The 200 Words Contest

by DeathToPonies

First published

Twilight hosts a writing competition, challenging her friends to write five stories in five genres, each only 200 words each. Pinkie tries her best!

Twilight, ever the tutor, has devised a challenge for her friends to test their skills at linguistics, wit, and most importantly, brevity. In order to win, they will have to write short stories for five categories - Drama, Slice of Life, Horror, Comedy, and Experimental. The catch? Their stories all must count less than 200 words!

Nopony felt more up to the challenge more than Pinkie Pie.

And it's your lucky day - Twilight has chosen YOU, dear reader, to be one of the judges! Below are Pinkie's five entries into the five categories! Let her know how she did. She's very excited!

An entry into the 2nd A Thousand Words contest, under the "Experimental" category. I guess.

I wanted to write for all five categories, but as the deadline loomed, life kept happening, and so this is what I decided to come up with. Please enjoy!

Cover art by NovelAI. Yes, all of them.

Drama - Not Without You

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As thunder and lightning boomed over Equestria, Twilight and Spike were rushing as fast as they could to the Mountain of Moraine. The Storm King had returned, and the crystal found at the Mount were their only hope of defeating him. They ventured through treacherous mountains and mysterious forests, facing daunting challenges with unwavering friendship.

As they reached the heart of a foreboding mountain, a trap ensnared Spike, leaving him dangling over a dark abyss. Twilight's heart raced, burdened by the weight of the world on her hooves, yet she refused to leave her friend behind.

"Aren't you going, Twilight?" Spike spoke desperately, tears in his eyes, lips quivering.

"Not without you," she declared bravely.

With every ounce of strength, Twilight advanced, ignoring the pain in her body and the fear in her heart. She fought against the darkness, her magic glowing brighter than the stars above, and she made a mighty leap towards Spike.

It all went black.

The citizens of Ponyville had only been waiting a week before seeing the beautiful sight on the horizon - Twilight and Spike, beaten but determined, several crystals in tow.

"Don't you want the glory, Spike?" Twilight joked weakly.

"Not without you."

Slice Of Life - Philomena's Portal Faux-tastrophy!

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Don't get into any trouble, Philomena.

The poor phoenix was really feeling the weight of Celestia's words now. All she had done was bump a couple shelves in the potions room - sure, maybe she had done so because she was being chased by royal guards she had just finished harassing for hours, but that was besides the point - and now there were dozens of portals opening up all over the castle.

She didn't know stallions could scream so loud.

Everywhere a pony could look, there was a view of something else ridiculous or horrifying - in one, gigantic squid splashed water out of from an endless ocean. From another, embers from a volcano erupted into the hallway, causing a guard to back up and slam into a suit of armor, panicking him more.

In one innocuous portal, a mintgreen pony with a sock on her head tilted her head, confused.

Just when she thought her life was surely over, all of the carnage disappeared instantly.

Without a trace.

The phoenix blinked, and looked over to her side, seeing Discord grinning slyly, having just snapped his fingers.

"Let's listen to 'Tia next time, okay?"

The phoenix had never screeched so loud.

Horror - Once Forgotten

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It hungers for your light.

In the furthest reaches of Equestria, hidden beyond the veil of twilight, lies a sinister realm uncharted by ponies' hooves. A haunting silence shrouds the cursed woods, where ancient trees stretch their skeletal limbs toward a blood-red moon.

Whispers of dread float through the air, a symphony of fear forlorn. Eyes unseen peer from shadowy branches, and malevolent giggles echo. Shivering roots crawl upon the forest floor like icy fingers...

...Ensnaring any foolish wanderers.

Deep within the heart of this accursed thicket, a vile secret awaited. A decrepit well, tainted with malevolence, stood, beckoning the unwary. Its waters whispered promises of power - forbidden knowledge.

Your light.

One fateful night, a curious foal ventured near, drawn by a sinister allure. She gazed into the well's depths, and the darkness gazed back, claiming her soul. Her once-rosy coat turned ashen, and malevolence seeped from her hollow eyes.

A warning to those who dare venture close, the corrupted foal now roams the cursed woods. They say if you hear her mournful wail, turn and flee, for she seeks to devour the brave.

Beware the heart of darkness. It hungers not for anyone.

It hungers for your light.

Comedy - Homer Simpson in Equestria

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Homer Simpson, The Simpsons (American Television Show), stumbled upon a mysterious portal and found himself in Equestria, face-to-face with Applejack from My Little Pony.

"Holy D'oh!" Homer exclaimed, scratching his head. "Where am I?"

"Hey there, sugarcube!" Applejack drawled, taking off her hat. "Welcome to Ponyville!"

Homer eyed her hat. "Nice hat! You know, I could use one of those for my... uh... donut protection! D'oh!"

Applejack chuckled. "Donuts, huh? We got some apple treats here too!"

As they strolled, Homer spotted a tree filled with apples. "Wow! How do you get them down? D'oh!"

Applejack grinned. "Watch and learn!" She gave the tree a swift kick, and apples rained down.

"Whoa! D'oh! That's impressive! D'oh!" Homer said. "Can I try? D'oh!"

"Sure thing!" Applejack encouraged, taking off her hat.

Homer attempted a kick but missed, sending apples flying. "D-oh! I guess I'm more of a cider guy!"

Please finish the story, but make it really fast! -Pinkie

They both laughed heartily. [Sent 5th, Celestia-Phase 15, Year 906]

Later, they encountered a mischievous pony. "That's Discord!" Applejack said.

"Hey, Discord! You could learn a thing or two about chaos from my life!" Homer quipped.

Discord blinked, before exclaiming - "D'oh!"

Experimental - The 40 Words Contest

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Rarity stood triumphantly over Grogar, the beast finally stricken down even at the cost of her friends. The ruin of Equestria lay in their wake.

"Is it possible? Could it truly be that I have been defeated?"


Dinner? Skating? Sightseeing? There's no way to know! What is Bon Bon gonna respond best to tonight? Oh, I can't mess this up! She's so mad at me!

I hope Lyra knows...I could never be mad at her.

Babycakes, Babycakes, watch over them. Watch as they creep and crawl - watch them walk the walls. Watch them watch you in your sleep, watch them whatever the watch of you. No watch on their watch.

The Baby Cakes.

"No, you-"

Cheese Sandwich sighed, the carriages behind him shouting for holding up the drive through.

"-You aren't hearing me. I said a CHEESE DELUXE."

"You don't give a cluck?" asked the grey pegasus employee.

Cheese sighed deeper.

Drama - Applejack's Confession

"I love you!" shrieked Applejack.

"I know," spoke Dash calmly, smiling.

Slice of Life - Poke

"Boooop!" squeaked Fluttershy to Angel.

Horror - Last Pony

The last pony alive heard a knock.

Comedy - The biggest joke of all of Equestria!


Experimental - The 1.4 Word Contest