Team Superstars: Winds of Change

by Lulamoon-Crystal

First published

Who knows that finding a filly on a beach can be the start of your journey? A stylist of Maretine Bay sure was not aware

One afternoon, an unsuspecting mare finds a dangerous quest given to her by a creature who took the form of a filly. Who is she and where did she come from? Unknown to the ponies of Maretine Bay. These lives as they know them are at stake.

So it’s up to a stylist named Jazz and her friends, new and old, to face the calamity in their own hooves


Cleanups are slowly happening in the first few chapters. But they are still readable

Inspiration has been taken from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. But if you never played the games, then it doesn’t matter. Just wanted to give credit for inspiration. This story has nothing to do with the franchise

To make writing easier and likely reduce any stress/make it more fun.

Nothing from the, books, comics or YouTube series will be canon to this AU. So I don’t have to keep track of whatever happens and keep checking so much media. This will also be in a timeline where CH 6 happened very differently (But the events will unlikely be in the story)

The events of MYM either happened before (or offscreen, but before seems more likely)

Since Lost in Mysticia and its remake were canceled. I think it’s fair if the characters who were going to be the heroes in those to be the heroes in this one. Since it was best i could only choose one au/adventure.


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Stardust. A white pegasus filly felt herself floating in… Space? Or so it seemed. There were floating spots all around. She felt like she was asleep. But she was conscious around her. This felt like a dream. But she could feel a cold breeze coming from somewhere. On investigation, she found herself laying on what seemed to have been a path made of stars.

”Stardust!” She heard her name be called. She looked around. Not seeing anyone around her, only a voice. Was that… Princess Luna’s no. It’s didn’t sound like her? Twilight? Where was she?

”You desperately need to warn this world of Dark Matter!”

“What?“ Stardust asked. Then she overheard Trixie’s voice as she laid on the starry cloud path nearby.

“What!? When? Who?”

Stardust gasped as she looked around. Stepping back in fear as her heart raced. Almost falling off the path of stars. What was that noise? It sounded like splurging. But after a while it was gone.

”They will make a team…” The voice then paused. “You need to find the ponies with the glowing hooves. The magic Dark Matter is weak to.”

“Why? Who are the ponies with the glowing hooves?”


Then suddenly there was a loud noise before Trixie could finish speaking. A giant dark cloud of nebular appeared, growing slightly. Stardust yelped and stepped back. The nebula immediately rushed right into her. Sending her flying back. The starry path started cracking.

”Stardust!” An unknown voice cried.

”Hey!” Stardust cried out as the nebula slammed the starry path. As a result, it shattered completely. As she fell, everything went black.

But then Stardust saw something in the darkness. A light blue Pegasus outline with purple eyes with a shining white star in the middle of her.

Next to the Pegasus was one of somepony who was unicorn and next to them was one of a teal earth pony. Who were these ponies? Why did they have stars in them? Then she looked to the side to see three more ponies seemingly cheering them on. A green Pegasus, a brownish green unicorn and another Pegasus, a very pale yellow.

The figures vanished in a blink of an eye.

“Who-?” Then it felt that she hit something. But she couldn’t see anything. Only hear her own voice and a distant voice. She could not hear what it was.


”You need to find them, Stardust! They aren’t aware of Dark Matter!” The voice cried in the distant, fading away as her consciousness fell.

It was a peaceful morning in Maretine Bay. Three ponies, with the names of Pipp, Rocky and Jazz were walking along the beach. Listening to the waves as they walked past.

“Don’t you two just love the sound of the sea!” Jazz asked as she splashed in the water slightly. Nearly stumbling over as she jumped on two hooves. Wetting the teal fur on the legs and belly.

Rocky chuckled a bit in agreement as Pipp took a selfie of herself. His golden wings glittered in the sun. Soon Pipp found herself getting splashed as Jazz jumped. “Oh Jazz!” She giggled a little. “Stop it! We can’t work at the salon, soaking wet!”

“Or can we!?” She laughed back. Making Rocky grumble a little in annoyance. She splashed him slightly.

“That’s enough, Jazz.” He told her with annoyance in his voice after he was splashed again. Clearly not liking it.

“Alright then… Rocky!” She teasingly bumped him.

The three friends talked as they walked along the beach, Pipp collecting ‘perfect’ seashells along the way. She knew she needed something summery for her salon. Summer was only a few months away. She needed something! Luckily shells were an inspiration. She already had a summer song ready. Despite it being a bit early according to her sister. But you can never be too prepared.

“Hey Jazz!” A voice called out. Belonging to another mare. Whose name was Dahlia… Pink body with a teal mane. Anyway, Dahlia seemed pretty cheerful as she showed her hooves to them with a smile on her face. Hooves based sakura trees. A light blue background with pinkish brown branches resembling branches with sakura flowers on them. “I just love this hoof style you gave me!” She exclaimed. “It helped me win that spring party last night! I couldn’t believe it!”

”Awww…” Jazz smiled. She had also participated in the event Dahlia was talking about. Witnessing her victory for herself. “I’m so glad you liked it so much, Dahlia!” She didn't win, because her costume included one of the judges’s most hated insects. So she was disqualified instead. Really rude.

Each judge was anonymous. So she didn't know who it was.

”Wow! Congratulations!” Rocky exclaimed happily. He didn't attend, due to having to attend an important family dinner. It sucked, he was excited to sing that song he made. He wasn’t really a songwriter like Pipp. But it seemed fun to give it a go.

Pipp nodded in agreement. “Your dress was gorgeous!”

Dahlia put in a slight smile. “Oh, thank you…”

As Dahlia and Pipp spoke about something. Jazz looked around, feeling like she had heard some one calling out. But she shrugged it off, must have been some distance group playing without her. But her gut told her otherwise. But who was it? The only two ponies that were playing nearby were a pair of foals who were building a sand castle. They weren’t calling out. They were talking about knights and a battle to protect their kingdom made of sand as they put some toys down.

“Uh… Jazz? Are you alright?”Asked Dahlia. Who noticed she was completely phased at something.

”Oh! Yeah! I’m fine, just thought I heard something, that’s all.”

She then looked around and noticed a stallion surfing in the waves. Soon falling off his surf board, his friend called out to him, he surfaced and was completely fine. So maybe that’s who she heard? But the stallion’s voices sounded deeper…

”What are you thinking about? Surfing?” Pipp asked, noticing what Jazz was talking about. “Oh boy, imagine you on a surf board?! That’ll be funny!” She laughed at the thought of Jazz falling off. She’d get the world record time of being the quickest to fall reward of falling with a surfboard in the water.

Jazz shook her head. “No. Just some stuff, that’s all. Anyway, you got enough shells?”

Pipp looked at her bag and nodded, “I mean, I can always fly over and get more if needed. I think these will be just perfect!”

”Oh good! So, we gonna head back and work on that song?” She asked.

Rocky seemed a bit puzzled. “Jazz?” He looked down at her hooves and back at her face. His face seemed pretty confused, like he was seeing something weird going on. Why was he looking at her like that?

“What is it, Rocky?” She asked.

Then Rocky looked back down and shrugged. Still looking a little puzzled at what he just saw. “Oh nothing, guess it was just the sun shining on that bright hoof polish you used… Made it look like they were glowing!”

Jazz giggled a bit. Guessing he was over exaggerating. “Too bright?” She asked jokingly, nudging him. Hoof polish can’t be that bright, can it? Well, not ones she used, since the ingredients were nothing magical. Just an extra glossy blue with pink spots. Even Pipp looked down at her hooves, then it hit her. Has glow-in-the-dark hoof polish been made popular yet, or even at all? Which made her think, that would not be a bad idea.

The three of them smiled a bit as they spoke while walking back. Pipp hummed to herself as she flew above the duo. Then Jazz stopped in her tracks as she heard something.


”Wh-what?” Jazz answered quietly. Looking around for who said her name. Assuming someone said her name and weren’t just talking about music. She had enough embarrassing moments where a pony was talking about how jazz music is too noisy and she thought they were talking about her. Or the other away around.

*”Jazz!”* The voice exclaimed.

“Wh-who’s there!?” She shouted, not hearing anyone who could be possibly calling out to her. The voice also sounded slightly distorted, was it a prank of some sort? Her hooves were glowing as she looked all around her for the source of the voice, getting shocked. “H-hey!” She yelped.

She started shaking her hooves to make the glowing go away, she proceeded to stomp them around in the water untill they stopped glowing. This happened many times before. But it was a mystery on why it was happening. It had nothing to do with the polish, or earth pony magic. It was not happening to anyone else, either. “Stop glowing!” She scolded her hooves as the glow started to go away.

“You coming, Jazz?” Pipp called out.

”Y-yeah!” She said before catching up. Taking a single glance back to where she had came from. Feeling rather concerned and confused at the voice she was hearing. No one else heard it, and it seemed to activate this glowing problem she had with her hooves lately. Dahlia had already left elsewhere.

That afternoon, Jazz sat in the salon, looking out the window at the ocean. Feeling something was’t right. She had the urge to go to the beach, a really strong urge. She didn’t know why, it was like something was calling her. But she hadn’t heard that voice since she left the beach.

She sat on the couch, head rested on her hooves as she gazed. The whole day she couldn’t stop thinking about the beach. Where someone was calling her.

What was it? A siren? Nah, she was still in control of herself. A friend who saw her? Nah,

“Jazz!” Rocky exclaimed, snapping her out of her thought. Realising her hooves were glowing once again.

“Ah!” She yelped, shaking one of them again, trying to shake it off. Hoping somepony would find out why this was happening already! Not everypony had seen her glowing hooves, some times she’d wake up at night with them glowing when she had a strange dream. But only recently had they been glowing in public. Rocky, Zipp, Pipp and Sunny were the only ones that saw their glow so far.

“Yes, Rocky?” Jazz asked, giving up on making the glow vanish, thankful there were no customers present to see her distress.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked.

“Oh… Nothing much…” She lied, not wanting him to worry about her. “I actually think I’ll be going for a walk,” She got up, walking towards the door. “Coming?”

“Nah, I got a customer arriving in a few minutes.”

“Oh. Well, send me a text if a customer is needing a hoofi-cure. I’ll be back in a flash!” She smirked.

“Heh, sure will!” Rocky agreed as Jazz left the building.

Jazz returned to the beach, with Dahlia following her. Who was curious on what Jazz was doing. Wondering why she looked so determined about heading to the beach. She seemed so serious.

”Where are we going?” Dahlia asked. Despite the fact that she was following Jazz and could leave anytime she wanted. It wasn’t like she was being forced to follow.

”I don’t know… But I heard something… But it seems like it was calling for me! Who knows-.” Then she felt Dahlia pat her shoulder.

”Huh? Like that movie where that mare had to leave her island and return the heart to some angry lava giant? Jazzoana?!” She then laughed. Thinking Jazz was pretending she was in such movie. She smiled even more then she pictured Rocky dressed in a grass skirt, tattoos, hook and tattoos. Dancing happily.

Jazz froze in confusion at her. “I’m not making a movie reference? I actually heard something. Like something was calling me…”

Then Dahlia watched Jazz’s expression, waiting for her to smile and reveal the joke. Which never happened. Her face dropped as soon as she realised she was serious. Maybe Jazz wasn’t very… Okay at the moment.

“This isn’t good!” She Dahlia grabbed hold of her.

“What isn’t?” Jazz asked. Wondering why she was suddenly so concerned.


“Walking on the beach at sunset to figure what a noise is even if some of us can’t-“

”Yeah! I think we should see a doctor!” She exclaimed with concern. Ears straight back.

”What? No! It’s not what you think!” Jazz answered. Concerned. “I just feel like I need figuring this out. I don’t know why! But it’s almost like a fresh new hoof design begging me to use it. Or bare hooves just begging to be painted with a wonderful design of many options!”

Dahlia nodded slightly. Trying to pretend to be interested, not like she wasn’t.

”If you’re convinced it’s not a mental illness… What if it’s a siren!”She explained. Recognising them from an old book that she read. Who knows what it could be. If seaponies and dragons are real. Then surely the same could be for sirens! Their stories were so dark, calling in sailors and killing them violently. Not a trace besides shards of the boat…

“I’m sure we all would have heard it…” Jazz responded with a slight smile. “And I’m not in some sort of trance?’ She questioned. She felt normal, but she did not even know what that felt like. But she still felt like herself. “Maybe it’s talking treasure!”

“Rocky is right…” Dahlia sighed before finishing. “You are still an energetic hoof-full.” She groaned a bit as she followed Jazz as she walked across the sand. The sun was setting, giving such a pretty view that a few ponies were watching. She wasn’t usually this stubborn, unless a customer really needed their hooves fixed and wouldn’t agree or wouldn’t stay still. She wasn’t sure what she was going to expect. It was like her heart was racing across the beach. Maybe… It was just a big misunderstanding and it was just a couple of ponies talking nearby. This all felt odd.

Neither of the two mares knew what to expect. Dahlia was even questioning why she decided to even follow Jazz. She assumed she was going for a nice sunset walk on the beach. But her curiosity got the best of her when Jazz said she was going to look for something odd. Perhaps treasure? Nope! Just some imaginary voice.

Then Dahlia bumped into Jazz’s rump as she stopped and gasped.

”Let me guess… You found the treasure?”

She didn’t get an answer until Jazz rushed forward. Picking up a soaking when filly who was unconscious. “Oh no… no no no!”She looked down. Sighing in relief as she found a pulse. An injured filly is not what one pony would want to find. The idea of finding where the call was leading was out of her mind now. She could check on that later.

”Wait, what!?” Dahlia exclaimed as she hurried over. Watching as the filly get up. Followed by a sigh of relief. With a yawn as if she simply had a nap. “Who?” It was a white Pegasus filly. She had a short pink mane and blue eyes.

”Are you alright?” Asked Jazz. “Heart racing slightly as she stared at her.”

”Oh yeah… I had a great dream!” The filly responded.

Dahlia sighed. “Nice. But next time, don’t sleep so close to the waves! You could create panic!” She scolded.“Don’t you know how that would look to ponies who aren’t aware of you having a nap!?”

”I was? What?” She asked them as she looked at the water. It was as if she did not even know she was at the beach. Which was odd, how could she not be aware on where she was sleeping? Was she sleepwalking? Odd. “What do you mean?” Then noticing her reflection, she gasped and looked at her whole body. As if she just realised something. Or lost something. She touched her hooves, then her chest, tail, wings and face. Her hooves ruffled her fuzzy pink mane and her ears twitched.

She looked all over at her white coat and back at her reflection as she stood on her rump. Wings drooping down as she stared in shock. All Dahlia and Jazz could do was watch. Wondering what she was looking for. Did she have something with her? Judging by the way she was looking all over her body. It must have been an accessory. Like a bandana, jacket, bag or something that was on her body.

“I’m a pony!?” The filly exclaimed in shock as her mind processed.

Jazz and Dahlia looked at each other. Puzzled. Jazz nodded her head as a result. To agree with her. Hoping she wasn’t hurt in anyway. Where were her parents anyway, how long was she out here for? Why did she exclaim in shock that she was a pony?

“Yes… You’re a Pegasus pony…” Dahlia bluntly responded. “How could you not know this?”

“Why!?” The filly shouted. “But I’m not a pony! I’m a dragon!”

The two mares glanced at eachother. Hoping the filly didn’t hit her head or something. Hopefully it was something like she was wearing a dragon costume or had a dream where she was a dragon.

“No. You certainly are a pony!” Dahlia looked with worry, “Are you okay? Where are you from? What’s your name? I’m Dahlia and this is Jazz!”

The filly paused as she looked at herself and then at the ocean. Wondering where she was. Why were two ponies talking to her… Who was she? Oh yeah! A pegasus pony who’s brain was all fuzzy now. But she knew another thing. Her name.

”Stardust!” She exclaimed. Then she paused and smiled a bit. Finding something a little funny apparently. But this was a serious situation. It was time to get back on topic.

“Right, Stardust.” Jazz nodded. “Was anyone else with you?”

”Who are your parents?”

Stardust looked up at them both. “I… Don’t know my parents… But I remember a voice…”

“You don’t know your parents names? Do you recall what they looked like?” Jazz asked, sadness in her voice.

“I… I think i remember someone with a gem as their name?”

“Ruby? Onyx? Rocky? Citrine? Agate? Jasper?” Jazz suggested.

“Jasper sounds like a meany!” Stardust hissed. Not knowing why, but Jasper sounded like it would be the name of a big jerk!

Dahlia looked at Jazz with concern. “What do we do? She’s clearly confused! We can’t leave here!”

Being a responsible mare. Jazz decided on her next move. “Stardust. Come with us. We know some ponies who will be able to help!”

“You do? Ponies? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure… Hitch is the sheriff of the town.” Dahlia smiled, “He has a child of his own, if that makes you feel better…”

”Well… I guess so… Sure!”

Stardust looked at the town with awe. Ponies lived here by themselves? It was so lovely, even at sunset.

Later, in that afternoon. When asking her where she’d like to stay for the night or whenever she needed some shelter. Much to everyone’s confusion, Stardust was perfectly fine with staying in an old tree house and cleaning it up for herself. Hitch, of course made sure the tree house was sturdy and safe and made a few checks. Dahlia also offered an old blanket and pillow for her to use.

”Alright..” Hitch said as he climbed down. Dahlia was using her earth pony magic to help the treehouse be more stultify and pleasant. “Are you sure you want to stay here?” He asked.

It wasn’t a very big tree house. It would possibly only fit about two follies and a grown up comfortably. It was abandoned for a while, belonging to Dahlia when she was a foal. But she allowed Stardust to have it as she seemed pleased with the idea. Or she wasn’t comfortable staying with strangers she just met. Which was completely fine.

”I love it!” Stardust said happily.

She had agreed that every day that Dahlia would check on her. And to leave if it got unsteady or any serious damage was noticed. But it was absolutely safe, thanks to replacing a few planks, repainting and repairing.

“That’s great!” Dahlia exclaimed as she stared at the treehouse. It was kinda bittersweet, actually. This treehouse she loved as a foal, being handed down. She remembered that day she met Jazz and they played together. Despite being about four years apart. They got along well, being 5 and 9 years old. Pretending to go on quests and such. Till an incident when Jazz was 11 and Dahlia was almost 15 that left the treehouse abandoned. She had revisited it a few times since, but it wasn’t the same. That was about 6 years ago…

She wasn’t sure what the incident was. But Jazz was never the same. Acting more nervously, shy and worried. Whatever happened must have been traumatising. Even tho it was years ago. Jazz still felt uncomfortable when it was brought up, she never told anyone about it.

She snapped back to reality and wasted as Stardust climbed. “Take care of it, okay?”

“I will! This will be a great home for the team!”

Dahlia smiled a bit. Not knowing what team she was talking about. But ponies at her age do tend to have imaginary friends. So it wasn’t a big deal. Likely she meant a team of them. She closer to the tree and sighed a bit, observing the bark. Finding something ingraved in the back. It was old and clearly made by some foals a long time ago. She looked at it a little sadly.

‘Jaz, Dahlia and Sugar’s treehouse’ the ingraving read. With ‘Sugar’ having a line through it. Jazz was indeed misspelt as Jaz. The filly was only about 5 at the time. The treehouse was well loved then and would be now.

“I wonder what happened back then.” She said softly. Remembering the day Jazz stopped coming to play with her.

When Hitch made his way to the sherrif station, he slowly opened the door and watched as Zipp sat near Sparky. Reading a book to him. About few ponies searching for a bear.

”I just don’t get it…” Zipp said, disappointed in herself. Not a single pony recognised this filly. Anywhere! She searched everywhere, the last few days in Zephyr Heights, Hitch checking over Maretine Bay again while Alphabittle checked with everyone in Bridlewood just in case.

This was not good. She even made a royal announcement earlier, now it was the late afternoon, no one fessed up yet. Surely some pony would have recognised this filly.

Surely her parents, guardians or whoever took care of her would be sobbing. Panicking and be extremely worried for their little one. Surely there was a pony, searching everywhere. So why hasn’t they seen the announcement that was put online or even saw Zipp flying around, asking if anyone lost a foal with a pink mane?

Was she abandoned?

Zipp remembered when she herself went hiding from her mother one day. It when she was about the same age of Stardust. Maybe a little younger. It caused panic in the palace pretty quickly. She remembered the guards running around, the queen shouting her name. The search didn’t last long as she soon came out of her hiding place under her bed shouting.


The queen was in tears. Hugging and kissing her. Ugh. But she was so worried. Like any parent or guardian would if their foal went missing for ages without a trace. She was also a little mad, too. Pipp wasn’t a much of a panic situation, as she was found quickly in a nearby pot plant. In the throne room, when Haven started calling her daughter's names for something. But the whole place was searched before Zipp came out. She could remember the scolding, too.

”Zipp! Never do that again. I was so worried!

She didn’t ban hide and seek from the palace, like she felt at the time. But told her to let her know if she wanted to play that game. Or else she wouldn’t know and she'd thing something horrible had happened. It made sense when she was that young. Eventually, Zipp would tell a guard where she was going if she was leaving the palace. To go to the shops, to go for a walk, while most the times she was actually going out and doing some parkour on the rocks.

Eventually, she started sneaking out as a teen. Nothing bad happened. Maybe it's because she had a phone and texted her mother that she was at the park, shops or somewhere when asked.

Nothing bad ever happened. Besides a few scratches from parkour mistakes that she assured her mother weren’t that bad. Plus, she always kept her phone with her and didn’t stray too far from any guard patrol routes. In case of anything happening.

Zipp snapped back to reality. She mentally scolded herself for going off topic. This wasn't about her.

”You alright, Zipp?” Hitch asked.

”Yeah… I just- It’s just this filly. She puzzles me like Misty did… but worse. I feel like there’s more to her that we think…” She looked at Sparky sadly.“When Sparky went missing the first time… You went a lil crazy. But you did everything you could to try and find him… You looked everywhere and had friends to help. Any good parent would do that. So why isn’t Stardust’s doing the same?” She groaned.“I’ve been checking my phone more than Pipp did on her last birthday!” She complained.

Hitch knew the last line was a little over exaggerated. Even if Pipp was more interested in the surprise party that day than her phone. “Hey, I’m sure we’ll find them…” He felt bad at how defeated she seemed. “Maybe… They haven’t looked yet, or… I dunno… I just hope she hadn’t been abandoned.”

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The next day

Just after lunch. Hitch sat down at his desk. Sunny was nearby, telling a story to Sparky in a story book. “So the brave young dragon and team destroyed the witch and saved the world. The end!”She smiled as Sparky clapped cheerfully as a result. Very happy with the ending.

Dahlia then walked in a with a nervous smile, Stardust walked by her side.

“Any news, sheriff Hitch?” Asked Dahlia who was worried.

Stardust looked at the yellow pony sitting at the desk, writing a few things down.

”Hmm. Oh? No, I haven’t found any details on her. No one in town even recognised her! It’s odd. Unless… She’s from Zephyr Heights. Bridlewood’s an option, but not many pegasi live there to my knowledge, the population is still mostly unicorn… If not completely still populated by unicorn.”

Dahlia watched sadly.

There was a sigh as he looked at his paperwork again. He then nodded at an idea he had and contacted someone on his phone. Stardust watched with wonder.

”Hey Zipp? You found anything on this filly? No? Alright, well, what are the chances of her being from Zephyr Heights? Oh! You’ll check? Alright then.” He then sighed, a bit gloomy. He looked at Dahlia apologetically. “Turns out she doesn’t live in Maretine Bay.”

Dahlia nodded sadly as she listened to what he had to say. “Unless she’s adopted. I heard Zephyr Heights Orphanage had a lot of foals. Until some of them were adopted by couples of other races…”

Hitch nodded, “Your right, I should check with them. Maybe they know more about her…”

“Yes… It’s sheriff Hitch Trailblazer from Maretine Bay… Yes?”Then there was a pause as the pony on the other end spoke. Stardust couldn’t figure what they were saying. “Oh? Awww, that’s great! Oh. Well, we found a filly on the beach. She doesn’t know who her parents are and is not from this town. A friend suggested I call you just in case you have any records of her. Okay. She’s got white fur, no cutiemark. Pink mane with darker pink markings and a single lavender streak at the front. Blue eyes and uh… She goes by Stardust!”

Dahlia watched with worry hoping the orphanage had answers. She didn’t know much, but just had that glimmer of hope. She felt Stardust poke her cutiemark, but ignored her in the tense situation. Hitch had a smile on his face as he waited patiently. They were taking a while, but he didn’t mind. They were likely searching the best they could for any records. For adoptions or if she escaped from the orphanage for some reason.

It was unknown why a foal would. The elderly couple and their family took care of the orphans as best as they could. Doing what they could for them. They felt horrible for the foals there, that’s why they dedicated themselves to the orphanage.

“What?” Hitch’s face fell. “No records? Oh, okay. Thank you for your time… I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll let you know if we find anything. Thank you!” He then sighed as he hung up.

“Oh no…” Dahlia sighed sadly, ears drooping. Ignoring the fact that Stardust had climbed onto her back. “Nothing?”

“No records…”

They then paused as they realised that Stardust had left. They were a bit concerned about her.But trusted that she wouldn’t get in trouble and she had shown some independent skills from the day before. Also, it was pretty safe for foals around her age to wander by themselves. As long as they didn’t do anything they weren’t supposed to. It was all okay!

“Let’s hope she doesn’t get in any trouble…” Hitch sighed. “I’ll keep looking for her parents…”

Stardust walked down the street. Hearing the sea nearby. Ponies walked around minding their own business. Where was she? Why did she have the feeling she was here for something important?

What was it? She shrugged as she walked ahead, soon overhearing some humming. “Oh! This looks good, Yes! I think she’s gonna love this!!”

Stardust looked nearby to see a purple unicorn mare sitting near some outdoor tables. She had long blue wavy hair that faded to a light purple. It appeared that she was a unicorn as she levitated a poster in her magic, it seemed she had made it herself for something. Stardust could only see the back of it, so she didn’t really know.

Who was she and what was she up to? On her rump, there was an image of a sewn blue heart with pins it. The mare seemed pretty excited and busy, so Stardust minded her own business. Also, she was far more interested in the music she just heard.

The music seemed to have been coming from a large white and pink building. There were hedges at the front, just below the windows. One of them was cracked open slightly, allowing those outside to hear the noise if they got close enough. The singing voice sounded very cheerful and happy. She also heard two other voices, one belonging to a stallion.

She cracked open the door slightly. Seeing the inside of what seemed to be a musical based salon. Named Mane Melody. Cute!

