place?" Chrysalis continued to press, forcing the princess to the ledge. "She's always been nothing more than a lying whore." Cadenza's fury exploded to the surface, her teeth clenched as she got back on her hooves. "I won't let y-" "At this point she's practically a changeling herself, using that necklace of hers," a wide toothy green grin formed under the pair of eyes. "Who do you think she got it from? Ask her, Cady." The Princess of the Crystal Empire looked like she wanted to argue, like she wanted to fight back, but her resolve crumbled, a sharp huff of anger escaping her. Without another word the pegasus rushed away, not even acknowledging me on her way to find her mother. ... "All too easy," the changeling's smile grew. "Now then, onto the more important matter." As she chuckled quietly I was suddenly freed, able to move my body again. "You lied to her," I rubbed my throat with a hoof, the sensation a bit strange. "Why would I do that?" she asked matter-of-factly. I wasn't certain, but I had a hunch. "I can't say for sure, but we are alone now," I replied honestly. "What better way to do that than to send her into a frenzy with a bunch of falsehoods." "You flatter me, Sunset," she waved a hoof toward the cell, calling me over. "I spoke nothing but the truth." I walked closer, deciding to test the waters. "If you're really being honest..." I took a deep breath, knowing what I faced and what was at stake if I was defeated by such a foe. "Show yourself. Surely I deserve that much." The same raucous laughter as before. "You know, I've never come face to face with Celestia," she said between laughs. "But that's exactly something I'd expect her to say." It was a flattering compliment, though she hadn't meant it as one. Being compared to my mentor in any way was always welcome. "Then you'll face me?" I stayed determined. She reached out of the cell again. I stood my ground, her hoof stopping just before making contact with my face. "Very well, I suppose you're worthy of my presence." She lowered her foreleg, the darkness around her slowly beginning to dissipate. I don't know what I'd expected. No, that's not true. I'd expected a grotesque monster. I'd expected to be horrified by the hideous being standing before me. As the darkness fully fled, I stood in awe. While she did possess some... eccentricities, -- the holes, definitely the holes... so many holes... and the fangs -- she was positively beautiful. Her slender black body was just as large as my mentor's, though a bit more lanky. The aforementioned holes peppered around her hooves and even up along her larger than average horn. Along her withers and wrapping around her stomach her carapace was a shining jade material, just like her large round eyes. Her long, dark teal mane and tail were both straight and only covered with holes at their ends. The pair of insect-like wings along her back were also dotted with circles, but both shimmered mesmerizingly in the light of the torches. I bit my lip, a slight blush coming to my face due to the foreign creature staring at me. I'd seen changelings in books. They didn't look like this. "Careful, protégé of Celestia," she smirked confidently. "It is foal's play for the Princess of the Changelings to dominate your mind once her allure fully beguiles you." I knew it wasn't a warning. A creature like this would want to take over my mind. She was trying to goad me. I turned away, embarrassed that I'd been so enthralled by a creature like her. "I didn't expect... this to be your true form," I confessed. There was no point in lying, I had nothing to hide. "And what exactly did you expect, protégé of the Sun Princess?" she asked, genuine curiosity in her voice. "A disgusting monster," I stated bluntly. A fit of entertained laughter escaped her maw. "I assure you, young one," her grin persisted. "That isn't as far from the truth as you might think." She licked her lips, her long, slithering tongue making her seem even more snake-like. A pang of discomfort ran through me, like I'd miscast a lightning spell and it'd rebounded through me instead of my intended target. "I guess more formal introductions are in order," I whispered to myself before bowing my head, not sure of how else to reply to her. She may indeed be a monster, but she was still royalty and should be shown the appropriate amount of respect. "I, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's disciple, am honored to meet you, Princess Chrysalis." It was a gambit, I knew as much, but how she reacted would reveal a lot about her as well as the way she thought. "Ahhhh, so well-mannered," her eyes lit up, a pleased smile coming to her lips. She laid down on her belly, not only getting comfortable, but letting me know she saw me as no threat whatsoever. In spite of the fact that she was now lying down, her head was still higher than mine due to her gargantuan size. "I, Princess Chrysalis of the Changeling Hive, am pleased to make such an..." she looked me up and down. "Interesting acquaintance." Another slow lick of her lips and most surprisingly, a slight bow of her head. I had to struggle not to shudder at the former and the latter nearly threw me off my game, but I'd managed to stay composed. "If I may be so bold, Your Highness?" I didn't lift my head. "Proceed, disciple of Celestia." It was a statement delivered with the utmost confidence. "Why did you want to speak with me... one-on-one?" I raised my head, looking directly at her. ... "When one expects the Sun, receiving only a simple ray of light can be most irksome," she stared back, unflinching. So we're already playing then... good to know. "I'm a lot more than just a simple ray of light, Your Highness," I declared confidently while also rebelling somewhat to her evaluation. "That is yet to be seen, Sunset Shimmer," her green eyes narrowed on me. "Though I will admit, your strength has surprised me." She slowly lifted a hoof, pointing at my head. "Your barriers prevented me from fully incapacitating you. Not many can cast spells that are able to defy me," there was a hint of irritation in her voice. Thanks, Star. I'd have to remember to do so in person as well. "You'll come to find I'm full of surprises," I smirked, bluffing as best I could. "Maybe so," she lowered her hoof to point at my chest. "Unfortunately for you, the mind is not the only place a changeling tends to target," her devious grin reappeared. What is she...? I looked down at my chest before realizing exactly what she'd meant. "Your heart is on full display for all to see," she cackled. "And love is the most divine sustenance for my kind." "What are you implying?" I held in a growl, drawing closer to her cell. "I saw the look of lust in you when you first laid eyes on me," she stood to her hooves, her smile growing as she craned her head toward me. "Be my servant, Sunset Shimmer," again, she licked her lips. "And I will give you everything your heart desires." "I would never betray Princess Celestia," I declared calmly, though I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I didn't even have to think about it. "I trust her, just like she trusts me." A flash of blinding green light enveloped the being before me, disappearing as quickly as it came to reveal a truly staggering sight. "Please, Sunset? For me?" Twilight stood inside of the cell, a pleading look on her face as she reached out to me. "T-Twilight!?" I was stunned, drawing closer to her on instinct alone. "I love you, Sunset," she whispered, our faces growing closer. "Don't you love me? You have to love me, Sunset." Just tell her you do. Our faces were centimeters away from each other, her warm breath tickling my lips and stirring my heart. "I love..." My horn exploded with solar energy, illuminating the entire cell and everything else within the area. The fake Twilight, the Princess of the Changelings, was forced backwards onto her flank as she squinted her eyes and shielded her face with a foreleg. "I love Twilight," I let out the growl I'd been holding in. "And YOU'RE not HER!" I had to get away from her, had to escape her clutches. If she was trying to take over my mind, my heart, there would be no more civility between us. As I trotted to the door her escalating laughter stopped me in my tracks. "Sunset Shimmer," she spoke once her snickering had died down. "What?" I spat, not turning to look her way. I heard the blast of flames again, her body reverting back to its original form. "The look on your face is going to be absolutely exquisite when you come to find I've made your beloved Twilight Sparkle one of my pets." I bristled, gritting my teeth. She was trying to get one last barb in, hoping she could still somehow win this. "I will make you watch as I drain every bit of love from her... and then... I'll do the same to you." ... Not a chance. "She's not that weak," I didn't even look back as I continued forward. "And neither am I. Do your worst, Chrysalis." "I intend to, Sunset!" she called after me joyously. As I left her by herself the only thing that followed behind me was the wicked cackling of the mad Changeling Princess. > TCE: Search > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There has to be... SOMETHING! I angrily stomped through the castle, searching for a shred of ANYTHING that I could use that might be able to help bolster my case. It had been hours since I'd left Twilight alone in that stupid little shack. Hours since she tossed me aside like I was a piece of rubbish she'd found on the street. Her buffoon of a brother had tried to stop me from leaving, but I had no desire nor inclination to listen to a word he had to say. Honestly, he was beyond lucky I hadn't decided to end him then and there. After speaking with each and every Crystal guard I could find, I still hadn't gathered any information that might prove his guilt. The guard was completely loyal to its captain, that much was clear, but with enough investigating I'd noticed they were acting strange too. Relatively speaking. I received nothing but short, blunt answers, no matter what question I had asked. "What do you think of the new captain?" "He's an inspiration to us all." "Notice anything weird about the new captain?" "No." "Have you ever seen the new captain do anything you might say was... questionable? "Never." Even when I'd been pleasant and asked simple, less intrusive questions like 'how has your day been going?' I received only 'fine's and 'okay's. It became apparent rather quickly that I wasn't going to get anywhere with his troops. I still had to try. I just had to take a different approach. It all lead to nothing, other than me trotting around the palace with my head bowed down in irritation. Even more frustrating than the lack of cooperation was having to avoid all the ponies scurrying about within the castle. I assumed the majority of them -- if not all -- were getting things prepared for the wedding. It's even more annoying than being in Canterlot. As a pair of pink hooves stepped into my vision the way too sweet voice they belonged to spoke up. "Oh no! Is something the matter!? You look awful!" ... Really? I already wanted to buck her into the atmosphere, but I was beginning to realize, overreacting like that every time I was a little annoyed would get me nowhere fast. Other than maybe a dungeon... "What gave you that idea?" I looked up at the mare, trying not to sound sarcastic. Pretty sure I failed. It didn't seem to bother the pink ball of fluff, though. She was suddenly grinning like an idiot. "Well, first of all that frowny-frown," she pointed at my face. "Not to mention your slumpy-shoulders and angy-attitude." I stifled my groan and forced myself not to roll my eyes. ... "What's your name, fluff-ball?" I raised an annoyed eyebrow. "Pinkie Pie!" her smile somehow grew larger as she proudly pointed a hoof at herself. "But I'm not a fluff-ball, I'm a pony." Obviously. "What do you want, fluff-ball?" I couldn't help but nearly chuckle, in spite of my irritation. "I don't want anything," she shrugged her shoulders, her toothy smile not waning a bit. "Well, other than for you to smile," she waved a hoof at my mouth. "Done," I gave her the weakest most hollow smile I could muster. "Happy?" "Nnnnope!" She didn't pull any punches. "So what's wrong... yyyyouuuu?" she cocked a curious eyebrow. ... "Starlight," I replied before continuing swiftly, beyond ready to move on from this conversation. "And not something you can help me with," I turned away from her to leave. Unleeeess... "Unless you know anything about Captain Shining Armor," I glanced over my shoulder at the pink earth pony. ... "Who?" she tilted her head, clearly confused. "See ya later, fluff-ball," I moved to continue on my way. "WAIT!" she shouted, standing in front of me in the blink of an eye. She was a normal earth pony, not a unicorn. Whatever method she'd used to move so fast, it was an impressive display of speed without the use of mana. "What is it, fluff-ball?" I sighed rubbing my head with a hoof. I had much better things to do and spending more time around this mare would be a waste. "I was joking!" she got closer nudging me with an elbow. "Don't you get jokes?" "Then you do know him?" I tilted my head, a slight bit of hope touching me. "I..." she looked sheepish all of a sudden. "know of him..." I walked right around her, not saying another word. "Starlight, wait!" Is she serious? "You've got five seconds, fluff-ball," I growled, shutting my eyes. I could definitely feel a migraine coming on. "I don't know much about him," her repetition caused me to take a step forward. "BUT, but..." I stopped. "But, I do know somepony who does." I whirled around, a doubt-filled expression on my face. "I can take you to her," she didn't look desperate at all. In fact, she looked excited. It was the truth. A genuine smile came to my lips. In response, she began to positively glow. Figuratively, of course. "Lead the way... fluff-ball." ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The quiet teahouse the two of us entered was a welcome change of pace from what had preceded it. The pink ball of fluff hadn't shut up the entire trek through the city. Thankfully, we'd reached our destination seconds from me throttling the mare. The low rumble of music inside the venue was consistent with the music I'd heard around the rest of the city, if a little more bass-y. The tables sprinkled around the single expansive room were peppered with customers quietly conversing at small tables. There wasn't much else within the interior, -- a kiosk in one corner next to where you paid -- a minimalistic approach the apparent choice of decor by the proprietor. As we approached the table with a singular pony sitting at it, -- a pony that was so attractive it was astonishing she was by herself -- fluff-ball spoke up. "Rare I-" "Pinkie, darling," the unicorn cut the earth pony off, a beleaguered expression coming to her face. "You are aware you're supposed to be decorating for Her Highness' big day, are you n-" The white unicorn stopped as soon as she noticed me behind the pink mass, a polite smile coming to her beautiful face. "Hello there," the pony regarded me with a level of grace and refinement I'd never encountered before. Somehow, she carried herself with even more pride than either of my mentors, if that was possible. "I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, darling." She'd make a wonderful toy... I smirked, perishing the thought as best I could. Or lover. My smile grew. "That's what I was trying to tell you, Rare," fluff-ball took a seat at the table before continuing. "I had to bring Starlight to see you. She has some questions she wants to ask you." "Pinkie, darling, y-" her irritated demeanor instantly shifted to bulged eyes and a fierce blush. "I'm sorry, but did you just say... Starlight!?" "Yyyyep!" Fluff-ball nodded enthusiastically. "Starlight... Glimmer?" The white mare managed to squeak out the latter with some effort. "Yyyy-" fluff-ball stopped short, looking at me with confused eyes. I shrugged, nodding my head once to confirm. "ep!" Fluff-ball nodded even more energetically than before. ... "Wh-I-I- Forgive me, Miss Glimmer!" her blush darkened several shades as she openly panicked. Her horn sparked to life as she pushed one of the other chairs at the table out with her telekinesis. "Please, have a seat! I didn't mean to show such blatant disregard for somepony of your status! I had a feeling you might be... y-yourself, but I couldn't be certain-" "It's fine," I stated bluntly, taking the seat across from her that she had so kindly offered. It almost felt like I was back in the dining hall with all those pompous horses, but something about this mare seemed... different. She seems so... genuine. A rich pony that didn't act holier-than-thou was a rarity. She had my interest. Even moreso than before. "You don't have to worry yourself about my 'status'," I grinned. "Just be respectful, and I'll be the same... u-uhm?" "Rarity," she reached out a hoof toward me, her blush fading away as that impressive smile returned. Well... that's interesting. "It's my pleasure to meet such a... talented pony." It was plain to see she wasn't exactly sure how to play this situation, but she was being smart about it. "The pleasure's all mine," I shook her hoof gently. "It's not often I get to meet such a stunningly beautiful mare." Wow... honesty? I'm surprised. For the first time in a while, I'd given a truthful compliment to a complete stranger. Generally, I'd want nothing more than to play with her, but... I can't put my hoof on it... "And such a charmer as well," a slight tinge returned to her cheeks. "Had I known you would be joining us I would have ordered more drinks." "Us?" I raised a brow as our hoofshake came to an end. "Pinkie? What are you doing h-? OH! H-hi..." The azure pony that walked up to the table was decked out in one of the tackiest... robes? Capes? Sure, I'll go with that. One of the tackiest capes I'd ever seen. She looked even more caught off guard than Rarity had a moment ago. "And you are?" I looked the mare up and down. Nothing remarkable. She wasn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but her attire wasn't doing the rest of her any favors either. Her mane is alright, I guess. She was carrying two drinks in her telekinesis, which she promptly laid down on the table, one in front of Rarity, and the other before herself. "Trixie is Trix-" she shook her head, as if she'd flubbed her lines. "My name is Trixie. And you are?" she offered me a bright smile as she took a seat. "This is Starlight Glimmer," Rarity answered for me, which was honestly, quite refreshing. "She's the newest student of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Trixie's mouth fell open, a stunned look coming to her face before it quickly changed to a look of discomfort. I cocked an eyebrow at the white unicorn. "I hope that's not the reason you're being so humble around me." "On the contrary, darling," Rarity shook her head. "Every creature is deserving of respect," she said, flashing another brilliant smile. "Unless one makes it apparent that they are not," her smile dissolved into a look of disgust. "Rare has always been a super humble pony," fluff-ball chimed in. "At least, she has been in all the years I've known her." Her praise had quickly replaced the sneer on Rarity's face with another endearing smile. "That's an interesting perspective," I grinned. "Not my personal cup of tea, and certainly not one I'd envision a mare of... your standing to employ." "A mare of my standing?" she tilted her head, confused. "One of Canterlot's elite," I answered. "Oh, darling," she blushed a deep crimson, her eyes shimmering with moisture. "You're far too kind." She's... not? "Then... where are you from? I was the one who was thoroughly confused now. "We're all from Ponyville," fluff-ball answered. Ponyville? Wherever it was, it sounded like some backwater village that only noponies came from. "All?" I asked. "Me, Trixie, Rare," fluff-ball elaborated as she stared longingly at Trixie's drink. "Fluttershy, Applejack, and Dashie." ... Six? I was suddenly irritated, Sun coming to the forefront of my mind. "Did you all... arrive in the Empire yesterday on the Canterlot Express?" I lowered my gaze, hiding my face from them. "Yyyye-" "Are you the friend Twilight was worried about?" Trixie interrupted the fluff-ball. It was a good thing she sounded remorseful, if even just a little. "Wait, Twilight?" fluff-ball appeared to deflate, her mane and tail losing all vibrancy and fluffiness in a millisecond. "No..." I glared at the azure mare causing her to recoil away from me. Rarity nearly choked on the tea she was nursing. "Twi... Oh... Oh dear," she gave me the most sympathetic pair of eyes I was certain any pony alive could produce. "We're all so very sorry about that... incident. It was completely our fault." "Starlight, who was it?" fluff-ball was right next to me, grabbing onto my shoulder with her hooves. Her eyes were wet with tears, a far cry from her previous bubbliness. it was jarring, seeing such a shift from joyful foolishness to outright sorrow. "What's their name?" ... I wasn't sure I wanted to tell her. In fact, I wanted to walk out and leave them to wallow in their own regret. I wanted them to suffer for what they'd done to my Sun. They hurt her. But... for some uncanny reason... one I couldn't explain if I tried... fluff-ball's pleading face got through to me. "Her name is Sunset," I smiled slightly at the pink mare. "Princess Celestia's student," Rarity sighed, disappointment coming off her in spades as she rubbed her temples. "Are the three of you staying in the palace?" "We're all guests of the queen and her daughter," I nodded. "Yeah." "I have to go apologize!" fluff-ball declared, determination filling her eyes as she wiped away the tears, though her mane and tail remained flat. "It's okay, fluff-ball. She's fine n-" my mouth fell agape when I realized I was talking to a cloud of pink smoke that'd taken the shape of the pony I was just talking to. As it dissipated, I looked at Trixie and Rarity in disbelief who both looked unperturbed by the impossible event. "H-how does she do stuff like that!?" "It's Pinkie," Trixie shrugged. "We've long grown accustomed to her... antics," Rarity giggled. Not sure I'd categorize that as antics. "More importantly," Rarity continued. "You wanted to ask me something? I'd be glad to help in any way I can, to make reparations for our egregious offense." "Oh really..." I raised a curious brow yet again. "Is that the only reason you wanna help me?" "No," she answered faster than I thought she would. "No, it is not." Another slight blush came to her cheeks. I looked at Trixie, a little confused. "Rarity is pretty generous," she explained. "More than likely, she'd try to help you even if we hadn't screwed up so badly." "Let's not dwell on that," Rarity grabbed my attention, clearly not wanting even more praise tossed her way. "What did you need of me, Starlight?" Any other time, I'd doubt such a claim of nobility, but this mare... there was something different about her. More important things, Starlight. "I have some questions about Shining Armor," I zoned in, a slight sneer coming to my lips at the mention of his name. "The Captain of the Crystal Guard..." she looked bewildered. "Wouldn't it serve you better to ask Twilight Sparkle? She is his-" "Sister," I interjected. "Yeah, I already know." "Very well," she took a sip of her tea. "Ask away." "Has he always been so-" "Chipper?" Trixie laughed derisively. "No." "Tell me more," I grinned, intrigued by our apparent shared disgust. "A few years ago, when Shining Armor was still a part of Princess Celestia's Solar Guard, we... encountered him often," Rarity expounded. "Back then he was a much more..." she tapped her chin, searching for the correct word. "stern stallion." "It's not bad he's grown so laid back," Trixie chimed in. "It's just... he was always so quiet before, so serious. It's a little weird to see him so carefree all the time." "Any reason you could think of as to why he might have changed?" I inquired further. "Well, yes darling," Rarity covered her mouth with a hoof. "A rather large one." I looked between both unicorns, waiting patiently for them to answer, though they both suddenly had disbelieving expressions on their faces. ... "Seriously?" Trixie's face screwed up even more. "What?" I darted my gaze even faster. "Love, darling," Rarity placed a hoof over her own chest. "He fell in love." Oh... that. My eyes rolled of their own accord. I'd seen what love could do to a creature... real love. I love you... my little Star. Foolishness. What he was doing was not that. His actions were calculated. He was scheming and manipulating. He was working towards something, but what, I didn't know. "I... can see that," I lied. Whatever the case, I'd gotten what I was searching for. Ponies who knew him before had noticed a change. It was all I needed. "Thanks." "That's... that's all?" Rarity was confused. "Surely I can help you with something more." "You've helped me a lot more than you might think," I shook my head. "Really, thanks." She looked doubtful for a second longer, but that quickly changed to an expression of contentment. "If you say so, darling. You're quite welcome." She took a long drink from her cup, finishing her beverage. "That being the case, I must unfortunately, return to the palace," she stood to her hooves. "So soon?" Trixie was clearly surprised by her friends sudden remark. "You know Pinkie, Trixie," Rarity smiled warmly. "She'll be all over the palace looking for Sunset Shimmer, and with the wedding in two days, one of us has to ensure the decorations are completed in a timely manner." "Is that why you all are here?" I asked, a smidge curious. "Yes... amongst other things," Rarity nodded. "Other things?" "Rarity and Pinkie are in charge of decorations. Our other friends are helping with catering and entertainment," Trixie elaborated. "Correct," Rarity said, bubbling with energy, I was guessing from the sugar in her drink. "Now then, I must bid you adieu, ladies." "I'll come with you," Trixie moved to stand as well, but Rarity quickly put a stop to that. "Nonsense, you keep our new friend company," she scooted the azure unicorn's chair back in with some telekinesis. "I shall handle the tab. Go ahead and order a drink, Starlight. It's on m-" "That won't be necessary," an unfamiliar voice interrupted, drawing our attention. The barista that walked up to the table was a unicorn mare and appeared utterly bored with her occupation. She was carrying a small cup, as well as various other things on a tray. "We fully comp guests of Her Highness, as well as their friends." "Oh," Rarity looked troubled. "We're not exactly-" "That's great news!" I cut her off, feigning excitement. "My friends and I really appreciate the sentiment." Trixie smirked, knowingly. Rarity looked like she might cry at any moment. "We'll see you back at the hotel later then, Rarity?" I smiled at the white mare. "Yeah, we'll see you later, Rare?" Trixie played along with us. "Of course, girls. Tata for now," Rarity waved a hoof before making for the exit. "And thank you again, Starlight," she called back before leaving. As Trixie and I turned back to face one another again the barista placed the drink before me. "On the house, Miss Glimmer," she made an attempt at a cordial smile. "Thank you..." I stared down at the liquid. It was an amber hue and steaming hot. "Is there any sugar in it?" "No, ma'am," she placed packets in front of me -- which I figured were sugar, some kind of creamer, and... cinnamon? -- as well as napkins next to my cup. "You can add whatever you like. We also have other condiments such as honey at our self-serve station," she flourished a hoof toward the display. "If you're so inclined." "Okay," I smiled halfheartedly. "Thank you." With a bow of her head the barista left us to our business. I lifted the cup, taking a cautious sniff of the tea. Green. Not bad. I took a drink, savoring the bitter flavor before returning my attention to Trixie. She looked completely uncomfortable. We sat in silence for several minutes, the music playing around us seeming much louder all of a sudden. ... "I'm not gonna bite your head off or anything," I stared down at my drink, speaking after enough time had passed that I realized she wasn't going to try to start a conversation. "You don't have to be so tense." "Trix- I know that," she sighed. "It's just Twilight... she... she wasn't as understanding as you, so Trixie is a bit... hesitant to-" "She wasn't?" I wanted to hear more. I was under the assumption that she'd just given them an angry talking to. I stared at the azure mare in anticipation. "Let's just say, because of what she did to us... I wasn't able to convince some of my friends to forgive her," she was clearly disappointed admitting that. Not bad, Twilight. I may have been seriously pissed at her, but I had to admire her dedication. To Sun, at least. "To be perfectly honest," I smirked. It was time to have some fun with the azure mare. "Twilight let you all off the hook easy." "E-easy?" she coughed, covering her mouth with a hoof so she wouldn't spit out her drink. "If it had been me that dealt with you," I chuckled. "Some of you might've ended up in the hospital." Whatever I was expecting from her, the reaction she gave me wasn't it. "You..." A small, innocent smile crept onto her face, making her look a little cute for the first time since I'd seen her. "The three of you really care about each other a lot... don't you?" "We..." I rubbed my face with a hoof. "I guess we do." I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, the guilt apparently getting to me. Darn it, Sparkles... Why couldn't you just... just... "S-Starlight?" Trixie's voice was distorted and slow, the sudden spinning of the room around me gradually picking up momentum. "Wh... what's going..." Crap... did I screw up? I... Sun... Everything went black. > TCE: Siblings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "See, they're not... bad," Shiny sighed uncomfortably as we watched while his soldiers trained. "they're just not acclimated to combat... which is completely understandable," a disappointed frown came to his face. "I... I think." His uncertainty was adorable. It always had been. When we were foals he'd confide in me. When we were young he'd tell me all of his worries and dreams. I'm not sure if he did it because I was too little to understand the gravity of it all or if he really trusted me. Regardless of the reason, I'd treasured it. Somewhere along the line that camaraderie had died out. I missed it. I wanted us to be like that again. I need him to trust me again... If he doesn't... I don't know what I'll... ... "Don't let her get to you," I tried my best to comfort him, though he honestly didn't seem to need it, a smile already back on his face. "Star is just... she can be a little dramatic." "Not sure I'd use that adjective," he chuckled. "but, I'll take your word for it, Twily." After Starlight had left the grounds, my brother and I started working with his guard, trying to help them get better at their duties. They were all fairly new recruits, some of the newer members brought on less than a week prior. We'd been at it for hours, going on about ten judging by the position of Princess Celestia's star in the sky. The guard was starting to get sluggish, but they were still putting in a lot of effort. While they weren't skilled per se, their hearts were in the right place. I couldn't shake the feeling that Starlight had been right, that if the Empire didn't have better defenses... But I couldn't just tell them they weren't sufficient like she had. Not after seeing them try so hard. Why couldn't you just be a little more patient, Star? If she was here, If she was helping us, we'd be making a lot more progress. Or maybe, I just wanted her to be around. To be close... to me. Still... it's not like there's gonna be some huge catastrophe that threatens the whole of Equestria coming for us or anything. "I know that look, Twily," my brother remarked, a sly smirk coming to his lips. "What do you mean?" I looked at him, confusion taking hold of me. "What look?" "Come on, Twily,' he nudged me gently with his shoulder. "The shaky smile, the shimmering eyes, the maroon on the tips of your ears," he pointed at each as he went on. "You've never been able to hide stuff that obvious from me." "I don't know what you're talking about," I scoffed in disbelief. I really didn't know what he was trying to say, and it was starting to irritate me. "That's the same look I had when I realized just how much I loved Cadance," the look of adoration that came to his face was motivating. "It's the same one." "The... same?" My mind slowly processed what he was saying, a fierce blush coming to my cheeks. "You don't actually believe I..." I couldn't even finish my protest. I'd never been a great liar. Ever since I'd tried to hide my grief over Princess Celestia shunning me, I figured that fact out real quick. It's that lack of self-control that had torn me and Shiny apart in the first place. If I'd have been able to hide my feelings better, -- had been able to keep my emotions in check -- none of this would've happened. So then, don't hide your feelings from him. "Twily, there's nothing wrong with being in love," he laughed. L-love!? I could feel my heart pounding in my chest so hard I even felt it in my temples. It was going so fast, so unbelievably hard, I could swear I was heading directly into cardiac arrest. "I'm... I'm not..." I stared at the ponies before us, their spells ricocheting off of one another, seemingly with even more vigor than moments before. Their efforts brought on renewed thoughts of Starlight and with them a lifting of my lips. Am I? ... Would it really be such a bad thing? It could be. Starlight was a loose cannon. She was a troublemaker. She was crude. So then, how come every time you think about her it seems like you're trying to convince yourself you don't? I sighed, massaging my temples in an attempt to assuage the headache I could feel coming on at an unmanageable rate. "Yeah, that's it! That's the one!" he wrapped a foreleg around me, shaking me enthusiastically. "That's the exact same thing I did when I stopped lying to myself and admitted the truth." You do love her... "It doesn't really matter anyway," I continued to try and soothe my frayed nerves, but it was going nowhere fast. "She probably hates my guts now." "Why?" he asked, the tone of genuine concern coming from him appreciated. "What happened, Twily?" "She doesn't..." I hesitated. Tell him the truth. "She doesn't trust you," I looked at him to gauge his reaction, not expecting a wide grin. "like, at all." His smile persisted. "She thinks you're plotting something or... I don't know. She's kind of-" "Crazy?" he laughed. "No, not..." I groaned, knowing he was correct and unable to deny it. "She's just a little... passionate." "A little?" he guffawed. "Just a little?" I had no legitimate reply, waiting for his fit of laughter to end. "Honestly... I think it's pretty great!" he ruffled the top of my mane with a hoof, but he kept his face forward. "Buuuut?" I moved my head a little closer, trying to enter his line of sight. He sighed, a look of sadness now on his face. "Love can be an amazing thing," he smiled weakly. "Cadance is... Cadance is my world..." his smile grew stronger. "I'd do anything for her. But..." he looked down at me, the frown that had come to his face was all too familiar. When I was a filly he'd sit me down and give me that exact look when I needed to learn from a mistake I'd made. It was so nostalgic I cringed, just like I had every single time before. "But what, Shiny?" "But it can be dangerous too, Twilight." When he was giving me advice or correcting me, he'd do his best not to sound condescending, using my proper name and not our nicknames. I loved him for it and always tried to show him the same level of respect. "Especially when it comes to who you fall in love with." "Shining... Starlight is-" "I'm not talking about her, Twilight," he rubbed his forehead with a hoof, frustration etching into his features. "Or... not just her." "Then who are y-" my eyes widened in realization. "Princess Celestia..." "Y..." He took a deep breath, turning his head away from me. "Yeah." "But, Shining... I don't-" "But you did, Twilight," he interjected, still not looking my way. "And look what it did to you... Mom and Dad... to all of us..." If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I heard a sniffle come from his way. What hurt the most, hurt even more than the prospect of his agonized tears, was the fact that he wasn't wrong. My irrational feelings for Celestia had cost me my family. Since leaving my home -- when my mistress had officially accepted me and I'd moved to live with her in Canterlot -- I hadn't spoken with or seen my parents a single time. They'd written letters, sure, -- Her Majesty had tried to get me to read them, going so far as to read and reply to every single one herself -- but I refused to even look at them. They had their successful son, they didn't need a troublemaking daughter who could only gain the recognition of the Dark Princess. Still... I already knew what he was bringing up had to be addressed. After this whole Crystal Empire thing, I was planning on visiting them, but first steps first. What any of those mistakes meant when it came to my relationship with Princess Celestia, -- to my relationship with Starlight -- I had no clue. "That was a long time ago, Shining Armor," I placed a placating hoof on his shoulder. "And I'd like to think I've done a lot of maturing since then." "Don't you get it, Twilight?" his voice became deathly quiet before he turned his head to face me. His expression was one of such a serious demeanor I nearly recoiled at seeing it. "She isn't who you thought she was all those years ago... and she isn't who you think she is now." "Shiny... I don't..." I was honestly a bit frightened by his sudden bleak countenance. "I don't understand." "Celestia..." he placed his hooves