“Woah…” She said quietly as she looked at the stage. Three ponies were on it. The teal one she met earlier was one of the three. Her name was Jazz, right? Or was it Topaz? Also, where were her ears? Maybe she could ask.

Let’s start from the top- “Oh!” The pink, pegasus exclaimed as she saw Stardust. She appeared to have been the shortest of the three, while the stallion was the tallest. The pegasus gasped. Rocky smiled at Jazz who was a little puzzled.

“That’s the pony you found yesterday!” He exclaimed. "Seems she came to see us.”

“Yes it is… Did Hitch not find her parents?” She worried. "I had hoped... Oh..." She looked down sadly. Feeling rather worried.

Pipp landed in front of the filly who stepped back in surprise. “Welcome to Maaaane Melody!” She exclaimed happily. “You’re the filly Jazz found yesterday, aren’t you!? Wow! So, what brings you here?”

Jazz watched as Stardust looked around at the salon. Wondering if she was here for a visit, or some styling of some sort. “I heard singing!” She said with a smile.

“Oh yes! I’ve been practicing a song! You a pipsqueak, too?”

“No?” Stardust responded with a happy smile. “Clearly pony!” She claimed, Jazz making a loud and excited gasp as soon as she said that.

“You like pony!?” Jazz exclaimed. Thinking she was talking about a band, she was, right? Or she could heave mistaken the term ‘Pipsqueak’ like a squeaky animal of some sort.

“Oh…” Pipp said with slight disappointment. “In that case… I’m sure you’ll love my music! Princess Pipp Petals! Or…” She smiled slightly. “Just Pipp is fine. The search bars will understand if that’s too long for whatever reason…”

“Yeah…” Stardust pretended to totally understand this excited pony. Wondering if she actually was a princess or if that was just her stage name. PPP. Had a ring to it. Pea Pea Pea.“I’ll keep that in mind!”

The doors then slammed open. The purple unicorn Stardust had seen earlier jumped in, looking pretty excited about something. Levitating the poster in her magic. The same one she had been working on. All attention went from Stardust to this unicorn.

“Pipp! Pipp!” The unicorn exclaimed. Apparently being named ‘Izzy’ judging by what the pegasus said next.

“Izzy? What is it!?” Pipp responded with joy as she fluttered over to her as she jumped to the middle of the salon.

Stardust watched as Izzy smiled at the poster, she saw a glimpse of it. It appeared to be for some sort of event. A painting of Pipp near some seashells and a beach. Decorated with buttons, glitter, shells, ribbon and paper. It looked so amazing!

“Oh, Izzy! I love it!” Was the response.“It’s perfect! Even tho.. The summer performance is a few months away. But I can totally keep this safe till then!”

“Of course!” Izzy responded. “I have something else I want to show you too! It’s not complete yet. But I think you’ll love it!”

Pipp happily followed Izzy out the doors. Leaving Stardust alone with the other two ponies. The Rocky and Jazz. The latter getting off the stage and heading to the back room. The former looked towards Stardust as he walked over.

“So… You looking to get styled or something?” He asked with a slight grin as he grabbed his brush. Seems pegasi have some sort of dimensional pocket or something under their wings. Because there was no way that brush stayed there so comfortably.

Jazz run over with a smile. “I can make those hooves of yours shine!” She exclaimed, her hooves instantly glowing, when she hid by grabbing a towel, pretending to rub her hooves with it. Looking rather nervous and hoping Stardust didn’t see, since she was not looking directly at her. “Not you.” She quietly mumbled as she looked down at hers.

“Oh! I was here because I heard some music!”

“Oh. Alright then. So, you liked it?” Rocky put his brush back. It was almost as if it vanished in think air as he comfortably folded his wing over where he seemingly placed it. Pegasi must surely have some sort of dimensional pocket under their wings. Stardust might be wondering what she could store in hers.

“Oh! Yeah… Pipp’s planning a song for a summer performance in a few months. A bit early if you ask me, but I suppose it doesn’t hurt to practice a bit extra…” Jazz added, before walking over to a desk to put some stuff away, once her hooves stopped.

Stardust looked at the pegasus stallion with awe. He looked so kinda cool, it also seemed he liked music too. Perhaps he was great at playing guitar! Or simply thought they were cool. Judging by his necklace and the fact he was helping the pink pony with a song.

“Do you like music?” She asked.

Rocky confirmed. “Of course I do! It’s just so… Good! The huge variety of moods, genres and lyrics! The sound of the instruments making the melody! It feels so good to dance along to!” He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

Stardust felt herself feel excited. Maybe she could be part of this. This felt so right. Maybe not the styling part, maybe more the music stuff. That’d be amazing! She had two questions in her mind, “I have two questions!” She blurted out. Before looking over at Jazz who was cleaning up a bottle of shampoo that had spilt.

“You do?” He asked.

“Why doesn’t Jazz have any ears?” She asked, pointing over at her, Rocky gasping as she asked, feeling rather concerned.

“Uh- I don’t think I can give you an answer.” He nervously looked over at Jazz with worry as she looked over with sadness. Knowing exactly what she wanted to ask.

“It’s a long story…”Jazz said looking down, like she was ashamed of herself.

There was a pause as the room came silent. No one said a word until Rocky spoke. “Not even I know what happened, she refuses to speak about it. What’s your other question?” He asked, changing the subject.

“Do you think I could get a job here?”

Rocky's expression turned into confusion. “We-what? A job?”He asked, looking to the side nervously and back at her. “I’m… Afraid I can’t answer that. You’d have to check with Pipp and we’d need to check the laws too, in case there’s anything…”

“Plus, we have been styling for years, we know how everything works.” Jazz added, skipping over. “It’s literally how we got our cutiemarks.”

“Great! I can’t wait to start helping with the music!” She bounced up, then happily went for the doors.

“What!? Hey! That wasn’t a yes!” Rocky exclaimed out loud. “And you can’t just get up on stage and make music like that! You need to ask Pipp!” He cried out.

“Eh. I’ll give her a chance.” Jazz shrugged.

“Yeah, but the stage is for Pipp and us two. Along with anyone she gives permission to.”

A few days past since Stardust was found. It was a great shock that she seemingly had no parents and no one knew her.

She was not doing much that was unusual. Just exploring and maybe creating mischief here and there. She also did a few chores at Mane Melody, same with doing a bit of singing. She was good at playing a ukulele, so it was not bad.

The mystery of the parentless foal spread like wildfire. Even the Queen of Zephyr Heights said something. A rumor was even out that she offered Stardust a place to stay for a while but she refused. But that was just a rumour, what kind of filly would turn down such offer? Living in a palace would be any young filly or foal’s dream! Especially if they were a fan of Pipp, or Haven. Or even Zipp.

She spent some of her time pranking other ponies. Mane Melody, Posey and Dahlia were the main victims. But some others found themselves with faces of slime or soaked manes. Most of it laughed if off, but some ponies weren’t as happy. She even got scolded at times. Hitch wasn’t pleased when Sprout complained to him when a purple glitter bomb exploded near him.

It was a lovely morning. Pipp had accepted Stardust’s offer to help in the salon a little. Not with anything musical related, to her disappointment. It was only for a few hours four times a week. She’d come in and do a few small things. Like sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, putting stuff away or collecting things. Or occasionally doing a few deliveries, but only in the boundaries of Maretine Bay. She had only done three deliveries, however.

One day, she went to Mane Melody. Entering with a small basket of pebbles and flowers, she gathered, she put them on a chair.

“I think these would look amazing in your summer performance!” She smiled.

Rocky slowly went up to the basket and peeked inside. The flowers would have long decayed by then. But the odd pebbles weren’t too bad. But maybe weren’t exactly what Pipp was looking for. It was gonna be a beach themed event. But it was the thought that counts, besides a few pebbles wouldn’t be too bad.

“Oh.. Uh…” Rocky looked down at her. “Well. I think that was very kind of you. I’ll show Pipp later and see what she thinks, alright?”

Stardust nodded before she watched Rocky put the basket on the table. Shortly after two pegasi entered that Stardust never had seen before. Plus one that she had only seen in pictures and videos walked into the salon. The one in front was a pale pinkish colour with a purply grey mane. She wore a golden necklace with a green jewel of some sort imbedded in it. Perhaps an emerald or a jade.

As she strutted in, Stardust admired the crown on top of her head. Golden tiara piece holding up a purple jewel. An amethyst, perhaps? The jewel seemed to be in a horseshoe like shape. But styled to look like a pair of flared wings.

“Oh! Your majesty! What brings you here, to Mane Melody?”Rocky asked.

“Oh, hello there, Rocky. Is Pipp around?”

“No, she went to get something. But she’ll be back soon, did you need something?”

“Oh. Well, Alphie and I are going to a little event tonight in Bridlewood. So I suppose it won’t harm to have a little bit of a mane style and facial.”

“Sounds great!”

Stardust removed her attention from Rocky and the queen as she sat down. She looked towards the two guards at the door. The green one appeared to be a little disappointed about something. The blue one seemed pretty serious, she had a frown. Her eyes were as if she was focussing on something. Why did she seem so grumpy?

Going closer, she noticed the blue one look at her. What was her name anyway? Their colours seemed familiar in way, as if she knew a green and blue duo. But she didn’t remember who she was thinking about. These two weren’t them and it was likely not important. Maybe she was thinking of a cartoon she watched that had a blue and green duo.

The way the blue mare looked at her was as if she was watching that she didn’t cause trouble.

“Hello!” Stardust waved with a smile. “What’s your name?”

Zoom opened her mouth but Thunder proceeded to speak. “My name’s Thunder!”

“Thunder!” Zoom scolded. We are on duty!”


Stardust looked at Thunder who watched the queen, feeling a little sorry for himself. The blue mare, that Stardust decided to give a name to, simply watched her.

“What’s up, Blueberry?” Stardust asked.

“That’s not my name.”

“Right!” Winked Stardust as ‘Blueberry’ rolled her eyes and looked ahead at the queen.

“Psst…” Thunder whispered, lowering his head to Stardust’s height.


“Her name is... Zoom…”

Stardust smiled and looked back at Zoom who rolled her eyes, no longer looking so grumpy. Stardust went up to her and put two hooves on her chest as she stood on her hind legs. Looking up into the eyes of the guard as she looked down at her. She had a close look at this blue mare’s purple eyes.

She gasped. Zoom had fur and purple eyes. Why was this so familiar? This was so familiar. Where had she seen a mare with purple eyes and a blue body before? She was a bit puzzled why she was staring into her eyes, getting interrupted by Thunder.

“You two having a staring contest?” He said with a smile. she blinked right before she looked at him. “Awww you lost!” He seemed pretty disappointed.

“We-“ She was just about to speak. But she felt Stardust climb on her. “Get off!” She grunted.

He smiled a bit as he watched the silly little innocent filly climb over Zoom. She proceeded to sit on her back similar to how Sparky sits on Hitch’s. Zoom stood in place, still looking displeased. Not really wanting to do much just yet, hoping she’d get bored and leave her alone.

“Fluffy?” Stardust said quietly. Eyeing the plume on Zoom’s helmet. She reached forward to touch it.But as a result she stretched out her neck, trying to get the plume out of her reach. But failing and shook her head. “No. You are not allowed to touch that!” She shouted.

“Why not? It can’t be that bad?”

“It’s part of my unifor-“

“She doesn’t want it to get dirty!” Thunder smiled. Getting a glare from her, he sighed as a result. “And it’s part of our uniform. Zoom wants to keep hers neat because she thinks it’s respectful.”

“It is respectful!” Zoom exclaimed. Using a wing to knock Stardust off balance, using her other wing and hoof to soften the fall. Stardust was completely unharmed.

“Well… Okay then..” Sh walked a few steps and up at her. Who looked down at her with a slight frown.

“Blue fur… Purple eyes… Why is this so… familiar? Like someone I used to know?”

Thunder opened his mouth but soon closed it as he thought on what to say. What did she mean? Purple eyes and blue fur looking familiar? Zipp was confused about her. He should remember to tell her. She might want to know. Even if it’s not important and Stardust is just referencing a game or cartoon or something.

“Dunno…” He answers. “You know someone?”

“Could this pony you’re describing be someone you know? Or are you just describing me just to see how I react?” Zoom asked.

When Stardust closed her eyes. She saw purple eyes, belonging to a pony with darker blue few. She only saw the eyes and then heard the voice of this pony.


Stardust gasped as she opened her eyes. Looking at Zoom straight in the eyes, she muttered with awe.


Trixie?”Asked Zoom. I’m not Trixie.

“Trixie?? Thunder questioned. “You know someone named Trixie?’

Stardust nodded and looked at Zoom. “She was… A friend.”

Thunder and Zoom looked at each other, puzzled. Then they both shrugged in agreement, thinking she was just talking about a toy or cartoon character. There was a pause before Stardust smiled at Zoom with a cheeky grin.

“Maybe I can give you a nickname?”

Thunder smiled slightly, wondering what the nickname would be. Zoom, however, scoffed and rolled her eyes as a result. Looking unhappy.

“Hit me…” She said, wanting to get this day over and done with. She wasn’t a babysitter. Why was this foal bothering with her, anyway? Her eyes widened when she gave her a big slap. Hitting her right across the front legs.


Thunder chuckled a bit. “I think she meant give her the nickname…”


"You already suggested that."

Thunder obviously found this kinda sweet. As he went. “Awww…”.

Much to her relief, Stardust was called over by Jazz.

“Stardust? Have you seen the pinkish purple polish bottle? I left it on this table.” Jazz asked, looking a little suspicious of the big smile this filly had.

“It’s playing hide and seek!” The filly walked over. “I put it on that table over there.”

“Bottles don’t play hide and seek.”

“They can!”

Zoom and Thunder looked at each other. This filly seemed pretty excited to be helping around this place. Which is fine. But who was she?

“She’s sweet.” Thunder smiled.

“But suspicious…” Zoom said, not noticing her glowing hooves, which soon stopped. With Thunder only getting a quick glance.

“Huh?” He then shook his head and shrugged. Thinking he was imagining things. Why would her hooves be glowing? Only earth pony hooves glowed, and that was only when using plant magic.

Actually. Zoom’s hooves had glowed before. But only once, when she woke up in the night. He never really thought about that moment till now. He was sleepy at the time, so he went back to bed, forgetting about it by morning came.

Stardust was walking through town, minding her own business. Jazz had given her some money by each of them so they could have a smoothie. She didn’t have to, but she decided to do it anyway. Because it would be kind of an interesting experience in this world of ponies. Who knows who she might meet.

She went towards a smoothie cart, that was farther down the street than it was usually. Apparently it belonged to an orange earth pony mare. What did Jazz say her name was again? Sunburn? Anyway, she peacefully went up to the counter and knocked on the cart.

“Oh! Coming! Oh, hello there!” The pony greeted with a smile. “What kind of smoothie would you like?” She asked as she looked down at her.

“Uh…” She paused, thinking of what to say. “I’m here on a quest! And I’m gonna complete it!”

Sunny smirked playfully. “Oh really? I’m willing you help you in this quest. I’m Sunny!”

Stardust looked up at her. She seemed happy, but it also felt there was more to her than it seemed. Pipp seemed pretty happy when she mentioned her. Must be her best friend or something.

“Well… My quest is buying a smoothie for myself, along with Jazz Grooves and Rocky… Oh, and Pipp!”

She nodded, a little puzzled but just simply went with it. She knew about the filly helping out at the salon for a few hours on certain days. Of course they were careful with her, so they wouldn’t break any child labor rules. It was just simple chores in the salon, after all. She didn’t have to come and do them if she didn’t have to.

“So. What smoothies do you want?”

Stardust tapped her hoof, she seemed a little confused. “They all asked for something called ‘The regular for me’”

She nodded and smiled. Easing her confusion. “I know what they mean. But what do you want?”

Stardust looked up at her and smiled slightly. “Can I have ‘The regular for me’ too? It must be amazing if it’s so popular!”

There was a pause. “Well… I can’t do that for you, unfortunately. It’s different for every pony. They all have their own ‘regular’ But. I can surprise you if you’d like!”

“That sounds great!” Stardust exclaimed with joy.

Stardust walked along the Main Street with the smoothies. They were all secure in some cardboard cup holders. It was easy to carry them. She walked along. Humming a toon as she balanced the carton in one hoof. Each cup had the pony’s initials drawn on. So there’d be no confusion at the salon.

Stardust noticed the initials. PP. Pipp Petal’s, obviously. RR… Rocky Road? Did Rocky order Rocky Road smoothie or was his name Rocky Road? Whatever, he’ll know it was his. Then there was JH? Did Sunny make a typo when she wrote Jazz Grooves’s initials? Grooves start with a “G”

The ponies thanked her on arrival.

That night. Stardust was cozy in her bed in her treehouse. Hugging a plush animal as she drifted off to sleep, excited to see what kind of dream she would have. Was it gonna be silly? Like ponies having a tea party on top of a bubble? Or would it be wholesome, like a day at the beach with friends? Or tense, but fun? Like defeating a bully?

She found herself in a starry place. With a path seemingly made of stars. She glared ahead, wondering what she could hear.


She looked around, confused. Wondering who this was. It sounded so familiar, like she knew who it was. But who was it and where were they? Why were they calling out for her? She looked around. Seeing a familiar unicorn. Then she realised.


Trixie collapsed. Whimpering in pain. She groaned a bit, her hind legs were covered in some shadowy stuff. “Finally! The great and powerful Trixie managed to- ugh!” Sweat dripped from her as she tried to pull herself from the shadows.


“T-Trixie doesn’t have much time- ugh!” The shadows were halfway up her. She looked at Stardust with worry. “Dark Matter is returning but stronger!”


“The core! It shattered. Dark matter is regrowing!” Trixie whimpered as she watched the shadows overtaking her. She needed to summarise this, or else. “The magic inside the core is using a large chunk of core to regrow. Small shards of the core have scattered. Making some sort of dimension dungeon pocket!”

“Like from Pokémon Mystert Dungoen? No, wait? They aren’t dimensional things?”

Trixie didn’t bother to ask and presumed it was something from her old world. “Hurry!” She squealed. “You need to tell them about this so they can destroy the shard in each dungeon and eventually destroy Dark Matter!”

“Can’t they go straight to dark matter?” Stardust asked.

Trixie whimpered. “But any pony who had gotten lost and been processed in the dungeons will be killed if they don’t destroy them first! Please understand! I don’t have much time! The shadows are taking me over!” Tears appeared in her eyes as the shadows reached her neck.

“Stardust! You need to warn them and save the world!” She screamed. “Light shattered too. And is in three ponies!”

“Who!?” Stardust was shaking in fear. “Their hooves will glow and- The earth pony is teal, the pegasus is blue-“ Before she could explain the third one, the shadows covered her face. She flopped to the ground and was violently pulled into the dark shadowy mess.

“Who’s the unicorn!? What colour!? Trixie!?!” Stardust screamed out as she woke up. The sun was rising. “What was that? A dream?”


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Early that morning. Jazz was walking through town. Dancing slightly to some music she was listening to. Playing in her phone, she was humming slightly as she walked along the street. Ponies were walking around too, minding their own business. She had had plenty of time before she had to go to work at the salon. So she went to the railings over the cliff and rested herself against it as she stood on her hind legs. Forelegs dangling over.

She watched as Zipp flew across the sky. It appeared she was looking for something. As she landed on a roof and looked into the distance. Maybe none of her business. But she did notice when she flew back over her, she had a look on her face that she was finding something suspicious. Was she solving a mystery?

Zipp flew away, and Jazz went back to admiring the view.

“Ah… Refreshing…” She smelt the fresh air and took a moment to appreciate it. Out in the distance she spotted a boat. She wondered what they were doing. She loved the bay, it was so calm and wasn’t too hot or cold. Well, sometimes it was, but rarely to a point she was really bothered. “What a nice view…”

The peace didn’t last long, however. She looked nearby, puzzled as she heard some heavy hoof steps. She turned her head to investigate. Much her shock, she gasped as she saw who had made the noise. A buff orange unicorn mare of some sort. Looked like she went to the gym regularly, her height also made her look a bit more muscular, too. Not being far from the same height as Alphabittle.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t a weakling.”

“Hello?” She questioned. A little annoyed at the rude tone the mare spoke in. “I don't really appreciate being called a weakling by the way. Just because you are all tall and muscular does not give you the rights.”

”My apologies, Tiny.” The mare smirked. Eyeing Jazz’s head. “I’m sorry. But I cannot speak. Because you can’t hear my plan very well, can you?” She asked, her faint red stripes all over her body. Making her look like a sunburned zebra, if Jazz was honest. But she knew better than to judge someone from their appearance. “Stripe’s the name.”

“Huh? What?” Jazz cocked her head. Wondering what this pony was talking about. “What plan? Who are you, anyway?”

“Isn’t it clear?” Stripes asked. “Oh wait, you’re too dumb to notice.”

Jazz’s expression didn’t change at all. “Well, that isn’t very polite I think. Is something bothering you? You haven’t made a very good first expression. Haven’t you?”

“I think punishing everyone is a very good first impression” She flexed a muscle. Obvious she goes to the gym a lot “Shows my power.”

Trying the stay calm she took some deep breaths. She stared up at her, taking a step back. “What is your problem anyway? As far as I know, no one did anything to you in the first place? Do you get pleasure from seeing ponies suffer?” She asked.“That’s not how you get friends.”

Stripes put a hoof on her cheek, “I dunno… But punishing Stardust and those who support her seems to be ideal.” She claimed. Jazz getting a good look at her eyes. Which looked rather unnatural up close. Those did not look like pony eyes, her first thought were tiger eyes.

She pulled her face away from her hoof as she pet it. “What’s your problem with ponies? Hmm? I think talking things out would be the better answer?”

Stripes only smirked as she looked at the pony. Jazz shivered a bit as she touched her chest with her massive hoof. The centre having patches of a light yellow in them. No pony she knew had patches of colour in the centre of their hooves. Understandable if rare. Wondering what she was going to do. She gulped in fear.

“Just doing what I can.” Stripes grinned. Her teeth looked a little off. Two of them were sharp looking, like a cat’s.

“I suppose that’s none of my business.” She responded. “But I’m sure justice against you is sure to be served. Stripes. If you keep acting this way.”

“You don’t know who I am. Or understand why I’m here…” She laughed.“If only an earless pest like you could understand!”

Jazz’s heart dropped, her eyes went wide in horror. A chill went down her spine. What? She gulped as she stared sternly at the jerk. “Wh-what? Did you just… Call me?”

Stripes pushed her aside roughly as she announced. “Earless pest!” She exclaimed. “The only earless pony around, look at you! What?! What kind of mistake was made to think it was acceptable for you to run around?!”

Jazz groaned as she picked herself up. Wiping a tear from her eye. “Th-that doesn’t- So what?” She asked. “Wh-why shouldn’t I be able to roam around? What kinds of logic?”

“I mean… Pit or whatever that lil pink brat’s name is. Chose you to work as a cheesy, dumb salon!”

“Pipp! And the salon is not cheesy or dumb!” Jazz shouted.“It’s the most popular salon in the bay! And… the only successful one in the bay…”

She picked up a pebble in her hoof and smirked. “Oh really?” She asked her. Throwing the pebble towards her. “So why’d Pipp choose an earless runt like you to help run her precious Mane Melody, anyway?”

“Because. Well…I guess she felt I was the best choice.”

“Because she felt bad!” She stomped forward. Making Jazz more scared of her as she flexed her muscles. They were glowing as she flexed. This was not a pony, clearly. The eyes, the teeth and the glowing muscles. What was she?

It was clear she wasn’t a pony but another creature in disguise, perhaps. One that can shapeshift into a pony form, but what? But Jazz wasn’t going to judge. “She knew an incomplete, earless runt like you would have a hard time finding a job! So she hired you just to make herself look good!”

Her heart was beating in her chest. She didn’t notice her legs were shaking. “Th-that’s not true! She-she said I was the b-best hoof stylist she ever met! She said it herself! She-she cares for everyone, regardless of who they are!”Tears appeared in her eyes.“Rocky- Rocky even said that I was wonderful and-and so-so. He said I was special in my own way. So what if I don’t have ears?!”

Stripes shook her head. “Their expectations must have been very low, then… Maybe they were scraping at the bottom of the barrel. Who’d want to work with Pipp, anyway, look at her!”

“You’re wrong!” Jazz shouted.

She laughed, “If only this place worked the same as the world I’m from. If anyone was a runt, like you! Or Pipp for that matter, since she seems to be a runt compared to any other. They’d be left out and swept aside for not being good enough!” She exclaimed.“You are not good enough and never will be! Pipp only brought you in because she felt bad, because she was a runt too!”

Jazz was frozen. Tears in her eyes as she heard Stripes. She couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for her. What kind of home did she come from that was so nasty? Why was she calling her and Pipp incomplete runts? “Pipp is amazing, just the way she is!” Then she froze again as she processed the words.

“But- That- What kind of home did you come from?” Jazz asked, feeling concern for this pony. “I think the word you’re looking for is disability, and that’s not how it works here, everyone is treated with respect. Also, that should not be how it works with you, either. That’s just plain wrong.”Her voice cracked.“Everyone deserves kindness and respect.No matter who or what they are…”

There was a pause. A few bystanders looked at her sadly, she looked down at the ground and then back at Stripes. Who was tapping a hoof slightly, before growing a big smirk. She just stood there and stared. Ready for what would happen next.

“You’re all too soft!” She said just before kicking Jazz aside, hard enough to send her flying a metre. She screamed before making an impact with someone’s cart filled with fruit. Melons cracked, berries squishes and bananas mashes as Jazz laid in the collapsed cart. Slowly getting up, processing what had happened. Before slipping on a banana peel and back into the juices of the destroyed fruit.

The owner was more concerned about Jazz than the fruit.

“Sweetie! You okay!?”The mare pulling the cart asked. It was an elderly mare. Thankfully unharmed from the impact of a mare smashing into her cart. She simply wiped a few drops of fruit from herself and helped Jazz up. Who was crying, fruit splattered all over her mane and coat.

Jazz tried to speak, fruit juice dripping from her mane. “I-I’m sorry!” She choked before running off. Before the mare could say anything.

Dahlia had witnessed the kick, not able to get close before she watched her run away, “Jazz!” them she looked down at the ground and up at Stripes.

“What was that for!” Dahlia squealed in anger, being annoyed. Her face turned red as she looked up at the mare that started to walk away. Ignoring as other ponies shouted. Hearing galloping and a shout, perhaps from another mare. “Hey you!”

Stripes smirked, flexing like she won a trophey. “Are those that I can hear gonna shout at me about that earless mutt?” She asked before scoffing. “Weaklings…” She said before being tackled to the ground by two ponies. One yellow and one white. “Hey!”