on my shoulders, drawing closer to whisper into my ear. "she's a monster." ++++++++++++++++++++++ "You're gonna love this!" Shining Armor bounded towards me with two bowls and cups floating in his telekinetic field, a glowing smile on his face. "I'd rather talk about that other topic, Shiny," I grit my teeth. He'd been hush-hush since he'd made his claim about Princess Celestia and that was all I wanted to talk about. After finishing up the day instructing his troops, he brought me directly to his room. I'd have guessed he was already bunking with Cadenza, but he'd always been a devout follower of proper etiquette when it came to dating and the like. When we were young it was really entertaining watching him fight off fillies that constantly threw themselves at him. As far as I knew, he'd held strong to his ideals his entire life. Recalling that aspect of his character made this revelation that much more predictable. His quarters were just like most typical stallion's. Somewhat messy, though I'm sure he could find whatever he needed to in a heartbeat. Apparently, he'd even made the choice to stay in a really modest room, about half of the size of mine back in Canterlot, though he'd always been that type of stallion. It's one of the many reasons I'd looked up to him before. It was nice to see being part of Princess Celestia's elite, -- as well as a future prince -- hadn't changed him that much. He'd left me alone for a while -- sitting on his bed with nothing to do but wait for him to come back -- before returning with a bowl of food and a drink for each of us. "We can talk freely in here," he shoved one of the bowls in my face with such gusto it nearly hit me. "Got a lot of barriers up to shield myself from prying eyes and ears so we should be fine." "That's a little weird, Shi-" I stopped, the smell of the food way too nostalgic, sending me all the way back to my foalhood in an instant. "Hi-Sis soup?" I looked up at him, my face filled with whimsy and wonder. "You remembered!" he grinned as I took the bowl into my own telekinesis. He set our drinks down next to me on his nightstand. "Of course I do, Shiny," I stared down into the bowl, the small letters in the soup bobbing around. "How could I ever forget?" I held the tears inside, lifting a spoonful into my mouth. It's... just like I remember. It tasted almost exactly the same as before, though a bit more bitter than I remembered. Its flavor reminded me a little of the breakfast me, him, and Starlight had in the morning. Probably some herb grown in the Empire. When he was small, -- around the age of ten -- Shining Armor started making his "Greatest Creation Yet". I'd gotten hungry one day and our parents were out and about like they usually were, so Shiny cooked for us. It was a simple soup with a tomato base. He'd included small bits of vegetables and to spice things up, he added little pieces of pasta. To make things even more interesting, he transformed the noodles into letters. Since I was learning to read at the time, he made the soup both scrumptious and fun for my sake. And... "We spelled so many things together," I smiled warmly. "Like 'hi'," he plopped down next to me on the bed. "And 'magical'," I chuckled. "And 'fun'," he took a bite. "And 'brother'." "And 'sis'." "And 'Celestia'." ... I sighed, realizing I'd just destroyed the feeling of glee we were both sharing. I looked up to find a sad look on his face as he swallowed his mouthful of soup. "Shiny... what happened?" He placed his bowl carefully on the nightstand next to his bed before settling down next to me. "I looked up to her too, you know?" his gaze was locked on the carpet. "Back when I thought she was the infallible god of our world." "Kind of like me," I snuck in between bites. "Yeah," he reluctantly agreed. "Kind of like you..." ... "You've lived around her for long enough now... what do you think of her?" "Until recently?" I tapped my chin with the head of my spoon, glancing upward to reminiscence. "I still hated her guts," I shrugged. "But?" "Well, we talked," I scooped up another bite. "I think I'm starting to understand her now... at least a little better than when I was a filly." "Yeah... that's what I thought," he nodded, still looking down. "That's exactly what I thought." "What do you mean, Shiny?" "I'm pretty sure talking is how she does it," he laughed, though it was an action filled with disgust. "You noticed it too... didn't you? You had to have..." he looked my way, his eyes shimmering with desperation. "I d-" I stopped short. "Can you be bit more... concise?" "She uses..." he was trying to figure out the right words. "I dunno, something to manipulate other creatures. If I had to guess how, I'd say she does it through her speech." "Shiny that's..." Again, I had to stop short. I'd always thought that was just her natural charisma, that she had a godly aura that could partially influence those around her, but... "What makes you think she does it?" The look he gave me said just how ludicrous he thought I was being. "I'm serious, Shiny. My mistress has a similar aura and she's not 'doing' it. It just sort of... exists for her." "Your mistress?" he cocked an eyebrow. "Princess Luna," I smiled. "Oh! Right..." he frowned. "I guess that did happen a little after I left, huh?" he stroked his chin with a hoof. "You becoming her student, I mean." "To be honest," my head fell. "I was terrified to see you when I moved into the castle too." I figured he'd be around, being a part of Princess Celestia's Solar Guard, but thankfully, at the time, I'd heard talks that he'd been stationed somewhere else. Little did I know it was to the Empire. "I don't blame you," he wrapped a foreleg around me. "I treated you like dirt." A loving squeeze. "I'm really sorry, Sis." "It's okay, Shiny," I leaned into his chest. "Is that why you moved? Because you were worried about her influence? The princess', I mean." "I..." he sighed yet again. "I found some things out. Stuff I wasn't supposed to see. About her... and about Luna." As I was about to open my mouth -- both to question him on his statement as well as reprimand him for showing improper respect to my mistress -- the door to his room was flung open. "Shining, I need y-" Princess Cadenza walked into the room, her eyes red and puffy. "OH! I'm so sorry to interrupt. I didn't-" "Cadance? What's wrong? What's going on?" he was immediately by her side, holding her close. She'd been crying, that much was obvious. "It's okay! I was just about to head out," I placed the empty bowl on his nightstand. "No, really! I can come back later," the princess protested, already trying to leave herself. "You're not going anywhere, Cadenza," my brother stated firmly, guiding her over to sit on the bed. "I'll get you tomorrow morning, Twilight. Around eight, okay?" I nodded, quickly making my way to the door. As I closed it behind me I could hear the sobs of the pink pegasus beginning to swell once again. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Making my way back to our room, I realized just how exhausted I'd become. It was... strange to say the least. It could've been because I'd woken up so early, but living with my mistress had made managing ungodly sleeping hours fairly easy for me. No. It has to be something else. With another long yawn escaping my mouth, I soldiered onward. ... It's a really good thing I made mental notes of the layout of the palace. Not having a guide back to the room might've been a problem if I hadn't. Still, I couldn't get my mind off of what Shiny had said. I may have been able to believe Princess Celestia's motives could be questionable, but as soon as he'd mentioned my mistress I doubted all of his words. She'd never do anything like that... ... Not to me at least. And if she'd done it to somepony else... then... It's probably for the best. ... Is that what you really think? I couldn't help but recall Shiny's words. Maybe you're just blinded by your love for Luna, just like you were all those years ago by her older sister... I shook my head, immediately rejecting such outlandish thoughts. Arriving at the door to my room, I pushed it open, nearly freezing in place when I noticed Sunset already sleeping quietly in her bed. She must've had a long day t- No... It wasn't Sunset. I drew closer to the slumbering mare, the violet mane with the blue highlight making it quite clear whom it was. S-Star!? My heart pounded in my chest. Why she was in Sunset's bed I couldn't fathom, but her sleeping form was so... Beautiful. I got closer to her. Close enough to... ... "I'm so sorry, Star," I whispered softly to her. I tiptoed back to my bed, making sure not to wake her. I hope it's just as easy when she's awake... Without another thought, I got under the covers and fell asleep. > TCE: Her Elements Pt. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waiting for the highest ranking official of a nation to finish in one of their more important meetings was one of the most tedious things I had any experience doing in my life. I'd done it countless times before, sure, -- waiting on my mentor -- but this time felt so much more nerve-wracking than any before. I needed to speak to Cadenza. I had to try and help her. It was easy to see Chrysalis had shook the very foundation the princess had built her entire life on. Princess... what should I do? Parents were... not my forte. Mine were... around, but that's about it. If anything, I considered Celestia my real mom now, and she... It doesn't matter. She's not here to help me right now. How I wished she were. Then, maybe I might have had the slightest idea of what to do about this whole mess. I was currently sitting on the floor next to the massive doors leading to the throne room, waiting patiently like the countless other plebeians for the queen to finish... whatever it was that was demanding so much of her time. I was under the assumption that Cadenza was inside as well, -- though I couldn't be certain -- so I had nowhere else to go. As the Princess of the Crystal Empire, the pegasus had the proper authority to attend the highest echelons of gatherings, but interrupting one in progress was still frowned upon, no matter what one's title might be. I'd been loitering for hours, watching countless ponies stroll by, while others waited just as long as I had. It was a much higher volume of life than usual in the palace, I'm sure. Every so often, I'd get up and trot around so my legs wouldn't fall asleep. All of the seats in the hall had already been taken, so it's not like I could lose mine on the floor. I'd given up my spot on a chair earlier for an elderly stallion who'd come to the Empire from the distant land of Stalliongrad. Apparently, it was his final wish to see one of the alicorn princesses with his own eyes before passing on. I didn't have it in me to tell him neither my mentor nor Princess Luna were attending the wedding. That would be far too cruel. To have come so far for nothing... poor guy. Although, not saying anything is pretty mean t- "Uhm, excuse me?" My eyes shot open, the velvety soft voice jerking me out of my thoughts. The hall was relatively quiet, mostly hushed discussions going on, but this new creature sounded completely alien. It was way too... Sad. "Yes? What can I do for you?" The pink mare standing before me was clearly trying to put on a smile, but it simply wasn't happening. She looked like she might start crying at any moment... or that she probably had been a second ago. Her body was sagging, as if the planet itself was trying to drag her down into its depths to devour her. "Are you... I-If you don't mind me asking..." she was doing her best to be as polite possible. It was extremely troubling, as if it was my duty to make her happy and I was failing. "Is your name... Sunset?" ... "It... is," I nodded, a little hesitant, but my heart aching for her. "My name is Sunset." As soon as I confirmed her inquiry, the waterworks began. Her bawling was loud enough to draw the attention of most of the occupants in the hall. "H-hey, what's wrong!?" I reached out to her but stopped short. I had no idea who this pony was, after all, but there was something about her that was luring me in like a warm bath on a winter night. "I-H-HI FINALLY FOUND YOU!" she cried, still sobbing as she threw her forelegs around my neck and hugged me tightly. I froze, completely bewildered by the sudden closeness and all the displeased eyes on us. "Uh, hey... I don't really kn-" "I'M SO SORRY!" she squeezed tighter, forcing a pained groan from me. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU!" "You're... hurting... me... now!" I managed to squeak out despite her unreal strength. "OH!" she pulled away, realizing her mistake and now clearly embarrassed. "Sorry... again," her embarrassment quickly shifted to a look of shame. "Not to be... rude or anything..." I tried to straighten my mane a bit while I caught my breath. "But... who are you?" "My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie," she refused to look me in the eye. "And I'm really, really sorry." "For what, exactly?" I asked. I knew it couldn't just be because she'd given me an overly aggressive bear hug. No, it has to be something else. "On the train yesterday..." she wrung her hooves in front of herself. "It was all my fault. But, I didn't mean to! I promise! It's just... I was really excited to be coming to the Empire and my party cannon was kind of on the fritz and now I know something is definitely wrong with it an-" I held a hoof up, hoping the slight action would end her rant. Thankfully, she paused, her blue eyes locking on me. "I think I get it," I offered her a warm smile, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "It's okay. I'm- I was fine... and I still am," I giggled. "Honestly, I'm just glad you're okay. A malfunctioning cannon sounds pretty dangerous." "Y... you mean you're really not mad at me?" A twinkle of hope came to her eyes. "Of course not," I rubbed her shoulder. "Why would I be?" In an instant she went from downtrodden to bubbling, the smile on her face so vibrant I nearly had to shield my eyes because of its vivaciousness. Even her mane and tail had somehow become fluffy masses in a matter of seconds. "REALLY!?" she gasped so loudly she was able to draw more attention to the two of us. "Yes, just, can you please keep your voice down?" I whispered, glancing around nervously at the ponies staring at us. "OH! Sorry... again!" she snickered wildly, covering her mouth with her hooves. Yep. This is definitely her normal attitude. It was nice to see she wasn't always as depressed as she'd first appeared. "Im guessing you spoke with one of my-" "PINKIE!" I jumped at the shout, several other ponies glaring angrily in the direction the call had come from. Strangely enough, the pink mare hadn't budged an inch. Pinkie? That didn't matter right now. "S-Sunburst?" I stuttered, a little stunned by his lack of decorum. The orange unicorn galloped over to us, a look of utter panic on his face and sweat covering his brow. "Hey, Sunny!" Pinkamena was nearly bouncing in place. "What's up?" "Sunset!?" he looked completely caught off guard by my presence. "Good! You're here too! You might be able to help as well." Help? "Help with what, Sunburst?" I asked, growing a little nervous myself. "Something happened, Sunset..." his gaze fell to the floor. "It's... It's Starlight." ++++++++++++++++++++++ The first thing I noticed as the three of us galloped into my room was the blue unicorn sitting next to my bed. The second was... "STAR!" I couldn't help but call out, my despair instantly getting the best of me. She looked so... peaceful, -- lying in my bed -- but I could sense something was very wrong. Sunburst hadn't said another word on what had happened, only stating it would be much wiser to speak once we had some privacy. Pinkamena gasped behind me as soon as she fully took in the situation. "Oh no..." I rushed to my friend's side, taking her hoof into mine and holding it gently. I took a seat next to the bed opposite the blue unicorn. "What happened!?" I asked nopony in particular. My distress was easily displayed for all of them to see as I willed energy into my lilac friend. "I don't know," the blue mare quickly responded, her own panic easily detectable. "Everything was fine at the teahouse and then she..." "Why didn't you take her to a hospital!?" I tried not to sound like I was making an accusation, but the desperation in my voice wasn't helping my cause. "I'm... I'm sorry, we're not supposed t-" "It's a good thing she didn't," Sunburst cut the azure mare off. "What!?" I nearly spat the word, his remark having the unintended consequence of riling me up even further. "Why wouldn't you-" He lifted a hoof. The look on the Regis' face was one of steadfast determination, ending my tirade before it had a chance to begin. His horn flared with energy as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Fear not, Sunset. She's going to be okay," he declared confidently. In an instant, his mana began to sing, filling the room with a yellow aura and causing twinkling golden stars to float around the five of us. The spell had a calming effect, but I knew its purpose was for more than just that when he dimmed the light coming from above to near midnight levels. "There," he sighed, rubbing his head in grogginess once his spell was complete. "We should be able to get to work safely. We have both the time and the faculties to do so now." "What do you mean 'safely'?" I was able to control my mounting irritation at the moment, but if I didn't get answers soon, I'd lose my cool. "What is going on?" I was met with another sigh from Sunburst, forcing me to look at the others for an answer. Pinkamena was still focused on Starlight, a look of worry on the pink mare's face. The blue unicorn had her own gaze on the carpet, also appearing gloomy. "Please..." I choked back the oncoming tears as best I could. ... Star... please... I squeezed her hoof tighter. She was always so confident, so strong. Seeing her like this... I... I can't- "She's been drugged," Sunburst drew my attention as he walked to the foot of the bed. "Or perhaps poisoned is a more appropriate description." "Then we should-" "I'm sorry, Sunset," he grit his teeth. "I wasn't able to say anything until you were away from... her." There was no malice in him, just... disappointment. Apparently, in himself. "Her?" I was suddenly more lost than a second ago. ... "Princess Celestia made it very clear that there were only three creatures we were to trust in the Empire," the blue mare finally broke the uncomfortable silence. "You," she lifted a hoof my way. "Sunburst," she pointed at the stallion. "and Starlight Glimmer," she laid her hoof on the bed. ... But... why just- "I was ordered to only trust Sunset, Starlight, and you six girls," Sunburst explained further. "Her Highness is being extremely cautious with this situation." "Why wouldn't she trust Twilight?" I voiced my thoughts, though the words came out more as a whisper than an open question. That doesn't make sense. Princess Luna is her sister. Why wouldn't she trust her? "If I had to venture a guess, I'd say it's because she isn't one of her students," Sunburst stroked his chin with a hoof. "Wh- That doesn't make any sense! Neither are THEY!" I swept a hoof in the direction of the blue mare and Pinkamena. I don't know why his words had made me so angry... No, that's not true. I knew perfectly well why they'd gotten me so mad. Twilight was one of my friends. She was reliable. She deserved to be trusted. "No, they're not," he conceded. Sunburst waved Pinkamena over, so she would stand next to the blue mare. "But they are Her Elements, and they're very precious friends of Her Highness." The Elements... I knew they were important, but I didn't know they were close to my mentor too. It wasn't hard to comprehend though. She was my beloved teacher, yes, but she had a life of her own too. I lowered my head to check on Star, guilt burrowing into my breast. "I'm... I'm sorry," I sighed, letting out my frustration before looking back up at Pinkamena and the blue mare. "Pinkamena..." I smiled, receiving the same back from the pink mare. "And you too... uhm?" "Trixie," the blue unicorn offered me a kind smile. "Trixie Lulamoon." "And you can call me Pinkie," the pink mare tossed in. "All of my friends do." "Okay," I smiled at the duo. "And I'm Sunset Shimmer," I giggled. "Sunset... I'm certain after your... confrontation with Chrysalis you know just how desperate Queen Cantata is to sort this situation out," Sunburst took back our attention. "The changelings are far too dangerous for any of us to just go about stumbling around in the darkness without any direction." "I just... I really don't understand why Princess Celestia would leave us in the dark," I rubbed my head, my gaze lowering. I honestly would have thought she'd have been a lot more thorough with her guidance before we left Canterlot. But she hadn't been, and I couldn't understand why. Not even with me... ... "Princess Celestia can be... really mysterious," Trixie said softly. "But she's never steered us wrong." Her words drew my attention, the sweet smile on her face spreading onto my own. "I'm sure that applies to you too, Sunset." "It... It does," I chuckled. " You're right," I nodded. I just need to trust her. That was easy as breathing. "Well then," Sunburst clopped his hooves together. "Now that we've gotten all that out of the way," he waved Pinkie and Trixie closer to Star. "We're gonna need the two of you to work your magic." Both mares nodded, their resolve unshakeable as they mentally and physically prepared themselves for the task at hoof. "What should I do, Sunburst?" I asked, my hooves still clasped onto Star's. "Stay close to her," his horn began to shimmer. "If anything goes wrong, do all that you can to comfort her, Sunset." "O-okay," I nodded, though neither the words nor the action held any degree of confidence. His instructions were unclear at worst and vague at best. if I really was required, I'm not sure what exactly I would do. I prayed I wouldn't be. He moved the covers off of Star with telekinesis, his yellow aura moving from the blanket to envelop her body. "I'm going to start drawing out the sedative as soon as the purification process begins," he took a deep breath in and then out, clearly to settle his nerves. "On your mark, Trixie." "I'll do my best!" The lavender aura coming from Trixie's horn was so... faint I could barely detect the use of mana. It was more than a little concerning, but I wouldn't object. Not when so much was on the line and they seemed like they knew what they were doing. "Ready, Pinkie!?" "More than ready!" Pinkie bellowed, forcing my eyes onto her. "I made two new friends," her blazing eyes swept over me and Star. "And I'm planning on making it a trio," she laughed like a madmare. "MY HEART IS OVERFLOWING WITH JOY!" she yelled. Somehow, a torrent of pink energy raged around the earth pony, as blindingly powerful -- if not moreso -- than any unicorn's I'd ever encountered. "Don't you worry yourself one bit, Sunset! Everything's going to be fine!" Her power grew louder, drowning out any noise we might've been able to hear. The sound coming from the earth pony was like the singing of a unicorn's horn, but turned up to the nth degree. As the power flowed from her like a tsunami, I knew she was telling the truth. Finally able to take my eyes off the earth pony, I realized her energy had flooded the entire room, mixing with a second, much brighter red energy. Where did...? "Trixie?" The faint lavender glimmer on her horn had solidified into a rampaging red tempest, nearly pushing me -- and everything else in the room -- away from her. I'm fairly certain the only thing keeping anything in place was the first spell Sunburst had utilized. The blue unicorn had her eyes clenched tight, fighting to keep her power in check. When she suddenly opened them, -- both glowing the same bright red as the energy coming from her horn -- I knew it was the moment of truth. Everything, -- the cacophony of noise, the spells swirling throughout the room, my heart -- all of it stopped. In an instant, all the energy built up in the room slammed into Star's body, her eyes opening wide as a rainbow of color swirled in each of them. "Sunburst!" Trixie shouted, shattering the silence. "On it!" the golden stallion ripped his mana from Star's body and along with it, a thick maroon blob -- which appeared to be coagulating -- held tightly in his telekinesis. "Wh... what is- I-I got it!" he floated it toward himself, casting more spells to keep... whatever it was, contained. ... "We did it!" Trixie laughed, an exhausted action, but a relieved grin on her face. "We sure did!" Pinkie hadn't lost an ounce of vigor, her buoyancy seemingly somehow even more potent now. I couldn't help but smile myself. "Told ya, Sunset! Easy peasy lemon squee-" "S-Sun?" The faint whisper made my heart race. I looked down, looked at my friend. She was awake, a weak grin on her lips as her once again blue eyes, searched for me. "I'm here, Star!" I nearly shouted, gripping her hoof tighter. "I... I'm... glad," her search stopped as soon as she heard my voice. "Sun I-" "Shhhh," I placed a hoof on her lips. "Try to get some rest..." I gently brushed her cheek with the same hoof. "For me?" Her smile grew just a tad before she nodded and closed her eyes, falling back asleep almost instantly. "Being purified by the Elements can really take it out of a creature," Sunburst stood next to me, laying a hoof on my shoulder. "Pair that with being infected with changeling depressants," he whistled, beyond impressed. "It speaks volumes of the sheer force of her will that she regained consciousness so quickly, if even for just a moment. I knew she wasn't all looks." I couldn't lift my head, the tears now flowing freely. It had all had happened so fast, but, for just a moment, I really did think I might lose her... A-and... I couldn't accept that. But I didn't have to accept it. And it was all thanks to them. "Th-thank you," I got out between powerful sobs. "Thank you all so much." Still, I clung to Star's hoof. I felt the others. First Pinkie, her soft hoof rubbing my withers. Then Trixie. Her hoof trembling as it was placed on my shoulder, but when I laid mine over hers it calmed considerably. The embrace that we shared was that of the best of friends. They saved her. I trusted them with my life. > TCE: Her Elements Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunburst, Trixie, Pinkie, and I were all sitting on our rumps around Starlight's bed. Our ragtag group had remained in the room after purging Star of the drugging she'd been forced to endure. We still needed the privacy -- Sunburst's barrier providing that protection -- and, according to the orange unicorn, Star would be out cold for the rest of the night due to the trial she'd gone through, so we were fine talking within the chambers. "Changelings primarily have two main strategies when attempting to... replace a victim," Sunburst continued his explanation. "The first is... the most direct approach. Complete elimination of the target." ... He didn't need to say anything beyond that. The three of us had swiftly comprehended the implications. I had to control the sudden nausea crawling through my stomach. Did those monsters intend to... to Star? The hairs of my coat stood on end, the extreme sense of terror quickly replaced by an acute rage, and along with it, a twinge of discomfort at the base of my horn. A-again!? "The second is much less aggressive and generally used to capture," Sunburst's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "The less fatal method is accomplished by utilizing a sedative they create from the magical resin secreted from the glands in their hooves," he nearly retched, the knowledge of such a disgusting fact obviously troubling him. "They administer it in one of three ways. Direct injection, tricking their target into ingesting it, or through a spell. The primary purpose of the sedative is complete incapacitation. Shortly after administration... the changelings drag the victim to their hive." That... doesn't sound as bad as being mur- "Then... what?" Pinkie asked, devoid of the effervescence she just possessed. "Then what do they do with..." she swallowed roughly. "the victim?" A shadow appeared to descend onto Sunburst, his brow furrowing as he stared down at the carpet. ... "S-Sunburst?" Trixie spoke softly, worry painting her features. "They administer a more potent form of their drug," he spoke through gritted teeth. "As long as it's repeated, It keeps a creature in a permanent coma, forcing them to experience endless hallucinations. Then... they're sealed in a pod where they're used as a source of sustenance from the emotions the dreams incite until..." My horn sparked to life, the red aura filling the room. "S-Sunset!?" Pinkie and Trixie both gasped, though I barely noticed them. They'll pay. They have to pay! I stood to my hooves, moving to leave the room, to find them. "I'm going." "Sunset," Sunburst was calm, his voice a notch above a whisper. "We have to stick together," he glanced at Star. "I know you might've thought I was kidding around before, about Starlight I mean, but..." as he faced me I noted his eyes were filled with just as much anger as I felt. "I'm just as angry as you are, but we have to be careful." He flashed a smile that could inspire an army. "We'll get them back. Trust me." ... My horn flickered out as I took a seat once again. "We have to, Sunburst," I declared, still more than a little mad "For Star." "For Starlight," he nodded once. "Now then," he spoke to all three of us again. "What can we surmise from the condition she was in and the events that transpired?" ... "From the looks of things," Trixie glanced at Star's slumbering form. "I'd assume somepony spiked her drink back at that teahouse we were at." "I'd agree with your theory, Trixie," Sunburst nodded at the mare. "I'm fairly certain they were hoping to take her... but for some reason, those plans fell through." We all grew quiet, contemplating possible reasons for their failure. ... "Maybe it's our super special insides?" Pinkie suggested, a giggle coming from her as she rubbed her belly. ... "Pinkie, I don't thin-" "Actually, Trixie..." Sunburst interrupted the blue mare. "She might be on to something." "Because they're the Elements?" I guessed, though it was an educated one. They were special. Apparently, very special. "Precisely," Sunburst confirmed my suspicion. "You said Starlight had a drink at the teahouse, Trixie. What about you?" "I got one," she confirmed. "Rarity did too. It tasted pretty normal, though." "Good!" he stood up and trotted over to her and Pinkie's side of Star's bed. "You haven't had anything since then, correct?" "No, I just had the tea and came straight here when..." she bristled, his close proximity clearly making her uncomfortable. "W-why do you ask?" "Do you mind?" he lifted a brow, noticing her discomfort. It was evident he had no intention of pushing her any further than she was willing to go. "Uhm, what did you have in mind?" she was still leaning away from him, her look of discomfort growing. "Trix is really shy," Pinkie held a hoof up to her face to whisper my way. "In case you hadn't noticed." Clearly. "If you'd allow me to try, I should be able to analyze the ingredients of the drink you had from the residue it left in your mouth," he confidently explained, though it did nothing to dissuade Trixie's reservations. "That's... INCREDIBLE, Sunburst!" I remarked in awe. "You wouldn't have to examine the contents of her stomach?" "I don't think so," he grinned, my praise brightening his spirit. "It hasn't been that long, so a quick scan with a spell should let me know everything I need." "Y-you want to look... in my m-mouth!?" Trixie was visibly trembling now, her coat turning a bright maroon. "Uh-ooooh," Pinkie scooted away from the blue unicorn. "She's gonna bloooow." "Tr-Trixie?" Sunburst moved away slightly as well. As the blue mare's shaking grew to incalculable levels, I felt compelled to try and do something to help her. "I know it might be a little embarrassing, Trixie," I began, drawing the attention of the trio and slowing her vibrations a degree. "But it might help us prevent another pony from suffering the fate they wanted... for Star." As my eyes brimmed with moisture Trixie's distress appeared to completely dissipate. "O-okay," she nodded, newfound resolve on her face, but hints of reservation still clinging to her. "Okay! You're right, Sunset!" "Great!" Sunburst moved closer to her. "Thank you, Trixie," I smiled warmly at the mare who returned my kindness. "What do you need me to do, Sunburst?" she faced the orange unicorn with measured gusto. "Wow, Sunset," Pinkie was now sitting next to me. She must have moved when I wasn't paying attention to her. "I've never seen anypony get Trix out of one of her panic attacks that fast." A sly smirk came to her lips. "You must be pretty special yourself," she nudged me with an elbow as one of her eyebrows bounced up and down. "Wait..." my face twisted in confusion. "How did you kn-" "I just need you to say 'ah'," Sunburst instructed Trixie. "A-ah..." the blue unicorn's eyes were squeezed tight, the tremors coming back a fraction, but the mare doing a much better job of keeping them in check. "Alright, good," Sunburst held her jaw with a hoof as his horn sparked to life. "It'll just take me a moment." A small speck of light floated from the tip of his horn, touching down on her tongue before spreading along it and coating it in his yellow mana. "AH!" Trixie clenched her eyes tighter. ... "Yes! Just as I suspected!" His horn powered down, the aura on Trixie's tongue fading away along with it. "Thank you, Trixie. You can close your mouth now. You did great!" "O-okay..." Trixie massaged her jaw with a hoof. "Happy to help." "So, Sunny..." Pinkie chimed in, shimmying back to their side of the bed once again. "What'd ya find out?" Sunburst's smile evaporated, making way for an intensely serious expression. "They definitely tried to drug her," his horn igniting yet again, a telekinetic spell bringing the solid, blood-red stone -- now encased in a mana generated glass orb -- to rest on Star's bed. "There are still... traces, very minor traces... but traces nonetheless, of changeling resin... in Trixie's mouth." Pinkie and I both slowly shifted our horrified gazes to the blue mare. A sickly green tinge came to the azure mare's complexion. "S-Sunset?" she was shaking again, but this time for a much different reason. The look of utter disgust on her face wasn't exactly reassuring either. "Y-yeah, Trixie?" I asked cautiously. "You wouldn't h-happen to have an extra toothbrush..." It was clear she was trying her best to remain calm, but the trembling hoof she lifted my way betrayed her true feelings. "W-would you?" "I-" "Not to... uhm, rain on your parade even further or anything, Trixie," Sunburst looked away from us, scratching at his cheek with a hoof. It was evident he was trying to hide the embarrassed grin on his face. "What is it, Sunny?" Pinkie asked, though she didn't take her concerned eyes off of Trixie for even a second. "A... a toothbrush probably won't help much now," he chuckled nervously. "I mean Trixie did drink the concoction so..." "Nevermind," Trixie covered her mouth with a hoof, her face now flushed a dark jade. "I think I'm gonna be-" The gurgle that came from her as she darted to the restroom was not a good sound. She slammed the door behind herself, the plethora of other noises coming from inside shortly thereafter even less pleasant than the first. "Hoo boy," Pinkie reluctantly stood to her hooves. "I better get in there." She chuckled nervously before leaving to join our friend in the other room. There they go... ... "She'll be alright," Sunburst laughed a bit as he regained my attention, "It's just a little... gross, nothing more." ... "Hey... Sunburst?" I was still a bit confused and more than a little suspicious. "What is it, Sunset?" "You're... very well informed on the changelings, and your words have made it more than obvious that you have close ties to my mentor..." It was a little weird. This... he could be a crucial part of her plan. "You're not just Queen Cantata's Regis... are you?" "Essentially?" ... "Yes," he shrugged. "Although, I was indeed appointed by Princess Celestia to be Queen Cantata's Regis." ... "I won't lie to you, Sunburst. That's a little... suspicious," I frowned. Why would a ruler let somepony else appoint somepony to a position so important to their kingdom? "First, I'm going to assume you're aware of what happened between the Empire and the Changeling Hive years ago, then?" he asked. "Queen Cantata and Princess Cadenza spoke with me about it, yes," I confirmed. "After that... after the war, I mean... what makes you think the queen really had any sort of choice in what happened?" "What?" His question rocked me. Why wouldn't she have a choice? "Sunset..." he sighed. "The Empire lost its king. Its military was in shambles. The queen... the queen was beside herself with grief." That last fact appeared to be particularly troubling to the stallion. "My predecessor was thrust upon the queen because Princess Celestia wanted to respect the King's final wish while ensuring the safety of the Empire. It wasn't a choice made by a single soul in the Empire, but rather, the ruler of Equestria." ... "I... think I see," I had sort of worked out what he was saying. "I thought the Regis was a devout follower of the queen. I thought a pony dedicated to the Empire... but..." "My loyalty lies with Princess Celestia," he affirmed my theory. "She chose me to fill this position... and I'll do whatever it takes to live up to the expectations she has for me." I could sense intense resolve emanating from him, could nearly feel it. It was akin to my mentor's blinding sun. He's... telling the truth. "I hope that's a sufficient answer for you," he scratched his nose, a small grin on his face. He was the only one I still had slight reservations about. He was the