“Sorry!” The yellow one announced as he hopped off her. “Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer here. That was uh… Not exactly my plan to tackle you… But I want to inform you that you haven’t been very kind around these parts. Is that true?”

Zipp pushed down harder on the big mare’s back. Looking absolutely annoyed. “I knew something was up with you. Izzy told me a pony that fits your description insulted my Sister this morning. That was you, wasn’t it? That’s just wrong! Who do you think you are?”She shouted down at the mare.“Disgusting.”

“Thankfully some ponies told us what you just did. Assault? That is not okay!” Hitch exclaimed. Having recieved messages from a few ponies when Jazz was being harassed.

Stripes glared at a random pony who had been on the phone earlier. “How dare you! Using your communication tool to arrest me!?”

“I think it is best you come with us!” Hitch announced. Putting hoof cuffs on the mare and leading her along. It was obvious he was a little scared on what she was going to do.

Zipp started to think to herself as she followed. “This pony is weird… These muscles, they just aren’t natural… Did she use magic to buff herself? Or is there more to this? Okay, hmmm…”

In the sheriff station. The curtains were shut and the room was dull. The only ones inside were Hitch, Zipp and Stripes. Sparky would have been there, but he was at Figgy’s at the moment.

Hitch had a bad feeling having Sparky around this theif would have been a bit too risky for him. Also, he was wanting to watch a cartoon he likes in the tv there, knowing the new episodes had came. It was a cheesy pre-school show, but Hitch wasn’t gonna judge him.

Zipp sat down and shone a lamp towards the buff jerk’s face who was looking proud of herself.

“Speak!” Demanded Zipp.

“Once a upon a time, there was a-“

Then she slammed her hooves on the table. “I mean by this behaviour! Making fun and breaking stuff! Harassing ponies less fortunate than you! Harassing an innocent mare. Why are you doing this? Who are you?”

Hitch sat next to Zipp, tapping his hooves together. Giving the mare a nervous smile. “Please?”

“I dunno… I think it might be a bit much for your dumb brain!”

Hitch spoke before Zipp could. “Just tell us what you know. We want to work with you here, not against you. So tell us what’s going on. Maybe we can help? No one needs to get hurt."

“What?” She whispered as she looked at him. Wings flared slightly. Why was he being so nice? “Hitch?”

“Excuse me! You are treating me like I am no different to monsters!” Stripes shouted.

“A… monster? We never called you one! What makes you say that?” Hitch asked. "And what has this got to do with harassing others?"

“That’s none of your pebbling business. You pebble!”

Neither ponies took offence. But by the tone of her voice they were apparently supposed to. “

“Tell us.”

“Fine. I am doing you a favour! For example, a runt is a runt, a runt is a waste of anything!”

“So. According to you. Every pony less fortunate than you deserves punishment?” Then Zipp slammed her hooves on the table. “Really?”

“Prove it!”

“Obviously I don’t know anything that’s been happening in your life. But I do have more suspicions on you for this!”

“Runt’s just a mistake, that’s all. So is that earless runt.”

Hitch immediately knew she was talking about Jazz. She had lost her ears in an incident many ears ago, it really hurt her whenever it was brought up. He remembered hearing she had a panic attack one time.

“You’re being extremely rude! That’s not good to think that of anyone!” Hitch scolded. "Regardless of what they have or something they do not have."

The jerk smirked at the two. “Oh really? Well… I think I got a few suggestions to fix this place. You have way too many runts running around.”

“Why do you keep saying runt?” Asked Hitch. “Thats extremely rude. Everypony is different in their own way. How many times do I have to tell you!”

“That’s the use of keeping that earless teal thing around?” She asked with a chuckle. “Or that pudgy pink blob!”

“Pudgy pink blob?”

“You know? The… Pipp Pegasus pony. She’s just way too small.She is small compared to the rest of the ponies in your kingdom. She doesn’t belong in a place like this. A disgrace to the rest of you, why not-“

"This isn't a king-"

Zipp slammed her hooves on the table harder than anyone expected. “What did… you just say about… my sister?” She asked bitterly.

"That you should get rid of her? It must be embarrassing to have some pony around who is so flawed."

“I will make you regret opening your huge, orange mouth!” Zipp growled, full of range. Hitch had never seen her so angry, all he did was stand there. She slammed her hoof down at a very spicy chilli that was lift on Hitch’s desk. As a gift from one of his bird friends that for some reason thought he would have liked to have a chilli to eat.

“She may be a little annoying at times and gets me to do things I don’t like. We don’t always get along… But… I’d never trade her for anything else.” She raised her hoof towards Stripe’s open mouth.“Because she is my sister!” She slammed the chilli into her mouth. Hoping it’d be enough to get her from spitting insults about Pipp.

“Ugh! What did you do to me?! You pest!?” Stripes panted.

“Never… Call my sister a mistake…” Zipp responded bitterly.

She fell to the ground. Spitting the remains of the chilli from her mouth. Hitch watched with concern, even if she was a jerk. It was very worrisome. She was making noises of fear too, has she ever eaten a chilli in her life?

“Don’t worry, Hitch. She’s clearly fine. It’s simply way too hot for her.” She smirked slightly.“There’s more where that came from.”

Stripes soon passed out after flames came out her mouth as she chortled a very rude word at Zipp. It was surprising she had passed out, to be honest. But she was in no serious danger, just a drama queen.

“Zipp!” Hitch said worriedly. Watching her as she dragged her, who had partly fainted, into the cell and locking the door behind her as she walked out. He then sighed a bit and nodded. Soon he cleared his throat. “For theft and assault, I think it’s pretty fair you stay there for a few days!” He said getting closer to the cage. “Then we talk about your sentence, becouse assault is a serious crime.”

“And we’ll have a talk after you wake up!” Zipp exclaimed.

“That’s just what I just said.”


Jazz was in the back room of the salon. There was a mirror in there, she went up to it quickly. “E-earless, dumb… pathetic runt?”She asked her reflection before undoing her mane completely.

Her hooves were shaking as she moved it to the side, removing the hair from the spot pony ears would usually be. Tears ran down her face as she moved her mane. Soon revealing her ear hole and around it, what remained of her outta ear. There was hardly anything besides a stub of it. It was mostly gone. She fell to the ground, sobbing. “Why?”

She wondered why Pipp chose her. Was she really the best hoof stylist she met? Was she really the best choice of the salon? Or was she just trying to make her feel good? Maybe she was pathetic.

There was knocking on the door. She could hear Pipp’s voice. “Jazz? Jazz!? You okay in there?! Jazz?”

”Go away…” She sobbed. “Just Go…”

She looked down at her hooves, that were shaking. Voices echoed in her mind. She felt herself breathing heavily, her body was shaking. It was like as the room was spinning.

"Where-where are her-"

"I'm sorry ma'am. We tried what we could..."

When she closed her eyes. She felt more scared as a flashback came up. Her heart was racing as flashback followed after flashback. Like the time she saw herself without her ears when she woke up in the hospital bed. Then seeing her reflection.

"Hey... Where are my ears? I can't see them."

"I'm sorry, sweetie..."

Then her mind flashed to another moment as her breathing felt heavier. She felt like something was crying to drag her down. Perhaps drown her. She remembered the time she has walked into school the first time since the incident.

Her gut started to ache as she felt she couldn't breath. Her body felt hot, tears were gushing down her mouth. She soon reached her hoof out to three fillies. Her friends.

"D-don't l-leave me-" She tried to speak. She felt so broken. It was hard to breathe. Almost like someone was strangling her.

"Ew, look at that freak!"

"What kind of losers would want to be friends with her?"



"C'mon girls, let's get away from this gross freak."

"Wait... Don't go! Please! I'm sorry!"

'Jazz tried to chase after them, but she wasn't moving for some reason. "Don't leave me!"

"Don't leave me!" She cried out loud. Feeling like she was struggling to breath.

“Jazz! Please come out, what’s wrong?” Pipp asked, before knocking on the door. She had seen her friend enter the salon and just run into the back room. After saying she is not good enough.

“C’mon Jazz, we are your friends!” Rocky added as a filly entered the salon.

“Oh, hey Seashell.” Pipp greeted. Sighing as she looked at her and back at the door. Not noticing Seashell approach her with a video on her phone.

There was silence as she approached, her two friend behind her. “We know what happened.” She said, ahowing Pipp her phone. Having recorded the incident earlier.

Pipp’s expression went red as she watched the striped mare harm her friend the way she did. She started the growl before she took deep breaths and calmed herself down. Rocky staring with horror as he glanced at the phone.

“Thank you very much for showing me what happened, Seashell.” Pipp thanked before looking at the door. Making a sigh as she went to open it. “Jazz… I am coming in…” She warned, softly opening the door and quietly walking in with Rocky following her.

Both their hearts dropped as soon as they saw Jazz. Curled up against a cupboard, crying loudly. Her mane undone, parted in a place where her ear would be, showing the remains of the outer ear and showing the hole.

“What do you want?”

“Jazz, we saw what happened.” Pipp said softly. “That loser is lying. You are not a pathetic runt. You are the best hoof stylist in town!”

“Yeah! She’s obviously just jealous of you amazing skills! So what if you don’t have ears?”

“Yeah! Lack of ears doesn’t make you any less of a pony than anyone else!” Pipp agreed.

“B-but I’m just a weak loser!” Jazz exclaimed, face-planting into her hooves.

“No you are not! You are way stronger than you think of yourself as. You are an amazing pony, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!” Pipp exclaimed, putting a hoof on Jazz’s shoulder.

“Yep! If you ever need us, we’ll always be there for you. Okay? You can win against these bullies, I know you can.” Rocky put a wing around her, allowing her to cry loudly. “I won’t leave you hanging.”

“Let it out, Jazz.” Pipp soothed.

Jazz sobbed loudly into Rocky’s chest. Feeling ashamed they had to see her at a time like this. But so glad they were able to comfort her. She laid up against Rocky, just letting it all out. She had friends, but she was scared they’d leave her one day. She was crying so loudly that she could not speak.

It went on for a while before it stopped and she ran out of tears. Wiping her eyes with her hooves, she looked at Pipp and Rocky. So grateful to have them in a time like this.

She was glad to have friends.


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Stardust was walking down the street with a bat, yes, not a bar, a bat! Of chocolate. When she had overheard of some two random criminals being arrested. She felt a bit happy they had gotten a worthy punishment.But was worried on how long they’d last. Criminals were no joke. She didn’t have past encounters with those two, but she had a gut feeling that they’d be quite a duo to handle.

From what she had heard. Each day they had been stuck there, every time Zipp tried to get answers from them. One had only been angrily grumbling at her and refusing to answer any more questions and swearing revenge. It was the same every day.

Down the street. Stardust noticed Hitch walking up the street towards the station. She was a little curious on what he was going to plan next. She actually had no idea what was happening in the station, besides a pony named Zipp trying to talk to the thieves. Zipp was a unicorn, right? Surely they can do something, right? Those two thieves sounded dangerous, it’d be a shame if they don’t change their ways.

It was the afternoon when Hitch was on his way to the sheriff station, a box of donuts with them. One for Zipp, who was still trying to get answers. One for him, one for Sparky. He even brought one for Stripes. Just to be nice.

He hurried his walk up to the door of the station. With a smile on his face, he greeted cheerfully. “Zipp! I’m ba-“ He then proceeded to scream in horror, the station was far from how he left it. Papers were scattered, furniture scattered, objects from the desk on the floor. He dropped the box of donuts in shock. He looked at the cell. Bars were bent apart.

Stripes had escaped. By using a tool to bend the bars to create a gap!? How strong is she? What is she? How?!

His ears were back as he stepped forward. Wondering where Zipp was. Did she give chase when she escaped? Was she- could she handle them alone? Sure she discovered the her weakness was chilli. But did she have back-up?

Where was Sparky? “S-sparky? Z-Zipp?” He asked. Hoping for a response. Until he heard Sparky’s crying. Hearing his child cry, he dashed forward and spotted him pushing on something and trying to talk. The thing was… Zipp!

”Zipp!” He shouted in horror, seeing his friend on the ground, not moving. He raced over to her and checked her for any injuries. His heart was racing, hoping she wasn’t dead. “Zipp! What happened?!”

A tear appeared in his eye as she put his hoof down on her. Quickly recoiling as she made a pained squeak. Not realising he had placed his hoof on a massive bruise. She was hurt! What was he going to do!?What was he going to say to the queen?! But she was alive at least. But he needed to do something!

Her injuries didn’t seem too bad, thankfully. Just a bruised body. Black eye, bleeding muzzle and a messy mane. Feathers were torn from her wings and uh… Are hind legs supposed to bend like that? Yeah they are, just the angle, no sign of broken bones, thankfully.

Scrap that! This was horrid! She needed to be rushed to the hospital immediately! As he gently picked her up, he let some tears fall. Guilt of not being there to help her. His ears only perked up slightly when she felt her heart bead and her ear, body against his. After a few seconds of relief, he noticed that her wing twitched and an eye flickered opened. She coughed before speaking.

Her vision was blurry. She focused on the colour and shape of who she was looking at. It took her a moment. ”H-hitch? That you?”

He smiled a bit. ”Zipp! Y-Yes, it’s me! It’s me!” He cried with joy, heart still racing. His smile dropped as he looked at her with concern. “What happened?” He asked.

Zipp groaned as she put her head back. Her cheek was swollen, she needed help. He noticed how defeated she had sounded. “Th-they- They escaped. I was no match to them...” Zipp sounded disappointed in herself as she groaned, her muzzle was stained in her own blood.“I shouldn’t have turned my back. I-I shoulda known!”

There was a pause. She started shaking. She lifted her hooves and looked at them. Her breathing was now rapid as the memories rushed through her. "I-I-" Tears appeared in her eyes and she could hardly breath."I saw my life flash before my eyes... This is all my fault!"

”N-no- It’s not- I shoulda been here to help!“ Hitch’s heart was racing as he looked at his friend. “Do you know where they went?”

”No!" Zipp groaned and looked down at herself. Blood stained her white fur. "… The last thing I remember was… ugh… Getting punched so hard…And…” She mumbled as she closed her eyes. Trying to calm down as sweat soaked her fur. "Strangle... It..." She gasped for air. Then she snapped her eyes open.” H-hitch! We need to find them!”

Hitch didn't know what to say. He had never seen Zipp like this before. Why? ”Y-yeah. We can do that, we should warn the town. But first. Let’s get you come help!”

”But-“ Zipp coughed and put a hoof to her chest and wheezed.“O-okay- G-good point…”

That afternoon, Posey was sipping on some tea, just on the balcony of a cafe that was built above a tea shop named Min Tea. Stupid name but great tea! She smiled to herself as she looked at the view. A nice lush forest and mountains in the distant. Birds were singing ponies were being not annoying. Before she knew it, her friend Windy sat on the chair besides her.

“Bloom…” Windy smiled. Being one of the only ponies Posey allowed to call her that. “You’re right. The view of this cafe is fabulous at sunset. You can just sit back and relax.”

”Of course! As if the owners could have chosen a better place!”

”You're right, Posey”. Windy said as she sipped her own cup of tea. “Nice place for two besties like us to chat. Glad Minute and Teabag didn’t change their mind on the location when they opened their new store in Maretine Bay!”

Posey nodded. Slowly understanding the name of the store. Named after their owners and making a pun on ‘Minty’ smart… Cheesy, actually. But the name wasn’t gonna stop Posey from enjoying it. A blur of a white pony zipped right past. A few sheets of paper flying from her and onto the balcony.

“Sorry!” The voice called out, being the elder princess of Zephyr Heights. Zipp.

“Suppose she’s called Zipp for a reason.” Windy said with a slight smile. She turned her focus to the paper that fell near her cup of tea. “Wonder what this is about..” She said quietly as she picked up the paper. Face turning from curiosity to concern.

“Warning. Dangerous pony on the loose. If seen, please note whereabouts to Hitch or Zipp.”She read the text. There was a picture of a pony, Windy recognised it. Having her call her cheap and rude for getting her hooves painted by Jazz, who they didn’t like for some reason.

She didn’t understand why, the ponies that were at the salon were so lovely, better than a few salons at Zephyr Heights. The ponies tried too hard to be posh and professional. But at Mane Melody it was more relaxed and the workers were able to just be themselves.

”Some sort of warning poster?” Posey asked as she leaned over to take a peak. She gasped as soon as she saw the poster. Recognising the two ponies immediately. “That stripey pony!?”

She had an encounter before. She had asked her if she wanted to help them on their mission. She refused at the time since she had better things to do, but she had heard they had harmed Jazz who proceeded to go into a panic attack.

Sure it must be embarrassing to walk around without something that’s supposed to be part of her anatomy. But a panic attack?

Posey looked down at her hooves. She never thought that something so small could send some pony into a panic attack. Not really knowledgeable on the subject, but she had heard from others how bad they were. According to some ponies she overheard it felt, like they were literally about to die.

She also felt a bit of guilt too. She may have not been the nicest pony to her as a foal and may have abandoned her as a friend. But she never even thought someone she was impolite to in the past would suffer like that.

”Something wrong, bestie?”

”Oh? Yeah, just thinking…”

Before the two could say anymore, they looked around and saw a white filly dancing on an empty table. Dancing with a ukulele. It appeared she was trying to sing a song as she hopped on her hind legs and strummed.”

”Two lil birds, sitting in a tree

Singing just for you and me

Two lil birds, sitting in a tree

As you can see, this is my story!”

”Having a warm cup of tea

Just near a tree

Just beyond is the sea

Why don’t you just sing with me?”

She was soon interrupted by a teen pony wearing a backwards hat. He had on a vest and stared up at the filly.

”Excuse me. But fillies dancing on tables while playing a ukulele, while singing is forbidden here. It says in the rule book.”

”Fine…” Stardust jumped off and continued to sing and dance. A few customers were slightly amused. But some, were pretty annoyed and rolled their eyes. Seems she made the song herself as no one recognised it. But it was a lil wonky, at least she tried, tho.

”One lil bird, sitting in a tree

Singing just for you and me

“One lil bird, sitting in a tree

The cat ate one and he is not sorry!”

Windy smiled slightly as she sipped her drink. The filly was so goofy. Posey wasn’t so pleased as she realised who this was. It was Stardust. The strange filly. When she appeared so did some other suspicious things. Like Stripes. Chances are she took her with her. Right? There wasn’t much she could do. But she wished she’d go home soon.

”Having a warm giant pea

Just near the sea

Just beyond is my tree

Why don’t you just sing with me?”

Windy tapped her hoof on the table to the beat of the song she was playing. Wasn’t bad. But the cat eating the bird was a bit...

”No lil birds, sitting in a tree

Singing just for you and me

“No lil birds, sitting in a tree

The cat ate them and he is not sorry!”

She rose her hooves happily. Then did a bow. Some ponies clapped with joy, even Windy. Obviously, it wasn’t amazing, but she was cute and brave for getting up and doing that. The song had a nice tune, too!

”Whats your name?’

”Stardust L. Crystal. And this is my story!” Only Stardust new what the "L" stood for in the made up last name she made for herself.

When Stardust arrived to her treehouse that night. She found Dahlia looking at the bar; with a sad smile. “Hey Dahlia!” She greeted her.

”O-oh! Stardust- I was just uh…” She put her hoof on the tree. “Checking the strength! That’s it! Making sure it won’t collapse!

Taking this for an answer, she got a bit curious and approached. “How do you do that!” She had a look where Dahlia’s hoof was and saw she was looking at a drawing I braved in the bark. It was of four ponies. There was a name above each one. ‘Dahlia’ ‘Jazz’ ‘Sugar’ ‘Posey’ and numbers at the bottom. Stardust assumed this was the ages they were when it was drawn. In the same order as the drawings and names. The numbers were 9, 5, 13 and 12. Such a range in age groups.

”Are these your friends?” Stardust asked.

Dahlia looked at the picture sadly. Knowing it wouldn’t hurt to tell the truth. After a sigh, she thought on what to say.

”They were…”

Stardust looked at Dahlia’s solemn face. “What happened?” She asked, concerned.

“We were together for seven years… Sugar and Posey left us when they both turned 14 for better things. So Jazz and I remained, playing here. Till I was about 15, Jazz was only Twelve. I don’t know what happened exactly. Just that she lost a part of her one day. One day she just stopped coming to the treehouse…”A tear rolled down her cheek.

Stardust looked down and back up. “Where was Sugar and Posey?”

”Sugar was 20 at the time, and Posey was 19… So they had graduated and I rarely saw them. Sugar was busy chasing her dream of modeling while Posey was still looking for a job… So they had not known." She looked down.

She rarely saw them after they graduated. Back then she missed them. But no days she does still see them. But they are a lot different from what they used to be like. Posey become more grumpy and serious, she doesn't like nonsense as much anymore. Laugh at a cartoon and she'll tell you off. Also, she hadn't had a chance to talk to Sugar since the return of magic.

"But I remember seeing them on the way home some day, scoffing Jazz aside and telling her she wasn’t their friend anymore… Blaming her and laughing at her for her earlessness. I didn’t do anything. But I should have...” She looked down in guilt.“I didn’t want any part of it… But I was older than the bullies from her clas, at least. I could have stood up for her. Why didn’t I?”

Stardust still sat down next to Dahlia. She had visited in the nights before, but Stardust thought it was just to check the health of the tree. She looked up at the drawing in the bark sadly. The ponies in the drawing looked so happy. It was so crudely drawn, but it didn't matter It looked like it was made by a group of friends.

She even found a few old drawings and things in the past when she moved in the treehouse. Her heart ached as she thought about all the fun times. Even Dahlia's face was full of pain. All that stuff, the treehouse. A beloved hang out spot. Just abandoned like that.

What puzzled her was what happened with Jazz? Sure Sugar and Posey may have grown up and moved on to more 'teen' stuff. But Jazz was still young. Why was she bullied so much she couldn't go back?

”But why? Why were they so mean to Jazz all the sudden? She seems polite.”

Dahlia sighed, not knowing what the say next. “I assume it’s because she lost her ears in an accident. Everyone felt she didn’t belong and made sure she felt like it too…" She looked down. "It’s been seven years since the incident… Since she came back here. She left one day and never returned. Never acknowledging me when we saw each other. Till we were adults... I feel bad..."

”Why don’t you talk to her?”

Dahlia put her hoof on the Jazz picture embedded in the tree. “I have…”


”But it was on other things like trends or styling, mostly business… we never brought school, our childhood or the incident up. But I want to spend time with her again… I want her to be my friend again…”

Stardust remembered the time she was found on the beach. They seemed to have gotten along well. “When you found me. You seemed good together.”

”We do get along well. But the guilt of her abandoning me like that still remains.”

Stardust yawned, “Well, I think she still likes you seeing she’s happy to be with you and style you!”

”I suppose so…” She looked at her, then smiled slightly. “I think it’s bedtime for you. You had a long day of singing and dancing again, didn’t you?

Dahlia helped Stardust get into the treehouse. Unknown to them was a wanted pony hiding in nearby bushes.

”Look at that… That loser has a treehouse?…” Stripes told herself and smiled. “I will not attack now. I’ll do it when I’m least expected… But first. I’ll study this world. They’ll never know what hit them!” She said, proceeding to run away, leaving the bay.

Zipp sat on her bed in the bright house. Holding one of the many wanted posters of Stripes. Unaware that this would be the last time she’d see her again in ages.

”We will catch you.” She said. Pointing at the picture.

Izzy exclaimed, “Oh! I can help!”

There was a pause as everyone looked at the wanted poster. Looking rather worried, especially with Zipp’s injuries.

“We have to find her and fast! Who know who she could be after next!” Pipp agreed loudly.

“Y-yeah…” Zipp sighed, feeling rather glum about her escaping. “I wonder where she is now…”

“Oh ho!” Stripes called with joy as she approached a mountain with a city on top. Zephyr Heights. She grinned mischievously. “A new place? New ponies to mess with! My employer is going to be so proud when I return home. I might even get promoted!”

She responded, running towards the mountain as fast as she could. Wondering what she could do there with all the ponies. But surely it’d be less boring than the bay she spent a few weeks in!

into the Woods

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The months went by.

The following months were filled with silly shenanigans from Stardust. Some bad some okay. The bully duo was never seen since they escaped the cell. Which was worrisome and nice at the same time. Since there wasn't an incident that pointed at them since. There was a rumour that they weren't actually ponies and some sort of shapeshifting monsters. So they went home because they got bored of ponies.

During the months, Stardust explored the other two towns. Managing to get herself in time out in a cell in the royal palace for about an hour or two. She was unpleased with the guard that was supervising her in the cell.

Her backstory was confusing. But everyone decided and convinced Zipp to take a break from the case. Until something suspicious was happening. Some even felt she was just making up a story for herself or was a runaway from a dimension that was treating her bad. No one knew the answer. But rumours and theories did spread. The most common one was the bullies were an abusive family to Stardust so they tracked her down. Only to get defeated.

It was mostly fine. Most ponies had mostly accepted Stardust as a member of society. Some hadn’t, they mostly stayed quiet besides using insults. Or straight up being a jerk as they felt something bad would happen with her around.

Everything was okay…

One week, everything changed. Ponies have started going missing. It started with a few fillies. Their parents thought they stayed out too late. But they never retuned home, rescue teams had been called to find these fillies. Only just to return injured with a member missing. Presumed dead.

It was a miserable time indeed.

Current time:

It was almost spring. Jazz sadly sat in the salon she worked at. Mane Melody, hugging a plushie toy of Pipp. They were made and sold during a concert recently. She was the first to purchase one. Who wasn’t a foal, because of course she was polite to let some foals who adored Pipp get one first on the day.

She was sobbing sadly. Pipp had been missing for days. Along with Sunny, Misty, Izzy and Zipp.

“Oh Pipp… Where are you? Please be safe…” She hugged it tight. She held it up slightly and looked at it in the face.

“Oh Jazz… Jazzy Dazzy...” She said, trying to imitate her voice. “I’m totally fine! I’ll be home soon and… I… Miss you too… But.. I-” Her voice creaked a bit.

Rocky sighed as he stood nearby. “Jazz…” He put a hoof on her shoulder. “I’m sure she’s gonna be just fine! Hitch, Alphabittle and the Queen had some more ponies do one more search party. They chose ones who were fast, agile, strong and intelligent. They’ll find her in no time!” He smiled.

”But it’s my fault!” She shouted as she flopped back, foreleg on face.

Rocky froze in shock and confusion at her claim. Wondering how on earth she had come to such conclusion.

“What?” He gasped. “No it’s not! It could have happened to anyone! It’s not your fault!”