only one from the Empire. "It is," I looked away, slightly ashamed. "Thank you... for humoring me. And... sorry." "Don't worry about it," he waved a hoof dismissively in front of himself. "Vigilance is exactly what we need right now." He gestured toward the stone on the bed. "Anyway, I really wanted to get your input on this, Sunset." "My... input?" I laid my hooves on the bed, leaning closer to examine the strange object. "I'm not sure I'll be of any help, but I'll do my best." "You shouldn't sell yourself short," he remarked, also drawing nearer to the stone. "Princess Celestia raves about you all the time, Sunset." "Sh-she does!?" I gawked at the Regis. "A-about me!?" "She most certainly does. All the time. Just the other day..." he cleared his throat, straightening up and beginning to imitate my mentor almost perfectly. "She's beyond intelligent, Sunburst. And so incredibly talented. I swear, she's the daughter I've always wan-" he clapped his hooves over his mouth. ... His eyes were bulged out of his head. I stared at the unicorn in shock. Did she... did she really say that... about me? He had no reason to lie about such a trivial topic. I had no reason to doubt him. "Errrr, you should probably forget I said that," he looked exceptionally worried. "Please forget I just said that!" he was begging. He didn't have to. Not for this. Not me. "It's alright, Sunburst," I wiped a joyful tear away. "I can keep a secret." "Oh thank goodness," he let out the breath he'd been holding in. "It's not like she swore me to secrecy or anything like that, she'd have used a spell if she wanted to do that," he whispered that last part to himself. "It's just... you really are very important to her and I think she wants to tell you herself." "I... had an idea I was," I smiled. "She is to me too. You must be as well," I waved a hoof his way. "Important to her, I mean. If she said something like that to you... she must trust you a lot." "She does," he smiled, but there was a slight sadness in it. "But it's a bit... different, y'know?" "I'm not really sure what you mean, Sunburst." Celestia treated all of those serving her with the utmost dignity and respect. Those whom she favored, she did even more for. If he found himself lucky enough to be blessed by her grace, he was every bit as fortunate as I was. "With ponies like me, creatures like me..." he scratched lightly at his mane with a hoof. "I know it might sound a little harsh but, we're more like... really important pawns to Her Highness." "A little harsh?" I lifted an annoyed eyebrow. "You disagree," he chuckled awkwardly. "Of course I do!" I slammed a hoof on the floor. "Princess Celestia cares about all of us!" I pointed an accusatory hoof at the stallion. "THERE'S NO WAY SHE THINKS ANYPONY IS JUST A PAWN!" my chest heaved, my anger getting the best of me. ... He chuckled once again, an action filled with irony as he rubbed his face with a hoof. "If only life was that simple," he whispered into his hoof. "Maybe it is..." I lowered my hoof onto the bed, my anger abating. "Maybe... you're mistaken, Sunburst." ... He took a deep, exasperated breath. "Can I ask you a question, Sunset?" He had his eyes closed. "Of course you can," I replied, probably a little more aggressively than I intended to. "You met with Chrysalis, didn't you?" "I did." "And you witnessed... the true nature of the princess, correct?" "Y-yes." "Tell me..." He opened his eyes, staring directly into mine. "What do you think Her Highness should do?" I had to think for a moment. It was a difficult question to answer. The Princess of the Changeling's was clearly plotting something and it's not like Cantata could rely on brute strength. Unless she turns to Celestia and Luna. Her options, as it stood, were to negotiate with Chrysalis' mother or... Judging by Chrysalis' actions... that's about it. "I think the queen shoul-" "You misunderstand," he cut me off with a raised hoof, drawing a frown to my face. "What do you think Princess Celestia should do?" "Wh-" I stared at him, completely baffled because of his clarification. "How does my mentor have anything to do with Chrysalis?" "She could put a stop to her plans," he smirked. "Don't you think?" "With one hoof tied behind her back," I snapped back, his unwarranted confidence and wherever he was going with this line of thinking already irritating me. "The real question is: Will she?" he asked, raising a brow. "Sh-" I hesitated. She wasn't here, but she would be in an instant if she had to be. Wouldn't she? ... "If the queen asked for help, I'm certain Princess Cel-" "Is such an approach acceptable to you?" "Wh-what!?" "If Queen Cantata doesn't ask for help, and Princess Celestia lets things... play out," his smarminess was growing by the second. "Do you think that's okay?" "She wouldn't do that!" The pressure around the base of my horn drew a prodding hoof. "She's not that type of princess or pony!" "Sunset..." he sighed. "She already has." I nearly growled, ready to object to his claim, but the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. She... she did. That was how Cadenza had lost her father in the first place. The king and the Empire had opted to handle the war in their own way... and my mentor stood back and watched. "She... I..." I had no reprisal, had no snarky comeback. "Don't get me wrong, Sunset," his fierce demeanor was gone just as quickly as it came. "I don't think it was wrong. I don't believe it would be wrong if the same thing happens again and the Empire were to fall. But... there are those who would disagree with me." He trotted over to my side of the bed and sat next to me. "Would you give your life to save Canterlot and all the creatures within it?" "I... I think so," I replied meekly. "Let me make it a little easier," he laughed. "Would you give your life for Princess Celestia?" "Yes." I didn't even have to think about that question. If need be, I'd do it this very moment. "And that's all I meant," he wrapped a foreleg around me. "I'm confident your mentor would do the same for you, that's all." "And she..." She wouldn't do it for him. "It's fine," he squeezed me gently. "She's far too important to Equestria... and so are you," he lifted his head towards my bed. "Her too. We all have a purpose, Sunset. I'm proud I get to fulfill mine." We sat silently for a moment, the older stallion rubbing my shoulder with a hoof. ... "I guess... life's really not that simple... huh?" I chuckled quietly. "As long as you keep your priorities in order," he scooted away as the door to the bathroom opened. "I think it can be." "Sorry," Trixie slowly stumbled back into the room, Pinkie supporting her on the way. "It's fine, Trixie," Sunburst assured her. "You can head back if you're not feeling well." "No, I'm okay," she shot that idea down instantly as the pair sat down across from us. "What did we miss?" "Nothing really," I smiled. Her determination was inspiring. She didn't need to stay, but she wasn't about to take the easy way out. Sunburst pointed at the red growth. "Sunset was just about to give us her input on this..." > TCE: Her Elements Pt. 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "That's the icky junk you pulled out of Starlight, right Sunburst?" Pinkie scratched at her chin, drawing much closer to the solid object. Probably a little too close, if I was being honest. "Yes, Pinkie. That's exactly what it is," he replied to the mare before turning my way. "Go ahead, Sunset." "O-okay," I hesitantly nodded as I straightened up my posture and got ready. After closing my eyes and taking a deep, calming breath, I sent mana into my horn. As soon as my spell fully formed I used it to reach out to the stone. Using a spell for the analysis of a source of mana was a fairly simple feat for any learned unicorn. It only became troublesome when the mana one was evaluating could be as dangerous as whatever this was. I had to keep myself at a safe distance. If it was a sentient spell and could somehow find a way to the source of my mana, to my soul... I could become infected. In such a pitiful event, it could mean anything from a negligible amount of pain to instant expiration. The barrier I'd set up should be enough to keep me safe, -- depending on just how strong the caster of the unknown spell was -- but just in case, I severed the link between my analysis spell and my self as soon as it was done with its assessment. As information slowly flooded through my mind's eye, I knew almost immediately that my limited knowledge wasn't sufficient to come to any significant conclusions on the subject. The way my spell worked was by searching through every bit of data I had ever seen or heard in my life, even if my conscious mind had long forgotten said info. Unfortunately, in all my years, I'd never come across anything like this particular magic. "What do you think, Sunset?" Trixie asked, forcing me to open my eyes. "I... It's definitely not unicorn or alicorn mana and... from what little I know of changelings, I'd say it's not theirs either," I sighed, disappointed in the fact that I couldn't be any more helpful. "A-and..." For some irritating reason I couldn't quite put my hoof on, there was a low nagging voice in the back of my mind that I couldn't shake. It whispered her name to me, over and over again. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, the voice persisted. "And what, Sunset?" Sunburst asked, though he appeared to have an inkling of the reason for my reservation. "It's... It's kind of hard for me to explain, but..." I looked around at the trio, doing my best not to seem guilty. I... I can trust them. "For some reason that... stuff... reminds me... of... a friend." ... None of them said a word, each looking down at the block of mana. Thankfully, no follow up questions were flung my way. They respected me enough not to ask who I was referring to, but I was pretty sure they already knew who I was speaking of. ... "Barring that last comment," the stallion cleared his throat. "That's essentially what I thought, as well," Sunburst crossed his forelegs, tapping his chin with a hoof. "I know for a fact, it was not created by changelings. Still... there's something that's troubling me even more than its origin." "What's that, Sunny?" Pinkie asked what the three of us were thinking. "I couldn't find any traces of this substance in Trixie's mouth." The blue mare blushed at the stallion's words. "If I were a betting pony..." he looked at me. "I'd wager it wasn't in her drink... Rarity's either." Then... "Why?" I bristled. "I couldn't say," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "But if it means what I think it does, then they're obviously prioritizing Starlight as a major threat. Maybe even moreso than you all," he lifted his head towards Trixie and Pinkie. ... "That... makes sense," I spoke after the few seconds of silence. "Star is beyond talented... and absurdly strong." If Chrysalis views anypony in the Empire as particularly dangerous to her plans, it's probably Star. "I can see that," Sunburst agreed, a smile sprouting on his face. "But the Elements are a very... different kind of threat. I truly thought Chrysalis would've prioritized them over anything else." "Maybe... maybe she doesn't know about us?" Trixie suggested. "But if they didn't think you were important..." Pinkie's face screwed up in confusion. "Why would they try to poison you with their bug juice?" Trixie blanched. "Oops! Sorry, Trix!" Pinkie patted the blue unicorn on the shoulder. ... "Maybe... maybe they..." I felt nauseous. "What if they're just poisoning any and every creature they can?" ... "Unfortunately..." Sunburst sighed. "I'd have to say that's a very real possibility, Sunset." A much more tense quiet replaced the contemplative one that had just taken place. ... "Where is Twilight Sparkle?" He asked the question out of nowhere, but I had an idea why he wanted to know the information. "If she's where she's supposed to be, then with her older brother," I answered. "But Star was supposed to be with them too, so... I'm not really sure." "Could that be why she was targeted?" Trixie interjected. "Because she was alone? Or, at least, away from her friends?" "Could be," Sunburst tilted his head. "But at least, If Twilight is with Captain Armor, then thankfully, she's in the safest place she can be in the entire Empire." "Why do you say that, Sunburst?" I was genuinely curious. "Captain Armor is... he's a very accomplished soldier," he looked solemn all of a sudden. "Since he's become Captain, his magic is what has kept the Empire going safely for as long as it has. If anypony can ensure Twilight's safety, it's him." That was good to know. Twilight could take care of herself in most situations, but this was different. I glanced at Star's slumbering form. It was reassuring to know that Twilight's older brother was more than capable of keeping watch over her. "Then we're all safe," I nearly let out the breath of relief, but the looks of worry on Pinkie and Trixie's faces made me decide to do otherwise. "Not all of us," Sunburst lifted the orb into the air before teleporting it away. "But I can understand why you might be feeling relieved." I shamefully lowered my head. I knew I was being selfish, but I really was happy they weren't in danger. "What are you going to do with it?" I asked, trying to change the subject and hoping they'd overlook my heartlessness. "Sending it to Princess Celestia," he rubbed his head with a hoof. "If anypony knows what it is or where it came from, it'll be Her Highness." ... "So... what now?" Trixie asked. "Now? Now I think it's best if we consolidate our forces," he stood to his hooves. "How do we do that, Sunny?" Pinkie tilted her head. "First things first," he walked over to Pinkie, standing behind her and placing his hooves on her shoulders. "I think Sunset needs to know how the six of you function if we want to stand any chance against Chrysalis." "How they 'function'?" I lifted my head. "There are six Elements of Harmony, Sunset," he laid a hoof on Pinkie's mane. "Pinkamena, or Pinkie Pie, as we so affectionately refer to her," he patted her head eliciting a giggle from the pink mare. "Is the Element of Joy." The Element of... Joy? "So what she's... extremely happy?" I really didn't understand how a pony could be an element. Elements were things like fire and wind, not creatures. "YES! I AM!" Pinkie shouted enthusiastically, laughing hysterically. "The Element of Joy finds her strength in joy," Sunburst chuckled moving over to Trixie. "The more joy Pinkie feels, the more power she has at her disposal." "Power?" I stared at the bouncing pink mare. I couldn't really debate his claim, -- I'd seen first-hoof just how immense her 'power' was -- but I still didn't understand what kind of power she'd used. It certainly wasn't unicorn magic. "I can't really explain it myself," Sunburst shrugged, though his lack of knowledge didn't seem to bother him much. "All I know is that each of the Elements derives their strength from a particular... quality they possess, is probably the best way I can put it." "I see," I didn't completely get it, but I think I had a better understanding than before. So then Pinkie's ability comes from how joyous she's feeling at any given moment. While that could be a great boon, it could also be a terrible bane. If she lost that spark -- like she had before finding me in the great hall -- she'd become completely powerless. "And what about Trixie?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. The azure mare had displayed no strong qualities thus far, other than nervousness, at least from what I could tell. "Ah, Trixie!" A wide smile came to Sunburst's lips. "The strongest of the Elements." "S-Sunburst!" Trixie turned a dark shade of red, much like a ripe tomato. She stared down at her hooves, wringing them together uncomfortably. "I asked you to stop with that nonsense." "But you are, Trix!" Pinkie sidled into the azure mare, nuzzling her affectionately. "We've all seen it with our own eyes." It was clear Trixie wanted to object to their words a second time, but she thought better of it. Instead, she simply lowered her head further. Sunburst nodded my way, wordlessly encouraging me to say something to her. "What Element are you, Trixie?" I asked gently, not wanting to exacerbate her sullen mood any further. "I'm... I-I'm humility," she covered her face with her hooves in embarrassment, her coat growing an even more intense maroon. Sunburst laid a comforting hoof on her mane while Pinkie affectionately wrapped her forelegs around the mare's midsection. "That's... that's AMAZING, Trixie!" I gushed, lifting myself up by my forelegs onto the bed. "That's a really admirable quality!" Despite my level of excitement and just how impressed I was, the blue unicorn's mood didn't improve at all. Her head remained on the decline. "Th-thanks, Sunset," her reply was nearly a whisper, causing me to fall back down onto my rump. "I... I appreciate it." I looked Sunburst's way for an explanation. I received a shrug that said, "it is what it is" back. "Trixie's power is wholly dependent on her friends," he explained. "The stronger they are as a collective... the stronger their bonds grow, the stronger she becomes." ... "Wait a second, Sunburst..." I lifted a hoof, shaking my head in disbelief. "What exactly do you mean by 'wholly'?" "It means I'm useless without them," Trixie answered, a distinct sorrow in her words. "It means... It means I can't do a SINGLE THING on my own!" There was enough frustration in her to cause Pinkie to squeeze her tighter. My mouth fell open into an O, a wave of realization washing over me. That must be why Sunburst had to look for one of the other Elements earlier... Trixie, on her own, wouldn't have been able to do anything to help Star. "I can see how that could be... troublesome," my words drew the azure mare's gaze to me. There was a lot of pain behind those violet eyes. An all too familiar pain. "But... I think it's really amazing, too." "A-amazing!?" she looked utterly bewildered. "How is it amazing!?" "I haven't always had friends," I glanced at the slumbering lilac mare. "But, I'm beginning to see just how important they are," I turned back to Trixie, the vivid smile on my face causing her lips to lift slightly. "The bonds Twilight, Star, and I have built with one another aren't that powerful yet... but they're only going to get stronger with time." "Which means?" Sunburst chuckled, his question directed at Trixie. "Which means I'll just keep getting stronger..." she teared up, a breathtaking smile coming to her face. "Why didn't I- I couldn't-" she laughed, shaking her head. "Thank you, Sunset... for helping me realize" "Anytime, Trix," I grinned. The four of us shared a laugh. ++++++++++++++++++++++ After assuring me -- and then reassuring me countless more times -- that Star was safe inside our room due to the barrier he had erected, Sunburst made the decision that the four of us should seek out the other Elements within the palace. I needed to speak with them, needed to create a rapport with the group so that we would stand a fighting chance against Chrysalis and her changelings. As the supposed leader of my group -- I'm assuming because I was Celestia's pupil -- and soon to be protector of the queen, -- at least, for the wedding -- I was apparently the best candidate to meet with the Elements. Not to mention Star is completely out of it right now, Twilight is busy helping her brother with the guard, and I have literally nothing to do until I get a chance to speak with the queen or Cadenza again. It was an easy decision for him to make. Trotting through the palace -- hundreds of eyes on the four of us -- was supremely unnerving knowing what I knew now. There could be dozens of changelings operating amongst us and we'd no way to recognize the difference between them and non- combatants. Each and every time a stranger gave me an unnerving stare a wave of discomfort surged through me. While I was doing a terrible job of hiding just how on edge I was, the others seemed to be doing just fine. Sunburst had a glowing smile on his face as he spoke with Trixie who -- although looking absolutely flustered at the moment, I was beginning to see that was how she looked more often than not -- did not seem to be worried about her surroundings. Pinkie... Pinkie was literally bouncing her way through the palace, more than a spring in her step and a wide grin plastered on her face. Humility and Joy... Different sides of the spectrum, and yet, they seemed to be really close friends. Next is Applejack, the Element of Honesty, I recalled Sunburst's words prior to leaving our room. We should be able to find her in the kitchens. Honesty was nothing like joy or humility, at least, not from what I could gather. While it made sense that Pinkie could bolster her joy through her experiences and Trixie's power could be amplified through her friends, I had no clue how Applejack could utilize honesty. What can she do, just tell the truth a bunch and it'll make her stronger? That sounded... unlikely. "We're here," Sunburst plucked me from my reverie, opening the doors to the kitchens in front of us with a telekinetic spell. "Thanks a ton, Rare! I'd be in a whole world of hurt if'n y'all didn't come an help me out!" The southern drawl coming from the orange earth pony standing before us was devastatingly thick. The stetson sitting atop her head was also a dead giveaway of her upbringing. She was definitely raised on a farm, I smiled to myself. A lot of ponies native to Canterlot would find that fact appalling, but I wasn't like them. I wasn't exactly the most diligent worker myself, so anypony who was had my respect. "Think nothing of it, darling," the voice of the white unicorn was the polar opposite of her orange counterparts. "You know I'd travel through Tartarus and high water to aid you in any and every endeavor you may face." The second mare carried herself like the typical Canterlot noble, though I could sense an undercurrent of sincerity in her that none of the nobles I'd met before possessed. The pair was standing before countless trays of food covering dozens of prep tables. It was evident they were simply preparing the delicacies to be cooked the day of the wedding. Such a massive amount of food had to be prepared in advance, and from the looks of it, they'd done an amazing job. "You're here, Rarity!? Great! Now we don't have to find you too!" Pinkie bounded in front of us, drawing the pairs attention away from the platters before them and onto our motley crew. "Hey Applejack! How goes the food prep?" "Hey Pinks!" The orange mare, Applejack, lit up at the sight of her friends. "Been busy, huh? Trix, Sunburst," she tilted her hat at each of the others. "Hey, Applejack," Trixie replied, though it was a tepid greeting at best. "Afternoon, Applejack," Sunburst's reply was much warmer than the blue mare's. "Then..." she looked at me. "that must make you one of Twilight's friends. Rare told me all about you." I recoiled, the force of her displeasure at both seeing me and saying her name, nearly enough to knock me onto my rump. "Now, now, Applejack. We've already spoken at length on this," the white mare patted Applejack's shoulder with a hoof before stepping by her and towards us. "It's an honor to meet you, Sunset Shimmer," she bowed her head slightly to me. "My name is Rarity and my temperamental friend here is Applejack." "N-nice to meet you too," I smiled back nervously. The Element of Generosity is named Rarity, I recalled Sunburst's words once again. She has a... flair for the dramatic, but you won't find a more giving pony in all of Equestria. That magnanimity fuels her. I wasn't expecting to meet her so soon, but the sweet smile she'd given me had completely disarmed me. Applejack on the other hoof... "The feelin' ain't mutual." The stink eye the orange mare was giving me said enough for my smile to dissolve away. "I... I'm-" "Come on, Aj," Pinkie leapt to her friend's side, using her hooves to force a smile onto the farm mare's lips. "Sunset didn't do anything wrong." "Maybe not," Applejack lowered the pink mare's forelegs, never taking her eyes off of me. "Darling, please," Rarity tried to calm the earth pony, but it was clear nothing short of a miracle was going to stop her now. "No Rare! Any friend of that... unicorn ain't somepony I can trust!" ... None of us made a sound for the longest time, Pinkie, Sunburst, and Rarity shifting and fidgeting uncomfortably. Applejack was steadfast in her conviction, staring daggers my way. I'd merely dropped my head, her wrathful gaze too much for me to handle. I had no idea what to do, what to say, to make up for whatever Twilight had done to them. What could she have possibly... "Applejack..." I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve and lifting my head. The orange mare didn't flinch. I had her undivided attention. "What did she... what did Twilight do?" The question sent a visible tremor through the orange mare, as if it was an attack on her body itself, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Ya mean to tell me that mare had the audacity to attack me and my friends," she scoffed. "And she didn't even think it important enough to mention it to ya?" My eyes shot open, my legs feeling like they'd suddenly been turned to rubber. Attacked... them? Telling the truth can be... a little brutal. After all, a well meant white lie can go a long way in alleviating pain. However, that's anything but honest, Sunburst's voice rang out in my head. You'll get nothing but the truth from Applejack. That truthfulness multiplies her strength. It took everything I had in me not to collapse on the spot. But, Twilight wouldn't- No. She would. She definitely would. In fact, she had. There was no doubt in my mind that Applejack was being honest. When Starlight pushed her a little too hard, she'd nearly killed the mare. Twilight... I lost my balance, no longer able to hold myself up, but... "I've got you, Sunset." "Tr-Trixie!?" The azure mare had her forelegs wrapped around me, holding me up. "Applejack... we already discussed this," the blue unicorn's voice was low, barely above a whisper. I didn't know if it was because she wanted to be quiet or if it's because she was nervous. "Twilight apologized. She-" "Do ya honestly think that's enough, Trix!?" Applejack turned on the mare, her glower remaining strong. "Was it not enough when Trixie did it!?" Trixie's voice was loud, much louder than I'd expected. A scowl was plastered on her face, the unicorn clearly angry. "Trixie, you know w-" "No, Rarity!" Trixie wasn't having any of it, glaring at the white unicorn for a moment, but returning her full attention to Applejack quickly. "Trix- I want the truth!" ... "Trix," Applejack sighed, her anger finally abating. "Ya know it was. We all forga-" "Then why isn't it enough for her!?" Trixie wasn't going to back down, her eyes brimming with tears as she moved aggressively toward her friend. "Or is Trixie the one you refuse to believe!?" "Trixie..." Pinkie wrapped a foreleg around the azure unicorn, her ears flattening atop her head. "Trix... I'm... I'm sorry," Applejack removed her Stetson, pressing it against her chest. "Ya know I'd never... I..." My heart stirred, aching for the farm pony and for the blue unicorn. "Tr-" Sunburst lifted a hoof in front of my face, cutting me off and drawing my attention. He shook his head, though the action was barely perceptible. "They'll handle it," he whispered softly to me. "Trust them." "Applejack..." Trixie's head fell. "If you don't trust me-" "That's enough, Trixie! I swore. We all did!" Applejack moved closer to her, determination on the earth pony's face. "I do believe ya, it's just... it's just I'm still angry is all." "Darling..." Rarity pulled the orange mare even closer to the blue and pink duo. "That's why we all agreed we'd speak with Twilight as soon as possible. Holding a grudge will accomplish nothing." "I know, I know," Applejack relented, placing her Stetson on Trixie's head. "I'm sorry sugar cube." "It's okay, Aj," Trixie's meager smile was back. "You'll see. She really did regret it." The four ponies embraced one another drawing a smile to Sunburst's lips. ... "Alright then," Applejack stepped through her friends, approaching me with a grin on her face. "Let me do this the right way then," she stood in front of me, lifting a hoof my way. "Sorry about all that, I'm not usually so fussy. The name's Applejack." I stared at her hoof for several seconds, stunned into a stupor. I wanted to take it immediately, to shake it vigorously and smile along with the rest of them, but... I don't deserve to... I lowered my head, bowing to the earth pony. "I'll... we'll make it up to you," I looked up at Applejack, determination flooding my veins. I looked at the four of them. "We'll make it up to all of you. I swear!" > TCE: Her Elements Pt. 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dash, I'm tellin' ya. We have ta work together!" Applejack was practically begging, but it was clear from the look on the blue pegasus' face that she wasn't buying anything her friend was selling. "And I already told you, Applejack," Rainbow Dash looked at me with utter disdain. "I'm not doing it!" ++++++++++++++++++++++ Applejack had been nothing but pleasant after I promised to do my best to rectify things. She'd reluctantly agreed to give Twilight a second chance and that was all that I could I ask of the mare. Discussions were much more civil after that, on both Sunburst's intentions to bring our groups together and what our next moves should be. The six of us decided it was best to try and find the final two Elements before any of Chrysalis' changelings had hopefully gotten to them. Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, and Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, were the last two ponies I'd yet to meet. They were somewhere on palace grounds. More likely than not, in the gardens, according to Rarity. The Element of Generosity seemed to be quite informed. According to the girls, -- Trixie, Rarity, Applejack, and even the bubbly Pinkie Pie -- I was most likely going to have the hardest time with the last pair of Elements. Rainbow Dash -- being the Element of Loyalty -- was firmly in the "Twilight deserves no mercy for what she did to my friends" camp. As the personification of loyalty, the fact that she was being so steadfast about it made a lot more sense. Fluttershy though... according to the girls, she was in a similar camp to Dash, though a much more peaceful one. I couldn't understand why kindness would hold a vendetta, but it was already more than obvious she was fiercely loyal to her friends as well. As soon as our group stepped out into the vast gardens I was able to catch sight of the two pegasi responsible for the music and the... to be honest, I wasn't sure what Rainbow Dash was in charge of for the wedding. Well, if that isn't the most appropriate name ever. She couldn't have been any more rainbow-ish if she tried. Her multicolored mane and tail were a dead giveaway and judging by the way she was zipping through the sky, "Dash" was a perfect designation for her. Fluttershy -- or at least, who I assumed was Fluttershy -- was standing on the ground beneath the cyan mare... Conducting a choir... of birds? That's new. With the utmost wariness, I followed behind the others to speak with their friends. Little did I know, it was going to go far worse than I'd expected. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Everything was going well. At least, at first. Both pegasi were cordial and treated me with respect... until I uttered a single word alluding to Twilight. As soon as they'd found out about my relationship with Luna's disciple the blue mare gave me the dirtiest look I'd ever received before trying to take off and fly to Celestia knows where. Fortunately, Sunburst managed to stop her from leaving, utilizing a telekinetic spell that forced the pegasus back to her hooves on the ground. Unfortunately, all his efforts had resulted in was a heated argument between Rainbow Dash and Applejack. And that was currently what was transpiring. The farm mare was physically grappling with Rainbow Dash, the rest of us standing back and watching. "YA CAN'T JUST RUN AWAY FROM THIS, DASH!" Applejack roared in her friend's face, holding her tightly by the fluff on her chest. "WE HAVE A JOB TA DO!" "You think I actually care about that right now?" the blue pegasus wasn't even looking at her friend. Instead, her eyes were still locked onto me. "It doesn't really matter if you care," Sunburst interjected, stomping up to the pair. His horn was blazing gold, a stern expression on his face. "We have neither the time nor the resources to be squabbling amongst one another like this," he forcefully separated the farm pony and the flier with another telekinetic spell. "Quash this animosity, Rainbow Dash," he focused on the blue mare. "If you don't, I will. Princess Celestia ordered us all to work tog-" "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT CEL-" She finally lost her temper, but thankfully, she was cut off. "Rainbow Dash. Stop." For the first time since we'd come outside, the yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, had spoken. All of her actions up to this point had been merely gestures or quiet hums. The yellow pegasus looked completely calm, a surprising contrast to her now fuming friend. It was a little unnerving, her expression completely unreadable. Everypony else had looks of shocked horror on their faces. Everypony else, that is, save Sunburst. "You should listen to your friend, Rainbow," his horn pulsed menacingly. "I assure you, you do not want to finish that sentence." ... "Tch!" the rainbow maned pegasus finally flinched, but decided to continue running her mouth. "We didn't need anypony else before," she switched topics. A very wise decision if Sunburst's face was any indication. "Why should we rely on a few weaklings now?" "They aren't-" "I can show you," I interrupted Sunburst, my head remaining down, but my words firm. I couldn't just stand around and say nothing while she ran down me and my friends. I was representing too many ponies important to me to let her say such awful things. "Just how wrong you are." I took a step toward the pegasus, my horn flaring red. "G-girls!?" Rarity shouted, now clearly panicked. "Sunset, ya don't have t-" "Alright then," Rainbow cut Applejack off, a smirk coming to the cyan mare's face. "Just remember one thing... just because your little friend sucker punched us back on the train doesn't mean we're weak either," she crouched low, getting into a combative stance as her wings unfurled at her sides. "And don't think for a second I'll go easy on you just because of who you are." "I wouldn't have it any other way." I was already prepping several spells and barriers for the incoming melee. She was an Element. This wouldn't be easy. "Dashie, you don't have to fight!" Pinkie cried out. "We can all be friends!" "I have to fight, Pinks," Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Nopony hurts my friends and gets away with it. Not even one of Luna's little lapdogs." "Rainbow Dash," Trixie's voice was deathly calm, a little disturbing even. It was also her first time speaking since we all entered the gardens. She'd remained silent the entire conversation, but now she looked mildly annoyed. "What is it, Trix?" the blue pegasus replied without looking the unicorn's way. "Get it out of your system," Trixie spoke with an authoritative tone she never employed before, or, I suppose, one I'd never heard before. "Whether you like it or not, we will be cooperating with Sunset and her friends." "Maybe if she impresses me," Rainbow scoffed. "Rainbow Dash." Trixie stated with a hint of flint in her voice. "Yeah, yeah, I get it," she licked her lips, her smile growing wider. "By the time this is over, you won't even want to work with her, Trix." The two of us were given a wide berth by the others, the gardens the perfect location for something like this to occur, especially for the pegasus. She would have all the room in the world to utilize those wings of hers. "Are you ready?" I snorted. "Or are you just planning to run your mouth all day?" That last comment... the way she'd said Princess Luna's name had gotten my blood boiling. I was already irritated enough by her lack of cooperation -- especially when it came to something as important as fighting the changelings -- but the aggression towards Twilight's mentor... my friend, was completely unwarranted. "Say when," she lifted her eyebrows in an attempt to goad me into doing something foolish. "When!" I roared, launching a paralyzing spell directly at her smug face. It never connected. She blasted into the air so quickly it made all the flying she'd done previously look like it'd been performed in slow motion. S-so fast! It took me several seconds to locate her. She was incredibly high in the sky, flapping her wings and staring down at me as if I were an ant... or maybe a snail is more apt. Getting a projectile to connect is going to be nearly impossible. I'd have to find a way to slow her jets or it was going to be a short scuffle. In the blink of an eye she was on me, a kick aimed at my face. She slammed into my barrier causing it to crackle and nearly fail completely in an instant. It was a good thing I'd done what little research I had. Thanks, Celestia. The previous shield I'd used against Starlight would've been easily circumvented and I would've ended up taking a vicious blow had I not made the decision to improve my defenses. Still, I was no expert at the spell and as soon as she noticed the faltering wall she flew backwards and blasted in again to make another assault. "You're making this way too easy, Subset!" she cackled. "Not this time, Dash!" Just as her forehooves were about to connect with my failing barrier, I leapt backwards, shifting the composition of my mana. The cyan pegasus collided with the now thick, sticky substance, tumbling to the ground. "W-what the...!?" she glared at the muck covering her body and wings, clearly disgusted. "You're way too impulsive, Rainbow," I smirked at the subdued mare. "I didn't think it'd be that easy to clip your wings." Now let's see what you're really made of, Loyalty. "That's because it's not." With some effort, she was able to stand to her hooves in spite of the muck. "Your little trap won't keep me earthbound for long!" She began to shimmer, a bright blue glow coming to her coat. "Not when I'm fighting for my friends!" In a flash of blinding light the mana I'd used to constrict her disappeared, the power of her element completely nullifying my magical trap. I thought as much... "Too easy!" she flew into the air once again, cackling all the way. "You're gonna need to do a lot better than that!" she shouted down from above me, circling like a vulture. She doesn't have magic... not in the traditional sense. She'll have to come to me... I stared up at her, my horn singing as I continued to watch her like a hawk. Guess I'll have to do something... unconventional. But what? It wasn't a fight I could win without completely incapacitating her. I didn't want to hurt her, so I'd have to take a different approach. She's the sphere... and you're the ring, Sunset. She's going to come full force again soon... What would Star do? ... I knew exactly what Star would do. So, the opposite then. "You know what's funny, Rainbow?" I yelled up at her, a confident smile blooming on my face. "What's that, Subset?" At any moment she could attack, despite how relaxed she was flying right now. It forced me to be on my guard. "You might think you're the only one fighting for them," I swept a hoof towards everypony standing around me. "But you're not!" The base of my horn was burning, but I ignored it. My horn's song reached its crescendo. "SHOW ME!" she shot down at me like a bolt of lightning, doing exactly what I'd expected. She was going fast enough that no amount of energy I could generate would stop her, so I wouldn't. I stood onto my hind legs, digging my hooves into the ground. At the very last second -- her hooves a micrometer from making contact with my chest -- I casted my spell, fortifying my body with as much mana as I could muster. The impact was what I'd imagine it'd be like to be hit with a cannonball. It was every bit as loud too. Despite a clenched jaw and boosted physical endurance, I let out a loud grunt of pain. I was driven into the ground, a crater forming where my withers slammed into the earth. The shouting from the girls barely registered through the ringing in my ears, my blurred vision filled with falling debris and the beautiful sky. Okay... that hurt a lot more than I thought it would... As I reached down to check the damage with a shaking hoof, I realized her attack had done a whole lot more than just crack a rib or two. Definitely gonna need a doctor... or a mortician. It was hard to breathe. Each time I made an effort to take a deep breath sharp pains cascaded through my torso. "YOU IDIOT!" Rainbow Dash was standing over my body, her panicked face entering my vision. "WHY DIDN'T YOU MOVE!? ANY UNICORN COULD'VE AVOIDED THAT, NO PROBLEM! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELEPORT AWAY!?" "Sometimes not resisting does far more than fighting," Sunburst replied to the pegasus, now standing next to me as well. His horn was shining brightly, his aura covering me. "This is really bad," the concern on his face was expected. "You broke some of her ribs, Dash. And..." "Sunset..." Trixie was next to me, holding my free hoof in hers. "I didn't mean to hurt her! I..." Rainbow was beside herself. "I just wanted to... I was just..." "Pretty hard... to hold back..." I chuckled weakly at the fright-filled mare. "When you're... doing it... for your friends... huh, Dash?" I was encircled by them all now. "Twilight-" "Overreacted because somepony hurt her friend," Trixie cut Rainbow Dash off, keeping her disappointed eyes on me. "Just like you just did, Rainbow Dash." "I..." the pegasus stopped short, a look of shame coming to her face. "I'm... sorry." "Don't you see, Dash?" Trixie looked at the pegasus, a meek smile on the unicorn's face. "Twilight was too." A dumbstruck expression came to the flier's face, but only for a moment. She covered her face with a hoof, an entertained grin lifting her lips before she started laughing. "D-Darling?" Rarity squeaked. "I reckon she's startin' ta get it," Applejack shook her head. "Finally!" Pinkie shouted in delight. "Yeah, it only took maiming Sunset," Sunburst wasn't happy and he was making that apparent. "So I screwed up," Rainbow Dash sighed contentedly as soon as her laughter died down. "That's nothing new. Won't be the last time either, trust me, I know." She looked down at me, thoroughly impressed. "You're one tough mare, Sunset. I've never met anypony crazy enough to take one of my hits head on just to make a point." "Thanks... Rainbow, but I, uhm..." I groaned. "So, I'm gonna..." I winced, the pain steadily getting worse. "need some help... maybe a... doctor." "No need," the pegasus stepped to the side. "Come on, Flutters. We can trust her." The yellow pegasus -- the only one who'd yet to get close to me -- stood above me, a small smile playing at her lips. "You'll be okay, Sunset." Her voice was angelic now. A far cry from when she'd reprimanded Rainbow. She gently laid a hoof on my chest, drawing a sharp intake of air from me and forcing my eyes shut. It hurt, but as she began to glow a golden hue the pain completely faded away. My eyes flitted open, everypony standing around me, but giving me some air. I stood to my hooves, all the debilitating aches gone. "H-how!?" I pressed a hoof against my chest. It felt normal. Nothing was broken. I was fine. "Fluttershy is our white mage!" Pinkie bounced excitedly. "She can fix anyone up, no problemo." I turned to face the yellow pegasus, a gentle smile on her face. "Thank you, Fluttershy," I bowed my head slightly in appreciation. I wanted to hug her, but I decided that was a bit much. There'd be time for that later. "Anything for a friend, Sunset." ++++++++++++++++++++++ Star was still lying in my bed, safe and sound. She had a peaceful look on her face, one that made all the previous efforts of the day worthwhile. Twilight had come back at some point too, fast asleep in her own bed. It was good to see her. Beyond good, but... She did it because I had gotten hurt. I wanted to yell at her for doing something so irrational for my sake. I also wanted to kiss her for caring so much about my well-being. I had no idea how to handle it. I was mad, yes, but I was so very happy too. "Thanks, Twilight." With the utmost care I nuzzled into her cheek. She didn't make a sound, didn't even stir. She must've had a long day too. We unanimously decided -- the Elements, Sunburst, and I -- to reconvene early tomorrow... along with Star and Twilight. I'd been welcomed by them. Now, it was up to my friends to decide what they wanted to do. I crept over to Star's bed and laid down. The scent of lilacs -- her scent -- on the covers, soothing me and making me all the more comfortable. It was late into the night, most of the palace already in Princess Luna's realm. Tomorrow would be another taxing day, possibly the hardest of my life, but I'd face any adversity with a smile on my face as long as my two best friends were with me... I could only pray that once we'd all come together, everything would work out for the best... Please... > TCE: Trust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I know it might feel like I'm putting a lot of pressure on you, Starlight," he pointed a hoof at the objective. It was a wooden target sitting on a bale of hay several meters away from us. "But I'm confident you can do this." Pressure!? "Fat chance," I scoffed under my breath. There was no pressure to be felt here, not over something so trivial. Doing things like this was easier for me than breathing. With a minimal amount of mana and a flick of my horn I hit the target in the distance with a blast of energy, no issues whatsoever. "Excellent work, Starlight!" he floated the round piece of wood over to us so he could take a closer look. I didn't need to see it. I'd done it hundreds of times before. "Another perfect hit!" I'd scored a bullseye, -- of course -- the red circle at the center of the wood charred from the impact of my projectile. I could do it a hundred times more, even if my hooves were tied behind my back and I was blindfolded. "That was way too easy, Silver," I sat down on my flank, crossing my forelegs in irritation. Even though he was clearly impressed, I was annoyed by the lack of a challenge. "I already told you a thousand times, this preschool stuff is pointless. When are you gonna give me something that's difficult?" He simply laughed in response to my frustrations, ruffling my mane with a hoof. He always did that, but he never came off like he was being condescending, just... happy. "You're still so young, Starlight," he pulled his hoof away right before I could swat it away myself. "Just trust the process, okay?" Whenever he flashed that goofy smile of his I couldn't help but simmer down. He always knew it would calm me down. It always did. "Fine, fine," with a defeated huff, I smiled back. "We'll keep doing it your way." For now... "Trust me, Starlight," he picked me up with a foreleg, nuzzling into me with another bout of laughter. "Eventually, fate has a way of pushing you to your limits. Before that time inevitably comes... I'll make sure you're ready. I promise." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Haven't dreamt about him in a long time... ... Wait... something's wrong. As soon as I opened my eyes I could sense something was off. I couldn't put my hoof on what specifically, but I felt... strange. My body or my magic... I couldn't be sure. Before I could ponder on the problem any further, Sun's gentle snoring grabbed my attention. Wait a second... The most intoxicating of scents filled my nostrils, causing a feeling of giddiness to rise in me. I took another deep breath, savoring the smell. Sunflowers. As my mind slowly began to fully clear of sleep I was able to comprehend just why my heart was racing. Why am I... I shot up to a sitting position, looking around frantically at my sleeping arrangement. I was in Sun's bed and I had no clue as to why. What... happened? I pressed a hoof against my forehead, a slight twinge of dizziness overtaking me due to the sudden quick motion I'd just undertaken. I couldn't remember what happened after fluffball had taken me to that shop to speak with Rarity. I was talking to Trixie at that cafe or whatever and then... Everything after that was missing from my memory, replaced by a thick darkness. Did they trick me? It was the most logical explanation, but sitting comfortably in Sun's bed told me it probably wasn't the correct one. If they were my enemies and conspiring against me, I'd have surely woken up someplace much worse. Or not at all... No, I'm pretty sure they were on the level. I was a decent judge of character. I'd have seen through their lies. At least, I'd like to think I would have. It had to have been something -- or somepony -- else. That all didn't really matter to me at the moment. How long have I been out? I had to find Shining Armor. After what fluffball and her friends had told me I knew I had to do something about it. I knew I wasn't just being paranoid. I have to find him. Further than that, I had no idea what I was going to do, but I had the ugliest feeling of relatability with the stallion and it had been eating away at me since I'd met him. The only thing I was sure of was that it meant bad things were going to happen if I didn't do anything about it. "Sh...Shiny..." The quiet whisper and slight rustling coming from Twilight's bed drew my attention. I was still mad at her, but... She's still my friend, I sighed quietly. I want to protect her... even if she doesn't want me to. Even if it was from her own flesh and blood. I looked up at the ceiling, the lack of sunlight noted. It was still early. Very early. I attempted to power my horn but a bout of nausea swelled in my belly. What in the- that's weird... I powered through the uncomfortable feeling but stopped my spell as soon as I felt a foreign barrier already around the room. It conflicted with my spell, forcing me to halt my efforts. I could fight it, -- could probably destroy it with little to no effort if I wanted -- but the mana coming from it felt... comforting. It was clearly a friendly protection spell. I couldn't detect any malice woven into its fabric. Unfortunately, in spite of its nature, its safeguards still meant I couldn't erect my own sound dampening fields around Sparkles and Sun. I'll just have to be especially quiet... or... Circumventing barriers was tricky work. Mostly, if one was trying to do something contrary to the original caster's wishes. Since I wasn't planning on doing anything like that, it would be as easy as pie to find a workaround. I cast a simple silencing spell within my own body. Whatever the barrier's purpose, it couldn't stop a spell of that nature. It couldn't be that powerful. There were no unicorns in the Empire that were that strong. Not to my knowledge, at least. As soon as my spell was complete I leapt out of bed, not making a sound as I did so. Too easy. Like always. I had to work quickly. Twilight's brother would probably be showing up to pick her up around the same time as yesterday. I didn't want that. I didn't want her to be around when I... spoke with him. Get to it, Starlight. I headed for the restroom to get ready for the day. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "My barrier blocks sound from outside the room too. You don't have to be so quiet out here. I thought you of all ponies would notice." I jumped, startled by the familiar voice coming from behind me. I'd just quietly closed the door to my room and was about to tip-toe away, but the stallion's booming comments forced me to spin around. "S-SUNBURST!?" I came face to face with the orange unicorn, a bright smile on his face and a frustrated glare on mine. "GEEZ! Maybe you could try not giving me a heart attack!?" I snapped at him, though my slight aggression didn't appear to sour his mood. "Apologies," he bowed his head. "I meant no harm and I didn't mean to scare you." "I'm not scared," I huffed, an embarrassed blush coming to my cheeks. "So it was you that put the barrier up?" I asked after catching my breath in an attempt to change the subject. "I didn't have time to thoroughly analyze it, but it's not the worst spell I've ever seen. I guess you're not completely useless. Color me surprised." "Thanks, beautiful," his smile grew at what he took as a compliment from me. Apparently, my barb hadn't hit as hard as I wanted it to. Probably, because it didn't contain as much vitriol as I'd intended. Pair that with a genuine smile on my face -- that I couldn't understand why I possessed -- and it was easy for him to take my aggression in stride. It's probably because he was trying to protect us. That had to have something to do with it... but there was something else too. I just wasn't as mad as I'd been the last time I'd seen him. And, yet again, I had no clue as to why that was true. "Still playing that silly game?" I asked, a frown on my face. "No games, Starlight," he shook his head. "I really do find you positively enthralling." "I-" I blushed again, forced to look away from his piercing gaze. "So what, you think I'm just some hot piece of tail for you to gawk at?" Even asking that question I lacked any sort of ferocity. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!? "You are hot, let's just get that out of the way," he chuckled. I glared at the stallion, though I was fighting myself not to smile just a little bit. "But no, not just that. You're impressive in a lot more ways than just your beauty, Starlight." "And how would you know anything about that?" I raised a curious eyebrow. "We barely met two days ago." "Princess Celestia and I chat quite often," he explained. "She speaks very highly of both your magical talent and your intellect... eeeeven if you can be a little overly aggressive." "Oh really?" I asked a little perturbed -- but more pleased -- by that answer. Still, I had to wrestle control of the conversation back. For some reason, I couldn't call to mind any of my usual tactics. My game was completely thrown off, so instead, I tried to take a different avenue. "Why do you talk to my mentor? Is that part of your Regice position?" "Regis," he corrected. "And I suppose you could say that's the reason. However, as one of her staunchest servants, I'm also held accountable by the Princess of the Sun as well." "Not Cantata?" I was a little confused. "To a lesser degree," he replied. "But the ruler of all of Equestria is a mite more powerful than the Queen of the Crystal Empire." ... Fair enough. "So is that why you're trying to protect us?" I flicked my head back towards the room. "Because Celestia is making you?" "Not exactly," he shook his head. "I think you might still be a bit behind on what's really going on. Once Sunset comes out too we can-" "Is that why you're waiting here?" I glanced over my shoulder at the door. "Sunny is still sleeping... and I have to go see somepony." "We really need to speak with each other," he stated firmly. "You, me, Sunset, Twilight... all four of us." "Sounds great," I stepped past him. "But maybe later. Like I said, I've got something really important I need to do right now and I can't spend the day pussyfooting around." "Starlight, I really think you sh-" The door to my room opened, cutting off Sunburst and causing me to freeze in my tracks. With a quiet click, it was closed. "Star..." I let out the breath I was holding in. Thank goodness. I turned around to find a disheveled looking Sun. It was easy to see she'd gotten ready in a hurry, her mane and tail slightly more messy than usual. Even like this, she looks good. Much more concerning than that though was that she looked like she might cry at any moment. "Sunny..." I sighed, disappointed in myself. "I didn't wake you up, did I?" "No," she shook her head, walking right by Sunburst and up to me. She threw her forelegs around me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad," she whispered. "Sun?" I whispered back, plunging my face into her mane and returning the embrace. The same smell of sunflowers from her bed, just amplified tenfold. It made my knees weak and my heart race. "What's going on? What's wrong?" She nuzzled into me before backing away. "We need to talk, Star," she wiped her tears away with a foreleg, determination replacing the sadness. "Things are... bad. " "Do you know what happened to me, Sun?" I had to ask. "How long was I out? Why was I in your bed?" "That's... part of the problem, Starlight," Sunburst commented from behind my friend. "You were only out for the night, but..." Only the night? Good to know. "The ones who poisoned you are the ones we have to deal with, Star," Sun finished for Sunburst. Poisoned? "If we don't deal with those... bugs things are going to get a whole lot worse," Sunburst was nearly growling. Bugs? I shook my head, forcing myself to focus."I... I have a... problem too," I looked between the two of them. "I..." My heart raced. I didn't want to say any more than that, didn't want to ask one of my friends that question again. Sparkles had already ripped out my heart and crushed it. If Sun feels the same way as her... I didn't want to think about the possibility of that being true. "I..." she glanced at Sunburst before turning back to me. "We can help, Star. We will help. Right, Sunburst?" "Of course," he moved to stand next to her. "We just need to know what's wrong, Starlight." I heard him, but I was focused on her. I licked my lips to calm myself, what I needed to do making me tremble. My mouth fell open for a second before I closed it, clenching my teeth tightly for a moment. ... "Sunset... do you trust me?" I nearly choked on the words, but in the end, I managed to get them out. "Yes. I do." ... S-Sun... She hadn't hesitated, not even for a second. I turned away, knowing for a fact I couldn't hold the tears in no matter how hard I tried. Thankfully, they gave me ample time to regain my composure. "It's... it's Shining Armor," I sighed, still a little worried she wouldn't believe me. So worried in fact, that I refused to face her. "Captain Armor?" Sunburst exhaled. Probably, in disbelief. "I know it might sound crazy, but... I know something is wrong with him." ... I finally turned to face them. I really didn't want to, but their silence was terrifying me. Her silence was terrifying me. There was an intense look of deliberation on her face. I had to convince her, but I wasn't sure how to do so. "He's-" "Just... one moment, Starlight," Sunburst cut me off, his horn igniting with energy. When he noticed me looking at him he lifted his head towards the guards standing a little ways down the hall at one of their posts. In a couple of seconds, we were surrounded by another one of his barriers. "Okay, you can go ahead." "A sound dampening field?" I surveyed his work. "Because of the guards?" "Do you think Shining Armor could be a changeling, Sunburst?" Sun finally spoke, looking at the stallion. Her face still had an edge to it, as if she was still greatly bothered by something. Apparently, I wasn't going to get an answer to my question. A... changeling? "Honestly?" he looked away from us. "I really don't think so." "Why?" she asked the question I was about to. "Maybe it's just because..." he rubbed his head with a hoof. "Maybe it's because I don't want it to be true. If Captain Armor has been replaced..." he looked at Sun with genuine fear in his eyes. "then this war might already be over." "Do you have such little faith in your friends?" Sun looked equal parts angry and hurt by his confession. "In yourself?" "You don't understand, Sunset," he chuckled weakly. "If Shining Armor is lost... then so is the rest of the guard. If that really is the case, it'll be the three of us, Twilight, and the Elements... against the entire changeling horde." A deranged smile came to his face. "There are millions of changelings, Sunset. They all have wings, they all can use magic, and their chitin is as strong as granite!." His tirade had been enough to silence Sun, but not me. I couldn't care less who or what I had to stand against. I would never back down from anypony if I could fight. "I'm not seeing the problem," I looked between the two of them, drawing their surprised gazes. "Don't worry, Sunburst. If you're scared," I grinned at the now flabbergasted unicorn. "you can sit this one out. It's much safer for cowards on the sidelines anyway." That barb managed to kindle a fire in him, one I hadn't seen in him before. It was most welcomed, especially if these "changelings" were as numerous and as dangerous as he seemed to believe. "You've got quite a way of motivating a pony, Starlight," he shook his head, his disbelief gone. "Can't look like a coward in front of the love of my life. Guess I have no choice but to prove you wrong then, huh?" he grinned. "Celestia hates a coward, Sunburst," I shrugged. "She's not the only one." "Fine, I'm in," he cracked his neck. "But first, we've gotta take this information to Queen Cantata. She's still the authority in the Empire after all." "What about the girls?" Sunset asked. "The possibility of Shining Armor being a changeling takes precedence," Sunburst declared. "Besides, we've still got time before they arrive at the palace." I wasn't sure who they were talking about, but if it was crucial info I'm sure they'd let me know. "And what about Twilight?" Sun asked me. "I'd rather we try to do this without making Twilight watch," I replied bluntly. It hadn't gone well yesterday. I was confident it wouldn't go well a second time. "She's gone through enough." "That... makes sense. Alright then," Sunset nodded. "I still have to talk to the queen and Cadenza about Chrysalis anyway." "Then it's settled," I smiled. It was such a relief. They believed me. But... "There's just one thing I need to know," I raised a hoof. "What's that, Starlight?" Sunburst asked. "What's a changeling?" > TCE: Regret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay so... that's... horrifying," I shook my head in a mixture of disbelief, disgust, and repulsion. Sun was walking next to me and Sunburst was leading the way to the queen's quarters. I was moving with my head down, trying to fully register in my mind what I'd just been told. They'd gone into explicit detail on several concerning topics on the way to Cantata's chambers. I was now privy to exactly what the changelings were, who Princess Chrysalis was, and how those... things went about kidnapping creatures. It all sounded like a horrible nightmare. A horrible, yet very intriguing nightmare. So that's why... We're the same. These bugs, their princess... they weren't that different from me. From what I understood, they replaced a populace with their own kind before completely overthrowing the powers that be and taking the location for themselves. In doing so, they created a kind of eutopia, a society that functioned exactly how they wished. Unlike myself, they were able to do what I never could manage. They were able to spread their influence far and wide across the nation, much like the most infectious of viruses. While I hadn't been able to steal away an entire society, -- Arguably -- I had managed to build my own eutopia, complete with mindless drones who did my every bidding. If that's what Shining Armor was planning on doing to the Crystal Empire, he had another thing coming. But... why do I care so much? I couldn't answer that question. Well... not honestly, anyway. I lifted my head, turning to face Sun. She'd already been looking my way, her somber expression shifting to a beautiful smile when our gazes met. No. I can answer it. I held in a disgusted sigh, my face twisting in despair. Disgust in myself. Disgust in my actions. My head fell. Because of her... and... because it's wrong. Because it was wrong when I did it. "Hey, Sunny?" My voice was barely above a whisper, but my words were enough to get her to stop walking forward. Sunburst followed suit immediately after the mare. Thankfully, he'd kept his barrier running along with us as we moved so that we couldn't be heard by anypony else the entire trek. "What is it, Star?" the kindness in her voice made it so much easier and so much harder to speak my mind. To tell her the truth. It was beyond embarrassing, but I had to tell her no matter who might hear. I have to be honest with her. "I'm... I'm really sorry, Sunny," I couldn't lift my head. I wanted to, it just wasn't possible. "Star..." ... "I'll uhm... I'll give you two some space." By the pitch and sound of his voice, I was making Sunburst a little uncomfortable. "Just... let me know when you girls are done." His horn began to sing as he cast another spell to give us our privacy. As soon as he was finished, Sun moved closer to me. "Hey," she laid a hoof on my shoulder, sending a jolt of adrenaline through me. The sweet smell of Sunflowers that enveloped me was heavenly. "I'm here, okay? Talk to me, Star." "I'm really, really sorry," I kept my head low. She stayed silent, allowing me to continue. "What I did to all of those ponies... to Twilight... to YOU..." I tried to look at her, but the shame was far too great. "I'm... I'm awful." ... "Awful?" she rubbed my shoulder gently. "I guess you were," she giggled. I kept my head down. I knew she was only telling the truth, but it still hurt. It's not like I didn't deserve it after all the terrible things I'd done. "But that's not who you are anymore, Star," she raised my head, her hoof gently lifting it by my chin. "You're my friend... and you may not think so, but I know you're a good pony." I grabbed onto her hoof, moving it to my cheek and nuzzling into it. "With lines like that you're definitely gonna make me awful," I chuckled. Why does it feel so.... good? She felt good. When she touched me. All I wanted to do was experience it as much as I could. "Try not to worry about trivial things like the past, Star," she nuzzled into me, sending shockwaves through my body. "Just do the best you can to be the best you each and every day." "Is that what you do?" I asked in the hopes that keeping the conversation going would keep her this close for longer. "Pretty much," she giggled. When did I fall in love with that sound? It wasn't the only thing I'd fallen in love with. "Hey, Sun?" I grabbed her with my forelegs pulling her into me and hugging her tightly. "Yeah, Star?" She smelled so good. "Can I... can I tell you something?" "You know you can," she rubbed my withers with a hoof, returning my embrace. "Sun... I think I'm... I think I might be..." Why was it so hard to say to her? I had no issues being blunt before. Flirting, even touching, had been no problem for me in the past, so what was making me tremble? What made my heart race whenever I was near her? I knew the answer, I just didn't want to admit it. Just SAY it, Starlight! "You... you like Twilight... don't you, Sun?" I sighed, knowing just how much of a coward I was for not confessing to her. Even more of a coward for asking her something so personal. "Of course I do," she replied without hesitating, though she did back up a bit, ending our hug. "She's my friend. Just like you, Star." "That's... not what I meant, Sun," I looked away. It'd been all too obvious since that day in the lab. I may have been a merciless tyrant... but I'm not dense like Twilight. At least, not when it came to matters like this. Initially, it hadn't bothered me at all. The idea that Sun was swooning over Twilight was kind of adorable at the time. It was like she was a lovestruck filly. I guess she really was a lovestruck filly. But... then... I started to... ... "Is it that obvious?" she sighed, running a hoof up and down her face. "Listen, Star... I know y-" I lifted a hoof, cutting her off before she could go any further. She didn't have to confirm it for me. I already knew. It had all just been a pathetic attempt at trying to avoid telling her how I felt anyway. "It's okay," I looked back at her, a hollow smile on my mouth. Judging by the look on her face, I'm pretty sure she knew I was lying. "I just... I had to be sure." I laid a hoof on her shoulder, wanting nothing more than to go further than that. She stared down at my hoof as if it belonged to her worst enemy. "Star.... can we talk about this when we get back to Canterlot," she placed her own hoof on mine, squeezing gently, but still not looking at me. "It's okay, Sun," I rubbed her shoulder. "Really. It's not a big deal." It was a HUGE deal. "No, it's not Star," she took a step away from me. "You're not as good at hiding things from me as you might think." "S-Sun!?" I kept my hoof in the air, desperately reaching out for her. "You have feelings for me... don't you, Star?" Her question sent tremors down my spine. I stared at her wide eyed. Still, her eyes refused to meet mine. "Y-you... you know!?" I gaped. I had no idea how she'd figured it out. It's not like I was exclusively flirting with her or anything like that. And I was pretty good at hiding my real feelings. Aren't I? ... I'm not that easy to read... am I? "I'm not dense, Star." She finally looked at me, her eyes filled to the brim with compassion, filling my heart to capacity. "Your feelings are important to me," she cupped my cheek with a hoof. "You're important to me. We need to talk about it, this just isn't the time or the place, okay?" "O-okay, Sun," I nodded weakly in compliance. "When we get back to Canterlot then." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Will Cantata be awake at this hour?" I asked as the three of us approached the two grand doors to the queen's chambers. It was still really early. Early enough that Shining Armor shouldn't have picked up Twilight from our room yet. I wanted to get to him before that happened, but things weren't looking too good on that front. "The queen doesn't get to sleep much," Sunburst answered. "I guess it comes with the position. I can't imagine Princess Celestia or Princess Luna getting much rest either." As we walked up to the two guards standing in front of the doors to the queen's room they did something unexpected. Both held a hoof up blocking our passage. "What's the meaning of this?" Sunburst's barrier faded away as soon as he began speaking to the pair, an air of authority replacing the lax attitude he'd possessed when talking with me and Sun. "The Queen has ordered that she not be disturbed," one of the guards replied, staring straight ahead as if we didn't exist. "Regardless of the visitor's title or rank." "Right," Sunburst wasn't swayed at all by the stallion's declaration. His horn glowed as his yellow aura coated his neck. The guards looked at him, -- unable to ignore a unicorn casting a spell -- but not doing much else. "Your Highness, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and I have urgent news." His voice boomed like thunder, loud enough to shake the doors to the queen's room. Not bad, Sunburst. "Y-YOU...!" The guards raised their spears with their wings, Sun and I channeling mana in response to their aggressive maneuver. Still!? Conjuring magic still felt... strange. It probably had to do with the junk I'd been given by those bugs. I did my best to ignore it. Sunburst stood his ground against the guards as well, not moving a muscle. Before any of us could make another move the doors opened of their own accord. "Let them pass." Queen Cantata's voice came from within. Sun was not as smug as I was, not even looking at the guards as we passed them by. On the other hoof, I gave the duo a condescending grin as I walked by them, drawing a distinct fury to their visages. Losers. As we entered the queen's quarters I was struck by just how... quaint the interior was. Compared to Celestia's digs, Cantata's room was the very definition of the word frugal. The pegasus was sitting on a seat in front of her vanity mirror, fiddling with her necklace. "Your... Highness?" the words had slipped out of my mouth unintentionally. Sunburst was obviously used to the queen in such a raddled condition. Even Sun had to have looked less rattled than I did. She looks... terrible. A far cry from our meeting two days ago, she looked absolutely haggard now. It was evident she hadn't slept a wink the night prior and with how bad she looked, maybe not even the night before that. "Forgive my... unsightly appearance, Starlight," she turned away, covering her mouth with a hoof. A long yawn escaped her before she turned back to face us. "What news do you bring, Sunburst?" she sighed, her demeanor mirroring just how exhausted she was. "I pray it's good." The look of discomfort on the stallion's face would've made me laugh if I didn't know just how dire our situation was. If anything, I completely understood. "AAAAfraid not, Your Highness," he nearly groaned as we walked up to her. "It's about your future son-in-law." That statement forced her to give the unicorn her full attention. She didn't look shocked or surprised. Mostly, she just looked disappointed. "You've any evidence?" she asked calmly. "Starlight is confident," he declared without faltering. "I am inclined to trust her judgement, as is Sunset." The queen looked at me with ferocious eyes, something I hadn't experienced since we'd first met and I'd nearly maimed her guards. "You were asked to come here to help us, Starlight Glimmer," she got off her chair and walked up to me, her gaze growing all the more intense as she did so. What I perceived from her as unbridled rage forced me to my rump. I was quickly proven wrong. She lifted a hoof, placing it gently on my shoulder. "It takes a lot of guts to tell a queen her future in-law is a monster... Thank you... for doing as I requested." "O-of course, Your Highness!" The fact that she believed me so quickly was a little suspicious, but the way she looked at me told me her trust was genuine. It lifted my spirits. "Sunburst..." she returned her attention to the Regis before walking up to him. "Taking into account the captain's abduction... what is your current prediction of the percentage of changelings already infesting the Empire?" "Roughly?" he looked her directly in the eyes. "Anywhere from fifty to sixty percent." "W-what!?" Sun stepped forward, her body quaking at the revelation. It was clear she had no idea the number of trespassers was so high. I nearly opened my own mouth, but thought better of it. "That can't-" "Is that... the number of changeling replacements or..." the queen wasn't fazed at all by Sunburst's assessment. "Complete replacement, Your Highness." Sunburst was carrying himself like he held real authority, which, he did. It was honestly a little impressive. "Not infiltration." "I... see," Cantata sighed, rubbing her face with a hoof as she turned around and walked back to her vanity. "Sunburst... please... speak frankly. Is there any hope for us at all?" She stared sadly into the mirror. "Yes, Your Highness," he replied without hesitation, drawing the queen's curious gaze. "Even my own vigilance may have wavered, but..." He looked at me and then at Sun, a smile coming to his face. "I'm confident that along with the Princess' reinforcements... we have a fighting chance." His smile spread to the queen's face as she trotted back over to me and Sun. "I would have it from your own mouths," she looked at me. "Starlight Glimmer," she looked at Sun. "and you, Sunset Shimmer. I want you both to know," she lowered her gaze to the floor, her smile fading away. "I cannot guarantee your safety in this venture. None in the Empire can. This isn't your home. I would completely understand if you don't wish t-" "That's enough, Cantata," I lifted a hoof, doing my best to appear blasé as the queen stared at me. "Like you said, we came here to help. So that's what we're going to do. Right, Sunny?" "Your Highness," Sun placed a hoof on Cantata's shoulder, that beautiful smile I loved so much blooming on the unicorn's face. "You can count on us." "Girls..." the queen threw her forelegs around our necks, tossing away all airs of royalty. "Thank you so much." I could hear her sniffling. Sun and I returned her embrace. > TCE: Submission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried to force myself to, each time I closed my eyes I was bombarded by disturbing visions that I couldn't quite identify. After turning over in bed for the millionth or so time, I heard a slight shuffling coming from Sunset's bed. She -- Starlight -- was the first to leave the room. She'd casted some kind of spell, got herself cleaned up in the restroom, and then left. Shortly after, Sunset followed suit. I really wanted to talk to them... I needed to talk to them, but... Why did they just leave? Why didn't they wake me up? Why are they avoiding me!? Because they don't like you. W-why would they- You couldn't even trust Starlight... one of the only ponies in your life who chose to treat you like a friend... But I... she- And it's not like Sunset ever liked you. You've always treated her like dirt. ... I curled up into myself further, pulling the blankets covering me closer. It was true. I'd betrayed Starlight and Sunset had always hated me. I didn't have any friends. I'd thrown them all away. I only have- ME! I shot up in bed, a cold sweat covering my body. I held my head in my hooves, my breathing coming out in extended heaves. The pain was unbearable, almost causing me to vomit. I carefully caught my breath, forcing myself to swallow the sick that wanted nothing more than to come up. My body slumped over as I stared down at my trembling hooves. "I'm... alone..." Again... A gentle knock at the door made me flinch. "C-come in!" I called out, desperation clinging to every part of me. It's Starlight and Sunset! It has to be! They do care! They... The door creaked open at a dreadfully slow rate, rivaling that of even a snail. My brother poked his head into the room, a concerned smile on his face. "Sh...Shiny!?" my heart skipped a beat at the unexpected appearance of my sibling. I'm not alone. I have him. I'd only ever lost him because I treated him like garbage. He'd never left me. He'd always been there. Not like Starlight and Sunset. "Hey, Twily," he looked sheepish all of a sudden. "Mind if I... mind if I come inside?" "I don't," I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning deeply as I stretched my limbs out. "but I'm not exactly presentable right now." "Twily," he chuckled as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind himself. "We used to sleep in the same room," he took a seat next to my bed. "I've seen you in much worse states than this before. You'll always be my adorable little sister with the messy mane." While it was indeed true, I still blushed in embarrassment at the memories. "So..." I wanted nothing more than to change the subject as soon as possible. "How is Cadenza doing?" "She's okay," he smiled at the mention of his soon-to-be wife. "She just... found out some surprising things about our family yesterday. She's resting now." "That's good," I smiled back. I wouldn't press him for any more information than he'd given. While I was a little curious, I didn't feel like we were back to that level of familiarity just yet. ... "Are you here so we can work with the guard again?" I asked, moving to get out of the bed. We hadn't gotten a chance to discuss what the plans were going to be for today after Cadenza had arrived at his room, so I took a guess. "I just need a few minutes to get ready. Starlight isn't here tho-" "No, Twily, it's fine," he raised a hoof to stop me. "I gave the majority of the guard the day off. Big day tomorrow and all that, ya know?" "Oh! Right," I stopped, slumping back down. "Then... why are you here, Shiny?" "Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof, clearly uncomfortable because of the inquiry. "It's... I wanted to talk about your friends." I went rigid, my heart stopping for a moment in my chest. "Can I... can I wash up first?" I looked away from him. "Sure just... try to keep it short?" there was a bit of flint in his voice. "We've got a big day today and I want it to be perfect..