Jazz looked at him, he seemed pretty positive about it. Surely he had to be blaming her. She knew she could have stopped Pipp going Missing. She just knew it! If she stopped Pipp then maybe Zipp and the others wouldn't have gone either.

“On the day she went missing. If I stopped her from leaving the salon early. Then she would be here!” Jazz sniffled. Not really believing him. But nodded anyway. Her gut hurt as she thought of all the dangers she could be in. “She’s my best friend and favourite pop star! Now she’s gone because of me!” She shouted.

“Jazz, I don’t think- You couldn't have known, Jazz!“

He defended her from anyone who was blaming her for Pipp's disappearance. The good news was that only one pony was blaming her for it. The bad news? That pony was her. He didn't understand why she so strongly felt this was. It's not healthy to blame everything on yourself.

Dahlia walked into the salon alongside Posey who seemed a little annoyed about something. The former seemed a bit sad. Her ears were back as she looked around. Missing the cheer Pipp would give when she was in the salon.

“Hey Jazz, Rocky.” Dahlia greeted with a slight smile. Hoping her greeting would get a smile. Despite it being a dark time for ponies all around.

Mourning siblings, cousins, parents, friends... Mourning for their losses. Hoping they return some day safely. Somehow.

“Hey Posey, hey Dahlia!” Rocky exclaimed. “Any news on the search?”

”None yet. Unfortunately…”

Posey went up to Jazz and stared at her suspiciously. She wiped tears from her eyes as she hugged the plush tighter. Wondering why Posey was looking at her like the way she was.

”Is that a plush toy you’re hugging?!”

”I just miss Pipp…” She responded, stroking the soft mane.

Jazz imitated Pipp’s voice. “Welcome Posey, what mane style do you want today? You'd look fab in a-”

Posey snatched the plush from her grasp. Causing her to yelp. “Hey! That’s mine!”

Posey rolled her eyes as a result. Believing she was far too old to be hugging plush toys for comfort. Also, hugging a plush toy of your boss was kinda weird. Even if she was the princess of Zephyr Heights and a popular popstar. Cute if you were a foal, but weird when a grown pony. “You’re too old for plushies like this of celebrities!"

Jazz weakly reached for it, tears in her eyes. “Pipp…” Feeling like she was losing her for real. Her friend, her favourite pop star… One of the ponies that was always there for her in the dearest time. Gone!

“Hey, Posey!’ Rocky waked up to her with a smile. “Uhmm, So, you look in to get styles? I can do just about anything!”

”Uhm… Actually… No, I’m just here for a manicure. But…” She looked at Jazz who was curled up, looking unwell. It was clear she hadn’t slept well since Pipp had gone missing that day. “She doesn’t seem up to it, does she?” She scoffed, taking another look at Jazz. She felt bad. “What would Pipp say if she was avoiding work just because she was upset?”

Rocky glared at her slight;y. “I don’t think that’s a very pleasant thing to say. Just because you know Jazz doesn’t mean you know everything she’s been through. There’s no excuse being rude to us. We are all hurting from losing Pipp, give us a break!” He was clearly irritated.

Dahlia hastily snatched the plushie back for Jazz. While she was distracted. “That’s hers, Posey!

Much to his surprise, Jazz jumped from the chair after wiping her tears. She grabbed her hoof stuff and sat on a stool near the couch. She sighed a bit. “Okay, Posey, what would you like?”

“Are you sure you’re up for this, Jazz?” Asked Rocky.

Jazz nodded as Posey sat down. Ready for herself to get styled hooves. Dahlia’s guts hurt as she put the plush down on the seat Jazz was on. She looked at the plush sadly. “Wherever you are. I hope you’re safe…”

Hitch sadly walked in, looking very glum and worried. Jazz put down the hoof stuff and quickly looked at him. Hoping for news of Pipp.

”Oh, Sheriff!” Rocky exclaimed. “Any news?”

Jazz, Posey and Dahlia listened with anticipation. Hoping for any news, inside they hoped Hitch wasn’t going to tell them any bad news. But his face… It seemed it wasn’t gonna be pleasant.

“I’m so sorry… But I regret informing you guys… We…” He looked down at his hooves. Dreading the day Zipp told him that she was going to investigate these areas to try and figure out why ponies went missing. She had joined on Sunny, Windy, Misty and Pipp’s quest to try and find Izzy. Who had gone into the Mare Woods for some flowers that were found there. It was quite a hike there, so when Izzy hadn't returned by the time she had said shed return, her friends grew worried. They were going looking for her and any others that went missing.

“What is it, Hitch?” Dahlia asked softly.

“We lost the search team… Only a few made it out, injured and traumatised. A few were out cold… They’re so dangerous… I don’t know what to do now… We don't know what it was that attacked.”

Everyone froze in horror. Jazz felt a tear run down her cheek when she heard this.

Jazz sharted to shake. "Y-you mean... P-pipp could be d-d-dead!?"

“No…” Dahlia said softly. "I cannot belive this!" She sobbed.

Rocky looked broken as he heard this. His mouth was open in shock and ears flopped. Eyes were tearful as he looked down. Then he looked back at Hitch, taking a step forward and stomping down his hoof. “We can’t give up!” Rocky exclaimed, his voice cracked. “They could be in danger! We might be able to save them! Maybe- We can- Please!“

”Rocky…” Hitch put a hoof on his shoulder to calm him down. Knowing he was going through some hard time. Both stallions looked so hurt. A tear went down his cheek. “We are all trying everything. But rescue groups, researchers, anyone who went to those places either never came out or came out injured…”

“We really tried everything, huh?” Dahlia asked. “Is there anything we haven’t tried?”

Hitch looked down at his hooves. “I… I can’t believe I’m saying this. Never thought I would have said this after the return of magic… But Sprout might be right. We might have no chance but to close up those dangerous areas… So we don’t lose anyone else.”

Everyone gasped in horror.

”Hitch! They could be begging for help!”Dahlia shouted.

“Please, no!” Rocky cried out. “Please don’t-“

Posey looked offended. “Sprout is right!? When on earth have you ever said that?”

There was some silent as everyone looked at Posey and back at Hitch. Wondering why she felt this was so surprising.

“A few times actually. Not really after magic because we don’t see each other as often as we used to. But… Before I said that a few times.” He cleared his throat to give some examples.“Like the time he claimed a certain movie was made in 1995. Or when I thought a child ran to the beach when he didn’t… So he was right a few times, but… Hey, I can’t be right all the time!”He shrugged with a smile.

Rocky looked at the list of ponies gone missing. “… My poor cousin… I just hope she’s okay” A tear rolled down his face. "Please please..." She put his face into his hooves as his breathing began rapid. "Please be okay..."

Stardust slammed the doors open, alerting everyone. “Guys! You gotta see this! Come on!”She exclaimed and started running. Everyone was in distress. But seeing a filly full of excitement wanting to show them something gave them a bit of relief.

“Huh?” Hitch wondered.

Jazz smirked a bit, happy to think of something less depressing and worrisome. Well, she tried, but the emotions were still there. But she was a bit curious on what Stardust had to say.

“Who’s gonna follow her?” Jazz asked, curious.

“Why not!” Smirked Dahlia before they both rushed out. She wondered what it could be! Maybe a nice break from all the grief. Well, surely its not much. Maybe a drawing, a song or just a tree she found cool or funny. It most likely wasn't much at all. But it would be nice to see and maybe experience a bit of joy and get your mind off the distress and worry.

“Uh… Where are you going? Jazz!”Rocky gave chase. Soon after, Hitch’s curiously got the best of him. As he ran out with the others. He sadly looked out into the distance of the Brighthouse. The rainbow that once beamed out just seemingly glitched in a way. He hoped the crystals were safe. Like how he just hoped Sunny and the others were okay. They gotta be, right?

Dahlia gasped as Stardust headed towards the woods.Wondering where on earth she was leading them. This was near where Izzy vanished. It cannot be safe. “Wait!” She exclaimed.

Jazz hurried up and walked next to Stardust. “Ponies went missing in there! You shouldn’t!”

“Yeah. You don’t know what’s in there!” Hitch added.

Stardust looked unamused. She felt she was being called towards it, and that she may have forgotten to say something. “Chill out you guys. I’m not going that deep!” She winked.

“Stardust! The woods are off limits!” Hitch exclaimed.

“Do you wanna go missing?” Rocky asked with fear. His breathing was rapid. Tears were seen in his eyes. He wanted to grab Stardust and his other friends and just get them away form the woods. It was not the place for them at the moment.

Stardust stepped back and had a look at the worried group of friends. “Don’t worry.” She said before running into the forest.

“Come back!” Hitch followed with concern, Jazz and Dahlia swallowed their fears before chasing after him. Leaving Rocky behind.

“Stardust!” Dahlia called out.

The three explored the woods. Alert of any noise or any dangers. Jazz’s legs were like jelly. Dahlia felt a shiver go down her spine. All three shrieked as they saw a shadow race by, only to soon discover it was just a rabbit. It wasn’t long before they found Stardust near two trees.

“Stardust.” Whispered Dahlia. “Let’s go back before something happens.”

“Y-yeah.. I got a terrible feeling about this…” Jazz looked up with fears.

“We are as worried for everyone that went missing as you are. But we can’t just head into danger unprepared.”

“It won’t be. That bad!”Stardust winked. She looked up. It took the others a bit to realise these two trees created an arch.

“Huh? That’s funny. Never knew these odd trees were here…”

“Maybe some earth pony created this tree arch for fun or practice?”Suggested Jazz.

There was a way to spot the different between a plant grown up naturally or a plant created by earth pony magic. Dahlia looked up at the two trees. The trunks were separated but slowly twisted and leaned into each other creating an arch. Branches were spread out. At a glance, yes, one would assume this was made by magic. But as soon as Dahlia took a sniff, she was met with a surprise.

“Uh… Guys, this isn’t made by earth pony magic!” She exclaimed, confusion evident in her voice.“Neither does it seem to have grown naturally from a seed or something…”

Hitch and Jazz took a quick whiff.

“You’re right!” Hitch exclaimed.

“It smells kind of… Like…” She took another sniff and closed her eyes as she did it. She gasped. “It smells like... Danger!"

“You know what danger smells like?” Dahlia asked.

"The smell makes me think of something I would be screaming and running from." Jazz shrugged. “So, i guess that might be what danger might smell like?”

“Alright team! Let’s go in!” Stardust exclaimed. Everyone screamed in shock as Stardust pulled Dahlia in by the tail. Hitch and Jazz exclaimed in fear as they immediately followed. Everything vanished in a flash of light.


Mystery Dungeon

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Everyone groaned as they woke up on a mossy floor. Dahlia slowly opened her eyes. It seemed to be darker in this part of the woods. Certainly did not match the part they were in just before. The trees were thick and very close together, giving in a little light. Oddly it seemed more well lit than it should have been judging by the amount of light the trees were letting in.

It was quiet. They only heard the dripping of water in a nearby water hole. Around them were stones covered in moss and a few walls of packed dirt. Of course tyere were trees and ferns. Everyone looked around, puzzled. This didn't look like part of the forest they were just in. Did the arch teleport them or something? It must have, there was no way they walked here. The flash of light when they went through. It all made sense.

It must have been portal.

Behind her, Dahlia noticed something off. Like something was missing, like something should be there that was not there. Slowly looking behind her, getting off from laying across Hitch’s back. Her heart dropped as she stared in horror. Stepping forwards and looking around her. Double checking her surroundings. She was just about to exclaim, but Jazz beat her to it.

“Where is the way out!?”

Hitch was also really concerned, his ears were back as he nervously looked to the side, expecting to see some sort of portal. Like when he went to the dragon lands and there was a portal leading them there and one waiting for them to use when they were ready to return. It was way too strange. Why was there not a portal here? Should there be one? How would they get home?

He told himself mentally not to panic. But his voice shivered. “S-surely the portal or something is around here, somewhere!” He exclaimed. “I-it can’t be that far!”

Hitch ran around the small clearing area they seemed to have been in. One where they could freely move without having to climb a wall or a tree. He hit the walls and looked for any sign of the tree arch they went through. Or some sort of thing that screamed “portal!” Just a sign would be great!

“I can’t see it!” He screamed. “Where is the portal!?”

“Hey!” Dahlia exclaimed. “Where’s Stardust?” She looked around and saw an exit deeper into the dark woods. Hoping nothing took her. Like a scary monster. With huge claws, big teeth and craves ponies for breakfast. In horror movies, the adults had more meat and were chosen first by monsters. But foals were juicier and more tender.

“M-maybe she’s gone there?” Suggested Jazz. Shaking like crazy. Her breathing was rapid as she looked into the dark abyss. Not wanting to go any father. Dahlia nodded in agreement, her ears were flat, and her eyes were wide like discs.

“We must go after her!” Hitch exclaimed. He was terrified. But this was a foal in danger, just because she wasn't his child did not mean he should not be concerned.

“Are you nuts!?” Jazz shrieked.

“Maybe we can find a way home if we explore a bit further!” Hitch assured, thinking on the bright side. Surely there was a way home deeper in this scary place., “And find Stardust… I swear, that filly is one of the oddest I’ve met!”

“F-fine…” Jazz said, forcing her shaking legs to walk.

They only took a few steps before Stardust came running back. Making a loud noise that almost made Jazz and Dahlia jump out of their skins. Stardust exclaimed not because of fear. But… Excitement? What is there to be excited about?Because anyone could ask. She jumped up.

“It’s like a mystery dungeon!”

“Mystery dungeon?” Asked Dahlia. She was very puzzled, she had no idea how this place looked the slightest bit like a dungeon. There were no cells. No chambers. No torture devices. It was a forest. Some weird maze forest thing with trees and rocks acting like walls. Almost like a sick joke some earth pony and a few friends made. She would have thought that too if there wasn't evidence proving otherwise. Like the portal and the creepy feeling she had.

Like she was being watched.

“Yes! Mystery dungeon!” She confirmed.“From a video game series where you turn into a magical creature and have to explore dungeons and do quests and save the world!” Stardust exclaimed happily. “Just like it!”

“Eh… What?” Hitch cocked his head in confusion. He never really played video games much. He did play occasionally and casually, but not like a gamer would. Ever since he became a sheriff and even after the return of magic he certainly had gone months without playing a video game. But he didn’t quite recall one Stardust was talking about. There were no games about “mystery dungeons.” Well, sure, she was from another world. So perhaps it is one in hers. But he did wish she'd see the dire situation.

“This isn’t a video game!” Shouted Dahlia, getting cross with this filly. She only played video games when hanging out with friends of hers. Or to pass the time. She remembered playing stuff like “Neii Sports” pronounced ‘Neigh’ or “Oreo Kart” She was horrible at them. But that was not why she was unpleased.

“I know! But you’ll see!” She jumped up and turned around. But as she took a few steps, Hitch stopped her in her tracks. Before she could go any further, much to her annoyance.

“I think an adult should take the lead, don’t want you getting hurt.”

“It couldn’t have been that bad!” Stardust exclaimed.

"This is not a park, Stardust. Ponies have gone missing. This must be why." Hitch looked around. “They must have stumbled into this maze thing and got lost… But with monsters?” He questioned. Recalling survivors mentioning monsters. He gulped as he thought of the monsters.

Giant pony eating sharks with razorblades riding angry porcupines? He hoped not.

As they went deeper. The group found themselves in another area after going down a slope. Dahlia gasped and tucked herself behind Hitch in fear, shaking she peeked out behind him. She had just heard noise. Hitch heard it too, it sounded like rustling and footsteps. Heavy footsteps, like they were coming from an angry pony about the size of Alphabittle. Angrily stomping along to whoever he was angry at.

Jazz whimpered as she leaned down, shaking, holding her face in her hooves. Hitch was also scared, waiting for the creature to show themselves. Hoping it was simply maybe one of the missing ponies? The sound soon stopped, Jazz made herself as small as possible as she walked. Her heart was beating out her chest like it was fighting to get out of there.

Stardust moved slowly. Tail tucked between hind legs. She stayed crouched down. Having the instinct to growl for some reason.

After a bit of cautiously moving along. Staying alert. Hitch stopped suddenly, his ears perked up as he stood alert. Dahlia bumped into his rump, with Jazz bumping face-first into hers, shakingly lifting her head. As they didn't know he stopped. Stardust simply chuckled as she moved back in between Jazz and Dahlia after stepping aside. So she wouldn't get bumped into.

“Wh-why’d you stop?” Dahlia’s voice shook as she looked in front of him. Hoping he stopped because of a dead-end or there were multiple paths to take. But nope. She was seeing a pony-like figure. It was clearly not a pony. It had a pony shape, sure. But it looked more like a bunch of rocks someone glued together to make a pony shape out of them. The mane and tail were made of small grey stones while the rest were just rocks.

Hitch decided to try and talk with this fella. After all, he was more confused than shocked. But he learnt to not judge a pony based on their appearance. This guy could easily be a local in this strange forest.

“Oh, hello there, lil fella!” Hitch smiled a but. “We are a little lost, do you know the way out of this place? Im Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer and these are my friends.” He let out a hoof for the creature to shake. The pony lifted a “hoof” too, Hitch smiled confidentially as he smiled back at the others. Not noticing the mud ball forming in the pony’s mouth.

“See? This creature is-“ Then he was hit in the side of face with a whole thing of mud. “Ugh… H-hey! Thats not very nice, you think?” He asked as the creature stepped back.

Stardust proceeded to throw a pebble at it. The trio shouted at her, noticing the creature make a grumbling noise.

“Now you made it mad!”

“But… We are meant to fight it!”

“Now, now Stardust. Fighting does not solves everything.” He scolded her like a mother or father would do to their own foals. “Unless the situation is dire… Or-“ He yelped as a small rock whipped past his head. Heating Dahlia on the face, she cried out in pain as she dropped to the ground.


“Hey!” Shouted Hitch, angrily. Getting imterrupted by Dahlia as she got up. Jumping in front of him. In range, she smashed her hooves against the ground. Vines dashing towards the rock creature. Shattering it completely.

“Y-you killed it!” Hitch exclaimed in disbelief. He was angry it attacked them, but he did wish that they could have done something else. He wished Dahlia simply stalled it. Or stunned it at least.

Stardust shrugged and put a hoof on bis leg. “They arent alive. They are mindless beings who are powered by shadows…”

“Oookay?” Jazz said as she moved ahead slightly. ‘How do you know this, Stardust? Another Mystery Dungeon thing?”

“No. You could just see it. No emotions, only doing what it knows it can do. Basically a robot…”

Hitch sighed a bit, “I suppose that gives a bit of relief. Knowing we are just fighting the equivalent to robots and not actual critters…” He still looked a bit worried, however. Finding it rather creepy.

Jazz jumped as she heard a low growling noise. “What was that?” She asked, her voice more shaky than before.

“Oh…” Dahlia responded as she looked at Hitch’s belly. Then rolled her eyes lightly. “It’s just Hitch’s belly…”

“Oh!” Hitch’s attention was diverted. “S-sorry girls. Didn't have lunch…” He responded with a sheepish chuckle. A little bit embarrassed. But at least it wasn't anything to worry about.

“Food!” Exclaimed Stardust. Pointing at a bush with large fruit of some sort on them. The group slowly went closer, Hitch making sure to warn his friends and Stardust before they touched them. “Now, these may be poisonous. So we should not eat them until we know if they are safe to eat!”

He took a close look at the berries trying to investigate them. They were a curved but plump shape. Almost like a crescent moon. The skin was red and faded to yellow and white at the end. Only the stem was a shade of green that almost looked black.

Dahlia cocked her head in confusion. “I don't recognise this berry at all. Do you, Hitch?” Dahlia asked him. She hadn't really spent much time in Bridlewood or Zephyr Heights. So all she knew, there could have been fruit that only grew in or around those areas. It sure did not look like a hybrid, as earth ponies could sense if plants were a hybrid or not.

“Neither do i!” Exclaimed Jazz as she looked at the red and orange fruit with black stems. “They kinda look like chilli, but they smell sweet and have black stems…”

Hitch as a colt had taken trips and lessons in Colt Scouts. One thing they taught was forest survival. On how to determine a berry or any on-fungi thing in the woods safe to eat. Well, first;y, this berry was not yellow or white. So that was one sign pf mot being poisonous. He snapped a part of the bush off. Nothing odd, nothing came running out. It looked no different to snapping a part from certain other bushes.

The next thing he did was sniff the berry. It was a sweet smell, like blue berry mixed with chilli in a smoothie. Which he never had, but he had smelt it before when he was helping Sunny with smoothie orders once. Once he smelt it, he broke the berry in half.

The inside reminded him of a strawberry, but purple and had seeds in it. He took one more sniff before taking a lick, no bitter smell or taste. No other signs that it would be poisonous. It just looked and smelt like an odd hybrid of a chilli and a strawberry.

“It’s safe!” Hitch exclaimed before gulping down on the berry. Chewing and swallowing it. “Tastes a bit-uh-huah!”

Dahlia and Jazz watched in panic as Hitch panted and looked a bit red in the face. Then they watched in horror as he screamed, fire spewing from his mouth like a flamethrower. Burning one of those strange critters made of sticks, that was a few hooves away from them, unnoticed. Reducing it to nothing but ash.


Hitch looked down and panted, he wiped some sweat from his forehead. “Whew. That was hot!” He exclaimed. Thankful to be alive. But also scolding himself for letting his hunger get the best of him. He should have been more careful.

“Hitch. Are you alright!” Dahlia panicked. Looking at him for any sign of injury. But it only looked as if he ran in a marathon and ate a chilli right after. Which was worrisome because he absolutely did not run a marathon and ate a chilli right after. But he did eat some strange chilli berry.

He nodded, seining to just simply be surprised and not in any pain. Despite straight-up firing real fire from his mouth. His mouth was not burnt the slightest. “Y-yeah. Just got a scare then. But that’s a pretty odd berry, never saw something like that!”

“Yeah… I think i’ll pass on having one of those.” Dahlia nodded in agreement. Neither had she. Earth pony magic also seemingly wouldn’t have allowed for some pony to make such a powerful berry. That makes one blow fire like a dragon when consumed. “Must be a natural plant of this place…”

Stardust jumped up, “Oooh! I got it! We can call it the… Wait for it…”Everyone watched her in curiosity.. “Chilerry.”

“Chilerry?” Jazz asked, cocking her head slightly.

“Please, Stardust…” Groaned Dahlia as she put a hoof on her forehead.

“Oh no… Who knows what else we will have to deal with!” Jazz exclaimed.“Ponies made of sticks and stones? Now berries that make you breath fire!? What next?” She raised her hooves. Clearly she had enough of this place. “Some crazy shadowy monster thing only the chosen ones can destroy like in some sort of RPG!?”

Dahlia laughed and gave Jazz a small nudge. Then gained a serious expression. “Don’t jinx it, Jazzeroo.”

“Jazzeroo? Haven’t been called that in a while…”

“Ooh! Mystery Dungeon is an R-“

“Not now, Stardust!” The three adults said in unison.

Deeper, Darker, Ditch

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“You know…” Dahlia said as she watched her vines crush another pony made of stone that attacked them. “This is actually kind of easy. Makes you wonder how so many ponies went missing from here…” She then groaned a bit. "There better not be an unfair trap later on."

“Do not drop yout guard!” Hitch sternly warned her as he walked. A twig snapped as he stepped on it. He quickly looked around, no creatures heard it, it seemed. but that did not stop him from keeping an eye out for anything. Soon noticing Jazz seemingly be alerted by something. What was she alerted by? Did she see something?

"Jazz, it was just a twig!" Dahlia groaned.

“Y-you guys hear that?“asked Jazz.

Hitch and Dahlia looked at her with confusion. It didn't seem she was talking about the rustling of leaves. Or their hooves moving through the dirt. Judging by the fact, she was only mentioning it now. To add to the creep factor, she mentioned it when the dungeon was getting gloomier. With the creatures appearing in groups and some being quite sturdy or a bit bigger.

Was there more pony-shaped creature things lurking around? Because they sure have found some more as they ventured. Leaf and Stick based ones.

In fact, the stick ones and the leaf ones seemed more resistant with their plant magic. But was hurt more easily with stones and hooves. But they were more agile, too. They even sliced Dahlia earlier, with their speed and quiet movements. Giving her a small slice on the shoulder.

“It sounded like…” Jazz looked into the distance with concern. “Like someone was calling for help?”

“Who? I didn't hear anyone?” Hitch asked with concern. Moving his ears, hoping to hear what she was hearing. Wondering how a pony without ears was hearing something while he and Dahlia, who had ears, could not.

“Like on the beach?” Dahlia tilted her head. Recalling Jazz hearing a call on the beach only she could hear.

“Oooh! Add more suspense!” Stardust exclaimed. Crunching on some peanuts that were found growing earlier. That Dahlia grew in a panic when she saw a boulder flying towards her. She was unharmed, luckily.

“It was like someone calling for help! It sounded like…” Jazz then gasped, if she had ears they would be flat.“Izzy!”

“Izzy!?” Hitch and Dahlia exclaimed.Wondering why they could not hear Izzy. Hitch was relived. If Izzy was calling for help. She was alive!

“Who’s Izzy?” Asked Stardust. “Oh, you mean Grape Juice!” Exclaimed Stardust. No one dared to correct her, since they had tried many times before. But she was so determined to call Izzy Grape Juice. It didn't bother Izzy, so no one really made a deal out of it. She liked the nickname.

“Izzy!” Called out Hitch. Heating she was here was enough. He needed to find her, he wanted to see her again and see her okay. “Can you hear me!?” He fanatically looked around, carefully listening for any sign. Begging for a single hint on where Izzy was and if she was okay. His heart raced as he did not hear anything. It can't be true, can it? Izzy can't be gone. Jazz said she heard her!. “Izzy!?”

Then he jumped when he heard a loud scream from Jazz. Sounding like she was getting murdered or something. She backed up as far as she could, even if it meant basically cowering under Dahlia’s legs. Much to her annoyance. Everyone including Stardust froze as they saw the pony made of shadows. Fear struck them instantly.

“Wh-what is that?” Asked Stardust as she stepped back. The other three glanced at her with slight annoyed expression. It wasn't time to say it. But it felt slightly satisfying that “Miss-know-it-all” had no idea what this was. But it was also pretty scary, too.

Dahlia gulped. “It-i-it-“

Hitch noted. “I mean. We did defeat pony shaped things made of sticks, leaves and r-rocks. So this might be another kind.”

“Good point!” Dahlia stomped a hoof. A vine dashed towards it, knocking it down. But it simply got up. A bunch of shadow shot out from its body like a frog tongue. The gang screamed as they skurried out of its reach. They gulped as the creature slowly moved towards them. Scaring them as they started running.