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Okay," I took a deep breath. "Thanks for waiting for me to finish." My brother and I were sitting at the table in the room me and the others had been provided with. I was done with my morning routine, ready to face whatever he might have to tell me. At least, I thought I was. "I grabbed you some coffee," he was stirring his own cup with his magic. He hovered a second cup to my side of the table along with a container of cream and another of sugar. "It'll probably help." "Thanks," I took a swig of the bitter drink. I was long used to drinking it black. Mostly because of- A twinge of pain ran through my head causing me to wince. I rubbed my temple with a hoof, trying to soothe the sudden ache. "You okay?" Shiny asked as he lowered his cup to the table. "I'm... fine," I took another drink from my cup, hoping it would help with the headache. "What did you want to talk about, Shiny?" "Honestly... I was thinking of an easy way to put it but, there really isn't one, Twily," he stared at me, his expression becoming deathly serous. "I think your friends have been compromised." ... "I'm... not sure what you mean by that, Shiny," I was finally able to express my confusion after a few moments of silence. I'd stared back at him for almost a minute straight before replying, but he'd remained silent without even attempting to explain any further. "So M- so Queen Cantata asked for you, Starlight, and Sunset to come to the Empire, right?" he asked. "As far as I'm aware... yes, that's what happened," I laid my cup down on the table. "Do you know why she wanted the three of you to come here?" He kind of sounded like he was growing impatient, like he thought I should've been more knowledgeable of the situation. "To reconcile with you," I looked down at my hooves. "And to help make sure your wedding went off without a hitch." "Right!" he exclaimed, seemingly getting a little excited by my answers. "But do you know why we're all so worried about something going wrong in the first place?" "I... don't," I shook my head. "There's been rumors of a rebellion," he frowned as he explained just how dire the situation was. "From within our own ranks. I'm... I'm pretty sure Sunburst is at the center of them, but..." "That's... and so?" I was confused. Surprised that a pony like Sunburst might do something so devious, but... It sounded like a Crystal Empire problem to me, nothing more. "What does that have to do with Sunset and Starlight?" "They're working with him, Twilight," he reverted into his elder brother state, a look of stern authority on his face. "I think it's all because their mentor ordered them to do it." "W-WHAT!?" I stood up, the slamming of my hooves against the tabletop making both of our cups nearly topple over. "WHY WOULD PRINCESS CELESTIA EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!?" "Calm down, Sis," he glared at me, sending my right back down onto my rump. "S-sorry..." I relented with a sigh. "It's... alright," his sigh was almost an exact copy of my own. "I need to show you something, Twilight," his horn ignited with magenta energy as a sphere of magic formed between us. "What is..." As images of our guestroom began to flood the orb, I instantly came to understand what I was viewing. "You SPIED on us!?" I nearly hissed, looking at him in outrage. "I spied on Sunset and Starlight. Not you," he lifted a hoof to correct me. "And it's a good thing I did," he lifted his head towards the sphere. His spell showed a clear picture of Sunset sitting next to her bed. Starlight -- for some reason -- was fast asleep on it and there were others in the room as well. Sunburst and... Those are mares from the train... What were their names? Trixie and... Pinkie, I think? They're Elements... "What are they-" "Shhhh," he cut me off, pointing at his spell. "Listen." "I'm sorry, Sunset. I wasn't able to say anything until you were away from... her," Sunburst was the first to speak. "Her?" Sunset looked confused by his statement. "Princess Celestia made it very clear that there were only three creatures we were to trust in the Empire. You, Sunburst, and Starlight Glimmer," Trixie was the next to speak, clarifying Sunburst's statement. But... why? Because she doesn't trust you. "I was ordered to only trust Sunset, Starlight, and you six girls. Her Highness is being extremely cautious with this situation." What Sunburst claimed nearly sent me off the deep end. "CANTATA DOESN'T TRUST ME EITHER!?" I snarled. I was shaking, barely able to control the rage that had swelled up inside of me. "Sunburst wasn't referring to the queen, Twilight," Shiny looked especially irritated. "It seems he's only truly loyal to one authority," he looked at me with hatred in his cerulean eyes. "I think you know who that is. She is the one who appointed him and sent you here, after all." "P-Princess Celestia!?" my body went numb. But she... We talked... I thought that... She deceived you. "I wasn't exaggerating, Twilight," my brother's spell shattered into tiny shards of light. "She's a monster. She's making a play for the Empire. She wants to dethrone my moth- Queen Cantata so she can take control of even more land." N-no... that can't be true. Why would sh- It IS! B-but... "But, Starlight wouldn't know anything about that anyway!" I was grasping at straws, trying to find a glimmer of hope. Trying desperately to fight off the idea that the one I might actually love had betrayed me. "She was sleeping! She's innocent!" Just like with your first love... you've been fooled again. "She didn't do anything wrong! I-" "Twilight," Shiny stood from his seat and walked over to me. He wrapped me in a tight hug. I merely trembled in response, the gravity of the situation making me feel sick. "Yesterday, after Starlight left the training grounds she was seen by a pair of my guards speaking with the pink earth pony that you saw." "Wh-what!?" my body stiffened, my blood running cold. "Her name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. She's one of Celestia's most trusted stooges. They left the palace together and met up with that blue unicorn and another white unicorn," he continued. "They're all working together. Those mares are-" "The Elements of Harmony," I held myself with my hooves. It can't be... "Yes," he laid his head on mine. "Together, they're some of Celestia's most powerful... tools." It was beginning to make sense. I didn't want to believe it, but it was all starting to make sense. Back on the train, that pegasus had said they were on a mission from Celestia. Sunset said Celestia sent the group on tasks she couldn't personally handle. So she can keep her hooves clean while they do her dirty work. But... There was still one thing that didn't make any sense to me. "But... then why have the three of us come here?" I looked up at him. "Why risk my involvement at all? Why not just keep me home?" Foolish girl. He looked down at me, a vivid sadness in his eyes. "Don't you understand, Twilight?" No. Not sadness. Pity. "In her mind, sending you didn't matter at all. With Sunset and Starlight here, -- with her students where she needed them -- you wouldn't make a difference." I bristled, my head falling. "To Celestia... you don't matter. You've never mattered. You never will." "Sh-Shiny..." I lost my composure. He squeezed me tightly. I cried like a foal while he held me close. "Don't worry, Twily," he rubbed my withers with a hoof. I felt a gentle sensation touch the tip of my horn. "I'm here. I'll never leave you alone again." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "It's not gonna be easy, Twily," Shining Armor and I walked through the halls of the palace, though I wasn't sure where we were headed. "I can count on you... right?" he kept his face forward. "I'll do whatever it takes, Shining," I answered without hesitation. "You can trust me." He's all I have left. I had to stay by his side... he was all I had left. Except... that's not tr- A tremor of pain shot through my skull nearly causing me to stumble forward onto my face. Thankfully, my brother was there to catch me and keep me from falling. "Careful," he chuckled as he lifted me back onto my hooves. "Are you sure you're okay? I don't intend to get into any fights, but... if it does come to that..." "If it comes to that, I'll be ready," I assured him as we continued on. "I don't care if it's the last thing I do, Shining... I won't let Celestia have her way again. I won't let her use us like a bunch of pawns." "Glad to hear that," his smile grew. "It's about time somepony stand up to that tyrant. I'm glad you're with me, Sis." "So, what's the plan?" I asked as we turned a corner and entered the main hall. Strangely enough, it was completely empty. "My... I don't think the queen is aware of Sunburst's betrayal," he answered. "And what about Cadenza?" I raised a brow. "She's almost definitely still in the dark," he shook his head. "She's got enough on her plate right now, I'd rather keep her out of this." "She's not the only one," I nudged him in the side with a hoof. "You're getting married tomorrow, Shining!" I beamed. "If all goes well," he shrugged, not looking too confident on that front. "Aren't you happy?" I offered a sympathetic smile. "Cadenza seems like a really nice mare... and she's beautiful, too." "I'm ecstatic, it's just..." He was struggling with something, that much was clear. "Twily, I need you here. With me. By my side." I came to an abrupt stop, my eyes becoming saucers. My heart was pounding, a tense nervousness gripping me. He simply stared at me, an innocent grin on his face. "What are you saying, Shining?" I managed to get out after gaping at him for way too long. "I'm right here." He grabbed me, pulling me into a hug. "I want you to stay, Twily. Once me and Cady tie the knot, this'll be my empire. I want you to be here with me." "Shining I-" "I want you to be my Regent, Twily," he backed up looking into my eyes. "I want you to leave Canterlot. Move to the Empire so we can be together... forever." I bristled, his words making me feel faint. "Shining... I c-can't," my voice came out shaking as my head fell. "I can't leave..." ... "Can't leave who, Twily?" he dipped his head to try and look me in the eye. "My..." I grabbed my head with a hoof. "My..." I couldn't recall. Why can't I leave Canterlot? You can. There's no one there that cares about me. Not anymore. But in the Empire... I have- "I love you, Twily," he pulled me from my thoughts, the breathtaking smile he gave me made my decision that much easier. "You have to stay with me." "O-okay, Shiny," I smiled, beyond grateful I had someone like him in my life. "I'll come and live in the Empire." "Thank you, Twily," he let out a relieved breath. "That makes things just... perfect." We shared a hug. "Twilight... please..." A grating, but familiar, voice called out from behind me, ending out embrace. "You don't really mean that... do you?" I turned to face her. There were tears flowing down Sunset's stunned face, but I couldn't care less. Next to her stood Starlight looking as pissed off as ever. Behind them both was Queen Cantata, a look of worry on her face. "She does," my brother said from behind me, a hint of venom in his voice. "Now tell me where Sunburst is," he demanded. "I know you've been conspiring with that traitor." "Stand down, Shining Armor," the queen ordered, though there was very little authority in her voice. "You will show us where you've hidden my daughter and then turn yourself over to the Crystal guard." "Crap... they already got to her..." he whispered under his breath. "They're trying to trick you, Your Highness," I braced myself for the coming storm. "They are the traitors," I glared at my former "friends". "Not my brother!" "T-Twilight... why!?" Sunset fell backwards onto her flank, my words piercing deep into her back stabbing heart. If she even has one. Starlight didn't flinch, her expression becoming even more malicious as she continued to stare daggers at my brother. "I don't know what you did to her, monster," the lilac mare was beside herself, nearly snarling. Her horn was singing louder than I'd ever heard it before, the turquoise aura blazing brightly with energy. "But Sparkles isn't going anywhere!" I had no time to react. In a flash of blinding light, she was on him. > TCE: Betrayal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm afraid confronting the impersonator as you all hope may prove to be... complicated," Cantata sighed. After the three of us had finished our little love fest, Sunburst explained the plan to the queen. We were to find the Captain of the Guard and... "speak" with him, nothing more. Apparently, at least according to the monarch, that wasn't going to be as simple as we'd initially thought. "It's because of Cadenza... isn't it?" Sun asked, although it sounded like she already knew the answer. "Did you get a chance to speak with her, Your Highness?" "I did, Sunset," Cantata sighed. "It... did not go as well as I would have hoped." ... The three of us made it abundantly clear by our silence that we wanted more information than that. The queen resisted for as long as she was able to, but with a deep, exhausted exhalation of breath, she finally elaborated. "My daughter seems to be under the impression... that she is related to Chrysalis," she covered her face with a hoof. "Why would she ever think something like that?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Chrysalis is the one who told her," Sunset answered for the monarch. "But... she's a changeling," I looked around at them for further clarification. "That doesn't make sense... does it?" "They're not that different from ponies, Starlight," Sunburst remarked. He was already working out what Cantata's revelation might mean for the incoming conflict. "At least, not internally." From the way they'd been described to me, not externally either. "It doesn't matter," Sun huffed, the subject matter clearly getting on her nerves. "Chrysalis was just lying to try and get under Cadenza's skin. Isn't that right, Your Highness?" As soon as Queen Cantata looked away I knew it was a bad sign. "Your... Your Highness?" Sun's voice quavered. She looked at the royal with such vivid panic in her eyes that I immediately wanted to move to give her a hug. ... "Your Highness?" Sunburst's voice was much firmer than Sun's had been. His stony expression made his question sound more like he was scolding the monarch rather than asking her. "Chrysalis... may not have lied to Cadenza," Cantata continued to look away, clearly not wanting to face any of us after confessing such an unnerving tidbit of information. ... The unreasonably long silence let the three of us fully process the ramifications of such a horrendous possibility. ... "You kept this from me on purpose, Cantata?" Although Sunburst was making a valiant effort to sound calm, there was an easily detectable undercurrent of anger in his voice. "Of course not, Sunburst," Cantata sighed, rubbing her temples with her hooves. "I could only ever suspect that Marengo..." her face twisted into a look of utter despair. " ...that he and Sanagi were ever intimate with one another." Marengo? Must be her hubby... but Sanagi? "He betrayed you!?" Sun blurted out on accident. Her forehooves slapping over her own mouth made it more than obvious that it was an unintentional blunder. Still, the way too blunt question made the queen flinch. "No, Sunset," Cantata shook her head. "My husband was with the Queen of the Changelings before we ever met." "For Celestia's sake..." Sunburst stepped away from us, facing the wall and rubbing his face with his hooves. ...Wait a second. "I thought the changelings were bugs," I spoke up. "How is... your husband?" I shook my head, the mental visualization much too gross. "So does that mean he has a bunch of little bugs running around or...?" "Changelings can breed in two ways," Sunburst didn't turn around to face us. "Fertilization and then the laying of a mess of eggs... or the more... traditional way." Sun looked just as disgusted as I was by that fact. "Uhm, yuck?" I stuck out my tongue. "Is that why Chrysalis is a princess?" Sun asked. "Because the way she was conceived was... different? I mean the Queen of the Changelings must have laid thousands, if not millions, of eggs, right?" "That..." Sunburst spun around, a look of contemplation on his face. "that makes sense, actually. Most changelings are hatched to be drones. Chrysalis is clearly... different than the other changelings." The three of us looked at Cantata before we all dropped our gazes uncomfortably to the floor. She'd had a lifeless look on her face, like she'd just been told Cadenza had passed away. Finding out your husband had foals with another mare... even if it was before, that has to be tough. ... "I didn't want to believe it either," the queen broke the silence. "Cadenza was beside herself with anger and grief. We argued about it and she ran back to her fiancé." Sun, Sunburst, and I raised our heads. "Or I suppose, who she believes to be her fiancé. If I had to guess... I'd say she's-" "Still with Captain Armor," Sunburst laughed bitterly. "Because of COURSE she is." "Crap..." I groaned. That puts her right in the line of danger. "If we make a move... Cadenza might get caught in the middle," Sun pondered out loud what I was thinking. It stood to reason Sunburst had already reached the same conclusion as well. "What should we do?" I asked, though it wasn't directed at anypony in particular. If the three of us tried to confront the imposter right now, there was no telling what might happen to the princess. If up to sixty percent of the Empire's population is changelings, that could include some of the guard. It wasn't so much that I was concerned about the numbers. If Cadenza was part of the equation she could be taken hostage... or worse, killed. We couldn't let that happen. "If the two of you fought yesterday," Sun looked at the queen who nodded slightly. "Cadenza has probably been with the imposter since then. Which means..." "Which means, Princess Cadenza may already have been replaced as well," Sunburst walked over to the doors. "That can't be, Sunburst!" For the first time there was vivid desperation on Queen Cantata's face. "My daughter is-" "Your Highness... do you believe Queen Sanagi is the one behind all of this?" Sunburst cut her off, a look of frustration on his face. "Is it possible Marengo has passed and the treaty is gone along with him?" Cantata flinched. "Sunburst!?" Sun had gone wide-eyed, a look of shock on her face. It was a particularly cold thing to ask a possible widow right after she'd found out what Cantata had, but he clearly felt it was still necessary to do so. "Marengo may be gone," Cantata set her jaw. "But, I truly believe Sanagi would still respect his wishes, even in the event of his death." "But we can't be sure," I sighed. "Starlight's right," Sunburst agreed with me. "That being the case, we can no longer stand around and wait. I can think of only one path we can take," Sunburst stood at the doors. "I'm going to find the Elements. Sunset, you and Starlight will go speak with Chrysalis." "And say what!?" Sunset was completely caught off guard by his instructions. "She's completely insane and-" "I have a bad feeling, Sunset," Sunburst frowned. "We need to-" "We'll handle it, Sunburst," I smirked, placing a hoof on Sun's shoulder. "S-Star!?" Sun stared at me in utter disbelief. "If she's the one who's planned all this, then she's more important than Shining Armor is, Sunny," I explained my reasoning to the golden mare. "So we either bargain with her..." She looked absolutely appalled by the idea. "Or we knock her teeth down her throat and we make her cooperate." "Alright, Star," she smiled brightly. "We'll do it your way." "I will also accompany you," Queen Cantata declared. With the tone of voice she'd decided to utilize it was easy to gather it wasn't a request. "Honestly..." Sunburst lifted a hoof to his chin, considering the queen's choice. "That's probably for the best, Your Highness," he approved. "If you're not with me or the Elements, the next safest place is probably with these two." "Then let's get going," I smirked. "There's no time to waste." "Good luck, ladies," Sunburst smiled as his horn began to glow. "Let's reconvene in the main hall as soon as possible." "Stay safe, Sunburst," Cantata ordered yet again, though there was a kind smile on her face. "I expect to still have my Regis by my side when this is all over." "Will do, Your Highness," he saluted before flashing out of existence. "Let's go," Sun was the first to move towards the door. As Cantata and I followed close behind her, I realized I couldn't get the nagging feeling of sickness in the pit of my stomach to go away. ++++++++++++++++++++++ "This doesn't make any sense..." The look of confusion mixed with distress on Sun's face made my nausea even worse. "She was here! She's SUPPOSED to be here!" ... "No, Sunset. It makes perfect sense," Cantata sighed. The regret on the pegasus' face was staggering. "I should have known." The three of us stood in front of a large cell. It was completely empty, save a posh bed sitting in one corner. The Princess of the Changelings was nowhere to be found. "What do you mean, Your Hi-" a look of sudden realization crossed Sun's features. She slapped a hoof against her forehead. "I'm such an idiot." "What is it, Sunny?" I laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Captain Armor is the one who was solely responsible for Princess Chrysalis' imprisonment," Cantata answered for the unicorn. "If he'd already been replaced at that time, more likely than not, the changeling just made it appear as if she were secured under lock and key." "She was acting like she had everything under control! I should've- UGH!" Sun lamented, slamming her forehooves roughly into the bars in front of her out of frustration before falling to her rump. "I guess she really does, doesn't she..." she sighed, her simmering anger cooling several notches. "This failure is on me and mine, Sunset," Cantata laid a hoof on Sun's other shoulder. "I should have had Sunburst handle Chrysalis." ... "Come on, girls!" I scoffed, walking away from them. I couldn't just let them wallow in their remorse. "Don't blame yourselves for something that clearly isn't your fault." Both looked at me, but neither was convinced just yet. "No use crying over spilt milk, right?" I grinned. "We just have to stop her now. She's gotta be around here somewhere. It's not like she'd just skip town, especially if she came here of her own volition. That'd make no sense." ... "You're right, Star," Sun smiled back at me. "We'll put an end to this together," she stood to her hooves and walked over to me before turning to face Cantata. "What about you, Your Highness? Will you help us?" "I will do everything in my power to aid you," the queen's response was filled with confidence, yet her head still drooped. "But as a monarch, I will have to pay for the oversights I make." Sun and I looked at each other, our faces mirroring one another's uncomfortable expression. "Fret not, girls," Cantata drew attention back to herself. She no longer looked distraught, instead possessing a peaceful visage. "Starlight is correct. We shouldn't worry about what has happened. Let's focus on the problems at hoof." She walked up to us, flaring her wings in determination. "Let's go find my little heart and that snake Chrysalis and put an end to her schemes." ++++++++++++++++++++++ N-no way... Sun, Cantata, and I had moved back to the main hall in the hopes of finding Sunburst and the Elements already there. Instead, we stumbled upon Sparkles and her "brother" having a... heart to heart. What she'd just said though... it was too much. For me, but even moreso for Sun. In that moment, hearing Twilight say those words, hearing her say she was going to leave Canterlot, that she was going to leave her behind... it broke Sun's heart. "Twilight... please..." she reached out, devastation racking her body as her tears flowed freely. "You don't really mean that, do you?" I couldn't handle it, the look on her face. I stared at "Shining Armor", hatred flooding into my heart. It was nothing short of a miracle that I hadn't pounced yet. "She does," he answered in place of our friend, nearly sending me over the edge. "Now tell me where Sunburst is. I know you've been conspiring with the traitor." "Stand down, Shining Armor," Queen Cantata's order was lacking any spice. "You will show us where you've hidden my daughter and then turn yourself over to the Crystal guard." "They're trying to trick you, Your Highness," Sparkles shouted. "They're the traitors, not my brother!" He did something! He's tricking her! Using her! I was shaking. "T-Twilight... why!?" Sun's legs gave out from under her. "I don't know what you did to her, monster," I was nearly snarling. I hadn't noticed, but the energy in my horn was peaking. "But Sparkles isn't going anywhere!" I couldn't contain it anymore, my rage boiling over. I teleported above him, falling directly onto him, and pinning him to the ground by his shoulders. "STARLIGHT!?" the queen called out. I was surprised. I expected to hit a barrier, but I collided with nothing other than the smug stallion. Despite my clear advantage and the tip of my horn inches from his face, he looked like he was having the time of his life. Control yourself, Starlight. Don't go off the deep end. "Listen to me, changeling!" I growled in its face. My horn was singing so loudly I honestly thought it might go off at any moment on its own. "You're going to put an end to whatever magic you're using on Sparkles and then we're going to talk, do you understand me!?" The stallion simply continued to look at me, the smile on his face unchanging. "Talking is for the weak," he sneered, whispering to me. His horn began to glow its bright magenta. "I'd rather just make you mine, too." "You try anything," I bared my clenched teeth. "And they won't be able to scrape what remains of you off the floor," I kept my voice even. Our horns were clashing, his now just as loud as mine. "Or," his horn immediately powered down. "How about I have some fun?" "I'm warning y-" "TWILY HELP!" he shouted a lot more desperately than his expression conveyed. "You honestly think that'll wo-" The blast of mana that hit me from behind was so powerful that it sent me sailing forward, crashing withers first into the wall. The loud crack of my spine was only eclipsed by the shattering of the crystal wall, my body sinking several feet into it at the sight of impact. I was upside down, my vision blurring and my consciousness fading fast. My... b-barrier... What happened? It... should have... I realized it when I looked at my violet friend. Her horn was burning magenta, the exact same color as her brother's. S-Sparkles...!? I coughed, a bit of blood escaping my mouth. "Don't EVER lay your disgusting hooves on my brother, Starlight Glimmer!" The flurry of ice cold malice that came from her hurt a lot more than the attack she'd blindsided me with. As my battered body fell to the floor I was unable to stay conscious any longer. Everything went black. > TCE: Isolation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "T-Twilight?" my voice came out strained, almost making me sound as if I was horrified. I suppose that wasn't very far from the truth. It was a miracle a sound came out of my mouth at all, to be honest. My brain was doing its best to process what I'd just witnessed, but it wasn't making any headway on that front. She... wouldn't... Twilight had blindsided Star, that much was easy enough for my mind to process. The violet unicorn hadn't tried to protect her brother. She hadn't tried to restrain Star. She'd launched a vicious blast that had torn into the lilac mare's back and sent her slamming into the wall. The scream of agony that escaped Star's devastated face made my skin crawl. Once her limp body fell to the ground I managed to squeak out a single pitiful noise. I managed to squeak out our friend's name. She turned to face me, the imposter getting to his hooves right behind her and grinning all the while. Her horn was still shimmering with magenta energy as she stared at me with cold eyes. "Do you wanna try something too, Sunset?" she kept her gaze locked on me, being watchful for another attack. The eyes that belonged to the mare I loved were brimming with so much loathing I nearly trembled. I could hardly believe it. All that repugnance... was aimed directly at me. "Twilight, you..." I looked down at Star's lifeless body. Star... My horn erupted with mana as I stood to my hooves. My energy was so potent that Twilight was forced to shield her eyes from just how bright the spire on my forehead had become. I can't let them win. I have to fight... But... "I don't want to fight you, Twilight," I said as calmly as I could in spite of the fact that I felt like I might start hyperventilating at any moment. "It never seemed to be a problem for you before," she lowered her foreleg as well as her head, glaring daggers at me once her eyes had become acclimated to the new atmosphere. "Twilight... I thought we were past this. I thought... I thought we were friends... We are... aren't we?" I had to try. I still have to try. "Please... don't do this." I have to tell her. "Twilight... I'm in l-" "Awwww, Isn't that just special?" Twilight's brother moved to stand next to his sister, the same devilish smile as before on his face. "Are you gonna be honest and tell my sister you have feelings for her," he jerked his head towards Star, "too, Sunset?" "Wha- how do you-" I wasn't able to form a coherent sentence. My mind was too busy searching for an answer to how he could even know that. I'd just realized that particular truth about myself yesterday. Unless... "You're a monster, just like that princess of yours!" I tensed up, preparing myself for the coming fight. "DON'T TALK ABOUT MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!" Twilight bellowed, a red tinge coming to her eyes as well as her horn. Her sudden tonal shift made it sound like she might've just been possessed by a demon. If I had to take them on at the same time I'd stand little to no chance, I was well aware of that. I glanced over my shoulder back at Queen Cantata. I have to keep her safe at the very least. I was completely stunned when she moved to stand next to me, a look of fierce determination on her face. "I'll do what I can, Sunset," she took a combative stance as well, glowering at her soon to be son-in-law and my beloved. "If we can hold out until Sunburst and the Elements arrive we should be fine," she whispered. "Right!" I nodded. We just had to stall for time, which was a much easier objective than winning outright against such insurmountable odds. "Oh Mom..." Shining Armor chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't have you getting mixed up in all of this, too, now can I?" His horn glowed crimson, a far darker hue than it previously had been. "Then give yourself up, changeling!" the queen demanded, her resolve not faltering one bit. "Turn yourself in this instant. Show us where you're hiding my daughter. If you choose to surrender right now, I swear on the crown, you will be shown clemency and be given safe passage back to the hive." "Such a kind mother I have," Shining lazily draped a foreleg around Twilight's neck. "Don't you think so too, Twily?" "Shiny, we-" As soon as the tip of his horn touched hers she crumbled to the floor like a marionette whose strings had just been cut. It was as if he'd siphoned all the mana she'd just possessed directly into himself in an instant, causing her to go comatose. "T-Twilight?" my heart shuddered at seeing her lose consciousness in such a horrifying way. I had to fight the urge to move to her side. "What splendid emotions," Shining Armor licked his lips, his eyes closed as if he were savoring a delicious meal he'd just finished. When he opened his eyes again they'd changed, shifted color to an all too familiar shade of jade. "Honestly, I thought this would be a lot more difficult," he glanced over his shoulder at Star before turning his attention back to Twilight. "Apparently, their students are a bunch of fools," he scoffed. "This one in particular. It was so easy to bring her under my control. How utterly... disappointing." "Who are you?" Queen Cantata narrowed her gaze on the faux stallion. My brain was still trying to play catch up. Even if it was a changeling, why it would choose to give up the numbers advantage for no reason was beyond me. At the very least, I could still see the rise and fall of Twilight's chest. If I hadn't been able to, I might have completely lost it and done something stupid. "Is that not obvious at this point?" he shook his head in disbelief, taking slow, deliberate steps towards us. "Perhaps you're a fool as well, Cantata." As he took another step forward an explosion of green flames erupted around him, dissipating just as quickly as they'd come and revealing the face of the true monster we were facing. "C-CHRYSALIS!?" the queen almost fell back onto her rump. "But you were... Shining Armor is the one who captured you... arrested you! H-HOW!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?" The Princess of the Changelings was absolutely delighted by the queen's reaction to her appearance. The changeling cackled like a mad-mare not stopping as she continued towards us. "Are there none who can see through my deceptions?" she sighed in contentment as soon as her fit of laughter had ended. "Am I truly so divine? What of you, Sunset Shimmer? What say you?" I grit my teeth and fortified my defenses, thinking of nothing better to do as she looked down at me. She looks the exact same... but... The swagger she was carrying herself with along with the mana radiating from her might both be able to rival even those of my mentor's. She was still overly large, just as big as Celestia as well, but her aura was nothing like it had been down in the dungeon. No, this is the real Chrysalis, not that poser I met before. Which means... "The Chrysalis in the dungeon was the fake," I stared into her snake-like eyes, knowing if my focus wavered for even a second she could probably put an end to me. She came to a stop right in front of me, an impressed grin crossing her lips. "At some point, you managed to replace Twilight's brother. After doing that, you made one of your changelings transform into you and then you, posing as Shining Armor, "arrested" that changeling and threw it into the dungeon." "Sunset Shimmer," Chrysalis was practically glowing, the pleasure on her face making her look even more terrifying than ever before. She lifted a hoof to my face, cupping my cheek gently and looking down at me like Celestia had done countless times before. I was too scared to move, although I did manage to keep myself from trembling. "How I wish you would serve me." "CHRYSALIS!" Queen Cantata lifted a shaking hoof but the rest of her body remained stationary. It was clear she was just as afraid as I was, but she was making an attempt to at least appear unshaken. The princess looked at her with utter boredom on her face. "Leave the girl out of this. You can't possibly be here for her. Your quarrel is with me and mine." "Wrong again, Cantata," Chrysalis let me go before walking back over to Twilight's prone body. With a quick pulse of her mana she lifted the violet unicorn into the air with a green telekinesis spell. "CHRYSALIS!?" the queen gasped. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, CHRYSALIS!?" I roared, leaping forward and charging my own energy. It didn't matter if I couldn't stop her. I had to try, even if it killed me. The changeling didn't even acknowledge me, slowly floating Twilight over to Star and lying her body down carefully on the floor. In a flash of jade light, both Twilight and Star were encased in solid green spheres of magic. "That's two of my precious little mares captured," she turned and looked at me, licking her lips just like before. "Only one is still left rebelling against my will," her horn began screeching with power. "I'll have to put an end to that." "U-US!?" I took a panicked step backwards. "Why would you be after me and my friends!?" "I wasn't... at least, not at first," the princess whirled around, a toothy grin back on her face. "But after Celestia and Luna decided to ruin everything, I was forced to change to a... contingency plan." "What does that mean?" the queen asked from behind me. "And why should I answer that, Cantata?" the princess' head tilted further than should've been possible. "Could it be you're trying to buy time?" I managed to remain steadfast in spite of the fact that she'd deduced our plan. When I glanced back at the queen I noted she'd also managed to keep her cool as well. Not bad, Your Highness. "I wish to know, Princess. Nothing more," Queen Cantata replied calmly. "Hmmmm," Chrysalis' head turned so far it made a loud cracking sound before returning to its normal position. "Very well. I've full control of the guard and it's not like anyone is on their way to save you..." Keep thinking that, monster... I couldn't prevent myself from grinning. "I've made sure of that." the changeling's mad cackling caused my smile to evaporate instantly. "Awwww, girls... You didn't honestly believe I'd let Sunburst and the Elements do whatever they pleased, did you?" "Y-you didn't..." I wobbled, dizziness almost causing me to fall over. They're still coming... they have to be... "Oh, I did!" she swept her mane back with a hoof. "My lovely general made sure those little annoyances wouldn't be helping anyone anytime soon." Another fit of cackling came from her gaping maw. "I believe you made his acquaintance before, Sunset. He was that dashing fellow trapped down in the dungeons. Quite a powerhouse, wouldn't you agree?" I felt sick to my stomach. "Sunburst..." I didn't know what else to say, didn't know how to counter what she was claiming. We were cornered and it was starting to feel like there was no way out for us. What can we- "I don't believe you," the queen stated confidently. "You underestimate Sunburst, Chrysalis. I would stake my empire on him against your general any day of the week." "Oh REALLY!?" The princess lifted a brow, her smile gone. "Your claim may be put to the test here and now, Cantata," she stomped back over to us. "It matters little regardless. My aim is much higher than taking this insignificant little empire anyway," she stared down into my eyes getting right into my face. The sneer on hers was too much and as she got even closer to me I was forced down into a crouch. "I want it ALL!" she took an exaggerated bite right in my face. I stood my ground... or was just far too scared to move, the realization of what she was saying shaking me to my core. "You're going after the princesses!" I jumped backwards, my horn flaring up once again. "As astute as ever," Chrysalis clopped her hooves together. "Had either, or both, of the Immortal Sisters made the decision to attend the wedding, I'd have been able to enact my original plan." "And that is?" Queen Cantata asked. "Their complete annihilation, of course," Chrysalis replied without a hint of doubt in her. The queen couldn't hold back her true feelings. She laughed. She laughed HARD. She laughed so hard that I had to turn and check on her to make sure she was going to be able to catch her breath. To her credit, Chrysalis didn't seem bothered by this, the smile on her face appearing to become appreciative of the queen's episode. "You can't..." Queen Cantata huffed in mouthfuls of breath, wiping the tears from her eyes with a hoof. "You can't be serious," she looked at the changeling with a smile on her face. "They're alicorns, Chrysalis." "I am well aware." The princess' mood remained unchanged. "They're immortal and all powerful," the pegasus' smile shifted to a look of confusion. "You can't stand against them. None can." "Spoken like a true coward. My mother shared your sentiments," Chrysalis giggled. "Despite our relationship, I know just how strong and wise Queen Sanagi is," Cantata narrowed her gaze on the changeling. "You should heed her wor-" "Was," Chrysalis sat to her flank, her grin widening. "W-what!?" the queen took a shaking step forward causing the smile on Chrysalis' face to multiply in size. "Chrysalis... what are you saying?" As if she were a model on a runway the Changeling Princess placed a foreleg behind her head, posing as if she were the most beautiful entity in the world. "I'd prefer it if you refer to me by my official title," she smiled, her expression becoming maniacal. "Queen Chrysalis." "That can't..." Cantata was trembling. "You're not her equal! You've NEVER been her equal!" "You may be right," Chrysalis glared angrily at the pegasus. "Let's just say, I had a bit of help." Her eyes turned crimson for just a moment, the discomforting sight causing both me and the pegasus to step away from the changeling. "Y-you... YOU MONSTER!" Tears fell from Cantata's eyes. Chrysalis cackled wildly, her horn pulsing. "Are you trying to sound like my mother as well?" Cantata clenched her teeth, narrowing her eyes at the changeling. "That's the exact same thing she said right after I killed my father in front of her." "Y-you... you're lying," Cantata choked out. She was barely standing, her current state a mess. There was no vigor in her voice, just the desperation of a mare at the end of her rope. "Please, Chrysalis... please... tell me you're lying..." I shuddered, staring at the Queen of the Changelings. She was shaking with ecstasy, her expression one of pure unadulterated pleasure. "If you fools keep feeding me like this," she moved a hoof up and down her flank. "I may just start putting on weight." "CHRYSALIS!" Queen Cantata screamed. "ENOUGH!" the changeling's booming voice almost pushed me backward. She waved a hoof in front of herself a maroon tinge flashing on her horn before she looked down at me. "Unfortunately, she is correct," she pointed a hoof at Cantata. "But I've come to realize... there are other avenues I can take to harm the Sisters." Her malicious eyes locked on me as she licked her lips. It all made sense. She was going to use the three of us against them. "You'll never convince me to turn against them!" I empowered my horn with more energy. "Convince?" she stood up, trudging right up to me. Her smile didn't falter for a second, her nose almost coming into contact with mine. "You're so very perceptive, Sunset, yet you seem to be under the false assumption that I need to convince you to join me." Her eyes began to burn with power, a vivid chartreuse flame igniting inside of them. I couldn't move. "What are you-" I became extremely dizzy, suddenly having trouble standing. I had to close my eyes so that the spinning of the room wouldn't cause me to collapse. "What's-" If I so wished it you'd be begging me to let you lick my hooves, Sunset Shimmer! Her voice thundered through my head, forcing me to my knees. The pain accompanying the volume was unbearable, my face contorting into pure agony. Get... get out... I pushed back. I grit my teeth and fought against the pain, fought against her with everything I had. How... intriguing. Still you resist? I forced myself to my hooves, my eyes still clenched tightly. I did my best to focus, concentrating on my breathing. I said... GET OUT! I opened my eyes to find the Queen of the Changelings looking completely stupefied. "It's gonna take... a heck of a... lot more than... that to get me... Chrysalis," I got out through ragged breaths, my look of defiance sending the queen into a furious rage. "Then I'll have to do more, won't I, Sunset Shimmer?" she lowered her head, the visage she now possessed sending chills up and down my spine. "We won't... give up," I braced myself as best I could. "We'll defy you until... the very end, YOU MONSTER!" She smiled, but it wasn't like all the times before. This time, I could feel the malevolence emanating from her. This time... her fangs looked so much sharper than ever before. "We?" she breathed out through her teeth. "Perhaps you're not as perceptive as I thought, Sunset Shimmer." My heart sank. With a racing drumming in my chest I turned to find an absolutely horrifying sight. She was still in that devastated state when she'd found out that her husband had been murdered. Queen Cantata... had been completely petrified. I was alone. > TCE: Defeat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This will not be pleasant," Chrysalis sneered. "this will not be short," her horn surged with energy. "You will not enjoy this, Sunset Shimmer," an explosion of green flames sprouted up from the floor in a circular formation around me, completely hedging me in. "But look on the bright side..." I fired off a counter spell without a second thought, hoping I could douse the otherworldly flames with a torrent of water. Just as my magic was about to come into contact with hers, the liquid evaporated into a fine vapor. Her flames continued to burn, somehow now even stronger than they were before. "Once it's finally all over... you'll have the perfect new master!" The flames began to close in around me, their heat making it difficult for me to breathe. "And you'll willingly love her more than anyone or anything you've ever known!" I powered another spell, teleporting out of the predicament I was in to the other side of the hall in a flash. I watched the inferno burn for a moment before Chrysalis dispelled her own magic with a disappointed click of her tongue. "If I can't beat somepony like you, Chrysalis," I sneered at her confidently. "I deserve whatever horrible end fate holds for me." "Tell yourself whatever you need to rationalize it, Sunset," the changeling slowly turned to face me, her expression filled with malice. "You will be mine... and there's NOTHING you can do to change that." "Are you just going to keep yapping your trap," I prepared for the inevitable attack that would surely come from running my own mouth. "Or are you going to try and make me submit?" "How... curious," the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, betraying the fact that she wasn't as angry as she wanted to appear to be. "You know you stand no chance, yet you still continue to defy me. The Princess of the Sun must be truly impressive to have raised up such a devout protégé." "She'd stomp you into the ground with no problem," I chuckled, though it was a hollow sound. Her first claim wasn't far from the truth and had rattled me, but the mention of my mentor had rallied my spirits as soon as I'd heard the words leave her mouth. "Well..." she walked towards me, clearly not worried about anything I might be able to do to her in retaliation. She was back in her chipper mood, a vivacious smile on her face. "then I suppose it's a good thing I've decided to alter my strategy, isn't it?" Her eyes shined with excitement. "I wonder how terrible she'll feel when she realizes she's lost and you, Starlight, and Twilight are all serving me as my personal concubines." I made a mistake. Her words got to me. I knew she was trying to goad me into attacking, but the idea of me and my friends doing... anything like that blinded my better senses. I launched a stream of mana directly at her face in an attempt to shut that smug mouth of hers. She merely tilted her head to the side, avoiding the spell with as little effort as needed. I growled, cursing my poor luck as well as my lack of skill. Though, to be honest, the attack probably wouldn't have done much damage had it landed anyway. I was definitely fighting somepony out of my league. "Is that a sore spot I detect, Sunset Shimmer?" The queen cackled at my overly emotional reaction. "By all means, please!" her horn glowed brighter with green mana. "continue feeding me such delicious emotions. I do so adore your... taste." I bristled, mindlessly firing off another trio of blasts. The projectiles were much wider this time, my hope being that she wouldn't be able to dodge them with as much ease as the first. Unfortunately, my assault did absolutely nothing. Again. All three of my attacks disintegrated before making contact, instead colliding with a wall of green flames that had erupted from the floor around her. As the fire regressed back to where it had come from, I was somehow met with an even more smug expression of arrogance from the Queen of the Changelings. "Would you please just SHUT YOUR MOUTH!?" I wanted nothing more than to attack again, -- wanted to buck her right in the jaw as hard as I could -- but it was clear she was in control of the situation and so, I had to be a lot more cautious. "Why would I ever do that, Sunset?" She tilted her head as her horn began to pulse menacingly. "Each and every time you lash out so foalishly..." She was behind me in an instant, her cheek an inch away from mine. A sudden explosion of green flames had masked her movement from my eyes, though I was guessing it was just a flexing of her abilities and nothing more. "You give me more and more delicious sustenance." "Wh-what!?" I jumped forward, spinning in mid-air to face her. My heart was hammering, her speed and mana capacity at levels I simply couldn't hope to compete with. "Changelings feed on-" "Emotions, you DOLT!" she was in my face a second after another explosion of jade fire consumed her body. "Like that fear coming from you right now!" "That's... not true," I tried to step away from her, but the fierce jade eyes of the Queen of the Changelings froze me in place. "It's love. JUST love..." ... Isn't it? "How about," she smiled seductively. "I give you a more... flagrant demonstration?" She opened her mouth unnaturally wide, as if she was planning to swallow me whole like an anaconda might. I could do little more than stare in horror as she made her next move. It wasn't until a green sphere of crackling energy formed in her gullet that I realized what her true intentions were. It started in my chest. A dull ache that gradually increased to a horrible pain. After just a few seconds it felt as if my heart was being compressed in a vice. I hadn't noticed it at first, the pain taking precedence, but at some point my mouth had opened of its own volition. I still couldn't move, forced to observe as a translucent stream of... something flowed from my mouth into hers. The pain was unbearable, feeling much like a vacuum had been affixed to my muzzle and my insides were being sucked out one by one. I closed my eyes as they began to fill with tears. I didn't want her to see my weakness. My breathing had stopped and if it didn't start up again soon, I'd lose consciousness. To my complete and utter surprise, the changeling decided to end her onslaught as soon as a quiet whimper escaped my mouth. My weakened body fell to the floor as I gulped in breath after breath of air. I couldn't stand, the ordeal weakening me to the point of exhaustion. It felt like I'd just been put through an especially difficult test from my mentor. It took every ounce of strength I had left not to vomit from her attack. "Y-you... you can..." I could hardly talk, the words coming out, but I could barely hear them myself. "Every emotion is fodder for a changeling," she'd closed her mouth, licking her lips in delight. "It just so happens that love is the most... scrumptious of them all." I felt myself get lifted into the air by my fetlocks. Looking down. Or up, I suppose. I could see her sickly green aura along my body, holding me aloft by shackles locked around my legs. She stared at me with pure satisfaction, that same gleeful smile as before plastered on her face again as she moved my face directly in front of hers. I tried to fight against the binds, but there was no way I'd be able to wrestle them off with my physical strength alone. My head was a maelstrom of pain. First because of the unnatural perspective, second from the frustration of my predicament, and third from her tearing my emotions away. Along with the headache, I became acutely aware of the strange feeling at the base of my horn. I wouldn't even be able to attack her magic with my own at this point, everything seemingly plotting against me. "PUT ME DOWN!" I barked, hopelessly trying to swing towards her to maybe headbutt her or possibly bite her snout. "In time, Sunset," she pInched my cheek with a hoof, moving my face back and forth like a mother reprimanding her foal. "WHY!?" I snapped at her again before my vigor left me completely. "Why are you doing this?" I wouldn't willingly let her see me cry, but I was nearly at my breaking point. There was nopony left to fight her and if the changeling was telling the truth, everything I felt made her stronger. My love for Twilight and Star. My fear of losing them. My despair at the fact that I was going to let my mentor down. That I have let her down... I can't win... "You've already won," I averted my eyes from hers, lamenting just how pathetic I was. "Just get it over with already." "I already told you..." she cackled with glee. "SUNSET SHIMMER!" I was flung at the wall, my left side slamming into it with an ear shattering crash. "THIS WILL NOT BE PLEASANT!" The severity of the pain barely had time to register in my mind before I was hurled into the opposite wall. "THIS WILL NOT BE SHORT!" Still not allowed to recover, I was raised high into the air, my orientation flipping before my withers slammed into the ceiling. "YOU WILL NOT ENJOY THIS!" Bright stars all the colors of the rainbow filled my vision as I plummeted to the floor, my chest and jaw taking the brunt of the force once I'd arrived there. Everything hurt. In spite of the fact that she'd withdrawn her spell, I wasn't able to move an inch. I didn't know if anything was broken, and I really didn't want to put any of my bones to the test to find out. I laid motionless on the floor, like a dummy with no ventriloquist to control it. You can endure it, Sunset! Do not let her break your spirit! You have to fight! I couldn't be sure if that was my own mind trying to motivate me or if my mentor had somehow sensed I was in trouble and was trying to do so herself. It didn't matter either way. I wouldn't submit. I would NEVER submit. I may lose to her, -- may be completely defeated -- but I wouldn't give her the victory. She'd have to take it from me. "Y-you know..." I coughed, an action that amplified the pain I was experiencing ten-fold. I groaned loudly before continuing. "a telekinesis spell... wasn't what... I was expecting from... somepony like... you." I still had my eyes shut, but I had to do something and a lame taunt was the only thing I had the strength left to do. "It's so... basic." I chuckled, another action that I most assuredly should not have done for several reasons. "And here I thought you were so much stronger than this... If only the rest of your pathetic existence was as resilient as that mouth of yours," she sounded beyond disappointed. "then maybe I could have had a little bit of fun." "Sorry... to disappoint..." I forced my eyes open, standing to shaking hooves. "I'll try and... live up to your... expectations," I smirked arrogantly. There was no fight left in me, only defiance through words. Apparently, she saw right through that bluff. "No, no," she shook her head. "You clearly wish to... talk. Let's do so. You asked why I'm doing this?" her horn shimmered yet again. She teleported the orb that was holding Twilight in front of herself. "This fool," she pointed a hoof at the violet mare. "Is already mine. She can only perceive me as her beloved brother now. It was SO easy to deceive her. She'll do anything for me now," she smiled adoringly at the unconscious unicorn trapped in the ball. "Maybe for n-" "I'M NOT FINISHED!" she glared at me, baring her fangs. I clamped my mouth shut. She cast another spell, Twilight's orb flashing back to the corner and Star's replacing it in front of the changeling. But... "STAR!?" I rushed forward, ignoring all the pain that moving brought on. I pressed my hooves against the green sphere, my horn igniting with red mana. "STAR! I'M HERE!" She was lying on her side, her violet eyes barely open as if she'd just woken from a long slumber. She smiled weakly at me, pressing her hoof against the interior of the mana where my hoof was. "She can't hear you," the changeling laughed at my desperation. "Unfortunately, this one isn't mine just yet," she teleported the sphere next to Twilight's. "But that will change once I break you, Sunset Shimmer." "What!?" I kept my magic flowing, seeing one of my friends conscious blessing me with a small measure of hope. "Why would Star...light... Why would that matter?" Chrysalis' eyes widened in elation. "Oh you poor, ignorant fool," she clicked her tongue several times in disapproval. "I thought you had better discernment, but it turns out you're just as hopeless as my little sister." "CHRYSALIS!" I was doing everything I could to keep myself from doing something extremely foolish. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?" Her grin persisted. "Perhaps if you get on your knees and beg, I'll fill you in," she flipped her mane back with a hoof, trying to appear nonchalant. "As if I'd do that," I snorted. "You want to tell me. You wouldn't have brought it up at all if you didn't want to rub it in my face! Isn't that right, Your Highness?" "Guilty as charged," she shrugged, giggling like a mischievous filly. "It really is too much fun toying with a weak pony's emotions," she locked eyes with mine. "Very well, Sunset. I'll tell you the truth you seem to be unaware of. Starlight Glimmer," she tilted her head towards Star. "That mare has more love in her heart for you than anyone or anything else." "She..." my eyes opened wide. "I suppose you could say... you are her heart," the queen snickered as if it was the dumbest thing she'd ever said. My legs nearly lost what little strength they had left. Can... she be telling the truth? I knew she had feelings for me, but... I looked back at the sphere Star was trapped in. Her hoof was still pressed against the mana. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. "Not only have you let your friends down," Chrysalis chided. "You've let down the queen, my sister, your mentor, and the one who loves you more than she loves all else." My heart trembled. "It's over, Sunset Shimmer," she narrowed her eyes on me, her horn brimming with green energy. "You're nothing more than a pathetic failure!" Star slowly shook her head. Her horn sparked to life drawing the queen's attention. "How is she..." the changeling was genuinely surprised, the look on her face one of unabated shock. The lilac mare pressed the tip of her horn against the interior of the green sphere. Words slowly began to take shape on the prison before the unicorn lost consciousness once again. I still believe in you, Sun. I felt adrenaline surge through me, along with something else I couldn't quite put my hoof on. "You're right, Chrysalis," I closed my eyes, feeling warmth seep through my veins. "OF COURSE I AM!" she was clearly annoyed. Star's defiance had seemingly gotten to her. Probably because it had revitalized me to an extent... and done so much more than that. "Star loves me..." I smiled, pressing a hoof against my chest. She loves me... I opened my eyes, the river of mana in me growing and flowing outwards from my irises before moving upward and enveloping my horn. The Queen of the Changelings looked hesitant all of a sudden. For a moment, It almost seemed like she might reconsider her plan altogether. That quickly passed, a seething expression of rage growing on her face. "I haven't let her down," I poured my heart and soul into my horn. "She still believes in me... She LOVES me! I WON'T let her down!" My mana soared, my entire body becoming engulfed in the sunlight of my mentor. My coat began to resemble the surface of Celestia's star and my eyes shined just as bright. The changeling could only look on in shocked disbelief as my power continued to grow. Still... something felt off. The base of my horn began to burn more and more in proportion with my skyrocketing energy. I almost considered scaling back my effort. Until... DO NOT HOLD BACK, YOUNG ONE! Princess Luna's words rang out in my mind. I gave my all, everything left inside of me. I would defeat Chrysalis no matter what it cost me. The cacophony of my horn and magic singing was drowned out by the sudden sound of shattering glass. Glass that fell from the base of my horn to the floor beneath my hooves. In an instant, everything was far more vibrant. Colors were more vivid, sounds more distinct. Even the carpet under my hooves felt more comfortable. The river of mana I had just been emanating suddenly felt like a drop in the bucket compared to what was at my disposal now. Now, it was a vast ocean. There were no more shackles on me. I was free. > TCE: Curse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Must I truly take such a path? Is there no other way? She is naught but a foal, but what she will become... what she will accomplish... A splintering of reality? Never has there been, nor will there ever be another like her. ... She is far too dangerous. Please... forgive me, Sunset. It is for your own good. I swear. +++++++++++++++++++++++ For the first time in my life, my mana flowed out of me unhindered. I wasn't sure what had happened, -- not exactly --but I suddenly possessed the same level of strength I'd had back in Princess Luna's realm. For some unknown reason, even more magic than back then was flowing out of me. The tinge of my mana had shifted from the fierce red to a far brighter golden hue, much like the one that my mentor possessed. The expulsion of energy coming from me wasn't very loud, interestingly enough. In fact, the singing of my horn was barely registering in my ears, sounding completely different from the traditional melody it sang. While it was a far cry from the song my horn typically produced, it was still beautiful in its own way. The force of the kinetic energy I was stirring up on the other hoof... The Queen of the Changelings wasn't cowering in fear before me, but there was definitely more apparent reservation in her now. She looked at me with genuine curiosity, the flames of the sun that surged forth from me forcing her to squint her eyes. In spite of her body being pushed back by the sheer strength of my new aura, the changeling managed to stand her ground, much to her credit. "Well this is... not what I was expecting," the queen remarked dryly. "Stand down, Chrysalis," I didn't have to prep any spells. My mana was so vast at the moment I was prepared to cast anything I could think of in an instant. "Yield! Then we can discuss the terms of your surrender." Her eyes widened, a look of complete and utter shock overtaking her features. "You can't be serious..." she deadpanned. "You get a small taste of power and all of a sudden you think you're my equal?" "Not your equal." I didn't hesitate. The lance of white-hot sunlight I fired off bypassed her protective green flames with ease, my mana traveling at far too great a speed to be cut off by the defensive spell. She screamed in agony as she was sent reeling backwards several meters. She nearly collapsed to the ground from the impact of my attack, but as a testament to her tenacity, she barely managed to remain standing. "You little... BRAT!" she growled, wobbling but staying upright. She raised a hoof up to her chest, feeling around. The chitin there was glowing an intense white from the degree of heat I'd utilized. "I held back, Chrysalis," I took a step toward her, the contact of my hoof against the floor sending out rippling waves of fire in every direction. "Don't push me any further!" "We're just getting started, SUNSET SHIMMER!" her horn shimmered with energy. She took a shot, a green jet of mana flying directly at my face. I could tell from the meager amount of energy that I wouldn't need to do anything in response. Her jaw dropped as we both watched the projectile disintegrate due to the high temperature of the sunlight I was emitting. "H-HOW!?" she gasped. "Give up, Chrysalis," I took another step forward, forcing her onto her back hoof. I had complete control over my mana and it felt wonderful. With whatever had been restraining me now gone, manipulation I'd had trouble with before had become as easy as breathing. I could cast even more powerful solar spells than ever before, and apparently, it took very little effort. I quickly realized while doing so that I could control the temperature of my mana to the degree. Whatever I wished would be burned away in seconds and all else in contact with my mana would remain unscathed. "If you continue to resist, I'll be forced to put you down, changeling." "Such... IMPUDENCE!" she was seething, but there was little else she could do. If she moved any closer to me the power of my sunlight would scorch her. The inability to move forward paired with a lack of defensive capabilities put her at a severe disadvantage. Her face showed that she was well aware of the unenviable position she was in. Judging by her expression, it was evident she was running through what little options she had in her mind. Full blown panic was seconds from taking her completely, even a foal could see that. "You honestly think an insignificant WHELP like YOU can challenge the Queen of the Changelings!?" "Chrysalis..." I sighed, done with inconsequential banter. "This is your last chance." It was all just posturing coming from the changeling. It was sad. Pathetic, really. "Free Cantata and my friends and then you can show us where Cadenza and the others are. We'll-" Her raucous laughter cut me off, her hoof pressing against her forehead as if what I was saying was the most hilarious joke she'd ever been told. As her fit died down she wiped a tear from her eye before sighing in contentment. "The funniest part of all of this is that you actually believe you're in control." Her demeanor became extremely relaxed. "What are you going to do to me if I don't cooperate, Sunset Shimmer?" she tilted her head, her question apparently genuine. "Are you going to kill me?" "No, Chrysalis," I conjured a sphere of sunlight above her, the heat of which forced her down to her belly in an attempt to get away from the searing temperature. "I don't have to use lethal force to put an end to your schemes," I manifested arcs of powerful sunlight on her torso, legs, and neck, anchoring her to the floor of the palace. "Y-YOU...?" she glared at me, but didn't move an inch, the bindings doing their job effectively. "Don't struggle," I ordered. I lowered the strength of my mana, walking up to the subdued changeling. My forehooves were inches from her face, the look of unabated fury she possessed was almost enough to get me to take a step back. "Give UP, Chrysalis!" I returned a similar expression to hers, baring my teeth. "Do you have so much pride that you won't even acknowledge your own defeat?" "Defeat?" she stared up at me, looking as if she'd never heard the word before in her life. "I'll admit, you have me in a bind," she looked down at the floor, her expression becoming soft. "I suppose it really does mean he was right." "He?" I raised an eyebrow. "I need your help," she stated begrudgingly, almost lifelessly. "You were right." She was obviously not speaking to me, though I wasn't sure who she was addressing. "I... was wrong." "Who are you talking t-" Despite my best efforts to stay in my current position, I was pushed several feet away from the queen. A wave of... something blasted outward from Chrysalis, forcing me to turn my head away. As soon as I returned my gaze to the changeling my heart began to race. The color of mana coming from her horn had changed. It was now a deep crimson, even darker than mine usually was. The color of her eyes had shifted as well, now the same dark shade of maroon as her magic. "I told you, Chrys," the Queen of the Changelings' mouth was moving, but it wasn't her that was speaking. The new voice was much more masculine. The crimson aura from her horn covered the shackles of light I'd placed on her, consuming them in a split-second. "They're a lot more competent than you give them credit for." She was back on her hooves, the smile on her face grating my nerves. The new aura around her horn blipped to nothing, her mana no longer charging. Something's... something's different. I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. Her smile... it was almost jovial now. I would even go so far as to say she appeared... playful. It was a far cry from her usual arrogance and condescension. The way she stared at me now, with pure joy on her face... It made me realize the truth. "Who... or what, are you?" I managed to get out. It was no longer the Changeling Queen. Whoever, or whatever, was in control now was... different. Much different. "You're the 'he' Chrysalis was referring to, aren't you?" "ME!?" he pointed a hoof at himself in surprise. "Maybe? I mean I'm nothing special, really," he chuckled before moving his hoof to scratch at the back of his head. "Nothing you'd know, at least, Sunny." "Then TELL me what you are!" I growled. If this thing was working with Chrysalis it could only mean bad news. I considered frying him to a crisp without another thought, but for some reason that felt... wrong. "I already told you, Sunny," he began walking towards me, though he was completely lackadaisical as he did so. He even went so far as to look around the hall as he moved, not even considering me enough of a threat to keep track of my movements. "It's always so crazy... seeing things through a mortal's eyes, I mean." A... mortal's...? I turned up the heat surrounding me several notches. Ironically, -- despite my improved defenses -- I was the one who took a step back. He didn't stop. He didn't even appear to notice the escalation in temperature. If it was still Chrysalis, she'd be unable to breathe. Whatever this thing was, it was stronger than her. "Don't come any closer," I said calmly, pouring more mana into my horn. "OH! Sorry!" He came to an abrupt stop a few feet in front of me, taking a seat on his rump. "Like I said, you don't know who or what I am. And even if I told you, your mind wouldn't be able to comprehend it anyway." ... "If that's really the case..." I took another step back, realizing I was trembling as I did so. "At least tell me what it is that you want." "What I want?" he tilted his head, curiosity crossing his features. "I guess it doesn't really matter what I want," he grinned. "All that matters is fulfilling my contract." "Your contract?" I took another step back. "Sorry, Sunny," he shrugged. "Rules are rules, y'know? Gotta follow them." I was struck in the chest by a blast of red energy that had moved so fast I hadn't seen it travel. The sunlight encompassing me took the brunt of the blow, but I moved a few steps backwards from the force of the impact. He's much stronger than Chrysalis... I retaliated, summoning a sunspot directly beneath the changeling that caused a solar flare to erupt upwards. The flare nearly touched the ceiling, completely overtaking the bug's form. "Not bad," his voice came from directly behind me. I teleported away, reappearing to face the monster with a scowl on my face. Apparently, the heated atmosphere I was creating around myself wasn't enough to bother him. On top of that disappointing fact, he was either able to teleport with no prep time at all, or he was just that fast. "You took a decent attack and your counter might've hurt me if it had connected," he clapped his forehooves together with a smile. "If you're this strong then Star must be a real beast, huh?" "What do you know about Starlight!?" I snapped my jaws at the mention of her, my horn turning iridescent. "IF YOU TRY AND HURT A SINGLE HAIR IN HER MANE I SWEAR I'LL-" "WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!" he waved his hooves in front of himself. "I only know what my sister said about her. Nothing else! I swear!" "Your... sister?" I fumed, summoning four miniature suns a foot around him, each on a different side. "Who is your sister!?" "Never heard of her? That's a little