“You jinxed it…” Groaned Dahlia

Jazz was screaming loudly as she ran. Dahlia had Stardust on her back, not saying anything as she had more things to worry about. Hitch was under the pressure to find the correct path to get away.

The last thing he wanted was to be cornered.

Which was what soon happened.

“We are cornered!” Cried Hitch. Skidding to a stop as they entered a huge clearing with no other exit. The shadow pony slowly got closer and closer. Dark vines covering the way out as it entered the clearing area. The trees were too thick to move around. The rocks were too slippery and high. There was no way out. This was it.

Stardust had her tail tucked between her legs. Her breathing sounded off for some reason. But why? Jazz found it hard to breath as her heart raced in her chest. Was this it?

“I blame this all on you, Stardust!” Dahlia shrieked at the small filly.

The shadow pony came closer and closer and closer. Jazz’s legs shook like jelly. She felt herself get a bit warmer and found herself breathing heavily. Hitch jumped forward, Dahlia being too scared to move. He slammed down his hooves his earth pony magic crated vines that grabbed the shadow pony. Dahlia was shaking, too scared to move.

Jazz felt like chains were weighing her down. She felt like she was being laughed at by a crowd of ponies. She was tiny. Pathetic. Useless and weak, unable to fight back. It was like she was drowning and no one was there to save her. Tears ran from her eyes like waterfalls.

She was tired of this. She was tired of being backed up at a wall and unable to do anything. She looked at her terrified friends once more. Limbs shaking as she looked ahead at the approaching pony. This was only one single pony.

“N-no!” She lifted a hoof angrily. Not noticing the glow coming out of it. “I am not being unbacked up to a wall for the rest of my life. You bully!” She shouted. It felt like she was shouting at one of those who bullied her for years. Like sticking up for herself. It felt good. She jumped forward in a rush of adrenaline.

Leave us…”Slamming both glowing forehooves to the ground in one big stomp. “ alone!

Dahlia and Hitch were frozen in shock as they shielded their eyes from the huge glowing blast of light. Hitting the pony encased in shadows. Sending it slamming to the ground. Jazz was panting heavily, staring as head shaking, with a shocked expression. She looked down at her steaming hooves and yelped. Quickly jumping up and down, tapping her hooves. Trying to cool them off.

“Hot, hot, hot, hot!” She cried. Soon seeing a puddle nearby and jumping in it, submerging her hoof. She let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone’s moment of disbelief was interrupted by a groan made from a familiar voice. Everyone looked towards it, watching as the now half shadowed pony got up. Shoulders and up were no longer overtaken by shadows. Revealing a very familiar face.

The vines were also no longer blocking the way they got in. They were free… But that did not matter now. Izzy was here and she was scared. Like them? What happened to her?

“Izzy!” Cried Hitch, tears in his eyes rushing towards her. She was groggy, she looked exhausted.

“H-hitch? Oh, hey!” She exclaimed as if nothing happened.“What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you!” Hitch exclaimed. “What happened? You were missing for weeks!”

“I… I was going for a walk. Collecting rocks! But then there was a flash of light and I was attacked by weird things!” She then noticed as Hitch looked worried as he looked down with a scared expression as he stepped back. The shadows were slowly spreading over her body again, going over her shoulders.

“H-hitch?” Izzy asked. “What happened?” She looked horrified, breathing rapidly. “I-i was in the woods. Th-then light flash. Then i was knocked out by-“ She screamed as she looked down at the shadows slowly going up.

“Jazz” Hitch exclaimed, knowing if earth pony magic had effect on these shadows, they would be useless compared to what Jazz did. He didn't know how she did it, but she needed to do it again!. “You may wanna do that flash thingy again! Please!?”

“O-on it!” Jazz gulped as she stepped forwards. Taking in some deep breathes before slamming her hoof on the ground.


“U-uh- hey?” She looked down at her painted hooves. “C’mon! Work!” She slammed her hoof again. Then proceeded to slam her forelegs at the same time. “Work!” She cried.

“H-hitch!” Izzy exclaimed, tears in her eyes. “I can’t feel my legs! Hitch!? What is happening!”

“Izzy! It will be okay!” Hitch put a hoof on Izzy's cheek to assure her. Not wanting to touch her shadow cloud covered shoulder. Just in case it infected him too. “Jazz! You have to do it down!”

“I am trying!” Jazz was basically stomping all her hooves like a foal having a tantrum at this point. “It is not working!” She screamed. Breathing heavily, sweat soaking her mane. “Come on!”

“Could be worse!” Stardust shrugged, eating popcorn.

“Stop saying that!” Dahlia screamed. “Where did you even get popcorn from!?”

“H-hitch! Help!” Izzy cried, unable to move her legs. Tears came down the eyes. “H-hitch!”

Hitch’s chest was racing, his heart fast. He felt himself sweat as he slammed his hoof on the ground. A sprout hit the shadows taking over Izzy. But doing nothing. He tried again, he and Jazz were smashing hooves as fast as they could. Jazz’s doing nothing. Where Hitch hit the shadows with plants. Taking care to not hurt Izzy.

He froze as he saw no progress.

“Hitch!” What is happening!” Izzy cried. “Hi-“ The shadows took over her mouth. Muting her, he looked at her in the eye. Her sad, crying eye.

“We will figure this out, Izzy, I promise!” Cried Hitch.

“Run!” Dahlia cried.

Jazz stared in horror, tears rolling down her face. As the shadow pony was not moving. They decided to take this chance. Before it had completely overtaken Izzy. All that was left was the top of her head, including ears and horn. Dahlia, Jazz and Stardust ran ahead. They looked back at Hitch who was frozen, tears in his eyes.

He didn't want to abandon her. He didn't want to leave. But if he stayed, he might never find a way out. That would mean there would likely be no chance in saving her. “Im so sorry, Izzy..” He stepped back and ran behind the others. Only to have his body grabbed by a shadowy tentacle coming from the now shadowed horn. He fell to the ground as the mares shrieked in fright. His hooves were pinned to his body.

Looking at the shadowy creature in fear as his heart raced. He wiggled and squirmed. But it was no use. He gasped as he noticed hos dark hoof. He was becoming obe of them. Wasn't he?

“Hitch!” Cried Dahlia. Using her earth pony magic to wack the shadowy creature with a tree branch. The pulling stopped for a few minutes as Hitch looked back at them. The grip was still so strong. No winder escapes were rare and so many ponies went missing. These guys were insane!

It was crazy!

Hitch started to feel woozy.Trying to fight his way out. He had to get back home. Sparky needed him. The town needed him! He had to fulfil his promise! This needed to get free. He couldn't lose now. The more he wiggled the tighter it got. He could not move one of his hind legs either, it was covered in the shadowy cloud.

It was covering him, too… He was gonna end up like Izzy. If the others didn't get put they'd be the same, too. He gulped as he looked at the others, tears in his eyes as Dahlia waked the shadowed pony with a tree again. Stopping the pulling again.

“Y-ypu guys need to run!”

“Hitch!” Screamed Dahlia. “We are not leaving you!”

“You have to!” He groaned. “It is either all of us or me!” He then looked at Jazz who was cowering behind Dahlia. Crying. “Jazz… What you did back there was amazing! You may not be like me, Sunny or the others. But I know you can help save the day!”


“Yeah! Why else would you be able to make that blast!” Hitch exclaimed. Trying to boost her confidence. Knowing she could be their last hope. It made sense because no other pony could do that. To his knowledge “You got the power, for this, Jazz! Take care of them for me, okay?” He asked. Then noticed the shadowy Izzy preparing another tentacle. He managed to wiggle out a hoof.

Jazz gasped and gulped, shaking her head in disagreement. “I-i can’t do it, Hitch! I- I am not strong enough!” She exclaimed, shocked at his words.

“Oh know you don't!” He exclaimed. Slamming his hoof down, creating strong, thick trees in the way of the shadow's path. It vanished on impact. But now he was separated from the rest. With no escape. When he was released. He noticed the shadowy clouds already halfway up his body.

He sighed. “I hope they’ll be okay…”

The trio stared at the tree wall in shock. Hitch was gone… He was behind the trees, getting attacked. There was nothing they could do, right? But why did he? What now? All Dahlia did was grab Jazz, and start running with Stardust on her back. None of them looked back.

“Oh Hitch!” Cried Jazz. Tears running from her eyes. The sheriff of the town was gone. It was all her fault! If only she didn't blast that magic. Or if she managed to do it again. He’d still be here.

“Let’s just get put of here before they come back!” Dahlia’s voice cracked. They kept running, working together to destroy any of the mindless creatures blocking their paths. Worried how long the wall would hold the shadowed ponies back for. Surely it was tough enough. But so were those creatures, they had to get outta here somehow!

“What i was i thinking!” Jazz cried as Dahlia smashed a rock creature. “I am supposed to be painting hooves, not fighting monsters in a dungeon like an RPG!” She groaned, “Who am I?! Tink from Ages of Welder?”

“Shut up!” Dahlia cried, “Focus. We have to make it out!” She scolded Jazz, not blaming her. But still annoyed by her crying about not being able to save Izzy and Hitch. But that power and what Hitch said. It sounded like she had her own quest to do. Dahlia did not want to do this, but she needed to fight with all she had. She had to get Jazz out of here, so she could do this heroic quest Hitch guessed she had. Hoping he was right.

Taking another look at the shaking pony, known as Jazz. The hooficurist of Maretine Bay. She wondered why she had such power and not someone more experienced with fighting. Like Zoom, Sunny, Hitch or even that random taekwondo teacher who operates his class in Bridlewood.

That would make more sense than a stylist.

“I-I’m scared…” Jazz was starting to hyperventilate. Stardust was busy trying to wet a rock in a puddle. For some reason. But Jazz was shaking uncontrollably.

Dahlia’s serious expression softened as she looked at Jazz. Crying and hugging herself. Shaking, confused, scared. She was five years younger than her and had been through a lot. Poor thing must have thought she was going to never be attacked by anyone or anything again after she graduated.

“Look! We aren't gonna get out if we do not work together!”

“You s-sure?” Jazz asked, tears rolling down her face.

Dahlia sighed, “It is worth a try…”

Jazz nodded and forced herself to get up. Following after. Wondering if Hitch was just getting her hopes up. Or if he actually meant it. Because that was the responsibility she would not be able to handle at all!


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When they got further, more light was let into the forest, but it was also more wet. The ground was covered in puddles of water, muddy slop. It got a little deeper as they moved. But the deepest did not reach even close to halfway up their legs. They found their hooves soaking wet as they dashed through the flooded ground. Hooves covered in mud, much to Jazz’s displeasure. The cold, slimy mud covering her hooves, soaking and staining her teal fur above.

“Guess I'm giving us all a pedicure when i get home…” Jazz groaned at her mud covered hooves and cracked hoof polish. Shivering as water splashed her body. She shrieked when she tripped over a rock. Tumbling both Stardust and Dahlia over onto the wet ground.

“Cricky!” Exclaimed Stardust with a smile soon after. As a result of the two mares screams.

Dahlia groaned and ignored her soaked fur. “Jazz!” She shouted at the poor mare who was soothing her ‘ouchie.’Dahlia
helped her up and looked into the distance. She heard Jazz’s heavy breathing as water dripped from her damp mane.

“I-I’m Scared, Dahlia. I-“

“Shhh…” Dahlia put a hoof on her chest, trying to hush her soft whimpering as they looked around. “Make too much noise, and you may get us killed.” She scolded the shaking pony. Who looked down at the mark her hoof had left. Jazz was shaking uncontrollably. It wasn't cold, it was a bit warm. Despite the amount of shade. She coulda sworn she saw some glowing eyes between the trees.

Leaves crunched under their hooves as they walked along. Dahlia didn’t know what could happen next. She was ready to use earth pony magic. But what if it wasn't strong enough?

The two made it to a large clearing. There was a very dark blue crystal glowing in the middle, giving the area a blue hue. The trees and leaves above reached out. Blocking most light.

“Hay-Way! We made it!” Stardust clapped.

“Made it to where? What do we do how and what is that!?”Screamed Dahlia. Wondering what they could possibly do now. What was that crystal thing? How were they going to get out here?

“I dunno… But…”

The trio slowly looked behind them to hear growling. They were shaking as they saw what had followed them, frozen in horror as their hearts dropped. All they could do was stay alert as they backed up closer into the clearing. There was a group of thosw rock, leaf and stick beings. Dahlia used her earth pony magic to strike a few. So did Jazz. But it seemed like they kept coming and coming.

The mares were shaken. While Stardust hid behind the huge crystal. “Stardust L. Crystal will save the day!” She exclaimed. Tapping the crystal with her hoof. Nothing happened but she gasped like she just remembered something. Something she forgot to say.

The two older mares kept fighting off what that could with their magic. Until a leaf one struck Jazz, giving her a scar across the muzzle. She yelped in pain, blood leaking out of it. Her eyes started to water as she felt the stinging pain. It was not deep enough to leave any permanent scarring. But it was gnarly.

As if it could not get worse. It got worse.

Dahlia yelped and backed up as quick as Jazz did. Hitch and Izzy overtaken by the shadows had found them. They looked like they were about to attack. What could they do? Earth pony magic didn't do much against shadowed ponies.

Jazz backed into a dark coloured crystal. Tears were in her eyes. It was as the world was spinning as her heart raced in her chest. It was hard to talk as the two shadowed ponies got closer to the other two. Ready to pounce. She couldn’t move, her legs were basically jelly at this point. Melted jelly.

Dahlia was using earth pony magic to create a wall of vines. Then trued to look for a way to escape by the thick tress. If only there wasn't poison ivy and thorny vines scattered about. She pondered on the best way to go. It was either itchy rash. Or scarred legs.

It seemed hopeless. No sign of life besides three ponies. Well, five, if Izzy ans Hitch were counted. Despite being under some shadow corruption. Which seemed like Jazz had the only cure for some reason. It did not make sense to Dahlia. Jazz would agree, too. She did not look or feel very much up to a job like this. This was more for a hero in some sort of RPG.

Which thankfully Stardust didn't start talking about again.

“P-please!” Jazz gasped for air, trying her hardest to speak. “W-we-“ She gagged. Her hooves started to glow without her noticing. “We just wanna go home!” She cried out loud. "We just wanna go home!"

She places her hooves over her eyes and startedbto sob, soon her back started to feel a bit warm. Removing her hooves, she noticed the big glow from behind it. She jumped forward, looking back at the crystal that was now glowing white. “Wh-what the-“ she shivered as she cowered, tail between her legs.

Dahlia looked over in horror, struggling to keep the vibe all up. She glared at the crystal, confused as it shone. Surely it was Jazz's doing as she was the closest to it, Stardust can't have done it, right?

“Jazz! What did-“

Before Dahlia could finish her sentence. The three of them vanished in flash of lights. Confusing all the critters who now stared at the empty place.

Jazz opened her eyes. She and Stardust were finding themselves seemingly in a lighter part of the forest. That looked vastly different. Familiar.

“-you do!?” Dahlia finished before realising her slightly different surrounding and looked around. “Huh?”

Jazz let herself calm down for a few seconds. Her breathing was still rather rapid.

“We are out! Good job, Superstars!” Stardust raised both hooves as if she was preparing for hoofbumps from the both of them.

Jazz looked at Stardust in shock, her mane and tail was a mess, her sash was covered in dirt and had moved a touch slightly. The roots of her mane were soaked in sweat. He legs were shaking like heck. She found it hard to breath. Then she slowly looked up, seeing the tree arch. The same out they entered. After a big sigh, she let herself fall back onto the dirt ground. Not yet feeling safe. But at least out of that area.

Dahlia’s mane was also messy with dirt and a few leaves. Even a twig was in there. Her bandana was almost undone and her hair clip was nowhere to be found. But she didn’t care about that at the moment. She only stared up at the tree arch and back at Jazz.

“L-let’s head home…”

Jazz nodded in agreement and forced herself to stand up. They shakingly walked back out the forest, too shaken to speak. But grateful to be alive. Stardust happily skipped along. Also covered in dirt along with a few gashes. But oddly seemed okay with it.

As they walked through town, hardly any pony took much notice to them. They didn’t really notice either as they walked all the way to Mane Melody and went inside. Stardust was humming to herself and went to the stage. Maybe wanting to sing or something. Jazz looked down at the ground.

When they walked in. Sparky was sitting on a table with Rocky looking at him. Face full of glitter, mane now a rainbow mohawk and covered in flowers. His mouth turned into a smirk as the little one could not contain his laughter.

“What do you think Hitch will say about this?” He asked. Not seemingly upset at all, he simply looked into the mirror. “Rainbow Rocky R-“ He then heard the door open, staring in surprise. Not expecting a customer to walk on him being silly.

Except it was not a customer.

The two mares that walked in took no notice to this. Not even noticing Sparky breath fire, turning Rocky back to normal. Looking like he just hid a very cheeky secret. His eyes widened into horror as he studied their appearances.

“Jazz!” She heard Rocky cry before she felt some hooves wrap around her. She had the quick urge to fight back but stopped herself after she had flinched. Her mouth didn’t open. “Jazz! Are you alright!” Rocky called out. He held her gently as she tried to speak. Her teal coat sodden with water and mud. Staining Rocky's coat on impact, who was far more concerned for Jazz and Dahlia's wellbeing than the cleaniness of his coat at the moment.

All Jazz could do and wanted to do was cry. She rested her head on Rocky’s chest. She saw his belly before she started to let it all out. Crying loudly into Rocky’s chest. Who tried his best to soothe her. Rubbing her back. Even Sparky looked concerned. He reached out, confused. Wondering where his dad was.

“Let it all out, Jazz… Let it all out…”

As Rocky spoke and soothed her. She took deep breaths, tears falling onto Rocky’s cream fur. As she sniffled, she took deep breaths, focusing on her breathing. Plus Rocky’s heartbeat. It was fast, he seemed scared for her. She found him warm and soft. She closed her eyes again and focused on her breathing. Trying her best to just relax. She overheard Dahlia and Stardust talk.

“It wasn’t that bad. Coulda been way worse!”

“How could that be any worse?!”

While explaining everything. Jazz sat on a chair next to Dahlia. Stardust was given the chore of sweeping, to keep her busy. Since they didn’t need her singing and dancing or saying the adventure wasn’t that bad. Jazz loved singing and dancing, but she wasn’t in the mood.

“And then we… we were sent back out!”

“Goodness!” Exclaimed Rocky. “I have no words…" He did not know what to say. His mind was jumbled with so many emotions. Hitch was gone. The missing pony, Izzy was cursed and she spread it to Hitch. Jazz was traumatised and has some light power that is super effective against the darkness?!

Jazz basically collapsed into Rocky’s forehooves. "It's all my fault."

“Dadda?” Sparky’s voice sounded. He was still learning words. But he seemed confused on why Hitch wasn't here. Why he didn't come back. He did not understand.

"I don't know what to do, Rocky!" Jazz cried. Rocky could feel her tears dripping onto his coat, her body shaking and her rapid breathing. Her heart was pounding in her chest. "I don't know what to do!" She screamed, burying her face in his chest.

Every pony was gathered in one place. Facing the soapbox Phyllis and Sprout were in front of. The former looking very worried as she gazed to Sprout. Remembering the last time, he made a similar announcement. When their fear in the ponies. Deep inside she hoped his choice was a good one. She trusted him and she made sure he knew that.

“We have to do something now!” Sprout screamed as he slammed a hoof on the ground under him. “There is no time, who knows what they will do!”

The ponies murmured. Many were worried. Sparky sobbed and whimpered as he buried his face into Figgy’s chest. Who looked distressed and heartbroken for her grandson. She looked down at Sparky and hugged him tight. Tears coming from his eyes.

“Who is they?” A pony asked Sprout.

“Where is Hitch?”

"Not another angry mob!"

“There’s no Hitch anymore!” Cried Sprout. “He’s gone! He’s dead!”

Ponies were now quiet. Shock struck thim like a bolt of lightning. They didn't know how to react with this news. Was he really dead? Many didn't trust Sprout after last time. Maybe he was lying and Hitch was okay? But if he was, he would be the one making the announcment. Was he okay?

Dahlia was standing next to Jazz as she put a hoof on her forehead. “Better not be something like that angry mod incident!”

“I was a sick pile of stupid trash!” Jazz exclaimed with a smile. "So i did not take part. I wouldn't have done it, even if I was not sick!"

“What?” Rocky asked.

“I had a big flu! One sick Jazz!” Jazz smiled, pretending she did not say the first part of what she said. But she was not present during the angry mod incident. As she had a cold and only heard and witnessed what she did from her home’s windows. Rocky was actually confused on what the angry mob incident was. Since he was a pegasus and moved to the bay weeks after magic returned.

Dahlia bumped them both and shushed them. “Hey, listen! I wonder what stupid idea Sprout has in mind!”

“We are going in lock down!” Exclaimed Sprout. Everyone gasped in horror. “No pony is allowed to leave the town for any reason!”

“Who made you the boss?” Argued Posey, walking forward.

“My ma?” Sprout raised an eyebrow. “Shes the town’s mayor you uneducated swine!”

“Oh yeah? Hitch would be in charge!”Argued Posey.

Windy pilled Posey back into the crowd and Phyllis put a hoof on Sprout’s shoulder.

“Let’s not get all worked up.”

“Fine… If I must…”Sprout glared towards Posey before looking at the crowd. He looked down at some notes he wrote himself. Words were scribbled out. Despite the notes he worked hard on what he was going to say. Phyllis had assured him many times to not go too crazy. They were terrified enough. “To stay away from the danger! Going out of town is completely banned!” He shouted.


“Absolutely!” Sprout shouted angrily. Now pointing at a bad drawing of ponies putting yellow caution tape up. “Theres tape being put up all around the edges of this town! You are not to pass it, or you are locked up!”

“Locked up for going over tape?” Asked Toots. “Dontcha think that’s a bit harsh?”

“It’s for your safety!” Sprout barked. “Every pony that went missing had left the town beforehand! Not a single part of you is allowed over or under the tape! No wing, hoof, tail or horn! Nothing at all!”

“What if we drop something and have to reach over?” Asked Sweets.

“Too bad!”

“Oh c’mon, I understand making boundries…” Said Windy. “But what if i want to visit my grandmare?”

“Or my cousin?” Asked a unicorn. ‘Or go to the tearoom?"

“Or go to-“

“Too bad!" Spout repeated. Getting very annoyed as he groaned. ‘Want to visit someone? Too bad. Was here for a visit and want to go home? Too bad! Your stay is extended." He then looked glared at a pony in particular. "Dropped your pen an inch over the tape? Too bad! No one is leaving! Everyone is stuck in Maretine Bay till it is all over!”

“What if it never is over? Why can’t we just lock those areas up instead?”

Sprout slammed his head against the table in annoyance. “What if the monsters come out and try to look for us?"

"What if… Anything!" Sprout screamed. “If one more pony goes missing… walls are being put up! No excuses! It is far too dangerous for us ponies! It is either locked up behind walls, or extinction!" He slammed both hooves down and walked away.

Phyllis was the first to speak after an awkward puase. “A-any questions?”

The End of the Beginning

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Days later, there was news. Dreaded bad news. Ponies were gathered again, in front of the soap boxes. Phyllis looked really gloomy about something. Everyone had gotten the recent news, and it was time for an announcement. It was time to take extreme measures.

“What’s going on?” Jazz asked Rocky as they hurried into the crowd. Getting as much a clear view as they could. Ponies were mumbling about Sprouts disappearance. Knowing this was likely what was going on at the moment. What the news was going to be about. It was discovered he had escaped the town a day ago and was yet to return. No one knew why. But there was a suspicion that he wanted to try and play hero. Only to add to the list of missing ponies.

Even tho he wasn’t really the most trusted pony around. Many still felt empathy as they thought about the situation. Only a few were happy. But most were actually more worried about him than they thought. Even if he did something stupid, hopefully he was not hurt. Also being scared for what was going to happen next.

“We have no other choice!” Phyllis’s voice cracked. Distressed, as she was a mother who had lost her child. Fearing he was dead. As she assumed for most of the missing ponies. She tried her best to stay formal, holding it in.

There was a cry in the audience, however. From Sparky. Being hushed and cradled by Figgy. Hitch’s Grandmare. Hurt was in her eyes as she was still worried sick about her grandson, his friends and all the ponies who went missing.

Jazz and Dahlia watched over at her. Hearts heavy with guilt as they watched her try and calm Sparky down. They knew it was partly their own fault that Hitch went missing. But Figgy was not upset at them, at least it seemed the be the case. After a sigh, Dahlia looked towards Phyllis.

“This is about, Sprout, isn't it?” Dahlia asked no one in particular.

Before anyone could have said anything to her. Phyllis exclaimed out loud.

“We have no choice!” Shouted Phyllis. “They took my son! They took the princesses. Sure Haven and I don’t see eye-to-eye. But as mothers. It is hard to deal with your child going missing and fearing they are dead! “I don’t want this to happen again!” She cried.”We have to tuck ourselves away!”

The crowd was silence. Even tho many didn't trust, or straight up despised Phyllis. She had a point, it cannot be easy going through what she was going through. She even had marks under her eyes. For goodness sake! Even ponies who wanted them both to shut up felt horrible.

While in the other two towns Alphabittle had everyone put up sticks around Bridlewood, similar to Sprout’s idea. Haven simply told ponies to stay safe and travel with friends. Only leave if absolutely needed.

“To protect you all. Not another Canterlogic thing, that’s in the past. I have decided to go with Sprout’s idea if another pony went missing.” She sighed and looked down. Then back at the crowd. “We are building a wall around town. It is sturdy and will protect us… But when this is all over. The ugly wall will be taken down. I promise.”

“Really?! Another thing you are making because of our fears!?” Shouted Posey.

“I hope this works out.” Jazz said. Never attending a Canterlogic in her life. Since it just seemed kinda off. She even laughed it off as she looked at Rocky. “I remember she apparently made these goggles that made you look in the sky to keep watch for pegasi!” She paused and smiled. “I never have touched those in my life. I don't need any silly gadget to see one gorgeous pegasus right next me“

“Yeah…” Rocky tried to laugh, but he did not understand. But it did seem to be a joke among earth ponies. He’d occasionally hear jokes about Canterlogic’s stuff and how pointless they were. Even how it was all made because of the fear of the other tribes. Then he paused as he processed what Jazz said.

“Gorgeous?” Rocky looked at her, mouth hanging in shock. “You think I'm gorgeous?!” Jazz nodded to confirmed and smirked at his shocked face. “Awww…” He responded as Jazz rubbed up against him as she moved around.

When the crowd started to leave. Discussing amongst themselves on what was about to happen.

Ponies watched in worry and defeat as construction workers started to build a high wall all around the town. Blocking any way in or out, unless you were a pegasus. Which many agreed to be a disadvantage. The walls were tall, almost reaching the window of many two-story buildings.

Some ponies felt trapped, many were depressed at not being able to see very far. It was like they were trapped in a huge tank now. Like a fish in its tank, lots of room, but finite space with something they cannot go over or under. They hopped that Phyllis was right about this. They hoped that it would be over soon, and the wall could get taken down.

Ponies were distressed about this. Believing this could lower any chance of the missing ponies coming home. What if they saw a giant wall blocking their way in the town? Sure they could go to Bridlewood or Zephyr Heights. But what if they get lost on the way or need urgent care and wouldn’t survive the trip?

Dahlia looked out into the distance from tye sheriff station. Out towards the Brighthouse. The rainbow glitched rapidly, she gasped in shock as she saw a pegasus nearly drop from the sky. It looked more like they forgot to flap, but it was way worse.

“Oh, please hold on…” She hoped as she looked at the rainbow that came out the crystals.Hoping the magic would hold on, despite the drama going on. It did kinda feel like a split. But not between races, between towns… Maybe this was what upset magic, the fact that Maretine Bay shut themselves off from the rest of the world.

Jazz groaned as she kicked some sand at the beach. “I just don’t get it, Rocky!” She exclaimed.

“Me neither…” Rocky, added confused. He did not understand it at all. So it was some sort of magical forest dimension with strange creatures with no emotion? With their friends turned into shadowy, corrupt versions of themselves. Jazz almost saved Izzy!?

“Why did the light blast not happen again! Why was Hitch so confidence that i am supposed to go on some quest to save the world!?” She shouted, Rocky put a hoof around her. “None of this makes sense! What even is happening… Why couldn't life be so peaceful and quiet!?”

Rocky didn't know what to say as he walked across the sand. Enjoying the sun on his fur. He looked at Jazz again, her eyes gleaming in the sunlight. She was pretty at this angle in the sun. Her bright teal fur just stood out in amazing way. Like a neon night at night.

He felt his heart flutter as she looked at him. “Uh, Rocky? Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked as she noticed he was staring at her. Staring like he was seeing something special in front of him.

He gulped, his mouth opened wide he did not know what to say. He gulped and stared at Jazz and looked away, into the water. The sun shimmering on the waves. It looked so more peaceful out there.

“N-nothing, Jazz…” He responded softly. Nudging her slightly, thinking on how she could go on such a dangerous quest. He still clearly remembered a time where Jazz found a python in the storage room. Freaked out like nuts, crashing into stuff on her way to the door. Then running out the storage room with a bucket on her head, screaming at the top of her lungs. Instead of bringing that up, even if she would have agreed she was a scaredy cat, he decided on changing the subject. To something less stressful and confusing. “I bet i can beat you to that cave with the crystals that Pipp and Zipp found!”

Maybe still a bit stressful, but not as much.

Jazz gasped, “What?!” She then got into a running position. “You are on!”

The two of them started running, splashing up water as they ran across the shore. Just enjoying themselves running across the sand. Felling the wind on their faces and the sand under their hooves.

They eventually headed towards the cave. Rocky skidded to a stop at the cave entrance. With Jazz running into the cave, stumbling over her hooves. He chuckled as she got up, dusting herself off as she ran towards Rocky, chasing him. Now it was a game of tag. He laughed as Jazz chased him over the shoreline, soon tackling him into the water, soaking him.

“Dang it Jazz!” He shouted while laughing as her. As he looked at her in the eyes, he felt her grip loosened. Giving him the chance. He kicked her off him in a playful way, she squealed with surprise as she stumbled and plopped into the ocean. He laughed as a result as she got up, glaring at him. Mane drooped and dripping with water.

“Oh no!” He exclaimed as Jazz headbutting him, pushing him. He dramatically fell to the ground, Jazz falling down with him. They both laughed as they looked at each other. A wave soon washing over them both suddenly. Cussing them to exclaim in shock.

“Ugh…” Rocky rubbed his eyes, getting saltwater in them. “Well, that was a sudden wave…” Her then exclaimed as Jazz spat out some seawater onto him.

“Hey! Jazz!” He shouted before groaning.“That was actually kinda gross…”

“Catch me if you can!” Squawked Jazz as she started running away.

“I bet i can!” He said, lifting his wings and flying after her.”

“Jazzeroo!” Cried Stardust as the duo sat there on the sand. Their fur almost dry but manes still slightly damp. Jazz groaned as she buried her face into Rocky. For the last few days, Stardust was blasting their ears off with music she made herself. The tunes were fine most the time, but the lyrics were awful! She groaned as she wondered what it’d be about this time? Dancing limb-less lizards on a barrel-rolling skateboard ride to the zoo to see rollerskating, tap dancer fish? Because that’s almost how odd, her songs get at times. At least that is how weird her previous one.

“Oh, Stardust!” Rocky exclaimed, noticing she didn’t have her ukulele this time. “What’s up?”

“I figured what had been causing this!” She then explained, “Shadowy friends!”

The two paused, looking at each other before looking at her, who had a massive grin on her face.

“You mean pur friends dissapearing and being corrupted by shadows abd these dungeon things popping up?”


Rocky jumped forward in excitement, happy to hear that she figured this out! He was just about to ask before he realised. How did she? How does she know. “What?” Was all he could mutter from the number of questions he had.

“Dark Matter!”

“Dark… Matter?” Both of them stared with confusion.

“I kinda forgot to tell you guys this…” She made an innocent smile. Then explained. “So… A long time ago… When i was born. There was this really angry villain lady!”

“Like Opaline?” Jazz suggested.

“I dunno who that is… But i’d day think of an angry, tall… Uh… Witch, lab based, fairy, creature… I think…”

An image of a tall alicorn, wearing a witch hat with a pair of fairy wings and a lab coat. Evily laughing as she holds a beaker came to Jazz’s mind.

While in Rocky’s it was a giant breezie, bigger than the Mane Melody building. Riding a broomstick instead of using her own wings, wearing a lab coat with a collection of tubes in the pockets and nasty stains. Her mane was a gorgeous twirl down the back with the forelock sticking up straight and slightly charred.

“What about her?” Asked Jazz.

“I dunno… a mysterious pony in my dream told me that she uh…” She seemed to be thinking hard. If it weren't for her genuine reactions and behaviour across the months they knew her. They’d think she was making it up. “She made some acid, gas type thing that formed some sort of crystal ball. With dark magic it turned to Dark Matter!”

“And we have to defeat it?” Asked Jazz, worried that this was her quest that Hitch guessed she had to do with. It sounded kinda scary. “O-or the science, alicorn, fairy thing?”

“Well… Dark Matter was defeated a really long time ago… Before the current towns existed. It was defeated by a unicorn and her friends. But when they defeated it, the crystal-like core shattered into pieces. Scattered across Equestria. During the years, the shards slowly regrew and formed dungeons. With the biggest piece regrowing dark matter…”

“Where do we come into this?” Jazz worried. Hoping it was not going to be as dangerous as it felt. She could not handle this. She wished it wasn’t her! Why her? What’d she do to deserve this? What about the scientist, fairy, witch thing? They don’t have to fight her, right?

“We have to explore each dungeon and shatter each shard powering it. Only you and two others have the power that the ancient unicorn had. Her light power shattered, too. Eventually becoming part of you three

“So we shatter the core again? But won’t it eventually regrow like last time?”

“Not if we contain the core’s pieces on destruction! It won’t regrow once contained!”

Jazz’s face was fully of fear, she felt herself start to shake. She couldn't understand this. Stardust seemed to be ignoring her concern as she stepped back. What did this all mean? Who were the other two? She had part of the power the ancient unicorn used to defeat Dark Matter originally.

“We leave tonight! So pack your things!” Stardust grinned.

“A-actually…” Jazz found it hard to, she nudged Rocky as he put a wing around her for comfort. She was at a loss of words. Everything was happening so fast!

“Jazz?” Rocky softly questioned, feeling her heart race.

“I-I need some space..” Jazz felt she was getting warm as she pushed Rocky aside. “I-I just need time to process all this…” Jazz said before running off. Panting as she thought of this reveal. This scary adventure. Hitch was right… This was her mission. Not Sunny’s. Hers…

A pony who focused on hoof designs and styling… The world was in her hooves, along with two ponies and some filly who had memory loss. Why her? She was only interested in crazy adventures in media like movies and video-games. Because they weren’t her, even if it was an avatar based on her in a video game, it was not really her. Also the adventure was all made up, all written by good writers, or ones that suck. But they were never real, like this…

The next afternoon. Jazz was sweeping in the salon, Stardust was gone, she vanished somewhere and was no where to be seen. She just stopped showing up, without a trace.

No one knew where she went or what happened. There was no evidence she got out. Thinking about it, she wondered about the warning she told her about. With Dark Matter. Maybe the only reason she was here to warn her of that. That quest of hers. What was it? She wished she had at least warned everyone!

She thought long and hard about this. But if the world was in her hooves, who would she be if she did not at least try? After a deep breath, she stepped outside the salon. Taking in the fresh air. Taking in deep breathes to calm her down.

“Alright, Stardust… If you are that confident I'm part of this team. To save the world. Then I am in…” She exclaimed then looked to the side. Wondering what she had to do exactly. Taking a few steps forward. No one noticed her talking quietly to herself. “I just wish you were her to answer my questions… But… I will do what I can…” She said bluntly, staring down at her reflection in a nearby window seriously. Wondering how she got here.

A stylist on a dangerous mission that would be more fit for someone experienced at that kind of thing. Apparently she had the light power with two other ponies that belonged to an ancient unicorn? But who? How was she going to find them? No one else in the bay had their hooves glowing like hers. All she knew it was a pegasus and a unicorn.

“Pegasus and a unicorn, hmm?” Jazz asked herself. It could literally range from anyone. From Misty, to that unicorn colt who got his cutiemark three weeks ago! This was so hard! Who could it possibly be? As she walked through town, pondering on this whole adventure. Trying to figure out her next move. Before she stopped in place, seeing the wall up again. Her hooves began to glow briefly as she looked at it. Soon she realised.

What if they are not in Maretine Bay!? She can’t leave, because the wall! It'd be too dangerous out there!

“We cant leave!” Jazz told herself in fear,

There was a puase as Jazz slowly processed the situation. She had to leave the bay by climbing the wall? But Phyllis said not to, also. If ponies noticed she was missing, more panic will be about and who knows what will happen next!

“I guess I have no choice! The ancient unicorn’s powers chose me. I have to…” She groaned as she looked down at herself. “What have I gotten myself into?” She decided it was her best chance to escape at night. She wouldn't want to face Phyllis's punishment if she was caught climbing the wall to escape.

That night, Jazz sat on her bed. Feeling angry and upset Stardust left without any words. She thought she had to do it with her. But no, she has to do it alone. At least until she finds the other two chosen ones. This was the only way, was it? It was up to her alone to do what she needed to do.

“What am I gonna say to my parents?” She wondered, “What if i never see them again?” She asked herself as she looked at her phone. Wondering what to text them. It was kinda scary to tell them. She did not knowhow’d to react. She did not know what to say so they would not freak out.

It would be kinda fear-inducing if your 19-yr old daughter texted you that she was going on a dangerous mission to save the world. Her dad would not believe her and think she is crazy for going out to try and save all the ponies who went missing. After a long sigh, she got up, looking at a shelf that had a few things on it. Like a medal, picture of her as a foal, an autograph of Pipp and a plushie. Grabbing her Pipp plush, she looked down at it.

“Oh Pipp… I don't know what I’m doing. I have to save everyone. But why was it put in my hooves? You, Zipp, Sunny and Izzy are the ones who brought back magic, right? You guys are more up for quests, not me…”

“But I guess I have no choice… If I want you to come home safe, I have to work towards it. It was me, and I must deal with it!” She said, packing the plush into her pink shoulder bag with her cutiemark embroided on the flap. The roomiest bag she had that was easy to carry long distances. Kinda like the one sunny had, but had a pink pom-pom attached to it. She sighed as she grabbed it, putting it over her and heading towards her front door.

Her heart could hot stop racing as she reached for the handle. As she stepped out the house, she took some deep breaths and closed the door behind her. “Goodbye house… See you once I saved the world… I guess?”Then she looked down the street and started to walk. “Suppose I should head to Zephyr heights first…” She whispered to herself. “It’s closer, and perhaps one, or both of them are there…” She whispered to herself.

She gasped as she saw a large rat run past her, scaring her. “I-It’s okay Jazz… Just a rat…” She whimpered as she quietly walked down the street. Making her way to the metal wall that surrounded the town. It was high up, but she had an idea on how to climb it.

“Here goes nothing…” She said as her hoof glowed with earth pony plant magic. Creating a stalk, one at an angle with stems coming out she could climb up. Thankfully, no one suspected a thing as this was a more dimly lit area where not many ponies lived. It was more shops that were closes at this time.

She did not want to know how much trouble she could get into. She ignored the thought of her spending a few days in a cell afterwards. Hitch maybe won’t, tho. Right? She is going with his guess of her being some chosen pony for a quest due to the glowing hooves and blast. He was right about this. How did he know?

She shook these thoughts away as her heart raced. Looking at the stalk, her magic had made. Jazz gripped on her pink satchel in tense just before she started to climb the stalk. Being careful where she placed her hooves. Making sure she didn’t slip and fall off. It was already bending slightly under her. She should have made it more thick. She did not dare to look down as she made it to the top. Putting one hind leg over the wall, ready to make herself a safe way down.

Then she paused in place. Feeling some heartache as she thought about what she was going to do. She only said goodbye to those who believed her and would not try and stop her. She couldn’t bear the guilt of leaving after anyone begged her not to. But she already started feeling to guilt build up. For not sating goodbye to anyone else.

As she sat on top of the wall, she looked back at the town with sadness. She felt sad, looking at the bay, her home… She was abandoning it for who knows how long. To go on some quest, she felt unworthy of doing. This was crazy. She sighed as she felt the breeze on her fur. Hearing the distant waves and smelling the salt air.

She was leaving for a quest she would only dream of doing. She was leaving because she had to, or else the world was doomed. A tear rolled down her cheek as she looked back.

She was going to miss this place so much…

“Goodbye Maretine Bay… I’ll miss you… A lot…” She looked down with a sigh.

Jazz gave a sad smile before sliding down the vines she had just creating. More hopeful that Hitch was right about it. She felt the soft dirt under her hooves. It was darker out here than in the bay. Thanks to the wall blocking out most the light. She looked around at the night sky. It was gorgeous. The air was cool as she felt a breeze.

Her legs started to shake as her heart raced in her chest. She started moving, scared of what was to happen next. But she had to keep going. Thanks to going to sleep early, she was not so tired.

So she took a torch out of her bag and carried it in her mouth as she moved forward.

Dahlia knocked on a door, a bit loudly but concerned. She kept knocking till the lights inside lit. The door soon opened. Revealing a very tired pegasus stallion, who did not look pleased.

There were marks under his eyes. He was wearing sheep themed slippers, pajama shirt, and had a teddy bear in his arm that was holding a guitar. He blankly stared at Dahlia wondering what she wanted at this time of the night.

“Rocky! Jazz is gone!”

Rocky was slow to get to the point. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Yeah… Jazz, what did she do this time?’ He asked. Not picking up or questioning why she said she was gone. All he knew, she could have gone to sleep like most ponies do at this time of the night. Natural.

“She jumped the wall!”

“The wall?” Rocky questioned. “Like the…” Pondering what she meant, then the realisation hit him like a brick. “Jazz… Jumped the wall!? She could get hurt!”

Dahlia nodded, “We have to go after her! I’ll explain on the way!”

“B-but-“ Rocky feared as he looked at her, stepping back. “W-wait a minute… I think I know why! Stardust told her about this adventure to save the world! She is going with it! W-was she alone?”

“Y-yes! Only her!” She sighed, “I overheard she was heading to Zephyr heights to find the other two chosen ponies… But I am worried for her. What if three is not enough?”

Rocky shook his head as he walked around. “This-this is not good.. After seeing the state of both of you after last time. You guys we so... She can't do this alone! What was she thinking? She needs help. She can’t do this alone… I-“ He was terrified as he shivered. “She’s my friend… It's gonna be dangerous. I have to help her!”

“Y-you are coming, too?” She asked. "Why did I think I would have had to convince you?" She wondered and rolled her eyes.

“She’s my friend!” He gulped,scared to do it. But more worried for Jazz. He'd hate for her to get hurt when he could have done something. “Even if it is some crazy adventure. Friends stick with friends!”

Dahlia nodded, “I want to perform my part too!”

Rocky exclaimed loudly like a war cry as he ran out his house. Realising he was still in his pajamas. “Uh…” He chuckled in embarrassment. “I guess it won’t hurt to get ready first..”

Dahlia shook her head. “Don’t take more than five minutes.” She groaned in slight annoyance.

Jazz paced around near a tree. The wall barely seen in the distance, she could see a few lights in the distance as she looked towards the town. “This is so crazy. So so crazy! I'm on the run because of a pegasus filly who has a past. I am destined to destroy Dark Matter” She whimpered. “I thought Dark Matter only existed in Kirby and- Oh no- This has to be a dream!”

She proceeded to bite herself and yelp. When whimpered as she rubbed her hoof. “If it hurt. Then absolutely not a dream” She whimpered in pain. “I relly bite harder than I look!” Jazz shook the pain from her leg. "Jazz... Stop complaining every five minutes! It will only-" She began to scold herself.


“What? That sounded like…”


Jazz turned around to see Dahlia and Rocky. Dahlia was holding a small teal bag with her. While Rocky was carrying a brown shoulder bag with a guitar picture embroided on it.

“Dahlia?! Rocky!?” She exclaimed in shock. “What are you doing out here?” She was happy to see them. But was also shocked they'd wasn't to join her. After the dungeon incident in the woods. Jazz thought Dahlia would want to stay away from them as far as possible. Rocky also would most likely not want to be covered in mud.

“Same as you!” Dahlia exclaimed. “I was unkind to you as a foal. I want to help!”

“Me too, Jazz. I may not understand completely. But I want to play my part, too.” Rocky nodded. “We are your friends, Jazz. We couldn't stop you. So we decided you were not going alone! Even if we have to get put hooves dirty...”

“Whether you like it or not!” Dahlia added.

Jazz smiled, tears appeared in her eyes and she brought Rocky into a huge hug. So glad to see him come with her. She did not want to do this alone. It was hard to stay strong. But now, she was with friends.

"Oh Rocky! Words cannot describe how much I- Thank you!" She sobbed into his fur as he giggled back. It was about a minute before she lifted her head. "I-I was so scared I had to go alone! I- I-..." But then she sighed as she took a few steps away from them.

“Jazz? Are you okay?” Dahlia asked as she watched her wipe her tears.

She looked at them and looked out into the distance. She was worried for them. Grateful she did not have to do this alone. But scared. What if they got hurt? What would she do? She has the power, not them. She started to recognise some music she listened to, kinda feeling it hit the mood. Quoting it slightly as she thought how she related to Izzy. Who had sung it after meeting Izzy and remembered the lyrics enough to publish the song later.

“The path is growing dark. The journey ahead is a big question mark!” She sighed, "I'm scared that we'll end up ponies gone missing from this journeying..."

“Quoting songs again?” Rocky smirked slightly before dropping his smirk, seeing how scared she was.

“Don’t worry. You’re not alone! You’ll see that you’ve got ponies in your crew.” Dahlia responded. Going along with quoting the song. But not singing.

"We're looking out for you!" Rocky responded as he nudged Jazz. The two happily walking ahead with Dahlia. “When you’re off track! We got cha’ back!”

“You can rely on us. We are lookin’ out for you!”

Jazz smiled a bit and chuckled as she watched them both. It brought her comfort to be with ponies she knew and trusted. “And I’m lookin’ out for you!” Jazz smiled as she pointed at them. She laughed as she jumped on a hill.

“Lost in the hills! I got the skills!” She pranced about. Singing that line all by herself as she looked at the others. Feeling less scared with her mind taken off and distracted from the journey ahead.

The group happily pranced along in the night. Just enjoying the journey to their destination.

“Pony, let's get goin'” Jazz exclaimed as she pranced past a bush. Rocky joining in as he ran behind her with the next line.

“Get goin', get goin”

They had a blast quoting the sing the best they could. Just having fun doing it. Keeping eachother company and getting their mind off the journey.

“I am lookin' out...“ They sang together. After just saying the lines from before.

As the sun rose. The group looked at the huge mountain in front of them. Zephyr Heights. Right there.

“For you!”

They smiled as they looked into the distance. Ready to figure out who this pegasus was. Who shared the light power with her.

Enter Zephyr Heights, city of pegasi

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The sun had risen as the group stands on a cliff with a remarkable view of Zephyr Heights. They looked with awe and excitement of what was going to happen next. Until Dahlia spoke as they walked closer to the city.

“So… How exactly are we gonna find a single pegasus or unicorn amongst hundreds?” She asked.

Rocky agreed. It would take ages to ask every pony who lived in zephyr Heights. He looked at Jazz. Surely she knew more about this pony.Because coming to warn ponies about a threat. But not specifying who has the power is kind of a jerk move. Or at least not giving a hint. If she knew Jazz was one of them, how'd she not know the others?

“Do you know their names at least?” Asked Rocky, agreeing with Dahlia on how hard this was sure to be. He noticed Jazz looking a little sweaty and walking cautiously. Which was odd, because they walked to Zephyr Heights before and were not nervous. She must be nervous about the quest! Because Rocky and Dahlia were for sure.

“N-no! But I do know that the pegasus is blue!”

“Blue?” Dahlia asked, annoyed. “Do you know how little that narrows it down?”

“But it is something we can work with!” Rocky exclaimed, with positivity.

“Yeah!” Jazz agreed. “We just need to ask every single blue pegasus!”

“Yeah… But there is a lot. Isn’t there?” Dahlia asked. Rocky sighed as a result. Naming them from whom he knew.

“Glory, Raincloud, but they are both missing. My uncle, but I’d know if he had flashing hooves like Jazz randomly. There is this mare who owns a fashion shop, but I forgot her name.” He then gasped with awe. “There is the leader of the band, Electric Blue! I guess the member on the band, Jam Donut is also kinda a blueish-grey!”

Dahlia and Jazz listened to him ramble on about the band. Since he liked it. While they both thought about blue pegasi. Right now, that had any chance of being the chosen one. They had in mind was that fashion shop owner, Fretlock, Jam Donut. Then Jazz realised.

“There is that soup cart owner!” She exclaimed. Remembering hearing Pipp mention him once when talking about soup. She had gone to try some herself once. “And there is Zoom, member of the guards!”

Dahlia noded and remembered a few. “I think a pegasus that works as a photographer is blue. Also, there is Winter, Iceberg and Tumbles!”

“Suppose we should split and look around.” Dahlia guessed with a shrug.

“Let’s do it!” Rocky agreed before flying away. To look for the pony.

Eventually, Jazz and Dahlia met again. It had been a few hours of searching.

“You didn’t find the pegasus.” Dahlia sighed as she met Jazz near the cafe. “I went to the salon and the fashion shops and every blue pegasus I greeted ended up not being the chosen one!” She groaned and looked around. “I am willing to bet they have ended up in one of those dungeons already! Captured! Ugh!”

“Hey, Hey…” Jazz said in a calming voice. “I am sure Rocky found ‘em!” She smiled.

"I also asked a few blue ponies... Nothing" Rocky landed nearby looking kinda glum. “So I found Electric Blue… They did not have the power of the ancient unicorn… But...” he looked down with a sigh and reached under his wing. Taking out a poster of the band. “I got their autographs! He exclaimed with a big smile and excitement. Not gaining a smirk from either mare. Dahlia looked more annoyed than Jazz.

Dahlia was a little annoyed at him for wasting time. She thought he was more prepared and organised. But no, he couldn’t help himself could he? He just had to. She watched as Jazz smirked, not seeing it as a big deal. Besides, she was having a gut feeling she already knew who it was.

“Good job, Rocky…” Jazz bluntly responded. Then looked towards the castle. Her hooves flashed, making the other two gasped. “Now that I think about it. I get the feeling I know who it is…

“Zoom?” Dahlia asked. Wondering why they didn’t go to her first as Jazz has a feeling. “If you had this feeling it was her all along. Why did we not go there first!?”

As the trio made their way to the front door of the palace. They noticed two other ponies looking at them. Two guards. The orange own with brown socks and a white tail looked a little glum as he gazed as the incoming ponies with his green eyes. Next to him was another stallion. Brown with white socks and blaze with a grey tail. Swishing it side to side slightly. Not even knowing he was doing it. The younger brother spoke first.

He fluttered his wings as he greeted Jazz. “Hello!” He said gleefully. “Uh… Castle is closed from guests.”

The orange guard smirked. “Yeah… Our queen’s mood is in another castle.”

“That reference did not really work, Clay…” The other guard whispered.

Jazz had an idea. “But I am good friends with Pipp? May I request permission?”

“Being friends with Pipp means nothing!” Clay chuckled. “Earth ponies are really dumb? What part of ‘Castle is closed’ does she not understand!?”

Jazz groaned, getting a little annoyed. “It is an Emergency.” She grumbled. That comment about earth ponies was pretty rude. She thought pegasi were other than and knew it was untrue. But no, seems some still think earth ponies have tiny brains and complete idiots.

“We are not here to see the queen!” Dahlia exclaimed. Stomping her hoof in annoyance. Wanting them to get the message. “We are here to see Zoom!”

“Yeah, right! What are you gonna do?” Luaghed Clay. “Invite her for a tea party?”

“Emergency?” Coffee exclaimed. As he realised what she had said. “What’s the emergency?” He seemed pretty empathetic now. Realising this was actually seemingly serious. Clay simply rolled his eyes, scoffing as he looked at him.

“Maybe nothing…” Clay smirked. “They gotta show us proof first. I think. But I must be right! Because any silly pony can just run up and say it is an emergency once they are denied entrance… If we let every pony in who said ‘It’s an emergency’ then the queen could be in danger!”

“Oh…” Coffee perked up a bit and looked at his older brother. Then he nodded in agreement. “I guess that makes sense when you put it that way.”

“The world is at stake! Zoom might be one of the chosen three than can save it!” Jazz exclaimed.

“Yeah yeah… The world at stake. You should go to a studio. They are more likely to pick this plot up than us.” Clay waved a hoof as he looked smug.

Dahlia had enough of them. They were being kinda rude. Jazz was getting annoyed to them, but keeping her cool. “Fine… Maybe a song can persuade you.”