weird," he looked at the stars around himself with a grin. "These are pretty nifty. Anyway, she's been trying her darndest to take one of them," he pointed a hoof at Star and then Twilight, causing me to bristle. "She's usually referred to as 'The Nightmare'." "N-Nightmare?" my suns fizzled a bit, losing some of their energy. I had to refocus, sending more mana into each of them to ensure they maintained their integrity. "I don't..." I lowered my head, doing my best to try and recall even a hint of some such creature. ... I came up with nothing. I'd never heard of such a being before, not even from my mentor. "You really don't know?" It wasn't a condescending question he'd asked. There didn't seem to be any malice in the changeling at all, his smile becoming more jubilant. "That's... a little weird, to be honest," he shrugged, lifting a hoof nonchalantly. "You're supposedly friends, right? You'd really think you'd know what THAT one," he pointed his hoof at Twilight, "in particular is going through if that was true." "W-what!?" Irritation immediately took hold of me. "IT IS TRUE! WE ARE FRIENDS!" I barked. "I just..." I lost my indignation, my body slumping over as my suns faded away. "Twilight's never..." She's never confided in me about anything like that. "Y'know, Sunny..." he chuckled mirthfully. "I get it," I lifted my head, staring at him in disbelief. "I really do. Friendship can be pretty tough. Just be sure to rectify your mistakes... if you manage to survive all this, I mean." Even that statement had no aggression in it. I was lost. If it was all a devious tactic to deceive me, it was working splendidly. "Why would you say something like that?" I narrowed my eyes on the changeling. "What's your angle? Why would you even care?" "Care?" he tapped a hoof to his chin, looking up to apparently contemplate my question. "I don't really think it matters if I care." "Of course it does!" I scoffed. "You could be trying to trick me or-" "Is it bad advice?" he smiled at me. ... "N-no... it's not," I admitted bitterly. "Then don't you think it'd probably be a good idea to take it?" His question was infuriating for several reasons. First, because I could not fathom what he was playing at. Second, because he was clearly in control of the situation. Third, -- and by far most frustrating -- because he was right. Regardless, I had to try and take back some ground. "Why is your sister after my friends?" I changed the subject, although I took his words to heart. He trotted up to stand in front of me, not worried or on his guard in the least. I stood my ground. There was no point in moving. He'd made it abundantly clear I couldn't stop him from doing what he wished so resisting was pointless. "Same reason I'm here right now," he sighed, for once looking a little distraught. I waited for more. ... "Celestia and Luna," he stated flatly, his eyes betraying a slight feeling of remorse. "So she's working with Chrysalis, too?" I scowled at the changeling. "What!? No!" he laughed. "It wasn't Chrys' idea to go after the princesses, Sunny," he looked at me like I was crazy. "You think the little buggo is that foolish?" "YOU MOCK ME, UN!?" The jade eyes came back, replacing the crimson. The feminine -- if you can call it that -- voice returned as well. "Not at all, Chrys," the masculine voice echoed throughout the hall, not requiring the changeling as a vessel to speak. "Just saying you're not an idiot." "I-" "BUT," he cut her off. "If you want to force me out and take back control, then I'll gladly leave you to it," there was a smidge of irritation in his voice. "Good luck with things!" "NO! WAIT!" Chrysalis shouted desperately as she looked around into the air in a panic. "Are you so scared to face me by yourself?" I scoffed, drawing the ire of the queen. "I thought you had pride." She narrowed her eyes on me, staring daggers. "But in reality... you're nothing more than a coward." "Sunset Shimmer..." With how hard she was grinding her teeth together I'd swear they would shatter at any moment. "You just gonna let her talk to you like that, Chrys?" the masculine voice laughed, pushing the changeling into an even fouler mood. Saliva flew from her clenched maw as she struggled to control the rage she was clearly experiencing. "So... do you still need my help then?" "I..." The queen took a deep breath, rubbing her face roughly with a hoof. "I do," she groaned, admitting such a thing seeming to cause her physical pain. ... "Please?" she continued as soon as she realized he was waiting for more. "Help me?" Her eyes immediately transformed back to the crimson color, and with that change, I knew I was facing the other entity once again. If he has Chrysalis under his control like this... I didn't like my prospects. "As I was saying," he went right back to our previous conversation. "The little buggo is ambitious, sure, but she could never orchestrate something of this magnitude." This... magnitude? "Then who-" "Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to put an end to this little back and forth, though, Sunny," he scratched at the back of his mane again, his horn glowing a gentle maroon. "Sorry. I really am." "What are y-" I choked on my words, his crimson aura tightly wrapped around my neck. Not only had my sunlight utterly failed to keep his mana at bay, the barrier I'd utilized was still up and scot free. The crushing sensation around my throat was staggering, almost causing me to immediately collapse. In spite of the assault I tensed my muscles and focused on my attacker. He merely shook his head slowly. I had no time to react, no time to counter his initial blitz. The squeezing intensified tenfold, forcing me down to a crouch. The perimeter of my vision darkened, closing in and threatening to completely incapacitate me. "I honestly thought you all would win, too," he sighed. "Guess my master was wrong." Do something, Sunset! I flooded my horn with mana. I had to try something. If I lost consciousness we'd all end up in the hive. No matter what, I couldn't let that happen. As a last ditch effort, I could expel all of my mana, just like back in Princess Luna's realm. I concentrated. But... The vivid picture of the devastated land floated through my mind. If I did such a thing here, so close to my friends and Queen Cantata... I... I can't... My legs buckled, my body falling to the floor. Along with all of my other senses my mana was ebbing away. I couldn't think, couldn't move. I closed my eyes I... I'm sorry everyone... ... ... ... ... ... "LET HER GO!" A loud crack echoed throughout the hall following the shout. Whatever had made the sound had also freed me from his magical grasp. I took the deepest breath I ever had, the oxygen rushing into my lungs and regenerating all of my senses in an instant. "Everything's gonna be okay, Sunset. I've got you," I looked up to find the kindest pair of teal eyes looking down at me with care. "Fl-Fluttershy?" I couldn't believe my eyes. I turned my head to see Rainbow Dash flying in the air in front of Chrysalis' body. The queen had her head turned to the side, apparently having been kicked so hard by the pegasus she still hadn't recovered. I was helped to my hooves by Applejack and Rarity who were both focused on the queen. Fluttershy's abilities had already worked, making me feel better than I had before. "You're okay now, Sunset," she assured me before turning her attention to the Queen as well. "We're here, Sunset!" Pinkie was bounding around the room, her usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a ferocity I didn't know the earth pony possessed. "Girls..." I was filled with determination, looking back at the Changeling Queen who'd just finished adjusting her dislocated jaw with a hoof. "You thought you could keep us from this fight, Chrysalis," Trixie was positioned behind our foe, her horn a raging tempest of ruby light. "You thought we would be defeated by your subordinate." The six Elements slowly moved to surround the changeling, forming a tight circle. "There's just one thing you didn't take into account, monster!" Trixie was ready to pounce. The being possessing Chrysalis didn't move a muscle, staring at them with indifferent eyes. "We'd never leave one of our friends hanging!" Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder at me, a grin on her face. "GET READY, GIRLS!" Trixie bellowed. "THE REAL FIGHT BEGINS NOW!" > TCE: Judgment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The eight of us stood in eerie silence, a tense sense of unease permeating the air. Even Pinkie's energetic bounding had stopped, the pink mare standing still as as a statue as she too watched the changeling closely. "Be careful, girls," I broke the silence, knowing I had to warn them. None of them reacted to my voice, nor did our foe. "This isn't Chrysalis." ... "Err, Sunset...?" Rainbow Dash kept her eyes on our enemy as she spoke. She was clearly confused. A reasonable reaction. "Preeeetty sure this is Chrys-" "No, she's right, Rainbow," Trixie confirmed my claim, uncomfortably shifting her weight from one hoof to the other. "I can... I can feel it... I can feel what Princess Celestia warned us about coming from her." "It's a..." Fluttershy was trembling, her voice nearly cracking. "It's one of their curses?" "Has to be if Trixie says so," Applejack replied grimly. "That... that changes things..." Rarity added with a frown. "It doesn't!" Trixie exclaimed, jolting the others back into focusing. "Stick to the plan! This is what we prepared for!" "GOT IT!" the five replied to their leader in perfect unison. The auras of all six Elements began to spread uncontrollably, surrounding the changeling with a rainbow of multicolored energy that filled the entire hall. In response, he lifted his hoof above his head, an expression of complete discomfort dominating his features. His sudden movement had caused the rest of us to tense up. Still, none of us moved an inch. It was beyond confusing. He looked like a shy colt sitting in a classroom for the first time and waiting to be called on by his teacher to ask a question. "Can I... can I have just one teensy little second?" he asked sheepishly, looking around at the Elements as he clasped his hooves together in a begging gesture. When none of them responded to him he smiled brightly, clopping those same hooves together. "GREAT! Thanks a bunch!" he closed his eyes. "Ooooh, Chryyyys?" When the Changeling Queen reopened her eyes they'd reverted back to their jade tint. "Un... why am I back in control?" she glared at me. "You're supposed to-" "I'M supposed to handle any unforeseen circumstances, Chrys," the voice was echoing through the hall once again, seemingly coming from thin air. We all lifted our gazes, -- the Queen of the Changelings included -- looking up towards the ceiling. "YOU were supposed to handle the Elements." "Oh please," she scoffed arrogantly, rolling her eyes. "Are you really so fearful of a group of little fillies?" "Uhm, yeah? I am," the voice laughed. The girls looked at each other in bewilderment. I'm pretty sure none of us were expecting that to be the answer. "They're not something I can deal with." "How is that possible!?" Chrysalis hissed, her irritation growing. "You're powerful enough to make THAT one," she pointed a hoof at me, "a non-issue, but you can't handle some... NOBODIES!?" "HEY!" Rainbow Dash growled, the queen's snide comment instantly getting to her. "So dumb," the voice's groan gradually turned into an entertained chuckle. "What do you expect me to do about them?" he asked. "They're HER Elements, Chrys. I can't just-" "CELESTIA IS A PAMPERED FOOL!" the queen's anger boiled over, the sparking of her horn causing the rest of us to prepare for an incoming ambush. "SHE HASN'T EVEN FOUND OUT ABOUT THE CHILDREN I PLANTED IN CANTERLOT!" "Not her you goober," he sighed. "Though it is pretty funny you think she doesn't know about them... Look, Chrys, I told you to take them out of the picture. That was the only thing you had to do." "I..." she rubbed at her forehead with a hoof. She was more than annoyed, that much was evident with how hard she was scratching. "I'll just do it now." "Unfortunately," (he muttered 'for you' under his breath) "it's a little too late for that. You failed to fulfill your half of the contract, Chrys." "I SAID I'll-" "Good job, Sunny!" the voice addressed... me?, completely ignoring the Changeling Queen. "Guess you three really are special, too." "Uh th-thanks?" I wasn't really sure how to reply. "UN!? YOU'RE BETRAYING ME!?" Chrysalis bellowed. "WE HAD A DEAL!" "Contract's null and void if you don't meet your part of the agreement, Chrys," he chided, though his voice was still playful. "Looks to me like the Elements are all safe and sound. I already told you, I'm not messing with them." "YOU CAN'T JUST ABANDON ME, UN!" the Changeling Queen didn't sound desperate, but the way she looked around herself in a panic said more than her expression ever could. "'Fraid I can, Chrys," he replied, still as bubbly as ever. "See you later, Sunny. Good luck with the mess, buggo!" "UN, YOU TRAITOR!" Now it was easy to hear the panic in her voice. ... "Is it... Is it gone?" Rarity asked, turning to Trixie for answers, though staying on her guard. "I... I think so..." Trixie looked absolutely dumbfounded. "I can't feel its presence at all anymore." ... We all stood awkwardly in the exact same spots. Chrysalis too, though she was shaking in what I assumed to be rage. "Well... ah wasn't expectin' that," Applejack stated what we were all thinking. ... "What now?" Fluttershy asked, uncertainty painting her tone. Our collective gazes settled back on Chrysalis. "Now?" The queen snarled, her horn becoming a spire of venomous green light. "NOW I finish what I started!" Her jade flames erupted around the pegasus. "FLUTTERSHY!" the girls cried out while I was hard at work, already casting several spells. The flames immediately closed in around the yellow mare drawing horrified looks to the other Elements' faces. They were all stunned into inaction, but everything was fine, they just didn't know it yet. "One down!" Chrysalis cackled, turning her attention to the others. "Five more to go!" As the flames burned out leaving behind nothing but scorched carpet, Rainbow Dash flew up to the ashes, a look of utter despair on her face. "F-Flutters..." The blue pegasus was on the verge of tears. "You can't-" "As if I'd let that happen," I drew the attention of the room, stepping to the side to reveal Fluttershy's unharmed form standing behind me. The girls were elated, an acute expression of relief on Rainbow Dash's face in particular. Chrysalis was beside herself with fury once again, glaring at me like I'd just murdered her firstborn. "You... LITTLE-" "You didn't forget about little old me, did you, Chrysalis?" I winked at her. "Simple teleportation spell." In an explosion of solar mana I was back in my ascendant form, sunlight and flames engulfing me. The Queen of the Changelings took a shaking step backwards, my display of power jarring her yet again. A second later I calmed myself, my theatrics gone. "Just because I'm not showing off doesn't mean my power isn't there, Chrysalis." "Y-you..." her eyes narrowed, doing so because she probably knew there wasn't much else she could do. "You MONSTER!" Dash was a speeding bullet of rage. I don't think anypony could see her moving, the only indications she was still in the room the repeated flickering of Chrysalis' barrier as it took vicious blows and the crashing sound said strikes were producing. "FOOL!" the queen bellowed. "As if a mere pegasus like you could ever hope to breach one of my defenses!" I flicked my horn, the changeling's barrier shattering in a glimmering shower of green and gold sparks. In the next instant the queen was devastated by the flurry of the rainbow mare's onslaught. Several blows landed flush with the changeling's face and body, forcing the monarch down to her knees. "Guess that barrier wasn't as great as you thought, HUH!?" Rainbow Dash gloated with glee, standing triumphantly in front of the queen. Just as she was about to continue her assault she was stopped by her leader. "RAINBOW DASH!" the azure unicorn's call halted any further movement the pegasus might've been about to make. "Stand down, Rainbow." "Tch!" the pegasus relented, taking up a more defensive stance. "Fine." "You cowards..." Chrysalis coughed, the attacks she'd taken dealing a lot more damage than I'd initially thought. It almost looked as if her carapace might be cracking in several areas. "Is that how your kind fights? Like a pack of BLOODTHIRSTY WOLVES!?" she hissed, struggling to stand to her hooves. She eventually got there, with great effort. "That's mighty rich comin' from somepony like you," Applejack huffed. "You sure didn't care about fairness when you sent Yōchū and all those changelings to... TO STOP US!" Pinkie roared, her hair deflating just a tad as she shouted. "Convenient how things change so quickly when the tables have turned," Rarity raised a condescending eyebrow, "Wouldn't you agree, Your Highness?" "It's fine," I stepped forward. "If she wants a fair fight, I'd be glad to oblige. If that's alright with you girls?" The Elements looked at each other with doubtful expressions. "We have the advantage, darling," Rarity offered me a concerned gaze. "There's no reason to put yourself in danger." "Can you take her?" Rainbow Dash focused her eyes on the changeling once again. "I can," I answered confidently, drawing even more ire from the queen. "You PETULANT-" "Then show her, Sunset," Trixie smirked, cutting off our foe on purpose. "Show her just how strong ponies really are." "You can do it, Sunset!" Pinkie added with gusto. "Show her who's boss, sugar cube!" Applejack chuckled. "Kick her flank... for all of us, Sunset!" Rainbow lifted her head in acknowledgement. "We know you can do it, darling!" Rarity grinned. "We believe in you, Sunset!" Fluttershy's words sent a spark into me. Star... Twilight... I smiled, their trust filling me with determination. As the Elements moved to stand behind me I came face to face with the Queen of the Changelings once again. "You know how this ends, Chrysalis," I watched her closely, making sure she made no sudden moves for the girls behind me. "If you surrender amicably you still might be able to save face." "I'm not finished yet, you WRETCH!" she spat. "I still have the upper hand, you just haven't realized it yet!" "Oh, really?" I lifted a curious brow. I was actually a little intrigued by her claim. "Care to elaborate or are you just lying through your teeth?" "Cantata is still trapped in stone!" she cackled. "If you do anything to me you can kiss h-" "Thank you, Fluttershy," Queen Cantata's relieved voice rang out from behind me, drawing the changelings' enraged attention. "Stay behind us, Your Highness. It's not over yet," Trixie ordered. A sound of compliance came from the monarch. "You... ACCURSED PONIES!" Chrysalis fumed, although her anger was failing, being overtaken by another emotion. Small flecks of despair were beginning to show through the forming cracks and the Changeling Queen wasn't able to hide that fact any longer. "Looks to me like that card has been taken off the table, Chrys," I mocked. She shook with anger, lifting her hoof toward the corner where Star and Twilight had been previously. "I still have THEM, SUNSET SHIMMER!" she roared as she gestured. Her hoof is trembling... "Have who, Chrysalis?" I asked with a confused tilt of my head. She looked at me as if I'd gone insane, an expression of absolute bewilderment on her face. She turned her head, finding nothing in the corner that'd been formerly occupied by her captives. "They were the first ones I took back," I grinned, expecting more fury to come from the changeling. Instead, I received only trepidation. "I-I still have," she looked around in a rushed panic, her eyes trembling with... fear? "I STILL HAVE THE PONIES OF THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE! I STILL HAVE SHINING ARMOR! I STILL HAVE CADENZA!" "Maybe," I conceded with a bored shrug. "Not sure how any of that is supposed to help you in your current predicament, though." "You would sacrifice all those lives!?" Funnily enough, she looked utterly appalled at the very idea I might do such a thing. "Are we bargaining now?" I inched closer to her. "THERE IS NO BARGAINING!" she howled, stepping back. "I HOLD ALL THE CHIPS! YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! MY WILL IS INEVITABLE! FOR THIS PATHETIC NATION AND FOR ALL OF YOUR KIND!" "Such a pity," I shook my head as I began casting my spells. The changeling's pallor drained of blood as she was encased in a pillar of my sunlight. "I can just-" "You really can't, Chrysalis," I tapped my horn with a hoof, knowing what she'd already been planning because it was exactly what I would try to do. "There's no running away from this. You either give up, or..." I increased the heat, hoping that the intense temperature would get her to finally capitulate. "If you do this you'll NEVER see any of them again." She was trying to sound authoritative but it wasn't working, not with her hooves pressing against my mana as she tried to work towards a way out. Unfortunately for her, there was none. "You think I wouldn't plan for a possibility like this?" "See, that's the thing, Chrysalis. I don't think you would," I walked up to my entrapment, staring directly into her hate-filled eyes. "An arrogant creature like you? You wouldn't even think there was a possibility you could be defeated," I smirked as she glared. "You said 'if'. If they're not already dead -- which I highly doubt -- then my mentor will find them no matter where you've tried to hide them." "You're willing to take such a risk?" Drops of sweat fell from her forehead, the heat climbing with every second that passed. "Risk?" I tilted my head, completely baffled. "If they're already gone then you're just playing what few cards you have left as best you can. I can't change that," I scoffed. "If they're still alive somewhere then we'll find them. In either case, there is no risk." "I didn't know I was dealing with a fellow psychopath," she smirked, apparently a little appreciative of my current demeanor. Still, there was distinct desperation in her eyes. I bristled. The very idea that I could ever be anything like her made me nauseous. As she stared into my eyes I felt a twinge in my head. It wasn't one of pain, it simply felt... strange. It was more than obvious she was trying to attack me mentally once again, but my defenses were much stronger than before so she'd have little effect. Still, for a split-second I saw... something. It was completely alien. A place I'd never seen with creatures I'd never even read of in books. It was weird... but it was one hundred percent clear, like a photo that had just been taken or a painting that had been created by the best artist Equestria had to offer. It was the front of a building, possibly a school of some sort late at night. Foreign creatures standing on their hind legs were huddling together in fear. Groups of them peppered the ground as they all stared up at... an abomination. No other words came to mind as I stared at the hideous being. Its body was blood-red, no coat covering it, only skin. Its mane, tail, and midsection were all blazing infernos of bright red fire. It had abnormally large, bat-like wings that gave it the ability to fly. Its eyes were lifeless black pits of darkness. Sharp fangs lined its mouth, much like Chrysalis'. Atop its head rested a gold crown with... Twilight's cutie mark at its center? The demon was terrorizing those cowering beneath it, their fear much like what the changeling had wrought amongst me and my friends. It was enjoying what it was doing, reveling in its cruelty. It was disgusting. I wasn't sure if that thing was supposed to be Twilight. I wasn't really sure what the vision was supposed to mean. I wasn't really sure why I'd seen it at all. I was only sure of one thing. It was because of monsters like that, monsters like Chrysalis, that I could show no mercy to those who relished in tormenting the weak. "You're the only psychopath here, Chrysalis," I declared, my complete resistance of her mental attacks terrifying the trapped changeling. I calmly turned away, my horn singing as my spell began to close in on her. "Last chance," I refused to look her way. "Yield." "I'd rather die," she stated simply, rebellious to the end. "So be it." I refused to relent. I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable as the sounds of panicked grunting began behind me. ... "SUNSET! PLEASE! STOP!" > TCE: Compromise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't have to open my eyes to know who had shouted. I was familiar with the voice by now. Had anypony else called out, I might not have stopped the compression of my spell. It was only because it was her that I had postponed my judgment. "MY LITTLE HEART!" Queen Cantata's voice was dripping with a mixture of emotions. A few I could identify were relief, joy, and a small tinge of worry. I suppose seeing my daughter -- if I had a daughter -- safe when I thought the worst would elicit the same feelings in me. "Sunset," the princess' voice had cooled several degrees from the initial passionate shout, but there was still a very real desperation in it. "Please... don't." "She's too dangerous, Cadenza," I replied calmly. She had to know that my decision hadn't been made from a place built on a foundation of emotions. It wasn't a rash choice I had made, nor was it born of anger. Chrysalis was a true menace and letting her live would be a liability, not just for Cadenza and the Empire, but for the rest of Equestria as well. That was a fact I knew to be true. "She refuses to negotiate and she will not surrender," I sighed, rubbing my face with a hoof. This was so much more responsibility than I'd ever wanted, but to keep everypony and everything I loved safe, I'd make the tough decisions others wouldn't. "What would you have me do? Let her go?" "I..." the princess was on the verge of tears as she watched the changeling struggle inside her cage of punishment. I turned to watch the cretin fight for her life as well. She looked so pathetic, trapped in that small prison of light, doing all she could not to end up a messy pile of flesh. It was sad. So stubborn... So pitiful. ... "Can I... can I try and talk with her?" Cadenza's question was so far detached from any kind of order that I almost immediately withdrew my spell and agreed to her request. "Sunset..." The way she said my name made me give her my full attention. I turned to find her gaze locked on the carpet below. "She is my sister." Several gasps and shocked sounds came from the Elements. Queen Cantata remained silent. Guess they hadn't heard about that little tidbit of information yet. "How can you be sure?" I looked back at the insect. She was pressed on all sides, her cheek and one jade eye glaring at me as if I was the monster. She no longer looked afraid or even worried. All of her effort was now fully placed in the hatred category. With the way she was scowling at me, I was confident that had our roles been reversed, I'd already be dead. "She tricked Twilight. She tricked all of us... How do you know you're not under her spell, too?" "I don't, Sunset," she trotted up to the prism of mana. Chrysalis took her gaze off of me, looking at the pegasus instead. What is...? I couldn't be certain, but it looked like the queen's visage had softened a bit at seeing the princess up close. "But... are you really willing to condemn an entire species to extinction for the transgressions of their ruler?" Cadenza asked, placing a hoof against my spell. "I..." my body went rigid, my eyes snapping open. How I hadn't connected those dots was beyond me. If Chrysalis' mother was truly gone then the changeling before us was the only thing left of the monarchy. The hive wouldn't be able to survive without a queen. What should I do? I bit my lip, wishing for nothing more than the opportunity to speak with my mentor. But she wasn't here. I couldn't even talk to Star or Twilight. I had to make a decision. ... We have her. She's completely neutralized. I couldn't fathom the countless problems setting her free could and surely would cause, but now, after Cadenza's question, I was just as worried there'd be massive ripples on the world if I put an end to her life. "Sunset... what do you think Princess Celestia would do?" the princess asked, turning to look my way. Her light violet eyes pleaded with me to reconsider my choice. It was an unfair question. Celestia is perfect. ... I put an end to my spell, the Queen of the Changelings falling to the floor in a heap. She fought to catch her breath, sweat pouring from every inch of her body as she grew acclimated to the much cooler hall. I turned to face the Elements and Queen Cantata. "This is your Empire, Your Highness," I swept a hoof towards the changeling. "I will defer to your judgement. I will stand by whatever decision you make." The Elements collectively looked at the monarch who merely sighed in disappointment. Her weariness came back to the forefront as she pinched the bridge of her nose with a hoof. "I..." she glared down at the changeling. She considered her choices for a moment before speaking. "Marengo did all he could to aid the changelings..." She sighed once again, her anger waning a bit as her demeanor softened. "Speak, Cadenza. If you are unable to sway her, there will be no other options save execution." "M-MOM!?" Cadenza gaped at her mother, stunned by what she clearly perceived as cruelty that was uncharacteristic of her parent. "She wants absolute power, Cadenza," Cantata pointed an accusing hoof at the queen. "The changelings have the numbers to slowly infiltrate all corners of Equestria. Who knows if they haven't already done so?" "But-" "SHE KILLED YOUR FATHER!" The sudden rage on Queen Cantata's face made all of Chrysalis' prior anger look like a foal's. "I... I know that, Mom," Cadenza turned back to face the murderer. The culprit was back to normal, breathing heavily and looking much like a cornered animal, but no longer struggling with the effects of my spell. Surprisingly enough, she still hadn't tried anything. If she did, I was more than ready to put her right back in her place, but it was a wonder she was being "good" for the time being. "Then speak to her, Cadenza," the queen's fury was gone, sadness all over her face. "Show me what your father never could." The pegasus offered the insect her hoof, possibly to help her up. It was promptly swatted away as Chrysalis stood without any aid. "So you managed to escape my trap..." Chrysalis growled. "Congratulations," she said mockingly, turning away. "I guess your heart wasn't really in it," Cadenza reached out with the same hoof that'd been previously hit before slowly lowering it to the floor. "Why?" "Why, WHAT!?" Chrysalis spat, still refusing to face the pegasus. "You could've made it impossible for me to escape if you'd wanted," Cadenza didn't push back nor did she lower herself to the changeling's level of immaturity. She kept a noble grace about her as she tried again. "You didn't, though. Why not?" Chrysalis continued to be uncooperative, staring at the wall. ... "CHRYS-" "Perhaps, it was all part of my plan," the bug cut her sister off. "Perhaps, I knew you'd come now and you would end up saving my life." "Fat chance," I scoffed, drawing the attention of the pair. "I said it before, Chrysalis; somepony with your massive ego? You never expected to lose and you most certainly did not make any plans in advance in case such an event occured." Chrysalis' fiery glower confirmed my sentiments, her eyes filling with malice as I exposed her lie. She bared her fangs for a second before turning to face the wall yet again with an endlessly annoyed exhalation. "You damned ponies," she scratched at her face with a hoof, growing silent. "Have you always known?" Cadenza, to her credit, would not stop trying. "That I was your sister?" ... "Please, talk to me, Ch-" "I have," the queen's voice was so low it would've gone unheard had the hall not been as silent as it was. Her short reply brought hope to Cadenza's face. "I didn't," the princess bit her lower lip in shame. "Why didn't y-" "To what end, Cadenza!?" the changeling whipped around, bringing the two face to face. The rage on the queen's face caused the princess to cringe. "So our families could live happily ever after!? SHE," she pointed a hoof at Queen Cantata who was clearly stunned by the gesture, "is the one who ruined everything for ME and MY family! Marengo loved my mother more than anyone else and yet he still..." The changeling looked to be on the verge of tears, a staggering difference from her normal lofty arrogance. "Chrysalis, I never mean-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH, CANTATA!" Chrysalis roared. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! FATHER MAY HAVE PHYSICALLY BEEN WITH MY MOTHER, BUT HIS HEART WAS NEVER HERS!" she ranted like a madmare. "I DESPISE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU HOLD DEAR!" The Queen of the Crystal Empire could do nothing more than close her mouth in shocked silence. "Then..." Cadenza was nearly whispering. "that must mean you hate me too..." ... Chrysalis took a deep breath, a long sigh escaping her mouth as she turned and walked away from her sibling yet again. She placed a hoof against the wall, knocking against it several times as she spoke. "I ABHOR ponies," she stopped rapping with her hoof with one final strike against the crystal. "You... have always been the only exception, Cadenza." "Chrysalis?" the princess took a cautious step forward. "Don't misunderstand my words," the changeling pressed a hoof against her face. "I WANT to," she growled, striking the wall once again, this time with more ferocity than before. Despite the aggression Cadenza took another step forward. "I WANT TO HATE YOU!" Chrysalis' hoof returned to her face. "Love is sustenance for a changeling... It is nothing more than weakness to experience such a pathetic emotion for my kind." ... "I..." Cadenza came to a stop right behind the queen. "I hated your kind," she told the truth. "Mostly, I hated your mom. She took dad away from me... and my mom's husband away from her," she continued, her foreleg lifting a bit. "But... I don't want that feeling. I've never wanted it," her hoof hovered right above the changeling's shoulder, not making contact. "For ponies... hatred is weakness," she lowered her hoof to the floor. "It's... It's hard, right?" ... "I really hope you're not expecting me to break down and apologize for everything I've done," Chrysalis chuckled, a purely sarcastic sound. "I may have lost this battle... but that won't stop me..." the changeling whirled around, looking past her sister at the rest of us. "YOU LOATHSOME PONIES DON'T HAVE THE GALL TO PUT ME TO DEATH!" The rest of us merely groaned, her oblivious attitude trying both mine and Cantata's patience. The changeling looked back at Cadenza. "This is all an elaborate ploy anyway. You're trying to get me to lower my guard, trying to make me fall for stupid sentimentality so you can-" "Chrysalis..." Cadenza sighed, interrupting her sibling. "You're the one who put those weak shackles on me." That fact brought a look of dumb realization to the bug's face. "I'm only here right now because you chose not to bind me more securely or have me sent to the hive and replaced." "That's..." Chrysalis lifted a hoof defiantly, but it immediately went slack. She spun around, facing the wall once again. "You fool, Chrysalis." She'd whispered to herself but the hall was just way too quiet at the moment for it to have worked. "We're sisters, Chrysalis," Cadenza stated kindly. "There was no reason for you to tell me about that unless you wanted me to know... I've always wanted a sister. Ever since I was young... ever since dad-" "How sad..." Chrysalis laughed mockingly. "You'd have gotten one, too... if you were still going to marry Shining Armor." "Once this is all over, she still is," Cantata interjected with a hiss. It was evident she was beginning to tire of the game the Queen of the Changelings was playing. "That's going to be hard to do when-" "Chrysalis," Cadenza interrupted the insect, her voice as gentle as she could muster. "You don't have to keep doing this. It's... it's already over. You don't have to bluff anymore. I want to help y-" "WHY WOULD I EVER NEED YOUR HELP, CADENZA!?" the queen said her name as if it were the most disgusting thing she'd ever had in her mouth. "You don't, Chrysalis," Cadenza smiled meekly, lowering her head. "But you're my big sister... and I don't want to be your enemy." No way... Chrysalis turned around again, facing away, but right before she had done so I'd seen the maroon tinge that had come to her cheeks. She roughly slammed both hooves against her face, rubbing vigorously as she let out an exasperated shout of frustration. Cadenza stood her ground, lifting a hoof towards the bug while the rest of us waited with bated breath for the Changeling Queen to calm herself down. ... "So then, what?" she finally asked. "You wish to reform me? You want me to change who I am simply to satiate you and the rest of the pathetic ponies that look down on me and my children?" "That's the last thing I want," Cadenza shook her head. "Tell me what you want, Chrysalis. What you really want. We don't have to be enemies. We can find a way to make things work." Chrysalis grew quiet. I wasn't sure if she was actually contemplating what Cadenza had said or if she was planning on trying something stupid. I hoped for the former but expected the latter. "What I really want..." the changeling paused. I expected nonsense. I was surprised. "I desire nothing more than the power I need to ensure the survival of myself and my family." "And just how much power is that?" Cantata huffed in annoyance. "You're their queen now. You have the entire changeling nation at your beck and call, yet you still thirst for even more?" "You wouldn't understand, Your Highness," Chrysalis mocked the monarch, sneering while giving a halfhearted bow of her head. "Ponies are not changelings." "Clearly," the Queen of the Crystal Empire turned her nose up at the Queen of the Changelings. "My ponies don't go around murdering others." "NOR DO MY CHILDREN!" Chrysalis bellowed, taking an angry step towards the pegasus. As soon as my horn showed signs of activity the changeling backed down, a loud tsk coming from her. "Then I guess they're nothing like their new mother, are they?" Queen Cantata turned her head away in disgust. Chrysalis' rage was building, her anger multiplying as she sucked in a deep breath. And then it was all gone in an instant. With a tired exhalation the Queen of the Changelings lowered her head. "When an entity as powerful as the Unknown approaches you, you don't refuse any of its requests," Chrysalis sighed. I was intrigued by her statement. "The Unknown?" Uttering its name sent a chill down my own spine. Was that his name? "Do you know why I worked with that... THING!?" Chrysalis asked nopony in particular, though she looked at her sister. None of us replied, waiting for her to continue. "It was either that or..." she faltered, shaking her head and looking away to keep us from seeing her tears. "He was going to destroy the hive," she gritted her teeth, trying to replace the sadness with fury. "So you lose your home," Cantata scoffed. "Was it worth killing your own parents to-" "No, you FOOL!" Chrysalis growled. "He was going to destroy EVERYTHING!" she snarled, saliva flying from her mouth. "My parents, me, every single changeling, AND the hive itself." Cantata looked stunned for a moment, her eyes going wide. The rest of us were just as surprised, the girls looking at one another uncomfortably. "That is absolutely ludicrous," the Queen of the Crystal Empire barked back. "No creature, save the Immortal Sisters, could do such a th-" "She's not lying," I cut her off, drawing all their stunned gazes. "That thing was strong enough to do it." There was no doubt in my mind. He'd toyed with me. Had he truly wished it, I would've been dealt with in seconds. ... "Does that mean..." Trixie decided halfway through her question to leave it to Cadenza. "Does that mean you didn't want to do this?" the pegasus sounded extremely hopeful that that was the case. "You only did it because you were coerced?" "What?" Chrysalis looked down at her sister. "Of course not," her face screwed up in irritation. "Who's to say that one day Celestia won't just decide the changelings are a problem and decide to exterminate us all? I already told you what I wanted, Cadenza. I will do anything to ensure the survival of my children... even cooperate with a demon and kill my own father and mother." ... That's it, Cadenza! All six of the Elements took up combative stances, the queen behind them looking at the changeling with repugnance. I couldn't understand why. Thankfully, Cadenza had also noticed what I had. "If that really is the case, Chrysalis," Cadenza lifted her hoof toward the bug. "Work with me." "CADENZA!?" Cantata shouted in disbelief. Chrysalis stared down at her sister's hoof, looking just as disgusted as Cantata did before a look of realization crossed her features. "You cheeky little brat," the changeling actually smiled. Cadenza returned the gesture, shaking her hoof a little to try and entice her sister. "After we sort this whole mess out, I swear I'll do everything I can to help you get what you want," Cadenza stated honestly. "Together we can make the hive an asset and not a liability to Princess Celestia." "Why?" Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at the pegasus. "Why would you do this for me and mine?" Cadenza lifted her extended hoof to her chin, tapping it a couple of times before answering. "I think I understand dad a little better now," she returned her hoof to its outstretched position. "You and your mom are his family, too. I think that's why he decided to return to the hive. It was for your sake, Chrysalis. I think you needed him more than I did. I think him being there for you changed you a little... for the better." Chrysalis' mouth contorted into a frown. Even so, she didn't reject that logic. Still, the insect refused to take the pegasus' hoof into her own. "Cadenza," she finally lifted her black hoof, but didn't shake her sister's, although they were mere centimeters away from each other now. "If it means saving my children... I will gladly stab you in the back without a second thought." The Changeling Queen didn't smile, didn't look sad, didn't laugh. She merely stated the truth, her expression emotionless. "If you're okay with that possibility, then I will... attempt to do things your way." The queen didn't take Cadenza's hoof into her own, instead letting her sister make the decision. Cadenza grabbed her sister's hoof without hesitation. "Even if I thought that was the truth," Cadenza shook her hoof. "I guess I'd be okay with it." Chrysalis' eyes went wide. "You'd be fine with..." It was easy to see Cadenza was doing the shaking and Chrysalis had been caught off guard by her sister's claim. "Why, Cadenza?" the queen looked down at the pegasus with a completely baffled expression. "Well... because you're my big sister, Chrysalis," Cadenza leapt forward, throwing her forelegs around the changeling's neck. "And I love you!" Chrysalis stood stock still, her expression one of utter shock, much like the rest of us. Before anypony could do anything further a blinding pillar of light shined down from above, passing straight through the ceiling and completely overtaking Cadenza's body. Chrysalis stumbled backwards, the light singeing her carapace. "CADENZA!?" we all screamed in horror, the Queen of the Changelings doing so along with us. > TCE: Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "CADENZA, I AM SO VERY PROUD OF YOU." The booming vocals were the polar opposite of the previous disembodied voice that had filled the hall. The sound was feminine and strong, much like my mentor's, but somehow even more authoritative than the Sun Princess' had ever been before. There was an overwhelming aura of power that accompanied the voice giving me the impression that it must be heeded no matter what. As such, I stayed on my guard, -- even though my instincts assured me I didn't have to -- returning my attention back to the alien mana itself. It was impossible to see Cadenza's body at the moment, the blinding light completely concealing her form from all of us. Chrysalis was still desperately trying to reach the pillar, but any time she drew close to the strange power the chitin on her foreleg and hoof would begin to sear, forcing her to step back. The foreign energy was blaring, emanating a strange noise that was reminiscent of the tone of a timbre instrument. In spite of Chrysalis' obvious panic, I felt... content. I think the Elements felt the same way as I did, their bright smiles an indication of that. Even Queen Cantata's tears looked to originate from happiness more than any other emotion. "It's... IT'S HER!" Pinkie quickly transitioned from slightly vibrating in place to nearly becoming a literal firework, bursts of colorful confetti following her body as she bounced around the hall. "Is it really?" Trixie's exuberant smile didn't match her doubt-filled question, but it appeared as if she couldn't stop, even if she'd wanted to. "Could it really be her?" "It is," Fluttershy bowed deeply, a look of reverence coming to her face. "I can feel it." The rest of the Elements followed suit, all prostrating themselves as well. Even Pinkie did so after she'd stopped ricocheting around. "WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING!? WHY AREN'T YOU TRYING TO HELP HER!?" Chrysalis bellowed, frantically looking at the rest of us as if there was something we could do about the current situation. I moved to take a step towards them, but the strange voice speaking up again stopped me in my tracks. "BEHOLD, THE PRINCESS OF LOVE: MI AMORE CADENZA!" A sudden pulse of energy surged from the center of the luminescent pillar, forcing all of us back several feet. As the shower of light began to gradually dissipate from around the pegasus, the sight it revealed was absolutely stunning, to say the least. "Ca... Cadenza!?" I could hardly hold myself up, the gravity of what I was witnessing nearly forcing me to a sitting position. How!? How is this possible!? "What is it, Sunset?" she asked after turning my way. She still had that same innocent smile as before, though somehow she was even more beautiful now. "It's... It's a miracle," Rarity remarked in awe. Her statement probably wasn't far from the truth. "My Little Heart... you..." Cantata stepped towards her daughter, drawing the princess' attention. "You... you have a horn." Cadenza's eyes went wide with disbelief. "I..." She lifted a hoof to her forehead, prodding gently at the new spire. "I have a..." She was in her own stupor of confused doubt, much like the rest of us. The Princess of the Crystal Empire had become an alicorn. "I'm an... alicor-" "ANOTHER ONE!?" Chrysalis' shriek of despair drew the attention of the room. She was beside herself with grief, as if Cadenza had made the decision to head to the hive this very moment and wipe it from existence. "Chrysalis..." the new alicorn looked unsure for a second before stomping up to the bug. As Cadenza got right in her sister's face an undeniable air of authority emanated from her. "This doesn't change anything, Chrysalis," she declared confidently before her sweet smile came back to her lips. "Just try to look at it this way, Sis; now you'll have one looking out for you and the rest of the Changelings," she threw a foreleg around her elder sibling's neck. "So you were actually serious about that?" Chrysalis looked down at her younger sister, a distasteful expression on her face. "As a heart attack," Cadenza giggled, nuzzling further into the changeling. "Fine, FINE! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE POKING THAT THING!" Chrysalis growled, grabbing Cadenza's foreleg and lowering it to the floor. "S-SORRY!" Cadenza turned away, embarrassment turning her cheeks red. "I suppose you being an alicorn might not be the worst thing to happen," Chrysalis turned her own head away, failing to hide the slight grin that'd come to her lips, at least from me. The Queen of the Changelings' horn began to sparkle causing the Elements, Queen Cantata, and I to all tense up. Cadenza, however, did not react, still simply smiling as she swayed her head back and forth, staring up at her newly acquired spire with foalish glee. Chrysalis, on the other hoof, looked at the rest of us like we were a bunch of ants ruining her picnic. "Don't do anything dumb, Chrysalis," I energized my own horn, glaring at the bug. Chrysalis' actions made it clear that even if we were all in awe of Cadenza's transformation we were still in very real danger. None of us could afford to let our guard down. And yet... "Sunset," Cadenza was in front of her sister in an instant, taking up a defensive posture. "She already agreed to cooperate. You don't have to be so paranoid," her horn began to glow with light blue mana. Judging by her confused expression, it was not an intentional display of power. She looked up at the spire, worry painting her features. "Does that... does that happen often?" she nervously looked my way for an answer. "You'll get used to it," I chuckled before looking back at the Changeling Queen with much less aggression. "And you're right, Cadenza. I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. I'm sorry." "Thanks, Sunset," the alicorn grinned with satisfaction before turning back around. "What's going on, Chrysalis? What are you doing?" "Certainly something nefarious," Cantata muttered under her breath. "What I was doing," Chrysalis scoffed derisively at the queen before sending more mana into her horn. "was notifying the hive that there are no problems on my end." "AHA! YOU SEE!?" Cantata pointed an accusing hoof, a look of smug satisfaction on her face. "She's still planning something!" "Mom..." Cadenza sighed, keeping her tone kind while her expression had shifted to one of disappointment. "That's not it." The queen looked flabbergasted. "It's a safeguard," I tapped my chin, making a guess, but arriving at an answer I found to be pretty reasonable. "Right, Chrysalis?" The changeling looked down at me with a pleased smile. "So very perceptive," she nodded her head once. "My children can be a... nervous bunch," she narrowed her eyes at the queen. "If I don't notify them of my safety at regular intervals they may take it upon themselves to..." she sneered, "deal with my captives." "S-see?" Cadenza smiled nervously. "She's... uhm er... helping?" Not even the newly appointed Princess of Love could keep a genuine smile on her face after stumbling over her words like that. Still, she was correct. Chrysalis was trying. The Changeling Queen smirked condescendingly at the Queen of the Crystal Empire. "What's next?" I asked Queen Cantata in an attempt to steer the conversation in a more productive direction. "I can't imagine you'll be going against Cadenza's wishes at this point, Your Highness." "You would be right, Sunset," Cantata shrugged, lifting a hoof in defeat. "On that point, at least. However, I am no longer the one who will be making those decisions moving forward." "What are you saying, Your Highness?" I inquired. The queen simply sighed. "Mom?" Cadenza was just as confused as the rest of us, pressing her parent for an answer. "My blunders are beginning to become far too costly for the Empire, my Little Heart," Cantata smiled bitterly. "She," the pegasus glared daggers at the changeling, "was only able to do all of this because of my failures as a ruler." "Mom, that's not-" "No, Cady," Chrysalis smirked deviously, keeping her eyes on the pegasus. "She's right. It was soooo easy for me. All because of her incompetence." "Chrysalis please don't-" "Finally we agree on something, you overgrown cockroach!" Cantata interrupted her daughter. The storm of aggression swirling between the two queens was enough to force me to speak my mind. "Let's try to keep things civil... Your Highnesses," I said firmly. "She's right, ladies," Cadenza frowned, focusing on her mother. "Besides, if you're not gonna make choices anymore then who-" "You, my Little Heart," Cantata walked up to her daughter, looking up at her horn with a loving smile. "I'm certain your transformation is evidence enough of just how worthy you are to take up my mantle." "M-Mom..." Tears began to fill Cadenza's eyes as she did her best to hold them in. Cantata hugged her child, causing the alicorn to give in to her emotions. "I was already considering stepping down when you told me that Shining Armor had proposed to you," the queen rubbed her daughters withers. "What has happened... this," she lifted her head towards Cadenza's horn. "Has made it clear. It's time, my Little Heart." "Mom!" Cadenza bawled. ... "What an interesting development," Chrysalis licked her lips. "Chrysalis," I rubbed my head with a hoof. "Would you please just let them have a moment?" "Aw, you're no fun, Sunset," she pouted, though it was obviously just an act. "I don't mean to interrupt, but," Fluttershy called out, drawing our attention. "We need to go check on Sunburst." "The stallion is fine, pegasus," Chrysalis stared at the yellow mare with an annoyed expression. "I gave my children strict "no kill" orders." "Your children aren't really the issue, Chrysalis," Trixie interjected with an angry huff. Chrysalis and I exchanged a confused glance. "We need to go find him," Rainbow Dash declared. "NOW!" ++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunburst... As our motley crew trotted up to the stallion it was clear by the state he was in that he'd been to tartarus and back . He had countless lengthy cuts and large gashes adorning his body. He was laying in such a way that made it clear his left hind leg was broken in several places. From where I stood it was hard to say if he was even breathing anymore. "SUNBURST!?" Fluttershy shouted louder than I thought possible for the yellow pegasus' meager frame. All six of the Elements galloped up to the devastated unicorn, the yellow mare leading the charge. Cadenza and Queen Cantata followed close behind the group, worry painting their features as well. I knew with the shy pony looking after Sunburst there was little to worry about so I decided to survey the area instead. The entrance hall was more narrow than other wings of the palace, but it was still rather large. It was furnished just as elaborately as the other parts of the palace as well. Right now though, the decor was not doing so well. Scorched carpets, ripped tapestries, and broken windows filled the hall. On the opposite side of the room -- opposite where Sunburst's body was located -- were thirteen changelings that were just as motionless as Sunburst. They looked to be in a similar state of physical devastation as well. As I trotted towards them their Queen strided past me, an expression devoid of emotion on her face. She came to a stop before the largest changeling, staring down at it with the same lifeless look. I came to a standstill next to her, realizing rather quickly that she wasn't paying an ounce of attention to me anymore. As she took a deep breath and closed her eyes I decided to let whatever she was about to do play out. After a few seconds of silence, small specks of a glowing emerald substance I'd never seen before floated out of the holes on her body. It wasn't mana, -- her horn quiet -- but something else entirely. The flecks spread throughout the room before dissolving into the air. I looked back at the others, noting that the new introduction to the atmosphere hadn't visibly harmed them so I could continue observing. Returning my attention to the Changeling Queen brought an ache to my stomach. She was pissed. "ON YOUR HOOVES, YŌCHŪ!" she commanded the changeling sprawled on the floor before her. With several cracking sounds and a wail of agony the changeling somehow stood up. This one was the only changeling out of the thirteen donning sleek ebony armor. Covering various parts of his body, it was chipped on the chest and shattered along one leg and the left shoulder. The changeling's right foreleg was a gnarled mess, the armor there completely absent. He donned no helmet, a strange thing to be missing, although it could have been lost in the battle. It was beyond impressive he managed to stand, let alone move at all. "Your... Highness..." he lifted his battered foreleg in an attempt to salute his queen, failing to do so before lowering it and bowing deeply instead. "I beg of you, my Queen. Spare the others. It was me. My incompetence failed you, not them. Please show the others mercy!" "Mercy?" she continued to stare down at him as if he were a piece of rubbish. I moved to speak, but the queen shifted her gaze to me without budging. Her eyes screamed "they are my children, you will remain silent!", and there was enough royal authority emanating from her that I obeyed without any resistance. "The rest of you failures, STAND WITH YOUR GENERAL!" Another command that was followed without question in spite of their injuries. The changelings were eventually able to line up behind the general, their beaten bodies delaying them, but not preventing them. I admired their tenacity. Chrysalis grew even more sour due to their slackened pace. "YOUR HIGHNESS!" they managed to shout out as one as they all bowed. "Your General believes he is to blame for your failure," Chrysalis kept her gaze on Yōchū. "Your mission was to capture or prevent the Elements from interfering with my operations. You ALL failed. As such, the HORDE has failed. As such, I have failed. What do you have to say for yourselves?" ... "ANSWER YOUR QUEEN!" Yōchū shouted after only a few seconds of silence had passed. "We are to blame, Your Highness, not Yōchū," one of the changelings stated, not lifting her head. "We are weak. Had we been strong enough our numbers would have ensured your success." "If anyone is to blame, it is us, Your Highness," another chimed in. "Yōchū is a fine leader, Your Highness," said another. "Please spare his-" "ENOUGH!" Chrysalis shouted, ending their pleas. She still hadn't taken her wrathful glare off of her general. "While your comraderie is touching, I've already made a decision," she placed a hoof under Yōchū's chin, lifting his head to look into her eyes. "A superior should take responsibility for the mistakes of their subordinates," she smiled sadistically, letting him go and taking a step away from him. The general kept his head up, tilting it even further with a satisfied smile on his face. "SERVE THE QUEEN," he shouted, his smile widening. "SERVE THE QUEEN!" the others followed his lead, stomping their hooves a single time. "Indeed," Chrysalis lowered her head, her horn sparking to life for a split second before returning to a dormant state. ... Nothing happened. "Chrysalis wh-" I stopped short, watching in horror as her general's head was separated from his body, both falling to the floor with a pair of thumps. "C-CHRYSALIS!?" I took a terrified step backwards. I had no time to recover or process what I'd just witnessed, the same spell ending the lives of all the changelings behind their leader in the exact same manner. I turned to look at the Changeling Queen. My body shivered at the unadulterated level of frigidness she'd just displayed and now possessed. I was completely stunned by the cruelty I'd just seen. "Did you expect me to employ your concept of mercy?" the Changeling wiped tears from her eyes. "Within the hive, death is a mercy that frees one from suffering." "But... but you can't just..." A dull ringing sound came from the corpses, drawing my gaze. Jade light lifted from the bodies, floating over to the insect queen. She watched as it all focused on her breast before fading away into her. "They've returned to their Queen," she gently pressed a hoof against her chest. "Like all changelings are meant to," she sighed in what could only be described as adoration. "That was an extremely difficult decision for me to make. The hive lost its general as well as some of its most skilled warriors this day." I could only watch her in wonder, completely confounded by her and the ways of her species. "Why didn't you use a spell like that against me, Chrysalis?" I asked bluntly. It was clear the queen had tricks up her sleeve she hadn't utilized against me. "What... what are you?" "Me?" she laughed heartily. "I am the Mother and Queen of all Changelings!" she declared emphatically, sweeping a hoof through her mane to regain that same aura of royalty as before. "Don't ever forget it, Sunset Shimmer," she cackled madly. "And as for why I didn't utilize my full arsenal against you..." she looked down her nose at me in contempt. "Well... it was never my intention to kill you," she smirked, getting directly in my face. "Next time, I'll show you just how strong I really am." "I look forward to it, Your Highness," I sneered back. We stared into each other's fierce eyes for seconds, neither of us willing to back down. "Sunset... can you come over here for a second?" Cadenza called from across the hall. "I'll be right there, Your Highness," I kept my eyes on the changeling as I backed away from her. "Y'know something, Chrysalis?" I lifted a brow before deliberately giving her my back. "I don't think you're as evil as you try to appear... at least not when it comes to your children." She looked taken aback for a second, but recovered quickly. "Oh naive little Sunset," she cooed. "For how incredibly perceptive you seem to be, you certainly can't seem to see a monster for what it truly is." "Starlight was a pretty awful pony in the past, too," I shrugged, a smile coming to my face. "Now she's one of my best friends," I glanced over my shoulder at her. "Maybe in the future, you'll be the same." I continued over to the others only to hear the Queen make one more snide remark. "Keep on dreaming, little pony." > TCE: Hate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the day passed by in a chaotic blur of emotions. Sunburst sustained serious harm in his fight against Chrysalis' general, being inflicted with so much damage that he had to be taken to a hospital, even after Fluttershy had healed him. The yellow mare did everything she could for the stallion, easily mending the unicorn's more obvious injuries. Unfortunately, one wound in particular had given even the healer of the Elements a difficult time. Sunburst had given his all to provide the Elements with an opportunity to help me in my fight against Chrysalis. His sacrifice costed him dearly. We were all in his debt. I planned to express my gratitude as soon as he recovered, so I, much like the others, had to play the waiting game. Once she was done looking after him as best she could manage, Fluttershy and the other Elements accompanied me to our room. On the newly appointed Ruler of the Crystal Empire's orders, the three monarchs headed to the throne room to discuss more... official business. I wasn't sure what Cadenza meant by that exactly, but I at least knew there was no longer a risk leaving them alone with the overgrown bug. The Princess of Love could handle herself now... Honestly, she could probably handle the rest of us in the Empire, if she felt so inclined. From what I'd seen, alicorns were not to be trifled with and judging by the amount of mana I could feel coming from the newly created princess, she was only a few steps below the Immortal Sisters. Keeping the Queen of the Changelings in line would be foals play for somepony as powerful as she was now. Besides, I had much more important matters to attend to and I needed Fluttershy to help me with them. During the final stages of the confrontation with Chrysalis I'd teleported my friends back to our room, being sure to melt away the magic she'd trapped them in first. It was the safest place I could think to move them at the time, considering Sunburst's barrier should have still been powered then. As we got to our room, I could feel the mana of the barrier still going, a testament to just how skilled the stallion really was. Fluttershy had no issues when healing Star's body. The lilac mare's injuries -- all stemming from Twilight's spell and her horrendous collision with the wall -- were almost completely physical. There was some fracturing of the bones along her spine, but nothing that the yellow mare couldn't handle. It'd take Starlight some time to regain consciousness, but when all was said and done, she would be back to normal. At least, physically. Twilight on the other hoof... There was no physical damage that needed to be healed when it came to our violet friend. While Chrysalis had drained the unicorn of all her emotions, and in doing so, all of her mana, she would recover that on her own given ample time to do so. Everything else the Queen of the Changelings had done to my friend was purely mental. None of us could fix those problems for her, not even with magic. Regardless, I stayed with my friends for the rest of the day. Cadenza had been kind enough to have meals sent to the room, though neither Twilight nor Star had regained consciousness. All I could do was worry over them as I waited for any signs that they'd come around. At some point early on in the evening, I too fell asleep, far more exhausted than I'd initially thought I was. It had to have been due to the change in my magical signature along with the toll of using so much mana in the battle with Chrysalis and the being she'd referred to as "The Unknown". The rest I got that night was conflicted at best. It was easy to fall asleep, but my mind was plagued with the suffering my friends were going through. Little did I know how much I'd need good rest. The next day, the day of the wedding... was going to be even more difficult than facing Chrysalis had been. ++++++++++++++++++++++ "There are two paths you can take, Sunset Shimmer," Queen Chrysalis remarked. We both stared down at Twilight, one of us standing on each side of her bed. The violet mare still hadn't even stirred since the day before. Apparently, that had been due to the Changeling Queen's design. When I'd come to in the morning I'd immediately jumped out of bed in a rush to check on my friends. My giddiness was dashed to pieces in seconds. Twilight was still incapacitated. Star wasn't even in the room. My mind immediately jumped to conclusions. Ugly conclusions. The overgrown bug was the obvious initial suspect, but a harsh knock at the door halted my rampage before it could even begin. It had been her waiting at the door. The Queen of the Changelings had stood alone looking completely and utterly aloof as she waited right outside the room. "Chrysalis?" I raised a curious brow. There's no way she'd have the arrogance to take Star and then just return to the scene of the crime like this. "My sister made me come," she stated bluntly, looking down at -- and on -- me before shoving past and walking into the room. "Where is Twilight Sparkle?" she turned to me after looking about for half a second, already far beyond her threshold of patience. "Right there!" I pointed a hoof at the slumbering mare, returning the changeling's abrasive attitude in spades. "What do you want!?" She trotted up to the bed, completely ignoring me and my righteous indignation. ... "It's such a pity... to lose a devoted servant like this," she sighed, a look of genuine disappointment coming to her face. "She's not yours, Chrysalis!" I voiced my displeasure, moving to the opposite side of Twilight's bed. Now, here we were, the Queen of the Changelings giving me an ultimatum, or so I chose to perceive her words that way. "Are you going to be vague on purpose?" I stroked Twilight's mane gently with a hoof. "Or do I actually get a choice?" "So very snarky," Chrysalis grinned. "I could leave you to your own devices... if you wish." "And disappoint your little sister?" I cooed the last part mockingly. "I seriously doubt you would do that." "Irritating peasant," her eyes narrowed as the thick aura of arrogance around her intensified. "Pompous insect," I shot back, drawing an impressed lifting of the corners of her lips. "If I don't get on with this I'll be here all day," she relented with a bored shrug. "I'm going to end the control I have over her mind," she glanced down again. "It'll take time for it to completely clear, but I'll get rid of my hold over her here and now," she glared angrily at me. "As I said, you have TWO options. One, I can simply remove my influence from her mind this instant and that will be the end of that." Well, that definitely sounds like a wish from a monkey's paw. I decided it would be smarter to let her speak. She was clearly working towards something devious and complicating it further by interrupting would do me no favors. "Two..." That same sickening smile that typically accompanied her scheming spread over her lips. I'd quickly come to understand that that particular face made me nauseous every time I saw it. "Along with my influence, I can also remove all of the memories Twilight has gained since I began my manipulations." Hearing her say that made it feel like she'd just roughly jostled me with an elbow. My mind struggled to play catch up. "Chrysalis..." Why would... "Why would I ever choose the second option?" I asked with a slight growl, knowing she had some hidden motive in giving me said choice. "Oh you poor, naive little fool," her smile grew wider, an indication of just how much pleasure she was getting out of seeing my confusion. "Do you truly not understand the gravity of Twilight's sins?" Her s-sins? ... Sure, she'd screwed up. Pretty badly by my measure. We all have at some point, but it's not like she- "Turned her back on both of her friends and violently assaulted one of them?" the insect queen cackled. "Stay out of my head, BUG!" I tensed up, my horn flickering to life. "As if I'd need to comb your mind to know what you're thinking at the moment," she huffed, her glee leaving her in a hurry. "You and your friends are like a bunch of foolish fillies in gradeschool, child. Don't blame me for your shortcomings." "What is that supposed to mean!?" I hissed. "As if you don't know," she smirked. "You're in love with this one," she swept a hoof down towards Twilight, "And she doesn't even know it yet. Secrets amongst friends, Sunset Shimmer? How scandalous." I was about to open my mouth to protest her claim, but she continued before I could. "This one has practically been driven insane by the ordeals her mind has been put through AND!" she lifted a hoof to cut me off. "I don't mean what I've done to her either! You heard what Un said. If there are more entities like him around and she's been dealing with one... The fact that she's been wrestling with such... darkness by her lonesome with absolutely no aid from you or Starlight, is laughable. To claim such devoted camaraderie when you all have no idea what the others are going through is positively hilarious to me." "We... we are friends." There wasn't much more I could muster other than a weak statement. Aren't we? What she'd said was the undeniable truth. It was absolutely mortifying that I'd been powerless to do anything for Twilight while claiming she was my friend. It was even more pathetic that I'd kept my feelings hidden from her. "Would you like to know the funniest thing about all of this? Do you want to hear the punchline? The thing that makes all of this drivel worth my time?" She didn't wait for me to reply. "You're not even aware of the fact that Twilight Sparkle is actually in love with Starlight Glimmer." I was pierced through the gut with a fact that I was better off not knowing. It felt like an earthquake shook me, nearly forcing me onto my belly. "Twilight is..." I bit my lip, forcing the tears to stay inside. There wasn't a point in doubting the queen's claim. She'd been inside of Twilight's mind. Not to mention she wasn't as big a liar as I'd expected her to be. I'd come to see that, In spite of her shape-shifting nature, she told the truth with her lips more often than not. "I..." I turned away from her, doing my best to fight off the despair and, more than anything else, not wanting her to see me struggle to do so. "...I hate you, Chrysalis." "I can't tell you how many times I've heard that one, child," she grinned triumphantly. "You may have bested me in combat and thwarted my plans, but I'll gladly relish this meager victory." "It'd be so much easier for me to just incinerate you and be done with it," I rubbed my eyes with my hooves. "Do you honestly believe that?" she giggled. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't," I snapped at her. "And disappoint my little sister?" she mocked, perfectly imitating the exact tone I'd utilized moments ago. "I highly doubt you'd do that." "I'm sure she'd understand if I just knocked you around a little," I hissed back. "Would she?" she asked almost excitedly. "She-" I paused. ... I wasn't really sure. The Queen of the Changelings burst out in a fit of laughter, winning the exchange. I blushed a deep crimson, utterly embarrassed to have been defeated so easily yet again. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, CHRYSALIS!?" I shouted over her laughter, changing the subject and pushing the feelings I didn't want to deal with at the moment all the way down into the pit of my stomach. "WHY EVEN GIVE ME A CHOICE AT ALL!? WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING!?" The changeling's guffaws ended before she looked at me with a grin, shrugged, and said nothing. "You really are a HORSE, you know that!?" I narrowed my eyes at the overbearing bug. "I've been called far worse countless times, child." My barb hadn't affected her at all. "Now make your choice! I don't have all day!" she ordered. "I..." I had no idea what to do. I hadn't even fully processed everything I'd just been told. If Twilight was in love with Starlight then- "How about I make things even more fun for you, Sunset?" she jerked me from my thoughts. I knew what she really meant. She really meant fun for her. "What are you talking ab-" "Twilight realized her true feelings for that... psychopath here, in the Empire," she sneered. "If you choose to erase her memories then..." Yet again, I almost collapsed, my heart suddenly beating so erratically I was sure it would soon completely stop. "You could easily kill two birds with one stone," she spoke like a true temptress, her voice, as well as her offer, soothingly pleasant. "Save her from the scars that her selfishness has wrought AND preserve your own self interests? Sounds like a very lucrative deal to me." ... ... ... I could... NO! I WON'T! I wouldn't entertain such a horrible thing. "Remove your mind control," I glared at the bug. "NOTHING else." Her eyes widened for a split-second before she sighed, a bitter laugh coming from her. "Ever the righteous little stooge, aren't you?" her horn began to sparkle. "Just like that insipid teacher of yours." "She's a hundred times the mare you'll ever be, insect," I placed my forehooves on Twilight's bed. "Now do what you said and then leave us be." "Gladly," she replied flatly as she moved her horn downward towards Twilight to begin her spell. "One more thing, though," she stopped short, lifting her head with a devious smile. "There never really was a choice. I can't erase memories from a creature's mind. I just wanted to see what you would have done." She cackled like a mad mare before continuing with her spell. I grinded my teeth, staring daggers at her. I wanted to melt her to nothing, but I knew that would devastate her sister so instead, I simply watched her work on Twilight with contemptuous rage on my face. "Oh and one last thing, child," she kept her eyes on her task. I remained quiet. "You don't want to be around when she finally wakes," she sneered. "Trust me." She might not be as evil as I first thought she was, but that no longer mattered. There was only one thing I was sure of when it came to the Queen of the Changelings. I HATE her.