Rocky and Dahlia stepped back, watching Jazz in confusion as she stepped back, turning on a tune. Moving her hooves on the beat of the song. Then doing a twirl. Right after that she started singing.

“I’m gonna tell you! I’m gonna tell you now!” She started, lifting her hooves on the air. Dahlia put a hoof to her forehead and groaned, knowing this idea was stupid. Just because Pipp can persuade ponies with music, does not mean she can!

Rocky watched, puzzled. Wondering what the outcome would be.

But much to their surprise, they soon saw Jazz’s hooves glowing once more as she sang the calming tune. But something else was happening. As she danced, she did not seem to notice small music notes slowly flying out her hooves and towards her guards. Who started looking a bit droopy and tired as the song went on.

It appeared she was unknowingly using some type of magic connected to the ancient power. It appeared it was putting the guards to sleep as one of them yawned. Rubbed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall as he started to snooze. While the other one curled up on the ground. Looking very comfortable.

“And thats whyyyy-“ Jazz sung before gasping as she noticed they were sleeping. “Eh?” She stared in confusion. Was her music that boring that it put them to sleep?

“Good job, Jazz! Let’s go before they wake!” Dahlia quickly grabbed Jazz and pulled her into the palace as Rocky opened the door. Jazz looking back at the sleeping guards with confusion. Wondering what on earth happened. It was not like she was singing a lullaby. Even if she did, then she’d guess that guards were trained to be immune to lullabies.

She was so confused.

In the throne room. The queen was a mess as she wiped tears from her eyes. Her mane was a mess as she looked at her two guards. She sobbed as she thought about Zipp and Pipp. Her own daughters going missing with no trace. She, however had not stopped texting them twice a day with the hope they would return. Any news about them would be great. She hoped her daughters were safe more than anything. She could not really keep her royal, formal composture long enough for visits. So she didn’t allow guests. But did give updates occasionally. So the kingdom would not fall apart.

Just because her daughters were gone. The kingdom was still her responsibility.

“Your highness… Is there anything I can get for you?” Thunder asked with sorrow.

“No… I just…” She had given up on addressing the guards more formerly.

Then before anyone could say anything else. They were all alerted by Jazz, Rocky and Dahlia who burst into the throne room. Surprising the three inside. Zoom was quick to get in position.

“Halt right there!” Zoom called out from next to the throne. After pouring the queen a drink of juice as Jazz and Rocky bowed down in respect. She glided over to the intruders, ignoring their words. They were not meant to be here. The queen only watched.

“Your highness!” Jazz exclaimed. “We have- hey!” She exclaimed as Zoom got right in front of her, putting hooves on her shoulders. Grabbing her tight, like Thunder was doing with Dahlia. “Let me go!” She pouted.

“You are unwelcome on these premises, so you must leave!” Zoom pushed Jazz towards the door, making her step backwards a few steps. She was commanded days ago when the castle was shut off from guests to simply make any visitors leave.

“We have something we must say!” Rocky exclaimed. No guard was handling him, but Thunder and Zoom where nudging him along with their wings.

“Wait! We have things we must say!” Jazz said as Zoom spread her wings to block her view of the queen. Pushing her softly with her hooves to try and urge her towards the door. Her face was stern and serious. Obviously she was not listening, neither was Thunder. Who looked more sad. “I can get Zipp and Pipp back!” She shouted without thinking. The whole room froze in shock. “Sorry…” She whispered.

“E-excuse me?” Queen Haven asked, her voice shaking as her ears were lifted up. She had heard this a few times before, from search groups and such. Each loss being worse than the last. But this one claim sparked small glimmer of hope. She wanted and needed to hear more. “Guards, let them speak…”

“We heard that many times. They all failed.” Zoom responded, lowing her wings as she spoke. But quiet enough so the queen would not hear. She would hate upsetting her any more. She simply moved to the side, unblocking Jazz’s view.

Remembering the size of the teams that tried to look for the missing ponies, Thunder shook his head. “Yeah! No offense but… I think it’s gonna take more than the three of you…” His voice cracked as he looked to the ground.

“She’s right!” Dahlia exclaimed. “It is gonna take more than the tree of us. Obviously.”

“Well. Thunder is right, too. Me, Dahlia and Jazz cannot do it ourselves. But she needs you, Zoom!” Rocky exclaimed, facing her.

Zoom thought about it but declined. She would hate to fail and let the queen down. Every one failed, so would she.

“I appreciate how strong you think I am. But me tagging along won’t make it any easier…” Zoom said, expression not changing. “I need to be here for the queen!”

“Zoom.” Jazz took a deep breath in. “Remember that filly? Stardust? She was a transformed creature sent here to warn of of this Dark Matter thing created by some evil witch fairy thing. A really long time ago, there was an ancient unicorn who had the only powers that could destroy the core or something. But those powers were transferred to me, you and somepony else!”

“What?” Zoom asked, cocking her head. Not believing these claims. Sure Stardust was weird. But surely she can’t have been telling the truth. Where was she, anyway? Hopefully not causing trouble anywhere else.

“All the missing ponies are trapped in dungeon realms created by shards of the original core. All the missing ponies are trapped in those dungeons So we must unite and work together to destroy each dungeon and Dark Matter! But this time. The core will not spread and regrow!” Then she paused and breathed normally.“If you do not belive me, then look at your hoof!” She exclaimed, lifting up her own hoof that was glowing brightly. Her purple hoof polish not effecting it in the slightest.

“That’s a lot of information…” Thunder raised a brow. Watching as Zoom lift her own hoof. Noticing each one of them was glowing. Her stern expression turning to surprise as she looked at Jazz and back to hers. She would have normally asked questions and get evidence. But she had it already. This was explaining why her hooves constantly were glowing.

It also meant that Zipp, Pipp could come home. Along with all those other missing ponies! Finally and answer and a way to bring them all back! Zoom was speechless. Not knowing what to do or say.

“Y-you can bring my darlings and all of the missing ponies home?” Haven asked, smiling for the first time in weeks.

Jazz gulped. Not really wanting to make a promise she was not really sure she could keep. “I belive so.”

The queen had many emotions going through her at the moment. She had never thought this was some kind of quest about a special, unique power only three ponies had. She never thought it was some dimensional pockets. This was all bizarre to her.

But there was a change that they could get her daughters back home. She needed to see them safe again. Finally, there was hope. She never thought it’d be a great friend of Pipp’s going on this quest, or her own guard. But she was glad they were accepting of this.

But this did not sound like it could have been done in one day. They needed somewhere to stay… Thankfully the guest rooms were free.

“Guards… Show them the guest rooms.” She then realised the quest might be a bit dangerous. “If you’d like. Train them, too.”

“Yes, your majesty…” Zoom nodded. Leading the surprised trio and Thunder down the hall.

“I can’t belive that worked…” Jazz sighed. Grateful Zoom’s hooves were glowing when hers were.

“Welcome to the training arena!” Zoom exclaimed, opening a door. It led to an open space grassy place on a large cliff area on the other side of the palace. It was surrounded by high walls. The ground had grassy patches and dirt patches. Mostly in the running track that was outlined with grass. On inspection there were two tracks.

One in the sky, seen by the location of hoops and a tree. There were wooden beams sticking out the walls, with targets sticking from them along with a few hoops coming from them. There were flags and a fine pointing out the start and the end. But nothing else was marked.

The other track was almost a circle, the path itself was dirt. It had obstacles like hurdles, hoops, cones and barrels. Along with a few dummies.

“Huh? I get you guys need to train your flight skills. But I thought there’d be a roof… What if it rains?” Jazz worried. What if they had a day when it was raining and they were supposed to train?

“No problem!” Thunder exclaimed. “Well, the others say it’s a good idea to train in different weather situations, so we get used to it!”

“That’s enough, Thunder!” Zoom exclaimed, moving him aside. Facing the group of ponies who were in a line, facing her as they looked at the track. No one had noticed she shivered at the thought of training in the rain. The thought of getting soaked kinda was not ideal.

“Today… I want you, pegasi to fly through these hoops and hit the targets without stopping. Then tackle one dummy each!” She demanded as she pointed at some dummies that were standing under a very tall and high hoop. They noticed that many targets were either hanging from tall hoops or sticking out the wall by a stick.

“Can you uh… Give as an example on what route we take?” Rocky asked. Finding a little complex as it appeared the hoops and targets were randomly put around the place.

“Fine…” she grumbled.

Zoom gracefully slew through a few hoops and kicked a hanging target, changing direction quickly and flawlessly diving through the next hoop.

Jazz watched with awe, pegasi flew so gracefully. Dahlia was also a little impressed and amused. But not as much as Jazz. While Rocky was wondering how well she was expecting them to do. He watched as she smashed another target and did a loop in the air, into the sky before angling herself. She grinned as she dived towards another target. Not noticing her hooves glow as she gained speed.

“Wow! She is fast!” Jazz exclaimed.

“Uh. Zoom?” Thunder was with Worry as Zoom lost control as she turned after missing the hoop, screaming as she got faster and faster.

“That’s not good…” Rocky worried.Remembering when Jazz was singing her hooves was glowing and something happened. Maybe this was similar. “I suppose it is… in a way?” He tried to assure himself as Zoom got faster, sounding more scared. Dodging things just barely. Before she crashed into a wall. Her hooves stopped glowing as she went crashing down towards the ground. Crushing some barrels that were filled with water.

“Zoom!” Everyone cried out in concern.

Thunder was quick to help her out the puddle of water that fame from the barrels being broken. Her wings and backside were wet. Water dripped down her body, to her belly as she got up.

“Are you okay, Zoom?” Thunder asked as she slowly came to her senses. The world was spinning all around her as she stumbled a little. Felling Thunder’s hoof against her as he watched for injuries.

“Yeah… Nothing I can’t handle.”

There was a pause as everyone thought of the speed boost she certainly could not handle.

“I… Dunno about that…” Rocky responded, maybe sounding a little bit smugger than he thought.

Zoom flicked water from her tail and felt water tickle down her belly. She looked around at the group. “I hope you have memorised the trail. Because that is what I want you pegasi to do. To practice your flight and aim while flying! Earth ponies! I want you to use your earth pony magic on those dummies and find ways tp hit the targets on the walls. In that corner. Than see those cones and hoops on the ground. That is the course we had before we could fly. I want you earth ponies to complete that!”.

“Minus the crashing?” Rocky asked, getting a glare. “I mean… Yes, of course!”

He and Thunder soon started the trial Zoom tried to show them. While Jazz grabbed a slingshot and used her earth pony in creative ways to hit the dummies. Before starting the course with running in and out between some comes.

That night. The queen had Rocky, Jazz, Dahlia long with Thunder and Zoom join them for dinner. Which would make many other royal guards jealous.

They happily sat at the table, eating their potatoes and salad. It was just so tasty.

“Thank you so much for this meal, your highness!” Jazz said with a smile before stuffing a larch chunk of tomato in her mouth.

The queen smiled back. “Anything for such a brave pony like you.” She seemed to have perked up a little. But marks were still under her eyes. “For going on this quest to destroy the bad thing, figure this out and save the world. Even bring everypony missing home!”

Jazz smiled a bit, happy she gave the queen some hope for Zipp and Pipp’s return. She hoped it would happen soon, tho. She hoped they were okay.

“So…” Thunder said, swallowing a tiny potato. “Zoom?”

“Eh? Yes, Thunder?” She asked. Curious on why he was looking a bit eager.

“When your hooves were glowing… Were you aware that you would get super speed?” He questioned.

There was a pause as Zoom swallowed some food. The queen was right there. She needed to say the right thing. She did not want to be seen as weak and useless. She quickly decided on her answer. “I was aware of my hooves randomly glowing for a while now, Thunder.” She answered, sounding a little unamused.

Rocky shrugged, “It seems your glowing hooves might be more than blasts and glowing…” He pointed out. “At the palace entrance. Jazz’s were glowing as she sung a song. It put the two guards to sleep so we could get in.”

“I did what!?” Jazz exclaimed in shock. “That explains why they fell to sleep with my song…” She put a hoof to her forehead.

Thunder gasped, “That sounds cool! Zoom goes zoom-zoom while Jazz gets music-y with the powers!”

“Yeah…” Zoom responded, looking down at her hoof. Wondering why it could not have happened when she was aware it was going to happen. “If that’s the case we need to get used to them and train them.”

Jazz snickered, “So we arent crashing into walls and barrels? Got it!” She then got a very annoyed stare by Zoom. She was unharmed but still kinda annoyed that others were finding humour in it.

Jazz raced Dahlia down the hall to the bedroom after they both brushed their teeth.

“I’m gonna get the big bed!” Jazz cried out.

“Not if I beat you to it!”

The two ponies raced to the guest room. Inside was two wardrobes. Two beds, sone bigger than the other. There was more than one guest room, but the one they were running to had two beds. So two of them would sleep in the same room. While the other, maybe Rocky. Would sleep in another guest room.

The two mares jumped onto the bed, crashing onto the soft blanket and pillows. But something that Jazz’s hooves slammed on was not soft at all. Her answer soon came to her as Rocky shot up. Yelping in pain as Jazz had just kicked his face.


“Jazz!” Rocky cried out. Staring at the two mares, not looking very happy with the rude awakening. Who would be with two mares jumping on them all the sudden. He was having such a great dream, too. He grumbled as he took off his cream sleeping mask, that had two black lines on it to resemble the triangle-shaped closed eyes that would appear in certain things. Like emojicons. His mane was messy and his face was full of annoyance. Staring glumly at the mares.

“I guess Rocky on here first…” Dahlia grumbled as she sat down on the bed. Not realising Rocky wanted the bed too. If only they finished dinner earlier and brushed their teeth quicker. She would have gotten the bed. Knowing she could easily beat Jazz in a race.

“Well, I jumped on it first, clearly!” Jazz smirked, jumping on the bed, making him more annoyed. But she did understand that Rocky didn't know that either of them wanted the bed. He was not present when she and Dahlia argued about who would get it and agree on a race. He was getting ready for bed when they agreed on a race.

But now Rocky knew about the race now and who jumped on the bed first would get to sleep in it. He was not happy about being trodden on my Jazz. Then slammed in the face by her. She had such a kick!

“In that case…If the first obe on the bed gets it.” Rocky grumbled. “Perhaps I should get the bed?”

“But, Rocky…” Jazz pouted slightly.

“While Jazz, being the winner of this race between you two, gets that other bed!” He grumbled. “since you both also likes the view from the window more than the other guest rooms…” As Dahlia jumped off the bed, he pushed her out the room. He slammed the door in annoyance.

Jazz did not say a word as he flopped back down on the bed and put the blanket over himself. “You can get this bed tomorrow, Jazz…” He grumbled a bit. Trying to get back to sleep. The other bed was smaller and not as soft. But it was still far from a cheap bed. She laid down on it and pulled her blanket over her. Thinking about everything that happened that day…

She looked at her phone. That morning, she had gotten a message from her own mother. Asking her where she was and why the salon was not open earlier in the day like it should be. Then texting every few hours on why she was not responding and where she was. She sighed, not knowing what to say, besides. ‘Everything’s Fine…’ Just to calm her nerves.

Even tho. She would not say everything was fine. Sure, they got Zoom to agree on the journey easily but… It was bound to be a dangerous one. She was scared. It was nerve wrecking just to think about it.

“Good night, Rocky…” She sighed. Looking towards the bed he was one. Before closing her eyes and trying to sleep.

Zoom and Jazz were confused and scared. But they knew they had to keep hoping and eventually find the other pony with the powers. They did not know who it was. But they did know it was a unicorn. Now it was a quest to save the world and it had just started.

Whoever it was. This was sure going to be a quest. They were a team now. They had to stick together till the end, even if it did not make much since. They were not going to give up.


A Day Out

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Rocky was laying peacefully in the bed. The blanket was cozy and the pillow was soft. He smiled in his sleep as he calmly laid there. Ignoring the sounds of birds or hooves. He was having such a relaxing dream, snoring slightly. Just resting with no worry. Until he felt something push at him in the face. Like a dog or a cat nudging him to get his attention, he tried his best to ignore it. He groaned as it happened again. He did not want to wake up yet. Who was nudging him, anyway?

He put his hoof up to try and stop it. He felt something silky and soft. It felt like a well-groomed mane. Then moved his hoof down, opening his eyes slightly before closing them again. Feeling somepony was there. But why and who? He groaned, not wanting to be awake yet.

“Rocky.” The voice sung.

He groaned and slowly opened his eyes as he heard his name be called. Wondering who would wake him up at this time. He wanted to sleep! As he opened his eyes, he looked at what was there. Seeing the figure of a familiar pony. Who proceeded to nudge him in the face with her hoof again. Like a cat or dog would do with their head to get attention.

“Jazz?” He groaned before being nudged again, having enough. He stared at her slightly annoyed. Her front half was on the bed, hooves on it as she stared at him like a dog who would wake their owner up every morning. When Jazz put her head on him, he muttered a bit.

“It’s time to get up!” Jazz smiled with a playful tone. Nudging him with her head again, right in his face.

Getting annoyed with it, he lifted himself up. Pushing her head away from him. Not wanting her to do it again. Why did she need to wake him up at this hour anyway? It was only 6 in the morning!

“Jazz... Why were you nudging me awake?” He asked with a yawn. Sounding unimpressed.

“It’s time for breakfast. Zoom also wanted to talk…” Jazz responded, face turning to worry. “About this whole thing going on…”

“You could have woken me up the normal way…” He groaned, getting up. Stretching his wings and looked down at her before getting off the bed. Wondering why she was acting like the way she was. Was she doing it to be funny?

“But I saw ponies nudging their friends awake in videos. It was so cute! I couldn't resist!”

“Alright, alright… Let’s go…” Rocky smiled as he walked alongside Jazz. Not in the mood for whatever it was she got the nudging idea from. He went to go brush his scruffy mane first, it was a mess. Not noticing Jazz look a little glum as he left her side.

It was agreed that they’d spend time getting to know each other. Jazz also decided to tag along with Thunder and Zoom’s morning patrol. To get to know them better, to think about the adventure and maybe find the unicorn with the power they need. They kinda needed a full map of Equestria, since they had a feeling that some of these dungeons would be kinda far. If only they had one.

“Perfect. A day to just spend time. Get to know each other. Plan out this adventure…” Jazz said, taking a big breath in and out. Just perfect. “Oh! We can also try and find the unicorn with the glowy hooves! I have not seen him or her sp far. But surely I will see ‘em!”

Zoom grumbled, “Y-yeah. But you better figure out the locations of these dungeons somehow. The longer we wait. The closer we are to failing and everyone dying!”

“Zoom, relax!” Thunder said with a smile. “As along as we are together. We are gonna-“

She made a loud groan. Agreeing with whatever he was going to say, likely. But also kinda disagreeing how lax he was about this. They needed to start soon, they could be running on precious time. How has Jazz not told her sooner? Has Stardust dragged it on or something? Or was Jazz roo wimpy?

This was certainly something to say once you arrive into the world you were meant to warn. Right? You’d think she’d arrive and warn everyone. But there was the risk of everyone not believing her. She was just a filly after all. No one would trust a filly like that about such a quest, plenty of ponies would be sure it would be a made-up story. So maybe she had to wait till these dungeons activated or something.

“What are you thinking about, Zoom?” Thunder asked, following her as they did their morning patrol. Near the outskirts of the city. She was a bit recluluncnet of Jazz and Rocky joining them. They were wanting to go for a stroll, basically. She heard Rocky talk to Jazz about Zephyr Heights, gasping as he went past the café.

“No way! Rocky gasped, in the distance, he was seeing a rustic cafe’ on the corner. Near the outskirts, near a path that went into the mountains on a sceneric hike. It was always seen as an odd-one-out but was popular for how charming it was. Now days, ponies like to say it looks like it belongs in a mix of Maretine Bay and Bridlewood. With the wooden overhangs and the vines warping around certain parts of the building gave a foresty feel to the building that looked similar to an older house that would near the Bay.

The views were gorgeous. From the window you could see for miles, if you were lucky and it was not a cloudy day. But you could still get to witness some good wildlife by the windows. Like mountain goats, eagles, rodents… It was popular for many.

“What is it, Rocky?” Jazz asked.

“Zephyr View, the family run café! It’s still open! I used to hurry there as a teenager after school for snacks! I thought they closed down!”

Jazz was in love already, seeing Rocky’s joy. It was almost lunch time, so maybe finding somewhere to eat was not a bad idea. They already found one. Jazz looked at Rocky and nudged him.

“Hey! Maybe we should go there!” Jazz pointed, much to Rocky’s approval. She then looked over at Zoom and Thunder. Who were a while ahead in the other direction. Helping out someone who was lost it seemed.

“Hey Zoom!” Jazz called out and waved.

“Yeah?” She called back. Just about to continue her patrol in the city. She walked towards them to hear them a bit better, so they were not shouting a few metres apart from eachother.

“Rocky and I are gonna go to that cafe over there. Meet you back at the palace!” Jazz exclaimed. Zoom shrugged. Wondering why she was telling her this. She didn’t mind them following her, since they did nit mean harm. But they didn’t have to and could have walked away without a word. But she figured Jazz was just trying to be polite.

“Sounds great.” Zoom said before seeing them both walk away, towards the cafe they wanted to go to. She then went back to Thunder to join him on their patrol.

As they walked but towards the inner part of the city. They heard a store owner shout “Theif!” As a skinny orange pony carrying a box ran out his store. He had stepped out his store and watched in worry and surprise as Zoom and Thunder chased after the theif.

“Halt!” Zoom demanded the theif as she chased him up the lane.

He kicked a cart of apples, sending rolling down towards her and Thunder, Thunder was hit by a few while Zoom simply flew over them. Soon catching up to the theif, who was an earth pony and tackling them to the ground. The box filled with antiques was grabbed off him by Thunder.

“Of course…”The theif grumbled. “Guess there is no use fight against guards…”

“Yep!” Thunder exclaimed with joy as he held the box. “And I am gonna return this while Zoom takes you to jail!”

“Stripe!” The theif screamed randomly. Thunder and Zoom did not think much of it. Thunder heading back up the lane tor return the box. He was curious of what was inside. But knew he maybe should not. It was nothing suspicious, considering the store he stole it from was a jewelry store, it was an easy guess.

“Thunder. Take the box away from him!” Zoom ordered. Wanting the box to be out of his view.

“What if he asks for back up?”

“I can handle it.”

“If you say so…” Thunder noted. Grabbing the box and flying away with it. So the theif would not try and grab it or know where it was.

“I thought guards could not arrest theives!” Shouted the theif, who’s name was Teddy Snatch. Brother of a successful toy store owner. He grunted as he struggled in the hoof-cuffs, sitting on a bench. A park was not so far way, just further down the lane. Soon another pony came over.

“Who told you that?” Zoom told the theif, scoffing before looking up at the new pony. Looking very stern.

“I see what I was hired for…” An unknown voice said.

“This is none of your business, citizen. Move on…”

“Oh really?” The voice asked as she felt some creature stared at her. Turning around she was surprised to see a face she hadn’t seen in a while. Nor had she ever seen it in person, only seeing it on a poster.

“Stripes!” Zoom exclaimed, looking rather defensive. “I know you! You might as well forfeit, you are coming with me!” She exclaimed, grabbing some more hoof-cuffs from her interdimensional pegasus pocket under her wing that all pegasi had.

“Oh no.” Stripes smirked, ruffling her red mane, same colour as the red stripes on her body. But darker red stripes seen within. “A little pony?Trying to defeat me?” She laughed, starting to invade Zoom’s personal space as she kept her composture.“Try it.”

“Hooves up!”

Stripes was a little puzzled how’d that’s be possible. “You aren’t the police. But I guess I have no power against you because you are a pegasus pony, so scary! Lock me away!” She sat there, lifting her forelegs towards Zoom, dramatically.

She smirked as she cuffed her hooves together, looking suspicious at her.

"Now, you are coming with me." Zoom said, grabbing the foreleg and pulling her forward, only for Stripes to not even budge. She only smirked at her as her body began to glow, Zoom quickly stepped back and watched with caution and shock. Gasping a bit as the cuffs shattered like nothing as her shape changed. Turning into a creature that seemed like a cat, or a leopard, but bipedal. Like her pony form, there were stripes all over her body.

“Ah yes…” Stripes grinned as she stretched her arms. “Much easier to fight like this.”

“It’ll be easier for you if you remain silent and come with me!” Zoom exclaimed towards the creature that was taller than she was. Bigger, obviously a creature she had never seen before. This was not a pony at all! What on earth was she? She was terrified, but tried her best to hide it.

“Actually. It’ll be much easier for you to get lost and let me find what I am looking for!” Stripes responded as she rose a fist. Zoom hadn’t even noticed she had finched herself.

“As a palace guard, I cannot stand here and let you pose a risk to the kingdom.” Zoom responded.

“I’m sorry. Palace guard? I don't see myself in the palace. So you aren't a guard here! Get lost!” She said before kicking Zoom, sending her crashing into a wall. Showing no remorse. If she was a palace guard, she should be in the palace, not out and about she thought.

“Ugh!” She cried as she slumped on the ground. Stripes running off as she shakingly got up, quickly taking off in the air. “Get back here!” She cried. A little surprised at Stripe’s running speed, she expected her to be a little faster than this speed. It was no faster that a galloping pony who wasn’t really into marathon running.

Zoom followed her through the alley. Finding the best timing to dive down and tackle her to the ground. She tried talking to her, but she asked for violence. So she dived down right towards her. Only for her to smirk and turn around, grabbing her midair and throwing her up, sending her crashing down on the ground, far from where she was.

Her whole body ached as she shakingly got up. Grabbing a sheild, which was claimed to actually be a tennis ball. But, it’s a sheild, for sure!

Stripes stomped on her feet on the ground right near her. Laughing. What didn’t she run off? Why did she come to right where she threw her?,“What are you gonna do now? Capture me in that ball or something? Like a lousy Pansy Monster?”

Zoom held up the tennis ball as she shakingly got to her hooves. She was destined to defeat Dark Matter. She surely can’t be weak! She glared at the assaulter, looking back to see ponies crossing the bridge nearby, running to the other side.

“Stay calm!” She cried out. “I got this all under control.”

“Or do you?” Stripes asked. “You don’t know who I am. I’m the strongest in my army at home! To the point I basically lead it! What are you, the maid of the royal family.” She laughed. “You don’t see how outmatched you are already? I ripped the head off a dragon once!”

Zoom felt herself shiver in fear as she looked up at Stripes. Wondering if she was just making that stuff up to make herself seem as strong as she looked. Besides, it could have easily been a small dragon, like smaller than Sparky. Or she’s sprouting nonsense.

“You asked for it…” Zoom said, flaring her wings as she held the “sheild” ready to be protected and defend herself and overs.

“You really think midget thing will save you from this?” Stripes grinned as she raced at Zoom, kicking her, sending her onto the bridge. Grabbing the tennis ball in her hand, she approached her with a grin. Crushing it in one hand and tossing it aside. She flinched as she watched her, blood coming from her muzzle.

“Y-you are not getting away with this.” Zoom choked before being grabbed by the hoof. Too tired and scared to move.

“Yes I am. You are just in my way!” Stripes aid, tossing Zoom right near the edge of the bridge.

She could not lose here. She was not going to be defeated! She was going to win this! She shakingly got up and panted a bit, staring as Stripes came closer, she could feel her head hurting. But the kingdom needed her, she could not afford to lose!

“L-leave!” Zoom spat.

“After I have taken out the trash!” Stripes shouted. Racing at Zoom and grabbing her with both claws. She made choking noises as she was grabbed by the neck. Frantically gasping for air. Stripes held Zoom by her neck above the cliff, dangling her heartlessly. “Wow! The queen actually chose a pathetic blue squid to defend it?” She asked. “What a mistake. I might as well do her a favour and toss you out. The queen might as well thank me!”

“D-don’t-“ Zoom choked. “Y-you dare-“ She tried her best. “Touch- her!” She said before her throat was squeezed more.

“Oh, She’s a waste of time. She’s obviously so pathetic if her guard is this… Pathetic! C’mon? Weak yellow balls as sheilds? Some child’s dress up as armour!? That clearly did nothing to defend you, did it?” She then laughed.. “I warned you, I am not leaving till I get what I need!”

“Hey! Y-“ Zoom tried to speak before Stripes put a sharp claw to her throat. Putting enough pressure to draw some blood that dribbled down. Her conscious started to fade as she was held there like nothing more than a plush doll.

“Meh. I might as well get going, shouldn’t I?” She asked, removing the claw, laughing before she let go. Not knowing Zoom just barely grip to the edge of the bridge with her hooves.

“You aren’t getting away with these crimes!” Zoom shouted the best she could. Grabbing Stripe’s tail with a rush of fear as she felt her other hoof slip.

“What are you gonna do about that? Prissy little thing?” Stripes asked, raising a fist as Zoom gulped chomping down on the fluff on Stripe’s tail. Not knowing what to do as her heart raced, feeling like she was going to die. But if she was going down. She was going to try and take her with her. Stripes for some reason did not acknowledge it for a few seconds. “Bite me? You think that’s gonna do anything?” She asked before giving her a huge punch in the face. Causing both hooves to slip, sending her falling. Stripes herself yelped as she was yanked over the edge, thanks to the grip she had on her tail.

It was like slow motion as Zoom fell into the abyss, like a discarded ragdoll. She was falling to her doom, if she did not do anything, but what?

Easy! She’s a pegasus. She can fly! She simply turned herself upright and made herself soar into the air. But turning herself upright and opening her wings would be a task for somepony so out of it.

But she noticed Stripes was also falling, it appeared she had no wings. It was unsure if could survive this fall. Zoom quickly turned herself upright, reluctantly reaching out to Stripes, hoping to be able to carry her to safety.

“Get lost!” Stripes said before slamming her, sending her tumbling across the sky. Far from her, tumbling closer and closer to doom.

She yelped as she disappeared into the fog, It was clear Stripes refused to be saved. But an idea instantly came to her mind. She turned her body upright and lifted her wings. It was almost like the wind pulled her back, but she was stull falling rather fast. Gliding quickly. She yelped as she narrowly dodged a rocky pillar, getting closer and closer to the ground. Narrowly dodging each one as she saw them. Which was hard in fog this thick.

She screamed as her wing clipped against one, sending her spiralling as the ground came closer and closer. Her body ragdolling across the rocky ground, nearly falling off a cliff. She groaned as she lifted her head, unable to see where she was. Her whole body was aching as she tried getting up.

All she could hear was her rapid breathing and grunts as she tried getting up. But her body would not let her. But she had to try, she had to get back up and get Stripes! She could not leave her to do who knows what! That’s assuming she survived the fall somehow, it would be seen in self-defense, but she wished she was able to save her.

But now she had to do something and get out here! She whimpered as she looked at her numb foreleg, barely feeling a thing.

“D-dang it.” She groaned after slumping to the ground after trying to pick herself up. Ponies never went down in this area, it was always thought as disinteresting and dangerous. Which was not untrue, it was rather a long way down. Also, the area was usually foggy, and the light was blocked out by the rest of the mountains. Plus the a rapid came through here. In fact, as far as she knew. The only times ponies successfully came down this part of the mountain was to build that big bridge! Or some other ponies that wanted to explore.

Taking out her phone, she quickly sent a warning to the other guards that Stripes was spotted. It was better to be prepared in case she did survive. There was no internet connection down here, but they’d get it.

She wiped her muzzle and laid there, catching her breath. Resting till she was able to fly again. Knowing she should rest for a few minutes and just relax. Shocked by the blood stain on her muzzle, it was her own blood… She was beaten pretty badly by whatever Stripes was.

But what was she and where did she come from? Was she connected to Dark Matter? Or is she just from freak creature that wants to prey on ponies. As far as she was aware, Sunny and her friends hadn’t met such a creature yet, until they met Stripes.

Zoom growled in anger a bit at the thought of Stripes. She had hurt royalty and resisted arrest on multiple occasions it seemed. She was a dangerous criminal. But she could not stop her. She was too weak. That was no excuse to be too weak to stop her, she’s a guard!

“Stupid weakling!” She muttered under her breath, scolding herself for getting to this point. Hoping Stripes was gone for good. But there was concern that entered her mind. If Stripes was right about the army, she could easily ask for back up. If her army is as strong as she is… Pony kind is doomed…

Stripes needs to be stopped as soon as possible! Assuming she survived the fall, which was unlikely…

Dark Matter and now Stripes? That is a lot to deal with… Isn’t it?

Super Soup!

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Jazz gasped in awe as she entered the cafe. It was not anything fancy, but had charm to it. Once you entered, on the right side you saw the counter. Behind it were two doors, likely leading into the kitchen. On the left side was the large room where you eat. There were some big tables with many chairs, looking perfect for a party or a gathering. While there was more seats that were intended for two or three.

The walls were painted a light blue with a white cloudy pattern. Vines tangled and swirled across the beams in the room above. A few coming down towards the counter and outlining the doors.

Rocky excitedly picked up his speed as he hurried to the counter. A green pegasus stallion with a silver and white mane and tail was busy talking to a peach mare with a red and pink mane. The two quickly noticed the two customers. The mare giggling as the stallion gasped in surprise. “Oh goodness me, Celery didn’t see you there!” She laughed.

“Rocky!” The young stallion greeted with joy. Jazz simply observed. Seemed they knew each other before.

“Oh, hey Celery Sticks!” Rocky smiled as the stallion looked at him with excitement.

“Nice to see you again. How is your new job at Maretine Bay?” Celery asked with a grin.

“Pretty great!” Rocky exclaimed with a slight smile. He looked at Jazz who was staring at him with awe. She seemed pretty happy meeting an old friend of his.

“So… Is this your date?” He teased a bit, creating an eye roll from Rocky. “Alright. Jokes aside.. I- Uh…” He nervously looked at the tables beyond the counter. “L-let me just prepare you guys a seat. You came in time, there was a huge group just in!” He spoke as he got out behind the counter. His prosthetic hind leg making a slightly different sound on the wooden floor than his other hooves. He also walked with a slight limp, but did not seem to mind too much.

He quickly hurried to some plates that was still on some tables. It appeared he got distracted when the group left, or they had only just been here. The peach mare quickly wiped them down, behind him. Jazz and Rocky took a nice seat near the window, near the back of the cafe. There were a few other ponies. But it was still calm and relaxing. The seats near the window were noticeable more plush and bench-like. Looking as if they could sit four ponies on each side. Jazz noticed the flowers in the middle of the table along with a burning candle.

Celery passed them some menus before cleaning up another table in a hurry. With two ponies on a nearby stage playing some jazz music. As Rocky looked at the menu, Jazz couldn't help but gaze at him for a few seconds. The light from the window shining on him looked good for some reason.

Just looking at him, she felt safe and comforted. Like there was nothing to worry about. Just him and her, at a cafe. She was completely distracted as a tune played in her mind as she stared at him. Those light magenta eyes were so cute. The way he smiled was pretty charming. She felt her heart flutter as she gazed up at him, the time slipping away as she listened to the music.

The view outside could not beat the one right in front of her. She sat there, admiring the view of inside and outside. With the music playing in the background.

“Jazz?” A voice sounded, she sighed as she gazed out the window. Then she snapped out of it when Rocky poked her. “Jazz! The waiters want to take our orders.”

“N-now?!” She exclaimed. Realising how long she had been spaced out for. Just staring at Rocky and out the window. She completely forgot about lunch! She blushed as she quickly looked at her menu.

“I-I-“ Jazz quickly grabbed her menu and looked at a random meal that looked great. “The tomato and carrot smooth soup!”

“Nice choice!” Rocky smiled as Celery took their orders. “You must be feeling very adventurous today…”

Jazz was a little bit confused at his remark. It implied something was unusual with this meal she had chosen. Instead of asking, and seeming a little silly. She had a quick look at the menu, scanning her order.

“Customers usually chug it down. Or drink it from the bowel instead of using a spoon.” Rocky exclaimed. Sounding a little disgusted.

Jazz blankly stared at him, kinda regretting this already. But it was too late. She can’t really run up and ask, she would look silly. Besides, it was written right there that the soup was for a challenge. There was a tomato and carrot noodle soup, but that was unavailable, since they ran out of noodles. So she could not exactly claim she said a word wrong.

Surely it wouldn’t be that bad.

“Can I ask for a spoon?”

“If you want to forfeit the challenge. There is a hall of fame, so you may miss out on that…”

Jazz groaned as she slammed her head on the table she was so stupid. Accidentally entering a challenge. Such a stupid one, too. Food eating challenges usually made her sick just looking at them. Rocky smirked slightly, happily waiting for his spaghetti. It was clear to him that Jazz was distracted the whole time and randomly chose something from the menu to try and make it seem she wasn’t.

It was a shame she chose what she chose. But in a way, she kinda deserved it. Maybe she will learn to choose something on the menu before getting distracted by something else.

Soon enough, Rocky’s lunch arrived, he was served a gorgeous bowel of spaghetti. Jazz’s mouth watered as she watched him get prepared for his first bite. He blew on it to cool it down, staring at Jazz smugly as put the forkful into his mouth and started chewing, savouring the taste. Smirking at Jazz

She wanted spaghetti now, but it was far too late. She was about to he part pf some stupid challenge. Soon enough, the bowel of soup was placed in front of her. She bounced back, it smelling like an insult to her nostrils. All Rocky did was stare with a smug look on his face. Making her scoff slightly as she crossed her forelegs.

She looked at the soup. The reddish orange liquid did not look that bad. There were blobs of tiny onions, zuchinni, brussel sprouts and beans floating around. Of course they used the smelly stinker-beans. This soup was sure to be interesting.

“So… What’s in it, exactly?” Jazz asked Celery.

“Blended tomato, tomato sauce, milk, potato, carrot, garlic, chilli, garlic with diced zuchinni and brussel sprouts. With stinker-beans, corn and onion…” He then gained a mischevious grin as his brother. Brussel soon joined hin. Being a yellow-green pegasus, but with curly green hair and yellow socks. “Plus Zephyr Clovers.”

“Ready for the challenge?” Brussel smirked. Preparing a camera.

“This outta be good…” Rocky smirked. Getting a quick glare from Jazz.

“I guess I might as well…” Jazz sighed. Wondering id they meant zucchini or zuchinni..."

She slowly, unwillingly picked up the warm bowel and lifted towards her lips. As soon as the slop touched her tongue, she tasted the chilli. But kept going with swallowing it. Gulping it down, ignoring her belly that was begging her to stop.

“Chug chug!” Other ponies in the restaurant cried out. Rocky was laughing to herself as Jazz chugged down the soup. It was getting spicier and spicier. Her mouth was burning. But she kept going. She started, so she might as well finish it.

Everyone cheered when she slammed down the bowel. Empty, she was panting as she looked at Rocky who smirked at her.

“Success!” Cried out Celery. Taking a picture of Jazz who had her tongue hanging out. She groaned slightly as she looked at the small crowd.

“First success in three months!” Called out Brussel.

“First earth pony to complete the challenge!” Clearly gave a paper bag and a small gold trophy to Jazz.

“Wh-what? First earth pony?” She asked. “I expected to be the fiftieth, or something!? How long as this challenge been a thing?” She asked, trying to cool her mouth.

“It only happens on the first two weeks of each month. To make it more exciting.”

“So. No other earth pony completed this?” She asked. “Oddly specific…”

“Yeah, not on their first attempt, anyway. We don’t get many earth pony customers. Those who did come either found stuff more pleasant to eat or put the bowel down before they were done.” He paused. “In fact, not many ponies take the challenge at all, but it’s mostly unicorns and pegasi.”

“Weird.” Rocky agreed.

“Yeah… Apparently earth ponies don’t like stinker beans…”

Jazz could not belive that not only she succeeded the challenge. She was the first earth pony to do so on first try. She was in shock, still wishing she chose something simple and not be brought into a chugging challenge. Her stomach hurt a bit as she watched Rocky finish his meal. It was understandable that earth ponies didn’t like stinker beans… They stunk and too many gave ‘em a belly ache.

“Want to get desert?” He asked as Jazz hugged her stomach. Groaning as her belly ache started, she felt it gurgle a little.


Rocky smiled a bit. He never tried the challenge. But knew it took his cousin three attempts to complete it. She got the same awards as Jazz. Doing it on first try or being the first of the race to do so didn’t bring any extra awards. Other than the picture frame in the hall of fame having “Completed first try” on it.

He knew Jazz was fine, she’d get over it. Even if she looked like she was about to pass out. He looked over at the ice cream case and back at Jazz.

“So. Are you sure you don’t want any ice cream?” He asked her, watching her look at him with big eyes. She groaned a bit. Sounding a little ill.

“I wanna go home…”

“They have chocolate and allow all sorts of toppings.”

Jazz suddenly lifted her head, all perked up as if nothing happened. “Really!?” She exclaimed as Rocky chuckled at her adorable expression. Seemingly her stomach ache had gone away.

“I want a large scoop of chocolate and a scoop of cherry, both with chocolate chips mixed in. Layered with sprinkles, strawberry sauce, chocolate sauce, blue jelly on top and gummy bears, with two chocolate sticks in a cherry double waffle cone that has been dipped in dark chocolate, layered with sprinkles!”

There was a pause as Rocky stared at her in surprise. For a stomach ache, he didn’t expect her to go wild. She tended to make crazy combos in ice cream shops where you could choose your toppings. She didn’t do it often, but it was fun to see what she could come up with.

“Right…” He said before he went up to the counter. “Can I have a single scoop chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, and another single chocolate ice cream with sprinkles in a cherry waffle cone?” He asked, purposely taking a few things from Jazz’s request.

“Oh…” Jazz responded.

Zoom stood on the bridge, looking down into the foggy areas below. She must have spent at least 20 minutes down there, maybe a bit longer searching for Stripes. She could not find her anywhere, likely she fell even deeper down the cliffs, or perhaps she fell into the rapids.

But wherever she was, Zoom had a dreadful feeling that would not be the end of her. It was unlikely for any creature to survive a drop like that. So she must have had a trick up her sleeves.

After a few minutes of standing there, she began walking across the bridge, there was a park on the other side where their patrol would be ending at if it hadn’t gotten interrupted. Hopefully Thunder would be there already, looking for her. As she walked that way, she tried to make herself look tough, pretending her battered body was not bothering her a bit, which was not true.

Hopefully the wrong ponies wouldn’t have seen that fight and started to spread rumours. Because it would only take one crazy theorist to create some crazy idea about the fight. Then freaking ponies out even more than they are about all the missing ponies. They don’t even know about Dark Matter yet. Only the other guards do.

After the twenty minute walk to the large park, she sat near the fountain, wiping away some blood from her muzzle. That stupid ‘Stripes’ dude was stronger than she thought. She groaned as she sat on the bench, wondering where Thunder was as he was yet to turn up. She had travelled a bit from where the fight happened, but he’d find her for sure! Their patrol was supposed to happen in this area, too!

She was trying to hide her pain from any passerby. She was looking the toughest she could, despite the blood coming from the muzzle. Not bad enough for a doctor just would last for a while.

“Zoom! There you are!” Thunder landed near her, frantically speaking as he looked apologetic. “Sorry Zoom”” She chuckled slightly before speaking quickly. “I got distracted with a reward, then when i went to find you I--“ He then froze in horror before making a shriek, his wings spreading out and him moving back in horror. As she turned to face him. “Zoom! What happened!?” He cried, chest racing and ears floppy as he eyes her bleeding nostril, busted lip and black eye.

“Oh. Nothing.” She scoffed, looking annoyed.. “Just a few sore spots, nothing you could have helped me with.” Even through she sounded she was upset Thunder wasn't there to help. She knew that he'd only get hurt as much as she did. Unless he managed to call for back up since she had no time to... She then paused as Thunder grabbed her. Flinching a bit as he looked right at him.

“We need to take you to a doctor! Now!” He yelped.

“Thunder!” She shouted. “Calm it! It’s nothing compared to what injuries may happen in the dungeons!”

He froze in shock qs he stared at her. Whimpering in worry as he looked at her again. “But-“

“No buts! Let’s just head back to the palace.”

“Sounds like you had a lunch together…” Dahlia smiled a bit as Rocky explained what they did. Chuckling as she saw Jazz was glancing at him. She seemed a little annoyed, but it was kinds funny. Dahlia would have gone with them, but she found an interesting store on the way and went to have a look.

Jazz sighed a bit, feeling a little glum. But not showing it. Soon enough everyone was disturbed by a loud noise. Zoom slammed the doors open. She had an annoyed look on her face as she stormed into the room. Holding a bag of frozen peas on her face. Putting them down. Looking very serious as Thunder followed her. Looking very worried.

“For the tenth time, I am fine!” Shouted Zoom. Everyone else backing away slowly. Not wanting to be part of the drama. Soon seeing Zoom turn her head away from Thunder. They gasped, noticing her black eye and busted lip.

"Zoom? What happened?" Asked Jazz in shock. "Are you okay?"

“It’s gonna heal…” She mumbled. Hoping no one else would say anything.

Jazz sighed and decided it'd be better to mind her business at the moment. She quickly grabbed a paper bag with a logo on it. “Thunder! Zoom! Guess what Rocky and me did on the way here!”

“Laid in the park till your stomach ache went way?” Dahlia snickered.

Jazz groaned, and she took out a white bandana from the box. In the middle it had a teal heart. There was a purple one in the teal heart and a pale blue one in the purple one. If Jazz knew the colour of the unicorn with the ancient power. Then heart colours likely were meant to resemble the three of them.

“So… I remembered a time where Stardust excitedly talked about a team and everyone in the team wears bandanas. So it gave me an idea! These hearts are our logo. I decided to call the team Superstars. Because well… We got super powers, and Stardust kinda warned us about the threat and the powers!” She seemed pretty lively now. Talking about an idea she had. Thunder was a little sad there was no green to represent them. But all he knew. Maybe there was a colour limit from whoever or wherever made these custom bandanas for her.

“So.. Like a uniform?” Dahlia questioned.

“I guess if you put it that way?” Jazz shrugged. Putting a bandana in everyone’s hooves. So they could do what they want with it.

“Eh… I dunno…” Zoom looked at hers. “I kinda don’t have anywhere to put it. Besides. Once this whole thing is over, there will be no more Team Superstars. I don’t see the point.”

“For fun?” Jazz suggested.

“What part of this is fun?” Sternly responded Zoom, looking kinda intimidating. She was not impressed that somepony mentioned fun. Because who would find gathering the team to save the world ‘fun?’

“I- Eh…”

“I think it’s cute!” Thunder exclaimed. “Now everyone will know we are off to save the world.”

“Gives me gang vibes… Uniforms have a reason. For fun and games is not one of them…” Zoom explained. Before getting interrupted.

“What about sport teams?” Rocky responded. “Or bands? They usually wear uniforms for their teams for fun or games.”

She hissed at him, “How is this a sport or some sort of musical?!” She shouted at him loud enough for him to step back in concern.“Uniform has reasons. Like our guard gear. It's to show ponies we are royal guards and-." She responded, soon remembering and realising these bandanas are not far off from the masks they wore when Hitch wanted their help to find Sparky a while back.

"I don't mind the occasional accessory.. She calmed herself down and allowed herself to think before speaking. "Like those masks Hitch gave us. But... I just don't think we should be making this feel like a fun thing. I think an accessory that would help us on the quest would be better. Everyone's lives could be at risk, you know..." She paused.

“Okay, Zoom!” Exclaimed Thunder. “You have a point. But i kinda think it’s kinda sweet of Jazz to do it… Even if wearing matching scarves may be useless in your eyes. It is just some harmless accessory. Like those masks, which were cool!"

“Yeah!” Agreed Rocky. “What’s the harm in having fun once in a while. We can’t be all scared all the time.”

There was a pause and everyone looked at him and back at Zoom. Who seemed she was now thinking about something. But what could she be thinking about?

Zoom took a deep breath and sighed. “Alright… I guess it’s just a harmless accessory just for fun…” She said before leaving the room.

“Sorry about that. She’s been in a bad mood for a while… Since I noticed her injuries…” Thunder responded.

Jazz and Rocky worriedly looked at each other for a moment. Feeling bad for Zoom, what happened out there?

Later that night, Zoom was walking down the hall. Doing one last patrol of the castle, and heading towards the guest room to check on the guests before heading to bed. She was calm until she heard some screaming and the sound of hooves running across the floor. She stopped in her tracks and got ready for action.

“Help!” Jazz screamed Running down the hall in panic, she looked genuinely horrified. A giant blob of water was seemingly chasing her as she ran. Her hooves were glowing as she hurried. “This blob of water is chasing me!” She screamed. “Make it stop!”. Zoom gasped in shock and jumped out the way. Narrowly dodging it by a few inches, watching in shock. Wondering on her next move. It was seemingly not a threat, judging the fact her hooves were glowing and they each had powers, maybe she was discovering a new one of hers.

Wondering if she should help or not, she trotted after. Watching Jazz run into the guest room from the following blob of water. As if she could out run it. Zoom flinched as there was a loud splash and a scream.

“Jazz!” Rocky screamed loudly. As she entered she saw Rocky. Sopping wet as Jazz looked at him in shock. Then saw a small smirk appeared on her face as her hooves stopped glowing.

“Whoops…” Jazz snickered as she looked at Rocky. Who was grumbling a little.

“Whoops!? You soaked me with water just before bed and you say whoops!?” Rocky sighed and put his hoof on his forehead. “We really need to figure these powers out…”

“I-Uh…” Jazz noded and looked at her hooves. “Wish I knew…”

Zoom saw there was no threat and slowly backed up. Not really wanting to be part of anything at this time of the night. They were sure to solve themselves soon. Like when they argued about a bed the night before. She smirked a bit, seeing someone else get goofed by their glowing hooves power was kind of funny. Even more if they laughed at you for slamming into barrels when your speed went to high thanks to the glow.

She made it to the guard rooms. Thunder had already entered and went to bed earlier.Just as she was about to enter her own room another guard who had just also finished her shift for the night greeted her.

“Hey Zoom!” Greeted a female guard with white fur. She had a yellow blaze that almost covered her whole muzzle, along with stockings of a similar colour. Her hooves were a dark orange while her tail was a miz of aqua and light blue. She was known for being friends of the ducks in the pond in the gardens.

“Oh, hey Ducky…” She greeted.

“Thunder told me-“

“He’s overreacting.” Zoom interrupted. Only a few plasters and a black eye being any evidence of the fight. “The criminal is gone now, the palace is safe from her. I won the fight, that’s what matters. Not my scars or whatever, they’ll go away.” She said bluntly.

“Uh… I guess so..” Ducky said, looking a little sad. “But… You aren’t hurting too much, aren’t you? I mean..” Ducky paused. “This Dark Matter thing. The shadows and the dungeons. What if… There’s more to come? I saw the video of her power. She looked awfully strong. What if Stripes isn’t a pony and was just a monster in disguise. There could be more out there!” She cried out. “We could be under attack!”

Zoom was horrified as she froze in place. Video? Did someone film the fight? Who? Where were they? What? There was no ponies around to film at the time. Or get a good enough view. “Yes. We could be under attack. But that’s why we trained.” She paused. Being honest, but trying not to create a panic situation.

“The citizens and royalty will be counting on us. So when the time comes, we want them to feel safe and calm with us. We’ll have it all under control. There’ll be no reason to panic!” Zoom said before she went into her own room. Wondering how a video of that fight was made, unless there was an incident before and she was referring to that?

Well whatever, she sighed as she sat down on her couch. Happy with a tomato, cheese, and lettuce burger. She brought it in from the kitchen. This was going to be jer dinner. She ate it calmly as she sat there, thinking about what happened today. She was attacked and she could have died, it was very dangerous. The guards themselves seem actually pretty worried. It seemed they knew of Stripes already somehow, maybe that video was from a while ago, where she was last seen.

The guard was on the look out for Stripes for weeks since the incident. With no sign of her, it died down. Suppose another sighting of her created some panic. But Zoom had to put out a warning, they needed to be prepared. Ducky wasn’t usually soft, she was a scaredy cat at times, but not as much as Thunder.

She took some breaths in and out, she had not described the fight. She only mentioned a sighting. But that was not important yet. Stripes was just a crinimal, anyone could deal with her, she had bigger things to worry about.

The team needed to be ready for one of the dungeons. But the question was, which one first? Jazz claimed they were very dangerous. So they needed somewhere… Easy. Something with no threats or risks. Like water, falling rocks, fire… Whatever else could be in a dungeon. They also needed somewhere nearby… She had no idea what they would be like. So she’d have to choose by location when she found them. Somehow. Maybe sue needed a map! A big map! She knew there was one in the palace. Not a normal, small map. One of those rare maps that showed the whole continent! The dungeons could be spread far and wide!

Zoom finished the burger and threw the rubbish in the bin. She took off her helmet and chestplate to place them on their spot in the shelf. Yawning a bit as she headed to her bed, flopping down face first on her pillow, glad the day was over. She threw her purple blanket over herself and just simply laid there, nice and comfortable. Safe from dangers at the moment.

That was a big day.